*:>'■■ 1 ■* 5 5 — ](<-..., 'i . 'i VaOBBBBHSm U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census I ■•„ f / / 1^' T Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2012 witli funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation littp://archive.org/details/liousingconstructOOunit BUREAU OF THE CENSUS A. Ross Eckler, Director Howard C. Grieves, Deputy Director Construction Statistics Division Samuel J. Dennis, Chief This report was prepared under the direction of Thelma R. Wright. Library of Congress Card Number: A66-7417 Suggested Citation U.S. Bureau of the Census, Housing Construction Statistics: 1889 to 1964 U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1966 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, or any Department of Commerce field office. Price $6. II TaDie 01 Page General Introduction 1 SECTION A. NEW HOUSING UNITS STARTED Table Number Page Section A Introduction 9 Sources and Explanations for Tables A— 1 through A— 13 14 A— 1 United States— New Housing Units Started: Annually, 1889 to 1961 18 A— 2 United States— New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Annually, 1889 to 1964 20 A— 3 United States— New Publicly-Owned Housing Units Started: Annually, 1935 to 1964 22 A— 4 United States— New Publicly-Owned Housing Units Started, by Type of Program, Annually, 1949 to 1964 24 A— 5 United States— Number of New Housing Units Started and Construction Cost: Annually, 1889 to 1964 24 A— 6 United States— New Pri\ately-Owned Housing Units Started, Seasonally .Adjusted Annual Rate: Monthly, 1959 to 1964 26 A— 7 United States— New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, Showing 6 Month Moving Average, Centered on the 4th Month: Monthly, 1959 to 1964 28 A— 8 United States— New Housing Units Started, Including Farm Housing: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 30 A— 9 United States— New Housing Units Started, Excluding Y;\rm Housing: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 32 A— 10 United States— New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started, Including Farm Housing: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 34 A— 11 United States— New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started, Excluding Farm Housing: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 36 A— 12 United States— New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started in Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 38 A— 13 United States— New Publicly-Owned Housing Units Started: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 38 ; Tame oi conienis SECTION B. NEW HOUSING UNITS AUTHORIZED IN PERMIT-ISSUING PLACES (Sources nfid ExpUniations precede each table) Table / /^ / Number Page Section B Introduction 41 B— 1 United States— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1889 to 1964 48 B— 2 Regions— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964 51 B— 3 States— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964 55 B— 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964 70 B— 5 Cities of 100,000 Population or More— New Housing Units Autiiorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964 151 B— () Individual Places— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 164 B— 7 Individual Places— New Public Housing Units for Which Construction Contracts were Awarded, in Permit-Issuing Places and Nonpermit Areas: Annually, 1950 to 1964 551 B— 8 United States— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate by Type of Structure and Region: Monthly, 1959 to 1964 593 B— 9 United States— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places by Type of Structure and Region: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 596 B— 10 United States— New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 599 B— II United States— New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 602 B— 12 States— New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 604 B— 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas— New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit- Issuing Places for 61 Areas: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 678 Appendix C— 1 Alphabetical Listing by State of the 12,000 Permit-Issuing Places Shown in Table B— 6 739 C— 2 Footnotes Relating to Coverage for Designated Places listed in Table B— 6 785 C— 3 Census Report Forms 793 IV CENSUS REGIONS AND GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES New England HAWAII lOQ 200 ^,. , U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WJttAU Of TH€ CENSUS Mid-Victorian Style Nondescript brick and stucco General inMuclion This volume was designed as an historical sup- plement to the current data issued by the Bureau of the Census in three publication series of its Construction Reports program — Housing Starts, Series C20; Building Permits, Housing Author- ized in Individual Permit-Issuing Places, Series C40; and Building Permits, Housing Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places, Summary Statistics, Series C42. It presents for the first time in com- pact form, 26 statistical time series which cover various periods from 1889 to 1964. These sta- tistics show the number of units and the dollar value of new housing at different stages of con- struction and for different universes. Section A presents data on housing starts for the combined permit and nonpermit sectors of the United States. Section B presents only data covering permits authorized in permit-issuing places which, by 1964, accounted for 84 percent of private housing starts. This summary volume serves two immediate needs — first, to bring together for the conven- ience of users of housing statistics the several significant historical series available, and, second, to provide through brief descriptive text and pre- cise source notes, a guide to an evaluation of the historical data presented. These objectives are similar to those of the monthly and annual Housing Starts, Series C20, and the monthly and annual Residential Building Permits, Series C40 and C42, except that in the monthly and annual volumes the emphasis is on current data with limited historical data as background. The historical statistics selected for presenta- tion here consist primarily of published data available in some 200 separate reports prepared by the Bureau of the Census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Bureau of Eco- nomic Research, Incorporated, and the Twen- tieth Century Fund. In the compilation of these data, the Bureau of the Census has not at- tempted to establish new series, revise existing series, or interpret the comparability through time of the statistics presented. Unpublished figures from the files of the Bureau were used in a few instances. Source notes covering pub- lished and unpublished data are presented for each table. The scope of the present volume does not in- clude the so-called "lapsed" series which were Housing llniis SHd and Honsing units mihorizeii 1959 10 1964 ^H UNITS STARTED IN PERMIT-ISSUING PLACES AND NONPERMIT AREAS UNITS AUTHORIZED IN PERMIT-ISSUING PLACES (IN THOUSANDS OF UNITS) 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 General iniroduction once compiled monthly or annually, but aban- doned at some time in the past. Changes in concept and coverage in reporting affect vitally the understanding of the statistics presented from 1889 to 1964. Unfortunately, definitions, particularly those relating to data for the earliest years in the series covered, may never have been published. In all such instances, effort has been given towards clarifying the figures shown, by giving for each table specific informa- tion about the data presented. All series begin with 1964 and run backward in time. This arrangement was selected because it lent itself to more compact and more uniform jjresentation than the alternative of beginning with the earliest year, which varies from series to series. No data are shown for years subse- quent to 1964. Twelve of the 26 statistical time series present only annual data; the remaining series present monthly data, from either January 1959 or January 1960 through December 1964. The data in this report are presented in two sections, one dealing with housing starts and the other with building permits. The statistical tables in each section are preceded by detailed source notes and information affecting the data, such as coverage and methodology. Section A presents 13 statistical time series which relate to housing starts. Since 1959, more than four-fifths of all housing starts were located in the permit sector. Section B presents an additional 13 sta- tistical time series covering the permit-issuing places. Basically, the procedures common to all an- nual estimates from 1889 through 1953 for pri- vately-owned housing authorizations and starts involve three steps. First, on the basis of popu- lation relationships, an expansion of the re- ported permit data to cover nonreporting places; second, development on the basis of either popu- lation relationships or building rates, of data for nonpermit areas; and third, the application of adjustments for lags, lapses of permits, and under-reporting. For the years 1889 to 1953, the permit figures are limited to estimates covering permits issued in urban places. In 1954, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expanded the area covered in the publication of permit data from about 3,400 urban places to all permit-issuing places. Approximately 6,600 places were identi- fied in 1954 as the permit-issuing universe. From January 1954 to July 1959, for purposes of esti- mating the permit segment of housing starts, the Bureau of Labor Statistics held to this 6,600- place series, although approximately 700 addi- tional permit-issuing places were identified. When the Bureau of the Census assumed re- sponsibility for the construction statistics pro- gram in July 1959, the dimensions of the build- ing-permit universe were re-examined, and a survey was undertaken in 1959 to identify all per- mit-issuing places in the United States. Approxi- mately 3,000 additional places were identified, bringing the total number of permit-issuing places to about 10,000 places. Thus, in 1959 the Bureau of the Census established the 10,000- place series. At the same time the nonpermit sector was reduced. Again, in 1962, based on another comprehensive survey, about 2,000 addi- tional permit places were identified and this es- tablished the 12,000-place series, further reduc- ing the nonpermit sector of the starts universe. The standard census geographic regions are used in the tables of this report. States contained in each region are as follows: NORTHEAST— Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, New York, New Jersey, and Penn- sylvania. NORTH CENTRAL— Ohio, Indiana, Illi- nois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ne- braska, and Kansas. SOUTH — Delaware, Maryland, District of Co- lumbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. WEST — Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colo- rado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii. The distribution of housing starts between units inside and units outside Standard Metro- politan Statistical Areas is based on the defi- nitions published by the Bureau of the Budget in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Data for the period beginning with January 1964 are based on 1964 definitions; data for 1961-1963 are eenerai iniroduction based on 1961 definitions; data for 1959-1960 are based on 1959 definitions; and data for 1954- 1958 are based on 1950 definitions. Overlapping data are shown where definitions changed. Since 1960, the compilation of the housing starts monthly series has depended on 5 steps. First, an estimate is prepared of the number of housing units for which building permits have been issued in all permit-issuing places each month. Second, a sample field survey is made of the use of permits. In this survey, a sample of building permits is selected each month and then an inquiry is made of the owner or the builder to find out whether and when the units covered by the permit have been started. In case the units authorized by permits in a particular month are not started by the end of that month, follow-up calls are made in successive months to find out when the units were actually started. From this sample of permits, ratios are calcu- lated of the number of units started to the num- ber of units covered by permits, with separate ratios for units started each month from permits of that month and of each preceding month. These ratios are then applied to the total num- ber of units authorized by permits in the same months to provide estimates of the total number of units started each month with permit authori- zation. Third, having produced an estimate of the number of units started in each month with permit authorization, an adjustment of about 5 percent is next made to take care of units started within permit-issuing areas but without permit authorization. Fourth, to produce an estimate of tmits started in areas where building permit systems do not exist. This estimate is based upon current monthly surveys in a selected sample of broad areas (counties or groups of coimties) . In these areas, visits are made to a select group of in- formed people and a list is obtained from them of all residential buildings they know to have been started within the nonpermit portions of these areas during the preceding month. Infor- mation provided by these sources is next checked by field visit. This is followed by the selection of a sample of small land areas; these small areas are canvassed intensively by the enumerators to find by observation, all units started since the enumerators' last visit a month earlier. On the basis of these findings, estimates are made of the number of units not reported by the informed sources, and these are added to the information from the sources to provide an estimate of total construction in the nonpermit areas. The final or fifth step is to add the starts in permit places and the starts in nonpermit areas to obtain the total privately-owned units started each month. Information on public housing is obtained, for the most part, from the agencies involved, e.g., Public Housing Administration, Department of Defense, New York City Housing Authority, and other State and local authorities. Statistics for units authorized by building ]:>ermits relate to the issuance of permits rather than to the actual start of construction. They do, however, provide some indication of activity in residential building in advance of the start of actual construction. Although construction is started on most residential buildings in the same month in which the permit is issued, several months or more may pass from the time a permit is issued to the start of construction. In a small number of cases, (probably less than 2 percent) permits issued are not used at all and are per- mitted to lapse. The 12,000 areas or 10,000 areas with local building-permit systems for which fig- ures are given in this report account for a major portion of residential building in the United States. For the country as a whole, about 84 per- cent of the private housing imits were con- structed in areas of this permit-issuing universe during the 1959 to 1964 period. Housing units authorized in permit-issuing places are treated as nonfarm even though a neg- ligible number are located on farm properties. Basically, the procedure followed in arriving at the monthly building-permit authorization totals involves the cumulating of monthly data from all pennit-issuing places that authorized 50 or more housing units (20 or more in some States) in a recent year along with estimates for the less active places based on a stratified prob- ability sample of these places. A more detailed discussion of the uses and limitations of building-permit data is provided in the Census Bureau's monthly reports on Building Permits (C40 and C42) . General introduciion since the estimates of housing starts and pri- vate housing units authorized by local building permits are, to a considerable extent, based on samples, they are subject to sampling variability and may be expected to differ from what would be obtained from a complete count in which identical measurement techniques were em- ployed. The standard error is primarily a meas- ure of such sampling variability. The chances are about 68 out of 100 that the difference due to sampling variability between an estimate and the figure that could be obtained from a com- plete enumeration is less than the standard error; about 95 out of 100 that the difference is less than twice the standard error; and 99 out of 100 that it is less than 21/0 times the standard error. The relative standard error is the sam- pling error expressed as a percentage of the total number of housing starts or authorizations. For the monthly estimate of total housing starts as computed for this report, it is between 3 and 4 percent. For housing units authorized, it is ap- proximately 1 percent. The seasonal factors for private housing starts and building permits were developed using the X-11 version of the Census Method II program. The background and rationale of Method II is described in Electronic Computers and Business Indicators by Julius Shiskin, National Bureau of Economic Research Occasional Paper 57, 1957. A description of the X-1 1 version appeared in the October 1965 issue of Business Cycle De- velopnients, published by the Bureau of the Census. Further information on X-1 1 may be obtained from the Chief Economic Statistician, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D. C. 20233. Seasonal adjustments for private housing starts are based on data for shifting periods; for the most recent years, the period is May 1959 to March 1965. Seasonal factors were developed separately for starts in permit areas and in non- permit areas for each geogiaphic region with the exception of starts in nonpermit areas in the West, where irregularities in the data. due to the small magnitudes of the figures made estimation ot seasonals impracticable. Because of the irregu- larity of all the starts series, it has not been pos- sible to estimate working-day factors internally from the data. Hence, housing starts data are not adjusted for working-day influences at the ]3resent time. Seasonal adjustments for building permits are based on data for shifting periods; for 1964, the period is January 1959 to March 1965. Seasonal factors were developed separately for permits issued by geographic region and by type of structure; and, they take account of the effect ot working days which are defined as Monday through Friday, excluding eight major holidays (New Year's, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) . Each re- ported monthly permits total is divided by the number of working days in the month to arrive at a daily average for that month. The seasonal adjustment factors are then applied to the daily average and the result multiplied by the number of working days in the year. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS: 1964 AREAS DEFINED BY U.S. BUREAU OF THE BUDGET JACKSONVILLE \ BEAUMONT- PORT ARTHUR GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY ORLANDO TAMPA- . ST. PETERSBURG" f WEST PALM BEACH LAUDERDALE-HOLLYWOOD FORT MIAMI Sun Porch Model Cape Cod Section A presents 13 series of statistical data related to new housing units started in permit- issuing ])laces and non-permit areas. Each series begins with data for 1964 and goes back in time as far as meaningful figures are available. Tliree of the five annual series present data at the national level for 76 years, while the other two cover the period 1935 to 1964. The monthly data tables cover only the 6 years from 1959 to 1964. In this document, a housing start consists of the start of construction on a new housing unit, when located within a new building which is intended primarily as a housekeeping residential building designed for nontransient occupancy. Start of construction for private housing units is defined as the beginning of excavation for the foundation of a building; for public housing units it is defined as when the construction contract is awarded. All housing units in a multi-family building are counted as being started when excavation for the building is 'started. A housing unit is a single room or group of rooms intended for occupancy as separate liv- ing quarters by a family, by a group of unrelated persons living together, or by a person living alone. A housekeeping residential building is one consisting primarily of housing units. Hous- ing starts exclude group quarters (such as dormi- tories and rooming houses) and transient accom- modations (such as transient hotels, motels, and tourist courts) and mobile homes (trailers) . (The preceding definition of housing start ap- plies strictly only to the data for 1959 to 1964; for earlier years, the definition is less precise.) Since July 1959, the Bureau of the Census has been responsible for the completion and publi- cation of data on housing starts. These data are released in monthly reports in series C20 show- ing starts both including and excluding farm housing. Prior to 1959, starts are available only for "nonfarm housing," which is comparable to the "excluding farm housing" category, in ciu'- rent reports. From 1920 to July 1959, the Bureau of Labor Statistics ^vas responsible for compiling and esti- mating statistics on the volume and value of new nonfarm dwelling unit construction in the United States. The development of the series 9 Section A on nonfarm housing starts paralleled the expan- sion of the primary source of information — the collection of local building-permit data. To meet the needs of a congressional com- mittee investigating the acute housing shortage that developed during and after World War I, the Bureau of Labor Statistics began in 1920 to collect data from local officials who issued build- ing permits. Prior to that time, from 1914 to 1919, building- permit information had been collected for ap- proximately 200 principal cities by the U. S. Geological Survey, whose primary interest was in the kinds of materials (wood, brick, stone, or concrete) used in new residential and nonresi- dential buildings. These annual reports did not show the number of new dwelling units provided but gave the number and cost of buildings con- structed. Learning that the Geological Survey was about to drop its program, the Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics arranged in 1920 to continue the building- permit reporting system. Plans were made to acquire and publish data on the number of units and value of new nonfarm residential housing as well as the intended use and value of non- residential buildings. In 1920, the Bureau of Labor Statistics re- ceived building permit reports from 189 of the 287 cities in the United States that had popula- tion of 25,000 or more. The following year, coverage was increased to 257 of these cities. This coverage remained constant during the period 1921-28; data were published annually for the same 257 cities. However, beginning in Septeinber 1929, the Bureau of Labor Statistics initiated monthly collection and publication of nonfarm housing statistics for all cities with 25,000 or more population. Between 1929 and 1933, the coverage of reports on building per- mits was extended to include all cities (about 820) having population of 10,000 or more. A further expansion in 1936 brought in all urban places — incorporated cities having population of 2,500 or more. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics subsequently conducted several special studies that widened further the scope and improved the usefulness of the building statistics. In 1935, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with the cooperation of the Federal Housing Ad- ministration, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and the Works Progress Administration, conducted a comprehensive survey of building permits to provide: (1) complete data for permits issued during 1928-35 in all cities of 10,000 inhabitants or more; and (2) historical annual data for years prior to 1920 for as many as possible of the large cities included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics re- ports after 1920. As a result data were obtained for a few cities from the year 1870 and for 25 cities from 1890. The number of localities in- creased steadily until it reached 344 for 1920. Steady expansion of coverage led the Bureau of Labor Statistics to the preparation and publi- cation of estimates of nonfarm housing units for the United States, beginning in 1939. Another special study, the Defense Housing Survey, covered residential building operations during 1940, 1941, and 1942 in 148 defense- connected areas. The National Bureau of Economic Research prepared similar estimates for 1920 to 1936 (Wickens) and for 1889 to 1919 (Blank). New estimates based on the 1940 Census of Housing were prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics covering the years 1930 to 1953. A major revision in the series on nonfarm housing starts, completed in mid-1954, improved the earlier methods by the development of a new sample design using results of the 1950 Census of Housing and an expansion of the number of building-permit reporters to cover permits in all known permit-issuing places. The methodology introduced in 1954, including the sample design, is described in "Estimating Na- tional Housing Volume," BLS Bulletin No. 1168, chapter 2, pp. 8-15. With this improvement in methodology and coverage, the Bureau of Labor Statistics increased substantially the proportion of privately-owned starts that was based on di- rect reports, and, at the same time, reduced the estimates related to the nonpermit sector of the starts universe. From 1954 to 1959 the Bureau's coverage of permit-issuing places was defined as the 6,600- 10 Seciion A place series. This was the approximate number of permit-issuing places which had been identi- fied in 1954. By 1959 the Bureau had identified about 7,300 permit-issuing places, but all pub- lished summaries from 1954 to 1959 were con- fined to the 6,600-place series because of the need for comparability. A survey undertaken by the Census Bureau in 1959 identified about 3,000 additional permit- issuing places in the United States, bringing the total to about 10,000 permit-issuing places. In 1959 the nonpermit sector was also redefined. In 1962, another survey added about 2,000 more permit ])laces, and the nonpermit sector was again redefined. In June 1964, the Bureau pub- lished revised data covering the annual figures for total private starts during the years 1945 to 1958. These revised data are analytically derived estimates. They represent a detailed reworking and evaluation of the best available data to pro- duce improved figures. A complete report re- lating to these revisions is given in the Housing Starts C20-60 report published in June 1964. For purposes of housing starts data, an estimate of permit authorizations is needed monthly. Generally, monthly permit reports are collected from 3,014 selected places, that is, from all places which authorized 50 or more housing units in 1959. However, in some States with limited construction activity, the cutoff was set at 20 units. The monthly estimate of units in permits authorized is derived by totaling the data reported from the 3,014 selected places and adding estimates for the remaining places. These estimates are based on monthly reports from about 500 places representing a stratified proba- bility sample of the remaining permit-issuing places. At the close of each year, annual reports are received from each of the places that do not report monthly. These annual totals are com- pared with the sum of the 12 monthly estimates. The difference between the two sets of annual totals has ranged between 0.3 percent and 0.7 percent. 11 2,000 ■ 1,800 1,600 1,400 - 1,200- •a m CO 1,000 Numlier ol Nonlarm Housing units Starled Privately-Owned I Publicly-Owned 800- 600- 400- 200 — 1889 __J I L 1895 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I L 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 12 r 2,000 669 10 1964 I I I I - 1,800 - 1,200 1930 1,600 1,400 1,000 a. 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1964 13 Sources and Explanations for Tables A-1 and A-2 SOURCES 1889 TO 1929 National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. 1889 to 1919. DavidM. Blank, "The Volume of Residential Construction 1889 to 1950," Tech- nical Paper No. 9 (1954), pp. 41, 67, and 68. 1920 to 1929. David L. Wickens, "Residential Real Estate" (1941), p. 296. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1914 to 1919, "Building Permits in the Principal Cities of the United States in 1921," Bulletin No. 318 (January 1923), p. 6. Note: Figures from the Geological Survey of the United States Department of the Interior are shown on page 6. The Twentieth Century Fund 1918. Miles L. Colean, "Housing for Defense" (1940), pp. 155-157. 1930 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1930 to 1944. "Construction, 1948 in Review," Bulletin No. 983 (1950), p. 27. Note: The data for 1930 to 1936 are an upward revision of Wickens' data given on page 296 of "Resi- dential Real Estate," cited above. 1930 to 1944. "Nonfarm Housing Starts, 1889 to 1958," Bulletin No. 1260 (1959), pp. 15 and 24. 1910 to 1954. "Estimating National Housing Volume," Bulletin No. 1168 (June 1954), chapter 2. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1945 to 1958. "Housing Starts," C20-60 (June 1964), pp. 9-18. 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-66-1 (March 1966), pp. 3-8. EXPLANATIONS These tables provide, for the first time in one publication, a 76-year (1889 to 1964) historical record of the number of new housing units started in the United States. Beginning in 1959 data are shown both including and excluding farm housing. Data including farm housing were not available prior to 1959. On the other hand, data excluding farm housing were designated in most of the sources as "Nonfarm Housing" and are shown from 1889 to 1964. Tables A-1 and A-2 are identical except that table A-1 includes publicly-owned housing units and table A-2 excludes this category. Each table shows total units by type of structure, by inside and outside standard metropolitan areas and by region. Un- fortunately, none of these breakdowns is available for all years prior to 1959. The one detail that is available for the greatest number of years covers structures built with 1 unit — that is, a single family detached residence. This 1-unit detail is available for each of the years prior to 1959, excepting the periods 1945 to 1958 and 1889 to 1899. The estimates shown for 1889 to 1919 were pre- pared by David M. Blank; those from 1920 to 1929, by David L. Wickens. The urban housing category prepared by Wickens includes "rural environs under 2,500;" however, in subsequent review and revision by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these rural environs were classified as rural nonfarm. Also, the Wickens report shows 938,000 units as the total number of housing units started in 1925 but this total was published as 937,000 units by the BLS in agree- ment with an earlier NBER publication, Bulletin No. 65. The Wickens' figures for 1930 to 1936 were re- vised upward by BLS. Starts were.estimatedby BLS from 1937 to 1959. Since 1959, the Bureau of the Census has collected monthly starts data through a sample of direct reports from builders. Until the close of World War II, it was assumed that there was no difference between the number of units estimated for building-permit authorizations in urban places and for starts in urban places. The rural nonfarm estimate was divided into two segments beginning in October 1947 — one representing all permit-issuing places and the other, all nonpermit areas. By 1954 the urban- rural nonfarm division was discontinued when the BLS initiated reporting of permits authorized in the entire permit sector of the universe— that is, in 6,600 places. Starts for the permit portion of the universe were estimated from reports collected from these 6,600 places; the nonpermit sector was estimated through the use of field surveys in a sample of nonpermit- issuing localities. In 1959 the permit sector was increased to 10,000 places by the Bureau of the Census and again to 12,000 places in 1963. In June 1964, the Bureau published in the Housing Starts report, C20-60, its upward revision of annual figures for total privately- owned housing units started during the years 1945 to 1958. However, detail data, such as number of units by type of structure, are not available for these years. 14 Sources and Explanations for Tables A-3 and A-4 SOURCES 1949 TO 1958 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1949 to 1958. "Nonfarm Housing Starts, 1 to 1958," Bulletin No. 1260 (1959), pp. 17, 24, and 32, 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-66-1 (March 1966), p. 5. 1959 to 1964. "Public Housing Starts: Area, Region and Type of Structure," Form 16-60 Annual data on file in the Bureau. EXPLANATIONS These tables represent an actual count of publicly- owned housing starts as reported by the Public Housing Administration, the Defense Department, the New York City Housing Authority, and other State and local housing authorities. Publicly-owned hous- ing units were not reported separately until 1935. It is considered that the volume of permanent publicly- owned housing units prior to 1935 is insigni- ficant. Also, housing provided under the Federal emergency programs, including those of World War II, consisted largely of units in temporary or con- verted structures and, therefore, are not included in the permanent units shown in tables A-3 and A-4. Type of program data, i.e.. Federal, State or local for publicly-owned housing is not available prior to 1949 and detail figures relating to type of structure are not available prior to 1959. Sources and Explanations for Table A-5 SOURCES 1889 TO 1929 National Bureau of Economic Research 1889 to 1919. David M. Blank, "The Volume of Residential Construction, 1889 to 1950," Tech- nical Paper No. 9 (1954), p. 69. 1920 to 1929. David L. Wickens, "Residential Real Estate" (1941), p. 296. 1930 TO 1944 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1930 to 1944. "Nonfarm Housing Starts, 1889 to 1958," Bulletin No. 1260(1959), pp. 34 and 35. 1945 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1945 to 1958: "Construction Cost," worksheet on file in the Bureau. 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-66-1 (March 1966), p. 9. EXPLANATIONS The estimated construction cost of the new housing units started is available from 1889 to 1964. The figures for the privately-owned units are not reported directly but are based on permit valuations adjusted for understatement of construction cost and relation- ship between costs in permit places and nonpermit areas. They cover the cost of labor, material, and subcontracted work, and that part of the builder's overhead and profit chargeable directly to the building of the dwelling units started. Included are the costs of equipment which become an integral part of the housing unit and is essential to its general use. Excluded are the costs of land, site improvement, architectural fees, and sales profit. The figures for the publicly- owned units are based on contract award values or estimated construction costs for individual projects, as reported by the several agencies administering the various public housing programs. 15 Sources and Explanations for Tables A-6 and A-7 SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-65-5 (June 1965), pp. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11. 1959 to 1960. "Starts in Permit-Issuing Places, Unadjusted and Seasonally Adjusted, Annual Rate": Annual and Monthly; worksheet on file in the Bureau. 1961 to 1964. Starts in Permit-Issuing Places, Unadjusted and Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate: "Housing Starts, "C20-65-11 (December 1965), p. 8. 1959 to 1964. 6-month moving average centered on 4th month for starts in permit- issuing places; worksheets on file in the Bureau. EXPLANATIONS The seasonal factors for privately-owned housing units started were developed by using the X-U version of the Census Method II program. A descrip- tion of the X-II version is available in the Bureau of the Census Technical Paper No. 15 (November 1965), Seasonal adjustments for housing starts are based on shifting periods; for the most recent years, the period is May 1959 to March 1965. Seasonal factors were developed separately for starts in permit-issuing places and in areas outside the permit-issuing places, in each of the 4 geographic regions with the exception of the nonpermit areas in the West. In this region irregularities in the data due to the small magnitudes of the figures made estimation of seasonals impracticable. Because of the irregularity of the starts series, it has not been possible to estimate working-day factors internally from the data. Hence, housing starts data are not adjusted for working-day influences. Seasonal indexes used to adjust private housing starts for 1964 are given in appendix B, table B-1, of the C20-66-1, issued in March 1966. Indexes used for earlier years are available in table 8 of C20-50, issued in August 1963. Sources and Explanations for Tables A-8 and A-9 SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-66-1 (March 1966); table 1, p. 3; and 12 worksheets in the files of the Bureau, EXPLANATIONS The annual figures presented in tables A-8 and A-9 are taken from the C20-66-1 report. The sources used for the monthly figures are a series of 12 worksheets in the files of the Bureau. Sources and Explanations for Tables A-10 and A-ll SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C-20-66-1 (March 1966), table 2, p. 4; and 12 worksheets in the files of the Bureau. EXPLANATIONS The annual figures presented in tables A-10 and A-ll are taken from the C20-66-1 report. The sources used for the monthly figures are a series of 12 worksheets in the files of the Bureau. 16 Sources and Explanations for Table A-12 SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Annual figures 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-66-1 (March 1966), table 3, p. 5. Monthly figures 1959 to 1960. Worksheet on file in the Bureau, 1961 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-65-11 (December 1965), table 6, p. 8. EXPLANATIONS Housing units started in permit-issuing places in- clude an unknown number of units started without the authority of a permit. It is estimated, however, that about 4 to 5percentof the monthly totals presented in table A-12 were started without permit authorization. Housing units started in permit-issuing places are treated as nonfarm housing even though a negligible number are located on farm properties. Sources and Explanations for Table A-13 SOURCES 1959 to 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959 to 1964. "Housing Starts," C20-66-1 (March 1966), table 4, p. 5; and 12 worksheets in the files of the Bureau, EXPLANATIONS The annual figures presented in table A-13 are taken from the C-20-66-1 report. The sources used for the monthly figures are 12 worksheets in the files of the Bureau. 17 '•\" 18 HOUSING STARTS Table A 1. United States-New Housing Units Started: Annually, 1889 to 1964 In thousands of units. Because of rounding, detail nay not equal total. "-"Reoresents zero. "NA" Not available. Total Owneisfiip In .tructures with — Insrde SMSA's Outside SMSA's Reg ons Year Private Public 1 unit 2 units 3 units or more Northeast North Central South West INCLUDING FAR.M HOUSING 1964 1963 1962 1961 1,590.7 1,641.0 1,492.4 1,365.0 1,296.0 1,553.5 1,563.7 1,613.4 1,468.7 1,336.8 1,274.0 1,531.3 1,382.0 1,224.0 1,349.0 1,646.0 1,551.0 1,438.0 1,504.0 1,491.0 1,952.0 1,466.0 1,362.0 1,268.0 1,023.0 326.0 141.8 191.0 356.0 706.1 602.6 515.0 406.0 336.0 319.0 221.0 126.0 93.0 134.0 254.0 330.0 509.0 753.0 810.0 849.0 937.0 893.0 871.0 716.0 449.0 247.0 315.0 118.0 240.0 437.0 433.0 421.0 421.0 426.0 395.0 387.0 1,557.4 1,609.2 1,462.7 1,313.0 1,252.1 1,516.8 1,530.4 1,581.7 1,439.0 1,284.8 1,230.1 1,494.6 1,314.0 1,175.0 1,325.0 1,627.0 1,532.0 1,402.0 1,446.0 1,420.0 1,908.0 1,430.0 1,344.0 1,265.0 1,015.0 325.0 138.7 183.7 301.2 619.5 529.6 458.4 399.3 332.4 304.2 215.7 126.0 93.0 134.0 254.0 330.0 509.0 753.0 810.0 849.0 937.0 893.0 871.0 716.0 449.0 247.0 315.0 118.0 240.0 437.0 433.0 421.0 421.0 426.0 395.0 387.0 33.3 31.8 29.7 52.0 43.9 36.7 33.3 31.8 29.7 52.0 43.9 36.7 68.0 49.0 24.0 19.0 19.0 36.0 58.0 71.0 44.0 36.0 18.0 3.0 8.0 1.0 3.1 7.3 54.8 86.6 73.0 56.6 6.7 3.6 14.8 5.3 973.0 1,021.7 996.0 988.9 1,008.7 1,250.9 946.0 994.1 972.5 960.7 986.7 1,228.7 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 117.7 143.6 292.8 603.5 485.7 399.0 317.0 267.0 244.0 183.0 109.0 76.0 118.0 187.0 227.0 316.0 436.0 454.0 491.0 573.0 534.0 513.0 437.0 316.0 202.0 239.0 91.0 166.0 267.0 262.0 263.0 264.0 258.0 249.0 251.0 62.0 60.8 56.2 50.0 50.5 58.5 62.0 60.8 56.0 50.0 50.5 58.5 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10.6 17.8 20.1 34.3 37.3 29.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 22.0 29.0 51.0 78.0 99.0 117.0 157.0 173.0 175.0 146.0 70.0 24.0 36.0 13.0 31.0 69.0 73.0 72.0 72.0 71.0 62.0 57.0 555.7 558.5 440.2 326.1 236.8 244.1 555.7 558.5 440.2 326.1 236.8 244.1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 13.5 29.6 43.1 68.3 79.6 87.0 71.0 53.0 61.0 30.0 12.0 12.0 9.0 45.0 74.0 142.0 239.0 257.0 241.0 208.0 186.0 183.0 133.0 63.0 21.0 40.0 14.0 43.0 101.0 98.0 86.0 85.0 97.0 84.0 79.0 1,118.3 1,150.8 1,053.5 947.9 889.0 1,076.8 1,117.7 1,149.1 1,052.7 946.2 887.6 1,076.1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 472.4 490.2 438.9 417.1 407.0 476.7 446.0 464.4 416.0 390.6 386.4 455.2 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ((NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 266.8 271.3 273.7 265.1 236.5 279.6 266.7 270.8 273.7 264.7 235.7 279.5 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 156.0 263.0 301.0 300.0 314.0 302.0 278.0 224.0 121.0 55.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 351.4 333.8 295.0 289.0 303.7 374.8 344.1 326.6 288.6 281.4 299.2 367.8 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 140.0 196.0 213.0 231.0 252.0 244.0 244.0 186.0 109.0 70.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 602.2 600.0 541.2 487.6 441.3 521.7 582.9 580.2 524.0 467.6 425.1 506.8 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 132.0 188.0 185.0 196.0 228.0 207.0 194.0 178.0 132.0 78.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 370.3 435.9 382.5 323.3 1960 1959 EXCLUDING FABM HOUSING^ 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 314.5 377.4 370.0 435.8 382.4 323.1 314.0 377.2 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1949 1948 1947 1946 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1945 (NA) Urban areas Rural nonfarm areas 1944 96.2 124.4 227.4 434.3 396.6 359.0 262.0 218.0 211.0 117.0 49.0 45.0 64.0 174.0 236.0 400.0 594.0 643.0 681.0 752.0 716.0 698.0 574.0 359.0 196.0 230.0 86.0 175.0 319.0 316.0 308.0 307.0 311.0 288.0 283.0 45.6 66.6 128.6 271.8 206.0 156.0 144.0 118.0 108.0 104.0 77.0 48.0 70;0 80.0 94.0 109.0 159.0 167.0 168.0 185.0 177.0 173.0 142.0 90.0 51.0 85.0 32.0 65.0 118.0 117.0 113.0 114.0 115.0 107.0 104.0 (NA) 1943 (NA) 1942 (NA) 1941 (NA) 1940 (NA) 1939 (NA) 1938 (NA) 1937 (NA) 1936 (NA) 1935 (NA) 1934 (NA) 1933 (NA) 1932 (NA) 1931 (NA) 1930 (NA) 1929 81.0 1928 106.0 1927 111.0 1926 122.0 1925 143.0 1924 140.0 1923 155.0 1922 128.0 1921 87.0 1920 44.0 1919 (NA) 1918 (NA) 1917 (NA) 1916 (NA) 1915 (NA) 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at eneJ of table. HOUSING STARTS 19 Table A 1 United States-New Housing Units Started: Annually, 1889 to 1964-Continueci In thousands ol units. Because of rounding, detail r nay not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" No available. Total Ownership In structures with — Urban areas Pural nonfarm areas Reg ons Year Private Public 1 unit 2 units 3 units or more Northeast North Central South West EXCLUDING FAEM HOUSING^— Continued 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 492.0 416.0 432.0 487.0 507.0 492.0 416.0 432.0 487.0 507.0 - 328.0 286.0 291.0 316.0 336.0 73.0 65.0 59.0 69.0 64.0 91.0 65.0 82.0 102.0 107.0 322.0 272.0 283.0 319.0 332.0 170.0 144.0 149.0 168.0 175.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 190-4 1903 1902 1901 1900 315.0 253.0 240.0 275.0 189.0 315.0 253.0 240.0 275.0 189.0 - 207.0 175.0 171.0 177.0 123.0 45.0 30.0 32.0 32.0 31.0 63.0 48.0 37.0 66.0 35.0 206.0 166.0 157.0 180.0 124.0 109.0 87.0 83.0 95.0 65.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1899 1898 282.0 262.0 292.0 257.0 309.0 282.0 262.0 292.0 257.0 309.0 - (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 159.0 148.0 165.0 145.0 175.0 123.0 114.0 127.0 112.0 134.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1897 1896 1895 (NA) (NA) (NA) 189-4 1893 1892 1891 1890 265.0 267.0 331.0 298.0 328.0 265.0 267.0 381.0 298.0 328.0 - (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 150.0 151.0 215.0 169.0 185.0 115.0 116.0 166.0 129.0 143.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1889 342.0 342.0 - (NA) (NA) (NA) 193.0 149.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ■"■Previously designa-ted as "nonfarm housing." ^Defense housing totaling 15,000 units not shown here. 20 HOUSING STARTS Table A 2. United States-New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Annually, 1889 to 1964 In thousands of un ts. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "NA" Not available. In structures with Regions Total Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's Year 1 unit 2 units 3 units or more Northeast North Central South West INCLUDING FARM HOUSING 1964 1,557.4 971.5 53.5 532.4 1,009.1 458.3 258.6 344.3 589.8 364.7 1963 1,609.2 1,020.7 53.2 535.3 1,128.4 480.8 260.8 327.2 590.4 430.8 1962 1,462.7 991.3 49.3 422.1 1,033.8 428.9 263.7 289.6 531.3 378.1 1961 1,313.0 974.4 43.8 294.8 913.8 399.2 246.5 277.4 473.0 316.1 1960 1,252.1 994.7 44.0 213.4 864.4 387.7 221.4 292.0 429.4 309.3 1959 1,516.8 1,234.3 55.6 226.9 1,054.7 462.1 268.3 367.5 511.8 369.2 EXCLUDING FARM HOUSINGi 1964 1,530.4 944.5 53.5 532.4 1,098.5 431.9 258.5 336.9 570.4 364.5 1963 1,581.7 993.2 53.2 535.3 1,126.6 455.0 260.4 319.9 570.6 430.7 1962 1,439.0 967.8 49.1 422.1 1,033.0 406.0 263.7 283.2 514.1 378.1 1961 1,284.8 946.2 43.8 294.8 912.1 372.7 246.1 269.8 453.0 315.9 1960 1,230.1 972.7 AA.O 213.4 863.0 367.1 220.6 287.5 413.2 308.8 1959 1,494.6 1,212.1 55.6 226.9 1,054.0 440.6 268.2 360.5 496.9 369.0 1958 1,314.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1957 1,175.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1956 1,325.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1955 1,627.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1954 1,532.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1953 1,402.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1952 1,446.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1951 1,420.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1950 1,908.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1949 1,430.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1948 1,344.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1947 1,265.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1946 1,015.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1945 325.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Rural tJrban nonfarm 138.7 183.7 114.6 136.3 10.6 17.8 13.5 29.6 areas areas (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1944 93.2 119.7 45.5 64.0 (NA) 1943 (NA) 1942 301.2 252.3 17.5 31.4 184.9 116.3 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1941 619.5 533.2 28.4 57.9 369.5 250.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1940 529.6 4^7.6 25.6 56.4 333.2 196.4 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1939 458.4 373.0 19.7 65.7 303.5 154.9 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1938 399.3 316.4 18.0 64.9 255.3 144.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1937 332.4 265.8 15.3 51.3 214.4 118.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1936 304.2 238.5 13.3 52.4 197.6 106.6 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1935 215.7 182.2 7.7 25.8 112.6 103.1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1934 126.0 109.0 5.0 12.0 49.0 77.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1933 93.0 76.0 5.0 12.0 45.0 48.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1932 134.0 118.0 7.0 9.0 64.0 70.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1931 254.0 187.0 22.0 45.0 174.0 80.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1930 330.0 227.0 29.0 74.0 236.0 94.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1929 509.0 316.0 51.0 142.0 400.0 109.0 156.0 140.0 132.0 81.0 1928 753.0 436.0 78.0 239.0 594.0 159.0 263.0 196.0 188.0 106.0 1927 810.0 454.0 99.0 257.0 643.0 167.0 301.0 213.0 185.0 111.0 1926 849.0 491.0 117.0 241.0 681.0 168.0 300.0 231.0 196.0 122.0 1925 937.0 573.0 157.0 208.0 752.0 185.0 314,0 252.0 228.0 143.0 1924 893.0 534.0 173.0 186.0 716.0 177.0 302.0 244.0 207.0 140.0 1923 871.0 513.0 175.0 183.0 698.0 173.0 278.0 244.0 194.0 155.0 1922 716.0 437.0 146.0 133.0 574.0 142.0 224.0 186.0 178.0 128.0 1921 449.0 316.0 70.0 63.0 359.0 90.0 121.0 109.0 132.0 87.0 1920 247.0 202.0 24.0 21.0 196.0 51.0 55.0 70.0 78.0 44.0 1919 315.0 239.0 36.0 40.0 230.0 85.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1918 118.0 91.0 13.0 14.0 86.0 32.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1917 240.0 166.0 31.0 43.0 175.0 65.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1916 437.0 267.0 69.0 101.0 319.0 118.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1915 433.0 262.0 73.0 98.0 316.0 117.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1914 421.0 263.0 72.0 86.0 308.0 113.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1913 421.0 264.0 72.0 85.0 307.0 114.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1912 426.0 258.0 71.0 97.0 311.0 115.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1911 395.0 249.0 62.0 84.0 288.0 107.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1910 387.0 251.0 57.0 79.0 283.0 104.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) See footnotes at end of table. HOUSING STARTS 21 Table A 2 United States-New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Annually, 1889 to 1964 -Continued 1 thousands of units. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total "NA" Not available. Total In structures witfi — Urban areas Rural nonfarm areas Regions Year 1 unit 2 units 3 units or more Northeast North Central South West EXCLUDING FARM HOUSING 1 — Continued 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 ';92.0 416.0 432.0 487.0 507.0 328.0 286.0 291.0 316.0 336.0 73.0 65.0 59.0 69.0 64.0 91.0 65.0 82.0 102.0 107.0 322.0 272.0 283.0 319.0 332.0 170.0 144.0 149.0 168.0 175.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 315.0 253.0 240.0 275.0 189.0 207.0 175.0 171.0 177.0 123.0 45.0 30.0 32.0 32.0 31.0 63.0 48.0 37.0 66.0 35.0 206.0 166.0 157.0 180.0 124.0 109.0 87.0 83.0 95.0 65.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1899 1898 1897 1896 1895 282.0 262.0 292.0 257.0 309.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 159.0 148.0 165.0 145.0 175.0 123.0 114.0 127.0 112.0 134.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 189-i 1893 1892 1891 1890 265.0 267.0 381.0 298.0 328.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 150.0 151.0 215.0 169.0 185.0 115.0 116.0 166.0 129.0 i-;3.o (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1889 342 . (NA) (NA) (NA) 193.0 149.0 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ■'■Previously designated as "privately-owned nonfarm housing." 22 HOUSING STARTS Table A3 United States-New Publicly-Owned Housing Units Started: Annually, 1935 to 1964 In thousands of units. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. "Z" Less than 50 units. Total In Structures with — Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's Reg ons Year and type of program 1 unit 2 units 3 units or more Northeast North Central South West EXCLUDING FARM HOUSING^ 1964, total 33.3 4.6 3.9 0.6 26.3 1.5 .6 .1 .5 0.8 8.5 1.2 1.1 (z) 7.3 23.3 2.8 2.7 0.1 18.2 19.1 2.9 2.9 (Z) 13.9 14.1 1.7 1.1 0.6 12.4 8.2 0.1 0.1 (z) 5.7 7.1 0.1 (Z) 0.1 7.0 12.4 1.2 1.1 (Z) 11.2 5.5 Federally ovmed, total At military bases All other 3.2 2.7 0.5 State and locally ovmed excluding NYCHA*, total 2.3 With federal aid PHA*, low rent CFA*, college housing. 22.8 21.7 1.2 0.8 0.8 7.3 7.3 14.8 13.6 1.2 11.4 10.8 0.6 11.4 10.9 0.5 4.5 4.5 6.0 5.9 0.2 10.4 9.8 0.7 1.9 1.6 0.3 With no federal -aid — Low rent 3.5 0.1 - 3.4 2.5 1.0 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.4 NIOKA*, total With federal-aid, PHA*... With no federal-aid 2.4 1.0 1.3 - - <:.4 (NA) (NA) 2.4 (NA) (NA) - 2.4 (NA) (NA) - -' - 1963, total 31.8 3.2 2.5 .7 0.9 0.6 0.6 7.7 1.7 1.6 23.1 0.9 0.8 0.1 22.4 1.8 1.8 0.1 9.3 1.4 0.7 0.6 10.5 0.1 0.1 6.6 0.1 0.1 9.6 0.7 0.7 5.0 Federally owned, total At military bases All other 2.2 1.6 0.6 State and locally owned excluding NYCHA*, total 23.4 0.4 6.0 17.0 15.4 8.0 5.1 6.5 8.9 2.8 With federal-aid PHA*, low rent CFA*, college housing. 21.6 19.6 1.9 0.3 0.3 5.9 5.9 15.4 13.4 1.9 14.2 12.8 1.4 7.4- 6.8 0.6 4.1 3.9 0.3 6.4 5.6 0.8 8.8 8.3 0.5 2.2 1.8 0.4 With no federal-aid — Low rent 1.8 1.0 0.1 0.7 1.2 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.6 NYCHA*, total With federal-aid, PHA*... With no federal-aid 5.2 4.3 0.9 - 5.2 (NA) (NA) 5.2 (NA) (NA) - 5.2 (NA) (NA) - - - 1962, total 29.7 4.4 3.7 0.6 4.7 3.6 3.1 0.5 6.9 0.6 0.6 18.1 0.1 0.1 19.7 2.9 2.9 10.0 1.4 0.8 0.6 10.0 0.8 0.8 5.4 0.1 0.1 9.9 1.8 1.8 4.3 Federally owned, total At military bases All other 1.6 1.1 0.5 State and locally owned excluding NYCHA*, total 19.1 1.1 6.3 11.8 10.6 8.5 3.0 5.4 8.1 2.7 With federal aid PHA*, low rent CFA*, college housing. 18.3 16.2 2.1 1.1 1.1 6.3 6.2 0.1 10.9 8.9 2.0 10.0 9.0 1.1 8.3 7.2 1.0 2.5 2.3 0.2 5.2 4.9 0.2 3.0 7.6 0.4 2.5 1.4 1.2 With no federal-aid — Low rent 0.9 6.1 3.6 2.6 - - 0.9 6.1 (NA (NA) 0.6 6.1 (NA) (NA) 0.3 0.5 6.1 (NA) (NA) 0.2 0.1 0.1 NYCHA*, total With federal-aid, PHA*... With no federal-aid - 1961, total 52.0 14.0 13.3 0.7 14.5 13.9 13.3 0.6 6.2 31.3 0.1 0.1 34.1 4.8 4.8 17.9 9.2 8.5 0.7 18.6 1.4 1.4 11.6 4.0 4.0 0.1 14.6 4.1 4.1 7.2 Federally owned, total At military bases All other 4.5 3.9 0.6 State and locally owned excluding NYCHA*, total 28.2 0.6 6.1 21.4 19.5 8.6 7.4 7.6 10.6 2.7 With federal aid PHA*, low rent CFA*, college housing. 26.8 23.7 3.1 0.6 0.6 6.0 6.0 0.1 20.2 17.1 3.1 18.6 17.2 1.4 8.2 6.5 1.7 6.4 6.4 7.3 6.7 0.6 10.5 8.9 1.6 2.6 1.7 0.9 With no federal-aid — Low rent 1.4 . 0.2 1.2 1.0 0.4 1.0 0.3 - 0.1 NYCHA*, total With federal-aid, PHA*... With no federal-aid 9.8 4.5 5.3 - .': 9.8 (NA) (NA) 9.8 (NA) (NA) - 9.8 (NA) (NA) - _ - See footnotes at end of table. HOUSING STARTS 23 Table A3 United States-New Publicly-Owned Housing Units Started: Annually, 1935 to 1964-Continued In thousands of units. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. "Z" Lessthan 50 units. Year and type of nrogram'" Total In structures with — 1 unit 2 units 3 units or more Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's Northeast North Central South West EXCLUDING FARM HOUSING^— Continued 1960, total Federally owned, total At military bases All other State and locally owned excluding NYCHA*, total With federal aid PHA*, low rent CFA*, college housing. With no federal-aid — Lov; rent NYCHA*, total With federal-aid, PHA*. . . With no federal-aid 1959, total Federally owned, total At military "bases All other State and locally owned excluding t«CHA*, total With federal-aid PHA*, low rent CFA*, college housing. With no federal-aid — Low rent I«CHA*, total With federal-aid, PHA*... With no federal-aid 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954. 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944. 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935. 43.9 13.8 13.4 0.4 25.1 24.2 22.3 1.9 0.9 5.0 4.2 0.8 36.7 15.0 14.9 0.1 15.7 14.7 11.9 2.9 1.0 6.0 2.0 4.0 67.9 49.1 24.2 19.6 18.6 35.5 58.5 71.2 43.6 36.3 18.1 3.4 8.0 1.2 3.1 7.3 54.8 86.6 73.0 56.6 6.7 3.6 14.8 5.3 14.0 13.7 13.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 16.6 15.0 14.9 0.1 1.6 1.6 1.5 0.1 42.5 32.4 9.1 4.5 0.6 5.0 3.4 7.8 3.4 1.9 3.4 (Z) (Z) (Z) 3.1 7.3 40.5 70.3 38.1 26.0 0.6 1.2 5.5 0.8 6.5 0.1 6.5 6.4 6.4 0.1 2.9 2.9 2.8 0.1 0.2 2.5 1.8 0.6 (Z) (Z) 2.6 5.9 11.7 9.3 0.7 0.7 0.3 23.4 0.1 0.1 18.4 17.5 15.7 1.8 0.8 5.0 (NA) (NA) 17.2 11.3 10.3 7.6 2.7 1.0 24.6 3.0 3.0 16.7 15.9 15.4 0.6 0.7 5.0 (NA) (NA) 22.1 6.0 6.0 10.1 9.3 8.4 1.0 OA 19.3 10.8 10.5 0.4 8.3 6.9 1.3 0.2 14.6 9.0 8.9 0.1 5.7 5.4 3.5 1.9 0.2 15.1 2.7 2.6 7.5 6.7 6.6 0.1 0.8 5.0 (NA) (NA) 11.3 2.1 2.1 3.2 2.3 2.1 0.2 1.0 6.0 6.0 _ 6.0 (NA) (NA) _ (NA) (NA) (NA) - (NA) 25.3 38.0 29.9 18.7 16.5 22.3 26.8 11.8 15.1 13.3 10.9 9.3 15.0 15.8 3.7 9.6 18.1 17.5 1.2 9.3 30.5 26.6 8.9 13.2 55.1 44.3 14.2 21.6 63.4 53.7 17.5 25.5 37.9 34.5 9.2 25.3 Urban Rural non- areas farm areas 32.6 32.2 4.1 30.6 14.1 14.9 3.2 12.8 3.4 3.4 _ (NA) 8.0 8.0 _ (NA) 1.2 1.2 - (NA) (Z) 3.0 0.1 (NA) (Z) 4.7 2.6 (NA) 11.7 42.5 12.3 (NA) 10.4 64.8 21.8 (NA) 23.2 63.4 9.6 (NA) 21.3 55.5 1.1 (NA) 6.1 6.7 _ (NA) 1.7 3.6 _ (NA) 8.6 13.4 1.4 (NA) 4.2 4.4 0.9 (NA) 11.7 2.4 2.3 0.1 9.3 9.3 8.6 0.7 4.5 4.5 2.9 2.8 2.5 0.3 13.8 6.1 5.8 4.1 4.2 5.1 8.4 4.6 4.2 1.6 2.4 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 11.9 5.3 5.3 6.6 6.5 5.8 0.7 9.9 3.5 3.5 6.4 6.4 4.9 1.5 22.9 25.5 6.8 3.7 2.9 13.6 23.2 36.2 11.7 2.3 1.1 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5.2 3.4 3.2 0.2 1.7 1.6 1.3 0.4 0.1 8.2 5.0 4.9 0.1 3.2 3.2 2.3 0.9 12.5 5.7 2.3 2.0 2.2 3.6 5.3 4.9 2.5 1.6 1.7 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) *Abbreviations: CFA — Community Facilities Administration. !>rYCHA — New York City Housing Authority. PHA — Public Housing Administration. All publicly-owned housing units started are treated as nonfarm housing. Prior to 1959, the type of program data are available only on total units in each type of program. See table A-4. 24 HOUSING STARTS Table A 4. United States-New Publicly-Owned Housing Units Started, by Type of Program: Annually, 1949 to 1964 In thousands of units. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "Z" Less than 50 units. Total Federally owned State and locally owned, excluding New York City Housing Authority New York City Housing Authority Year Total At military bases All other Total With federal-aid With no federal-aid, low rent Total With PHA* federal-aid Total PHA* low rent CFA* college housing With no federal-aid EXCLUDING FARM HOUSING^ 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 33.3 31.8 29.7 52.0 43.9 36.7 67.9 49.1 24.2 19.6 18.6 35.5 58.5 71.2 43.6 36.3 4.6 3.2 4.4 14.0 13.8 15.0 36.3 25.5 8.8 5.0 0.2 0.1 0.6 1.1 1.1 4.0 3.9 2.5 3.7 13.3 13.4 14.9 36.0 25.1 8.1 4.9 (Z) 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.2 2.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 (Z) 0.2 0.6 0.9 1.6 26.3 23.4 19.1 28.2 25.1 15.7 24.2 18.0 9.3 6.8 12.4 30.2 50.3 66.1 32.9 12.7 22.8 21.6 18.3 26.8 24.2 14.7 22.5 17.1 7.3 5.5 12.1 29.2 46.9 62.6 21.6 0.9 21.7 19.6 16.2 23.7 22.3 11.9 18.9 14.6 3.8 4.7 11.9 29.1 46.9 62.6 21.6 0.8 1.2 1.9 2.1 3.1 1.9 2.9 3.6 2.5 3.5 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.1 3.5 1.8 0.9 1.4 0.9 1.0 1.7 0.9 2.0 1.3 0.4 1.0 3.4 3.5 11.3 11.8 2.4 5.2 6.1 9.8 5.0 6.0 7.4 5.6 6.2 7.8 5.9 5.2 7.6 4.1 9.7 19.7 1.0 4.3 3.6 4.5 4.2 2.0 1.1 2.9 1.0 3.9 2.3 2.2 5.9 2.6 5.3 1.3 0.9 2.6 5.3 0.8 4.0 6.3 2.8 5.2 3.9 3.7 3.0 1.7 1.4 4.4 19.7 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 •x-Abbreviatlons: CFA — Coiranunlty Facilities Administration. PHA — Public Housing Administration. ^All publicly-owned housing units started are treated as nonfarm housing. Table A 5 United States-Number of New Housing Units Started and Construction Cost: Annually, 1889 to 1964 Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Average amount computed from unrounded figures. "-"Represents zero. "NA° Not available. Year Number of units started in thousands Total Privately-owned Total 1-unit structures Publicly- owned, total Construction cost in millions of dollars Total Privately-owned Total 1-unit structures Publicly- owned, total Construction cost, average amount per unit Total Privately-owned Total 1-unit structures Publicly- owned, total INCLUDING FARM HOUSING 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 EXCLUDING FARM HOUSING^ 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1,591 1,641 1,492 1,365 1,296 1,554 1,564 1,613 1,469 1,337 1,274 1,531 1,382 1,224 1,349 1,646 1,551 1,438 1,505 1,491 1,952 1,557 1,609 1,463 1,313 1,252 1,517 1,530 1,582 1,439 1,285 1,230 1,495 1,314 1,175 1,325 1,627 1,532 1,402 1,446 1,420 1,908 972 1,021 992 975 995 1,234 944 993 968 946 973 1,212 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 20,787 20,723 18,720 17,085 16,357 19,214 20,513 20,358 18,400 16,740 16,124 18,981 16,565 14,913 15,781 18,017 15,863 13,665 13,636 13,402 16,481 20,375 20,345 18,373 16,476 15,831 18,782 20,101 19,980 18,053 16,132 15,596 18,549 15,744 14,346 15,519 17,818 15 , 694 13,358 13,133 12,787 16,111 14 , 997 15,148 14,194 13,470 13,647 16,486 14,723 14,783 13,874 13,126 13,411 16,254 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 412 378 347 609 528 432 412 378 347 609 528 432 821 567 262 199 169 307 503 615 370 13,075 12,625 12,550 12,525 12,625 12,400 13,125 12,625 12,525 12,525 12,650 12,400 12 , 000 12,175 11,700 10,950 10,225 9,500 9,050 8,975 8,450 13,075 12,650 12,550 12,550 12,650 12,400 13,125 12,625 12,550 12,550 12,675 12,400 11,975 12,225 11,725 10,950 10,250 9,525 9,075 9,000 8,450 15,425 14,850 14,325 13,825 13,725 13,350 15,600 14,875 14,325 13,875 13,800 13,425 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,400 11,875 11,700 11,725 12,025 11,775 12,400 11,875 11,700 11,725 12,025 11,775 12,075 11,550 10,825 10,225 9,050 8,650 8,600 8,625 8,450 See footnotes at end of table. HOUSING STARTS 25 Table A 5. United States-Number of New Housing Units Started and Construction Cost: Annually, 1889 to 1964 -Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Average amount computed from unrounded figures. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Num )er of units started in thousands Cons ruction cost in millions of dollars Construction cost, average amount per unit Year Total Privately-owned Publicly- owned, Total Privately-owned Publicly- owned, Total Privately-owned Publicly- 1-unit structures 1-unit structures 1-unit Structures owned, Total total Total total Total total EXCLUDING FAHM HOUSING^— Continued 1949 1,466 1,430 (NA) 36 10,992 10,663 (NA) 329 7,525 7,450 (NA) 9,050 1948 1,362 1,344 (NA) 18 10,514 10,340 (NA) 174 7,725 7,700 (NA) 9,625 1947 1,268 1,265 (NA) 3 8,430 8,404 (NA) 26 6,650 6,650 (NA) 7,650 1946 1,023 1,015 (NA) 8 5,746 5,690 (NA) 56 5,625 5,600 (NA) 7,000 1945 326 325 (NA) 1 1,504 1,498 (NA) 6 4,625 4,625 (NA) 5,350 1944 142 139 115 3 496 483 394 13 3,500 3,475 3,450 4,125 1943 191 184 136 7 689 660 501 29 3,600 3,600 3,675 3,925 1942 356 301 252 55 1,344 1,134 933 210 3,775 3,775 3,900 3,825 1941 706 620 533 87 2,826 2,531 2,265 295 4,000 4,075 4,250 3,400 1940 603 530 448 73 2,299 2,072 1,819 227 3,825 3,925 4,075 3,125 1939 515 458 373 57 1,948 1,764 (NA) 184 3,775 3,850 (NA) 3,250 1938 406 399 316 7 1,584 1,562 (NA) 22 3,900 3,900 (NA) 3,325 1937 336 332 266 4 1,382 1,366 (NA) 17 4,125 4,100 (NA) 4,600 1936 319 304 238 15 1,271 1,194 (NA) 77 3,975 3,925 (NA) 5,225 1935 221 216 182 5 757 732 (NA) 25 3,425 3,400 (NA) 4,700 1934 126 126 109 _ 368 368 (NA) _ 2,925 2,925 (NA) _ 1933 93 93 76 - 285 285 (NA) - 3,075 3,075 (NA) - 1932 134 134 118 - 407 407 (NA) - 3,050 3,050 (NA) - 1931 254 254 187 - 1,105 1,105 (NA) _ 4,350 4,350 (NA) - 1930 330 330 227 - 1,494 1,494 (NA) - 4,525 4,525 (NA) - 1929 509 509 316 _ 2,453 2,453 (NA) _ 4,825 4,825 (NA) _ 1928 753 753 436 - 3,613 3,613 (NA) - 4,800 4,800 (NA) _ 1927 810 810 454 _ 3,910 3,910 (NA) - 4,825 4,825 (NA) - 1926 849 849 491 _ 4,112 4,112 (NA) - 4,850 4,850 (NA) - 1925 938 938 573 - 4,475 4,475 (NA) - 4,775 4,775 (NA) - 1924 893 393 534 _ 4,065 4,065 (NA) _ 4,550 4,550 (NA) _ 1923 871 871 513 - 3,775 3,775 (NA) - 4,325 4,325 (NA) - 1922 716 716 437 - 2,957 2,957 (NA) - 4,125 4,125 (NA) - 449 449 316 _ 1,771 1,771 (NA) - 3,950 3,950 (NA) - 1920 247 247 202 - 1,068 1,068 (NA) - 4,325 4,325 (NA) - 1919 315 315 239 . 1,258 1,258 (NA) _ 4,000 4,000 (NA) _ 1918 118 118 91 _ 391 391 (NA) - 3,325 3,325 (NA) - 1917 240 240 166 _ 769 769 (NA) _ 3,200 3,200 (NA) _ 1916 437 437 267 - 1,255 1,255 (NA) _ 2,875 2,875 (NA) - 1915 433 433 262 - 1,192 1,192 (NA) - 2,750 2,750 (NA) - 1914 421 421 263 _ 1,081 1,081 (NA) _ 2,575 2,575 (NA) _ 1913 421 421 264 - 1,103 1,108 (NA) - 2,625 2,625 (NA) - 1912 426 426 258 _ 1,113 1,113 (NA) - 2,625 2,625 (NA) _ 1911 395 395 249 - 1,000 1,000 (NA) - 2,525 2,525 (NA) - 1910 387 387 251 - 1,028 1,028 (NA) - 2,650 2,650 (NA) - 1909 492 492 328 _ 1,272 1,272 (NA) _ 2,575 2,575 (NA) _ 1908 416 416 286 - 1,034 1,034 (NA) - 2,475 2,475 (NA) _ 1907 432 432 291 - 1,037 1,037 (NA) - 2,400 2,400 (NA) - 1906 487 487 316 - 1,170 1,170 (NA) - 2,400 2,400 (NA) - 1905 507 507 336 - 1,154 1,154 (NA) - 2,275 2,275 (NA) - 1904 315 315 207 _ 690 690 (NA) . 2,200 2,200 (NA) _ 1903 253 253 175 - 607 607 (NA) - 2,400 2,400 (NA) - 1902 240 240 171 - 572 572 (NA) - 2,375 2,375 (NA) - 1901 275 275 177 _ 610 610 (NA) _ 2,225 2,225 (NA) _ 1900 189 189 123 - 433 433 (NA) - 2,300 2,300 (NA) - 1899 282 282 (NA) _ 608 608 (NA) _ 2,150 2,150 (NA) _ 1898 262 262 (NA) - 574 574 (NA) _ 2,200 2,200 (NA) _ 1897 292 292 (NA) _ 643 643 (NA) _ 2,200 2,200 (NA) _ 1896 257 257 (NA) - 606 606 (NA) _ 2,350 2,350 (NA) - 1895 309 309 (NA) - 679 679 (NA) - 2,200 2,200 (NA) - 1894 265 265 (NA) _ 594 594 (NA) _ 2,250 2,250 (NA) _ 1893 267 267 (NA) - 583 583 (NA) _ 2,175 2,175 (NA) _ 1892 381 381 (NA) _ 763 763 (NA) _ 2,000 2,000 (NA) _ 1891 298 298 (NA) - 612 612 (NA) - 2,050 2,050 (NA) - 1890 328 328 (NA) - 790 790 (NA) - 2,400 2,400 (NA) - 1889 342 342 (NA) - 806 806 (NA) - 2,350 2,350 (NA) - Previously designated as "nonfarm housing.' 26 HOUSING STARTS Table A 6 United States-New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate: Monthly, 1959 to 1964 thousands of units. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Year and month In permit-issuing places and nonpermit areas Including farm housing Total Regions Northeast North Central South West Excluding farm housing, tota|i In permit-issuing places, excluding farm housing^ Total Regions Northeast North Central South West December. November. . October. . . September. August. . . . July June May April. . . . March. . . . February. January. . December. . November. . October. . . September. August . . . . July June May April . . . . March. . . . February. January. . December. . November. . October. . . September . August . . . . July June May April . . . . March. . . . February. January. . December. . November . . October. . . September. August . . . . July June May April. . . . March. . . . February . January. . December. . November . . October. . . September. August. . . . July 1963 1962 1961 1960 1,610 1,505 1,522 l.-M-S 1,513 1,500 1,621 1,518 1,532 1,593 1,750 1,776 1,560 1,629 l,7 UHg ( NA) 2 a87 2 036 1 865 2 197 2 500 2 159 786 75a 772 590 300 I NA) 2 375 1 858 1 778 2 112 2 al8 2 078 1 939 1 8a5 1 810 1 73a 1 69a 1 72a ( NAI 1 82a 1 533 1 570 1 925 2 180 1 827 151 151 152 151 139 13a ( NAI las 76 65 67 60 59 696 76 7 757 aai I NAI ao7 2a9 ia3 120 178 192 92 132 128 128 217 ia9 ( NA) 113 178 87 85 83 82 Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas 29a 275 256 2a3 235 237 291 253 232 207 251 298 272 287 269 251 238 226 228 286 2a9 225 20a 2a7 29 5 268 176 17a 176 16a 172 186 I NA) 209 191 177 229 277 250 la 13 INAI 29 I NA) 3 787 3 a31 3 2ao 3 065 3 oa7 3 073 I NA ) 285 915 6a6 137 aa9 906 3 7oa 3 366 3 188 3 oia 2 936 2 962 I NA) 229 8al 609 096 a5a 868 2 803 2 631 2 566 2 398 2 a53 2 615 I NA) 886 568 388 9ao 306 72 a 160 157 132 128 127 125 I NAI 130 110 105 7al 577 a89 a88 356 221 ( NAI 213 163 115 66 66 67 83 66 52 51 111 111 (NA-l 56 7a 37 ai Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Ai-kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas ai3 ai2 36a 351 311 291 36a 318 303 2a5 2 50 309 298 aoi ao3 356 3a3 299 28a 356 312 292 233 2a7 308 295 2ai 2a5 2a5 232 236 238 I NAI 258 2a3 202 222 280 262 ia2 lao 98 52 35 I NA) 11 a ai5 9 a 220 8 3 713 8 3 56 7 12 3 193 7 2 961 8 ( NA ) 6 3 laa 12 2 922 11 2 370 3 2 3a7 2 2 701 3 2 3ao a 293 a 125 3 629 3 a85 3 068 2 887 ( NA) 88 793 25a 312 686 316 186 090 918 2 778 1 6ao 2 510 1 NAI 783 523 078 166 555 166 130 119 7a 73 62 65 I NAI 977 916 638 636 365 213 ( NAI 81 125 73 ( NA) 227 55 193 129 116 117 91 35 70 15 52 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 2 Regions-New Housing Units Autliorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because o( rounding, detail may not equal total "NA° Not available Number of bousing units (thousands) Valuation (millions ol dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Region, coverage, and year Total In structures with-- Total In structures with- Public (contract awards) 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more WEST Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii 12,000-PLACE series: 196^4 359 «28 377 367 311 291 350 333 287 23« 2«4 298 282 3511 1423 373 363 309 286 inn 327 278 230 242 296 280 173 202 203 195 190 192 ( NA> 228 191 162 196 255 236 m 66 m m 26 23 ( NA } 27 23 18 15 15 18 1311 156 127 127 93 71 { NA) 72 65 49 31 26 26 5 n n n 5 n 6 6 a n 1 2 2 n 521 5 013 n 442 4 207 3 536 3 227 ( NA) 3 572 2 923 2 348 2 458 2 846 2 451 4 458 4 9 59 4 399 4 166 3 482 3 172 ( NA ) 3 494 2 814 2 298 2 443 2 830 2 435 2 786 3 092 3 019 2 793 2 581 2 472 1 NA) 2 830 2 263 1 887 2 181 2 603 2 200 423 543 335 330 196 167 ( NA) 190 156 111 92 90 98 1 249 1 324 1 046 1 043 705 534 ( NA) 474 395 301 171 137 137 63 1963 1962 43 10,000-PLACE series: 1962 41 1961 54 1960 55 19 59 ( iMA) 6,600-PLACE series: 1959 79 1958 110 1957 50 1956 15 1955 16 195a 16 Sources and Explanations for Table B-3 SOURCES 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1954 TO 1959 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1954 to 1956. "Trends in Building Permit Activity," Bulletin No. 1243 (1959), pp. 65-68. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1957 to 1959. Data prepared from worksheets in Bureau files. 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1959 TO 1962 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959. "Link" statistics prepared from work- sheets in Bureau files. 1960. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Calendar Year 1960," C42-14 (August 1961), p. 5 (rev.). 1961. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Calendar Year 1961," C42-28 (September 1962), p. 5. 1962. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Calendar Year 1962," C42-43 (October 1963), p. 6. 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1962. "Link" statistics prepared from work- sheets in Bureau files. 1963. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Summary Statistics 1963," C42-53 (July 1964), p. 10. 1964. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Summary Statistics 1964," C42-63 (July 1965), p. 8 (rev.). EXPLANATIONS This table presents summary statistics from 1954 to 1964 for each of 48 conterminous States and the District of Columbia. Statistics for Alaska cover the period 1960 to 1964, and for Hawaii, 1959 to 1964. Data for earlier years, 1940 to 1953, were examined but not included in this table, because they were not sufficiently comparable in coverage to those pub- lished in later years. They were limited to urban areas, while the 1954 to 1964 data were collected from all known permit- issuing places. The coverage afforded by permit- issuing places varies from State to State. Hawaii is the only State in which permits are required for all residential construction. A county permit system covering all land area exists in four of the five counties in the State. The fifth county is conterminous with the Hansen's Disease Settlement and is administered by the State Department of Health. The data for con- struction in this county are included in the "public" sector of the report. Except for three municipalities with a 1960 pop- ulation of approximately 2,000, all of California is covered by municipal, county, or State building- permit departments. In those counties which do not have building-permit departments for their unin- corporated areas, a permit must be obtained from the State Division of Housing. The data in this report cover these permits issued by the State of California. Two other States with almost complete permit- issuing coverage in 1964 are New Jersey and Rhode Island. Based on the 1960 population census, ap- proximately 99.5 percent of the population in New Jersey and about 99 percent of the population in Rhode Island lived in jurisdictions issuing building permits. At the other end of the scale are some States, usually among those listed in the southern region, with less thantwo-thirdsof their populations residing in permit- issuing places. In Ohio the number of housing units is understated for some of the permit-issuing jurisdictions. The State government reserves the right to issue building permits authorizing construction of residential build- ings with four housing units or more and all public- use buildings. This authority is delegated to local governments with "qualified" permit departments. A number of counties with these departments have been given "permanent" jurisdictions over all new residential buildings. Although many of the places in Ohio do not have final authority to authorize construction of buildings with four or more housing units, some issue building or zoning permits, and report these data to the Bureau of the Census. Other places do not report them. During the past few years, the State authorized construction of approximately 1,000 housing units annually in permit-issuing places which do not report buildings with four or more housing units to the Bureau of the Census. The sta- tistics in this report do not cover the permits issued by the State of Ohio. Supplemental statistics for two transition years, 1959 and 1962, are presented to link the 6,600-place series to the 10,000-pIace series and the 10,000 to the 12,000-place series, respectively. 53 54 Except for the actual data for Hawaii and the District of Columbia, the statistics for the 1959 transition year are estimates derived by the following procedure: For each State, a ratio is calculated measuring the relation between the totals for the3,014-place universe and the 10,000- place universe for the year 1960. The ratio, thus obtained, is applied to the total of the respective State in the 3,014-place universe for 1959. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The resulting figure, with minor adjustments made in some cases, represents the individual State estimate for the 10,000-place series. The State figures for the transition year 1962 represent the sum of the reported data for the 10,000-place series and the data compiled from supplemental unpublished reports received from the 2,000 additional places newly identified as permit- issuing in 1962. \ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 55 Table B 3. States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964 Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, coverage. Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In Structures wi th- (contract Total Total In structures with- (contract awards) awards) 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ALABAMA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 196; 16 530 15 504 13 057 767 1 680 1 026 179 327 169 025 154 354 5 622 9 048 10 302 1963 19 147 17 723 13 980 908 2 835 1 424 187 511 173 914 153 788 5 492 14 634 13 597 1962 15 383 14 54-i 13 254 478 812 839 148 257 139 894 133 924 2 133 3 837 8 363 1C,000-PLAC£ SERIES: 1962 14 736 13 977 12 687 478 812 759 142 527 134 904 128 934 2 133 3 837 7 623 1961 13 74^ 12 595 11 720 437 438 1 149 125 053 114 449 110 655 1 808 1 987 10 604 1960 12 493 11 648 11 166 284 198 845 111 959 104 210 101 255 1 159 1 796 7 749 1959 20 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 18 401 16 581 15 035 899 647 1 820 156 000 139 704 131 012 5 869 2 823 16 294 1958 19 251 17 668 16 090 968 610 1 583 149 576 135 4-40 129 366 3 662 2 412 14 136 1957 13 056 12 210 11 334 588 288 846 99 985 91 720 88 521 2 176 1 023 8 264 1956 12 344 12 194 11 333 451 410 150 92 700 91 400 88 800 1 600 1 100 1 200 1955 13 442 13 442 12 481 552 409 - 96 300 96 300 93 400 1 600 1 300 . 195A 12 473 12 473 11 391 737 345 - 79 700 79 700 76 000 2 400 1 200 - ALASKA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 992 801 318 150 333 191 15 350 12 709 7 244 2 245 3 219 2 641 1963 886 886 325 226 335 - 13 525 13 525 7 463 3 178 2 883 _ 1962 569 569 267 146 156 - 11 199 11 199 7 761 2 300 1 138 - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1962 514 514 240 134 140 - 10 547 10 547 7 338 2 168 1 041 - 1961 324 323 189 61 73 1 5 775 5 739 4 377 832 530 36 1960 359 359 303 24 32 _ 8 241 8 241 7 651 321 269 _ 1959 300 (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1958 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1957 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1956 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1955 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1954 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ARIZONA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 15 862 15 832 7 870 2 714 5 248 30 137 385 137 088 85 814 15 329 35 945 297 1963 22 696 22 587 8 981 6 518 7 088 109 173 894 173 111 96 109 33 947 43 055 783 1962 20 376 20 148 11 061 2 508 6 579 228 175 580 173 649 112 525 13 087 48 036 1 931 1962 19 983 19 755 10 729 2 463 6 563 228 170 818 168 887 108 147 12 803 47 936 1 931 1961 19 436 19 285 14 786 1 432 3 067 151 173 688 172 24A 144- 051 7 602 20 591 1 443 1960 21 309 21 247 17 821 1 539 1 887 62 190 243 189 388 169 868 8 010 11 511 855 1959 25 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1959 24 199 23 935 18 418 2 712 2 805 264 211 140 208 790 176 291 13 177 19 322 2 350 1958 21 001 20 209 15 885 2 230 2 094 792 178 495 169 720 146 742 11 007 11 971 8 775 1957 15 644 15 532 12 977 1 075 1 480 112 133 503 132 388 119 599 4 680 8 109 1 115 1956 12 216 12 202 10 710 791 701 14 98 900 98 700 90 800 3 500 4 400 100 13 803 13 803 12 485 756 562 - 107 500 107 500 102 100 2 900 2 500 . 1954. 11 810 11 810 10 910 683 217 - 87 800 87 800 84 600 2 500 700 - ARKANSAS 12,000-PLACE SERIEiS: 7 379 6 635 5 352 329 954 744 85 250 76 967 68 560 1 919 6 489 8 283 1963 7 045 6 646 5 347 310 989 399 78 679 74 713 63 232 1 781 9 700 3 966 1962 6 710 6 388 5 313 226 849 322 67 701 64 780 56 913 1 162 6 705 2 921 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 6 229 5 937 4 876 212 849 292 62 972 60 291 52 626 960 6 705 2 681 1961 4 261 4 102 3 909 130 63 159 41 549 40 296 39 406 603 287 1 253 1960 4 194 3 724 3 538 147 39 470 42 415 35 972 35 120 677 175 6 443 1959 4 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 4 112 4 012 3 868 106 38 100 38 339 37 606 36 839 646 121 734 1958 4 389 4 376 4 146 147 83 13 40 428 40 335 38 934 824 577 93 1957 3 706 3 469 3 357 93 19 237 30 868 29 027 28 495 464 68 1 840 1956 3 726 3 726 3 601 114 11 - 29 100 29 100 28 500 500 100 . 1955 4 237 4 185 4 076 109 - 52 32 000 31 700 31 100 500 - 300 1954 4 157 4 156 4 018 110 28 1 29 400 29 400 28 800 500 200 - 56 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 3 States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, coverage. Private (perm it-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In structures wi h- (contract Total Total In structures with- (contract awards) awards) . ., 2-4 5 units , . 2-4 5 units units or more units or more CALIFORNIA 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 19&4 260 197 258 042 112 065 37 554 108 423 2 155 3 349 496 3 319 615 1 930 936 352 576 1 036 053 29 881 1963 305 524 304 208 128 739 50 809 124 660 1 316 3 635 555 3 615 897 2 078 236 442 763 1 094 893 19 658 1962 250 926 249 638 122 875 28 995 97 768 1 288 3 033 863 3 018 096 1 969 355 240 463 808 278 15 767 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 24^ 963 243 696 117 765 28 506 97 425 1 267 2 849 123 2 833 737 1 790 552 236 862 806 323 15 336 1961 211 845 208 053 117 037 18 084 72 932 3 792 2 435 966 2 391 085 1 677 069 140 343 573 669 44 381 1960 194 547 192 375 119 512 16 231 56 632 2 172 2 183 131 2 154 655 1 600 647 123 858 430 150 28 476 1959 238 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 236 582 233 570 153 765 19 595 60 210 3 012 2 528 930 2 484 600 1 955 381 141 481 337 238 44 330 1958 196 716 192 465 120 782 16 600 55 083 4 251 1 997 630 1 939 165 1 483 496 115 706 339 963 53 466 1957 169 425 167 052 109 989 13 812 43 251 2 373 1 683 644 1 657 969 1 305 424 87 637 264 908 25 675 1956 177 168 177 096 138 582 11 634 26 880 72 1 779 900 1 779 100 1 560 200 70 700 148 300 300 1955 212 493 212 231 179 522 11 395 21 314 262 2 018 900 2 016 200 1 835 100 66 200 114 900 2 700 195A 199 421 197 466 160 978 13 795 22 693 1 955 1 714 200 1 698 200 1 505 300 72 200 120 200 16 000 COLORADO 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 17 058 16 272 11 281 959 4 032 786 199 052 189 732 153 477 7 033 29 172 9 320 1963 18 118 17 594 12 248 1 266 4 080 524 208 146 202 316 168 101 9 164 25 551 5 330 1962 20 669 20 023 14 546 1 264 4 213 646 241 003 234 607 197 234 9 546 27 327 6 396 10, GOO-PLACE SERIES: 1962 20 564 19 918 14 441 1 264 4 213 646 240 097 233 701 196 323 9 546 27 827 6 396 1961 22 878 22 813 12 853 1 858 8 102 65 229 072 228 425 170 107 13 301 45 017 647 1960 17 216 17 054 11 307 1 246 4 501 162 177 622 176 239 144 162 8 529 23 547 1 333 1959 17 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 15 952 15 952 13 106 1 Oil 1 835 - 179 577 179 577 163 209 6 938 9 430 - 1958 17 922 16 670 13 142 733 2 795 1 252 178 076 162 907 145 762 4 765 12 330 15 168 1957 12 897 12 304 10 351 676 1 277 593 133 430 123 352 113 950 4 019 5 883 9 628 1956 14 855 14 248 12 651 722 875 607 145 300 138 900 131 100 4 100 3 600 6 500 1955 20 183 19 963 17 721 1 023 1 219 220 177 900 176 300 163 900 6 200 6 200 1 600 195"^ 18 661 18 653 16 565 1 114 974 8 156 600 156 500 147 000 5 800 3 700 100 CONNECTICUT 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 24 690 24 136 14 260 1 839 8 037 554 309 118 302 634 232 539 15 454 54 591 6 484 1963 19 366 18 920 13 398 993 4 529 446 244 350 240 190 204 766 7 977 27 447 4 660 1962 18 379 17 446 12 632 1 164 3 650 933 234 791 223 663 139 520 9 638 24 506 11 128 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1962 17 553 16 620 11 829 1 141 3 650 933 223 510 212 382 178 400 9 477 24 506 11 128 1961 16 209 15 084 11 999 597 2 488 1 125 212 631 199 646 177 195 5 100 17 351 12 988 1960 15 894 15 098 12 735 607 1 706 796 208 078 197 922 179 669 4 580 13 673 10 156 1959 19 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 16 908 16 574 14 220 331 2 023 334 215 616 211 353 195 082 2 750 14 021 3 762 1958 14 129 13 785 12 178 220 1 387 344 175 661 171 254 161 131 1 732 8 341 4 406 1957 15 612 15 118 14 037 317 764 494 193 476 136 369 179 905 2 001 4 963 6 606 1956 17 514 17 454 16 731 280 44-3 60 217 600 216 900 211 800 2 100 3 000 700 1955 17 871 17 655 16 804 178 673 216 215 700 213 100 205 400 1 400 6 300 2 600 1954. . , 17 398 17 258 15 379 397 1 482 140 193 900 192 400 177 300 2 800 12 400 1 500 DELAWARE 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 5 290 5 141 3 633 121 1 387 149 62 212 60 302 50 512 954 8 836 1 910 1963 4 122 4 122 3 490 36 596 _ 56 921 56 921 53 544 172 3 205 - 1962 3 216 3 216 2 506 50 660 - 43 147 43 147 35 985 304 6 358 - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES: 1962 2 425 2 425 1 889 34 502 - 35 579 35 579 30 020 234 5 325 - 1961 2 577 2 577 2 235 23 319 - 33 537 33 537 29 486 170 3 881 - 1960 2 739 2 739 2 427 12 300 - 34 955 34 955 31 887 68 3 000 - 1959 2 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 2 309 2 309 1 666 19 624 . 43 149 43 149 36 531 168 6 400 - 1958 2 935 2 487 2 237 7 243 4^8 38 932 33 415 30 444 91 2 330 5 516 1957 2 344 2 344 2 328 10 6 - 29 605 29 605 29 483 100 21 - 1956 3 202 3 202 3 183 19 . . 33 000 33 000 32 900 100 - - 1955 4 112 4 112 4 084 28 - _ 40 900 40 900 40 700 200 - - 1954 3 579 3 579 3 552 22 5 - 30 500 30 500 30 400 100 - - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 57 Table B 3 States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, coverage, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Publrc (contract awards) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES: 1964 1963 1962 10,000-PLAC£ SERIES: 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 FLORIDA 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 1963 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 GEORGIA 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 , 1963 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 , 1961 , 1960 , 1959 , 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 , 1958 , 1957 , 1956 1955 , 1954. . , , HAWAII 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 , 1963 1962 , 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 8 296 7 703 3 969 3 969 2 467 2 778 1 624 624 975 082 176 796 984 72 881 67 566 62 858 60 513 64 432 69 663 94 000 65 969 64 175 63 050 58 144 53 069 48 887 32 712 35 540 29 784 28 219 23 023 22 4A3 25 000 21 332 18 251 14 952 16 355 19 668 20 976 8 330 7 992 8 853 8 853 6 638 9 099 10 273 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8 078 6 967 3 969 3 969 2 467 2 602 1 592 1 592 3 986 2 162 1 564 2 796 2 798 71 542 66 788' 62 240 59 895 63 015 68 792 (NA) 65 529 62 649 61 956 57 973 53 038 48 637 31 336 34 877 27 944 26 385 21 795 21 485 (NA) 20 688 17 371 12 960 16 274 19 665 20 310 7 598 6 914 8 849 8 849 6 563 8 129 10 273 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 400 299 274 274 316 317 278 278 331 289 413 688 724 40 492 4-4 815 45 260 42 971 50 815 57 676 (NA) 53 122 48 654 47 100 47 407 44 805 40 139 20 182 20 442 19 400 17 855 17 054 16 296 (NA) 16 227 14 535 11 478 14 633 17 556 17 838 4 553 4 288 4 454 4 454 4 102 4 867 4 772 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19 37 37 12 60 113 5 012 4 834 3 869 3 845 3 083 4 349 (NA) 4 660 5 742 5 343 4 713 4 535 4 055 1 256 1 373 1 212 1 198 397 372 (NA) 1 491 711 686 782 1 115 1 098 441 459 333 333 342 187 7 678 6 663 3 695 3 695 2 132 2 285 1 277 277 655 873 139 043 961 26 038 17 139 13 111 13 079 9 117 6 767 (NA) 7 747 8 253 9 513 5 853 3 698 4 443 9 893 13 Or.2 7 332 7 332 3 844 4 317 (NA) 2 970 2 125 796 859 994 1 374 2 604 2 167 4 062 4 062 2 119 3 075 5 501 A (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 218 736 176 32 32 920 612 186 1 339 778 618 618 1 417 871 (NA) 440 1 526 1 094 171 31 250 1 376 663 1 840 1 834 1 228 958 (NA) 644 880 1 992 81 3 666 732 078 4 4 75 970 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 70 084 64 962 30 738 30 738 23 732 22 393 11 595 11 595 38 902 26 601 21 900 20 400 20 400 788 466 743 780 681 905 653 538 667 176 691 043 (NA) 614 778 583 880 577 063 530 700 459 600 386 000 325 885 318 338 281 269 265 954 211 019 202 304 (NA) 179 896 161 212 130 775 134 400 153 700 145 500 100 097 92 994 105 120 105 120 68 771 97 144 95 886 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 67 491 55 407 30 738 30 738 23 732 20 643 11 236 11 236 26 893 16 297 15 100 20 400 13 400 775 660 735 611 675 761 647 394 653 066 631 077 (NA) 611 703 569 929 567 531 528 500 459 000 384 300 311 948 311 464 261 837 246 591 193 106 192 593 (NA) 174 044 153 303 111 000 133 400 153 600 140 100 83 846 78 317 105 053 105 053 67 588 34 550 95 88o (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 656 4 538 4 245 4 245 4 571 4 953 4 361 4 361 5 072 4 764 6 800 8 100 8 700 530 203 563 517 538 352 510 319 543 054 607 397 (NA) 537 260 487 604 476 763 462 900 414 900 344 300 248 414 237 597 216 863 201 675 177 310 163 529 (NA) 156 298 140 176 104 328 127 600 145 800 127 400 60 828 54 479 56 851 56 851 48 929 54 366 50 402 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 111 223 223 100 300 500 33 367 33 884 22 008 21 863 19 113 25 471 (NA) 26 741 31 592 29 651 25 100 23 800 20 100 6 987 7 839 6 082 6 042 3 961 4 705 (NA) 6 607 3 757 3 015 3 100 4 600 4 600 5 035. 4 638 2 930 2 930 3 007 1 46i 61 835 50 869 26 493 26 493 19 050 15 695 6 652 6 652 21 821 11 533 8 300 12 000 9 200 212 091 138 210 115 402 115 212 85 898 47 703 (NA) 47 702 50 733 61 117 40 600 20 300 19 900 56 547 66 028 38 837 33 873 16 334 24 359 (NA) 11 139 9 375 657 800 300 000 22 933 19 199 45 272 45 272 15 652 23 720 45 484 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 593 9 555 1 745 359 359 12 009 10 304 6 800 2 000 12 806 3 169 6 144 6 144 14 110 9 966 (NA) 3 077 18 953 9 531 2 200 600 1 600 13 937 6 874 19 432 19 363 12 914 9 711 (M) 5 852 7 904 19 775 1 000 100 5 400 11 251 14 677 67 67 1 133 12 594 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 58 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 3 States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, coverage, Private (perm t-authorized) Private (perm t-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In structures with- (contract Total Total In structures with- (contract awards) awards) . 2-4 5 units , . 2-4 5 units units or more units or more IDAHO 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1 716 1 716 1 262 231 223 _ 22 311 22 311 18 717 1 976 1 617 _ 1964 1 831 1 831 1 321 156 354 - 23 707 23 707 18 539 1 319 3 849 _ 1963 1 968 1 937 1 543 291 103 31 22 833 22 550 19 663 2 150 737 283 1962 10, GOO-PLACE SERIES: 1962 1 899 1 868 1 491 286 91 31 22 099 21 816 19 041 2 115 660 283 1961 1 808 1 808 1 548 216 44 - 20 269 20 267 18 476 1 510 282 _ 1960 1 858 1 858 1 663 137 58 - 21 584 21 584 20 113 974 498 . 1959 2 300 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6, 600 -PLACE SERIES: 1959 2 187 2 186 2 030 123 33 1 25 701 25 685 24 607 899 179 17 1958 2 016 2 016 1 851 123 42 _ 22 646 22 645 21 567 795 283 _ 1957 1 510 1 510 1 453 45 12 _ 16 897 16 897 16 488 296 113 _ 1956 1 590 1 525 1 431 67 27 65 17 500 16 900 16 300 500 200 600 1955 1 395 1 895 1 830 55 10 - 19 300 19 300 18 900 300 100 _ 1954 1 652 1 652 1 549 73 30 - 15 000 15 000 14 500 400 200 - ILLINOIS 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 51 772 50 176 28 585 4 167 17 424 1 596 711 208 694 635 502 035 45 938 146 663 16 573 1963 51 522 49 251 28 487 4 634 16 130 2 271 673 516 649 192 476 226 50 925 122 041 24 324 1962 53 985 52 070 30 261 3 553 18 256 1 915 702 378 682 445 494 288 36 815 151 342 19 933 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1962 51 822 49 932 28 172 3 504 18 256 1 890 667 904 648 278 460 514 36 422 151 342 19 626 1961 53 565 50 282 30 906 3 736 15 640 3 283 723 127 677 392 487 537 40 959 148 897 45 735 1960 52 638 45 850 32 337 3 162 10 351 6 788 707 930 626 501 506 371 35 142 84 988 81 429 1959 59 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6, 600- PLACE SERIES: 1959 57 225 56 220 43 110 3 161 9 949 1 005 805 472 791 631 671 249 36 502 83 880 13 840 1958 49 618 48 061 38 492 2 655 6 914 1 557 695 919 678 665 591 672 29 094 57 899 17 254 1957 47 019 46 749 37 658 3 092 5 999 270 649 364 645 626 562 703 34 065 48 858 3 738 1956 58 558 56 987 50 600 3 202 3 185 1 571 812 700 796 300 734 700 35 400 26 200 16 400 1955 67 753 65 235 57 480 3 005 4 750 2 518 858 700 833 600 765 200 31 600 36 800 25 100 1954 54 275 52 815 48 579 2 164 2 072 1 460 650 500 637 200 597 700 21 900 17 600 13 300 INDIANA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 24 593 23 844 15 652 791 7 401 749 288 901 278 378 223 686 6 234 48 457 10 523 1963 23 768 23 416 16 549 544 6 323 352 277 857 273 789 229 811 3 846 40 131 4 068 1962 21 080 20 975 17 533 499 2 943 105 261 489 260 310 235 615 3 439 21 256 1 179 10, 000 -PLAGE SERIES: 1962 18 470 18 365 15 071 399 2 895 105 228 404 227 225 203 464 2 887 20 874 1 179 1961 18 481 17 723 16 039 423 1 261 758 233 046 223 583 212 259 3 337 7 988 9 464 1960 16 674 16 610 15 765 414 431 64 209 354 208 678 202 203 3 547 2 928 676 1959 21 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6, 600 -PLACE SERIES: 1959 19 201 18 930 18 363 359 208 271 235 135 232 349 228 392 2 649 1 308 2 785 1958 15 836 15 836 15 054 255 527 - 192 110 192 110 185 743 2 195 4 172 _ 1957 15 119 15 119 14 735 199 185 _ 182 891 182 891 ISO 453 1 365 1 073 . 1956 19 760 18 372 18 028 150 194 1 388 223 900 208 900 205 800 1 300 1 800 15 000 1955 21 217 21 217 21 019 172 26 - 217 600 217 600 216 200 1 200 100 _ 1954. . , 21 306 21 054 20 547 238 269 252 194 700 192 200 189 100 1 400 1 700 2 500 IOWA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 11 253 10 953 7 990 572 2 391 300 145 051 141 974 119 280 5 082 17 612 3 077 1963 8 907 8 907 7 642 503 762 . 118 225 118 225 108 927 4 235 5 063 _ 1962 8 819 8 819 7 292 576 951 - 110 930 110 930 98 535 4 732 7 663 - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES: 1962 8 133 8 133 6 692 546 895 . 101 785 101 785 90 152 4 434 7 199 , 1961 8 163 8 163 7 384 483 296 - 105 765 105 765 99 144 4 166 2 455 ^ 1960 8 642 8 642 7 810 482 350 . 110 074 110 074 103 634 3 944 2 496 _ 1959 10 000 (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 8 071 8 071 7 725 276 70 . 107 101 107 101 104 213 2 400 488 - 1958 8 049 7 949 7 54A 251 154 100 101 358 100 758 96 653 2 134 1 971 600 1957 5 888 5 888 5 620 156 112 . 72 921 72 921 70 92S 1 24^ 749 1956 7 847 7 847 7 634 132 81 . 92 100 92 100 90 500 1 100 500 . 1955 9 627 9 627 9 318 231 78 . 106 000 106 000 103 000 1 700 1 300 1954 8 017 1 8 017 7 817 195 5 - 79 400 79 400 78 100 1 300 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 59 Table B 3. States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA' Not available. Nurrber of housing units Valuation (thousand s of dollars) State, coverage. Private (perm t-auttiorized) Private (permit-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In structures wi h- (contract Total Total In stiuctures with- (contract awards) awards) 2-4 5 units 2-4 5 units 1 unit units or more 1 unit units or more KANSAS 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1964 9 355 9 355 5 825 586 2 944 . 125 064 125 064 94 123 5 746 25 194 _ 1963 8 536 8 356 6 045 939 1 372 180 112 349 110 830 92 105 8 487 10 238 1 519 1962 9 749 9 342 6 819 931 1 592 407 119 511 115 478 95 664 7 869 11 945 4 033 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 8 963 8 556 6 104 893 1 559 407 106 426 102 393 83 471 7 277 11 645 4 033 1961 7 618 7 558 6 000 661 897 60 94 609 94 178 82 398 4 943 6 837 431 1960 7 594 7 004 6 289 427 288 590 93 333 87 510 82 681 3 065 1 765 5 823 1959 9 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6, 600- PLACE SERIES: 1959 8 112 8 064 7 322 529 213 48 92 703 92 206 86 676 4 240 1 290 497 1958 7 819 7 555 7 088 323 144 264 82 479 80 643 77 811 1 950 882 1 836 1957 6 408 6 265 5 843 289 133 143 67 133 65 881 63 036 1 671 1 174 1 252 1956 8 205 7 891 7 512 330 49 314 81 600 79 300 77 300 1 800 300 2 300 1955 . . 10 318 10 318 9 772 489 57 - 94 700 94 700 91 800 2 700 200 _ 195-4 11 223 11 223 10 477 688 58 - 90 000 90 000 86 400 3 400 200 - KENTaCKY 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 . . 15 575 14 936 10 256 630 4 050 639 173 265 166 206 133 653 5 167 27 386 7 059 1963 12 453 12 Oil 9 265 546 2 200 442 139 166 134 546 118 076 4 073 12 397 4 620 1962 10 168 9 724 8 142 412 1 170 444 114 067 109. 506 99 309 3 110 7 087 4 561 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 9 616 9 212 7 632 410 1 170 404 107 393 103 248 93 060 3 101 7 087 4 145 1961 8 566 8 024 6 719 328 977 542 94 359 88 171 80 726 2 337 5 108 6 188 1960 8 421 8 157 7 072 394 691 264 97 556 95 054 88 447 2 647 3 959 2 502 1959 11 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) 6, 600 -PLACE SERIES: 1959 10 593 10 393 9 077 379 937 200 123 569 121 698 111 480 2 925 7 293 1 871 1958 9 253 9 125 8 442 361 322 128 100 330 99 099 94 604 2 378 2 117 1 231 1957 7 681 7 103 6 704 281 118 578 86 290 78 839 76 779 1 497 563 7 451 1956 9 039 8 853 8 471 230 152 186 98 700 96 700 94 600 1 500 600 2 000 13 127 12 797 12 365 236 196 330 124 400 121 900 119 200 1 300 1 300 2 500 1954 10 823 10 816 10 361 299 156 7 94 000 93 900 91 400 1 900 600 100 LOUISIANA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 17 052 16 786 10 266 1 993 4 527 266 212 950 210 157 160 843 20 117 29 197 2 793 1963 15 629 14 139 9 489 1 547 3 103 1 490 204 206 186 839 147 500 14 768 24 571 17 367 1962 13 097 12 955 9 771 749 2 435 142 168 063 166 610 139 294 6 588 20 729 1 453 1962 13 032 12 890 9 706 749 2 435 142 167 486 166 033 138 717 6 588 20 729 1 453 1961 12 378 11 143 9 288 585 1 270 1 235 141 669 129 825 118 432 4 979 6 414 11 844 1960 11 573 11 341 9 917 673 751 232 126 404 124 341 116 045 5 143 3 153 2 063 1959 17 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) 1959 15 932 15 764 14 244 963 557 168 182 935 181 692 171 096 7 479 3 117 1 243 1958 15 231 14 537 12 189 1 378 970 694 169 641 163 912 147 452 10 629 5 831 5 729 1957 11 269 10 959 9 718 908 333 310 122 374 119 516 111 750 6 477 1 289 2 858 1956 11 552 11 532 10 690 576 266 20 132 000 131 800 126 400 4 400 1 200 200 14 552 14 552 13 483 667 402 _ 152 800 152 800 147 000 4 600 1 300 _ 1954. . , 13 645 13 637 12 501 834 302 8 123 400 123 300 116 200 6 000 1 200 100 MAINE 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1 578 1 578 1 543 27 8 - 19 080 19 080 18 800 230 50 _ 1963 1 785 1 739 1 670 28 41 46 21 436 20 595 20 033 222 340 841 1962 1 757 1 757 1 717 38 2 - 20 380 20 380 20 066 289 24 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 1 546 1 546 1 516 28 2 - 18 228 18 228 17 982 221 24 1961 1 729 1 729 1 673 45 11 - 19 884 19 884 19 409 366 110 1960 1 793 1 793 1 715 72 6 _ 20 483 20 483 19 882 565 35 1959 2 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1 306 1 306 1 290 16 - - 15 138 15 138 15 020 118 . 1958 1 154 1 127 1 113 8 6 27 12 556 12 055 11 983 52 20 501 1957 1 165 1 165 1 163 2 _ _ 12 651 12 651 12 641 10 _ 1956 1 393 1 393 1 356 37 - . 13 600 13 600 13 400 300 _ _ 1955 1 483 1 483 1 457 21 5 - 13 200 13 200 13 000 200 9 _ 1954 1 235 1 225 1 203 16 6 10 10 700 10 600 10 400 200 35 100 60 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 3 States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continuecl Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, coverage. Private (permit-authorized) Private (perm t-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In structures wi th- (contract Total Total In structures with- (contract awards) awards) 2-4 5 units , 2-4 5 units 1 unit units or more 1 unit units or more MARYIAND 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 41 763 41 471 20 569 383 20 519 292 442 740 438 268 293 131 3 763 141 374 4 472 1963 46 743 46 558 18 502 209 27 847 135 450 622 447 704 257 302 1 414 188 988 2 918 1962 35 109 35 107 19 497 132 15 478 2 344 367 344 333 249 943 1 061 93 329 34 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 34 549 34 547 18 937 132 15 478 2 338 072 338 038 243 648 1 061 93 329 34 1961 29 527 28 112 17 198 243 10 671 1 415 310 547 294 478 220 793 1 468 72 217 16 070 1960 21 305 21 303 15 169 222 5 912 2 229 604 229 580 194 689 1 176 33 716 24 1959 28 000 (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 27 747 27 435 19 916 469 7 050 312 300 084 296 212 248 372 1 656 46 184 3 872 1958 25 141 24 974 20 146 147 4 681 167 265 314 263 239 233 552 1 098 28 589 2 075 1957 22 298 20 316 18 366 222 1 728 1 982 249 139 225 164 210 886 1 280 12 998 23 975 1956 22 490 22 442 21 488 121 833 48 244 400 243 600 238 000 900 4 700 900 1955 30 404 30 015 28 689 285 1 041 389 306 700 303 000 296 000 1 300 5 700 3 700 1954 31 223 30 736 28 451 1 005 1 280 487 274 100 269 400 258 600 4 400 6 400 4 700 MASSACHUSETTS ;l 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 35 942 35 644 18 916 1 750 14 978 298 377 831 373 769 254 906 13 127 105 736 4 062 1963 30 231 29 737 18 922 1 531 9 284 494 344 733 338 959 248 031 11 362 79 566 5 774 1962 28 044 27 290 18 793 1 247 7 250 754 314 892 305 311 238 914 8 835 57 563 9 581 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1962 26 848 26 094 17 653 1 229 7 212 754 300 680 291 099 225 066 8 716 57 318 9 581 1961. 25 306 23 703 17 455 760 5 488 1 603 284 617 265 230 218 843 4 900 41 487 19 386 1960 21 C62 20 855 18 058 737 2 060 807 245 361 235 913 215 390 4 628 15 895 9 448 1959 22 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA.) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 21 087 20 400 18 317 452 1 631 687 237 842 230 791 215 636 2 894 12 261 7 050 1958 18 574 16 334 15 218 412 704 2 240 206 412 178 292 170 586 2 600 5 106 28 120 1957 16 343 15 561 15 015 286 260 782 177 971 168 758 165 206 2 116 1 436 9 213 1956 22 571 21 736 21 194 222 320 835 231 400 222 100 217 900 1 600 2 600 9 300 1955 25 203 24 563 23 986 286 291 640 239 500 233 900 229 400 1 900 2 700 5 600 1954 22 330 22 118 21 487 369 262 212 202 200 199 900 195 900 2 000 2 000 2 400 MICHIGAN 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 48 971 48 673 33 593 1 412 13 668 298 668 354 664 895 540 167 12 371 112 356 3 459 1963 41 348 40 907 30 983 882 9 042 441 539 519 534 266 460 131 6 951 67 183 5 253 1962 35 729 35 269 28 955 572 5 742 460 486 374 480 916 411 405 4 628 64 882 5 458 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 35 003 34 548 28 240 566 5 742 455 478 321 472 978 403 542 4 553 64 882 5 343 1961 31 253 31 213 28 596 538 2 079 40 414 021 413 523 393 889 4 722 14 912 499 1960 33 622 33 332 31 078 494 1 760 290 436 381 429 613 413 239 3 840 12 533 6 768 1959 40 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 36 035 35 525 33 739 333 1 453 510 455 753 44-8 073 432 772 2 620 12 681 7 680 1958 37 744 37 464 34 729 537 2 198 280 447 012 444 379 424 484 4 162 15 733 2 633 1957 39 983 38 427 34 398 836 3 193 1 556 481 686 468 359 434 448 7 703 26 208 13 327 1956 48 533 47 929 45 428 589 1 912 604 579 100 574 600 557 700 5 600 11 300 4 500 1955 62 039 61 743 59 765 724 1 254 296 686 500 683 800 670 000 5 800 8 000 2 700 1954 59 543 59 306 55 888 1 066 2 352 237 600 900 599 000 573 900 8 200 16 800 1 900 MINNESOTA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 21 476 21 219 11 303 1 122 8 794 257 286 800 283 246 192 005 11 882 79 359 3 554 1963 21 096 21 -006 11 586 1 046 8 374 90 262 986 261 707 186 559 10 411 64 737 1 279 1962 21 181 19 977 11 323 1 168 7 486 1 204 254 777 242 690 174 655 10 850 57 186 12 087 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 20 439 19 235 10 602 1 153 7 480 1 204 244 844 232 757 164 844 10 747 57 166 12 087 1961 17 230 16 513 10 351 958 5 204 717 216 643 208 982 159 027 9 269 40 685 7 661 1960 16 551 16 527 12 191 937 3 399 24 218 167 217 938 183 671 8 941 25 326 229 1959 20 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 19 576 19 576 15 089 1 137 3 350 _ 262 170 262 170 226 765 11 358 24 047 _ 1958 18 836 17 738 14 268 824 2 646 1 098 246 999 233 250 206 829 8 221 18 200 13 750 1957 14 091 13 586 12 545 460 581 505 192 310 186 175 177 945 4 413 3 817 6 135 1956 15 819 15 719 15 211 300 208 100 209 900 209 100 204 800 3 100 1 200 800 1955 18 654 18 654 18 305 216 133 - 237 900 237 900 235 100 1 900 900 - 1954 17 438 17 437 16 961 294 182 1 203 300 203 300 199 800 2 500 1 000 16 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 61 Table B 3. States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total, "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, coverage, and year Number of housing units Total Private (perrrit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MISSISSIPPI 12,000-PLACE SERIES 19&i 1963 1962 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 MISSOURI 12,000-PLACE SERIES 1964 1963 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 MONTANA 12,000-PLACE SERIES 1964 1963 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954. ..... NEBRASKA 12, 000- PUCE SERIES 1964 1963 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 6 213 6 128 5 652 4 715 4 812 5 290 4 000 886 039 648 919 694 4 262 29 420 24 251 20 474 19 125 18 972 18 528 27 000 20 535 17 246 10 845 13 161 17 180 16 355 460 737 590 549 778 019 000 1 999 1 761 1 334 1 658 1 989 1 953 7 133 7 074 8 530 8 356 8 672 6 972 7 000 6 400 5 499 3 794 4 529 5 849 5 482 6 139 5 853 5 426 4 549 4 379 4 547 (NA) 3 480 2 539 1 994 2 919 3 687 4 181 28 806 24 199 19 778 18 481 18 548 18 378 (NA) 19 217 16 260 (NA) 13 143 16 520 15 165 1 410 1 680 1 500 1 489 1 743 1 819 (NA) 1 993 1 761 (NA) 1 658 1 989 1 953 6 288 6 959 8 480 8 306 7 772 6 922 (NA) 6 184 5 099 3 794 4 472 5 849 5 482 4 448 4 540 4 888 4 017 3 844 3 701 (NA) 160 337 811 697 386 983 16 819 15 492 14 672 13 580 13 852 15 031 (NA) 14 189 13 477 (NA) 12 467 15 438 13 799 1 109 1 220 1 236 1 225 1 442 1 570 (NA) 1 708 1 524 (NA) 1 555 1 790 1 756 4 560 5 373 6 239 6 079 6 427 5 983 (NA) 236 234 195 189 419 242 (NA) 263 185 155 147 267 157 2 264 2 481 1 851 1 675 1 424 1 417 (NA) 1 542 1 043 (NA) 285 609 498 130 271 139 139 276 185 (NA) 170 195 (NA) 87 137 125 505 653 470 288 588 197 327 353 329 321 399 308 (NA) 357 220 140 162 189 246 1 455 1 079 343 343 116 604 (NA) 57 17 28 75 34 41 9 723 6 226 3 255 3 226 3 272 1 930 (NA) 3 486 1 740 (NA) 391 473 171 189 125 125 25 64 (NA). 115 42 (NA) 16 62 72 1 401 1 233 1 912 1 906 946 631 (NA) 322 226 184 22 72 39 74 275 226 166 433 743 (NA) 406 500 654 7 81 614 52 696 644 424 150 (NA) 1 318 986 (NA) 18 660 1 190 50 57 90 60 35 200 (NA) (NA) 845 115 50 50 900 50 (NA) 216 400 57 59 653 58 141 53 269 42 838 43 384 48 509 (NA) 30 394 23 140 21 252" 20 800 26 000 27 400 322 239 264 575 228 683 215 403 215 167 202 613 (NA) 224 413 181 738 115 537 143 700 181 600 155 400 18 121 20 822 18 698 18 001 20 925 21 991 (NA) 22 147 18 336 14 176 17 700 20 400 17 600 77 779 78 391 91 378 89 651 91 301 71 587 (NA) 64 540 55 636 37 977 41 300 48 900 42 700 58 901 55 146 51 451 41 569 39 504 40 128 (NA) 27 592 18 756 14 963 20 800 25 900 26 800 316 475 264 179 221 072 208 188 210 590 201 269 (NA) 208 877 171 506 (NA) 143 200 175 100 143 800 17 787 20 035 17 485 17 278 20 448 20 266 (NA) 22 072 18 336 (NA) 17 700 20 400 17 600 69 247 77 208 90 878 89 151 78 910 71 102 (NA) 60 989 50 165 37 977 40 600 48 900 42 700 49 601 48 Oil 49 445 39 587 37 380 34 610 (NA) 26 392 18 088 14 455 20 000 25 000 26 100 226 697 200 626 182 585 171 253 165 501 175 757 (NA) 162 189 150 018 (NA) 135 300 166 700 132 900 15 465 16 703 15 593 15 386 18 228 18 295 (NA) 20 033 16 625 (NA) 17 000 18 800 16 400 59 618 68 458 73 319 71 654 71 044 65 168 (NA) 56 748 47 335 35 852 39 500 47 400 41 000 1 260 1 055 755 731 1 594 724 (NA) 973 604 407 500 900 500 16 771 18 466 14 192 12 831 10 433 10 491 (NA) 11 421 7 264 (NA) 2 100 4 500 3 300 1 052 1 877 987 2 082 1 451 (NA) 1 355 1 440 (NA) 600 700 3 038 2 963 2 840 2 788 3 067 2 716 (NA) 705 551 102 000 100 500 8 040 6 080 1 251 1 251 529 4 795 (NA) 227 64 101 400 100 200 73 007 45 088 24 295 24 104 34 655 15 020 (NA) 35 267 14 224 (NA) 5 900 3 900 7 600 1 270 1 455 905 905 138 520 (NA) 684 271 (NA) 100 900 500 6 591 5 787 14 719 14 709 4 799 3 219 (NA) 1 536 1 279 1 024 100 300 200 752 2 995 1 818 1 269 3 880 8 381 (NA) 2 802 4 383 6 289 100 600 5 764 396 7 611 7 215 4 577 1 344 (NA) 15 536 10 233 (NA) 500 6 500 11 600 334 787 1 213 723 477 1 725 (NA) 76 (NA) 8 532 1 183 500 500 12 392 485 (NA) 3 550 5 471 700 62 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 3. States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousand s of dollars) State, coverage. Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In structures with- (contract Total Total In structures witti- (contract awards) awards) 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NEVADA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES: 19fyi 6 037 5 712 3 856 860 996 325 88 528 84 274 68 394 8 637 7 239 4 258 1963 14 644 14 341 9 247 1 395 3 699 303 198 204 194 740 153 547 11 975 29 218 3 464 1962 17 975 17 850 8 265 3 976 5 609 125 188 235 186 652 116 506 29 680 40 466 1 583 10, COO-PLACE SERIES: 1962 17 822 17 697 8 112 3 976 5 609 125 186 268 184 685 114 539 29 680 40 466 1 583 1961 7 480 7 374 4 853 763 1 758 106 84 691 83 233 64 715 5 671 12 846 1 458 1960 5 239 5 114 3 771 384 959 125 61 591 60 049 49 693 2 789 7 567 1 542 1959 4 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959. 3 425 3 324 2 479 288 557 101 39 922 38 682 33 292 2 025 3 365 1 240 1958 2 895 2 487 1 976 236 275 408 31 880 27 360 24 183 1 647 1 530 4 520 1957 2 540 1 845 1 353 164 328 695 28 892 19 932 16 304 1 157 2 471 8 960 1956 2 241 2 237 1 793 182 262 4 23 300 23 300 20 700 1 000 1 600 n 1955 3 917 3 917 3 037 346 534 _ 37 500 37 500 33 200 1 900 2 400 195^ 4 642 4 642 3 759 537 346 - 36 700 36 700 31 900 3 200 1 500 MEW HAMPSHIRE 12, 000- PLACE SERIES: 1964 3 198 3 058 2 605 233 220 140 39 558 37 446 34 286 1 635 1 525 2 112 1963 3 069 2 917 2 563 152 202 152 37 214 35 267 32 615 1 185 1 467 1 947 1962 2 793 2 733 2 555 107 71 60 33 681 32 901 31 552 863 487 78C 10, 000- PLACE SERIES: 1962 2 117 2 057 1 927 87 43 60 25 189 24 409 23 409 705 296 78C 1961 2 765 2 465 1 756 48 661 300 29 075 25 353 19 952 304 5 098 3 722 1960 1 842 1 842 1 777 40 25 _ 20 581 20 581 20 080 261 240 1959 2 400 (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 2 019 2 019 2 001 18 _ _ 21 928 21 928 21 827 101 - 1958 1 468 1 344 1 319 15 10 124 15 418 13 969 13 797 105 67 1 449 1957 1 351 1 351 1 319 32 _ _ 13 559 13 559 13 384 174 - 1956 1 992 1 992 1 929 58 5 - 20 300 20 300 20 000 300 15 1955 2 256 2 256 2 218 38 _ _ 20 700 20 700 20 500 200 - 195 14 367 14 353 8 835 1 329 4 189 14 170 467 170 204 122 380 10 404 37 419 263 1963 13 918 13 658 S 376 1 276 4 006 260 153 337 150 995 113 253 9 605 28 137 2 342 1962 11 479 11 223 8 144 1 293 1 786 256 133 658 131 397 108 667 9 184 13 546 2 261 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 11 316 11 060 7 993 1 281 1 786 256 131 866 129 605 106 953 9 106 13.546 2 261 1961 10 284 10 156 7 814 1 005 1 337 128 120 317 119 350 102 999 7 444 8 908 967 1960 9 993 9 676 7 039 818 1 819 317 118 168 115 463 94 444 6 190 14 829 2 705 1959 10 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 8 024 8 024 5 695 794 1 535 - 94 796 94 796 74 886 5 884 14 026 - 1958 6 439 6 397 5 099 576 722 42 73 493 73 109 62 990 4 179 5 940 384 1957 4 315 4 309 3 734 311 264 6 49 906 49 786 45 955 2 300 1 531 121 1956 6 534 6 534 5 858 440 236 _ 71 600 71 600 67 000 2 800 1 600 - 1955 7 559 7 559 6 968 360 231 _ 80 800 80 800 77 000 2 400 1 500 - 195i 7 952 7 938 7 103 455 330 14 76 700 76 600 70 800 3 200 2 600 100 PENNSYLVANIA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 40 451 39 663 21 790 1 554 16 319 788 459 669 448 814 324 428 10 497 113 890 10 855 1963 36 689 35 051 22 208 1 662 11 181 1 638 429 978 406 487 313 288 12 091 81 107 23 491 1962 39 670 38 637 23 729 1 912 12 996 1 033 447 334 434 077 321 748 12 936 99 393 13 257 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 37 900 36 867 22 005 1 888 12 974 1 033 423 429 410 172 298 219 12 696 99 257 13 257 1961 36 163 33 463 22 935 2 663 7 865 2 700 425 329 393 139 306 467 17 972 68 699 32 190 1960 35 520 33 575 25 641 2 912 5 022 1 945 415 997 390 172 341 349 18 743 30 080 25 825 1959 38 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 33 452 31 759 25 896 2 408 3 455 1 693 402 637 383 770 341 362 16 119 26 289 18 867 1958 27 070 25 767 21 855 1 874 2 038 1 303 327 386 312 318 286 029 12 781 13 508 15 069 1957 28 043 27 926 24 572 1 319 2 035 117 347 990 345 954 317 147 9 040 19 767 2 036 1956 33 154 32 782 30 405 1 220 1 157 372 383 800 379 400 362 500 8 500 8 500 4 400 1955 44 541 44 408 41 618 1 115 1 675 133 473 900 472 600 450 700 7 300 14 600 1 300 195^. . , 37 954 37 403 33 874 2 453 1 076 551 389 600 383 900 359 300 17 200 7 400 5 700 RHODE ISLAND 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 5 170 4 867 3 806 294 767 303 57 768 53 847 46 836 2 236 4 775 3 921 1963 4 897 4 209 3 626 160 423 688 51 032 47 409 43 749 1 259 2 402 3 623 1962 4 157 3 999 3 663 155 181 158 46 494 44 856 42 489 1 084 1 283 1 638 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 4 095 3 937 3 601 155 181 158 45 884 44 246 41 879 1 084 1 283 1 638 1961 4 194 3 619 3 309 137 173 575 47 095 39 493 37 546 988 959 7 602 1960 3 892 3 692 3 446 132 114 200 41 513 39 624 37 997 950 677 1 889 1959 3 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PUCE SERIES: 1959 3 199 3 199 3 086 58 55 - 32 729 32 729 32 035 412 282 - 1958 2 638 2 602 2 518 52 32 36 24 831 24 551 24 117 318 116 280 1957 2 634 2 590 2 525 51 14 44 24 055 23 513 23 084 331 98 542 1956 3 026 3 017 2 982 35 _ 9 27 800 27 600 27 400 200 - 200 1955 3 485 3 485 3 443 42 - - 31 600 31 600 31 300 300 - - 1954 3 359 3 359 3 093 251 15 - 27 600 27 600 25 700 1 900 100 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 65 Table B 3. States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero 'NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, coverage. Private (permit-auttiorized) Private (permit-authorized) Public Public and year Total Total In structures wi tfl- (contract Total Total In structures with- (contract awards) awards) . 2-4 5 units , , 2-4 5 units units or more units or more SOUTH CAROLINA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 19&4 7 531 7 050 6 159 459 432 481 85 963 78 883 73 110 2 558 3 215 7 090 1963 6 283 6 203 5 369 420 414 80 61 026 60 437 54 854 1 942 3 641 589 1962 5 273 4 769 4 435 255 79 504 55 211 48 657 47 214 1 095 347 6 554 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1962 4 165 3 741 3 421 241 79 424 45 095 39 130 37 748 1 034 347 5 965 1961 3 954 3 393 3 113 200 80 561 39 356 32 726 31 502 888 336 6 630 1960 3 863 3 613 3 375 187 51 250 36 116 33 711 32 783 790 138 2 405 1959 5 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6, 600 -PLACE SERIES: 1959 4 112 3 990 3 610 254 126 122 39 059 37 642 36 131 1 132 379 1 417 1958 3 478 3 478 3 303 170 5 _ 32 833 32 833 32 064 753 16 - 1957 3 265 3 145 2 980 117 48 120 29 358 28 218 27 562 436 220 1 140 1956 3 945 3 945 3 715 198 32 . 33 900 33 900 33 000 800 100 - 1955 5 351 5 351 4 802 443 106 - 42 700 42 700 40 700 1 700 300 - 1954 4 790 4 790 4 240 445 105 - 32 900 32 900 30 800 1 800 300 - SOUTH DAKOTA 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 1 538 1 404 1 169 93 142 134 19 479 17 440 15 535 770 1 134 2 039 1963 1 668 1 668 1 362 85 221 _ 19 128 19 128 17 189 558 1 381 _ 1962 1 652 1 649 1 418 98 133 3 18 524 18 466 16 944 678 844 58 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 1962 1 627 1 624 1 393 98 133 3 18 172 18 114 16 592 678 844 58 1961 1 939 1 939 1 758 125 56 - 20 387 20 387 19 153 897 337 - 1960 1 721 1 721 1 606 48 67 - 18 705 18 705 17 992 381 332 _ 1959 2 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 2 251 2 031 1 932 62 37 220 26 297 22 697 21 992 489 216 3 599 1958 1 679 1 679 1 615 40 24 _ 17 951 17 951 17 561 280 110 _ 1957 1 155 1 067 1 030 24 13 88 11 537 10 846 10 616 170 60 690 1956 1 556 1 556 1 502 36 18 _ 16 400 16 400 16 000 200 100 _ 1955 2 314 2 314 2 230 68 16 - 21 200 21 200 20 700 400 100 _ 1954 2 172 2 172 2 061 94 17 - 16 800 16 800 16 300 400 100 - TENNESSEE 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 20 547 19 675 12 010 1 224 6 441 872 185 258 176 551 142 565 5 568 28 418 8 707 1963 18 829 18 081 11 943 1 177 4 961 748 160 280 152 747 127 560 4 888 20 299 7 533 1962 16 383 14 772 11 468 971 2 333 1 611 144 600 128 640 113 585 4 052 11 004 15 960 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 1962 15 896 14 303 11 009 961 2 333 1 593 138 877 123 105 108 101 4 001 11 004 15 772 1961 16 142 15 092 11 593 942 2 557 1 050 139 518 128 150 108 046 4 348 15 757 11 367 1960 15 355 14 820 11 793 1 174 1 853 535 125 948 120 516 107 777 4 892 7 847 5 432 1959 18 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 17 120 16 333 13 173 1 225 1 935 787 130 090 122 267 112 021 4 929 5 317 7 823 1958 14 248 13 431 11 483 959 989 817 110 635 102 557 96 589 3 437 2 531 8 078 1957 9 954 9 616 8 151 684 781 338 75 995 72 865 68 44^6 2 157 2 262 3 130 1956 11 540 11 340 10 448 648 244 200 88 300 86 600 84 000 2 000 500 1 700 1955 16 836 16 812 15 252 888 672 24 120 600 120 400 115 600 2 900 1 800 200 1954. . 16 084 15 767 14 180 803 784 317 107 300 104 400 99 300 2 600 2 500 2 800 TEXAS 12,000-PLACE SERIES: 1964 78 896 77 383 43 001 2 749 31 633 1 513 826 730 811 988 591 389 19 811 200 789 14 742 1963 87 951 87 249 45 489 3 053 38 707 702 864 882 859 212 598 165 21 595 239 452 5 670 1962 85 082 84 299 50 138 1 882 32 279 783 823 644 815 251 620 983 12 276 181 991 8 393 10,000-PLACE SERIES: 84 156 83 373 49 227 1 867 32 279 783 814 003 805 610 611 437 12 181 181 991 8 393 1961 65 977 65 240 51 516 1 332 12 392 737 699 695 692 648 606 371 8 692 77 585 7 048 1960 58 180 57 577 49 429 1 360 6 788 603 628 871 623 408 581 788 7 779 33 841 5 463 1959 78 000 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 68 400 68 017 58 153 1 723 8 141 383 709 612 706 478 657 177 9 887 39 414 3 134 1958 69 942 68 589 58 087 1 710 8 792 1 353 703 405 691 083 634 319 9 490 47 274 12 322 1957 49 602 48 904 44 253 1 137 3 514 698 511 873 505 859 483 698 5 676 16 485 6 013 1956 45 543 45 428 42 291 1 109 2 028 115 438 200 437 500 416 400 5 700 15 400 700 1955 69 214 69 212 63 884 1 728 3 600 2 603 000 603 000 579 700 8 600 14 700 31 1954 68 478 68 374 61 944 2 336 4 094 104 550 700 550 100 523 100 10 400 16 500 600 66 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 3. States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. State, coverage, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permlt-auttrorlzed) Total In structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) UTAH 12, 000- PLACE SERIES 1964 1963 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES: 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 195; 141 464 659 628 (NA) 730 624 586 734 778 603 562 99 464 553 91 462 593 129 464 614 560 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 398 37 361 395 44 351 415 45 370 430 445 (NA) 607 526 503 658 686 552 35 9 25 44 7 37 32 8 24 37 33 (NA) 34 28 32 35 130 53 77 114 40 74 147 77 70 146 82 (NA) 89 70 51 40 11 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL 7 4 17 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962: TOTAL 12 6 12 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1961 11 (Z) 45 1960 67 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— (NA) 1958^ (NA) (NA) 1956^ (NA) 1955^ o? (NA) 1954^ 2 3^ '23" 1 '' (NA) ■"■Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 72 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964 The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ABILENE, TEX. SMSA 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 196<4: TOTAL , ABILENE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL ABILENE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL ABILENE , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 AKP,0N, OHIO, SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 196-;: TOTAL AKRON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (196"^ DEFINITION) — TOTAL AKRON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL AKRON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL AKRON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 ALBANY, GA. , SMSA 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES: 196A: TOTAL ALBANY 1963: OUTSIDE CENTRAL TOTAL CITY. . ALBANY 1962: OUTSIDE CENTRAL TOTAL CITY. . ALBANY OUTSIDE CENTRAL 10, 000- PLACE SERIES: 1962 CITY. . 1961 1960 Consists of Jones and Taylor Counties, Tex. (New area, August 'i960. ) 680 638 42 775 722 53 961 872 961 750 862 638 42 775 722 53 941 872 941 750 826 394 352 1 42 599 546 53 787 730 57 787 728 782 267 267 146 146 102 90 12 102 12 44 20 36 9 191 8 723 468 11 968 11 330 638 12 458 11 643 815 12 458 10 307 11 174 9 191 8 723 468 11 968 11 330 638 12 248 11 643 605 12 248 10 307 10 875 7 380 6 912 468 10 474 9 835 638 10 866 10 361 505 10 866 10 138 10 775 158 158 215 215 497 497 497 59 1 653 1 653 280 280 885 785 100 885 110 100 Consists of Portage and Summit Counties, Ohio (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Portage County.) 4 104 1 129 2 975 3 871 1 215 2 656 273 215 058 155 255 900 2 797 3 636 3 617 3 954 1 129 2 825 3 871 1 215 2 656 273 215 058 155 255 900 2 797 3 582 3 597 2 326 377 1 949 2 686 519 2 167 2 173 519 1 654 2 478 721 1 757 2 122 2 848 3 170 598 330 268 477 310 167 451 310 141 335 215 120 333 284 370 1 030 422 708 386 322 649 386 263 342 319 23 342 450 57 150 150 64 662 14 311 50 351 56 098 13 421 42 677 46 749 13 421 33 327 51 519 18 335 33 184 46 095 54 683 54 376 58 755 14 311 44 444 56 098 13 421 42 677 46 749 13 421 33 327 51 519 18 335 33 184 46 095 53 957 54 146 43 991 7 093 36 898 47 065 7 803 39 262 38 376 7 803 30 573 44 513 12 846 31 667 39 106 47 299 50 581 5 480 2 754 2 726 3 971 2 454 1 517 769 454 315 148 857 291 3 131 2 465 3 058 9 284 4 464 4 820 5 061 3 164 1 897 603 164 439 632 226 3 858 4 193 508 Coextensive with Dougherty County, Ga. (New area, August 1960.) 601 335 266 682 375 307 821 354 467 821 383 688 601 335 266 602 295 307 754 287 467 754 953 688 498 78 25 255 62 18 _ 243 16 7 - 504 87 11 80 234 50 11 80 270 37 - - 659 95 _ 67 194 93 _ 67 465 2 - - 659 95 67 820 119 14 430 622 66 - - 800 498 303 322 873 450 6 276 2 790 3 486 6 276 12 774 5 366 800 498 303 159 450 833 347 486 5 833 7 127 5 366 376 142 234 282 955 327 525 045 480 5 525 6 662 5 129 329 280 48 297 175 122 308 302 6 308 420 237 95 75 20 29 29 45 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 73 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) Total Total In structures wi h- Public (contract awards)- Total Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) ALBANY -SCHENECTADY -TROY, N.Y. SMSA -'Onsists of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties , N. Y. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 169 384 2 064 384 1 711 288 199 34 154 12 105 29 828 4 262 29 127 4 262" 26 468 3 459 1 808 693 852 110 701 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . ALBANY 245 245 149 84 12 - 2 719 2 719 1 916 693 110 - SCHENECTADY 50 50 50 - - - 497 497 497 - - - TROY 89 89 89 _ - _ 1 046 1 046 1 046 - - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 785 1 680 1 423 115 142 105 25 566 24 865 23 009 1 114 742 701 1963: TOTAL 2 431 883 2 031 483 1 623 240 130 58 278 185 400 400 34 367 11 396 28 475 5 504 25 161 3 279 1 141 565 2 173 1 660 5 892 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 5 892 ALBANY 742 342 117 58 167 400 9 820 3 928 1 793 565 1 570 5 892 SCHENECTADY 84 84 66 - 18 - 821 821 731 - 90 - TROY 57 57 57 - - - 754 754 754 - - - OUTSIDE CENTRA! CITIES. 1 548 1 548 1 383 72 93 - 22 971 22 971 21 882 576 513 - 1962: TOTAL 1 786 395 1 746 355 1 536 319 61 30 149 6 40 40 25 310 4 955 24 723 4 368 22 726 4 054 542 284 1 454 30 587 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 587 ALBANY 171 171 135 30 6 - 2 223 2 223 1 909 284 30 - SCHENECTADY 116 116 116 - _ - 1 355 1 355 1 355 - - - TROY 108 68 68 - - 40 1 377 790 790 - - 587 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 391 1 391 1 217 31 143 - 20 355 20 355 13 672 258 1 424 - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 734 1 856 1 719 1 694 1 724 1 533 1 486 1 432 1 506 59 61 21 149 231 6 40 132 186 24 692 25 630 25 177 24 105 23 977 22 980 22 118 21 191 22 761 532 754 179 1 454 2 032 40 587 1961 1 652 1960 2 197 ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., SMSA Coe xtensive with Be malillo Cou nty, N. r^x. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 895 2 895 2 895 2 895 1 690 1 690 399 399 806 806 - 34 659 34 659 34 659 34 659 25 286 25 286 2 790 2 790 6 583 6 583 ALBUQUERQUE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - - - - - - - - - - - - 1963: TOTAL 3 929 3 929 3 929 3 929 2 CK6 2 046 571 571 1 312 1 312 - 44 121 44 121 44 121 44 121 27 696 27 696 4 003 4 003 12 423 12 423 ALBUQUERQUE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - - - - - - - - - - - - 1962: TCTAL 2 460 2 460 2 460 2 460 1 557 1 557 433 433 470 470 - 27 266 27 266 27 266 27 266 21 573 21 573 2 665 2 665 3 028 3 028 ALBUQUERQUE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 460 1 422 2 049 2 460 1 422 2 049 1 557 1 184 1 776 433 107 124 470 131 149 - 27 266 16 876 23 623 27 266 16 876 23 623 21 573 14 984 21 987 2 665 651 754 3 028 1 242 882 1961 1960 AT.T.ENTOWN-PETHJ.EHEM EASTON, PA.-N.J., SMSA C Consists of Lehig 1 and No] "thamptoi 1 Counties, Pa . , and War ren County, N. J. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 459 1 001 2 459 1 001 1 602 327 66 45 791 629 - 31 530 9 305 31 530 9 305 25 937 4 770 538 350 5 054 4 184 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . _ ALLENTOWN 522 522 199 11 312 - 4 326 4 326 2 495 75 1 756 - BETHLEHEM 393 393 122 34 237 - 4 208 4 208 2 105 275 1 828 - EASTON 86 86 6 - 80 - 770 770 170 - 600 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 458 1 458 1 275 21 162 - 22 225 22 225 21 167 188 870 - 1963: TOTAL 2 253 795 2 253 795 1 354 271 62 23 837 501 - 27 138 7 538 27 138 7 538 21 553 4 496 636 202 4 948 2 839 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . _ ALLENTOWN 495 495 171 15 309 - 3 704 3 704 2 207 112 1 385 - BETHLEHEM 295 295 95 8 192 - 3 254 3 254 1 709 90 1 454 - EASTON 5 5 5 - - - 580 580 580 - - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 458 1 458 1 083 39 336 - 19 600 19 600 17 057 434 2 109 - 1962: TOTAL 2 047 547 1 942 44-2 1 785 361 45 33 112 48 105 105 28 641 7 138 27 228 5 725 26 035 5 137 360 278 833 310 1 413 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 1 413 ALLENTOWN 321 321 250 23 48 - 3 672 3 672 3 184 178 310 - BETHLEHEM 114 114 104 10 - - 1 929 1 929 1 829 100 - - EASrON 112 7 7 - - 105 1 537 124 124 _ - 1 413 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 5.00 1 500 1 424 12 64 21 503 21 503 20 898 82 523 - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 714 1 364 1 553 1 609 1 257 1 467 1 452 1 172 1 358 45 53 29 112 32 80 105 107 86 23 797 19 447 20 490 22 384 18 229 19 500 21 191 17 711 18 855 360 358 255 833 160 390 1 413 1961 1 218 1960 990 74 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. "X" Not applicable. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year ALTOONA, PA., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196 of Broome and Tioga Counties, N.Y. Tioga County and Susquehanna County, Pa. (Prior to 1964, definition excl N.Y., and Susquehanna County, Pa.) udes .2, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 856 45 811 1 532 504 1 028 1 370 504 866 704 165 539 662 993 706 856 45 811 1 440 412 1 028 1 278 412 866 704 165 539 662 993 706 709 33 676 732 40 692 570 40 530 554 57 497 512 676 648 26 4 22 97 40 57 97 40 57 54 12 42 54 71 44 121 8 113 611 332 279 611 332 279 96 96 96 246 14 92 92 92 92 12 969 567 12 402 18 534 5 002 13 532 15 626 5 002 10 624 9 802 1 783 8 019 9 121 12 177 10 082 12 969 567 12 402 17 160 3 628 13 532 14 252 3 628 10 624 9 802 1 783 3 019 9 121 12 177 10 082 11 831 462 11 369 11 997 570 11 427 9 089 570 8 519 8 347 718 7 629 7 666 10 190 9 621 270 60 210 758 213 545 758 213 545 476 85 391 476 587 387 868 45 823 4 405 2 845 1 560 4 405 2 845 1 560 980 980 980 1 400 75 BINGHAMTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL BINGHAMTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL BINGHAMTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL 1 374 1 374 1 374 1 374 BINGHAMTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . .0,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 _ 1961 _ 1960 _ BIRMINGHAM, ALA. , SMSA ( /oextens] Lve with Jefferson C Dunty, Ala. L2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 3 340 961 2 379 4 586 1 940 2 646 3 990 1 325 2 665 3 824 4 000 4 064 7 220 7 203 6 649 4 603 4 087 5 314 4 752 3 340 961 2 379 3 986 1 390 2 596 3 990 1 325 2 665 3 824 3 672 3 814 (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 603 4 087 5 314 4 752 2 703 525 2 178 3 058 609 2 449 3 590 958 2 632 3 424 3 236 3 565 (NA) 5 374 5 301 4 057 3 705 4 800 4 071 46 44 2 84 51 33 87 71 16 87 204 92 (NA) 869 349 292 182 150 379 591 392 199 844 730 114 313 296 17 313 232 157 (NA) 960 999 254 200 364 302 600 550 50 328 250 (NA) (NA) (NA) 37 592 7 180 30 412 45 298 13 876 31 422 40 081 9 165 30 916 38 463 37 726 38 551 (NA) 63 434 54 154 36 213 33 944 40 142 30 898 37 592 7 180 30 412 39 657 8 517 31 140 40 081 9 165 30 916 38 463 34 370 36 122 (NA) (NA) (NA) 36 213 33 944 40 142 30 898 34 515 5 135 29 379 35 824 5 511 30 314 38 447 7 711 30 736 36 829 32 496 34 062 (NA) 50 210 46 410 34 016 32 588 38 472 28 530 202 196 6 400 209 191 445 357 88 445 947 437 (NA) 6 913 1 420 1 301 681 518 1 333 2 875 1 848 1 026 3 433 2 798 635 1 188 1 098 90 1 188 927 1 622 (NA) 6 311 6 325 897 675 1 152 1 035 BIRMINGHAM OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 5 641 BIRMINGHAM OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 5 359 282 BIRMINGHAM OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. L0,0O0-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 3 357 1960 2 429 1959 (NA) S,600-PLACE SERIES — 1959^ (NA) 1958^ (NA) 1957 1956 1955 1954 BOISE, IDAHO, SMSA Coe xtensive with Ad 1 County , Idaho. (N 2W area, Oct Dher 1963.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL BOISE 215 207 8 215 207 8 137 131 6 22 20 2 56 56 - 2 520 2 421 98 2 520 2 421 98 2 074 1 989 84 151 137 14 295 295 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - Data include jjublic housing units and valuation not available separately. 80 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental tJnited States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Becauseof rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) BOSTON, MASS., SMSA Consists of Beverly, I^rrm, Peabody, and Salem cities, and Danvers, Hamilton, lynnfield, Manchester, Iferblehead, Middleton, Nahant, Saugus, Swampscott, Topsfield, and Wenham towns in Essex County; Cambridge, Everett, Maiden, Medford, Melrose, Newton, Somerville, Waltham, and Wobum cities, and Arlington, Ashland, Bedford, Belmont, Burlington, Concord, Framingham, Lexington, Lincoln, Natick, North Reading, Reading, Sherbom, Stoneham, Sudbury, Wakefield, Watertown, Wayland, Weston, Wilmington, and Winchester towns in Middlesex County; and Quincy city, and Braintree, Brookline, Canton, Cohasset, Dedham, Dover, Holbrook, Medfield, Millis, Milton, Needham, Norfolk, Norwood, Randolph, Sharon, Walpole, Wellesley, Westwood, and Weymouth towns in Norfolk County, and Duxbury, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Norwell, Pembroke, Rockland, and Scituate towns in Plymouth County; and all of Suffolk County, Mass. (Prior to 196<+, definition excludes Sherbom town in Middlesex County, Mass., and Millis town in Norfolk County, Mass. Prior to 1960 definition excludes Topsfield town in Essex County; Sudbury town in Middlesex County; Holbrook and Norfolk towns in Norfolk County; Duxbury, Hanover, Marshfield, Norwell, Pembroke, Rockland, and Scituate towns in Plymouth County, Mass . ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196A: TOTAL BOSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL BOSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL BOSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL BOSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959^ 1958^ 1957^ 1956^ 1955^ 1954^ BRIDGEPORT, CONN., SMSA 20 296 9 856 10 A^O U 289 A 014 10 275 14 215 4 014 10 201 13 841 2 389 11 452 13 682 12 440 10 072 10 800 9 971 8 803 7 457 9 936 11 444 10 745 20 114 6 645 1 123 12 346 182 9 774 778 717 8 279 82 10 340 5 867 406 4 067 100 14 255 6 409 918 6 928 34 4 014 358 411 3 245 _ 10 241 6 051 507 3 683 34 14 181 6 335 918 6 928 34 4 014 358 411 3 245 _ 10 167 5 977 507 3 683 34 13 231 6 459 731 6 041 610 2 293 383 91 1 819 96 10 938 6 076 640 4 222 514 13 072 6 300 731 6 041 610 11 679 6 974 429 4 276 761 9 711 7 520 493 1 698 361 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 8 323 246 1 402 (NA) (NA) 7 375 380 1 048 (NA) (NA) 6 886 162 409 (NA) (NA) 9 490 124 322 (NA) (NA) 10 916 203 325 (NA) (NA) 10 204 269 272 (NA) 203 541 76 765 126 775 167 198 42 846 124 352 166 116 42 846 123 270 154 379 24 849 129 530 152 297 141 021 121 768 (NA) 120 478 104 771 89 748 112 435 121 829 108 697 201 129 75 502 125 627 166 803 42 846 123 957 165 721 42 846 122 875 146 614 23 572 123 042 144 532 131 878 117 651 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 101 117 7 577 93 539 95 365 3 348 92 017 94 283 3 348 90 935 92 080 3 740 88 340 89 998 98 067 100 832 (NA) 108 503 93 362 85 799 108 822 117 240 104 954 8 907 5 336 3 571 7 423 3 103 4 320 7 423 3 103 4 320 5 918 527 5 391 5 918 3 130 3 126 (NA) 625 041 313 876 456 497 91 105 62 588 28 516 64 015 36 395 27 620 64 015 36 395 27 620 48 616 19 305 29 311 48 616 30 681 13 693 (NA) 10 350 8 368 2 637 2 736 3 133 2 246 2 412 1 263 1 148 395 395 395 395 765 277 488 7 765 9 143 4 117 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Consists of Bridgeport and Shelton cities, and Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, and Trumbull towns in Fairfield County, and Milford town in New Haven County, Conn. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Easton town in Fairfield County, Conn.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL BRIDGEPORT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL BRIDGEPORT .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL BRIDGEPORT . . . , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL BRIDGEPORT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 2 716 853 1 863 1 984 381 1 603 1 949 381 1 568 1 698 599 1 099 1 698 2 002 2 051 2 716 853 1 863 1 834 381 1 453 1 799 381 1 418 1 596 497 1 099 1 596 1 842 1 955 1 614 114 988 _ 85 86 682 _ 1 529 28 306 - 1 489 120 225 150 114 92 175 1 375 28 50 150 1 454 120 225 150 114 92 175 _ 1 340 28 50 150 1 164 96 336 102 147 73 277 102 1 017 23 59 - 1 164 96 336 102 1 505 91 246 160 1 587 80 288 96 36 041 6 956 29 085 25 990 3 692 22 298 24 833 3 692 21 141 23 366 5 908 17 458 23 366 27 322 28 069 1 36 041 6 956 29 085 24 127 3 692 20 435 22 970 3 692 19 278 22 368 "4 910 17 458 22 368 26 356 27 138 27 440 1 194 1 214 936 26 226 258 21 356 1 243 1 557 953 19 799 290 20 199 1 243 1 557 953 18 641 290 18 882 1 Oil 2 085 768 16 797 243 18 882 1 Oil 23 574 920 23 261 826 7 407 4 806 2 601 1 528 1 182 346 1 528 1 182 346 2 475 2 057 418 2 475 1 863 3 050 1 863 1 863 1 863 1 863 998 996 998 1 466 931 'Data include public housing units and valuation.. not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 81 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in _ Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands Of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) Total Total In structures with— Public (contract awards) Total Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) BSOCKTON, MASS., SltfBA Consist Ablngto s of Easton n, Bridgewa town in ter. East Bristol County; and Avon Bridgewater, Hanson, We and Stoughton towns in Norfolk County; Brockton city, and st Bridgewater, ard Whitman towns in Plymouth County, Ifess . 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 587 962 1 587 962 1 081 518 20 14 486 430 - 13 430 6 686 13 430 6 686 11 998 5 556 158 118 1 274 1 012 BROCKTON - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 625 625 563 6 56 - 6 744 6 744 6 442 40 261 - 1963: TOTAL 1 384 634 1 284 534 1 0(X 368 10 270 166 100 100 13 966 6 079 12 777 4 890 11 527 4 332 58 1 192 558 1 189 BROCKTON 1 189 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 750 750 636 10 104 - 7 886 7 886 7 194 58 634 - 1962: TOTAL 1 724 1 161 1 604 1 041 1 329 797 2 273 244 120 120 17 807 11 622 16 391 10 206 14 070 8 067 19 2 302 2 139 1 416 BROCKTON 1 416 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 563 563 532 2 29 - 6 185 6 185 6 003 19 163 - LO, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 . . 1 578 1 426 1 233 1 458 1 426 1 233 1 183 1 159 1 203 2 2 2 273 265 28 120 16 003 13 606 12 512 14 587 13 606 12 512 12 266 12 134 12 337 19 15 15 2 302 1 457 160 1 416 1961 1960 . BROWNSVILLE-HARLINGEN-SAN BENITO, TEX., SMSA Coe xtensive with Ca meron Co unty, Tex. ( New area, August 1960.) L2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 404 326 386 326 263 221 18 105 105 18 2 854 2 156 2 627 2 156 1 771 1 526 227 630 630 227 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . BROWNSVILLE 257 257 152 - 105 - 1 711 1 711 1 081 - 630 - HARLINGEN 38 38 38 - - - 349 349 349 - - - SAN BENITO 31 31 31 - - - 96 96 96 - - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 78 60 42 18 - 18 699 472 245 227 - 227 1963: TOTAL 354 204 310 204 266 204 - 44 44 3 264 1 475 2 774 1 475 1 794 1 475 - 980 490 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . BROWNSVILLE 143 143 143 - - - 1 110 1 110 1 110 - - - HARLINGEN 30 30 30 - - - 220 220 220 - - - SAN BENITO 31 31 31 _ - - 145 145 145 - - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 150 106 62 - 44 44 1 789 1 299 319 - 980 490 1962: TOTAL 299 241 299 241 294 236 5 5 - - 1 775 1 508 1 775 1 508 1 764 1 497 11 11 - _ INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . - BROWNSVILLE 159 159 154 5 - - 1 145 1 145 1 134 11 - - HARLINGEN 41 41 41 - - - 236 236 236 - - - SAM BENITO 41 41 41 - - - 127 127 127 - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 58 58 58 - - - 267 267 267 - - - LO,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 299 337 752 299 337 572 294 324 552 5 13 6 14 180 1 775 2 069 6 154 1 775 2 069 4 372 1 764 2 005 4 249 11 65 26 97 _ 1961 . I960 1 782 BUFFALO, N. Y., SllBA Consists of Erie and Niagara Col mties, N. Y L2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL . . . 5 184 342 5 036 342 3 622 53 750 41 564 248 148 64 459 3 548 62 306 3 548 50 645 623 5 767 245 5 894 2 680 2 153 BUFFALO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 4 842 4 694 3 569 709 416 148 60 911 58 758 50 022 5 522 3 214 2 153 1963: TOTAL 4 363 283 4 363 283 3 443 78 556 61 364 144 - 54 042 2 480 54 042 2 480 45 770 970 4 235 398 4 036 1 112 BUFFALO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 4 080 4 080 3 365 495 220 - 51 562 51 562 44 800 3 838 2 924 - 1962: TOTAL 4 263 392 4 263 392 3 450 83 343 59 470 250 - 52 168 3 803 52 168 3 803 44 746 749 2 471 400 4 950 2 655 _ BUFFALO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 871 3 871 3 367 284 220 - 48 365 48 365 43 997 2 071 2 295 - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 4 239 3 689 4 500 5 669 4 239 3 689 4 400 (NA) 3 426 3 194 3 721 (NA) 343 351 545 (NA) 470 144 134 (NA) 100 (NA) 51 848 44 861 56 291 (NA) 51 848 44 861 54 820 (NA) 44 426 40 786 49 007 (NA) 2 471 2 478 4 478 (NA) 4 950 1 598 1 335 (NA) 1961 _ 1960 1 471 1959 (NA) 5,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959 , • • • 5 669 5 669 4 913 578 178 _ 63 522 63 522 58 513 3 861 1 147 . 1958 ■'■ 6 328 7 041 9 714 10 902 8 864 (NA) 7 041 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 258 6 389 7 830 9 792 7 858 920 507 507 701 518 150 145 1 377 409 488 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 70 299 76 707 103 361 106 207 81 536 (M) 76 707 (NA) (NA) (NA) 63 517 72 459 84 089 96 273 73 818 5 955 3 213 3 711 4 279 2 999 827 1 034 15 561 5 655 4 719 (NA) 1957 1956 ■'■ (NA) 1955^ (NA) 1954^ (NA) ■"■Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 82 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in tfie continental United States and in Hawaii, are establisfied in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuati on (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures with- Public (contract awards) 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more CANTON, OHIO, SMSA Coextensive \rith Stark County, Ohio 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 811 549 1 262 864 61 803 1 095 183 912 820 712 782 1 711 449 1 262 864 61 803 999 87 912 724 712 782 1 018 42 976 761 51 710 851 57 794 588 627 726 268 86 182 73 10 63 76 30 46 64 57 40 425 321 104 30 30 72 72 72 28 16 100 100 96 96 96 22 638 4 527 18 111 11 902 693 11 210 13 600 2 183 11 417 10 008 9 121 10 981 21 569 3 458 18 111 11 902 693 11 210 12 468 1 051 11 417 8 876 9 121 10 981 15 878 551 15 327 11 082 622 10 461 11 039 568 10 471 7 547 8 500 10 499 2 274 767 1 507 645 71 574 828 484 344 728 491 338 3 417 2 140 1 277 175 175 600 600 600 130 145 1 069 CANTON 1 069 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL CANTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 1 132 CANTON 1 132 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 132 1961 1960 CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, SMSA Coextensive with Linn Covmty, Iowa 12,000-PLA.CE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 925 1 438 487 1 144 781 363 1 039 722 317 1 038 872 1 295 1 925 1 438 487 1 144 781 363 1 039 722 317 1 038 872 1 295 1 154 736 418 979 629 350 782 489 293 781 823 1 063 52 20 32 69 56 13 96 72 24 96 49 28 719 682 37 96 96 161 161 161 204 - 21 388 15 532 5 856 14 096 9 569 4 527 11 575 7 849 3 726 11 570 10 390 13 947 21 388 15 532 5 856 14 096 9 569 4 527 11 575 7 849 3 726 11 570 10 390 13 947 15 559 10 186 5 374 13 023 8 596 4 428 9 755 6 222 3 533 9 750 9 952 12 164 433 171 262 521 422 99 764 570 194 764 437 183 5 395 5 175 220 552 552 1 057 1 057 1 057 1 600 CEDAR RAPIDS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL - CEDAR RAPIDS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - CEDAR RAPIDS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 _ 1960 - CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILL., SMSA Coextens ive with Champaign C ounty. 111. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 714 679 362 317 35 340 314 178 136 26 359 339 135 204 20 351 165 421 714 679 362 317 35 340 314 178 136 26 199 179 135 44 20 191 149 169 166 137 84 53 29 130 112 84 28 18 119 99 73 26 20 111 123 117 44 38 8 30 6 30 30 2 28 12 12 12 _ 12 14 4 504 504 270 234 180 172 92 80 8 68 68 50 18 68 12 48 160 160 160 160 16 252 6 312 5 859 3 065 2 794 453 4 242 3 766 2 443 1 324 476 4 4^1 4 151 1 957 2 194 290 4 355 2 551 4 843 6 312 5 859 3 065 2 794 453 4 242 3 766 2 443 1 324 476 2 833 2 543 1 957 586 290 2 747 2 406 2 479 2 865 2 464 1 369 1 095 401 2 437 2 Oil 1 536 475 426 2 277 1 987 1 483 504 290 2 191 2 272 2 145 386 334 62 272 52 249 249 17 233 154 154 154 154 101 43 3 061 3 061 1 634 1 427 1 556 1 506 890 616 50 402 402 319 83 402 33 291 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . CHAMPAIGN URBANA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . CHAMPAIGN URBANA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL 1 608 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . CHAMPAIGN URBANA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000*PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 608 1 608 1 608 1961 145 I960 2 364 ESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 83 able B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued le two standaid consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas m the continental United States and in Hawaii, are establistied in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SflflSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) \/aluation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures witti- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) CHARLESTON, S. C. SMSA !,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL CHARLESTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: 1962: TOTAL CHARLESTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL CHARLESTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. ),O0O-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 CHARLESTON, W. VA., SMSA ?,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964 1963: 1962: TOTAL CHARLESTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL CHARLESTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL CHARLESTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. ), 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 CHARLOTTE, N. C. SMSA 5,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: 1963: 1963: 1962: TOTAL CHARLOTTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL CHARLOTTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL CHARLOTTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY TOTAL CHARLOTTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 3, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Coubists of Berkeley and Charleston Co'inties, S. C. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Berkeley County, which is not a permit -issuing place.) 3 137 935 2 152 1 901 352 1 549 1 789 655 1 134 1 107 1 227 744 2 656 504 2 152 1 901 352 1 549 1 389 255 1 134 707 727 704 2 347 79 230 481 302 30 172 481 2 045 49 53 - 1 792 91 18 . 301 41 10 - 1 491 50 8 - 1 363 16 10 400 235 10 10 400 1 128 6 - - 687 10 10 400 648 33 46 500 647 57 - 40 38 784 13 137 25 647 19 454 4 080 15 373 20 278 8 804 11 474 13 814 13 493 7 694 31 704 6 057 25 647 19 454 4 080 15 373 14 559 3 085 11 474 8 095 7 369 7 140 29 268 4 134 25 134 18 927 3 873 15 054 14 457 2 999 11 453 8 009 7 091 6 882 386 164 222 400 157 242 62 46 16 46 100 259 2 050 1 760 290 127 50 77 40 40 40 179 Coextensive with Kknawha County, W . Va . 476 315 161 581 389 192 307 139 168 303 427 450 476 315 161 581 389 192 307 139 168 303 427 450 328 169 159 392 209 183 301 133 168 297 416 433 148 146 11 9 174 174 422 184 238 746 302 445 4 433 2 271 2 167 4 391 6 213 6 553 6 422 4 184 2 238 8 746 6 302 2 445 4 438 2 271 2 167 4 391 6 213 6 553 5 360 3 139 2 222 138 764 375 403 236 167 4 356 6 093 6 428 1 0o2 1 046 16 108 38 70 35 35 35 120 75 2 500 2 500 Consists of Ifecklenburg and Union Counties, N. C. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Union County.) 639 325 314 737 495 292 2 749 2 495 254 2 555 2 250 305 2 252 3 355 1 769 2 639 2 325 314 2 785 2 495 290 2 747 2 495 252 2 555 2 250 305 2 252 3 355 1 769 1 531 391 717 1 233 375 717 293 16 - 1 718 237 830 1 442 229 324 276 3 6 1 680 237 330 1 442 229 324 238 8 6 1 596 179 780 1 299 171 780 297 8 - 1 301 171 780 1 931 534 890 1 332 272 165 25 434 21 292 4 142 27 861 23 463 4 398 27 503 23 463 4 040 23 725 20 034 3 691 20 047 27 784 16 535 25 434 21 292 4 142 27 826 23 463 4 363 27 468 23 463 4 005 23 725 20 034 3 691 20 047 27 784 16 535 19 355 15 319 4 035 20 681 16 409 4 272 20 323 16 409 3 914 18 282 14 628 3 654 14 641 19 097 13 866 2 279 2 172 107 1 512 1 447 65 1 512 1 447 65 1 098 1 062 36 1 062 2 548 1 313 800 300 5 632 5 606 26 632 606 26 344 344 4 344 6 140 1 356 7 080 7 080 5 719 5 719 5 719 6 124 554 35 35 35 35 84 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as arrended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. n. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definitio and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) CHATTANOOGA, TENN.-GA., SI^A Consists of Hamilton County, Tenn., and WaLker County, Ga. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 302 621 1 681 1 324 201 1 123 2 145 861 1 284 2 145 1 891 2 234 2 302 621 1 681 1 324 201 1 123 1 493 361 1 132 1 493 1 891 2 042 1 245 89 1 156 1 198 113 1 085 1 194 135 1 059 1 194 1 672 1 621 183 82 101 126 83 38 255 220 35 255 211 400 874 450 424 44 6 38 44 8 21 652 500 152 652 192 23 357 4 812 18 545 13 802 1 747 12 054 18 633 6 908 11 725 18 633 15 816 17 368 23 357 4 812 18 545 13 802 1 747 12 054 12 352 2 246 10 106 12 352 15 816 15 431 17 890 1 223 16 667 13 222 1 374 11 847 11 003 1 343 9 660 11 003 14 892 13 840 1 163 358 805 580 373 207 1 085 885 200 1 085 904 1 534 4 304 3 231 1 073 264 18 246 264 20 57 CHATTANOOGA OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1963: TOTAL CITY. . - CHATTANOOGA OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1962: TOTAL CITY. . 6 281 CHATTANOOGA 4 662 OUTSIDE CENTRAL 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 CITY. . 1 619 6 281 1961 1960 1 937 I CHICAGO, ILL., SMS; Consists of Cook, DuPage, Kar le, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties MoHenry County, 111., and includes , 111. (Prior to June jSLke County, Ind. ) 1959, definition excludes 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 38 262 9 956 28 306 39 999 9 332 30 667 43 155 12 834 30 321 42 490 45 371 43 109 52 000 51 136 43 631 41 510 51 475 60 062 49 005 37 129 9 164 27 965 38 338 8 105 30 233 42 095 11 786 30 309 41 430 42 128 37 581 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19 202 2 462 16 740 19 901 2 676 17 225 21 798 3 115 18 683 21 153 23 821 24 852 (NA) 38 046 33 311 32 528 43 732 49 974 43 531 2 971 918 2 053 3 805 709 3 096 2 908 733 2 175 2 888 3 213 2 760 (NA) 2 806 2 521 2 853 3 074 2 850 2 054 14 956 5 784 9 172 14 632 4 720 9 912 17 389 7 938 9 451 17 389 15 094 9 969 (NA) 10 284 7 799 6 129 4 669 7 238 3 420 1 133 792 341 1 661 1 227 434 1 060 1 048 12 1 060 3 243 5 528 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 531 274 97 727 433 547 523 453 89 505 433 947 559 252 131 429 427 823 545 699 618 226 588 285 (NA) 729 878 624 447 586 102 733 514 778 359 603 186 520 196 90 657 429 539 506 018 77 631 428 386 547 742 120 067 427 675 534 189 572 940 521 061 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 358 523 30 174 328 349 351 989 32 678 319 311 372 141 36 940 335 201 358 751 390 977 408 081 (NA) 607 042 526 153 502 776 658 374 685 914 552 103 33 474 8 609 24 865 43 595 7 138 36 457 31 021 7 843 23 178 30 858 36 585 31 663 (NA) 33 884 28 321 32 443 34 697 30 727 21 219 128 199 51 874 76 325 110 433 37 816 72 618 144 580 75 284 69 296 144 580 145 379 81 317 (NA) 88 953 69 973 50 882 40 443 61 718 29 864 11 078 CHICAGO 7 070 OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1963: TOTAL CITY. . 4 008 17 435 CHICAGO 11 874 OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1962: TOTAL CITY. . 5 561 11 510 CHICAGO ....---- 11 362 OUTSIDE CENTRAL 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 CITY. . 148 11 510 1961 45 286 1960 67 224 1959 (NA) 6, 600- PLACE SERIES— 1959^ (NA) 1958^ (NA) 1957^ (NA) 1956^ (NA) 1955^ (NA) 1954^ (NA) , SMSA CINCINNATI, OHIO-KY.-IND Consists Dearborn ( and Dearbc > of Clermont, HamiH bounty, Ind. (Prior 3m County, Ind.) on, and Warren Counties, Ohio; and Boone, Campbell, and Kenton Counties, Ky.; to 1964, definition excludes Clermont and Warren Counties, Ohio; Boone County and 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 8 918 2 978 5 940 9 714 3 994 5 720 8 468 3 994 4 474 8 239 3 719 4 520 8 047 7 232 7 566 8 918 2 978 5 940 9 204 3 484 5 720 7 958 3 484 4 474 8 189 3 719 4 470 7 997 6 791 7 274 4 875 316 4 559 5 197 502 4 695 4 033 502 3 531 4 457 489 3 968 4 265 4 212 4 739 362 158 204 424 248 176 363 248 115 771 533 238 771 1 093 862 3 681 2 504 1 177 3 583 2 734 849 3 562 2 734 828 2 961 2 697 264 2 961 1 486 1 673 510 510 510 510 50 50 50 441 293 107 193 28 101 79 092 122 166 44 234 77 932 107 835 44 234 63 601 96 880 33 594 63 286 94 362 88 350 91 444 107 193 28 101 79 092 115 718 37 786 77 932 101 387 37 786 63 601 96 284 33 594 62 690 93 766 84 122 88 252 76 418 6 588 69 830 80 868 9 633 71 235 67 027 9 633 57 394 68 188 8 966 59 222 65 670 64 561 69 704 2 994 1 614 1 380 4 300 3 021 1 279 3 937 3 021 916 6 511 4 783 1 728 6 511 9 918 7 463 27 782 19 900 7 883 30 550 25 132 5 418 30 423 25 132 5 291 21 585 19 845 1 740 21 585 9 643 11 085 CINCINNATI OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL 6 448 CINCINNATI 6 448 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL 6 448 CINCINNATI 6 448 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL 596 CINCINNATI OUTSIDE CENTRAL 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 CITY. . 596 596 1961 4 228 1960 3 192 ■^Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 85 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total, "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In Structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) CLEVELAND, OHIO, SMSA Consists of Cuyahoga, Geauga, Laie, and Medina Counties, Ohio. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Geauga and Medina Counties, Ohio.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 13 138 1 495 11 643 16 847 2 840 14 007 16 204 2 840 13 364 12 017 2 069 9 948 12 017 10 876 12 360 12 800 12 425 10 352 11 777 12 235 15 718 13 379 13 038 1 395 11 643 16 847 2 840 14 007 16 204 2 840 13 364 12 015 2 067 9 948 12 015 9 822 11 969 (NA) 12 425 10 352 (NA) 12 235 15 718 13 379 5 914 371 5 543 5 802 413 5 389 5 182 413 4 769 5 269 508 4 761 5 269 5 566 8 707 (NA) 10 610 7 808 8 895 10 890 14 449 11 989 293 37 256 289 28 261 283 28 255 361 64 297 361 447 369 (NA) 333 284 383 315 417 422 6 831 987 5 844 10 756 2 399 8 357 10 739 2 399 8 340 6 385 1 495 4 890 6 385 3 809 2 893 (NA) 1 482 2 260 2 499 1 030 852 968 100 100 2 2 2 1 054 391 (NA) (NA) 190 006 15 226 174 780 220 975 22 537 198 438 207 570 22 537 185 033 162 962 18 105 144 857 162 962 172 186 193 422 (NA) 192 774 159 139 185 583 193 016 238 248 189 353 188 635 13 855 174 780 220 975 22 537 198 438 207 570 22 537 185 033 162 917 18 060 144 857 162 917 162 043 189 826 (NA) 192 774 159 139 (NA) 193 016 238 248 189 353 124 909 6 598 118 312 122 321 6 410 115 911 109 186 6 410 102 776 105 020 7 993 97 027 105 020 108 870 150 130 (NA) 175 793 134 282 158 091 180 268 225 186 175 743 3 388 426 2 962 3 449 308 3 141 3 389 308 3 081 4 571 640 3 931 4 571 5 014 10 375 (NA) 4 113 3 516 4 481 3 839 4 965 5 025 60 338 6 832 53 506 95 205 15 819 79 386 94 995 15 819 79 176 53 326 9 426 43 900 53 326 48 159 29 322 (NA) 12 868 21 341 23 Oil 8 909 8 097 8 585 1 371 CLEVELAND 1 371 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL CLEVELAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL ~ CLEVELAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL 45 CLEVELAND 45 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 ..... 45 1961 10 144 1960 3 596 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959 1958 _ 1957^ (NA) 1956 1955 _ 1954 _ COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., SMSA Coex tensive with El Paso Cou nty, Colo. (New area, A ugust 1960) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL , . 3 406 2 009 1 397 2 373 1 351 1 022 2 135 1 202 933 2 130 966 875 3 126 2 009 1 117 2 373 1 351 1 022 2 135 1 202 933 2 130 966 875 2 222 1 454 768 1 815 1 153 662 1 764 1 Oi6 718 1 759 955 827 171 127 44 139 11 128 24 2 22 24 3 4 733 428 305 419 187 232 347 154 193 347 8 44 280 280 39 307 21 085 18 222 26 088 14 886 11 202 26 002 14 068 11 934 25 970 12 908 11 623 35 523 21 085 14 438 26 088 14 886 11 202 26 002 14 068 11 934 25 970 12 908 11 623 29 702 17 647 12 055 23 188 13 866 9 322 23 053 13 112 9 941 23 021 12 825 11 256 1 040 748 292 648 93 555 121 17 104 121 28 15 4 781 2 691 2 090 2 252 927 1 325 2 828 939 1 889 2 828 55 352 3 784 COLORADO SPRINGS. . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL 3 784 COLORADO SPRINGS. . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL ; COLORADO SPRINGS., , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 _ 1960 _ COLUMBIA, S.C, SMSA Consists of Le. cington t md Richland Counties, S .C. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 574 286 288 696 467 229 478 276 202 466 441 393 574 286 288 696 467 229 478 276 202 466 381 393 386 146 240 366 175 191 348 148 200 336 336 344 106 58 48 110 96 14 111 109 2 111 34 43 82 82 220 196 24 19 19 19 11 6 60 5 824 2 832 2 993 7 406 4 734 2 673 5 059 2. 671 2 388 4 845 4 599 4 568 5 824 2 832 2 993 7 406 4 734 2 673 5 059 2 671 2 388 4 845 4 110 4 568 4 573 1 956 2 618 4 738 2 465 2 273 4 543 2 159 2 384 4 329 3 940 4 384 673 298 375 446 392 54 417 413 4 417 131 166 578 578 2 222 1 876 346 99 99 99 38 18 COLUMBIA _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL - COLUMBIA _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - COLUMBIA _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 489 1960 _ ■"■Data include public housing xmits and valuation not available separately. 86 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) COLUMBUS, GA.-ALA., SMSA 12,000-PlACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 COLUMBUS, OHIO, SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL COLUMBUS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. Consists of Chattahoochee and Muskogee Counties, Ga., and Russell County, Ala. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 1959 5, 600-PLACE SERIES— 1959-'. 1958^. 1957 . 1956 . 1955 . 1954 . CORPUS CHRISTI, TEX., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL CORPUS CHRISTI. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL CORPUS CHRISTI. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL CORPUS CHRISTI. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 2 536 1 379 1 157 2 260 1 163 1 097 1 311 719 592 1 311 1 460 1 464 2 436 1 279 1 157 2 220 1 163 1 057 1 287 695 592 1 287 1 460 1 264 1 419 124 893 100 365 80 834 100 1 054 44 59 - 1 404 141 675 40 478 97 588 - 926 44 87 40 940 39 308 24 350 37 308 24 590 2 - - 940 39 308 24 1 340 52 68 - 1 095 61 108 200 26 350 12 888 13 462 23 047 10 969 12 078 14 007 7 412 6 595 14 007 15 776 14 435 25 208 11 746 13 462 22 684 10 969 11 715 13 806 7 211 6 595 13 806 15 776 12 769 19 725 6 792 12 933 18 434 7 505 10 929 12 429 5 841 12 429 15 239 12 105 767 508 259 826 533 292 219 213 6 219 245 279 4 715 4 447 269 3 425 2 930 495 1 158 1 158 158 292 335 1 142 1 142 363 363 201. 201 201 1 666 Consists of Delaware, Franklin, and Pickaway Counties, Ohio. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Delaware and Pickaway Counties . ) 8 114 5 130 2 984 10 822 6 755 4 067 10 590 6 755 3 835 8 996 5 704 3 292 8 996 6 833 5 687 7 888 7 888 8 967 5 326 6 988 7 642 7 291 8 114 5 130 2 984 10 366 6 299 4 067 10 134 6 299 3 835 8 996 5 704 3 292 6 645 5 363 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 326 6 988 7 642 7 291 5 045 2 637 2 408 813 074 739 640 074 566 789 172 617 5 789 5 323 4 436 (NA) 5 957 6 811 4 761 6 592 7359 6 511 691 481 210 1 191 653 538 1 185 653 532 1 339 1 034 305 L 339 512 220 (NA) 726 812 338 179 138 188 2 378 2 012 366 362 572 790 309 572 737 868 498 370 810 707 (NA) 1 205 1 344 227 217 145 592 456 456 456 456 188 324 (NA) (NA) (NA) 104 510 58 858 45 652 123 000 71 425 51 575 119 700 71 425 48 275 109 677 61 723 47 954 109 677 95 181 91 667 (NA) 110 194 119 794 75 835 92 195 102 465 84 893 104 510 58 858 45 652 118 547 66 972 51 575 115 247 66 972 48 275 109 677 61 723 47 954 109 677 92 934 88 295 (NA) (NA) (NA) 75 835 92 195 102 465 84 893 81 598 40 545 41 053 88 697 46 022 42 675 85 932 46 022 39 910 87 049 44 757 42 292 87 049 83 667 79 231 (NA) 95 312 102 772 70 906 88 371 100 056 78 781 5 965 4 087 1 878 8 761 4 590 4 171 8 710 4 590 4 120 9 646 7 124 2 522 9 646 4 201 1 597 (NA) 6 427 8 337 3 613 2 293 1 391 1 712 16 947 14 226 2 721 21 089 16 360 4 729 20 605 16 360 4 245 12 982 9 842 3 140 12 982 5 067 7 467 (NA) 8 456 8 685 1 316 1 531 1 019 4 400 4 453 4 453 4 453 4 453 2 247 3 372 (NA) (NA) (NA) Coextensive with Nueces County, Tex. 1 551 1 519 32 1 491 1 450 41 993 849 144 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 993 1961 814 1960 645 ^Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 1 551 93b 615 1 519 904 - 615 - 32 32 - - - 1 305 864 8 433 186 1 264 823 8 433 186 41 41 - - - 923 789 14 120 70 849 715 14 120 - 74 74 - - 70 923 789 14 120 70 814 762 52 - - 645 612 27 6 - 14 159 13 817 342 14 200 13 838 362 9 275 8 068 1 207 9 275 7 565 6 969 14 159 13 817 342 13 737 13 375 362 8 587 8 068 519 8 587 7 565 6 969 10 2o3 9 920 - 342 - 9 489 38 9 127 38 362 - 7 756 79 7 237 79 519 - 7 756 79 7 200 364 6 849 108 3 897 3 897 4 210 4 210 752 752 752 12 463 463 688 I I RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 87 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in ^ Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eouai total, '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available- Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) SMSA, coverage, definition, Public (contract awards) and year Total Total In Structures wi h- Total Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 5 units 1 unit 2-4 5 units awards) units or more units or more DALLAS , TEX . , SMSk Consists of Collin Dallas Denton, and Ellis Counties, Tex. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 18 256 9 256 9 000 18 256 9 256 9 000 8 726 3 230 5 496 314 96 218 9 216 5 930 3 286 - 177 961 85 918 92 044 177 961 85 918 92 044 126 216 52 037 74 180 2 325 875 1 449 49 420 33 006 16 414 nAr.LAS _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 23 771 12 998 10 773 23 771 12 998 10 773 9 627 3 746 5 881 565 162 403 13 579 9 090 4 489 _ 208 658 106 847 101 811 208 658 106 847 101 811 132 599 57 691 74 908 3 921 1 535 2 386 72 138 47 622 24 517 DALLAS _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 20 948 11 546 9 402 20 880 11 498 9 382 11 118 4 697 6 421 251 83 168 9 511 6 718 2 793 68 48 20 189 574 99 664 89 910 189 119 99 385 89 734 143 432 68 295 75 137 2 236 759 1 477 43 451 30 331 13 120 455 DALLAS 279 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 176 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 20 870 17 639 13 754 20 822 17 61 J 13 754 11 060 12 535 10 308 251 176 300 9 511 4 904 3 146 48 24 188 729 183 064 149 256 188 450 182 822 149 256 142 763 147 422 133 212 2 236 1 116 1 702 43 4:1 34 284 14 342 279 1961 242 1960 DAVENPORT -ROCK ISLAND-MOLINE , Conslsl .s of Scott County, [owa, an i Henry s md Rock Island Coun ties 111. ( Prior to 1964, definition excludes IOWA -ILL. , SMSA Henry County, 111 .) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 442 1 158 2 442 1 158 1 845 746 21::. 60 382 352 - 30 440 14 420 30 440 14 420 25 825 11 372 1 998 599 2 618 2 449 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . - DAVENPORj. 603 603 405 46 152 - 7 004 7 004 5 470 471 1 063 - ROCK ISLAND 190 190 136 8 46 - 2 437 2 437 2 091 66 280 - MOLINE 365 365 205 6 154 _ 4 979 4 979 3 811 63 1 106 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 284 1 284 1 099 155 30 - 16 020 16 020 14 453 1 398 169 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL 2 103 2 103 1 725 130 248 - 26 292 26 292 23 426 1 167 1 699 - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1 055 1 055 781 55 219 - 13 544 13 544 11 568 560 1 416 - DAVENPORT .... 502 502 412 46 44 - 6 335 6 335 5 553 453 329 - ROCK ISLAND . . . 143 143 121 5 17 - 2 180 2 180 2 014 50 117 - t^OLINE 410 410 248 4 158 - 5 029 5 029 4 001 58 970 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1 048 1 048 944 75 29 - 12 7.^8 12 7.,3 11 858 607 283 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL 1 960 1 960 1 593 125 242 - 24 365 24 365 21 587 1 124 1 654 - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1 055 1 055 781 55 219 - 13 544 13 544 11 568 560 1 416 - DAVENPORT .... 502 502 412 46 44 - 6 335 6 335 5 553 453 329 - ROCK ISLAND . . . 143 143 121 5 17 - 2 180 2 180 2 014 50 117 - MOLINE 410 410 248 4 158 - 5 029 5 029 4 001 58 970 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 905 905 812 70 23 - 10 820 10 820 10 019 564 238 - 1962: TOTAL 1 608 823 1 558 823 1 351 712 167 74 40 40 50 20 349 11 032 19 863 11 032 18 201 10 160 1 439 ■ 649 223 223 486 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . DAVENPORT 409 409 377 32 - - 5 150 5 150 4 855 295 - _ ROCK ISLAND 172 172 134 32 6 - 2 540 2 540 2 230 271 38 - MOLINE 242 242 201 10 34 - 3 342 3 342 3 075 83 185 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 785 7j5 639 93 - 50 9 317 8 831 8 041 790 - 486 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 605 1 557 1 619 1 555 1 557 1 579 1 348 1 467 1 336 167 79 165 40 11 78 50 40 20 302 20 801 21 499 19 816 20 801 21 120 18 154 19 891 18 495 1 439 842 1 267 223 68 1 358 486 1961 1960 379 88 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1954, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more DAYTON, OHIO, SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL DAYTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL DAYTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL DAYTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL DAYTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 DECATUR, ILL., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL DECATUR OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL DECATUR OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL DECATUR OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 DENVER, COLO., SHEA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL DENVER 1963: OUTSIDE CENTRAL TOTAL CITY. . DENVER 1962: OUTSIDE CENTRAL TOTAL CITY. . DENVER OUTSIDE CENTRAL 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 CITY. . 1961 1960 1959 6, 600- PLACE SERIES— 1959 1958 1957^ 1956 1955^ 1954^ 8 809 2 201 6 608 7 530 2 109 5 421 7 397 2 109 5 288 5 966 1 031 4 935 5 786 4 884 5 016 478 243 235 406 216 190 399 198 201 393 463 568 9 594 2 555 7 039 12 098 2 838 9 260 15 994 3 095 12 899 15 994 19 554 13 386 11 000 10 871 11 170 8 103 II 9 182 13 091 12 704 Consists of Greene, Miami, Montgomery, and Preble Counties, Ohio. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Preble County.) 8 579 1 991 6 588 7 111 1 690 5 421 978 966 031 935 5 786 4 884 5 010 4 900 126 4 774 4 729 190 4 539 4 600 190 4 410 4 622 188 4 434 4 442 4 306 4 746 645 325 320 621 308 313 617 308 309 612 332 280 612 309 153 3 034 1 540 1 494 761 192 569 761 192 569 732 511 221 732 269 111 230 210 20 419 419 419 419 104 877 14 766 90 110 91 084 16 468 74 616 89 o.;4 16 468 72 576 75 187 8 232 66 955 74 291 66 558 70 333 102 420 12 527 89 892 86 711 12 095 74 616 84 671 12 095 72 576 75 187 8 232 66 955 72 491 66 558 70 200 78 311 1 492 76 819 70 795 2 275 68 520 68 780 2 275 66 505 65 459 2 167 63 292 62 763 62 462 68 461 3 928 1 630 2 298 3 795 677 118 770 677 092 690 697 1 993 3 690 2 327 1 090 20 180 9 406 10 775 12 121 8 143 3 978 12 121 8 143 3 978 6 038 4 368 1 670 6 038 1 769 649 Coextensive with Macon County, 111. 478 243 235 406 216 190 399 198 201 393 463 476 243 233 406 216 190 399 198 201 393 448 524 8 380 818 562 171 836 335 578 241 337 5 508 6 365 7 015 8 380 818 562 171 836 335 578 241 337 5 508 6 365 7 015 8 365 818 547 171 836 335 578 241 337 5 508 6 167 6 675 340 198 Consists of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, and Jefferson Counties, Colo. (Prior to 1959, definition excludes Boulder County.) 9 216 6 337 368 2 511 378 2 555 731 89 1 735 - 6 661 5 606 279 776 378 11 929 8 061 867 3 001 169 2 838 752 233 1 853 _ 9 091 7 309 634 1 148 169 15 516 10 652 1 060 3 804 478 2 845 832 231 1 782 250 12 671 9 820 829 2 022 228 15 516 10 652 1 060 3 804 478 19 554 9 937 1 684 7 933 . 13 386 8 183 960 4 243 _ (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10 871 8 278 827 1 766 11 170 8 103 539 2 528 . (NA) 6 456 499 1 148 (NA) 9 182 7 913 509 760 (NA) 11 100 711 1 280 (NA) (NA) 10 986 835 883 (NA) 114 722 21 451 93 270 140 051 25 182 114 869 186 352 27 299 159 053 186 352 191 901 135 067 (NA) 121 562 106 090 79 881 86 942 110 377 104 157 110 578 21 451 89 126 138 687 25 182 113 505 181 685 25 083 156 600 181 685 191 901 135 067 (NA) 121 562 106 090 (NA) 86 942 (NA) (NA) 8$ 473 2 994 11 484 625 77 988 2 369 114 047 6 763 13 576 1 462 100 472 5 302 149 174 8 044 14 309 1 433 134 865 6 611 149 174 8 044 135 559 12 092 106 365 6 756 (NA) (NA) 106 784 5 757 91 251 3 507 71 592 3 002 81 033 2 866 99 282 4 095 96 618 4 203 18 111 9 342 8 769 17 876 10 145 7 732 24 465 9 341 15 124 24 465 44 249 21 946 (NA) 9 021 11 332 5 287 3 043 7 000 3 337 ■■■Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 89 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) DES I^OIIffiS, IOWA, SMSA Coextensive with Polk County, Iowa. 12,000-PUCE SEHIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 891 1 191 700 1 891 1 191 700 1 162 499 663 59 28 31 67- 664 6 ; 28 000 15 197 12 803 28 000 15 197 12 803 22 020 9 567 12 453 676 356 320 3 304 5 274 30 _ DES MOINES OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 1 360 632 728 1 360 632 728 1 228 540 688 39 26 13 93 6o 27 - 23 173 10 034 13 139 23 173 li: 034 13 139 22 007 9 144 12 862 484 341 142 683 548 135 . DES MOINES OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 1 507 851 656 1 507 851 656 1 159 579 580 74 48 26 274 224 50 _ 21 963 11 989 9 974 21 963 11 989 9 974 18 992 9 575 9 417 735 506 229 2 237 1 907 330 _ DES MOINES OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1 473 1 463 1 660 1 473 1 463 1 660 1 125 1 250 1 513 74 66 106 274 147 41 - 21 386 21 118 25 382 21 386 21 118 25 382 18 415 19 198 24 125 735 657 1 083 2 237 1 263 174 _ 1961 - 1960 - DETROIT, MICH., SMSA Cons is ts of Ma :omb, Oakland, and Wayne Counties, Mich. 12, GOO-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 26 130 2 631 23 499 26 130 2 631 23 499 17 265 390 16 895 533 56 477 8 312 2 185 6 127 - 372 421 25 905 346 516 372 421 25 905 346 516 297 660 5 084 292 576 4 456 365 4 091 70 305 20 456 49 849 - DETROIT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 21 736 2 215 19 521 21 536 2 215 19 321 15 320 484 14 836 331 14 317 5 885 1 717 4 168 200 200 288 424 18 33,0 270 094 286 162 18 330 267 832 241 135 5 912 235 223 2 600 142 2 458 42 ^27 12 276 30 151 2 262 DETROIT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 2 262 1962: TOTAL 19 266 3 102 16 liA 19 027 3 102 15 925 14 341 791 13 550 124 24 100 4 562 2 287 2 275 239 239 269 426 40 589 228 837 266 690 40 589 226 101 217 320 9 121 208 199 926 217 709 48 445 31 250 17 195 2 735 DETROIT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 2 735 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 19 258 15 686 16 500 21 900 19 019 15 686 16 260 (NA) 14 333 14 075 14 952 (NA) 124 175 182 (NA) 4 ::.62 1 436 1 126 (NA) 239 240 (NA) 269 226 214 809 228 358 (NA) 266 491 21^ 809 221 369 (NA) 217 121 203 040 213 027 (NA) 926 1 586 1 393 (NA) 48 445 10 183 7 449 (MA) 2 735 1961 . 1960 6 489 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959 21 847 23 742 24 292 31 410 40 623 40 966 21 847 (NA) (NA) 31 410 40 623 40 966 20 845 21 554 20 924 29 399 39 030 37 819 149 338 563 433 504 910 853 1 850 2 805 1 578 1 089 2 237 (NA) (NA) 280 134 287 719 306 716 391 571 47 J 067 434 246 280 134 (NA) (NA) 391 571 475 067 434 246 272 529 272 119 277 953 378 322 463 917 411 056 1 182 2 748 5 413 4 261 4 340 7 230 6 423 12 853 23 350 8 988 6 81.^ 15 961 _ 1958^ (NA) 19:7^ (NA) 1956 1955 _ 19j4 - DUBUQUE, IOWA, SMSA Coext 5ns ive w Lth Dubuque County, Iowa 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL DUBUQUE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 392 354 38 392 354 38 360 322 38 8 8 2-, 2^ ; 4 797 4 308 489 ^ 797 4 308 489 4 645 4 156 489 57 57 95 95 - 1963: TOTAL DUBUQUE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 301 275 26 3Jl 275 26 263 237 26 1-^ 14 2^ 24 ~ 3 453 3 136 317 3 453 3 136 317 3 268 2 951 317 100 100 85 85 ; 1962: TOTAL 265 240 25 265 240 25 206 181 25 54 54 5 - 3 088 2 731 357 3 088 2 731 357 2 789 2 432 357 284 284 15 - DUBUQUE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 249 325 311 249 325 311 190 315 298 54 10 8 5 - 2 864 4 124 3 818 2 86^ 4 124 3 818 2 565 4 046 3 737 284 77 66 15 15 - - 1960 - ■"•Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 90 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housir g units Valuat on (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) DULUTH-SUPERIOR, MINN. -WIS. , SMSA Consists of St. Louis County, Minn., and Douglas County, Wis. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 328 259 328 259 255 186 - 73 73 - 4 753 3 772 4 753 3 772 4 025 3 044 - 728 728 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . . DULUTH 200 200 151 - 49 - 3 068 3 068 2 540 - 528 - SUPERIOR 59 59 35 - 24 - 704 704 504 - 200 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 69 69 69 - - - 981 981 981 - - - 1963: TOTAL 409 298 313 238 285 221 6 6 22 11 96 60 5 332 3 996 4 432 3 439 4 204 3 321 37 37 190 80 900 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 557 DULUTH 169 169 169 . - - 2 599 2 599 2 599 - - - SUPERIOR 129 69 52 6 11 60 1 397 840 722 37 80 557 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 111 75 64 - 11 36 1 336 993 883 - 110 343 1962: TOTAL 400 338 300 238 280 218 - 20 20 100 100 5 316 4 549 4 071 3 304 3 941 3 174 - 130 130 1 245 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 1 245 DULUTH 277 177 177 - - 100 3 929 2 684 2 684 - - 1 245 SUPERIOR 61 61 41 - 20 - 620 620 490 - 130 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 62 62 62 - - 767 767 767 - - - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 394 427 537 294 407 537 274 337 522 4 6 20 66 100 20 5 254 5 336 7 536 4 009 5 081 7 536 3 879 4 564 7 407 28 69 130 489 60 1 245 1961 255 I960 • DURHAM, N. C, SMSA Coextensive with Durham County, N. C. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 152 494 658 1 152 494 658 837 179 658 86 86 229 229 - 14 051 4 945 9 106 14 051 4 945 9 106 11 881 2 776 9 106 477 477 1 692 1 692 . DURHAM . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 1 034 338 696 1 034 338 696 897 201 696 76 76 61 61 _ 12 112 3 638 8 474 12 112 3 638 8 474 11 148 2 675 8 474 453 453 510 510 _ DURHAM . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 1 039 392 647 989 342 647 829 184 645 44 42 2 116 116 50 50 13 371 4 553 8 818 13 0:2 4 184 8 818 11 569 2 761 8 808 28.3 273 10 1 150 1 150 369 DURHAM 369 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 039 1 056 825 989 1 056 825 829 675 741 44 60 56 116 321 28 50 13 371 13 155 9 833 13 002 13 155 9 833 11 569 9 821 9 293 283 388 390 1 150 2 946 150 369 1961 - I960 . EL PASO, TEX., SMSA Coextensive wit h El Paso Co unty, Tex . 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 169 2 167 2 169 2 167 1 182 1 180 20 20 967 967 - 23 566 23 545 23 566 23 545 18 486 18 486 132 132 4 948 4 948 _ EL PASO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 2 2 2 - - - 20 20 20 - - - 1963: TOTAL 1 627 1 621 1 627 1 621 952 946 26 26 649 649 - 20 239 20 181 20 239 20 181 15 188 15 130 188 188 4 863 4 863 . EL PASO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 6 6 6 - - - 58 58 58 - * ■ 1962: TOTAL 2 030 2 024 2 030 2 024 1 268 1 262 44 44 718 718 - 20 996 20 942 20 996 20 942 17 077 17 024 317 317 3 602 3 602 - EL PASO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 6 6 6 - - - 54 54 54 ~ " ~ 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 030 3 038 2 649 2 030 3 038 2 649 1 268 2 748 2 376 44 40 48 718 250 225 ; 20 996 32 886 27 615 20 996 32 886 27 615 17 077 31 587 26 632 317 293 259 3 602 1 006 724 - 1961 - 1960 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 91 Fable B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in _ _ . . Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued rhe two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in ttie continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eouai total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-autfiorized) Total in structures with— unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) ERIE, PA., SMSA 2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: 1963: 1962: TOTAL ERIE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL ERIE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL ERIE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 0,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 EUGENE, OREO., SHEA 2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL . EUGENE . OUTSIDE TOTAL . EUGENE . OUTSIDE TOTAL . EUGENE . OUTSIDE LACE SERII 1963: CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: CENTRAL CITY... L0,000-P 1962 CENTRAL CITY. . :s— 1961 1960 EVANSVILLE, IND.-KY., SMSA L2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL EVANSVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL EVANSVILLE .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL EVANSVILLE . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL EVAMSVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 745 281 464 776 362 414 663 257 406 565 593 557 2 587 931 1 656 3 088 1 221 1 867 2 329 787 1 542 2 329 1 994 1 836 873 614 259 535 325 210 528 325 203 397 183 214 397 564 417 Coextensive with Erie County, Pa . 745 684 61 281 262 19 - - 464 422 42 - - 654 639 15 _ 122 240 240 - - 122 414 399 15 - - 663 641 6 16 _ 257 253 4 - - 406 388 2 16 ~ 565 559 6 593 587 6 - - 557 553 4 - - 9 024 3 082 5 942 9 613 4 325 5 288 7 688 2 851 4 837 5 480 6 835 6 563 9 024 3 082 5 942 7 936 648 851 4 837 6 480 6 835 6 563 8 545 2 898 5 647 7 826 2 648 5 178 7 545 2 814 4 731 6 433 6 800 6 532 479 184 295 110 110 47 36 11 Coextensive with Lane County, Ore^ . (New area, August 1960) 2 587 931 1 656 2 883 1 019 1 864 2 261 741 1 520 2 261 1 882 1 603 1 841 428 1 413 1 790 484 1 306 1 604 416 1 188 1 604 1 395 1 244 225 72 153 346 100 246 346 82 264 346 165 226 521 431 90 747 435 312 311 243 311 322 133 205 202 3 112 233 30 567 13 230 17 337 28 002 10 543 17 459 21 607 6 732 14 875 21 607 18 436 17 389 30 567 13 230 17 337 26 299 8 893 17 406 21 079 6 394 14 685 21 079 17 717 15 494 23 285 7 418 15 867 20 196 5 869 14 327 17 225 4 689 12 536 17 225 15 045 13 478 1 686 657 1 029 2 440 692 1 748 2 340 584 1 756 2 340 1 193 1 535 Consists of Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties, Ind., and Henderson County, Ky. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Warrick County, Ind.) 873 545 48 180 100 514 294 40 180 100 259 251 8 - - 535 423 16 96 . 325 213 16 96 - 210 210 - - - 528 416 16 96 _ 325 213 16 96 - 203 203 - - - 397 389 . 8 - 183 175 - 8 - 214 214 - ~ - 397 389^ 8 . 464 464 - - 100 417 416 1 - - 10 328 8 043 2 284 5 986 4 213 1 773 5 916 4 213 1 702 3 975 2 527 1 448 3 975 4 577 3 188 9 198 6 913 2 284 5 986 4 213 1 773 916 213 702 975 527 448 3 975 3 827 3 188 7 393 5 183 2 210 4 869 3 096 1 773 4 799 3 096 1 702 3 910 2 462 1 448 3 910 3 827 3 175 671 597 74 117 117 H7 117 13 5 595 5 155 440 3 663 2 333 1 330 1 514 1 121 393 1 514 1 479 481 1 133 1 133 000 000 000 000 1 677 1 677 1 703 1 650 53 528 338 190 528 719 1 895 1 130 1 130 750 92 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in ttie continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as arrended to October 27, 1964, by ttie Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) FALL RIVER, RASS.-R.I., St^SA Consists of Fall River city and Somerse Tiverton ;, Swansea and Westport towns in Bristol County, f/hss., and to'ffn in Newport County, R. I. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 556 40 516 458 6 52 40 40 6 910 591 6 319 5 626 37 656 591 FALL RIVER 591 OUrSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 516 516 458 6 52 - 6 319 6 319 5 626 37 656 - 1963: TOTAL 536 536 410 6 120 - 5 772 5 772 4 739 33 1 000 FALL RIVER _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 536 536 410 6 120 - 5 772 5 772 4 739 33 1 000 ' 1962: TOTAL 431 60 431 60 425 60 6 - - 4 850 614 4 850 614 4 824 614 26 - FALL RIVER _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 371 371 365 6 - - 4 236 4 236 4 210 26 - - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 431 441 348 431 441 348 425 441 348 6 " 4 850 4 724 3 487 4 850 4 724 3 487 4 824 4 724 3 487 26 - 1961 1960 FARG0-M30RHEAD, N. DAK.- MINN., SMSA Consists of Cass County, N. Dak. and Clay County, Minn. (New area, August 1960.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 449 366 449 366 248 198 49 28 152 140 - 6 202 5 144 6 202 5 144 4 570 3 822 489 290 1 143 1 033 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . _ FARGO 191 191 117 10 64 - 2 870 2 870 2 340 92 438 . MDORHEAD 175 175 81 18 76 - 2 275 2 275 1 482 198 595 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 83 83 50 21 12 - 1 058 1 058 748 200 110 - 1963: TOTAL 725 645 701 645 272 216 94 94 335 335 24 8 796 7 793 8 537 7 793 4 720 3 975 914 914 2 903 2 903 259 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . FARGO 312 312 123 8 181 - 3 970 3 970 2 314 68 1 587 - MDORHEAD 333 333 93 86 154 " 3 823 3 823 1 661 846 1 316 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 80 56 56 - - 24 1 003 744 744 - - 259 1962: TOTAL 641 556 641 556 253 190 105 83 283 283 - 7 608 6 617 7 608 6 617 4 183 3 352 938 777 2 487 2 487 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . . FARGO 284 284 125 31 128 - 3 772 3 772 2 220 250 1 301 - M30RHEAD 272 272 65 52 155 - 2 845 2 845 1 132 527 1 186 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 85 85 63 22 - - 991 991 831 161 - - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 622 550 649 622 550 649 234 283 467 105 151 117 283 116 65 - 7 377 6 557 8 208 7 377 6 557 8 208 3 952 4 364 6 785 938 1 307 956 2 487 886 467 1961 1960 - FITCHBURG-LEOMINSTER, MASS., SJEA Consib Westminste ts of Shirley and Townsend towns in r towns in Worcester County, Mass . Middlesex County; Fitchburg and Leominster cities, (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Townsend town i and Lunenburg and n Middlesex County, and Westmi nster town in Worcester County, both of which are not permit-issuing places.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 397 370 397 370 289 262 15 15 93 93 - 4 140 3 810 4 140 3 810 3 202 2 872 84 84 854 854 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . T FITCHBURG 109 109 101 8 - - 938 938 891 47 - - LEOMINSTER 261 261 161 7 93 - 2 871 2 871 1 980 37 854 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 27 27 27 - - - 330 330 330 - - - 1963: TOTAL 263 241 263 241 244 222 19 19 - - 2 694 2 422 2 694 2 422 2 578 2 303 116 116 - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . . FITCHBURG 76 76 76 _ - - 680 680 680 - - - LEOMINSTER 165 165 146 19 - - 1 742 1 742 1 626 116 - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 22 22 22 - - - 272 272 272 - - - 1962: TOTAL 275 239 275 239 256 220 19 19 - - 2 685 2 235 2 685 2 35 2 585 2 135 100 100 - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . . FITCHBURG 83 83 79 4 - - 680 680 665 15 - - LEOMINSTER 156 156 141 15 - - 1 555 1 555 1 470 85 - - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 36 36 36 - - - 450 450 450 - - - 10,000-PLACE SERIES- 1962 239 478 256 239 422 256 220 228 248 19 66 8 128 56 2 235 4 264 2 484 2 235 3 661 2 484 2 135 2 200 2 441 100 460 43 1 000 _ 1961 604 1960 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 93 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) FLINT, MICH., SJiEA 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL FLINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL FLINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL FLINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL FLINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10, GOO-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 FORT LAUDERDALE-HOLLYWOOD, FLA., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964-: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES FORT LAUDERDALE. . HOLLYWOOD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES FORT UUDERDALE. . HOLLYWOOD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES FORT LAUDERDALE. . HOLLYWOOD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 FORT SMITH, ARK.-OKLA., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL FORT SMITH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: 1963: 1962: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL FORT SMITH .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL FORT SMITH .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY TOTAL FORT SMITH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— Consists of Genesee and Lapeer Counties, Mich. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Lapeer County.) 3 456 1 084 2 372 3 034 922 2 112 2 951 922 2 029 2 420 668 1 752 2 403 1 703 1 798 3 456 1 084 2 372 3 034 922 2 112 2 951 922 2 029 2 420 668 1 752 2 403 1 703 1 798 2 607 399 2 208 2 444 479 1 965 2 365 479 1 886 2 250 528 1 722 2 233 1 631 1 790 19 2 17 20 4 16 16 4 12 40 16 24 40 7 830 683 147 570 439 131 570 439 131 130 124 6 130 65 43 589 9 207 34 382 38 217 9 228 28 989 37 285 9 228 28 057 29 583 7 201 22 382 29 346 20 906 21 829. 43 589 9 207 34 382 38 217 9 228 28 989 37 285 9 228 ?8 057 29 583 7 201 22 382 29 346 20 906 21 829 38 428 5 183 33 245 33 896 6 039 27 857 33 000 6 039 26 961 28 256 6 286 21 970 28 019 20 291 21 791 119 14 105 116 25 91 25 55 305 173 132 305 56 5 043 4 010 1 032 4 205 3 164 1 041 4 205 3 164 1 041 1 022 742 280 1 022 558 Coextensive with Broward County, Fla. (New area, August 1960.) 11 603 4 613 3 091 1 522 6 990 10 216 3 972 2 476 1 496 6 244 9 348 2 827 1 872 955 6 521 8 879 7 757 9 955 11 603 4 613 3 091 1 522 6 990 10 216 3 972 2 476 1 496 6 244 348 827 872 955 521 a 879 7 691 9 955 4 250 1 019 500 519 3 231 4 614 971 492 479 3 643 4 834 1 158 536 622 3 676 4 387 5 586 7 454 1 140 282 218 64 858 1 276 317 257 60 959 1 204 158 144 14 1 046 1 202 566 824 6 213 3 312 2 373 939 2 901 4 326 2 684 a 727 957 1 642 3 310 1 511 1 192 319 1 799 3 290 1 539 1 677 66 141 637 57 123 39 335 17 788 84 514 119 363 ,51 578 34 348 17 230 67 785 107 858 40 388 26 576 13 812 67 470 100 539 94 027 106 164 141 637 57 123 39 335 17 788 84 514 119 363 51 578 34 348 17 230 67 785 107 858 40 3^8 26 576 13 812 67 470 100 539 93 468 106 164 66 326 21 132 11 615 9 517 45 193 67 963 19 091 10 067 9 024 48 872 69 578 21 080 9 698 11 382 48 498 62 411 71 736 90 593 9 434 2 730 2 104 626 6 704 10 557 2 855 2 339 516 7 702 5 310 1 345 1 204 141 3 965 5 285 4 137 5 732 65 877 33 261 25 616 7 645 32 616 40 843 29 632 21 942 7 691 11 210 32 970 17 965 15 675 2 290 15 005 32 842 17 594 9 839 Consists of Crawford and Sebastian Counties, Ark., and LeFlore and Sequoyah Counties, Okla. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Crawford County, Ark., and LeFlore and Sequoyah Counties, Okla.) 1962 1961 1960 318 218 100 768 682 682 682 788 788 788 368 246 318 308 10 218 214 4 - - 100 94 6 - - 768 570 20 178 _ 682 516 16 150 - 86 54 4 28 - 682 516 16 150 _ 682 516 16 150 - - - - - - 788 592 6 190 - 788 592 6 190 - - ■ ■" " " 788 592 6 190 _ 368 368 - - - 246 246 - - - 5 594 4 516 1 077 11 270 10 494 776 10 494 10 494 9 279 9 279 9 279 4 868 3 455 5 594 4 516 1 077 11 270 10 494 776 10 494 10 494 9 279 9 279 9 279 4 868 3 455 5 522 72 4 478 38 1 043 34 9 761 87 9 105 67 656 20 9 105 67 9 105 67 8 339 18 8 339 18 8 339 18 4 868 - 3 455 - 422 322 100 322 322 922 922 922 559 94 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) FORT WAYNE, IND., SMSA Coextensive with Allen County, Ind. 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 1 647 1 017 630 1 647 1 017 630 905 279 626 94 90 4 648 648 - 19 729 8 757 10 972 19 729 8 757 10 972 15 253 4 317 10 936 666 630 36 3 810 3 810 FORT WAYNE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - :9fi'i- TOTAL 1 854 1 175 679 1 854 1 175 679 1 086 413 673 65 59 6 703 703 - 19 333 9 633 9 700 19 333 9 633 9 700 15 540 5 890 9 650 449 399 50 3 344 3 344 _ FORT WAYNE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962- TOTAL 1 342 778 564 1 342 778 564 1 093 559 534 78 54 24 171 165 6 " 17 277 9 574 7 703 17 277 9 574 7 703 15 686 8 203 7 483 620 432 188 977 939 38 _ FORT WAYNE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 874 664 640 874 664 640 651 568 616 58 26 16 165 70 8 - 11 224 9 280 8 580 11 224 9 280 8 580 9 823 8 540 8 405 462 216 115 939 525 60 _ 1961 _ I960 _ FORT WORTH, TEX., SMSA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— Cons] sts of Johnson and Tarrant Counties, Tex. 1964- TOTAL 7 240 2 967 4 273 7 240 2 967 4 273 3 999 1 140 2 859 171 68 103 3 070 1 759 1 311 - 69 017 26 266 42 751 69 017 26 266 42 751 50 711 15 312 35 399 1 298 594 704 17 008 10 359 6 649 _ FORT WORTH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963- TOTAL 5 860 1 856 4 004 5 860 1 856 4 004 3 899 1 123 2 776 104 46 58 1 857 687 1 170 - 57 593 18 213 39 380 57 593 18 213 39 380 48 674 14 621 34 053 571 300 270 8 348 3 292 5 057 _ FORT WORTH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ■ 1962- TOTAL 4 779 2 087 2 692 4 535 1 843 2 692 3 739 1 328 2 411 92 28 64 704 487 217 244 244 51 124 19 914 31 210 48 036 16 826 31 210 44 569 14 563 30 006 499 203 296 2 968 2 060 908 3 088 FORT WORTH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 088 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 4 721 4 812 4 785 4 477 4 784 4 785 3 681 4 283 4 372 92 40 118 704 461 295 244 28 50 630 47 380 43 837 47 542 46 959 43 837 4A 075 AA 829 41 883 499 191 527 2 968 1 938 1 427 3 088 1961 . 421 I960 - FRESNO, CALIF., SKA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964' TOTAL C ;oextens Lve with Fresno Coun" by, Calif. 3 509 1 669 1 840 3 419 1 669 1 750 2 016 683 1 333 639 351 288 764 635 129 90 90 34 976 14 338 20 638 33 779 14 338 19 441 24 595 7 793 16 802 4 081 2 301 1 780 5 103 4 244 859 1 197 FRESNO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1 197 1963: TOTAL 3 390 1 466 1 924 3 384 1 466 1 918 1 973 604 1 369 585 345 240 826 517 309 6 6 31 593 12 156 19 437 31 480 12 156 19 324 23 270 7 122 16 148 3 603 1 940 1 662 4 607 3 093 1 514 113 FRESNO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 113 1962- TOTAL 2 879 1 177 1 702 2 818 1 177 1 641 1 907 752 1 155 139 74 65 772 351 421 61 61 25 842 10 770 15 072 25 017 10 770 14 247 20 479 8 057 12 422 791 371 420 3 748 2 341 1 407 825 FRESNO - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 825 10,000-PIACE SERIES— 1962 2 879 3 250 4 542 2 818 3 210 4 541 1 907 2 711 2 864 139 196 213 772 303 1 464 61 40 1 25 842 32 685 35 598 25 017 32 185 35 581 20 479 28 937 27 615 791 1 354 1 220 3 748 1 895 6 746 825 1961 500 1960 17 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 95 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Becauseof rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year GADSDEN, AlA., SMSA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL GADSDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL GADSDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL GADSDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10, GOO-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY, TEX., SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: 1963: 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES GALVESTON .... TEXAS CITY. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES GALVESTON .... TEXAS CITY. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES GALVESTON .... TEXAS CITY. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962. 1961. 1960. GARY-HAMMOND-EAST CHICAGO, IND., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1963: 1962: INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES GARY HAMMOND EAST CHICAGO. . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES GARY HAMMOND EAST CHICAGO. . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES GARY HAMMOND EAST CHICAGO. . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962. 1961. 1960. Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Coextensive with Etowah County, Ala. 136 101 35 145 113 32 160 123 37 160 183 276 136 136 - 101 101 - 35 35 - 145 143 2 113 111 2 32 32 - 160 160 - 123 123 . 37 37 - 160 160 . 183 183 - 276 274 2 1 414 1 169 245 1 590 1 363 227 1 654 1 362 ■ 292 1 654 2 035 2 878 1 414 1 169 245 1 590 1 363 227 1 654 1 362 292 1 654 2 035 2 878 1 414 1 169 245 1 584 1 357 227 1 654 1 362 292 1 654 2 035 1 873 Coextensive v/ith Galveston County, Tex. (Texas City added to area title, August 1960.) 677 563 287 276 114 723 581 243 338 142 648 550 338 212 648 478 558 677 449 16 212 563 379 16 168 - 287 143 16 128 - 276 236 - 40 - 114 70 - 44 - 711 476 4 231 12 569 370 2 197 12 231 179 - 52 12 338 191 2 145 - 142 106 2 34 - 648 480 6 162 - 550 394 6 ■150 - 338 206 6 126 - 212 188 - 24 - 98 86 - 12 - 648 480 6 162 . 478 404 10 64 - 518 479 5 34 40 7 363 6 380 3 249 3 132 982 7 490 6 097 2 912 3 185 1 393 6 769 5 803 3 535 2 268 966 6 769 6 083 5 394 7 363 6 380 3 249 3 132 932 7 387 994 809 185 393 769 803 535 268 966 6 769 6 083 5 034 6 075 5 174 2 328 2 847 901 017 835 526 310 182 5 862 4 925 2 776 2 149 937 5 862 5 753 4 812 71 71 71 21 10 10 11 32 32 32 1 216 1 135 850 285 82 1 348 1 148 283 865 200 875 845 726 119 30 875 272 200 Consists of Lai:e and Porter Counties, Ind. (New area, June 1959. comprised a part of the Chicago, 111., Prior to June 1959, Lake County SI^A. ) 3 248 918 400 468 50 2 330 499 069 319 624 126 430 347 663 181 84 2 419 2 795 2 883 2 802 3 248 918 400 468 50 2 330 3 499 1 069 319 624 126 2 430 3 347 928 663 181 84 2 419 2 795 2 883 2 802 2 647 131 470 506 61 351 - 360 40 - - 98 19 351 - 48 2 - - 2 141 70 119 - 2 694 58 747 . 460 20 589 - 315 4 - - 116 12 496 - 29 4 93 - 2 234 38 158 - 2 839 62 446 . 568 8 352 - 387 2 274 - 131 6 44 - 50 - 34 - 2 271 54 94 - 2 297 52 446 . 2 593 52 238 - 2 585 " 157 60 - 42 253 8 068 4 514 2 854 700 34 185 47 099 13 667 9 178 3 432 1 057 33 431 44 983 9 076 5 849 2 225 1 002 35 907 36 893 40 865 39 436 42 253 8 068 4 514 2 854 700 34 185 47 099 13 667 9 178 3 432 1 057 33 431 44 983 9 076 5 849 2 225 1 002 35 907 36 893 40 865 39 436 39 289 1 222 6 382 631 4 132 382 1 565 234 686 14 32 906 592 43 354 505 11 343 214 9 135 43 1 749 123 458 48 32 Oil 292 42 395 521 7 638 78 4 884 25 1 937 53 817 - 34 757 443 34 354 472 39 241 509 37 067 1 740 1 742 1 055 1 055 687 3 240 2 111 1 560 551 1 129 2 067 1 360 940 235 185 707 2 067 1 116 628 103 103 103 360 96 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard (retropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established In the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) GRAND RAPIDS, MCH., SMSA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL GRAND RAPIDS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: 1963: 1962: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL GRAND RAPIDS . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL GRAND RAPIDS . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CIT^ TOTAL GRAND RAPIDS OUTSIDE CEt-ITRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 GREAT FALLS, MONT., SiJBA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL GREAT FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL GREAT FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL GREAT FALI£ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 GREEN BAY, WIS., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL GREEN BAY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL GREEN BAY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL GREEN BAY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Kent and Ottawa Counties, Mich. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Ottawa County.) 3 184 622 2 562 3 180 563 2 617 2 223 563 1 660 2 004 501 1 503 1 998 2 219 2 076 376 375 1 568 566 2 530 530 530 602 982 3 184 622 2 562 3 180 563 2 617 2 223 563 1 660 2 004 501 1 503 1 998 2 219 2 076 2 779 435 2 344 2 938 475 2 463 2 025 475 1 550 1 826 444 1 382 820 225 68 157 197 60 137 159 60 99 143 28 115 143 139 66 180 119 61 45 28 17 35 120 22 40 263 7 184 33 079 39 807 6 493 33 314 27 392 6 493 20 899 23 557 5 750 17 807 23 480 24 438 23 693 40 263 7 184 33 079 39 807 6 493 33 314 27 392 6 493 20 899 23 557 5 750 17 807 23 480 24 438 23 693 37 507 5 910 31 597 38 182 5 984 32 198 26 146 5 984 20 162 22 267 5 377 16 890 22 190 22 885 22 875 1 483 448 1 035 1 400 389 1 Oil 1 056 389 667 1 105 226 879 1 105 853 654 Coextensive with Cascade County, Mont. (New area, August 1960.) 376 309 21 46 375 308 21 46 - 1 1 - - - 568 385 122 61 _ 566 383 122 61 - 2 2 - - - 530 369 54 107 _ 530 369 54 107 '- 530 369 54 107 602 406 188 8 - 782 606 120 56 200 840 828 12 276 256 20 4 857 4 857 4 857 5 462 840 828 12 276 256 20 4 857 4 857 4 857 5 462 6 961 3 409 3 397 12 4 052 4 032 20 718 718 3 718 4 029 5 600 161 161 774 774 334 334 334 1 403 876 1 273 826 447 224 120 104 189 120 69 185 147 38 185 700 163 270 270 450 450 805 805 805 30 485 Coextensive with Brown County, Wis. 973 973 759 102 112 1 12 655 12 655 11 019 942 693 364 364 230 50 84 - 4 212 4 212 3 242 472 499 - 609 609 529 52 28 - 8 443 8 443 7 778 471 194 - 971 971 754 100 117 _ 12 348 12 348 10 852 812 684 _ 369 369 242 58 69 - 4 210 4 210 3 353 473 384 - 602 602 512 42 48 - 8 138 8 138 7 500 338 300 - 681 681 629 44 8 . 9 318 9 318 8 857 401 60 _ 264 264 235 21 8 - 3 489 3 489 3 239 191 60 - 417 417 394 23 - - 5 829 5 829 5 618 210 - - 665 665 613 44 8 9 131 9 131 8 670 401 60 . 714 714 638 60 16 . 9 577 9 577 8 972 516 90 - 798 798 694 64 40 - 10 664 10 664 9 857 607 200 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 97 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in - Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail rray not eaual total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures wi th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) GREENSBORO-HIGH POINT, N,C., S^KA Coextensive with Guilford County, N.C. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 137 2 114 1 776 338 23 1 934 1 911 1 573 338 23 1 470 1 455 1 163 292 15 61 53 33 20 8 403 403 377 26 203 203 203 23 748 23 547 19 905 3 642 201 21 559 21 358 17 716 3 642 201 18 790 18 619 15 321 3 298 171 294 264 182 81 30 2 476 2 476 2 213 263 2 189 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . GREENSBORO HIGH POINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 2 189 2 189 1963- TOTAL 1 590 1 577 1 315 262 13 1 590 1 577 1 315 262 13 1 262 1 249 1 013 236 13 54 54 28 26 274 274 274 - 16 650 16 476 13 845 2 632 174 16 650 16 476 13 845 2 632 174 15 138 14 964 12 423 2 541 174 228 228 137 91 1 285 1 285 1 285 _ INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . GREENSBORO HIGH POINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. - 1962: TOTAL 1 806 1 787 1 479 308 19 1 806 1 787 1 479 308 19 1 287 1 268 1 038 230 19 82 82 34 48 437 437 407 30 - 19 378 19 149 16 291 2 858 229 19 378 19 149 16 291 2 858 229 15 813 15 583 13 010 2 573 229 332 332 167 165 3 233 3 233 3 113 120 _ INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . GREENSBORO HIGH POINT OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 . . 1 806 2 022 1 901 1 806 2 022 1 901 1 287 1 594 1 630 82 139 74 437 289 197 - 19 378 18 718 17 885 19 378 18 718 17 885 15 813 16 569 16 637 332 563 305 3 233 1 586 944 _ 1961 _ 1960 ... - GREENVILLE, S.C., SMSA Co! isists of Greenvl He and Pickens ( excludes ] Jounties, S. =ickens Coim C. (Prior t ty.) 3 1964, definition 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 392 232 160 392 232 160 321 167 154 59 53 6 12 12 - 4 722 2 833 1 890 4 722 2 833 1 890 4 459 2 616 1 843 231 184 46 32 32 _ GREENVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ~ 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL GREENVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 359 171 188 359 171 183 311 137 174 48 34 14 - - 4 050 1 977 2 073 4 050 1 977 2 073 3 852 1 842 2 010 198 135 63 - - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL GREENVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 240 171 69 240 171 69 202 137 65 38 34 4 - - 2 814 1 977 837 2 814 1 977 837 2 655 1 842 813 159 135 24 - - 1962: TOTAL , . 302 235 67 302 235 67 253 188 65 42 40 2 7 7 - 3 435 2 691 744 3 435 2 691 744 3 272 2 540 732 143 131 12 20 20 _ GREENVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 302 184 255 302 184 255 253 162 202 42 22 16 7 37 _ 3 435 2 086 2 466 3 435 2 086 2 466 3 272 1 997 2 314 143 89 52 20 100 - 1961 , . , _ 1960 ,,..,.. - HAMILTON-MIDDLETOWN, OHIO, SMSA Coextensive with Butler Coun ty, Ohio. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 434 705 116 589 729 1 184 455 116 339 729 742 205 114 91 537 45 12 2 10 33 397 238 238 159 250 250 250 20 613 9 715 2 080 7 635 10 898 17 646 6 748 2 080 4 668 10 898 13 306 4 130 2 055 2 076 9 175 464 111 25 86 353 3 877 2 507 2 507 1 370 2 967 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . HAMILTON MIDDLETOWN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 2 967 2 967 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . HAMILTON MIDDLETOWN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES, 948 276 96 180 672 948 276 96 180 672 773 177 96 81 596 20 6 6 14 155 93 93 62 - 13 249 3 463 1 594 1 870 9 786 13 249 3 463 1 594 1 870 9 786 12 098 3 098 1 594 1 504 9 000 203 55 55 148 948 310 310 638 _ 98 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In the continental United States and In Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In Structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) HAMTLTON-MIDDLETO™, OHIO, SMSA—CONTINUED 12,000-PLACE SERIES— CONTINUED 1962: TOTAl 965 247 117 130 718 965 247 117 130 718 866 197 109 88 669 48 26 8 18 22 51 24 24 27 - 13 357 3 627 1 592 2 035 9 730 13 357 3 627 1 592 2 035 9 730 12 605 3 320 1 531 1 789 9 285 403 218 61 157 185 350 90 90 260 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . HAMILTON MIDDLETOWN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 965 1 104 1 309 965 1 104 1 309 866 1 la; 1 221 48 50 88 51 39 - 13 357 15 827 19 351 13 357 15 827 19 351 12 605 15 029 18 563 403 478 788 350 320 1961 1960 HARRISBURG, PA., SMSA Consists of Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties, Pa. (Prior to 1964, iefinition excludes Perry County. ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196^: TOTAL 1 507 27 1 480 1 432 27 1 405 1 004 12 992 84 10 74 344 5 339 75 75 18 727 292 18 435 17 577 292 17 285 14 855 198 14 657 686 72 614 2 036 22 2 014 1 150 HAHHISBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1 150 1963: (19&4 DEFINITION)— TOTAL HARRISBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 416 19 1 397 1 416 19 1 397 1 109 16 1 093 52 3 49 255 255 - 16 705 258 16 447 16 705 258 16 447 15 286 232 15 054 395 26 369 1 024 1 024 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL HARRISBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 411 19 1 392 1 411 19 1 392 1 104 16 1 088 52 3 49 255 255 - 16 631 258 16 374 16 631 258 16 374 15 212 232 14 981 395 26 369 1 024 1 024 - 1962: TOTAL 1 369 32 1 337 1 329 32 1 297 1 057 10 1 047 90 22 68 182 182 40 40 17 086 295 16 791 16 549 295 16 254 14 646 117 14 529 766 178 588 1 137 1 137 537 HARRISBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 537 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 285 1 262 1 720 1 245 1 262 1 468 979 1 179 1 396 90 60 66 176 23 6 40 252 15 947 16 289 21 757 15 410 16 289 18 200 13 547 15 837 17 591 726 342 561 1 137 110 48 537 1961 - I960 3 557 HARTFORD, CONN., SMSA Consists of Hartford city and Avon, Bloomfield, Canton, East Granby, East Farraington, Glastonbury, Granby, Manchester, Nevdngton, Roclsy Hill, Sirasbury, Hartford, Wethersf ield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks towns in Hartford County; and Andover, Bolton, Coventry, Ellington, and Vernon towns in Tolland County, excludes Granby and East Granby towns in Hartford County, Conn. ; and Andover, towns in Tolland County, Conn. ) Hartford, East Windsor, Enfield, South Windsor, Suffield, West Cromwell town in Middlesex County; Conn. (Prior to 1964, definition Bolton, Ellington, and Coventry 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 6 943 1 116 5 827 6 763 1 116 5 647 2 964 13 2 951 194 16 178 3 605 1 087 2 518 180 180 66 757 5 765 60 992 65 045 5 765 59 280 43 553 153 43 400 1 444 146 1 298 20 047 5 466 14 581 1 712 HARTFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1 712 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL HARTFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 404 810 4 594 5 314 810 4 504 2 977 10 2 967 215 36 179 2 122 764 1 358 90 90 54 847 4 555 50 292 53 949 4 555 49 394 41 159 138 41 021 1 548 280 1 268 11 241 4 137 7 104 898 898 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL HARTFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 223 810 4 413 5 133 810 4 323 2 796 10 2 786 215 36 179 2 122 764 1 358 90 90 52 426 4 555 47 870 51 528 4 555 46 972 38 738 138 38 600 1 548 280 1 268 11 241 4 137 7 1C4 898 898 1962: TOTAL 4 544 707 3 837 4 494 657 3 837 2 804 26 2 778 334 96 238 1 356 535 821 50 50 50 476 5 849 44 627 49 839 5 212 44 627 38 444 297 38 147 2 736 779 1 957 8 658 4 136 4 522 637 HARTFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 637 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 4 544 4 108 3 772 4 494 3 898 3 772 2 804 2 829 3 246 334 124 100 1 356 945 426 50 210 50 476 45 626 46 211 49 839 43 587 46 211 38 444 37 610 43 257 2 736 1 092 751 8 658 4 884 2 203 637 1961 2 039 1960 I RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 99 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard rretropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. "X° Not aoplicabie. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) HONOLULU, HAWAII, SMSA Coextens ive with Honolulu County, Hawaii 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196-1 7 279 6 818 7 900 6 629 5 740 7 900 3 671 3 354 3 654 419 433 287 2 539 1 953 3 959 650 1 078 87 173 80 130 94 524 77 156 65 453 94 524 49 738 43 230 47 290 4 844 4 474 2 531 22 575 17 750 44 702 10 017 1963 14 677 1962 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 7 900 5 774 8 397 7 900 5 774 7 435 3 654 3 412 4 189 287 318 171 3 959 2 044 3 075 962 94 524 59 813 91 137 94 524 59 813 78 663 47 290 41 700 48 620 2 531 2 865 1 323 44 702 15 248 28 720 1961 I960 12 474 HOUSTON, TEX., SMSA Coexte nsive v;i th Harris County, Tex. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196-4: TOTAL 15 952 13 984 1 968 15 952 13 984 1 968 6 060 4 861 1 199 726 627 99 9 166 8 496 670 - 165 647 140 790 24 856 165 647 140 790 24 856 92 638 72 752 19 886 3 714 2 976 738 69 294 65 062 4 232 HOUSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . - 1963: TOTAL HOUSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 21 896 19 711 2 185 21 842 19 657 2 185 7 336 6 078 1 258 765 717 48 13 741 12 862 879 54 54 201 464 175 666 25 797 201 043 175 245 25 797 109 814 89 495 20 319 4 042 3 818 224 87 187 81 933 5 254 421 421 1962: TOTAL HOUSTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 2-4 709 22 053 2 656 24 709 22 053 2 656 8 126 6 795 1 331 636 582 54 15 947 14 676 1 271 - 216 853 188 171 28 682 216 853 188 171 28 682 118 233 97 444 20 789 3 135 2 863 272 95 485 87 863 7 622 - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 24 693 24 693 8 110 636 15 947 - 216 665 216 665 118 045 3 135 95 485 - 1961 11 499 11 499 6 938 272 4 289 - 130 872 130 872 105 367 1 293 24 211 - 1960 8 213 8 193 6 216 310 1 667 20 104 589 104 403 93 764 1 342 9 297 186 HUNTINGTON-ASHLAND, W. Va.- KY.-OHIO, SMSA Consists Dt Cabell and Way ne Count ies, W. Va., Boyd County, Ky. , a nd Lawrence County, Ohio. 12,000-PLACE SERIES- INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. HUNTINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 598 278 156 122 320 492 278 156 122 214 457 243 126 117 214 27 27 22 5 8 8 8 106 106 7 644 4 047 1 854 2 194 3 597 6 335 4 047 1 854 2 194 2 288 6 109 3 821 1 686 2 135 2 288 176 176 118 58 50 50 50 1 309 1 309 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. HUNTINGTON ASHLAND 624 264 140 124 360 550 264 140 124 286 510 224 116 108 286 10 10 10 30 30 14 16 74 74 7 339 3 504 1 581 1 923 3 835 6 589 3 504 1 581 1 923 3 085 6 305 3 220 1 439 1 781 3 085 82 82 82 202 202 60 142 750 750 1962: TOTAL HUNTINGTON ASHLAND 294 222 127 95 72 294 222 127 95 72 274 202 113 89 72 8 8 8 12 12 6 6 - 3 896 3 172 1 718 1 454 724 3 896 3 172 1 718 1 454 724 3 734 3 010 1 586 1 424 724 57 57 57 105 105 75 30 - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 292 389 378 292 389 378 272 361 352 8 12 26 12 16 - 3 880 4 159 4 839 3 880 4 159 4 839 3 718 3 945 4 604 57 114 235 105 100 . 1961 1960 - 100 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and tlie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in ttie continental United States and in Hawaii, are establistied in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In Structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) HUNTS VILLE, ALA., SMSA Consists of Limestone and J&dison Counties, Ala New area, . (Prior to August 1960 1964, defini .) tion excludes Limestone County. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 5 281 5 066 215 4 967 4 752 215 3 943 3 743 200 513 498 15 511 511 314 314 58 757 56 644 2 113 55 691 53 578 2 113 48 139 46 133 2 005 4 498 4 391 108 3 054 3 054 3 066 HUNTSVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 066 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL HUNTSVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 887 5 707 180 5 761 5 621 140 4 069 3 933 136 558- 554 1 134 1 134 126 86 40 60 189 58 359 1 830 58 932 57 465 1 467 48 469 47 027 1 442 3 817 3 793 24 6 645 6 645 1 257' 894 363 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL HUNTSVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 789 5 707 82 5 703 5 621 82 4 015 3 933 82 554 554 1 134 1 134 86 86 59 135 58 359 775 58 241 57 465 775 47 802 47 027 775 3 793 3 793 6 645 6 645 894 894 1962: TOTAL 3 043 2 978 65 3 043 2 978 65 2 576 2 511 65 94 94 373 373 - 31 104 30 490 614 31 104 30 490 614 28 763 28 149 614 518 518 1 823 1 823 HUNTSVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ~ 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 978 2 293 1 436 2 978 2 293 1 436 2 511 2 083 1 348 94 76 55 373 134 33 - 30 490 22 990 13 527 30 490 22 990 13 527 28 149 21 993 13 093 518 381 286 1 823 616 148 1961 _ 1960 . INDIANAPOLIS, IND., SMSA Consist s of Hamiltc definitioi 3n, Hanco 1 exclude ck, Hendricks, Johnson, Iferion, Iforgan, and Shelby Counties s Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Morgan, and Shelby , Ind. (Prior to 1964, Counties . ) 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 8 046 2 799 5 247 8 046 2 799 5 247 4 038 769 3 269 251 92 159 3 757 1 938 1 819 - 84 989 26 521 58 467 84 989 26 521 58 467 ■54 129 9 076 45 053 1 721 582 1 140 29 138 16 863 12 275 . INDIANAPOLIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL INDIANAPOLIS . . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 8 532 3 263 5 269 8 532 3 263 5 269 4 915 1 233 3 682 220 70 150 3 397 1 960 1 437 - 87 478 28 209 59 269 87 478 28 209 59 269 62 131 12 890 49 241 1 491 444 1 047 23 856 14 875 8 981 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL INDIANAPOLIS . . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 6 940 3 263 3 677 6 940 3 263 3 677 3 469 1 233 2 236 140 70 70 3 331 1 960 1 371 - 67 665 28 209 39 456 67 665 28 209 39 456 43 326 ,12 890 30 436 968 444 524 23 371 14 875 8 49o - 1962: TOTAL 6 446 3 394 3 052 6 446 3 394 3 052 4 607 2 090 2 517 148 48 100 1 691 1 256 435 : 67 216 30 189 37 027 67 216 30 189 37 027 52 831 20 130 32 701 1 025 298 727 13 360 9 760 3 600 . INDIANAPOLIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 6 443 5 997 4 570 6 500 6 443 5 997 4 570 (NA) 4 604 5 126 4 106 (NA) 148 204 165 (NA) 1 691 667 299 (NA) (NA) 67 176 66 165 51 998 (NA) 67 176 66 165 51 998 (NA) 52 791 60 164 49 108 (NA) 1 025 1 617 1 256 (NA) 13 360 4 385 1 634 (NA) _ 1961 _ I960 _ 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959 6 350 4 987 4 545 5 584 6 166 6 600 6 350 4 987 4 545 (NA) 6 166 1 6 600 6 099 4 491 4 346 5 376 6 119 6 355 169 151 61 39 29 15 82 345 138 169 18 230 (NA) 75 536 59 631 55 279 65 519 70 673 67 015 75 536 59 631 55 279 (NA) 70 673 67 oi; 73 824 56 257 54 265 64 019 70 376 65 444 1 130 1 186 321 216 221 76 582 2 188 694 1 284 76 1 496 _ 1958 _ 1957 « 1956 (M) 1955 1954 _ ■iData include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 101 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard rretropolltan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Nurrber of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) Total Total In structures with— Public (contract awards) Total Total In Structures wlth- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) JACKSON, MICH., SMSA Coextensive iidth Jackson County, Mich. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1 1964: TOTAL 620 162 520 62 483 27 2 35 35 100 100 8 252 1 882 7 127 757 ^ '■1 15 308 308 1 125 JACKSON 1 125 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 458 458 456 2 - - 6 370 6 370 6 355 15 - - 1963: TOTAL 666 141 666 141 488 25 2 176 116 - 7 185 1 . S 7 185 1 246 6 200 356 5 980 890 JACKSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 525 525 463 2 60 - 5 940 5 940 5 845 5 90 - 1962: TOTAL 556 39 556 39 495 34 6 55 5 - 6 291 450 6 2^u 450 5 756 426 35 500 24 JACKSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 517 517 461 6 50 - 5 341 5 841 5 330 35 476 - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 556 413 572 556 413 572 495 405 500 6 2 2 55 6 70 - 6 291 4 761 6 263 6 291 4 761 6 263 5 756 4 691 5 521 35 50 7 500 20 735 1961 1960 JACKSON, MISS., SMSA Consists of Hinds a jid Rajikii 1 Countie s. Miss, a (Prior to 1964, definition exc permit -issuing place.) ludes Rankin County, which is not 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 444 1 355 1 444 1 355 731 666 50 50 663 639 - 13 601 12 599 13 601 12 599 9 854 8 925 172 172 3 576 3 502 J.'S.'^.KSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 89 89 65 - 24 - 1 003 1 003 929 - 74 - 1963: TOTAL 1 414 1 315 1 414 1 315 874 793 112 94 428 428 - 13 469 12 291 13 469 12 291 11 109 10 007 332 256 2 028 2 028 JACKSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 99 99 81 18 - - 1 179 1 179 1 103 76 - - 1962: TOTAL 1 153 1 048 1 153 1 048 924 319 98 98 131 131 - 12 456 10 881 12 456 10 881 11 593 10 018 350 350 514 514 JACKSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 105 105 105 - - - 1 575 1 575 1 575 - - - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 048 1 204 1 048 1 204 819 956 98 158 131 90 - 10 881 13 163 10 881 13 163 10 018 12 106 350 562 514 495 1961 - 1960 1 425 1 393 920 194 279 32 12 744 12 406 10 021 561 1 824 338 JACKSONVILLE, FLA., SMSA Coexte nsive wi th Duval CoL mty, Fla. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 4 357 4 357 2 562 129 1 666 _ 27 619 27 619 20 750 468 6 401 _ JACKSONVILLE 620 620 250 45 325 - 3 297 3 297 1 371 151 1 774 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 737 3 737 2 312 84 1 341 - 24 322 24 322 19 379 317 4 627 - 1963: TOTAL 3 625 436 3 625 436 2 984 331 173 81 468 24 - 24 780 2 131 24 780 2 131 22 736 1 752 638 291 1 406 88 . JACKSONVILLE - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 189 3 189 2 653 92 444 - 22 649 22 649 20 985 347 1 318 - 1962: TOTAL 5 263 5 123 4 172 182 769 140 35 852 33 789 29 491 739 3 559 2 063 JACKSONVILLE 522 522 293 79 150 _ 2 233 2 233 1 476 289 469 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 4 741 4 601 3 879 103 619 140 33 619 31 556 28 015 450 3 090 2 063 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 5 235 6 032 6 358 5 095 5 442 6 358 4 144 4 920 5 692 182 225 338 769 297 328 140 590 35 753 41 454 42 557 33 690 34 446 42 557 29 392 31 980 38 966 739 818 1 368 3 559 1 648 2 223 2 063 1961 7 008 1960 - 102 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands Of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (perrrit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) JERSEY CITY, N. J., SMSA Coextensive with Hudson County, N.J. (New area, June 1959. Prior to June 1959, area New York, N.Y. - Northeastern New Jersey SMSA.) comprised a part of the 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 969 960 2 009 2 719 960 1 759 192 38 154 833 274 559 1 694 648 1 046 250 250 25 340 7 747 17 593 22 099 7 747 14 352 2 802 468 2 333 8 271 2 734 5 537 11 027 4 545 6 482 3 241 JERSEY CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 241 1963: TOTAL 2 202 534 1 668 2 099 534 1 565 218 46 172 774 488 286 1 107 1 107 103 103 20 473 5 470 15 003 19 369 5 470 13 899 3 010 578 2 432 7 750 4 892 2 858 8 609 8 609 1 104 JERSEY CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1 104 1962: TOTAL 1 541 509 1 032 1 541 509 1 032 298 135 163 671 346 325 572 28 544 _ 13 894 5 344 8 550 13 894 5 344 8 550 3 658 1 719 1 939 5 987 3 500 2 487 4 250 125 4 125 JERSEY CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES — 1962 1 541 1 878 1 294 1 541 1 654 1 222 298 243 334 671 499 455 572 912 433 224 72 13 894 16 919 12 755 13 894 14 369 11 830 3 658 2 926 3 922 5 987 4 319 3 953 4 250 7 124 3 956 1961 2 550 1960 925 JOHNSTOWN, PA., SMSA Consists of Cambria and Somerset Counties, Pa. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 125 9 116 125 9 116 123 9 114 2 2 - - 1 743 167 1 576 1 743 167 1 576 1 725 167 1 558 18 18 - _ JOHNSTOWN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 181 11 170 125 11 114 123 11 112 2 2 - 56 56 2 752 175 2 577 1 918 175 1 743 1 899 175 1 724 19 19 - 834 JOHNSTOWN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 834 1962: TOTAL 163 11 152 163 11 152 155 11 144 8 8 - - 2 321 144 2 177 2 321 144 2 177 2 223 144 2 079 98 98 - _ JOHNSTOWN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ~ 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 85 142 236 85 142 186 85 142 184 2 - 50 1 248 2 148 3 618 1 248 2 148 2 954 1 248 2 148 2 945 9 - _ 1961 _ 1960 664 KALAMAZOO, MICH., SMSA Coextensive with Kalamazoo County, Mich. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 992 274 718 992 274 718 690 121 569 134 63 71 168 90 78 - 15 875 4 422 11 453 15 875 4 422 11 453 12 733 2 952 9 781 1 496 724 772 1 646 746 900 _ KALAMAZOO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 831 187 64A 831 187 64^ 694 79 615 29 8 21 108 100 8 - 12 581 2 663 9 917 12 581 2 663 9 917 11 4^3 1 691 9 752 178 62 116 960 910 50 _ KALAMAZOO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . "• 1962: TOTAL 766 147 619 766 147 619 686 81 605 22 8 14 58 58 - 12 204 2 552 9 652 12 204 2 552 9 652 11 537 1 969 9 568 148 64 84 519 519 _ KALATIAZOO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ~ 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 733 1 276 1 236 733 1 276 1 236 653 1 181 1 080 22 31 37 58 64 119 . - 11 747 19 451 18 706 11 747 19 451 18 706 11 080 18 681 17 025 148 242 377 519 528 1 304 _ 1961 . 1960 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 103 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In the continental United States and m Hawaii, are established m the 1961 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total, '-" Represents zero. "I^A" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) KANSAS CITY, MO.-KAMS., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196<4: TOTAL KANSAS CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: (196<4 DEFINITION) — TOTAL KANSAS CITY. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL KANSAS CITY. . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL KANSAS CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 KENOSHA, WIS., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES — 1964: TOTAL KENOSHA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL KENOSHA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL KENOSHA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 KNOXVILLE, TENM., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196-4: TOTAL KNOXVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL KNOXVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL KNOXVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Cass, Clay, Jackson, and Platte Counties, Mo., and Johnson and Wyandotte Counties, Kans. (Prior to 196-+, definition excludes Cass and Platte Counties, Mo.) 12 295 A 012 8 283 9 61A 2 926 6 688 9 133 2 926 6 207 8 915 2 480 6 435 8 456 7 529 7 562 589 239 942 662 280 753 506 247 718 629 1 230 693 201 492 285 949 336 343 770 573 2 343 1 962 1 969 12 125 3 992 8 133 9 614 2 926 133 926 207 679 280 399 8 220 7 529 7 172 6 921 1 862 5 059 6 376 1 753 4 623 753 315 005 628 4 377 5 579 5 580 6 189 271 798 1 253 297 956 1 096 297 799 130 958 656 423 4 135 1 859 2 276 1 985 876 1 109 1 969 876 1 093 1 586 522 1 064 1 553 1 293 560 170 20 150 236 200 36 236 390 141 074 42 201 98 873 113 773 33 722 80 051 108 936 33 722 75 214 107 352 29 452 77 900 99 829 90 926 89 914 139 392 41 923 97 469 113 773 33 722 80 051 108 936 33 722 75 214 104 814 27 287 77 527 97 291 90 926 86 845 97 121 26 606 70 515 88 215 25 041 63 174 84 661 25 041 59 620 83 7S8 22 728 61 060 76 565 75 517 77 665 8 197 2 235 5 962 10 432 2 640 7 792 9 239 2 640 6 598 8 095 1 Oil 7 084 8 095 4 850 3 051 Coextensive with Kenosha County, Wis. 239 942 662 280 753 506 247 718 629 1 230 579 16 233 360 12 217 _ 219 4 16 - 744 26 172 _ 468 22 172 - 276 4 - - 664 48 41 _ 437 28 41 - 227 20 - - 629 48 41 607 22 - _ 873 357 - - 10 180 6 520 3 660 11 500 7 036 4 463 10 154 6 700 3 454 643 13 968 10 180 6 520 3 660 11 500 7 036 4 463 10 154 6 700 3 454 9 643 8 908 13 968 8 270 4 730 3 540 10 183 5 759 4 424 9 186 5 834 3 352 8 675 8 694 11 079 153 115 38 274 235 39 398 296 102 398 214 Consists of Anderson, Blount, and Knox Counties, Tenn. 2 693 1 201 1 492 2 225 889 1 336 2 164 641 1 523 2 164 1 962 1 969 1 822 46 825 355 46 800 - 1 467 - 25 - 1 658 68 499 60 343 55 491 60 1 315 13 8 - 1 689 24 451 179 210 18 413 129 1 479 6 38 50 1 689 24 451 179 1 650 26 286 _ i 1 847 8 114 - 27 732 8 633 19 099 25 761 8 954 16 807 25 165 6 525 18 640 25 165 21 299 20 184 27 732 8 633 19 099 25 112 8 305 16 807 23 373 5 238 18 135 23 373 21 299 20 184 23 311 4 301 19 009 21 112 4 438 16 674 20 112 2 205 17 907 20 112 18 956 19 729 305 305 405 322 83 124 90 34 124 124 41 34 074 13 082 20 992 15 126 6 041 9 085 15 036 6 041 8 995 12 931 3 547 9 384 12 631 10 559 6 129 758 675 83 043 043 570 570 570 4 116 4 026 90 3 595 3 545 50 3 138 2 943 195 3 138 2 218 414 1 682 278 1 404 2 538 2 165 373 2 538 3 069 649 649 1 792 1 287 505 1 792 104 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in ttie continental United States and in Hawaii, are established m the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit- authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) UFAYETTE, lA., SMSA Coext ensive v; ith Lafayette Parish, La. (New area, October 1963.) 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 265 261 265 261 4 265 261 4 - - 4 021 3 959 62 4 021 3 959 62 4 021 3 959 62 - - LAFAYETTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ■ LAKE CHARLES, LA., SMSA Coextensive with Calcasieu Parish, La. (New area, August 1960. ) 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 240 130 110 280 176 104 317 207 110 317 258 408 220 130 90 208 104 104 317 207 110 317 238 288 216 126 90 198 94 104 268 158 110 268 236 232 4 4 10 10 23 23 23 2 56 ~ 26 26 26 20 20 72 72 20 120 4 447 2 879 1 568 4 381 2 865 1 516 4 929 3 466 1 463 4 929 4 429 5 518 4 247 2 879 1 368 3 483 1 967 1 516 4 929 3 466 1 463 4 929 4 241 4 445 4 197 2 829 1 368 3 388 1 872 1 516 4 459 2 996 1 463 4 459 4 231 3 991 50 50 95 95 270 270 270 10 454 200 200 200 - 200 UKE CHARLES OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 200 898 UKE CHARLES OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 898 LAKE CHARLES OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 187 1960 1 073 LANCASTER, PA., SMSA Coextensive with Lancaster County, Pa. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 205 198 1 007 770 120 650 782 122 660 705 507 508 1 130 123 1 007 770 120 650 782 122 660 705 507 508 650 54 596 670 70 600 585 122 463 512 487 466 16 16 27 27 14 14 10 6 42 464 69 395 73 50 23 183 183 183 14 75 75 15 636 2 600 13 036 11 655 1 321 10 334 10 518 1 496 9 022 9 631 7 500 7 716 14 699 1 663 13 036 11 655 1 321 10 334 10 518 1 496 9 022 9 631 7 500 7 716 10 82b 663 10 163 10 737 871 9 866 9 057 1 496 7 561 8 235 7 347 7 312 127 127 296 296 199 199 134 47 404 3 746 1 000 2 746 622 450 172 1 262 1 262 1 262 106 937 LANCASTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 937 LANCASTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - LANCASTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES — 1962 - 1961 . 1960 _ LANSING, MICH., SMSA Con sists of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Coun1 ties, Mich. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL: 2 937 831 2 106 2 578 761 1 817 1 679 526 1 153 1 610 1 324 1 312 2 937 831 2 106 2 578 761 1 817 1 679 526 1 153 1 610 1 324 1 312 1 770 509 1 261 1 625 490 1 135 1 379 481 898 1 316 1 171 1 284 100 16 84 54 2 52 14 2 12 14 16 28 1 067 306 761 899 269 630 286 43 243 280 137 - 36 422 9 402 27 019 31 218 8 555 22 663 20 579 6 134 14 445 19 815 16 828 17 010 36 422 9 402 27 019 31 218 8 555 22 663 20 579 6 134 14 445 19 815 16 828 17 010 27 438 6 993 20 445 22 942 6 220 16 722 18 394 5 747 12 647 17 705 15 615 16 753 989 162 827 564 24 540 135 24 111 135 169 257 7 994 2 247 5 747 7 712 2 312 5 400 2 050 363 1 687 1 975 1 044 LANSING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL - LANSING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL LANSING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 - 1960 _ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 105 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) LAREDO, TEX., SMSA 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 196A: TOTAL LAREDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL LAREDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL LAREDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 LAS VEGAS, NEV. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196<;: TOTAL LAS VEGAS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL LAS VEGAS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL LAS VEGAS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 LAWRENCE-HAVERHILL. MASS.- N. H., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES LAWRENCE HAVERHILL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: (196A DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE' CENTRAL CITIES LAWRENCE. . . . HAVERHILL . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES LAWRENCE. . . . HAVERHILL . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES LAWRENCE HAVERHILL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Coextensive with Webb County, Tex. 174. 174 231 231 128 128 128 180 169 174 174 131 131 128 128 128 130 169 170 170 129 129 110 110 110 149 169 100 100 072 072 753 753 428 428 428 752 794 1 072 1 072 546 546 428 428 428 752 794 034 034 526 526 388 619 794 40 125 1 207 1 207 Coextensive vdth Clark County, Nev. (New area, August 1960.) 2 813 1 438 1 375 11 146 5 447 5 699 15 273 6 706 8 567 15 205 5 521 3 675 2 513 1 138 1 375 10 946 5 247 5 699 15 148 6 581 8 567 15 080 5 521 3 550 2 046 927 1 119 7 290 3 668 3 622 6 230 3 430 2 800 6 162 3 387 2 700 439 211 228 1 004 255 749 3 746 1 488 2 258 746 547 207 28 28 2 652 1 324 1 328 5 172 1 663 3 509 5 172 1 587 643 300 300 200 200 125 125 125 125 45 698 23 784 21 91:. 154 502 83 638 70 864 153 734 67 836 85 898 152 755 59 586 42 577 41 649 19 735 21 915 151 962 81 098 70 864 152 151 66 253 85 898 151 172 59 586 41 035 37 012 17 674 19 338 121 335 68 369 52 966 86 824 46 363 40 461 85 845 43 594 34 961 4 461 2 061 2 400 8 655 2 576 6 079 27 900 10 256 17 644 27 900 4 037 1 379 176 176 21 972 10 153 11 819 37 428 9 635 27 793 37 428 11 955 4 695 4 049 4 049 2 540 2 540 1 583 1 583 1 583 1 542 Consists of Lawrence and Haverhill cities, and Andover, Georgetown, Groveland, Merrimac, Me-Qiuen, North Andover, and West Newbury towns in Essex County, Mass.; and Newton, Plaistow, and Salem towns in Rockingham County, N.H. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Georgetown, Merrimac, and West Newbury towns in Essex County, Mass.; and Newton town in Rockingham County, N.H.) 1 445 465 382 83 930 1 385 485 396 89 900 1 261 485 396 39 776 1 064 314 122 192 750 852 799 653 1 369 991 26 352 76 389 131 14 244 76 306 52 10 244 76 S,3 79 4 - - 980 860 12 103 - 1 225 942 43 235 160 325 135 18 172 160 236 66 10 160 160 39 69 3' 12 - 900 807 30 63 - 1 101 326 48 227 160 325 135 18 172 160 236 66 10 160 160 89 69 8 12 - lib 691 30 55 - 1 064 928 44 92 _ 314 204 30 30 - 122 106 16 - - 192 98 14 80 _ 750 724 14 12 - 852 720 40 92 735 657 30 48 64 653 639 14 - - 17 939 4 925 3 996 929 13 015 17 769 5 465 4 624 340 12 304 16 025 5 465 4 624 840 10 560 13 934 3 926 1 379 2 547 10 008 11 306 9 632 8 014 16 380 3 866 2 937 929 13 015 15 967 3 663 2 322 840 12 304 14 223 3 663 2 822 840 10 560 13 934 3 926 1 379 2 547 10 008 11 306 9 233 3 014 13 889 201 1 611 110 714 78 897 32 12 279 91 13 124 578 1 649 111 940 79 703 32 11 475 467 11 442 578 1 649 111 940 79 708 32 9 793 467 12 169 315 2 328 198 1 265 114 1 063 84 9 341 117 9 565 291 8 641 208 7 880 134 2 790 2 145 2 145 645 2 265 1 903 1 803 100 362 2 203 1 903 1 803 100 300 1 450 1 400 1 400 50 1 450 384 1 059 1 059 1 059 1 302 1 302 1 802 1 802 1 802 1 802 399 106 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) LAWTON, OKLA. , SMSA Coextensive with Comanche County, Okla. (Nev; area, August 1960.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 761 761 723 723 648 648 648 723 578 761 761 723 723 648 648 648 723 578 573 573 559 559 552 552 552 711 530 8 8 8 8 23 23 23 12 48 180 180 156 156 73 73 73 - 8 933 8 933 7 333 7 333 6 167 6 167 6 167 6 915 5 319 8 933 8 933 7 333 7 333 6 167 6 167 6 167 6 915 5 319 7 605 7 605 6 412 6 412 5 738 5 738 5 738 6 880 5 192 32 32 20 20 64 64 64 35 127 1 296 1 296 901 901 365 365 365 LAWTON OUTSIDE CEIWRAL CITY. . 1963- TOTAL - LAWTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962- TOTAL - LAWTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 ~ 1961 1960 LEWISTON-AUBURN, MAINfE, SUBA Consists of Auburn and Lewiston cities, and Lisbon Town in Androscoggin County, Maine 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 125 116 97 19 9 184 169 142 27 15 221 177 137 40 44 177 250 274 125 116 97 19 9 184 169 142 27 15 221 177 137 40 44 177 250 274 121 112 93 19 9 174 161 134 27 13 209 165 125 40 44 165 229 238 4 4 4 10 8 8 2 12 12 12 12 21 30 6 - 1 625 1 535 1 318 218 90 2 444 2 268 1 891 377 177 2 745 2 217 1 777 440 528 2 217 3 082 3 120 1 625 1 535 1 318 218 90 2 444 2 268 1 891 377 177 2 745 2 217 1 777 440 528 2 217 3 082 3 120 1 580 1 490 1 272 218 90 2 350 2 193 1 816 377 158 2 617 2 089 1 649 440 528 2 089 2 899 2 826 45 45 45 94 75 75 19 128 128 128 128 183 259 35 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . LEWISTON AUBURN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . LEWISTON AUBURN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962- TOTAL - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . LEWISTON AUBURN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 . 1960 - LEXINGTON, KY. , SMSA Coextensive wil th Fayette County, Ky. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 3 436 2 709 727 2 259 1 628 631 1 748 1 124 624 1 748 993 1 802 3 436 2 709 727 2 259 1 628 631 1 748 1 124 624 1 748 993 1 802 1 775 1 236 539 1 356 858 498 1 059 587 472 1 059 792 1 263 327 277 50 204 166 38 77 69 8 77 80 146 1 334 1 196 U8 699 604 95 612 468 144 612 121 393 - 40 973 27 189 13 784 25 115 15 103 10 012 20 325 10 759 9 566 20 325 13 399 22 799 40 973 27 189 U 784 25 115 15 103 10 012 20 325 10 759 9 566 20 325 13 399 22 799 28 096 17 487 10 608 19 713 10 545 9 168 15 560 7 036 8 524 15 560 12 132 19 518 2 736 2 331 406 1 524 1 236 288 497 431 66 497 504 912 10 142 7 372 2 770 3 877 3 322 555 4 268 3 292 976 4 268 762 2 369 LEXINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL - LEXINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL LEXINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 107 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollais) Total Private (permit-authorized) lotal In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) LIMA, OHIO, SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— ViiA: TOTAL LIMA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL LIMA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL LIMA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 LINCOLN, HEBR. , SMSA 12, OOO-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL LINCOLN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 196J: TOTAL LINCOLN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL LINCOLN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 . . LITTLE ROCK-NORTH LITTLE ROCK. AKK. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES LITTLE ROCK .... NORTH LITTLE ROCK . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES LITTLE ROCK .... NORTH LITTLE ROCK . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES LITTLE ROCK .... NORTH LITTLE ROCK . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 295 118 177 345 142 203 423 225 198 375 319 308 1 340 1 299 41 1 336 1 275 61 1 712 1 635 77 1 702 1 281 1 083 2 379 2 116 1 441 675 263 2 472 2 255 1 631 624 217 2 133 1 993 1 514 479 140 2 095 1 059 853 Coextensive with Allen County, Ohio 295 260 4 31 118 87 _ 31 . 177 173 4 - - 345 271 16 58 . 142 108 H 30 . 203 163 12 28 - 423 347 14 62 . 225 191 4 30 - 198 156 10 32 - 375 309 4 62 319 316 3 . - 308 308 - - - i 179 2 680 123 492 631 5 234 2 408 2 826 4 467 3 676 3 526 859 179 123 492 631 234 408 826 4 467 3 676 3 526 3 663 1 036 2 627 606 355 251 276 422 4 042 3 656 3 526 105 25 139 28 111 Coextensive with Lancaster County, Nebr. 1 340 1 299 41 1 336 1 275 bl 1 712 1 635 77 1 702 1 281 1 083 883 94 363 845 91 363 . 38 3 - - 1 063 85 188 . 1 002 85 188 - 61 - - - 1 165 137 410 . 1 097 133 405 . 68 4 5 " 1 155 137 410 959 127 195 _ 877 82 124 - 15 487 14 993 494 16 141 15 125 1 017 19 667 18 569 1 098 19 486 14 509 11 770 15 487 14 993 494 16 141 15 125 1 017 19 667 18 569 1 098 19 486 14 509 11 770 12 177 11 708 469 14 053 13 036 1 017 14 271 13 225 1 046 14 090 11 615 10 227 929 904 25 728 728 1 154 1 119 35 1 154 1 108 748 Coextensive with Pulaski County, Ark. 2 379 2 116 1 441 675 263 2 397 2 180 1 631 549 217 2 133 1 993 1 514 479 140 2 095 1 059 853 1 775 77 527 1 533 56 527 . 1 010 18 413 . 523 38 114 . 242 21 - - 1 655 108 634 75 1 493 73 614 75 1 042 32 557 _ 451 41 57 75 162 35 20 - 1 551 85 497 1 419 77 497 . 970 57 487 - 449 20 10 - 132 8 - - 1 513 85 497 955 51 53 - 769 73 11 - 33 881 31 193 22 689 8 504 2 688 32 860 30 952 23 888 7 064 1 909 26 770 25 535 20 442 5 093 1 235 26 280 12 998 10 006 2.3 881 31 193 22 689 8 504 2 688 32 033 30 125 23 888 6 237 1 909 26 770 25 535 20 442 5 093 1 235 26 280 12 998 10 006 28 532 512 25 954 402 19 433 146 6 521 256 2 578 110 24 060 685 22 371 508 16 729 240 5 642 267 1 689 177 21 307 448 20 100 420 15 132 335 4 968 85 1 207 28 20 817 448 12 413 318 9 536 430 143 143 412 112 300 397 104 293 397 2 381 2 381 1 360 1 360 4 243 4 225 18 4 243 1 786 795 4 837 4 837 3 109 1 728 289 246 919 327 43 015 015 975 40 015 267 40 827 827 827 108 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) SMSA, coverage, definition, | Public (contract awards) and year Total Total In Structures with— Total Total In structures w th- Public (contract ' 1 unit 2-4 5 units 2-4 5 units awards) units or more 1 unit units or more LORAI N-ELYRIA, OHIO, SMSA ACE SERIES- Coextens Lve with Lorain County, Ohio. 12,000-PL 1964: TOTAL 1 659 1 185 1 483 1 009 1 017 570 47 30 419 409 176 176 21 568 12 793 19 649 10 874 16 627 8 077 427 277 2 595 2 520 1 919 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 1 919 LORAIN 653 477 294 26 157 176 7 532 5 613 4 021 237 1 355 1 919 ELYRIA 532 532 276 4 252 - 5 261 5 261 4 056 40 1 165 • OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 474 474 447 17 10 - 8 775 8 775 8 550 150 75 - 1963: TOTAL 1 759 914 1 759 914 1 368 699 98 43 293 172 - 23 682 10 548 23 682 10 548 20 783 9 214 854 334 2 045 1 000 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . _ LORAIN 549 549 345 32 172 _ 5 728 5 728 4 488 240 1 000 _ ELYRIA 365 365 354 11 _ - 4 819 4 819 4 725 94 _ _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 845 845 669 55 121 - 13 134 13 134 11 569 520 1 045 - 1962: TOTAL 1 883 1 077 1 883 1 077 1 696 980 73 33 114 64 - 25 040 13 027 25 040 13 027 23 791 12 255 591 272 658 500 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . _ LORAIN 496 496 472 24 _ _ 6 027 6 027 5 811 215 - _ ELYRIA 581 581 508 9 64 _ 7 000 7 000 6 444 57 500 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 806 806 716 40 50 - 12 013 12 013 11 536 319 158 - 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 . I 867 1 484 I 504 1 867 1 484 1 504 1 680 I 428 1 456 73 44 43 114 12 5 - 24 807 20 722 21 720 24 807 20 722 21 720 23 558 20 286 21 303 591 388 352 658 48 65 1961 _ 1960 _ LES-LONG BEACH, CALIF. , LOS ANGE Coex pensive witl 1 Los Aug eles Cou] nty, Cal if. (Pr Lor to 1964, definition includes Orange County, Calif. SMSA ACE SERIES- Loiig Beach a ided to irea title. December 1955 . ) 12,000-PL 1964: TOTAL 89 019 42 843 88 619 42 443 23 713 6 948 7 982 1 304 56 924 34 191 400 400 1 151 891 547 654 1 146 831 542 594 500 790 176 362 77 924 13 602 568 117 352 630 5 060 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . 5 060 LOS ANGELES.- . , , , 39 316 39 316 6 492 864 31 960 _ 511 718 511 718 168 633 10 063 333 022 _ LONG BEACH 3 527 3 127 456 440 2 231 400 35 935 30 875 7 729 3 538 19 607 5 060 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 46 176 46 176 16 765 6 578 22 733 - 604 237 604 237 324 429 64 322 215 487 - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL 106 437 106 187 26 448 11 711 68 028 250 1 238.671 1 235 075 503 332 104 126 627 617 3 596 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 48 231 47 981 8 505 1 735 37 741 250 554 825 551 229 190 315 15 443 345 470 3 596 LOS AMGELES . . . 40 518 40 518 7 934 640 31 944 _ 496 240 496 240 181 827 6 668 307 745 _ LONG BEACH. , , , 7 713 7 463 571 1 095 5 797 250 58 586 54 990 8 488 8 776 37 726 3 596 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 58 206 53 206 17 943 9 976 30 287 - 683 846 683 846 313 017 88 683 282 147 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL 141 499 141 099 42 537 23 322 75 240 400 1 708 948 1 702 960 796 831 216 327 689 802 5 988 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 48 231 47 981 8 505 1 735 37 741 250 554 825 551 229 190 315 15 443 345 470 3 596 LOS AMGELES . . . 40 518 40 518 7 934 640 31 944 _ 496 240 496 240 "181 827 6 668 307 745 - LONG BEACH. . , , 7 713 7 463 571 1 095 5 797 250 58 586 54 990 8 488 8 776 37 726 3 596 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 93 268 93 118 34 032 21 587 37 499 150 1 154 124 1 151 732 606 516 200 884 344 332 2 392 1962: TOTAL 114 607 32 992 114 607 32 992 44 307 7 984 13 209 882 57 091 24 126 - 1 356 493 379 950 1 356 493 379 950 753 678 160 700 117 459 7 110 485 356 212 140 _ INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . - LOS ANGELES 28 879 28 879 7 432 4^0 21 007 _ 342 858 342 858 152 040 3 812 187 005 - LONG BEACH 4 113 4 113 552 442 3 119 _ 37 092 37 092 8 660 3 298 25 135 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 81 615 81 615 36 323 12 327 32 965 - 976 543 976 543 592 978 110 349 273 216 - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 , 114 607 94 309 81 676 90 900 114 607 94 306 81 668 (NA) 44 307 43 195 40 415 (NA) 13 209 7 718 7 233 (NA) 57 091 43 393 34 020 (NA) 3 8 (NA) 1 356 493 1 123 856 945 412 (NA) 1 356 493 1 123 805 945 348 (NA) 753 678 697 134 615 396 (NA) 117 459 62 228 55 488 (NA) 485 356 364 443 274 463 (NA) _ 1961 52 1960 64 1959 (NA) 6,600-PUCE SERIES— 1959 . 90 269 80 562 80 654 89 262 103 720 lOi 082 90 269 (NA). 80 654 89 262 (NA) (NA) 47 393 38 646 43 552 63 432 81 396 78 664 8 121 6 881 6 633 6 070 6 016 7 167 34 755 35 035 30 469 19 760 16 308 18 251 (NA) (na") (NA) 967 440 804 410 812 417 915 214 1 010 964 919 190 967 440 (NA) 812 417 915 214 (NA) (NA) 676 584 534 312 574 381 764 542 886 003 779 494 60 352 48 068 41 887 37 981 35 492 39 952 230 504 222 031 196 150 112 691 89 468 99 744 _ 1958^ (NA) 1957 1956 . _ 1955^ (NA) 1954^. (NA) ^Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 109 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) LOUISVILLK, KY.-IND., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 19&4: TOTAL LOUISVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL LOUISVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL LOUISVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 LOWELL, MASS., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 19&!h: TOTAL LOWELL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL LOWELL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL LOWELL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL LOWELL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 LUBBOCK, TEX., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL LUBBOCK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL LUBBOCK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL LUBBOCK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Jefferson County, Ky., and Clarl: and Floyd Counties, Ind. 7 786 018 768 277 555 722 5 338 1 357 3 981 5 323 4 590 3 962 724 018 706 125 555 570 338 357 981 5 323 4 517 3 962 5 511 777 4 734 5 048 871 4 177 4 755 930 3 825 4 740 3 713 3 571 131 16 115 189 38 151 214 86 128 214 97 167 2 082 1 225 857 888 646 242 369 341 28 369 707 224 62 62 152 152 73 80 195 15 966 64 229 67 545 14 840 52 705 63 273 13 767 49 506 63 054 48 132 45 081 79 604 15 966 63 638 65 701 14 840 50 860 63 273 13 767 49 506 63 054 46 866 45 081 65 008 9 637 55 371 59 803 11 318 48 484 59 972 11 528 48 444 59 753 43 540 43 082 1 059 118 940 1 286 266 1 020 1 596 679 917 1 596 634 897 13 537 6 210 7 326 4 612 3 256 1 356 1 705 1 560 145 1 705 2 692 1 103 591 591 1 844 1 844 1 266 Consists of Lowell city and Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, and Westford towns in Middlesex County, Mass. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Westford town in Middlesex County.) 1 413 293 1 120 1 832 328 1 504 1 687 328 1 359 1 220 391 829 1 220 1 168 1 219 1 413 293 1 120 1 832 328 1 504 1 687 328 1 359 1 220 391 829 1 220 1 168 1 219 1 140 149 991 1 472 130 1 342 1 327 130 1 197 182 807 1 065 1 183 102 34 104 68 36 104 68 36 68 54 14 56 28 171 110 61 256 130 126 256 130 126 163 155 163 47 14 697 2 312 12 385 18 305 2 300 16 005 16 500 2 300 14 200 11 704 2 958 8 746 11 704 12 318 13 924 14 697 2 312 12 385 18 305 2 300 16 005 16 500 2 300 14 200 11 704 2 958 8 746 11 704 12 318 13 924 13 140 1 469 11 671 16 411 1 212 15 199 14 606 1 212 13 394 10 476 1 830 8 646 10 476 11 747 13 623 716 193 524 726 450 276 726 450 276 309 239 70 309 211 256 840 650 190 1 168 638 530 1 168 638 530 919 889 30 919 360 45 Coextensive with Lubbock County, Tex. 016 913 103 525 445 024 946 78 1 991 1 806 1 564 016 913 103 525 445 024 946 78 1 991 1 806 1 564 1 258 252 1 506 1 179 233 1 501 - 79 19 5 - 1 086 198 241 _ 1 019 190 236 - 67 8 5 - 1 366 80 578 _ 1 288 80 578 - 78 - " ~ 1 333 80 578 1 522 104 180 1 517 10 37 34 458 33 227 1 231 21 257 20 256 1 1 001 25 073 24 149 924 24 616 23 669 23 561 34 458 33 227 1 231 21 257 20 256 1 001 25 073 24 149 924 24 616 23 669 23 561 21 344 20 283 1 061 17 546 16 684 862 20 503 19 579 924 20 047 21 777 23 344 2 652 2 512 140 1 633 1 537 96 424 424 424 782 47 10 462 10 432 30 078 036 43 146 146 4 146 1 110 170 no RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) LYNCHBURG, VA., SMSA Consists of liynchburg city and Amherst and Campbell Counties, Va, 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 838 251 587 838 251 587 712 145 567 18 10 8 108 96 12 - 10 373 3 074 7 299 10 373 3 074 7 299 9 558 2 399 7 159 130 65 65 685 610 75 LYWCHBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 983 344 639 983 344 639 754 180 574 63 34 29 166 130 36 - 10 859 4 118 6 741 10 859 4 118 6 741 9 376 3 027 6 349 353 186 167 1 130 905 225 LYNCHBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 795 254 541 795 254 541 759 237 522 19 5 14 17 12 5 - 9 890 4 294 5 596 9 890 4 294 5 596 9 668 4 183 5 485 122 30 92 100 80 20 LYNCHBURG OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . " 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 795 786 944 795 786 944 759 767 787 19 19 81 17 76 - 9 890 8 834 10 039 9 890 8 834 10 039 9 668 8 704 8 560 122 130 580 100 900 _ 1961 _ 1960 _ MACON, GA., SMSA Consists of Bibb and Houston Counties, Ga, 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 190 858 332 1 090 858 232 910 684 226 160 154 6 20 20 100 100 11 561 8 468 3 093 10 612 8 468 2 144 9 811 7 677 2 134 680 670 10 121 121 949 MACON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 949 1963: TOTAL 1 581 1 162 419 1 495 1 076 419 1 101 706 395 324 308 16 70 62 8 86 86 14 496 10 905 3 590 13 588 9 997 3 590 10 914 7 449 3 464 2 084 1 998 86 590 550 40 908 MACON 908 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 1 702 1 064 638 1 702 1 064 638 1 200 682 518 403 294 109 99 88 11 " 14 185 9 167 5 018 14 185 9 167 5 018 11 750 7 224 4 526 1 791 1 348 443 644 594 50 _ MACON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 702 1 519 1 069 1 702 1 313 1 069 1 200 1 043 1 023 403 242 36 99 28 10 206 14 185 12 711 8 726 14 185 10 641 8 726 11 750 9 607 8 570 1 791 900 116 644 134 40 _ 1961 2 070 I960 _ MADISON, WIS,, SMSA Coextensive vii th Dane Coun ty. Wis. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 4 297 2 612 1 685 4 297 2 612 1 685 1 499 796 703 384 245 139 2 414 1 571 843 - 39 293 23 942 15 352 39 293 23 942 15 352 20 682 11 048 9 634 3 105 2 026 1 078 15 507 10 867 4 640 _ MADISON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ~ 1963: TOTAL 3 271 1 941 1 330 3 111 1 781 1 330 1 262 673 589 443 317 126 1 406 791 615 160 160 31 034 18 116 12 917 29 634 16 716 12 917 16 888 8 948 7 940 3 475 2 445 1 030 9 271 5 324 3 947 1 400 MADISON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, . 1 400 1962: TOTAL 2 146 1 348 798 2 146 1 348 798 1 089 579 510 227 133 94 830 636 194 - 21 978 12 520 9 458 21 978 12 520 9 458 14 135 7 491 6 644 1 820 1 064 756 6 022 3 966 2 056 _ MADISON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 146 2 196 2 035 2 146 2 196 2 035 1 089 1 083 1 298 227 260 372 830 573 365 280 21 978 22 518 20 877 21 978 18 673 20 877 14 135 13 780 15 939 1 820 2 055 2 845 6 022 2 838 2 093 _ 3 845 1960 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 111 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established m the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total, "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) MANCHESTER, N. H., SMSA Consists of Manchester city and Bedford and Goffstomi towns in Merrimack County, N.H. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Bedford in Merrimack County.) Hillsborough County, N.H., and Hooksett town in town in Hillsborough County, and Hooksett town 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 508 382 126 508 382 126 367 241 126 45 45 96 96 - 5 797 4 280 1 517 5 797 4 280 1 517 4 589 3 072 1 517 334 334 875 875 _ MANCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . _ 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL MANCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 393 297 96 393 297 96 353 259 94 40 38 2 - - 4 736 3 608 X 128 4 736 3 608 1 128 4 400 3 292 1 108 336 316 20 - - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL I^UJCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 297 297 297 297 259 259 38 38 - 3 608 3 608 3 608 3 608 3 292 3 292 316 316 - - 1962: TOTAL 295 295 295 295 269 269 26 26 ~ ~ 3 434 3 434 3 434 3 434 3 241 3 241 194 194 _ MANCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . _ 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 295 406 251 295 256 251 269 251 237 26 5 14 : 150 3 434 4 701 2 897 3 434 2 936 2 897 3 241 2 907 2 784 194 29 114 : _ 1961 1 765 1960 ISEMPHIS, TENN.-ARK., SMSA Cc insists of Shelby County, Tenn., and ( Crittenc ^rittende ien County, Ark. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes ;n Coimty, Ark.) 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 6 417 2 917 3 500 6 417 2 917 3 500 3 929 669 3 260 344 288 56 2 144 1 960 184 - 53 755 12 714 41 041 53 755 12 714 41 041 46 087 6 604 39 483 1 147 845 302 6 521 5 265 1 256 _ MEMPHIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL MEMPHIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 7 532 4 435 3 097 7 532 4 435 3 097 3 545 762 2 783 234 218 16 3 753 3 455 298 - 50 494 19 896 30 598 50 494 19 896 30 598 35 493 6 442 29 051 635 577 58 14 367 12 877 1 490 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL MEMPHIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 7 247 4 435 2 812 7 247 4 435 2 812 3 322 762 2 560 232 218 14 3 693 3 455 238 - 48 540 19 896 23 644 48 540 19 896 28 644 33 961 6 442 27 519 628 577 51 13 952 12 877 1 075 - 1962: TOTAL 4 738 2 025 2 713 4 738 2 025 2 713 3 421 806 2 615 204 162 42 1 113 1 057 56 ~ 36 273 11 021 25 252 36 273 11 021 25 252 31 337 6 476 24 861 576 4-47 129 4 361 4 097 264 _ MEMPHIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 4 738 5 096 5 102 4 738 4 756 5 102 3 421 3 271 3 794 204 224 322 1 113 1 261 986 340 36 273 37 368 33 322 36 273 33 235 33 322 31 337 27 258 29 956 576 879 991 4 361 5 098 2 375 4 133 MERIDEN, CONN., SMSA Coextensive with Meriden city , New Ha ven County, Conn. (New area, September 196 0) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL MERIDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 437 437 437 437 199 199 6 6 232 232 ~ 3 473 3 473 3 473 3 473 2 084 2 084 32 32 1 356 1 356 "* 1963: TOTAL 276 276 236 23t) 199 199 ~ 37 37 40 40 2 594 2 594 2 251 2 251 2 046 2 046 : 205 205 343 MERIDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 343 1962: TOTAL 299 299 299 299 189 189 4 4 106 106 ~ 2 565 2 565 2 565 2 565 2 014 2 014 45 45 506 506 _ MERIDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES- 1962 299 194 324 299 194 184 189 163 184 4 106 31 140 2 565 1 771 3 663 2 565 1 771 1 900 2 014 1 696 1 900 45 506 75 _ 1961 _ 1960 1 763 112 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in ttie continental United States and in Hawaii, are establlstred In the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In Structures wltfv- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) MIAMI, FLA., SMSA Coextensive with Dade County, Fla. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 13 283 2 059 11 224 10 282 2 186 8 096 10 286 1 696 8 590 10 286 10 207 11 593 15 794 15 794 18 761 18 387 17 131 16 362 16 175 13 283 2 059 11 224 9 950 1 864 8 086 10 286 1 696 8 590 10 286 10 085 11 529 (NA) 15 794 (NA) (NA) 17 131 16 362 (NA) 3 813 187 3 626 4 106 192 3 914 4 621 223 4 398 4 621 5 993 7 498 (NA) 11 111 11 216 11 075 11 974 12 296 11 598 935 323 612 1 042 300 742 727 259 468 727 810 1 041 (NA) 1 481 1 927 2 236 2 396 2 096 1 659 8 535 1 549 6 986 4 802 1 372 3 430 4 938 1 214 3 724 4 938 3 282 2 990 (NA) 3 202 5 618 5 076 2 761 1 970 2 918 332 322 10 122 64 (NA) (na") (NA) (MA^ 130 077 17 054 113 022 104 937 18 435 86 502 112 410 16 431 95 979 112 410 114 626 142 800 (NA) 148 685 167 828 160 413 152 885 148 601 137 180 130 077 17 054 113 022 101 359 14 961 86 398 112 410 16 431 95 979 112 410 113 669 142 326 (NA) 148 685 (NA) (NA) 152 885 148 601 (NA) 57 793 2 671 55 122 60 544 2 558 57 986 65 613 2 616 62 997 65 613 78 660 111 648 (NA) 120 426 125 022 121 802 125 350 127 772 114 990 6 168 2 172 3 996 6 543 1 822 4 721 4 430 1 598 2 832 4 430 5 197 6 189 (NA) 8 557 11 282 12 776 12 932 11 804 8 655 66 116 12 212 53 904 34 272 10 581 23 691 42 367 12 217 30 150 42 367 29 812 24 488 (NA) 19 703 31 524 25 836 14 604 9 025 13 535 MIAMI OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 3 578 MIAMI 3 474 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 104 MIAMI OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 957 1960 474 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959 1958^ (NA) 1957^ (NA) 1956 1955 1954^ (NA) MIDLAND, TEX., SMSA Coex tensive with Mid land Cou nty, Tex. (New area, August 1960. , 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 480 480 388 388 404 4&i 404 776 884 480 480 388 388 404 404 404 776 884 315 315 324 324 364 364 364 536 755 12 165 165 64 64 40 40 40 240 117 - 7 344 7 344 6 822 6 822 7 448 7 448 7 448 10 623 11 705 7 344 7 344 6 822 6 822 7 448 7 448 7 448 10 623 11 705 6 104 6 104 6 422 6 422 7 198 7 198 7 198 8 713 10 959 66 1 240 1 240 400 400 250 250 250 1 910 680 MIDLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL - MIDLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - MIDLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 MILWAUKEE, WIS., SMSA Consist exc s of Milw ludes Oza auiee, ukee Cou zaukee , nty. Pr and Vaak ior to 1 esha Countie 957, definit s, Wis. (Pr ion excludes ior to 1964 Waukesha C , defini ounty. ) tion 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 9 502 4 182 5 320 7 484 3 615 3 869 9 322 4 002 5 320 7 110 3 241 3 869 4 056 941 3 115 3 876 1 007 2 869 924 582 342 659 401 258 4 342 2 479 1 863 2 575 1 833 742 180 180 374 374 114 195 33 051 81 144 91 182 35 256 55 926 112 524 31 380 81 144 86 631 30 705 55 926 68 367 6 083 62 284 62 381 13 706 48 675 9 366 5 669 3 697 6 405 4 056 2 349 34 790 19 628 15 162 17 845 12 943 4 902 1 671 MILWAUKEE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL MILWAUKEE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 671 4 551 4 551 Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 113 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MILWAUKEE, WIS.. SMSA— CONTINUED 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— CONT. 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL MILWAUKEE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL MILWAUKEE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 1959 6, 600 -PLACE SERIES— 1959 1958^ 1957^ . . . . 1956 ... 1955 1954^ MIMNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL. MINN.. SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 19fri: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . MINHEAPOLIS ST. PAUL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 MOBILE, ALA., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES- 1964: TOTAL MOBILE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL ■ MOBILE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL MOBILE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962 : TOTAL MOBILE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ,000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 7 172 3 615 3 557 914 695 219 5 893 6 886 8 596 6 700 6 335 6 660 8 507 8 473 8 358 9 522 6 798 3 241 3 557 5 913 2 695 3 218 5 892 6 886 8 476 (NA) 6 335 (NA) (NA) 8 473 8 358 (NA) 3 594 1 007 2 587 3 186 782 2 404 3 165 3 483 4 023 (NA) 3 613 4 038 4 870 5 952 6 842 7 108 653 401 252 450 324 126 450 859 1 603 (NA) 1 936 1 790 2 626 1 997 1 234 1 479 2 551 1 833 718 2 277 1 589 2 277 2 544 2 850 (NA) 786 832 1 Oil 524 282 935 374 374 120 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 85 490 35 256 50 234 70 773 24 008 46 765 70 410 78 565 95 030 (NA) 80 213 79 381 96 073 105 137 102 164 109 911 80 939 30 705 50 234 70 755 24 008 46 747 70 392 78 565 93 719 (NA) 80 213 (NA) (NA) 105 137 102 164 (NA) 56 961 13 706 43 254 50 121 10 301 39 820 49 758 54 638 61 999 (NA) 55 039 58 078 66 586 84 050 89 218 89 803 6 338 4 056 2 282 4 537 3 318 1 219 4 537 8 270 14 272 (NA) 17 387 15 520 22 789 17 895 11 178 12 968 17 640 12 943 4 697 16 096 10 390 5 706 16 096 15 657 17 448 (NA) 7 787 5 783 6 698 3 192 1 769 7 141 Consists of Anoka, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, and Washington Counties, Minn. 16 996 4 614 2 079 2 535 12 382 16 230 3 824 2 306 1 518 12 406 16 784 5 472 3 815 1 657 11 312 16 600 13 689 12 745 16 739 4 357 2 079 2 278 12 382 16 176 3 770 2 306 1 464 12 406 15 681 4 369 3 053 1 316 11 312 15 497 13 151 12 721 7 970 448 134 314 7 522 8 169 494 160 334 7 675 7 766 470 130 340 7 296 7 582 7 462 8 755 174 48 126 692 696 190 108 82 506 765 192 144 48 573 765 718 777 7 903 3 735 1 897 1 838 4 168 7 311 3 086 2 038 1 048 4 225 150 707 779 928 4^3 7 150 4 971 3 189 257 257 257 54 54 54 103 103 762 341 103 538 24 228 334 47 790 24 009 23 781 180 544 202 450 36 209 21 357 14 853 166 241 198 175 50 258 33 878 16 380 147 917 195 692 170 967 168 749 224 780 44 236 24 009 20 227 180 544 201 515 35 274 21 357 13 918 166 241 187 350 39 433 26 858 12 575 147 917 184 867 165 248 168 520 142 819 7 817 2 281 5 537 135 002 136 840 8 815 2 867 5 948 128 026 124 832 8 291 2 254 6 037 116 541 122 349 119 069 137 131 9 771 1 968 695 1 274 7 803 7 460 2 299 1 124 1 175 5 161 7 801 1 977 1 466 511 5 824 7 801 7 094 7 551 72 190 34 450 21 034 13 416 37 739 57 215 24 160 17 366 6 794 33 054 54 717 29 164 23 138 6 026 25 553 54 717 39 085 23 838 Consists of Baldwin and Mobile Counties, Ala. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Baldwin County. ) 540 925 615 939 474 465 770 474 296 150 732 418 2 130 1 464 1 521 327 925 402 939 474 465 1 770 1 474 296 1 699 1 281 418 1 679 1 464 1 521 1 180 26 121 213 785 19 121 - 395 7 _ 213 1 393 90 456 _ 940 78 456 - 453 12 - - 1 224 90 456 _ 940 78 456 - 284 12 - - 1 545 44 110 451 1 137 34 110 451 408 10 - - 1 525 44 110 451 1 414 50 - - 1 489 32 - - 14 365 8 446 5 920 15 985 11 755 4 230 13 841 11 755 2 086 18 092 15 401 2 691 17 903 10 924 10 539 11 865 8 4^6 1 3 420 15 985 11 755 4 230 13 841 11 755 2 086 13 321 10 630 2 691 13 132 10 924 10 539 11 214 95 7 819 71 3 395 24 13 232 423 9 033 392 4 199 31 11 088 423 9 033 392 2 054 32 12 452 119 9 781 • 99 2 671 20 12 263 119 10 799 125 10 426 113 556 556 2 330 2 330 2 330 2 330 750 750 750 4 551 4 551 18 18 18 1 311 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 554 3 554 3 554 935 935 935 10 825 10 825 7 020 3 805 10 825 5 719 229 2 500 2 500 4 771 4 771 4 771 ■■■Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 114 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Num )er of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) MONROE, LA., SMSA Coextensive vith Ouachita County, La. (New area, August 1960.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 432 319 113 432 319 113 256 201 55 12 8 4 164 110 54 - 4 795 3 746 1 048 4 795 3 746 1 048 3 768 2 941 827 84 65 18 943 740 203 MONROE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , - 1963: TOTAL 294 220 74 294 220 74 257 195 62 16 14 2 21 11 10 - 3 618 2 664 953 3 618 2 664 953 3 433 2 54V» 889 84 70 14 100 51 50 MONROE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 378 286 92 378 286 92 348 268 80 8 8 22 10 12 - 4 552 3 478 1 074 4 552 3 478 1 074 4 412 3 379 1 033 42 42 98 57 41 MONROE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 378 433 592 378 433 592 348 399 439 8 10 16 22 24 137 ~ 4 552 4 872 5 374 4 552 4 872 5 374 4 412 4 685 4 795 42 72 81 98 115 498 1961 1960 MONTGOMERY, ALA., SMSA Consists of Elmore and Montgomery Counties, Ala (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Elmore County. 12,000-PLACE SEEIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 051 1 036 15 1 051 1 036 15 953 938 15 56 56 42 42 ~ 11 145 10 988 157 11 145 10 988 157 10 633 10 475 157 194 194 318 318 MONTGOMERY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL MONTGOMERY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 346 1 329 17 1 346 1 329 17 1 076 1 059 17 66 66 204 204 - 12 093 11 976 117 12 093 11 976 117 10 971 10 854 117 256 256 867 867 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL MONTGOMERY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 329 1 329 1 329 1 329 1 059 1 059 66 66 204 204 - 11 976 11 976 11 976 11 976 10 854 10 854 256 256 867 867 - 1962: TOTAL 1 106 1 106 1 106 1 106 1 023 1 023 78 78 5 5 - 9 876 9 876 9 876 9 876 9 636 9 636 215 215 25 25 _ MONTGOMERY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 106 955 833 1 106 955 833 1 023 873 786 78 60 47 5 22 : 9 876 8 053 7 619 9 876 8 053 7 619 9 636 7 793 7 514 215 170 104 25 90 _ 1961 _ 1960 _ MUWCIE, IND., SMSA Coextensive with Delaware County, Ind, 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 259 259 259 259 107 107 18 18 134 134 ~ 2 538 2 538 2 538 2 538 1 829 1 829 149 149 560 560 _ MUNCIE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 115 115 115 115 95 95 4 4 16 16 ~ 1 723 1 723 1 723 1 723 1 618 1 618 20 20 84 84 _ MUNCIE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 245 245 195 195 126 126 6 6 63 63 50 50 2 545 2 545 2 106 2 106 1 690 1 690 71 71 345 345 439 MUNCIE 439 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 245 224 166 195 224 166 126 174 162 6 12 4 63 38 50 2 545 2 926 2 550 2 106 2 926 2 550 1 690 2 581 2 515 71 145 35 345 200 439 _ 1960 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 115 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Sti/ISA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) MUSKEGON-MUSKEGON HEIGHTS. MICH., SMSA Coextensive with Muskegon County, Mich. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 624 53 41 12 571 804 265 52 213 539 551 68 63 5 483 548 694 677 624 53 41 12 571 604 65 52 13 539 551 68 63 5 483 548 694 677 596 53 41 12 543 499 65 52 13 434 536 57 52 5 479 533 648 677 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 20 20 101 101 11 11 11 11 42 200 200 200 7 529 713 557 156 6 816 9 225 3 355 714 2 64-1 5 870 6 714 891 840 51 5 823 6 690 8 343 7 879 7 529 713 557 156 6 816 6 719 849 714 135 5 870 6 714 891 840 51 5 823 6 690 8 343 7 879 7 268 713 557 156 6 555 6 265 849 714 135 5 416 6 586 771 720 51 5 815 6 562 7 972 7 879 84 84 10 10 8 8 8 21 176 176 444 4A4 120 120 120 120 350 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . MUSKEGON MUSKEGON HEIGHTS . . OUTSIDE CENTRA! CITIES. 1963: TOTAL 2 506 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . MUSKEGON MUSKEGON HEIGHTS . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL 2 506 2 506 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . MUSKEGON MUSKEGON HEIGHTS , . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES, 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 NASHVILLE, TENN., S^EA Consists of Davidso n, Sumner , and Wilson Counties, T enn. (Prior to 1964, ex eludes Sumner and V/ilson Count ies.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 5 076 4 751 325 3 877 2 363 1 514 3 645 2 363 1 282 3 166 1 393 1 773 3 124 3 989 3 162 4 856 4 531 325 3 588 2 182 1 406 3 464 2 182 1 282 3 166 1 393 1 773 3 124 3 749 3 162 2 158 1 884 274 2 405 1 121 1 284 2 287 1 121 1 166 2 154 564 1 590 2 112 2 405 2 083 535 522 13 596 474 122 590 474 116 357 271 86 357 383 360 2 163 2 125 38 587 587 587 587 655 558 97 655 961 719 220 220 289 181 108 181 181 240 38 530 34 071 4 460 31 467 16 039 15 428 29 248 16 039 13 209 26 336 7 863 18 473 25 046 36 448 28 643 36 336 31 877 4 460 28 684 14 201 14 483 27 410 14 201 13 209 26 336 7 863 18 473 25 046 33 843 28 643 23 097 18 818 4 279 24 419 10 540 13 879 23 217 10 540 12 677 21 939 4 200 17 739 20 649 23 824 21 744 2 187 2 131 56 2 449 1 844 605 2 377 1 844 532 1 511 1 068 443 1 511 1 835 1 920 11 053 10 928 125 1 817 1 817 1 817 1 817 2 885 2 595 290 2 885 8 184 4 979 2 194 NASHVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL NASHVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL NASHVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL 2 194 2 783 1 838 945 1 838 1 838 NASHVILLE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 2 605 1960 NEW BEDFORD, MASS., SMSA Const sts of New Bedford c ity and Acushnet, Dartmo Mattapoisett towns uth, and Fairhaven towns in Plymouth County, I*.s in Bristol s. County, and Marion and 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 601 258 343 541 232 309 402 139 263 356 324 342 601 258 343 541 232 309 402 139 263 356 324 342 552 213 339 507 200 307 402 139 263 356 318 338 40 36 4 34 32 2 - 6 4 9 9 6 205 2 173 4 032 6 177 2 762 3 415 3 996 1 015 2 981 3 457 3 087 2 873 6 205 2 173 4 032 6 .177 2 762 3 415 3 996 1 015 2 981 3 457 3 087 2 873 5 878 1 906 3 972 6 017 2 613 3 404 3 996 1 015 2 981 3 457 3 049 2 857 309 249 60 160 150 11 38 16 18 18 NEW BEDFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL ~ NEW BEDFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - NEW BEDFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 116 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas~New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1954 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Private (permit-authorized) Private (permit-authorized) SMSA, coverage, definition, Public (contract awards) and year Total Total In structures with— Total Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 5 units 1 unit 2-4 5 units awards) units or more units or more NEW BRITAIN, CONN. , SMSA Consists of New Britain city and Berlin, Plainville, and Southington towns in Hartford County, Conn. 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1,016 299 866 229 657 66 185 139 24 24 150 70 10 556 3 051 8,732 2 158 7 149 816 1 410 1 169 173 173 1 824 NEW BRITAIN 893 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 717 637 591 46 - 80 7 505 6 574 6 333 241 - 931 1963: TOTAL 1 085 672 1 085 672 501 88 130 130 454 454 - 9 491 5 234 9 491 5 234 5 276 1 019 1 043 1 043 3 172 3 172 NEW BRITAIN _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 413 413 413 - - - 4 257 4 257 4 257 - - - 1962: TOTAL 583 583 443 124 16 _ 5 650 5 650 4 645 965 40 NEW BRITAIN 226 226 90 120 16 _ 1 754 1 754 781 933 40 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 357 357 353 4 - - 3 896 3 896 3 864 32 - - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 583 499 544 583 449 484 443 391 456 124 58 28 16 50 60 5 650 5 766 5 190 5 650 5 346 4 641 4 645 4 998 4 442 965 348 199 40 1961 420 1960 549 Consists of New Haven city and Bethany, Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, North Branford, North Haven, NEW HAVEN, CONN. , SMSA Orange, West Haven, and Woodbridge towns in New Haven and North Branford towns . ) County, Conn. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Bethany 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 631 640 2 457 466 1 191 48 274 110 992 308 174 174 30 204 5 300 27 821 2 917 18 192 535 2 067 718 7 562 1 663 2 383 NEW HAVEN 2 383 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 1 991 1 991 1 143 164 684 - 24 904 24 904 17 656 1 349 5 899 - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL 1 839 1 839 1 214 137 488 - 22 636 22 636 18 529 1 041 3 066 _ NEW HAVEN 360 360 73 68 219 - 2 494 2 494 847 482 1 166 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 479 1 479 1 141 69 269 - 20 142 20 142 17 682 559 1 900 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL 1 750 1 750 1 125 137 488 - 21 300 21 300 17 193 1 041 3 066 - NEW HAVEN 360 360 73 68 219 - 2 494 2 494 847 482 1 166 _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 390 1 390 1 052 69 269 - 18 806 18 806 16 347 559 1 900 - 1962: TOTAL 2 874 1 224 2 838 1 188 1 287 89 243 189 1 308 910 36 36 28 680 7 653 28 244 7 217 19 149 1 077 1 702 1 200 7 393 4 940 436 NEW HAVEN 436 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY . 1 650 1 650 1 198 54 398 - 21 027 21 027 18 072 502 2 453 - 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 874 2 026 1 774 2 838 2 001 1 774 1 287 1 253 1 305 243 62 74 1 308 686 395 36 25 28 680 22 716 21 282 28 244 22 475 21 282 19 149 18 036 17 934 1 702 505 613 7 393 3 934 2 735 436 1961 242 1960 NEW LONDON-GROTON-NORWICH, CONN., SMSA Consists of New London and Norwich cities and East Lyme, Griswold, Groton, Ledyafd Lisbon Montville Old Lyme Preston, Sprague, Stonington, and Waterford towns in New London County, Conn. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Griswold, Lisbon, Old I^me, and Sprague towns.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 44-3 348 1 443 348 632 127 472 2 339 219 - 15 559 3 077 15 559 3 077 9 014 1 762 4 155 25 2 390 1 290 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. _ NEW LONDON 221 221 32 2 187 _ 1 814 1 814 644 25 1 145 _ NORWICH 127 127 95 _ 32 - 1 263 1 263 1 118 - 145 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1 095 1 095 505 470 120 - 12 482 12 4S2 7 252 4 130 1 100 - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL 1 614 1 534 1 088 52 394 80 17 903 17 145 13 868 226 3 050 758 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 573 493 149 2 342 80 5 386 4 628 1 846 16 2 766 758 400 320 30 2 288 80 3 328 2 570 468 16 2 086 758 NORWICH 173 173 119 - 54 - 2 058 2 058 1 378 - 680 - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1 041 1 041 939 50 52 - 12 517 12 517 12 022 210 284 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 117 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total, "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housin g units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awafds) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) NEW LONDON-GROTON-NORWICH , CONN. , SJ/ISA— CONTINUED 12,000-PIACE SERIES— CONTINUED 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NEW LONDON. . . . NORWICH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962- TOTAL 1 497 573 400 173 924 1 227 662 490 172 565 936 1 246 1 268 1 417 493 320 173 924 727 162 40 122 565 436 726 768 971 149 30 119 822 709 144 22 122 565 418 682 742 52 2 2 50 2 26 394 342 288 54 52 18 18 18 18 42 80 80 80 500 500 450 50 500 520 500 16 435 5 386 3 328 2 058 11 049 15 306 7 449 5 176 2 273 7 857 11 225 15 660 15 839 15 677 4 628 2 570 2 058 11 049 10 045 2 188 470 1 718 7 857 5 964 8 560 8 926 12 400 1 846 468 1 378 10 554 9 920 2 063 345 1 718 7 857 5 839 8 290 8 816 226 16 16 210 20 110 3 050 2 766 2 086 680 285 125 125 125 125 250 758 758 758 5 261 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . NEW LONDON NORWICH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 5 261 4 706 555 5 261 1961 7 100 I960 6 913 NEf! ORLEANS, LA. , SMSA Consis ts of Jeffe [•son, Orl eans, St . Bemar 1, and St. Tammany Parishes, La. St. Tammany Parish.) (Prior to 1964, definition excludes 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 10 202 2 779 7 423 10 040 4 198 5 842 9 497 4 198 5 299 6 692 2 594 4 098 6 679 6 274 5 093 10 138 2 779 7 359 8 838 3 196 5 642 8 295 3 196 5 099 6 692 2 594 4 098 6 679 5 181 5 093 5 374 1 091 4 283 4 759 993 3 766 4 244 993 3 251 4 321 1 098 3 223 4 308 3 641 4 078 1 864 798 1 066 1 405 598 807 1 399 598 801 650 432 218 650 533 545 2 900 890 2 010 2 674 1 605 1 069 2 652 1 605 1 047 1 721 1 064 657 1 721 1 007 470 64 64 1 202 1 002 200 1 202 1 002 200 1 093 136 491 43 630 92 860 140 686 60 191 80 495 131 378 60 191 71 187 96 771 37 469 59 302 96 743 78 853 61 678 135 772 43 630 92 141 125 905 47 907 77 998 116 597 47 907 68 690 96 771 37 469 59 302 96 743 69 046 61 678 96 373 27 513 68 860 89 728 27 523 62 205 80 678 27 523 53 155 75 054 23 232 51 822 75 026 59 659 55 341 19 421 9 735 9 686 14 061 6 888 7 173 14 003 6 888 7 115 5 999 4 199 1 800 5 999 4 752 4 307 19 978 6 383 13 595 22 116 13 495 8 621 21 916 13 495 8 420 15 719 10 038 5 681 15 719 4 635 2 030 719 NEW ORLEANS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL.' NEW ORLEANS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL NEW ORLEANS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962- TOTAL 719 14 781 12 284 2 497 14 781 12 284 2 497 NEW ORLEANS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 9 807 I960 NEW YORK, N. Y. , SMSA Consis New York, counties i City SMSA_ Counties . ts of New Y N.Y. - Nort n New Jerse ; Bergen ar ) ork City heastem y: Esses d Passaic and Nass New Jers , Ivlorris , Coimtie au. Rock ey SMSA, , and Ur s [ourre land, Su June 19 ion Coun ntly Pat ffolk, and ^ 59, Prior t ties leurrer erson-Cliftc estchester C June 1959, tly Newark £ jn-Passaic SJ ounties, N definitior MSA]; Hudsc ASAJ ; and M: Y. (Ares 1 include m Countj Lddlesex title chai s the folic r ^urrentlj and Somers iged from jwing r Jersey ;t 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 46 161 20 553 25 608 76 578 50 152 26 426 98 707 70 424 28 283 98 540 96 198 71 031 79 500 43 303 17 819 25 484 70 888 44- 696 26 192 92 493 64 281 28 212 92 326 85 978 65 926 (NA) 22 972 3 069 19 903 22 373 3 803 18 570 24 563 3 617 20 946 24 398 22 714 22 055 (NA) 6 634 5 778 856 7 909 7 075 834 9 441 8 467 974 9 439 8 668 8 389 (NA) 13 697 8 972 4 725 40 606 33 818 6 788 58 489 52 197 6 292 58 489 54 596 35 482 (NA) 2 858 2 734 124 5 690 5 456 234 6 214 6 143 71 6 214 10 220 5 105 (NA) 582 450 222 837 359 613 869 664 511 538 358 126 1 089 875 727 304 362 571 1 088 082 1 Oil 853 748 831 (NA) 543 183 185 342 357 841 794 818 440 735 354 083 1 007 587 645 960 361 627 1 005 794 888 732 689 641 (NA) 350 128 39 198 310 931 334 418 45 860 288 558 345 117 43 856 301 261 343 349 320 317 306 483 (NA) 60 322 52 723 7 599 70 561 62 766 7 794 81 493 72 970 8 523 81 468 74 835 69 231 (NA) 132 733 93 421 39 312 389 839 332 108 57 731 580 977 529 134 51 843 580 977 493 579 313 926 (NA) 39 267 NEW YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 37 495 1 772 74 846 NEW YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 70 803 4 043 82 288 NEW YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 81 344 944 82 288 1961 123 121 1960 59 190 1959 (1959 definition) .... (NA) 118 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental tJnited States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) \/aluation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEW YORK, N.Y. , SMSA— CONTINUED 6, 600- PLACE SERIES— 1959^ (Prior definition) . 19581 19571 19561 . . . 19551 19541 NEWARK, N.J. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL NEWARK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL NEWARK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962:" TOTAL NEWARK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 . 1961 1960 . . NEWPORT NEWS-HAMPTON, VA. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NEWPORT NEWS . . . HAMPTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NEWPORT NEWS . . . HAMPTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NEWPORT NEWS . . . HAMPTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH ,VA. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NORFOLK " PORTSMOUTH .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 106 060 84 167 66 289 77 650 97 244 95 124 (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) 45 401 41 814 39 452 51 732 64 209 63 172 13 443 045 687 172 717 894 47 216 36 308 21 150 19 746 27 318 28 058 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 165 166 914 020 755 988 873 223 019 786 945 237 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 535 909 551 831 532 183 666 955 762 297 682 956 110 858 48 199 44 243 46 622 42 118 26 922 418 399 313 990 179 562 159 547 215 370 235 359 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Consists of Essex, Morris, and Union Counties, N.J. (New area, June 1959. Prior to June 1959, area comprised a part of the New York, N.Y. - Northeastern New Jersey SMSA.) 16 536 1 681 14 855 11 282 312 10 970 10 139 216 9 923 10 139 12 441 11 613 16 476 1 681 14 795 11 030 312 10 718 10 075 216 9 859 10 075 12 131 9 215 4 495 6 4 489 4 432 4 4 428 4 558 15 4 543 4 558 4 575 5 252 887 40 847 929 73 856 997 64 933 997 1 047 941 11 094 1 635 9 459 5 669 235 5 434 4 520 137 4 383 4 520 6 509 3 022 60 60 252 252 64 64 64 310 2 398 164 107 12 390 151 716 128 611 1 570 127 042 121 136 1 655 119 481 121 136 148 597 142 796 163 169 12 390 150 778 125 959 1 570 124 390 120 294 1 655 118 639 120 294 145 504 114 820 82 381 90 82 291 82 609 68 82 541 76 946 361 76 585 76 946 75 421 84 235 7 587 412 7 175 8 101 620 7 481 8 364 492 7 872 8 364 8 678 7 924 73 201 11 888 61 313 35 249 882 34 367 34 984 802 34 182 34 984 61 405 22 660 938 938 2 652 2 652 842 842 842 3 094 27 976 Consists of Newport News and Hampton cities, and York County, Va. 4 467 4 012 1 931 2 081 455 669 103 358 745 566 108 761 270 491 347 3 108 2 656 2 204 4 467 4 012 1 931 2 081 455 3 569 3 103 1 358 1 745 466 108 761 270 491 347 3 108 2 433 2 204 3 189 10 1 268 2 742 10 1 260 - 1 204 . 727 - 1 538 10 533 _ 447 - 8 - 3 008 6 555 100 2 544 4 555 - 1 209 - 149 - 1 335 4 406 - 464 2 - 100 2 577 13 518 . 2 230 13 518 . 928 . 342 - 1 302 13 176 - 347 - - - 2 577 13 518 2 395 6 32 223 2 182 22 - - 42 963 36 513 17 787 18 727 6 450 39 701 31 831 14 756 17 074 7 870 29 769 24 923 11 804 13 119 4 846 29 769 26 149 21 260 42 963 36 513 17 787 18 727 6 450 38 141 31 831 14 756 17 074 6 310 29 769 24 923 11 804 13 119 4 846 29 769 23 214 21 260 37 056 30 652 14 407 16 245 6 405 33 639 27 354 13 343 14 Oil 6 285 25 854 21 008 9 502 11 506 4 846 25 854 23 094 21 170 5 820 5 775 3 380 2 395 45 4 451 4 451 1 413 3 038 3 847 3 847 2 302 1 545 847 100 1 560 1 560 2 935 Consists of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach cities, Va. 8 116 578 997 581 538 272 621 183 438 651 7 876 3 338 2 757 581 4 538 6 232 2 621 2 183 438 3 611 3 966 550 3 360 240 647 318 2 373 240 461 296 2 000 240 186 22 373 - 3 319 232 987 - 4 022 352 1 858 40 841 258 1 522 - 565 244 1 374 - 276 14 148 - 3 181 94 336 40 97 176 31 782 25 877 5 905 65 394 73 317 22 668 17 901 4 766 50 650 93 311 27 917 22 012 5 905 65 394 72 388 22 668 17 901 4 766 49 721 62 027 3 778 8 193 1 810 5 871 1 660 2 322 150 53 833 1 968 57 640 2 206 10 463 1 454 7 074 1 362 3 389 92 47 177 752 27 506 17 913 14 481 3 433 9 593 12 542 10 751 9 465 1 286 1 791 3 865 3 865 3 865 929 929 ipata include public housing units and valuation not availahle separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 119 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wifh- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH, VA. , SMSA— CONTIMUED 12,000-PLACE SERIES— CONTINUED 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES NORFOLK PORTSIVlOUTH .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PLACE SERIES— I959I 1958^ 1957^ 1956^. . . I955I I954I NORWALK, COMN. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL NORWALK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL ........ NORWALK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL NORWALK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 ODESSA, TEX., SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: 1963 : TOTAL ODESSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL ODESSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL . ODESSA. OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 6 275 2 686 1 975 711 3 589 6 275 4 918 4 538 5 110 5 110 4 715 3 165 4 831 5 803 6 097 5 815 2 226 1 675 551 3 589 5 815 4 918 4 538 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 398 992 519 473 3 406 4 398 4 532 4 129 (NA) 4 516 4 633 3 065 4 334 5 410 5 242 299 165 150 15 134 299 176 108 (NA) 118 72 72 129 146 130 1 118 1 069 1 006 63 49 1 118 210 301 (NA) 476 10 28 368 247 725 460 460 300 160 460 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 70 954 25 065 17 562 7 503 45 889 70 954 56 522 50 068 (NA) 50 962 41 359 28 441 37 104 43 731 39 663 65 188 19 299 13 512 5 787 45 889 65 188 56 522 50 068 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 55 956 11 410 6 252 5 158 44 546 55 956 54 822 47 365 ((NA) 45 872 40 853 27 955 33 687 41 790 34 676 1 871 736 634 102 1 135 L 871 907 514 (NA) 752 442 354 547 649 565 7 361 7 153 6 626 527 208 7 361 793 2 189 (NA) 4 338 63 133 2 870 1 292 4 422 5 766 5 766 4 050 1 716 5 766 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Consists of NorwaLk city and Westport and Wilton towns in Fairfield County, Conn. (New Area, September 1960.) 417 989 428 958 580 378 853 530 323 853 757 850 1 417 849 88 480 989 421 88 480 - 428 428 - - - 958 778 56 124 _ 580 400 56 124 - 378 378 - - - 853 703 75 75 . 530 384 71 75 - 323 319 4 - - 853 703 75 75 697 627 70. - 60 850 776 68 6 - 23 293 10 840 12 453 17 146 7 379 9 767 14 715 6 796 7 919 14 715 11 979 12 664 23 293 10 840 12 453 17 146 7 379 9 767 14 715 6 796 7 919 14 715 11 333 12 664 19 095 6 642 12 453 15 984 6 216 9 767 13 566 5 702 7 864 13 566 10 741 12 402 713 713 468 468 625 570 55 625 592 225 3 485 3 485 694 694 524 524 524 37 646 Coextensive with Ector County, Tex. (New Area, August 1960.) 151 151 128 128 259 259 259 551 647 151 151 151 151 - - - 128 128 128 128 - - - 259 259 259 259 - - - 259 259 551 551" . - . 647 647 - - - 285 285 617 617 4 292 4 292 4 292 7 679 8 013 3 285 3 285 2 617 2 617 4 292 4 292 4 292 7 679 8 013 285 285 617 617 4 292 4 292 4 292 7 679 8 013 Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 120 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas m the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more OGDEN, UTAH, SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL OGDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL OGDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL OGDEN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL OKLAHOMA CITY . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL OKLAHOMA CITY . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL OKLAHOMA CITY . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960: (1961 DEFINITION). . 1960: (PRIOR DEFINITION) . OMAHA, NEBR.-IOWA, SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL OMAHA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 1963: TOTAL OMAHA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL OMAHA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Coextensive with Weber County, Utah. 395 116 279 642 205 437 921 329 592 921 932 896 395 312 56 27 116 71 18 27 . 279 241 38 - - 642 500 84 58 . 205 143 4 58 . 437 357 80 - - 921 671 104 146 . 329 175 8 146 . 592 496 96 ~ - 921 671 104 146 932 744 74 114 . 896 836 48 12 - 344 828 517 827 340 487 12 250 4 917 7 333 12 250 12 900 12 130 344 828 517 827 340 487 12 250 4 917 7 333 12 250 12 900 12 130 4 737 1 486 3 251 8 356 3 511 4 845 847 328 519 9 847 10 526 11 443 456 190 266 698 56 642 907 93 814 907 636 545 152 152 773 773 1 497 1 497 1 497 1 738 143 Consists of Canadian, Cleveland, and Oklahoma Counties, Okla. Canadian County. ) (Prior to 1961, definition excludes 8 299 4 714 3 585 9 561 4 896 4 665 8 637 4 401 4 236 8 252 6 130 5 377 5 316 7 772 4 499 3 273 9 457 4 896 4 561 8 637 4 401 4 236 8 252 6 130 5 353 5 294 5 597 2 787 2 810 7 045 3 120 3 925 6 932 3 314 3 618 6 588 5 419 4 605 4 546 125 61 64 173 90 83 176 71 105 170 150 127 127 2 050 1 651 399 2 239 1 686 553 1 529 1 016 513 1 494 561 621 621 527 215 312 104 104 101 477 59 646 41 832 113 959 60 360 53 599 98 618 52 814 45 804 94 117 73 232 62 429 61 716 96 970 57 595 39 376 113 042 60 360 52 682 98 618 52 814 45 804 94 117 73 232 62 179 61 466 80 740 43 753 36 988 95 662 46 494 49 168 88 656 46 632 42 024 84 420 68 197 56 070 55 357 1 191 825 366 1 320 894 426 1 252 609 643 1 211 1 080 787 787 15 039 13 017 2 022 16 061 12 972 3 089 8 711 5 573 3 138 8 487 3 955 5 322 5 322 Consists of Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Nebr., and Pottawattamie County, Iowa. 4 005 960 045 845 677 168 024 839 185 4 958 5 710 4 230 3 425 2 380 1 045 3 845 2 677 1 168 5 024 3 839 1 185 4 958 4 810 4 230 2 320 94 1 Oil 580 1 452 68 860 580 868 26 151 - 2 723 114 1 008 . 1 808 70 799 . 915 44 209 - 3 384 176 1 464 . 2 342 86 1 411 . 1 042 90 53 - 3 318 176 1 464 3 879 212 719 900 3 622 174 434 - 38 111 25 500 12 611 36 529 23 000 13 529 48 403 34 848 13 555 47 717 55 711 39 088 32 554 19 943 12 611 36 529 23 000 13 529 48 403 1 34 848 13 555 47 717 43 319 39 088 27 771 805 16 219 557 11 552 248 31 413 946 19 576 550 11 836 396 36 602 1 557 24 158 752 12 444 805 35 916 1 557 38 691 1 634 35 915 1 413 3 978 3 167 811 4 171 2 874 1 297 10 244 9 938 306 10 244 2 994 1 760 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 121 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental tJnited States and m Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of ttie Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) ORLANDO, FLA., SlVEA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 196^: TOTAL ORLA>JDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL ORLANDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL ORLANDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 19d0 FATERSON-CLIFTON-PASSAIC, N. J., SWBA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES PATERSON CLIFTON PASSAIC OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES PATERSON CLIFTON PASSAIC OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES PATERSON CLIFTON PASSAIC OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 PENSACOU, FLA., SHEA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL PENSACOLA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL PENSACOLA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL PENSACOLA OUTSIDE CENTHAL CITY. 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Orange and Seminole Counties, Fla. 3 696 630 3 066 3 561 344 3 217 3 457 490 2 967 3 437 4 774 5 375 3 696 630 3 066 3 553 344 3 209 3 457 490 2 967 3 437 4 774 5 375 2 699 253 744 314 65 251 - 2 385 188 493 - 2 835 203 515 3 256 56 32 - 2 579 147 483 8 3 055 169 233 _ 375 71 44 - 2 680 98 189 - 3 035 169 233 . 4 262 109 403 - 4 957 161 257 - 40 781 5 360 35 420 42 988 3 739 39 249 38 270 4 552 33 718 38 050 45 084 48 087 40 781 5 360 35 420 42 844 3 739 39 105 38 270 4 552 33 718 38 050 45 084 48 087 33 644 3 596 30 048 34 688 3 255 31 433 34 830 3 981 30 849 34 610 40 768 45 126 1 410 366 1 044 1 176 318 859 912 383 524 912 656 328 5 727 1 399 4 328 6 980 166 6 813 2 529 182 2 347 2 529 3 661 2 134 144 144 Consists of Bergen and Passaic Counties, N.J. (New area, June 1959. Prior to June 1959, area comprised a part of the New York, N.Y. - Northeastern New Jersey SMSA.) 9 291 1 239 901 233 105 8 052 9 255 717 221 262 234 8 538 8 431 1 993 1 093 479 421 6 438 8 431 7 956 7 420 9 179 1 127 789 233 105 8 052 9 155 617 221 262 134 8 538 8 361 1 993 1 093 479 421 6 368 8 261 7 956 7 228 3 639 145 25 101 19 3 494 3 985 147 c.l 32 4 3 838 3 957 186 53 130 3 3 771 3 957 4 457 5 036 036 150 42 92 16 1 198 170 42 124 4 1 028 981 136 70 53 8 345 981 1 001 4 504 832 722 40 70 3 672 3 972 300 118 56 126 3 672 3 423 1 671 970 291 410 1 752 3 423 2 493 1 294 112 112 112 100 100 100 70 70 70 192 117 781 12 555 8 547 3 120 888 105 226 115 513 7 216 2 086 3 032 2 098 108 297 109 221 21 500 12 305 7 052 2 243 87 621 109 221 100 758 102 157 116 486 11 260 7 252 3 120 838 105 226 114 175 5 378 2 086 3 032 760 108 297 108 421 21 600 12 305 7 052 2 243 86 821 108 421 100 758 99 989 65 434 2 459 384 1 868 208 62 974 71 237 2 318 806 1 458 55 68 919 63 056 3 265 684 2 533 48 64 791 68 056 75 554 83 604 10 204 1 394 347 397 150 8 810 11 652 1 531 360 1 131 40 10 121 9 440 1 193 578 550 65 8 247 9 440 8 787 7 723 40 848 7 407 6 522 355 530 33 442 31 286 2 029 920 443 665 29 257 30 926 17 142 11 043 3 9t-9 2 130 13 734 30 926 16 417 8 662 1 295 1 295 1 295 1 338 1 338 1 338 SOO 800 800 2 168 Consists of Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Fla. 1 532 452 1 080 1 454 363 1 091 320 302 18 302 313 263 1 532 1 319 9 204 452 299 - 153 - 1 080 1 020 9 51 - 1 414 1 263 10 141 40 363 333 - 30 - 1 051 930 10 111 40 320 320 . . _ 302 302 - - - 18 18 • - - 302 302 313 313 - - - 263 263 - - - 17 771 5 044 12 727 16 039 4 507 12 532 4 184 3 956 228 3 956 4 184 3 777 17 771 5 044 12 727 15 667 4 507 11 160 4 184 3 956 228 3 956 4 184 3 777 16 670 56 4 169 - 12 501 56 13 318 58 4 357 - 8 961 58 4 184 _ 3 956 - 228 - 3 956 4 184 . 3 777 - 1 045 875 170 2 290 150 2 140 372 372 122 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Num )er of housir g units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authoriz ed) Total In structures wl h- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) PEORIA, ILL., SMSA Consists of Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford Counties, 111. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Woodford County.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 327 262 1 065 986 204 782 916 204 712 820 152 668 773 695 799 1 327 262 1 065 986 204 782 916 204 712 820 152 668 773 695 799 1 051 113 938 878 112 766 814 112 702 722 76 646 675 656 771 55 21 34 48 38 10 48 38 10 39 17 22 39 39 28 221 128 93 60 54 6 54 54 59 59 59 - 18 941 3 249 15 692 11 813 3 017 8 796 10 670 3 017 7 653 13 318 2 117 11 201 12 537 9 113 7 697 18 941 3 249 15 692 11 813 3 017 8 796 10 670 3 017 7 653 13 318 2 117 11 201 12 537 9 113 7 697 16 535 2 050 14 485 10 590 1 970 8 620 9 502 1 970 7 532 12 301 1 353 10 948 11 520 8 634 7 321 629 277 352 540 419 121 540 419 120 442 189 253 442 479 376 1 777 922 855 683 628 55 628 628 574 574 574 PEORIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL PEORIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL PEORIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL - PEORIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 _ 1960 _ PHILADELPHIA, PA.-N.J., SMSA Consist s of Bucks, Chester, Delawar e, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties Gloucester Counties, N.J. , Pa . ; and Burlingt on, Camden, and 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 29 045 6 048 22 997 25 561 6 513 19 048 29 524 11 123 18 401 29 272 27 236 23 500 26 000 25 704 20 793 20 396 23 938 36 460 30 544 28 613 5 756 22 857 25 463 6 415 19 048 29 024 10 723 18 301 28 772 25 555 23 158 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 36 460 (NA) 12 268 2 194 10 074 13 343 2 522 10 821 14 898 3 538 11 360 14 652 15 427 15 919 (NA) 20 320 17 238 17 903 22 215 34 561 26 410 1 067 604 463 1 342 632 710 1 551 778 773 1 545 2 284 2 281 (NA) 1 894 1 457 947 890 780 1 710 15 278 2 958 12 320 10 778 3 261 7 517 12 575 6 407 6 168 12 575 7 844 4 958 (NA) 3 490 2 098 1 546 833 1 119 2 424 432 292 140 98 98 500 400 100 500 1 681 342 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 284 596 52 703 231 894 265 762 54 886 210 876 305 429 87 389 218 CKO 302 132 297 496 24^ 877 (NA) 288 041 237 219 241 986 265 586 359 101 286 475 278 452 48 166 230 287 264 732 53 856 210 876 299 094 82 419 216 675 295 797 276 641 240 555 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 359 101 (NA) 170 897 21 710 149 187 179 360 25 714 153 647 195 136 33 443 161 693 191 877 193 582 197 872 (NA) 245 164 210 952 219 273 252 297 343 590 265 226 6 326 3 337 2 990 9 112 3 411 5 700 9 504 3 775 5 729 9 466 14 905 13 617 (NA) 11 709 9 352 5 880 5 838 4 619 11 246 101 229 23 119 78 110 76 260 24 731 51 529 94 453 45 201 49 252 94 453 68 155 29 066 (NA) 31 168 16 915 16 833 7 451 10 891 10 004 6 144 PHILADELPHIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 4 537 1 607 1 030 PHILADELPHIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 1 030 6 335 PHILADELPHIA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 4 970 1 365 6 335 1961 20 855 1960 4 322 1959 (NA) 6, 600 -PLACE SERIES— 1959^ (NA) 1958^ (NA) igs?-"- (NA) 1956^ (NA) 1955 _ I954I (NA) PHOENIX, ARIZ., SMSA Coextens ive with Maricopa Co imty, Ariz. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 11 176 5 475 5 701 15 022 7 697 7 325 14 363 6 941 7 423 11 146 5 475 5 671 15 022 7 697 7 325 14 162 6 739 7 423 4 931 1 646 3 285 5 678 2 006 3 672 7 723 3 271 4 452 2 059 1 375 684 4 210 2 337 1 873 2 039 1 119 920 4 156 2 454 1 702 5 134 3 354 1 780 4 400 2 349 2 051 30 30 202 202 92 111 42 296 49 815 112 413 51 818 60 595 121 311 56 826 64 485 91 814 42 296 49 518 112 413 51 818 60 595 119 499 55 014 64 485 51 349 16 408 34 941 59 097 19 468 39 629 76 483 29 772 46 711 11 023 7 192 3 832 21 582 11 774 9 808 10 245 5 150 5 095 29 442 18 697 10 745 31 734 20 575 11 158 32 770 20 092 12 678 297 PHOENIX OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 297 PHOENIX OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962- TOTAL 1 812 PHOENIX OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , 1 812 ■'■Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 123 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Priv ate (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) PHOENIX, AHIZ., SMSA— CON. 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 14 181 15 068 16 320 18 000 13 979 14 924 16 320 (NA) 7 572 11 624 13 727 (NA) 2 023 1 114 1 217 (NA) 4 384 2 186 1 376 (NA) 202 144 (NA) 118 510 131 840 143 134 (NA) 116 698 130 507 143 134 (NA) 73 897 109 547 129 418 (NA) 10 130 5 646 6 053 (NA) 32 670 15 314 7 664 (NA) 1 812 1961 1960 1 333 1959 (NA) 6,600-PIACE SERIES — 1959^ 17 905 16 196 11 826 8 500 10 130 8 918 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10 130 8 918 13 318 12 413 9 641 7 352 9 112 8 248 2 039 1 816 866 584 538 468 2 548 1 967 1 319 564 480 202 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 154 152 137 735 99 968 67 235 75 499 63 066 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 75 499 63 066 127 224 117 852 88 996 61 069 71 477 60 874 9 313 8 435 3 712 2 461 2 033 1 515 17 614 11 448 7 260 3 705 1 990 677 (NA) 1958^ 1957^ 1956^ (NA) (NA) (NA) 1955 1954 PINE BLUFF, ARK., SMSA ( Coextensive with Jeffersc )n County, Ark. (New area, August 196^.) 12, 000- PLAGE SERIES 1964: TOTAL PINE BLUFF OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 473- 458 15 458 458 382 382 23 28 48 48 15 15 4 025 3 888 137 3 888 3 888 3 472 3 472 258 258 158 158 137 137 PITTSBURGH, PA., SMSA Con 3ists of Alleghei ly, Beave >r , Washingt on, and Westmoreland Counties, Pa. 12,000-PLACE SERIES — 1964: TOTAL 7 922^ 1 033 6 889 7 922 1 033 6 889 5 531 251 5 280 218 16 202 2 173 766 1 407 - 109 871 13 260 96 611 109 871 13 260 96 611 88 764 3 030 85 734 1 921 120 1 801 19 186 10 110 9 076 PITTSBURGH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . _ 1963: TOTAL PITTSBURGH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 7 790 1 903 5 887 6 654 1 077 5 577 5 171 295 4 876 227 28 199 1 256 754 502 1 136 826 310 105 787 22 711 83 076 88 995 10 124 78 871 76 834 3 289 73 545 1 399 375 1 524 10 262 6 460 3 802 16 792 12 587 4 205 1962: TOTAL 6 902 1 000 5 902 6 720 1 000 5 720 5 560 386 5 174 356 79 277 804 535 269 182 182 91 007 9 485 81 522 88 438 9 485 78 953 79 185 3 850 75 335 3 002 505 2 497 6 251 5 130 1 121 2 569 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 2 569 10,000-PLACE SERIES 1962 1961 6 510 6 806 9 185 6 328 6 420 7 994 5 168 5 692 7 189 356 234 448 804 494 357 182 386 1 191 85 336 92 015 124 039 82 767 88 015 107 962 73 514 81 114 102 477 3 002 2 052 3 405 6 251 4 849 2 081 2 569 4 000 1960 16 077 PITTSFIELD, MASS., SMSA Consists of ■ Pittsfi 5ld city, and Dal1 (Prior to 1 ion. Lane 364, def: sbo rough, L xition excl ee, and Lenox towns in jdes Lanesborough tovm. Berkshir ) e County, M ass. 1964: TOTAL PITTSFIELD 78 49 29 78 49 28 78 49 28 ~ - ~ 1 316 866 450 1 316 866 450 1 316 866 450 - - - TOTAL OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 342 179 163 342 179 163 226 127 99 _ 116 52 64 - 4 847 2 41;. 2 432 4 847 2 415 2 432 3 917 2 105 1 812 - 930 310 620 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL PITTSFIELD nUTSTDE CENTRAL CITY 327 179 148 327 179 148 211 127 84 - 116 52 64 - 4 676 2 415 2 261 4 676 2 415 2 261 3 746 2 105 1 641 - 930 310 620 - 1962: TOTAL 431 237 194 431 237 194 367 227 140 32 10 22 32 32 - 6 491 3 753 2 738 6 491 3 753 2 738 6 061 3 672 2 389 255 81 174 175 175 PITTSFIELD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 431 290 394 431 290 286 367 278 256 32 4 10 32 20 108 6 491 4 843 5 516 6 491 4 843 4 328 6 061 4 726 4 106 255 42 72 175 75 150 1961 1960 1 188 Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 124 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) PORTLAND, MAINE, SMSA Consists of Portland, South Portland, and Westbrook cities, and Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Falmouth, Gorham, Scarborough, and Yarmouth towns in Cumberland County, Maine (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Cumberland, Gorham, Scarborough, and Yarmouth towns.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 497 135 362 607 204 403 433 204 229 397 170 227 397 419 399 497 135 362 561 158 403 387 158 229 397 170 227 397 419 399 493 135 358 540 145 395 368 145 223 395 168 227 395 408 399 4 4 10 2 8 8 2 6 2 2 2 11 11 11 11 11 46 46 46 46 6 820 1 735 5 085 8 385 2 949 5 436 6 231 2 949 3 282 5 295 2 186 3 109 5 295 5 228 5 114 6 820 1 735 5 085 7 544 2 108 5 436 5 390 2 108 3 282 5 295 2 186 3 109 5 295 5 228 5 114 6 792 1 735 5 057 7 379 2 002 5 377 5 237 2 002 3 235 5 279 2 170 3 109 5 279 5 118 5 114 28 28 75 16 59 63 16 47 16 16 16 90 90 90 90 110 PORTLAND. . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL PORTLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL PORTLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL 841 841 841 841 PORTLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 PORTLAND, OREO. -WASH., Sf.EA Consists of Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties, Oreg., and Clark County, Wash. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 8 416 1 919 6 497 7 445 1 418 6 027 6 581 1 245 5 336 6 577 6 273 6 159 8 416 1 919 6 497 7 444 1 418 6 026 6 251 1 065 5 186 6 247 6 269 6 155 4 731 401 4 330 4 553 418 4 135 4 597 454 4 143 4 593 4 872 4 313 730 265 465 559 182 377 720 156 564 720 696 452 2 955 1 253 1 702 2 332 818 1 514 934 455 479 934 701 1 390 1 1 330 180 150 330 4 4 107 369 24 436 82 933 94 949 15 954 78 995 88 036 14 836 73 200 87 991 83 007 82 446 107 369 24 436 82 933 94 930 15 954 78 976 85 111 13 251 71 860 85 066 82 947 82 341 73 148 6 437 66 710 70 867 6 602 64 265 70 645 6 625 64 020 70 600 71 748 65 736 6 089 2 374 3 715 4 548 1 608 2 939 5 256 1 262 3 994 5 256 5 354 3 697 28 132 15 624 12 508 19 515 7 744 11 771 9 210 5 364 3 846 9 210 5 844 12 909 PORTLAND. . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 19 PORTLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 19 2 925 PORTLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 585 1 340 2 925 1961 60 1960 105 Consi and West Pawtucket 3ts of Barr rfarwick towi , Providenc ington, B IS in Ken =, and Wo ristol, t County onsocket and Warr ; Jamest cities. en towns Dwn town and Bur in Bristol in Newport cillville, C Comity; Warw County; Cent umberland, J ick city an ral Falls, ohnston, Li d Covent Cranston ncoln, N ry. East Greenwich, , East Providence, orth Providence, PROVIDENCE- PAWTUCKET-WARWICK , R.I. -MASS., St«A 12, 000 -PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES PROVIDENCE .... PAWTUCKET WARWICK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES PROVIDENCE. . . PAWTUCKET ... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES North Smithfield, and Smithfield towns in Providence County; Narrangansett and North Kingstown towns in Washington County, R. I. ; Attleboro city, and North Attleborough, Rehoboth, and Seekonk towns in Bristol County; Bellingham, Franklin, Plainville, and Wrentham towns in Norfolk County; Blackstone and Millville towns in Worcester County, Mass. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Rehoboth town in Bristol County, Mass. Warwick added to area title October 1963, and Pawtucket added to area title August 1960.) 5 356 1 343 554 158 631 4 013 4 554 336 132 204 4 218 5 053 1 139 350 158 631 3 914 4 404 336 132 204 4 068 4 067 238 748 303 650 52 437 204 127 10 213 204 59 42 57 - 464 - 167 - 3 417 186 311 99 3 886 148 370 150 199 31 106 _ 124 8 - _ 75 23 106 - 3 6B7 117 264 150 61 277 12 796 5 640 1 253 5 904 48 481 52 053 3 113 1 561 1 552 48 940 57 356 10 234 3 078 1 253 5 904 47 122 50 328 3 113 1 561 1 552 47 215 50 706 1 927 6 906 466 1 539 79 614 387 4 754 _ 43 800 1 461 47 152 1 122 2 390 198 1 511 50 880 148 44 762 924 4 723 2 862 1 460 252 1 150 1 861 2 054 525 525 1 529 3 921 2 562 2 562 1 359 1 725 1 725 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 125 Fable B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in - Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued rhe two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are establislied in ttie 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of tfie Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards)' Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures witt>- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) PROVIDENCE-PAWl'UCKET-WARWICK. R.I. -MASS., SMSA— CONTINUED .2,000-PIACE SERIES— CONTINUED 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES PROVIDENCE . . . . PAWTUCKET OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . PROVIDENCE PAWTUCKET OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. .0,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 PROVO-OREM, UTAH, SIVEA 2,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . PROVO OREM OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . PROVO OREM OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . PROVO OREM OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 0,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 PUEBLO, COLO., SMSA 2,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL PUEBLO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL PUEBLO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL PUEBLO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . ,0,000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 4 506 336 132 204 4 170 4 309 445 118 327 3 864 4 282 3 671 3 845 832 619 492 127 213 562 363 282 81 199 472 288 185 103 184 472 521 561 4 356 336 132 204 4 020 4 151 287 118 169 3 864 4 124 3 599 3 645 3 838 199 124 75 3 639 3 772 195 109 86 3 577 3 745 3 280 3 372 148 31 8 23 117 159 37 9 28 122 159 146 159 370 106 106 264 220 55 55 165 220 173 114 150 150 158 158 158 158 72 200 51 472 3 113 1 561 1 552 48 358 48 841 4 462 1 185 3 277 44 379 48 535 39 503 40 527 49 747 3 113 1 561 1 552 46 633 47 203 2 824 1 185 1 639 44 379 46 897 38 799 3& 638 46 571 2 390 1 511 880 44 181 44 554 2 021 1 120 901 42 533 44 248 36 859 36 904 1 122 198 50 148 924 1 049 244 64 180 805 1 049 981 1 058 Coextensive with Utah County, Utah. (New area, August 1960.) 832 460 84 288 619 271 60 288 - 492 164 40 288 - 127 107 20 - - 213 189 24 - - 562 376 61 125 . 363 191 53 119 - 282 114 49 119 - 81 77 4 - - 199 185 8 6 - 470 377 82 11 2 288 195 82 11 - 185 98 76 11 - 103 97 6 - - 182 182 - - 2 470 377 82 11 , 521 491 12 18 - 561 512 23 26 - 6 275 4 832 1 444 2 608 5 878 3 551 2 578 974 2 327 5 241 2 978 1 847 1 131 2 263 5 241 5 902 6 206 8 883 6 275 4 832 1 444 2 608 551 578 974 327 5 202 2 978 1 847 1 131 2 224 5 202 5 902 6 206 6 229 3 786 2 456 1 330 2 443 4 811 2 580 1 629 951 2 231 4 574 2 350 1 266 1 084 2 224 4 574 5 714 5 926 530 365 252 114 165 399 343 320 22 56 557 557 510 47 557 78 145 Coextensive with Pueblo County, Colo. 2 054 525 525 1 528 1 599 559 559 1 040 1 599 959 677 2 124 2 124 2 124 668 628 628 40 71 71 71 71 110 135 1 725 1 725 1 638 1 638 1 638 1 638 704 1 889 39 39 39 708 708 588 25 95 7 254 7 254 6 576 145 534 534 534 414 25 95 - 5 477 5 477 4 798 145 534 - 174 174 174 - - - 1 777 1 777 1 777 - - - 820 802 528 10 264 18 8 413 8 071 5 721 69 2 281 342 702 702 428 10 264 - 7 076 7 076 4 725 69 2 281 - 118 100 100 - - 18 1 338 996 996 - - 342 443 443 417 20 6 . 4 273 4 273 4 150 101 22 _ 349 349 325 18 6 - 3 592 3 592 3 474 96 22 - 94 94 92 2 ~ ~ 681 681 676 5 ■ " 443 443 417 20 6 4 273 4 273 4 150 101 22 508 461 406 55 - 47 4 803 4 317 3 984 334 - 486 686 686 594 12 80 - 6 461 6 461 5 865 76 520 126 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and In Hawaii, are established In the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail rray not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authoriz 3d) Total In structures with— Total In structures wlth- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) RACINE, WIS., SMSA Coextensive with Racine County, Wis. 12, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 2 083 782 1 301 2 083 782 1 301 1 410 340 1 070 107 74 33 566 368 198 - 29 116 8 050 21 066 29 116 8 050 21 066 23 827 4 532 19 295 1 082 719 363 4 207 2 799 1 408 RA.CINE ^ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963- TOTAL 1 507 607 900 1 507 607 900 1 231 363 868 114 82 32 162 162 - 20 725 6 373 14 351 20 725 6 373 14 351 18 816 4 847 13 969 1 092 710 382 817 817 RACINE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962' TOTAL 1 193 383 810 1 193 383 810 1 079 295 784 90 72 18 24 16 8 - 16 948 4 568 12 380 16 948 4 568 12 380 16 104 3 949 12 155 696 551 145 148 68 80 _ RACINE _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 843 753 1 007 843 753 1 007 739 682 830 80 52 81 24 19 96 _ 11 302 10 992 12 808 11 302 10 992 12 808 10 541 10 258 11 555 6L3 485 728 148 250 525 _ 1961 _ I960 _ RALEIGH, N.C., SMSA Coextensive with Wake County, N.C. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 1 949 1 624 325 1 949 1 624 325 1 061 770 291 128 94 34 760 760 - 21 188 16 413 4 775 21 188 16 413 4 775 15 502 10 925 4 576 794 596 198 4 892 4 892 . RALEIGH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 1 446 854 592 1 334 854 480 1 173 714 459 53 32 21 108 108 112 112 19 048 10 830 8 218 17 914 10 830 7 084 16 892 10 017 6 875 365 156 209 657 657 1 134 RALEIGH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1 134 1962- TOTAL 1 195 780 415 1 195 780 415 1 065 702 363 80 28 52 50 50 - 16 403 11 036 5 367 16 403 11 036 5 367 15 315 10 267 5 048 502 184 318 585 585 _ RALEIGH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 002 1 030 1 151 1 002 1 030 1 151 874 967 1 108 78 34 43 50 29 - 13 496 12 767 13 034 13 496 12 767 13 034 12 430 12 453 12 801 480 248 233 585 66 _ 1961 - I960 - READING, PA., SMSA Coextensive wi1 th Berks Cou. nty. Pa. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 1 273 246 1 027 1 123 96 1 027 664 21 643 14 14 445 75 370 150 150 13 461 2 243 11 218 12 058 840 11 218 9 362 340 9 022 102 102 2 595 500 2 095 1 403 READING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1 403 1963- TOTAL 1 031 252 779 981 202 779 708 32 676 38 38 235 170 65 50 50 11 600 1 695 9 906 10 971 1 066 9 906 9 586 366 9 220 310 310 1 075 700 375 629 READING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 629 1962: TOTAL 867 94 773 867 94 773 729 30 699 76 2 74 62 62 - 10 735 975 9 760 10 735 975 9 760 9 790 457 9 333 471 43 428 475 475 - READING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10, 000- PUCE SERIES— 1962 823 818 332 823 716 832 685 648 806 76 32 26 62 36 102 10 256 10 298 10 939 10 256 9 212 10 939 9 311 8 772 10 715 471 290 224 475 150 - 1961 1 086 I960 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 127 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttre 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, aie established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) RENO, NEV., SMSA 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 196^: TOTAL RENO , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 1963: TOTAL RENO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 1962: TOTAL RENO . , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 , 1960 , RICHMOND, VA., SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL RICHMOND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL RICHMOND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL RICHMOND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL , RICHMOND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 , 1961 1960 , ROANOKE, VA., SMSA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL ROANOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL ROANOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 1962: TOTAL ROANOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Coextensive with Washoe County, Nev. (New area, August 1960.1 475 391 084 671 747 924 221 278 943 2 221 1 557 1 318 2 460 1 391 1 069 2 568 1 647 921 2 221 1 278 943 2 221 1 557 1 318 1 331 656 675 1 533 754 779 1 673 821 852 1 673 1 206 839 306 95 211 317 259 58 200 145 55 200 190 169 823 640 183 718 634 84 348 312 36 348 161 310 15 15 103 100 3 32 948 16 752 16 196 34 448 19 296 15 152 28 322 15 481 12 841 28 322 20 038 16 100 32 819 16 752 16 067 33 524 18 436 15 088 28 322 15 481 12 841 28 322 20 038 16 100 23 540 11 387 12 153 25 826 12 205 13 621 24 375 12 263 12 112 24 375 17 700 11 886 257 735 523 693 950 743 587 105 482 1 587 1 499 1 362 022 630 392 005 281 724 2 359 2 112 247 2 359 839 2 852 129 129 924 860 64 Consists oT Richmond city and Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico Counties, Va. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Hanover County. ) 4 837 832 4 005 6 218 2 121 4 097 5 869 2 121 3 748 3 482 1 025 2 457 3 482 3 795 2 818 1 698 444 1 254 1 545 478 1 067 1 298 302 996 1 298 1 103 1 169 4 837 832 4 005 6 218 2 121 4 097 869 121 748 482 025 457 3 482 3 345 2 818 3 065 220 2 845 2 830 174 2 656 2 491 174 2 317 2 240 188 2 052 2 240 2 534 2 284 459 51 408 031 119 912 1 029 119 910 357 110 247 357 234 173 1 313 561 752 2 357 1 828 529 2 349 1 828 521 885 727 158 885 577 361 450 46 298 4 997 41 301 53 188 11 896 41 292 48 470 11 896 36 573 405 32 6 895 25 510 32 405 36 979 32 981 46 298 4 997 41 301 53 188 11 896 41 292 48 470 11 896 36 573 32 405 6 895 25 510 32 405 32 309 32 981 38 404 2 243 36 160 33 997 1 659 32 338 29 353 1 659 27 694 25 636 1 851 23 785 25 636 28 041 29 301 2 032 160 1 873 5 466 436 5 030 5 448 436 5 "012 1 689 420 1 269 1 689 889 706 Consists of Roanoke city and Roanoke County, Va. 1 698 444 1 254 1 545 478 1 067 1 298 302 1 298 1 103 1 169 1 287 87 324 - 226 59 159 - 1 061 28 165 - 1 253 62 230 _ 290 43 145 _ 963 19 85 - 1 167 36 95 _ 195 30 77 - 972 6 18 - 1 167 36 95 1 055 21 27 - 1 150 5 14 - 18 130 3 444 14 686 16 895 4 211 12 684 13 769 2 572 11 197 13 769 11 979 12 328 18 130 3 444 14 686 16 895 4 211 12 684 13' 769 2 572 11 197 13 769 11 979 12 328 15 617 483 2 382 302 13 235 181 15 034 372 3 118 264 11 917 109 13 107 202 2 018 178 11 089 24 13 107 202 11 704 135 12 224 29 5 863 2 594 3 268 13 725 9 802 3 923 13 669 9 802 3 867 5 081 4 624 457 5 081 3 379 2 475 2 030 760 1,270 1 488 830 658 460 375 85 460 140 75 4 670 128 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list ot area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures w th- Public (contract awards) 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ROCHESTER, N.Y., SI-ISA Consists of Livingston Monroe, Orleans, and Wayne Counties, N.Y. (Prior to 1964, definlt Livingston, Orleans and Wayne Counties.) Lon excludes 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 6 119 430 5 689 6 119 430 5 689 4 182 87 4 095 326 56 270 1 611 287 1 324 - 89 671 5 029 84 642 89 671 5 029 84 642 73 657 1 048 72 608 1 964 374 1 589 14 051 3 606 10 445 ROCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL ROCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 690 705 4 985 5 690 705 4 985 3 869 84 3 785 170 20 150 1 651 601 1 050 - 75 310 5 123 70 187 75 310 5 123 70 187 62 592 976 61 616 1 306 123 1 183 11 412 4 023 7 389 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL ROCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 332 705 4 627 5 332 705 4 627 3 565 84 3 481 134 20 114 1 633 601 1 032 - 70 869 5 123 65 746 70 869 5 123 65 746 58 471 976 57 494 1 059 123 936 11 339 4 023 7 316 - 1962: TOTAL 4 116 £46 3 470 4 116 646 3 470 2 977 74 2 903 88 28 60 1 051 544 507 - 56 335 4 572 51 763 56 335 4 572 51 763 47 227 898 46 329 1 007 175 832 8 100 3 500 4 600 ROCHESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 4 079 3 499 3 178 3 700 4 079 3 499 3 178 (NA) 2 946 2 625 2 605 (NA) 88 79 45 (NA) 1 045 795 528 (NA) (NA) 55 946 47 214 46 050 (NA) 55 946 47 214 46 050 (NA) 46 886 40 921 38 755 (NA) 1 007 557 364 (NA) 8 052 5 736 6 932 (NA) 1961 1960 1959 (NA) 6,600-PUCE SERIES— 1959 3 653 2 969 2 652 3 203 4 683 4 121 3 653 2 969 2 652 3 203 4 683 4 121 3 053 2 678 2 529 2 964 4 619 4 059 59 48 51 39 34 20 541 243 72 200 30 42 - 48 137 38 221 35 787 41 266 52 107 40 666 48 137 38 221 35 787 41 266 52 107 40 666 42 634 35 639 35 242 40 321 51 667 40 290 397 304 315 193 226 157 5 107 2 278 230 752 215 220 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 HOCKFORD, ILL., SMSA C onsists of Boone anc i Winnebago Coun1 .ies, 11] .. (Prior to 1964, defin] Ltion excludes Boone County.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES — 1964: TOTAL 1 764 825 939 1 764 825 939 1 243 522 721 246 118 128 275 185 90 - 23 890 10 462 13 428 23 890 10 462 13 428 J9 315 7 914 11 401 2 575 1 138 1 437 2 000 1 410 590 ROCKFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL ROCKFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 626 769 857 1 626 769 857 1 139 440 699 228 178 50 259 151 108 - 21 115 9 31? 11 796 21 115 9 319 11 796 17 004 6 364 10 640 2 156 1 6S1 469 1 955 1 268 687 - 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL ROCKFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1 500 769 731 1 500 769 731 1 035 4^0 595 222 178 44 243 151 92 - 19 531 9 319 10 212 19 531 9 319 10 212 15 594 6 364 9 230 2 092 1 esi 404 1 845 1 268 577 - 1962: TOTAL 1 661 828 833 1 661 828 833 1 165 552 613 197 109 88 299 167 132 - 21 305 10 649 10 656 21 305 10 649 10 656 16 955 8 025 8 930 2 017 1 026 991 2 333 1 598 735 ROCKFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES — 1962 1 661 1 416 1 310 1 661 1 416 1 310 1 165 1 179 1 005 197 192 194 299 45 111 " 21 305 17 447 15 637 21 305 17 447 15 637 16 955 15 471 12 847 2 017 1 636 1 666 2 333 340 1 124 1961 1960 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 129 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard rretropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as arrended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) SACRAMENTO, CALIF., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196A: TOTAL SACRAMENTO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (196/k DEFINITION) — TOTAL SACRAMENTO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL SACRAMENTO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SACRAMENTO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SAGINAW, MICH., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SAGINAW OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL SAGINAW OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL SAGINAW OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 ST. JOSEPH, MO., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL ST. JOSEPH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL ST. JOSEPH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL ST. JOSEPH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Placer, Sacramento, and Yolo Counties, Calif. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Placer and Yolo Counties. ) 9 127 2 006 7 121 14 906 2 232 12 674 12 349 2 232 10 117 7 777 1 341 6 436 7 777 6 509 9 299 1 505 329 1 176 1 228 199 1 029 1 105 166 939 1 095 1 029 1 111 510 291 219 384 287 97 290 285 5 285 246 224 9 125 2 006 7 119 14 880 2 232 12 648 12 349 2 232 10 117 7 777 1 341 6 436 7 777 6 459 8 969 5 171 968 4 203 5 785 740 5 045 4 277 740 3 537 4 139 712 3 427 4 139 4 664 7 386 1 697 377 1 320 5 055 465 4 590 4 385 465 3 920 971 284 687 971 437 401 2 257 661 1 596 4 040 1 027 3 013 3 687 1 027 2 660 2 667 345 2 322 2 667 1 358 1 182 50 330 107 467 21 974 85 493 149 574 22 377 127 197 120 081 22 377 97 704 81 467 14 409 67 058 81 467 68 599 99 852 107 423 21 974 85 449 149 236 22 377 126 859 120 081 22 377 97 704 81 467 14 409 67 058 81 467 68 074 95 637 75 791 13 764 62 027 80 653 10 030 70 623 58 419 10 030 48 389 54 982 10 013 44 969 54 982 56 591 84 038 14 734 3 222 11 512 38 987 3 612 35 375 34 229 3 612 30 617 7 711 2 297 5 414 7 711 3 340 3 057 Coextensive with Saginaw County, Mich. 1 407 1 150 50 207 98 231 211 20 _ 98 1 176 939 30 207 - 1 228 973 38 217 _ 199 187 12 _ _ 1 029 786 26 217 - 1 105 885 50 170 _ 166 155 6 5 _ 939 730 44 165 - 1 095 875 50 170 1 029 982 47 - _ 1 111 1 093 18 - - 20 572 4 143 16 430 15 872 2 513 13 359 13 300 1 923 11 377 13 222 13 985 14 535 19 433 3 004 16 430 15 872 2 513 13 359 13 300 1 923 11 377 13 222 13 985 14 535 17 545 2 829 14 717 14 576 2 418 12 158 12 344 1 837 10 507 12 266 13 622 14 477 428 175 253 340 95 245 456 49 407 456 363 58 Coextensive with Buchanan County, Mo. 510 456 54 291 237 - 54 - 219 219 - - - 384 324 4 56 _ 287 227 4 56 - 97 97 - - - 290 270 10 10 _ 285 265 10 10 - 5 5 ' " ~ 285 265 10 10 246 239 7 - - 224 222 2 - - 5 275 3 514 1 761 769 867 902 109 057 52 3 057 2 394 2 147 275 514 761 769 867 902 109 057 52 3 057 2 394 2 147 713 952 761 569 667 902 975 923 52 2 923 2 355 2 135 16 898 4 988 11 910 29 596 8 735 20 861 27 433 8 735 18 698 18 774 2 099 16 675 18 774 8 143 8 542 1 460 1 460 956 956 500 37 463 500 562 562 170 170 40 44 44 338 338 525 4 215 1 139 1 139 130 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In the continental United States and In Hawaii, are established In the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit- authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wl h- Total In Structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) ST. LOUIS, M3.-ILL., SMSA Consists of St. Louis city and Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis Coimties, Md., St. Clair Counties, 111. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Franklin Co'jnty, Jto. and Madison ) and 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 18 888 3 251 15 637 18 511 2 951 15 560 10 100 278 9 822 1 417 1 417 6 994 2 673 4 321 377 300 77 210 662 25 889 184 772 207 221 23 348 183 872 144 463 3 332 141 132 11 099 11 099 51 653 20 016 31 641 3 441 ST. LOUIS OUTSIDE CENTRA-f, CITY. . 2 541 900 1963: ( 1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL ST. LOUIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITi 15 490 1 515 |13 975 15 415 1 515 13 900 9 498 172 9 326 1 822 1 822 4 095 1 343 2 752 75 75 175 615 13 733 161 882 174 772 13 733 161 039 130 409 2 859 127 550 13 951 13 951 30 412 10 375 19 537 343 843 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL ST. LOUIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 15 317 1 515 13 802 15 242 1 515 13 727 9 350 172 9 178 1 814 1 814 4 078 1 343 2 735 75 75 173 607 13 733 159 874 172 764 13 733 159 031 128 534 2 859 125 676 13 878 13 878 30 352 10 375 19 477 343 343 1962: TOTAL 12 437 1 470 10 967 12 337 1 470 10 867 8 836 210 8 626 1 150 1 150 2 351 1 260 1 091 100 100 146 296 14 884 131 412 145 388 14 834 130 504 116 630 3 261 113 369 9 760 9 760 19 000 11 623 7 377 903 ST. LOUIS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 908 10,000-PLAGE SERIES— 1962 10 769 10 901 11 371 10 669 10 789 10 671 7 340 7 632 8 214 978 974 972 2 351 2 183 1 485 100 112 700 125 881 129 008 127 910 124 973 127 421 119 269 97 519 94 384 101 979 8 455 7 090 7 650 19 000 25 947 9 639 908 1961 1 586 I960 8 641 SALEM, OREO., Sf^A Cons is ts of Ifa. rion and Polk Counties, Oreg . (New area, October 1963.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 1 345 295 1 050 1 345 295 1 050 917 110 807 71 22 49 357 163 194 ; 12 894 2 806 10 038 12 894 2 806 10 038 10 394 1 705 8 638 533 159 374 1 968 942 1 026 - SALEM - OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SMSA Co nsists of D avis and Salt Lak e Counti es, Utah . (Prior to 1964, defini tion excludes Davis County . ) 12,000-PLACE SERieS— 1964: T3TAL 4 314 1 049 3 265 4 314 1 049 3 265 2 725 235 2 490 479 144 335 1 110 670 440 _ 58 295 15 391 42 905 58 295 15 391 42 905 41 105 4 002 37 103 3 938 1 204 2 734 13 253 10 185 3 063 - SALT LAKE CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL SALT LAKE CITY . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY ! 6 626 1 569 5 057 6 624 1 569 5 055 3 782 228 3 554 971 238 733 1 871 1 103 768 2 2 72 788 16 013 56 775 72 762 16 013 56 749 51 430 4 436 46 994 7 322 2 038 5 234 14 009 9 488 4 521 26 26 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL SALT LAKE CITY . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 5 677 1 569 4 108 5 675 1 569 4 106 3 051 228 2 823 775 238 537 1 849 1 103 746 2 2 60 516 16 013 44 503 60 490 16 013 44 477 41 112 4 436 36 676 5 579 2 088 3 491 13 793 9 433 4 310 26 26 1962 : TOTAL 4 598 1 154 3 444 4 598 1 154 3 444 2 794 156 2 638 819 225 594 985 773 212 - 51 589 12 059 39 530 51 539 12 059 39 530 36 936 2 901 34 035 5 761 1 745 4 016 8 392 7 413 1 479 - SALT LAKE CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 4 598 4 154 3 289 4 149 4 598 4 154 3 289 (NA) 2 794 2 629 2 420 (NA) 819 547 511 (NA) 985 978 358 (NA) (NA) 51 589 42 956 36 766 (NA) 51 589 42 956 36 766 (NA) 36 936 32 583 30 765 (NA) 5 761 3 789 3 566 (NA) 8 392 6 535 2 435 (NA) - 1961 - I960 - 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES- 1959^. ... 4 149 4 196 2 905 3 580 4 061 4 093 (NA) (NA) 2 905 3 580 4 061 4 093 3 193 3 731 2 670 3 381 3 818 3 733 329 310 217 187 199 258 627 155 18 12 4^ 102 (NA) (NA) 49 552 51 562 37 593 43 115 45 301 40 192 (NA) (NA) 37 593 43 115 45 301 40 192 41 732 43 863 36 013 41 919 43 783 38 214 2 305 1 989 1 486 1 161 1 340 1 647 5 514 711 94 35 173 331 (NA) 1958-'-. . (NA) 1957 - 1956 - 1955 - 1954 - ■"^Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 131 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In the continental United States and In Hawaii, are established In the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In Structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) SAN ANGELO, TEX., SKA Coextensive with Com Green Coiinty, Tex . 12,000-PIACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 688 688 404 404 280 280 280 638 439 535 535 404 404 280 280 280 638 439 257 257 276 276 280 280 280 545 435 26 26 6 6 252 252 122 122 93 153 153 6 804 6 804 3 897 3 897 2 902 2 902 2 902 4 999 3 40:. 5 231 5 281 3 897 3 897 2 902 2 902 2 902 4 999 3 406 2 980 2 980 3 207 3 207 2 902 2 902 2 902 4 442 3 393 128 128 25 25 2 173 2 173 665 665 5 So 1 523 SAN ANGELO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 1 523 SAN ANGELO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL "" Sm ANGELO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 SAN ANTONIO, TEX., SMSA Cc nslsts of E exar and Guadalupe Counti es, Tex. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Guadalupe County ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 5 089 4 726 363 5 043 4 063 980 4 968 4 063 905 5 327 4 831 44b 5 327 3 411 3 353 5 089 4 726 363 5 043 4 063 980 4 968 4 063 905 5 327 4 881 446 5 327 3 411 3 353 2 950 2 694 256 2 876 2 628 248 2 803 2 628 175 3 244 3 023 221 3 244 2 733 2 726 96 78 18 130 96 84 178 96 82 90 78 12 90 74 88 2 043 1 954 89 1 937 1 339 643 1 987 1 339 643 1 993 1 780 213 1 993 604 539 42 933 37 339 5 594 41 661 32 032 9 579 40 937 32 032 3 855 43 932 38 331 5 uOl 43 932 29 599 28 965 42 933 37 339 5 594 41 661 32 082 9 579 40 937 32 082 8 855 43 932 38 331 5 601 43 932 29 599 28 965 30 939 25 973 4 9ijO 23 360 23 711 4 649 27 644 23 711 3 933 30 409 25 819 4 590 30 409 24 854 25 626 522 416 105 2 167 1 364 303 2 159 1 364 795 535 458 77 535 444 588 11 473 10 950 523 11 133 7 006 4 127 11 133 7 006 4 127 12 989 12 054 935 12 989 4 300 2 751 SAN ANTONIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (.1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL SAN ANTONIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL SAN ANTONIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL - SAM ANTONIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1060 SAN BERNARDINO-RIVERSIDE - ONTARIO, CALIF., SICA Consists of River side and San Bernard ino Counties , Calif. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 22 018 3 219 996 1 649 574 18 799 24 849 5 322 1 571 1 912 1 839 19 527 18 001 2 782 756 813 1 213 15 219 18 001 12 688 13 290 21 937 3 203 980 1 649 574 18 734 24 833 5 322 1 571 1 912 1 839 19 511 17 801 2 782 756 813 1 213 15 019 17 801 12 588 12 923 12 063 1 310 253 808 249 10 753 15 152 2 116 511 832 723 13 036 12 385 1 144 377 463 304 11 241 12 385 10 311 10 697 5 349- 579 210 281 88 4 770 4 827 1 236 215 185 836 3 591 2 180 551 86 65 400 1 629 2 180 942 951 4 525 1 314 517 560 237 3 211 4 854 1 970 845 845 280 2 884 3 236 1 087 293 285 509 2 149 3 236 1 335 1 275 81 16 16 65 16 lo 200 200 200 100 367 236 246 34 877 9 690 19 300 5 887 201 369 274 012 53 563 17 415 22 519 18 628 215 449 • 193 709 30 281 9 205 9 628 11 448 163 428 193 709 131 494 133 840 235 017 34 660 9 473 19 300 5 887 200 357 273 688 58 563 17 415 22 519 13 628 215 125 190 824 30 821 9 205 9 628 11 448 160 543 190 824 130 120 1 129 214 160 510 21 220 4 415 13 549 3 256 139 290 200 145 35 054 9 114 16 096 9 844 165 091 150 939 18 016 6 237 7 755 4 024 132 923 150 939 114 328 113 938 42 650 4 734 1 704 2 348 682 37 916 39 227 10 077 1 735 1 134 7 207 29 150 16 136 3 806 578 411 2 317 12 330 16 136 6 255 6 923 31 857 8 706 3 355 3 403 1 948 23 150 34 317 13 432 6 567 5 289 1 577 20 885 23 749 8 460 2 391 1 462 4 607 15 239 23 749 9 038 8 353 1 229 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . SAN BERNARDINO . . . RIVERSIDE ONTARIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL 217 217 1 012 324 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . SAN BERNARDINO . . . RIVERSIDE ONTARIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL 324 2 885 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . SAN BERNARDINO . . . RIVERSIDE ONTARIO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 385 2 885 1961 1 373 1960 4 626 132 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas m the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as arrended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. A, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Valuation (thousands )f dollars) sm Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures witi — Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) SAN D lEGO, CALIF., SMSA ACE SERIES- TOTAL Coextensive with San Diego County, Calif 12,000-PL 1964: 13 906 6 672 7 234 13 905 6 672 7 233 6 117 2 398 3 719 2 289 852 1 437 5 499 3 422 2 077 1 1 176 202 82 962 93 240 176 183 82 962 93 221 107 122 40 776 66 346 21 506 8 287 13 219 47 555 33 898 13 657 19 SAN DIEGO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 19 1963: TOTAL 12 770 5 294 7 476 12 309 5 0^ 7 265 7 062 3 421 3 641 1 828 334 1 494 3 419 1 289 2 130 461 250 211 163 696 68 998 94 698 156 943 65 301 91 642 113 652 52 487 61 165 17 327 2 916 14 412 25 964 9 898 16 065 6 753 SAN DIEGO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 3 697 3 056 1962: TOTAL 9 092 4 730 4 362 8 986 4 624 4 362 5 670 2 667 3 003 449 172 277 2 867 1 785 1 082 106 106 112 775 54 772 58 003 111 869 53 866 53 003 91 287 41 757 49 530 3 269 1 459 1 810 17 314 10 650 6 664 906 SAN DIEGO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 906 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 . 9 092 10 975 14 407 30 086 8 986 10 975 14 405 (NA) 5 670 7 828 11 656 (NA) 449 451 832 (NA) 2 867 2 696 1 917 (NA) 106 2 (NA) 112 775 135 435 180 402 (NA) 111 869 135 435 180 351 (NA) 91 287 118 715 162 658 (NA) 3 269 3 665 6 843 (NA) 17 314 13 054 10 850 (NA) 906 1961 _ 1960 51 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959^. 30 086 22 839 16 268 13 269 11 429 10 207 (NA) 22 839 (NA) 13 269 11 429 (NA) 23 467 15 929 11 503 10 945 10 104 7 834 2 281 2 590 2 218 1 219 841 992 4 338 4 320 2 547 1 105 484 1 381 (NA) (NA) (NA) 333 557 235 085 159 583 131 183 112 869 90 632 (NA) 235 085 (NA) 131 183 112 869 (NA) 294 139 189 563 131 353 118 951 106 407 77 279 15 251 17 234 13 576 6 568 4 326 4 906 24 167 28 289 14 654 5 664 2 136 8 447 (NA) 1958 _ 1957^ (NA) 1956 1955 _ 1954^ (NA) CISCO-OAKLAND. CALIF.. SMSA ACE SERIES- SAN FRAN ConsliE ts of Alame 'da, Cont ra Costa def Marin, .nition San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties, Calif. (Pri includes Solano Coimty, Calif.) Dr to 1964, 12,000-PL 1964: TOTAL 38 277 8 740 5 779 2 961 29 537 37 489 8 642 5 681 2 961 28 847 14 372 748 375 373 13 624 4 753 1 356 401 955 3 397 18 364 6 538 4 905 1 633 11 826 788 98 98 690 526 192 129 296 92 005 37 291 396 896 514 982 128 074 90 783 37 291 386 908 270 106 17 630 9 468 8 161 252 476 47 051 15 542 6 585 8 958 31 508 197 825 94 902 74 731 20 172 102 923 11 210 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . SAN FRANCISCO. . . . OAKLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1 222 1 222 9 988 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES SAN FRANCISCO . . OAKLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 40 264 7 539 4 224 3 315 32 725 40 063 7 539 4 224 3 315 32 524 15 843 921 480 441 14 922 4 637 1 183 386 797 3 454 19 583 5 435 3 358 2 077 14 148 201 201 500 543 97 688 64 915 32 773 402 855 497 497 97 688 64 915 32 773 399 809 266 830 19 739 11 119 8 621 247 091 43 669 11 965 5 601 6 364 31 701 j 186 998 65 983 48 195 17 788 121 015 3 046 3 046 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES SAN FRANCISCO . . OAKLAND 42 502 7 539 4 224 3 315 42 301 7 539 4 224 3 315 17 163 921 480 441 5 209 1 183 386 797 19 929 5 435 3 358 2 077 201 524 682 97 688 64 915 32 773 521 636 97 688 64 915 32 773 284 350 19 739 11 119 8 621 47 506 11 965 5 601 6 364 189 780 65 983 48 195 17 788 3 o;6 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 34 963 34 762 16 242 4 026 14 494 201 426 994 423 948 264 610 35 541 123 797 3 Oi6 1962: TOTAL 37 441 9 012 5 191 3 821 28 429 37 081 8 912 5 191 3 721 28 169 15 146 1 308 829 479 13 838 3 434 983 407 576 2 451 18 501 6 621 3 955 2 666 11 880 360 100 100 260 452 315 116 711 78 426 38 285 335 604 448 278 115 836 78 426 37 410 332 442 242 267 24 766 15 952 8 814 217 501 29 997 10 0i9 5 653 4 396 19 948 176 014 81 021 56 821 24 200 94 993 4 037 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . SAN FRANCISCO. . . . OAKLAND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 875 875 3 162 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 37 441 32 664 28 107 30 000 37 081 30 846 27 715 (NA) 15 146 13 196 14 724 (NA) 3 434 3 225 2 792 (NA) 18 501 14 425 10 199 (NA) 360 1 818 392 (NA) 452 315 366 850 321 606 (NA) 448 278 346 323 316 411 (NA) 242 267 203 454 212 196 (NA) 29 997 26 084 22 572 (NA) 176 014 116 785 81 643 (NA) 4 037 1961 20 526 1960 5 195 1959 (NA) 6,600-PLACE SERIES— 1959^ 29 501 25 157 18 800 21 956 32 058 28 388 (NA) (NA) (NA) 21 956 (NA) (NA) 18 176 15 631 12 309 17 427 27 650 23 677 2 235 1 932 1 517 1 368 1 725 1 692 9 090 7 594 4 974 3 161 2 683 3 019 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 340 763 275 980 199 606 236 856 330 217 259 963 (NA) (NA) (NA) 236 856 (NA) (NA) 254 671 214 273 161 069 210 723 301 652 229 800 18 016 14 616 11 079 9 955 12 120 10 345 68 075 47 091 27 458 16 178 16 445 19 818 (NA) 1958^ (NA) 1957^ (NA) 1956 1955^ (NA) 1954 1 (NA) ■'•Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 133 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. Number of housing units SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) SAN JOSE, CALIF., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SAN JOSE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL SAN JOSE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SAN JOSE , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, 10, GOO-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SANTA BARBARA, CALIF., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SANTA BARBARA . . . , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL SANTA BARBARA . . . , OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL SANTA BARBARA . . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10, 000 -PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SAVANNAH, GA., SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SAVANNAH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL SAVANNAH OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL SAVANNAH OUTSIDE CEIWRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 14 731 6 759 7 972 21 376 9 425 11 951 18 880 6 830 12 050 18 880 15 995 16 427 2 988 759 2 229 6 448 1 340 5 108 7 689 1 075 6 614 7 689 5 808 3 783 1 014 258 756 1 102 282 820 921 338 583 917 853 1 125 Coextensive with Santa Clara County, Calif. 14 731 6 759 7 972 21 376 9 425 11 951 18 880 6 330 12 050 13 880 15 995 16 427 7 546 4 597 2 949 8 995 4 912 4 083 3 704 3 346 4 858 8 704 3 616 10 175 2 257 698 1 559 4 729 1 776 2 953 4 762 1 674 3 088 4 762 2 684 1 884 4 928 1 464 3 464 7 652 2 737 4 915 5 414 1 310 4 104 5 414 4 695 4 368 195 065 88 295 106 770 247 636 102 157 145 478 209 314 73 366 135 948 209 314 178 321 173 310 195 065 83 295 106 770 247 636 102 157 145 478 209 314 73 366 135 948 209 314 178 321 173 310 130 902 72 016 58 837 150 958 72 150 78 303 137 491 54 719 82 772 137 491 125 203 132 511 21 214 5 948 15 266 39 274 12 233 27 041 35 505 11 496 24 009 35 505 20 037 14 474 42 948 10 331 32 617 57 404 17 774 39 630 36 318 7 151 29 167 36 318 33 026 26 325 Coextensive with Santa Barbara County, Calif. 965 759 206 437 336 101 689 075 614 7 689 5 503 3 382 1 276 166 1 110 3 319 381 2 938 4 927 409 4 518 4 927 4 350 2 586 323 139 184 593 103 490 533 106 427 533 180 147 1 366 454 912 2 525 352 1 673 2 229 560 1 669 2 229 978 649 23 23 11 4 7 300 401 41 684 9 185 32 498 82 941 15 558 67 333 97 422 12 176 85 246 97 422 75 753 52 516 41 371 9 135 32 185 82 696 15 513 67 183 97 422 12 176 85 246 97 422 72 887 46 960 26 400 3 441 22 959 58 031 7 703 50 328 77 271 7 553 69 713 77 271 65 133 41 043 3 459 1 474 1 985 5 755 1 024 4 731 4 313 984 3 829 4 813 1 595 1 425 Coextensive with Chatham County, Ga. 1 014 253 756 1 093 282 816 757 174 583 753 853 1 125 1 000 14 246 12 _ - 754 2 - - 1 036 12 _ 4 272 10 - - 314 2 - 4 749 8 _ 164 174 - _ 164 575 8 ~ - 745 8 164 837 8 8 - 1 093 32 - - 004 406 598 233 853 7 259 2 780 4 479 7 205 6 453 8 620 9 004 2 406 6 593 8 979 2 233 6 746 5 734 1 255 4 479 5 680 6 453 8 620 8 954 2 370 6 584 8 922 2 191 6 731 692 255 437 5 638 6 409 8 513 50 36 14 57 42 15 42 42 42 23 108 11 511 4 270 7 241 13 911 6 786 12 124 15 337 3 638 11 699 15 337 6 159 4 493 16 313 313 245 45 200 2 865 5 556 107 107 1 525 1 525 1 525 134 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In Structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) SCRANTON, PA., SMSA ,000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL Coextensive with Lackawanna County, Pa. 12 523 405 118 299 105 194 298 107 191 215 394 189 523 405 118 299 105 194 224 107 117 215 394 189 229 111 118 299 105 194 221 104 117 212 180 187 3 3 3 2 294 294 74 74 214 3 776 1 842 1 934 4 186 1 455 2 732 4 384 1 596 2 788 3 342 5 388 2 661 3 776 1 842 1 934 4 186 1 455 2 732 3 421 1 596 1 825 3 342 2 628 2 661 3 335 1 401 1 934 4 186 1 455 2 732 3 396 1 571 1 825 3 317 2 628 2 647 25 25 25 14 441 441 SCRANTON. . . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1963: TOTAL CITY. . ; SCRANTON. . . . _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1962: TOTAL CITY. . 963 SCRANTON. . . . - 10 OUTSIDE CENTRAL ,000-PLACE SERIES 1962 . . . CITY. . 963 1961 2 759 I960 _ SEATTLE-EVERETT, WASH,, ,000-EUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SMSA Con iiists of Ki ng and Sn ohomish Counties, Wash. (Prior to 1960, definition excludes added to area title, October 1963.) Snohomish County. Everett 12 9 121 2 96;- 2 728 237 6 156 13 849 3 738 10 111 15 794 3 635 12 159 13 716 9 112 7 583 13 000 12 699 10 300 7 966 7 055 9 874 9 937 9 071 2 915 2 678 237 6 156 13 649 3 738 9 911 15 734 3 635 12 099 13 656 9 112 7 583 (NA) (NA) 10 300 (NA) (NA) 9 874 9 937 5 774 783 626 157 4 991 9 385 865 8 520 11 499 906 10 593 9 554 7 358 6 321 (HA) 8 310 7 159 5 182 5 387 8 184 8 594 405 219 200 19 186 596 385 211 633 398 235 580 357 342 (NA) 744 489 334 284 443 448 2 892 1 913 1 852 61 979 3 668 2 488 1 180 3 602 2 331 1 271 3 522 1 397 920 (NA) 3 645 2 652 2 450 1 384 1 247 895 50 50 50 200 200 60 60 60 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 129 806 40 202 37 102 3 100 89 604 190 557 45 248 145 309 209 341 43 174 166 167 181 307 124 202 103 976 (NA) 157 371 121 652 89 384 84 115 113 701 109 519 129 359 39 755 36 655 3 100 89 604 188 422 45 248 143 174 208 681 43 174 165 507 180 647 124 202 103 976 (NA) (NA) 121 652 (NA) (NA) 113 701 109 519 93 545 14 879 12 360 2 519 78 665 147 387 16 566 130 821 170 008 16 468 153 540 143 250 110 604 94 044 (NA) 119 686 99 485 71 949 73 939 104 014 100 234 3 758 2 200 2 028 172 1 558 5 963 4 4Cki 1 559 5 939 3 926 2 013 5 347 2 982 2 7a (NA) 6 489 3 770 2 695 2 201 3 252 3 315 32 057 22 676 22 268 408 9 382 35 073 24 279 10 794 32 733 22 780 9 953 32 049 10 616 7 151 (NA) 31 196 18 397 14 740 7 976 6 435 5 970 447 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . SEATTLE 44^7 447 EVERETT . . . - OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1963: TOTAL CITIES. 2 135 SEATTLE .... - OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1962: TOTAL CITY. . 2 135 660 SEATTLE .... - 10 OUTSIDE CENTRAL ,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 CITY. . 660 660 1961 - I960 - 1959 (NA) 6, 600-PUCE SERIES— 1959-'- (NA) 1958 - 1957 ■'■ (NA) 1956-^ (NA) 1955 - 1954 - SHREVEPORT, LA., SMSA ,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL Consists Df Bossi ;r and Caddo Parishes, L a. 12 959 872 87 701 542 159 1 039 840 249 1 088 1 422 1 513 959 872 87 701 542 159 1 089 840 249 1 088 1 422 1 513 687 600 87 701 542 159 834 585 249 833 1 360 1 505 8 272 272 255 255 255 62 - 10 198 9 145 1 054 8 572 6 947 1 626 11 647 9 097 2 550 11 634 13 748 14 835 10 198 9 145 1 054 8 572 6 947 1 626 11 647 9 097 2 550 11 634 13 748 14 835 7 846 6 792 1 054 8 572 6 947 1 626 9 345 6 794 2 551 9 332 13 295 14 795 39 2 352 2 352 2 303 2 303 2 303 453 SHREVEPORT. . . - OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1963: TOTAL CITY. . SHREVEPORT . . . - OUTSIDE CENTRAL 1961: TOTAL CITY. . SHREVEPORT. . . - 10 OUTSIDE CENTRAL ,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 CITY. . 1961 - 1960 . . . * - ■"■Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 135 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) SIOUX CITY, lOWA-NEBR. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964; TOTAL SIOUX CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. Consists of Woodbury County, lova, and Dakota County, Nebr. (Prior to ige^i, definition excludes Dakota County, Nebr. ) 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL SIOUX CITY .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL SIOUX CITY .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SIOUX CITY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SIOUX FALLS, S.DAK., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SIOUX FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL SIOUX FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL SIOUX FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SOUTH BEND, IND., SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES- 1964: TOTAL SOUTH BEND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL SOUTH BEND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL SOUTH BEND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SOUTH BEND OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 212 184 28 224 174 50 189 174 15 343 328 15 337 379 262 212 180 3 24 184 152 8 24 _ 23 28 - - - 224 210 14 174 160 14 - _ 50 50 - - - 189 175 14 174 160 14 - . 15 15 - - - 343 320 23 . . 328 309 19 - . 15 11 4 - - 337 314 23 379 346 14 19 _ 262 258 4 - - 261 871 390 271 667 604 2 911 2 667 244 4 665 4 499 166 4 594 5 488 3 786 261 371 390 271 667 604 2 911 2 667 244 4 665 4 499 166 4 594 5 488 3 786 035 645 390 132 528 604 2 772 2 528 244 4 409 4 269 140 4 338 5 230 3 746 139 139 139 139 257 231 26 257 142 40 141 141 Coextensive v.'ith Minnehaha County, S. Dak. 373 361 12 330 310 20 459 454 5 459 438 403 373 292 32 49 361 280 32 49 _ 12 12 - - - 330 308 12 10 - 310 292 8 10 _ 20 16 4 - - 459 334 36 89 _ 454 329 36 89 - 5 5 - - - 459 334 36 89 438 370 38 30 - 403 340 16 47 - 4 347 4 167 180 3 956 3 718 238 4 812 4 746 66 4 812 4 iy<8 4 495 4 347 4 167 180 3 956 3 718 238 4 812 4 746 66 4 812 4 608 4 495 720 540 180 748 530 217 4 013 3 947 66 4 013 4 132 4 133 240 240 83 62 20 240 240 240 318 118 387 387 125 125 559 559 559 157 244 Consists of Marshall and St. Joseph Counties, Ind. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Marshall County.) 988 256 732 923 300 623 901 300 601 751 261 490 748 1 113 1 161 988 667 9 312 256 111 9 136 - 732 556 - 176 - 923 859 64 300 236 - 64 _ 623 623 - - - 901 837 64 300 236 _ 64 - 601 601 - - - 751 747 4 - _ 261 257 4 - - 490 490 " - - 748 744 4 963 855 ~ 108 150 1 161 1 149 12 - 13 773 2 831 10 892 13 788 3 856 9 932 13 469 3 35b 9 613 11 705 3 906 7 799 11 6t>2 15 102 16 804 13 773 2 881 10 892 13 788 3 356 9 932 13 469 3 856 9 613 11 705 3 906 7 799 11 662 13 667 16 804 11 508 58 1 923 58 9 585 - 13 340 3 408 _ 9 932 - 13 021 3 403 _ 9 613 - 11 687 13 3 888 18 7 799 - 11 644 13 12 967 - 16 563 - 2 207 900 1 307 448 448 448 448 700 241 1 436 136 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) SPOKANE, WASH., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SPOKAME OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL SPOKANE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SPOKANE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SPRINGFIELD, ILL., SMSA 12, 000 -PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SPRINGFIELD .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL SPRINGFIELD .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SPRINGFIELD .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 SPRINGFIELD, MO., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SPRINGFIELD .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL SPRINGFIELD .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL SPRINGFIELD .... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 602 734 316 418 915 441 474 915 1 059 1 153 610 586 24 647 631 16 509 481 28 504 445 407 620 620 622 622 572 572 572 619 581 Coextensive with Spokane County, Wash. 890 667 45 178 288 219 17 52 . 602 448 28 126 - 734 589 49 96 . 316 201 19 96 - 418 388 30 - - 915 716 63 136 . 441 273 32 136 _ 474 443 31 - - 915 716 63 136 1 059 873 43 143 . 1 153 960 86 107 - 14 211 4 723 9 488 12 009 4 837 7 173 13 370 5 897 7 473 13 370 15 351 15 855 14 211 4 728 9 488 12 009 4 837 7 173 13 370 5 897 7 473 13 370 15 351 15 855 12 709 4 213 8 496 10 379 622 757 11 4 7 209 594 385 11 594 13 954 14 379 409 181 228 643 228 416 550 286 264 550 386 716 Coextensive with Sangamon County, 111. 610 479 23 108 586 455 23 108 - 24 24 - - - 547 404 38 105 100 531 388 38 105 100 16 16 - - - 509 436 41 32 . 481 410 39 32 - 28 26 2 " " 504 431 41 32 445 367 35 43 . 407 395 12 - - 8 955 8 523 432 9 128 8 802 326 7 886 7 355 531 7 811 6 133 6 846 8 955 8 523 432 958 632 326 355 531 7 811 6 133 6 846 7 737 7 305 432 6 072 5 746 326 6 680 6 172 508 6 605 5 455 6 754 266 266 356 356 406 383 23 406 259 92 Coextensive with Greene County, Mo. 620 482 22 116 620 482 22 116 - 622 470 20 132 622 470 20 132 - 572 416 12 144 572 416 12 144 - 572 416 12 144 619 446 29 144 _ 581 509 61 11 - 5 146 5 146 5 854 5 854 4 422 4 422 4 422 4 745 4 880 5 146 5 146 854 854 4 422 4 422 4 422 4 745 4 880 4 510 4 510 224 224 692 692 3 692 4 021 4 487 126 126 110 110 168 360 1 093 329 764 987 987 1 226 1 226 1 226 1 Oil 760 951 951 1 530 1 530 800 800 800 419 511 511 520 520 649 649 649 556 33 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 137 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas m the continental United States and In Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units \/aluation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, SMSA Coextensive wi th Clark County , Ohio 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 1 231 591 640 974 302 672 415 208 207 284 330 389 1 021 381 640 974 302 672 415 208 207 284 330 389 773 149 624 862 230 632 351 160 191 224 322 389 2 2 12 12 4 4 246 232 14 100 72 28 60 48 12 60 8 210 210 15 935 9 367 6 568 9 545 2 983 6 563 5 010 2 921 2 089 3 662 3 921 4 351 13 532 6 964 6 568 9 545 2 983 6 563 5 010 2 921 2 089 3 662 3 921 4 351 10 924 4 425 6 499 8 948 2 583 6 365 4 746 2 731 2 015 3 422 3 804 4 351 6 6 65 65 24 24 2 602 2 539 63 532 400 132 240 190 50 240 117 2 403 SPRINGFIELD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963- TOTAL 2 403 SPRINGFIELD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - SPRINGFIELD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000 -PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 I960 SPRINGFIELD-CHICOPEE-HOLYOKE . MASS. -CONN. , SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES SPRINGFIELD. . . CHICOPEE . . . . HOLYOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES SPRINGFIELD. . . CHICOPEE . . . . HOLYOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES SPRINGFIELD... . CHICOPEE . . . . HOLYOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. SPRINGFIELD . . . . CHICOPEE HOLYOKE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Chicopee, Holyoke, Springfield, and Westfield citieo, id Agawara, East Longmeadow, Hampden, Long- meadow, Ludlow, Monson, Palmer, Southwick, West Springfield, and Wilbraham towns in Hampden County; Northampton city, and Eastharapton, Granby, Hadley, and South Hadley towns in Hampshire County; and Warren tov/n in Worcester County, Mass.; and Somers town in Tolland County, Conn. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Hampden and Southwick towns in Hampden County, Mass., Granby town in Hampshire Comity, Mass., and Somers town in Tolland County, Conn. Area title excludes Chicopee prior to August 1960.) 2 659 891 366 440 85 1 768 2 564 1 095 572 390 133 1 469 2 392 1 095 572 390 133 1 297 1 775 550 135 324 91 1 225 1 775 2 536 1 664 2 659 891 366 440 85 1 768 2 448 979 456 390 133 1 469 2 276 979 456 390 133 1 297 1 775 550 135 324 91 1 225 1 775 1 986 1 552 1 615 186 858 427 118 346 _ 105 112 149 - 252 2 186 - 70 4 11 - 1 188 68 512 - 1 576 100 772 116 400 78 501 116 66 38 352 116 239 40 111 . 95 - 38 - 1 176 22 271 - 1 412 92 772 116 400 78 501 116 66 38 352 116 239 40 111 - 95 - 38 - 1 012 14 271 - 1 511 22 242 _ 484 20 46 - 73 16 46 _ 324 . . . 87 4 - - 1 027 2 196 - 1 511 22 242 1 438 36 512 550 1 374 15 163 112 27 344 7 219 2 641 3 503 1 075 20 125 28 179 9 732 5 199 3 166 1 367 18 447 25 890 9 732 5 199 3 166 1 367 16 158 19 937 5 227 1 072 3 041 1 114 14 710 19 937 31 388 17 513 27 344 7 219 2 641 3 503 1 075 20 125 26 817 8 370 3 837 3 166 1 367 18 447 24 528 8 370 3 837 3 166 1 367 16 158 19 937 5 227 1 072 3 041 1 114 14 710 19 937 24 173 16 328 21 913 1 275 4 675 721 1 075 679 2 654 8 946 34 17 238 553 20 623 652 4 240 498 645 261 2 423 236 1 172 - 16 383 154 18 396 590 4 240 498 645 261 2 423 236 1 172 - 14 156 92 18 879 137 4 969 120 839 95 3 041 . 1 089 25 13 910 17 18 879 137 17 960 206 15 358 111 4 156 1 822 887 840 95 2 334 5 542 3 632 2 931 506 195 1 910 5 542 3 632 2 931 506 195 1 910 921 138 138 783 921 007 859 1 362 1 362 1 362 1 362 1 362 1 362 7 215 185 138 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and ttie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-autttorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) STAMFORD, CONN., SMSA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 19&i; TOTAL STAMFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL STAMFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL STAMFORD OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 STEUBEMVILLE-WEIRTON, OHIO-W.VA. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . STEUBENVILLE . . . . WEIRTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . STEUBENVILLE . . . . WEIRTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . STEUBENVILLE . . . . WEIRTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 STOCKTON, CALIF., SIVEA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL STOCKTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL STOCKTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL STOCKTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Stamford city and Darien, Greenwich, and New Canaan towns in Fairfield County, Conn. 937 745 056 640 416 963 543 420 963 1 290 1 385 421 285 180 105 136 720 586 468 118 134 370 252 68 184 118 362 313 477 347 453 278 896 382 027 738 289 2 027 2 114 1 609 1 632 1 058 170 404 50 887 565 71 251 50 745 493 99 153 - 1 056 908 80 68 . 640 528 68 44 . 416 380 12 24 - 963 735 100 128 . 543 357 58 128 . 420 378 42 - - 963 735 100 128 1 240 752 62 426 50 1 385 781 76 528 - 36 841 18 293 18 548 26 191 14 275 11 917 22 083 10 975 11 108 22 083 26 701 26 268 36 276 17 728 13 548 26 191 14 275 11 917 22 083 10 975 11 108 22 083 26 125 26 268 29 866 14 699 15 168 24 791 13 226 11 565 19 525 8 889 10 636 19 525 19 608 20 071 1 936 835 1 100 884 748 136 1 114 643 471 1 114 738 809 Consists of Jefferson County, Ohio, and Brooke and Hancock Counties, W.Va. 421 307 18 96 285 183 6 96 . 180 84 - 96 - 105 99 6 - - 136 124 12 - - 520 290 46 184 200 386 158 44 184 200 268 68 28 172 200 118 90 16 12 - 134 132 2 - - 370 307 24 39 _ 252 189 24 39 . 68 46 8 14 - 184 143 16 25 - 118 118 ~ " ' 362 299 24 39 313 261 22 30 - 351 321 18 12 126 5 817 3 830 2 289 1 542 1 987 7 967 6 381 4 884 1 496 1 586 5 037 3 311 1 052 2 259 1 726 4 921 4 249 6 340 817 830 289 542 987 5 810 4 224 2 727 1 496 1 586 5 037 3 311 1 052 2 259 1 726 4 921 4 249 5 037 5 083 3 184 1 703 1 482 1 898 4 122 2 555 1 268 1 286 1 567 4 564 2 838 842 1 996 1 726 4 448 3 936 4 810 148 60 60 547 528 388 140 19 230 230 94 135 230 188 152 Coextensive with San Joaquin County, Calif. 2 800 1 347 1 453 2 248 896 1 352 1 987 738 1 249 1 987 1 914 1 609 1 543 617 640 451 357 539 - 1 092 260 101 - 1 479 302 467 30 469 137 290 - 1 010 165 177 30 1 294 287 406 40 382 80 276 - 912 207 130 40 1 294 287 406 40 1 180 160 574 200 1 287 156 166 - 29 595 13 627 15 969 23 756 9 528 14 229 21 118 8 211 12 907 21 118 19 939 16 478 29 595 13 627 15 969 23 276 9 528 13 749 20 673 8 211 12 462 20 673 17 661 16 478 20 143 5 083 6 798 3 134 13 346 1 950 18 025 2 314 6 333 1 222 11 692 1 092 15 777 2 098 5 526 683 10 251 1 415 15 777 2 098 13 489 1 071 14 273 1 157 4 474 2 194 2 280 517 301 216 1 444 1 444 1 444 5 780 5 388 586 586 586 1 141 1 141 1 071 70 244 244 116 128 24^ 124 75 369 695 674 938 973 965 798 002 796 2 798 3 101 1 048 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 139 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standaid consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total, "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wlth- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) SYRACUSE, N.Y., Sl^A 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL SYRACUSE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL SYRACUSE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL SYRACUSE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— • 1962 1961 1960 TACOMA, WASH., StCA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL TACOMA. ....... OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL TACOMA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL TACOMA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 TAMPA-ST. PETERSBURG, FLA., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TAMPA ST. PETERSBURG . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TAMPA ST. PETERSBURG . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES TAMPA ST. PETERSBURG . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 3 081 855 2 226 3 045 413 2 632 3 302 685 2 617 3 251 3 942 2 772 2 886 507 2 379 3 086 869 2 217 3 680 890 2 790 3 676 2 528 2 307 9 303 3 338 1 990 1 348 5 965 9 235 3 133 1 746 1 387 6 102 9 661 3 025 1 176 1 849 6 636 9 658 12 174 13 364 Consists of Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego Counties, N.Y. 2 773 547 2 226 2 985 413 2 572 3 232 685 2 547 3 181 3 442 2 772 1 819 93 861 308 94 34 419 308 1 725 59 442 - 2 178 168 639 60 148 61 2CK _ 2 030 107 435 60 2 390 121 721 70 156 37 492 _ 2 234 84 229 70 2 339 121 721 70 2 168 198 1 076 500 2 113 204 455 - 33 678 6 678 27 000 34 643 4 014 30 629 39 025 ■6 695 32 330 38 355 49 398 38 891 30 931 3 931 27 000 33 790 4 014 29 776 38 120 6 695 31 425 37 450 42 813 38 891 26 062 1 498 24 564 28 641 2 305 26 336 32 160 2 496 29 664 31 490 30 624 30 774 705 342 363 1 370 591 779 966 367 599 966 1 454 1 589 Coextensive vith Pierce County, Wash. 2 884 505 2 379 3 085 869 2 216 3 180 890 2 290 3 176 2 528 2 307 2 099 175 610 2 401 16 88 2 1 698 159 522 - 2 143 194 748 1 450 22 397 _ 1 693 172 351 1 2 147 325 708 500 544 30 316 _ 1 603 295 392 500 2 143 325 708 500 2 037 144 347 _ 1 878 130 299 - 36 155 7 780 28 375 36 352 11 093 25 259 42 426 11 051 31 375 42 382 30 988 27 418 36 111 7 736 28 375 36 341 11 093 25 248 36 004 11 051 24 953 35 960 30 988 27 418 30 297 6 823 23 474 29 446 7 505 21 941 28 451 8 452 19 999 28 407 27 586 24 620 1 285 136 1 149 1 339 200 1 139 2 247 265 1 982 2 247 1 021 958 Consists of Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, Fla. 8 883 7 012 396 2 918 2 230 68 1 570 1 113 49 1 348 1 117 19 5 965 4 782 328 9 235 7 725 291 3 133 2 206 88 1 746 1 063 55 1 387 1 143 33 6 102 5 519 203 9 661 8 496 236 3 025 2 417 83 1 176 1 025 33 1 849 1 392 50 6 636 6 079 153 9 658 8 495 234 12 158 10 213 200 13 324 12 147 654 1 475 620 408 212 855 1 219 839 628 211 380 929 525 118 407 4CK 929 1 745 523 420 420 420 16 40 103 473 36 892 21 566 15 326 66 581 104 710 35 376 20 436 1 14 941 69 333 102 781 33 383 14 520 18 868 69 393 102 747 119 997 118 990 99 497 32 916 17 590 15 326 66 581 104 710 35 376 20 436 14 941 69 333 102 781 33 388 14 520 18 868 69 393 102 747 119 881 118 726 89 543 2 491 29 075 411 15 171 301 13 904 110 60 468 2 080 93 992 1 917 28 075 588 14 551 354 13 523 234 65 917 1 329 95 601 1 308 28 546 476 13 654 199 14 892 277 67 055 832 95 587 1 288 101 740 1 164 113 042 3 550 4 164 2 091 2 073 3 779 1 118 2 661 994 833 161 4 994 10 736 6 528 4 530 778 3 752 5 556 3 388 2 168 5 306 2 334 2 972 5 306 2 381 1 840 7 463 3 430 2 118 1 312 4 033 8 801 6 713 5 530 1 183 2 087 872 366 667 699 506 5 872 16 978 2 134 2 747 2 747 853 853 905 905 905 6 585 44 44 11 11 6 422 6 422 6 422 3 976 3 976 3 976 115 264 140 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In ttie continental United States and In Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of ttie Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures w th- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) TERRE HAUTE, IW., St«A Consists of Clay, Sullivan, definition excludes Vermillion, and Vigc Clay, Sullivan, and Counties, Ind. (Prior to 19&i Vermillion Counties . ) ' 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964; TOTAL 287 278 9 319 309 10 309 309 72 72 72 74 87 107 98 9 119 109 10 109 109 72 72 72 74 87 79 70 9 71 61 10 61 61 72 72 72 74 75 4 4 4 4 28 28 44 44 44 44 12 180 180 200 200 200 200 4 154 4 056 98 3 887 3 776 111 3 776 3 776 920 920 920 743 710 1 647 1 549 98 1 663 1 552 111 1 552 1 552 920 920 920 743 710 1 417 1 319 98 1 240 1 129 111 1 129 1 129 920 920 920 743 635 50 50 50 50 230 230 373 373 373 373 75 2 507 TERRE HAUTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL TERRE HAUTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL TERRE HAUTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962; TOTAL 2 507 2 224 2 224 2 224 2 224 TERRE HAUTE OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1960 TEXARKANA, TEX. -ARK., SMSA Consists of Bovjie County, Tex ., and Miller County , Ark, (New area, August 1960. ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 384 355 29 329 279 50 277 238 39 277 430 235 344 315 29 329 279 50 277 238 39 277 390 235 257 228 29 234 202 32 277 238 39 277 250 225 4 4 18 18 40 10 83 83 77 77 100 40 40 40 3 358 3 060 299 2 392 2 023 369 2 345 1 965 380 2 345 3 398 1 942 2 903 2 605 299 2 392 2 023 369 2 345 1 965 380 2 345 3 059 1 942 2 590 2 292 299 2 033 1 728 305 2 345 1 965 380 2 345 2 219 1 873 15 15 64 64 339 69 298 298 295 295 500 455 TEXARKANA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, . 1963: TOTAL 455 TEXARKANA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL ~ TEXARKANA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 339 1960 TOLEDO, OHIO-MICH., SMSA Consists of Lucas and Wood C 1964, definition exclude ounties, Ohio, and f s Wood County, Ohio, onroe County, Mich. (Prior to and lybnroe County, Mich.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 3 634 1 691 1 943 3 074 1 069 2 005 2 447 1 069 1 378 1 857 710 1 147 1 850 2 099 2 044 3 431 1 488 1 943 3 074 1 069 2 005 2 447 1 069 1 378 1 857 710 1 147 1 850 2 099 1 997 2 193 642 1 551 2 065 525 1 540 1 496 525 971 1 543 503 1 040 1 536 1 832 1 840 267 77 190 434 237 197 411 237 174 207 151 56 207 216 62 971 769 202 575 307 268 540 307 233 107 56 51 107 51 95 203 203 47 45 867 16 912 28 955 39 079 11 135 27 944 29 645 11 135 18 511 24 080 7 569 16 511 24 004 26 327 27 538 42 987 14 032 28 955 39 079 11 135 27 944 29 645 11 135 18 511 24 080 7 569 16 511 24 004 26 327 26 821 34 396 9 040 25 356 30 971 6 788 24 183 22 000 6 788 15 212 22 076 6 455 15 621 22 000 23 929 25 381 2 485 458 2 026 3 126 1 395 1 731 2 978 1 395 1 583 1 286 810 476 1 286 1 939 624 6 106 4 533 1 572 4 982 2 952 2 030 4 667 2 952 1 715 718 305 413 718 459 817 2 880 TOLEDO 2 880 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION)— TOTAL TOLEDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963; (PRIOR DEFINITION)— TOTAL TOLEDO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL " TOLEDO _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 _ 1960 717 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 141 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standaid consolidated areas and tfie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eoual total, '-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Num )er of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authoriz ed) Total In structures wi h- Total In structures w tfi- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awaids) TOPEKA, KANS., SMSA Coextensive with Shawnee County, Kans. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 561 465 96 637 524 113 1 126 1 045 81 1 126 1 155 1 148 561 465 96 637 524 113 915 834 81 915 1 155 1 148 396 302 94 459 346 113 679 612 67 679 810 1 048 8 6 2 26 26 93 79 14 93 44 36 157 157 152 152 143 143 143 301 64 211 211 211 7 879 6 327 1 552 8 220 6 539 1 680 13 041 11 947 1 094 13 041 13 868 15 257 7 879 6 327 1 552 8 220 6 539 1 680 11 026 9 932 1 094 11 026 13 868 15 257 6 274 4 737 1 537 6 903 5 222 1 680 9 508 8 503 1 005 9 508 11 418 14 447 90 75 15 177 177 638 549 89 638 300 300 1 515 1 515 1 140 1 140 880 880 880 2 150 510 TOPEKA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL - TOPEKA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , 1962: TOTAL 2 015 TOPEKA 2 015 OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 2 015 1961 1960 TRENTON, N.J., SMSA Coextensive wit h Mercer County, N.J. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196yi: TOTAL 2 866 577 2 289 2 088 161 1 927 1 994 6 1 988 1 994 1 776 1 954 2 552 321 2 231 2 088 161 1 927 1 994 6 1 988 1 994 1 582 1 954 1 084 6 1 078 1 187 11 1 176 1 157 6 1 151 1 157 1 139 1 454 10 2 8 12 4 8 22 22 22 37 126 1 458 313 1 145 889 146 743 815 815 815 406 374 314 256 58 194 34 878 5 960 28 918 30 764 1 591 29 173 22 106 82 22 024 22 106 19 982 29 527 30 111 1 969 28 142 30 764 1 591 29 173 22 106 82 22 024 22 106 18 087 29 527 19 101 80 19 021 19 502 119 19 383 16 837 82 16 755 16 837 15 783 21 698 85 15 70 89 22 67 101 101 101 260 2 035 10 925 1 874 9 051 11 173 1 450 9 723 5 168 5 168 5 168 2 044 5 794 4 767 TRENTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 3 991 776 TRENTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL - TRENTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 1 895 1960 _ TUCSON, ARIZ., SWSA Coextensive wi th Pima Coun ty, Ariz. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 3 150 1 495 1 655 5 895 2 274 3 621 5 015 2 851 2 164 5 015 3 697 4 325 3 150 1 495 1 655 5 886 2 274 3 612 5 015 2 851 2 164 5 015 3 690 4 325 1 849 309 1 540 2 394 527 1 867 2 597 691 1 906 2 597 2 523 3 588 352 290 62 1 752 485 1 267 347 297 50 347 292 284 949 896 53 1 740 1 262 478 2 071 1 863 208 2 071 875 453 9 9 7 30 922 11 327 19 595 47 609 16 763 30 845 45 826 23 094 22 732 45 826 35 248 40 848 30 922 11 327 19 595 47 445 16 763 30 681 45 826 23 094 22 732 45 826 35 138 40 848 22 660 3 961 18 698 27 682 6 144 21 538 29 049 7 919 21 130 29 049 28 091 35 636 2 575 2 131 444 9 534 3 192 6 342 2 171 1 828 343 2 171 1 794 1 775 5 687 5 235 452 10 229 7 428 2 802 14 607 13 347 1 260 14 607 5 253 3 436 TUCSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: TOTAL 164 TUCSON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962: TOTAL 164 TUCSON _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 , 110 1960 _ 142 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In the continental Unrted States and In Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detarl may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures wlth- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) TUISA, OKLA., SMSA Cons ists of Creek, Osage, and Tulsa Counties, Oila, (Prior to 1961, definition exc ludes Osage County ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— n 1964: TOTAL 1 964 1 556 408 1 964 1 556 408 671 337 334 155 130 25 1 138 1 089 49 - 17 161 13 649 3 512 17 161 13 649 3 512 8 318 5 172 3 146 1 020 898 122 7 823 7 578 245 TULSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 2 236 1 952 284 2 236 1 952 284 782 542 240 116 112 4 1 338 1 298 40 - 16 726 14 548 2 178 16 726 14 548 2 178 9 807 7 760 2 047 814 806 8 6 105 5 982 123 TULSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962: TOTAL 1 240 1 001 239 1 240 1 001 239 561 322 239 30 30 649 649 - 8 383 6 731 1 652 8 383 6 731 1 652 5 737 4 084 1 652 240 240 2 407 2 407 TULSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1 237 745 1 129 1 116 1 237 745 1 129 1 116 558 532 793 781 30 29 19 18 649 184 317 317 - 8 347 6 638 10 962 10 791 8 347 6 638 10 962 10 791 5 701 5 467 7 220 7 056 240 252 128 122 2 407 920 3 614 3 614 1961 _ 1960 (1961 DEFINITION) . . . , 1960 (PRIOR DEFINITION), , . , - TUSCALOOSA, ALA., SMSA Coextensive with Tuscaloosa County, Ala. (New area, August 1960. ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL 598 522 76 598 522 76 451 375 76 2 2 145 145 - 7 452 6 528 924 7 452 6 528 924 6 617 5 694 924 15 15 820 820 TUSCALOOSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL , . . TUSCALOOSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 507 445 62 507 445 62 442 380 62 ~ 65 65 - 6 130 5 421 709 6 130 5 421 709 5 837 5 128 709 - 293 293 - 1962: TOTAL 623 450 173 523 450 73 512 439 73 11 11 - 100 100 7 428 5 678 1 750 6 502 5 678 824 6 369 5 545 824 132 132 - 926 TUSCALOOSA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY, . 926 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 623 432 375 523 432 375 512 432 373 11 2 - 100 7 428 4 498 3 144 6 502 4 498 3 144 6 369 4 498 3 133 132 11 - 926 ■1961 1960 ... - TYLER, TEX., SMSA Coextensive with Smith Coun ty, Tex. (N ew area, August 1960.) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL . . 524 472 52 524 472 52 486 438 48 12 8 4 26 26 - 8 790 8 356 434 8 790 8 356 434 8 670 8 254 416 37 19 18 83 83 _ TYLER _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1963: TOTAL 666 641 25 666 641 25 407 382 25 14 14 245 245 - 8 967 8 765 202 8 967 8 765 202 7 085 6 883 202 34 34 1 848 1 848 _ TYLER _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. , - 1962: TOTAL 511 493 18 511 493 18 479 461 18 6 6 26 26 - 8 531 8 375 156 8 531 8 375 156 8 388 8 232 156 28 28 115 115 _ TYLER _ OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . - 1962 497 402 412 497 402 412 465 400 410 6 2 2 26 - 8 405 6 087 5 574 8 405 6 087 5 574 8 262 6 079 5 568 28 8 6 115 _ 1961 _ 1960 _ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 143 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metfopolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— . unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) UTICA-ROME, SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES UTICA ROME OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1963: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES UTICA ROME OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 1962: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES UTICA ROME OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES 10, 000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 VALLE JO-NAP A, CALIF., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES VALLEJO NAPA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES WACO, TEX., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL WACO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL WACO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL WACO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10, OOO-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Consists of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, N.Y. 339 258 81 329 830 413 283 130 417 673 243 182 61 430 638 635 645 620 501 14 105 48 339 224 10 105 - 258 153 - 105 - 81 71 10 - - 281 277 4 - 4,3 780 716 32 32 50 413 361 20 32 - 283 251 - 32 - 130 110 20 - - 367 355 12 - 50 673 663 10 . . 243 237 6 - - 182 182 - - - 61 55 6 - - 430 426 4 ■ ' 638 628 10 635 620 3 12 - 645 639 6 - - 7 371 2 753 1 869 884 4 619 ■9 651 3 643 2 256 1 387 6 008 7 841 2 197 1 589 608 5 t)44 7 536 7 688 8 091 6 721 2 753 1 869 884 3 969 643 256 387 215 841 197 539 7 536 7 688 8 091 6 145 2 196 1 369 827 3 949 8 376 3 266 2 016 1 250 5 110 7 764 2 164 1 589 575 5 600 7 459 7 586 8 054 242 137 137 105 Consists of Napa and Solano Counties, Calif. (New area, October 1963.) 3 217 1 234 725 509 1 983 3 017 1 234 725 509 1 783 1 993 589 308 281 1 404 542 262 147 115 280 482 383 270 113 99 200 200 38 624 12 792 6 936 5 856 25 831 35 499 12 792 6 936 5 856 22 705 27 892 7 775 3 783 3 991 20 117 4 178 2 111 1 047 1 064 2 067 Coextensive with McLennan County, Tex. 1 Oil 779 232 1 170 808 362 799 508 291 709 448 604 897 635 28 234 114 665 445 18 202 114 232 190 10 32 - 1 170 718 13 439 808 395 8 405 - 362 323 5 34 - 799 626 29 144 _ 508 350 14 144 - 291 276 15 709 546 19 144 448 432 16 - - 604 520 21 63 - 11 193 9 128 2 065 12 181 8 792 3 389 8 507 5 825 2 682 7 437 5 581 6 875 10 243 8 178 2 065 12 181 8 792 3 389 8 507 5 825 2 682 7 437 5 581 6 875 8 999 7 105 1 894 9 256 6 015 3 241 7 562 4 976 2 586 562 519 506 223 158 65 48 37 11 152 56 •96 500 500 500 240 240 240 650 650 793 793 3 428 2 906 2 105 801 522 3 125 3 125 1 021 915 106 2 877 2 740 137 792 792 792 293 950 950 144 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) WASHINGTON, D.C.-MD.-VA. ■ msR 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL WASHINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL WASHINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL WASHINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10,000-PLA.CE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 1959 6,600-PUCE SERIES— 1959^ 1958^ 1957^ 1956^ 1955^ 1954^ WATERBURY, CONN. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL WATERBURY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL WATERBURY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL WATERBURY OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 WATERLOO, IOWA, SMSA 12,000-PUCE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL WATERLOO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. Consists of District of Columbia; Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Md.; Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church cities, and Arlington and Fairfax Counties, Va. 42 691 8 296 34 395 46 230 7 703 38 527 37 824 3 969 33 855 37 816 26 174 20 329 25 061 25 061 22 455 13 995 15 911 22 590 23 909 42 353 8 078 34 275 45 494 6 967 38 527 37 824 3 969 33 855 37 816 26 174 20 153 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 14 182 400 13 782 13 046 299 12 747 13 176 274 12 902 13 168 12 707 10 953 (NA) 13 454 12 631 9 726 12 102 18 272 17 758 50 50 18 18 67 67 67 106 82 (NA) 314 91 126 126 371 1 006 28 121 7 678 20 443 32 430 6 668 25 762 24 581 3 695 20 886 24 581 13 361 9 118 (NA) 11 293 9 733 4 143 3 683 3 947 5 145 338 218 120 736 736 176 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 448 887 70 084 378 802 429 481 64 962 364 519 360 194 30 738 329 456 360 076 278 065 220 265 (NA) 268 490 233 291 161 535 185 805 239 890 210 022 444 453 67 491 376 963 419 926 55 407 364 519 360 194 30 738 329 456 360 076 278 065 218 520 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 225 045 5 656 219 389 202 604 4 538 198 066 187 879 4 245 183 634 187 761 177 919 159 946 (NA) 190 707 167 843 131 238 157 300 215 928 176 541 527 152 152 735 735 735 1 700 618 (NA) 1 310 827 832 1 054 1 983 4 566 218 882 61 835 157 047 217 170 . 50 869 166 302 171 579 26 493 145 086 171 579 98 447 57 956 (NA) 76 474 64 622 29 465 27 451 21 979 28 914 434 593 841 555 555 1 745 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Consists of Thoraaston, Watertown, and Woodbury towns in Litchfield County and Waterbury city, Naugatuck borough, and Beacon Falls, Cheshire, Middlebury, Prospect, and Wolcott tovms in New Haven County, Conn. (Prior to 1964, defi- nition excludes Woodbury town in Litchfield County, which is not a permit -issuing place.) 1963: 1962: TOTAL WATERLOO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. TOTAL WATERLOO OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 188 351 837 912 261 651 812 374 438 767 635 656 188 796 77 315 351 220 33 98 - 837 576 44 217 - 862 733 49 80 50 261 230 31 _ . 601 503 18 80 50 812 697 40 75 _ 374 284 34 56 - 438 413 6 19 - 767 656 36 75 635 568 32 35 _ 656 631 25 - - 14 553 3 549 11 004 11 388 2 780 8 608 9 368 3 618 5 750 8 809 7 828 7 884 14 553 3 549 11 004 10 925 2 780 8 145 9 368 3 618 5 750 7 828 7 884 11 054 2 724 8 330 9 891 2 523 7 368 8 721 3 124 5 597 8 187 7 298 7 685 648 279 369 409 257 152 331 288 43 306 241 199 2 851 546 2 305 625 625 316 206 110 316 290 463 463 Coextensive with Black Hawk County, Iowa. 432 230 202 368 202 166 451 243 208 362 583 693 432 361 66 5 230 190 40 _ - 202 171 26 5 - 368 338 30 . . 202 178 24 _ - 166 160 6 - - 451 430 21 . . 243 228 15 . - 208 202 6 - - 362 341 21 583 525 58 - _ 693 632 50 11 - 5 057 2 430 2 627 4 377 089 288 228 463 765 4 096 6 341 7 712 ^Data include public housing units and valuation not available separately. 057 430 627 377 089 288 228 463 765 4 096 6 341 7 712 509 508 132 298 378 210 180 197 944 145 236 52 074 155 368 95 706 60 942 155 949 392 274 329 40 40 108 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 145 Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continueci The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established In the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) WEST PALM BEAffl^FLA^^SIiEA 12,000-PLACE SERIES- 196A: TOTAL WEST PAIU BEACH . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL WEST PALM BEACH . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL WEST PALM BEACH . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10, 000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 WHEELING. W.VA.-OHIO, Siv£A 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL rHESLING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: TOTAL WHEELING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1962: TOTAL rriEELING OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10, 000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 WICHITA, KANS., SM;'A 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 196-4: TOTAL WICHITA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 1963: 1963: 1962: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL WICHITA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL WICHITA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY TOTAL WICHITA OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Coextensive with Palm Beach Coijnty, Fla. 5 169 387 4 782 5 059 297 4 762 5 047 259 4 788 4 722 5 133 3 902 5 169 387 4 782 5 059 297 4 762 5 047 259 4 788 4 722 5 006 3 900 2 640 117 2 523 3 276 161 3 095 3 772 183 3 589 3 447 3 861 3 071 593 107 486 683 61 622 454 56 398 454 353 1 936 163 1 773 1 100 55 1 045 821 20 801 821 846 476 127 2 66 894 4 483 62 411 64 363 3 364 60 999 66 690 2 778 63 912 61 573 62 100 47 880 66 894 4 483 62 411 64 363 3 364 60 999 66 690 2 778 63 912 61 578 60 709 47 837 41 113 1 976 39 137 48 866 2 620 46 246 53 024 2 304 50 720 47 912 49 050 41 506 4 189 714 3 474 5 330 387 4 943 3 508 362 3 146 3 503 2 069 2 749 21 593 1 793 19 800 10 166 357 9 809 10 158 111 10 047 10 158 9 590 3 583 Consi,sts of Jfershall and Ohio Counties, W. Va., and Belmont County, Ohio. 328 192 136 180 91 89 198 97 101 188 254 190 278 192 180 91 198 97 101 188 154 190 147 65 82 172 91 81 198 97 101 154 190 115 115 100 3 653 2 018 1 635 2 662 1 508 1 153 2 904 1 686 1 218 2 804 3 333 2 173 3 153 2 018 1 135 2 662 1 508 1 153 2 9a; 1 686 1 218 2 804 1 974 2 173 2 226 1 111 1 115 2 567 1 508 1 058 2 904 1 686 1 218 2 804 1 974 2 173 117 97 20 20 20 810 310 Consists of Butler and Sedgwick Counties, Kans . (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Butler Co'jnty.) 1 444 1 147 297 761 572 189 735 572 163 710 476 234 560 525 400 1 44-4 903 41 495 1 147 640 28 479 - 297 263 13 16 - 761 712 30 19 . 572 525 23 19 - 189 187 2 - - 735 686 30 19 572 525 23 19 - 163 Ibl 2 - - 710 678 32 . - 476 446 30 - - 234 232 2 - ~ 560 528 32 525 431 14 80 - 400 396 4 - - 24 443 19 224 5 219 14 871 12 246 2 625 14 514 12 246 2 268 8 753 5 776 2 977 6 693 6 180 4 395 24 443 19 224 5 219 14 871 12 246 2 625 14 514 12 246 2 268 8 753 5 776 2 977 6 693 6 180 4 395 19 399 416 14 459 335 4 940 82 14 171 514 11 561 500 2 610 14 13 814 514 11 561 500 2 253 14 8 540 213 5 572 205 2 968 8 6 480 213 4 977 118 4 367 27 4 628 4 430 198 185 185 135 185 1 085 1 392 43 500 500 1 359 146 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Total Private (permit- authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) WICHITA FALLS, TEX., SMSA Consists of Archer an i Wichita Counties, Tex. (Prior to 1961, definit ion exclude s Archer County. ) 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 254 182 72 818 664 154 948 682 266 948 1 493 2 124 2 110 254 182 72 738 584 154 948 682 266 948 1 493 2 124 2 110 222 150 72 510 364 146 831 575 256 831 1 329 2 012 1 998 10 2 8 12 2 10 12 8 8 32 32 218 218 105 105 105 164 104 104 80 80 3 268 2 595 672 8 829 7 368 1 461 9 307 6 684 2 623 9 307 14 292 18 307 18 205 3 268 2 595 672 8 039 6 578 1 461 9 307 6 684 2 623 9 307 14 292 18 307 18 205 2 977 2 305 672 6 677 5 257 1 420 8 853 6 295 2 558 8 853 13 608 17 660 17 558 47 6 41 69 4 65 69 47 47 290 290 1 314 1 314 385 385 385 684 600 600 WICHITA FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963- TOTAL 790 WICHITA FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1962- TOTAL 790 WICHITA FALLS OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10, 000 -PUCE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 . 1960 (1961 DEFINITION) . . . . 1960 (PRIOR DEFINITION). . . . - WILKES-BAHRE-HAZLETON, PA., SMSA Coextensive wi th Luzerne County, Pa. 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 305 88 54 34 217 312 75 36 39 237 328 88 29 59 240 310 247 254 305 88 54 34 217 312 75 36 39 237 328 88 29 59 240 310 247 254 283 68 34 34 215 291 72 36 36 219 308 86 29 57 222 290 237 250 22 20 20 2 15 3 3 12 8 2 2 6 8 10 4 6 6 12 12 12 - 4 162 1 060 531 528 3 102 3 949 825 382 442 3 124 4 100 974 347 627 3 126 3 842 2 695 3 398 4 162 1 060 531 528 3 102 3 949 825 382 442 3 124 4 100 974 347 627 3 126 3 842 2 695 3 398 4 034 950 421 528 3 084 3 718 795 382 412 2 923 3 863 961 347 614 2 902 3 605 2 643 3 364 128 110 110 18 171 30 30 141 88 13 13 75 88 52 34 60 60 150 150 150 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . WILKES-BARKE .... HAZLETON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963: TOTAL - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . WILKES-BARRE . . . . HAZLETON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962- TOTAL - INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . WILKES-BARRE .... HAZLETON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 - 1960 - WILMINGTON, DEL.-N. J. -MD. ,SMSA Consi sts of New Castle Co unty , De 1 . ; Salem County excludes C , N.J.; and 5cil County, Cecil County Md.) , Md. (Pric r to 196 4, definiti on 12, 000 -PUCE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 4 287 441 3 846 3 341 11 3 330 3 030 11 3 019 2 498 430 2 068 2 477 2 631 2 789 4 138 292 3 846 3 341 11 3 330 3 030 11 3 019 2 498 430 2 068 2 477 2 631 2 789 2 569 38 2 531 2 653 11 2 642 2 346 11 2 335 1 998 35 1 963 1 977 2 298 2 469 112 112 40 40 36 36 28 10 18 28 20 20 1 457 254 1 203 648 648 648 648 472 385 87 472 313 300 149 149 48 310 4 258 44 052 44 906 99 44 807 41 494 99 41 395 35 762 4 100 31 662 35 559 33 220 34 841 46 400 2 348 44 052 44 906 99 44 807 41 494 99 41 395 35 762 4 100 31 662 35 559 33 220 34 841 36 359 563 35 796 41 343 99 41 244 37 953 99 37 854 30 829 420 30 409 30 626 29 250 31 741 876 876 198 198 176 176 208 90 118 208 148 100 9 166 1 785 7 381 3 365 3 365 3 365 3 365 4 725 3 590 1 135 4 725 3 821 3 000 1 910 WILMINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL WIUCNGTON 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL WILMINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962- TOTAL 1 910 WILMINGTON OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PUCE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 - 1960 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 147 Table B 4 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-continueci The two standard consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detail may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero, "NA" Not available. SMSA, coverage, definition, and year Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., SMSA 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL WINSTON-SALEM . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: TOTAL WINSTON-SALEM . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL WINSTON-SALEM . . . OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 10, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 WORCESTER, MASS. , SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL WORCESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL WORCESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL WORCESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL WORCESTER OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 YORK, PA., SMSA 12,000-PLACE SERIES— 1964: TOTAL YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 1963: (1964 DEFINITION) — TOTAL YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1963: (PRIOR DEFINITION) — TOTAL YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY 1962: TOTAL YORK OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITY. . 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 1961 1960 Coextensive with Forsyth County, N. C. 809 641 168 813 662 151 669 672 997 690 905 686 641 1 168 1 8L3 662 1 151 1 669 672 997 690 612 1 456 394 1 062 1 414 358 1 056 1 427 458 969 476 445 506 172 115 57 66 38 28 107 181 132 49 333 266 67 135 116 19 116 99 101 293 20 783 7 427 13 355 20 262 6 500 13 761 17 267 6 684 10 583 6 758 8 906 9 236 20 783 7 427 13 355 20 262 6 500 13 761 17 267 6 684 10 583 6 758 6 173 9 236 18 375 5 678 12 697 16 289 5 020 11 269 15 891 5 419 10 472 5 493 5 007 8 101 1 245 858 386 346 178 168 668 620 48 620 602 557 163 891 272 627 303 324 708 645 63 645 563 579 2 734 Consists of Worcester city, and Auburn, Berlin, Boylston, Brookfield, East Brookfield, Grafton, Holden, Leicester, Millbury, Northbor ough , Northbridge, North Brookfield, Oxford, Paxton, Shrev/sbury, Spencer, Sterling, Sutton, Upton', Westborough, and West Boylston towns in Worcester County, Mass. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Paxton; and Sterling toiims . ) 1 022 255 767 1 215 474 741 1 188 474 714 1 213 616 597 891 899 838 56 128 199 32 24 . 639 24 104 - 985 60 170 309 18 147 - 676 42 23 - 958 60 170 309 18 147 . 649 42 23 - 924 142 147 _ 345 124 147 . 579 18 - - 779 142 147 713 80 98 50 719 89 91 100 10 705 1 211 9 494 11 781 3 110 a 671 11 270 3 110 8 160 10 143 3 146 6 997 8 539 7 665 8 445 10 705 1 211 9 494 11 781 3 110 8 671 11 270 3 110 8 160 10 143 3 146 6 997 8 539 7 025 7 329 9 266 995 8 271 10 053 1 777 8 276 9 542 1 777 7 765 8 514 1 623 6 891 6 910 6 053 6 303 264 110 154 350 58 292 350 58 292 490 384 106 490 358 398 1 175 105 1 070 378 275 103 378 275 102 139 139 139 614 629 639 1 116 Consists of Adams and York Counties, Pa. (Prior to 1964, definition excludes Adams County.) 893 150 743 35 773 763 35 728 374 35 339 369 590 590 893 564 26 303 150 30 - 120 . 743 534 26 183 - 808 493 16 299 35 31 4 - . 773 462 12 299 - 763 448 16 299 35 31 4 . . 728 417 12 299 - 374 341 13 20 _ 35 31 4 . _ 339 310 9 20 - 369 338 11 20 504 495 4 5 86 590 574 •16 - - 10 719 1 129 9 590 9 639 413 9 226 9 000 413 8 587 5 366 350 5 016 5 293 7 943 7 902 10 719 1 129 9 590 9 639 413 9 226 9 000 413 8 587 5 366 350 5 016 5 293 6 927 7 902 9 193 404 8 789 7 359 371 6 988 6 720 371 6 349 5 117 325 4 792 5 064 6 857 7 830 242 242 114 42 72 114 42 72 131 25 106 111 30 72 1 283 725 558 2 166 2 166 2 166 2 166 118 118 118 40 1 016 '■■r« - 148 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 4. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1954 to 1964-Continued The two standaid consolidated areas and the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in the continental United States and in Hawaii, are established in the 1964 list of area titles and definitions, as amended to October 27, 1964, by the Bureau of the Budget Because of rounding, detarl may not eaual total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of housrng units Valuation (thousands of dollars) SMSA, coverage, definrtion, and year Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with— Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) YOUMGSTOWN-WAHREN, OHIO, SMSA Consists of Mahoning and Trumbull Counties , Ohio. (Warren added to area title, August I960. ) 12, 000- PLACE SERIES— 1964- TOTAL 2 255 982 138 84-4 1 273 1 530 424 62 362 1 106 2 512 389 145 244 2 123 2 491 3 958 3 605 2 055 782 138 644 1 273 1 380 274 62 212 1 106 2 512 389 145 244 2 123 2 491 3 460 3 605 1 208 238 56 182 970 1 134 194 62 132 940 2 418 376 139 237 2 042 2 397 3 358 3 517 77 12 12 65 70 70 36 8 6 2 28 36 78 57 770 532 82 450 238 176 80 80 96 58 5 5 53 58 24 31 200 200 200 150 150 150 498 27 448 9 764 1 812 7 952 17 684 20 960 4 537 839 3 698 16 423 36 185 4 327 1 640 2 687 31 858 35 922 53 231 52 304 24 650 6 966 1 812 5 154 17 684 19 343 2 920 839 2 081 16 423 36 185 4 327 1 640 2 687 31 858 35 922 48 053 52 304 18 887 3 570 812 2 758 15 317 17 507 2 413 839 1 574 15 094 35 294 4 180 1 571 2 609 31 114 35 031 46 994 51 451 623 72 72 551 595 595 363 84 69 15 279 363 791 627 5 140 3 324 1 000 2 324 1 816 1 241 507 507 734 529 63 63 466 529 268 226 2 798 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . YOUNGSTOWN WARREN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1963- TOTAL 2 798 2 798 1 617 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . YOUNGSTOWN WARREN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 1962- TOTAL 1 617 1 617 INSIDE CENTRAL CITIES . YOUNGSTOWN WARREN OUTSIDE CENTRAL CITIES. 10,000-PLACE SERIES— 1962 - 1961 5 178 1960 Sources and Explanations for Table B-5 SOURCES 1921 TO 1957 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1921 to 1948, "Building Construction in Prin- cipal Cities of the United States, 1921 - 1948, Based on Building Permits Issued" (1949), pp. 1-25. 1921. "BuildingPermits in the Principal Cities in the United States in 1921, "Bulletin No. 318 (1923), pp. 12-43. 1922 - 1923. "Building Permits in the Prin- cipal Cities in the United States in 1923," Bulletin No. 368 (1925), pp. 12-61. 1924 - 1925. "Building Permits in the Prin- cipal Cities in the United States in 1925," Bulletin No. 424 (1926), pp. 28-41. 1926 - 1927. "Building Permits in the Prin- cipal Cities in the United States in 1927," Bulletin No. 469 (1928), pp. 48-62. 1928 - 1929. "Building Permits in the Prin- cipal Cities in the United States in 1929," Bulletin No. 524 (1930), pp. 48-63. 1930. "Building Permits in the Principal Cities in the United States in 1930," Bulletin No. 545 (1961), pp. 35-49. 1931. "Building Permits in Principal Cities in 1931," pamphlet reprint of two articles from the Monthly Labor Review for March and April 1932. pp. 14-19. 1932 - 1935. "Building Operations in Prin- cipal Cities of the United States," bound bi- annual copies of monthly reports covering January 1932 through December 1935. 1936 - 1937. "Statistics of Building Construc- tion, 1920 to 1937," Bulletin No. 650 (1938), pp. 8-21. 1937 - 1938. "Building Construction, 1921 to 1938," Bulletin No. 668 (1940), pp. 36-49. 1939 - 1940. "Building Construction. 1940," Bulletin No. 693 (1941), pp. 34-133. 1941. "Building Construction, 1941," Bulletin No. 713 (1942). 1942 - 1943. "The Construction Industry in the United States," Bulletin No. 786 (1944), pp. 50-149. 1943 - 1945. "Construction in the War Years, 1942 - 1945," Bulletin No. 915 (1948), pp. 57-179. 1946- 1947. "Construction and Housing, 1946- 1947," Bulletin No. 941 (1948), pp. 39-42. 1948. "Construction, 1948 in Review, " Bulletin No. 984 (1950), pp. 47-49. 1949 - 1956. "Trends in Building Activity," Bulletin No. 1243 (1959), pp. 84-93. 1950 - 1952. "New Dwelling Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annually, 1950-53" (undated), pp. 3-35. 1951 - 1952. "Construction During Five Dec- ades, Historical Statistics, 1907-52," Bulletin No. 1146 (1954), pp. 44-48. 1953. "New Dwelling Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annually 1953 and 1954" (undated), pp. 3-26. 1954. "New Dwelling Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary, 1954 - 1955" (undated), pp. 3-28. 1955. "New Dwelling Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary, 1955 - 1956" (1957), pp. 3-26. 1956. "New Dwelling Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary, 1956 - 1957" (1958), pp. 3-27. 1957. "New Dwelling Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary, 1957 - 1958" (1959), pp. 3-27. 1958 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1958. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, New Housing Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary 1958 - 1959," C40-8 (1960), pp. 3-27. 1959. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, New Housing Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary 1959 - 1960," C40-28 (1961), pp. 4-58. 1960. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, New Housing Units Authorized by Local Building Permits, Annual Summary 1960 - 1961," C40-38 (1962), pp. 4-72. 1961. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Housing Authorized in Individual Permit- Issuing Places, Annual Summary 1962," C40- 50 (1963), pp. 4-81. 1962. "Construction Reports, Building Per- mits, Housing Authorized in Individual Permit- Issuing Places, Annual Summary 1963," C40- 63 (1964), pp. 4-81. 149 150 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 1963 - 1964. "Construction Reports, Building Permits, Housing Authorized in Individual Permit-Issuing Places, 1964," C40-74 (1965), pp. 4-81. EXPLANATIONS On April 1, 1960, there were 130 cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more in the LJnited States, excluding the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. For each of the 130 cities, table B-5 presents annual statistics (if available) covering the number of housing units au- thorized for the period 1921 to 1964. The annual statistics include both privately-owned and publicly-owned housing units. However, data are not shown separately for these two categories because figures on public housing prior to 1950 are not avail- able by individual places except for a few areas. Public housing data by place for 1950 and sub- sequent years are presented in table B-7. The 130 cities in this table are listed alphabet- ically. For the ranking of these cities by population size, the user is directed to the 1960 Census of Population, Volume I, Part A, table 28, pp. 1-66 and 1 - 67, Bureau of the Census (1961). RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 151 Table B 5. Cities of 100,000 Population or More-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964 "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Year Akron, Ohio Albany, fJ.Y. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Allentown, Pa. Amarillo, Texas Anaheim, Cahf. Atlanta, Ga. Austin, Texas Baltimore, Md. Baton Rouge, La. Beaumont, Texas Berkeley, Calif. 1964 1 129 245 2 895 522 1 535 1 788 4 541 2 932 4 187 2 627 642 829 1963 1 215 742 3 929 495 2 060 2 945 9 129 3 855 4 660 1 955 609 1 037 1962 1 255 171 2 460 321 1 771 2 428 7 900 2 744 3 440 1 805 781 1 292 1961 1 300 187 1 422 251 1 756 2 664 4 452 2 165 4 689 1 595 705 850 1960 1 313 171 2 049 319 1 680 1 900 5 599 1 626 1 607 1 594 734 751 1959 1 463 218 4 159 329 1 762 4 486 5 537 2 140 2 726 2 498 861 930 1958 1 324 592 4 223 327 1 471 3 662 4 115 1 758 2 379 2 790 1 243 650 1957 1 280 237 2 149 367 1 058 2 445 2 159 1 205 3 038 2 019 630 583 1956 1 637 250 1 435 437 861 2 018 2 321 1 549 1 915 1 981 838 488 1955 1 445 228 2 423 528 1 241 3 788 3 130 1 928 3 642 2 276 1 137 565 1954 1 249 199 2 715 524 1 058 2 874 4 410 1 839 3 709 1 709 1 034 426 1953 1 293 184 2 736 791 1 411 1 220 3 785 1 316 4 706 1 179 799 260 1952 1 468 608 3 207 629 2 893 651 2 851 1 643 3 917 707 834 306 1951 1 377 347 1 721 468 2 477 345 2 581 1 808 5 789 897 810 298 1950 2 041 949 4 092 486 2 350 655 4 511 2 837 7 918 1 807 823 433 1 111 187 3 137 226 1 986 (NA) 2 144 1 840 5 039 (NA) 1 116 385 1948 1 154 201 (MA) 429 1 444 (NA) 1 071 2 609 5 923 (NA) 1 286 367 1947 1 006 449 (NA) 391 1 152 (NA) 1 379 2 234 5 505 (NA) 800 309 1 381 108 (NA) 275 1 193 (NA) 1 533 3 789 5 045 (NA) 663 389 1945 850 11 (MA) 24 545 59 534 744 665 (NA) 190 383 1944 635 _ (NA) 391 346 23 604 179 944 (NA) 239 540 1943 2 502 - (NA) 416 150 - 289 120 2 629 (NA) 75 2 571 1942 877 42 (NA) 202 191 8 385 223 4 425 (NA) 1 654 269 1941 1 291 185 493 163 524 57 1 291 869 7 277 248 426 394 1940 1 000 389 510 138 503 41 2 358 1 291 5 730 167 310 474 1939 270 179 406 400 305 45 3 263 1 587 3 297 183 432 345 173 222 272 111 219 53 675 1 287 2 324 292 250 260 1937 247 184 238 99 87 46 625 978 1 494 196 142 257 1936 161 209 211 17 48 59 468 895 1 139 (NA) 97 249 1935 93 121 56 16 17 (NA) 1 627 803 476 (NA) 81 131 1934 42 84 14 10 6 (NA) 122 293 119 (NA) (NA) (NA) 32 88 14 9 6 (NA) 200 347 172 (NA) • 10 84 1932 53 94 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 209 (NA) 450 (MA) (NA) (NA) 1931. ...... 105 217 (NA) 45 (NA) (NA) 423 573 1 953 108 91 216 1930 372 311 (NA) 97 (NA) (NA) 714 493 1 484 73 267 345 1929 2 171 385 (NA) 397 (NA) (NA) 1 389 545 3 022 62 437 587 1928 2 557 615 (NA) 556 (MA) (NA) 3 170 (NA) 2 884 (MA) 540 1 330 1927 2 521 558 (NA) 681 (NA) (NA) 2 563 (NA) 3 546 (NA) (NA) 867 1926 1 968 808 (NA) 814 (NA) (NA) 2 173 (NA) 5 135 (NA) (NA) 1 434 1 960 1 012 (NA) 631 (NA) (NA) 1 994 (NA) 6 233 (NA) (NA) 1 990 1924. ...... 1 154 658 (NA) 502 (NA) (NA) 3 333 (NA) 5 529 (NA) (NA) 1 883 1923 719 815 (NA) 375 (NA) (NA) 3 792 (NA) 5 152 (NA) (NA) 2 015 385 582 (NA) 229 (NA) (NA) 3 590 (NA) 4 234 (NA) (NA) 1 113 1921 234 302 (NA) 102 (NA) (NA) 1 614 (NA) 2 176 (NA) (NA) 706 152 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 5 Cities of 100,000 Population or More-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964-Continued "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Year Birmingham, Ala. Boston, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. Buffalo, N.Y. Cambridge, Mass. Camden, N.J. Canton, Ohio Charlotte, N.C. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chicago, III. Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 1964 961 9 856 853 342 196 240 549 2 325 621 9 956 2 978 1 495 1963 1 940 4 014 381 283 220 76 61 2 495 201 9 332 3 994 2 840 1962 1 325 2 389 599 392 515 158 183 2 250 861 12 834 3 719 2 069 1961 1 396 1 740 527 294 124 489 121 3 352 403 15 369 2 674 2 340 1960 1 320 1 174 692 268 81 30 120 1 764 785 14 644 2 615 1 672 1959. ...... 2 181 604 311 227 150 23 120 1 311 735 9 880 3 007 1 241 1958 2 780 599 249 232 14 157 175 1 097 653 8 910 1 449 839 1957 1 919 396 313 605 10 42 161 659 422 10 647 1 342 2 087 1956 1 533 575 436 1 799 14 112 200 911 430 12 455 1 111 1 456 1955 2 078 844 583 989 10 134 482 1 436 401 17 575 1 120 2 004 195<; 1 838 647 492 1 066 19 85 263 1 115 636 12 281 1 540 1 655 1953 1 421 1 273 1 227 619 144 503 292 1 199 323 10 390 1 613 2 219 1952 1 669 1 390 1 587 1 087 186 551 332 1 489 314 10 734 1 331 2 567 1951 2 010 3 868 303 872 221 118 499 1 276 782 9 535 3 793 1 683 1950 4 019 2 353 1 301 1 355 55 805 517 3 136 982 16 196 2 349 2 913 1949 4 193 1 598 222 873 810 470 351 3 338 442 8 091 1 090 2 195 1948. ...... 1 803 1 642 352 630 91 336 345 1 198 349 6 285 1 307 1 032 1947 2 416 890 479 466 57 349 356 1 357 513 5 455 1 14^ 2 123 1946 2 067 1 023 222 270 766 362 364 1 129 580 7 341 2 132 2 157 1945 354 48 58 149 101 42 128 208 150 4 727 410 881 1944 129 . 40 61 2 2 54 2 10 3 970 9 1 821 1943 60 27 623 933 - 138 405 2 14 4 065 24 3 Oil 1942 369 277 991 483 41 1 440 216 182 85 3 870 575 1 461 1941 1 240 1 802 2 081 1 066 409 513 822 678 200 5 403 3 200 3 388 1940 2 Oil 973 948 128 315 330 341 980 212 3 319 3 Oil 2 050 1939 1 234 3 669 1 588 1 232 29 56 198 1 390 1 125 4 797 1 517 2 173 1938 217 561 193 998 71 11 111 506 126 1 840 1 315 568 1937 217 784 164 223 122 13 140 425 112 1 330 1 524 484 1936 639 1 339 127 780 309 534 82 399 96 3 059 3 134 491 1935 117 157 96 81 10 - 31 159 66 420 706 2 039 1934 9 153 39 36 6 2 9 58 25 193 293 67 1933 28 314 98 69 9 2 7 52 22 131 380 109 1932 40 344 168 174 52 9 8 65 38 221 431 220 1931. ...... 94 1 796 449 1 029 137 52 21 203 123 966 1 235 511 1930 166 1 415 353 1 072 159 159 95 317 223 2 741 1 693 1 176 1929 686 3 327 541 1 769 788 320 331 500 324 18 837 2 077 2 143 1928 2 589 6 805 338 3 181 863 350 374 1 237 611 34 447 3 559 3 167 1927 3 019 5 316 497 3 373 636 559 512 1 052 596 41 201 3 212 3 631 1926 3 319 3 882 328 3 286 688 673 702 738 902 41 416 2 530 5 406 1925 4 063 5 940 274 4 290 845 739 988 859 648 39 510 2 522 8 138 1924 3 607 4 682 287 4 735 662 488 1 752 852 335 35 905 2 466 8 247 1923 3 138 3 577 160 4 262 288 458 1 679 795 259 33 539 1 899 7 125 1922 1 458 3 434 250 3 079 237 433 660 695 303 24 227 2 609 5 153 1921 1 659 878 404 2 405 43 145 403 322 226 12 252 1 161 4 084 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 153 Table B 5 Cities of 100,000 Population or More-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964-Continued Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Year Number of housing units Columbus, Ga. Columbus, Ohio Corpus Chrisli, Texas Dallas, Texas Dayton, Ohio Dearborn, Mich. Denver, Colo. Des IWoines, Iowa Detroit, Mich. Duluth, Minn. El Paso, Texas Elizabeth, N.J. 1964, 1963, 1962. 1961. 1960 1959. 1958. 1957. 1956. 1955. 195<4. 1953. 1952. 1951. 1950. 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944, 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935, 1934, 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930, 1929, 1928, 1927, 1926, 1925, 1924 1923 1922 1921 1 379 1 1d3 719 526 493 506 227 160 323 279 212 247 267 639 1 040 493 199 206 120 145 182 3 85 607 891 1 078 163 168 128 116 (NA) 9 (NA) 36 91 276 321 325 226 224 97 223 205 5 130 6 755 5 704 4 343 3 733 4 838 5 669 2 972 2 967 2 290 1 866 2 113 1 712 1 811 4 549 2 619 1 991 1 977 2 516 498 69 363 1 909 2 276 2 297 1 505 767 736 554 132 36 26 50 300 575 1 211 2 477 2 430 3 192 3 185 3 658 3 209 2 477 1 317 1 519 1 450 849 736 580 864 1 308 819 1 139 2 144 3 012 2 385 1 783 1 270 2 661 1 855 1 075 1 705 1 156 641 356 338 510 1 916 1 698 1 540 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9 25b 12 998 11 546 9 503 6 957 6 110 7 707 5 231 4 643 9 379 10 267 6 397 6 972 7 315 12 197 6 309 6 981 7 736 5 546 1 459 1 620 1 430 1 192 3 201 2 742 2 103 1 799 1 516 1 532 829 304 289 361 947 996 1 145 1 199 986 3 104 4 877 4 192 3 540 3 604 2 846 2 201 2 109 1 031 444 395 370 705 342 670 1 389 894 1 008 730 1 141 1 743 1 009 759 1 146 859 652 323 2 968 820 1 255 1 301 674 265 249 118 42 54 173 213 212 732 1 201 813 997 980 1 090 961 546 187 157 295 134 144 134 117 205 277 383 574 1 047 898 1 292 2 486 1 873 1 354 1 352 774 162 119 1 146 1 094 1 781 1 421 1 339 711 296 283 (NA) (NA) 19 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 555 2 838 3 095 4 513 3 149 1 019 818 2 349 3 459 5 392 5 483 3 726 5 990 4 861 6 911 3 947 3 079 2 692 5 181 2 403 556 288 640 3 166 2 588 1 611 869 1 012 489 161 154 319 994 613 1 869 1 847 2 530 3 996 3 583 3 060 2 726 1 624 1 191 632 851 1 411 1 235 787 839 1 250 1 022 872 753 921 1 842 1 463 938 968 1 394 121 15 11 543 847 1 140 767 416 266 254 182 12=) 152 143 323 225 348 406 360 502 1 006 1 276 1 596 1 624 758 2 631 2 215 3 102 1 523 1 268 1 474 2 242 2 259 2 660 3 695 4 715 5 531 6 819 7 029 13 565 13 336 7 235 10 973 9 496 4 027 3 709 9 166 8 598 10 311 13 095 9 276 6 757 5 746 4 433 1 652 412 265 310 2 135 4 084 12 151 15 429 15 614 26 421 26 173 25 752 22 764 16 813 6 743 200 169 277 248 242 356 627 457 407 354 267 348 298 530 651 325 412 299 524 64 21 13 95 284 265 191 148 91 50 48 29 51 60 95 82 115 196 303 489 759 714 788 1 050 637 2 167 1 621 2 024 3 022 2 644 3 864 5 311 2 880 1 910 2 780 3 067 1 323 1 518 1 394 2 379 1 364 876 566 707 127 199 47 157 393 548 528 183 144 112 38 17 11 (NA) 184 470 6'51 310 158 196 144 154 514 666 634 1 023 837 958 1 465 991 848 376 155 135 110 456 242 136 212 768 544 32 717 114 75 32 584 559 72 108 90 43 10 27 39 157 222 514 1 002 1 650 1 751 1 229 870 849 766 514 154 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 5 Cities of 100,000 Population or More-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964-Continued -" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Year Nurrber of housing units Erie, Pa. Evansville, Ind. Flint, Mich. Fort Wayne, Ind. Fort Worth, Texas Fresno, Calif. Gary, Ind. Glendale, Calif. Grand Rapids, Mich. Greensboro, N.C. Hammond, Ind. Hartford, Conn. 281 614 1 084 1 017 2 967 1 669 400 1 627 622 1 776 468 1 116 362 325 922 1 175 1 856 1 466 280 2 562 563 1 315 624 810 257 183 668 778 2 087 1 177 544 2 723 501 1 479 181 707 257 302 416 663 1 836 1 734 695 2 016 710 1 682 229 353 222 159 397 632 2 131 2 273 644 988 315 1 545 236 336 267 101 860 757 2 673 1 548 149 1 252 243 1 473 386 401 274 144 815 669 3 235 1 445 111 1 219 282 1 318 420 308 344 145 886 537 2 576 910 622 1 091 260 691 589 213 551 360 1 214 510 2 577 1 338 985 1 012 421 714 508 226 733 482 2 302 392 4 308 2 204 1 273 805 624 931 876 177 686 653 2 096 518 3 867 2 012 1 738 1 105 616 1 054 896 538 623 640 1 532 606 3 453 1 230 1 873 1 458 455 941 955 365 699 527 1 356 580 6 186 856 1 443 1 236 370 845 836 484 1 629 476 1 035 782 4 496 1 313 983 700 723 1 682 916 842 1 115 717 2 015 1 231 7 131 1 757 1 503 1 170 1 510 1 039 1 129 882 534 419 978 779 4 131 1 231 1 826 888 638 1 116 713 547 596 399 658 600 3 223 769 1 066 1 269 782 858 571 670 433 787 875 772 4 493 755 1 199 972 658 1 160 659 207 578 337 891 790 4 234 909 686 857 873 618 744 366 97 123 243 142 1 558 255 303 454 331 147 227 23 61 351 301 118 1 133 206 337 359 33 19 166 8 302 1 918 456 82 2 371 - 84 38 - 2 164 636 640 887 250 484 1 902 47 588 176 88 59 770 513 843 319 720 727 1 262 629 739 1 125 512 413 705 1 271 214 292 629 613 1 335 450 1 302 1 229 466 641 804 892 204 240 439 367 1 858 446 397 1 113 333 415 280 328 144 156 138 219 973 344 169 977 153 337 263 123 99 356 238 224 746 290 243 925 184 302 204 106 25 158 261 117 614 254 90 848 73 209 101 194 28 67 68 62 288 135 31 (NA) 17 99 57 38 12 15 20 12 100 43 10 112 10 (NA) 12 20 24 19 13 9 142 39 9 130 19 21 15 15 75 (NA) 12 23 245 (NA) 8 (NA) 27 (NA) (NA) 51 221 97 128 155 495 132 56 (NA) 113 32 40 116 209 174 360 313 626 107 131 (NA) 231 61 152 61 393 458 2 076 578 1 262 187 375 (NA) 589 268 312 281 397 420 2 221 407 1 758 146 890 (NA) 895 446 698 1 363 444 420 3 559 485 3 160 157 1 675 (NA) 1 709 455 1 141 1 270 547 615 2 171 972 1 923 179 2 024 (NA) 1 955 (NA) 905 2 676 755 438 1 017 1 345 1 327 198 2 194 (NA) 1 423 (NA) 921 2 628 726 632 1 294 1 441 1 168 462 1 517 (NA) 1 048 (NA) 937 2 331 470 763 1 990 1 533 1 597 (NA) 656 (NA) 1 083 (NA) 599 1 560 773 429 403 1 406 1 201 (NA) 428 (NA) 1 402 (NA) 298 1 148 518 509 348 586 909 (NA) 494 (NA) 630 (NA) 288 717 1964. 1963. 1962. 1961. 1960. 1959. 1958. 1957. 1956. 1955. 1954. 1953. 1952. 1951. 1950. 1949. 1948. 1947. 1946. 1945. 1944, 1943. 1942. 1941. 1940. 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936. 1935, 1934. 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930, 1929, 1928, 1927, 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 155 Table B 5. Cities of 100,000 Population or IVIore-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964-Continued "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Year Honolulu,"^ Hawaii Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind. Jackson, Miss. Jacl; 337 336 151 126 268 28 15 55 4-32 18 19 18 7 1 7 4 U 15 18 42 151 135 1 027 790 1 196 522 640 360 1 224 852 260 537 403 121 215 211 237 528 164 469 1 093 247 577 338 732 35 14 79 470 413 793 89 84 60 31 24 26 73 166 238 276 546 497 1 458 1 191 933 865 747 4^4 2 779 4 198 2 594 2 954 1 629 2 603 2 545 1 627 2 101 2 926 2 138 4 '916 3 510 4 793 5 091 4 248 3 446 1 335 2 427 1 731 4 563 982 500 3 311 3 705 3 401 688 587 529 157 74 106 225 349 258 1 060 2 107 2 077 2 038 2 741 2 776 3 271 3 426 2 335 20 553 50 152 70 424 70 384 46 689 49 543 34 417 23 422 24 528 30 077 27 045 22 024 22 536 24 787 39 408 44 168 25 809 18 150 37 653 1 832 150 33 6 005 23 154 36 964 42 089 64 593 38 354 33 309 16 892 7 317 9 950 5 347 35 736 36 182 58 320 105 523 105 519 133 126 117 844 94 485 105 672 91 164 51 360 1 681 290 216 2 647 3 088 225 1 440 127 97 85 1 622 77 2 809 2 700 293 849 397 695 419 298 29 70 45 333 779 1 790 414 139 166 65 397 396 99 357 750 693 3 288 5 144 3 060 2 729 3 177 3 920 2 892 1 393 1 931 1 358 1 270 1 028 958 1 073 1 033 51 67 94 77 73 699 82 94 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 34 12 360 709 1 104 920 41 43 32 151 39 17 22 (NA) 61 91 67 101 55 30 27 9 20 19 63 49 29 202 63 231 226 245 289 434 573 487 492 583 627 913 492 610 398 249 64 21 2 448 779 722 239 213 224 236 149 (NA) 20 25 (NA) 164 218 320 506 397 550 885 570 533 422 286 2 997 2 183 1 975 829 844 748 465 323 739 578 1 356 2 920 2 153 2 132 1 509 1 936 1 419 585 84 13 943 3 124 1 713 2 435 540 529 251 183 133 42 161 218 262 220 233 634 496 437 523 903 995 732 419 2 961 3 315 3 821 3 359 2 311 2 458 2 295 1 904 1 671 1 468 1 220 1 149 1 241 1 301 1 491 1 339 1 354 1 708 1 406 1 130 1 022 3 239 2 453 2 318 2 384 1 678 1 163 1 009 818 377 152 187 266 777 1 231 1 904 2 430 2 694 4 519 6 518 5 460 5 008 4 313 2 681 4 714 4 896 4 401 3 422 3 162 3 024 2 079 1 399 1 553 2 779 3 475 2 141 2 131 2 401 4 120 1 025 1 935 1 538 612 473 949 520 1 050 1 061 1 028 1 102 1 237 1 403 525 181 45 107 879 2 005 3 023 2 637 1 752 1 173 1 347 782 1 418 1 398 1 724 2 960 2 677 3 839 3 376 3 054 2 920 2 503 1 969 2 020 1 610 1 489 915 1 467 1 068 2 533 1 307 777 931 1 059 322 490 15° 331 1 008 901 1 040 325 636 184 106 172 181 334 208 461 412 477 794 2 098 2 048 1 951 1 784 1 298 1 529 1 876 1 048 777 818 1 082 698 603 697 1 077 1 029 750 1 451 1 497 1 100 1 012 883 7S2 379 34 2 106 579 624 509 451 384 339 168 5Q 73 (NA) 195 214 401 600 790 839 1 046 1 564 1 825 1 225 1 262 158 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 5. Cities of 100,000 Population or More-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964-Continued "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Year Paterson, N.J. Peoria, III. Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenix, Ariz. Pittsburg, Pa. Portland, Oreg. Portsmouth, Va. Providence, R.l. Richmond, Va. Rochester, N.Y. Rockford, 111. Sacramento, Calif. 19&4 901 262 6 048 5 475 1 033 1 919 581 554 832 430 825 2 006 1963 221 204 6 513 7 697 1 903 1 418 438 132 2 121 705 769 2 323 1962 1 093 152 11 123 6 941 1 000 1 245 711 118 1 025 646 828 1 341 1961 477 108 11 842 5 482 1 007 1 053 432 247 1 397 421 658 1 543 1960 537 97 7 791 4 972 1 668 1 711 44.2 329 700 193 619 2 308 1959 538 81 8 760 5 001 809 1 676 259 150 411 195 690 3 244 1958 903 61 5 825 2 747 1 186 1 368 100 149 385 360 650 2 229 1957 142 104 4 694 1 645 1 048 825 106 129 1 153 324 892 1 168 1956 312 145 4 810 1 406 1 588 996 191 190 769 385 1 218 1 287 1955 224 205 5 829 1 103 1 593 1 371 375 237 480 378 1 129 1 639 WS-i 650 181 5 000 1 015 1 589 2 179 792 195 737 359 861 1 230 1953 163 498 6 922 1 247 1 352 2 180 333 230 650 403 657 1 050 1952 279 190 7 094 838 1 150 1 880 553 322 677 668 804 954 1951 726 670 7 362 1 306 2 813 1 721 734 1 275 1 723 1 058 843 1 151 1950 472 593 12 484 1 169 3 320 3 824 419 775 1 336 1 040 891 3 048 1949 194 255 6 555 467 1 842 2 976 188 267 890 1 083 370 1 267 1948 132 367 5 061 1 416 938 3 067 275 454 943 459 456 1 473 19A7 99 314 5 321 818 1 760 2 275 324 178 1 722 1 090 352 1 174 1946 309 316 5 611 817 1 386 2 434 61 197 1 799 631 539 1 779 1945 5 51 750 867 274 710 51 46 1 066 148 131 377 1944 4 1 170 310 213 666 16 2 209 _ 83 7 1943 30 1 4 015 384 580 4 830 1 401 - 40 23 61 3 1942 394 30 3 138 264 1 380 6 155 194 51 469 213 329 447 1941 169 512 8 949 486 1 881 1 933 538 1 261 938 200 594 1 585 1940 88 275 5 021 1 046 831 1 764 739 262 616 232 293 1 423 1939 38 1 360 5 417 515 3 653 1 234 135 199 352 192 171 1 219 1938 35 229 2 069 391 420 760 72 161 545 132 103 1 012 1937 35 239 2 221 233 465 1 012 21 152 298 161 87 635 1936 47 235 2 380 219 335 606 35 168 207 100 82 507 1935 32 79 1 034 (NA) 323 222 20 102 104 40 21 146 1934 7 33 518 20 113 142 (NA) 60 61 20 2 79 1933 28 48 484 11 155 164 (NA) 54 85 20 8 78 1932 38 84 534 (NA) 197 200 (NA) 108 111 78 (NA) 109 1931. . . w . . . 99 259 1 028 222 919 539 45 282 191 166 73 313 1930 139 408 1 744 410 1 349 866 71 446 227 262 341 388 1929 435 366 7 068 995 2 153 1 586 66 842 590 496 621 693 1928 748 437 10 576 748 2 544 2 321 85 1 134 764 1 862 779 917 1927 1 167 349 12 197 614 2 588 3 166 79 1 188 1 774 2 448 926 959 1926 762 362 11 603 531 2 781 5 125 71 1 205 1 224 2 304 880 1 198 1925 957 606 15 695 529 3 102 4 796 112 1 422 2 173 2 668 879 1 662 1924 723 418 11 432 393 2 678 4 809 103 1 243 1 950 2 781 683 1 410 1923 955 432 8 972 204 2 577 4 079 81 1 307 1 513 2 533 566 1 428 1922 685 432 10 453 714 2 711 3 658 103 1 135 1 363 1 865 380 1 187 1921 587 300 2 406 407 1 335 3 136 121 566 741 1 319 351 737 lESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 159 Table B 5 Cities of 100,000 Population or More-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1921 to 1964-Continued "-" Represents zero °NA" Not available. Number of housing units Year St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul, Minn. St. Petersburg, Fla. Salt Lake City, Utah San Antonio, Texas San Diego, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. San Jose, Calif. Santa Ana, Calif. Savannah, Ga. Scranton, Fa. Seattle, Wash. 364 3 251 2 535 1 348 1 049 4 726 6 672 5 779 6 759 1 473 252 405 2 728 363 1 515 1 518 1 387 1 569 4 063 5 294 4 224 9 425 2 026 282 105 3 738 362. , 1 470 1 657 1 849 1 154 4 881 4 624 5 191 6 830 2 304 338 107 3 635 361 1 483 1 555 2 086 930 3 278 6 569 3 211 7 794 1 792 247 312 2 127 360 869 1 086 2 447 692 3 162 5 934 3 560 8 346 3 543 342 95 1 604 359 2 842 1 548 4 284 936 4 501 13 159 3 069 10 459 2 257 534 119 4 613 )58 1 361 1 127 3 718 499 4 670 10 829 2 282 7 934 1 647 659 91 3 746 '57 485 1 371 3 896 560 3 205 9 280 1 372 4 493 1 142 847 104 3 688 356 754 1 027 4 Oil 709 3 539 6 867 1 248 2 936 1 363 601 94 2 914 55 1 758 1 236 3 729 924 5 698 6 031 2 181 2 720 1 738 588 79 3 380 35 See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7- Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not idcniified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Tolal Total Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total S number in structures with- numbei of in structures wilh- number of numbei of number of number of number numbei ol number number of number of number of i of of of (= housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing —1 units units 01 moie units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 17 17 8 8 20 21 (X) (XI (Xl (Xl (X I (XI (X 1 (X) 01 83 33 - - 58 58 - . 8 757 64 104 59 58 97 146 135 186 266 02 S 1 396 904 160 & 332 & 1 320 850 79 & 391 & 2 131 & 2 780 1 919 1 533 2 078 1 838 1 421 1 669 8 2 010 8 4 019 03 5 5 - - 9 9 - - 4 3 1 - 2 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 8 3H 1 11 & 200 - 117 117 - - 159 229 156 T 135 173 88 115 62 T 52 188 05 15 15 _ . e 8 . . 16 26 36 12 33 13 8 8 69 T 16 14 06 «8 48 - - 53 53 - - 122 90 71 66 (X 1 (X) (Xl 1X1 (XI (XI 07 23 23 - - 21 18 3 - (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 08 114 96 2 16 138 122 - 16 242 198 100 145 222 4o9 192 257 194 388 09 127 127 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (X) (X) (X) >X) (X) >X) (X) 10 10 10 - - 4 4 . 16 U 42 24 18 13 9 13 32 19 11 1 108 1 374 34 - 1 638 1 630 8 . 2 905 2 302 1 555 1 587 2 125 1 736 1 358 1 192 1 118 2 250 12 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (X) (X I (X) (Xl (XI (X) (XI 13 41 41 - 93 •:.3 - 61 8 96 48 34 58 62 27 8 45 19 24 14 30 30 - 18 18 - - 23 19 16 26 23 20 23 19 18 29 15 1 1 . 4 4 _ _ 16 10 10 2 (X ) (Xl (Xl (X) (X) (XI 16 1 1 - - (i) (v.) - - 1 6 4 - (X) (XI {XI (XI (X) (XI 17 196 196 - - 215 215 - - 254 167 136 142 140 143 104 72 191 T 174 13 3 3 - - ;x) (X) (X) ( ». ) (XI iXI >X) ,X) vX 1 >X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 19 64 64 - - 85 85 - - 63 66 36 32 51 28 (Xl (XI (X) (XI 20 27 27 - . 44 44 _ . S3 74 57 51 67 76 27 25 T 26 38 21 3 3 - - 11 11 - - (SI - - ( X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI 22 51 39 - 12 50 48 2 - 16 22 19 13 4 11 7 11 8 10 23 153 145 8 - 164 164 - - 228 338 218 143 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 24 6 6 8 8 45 6 8 ■6 12 (Xl (XI (X) (X) 25 33 33 37 37 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 26 150 150 239 237 2 257 648 265 395 306 246 8 404 283 8 622 & 977 27 30 30 - - 49 48 1 - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (X) (X 1 (XI (XI 28 2 293 2 083 76 134 1 436 1 348 55 33 2 549 & 2 849 1 393 1 318 771 507 8 544 8 787 8 706 8 605 29 58 58 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (Xl (X) (X) (XI (XI 30 39 39 39 37 2 T 25 48 64 58 (S) (XI (Xl (X) (X) (XI 31 23 23 - - ISI (SI - - ISl (SI (SI 9 4 T 7 T 3 1 (SI (SI 32 ( X) IV) (X) (X> (X) (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 33 58 58 - - 38 38 - - T 26 60 (S) (SI 62 51 59 41 (SI (SI 34 8 8 - - 12 12 - - 16 20 43 31 28 30 42 17 13 9 35 2 2 _ _ _ . . _ (X 1 (X 1 ( X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 36 9 9 - - 3 3 - - (X 1 (XI ( X I 1X1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 37 2 2 - - & 4 & 4 _ - (X 1 (XI (X) {XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 38 (X) (X ) (X ) (X) (X> (X) ( XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 39 12 12 _ . (X] (X) ( XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X ) (Xl (Xl (Xl (X) (XI (XI 40 78 78 - - 64 64 - . 64 76 64 48 31 51 (Xl (XI (XI (XI 41 20 20 - - 16 16 - - (XI (XI ( X) {XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 42 1 116 1 076 40 - 1 201 1 171 30 - 2 207 3 084 & 2 086 1 334 1 129 1 046 544 8 1 112 639 I 743 43 103 °3 10 - 142 140 2 - 259 246 148 116 103 101 131 125 106 107 44 114 1 14 - . 100 100 . . (X 1 (XI (XI (Xl (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 33 33 14 14 (XI (XI (X) {XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 2 2 (S) ISI (XI (XI (XI {XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 47 5 5 ~ ~ 8 8 - - T 10 5 10 T 5 20 T 9 (XI (XI (XI (X) 48 955 873 60 22 833 786 47 - 966 8 1 108 680 1 041 1 790 2 536 930 8 1 340 8 1 061 2 293 49 74 74 62 62 66 40 26 22 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 358 358 313 311 2 322 407 234 247 (S) T 147 194 8 511 8 429 492 51 T 91 91 - - S 149 73 & 76 - 54 49 36 78 114 87 T 10 41 50 21 52 ( X) ( X ) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X ) (X 1 (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 166 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in tible B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures tor the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places snown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +Thls Permit-issuing places by State, SI«1SA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number o( housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 01 02 on 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ai 42 43 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 ALABAMA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. BARBOUR COUNTY — CON. CLIO TOWN EUFAULA BIBB COUNTY BRENT TOWN BULLOCK COUNTY MIDWAY TOWN. . UNION SPRIIMGS. BUTLER COUNTY GEORGIANA. . GREENVILLE . CALHOUN COUNTY ANNISTOI^ + . . . HOBSON CITY TOWN JACKSONVILLE . . OXFORD TOWN. . . PIEDMONT .... WEAVER TOWN. . • CHAMBERS COUNTY uAFAYETTE. . . LANETT . . . . CHEROKEE COUNTY CENTRE TOWN. . CHILTON COUNTY CLANTON. . . THORSBY TOWN CLARKE COUNTY THOMASVILLE TOWN CLAY COUNTY ASHLAND TOWN . LINEVILLE TOWN COFFEE COUNTY ELBA ENTERPRISE + . COLBERT COUNTY CHEROKEE LEIGHTON TOWN. . . MUbCLE SHOALS TOWN SHEFFIELD +. . . . TUSCUMBIA -I-. . . . CONECUH COUNTY EVERGREEN. . COVINGTON COUNTY ANDALUSIA +. . OPP CRENSHAW COUNTY LUVERNE TO*N . CULLMAN COUNTY CULLMAN +. . . . GARDEN CITY TOWN HANCEVILLE TOWN. DALE COUNTY ARITON TOWN. . • . MIDLAND CITY TOWN. NEWTON TOWN. . . . OZARK + DALLAS COUNTY SELMA +. . . DE KALB COUNTY COLLINSVILLE TOWN. FORT PAYNE . . . . VALLEY HEAD TOWN . ESCAMBIA COUNTY ATMORE + . , . BREWTON. . . . FLOMATON TOWN. FAYETTE COUNTY FAYETTE. . . -RANKLIN COUNTY PHIL CAMPBELL TOWN RUSSELLVILLE . . . GENEVA COUNTY GENEVA . . . SAMSON . . . SLOCOMB TOWN 2 T 66 20 89 15 1 121 114 i 85 51 39 2 14 94 78 (S) (S) 33 33 5 5 66 16 24 24 6 6 17 17 20 - 89 - 15 . 1 - 121 . 48 & 66 38 & 47 51 39 85 81 2 2 U u 1 1 3 3 4 4 87 84 77 162 5 5 19 19 1 1 37 37 28 24 5 5 5 5 33 33 23 23 (S) (S) 6 6 19 19 18 18 75 75 4 4 33 31 1 1 9 9 28 28 & 70 8 15 15 37 7 4 & 23 12 93 T 18 3 72 35 39 50 35 - & 18 3 67 12 91 18 3 72 35 39 50 35 78 6 15 3 65 4 4 13 13 3 3 38 38 30 30 22 22 3 3 12 12 27 27 5 5 5 5 3 ( S) 23 2 14 121 27 8 T 50 44 36 16 5 16 6 6 39 52 11 26 30 & 45 12 3 (SI 18 18 20 20 92 92 2 2 22 22 22 22 14 14 15 15 9 9 20 20 23 2 10 5 14 97 59 38 73 7 13 2 6 3, 39 52 & 24 4 18 16 3 3 75 67 38 38 S 5 11 22 . RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 167 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, /? See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in stiuctuies witti units Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures witt units — Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of ' housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units S e 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more ez 3 45 3 "5 - - 91 91 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 02 & 81 «, 81 - - (SI tS) - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 2 15 2 15 - - (S) (SI - - (X) T 11 (XI 3 (XI 5 (XI 6 (XI 2 (XI 6 ( X 1 & 53 (XI T 5 (XI 10 (XI 8 04 05 13 S 154 13 14 & 140 - (X) 20 (XI 20 (XI (XI (X) 25 (XI 19 (XI 17 (XI 26 (XI 36 (XI 28 (XI 32 (XI 35 (XI 36 (XI 36 06 07 T 90 & 29 1 25 29 13 90 9 1 ?5 29 13 & 20 - & 246 9 & 66 18 7 13 146 9 18 18 7 13 & 100 & 48 - 154 (XI 31 (XI (SI 15 105 (XI 38 (X 1 T 11 17 91 (XI 29 ( XI T& 45 9 135 (XI 36 (XI 27 32 211 (XI (SI (XI 23 (SI 177 (XI (XI (XI 47 (XI & 161 (XI (XI (X 1 T 16 (XI & 550 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI S 439 (XI (XI (X 1 17 (X 1 T 222 (XI ( XI (XI 25 (XI 08 09 10 11 12 13 9 20 9 20 - - 5 8 5 8 - - 27 19 13 40 13 59 17 74 (SI 62 (XI 16 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 14 15 14 12 2 - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 & 154 2 26 2 & 128 - 79 10 79 10 - - T 24 7 (SI 14 (SI 2 20 (SI (S) (S) (XI T 28 (XI 27 (XI 46 (XI 41 (XI 17 18 24 24 - - 33 33 - - 25 10 8 14 11 7 T 7 T 6 T 4 T 7 19 & 43 9 15 9 S 28 - (XI 1 (X) 1 (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI & 25 (XI T - (XI 5 (XI 7 (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 20 21 75 75 - - (SI T 108 (SI 106 2 - (X) T 68 (XI & 91 (XI (SI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 23 58 4 74 39 45 58 4 74 39 41 4 - (XI 7 95 64 51 (XI 7 95 58 51 (XI I 6 (XI (XI 6 143 & 229 82 (XI 3 141 113 42 (XI 9 56 81 67 (X) 8 60 114 98 (X 1 (S) 54 133 71 (XI (XI 29 T 93 56 (XI (XI t XI (SI 43 (XI (XI (X 1 & 122 88 ( XI (XI (XI T& 248 S 172 (XI (XI (XI T 225 70 24 25 26 27 28 14 14 - - 22 22 - - (SI 16 11 19 20 23 12 16 17 (SI 29 95 & 98 95 38 & 60 - 32 39 32 39 - - & 199 35 49 19 & 49 S (SI 49 (XI 78 (XI 57 (X) 33 (XI 32 (XI 63 (XI T 67 (XI 30 31 14 14 - - 16 14 2 - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 & 183 7 3 98 7 3 & 85 - 101 (XI (XI 101 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 116 (XI (XI & 186 (XI (XI 123 (XI (XI 100 ( X) (XI 103 (XI (XI 25 (XI ( XI 16 (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI S 109 (XI ( XI 93 (XI (XI 33 34 35 2 10 (XI & 208 2 10 (X) 98 (XI & 104 (X) 6 (XI A 32 (X) 112 (XI 10 (XI 112 (XI & 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 37 38 39 64 58 4 2 93 71 22 - 79 69 90 91 138 131 (S) (SI & 234 & 375 40 4 23 & 13 4 23 & 13 . - (XI 34 1 (XI 30 1 (XI 4 ( XI (XI 28 (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI 12 IXI (XI 18 (X) (XI 34 (XI (X) 33 (XI ( XI 22 (XI (XI S 55 (XI (XI 43 (XI (XI & 147 (XI 41 42 43 81 & 61 6 79 21 6 2 & 40 - 86 31 4 82 31 4 4 - 77 43 7 62 72 4 109 70 10 88 43 4 88 50 7 74 44 33 31 1 40 44 6 70 40 4 29 37 2 44 45 46 21 21 - - 27 27 - - (XI (X 1 (X) ( X 1 (X 1 (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI 47 3 31 3 31 - - 8 24 8 24 - - (XI (SI (X 1 52 (XI 42 ( XI 30 (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 48 49 18 7 3 18 7 1 2 - 18 10 & 24 18 10 10 & 14 - 11 (XI (XI 28 (X 1 (XI 25 (XI (XI 13 (X 1 (X 1 36 (X 1 (XI 28 (XI (XI 14 ( X 1 (XI 11 1 X 1 (X 1 31 (XI (XI 69 (XI (XI 50 51 52 168 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau ot the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl< to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -t^This Peimil-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structuies with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 37 38 39 HO HI 42 ALABAMA — COIM. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON GREENE COUNTY EUTAW HALE COUNTY GREENSBORO TOWt^ NEWBERN TOWN HENRY COUNTY HEADLAIMD TOWN . HOUSTON COUNTY ASHFORD TOWN DOTHAN -I- GORDON TOWN JACKSON COUNTY BRIDGEPORT SCOTTSBORO LAMAR COUNTY VERNON TOWN LAUDERDALE COUNTY FLORENCE + LAWRENCE COUNTY MOULTON TOWN TOWN CREEK TOWN LEE COUNTY AUBURN + OPELIKA -f MACON COUNTY TUSKEGEE MARENGO COUNTY DEMOPOLIS + LINDEN TOWN (MARION COUNTY GUIN TOWN HAMILTON TOWN WINFIELD MARSHALL COUNTY ALBERTVILLE + ARAB TOWN BOAZ GUNTERSVILLE MONROE COUNTY FRISCO CITY TOWN MORGAN COUNTY DECATUR + FALKVILLE TOWN FLINT CITY TOWN HARTSELLE + TRINITY TOWN PERRY COUNTY UNIONTOWN TOWN PICKENS COUNTY GORDO TOWN PIKE COUNTY TROY RANDOLPH COUNTY ROANOKE ST CLAIR COUNTY ASHVILLE TOWN SHELBY COUNTY ALABASTER TOWN CALERA TOWN COLUMBIANA TOWN MONTEVALLO TOWN WILSONVILLE TOWN WILTON TOWN SUMTER COUNTY YORK TOWN TALLADEGA COUNTY CHILDERSBURG SYLACAUGA . . TALLAPOOSA COUNTY ALEXANDER CITY + WALKER COUNTY CARBON HILL DORA TOWN & as 236 & 80 5 158 & 228 131 & 34 S 62 24 102 125 & 90 T 108 2 125 16 19 (S) 12 222 5 120 102 131 400 4 2 125 16 19 (S) S 36 14 35 20 5 2 . & 34 22 & 40 24 - 102 . 125 - 30 & 60 64 & 44 18 299 5 (SI 125 & 322 & 213 & 134 123 92 25 T 96 16 & 36 7 6 24 1 18 & (S) 18 287 5 (SI 79 26 122 & 100 27 & 150 54 S. 80 1 16 - 22 " 123 _ 92 - 25 - 98 - 420 404 2 2 8 8 108 108 25 25 68 (S) 18 (S) 20 100 18 320 5 5 (S) 111 111 6 IS) 19 1 124 16 310 5 5 (S) 92 HI 62 59 21 21 5 5 21 21 21 21 194 120 81 81 27 27 16 16 6 (S) 19 17 17 6 6 10 10 12 12 (SI (S) 11 11 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 169 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS or the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. >• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total numbei ol housing units Number of housing in structures witt units Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number ol housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 5 & 60 * 60 (S) IS) (S) (S) (SI T 13 T& 29 (SI (SI 14 (SI (S) 01 S 58 8 8 50 - 8 (X ) 8 (X) (XI ( XI 1 (XI T 4 (XI 3 (XI 2 1 X) T 9 (X 1 T 6 (XI 3 (XI (SI (X) (SI (X 1 (SI (XI 02 03 22 22 - - (X) (X) ( X) ( X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) ( X ) (XI (X) (X) 04 10 305 (X) 10 297 ( X ) 8 (X) (X) & 48 252 (X> 8 252 (XI & 40 _ ( X 1 (XI (Xl 349 (X 1 (XI 300 (XI (X) 336 (XI (X 1 341 (XI (XI 356 (X 1 (XI 224 (XI ( X 1 172 (XI (XI 316 (XI (X ) & 456 (X) (X) & 567 (X) 05 06 07 20 (X) 20 (X> (XI (X) & 49 (X) 19 (X) & 30 ( X 1 (X) 8 (X) 16 (X) U (XI 5 (XI 15 (X ) (SI (XI (SI ( X 1 (SI (XI (SI (XI T 69 (XI 08 09 (X> (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI ( XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X I (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 10 207 197 4 6 217 214 3 - 322 354 & 284 338 298 255 (SI (S) & 407 (SI 11 5 6 5 6 - - 4 7 4 7 - - (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) ( X 1 (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 12 13 95 103 89 103 6 - 103 106 95 106 - 8 98 txi S 421 (XI & 193 (XI 113 (XI 98 (X 1 63 (XI 43 (XI 33 (X) & 144 (XI 91 (XI 14 15 8 8 - - 6 6 - - 1 2 26 33 88 (SI (XI (XI (X) (X) 16 62 21 62 21 - - 49 37 49 37 - - 68 (XI (S) (X) & (SI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) tX) 17 18 21 21 21 21 - - 2 19 20 2 19 20 - - T 2 27 21 3 10 11 4 14 15 32 T 10 9 44 10 18 23 (S) 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 20 21 91 (s) (X) (X) 84 (S) (X) (X) 7 (X> (X) (X) (X) 79 (b) (X) (X) 77 (s) (XI (X) 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 (XI (X) (XI 54 (X) (XI (X) T& 63 (XI (X) (XI T 49 ( XI (XI (XI (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 22 23 24 25 12 12 - - 9 9 - - 16 4 5 3 3 3 2 1 - - 26 330 (X) (X> 91 ( X) 294 ( X 1 (X) 91 ( X ) (XI (XI (X 1 36 (XI (X) ( X) 269 (X> (X) 64 (X) 267 (X) (X) 64 (X) 2 (XI (XI ( XI (XI ( XI (X) & 519 (X ) (X ) (XI (XI & 620 (XI (XI (XI ( XI 299 (XI (X) (XI (XI 195 (X) (X) (XI (X) 278 (X 1 (XI (X) (X 1 242 (XI (XI (X) (XI & 192 (XI (XI (X) (XI & 273 (XI (XI (XI (X) S 307 (XI (X) (X) (X) 197 (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 32 - - - - S 18 - & 18 - (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 33 76 76 - - 53 53 - - 55 31 26 42 36 45 30 31 93 51 34 6 6 - - 15 11 4 - (SI (SI T 10 12 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 35 - - - - 13 13 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 36 (X) 23 19 10 3 6 ( XI 23 19 8 3 6 (X) 2 ( X) (X) 15 U 15 ( X 1 & 22 (X) 15 11 15 (X) 2 (X) (XI S 20 ( XI (XI (XI IXI (XI T 10 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) T 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 10 (X) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 37 38 39 40 41 42 22 22 - - S 37 11 S 26 - (XI txi (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 S 38 59 8 59 & 30 - 14 (SI 14 (S) - - (SI (SI (SI (S) (S) 93 (S) (SI 12 (X ) 12 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 44 45 57 57 - - 61 61 - - 63 51 64 76 71 47 27 21 32 63 46 20 & 48 20 18 & 30 - 8 14 8 14 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (X) (XI ( XI (X) (X) ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 47 48 170 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard melropolilan statistical areas in this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl< places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "97.0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3'( 35 36 37 38 39 40 ALABAMA-- CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SI^SA'S — CON WALKER COUNTY — CON. JASPER OAKMAN TOWN WILCOX COUNTY PINE APPLE TOWN WINSTON COUNTY HALEYVILLE ALASKA PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S KETCHIKAN-DISTRICT 2 KETCHIKAN WRANGELL-PETERSBURG-DISTRICT 3 PETERSBURG WRANGELL SITKA-DISTRICT t SITKA + JUNEAU-DISTRICT 5 DOUGLAS JUNEAU + LYNN CANAL-ICY STRAITS-DISTRICT 6 HOONAH CORDOVA-MCCARTHY-DISTRICT 7 CORDOVA VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITTIER-DISTRICT 8 VALOEZ PALMER-WAS I LLA-TALKEETNA-D I STRICT 9 PALMER ANCHORAGE-DISTRICT 10 ANCHORAGE + SEWARD-DISTRICT 11 SEWARD KENAI-COOK INLET-DISTRICT 12 KENAI SELDOVIA SOLDOTNA KODIAK-DISTRICT 13 KODIAK FAIRBANKS-DISTRICT 19 FAIRBANKS + ARIZONA PHOENIX SMSA MARICOPA COUNTY ♦ AVONDALE BUCKEYE TOWN CHANDLER + EL MIRAGE TOWN GILA BEND TOWN -f » GILBERT TOWN GLENDALE + GOODYEAR TOWN MARICOPA COUNTY UNINC. AREA + u MESA + PARADISE VALLEY TOWN PEORIA TOWN PHOENIX ■^ SCOTTSDALE + SURPRISE TOWN TEMPE + TOLLESON TOWN WICKENBURG TOWN YOUNGTOWN TOWN TUCSON SMSA PIMA COUNTY ** PIMA COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f. . . TUCSON + 17 (S) 2 & 537 22 48 31 112 & 78 1 5 524 72 1 414 659 88 59 5 475 1 223 15 1 324 1 655 1 495 46 7 64 48 1 5 415 16 1 095 333 49 1 646 465 15 590 1 540 309 32 & 30 147 139 2 1 375 91 62 290 56 172 187 2 454 667 53 896 20 20 5 628 106 30 213 9 7 12 751 12 2 102 1 059 92 18 7 697 1 214 18 1 620 7 10 45 & 3 621 2 274 7 (S) 52 5 75 9 5 2 273 12 1 447 482 92 10 2 006 435 18 711 7 10 27 876 527 7 117 10 322 167 499 2 337 260 1 267 485 488 78 3 354 519 478 262 2 371 32 9 189 2 5 20 389 20 2 140 1 130 88 15 6 941 1 612 21 1 659 18. 7 72 2 164 2 851 226 20 1 876 620 88 15 3 271 633 21 774 10 5 40 1 906 691 165 203 & 1 119 151 50 297 99 307 2 551 828 666 8 16 208 I 863 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 171 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list o( 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13 ^ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded: lor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data coi/er period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number of housing units Number ol housing in structures wit units - Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units E 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 5 97 & 10 97 s 10 - IS) (S) IS) IS) - . IS) IX) IS) IX ) T 25 1 X ) 26 IX) 43 IX) 23 IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX> IX> IX) IX) 01 02 1 1 - - - - - - 7 13 - IS) - - IX) IX) IX) IX) 03 31 31 - - 14 14 - - 30 IS) & IS) T 37 IS) 7 & IS) ~ & IS) IS) 04 & 1 8 1 . . 4 2 2 . IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) 05 9 3 9 3 - - (X) 12 (X) 12 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 06 07 13 13 - - (S) IS) - - IX) IX) IX> 1 X) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) 08 24 37 3 7 5 16 30 10 2 8 2 2 - IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 09 10 - - - - - - - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 11 - - - - (S> IS) - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 12 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 13 H - 4 - 1 1 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 14 201 140 42 19 259 214 18 27 144 117 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 15 - - - - - - - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 16 11 1 10 3 1 10 8 _ (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 17 18 19 7 7 - - 9 9 - - IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 20 31 15 8 8 33 33 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 21 H 10 105 (X) (X) 4 10 95 IX) (X) 10 IX) (X) (X) (X) 33 20 152 (X) (x) 30 16 106 IX) 3 4 30 IX) (X) 16 IX) (X) IX) 15 192 IX) IX) IX) & 66 127 IX) IX) IX) 8 105 IX) IX) 1 X ) 17 147 IX) IX) IX) 29 76 IX) IX) IX) 19 89 IX) IX) IX) 28 52 IX) IX) IX) T 15 47 IX) 1 X) IX) 13 47 IX) IX) IX) 22 83 IX) IX) 22 23 24 25 26 11 152 6 5 670 1 027 11 84 6 5 231 988 58 95 39 10 344 26 129 12 T 6 669 1 372 24 85 12 6 391 1 180 2 38 93 123 6 185 69 IX) 122 13 8 612 1 172 IX) 112 2 & 10 807 654 IX) 102 6 & 8 793 427 IX) 80 30 6 113 360 IX) 151 79 7 775 488 IX) 195 IS) 6 867 411 IX) 129 IX) & 6 251 294 IX) 154 IX) IS) 249 IX) & 159 IX) 5 IS) 6 289 IX) 90 IX) IS) 346 27 28 29 30 31 (X) 8, 65 & 5 462 1 453 28 (X) 27 3 298 1 068 28 (X) S 38 681 58 (X( & 1 503 327 (X) 47 4 972 494 IX) IX) 47 3 249 475 IX) IX) 786 19 IX) IX> 937 IX) IX) 23 & 5 001 967 IX) IX) 12 2 747 1 052 IX) IX) 18 1 645 459 IX) IX) IS) & 1 406 131 IX ) IX) IX) 1 103 147 IX) IX) IX) 1 015 110 IX) IX) IX ) & 1 247 IX ) IX> IX) IX) 838 IX) IX) IX) IX) & 1 306 IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 169 IX) IX) 32 33 34 35 36 1 050 20 13 53 777 12 13 37 165 16 108 8 965 12 15 IX) 685 10 15 IX) 117 2 IX) 163 IX) 1 093 15 17 IX ) 571 & 31 14 IX) 189 13 13 1 X) 139 7 15 IX) 173 19 15 IX) 128 34 13 IX) 123 18 IX) IX) 138 18 IX) IX) 149 19 IX) IX) 217 36 IX) IX) 37 38 39 40 & 1 736 1 961 & 1 641 889 39 253 56 819 2 421 1 904 2 351 1 237 62 222 8 445 & 3 798 1 655 3 666 3 666 & 2 710 443 S 2 534 586 2 882 391 2 153 398 IX) 302 IX) 305 IX) S 255 IX) 294 41 42 172 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same Sf/ISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by Slate of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •♦97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issumg places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units ARIZOIMA — COI»). PLACES OUTSIDE SIISA'S COCHISE COUNTY BENSON TOWN DOUGLAS + HuACHUCA SIERRA VISTA TOWN TOMBSTONE WILLCOX + COCONINO COUNTY FLAGSTAFF -f WILLIAMS TOWN GILA COUNTY GLOBE HAYDEN TOWN MIAMI TOWN GRAHAM COUNTY SAFFORD THATCHER TOWN GREENLEE COUNTY CLIFTON TOWN DUNCAN TOWN MOHAVE COUNTY KINGMAN + NAVAJO COUNTY WINSLOW PINAL COUNTY CASA GRANDE + COOLIDGE ELOY TOWN FLORENCE TOWN KEARNY TOWN PINAL COUNTY UNINC. AREA SANTA CRUZ COUNTY NOGALES -I- SANTA CRUZ COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . , YAVAPAI COUNTY CLARKDALE TOWN JEROME TOWN PRESCOTT * YUMA COUNTY PARKER TOWN YUMA -I- ARKANSAS FORT SMITHi ARK.-OKLA. SMSA CRAWFORD COUNTY VAN BUREN. .... SEBASTIAN COUNTY FORT SMITH * (OKLAHOMA) LE FLORE COUNTY ARKOMA TOWN SEQUOYAH COUNTY GORE TOWN LITTLE ROCK-NORTH LITTLE ROCK SMSA PULASKI COUNTY CAMMACK VILLAGE JACKSONVILLE LITTLE ROCK -l- NORTH LITTLE ROCK -I- SHERWOOD MEMPHISi TENN.-ARK. SMSA (SEE TENNESSEE) PINE BLUFF SMSA JEFFERSON COUNTY PINE BLUFF + TEXARKANAi TEX. -ARK. SMSA (SEE TEXAS) PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ARKANSAS COUNTY DE WITT 27 32 2 148 26 179 1 40 27 41 8 37 196 (S) 270 192 1 441 675 71 27 - 28 4 2 - 88 60 4 - 24 2 115 48 1 - 27 2 2 - 10 - 20 3 11 - 6 . 3 - 165 17 7 - 37 3 16 11 26 2 8 - 37 ~ 165 26 48 14 44 - 1 _ - - 73 2 (S) . 92 109 171 1 010 523 71 413 114 41 107 1 31 113 26 17 17 47 211 T 38 51 3 163 1 631 & 624 51 23 6 45 32 1 - 25 6 94 180 2 4 26 . 1 - 7 - 48 16 9 88 2 . 5 - 54 59 4 24 11 - 17 - 39 8 144 52 25 8 35 16 (S) 68 51 516 3 108 1 042 451 51 35 32 & 116 20 557 57 169 2 35 28 19 12 13 13 21 21 15 15 74 51 28 26 19 15 (S) 176 & 160 1 102 1 514 479 37 (S) 100 1 94 970 449 37 ■i\ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 173 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issumg places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13 ■■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: •'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total E number in structures wilh- number in structures with- number number ol number of number of number number of number of number of number of number of c: of 01 ot of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units unils units units units unils unils units 15 15 (s) (s) (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI T 10 T 2 16 01 43 41 2 - 69 69 - - 88 77 76 98 35 23 48 T 14 17 20 02 6 4 2 - 4 4 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 03 68 68 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 2 2 - - 5 5 - . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 5 5 - - 17 17 - - (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI 5 T 2 7 06 145 136 9 . T 56 & 34 22 . S. 193 133 & 141 31 34 15 99 & 72 35 97 07 7 7 - - 7 7 - - 8 6 9 18 9 8 23 10 7 13 08 . 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 (X) ( XI (X) (XI (x) (a) U) (.<) (XI (XI (XI txl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 2 2 - 1 1 - - 1 - 7 15 19 8 15 5 8 4 11 (SI (SI 26 21 39 20 19 T 10 27 11 27 36 12 8 8 - - 12 12 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 _ (SI T - . . _ (SI (SI (SI 14 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 48 48 - - 22 22 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 16 68 68 - - 46 46 - - 41 9 & 67 23 21 27 46 18 16 13 17 29 21 8 25 25 68 89 47 54 52 64 125 90 74 T 95 18 13 11 2 . 2 2 _ _ (s) (s) (s) (s) (S) (s) 56 55 & 46 (SI 19 10 10 - - 12 12 - - 12 9 48 23 (SI IXI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 20 12 12 - - 12 12 . - 9 10 10 7 16 5 25 28 8 10 21 IX) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 50 50 ~ ■ (XI (XI txi (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 41 38 3 . 31 24 7 53 21 12 22 26 27 23 10 24 28 24 4 4 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 - - - -. 1 1 . - _ - - - - - - - - - 27 91 91 - - 124 81 5 38 120 no 105 95 19 14 12 13 21 30 28 ( XI ( XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 29 120 1 14 6 & 193 & 173 20 114 96 116 181 108 93 135 76 (SI (SI 30 36 36 _ _ 23 23 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 368 368 - - 246 246 - - 168 345 374 531 642 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 (SI (SI - - 7 5 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 2 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 87 81 6 - (SI (SI _ - 46 68 67 215 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 561 491 17 53 483 418 54 11 487 493 & 450 363 552 576 419 482 & 832 & 1 529 37 411 383 28 - 333 314 19 - 403 517 380 413 568 454 379 398 327 & 721 38 40 40 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 296 277 19 - 252 250 2 - 215 250 256 175 161 & 134 183 339 215 230 40 19 19 - - 19 19 - - 7 26 6 6 30 (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 41 174 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each ol the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "97 ,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number housing units Mumber of housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 5 units units or more ARKAt>JSAS — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. ASHLEY COUNTY CROSSETT . • WILMOT TOWN. BAXTER COUNTY (FOUNTAIN HOME. BENTOrJ COUNTY BEIMTONVILLE. . GENTRY .... SRAVETTE TOWN. ROGERS + . . . SILOAM SPRINGS BOONE COUfJTY HARRISON -f CALHOUN COUNTY HAMPTON. . . CARROLL COUNTY BERRYVILLE . . EUREKA SPRINGS CHICOT COUNTY EUDORA . . . LAKE VILLAGE CLARK COUNTY ARKADELPHIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY MAGNOLIA . . . CONWAY COUNTY MORRILTON. . CRAIGHEAD COUNTY JONESBORO +. . CROSS COUNTY WYNNE. . . DALLAS COUNTY FORDYCE. . . DESHA COUNTY MCGEHEE. . FAULKNER COUNTY CONWAY + . . . GARLAND COUNTY HOT SPRINGS. GREENE COUNTY PARAGOULD +. HEMPSTEAD COUNTY HOPE HOWARD COUNTY NASHVILLE. . INDEPENDENCE COUNTY BATESVILLE . . . . JACKSON COUNTY NEWPORT. . . TUCKERMAN. . JOHNSON COUNTY CLARKSVILLE. LAFAYETTE COUNTY LEWISVILLE . . STAMPS .... LAWRENCE COUNTY COLLEGE CITY TOWN. HOXIE LEE COUNTY MARIANNA LITTLE RIVER COUNTY ASHDOWN LOGAN COUNTY BOONEVILLE PARIS. . . LONOKE COUNTY CABOT. . . . MADISON COUNTY HUNTSVILLE . 133 7 48 35 14 144 72 & 74 S & 60 & 75 105 7 18 16 2 2 36 28 12 12 31 31 23 23 46 46 185 152 41 20 & 34 2 & 40 & 36 14 89 64 60 5 24 3 T 6 7 53 7 14 87 58 64 19 27 172 55 32 55 299 38 & 100 10 34 32 11 11 10 10 & 91 & 77 50 50 32 53 219 36 12 10 34 I IS I RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 175 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- m tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. /■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures with inits Total number Number of housing in structures with jnits Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Tolal number of housing units = 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 38 2 38 2 - - 53 6 49 6 4 - 39 (XI 34 (X) 29 (X 1 20 (XI 22 (X 1 109 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 01 02 87 87 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 03 31 13 7 79 31 13 7 78 46 1 - 31 (X) 8 72 28 31 (X) 8 72 28 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 83 T 26 ( X 1 (X) (XI 73 13 (XI (XI (XI 47 11 (XI (XI (XI (SI 6 (XI (XI (XI 5 (X) (XI (XI (SI 1 (XI (XI (XI (SI 4 (XI (XI (XI 23 1 (XI (XI (X) 26 5 (XI (XI (XI (SI (SI 04 05 06 07 08 «9 49 - - 50 50 - - 77 65 65 48 48 (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 09 7 7 - - (S) (SI - - (SI (S) (SI (SI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 25 (X) 17 (X) 8 (X) (X) 14 (XI 12 (XI 2 (X) (XI 4 (X) 17 (XI 26 (XI 18 (XI 10 (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 12 14 14 - - 15 7 15 7 - - 20 (XI 8 (XI (SI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( X ) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 14 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 41 41 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (Xl (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 20 18 2 - 37 37 - - 42 24 41 31 16 22 8 7 15 T 41 17 215 215 - - 282 278 4 - 187 T 218 131 100 120 HI 38 42 49 197 18 39 39 - - 37 37 - - 33 24 11 9 19 14 15 8 18 29 19 28 26 - - (S) (SI - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 16 16 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 21 99 97 2 - 81 79 2 - 106 64 38 50 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 52 52 - - (SI (S) - - (SI (SI (S) (S) (SI (SI 57 66 119 230 23 87 87 - - 84 82 2 - 107 (SI 59 71 39 50 (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 36 36 - - 21 21 - - 10 27 I (SI 12 7 8 13 (SI (SI 25 (S) (S) - - (3) (S) - (SI (SI 7 8 14 9 (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 54 13 48 13 6 - 19 16 3 - 16 (XI 24 (XI 24 (XI 26 (XI 63 (XI 92 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 29 19 19 - - 30 30 - - 10 1 1 5 - - 1 1 5 (SI 30 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 32 (X> (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 34 25 25 - - 39 39 - - (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI 15 (SI 5 (SI 35 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 36 24 15 24 15 - - 20 11 20 11 - - (XI 11 (XI 1 (XI T 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X 1 ( X 1 ( X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 38 13 13 - - 8 8 - - (XI (XI ( X 1 ( XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI 39 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI ( XI ( XI 40 176 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table !M. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shoviin in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permil-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside Sl/ISA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units 01 more ARKANSAS — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. MARION COUNTY FLIPPIN TOWN MISSISSIPPI COUNTY BLYTHEVILLE * MONROE COUNTY BRINKLEY CLARENDON OUACHITA COUNTY CAMDEN PHILLIPS COUNTY ELAINE . HELENA MARVELL WEST HELENA -f POINSETT COUNTY HARRISBURG MARKED TREE POLK COUNTY MENA POPE COUNTY RUSSELLVILLE RANDOLPH COUNTY POCAHONTAS ST FRANCIS COUNTY FORREST CITY + HUGHES SALINE COUNTY BENTON UNION COUNTY EL DORADO + JUNCTION CITY WASHINGTON COUNTY FAYETTEVILLE * SPRINGDALE + WHITE COUNTY SEARCY WOODRUFF COUNTY AUGUSTA COTTON PLANT CALIFORNIA ANAHEIM-SANTA ANA-GAKDtN GROVE Sr^SA ORANGE COUNTY ♦ ANAHEIM + BREA -f BUENA PARK * COSTA MESA + CYPRESS + FULLERTON + GARDEN GROVE + HUNTINGTON BEACH -I- LAGUNA BEACH + LA HABRA -l- LOS ALAMITOS + « NEWPORT BEACH + ORANGE * ORANGE COUNTY REMAINING AREA -f 8 . . PLACENTIA + SAN CLEMENTE * SANTA ANA + SEAL BEACH + STANTON -I- TUSTIN ■^ » WESTMINSTER + BAKERSFIELD SMSA KERN COUNTY * BAKERSFIELD + DELANO + KERN COUNTY REMAINING AREA + , . . . MCFARLAND MARICOPA SHAFTER + TAFT 5 & 140 la 95 17 & 28 9a 30 201 164 399 184 1 788 276 829 1 286 723 1 365 1 276 3 285 395 540 225 948 1 065 8 370 294 669 1 473 555 437 739 344 443 & 119 1 447 11 9 23 121 5 - 40 & 100 14 - 81 14 17 . 28 - 176 162 381 268 567 533 610 610 671 2 594 313 125 340 655 2 829 209 433 532 22 4 291 101 211 72 & 976 11 6 21 73 39 446 113 290 439 287 14 118 85 518 291 2 512 77 129 374 65 164 224 135 77 & 26 309 223 307 465 166 404 68 297 134 90 119 3 029 107 567 468 269 224 108 155 21 162 13 & 38 29 91 17 114 4 89 259 243 945 477 089 995 144 644 020 160 310 548 134 967 2 447 & 5 711 544 910 2 026 1 887 354 181 1 750 554 109 587 12 1 17 10 13 - 78 8 13 _ 5 i 33 205 219 343 419 72 095 823 812 3 525 176 205 42 661 1 560 2 479 451 527 669 16 2 1 1 076 1 852 2 164 672 1 074 1 069 1 084 25 191 72 235 737 I 2 624 48 288 700 82 344 164 490 344 160 101 8 294 255 12 - 1 - 36 . 40 - 750 56 853 228 747 139 551 109 152 20 71 150 608 45 95 657 789 8 16 184 110 5 194 281 2 428 196 765 1 858 655 548 026 092 271 073 386 839 379 745 861 696 2 304 3 170 798 (S) 2 109 596 123 1 475 16 1 11 11 21 15 15 13 74 66 & 27 17 4 4 158 281 449 116 334 962 655 954 956 3 927 178 479 317 317 2 277 2 607 729 544 1 282 20 4 (S) 977 466 111 1 300 9 1 32 9 82 490 258 728 94 31 241 20 326 528 565 120 456 29 373 441 118 12 152 446 80 349 406 336 342 71 62 353 49 196 574 573 44 32 566 121 421 691 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 177 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places wtiich constitute ttie source for ttic statistics stiown monftily "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more ttian 8 monttis but less ttian 12 monttis. "S" Does not meet publica- in fables B-U, B-12, and B-13. - See Appendix C-2 for statement regardmg coverage, "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units lor v«hich contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing in structures wit units Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing unils Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 unils 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 13 5 5 1 X 1 (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 66 66 - - S. 635 & 621 - 14 196 29 80 252 & 224 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 12 8 12 8 - - 33 ( XI 33 (XI ( XI ( XI 27 (XI 22 (XI 27 (XI 13 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 04 24 24 - - 34 34 - - 48 55 47 35 42 52 46 & 163 & 220 121 05 10 30 87 77 10 26 85 60 4 2 17 - 7 21 (X) 69 7 17 (XI 65 4 ( XI 4 (X) (XI (SI (XI T 74 (XI (SI (XI 102 (XI (SI (XI 47 (XI (SI (XI 54 (X 1 (SI (XI 38 (XI (SI (XI 28 (X 1 33 (X 1 51 (XI 34 (XI 45 (XI 38 (XI 56 (XI (SI (XI 49 06 07 08 09 30 8 30 8 - - 4 (X 1 4 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 11 (X) (X) (X 1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 & 13H 66 4 S 64 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI { XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 17 17 - - 23 23 - - 18 16 U 15 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 90 1 90 1 - - 83 5 83 3 2 - 76 (XI 72 (XI 56 ( XI (S) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 16 56 56 - - 51 51 - - 37 59 92 91 50 92 82 396 240 (SI 17 150 2 150 2 - - 140 (XI 140 (XI (XI (XI 120 (X 1 169 (X 1 93 (XI 157 (XI 228 (XI 222 (XI 153 (XI 244 (X) 265 (XI 178 (XI 18 19 127 2ai 107 237 10 4 10 162 152 111 152 37 14 281 197 163 169 & 220 91 82 80 90 56 84 51 65 38 88 87 106 94 166 121 20 21 68 68 - - 41 39 2 - 47 131 66 46 (S) 47 (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (X) 5 (XI 5 (X) (XI (XI 9 (XI 9 (XI ( XI (X) 5 (X) (XI 1 (XI 3 (XI 1 (X) 1 (XI 1 1X1 2 (XI (XI 5 23 24 2 664 199 1 222 1 783 765 622 149 631 986 765 738 2 57 357 1 304 48 534 440 1 900 320 744 1 498 307 502 315 244 1 017 307 698 26 371 700 5 74 110 4 486 135 1 827 2 327 (XI 3 662 84 1 528 S, 1 269 (XI 2 445 126 1 447 1 151 (XI 2 018 238 1 091 1 275 (XI 3 788 240 3 500 (SI (XI 2 874 T 123 754 (XI (XI 1 220 214 (XI (XI (XI 651 110 (XI (XI (XI 345 32 (XI (XI (XI 655 197 (XI (XI (XI 25 26 27 28 29 1 407 2 221 3 221 178 796 893 1 138 2 960 113 522 145 260 236 33 43 369 823 25 32 231 911 2 277 1 734 225 657 498 1 463 1 655 137 455 32 85 65 28 14 381 729 14 60 188 1 113 4 544 833 287 870 1 260 2 270 168 165 946 599 764 84 187 875 1 050 iXl 103 136 918 2 728 (X 1 47 115 606 2 255 (XI 44 94 232 1 007 iXI 53 99 190 876 (XI 30 83 92 457 (XI 56 130 465 741 (XI 107 134 308 30 31 32 33 34 242 705 2 195 3 435 177 171 416 1 625 3 004 3 57 251 156 227 130 14 38 414 204 44 62 932 1 755 3 528 55 52 622 1 349 3 182 47 10 117 183 213 8 193 223 129 (XI S90 1 187 T 3 530 165 (X) 617 & 504 2 548 73 (XI 608 489 3 873 24 (XI 552 580 6 782 59 (XI 462 938 10 535 T 93 (XI 492 657 9 019 156 (XI 506 335 5 310 21 (XI 463 313 2 508 13 (XI 565 155 1 556 T 64 (XI 573 299 1 843 31 35 36 37 38 39 269 1 792 1 148 322 1 525 100 1 181 176 9 994 126 240 47 38 301 43 371 925 275 230 239 3 543 76 163 T 10 1 071 109 1 928 22 30 6 937 85 516 20 117 4 84 45 1 099 34 16 50 359 2 257 173 386 32 1 532 247 1 647 372 404 30 496 275 1 142 298 (SI 3 (SI 282 1 363 34 (XI 13 (XI 292 1 738 42 (XI 27 (XI 149 1 280 76 (XI 7 (XI 488 1 651 86 (XI 12 (XI 442 961 51 (XI 29 (XI 381 847 33 (XI 2 (XI 197 1 134 87 (XI 23 (XI 40 41 42 43 44 45 861 180 & 2 154 12 (X) 725 176 & 2 015 12 (XI 46 4 119 (XI 90 20 (XI 1 028 96 1 179 28 (XI 883 84 1 047 28 (XI 96 12 87 (XI 49 45 (XI 798 162 1 449 (XI (XI 697 136 & 2 723 (XI (XI 477 77 i 1 765 (XI (XI 589 161 & 1 640 ( XI (X 1 702 262 & 1 812 (XI (XI 1 003 189 2 145 (XI (XI & 511 133 1 713 (XI (XI 274 110 1 463 (XI (XI 479 120 1 151 (XI (XI 782 & 196 & 1 848 (XI (XI 46 47 48 49 50 64 15 64 15 - - 33 4 31 4 2 - 79 20 104 61 60 T 25 31 26 54 12 62 37 18 S 124 21 35 12 54 127 51 52 178 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparabihty Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-l for alphabetical listing by Slate of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SI;flSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 e S Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total nu,iiber of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Ij 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 CALIFORNIA — CON. BAKERSFIELD SMSA — CON. KERN COUNTY * — CON. 64 44 203 49 14 1 669 1 118 30 & 102 & 58 83 100 18 65 1 129 287 179 27 669 729 275 790 264 160 7 748 442 90 316 225 271 236 3 1 072 99 552 66 256 1 627 424 1 086 151 30 394 1 1 351 29 217 160 155 528 295 & 3 527 39 316 14 473 150 206 278 482 368 362 752 7 88 421 1 529 150 881 1 152 17 28 82 141 151 54 29 136 49 9 683 865 30 & 73 8 67 59 18 59 55 59 109 1 45 194 25 129 91 45 7 35 327 14 38 12 48 14 3 73 49 63 21 30 351 246 69 55 30 23 1 312 29 161 107 6 348 103 456 6 492 9 764 24 137 32 97 88 223 95 3 88 117 123 26 165 148 17 28 75 129 30 15 7 5 351 189 24 & 50 16 41 6 133 30 47 26 59 72 98 119 116 4 119 19 28 112 9 81 52 33 7 188 14 99 139 121 313 80 161 153 8 33 180 104 & 840 864 1 474 60 37 36 116 69 68 117 4 102 42 486 205 2 12 36 10 60 635 64 5 941 198 23 565 463 152 542 57 111 594 96 48 166 204 142 170 966 43 301 31 127 1 137 57 704 16 210 886 48 53 X16 88 2 231 31 960 3 235 66 32 210 269 211 71 540 202 1 364 124 230 799 5 85 45 36 156 70 6 1 466 & 1 305 78 27 15 12 88 103 6 58 896 351 32 5 965 773 338 920 407 493 20 1 865 853 50 495 457 693 182 10 995 210 1 508 226 618 2 562 523 1 327 235 28 483 1 550 5 209 142 327 184 397 & 7 713 40 518 17 497 513 258 210 689 291 443 581 7 146 1 078 1 876 158 1 784 1 282 11 65 170 603 139 43 36 121 62 6 604 6 893 58 25 11 10 60 69 6 54 62 173 32 3 112 253 34 118 80 44 20 37 447 16 75 83 56 26 10 168 57 84 62 55 310 218 71 72 28 31 58 5 169 50 148 126 154 571 7 934 9 451 26 131 27 135 93 78 68 5 134 147 116 56 649 276 11 65 63 576 13 2 11 8 345 151 20 2 4 2 8 30 4 93 5 2 429 127 116 233 195 4 152 234 23 155 74 181 43 102 51 555 49 136 137 58 332 66 106 140 71 134 58 89 &1 345 640 2 074 93 69 50 156 54 92 127 2 410 42 19 618 473 20 15 17 24 517 261 20 4 741 173 424 393 168 569 132 445 1 676 172 11 265 300 456 113 725 102 869 115 427 2 115 247 924 97 346 1 352 40 21 45 154 5 797 31 944 5 972 394 58 133 398 144 273 386 12 521 1 718 83 517 533 87 12 109 32 74 195 79 8 1 177 & 1 047 58 18 16 12 66 103 11 62 515 699 443 2 456 569 203 1 029 445 195 11 742 631 46 295 746 618 121 3 938 237 1 506 126 633 2 723 607 805 132 16 285 2 595 1 379 147 498 135 283 4 113 28 879 15 551 403 197 118 546 1 220 727 618 3 195 476 1 048 282 1 288 711 20 81 88 237 154 32 66 172 39 8 752 & 694 58 10 10 10 44 100 11 33 44 204 401 15 352 48 221 116 40 11 39 495 28 42 234 52 22 3 227 87 220 25 91 399 464 51 59 16 23 37 1 306 79 221 131 179 552 7 432 8 896 32 116 30 109 437 102 53 180 146 130 46 673 282 20 81 53 221 23 8 4 4 74 36 8 6 2 2 3 51 43 16 2 36 93 96 100 146 48 32 18 57 255 129 8 69 28 429 21 88 103 36 225 29 62 2 85 2 22 4 71 442 440 1 858 30 43 26 74 83 75 6 3 134 35 13 329 85 4 16 _ 19 36 351 317 20 29 420 452 26 405 124 59 708 183 155 655 104 196 257 437 91 642 122 857 80 454 2 221 107 529 44 200 473 71 68 255 33 3 119 21 007 4 797 341 38 62 363 700 550 559 15 196 883 223 286 344 31 131 WASCO +..••••■••.......■ FRESNO SI^SA FRESNO COUNTY * roAi TNGa ■■•■.>■•■■•■•.■• FRC-CMA x,......-,.,...,. FRESNO COUNTY REMAINING AREA + KINSSBURG ORANGE COVE SELMA. .••■..••.....••.• LOS ANGELES-LONG BEACH SMSA LOS ANGELES COUNTY ♦ AVALON ••..•.•■•••.•.... BELL +...•...•..••.•... DCyPRI Y HTLI S +>•••■■•>■■■.. BRADBURY •..••.••*......• BURBANK +•............... CLAKEMONT + COMMERCE -ft* CUDAHY +..•••..•.....•.. DATRY VAL lEY ■■■... ........ DUARTE +.■•••••■•••••»•• GARDENA +••*■.•*•■••*.••. HlnnEN Hit LS -f............. 46 47 INGLEWOOD -f*. ....••*•••■•• 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 IRWINDALE LAKEWOOD + LA PUENTE ■(■..••••.••••■••■ LA VERNE + LONG BEACH + LOS ANGELES * LOS ANGELES COUNTY UNINC. AREA + » . . . LYNIWOOD -f MANHATTAN BEACH + MONROVIA +••.*•.*•*.•.••• MONTEBELLO •f...... ••••••.. MONTEREY PARK + PALMDALE +•.•••••.•.*•••• PASADENA -f.. ....••*...■•• POMONA + ROLLING HILLS ESTATES +....' SAN FERNANDO RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 179 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-I2, and B-I3. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-■' Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number of in structures witl — number of in structures with- number of number of number number number number number number number number of of of of of of of of ^ housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing tiousing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 18 18 19 19 63 28 74 97 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 01 106 90 16 51 51 72 81 49 54 52 59 T 33 & 90 35 (S) 02 202 199 3 609 589 4 16 T 103 30 44 169 154 145 28 14 11 (S) 03 13 13 - - 14 14 - - 29 15 19 19 22 70 21 38 36 51 04 8 8 - - 12 12 - - 3 - 5 4 10 8 6 S 32 U 9 05 1 734 1 406 125 203 2 273 1 031 134 1 108 1 548 1 445 910 1 338 2 204 2 012 & 230 856 i 1 313 1 757 06 894 785 34 75 & 1 429 i 1 026 63 340 1 509 & 1 053 1 051 & 1 124 1 425 1 440 1 501 & 1 279 710 700 07 35 35 _ . 5 5 _ . 21 18 7 4 14 4 57 4 51 12 14 08 38 30 - 8 18 18 - - 38 17 33 19 32 11 8 20 16 42 09 27 14 8 5 24 20 4 - 14 13 24 4 5 7 (X 1 (X ) (X) ( XI 10 4 4 - - 4 4 - - 5 - 2 5 9 8 (XI (X) (X) ( X) 11 55 49 6 - 38 34 4 - 37 39 36 40 65 36 66 & 72 47 41 12 69 45 12 12 53 53 . _ 54 56 38 79 118 T 58 39 & 45 41 (S) 13 7 7 - - 13 13 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) IX) (X) (X) 14 70 54 16 25 23 2 32 26 25 56 99 109 32 & 63 37 48 15 761 39 47 675 540 39 116 385 720 439 214 266 202 350 438 322 515 671 16 408 162 33 213 834 207 63 564 720 546 443 381 477 521 822 553 947 1 204 17 398 352 14 32 34 30 4 - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI ( X 1 (X) 18 7 2 5 - 10 3 - 7 8 1 13 4 1 3 2 2 (S) 1 19 293 73 23 197 242 128 18 96 217 81 45 432 245 46 394 331 109 158 20 977 886 30 61 455 281 79 95 361 434 193 T 239 (X ) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI 21 219 55 47 117 364 34 56 274 359 144 190 243 289 161 211 166 126 268 22 526 136 51 339 796 175 44 577 773 735 (S) (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (X) 23 203 203 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 24 926 100 - 826 532 87 2 443 264 258 199 217 296 259 274 189 186 215 25 3 3 _ . 4 4 _ . 6 7 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) 26 684 56 54 574 476 62 36 378 366 533 508 251 338 409 1 076 1 131 1 807 1 152 27 378 198 36 144 239 190 26 23 235 184 237 213 184 156 158 457 118 146 28 32 22 10 - T 95 17 4 74 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (X) 29 137 46 6 85 194 67 65 62 496 300 436 517 347 604 372 702 968 1 434 30 530 322 10 198 185 23 29 133 346 347 958 705 725 485 386 269 166 312 31 302 302 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 32 48 28 14 6 49 15 20 14 109 137 197 242 306 422 441 785 922 1 178 33 8 8 - - 10 10 _ - 18 8 14 4 (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 34 804 146 14 644 1 433 213 215 1 005 1 593 1 279 1 048 (XI (XI (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (XI 35 82 68 _ 14 54 47 2 5 72 145 23 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 36 737 194 156 387 97 20 9 68 123 98 66 444 127 388 61 77 40 99 37 215 30 8 177 115 27 19 69 197 135 253 326 277 237 302 422 119 110 38 726 61 72 593 447 73 58 316 850 791 736 1 263 1 229 392 542 598 210 286 39 2 016 262 92 1 662 968 262 101 625 1 252 1 219 1 091 1 012 805 1 105 1 458 1 236 700 1 170 40 598 459 45 94 455 361 4 90 428 660 269 627 708 607 423 285 89 93 41 610 48 130 432 453 34 99 320 474 373 565 349 689 764 195 901 379 293 42 161 45 40 76 210 34 40 136 178 128 105 204 242 266 263 400 118 140 43 2 2 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) 44 177 36 33 108 201 34 43 124 245 180 261 172 238 326 399 300 130 306 45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 46 2 233 119 235 1 879 1 368 78 136 1 154 1 128 1 363 1 026 1 050 1 070 1 456 1 055 713 675 317 47 5 5 - - 2 2 _ - 3 2 1 (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 48 100 50 4 46 159 74 - 85 480 148 402 167 1 181 T 256 (X) (X) (X) ( X) 49 238 190 4 44 T 136 45 - 90 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 50 269 70 18 181 151 30 « 121 207 85 203 50 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) 51 36 34 2 . 93 12 19 62 91 39 31 119 70 36 74 80 75 15 52 448 142 57 249 300 145 114 41 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 53 2 477 546 289 1 642 1 963 498 319 1 146 2 311 2 190 2 409 1 854 2 353 2 487 3 061 2 641 1 433 1 810 54 & 24 171 & 8 295 440 15 436 22 322 8 975 398 12 949 22 175 24 139 27 202 25 888 24 194 8. 28 148 8. 29 439 &28 070 18 627 30 798 55 14 133 9 745 864 3 524 14 015 9 391 1 399 3 225 14 598 & 15 468 17 318 23 314 8. 28 927 31 647 27 118 23 175 23 239 39 517 56 275 26 37 212 308 38 33 237 353 298 241 226 271 317 354 266 199 367 57 227 89 55 83 182 98 58 26 263 277 291 387 351 365 596 1 090 774 882 58 67 21 28 18 84 23 22 39 95 86 134 208 160 139 164 157 82 132 59 247 138 25 84 257 145 45 67 355 236 237 100 156 295 370 354 336 469 60 589 214 101 274 803 485 120 198 503 254 256 418 475 605 329 336 293 611 61 880 543 61 276 776 319 57 400 712 1 059 453 579 248 652 709 541 454 592 62 241 70 11 160 332 199 2 131 848 388 114 (XI (X) (XI (X ) (X) (XI (X) 63 IX) (XI (X> IX) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 64 136 119 - 17 171 124 - 47 142 148 164 283 344 318 256 220 201 124 55 307 83 72 152 188 110 62 16 336 349 T 201 (XI (XI (XI (X ) (X) (XI (XI 65 777 130 52 595 808 119 84 605 818 1 082 698 603 697 1 077 1 029 750 1 451 1 497 67 68 56 - 12 143 48 . 95 17U T 160 - - - _ - - - (X) 68 994 383 160 451 1 105 406 65 634 786 522 888 1 442 1 556 1 168 876 1 988 385 455 69 417 174 98 145 420 186 59 175 572 883 631 420 889 571 821 1 593 628 638 70 12 12 _ _ 18 18 _ _ 22 22 T 31 (X) (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI 71 68 68 - - 127 127 - - 87 47 21 (X) (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI 72 148 80 8 60 81 51 10 20 (X ) ( XI ( X) (X ) (X 1 ( X ) (X ) (X) (XI (XI 73 56 56 _ _ (X ) (X) (X) (X) ( X ) (X ) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 74 102 49 20 33 67 51 2 14 41 102 48 54 85 274 177 183 98 290 75 180 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the defmilion established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover (he entire land area of the county for 1964 ♦•97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in I960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, -^This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 ■f Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 CALIFORNIA— COI^, LOS ANGELES-LONG BEACH SMSA — CON. LOS ANGELES COUNTY * — CON. SAN GABRIEL -I-.. ••.•.....••• 165 11 97 1 419 124 284 11 525 323 207 4 309 507 563 572 97 3 4 i 925 59 154 77 53 1 90 2 006 4 670 583 19 218 168 78 65 103 1 65 1 246 45 448 415 1 130 112 1 649 4 214 151 171 464 413 344 310 7 574 711 393 & 995 & 5 567 1 120 225 351 1 238 84 504 619 134 477 102 1 072 5 672 & 2 439 214 34 11 5 22 49 7 1 43 134 126 665 344 397 190 34 3 2 & 809 35 75 16 27 1 64 968 2 628 245 9 131 125 49 26 71 1 46 743 34 280 72 402 48 808 2 645 94 151 275 66 125 72 7 249 294 107 253 4 680 338 127 139 643 9 145 173 47 155 36 607 2 398 & 1 695 71 8 99 15 42 10 225 4 21 574 3 54 25 2 115 24 41 61 26 12 377 908 32 4 46 23 13 34 8 19 345 2 168 327 53 64 281 886 49 100 107 198 218 88 217 236 & 226 >1 222 512 50 68 143 17 170 170 53 230 15 63 852 373 135 124 92 1 298 60 235 257 185 50 3 070 150 166 328 38 38 14 561 1 134 305 6 41 19 16 6 24 158 9 16 675 560 683 8 20 89 240 21 20 237 200 50 517 658 270 48 144 452 58 189 276 34 92 51 402 3 422 371 8 396 25 1 420 154 207 28 434 194 287 3 582 157 1 390 794 139 9 11 910 93 346 169 59 414 2 232 9 475 485 20 197 & 347 127 102 18 7 88 1 020 12 445 308 635 40 1 912 & 5 351 95 282 442 127 307 289 3 1 839 1 150 733 1 571 & 5 671 1 165 T 110 190 1 376 76 873 480 140 571 273 814 & 5 294 & 2 538 145 44 26 26 56 11 1 42 34 163 718 157 821 177 25 1 11 806 87 105 21 38 43 740 3 435 183 18 133 138 70 55 18 7 58 459 12 250 237 289 22 882 & 4 131 79 245 317 71 159 17 3 723 532 415 511 e, 4 884 511 110 57 491 14 145 124 53 187 9 539 3 421 1 955 67 23 183 20 180 27 257 14 17 437 263 74 78 8 104 102 108 15 319 465 3 478 218 2 50 & 134 57 46 30 417 113 12 10 18 185 834 15 7 91 35 83 95 836 205 268 215 1 117 136 50 63 22 364 262 74 197 50 115 & 584 & 468 21 329 1 211 78 15 135 146 107 2 427 306 543 35 6 139 40 6 52 1 027 2 562 84 14 75 144 82 59 336 845 386 30 34 20 65 177 280 313 50 845 570 518 83 822 40 364 94 13 187 204 159 1 289 & 115 57 404 10 5 1 398 157 114 10 244 143 223 2 392 206 368 569 42 2 11 626 50 371 51 59 2 389 1 341 5 935 6 493 13 184 332 120 70 43 3 128 324 10 379 252 720 9 813 4 258 71 130 229 91 175 1 053 8 1 213 441 245 755 & 5 143 1 317 (S) 218 397 77 320 223 105 204 332 384 4 624 & 2 208 (X) 35 10 5 20 72 5 3 28 31 180 364 206 182 206 34 2 11 510 40 206 22 59 2 81 712 3 263 174 4 170 141 120 51 27 3 76 197 10 358 125 269 6 463 3 426 50 110 157 42 127 302 8 304 365 197 377 4 414 801 (S) 180 233 25 133 157 49 143 24 273 2 657 1 786 (X) 19 120 18 53 7 64 9 17 242 50 8 16 20 134 20 152 284 505 20 9 14 52 5 32 10 21 4 52 3 65 556 15 10 46 14 48 347 400 32 38 85 & 456 139 15 41 23 15 9 2 10 39 172 123 (X) 349 1 258 67 55 152 103 26 1 786 186 303 31 9 146 345 2 167 & 299 139 13 16 20 117 123 399 285 276 5 10 26 35 404 509 44 10 293 273 377 23 123 52 164 51 47 59 298 72 1 785 & 299 (X) SAN MARINO ••..•*• •.. SANTA FE SPRINGS -f...*. .••.■• STGNAI HTI L-f. •••■••■•■•*■• CfillTH GATF •(-••••• ■■ WALNUT •.•••.••..••••••• wFm roviNA -t-a... ■•■■■■.... WHITTIER 4........ .••■•..* SACRAMENTO SMSA PLACER COUNTY * COLFAX LINCOLN PLACER COUNTY UNINC. AREA -I- ROSFVTLI E •!-■■•. ■■■•■■■■■•■ SACRAMENTO COUNTY * NORTH SACRAMENTO -l- SACRAMENTO -l- SACRAMENTO COUNTY UNII>JC. AREA + YOLO COUNTY ♦ WINTERS WOODLAND * -. . . YOLO COUNTY UNINC. AREA * SAN BERNARDINO-RIVERSIDE-ONTARIO SMSA RIVERSIDE COUNTY * BANNING ■(-••....•»••••...• BLYTHE -f. ...... ••..•.... CABAZON. .•....••..••••.. 38 39 40 41 ELSINORE HEMET INDIO -f*. .•••*. •*...•.*. 43 44 RIVERSIDE COUNTY" KLHAIiglrjG ARHA 46 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY * BARSTOW +••..••••........ 47 48 49 50 CHINO + COLTON + FONTANA -1- MONTCLAIR * 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 53 ONTARIO + REDLANDS * SAN BERNARDINO -I- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY UNINC. AREA +, , , VICTORVILLE -I- SAN DIEGO SMSA SAN DIEGO COUNTY * CARLSBAD -1- CHULA VISTA + CORONADO EL CAJON -f ESCONDIDO + 64 IMPERIAL BEACH + 65 66 67 LA MESA ■1' OCEANSIDE -t- 69 70 SAN DIEGO COUNTY REMAINING AREA + «. . . VISTA * U RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 181 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicli constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- t See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-Issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units l^umber of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie Total number housing units Number ol housing unils in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 224 23 80 1 076 153 108 12 559 162 208 90 587 390 60 8 15 797 33 273 72 40 3 269 1 543 4 582 427 5 & 354 262 182 71 175 8 77 253 11 137 166 330 585 2 695 59 144 151 79 97 632 36 697 289 214 733 4 355 504 244 490 58 160 113 92 167 464 553 6 569 2 065 (X) 2 76 24 208 462 90 185 111 37 8 15 780 22 189 20 40 3 85 934 582 2 36 3 217 159 171 47 135 4 65 189 11 124 103 218 308 2 238 59 144 131 69 75 435 34 513 214 170 466 4 086 394 IX) 92 137 18 127 78 86 97 416 4 96 357 924 (X) 106 11 21 10 87 12 181 296 22 286 20 10 22 30 2 148 28 35 66 139 37 (XI 2 16 24 262 40 941 111 396 126 402 247 180 428 704 255 171 130 73 (X) 138 344 40 68 32 33 1 950 53 (X) 217 21 5 963 55 14 487 258 (X) 5 498 325 66 7 39 672 14 429 350 2 308 6 518 185 3 253 268 295 100 42 128 7 89 86 770 24 1 034 3 205 3 150 150 93 113 516 18 447 377 210 563 461 385 (X) 141 583 33 708 660 181 400 125 35 21 5 26 57 12 10 74 30 (X) 5 360 102 42 7 39 648 10 387 52 28 1 226 1 707 5 652 102 3 241 231 266 74 96 7 67 82 510 20 633 2 904 3 144 123 78 87 268 14 313 270 174 306 322 164 (X) 105 541 26 481 564 101 328 388 251 934 4 326 254 4 862 1X1 IX) 157 10 (X) 199 238 58 266 13 10 26 106 42 101 31 116 43 (X) 256 218 (X) 138 192 120 402 628 343 35 92 6 5 190 23 178 (XI 215 50 172 31 59 1 539 121 84 (X) 552 223 IX) (X) 956 246 T 28 2 18 815 15 401 362 24 4 445 3 244 10 786 215 11 138 632 310 106 48 IX) IX) 307 28 58 91 706 34 1 491 (X) 34 303 82 137 191 231 9 371 515 290 935 5 826 375 (X) 369 1 636 (S) 1 141 1 092 (X) 761 611 754 12 212 . 1 068 (X) 143 16 1 486 93 22 (X) 331 168 (X) 686 S 5 IX) 779 291 20 544 166 17 290 2 229 4 8 543 269 10 115 101 51 62 253 658 32 1 303 IX) 29 173 203 64 122 135 72 307 271 319 879 5 055 284 (X) 175 1 399 IS) 1 564 465 (X) 847 491 498 10 829 5 489 IX) 199 34 16 787 75 45 I X) 325 172 IX) IX) 1 035 296 41 2 12 469 4 141 55 15 T 1 132 168 191 2 108 287 108 58 108 IX) IX) 96 28 73 124 721 34 845 IX) 24 107 175 115 118 IS) 620 329 288 1 087 7 647 251 IXI 121 542 147 722 254 (X) 442 435 177 280 985 (X) 104 42 (X) 1 430 81 72 (X) 329 173 (X) IX) 953 238 24 IS) 13 457 7 116 23 16 T 2 35 1 287 4 515 131 19 129 394 160 70 65 (X) (X) 125 34 91 31 780 172 181 98 152 IX) 1 873 373 576 828 471 357 IX) 160 603 166 636 202 IX) 564 191 114 867 725 (X) 90 32 (XI 871 143 62 (X) 364 147 (X) IX) 922 337 55 (S) 19 479 7 133 28 16 T 6 61 639 711 202 12 133 548 143 64 117 (X) (X) 252 29 77 & 260 506 36 1 804 (X) 54 133 171 249 (SI (X) 11 927 785 1 204 1 125 8 463 263 (X) 133 848 229 384 127 IX) 325 221 201 6 031 2 872 (X) 162 55 IX) 1 017 65 39 IX) 443 257 IX) IX) 2 181 443 28 IS) 24 423 4 85 20 22 5 T 200 1 230 5 835 116 42 173 619 111 63 (X) (X) (X) 186 23 74 146 415 43 821 IX) 26 71 109 & 229 IX) IX) 72 878 409 T 610 739 550 144 IX) 57 891 T 97 192 157 IX) 379 214 690 (XI 113 56 IX) 052 96 35 (X) 671 336 (X) (X) 2 417 332 48 3 28 383 7 225 IX) 15 10 178 050 170 63 (X) 135 619 88 53 IX) IX) (X) 76 56 116 160 187 1X1 1 594 (X) 270 237 & 348 (X) (X) 84 867 273 456 1 277 6 160 97 (X) (X) 566 68 122 365 'X) 472 178 711 8 034 2 874 (XI 169 93 (X) 902 99 18 IX) 480 206 (X) (X) 1 560 438 34 7 35 386 12 69 (X) T 10 9 56 954 2 802 (X) 134 336 73 & 52 (X) IX) IX) 134 18 63 53 277 (X) 1 422 IX) 23 & 333 101 108 IX) IX) S 64 1 321 243 417 1 067 4 084 219 (X) IX) 902 125 489 152 (X) 1 124 434 669 9 730 3 600 (X) 159 150 (X) 718 131 10 IX) 262 141 (X) (X) 539 550 38 (S) 9 430 T 11 93 (X) T 22 (S) 243 1 151 4 889 86 38 (X) IX) IX) 154 30 46 112 378 IX) 101 IX) 23 216 & 104 87 IX) IX) 11 526 S 220 74 1 434 2 610 421 IX) (X) 543 199 393 125 IX) 306 459 549 6 072 273 215 1X1 869 118 12 IX) 491 379 (X) (X) 710 1 532 65 (S) 23 429 8 120 (X) T 16 T 5 202 3 048 6 823 241 96 (X) IX) 116 227 425 524 98 35 IX) (X) (X) 73 (S) 85 213 220 IX) 088 IX) 20 303 44 286 IX) (X) 5 770 201 T 82 1 810 T 2 783 168 (X) IX) 907 119 266 70 (X) 330 359 305 5 951 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 3 382 3 918 69 (X) IX) 70 182 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA. outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 1 a> Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- -J 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CALIFORNIA — CON. SAt•■■■*... PLEASANTON ■!-•••••••■•••••• CONTRA COSTA COUNTY * RRFNTWOOD. ■•■■•■•••.■.... CLAYTON ^■^.•••••••••••i«* CONTRA COSTA COUNTY REMAINING AREA + « . 21 22 23 24 PINOLE +•••••••••■••••«• PITTSBURG +••••••••••••••• PLEASANT HILL ^/^a*********** RICHMOND + 25 SAN PABLO ■(-••••••••••••»•• 26 27 28 29 30 31 MARIN COUNTY * CORTE MADERA TOWN + FAIRFAX TOWN + MARIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA + t) 33 34 35 NOVATO ^-/^••••••••••••••* ROSS TOWN SAN ANSELMO + 37 38 SAUSALITO + SAN MATEO COUNTY * 40 BELMONT -I- • 41 BURLINGAME + 43 DALY CITY+ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 HALF MOON BAY + HILLSBOROUGH TOWN + MENLO PARK + MILLBRAE -1- PACIFICA -I- REDWOOD CITY + SAN BRUNO -1- SAN CARLOS + SAN MATEO + SAN MATEO COUNTY REMAINING AREA +. . , , SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO + WOODSIDE TOWN + SAN JOSE SMSA SANTA CLARA COUNTY * ALVISO CAMPBELL ■•• CUPERTINO -1- GILROY + LOS ALTOS * LOS ALTOS HILLS TOWN + LOS GATOS + MILPITAS + MONTE SERENO + B MORGAN HILL + » MOUNTAIN VIEW + PALO ALTO -1- SAN JOSE + SANTA CLARA + SANTA CLARA COUNTY REMAINING AREA + #, . SARATOGA -I- B SUNNYVALE -1- RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 183 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13 « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded: for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 E number in structures witt - number in structures wilt — number number number number number number number number number number i of of of ol of of of ol of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 660 58 77 525 456 81 10 365 279 415 252 93 97 129 117 & 91 143 103 01 1 U28 777 226 425 2 137 1 450 201 486 868 1 038 1 905 2 881 4 no 3 589 2 781 2 363 4 015 3 857 02 127 6 9 112 42 5 14 23 83 76 52 59 59 37 32 22 42 71 03 850 55 42 753 751 70 45 636 930 650 583 488 565 426 260 306 298 433 04 - - - - - - - - T - 4 2 7 T 3 6 7 7 - T 1 05 1 970 1 675 18 277 1 878 1 840 18 20 2 223 1 425 84 IX) IX) IX) IX 1 IX ) IX) IX) 06 1 385 90 240 1 055 988 409 197 382 1 383 1 376 1 428 1 608 2 678 1 279 567 1 408 721 1 574 07 253 210 9 34 471 403 4 64 773 283 241 378 407 275 231 493 176 131 08 590 457 84 49 627 563 16 48 { X ) (X) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 09 S 3 359 444 371 & 2 544 2 311 502 375 1 434 2 458 & 2 295 1 904 1 671 & 1 468 1 220 1 149 1 241 1 301 & 1 491 10 9 9 _ _ 28 28 _ . 28 24 34 37 63 61 68 64 69 80 11 60 60 - - 62 52 10 - 55 35 50 132 41 61 25 106 76 19 12 706 274 50 382 391 145 39 207 357 834 498 289 334 571 632 587 332 268 13 200 131 31 38 281 181 13 87 108 141 123 375 150 112 256 462 296 104 14 17 11 6 ~ 6 6 - - 7 10 12 50 38 26 10 T 14 T 11 IS) 15 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) I X) (X) (X) (X> IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 16 1 889 1 086 158 645 1 470 1 097 74 299 782 562 348 312 600 1 086 1 124 491 275 T 323 17 & 2 942 1 652 4 194 & 1 096 & 1 827 1 599 8, 82 146 1 831 1 626 & 1 520 2 145 3 386 2 890 2 937 2 938 & 3 060 5 634 18 240 80 76 84 163 82 38 43 239 181 199 221 312 300 296 336 402 493 19 128 77 31 20 82 80 2 - 117 71 92 137 107 32 19 30 59 97 20 212 204 8 . 215 215 . - 295 389 31 24 377 T 163 21 T 6 21 T 17 21 108 76 4 28 102 91 2 9 153 51 34 398 300 216 169 491 & 315 247 22 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 23 780 422 285 73 555 301 229 25 505 583 535 605 673 569 & 701 441 483 634 24 360 45 89 226 265 50 129 86 223 178 & 150 201 210 T 167 156 & 209 79 104 25 538 177 36 325 338 110 54 174 285 171 206 218 165 T 46 47 55 55 34 26 12 10 2 21 14 7 36 45 42 52 110 51 T 30 24 50 T 64 27 203 113 4 86 104 62 10 32 164 T 80 144 97 85 120 81 101 115 86 28 162 48 24 90 93 37 8 48 129 81 35 63 73 53 29 36 46 32 29 147 103 4 40 110 84 8 18 86 148 97 159 113 90 35 71 26 82 30 & 735 520 & 51 164 T 627 517 & 26 84 & 1 493 & 1 665 773 1 199 1 892 1 609 753 796 1 538 1 314 31 133 79 6 48 95 90 _ 5 170 152 T 64 79 155 75 215 67 66 70 32 166 166 - . 186 148 8 30 (X) (X) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 8 8 - . 9 9 _ 12 8 5 8 8 11 12 8 21 20 34 124 95 15 14 87 59 13 15 125 102 54 91 IS) T 69 57 T 59 79 169 35 824 469 26 329 929 402 57 470 549 268 208 382 359 T 211 137 247 221 237 36 174 25 46 103 151 40 76 35 142 84 119 91 86 53 34 20 T 32 50 37 & 3 211 586 349 & 2 276 & 3 560 637 431 & 2 492 & 3 069 & 2 282 1 372 1 248 & 2 181 & 2 783 & 1 666 &1 708 1 692 & 3 785 38 34 34 46 46 51 55 60 88 117 130 114 87 164 160 39 344 127 - 217 300 153 _ 147 522 392 294 170 309 297 434 392 185 173 40 355 67 20 268 167 30 9 128 437 391 353 211 89 96 130 119 173 276 41 _ _ . _ _ . _ - - 3 - - IX) tX) IX) IX) 42 681 367 68 246 1 202 787 31 384 1 765 1 237 499 574 698 1 197 631 881 553 1 119 43 27 27 _ _ 33 32 1 „ (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 44 54 54 . _ 55 55 _ . 121 99 63 116 loO 116 159 111 169 120 45 232 63 22 147 200 69 48 83 211 377 426 340 333 328 393 355 487 724 46 235 119 20 96 214 158 16 40 92 193 160 246 T 512 116 172 139 137 T 202 47 387 219 100 68 353 281 40 32 435 244 15 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 832 50 175 607 731 89 95 547 598 578 466 733 307 649 663 734 1 222 1 053 49 341 221 26 94 404 296 36 72 521 754 393 710 1 025 538 113 110 186 221 50 331 216 19 96 428 190 24 214 410 271 205 186 188 232 324 189 223 407 51 845 79 48 718 879 112 96 671 872 707 467 538 1 377 1 189 735 586 855 1 793 52 1 052 452 28 572 & 630 349 & 38 243 807 826 767 953 2 064 2 346 1 038 1 473 1 148 1 467 53 134 34 43 57 223 38 59 126 258 263 74 283 1 226 787 745 543 925 756 54 27 27 ■ 30 30 ' 57 33 53 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 55 (S) IS) 1 IX) IX) IXI IX) 56 570 201 277 92 178 125 53 - 262 232 329 198 344 142 T 45 IS) ISl IS) 57 333 221 60 52 251 251 _ . (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) 1 X ) IX) IX) 1 X) 58 144 66 34 44 52 40 12 - 138 85 77 51 34 85 112 7 9 60 51 59 314 207 96 11 300 188 53 59 304 302 329 291 319 284 T 162 IS) IS) IS) 60 76 76 . _ 90 90 _ _ 87 81 T 76 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 61 486 270 94 122 440 155 3 282 170 549 225 44 14 33 24 30 39 45 62 577 455 86 36 736 650 86 - 352 115 79 84 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 63 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 64 13 5 8 - 19 19 - - 105 37 56 26 24 T 29 18 16 16 30 65 1 209 34 165 1 010 975 31 110 834 1 201 645 447 506 902 941 577 427 273 586 66 834 100 68 666 325 90 48 187 906 612 537 620 762 857 594 918 804 935 67 7 794 4 872 1 390 1 532 8 346 6 342 829 1 175 10 459 7 934 4 493 2 936 2 720 1 517 1 232 955 1 005 2 034 68 1 392 671 188 533 2 253 838 409 1 006 1 643 1 957 1 719 1 289 2 013 1 874 356 517 327 583 69 794 623 72 99 1 185 749 117 319 1 328 1 912 1 593 1 870 3 587 4 112 3 190 4 137 3 857 4 679 70 (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX ) 1 X ) 1 X ) IX) IX) IXI 71 1 459 815 146 498 1 296 626 164 506 1 687 1 478 2 257 1 264 1 895 1 590 932 871 132 305 72 184 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions estabfished prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -(This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 ^ E Total luimber of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number o( housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Zl 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CALIFORI^IA — COt^. SANTA BARBARA SMSA SANTA BARBARA COUNTY * & 22 254 759 & 1 938 15 31 265 176 24 756 1 347 201 28 509 242 38 83 52 920 24 & 306 48 242 725 10 180 5 747 125 5 39 19 328 21 22 6 3 73 1 063 33 44 38 26 58 58 4 24 & 323 1 251 93 19 & 405 24 368 26 7 15 2 110 166 & 986 15 13 226 110 22 620 451 101 28 281 232 34 27 41 731 20 104 6 181 308 10 168 5 633 49 5 3 16 309 15 22 6 3 73 829 29 44 21 14 17 35 4 14 & 270 1 186 91 19 122 8 106 18 7 8 S 20 26 139 158 18 39 17 2 136 357 48 115 10 4 56 11 108 4 & 202 42 43 147 2 90 12 3 19 6 125 4 17 12 41 15 48 6 2 & 116 16 2 a 2 118 454 794 49 539 52 113 81 18 270 10 24 76 24 109 8 10 5 57 167 260 5 14 & 607 & 1 340 & 3 944 542 29 360 150 25 & 693 896 125 38 403 274 44 28 93 709 20 87 68 667 566 12 T 159 18 1 196 170 24 & 149 20 283 41 37 26 24 & 140 1 246 114 53 39 61 238 2 & 121 3 34 T 282 3 184 70 2 224 70 108 31 2 32 6 415 381 & 2 255 264 27 177 118 23 572 469 93 22 191 228 30 22 49 447 16 78 455 253 12 131 11 1 007 96 6 & 109 14 243 17 26 16 & 140 870 50 49 17 31 19 2 37 3 10 & 193 3 122 29 2 163 66 92 22 2 10 8 & 113 & 107 213 160 2 70 24 2 & 85 137 12 8 68 22 14 6 44 128 4 9 68 212 101 28 7 141 12 16 18 17 11 9 8 237 64 4 16 30 9 12 24 81 11 5 3 4 16 9 2 79 852 1 476 118 113 8 36 290 20 8 144 24 134 212 48 62 22 6 23 13 24 139 6 210 & 72 6 51 36 58 20 92 1 402 1 075 3 535 1 585 30 335 185 17 488 738 S 234 36 419 245 25 10 46 576 64 86 160 223 568 8 144 25 1 006 237 16 233 17 211 26 15 7 1 25 1 065 64 43 29 11 15 1 85 2 12 256 3 62 33 4 197 9 60 18 5 5 72 822 409 2 673 951 30 193 129 17 439 382 & 144 24 222 210 20 10 34 304 25 86 81 390 8 136 13 744 134 8 48 17 211 19 15 7 1 25 811 72 39 19 11 15 1 53 2 10 246 3 62 31 4 122 9 60 11 5 5 10 141 106 176 100 73 46 49 80 39 43 10 6 191 143 72 56 12 121 4 8 51 7 68 12 4 10 6 2 10 2 6 7 10 439 560 686 534 69 10 276 51 12 154 25 5 6 81 39 17 70 122 8 141 99 134 166 26 69 SANTA BARBARA 4-» ••••••••■••• SANTA BARBARA COUNTY UNINC. AREA -I- . . , STOCKTON SI^SA SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY * ESCALON* •••••••••■■••••• RIPON SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA * . . , , STOCKTON +■••••••••••■••• TRACY* •••••••••••■••••• VALLEJO-NAPA SI^SA NAPA COUNTY * NAPA COUNTY UNINC. AREA + ST HELENA. •••.•■.*•..•••* SOLANO COUNTY * FAIRFIELD + SOLANO COUNTY UNINC. AREA + 24 VALLEJO +..... ...... ...a. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S 26 27 BUTTE COUNTY * BIGGS • 28 29 30 31 32 BUTTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA CHICO + GRIDLEY CALAVERAS COUNTY * ANGELS 33 CALAVERAS COUNTY UNINC. AREA COLUSA COUNTY * 35 36 COLUSA COUNTY UNINC. AREA 37 DEL NORTE COUNTY * CRESCENT CITY. ............. 38 39 40 DEL NORTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA EL DORADO COUNTY * EL DORADO COUNTY UNINC. AREA + 41 42 43 44 GLENN COUNTY ♦ GLENN COUNTY UNINC. AREA ORLAND WILLOWS HUMBOLDT COUNTY * ARCATA ................. 45 46 47 48 49 "in BLUE LAKE EUREKA + FERNDALE FORTUNA HUMBOLDT COUNTY UNINC. AREA TRINIDAD TO*N 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 IMPERIAL COUNTY * BRAWLEY CALEXICO + CALIPATRIA EL CENTRO + HOLTVILLE IMPERIAL 56 WESTMORLAND. 59 INYO COUNTY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 185 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places winch constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement (egarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: •'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number of in stiuctures wit - number of in structures with- number ol number of numbei of number number of number of number number number number = of of of of of c housing I unit 2-4 5 units housing l unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 46 37 4 5 104 104 66 S 78 3 2 (SI 10 (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 S 754 618 & 126 10 & 209 & 176 9 24 1 374 973 76 17 16 9 32 285 142 71 02 & 1 134 390 47 & 697 1 077 419 53 605 914 898 882 750 472 341 545 308 866 772 03 2 644 2 291 46 307 S 1 991 & 1 915 76 - 3 032 & 2 175 & I 644 & 795 340 232 185 121 193 125 04 1 230 1 014 7 209 403 374 9 20 1 338 573 277 139 101 39 34 473 262 193 05 25 25 22 22 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 06 265 229 22 14 361 301 48 12 273 289 238 269 281 404 375 246 217 201 07 174 1 15 41 18 120 106 14 - 171 187 91 134 111 47 183 74 78 39 08 18 18 - - 58 54 4 - 10 10 12 8 18 17 18 6 2 6 09 526 385 29 112 513 449 34 30 509 390 390 507 737 T 936 909 S 408 744 (SI 10 S 996 8 498 68 430 508 330 54 124 688 515 & 750 541 815 465 229 440 & 689 952 11 110 110 27 25 2 68 70 & 95 124 366 109 253 69 & 118 147 12 15 15 22 18 4 30 16 8 8 12 16 9 5 23 T 36 13 366 272 26 68 166 140 26 . 468 285 191 252 432 269 95 314 HI 160 14 238 172 - 66 150 142 8 - 217 216 297 330 349 & 923 369 T 200 (SI (SI 15 38 38 - - 34 34 - - 35 27 17 28 34 16 17 28 27 27 16 21 7 14 10 10 9 45 38 50 34 48 & 90 28 31 24 17 31 27 4 _ 47 37 10 _ 37 26 28 19 102 14 66 23 44 T 14 18 498 228 79 191 299 157 97 45 553 290 102 159 221 580 376 577 179 181 19 23 23 - - 14 14 - - 46 36 6 5 26 14 66 17 64 T 9 20 & 981 & 671 4 & 306 63 63 - - 121 & 171 & 606 145 193 187 161 214 195 200 21 T 33 2 23 8 (S) (S) _ _ (SI (SI 2 2 2 13 1 T 5 2 T 2 22 118 104 14 . 86 70 16 _ 130 224 233 207 391 161 105 250 67 38 23 338 280 10 48 272 202 12 58 600 365 188 233 951 806 370 453 659 & 323 24 ( X) (X) (X) (X) (x) (x) (X) Cx) (X I (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 52 52 - - 85 83 2 - (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 10 10 . 7 7 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 I X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI txi (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 28 & 226 v4 8. 100 32 o8 66 2 20 160 103 123 100 229 160 88 21 32 44 29 16 16 - _ & 26 20 S 6 - 7 10 & 45 9 33 61 9 11 16 39 30 126 58 6 62 44 36 8 - 45 29 64 42 29 98 12 32 8 64 31 11 11 11 11 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X I (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 16 14 2 12 12 17 10 19 21 55 32 30 T 12 12 24 34 (X) (X> (XI (X) (X) (X) ( X) ( X) (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 35 6 6 - - 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 1 1 T - 12 4 68 69 1 14 T 47 22 30 37 19 19 - - (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 1 508 912 200 396 1 122 839 163 120 891 900 T 661 527 403 279 351 239 T 204 142 39 124 42 49 33 43 39 4 - 27 28 25 28 32 55 29 (SI (SI (SI 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 23 19 4 _ 22 22 _ - 18 9 16 17 25 46 (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 7 7 - - 8 8 - - 23 17 19 26 23 76 24 29 T 21 23 43 61 20 41 62 7 4 51 7 12 55 117 104 13 17 24 63 T 33 44 _ _ _ 3 3 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 45 123 103 20 _ 171 104 10 57 142 93 91 179 232 188 225 & 353 242 373 46 1 1 _ 4 4 _ 2 5 2 6 7 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 14 14 - - 16 14 2 - 25 11 11 23 104 32 14 15 T 22 T 21 48 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) ( X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 1 1 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 50 74 74 21 21 20 73 26 80 65 118 133 & 210 42 93 51 23 23 . _ 48 48 _ _ 84 & 55 14 25 107 107 61 26 & 90 42 52 2 2 . _ 5 5 _ _ 7 f. 27 7 8 15 (SI T 24 9 18 (SI 53 80 80 . _ 46 36 10 _ 76 105 79 76 197 386 235 239 & 146 129 54 8 8 - - 5 5 - 6 20 24 14 15 19 49 24 & 53 26 55 (XI (X) (X) (XI ( X ) (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 9 7 2 _ 4 4 _ _ 5 7 6 13 32 37 118 48 i 50 T 18 57 5 5 - 5 5 - - (X ) (XI (XI ( XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 12 6 6 _ 6 6 _ _ 10 4 6 22 28 12 12 T 15 T 46 T 28 59 186 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated tor eacti of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 CALIFORNIA — COI^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. KINGS COUNTY * CORCORAN •••••••••••••••• 58 85 107 39 & 353 48 33 22 58 148 224 87 29 220 56 9 52 17 8 40 153 339 308 21 116 36 7 & 42 13 18 & 680 829 244 & 903 162 14 57 310 324 162 57 49 4 50 27 28 7 356 437 167 387 1 271 106 & 114 131 & 824 18 3 9 6 7 & 95 1 42 71 107 31 & 345 36 33 22 37 100 206 87 13 191 44 1 5 14 B 14 88 140 268 21 88 36 7 12 10 13 58 657 27 & 449 101 12 9 304 316 152 48 43 4 42 21 24 7 91 426 53 136 1 106 24 & 78 80 & 702 18 3 9 6 7 89 1 9 8 8 12 21 16 18 16 21 12 8 47 3 26 65 149 40 22 & 30 3 5 22 22 5 128 17 2 24 6 6 10 9 6 8 6 4 53 11 32 86 150 24 4 31 105 * 6 16 5 32 8 50 6 & 600 150 212 326 44 24 212 82 165 15 58 32 20 17 33 61 106 76 & 313 41 35 41 52 173 165 64 12 222 39 & 57 99 215 10 731 305 341 10 & 87 21 8 20 23 17 280 & 834 281 429 305 9 69 24 276 186 77 65 19 130 169 23 24 266 774 147 515 1 394 111 152 201 632 35 9 5 20 94 2 25 55 104 35 & 305 29 35 39 22 122 165 64 12 195 35 12 32 142 8 491 86 299 10 & 77 21 8 18 14 13 81 & 487 44 314 128 9 14 6 272 162 65 43 8 123 61 20 10 96 672 80 134 1 100 53 76 72 594 25 9 5 20 94 2 8 2 9 8 2 2 7 46 17 4 & 45 4 60 2 210 172 29 2 9 4 32 95 17 51 22 36 4 2 7 26 3 13 37 39 93 129 12 76 39 32 10 6 32 10 23 5 10 63 13 30 47 13 10 167 252 220 64 155 19 IB 24 10 22 11 82 14 157 65 28 288 165 46 90 6 34 100 556 45 306 46 95 42 37 78 147 12 8 74 48 1 56 49 40 6 363 117 300 3 67 24 10 18 25 13 289 588 126 594 164 16 7 327 130 67 80 8 248 138 56 31 609 609 154 404 1 478 45 118 226 569 2 5 7 2 1 20 99 34 60 532 45 302 36 79 42 33 52 147 12 8 69 14 1 9 43 37 6 223 72 246 3 67 24 10 18 19 10 113 491 35 427 63 16 7 271 130 57 76 8 185 63 54 14 429 538 80 143 1 122 39 82 60 535 2 5 7 2 1 20 99 4 24 4 16 4 16 5 47 6 3 86 30 38 6 3 23 44 40 30 16 24 4 21 54 2 9 26 28 74 77 228 6 36 22 34 36 10 10 34 54 15 16 153 56 51 137 85 32 10 42 21 8 154 43 184 128 144 HANFORD +•••••■•••••••■•• KINSS COUNTY UNiNC. AREA LAKE COUNTY ♦ LAKE COUNTY UNINC* AREA» •••••••• LAKFPORT ■■•••■■•■••••... LASSEN COUNTY * LASSEN COUNTY UNINC. AREA MADERA COUNTY * CHnwrr-rn !/!•■■•••>•>■■■.■. MADERA -f**************** MADERA COUNTY UNINC. AREA + MENDOCINO COUNTY * FORT BRAGG ••■•••■•••■•#•• MENDOCINO COUNTY UNINC. AREA WILLITS. •••••••••■•••••• MERCED COUNTY * ATWATER +•••••••••••••••• DOS PALOS* •«•••■••••••••• MERCED COUNTY UNINC. AREA + MONTEREY COUNTY * CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA DEL REY OAKS GONZALES GREENFIELD ••••••••••••••• KING CITY* ••••••••••••*•• MONTEREY COUNTY UNINC. AREA SAND CITY NEVADA COUNTY ♦ NEVADA CITY* •••••••■•#•••• NEVADA COUNTY UNINC. AREA + PLUMAS COUNTY ............... SAN BENITO COUNTY ♦ HOLLISTER. ............... 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SAN BENITO COUNTY UNINC. AREA SAN JUAN BAUTISTA SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY * ARROYO GRANDE 4-.. •.*........ GROVER CITY. ...•.....•.••■ PISMO BEACH SAN LUIS OBISPO + SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY UNINC. AREA + , , SANTA CRUZ COUNTY UNINC. AREA + WATSONVILLE +...... ..••.... 55 56 57 SHASTA COUNTY * SHASTA COUNTY UNINC. AREA 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 SISKIYOU COUNTY *♦ DUNSMUIR ETNA TOWN SISKIYOU COUNTY UNINC. AREA + TULELAKE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 187 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list ot 3,014 selected permil-issuing places whicti constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. s See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 Total number housing units Number o( housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1960 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1959 Total number ol housing units 1958 Tolal number ol housing units 1957 Tolal number of housing units 1956 Total number of housing units 1955 Tolal numbei of housing units 1954 Total number of housing units 1953 Tolal number of housing units 1952 Tolal number ol housing units 1951 Total number ol housing units 1950 Tolal number of housing units 23 795 (XI 2«2 (S) 23 (X) 22 45 6t 171 6 (SI in 47 58 11 17 134 282 & 483 (X) & 83 5 13 18 & 323 1 557 146 523 14 364 114 72 19 23 380 471 87 291 1 200 24 45 117 134 2 1 (XI 23 587 (XI 173 (S) 23 (X) 22 33 64 161 6 (SI 14 17 37 11 17 104 195 397 (XI 1 83 5 11 18 & 241 1 308 51 343 14 360 114 48 19 21 295 417 53 219 925 20 36 34 134 111 (XI 42 2 (XI I 34 (X) 2 29 37 16 40 160 97 (X) 27 52 (XI 58 159 53 141 IB 32 115 33 225 (XI 552 (S) 15 (XI 14 28 T 81 144 14 (X) 13 2 149 21 5 24 42 123 447 (XI S 91 r 21 12 6 23 19 222 (XI lie 420 (XI 195 47 9 9 T 229 43 (XI 35 14 376 8 621 125 308 991 35 15 T 100 29 156 (XI 4 546 (S) IS (XI 14 28 76 140 14 (XI 13 2 141 21 5 24 38 93 445 (XI S 91 21 12 4 23 19 172 (XI 34 298 (X) 135 20 9 9 218 43 (X) 33 14 245 552 35 217 762 31 15 & 40 1 1 6 6 (XI (XI 8 8 17 17 T 88 88 & 10 & 6 12 (XI 20 (XI 56 27 (XI (XI 2 90 49 112 57 (XI 30 (XI 28 95 (XI 35 27 42 117 37 T 111 (XI & 859 (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) 1X1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 38 3 3 - - - - T 2 3 (SI (S) 3 - (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 39 10 6 4 T 1 3 1 1 2 4 (X) (XI (XI (XI 40 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 - - - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 42 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 4 5 T 7 7 43 - - - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI 44 2 2 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 5 5 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 5 10 9 15 28 7 3 6 7 31 46 4 4 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 - - - - (X) (X) ( X) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 48 5 3 2 3 3 (XI (XI (XI ( X I (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 49 lis 107 8 - 57 57 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI 50 (X) (X I (XI (XI (X ) (X 1 (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI 51 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI iXI ( X) (XI ( X 1 (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI 52 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ . 1X1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 53 192 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this tabic. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown m the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964, "97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 =1 Total number of housing units Number of housini in structures wi units h- Total niimber of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 COLORADO — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COI^. FREMONT COUNTY & 156 13 3 5 30 17 10 3 1 19 1 3 2 35 5 20 12 22 813 T 276 214 2 4 33 87 77 5^ 184 22 3 2 96 4 8 20 38 29 16 13 3 5 22 17 10 3 1 11 1 3 2 33 5 20 12 22 333 274 138 2 4 8 63 53 2 26 184 3 16 3 2 76 4 8 20 22 15 8 a 2 91 2 34 10 10 2 10 2 6 4 & 140 389 42 25 14 14 19 16 _ 16 14 11 8 6 15 4 2 12 2 5 12 & 69 2 2 4 26 7 2 17 11 21 & 591 & 118 242 5 12 24 15 9 80 130 1 16 4 1 103 1 1 5 34 2 28 16 1 9 8 6 15 4 2 12 2 5 3 23 2 2 4 21 5 2 14 9 21 & 287 100 167 5 12 24 15 9 35 130 1 11 4 1 63 1 1 5 30 2 28 16 1 2 4 2 2 3 2 76 & 18 55 5 4 4 5 i 44 5 & 228 45 36 18 6 7 3 17 7 20 10 2 6 13 & 61 3 5 15 6 2 27 8 27 299 33 241 1 & 109 10 35 22 8 19 & 135 2 33 4 37 2 2 2 5 30 3 22 13 2 IB 6 7 3 17 7 20 10 2 4 13 1 3 5 15 6 2 27 8 27 241 33 186 1 9 10 35 22 8 19 127 2 29 2 37 2 2 2 3 30 3 20 13 2 2 & 60 42 47 & 100 & 8 4 2 2 2 16 8 GARFIELD COUNTY 05 06 07 08 09 10 GLENWOOD SPRINGS RIFLE TOWN SILT TOWN GILPIN COUNTY CENTRAL CITY TOWN GILPIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA GRAND COUNTY GRANBY TOWN* •• •••• 1 1 KREMMLING TOWN ••••••••••••i GUNNISON COUNTY HUERFANO COUNTY 15 JACKSON COUNTY WALDEN TOWN. •••• •■.•• 16 17 KIOWA COUNTY KIT CARSON COUNTY BURLINGTON TOWN 18 19 STRATTON TOWN ••••••• 20 LAPLATA COUNTY BAYFIELD TOWN 21 DURANGO -t-. LARII^ER COUNTY ** 26 27 28 29 LARIMER COUNTY UNINC. AREA -I- LOVELAND -f WELLINGTON TOWN LAS ANIMAS COUNTY TRINIDAD .........•■..•.• 30 LINCOLN COUNTY LIMON TOWN ..•■•.•■■ 31 32 33 LOGAN COUNTY LOGAN COUNTY UNINC. AREA MERINO TOWN STERLING + MESA COUNTY ♦* 36 37 MESA COUNTY UNINC. AREA ■^ PALISADETOWN MOFFAT COUNTY MONTEZUMA COUNTY ao m DOLORES TOWN MANCOS TOWN MONTROSE COUNTY 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5? NATURITA TOWN NUCLA TOWN OLATHE TOWN MORGAN COUNTY BRUSH TOWN FORT MORGAN -1- HILLROSE TOWN OTERO COUNTY FOWLER TOWN LA JUNTA MANZANOLA TOWN OURAY COUNTY ♦* 54 OURAY COUNTY UNINC. AREA RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 193 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which conslitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13 » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public hoirsing units lor which contracts were awarded: for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures witt _ number in structures wilh- number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of ol of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing ] unit 2-4 5 units housing housing tiousing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing IJ units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 24 24 (SI ISI 41 44 31 66 70 43 44 39 ISI (SI 01 5 5 „ _ 18 18 . - (X 1 (XI (XI 1X1 (X 1 IXI (XI IXI IXI ( XI 02 8 8 - - 5 5 - - 6 14 2 21 13 5 3 4 6 3 03 ( X) (X) (X) ( XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI IX 1 (XI (XI IXI (XI IXI (XI IXI 1X1 1 XI 04 15 15 _ 18 18 - _ 9 16 9 23 13 12 1 7 2 54 05 8 8 _ _ 16 16 _ - 13 (SI 3 4 2 2 4 2 ISI T 33 06 - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI IXI (XI (X 1 1X1 (XI 07 1 . 1 1 ( X 1 1X1 1X1 (XI 08 (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 1X1 (XI 09 4 4 3 3 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 10 3 3 - - (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI IX 1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 11 6 6 T - ( SI _ 1 1 . _ - - - 12 32 25 - 7 17 17 - 18 11 ISI ISI (SI (SI 8 ISI (SI T 6 (SI 13 4 4 - - 3 3 - - 2 - - - 1 3 - ISI ISI ISl 14 4 4 - - - - - - 4 8 6 - 3 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 15 3 3 - - 4 4 - - 3 I 1 2 2 - 1 6 3 (SI 16 19 19 20 20 (XI (X 1 1 XI IX 1 (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI 17 13 13 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI IXI 1 XI IXI (X 1 (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI 18 4 4 - - 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (X 1 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 19 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 28 28 _ _ S 61 49 8 12 _ T 67 154 153 8 117 112 T 130 no 41 66 (SI 21 1 1 - - 2 2 - (X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 5 1 4 10 8 2 (X 1 (XI (XI 1X1 (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 20 20 _ 14 14 . (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 296 235 40 21 8 590 303 107 8 180 311 266 215 239 186 148 92 70 117 106 25 & 45 24 3 & 18 T 21 19 2 _ (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 26 27 15 4 8 168 160 8 . 157 113 105 114 80 112 69 80 ISl ISl 27 (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 28 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 1 8 7 4 8 7 156 27 9 18 29 26 26 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 1X1 IXI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 30 3 3 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 1X1 1X1 (X 1 IXI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 31 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI IXI 1X1 (XI 1X1 1X1 32 14 14 20 18 2 - T 84 46 19 98 146 153 101 66 68 o9 33 10 10 5 5 8 8 4 30 48 15 9 4 4 8 34 37 26 _ 11 45 41 4 _ T 57 113 72 114 501 324 143 118 129 236 35 95 95 _ T 131 131 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 36 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 1X1 (XI (XI 37 22 22 - - 37 33 4 - 46 25 42 18 7 14 T 7 15 (SI (SI 38 6 6 16 16 94 257 166 37 44 15 15 5 T 9 (SI 39 _ _ _ . 2 . 2 4 6 3 - - - 5 40 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 11 5 4 " 6 1 " ~ 2 10 41 29 29 29 25 4 19 14 14 T 27 (SI 24 11 10 44 36 42 _ _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 43 2 2 _ 2 2 _ _ _ 4 7 6 12 1X1 (XI (XI 1X1 44 3 3 - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI IXI 45 8 8 7 7 10 5 4 42 71 96 37 32 16 16 46 31 31 _ _ 33 27 6 _ 70 36 22 102 123 114 63 39 63 88 47 - - - (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X 1 1X1 1X1 (XI 1X1 (XI 48 n 4 3 3 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 1X1 49 29 29 _ _ 52 50 2 - 39 25 16 13 31 16 20 42 34 45 50 1 1 _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 IX 1 ( X 1 1X1 (XI IXI 51 20 20 - - 14 14 - - 31 10 8 14 9 6 21 21 (SI ISl 52 2 2 2 2 _ 1 _ 1 . 1X1 1X1 (XI 1X1 53 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 1X1 ( X 1 IXI 54 - ~ ~ " 4 ' 2 2 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 55 194 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov«n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing In 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 COLORADO — COrj. PLACES OUTSIDE SI^SA'S — CON. PARK COUNTY FAIRPLAY TOWN. PHILLIPS COUNTY HAXTUN . . . . PITKIN COUNTY ** ASPEN TO*N PITKIN COuNTY UNINC. PROWERS COUNTY GRANADA TOWN HOi-LY TOWN . LAMAR. . . . RIO BLANCO COUNTY MEEKER TOWN. . . RANGELY TOWN . . RIO GRANDE COUNTY DEL NORTE TOWN . MONTE VISTA. . . ROUTT COUNTY HAYDEN TOWN OAK CREEK TOWN .... STEAMBOAT SPRINGS TOWN YAMPA TOWN SAGUACHE COUNTY CENTER TOWN. . SAN JUAN COUNTY SILVERTON TOWN SAN MIGUEL COUNTY NORWOOD TOWN . . SEDGWICK COUNTY JULESBURG TOWN SUMMIT COUNTY FRISCO TOWN. TELLER COUNTY CRIPPLE CREEK. . . WOODLAND PARK TOWN WASHINGTON COUNTY AKRON TOWN . . . WELD COUNTY DACONO TOWN. . EATON TOWN . . ERIE TOWN. . . EVANS TOWN . . FIRESTONE TOWN FORT LUPTON TOWN FREDERICK TOWN . GILCREST TOWN. . GREELEY +. . . . GROVER TOWN. . . JOHNSTOWN TOWN . KEENESBURG TOWN. KERSEY TOWN. . . LA SALLE TOWN. . MILLIKEN TOWN. . PIERCE TOWN. . . PLATTEVILLE TOWN WINDSOR TOWN . . YUMA COUNTY WRAY . . . CONNECTICUT BRIDGEPORT SMSA FAIRFIELD COUNTY ** BRIDGEPORT + . . . EASTON TOWN +. . . FAIRFIELD TOWN + . MONROE TOWN +. . . SHELTON + STRATFORD TOWN TRUMBULL TOWN + NEW HAVEN COUNTY ** MILFORD TOWN + • . 81 138 19 1 20 2 2 326 T - 853 39 418 157 322 220 332 20 53 70 27 1 _ 2 - 32 6 13 2 2 191 85 39 264 157 276 220 332 682 136 42 2 8 15 1 2 385 T 1 2 7 3 5 1 1 3 4 381 35 292 150 283 & 395 232 2 5 15 1 2 290 1 2 7 1 5 1 1 3 4 114 35 265 150 283 241 232 175 11 & 599 37 373 T 117 (S) 204 242 147 37 293 117 (S) 202 242 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 195 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places whicti constitute tlie source foi the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 195S 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing in structures witli units Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units "1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 5 T - 01 5 5 - - 2 2 - - 2 5 5 3 4 5 2 3 T - 2 02 21 23 8 23 13 - 54 69 5 00 036 2 2 47 31 T 20 (XI 14 (XI ,i; 19 (XI 18 (XI 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 04 1 (XI 2i 1 (X) 21 (X) (X) 1 (X) 32 1 (XI 28 ( XI 4 (XI (X 1 (XI (SI (XI (XI 30 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI 14 (XI (XI 19 (XI (XI 37 (XI (XI 41 (XI (XI 75 05 06 07 4 12 2 - 9 (S) 5 (SI 4 - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 09 2 18 2 18 - - 1 10 1 10 - - (XI 13 (XI 2 (XI 4 (XI 3 (XI 9 (XI 21 (XI 5 (XI 10 (XI T 12 (XI 26 10 11 . . . _ 2 2 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 - - - - - - .. - . - - - - . - 1 . 3 13 5 5 - - 6 (XI 6 (XI (XI (X) 4 (XI 12 (XI (XI 1 (XI 2 (X) 1 (XI 2 (XI 15 (X 1 8 (XI 29 (XI 14 15 5 5 - - 3 3 - - - - - 1 (SI (SI (SI - T - (SI 16 - - - - - - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 - - - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IS 6 4 2 - 3 3 - - 9 1 T - 4 11 13 1 4 9 14 19 9 4 - 5 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 20 3 3 _ - 7 7 - - (SI (XI (SI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 22 13 13 - 4 4 - - 13 14 3 4 15 22 23 19 18 T 17 23 (X) 6 10 (X) (X) 6 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 2 2 (X) (XI 2 2 (XI (XI (X) (XI (x; (XI 5 (XI (SI (XI (X) 9 (X) (S) (XI (XI 1 (XI (SI (XI (XI 7 (XI (SI (XI (XI 7 (XI (SI (XI (XI 11 (XI (SI (XI (XI 2 (XI (SI ( X 1 (XI 7 (XI T 22 (XI (XI (SI (X 1 (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI 24 25 26 27 28 9 3 481 7 3 345 2 22 114 4 (XI 425 (XI 4 (XI 312 (X) (XI 87 (XI (XI 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI 395 (XI (X) (XI (XI 335 (XI (XI (X) (XI & 245 (XI (XI (XI (XI 202 (XI (XI (XI (XI 224 (XI (XI (XI (XI 266 (XI (XI (XI (XI 130 (XI (XI (XI (XI 197 (XI (XI (XI (XI 201 (XI (XI ( XI (XI 281 (XI 29 30 31 32 33 5 3 8 5 5 3 4 1 4 4 - 7 1 2 6 2 1 1 2 2 2 6 4 - 10 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 6 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (Xl (XI (XI (XI 34 35 36 37 38 3 a 5 3 4 5 : ~ 7 4 13 3 4 5 4 8 - (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI 4 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 8 (XI (XI 11 39 40 41 10 10 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 527 39 384 70 285 226 39 358 70 285 55 26 246 & 692 19 374 87 236 264 19 360 87 236 8 140 14 288 & 311 49 393 353 262 249 27 350 93 186 313 28 & 429 (S) & 257 436 44 372 (SI 172 583 41 449 (S) 213 492 47 512 (SI & 176 & 1 227 48 599 76 130 & 1 587 45 545 60 T 125 303 40 482 65 (S) & 1 301 43 658 37 104 43 44 45 46 47 & 368 163 204 163 & 104 S 60 285 181 265 181 20 - 314 246 217 274 23 326 392 449 320 508 453 353 501 351 384 302 718 333 610 342 48 49 205 199 6 - 196 194 2 272 215 i 303 388 306 414 345 684 465 393 50 196 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-^, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shovirn in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by Slate of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •♦97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived m places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, oulside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Numbei of housin in structuies w g units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 CONNECTICUT— CON. HARTFORD SMSA HARTFORD COUNTY ** AVON TOWN -l-a.iaaaaaaa.a.a* 109 187 61 17 & 1 302 & 393 420 173 25 1 116 323 346 222 168 188 62 370 434 145 72 27 14 34 112 63 & 182 378 437 103 & 299 & 258 356 174 131 105 427 & 640 106 198 184 605 61 U9 284 247 237 33 221 127 66 22 13 52 74 989 254 174 77 103 131 61 17 273 301 68 123 25 13 120 318 80 154 188 62 178 166 145 64 27 14 28 112 63 30 100 199 103 66 176 312 102 111 105 129 48 98 182 184 171 61 115 4 61 125 33 32 95 66 22 13 50 66 421 254 174 77 46 4 2 50 15 42 4 2 5 8 6 8 6 139 2 44 20 38 110 8 98 4 184 186 96 2 2 88 6 56 5 983 8 88 350 1 087 161 24 142 12 186 268 - 6 144 278 232 & 94 & 80 72 260 8. 482 16 336 96 16 187 32 8 480 86 308 46 23 830 & 439 82 386 18 810 199 305 121 196 197 43 262 373 80 104 27 5 16 37 82 & 84 (S) & 276 65 672 124 224 lie 145 103 270 360 89 213 184 297 60 96 24 173 497 42 & 400 173 66 39 9 49 95 580 258 120 71 86 76 46 23 269 376 82 189 18 10 110 265 65 142 197 43 210 176 80 74 27 5 16 37 82 36 (S) 199 65 88 124 224 118 119 78 131 73 89 213 184 149 60 96 24 141 427 42 30 119 66 39 9 49 95 400 258 120 71 8 73 8 6 36 32 24 10 10 8 130 10 25 14 68 20 10 40 2 56 224 488 & 55 191 764 57 40 56 30 42 187 30 & 40 & 77 454 16 125 219 128 22 30 & 368 54 124 87 145 46 17 603 487 95 161 17 & 707 137 220 60 157 188 56 549 175 143 T 105 29 8 17 35 16 T 200 14 299 108 226 119 130 112 147 75 474 & 1 224 122 261 T 153 T 330 51 79 91 249 26 & 490 & 172 48 42 11 (X) 85 530 214 109 75 87 107 46 17 272 484 59 161 17 26 91 191 41 157 188 56 205 163 82 76 27 6 17 35 14 200 14 189 108 90 115 130 112 139 75 188 89 115 261 153 174 51 79 91 249 26 & 276 122 48 42 11 (X) 65 384 214 105 75 2 156 3 10 95 32 4 3 14 12 2 2 2 4 120 4 32 189 7 20 & 196 & 50 CX) 71 4 36 175 26 & 585 14 25 16 430 61 30 106 16 8 254 & 946 135 18 (X) 75 BLOOMFIELD TOWN -ft ••••••••«•« 03 CANTON TOWN -f* ••••••••«•.•• 07 FARMINGTON TOWN -f* •••••■••••• 08 GLASTONBURY TOWN f*********** 10 HARTFORD -I- MANCHESTER TOWN + 12 13 14 15 16 SII^SBURY TOWN ■<-••••••••••#•• SUFFIELD TOWN + 17 18 19 20 21 WETHERSFIELD TOWN -1- WINDSOR TOWN + WINDSOR LOCKS TOWN + MIDDLESEX COUNTY CROMWELL TOWN •«-••••••••••••• TOLLAND COUNTY 23 24 25 26 BOLTON TOWN COVENTRY TOWN ELLINGTON TOWN -f*********!** ROCKVILLE* •••.••■•••••••• 27 VERNON TOWN +•••••■•••••••■ 28 MERIDEN SMSA NEW HAVEN COUNTY ** MERIDEN -f ••••••• NEW BRITAIN SMSA HARTFORD COUNTY ** 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 PLAINVILLE TOWN + SOUTHINGTON TOWN + NEW HAVEN SMSA NEW HAVEN COUNTY *♦ BRANFORD TOWN + EAST HAVEN TOWN + GUILFORD TOWN + HAMDEN TOWN + NEW HAVEN -fa************** 38 NORTH BRANFORD TOWN* •••••••••• 39 40 41 42 NORTH HAVEN TOWN + ORANGE TOWN -1- WEST HAVEN TOWN * WOODBRIDGE TOWN + 43 44 NEW LONDON-GROTON-NORWICH SMSA NEW LONDON COUNTY EAST LYME TOWN -f GROTON BOROUGH + » 46 47 LEDYARD TOWN LISBON TOWN 49 NORWICH -f* ••••••■•••••••• 50 OLD LYME TOWN +•••••••••••■• 52 SPRAGUE TOWN 53 STONINGTON BOROUGH NORWALK SMSA FAIRFIELD COUNTY ** 57 58 59 WESTPORT TOWN -l- WILTON TOWN -1- SPR I NGF I ELD-CH I COPEE-HOLYOKE . MASS.-CONNi SMSA (SEE MASSACHUSETTS) STAMFORD SMSA FAIRFIELD COUNTY ** DARIEN TOWN + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 197 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-II, B-12, and B-13. t See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. •'&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period mote than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- fion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Toial Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total M number in structures witt - number of in structures wilh- number number number number of number of number number of number of number ol number of i of of ol of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 91 91 94 94 89 70 48 64 62 59 41 33 T 32 62 01 117 HI 6 - 156 140 16 - 134 195 336 247 299 254 164 198 112 180 02 55 51 4 - 50 48 2 - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) 03 31 31 - - 47 47 - - T 52 63 65 T 31 IS) IS) IS) 12 19 13 04 & 516 271 26 & 219 240 218 8 14 405 385 230 8 531 IS) 320 4t)3 1 269 S 449 8 549 05 T 327 323 4 _ 700 698 2 _ (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) tX) IX) 06 72 68 4 . 101 99 2 - 164 129 116 133 IS) IS) 126 173 T 73 106 07 224 116 4 104 112 112 - - 149 120 132 247 169 200 226 201 132 116 08 27 27 - - 30 30 - - T 37 145 111 62 IS) IS) 51 56 54 36 09 353 15 24 314 336 34 40 262 401 308 213 226 177 538 365 464 8 842 8 882 10 & 306 185 21 & 100 152 134 18 _ 303 255 & 339 245 281 177 179 163 236 985 11 197 157 4 36 172 171 - 1 138 173 139 320 193 492 329 220 309 267 12 51 51 - . 62 62 _ _ 29 64 60 90 63 49 38 41 53 T 215 13 152 152 - - 178 178 - - 148 102 139 223 203 159 156 122 91 T 66 14 198 198 - - 178 178 - - 254 373 260 398 94 72 40 54 47 48 IS nn 44 _ . 42 42 _ . 57 64 74 73 64 75 78 49 T 45 56 16 430 224 8 198 392 346 12 34 484 440 472 601 732 763 636 788 671 861 17 362 162 16 184 180 180 . - 156 176 211 251 434 210 170 252 269 420 18 105 105 - . 244 129 . 115 135 115 8 143 124 241 342 192 126 218 310 19 189 189 - - 117 117 - - T 150 111 IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) 112 20 24 24 - - 51 51 - - 51 36 70 57 IS) IS) 81 83 57 62 21 5 5 5 5 13 22 15 26 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 22 17 15 2 . 19 17 2 - 25 29 31 32 71 46 33 60 IS) IS) 23 27 27 - . 35 35 _ - 22 35 T 35 IS) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 24 31 31 - - 64 60 4 _ 49 103 81 91 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 25 13 10 3 - 17 15 2 - 9 24 181 81 76 69 43 54 106 34 26 213 213 ' 202 202 ■ (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 27 194 163 - 31 S 324 184 - 4 140 291 263 251 350 322 271 8 416 279 260 8 513 28 102 102 110 110 127 87 122 124 T 145 IS) IS) 103 IS) 8 29 & 226 120 56 8 50 & 233 145 8 88 - 317 8 254 8 544 452 465 416 411 8 836 8 518 8 645 30 67 85 2 _ 85 85 _ _ 68 76 & 104 69 93 120 169 T 183 T 60 80 31 84 84 116 116 153 133 T 262 299 380 249 T 197 146 IS) & IS) 32 95 95 135 135 113 177 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 115 115 _ . 247 127 . 120 230 121 lo9 175 231 344 455 271 250 191 34 82 82 . _ 87 87 « . 82 64 88 105 117 T 106 116 64 T 38 IS) 35 237 218 14 5 300 232 6 60 315 331 419 415 409 300 389 280 573 494 36 & 852 106 40 8 706 260 109 40 111 T 537 & 403 121 215 211 237 8 528 164 8 469 8 1 093 37 68 88 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 38 264 264 - . 261 2ol - - 276 194 157 163 204 185 128 154 161 296 39 141 141 . _ 126 126 _ _ 218 8 240 189 192 153 195 119 114 108 82 40 180 172 8 _ 284 154 26 104 327 301 278 374 334 264 187 269 572 376 41 60 60 " " 54 54 ' 70 56 76 101 97 72 65 67 70 T 51 42 140 138 2 194 192 2 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 43 29 24 - 5 13 13 - - fc7 b9 1 SI 1 SI 1 SI 1 SI 1 SI T 50 30 39 44 325 325 - . 320 296 24 - 1 A) ( XI 1 XI 1 XI 1 XI ( X) 1 X 1 1 X) 1 X) 1 X) 45 127 115 12 _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] 46 23 23 - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 47 S 601 & 539 S 20 42 & 542 & 542 . _ 66 37 51 52 60 65 a 450 142 64 8 219 48 76 78 _ . 122 122 . - 211 125 8 124 140 IS) IS) IS) T 34 30 8 151 49 35 35 _ . 38 38 . - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 50 (X) IX) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 51 7 7 - - 6 6 - - 2 6 5 9 8 6 9 18 IS) T 1 52 _ _ . _ . _ _ (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 53 (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 54 102 102 ■ ~ 77 77 ■ 119 126 166 231 244 190 200 199 145 178 55 & 534 406 68 & 60 527 453 68 6 611 615 4 47 477 588 682 666 8 737 484 8 780 56 143 143 . 201 201 • . 188 137 8 146 325 392 353 263 263 228 & 365 57 78 78 122 122 150 122 109 140 113 109 57 77 IS) IS) 58 62 62 75 75 133 97 101 147 245 225 206 187 227 8 305 59 198 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease In presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there Is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-] for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-Issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population In 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1954. -i-Thls Permit-issuing places by Stale, SlilSA, outside SI\lSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wl units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 COI^JNECTICUT — CON. STAMFORD SMSA — CON. FAIRFIELD COUNTY **— CON. GREENWICH TOWN ■(■.•.•..•*..•. 439 229 & 937 37 131 10 277 35 96 77 351 174 44 239 106 514 188 155 35 271 49 367 36 18 26 15 9 35 32 109 56 26 109 17 47 3 437 44 47 38 45 33 34 21 149 117 39 24 66 33 158 34 166 33 279 22 32 15 33 18 18 T 36 67 T 137 264 152 565 33 113 10 104 35 88 73 220 120 44 201 87 514 188 155 35 226 49 300 36 18 26 15 9 28 32 98 56 26 93 17 37 3 165 24 47 38 45 27 34 21 135 117 39 24 48 29 158 34 144 33 131 22 32 15 33 18 18 26 47 69 35 63 71 4 18 4 2 4 33 12 14 14 14 7 6 47 15 6 2 18 4 6 6 10 12 68 139 14 & 301 169 6 98 42 24 5 45 53 5 16 10 225 5 12 16 142 8 234 111 640 72 96 18 183 32 & 109 58 261 82 43 147 30 288 74 145 37 266 60 334 31 38 14 1 10 14 T 19 24 111 30 20 85 18 23 (S) 227 24 26 24 28 115 33 44 324 113 49 25 90 & 60 135 29 T 74 43 176 9 20 14 19 9 18 29 15 124 204 105 528 46 94 18 123 32 55 58 230 76 43 142 26 288 74 145 37 266 60 257 31 34 14 1 10 14 19 24 74 30 20 85 18 23 (SI 123 24 26 20 28 37 33 44 116 113 47 25 80 24 124 29 70 43 115 5 20 14 19 9 18 25 15 54 6 6 68 6 2 4 31 6 4 2 4 3 26 4 19 4 2 10 4 30 4 4 30 24 44 20 60 i 50 5 75 34 78 59 204 & 36 11 31 40 242 103 543 15 87 6 124 (S) 63 45 374 97 47 197 42 231 90 130 30 251 93 5 332 24 32 (S) 6 7 25 17 137 30 25 132 16 22 10 128 37 22 42 38 50 38 31 164 T 71 45 25 6 472 14 101 37 64 19 134 8 68 5 2 10 20 30 26 93 216 87 357 15 80 6 110 (S> 63 41 284 97 47 197 40 231 90 130 30 249 93 219 24 30 (S) 6 7 25 17 129 30 25 130 16 22 10 93 27 22 42 38 24 38 31 164 69 43 25 140 14 97 37 56 19 126 8 68 5 2 10 20 30 26 47 26 16 58 2 4 34 2 2 33 2 8 2 4 2 2 2 4 8 8 46 128 7 12 56 & 80 31 10 26 & 330 03 04 05 STAMFORD +•.... ••.•••.... WATERBURY SMSA LITCHFIELD COUNTY THOMASTON TOWN WATERTOWN TOWN + NEW HAVEN COUNTY ** 08 MIDDLEBURY TOWN. ............ 09 NAUGATUCK TOWN -f.. .......... 10 PROSPECT TOWN 11 12 WOLCOTT TOWN •♦■ PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S FAIRFIELD COUNTY ** 15 16 17 18 DANBURY -t-*............... DANBURY TOWN + NEW FAIRFIELD TOWN + NEWTOWN TOWN -f.. ........... 19 REDDING TOWN 21 HARTFORD COUNTY *+ 23 BURLINGTON TOWN. ............ 24 EAST WINDSOR TOWN. ........... 25 MARLBOROUGH TOWN LITCHFIELD COUNTY 27 28 29 30 31 BETHLEHEM TOWN BRIDGEWATER TOWN HARWINTON TOWN NEW HARTFORD TOWN NEW MILFORD TOWN 32 33 34 PLYMOUTH TOWN SALISBURY TOWN TORRINGTON -t- 35 WASHINGTON TOWN. ............ 37 MIDDLESEX COUNTY 39 DEEP RIVER TOWN. ............ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 EAST HAODAM TOWN -f........... EAST HAMPTON TOWN + ESSEX TOWN FENWICK BOROUGH KILLINGWORTH TOWN MIDDLEFIELD TOWN MIDDLETOWN TOWN + 48 49 50 51 OLD SAYBROOK TOWN + PORTLAND TOWN * WESTBROOK TOWN NEW HAVEN COUNTY *♦ ANSONIA TOWN -t- 52 DERBY ■*■ 53 54 55 56 MADISON TOWN + OXFORD TOWN SEYMOUR TOWN + SOUTHBURY TOWN 57 WALLINGFORD TOWN + NEW LONDON COUNTY 59 60 61 62 COLCHESTER TOWN FRANKLIN TOWN JEWETT CITY BOROUGH 63 64 65 LYME TOWN SALEM TOWN TOLLAND COUNTY COLUMBIA TOWN. ..........••• 67 MANSFIELD TOWN * RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 199 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ot 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicti constitute ttie source tor the statistics shown monthly m tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ,« See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period mote than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is tor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing jnits Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Tola! Total E nurnber in sti jctuies with - number m structures with - number of number of number of number of number of number of number number of number of number of ^ of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing tiousing housing housing Jj units units or more units units or morf units units units units units units units units units units & 323 225 & 60 38 274 263 11 369 253 306 416 717 537 325 & 543 410 & 556 01 98 90 8 - 137 137 . - 153 135 178 220 246 175 162 97 118 108 02 767 355 44 388 899 306 65 528 & 1 272 783 851 683 & 969 1 168 & 800 384 970 & 1 409 03 38 30 8 23 23 19 26 36 135 (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 04 75 50 6 19 87 85 2 - 117 69 97 187 (SI (SI 126 141 114 102 05 12 12 19 19 14 7 19 38 23 32 16 30 26 (SI 06 123 105 2 16 80 60 _ - 125 146 152 205 331 298 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 07 (SI (S) _ - 23 23 - - (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI 60 38 (SI (SI 08 58 58 - - 63 63 - - 66 78 & 163 127 152 77 & 157 & 154 33 T& 149 09 62 62 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 231 215 16 _ 250 231 19 _ 317 245 285 609 648 539 431 & 830 549 & 743 11 75 75 ■ 111 107 4 126 94 226 265 155 131 105 40 106 81 12 51 51 47 47 54 109 51 88 83 68 68 57 T 38 184 13 110 110 - _ 78 72 6 - 112 111 53 124 (SI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI 14 & 183 82 32 S 74 31 31 - - 254 & 182 25 & 52 28 27 39 & 140 34 & 154 15 258 258 . . 314 254 55 5 247 534 215 244 240 210 (X) (X 1 (XI (XI 16 94 94 - - 131 131 - - 156 112 109 123 126 141 151 130 138 120 17 126 126 . _ 78 78 . . 10 8 10 26 31 25 21 13 T 9 10 18 H3 43 . . (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 233 229 4 . 148 148 . . 129 162 154 176 203 143 91 53 38 51 20 67 67 - - 66 66 - - 55 30 55 80 94 92 57 44 T 57 (SI 21 219 201 4 14 262 258 4 370 402 311 442 344 313 286 221 221 & 347 22 19 19 - - T 18 18 . - T 25 54 57 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 28 28 . . 24 24 _ - T 31 30 49 43 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 22 19 3 - 8 8 - - T 11 14 15 34 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 2 2 1 1 (XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 26 9 9 - - 12 10 2 . (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 27 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 23 23 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 13 13 - - 13 13 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 85 79 6 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 14 14 _ - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 25 25 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 33 76 76 . 96 96 _ _ 8 151 88 189 233 200 144 187 112 102 143 34 13 13 _ _ 17 17 _ _ 26 22 38 21 12 20 11 7 T 6 (SI 35 IS 15 - - 24 24 - - 19 22 & 121 39 (SI (SI 30 25 (SI (SI 36 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 37 73 73 80 76 4 . 74 59 68 75 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 8 8 _ . 20 20 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 33 33 _ _ 27 27 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 33 33 - - 50 50 - - 59 50 45 64 (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI 21 41 21 21 _ _ T 36 36 _ _ T 51 46 38 45 44 33 77 T 35 (SI (SI 42 39 29 . 10 58 28 _ 30 27 23 22 22 29 26 20 21 16 22 43 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 15 15 « _ 23 21 2 _ 17 20 21 20 15 9 11 10 5 12 45 29 29 - - 18 18 - (X 1 (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 46 193 193 _ 191 163 28 148 & 73 S 209 263 148 109 & 199 226 188 & 230 47 120 120 _ _ 190 190 . _ (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 46 46 _ _ 52 50 2 « T 70 68 & 82 62 97 T 49 T 46 49 (51 79 49 56 56 - - 38 38 - 33 37 70 55 46 55 61 77 34 60 50 128 128 121 121 159 145 & 145 162 118 67 65 77 75 & 196 51 35 35 _ _ 69 69 _ . 95 81 S 165 191 56 53 S 81 29 (SI & (S) 52 91 91 _ _ 68 68 . _ 71 34 51 58 64 51 49 45 T 48 47 53 22 22 _ _ ( SI (SI _ _ (SI 27 47 (S) (SI 35 30 29 (SI (SI 54 54 52 2 - 76 76 - - 78 58 & 141 218 109 61 83 73 54 & 103 55 20 20 14 14 . _ 25 18 13 37 (SI (S) 27 21 (SI (SI 56 94 92 2 - 156 154 2 - 255 198 260 107 47 42 51 & 137 41 & 184 57 15 15 17 17 . (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI 58 30 30 _ _ 86 70 16 _ 34 58 182 22 5 4 T 4 6 T 2 5 59 10 10 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 60 _ _ 1 SI _ _ _ 1 2 4 T 5 (SI (SI (SI 9 (SI 61 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI 62 12 12 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 63 15 15 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 37 37 19 17 2 17 44 39 35 26 24 65 18 24 29 65 57 57 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 85 18 43 24 74 17 57 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 67 200 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964- The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ♦*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population In 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more CONNECTICUT — CONi PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. TOLLAND COUNTY— CON. TOLLAND TOWN + UNION TOWN WINDHAI1 COUNTY BROOKLYN TO*N PLAINFIELD TOWN PUTNAM TOWN STERi-ING TOWN WILLIMANTIC Wlt^DHAM TOWN WILMINGTON, DLL. -N.J. -MD. SMSA NEW CASTLE COUNTY ** BELLEFONTE TOWN DELAWARE CITY TOWN ELSMERE TOWN MIDDLETOWN TOWN NEWARK -I- NEW CASTLE + NEW CASTLE COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. NEWPORT TOWN ODESSA TOWN WILMINGTON + (MARYLAND) CECIL COUNTY CECIL COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + » CHARLESTOWN TOWN NORTH EAST TOWN RISING SUN TOWN (NEW JERSEY) SALEM COUNTY * ALLOWAY TOWNSHIP ELMER BOROUGH ELSINBORO TOWNSHIP LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK TOWNSHIP. . LOWER PENNS NECK TOWNSHIP +. . . MANNINGTON TOWNSHIP OLDMANS TOWNSHIP PENNS GROVE BOROUGH PILESGROVE TOWNSHIP PITTSGROVE TOWNSHIP QUINTON TOWNSHIP SALEM UPPER PENNS NECK TOWNSHIP. . . . UPPER PITTSGROVE TOWNSHIP. . . . WOODSTOWN BOROUGH PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S KENT COUNTY CAMDEN TOWN CLAYTON TOWN DOVER FREDERICA TOWN HARRINGTON KENT COUNTY MAGNOLIA TOWN SMYRNA TOWN WYOMING TOWN SUSSEX COUNTY BETHANY BEACH TOWN BRIDGEVlLLE TOWN DELMAR TOWN GEORGETOWN TOWN GREENWOOD TOWN LAUREL TOWN LEWES TOWN MILFORD MILLSBORO TOWN MILTON TOWN. • REHOBOTH BEACH SEAFORD SELBYVILLE TOWN SLAUGHTER BEACH TOWN SUSSEX COUNTY It9 5 39 SH 13 11 106 51 304 1 3 14 5 2 212 11 2 16 25 16 11 1 26 10 16 (S) 5 319 1 5 687 61 6 24 2 (S) 10 48 1 1 474 2 2 4 4 94 4 26 26 433 187 3 3 2 602 1 819 7 1 & 441 38 253 1 3 3 IS) 5 307 1 5 627 45 6 24 2 (S) 138 138 2 2 43 43 72 72 10 10 6 6 52 52 52 52 - 1 1 - 1 1 90 123 3 - 33 33 244 258 178 _ T 22 22 685 2 137 1 817 6 88 - 302 2 3 4 298 2 3 4 4 4 11 11 (S) (S) 206 130 11 11 5 5 9 9 14 14 34 34 18 18 2 2 17 17 9 9 11 11 2 1 285 2 1 285 - - 2 2 604 596 30 3 28 3 11 7 11 7 6 6 6 2 22 22 (S) (S) 2 2 14 14 23 23 2 2 1 1 421 411 120 70 304 84 47 47 35 35 25 5 3 3 22 22 13 13 1 (S) 3 22 111 T 4 1 670 1 229 3 5 1 T 4 4 3 3 8 8 5 5 T 71 71 17 17 10 10 5 5 14 14 22 22 14 14 7 5 31 31 14 14 12 12 1 (S) 3 22 HI 1 567 1 229 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 79 49 1 1 10 10 (S) (S) (S) (S) 19 19 ■ ~ 4 4 3 3 (S) (S) 4 4 2 2 3 3 12 12 2 2 6 2 11 3 24 24 3 3 2 2 529 479 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 201 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. e See Appendix C-2 tor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more Ihan 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Nunibei of housing units Total Number ol housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total numbei in structures with _ number in structures witt _ number number number number number number number number number number c o( of of of of of ol of ol of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing -Ij units units or more units units or more units units unils unils units units units units unils unils 248 248 IS) IS) IX ) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 01 5 5 - - IX) IX) IX) I X) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 02 32 28 4 37 33 4 . IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) 03 28 28 - - 24 24 - - 34 22 T 23 60 IS) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) (X) 04 9 9 _ . (X) IX) (X) 1 X) IX ) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) 05 1 1 . _ 4 4 _ _ IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 06 13 13 . . 10 10 - - 10 10 19 32 50 32 & 119 39 S 147 & 175 07 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) (X) 1 X ) IX) (X) IX) 08 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 7 7 14 8 12 IS) 09 6 6 . . _ . IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX ) IX) 1 X ) 1 X) IX) 10 (S) (S) . . 2 2 . _ IS) T 6 4 IS) IS) IS) 45 38 27 T 98 11 22 22 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 6 3 1 5 28 5 19 7 17 8 12 185 105 - 80 97 97 - - 287 & 162 84 55 IS) IS) 229 47 901 36 13 16 16 _ _ 58 58 _ _ 152 IS) IS) IS) T 1 IS) IX) IX) IX ) IX) 14 1 ?'*'( 1 944 - - 2 060 2 060 - - T 726 1 918 2 019 2 846 3 213 3 192 (X) IX) IX) (X) 15 (S) (S) - . 1 1 _ - IS) IS) IS) IS) 10 6 IS) - 4 7 16 _ _ _ 2 2 « . IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 17 257 6 18 233 328 16 12 300 373 S 689 50 48 88 49 151 & 581 260 276 18 203 200 3 224 221 3 195 476 268 338 423 318 248 361 282 T 153 19 1 1 - . IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 20 , _ . - 1 1 _ - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 21 (X) (X) (X ) ( X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX ) (X) IX) 22 7 7 1 SI I SI T 8 T - T U T 13 T 15 19 IX) IX) (X) IX) 23 2 2 - . IS) IS) . _ IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 24 7 7 _ _ 6 6 _ - IX) IX) IX) 1 X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 25 11 11 - . 1 1 . _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 26 61 79 2 - 91 83 8 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 27 11 11 _ _ 8 8 _ _ 5 6 5 IS) IS) T 18 IX) IX) IX) IX) 28 3 3 _ _ 10 10 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) 29 9 9 . _ 4 4 - - 26 18 IS) (S) T 9 16 21 17 IS) IS) 30 (SI (S) _ - 3 3 _ - IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 31 19 19 - - 27 27 - - 13 9 24 38 27 45 IX) IX) (X) IX) 32 13 13 _ _ 14 14 _ _ IX ) IX) IX) IX) (X) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 4 4 _ _ 17 17 _ _ T 16 T 18 T 7 9 IS) T 20 IX) IX) IX) (X) 34 23 23 _ . 44 44 _ _ 7 5 T 33 T 29 48 38 IX) IX) IX) (X) 35 19 19 - . IX ) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 10 10 ~ " 3 3 ~ ■ IS) IS) 6 T 9 23 12 12 14 18 IS) 37 3 2 1 3 IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) 38 5 5 _ 1 1 _ . IX ) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 39 (S) (S) - . SO SO . - IS) 56 23 25 25 51 19 22 25 IS) 40 _ _ _ _ _ IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 41 5 5 - - 2 2 - - 3 4 2 10 13 2 6 5 15 9 42 (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX ) IX) (X) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 43 _ _ ■ _ _ 1 1 _ _ IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 44 14 14 _ _ 16 16 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 45 3 3 - - IS) IS) - - IS) IS) IS) 4 9 12 15 T 12 IS) IS) 46 8 2 6 4 4 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 47 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ - 1 4 5 T 1 IS) T - T 4 IS) 49 7 7 _ _ 7 7 . - 7 6 6 5 11 9 10 6 9 IS) 50 3 3 - - IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX ) (X) (X) (X) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 51 1 1 . . 4 4 . _ 1 2 3 5 12 3 IX) IX) IX) IX) 52 6 6 _ . 10 10 _ . 10 11 6 13 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 53 11 11 - _ 11 11 _ . 13 23 12 21 30 22 26 49 38 54 54 _ _ _ _ . IX ) IX) IX) I X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 55 (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) 1 X) (X) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 56 8 4 4 . 6 6 _ 13 13 7 15 19 25 28 33 42 32 57 18 18 . . 46 46 _ _ 26 14 17 46 25 30 12 68 36 22 58 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ _ IX ) 1 X ) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IXI IX) IX) 59 1 1 _ _ 20 20 _ _ IX) IX ) (X) IX ) IX) (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) 60 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X ) IX) IX) IX) (X ) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) 61 202 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown m table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99 9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This 02 03 04 OS 07 08 09 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2t 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Permit-Issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTONi D.C.-MD.-VA. SMSA WASHINGTONi D.C + (MARYLAND) MONTGOMERY COUNTY * GAITHERSBURG TOI«N + MOI^TGOMERY COUNTY REMAINING AREA + ROCKVILLE + WASHINGTON GROVE TOWN PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY * + (VIRGINIA) ALEXANDRIA + ARLINGTON COUNTY ♦ + FAIRFAX + FAIRFAX COUNTY * FAIRFAX COUNTY REMAINING AREA + . VIENNA TOWN + FALLS CHURCH + FLORIDA FORT LAUDERDALE-HOLLYWOOD SMSA BROWARD COUNTY »* BROWARD COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + COOPER CITY DANIA + DAVIE TOWN + U DEERFIELD BEACH TOWN + FERN CREST VILLAGE TOWN FORT LAUDERDALE + HACIENDA VILLAGE HALLANDALE + HILLSBORO BEACH TOWN HOLLYWOOD + HOLLYWOOD RIDGE FARMS TOWN . . . . LAUDERDALE LAKES + « LAUDERDALE-BY-THE-SEA TOWN . . . , LIGHTHOUSE POINT + MARGATE TOWN + MIRAMAR + OAKLAND PARK + PEMBROKE PARK TOWN PEMBROKE PINES PLANTATION POMPANO BEACH + SEA RANCH LAKES VILLAGE WILTON MANOR VILLAGE + JACKSONVILLE SMSA DUVAL COUNTY ♦ ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN + BALDWIN TOWN DUVAL COUNTY UNINC. AREA ■^ . . . . JACKSONVILLE + JACKSONVILLE BEACH + NEPTUNE BEACH TOWN + MIAMI SMSA DADE COUNTY * SAL HARBOUR VILLAGE BAY HARBOR ISLANDS TOWN BISCAYNE PARK VILLAGE CORAL GABLES + DADE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + EL PORTAL VILLAGE FLORIDA CITY + GOLDEN BEACH TOWN HIALEAH + HIALEAH GARDENS TOWN HOMESTEAD + INDIAN CREEK VILLAGE ISuANDIA MEDLEY TOWN MIAMI + MIAMI BEACH + MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE MIAMI SPRINGS TOWN + 1964 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 317 6 371 454 2 12 899 1 941 2 598 653 8 499 344 102 63 80 46 610 438 90 1 522 363 336 438 53 396 301 361 282 805 17 209 22 9 3 625 620 51 30 764 79 3 579 5 071 2 22 2 1 010 1 671 9 214 104 718 252 2 130 195 49 4 311 206 1 123 61 39 30 150 500 330 5 120 45 360 138 361 257 132 17 32 22 9 2 206 250 47 28 2 1 3 91 2 805 2 6 2 375 2-4 units 413 2 20 353 16 141 5 units 01 more 213 2 645 172 1 805 & 2 401 604 4 188 134 566 37 400 319 88 29 308 278 20 104 21 591 1 341 325 468 1 913 1 549 1 659 178 1963 Total numbei of housing units 315 6 161 720 5 19 740 2 546 1 179 656 6 742 353 1 611 29 59 15 460 568 2 349 55 308 94 515 705 249 626 9 164 23 11 3 039 436 67 49 3 108 3 295 & 4 131 2 33 1 932 1 187 797 107 143 Number of housing units in structuies with— 1 unit 19 2 843 360 5 4 770 124 196 84 4 214 122 1 172 5 39 15 224 308 6 156 87 483 251 408 212 171 9 33 19 9 2 516 331 60 49 3 4 3 94 3 036 2 11 1 376 1 10 2-4 units 418 24 20 257 66 144 37 22 & 326 22 277 5 units or more 296 3 318 360 2 404 983 572 2 528 231 1 727 458 957 36 99 7 406 37 311 444 24 179 769 786 96 84 1962 Total number of housing units T 280 5 546 635 3 181 3 221 645 6 951 132 68 3 287 730 110 955 2 81 204 424 123 566 444 210 241 602 18 T 106 47 28 4 464 522 (S) 86 5 12 T 2 334 921 2 126 2 873 21 1 1 696 110 16 166 Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 6 090 126 13b 287 165 3 909 42 45 3 213 536 73 622 2 81 7 135 123 552 191 210 219 217 18 54 2 125 337 2 12 2 598 7 1 1 223 20 16 52 2-4 5 units units or more 739 23 16 144 80 45 2 26 - 756 89 293 79 (S) - 80 6 16 230 34 119 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 203 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie source for ftie statistics stiown monttily in tables B-11, B-12, and 8-13. f See Appendix C-2 tor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public tiousing units tor wliich contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reportmg is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more lotal number of housing units Number of tiousing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 227 405 915 1 487 1 311 229 5 095 131 2 581 24 75 5 256 167 17 (X) 36 204 233 601 178 218 807 18 252 & (S> 5 126 436 6 17/ 48 216 5 295 16 2 853 1 17 (X) 1 1 817 907 28 103 20 091 310 175 349 199 3 421 134 2 420 24 30 5 215 (X) 14 146 233 601 140 305 218 456 18 68 238 & (S) 4 879 204 97 42 3 3 6 1 11 4 649 5 2 692 1 161 45 16 112 79 (X) 17 16 42 140 i 73 14 422 56 13 (X) 253 207 1 306 605 1 298 928 30 16 120 (X) 5 42 205 92 20 20 55 91 224 5 105 (X) 1 351 887 8 48 71 4 773 598 (X) 5 807 513 1 667 261 3 561 283 4 422 (X) 258 865 T 1 (X) 25 225 332 724 255 (X) (X) (X) 832 (X) 112 360 IX) 248 519 128 74 355 2 3 396 6 306 2 T 51 6 827 3 13 (X) (S) 2 012 & 319 71 2 886 299 (X) 3 055 3 363 283 191 (X) 37 293 102 512 1 (X) 6 152 332 724 201 (X) (X) (X) 454 (X) 70 244 (X) 019 212 124 64 3 149 5 827 2 31 6 670 3 (X) IS) 305 20 26 62 (X) 32 231 (X) 65 123 84 28 (X) 11 2 (X) (X) (X) 153 116 (X) 56 152 4 10 39 402 20 129 1 883 299 (X) 322 1 267 80 (X) 156 438 380 325 (X) 8 71 (X) (X) (X) 225 (X) (X) 173 155 (X) 1 321 724 16 (X) 485 (X) (X) 1 114 4 054 (X) 5 394 IX) 5 925 IX) 96 IX) 550 T - 1 836 T - 332 IX) 774 IX) IX) IX) 284 421 U) 354 IX) IX) IX) 1 031 IX) IX) 66 IX) 764 671 IS) 71 3 37 11 346 9 593 8 T 112 T - 811 T 1 74 IS) U) tX) 2 249 682 37 96 IX ) 503 IX) IX) & 681 1 708 4 615 IX) 6 075 IX) IX) 370 285 (X) 531 IX) IX) IX) 151 421 IX) 421 IX) IX) IX) 458 IX) 68 IX) 258 598 IS) 21 3 256 6 422 9 933 T 58 T 1 910 T 1 140 IS) IX) IX) 3 236 1 935 38 142 IX) 626 IX) IX) 302 732 IX) 3 184 IX) 6 764 IX) 102 I X) 371 T - 2 728 T - 325 IX> 1 155 IX) IX) IX) IS) IS) IX) 274 IX) IX) IX) & 915 IX) IX) 43 IX) 780 590 144 37 29 322 9 469 7 437 3 128 19 1 869 T 3 221 IS) IX) IX) 3 793 1 252 53 IX) 760 tX) IX) 366 744 IX) 4 37 1 IX) 6 724 IX) 119 IX) 305 IX) 2 058 IX) 222 IX) 197 IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 166 IX) IX) IX) 684 IX) IX) 51 IX) 910 527 106 43 72 260 21 404 7 759 12 103 IS) 1 805 IS) 534 IS) IX) IX) 2 668 1 077 IX ) 348 IX) IX) 742 1 962 IX) 6 079 IX) 2 746 IX) 223 IX) 137 IX) 1 870 IX) 528 IX) 1 103 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 50 IX) IX) IX) 507 IX) IX) 59 IX) 246 702 214 41 13 146 22 658 8 005 51 83 IS) 1 505 IX) 116 IX) IX) 2 584 940 143 93 IX) 169 IX) IX) 941 2 630 IX) 5 382 IX) IX) 075 IX) IX) & 1 660 2 787 IX) 2 858 IX) 1 427 IX) 155 (X) 86 IX) 2 195 IX) 235 IX) 936 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 55 IX) IX) IX) 552 IX) IX) 44 IX) 082 010 IS) 71 30 73 19 671 7 793 77 40 10 1 209 IX) 76 4 IX) IX) 3 485 IX) IX) 147 IX) IX) IX) 2 912 IX) 237 IX) 1 094 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 44 IX) IX) IX) 481 IX) IX) 29 IX) 2 908 1 116 T 156 37 13 IX) 25 704 7 587 T 43 34 12 1 406 IX) 121 IX) IX> IX) 3 855 1 138 116 207 IX) 5 172 IX) IX) 3 829 712 285 IX) 3 731 IX) IX) IX) 170 IX) IX) IX) 2 752 IX) 243 IX) 1 390 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) o4 IX) IX) IX) 432 IX) IX) 20 IX) 2 900 929 130 12 62 573 5 788 T 14 T 41 10 1 583 IX) 199 IX) IX) IX) 3 025 977 145 262 IX) 4 879 IX) IX) 3 830 536 646 IX) 3 912 IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) 2 570 IX) 149 IX) 1 398 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 27 IX) IX) IX) 415 IX) IX) 735 254 215 60 IX) 60 827 4 057 46 T 22 26 768 IX) 74 IX) IX) IX) 2 911 2 077 240 454 IX) 817 IX) IX) 595 2 052 IX) 4 886 IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) 2 692 IX) 83 IX) 1 721 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IS IX) IX) IX) 250 IX) IX) IS) IX) 3 470 2 033 63 27 139 IX) 101 654 542 48 T S 19 572 IX) 107 IX) IX) IX) 664 634 322 509 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 37 38 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 204 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shovin in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 58 59 60 61 62 63 6a 65 FLORIDA — COIM. MIAMI SMSA — CON. DADE COUNTY * — COf^. NORTH BAY VILLAGE + NORTH MIAMI + NORTH MIAI^I BEACH + OPA-LOCKA ♦ PENNSUCO TOWN SOUTH MIAMI + SURFSIDE TOWN SWEETWATER TOWN VIRGINIA GARDENS VILLAGE WEST MIAMI TOWN ORLANDO SI^SA ORANGE COUNTY *♦ APOPKA EATONVILLE TOWN MAITLAND + OAKLAND TOWN OCOEE + ORANGE COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + tt ORLANDO + WINDERMERE TOWN WINTER GARDEN + WINTER PARK + SEMINOLE COUNTY * ALTAMONTE SPRINGS TOWN + CASSELBERRY TOWN * LONGWOOD TOWN + NORTH ORLANDO VILLAGE OVIEDO TOWN SANFORD + SEMINOLE COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . PENSACOLA SMSA ESCAMBIA COUNTY * ESCAMBIA COUNTY UNINC. AREA o. . . PENSACOLA + SANTA ROSA COUNTY GULF BREEZE MILTON TOWN TAMPA-ST PETERSBURG SMSA HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY * HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. PLANT CITY + TAMPA + TEMPi-E TERRACE + PINELLAS COUNTY * BELLEAIR TOWN BELLEAIR BEACH TOWN BELLEAIR SHORES TOWN CLEARWATER + DUNEDIN + GULFPORT + INDIAN ROCKS BEACH + INDIAN ROCKS BEACH SOUTH SHORE TOWN LARGO -I- MADEIRA BEACH + NORTH REDINGTON BEACH TOWN .... OLDSMAR + PINELlAS COUNTY REMAINING AREA + . PINELLAS PARK + REDINGTON BEACH TOWN REDINGTON SHORES TOWN SAFETY HARBOR + ST PETERSBURG + ST PETERSBURG BEACH + SOUTH PASADENA TOWN TARPON SPRINGS + TREASURE ISLAND + WEST PALM BEACH SMSA PALM BEACH COUNTY ** ATLANTIS BELLE GLADE + BOCA RATON + BOYNTON BEACH + DELRAY BEACH + GLEN RIDGE TOWN GREENACRES CITY TOWN GULF STREAM TOWN 137 7t9 265 17 230 5 10 22 227 1 12 1 713 630 11 T 21 431 68 56 3l» 1 9 49 400 1 016 452 64 (S) 2 307 93 & 1 990 63 23 11 983 279 66 24 309 26 7 5 1 436 114 3 10 42 1 348 76 11 25 52 23 154 1 227 302 231 6 22 94 1 12 1 576 314 11 21 76 68 33 30 1 9 43 381 956 299 64 (S) 2 211 91 1 113 63 23 11 424 160 24 16 233 15 7 5 1 243 114 3 6 20 1 117 57 23 84 532 94 82 136 691 58 251 51 153 506 51 22 212 13 647 171 127 408 447 187 19 134 16 136 6 21 16 173 2 16 1 890 344 13 28 444 T 48 37 35 1 10 & 24 453 010 363 41 & 40 2 253 73 1 746 46 25 25 572 182 144 31 246 25 5 7 1 977 174 5 14 39 1 387 110 29 195 879 183 279 2 18 10 3 - 61 14 64 19 17 2 28 12 3 - 114 22 2 4 15 16 79 2 16 689 256 13 23 142 48 37 31 1 10 & 22 437 889 333 2 237 71 1 063 36 25 25 461 176 29 17 201 20 5 7 1 821 174 5 12 39 1 143 47 111 56 29 - 102 66 579 26 118 21 132 27 2 _ 18 - 10 - 405 372 111 30 628 10 24 111 25 211 48 27 274 44 120 13 313 430 T 49 (S) 1 2 - 13 - (S) 94 70 - 5 - 41 90 1 840 32 490 - 8 5 17 294 T 282 . 20 - 69 - 89 - 15 - 10 _ 56 - 421 T 211 302 18 (S) 2 380 71 1 176 41 34 18 431 180 73 38 3 121 30 2 415 400 2 20 44 1 849 69 4 40 206 14 203 561 171 192 1 57 11 3 - 35 10 86 23 17 26 24 10 6 - (SI (S> 2 - 9 4 (S) - 66 4 5 - 41 - 746 44 375 71 8 - 17 - 143 ~ 18 2 45 24 83 6 15 - 10 - 50 6 413 8 209 302 18 IS) 2 316 69 1 025 41 34 18 337 180 38 28 1 109 26 289 398 2 392 42 14 - 136 48 478 18 148 15 126 6 1 _ 57 - 7 4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 205 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wfiich constitute ttie source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. (; See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures with- number ol in structures wilh- number number of number number number number number number number number = ol of ol of of ol ol of ol of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zl units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 165 5 160 39 1 38 258 173 70 T 35 (SI T 92 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 01 319 52 8 259 280 147 20 113 414 450 716 499 548 358 706 828 371 1 369 02 287 64 25 198 242 105 24 113 337 578 1 077 980 750 760 942 1 134 291 206 03 22 15 7 - 75 39 15 21 126 173 309 151 146 T 106 97 185 46 T 370 04 - - - - - - - - T - T - (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 05 81 39 - 42 47 47 - - 99 107 T 143 231 190 114 129 156 228 293 06 9 9 - - 32 8 - 24 7 32 26 45 56 47 (SI T 154 (SI 160 07 21 17 4 _ 9 9 _ _ T 5 (SI 40 18 6 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 - - - - (S) (SI - - (SI T 27 21 68 T 59 56 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 09 6 4 2 7 7 10 13 28 24 (S) T 91 30 T 44 T 31 169 10 104 104 52 43 4 5 44 85 38 26 44 31 28 22 24 13 11 16 14 2 . 11 7 4 - 3 14 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 12 «0 40 - - 73 73 - - 186 182 1?0 80 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) 13 5 5 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 14 105 105 - - 142 142 - - 215 52 (SI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 2 533 2 455 35 43 2 993 2 900 50 43 & 7 020 4 431 2 421 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 15 650 346 60 244 441 327 70 44 1 076 1 454 944 964 1 105 1 185 (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 10 10 - - 4 4 - - T 15 14 17 6 8 (S) ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 18 72 68 4 - 34 27 2 5 58 67 29 54 60 60 74 56 48 67 19 251 131 4 116 246 91 8 147 T 296 299 386 337 229 205 192 240 338 433 20 15 15 . . (SI (SI . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 47 47 - - 66 60 6 - 122 61 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 22 104 102 2 - 66 64 2 - T 92 T 59 50 27 32 17 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 23 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 24 6 6 - - 20 20 - - 13 8 47 9 4 4 T 8 10 9 T 3 11 25 128 128 _ _ 87 87 _ _ 133 & 87 66 143 143 173 87 190 S 264 & 285 26 693 691 2 1 127 1 099 15 13 1 904 1 489 (SI (SI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) 27 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 28 313 313 - - 263 263 - - 571 400 385 339 251 252 202 & 385 & 273 257 29 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 (S) (S) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 3 129 3 109 8 12 3 487 3 471 16 4 772 1 917 1 352 1 131 999 641 1 014 (SI (SI (SI 32 95 95 - _ 110 104 6 . T 160 112 & 337 115 101 T 55 122 85 73 106 33 8, 1 599 1 354 8, 48 197 & 1 886 1 619 88 & 159 2 397 3 041 2 757 2 590 3 048 3 414 1 929 & 1 189 & 1 102 & 1 548 34 78 78 ■ - 45 45 - - T 84 89 142 129 132 138 (XI (XI (XI (X) 35 30 30 . . 29 29 . 41 47 (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (Xl 36 26 26 - - 22 22 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 37 - . - . _ _ _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 1 089 315 47 727 525 363 102 60 700 755 900 891 720 709 658 844 734 834 39 205 174 5 26 223 202 9 12 364 349 359 271 249 181 160 138 151 145 40 36 34 2 _ T 77 53 24 _ 159 129 214 224 231 199 174 311 404 397 41 26 23 3 - 34 23 11 - 58 T 52 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 42 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 97 86 11 - US 104 14 - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 35 29 6 - 69 49 20 - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 13 13 _ _ 7 7 _ _ T 19 (SI 26 43 (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 46 12 10 2 - T 9 9 - - 127 42 (SI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 2 399 2 331 12 56 3 144 3 065 67 12 4 793 3 943 4 618 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 698 694 4 - 755 733 22 - T 622 753 611 317 101 T 78 (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 6 6 - - 8 8 - - 35 31 47 41 42 48 46 57 51 47 50 12 12 _ _ 27 21 _ 6 (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 51 95 95 - - 72 68 4 - 52 90 36 27 (S) 49 25 20 24 17 52 2 086 1 536 56 492 2 447 1 927 222 298 4 284 3 718 3 896 4 Oil 3 729 3 161 3 252 3 219 2 867 3 306 53 75 54 - 21 72 54 2 16 205 188 (SI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 198 - - 198 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 55 62 62 . _ 90 83 7 _ T 147 T 66 105 68 64 60 53 52 46 40 56 73 45 12 16 106 66 40 T 85 57 242 336 209 44 85 51 74 74 57 6 6 ( X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 109 52 17 40 117 83 8 26 294 131 171 100 110 99 73 63 23 74 59 558 451 2 105 520 516 4 - 509 498 376 254 359 186 52 78 100 23 60 180 172 2 6 320 227 6 87 692 606 395 519 339 224 168 T 114 112 86 51 326 267 16 43 247 108 78 61 403 233 260 291 328 255 294 226 304 231 52 . _ _ _ 2 2 . . 2 1 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (X) 63 61 61 - - 8 6 2 - 18 43 35 13 15 11 14 22 T 8 4 64 4 4 - - 6 4 2 - T 4 4 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 55 206 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +Thls Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more FLORIDA—CON. WEST PALI^ BEACH SMSA — CON, PALM BEACH COUNTY ♦* — CON. HAVERHILL TOWN HIGHLAND BEACH TOWN JUNO BEACH TOWN JUPITER TOWN * LAKE CLARKE SHORES TOWN LAKE PARK TOWN * LAKE WORTH + LANTANA TOWN + MANALAPAN TOWN MANGONIA PARK TOWN NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE + . . . OCEAN RIDGE TOWN PAHOKEE TOWN PALM BEACH TOWN + PALM BEACH COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. PALM BEACH GARDENS PALM BEACH SHORES TOWN PALM SPRINGS VILLAGE + RIVIERA BEACH TOWN + ROYAL PALM BEACH VILLAGE . . . . SOUTH BAY TOWN TEQUESTA VILLAGE + UNIVERSITY PARK WEST PALM BEACH + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ALACHUA COUNTY *♦ ALACHUA ALACHUA COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . , GAINESVILLE + . HAWTHORN TOWN HIGH SPRINGS MICANOPY TOWN NEWBERRY TOWN BAKER COUNTY MACCLENNY TOWN , BAY COUNTY CEDAR GROVE TOWN , LYNN HAVEN + PANAMA CITY + ■ SPRINGFIELD WEST PANAMA CITY BEACH . . . . , BREVARD COUNTY * BREVARD COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f . COCOA + COCOA BEACH + EAU GALL IE + INDIALANTIC TOWN + MELBOURNE + MELBOURNE BEACH TOWN + . . . . MELBOURNE VILLAGE TOWN .... PALM BAY TOWN + ROCKLEDGE -I-. . . . • SATELLITE BEACH TOWN + . . . . TITUSvILLE + west melbourne town calhoun county blountstown charlotte county ♦ charlotte county uninc. area . punta goroa citrus county crystal river town inverness town clay county * clay county uninc. area +. . . green cove springs keystone heights town orange park town penney farms town collier county * collier county uninc. area + . Everglades NAPLES + COLUMBIA COUNTY LAKE CITY + DE SOTO COUNTY ARCADIA + 48 I 1 55 24 265 135 64 6 1 118 39 40 216 963 218 49 17 387 86 68 13 387 21 324 & 966 11 11 3 3 30 153 53 20 2 368 & 594 437 650 56 395 39 395 181 613 390 1 135 65 332 43 402 12 1 260 5 604 94 & 82 46 2 1 - 1 _ 55 - 24 - 25 V 59 33 33 8 6 - 1 - 92 4 21 2 24 4 29 6 755 172 212 6 4 8 17 _ 219 62 20 6 32 - 13 _ 117 107 19 2 276 48 449 125 11 - 11 - 3 _ 3 - 30 125 53 20 1 794 126 85 589 39 141 39 141 132 463 256 713 61 328 23 400 12 1 38 210 5 212 92 & 82 71 256 16 61 7 12 12 49 5 22 31 4 231 43 22 16 12 181 36 503 212 336 10 242 242 145 112 391 34 382 61 52 94 188 66 1 6 255 15 54 38 1 402 193 57 25 404 41 80 12 215 945 2 11 7 1 2 26 & 116 3 477 610 511 758 95 247 90 21 237 428 485 886 63 488 47 232 6 3 48 1 211 3 699 46 1 6 ^3 2 32 25 1 112 145 25 277 2 385 199 124 681 75 125 90 21 124 404 317 372 59 485 33 230 6 3 30 1 195 3 178 166 48 25 12 - 193 22 535 31 2 - 11 - 7 . 1 - 82 11 22 13 124 1 000 385 363 44 12 108 165 485 (S) 31 31 207 216 62 6 14 174 36 123 311 1 452 307 54 21 410 (S) 75 (S) 259 (SI 197 561 4 (S) 10 38 131 (S) 23 2 137 105 785 578 82 78 65 11 138 172 218 & 164 22 (S) 29 31 77 106 58 6 12 110 5 58 32 1 328 307 21 315 (S) 75 (S) 183 10 38 131 (SI 23 1 651 83 209 521 72 72 50 11 128 172 194 & 156 22 558 550 50 50 28 14 26 26 137 125 5 5 (S) (SI 31 23 2 2 243 235 2 2 342 203 2 30 2 16 3 110 110 69 276 14 (S) - 182 15 409 58 4 - (S) - 397 16 548 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 207 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list oi 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: '■-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing jnits Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures with - number in structures with - number ot number of number of number of number number of number of number of number of number of of or of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing tiousing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units •i 4 5 5 (X 1 (X 1 (X) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 01 - - - - 1 1 - - T 1 65 (SI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 02 7 7 _ _ 12 10 2 . 18 14 (SI (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI 03 27 27 - . & 15 & 13 2 - (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (X) ( X I (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI 04 32 32 - - 40 40 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI 05 100 77 23 - 56 38 18 - 102 287 412 109 6 18 (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 06 165 107 32 25 210 81 31 98 290 385 468 470 557 624 412 481 376 482 07 89 69 _ 20 48 46 2 _ T 157 526 256 152 55 55 55 (S) 47 47 08 5 5 - - 9 9 - - 3 1 (SI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 09 3 3 . - 6 4 2 . 12 15 (S) (XI (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 10 264 234 24 6 265 237 4 24 (XI (XI (XI ( X I (X) (XI ( X ) (XI (XI (X) 11 - - - - (SI (S) - - T 23 15 (S) ( X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 12 49 31 _ 18 49 9 . 40 26 18 & 136 19 46 47 26 9 11 T 14 13 328 49 5 274 135 35 2 98 280 43 162 362 77 77 142 116 418 183 14 8, 1 645 & 1 515 44 86 1 190 1 125 65 - (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) IS 247 247 . - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (Xl (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI ( XI 16 21 6 15 - 12 8 4 - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 17 26 26 _ _ 67 67 _ . (XI (X) ( X) ( X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 18 461 419 42 - 312 249 43 20 328 259 351 250 T 240 T 191 ( X) (XI (XI (XI 19 . - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 ( X) 20 11 11 - - (S) (SI - - (SI (SI (SI 3 (SI tX) (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 43 43 - - 19 19 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 22 (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 23 615 198 & 195 222 214 116 76 22 460 421 276 401 511 801 732 7o3 5ol 1 3i8 24 (S) (SI (S) T 19 22 13 T 7 T 7 4 4 7 11 25 539 493 46 - 630 604 26 - (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X) 26 217 194 11 12 166 155 11 - 223 298 S 477 214 211 141 106 84 70 259 27 8 8 - . 6 6 . - T 9 4 8 T 4 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (Xl 28 19 19 - - 39 39 - - T 18 10 9 23 23 13 10 1 11 15 29 _ _ _ _ (S) (SI _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 30 - - - - (S) (SI - - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 31 22 22 - - (S) (SI - - T 30 T 9 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI 32 7 7 7 7 T 9 10 (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 17 17 . . 32 32 _ . 56 63 89 54 95 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 34 143 123 20 . 190 190 . _ T 293 & 253 175 314 323 365 292 357 P457 495 35 _ (S) (SI _ _ (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X) (XI 36 1 1 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X ) (X) (X) (XI 37 1 491 1 394 16 81 1 062 1 035 27 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 232 115 17 100 & 208 «, 162 & 46 - T 171 T 383 (SI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 39 355 210 45 100 207 185 4 18 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X ) ( XI (X) (XI (X I (XI 40 821 797 24 _ 589 589 _ - 570 & 697 404 200 140 56 (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 63 51 12 - 53 41 - 12 T 51 57 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 84 73 _ 11 108 106 2 _ 147 326 405 342 263 T 47 72 & 307 93 55 43 36 34 2 31 21 . 10 T 79 40 56 31 10 7 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 44 4 4 _ . (XI (XI (XI IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 45 94 92 2 . 119 119 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 46 77 75 2 - 56 54 2 - oO 7 3 90 37 T 39 36 32 42 i9 38 47 152 152 _ „ 124 110 14 . (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 48 150 146 4 _ 57 57 _ . 136 148 119 153 48 26 & 69 81 30 42 49 49 49 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 50 3 3 - - T 5 5 - - 13 17 (SI (XI (X ) ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (XI 52 42 36 6 - 33 33 - - 37 (SI (SI T 47 (SI (SI (SI T 10 (SI T 4 53 16 16 37 35 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 54 18 18 - - 17 17 - 21 32 16 T 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 217 217 166 166 2 (X) (X) (Xl (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 16 16 . _ 27 27 . (S) (SI (SI 32 23 17 21 52 43 38 57 7 7 _ _ 14 14 _ . T 2 2 (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 21 21 _ . 32 32 _ _ 43 36 37 50 42 T 17 28 32 36 26 59 2 2 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 60 364 342 17 5 171 140 21 10 308 164 260 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 61 & 6 & 6 _ - 17 15 2 - 13 4 5 2 T 1 (SI ( X I (X) ( XI (XI 62 240 166 22 52 108 105 2 - 228 232 256 250 256 203 144 263 (SI (S) 53 99 89 10 - 76 75 - - 65 41 53 66 62 105 93 85 63 70 64 208 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same Sll/ISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 lor alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. *'97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in sliuctures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 03 on FLORIDA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. FLAGLER COUNTY BUI^NELL FLAGLER BEACH TO*N FRAIMKLIN COUNTY APALACHICOLA CARRABELLE . . GADSDEN COUNTY CHATTAHOOCHEE TO*l^ GRETNA TOWN QUINCY GLADES COUNTY MOORE HAVEN GULF COUNTY PORT ST JOE TOWN VllEVIIAHITCHKA HAMILTON COUNTY JASPER HARDEE COUNTY BOWLING GREEfvl WAUCHULA . ZOLFO SPRINGS TOWt^ HENDRY COUNTY CLEWISTON LA BELLE HERNANDO COUNTY BROOKSVILLE + HIGHLANDS COUNTY AVON PARK + DESOTO CITY « LAKE PLACID SEBRING + INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ** FEI.LSMERE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY UNINC. AREA + SEBASTIAN TOWN VERO BEACH -I- JACKSON COUNTY ALFORD TOWN COTTONDALE TOWN GRACEVILLE I^ARIANNA SNEADS TOWN JEFFERSON COUNTY MONTICELLO TOWN LAKE COUNTY ** ASTATULA TOWN CLERMONT + EuSTIS FRUITLAND PARK TOWN GROVELAND HOWEY-IN-THE-HILLS TOWN LADY LAKE TOWN LAKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA LEESBURG + MASCOTTE TOWN MINNEOLA TOWN MOUNT DORA TOWN TAVARES * UMATILLA TOWN LEE COUNTY ♦ FORT MYERS + LEE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . . LEON COUNTY ♦ LEON COUNTY UNINC. AREA +, . . . TALLAHASSEE -I- LEVY COUNTY BRONSON TOWN CEDAR KEY CHIEFLAND TOWN INGHS TOWN WILLISTON YANKEETOWN TOWN MADISON COUNTY GREENVILLE TOWN MADISON MANATEE COUNTY * ANNA MARIA BRADENTON + 41 (S) 45 (SI 3 106 7 252 3 88 22 & 80 2 7 209 74 5 5 22 17 1 & 340 1 598 313 & 624 4 & 60 41 (SI 43 (S) 1 27 7 227 3 65 12 20 2 7 5 4 205 65 5 5 13 17 1 128 1 238 313 262 10 & 60 24 196 188 164 3 1 219 99 6 1 37 19 & 45 321 1 598 466 274 (S) 10 20 124 1 & 11 16 14 11 11 6 6 72 44 16 16 50 50 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 41 32 3 2 2 . 273 256 11 16 16 - 141 96 6 3 1 217 62 6 1 27 19 9 165 1 326 466 197 (S) 10 20 106 22 136 134 136 18 (SI (S) 5 15 (S) (S) 20 37 32 13 15 6 363 113 (S) 10 38 IS 9 & 378 1 375 342 417 S. 20 2 4 5 (S) 5 3 (S) 15 152 12 (SI 15 (SI 5 5 8 8 5 5 42 30 5 5 _ 58 56 - 5 5 - (SI (SI 6 46 42 6 6 6 327 310 - 13 13 39 153 108 (SI (SI _ 1 1 - & 28 8 - 15 15 - (S) (S) (SI 18 37 32 13 15 6 363 105 (SI 10 30 15 9 160 1 288 342 279 & 20 2 4 5 (SI 5 3 (SI 13 136 & 218 75 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 209 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly In tables B-U, B-12. and B-13- • See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-Issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total numbei housing units Number of housing units in structiiies with— 2-4 units 5 units 01 more Total nunibei housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing unils Total numbei ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units S 61 21 (X) Uli9 119 3 35 32 32 11 388 491 391 & 506 IXI 4 14 15 194 18 18 14 14 (X) (X) 41 37 13 13 78 76 5 5 IS) ISI 39 39 5 5 385 363 25 25 139 108 1 1 13 13 22 22 9 9 (X) 421 107 3 35 32 32 11 346 1 391 391 273 (X) 4 14 4 54 2 9 9 12 10 16 16 7 7 71 69 76 (SI (X) 6 (X) 85 IX) 7 64 11 498 48 179 T 3 (X) 33 _ 5 - 75 - 56 - IX) - 31 _ 8 (X) IX) 20 455 - 107 - T 23 . 43 - 46 408 1 739 297 348 (X) (X) 21 IX) 23 IS) 27 246 76 IS) IX) 6 IX) 5 51 32 IX) 22 (X) 453 103 23 43 35S 1 537 297 277 IX) IX) 21 (X) 23 (S) 2! 163 IX) IX) (X) IX) 79 6 IX) IX) 7 - 57 7 11 . 479 19 48 - 121 17 3 - IX) (X) 33 - 11 - 24 IX) IX) 2 (X) 5 50 202 IX) IX) IX) IX) 10 IX) T 7 IX) 15 T 3 31 39 IX) IX) IX) IX) 145 IX) IS) 94 IX) 538 IX) (X) 38 T 3 IX) 26 T 15 IX) IX) 199 IX) 14 34 69 IX) 430 IS) 396 681 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) 234 18 IX) 60 IX) IX) IX) IX) T 36 17 T 62 IX) IS) 108 (X) 505 16 130 IX) IX) 3 82 73 IX) 15 r 18 IX) IX) 204 IX) 17 20 36 IX) 360 1 075 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 19 IX) T 7 IX) 231 & 46 I X) 17 IS) 43 50 IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) (X) 33 92 (X) T 495 IS) 261 IS) IX) IX) & 141 IS) IS) 63 107 IX) 31 6 (X) IX) 150 IX) IS) 38 40 IX) 320 T 800 393 179 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (S) IX) 12 IX) 172 21 IX) 13 IX) IX) 39 IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) T 16 74 IX) IX) IX) 241 IX) IX) IX) 100 IX ) IX) 72 136 (X) 26 IX) IX) 152 IX) IX) 41 31 IX) 358 IS) 366 251 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) I X ) 23 IX) 187 17 IX) 10 IX) 31 IX) 69 54 IX) (X) IX) (X) IS) 85 (X) (X) (X) 351 IX) IX) IX) 80 IX) IX) 96 87 IX) 27 T 2 IX) IX) 160 IX) IX) 60 45 IX) 442 IX) 518 430 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX ) 166 22 (X) 6 IX) 35 IX) 55 20 IX) IX) IX) IX) 45 IX) T 3 61 IX) IX) IX) 192 IX) IX) IX) 60 IX) (X) 47 47 IX) 35 9 IX) (X) 123 IX) IX) 68 27 IX) 303 IX) 345 384 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) T 214 (X) (X) 37 IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 43 IX) IX) 58 IX) IX) IX) 194 IX) IX) IX) 177 IX) IX) 38 56 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] 104 IX) IX) 66 34 (X) 210 IX] IX) 280 IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 223 IX) IX) 24 IX) 38 IX] (X) IX] IX] IX) IX) IX) 22 IX) IX) IS) IX) IX] IX) 240 IX] (X) IX] IX) 28 81 (X) IX) (X) IX] IX) 72 IX) 75 29 IX) 226 (X) (X) 211 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) 368 IX) IX) 3 IX) 21 IX) 35 IX] IX] IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 34 IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) 236 IX) (X) IX) 25 (X) IX) 79 IS) IX) IX) 68 IX) i8 44 IX) 174 IX) IX) 155 IX) IX] IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 298 IX) IX) 21 IX] 65 IX) IX] IS) IX] (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 50 (X) IX) T 30 IS) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) 158 (X) (X) 08 T 29 (X) 169 IX) IX) 229 IX] IX] IX] (X) IX) IX] IX) IX) 225 IX] 12 IX] 13 (X) 14 (X) 15 IX) 16 210 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation a^d comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown m the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99 9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 62 63 FLORIDA — COIM. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. I^ANATEE COUNTY ♦ — CON. BRADENTON BEACH TOWN HOLMES BEACH TOWN + LONGBOAT KEY TOWN + MANATEE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + , . PALMETTO + MARION COUNTY »* BELLEVIEW TOWN DUNNELLON TOWN MCINTOSH TOWN MARION COUNTY UNII^C. AREA ■^ . . . OCALA + MARTIN COUNTY * JUPITER ISLAND TOWN tt MARTIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . SEWALLS POINT TOWN STUART MONROE COUNTY KEY COLONY BEACH KEY WEST + NASSAU COUNTY FERNANDINA BEACH •^ OKALOOSA COUNTY CINCO BAYOU TOWN CRESTVIEW FORT WALTON BEACH + MARY ESTHER TOWN NICEVILLE VALPARAISO + OSCEOLA COUNTY KISSIMMEE -I- ST CLOUD + PASCO COUNTY DADE CITY NEW PORT RICHEY -I- PORT RICHEY SAN ANTONIO ZEPHYRHILLS POLK COUNTY BARTOW + DAVENPORT TOWN DUNDEE TOWN EAGLE LAKE FORT MEADE FROSTPROOF TOWN HAINES CITY + HIGHLAND PARK VILLAGE HILLCREST HEIGHTS TOWN LAKE ALFRED LAKE HAMILTON TOWN LAKELAND + LAKE WALES -I- MULBERRY WINTER HAVEN + PUTNAM COUNTY CRESCENT CITY INTERLACHEN TOWN PALATKA -f ST JOHNS COUNTY ST AUGUSTINE ST AUGUSTINE BEACH TOWN ST. JOHNS COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . ST LUCIE COUNTY FORT PIERCE + ST. LUCIE COUNTY UNINC. ARE/^ •^ . SARASOTA COUNTY * NORTH PORT CHARLOTTE SARASOTA + SARASOTA COUNTY UNINC. AREA +, . VENICE + SUMTER COUNTY BUSHNELL COLEMAN WEBSTER WILDWOOD SUWANNEE COUNTY BRANFORD TOWN LIVE OAK TAYLOR COUNTY PERRY 2 . 2 38 28 10 63 75 2 325 255 24 74 23 51 18 18 . 5 5 - 2 2 - 425 420 5 135 83 4 7 7 258 222 35 6 6 - 30 27 3 26 2 2 105 87 19 5 56 418 96 18 55 20 15 290 25 17 172 29 5 (S) & 343 243 T 54 475 1 053 72 S. 22 24 1 4 46 10 416 2 96 - 18 - 55 - 39 . 22 - 7 . 44 8 5 - 1 - 35 - 43 14 10 - 10 - 2 - 25 2 15 _ 41 2 20 15 151 9 17 73 27 6 (S) 209 215 54 168 842 57 & 22 24 101 15 104 28 264 114 15 8 6 2 113 57 51 82 70 6 560 526 22 38 21 8 18 18 . 10 10 - 1 1 - 423 409 14 103 76 22 17 17 . 377 343 34 5 5 - 23 23 - 124 20 271 271 69 69 12 12 41 41 30 30 36 36 10 10 56 54 9 9 47 9 (S) 4 37 24 109 1 9 214 65 & 337 270 145 361 1 231 93 47 9 (S) 4 37 24 109 1 21 9 182 62 7 81 25 4 189 143 262 145 225 1 041 45 107 109 15 711 49 16 18 1 408 86 30 401 2 27 (S) 58 (S) (S) 227 55 7 48 80 10 (S) 3 42 22 38 (S) 4 36 6 195 49 2 155 (S) 1 55 & 240 287 183 427 1 398 74 1 & 95 5 47 51 699 22 15 10 1 404 56 28 292 2 23 IS) 54 (SI (S) 227 56 7 48 71 10 (S) 3 39 20 36 (S) 1 33 6 191 47 2 133 (S) 1 55 158 285 183 281 1 309 32 14 2 10 (S) 124 34 20 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 211 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-Il, B-12, and B-13- » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1950 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number of in structures witf - number of in stiuctuies wit - number number of number of number number number number number number number o( of of of of of of of ^ housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units 2 2 6 6 30 10 16 12 (SI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 01 41 37 4 - 45 39 6 - 62 46 69 44 40 T 42 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 02 ai 33 2 6 39 39 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI 03 933 911 22 _ 1 044 1 008 36 _ 1 163 939 1 227 773 72 97 (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 30 28 2 - 63 59 4 - 63 36 38 40 71 53 51 71 48 42 05 12 12 _ _ 17 17 . _ 11 21 (SI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 U 11 - - 22 20 2 - T 18 10 10 18 T 5 ( SI (SI (SI 7 T 6 07 2 2 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) ( X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI 08 429 428 1 - 402 384 18 - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 09 110 72 30 8 109 93 16 - T 79 62 73 79 101 103 117 104 117 194 10 3 3 . . 6 6 . (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) 11 264 230 14 20 241 226 7 8 245 560 T 262 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 12 2 2 - - 3 3 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 35 23 12 - 1 SI 1 5! - - 54 102 68 89 57 41 61 50 T 27 T 45 14 22 a 2 12 (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) 15 55 49 6 - & 572 & 563 9 - T 94 8 182 104 S 251 193 T 122 (X) (XI (XI ( XI 16 BO 72 8 - & 107 & 107 - - 100 36 78 102 112 81 53 102 28 53 17 . . _ . (SI (SI . . (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 18 - - - - (SI (S) - - (SI (S) (SI 74 (SI T 41 (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 197 197 - - 386 274 112 - (SI (SI 210 T 450 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 62 62 - - 59 59 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI 21 5 5 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 47 47 - - T 74 70 4 - - 85 14 59 42 96 47 (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 61 61 . . 96 87 9 . T 93 120 126 113 105 45 65 82 65 80 24 47 45 2 - 76 72 4 - 95 88 89 67 41 40 (X) (XI (XI (XI 25 17 17 . 17 17 T 25 23 32 41 T 37 T 41 (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 91 88 3 - 108 102 6 . 97 151 183 112 99 70 81 85 59 91 27 13 13 - - 12 12 - - 15 26 (SI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 28 3 3 - - 4 4 . - T 5 T 1 (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI 29 48 44 4 - 35 35 - - 41 63 74 63 (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI 30 105 105 . 89 89 . 221 116 80 72 168 177 & 231 92 107 T 105 31 5 5 - - 9 9 - - 24 21 4 10 19 13 14 T 8 T 1 10 32 - _ - - (SI (S) - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 3 3 - _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 25 25 - - 22 22 - - 20 67 27 28 37 68 43 40 25 41 35 16 16 _ 29 24 _ 5 37 14 12 T 14 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 36 43 41 2 . 68 66 2 - 88 54 46 90 78 99 122 62 51 43 37 3 3 . « _ _ „ . T 3 1 (SI (Xl (X 1 (XI >XI (XI (XI (XI 38 T 1 1 - - 3 3 _ - (SI T 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 39 47 47 - - 47 45 2 - T 21 22 (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 40 29 29 _ _ 18 16 2 _ 14 3 (SI (XI (XI (XI txl (XI (X) (XI 41 333 284 13 36 274 258 10 6 398 337 190 250 356 525 3o0 535 514 & 678 42 61 58 3 . 93 87 6 _ T 55 86 64 80 67 T 82 79 77 74 67 43 14 14 _ . 14 14 _ _ T 29 (SI T 4 30 T 26 22 49 48 (SI (SI 44 146 lie 28 - 185 159 26 - 221 166 81 56 67 144 86 92 86 69 45 7 7 . 3 3 . 8 8 11 15 (X 1 ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 3 3 . _ 3 3 . _ 4 5 (SI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 45 45 - - 44 44 - - 56 T 83 47 44 83 45 73 122 T 59 188 48 36 36 23 23 35 60 80 123 149 144 75 46 86 163 49 13 13 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 - - - (S) (SI - - 29 (S) 48 20 11 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 & 404 150 & 244 10 236 199 37 . 349 248 353 382 388 295 336 310 254 393 52 316 294 22 - 573 571 2 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 266 266 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 500 326 39 135 638 583 33 22 & 810 577 653 573 (SI (SI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 55 1 520 1 284 52 184 1 679 1 537 35 107 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 122 66 3 53 93 90 3 - 128 95 97 103 ■('4 T 57 (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 9 9 9 9 T 8 10 4 7 T 5 T 8 7 4 T 2 3 58 (SI (S) . _ 6 6 _ - T 1 - T 2 4 1 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 5 5 - . (X) (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 60 (S) (S) - - (SI (SI - - (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 3 3 2 2 T 2 T 2 (SI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 62 70 70 ■ ~ 64 64 ~ ~ (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) ( X 1 (X 1 (XI ( XI 63 212 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabebcal listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimil-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing unils Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing unils in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 02 03 04 05 06 07 oe 09 10 11 12 13 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 FLORIDA--CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. UNION COUNTY LAKE BUTLER VOLUSIA COUNTY ** DAYTONA BEACH + DE LAND + EDGEWATER TOWN + HOLLY HILL LAKE HELEN NEW SMYRNA BEACH + ORANGE CITY TOWN + ORt^OND BEACH + PIERSON TOWN PORT ORANGE SOUTH DAYTONA TOWN -f VOLUSIA COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . WASHINGTON COUNTY CHIPLEY TOWN ALBANY SI^SA DOUGHERTY COUNTY * ALBANY + DOUGHERTY COUNTY UNINC. AREA ATLANTA SMSA CLAYTON COUNTY ** CLAYTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS ■ FOREST PARK TOWN + JONESBORO + LAKE CITY MORROW TOWN MOUNTAIN VIEW RIVERDALE COBB COUNTY ♦ ACWORTH AUSTELL COBB COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . . KENNESAW TOWN MARIETTA + POWDER SPRINGS SMYRNA TOWN + DE KALB COUNTY * AVONDALE ESTATES CHAMBi.EE + DECATUR + DE KALB COUNTY REMAINING AREA +. LITHONIA PINE LAKE TOWN FULTON COUNTY »* ATLANTA + COLLEGE PARK + EAST POINT + FAIRBURN FULTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . HAPEVILLE + MOUNTAIN PARK PALMETTO TOWN ROSWELL UNION CITY GWINNETT COUNTY BERKELEY LAKE GWINNETT COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS NORCROSS SNElLVILLE SUWANEE TO*N AUGUSTA. GA.-S.C. SMSA RICHMOND COUNTY *♦ AUGUSTA + RICHMOND COUNTY UNINC. AREA +• • (SOUTH CAROLINA) AIKEN COUNTY AIKEN JACKSON TOWN NEW ELLENTON TOWN NORTH AUGUSTA + SALLEY TOWN 1 436 259 52 40 41 37 20 20 6 6 95 93 11 11 155 151 2 2 9 9 132 120 1 045 1 012 335 266 1 326 574 T 25 60 97 18 17 31 32 2 694 76 & 287 58 469 6 380 121 6 382 12 2 541 173 359 28 469 12 2 18 (S) 13 691 38 30 5 397 973 255 243 1 254 130 19 60 95 14 17 22 6 145 70 90 58 149 2 2 3 635 8 2 873 70 179 18 1 140 6 2 16 (S) 13 642 28 26 5 86 909 130 4 6 & 53 2 10 124 4 68 424 16 451 376 109 2 623 3 632 98 148 169 62 153 11 302 T 90 1 190 & 375 307 1 539 363 32 29 60 (S) 20 54 26 2 588 75 471 76 497 9 568 157 4 549 & 36 9 129 214 & 558 35 1 462 19 1 24 53 30 1 585 18 & 53 14 193 696 32 124 3 353 30 66 15 151 11 302 90 1 169 234 270 1 431 125 28 29 60 50 6 2 228 75 101 78 189 9 28 1 3 300 5 1 030 62 232 20 1 039 13 1 16 35 30 1 579 18 17 6 62 685 32 124 3 130 37 64 24 213 S, 31 168 15 14 104 218 308 364 476 132 1 036 069 152 158 693 205 16 47 35 4 78 76 2 10 10 - 2 2 - 156 144 12 21 21 - 241 241 - 4 4 - 19 19 - 72 72 _ 3 '7 365 12 & 354 467 777 228 & 70 43 77 22 14 29 16 1 946 21 & 220 67 199 2 71 155 3 826 6 3 7 900 83 284 31 988 27 (S) 18 84 26 2 529 & 39 17 9 115 739 194 465 777 168 35 43 77 22 14 29 16 736 21 87 65 136 2 15 2 204 6 1 581 73 200 27 802 23 (SI 14 40 20 2 513 15 17 73 725 20 6 254 178 125 36 147 368 6 253 64 186 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 213 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-I3. s See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housmg units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number ol housine units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total % number in structures wit _ number m structures with- number number number number number number number number number number i of of of of of of of of of of of of = housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing —I units units or more units units or more units units unils units units units units units units units 7 7 22 22 10 12 4 7 T 6 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 253 150 8 95 S 387 129 & 50 208 239 577 & 563 616 510 590 693 620 S 818 & 698 02 112 67 12 33 104 104 - - T 160 T 103 73 65 72 80 136 111 106 165 03 T at 44 _ 56 50 6 _ T 78 88 93 76 84 28 (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 17 17 _ _ 21 21 _ . 30 32 50 72 86 45 57 66 54 52 05 11 1 1 - - 10 10 - - T 11 10 T 4 (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI 06 & 179 95 & 84 _ 113 109 4 _ 138 140 220 358 210 104 & 177 157 139 126 07 _ _ (S) (SI _ _ 67 38 44 56 35 41 iXI .XI ,XI .XI 08 139 139 . . 176 176 I - 197 306 243 242 220 133 155 (SI (SI (SI 09 8 8 _ _ T 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 - - (S) (S) - (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 106 106 _ _ 138 138 _ _ 118 T 64 110 24 23 13 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 12 41 41 - - - - - 103 91 148 112 157 101 ( XI (XI (XI (XI 13 30 30 - - & 76 12 & 64 - 11 25 15 16 10 6 6 2 6 15 14 498 365 119 14 417 353 64 T 348 263 151 353 640 588 527 8 572 & 894 & 759 15 & 885 & 885 ~ 271 269 2 ■ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 695 693 2 449 449 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 17 178 164 2 12 318 318 . . 316 315 (SI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 18 36 34 2 _ 42 36 6 _ (SI (SI (SI (SI 8 (SI 16 14 47 9 19 87 87 _ _ (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 43 43 - - 27 27 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 4 4 _ . 24 24 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 37 37 - - 17 17 " - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 28 28 & 48 18 & 30 28 21 15 24 22 (SI i (SI T 9 (SI (SI 24 6 6 _ _ 10 10 _ _ 6 9 9 3 16 14 8 14 T 12 6 25 1 742 1 723 19 _ 1 559 1 551 8 . 1 584 & 1 240 996 1 579 1 676 1 343 629 1 158 826 658 26 23 23 _ 17 17 _ _ T 25 T 8 19 17 (SI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 27 130 88 2 40 S 108 75 & 33 - 154 111 103 118 T 125 T 123 151 & 355 S 299 (SI 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 154 154 - - 118 118 - - 303 154 164 150 195 221 147 556 79 71 30 2 2 1 1 1 6 4 4 7 5 5 16 60 62 31 14 4 10 _ 39 17 10 12 T 68 T 120 46 45 144 98 53 63 T 35 T 65 32 122 5 8 109 70 4 23 43 129 127 46 55 65 98 104 95 123 236 33 3 197 2 777 94 326 2 840 2 540 100 200 3 214 2 896 2 621 3 564 4 419 4 390 2 973 2 644 2 425 4 870 34 6 4 2 S 51 7 i 44 _ T - (S) (SI 8 10 8 9 3 T 9 17 35 4 4 - - 6 6 - - 7 6 8 4 ~ 5 3 4 4 6 36 4 452 1 756 42 2 654 5 599 1 860 64 3 675 5 537 4 115 2 159 2 321 3 130 & 4 410 & 3 785 2 851 & 2 581 4 511 37 203 88 16 99 281 129 22 130 233 135 113 231 311 377 276 287 186 281 38 505 2 37 32 236 412 236 104 72 T 360 373 335 384 432 343 329 315 236 & 646 39 26 26 _ _ S 49 25 & 24 . 32 25 19 19 21 9 28 12 (SI (SI 40 822 722 - 100 710 710 - - 786 & 765 733 819 709 639 412 285 2 415 4 412 41 93 13 IB 62 75 12 10 53 63 49 24 49 53 67 34 50 80 165 42 (S) (S) - _ IS) (S) _ - (SI 2 (SI 4 - - - - (SI (SI 43 13 13 . _ 11 11 _ - P36 4 8 7 8 7 4 5 13 19 44 24 24 _ _ 27 27 _ . T 32 (SI T 8 T 14 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 17 15 2 - & 29 11 8. 18 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 5 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 412 384 4 24 3o2 3/2 10 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI txi (XI (XI 48 17 17 _ _ 9 9 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 S 65 15 & 50 _ 7 7 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 2 2 ~ ~ 2 2 " (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 189 114 51 24 14 1 88 53 139 & 430 & 340 171 316 211 117 278 & 559 243 52 566 559 7 " 431 419 12 ■ 500 370 & 299 531 827 1 058 521 1 557 1 408 584 53 27 27 S 103 43 & 60 25 20 35 51 77 76 40 67 121 & 199 54 7 7 _ _ 15 15 , _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 30 3C _ _ 11 11 _ . 21 T 18 13 17 (SI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 56 99 99 . . 87 87 _ . 87 96 57 115 160 145 97 419 30 60 57 2 2 - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 58 214 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shovxn in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This 28 29 32 33 34 36 37 38 Permit-issuing places by Staff, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county GEORGIA — CON. CHATTANOOGA! TENN.-GA. SMSA (SEE TENI^SSEE) COLUMBUSt GA.-ALA. SMSA MUSCOGEE COUNTY ** COLUMBUS + MUSCOGEE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . (ALABAMA) RUSSELL COUNTY PHENIX CITY + MACON SMSA BIBB COUNTY ** + HOUSTON COUNTY CENTERVILLE TO*N PERRY + WARNER ROBINS + SAVANNAH SMSA CHATHAM COUNTY ** CHATHAM COUNTY UNINC. AREA * . . GARDEN CITY TOWN POOLER TOWN PORT WENTWORTH SAVANNAH + SAVANNAH BEACH TOWN THUNDERBOLT TOWN PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ATKINSON COUNTY PEARSON BACON COUNTY ALMA + BALDWIN COUNTY MILLEDGEVILLE + BARROW COUNTY WINDER + BARTOW COUNTY ADAIRSVILLE CARTERSVILLE i- EMERSON BEN HILL COUNTY * BEN HILL COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . FITZGERALD BERRIEN COUNTY NASHVILLE BLECKLEY COUNTY COCHRAN + BRANTLEY COUNTY NAHUNTA BROOKS COUNTY QUITMAN BULLOCH COUNTY BROOKLET TOWN STATESBORO + BURKE COUNTY WAYNESBORO BUTTS COUNTY JACKSON CAMDEN COUNTY KINGSlAND ST MARYS WOODBINE CANDLER COUNTY METTER + CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON MOUNT ZION TOWN > . . . VILLA RICA CATOOSA COUNTY FORT OGLETHORPE TOWN RINGGOLD CHATTOOGA COUNTY TRION TOWN 1964 Total number ol housing units 1 379 1 006 32 & 2«6 680 678 27 27 12 12 18 18 258 246 9 9 10 10 22 T 29 Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 5 18 & 17 41 20 60 5 365 927 2-4 5 units units 01 more 127 11 32 54 140 Total number of housing units 1 163 909 60 T 56 290 & 765 761 18 18 6 6 13 13 282 272 7 7 11 9 37 (S) Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 478 786 60 46 6 71 8 6 42 8 6 (S) 6 (S) 15 15 22 22 37 (S) 2-4 units 5 units or more 588 87 1962 Total number of housing units & 719 497 (S> 99 534 511 503 26 26 4 4 26 26 & 338 174 13 13 3 3 & 24 57 14 & 95 & 24 43 7 39 & 32 Number of housing units in structures with- 350 497 (S) 96 417 2-4 5 units units or more 3 106 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 215 n Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued lace is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- 1 tables B-U, B-12, and B-13 - See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not nits for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: idenlihed as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wit units Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1= —1 526 778 UIO 778 48 68 493 682 324 682 61 108 506 607 & 227 1 184 & 160 777 323 1 159 279 1 773 212 (XI 249 ( XI 267 (X 1 S 639 (XI S, 1 040 (XI 01 02 156 152 4 - & 289 89 8 200 - 179 108 181 225 (SI (SI (SI (SI « (SI 50 03 S 1 205 739 4 446 20 809 773 36 - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 04 5 71 T 221 5 63 219 2 8 6 50 204 6 50 194 - 10 (X) (XI & 304 (X) (X> 382 (X) (X) 183 (X) (XI 147 (X 1 (X 1 224 (XI (XI 356 (XI (XI 2/5 (XI (XI T 54 (XI (XI T 28 (XI (XI T 53 05 06 07 506 58 5 26 247 502 56 5 26 237 4 2 2 8 698 50 (X) 19 342 694 50 (X) 19 316 4 (X) 26 (X) 1 039 54 (X) (X) T 534 1 169 T 32 (X) (X) & 659 & 1 225 39 (X) (X) 4 847 776 38 (X ) (X) 601 680 25 (X 1 (X 1 T 588 960 19 (XI (XI 669 424 24 (XI (XI 627 580 27 (XI (XI S 904 404 22 (XI (XI S 755 448 30 (XI (XI 1 095 08 09 10 11 12 9 7 9 7 ~ - 7 9 7 7 2 - (S) 14 (S) 13 22 10 10 IB 29 34 46 16 34 24 15 13 16 (SI 29 (SI 13 14 - - - - ( S) ( SI - - - - & 23 6 8 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 19 19 - - (S) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 25 25 - - 16 16 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 5 5 - - 1 1 - - (X ) (X> (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 19 19 - - 10 10 - - 9 10 14 16 9 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 3 66 3 58 8 - 3 T 48 3 38 10 - ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 29 20, 20 - - 23 23 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 1X1 (XI (XI 30 11 11 - - 20 15 5 - (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 3 (X) 4 3 (X) 4 (X) (X) 4 (X) 4 4 (X) 4 (XI ( X) 4 (X) (X) 2 (X) (X> 3 (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 4 (XI (XI 8 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI 32 33 34 T 4 4 - - 13 13 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 & 120 & 57 26 17 & 94 & 40 - 49 21 47 21 2 - (S) (X) 21 T 28 (XI T 22 (SI (XI 26 37 (XI 22 (SI (X 1 15 (XI (X 1 8 (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI S 43 (XI (XI T 13 (XI (XI 18 36 37 38 54 4 54 4 - - 96 4 92 4 4 - (X ) 5 ( X) 1 (XI (XI 3 (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI 39 40 5 5 . . 7 7 . _ 9 9 12 7 4 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 216 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan sfafistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table E-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols : "Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964- **97-0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— 2-4 units GEORGIA— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. CHEROKEE COUNTY CANTON WALESKA CLARKE COUNTY ♦* ATHENS + CLARKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA WINTERVILLE COFFEE COUIMTY DOUGLAS COLQUITT COUNTY BERLIN TOWN f^OULTRIE + NORMAN PARK TOWN COLUMBIA COUNTY HARLEM COOK COUNTY ADEL + COWETA COUNTY NEWNAN CRAWFORD COUNTY ROBERTA CRISP COUNTY CORDELE DECATUR COUNTY attapulgus town BAINBRIDGE + DODGE county EASTMAN DOOLY COUNTY UNADILLA TOWN VIENNA DOUGLAS COUNTY * DOUGLAS COUNTY REMAINING AREA « .... DOUGLASVILLE « EARLY COUNTY BLAKELY EFFINGHAM COUNTY RINCON TOWN SPRINGFIELD ELBERT COUNTY ELBERTON + EMANUEL COUNTY EMANUEL COUNTY 1 PART OF UNINC. AREA + tt SWAINSBORO EVANS COUNTY CLAXTON FANNIN COUNTY BLUE RIDGE MC CAYSVILLE FAYETTE COUNTY * FAYETTE COUNTY REMAINING AREA FAYETTEVILLE FLOYD COUNTY ROME + FORSYTH COUNTY CUMMING TOWN FRANKLIN COUNTY LAVONIA + GILMER COUNTY ELLIJAY GLYNN COUNTY * BRUNSWICK -f GLYNN COUNTY UNINC. AREA + GORDON COUNTY CALHOUN GRADY COUNTY CAIRO WHIGHAM GREENE COUNTY UNION POINT TOWN 424 255 1 36 4 12 318 32 125 417 166 241 13 35 27 1 32 (SI 86 321 & 82 2 404 164 2 2 T 43 1 & 59 242 239 149 519 42 & 6 156 156 2 236 239 53 (S) 47 - 39 3 79 20 14 - 9 - 2 - 103 20 513 6 42 & 6 T 397 280 1 25 & 14 263 279 38 & 252 82 357 280 1 263 263 (S) 6 38 152 80 351 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 217 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list ot 3,014 selected pefmit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table 6-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wil units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housmg units Total number of housmg units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ot housing units 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 5 3 2 3 2 - - (SI 4 (S) 4 - - (SI (XI (SI (XI (S) ( X) (SI (XI (SI (XI 11 ( XI 5 (X I 6 (X ) 11 (XI 12 (XI 01 02 146 74 (X) 83 74 (X) 43 (X) 20 ( X 1 97 (X) (XI 67 (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI 8 ( XI (X) 105 (XI (XI 82 (X 1 (XI 8 254 (XI (XI (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( X) (XI (XI 03 04 05 58 56 2 - (S) (SI - - (S) 8 86 T 16 59 63 70 (X 1 (XI (XI (X) 06 (X) T 18 2 (XI IB 2 (X) (XI (XI T 46 (XI (XI 46 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (SI (XI (XI T 56 (XI (XI T 34 (XI (XI T 41 (X 1 (X 1 T 66 (X 1 (XI 75 (XI ( X I T 28 (X 1 (XI T& 164 (XI (X) 53 (XI (XI T8 189 (X) 07 08 09 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) ( XI (X 1 (X) ( X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 10 26 26 - - 21 21 - - (SI (SI (SI T 26 T 11 (SI 6 8 59 T 10 (SI 11 & 73 28 & 45 - 42 42 - - (SI 63 8 139 81 77 65 20 8 130 39 77 12 5 5 - - 5 5 - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 13 43 43 - - 50 44 6 - 41 47 8 100 53 49 30 43 48 8 255 50 14 5 18 5 18 - - 10 S 88 10 & 84 4- - (XI 71 (XI 89 (XI 8 103 (XI 84 (XI 71 (XI 48 (XI 43 (XI 110 (XI 8 188 (XI 41 15 16 44 44 - - 32 32 - - 32 T 28 (SI (S) 22 17 22 8 59 & 72 24 17 8 33 6 11 6 & 22 - 10 S 40 10 10 _ & 30 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 18 19 (X) 7 (X) 7 (X) (X) (XI & 61 (X) 21 (XI 8 40 (X) (XI (SI (XI T 18 (XI 4 (X) 5 (XI 12 (XI 7 (XI 6 (XI 8 37 (XI 26 (XI 2 20 21 20 20 - - 15 15 - - 18 3 4 8 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 22 40 14 40 14 - - (X) 16 (XI 16 (X) ( XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 23 24 15 15 - - 32 32 - - 8 100 58 38 43 54 16 (X 1 (XI (X) (XI 25 30 32 30 32 - - 42 (SI 42 (S) - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 26 27 21 21 - - (SI (SI - - (SI (SI (SI (SI 18 10 27 39 15 7 28 4 4 - - & 18 3 3 & 18 - IXI (SI (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI (SI (X 1 (SI (XI (SI (XI T - (XI 3 (XI 7 (XI 7 29 30 105 31 105 29 2 - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI ( X I (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 31 32 77 69 8 - 97 93 4 - 90 102 105 215 197 214 168 142 8 257 8 377 33 5 5 - - (SI (SI - - 3 16 4 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 34 6 6 - - 9 9 - - 8 51 (SI (SI T 14 T 15 (SI T 6 9 8 (SI - 35 6 6 - - 3 3 - - 8 44 2 2 2 2 4 (X I (XI (XI (XI 36 58 254 50 252 8 2 - 110 S 469 50 & 467 60 2 - T 91 371 101 321 124 219 109 8 324 204 275 193 153 151 126 100 119 8 328 93 (SI H2 37 38 - - - - 7 7 - - T 9 9 10 16 8 8 8 78 14 9 28 39 30 (X) 30 IX) (XI (XI 27 (X) 27 (XI (XI ( XI T 25 (X) P108 ( X 1 32 (XI T 59 (XI 63 (X 1 68 (XI 35 ( X 1 55 (XI 30 (XI 53 ( X I UO 41 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 218 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shov»n in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +Thls the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— I unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more GEORGIA— COt^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON HABERSHAM COUNTY CLARKESVILLE CORNELIA + DEMOREST TOWN HALL COUNTY GAINESVILLE HARALSON COUI^TY BREMEN WACO TOWN HARRIS COUNTY PINE MOUNTAIN TOWN » HART COUNTY HARTWELL + HENRY COUNTY * IRWIN COUNTY OCILlA JACKSON COUNTY COMMERCE JASPER COUNTY MONTICELLO JEFF DAVIS COUNTY HAZLEHURST JEFFERSON COUNTY LOUISVILLE WRENS TOWN JENKINS COUNTY MILLEN JOHNSON COUNTY WRIGHTSVILLE LAMAR COUNTY BARNESVILLE LANIER COUNTY LAKELAND LAURENS COUNTY DUBLIN + EAST DUBLIN TOWN RENTZ TOWN LEE COUNTY SMITHVILLE LOWNDES COUNTY HAHIRA REMERTON TOWN VALDOSTA + LUMPKIN COUNTY DAHLONEGA MCDUFFIE COUNTY THOMSON + MACON COUNTY MARSHALLVILLE TOWN MONTEZUMA MADISON COUNTY ILA MERIWETHER COUNTY MANCHESTER + MILLER COUNTY COLQUITT MITCHELL COUNTY BACONTON CAMILLA PELHAM MONROE COUNTY FORSYTH , MORGAN COUNTY MADISON MURRAY COUNTY CHATSWORTH NEWTON COUNTY COVINGTON + OXFORD TOWN & (S) 172 10 13 (S) 13 3 150 (S) 1 67 18 & 22 (S) 156 (S) (S) 7 27 13 137 (S) 23 & (S) 16 27 151 6 120 T 3 30 6 103 14 27 149 6 108 3 (S) 48 185 125 58 9 6 1 151 6 1 147 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 219 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly •'-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13, » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols; identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing in structures wilt units Total number of housing units Numbei ol housing units in sttuctuies with- Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units E 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 14 12 2 14 8 2 4 _ IS) 18 IS) 18 - _ (X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) tx ) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 01 02 03 75 75 - - 72 72 - - IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 04 29 (X) 29 (XI IX) IX) (X ) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) I X ) IX ) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 05 06 5 5 - - 5 5 - - & 18 1 5 5 1 1 IX) (X) (X) (X) 07 23 23 - - T 4 4 - - 4 55 39 37 28 9 9 15 27 & 87 60 08 155 145 10 - (S) IS) - - 5 10 14 18 18 13 (X) IX) IX) IX) 09 12 12 - - 4 4 - - IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 10 24 24 - - IS) IS) - - (X ) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) 11 7 7 - - & 46 6 & 40 - 4 6 12 7 3 8 4 8 3 12 12 23 23 - - 41 41 - 42 18 15 24 22 18 IX) IX) IX) IX) 13 1* 15 4 11 4 - 5 13 5 13 - I T 8 7 8 34 7 1 8 28 8 3 22 IS) 21 IS) 21 IS) 25 T 12 19 T 10 15 T 5 14 15 8 8 - - T 12 12 - - IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) 34 23 23 IS) 30 16 12 12 - - 12 12 - - IX) 1 X ) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 17 22 22 - - 19 19 - - T 19 8 82 T 26 IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 18 (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) 19 & 211 63 6 103 63 6 i 108 . 80 43 5 80 43 5 - - 71 T 24 IX) 73 13 IX) 104 23 (X) 105 (S) IX) 82 (X) IX) 92 IX) IX) 8 163 IX) IX) 75 IX) IX) 8 IS) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) 20 21 22 4 4 - - 13 11 2 - IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 23 5 1 113 5 1 113 - - 6 2 S 229 6 2 159 & 70 - 6 (X) IvO 13 IX) 134 5 IX) 197 13 IX) 351 8 IX) 351 8 IX) 498 8 IS) IX) 188 8 IX) 8 IS) 5 IX) S (S) 9 (X) IS) 24 25 26 IS) (S) - _ 1 1 - - 10 8 33 21 17 14 2 IX) (X) IX) (X) 27 22 22 - - 29 29 - - IS) 15 20 16 19 17 76 4 45 48 28 4 15 4 15 - 6 23 6 23 - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 29 30 2 2 - - 1 1 - - IX ) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) 31 7 7 - - IS) IS) - - IS) T 6 9 14 IS) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 32 1 1 - " IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 (X> & 69 & 40 IX) & 57 10 IX) S 12 S 30 IX) IX) 22 9 (X) 22 9 IX) IX) IX) 36 3 IX ) 37 6 IX) 8 65 11 IX) 32 13 IX) 29 12 IX) IX) 18 IX) IX) 8 IX) IX) & 76 IX) IX) 16 IX) IX) 13 34 35 36 7 7 - - 13 13 - - T 17 T 13 (S) IS) 13 IS) IS) 21 T 20 (S) 37 7 7 - - & 71 5 & 66 - IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) 38 1 1 - - IX ) IX) (X) IX) IX) I X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 39 77 23 69 21 8 2 - 94 8 86 8 8 - 61 IX ) 53 IX) 38 IX) 18 IX) 41 IX ) 46 IX) 27 IX) 26 IX) 30 IX) 18 (X) 40 41 220 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in dehnition. the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by Stale of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. ->This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SIdSA. outside SMSA's, and county Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 21 22 23 24 25 GEORGIA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON OCONEE COUNTY BOGART TOWN WATKINSVILLE TOWN PEACH COUNTY BYRON TOWN PICKENS COUNTY JASPER PIERCE COUNTY BLACKSHEAR PATTERSON TOWN POLK COUNTY CEDARTOWN -I- ROCKI^ART PULASKI COUNTY HAWKINSVILLE RAtMOOLPH COUNTY CUTHBERT SHELLMAN ROCKDALE COUNTY CONYERS + SCREVEN COUNTY SYLVANIA SEMINOLE COUNTY DONALSONVILLE SPALDING COUf^TY GRIFFIN + STEPHENS COUNTY TOCCOA STEWART COUNTY RICHLAND SUMTER COUNTY AMERICUS + TALBOT COUNTY WOODLAND TOWN TALIAFERRO COUNTY CRAWFORDVILLE TATTNALL COUNTY COBBTOWN KEIDSVILLE TELFAIR COUNTY LUMBER CITY MC RAE SCOTLAND TOWN TERRELL COUNTY DAWSON SASSER TOWN THOMAS COUNTY THOMASVILLE TIFT COUNTY TIFTON + TOOMBS COUNTY SANTA CLAUS VIDALIA + TROUP COUNTY ** HOGANSVILLE LA GRANGE * TROUP COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . WEST POINT TURNER COUNTY ASHBURN UPSON COUNTY THOMASTON WALTON COUNTY MONROE WARE COUNTY ** WARE COUNTY UNINC. AREA WAYCROSS + WARREN COUNTY WARRENTON 11 13 110 5 7 80 12 7 & 51 3 9 6 17 1 6 17 1 31 3 31 3 7 7 81 75 3 3 82 82 T 38 38 13 13 lU 14 6 6 43 43 2 2 109 81 3 3 61 59 4 4 94 70 33 33 7 7 109 81 33 129 2 2 11 11 1 11 1 11 11 9 2 2 5 119 5 119 98 15 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 221 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded: for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: Identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number ot housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number ot housing units Total number ot housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 10 4 10 - - (XI 16 (XI 16 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 01 02 6 6 - - 9 9 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X) 03 (X> (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 04 18 2 18 2 - - 7 4 4 4 3 - (X 1 IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X ) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 05 06 33 & 29 33 4 S 25 - S 83 10 53 10 & 30 - 56 9 31 7 & 62 42 7 35 16 29 17 (XI (SI (X) 7 (XI & 139 (X) T 13 07 08 16 16 - - 10 10 - - 8 (S) T 5 (S) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 09 18 4 18 4 - - 11 (X) 11 (X) (X) (XI 19 (XI 16 ( X) 14 (X) 14 (X) 18 (X) 16 (XI 28 (X) 20 (X) 9 (X) 25 (XI 10 11 40 34 6 - 26 26 - - TS 136 25 20 22 24 17 (XI (XI (X) (X) 12 13 13 - - (SI (SI - - (S) (S) (SI (S) (S) T 13 26 27 42 17 13 (X) (X) 1 X I (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 14 142 100 22 20 158 101 51 6 122 103 63 106 74 89 95 80 & 287 123 15 29 19 10 - S 70 8 & 62 - (S) (S) (S) (S) T 31 (SI 30 & 124 (SI (SI 16 & 27 7 i 20 - 8 8 - - (X) (X) (X) IX) (XI ( X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 17 & 151 49 & 102 - 47 45 2 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 (X) IX) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 & 17 3 & 14 - 3 3 - - (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 20 2 & (S) 2 (SI a, (SI - (SI (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 21 22 10 16 1 4 16 1 6 _ (XI 12 (X) (XI 12 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 23 24 25 26 4 26 4 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 26 27 98 98 - - 79 79 - - 75 HI 94 131 159 157 88 & 255 55 & 204 28 78 78 - - 94 94 - - 63 18 4 66 30 42 (SI (SI 60 & 134 53 29 3 39 3 37 2 - (XI 46 (XI 42 (X) 4 (X) (X) 58 (X) 39 (X) & 141 (X) 54 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 30 31 9 89 140 16 9 85 140 16 4 - (SI 63 78 11 (SI 61 78 11 2 - (X) 86 (X) 8 (X) 33 (X) 12 (XI 53 (X) 11 (X) 67 (X) 22 (XI 74 (X) (S) (X) 59 (X) (X) (XI T 42 (XI (XI (X) 101 (X) (XI (X) & 547 (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) 32 33 34 35 20 20 - - 16 14 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 36 16 16 - - (S) (S) - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 37 60 58 2 - 52 50 2 - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 38 25 80 25 80 - _ (XI 7 5 (XI 15 ( XI (XI ( X ) 97 (X) 114 (X) 90 ( X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 39 40 26 26 - - 11 11 - - 8 1 S 33 7 23 9 & 36 10 9 T 10 41 222 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown m table B-4 Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 19 20 21 22 23 24 GEORGIA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON WASHINGTON COUNTY SAt^DERSVILLE * WAYNE COUNTY JESUP CITY WHEELER COUNTY ALAMO GLENWOOD WHITFIELD COUNTY DALTON WILCOX COUNTY ROCHELLE WILKES COUNTY WASHINGTON WORTH COUNTY SYLVESTER HAVIIAI I HONOLULU SMSA HONOLULU COUNTY * -f PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S HAWAII COUNTY * + KAUAI COUNTY * + MAUI COUNTY * + IDAHO BOISE CITY SMSA ADA COUNTY BOISE CITY + GARDEN CITY VILLAGE KUNA VILLAGE MERIDIAN -I- PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAMS COUNTY COUNCIL VILLAGE NEW MEADOWS VILLAGE BANNOCK COUNTY DOWNEY VILLAGE LAVA HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE . . . . POCATELLO + BEAR LAKE COUNTY GEORGETOWN VILLAGE MONTPELIER + PARIS BENEWAH COUNTY ST MARIES BINGHAM COUNTY ABERDEEN ATOMIC BLACKFOOT + FIRTH VILLAGE SHELLEY BLAINE COUNTY KETCHUM VILLAGE BONNER COUNTY PRIEST RIVER SANDPOINT BONNEVILLE COUNTY *♦ AMMON BONNEVILLE COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . IDAHO FALLS -I- lONA VILLAGE UCON VILLAGE . . . .■ BOUNDARY COUNTY BONNERS FERRY VILLAGE BUTTE COUNTY ARCO VILLAGE MOORE VILLAGE CAMAS COUNTY FAIRFIELD VILLAGE 436 207 & 408 207 1 83 325 5 2 419 187 276 13 16 lie 446 199 529 9 80 182 5 2 420 181 333 467 188 7 7 3 3 17 15 4 4 4 4 17 17 56 56 308 214 3 3 3 3 26 10 178 & 437 132 384 & 366 119 319 2 2 4 4 60 60 64 54 279 203 6 6 5 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 223 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly •'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ,t See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts v»ere awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— I unil 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units 381 169 311* (X) 15 291 118 & 294 (X) 16 1 19 1 8 12 12 50 50 185 155 4 a 19 19 215 124 363 92 IS) (X) 53 2 (SI 10 85 250 2 (XI 2 T 2 (S) 197 122 359 33 (S) (X> 7 7 2 2 3 3 3 3 70 70 11 3 27 23 49 2 (SI 3 - 12 - 10 _ 80 5 227 23 2 - (X> (X) 10 (X) (X) 2 197 T 114 T 82 95 (X) (X) 28 (X) 4 338 (X) 35 14 3 101 IX) (S) (X) (X) 421 (X) iX) (S) (X) (XI 1 235 105 104 105 (X) (X) 6 293 (X) 12 97 (XI 31 (X) (X) 540 (X) (X) 13 (XI (XI 2 (X) (X) 298 129 81 54 (X) (X) 12 (XI 240 (S) 5 36 (X) 42 (X) (XI 408 (XI (X) T 6 (X) 286 139 130 75 (X) (X) (X) 1 189 (X) 7 2 & 37 (X) 26 (X) (X) 319 (X) (X) (X) (X) 262 159 172 148 (X) (X) 3 6 (X) (X) 1 180 (X) 18 2 (S) (SI 36 (X) 22 (XI (XI 263 (X) (X) I (X) (X) (X) (S) 137 259 152 (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) 187 (X) 12 (S) (X) 13 (X) 9 (X) (X) 106 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 121 (X) (X) 9 (S) (X) (X) 1 141 (X) 16 (X) T - (X) 56 (X) 12 10 T 28 332 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 3 116 (XI 11 (X> (X) 15 (XI (X) 328 IX) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 147 (XI (X) (SI (S) (XI (X) 2 178 (XI 17 (X) (XI 70 (X) (X) (XI 3 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 326 (X) (X) (S) T 3 (X) (X) 2 545 (X) 17 1 (X) 2 04 (X) 17 (X) (XI 735 (X) (X) (XI (XI 224 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-Issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Tolal number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures wilh- I unit 2-4 5 unils units or more 1963 Total numbei of housing units Numbei of housing unils in siructures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units fjumber of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 01 02 03 OH 05 06 IDAHO — COt^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON, CANYOrj COUNTY CALDWELL + CANYON COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . . MIDOLETON VILLAGE NAMPA + PARMA WILDER VILLAGE CARIBOU COUNTY GRACE VILLAGE SODA SPRINGS CASSIA COUNTY BURLEY + DECLO VILLAGE CLEARWATER COUIMTY ELK RIVER VILLAGE OROFINO PIERCE VILLAGE ELMORE COUNTY GLENNS FERRY MOUNTAIN HOME * FRANKLIN COUIMTY PRESTOI^ FREMONJT COUNTY ASHTON VILLAGE ST ANTHONY GEM COUNTY EMMETT GOODING COUNTY GOODING WENDELL IDAHO COUNTY COTTONWOOD VILLAGE FERDINAND VILLAGE GRANGEVILLE RIGGINS VILLAGE JEFFERSON COUNTY MUD LAKE VILLAGE RIGBY RIRIE JEROME COUNTY EDEN VILLAGE HAZELTON VILLAGE JEROME + KOOTENAI COUNTY COEUR D ALENE + FERNAN LAKE VILLAGE HARRISON POST FALLS VILLAGE LATAH COUNTY BOVILL VILLAGE DEARY VILLAGE GEtMESEE MOSCOW + ONAWAY VILLAGE POTLATCH VILLAGE TROY VILLAGE LEMHI COUNTY SALMOt^ -I- LEWIS COUNTY KAMIAH NEZPERCE VILLAGE + LINCOLN COUNTY SHOSHONE MADISON COUNTY REXBURG + MIt>JIDOKA COUNTY HEYBURN VILLAGE MINIDOKA VILLAGE PAUL VILLAGE RUPERT + NEZ PERCE COUNTY LAPWAI VILLAGE . LEWISTON + ONEIDA COUNTY MALAD CITY 6« 14 5 60 5 7 (SI 75 16 2 72 2 9 9 5 5 . 9 7 1 1 1 1 9 9 74 44 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 _ - 12 12 85 46 117 42 62 2 T 3 4 16 6 25 17 9 9 3 3 14 14 1 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 225 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permil-issumg places wtiich constitute Itie source lor tlie statistics shown monttily in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes putilic tiousing units for wtiich contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: '-" Represents zero "T" Data cower period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is tor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total numbei o( housing units Numbei ol housing units in stiuctures with- Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in stiuctures with- Total number ot housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei ol housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zi T 72 HO n 73 1 56 40 3 67 1 8 2 6 6 6 36 IX) 36 6 36 IX) 36 6 IX) 1 XI 104 IX) 5 71 2 59 IX 1 3 62 11 43 IX) 1 T 27 2 62 (XI 2 63 10 2 121 IX) 2 84 8 105 IX) 5 64 6 4 59 IX ) 1X1 47 3 2 62 (XI (XI 40 T 3 1 57 (X) (X) 50 4 T 120 (XI (XI & 565 T 5 7 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 5 1 5 - 9 9 - - T 12 16 12 9 21 25 11 20 39 14 30 13 38 IXI 31 (XI T 42 (X) T 33 (XI 07 08 100 2 8H 2 8 8 138 138 - - 72 IX ) 56 IX) IS) 1 X) (XI (XI IX ) IX ) 1 X) 1 X) 1 X ) IX) (XI 1X1 (X) IXI (XI IXI 09 10 1 1 - - 6 6 - - IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (XI IX) (XI IX) (X) IX) (X ) (X) IX) (X) IX) IXI IXI IXI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 11 12 13 2 217 2 210 - 7 1 155 1 148 7 T - 125 76 1 T 36 (SI (S) 2 T 83 IXI 1 1X1 1 IX) (XI 14 15 9 9 - - 12 10 2 - IS) 5 10 4 7 11 2 8 T 5 26 16 1 1 - - 3 5 3 5 - - IX ) 6 IX) 7 IX) 5 (XI T 1 IXI 11 (X) 8 IX) 2 (XI 6 (X) 2 (XI T 17 18 11 7 4 - 12 12 - - IS) 22 IS) (SI ISI (S) ISI 6 5 25 19 1 1 1 1 - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX> 1 X) IX) (XI ( XI IX ) IXI IX) (X) IXI IXI (XI (XI (X) IXI (X) IX) 20 21 3 8 16 3 8 12 1 17 5 1 17 5 - - T 1 IX) IX) 2 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) 6 T - IX) IX) IXI IXI (XI (XI 1 IX) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 1 (XI (X) IXI T 1 IX) IX) IX) 22 23 24 25 12 5 12 5 - 6 IS) 5 1 IS) 1 4 5 IX) IS) 1 IX) 19 4 IX) 17 2 IX) 12 IX 1 T 27 2 (XI (SI 1 (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 26 27 28 1 2 10 1 2 10 - - 1 1 9 1 1 9 _ - T 2 3 T 16 3 17 1 17 2 3 U 3 20 8 IXI IXI 10 (X 1 (XI 8 (XI (XI 8 IXI IXI 46 29 30 31 38 2 (X) 1 34 2 (X) 1 4 (X) (X) 32 IX) IX) 32 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 31 (X) IX) IS) 41 IX) IX ) 7 48 IX) IX) T 12 86 IX) IX) 19 138 IXI IXI T 27 154 (XI (XI 27 96 (XI IXI 20 58 IXI (XI 16 65 IXI (XI 16 109 IXI IXI 36 32 33 34 35 65 50 15 - 2 67 2 65 2 - 1 T - 69 IX ) 1 2 67 IX) IS) 2 IS) IX) IS) 1 IX) IX) 1 1 3 (X) IX) 3 1 IX) IX) (XI IXI IXI (XI (XI Ixl 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 (XI IXI IXI (XI (XI IXI IXI IXI (XI (X) 36 37 36 39 40 - - - - 2 2 - - (X) IX) 2 IX) 1 IX) 5 (X) IX) (XI IXI IXI 2 IXI (XI 41 42 1 « - 6 6 - - (X) IX) IXI 1 X ) (X) (X) (XI IX) (XI IXI 43 2 1 2 1 - - 2 T - 2 - - 2 IX) 3 IX 1 2 1 X) 6 IX) 9 (X) 6 IX) 9 IXI 15 IX) 13 (XI 9 1X1 44 45 2 2 - - 5 5 - - 5 6 2 2 4 2 (XI IX) (XI (X) 46 12 12 - - 26 26 - - IX) IX) (XI IXI (X) IX) (XI IX) (XI (X) 47 61 12 39 n9 10 25 12 2 14 - 50 11 36 46 a 18 4 18 ; IX) IX ) IX ) 61 IX) IX) IX) 32 IXI 1X1 IXI T 6 IXI IX 1 IXI 14 IX) IX) IX) 15 (X) (X) (XI 42 IX) IX) IX) 16 (X) (X) (X) 9 IXI 1X1 IXI 1 IX) IXI 1X1 18 46 49 50 51 30 30 - - IX) 70 (X) 35 1 X) IX) 35 IX) 43 IX) 50 (XI 40 IXI 59 IX) 126 IXI 67 IX) 57 (XI 56 1X1 48 IXI 164 52 53 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 8 - 1 6 11 7 IXI IX) (XI 1X1 54 226 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each ot the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnilion, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-l for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, *'97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SI\(SA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units m stiuctuies with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of fiousing units in stiuctures witti- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more IDAHO — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. 0*YHEE COUNTY HOMEDALE PAYETTE COUNTY FRUITLAND VILLAGE NE* PLYMOUTH PAYETTE + POWER COUNTY AMERICAN FALLS SHOSHONE COUNTY KELLOGG MULLAN VILLAGE OSBURN VILLAGE WALLACE TETON COUNTY TETONIA VILLAGE TWIN FALLS COUNTY BUHL CASTLEFORD VILLAGE FILER KIMBERLY VILLAGE TWIN FALLS + VALLEY COUNTY CASCADE VILLAGE MCCALL VILLAGE WASHINGTON COUNTY CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE WEISER TOWN ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN-URBANA SMSA CHAMPAIGN COUNTY BROADLANDS VILLAGE CHAMPAIGN +. . . . PHILO VILLAGE. . . SAVOY VILLAGE. . . THOMASBORO VILLAGE URBANA + CHICAGO SMSA COOK COUNTY ** ALSIP VILLAGE ■^ ARLINGTON HEIGHTS VILLAGE BARRINGTON VILLAGE ■^ . • . BARRINGTON HILLS VILLAGE . BARTLETT VILLAGE BEDFORD PARK VILLAGE BELLWOOD VILLAGE + . BERKELEY VILLAGE + . BERAYN + BLUE ISLAND -l- . . . . BRIDGE VIEW VILLAGE +. BROADVIEW VILLAGE -l- . • BROOKFIELD VILLAGE -I- . BUFFALO GROVE VILLAGE BURNHAM VILLAGE. . . . CALUMET CITY ■!• . . . . CALUMET PARK VILLAGE + CHICAGO + CHICAGO HEIGHTS +. . . CHICAGO RIDGE VILLAGE CICERO TOWN + COOK COUNTY UNINC. AREA COUNTRY CLUB HILLS + . . COUNTRYSIDE CRESTWOOD VILLAGE +. . . DES PLAINES * DIXMOOR VILLAGE DOLTON VILLAGE -f EAST CHICAGO HEIGHTS VILLAGE EAST HAZELCREST VILLAGE +. . ELK GROVE VILLAGE +. . ELMWOOD PARK VILLAGE + EVANSTON + EVERGREEN PARK VILLAGE FLOSSMOOR VILLAGE +. . FOREST PARK VILLAGE +. FOREST VIE* VILLAGE. . FRANKLIN PARK VILLAGE 2 362 17 7 317 115 914 59 16 38 1 35 17 91 176 134 116 76 60 99 130 39 9 956 150 91 183 2 289 16 15 26 507 146 & 123 3 110 120 510 95 63 119 70 ? _ 84 8 7 2 13 4 7 - 53 30 115 562 40 16 30 1 15 17 14 14 73 16 53 60 59 76 7 2 462 110 91 23 1 075 16 15 26 447 118 7 3 110 5 38 77 63 3 51 24 2 918 67 203 28 116 280 11 15 144 21 97 6 16 52 32 6 576 32 93 1 Oil 72 459 18 101 19 179 483 54 26 89 1 122 63 170 311 58 134 27 72 90 97 144 & 9 332 T 184 145 229 2 497 14 T 16 21 1 260 31 96 78 1 277 148 285 81 63 157 5 5 1 1 1 1 6 6 54 46 2 2 7 7 1 1 178 84 11 11 5 5 9 1 136 28 151 406 44 26 45 1 39 34 18 19 52 1 19 72 34 90 8 2 676 110 91 11 1 224 14 16 21 553 31 96 59 1 277 4 35 60 63 2 39 7 4 709 62 44 70 339 80 22 74 273 133 56 132 5 947 12 10 148 934 114 243 21 149 22 5 11 129 3 135 4 4 9 & 204 141 503 50 20 35 2 139 36 136 126 80 99 29 92 19 126 T 146 12 834 512 81 347 1 936 17 8 23 859 257 196 59 2 250 159 344 103 51 173 1 126 141 423 46 20 35 2 59 27 17 24 17 92 19 122 14 3 115 144 39 11 1 461 17 8 23 557 12 112 59 2 142 3 63 57 51 22 1 32 2 & 38 178 & 733 114 32 73 50 128 986 254 10 263 425 274 245 40 108 98 230 46 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 227 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lot the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- /■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures wilt — number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing '^ units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 7 7 T 5 5 T 8 7 1 1 9 3 5 T 6 T 3 12 01 12 12 1 1 (Xl (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 02 2 2 - _ 6 6 - - 2 1 4 7 5 7 5 2 T - T 6 03 .16 16 - - 20 17 3 - 32 29 6 16 16 14 8 3 7 16 04 34 34 - - 17 17 - - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 (S) (SI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 06 _ _ _ _ . . . - - - - 1 2 1 - 07 H 4 . . 3 3 _ - (X) (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 - - - - " - - - - 1 1 1 - 1 4 09 - - - - - - - - (SI T - T - - - (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 13 13 5 5 11 8 17 16 14 12 14 11 8 21 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 12 9 9 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 4 1 2 4 11 1 2 1 2 6 13 9 9 . . 8 8 _ _ T 6 3 (SI 4 T 5 2 12 5 1 2 14 90 80 10 - 91 91 - - 142 167 143 119 149 177 54 47 76 321 15 2 2 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 8 6 2 - 22 22 - - T 3 4 - 1 2 " 4 (SI (SI (SI 17 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI 18 9 9 ( SI ( SI T 18 T 12 12 18 12 9 10 14 10 38 19 (S) (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl 20 S 111 75 8 S 28 127 77 2 48 128 181 225 (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI & 488 21 7 7 . . (X) (XI IXI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 22 (X) 1 X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 iXI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 23 6 6 _ _ 6 4 2 _ (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 24 as 42 6 ~ & 279 27 & 252 86 8 203 55 118 105 72 (SI 49 & 198 138 25 145 145 123 123 122 54 37 44 315 48 43 20 T 22 15 26 554 429 7 118 592 462 _ 130 790 567 449 480 533 724 441 362 330 464 27 47 47 _ 41 39 2 - 89 68 57 40 52 61 47 41 49 46 28 25 25 _ _ 23 23 _ _ (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 29 62 62 - - 46 46 - - 26 17 17 38 31 20 19 30 6 8 30 1 1 1 1 _ 4 2 T 6 12 6 6 1 3 T 4 T 8 31 264 96 16 152 168 52 26 90 408 233 205 281 485 335 321 277 301 324 32 80 14 24 42 93 51 20 22 61 30 80 106 251 175 (SI 105 18 44 33 T 113 29 41 43 375 31 86 258 301 428 T 322 250 T 399 248 225 221 T 168 233 34 266 31 22 213 253 47 22 184 212 157 71 61 106 165 88 61 62 T 69 35 68 68 . . 84 84 _ „ 122 323 351 T 3 (SI T 24 (S) 56 127 (S) 36 111 7 21 83 107 11 20 76 T 172 72 102 130 101 109 109 T 85 103 152 37 27 21 6 31 31 _ 60 82 88 163 194 194 172 201 161 245 38 63 63 _ 158 158 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 8 8 - - 3 3 - - T 8 T 22 T 26 94 oO 5 4 5 8 28 40 231 150 30 51 275 201 4 70 286 247 S 265 304 374 274 142 131 250 T 252 41 102 22 8 72 138 61 . 77 116 137 148 245 236 211 56 96 86 9 42 < 15 369 3 454 697 ill 218 S 14 644 4 014 862 & 9 768 & 9 880 & 8 910 flO 647 fl2 455 fl7 575 -12 281 ■ 10 390 ,'- 10 734 & 9 535 £16 196 43 & 606 256 82 S 268 653 535 26 92 547 581 569 434 371 143 84 & 163 75 69 44 41 15 2 24 50 34 16 T 53 47 69 136 235 280 192 40 51 525 45 (S) (S) . 258 91 56 1 11 (SI 379 175 179 300 288 81 115 173 139 46 2 667 1 834 188 645 2 366 1 917 132 317 & 4 255 3 274 & 3 031 3 974 3 718 4 132 3 594 & 2 078 1 848 2 161 47 179 179 _ 170 170 _ . (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 200 196 4 197 197 - - 289 7 3 14 12 21 5 6 6 9 50 712 632 14 66 667 513 51 103 823 656 264 264 397 446 521 840 316 392 51 7 7 4 4 _ 2 5 7 37 77 65 6 5 5 22 52 216 193 5 18 248 236 _ 12 646 476 452 559 608 429 51 36 36 142 53 25 9 16 76 76 _ _ S 166 18 12 9 15 T 17 22 22 T 18 ,S) 54 3 3 - 2 2 - - T 52 14 42 20 13 5 5 4 7 " 55 271 271 _ _ 531 531 . „ 566 763 637 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 128 7 23 98 227 8 20 199 199 171 111 152 219 146 144 128 231 335 57 196 97 49 50 532 190 40 302 491 1 018 596 549 599 499 486 298 339 580 58 188 49 12 127 151 71 12 68 225 279 307 343 452 528 266 298 330 375 59 64 44 2 18 109 56 - 53 117 52 50 76 96 101 85 87 80 75 60 97 3 7 87 38 1 9 28 62 61 13 23 46 23 30 11 13 20 61 _ 1 1 _ , 6 2 8 4 39 46 69 24 10 10 62 218 32 101 85 237 110 66 61 280 196 377 167 245 305 69 (SI 254 374 63 228 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conlorms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Pennil-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 f. Total number of housing units Numbei of tiousing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housm in structuies w g units ith- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- "_I 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ILLIt^OIS— CON. CHICAGO SMSA — CON. COOK COUNTY ** — CON. 17 154 120 3 322 96 433 79 435 35 188 4 9 1 87 254 470 69 70 3 158 1 176 22 191 74 59 177 103 555 443 121 298 20 5 24 379 747 240 83 100 304 T 47 2 22 129 3 9 14 238 27 186 9 T 121 245 192 186 T 195 526 52 284 33 T 26 156 39 18 41 85 72 87 28 110 39 322 460 73 6 17 136 120 3 322 78 17 67 305 29 186 4 9 1 23 44 138 21 70 3 13 1 176 18 24 6 12 107 101 243 274 107 242 20 5 4 251 480 7 83 100 301 47 2 22 115 3 5 14 14 9 7 4 42 121 14 176 49 178 4 284 9 156 4 2 33 70 72 67 28 86 20 48 195 60 6 18 3 2 56 38 48 5 4 7 28 2 79 29 3 14 4 39 57 5 4 12 10 81 27 14 29 8 15 19 12 121 4 18 413 12 130 6 8 210 294 140 160 40 47 70 312 90 14 56 20 128 238 233 185 18 122 & 75 112 178 65 321 48 24 12 6 16 24 262 144 9 22 159 79 3 370 579 236 55 240 33 49 181 3 7 2 43 87 211 17 94 4 102 169 7 216 138 26 91 151 417 594 155 246 16 439 9 342 406 497 45 99 362 58 9 93 262 33 51 10 529 6 41 34 74 147 382 2 136 666 398 6 256 93 40 177 228 5 44 125 87 373 27 227 27 212 557 62 20 22 147 79 3 294 70 48 55 237 21 1 141 3 7 2 33 23 118 14 68 4 16 169 4 5 5 3 67 151 257 212 155 222 16 19 2 186 406 5 45 83 324 58 9 93 147 15 11 10 6 6 11 17 71 107 10 2 136 52 224 2 256 9 9 177 8 5 36 70 77 173 15 123 25 48 268 60 20 76 68 22 3 40 10 24 32 3 26 10 3 103 42 36 54 7 2 7 64 2 24 20 2 17 3 102 27 4 8 31 209 8 55 10 4 2 10 134 2 12 441 166 12 48 40 61 76 108 91 23 24 160 346 24 366 156 490 16 31 51 16 16 503 28 40 372 532 147 76 11 200 8 104 154 155 32 196 71 4 435 347 200 62 178 57 1 172 4 9 3 327 63 198 54 52 3 270 2 136 30 126 360 24 167 177 546 335 126 126 10 441 61 281 404 387 42 119 551 50 6 105 300 1 40 1 282 10 52 63 111 215 718 26 196 345 399 2 239 29 T 78 241 188 64 123 135 81 229 30 198 21 116 623 154 19 32 158 71 4 371 147 74 60 178 17 1 132 4 7 3 43 49 144 20 40 3 30 2 136 30 23 1 145 177 143 205 96 108 10 18 5 233 345 10 42 119 371 50 6 105 194 1 12 1 7 10 6 29 107 103 16 26 196 137 255 2 239 9 1 241 15 64 87 111 63 149 26 150 21 44 279 112 19 32 20 2 40 2 59 14 32 12 69 7 8 16 20 15 2 16 4 14 4 48 28 29 29 4 37 17 4 54 150 16 24 18 4 8 159 32 36 64 166 106 40 225 22 34 240 34 352 24 22 395 114 10 18 408 54 32 55 363 176 56 246 46 5 112 702 171 127 16 23 23 20 60 48 64 165 10 04 GOLF VILLAGE 05 06 07 OS HANOVER PARK VILLAGE HARVEY + HARWOOO HEIGHTS VILLAGE + HAZEL CREST VILLAGE X 1 HODGKINS VILLAGE •.•.....■••• 12 13 HOI^ETOWN HOMEWOOD VILLAGE ■!-..•..•.•••• 1« INDIAN HEAD PARK VILLAGE . . 16 KENILWORTH VILLAGE 17 18 LA GRANGE PARK VILLAGE + LA GRANGE VILLAGE 19 20 21 22 LANSING VILLAGE -t- LEMONT VILLAGE -I- LINCOLNWOOD VILLAGE -1- LYNWOOD VILLAGE 23 LYONS VILLAGE 2H MCCOOK VILLAGE ..•....•••••. 25 26 MARKHAM VILLAGE -1- MATTESON VILLAGE 28 MELROSE PARK VILLAGE -f.. ..••••• 29 30 31 32 33 MERRIONETTE PARK VILLAGE MORTON GROVE VILLAGE + MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE -I- NILES VILLAGE -f*. *•...••.... 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 NORRIDGE VILLAGE -1- NORTHBROOK VILLAGE ■^ NORTHFIELD VILLAGE -l- NORTHLAKE + NORTH RIVERSIDE VILLAGE + OAK LAWN VILLAGE -f... ..••...• OLYMPIA FIELDS VILLAGE + 44 45 46 47 PALATINE VILLAGE + PALOS HEIGHTS PALOS PARK VILLAGE PARK FOREST VILLAGE -1- 49 50 51 PHOENIX VILLAGE POSEN VILLAGE * 53 55 RIVERSIDE VILLAGE 4-*. ......... 57 ROLLING MEADOWS -f. ......... .. 58 59 ROSEMONT VILLAGE ............ 61 SCHILLER PARK VILLAGE -f. ........ 63 SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS VILLAGE + 65 STICKNEY VILLAGE -I...... 68 69 70 THORNTON VILLAGE + TINLEY PARK VILLAGE -f 72 73 WESTERN SPRINGS VILLAGE + WHEELING VILLAGE •*■ 75 WILMETTE VILLAGE -I............ 78 79 an DU PAGE COUNTY ** ADDISON VILLAGE -f. ........... BENSENVILLE VILLAGE -f. ......... BL00MIN6DALE VILLAGE + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 229 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie source for tlie statistics stiown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, s See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number o( housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 28 243 78 5 238 429 198 119 31 209 16 3 2 178 89 199 26 106 73 6 129 106 87 355 347 309 162 584 118 105 51 185 94 301 336 125 34 41 364 46 2 84 351 330 47 21 138 35 72 42 155 119 280 249 615 219 11 (S) 298 105 62 145 107 92 342 17 282 42 76 605 158 15 28 151 78 5 236 140 30 119 31 25 3 2 35 33 107 22 56 129 91 10 140 307 162 377 98 101 25 58 289 302 14 34 41 352 46 2 84 47 21 13 11 13 14 151 119 19 66 280 107 299 219 11 (S) 298 62 145 39 164 15 117 42 48 137 87 15 2 92 197 168 287 207 127 86 34 109 110 330 60 256 114 161 26 303 23 51 196 143 340 T 83 417 19 226 1 95 (XI 14 1 139 42 179 6 116 (X) (S) 10 72 349 (51 188 435 187 463 171 89 82 27 77 249 595 94 59 136 55 5 208 451 18 T 68 17 245 28 50 22 r 141 T 28 25 146 (XI T 55 592 13 278 24 T 36 10 143 34 97 128 126 252 43 179 43 114 380 220 42 51 - 180 - 1 4 ~ 143 - 177 69 67 10 327 - 19 - 159 31 1 ■ 87 . (X) (X) 18 151 6 82 (X) 43 (S) 7 31 76 (S) 138 435 187 246 171 89 74 27 23 237 376 21 59 95 55 5 208 265 18 46 17 20 141 28 25 146 (X) 10 297 13 278 7 10 10 20 34 97 HO 112 218 25 179 43 74 266 128 42 34 IX) (X) 3 107 24 215 39 215 67 168 20 210 18 18 (X) 42 188 84 54 73 240 (X) T 428 T 182 69 (S) 112 (S) T - 191 .X) (S) T 1 110 36 152 55 164 (X) 38 T 1 (S) 16 86 T 181 T - 210 610 338 830 302 145 79 67 171 T 157 790 153 69 105 144 (X) (S) 190 632 T 13 50 22 368 (XI 37 T 135 T 41 (X) (X) (X) (XI 123 2 427 (S) 351 T 58 53 (S) 122 53 T 55 226 131 227 40 516 23 104 241 157 T 52 75 127 (XI 418 (SI 23 35 87 (XI (S) 1 152 42 143 31 136 (X) 44 7 (SI 14 55 190 367 493 438 201 88 51 50 146 80 578 170 73 228 479 (X) 20 204 360 16 216 (XI 45 24 T 22 (XI (XI (X) (XI 99 1 134 (S) 289 34 58 T 534 37 40 107 277 104 73 29 281 26 82 375 215 17 63 235 5 2 (X) 305 (SI 47 38 111 72 (XI (SI 12 232 32 107 41 172 (X) 252 66 102 162 2 39 279 261 395 313 100 44 22 69 T 29 723 51 50 49 215 (X) 29 234 344 69 92 10 108 (XI 83 35 38 (XI (XI (X) (X) 170 1 461 (SI 234 48 T 71 (SI 75 120 86 259 119 357 25 344 26 173 S 297 314 (SI 119 507 8 2 (X) 282 T 6 (X) 196 3 55 (X) (SI 5 287 67 154 35 247 (XI 179 2 531 71 79 772 1 29 552 510 617 529 165 97 68 83 26 552 110 65 20 118 (XI 46 397 557 T 37 121 T 20 115 (XI 60 60 T 56 (XI (X) (XI (XI 69 1 639 74 290 51 51 (XI 42 144 80 455 172 (S) 33 402 72 252 256 131 (SI 135 270 5 (X) 306 (S) 377 (XI 225 206 (X) (SI 97 249 10 357 (XI 138 30 78 790 523 484 101 (SI 98 231 82 36 564 170 70 9 434 (XI 60 395 587 14 45 39 159 (XI 61 (XI (XI (X) (X) 147 1 816 129 290 101 T 21 (X I 56 18 155 756 214 542 23 554 82 281 114 114 2 109 282 10 12 (XI 246 12 188 107 11 195 104 225 (X) 452 (X) 72 136 752 683 601 140 T 346 70 90 T 129 15 384 151 38 15 162 (XI 50 351 655 6 29 12 181 (XI 112 46 60 (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 1 641 T 42 214 152 140 439 162 19 28 246 71 171 110 288 4 (XI 146 T 93 99 (XI 274 (S) (XI 169 (X) (SI 19 163 133 407 (XI (SI (X) 93 3 54 14 71 233 153 49 372 450 558 28 305 57 135 157 16 331 155 10 3 68 (XI 29 865 487 3 28 5 251 (XI 130 33 & (SI (XI (X) (X) (X) 50 79 98 T 13 (XI 45 28 70 320 137 12 36 195 62 204 62 85 (XI 109 371 3 (XI 154 12 67 (XI 161 26 (XI 291 (XI 34 8 177 153 384 (X) (SI (XI 118 2 34 45 15 110 15B 59 232 202 332 317 270 21 355 110 1 10 154 (XI 32 945 471 5 26 8 264 (XI 130 42 29 (XI (XI (X) (X) 39 981 34 53 T 139 10 (X) 32 15 64 456 132 14 32 189 55 106 33 58 (XI 81 413 2 5 (XI 146 34 98 (XI 43 T 8 (X) 444 (XI 25 11 186 153 T 208 (XI T 145 (X) 104 4 25 57 17 65 206 137 103 65 (SI 180 10 253 151 T 4 12 75 (XI T 42 772 379 (SI 24 6 168 (X) 135 48 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI 152 770 14 31 167 11 (XI 40 358 84 39 153 74 104 25 86 (XI 74 357 (XI 93 (S) (XI 54 T 733 {XI 18 20 348 153 306 (X) 229 (XI 206 2 42 54 39 68 90 262 280 224 78 (SI 187 T 14 439 93 T 1 12 (S) (XI T 34 T 413 389 (SI 21 24 194 (XI 180 81 31 (XI (X) (X) (XI 42 1 164 12 T 23 47 10 (X) 42 11 44 231 109 20 25 152 80 132 32 52 (XI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 59 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 230 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated (or each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes m defmitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were perm.it-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Numbet of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 It 15 16 ILLINOIS— COtM. CHICAGO SMSA— CON. DU PAGE COUNTY **--COlJ. BURR RIDGE VILLAGE ii^********** 11 18 74 241 1 463 167 228 140 60 7 323 180 1 60 52 61 30 107 83 44 189 338 502 52 24 8 7 270 74 15 335 53 74 144 45 32 T 9 20 5 199 5 15 46 4 18 16 214 20 1 3 1 32 479 134 2 10 63 43 53 6 2 72 10 31 30 15 8 31 2 27 13 & 879 25 156 11 IB 25 95 921 161 134 58 20 7 193 171 1 60 52 23 30 23 79 44 183 338 177 14 24 8 7 150 46 9 313 53 74 60 45 32 9 15 5 199 6 11 38 4 12 16 151 2 1 3 1 32 455 128 2 10 35 43 53 6 2 55 10 18 2 15 5 31 2 23 9 198 25 110 - 6 41 36 4 6 4 5 113 26 28 6 10 8 4 8 18 6 4 11 13 4 3 4 4 42 46 49 140 542 6 53 82 40 94 5 32 84 212 38 94 12 76 5 6 " 63 24 24 6 24 & 639 5 30 20 130 1 021 159 250 48 25 4 168 187 (S) 48 42 30 26 232 79 42 231 115 583 34 47 30 5 305 39 9 320 36 115 189 39 15 10 13 98 1 161 9 33 37 1 5 19 236 15 1 3 3 43 415 98 3 20 76 20 25 8 6 126 14 106 16 21 31 12 2 15 17 85 & 546 28 436 5 30 20 94 940 132 132 48 19 4 154 181 (S) 48 42 28 26 18 73 42 130 115 343 24 9 18 5 131 39 5 316 36 81 59 37 13 10 13 18 1 146 9 33 15 1 5 ly 190 3 1 3 3 43 411 92 3 15 33 20 25 e 6 116 14 84 21 7 12 2 15 13 85 199 28 132 3 4 4 6 2 4 110 10 2 16 4 4 22 2 2 2 8 8 2 6 4 6 10 22 16 24 4 44 168 33 81 27 114 6 10 214 6 97 130 i 158 34 108 78 7 14 44 6 5 43 & 303 136 5 221 15 126 & 988 288 120 45 52 9 287 209 8 14 44 367 53 14 606 53 159 95 297 15 55 (S) 4 471 81 4 338 55 95 109 64 5 10 16 20 4 130 9 21 21 5 10 20 220 8 2 4 2 85 475 115 4 16 32 25 28 8 1 138 10 94 1 20 12 11 16 126 124 321 19 159 5 221 15 65 & 988 135 86 45 52 9 249 205 8 14 44 79 50 6 72 51 124 95 195 13 53 (S) 4 132 47 4 309 53 95 63 56 3 10 7 18 4 104 9 9 17 5 10 20 198 5 2 4 2 85 475 103 4 11 32 25 28 8 1 138 10 60 1 20 12 4 16 14 124 224 19 93 12 24 4 66 3 3 32 2 4 34 2 2 30 34 5 2 4 8 2 9 2 12 4 2 3 12 22 7 32 18 36 49 153 34 14 222 5 502 31 68 309 24 42 26 20 5 12 80 79 30 CAROL STREAM VILLAGE ••••••!••• CLARENDON HILLS VILLAGE DOWNERS GROVE VILLAGE +••••••••• DU PAGE COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS * U , . ELMHURST -f*************** HINSDALE VILLAGE + ITASCA VILLAGE LISLE VILLAGE + LOMBARD VILLAGE + Ny^p^Ry JL|_E +••••• •••• ROSELLE VILLAGE + VILLA PARK VILLAGE +• •••• 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2a 25 WHEATON +•••••••••••••••• WINFIELD VILLAGE WOOORIDGE VILLAGE* ••••••••••• KANE COUNTY ** AURORA +•••••••••••■•••• BATAVIA CARPENTERSVILLE VILLAGE + 27 ELBURN VILLAGE 29 30 31 GENEVA + GILBERTS VILLAGE HAMPSHIRE VILLAGE 32 33 KANE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + MONTGOMERY VILLAGE 34 35 36 37 38 39 NORTH AURORA VILLAGE + ST CHARLES + SOUTH ELGItg VILLAGE SUGAR GROVE VILLAGE VALLEY VIE* VILLAGE WEST DUNDEE VILLAGE + LAKE COUNTY ♦* 42 43 44 DEERFIELD VILLAGE + DEER PARK VILLAGE FOX LAKE VILLAGE 46 47 48 49 GREEN OAKS VILLAGE GURNEE VILLAGE HAINESVILLE VILLAGE HAWTHORN WOODS VILLAGE 52 INDIAN CREEK VILLAGE 54 LAKE BARRINGTON VILLAGE. ...••.•• 56 57 LAKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + LAKE FOREST + 61 62 63 64 LINCOLNSHIRE VILLAGE LINDENHURST VILLAGE LONG GROVE VILLAGE METTAWA VILLAGE 66 NORTH BARRINGTON VILLAGE 68 69 70 PARK CITY RIVERWOOD VILLAGE ROUND LAKE VILLAGE ...... 71 72 73 74 75 ROUND LAKE BEACH VILLAGE ROUND LAKE PARK VILLAGE VERNON HILLS VILLAGE WAUCONDA .....••..••••... 76 WAUKEGAN +. ..■■*•. ....... 77 78 WINTHROP HARBOR VILLAGE + ZION + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 231 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issumg places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13 ,» See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units tor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: '■-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures with- nuiiibei in structures with- number of number of number of numbei numbei of number of number of number numbei number i o( of of of of of tiousing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units 01 moie units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 1 1 (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 01 86 86 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 29 18 . 11 37 25 . 12 41 43 59 93 128 148 142 93 81 105 03 230 155 12 63 133 98 16 19 163 169 182 301 430 397 270 225 227 331 04 1 205 1 187 - 18 1 417 1 239 - 178 1 717 1 457 1 329 1 890 2 071 1 816 1 412 1 240 1 165 1 096 05 320 210 2 108 157 157 _ . 181 170 228 415 589 456 657 414 540 636 06 211 53 60 98 300 62 4 234 135 187 98 134 206 243 201 175 200 188 07 51 48 3 . 47 44 3 _ 83 65 (SI T 115 168 181 149 113 124 194 08 7 7 - - 17 17 _ - 41 49 60 74 104 68 41 T 31 T 47 T 72 09 13 13 - - 125 121 4 - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 234 230 4 - 162 156 6 - 462 355 278 315 281 315 312 341 234 369 11 247 217 - 30 205 199 6 - 258 220 239 192 175 141 99 101 120 94 12 7 7 . . 5 5 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 28 28 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 81 81 - - 78 78 - - 156 131 81 103 84 30 30 37 41 36 15 324 149 44 131 360 155 30 175 548 547 327 413 217 252 188 200 272 254 16 70 40 - 30 119 59 - 60 228 102 70 100 47 48 30 31 41 29 17 6 6 _ _ 37 15 22 . T 26 45 44 (SI 36 43 (SI 94 56 57 18 374 84 2 288 218 88 34 96 169 269 244 T 453 457 406 310 68 297 400 19 77 67 4 6 61 45 16 - T 38 19 24 31 20 23 19 12 12 7 20 T 127 117 - 10 118 94 - 24 T 31 31 35 T 21 13 T 27 T 32 (SI 32 T 23 21 150 150 ~ ~ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 22 253 204 43 6 376 222 20 134 348 498 339 304 302 316 190 191 246 406 23 43 13 4 26 18 18 . - 41 45 55 71 60 28 21 16 16 27 24 116 106 10 - 239 239 - - 846 677 418 786 524 638 10 9 8 (SI 25 54 18 12 24 23 23 . _ 14 22 36 27 44 20 14 11 (SI (SI 26 5 5 - - 7 7 - - 9 8 1 8 3 1 2 1 6 4 27 268 lie 28 122 185 150 8 27 223 120 123 197 248 198 222 167 218 208 28 49 39 10 - 44 44 - - T 122 71 58 60 68 53 44 89 54 61 29 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 9 9 - - 8 8 . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 346 346 - - 341 337 4 - 488 252 298 348 498 552 455 415 389 483 32 37 37 . . 40 40 _ _ T 15 14 18 18 17 3 43 (SI (SI 9 33 193 73 120 - 85 85 - - 111 75 62 47 28 8 9 7 3 3 34 121 111 4 6 77 61 8 8 110 79 86 84 86 80 63 62 44 37 35 38 38 - - 34 34 _ - (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI T 20 (SI (SI (SI T 23 36 5 3 2 - 3 3 - - (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 4 4 _ _ 104 8 24 72 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 38 46 10 12 24 7 7 - - 53 19 19 2 7 10 9 12 10 10 39 22 10 12 20 20 IS 29 56 45 54 46 7 10 14 T 10 40 6 6 - . 5 5 . . 6 3 6 8 3 6 7 T 6 3 7 41 226 139 4 83 110 90 4 16 333 367 326 383 295 152 131 100 105 135 42 7 7 . . 7 7 . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 7 7 - - 6 6 - - (SI (SI (SI (SI 24 27 (SI (SI T 24 (SI 44 34 34 _ _ 24 20 4 _ 25 27 (S) 59 (SI (SI 64 60 30 30 45 3 3 . • (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 19 19 _ « 14 14 _ _ 7 5 20 30 18 30 26 36 (S) T 12 47 5 5 . _ . - T 2 - - 8 1 - - T - (SI (SI 48 11 11 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 174 161 _ 13 124 114 4 6 T 228 145 172 T 341 405 387 354 183 191 274 50 19 5 14 _ 20 14 6 . (SI (S) (SI T 12 18 18 14 T 20 19 6 51 1 1 . - 3 3 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 4 4 - - 2 2 _ _ 5 8 4 10 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 3 3 - - (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 42 42 _ . 28 24 4 _ T 43 61 50 58 74 59 30 32 34 19 55 & 696 & 694 2 _ 501 501 _ "■ 1 224 863 840 & 1 207 1 076 886 697 718 699 815 56 149 125 18 6 123 89 14 20 108 90 113 130 144 128 76 73 51 67 57 2 2 « _ 3 3 _ - 4 2 2 4 3 - 2 3 3 5 58 17 17 - - 6 6 - 16 16 12 16 64 125 T 57 42 82 64 59 40 38 2 _ 66 13 _ 53 109 61 80 134 92 64 52 59 60 127 60 27 27 - _ 44 44 _ . (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 35 35 _ _ 35 35 _ - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 62 9 9 . . 8 8 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 64 154 150 4 _ 135 117 _ 18 94 174 254 268 412 206 57 48 44 96 65 12 12 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 74 53 21 « & 207 42 9 & 156 74 83 111 101 T 72 47 26 43 51 35 67 12 _ 12 . (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 68 13 13 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 69 4 4 _ _ 10 10 . _ 9 7 5 T 7 (SI (SI 7 5 T 6 (SI 70 23 23 - _ 12 12 _ - 25 52 36 65 77 70 65 39 T 57 59 71 . « _ _ (XI IXI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 72 52 52 . . 8 8 _ - 7 5 8 11 5 15 8 T 6 T 6 T 8 73 59 59 - - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 74 72 72 _ . 46 44 2 _ 39 82 65 51 62 48 44 59 25 T 25 75 332 202 74 56 362 213 105 44 503 488 411 487 377 1 068 772 330 392 365 76 26 24 2 _ 46 25 5 16 T 53 37 25 60 79 23 120 41 50 23 77 249 137 42 70 172 100 2 70 124 68 57 69 55 47 71 83 66 112 78 232 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964- **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units l^umber of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing unils Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 unils or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ILLIt^OIS— CON. CHICAGO SMSA — CON. MCHENRY COUNTY * ALGONQUIN VILLAGE + CARY VILLAGE -v CRYSTAL LAKE + FOX RIVER GROVE VILLAGE HARVARD HEBRON VILLAGE HUNTLEY VILLAGE LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE LAKEMOOR VILLAGE LAKEIKOOD VILLAGE MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE MCHENRY COUNTY UNINC. AREA + , . , MCHENRY MARENGO RICHMOND VILLAGE SPRING GROVE VILLAGE SUNNYSIOE VILLAGE UNION VILLAGE WOODSTOCK -f WILL COUNTY BEECHER VILLAGE CREST HILL CRETE VILLAGE ELUIOOD VILLAGE FRANKFORT VILLAGE JOLIET -I- LOCKPORT MOKENA VILLAGE t^EW LENOX VILLAGE PEOTONE VILLAGE PLAINFIELD VILLAGE ROCKDALE VILLAGE ROMEOVILLE VILLAGE + SHOREWOOD VILLAGE STEGER VILLAGE + WILL COUNTY UNINC. AREA + WILMINGTON DAVENPORT-ROCK I SLANO-MOLINEt IOWA-ILL. SI^SA (SEE IOWA) DECATUR SMSA MACON COUNTY ** ARGENTA VILLAGE DECATUR + FORSYTH VILLAGE MACOrj COUNTY UNIf^C. AREA + . . . . MACON MAROA MOUNT ZION VILLAGE OREANA VILLAGE WARRENSBURG VILLAGE PEORIA SMSA PEORIA COUNTY ** BARTONVILLE VILLAGE + BELLEVUE VILLAGE CHILLICOTHE NORTH CHILLICOTHE VILLAGE NORWOOD VILLAGE PEORIA + PEORIA COUNTY UNINC. AREA -I- . . . . PEORIA HEIGHTS VILLAGE TAZEWELL COUNTY CREVE COEUR VILLAGE DELAVAN EAST PEORIA + GREEN VALLEY VILLAGE HOPEDALE VILLAGE MARQUETTE HEIGHTS MORTON VILLAGE + SOUTH PEKIN VILLAGE TREMONT VILLAGE WASHINGTOt^ WOODFORD COUNTY EL PASO EuREKA GOOOFIELD VILLAGE MINONK SPRING BAY VILLAGE WOODFORD COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . . 26 26 102 305 35 29 16 37 36 6 23 367 40 16 41 16 3 159 13 125 479 17 11 243 3 135 262 (SI 18 7 - 12 - 1 - 3 - 305 ; 15 - 17 - 3 - 3 : 2 - 41 8 16 . 27 10 25 - 4 2 15 8 243 44 26 6 10 3 159 13 55 479 15 11 243 3 135 113 (S) 12 67 67 2 2 (SI (S) 3 3 154 135 2 2 11 11 21 19 12 12 11 11 4 4 32 32 138 17 27 3 7 10 1 315 56 29 2 & 702 34 1 30 9 28 4 T 136 32 61 871 19 69 6 (S) 1 126 4 21 37 16 - 32 - 94 4 5 12 25 2 3 _ 5 2 10 - 1 - 210 34 1 14 9 12 4 136 32 57 871 19 4 4 216 216 3 3 129 129 1 1 8 8 16 16 28 28 1 1 25 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 204 112 (SI (SI 11 11 67 2 6 - (S) - 1 . 120 6 4 - 19 2 37 " 13 _ 5 - 3 - 5 - 41 25 45 45 169 125 6 6 36 18 10 10 10 10 3 3 1 1 2 2 T 312 312 8 8 9 9 6 4 3 3 2 2 88 86 7 7 20 20 22 22 1 1 18 12 261 245 43 39 12 - 12 12 4 4 37 10 4 4 T 74 74 58 58 67 63 2 2 152 384 11 198 198 6 6 158 158 5 5 6 6 8 8 16 16 2 2 134 126 2 - 17 17 26 26 2 - 2 - 2 - 76 17 74 10 11 - 10 _ 1 - 42 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 233 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12. and B-13. r. See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures with _ number in structures wit — numbei number number numbei numbei numbei number numbei numbei number g ol of of of ol of of of ol of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 24 24 35 35 (X I (XI (X) ( X 1 IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 01 45 45 . . 50 50 _ - 74 75 81 51 46 44 49 20 16 T 23 02 98 53 7 38 64 48 4 12 75 73 81 127 112 98 69 -'^ T 93 108 03 11 11 _ . 10 10 _ - (X) (XI ( XI iX) >X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) 04 5 5 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 05 _ . 5 3 2 _ 2 2 _ _ 1 2 . 2 - 6 06 6 4 2 . 5 5 _ . (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 07 22 22 _ 23 23 . . 47 17 15 32 37 (S) (X 1 (XI (XI (X) 08 _ _ (S) (S) _ _ T - (S) 2 T 7 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 09 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (S) (SI (S) (SI (S) (SI 4 9 10 12 10 . . 1 1 . _ (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 402 402 _ . 349 349 _ . 733 616 636 656 778 482 552 480 432 388 12 30 26 4 _ 13 13 _ _ 34 27 34 48 38 T 35 38 24 (SI 29 13 29 25 4 _ 23 23 . . ( S ' 1 il I S) ' L, ; I b J ! s ; T 12 11 23 (S) 14 12 10 2 - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) ( XI (X 1 (XI 1 X 1 ( X) 15 2 2 (X) (X) ( X ) (X) (XI (X) 1 X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 16 1 1 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (X) (XI ( X) 17 2 2 _ _ 6 6 _ - (X) (XI (X) ( X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 68 60 - 8 20 20 - - 51 27 40 58 82 48 85 54 44 53 19 6 6 8 8 11 25 32 22 T 6 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 20 18 14 4 . (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) 21 30 30 . _ 39 39 _ _ (SI (SI (S) (SI 19 19 30 43 23 44 22 5 3 2 _ 7 3 4 _ 2 1 9 7 (X) (XI (X> (Xl (X) (X) 23 22 22 - 13 13 - 29 27 10 9 12 7 T 8 5 7 T 13 24 252 237 3 12 211 211 . _ 330 & 408 317 300 337 448 335 & 404 244 278 25 47 45 2 84 78 6 - 42 44 52 (S) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 26 8 8 _ 7 7 _ _ T 11 T 9 9 T 11 (X) (X) 15 11 19 T 10 27 7 7 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 14 5 10 16 16 (S) (XI (Xl (XI (X) 28 13 1 - 12 - - 12 10 13 10 15 9 12 T 6 (S) (S) 29 (S) (S) . . . 3 2 1 2 4 _ 7 10 T 9 9 30 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 6 2 3 - - T - - (S) (S) 31 228 228 _ _ 110 110 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 32 17 17 _ _ 28 28 _ _ (X) (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 33 T 80 76 4 - 50 50 - - 92 32 47 31 134 58 (S) T 39 31 31 34 1 277 1 277 . . 808 808 . _ 1 152 841 1 087 944 787 744 1 111 742 525 481 35 13 11 2 15 10 5 24 5 11 26 5 10 9 15 20 T 10 36 6 6 2 2 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 37 188 173 . 15 255 211 44 - T 247 318 T 410 577 586 T 469 303 189 T 236 389 38 8 8 _ 4 4 « _ ;xi (XI (X> (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 225 225 _ _ 254 254 _ . 283 351 432 592 445 380 246 198 240 321 40 3 3 - - 8 8 - - 7 9 13 1 4 (S) 1 1 (SI 8 41 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 42 13 13 _ _ 26 26 _ - 33 21 4 - - - - - - - 43 16 16 _ _ 14 14 _ _ 7 6 8 13 (S) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 44 2 2 ~ ~ 5 5 ~ ■ (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X ) IXI (X) (X) (X) 45 17 17 33 31 2 122 78 25 13 11 9 18 10 39 6 46 7 7 . _ 4 4 _ (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) 47 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ . (X) tX) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 48 3 3 . . ( S) 1 S) - - 8 4 3 4 1 2 3 3 7 T 5 49 4 4 - - (XI (X) IX) (XI ,(X) (X) (X) tX) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 50 108 82 26 . 97 75 22 _ Bl 61 104 145 205 181 S 498 190 S 670 597 51 (SI (S) . (S) (5) _ - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI 52 20 14 6 - 21 21 - - 19 8 26 26 106 19 19 29 27 33 53 13 13 27 27 29 20 T 35 63 (S) T 25 T 55 37 46 56 54 4 4 _ _ 1 1 _ _ T - - - - T - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 49 44 5 _ 55 53 2 _ (SI (S) (S) (XI (X) (X) (S) (SI 56 39 56 1 1 _ _ _ _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 57 - - T - - - - T - - T - - 4 (Xl (X) (X) (XI (X) 58 1 1 2 2 . (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 59 113 111 2 _ 79 73 6 _ 74 56 70 57 63 33 25 23 T 43 130 60 _ _ (SI (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) T 1 (SI T 3 61 25 25 _ _ 1 SI , c , - - (SI - - (SI T 11 (S) (X) ( X 1 (X 1 (X) 62 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (X) 63 9 9 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (X) 64 5 5 _ _ 2 2 _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) 65 1 1 . _ (X) (X) ( XI ( XI (X) (X ) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X ) (Xl (X) 66 7 7 _ _ 5 5 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 67 2 2 _ _ (X) (X> (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 68 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 69 234 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shovin in table for 1964. **97.0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 31 32 ILLINOIS — CON. ROCKFORD SMSA BOONE COUNTY ♦♦ BELVIDERE + BOONE COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . CAPRON VILLAGE POPLAR GROVE VILLAGE WINNEBAGO COUNTY *♦ CHERRY VALLEY VILLAGE DURAND VILLAGE LOVES PARK PECATONICA VILLAGE ROCKFORD + ROCKTON VILLAGE SOUTH BELOIT WINNEBAGO COUNTY UNINC AREA -I-. WINNEBAGO VILLAGE ST.LOUISiMO.-ILL. SMSA (SEE MISSOURI 1 SPRINGFIELD SMSA SANGAMON COUNTY BUFFALO VILLAGE GRANDVIEW VILLAGE JEROME VILLAGE LELAND GROVE CITY NEW BERLIN VILLAGE PAWNEE VILLAGE ... SOUTHERN VIEW VILLAGE SPRINGFIELD + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAMS COUNTY CLAYTON VILLAGE QUINCY + ALEXANDER COUNTY CAIRO BOND COUNTY GREENVILLE BROWN COUNTY MOUNT STERLING BUREAU COUNTY OHIO VILLAGE PRINCETON CARROLL COUNTY SHANNON VILLAGE CASS COUNTY BEARDSTOWN CHRISTIAN COUNTY PALMER VILLAGE TAYLORVILLE CLARK COUNTY MARSHALL CLINTON COUNTY KEYESPORT VILLAGE COLES COUNTY CHARLESTON MATTOON + CUMBERLAND COUNTY NEOGA DE KALB COUNTY CORTLAND TOWN DE KALB + DE KALB COUNTY UNINC. AREA. , , GENOA HINCKLEY VILLAGE SANDWICH SYCAMORE WATERMAN VILLAGE DOUGLAS COUNTY ARCOLA ARTHUR VILLAGE TUSCOLA EDGAR COUNTY CHRISMAN PARIS VERMILION VILLAGE 166 70 2 112 543 10 3 151 54 46 64 6 2 2 3 ~ 2 - 77 35 6 . 522 118 15 _ 8 - 482 37 8 2 7 7 1 1 6 6 5 5 . _ 5 5 586 455 3 145 1 1 - 299 95 14 144 69 75 21 11 10 3 1 2 15 9 6 23 13 10 5 5 " 8 8 . 10 10 - 7 7 - 5 5 . 35 35 - 75 50 7 61 2 769 11 637 5 6 631 1 101 211 19 1 33 19 1 55 48 7 53 2 440 515 5 6 388 1 - 85 10 77 6 19 - 1 - 33 _ 19 1 - 1 4 8 - 9 - 6 128 2 3 114 4 828 5 10 689 6 7 481 1 183 (S) 41 503 6 7 410 1 156 2 - 69 4 66 2 25 - 6 - 12 _ 20 - 2 ■ 15 . 16 - 9 ■ (S) _ 35 6 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 235 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, &-12, and B-13, ,« See Appendix C-2 fof statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as (Termit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in St uclures with- number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing ^ units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 39 35 4 48 45 2 70 48 T 81 70 87 41 40 37 49 81 01 20 20 - - (SI (SI - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 02 I 1 - - 1 1 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 03 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 04 9 2 . 7 2 2 (XI (XI (XI 1 X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 5 5 - - 1 1 _ - 2 2 4 2 6 4 1 2 - 2 06 163 155 8 - 40 34 - 6 40 32 37 102 81 70 T 77 T 88 T 25 107 07 2 2 - . 4 4 . _ 17 8 11 8 (S) (SI T 7 T 6 T 5 T 9 08 658 499 138 21 619 446 120 53 690 650 892 1 218 1 129 861 657 604 843 891 09 10 8 2 _ 9 9 _ _ 12 9 17 25 13 11 (S) 13 T 18 22 10 23 11 4 8 20 10 2 8 (SI (SI 20 18 15 29 17 32 29 27 11 537 491 40 6 610 494 72 44 580 534 712 795 691 T 528 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 12 6 6 5 5 (SI (SI T 9 6 16 T 4 1 7 6 11 13 ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 9 9 - - 7 7 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 15 6 4 2 - 8 8 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 16 6 6 - - 10 10 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 18 1 1 . . (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 19 8 8 - - 8 8 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 20 «16 340 33 43 373 361 12 423 390 222 298 247 229 176 280 317 369 21 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 T 1 (S) (SI 22 102 91 3 B 143 143 - - 175 141 165 225 262 261 151 164 155 221 23 9 9 - - (SI (SI - - (S) 1 2 6 23 10 15 28 12 13 24 10 10 - - 5 5 - - 13 24 21 19 20 29 15 24 19 24 25 2 2 - - 5 5 - - T 2 1 1 1 5 - - T 1 7 26 25 3 3 _ . (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 27 U 11 - - 11 U - - 34 27 16 T 30 22 24 32 25 39 69 26 2 2 - - (XI (XI (X) txi (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 29 6 6 - - 9 9 - - 12 13 11 25 25 61 8 - - 2 30 1 1 _ . . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 37 25 12 - 14 14 - - T 21 (S) (SI 21 22 T 15 15 T 24 29 44 32 9 9 - - 5 5 - - 8 9 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 33 1 1 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 34 U8 46 . _ 55 44 4 7 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 35 1(6 46 ■ ~ 55 55 - - 108 68 83 87 159 T 91 49 73 38 127 36 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI 37 . _ _ _ . . . . (S) . . 3 7 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 154 69 3 62 78 72 - 6 154 T 182 100 127 104 202 43 28 49 58 39 65 65 - - ( S ) 1 5) - - ( S) ( SI ( SI 1 SI ( SI ( SI 72 (S) T 82 (SI 40 14 14 - - 12 12 - ~ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 41 8 8 - - 4 4 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 42 (X) (X) tX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 43 21 15 - 6 15 15 - - 30 41 34 39 53 43 49 T 29 25 49 44 1 1 ■ ~ 1X1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 45 10 10 _ _ 13 13 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 46 12 12 - - 6 6 _ - 12 17 11 10 25 22 16 16 4 T 15 47 13 13 ~ ■ 6 6 - - 19 18 27 44 45 72 55 33 40 11 48 (S) (S) _ . (SI (SI . . (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 49 29 20 4 5 37 37 - - 27 34 24 51 33 55 63 50 53 52 50 ' (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 236 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown m table B-Jl. Wherever there is a change in dehnition. the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical lishng by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown m the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ILLINOIS — COI>J. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON EFFINGHAM COUNTY EFFINGHAM EFFINGHAM COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . FORD COUNTY GIBSON CITY FRANKLIN COUNTY CHRISTOPHER ORIENT WEST FRANKFORT FULTON COUNTY CANTON + FARMINGTON ST DAVID VILLAGE GALLATIN COUNTY 5HAWNEET0WN GRUNDY COUIMTY MINOOKA VILLAGE MORRIS HANCOCK COUNTY HAMILTON NAUVOO WARSAW ..... HARDIN COUNTY ROSICLARE HENDERSON COUNTY BIGGSVILLE VILLAGE GULF PORT VILLAGE STRONGHURST VILLAGE IROQUOIS COUNTY CISSNA PARK VILLAGE CRESCENT CITY VILLAGE MILFORD VILLAGE ItATSEKA JACKSON COUNTY CARBONDALE + MURPHYSBORO JEFFERSON COUNTY MOUNT VERNON + JERSEY COUNTY JEftSEYVILLE JO DAVIESS COUNTY GALENA WARREN VILLAGE KANKAKEE COUNTY AROMA PARK VILLAGE BOURBONNAIS VILLAGE BRADLEY VILLAGE BUCKINGHAM VILLAGE HERSCHER VILLAGE KANKAKEE + KANKAKEE COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . MANTENO VILLAGE MOMENCE KENDALL COUNTY KENDALL COUNTY UNINC AREA +. . . MILLINGTON VILLAGE NEWARK VILLAGE OSWEGO VILLAGE PLANO + YORKVILLE KNOX COUNTY ABINGDON EAST GALESBURG VILLAGE GALESBURG + KNOX COUNTY UNINC. AREA KNOXVILLE LA SALLE COUNTY EARLVILLE KANGLEY VILLAGE LA SALLE LOSTANT VILLAGE MENDOTA OGLESBY OTTAWA + STREATOR TONICA VILLAGE LAWRENCE COUNTY LAWRENCEVILLE, 35 (SI 5 27 29 1 7 88 308 35 15 10 3 33 1 16 & 82 1 2 2 2 2 8 4 2 2 16 e 25 11 169 94 42 28 3 2 19 - 29 - 7 - 57 9 216 92 11 - 7 " 139 . 3 - 43 (S) 183 22 125 216 13 9 125 2 7 (S) 53 17 5 43 (SI 101 18 55 200 13 9 125 2 7 (S) 53 17 5 & 20 & 70 8 339 & 70 117 20 5 5 3 3 7 7 25 17 20 14 55 44 249 249 15 15 10 10 189 189 - - 2 2 8 8 80 66 17 9 & 156 & 50 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 237 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places whicti constitute ttie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ii See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting Is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei of housing nits Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in str ctures with _ number m structures with _ number number numbei number number number number numbei numbei number c of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing I unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 unils units or more units unils or more units units unils units units units units unils units units 36 33 3 63 63 42 31 25 25 46 31 26 33 (S) 43 01 40 34 6 - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) IXI 1X1 IXI IXI IX 1 (X 1 (XI 02 50 50 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI IX) (XI IX) IX) (X) (XI 1X1 1X1 (XI 1X1 03 T 10 . IS) IS) IS) 2 _ 2 2 4 04 IX) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX 1 1X1 IX) (X 1 (XI 05 13 13 6 6 - - 11 T 8 - - - - (SI IX) 1X1 (XI 06 38 38 54 54 49 11 4 20 15 6 7 14 7 32 07 1 i _ _ 7 7 , . (X) (X ) 1 X ) IX) IX) IXI (X) (X 1 (X) 1X1 08 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X ) IX 1 IX) (X ) 1X1 1X1 1X1 ( X 1 (X) 09 10 10 - - 7 7 - - 3 4 8 2 7 8 3 - 5 5 10 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) IX) IX) (X) 1X1 (X) 1X1 (X) IX) 11 - - - - - - - - - " - ~ " " ~ ■ ' ■ 12 9 9 22 22 23 10 T 17 12 12 IS) IX ) IXI (XI IX) 13 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 2 1 1 - 3 3 1 - 1 3 14 1 1 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI IX) (X 1 1 XI IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 15 3 3 - - - - - - 1 2 5 1 - 1 1 T 4 T - 4 16 2 2 1 _ „ 1 T - 17 1 1 _ _ 1 1 _ . IX) (XI (XI IX) IX) (X) IX> 1X1 (XI IX) 18 (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) (XI (XI ■ 1X1 IX) (XI (XI (X) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 (XI IX) 19 ( XI (XI (XI (XI IX) (XI ( XI IXI IX) (XI IXI 1 X) IX ) IXI IX) IX) (X) IXI 20 3 3 IX) IX) IXI (X) IXI (XI (XI IX) (X) 1X1 IX) IX) (X) IX) 21 7 7 _ _ 20 20 _ - IX ) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IXI (X) IX) IX) 22 13 13 - - 17 17 - - 40 (S) (S) 28 29 22 43 (S) T 32 48 23 185 99 16 70 105 88 17 112 & 248 99 85 92 43 51 49 40 109 24 23 12 2 9 14 14 - - IS) (S) (S) (SI ISl IS) IS) (SI 14 60 25 T 10 10 - - 17 17 - - 50 64 55 T 45 T 58 52 46 34 49 63 26 T 52 52 - - 70 70 - - (X) (X 1 1 X 1 (X) IX 1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IX) IXI 27 4 4 IX) (X) (X) (X) IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 IXI IX) (XI 28 3 3 - - 1 1 - 8 2 4 9 6 5 4 6 7 13 29 H 4 2 2 IX 1 (XI IXI (X) (XI IXI IX) IXI (X) (XI 30 22 17 _ 5 24 14 2 8 21 30 IS) (S) 74 IS) T 27 27 (S) 14 31 7 7 _ 45 45 _ IS) (SI 39 T 90 57 27 70 77 66 51 32 1 1 _ _ _ _ IXI IXI (XI (X) (XI IX) IXI (XI (XI 1 XI 33 3 3 - - 4 4 - - IXI IX 1 (XI (X) (XI IX) (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 34 27 27 . 30 30 _ _ T 68 96 110 145 114 T 102 130 93 99 70 35 268 258 10 _ 205 205 _ . IX) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 15 15 _ 25 23 2 _ IX ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI ( XI (X) 37 11 14 - - 13 13 - IXI (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 38 217 217 210 202 8 235 174 185 72 (S) 23 15 11 6 T 26 39 _ _ _ _ IX ) IX 1 (X) IX) (X) (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 1X1 40 1 1 _ _ 3 3 _ _ IX) IXI (X) 1 X ) (X) (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 IX) 41 9 9 _ _ 12 8 4 _ T 11 16 8 13 15 11 6 ISl ISl IS) 42 48 48 _ _ 52 48 4 . (XI IXI (XI 1 X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 1X1 IXI 43 13 5 - 8 8 8 - (XI IXI (XI IX) (XI (X) 1X1 IXI 1X1 IXI 44 4 4 6 6 (X ) (X) (X) (X) 1X1 1 XI IXI (XI 1 XI 1X1 45 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ . (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 1X1 1X1 (XI 1 XI IX) 46 95 86 9 _ 119 119 _ _ 110 177 186 217 238 211 121 130 151 282 47 41 41 _ 32 32 _ _ 25 27 30 24 29 15 1X1 (XI 1X1 IX) 48 7 7 - - 4 4 - - (XI (XI ( X 1 (X ) (X 1 1 XI 1 X) (X) IXl IX) 49 8 8 4 4 6 8 T 3 T 3 4 4 (X) (X 1 IX) 1X1 50 1 1 _ _ _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X > 1X1 IXI (XI IXI (X ) IXI 51 26 10 4 12 IX) (X) (X) IXI (XI ( X 1 IX) IX 1 IX) IX 1 (XI 1X1 (X ) IXI 52 (X) (X) (XI IX) (X) (XI (X) I XI (XI IXI (XI 1X1 IX) 1X1 (X 1 1X1 (XI 1 XI 53 25 25 32 32 - - 15 33 27 36 51 50 (XI 1X1 (XI 1X1 54 9 9 6 6 _ 12 19 14 30 36 26 15 22 & 28 31 55 7 7 _ _ 31 31 _ _ T 61 & ISl 84 98 112 75 73 54 T 20 14 56 16 16 _ _ 28 28 _ _ (X 1 1 X 1 1 X) 1 X 1 IX ) IXI (X 1 IXI (XI (XI 57 ~ ■ 3 3 ~ " (X ) (X ) IXI 1X1 IX 1 1X1 (X 1 IX 1 (XI IXI 58 238 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from ttie sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ••97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 38 39 40 ILLINOIS--CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COI^ LEE COUtvJTY ASHTOtM VILLAGE DIXON + LEE COUNTY UNINC. AREA NELSON VILLAGE PAW PAW VILLAGE LIVINGSTON COUNTY DWIGHT VILLAGE FAIRBURY PONTIAC LOGAN COUNTY LINCOLN MOUNT PULASKI MCDONOUGH COUNTY MACOMB + MCLEAN COUNTY ANCHOR VILLAGE BLOOMINGTON + CHENOA COOKSVILLE VILLAGE DANVERS VILLAGE DOWNS VILLAGE ELLSWORTH VILLAGE GRIDLEY VILLAGE HUDSON VILLAGE LEROY MCLEAN VILLAGE NORMAL TOWN + SAYBROOK VILLAGE STANFORD VILLAGE TOWANDA VILLAGE . MACOUPIN COUNTY GILLESPIE MOUNT OLIVE STAUNTON MARION COUNTY CENTRALIA -I- SALEM MARSHALL COUNTY LACON MASSAC COUNTY METROPOLIS MERCER COUNTY ALEDO MERCER COUNTY UNINC. AREA, . . . SHERRARD VILLAGE VIOLA VILLAGE MONROE COUNTY COLUMBIA HECKER VILLAGE WATERLOO MONTGOMERY COUNTY LITCHFIELD MORGAN COUNTY JACKSONVILLE -I- SOUTH JACKSONVILLE VILLAGE . . . MOULTRIE COUNTY BETHANY VILLAGE MOULTRIE COUNTY UNINC. AREA SULLIVAN OGLE COUNTY BYRON CRESTON VILLAGE FORRESTON VILLAGE MOUNT MORRIS VILLAGE POLO ROCHELLE + PIATT COUNTY MONTICELLO PIATT COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . PIKE COUNTY GRIGGSVILLE PITT5FIELD PULASKI COUNTY MOUND CITY MOUNDS PULASKI VILLAGE 2 260 20 243 3 2 138 23 2 122 18 176 3 2 137 9 5 9 13 2 289 3 115 9 5 9 13 2 191 3 5 5 2 2 13 9 77 47 48 28 10 IC 3 3 16 x4 2 2 38 38 - - 11 11 2 & 165 3 1 1 5 2 3 14 15 2 171 5 1 2 2 135 3 1 1 5 2 3 14 15 2 148 5 1 2 15 15 10 10 5 5 2 2 52 44 2 2 15 15 86 61 13 13 3 3 36 30 6 6 3 3 1 1 4 4 2 2 73 63 20 14 6 6 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 239 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- - See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures with— number of in structures with- number number of number of number ol number of number numbei number number number of ol of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units 01 more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 4 4 2 2 (XI IX) ( X) 1 X 1 (X ) (XI ( X ) (X) (X 1 (X) 01 17 17 - - 54 54 - - 56 78 62 70 71 (XI (X) (X ) (XI (X) 02 15 15 - - (X 1 (X) (XI 1 XI (X 1 ( X ) ( X ) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) ( X) (X) 03 _ » _ « _ „ _ _ _ - (S> (XI (X ) (X ) (X) ( XI (X) (XI 04 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (X ) (X ) IX) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 05 6 6 . 14 14 16 14 18 26 17 14 17 7 19 16 06 8 8 . - 5 5 - - 11 15 18 16 12 17 5 4 6 4 07 25 25 - - 14 14 - - (X) ( X ) 1 X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 08 20 20 . . (X) (XI (X) (X) (X ) ( X ) 1 X ) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) ( XI 09 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI ( X 1 (X) (XI 10 35 33 2 45 43 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 11 ( X) ( XI (XI ( X 1 (X) (XI ( XI ( X) (X) (X ) ( X 1 (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 12 T liH 100 8 6 208 124 4 80 (S) (S) IS) (SI (S) (S) & 376 94 114 193 13 (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (X I (XI ( XI ( X) (X) (X) 1 X ) (XI (X ) (X) IXI (XI (X) (XI 14 (X) (XI ( X 1 ( XI (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 15 2 2 - - 3 3 - - 7 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 7 (S) 16 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (X) ( XI (X ) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (X) 17 2 2 - - - - - - IX) ( X ) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 ( X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X) ( X ) IX) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 19 IX) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI (X) (XI 20 14 14 - - 12 12 - - (X) 8 T 2 12 (S) T 12 10 9 T 3 11 21 5 5 _ _ 5 5 . _ (X) IX) (X) ( XI (X) (XI IXI (XI IX) (XI 22 169 157 2 _ 175 159 16 _ T 147 IS, 199 T 79 (SI (S) (SI T 51 52 46 85 23 1 1 . _ . _ _ _ 5 5 - 3 6 1 5 7 - 2 24 5 1 4 _ 4 4 _ _ (XI IX 1 (XI (X 1 IX) (XI (X) (X) IXI (XI 25 2 2 - - 5 5 - - IX) (X) (X) (XI IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) 26 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) IXI IX) IXI (XI (X) (X) 27 5 6 _ « 7 7 _ _ 12 10 5 6 5 u - 2 3 3 28 & 33 9 & 24 - 7 7 - - 8 10 6 10 17 13 12 5 18 18 29 34 34 8 147 47 « 100 61 39 48 69 45 5 _ _ _ _ 30 34 34 - - & 88 38 & 50 - 40 42 21 37 60 40 T 11 (SI T 15 17 31 ( X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) ( X) IX) (X ) (XI (X) IXI IX) IX) IXI IXI (XI 32 - - - - - - - - T - 4 - 6 3 4 62 22 & 145 37 33 5 5 16 16 T 8 10 8 12 (SI (SI IXI (XI IX) (XI 34 4 4 . _ (XI (XI (XI ( X) IX ) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI IXI (XI ( X) (X) 35 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ (X ) (X ) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 IXI (XI (X) (X) 36 (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI IX) IXI (XI (X) (X) 37 19 19 35 33 2 40 21 26 27 27 18 24 23 28 T 34 38 3 3 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (XI (X) IX) IX) IX) (XI (X) (X) 39 13 13 - - 13 13 - (X) (X) (XI (X) IX) (XI (X) 1X1 (X) (XI 40 17 17 - - ( X 1 (XI (X) ( XI (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI (XI (X) IXI IX) (XI 41 32 28 4 47 47 57 54 59 60 97 80 (XI IX) (XI (XI 42 10 10 - - 10 10 - - 26 10 19 17 21 40 40 40 T 36 (SI 43 1 1 (SI (SI (X) (X ) IXI (X) (X) (X) (XI IX) (XI (XI 44 _ . (XI (XI (X) ( XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) IX) IXI (XI 45 21 21 - - 15 15 - - (SI T 9 T 22 23 T 24 T 18 (S) 12 ISI ISI 46 3 3 3 3 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X ) (X) (X) IX) IXI IXI 47 - _ _ _ „ (X ) (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI (X) IX) IXI (XI 48 5 5 _ _ 4 4 _ _ T 6 6 6 4 9 1 4 8 9 T 10 49 6 6 _ - 11 11 _ - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI IX) IXI (XI 50 10 10 _ _ (XI (XI IX) (XI (X ) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) IXI (XI 51 57 43 14 - 43 43 - 62 56 82 36 54 37 24 19 28 65 52 12 12 (SI (SI (S) 18 29 T 32 30 (SI 16 19 20 32 53 1 XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (X ) (X 1 (X) (XI IX 1 (XI (X) IX) IX) (X) 54 2 . . . . . _ _ _ . 55 3 a - - 13 13 - - 27 19 25 27 27 19 60 20 T 44 (SI 56 1 1 2 1 5 3 5 3 3 57 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ T 7 1 - T - 10 14 (S) T 2 1 4 58 - - - - - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X I ( X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (XI 59 240 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: "Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. '"3T.0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of tiousing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ILLINOIS— CON- PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. RANDOLPH COUNTY SPARTA RICHLAND COUNTY OLNEY SCOTT COUNTY BLUFFS VILLAGE SHELBY COUNTY COiODEN VILLAGE SHELBYVILLE STEPHEI\ISON COUNTY FREEPORT + LENA TOWN IHINSLO* VILLAGE UNION COUNTY ANNA VERMILION COUNTY BELGIUM VILLAGE CATLIN VILLAGE DANVILLE + FITHIAN VILLAGE HOOPESTON MUNCIE VILLAGE OAKWOOD VILLAGE ROSSVILLE VILLAGE TILTON VILLAGE WESTVILLE VILLAGE WARREN COUNTY ROSEVILLE VILLAGE WARREN COUNTY UNINC. AREA WAYNE COUNTY FAIRFIELD WHITESIDE COUNTY ALBANY VILLAGE LYNDON VILLAGE PROPHETSTOWN ROCK FALLS STERLING + TAMPICO WHITESIDE COUNTY UNINC. AREA . , , WILLIAMSON COUNTY HURST MARION + INDIANA ANDERSON SMSA MADISON COUNTY ALEXANDRIA ANDERSON + CHESTERFIELD TOWN -l- ELWOOO INGALLS TOWN LAPEL TOWN MADISON COUNTY UNINC. AREA -I- . . , CINCINNATI. OHIO-KY.-IND. SMSA (SEE OHIOl EVANSVILLE. IND.-KY. SMSA VANDERBURGH COUNTY * EVANSVILLE + VANDERBURGH COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . WARRICK COUNTY BOONVILLE (KENTUCKY) HENDERSON COUNTY HENDERSON FORT WAYNE SMSA ALLEN COUNTY ** ALLEN COUNTY UNINC. AREA FORT WAYNE -l- GRABILL TOWN NEW HAVEN TOWN 5 10 & 265 14 2 15 & 21 5 11 & 15 63 20 461 4 614 180 5 10 121 18 381 4 294 180 543 539 017 279 3 3 84 84 4 134 325 169 461 1 175 2 216 10 10 151 98 - - 12 12 1 1 6 6 2 2 2 2 20 20 213 169 455 413 2 216 & 40 36 6 & 89 18 16 41 41 1 1 13 13 (S) (S) 183 195 463 778 5 96 7 7 143 143 26 26 2 2 5 5 2 2 6 6 10 10 2 2 5 5 175 195 437 559 5 92 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 241 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-'■ Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing nits Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures wilh _ number in structures wilt _ number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of c: housing 1 unil 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 15 15 & 35 9 & 26 3 1 5 6 1 8 11 8 01 71 51 - 20 24 22 2 - T 41 26 T 34 46 71 60 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI 02 3 3 - - - - - - (XI ( X 1 ( XI (XI IX ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 03 1 1 (XI (XI (XI IX) (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 04 16 16 - - ; -,' 1 5' - - 21 10 T 26 19 7 2 (XI (XI IXI (X) 05 69 59 2 8 67 59 8 67 85 118 T 104 156 112 107 87 S 233 74 06 8 8 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI IX) IX) (XI (XI (XI IXI (X) 07 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 08 25 25 - - 22 22 - - 28 10 13 14 9 17 5 20 17 26 09 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) 10 16 16 . _ 30 30 _ _ 21 17 14 11 15 1 12 11 - T 7 11 123 120 3 . 167 187 _ - 185 192 97 222 277 196 119 147 131 & 520 12 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI IXI (X) 13 17 17 17 17 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 14 2 2 _ _ (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (X) IXI IXI IXI (X) (XI (X) 15 1 1 . _ 3 3 - 5 3 4 9 11 10 (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) 16 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI ( X) (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 17 1 1 _ 12 12 _ _ 9 22 9 15 17 29 24 41 31 36 18 11 11 - - 6 6 - - 7 6 8 U 18 9 (X 1 (XI (X) (XI 19 3 3 (X) (XI (X)" (XI (XI (X) IX) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 20 lU 14 - - (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 21 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - (SI 22 2 2 4 4 6 3 (S) ( XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 23 3 3 . . (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 24 2 2 _ . 8 8 _ _ 3 3 2 2 11 12 10 6 3 T 10 25 15 15 . _ 16 16 . . (XI ( X j (XI IX ) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 26 27 27 - - T 63 59 4 - T 51 60 76 143 85 85 145 65 38 T 96 27 (X) (X) 1X1 (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) (X) (XI (X) (XI IXI (X) (X) 28 56 56 - 62 62 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) IXI (X) (X) 29 2 2 S 12 & 12 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 30 67 65 2 8 167 87 & 80 70 67 38 27 9 2 6 T 17 26 T 19 31 13 13 (S) (SI (XI (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) IX) (X) 32 «9 45 4 . 34 32 2 _ 139 i8 94 200 242 204 181 162 163 248 33 2 2 _ _ 30 30 _ _ (XI (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 34 (S) (S) - _ 18 18 _ - 11 19 25 23 57 30 38 40 18 53 35 ( XI (X) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X ) (XI (X) IX) (X) (XI 36 (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 37 402 402 277 2V7 3o2 231 lo7 331 411 501 326 T 412 226 226 38 & 302 202 & 100 159 158 1 101 144 145 & 360 482 & 653 640 & 527 476 717 39 237 237 - - 241 241 - - 425 425 465 S 635 1 005 1 157 809 535 475 784 40 5 5 - - 5 5 - - 3 9 7 17 2 2 (X) (XI (XI IX) 41 25 25 - - 17 17 - - (SI (SI 20 37 40 ( S) (XI (XI (XI IX) 42 562 560 2 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X ) (XI IX I (X) IXI IX) 43 663 567 26 70 632 608 16 8 757 669 537 510 392 518 606 580 782 1 231 44 6 6 1X1 (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI IX ) (X 1 (X) 1 X ) (X) IXI (X) 45 1 1 ■ ~ 8 8 " 12 10 5 2 13 8 B 8 12 14 46 242 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land afea delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housin, in structures w units th- Total number of housing units Number of housin in structures w g units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- -' 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 IrMDIANA — COKJ. GARY-HA(^MOt^D-EAST CHICAGO SMSA LAKE COUNTY ** CROWN POINT 4-* •••••••••«••• 118 29 50 21 400 184 468 230 43 753 34 156 1 18 26 5 7 46 18 11 294 209 13 114 3 66 17 138 1 8 15 265 2 40 9 42 48 206 1 59 21 10 1 2 799 220 1 3 380 6 2 3 22 80 126 3 49 19 234 1 110 39 259 76 13 48 21 360 151 98 201 40 718 34 156 1 18 26 5 7 44 18 11 290 205 13 91 3 50 13 138 1 4 15 241 2 40 2 16 38 206 1 34 21 10 1 769 20 1 1 986 6 3 22 12 2 3 17 15 220 1 104 21 107 16 2 40 19 6 3 35 2 4 4 4 4 4 14 7 2 10 14 92 40 2 2 32 4 14 6 18 40 33 351 23 23 12 10 24 11 1 938 200 1 354 66 124 18 134 108 15 126 30 T 280 115 624 225 76 816 31 131 2 9 19 12 13 26 3 12 11 486 206 13 131 1 1 65 T 37 209 1 4 10 317 4 T 27 30 112 70 193 68 19 30 3 263 231 3 3 022 9 1 (S) 71 115 82 2 28 26 256 1 109 83 115 106 15 29 30 276 110 116 202 33 798 31 99 2 9 17 12 13 24 3 12 11 466 206 13 60 1 1 65 23 209 1 10 315 4 19 30 88 46 193 36 19 22 1 233 28 3 2 031 9 1 (S) 59 12 10 2 16 24 249 I 109 34 95 4 4 12 6 8 18 2 2 2 4 4 2 8 10 8 70 8 22 6 16 10 4 7 41 4 93 5 496 17 35 32 69 10 24 24 42 1 960 195 969 6 87 72 8 16 66 25 84 30 T 544 105 181 348 74 763 29 196 4 13 21 2 13 41 1 9 10 358 194 13 84 T - 3 40 36 148 26 23 293 1 2 T 40 61 45 T 64 210 4 97 12 10 3 394 79 3 2 725 8 3 4 25 83 3 25 58 280 2 (S) 41 & 245 66 25 50 30 313 105 131 318 74 767 25 113 4 13 21 13 38 1 9 10 358 184 13 84 3 40 26 148 22 6 237 1 2 27 61 45 64 210 4 59 12 10 2 090 35 3 2 286 8 3 4 19 75 3 17 52 270 2 (S) 36 126 2 6 16 16 4 3 2 3 10 4 4 2 56 16 48 70 6 8 8 10 6 34 229 44 14 80 6 15 13 22 1 256 44 369 6 5 & 113 DYER TOWN EAST CHICAGO EAST GARY TOWN + GRIFFITH TOWt>J + HAMMOND + HIGHLAND TOWN + HOBART * LAKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + LOWELL TOWN. •••••••••••••• MUNSTER TOWN -Vva*.*****.*,* NEW CHICAGO TOWN 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SCHERERVILLE TOWN* •••••■••••• PORTER COUNTY ** BEVERLY SHORES TOWN* ••■••••*•• CHESTERTON TOWN -I- DUNE ACRES TOWN KOUTS 2 1 OGDEN DUNES TOWN 22 23 PORTER COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS » . . . . PORTAGE TOWN 21 25 PORTER TOWN VALPARAISO + INDIANAPOLIS SMSA HAMILTON COUNTY 28 29 30 31 HANCOCK COUNTY GREENFIELD +••••••••••■••• HANCOCK COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f SPRINGLAKE PARK TOWN 32 HENDRICKS COUNTY BROWNSBURG TOWN +*••#•••••••• 33 DANVILLE TOWN « 34 35 36 HENDRICKS COUNTY UNINC. AREA LIZTON TOWN NORTH SALEM TOWN 38 PLAINFIELD + 39 40 41 42 43 JOHNSON COUNTY EDINBURG TOWN. ............. JOHNSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f NEW WHITELAND TOWN + MARION COUNTY ** 45 CLERMONT TOWN. ............. 46 47 48 49 HOMECROFT TOWN INDIANAPOLIS + » LAWRENCE TOWN. ............. 50 51 LYNHUR5T TOWN. ............. MARION COUNTY UNINC. AREA + 53 RAVENSWOOD TOWN. ............ 54 ROCKY RIPPLE TOWN. ........... 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 WARREN PARK TOWN WILLIAMS CREEK TOWN MORGAN COUNTY MOORESVILLE TOWN MORGAN COUNTY UNINC. AREA SHELBY COUNTY *♦ SHELBY COUNTY UNINC. AREA SHELBYVILLE -t- LOUISVILLEi KY.-IND. SMSA (SEE KENTUCKY) MUNCIE SMSA DELAWARE COUNTY MUNCIE +........*....... RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 243 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source tor the statistics shown monthly In tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. n See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-Issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number Of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures witt _ number in structures wilh- number number number number number number number number number number i ot of of of of of of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units unils unils 68 88 T 50 50 67 50 52 84 86 80 79 87 (SI (SI 01 20 20 - - 31 29 2 - 44 23 127 T 64 122 49 50 31 35 (SI 02 33 33 - - 20 20 - - 38 36 124 160 59 124 102 203 47 132 03 58 58 - - 39 39 - - 89 122 75 59 72 88 226 T 89 T 87 81 04 695 471 14 210 644 643 1 - 694 685 622 985 1 273 1 738 1 873 & 1 443 983 1 503 05 216 206 2 8 336 210 102 24 T 149 111 104 218 180 148 113 100 129 101 06 229 201 16 12 236 207 23 5 386 420 589 508 876 896 955 836 916 1 129 07 2 53 253 5 - 350 339 11 - 410 353 336 344 305 264 203 207 133 132 08 7 '4 74 - - 87 83 4 - 210 226 157 278 374 188 180 152 141 192 09 866 871 7 8 666 656 4 6 T 749 T 390 (SI (SI 1 375 886 697 718 899 815 10 22 2Z _ . 20 20 _ _ 34 22 (S) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 11 139 137 2 - 155 131 - 24 219 202 197 271 198 139 73 75 55 131 12 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 9 6 25 16 14 31 43 98 (SI (S) 13 11 1 1 - - 15 15 _ - (S) (S) (S) 22 24 14 11 T 16 T 5 (SI 14 18 14 4 - 22 14 8 - 21 15 24 57 60 55 48 35 16 T 22 15 ■ - ~ ~ 5 3 2 - 2 5 T 3 3 8 1 3 6 15 9 16 10 10 . . 16 16 16 10 11 13 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 2a 22 2 - 17 17 _ - 61 22 23 (S) 40 37 40 36 33 54 18 1 1 - - 1 1 _ - 6 1 4 1 7 3 5 1 3 4 19 15 15 - - 9 9 - - 8 16 4 2 6 3 (XI (X) (X) (XI 20 11 11 - - 8 8 - - 19 10 14 20 22 25 (XI (XI (X) (X) 21 m4 412 2 - (X ) (X) (XI ( XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 22 187 187 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 23 9 9 - - 12 12 - - 16 11 14 24 38 42 18 23 11 32 24 60 60 52 52 T 48 111 77 98 80 101 60 93 (SI (S) 25 10 10 (X ) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 26 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 27 33 33 - - 108 108 - - 16 5 8 33 20 28 24 55 89 43 26 US 44 4 . 70 68 2 . 92 129 103 66 86 51 75 54 27 19 29 142 142 - - 121 121 _ . 130 76 59 110 57 T 65 (X) (X) (X) (X) 30 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 (S) (S) . . 87 87 (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 32 21 13 8 - 7 7 _ - T 15 15 21 16 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 33 138 138 - - IX I (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 34 - . - . _ - _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 35 2 2 - - - - - - ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (XI (X) (X) 36 (XI ( X ) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 T 62 41 8 13 T 67 61 6 - 67 101 68 146 108 83 56 51 56 (S) 38 19 17 2 . 7 5 2 . (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 39 54 44 2 8 112 108 - 4 57 65 15 28 26 56 94 144 35 51 40 73 73 - - 103 103 - - 305 308 198 52 52 11 5 11 42 14 41 218 212 6 - 151 151 - - T 141 T 113 131 131 146 246 (SI (SI (S) (SI 42 37 37 ~ - 29 29 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 43 196 148 25 22 130 33 20 77 180 132 178 145 196 130 82 109 176 150 44 11 11 - - 1 1 _ - 2 4 2 8 (X) (X) (XI vXl >X) iX) 45 7 7 - _ 5 5 _ _ T 7 13 1 7 (S) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (XI 46 - - - - 1 1 - - 2 - - 3 (SI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 47 2 570 2 164 44 362 1 728 1 532 38 158 2 410 1 924 1 272 & 2 061 1 819 1 521 1 764 1 938 1 350 3 556 46 79 55 24 _ 45 45 _ . (S) 69 127 82 225 545 625 55 (S) (SI 49 3 3 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 50 2 961 2 636 69 254 2 449 2 315 70 64 3 448 2 668 2 713 3 030 3 355 3 207 2 680 2 092 2 135 2 148 51 8 8 - - 11 11 - - T 9 10 15 33 30 34 34 47 53 69 52 - - - - 1 1 - - (S) (S) 2 2 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 53 5 5 _ . 5 5 _ _ 17 24 11 18 15 (S) (S) 8 6 8 54 5 1 4 - 3 1 2 . 3 - 2 6 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 55 146 SO 37 29 177 142 35 _ 190 44 114 122 187 293 65 32 66 73 56 3 3 - - 10 10 - - 10 9 8 11 29 15 16 31 25 16 57 5 5 ~ - 2 2 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 58 T 48 27 16 5 115 111 4 . 31 27 32 85 (SI (S) (SI 40 5 (S) 59 109 109 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 60 275 275 " - ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 61 (X) 1X> (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( XI (X, (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 62 102 102 - - ( X ) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 63 64 58 6 55 55 100 87 47 69 43 43 21 59 19 46 64 224 174 12 38 166 152 4 & 313 185 119 183 155 241 251 & 240 277 307 55 244 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SI;flSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units th- Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures with- '_J 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or mo re 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 INDIANA — CON. SOUTH BEND SMSA MARSHALL COUNTY BOURBON TOWN ••■••• •>. 5 14 11 7 255 1 438 256 1 1 2 5 1 T 265 25 5 230 435 7 12 4 T 99 50 5 8 7 3 IS T 57 42 52 1 34 9 1 47 & 285 296 25 6 71 66 36 8 1 5 14 11 7 79 1 438 111 1 1 2 5 1 57 16 5 230 204 7 12 4 99 30 3 6 7 3 15 51 42 52 1 34 9 1 41 147 296 25 6 63 58 28 8 1 9 & 100 4 3 12 2 2 6 6 4 8 8 176 136 & 108 5 228 8 & 134 8 4 6 4 8 95 2 503 T 278 1 3 2 3 2 & 309 30 8 215 161 6 14 4 87 25 1 4 8 8 2 20 56 51 49 32 10 2 50 162 285 15 6 50 50 10 10 4 6 4 8 95 2 503 214 1 3 2 3 2 61 22 8 215 161 6 6 4 87 13 1 4 8 4 2 20 56 51 42 32 10 2 50 160 285 15 6 50 SO 10 10 4 4 4 2 2 64 & 244 8 8 8 5 4 7 6 9 91 1 3 392 261 3 32 5 3 72 29 2 163 156 4 5 6 65 (S) 2 1 22 7 4 6 56 T 47 25 44 2 16 12 3 1 47 160 309 30 12 68 66 11 10 1 4 7 6 9 91 1 3 392 257 3 20 5 3 72 29 2 163 156 4 5 6 65 (S) 2 1 2 7 4 6 56 47 25 44 2 16 12 3 1 45 160 309 20 10 54 54 11 8 1 4 12 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 18 12 10 03 04 CULVER ••«••••■•••■••••• PLYMOUTH ST JOSEPH COUNTY *♦ 06 07 LAKEVILLE TOWN MISHAWAKA -*-•••••••••••••■• 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NEW CARLISLE TOWN ROSELAND TOWN ST. JOSEPH COUNTY UNINC. AREA +«.... WALKERTON TOWN ••.•*•.■••••. TERRE HAUTE SMSA CLAY COUNTY BRAZIL ■•• VERMILLION COUNTY CAYUGA TOWN. .............. DANA TOWN. ....■••..••.... VIGO COUNTY TERRE HAUTE -f. ••.■.•...■••. WEST TERRE HAUTE PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAMS COUNTY MONROE TOWN. .............. BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY ** BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . . COLUMBUS + HOPE TOWN BENTON COUNTY FOWLER TOWN. .............. 25 OXFOttD TOWN 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 BOONE COUNTY BOONE COUNTY UNINC. AREA LEBANON + THORNTOWN TOWN WHITESTOWN TOWN CARROLL COUNTY DELPHI ................. FLORA TOWN ........ CASS COUNTY 34 LOGANSPORT 4.............. CLINTON COUNTY 36 DAVIESS COUNTY DECATUR COUNTY 39 40 DE KALB COUNTY AUBURN ................. 41 BUTLER 42 43 44 45 46 CORUNNA TOWN WATERLOO TOWN DUBOIS COUNTY JASPER ................. ELKHART COUNTY ELKHART -f. .......a....... 47 48 49 ELKHART COUNTY UNINC. AREA GOSHEN NAPPANEE FAYETTE COUNTY ** 51 52 FAYETTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA FOUNTAIN COUNTY ATTICA 53 COVINGTON 54 OLDENBURG TOWN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 245 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected pecmit-issuing places wtilch constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. • See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report nol received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing units Total Number ol housing unils Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number m stiucluies with- number in stiuctures wilh— number ol number of number of numbei of numbei numbei of numbei of number of numbei of number i ol ol of of housing 1 Ullll 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units 01 more units units or more units units unils units units unils units units units units 4 4 2 2 (X ) (XI (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (X) (X I (X 1 (XI (X) 01 15 15 - - 18 18 - - 10 9 14 lb 18 11 9 8 16 (SI 02 ( X ) IX) (X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI ( X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI 03 14 14 - - 10 10 - - (SI 17 14 23 30 (S) T 32 44 45 59 04 . . . . . . . (X) (X) IX) 1 X ) (X ) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) 05 3 3 - - 1 1 - - _ - - 1 4 - 3 7 4 - 06 S 244 94 & 150 - 107 107 - - 80 64 102 77 145 169 207 238 180 182 07 1 1 - . 3 3 - _ (XI (XI ( X) ( X ) (X ) (X) (X 1 (X) ( X 1 (X) 08 1 1 - - - - - - (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) 09 547 439 _ 108 547 547 _ _ 517 390 500 464 495 450 601 656 591 724 10 317 317 - - 503 491 - 12 662 455 520 534 815 689 1 117 1 024 1 087 2 012 11 6 6 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI ( X I (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 12 IS) (S) - - 24 24 - - (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 13 2 2 . . 4 4 . (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (X) IX) 14 3 3 - - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 15 2 2 ~ ~ ( X ) (X) (X) ( XI (X 1 (X) (XI ( X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 16 74 74 87 75 12 62 108 45 60 82 72 84 130 177 147 17 " ' ' ■ ■ (5) 3 3 3 (S) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) 18 41 41 19 19 33 24 30 39 41 33 58 40 49 44 19 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) ( X) ( X) (XI (XI ( X 1 ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 20 157 157 _ . 228 228 . (XI ( X 1 (XI ( XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 21 197 195 2 - 230 214 - 16 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 22 3 3 " " - - - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X ) (X> (X) (X) (X) 23 8 8 . U 11 T 17 12 T 9 (XI (X) (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) 24 4 4 - - 4 4 - T 6 T 7 (SI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 25 73 65 8 . (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X I (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 26 30 24 - 6 22 22 - . 48 39 59 56 115 153 78 37 20 25 27 1 1 - . 2 2 _ _ 5 3 1 4 4 (SI 2 1 T 2 4 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI 29 ( X) (X I (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 30 34 34 . . (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 31 6 6 - - 10 10 - - 5 6 5 4 10 T 3 10 4 10 16 32 6 6 . 4 4 3 2 T 3 10 10 25 5 (S) (SI (SI 33 59 59 - - 64 64 - - 55 51 92 126 96 64 44 50 44 84 34 40 40 - - 38 38 - - 62 50 42 107 50 44 35 44 32 48 35 22 20 2 - 51 49 2 - 60 26 25 33 48 27 19 18 9 (S) 36 80 70 10 . I J ' 1 - 1 51 15 23 . 19 2 9 31 2 . 37 2 2 ." - 3 3 - - tX) (XI (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 38 _ . . . (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 39 22 22 - - 25 25 - - (SI (S) 11 14 18 29 15 15 15 19 40 9 9 - - 7 7 _ - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X ) ( X ) (X) (XI (X) 41 - - - - - - - - (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 42 9 V - - 8 8 - - T 1 1 5 15 10 24 7 16 17 26 43 4 4 ~ - - - - - (X I (XI (XI (X) (XI (X ) IX) (X) (XI (X) 44 45 45 - - 40 40 - - T 30 29 45 40 35 16 15 9 15 (SI 45 189 187 2 _ T 157 157 - 208 205 155 163 190 214 245 197 218 (S) 46 308 308 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X I (XI (XI ( X ) (X 1 (X) ( X ) (X) (XI (X) 47 37 33 4 - 27 22 _ 5 20 14 12 26 28 27 30 30 30 69 48 11 11 " - 8 8 - - 13 10 9 10 27 24 17 17 17 26 49 49 49 _ . 37 37 58 30 18 40 41 ?9 56 (S) (S) (S) 50 49 49 ■ - ( X ) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) ( X 1 ( X 1 (X 1 (X) ( X ) (X) (X ) (X) 51 7 7 . 20 20 37 17 T 4 35 T 33 23 10 18 17 11 52 16 16 28 28 ' ■ 21 13 17 35 46 5 (X ) ( XI (X) (X) 53 246 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease In presentation and comparability. Changes In definitions established prior to 1964 are shown m table B-4. Wherever there is a change In definition, the totals presented In table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population In 1960 lived in places which were permit-Issuing In 1964. +Thls Permit-Issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures wlth- 2-4 5 units units or more 29 30 31 32 33 34 INDIANA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. PULTON COUNTY AKRON TOWN . ROCHESTER. . GIBSON COUNTY PRINCETON. . GRANT COUNTY GRANT COUI^TY UNINC. AREA PLUS + S. MARION + SAAYZEE TOWN GREENE COUNTY LINTON . . . HARRISON COUNTY CORYDON TOWN . HENRY COUNTY HENRY COUNTY UNINC. KNIGHTSTOWN TOWN . NEW CASTLE .... SPICELAND TOWN . • STRAUGHN AREA PLUS + «. HOWARD COUNTY * GREENTOWN TOWN . . . HOWARD COUNTY UNINC. KOKOMO + HUNTINGTON COUNTY HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS « JACKSON COUNTY MEDORA TOWN. SEYMOUR. . . JASPER COUNTY RENSSELAER . JAY COUNTY PORTLAND JEFFERSON COUNTY JEFFERSON COUNTY UNINC. MADISOHJ + JEflNINGS COUNTY NORTH VERNON . VERNON TOWN. . KNOX COUNTY BICKNELL . VINCENNES. KOSCIUSKO COUNTY CLAYPOOL TOWN. . ETNA GREEN TOWN. MENTONE TOWN . . SIDNEY TOWN. . . SYRACUSE TOWN. . WARSAW + . . . . LAGRANGE COUNTY LAGRANGE TOWN. LA PORTE COUNTY » KINGSBURY TOWN KINGSFORD HEIGHTS TOWN . . . LA CROSSE TOWN LA PORTE + LA PORTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA LONG BEACH TOWN MICHIANA SHORES TOWN . . MICHIGAN CITY + POTTAWATTAMIE PARK TOWN. TRAIL CREEK TOWN + . . . WESTVILLE TOWN LAWRENCE COUNTY BEDFORD. . . . MITCHELL . . . OOLITIC TOWN . MIAMI COUNTY CONVERSE TOWN. PERU + . . . . MONROE COUNTY BLOOMINGTON MONTGOMERY COUNTY CRAWFORDSVILLE . 159 6 38 631 474 2 105 32 100 1 114 51 105 159 72 6 31 530 122 51 102 2 2 73 73 208 208 17 17 1 1 180 136 1 1 T 14 14 1 1 7 101 350 215 159 1 157 6 51 1 27 637 168 22 51 35 139 1 132 215 105 1 27 565 147 22 51 35 121 1 120 1 1 2 2 54 54 166 166 20 20 1 1 252 123 2 2 14 14 1 1 25 23 7 7 3 3 2 2 28 28 160 215 1 160 145 1 27 27 2 2 1 1 18 18 569 494 111 111 21 21 50 50 1 1 41 39 137 137 26 26 7 7 261 161 3 3 31 1 31 1 NEWTON COUNTY GOODLAND TOWN. [ESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 247 ri Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued ice Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicti constitute ttie source for ttie statistics stiown montlily tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. n See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public tiousing its for wtilcti contracts were awarded; for number of public housmg units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing m designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number Of housing units Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Total Total Total Total E number of in structures with - number of m structures wit — number number of number of number number number number of number of number of number of ^ of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housmg housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing J units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units (X) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 01 23 23 - 16 14 2 - IX ) IX) IX) 1 X) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 02 19 19 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX ) 1 X) 03 157 157 164 164 IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 04 151 145 6 _ 170 165 5 . 196 237 285 253 216 178 152 132 133 128 OS 3 3 - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 06 7 7 - - 8 8 - - 2 8 7 10 6 13 6 20 5 T 5 07 19 19 - - 11 11 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 08 100 100 115 115 106 100 112 147 173 120 IX) IX) IX) IX) 09 5 5 _ _ 5 5 _ _ IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 10 53 49 4 _ 40 40 . . T 49 64 42 39 88 103 65 93 116 120 11 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 12 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) ■ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 13 13 13 8 8 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 14 3B5 385 . _ 388 388 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 15 248 248 - - 535 535 - _ 729 507 548 437 544 388 188 127 & 207 246 16 19 19 18 18 10 32 42 14 24 33 34 25 36 44 17 35 35 - - 41 41 - - IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 18 4 4 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 19 81 75 - 6 668 668 _ IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 20 11 7 4 - 51 51 - - T 20 IS) 32 T 25 36 38 IX) IX) IX ) IX) 21 14 14 - - 12 12 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 IX) IX) 22 29 29 17 17 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 23 110 94 - 16 102 85 12 5 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 24 7 7 23 23 13 12 16 29 34 27 38 31 20 20 25 - - - - 1 1 - IS) ~ IS) IS) IS) 26 1 1 2 . . . 2 2 _ 2 27 26 24 2 - 18 18 - - T 31 30 30 44 57 48 55 45 75 66 28 IS) T - . 1 _ _ 1 29 _ _ 1 1 - 2 - 2 30 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 31 _ 1 1 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 32 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 76 72 4 - 99 99 - - T 54 15 22 17 26 26 19 16 21 43 34 24 24 - - 17 17 - - IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] 35 2 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 2 2 _ . „ _ . _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 37 _ _ _ _ _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 38 30 30 _ _ 32 32 _ _ 62 39 50 44 82 81 87 149 181 117 39 179 179 - - 171 171 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 40 29 29 _ 33 33 . 23 31 16 13 29 17 21 IB 17 22 41 5 5 _ _ 2 2 _ _ IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 42 221 205 _ 16 S 302 235 3 & 64 168 106 124 182 152 168 179 235 172 256 43 2 2 _ 1 1 _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 44 14 14 . _ 55 55 _ . 54 27 27 21 20 23 19 14 T 15 15 45 - - 3 3 - - IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 46 30 30 40 40 26 37 43 58 54 82 48 38 77 51 47 IS) IS) . _ 7 7 _ - IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 49 4 4 6 6 IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 50 48 48 - - 29 29 - - 55 31 47 75 412 59 17 25 36 33 51 S 414 144 4 & 266 123 121 2 - 88 64 IS) & IS) IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 52 43 30 - 13 42 42 - - IS) T 43 T 47 T 100 126 74 83 103 106 75 53 248 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated lor each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listmg by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 5 units units or more INOIA(>JA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON NEWTON COUNTY — CON. KENTLAND TOUt^ NEKTON COUNTY UNII^C. AREA, . . . NOBLE COUNTY KENDALLVILLE LIGONIER ORANGE COUNTY PAOLI TO*IM PARKE COUNTY PARKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . . ROCKVILLE TOWN PERRY COUNTY CANNELTON TELL CITY PIKE COUNTY PETERSBURG POSEY COUNTY MOUNT VERNON PULASKI COUNTY MEDARYVILLE TOWN *INAMAC TOWN PUTNAM COUNTY GREENCASTLE ROACHDALE TOWN RIPLEY COUNTY BATESVILLE RIPLEY COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . , , VERSAILLES TOWN RUSH COUNTY RUSHVILLE STARKE COUNTY * HAMLET TOWN KNOX NORTH JUDSON TOWN STARKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f , . . STEUBEN COUNTY ANGOLA CLEAR LAKE TOWN TIPPECANOE COUNTY BATTLE GROUND TOWN LAFAYETTE -I- WEST LAFAYETTE -f TIPTON COUNTY TIPTON UNION COUI^TY LIBERTY TOWN WABASH COUNTY NORTH MANCHESTER TOWN WABASH * . . . . WASHINGTON COUNTY SALEI^ WAYNE COUNTY CAMBRIDGE CITY TOWN CENTERVILLE HAGERSTOWN TOWN RICHMOND -I- SPRING GROVE TOWN WELLS COUNTY BLUFFTON WHITE COUNTY MONTICELLO + WHITLEY COUNTY COLUMBIA CITY SOUTH WHITLEY TOWN IOWA CEDAR RAPIDS SMSA LINN COUNTY ** ALBURNETT TOWN . BERTRAM TOWN . . CEDAR RAPIDS -I- . CENTER POINT TOWN CENTRAL CITY TOWN 7 1 112 211 641 IS) 15 20 232 1 43B 5 5 3 3 13 13 26 26 1 1 9 9 44 44 19 19 7 1 112 196 75 (S) 15 18 220 736 6 3 48 538 278 440 781 5 22 22 5 5 13 13 42 42 9 9 1 1 10 10 3 3 89 89 223 74 15 15 18 18 33 22 518 307 629 5 7 46 347 11 175 266 104 18 18 283 3 722 6 10 266 100 18 18 242 3 489 6 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 249 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly •'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. f See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. ■'&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for v»hich contracts v»ere awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Tolal number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more Total number of housing units Number of housing unils in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number of housing units 45 (X) 10 (X) 17 186 3 519 6 6 36 IX) 9 (XI 7 3 IX) (X) 17 - 186 - 3 - IX) 24 (X) (X ) 46 (XI 245 (SI (XI (XI 154 2 (XI 4 ( S) 13 (X) 24 (X) (XI 46 (XI 245 (S) (XI (XI 154 2 1 643 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 23 11 (X) (X) (S) T - 24 (X) (XI T 28 (XI T 9 (XI (XI (X) (X) (S) (X) 355 (SI (X) (X) (XI 153 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 653 (X) (X) (XI 17 (SI (X) (XI 5 3 (S) 46 (X) (X) (XI 274 104 (X) (X) (X) 191 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 733 (XI (X) (XI 15 14 (XI (XI 5 5 (S) (X) (XI 45 (X) 15 (X) (XI (X) 9 (X) IX) 9 (X) 231 107 (X) (X) (XI 122 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 649 (X) (X) (XI (SI T 20 (X) (X) 16 18 (S) (X) (X) 37 (X) 13 (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI (X) 15 (X) 239 S 1 006 13 100 (X) 265 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 164 (X) (X) T 30 (X) 12 (S) 56 (XI 26 (XI (XI (X) 18 (XI (X) 12 (XI 457 75 16 T 98 (XI (XI (X I 199 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 897 (XI (X) (X) 34 46 (XI (X) 23 (XI (X) 54 (X) 11 (XI (X) (XI 15 (XI (XI 5 (XI 214 73 (SI T 90 (XI (X) (X) 233 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 733 (X) (X) (X) (X) 21 (X) (XI 12 (X) 39 (X) (X) 10 (XI 6 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 14 (X) (X) 192 81 15 (X) (X) (X) (X) 207 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 589 (X) (X) (X) IX) 27 (X) (X) , 64 20 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 7 (XI (XI 207 9 (XI (XI (XI IXI 145 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 555 (X) (XI (XI (X) (SI (X) (X) 42 (X) (X) 14 (X) 22 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 10 (X) (X) 208 70 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI 207 (X I (X) (X) ( X I (X I 664 (X) (X) (X) 01 (X) 02 (S) 03 (XI 04 (X) 51 (X) (X) 16 (X) 14 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 367 T 49 (X) (X) (X) 231 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 859 (XI (XI 250 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this fable conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table &-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing m 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA. outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing umts Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 34 33 36 37 38 39 ItO 1*1 1*2 43 IOWA — CONi CEDAR RAPIDS SMSA — CON. LINN COUf^TY ** — CON. COGGON TOWN FAIRFAX TOWN HIAWATHA TOWN LINN COUNTY UNINC. AREA -I- LISBON TOWN MARION -I- MOUNT VERNON PALO TOWN PRAIRIEBURG TOWN SPRINGVILLE TOWN DAVENPORT-ROCK ISLAND-MOLINE . IOWA-ILL. SMSA SCOTT COUNTY *+ BETTENDORF + BLUE GRASS TOWN BUFFALO TOWN DAVENPORT + DIXON TOWN ELDRIDGE TOWN LE CLAIRE TOWN + MCCAUSLAND TOWN MAYSVILLE TOWN PANORAMA PARK TOWN RIVERDALE TOWN SCOTT COUNTY UNINC. AREA + WALCOTT TOWN (ILLINOIS) HENRY COUNTY ANDOVER VILLAGE ATKINSON TOWN CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE COLONA VILLAGE GALVA GEIMESEO -f GREEN ROCK HENRY COUNTY UNINC. AREA KEWANEE ORION VILLAGE ROCK ISLAND COUNTY ** ANDALUSIA VILLAGE CARBON CLIFF VILLAGE COAL VALLEY VILLAGE CORDOVA VILLAGE EAST MOLINE + HAMPTON VILLAGE HILLSDALE VILLAGE MILAN VILLAGE MOLINE -*- PORT BYRON VILLAGE RAPIDS CITY VILLAGE ROCK ISLAND + ROCK ISLAND COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . . SILVIS DES MOINES SMSA POLK COUNTY ♦* ALTOONA TOWN -I- ANKENv TOWN + BONDURANT TOWN CLIVE TOWN + DES MOINES + GRIMES TOWN MITCHELLVILLE TOWN PLEASANT HILL TOWN POLK CITY TOWN POLK COUNTY UNINC. AREA + URBANDALE TOWN + WEST DES MOINES ■^ WINDSOR HEIGHTS TOWN DUBUQUE SMSA DUBUQUE COUNTY DUBUQUE + DYERSVILLE EPWORTH TOWN (S) (S) 23 11 125 125 7 3 285 234 9 9 3 3 380 322 4 4 1 1 603 405 2 2 20 14 7 7 1 1 1 1 4 4 70 70 13 13 3 2 13 12 7 54 (S) 34 21 21 e 12 26 4 194 38 1 32 365 11 2 190 216 64 14 144 5 T 32 1 191 5 12 37 3 133 129 85 97 354 23 6 3 - 2 - 9 4 12 - 7 - 32 4 (SI - 34 - 21 - 21 - 8 . 6 - 26 - 4 - 157 37 38 _ 1 - 18 8 205 6 9 2 2 _ 136 8 210 6 34 30 322 23 6 6 154 14 - 136 2 1 4 32 - 499 28 5 _ 9 3 37 - 3 - 133 - 109 20 85 - 95 2 (S) (S) 15 13 102 102 4 4 211 202 3 3 3 3 289 3 3 502 32 186 T 16 632 2 6 31 4 145 144 53 108 275 21 2 242 3 3 412 4 4 1 1 10 10 21 18 10 8 38 32 6 6 21 21 20 20 12 12 6 6 9 7 12 12 3 1 179 159 20 20 1 1 18 12 410 248 4 4 3 3 143 121 189 181 54 46 21 171 16 540 2 6 31 4 145 144 47 100 237 21 2 2 11 81 1 180 12 1 1 409 15 3 S 50 245 1 172 149 29 48 108 2 4 851 3 7 34 3 143 183 60 61 240 16 5 191 6 1 377 3 (SI 1 1 - 3 - 7 - 24 - 2 . 7 - 16 - 11 - 16 - 9 _ 7 - 9 - 3 - 146 42 15 _ 3 - - & 50 201 10 4 • 1 134 32 146 3 25 4 46 100 2 34 - 3 - 139 4 133 _ 58 2 51 10 181 16 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 251 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. /■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regardmg coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data couer period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total e numbei in structures with _ numbei in structures witt — number numbei number number number number numbei number numbei number E of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing J units units 01 mote units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 7 1 6 1 X ) (X) 1X1 1X1 (X 1 1 X 1 IX 1 1X1 IXI 1X1 01 n 4 _ _ 5 5 _ _ IX ) IX) 1X1 1 XI (XI IXI IX) 1X1 IXI 1X1 02 20 15 5 - 20 27 2 - IXI IX 1 IXI 1X1 IX 1 1X1 IX) 1X1 IXI 1X1 03 144 144 - - 145 141 4 - 129 95 131 161 75 53 IX) 1X1 IXI 1X1 04 3 3 - - 1 1 - - IX ) IX ) 1X1 IXI (X 1 (X) IX) 1X1 IX) 1X1 05 150 141 9 . 239 221 5 12 184 211 151 183 170 127 77 55 65 75 06 11 11 _ _ 7 5 2 - IXI IX) 1 XI 1X1 (X 1 (X) (XI IXI (X) (XI 07 3 3 - - IX) (X) IX) IX) (X ) IX) 1X1 1X1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 08 (X) IX) IX I ( X) (X ) IX) 1 X) 1 X ) IX ) IX) 1 XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 5 5 ' ' 3 3 ■ IX) 1 X 1 1X1 IXI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 10 204 204 279 145 134 205 302 80 183 126 79 96 126 142 T 155 11 5 5 _ _ 7 7 _ _ 7 1 5 5 7 3 1 T 5 2 4 12 5 5 . . 3 3 - _ T 6 - - - - 6 2 3 T 1 - 13 424 394 30 _ 364 340 6 18 375 295 284 372 451 379 328 472 435 547 14 - - - - IS) IS) - - IS) (S) ISI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI T 1 15 3 3 . . 4 2 2 _ 5 9 T 6 (SI T 5 (SI (SI T 4 T 2 T 4 16 10 10 _ _ 16 15 - - IS) ISI ISI 15 7 11 30 T 6 8 3 17 _ « _ _ _ IXI IX 1 IXI 1 X 1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 1 1 _ _ 1 1 . . IXI IX 1 IXI 1X1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 1 1 - - IS) (S) - - IX ) IX ) 1X1 1X1 IX) 1X1 (X 1 (XI (XI IX) 20 9 9 . . 5 5 . . IXI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (X) (XI 1X1 21 63 63 _ . 65 55 _ - 53 37 39 36 46 54 IXI (X) IXI IX) 22 4 4 ~ ~ 3 3 ~ " 3 6 ISI (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 IX) 1X1 1X1 23 2 2 1 1 IX ) IX) IXI 1X1 IXI 1X1 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 24 (X) ( X) ( X) IXI IX ) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 25 4 4 . _ 3 3 _ - IX ) IX) 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 IX) 1X1 IX) (XI 1X1 (X) 27 3 3 - - 3 3 - - T 12 10 16 7 4 5 7 14 9 19 28 2 2 . _ . . 49 43 25 18 24 27 25 29 27 44 29 5 5 - . IS) (S) _ - (S) 11 14 7 IXI (X) IX) (XI (XI (XI 30 51 51 - _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 IXI (X) IX) 1X1 1X1 (X) 31 24 24 _ _ ( X) IX) IX) IXI IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 (XI (X) IX) 1X1 IXI IX) 32 U 11 - - (S) IS) - - 20 9 5 10 22 25 IS) 14 4 10 33 11 11 IS) IS) 4 6 3 1 2 _ (X) 1X1 IX) 1X1 34 10 10 _ _ _ _ 25 25 8 14 T 19 - (XI 1X1 (X) 1X1 35 7 7 _ _ 11 11 _ _ IXI IX) 1X1 1X1 (XI (X) (XI 1X1 (X) 1X1 36 4 4 . _ IX) (X) 1 X ) IXI IXI 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 158 136 22 - & 273 219 2 8, 52 159 132 149 90 88 T 61 T 42 & 144 70 o8 38 15 10 . 5 5 5 . _ 4 5 _ 4 5 2 (SI T 4 4 T - 39 2 2 _ _ _ 10 IS) 2 T 1 ISI 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX) 40 63 59 4 _ 35 27 8 _ 43 ISI ISI (SI (SI 15 IX) (X) (XI (XI 41 159 149 10 _ 111 103 2 6 134 154 124 154 152 157 101 170 199 252 42 (S) (,S) - 11 11 - 4 4 8 6 4 5 7 7 8 8 43 1 1 4 4 _ T 1 5 IS) 1X1 IXI (XI (XI IX) IX) IX) 44 144 133 11 _ 195 144 9 42 T 172 210 126 280 253 201 156 & 294 & 399 225 45 232 224 2 6 182 180 2 _ 250 236 172 272 ISI (S) - 1X1 (X) 1X1 46 15 15 ■ ■ 15 15 " ' 13 11 18 19 22 11 22 7 13 51 47 38 36 2 51 59 2 76 T 54 7 13 13 12 T 9 T 15 T 1 T 6 48 59 54 5 _ 106 100 6 - 115 134 47 42 33 19 10 12 35 T 33 49 3 3 _ _ 5 5 _ _ 4 1 2 3 2 1 3 - 2 - 50 8 8 _ _ 30 30 _ _ IXI IX 1 1 X) 1X1 IXI (XI (XI 1X1 IXI 1X1 51 886 735 36 115 988 871 75 41 1 411 1 235 787 839 1 250 1 022 872 753 921 1 842 52 6 6 1 1 _ IXI IXI IX) 1X1 IX 1 (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 IX) 53 3 3 _ _ 5 S _ _ IXI IX) IX) (XI IX 1 (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 IX) 54 21 21 _ _ IX) IX) 1 XI ( X) IX) IXI IX) (XI IXI (XI (XI 1X1 IXI IX) 55 _ _ 2 2 _ „ IX) 1X1 IX) (XI IX 1 (XI (XI 1X1 IXI IX) 56 135 127 8 - 159 155 4 - 93 22 IS) (XI 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI 1X1 IX) 57 179 160 3 15 T 133 133 . _ 145 183 170 151 167 101 54 53 47 22 58 90 74 _ 16 86 80 6 _ 139 170 55 67 216 178 167 93 30 87 59 55 44 12 30 16 14 ' IX) IX) 1X1 IXI (X 1 1X1 (XI (XI 1X1 (X) 60 315 305 10 301 288 8 5 359 306 209 223 230 213 212 227 202 272 61 24 24 _ 1 X) IX) IXI (X) IX) 1 XI IXI 1X1 (XI 1X1 (XI 1X1 IXI (XI 62 7 7 7 7 IX ) IXI 1X1 1 XI IXI 1X1 (XI 1X1 1X1 IXI 63 252 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SIVISA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- I unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more IOWA — CON. DUBUQUE SMSA — CON. DUBUQUE COUNTY- FARLEY TOWt>J. OMAHAi NEBR.-IOIVA SMSA (SEE NEBRASKA) SIOUX CITY. lOWA-NEBR. SMSA l/(OODBURY COUNTY A.'mTHON TOWN CORRECTIONVILLE TOWN LAWTON TOWN MOVILLE TOWN PIERSON TOWN SALIX TOWN SERGEANT BLUFF TOWN SIOUX CITY + (NEBRASKA) DAKOTA COUNTY DAKOTA CITY VILLAGE SOUTH SIOUX CITY + WATERLOO SMSA BLACK HAWK COUNTY ** BLACK HAWK COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . CEDAR FALLS + ELK RUI^ HEIGHTS TOWN EVANSDALE TOWN GILBERTVILLE TOWN HUDSON TOWN RAYMOND TOWN WATERLOO * tt PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAIR COUNTY ORIENT TOWN ADAMS COUNTY CORNING ALLAMAKEE COUNTY POSTVILLE TOWN WAUKON APPANOOSE COUNTY CENTERVILLE AUDUBON COUNTY AUDUBON BENTON COUNTY ATKINS TOWN BLAIRSTOWN TOWN SHELLSBURG TOWN VINTON WALFORD TOWN BOONE COUNTY BOONE + BOXHOLM VILLAGE MADRID BREMER COUNTY DENVER TOWN JANESVILLE TOWN PlAINFIELD TOWN READLYN TOWN SUMNER TOWN WAVERLY + BUCHANAN COUNTY INDEPENDENCE JESUP TOWN BUENA VISTA COUNTY ALTA TOWN LAKESIDE TOWN. ... LINN GROVE TOWN REMBRANDT TOWN STORM LAKE TRUESDALE BUTLER COUNTY ALLISON TOWN APLINGTON TOWN GREENE TOWN NEW HARTFORD TOWN PARKERSBURG TOWN SHELL ROCK TOWN 1 184 72 110 1 6 1 152 7 4 190 3 3 11 11 36 24 15 15 2 2 1 1 3 3 22 22 3 3 24 24 6 6 5 5 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 55 34 65 87 5 1 7 1 202 14 (S) 1 36 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 4 160 65 81 5 1 7 1 178 14 (S) 5 328 1 309 24 24 1 1 12 8 5 5 1 1 4 4 1 1 6 6 23 23 31 29 6 6 12 12 S) (S) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 253 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constilule the source for the statistics shown monthly In tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, « See Appendix C-2 tor statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; lor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing unils Total Number ol housing unils Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Total 1 number in struclures wilh _ number in struclures wilt — number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of of of of of of of of of housing I unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units unils or more units unils or more units units units units units units units units units units 3 3 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (XI IXI (X 1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 02 . _ . . (XI (XI (XI IX 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI IXI (XI 03 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI ( XI IXI IXI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI 04 3 3 „ _ 8 8 _ _ (X) 1X1 (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 05 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI IX 1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 06 1 1 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI IXI (XI 07 H 4 . . 3 3 . _ (XI (X) (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 370 337 14 19 249 245 4 ■ 282 T 170 151 304 436 578 461 443 505 763 09 12 12 10 10 5 1 4 3 3 16 3 2 10 62 53 4 5 51 51 ' T 43 28 T 27 40 76 48 (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 81 81 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X; (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI IXI (XI 12 145 131 14 _ 198 175 12 11 250 & 250 164 238 302 250 106 157 159 lo4 13 3 3 _ 1 1 . . (X) (XI (XI ( XI 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI IXI (XI 14 11 U _ _ 2 2 _ - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 15 5 5 - - 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 (XI IXI 16 in 10 4 _ 17 17 , „ 19 21 19 33 8 5 8 6 11 T 8 17 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI IX 1 (XI 18 404 364 40 ~ ni.^ H "^7 38 ■ 451 491 429 523 647 649 292 315 415 636 19 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 20 3 3 - - 3 3 - - T 2 T - 5 6 5 3 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 21 15 7 8 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 IXI IXI (XI (XI 22 9 9 - - (SI (S) - T 11 T B T 5 12 19 7 9 13 10 28 23 5 5 - - 12 12 - - 13 T 14 9 7 T 10 11 11 8 6 17 24 26 21 5 - 11 11 - - 17 8 12 6 27 26 11 17 17 22 25 2 2 7 7 2 4 T 13 5 6 8 2 5 4 _ 26 2 2 _ _ 4 4 _ _ T 1 4 4 T 2 6 T 3 (XI (XI IXI (XI 27 1 1 _ _ 2 2 _ „ 3 3 _ 1 1 . - 2 3 T - 28 12 12 _ . 20 20 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI IXI (XI 29 1 1 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI 30 36 34 2 41 39 2 55 40 26 44 T 63 34 33 33 36 (SI 31 3 3 . (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI 33 14 14 17 17 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 2 2 . . 1 1 . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) 1X1 (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI 36 3 3 3 3 _ T 4 T - 2 2 2 6 (SI 4 3 T 5 37 25 5 _ 20 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 1X1 (XI 36 39 35 4 30 30 - 54 39 35 T 33 51 (SI T 20 24 38 19 39 37 35 2 36 34 2 34 30 14 25 20 16 16 25 26 (SI 40 18 15 3 - 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 41 12 12 9 9 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 42 2 2 _ . (SI (SI _ - (SI (SI - - 1 2 (SI (SI T 2 15 43 1 1 _ _ ( X ) (X) ( X) ( X) IX) (XI 1X1 (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI IXI IXI (XI 44 1 1 _ _ _ 4 _ 1 - - 3 IXI IXI IXI (XI 45 43 43 _ _ 33 33 _ _ T 44 29 T 19 63 125 72 36 45 69 106 46 - - - - - - - - T - - (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 47 3 3 14 12 2 (XI 1X1 (XI IXI (XI (XI 1X1 IX 1 IXI (XI 48 2 2 . _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI iXl (XI IXI (XI 49 3 3 _ _ 7 7 _ _ (X ) (XI IXI ( X 1 (XI (XI 1X1 IXI IXI (XI 50 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ (X) (X 1 IXI (XI (XI (XI IXI IXI IXI (XI 51 13 13 _ _ 6 6 _ . (X) (XI IXI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 52 2 2 " ~ ~ ■ IXI (XI (XI (X 1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 254 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-^, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, -^This Perinit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more IO*A — COI^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. CALHOUI^J COUNTY LAKE CITY MANSON TOWN CARROLL COUNTY CARROLL + COON RAPIDS TOWN SLIDDEN TOWN WILLEY TOWN CASS COUNTY ATLANTIC CASS COUNTY UNINC. AREA CEDAR COUNTY BENNETT TOWN CLARENCE TOWN DURANT TOWN STANWOOD TOWN TIPTON WEST BRANCH TOWN CERRO GORDO COUNTY CERRO GORDO COUNTY UNINC. AREA . CLEAR LAKE MASON CITY + CHEROKEE COUNTY AURELIA TOWN CHEROKEE I^ARCUS TOWN CHICKASAW COUNTY FREDERICKSBURG TOWN NASHUA TOWN. . . NEW HAMPTON CLARKE COUNTY MURRAY TOWN CLAY COUNTY CLAY COUNTY UNINC. AREA EVERLY TOWN SPENCER + CLAYTON COUNTY CLAYTON TOWN ELKAOER TOWN GARNAVILLO TOWN GUTTENBERG MONONA TOWN ST OLAF TOWN STRAWBERRY POINT TOWN CLINTON COUNTY CAMANCHE TOWN CLINTON + LOST NATION TOWN WELTON TOWN DALLAS COUNTY ADEL DALLAS CENTER TOWN DALLAS COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . . DAWSON TOWN DEXTER TOWN GRANGER TOWN MINBURN TOWN PERRY WAUKEE TOWN WOODWARD TOWN . . . DAVIS COUNTY BLOOMFIELD DELAWARE COUNTY COLESBURG TOWN DELHI TOWN EDGEWOOD TOWN MANCHESTER DES MOINES COUNTY BURLINGTON -I- DANvILLE TOWN MEDIAPOLIS TOWN WEST BURLINGTON TOWN DICKINSON COUNTY ARNOLDS PARK TOWN LAKE PARK TOWN MILFORD TOWN OKOBOJI TOWN SPIRIT LAKE SUPERIOR TOWN WAHPETON TOWN 24 It? 26 22 23 23 85 62 7 7 73 43 2 2 1 1 7 7 28 28 20 127 17 15 5 5 21 21 5 1 2 2 42 38 23 23 1 1 2 2 1 1 27 27 82 82 11 11 7 7 12 12 3 3 3 3 6 6 2 2 10 10 30 4 3 3 9 9 10 10 9 9 37 37 68 60 9 9 48 38 12 12 . _ 9 9 16 14 22 22 84 80 1 1 ~ " 15 15 2 2 13 13 - - - - 1 1 3 3 46 30 24 24 4 4 1 1 3 3 2 2 32 28 79 65 3 3 1 2 10 1 2 10 7 27 116 7 25 112 7 28 4 7 24 4 3 5 6 1 5 6 1 1 7 7 69 63 _ 7 7 1 1 6 6 5 5 17 13 6 6 3 3 - - 1 1 5 5 — - 36 36 28 28 2 2 89 34 79 75 6 6 3 3 32 26 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 255 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units (X) 5 17 (X) ( X) 3 (X) 28 19 (X) 2 2 7 7 1 1 12 12 13 9 (X) (XI 17 17 127 121 5 5 33 33 IX) 2 15 IX> 7 59 (X) (X) 3 (X) 17 52 (X) 25 IX) (X) (X) 11 2 (X) (X) 7 (X ) IX) IX) 115 (X) (X) 26 159 (X) 18 (X) 6 72 3 IX) (X) (X) (X) 24 (X) 16 24 5 54 (X) (X) 17 (X) 10 6 15 (X) (X) 115 (XI (X) 7 1 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) 52 (X) (X) 17 (X) 10 6 15 (X) (XI (X) ( XI 26 - 155 4 9 31 - 2 - (X) (X) 4 - 16 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 64 (XI 10 (XI (X) (X) T 15 (X ) T 17 (XI 27 191 (XI T 38 (XI (X) 14 T 21 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X I (X ) (XI (XI (XI 150 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 36 (XI 1 .35 (X) (XI (X) (X) T 2 T 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) 6 (XI T 9 (XI (X) 39 197 (X) T 24 (XI (XI 5 T 17 (XI (XI 73 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 153 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) T 25 (X) 23 (SI T 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 3 (XI r 11 (XI (X) 34 183 (X) (SI (X) (X) (X) 33 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 145 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI (X) T 3 T 29 ( X) (XI (X) ( X) I 7 (S) 9 (X) (X) (X) (X) 74 (X) (X) r 14 (X) (XI 48 213 (XI T 10 (XI (XI 3 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T no T 4 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) 3 T 1 T - (S) 23 124 (X) (X) (X) (X) T 4 11 3 (X ) (X) 74 (XI 3 (X) (X ) T 9 (XI (XI 70 289 (XI T 50 (XI (XI 8 21 (X) (X) 117 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 3 (SI 3 7 24 116 (XI (X) (XI (X I T 5 12 5 (X ) (X) (XI (XI 61 (XI (XI (XI 8 (XI T 17 (XI (X) 58 234 (XI T 37 (XI (XI 5 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 233 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (SI 120 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 9 (XI (X) (X) 140 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 122 T 1 2 (S) 11 114 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X I (XI 39 (X) (XI (XI 6 (X) 6 (XI (X) (X) 178 (X) (X) (X) (XI T 3 10 (XI (XI 33 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 151 ( X 1 ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (X ) (X) ( XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (X 1 ( X I (XI (X 1 3 4 209 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) r 52 (X) (X) (X) 5 (XI T 5 (XI (XI (XI 166 (X) (X) (X) (XI 3 (X) (X) o3 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 137 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (SI 1 172 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (SI (XI 12 (X) (X) (XI T 8 (XI (SI (XI (XI (X) 290 (X) (X) (X) (X) 6 (S) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 180 T 3 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) T 1 (SI (SI 1 26 140 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (S) (X) (X) (XI 256 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols; ♦Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 **97 to 99 9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. EMMET COUNTY ARMSTRONG TO*N . . EMMET COUt^TY UNINC. ESTHERVILLE +. • . RINGSTED 70II/N. . . FAYETTE COUNTY ELGIN TOWN . . FAYETTE TOWN . MAYNARD TOWN . OEL*EIN. . . . WESTGATE TOWtM. WEST UNION • . FLOYD COUNTY 11 CHARLES CITY 12 FLOYD TOWN FRANKLIN COUNTY HAMPTON. . • . SHEFFIELD TOWN FREMONT COUNTY FARRAGUT TOWN. HAMBURG. . . . GREENE COUNTY GRAND JUNCTION TOWN. JEFFERSON GRUNDY COUNTY CONRAD TOWN. . DIKE TOWN. . . GRUNDY CENTER. HOLLAND TOWN . REINBECH TOWN. GUTHRIE COUNTY JAMAICA TOWN . PANORA TOWN. . HAMILTON COUNTY STANHOPE TOWN. WEBSTER CITY . HANCOCK COUNTY BRITT TOWN . . . . CRYSTAL LAKE TOWN. GARNER TOWN. • . . KANAWKA TOWN . . • HARDIN COUNTY ACKLEY TOWN. . ALDEN TOWN . . ELDORA .... IOWA FALLS . • RAOCLIFFE TOWN HARRISON COUNTY MISSOURI VALLEY. WOODBINE TOWN. . HENRY COUNTY MOUNT PLEASANT . NEW LONDON TOWN. WINFIELD TOWN. . HOWARD COUNTY CRESCO . . . HUMBOLDT COUNTY DAKOTA CITY TOWN HUMBOLDT + • . . LIVERMORE TOWN . RENWICK TOWN . . IDA COUNTY HOLSTEIN TOWN. IDA GROvE. . . IOWA COUNTY WILLIAMSBURG TOWN. JACKSON COUNTY ANDREW TOWN. . BELLEVUE TOWN. LA MOTTE TOWN. MAQUOKETA +. . MILES TOWN . . JASPER COUNTY COLFAX LAMBS GROVE TOWN NEWTON + . . • , JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIRFIELD. . . 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 15 It 2 - 9 - 3 - 5 . 2 - 8 - 14 3 3 - 2 _ 5 - 62 2 6 3 5 - 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units (S) (S) 1 1 23 23 1 1 Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 1 1 18 16 2 2 5 5 20 14 2 2 5 5 1 1 3 3 3 3 52 52 7 7 4 4 19 7 6 2 10 10 5 5 12 12 25 25 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units 2 3 17 2 3 15 1 2 3 21 1 2 3 21 5 5 8 4 2 2 14 14 4 4 3 3 17 17 1 I 3 3 Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2 2 31 31 4 4 3 3 e 8 2 2 9 9 5 5 14 10 26 26 16 16 3 3 28 28 11 U 1 1 3 22 2 3 18 2 12 8 12 8 24 24 2 2 3 3 3 3 71 71 2-4 5 units units or more RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 257 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issumg places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ;< See Appendix C-2 fof statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public tiousing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number of housing units Number ol housing in sliuctuies wit units — Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more "' 26 H 4 26 4 - - 1 (XI 25 1 (X) 25 (X) (XI IX) IXI 58 IX) 1X1 1 XI T 46 1X1 1X1 IXI 59 1X1 IXI 1X1 41 1X1 1X1 1X1 42 1X1 1X1 1X1 T 26 IXI 1X1 1X1 18 1 X 1 1X1 (XI T 33 1X1 1X1 IXI ^8 1X1 1X1 1X1 ■io IXI 01 02 03 04 2 (XI 1 41 9 2 (X) 1 39 9 (X) 2 (X) 5 1 X 1 IXI ISI 11 5 (X) (X) IS) 11 (X) (X) ( X) (X) 1 X ) IX ) (X) ISI 1 T 17 1X1 1X1 1X1 ISI 1 ISI 1X1 1X1 1X1 24 T 15 1X1 1X1 1X1 39 17 1X1 IX 1 1X1 65 1 12 1X1 1X1 1X1 40 1 14 IXI 1X1 1X1 19 1 X ) 1X1 (XI (XI IXI T 58 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 1X1 32 IX 1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 25 IXI 1X1 05 06 07 08 09 10 29 2 25 2 4 - 23 2 23 2 - - 35 ISI 26 ISI ISl ISI 29 ISI 65 ISI 24 T - 31 1 40 3 51 T 3 98 2 11 12 15 3 15 3 - - 18 8 18 8 - _ IXI IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 IX 1 1X1 1X1 1X1 13 14 3 3 - - 4 (X I 4 (XI (XI IXI IXI 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1 XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI IXI IXI IXI 1X1 1X1 15 16 2 11 2 11 - - 18 18 - - IX ) 12 1X1 12 1X1 T 11 IXI T IB 1X1 33 1X1 34 1X1 16 IXI ISI 1X1 ISl 1X1 ISI 17 18 1 8 24 3 (X) 1 8 22 3 (X) 2 IX) IX) 6 2 18 IX) IXI 6 2 18 IX) IX) IXI (X) IX) ( XI (X) IXI 20 IXI IXI 1X1 IXI 26 IXI IXI 1X1 (XI 9 (XI (XI 1 X 1 1 X 1 16 IX 1 1X1 1X1 1X1 35 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 T 24 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX 1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 19 20 21 22 23 (X) 2 (X) 2 (X) (X) IX) 2 (X) 2 IXI IXI IX ) IX) 1X1 1X1 1 XI IXI IXI 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 IX) 24 25 3 29 3 29 - - (XI 33 (X) 33 IXI IX) IXI 42 IXI 32 (XI 23 1X1 58 1X1 104 1X1 75 1X1 20 1X1 37 IXI 49 1X1 104 26 27 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 - - 6 1 IXI 1X1 6 1 (X) (X) 1X1 (X) IX) IX) IXI T 2 1X1 IXI IXI 1X1 1X1 (XI 2 (XI (XI 1 X 1 2 1 XI 1 XI 1X1 1 1X1 1X1 1X1 2 1X1 1X1 1X1 1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1 1X1 IXI 1 X 1 IX 1 1X1 1X1 T 2 1X1 1X1 28 29 30 31 9 4 8 26 (X) 9 4 8 26 IX) (X) IX) 2 4 9 40 IXI 2 4 9 40 (X) IX) IX) 4 (XI 7 ISI IX 1 7 1X1 7 ISI 1X1 9 1 XI 7 T 28 IXI 13 1X1 13 28 IXI 9 IX 1 16 ISI 1X1 10 1 XI 12 T 17 IXI 1X1 1X1 9 1X1 1 XI 1X1 1X1 16 IXI IXI 1X1 IXI 5 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 16 IXI 1X1 32 33 34 35 36 4 2 2 4 - 13 2 10 2 3 - 1X1 2 1X1 (XI 2 IXI 6 1X1 3 1X1 3 1X1 1 IXI 1X1 4 1X1 3 37 38 36 6 34 4 2 2 - 22 6 2 20 6 2 2 - 22 8 (XI T 15 2 1X1 15 7 IXI 18 2 1X1 26 5 IX 1 T 50 4 1 XI IXI 12 IX) IXI 12 IXI 1X1 ISI 1X1 IXI ISl 1X1 39 40 41 24 24 - - 24 24 - - 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 IXI IXI 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 42 2 36 2 (X) 2 36 2 (X) (X) IX) 2 43 2 IXI 2 30 2 IX) 5 IXI 8 IX) 6 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 4 IXI (XI (XI T 2 1X1 1X1 IXI 10 IXI IX 1 1X1 ISI IXI IXI IXI 3 1X1 1X1 1X1 I 1X1 IXI IXI 1 XI 1X1 1X1 T 7 1X1 1X1 1X1 43 4-r 45 46 14 S 12 5 2 - IX) 1 (XI 1 ( X) IX) 1X1 10 1X1 16 IXI 4 1X1 7 IXI 12 1X1 18 1X1 1X1 IXI IXI 47 48 3 3 - - 3 3 - - IXI IXI IXI 1X1 IX 1 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 49 1 X) 6 1 7 1 (XI 6 1 7 1 IXI (X) (X) 10 3 58 1 (X) 10 3 51 1 (X) 1 X) 7 1X1 16 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI 11 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 5 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 5 1X1 IX 1 1X1 1X1 8 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI 8 1X1 IXI IX 1 (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI 1X1 10 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 6 1X1 IX 1 1X1 IXI 13 1X1 IXI 1X1 50 51 52 53 54 2 3 61 2 3 54 7 - 7 2 76 7 2 72 - 4 IX 1 IXI 82 1X1 IXI 88 1X1 1X1 94 1X1 1X1 128 IX 1 IX 1 162 1 X 1 IX 1 73 1X1 1X1 199 1X1 1X1 114 1X1 1 XI 84 1X1 1X1 144 55 56 57 44 44 . _ 46 46 _ _ T 45 25 T 17 T 20 16 27 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 58 258 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each ol the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, Sl^ilSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more IOWA — coi^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. JOHI>JSON COUI^TY CORALVILLE TOWN hillS town IOWA CITY + JOHNSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . SWISHER TOWN UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS TOWN JONES COUNTY AN&MOSA (^ARTELLE TOWN MONTICELLO OLIN TOWN ONSLOW KEOKUK COUNTY KEOTA TOWN RICHLAND TOWN WHAT CHEER TOWN KOSSUTH COUNTY AL30NA BANCROFT TOWN BURT TOWN FENTON TOWN LEDYARD TOWN LUVERNE TOWN SWEA CITY TOWN TITONKA TOWN WESLEY TOWN WHITTEMORE TOWN LEE COUNTY FORT MADISON KEOKUK MONTROSE TOWN ST PAUL TOWN WEST POINT TOWN LUCAS COUNTY CHARITON WILLIAMSON TOWN LYON COUNTY INWOOD TOWN LARCHWOOD TOWN ROCK RAPIDS MADISON COUNTY WINTERSET MAHASKA COUNTY OSKA1.OOSA MARION COUNTY PELLA MARSHALL COUNTY GILMAN TOWN MARSHALLTOWN * RHODES TOWN MILLS COUNTY GLENWOOD PACIFIC JUNCTION TOWN MITCHELL COUNTY OSAGE MONONA COUNTY MAPLETON TOWN ONAWA MONTGOMERY COUNTY GRANT TOWN RED OAK VILLISCA MUSCATINE COUNTY MUSCATINE + WEST LIBERTY TOWN WILTON TOWN O'BRIEN COUNTY HARTLEY TOWN PAULLINA TOWN PRIMGHAR TOWN. . . SHELDON SUTHERLAND TOWN OSCEOLA COUNTY ASHTON TOWN HARRIS TOWN OCHEYEDAN TOWN SIBLEY 437 256 12 245 59 10 10 8 2 19 19 ~ 17 15 2 1 1 - 14 10 4 1 153 1 153 169 176 155 2 337 73 5 19 6 112 24 2 192 65 5 19 3 3 2 2 2 2 12 12 29 29 - - 5 5 8 4 2 110 2 2 6 6 . . 21 21 1 1 98 98 6 6 11 11 6 6 5 5 3 3 25 17 2 2 125 131 58 5 391 51 3 15 24 22 3 2 186 50 49 2 3 - 15 - 17 . 2 - 15 4 1 - 2 4 6 2 4 6 22 20 33 17 103 45 6 114 2 2 105 2 12 155 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 259 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute ttie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. g See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 numbei in structures wit — number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number c: of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zl units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units a4 20 24 40 22 18 T 36 T 27 19 33 41 32 (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X 1 ( XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 261 174 52 35 187 141 34 12 230 254 146 287 304 184 i 142 94 64 150 03 54 54 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 3 3 - - 5 5 - . (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 10 10 - - 7 7 - - 3 T 5 5 (SI 9 6 3 1 5 19 06 14 14 - . 22 22 . . 13 17 13 10 24 17 8 5 14 (SI 07 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 32 26 6 - 22 20 2 - (SI (SI T 13 (SI 17 17 10 17 14 (SI 09 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 - - ■ - 2 2 - - (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 - - - - 3 3 _ - (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 13 txi ( x> (X) ( X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 18 18 . . 16 14 2 . T 23 T 28 T 22 (SI 26 17 (SI (SI 28 68 15 3 3 - - 6 6 . - (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 16 1 1 - - 5 5 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 2 2 - - - - - - (X) (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 4 4 . . _ „ _ _ (XI (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 - - - - - . - - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 4 4 - - 3 3 - - 8 4 5 T 3 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 1 1 - - 3 3 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 23 2 2 - - - - - - (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 48 48 . . 40 38 2 . (XI (X) ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 30 30 - - 43 43 - - (SI T 35 T 47 T 40 T 61 T 53 T 37 T 35 T 41 57 26 - - - - 2 2 _ - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 (X) ( X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X 1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 - - ~ - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 9 9 . . 11 11 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 30 ~ - ~ - - - - - (X) (X) (XI (XI tX 1 (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI 31 . . . . (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 6 6 - - (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 33 18 18 ~ - 10 10 - - 18 14 8 13 20 16 5 10 7 28 34 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 33 30 3 - 27 27 - - 40 23 (SI (SI - _ - - 4 T 17 36 45 45 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 . . (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 121 121 - - 104 98 _ 6 128 147 146 174 192 (SI (SI (SI (SI 126 39 " ■ - - - - - - (S) - - - - ~ (SI (SI (SI 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 ~ - ~ - _ - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 10 10 - - 17 17 - - 22 26 6 20 35 22 T 9 T 10 18 (SI 43 7 7 _ . 6 6 6 8 6 3 16 8 3 5 1 (SI 44 12 12 - - (SI (S) - - (X) (X) (XI {XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 4.'"i _ . _ . (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 23 23 - _ 20 20 . . 13 22 18 27 40 61 25 16 33 (SI 47 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 3 T 1 3 - T 1 4 T 1 1 6 4 48 66 66 . . 67 62 5 85 74 68 72 65 79 103 66 78 90 49 a 8 - - 6 6 _ - IXI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI SO 4 4 - - 8 8 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X> (X) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 6 6 - . 5 5 . - (SI T 5 7 (SI T 8 8 T 3 5 14 2 S3 2 2 - - _ - . - 8 5 7 1 8 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 1 X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 4 4 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 2 2 . . 3 3 . (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 - - - - 2 2 _ - (X 1 (X ) ( X 1 (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 - . - . - . - - (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 2 2 ~ ■ 12 12 - " 10 16 15 23 29 25 8 13 21 28 60 260 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back Id 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table Bj). Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shov»n in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ••97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places v IX) (X) IX) 09 2 2 - - 3 3 - - IX) IX) 1 X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X ) IX) 10 46 44 2 - 31 31 _ . (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) 11 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X ) (X) ( X) (XI (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 12 IX) 1 X ) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 13 17 17 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX> IX) (X) IX) 14 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ T - 1 T - 1 3 1 - - T 2 15 21 19 2 _ 8 8 _ _ T 3 T 4 (S) (S) (S) (S) IS) 12 11 19 16 . _ 2 2 _ - (X) (X> IX) 1 X ) (X ) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 17 1 1 - - - - - - - T - T - T 3 1 T 1 T 2 ~ (S) T - 18 50 44 6 - 30 28 2 - 38 40 T 51 55 66 28 (X) IX) IX) IX) 19 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 20 8 8 . . 6 6 _ - 8 5 3 T 3 11 4 4 2 4 (S) 21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T - T - . - - - - - 1 1 22 11 11 _ - 9 9 - _ IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 23 4 4 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X) IX) IX) (X ) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 24 42 42 . 30 30 (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) 25 3 3 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) 26 1 1 4 4 2 2 5 5 3 7 9 9 27 4 4 . _ 6 6 . . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 28 3 3 _ _ 8 8 _ _ (X) IX) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 29 5 5 - - 5 5 _ - T 18 10 2 15 6 T 6 2 2 11 7 30 1 1 - - IX ) (X) (X) ( X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X ) IX) (X) 31 15 15 _ _ 9 9 _ _ 17 8 8 19 28 28 3 15 19 32 32 14 14 - _ (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX ) IX ) (X) IX ) (X) IX) 33 15 15 - - 17 17 - - 10 T 4 4 T 8 8 6 T 11 7 8 10 34 182 135 18 29 108 97 6 5 171 S 292 170 203 187 169 90 76 86 165 35 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 1 X) (X) (X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) 36 7 7 _ _ 9 9 _ _ (X) (X) IX) IX) IX ) 1 X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 37 14 14 - _ 5 3 2 _ (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) 38 - - 2 2 - - (X) IX) (X) I X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 39 30 28 2 _ 20 20 _ . (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) ( X) ( X ) (X) IX) IX) 40 8 8 _ . 4 4 _ - (X) IX) (X) IX) IX ) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) 41 20 18 2 _ 5 5 _ _ T 17 T 14 T - - - 15 1 8 8 e 42 4 4 - 4 4 - - 13 T 5 1 T - 2 2 IX) (X) IX) (X) 43 1 1 IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X ) (X) IX) (X) 44 8 8 - _ 13 13 _ _ 10 10 10 11 9 2 T 6 7 6 IS) 45 7 7 - - 15 15 - - IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X> IX] (X) (X) 46 7 7 - - 10 10 - - T - 3 T 2 2 T 2 1 (X) (X) IX) IX) 47 28 28 - - 36 36 - - (S) (S) (S) (S) 46 T 49 (X) IX) (X) IX) 46 - - - - (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) 49 3 3 4 4 (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 50 72 72 _ . 66 66 . - 95 101 75 89 136 106 137 190 114 173 51 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 52 25 25 35 35 IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX ) (X) 53 8 8 _ _ 4 4 _ _ (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X> IX) IX) IX) (X) 54 65 63 2 _ 86 84 2 . 102 139 72 59 64 65 IX) IX) (X) (X) 55 3 3 _ 2 2 _ (X) (X) (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 56 - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 57 18 18 _ _ 17 15 2 _ IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) 58 - - 97 97 - IX> (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX ) (X) (X) 59 7 7 4 4 14 7 12 n T 2 T 3 (X) (X) (X> ( X) 60 22 22 ~ ~ 35 35 ~ " 23 14 14 T 13 23 17 IX 1 (X ) (X) (X) 61 262 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage Is extended back to 1950 lor ease m presentation and comparability. Changes In definitions established prior to 1964 are shown In table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented In table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown In this table. See Appendix C-I for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-Issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population In 1960 lived In places which were permit-issuing In 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housing In structures wl units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in sliuctures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more IOWA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. 01 WEBSTER COUNTY — CON. DUNCOMBE TOWN. ■•..•.••...•. 3 139 2 3 25 11 23 3 121 2 3 19 11 19 4 18 6 1 96 3 (S) 21 13 15 1 73 3 (S) 17 13 15 4 23 3 68 2 5 22 31 13 3 68 2 5 22 27 13 4 ~ 02 04 WINNEBAGO COUNTY BUFFALO CENTER TOWN. .......... 06 07 LAKE MILLS TOWN. ............ WINNESHIEK COUNTY DECORAH WORTH COUNTY 2 9 15 4 8 6 2 9 U 4 4 6 4 4 - 5 9 10 2 10 5 9 10 2 5 - 5 3 10 11 2 14 2 3 10 7 2 9 2 4 5 09 NORTHWOOD TOWN ...... ....... WRIGHT COUNTY n GOLDFIELD TOWN KANSAS KANSAS CITYi MO.-KANS. SMSA (SEE MISSOURI ) TOPEKA SMSA 14 SHAWNEE COUNTY ROSSVILLE 2 91 3 465 91 3 302 2 6 157 109 4 524 109 4 346 26 152 1 76 4 & 1 045 1 62 4 612 14 79 & 354 15 16 17 SHAWNEE COUNTY 1 PART OF UNINC. AREA + » SIL.VEK LAKE TOPEKA + WICHITA SMSA 18 BUTLER COUNTY ANDOVER 3 11 (S) 38 1 1 11 (S) 22 1 2 16 3 (S) 22 3 (S) 22 - - 1 17 18 1 17 18 - - 21 22 EL DORADO * POTWIN 23 TOWANDA. ................ 6 6 - - 1 1 - - 4 4 - - 24 WHITEWATER 25 SEDGWICK COUNTY ♦* 2 1 7 1 38 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 34 1 1 1 2 4 ; 2 9 7 3 32 2 3 2 9 5 3 32 2 3 2 ; 2 4 12 2 44 5 2 2 4 12 2 42 5 2 2 - 26 27 CHENEY CLEARWATER DERBY + 30 31 32 33 34 EASTBOROUGH GARDEN PLAIN HAYSVILLE + KECHI MAIZE 35 36 37 38 39 MOUNT HOPE MULVANE VALLEY CENTER WICHITA + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S 5 14 160 7 1 147 5 11 160 5 640 3 2 28 479 1 5 99 572 1 5 99 525 28 19 2 12 148 1 476 2 12 148 1 446 30 ■ 40 41 ALLEN COUNTY HUMBOLDT lOLA 7 13 7 13 - - 4 20 4 20 - : 7 36 7 17 - 19 42 ATCHISON COUNTY ATCHISON + 26 4 67 15 26 4 61 11 6 4 - 27 1 116 11 25 1 110 11 2 6 - 19 96 12 19 94 12 2 _ 43 44 45 BARTON COUNTY ELLINWOOD GREAT BEND + HOISINGTON 46 BOURBON COUNTY FORT SCOTT 26 13 1 16 12 29 26 9 1 9 12 27 4 2 7 69 12 13 3 22 21 12 13 3 20 2 48 27 IS 7 6 13 23 15 7 6 13 4 - BROWN COUNTY 46 MORRILL CHEYENNE COUNTY 50 CLARK COUNTY 51 CLAY COUNTY CLAY CENTER RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 263 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ,t See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number Of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number of in structures witt — number of in structures wilh- number of number of number of number of number number of number of number of number of number of c of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing -1 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units (X> (X) (X) ( X 1 (X> (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 01 119 83 - 36 65 65 - - T 85 92 97 166 254 222 141 163 175 270 02 '4 4 - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 7 7 . . 3 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 11 11 - - 14 14 - - T 18 13 4 11 14 15 12 10 19 (31 05 10 10 " - (XI (X) (X) ( X) (X 1 ( X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 9 9 - - 22 20 2 ?4 20 11 T 22 17 23 22 19 17 26 07 4 4 . . (X) (X) (X) (XI CXI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 08 7 7 ■ - 3 3 - - u 8 4 8 8 T 3 3 8 T - 7 09 14 14 _ . 14 14 . . (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 - 3 9 T 3 - - - 6 7 11 15 13 2 - 21 17 4 - T 29 13 T 3 T 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 1 1 6 6 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 13 2 2 2 2 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 92 92 - - 97 97 - - 142 74 168 691 610 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 1 059 714 44 301 1 047 947 36 64 867 531 784 465 562 611 548 405 461 523 17 2 2 (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 11 11 . - 21 21 _ - 47 63 73 65 41 89 100 88 46 T 25 19 - - - - 7 5 2 - (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 30 30 - . 47 47 _ _ 78 171 39 66 88 113 124 141 69 107 21 - - - - 2 2 - - (X ) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 22 3 3 . _ 5 5 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (XI (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 24 5 5 . 2 2 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 9 9 . _ 12 12 _ _ 20 10 12 23 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 6 6 - - 7 7 - _ 19 13 6 T 12 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 27 3 3 - - 5 5 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 35 33 2 - 16 16 - - (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (SI . _ 5 7 5 10 15 23 39 30 5 5 - - 6 6 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 . - - - 1 1 - - 46 T 65 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 - . - . (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 2 2 _ - 2 2 - - 4 2 2 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 { X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 a 8 . . 10 10 « . (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 162 160 2 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 5 5 - _ 4 4 _ . 42 74 32 87 73 97 (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 447 355 12 80 347 343 4 ■ 1 144 1 662 1 318 1 843 3 045 3 841 2 355 3 633 2 984 3 853 39 S 5 8 8 5 12 7 13 17 7 6 8 6 4 "0 22 22 - - 22 22 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 31 13 2 16 27 27 - - 47 31 39 29 27 20 28 31 28 31 42 1 1 3 3 4 8 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 43 107 97 10 _ 59 59 - - 55 69 60 110 137 171 (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 3 3 - - 5 5 - - 10 5 5 18 34 15 28 29 43 (SI 45 10 10 - - 6 5 - 17 15 23 25 36 23 19 14 13 38 46 14 14 . 11 11 . U T 15 11 20 15 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 - - - - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 12 12 - - 11 1 5 5 3 3 5 - - - - - - - 49 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI ( X I (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 264 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table contorms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in fable B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, oulside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 ■f Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- c n 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 KANSAS — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. CLOUD COUNTY GLASCO 5 10 2 14 95 10 31 6 3 2 19 404 5 4 197 127 55 4 43 1 5 117 6 9 6 3 1 6 6 14 8 50 T 10 7 3 5 1 1 6 10 2 14 25 8 27 6 3 2 14 140 5 4 143 119 49 4 43 1 5 105 6 7 6 3 6 6 14 8 46 5 7 3 5 1 1 22 2 4 5 32 14 8 6 12 2 4 5 48 232 40 15 14 20 & 54 15 39 2 2 2 17 308 6 9 & 209 181 1 116 3 50 13 106 7 17 9 9 6 11 2 7 16 39 1 3 3 11 2 1 16 28 11 14 20 18 15 29 2 2 2 15 108 6 9 130 159 1 80 3 50 8 98 7 17 9 9 6 11 2 7 16 39 1 3 3 9 2 1 16 8 4 12 10 2 21 24 22 8 2 & 24 179 & 55 36 5 _ 20 13 11 1 11 128 17 25 8 4 2 11 208 7 5 101 155 2 112 6 58 2 9 124 3 50 5 23 12 6 4 13 16 45 5 1 6 4 3 11 21 (S) 13 11 1 11 44 17 25 8 4 2 7 128 7 5 99 145 2 80 6 39 2 9 122 3 45 5 23 12 6 4 13 16 43 3 1 6 4 3 11 21 (S) 16 4 4 2 10 32 19 2 S 2 2 68 76 02 COFFEY COUNTY BURLINGTON .•.•■■•.••••.•• 03 COWLEY COUNTY ARKANSAS CITY. ..•• 06 CRAiDFORD COUNTY PITTSBURG. ...... .... 07 DECATUR COUNTY OBERLIN. .....•...*••.... DICKINSON COUNTY 09 CHAPMAN 10 HERINGTON DONIPHAN COUNTY DOUGLAS COUNTY 13 LAWRENCE + 14 EDWARDS COUNTY ELLIS COUNTY 17 18 FINNEY COUNTY GARDEN CITY + HOLCOMB FORD COUNTY 20 SPEARVILLE ... 21 OTTAWA + 22 23 24 WELLSVILLE GEARY COUNTY JUNCTION CITY +............. 25 HILL CITY 26 GRANT COUNTY ULYSSES 27 28 GREENWOOD COUNTY EUREKA .. 29 SYRACUSE 30 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 HARPER COUNTY HARPER HARVEY COUNTY HALSTEAD HESSTON NORTH NEWTON SEDGWICK HODGEMAN COUNTY HANSTON JACKSON COUNTY HOLTON MAYETTA JEFFERSON COUNTY MERIDEN VALLEY FALLS KEARNY COUNTY DEERFIELD 43 LAKIN 44 KINGMAN COUNTY 45 NORWICH RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 265 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source fof the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12, and B-I3. « See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing m stiuctuies with jnits Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures witl units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Tolal numbei ol housing units Total number ol housing unils Total numbei ol housing units Tolal numbei ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Tolal number ol housing units Total number ol housing units 1 1 uml 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 uml 2-4 unils 5 units or more - T - 01 10 10 - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 02 11 16 11 16 - - 6 23 6 23 - - T 25 (X) 44 35 (X) 54 63 (X) (S) 88 (X) (X) 169 1X1 (X) 142 (X) (X) 94 (XI (X) 109 iX) (X) 58 (X) (X) 100 iX) (X) 03 04 05 28 28 - - 38 38 - - 29 21 & 47 29 (S) (S) 54 (S) (S) (SI 06 ao 23 - 17 9 9 - - 15 8 '' 12 20 8 9 19 11 6 07 22 2 1 22 2 1 - - 30 4 6 30 4 6 - - 40 6 6 36 9 4 29 4 7 34 5 12 76 5 13 27 8 8 17 2 T 13 30 2 (S) 30 4 6 76 12 10 08 09 10 12 12 - - 4 4 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 11 (X) & 162 (X) 132 (X) 70 (X) & 260 (X) 234 (X) 156 (X) 54 (X) 24 (X) 362 (X) 414 (X) S 429 (X) & 401 IX ) (S) (X) (S) (X) 127 (X) 238 (X) 120 (X) 110 12 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - IS) 14 10 95 10 77 18 - 8 81 8 71 4. 6 T 10 159 11 114 4 76 11 97 20 lie 10 100 11 75 10 122 10 51 T 9 117 15 16 112 (X) 112 (X) (X) (X) 110 (X ) 110 (X) (XI (X) 107 (X ) 60 (X) 36 (X) 47 (X> 68 (X) 71 (X) 42 (X) 49 (X) 52 (X) T 153 (X) 17 18 76 5 60 5 16 - 57 (X) 55 (X) 2 (XI (X) 54 (X) 37 (X> 32 (X) 69 (Xl 85 (X ) 78 (X) 111 (X) 77 IX) 82 (X) 164 (X) 19 20 H7 1 (Xl 40 1 (X) 2 IXI 5 (X) 42 1 (XI 38 1 (X) 4 (XI (X) 63 (X ) (X) 44 (XI ( X ) 31 ( X) (XI 38 ( X ) (X) 67 (X) (X ) 63 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 21 22 23 89 81 8 - 104 96 2 6 118 144 146 327 152 198 53 117 136 (S) 24 8 8 - - 5 5 - - (S) 22 23 14 13 11 19 23 15 16 25 a? 43 4 - 35 35 - - 36 13 12 T 20 10 14 (X) (XI IX) (X) 26 7 7 - - 5 5 - - T 6 3 - 3 4 8 5 4 T 3 T 9 27 14 14 - - 3 3 - - 9 - - - - (S) T - - - (S) 28 9 9 - - 11 11 - - 10 - 1 T 4 8 5 5 10 8 (S) 29 6 6 6 6 - - 9 16 9 16 - - T 15 7 3 13 3 16 3 18 19 7 9 35 6 5 8 9 12 12 28 11 30 31 3 9 62 2 7 3 9 60 2 7 2 - 12 75 8 (X) 9 75 6 (X) 3 2 (X) (X) 5 (X) 95 (X> (X) 7 (X) 108 (X) (XI 11 (X) 84 (X) (X) 14 (X) 136 (X) ( XI 8 (X ) 208 (X 1 IX) 1 (X) 134 (X) (X) (X ) IX ) 119 (X) (X) (X) (X> 94 (X) (X) (X) (X) 106 (X) (X) (X) (X) 108 (X) (X) 32 33 34 35 36 - - - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 37 10 (X) 10 (X) (X) IX) 11 (XI 9 (X) 2 (X) (X) 20 (X) 11 (XI (S) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 38 39 13 3 13 3 - - (X) 2 (X) 2 (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 40 41 6 6 - - 14 14 - - 12 1 3 1 1 1 2 4 2 7 1 (X) 2 (X) 5 (XI 6 (X) 42 43 13 13 - - 19 13 6 - 22 (XI 16 (X ) 11 (XI 23 (XI 46 (X ) 53 ( XI 29 (X) 36 (X) 22 ( X) 23 (X) 44 45 266 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same to 1950 for ease In presentation and comparability. Changes m definitions established prior B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented In table B-4 differ from Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown In this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-Issuing coverage is extended back places shown In the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964, •*97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population In 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing In 1964, +Thls 1 the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housing In structures wl units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Numto of housing units in structures with- •^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 KAt^SAS — COt^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. LABETTE COUNTY ALTAMONT •••••••••••••••■ 2 9 3 12 16 10 89 1 8 3 15 147 8 2 7 5 46 13 5 17 8 4 10 7 30 2 4 5 11 16 13 6 20 19 2 16 6 13 18 3 5 7 10 1 2 9 3 10 16 10 61 1 B 3 15 76 a 2 7 5 42 13 5 13 8 4 8 7 30 2 4 3 11 12 13 6 20 15 2 16 6 13 18 3 3 7 10 1 2 4 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 24 71 6 3 6 22 20 102 2 1 21 161 3 4 4 15 48 4 6 21 5 9 7 11 9 38 3 1 50 32 2 2 27 6 15 23 7 40 1 28 14 5 4 29 3 6 3 6 22 20 68 2 1 19 69 3 2 4 13 46 4 6 13 5 9 5 11 9 38 3 1 6 28 2 2 27 6 15 15 7 40 1 28 14 5 4 27 3 10 2 10 2 2 2 8 2 4 8 2 24 82 44 5 3 2 8 14 28 61 3 (S) 2 2 25 & 384 7 (S) 16 54 4 2 17 11 11 4 12 10 30 7 1 4 ,9 28 3 43 3 11 33 5 18 1 25 22 6 11 20 1 5 3 2 8 14 28 55 3 IS) 2 2 25 92 7 (S) 16 50 4 2 17 11 9 4 12 10 24 7 1 4 9 28 3 43 3 11 33 5 18 1 25 20 6 11 20 1 6 14 (S) 4 2 2 & 278 6 02 03 CHETOPA* ■•••••>•••••■••• LABETTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA LANE COUNTY LEAVENWORTH COUNTY 08 09 10 LEAVENWORTH + LINWOOD SHERMAN TOWNSHIP LINN COUNTY MOUND CITY LYON COUNTY 16 LYON COUNTY UNINC* AREA. •••■••■• 17 MCPHERSON COUNTY CANTON 18 19 20 INMAN LINDSBORG 21 22 23 MCPHERSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA MARION COUNTY GOESSEL • MARSHALL COUNTY MEADE COUNTY 29 MIAMI COUNTY PAOLA ■ 30 MITCHELL COUNTY BELOIT • MONTGOMERY COUNTY 33 34 35 CHERRYVALE COFFEYVILLE INDEPENDENCE MORRIS COUNTY 37 WHITE CITY 38 MORTON COUNTY 39 NEMAHA COUNTY SABETHA 4 1 CHANUTE 42 43 44 45 46 NESS COUNTY BAZINE nESS CITY NORTON COUNTY LENORA NORTON OSAGE COUNTY OSAGE CITY • •• 49 OTTAWA COUNTY MINNEAPOLIS. ...... PAWNEE COUNTY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 267 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public liousing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols; "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Tolal Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Tolal Tolal Total number in structures wilt _ number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Jj units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 12 6 6 4 4 2 5 8 9 11 3 5 2 1 01 a 4 . - 4 4 - - 12 4 6 1 4 7 10 6 3 9 02 (X) (X> (X) (X) ( X ) (X) (Xl (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 03 6 6 _ . 5 5 - _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 04 8 8 - - 12 12 - - T 11 3 5 & 21 33 18 (X) (X) (XI (XI 05 8 8 - - 10 10 - - (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X) ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) 06 73 69 4 (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (Xl (XI (XI 07 102 76 20 6 149 145 4 _ & 3U 88 95 114 133 96 137 77 60 122 08 1 1 . - _ - _ (X) (X) (Xl (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 09 (X) (X) (X) 1 X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 2 2 - - - - (X) ( X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 12 17 13 4 16 16 (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 13 2 2 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 14 151 100 29 22 141 123 18 83 70 83 51 74 59 46 49 52 89 15 12 12 - (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 16 (X) (X 1 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 17 16 14 2 . 10 10 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 18 23 23 _ . 28 22 6 . 22 10 1 5 19 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) 19 87 78 9 _ 67 67 _ - 77 42 41 59 56 51 46 68 62 90 20 7 7 - - 67 67 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 21 (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (X ) ( XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 22 3 3 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X I (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 23 10 10 _ _ 16 16 _ . (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 24 10 8 2 - 36 36 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 25 (XI (X) (X> (X) IX) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 26 2 2 - 2 2 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 27 16 16 - - 9 9 - - (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 28 16 14 2 - 12 12 - - (X) (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 29 18 18 12 10 2 (SI (SI (SI (SI T 21 6 8 13 27 22 30 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 1 1 (s) (b) (SI (S) (SI (S) (SI (SI 28 23 6 30 32 _ . 3 3 . _ 2 5 2 8 16 T 3 9 7 3 1 33 10 10 . . 25 25 . _ 40 60 69 90 130 78 57 61 53 23 34 12 12 - - 25 25 - - 18 23 22 36 52 43 25 40 25 45 35 3 3 3 3 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 36 1 1 - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - 1 ■ ~ ■ T 1 37 7 7 - - 16 16 - - 30 20 6 7 22 (SI T 12 5 T 2 11 38 H 4 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 39 16 16 - - 11 11 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (X) 40 HI 111 - - (XI (XI ( X) (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (Xl (XI (X) 41 3 3 2 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 42 15 15 - - 19 19 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 43 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 44 23 17 6 - 23 23 - - 12 24 11 11 37 25 31 23 21 17 45 16 16 - - 17 17 - - T 11 8 25 12 8 10 4 14 T 12 2 46 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 47 3 3 - - 6 6 - - IX 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 48 10 7 3 - (XI (XI ( XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 49 20 20 17 15 2 19 16 9 28 43 39 41 42 22 52 50 3 3 - - 3 3 - - - - - - 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) 51 268 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparabdify. Changes in definitions established prior B_4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964, **97.0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number oi housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more KANSAS — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. PHILLIPS COUNTY PHILLIPseuRG P0TTAWATOI«IIE COUNTY POTTAWATOMIE COUt\ITY UNINC. AREA. . 5 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI ( X) ( X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI ( XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 02 03 25 25 - - 22 22 - - IS 26 27 54 85 68 59 36 21 78 04 - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - 1 - - 05 (S) 134 I 96 12 (S) 122 1 96 12 12 - 3 3 97 2 69 12 3 3 89 2 69 12 8 - (XI (XI 93 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 86 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 97 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 251 (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 361 (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI 393 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 391 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 286 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 166 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 394 (XI (XI ( XI 06 07 08 09 10 11 19 15 4 - 16 16 - - 12 12 3 6 28 10 10 T 9 16 45 1 12 13 (X) 21 2 (X) 21 2 (X) (X) (X) 18 1 (XI 18 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 17 7 (XI (XI (XI 9 3 (XI (XI (XI 16 3 (X) (XI (XI 12 2 (XI (X ) (XI 31 5 ( X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI 27 12 (XI (XI (XI 32 9 (XI (XI (XI 55 6 (XI (XI (XI 86 8 14 15 16 17 18 (X> 129 2 32 (X) 70 2 30 (XI 23 2 (X) 36 (X) 91 13 1 19 (XI 63 10 1 19 (XI 4 . 3 (XI 24 (XI 162 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 424 (X) (XI (X) (X) 105 ( X) (XI (X) (XI & 429 (XI (X) (XI (XI 196 (XI (XI (XI (XI 139 (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 (XI (XI (XI (XI 91 (XI (XI (XI (XI 71 (XI (XI (XI (XI 108 iXI (XI (XI 19 20 21 22 23 4 4 - - 1 2 1 2 - - T 25 4 7 7 28 3 27 4 50 18 87 17 42 (X) 47 (XI 29 (Xl 38 (XI 24 25 7 7 - - 9 9 - - (XI 15 (XI 12 (XI 5 (XI 18 (XI 21 (X) 7 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 26 27 1 2 1 2 - - 8 8 _ - 1 (X) T 12 (X 1 3 (XI 9 (XI 7 3 (X 1 (XI 4 (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 28 29 30 2 399 29 2 344 29 55 _ 2 324 & 244 2 302 & 244 22 - (XI 615 (XI (XI 367 txl (XI 347 (X) (XI 329 (XI (X 1 455 (XI (XI 541 (XI (X) 188 (XI (XI 773 (XI (XI 196 (XI (XI 233 (XI 31 32 33 41 41 - - 24 21 3 - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 187 179 - 8 167 150 9 8 245 246 (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 24 24 - - 14 10 4 - (SI 24 4 2 23 13 5 12 14 29 36 10 10 - - 6 6 - - 7 3 - 1 - 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) 37 19 19 - - 19 19 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 1 6 16 1 6 16 - - 1 3 1 11 1 3 1 11 - - (XI (XI T 4 32 (X) (XI 5 26 (XI (X) 6 33 (XI (XI 10 49 (XI (XI 7 106 (XI (X) 12 68 (X) (XI 2 67 (X) (XI 3 75 (XI (X) 6 67 (XI (XI 3 T 60 39 40 41 42 43 43 - - 29 29 - - 18 14 15 14 51 25 33 27 16 27 43 12 12 - - 17 17 - - 27 21 5 19 29 27 33 43 34 23 44 - - - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 7 7 - - 3 3 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 - - - - - - - - (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 15 15 - - 12 12 - - 9 11 24 1 12 4 9 T 13 2 9 48 270 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the dermition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the hgures for the same SMSA shov^n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the enhre land area of the county lor 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing .units Number ol housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 KANSAS — COt^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. WILSON COUNTY FREOONIA NEODESHA WOODSON COUNTY TORONTO KENTUCKY CINCINNATI! OHIO-KY.-IND. SMSA (SEE OHIO) EVANSVILLEi IND.-KY. SMSA (SEE INDIANA) HUNTINGTON-ASHLAND. * , VA.-KY.-OHIO SMSA (SEE WEST VIRGINIA) LEXINGTON SMSA FAYETTE COUNTY * FAYETTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + LEXINGTON + LOUISVILLE SMSA JEFFERSON COUNTY ♦♦ ANCHORAGE AUDUBON PARK BEECHWOOD VILLAGE BELLEMEADE BELLEWOOD BROWNSBORO CAMBRIDGE CHEROKEE SECTION-INDIAN HILLS CHERRYWOOD DRUID HILLS FAIRMEADE HOLLYVILLA HOUSTON ACRES INDIAN HILLS JEFFERSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . , , . JEFFERSONTOWN + KEENELAND KINGSLEY LINCOLNSHIRE LOUISVILLE + LYNNVIEW MEADOWVIEW ESTATES MOCKINGBIRD VALLEY MOORLAND NORBOURNE ESTATES PARKSIDE , . PARKWAY Village PLYMOUTH VILLAGE RICHLAWN ROLLING FIELDS VILLAGE ST MATTHEWS ST REGIS PARK SENECA GARDENS SHIVELY + SPRINGLEE STRATHMOOR GARDENS STRATHMOOR MANOR STRATHMOOR VILLAGE WELLINGTON WEST BUECHEL WINDY HILLS WOODLAND HILLS WOODLAAN PARK 1 INDIANA) CLARK COUNTY * CHARLESTOWN CLARK COUNTY JNINC. ARtA PLUi + ;(... CLARKSVILLE TOWN + JEFFERSONVILLE + SELLERSBURG TOWN FLOYD COUNTY NEW ALBANY + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ANDERSON COUNTY LAWRENCEBURG 727 2 709 167 1 1 153 3 160 9 414 35 201 11 539 1 236 3 4 135 3 3 590 187 175 1 1 2 018 1 1 777 - - 3 3 1 1 54 1 1 123 402 19 95 11 50 277 12 16 & 70 138 1 196 106 20 631 1 628 69 1 1 379 181 1 114 498 858 (S) 5 69 1 1 181 177 1 1 1 555 871 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 - 2 2 282 282 59 21 & 99 47 16 16 38 166 95 604 34 & 52 624 1 124 70 1 1 2 801 217 1 1 1 357 2 295 T 22 89 10 472 587 70 1 1 2 699 217 1 1 930 13 3 - - _ - 123 109 - ■ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 3 3 8 8 19 19 2 295 22 89 10 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 271 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the lisl of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wliicti constitute tlie source tor ttie statistics shown monthly In tables B-U, B-12, and B-13 ■• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols; ■'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less tlian 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in sti uctuies wilt - number of in structures with- number number of number of number number number of number of number of number of number of ^ of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing li units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units unils units units 5 5 2 2 5 4 7 11 10 (S) 5 8 5 6 01 5 5 - - 2 2 - - T 3 (S) (X) (XI (XI {XI (XI (X) (XI 02 IX) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 03 430 361 40 29 990 755 44 191 1 237 1 087 1 021 648 886 807 743 682 682 1 145 04 563 431 40 92 812 508 102 202 609 339 320 & 482 S 498 235 & 238 & 103 & 508 69 05 (s) ( .) (S) (S) (S) T 11 17 T 11 (SI (SI 8 8 06 1 1 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 1 1 6 5 4 4 7 8 14 37 07 '4 4 _ _ _ _ 1 1 21 113 (X) (X) (XI (X) 08 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 19 (SI (X ) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 09 - - - - - - 1 - - 8 1 - (X) (X) (XI IX) 10 (S) _ _ _ (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI IX) 11 (S) (SI _ . _ _ _ _ 1 - - 6 1 T 4 (XI (XI (X) (XI 12 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ _ T 1 1 (S) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X> IXl (XI 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ . . (X) (X) (XI (XI 14 - - - - 2 2 - - - - - 1 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) 15 I 1 _ . _ _ _ (XI (XI (X) (X) 16 _ _ _ . _ (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 17 I 1 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 12 (SI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 18 4 4 _ _ 2 2 _ _ 8 2 1 4 18 5 (XI (XI (X) (X) 19 1 845 1 813 4 28 1 940 1 902 38 - 2 BOO 2 984 2 193 3 341 5 861 5 278 (XI (XI (X) (X) 20 139 134 5 144 144 _ 187 26 29 136 100 3 (X) (XI 1X1 (X) 21 _ ,X ) (X) (X) (XI .X) (X) (X) vX) iX I IX) (X) (X) IX 1 IXI 22 _ 2 1 - 1 1 4 1 12 23 _ _ _ „ 2 1 1 1 2 (XI (XI (X) IX) 24 & 1 680 915 54 & 711 1 043 767 60 216 1 623 1 388 & 1 398 1 319 1 918 1 339 994 1 229 & 2 174 S 2 310 25 T - T - (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 26 2 2 _ _ _ . _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - 1 (XI (XI (Xl (XI 28 _ _ ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 29 1 1 - - 2 2 1 1 1 2 - (XI (XI (X) (X) 30 " _ _ 2 (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 31 (SI (SI _ _ _ . . - - - (X) (XI (X) (XI 32 _ _ _ (SI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI 33 1 I \ 1 _ T - _ . 10 3 (X) IX) 1X1 IXI 34 - - (X) IX) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (X) IXI IX) 35 41 3 10 28 1 1 3 8 36 139 15 21 56 27 (X) (X) IXI 1X1 36 _ „ _ -. 1 11 17 57 (X) (X) IXI IXI 37 1 I _ 1 1 1 T 1 2 1 (X) IX) IXI IXI 38 224 210 It _ 258 212 46 _ 307 305 192 280 364 115 50 173 222 115 39 - - - - - - - - (X) (X) IXI 1X1 40 1 _ . 2 (X) (XI IXI IXI 41 ~ _ _ _ _ _ I - - - (X) IX) IXI IXI 42 I 1 . 3 _ _ _ _ _ 1 - 1 (XI (X) (XI IXI 43 2 2 _ _ 2 _ . i T - - (XI (XI (XI IXI 44 1 1 - - - - 2 1 - 3 7 3 (XI (XI (XI IX) 45 4 4 5 5 T 15 20 14 23 64 29 (XI (XI (XI (X) 46 13 13 _ _ (X ) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (X) t XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 47 25 25 ~ " 44 44 (S) 32 5 9 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 48 6 6 5 5 12 T 5 (S) (S) (X 1 (XI (XI IX) IXI (X) 49 199 199 _ _ 140 138 2 . 190 135 137 (S) (X 1 ( X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 90 86 4 _ T 48 48 _ (SI T 38 T 24 25 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 51 134 130 4 _ 71 71 _ _ 130 135 115 123 154 154 123 60 125 2 52 7 7 - 11 11 - - 5 6 11 10 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 IXI 53 166 151 7 8 204 204 - - 221 139 111 113 51 54 53 74 516 101 54 13 11 2 8 8 (SI (S) 21 9 17 T 10 9 9 (SI ISI 55 272 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparabilily. Changes m definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ''g/.O to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number o( housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more KENTUCKY — COI»). PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S--COI^ BALLARD COUNTY UNIt>tC. AREA . . . . BARREN COUIvlTY CAVE CITY GLASGOW -f BATH COUNTY OWINGSVILLE BELL COUNTY MIDDLESBORO PINEVILLE BOURBON COUNTY NORTH MIDDLETO*N PARIS + BOYLE COUNTY DANVILLE JUNCTION CITY BRACKEN COUNTY AUGUSTA FOSTER BREATHITT COUNTY JACKSON BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY CLOVERPORT BULLITT COUNTY MOUNT WASHINGTON SHEPHERDSVILLE BUTLER COUNTY NORGANTOWN CALDWELL COUNTY PRINCETON TOWN CALLOWAY COUNTY (MURRAY + CARROLL COUNTY CARROLLTON CASEY COUNTY LIBERTY CHRISTIAN COUNTY HOPKINSVILLE -I- LAFAYETTE CLARK COUNTY WINCHESTER CRITTENDEN COUNTY MARION DAVIESS COUNTY OWENSBORO + ESTILL COUNTY IRVINE RAVENNA FLOYD COUNTY MARTIN FRANKLIN COUNTY FRANKFORT + FULTON COUNTY FULTON HICKMAN GALLATIN COUNTY WARSAW GARRARD COUNTY LANCASTER GRAVES COUNTY MAYFIELD + GRAYSON COUNTY LEITCHFIELD GREEN COUNTY GREEN5BURG GREENUP COUNTY BELLEFONTE FLATWOODS + RACELAND RUSSELL WORTHINGTON TOWN 3 & 139 25 & 50 13 & 51 25 - & 50 3 . 22 4 22 _ 3 ■ - - 11 - 4 - 30 . 3 - 10 - 5 - 69 6 8 6 5 - 209 - 28 2 1 - 367 16 4 & 36 1 ■ - - 143 21 13 _ 3 & 48 3 - 30 - 41 & 140 5 - 51 2 11 - 5 - 3 136 6 6 77 77 13 13 11 U 8 8 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 273 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly '-" ffepresents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. a See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number ol public housing units by place, see table B--7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total numbei of housing units Numbei in sti oi housing uctuies with jnits Total number of housing units Numbei of housing in sliuclures with jnits Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zi (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 1 X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) 1X1 01 (X) 70 (X) 66 (XI 4 (X) (X) S 195 IX) 79 IX) S 116 IX) IX) 103 IX) 29 (X) 38 (XI (S) IX) 70 (X) 54 IX) 41 IX ) 109 (X) 75 IX) 136 02 03 (X) (X) (X) (XI IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) 04 77 1 77 1 - - IX) 1 IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) ( X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 1 X) (XI (XI 05 06 38 38 - - 33 33 - - 1 56 & 56 18 14 21 1 13 1 26 « 114 31 T - 31 07 08 35 35 4 - - 46 46 - - 36 S 74 2 24 2 27 1 27 4 32 13 32 & IS) T 48 T 2 T 52 IS) 09 10 1 1 - - 1 IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) (S) (X) T 4 (X) IX) 4 1 X ) (X ) (X) (X) IX) T - IX) 3 IX) 11 12 12 10 2 - IX) IX) IX) 1 X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IXI 13 2 2 - - 2 2 - - IS) (SI IS) 3 4 3 (XI IX) (X) IX) 14 (X) 2 IX) 2 (X) IX) (X) 6 (X) 6 (X) ( X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX] IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) 15 16 4 4 - - 8 B - - 19 19 20 T 12 11 12 2 3 T 4 1 17 21 21 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) 1 X) (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 18 S 109 37 - 8 72 68 65 3 - IX) (X) 1X1 IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 19 10 8 2 - 4 4 - - 7 8 14 23 34 16 T 27 T 18 11 23 20 7 7 - - IS) IS) - - (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 21 S 245 159 & 86 - 152 142 10 - 113 (X ) 168 (X) 77 IX) 123 IX) 199 (X 1 142 (X) & 130 IXI 69 (X) & 197 1 X ) 77 IXI 22 23 36 36 - - 36 . 36 - - 22 & (S) 15 22 (S) (S) IS) & 128 IS) (S) 24 3 3 - - 9 9 - - T 5 3 6 4 - 3 3 4 4 T 3 25 & 311 279 & 32 - 342 340 2 - 299 352 249 258 364 230 & 474 257 235 (S) 26 6 3 6 3 - - 3 3 - - T 6 2 2 2 5 IS) T - 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 (S) 4 27 28 IX) (X) (/) (X) (XI (X) ( X) IX) (X) (X) IX) 1 X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (XI 29 & 190 113 & 55 22 158 134 4 20 T 179 188 IS) T 176 173 144 39 32 54 64 30 24 24 2 - - IX) 3 (X) 3 (X) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) (X) (X) ( X ) IX) IX) (XI IX) IX) ( X ) IX) IX) IX) 31 32 5 5 - - 6 6 - - IS) (S) T 11 1 15 5 (XI (X) IX) (XI 33 30 30 - - IX) IX) IXI (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) ( X ) (X) IX) (XI 34 22 22 - - 54 54 - - 103 49 21 32 36 49 62 41 50 (SI 35 38 38 - - 18 18 - - 44 16 31 T 14 25 5 18 11 4 5 36 (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX 1 IX ) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 37 6 67 7 6 67 7 - - 1 64 3 1 64 3 - - IX ) 1X1 4 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 12 IXI (X) 10 IX) IX) 4 IX) IX) 4 ( X ) (X) 4 (X) (X) 10 IX ) IX) 6 IXI IX) 9 38 39 40 2 IX) 2 IX) 3 (X ) 1 41 (X) 42 274 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas m definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SB/ISA shov^n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shov»n in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. **97.C to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived m places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county kentucky — con. places outside smsa's — con hancock county haviesville hardin county elizabethtown radcliff west point harlan county Cumberland HARLAN LOYALL HARRISON COUNTY BERRY CYNTHIANA -I- HART COUNTY HORSE CAVE HENRY COUNTY EMINENCE NE* CASTLE TOWN SMITHFIELD HOPKINS COUNTY MADISONVILLE + JESSAMINE COUNTY NICHOLASVILLE JOHNSON COUNTY PAINTSVILLE KNOX COUNTY BARBOURVILLE + LARUE COUNTY HODGENVILLE LETCHER COUNTY NEON i«;hitesburg lewis county VANCEBURG LINCOLN COUNTY CRAB ORCHARD STANFORD LOGAN COUNTY RUSSELLVILLE LYON COUNTY EDDYVILLE MCCRACKEN COUNTY PADUCAH + MCLEAN COUNTY CALHOUN LIVERMORE MADISON COUNTY BEREA RICHMOND + MARSHALL COUNTY CALVERT CITY MASON COUNTY MArSVILLE MEADE COUNTY BRANDENBURG MERCER COUNTY HARRODSBURG MONTGOMERY COUNTY MOUNT STERLING MUHLENBERG COUNTY CENTRAL CITY GREENVILLE NELSON COUNTY BARDSTOWN NICHOLAS COUNTY CARLISLE OHIO COUNTY FOROSVILLE HARTFORD 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 84 51 2 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units 68 54 53 53 (SI (S) 1 1 6 6 Number of housing units in structures with— 73 52 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 15 2-4 5 units units 01 more RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 275 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly '-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total nunibei of housing units Number in str of housing uctures witt units Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in stiuctuies with— Tolal number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Tolal numbei of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units 5 e 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 5 5 3 3 IX) ( X 1 (X) ( X ) (X. (X) ( X ) (X) (XI (X) 01 68 IX) 4 68 (XI 4 ( X) (X) 57 (XI 3 55 IX) 3 2 ( X) (XI 51 (X) IX ) 41 (X) (X) 32 (X) (X) 50 (X) ( X) 87 (X ) (X ) 32 ( X I (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X ) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) {XI (X) 02 03 04 6 6 - . (SI 10 1 (S) 10 1 - - (S) (X) 19 (X) 1 (S) (X) (X) IX) 4 (X ) (X) (XI (XI 3 (X) (X) 4 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) T 1 (X) (X) T 2 05 06 07 36 31 5 - 21 21 - - (X) 8 136 (X) 24 ( X) 36 (XI 36 (X) 23 (X) 21 (X) (X> (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 08 09 9 9 - - 4 4 - - U 2 2 T 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 10 14 2 (X> 14 2 (XI (X) (X) 10 (X ) (X ) 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) 10 (XI (X) 10 (XI (X) 11 (X) ( X) 7 (X) (XI 13 (X) (X ) 7 (X) (X) (X) (XI 10 (X) (XI 9 (XI (X) 15 (X) (X) 11 12 13 42 42 - - 66 66 - - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 14 21 19 2 - 36 28 8 - 43 33 33 24 12 26 (X) (XI (X) (X) 15 17 4 - 13 5 5 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 16 20 16 4 - S, 49 13 8, 36 - (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 17 9 9 - - 11 11 - - 10 12 15 12 27 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (X) T 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 (XI (S) (X) 1 (X) 1 (XI T 2 (X) T - 19 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - (X) (X) (X) tX) 21 5 18 5 18 - - 5 27 5 27 - - (X) T 12 (X) 5 (X) T 10 (X) 7 (X) 12 (X ) (S) (X) (S) (X) 5 (X) (S) (X) (S) 22 23 & 179 79 & 100 - 71 69 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 24 (X) (X) (X ) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 25 70 70 - - S 111 71 - S 40 54 24 51 40 115 128 285 4 1 182 & 821 194 26 7 8 7 6 2 - 1 1 1 1 - - 6 3 4 7 4 5 2 6 3 4 (S) 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 27 28 22 S 126 22 56 6 8 64 22 & 145 22 65 - i 80 (S) (SI (S) (S) (S) (S> (S) (SI 13 55 14 20 17 19 11 S 186 (S) 36 (SI 63 29 30 13 13 - - (X ) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 31 4 4 - - 9 9 - - (S) 7 29 29 19 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 32 16 16 - - 11 11 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 33 38 35 3 - 29 29 - 47 33 28 64 66 72 66 77 70 58 34 (X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 35 (XI 36 (X) 32 (X) 4 (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 36 37 25 25 - - 26 26 - - T 20 10 13 15 6 5 3 21 20 41 38 - - - - 6 6 - - T 1 6 2 6 5 7 7 4 6 T 9 39 ( X) 7 (X) 7 (X ) (X) (X) 10 (X) 10 (XI (X) (X 1 8 (X) 12 (X) 15 (XI 7 (X) 11 (X) 6 (X) 1 (X) 8 (XI 11 (X) 10 40 41 276 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of tlie 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 lor alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 ••97 to 99 9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures w units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- J I unil 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more KENTUCKY — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. OLDHAM COUNTY 1 2 2 28 9 5 3 11 17 58 17 68 4 & 112 & 60 3 5 391 14 & 106 19 8 76 39 2 627 17 4 261 8 130 55 & 40 7 319 113 10 280 5 099 456 6 119 1 2 2 9 5 3 11 8 38 11 68 4 42 10 3 5 265 14 21 16 6 43 39 1 601 17 4 261 8 126 55 20 7 201 55 10 122 2 630 387 28 4 4 6 & 70 & 50 18 & 85 3 2 10 36 4 5 20 8 4 104 691 39 6 91 28 5 16 108 23 990 110 54 54 1 778 30 1 19 2 1 5 2 4 35 & 46 31 4 66 4 42 9 8 10 308 42 18 3 78 33 & 1 955 27 14 354 14 & 176 70 12 8 220 74 3 293 & 3 794 521 26 1 5 2 1 5 2 4 35 14 31 4 66 2 42 7 8 10 288 42 18 3 70 33 1 499 27 14 274 14 94 70 12 8 195 62 3 141 2 213 385 26 2 & 32 2 2 4 8 48 & 82 14 2 30 & 735 136 12 16 & 408 80 11 10 122 846 1 8 2 3 9 2 2 18 16 35 9 54 2 15 4 (S) 4 377 36 8 5 41 78 1 805 40 253 16 207 63 17 14 286 92 13 161 3 321 126 32 1 8 2 3 7 2 2 18 16 33 9 54 2 15 4 (S) 4 281 36 8 5 33 78 1 482 38 209 16 158 63 17 14 268 80 13 86 2 591 116 32 2 2 4 24 2 3 23 8 24 124 10 92 8 299 41 26 T 10 12 51 606 02 OWEN COUNTY OWENTON. ......•...•.•.•• 03 PENDLETON COUNTY BUTLER ••..*..•........• 05 PERRY COUNTY HAZARD •......*..•...•.• 06 PULASKI COUNTY BURNblDE ..•...*....•.••• 07 08 SCIENCE HILL SOMERSET ROWAN COUNTY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SCOTT COUNTY STAMPlrJG GROUND SHELBY COUNTY SHELBYVILLE. ...... ... SIMPSON COUNTY FRANKLIN ••....... .. SPENCER COUNTY TAYLOR COUNTY TRIGG COUNTY CADIZ 17 18 19 UNION COUNTY WARREN COUNTY BOWLING GREEN -t- 20 WASHINGTON COUNTY SPRINGFIELD 21 22 WILLIAMSBURG TOWN •31 WOODFORD COUNTY LOUISIANA BATON ROUGE SMSA EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH 26 BATON ROUGE + 27 ZACHARY TOWN + LAFAYETTE SMSA LAFAYETTE PARISH 29 LAFAYETTE + 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 LAKE CHARLES SMSA CALCASIEU PARISH DE QUINCY TOWN LAKE CHARLES + SULPHUR VINTON TOWN WESTLAKE TOWN MONROE SMSA OUACHITA PARISH i>IONROE + WEST MONROE + NEW ORLEANS SMSA JEFFERSON PARISH * GRAND ISLE TOWN GRETNA + JEFFERSON PARISH REMAINING AREA +, , , . KENNER + WESTWEGO TOWN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 277 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- m tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, '■&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 monttis or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units (X) 12 3 (X) 12 120 1 595 47 (X> 126 6 122 85 i 31 14 338 95 40 97 2 463 267 & 140 120 1 331 47 IX) 126 120 85 8 31 14 312 87 34 61 2 069 243 38 84 24 & 102 28 310 2 (X) 23 16 (S) 17 IX) (S) 21 171 594 35 (X) 113 16 180 166 14 12 462 130 (X) 213 2 507 356 42 2 (X) 23 12 (S) 17 (X) (S) 21 171 425 35 (X) 113 16 104 325 114 (X) 80 2 427 278 26 & 76 t. 100 (X) 10 56 38 16 (X) 123 24 40 (S) 11 (X) 33 25 (X) 7 (S) 25 IX) (X) IX) (X) 2 498 (X) (X) 188 (S) 816 (X) 20 46 447 119 (X) 220 3 406 (XI IX) (X) 25 22 (X) IX) (X) (X) 2 790 (X) (X) 191 IS) 868 (X) 18 31 305 102 (X) 191 116 2 (X) 23 33 (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 019 (X) (X) 212 (S) 655 (X) 10 33 250 T 65 (X) 106 2 601 (X) (X) 3 (X) 27 23 I X) 23 (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 981 (X) (X) T 252 IS) 8 631 IX) 11 32 311 106 (X) T 414 2 024 IX) (X) 2 29 (X) 28 21 IX) (X) (X) (X) 2 2(6 (X) (X) 245 15 907 IX) 17 62 517 (X) (X ) 157 805 (X) IX) IX) V 39 25 IX) (X) IX) IX) 709 IX) (X) 184 42 796 (X) 19 62 496 (X) IX) 489 2 574 IX) IX) 3 IX) 3 IX) 12 IX) IX) (X) IX) 179 (X) IX) 167 24 487 (X) 598 (X) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) T - 20 2 IX) 31 10 IX) 18 (X) tX) IX) IX) 707 IX) IX) 21 10 772 IX) IX) IX) 353 IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 17 3 IX) 14 IX) IX) (X) IX) 897 (X) IS) 632 IX) IX) (X) & 549 IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 15 IX) 47 11 (X) 24 IX) (X) (X) IX) 1 807 (X) IX) 8 190 (S) 577 IX) IX) (X) 638 IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 278 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures lor Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 30 31 LOUISIAI^A — CON, NE* ORLEANS SMSA — CON. ORLEANS PARISH * NEW ORLEANS + ST BERNARD PARISH * + ST TAMMANY PARISH COVINGTON . . . MADISONVILLE TOWN MANDEvILLE TO*N SLIOELL TOWN + SHREVEPORT SMSA BOSSIER PARISH BENTON VILLAGE BOSSIER CITY + CADDO PARISH MOORINGSPORT TOWN SHREVEPORT + VIVIAN TOWN PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ACADIA PARISH CROWLEY -f. . • ALLEN PARISH KINDER TOWN OAKDALE OBERLIN ASCENSION PARISH DONALDSONVILLE GONZALES TOWN AVOYELLES PARISH BUNKIE TOWN COTTONPORT TOWN HESSMER VILLAGE MANSURA TOWN MARKSVILLE TOWN SIMMESPORT VILLAGE BEAUREGARD PARISH DE RIDDER CALDWELL PARISH COLUMBIA TOWN CLAIBORNE PARISH HAYNESVILLE TOWN HOMER TOWN CONCORDIA PARISH FERRIDAY TOWN VIDALIA TOWN + DE SOTO PARISH LOGANSPORT TOWN MANSFIELD + EAST CARROLL PARISH LAKE PROVIDENCE TOWN + . . . . EAST FELICIANA PARISH CLINTON TOWN NORWOOD VILLAGE EVANGELINE PARISH MAMOu VILLAGE IBERIA PARISH NEW IBERIA -I- IBERVILLE PARISH PLAQUEMINE TOWN JACKSON PARISH JONESBORO JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH JENNINGS + WELSH TOWN LAFOURCHE PARISH GOLDEN MEADOW TOWN LOCKPORT TOWN THIBODAUX + LA SALLE PARISH OLLA VILLAGE LINCOLN PARISH GRAMBLING VILLAGE + RUSTON + 2 779 831 63 3 53 SOU 3 872 1 & 47 & 28 6 18 29 2 30 171 1 091 538 19 3 42 504 3 600 1 34 34 T 31 31 22 22 31 31 3 3 2 2 22 22 50 50 32 32 38 34 52 36 5 5 5 5 15 15 28 22 798 195 5 - 26 ~ 8 41 2 25 & 22 8 & 20 6 - 14 4 29 - 2 - 890 98 & 4 198 662 3 24 468 3 148 1 542 7 T - 38 27 109 993 483 46 3 20 446 3 148 1 542 7 3 3 13 13 11 11 14 14 26 . 2 2 6 6 7 7 2 2 2 2 25 25 2 2 6 6 6 6 39 39 598 100 2 607 79 2 594 445 20 238 3 238 1 840 13 3 & 81 22 148 1 098 385 33 4 20 238 3 238 1 585 7 2 2 & 25 1 10 10 & 25 5 5 5 5 5 59 59 43 43 38 29 25 25 5 5 2 2 17 127 432 60 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 279 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. e See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 monttrs or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures witt units Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wit units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of tiousmg units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ^ & 2 954 899 393 & 1 662 1 629 937 409 283 2 603 i 2 545 1 627 2 101 2 926 2 138 S 4 916 S, 3 510 & 4 793 5 091 01 353 331 22 - 316 300 16 - 641 T 262 (X) (XI (X ) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) 02 45 5 29 78 45 5 ?9 78 - ': 44 3 (S) 71 44 3 IS) n : - 33 (S) (S) 30 3 (S) 88 49 (5) (SI 40 2 19 (SI 35 1 15 (SI (SI (S) & (51 (SI ( X I (S) T 7 19 (X 1 (SI 4 38 (XI T - 8 T 11 (XI (SI 5 18 03 04 05 06 12 551 12 551 . _ 14 479 14 479 - _ (X) T 876 (X) T 466 (XI T 258 (X) 253 (XI 208 (X) 295 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 06 853 6 791 6 - 62 (X) 1 004 10 (X) 996 10 (X) 8 (X) (X) 1 239 19 ( X) 1 384 15 (X 1 1 008 27 (X) 938 19 (XI 1 449 10 (X) 1 607 7 (X) 1 582 6 (XI 983 12 (XI 1 439 3 (XI & 3 281 T 5 09 10 11 65 65 - - T 106 56 & SO - 99 82 67 86 88 111 & 96 & (SI 88 (SI 12 & (S) IXI & (S) (S) (X) (S> S (SI (X) 8, (S) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X I (X) (XI (X) ( X ) (X) (XI (XI IX 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 14 15 8 34 8 34 - - 9 26 7 26 2 - 17 1 X) 21 (X 1 & (SI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X I (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 16 17 17 5 2 10 19 1 17 5 2 10 19 1 - - 10 7 1 13 17 5 10 7 1 13 17 5 - _ 26 6 (X) 12 T 16 (X) S 68 8 (X) 15 19 (XI 30 9 (XI 11 & 63 (XI 37 7 (X) T 12 13 (XI 35 4 (XI (SI 28 (XI 36 5 (X 1 4 (SI (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (SI (X) 19 (X) (XI (XI & (SI (XI 28 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 71 (XI (XI (XI & 44 (XI 18 19 20 21 22 23 7 7 - - 10 10 - - 7 19 18 25 - 3 4 21 23 14 24 (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 2 S (S) 2 S (S) - - 6 5 6 5 " - 14 13 10 13 14 21 30 39 18 37 20 48 (XI 23 (XI 18 (XI 21 (X) 50 26 27 48 38 48 38 - - 19 55 19 55 - (X) 103 (XI 91 (XI 44 (X) 77 (XI 93 (XI 53 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 28 29 T - 25 25 - - 21 21 - - 48 3 10 3 12 (SI 20 6 22 (SI 13 (XI 11 (XI 6 (XI 26 (XI 15 30 31 13 13 - - 32 32 - - 51 72 19 9 1 T 2 T 3 - 1 5 32 3 2 8 2 - - 10 2 10 2 - - (X ) (X ) (XI (XI (X) tX) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI tXI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 33 34 12 12 - - 14 14 - - (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X I (XI (XI 35 146 146 - - 1U4 144 - - 151 109 140 129 105 99 (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 42 42 - - 36 36 - - T 25 25 64 T 34 37 29 24 27 21 45 37 9 9 - - 19 19 - - 7 & 53 23 20 42 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 53 7 53 7 - - 54 4 54 4 - - 81 12 75 13 T 47 18 (SI 18 (S) 9 41 17 (XI 10 (X 1 & 51 (XI T 9 (XI T 16 39 40 4 32 5 4 25 2 5 8 32 8 28 4 - 9 63 14 8 175 11 120 4 10 92 (SI 82 106 (XI 13 98 (XI 9 45 (XI 7 59 (XI T 16 55 (XI 10 89 41 42 43 8 8 - - 12 12 - - (X) (X 1 (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 24 113 24 113 - - 26 109 26 101 8 (X 1 169 (X) & 240 (XI 83 ( XI 89 (X 1 83 ( XI 39 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI 45 46 280 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to tlie definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by Slate of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in siructures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more LOUISIANA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COI^ LIVINGSTON PARISH DENHAM SPRINGS TOWN + MADISON PARISH TALLULAH VILLAGE MOREHOUSE PARISH BASTROP NATCHITOCHES PARISH NATCHITOCHES * POINTE COUPEE PARISH NEW ROADS TOWN RAPIDES PARISH ALEXANDRIA -l- PINEVILLE ST LANDRY PARISH EUNICE TOWN * GRAND COTEAU TOWN MELVILLE TOWN OPELOUSAS + ST MARY PARISH BALDWIN TOWN FRANKLIN TOWN MORGAN CITY + TANGIPAHOA PARISH AMITE CITY TOWN HAMMOND + INDEPENDENCE TOWN KENTWOOD TOWN PONCHATOULA TOWN ROSELAND TOWN TENSAS PARISH ST JOSEPH TOWN TERREBONNE PARISH HOUMA + UNION PARISH FARMERVILLE TOWN VERMILION PARISH DELCAMBRE TOWN KAPLAN TOWN + VERNON PARISH LEESVILLE TOWN WASHINGTON PARISH BOGALUSA + FRANKLINTON TOWN WEBSTER PARISH CULLEN TOWN MINDEN + SPRINGHILL + WEST BATON ROUGE PARISH PORT ALLEN TOWN WEST CARROLL PARISH OAK GROVE TOWN WEST FELICIANA PARISH ST FRANCISVILLE TOWN MAINE LEWISTON-AUBURN SMSA ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY AUBURN -I- i-EWISTON + LISBON TOWN PORTLAND SMSA CUMBERLAND COUNTY CArE ELIZABETH TOWN -I- . . . . CUMBERLAND TOWN + FALMOUTH TOWN + GORHAM TOWN PORTLAND + SCARBOROUGH TOWN + SOUTH PORTLAND + WESTBROOK ■^ YARMOUTH TOWN + 149 48 105 15 10 111 17 6 6 62 62 3 3 13 13 85 85 11 11 69 63 7 7 9 9 71 21 (SI (S) 105 15 8 103 17 91 91 51 51 25 25 40 38 135 135 44 44 40 40 50 48 21 21 77 179 139 16 34 34 . 45 45 - 11 11 - 4 4 - 66 66 . 3 3 - 12 12 ~ 81 81 . 22 22 6 34 34 101 14 3 103 29 27 142 15 81 56 26 33 204 66 58 64 19 101 14 27 134 13 81 - 56 - 26 - 33 - 145 2 66 _ 54 4 62 2 17 2 (S) 123 12 (S) 40 137 (S) 105 12 (S) 80 80 23 23 5 5 114 110 T 27 27 38 38 12 12 40 125 67 67 39 39 31 31 40 40 170 168 41 41 54 54 75 75 23 21 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 281 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permil-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. j See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 J 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in struclures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units "i 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ^ 38 38 43 43 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI 01 45 45 - - 42 42 - - 46 41 34 IB 11 50 12 3 40 21 02 20 20 - - 22 22 - - (SI 10 24 71 94 114 (X) (XI IXI (XI 03 62 62 - - 82 82 - - 101 88 102 122 57 62 48 (SI (S) 90 04 22 22 - - (XI (X) (X) I XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI OS 53 26 53 26 - - 63 38 63 38 - - 105 T 27 110 & 112 113 36 132 (S) 192 T 90 156 (SI 91 14 229 33 291 (SI 333 T 47 06 07 49 4 5 71 49 4 5 71 - - 54 12 & 29 & 124 54 12 7 84 S 22 8 40 - 74 (X ) (XI & 264 60 (XI (X) & 265 61 (XI (X) 93 82 (XI (X) 101 93 (X 1 (X) 116 111 (X 1 (XI 101 82 (XI (XI 63 64 (XI (X) 70 S (S) (XI ( X) 74 T 56 (X) (XI 135 08 09 10 11 5 32 61 5 32 61 - _ 6 21 (S) 6 21 (S) - _ (XI T 19 (XI (XI 24 (XI (XI 48 (X) (XI 51 (XI (X 1 40 (X 1 (XI 53 (XI (X 1 61 (XI (X 1 59 (X) ( XI (SI (X) (XI (SI (XI 12 13 14 24 69 4 30 64 4 24 69 4 28 64 4 2 - 7 89 10 14 (S) (X) 7 89 10 14 (S) (X) IX) (XI (S) 114 U 7 T 5 (XI T 11 & 160 7 10 (X) 9 76 3 (SI 35 ( XI 9 54 10 (XI 18 ( X) (S) 63 2 (X) 22 (XI (SI 72 5 (XI 13 (XI T 12 44 1 (X) 14 (XI (S) 16 5 (X) 7 (XI (SI 60 11 (X) 25 (X 1 (SI no 9 (XI 31 (XI IS 16 17 18 19 20 6 6 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 21 148 146 2 - 55 51 4 - 75 79 52 34 43 58 46 46 60 90 22 12 12 - - 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 15 15 - - (X) 21 (X) 21 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 24 25 11 11 - - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 & 151 15 91 15 & 60 - 85 10 85 10 - - 96 (X 1 82 (XI & 177 (XI 129 ( X 1 137 (X ) 97 (XI (XI (Xl (XI (X) (XI (X) (Xl (XI 27 28 3 61 32 3 61 30 2 - 2 63 54 2 63 49 - 5 (X) T 78 143 (X 1 52 38 (X) 53 33 (XI 111 76 (XI 141 114 (X) 234 102 (XI (XI 52 (XI (XI (SI 1X1 (XI (SI (XI (X) (SI 29 30 31 50 50 - - 63 63 - - 17 59 50 31 33 T 40 (X) (XI (XI (XI 32 13 13 - - 12 12 " - 7 1 T 1 12 16 13 6 5 13 19 33 7 7 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI IXI tX) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 34 33 217 49 33 196 49 21 _ 39 235 (X) 39 199 (X) 30 (XI 6 ( XI 63 184 (XI 49 T& 100 (XI T 31 104 (XI 64 130 (XI 73 158 (XI 89 111 (XI (S) 114 (X) 77 65 (X I (S) 122 (XI (SI 210 (X) 35 36 37 63 40 36 28 171 63 40 36 28 160 - 11 81 34 36 24 181 81 34 36 24 181 - - 68 (X) 43 (XI 199 45 (X) 40 (X) 141 47 (X) 40 (XI 155 105 ( XI 47 (XI 248 56 (XI 57 (X) 241 48 (X) 51 (X 1 152 51 (XI 23 (X 1 198 37 (XI 49 ( X 1 137 33 (X 1 58 (X) 163 42 (XI 74 (XI 233 38 39 40 41 42 46 81 68 24 46 81 68 24 - - 64 52 49 25 62 52 49 25 2 - (XI 78 63 (X 1 (XI 96 63 (XI (XI 116 51 ( X) (X) 132 77 IX 1 (X 1 146 67 (X 1 (XI 110 45 (XI (XI 102 37 (XI (X) 77 35 (X 1 (XI 54 42 (XI ( XI 120 96 (XI 43 44 45 46 282 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change m dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ••97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total rumbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- -' I unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 MAINE— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY 5 2 7 23 7 20 22 5 1 38 7 11 7 4 2 59 8 6 19 5 2 3 39 3 4 14 2 1 19 2 45 3 6 13 4 28 16 35 T 6 12 13 1 2 6 3 10 12 8 7 10 1 14 20 1 7 12 5 2 7 21 7 20 16 5 1 38 7 11 7 4 2 51 8 9 6 19 5 2 3 39 3 4 14 2 1 19 2 43 3 6 13 4 28 16 35 6 12 13 1 2 6 3 10 12 8 7 10 1 14 20 1 7 12 2 6 2 8 6 3 (S> 1 11 3 6 1 41 12 2 39 4 3 19 16 7 4 55 6 5 6 12 2 4 1 1 54 1 6 3 2 2 20 3 20 4 1 13 6 4 1 23 49 34 9 22 T 1 2 8 7 4 3 20 16 6 7 5 9 16 1 5 6 6 3 (S) 1 11 3 6 1 37 12 2 39 4 3 19 16 7 4 55 6 5 6 12 2 4 1 1 54 1 6 3 2 2 20 3 20 4 1 13 6 4 1 23 19 34 9 22 1 2 8 7 4 3 20 16 6 7 5 9 16 1 5 6 4 30 1 2 10 (S) 11 11 10 & 43 39 2 4 16 22 11 6 34 6 9 1 17 8 4 3 3 45 12 4 5 1 22 35 8 9 6 6 29 37 70 11 32 8 7 14 5 25 23 14 (S) 11 11 7 6 1 2 10 (S) n 7 10 3 39 2 4 16 22 11 6 34 6 9 1 17 8 4 3 3 43 12 4 5 1 22 35 8 9 6 6 29 33 70 11 30 8 7 14 5 21 23 12 (S) 11 11 7 6 4 & 40 2 4 2 4 2 - 03 04 05 06 07 POLAND TOWN* ••••••• AROOSTOOK COUNTY CARIBOU TOWN + FORT FAIRFIELD TOWN HOULTON TOWN •••••••••••••• 10 11 12 13 PRESQUE ISLE + VAN BUREN TOWN CUMBERLAND COUNTY 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 FREEPORT TOWN + GRAY TOWN NORTH YARMOUTH TOWN* ••••••■••• POWNAL TOWN. .............. FRANKLIN COUNTY WILTON TOWN. .............. HANCOCK COUNTY BAR HARBOR TOWN. ............ DEER ISLE TOWN 23 ELLSWORTH , 24 25 26 LAMOINE TOWN STONINGTON TOWN TRENTON TOWN .......•...••• KENNEBEC COUNTY 29 30 31 BELGRADE TOWN GARDINER HALLOWELL 33 RANDOLPH TOWN 34 35 VASSALBOROUGH TOWN 36 37 38 WAYNE TOWN WINSLOW TOWN + « KNOX COUNTY ROCKLAND 39 40 THOMASTON TOWN + LINCOLN COUNTY 41 OXFORD COUNTY BETHEL TOWN 42 MEXICO TOWN 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 UPTON TOWN PENOBSCOT COUNTY BANGOR + BREWER + GLENBURN TOWN + HAMPDEN TOWN + HERMON TOWN + HOLDEN TOWN HOWLAND TOWN LEVANT TOWN LINCOLN TOWN + MATTAWAMKEAG TOWN MEDWAY TOWN OLD TOWN + ORONO TOWN + ORRINGTON TOWN VEAZIE TOWN PISCATAQUIS COUNTY GREENVILLE TOWN 62 63 64 SAGADAHOC COUNTY BATH TOPSHAM TOWN -^ WEST BATH TOWN SOMERSET COUNTY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 283 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-ll, B-12, and B-13. '■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, lion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 'S" Does not meet publica- Not applicable because not 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number oi housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 numbei in sliuctures wilh -. number in structures will _ number number numbei number number number number number number number ^ of of of ol of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj units units 01 more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 6 6 ( X ) (X) (X) ( X) ( X ) (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) 01 3 3 « _ 2 2 _ - (X ) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 02 (XI (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI 1 X) ( X) (X) (X ) {XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (X) 03 3 3 (X) (X) (XI ( XI (XI (X) (X) (X) { XI (X) 04 7 7 _ _ 24 24 _ . 29 58 53 28 36 13 (X ) (X) (XI (X) 05 7 7 _ . 11 8 3 . T 9 6 6 5 5 3 & 48 37 5 (S) 06 17 17 _ . 19 19 - - (S) 15 9 12 7 4 (X) (X) (XI (XI 07 14 14 - - 11 7 4 - (X) (X) (X) ( X ) (XI (X) IX ) (X) (XI (X) 08 19 17 2 _ (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 09 16 16 - - 31 27 4 - 32 39 34 40 39 16 26 & (S) (S) 51 10 5 5 - - (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X ) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X I (X) 11 to 40 24 24 . 60 120 136 41 45 & 386 39 92 23 T 38 12 IX) ( X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) ( X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1X1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 13 a 4 _ . _ . - - (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X I (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 14 12 12 . . 15 15 . - 29 18 15 T 14 16 8 11 16 13 12 15 12 12 - - 12 12 - - (SI (S) 6 12 8 3 4 (S) T 5 15 16 7 7 . . 3 3 . _ (X ) (X) (XI ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 17 (X) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (Xl 18 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 19 8 8 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 20 18 18 17 17 (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 21 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) 22 16 16 . - 10 10 - - 7 6 13 10 16 3 2 (S) (S) (S) 23 3 3 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 24 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 25 8 8 . . ( X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 26 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 27 45 43 2 62 60 2 78 51 34 55 82 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 28 ( XI (X) (X) ( X) (X 1 (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 29 15 15 _ _ 9 9 _ _ 12 12 14 19 8 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 30 3 3 _ _ 1 1 . . 1 2 1 1 5 2 - - 3 6 31 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 32 5 5 . 2 2 . . (X 1 (XI (X) ( X I 1X1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 33 (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 34 31 31 30 30 _ - 48 63 42 81 105 72 52 59 83 121 35 (XI (X) (X) ( X) (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 36 60 58 2 - 73 73 - - (X 1 ( X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 37 13 13 5 5 7 31 16 19 28 17 15 T 10 12 17 38 4 4 - - 6 6 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 39 10 10 - 11 8 3 13 18 T 8 2 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) 40 4 4 2 2 (X I (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 41 6 6 . _ 15 15 _ _ (X ) (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 42 12 12 _ _ 19 19 . _ (X I (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 43 25 25 _ _ 36 36 _ - 17 10 20 33 23 25 17 27 37 25 44 9 9 - - - - (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) 45 56 46 10 52 48 4 58 39 58 77 101 187 334 54 52 65 46 61 55 6 _ 93 87 6 . 85 75 58 69 64 40 31 (S) (S) (SI 47 13 13 _ 15 15 _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 48 44 44 _ . (SI (S) _ - (X) ( X ) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 49 6 6 - - 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 50 4 4 ( S) (S> . (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 51 6 6 _ _ 2 2 _ _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 52 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (Xl (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 53 21 21 30 30 _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X I (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 54 5 6 - - 4 4 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 55 (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI ( XI { X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 56 30 28 2 31 31 _ . 28 26 18 29 23 12 (X 1 (X) (XI (X) 57 25 25 _ 29 27 2 _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 58 15 15 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 59 22 22 - - 10 10 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 60 1 1 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 61 12 12 15 15 14 5 7 12 17 8 (X) (X) (X) (X) 62 26 26 _ . 35 31 4 _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 63 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 64 4 2 2 3 3 T 1 4 3 8 2 (S) (S) (SI 5 (S) 65 9 9 - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X ) (X> (X) (XI 66 284 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, "910 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This 35 36 37 38 39 no HI 42 47 48 50 5i 52 S3 54 55 Permit-issuing places by State, SI;flSA, outside SMSA's, and county MAINE — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. WALDO COUNTY BELFAST NORTHPORT VILLAGE WASHINGTON COUNTY CALAIS YORK COUNTY ACTON TOWN BIDDEFORD + BUXTON TOWN KENNEBUNK TOWN KENNEBUNKPORT TOWN KITTERY TOWN + LY(4AN TOWN NORTH BERWICK TOWN OGUNQUIT VILLAGE OLD ORCHARD BEACH TOWN + . . . . SACO + SANFORD TOWN WATERBORO TOWN YORK TOWN MARYLAND BALTIMORE SMSA ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY * ANNAPOLIS + AI^NE ARUNDEL COUNTY REMAINING AREA BALTIMORE + BALTIMORE COUNTY * + CARROLL COUNTY CARROLL COUNTY UNINC. AREA .... MOUNT AIKY TOWN NEW WINDSOR TOWN WESTMINSTER HOWARD COUNTY * + WASHINGTON! D.C.-MD.-VA. SMSA (SEE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAI WILMINGTON. DEL.-N. J.-MD. SMSA (SEE DELAWARE) PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ALLEGANY COUNTY * ALLEGANY COUNTY Ut^INC. AREA +. . . BARTON TOWN CUMBERLAND + FROSTBvjRG LONACONING TOWIM LUKE TOWN MIDLAND TOWN WESTERNPORT TOWN CALVERT COUNTY * CALVERT COUNTY REMAINING AREA +. . CHESAPEAKE BEACH TOWN NORTH BEACH TOWN CAROLINE COUNTY DENTON TOWN FEDERALSBURG TOWN GREENSBORO TOWN PRESTON TOWN RIDGELY TOWN CHARLES COUNTY * CHARLES COUNTY REMAINING AREA +. . LA PLATA TOWN DORCHESTER COUNTY * CAMBRIDGE DORCHESTER COUNTY REMAINING AREA + HURLOCK TOWN SECRETARY TOWN VIENNA TOWN FREDERICK COUNTY * + GARRETT COUNTY * + HARFORD COUNTY ABERDEEN TOWN BEL AIR TOWN + HARFORD COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . HAVRE DE GRACE 1964 Total number of housing unils 730 2 735 4 187 6 544 607 5 6 559 153 3 1 453 7 & 315 117 & 525 146 41 10 1 253 31 Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 3 70 4 52 14 29 5 9 10 13 31 35 6 6 399 3 315 607 5 6 555 396 320 1 1 111 98 41 17 3 3 151 3 445 7 13 115 & 482 142 25 10 911 17 2-4 units 63 2 & 302 2 5 units or more 655 447 3 725 3 227 1963 Total number of housing units 5 5 61 61 15 15 46 46 17 17 491 2 675 660 750 569 7 7 677 392 1 95 16 360 11 19 122 - 353 - 127 16 135 - T 56 239 1 169 12 73 Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 38 43 255 2 980 569 7 7 665 240 1 89 16 348 11 17 122 7 2 301 127 829 19 2-4 units 5 units or more 410 696 4 362 2 766 132 6 54 12 326 38 1962 Total number of housing units 10 10 40 40 12 12 25 25 2 2 13 13 14 10 37 37 43 43 6 6 626 852 3 440 4 079 394 1 98 25 1 401 109 103 59 1 162 38 Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 122 1 784 469 3 373 374 1 98 25 1 320 9 396 109 36 5 162 30 2-4 units 5 units or more 504 68 2 916 700 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 285 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected petmitissuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. ■• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total i E number in structures willi - number ol in structures witt - number ol number of number of number of number of numbei of number number ol number o( number ol = ol ol c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or moie units unils or more units units units units units units urn Is units units units 6 6 2 2 5 1 ISI (XI (X) (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI 01 - - - - (X) (X) (x> (X) (X) IXI IXI (XI (X ) (XI IXI IXI (XI IXI 02 10 10 - - (s) (S) - - - - - - - - - - 3 03 2 2 . . . . . . (X ) IX) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) IX) (XI IXI 04 27 27 - - 33 33 - - (X ) IX) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 1X1 IXI 05 (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI IXI 06 13 13 . - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI IXI (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (XI IXI 07 5 5 - - 1 1 11 - - (X) (XI IXI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 1X1 IXI 08 29 29 _ _ 47 43 4 _ (X) (XI IXI ( X ) (X) (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI 09 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) ( X) ( X) (X) (XI IXI (X) (X) (XI IXI IX 1 IXI (XI 10 7 7 - . 2 2 - - (XI (XI IXI ( X ) IX) (XI IXI 1X1 (X 1 ( XI 11 55 55 - _ (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI IXI (X) IX) (XI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI 12 11 11 - - T 10 8 2 - (X) (X) IXI IX) IX) (XI IXI 1X1 1X1 (XI 13 33 33 _ _ 25 25 _ _ (X 1 (XI IXI ( X ) IX ) (XI IXI 1X1 (XI 1X1 14 32 32 . - 27 27 - - (XI (X) IXI ( X) IX ) (XI (X) (XI 1X1 IXI 15 4 4 - _ 3 3 _ - 19 14 32 25 T 11 13 T 39 ISI (SI (SI 16 6 6 2 2 (X 1 (XI IXI (X) (X) (XI IXI IXI IXI (XI 17 & 212 107 & 100 5 190 83 12 95 120 112 121 123 230 173 164 & 191 4 187 19 18 & 2 145 & 2 143 2 - 1 525 1 523 2 - 2 549 S. 1 910 & 3 183 2 464 3 498 2 747 1 813 2 781 & 1 890 1 632 19 & 1 689 526 60 & 4 103 1 607 793 107 707 2 726 2 379 S 3 038 1 915 S 3 642 & 3 709 & 4 706 & 3 917 & 5 789 7 918 20 3 050 2 883 88 79 2 905 2 815 6 84 5 287 6 578 5 717 7 036 7 969 8 835 7 020 6 141 5 786 6 837 21 IX) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X) IX) IX) IXI IX 1 IXI (XI 22 3 3 . _ 18 IB « . (XI IXI (X) IXI IX) IX) IXI (XI IXI IXI 23 1 1 _ _ 5 5 _ . (XI IXI (X) (XI IX) IX) IXI (XI IXI IXI 24 H 4 - - 11 11 - - 17 8 12 8 13 8 12 24 ISI ISI 25 518 516 2 527 519 8 629 564 502 498 356 323 IXI 1X1 IXI (XI 26 272 272 234 234 (XI IXI (X) (X) IXI IX) IXI 1X1 IXI (XI 27 2 2 - . 4 4 _ - 1 2 1 - - - - 8 - - 28 91 91 . _ 62 62 . _ & 150 53 54 67 79 65 53 S 69 & 174 86 29 & 68 15 S 53 . 16 16 _ - 15 12 IS) (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI 1X1 30 - - - 2 2 - - T 1 T - (S) 1 - 1 2 - 1 4 31 _ _ _ _ . . _ _ (X) (X) IXI IX) IXI IX) (X) (X) (XI (XI 32 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1 1 - - - - - - 33 12 12 - - 9 9 - - T 5 8 7 10 13 6 9 (S) 7 IS) 34 122 122 117 117 95 IS) IS) IX) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 35 3 3 - . 3 3 - - 8 - 2 2 8 3 (X) IX) IXI (XI 36 (S) (S) - - (S) (S) - - 1X1 IX) IXI (X) IXI IX) (X) IX) (XI (XI 37 6 6 1 1 6 4 1 18 9 3 6 7 5 8 38 8 8 . _ 4 4 . _ 4 7 11 4 16 7 7 14 5 17 39 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI IX) (X) IXI IX) (X) IXI (X) (XI IXI 40 1 1 . _ 2 2 _ _ (X) (XI (X) IX) IX) IXI (X) (X) (XI (XI 41 1 1 - - 1 1 - - IX ) (XI IXI (X) IXI IX) (X) (X) (XI 1X1 42 296 242 54 254 250 4 . 337 195 & 165 & 215 226 221 IX) (XI (XI IXI 43 20 7 2 11 5 5 - - IX ) (XI IXI (X) IXI IX) IX) (XI 1X1 1X1 44 33 26 7 27 27 23 35 39 41 28 36 54 79 35 T 58 45 114 114 - _ 100 100 _ - 91 66 68 95 80 136 (X) IX) (XI (XI 46 9 9 . _ 9 9 - _ T 10 2 7 6 6 IS) (X) (X) (XI (XI 47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (XI IX) IXI (X) (X 1 IX) (X) (X) (XI (XI 48 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 2 3 1 - - 4 (X ) (X) (XI (XI 49 315 315 _ _ 377 375 2 _ 370 & 520 & 442 388 556 348 222 233 & 228 195 50 99 99 - - 123 123 - - IX) (XI (XI IXI (X) (X) iX) (X) 1X1 vXl 51 49 49 55 55 35 (SI T 31 68 32 T 36 IXI (X) ( XI (XI 52 28 7 4 17 21 21 _ - 83 T 48 68 46 50 32 T 38 (S) (SI (SI 53 582 582 . _ 560 560 _ - 489 416 430 444 & 527 635 IXI (XI 1 XI (X) 54 27 27 - - 23 23 - - 27 22 33 29 39 53 27 ISI 26 16 55 286 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropohtan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing unrts Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 39 no 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 55 MARYLAND — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. KENT COUNTY CHESTERTOWN TOWN KENT COUNTY UNINC. AREA ROCK HALL TOWN QUEEN ANNES COUNTY CENTREVILLE TOWN QUEEN ANNES COUNTY UNINC. AREA . ST. MARYS COUNTY * + SOMERSET COUNTY CRISFIELD PRINCESS ANNE TOWN TALBOT COUNTY ** EASTON TOWN -I- OXFORD TOWN ST MICHAELS TOWN TALBOT COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f , , . TRAPPE TOWN WASHINGTON COUNTY * HAGERSTOWN + WASHINGTON COUNTY REMAINING AREA WICOMICO COUNTY DELMAR TOWN FRUITLAND TOWN SALISBURY + WICOMICO COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . WORCESTER COUNTY BERLIN TOWN OCEAN CITY TOWN POCOMOKE CITY TOWN SNOW HILL TOWN MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON SMSA ESSEX COUNTY BEVERLY + DANVERS TOWN -I- HAMILTON TOWN LYNN -I- LYNNFIELD TOWN -I- MANCHESTER TOWN MARBLEHEAD TOWN + MIDDLETON TOWN NAHANT TOWN PEABODY -I- SALEM + SAuGUS TOWN + SWAMPSCOTT TOWN TOPSFIELD TOWN + WENHAM TOWN MIDDLESEX COUNTY ARLINGTON TOWN + ASHLAND TOWN + BEDFORD TOWN + BELMONT TOWN + BURLINGTON TOWN + CAMBRIDGE -I- CONCORD TOWN -I- EVERETT -I- FRAMINGHAM TOWN i- LEXINGTON TOWN * LINCOLN TOWN MALDEN -I- MEDFORD ■^ MELROSE -I- NATICK TOWN -I- NEWTON -I- NORTH READING TOWN + . . . READING TOWN -I- SHERBORN TOWN SOMERVILLE STONEHAM TOWN + SUDBURY TOWN + WAKEFIELD TOWN + WALTHAM + WATERTOWN TOWN + WAYLAND TOWN + WESTON TOWN + WILMINGTON TOWN -I- (S) 261 107 137 28 149 65 (S) 81 31 58 167 15 47 24 & 473 35 93 66 150 195 144 43 1 045 185 31 344 119 106 65 181 74 59 40 20 118 75 49 210 258 84 90 185 (S) 258 30 24 2 2 11 11 85 85 5 5 185 49 154 450 2 2 33 33 382 294 6 6 55 13 15 15 3 3 61 81 28 114 65 (S) 81 31 9 339 51 147 15 47 24 66 11 93 14 150 4 112 18 339 133 31 46 55 52 65 77 74 59 34 50 75 45 78 13 84 90 185 132 698 379 24 187 32 21 692 50 294 50 50 118 213 T 5 3 18 115 59 582 81 318 36 319 66 (S) 169 52 2 379 184 160 31 30 14 369 74 100 81 225 220 119 53 451 120 22 358 91 255 107 199 74 150 23 32 179 95 108 368 370 97 95 154 115 259 50 403 2 2 20 20 262 262 10 10 101 11 10 5 3 3 9 & 179 65 4 178 - 36 - 139 - 65 - (S) _ 76 2 48 4 2 - 379 - 104 4 130 6 31 - 30 - 14 ~ 62 30 28 5 100 - 25 56 225 - 10 . 119 - 13 4 252 •> 120 - 22 _ 52 10 46 6 44 6 97 10 78 28 74 - 77 - 23 - - 2 27 . 95 - 56 - 115 15 5 34 97 _ 95 - 154 - 12 140 277 40 36 199 296 39 205 i, 93 73 30 152 52 238 330 127 T 240 67 430 2 31 257 36 147 58 17 & 104 8 11 1 152 115 287 27 29 11 547 42 75 108 342 515 73 50 391 197 26 152 160 109 294 155 94 56 35 5 268 89 64 353 229 86 87 123 7 127 51 412 2 31 257 70 72 36 135 58 17 63 e 11 514 107 134 27 29 11 73 35 75 32 342 73 32 224 137 26 50 54 39 68 55 35 5 81 89 49 146 13 85 87 123 462 6 16 151 58 92 & 104 64 224 & 64 15 194 132 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 287 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the lisl of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. //See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Docs not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in St uctuies with- number in structures with- number of number of numbef of number of number of number of number number number number = of or of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 11 7 4 14 14 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 128 128 - . (X) IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 10 10 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 8 8 _ . 4 4 . . T 5 6 6 2 2 6 5 14 13 13 04 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( Xl (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 T 194 194 - - T 253 253 - - (SI 8 (SI (SI T 116 229 172 111 T 185 T 105 (SI 06 5 5 . . 8 3 5 15 1 2 1 10 4 9 8 17 (SI 07 - - - - 8 3 8 3 - - 1 8 (SI 2 1 1 - 2 4 1 2 08 25 23 2 . 34 26 8 60 33 40 50 82 84 41 44 16 13 09 i| 4 - - - - - - (X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 9 9 - - 8 8 - - 1 2 4 4 2 3 8 8 5 (SI 11 S 94 S 92 2 - 44 44 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 ( X) (X) ( X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 52 44 8 . 43 39 4 . 79 99 8 205 65 106 85 109 132 8 428 142 14 & 493 8 487 ~ 6 237 233 4 - 320 337 & 379 465 499 408 (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 _ . _ . 2 2 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 16 - - - - 1 1 . - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 19 19 - - 25 25 - . 103 34 54 66 100 98 85 107 104 174 18 197 197 ■ - 188 186 2 - 230 181 195 270 218 219 (XI (XI (X) (X) 19 8 8 . . 7 7 . . 3 6 10 6 8 8 4 18 T 6 9 20 (S) (SI - - 27 5 22 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 5 5 - . 5 5 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI 22 12 12 3 3 T 2 8 7 13 9 6 6 6 8 13 23 102 102 110 104 6 142 8 160 8 279 374 8 224 153 140 175 243 8 361 24 239 197 6 36 212 212 _ . 403 8 206 111 117 218 224 183 197 190 106 25 33 33 - . 39 39 _ _ 29 15 15 36 122 48 (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 127 125 2 - 8 311 173 2 8 136 160 8 177 109 8 257 209 198 218 278 8 459 8 584 27 61 61 - - 70 70 - - 76 71 103 133 230 201 123 100 91 93 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 104 101 3 - 100 92 8 - 112 8 145 97 134 135 122 134 145 147 8 249 30 16 16 > . 16 16 . _ 18 14 10 35 12 8 47 28 5 22 31 8 8 - - 12 12 _ - 13 11 8 26 31 35 29 26 21 18 23 32 623 601 - 22 8 511 451 - 8 60 562 364 324 8 390 284 186 140 8 251 386 368 33 & 170 86 4 8 80 100 94 6 _ 8 131 60 8 135 117 98 69 84 58 85 82 34 131 131 - - 160 160 _ - 176 136 119 194 134 123 116 113 101 124 35 33 31 2 _ 8 170 30 _ 8 40 42 18 27 40 50 61 64 65 81 141 36 53 53 - - 77 77 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 37 21 21 - - 14 14 - - 25 27 10 20 36 T 43 (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 220 168 12 40 228 156 4 68 8 406 263 169 179 257 317 260 238 8 359 252 39 51 49 2 . 45 45 _ . 67 33 58 95 166 131 (XI (X) (XI (XI 40 101 101 - _ 146 146 _ - 81 & 491 8 60 73 115 143 505 291 79 109 41 67 43 24 - 55 39 16 - 50 79 87 83 75 84 114 110 112 201 42 289 289 - - 349 349 - 535 265 8 297 393 526 247 117 125 79 90 43 124 4 4 116 81 4 12 65 ISO 14 10 14 10 19 8 144 8 186 & 221 8 55 44 78 78 - . 66 66 _ - 113 93 70 92 91 163 174 102 161 80 45 85 43 4 38 27 25 2 _ 8 149 37 19 8 66 57 8 64 57 59 37 8 130 46 562 472 - 90 472 366 - 106 752 722 631 8 736 670 765 8 662 300 322 a 309 47 168 168 - - 248 242 6 - 269 237 218 291 438 277 376 357 291 456 48 18 18 . _ 19 19 _ _ 16 18 & 46 73 60 54 44 39 41 31 49 & 157 52 2 8 103 51 51 _ _ 67 8 90 63 74 8 123 93 64 8 328 80 8 165 50 51 51 - _ 95 95 _ 102 55 64 82 80 81 93 143 & 270 157 51 95 31 2 62 134 45 4 85 83 103 62 97 112 139 98 103 109 162 52 52 50 2 - 170 76 - 94 99 8 159 50 81 112 217 353 388 399 & 556 53 152 83 16 53 155 131 24 _ 235 231 166 232 305 427 512 465 482 735 54 56 56 - _ 103 103 _ _ 113 101 74 119 246 115 91 96 58 83 55 128 88 4 36 100 100 _ - 146 111 8 133 222 181 134 100 130 153 231 56 35 35 - - 23 23 - - 21 20 11 22 24 29 14 15 18 19 57 S 106 2 4 8 100 7 7 - - 5 8 65 8 43 3 15 2 8 220 5 6 8 249 58 152 67 4 81 86 86 _ _ 134 132 & 178 134 117 146 165 125 128 8 156 59 138 138 - . 194 194 _ _ 332 155 145 223 207 119 76 49 38 47 60 282 62 - 220 115 65 _ 50 72 76 70 115 197 255 134 147 156 279 61 & 573 167 8 8 398 301 148 20 133 292 233 & 320 315 8 237 213 8 343 480 348 8 359 62 105 8 52 45 139 23 40 76 127 214 47 60 79 87 174 165 8 180 83 63 99 99 _ _ 145 145 _ _ 122 125 127 172 139 137 183 141 151 134 64 93 93 - _ 95 95 _ - 74 51 71 105 128 113 78 67 96 8 113 65 95 95 - - 93 93 - - 111 8 176 137 136 203 167 173 148 8 140 79 66 288 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table 8-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, "97 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issumg in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 (= Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housin in structures w I unils th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- '^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 02 MASSACHUSETTS — CON. BOSTOfvl SI^SA — CON. MIDDLESEX COUNTY — COtM. WINCHESTER TOWN •(-*••••..■••.• 57 164 171 430 182 40 108 51 65 95 39 52 154 45 452 390 199 59 149 78 90 363 57 76 115 9 122 70 190 56 91 & 9 856 4 259 13 54 16 219 83 71 962 61 53 22 46 & 141 161 67 86 101 109 261 27 229 60 83 & 382 20 210 121 15 57 136 171 32 134 40 83 51 31 95 26 52 110 43 102 37 145 55 105 78 90 130 57 76 115 9 122 70 190 52 91 778 2 103 9 54 14 201 41 71 518 61 53 22 46 49 161 67 86 95 101 161 27 169 60 79 52 20 208 69 15 28 4 9 2 44 2 25 24 4 4 2 4 717 2 32 4 2 4 14 6 8 7 4 10 2 4 398 44 16 34 11 350 328 30 40 231 & 8 361 124 18 38 430 & 92 93 60 & 320 48 58 115 142 162 113 33 147 43 T 70 116 51 52 150 46 173 130 218 79 171 87 99 215 43 80 95 16 86 62 185 55 119 4 014 83 515 34 70 41 250 52 82 & 634 81 55 41 78 189 138 71 76 T 54 76 165 22 166 (S) 89 & 396 12 203 T 71 9 58 105 106 21 101 33 96 43 16 94 51 52 122 46 108 49 142 75 123 87 95 105 43 80 95 16 86 62 185 53 119 358 6 162 4 50 41 162 50 82 368 81 55 41 74 63 138 71 76 54 76 146 22 150 (S) 69 66 12 193 69 9 10 4 12 3 4 28 34 48 76 4 2 2 411 2 51 4 2 4 6 19 16 8 10 10 2 36 137 48 54 18 31 33 46 4 110 3 245 75 302 30 20 84 & 266 120 12 & 320 59 S 394 233 323 121 21 116 32 31 71 31 45 170 26 730 251 493 59 124 74 88 130 40 67 106 14 158 54 156 T 30 111 & 2 389 29 155 19 51 35 145 30 62 & 1 161 116 50 34 40 60 155 67 54 95 83 156 36 152 72 192 122 8 234 114 21 49 150 81 23 105 21 113 32 15 67 31 45 122 26 130 56 139 59 103 74 88 119 40 67 106 14 158 54 156 30 111 383 14 127 17 44 35 121 30 62 797 116 50 34 40 60 151 67 54 93 79 141 36 152 72 98 106 8 230 96 21 10 73 57 8 3 4 a 87 50 68 6 & 91 22 2 2 4 2 4 15 14 16 4 6 & 171 152 243 8 16 40 513 145 286 15 11 & 1 915 15 6 5 24 & 364 80 12 WOBURN -f........ •.•••••• 03 NORFOLK COUNTY ** BRAINTREE TOWN -f.... *.••>••• 04 06 COHASSET TOWN. ..•• ,. 09 HOLBROOK TOWN -f. .......••.•. 10 MEDFIELD TOWN ■*-. .••■...••... 11 12 13 14 MILTON TOWN -f. ..*•........• NEEDHAM TOWN * , NORFOLK TOWN ...>....•••... 17 18 19 20 21 22 RANDOLPH TOWN -*- ^EILLESLEY TOWN -t-.. WESTWOOD TOWN -(-..........••. WEYMOUTH TOWN •«-....■ PLYt^OUTH COUNTY 25 26 HINGHAM TOWN * HULL TOWN 27 28 MARSHFIELD TOWN + NORWELL TOWN .....■.....•.• 30 ROCKLAND TOWN •*- 32 SUFFOLK COUNTY ♦ 34 35 REVERE -f.. ...... ........ WINTHROP TOWN. 36 BROCKTON SMSA BRISTOL COUNTY * EASTON TOWN. .............. NORFOLK COUNTY ♦* 38 STOUGHTON TOWN -f. ........... 39 PLYMOUTH COUNTY ABINGTON TOWN. ............. 40 BRIDGEWATER TOWN + 42 EAST BRIDGEWATER TOWN. ......... 44 WEST BRIDGEWATER TOWN 46 FALL RIVERi MASS. -R.I. SMSA BRISTOL COUNTY * FALL RIvER -t- 47 48 SOMERSET TOWN -l- SWANSEA TOWt^ -1- (RHODE ISLAND) NEWPORT COUNTY ** 51 52 FITCHBURG-LEOMINSTER SMSA WORCESTER COUNTY FITCHSURG -I- LEOMINSTER * 54 LAWRENCE-HAVERHILLi MASS.-N.H. SMSA ESSEX COUNTY ANDOVER TOWN -f. ............ 55 GEORGETOWN TOWN. ............ 57 58 59 60 61 LAWRENCE + METHUEN TOWN ■(■..•.......•.. WEST NEWBURY TOWN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 289 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source (or the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 76 1 314 & 791 103 46 130 35 16 104 38 71 179 26 & 252 113 170 56 137 63 67 140 52 89 101 11 182 45 147 46 127 1 740 62 & 224 9 39 63 939 67 47 27 59 73 171 87 33 & 187 291 60 171 (S) 106 94 15 & 245 142 5 60 16 136 ■ 102 _ 26 19 103 - 46 - 110 8 35 . 16 - 102 2 26 - 71 - 141 - 26 - 141 43 64 32 122 48 56 _ 110 2 83 - 65 2 140 - 101 11 182 43 147 339 62 114 7 43 182 33 61 697 67 47 27 59 73 171 75 153 58 123 - (S) - 98 8 84 10 13 2 178 2 134 8 5 - - 197 1 178 220 12 110 & 746 139 - 119 - (X) 12 164 . 32 - T 23 - 87 12 33 - 77 38 158 - 35 8 68 176 17 114 - 253 . 86 25 147 - 85 - 62 - 231 . 57 - (XI - 114 - 16 - 105 _ (X) - 57 - 77 8 192 1 321 & 1 174 - 11 & 92 & 203 - 11 84 172 (XI 77 120 175 8 110 . 33 18 119 - (X) (X) 164 - 32 _ 23 - 87 - 33 - 77 - US 16 35 - 165 11 52 40 190 8 86 _ 137 4 85 - 62 - 125 ~ 41 16 (X) ( X) 114 - 15 3 105 - (X) (X) 57 - 77 - 152 • 383 81 11 - 130 24 U - 24 24 117 109 (X) (XI 43 43 773 751 (X) (X) 42 42 34 34 153 153 64 64 113 113 82 82 31 3i 84 164 (XI 119 U9 (S) (SI 149 147 92 84 16 16 159 155 103 103 9 9 (XI 22 124 306 178 189 142 (X) 205 28 (X) 116 (X) 140 194 24 212 161 150 82 139 143 109 190 31 (X) 61 14 77 (X) (X) (X) 127 604 10 186 11 26 (X) (X) 49 531 (X) (X) 19 (X) 64 121 66 40 97 154 (X) 150 (X) 202 383 (X) 179 53 (X) 125 204 130 & 128 137 (X) & 169 35 (X) 68 (X) 109 5 219 T 14 115 6 229 99 51 96 & 119 111 182 22 (X) 34 13 39 (X) (X) (XI 599 5 132 20 30 (X) (X) 22 605 (X) (X) 20 (X) 59 T 112 (X) 8 116 (XI 122 155 (X) T& 142 51 (Xl 105 234 134 45 148 (X) 154 36 (XI 20 (X) 100 4 251 21 139 126 5 139 54 89 115 22 (X) 71 & 34 59 (X) (X) (X) 396 6 172 37 26 (X) (X) 32 470 (XI (XI 24 (XI & 142 & 172 (X) 143 (XI 102 93 (X) 118 50 (XI 94 334 108 (XI 153 35 (X) T 56 (X) 114 295 24 206 184 342 116 138 138 158 200 29 (XI 136 27 55 (XI (XI (XI 147 575 & 26 186 32 119 (XI (XI 53 728 (X) (X) 32 (XI 126 151 104 135 (X) 229 (XI 134 115 (XI 178 97 (XI 106 378 419 146 138 IXI 149 47 (XI 67 (XI 132 287 34 300 349 228 110 129 225 120 349 47 (X) 152 68 71 (X) (X) (X) 177 844 7 195 46 103 (XI (XI 36 481 (XI (XI 39 (X) 129 136 112 66 117 129 (X> 219 (Xl 209 106 (XI 165 100 (XI 106 & 452 347 95 114 (XI 178 34 (XI 47 (XI 124 313 24 279 196 198 157 152 213 111 377 64 (XI 188 71 54 (XI (XI (XI 159 647 6 173 37 74 (XI (XI 25 203 (XI (XI 40 (XI 108 119 86 50 105 132 IXI 196 (XI 107 42 (X) 92 72 (XI 114 444 229 56 154 (XI 244 22 (XI (X) (XI 119 329 16 155 248 195 153 125 185 112 494 61 (XI 116 108 189 (X) (XI (XI 189 1 273 & 98 138 43 31 (XI (XI 30 367 (XI (XI 35 (XI 104 (XI 117 115 142 (XI 152 (XI 133 43 (XI 126 219 322 205 73 189 (X) 222 23 (XI (XI (XI 150 291 26 279 237 131 160 139 226 116 517 59 (X) 159 57 33 (XI (Xl (X) 103 1 390 25 8 227 43 24 (XI (X) 31 244 28 IXI 99 (XI 103 56 138 178 (XI 119 (XI 99 37 (XI 176 & 265 201 128 77 (XI 149 22 (XI (X) (XI 151 289 14 276 403 93 203 120 172 158 412 62 (XI 128 63 137 (X) (XI (XI 122 3 686 & 227 8 273 (XI 29 8 247 (XI (X) 27 (X) & 447 (XI 114 54 139 187 (XI 124 (XI 70 465 (XI 128 42 (X) 156 195 394 193 145 (XI 234 20 1X1 (XI (XI 229 359 17 432 311 139 142 183 380 187 860 77 (X) 107 120 270 (XI (XI (XI 200 , 2 353 & 149 8 373 46 28 (XI (XI 47 17C (XI (XI 35 (XI 289 (XI 160 59 162 145 (XI 130 (XI 189 255 56 (XI 290 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shovnn in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 22 23 2a 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 MASSACHUSETTS — CON. LAI«REI>JCE-HAVERHILLi MASS.-tvl.H. SMSA — CON. (NEW HAMPSHIRE) ROCKINGHAM COUI^TY NEWTON TOWN PLAISTOW TOWN + SALEM TOWfJ LOWELL SMSA MIDDLESEX COUNTY BILLEkICA TOWN + CHELMSFORD TOWN + DRACUT TOWN + LOWELL -I- TEWKSBURY TOWN -I- TYNGSBORO TOWN WESTFORD TOWN NEW BEDFORD SMSA BRISTOL COUNTY * ACUSHNET TOWN DARTMOUTH TOWIM + FAIRHAVEN TOWN -f NEW BEDFORD -I- PLYMOUTH COUNTY MARION TOWN MATTAPOISETT TOWN PITTSFIELD SMSA BERKSHIRE COUNTY DALTON TOWN LANESBOROUGH TOWN LEE TOWN LENOX TOWN PITTSFIELD + PROVIDENCE-PAWTUCKET-WARWICK. R.I. -MASS. (SEE RHODE ISLAND) SPR I N6F I ELD-CH I C OPEE-HOLYOKE i MASS.-CONN. SMSA HAMPDEN COUNTY AGAWAM TOWN ■^ CHICOPEE + EAST LONGMEADOW TOWN + HAMPDEN TOWN HOLl'OKE + c LONGMEADOW TOWN + , LUDLOW TOWN -I- SOUTHWICK TOWN , SPRINGFIELD + WESTFIELD + WEST SPRINGFIELD TOWN + , WILBRAHAM TOWN + HAMPSHIRE COUNTY EASTHAMPTON TOWN GRANBY TOWIM + HADLEY TOWN NORTHAMPTON + SOUTH HADLEY TOWN + 1 CONUCCTIClIT ) TOLLAND COUNTY somers town WORCESTER SMSA WORCESTER COUNTY AUBURN TOWN + BOYLSTON TOWIM EAST BROOKFIELD TOWN GRAFTON TOWN HOLDEN TOWN -I- LEICESTER TOWN MILLBURY TOWN NORTHBOROUGH TOWN NORTHBRIDGE TOWN PAXTON TOWN SHREWSBURY TOWN -I- SPENCER TOWN SUTTON TOWN UPTON TOWN WESTBORO TOWN WEST BOYLSTON TOWN + WORCESTER -I- 17 51 257 351 320 191 293 185 30 43 9 (Si 49 204 440 84 119 85 163 115 37 366 261 324 117 299 52 253 6 183 8 149 34 185 - 28 2 43 - 55 55 163 159 62 62 258 213 9 9 (Si 49 84 80 11 7 5 5 73 33 93 93 59 19 (S) (S) 62 62 47 47 27 27 100 60 26 26 (S) (S) (S) (S) 56 56 18 18 255 199 61 110 89 16 252 2 84 - 107 - 70 4 163 _ 81 14 35 2 105 112 130 8 84 6 117 - 41 . 14 22 44 - 59 - 64 - 99 186 149 123 31 36 292 32 160 75 232 (S) 23 172 390 87 53 133 180 107 31 572 106 232 178 89 13 6 39 71 19 (S) 150 61 27 56 14 (S) (SI 79 14 474 23 36 235 406 396 10 591 455 10 150 146 4 328 130 68 176 176 - 36 24 12 145 145 - 59 19 15 15 20 8 (S) (S) 179 127 108 239 87 53 95 180 105 31 66 96 119 178 67 11 6 39 71 19 (S) 138 38 27 50 14 (S) (S) 79 14 309 126 130 32 - 160 - 73 2 200 32 (SI . 23 - 60 111 468 8 10 38 218 334 168 160 391 123 33 116 82 17 43 69 237 38 208 334 160 152 182 123 27 116 25 25 139 139 53 53 139 139 19 19 27 27 62 17 21 57 227 157 117 - 324 324 - 90 90 - 29 29 - 91 87 4 130 130 _ 119 119 - 14 12 2 135 73 16 129 129 - 247 113 - 130 130 " 63 41 . 39 33 6 32 32 - 54 52 2 65 65 - 134 59 57 2 12 8 4 a 8 - 37 37 - 69 69 - 35 35 . 49 45 4 51 51 - 35 35 - 37 37 - 70 62 8 25 25 - 34 34 - (5) (S) - (S) (S) - 13 13 _ 616 345 124 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 291 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U. B-I2, and B-13. •■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units tor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols; '-" Represents zero. "T" Data covet period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Tn'tal l^umber of housing units Total Number Of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total ■f number in structures wit — number in structures wilh- number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-1 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing fiousmg tiousing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or rioie units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 12 7 5 7 7 (X 1 IX) (X ) (XI (X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 01 U2 40 2 . (S) IS) - - 37 50 25 30 44 27 (X) (X) (X 1 (XI 02 (X) (X) ( X ) IX) (X 1 IX) ( X 1 I X) IXl tx) (X ) (X> (X) (X) ( X ) (XI (XI (XI 03 190 188 2 171 167 4 150 106 80 154 183 224 408 118 131 162 04 525 486 4 35 597 589 - 8 422 168 120 227 222 173 171 117 123 150 05 138 136 2 . 99 87 12 - 130 103 86 125 211 149 144 163 114 197 06 205 145 48 12 275 263 12 - 305 209 & 249 310 8 577 156 116 99 8 387 136 07 81 81 - - 62 62 - 53 38 38 187 534 593 (X) (X) (XI (XI 08 29 29 _ _ 15 15 _ 13 11 9 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 09 90 90 (XI (X) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) 1 XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 10 29 29 33 33 30 20 43 T 51 65 37 28 36 43 34 11 112 112 - - 107 107 - - 97 80 102 160 131 90 95 117 154 164 12 62 62 . - 57 57 - _ 59 53 61 96 77 61 87 77 84 86 13 121 115 6 - 145 141 4 - 132 114 203 277 8 395 133 8 389 168 8 534 8 387 14 (i) (:.) ( ,;) '-■) '■,) (0) (3) (0) IS) T 24 11 41 16 24 18 10 15 26 15 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) ( X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 16 «5 41 4 26 22 4 IX ) (X) IX) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI IX) (X) 17 15 15 . _ 11 11 _ _ IX ) IX ) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI IX 1 (X) (X) 18 11 11 - . 26 26 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 1X1 (X) (X) 19 . - - - - . _ - (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 1X1 (X) (X) 20 231 226 8 & 342 208 6 & 128 207 203 166 250 242 267 210 266 333 299 21 100 100 109 68 9 32 98 125 113 150 167 288 151 183 8 234 225 22 287 247 14 26 8 233 151 2 8 80 8 338 8 602 275 435 8 609 546 338 303 484 270 23 43 43 . - 90 90 - - 141 134 107 148 150 139 153 255 172 145 24 28 28 . . 13 13 _ _ 15 12 52 41 32 39 40 23 15 24 25 S 433 130 3 & 300 99 99 - - 8 237 8 207 165 8 260 155 85 108 130 115 a 321 26 166 166 _ _ 117 117 _ _ 162 147 141 109 101 106 107 116 104 131 27 152 152 - - « 169 129 - 8 40 109 155 120 T 163 204 152 144 134 107 126 28 20 18 2 . 5 5 _ . 15 22 39 49 72 T 64 (XI 1X1 (X) (X) 29 & 759 104 8 8 647 8 321 256 4 8 61 337 534 572 & 1 009 1 441 1 282 1 229 864 887 8 1 192 30 130 130 - - 210 148 - 62 180 146 157 235 224 189 149 164 146 146 31 192 113 8 71 109 109 _ _ 155 134 135 93 223 210 182 164 179 187 32 100 100 - - 72 72 - - 106 98 90 128 118 128 115 87 108 91 33 29 26 3 25 25 43 8 71 97 100 56 56 44 78 70 & 103 34 50 50 - _ 67 65 2 . 62 64 71 35 63 52 30 44 41 64 35 14 14 _ _ 17 17 _ . 19 12 16 T 19 26 28 21 17 13 18 36 47 47 . . 43 43 _ . 74 84 76 89 123 172 92 103 & 128 71 37 84 66 ' 18 50 50 ■ ' 148 T 71 67 115 208 155 (XI (X) (XI (XI 38 45 45 - - 31 31 - - T 17 T 18 T 12 27 18 54 43 (SI (51 T 67 3-; 114 45 6 63 57 46 11 66 76 56 108 98 98 127 215 203 309 40 16 16 - - 22 22 _ - 29 17 36 29 49 50 23 28 18 25 41 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 42 41 41 - _ (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 43 T 65 65 - - 76 76 - - T 65 65 60 114 98 132 161 166 198 166 44 32 32 . _ 49 49 _ _ 53 T 27 31 42 95 61 72 136 67 69 45 86 76 10 _ 40 40 . . (X ) IX ) I X) (X) (XI IX) (XI (XI (X) (XI 46 19 19 _ 32 28 4 - IX) IX) (X) ( X) (XI 1X1 (XI 1X1 (X) (XI 47 42 37 - 5 20 20 - - 8 53 28 39 35 43 38 56 32 51 8 101 48 50 50 - - 34 34 - - 28 28 38 36 46 47 31 37 30 24 49 69 61 8 _ 111 107 4 _ 82 82 127 205 309 238 201 221 172 216 50 31 31 - - 31 31 - - T 33 17 24 36 39 17 18 19 8 20 51 (S> (S) . _ (S> IS) _ . IX 1 (X) IX) (X) (X 1 1X1 (XI IX) (XI (X) 52 19 19 - _ (X ) IX) ( X) 1 X) IX) IX ) (X) (X) (XI ( XI (X) 1X1 IX) (XI 53 81 81 - - I X) (X) ( X) 1 X) IX) 1 X ) IX) ( X ) (X) ( XI IX) (XI (X) (XI 54 IS 15 _ _ 25 25 _ _ 48 46 51 41 144 143 88 66 78 57 55 & 433 297 56 & 80 8 529 268 70 8 191 273 344 338 409 8 542 491 421 467 8 1 081 8 1 383 56 292 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issumg in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 units 5 units or more MASSACHUSETTS — COt^. PLACES OUTSIDE SI^ISA'S BARNSTABLE COUI^TY ** BARI^STABLE TOWN + BOURNE TOWN + BREWSTER TOWN CHATHAM TOWN + DENI^JIS TOWN + EASTHAM TOWN + FALMOUTH TOWN +. HARWICH TOWN + MASHPEE TOWN ORLEANS TOWN PROVINCETOWN TOWN SANDWICH TOWN * TRURO TOWN WELLFLEET TOWN -t YARMOUTH TOWN -I- BERKSHIRE COUNTY GREAT BARRINGTON TOWN HANCOCK TOWN NORTH ADAMS OTIS TOWN RICHMOND TOWN STOCKBRIDGE TOWN WILLIAMSTOWN TOWN BRISTOL COUNTY BERKLEY TOWN DIGHTON TOWN FREETOWN TOWN MANSFIELD TOWN NORTON TOWN RAYNHAM TOWN + TAUNTON + DUKES COUNTY OAK BLUFFS TOWN ESSEX COUNTY BOXFORO TOWN + ESSEX TOWN GLOUCESTER -l- ipswich town newbury town newburyport rockport town franklin county deerfield town greenfield town leverett town leyden town monroe town montague town rowe town sunderland town hampden county granville town montgomery town russell town hampshire county amherst town -i- belchertown town chesterfield town goshen town middlefield town southampton town ware town westhampton town middlesex county acton town + carlisle town dunstable town holliston town * Hudson town + littleton town marlborough + maynard town pepperell town STOW TOwN NORFOLK COUNTY FOXBOROUGH TOWN + MEDWAY TOWN PLYMOUTH COUNTY CARVER TOWN 366 92 80 130 198 81 467 150 87 81 2 (S> 17 5t «33 302 55 80 130 154 81 407 150 87 81 2 IS) 17 34 383 1 1 37 35 28 28 62 62 27 27 102 102 169 169 123 85 59 59 32 32 61 61 27 27 16 16 74 30 4 4 1 1 (S) (S) 2 2 209 130 7 7 115 107 18 18 1 1 11 11 22 22 25 9 6 6 142 123 35 35 15 15 136 124 185 185 18 18 157 98 51 51 20 20 23 23 129 69 27 27 60 299 293 35 42 42 - 39 33 - 102 102 - 119 87 _ 84 84 58 320 286 - 142 138 - 98 92 - 81 67 . 6 6 - (S) (S) - 18 18 - 28 28 ~ 342 320 . 17 17 - 9 9 - 49 49 - 1 1 - 33 33 _ 3 3 18 69 21 6 6 - 40 40 - 22 22 - 40 38 - 31 31 _ T 28 28 - 156 154 48 9 66 100 26 80 24 6 106 5 342 32 5 (S) 1 24 12 7 149 26 10 248 260 11 244 (SI 43 19 103 41 66 100 24 78 24 96 32 5 (SI 1 24 12 7 114 26 10 188 260 11 177 (S) 43 19 245 47 12 103 234 71 223 93 92 55 15 (S) 8, 23 13 321 (S) h2 1 21 21 18 99 17 50 169 129 10 178 73 10 211 349 18 235 103 30 16 243 43 12 103 190 71 223 93 92 55 11 (S) 21 13 265 21 18 96 17 50 136 53 53 54 54 29 29 42 42 17 17 13 13 33 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 129 10 118 73 10 162 349 18 235 103 30 16 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 293 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected petmit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: ■■-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing m designated year. 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units m stiuctures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or iiioie Total numbei of housing units Numbei of housing units in strucluies with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei ol housing units Total numbei o( housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Tolal numbei of housing unils Tolal number ol housing units 235 235 54 54 (X) (X) lit 114 100 96 43 43 212 206 105 105 97 97 50 50 3 3 T - - 23 23 45 45 285 273 22 22 6 6 43 43 2 2 (X) (X) 9 9 29 29 15 15 24 24 14 14 41 41 11 11 43 43 189 171 47 47 14 14 53 53 50 50 29 29 95 45 19 19 31 31 7 7 2 2 2 2 14 14 2 2 4 4 5 5 (S) (S) 5 5 55 25 33 33 3 3 2 2 - - 19 19 8 8 3 3 108 108 29 29 6 6 102 102 178 178 34 34 341 299 85 85 19 19 8 8 168 158 92 60 231 54 (X) 111 206 69 205 143 (X> 45 13 (S) (X) 37 296 10 (X) 150 51 (X) 57 (X) (X) 42 31 34 (X) (XI (X) (X) 6 150 32 8 T 109 113 49 365 52 (X) (s) 89 (X) 231 - 54 - (X) (X) HI - 206 - 69 . 205 - 141 2 (X) (X) 45 - 5 8 (S) - (X) (X) 37 - 292 4 10 _ (X) (X) 24 - (X) (XI 20 20 29 29 39 39 27 25 196 196 95 90 51 (XI 57 (X) (X) 42 31 34 (X) (X) (X) 41 41 13 13 2 2 12 12 1 1 (X) 126 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 114 32 8 109 113 45 354 52 (X) (0) (X) (XI 11 (X) 209 (X) (X) (X) 211 64 279 T 89 (X) 47 5 (X) (X) (X) 271 12 (X) 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) T 20 (X) 58 (XI 55 (X) (X) 40 (X) (X) 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 60 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 5 IX) T 24 (X) (XI 62 24 378 (XI (XI (SI 158 (X) (XI (XI 202 40 762 78 IXI 46 (XI (X) (XI 167 12 1X1 7 (XI (XI 7 (XI (X) (X) (XI 20 (XI 29 38 T 43 (XI (X) (X) 41 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 131 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) r 17 (X) (X) 40 40 142 (XI (XI (SI 146 (XI (XI (XI 187 27 457 61 (XI 47 (XI (XI (XI 141 12 (XI 13 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) I 50 (X) 36 68 32 (XI 104 (X) IX) (X) (X) le (X) 39 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 37 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 5 7 (XI 20 (X) (X) 31 49 73 (X) (XI (SI IXI (X) 171 (XI (X) (XI 287 32 829 91 (XI 45 7 (X) (X) (XI 151 ( X) 18 (X) (X) 9 (X) (X) (X) (X) 103 106 31 (X) 71 IXI (XI 26 IXI (X) oO ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) IXI 63 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 25 (XI (XI 80 139 130 (XI (XI 17 (X) (XI 184 (X) (X) (XI 212 23 348 74 (X) 59 9 (X) (X) (X) 178 18 (X) 30 (X) (X) 11 (XI (XI (XI (X I 39 (X) 90 96 65 (X) 60 (XI (X) 40 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 21 (X) (X) 86 121 106 (X) (X) 23 (XI (X) 199 (XI (XI (XI 159 46 (XI 71 (XI 49 (XI (XI (XI 185 13 (XI 35 (XI (X) 22 (X) (X) (XI T 28 71 24 (XI 195 (X) (X) 43 (X) (X) oO (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 (XI (XI 72 (X) 84 (XI (XI (S) (X) (XI 185 (X) (XI (XI 191 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 178 33 (XI 26 (XI (XI 13 (X I (X) (X) 33 (X) (X) 73 21 (XI 110 (XI (XI 69 (XI (XI 58 (X I (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 31 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 33 (X) (XI 10 (XI (XI 102 (XI (XI (SI (X I (X I 206 (XI (XI (XI 129 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (X) (XI (X) (X) 172 (XI 29 (XI (XI 13 (X) (X) (X) 31 (X) 14 (XI 73 (XI (XI 61 (XI (XI 56 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 22 (X) (X) 12 (X) (X) (XI 68 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 191 IXI (X) (XI 145 (XI (XI IX) (XI (XI (XI IX) (X) (X) 245 28 (X) 50 (X) (XI 15 (XI (XI (X) ( X) & 34 (X) (XI & 266 13 (XI (XI (XI 42 (XI (XI 66 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) (X) (X) 26 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 24 (XI (XI 16 (XI (XI 40 (X) 78 IX) (X) IX) (X) ( X I 571 (XI (XI (XI 144 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 314 26 (XI 110 (XI (XI 35 (XI (X) (XI IXI 37 (XI (X) 74 (XI & 203 (XI 64 (XI (XI 102 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 45 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 9 (X) (X) 34 IX) 65 (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 294 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl< to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peiinit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 5 units units or more I^ASSACHUSETTS — CON, PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COI^. PLYMOUTH COUI^TY — CON HALIFAX TO*IM . KINGSTON TOWN. LAKEVILLE TOWN MIDOLEBOROUGH TOWN PLYMOUTH -I- . . PLYMPTON TOWN. ROCHESTER TOWN WAREHAM TOWN -f WORCESTER COUNTY ASHBURNHAM TOWN BOLTON TOWN. . CLINTON TOWN + DOUGLAS TOWN . DUDLEY TOWN. . GARDNER. . . . HARVARD TOWN . LANCASTER TOWN MILFORD TOWN . PETERSHAM TOWN PRINCETON TOWN RUTLAND TOWN . SOUTHBOROuGH TOWN SOUTHBRIDGE TOWN WINCHENDON TOWN. ANN ARBOR SMSA WASHTENAW COUNTY * ANN ARBOR + tt ANN ARBOR TOWNSHIP AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP CHELSEA VILLAGE DEXTER VILLAGE LODI TOWNSHIPS MANCHESTER VILLAGE MILAN VILLAGE PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP + SALEM TOWNSHIP SALINE -t- SCIO TOWNSHIP + SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP SYLVAN TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY REMAINING AREA + # YPSILANTI + YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP + BAY CITY SMSA BAY COUNTY AUBURN BANGOR TOWNSHIP -f BAY CITY + BEAVER TOWNSHIP ESSEXVILLE FRANKENLUST TOWNSHIP HAMPTON TOWNSHIP MERRITT TOWNSHIP MONITOR TOWNSHIP + PINCONNING WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP DETROIT SMSA MACOMB COUNTY * ARMADA TOWNSHIP ARMADA VILLAGE BRUCE TOWNSHIP CENTER LINE -I- CHESTERFIELD TOWNSHIP CLINTON TOWNSHIP + EAST DETROIT + ERASER + HARRISON TOWI^SHIP + LENOX TOWNSHIP MACOMB TOWNSHIP MEMPHIS MOUNT CLEMENS NEW BALTIMORE NEW HAVEN VILLAGE RAY TOWNSHIP RICHMOND TOWNSHIP 17 (S) US 13 51 42 19 31 52 3 5 It 51 43 5 2 445 25 28 1 9 1 11 25 101 18 151 63 38 3 117 272 238 10 208 75 11 15 10 43 4 55 3 25 17 (SI 44 13 51 42 19 27 50 3 5 14 51 35 5 430 25 28 1 1 1 2 2 24 24 43 23 94 82 741 741 103 80 110 110 101 99 17 17 33 33 - .- 306 248 15 15 19 19 5 5 11 - 10 . 53 - 18 _ 55 4 63 - 38 - 3 - 117 _ 46 10 133 2 10 - 83 48 43 2 11 - 11 4 10 . 43 - 4 - 55 - 3 - 23 2 65 65 44 40 26 26 36 36 82 76 16 16 5 5 112 112 15 15 48 48 35 35 8 8 48 48 142 54 26 26 29 27 (S) (S) 10 10 10 10 42 42 55 37 12 12 925 1 160 - 26 - 12 - 5 - 22 - 5 _ 5 15 38 48 18 . 9 92 65 - 52 - 10 - 10 _ 105 216 & 85 103 176 6 56 70 17 17 13 (S) 6 57 3 27 380 26 12 5 9 5 21 18 9 65 52 10 10 96 21 154 6 56 34 17 17 13 (S) 6 57 3 27 10 10 109 109 37 29 643 579 101 61 99 99 66 66 7 7 28 28 5 3 108 90 4 4 - - 13 13 4 4 43 43 36 36 29 29 50 50 118 68 12 12 6 6 97 97 13 13 14 14 42 36 5 5 60 38 37 31 18 18 21 21 1 1 14 14 14 14 45 45 40 35 12 12 754 30 17 11 3 78 31 129 390 30 17 26 41 11 3 74 25 124 5 5 79 73 58 34 8 8 11 11 13 13 41 37 4 4 50 50 6 6 21 21 1 1 1 1 5 5 75 75 T 14 14 473 473 140 82 120 120 74 74 11 11 17 17 1 1 & 99 35 17 6 13 13 12 12 10 10 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 295 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected pccmit-issuing places wliich constitute tlie source for the statistics shown monthly In tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. n See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-Issuing m designated year. 1961 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units m structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more Total number housing units Number of housing units m structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 45 45 16 16 37 37 43 43 (X) (X) 107 107 (X) (X) 60 60 23 23 2 2 ( X) (X) 40 40 32 32 34 34 (XI 8 19 45 694 484 16 16 23 23 1 1 1 1 4 1 13 13 24 24 10 10 66 66 30 30 6 6 (X) (X) 68 60 22 20 201 193 86 80 34 34 (X) (X) 14 14 10 10 26 26 (X) (X) 58 58 3 3 21 21 4 4 1 1 8 8 15 15 28 28 200 200 90 70 81 81 75 75 11 11 12 12 40 28 17 17 9 9 14 12 4 4 35 35 23 23 35 35 29 29 55 55 7 7 (X) (X) (XI (X) 19 34 21 28 (X) (X) (XI 23 (X) 38 7 538 29 12 1 1 17 5 6 21 37 57 30 203 (X) 75 52 132 57 (XI 37 16 31 (X) 89 7 10 (X) (X) (XI (X) 19 - 4 - (X) ( X) 32 2 21 - 28 - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 23 - (X) (XI 38 - 7 - 432 29 12 55 28 7 (X) 73 52 114 1 1 7 7 12 12 55 55 114 114 134 92 87 87 128 128 16 16 49 49 2 2 31 9 13 13 30 30 (XI 2 13 - 98 - 57 - (X) (XI 37 - 16 _ 29 2 (X) (X) 89 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 196 (XI (XI 23 (X) (X) (XI 113 (X ) (X) 50 7 (XI T 25 (XI 18 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 21 T 6 923 26 T 26 (XI T 1 11 T 8 36 56 15 57 55 (XI (X) (X) 36 (XI (X) (XI (XI 5 (XI 5 3 6 57 46 208 146 186 90 (X) (X) (X) 62 1 (X I 94 (XI (XI 165 5 (XI 20 (XI 13 IX) (X> (X) (XI (XI 26 5 693 30 21 (X) 11 5 28 69 13 29 53 (X) (XI 55 900 7 (XI 91 1X1 25 (X) (X) (X) 3 2 5 28 117 468 161 261 106 (X) 66 3 142 25 2 (XI 15 (XI (X) (XI 113 (XI (XI 25 6 (X) 25 (X) 27 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 38 T 7 882 39 41 (X) 19 7 10 2 22 50 13 77 41 (X) (X) 123 29 846 6 (X) 120 IX) 29 (XI (X) (X) (X) 5 (X) 6 1 10 106 78 487 279 447 103 (X) 57 3 35 31 T 1 T 11 3 (X) 28 IX) (X) (X) 106 (X) (X) r 24 7 (X) 39 (X) 28 ( X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) 785 30 (X) (X) (X) (XI IX) (X) (X) SI (X) 24 54 (X) (X) 140 134 410 (X) (X) 174 (X) 35 (XI (X) (X) IX) 13 (X) 13 2 18 105 94 478 659 46 139 (X) (X) 27 (X) (X) 73 23 (X) 53 (X) (X) 25 (X ) 34 (X ) IX) (X) (X) (X) 53 10 006 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 17 49 (X) (X) 177 75 475 (X) (X) 229 (X) 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) 86 73 1 206 1 546 52 123 (X) 96 13 130 31 5 (X) 26 (X) (X) (X) 40 (X) (X) 17 42 (X) 25 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 34 553 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) o3 (XI 16 41 175 66 530 (X) (X) T 207 (X) 34 IX) (X) (X) (X) 7 (X) 14 12 61 61 268 1 699 36 102 IX) 60 15 196 (X) 64 (X) (X) 168 27 (X) (XI (X) (X) 22 5 (X) 57 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 51 9 4U 35 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 5 (X) (X) (XI 150 55 234 (XI (XI 233 (X) T 60 (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) (SI (XI 148 48 313 865 36 78 (XI 63 9 211 10 T 2 (XI 38 (X) (X) 82 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) 34 72 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 279 56 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 15 (X) (X) (X) 163 T 72 259 (XI (XI 173 IX) 51 (X) (XI (X) (X) T 9 (X) 3 T 6 (X) 93 39 162 339 23 53 (X) 42 1 169 19 (XI 10 (X) 27 IX) (X) 64 5 (X) (X) (X) (X) 41 10 (X) I 76 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 73 13 292 T 49 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 31 (X) (X) (XI (SI no T 122 (X) (X) 226 (XI (S) (X) (X) (X) (XI (SI (X) 82 57 185 460 38 84 (X) (SI 4 126 T 24 (X) (X) T 3 (X) 27 (X) (X) 56 5 (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 1 95 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 41 19 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 445 45 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 10 (X) (XI (X) 106 105 123 IX) (X) 289 (X) 23 (X) (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) (X) 2 (X) 67 38 558 340 24 78 (XI T 41 9 283 19 (XI (X) (XI 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 68 69 296 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4- Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 '*97 to 99,9 percent of county population in I960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total nunibei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 T Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more I^ICHIGAN — CON. DETROIT SMSA — CON, MACOt^B COUNTY * — CON. RICHMOND VILLAGE ROMEO VILLAGE ROSEVILLE + ST CLAIR SHORES + SHELBY TOWNSHIP + STERLING TOWNSHIP + UTICA WARREN + n WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP OAKLAND COUNTY ** ADDISON TOWNSHIP AVON TOWNSHIP + BERKLEY BEVERLY HILLS VILLAGE. . . . BIRMINGHAM -I- BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP +. , . , BLOOMFIELD HILLS BRANDON TOWNSHIP CLARKSTON VILLAGE CLAWSON COMMERCE TOWNSHIP + FARMINGTON + FARMINGTON TOWNSHiP -I- . . . . FERNDALE FRANKLIN VILLAGE GROVELAND TOWNSHIP HAZEL PARK + . , HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP HOLLY TOWNSHIP HOLLY VILLAGE HUNTINGTON WOODS INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP +. . . KEEGO HARBOR LAKE ANGELUS VILLAGE . . . . LAKE ORION VILLAGE LATHRUP VILLAGE LEONARD VILLAGE LYON TOWNSHIP MADISON HEIGHTS + MILFORD TOWNSHIP MILFORD VILLAGE -l- NOVI VILLAGE -I- OAKLAND TOWNSHIP OAK PARK -I- ORCHARD LAKE VILLAGE . . . . ORION TOWNSHIP + ORTONVILLE VILLAGE OXFORD TOWNSHIP OXFORD VILLAGE PLEASANT RIDGE PONTIAC -I- PONTIAC TOWNSHIP QUAKERTOWN VILLAGE ROCHESTER VILLAGE + ROSE TOWNSHIP ROYAL OAK -I- ROYAL OAK TOWNSHIP SOUTHFIELD + SOUTH LYON SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP . . . . SYLVAN LAKE TROY + H WALLED LAKE WATERFORD TOWNSHIP -f . . . . WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP -I- , WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP +. , . . WIXOM WOLVERINE LAKE VILLAGE . . . WAYNE COUNTY * ALLEN PARK + BELLEVILLE BROilNSTOwN TOWNSHIP CANTON TOWNSHIP + DEARBORN + DEARBORN HEIGHTS +».... DETROIT + ECORSE * FLAT ROCK VILLAGE GARDEN CITY + GIBRALTAR VILLAGE + GROSSE ILE TOWNSHIP +. , . , 16 392 504 342 706 102 153 70 14 165 15 341 89 674 111 33 10 350 129 42 379 63 31 49 58 22 12 3 250 2 5 11 25 37 60 10 29 27 50 312 10 90 2 36 2 3 564 205 6 73 35 1 054 402 1 520 4 27 12 374 22 376 452 97 312 22 30 28 187 952 2 631 59 11 146 38 2 2 125 328 306 582 10 990 50 14 185 15 341 42 550 45 31 2 245 129 42 379 21 31 9 49 58 22 10 3 198 2 5 21 60 10 1 27 50 142 10 87 2 36 2 3 235 205 137 63 1 192 4 27 12 178 2 364 452 89 12 66 271 2 30 19 115 509 390 55 5 97 30 69 2 12 - 267 6 170 _ 36 - 124 7 85 6 1 162 - 20 151 56 36 124 917 331 328 160 20 12 292 2 185 569 445 342 514 48 888 30 148 18 243 305 765 59 39 1 109 126 263 325 34 33 10 36 53 20 18 14 135 2 1 3 12 22 51 12 2 20 49 53 12 141 3 57 1 2 271 91 13 44 26 837 564 1 029 22 21 7 206 7 394 331 109 15 13 258 12 27 157 637 215 296 514 12 2 752 30 148 18 243 47 553 54 37 1 75 126 59 325 16 33 10 36 39 20 18 14 127 2 1 3 12 22 51 12 2 14 49 17 12 141 3 57 1 2 271 91 13 13 26 131 41 1 029 12 21 206 7 292 331 252 2 19 27 157 481 484 46 357 328 34 275 _ 462 32 15 136 3 058 - 26 5 _ 121 _ 17 _ 155 239 103 212 468 5 33 _ 14 - 1 30 45 _ 93 204 244 - 288 18 38 - 36 _ 12 - 20 14 36 _ 17 - 30 _ 10 8 73 - - - 3 - 2 704 523 104 1 717 30 79 (S) T 3 36 20 19 10 58 8 32 8 3 235 122 8 11 20 678 242 776 2 (S) 7 165 13 239 214 83 7 31 159 5 19 23 & 295 387 3 102 23 2 103 3 18 257 97 275 462 3 999 26 5 121 17 155 53 458 33 14 1 33 93 102 288 12 36 12 20 36 15 30 10 73 3 2 14 79 (S) 3 36 20 19 10 58 3 32 235 122 775 2 (S) 7 165 239 214 159 3 19 23 108 297 791 23 2 103 17 227 142 26 536 242 78 2 287 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 297 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12,'and B-13, » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing m designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total numbei housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total numbei ol housing unils Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 units 5 units 01 more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 7 7 Its 116 294 248 183 183 425 425 6 6 281 3 281 21 21 10 8 125 125 19 19 51 51 103 48 452 452 16 16 6 6 6 - 39 32 82 82 117 95 288 288 41 10 27 27 7 7 46 46 48 48 23 23 16 16 30 30 46 46 - - 3 3 19 19 - - 26 10 62 62 7 7 7 4 19 19 22 22 16 16 7 7 48 1 1 272 91 (X) 15 12 420 35 640 8 14 7 127 12 244 129 53 2 11 233 7 13 90 135 507 523 68 3 38 68 97 48 1 1 206 91 (X) 5 12 127 35 640 8 14 7 123 6 244 129 51 2 3 228 2 13 90 135 507 770 68 3 38 68 97 - 12 12 27 341 337 46 438 438 - 272 270 - 532 532 - 2 2 - 3 247 3 077 - 29 29 . 4 4 - 211 211 - 22 22 - 39 39 47 50 46 . 365 365 - 17 17 - 13 13 6 1 1 - 41 26 _ 118 118 22 87 87 - 412 412 29 19 15 - 32 32 . 4 4 - 41 41 - 48 48 - 17 17 - 7 7 . 15 15 - 55 55 _ 3 3 - 3 3 - 19 19 - - - 16 32 16 - 101 101 - 8 8 - 15 11 - 21 21 - 25 25 - 106 96 - 6 6 (X) 2 66 (X) 47 3 2 239 65 (X) 7 5 366 106 380 23 31 158 330 121 117 7 21 23 144 640 268 177 3 104 3 2 239 65 (X) 271 2 380 23 14 118 1 328 121 66 5 7 113 7 21 19 144 640 866 77 3 104 105 77 89 104 7 10 666 743 308 845 3 2 320 T 15 159 42 (X) 101 476 24 18 2 39 171 149 445 38 27 19 19 351 (X) 27 106 T 152 2 31 1 2 326 IB (X) 102 17 316 414 17 T 18 (S) T 252 12 404 140 70 (X) T 12 82 2 27 49 134 1 287 1 474 155 2 T 262 101 T 72 23 7 242 1 049 347 504 2 1 586 (S) 11 124 48 (X) 183 507 19 13 82 183 29 357 40 25 11 82 46 27 45 73 1 2 4 T 20 1 35 163 (X) 113 110 29 259 156 2 9 11 5 302 19 (XI 15 25 547 2 514 3 10 T 13 224 11 539 158 489 (X) 27 58 2 24 22 117 1 470 2 242 174 26 (S) 135 627 357 240 3 1 466 (S) 19 182 15 (X) 126 604 26 22 5 385 68 31 10 104 34 (S) 12 17 111 2 3 34 1 37 1 252 (X) 83 90 35 444 13 78 10 326 54 (X) 134 25 987 522 9 T 20 18 150 17 534 156 T 81 1X1 28 112 15 45 35 205 1 600 2 259 & 257 103 334 10 99 665 408 437 4 093 T 57 23 393 25 (XI 158 833 81 19 207 87 641 (X) 27 13 46 397 (X) 3 1 (XI (XI 37 300 (X) (X) T 240 65 489 15 134 2 57 3 12 603 147 (X) 41 14 958 245 790 19 T 34 10 442 T 130 792 214 157 (X) 75 168 6 106 49 277 2 538 2 660 107 12 996 (XI V3 11 9 649 3 528 652 165 7 1 198 33 10 403 83 (XI 225 861 44 22 10 293 163 123 667 111 (XI (XI 319 tX 1 (XI (XI 65 578 (XI 2 9 (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI 219 44 650 20 225 3 42 (SI 12 937 134 (XI 27 T 13 836 450 889 11 94 41 458 (XI 1 039 286 132 1X1 31 511 (SI 98 (SI 383 1 982 3 695 192 12 (XI (XI 104 (SI 17 1 041 3 Oil 259 101 9 1 548 41 198 129 (XI 265 630 36 39 U 502 298 559 380 132 (XI (XI 284 (XI (XI (XI 115 312 (XI (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI (XI 127 33 1 762 25 157 8 41 T 5 13 982 201 (XI 44 (XI 1 291 1 354 983 20 54 35 395 (XI 929 610 142 (XI (XI 741 T 3 125 47 574 530 715 67 253 (XI (XI T 72 066 342 79 5 981 (XI (XI 206 129 (XI 245 415 28 48 4 427 (XI 60 412 119 (XI (XI 178 (XI (XI (XI 62 127 (XI (XI (XI 19 (XI (XI 22 710 17 T 17 T 2 15 237 (XI (XI 30 (XI 873 537 (XI 13 T 38 44 321 (XI 647 220 117 (XI (XI 771 16 259 76 047 464 531 26 13 (XI (XI 16 (XI 1 140 846 (XI 72 7 1 096 (XI (XI (XI 229 (XI 422 337 41 29 3 235 (XI 21 153 175 (XI (XI 260 (XI (XI (XI 78 (SI (XI (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI 41 28 1 304 15 61 5 (XI 2 13 187 (XI (XI 22 (XI 994 141 (XI S 55 52 48 237 (XI 562 187 123 (XI (XI 1 128 (XI 99 41 898 447 5 443 24 17 (XI (XI T 17 1X1 702 704 (XI 101 30 645 (XI ( XI (XI 259 (XI 549 375 22 12 (SI 222 (XI 30 (XI 170 IXI (XI 422 (XI (XI (XI 206 T 56 (XI (XI (XI 14 (XI (XI (XI 57 T 16 861 14 (XI 4 (XI 11 26 S 712 (XI (XI 38 (XI 1 117 543 (XI 3 (XI 19 205 (X I T 510 T 114 97 (XI (XI 655 (XI 115 T 31 1 292 029 31 21 (XI (XI (XI 16 (XI 1 289 1 192 (XI 74 22 989 (XI (XI (XI 446 (XI 908 291 29 50 1 254 (XI 86 (XI 388 (XI (XI 657 (XI (XI (XI 344 70 (XI b (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI (XI (XI 54 13 785 9 1X1 1 (XI 5 21 584 (XI (XI 32 (XI 1 995 333 (XI 16 (XI 36 148 (XI 111 103 102 (XI (XI 1 963 (XI T 95 31 2 486 1 031 & 13 565 57 28 (XI (XI (XI 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 298 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. Ttie same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures lor the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "g? to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SI^ISA, outside Sl^flSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 ■f Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 'Zl 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 I^ICHIGAN — CON. DETROIT SMSA — CON. IWAYNE COUNTY * — CON. 10 26 14 23 196 2 277 27 38 149 233 1 455 98 442 48 25 155 371 161 25 108 3 43 T 32 45 318 183 68 34 248 18 18 191 43 7 62 67 77 23 1 084 364 103 40 28 16 206 3 112 358 8 29 9 5 173 112 I 37 19 42 75 4 7 25 5 15 2 11 24 31 46 20 10 26 12 23 196 2 45 27 38 77 100 1 411 40 420 48 25 31 321 137 23 59 3 43 32 46 313 174 58 8 40 18 18 191 43 3 17 67 77 19 399 348 103 32 28 16 206 3 64 330 8 29 9 3 167 112 1 37 16 42 75 4 7 26 5 15 2 11 24 31 46 20 2 6 54 34 8 5 4 2 4 5 4 4 2 4 2 3 225 8 99 36 58 16 120 50 24 45 5 9 25 202 45 683 15 8 48 24 6 13 32 16 31 168 1 159 4 55 & 318 172 1 544 96 525 19 39 130 170 177 21 100 28 143 37 38 318 129 56 33 87 11 13 168 38 55 47 67 67 6 922 333 83 44 15 20 147 154 322 12 40 17 4 184 88 1 25 4 25 (S) 3 6 2 (S) 19 1 6 1 11 12 20 31 28 11 32 16 31 156 1 23 4 55 77 90 1 320 46 381 19 35 52 126 113 21 60 28 143 37 38 318 115 56 20 52 11 13 168 38 53 3 67 54 4 479 330 67 24 15 20 147 99 316 12 40 11 2 184 88 1 25 4 25 (S) 1 6 2 (S) 19 1 5 1 9 12 20 31 28 2 2 12 & 218 2 4 15 5 25 2 3 2 4 3 15 2 2 2 124 23 82 224 50 142 63 44 64 40 14 a 10 44 439 20 55 6 6 7 22 5 23 170 188 1 25 125 100 1 201 39 897 23 10 148 129 130 & 157 60 23 72 8 43 197 T 64 42 405 115 15 11 213 28 39 12 64 41 10 568 400 53 36 9 7 142 84 187 5 11 5 3 176 92 30 17 23 39 1 2 2 17 2 3 3 9 19 17 37 28 7 22 5 23 158 21 1 25 115 81 1 201 27 558 23 10 80 129 130 57 60 23 60 8 43 197 56 42 405 33 15 11 213 28 39 12 64 41 10 528 400 53 35 9 7 142 84 181 5 11 5 3 176 68 30 17 23 39 1 2 2 17 2 3 3 9 19 17 37 28 4 2 2 33 5 2 15 24 12 163 8 17 12 306 62 & 100 10 8 82 124 6 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 GROSSE POINTE PARK .*■...■.... GROSSE POINTE SHORES VILLAGE GROSSE POINTE WOODS -l- HAMTRAMCK HARPER WOODS «.■.....*.•..• HIGHLAND PARK. ............. HURON TOWNSHIP .....*.....•. 10 11 12 13 14 15 LINCOLN PARK + LIVONIA -1- MELVINDALE •¥ 17 18 19 20 21 22 PLYMOUTH +..... .•......•. REDFORD TOWNSHIP + RIVER ROUGE RIVERVIEW ROCKWOOD +A... ........... 23 24 25 SOUTHGATE -f. .......•■..••. SUMPTER TOWNSHIP ............ 26 27 TRENTON -f.... ............ 29 30 31 32 WAYNE VILLAGE + WYANDOTTE FLINT SMSA GENESEE COUNTY ** ARGENTINE TOWNSHIP ATLAS TOWNSHIP 35 CLIO ....... 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 DAVISON TOWNSHIP FENTON TOWt>JSHIP + FLINT -f. ................ FLUSHING TOWNSHIP +........... 45 GAINES TOWNSHIP -f. ........... 47 GOODRICH VILLAGE 50 51 52 53 54 55 MONTROSE VILLAGE MOUNT MORRIS CITY MOUNT MORRIS TOWNSHIP + 56 57 58 59 60 OTISVILLE VILLAGE RICHFIELD TOWNSHIP SWARTZ CREEK THETFORD TOWNSHIP VIENNA TOWNSHIP LAPEER COUNTY 62 63 64 65 ALMONT VILLAGE CLIFFORD VILLAGE DRYDEN VILLAGE ELBA TOWNSHIP 66 HADLEY TOWNSHIP 67 IMLAY TOWNSHIP 68 69 IMLAY CITY VILLAGE LAPEER *. 70 LAPEER TOWNSHIP 71 72 METAMORA VILLAGE OREGON TOWNSHIP 73 74 GRAND RAPIDS SMSA KENT COUNTY ** ALGOMA TOWNSHIP RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 299 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permil-issiimg places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ;? See Appendix C-2 tot statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Numbei of housing units in stiiictures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 iinils 01 moie Total numbei of housing units Numbei of housing units in siruclures wifh- 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of liousing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units 1U3 2 20 153 190 1 148 46 49 94 35 121 16 21 45 138 10 27 468 44 44 36 48 11 11 4 4 114 114 25 19 41 41 8 8 29 29 46 46 51 51 416 350 179 179 39 39 36 36 24 136 1 17 2 20 151 892 IB 49 66 35 121 14 21 45 138 10 27 80 80 98 98 5 5 17 17 10 10 7 7 279 279 39 39 1 21 1 21 4 4 26 26 IS) (S) 5 5 3 3 (X) I X) 15 15 15 15 8 8 2 2 6 6 12 12 2 2 24 24 36 8 233 116 1 202 20 913 26 44 51 37 181 64 87 29 29 578 92 37 101 95 36 133 90 1 202 20 913 26 44 9 9 5 5 116 116 21 21 27 27 8 8 17 17 43 43 62 62 397 389 180 180 29 29 33 33 6 6 11 11 117 117 (X) (X) 56 56 81 81 4 4 5 5 2 2 7 7 425 425 49 49 4 4 19 19 13 13 24 24 25 25 2 2 9 9 2 2 (X) (X) 39 39 100 20 181 - 13 8 - 64 - 87 - 29 _ 29 - 92 _ 37 - 11 S 42 88 7 43 192 379 1 711 74 1 943 22 63 81 123 325 10 42 212 52 (X) 35 573 332 55 52 T 34 15 14 217 111 22 41 24 93 5 860 245 52 42 13 (X) 132 (X) 9 T 153 3 292 T 43 (X) 25 (X) 31 (X) IX) 21 (XI (X) (X) T 19 IX) (X) (X) 34 231 176 2 073 39 2 029 20 63 71 130 400 52 (X) 72 668 183 42 157 37 20 170 33 4 15 T 18 63 48 815 193 57 36 10 (X) 146 (X) 28 148 2 511 (X) 23 (X) 30 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 89 19 45 S. 395 193 1 733 61 1 727 38 21 71 145 438 & 120 79 109 12 187 25 6 19 21 42 45 886 169 T 28 30 16 (X) 197 (X) 23 115 10 (X) 5 5 216 T 45 (X) 23 (X) 60 (X) IX) IX) 3 (X) 23 (X) (X) (X) 23 (X) (X) (X) HI 7 172 9 69 272 209 993 152 19 24 72 593 25 43 20 97 IX) 81 312 461 113 301 97 (X) 24 297 35 3 60 123 94 128 1 214 220 (X) 41 (X) (X) 277 (X) 22 T 150 (X) (X) (X) 35 401 81 (X) 37 (X) (X) IX) 2 (X) 25 IX) IX) IX) 22 IX) IX) IX) (SI 56 54 111 144 9 238 72 666 659 1 575 247 1 450 38 7 78 90 2 140 14 75 9 161 (X) 83 1 812 774 126 212 244 (X) T 14 511 70 15 181 188 95 122 2 302 288 (X) 27 (X) (X) 714 (X) 21 T 138 IX) IX) IX) 40 437 T 66 IX) 66 (X) 77 (XI IX) IX) IX) 24 (X) IX) 35 (X I IX) IX) 71 72 75 253 17 286 58 872 570 2 366 107 734 38 T 23 81 109 1 995 6 636 13 120 IX) T 48 1 136 578 T 109 115 268 IX> T 2 T 591 40 9 94 68 87 87 2 096 298 IX) 61 IX) (X) T 240 (X) 11 101 (X) (X) (X) 42 T 270 (S) (X) 58 (X) (X) IX) 2 (X) 24 (X) (X) (X) 9 IX) IX) IX) 26 147 85 17 257 61 714 414 1 374 256 288 35 14 93 96 1 922 11 104 8 148 (X) (S) 736 249 98 160 312 (X) IX) 500 T 25 T 5 41 42 58 29 1 532 191 IX) 39 IX) IX) 317 IX) 9 T 83 IX) IX) IX) 10 IX) T 67 IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 28 (X) (X) (X) 65 129 90 10 268 10 512 51 700 642 938 52 178 29 21 75 59 1 597 8 2 16 112 IX) 71 393 84 79 209 181 IX) (X) 322 (X) (X) 42 27 32 23 1 356 145 (X) 13 (X) (X) 165 IX) 15 46 (X) (X) (X) 10 IX) 47 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) 17 (X) IX) IX) T 60 180 165 20 399 IX) 549 787 525 146 295 43 13 79 58 591 41 23 10 78 (X) 43 296 220 147 89 IS) (X) (X> 17 36 36 T 17 1 035 132 (X) T 24 (X) (X) 207 (X) 12 35 (X) (X) (X) 34 IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) 2 IX) (X) (X) (X> (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) 52 307 200 22 635 14 582 (X) 996 1 694 615 227 171 37 15 103 47 1 558 T& 222 213 6 99 (X) 25 259 80 108 59 613 IX) IX) 191 ;x) (X) 34 30 19 36 2 015 111 IX) 23 IX) (X) 51 (X) 10 83 (X) (X) IX) 12 IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 26 (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 300 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 72 73 74 MICHIGAN — CONi GRAND RAPIDS SMSA — CON. KENT COUNTY ** — CON. ALPINE TOINNSHIP * BOWNE TOWNSHIP BYRON TOWNSHIP CALEDOI^IA TOWNSHIP CALEDONIA VILLAGE CANNON TOWNSHIP CASCADE TOWNSHIP CEDAR SPRINGS VILLAGE COURTLAND TOWNSHIP EAST GRAND RAPIDS + GAINES TOWNSHIP -I- GRAND RAPIDS -i- GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP +. . . , GRANDVILLE * KENT CITY VILLAGE LOWELL LOWELL TOWNSHIP OAKFIELD TOWNSHIP PARIS TOWNSHIP * PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP -^ ROCKFORD SAND LAKE VILLAGE SPARTA TOWNSHIP SPARTA VILLAGE TYRONE TOWNSHIP VERGENNES TOWNSHIP WALKER * n WYOMING -I- OTTAWA COUNTY * ALLENDALE TOWNSHIP BLENDON TOWNSHIP CHESTER TOWNSHIP COOPERSVILLE VILLAGE CROCKERY TOWNSHIP GEORGETOWN TOWfvJSHIP + GRAND HAVEN -I- GRAND HAVEN TOWNSHIP + . . . . HOLLAND -I- HOLLAND TOWNSHIP •^ HUDSONVILLE JAMESTOWN TOWNSHIP OLIVE TOWNSHIP PARK TOWNSHIP -I- POLKTON TOWNSHIP PORT SHELDON TOWNSHIP ROBINSON TOWNSHIP SPRING LAKE TOWNSHIP ■)•.... SPRING LAKE VILLAGE TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP WRIGHT TOWNSHIP ZEELAND ZEELAND TOWNSHIP JACKSON SMSA JACKSON COUNTY BLACKMAN TOWNSHIP +. BROOKLYN VILLAGE . . COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP. . CONCORD VILLAGE. . . GRASS LAKE TOWNSHIP. GRASS LAKE VILLAGE . HANOVER TOWNSHIP . . HANOVER VILLAGE. . . HENRIETTA TOWNSHIP + JACK:30N LEONI TOWNSHIP + . . LIBERTY TOWNSHIP . . NAPOLEON TOWNSHIP. . PARMA VILLAGE. . . . SANDSTONE TOWNSHIP . SPRING ARBOR TOWNSHIP SPRINGPORT VILLAGE . SUMMIT TOWNSHIP +. . TOMPKINS TOWNSHIP. . WATERLOO TOWNSHIP. . KALAMAZOO SMSA KALAMAZOO COUNTY *♦ ALAMO TOWNSHIP AUGUSTA VILLAGE BRADY TOWNSHIP 39 61 5 15 5« 66 622 53 67 7 5 24 307 177 10 39 61 5 15 54 72 435 53 67 7 5 24 295 177 10 22 22 - 6 6 - 10 10 - 128 128 . 325 188 96 29 18 11 17 17 - 6 6 - 13 13 - 322 300 10 40 40 - 40 40 - 86 75 3 102 98 4 15 15 _ 19 19 - 5 5 - 71 71 - 5 5 - 19 19 _ 7 7 - 42 42 - 7 2 5 35 35 - 18 18 _ 6 6 - 11 11 - 18 18 3 1 10 10 162 27 79 79 10 10 27 27 2 2 8 8 40 40 2 2 124 124 9 9 15 61 59 563 58 84 11 3 17 364 137 7 2 25 11 4 9 171 288 15 17 6 2 12 298 60 63 69 127 12 20 5 83 - 10 3 41 8 27 _ 2 - 55 - 38 - 8 - 15 _ 61 - 59 - 475 60 58 - 81 3 11 _ 3 - 17 - 340 24 137 - 7 - 2 - 25 - 11 _ 4 - 9 - 171 - 216 61 15 . 17 - 6 - 2 - 10 2 288 4 52 8 57 6 58 U 125 2 12 . 20 - 5 - 85 3 8 - 23 _ 7 - 57 - 3 2 33 - 11 . 9 - 18 - 60 60 - - 43 43 - - 1 1 7 7 6 6 4 2 11 11 141 25 57 57 7 7 37 29 3 3 12 12 37 37 - - 227 175 8 8 (SI (S) 55 55 6 6 37 33 21 21 1 1 34 34 22 22 6 6 27 27 57 57 56 56 501 444 54 54 95 91 2 2 6 6 18 IS 298 252 136 136 12 12 5 5 11 11 116 116 336 269 23 19 16 16 9 9 2 2 13 13 199 193 73 63 42 42 68 62 65 63 16 11 9 9 7 7 80 80 7 7 18 18 10 10 55 55 7 5 29 29 15 15 3 3 17 17 37 37 1 1 10 10 _ _ 7 7 1 1 11 11 39 34 65 65 4 4 35 31 3 3 20 20 29 29 - - 13 163 5 5 5 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 301 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected pecmit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13, = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. ■'&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: ■ '-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more Ihan 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number ol in structures witf — number of in stiuctures with- number of number of number of number of numbei of numbei ol numbei of number number of number i of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Ij units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units «9 49 158 158 118 95 74 28 25 36 29 15 (SI 38 01 8 a - - (X) (XI (X) ( X) (X ) (X> ( X ) (X) (X ) ( XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) 02 23 23 - - 36 36 - - 45 37 54 T 37 52 73 48 34 T 25 35 03 31 31 _ _ 21 21 _ _ 8 10 13 21 27 27 29 22 12 (XI (X) 04 3 3 _ _ _ _ _ T 3 _ _ 4 5 T 1 - 4 T 5 (XI 05 60 60 _ _ 34 34 _ _ 17 24 31 27 (S) 36 19 31 22 20 06 37 37 _ . 45 45 _ . 24 39 39 43 64 59 T 50 34 (SI 39 07 3 3 - - 7 7 - - 13 3 T 2 13 7 8 6 5 T 4 2 08 6 6 _ _ 17 17 _ _ 14 12 25 24 25 T 19 T 15 13 T 9 9 09 7t 74 _ _ 88 54 34 - 70 84 82 102 126 131 146 113 300 213 10 61 61 - . 53 51 2 - T 56 60 121 93 80 65 58 50 68 62 11 710 490 100 120 315 289 10 16 243 282 260 421 624 616 455 370 723 1 510 12 44 44 - - 125 125 - - 185 146 152 234 283 248 T 152 171 T 196 334 13 86 83 3 _ 79 79 _ _ 77 67 85 59 67 38 32 24 36 54 14 8 8 - . 3 3 - - - T 4 2 3 7 9 4 - - 2 15 7 7 _ _ 9 9 _ - 13 9 9 5 5 T 10 7 6 11 12 16 5 5 _ _ (S) (S) _ - 7 8 17 9 15 10 T 8 (X) ( X ) (XI 17 15 15 - - 12 12 - - T 8 T 14 T 28 13 19 7 (X 1 (X) (X) (XI 18 257 249 8 _ 337 327 10 _ 347 405 189 347 402 296 192 158 210 203 19 115 115 . . 106 106 _ . 159 139 197 193 186 155 142 126 86 96 20 19 19 . . 18 18 . - 4 3 4 16 7 4 11 8 11 6 21 _ . 1 1 _ - 1 T 3 . (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) ( XI 22 26 26 - - 14 14 - - 14 16 13 15 13 20 13 18 17 4 23 12 12 _ _ 9 9 _ _ 26 13 12 17 22 9 27 11 18 15 24 8 8 _ - 9 9 . _ (S) T 2 12 T 8 16 5 13 5 9 7 25 10 10 _ . 11 11 . . (S) 10 8 9 6 8 5 11 (X) (XI 26 88 88 _ _ (s) (s) - - 160 152 139 221 280 255 223 180 228 264 27 422 394 28 - 388 372 10 6 465 436 383 492 719 T 573 T 438 485 641 907 28 12 12 10 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) IXI ( X) 29 18 18 - . 17 17 . - (X ) IX ) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) ( X 1 (X) 30 4 4 _ _ ( X ) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) tX) ( X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X ) (X 1 (X) 31 1 1 _ _ 7 7 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 32 12 12 - - 19 19 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 33 186 186 _ . 152 152 . _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) ( XI ( X) 34 31 31 _ . 37 37 _ _ 56 59 63 76 111 89 84 57 81 93 35 43 39 4 . 50 50 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) txi (X) 36 100 97 3 . 105 101 4 - 69 45 35 61 67 65 38 48 104 155 37 76 71 - 5 59 59 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 38 24 21 3 _ 18 IB _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 39 15 15 _ _ 5 5 _ - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 5 5 _ _ 9 9 _ (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X ) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI 41 64 64 _ _ 67 65 2 _ (X) (X) (X) (X I (X 1 (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X) 42 6 6 - - 8 8 - (X) tX) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X ) ( X 1 (X) 43 10 10 _ _ 17 17 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) 44 10 10 - _ 19 19 _ - (X ) (X) (X) (X) IX 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 45 46 46 _ . 98 98 - - 10 (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI 46 6 2 4 _ 9 7 2 _ 10 10 8 7 12 9 7 7 3 20 47 32 32 - - 8 8 - - (X) (X ) ( X ) (XI (X) (X) (X I (XI (XI (XI 48 8 8 _ _ 11 11 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (XI 49 1 1 _ _ 6 6 . _ 11 11 10 7 9 11 6 9 13 13 50 13 13 ■ ■ 13 13 ' (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (XI 51 79 79 103 101 2 81 40 70 101 165 151 (X ) (XI (X) (XI 52 7 1 _ 6 3 3 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 53 20 20 - 19 19 _ - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) ( X) (X) 54 3 1 2 _ 3 3 _ _ 1 - 3 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 55 7 7 - 9 9 - - T 10 3 5 (XI (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 1 1 _ _ 3 3 . _ (S) (S) 6 (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 57 5 5 „ _ 1 1 _ _ 6 15 17 (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 _ _ 6 5 _ _ . 1 - - 1 2 - 3 - 1 59 10 10 . . 2 2 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 60 30 30 - - 93 23 - 70 39 23 39 77 90 96 65 75 113 152 61 42 42 . _ 65 65 _ „ 87 75 97 83 132 90 (X) (X) (XI (X) 62 13 13 . _ 10 10 _ . (X ) iX) (X) ( X ) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 63 27 27 _ . 17 17 _ _ 32 31 (XI (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X) (XI 64 4 4 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 4 2 3 (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 8 8 - - 15 15 - - (S) 7 28 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 22 22 _ . 43 43 _ „ (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 67 _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ 1 . (X) (XI (X ) (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI 68 124 124 . _ 167 167 _ - 244 238 217 169 291 231 (XI (XI (XI (XI 69 2 2 _ _ 5 5 _ _ 3 13 14 (X) (X 1 ( X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 70 9 9 ■ ~ 3 3 " (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X 1 1 X) (XI ( XI (X) (XI 71 12 12 10 10 (X) (X ) 1 X ) (X) (X 1 (X) (X I ( X 1 (X) (XI 72 1 1 _ _ 7 7 _ _ IS) 5 1 1 2 (XI (X) IX ) (X) (XI 73 20 20 - - 24 24 - - (X ) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X) ( X) 74 302 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparabihty Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures lor the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuirg places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total numbei of housing units Number ol housing ir stiuctuies wi units h- Total number of housing units Numbei of housin m stiuctuies w g units th- Total number of housing units Number of housin. in structures w units th- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more MICHIGAN — CON. KALAMAZOO SMSA — COt>J. KALAMAZOO COUNTY ** — CON. 8 3 1 72 55 3 274 116 45 11 23 251 3 29 21 21 4 21 230 8 2 7 7 36 4 (S) 74 253 1 67 12 19 1 2 33 1 24 18 7 5 98 713 2 831 169 6 4 4 34 184 3 2 2 16 9 2 20 27 2 7 4 21 (S) 35 20 7 58 10 a 3 1 68 55 1 121 38 42 3 23 213 3 29 17 17 4 21 224 8 2 7 1 28 4 (S) 11 249 1 67 12 19 1 2 33 1 24 18 7 5 92 95 2 509 48 6 4 4 23 182 3 2 2 16 9 2 20 27 2 7 4 21 (S) 33 20 5 58 10 4 2 63 8 3 38 4 4 6 4 6 40 16 26 2 2 2 90 70 8 6 8 63 578 306 95 11 11 5 T 1 61 66 2 187 49 27 9 21 239 2 32 2 19 25 2 25 2 185 8 3 6 3 28 9 39 207 85 24 14 1 1 19 4 16 22 10 9 66 622 2 761 193 7 1 3 17 147 4 1 8 4 2 24 23 4 8 5 14 40 18 5 50 2 11 5 1 58 66 79 49 27 1 21 237 2 30 2 19 21 2 25 2 181 8 I 3 28 9 39 207 85 24 14 1 1 19 4 16 20 10 9 66 87 2 490 74 7 1 3 17 137 4 1 8 4 2 12 23 4 8 5 14 36 18 5 50 2 3 2 a 2 2 4 4 2 16 2 26 4 4 100 8 519 269 93 6 12 11 7 1 67 53 1 147 57 28 2 18 237 3 34 2 19 7 9 27 4 154 3 6 6 20 4 2 7 164 2 48 13 9 6 17 10 15 5 2 55 140 1 526 279 3 18 106 4 2 5 5 4 8 2 7 21 4 7 16 6 17 20 18 6 51 6 11 67 49 81 55 24 2 18 235 3 34 2 19 7 9 27 4 154 3 6 6 20 4 2 7 164 2 48 13 9 6 17 10 15 5 2 55 82 1 481 88 3 18 106 4 2 5 5 4 8 2 7 21 4 7 16 6 17 20 18 6 51 8 4 8 2 4 2 2 2 10 58 56 43 181 04 COMSTOCK TOWNSHIP -I-. •«.......• 05 COOPER TOWNSHIP -I-. .•.•..•...• 07 08 KALAMAZOO + KALAMAZOO TOWNSHIP -f... ....... 10 PARCHMENT. ............... 15 RICHLAND VILLAGE ..*.....*•.. 18 SCHOOLCRAFT VILLAGE 19 20 21 22 23 TEXAS TOWNSHIP VICKSBURG VILLAGE LANSING SMSA CLINTON COUNTY ♦* CLINTON COUNTY REMAINING AREA + DEWITT VILLAGE ELSIE VILLAGE 25 OVID VILLAGE .............. EATON COUNTY 29 30 31 32 33 CHARLOTTE DElTA TOWNSHIP + DIMONDALE VILLAGE EATON COUNTY UNINC. AREA 31 35 36 37 GRAND LEDGE MUlLIKEN VILLAGE OLIVET ONEIDA TOWNSHIP INGHAM COUNTY ** 41 AURELIUS TOWNSHIP. ..«••...... H2 BUNKER HILL TOWNSHIP •..••..... f|3 DELHI TOWNSHIP +. ....••••••• 45 46 LANSING + 47 LANSING TOWNSHIP + 46 49 50 LESLIE TOWNSHIP LESLIE VILLAGE LOCKE TOWNSHIP 51 MASON + 52 53 54 55 56 MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP + ONONDAGA TOWNSHIP STOCKBRIDGE TOWNSHIP STOCKBRIDGE VILLAGE VEVAY TOWNSHIP 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 WEBBERVILLE VILLAGE WHEATFIELO TOWNSHIP WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP WILLIAMSTON WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP MUSKEGON-MUSKEGON HEIGHTS SMSA MUSKEGON COUNTY •♦ BLUE LAKE TOWNSHIP CASNOVIA TOWNSHIP CASNOVIA VILLAGE CEDAR CREEK TOWNSHIP DALTON TOWNSHIP DALTON TOWNSHIP PART 2 70 71 7? FRUITPORT VILLAGE FRUITPORT TOWNSHIP + HOLTON TOWNSHIP RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 303 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, t See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1%0 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housins units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures wilt — number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number i ol ol ot of of ol of of of of ol of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units (X> (X) (X) (XI (XI (Xl (XI (X) (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 3 3 - - 1 1 - - T 1 1 3 ,x, (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 2 2 1 1 . (X 1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 72 70 2 . 120 115 5 _ 117 97 80 75 107 58 71 60 T 61 79 04 58 58 . _ 68 66 2 - 73 61 65 69 68 65 (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 _ _ 3 3 _ . 1 4 4 3 14 5 8 4 6 4 06 178 97 17 64 219 90 10 119 237 & 353 207 78 30 45 43 48 66 139 07 82 72 10 _ 119 113 6 _ 154 191 224 638 739 691 556 474 576 764 08 19 19 _ 19 15 4 _ 25 25 24 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 4 4 _ _ 8 4 4 . 11 a 19 14 26 10 6 11 20 34 10 9 9 . _ T 19 19 . (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 750 748 2 - 533 527 6 - 793 480 421 305 292 354 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 12 2 2 3 3 _ . (XI ( X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 27 27 _ . 33 33 . _ 31 33 24 13 15 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 2 2 _ _ 5 5 - - (X 1 1X1 (XI (X 1 (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 19 19 _ . (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI 16 2 2 - - 3 3 - - 31 23 23 18 20 11 (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 1 1 _ . 1 I . _ (X ) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 33 33 _ _ 40 40 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 1 1 ~ ~ 2 2 ~ ~ 3 4 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 120 120 136 134 2 145 162 177 203 169 140 139 116 T 102 T 140 21 3 3 _ . 4 4 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 9 9 _ _ IX 1 (XI (XI ( X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 4 4 _ _ 4 4 . (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI 25 18 18 14 It . T 17 14 22 T 33 35 tl 21 18 25 17 26 (X) (XI (XI (XI (x) (X) (X) U) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 1 1 2 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 14 14 _ _ 27 27 _ 1 T 26 20 29 34 40 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 128 128 _ . 119 115 4 - 132 120 178 168 142 109 81 54 44 59 30 5 5 _ _ 5 5 _ - T 3 - 4 2 T 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 17 17 18 18 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 11 11 _ _ 22 22 _ _ 21 24 17 19 25 36 (SI (SI T 21 32 34 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 3 3 _ _ ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 21 21 - - 24 24 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 I 1 6 6 . 13 59 2 2 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 21 21 - - 11 11 - - 20 24 19 29 26 T 23 (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 17 17 14 It 19 13 16 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 6 6 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 6 7 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 48 48 95 95 _ _ 147 158 183 199 280 255 244 149 152 o7 43 95 72 4 19 93 87 6 - T 133 98 & 854 T& 521 16 21 35 29 71 151 44 3 3 3 3 1 1 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 416 371 8 37 387 383 4 . 519 411 378 289 390 429 513 477 486 757 46 198 1 13 4 81 140 128 12 . 168 274 254 476 644 792 366 273 T 229 309 47 1 1 (XI (XI (X] (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 3 3 - - (SI (SI - (SI 3 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 4 4 2 2 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 44 44 _ _ 42 42 _ . (SI T 58 26 33 68 19 16 16 21 13 51 97 97 ^ _ 100 100 _ _ 127 200 361 294 360 303 266 203 T 172 204 52 i 1 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 5 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 _ 4 4 . 6 5 3 5 4 2 7 4 (SI 2 55 4 4 _ _ 5 5 _ „ 9 5 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 1 1 _ _ 2 2 _ _ 2 7 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 4 4 4 4 _ _ 4 4 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 (SI IS) - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 4 4 4 4 T 9 8 9 7 4 10 T 5 6 T 6 (X> 60 12 12 - - 17 17 ~ ~ 34 21 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 2 2 1 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 62 7 7 _ _ _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 _ _ 10 10 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 5 5 _ _ 3 3 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 13 13 - - 12 12 - - 15 28 35 42 40 49 50 54 41 29 66 2 2 (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 67 28 28 _ _ 27 27 _ . 40 50 54 59 78 75 113 110 (SI 37 68 20 20 _ _ 15 15 _ _ (SI (SI 32 35 41 55 66 37 28 18 69 2 2 _ 4 4 _ _ (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 70 63 63 - - 72 72 - - (XI ( X 1 ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 71 304 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or mote 1963 Total number of housing units Numbei ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 MICHIGAN — CON. MUSKEGOI^-MUSKEGON HEIGHTS SMSA — CON. I^USKEGOt>J COUNTY *♦ — CON. LAKETON TOWNSHIP -l- MONTAGUE MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP MOORLAND TOWNSHIP MUSKEGON + MUSKEGOIM TOWIMSHIP + MUSKEGON HEIGHTS NORTH MUSKEGON NORTOtM TOWNSHIP + RAVENNA TOWNSHIP RAVENNA VILLAGE ROOSEVELT PARK + SULLIVAN TOWNSHIP WHITEHALL WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP SAGINAW SMSA SAGINAW COUNTY ** ALBEE TOWNSHIP BIKCH RUN TOWNSHIP BIRCH RUN VILLAGE BLUMFIELD TOWNSHIP BRADY TOWNSHIP BRANT TOWNSHIP BRIDGEPORT TOWNSHIP + BUENA VISTA TOWNSHIP + CARROLLTON TOWNSHIP + CHESANING TOWNSHIP FRANKENMUTH FRANKENMUTH TOWNSHIP FREMONT TOWNSHIP JAMES TOWNSHIP JONESFIELO TOWNSHIP KOCHVILLE TOWNSHIP MAPLE GROVE TOWNSHIP MERRILL VILLAGE OAKLEY VILLAGE RICHLAND TOWNSHIP SAGINAW + SAGINAW TOWNSHIP + ST CHARLES TOWNSHIP ST CHARLES VILLAGE SPAULDING TOWNSHIP SWAN CREEK TOWNSHIP TAYMOUTH TOWNSHIP THOMAS TOWNSHIP TITTABAWASSEE TOWNSHIP ZILWAUKEE tt TOLEDOt OHIO-MICH. SMSA (SEE OHIOI PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ALCONA COUNTY HARRISVILLE ALGER COUNTY MUNISING ALLEGAN COUNTY ALLEGAN CLYDE TOWNSHIP DORR TOWNSHIP DOUGLAS VILLAGE FENNVILLE VILLAGE FILLMORE TOWNSHIP GUNPLAIN TOWNSHIP HEATH TOWNSHIP HOPKINS TOWNSHIP LAKETOWN TOWNSHIP OTSEGO PLAINWELL SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SAUGATUCK VILLAGE WAYLAND TOWNSHIP WAYLANO VILLAGE ALPENA COUNTY ALPENA ANTRIM COUNTY ANTRIM COUNTY UNINC. AREA BELLAIRE VILLAGE CENTRAL LAKE VILLAGE ELK RAPIDS VILLAGE 10 7 41 51 12 11 153 5 122 46 82 14 24 11 12 19 3 29 11 2 10 & 329 518 5 (S) 10 13 1 2 18 6 5 16 35 32 10 7 41 51 12 11 139 5 122 46 80 14 22 11 12 19 3 29 11 2 10 211 291 4 4 16 35 23 83 33 6 & 96 207 33 33 6 6 55 - 52 52 74 74 213 13 41 7 105 93 6 6 6 6 32 32 11 11 11 11 16 16 11 109 73 55 11 21 8 2 10 5 23 12 3 2 30 199 387 6 2 20 20 84 65 19 5 (SI (S) 200 34 12 7 21 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 _ 91 10 73 - 55 - 11 - 21 _ 6 - 2 - 10 - 5 - 23 _ 12 - 3 - 2 - 30 - 187 12 246 16 6 - 2 - 20 - 20 - - - 65 - 19 - 5 2 - 5 - 6 2 (S) - (S) - 6 - 1 - 8 _ 12 - 10 - 8 - 18 - 3 _ 3 - 3 - 2 - - - 1 - 32 - & 69 _ 8 - - — 12 - 23 9 1 18 166 309 11 2 23 11 93 52 24 8 23 9 1 14 155 221 11 2 23 11 50 24 8 10 10 (S) (S) 14 14 1 1 1 1 9 9 11 11 7 7 8 8 17 17 5 5 6 6 17 17 5 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 305 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Tolal Numbei of housing units Tolal Numbei of housing unils Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total "i nuiiibei in sli uctmes with- numbei in sliuctures wilh- number of number ol number of number of number of number of numbei of number ol number of number of = of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 unils housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing n units units 01 more units units 01 more unils units units unils units units units unils units units 60 60 59 59 70 62 59 69 57 75 85 51 T 25 31 01 8 8 . _ 11 11 - - 8 6 20 39 27 59 22 14 12 15 02 6 6 - . 7 7 . - IX) IX) (X) ( X ) (X ) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (XI 03 7 7 - - 5 5 - - 14 8 7 10 4 8 5 3 1 2 04 99 55 2 42 70 70 _ . 80 92 106 135 134 105 165 98 117 132 05 94 94 - . 92 92 _ _ 124 90 152 155 197 209 237 167 T 131 98 06 11 9 2 - 15 15 - - 22 14 24 21 44 57 56 91 81 67 07 21 21 . _ 27 2" - - 23 26 36 39 56 62 61 47 44 39 08 162 162 - - IS) (S. - - (XI IX) (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 09 5 5 _ _ ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 10 3 3 _ - 4 4 - - (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 11 36 36 . . 42 42 _ _ 54 37 36 41 70 37 41 31 T 2 3 12 23 23 - - 30 30 _ - (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X 1 (XI (X) 13 9 9 . _ 5 5 _ _ 23 30 34 39 (S) 14 18 16 15 12 14 a 8 ■ ' 4 4 " ' (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 15 23 23 26 14 12 19 T 16 (SI T 19 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 16 12 12 - - 15 15 - - 30 13 14 (S) (SI (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI 17 1 1 _ _ 2 2 _ . (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI 18 7 7 - - 13 13 . - 7 10 (S) (S) (X) IX) (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI 19 5 5 - - 7 7 - - (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI IX) 20 5 5 _ _ (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 21 76 76 - - 110 108 2 . 89 63 75 98 128 T 70 (SI (XI (XI (X) 22 63 83 - - 91 91 _ - 114 201 93 (S) 148 186 (SI (XI (XI (XI 23 69 63 6 - T 67 67 - - T 62 T 41 19 56 93 (S) (SI (XI (X) (XI 24 14 14 - - 5 5 - - T 14 19 20 37 (S) (SI (X) (X) IX) (X) 25 42 32 10 _ 14 14 _ _ 9 16 16 14 23 U (S) (X) ( XI (X) 26 7 7 . . 9 9 _ . 7 6 17 8 T 6 5 (S) (X) (XI (X) 27 U 11 - _ 5 5 - _ (X) (X) (Xl (XI IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 28 19 19 - - 17 15 2 - T 17 7 11 13 (S) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (X) 29 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI (X) (X) IXI (X) 30 18 18 _ _ 15 15 _ _ 15 17 18 (SI (S) (Xl (X) (X) (XI (X) 31 15 15 _ . 13 13 _ _ 12 12 17 21 5 8 (SI 1 X ) (X) (X) 32 4 4 - _ 3 3 . _ 3 2 1 6 5 8 7 1 1 - 33 - _ - _ (X) (X) (X) (XI 1 X ) (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 34 20 20 - - 22 22 - - T 12 13 (S) (S) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 35 191 130 11 _ 232 230 2 _ 8 374 234 209 289 309 & 641 394 375 433 575 36 258 238 20 . 302 302 . _ 329 311 450 332 412 381 187 211 155 144 37 9 9 . _ 9 9 - - 6 12 3 9 (S) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 38 7 7 - - 1 1 - - (XI (X ) (X ) (X) (X) 60 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ . (X) (X) ( X) (XI (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 61 6 6 _ . 4 4 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) 1 XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 62 8 8 - - (S) (S) - - 8 7 8 20 21 10 12 19 8 11 63 30 30 - - 40 40 - - 37 39 & 81 53 112 62 58 4 93 40 58 64 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) ( X ) IX) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) ( X 1 ( X ) (X) (X) ( X) 65 1 1 . _ 4 4 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) 66 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) 67 2 2 - - 5 5 - - 8 - (S) (SI 10 (SI (X 1 (X> IX 1 (X) 68 306 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown m the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 MICHIGAN — COt>J. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. ANTRIM COUNTY — CON. ELLSWORTH VILLAGE MANCELONA VILLAGE ARENAC COUNTY AU GRES OMER STAND I SH BARAGA COUNTY L'ANSE VILLAGE BARRY COUNTY BALTIMORE TOWNSHIP BARRY TOWNSHIP CASTLETON TOWNSHIP FREEPORT VILLAGE HASTINGS HOPE TOWNSHIP JOHNSTOWN TOWNSHIP MIDDLEVILLE VILLAGE PRAIRIEVILLE TOWNSHIP WOODLAND TOWNSHIP WOODLAND VILLAGE BENZIE COUNTY BENZONIA VILLAGE BEULAH VILLAGE ELBERTA VILLAGE FRANKFORT HONOR VILLAGE LAKE ANN VILLAGE THOMPSONVILLE VILLAGE BERRIEN COUNTY BAINBRIDGE TOWNSHIP + BARODA TOWNSHIP BARODA VILLAGE BENTON TOWNSHIP + BENTON HARBOR BERRIEN TOWNSHIP BERRIEN SPRINGS VILLAGE BERTRAND TOWNSHIP BRIDGMAIM BUCHANAN BUCHANAN TOWNSHIP COLOMA COLOMA TOWNSHIP + GALIEN VILLAGE GRAND BEACH VILLAGE HAGAR TOWNSHIP LAKE TOWNSHIP LINCOLN TOWNSHIP + MICHIANA VILLAGE NEW BUFFALO TOWNSHIP NEW BUFFALO VILLAGE NILES NILES TOWNSHIP + ORONOKO TOWNSHIP + PIPESTONE TOWNSHIP ROYALTON TOWNSHIP ST JOSEPH ST JOSEPH TOWNSHIP •^ SHOREHAM VILLAGE SODUS TOWNSHIP STEVENSVILLE VILLAGE THREE OAKS VILLAGE WATERVLIET WATERVLIET TOWNSHIP BRANCH COUNTY COLDWATER QUINCY VILLAGE SHERWOOD VILLAGE CALHOUN COUNTY ALBION ATHENS VILLAGE BATTLE CREEK + t> BATTLE CREEK TOWNSHIP -f BEDFORD TOWNSHIP + CONVIS TOWNSHIP . . EMMEIT TOWNSHIP -f HOMER VILLAGE LEE TOWNSHIP LE ROY TOWNSHIP MARENGO TOWNSHIP MARSHALL 105 10 11 5 7 3 13 26 4 23 2 5 28 21 151 2 14 36 34 56 54 15 24 146 r 78 2 18 11 6 5 105 - 6 4 11 _ 5 - 7 - 3 . 5 8 26 _ 4 - 21 2 - 2 5 - 26 2 19 2 151 - 2 - 14 - 32 4 30 4 56 - 42 6 15 - 24 . 10 - 78 - 2 - 18 - 5 6 6 - 2 3 24 24 159 137 58 39 8 8 29 29 3 3 2 2 13 13 7 7 31 31 3 1 (S) 10 10 6 83 12 17 26 9 9 26 5 16 3 5 24 7 160 2 18 40 27 85 55 17 20 21 105 2 2 17 7 2 14 (S) 26 2 35 131 110 4 39 3 T 3 14 11 21 3 1 (S) 10 - 10 - 6 - 83 - 5 - _ _ 17 - 26 - 9 - 7 2 26 _ 5 - 16 - 3 - 5 - 16 _ 5 2 156 4 2 - 18 - 32 8 21 6 85 - 45 10 17 - 20 . 19 2 105 - 2 - 2 - 5 12 3 4 2 - 9 - 14 _ (SI - ~ ■ 26 _ 2 - 29 6 105 8 38 - 4 . 33 - 3 - 3 - 14 - 11 . 21 - 6 11 5 & 272 11 10 7 21 10 9 13 11 22 2 7 26 15 125 2 16 29 18 115 33 9 19 17 82 3 (S) 45 158 60 5 58 3 8 6 16 3 3 7 7 2 2 16 16 6 6 10 10 18 18 10 10 2 2 6 11 5 & 266 7 7 21 10 9 13 7 22 2 7 24 15 123 2 16 29 18 HI 25 17 17 82 3 tS) 18 4 45 146 60 5 56 3 8 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 307 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13 - See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols; "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 monlhs but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 Total nuniber of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- 10 10 (XI (XI - - 18 18 10 10 - - 7 7 15 15 (XI (XI 2-4 5 units units or more 26 22 20 20 1 1 02 100 6 6 17 17 6 6 26 26 9 9 9 7 10 10 14 14 36 36 26 26 20 20 96 94 3 3 19 19 31 31 24 24 82 78 41 37 11 11 23 23 26 25 113 113 2 2 12 12 10 10 11 11 2 2 (X) (XI 36 36 2 2 84 84 115 HI 71 71 5 5 74 74 2 2 2 2 20 20 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— (XI (XI 1 13 (XI (XI (XI 1 2-4 units 1 48 1 148 19 15 15 15 6 5 28 28 18 18 15 15 13 13 6 6 49 49 141 141 16 16 133 89 3 3 24 21 35 35 27 27 85 85 47 47 (SI (SI 15 15 30 30 126 125 4 4 (SI (SI 15 13 3 3 (S) (SI 13 13 167 73 147 51 6 6 139 139 7 7 3 3 12 12 6 6 27 27 (XI (X) 5 units or more 1959 Total number of housing units (X) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 132 8 T 10 15 15 (XI 24 (XI (XI (X I (XI (XI T 3 11 33 42 121 57 (SI T 26 28 157 (SI (XI 7 5 (SI (XI (SI T 7 (XI T 22 (XI 208 184 (XI 160 (XI (SI 35 1958 Total number of housing units (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 5 1 (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 3 T 9 13 15 T 15 (XI 22 (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI 32 46 84 14 (SI 36 22 115 (SI (XI 1 (SI (XI 13 (X) ' 1^ 183 196 (XI 85 (XI 2 26 1957 Total number of housing units (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 4 214 13 20 (S) 33 35 9 (XI 16 (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI 3 25 25 59 153 16 26 40 180 13 (XI (SI (XI 27 5 (XI 11 (XI ! 1^"? 227 131 (XI T 58 (XI (SI 15 T 8 32 1956 Total number of housing units (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 3 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 3 191 (SI (SI (SI (XI (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (SI (SI (SI (SI 133 (SI (SI 62 157 5 (XI 3 3 (SI (XI 85 5 (XI 71 (XI ai 218 (SI (XI (SI (XI (SI (SI (SI Hi 1955 Total number of housing units (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1 3 (XI 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 193 31 (SI (SI (SI 14 28 (XI (SI (X) (XI (S) (X) (XI (XI (SI (SI (SI T 45 (SI (SI (SI 48 160 5 7 (SI (XI 40 2 (XI 23 (XI I '1=' 297 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (SI 34 1954 Total number of housing units (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 3 2 (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 176 32 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 2 33 (XI (S) (XI 5 (XI 141 318 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 1953 Total number of housing units (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 2 (XI 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 1 261 (XI (XI (XI 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 (X] (X) (XI 36 (XI (XI (XI 1 14 tXI (XI (SI (XI 245 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 1952 Total number of housing units 1951 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 170 14 (XI (XI (XI 11 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 60 (XI (XI (XI 77 (XI (XI (XI T 6 14 (XI (XI (X) 5 (XI (XI 275 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI I 30 Total number of housing units (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 3 T - (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (S) 104 (XI (XI (XI 9 29 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 68 (XI (XI (XI T 3 83 (XI (XI (XI (SI 13 (XI (XI 100 (XI 208 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 1950 Total number of housing units ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI 11 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 T 117 & 150 (XI (XI (X) 11 T 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 73 (X) (XI (XI 2 97 (XI (XI (XI 2 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 243 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 67 68 59 70 71 72 73 308 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated (or each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the dehnition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 0> Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 13 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more MICHIGAN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. 01 02 CALHOUN COUNTY — CON. MARSHALL TOWNSHIP NEWTON TOWNSHIP PENNFIELD TOWNSHIP -f 34 2 42 34 2 42 - - 19 2 40 19 2 40 - - 21 2 30 21 2 28 2 - 04 05 06 07 08 CASS COUNTY CASSOPOLIS VILLAGE DOWAGIAC EOWARDSBURG VILLAGE HOWARD TOWNSHIP MARCELLUS TOWNSHIP 5 2 2 48 2 27 13 40 10 23 29 1 5 2 2 48 2 27 5 40 10 23 29 1 8 - 2 4 4 35 2 1 23 4 T 35 16 16 27 1 2 4 4 35 2 1 23 4 35 16 16 27 1 - - 10 4 2 37 8 1 14 2 51 9 20 16 3 4 2 37 8 1 14 2 51 9 20 16 7 - 09 10 11 MARCELLUS VILLAGE MILTON TOWNSHIP NEWBERG TOWNSHIP 15 16 PORTER TOWNSHIP. ............ SILVER CREEK TOWNSHIP * VANDALIA VILLAGE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY 12 2 23 7 (S> 6 2 3 & 106 19 5 11 12 2 23 7 IS) 6 2 3 6 19 5 11 _ & 100 8 1 6 8 (S) 4 1 8 10 6 7 5 8 1 6 6 (SI 4 1 8 10 6 7 5 2 _ 5 4 14 8 1 5 2 3 14 10 3 5 8 22 5 4 14 8 1 5 2 3 14 10 3 5 8 22 - - 18 BOYNE FALLS VILLAGE 19 20 21 CHARLEVOIX CHARLEVOIX TOWNSHIP EAST JORDAN r>-> CHEBOYGAN COUNTY •3T CHIPPEWA COUNTY 26 27 28 29 30 CLARE COUNTY CLARE FARWELL VILLAGE FROST TOWNSHIP GRANT TOWNSHIP HARRISON ................ 31 WINTERFIELD TOWNSHIP 32 33 CRAWFORD COUNTY GRAYLING GRAYLING TOWNSHIP 2 26 2 26 - - 5 14 5 14 - - 6 18 6 18 - _ 34 35 36 37 DELTA COUNTY BALDWIN TOWNSHIP BARK RIVER TOWNSHIP BRAMPTON TOWNSHIP CORNELL TOWNSHIP ESCANABA 1 32 5 2 6 4 1 1 32 5 2 6 4 1 ; - 2 4 1 43 5 2 5 7 2 4 1 43 5 2 5 7 - - 7 2 1 28 8 5 5 12 7 2 1 28 8 5 5 12 - - 'in 41 42 43 GARDEN TOWNSHIP GLADSTONE MAPLE RIDGE TOWNSHIP 44 MASONVILLE TOWNSHIP 4 1 3 10 8 4 1 3 10 8 : - 2 1 10 13 9 2 1 10 13 9 - - 8 23 15 14 8 23 15 14 _ - 45 '16 NAHMA TOWNSHIP 47 48 DICKINSON COUNTY IRON MOUNTAIN KINGSFORD 49 50 51 EMMET COUNTY ALANSON VILLAGE HARBOR SPRINGS 1 5 40 1 5 23 - 17 3 10 3 10 - - 2 8 2 8 - - 52 53 GLADWIN COUNTY BEAVERTON GLADWIN 11 5 3 5 - 8 5 3 5 3 - - 1 7 1 7 - _ 54 55 56 GOGEBIC COUNTY IRONWOOD IRONWOOD TOWNSHIP WAKEFIELD • 1 45 18 12 2 9 7 1 45 18 12 2 9 3 4 - 2 39 23 4 3 3 5 2 39 23 4 3 3 5 - - 1 28 16 2 1 2 3 1 28 16 2 1 2 3 - _ 57 S8 GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY FIFE LAKE VILLAGE TRAVERSE CITY + 59 60 61 62 63 GRATIOT COUNTY ALMA ARCADA TOWNSHIP ASHLEY VILLAGE -f BRECKENRIDGE VILLAGE ITHACA 64 ITHACA VILLAGE 7 1 6 3 1 6 4 - 5 2 14 5 2 14 - - 3 8 3 8 - - 65 66 PERRINTON VILLAGE ST LOUIS RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 309 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7- Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in sliucluies with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 5 units units or more Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units 42 42 7 7 57 57 2 2 4 4 (S) (S) 31 31 5 T 57 & 49 2 9 5 5 (X) 10 5 5 (X) 10 6 6 (X) (X) 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 29 29 11 11 7 7 3 3 8 8 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X) 19 19 25 25 2 2 (X) (X) 14 14 2 2 1 1 2 2 37 37 30 30 6 6 1 1 1 1 (X) (X) 7 3 2 44 (X) (X) (X) (X) 40 25 - 6 - 93 - 7 . 3 - 2 - 44 . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 40 (S) 3 3 1 3 1 10 10 31 31 11 11 2 2 6 6 (X ] (X) 12 12 2 2 27 27 (X) (X) 6 6 1 1 2 2 46 46 7 7 2 2 4 4 13 1 13 1 5 5 (X) (X) 23 23 26 26 2 2 (X) (X) 7 7 2 2 (X) IX) 2 2 1 1 44 28 24 24 13 13 2 2 5 5 (X) 1X1 3 3 2 2 12 12 (X) (X) 9 7 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X I (S) (S) 2 IS) IS) 5 IS) 2 IX) 35 • 12 2 IX) IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 6 IX) 23 IX) IX) 3 IX) 1X1 2 15 IX) 54 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) IX) T - T 5 IX) 3 IX) 26 1 IX) IX) 2 IX) 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) 10 IX) 3 IX) 69 21 IX) IX) 6 IX) IX) 12 1 122 11 IX) 67 IX) IX) I X) IX) IX) 15 IX) IX) 12 IX) T 6 IX) 1 35 IX) T 7 IX) 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 3 IX) 22 IX) 19 IX) IX) 10 IX) IX) 1 10 IS) IS) IS) 3 16 IX) 69 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 12 IX) (X) T 22 3 16 2 IX) IX) 22 IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 2 IX) 25 IX) IX) 106 27 IX) IX) IX) 2 11 IS) IS) IS) 10 5 IX) 53 IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX I IX) IX) 5 3 17 IX) IX) 81 IX) IX) 19 IX) 3 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) 10 IX) IX) 162 51 IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 15 12 IX) 49 IX) tXl IX) IX) IX) 19 IX) IX) IX) 67 IX) IX) 18 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) 13 IX) IX) 73 47 IX) IX) IX) 2 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) 2 1X1 14 IX) 110 15 4 (X) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXl 1X1 1X1 IX) 7 IX) 16 IX) 7 IX) so 36 IX) IX) 5 IX ) IX) 12 IX) IX) IX) T 6 56 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 3 IS) 1 1 IX) 3 13 IX) IX) 37 IX) IX) IX) IX) 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 17 1X1 IX) 46 21 IX) IX) 3 IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 25 1X1 1X1 IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX) IX) IX) IX) 3 2 IS) IX) 6 20 IX) IX) 40 15 3 IX) IX) IX) IX) T 6 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 1X1 20 IX) 2 IXl o7 32 1X1 1X1 4 IXl IX) 1 7 IX) 1X1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 3 IS) I X) 3 12 IX) IX) 103 16 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) 10 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) 36 IX) 16 IX) 101 39 1X1 1X1 2 IX) IX) 310 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more MICHIGAN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. HILLSDALE COUNTY HILLSDALE. . . READING. . . . HOUGHTON COUNTY CALUMET VILLAGE. . . HANCOCK HOUGHTON VILLAGE . . LAKE LINDEN VILLAGE. LAURIUM VILLAGE. . . SOUTH RANGE VILLAGE. HURON COUNTY BAD AXE CASEVILLE TOWNSHIP CASEVILLE VILLAGE. ELKTON VILLAGE . . HARBOR BEACH . . . KINDE VILLAGE. . . . PIGEON VILLAGE . . . PORT AUSTIN VILLAGE. SEBEWAING VILLAGE. . IONIA COUNTY *♦ BElDING CLARKSVILLE VILLAGE. . . IONIA IONIA COUNTY UNINC. AREA LAKE ODESSA VILLAGE. . . LYONS VILLAGE. . MUIR VILLAGE . . PEWAMO VILLAGE . PORTLAND VILLAGE SARANAC VILLAGE. IOSCO COUNTY ALABASTER TOWNSHIP AU SABLE TOWNSHIP. EAST TAWAS .... GRANT TOWNSHIP . . OSCODA TOWNSHIP. . RENO TOWNSHIP. TAWAS CITY . . TAWAS TOWNSHIP IRON COUNTY ALPHA VILLAGE. . . . BATES TOWNSHIP . . . CRYSTAL FALLS. . . . IRON RIVER TOWNSHIP. STAMBAUGH STAMBAUGH TOWNSHIP . ISABELLA COUNTY 1(2 MOUNT PLEASANT . H3 SHEPHERD VILLAGE LAKE COUNTY LAKE TOWNSHIP NEWKIRK TOWNSHIP .... PEACOCK TOWNSHIP .... PLEASANT PLAINS TOWNSHIP SAUBLE TOWNSHIP SWEETWATER TOWNSHIP. WEBBER TOWNSHIP. . . YATES TOWNSHIP . . . LEELANAU COUNTY EMPIRE VILLAGE . . . NORTHPORT VILLAGE. . SUTTONS BAY VILLAGE. LENAWEE COUNTY ADDISON VILLAGE. . ADRIAN + ADRIAN TOWNSHIP. . BLISSFIELD VILLAGE BRITTON VILLAGE. . CAMBRIDGE TOWNSHIP CLINTON VILLAGE. . DEERFIELD VILLAGE. FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. HUDSON HUDSON TOWNSHIP. MACON TOWNSHIP . MADISON TOWNSHIP MEDINA TOWNSHIP. MORENCI ONSTED VILLAGE . PALMYRA TOWNSHIP 8 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 6 6 18 18 6 6 3 3 3 3 7 7 1 1 3 3 4 a 12 12 1 1 8 4 S) (S) 7 7 1 1 3 3 ~ ~ 3 3 33 33 33 33 10 10 4 4 22 22 8 8 2 2 3 3 8 8 _ _ IS) (SI 1 1 21 21 2 2 5 5 19 19 3 3 50 34 10 10 . 3 3 - - 14 14 4 4 _ _ 11 11 11 11 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 17 17 18 18 7 7 2 2 22 22 2 2 - - 5 5 7 7 2 2 6 6 2 2 12 12 1 1 5 5 12 12 6 6 10 10 5 5 1 1 3 3 3 3 (SI (S) 11 11 7 7 91 91 7 5 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 10 10 (S) (S) 15 15 7 7 6 6 11 11 4 4 - - _ . 8 8 10 10 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 12 12 I 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 311 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected perrrat-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. g See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table 8-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in strucluies with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of tiousmg units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 7 7 3 3 2 1 2 1 4 4 14 14 7 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 14 14 88 88 3 1 2 2 1 1 14 14 4 4 9 9 20 20 13 13 16 16 IX] (X) (X) 2 14 (XI 2 14 (X) 10 10 3 3 5 5 17 17 3 3 27 27 16 16 5 5 2 2 2 2 . 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 34 34 8 8 1 1 - - 1 XI (X) 2 2 - - 2 2 12 12 - - 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 5 1 1 5 5 5 10 10 7 7 7 7 3 3 9 9 1 1 13 13 (X) 12 22 (X) (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI 6 2 (XI (XI 12 - 22 - (X) (XI 11 ~ 9 ~ (XI (X) (XI (X) 3 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 16 16 7 7 2 2 6 6 5 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 24 14 11 11 9 9 2 2 67 67 3 3 (SI (SI (XI (XI (X) (XI 4 4 26 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI (X) (XI 20 (XI 21 (X) T 5 3 (X) (X) 14 (XI (XI 1X1 IX) IXI 9 (XI (XI (XI (X I IX) IX) IX) 29 IXI (XI (XI (XI (X I IX) IX) 1X1 T 1 T 3 1X1 58 1X1 (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 IXI IXI IXI T 1 14 IXI IXI IXI (XI (XI 7 (XI 5 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI (XI 25 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 104 IX) (XI 1X1 IXI IXI IXI 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 7 IXI 1X1 1X1 5 IXI 1X1 IXI (XI (XI 10 (XI 5 (XI 3 1 (XI (XI n (XI 1X1 1X1 15 1 IXI (XI 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 (XI (XI IX) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 3 IXI 105 (X) 13 (X) (XI (XI 1X1 IXI 1X1 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI (XI (XI 13 7 (XI IXI 7 IXI 1X1 (XI 10 T 21 (XI T 16 IXI 3 1 IXI 1X1 13 1X1 (XI (XI 23 2 (XI (XI 17 (X) IX) IXI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 47 IXI IXI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 1 1 IX) 95 (X) 11 (X) (XI IXI 1X1 1X1 1X1 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI 2 (XI (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI 10 26 (XI (X) 6 (X) (X ) 14 IXI IXI (XI 20 (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 (XI IXI IXI 1X1 IXI IX) IXI 1X1 IXI 1X1 T 1 2 (XI 93 (XI 17 IXI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI IX I IXI (X I (XI (XI (XI T 6 2 (XI (XI 1X1 3 12 9 IXI IXI 2 IXI (XI 1X1 13 1X1 15 IXI 7 IXI (XI 20 (XI 28 1 1X1 1X1 10 IXI (XI (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) 35 IX) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI 48 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI 5 11 1X1 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI 7 27 (XI 13 (XI 5 2 (XI (XI (SI (XI (X) (XI 26 (SI (XI (XI 7 (X) (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI T - (X) 81 IXI 16 IXI IXI (X) (X) (X) IXI 5 1X1 1X1 1X1 (XI IXI IXI IXI 1X1 T 2 IXI (XI IX) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI i 43 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 23 1X1 1X1 IXI 7 IXI 1X1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 45 IX) (XI (XI (XI IX) IX) (XI IX) IX) IX) 1 T 1 (XI 92 (X) 16 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 2 IXI (XI (XI T - (SI (XI (XI 7 (XI IXI IXI T 11 16 IXI 5 1X1 IXI IXI IXI 1X1 IX) IX) 10 IXI IXI IXI 7 (XI IXI 1X1 IX) 1X1 1X1 IXI 37 IXI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI IXI T 1 (XI 53 (XI 20 IX) (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 2 IXI IXI 1X1 14 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI r 13 21 (XI 2 IXI 10 IXI IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI IXI 23 IXI IXI 12 1X1 IXI 1X1 IXI IXI 1X1 IXI 59 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 92 (X) 24 (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI (XI 10 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 70 (XI 71 (XI 72 312 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 "*97 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more MICHIGAN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. LEt^AWEE COUNTY — CON. RIDGEWAY TOWNSHIP ROLLIN TOWNSHIP ROME TOWNSHIP TECUMSEH TECUMSEH TOWl^JSHIP WOODSTOCK TOWNSHIP LIVINGSTON COUIMTY ♦* BRIGHTON HOWELL LIVINGSTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS MACKINAC COUNTY MACKINAC ISLAND ST IGNACE MANISTEE COUNTY BEAR LAKE VILLAGE FILER TOWNSHIP MANISTEE liANISTEE TOWNSHIP . . MARQUETTE COUNTY CHOCOLAY TOWNSHIP FORSYTH TOWNSHIP ISHPEMING ISHPEMING TOWNSHIP MARQUETTE + MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP . c NEGAUNEE SANDS TOWNSHIP MASON COUNTY BRANCH TOWNSHIP HAMLIN TOWNSHIP LUDINGTON SCOTTVILLE MECOSTA COUNTY BIG RAPIDS GREEN TOWNSHIP MENOMINEE COUNTY DAGGETT VILLAGE MENOMINEE NADEAU TOWNSHIP. . . POWERS VILLAGE STEPHENSON VILLAGE MIDLAND COUNTY GREENDALE TOWNSHIP HOMER TOWNSHIP LARKIN TOWNSHIP MIDLAND + MIDLAND TOWNSHIP MOUNT HALEY TOWNSHIP MISSAUKEE COUNTY LAKE CITY MCBAIN MONTCALM COUNTY CARSON CITY VILLAGE EOMORE VILLAGE EUREKA TOWNSHIP GREENVILLE HOWARD CITY VILLAGE LAKEVIEW VILLAGE MONTCALM TOWNSHIP . . SHERIDAN VILLAGE MONTMORENCY COUNTY HILLMAN VILLAGE NEWAYGO COUNTY ASHLAND TOWNSHIP BRIDGETON TOWNSHIP BROOKS TOWNSHIP DAYTON TOWNSHIP FREMONT GARFIELD TOWNSHIP GRANT VILLAGE LINCOLN TOWNSHIP NEWAYGO VILLAGE SHERIDAN VILLAGE WHITE CLOUD WILCOX TOWNSHIP OCEANA COUNTY ELBRID6E TOWNSHIP HART HESPERIA VILLAGE 13 20 334 3 8 328 1 1 18 18 11 11 16 16 22 22 13 13 8 8 18 18 38 30 9 9 19 19 15 11 3 3 15 15 7 7 17 13 1 1 2 2 27 27 8 8 329 259 7 7 9 9 25 25 17 17 10 10 2 2 16 16 3 3 7 46 277 3 18 17 204 (S) 6 46 269 3 15 17 197 (S) 6 (S) (S) 10 10 42 36 14 14 3 3 1 1 2 2 13 13 7 7 2 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 10 10 3 3 23 15 230 230 3 3 16 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 28 28 9 9 10 10 52 48 7 7 4 4 1 1 6 6 18 18 22 22 1 1 6 6 19 19 7 7 128 128 5 5 3 3 18 18 14 14 15 9 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 313 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly In tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, ? See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols; "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing in sliuctuies with jnits Total numbei of housing units Number of housing in siructures witt units — Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 unils or more '3 1 11 1 11 . (S) 5 (S) 5 . (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 02 1 9 a 12 1 9 4 10 2 - 2 17 1 18 2 17 1 18 - . (X) T 34 (X) (X) (X) 74 (XI (X 1 ( XI 97 (XI (XI (X) 86 (XI (X 1 (X 1 56 (X 1 (XI (X) 79 (XI (X) (X) 43 (XI (XI (X) 17 (XI (XI (X) 14 (XI (XI (XI 31 (XI (X) 03 04 05 06 1 4 238 1 4 236 2 - 10 235 10 235 - - (X ) 21 (X) (XI 20 (X) (XI (S) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI ( XI (XI (X) (X) 07 08 09 2 4 2 4 - - (X) (S) (X) (SI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 10 11 5 13 11 8 5 13 11 8 - - 3 19 12 12 3 19 12 12 - - (X) (X) 14 (X) (X) (X) 20 (X) (XI (X) 15 (X) ( X ) (XI 33 ( X ) (XI (XI 24 (XI (X) (X) 12 (XI (XI (X) 11 (XI (X) (X) 11 (XI ( XI (X) 11 (XI (XI (XI 28 (XI 12 13 14 15 12 (X) 5 1 22 12 (X) 5 1 18 (X) 4 (X) 19 (X) 5 5 52 19 (X) 5 5 44 (X) 8 (X) (X ) (X) 4 (XI & 427 (XI (X) 8 ( X 1 & 158 (XI (X) 19 ( XI 71 (XI (XI 14 (XI 71 (X) (XI 13 (X) 73 (XI (X) 15 (XI & 63 (XI (X) 30 (XI 53 (X) (XI 24 (XI 50 (XI (XI 113 (X 1 37 (X) (XI 27 (XI 63 16 17 18 19 20 5 3 2 5 3 2 ■ - 13 4 (XI 13 4 (X) (X) ( X) (X) 5 (X) (XI 4 (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI (X) 10 (XI (XI 9 (X) (XI 19 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 21 22 23 7 29 20 2 7 29 20 2 ~ - 4 15 17 1 4 15 17 1 - ~ (X) (X ) 37 5 (X) (XI 25 4 (XI (XI 36 4 ( XI (XI 33 5 (XI (X) 73 7 (XI (XI 45 12 (X) (X) 25 2 (X) (X 1 24 6 (X) (X) 21 (XI (XI 26 3 24 25 26 27 27 (X) 11 (X) (X) 16 (X) 17 (X) 17 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 28 29 1 9 3 2 2 1 9 3 2 2 ; - 13 (XI (X) 4 13 (X) (XI 4 (X) (X) (X) ( X) 27 (X) (X) (X) 44 (X) (XI (X) 40 (X) (X) (X) 59 (XI (X 1 (XI 84 (X 1 (XI (XI 62 (XI (X) (X) 47 (XI (XI (X) 35 (XI (XI (XI T - 52 (XI (XI (XI 61 (XI (XI (XI 30 31 32 33 34 12 21 10 174 (X) 12 21 10 174 (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) 14 202 (XI (X) 3 (X) 14 202 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) 197 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 226 (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 733 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 610 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 352 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 252 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 211 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) T 389 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 207 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 248 (XI (XI 35 36 37 38 39 40 7 7 - 4 1 4 1 - - (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 41 42 2 3 3 37 1 2 3 3 37 1 - 7 2 12 15 1 7 2 12 15 1 - ■ (XI (X) (XI 18 (X) (XI (XI (X) 20 (X) (XI (XI (XI 23 (XI (X) (XI (X) 40 (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (SI (XI (X) iX) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 43 44 45 46 47 1 (X) 1 (X) (X) ( X) 1 (X) IX) 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 48 49 50 - - - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 51 6 4 25 13 19 6 4 25 13 9 10 "• 4 15 (X) 17 4 15 (X) 17 (XI (X) (X I (X) (X) (X) 16 (XI (XI (X) (X) 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 (X) (X) (XI (X) 19 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 17 (XI (X) (X) (X) 16 (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (X) (XI (XI (XI 15 (X) (XI (X) (X) 19 (XI (X) (X) (XI 28 52 53 54 55 56 13 3 3 8 13 3 3 8 - - 8 2 17 8 2 17 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (X 1 (XI (X) (X) 1 (X) (X 1 (XI (X 1 2 (XI (XI ( X I (X ) 4 (X) (X 1 (XI ( XI 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (S) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 58 59 60 61 2 2 2 2 - - 2 8 2 8 - - 2 6 3 10 10 8 2 7 T 10 8 8 (SI 4 (XI (S) ( XI (SI ( XI 62 63 1 8 1 8 - - 4 7 7 4 - (X) 2 (X) 6 (XI 7 (XI 4 (XI 6 (X 1 1 (XI 7 (XI e (XI 9 (XI T 16 64 65 314 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabehcal listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "Sl.O to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more MICHIGAN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. OCEANA COUNTY — CON. NEW ERA VILLAGE NEIKFIELD TOWNSHIP PENTWATER TOWNSHIP SHELBY VILLAGE WALKERVILLE VILLAGE OGEMAW COUNTY ROSE CITY WEST BRANCH ONTONAGON COUNTY ONTONAGON VILLAGE OSCEOLA COUNTY EVART HERSEY VILLAGE REED CITY OTSEGO COUNTY GAYLORD VANDERBiLT VILLAGE PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY POSEN VILLAGE ROGERS CITY ROSCOMMON COUNTY ROSCOMMON VILLAGE ST CLAIR COUNTY ALGONAC VILLAGE BERLIN TOWNSHIP BURTCHVILLE TOWNSHIP CAPAC VILLAGE CASCO TOWNSHIP CLAY TOWNSHIP COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP EAST CHINA TOWNSHIP EMMETT VILLAGE FORT GRATIOT TOWNSHIP IRA TOWNSHIP KENOCKEE TOWNSHIP KIMBALL TOWNSHIP MARINE CITY MARYSVILLE MUSSEY TOWNSHIP PORT HURON + . . . . PORT HURON TOWNSHIP ST CLAIR WALES TOWNSHIP YALE ST JOSEPH COUNTY BURR OAK TOWNSHIP BURR OAK VILLAGE CENTREVILLE VILLAGE COLON VILLAGE CONSTANTINE VILLAGE FABIUS TOWNSHIP FAWN RIVER TOWNSHIP LOCKPORT TOWNSHIP MENDON VILLAGE SHERMAN TOWNSHIP STURGIS -f THREE RIVERS WHITE PIGEON VILLAGE SANILAC COUNTY BROWN CITY CROSWELL FORESTVILLE VILLAGE LEXINGTON VILLAGE MARLETTE TOWNSHIP PECK VILLAGE PORT SANILAC VILLAGE SANDUSKY SANILAC TOWNSHIP SCHOOLCRAFT COUNTY DOYLE TOWNSHIP GERMFASK TOWNSHIP HIAWATHA TOWNSHIP MANISTIQUE MANISTIQUE TOWNSHIP SENEY TOWNSHIP SHIAWASSEE COUNTY CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP CORUNNA DURAt^D 12 - 4 - 11 - 3 - 11 - 30 _ 6 - 13 - 2 • 4il 2 8 - 18 _ 2 - 26 - 3 _ 70 8 HO - 11 - 5 : 4 10 - 1 . 4 - 4 - 24 _ 4 - 17 4 4 - 4 - 9 . 13 2 3 2 1 _ 4 - 1 - 5 - 4 4 8 8 5 5 1 1 e 8 (S) (S) 4 4 1 1 51 43 7 7 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 1 2 2 "" " 3 3 3 3 30 8 14 1 32 11 2 9 3 32 3 85 32 11 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 5 5 1 1 2 24 8 8 2 2 11 11 2 2 11 11 1 1 8 8 (S) (S) 4 4 11 11 8 8 2 2 23 23 _ _ 51 51 30 30 9 9 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 12 5 5 8 8 1 1 11 11 10 10 14 14 4 4 S 5 6 6 1 1 2 2 5 5 5 5 20 20 1 1 2 2 5 5 4 4 ■ ~ 18 18 5 5 4 4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 315 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute tfie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- ■■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 6 rx) (X) 6 (X) (X) 33 33 17 17 (X) (X) 1 1 7 7 18 18 2 2 82 82 18 18 3 3 2 2 2 2 t 4 11 11 6 6 It 14 2 2 4 4 15 15 11 11 1 1 5 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 7 7 2 2 3 3 20 20 3 3 (X) (X) 2 2 5 5 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 2 (X ) (XI 11 3 6 5 5 45 9 10 (XI 12 (X) (X) 30 (X) 73 34 8 (X) 2 1 3 2 2 2 20 (SI 26 2 3 2 1 (XI 2 19 ( X) (XI (X) (XI 6 (X) (XI (XI 5 2 2 (X) (XI 2 2 20 (SI 24 2 19 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 8 2 (X) (XI 19 - 12 . (XI (XI (XI (X) 3 - 49 - (XI (XI 64 4 34 - 8 - (XI (XI 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 (XI 5 (X) (XI (XI (Xl (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 3 (XI (XI (XI r 11 (XI 20 (XI (XI T - (XI 42 (X) 12 (XI T 26 (XI (XI (XI 1 36 (XI (SI 21 12 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 3 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 T 13 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 10 (XI 18 (XI (XI T 1 (XI T 27 (XI 16 (X) 32 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI 25 13 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 45 19 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (SI (XI T 17 (XI (X) (XI 16 (XI T 73 56 7 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 22 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI 23 (X) (X) (S) (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI (XI 15 no (X) 122 (SI 19 (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI (Xl (XI 20 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 9 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI 9 (X) 25 (XI (X) (XI (XI 31 (XI (XI (X) 15 (X) (XI (XI 147 (XI 30 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 25 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI T 14 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI 17 (XI 27 (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 14 37 (XI 136 (XI 19 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 62 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 7 4 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 24 (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 (XI 153 (XI 21 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 25 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 (XI 113 (XI 19 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 36 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 85 (XI 121 (XI 13 (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 (XI 01 (XI 02 (XI 03 (XI 04 (XI 05 (XI 06 10 07 (XI (XI 09 (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI 13 2 2 14 20 31 15 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 81 (X) 183 (XI T 29 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (SI 12 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 316 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of tlie Budget, as amended to October 1964. Tlie same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes m definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B^. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shovim in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housin, in structures w units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- '^ I unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 MICHIGAN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. SHIAWASSEE COUNTY — CON. LAINGSBURG •...•.•••...••• 1 47 3 171 10 11 14 7 10 21 1 19 5 3 8 2 15 4 e 9 5 3 2 11 9 17 7 4 2 1 2 1 200 3 16 6 17 6 6 59 70 286 13 6 3 341 17 278 49 1 43 3 165 10 11 14 7 10 21 1 19 5 3 8 2 15 4 8 9 5 3 2 11 9 9 7 4 2 1 2 1 151 3 16 6 17 6 6 35 44 286 13 6 3 171 17 265 31 4 10 44 2 18 6 8 49 24 16 126 11 1 2 4 63 5 134 15 18 5 3 8 18 3 8 2 3 5 7 17 2 9 5 4 2 5 1 3 3 7 5 17 9 e 3 2 1 169 1 1 1 20 & 42 7 9 18 6 & 129 68 354 '% 142 381 17 408 30 1 2 4 39 5 134 15 18 5 3 B 16 3 8 2 3 5 7 17 2 9 5 4 2 2 1 3 3 7 5 17 9 8 3 2 1 169 1 1 1 9 6 7 9 18 6 52 42 348 (S) 5 142 195 17 392 30 3 & 66 2 6 74 4 24 11 & 36 11 24 112 12 2 11 4 107 4 12 9 5 6 15 7 2 4 4 38 12 5 3 3 7 4 2 7 13 18 6 7 4 2 3 & 277 1 1 10 2 1 11 13 6 1 61 138 448 7 5 9 310 16 T 304 30 2 11 4 107 4 12 9 5 6 15 7 2 4 4 38 12 5 3 3 7 4 2 7 13 18 6 7 4 2 3 177 1 1 10 2 1 11 13 6 1 41 41 434 7 5 9 114 16 288 30 14 14 130 16 & 100 20 83 66 02 MORRICE VILLAGE 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 OWOSSO + PERRY U SHIAWASEE COUNTYiPART OF UNINC. AREA + « VENICE TOWNSHIP VERNON VILLAGE TUSCOLA COUNTY ALMER TOWNSHIP ARBELA TOWNSHIP CARD VILLAGE CASS CITY VILLAGE DAYTON TOWNSHIP GAGETOWN VILLAGE 16 17 KINGSTON VILLAGE MAYVILLE VILLAGE 18 19 MILLINGTON VILLAGE VASSAR CITY. .............. 20 VAN BUREN COUNTY ALMENA TOWNSHIP ^.....•••.... 21 ANTWERP TOWNSHIP 22 23 BANGOR VILLAGE COVERT TOWNSHIP 25 27 HARTFORD VILLAGE 28 29 LAWRENCE VILLAGE LAWTON VILLAGE 30 31 32 33 MATTAWAN VILLAGE PAW PAW VILLAGE SOUTH HAVEN WEXFORD COUNTY MINNESOTA DULUTH-SUPERIORt MINN. -WIS. SMSA ST LOUIS COUNTY 38 39 BIWABIK BUHL VILLAGE 41 42 43 44 45 DULUTH + DULUTH TOWNSHIP EVELETH GILBERT HERMAN TOWNSHIP + 47 48 MEADOWLANDS VILLAGE 49 NICHOLS TOWNSHIP 50 PROCTOR VILLAGE 52 STUNTZ TOWNSHIP. ....*••.. ... 53 VIRGINIA 54 (WISCONSIN) DOUGLAS COUNTY SUPERIOR + 55 FARGO-MOORHEAD" N. DAK. -MINN. SMSA (SEE NORTH DAKOTA) MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL SMSA ANOKA COUNTY * ANOKA +..............«•. 56 57 58 59 60 BETHEL VILLAGE BLAINE VILLAGE + « BURNS TOWNSHIP CENTERVILLE VILLAGE CIRCLE PINES VILLAGE ... 61 62 63 64 COLUMBUS TOWNSHIP COON RAPIDS VILLAGE + EAST BETHEL VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 317 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. ~ See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded: lor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identilied as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Numbei of housing units in siructures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in siructuies with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units 15 15 3 3 103 103 3 3 1 1 12 12 (X) (XI 1 1 3 3 23 23 . _ 5 5 (X) (X) 10 10 27 27 3 3 a 11 6 6 2 2 2 2 5 5 4 4 (X) (XI 12 12 19 I 12 1 268 5 7 16 327 S 432 20 T 4 4 1 1 (X) (X) 23 3 248 182 - - 3 3 10 10 20 20 (X) i 20 79 27 - - 258 10 5 - 7 - 16 _ 125 136 5 - 432 - 20 - (X) 5 16 (X) (X) 30 10 (X) (XI 9 (SI (X) 14 (X) 13 242 6 7 3 (SI 49 19 (X) 13 6 - 40 - 2 - 80 - 3 - 2 - 5 3 (X) (XI 5 - 16 - (X) ( X) 5 : (X) (X) 1 - 2 - 7 - (X) (X) 30 - 6 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 14 (X) 13 9 51 5 (X) 233 6 7 3 (S) 49 4 10 19 (X) 13 33 33 294 166 12 12 855 815 21 21 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) T 1 (X) (X) 91 3 (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) 17 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 21 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 14 16 (X) (XI (X) (X) 4 356 (X) 3 51 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 17 (S> (XI 2 660 9 693 26 (X) 95 5 (X) (X) 4 (X) (X) 6 11 (X) (Xl (XI (X) (X) (XI 5 (X) 26 (XI (X) (XI (XI IX) (X) (X) 3 (XI (XI 1 (XI T 9 627 (X) 3 5 (X) 60 2 (X) (X) (X) T 81 (XI e 516 469 16 3 (XI (XI 73 4 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 6 13 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 23 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 3 (XI (X) (X) 14 17 (XI (X) (XI 2 (X) 1 59 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 25 57 IX) 89 (X) 12 242 2 420 13 1 (X) (X) 84 5 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 17 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 (X) (S) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 20 25 (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) 28 407 (X) 5 18 (XI 76 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) 65 42 (X) 60 (X) (S) 17 264 6 225 5 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) (S) 26 (X) (X) 30 (X) 33 19 14 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 104 99 (X) (S) (XI (XI 287 9 667 (X) (X) 67 T 5 (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) (XI 3 IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 5 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) 25 37 (X) 32 (X) 26 267 (X] 7 6 (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (X) 67 83 (X) (S) (X) (X) 192 265 3 333 (X) (X) (X) 59 2 (Xl (X) 5 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) 21 27 (X) (X) (X) 11 (Xl 48 348 (X) (S) 9 IX) 242 2 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (S) 61 (X) (S) (X) (X) IS) 102 (S) (S) (X) (X) 6u 1 (Xl (X) 1 (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) T 2 (XI (X) (X) 16 12 (XI (XI (X) 40 (X) 39 (XI (X) (X) 7 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 133 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 62 (X) (X) (X) (X) 71 (S) ( X ) (X) 7 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 15 (X) (X) (X) (XI IX] (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) 13 (X) (X) (X) 18 (X) 4 65 (X) (X) (X) 5 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 70 (Xl (X) (X) (X) (X) 134 (X) (X) (X) (X) 91 IS) (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 21 (X) (Xl (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) T 47 24 (X) (XI (X) 12 (XI 33 (X) IX) (XI T 4 (X) 129 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 111 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 144 (X) (Xl (X) 318 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown m table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 MINNESOTA — CON. MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL SMSA— CON. ANOKA COUNTY ♦ — CON. FRIDLEY + GROm TOWNSHIP HAM LAKE TOil/NSHIP -I- HILLTOP VILLAGE LEXINGTON VILLAGE LINO LAKES VILLAGE LINWOOD TOiNNSHIP OAK GROVE TOWNSHIP RAMSEY TOWNSHIP ST FRANCIS VILLAGE SPRING LAKE PARK VILLAGE + . . . , DAKOTA COUNTY *♦ BURNSVILLE VILLAGE + tt CASTLE ROCK TOWNSHIP COATES VILLAGE DOUGLAS TOWNSHIP EAGAN TOWNSHIP EMPIRE TOWNSHIP EUREKA TOWNSHIP FARMINGTON VILLAGE 6REENVALE TOWNSHIP HAMPTON TOWNSHIP HAMPTON VILLAGE HASTINGS + INVER GROVE TOWNSHIP INVER GROVE VILLAGE LAKEVILLE TOWNSHIP LAKEVILLE VILLAGE LEBANON TOWNSHIP LILYDALE VILLAGE MARSHAN TOWNSHIP MENDOTA HEIGHTS VILLAGE MENDOTA VILLAGE MIESVILLE VILLAGE NEW TRIER VILLAGE NININGER TOWNSHIP RANDOLPH VILLAGE ROSEMOUNT TOWNSHIP ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE + SCIOTA TOWNSHIP SOUTH ST PAUL -I- SUNFISH LAKE VILLAGE VERMILLION VILLAGE WATERFORD TOWNSHIP. WEST ST PAUL + HENNEPIN COUNTY * BLOOMINGTON VILLAGE + BROOKLYN CENTER VILLAGE + BROOKLYN PARK VILLAGE -I- CHAMPLIN TOWNSHIP CHAMPLIN VILLAGE CORCORAN VILLAGE CRYSTAL VILLAGE + DAYTON TOWNSHIP DAYTON VILLAGE DEEPHAVEN VILLAGE EDEN PRAIRIE VILLAGE ■^ EDINA VILLAGE * EXCEi-SIOR VILLAGE GOLDEN VALLEY VILLAGE + GREENFIELD VILLAGE U GREENWOOD VILLAGE HANOVER VILLAGE HASSAN TOWNSHIP HOPKINS , INDEPENDENCE VILLAGE LONG LAKE VILLAGE LORETTO VILLAGE MAPLE GROVE VILLAGE , MAPLE PLAIN VILLAGE , MEDICINE LAKE VILLAGE , MEDINA VILLAGE MIiNlNEAPOLIS + MINNETONKA VILLAGE + « , MINNETONKA BEACH , MINNETRISTA TOWNSHIP , MINNETRISTA VILLAGE MORNINGSIDE VILLAGE MOUND VILLAGE + NEW HOPE VILLAGE + ORONO VILLAGE + 372 64 45 23 T 1 23 13 32 34 14 71 688 6 1 3 133 11 8 15 4 4 4 118 97 71 69 9 263 14 3 T 29 1 242 176 249 23 62 9 238 20 2 16 180 728 2 439 7 18 1 1 47 23 110 7 23 2 079 247 13 12 (S) 85 519 29 613 6 1 3 131 11 8 15 4 4 4 83 95 54 69 5 263 4 3 29 13 12 (SI 30 361 29 6 - 1 - 28 _ 3 - 67 10 3 - 2 _ 5 3 99 ~ 552 28 150 26 194 31 23 - 9 - 9 _ 79 5 20 - 2 - 16 - 180 _ 282 12 2 - 272 16 7 - 2 _ 1 - 1 - 11 4 9 - 10 6 — - 110 - 7 ■ 23 . 134 48 247 - 662 24 53 154 434 151 22 24 14 31 6 107 536 5 2 1 113 46 5 11 5 4 1 147 48 4 48 1 376 1 5 278 929 219 232 24 23 219 15 2 14 156 310 22 469 5 1 2 6 124 21 20 3 67 3 3 24 2 306 220 3 22 16 134 370 35 62 35 524 5 2 1 113 40 5 9 5 4 1 107 40 1 376 3 3 3 3 5 5 1 1 66 50 27 4 1 - 1 4 74 8 525 44 99 8 232 - 24 - 12 - 8 _ 156 12 15 - 2 - 14 - 156 . 260 21 3 2 281 10 5 - 1 _ 2 - 6 - 12 8 21 - 4 4 3 - 67 - 3 - 3 - 24 _ 160 108 220 - 3 - 22 - 360 112 33 17 178 62 62 37 37 34 - T 70 - 18 18 T 17 17 6 6 9 9 4 4 177 161 286 252 2 2 2 2 175 173 34 34 3 3 17 15 2 2 1 1 102 81 81 81 2 2 35 35 1 1 23 23 3 3 10 10 18 18 26 340 35 1 152 2 3 6 308 132 351 325 18 23 T 6 208 21 3 16 128 358 15 370 3 1 2 67 23 5 1 41 3 1 22 & 3 815 279 5 29 32 6 35 403 21 1 - 82 59 2 - 3 _ 6 - 70 6 542 46 169 12 325 - IS - 23 - 6 _ 183 2 21 - 3 - 16 - 108 20 276 29 3 - 237 6 3 - 4 _ 1 - 2 - 16 - 16 - 5 _ 1 - 41 - 3 - 1 - 22 _ 130 & 144 279 - 5 - 29 - 544 170 53 12 127 24 265 21 11 124 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 319 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-ll, B-12, anri B-13, ,« See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units tor which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1%1 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures witti— I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units 35 33 28 28 20 - 8 4 18 18 U 11 12 12 It lU 4 a 165 159 27 (X) (X) 87 172 5 23 7 12 50 (X) 2 1 1 IX) 124 3 1 133 809 240 179 12 18 12 265 16 2 25 101 385 2 293 3 2 2 144 13 10 4 29 7 26 589 318 29 489 30 27 (X) (X> 66 172 1 43 1 23 7 11 50 (X> 2 591 148 179 12 18 12 200 16 2 25 101 294 2 256 24 148 314 29 292 30 (X) (X) 2 141 (X) (X) 1X1 16 176 50 26 IS) 3 (X) 193 (X) 5 21 (X) (X) 89 IX) 3 20 6 13 (XI (X) (X) 23 26 1 147 (XI 3 5 91 549 341 127 11 20 5 372 24 1 28 T 80 442 24 (S> 11 - 3 3 65 - 160 14 3 - 1 2 (X) ( X 1 193 - IS (X) (X) 85 (X) 3 20 (XI (X) 159 29 13 13 22 22 4 4 23 23 10 10 14 12 11 11 1 613 230 348 348 (XI (X) (X) (X) 5 7 24 2 I - 136 - (X) (X) 3 . 5 - 80 - 483 26 225 36 122 - 11 - 20 - 5 _ 272 24 24 - 1 - 28 - 80 . 398 16 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 11 (X) T 26 (S) (S) T 10 (S) (X) (S) (X) 113 158 (X) 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) 20 (X) (X) 2 86 (X) 5 16 (X) 12 30 (X) (X) 1 1 (X) (X) 70 (X) 217 (X) T 6 (X) (X) 683 876 193 T 8 11 T 18 690 (X) (X) T 30 129 576 11 T 277 (XI (X) 5 5 21 21 290 247 40 40 (X) 41 35 3 T 14 T 8 T 2 (XI 1 848 520 3 26 (X) T 15 51 201 48 (X) 6 (X) 84 105 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 10 (X) (X) 3 126 (X) 4 16 9 (X) (S) 45 (XI (XI (X) 6 (X) 221 (X) (XI (XI 835 931 426 12 15 2 461 (XI IX) 29 113 716 15 297 (X) o9 (X) 2 239 519 6 42 (XI 17 32 103 45 5 11 (XI 10 (XI 46 79 (XI 2 (XI (XI (X) (X) 13 (XI (XI 1 111 (XI 10 (XI (XI 36 (X) (X) 1 2 (XI (X) 20 (X) 153 (X) T 7 (X) (X) 956 416 341 9 19 2 341 (X) (X) 33 86 482 12 259 (XI 1 (XI o7 7 26 2 8 7 1 (X) 793 502 2 (X) (XI 14 32 38 33 15 (SI 7 (XI (SI (XI 6 (X) 77 67 (X) 4 (X) (X) (XI (XI 12 (X) (X) 1 92 (X) 1 (S) 7 5 (XI (XI 309 (XI (XI T 1 (XI (X) 10 (X) 291 (XI (SI IXI (X) 1 034 554 197 16 14 5 329 (XI (XI 49 46 562 16 279 (XI T 2 (XI 53 2 (X) 913 477 (XI r 10 34 70 13 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 17 (XI (X) (X) 75 (XI 5 (XI 15 (XI (X) (X) 81 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 19 (XI 322 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1 568 788 222 15 15 (X) 375 (XI (XI 23 627 9 293 (XI (X) (X) (X) no (X) 17 (XI 20 3 (S) (X) 1 031 469 5 (X) (X) 5 23 (S) (X) 12 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 16 (XI (XI (XI 64 (XI 7 (XI 10 (X) (X) (X) 59 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 225 (X) (X) (X) (XI 2 049 536 (S) 12 12 (X) 456 (X) (X) 43 (XI 563 4 209 (XI (X) (X) (X) 96 (X) 12 (X) 22 5 (X) (X) 1 283 388 (X) (X) 22 (X) (X) (S) (XI (XI (SI (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 8 (XI (XI (X) 38 (X) 8 3 (XI (X) (X) 45 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 2 (XI 198 (XI (XI (X) (X) (S) 307 (X) 7 (SI (XI 643 (X) (XI 18 (XI 461 3 (SI (X) (X) (X) (X) T 66 (X) (X) (S) (X) 1 229 (SI (X I (X) 21 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 7 (X) 57 (XI 1 (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI T 40 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 (XI 166 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 222 ;xl 7 (X) (X) 399 (XI (XI 459 5 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 118 (XI (X) (X) 3 (X) 246 (XI (X) (XI 19 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI 32 (X) T 7 (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 136 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 186 (X) (XI 501 (X) (X) (S) (X) 454 3 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 175 (X) (XI (X) T 4 (XI (X) 1 679 IX) 2 (X) (X) (X) 20 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 (XI 199 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) T 307 (XI T 9 (XI (XI 601 (X) (X) (S) (X) T 472 (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 137 (X) (X) (XI (SI (X) (XI 2 900 (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI 23 (X) (X) 320 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B^. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shovim in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of liousing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of tiousing units Number of housing units in structures with— i unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 u 12 13 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 MINNESOTA — CON. MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL SI^SA — CON. HENNEPIN COUNTY * — CON. OSSEO VILLAGE + PLYMOUTH VILLAGE + RICHFIELD VILLAGE + ROBBINSDALE -l- ROGERS VILLAGE ... ST ANTHONY VILLAGE + ST BONIFACIUS VILLAGE ST LOUIS PARK + SHOREWOOD VILLAGE + SPRING PARK VILLAGE TONKA BAY VILLAGE WAyZATA WOODLAND VILLAGE RAMSEY COUNTY ♦* ARDEN HILLS VILLAGE FALCON HEIGHTS VILLAGE -l- LAUDERDALE VILLAGE + LITTLE CANADA VILLAGE MAPLEWOOD VILLAGE fl MOUNDS VIEW VILLAGE NEW BRIGHTON VILLAGE -I- NORTH OAKS VILLAGE NORTH ST PAUL VILLAGE + ROSEVILLE VILLAGE + ST PAUL + SHOREVIEW VILLAGE + U VADNAIS HEIGHTS VILLAGE WHITE BEAR LAKE + WHITE BEAR TOWNSHIP + WASHINGTON COUNTY AFTON TOWNSHIP AFTON VILLAGE BAYPORT VILLAGE BAYTOWN TOWNSHIP BIRCHWOOD VILLAGE COTTAGE GROVE TOWNSHIP + DELLWOOD VILLAGE DENMARK TOWNSHIP FOREST LAKE VILLAGE GRANT TOWNSHIP GREY CLOUD ISLAND TOWNSHIP . . . . HUGO VILLAGE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE LAKELAND VILLAGE LAKELAND SHORES VILLAGE LAKE ST CROIX BEACH VILLAGE. . . . LINCOLN TOWNSHIP MAHTOMEDI VILLAGE MARINE-ON-ST CROIX VILLAGE . . . . MAY TOWNSHIP NEWPORT VILLAGE NEW SCANDIA TOWNSHIP NORTHDALE TOWNSHIP OAKDALE TOWNSHIP + ONEKA TOWNSHIP ST MARYS POINT VILLAGE ST PAUL PARK VILLAGE STILLWATER STILLWATER TOWNSHIP WEST LAKELAND TOWNSHIP WILLERNIE VILLAGE WOODBURY TOWNSHIP PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S AITKIN COUNTY MCGREGOR VILLAGE BECKER COUNTY DETROIT LAKES LAKE PARK VILLAGE WOLF LAKE VILLAGE BELTRAMI COUNTY BEMIDJI BLACKDUCK VILLAGE TENSTRIKE VILLAGE BENTON COUNTY FOLEY VILLAGE ST GEORGE TOWNSHIP SAUK RAPIDS VILLAGE 13 231 524 54 7 328 1 293 23 89 4 82 2 22 25 T 4 11 374 270 517 19 86 427 2 535 85 8 342 T 19 231 - 57 12 44 10 5 2 83 18 1 - 95 2 23 - 3 - 10 2 6 6 4 4 70 68 3 3 3 3 9 9 33 33 2 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 11 U 9 9 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 _ _ 56 56 49 49 4 4 9 9 227 196 86 66 20 2 5 - 2 2 11 - 121 4 42 228 236 29 19 - 39 - 141 6 314 & 148 85 - 8 - 159 - 19 - 47 280 & 2 073 183 44 214 868 169 2 134 5 833 28 2 1 83 21 25 37 13 174 43 319 19 241 200 518 78 9 389 17 14 196 51 59 2 54 5 132 26 2 1 3 21 9 9 6 118 27 102 19 29 135 334 78 9 230 17 25 8 2 2 174 174 1 1 (S) (S) 12 12 24 24 _ . 3 3 4 4 4 4 - - 2 2 5 5 3 3 3 3 14 14 4 4 11 11 6 6 (S) (S) 16 16 _ _ 84 78 42 42 5 5 4 4 - 176 803 366 84 57 - 4 76 T 198 2 693 548 - 23 - - _ 5 80 51 - 2 15 16 23 24 94 7 13 54 93 16 32 213 185 _ 18 212 165 63 238 102 & 1 657 _ 33 _ 8 159 280 - (S) 170 43 33 72 2 109 23 12 13 62 22 124 18 29 157 340 33 8 256 (S) 5 5 35 18 3 3 98 398 4 4 4 4 21 19 20 20 1 1 6 6 3 3 13 13 15 9 3 3 9 9 3 3 16 16 11 11 49 49 7 7 77 77 28 28 8 8 4 4 314 18 126 431 136 81 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 321 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source tor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, s See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "8," Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols; "-" Represents zero, "'T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not idcniifted as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in str jctuies with _ number in structures with _ number number number number number number number number number number c of of ol of of of of of of ol ol of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing ZJ units units 01 more units unils or more units units units units units units units units units unils 29 13 16 34 18 16 IS) (S) (S) (S) 19 T 23 18 (S) (SI (S) 01 217 189 4 24 151 147 4 _ 186 145 (X) (X) (X 1 txi (X) (X) (X) (XI 02 321 70 15 236 427 83 38 306 428 430 278 457 653 609 916 960 740 T 850 03 61 47 14 - 68 50 18 - 132 97 216 86 143 149 121 164 208 350 04 - - - - 1 1 - - 4 - 2 2 (S) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 05 88 88 . _ 139 131 2 6 129 87 87 89 86 134 91 37 48 73 06 IS) (S) - - 1 1 - - T 8 3 5 4 9 - 1 1 1 T 4 07 629 128 10 491 282 156 12 114 334 330 217 332 366 540 593 619 697 1 356 08 33 33 - - 28 28 - - 54 50 28 (S) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 09 8 8 - - - - - - (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 10 7 7 _ _ 2 2 _ _ 6 11 6 7 13 6 6 3 6 (S) 11 6 6 - - 30 20 - 10 47 43 29 45 19 36 12 17 29 19 12 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 9 1 5 (S) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 13 11 11 . _ 28 28 45 57 36 (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 14 2 2 - - 4 4 - - 82 12 15 49 34 33 33 31 43 (S) 15 41 7 - 34 54 18 2 34 80 12 12 19 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 16 22 22 - _ 17 17 _ - T 24 22 33 25 (S) (XI (X) (X ) ( X) (X) 17 65 65 - - 123 123 - - T 214 155 194 461 377 514 213 131 174 T 210 18 15 15 _ _ 14 14 _ _ 41 39 78 324 565 (SI (S) 252 (S) (SI 19 177 115 - 62 170 146 _ 24 171 (SI 131 145 120 (SI (S) (X) (X) X 20 12 12 . - 29 29 . - 41 26 39 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 21 47 23 . 24 100 64 - 36 196 114 96 191 87 98 56 51 77 111 22 287 203 2 82 397 225 - 172 545 391 263 522 800 568 455 450 (SI (SI 23 & 1 555 345 57 S 1 153 1 086 400 86 600 1 548 8. 1 127 & 1 371 & 1 027 1 236 1 216 & 1 211 1 275 1 797 & 3 216 24 46 46 - - 36 36 - - 87 45 (SI (X) (X) (XI (X) IX) (XI (X) 25 5 5 - _ 10 10 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 26 252 252 - - T 217 200 a 9 340 246 115 T 52 54 15 13 13 26 31 27 (S) (S) - - T 80 78 2 - 122 26 T 165 353 422 317 165 173 T 131 214 28 15 15 . . 10 10 . (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 29 - - - - - - - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 30 10 10 - . 9 9 . - 15 11 14 17 22 T 10 T 7 18 5 12 31 28 17 - 11 13 13 . - (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 32 - - - - 2 2 - - (XI (X) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI 33 173 173 . _ 178 178 _ . (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 34 4 4 - . _ _ _ . 2 2 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 3 3 . . 8 8 _ _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 36 11 11 . _ 2 2 . . 25 23 11 12 25 25 19 17 25 13 37 9 9 - - 12 12 - - (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 38 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ „ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI 39 (S) (S) - - 4 2 2 - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 40 2 2 - . _ - _ - 5 2 9 7 4 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) 41 6 6 - - 3 3 - . 7 T 4 6 5 4 5 (S) (XI (X) (XI 42 3 1 2 - - - - - (S) 1 1 1 - - (S) (XI (XI (X) 43 2 2 _ 2 2 _ _ (S) (S) (S) 4 1 2 (SI (XI (XI (XI 44 11 11 - - 14 14 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 45 11 11 - - 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 46 5 5 . . 2 2 _ _ T 1 2 1 3 2 1 (S) (X) (X) (XI 47 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 48 10 10 _ _ 9 9 _ _ 12 15 21 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) txl (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 4 4 - - 6 6 . - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 51 27 27 - - 159 159 - - (X) tx) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 52 7 7 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 53 _ _ _ _ 2 2 . _ _ _ 4 _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 54 82 82 - _ 98 98 _ . T 9 T 3 14 8 14 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 55 14 14 - - 32 28 4 _ 30 28 28 31 46 41 (S) (X) (X) (X) 56 8 8 . - 6 5 . - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 57 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) IB 3 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ T - _ 1 3 . 2 (S) (X) (X) (X) 59 8 8 " " 10 10 ■ ■ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 60 - - - - - - - - (SI 4 - 1 3 1 - 2 T - 3 61 16 12 4 14 12 2 T 15 16 24 33 26 11 14 18 14 56 62 2 2 _ - 4 4 _ - (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 63 1 1 - - T - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 64 14 14 . . 17 17 . . 33 19 19 38 39 42 16 16 T 23 53 65 (S) (S) - - 12 12 _ - T 1 4 - 1 4 7 1 6 - - 66 2 2 - - 1 1 - - T 1 1 1 ~ 1 - - 3 T - 1 67 2 2 . . 2 4 7 2 9 . 1 5 2 5 68 (X) (X) (X) (X> (XI (X) ( X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 69 22 20 2 ~ 24 24 ~ " (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) 70 322 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In ttils table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease In presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1954 are shown In table B-4, Wherever there Is a change In definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown In this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-Issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99,9 percent of county population In 1960 lived In places which were permit-Issuing In 1964, +This 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Permit-Issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county MINNESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA>S~CON. BIG STONE COUNTY BEARDSLEY VILLAGE. CLINTON VILLAGE. . GRACEVILLE VILLAGE ORTONVILLE .... BLUE EARTH COUNTY ** AMBOY VILLAGE BLUE EARTH COUNTY UNINC. EAGLE LAKE VILLAGE . . . LAKE CRYSTAL MADISON LAKE VILLAGE . . MANKATO + MAPLETON VILLAGE . . . ST CLAIR VILLAGE . . . VERNON CENTER VILLAGE. BROWN COUNTY NEW ULM +. . SLEEPY EYE . SPRINGFIELD. CARLTON COUNTY BARNUM VILLAGE . . . CLOQUET KETTLE RIVER VILLAGE KNIFE FALLS TOWNSHIP MOOSE LAKE VILLAGE . SCANLON VILLAGE. . THOMSON TOWNSHIP . WRENSHALL VILLAGE. CARVER COUNTY CAMDEN TOWNSHIP. . . CARVER VILLAGE . . . CHANHASSEN TOWNSHIP. CHANHASSEN VILLAGE . CHASKA LAKETOWN TOWNSHIP. MAYER VILLAGE. . . NORWOOD VILLAGE. . VICTORIA VILLAGE . WACONIA WACONIA TOWNSHIP . . . WATERTOWN TOWNSHIP . . WATERTOWN VILLAGE. . . YOUNG AMERICA TOWNSHIP YOUNG AMERICA VILLAGE. CASS COUNTY BACKUS VILLAGE .... EAST GULL LAKE VILLAGE PINE RIVER VILLAGE . . WALKER VILLAGE .... CHIPPEWA COUNTY CLARA CITY VILLAGE MONTEVIDEO .... CHISAGO COUNTY CENTER CITY VILLAGE. CHISAGO CITY VILLAGE HARRIS VILLAGE . . . LINOSTROM VILLAGE. . NORTH BRANCH VILLAGE STACY VILLAGE TAYLORS FALLS VILLAGE. WYOMING TOWNSHIP . . . WYOMING VILLAGE. . . . CLEARWATER COUNTY 55 BAGLEY VILLAGE . . 56 CLEARBROOK VILLAGE 57 GONVICK VILLAGE. . COOK COUNTY GRAND MARAIS VILLAGE COTTONWOOD COUNTY JEFFERS VILLAGE. . . . MIDWAY TOWNSHIP. . . . MOUNTAIN LAKE VILLAGE. WESTBROOK VILLAGE. . . WINDOM CROW WING COUNTY BAXTER VILLAGE + . . BRAINERD CROSBY VILLAGE . . . PEOUOT LAKES VILLAGE 1964 Total number of housing units DODGE COUNTY CLAREMONT VILLAGE. 2 2 10 6 . 30 30 3 3 3 3 2 2 20 106 3 3 1 1 1 1 93 87 9 9 5 5 2 2 19 15 (S) 1 Number of housing units in structures wllh- 1 unit 1 1 2 2 11 9 6 6 16 16 5 5 37 25 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units 2 5 T 1 7 5 279 3 1 1 69 14 9 Number of housing units in structures with— I unit 7 5 79 3 1 1 2 2 26 26 " ~ 1 1 1 1 330 30 18 10 13 11 lU 14 — - 3 3 3 3 13 13 6 4 8 8 10 10 7 7 2 2 4 4 1 1 5 5 2 2 6 6 3 3 2 2 3 3 li 11 4 4 4 4 2 2 20 14 9 9 34 29 2-4 units 5 units or more 300 8 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structuies with- 1 unit 2 2 4 4 5 5 11 11 3 3 22 22 2-4 units 5 units or more RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 323 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wliicti constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 tot statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols; "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Tolal Number of housing units Tolal Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures wilt _ number in structures wilh- number number number number number number number number number number n of of ol of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing II units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 1 1 . _ 1 1 - _ (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 02 . . 1 1 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 7 7 - - 14 10 4 - (SI T 23 11 13 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 . . . 2 2 . (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 4 4 - - _ - _ - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 7 7 - - 1 1 _ - 5 10 2 5 3 10 14 (S) (SI (SI 08 2 2 - - (SI (SI - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 93 86 _ 7 117 117 _ _ 175 133 107 129 192 186 166 92 169 216 10 . - - - 6 6 - - (X ) ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 _ . - - . . . _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 - - - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 63 63 . . 70 68 2 . 110 64 52 58 108 70 45 55 69 109 14 17 17 - - 12 12 - - 17 16 10 20 21 11 9 11 15 (SI 15 6 6 - - 3 3 - - 8 5 3 14 13 20 (SI (XI (XI (XI 16 2 2 . . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 19 19 - . 31 31 _ - 31 20 57 47 40 36 29 (SI (SI (SI 18 . _ _ _ _ . _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 19 19 19 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 20 - - - - 3 3 - - 3 5 1 6 5 8 5 4 2 8 21 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 30 30 - - (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 - - - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 «9 49 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 (Xl (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 29 7 7 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 30 2 2 - - . _ _ _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 31 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 32 4 4 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 14 14 - - 10 10 - - (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (Xl 34 7 7 _ _ (XI (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 35 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 3 3 . . 6 6 _ . 6 3 12 6 10 - 17 4 T 3 T 8 37 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 38 6 6 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 . . . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl 41 _ . _ . 2 2 . - (SI 13 1 3 1 (SI (XI (XI (XI (X) 42 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 9 9 . 8 8 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 16 16 - - 8 8 - - 16 35 24 29 49 34 28 27 28 (SI 45 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 11 11 - - 3 3 - - 2 2 6 2 2 7 (SI (X) (XI (XI 47 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 48 7 7 - - 7 7 _ . (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 2 2 - - 6 6 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 1 1 _ . _ . . _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 51 2 2 - . 2 2 . _ (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 53 - - - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 2 2 2 5 2 7 3 4 7 2 11 4 55 3 3 - _ 2 2 - - (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 2 2 - - 2 2 - - - 5 5 9 7 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI 58 2 2 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 59 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 60 6 6 . _ 8 8 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 1 1 - . 1 1 _ - 3 3 1 6 7 5 (S) (XI (XI (XI 62 12 12 - - 11 11 - - 16 34 26 28 32 18 (SI (XI (XI (XI 63 6 6 _ 14 14 . (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 64 17 15 2 _ 34 34 _ - 36 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 65 - _ _ 14 14 _ - (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 (SI (SI ■ ■ 3 3 ■ T 1 1 1 (SI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 67 324 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964, "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Zi 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more MINNESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. DODGE COUNTY—CON. 12 2 10 1 11 2 2 5 6 5 3 6 7 4 2 3 3 51 7 (S) 7 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 24 12 7 5 2 8 36 3 3 1 2 8 4 5 7 3 3 10 7 10 14 10 2 5 1 11 8 2 10 1 11 2 5 6 5 3 4 7 4 2 3 3 51 7 (S) 7 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 24 1 7 5 2 8 36 3 3 1 2 8 4 5 7 3 3 10 7 10 6 10 2 5 1 11 4 2 2 11 8 10 2 11 1 26 1 3 9 1 1 6 3 6 3 9 2 2 4 104 6 1 2 3 2 12 8 7 3 T 1 30 1 1 1 9 4 5 3 T - 5 1 3 4 19 17 3 5 1 3 10 2 11 1 8 1 3 7 1 1 6 3 6 3 7 2 2 4 40 6 1 2 3 2 8 8 7 3 1 28 1 1 1 9 4 5 3 5 1 3 4 19 17 3 5 1 3 2 2 4 2 18 64 8 8 1 22 3 7 1 3 4 2 3 1 10 1 3 6 29 10 1 5 4 2 4 10 5 7 2 T - 34 6 4 2 1 3 12 4 (S) 6 2 2 13 8 1 1 11 3 3 2 1 & 1 14 8 8 1 22 3 7 1 3 4 2 3 1 10 1 3 6 27 10 1 5 4 2 4 10 5 7 2 34 6 4 2 1 3 8 4 (SI 6 2 2 13 8 1 1 11 3 3 2 1 & 1 14 2 4 02 03 HAYFIELD VILLAGE OU 05 WEST COtvJCORD VILLAGE DOUGLAS COUNTY ALEXANDRIA 06 CARLOS VILLAGE ...«. 07 08 09 10 FORADA VILLAGE GARFIELD VILLAGE OSAKIS VILLAGE FARIBAULT COUNTY BLUE EARTH .•••••. ........ 1 1 BRICELYN VILLAGE 12 13 14 15 DELAVAN VILLAGE ELMORE VILLAGE KIESTER VILLAGE MINNESOTA LAKE VILLAGE 16 WELLS VILLAGE 18 FILLMORE COUNTY CHATFIELD 19 20 LANESBORO VILLAGE. ........... PRESTON VILLAGE 22 FREEBORN COUNTY 23 21 25 26 ALBERT LEA TOWNSHIP ALDEN VILLAGE BANCROFT TOWNSHIP CLARKS GROVE VILLAGE 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 EMMONS VILLAGE GENEVA VILLAGE GLENVILLE VILLAGE HAYWARD VILLAGE HOLLANDALE VILLAGE MANCHESTER VILLAGE TWIN LAKE VILLAGE. ... 35 36 37 38 GOODHUE COUNTY BELLE CREEK TOWNSHIP BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP CANNON FALLS CANNON FALLS TOWNSHIP 40 KENYON VILLAGE ............. 41 42 43 MINNEOLA TOWNSHIP PINE ISLAND VILLAGE RED WING + 45 46 47 48 49 WANAMINGO TOWNSHIP WANAMINGO VILLAGE WARSAW TOWNSHIP WELCH TOWNSHIP ZUMBROTA VILLAGE GRANT COUNTY 51 52 53 54 5S HERMAN VILLAGE HOFFMAN VILLAGE HOUSTON COUNTY BROWNSVILLE VILLAGE CALEDONIA VILLAGE HOUSTON VILLAGE 57 HUBBARD COUNTY AKELEY VILLAGE ... 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ISANTI COUNTY BRADFORD TOWNSHIP BRAHAM VILLAGE CAMBRIDGE TOWNSHIP CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE ISANTI TOWNSHIP ISANTI VILLAGE STANFORD TOWNSHIP ITASCA COUNTY BIGFORK VILLAGE BOVEY VILLAGE CALUMET VILLAGE COHASSET VILLAGE DEER RIVER VILLAGE GRAND RAPIDS VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 325 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie source lor ttie statistics shown monthly In tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. f See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-Issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures witt - number of m structures with- number of number of number number number number number number number number of of of of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing li units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 15 9 6 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 12 12 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 04 14 12 2 . 18 la . T 10 35 19 26 47 31 29 37 36 99 05 1 1 - - - - - - (X 1 IX 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 06 - - - - - - - - 5 2 - 1 1 - 1 - - - 07 - . - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 08 4 a ■ - 6 6 - - (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 10 10 . . 8 8 . T 27 28 15 25 18 19 (SI (X) (XI (XI 10 1 1 - - 1 1 - - T 1 1 - 2 10 T 3 4 7 3 6 11 - - - - 1 1 . - . - - 2 1 2 (SI (XI (XI (XI 12 4 4 - - 2 2 - - 7 1 2 7 6 3 (SI (XI (XI (XI 13 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 14 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI 15 9 9 - - 3 3 - - 12 14 14 13 20 17 17 lu (SI (SI 16 2 2 - - 1 1 - - 10 9 11 3 11 (SI 8 11 T 8 T 14 17 17 15 2 . a 8 . . (X ) (XI (X) (XI (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI la 1 1 - - (XI (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 19 4 4 - - 2 2 - - (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 20 H 11 ~ - 19 19 - - 6 14 14 8 6 9 (SI (XI (XI (XI 21 35 33 2 . 76 66 10 . 105 104 104 127 97 T 76 41 61 59 156 22 6 6 - - 20 20 - . (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 23 3 3 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 24 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 6 6 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 27 _ _ - _ 1 1 _ - 5 2 - 4 7 1 3 1 3 7 28 - . - _ 2 2 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - 1 2 1 3 2 - 2 31 2 2 _ . 1 1 _ _ (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 1X1 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 1 1 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI 34 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 33 33 - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 a 8 - _ 10 10 . - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 (X> (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 3 3 _ _ 3 3 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 txi (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 _ _ _ _ 2 2 _ _ 12 7 11 1 4 6 1 4 5 14 42 27 23 4 - 32 32 - - 48 51 59 54 51 73 48 24 37 43 43 1 1 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 2 :> 10 10 _ _ (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 2 2 _ . 7 7 _ _ T 2 2 4 8 4 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI 46 1 1 _ . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 2 2 _ _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 10 10 - - 5 5 - - 10 13 7 5 11 18 (S) (XI (XI (XI 49 5 5 7 7 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 50 3 3 . . 3 3 _ _ 2 2 4 5 T 3 (SI - 2 - 1 51 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 (S) (SI _ . 7 7 _ - 14 9 7 15 16 (51 3 9 7 11 54 2 2 _ _ 2 2 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (X) 1X1 (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 55 a a - - 5 5 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 2 2 1 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 57 11 11 - - 17 10 - 7 la 6 6 6 19 10 (SI (XI (XI (XI 58 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI 59 1 1 . . 2 2 . - T 2 1 3 5 1 - 3 - 3 7 60 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 6 6 _ ■ (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 62 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI " (XI (XI (XI 63 7 7 _ _ 5 5 . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 64 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 1 1 2 1 . . 6 (SI (XI (XI (XI 66 (S) (SI . _ _ - T 2 - - - - (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 67 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 68 1 1 _ 3 3 _ - 2 - 2 2 4 5 5 1 3 2 69 _ _ _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) ( XI (XI 70 13 13 . _ 11 11 . - 26 26 52 47 45 35 83 71 43 58 71 326 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 s E Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more MINNESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S~CON. 01 JACKSON COUNTY 18 7 3 10 7 3 - 8 13 3 5 13 3 5 - - 5 5 8 1 5 5 1 1 - 7 03 KANABEC COUNTY GRASSTON VILLAGE 05 OGILVIE VILLAGE KAI^DIYOHI COUNTY 3 69 3 69 - - 2 2 1 45 2 2 1 41 4 - 3 60 3 58 2 - 07 08 09 PENNOCK VILLAGE SPICER VILLAGE WILLMAR -1- 10 11 12 KITTSON COUNTY 3 4 3 4 - - 5 1 3 5 1 3 - - 6 3 4 6 3 4 - - LAKE BRONSON VILLAGE LANCASTER VILLAGE ^3 KOOCHICHING COUNTY BIG FALI S VILLAGE* ••■•■••...• 11 2 1 T 5 11 2 1 5 - - 5 12 3 4 5 12 3 4 - - 1 11 2 14 1 11 2 14 - - la 15 16 17 INTERNATIONAL FALLS LITTLEFORK VILLAGE RANIER VILLAGE SOUTH INTERNATIONAL FALLS VILLAGE. . . . 18 19 LAC QUI PARLE COUNTY BELLINGHAM VILLAGE DAnSON 1 4 6 1 4 5 i 6 1 4 2 3 6 10 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 2 - - 2 5 4 21 3 2 5 4 21 3 - - 21 22 23 LAKE COUNTY BEAVER BAY VILLAGE SILVER BAY VILLAGE TWO HARBORS 21 25 LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY BAUDETTE VILLAGE WILLIAMS VILLAGE 1 1 : - 1 1 - - 3 3 _ - 26 27 28 LE SUEUR COUNTY CLEVELAND VILLAGE LE CENTER VILLAGE LE SUEUR 4 2 13 8 3 2 42 8 4 2 13 4 3 2 42 8 4 - 4 1 9 11 1 3 47 5 4 1 9 11 1 3 47 5 - - 4 9 10 11 8 2 1 65 9 4 9 10 11 8 2 1 65 9 - - 31 LINCOLN COUNTY TYLER VILLAGE. ..•.•......•. 32 LYON COUNTY COTTONWOOD VILLAGE 34 MARSHALL +............... 35 36 MINNEOTA VILLAGE RUSSELL VILLAGE 37 38 TAUNTON VILLAGE TRACY 9 9 - - 2 2 - - 1 4 1 4 - - 39 40 4 1 MCLEOD COUNTY ACOMA TOWNSHIP BISCAY VILLAGE GLENCOE • 3 3 28 1 42 6 2 2 4 2 6 3 3 22 1 38 2 2 2 4 2 6 4 4 6 - 6 18 64 1 7 1 5 2 5 2 18 37 1 3 1 5 2 5 4 6 4 21 5 1 21 9 63 7 4 1 3 15 5 1 18 9 50 3 4 1 3 15 3 13 4 - 42 43 45 LESTER PRAIRIE VILLAGE ... 46 47 48 49 PLATO VILLAGE SILVER LAKE VILLAGE STEWART VILLAGE WINSTED VILLAGE MAHNOMEN COUNTY 5 1 1 3 5 1 1 3 - - 1 3 1 1 8 1 3 1 1 8 - - 2 4 3 1 7 2 4 3 1 7 - - 51 52 53 54 55 MARSHALL COUNTY ARGYLE VILLAGE MIDDLE RIVER VILLAGE NEWFOLDEt>J VILLAGE OSLO VILLAGE STEPHEN VILLAGE 56 57 VIKING VILLAGE WARREN 11 3 - 8 1 5 1 5 - - 3 3 - - 58 59 60 MARTIN COUNTY DUNNELL VILLAGE FAIRMONT ......... .. 16 1 16 1 - - 1 13 2 1 13 2 - - 1 3 35 2 1 3 25 2 - 10 61 GRANADA VILLAGE. ..... .. 62 NORTHROP VILLAGE 63 64 SHERBURN VILLAGE TRIMONT VILLAGE 3 3 - - 3 2 3 2 - - 4 1 4 1 - - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 327 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. f See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S." Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures witt units Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures witti- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units f 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 3 2 3 2 - - 8 5 8 5 - - 11 6 23 6 13 15 12 15 24 11 20 6 (SI 7 (XI 8 (XI 6 (XI 19 01 02 5 5 - - 13 13 - - 13 6 19 1 18 22 21 T 1 13 (SI 10 (SI 6 (X 1 8 (XI 14 (XI 03 04 05 (XI 1 36 (X 1 1 34 (XI 2 ( XI (XI 2 13 (XI 2 13 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 73 (X 1 (XI (X 1 46 (XI (XI (X) 62 (X) (X) (XI 82 (XI (XI (XI 87 (XI (XI (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 06 07 08 09 15 2 (X) 15 2 (XI (XI ( X) 10 1 (XI 10 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 11 12 (S) 6 4 IS! 6 4 - - 1 (S) (X) 2 8 1 (SI (XI 2 8 (XI (XI (X 1 (SI (X 1 (XI (X ) (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 (XI (X) (XI (XI 28 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 24 (XI (XI (XI (X) (SI (X) (X) (X) (X) 24 (XI (X) (X) (XI 11 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 13 14 15 16 17 ( XI 3 2 (XI 3 2 (XI (XI (XI 4 3 (XI 4 3 (X) (XI (X) 4 4 (XI 7 5 (XI 3 15 (XI 6 17 (XI 7 12 (XI 4 2 (XI 2 2 (XI 14 6 (XI 10 8 (XI 26 14 18 19 20 6 1X1 16 5 (XI 16 (XI (XI U (XI 9 2 (X) 9 2 (XI (XI - (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI 18 (XI (XI 9 (XI (XI 27 (XI (X 1 28 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI 27 21 22 23 1 1 - - 5 5 - - (SI 2 9 3 7 1 (SI 2 (XI 3 (XI 2 (XI 24 25 4 16 ao 8 1 4 16 16 8 1 24 ; 4 5 10 4 4 5 10 4 - - T 3 9 14 17 (X) 2 8 14 6 (X 1 1 7 15 16 (XI 2 9 18 14 ( X 1 3 13 31 12 (XI T 2 9 25 14 (XI (SI (S) 14 (SI (XI (X) (XI 12 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 18 (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 (XI (XI 26 27 28 29 30 1 1 - - 7 7 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 52 3 52 3 - 2 1 51 4 2 2 1 47 4 2 4 (X) 59 1 (X) 1 (XI 57 10 (XI 7 (XI 46 4 (XI 2 (XI 50 10 (XI 5 (X) 53 8 (X) 4 (X) 32 3 (XI T 2 (XI 22 (SI (XI 4 (XI 19 (XI (XI (XI 24 (XI (XI 4 (XI 55 (XI (XI 32 33 34 35 36 3 3 - - 8 8 - - (XI 17 (XI 7 (XI 8 ( XI 12 (XI 17 (XI 10 (XI 12 (XI 9 (XI 7 (XI 27 37 38 10 16 9 72 10 16 9 59 6 7 (X) 32 (XI 54 (X) 32 (X) 52 (XI (X) 2 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI 18 (X) (X 1 (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI {XI 9 (X) (XI (XI (XI 9 (X) (XI (XI (XI 17 (X) (XI (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 7 (XI (XI (X) (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (X) 42 (XI (XI 39 40 41 42 43 3 1 4 2 5 3 1 4 2 5 - - (XI 3 2 1 3 7 (XI 3 2 1 3 7 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X) (XI 10 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 15 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 23 44 45 46 47 4£ 49 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 3 (S) 5 3 (SI 5 ■ - 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 - ■ 2 (XI (XI T - 7 1 (X) (XI 1 T 2 2 (XI (XI 4 1 (XI (XI T 2 2 (XI (X) 1 7 T 2 (X) (XI T 1 (SI (XI (XI (SI 3 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI 8 (XI (X) (XI (XI 6 51 52 53 54 55 6 6 - - 8 8 - - (X) 8 (XI 11 (XI 4 (X) 5 (XI 9 (XI 10 (XI 4 (XI 4 (XI 9 (XI 7 56 57 1 25 1 2 1 25 1 2 - - 1 11 1 3 1 11 1 3 - - 1 46 (XI 2 1 1 59 (XI 1 1 59 (XI 2 100 I X 1 1 1 3 85 (XI 2 3 48 (XI 2 3 42 (XI 4 1 2 57 (XI 2 2 68 (XI 2 12 10 88 (XI 2 58 59 60 61 62 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 4 (XI 4 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1 XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (X) 63 64 328 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas m this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, Ttie same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table 8-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's. and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more l^It^tMESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. I^ARTIN COUNTY — CON. TRUMAN VILLAGE WELCOME VILLAGE MEEKER COUNTY COSMOS VILLAGE DASSEL VILLAGE EDEN VALLEY VILLAGE LITCHFIELD MILLE LACS COUNTY MILACA VILLAGE ONAMIA VILLAGE PRINCETON VILLAGE MORRISON COUNTY BOWLUS VILLAGE BUCKMAN VILLAGE FLEt^SBURG VILLAGE LITTLE FALLS + MOTLEY VILLAGE PIERZ VILLAGE ROYALTON VILLAGE MOWER COUNTY ADAMS VILLAGE AUSTIN + BROWNSDALE VILLAGE LE ROY VILLAGE LYLE VILLAGE MAPLEVIEW VILLAGE ROSE CREEK VILLAGE MURRAY COUNTY AVOCA VILLAGE FULDA VILLAGE LAKE WILSON VILLAGE SLAYTON VILLAGE NICOLLET COUNTY LAFAYETTE VILLAGE NORTH MANKATO + ST PETER NOBLES COUNTY ADRIAN VILLAGE BIGELO* VILLAGE BREWSTER VILLAGE ELLSWORTH VILLAGE LISMORE VILLAGE ROUND LAKE VILLAGE WILMONT VILLAGE WORTHINGTON + NORMAN COUNTY ADA HALSTAD VILLAGE SHELLY VILLAGE TWIN VALLEY VILLAGE OLMSTED COUNTY BYRON VILLAGE CASCADE TOWNSHIP EYOTA VILLAGE HAVERHILL TOWNSHIP MARION TOWNSHIP + ROCHESTER + ROCHESTER TOWNSHIP + ST JOSEPH TOWNSHIP STEWARTVILLE VILLAGE OTTER TAIL COUNTY DEER CREEK VILLAGE FERGUS FALLS + HENNING VILLAGE PARKERS PRAIRIE VILLAGE PELICAN RAPIDS VILLAGE PERHAM VILLAGE PENNINGTON COUNTY NORTH TOWNSHIP THIEF RIVER FALLS PINE COUNTY ASKOV VILLAGE FINLAYSON VILLAGE PINE CITY VILLAGE SANDSTONE VILLAGE WILLOW RIVER VILLAGE PIPESTONE COUNTY PIPESTONE RUTHTON VILLAGE 1 1 7 7 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 115 31 5 5 1 1 35 35 43 15 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 72 66 1 1 2 2 13 13 12 12 8 B 8 8 42 42 666 245 33 33 12 12 29 29 . 44 34 2 2 S 5 3 3 1 1 20 14 2 2 2 2 1 1 23 13 3 3 5 5 2 2 4 4 5 5 31 31 28 26 6 6 1 1 T 1 1 2 2 11 11 2 2 1 1 6 6 15 15 13 13 1 1 3 3 42 42 411 273 44 44 15 15 32 24 1 1 67 38 1 1 1 1 9 9 8 4 3 3 4 4 . . 2 2 8 8 3 T 30 39 37 14 14 - - 3 3 46 46 645 401 58 58 5 5 22 22 . 47 41 1 1 5 5 15 9 9 9 1 1 4 4 15 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 329 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-Issuing places whicti constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. t See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units b/ place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number ot housing units Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Total Tolal Total Total M E number in structures with - number of in structures wilt — number of number of number of number of number ol number of number of number of number of number ol ^ of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing ■Jj units unils or more units unils or more unils units unils units units units units units units unils 3 3 3 3 (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 01 - - 1 1 - - 7 6 4 3 6 4 1 1 2 1 02 3 3 (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 17 17 . _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI 05 18 18 - - 17 17 - 21 36 23 3D 36 23 28 27 34 41 06 5 5 7 7 8 8 11 4 1 6 9 3 3 7 07 1 1 _ _ _ . (SI 3 2 1 - - 1 3 4 4 08 7 7 - - 7 5 2 - T 11 12 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 09 (X) ( X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI ( XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 19 19 _ 12 12 _ _ T 63 74 46 37 31 29 22 20 28 36 13 1 1 - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 2 2 . . 9 5 1 1 4 3 1 1 - 5 15 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 2 2 5 5 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 15 15 . _ 57 53 4 _ 92 126 114 196 271 231 168 210 239 366 18 2 2 . _ 2 2 _ _ (Xl (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI iXI (XI (XI (XI 19 3 3 _ _ 2 2 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 - - - - (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 . (SI (SI . _ (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 - - - - 2 2 - - 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 1 4 ■ 23 . 3 (SI _ . _ 2 24 5 5 _ _ 2 2 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 1 1 _ _ _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 8 8 - - 9 7 2 - 5 11 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 27 (X> (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 19 19 22 22 _ _ 50 44 23 39 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 13 11 2 - 28 28 - - 38 30 22 38 47 38 53 T 26 50 (SI 30 7 7 12 12 (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI 31 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 32 1 1 _ _ 2 2 1 2 T - (SI T 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 2 2 _ _ 4 4 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 34 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 1 1 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 37 36 34 2 - 35 35 - - 64 54 32 49 81 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 11 11 7 7 11 B 11 6 3 6 8 6 5 15 39 2 2 _ _ 8 2 _ 6 (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 41 2 2 - 4 4 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 16 16 21 21 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 22 20 2 _ (X 1 (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 4 4 _ 8 8 _ (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 2 2 _ _ 5 5 _ . 4 3 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 32 32 - - 54 54 - - (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 & 382 & 283 36 63 401 237 40 124 442 673 528 300 211 299 256 190 229 394 48 m 41 46 46 _ . 74 86 84 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 49 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 20 20 22 22 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 51 4 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 56 48 8 _ 45 45 . 80 85 68 71 79 76 59 73 65 97 53 2 2 _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 2 2 _ _ _ 5 7 2 8 8 4 9 10 3 4 55 13 13 _ _ (XI (XI ( XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 5 5 - - 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 16 11 5 5 5 - - 25 11 11 27 38 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 . . 1 1 1 _ „ _ 1 60 _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 7 7 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 6 8 8 6 7 T 1 T 6 11 T 11 (SI 62 1 1 _ _ 6 6 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 63 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 11 11 23 23 29 25 13 48 36 29 25 31 27 53 65 - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 330 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 40 41 42 43 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 MINNESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. POLK COUNTY CLIMAX VILLAGE . CROOKSTON +. . . EAST GRAND FORKS ERSKINE VILLAGE, FERTILE VILLAGE. FISHER VILLAGE . FOSSTON VILLAGE. POPE COUNTY CYRUS VILLAGE. . . 6LENW00D LONG BEACH VILLAGE STARBUCK VILLAGE . RED LAKE COUNTY BROOKS VILLAGE . OKLEE VILLAGE. . PLUMMER VILLAGE. RED LAKE FALLS . REDWOOD COUNTY BELVIEW VILLAGE. . CLEMENTS VILLAGE . LAMBERTON VILLAGE. LUCAN VILLAGE. . . MILROY VILLAGE . . MORGAN VILLAGE . REDWOOD FALLS. . REVERE VILLAGE . VESTA VILLAGE. . WABASSO VILLAGE. WANDA VILLAGE. . RENVILLE COUNTY BIRD ISLAND VILLAGE. BUFFALO LAKE VILLAGE FRANKLIN VILLAGE . . HECTOR VILLAGE . . . OLIVIA VILLAGE . . . RENVILLE RICE COUNTY BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP DUNDAS VILLAGE . . . FARIBAULT + MORRISTOWN VILLAGE . NORTHFIELO WARSAW TOWNSHIP. WEBSTER TOWNSHIP ROCK COUNTY BEAVER CREEK VILLAGE HARDWICK VILLAGE . . HILLS VILLAGE. . . . LUVERNE ROSEAU COUNTY BADGER VILLAGE . . GREENBUSH VILLAGE. ROSEAU VILLAGE . . WARROAD VILLAGE. . SCOTT COUNTY BELLE PLAINE BOROUGH EAGLE CREEK TOWNSHIP ELKO VILLAGE .... GLENDALE TOWNSHIP. . JACKSON TOWNSHIP . . JORDAN CITY NEW MARKET TOWNSHIP. NEW PRAGUE + . . . . PRIOR LAKE VILLAGE . SAND CREEK TOWNSHIP. SAVAGE VILLAGE . . . SHERBURNE COUNTY BECKER VILLAGE . . . BIG LAKE VILLAGE . . ELK RIVER TOWNSHIP . ELK RIVER VILLAGE. . LAKE FREMONT VILLAGE SIBLEY COUNTY ARLINGTON GAYLORD GIBBON VILLAGE . . GREEN ISLE VILLAGE HENDERSON NEW AUBURN VILLAGE WINTHROP 2 2 3 3 1 1 7 7 10 10 5 5 8 e 3 3 64 38 2 2 18 18 2 2 2 2 6 2 1 1 3 3 9 9 24 24 2 2 28 28 7 7 10 8 6 6 9 9 4 4 2 2 11 11 1 1 13 13 15 7 2 2 3 3 57 27 39 39 2 2 1 1 3 3 7 7 _ . 6 6 1 1 5 5 1 1 3 3 1 1 10 10 3 3 1 1 3 3 18 18 - - 1 1 2 2 ■ ~ 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 11 9 3 3 11 11 3 3 60 52 2 2 46 14 7 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 56 45 . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 14 40 40 3 3 19 19 10 10 1 1 4 4 18 12 20 12 9 9 34 5 2 2 3 3 19 19 21 13 (S) (S) 11 11 12 12 6 6 6 6 2 3 11 4 T 2 4 4 24 20 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 5 4 4 2 2 13 10 12 12 44 44 3 3 19 19 4 4 1 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 331 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wliicli constitute ttie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. if See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units lot which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961\ 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total nuiiibei in structures wit — number of in structuies with- number of numbei of number of number of number of number of number of number of number of numbei of = of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units (X) (X) txi (X) (X) (XI ( XI (Xl (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 IXI (XI (XI 01 no 29 3 8 33 33 _ _ T 43 47 28 25 45 26 23 33 16 29 02 35 33 2 . 23 21 2 . 86 53 84 77 (SI T 20 (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 3 1 2 _ 5 5 _ - (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 1 1 - 1 1 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 3 3 . . (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X ) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 06 9 9 - _ 7 7 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 I 1 1 1 1 1 . T 2 1 2 2 _ 08 1 7 . . 12 7 _ 5 21 18 7 (SI 10 T 9 12 13 17 23 09 1 1 _ _ 5 1 4 . ,4 1 - 1 4 - (SI (XI (XI (XI 10 ( X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) ( XI (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 - (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 4 5 1 - - - 1 1 - 13 _ _ . _ 1 1 _ _ 1 - - 3 2 1 1 - - 4 14 2 2 - - 6 6 - - 10 5 6 1 - 6 4 6 1 7 15 1 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 1 1 _ _ 4 4 . . (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 1 1 . _ 1 1 . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 (X) (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 3 3 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 21 13 13 _ _ 21 21 _ . 21 26 23 35 25 27 30 34 23 47 22 _ _ _ _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 8 8 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 24 3 3 _ _ 3 3 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 - ' 1 1 - - - - - 1 - - T - 1 T 1 ~ 26 5 5 . 3 3 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 3 3 . _ 3 3 _ (XI (XI (X) ( X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 2 2 . _ (XI (XI (xl (X) (X I (XI (XI 1 XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 3 3 _ _ 5 5 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 11 11 . _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 3 3 - - 2 2 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 U 11 (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 54 36 14 4 56 56 _ 63 64 42 71 62 & 56 66 33 67 125 35 (S) (SI _ 3 3 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI 36 34 34 - - 56 39 - 17 44 44 33 34 35 (SI 29 26 27 (SI 37 . _ _ (XI (X) (XI ( X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 40 _ _ _ _ _ . _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 5 5 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 19 19 - - 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 2 2 T - T 4 . 2 2 3 3 T 2 44 3 3 _ _ (SI (SI . _ (SI 8 2 - 5 6 (SI (XI (XI (XI 45 3 1 2 _ 4 4 _ _ 9 5 1 5 10 8 1 - 3 6 46 a 4 - 2 2 - - 5 5 3 4 6 10 1 4 3 6 47 22 19 3 14 14 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 28 28 . . (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI 51 5 5 (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 6 6 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 3 3 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 3 3 . _ 7 7 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 7 7 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 42 7 6 29 33 16 4 11 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 58 (XI (XI ( XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 _ _ _ _ 5 5 _ _ 13 11 2 7 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 60 105 105 . _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 7 7 „ _ 18 12 6 15 6 8 3 10 10 10 (XI (XI (XI 62 1 1 - - 3 3 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 14 14 8 4 4 10 13 19 8 7 16 9 e (SI 25 64 18 18 _ _ 8 8 . _ 27 17 19 21 17 (SI T 16 11 8 8 65 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ . (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 IX) (XI ;xi (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 67 2 2 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 68 2 2 . 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ . (SI (XI (XI (XI 69 3 3 - - 10 10 ' - 8 11 6 11 8 7 (SI (XI (XI (XI 70 332 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, *'97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 5 units units or more t^INNESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S~CON. STEARNS COUNTY ALBANY VILLAGE BROOTEN VILLAGE FREEPORT VILLAGE GREENWALD VILLAGE HOLOINGFORD VILLAGE KIMBALL PRAIRIE VILLAGE I^ELROSE PAYNESVILLE VILLAGE ST CLOUD + ST JOSEPH VILLAGE SARTELL VILLAGE SAUK CENTRE WAITE PARK VILLAGE STEELE COUNTY ELLENDALE VILLAGE HAVANA TOWNSHIP MEDFORD VILLAGE OWATONNA + OWATONNA TOWNSHIP STEVENS COUNTY CHOKIO VILLAGE DONNELLY VILLAGE HANCOCK VILLAGE t^ORRIS SWIFT COUNTY APPLETON VILLAGE BENSON KERKHOVEN VILLAGE MURDOCK VILLAGE TORNING TOWNSHIP TODD COUNTY BERTHA VILLAGE CLARISSA VILLAGE EAGLE BEND VILLAGE LONG PRAIRIE VILLAGE STAPLES TRAVERSE COUNTY BROWNS VALLEY VILLAGE DUMONT VILLAGE WHEATON VILLAGE WABASHA COUNTY ELGIN VILLAGE LAKE CITY PLAINVIEW VILLAGE. WADENA COUNTY NIMROD VILLAGE AADENA VILLAGE WASECA COUNTY JANESVILLE VILLAGE NEW RICHLAND VILLAGE WALDORF VILLAGE WASECA WATONWAN COUNTY BUTTERFIELD VILLAGE. . DARFUR VILLAGE LA SALLE VILLAGE MADELIA VILLAGE ST JAI^ES WILKIN COUNTY BRECKENRIDGE ROTHSAY VILLAGE WINONA COUNTY ALTURA VILLAGE DAKOTA VILLAGE GOODVIEW VILLAGE LEWISTON VILLAGE MINNESOTA CITY VILLAGE ST CHARLES WINONA + WRIGHT COUNTY ALBERTVILLE VILLAGE ANNANDALE VILLAGE BUFFALO VILLAGE COKATO VILLAGE DELANO VILLAGE FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP HANOVER VILLAGE HOWARD LAKE VILLAGE MAPLE LAKE VILLAGE MONTICELLO VILLAGE 10 143 3 10 97 3 8 13 5 2 2 9 9 7 7 S 2 5 5 16 16 1 1 2 2 3 3 20 4 4 10 161 2 7 12 3 130 7 4 101 7 5 5 18 16 4 4 10 10 - - m. - 5 5 2 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 - — 6 6 1 1 8 8 20 20 11 11 5 5 3 3 8 8 52 52 3 3 4 4 7 7 6 6 3 3 13 13 2 2 4 4 1 1 6 6 7 7 11 11 163 141 1 1 3 3 6 4 2 2 2 2 87 87 4 4 1 I 1 1 4 4 49 44 4 4 10 10 15 13 9 12 12 18 U 2 2 . _ 2 2 8 8 1 1 2 2 4 4 24 24 2 2 1 1 13 13 - - 4 4 6 6 2 2 6 6 4 4 7 7 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 333 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place Is on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, ■■&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: •'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more Ihan 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei ol housing nits Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total e number in structures witli - number in structures with - number numbei of number of number of number number of number of number of number ol number ol = of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj unils units or more units units or more units units units units unils unils units units units units 3 3 6 6 (X) (X) (X) ( X I IX 1 (X) IX) (X) IX) 1X1 01 2 2 - . 4 4 - - (X) (X) (X) 1 X ) IX ) 1 X) 1 X ) (X) (X) 1X1 02 5 5 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) (X ) (X) 1X1 03 _ . - _ 2 2 - - IX) (X) (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) (X ) (XI IX) IX) 04 1 1 - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI 1 X ) ( X ) IX) (X) (XI IX) IX) 05 _ . _ _ (X) (X) (X) { XI (X) (X) IX) 1 X 1 (X) 1 X) 1X1 IX) IX) IX) 06 9 9 . . 4 4 _ _ 6 1 5 6 15 T 9 12 20 2 18 07 10 10 - . 18 18 - - 4 12 10 11 10 7 14 5 15 IS 08 171 169 2 _ 134 131 3 - 157 125 93 160 227 163 128 127 140 249 09 5 5 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X) IX) IX) (X 1 IX) 1X1 IX ) IX) I X) 10 7 7 _ _ 4 4 _ _ (XI (X) (X) ( X) (X ) ( X) IX) IX) IX) (X) 11 9 9 . - 8 8 - - (X 1 (X ) (X) ( X) (X) (X ) (X) IX ) IX) (X) 12 5 5 - - IX) (X) (X 1 1 X) (X) (X) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) 13 1 1 (X) ( X ) IX) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) 1X1 IX) IX) 14 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X] (X) (X) (X) (X) I X ) IX) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX 1 IX) IX) 15 7 7 . _ 6 6 _ _ (X) (X ) IX) (X) IX I (X) IX ) IX) IX) 1 XI 16 84 84 • _ 76 76 _ - 142 136 120 120 147 lie 79 70 104 180 17 8 a - - (X) (X) (XI (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) (X) IX ) (X) 1 X ) IX) IX) 1X1 18 1 1 . 1 1 (X) ( X ) IX) 1 X ) IX 1 (X) (X) 1X1 IX 1 IX) 19 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 1 - - 2 3 2 - 1 2 3 20 (X> (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) I X ) 1X1 21 24 20 4 - 35 35 - - T 36 23 22 13 43 38 66 40 16 52 22 3 3 4 T 10 2 6 5 9 10 11 T 8 T 4 23 11 U - . (S) (S) . - (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 (XI (X 1 IX) 24 2 2 _ . 3 3 _ _ (X) (X) (X) IX) IX ) IX) (X) (XI IX) IX) 25 _ _ _ 1 1 _■ - (X) IX) (X) IX) IX ) (X) IX) (XI 1X1 IX) 26 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X ) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) 27 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI IX) (X ) 1 XI IX) (X) (X) IX) 28 1 1 _ . 3 3 _ _ IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (XI IX) 29 2 2 - _ 6 6 _ - (X) IX) (X) IX) IX 1 IX) (X) IX) IX) 1X1 30 9 9 - _ 12 8 4 - 10 13 15 9 7 6 3 3 T 9 (S) 31 - - - - 5 5 - - - ~ 3 8 T 10 IS) (S) 8 (S) IS) 32 2 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 5 3 2 T 2 T 5 33 1 1 - . _ . - - (X) IX) (X) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 34 7 5 2 - 7 7 - - 12 7 4 4 16 IS, 3 5 T 7 24 35 1 1 4 4 (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 1X1 (XI IX) IXI 36 7 7 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) IX) IX) IX) (X) 1 X 1 (XI IX) IX) 37 18 10 2 6 1 1 - - 19 9 4 10 a 12 4 4 10 ~ 38 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) 1 X ) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 39 10 10 - - 13 13 - - 22 22 22 17 21 35 18 17 19 32 40 2 2 4 4 6 4 8 9 8 6 ISI (XI IX) IX) 41 2 2 . _ 8 a _ _ 11 25 3 8 2 5 5 1 4 6 42 2 2 . _ (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (XI IX) IX) 43 18 16 2 - 20 20 - 23 38 36 38 53 40 27 26 41 59 44 1 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX ) IX) (X) (X I 1 X ) IX ) (X) 1 X) (X) 45 » _ _ _ _ _ _ (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) 46 - - - . (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) IX) IX) (X ) (X) IX ) IX) IX) 1X1 ( X) 47 3 3 _ _ 9 9 _ _ IX) (X) IX) (XI (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 48 18 18 - - 28 28 - - T 20 14 20 14 20 14 17 28 22 39 49 10 10 11 11 IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 50 1 1 - - - - IX) IX) IX) IXI (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI 51 1 1 3 3 IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI 52 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (XI (X) (X) (XI IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) IXI 53 9 9 _ . 15 11 4 _ 17 9 8 21 22 IX) IXI (XI IX) IXI 54 2 2 . _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 (X) IX) IXI 55 & 123 4 - & 119 - - - - (X ) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 1X1 56 6 6 _ _ 2 2 _ „ T 10 T 4 5 4 7 12 6 6 11 20 57 & 93 46 - & 47 77 75 2 - 55 31 35 63 80 49 & 221 37 35 61 58 2 2 2 2 IX) (X) (X) (X) IX 1 IX) IX) IX) IX 1 IXI 59 5 5 _ . _ _ 3 1 5 2 T 6 6 8 2 T 3 4 60 16 16 . _ 27 18 2 7 T 6 21 11 14 18 16 (S) IX) (X) IX) 61 2 2 _ _ _ _ 2 4 4 5 6 2 6 5 7 13 62 16 13 3 - 5 5 - - IX) (X ) (X) ( X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) 63 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X ) (X> (X) IX) (X) (X ) (X) IX) (X) (X) 64 2 2 - . (X) (X) ( X) ( XI (X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) (X) IX) (X) (X) 65 5 5 _ « 6 6 _ _ (X ) (X) (X) 1 X ) IXI IX) (X) IX) (X ) ( X) 66 3 3 _ _ 5 5 _ _ 2 6 9 11 7 7 (SI 1 XI IX) 1X1 67 4 4 - - (X) (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) IXI (X) IX) ( X) IX) IX) IXI 68 334 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units (MINNESOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE St^SA'S — COtv) WRIGHT COUNTY — CON. MONTROSE VILLAGE ROCKFORD TOWNSHIP ROCKFORD VILLAGE ST MICHAEL VILLAGE YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY CANBY CLARKFIELD VILLAGE GRANITE FALLS HANLEY FALLS VILLAGE PORTER VILLAGE MISSISSIPPI JACKSON SMSA HINDS COUNTY CLINTON JACKSON + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAMS COUNTY NATCHEZ + , ALCORN COUNTY CORINTH + , ATTALA COUNTY KOSCIUSKO , BOLIVAR COUNTY BOYLE TOWN SHAW TOWN , SHELBY , CHOCTAW COUNTY ACKERMAN TOWN , CLAIBORNE COUNTY PORT GIBSON TOWN , CLARKE COUNTY QUITMAN TOWN , CLAY COUNTY WEST POINT , COAHOMA COUNTY CLARKSDALE + , FRIARS POINT TOWN , LULA TOWN , COPIAH COUNTY GEORGETOWN TOWN , HAZLEHURST , DE SOTO COUNTY ♦ DE SOTO COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS tt. HERNANDO TOWN FORREST COUNTY HATTIESBURG + GEORGE COUNTY LUCEDALE TOWN GRENADA COUNTY GRENADA HANCOCK COUNTY BAY ST LOUIS + WAVELAND TOWN + HARRISON COUNTY BILOXI + GULFPORT + LONG BEACH TOWN + PASS CHRISTIAN * HOLMES COUNTY DURANT TOWN HUMPHREYS COUNTY 6ELZ0NI JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTY. PART OF UNINC. AREA OCEAN SPRINGS TOWN + PASCAGOULA + JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY PRENTISS TOWN 13 13 7 7 7 7 6 6 2 2 20 20 1 1 2 2 T 82 1 355 2 & 32 136 1 471 21 (S) 62 15 107 104 56 363 94 37 58 666 363 94 37 24 639 12 - 10 - 38 & 40 104 8 1 - " ■ 1 . 21 2 449 22 19 2 160 3 11 - 28 - (S) _ 62 - 16 _ 93 8 49 - 56 - 2 2 13 13 9 5 6 6 3 3 1 1 37 35 99 1 315 540 9 225 T 53 & 326 153 122 82 (SI 86 194 81 793 540 3 (S) 86 70 51 4 S3 ■ 31 . 19 34 92 6 18 - 1 1 5 5 3 3 9 9 5 5 2 2 e 26 1 1 (S) 1 048 566 19 56 266 119 33 294 138 275 IS) 819 62 62 18 18 1 3 6 1 3 6 3 3 10 10 10 10 30 30 68 62 566 17 43 254 87 33 18 185 138 166 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 335 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places whicti constitute the source lot the statistics shown monthly ■ -" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units tor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zi 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) (XI 5 (X) 5 (X) (X) ( X) IX ) (XI (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 02 1 8 1 8 - - 5 7 5 7 - - 6 (X) 5 ( X ) 6 (X) 4 (XI 13 (X ) 5 (X) (S) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 04 3 2 23 (X> 3 2 19 (X) 4 (X) (X) 1 (X) 13 (X) 1 (X ) 13 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 (X ) 25 (X) (X) 7 (X) 20 (X ) (X) 10 (X) 18 (X) (XI 11 (XI 20 (XI (XI 22 (X 1 14 (X ) (XI 12 (X) 24 (XI (XI (SI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI 05 06 07 08 09 105 1 204 105 956 158 90 (X) & 1 425 (XI 920 (X) 194 (X) & 311 (X) 588 (X 1 587 (X) 401 ( XI 585 (X) 855 (XI 1 006 ( XI 741 (XI 563 (XI 691 (XI 1 557 10 11 33 33 - - 38 38 - - 61 66 53 74 94 53 (SI (XI (XI (XI 12 95 95 - - 75 75 - - 30 26 & 114 37 29 22 & 114 31 47 62 13 26 26 - - (S> (S) - - 18 8 4 10 12 20 (SI (XI (XI (XI 14 (X) 3 10 (X) 3 10 (X) (X) (X) (S) (XI (S) ( XI (XI (X) 2 (X) (X) 2 (XI (X) 6 (X) (X ) 1 (XI (X ) 1 (X) (XI 4 (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI 15 16 17 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X I (X) (X) (X) (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 8 8 - - 17 17 - - 18 T 5 6 (SI T 6 (SI (SI (X) (XI (XI 19 11 11 - - 5 5 - _ 5 4 12 20 19 8 (SI (XI (XI (XI 20 38 38 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 21 69 3 69 1 2 _ 52 5 1 52 5 1 _ - 47 T - (X) 25 (S) (X ) 24 6 (XI 39 5 (XI 57 (XI 210 (SI (X) 168 vX 1 (XI 276 (XI (XI 129 iXI (XI & 322 (XI (XI 22 23 24 1 4 1 4 - - 3 12 3 12 - - (X) 2 (X ) 4 (XI (XI 2 (X ) 5 (XI 3 (XI 2 (XI 4 (XI 2 (XI 13 25 26 512 8 512 8 - - (X) 9 (X) 9 (X) (XI (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 28 220 202 12 6 171 159 4 8 T 188 157 101 190 194 T 146 115 127 210 302 29 8 a .- - 9 9 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 49 29 - 20 13 13 - - (X) (X 1 ( XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 32 36 32 36 - - 5 33 5 33 - - (X) T 52 (X) 31 (XI 23 (XI 41 (X 1 39 (X) 47 (X) 28 (XI 29 (XI 33 (XI 47 32 33 53 176 57 24 53 170 57 24 6 - 176 363 55 29 58 164 55 29 8 110 199 103 196 98 T 17 60 & 421 57 31 43 130 43 & (SI 58 259 93 (X) (SI 279 62 (XI (XI 323 46 (X) (X) 174 T 57 (X) (XI 275 50 (XI (XI 275 T 49 (XI (XI 259 (SI (XI 34 35 36 37 14 14 - - 16 16 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 38 13 13 - - 23 23 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 409 34 & 261 404 34 109 & 152 - (X) 47 & 162 (X) 47 75 (X) & 87 ( XI (X) 142 T 65 (XI 35 & (S) (XI (SI (SI (XI (X) 55 (XI (X ) 58 (X) (X ) 90 (XI (X) 317 (XI (XI 197 (XI (XI 35 (XI (XI 25 40 41 42 2 2 . _ 12 12 _ _ 4 8 5 13 1 4 (SI (XI (XI (XI 43 336 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, "97,0 to 99,9 percent of county populahon in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA. outside SMSA'i and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more t^ISSISSIPPI — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON JONES COUt^TY LAUREL -I- SANDERSVILLE TOWN LAFAYETTE COUNTY OXFORD + LAMAR COUNTY PURVIS TOWN * LAUDERDALE COUNTY MERIDIAN + LEE COUNTY TUPELO + LEFLORE COUNTY GREENWOOD -I- ITTA BENA TOWN LINCOLN COUNTY BROOKHAVEN + LOWNDES COUNTY COLUMBUS + MADISON COUNTY CANTON + MADISON COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . RIDGELAND VILLAGE MARION COUNTY COLUMBIA * MARSHALL COUNTY BYHALIA TOWN HOLLY SPRINGS POTTS CAMP TOWN MONROE COUNTY ABERDEEN * AMORY MONTGOMERY COUNTY WINONA NESHOBA COUNTY PHILADELPHIA + NEWTON COUNTY NEWTON OKTIBBEHA COUNTY STARKVILLE PANOLA COUNTY SARDISTOWN PEARL RIVER COUNTY PICAYUNE + POPLARVILLE TOWN PERRY COUNTY RICHTON TOWN PIKE COUNTY MCCOMB + OSYKA TOWN PONTOTOC COUNTY PONTOTOC PRENTISS COUNTY BOONEVILLE TOWN QUITMAN COUNTY MARKS TOWN SCOTT COUNTY FOREST SIMPSON COUNTY MAGEE TOWN SMITH COUNTY TAYLORSVILLE TOWN SUNFLOWER COUNTY DREW TOWN INDIANOLA + MOORHEAD TOWN RULEVILLE TOWN TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY TUTWILER TOWN TATE COUNTY SENATOBIA TOWN + T 77 24 30 & 10 2 2 24 22 4 4 48 36 37 37 23 23 (S) (S) 10 10 176 162 (S) (S) 16 (S) 55 (S) 1 30 (S) 2 2 37 37 4 4 38 38 26 26 5 5 40 40 21 21 (S) (S) 10 10 & 193 126 (S) (S) (S) 1 & 87 27 6 6 42 42 14 14 16 16 13 13 32 32 6 6 17 17 95 & 64 50 127 3 3 22 20 5 5 43 43 43 43 101 20 40 10 & 19 38 123 101 20 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 337 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, e See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ot housing units Number of housing m structures with jnits Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 urrit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 95 5 93 5 2 - T 146 12 146 12 - . 138 ( X ) 114 IX) 91 (X) 153 (X ) 189 (X) 105 (X) 75 (X) S IS) (X) (S) (X) IS) IX) 01 02 51 41 10 - S 160 & 52 4 & 104 44 41 34 36 48 27 17 25 12 123 03 (S) IS) - - 23 23 - - (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 1 X) 04 281 246 35 - S 540 & 538 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 05 & 514 190 & 324 - 168 168 - - 150 102 127 126 203 178 141 107 102 161 06 120 13 106 13 14 - 112 5 94 5 18 - no (X ) 92 (X) 75 (X) 68 (X) 103 (X) 115 (X) 68 (X) 91 IX) 136 (X) 246 (X) 07 08 27 27 - - 57 57 - - (X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) 09 141 139 2 - 153 153 - - S 368 T& 265 S 165 45 24 T 59 (X) (X) IX) (X) 10 T 51 (X) 5 51 (X) 5 (X) (X) 48 (X) 10 48 (X) 10 (X) (X) 39 (X) IX ) (S) (X) (X) T 18 (X) (X) 38 (X ) (X) T 25 (X) (X ) 25 IX) (X) 21 (X) IX) (S) (X) (X) & (S) IX) (X) 105 IX) IX) 11 12 13 75 75 - - T 36 36 - - (X) (X ) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) 14 1 (X) 2 1 IX) 2 (X) (X) 4 ( X) 6 4 (X) 6 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) 1 X) IX) 1 X) (X) IX) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 1 X) (X) 15 16 17 40 S (S) 40 (S) 4 (S) - 52 (X) 52 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X ) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 18 19 21 7 14 - S 105 35 a, 70 - (X) (X) IX) (X) (X ) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) 20 & 103 * 73 & 30 - T 42 42 - - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 21 & 42 & 42 - - 11 11 - 14 3 15 28 26 23 (X) IX) (X) (X) 22 (S) (S) - - 9 9 - - T 12 8 & 92 8 22 22 15 3 17 T 29 23 5 5 - - (X) (X) tX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) 24 41 (S) 41 (S) - - & 90 9 40 9 & 50 - 51 IX) T 43 (X) 31 (X) 31 (X) (S) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 25 26 (S) (S) - - (S) (S) - - (X) (X ) (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 27 44 42 2 - 51 51 - - 100 (X) (S) IX) & (S) (X) 30 (X) 31 IX) IS) IX> IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) 28 29 - - ~ - 25 25 - - (X) (X) (X) (X ) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 30 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) 31 9 9 - - (S) (S) - - IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) 32 23 23 - - 27 27 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 33 9 9 - - 17 17 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 34 4 4 - - 6 6 - - IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 35 3 56 (X> 6 3 56 (X) 6 (X) (X) 6 53 (X) 2 5 53 (X) 2 1 X) (X) IX) 62 (X) (X) (X) 28 (X) (X) (X) 31 (X) (X) (X) 31 (X) (X) (X ) 67 (X ) (X ) (X) 65 (X) IX> (X) 52 IX) IX) (X) 71 (X) IX) IX) (S) (X) IX) IX) IS) (X) (X) 36 37 38 39 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) ( X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) (X) 40 338 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each ol the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in dehnilion, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: "Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 MISSISSIPPI~COt^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COI^. TISHOMINGO COUI^TY TISHOMINGO TOWN WALTHALL COUNTY TYLERTOWN TOWI^ + WARREN COUNTY VICKSBURG + WASHINGTON COUNTY GREENVILLE * HOLLANDALE LELAND + WINSTON COUNTY LOUISVILLE YALOBUSHA COUNTY WATER VALLEY + YAZOO COUNTY YAZOO CITY + MISSOURI KANSAS CITYt MO.-KANS. SMSA CASS COUNTY BELTON ■¥ CASS COUNTY UNINC. AREA DREXEL GARDEN CITY HARRISONVILLE * PECULIAR PLEASANT HILL CLAY COUNTY AVONDALE CLAYCOMO VILLAGE CLAY COUNTY UNINC. AREA EXCELSIOR SPRINGS + GLADSTONE + GLENAIRE VILLAGE LIBERTY + MISSOURI CITY MOSBY NORTH KANSAS CITY TOWN PLEASANT VALLEY VILLAGE JACKSON COUNTY ** BLUE SPRINGS BUCKNER GRANDVIEW INDEPENDENCE + JACKSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . KANSAS CITY + LEES SUMMIT + OAK GROVE TOWN RAYTOWN + SUGAR CREEK + PLATTE COUNTY HOUSTON LAKE NORTHMOOR PARKVILLE PLATTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . . PLATTE CITY PLATTE WOODS RIVERSIDE (KANSAS) JOHNSON COUNTY COUNTRYSIDE FAIRWAY GARDNER LENEXA MERRIAM MISSION MISSION HILLS MISSION WOODS MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP OLATHE OVERLAND PARK + * OXFORD TOWNSHIP PRAIRIE VILLAGE , ROELAND PARK SHAWNEE * SHAWNEE TOWNSHIP + 253 6 20 19t 169 9 6 73 13 58 6 67 6H 95 577 2 140 3 11 a 101 33 414 1 624 274 3 214 275 17 627 44 199 6 20 54 70 169 - 9 - 6 - 6S 5 7 6 38 20 6 _ 11 24 64 - 59 - 255 32 2 _ 118 2 101 29 148 1 001 210 1 719 173 11 344 26 4 (S) 1 1 18 16 46 42 230 59 35 35 21 21 — - 13 13 35 35 448 823 15 15 433 93 14 14 196 196 36 290 4 122 & 248 36 236 48 6 52 144 375 26 259 54 231 10 476 340 227 8 31 185 131 3 3 37 1 36 55 66 67 346 3 157 69 16 350 167 369 414 202 26 436 60 3 23 70 80 29 17 1 12 23 135 5 220 13 210 103 225 e 31 41 131 3 3 37 1 29 15 66 67 248 3 99 69 18 111 737 279 1 662 126 26 350 27 3 19 18 74 29 17 1 12 23 877 5 158 13 160 245 5 27 124 115 72 73 26 10 33 115 315 18 679 46 79 209 38 2 24 153 149 6 6 15 93 34 164 4 & 235 3 5 10 61 14 292 813 271 078 206 12 604 53 21 23 47 40 20 6 6 322 7 326 462 223 122 226 5 27 51 149 6 6 15 93 34 162 59 14 69 686 255 1 529 132 12 442 37 5 18 23 47 40 20 6 6 860 7 295 22 165 104 206 117 6 102 76 20 16 33 422 46 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 339 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. - See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing m designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Nuiiibe of housing units Total Number ol housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 nuiiibei m structures wifh- number in structures with- number of number of number of number number ol number of number number number number i ol of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-1 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units 01 moie units units units units units units units units units units (X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 8 8 - - 24 24 - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 02 73 71 2 - 49 49 - - 37 52 79 111 167 206 200 143 129 237 03 220 218 2 U6 114 2 T 130 106 105 162 253 276 279 261 258 356 04 21 21 - _ 4 4 . - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 19 19 - - 28 28 - - 32 33 14 20 31 53 40 21 22 78 06 5 5 - & 87 7 S 80 - T 3 - - - - - - - - - 07 8 8 - - (S) (S) - - (S) (S) (SI 9 7 20 (SI (XI (X) (XI 08 91 91 - - 62 60 2 - T 50 T 55 68 60 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 70 52 6 12 41 31 10 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 182 182 _ _ 153 153 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 11 1 1 . . 9 9 . - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 55 51 4 - 49 43 6 - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 3 3 _ _ 2 2 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 15 30 30 - - 38 36 2 - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 16 (XI (XI (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 8 8 . _ 9 9 _ _ T 14 (S) (SI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 18 133 133 - - ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 19 59 53 6 - 91 79 2 10 50 38 21 T 16 (SI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 20 158 152 6 - 170 162 8 - 285 353 391 (SI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 21 3 3 _ . 4 . 4 _ T 3 3 T 2 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 141 118 18 5 174 163 6 5 147 166 104 81 87 67 48 T 109 40 30 23 « _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 2 2 _ _ 5 5 _ _ (X) (XI (XI ( X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 2 2 _ _ 3 3 . _ 13 42 4 64 (SI (SI T - T 3 2 681 26 21 15 6 - 31 31 - - T 24 27 10 (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI {XI 27 51 43 8 56 50 6 T 35 T 35 T 18 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 17 15 2 _ 21 21 _ - 7 1 8 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 (S) (SI _ 63 61 2 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 776 604 92 80 480 418 36 26 906 675 467 540 390 624 514 489 369 549 31 217 195 22 1 491 1 459 32 - 2 804 & 2 565 1 599 2 197 3 996 3 311 (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 2 631 1 668 88 875 1 612 1 152 79 381 2 467 & 2 896 1 213 1 308 1 588 1 853 1 905 &2 606 & 1 881 2 957 33 277 207 62 8 311 280 31 _ 250 174 T 167 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 34 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 589 438 32 119 202 202 _ . T 137 78 100 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 46 29 17 18 2 16 - (S) 17 16 (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 3 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 38 S 5 _ _ 8 8 _ . (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 _ _ 4 2 2 _ (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 249 191 58 _ 149 135 14 _ 265 365 118 127 234 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 11 11 - 15 15 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 1 1 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 ~ ~ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 44 13 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 6 6 _ _ 2 2 _ . 10 10 7 20 45 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 46 13 13 _ _ 25 23 2 . (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 25 25 . . 22 20 2 - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 32 32 - - 94 94 - - 41 36 31 49 T 73 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 44 44 30 28 2 _ 37 26 20 24 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 21 21 . _ (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 _ _ . _ _ . . (SI 35 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 52 4 4 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 8 T 3 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 53 5 5 - - 7 7 - - 172 125 80 146 156 46 (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 1 154 939 78 137 796 648 40 108 1 081 957 502 1 010 1 080 1 126 663 1 262 1 437 2 515 55 11 11 _ 12 12 _ - T 14 10 T 6 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (X) (XI 56 160 160 . _ (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 57 18 18 _ _ 24 24 „ . 43 76 74 83 145 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 189 137 28 24 110 90 20 - T 64 19 13 12 19 35 28 15 14 T 14 59 340 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, Ihe totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, '•97,0 to 99,9 percent ol county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 01 02 C3 21 22 23 24 25 26 MISSOURI— CON. KAt>JSAS CITY. MO.-KANS. SMSA — CON. JOHNSON COUNTY — CON. SPRING HILL WESTWOOD WESTWOOD HILLS . WYANDOTTE COUNTY ** BONNER SPRINGS KANSAS CITY + WYANDOTTE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . ST JOSEPH SMSA BUCHANAN COUNTY *♦ BUCHANAN COUNTY UNINC. AREA ST JOSEPH -I- ST. LOUISi MO. -ILL. SMSA FRANKLIN COUNTY NEW HAVEN PACIFIC PINEY PARK TOWN ST CLAIR SULLIVAN -I- UNION WASHINGTON + JEFFERSON COUNTY CRYSTAL CITY DE SOTO FESTUS KIMMSWICK PEVELY ST CHARLES COUNTY ♦* FALLON + PORTAGE DES SIOUX ST CHARLES + ST. CHARLES COUNTY UNII^C. AREA . . . ST PETERS TOWN WENTZVILLE ST LOUIS COUNTY ** ARBOR TERRACE 6ALLWIN -f BELLA VILLA BELLEFONTAINE NEIGHBORS BELLERIVE TOWN BEL-NOR VILLAGE BEL-RIDGE VILLAGE BERDELL HILLS VILLAGE BERKELEY + BEVERLY HILLS BRECKENRIDGE HILLS VILLAGE BRENTWOOD BRIDGETON TOWN + BRIDGETON TERRACE VILLAGE CALVERTON PARK VILLAGE CHAMP VILLAGE. . CHARLACK VILLAGE CLARKSON VALLEY VILLAGE CLAYTON COOL VALLEY VILLAGE COUNTRY CLUB HILLS VILLAGE COUNTRY LIFE ACRES VILLAGE CRESTWOOD + CREVE COEUR + CRYSTAL LAKE PARK DELLWOOD * DES PERES + EOMUNDSON VILLAGE + ELLISVILLE ELMDALE VILLAGE TOWN EUREKA FENTON TOWN FERGUSON + FLORDELL HILLS FLORISSANT + FRONTENAC + GLENDALE GOODFELLOW TERRACE VILLAGE GRANTWOOO TOWN GREENDALE HANLEY HILLS VILLAGE HAZELWOOD VILLAGE + HILLSDALE VILLAGE HUNTLEIGH CITY JENNINGS + 20 798 573 219 291 25 34 100 93 1 315 581 441 2 2 1 136 77 3 70 56 50 41 366 3 215 143 513 219 237 32 6 213 1 136 77 3 70 56 8 41 220 6 620 75 18 1 - 235 32 503 50 128 2 20 512 754 97 287 97 2 278 485 16 12 91 532 97 227 95 2 247 485 16 - 153 17 - 92 4 100 512 170 - - - - 1 1 _ 2 _ - 4 4 - 2 2 72 78 2 - 363 11 _ - - - - - - 199 199 - 72 72 - 5 5 . T 216 216 - 50 50 - 5 5 16 41 41 - 1 1 _ 22 16 - 67 67 80 198 76 - - - 312 1 183 770 _ T 62 62 - 9 9 520 178 122 6 1 217 122 6 1 26 197 148 96 342 139 35 402 854 5 285 86 4 215 416 5 5 1 156 2 54 2 2 7 87 4 11 2 259 . 6 - (S) 72 6 352 9 - - _ 335 - 81 - 3 _ 186 - 51 - 10 - T 18 - 2 6 26 - 70 96 182 - - 168 866 _ T 36 - 17 _ 6 - 2 _ 151 - 1 - T - 178 149 23 99 506 5 265 86 4 190 416 5 5 5 2 192 2 (S) 131 ei 3 186 51 119 1 12 128 246 175 102 132 8 122 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 341 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wliich constitute tlie source for tlie statistics stiown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ■■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housmg units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures with _ number in structures wit _ number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 5 5 11 11 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) IXI (XI IXI (X) (XI 01 _ _ 3 3 _ _ 5 4 2 IS) IX) IX) (X) IXI (XI IXI 02 - - - - - - T - - - - - IX) IX) IX) (X 1 1X1 03 25 21 4 17 15 2 (X) (X) IX) (XI IX) (X ) (X) IX) (X) (XI 04 256 135 84 37 & 597 138 i 434 25 T 231 2ol 171 270 204 312 289 379 481 554 05 604 507 89 8 624 566 58 666 601 484 594 724 1 271 940 1 847 (SI 807 06 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI 07 246 239 7 224 222 2 ■ 280 222 169 185 340 295 217 176 172 212 08 7 7 7 7 (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) (XI (X) IX) (X) (XI 09 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 10 _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) IXI 11 2 2 _ _ (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) ( X) IX) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) IXI 12 23 23 - - 48 44 4 - T 40 54 (S) IS) 38 T 39 32 50 27 ISl 13 22 22 _ 35 35 . . 46 38 42 53 29 35 (S) (XI (X) IXI 14 49 49 - - 54 54 - - 73 63 53 52 63 55 54 47 54 56 15 10 10 4 4 U 2 6 8 17 9 13 30 30 32 16 7 7 . . 17 15 2 _ T 14 15 15 18 39 9 (S) IX) (X) (XI 17 18 18 _ _ IB 12 6 _ 17 14 11 17 51 26 39 36 42 (S) 18 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) IXI 19 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (XI (X) (X) 1X1 20 152 148 4 (X) (X) (X) IX) (XI IX) (XI (XI IX) IXI 21 4 4 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI IX) IXI (XI (XI IX) IXI 22 268 186 47 35 272 226 46 _ S 531 254 147 175 180 151 103 101 131 125 23 5ja ■^'4 - 695 695 _ - (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) IX) IX) (XI IXI IXI 24 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI (X) (X) IX) (XI IX) IX) 25 20 20 - - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (XI (X) IXI 26 . . 1 _ „ 1 8 27 250 227 12 11 87 79 8 - 76 165 64 T 117 IS) (X) (X) (X) (XI IXI 28 15 15 7 7 _ _ 1 3 8 IS) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 29 66 56 10 _ 50 34 16 _ 35 27 (S) T 57 (XI (X) (X) IX) 1 X) (X) 30 - - 1 1 2 4 4 3 13 3 1 3 31 . . . T 2 2 T 9 8 15 19 14 42 27 39 32 5 5 _ _ 16 10 6 _ (X) (X) (XI IX) 1X1 (X) (X) (X) IX) (XI 33 _ _ _ _ _ « _ _ T - - - - - T - - 4 - - 34 72 44 14 14 100 34 66 _ 73 187 127 272 T 297 434 573 350 230 737 35 12 12 - 2 - - 1 1 1 2 8 7 9 36 T 32 8 24 _ 172 22 34 116 (S) (S) T 23 25 IXl (X) (X) IXI (X) (X) 37 5 5 _ 4 4 _ . T 3 47 14 13 71 110 152 69 T 57 1 471 38 298 298 _ . 375 295 80 _ T 249 279 T 129 IS) (X ) IX) IX ) IXI (X) (XI 39 _ _ _ (S) . - IS) (X) (X) (X) IXI (XI (XI 40 8 8 - - 3 3 - - (S) 16 IS) T 21 62 20 11 41 (SI 45 41 (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI 42 2 2 16 16 5 4 2 3 7 2 3 IS) 7 7 43 1 1 _ _ _ _ (S) IS) - - (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) (X) 44 160 6 2 152 41 8 4 29 15 81 69 « 42 123 56 46 36 73 145 45 7 5 2 18 14 4 - (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) (X) 46 T 1 T - 2 (SI 25 T - T - _ - 1 47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 (X) ( X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 48 144 143 1 _ 276 276 . - (S) IS) IS) 396 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) 49 74 74 _ 103 103 _ _ 130 114 81 94 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 50 1 1 - - 3 3 - - (S) 2 4 14 14 6 - 1 1 ~ 51 101 101 56 56 . 290 388 44 19 (XI (XI IXI (X) (X> (XI 52 39 39 _ _ 68 68 _ _ 146 73 107 121 236 69 27 29 36 27 53 54 14 40 177 114 63 (S) 32 T 4 IXI (X) IXI (X) (X) IXI IXI 54 43 43 54 54 _ (S) (S) (S) 109 147 (SI (X) (X) IXI 1X1 55 - - 12 12 - - 14 15 - - - 13 7 - 1 ~ 56 T 20 20 _ _ 149 142 7 _ T 18 10 7 (SI (X) (X) IX) (X ) (XI 1X1 57 70 70 _ _ _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI IXI 58 324 32 292 _ 144 116 28 _ 156 113 160 322 483 435 432 292 247 426 59 _ _ _ _ _ T - - - - - 1 5 2 - 60 806 806 - - 1 044 1 042 2 - 1 682 1 292 1 351 1 251 1 255 861 532 496 112 496 61 39 39 33 33 . T 46 47 50 (S) (X) (XI IX) ( XI (XI IXI 62 30 30 _ _ 27 27 , _ 41 43 34 43 46 23 63 56 69 211 63 _ _ _ _ T - _ . (X) (X) (XI (X) IX) IXI 1X1 64 9 9 _ _ 4 4 _ _ T 2 8 6 IS) (X) IXI (X> IX) (XI 1X1 65 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (S) (S) (S) (S) IXI IXI (X) (XI (X) (XI 66 _ (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI ( X) (X 1 (X) (XI 1X1 67 72 72 . _ 318 242 12 64 319 409 262 304 (X) 1 X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 68 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 23 T 1 (S) T 5 (X) 1 XI (X 1 IXI ( XI 1X1 69 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ _ T 6 4 7 8 11 3 2 1 3 - 70 119 20 22 77 65 35 6 24 90 115 100 299 225 231 226 257 194 208 71 342 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease In presentation and comparability. Changes In definitions established prior to 1964 are shown In table B-4. Wherever there is a change In definition, the totals presented In table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI IX) (X) (XI 02 10 6 8 6 2 - (X) 8 (X) 8 (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) IXI (X) IXI IX) IX) IXI IXI (X ) (XI 1 XI 1 XI 03 04 S 153 19 67 19 & 86 - 69 25 65 25 4 - (XI 20 (X) u (XI 17 ( X) 30 IX) 26 1 XI 17 IX) 22 IXI 31 (XI 17 1X1 17 05 06 6 6 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI IXI (X) IXI IX) (XI (XI 07 - - - - 1 1 - - (XI IX 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (X) IX) IXI (XI (XI 08 7 (X) 17 7 (X) 17 (X) IX) 5 (XI 19 5 (X) 19 (X) (XI (XI (XI 24 (XI (XI (51 (XI (XI ISl (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 18 (X) (X) 4 (XI (XI 6 IXI (X) 11 (XI ( XI 13 (XI (XI 5 09 10 11 - - - - (S) (SI - - (X) (SI (XI (S) (XI T - (X) T - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI T 5 (XI 6 12 13 S & 352 6 204 & 148 - 34 209 26 154 8 37 18 (XI 337 (XI & 567 (XI 295 IXI 338 (X) 153 (X) 96 (XI 86 (X) 86 IXI 84 (XI 211 14 15 (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) IXI (XI 16 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 65 65 - - 74 66 8 - T 33 30 55 64 56 37 (SI IXI (XI (XI 18 10 10 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X ) IXI (XI IXI (XI (XI 19 267 HO 243 38 4 2 20 274 69 233 69 6 35 232 55 182 58 166 49 156 62 196 61 159 40 (SI 58 143 44 140 T 30 270 42 20 21 1 1 - - (S) (S) - - (SI - - - - - - - - - 22 24 24 - - 32 32 - - (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) IX) IX) IXI IXI (XI 23 3 3 - - 2 2 - - (X 1 IXI (XI (XI (X) IXI (XI (XI IXI IXI 24 23 6 15 6 8 - 18 (X) 18 (X) (XI ( XI 20 (XI e (X) 15 (X) 13 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI 25 26 72 66 - 6 152 127 25 - 229 163 138 232 210 182 149 130 170 238 27 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IX) IX) (XI (XI 28 1 1 - - 5 5 - - (XI IXI (XI IX) IXI IX) (XI IXI (XI (XI 29 T 26 21 - 5 31 31 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X ) IXI (XI 1X1 1X1 (XI 30 74 14 70 14 4 - (SI 3 (S) 3 - - (SI 40 80 28 (SI 21 71 (SI 89 (X) 83 IXI 73 (XI 65 IXI 56 (XI (SI (XI 31 32 - - - - 6 6 - - T - 4 2 5 11 18 13 9 T 8 9 33 7 7 - - 5 5 - - 11 13 9 10 9 4 2 4 T 3 6 34 20 20 - - 26 26 - - 42 29 22 7 T 26 (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI 35 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI (XI 36 38 38 - - 32 32 - - 39 47 14 37 130 21 29 18 24 59 37 4 4 . . 10 10 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI 38 346 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "9J.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Tolal number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Tolal number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 01 02 03 MISSOURI—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SI^SA'S — CON. HOWELL COUNTY MOUNTAIN VIEW TOWN WEST PLAINS. . . . WILLOW SPRINGS . . JASPER COUNTY CARTHAGE + . . . DUQUESNE VILLAGE JOPLIN + . . . . WEBB CITY +. . . JOHNSON COUNTY WARRENSBURG. KNOX COUNTY EDINA. . . LACLEDE COUNTY LEBANON. . . LAFAYETTE COUNTY ALMA CONCORDIA. . . LAWRENCE COUNTY AURORA + . . . MARIONVILLE. . MILLER . . . . LINN COUNTY BROOKFIELD LIVINGSTON COUNTY CHILLICOTHE +. . MADISON COUNTY FREDERICKTOWN. MARION COUNTY HANNIBAL + . MILLER COUNTY ELDON. . . . MISSISSIPPI COUNTY CHARLESTON . . . EAST PRAIRIE . . MONITEAU COUNTY TIPTON . . . . MONTGOMERY COUNTY J0NESBUR6. . . . MONTGOMERY CITY. NEW FLORENCE . . NEW MADRID COUNTY NEW MADRID . . . PORTAGEVILLE . . NEWTON COUNTY NEOSHO + . . NODAWAY COUNTY MARYVILLE. . PEMISCOT COUNTY CARUTHERSVILLE + HAYTI STEELE PETTIS COUNTY SEDALIA. . . PHELPS COUNTY NEWBURG. . . ROLLA +. . . ST JAMES . . PIKE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN. LOUISIANA. . . PULASKI COUNTY WAYNESVILLE. PUTNAM COUNTY UNIONVILLE . RALLS COUNTY NEW LONDON . PERRY. . . . RANDOLPH COUNTY MOBERLY. . . . 29 1 196 21 (S) 33 163 36 6 43 5 29 1 173 19 4 4 T 7 7 31 24 4 4 33 27 78 64 IS) 27 5 29 6 140 31 5 29 6 133 28 37 5 152 16 128 10 3 19 1 3 19 1 (S) 25 (S) 22 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 347 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-Issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publlca- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Numbei ot housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ot housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Tolal number ot housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 mote - 6 21 q 6 21 9 - , 4 43 ( X) 4 43 (X) (X) (X) (X) 34 (XI (X) 48 (X) (XI 35 (X) (X 1 47 (X I (X) 51 (X) (XI 29 (XI (X) 28 (X 1 (X) 30 (XI (XI 34 (X 1 (X) 107 (XI 01 02 03 70 1 117 18 70 1 117 18 ; - 74 (X) 161 40 74 (X) 137 40 (X) 24 (X) 87 (X) 332 (X) 33 (XI 221 (X) 62 (X) 213 (XI 58 (X 1 211 (X) 67 (XI 302 (XI 36 (XI 284 (X) 24 (XI 160 (X) 72 (X) 224 (XI 56 ( XI 258 (XI 93 (X) 248 (XI 04 05 06 07 - - - - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 3 3 - - 4 4 - - (X) (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 24 24 - - 21 21 - - 34 58 35 72 73 40 (S) (XI (XI (X) 10 5 5 - - 3 15 3 9 6 ~ (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (Xl (X) (XI 11 12 18 2 18 2 - - 13 (X 1 13 (X) ( X) 'X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (Xl (X) 13 14 15 76 76 - - (XI (X) ( X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 16 37 35 2 - 58 58 _ - 63 54 78 T 45 58 (SI 40 (S) 61 91 17 - - - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 18 72 72 - - 55 54 1 - 55 51 38 77 93 44 51 46 46 40 19 25 23 2 - 22 20 2 - T 10 T 25 21 17 31 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 20 & 117 14 16 14 & 101 - 22 20 20 20 2 - 18 27 27 (S) 21 (SI 22 (X) 23 (X) 18 (XI 21 (X) 37 (X) 20 (X) 72 (X) 21 22 15 15 - - 16 12 4 - 15 18 16 20 91 9 7 7 7 16 23 5 21 4 5 21 4 . _ 1 14 3 1 14 3 " - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 24 25 26 5 14 5 14 - - 4 4 6 - - T 18 T 12 (S) 10 (S) 11 (S) T 13 7 T 18 6 (S) (S) T 10 (X) T 9 (XI (S) (XI (S) 27 28 28 28 - - 34 34 - - 50 72 107 103 93 38 tS) (XI (XI (XI 29 19 19 - - 22 22 - - (X) (X ) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 30 25 20 <5 25 20 9 - _ 30 23 4 26 23 4 4 - (XI 12 T 10 (X) 7 2 (XI 13 9 (X) 15 18 (X ) 13 4 (X) 9 3 (X) 7 17 (X) 5 17 (XI 7 7 (XI 15 T - 31 32 33 115 101 14 - (X) (X) ( X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 34 (X) 59 8 (X) 59 8 (X) (X) (X> 52 25 (X) 52 25 (X) ( X) (X) 89 (X) (X) & 135 (X ) (X) 50 (X) (XI 43 (XI tX) 61 (X) (X) 46 (XI (X) 62 (XI (XI 80 (XI (XI 57 (XI (X) 56 (X) 35 36 37 6 26 6 24 2 - 13 13 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 38 39 23 21 2 - 13 13 - - T 15 18 20 31 8 47 19 27 10 5 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (Xl 41 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (X) (XI 1 (X) 1 (XI 1 (X) 1 (XI (S) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 42 43 25 25 - - 39 37 2 - T 43 57 66 54 67 44 44 62 57 63 44 348 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov^n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shovin in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1954. +Thls Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more MISSOURI— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON RAY COUI^TY LAWSON WOOD HEIGHTS VILLAGE RIPLEY COUNTY DONIPHAN STE GENEVIEVE COUNTY STE GENEVIEVE SALINE COUNTY MARSHALL -I- SLATER SCOTT COUNTY CHAFFEE ORAN SIKESTON -I- SHANNON COUNTY BIRCH TREE STODDARD COUNTY ADVANCE BELL CITY TANEY COUNTY BRANSON TEXAS COUNTY CABOOL VERNON COUNTY NEVADA + *ARREN COUNTY WRIGHT CITY WASHINGTON COUNTY POTOSI WRIGHT COUNTY HARTVILLE MOUNTAIN GROVE MONTANA BILLINGS SMSA YELLOWSTONE COUNTY BILLINGS + LAUREL + GREAT FALLS SMSA CASCADE COUNTY BELT GREAT FALLS + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S BIG HORN COUNTY HARDIN BLAINE COUNTY CHINOOK TOWN HARLEM BROADWATER COUNTY TOWNSEND TOWN CARBON COUNTY BKIOGER TOWN JOLIET TOWN RED LODGE CARTER COUNTY EKALAKA TOWN CHOUTEAU COUNTY BIG SANDY TOWN FORT BENTON CUSTER COUNTY MILES CITY + DANIELS COUNTY FLAXVILLE SCOBEY DAWSON COUNTY GLENDIVE RICHEY TOWN DEER LODGE COUNTY ANACONDA 5 6 100 328 9 1 375 276 9 1 308 6 105 23 7 7 7 35 33 3 3 2 2 2 2 21 21 320 7 2 566 6 6 97 291 7 2 383 13 T 38 371 4 19 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 349 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places whicli constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for v»hich contracts v»ere awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing in structures witf units Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in stiuctures with- Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 5 2 5 2 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (Xl (X ) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 01 02 12 12 - - 13 13 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI 03 (S) (S) - - 18 18 - - 15 12 22 29 35 22 24 36 35 39 04 40 1 36 1 4 - 84 (X) 82 (X> 2 (X) (X) T 53 (X) 68 (X) 97 (XI 77 (XI (SI (XI 74 (X) (S) ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 05 06 11 8 91 11 8 81 2 8 17 6 S 233 17 6 83 S 150 - (X) (X 1 104 (X) (X) 88 (X) (XI 58 ( XI (XI 71 (XI (XI 74 IXI (XI 74 (XI (XI 54 (X 1 (XI 63 (XI (XI 105 (XI (XI 183 07 OS 09 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) ( X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) 10 17 (X) 17 (X) (X) (X) 16 12 4 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 11 12 10 B 2 - 16 16 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 13 13 13 - - 15 15 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 14 53 47 6 - 47 43 4 - T 51 51 T 49 40 67 52 (SI (XI (XI (XI 15 4 4 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 2 2 - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - 17 19 19 - - 5 16 5 16 ' ■ (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 18 19 455 9 413 9 37 5 332 33 306 33 18 8 202 25 79 5 64 21 128 36 179 28 193 34 129 51 120 48 119 58 336 38 20 21 602 406 188 8 & 982 606 S 320 56 (X) 739 (X) 738 (X) 429 (X) 502 (XI 478 (XI 413 (XI 288 (XI 319 (XI 300 (X) 435 22 23 27 19 8 - (SI (S) - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 24 & 6 - & 6 - 4 4 - - 5 (X) 8 (X) 6 (XI 20 (X) 18 (XI 20 (XI 7 (X) 9 (XI 12 (X) H (XI 25 26 2 2 - - 6 6 - - (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 1 3 1 1 2 - 2 4 2 4 _ - 13 4 8 1 2 4 2 3 3 1 2 6 1 4 2 1 1 _ (SI 3 1 (XI 1 8 (X) 9 2 (XI 4 28 29 30 4 4 - - 3 3 - - - 3 1 7 5 4 (S) (XI (XI (X) 31 2 2 - - 11 11 - - (X) T 7 (XI 11 (XI 18 (X) 15 (X) 17 (XI 10 (XI 11 (XI 5 (XI 11 (XI 11 32 33 28 28 - - 35 35 - - 55 39 36 34 37 63 50 57 53 (SI 34 2 1 2 1 - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 35 36 14 1 14 1 - - 17 17 - - 14 IX ) 26 (XI 29 (XI 34 (X) 47 (XI 53 (X) 103 (XI 128 ( X) 55 (X) 40 (X) 37 38 47 & 91 350 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropohtan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the sariie SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Petmit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more l-IOtvlTAt>JA — COI^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON FERSUS COUNTY DENTON TOWN LEWISTOWN + FLATHEAD COUNTY COLUMBIA FALLS KALISPELL ■^ WHITEFISH GALLATIN COUNTY BELGRADE TOWN BO^EMAI>J + /MANHATTAN TOWN THREE FORKS TOWN GLACIER COUNTY CUT BANK TOWN + GRANITE COUNTY DRUMMOND TOWN PHILIPSBURG HILL COUNTY HAVRE + JEFFERSON COUNTY BOULDER TOWN WHITEHALL TOWN JUDITH BASIN COUNTY HOBSON TOWN STANFORD TOWN LAKE COUNTY POLSON RONAN LEWIS AND CLARK COUNTY EAST HELENA TOWN HELENA + LIBERTY COUNTY CHESTER TOWN LINCOLN COUNTY LIBBV TROY TOWN MCCONE COUNTY CIRCLE TOWN MADISON COUNTY SHERIDAN TOWN VIRGINIA CITY TOWN MISSOULA COUNTY MISSOULA + MUSSELSHELL COUNTY MELSTONE TOWN ROUNDUP PARK COUNTY LIVINGSTON + PHILLIPS COUNTY DODSON TOWN MALTA PONDERA COUNTY CONRAD VALIER TOWN POWDER RIVER COUNTY BROAOUS TOWI^ POWELL COUNTY DEER LODGE PRAIRIE COUNTY TERRY RAVALLI COUNTY HAMILTON STEVENSVILLE TOWN RICHLAND COUNTY FAIRVIEW TOWN SIDNEY + ROOSEVELT COUNTY CUL8ERTS0N POPLAR WOLF POINT ROSEBUD COUNTY FORSYTH • & 139 2 1 4 123 2 1 11 290 4 & 5 6 & 34 & 34 11 121 4 & 5 85 & 30 & 26 18 128 18 121 10 6 3 3 2 2 15 15 5 5 2 2 7 7 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 351 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list o( 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. /• See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing m sliuclures wil units - Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in stiuctuies with- Total numbei ol housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units E 1 unit 2-'l units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie - 58 55 3 - 1 49 1 46 3 - (X ) 27 (X) 16 (X) 16 (X) 52 (X) 53 (X) 39 (X) 29 (X) 41 (X) 51 (X) 74 01 02 (X) 20 3 (XI 17 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) u (X) 7 (X) 4 _ (X) IX ) 21 2 (X) 26 2 ( X) 30 6 (X) 59 12 (X ) 61 22 (X) 30 (X) 32 (XI 55 (S) (X) 51 (S) (X) 43 (SI 03 04 05 8 38 8 34 4 - 14 46 4 4 10 42 4 4 4 4 - U) 80 5 6 (X) 38 7 5 (X) 47 3 1 X) 38 4 (X) 50 6 3 (X) 46 2 T 3 (X) 49 (S) (S) (X) 46 (X) (X) (X) 58 (X) (X) (X) 126 (X) (X) 06 07 06 09 8 6 2 - 8 8 - - 26 25 25 23 54 80 18 29 T 15 27 10 1 1 - - 1 1 - - IX) (X) 2 (X) 5 (X) 4 (X) 3 (X) 1 (X) T - (X) (X) (X) 4 11 12 S 94 61 4 & 29 41 35 6 - & 98 69 74 70 T 105 87 72 73 72 (S) 13 2 1 2 1 - - 1 1 1 1 - - (X) 5 (X) (X) 6 (X) 2 (X) 4 (X) 8 (X) 2 (X) 1 (XI 3 (X) 2 14 15 - - - - - : - - (X) 1 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 3 (X) 2 (X) 6 (X) 6 (X) 1 (X) (S) 16 17 7 10 7 10 - - 3 10 3 10 - - T 10 (S) 2 T 2 4 2 5 4 6 6 T 3 (S) 2 2 2 (SI 6 (S) 8 11 16 19 2 91 2 84 7 - 10 1 11 10 97 14 - 9 146 8 123 7 & 97 7 116 10 133 4 106 (S) 69 (X) & 101 (X) 99 (X) 163 20 21 2 2 - - 7 7 - - IX ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 22 2 2 - - 4 _ 4 - - (X) T - IX) 1 (X) 1 (X) 4 (X) 3 (X) (X) 4 (X) 2 (X) 4 (X) T 4 23 24 1 1 - - (S) (S) - - (S) (S) T 5 8 8 T 4 (S) (X) (X) (X) 25 1 1 - - 5 1 5 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 26 27 44 30 2 12 47 47 - - 75 96 34 & 178 103 89 57 61 58 99 28 7 7 - - 2 2 - - (X) 3 (X) 5 (X) ( X ) 3 (X) 7 (X) 1 (X) 4 (X ) 7 (X) 6 (X) 12 29 30 13 13 - - 18 18 - - 30 39 24 31 25 41 40 (S) 31 (S) 31 (X) 4 (X) 4 (X) (X) ( X ) 16 (X) 16 1 X) (X) (X) 17 (X) 40 (X) 17 (X) 28 (X) 30 (X) 19 (X) 22 (X) 26 (X) 11 (X) 9 32 33 7 2 5 2 2 - 6 3 6 3 - - T 15 (XI 24 ( X) 23 (X) 34 (X) 24 (X ) 26 (X) 16 (X) 45 (X) 10 (X) 49 (X) 34 35 3 3 - - 8 6 - - 6 2 4 1 6 T 1 (S) (X) (X) IX) 36 1 1 - - 16 16 - - 8 13 31 24 8 T 16 (S) (X) (X) (X) 37 2 2 - - 3 3 - - 14 1 - 1 - T 2 (S) (X) (X 1 (X) 38 8 1 8 1 - - T 1 6 1 6 - - T 8 1 5 11 1 8 9 4 3 3 2 (S) 4 (X) (S) (X) (S) (X) 39 40 1 24 1 24 - - 14 14 - - 3 42 2 34 3 18 3 14 3 22 4 23 & 23 & 94 ^i 3 8 5 45 41 42 4 2 18 4 2 14 4 - ( X 1 (X ) 10 1X1 IX) 8 I X) ( X) 2 (X) (X) (X ) (X) 10 IX) (X) 10 (X> (X) 12 (X) (X) 9 (X ) (X ) 10 (X) ( X ) 14 ( X ) (X) 27 (X) (X ) 41 (X) (X) 15 (X) (X) 8 43 44 45 7 7 _ _ IS) (S) _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) 46 352 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97-0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more MONTANA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON SAf^OERS COUNTY HOT SPRINGS TOWN PLAINS TOWN THOMPSON FALLS TOWN SHERIDAN COUNTY MEDICINE LAKE TOWN PLENTYWOOD SILVER BOW COUNTY BUTTE STILLWATER COUNTY COLUMBUS TOWN SWEET GRASS COUNTY BIG TIMBER TETON COUNTY CHOTEAU DUTTON TOWN FAIRFIELD TOWN TOOLE COUNTY SHELBY SUNBURST TOWN VALLEY COUNTY GLASGOW + NASHUA TOWN WHEATLAND COUNTY HARLOWTON WIBAUX COUNTY WIBAUX TOWN NEBRASKA LINCOLN SMSA LANCASTER COUNTY ** LANCASTER COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . LINCOLN + WAVERLY VILLAGE WEST LINCOLN VILLAGE OMAHAi NEBR.-IOWA SMSA DOUGLAS COUNTY ELKHORN VILLAGE MILLARD VILLAGE OMAHA + RALSTON VILLAGE + VALLEY SARPY COUNTY * BELLEVUE + GRETNA VILLAGE LA VISTA VILLAGE PAPILLION VILLAGE •^ SARPY COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . . SPRINGFIELD VILLAGE ( IOWA) POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY CARTER LAKE TOWN + COUNCIL BLUFFS + OAKLAND TOWN POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY UNINC. AREA . TREYNOR VILLAGE UNDERWOOD TOWN SIOUX CITY, lOWA-NEBR. SMSA I SE<: lO.llA) PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAMS COUNTY HASTINGS + JUNIATA VILLAGE ANTELOPE COUNTY NELIGH OAKDALE VILLAGE BOX BUTTE COUNTY ALLIANCE BOYD COUNTY LYNCH VILLAGE BROWN COUNTY AINSWORTH 16 299 12 13 21 T 126 2 960 19 147 24 T 68 56 245 10 121 2 16 845 9 13 17 112 1 452 19 4 80 20 68 SB 204 10 4 4 214 167 6 6 70 70 4 4 14 & 1 440 15 131 2 677 36 12 174 17 12 94 429 5 44 44 275 1 002 12 12 5 5 15 97 1 808 30 12 130 17 12 71 295 5 23 23 88 176 5 5 20 20 7 7 188 30 799 6 23 124 58 1 635 10 9 4 102 3 839 48 33 178 18 43 40 354 16 54 1 097 10 4 4 90 2 342 48 33 157 18 43 40 346 11 19 19 225 182 10 10 13 13 6 6 1 1 405 5 12 1 411 17 17 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 353 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data covef period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 196! 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total E number of in str uctures witf - number in structures with- number of number of number of number of number of number of number of numbei of number of number of = or housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 2 1 3 2 3 01 2 2 - - 3 3 - - 3 2 1 5 - 6 4 5 4 1 02 a 4 ■ " 3 3 ~ - 10 4 8 T 11 16 17 14 20 13 7 03 - - - _ 21 21 _ _ 1 2 4 _ 2 3 (SI (X) (XI (X) 04 12 12 ■ 3 3 ~ ~ (X) (XI txi (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 05 2 2 - - 6 6 - - T 12 15 26 32 37 T 41 40 22 34 34 06 - - - - 10 10 - - (X) (X) (X, (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 07 3 3 - - (S) (S) - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 08 5 5 _ _ 18 12 6 . 8 1 16 11 11 7 12 14 13 12 09 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X) 10 t 2 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ - - 2 - 2 6 - - 3 2 6 11 7 7 - _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) 12 ■ ■ ~ ~ ~ (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) 13 82 74 8 . 52 52 _ _ 45 54 28 24 49 47 16 23 17 13 14 4 4 ■ 3 3 " ~ (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 15 2 2 - - 1 1 - - T 4 10 1 - 14 (S) (S) 1 T 3 13 16 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) 17 48 48 21 21 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 18 1 228 906 127 195 1 057 851 82 124 1 032 702 692 S 923 1 829 1 650 1 006 1 415 1 302 1 233 19 iX) (X> vX) iX) (X) (X) (X) vX) iX) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 20 (S) (S) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 21 17 17 10 10 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 22 176 152 12 12 19 17 2 - (X) txi (XI ( XI (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 23 3 376 2 582 122 672 3 054 2 476 145 434 2 920 2 503 1 969 2 020 1 610 1 489 915 4 1 467 1 068 & 2 533 24 34 30 4 - 48 42 6 - 75 59 17 16 50 41 26 30 45 76 25 24 20 4 ■ 13 13 ~ ~ (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 26 106 92 14 _ 234 232 2 . 128 161 149 126 138 73 39 76 81 97 27 29 29 - - 128 128 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) ( XI (X) (XI 28 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 29 21 21 - - 70 68 2 - 67 69 25 20 24 26 13 7 21 7 30 & 1 570 & 1 564 - 6 335 335 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 31 11 6 5 5 5 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 32 89 89 130 130 103 T 70 T 6 T 8 (SI (S) 12 7 6 13 33 250 172 54 24 165 148 17 - (S) 494 287 365 490 422 231 286 293 361 34 8 8 - - (X) (X) tx> (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI 35 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 36 2 2 - - 10 10 - - T 18 6 T - - T 1 T - - . T 1 1 37 8 6 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 T 2 (S) T 1 38 87 72 15 54 54 95 56 59 92 190 219 159 246 130 74 39 1 1 ■ ~ ~ ~ ~ (XI (XI (XI ( X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 40 5 5 - _ 3 3 _ _ 4 _ 1 3 9 7 5 12 4 (SI 41 1 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X ) (XI (X) (X) 42 20 20 - - 22 22 - - 32 22 10 32 43 45 24 29 47 4b 43 - - - - 1 1 - - (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) I X 1 (X) ( X) (X) 44 11 7 4 - 9 9 _ - 16 9 6 10 12 T 10 (SI (X 1 (X) ( X) 45 354 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentabon and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Buildrng permit systems cover the enbre land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Peiniil-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Mumber of housing units in structures witti— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of tiousing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 20 21 22 23 NEBRASKA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON BUFFALO COUNTY GIBBON VILLAGE KEARNEY -I- PLEASANTON VILLAGE SHELTON VILLAGE BURT COUNTY LYONS VILLAGE TEKAMAH CASS COUNTY NEHAHKA VILLAGE PLATTSMOUTH CEDAR COUNTY LAUREL VILLAGE CHASE COUNTY IMPERIAL CHERRY COUNTY VALENTINE CHEYENNE COUNTY DALTON VILLAGE LODGEPOLE VILLAGE POTTER VILLAGE SIDNEY COLFAX COUNTY CLARKSON VILLAGE HOWELLS VILLAGE SCHUYLER CUMING COUNTY WEST POINT CUSTER COUNTY BROKEN BOW SARGENT DAWES COUNTY CHADRON CRAWFORD DAWSON COUNTY LEXINGTON DEUEL COUNTY CHAPPELL VILLAGE DIXON COUNTY NEWCASTLE VILLAGE WAKEFIELD DODGE COUNTY FREMONT + INGLEWOOD VILLAGE NORTH BEND DUNDY COUNTY BENKELMAN FILLMORE COUNTY GENEVA SHICKLEY VILLAGE FRANKLIN COUNTY CAMPBELL VILLAGE FRANKLIN FURNAS COUNTY ARAPAHOE OXFORD VILLAGE GAGE COUNTY BEATRICE GARDEN COUNTY OSHKOSH HALL COUNTY GRAND ISLAND + HAMILTON COUNTY AURORA HARLAN COUNTY REPUBLICAN CITY VILLAGE HITCHCOCK COUNTY STRATTON VILLAGE TRENTON VILLAGE HOLT COUNTY NEILL & 30 11 110 1 124 3 186 It 102 1 106 8 160 14 9 9 69 63 3 3 1 1 3 3 7 7 & 67 3 11 128 2 1 224 14 124 2 1 15 109 184 4 3 70 2 222 18 168 4 3 208 15 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 355 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicti constitute ttie souice lot tlie statistics shown monltily "-" Represents zero, "T" Data covec period more than 8 monltis but less ttian 12 monttis. "S" Does not meet putilica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, ■• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in sliuctuies witt units - Total number of housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures wilh- Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units e 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zj (X) 63 (X) 83 (X) (X) (X) 72 (X) 72 (X) (X) (X) 81 T - (X) (X) 104 (X) ( X 1 94 (XI ( XI 90 ( XI (XI 83 (XI (XI 65 (XI (XI 48 (XI (XI 44 (X) (X 1 49 T - (XI (XI 69 (SI (XI 01 02 03 04 6 7 3 7 3 - 4 3 4 3 - 3 1 3 1 3 9 2 4 6 (SI 2 (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI 05 06 2 26 2 22 4 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) T - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 1 (XI (SI (XI T - (XI T - (XI 07 08 4 4 - - 3 3 - " 1 2 1 1 5 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI 09 3 3 - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 53 28 - 25 - - - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 1 3 2 5 1 3 2 5 _ ~ 1 2 19 1 2 19 - ~ (X) (X) (XI 21 (X) (X) (X) 15 (XI (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (XI 69 (XI (XI (XI 112 (XI (XI (XI 124 (XI (XI (XI 214 (XI (XI (XI 200 (XI (XI (XI 134 (XI (XI (XI 89 12 13 14 15 3 1 26 3 1 26 - - 1 2 21 1 2 21 - - (S) 2 16 1 9 1 3 1 2 9 (SI 11 4 1 25 3 (SI (SI 4 (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI 6 (XI (X) 16 17 18 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 45 (X) 27 (XI (X ) 18 (XI 22 (X 1 14 (X) (X) 8 (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 21 14 6 12 6 2 I 11 (S) 11 (S) - - 12 (X) 20 (X) 10 (X) S 33 (XI 27 (XI 13 (XI 8 (XI 4 (XI 15 (XI 47 (XI 22 23 28 28 - - 15 15 - - 22 (S) (SI 21 (SI (SI 27 33 31 63 24 5 5 - - 3 3 - - 2 1 7 - 4 T 3 2 6 15 T 9 25 7 7 - - 2 1 1 - (Xl T - (X) (S) (XI (SI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 27 185 1 8 176 1 8 9 - 326 (X) 6 252 (X) 6 20 (X> 54 (X) 181 (X) (X ) 116 (X) (X) 91 (XI (XI 148 (XI (X) 183 (XI (XI 222 (XI (XI 125 (Xl (XI 257 (XI (XI 156 (XI (XI 205 (XI (XI 28 29 30 5 5 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 14 (X) 14 (X) (X) (X) 7 (X) 7 (XI (XI (X) (S) (X) 7 (X) (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 33 1 1 ~ - 4 2 4 2 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 35 2 2 . . 4 4 _ 1 1 2 _ _ 1 3 3 7 T 1 36 " ~ ~ ~ - - - - - " - ~ " - ~ ~ 3 37 71 65 6 - 45 43 2 45 36 28 63 58 49 41 30 46 116 38 7 7 - - - - - - 2 2 4 1 3 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI 39 157 157 - - & 196 140 - 8, 56 91 64 29 66 208 199 177 354 280 278 40 14 8 6 - 3 3 - - 8 5 2 4 12 14 9 10 13 8 41 - - - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X 1 ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 43 44 24 24 - - 11 11 - - T 10 T 5 (SI 9 (SI 12 (SI (X 1 (XI (XI 45 356 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-I for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964 +This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures witti— Total number of housing units Number of housin in structures w units th- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NEBRASKA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. HOVIARO COUNTY 12 2 26 7 17 2 28 2 8 8 & 51 (S) (S) 103 3 8 1 & 25 130 3 2 & 117 & 37 2 32 2 4 57 1 1 36 5 1 5 23 3 4 5 33 3 4 5 65 1 17 50 7 12 2 26 3 17 2 28 2 8 8 e IS) (S) 99 3 8 1 5 108 3 2 28 13 2 28 4 53 1 1 36 5 1 5 23 3 4 5 26 3 4 3 51 1 7 44 7 4 3 4 14 4 4 7 2 8 10 6 5 40 6 20 8 & 89 & 24 6 14 1 U 5 10 1 (SI 2 21 5 11 (S) 17 109 5 5 1 4 113 3 3 4 21 27 1 2 39 1 9 100 4 62 15 1 27 6 11 51 2 4 3 49 14 42 6 14 1 8 5 10 1 (S) 2 15 5 11 (S) 17 107 5 5 1 4 102 3 3 4 21 27 1 2 31 1 9 96 4 62 15 1 27 6 9 42 2 2 3 45 14 30 6 3 6 2 11 8 4 2 9 2 4 12 - 4 1 4 6 20 (S) 2 6 9 8 20 10 98 4 6 1 2 103 2 4 3 25 15 2 2 48 1 12 101 4 4 64 11 4 15 6 3 16 45 2 3 4 61 17 33 6 4 1 4 6 20 IS) 2 6 7 8 20 10 94 4 6 1 2 103 2 4 3 25 IS 2 2 43 1 12 93 4 4 64 11 4 15 5 3 16 43 2 3 4 49 17 33 6 2 4 5 S 2 12 02 JEFFERSON COUNTY DAYKIN VILLAGE •.••.....*.•• 03 FAIR8URY on 05 JOHNSON COUNTY ELK CREEK VILLAGE TECUMSEH 06 KEARNEY COUNTY MINDEN ••...•••■•..••••• 07 KEITH COUNTY BRULE VILLAGE. . 08 OGALLALA 09 10 11 12 KIMBALL COUNTY BUSHNELL VILLAGE DIX VILLAGE KIMBALL KNOX COUNTY BLOOMFIELD .....a.. ....... 13 CREIGHTON 14 KNOX COUNTYi PART OF UNINC. AREA «... MADISON COUNTY 19 20 21 22 23 MEADOil/ GROVE VILLAGE NEWMAN GROVE NORFOLK + TILDEN MORRILL COUNTY BAYARD ................. 24 BRIDGEPORT 25 26 OTOE COUNTY NEBRASKA CITY SYRACUSE VILLAGE PAWNEE COUNTY 28 29 30 31 BERTRAND VILLAGE FUNK VILLAGE HOLOREGE LOOMIS VILLAGE ............. 32 PIERCE COUNTY PLATNVIFW. ■...■■•..■■.... 33 PLATTE COUNTY COLUMBUS + 34 35 DUNCAN VILLAGE HUMPHREY VILLAGE RED WILLOW COUNTY 37 38 STELLA VILLAGE • 39 ROCK COUNTY BASSETT VILLAGE 40 41 42 SALINE COUNTY CRETE FRIEND SAUNDERS COUNTY MEAD VILLAGE 43 WAHOO 44 45 45 47 48 49 SCOTTS BLUFF COUNTY GERING MINATARE VILLAGE MITCHELL MORRILL VILLAGE SCOTTSBLUFF + SEWARD COUNTY 60EHNER VILLAGE. ............ 50 MILFORD VILLAGE. ............ 51 SEWARD 52 GORDON ................. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 357 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source foi the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. -■ See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "4" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 1 1 13 13 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (XI 01 (X) 4 (X) 4 (X) (X) (XI 4 (X) 4 (X) (X) (X) T 4 (X) 1 (X) 5 (X) 6 (X) 13 (XI 17 (X) 12 (X) 14 (X) 12 (XI T 10 02 03 2 3 2 3 - - 8 3 - 5 (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X I (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 04 05 12 12 - - 15 15 - - (X) (XI (X) (S) 23 T 13 5 19 (S) (S) 06 23 20 3 - 1 (S) 1 (S) - - 1 (XI (XI 2 (XI T - (XI 2 (X) 2 (X) (S) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 07 08 3 4 3 4 - - 1 2 (SI 1 2 (S) - . (X ) 3 (S) (X) 3 43 (X) 3 T 23 (X) 3 57 (X 1 79 (X) 2 52 (X) (SI (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 09 10 11 4 7 25 4 4 7 25 4 - - (SI 4 30 10 (S) 4 30 10 - ; (X ) 14 (X) 12 (X) 6 (X ) 5 (XI 3 (X) 7 (X) 5 (XI 8 (X 1 5 (X 1 12 (X) 1 (X) 7 (X) 2 (XI (S) (X) 10 (X) (X) (X) (S) ( X) (X) (XI 13 (X) (X) 12 13 14 15 70 70 - - 84 84 - - 83 49 35 48 64 51 71 106 217 193 16 4 5 I X) ( X) 124 4 4 5 (X) ( X) 121 4 (X> (X) 3 (X) (X) 3 3 (X) (X) 138 2 3 3 (X) (X) 136 2 (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) (XI 101 (S) (X) (X) (X) 61 (S) 1 (X) (X) (X) 32 (S) 2 (X) (X) (XI 57 (SI (X) (X) (X) 112 T - 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI 2 (X) (XI (XI (X) T - 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) ( X) (X) 4 (X) 1 X) (X) (X) 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 4 2 4 - - 2 8 2 8 - - (X) 9 (X) 1 (X) 8 (XI 3 (XI 3 (X) 7 (XI 18 (XI 18 (XI T 18 (X) T 11 23 24 32 17 28 17 4 - 34 10 34 10 - - 37 8 26 5 13 (SI 24 (XI 31 (X) 32 (X) 29 (X) 32 (X) (S) (X) 47 (X) 25 26 1 1 - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 27 47 40 2 5 1 1 21 1 1 'I 2 - 1 (X) 22 3 (X) 25 1 (XI 17 7 (XI 48 1 9 (X ) 85 2 3 IX) 34 1 T 1 (XI 18 4 4 (X) 22 2 1 (XI 35 1 6 (X) 84 8 26 29 30 31 6 6 - - 6 6 - - (X> (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 32 159 3 4 129 3 4 30 _ 178 (S) 5 164 IS) 5 14 . T 187 (X) (X) 212 (XI (X) 98 (XI (X) 80 (X) (X) 121 (X ) (X) 156 ( X ) (X) 89 (XI (XI 103 (X) (X) 117 (X) (X) 208 (X) (X) 33 34 35 100 100 - - 55 53 2 - 25 24 18 34 32 84 41 48 73 86 36 26 26 - 14 14 - - 19 (XI 14 (X) 9 (XI 25 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 37 38 3 1 2 - 1 1 - - 3 2 - 3 5 8 7 8 7 16 39 19 2 19 2 - 18 1 18 1 - - 1 1 (X) 14 (XI 11 (XI 9 (X) 11 (X) 7 (X) 7 (X) 22 (X) 16 (X) 42 (X) 40 41 6 19 6 16 3 - 5 30 5 24 6 - (XI 19 (XI 9 (XI 3 (X) 3 (XI 9 (X) 16 (X) 30 (X) 43 (X) 34 (X) 13 42 43 34 5 5 14 83 34 5 5 14 75 2 6 32 2 4 4 66 32 2 4 4 66 - ; 39 13 4 71 29 T - 12 57 24 (S) T 2 2 36 34 (XI 4 1 53 26 (XI 5 2 81 18 (X) T - 69 18 (X) T 6 (S) 57 (S) (X) 19 (X) 107 (S) (X) (S) (X) (S) 39 (X) (S) (X) T 104 44 45 46 47 46 (X) 8 31 (X) 8 31 (X) (X) ( X ) 3 49 (X) 3 45 (X) 4 (X) (X) (XI 17 (X) (X 1 21 (XI (X> 14 (X) ( XI 8 (X ) (X I 24 ( X 1 (X) 33 1 X 1 (XI 14 (XI (X) (SI (XI (XI 27 (X) (X) 24 49 50 51 7 7 _ _ 8 8 _ _ IX ) (X) (XI (XI (X ) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 52 358 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this fable conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-j), Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this fable. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more NEBRASKA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON SHERMAN COUNTY ASHTON VILLAGE LOUP CITY STANTON COUNTY PILGER VILLAGE STANTON THAYER COUNTY BELVIDERE VILLAGE HEBRON THURSTON COUNTY PENDER VILLAGE INALTHILL VILLAGE WINNEBAGO VILLAGE WASHINGTON COUNTY ARLINGTON VILLAGE BLAIR FORT CALHOUN WAYNE COUI^TY HOSKINS VILLAGE WAYNE WEBSTER COUNTY RED CLOUD YORK COUNTY HENDERSON VILLAGE YORK NEVADA LAS VEGAS SMSA CLARK COUtMTY * BOULDER CITY CLARK COUNTY UNINC. AREA + , . HENDERSON -f LAS VEGAS -I- NORTH LAS VEGAS + RENO SMSA WASHOE COUNTY * RENO + SPARKS + WASHOE COUNTY UNII^C. AREA +, , PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S CHURCHILL COUNTY FALLON DOUGLAS COUNTY * + ELKO COUNTY ELKO WELLS LINCOLN COUNTY CALIENTE LYON COUNTY YERINGTON MINERAL COUNTY HAWTHORNE TOWNSHIP ORMSBY COUNTY CARSON CITY + ORMSBY COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . PERSHING COUNTY LOVELOCK WHITE PINE COUNTY » ELY WHITE PINE COUNTY UNINC. AREA. NEW HAMPSHIRE LAWRENCE-HAVtRHILL I MASi.-N.H. SMSA I i£E MASjACHUSETTSI MANCHESTER SMSA HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BEDFORD TOWN . . . MANCHESTER + . , . 35 31 1 438 460 1 391 381 & 700 21 & 134 387 100 58 382 (S) 1 35 831 31 927 222 656 267 423 15 124 187 70 58 241 & 511 218 95 21 190 640 96 87 96 4 424 99 5 447 1 080 1 747 & 444 480 33 402 230 77 5 (S) 51 297 92 2 555 95 3 668 880 754 & 381 401 33 107 161 61 5 (S) 51 259 4 559 4 & 455 182 259 26 32 324 18 734 37 47 68 6 989 321 6 706 1 189 1 278 672 271 11 113 9 7 1 1 2 2 64 30 11 11 5 5 17 12 68 1 978 117 3 430 637 821 593 259 11 HI 2 2 12 12 16 14 191 94 79 79 44 269 1 622 144 1 613 492 145 43 12 3 389 60 1 663 60 312 36 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 359 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected pecmit-issuing places which constitute the source tor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ,» See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Numbei ol housing m structures witt units — Total numbei ol housing units Number ol housing in stiuctures wit units — Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units =3 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 1 1 - - 3 3 - - 3 T 2 IS) 1 1 2 (SI - (S) (S) T 1 ISl 01 02 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 1 - 1 1 4 3 2 2 IS) ISl (XI (XI (X) (X ) IXI 1X1 03 04 9 9 - - 6 6 - - 9 5 1 1 12 (S) 12 23 2 4 13 05 06 (XI 2 (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) 1 (XI 1 ( X) (XI 1X1 T - IX) IX) T - (XI T - (X) (X) 1 IX) IXI (XI IXI ISl 07 08 09 1 64 ( X) 1 34 (X) 8 (X ) 22 (XI (S) 45 (X) (S) 41 (X) 4 (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) IX) 30 (X ) IX) T 23 IX) IX) 7 (X) (X) 13 IX) (X) 16 (X) IXI T 20 IXI IXI 33 IXI (X 1 14 (X) IXI 48 IXI 10 11 12 27 27 - - 16 12 4 - IS) 17 (S) 14 12 1 10 1 42 1 16 IS) 3 IXI 6 (X) 32 IX) 20 13 14 H 4 - - 3 3 - - 2 15) T 2 T 4 (X) (X) IXI IXI (XI IX) 15 3 40 3 32 8 ~ 7 29 7 21 8 - (X) 32 (X) 21 IX) 10 (X) 14 (XI 40 (X) 23 (X) 11 IX) 10 (XI 25 (X) 44 16 17 3 2 054 74 2 788 605 1 1 076 65 1 903 343 2 70 9 238 230 908 647 32 IX) 914 4 & 2 337 420 (X) 526 4 1 786 384 (X) 21 & 275 36 IX) 367 276 (X) T 253 (X) 1 554 T 363 IX) & 426 IX ) & 823 324 (X) & 150 (X) 826 (S) (X) 198 (X) 931 (X) (X ) 531 (X ) 2 152 (X) (X) 1 183 (X) 1 855 (XI (X) 1 068 IX) 2 650 IX) IX) 1 093 IX) 1 110 IX) IXI 728 IXI & 819 IX) IX) T 95 IXI 860 IXI 18 19 20 21 22 886 388 283 580 345 281 156 32 2 150 11 754 279 265 415 151 273 141 16 12 198 112 & 587 363 187 & 736 291 167 346 249 S 797 599 187 & 146 762 177 167 714 265 145 491 118 125 283 181 79 297 60 184 588 215 257 23 24 25 7 7 . 5 5 . 16 18 13 17 34 & 84 15 24 7 4 26 106 100 6 - 72 70 2 - (X) 1X1 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IXI IX) IXI 27 23 1 11 1 12 - 17 17 - - T 31 T 4 72 2 7 6 23 2 13 5 71 (S) 20 2 48 15 4 ISl 2 28 29 - - - 7 1 - 6 (X> IX) (X) (X) IX) (XI IX) IXI IX) IXI 30 14 12 2 - 11 11 - - 7 5 13 9 14 (SI IS) (XI (X) (X) 31 13 13 - - 8 8 - - - 4 (S) (X) (XI (X) IXI (XI (X) (X) 32 132 149 116 149 6 10 129 (XI 125 (X) 4 (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (XI IXI IXI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 33 34 - - - - 5 3 2 - (X) IX) (X) (X) 1X1 (XI IXI (X) (X) (X) 35 & 7 & 7 - - (X) (X) (X) IXI T 3 (X) (X) (S) (XI 5 IX) (S) (X) IX) IX) (S) (XI 7 (X) 9 (X) 7 (X) 36 37 (XI & 406 (X) 251 (X) 5 (X) & 150 (X) 251 (X) 237 (X) 14 (X) (X) 296 IX) 264 (X) 278 IX) 432 (X) 505 IX) 413 (X) 401 IX) 414 IXI & 555 (XI 449 38 39 360 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes m definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97-0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number housing units Number o( housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NEW HAMPSHIRE — CON. MANCHESTER SMSA~CON. MERRIMACK COUNTY HOOKSETT TOWN PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S BELKNAP COUNTY ALTON TOWN + BELMONT TOWN LACONIA + SAfMBORNTON TOWN TILTON TOWN CARROLL COUNTY BROOKFIELD TOWI>J JACKSON TOWN WAKEFIELD TOWN WOLFEBORO TOWN CHESHIRE COUNTY CHESTERFIELD TOWN GILSUM TOWN HARRISVILLE TOWN JAFFREY TOWN KEENE + MARLBOROUGH TOWN MARLOW TOWN RINDGE TOWN ROXBURY TOWN WESTMORELAND TOWN COOS COUNTY BERLIt (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI 15 3 3 (S) (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 47 47 59 59 70 T 43 33 107 102 54 T 47 51 56 44 17 215 39 2 174 47 47 - - 50 51 65 52 109 (SI (SI 32 & 146 & 981 18 85 83 2 - 92 92 - - 112 96 127 202 243 248 (S) (XI (XI (XI 19 12 12 - - 18 18 - - 19 9 15 (SI T 20 16 (SI (XI (XI (XI 20 43 43 - - 25 25 - - 81 99 64 38 159 116 (SI (XI (XI (XI 21 8 8 - . 8 B . _ 11 7 (SI (SI T 32 (S) (SI (SI T 11 (SI 22 99 99 - - 69 67 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 5 5 - - (S) (S) - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 25 78 78 - - 97 97 - - (SI T 52 (SI (SI T 74 T 73 (SI (XI (XI (XI 26 - _ - - 8 8 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 38 38 - - 37 37 - - T 35 31 (SI 60 58 58 72 53 56 T 58 28 74 74 - - 95 95 - - (SI 43 T 32 98 104 87 72 36 33 50 29 18 10 - 8 (S) (S) . - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 82 78 4 - (S) (S) - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 27 25 2 _ 50 50 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 120 120 - - 145 145 . - 140 90 68 78 93 77 49 T 42 T 51 T 93 33 31 31 - - 3 3 - - 40 32 41 90 74 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI 34 3 3 - - - - - - T 3 3 4 5 5 12 (SI (XI (XI (XI 35 91 91 - - 78 74 4 - 98 101 T 47 111 95 78 34 61 52 55 36 60 25 15 20 22 20 2 30 49 41 75 42 27 18 29 36 65 37 & 280 22 104 & 154 84 43 41 124 & 225 30 94 50 131 71 & 343 & 357 & 278 38 - - - - 2 . 2 _ 1 - _ - . 1 1 - - - 39 40 - - 40 & 36 - - & 36 (SI T - 1 1 1 - - & 42 1 - 40 2 2 - - 4 4 . - T 4 4 T 2 T 2 T 2 T 8 T 15 & 54 (SI (SI 41 - - - - - - - - S 219 T - (SI - 2 T - T - T - T - & 696 42 1 057 106 260 691 306 Ill 186 9 221 130 & 846 470 428 65 & 85 & 727 209 & 628 43 77 26 25 26 80 34 46 - 44 28 T 28 T 42 (SI T 35 T 33 35 (SI T 38 44 139 42 28 69 166 40 92 34 119 222 101 T 74 76 167 46 37 T 138 558 45 104 42 62 - 159 93 56 - 108 77 T 42 T 78 117 109 81 87 T 58 (SI 46 7 1 6 - 4 4 - - 4 - 2 1 3 1 & 115 & 147 & 96 - 47 1 1 - . 142 2 _ 140 5 2 5 8 1 _ T - T - (SI 15 48 S 171 1 14 & 156 T 311 275 ■ S 36 21 PT 89 & 82 6 6 1 2 11 & 403 10 49 88 13 37 38 208 31 33 144 99 170 130 93 185 107 216 253 110 292 SO 582 22 34 526 389 31 76 282 102 104 110 83 289 133 353 104 115 819 51 209 4 4 201 45 12 3 30 9 15 8 19 31 29 48 27 T 30 32 52 99 99 - - 135 135 _ - T 96 63 68 94 36 48 22 25 25 27 53 111 27 - 84 44 42 2 - 62 84 52 T 41 138 272 T 51 167 163 369 54 434 6 20 408 268 12 6 250 218 219 37 316 150 174 32 36 T 95 T 545 55 27 27 - - 15 15 - - 16 8 11 21 17 19 20 21 15 20 56 2 2 - - (SI (S) - - T 8 T 5 T 4 T 6 T 25 T 14 T 7 T 7 28 42 57 & 214 4 68 8 142 S 96 9 39 & 48 171 88 71 75 87 36 45 & 178 95 174 58 231 231 - - 249 249 - - 382 251 221 389 309 221 443 396 T 440 454 59 137 9 52 76 16 16 . . 41 65 62 23 37 44 26 54 56 44 60 120 120 - - 281 118 2 161 154 121 143 140 188 182 186 148 158 383 61 35 25 2 8 81 50 12 19 59 86 92 147 78 104 53 39 148 304 62 2 647 43 55 2 549 t. 3 088 26 85 & 2 977 225 S 1 440 127 97 85 8, 1 622 77 & 2 809 & 2 700 293 63 21 21 - - 35 35 - - 51 35 83 76 71 60 T 25 T 57 T 68 73 64 163 53 2 108 193 81 28 84 112 164 T 92 104 132 135 100 93 194 237 65 364 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 I^EI« JERSEY-~CON. NEWARK SMSA — CON. ESSEX COUrJTY * — CON. ORANGE + ROSELAND BOROUGH SOUTH ORANGE VILLAGE VERONA BOROUGH + *EST CALDWELL BOROUGH -l- WEST ORANGE TOWN + MORRIS COUNTY * BOONTON TOWN BOONTON TOWNSHIP BUTLER BOROUGH CHATHAM BOROUGH CHATHAM TOWNSHIP + CHESTER BOROUGH CHESTER TOWIMSHIP DENVILLE TOWNSHIP + DOVER TOWN EAST HANOVER TOWNSHIP + FLORHAM PARK BOROUGH HANOVER TOWNSHIP + HARDING TOWNSHIP JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP + KINNELON BOROUGH + LINCOLN PARK BOROUGH MADISON BOROUGH + MENDHAM BOROUGH MENDHAM TOWNSHIP MINE HILL TOWNSHIP MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP + MORRIS PLAINS BOROUGH + MORRIS TOWNSHIP + MORRISTOWN TOWN + MOUNTAIN LAKES BOROUGH MOUNT ARLINGTON BOROUGH MOUNT OLIVE TOWNSHIP NETCONG BOROUGH PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS TOWNSHIP + . PASSAIC TOWNSHIP + PEQUANNOCK TOWNSHIP + RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP + RIVERDALE BOROUGH ROCKAWAY BOROUGH ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP + ROXBURY TOWNSHIP + VICTORY GARDENS BOROUGH WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP WHARTON BOROUGH + UNION COUNTY * BERKELEY HEIGHTS TOWNSHIP +. . , . CLARK TOWNSHIP + CRANFORD TOWNSHIP + ELIZABETH + FANWOOO BOROUGH + GARWOOD BOROUGH HILLSIDE TOWNSHIP + KENILWORTH BOROUGH LINDEN * MOUNTAINSIDE BOROUGH + NEW PROVIDENCE BOROUGH -l- PLAINFIELD + RAHWAY + ROSELLE BOROUGH -f ROSELLE PARK BOROUGH SCOTCH PLAINS TOWNSHIP + SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP + SUMMIT + UNION TOWNSHIP -I- WESTFIELD TOWN -f PATERSON-CLIFTON-PASSAIC SMSA BERGEN COUNTY » ALLENDALE BOROUGH + ALPINE BOROUGH BERGENFIELD BOROUGH + BOGOTA BOROUGH CARLSTADT BOROUGH CLIFFSIDE PARK BOROUGH CLOSTER BOROUGH + CRESSKILL BOROUGH * DEMAREST BOROUGH + DUMONT BOROUGH + EAST PATERSON BOROUGH + 168 10 & 142 34 35 12 58 11 83 189 317 50 14 29 29 124 73 339 58 24 49 14 90 19 260 T 149 9 74 95 9 5 136 33 161 59 13 73 142 115 300 18 58 425 71 I 023 30 6 26 31 273 62 64 278 81 254 187 100 55 37 325 88 18 34 33 12 58 11 83 67 22 50 14 29 29 104 73 137 58 18 49 12 90 19 260 16 9 30 95 9 585 33 161 59 11 25 142 115 120 14 58 175 53 16 30 6 4 15 50 62 62 52 29 39 7 100 55 37 151 86 122 271 202 6 22 16 166 250 945 224 32 179 176 80 - 10 - 27 - 3 12 6 28 2 38 26 - 14 - 25 - 50 2 153 3 137 55 166 238 72 & 33 32 T 122 22 3 27 96 49 55 18 32 26 263 81 86 49 26 31 18 78 11 355 262 T 9 38 54 4 2 230 40 83 56 T 3 54 207 141 91 T 2 78 222 53 837 20 5 38 17 202 63 no 173 & 373 181 T 128 282 48 45 235 90 48 15 207 64 10 15 17 20 43 67 3 3 11 29 144 104 16 19 32 50 22 3 27 38 25 55 18 32 26 255 81 84 49 26 31 18 78 11 227 21 9 38 54 4 369 40 83 56 3 30 207 141 91 2 78 100 43 11 20 3 28 9 55 63 110 57 85 38 40 134 48 45 163 88 2 118 38 6 120 26 22 126 20 & 14 128 235 122 762 114 & 170 105 82 148 150 54 11 8 85 10 190 133 39 16 73 15 29 29 25 59 49 T 79 32 45 19 246 82 T 11 130 56 28 17 101 32 411 179 10 56 48 8 438 72 40 56 4 30 299 149 43 156 173 51 958 19 17 43 tS) 249 57 131 135 (5) 96 30 227 99 33 240 112 2 12 106 34 75 34 48 46 32 54 100 107 15 16 63 15 29 29 25 45 21 79 32 45 19 246 82 11 33 56 28 17 101 32 188 11 10 56 48 8 220 70 40 56 4 22 214 156 173 51 26 19 11 9 (S) 36 57 131 71 (S) 41 24 129 70 33 186 110 223 152 12 - 38 8 4 6 13 8 6 12 48 - 46 - 32 - 52 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 365 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of fiousing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 16 15 6 15 157 20 52 12 50 50 223 121 101 15 15 15 53 53 17 17 46 46 T 16 16 23 23 52 48 44 32 103 103 36 36 42 42 9 9 190 190 63 63 7 7 95 29 15 15 20 20 21 21 112 112 46 46 126 126 150 11 5 5 19 19 25 25 3 3 895 296 54 48 58 58 61 61 6 4 41 33 240 240 218 292 49 465 45 14 109 (Sr 228 80 148 234 93 44 90 253 125 60 188 94 90 9 140 71 94 96 76 63 47 62 218 - 284 8 39 10 22 172 45 - 12 2 13 96 (S) - 56 172 80 - 148 . 117 10 49 44 24 20 32 18 157 . 77 4 56 4 90 98 94 - 90 - 9 101 21 2 14 82 12 8 62 76 - 63 47 42 20 10 38 135 40 199 308 56 12 50 11 31 2 19 54 30 123 21 33 21 45 (S> 24 15 113 35 101 i 92 21 42 7 276 104 49 66 15 43 201 112 44 9 160 265 57 991 72 17 64 (S> 241 84 191 329 102 100 28 175 105 86 326 127 (S) 12 75 80 IS) 55 62 24 17 38 154 298 25 12 50 11 31 2 19 54 28 123 21 33 8 180 62 21 40 (S) 24 15 113 35 101 17 21 42 7 271 102 49 66 15 17 201 110 160 265 57 36 72 17 24 (S) 54 191 123 68 54 20 170 127 (S) 12 47 148 33 40 187 120 34 31 120 167 219 23 19 29 IS) 50 IX) 27 98 36 61 IX) (X) 20 IS) IS) 32 11 129 59 104 142 r 31 10 38 14 327 56 59 53 20 22 154 156 (X) 34 101 168 iS) 159 & 848 98 33 74 IS) 279 IS) 293 316 (S) 126 177 223 215 494 471 73 IS) 251 12 IX) 39 65 IS) 48 143 IX) 156 16 r 17 14 16 39 IS) 31 IX) IS) 92 26 T 63 T 28 42 18 IX) IX) 25 IS) IS) 20 86 47 99 IS) 15 19 18 14 330 40 54 T 85 T 8 9 106 157 IX) 28 124 298 (S) 135 376 47 24 T 35 T 9 251 IS) 176 140 IS) 49 44 246 198 159 352 199 77 IS) 134 12 IX) r 39 74 r 31 46 117 IX) 16 IS) (S) IS) 2?8 ■ 30 54 (S) 50 122 34 T 53 T 94 46 19 IX) IX) IX) IS) (S) T 33 96 107 46 140 IS) 16 13 T 42 T 10 285 T 51 77 T 108 T U T 13 160 T 142 IX) 158 T 117 223 155 54 17 45 T 42 T 154 IS) T 163 175 T 98 T 40 T 41 188 412 113 460 170 58 T 11 128 45 IX) 43 IS) (S) 28 96 48 r 26 r 22 43 r 37 309 68 25 44 T 18 87 IX) T 26 117 61 82 98 114 T 26 I X) IX) IX) T 77 T 18 T 25 59 120 T 51 150 IS) 33 16 T 39 30 223 86 243 T 269 T 40 20 187 207 IX) T 35 T 14 152 iS) 184 135 44 25 185 32 T 234 (S) 125 133 T 144 33 34 196 T 334 226 385 244 162 T 21 IX) 40 T 60 79 53 99 15 IS) T 26 111 185 406 r 30 IS) 50 IS) 122 IX) IS) 116 180 352 32 IS) IX) 24 45 96 65 113 42 33 8 47 r 18 340 119 200 116 46 27 233 185 IX) IS) r 10 T 194 vS) 309 110 107 T 30 T 159 88 (S) 172 177 122 T 251 46 44 T 276 IS) 187 423 404 IS) 16 283 16 IX) 58 155 64 56 249 IX) 63 T 20 61 119 T 62 423 28 IX) 54 T 118 142 IX) IX) 64 50 80 109 (S) 29 IX) IX) IX) 308 IX) 24 23 78 56 230 T 44 T 44 T 12 28 T 12 347 59 122 IS) 10 111 292 152 IX) T 25 17 172 T 192 402 456 231 30 81 172 274 116 T 120 152 224 T 86 56 tS) (S) 180 554 219 T 16 T 8 232 50 IX) 50 T 75 84 56 240 IX) 24 T 30 81 50 IS) 281 25 IX) 48 62 119 IX) IX) 53 82 40 IX) IS) T 12 IX) IX) IX) T 77 IX) 25 22 74 40 127 79 25 T 13 46 IS) 227 58 163 73 19 141 290 110 IX) 119 157 236 242 223 28 48 176 301 IS) IS) 299 132 95 55 IS) IS) 338 497 310 25 IS) 260 16 IX) 31 T 44 62 47 217 367 31 129 104 IS) 418 T 25 IX) 45 155 75 IX) IX) 59 IS) T 42 IX) 166 31 IX) (X) IX) 194 IX) 18 T 30 57 42 148 75 29 14 17 IX) 252 47 r 70 55 51 194 150 IX) (S) 6 72 139 223 136 181 27 55 89 507 IS) IX) 171 144 145 53 267 (X) 256 571 277 31 IS) 214 23 IX) 48 165 95 40 112 IX) 58 173 109 611 r 22 IX) 27 96 r 84 IX) IX) 84 IS) IX) 195 13 IX) IX) IX) 102 IX) 14 IS) 33 67 101 & 122 38 15 28 IX) 176 40 T 139 IS) 48 22 IS) 118 IX) T 13 14 IS) 352 222 212 149 37 98 104 302 IS) IX) 287 TS 286 283 T 59 224 IX) 213 488 248 55 T 7 144 25 IX) IS) 72 134 70 59 IX) 291 23 65 223 74 550 IS) IX) 35 133 137 IX) IX) 244 133 44 I X) 146 T 28 IX) IX) IX) 229 IX) 22 IS) T 28 102 T 126 86 45 T 12 91 IX) 172 38 IS) IS) o2 20 IS) 07 08 09 10 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 IS) IX) IS) 44 14 45 IS) 420 338 758 132 45 135 IS) 626 123 IX) 310 430 335 78 258 IX) 268 696 396 46 T 14 513 14 IX) IS) T 519 287 T 183 86 366 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated lor each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 01 02 03 OH 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 NEV« JERSEY — CON. PATERSON-CLIFTOr^-PASSAIC SMSA—CON. BERGEN COUNTY * — CON. EAST RUTHERFORD BOROUGH EDGEWATER BOROUGH EMERSON BOROUGH + ENGLE*OOD + ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS BOROUGH + FAIR LAWN BOROUGH -f FAIRVIEW BOROUGH FORT LEE BOROUGH + FRANKLIN LAKES BOROUGH -I- GARFIELD -I- GLEN ROCK BOROUGH HACKENSACK + HARRINGTON PARK BOROUGH + HASBROUCK HEIGHTS BOROUGH -I- HAWORTH BOROUGH HILLSDALE BOROUGH + HOHOKUS BOROUGH LEONIA BOROUGH LITTLE FERRY BOROUGH -f LODI BOROUGH * LYNDHURST TOWNSHIP -f MAHWAH TOWNSHIP MAYWOOD BOROUGH MIDLAND PARK BOROUGH I^ONTVALE BOROUGH -f MOONACHIE BOROUGH NEW MILFORD BOROUGH + NORTH ARLINGTON BOROUGH -f NORTHVALE BOROUGH -I- NORWOOD BOROUGH OAKLAND BOROUGH + OLD TAPPAN BOROUGH ORADELL BOROUGH + PALISADES PARK BOROUGH + PARAMUS BOROUGH + PARK RIDGE BOROUGH + RAMSEY BOROUGH ■^ RIDGEFIELD BOROUGH + RIDGEFIELD PARK TOWNSHIP RIDGEWOOD TOWNSHIP + RIVER EDGE BOROUGH + RIVER VALE TOWNSHIP -•• ROCHELLE PARK TOWNSHIP ROCKLEIGH BOROUGH RUTHERFORD BOROUGH SADDLE BROOK TOWNSHIP -I- SADDLE RIvER BOROUGH SOUTH HACKENSACK TOWNSHIP TEANECK TOWNSHIP + TENAFLY BOROUGH -f TETERBORO BOROUGH UPPER SADDLE RIVER BOROUGH ■^ . . . . WALDWICK BOROUGH + WALLINGTON BOROUGH WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP + WESTWOOD BOROUGH + WOOD-RIDGE BOROUGH + WOODCLIFF LAKE BOROUGH WYCKOFF TOWNSHIP + PASSAIC COUNTY * BLOOMINGDALE BOROUGH + CLIFTON + HALEDON BOROUGH HAWTHORNE BOROUGH + LITTLE FALLS TOWNSHIP •^ NORTH HALEDON BOROUGH + PASSAIC * PATERSON + . . . POMPTON LAKES BOROUGH + PROSPECT PARK BOROUGH RINGWOOD BOROUGH -f TOTOWA BOROUGH WANAQUE BOROUGH •^ WAYNE TOWNSHIP •^ WEST MILFORD TOWNSHIP + 10 21 38 30 58 104 143 1 087 116 82 11 610 9 50 28 66 22 82 271 176 87 169 10 17 203 2 29 39 37 69 112 23 34 102 173 36 105 59 92 112 110 66 47 93 32 29 98 31 32 53 216 52 233 48 61 96 37 105 & 901 42 6 133 20 32 1 252 157 10 3 38 30 58 66 19 116 6 11 12 12 125 10 17 83 2 27 21 25 69 112 23 34 1 157 36 73 15 5 48 10 66 7 93 30 5 98 27 32 53 216 36 101 6 21 86 37 19 25 24 133 16 14 437 157 38 93 1 022 30 564 11 60 232 121 7 44 58 100 70 & 834 (SI 40 19 84 140 126 884 113 149 17 476 18 24 16 45 32 48 211 248 75 321 9 19 269 2 43 36 52 75 151 67 30 118 248 40 289 30 (S) 79 IS 85 134 109 52 32 97 121 35 62 139 65 262 16 62 150 86 & 234 221 73 19 136 35 22 1 169 182 IS) 40 19 84 68 3 16 113 3 17 14 18 20 16 45 32 13 41 135 5 15 71 2 43 14 44 75 151 67 30 5 214 40 57 12 (S) 65 15 85 8 109 52 12 97 39 35 62 139 65 82 8 22 68 86 4 61 26 5 136 26 6 476 182 118 14 124 8 40 82 72 46 828 28 448 35 152 190 186 228 10 126 72 & 226 118 45 (S) 14 50 29 (S) 92 52 269 134 142 22 326 34 16 21 54 25 62 28 213 83 88 6 42 T 61 6 44 135 79 62 164 41 34 58 132 107 113 27 (S) (S) 10 121 1 2 23 269 17 68 68 52 94 80 61 142 78 33 76 103 66 479 44 146 178 43 421 1 093 65 11 151 34 56 725 T 161 (S) - 4 10 50 - 29 - (S) _ 90 2 5 25 33 42 134 - 10 62 22 - 27 8 34 - 16 - 21 _ 54 - 25 - 13 - 20 8 9 88 11 72 88 - 4 2 36 6 61 _ 6 - 44 - 24 70 73 6 62 _ 156 3 41 - 34 - 2 44 116 16 107 - 65 4 7 20 (S) - (S) _ 5 - 121 - 1 - 2 - 23 _ 21 28 17 - 14 54 28 - 33 2 - - 94 - 76 4 31 10 142 _ 28 2 9 16 76 - 103 "■ 66 _ 130 58 4 40 22 50 36 4 43 _ 3 8 53 70 31 6 1 10 151 _ 32 2 12 3 161 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 367 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. s See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for whicli contracts were awarded: for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Tolal Numbei of housing units Tolal Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total ■f number in sliucluies witt - number of in structures wiih- number of numbei of number of number of number number of number ol number of number of number of = of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing '3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units (SI (S) 16 14 2 7 102 7 56 8 15 10 14 11 16 01 75 1 - 74 3 3 - - 36 8 (SI T 11 T 18 3 6 3 1 52 02 33 51 2 - 35 33 2 - (X) (X ) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 03 168 44 - 124 91 40 - 51 72 65 52 62 116 138 185 135 85 198 04 153 153 _ . (S) (S) _ _ (SI 141 76 59 46 35 35 36 15 T 16 05 65 63 2 - 92 92 _ - 92 103 178 162 373 383 333 156 265 1 052 06 22 4 18 - (S) (S) - - (SI (SI (SI T 24 (SI T - (SI (SI 19 (SI 07 597 22 22 553 459 61 36 362 T 166 T 292 211 T 110 195 (S) 252 406 401 589 08 112 1 12 - - 62 62 - - T 60 50 18 21 30 37 47 32 T 23 40 09 23 5 18 . 108 26 68 14 61 53 77 94 114 63 & 172 118 8 220 260 10 26 26 - - 23 23 - - 41 25 19 T 97 79 63 326 121 129 T 503 11 198 15 14 169 276 31 4 241 (SI 117 36 90 T 203 T 314 68 149 S 242 278 12 47 47 - - 68 68 - - T 70 T 51 (SI T 26 64 T 46 7 29 65 15 13 31 25 - 6 81 63 18 - 75 66 104 99 97 88 42 84 T 266 236 14 13 13 . . 14 14 . _ T 3 14 11 15 (SI T 28 (SI (SI T 88 73 15 67 67 - - (S) (SI - - (SI (SI (SI T 111 (SI (SI 101 93 135 195 16 25 25 - - 17 13 4 - 19 9 T 13 T 5 19 28 60 64 120 T 118 17 23 19 4 - 31 23 2 6 23 22 T 19 25 30 39 37 31 42 57 18 144 57 9 78 46 18 28 - T 90 48 T 44 T 27 76 36 19 34 T 14 20 19 184 11 88 85 (S) (SI _ _ 135 (SI (SI T 88 (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 20 67 7 46 14 135 13 68 54 169 69 T 64 82 106 102 63 80 97 233 21 44 44 - . 42 42 . . T 42 33 39 T 65 85 60 (XI (XI (XI (X) 22 11 9 2 - 19 10 4 5 31 40 36 32 67 65 56 86 82 266 23 20 14 6 - (S) (SI - - (S) (S) (S) T 30 51 54 36 36 61 367 24 61 61 _ _ 122 122 . _ T 73 39 T 34 T 50 103 T 55 T 35 (SI (SI (SI 25 2 2 - - 11 11 - - 3 5 T 17 9 11 4 6 11 T 2 327 26 37 37 - - 100 100 - - 69 79 142 97 145 196 199 290 T 201 (SI 27 177 59 74 44 115 77 38 - 128 70 19 54 76 102 53 70 96 147 28 106 100 6 - 146 142 4 - 99 33 24 50 31 T 53 39 T 19 T 17 (SI 29 48 48 _ _ 26 26 _ _ T 40 12 (SI T 63 (SI 58 (SI - 11 23 30 180 177 3 - 200 200 _ - 220 241 314 307 T 260 T 121 (SI (SI (SI T 132 31 34 34 - . 43 43 - _ 46 T 17 (SI T 30 (SI 57 65 41 35 14 32 72 48 - 24 108 86 - 22 96 116 133 151 155 95 92 65 76 102 33 85 4 58 23 73 4 44 25 156 137 80 101 124 100 78 61 103 146 34 122 120 2 _ 107 105 2 _ 132 115 63 176 218 888 465 512 509 (SI 35 114 114 - _ 100 100 _ . 156 135 75 146 123 70 101 44 26 41 36 49 45 4 . 74 74 . - 86 (SI & (S) T 123 (S) T - (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 73 17 56 _ 84 20 64 . 156 66 T 53 68 71 118 110 103 38 110 38 (SI (SI - - (S) (SI - - 19 197 T 49 35 86 47 26 35 37 30 39 (S) (S) _ _ 64 46 _ 18 114 124 (SI T 33 (S) T - (S) HI 225 827 40 12 4 - 8 20 20 - . 48 14 15 78 T 27 29 23 40 26 274 41 123 123 _ . 142 142 _ . T 142 88 T 45 163 159 193 113 72 22 (SI 42 (S) (S) - - (SI (S) - - 42 (SI (SI T 41 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 1 1 - - 49 45 4 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 44 76 42 6 28 46 34 12 _ 40 79 T 23 21 112 151 110 100 80 506 45 20 20 - - 48 18 30 - 101 (SI T 96 104 213 109 53 59 T 50 580 46 98 58 40 . 20 20 _ . 27 27 T 18 21 26 23 26 (SI (SI (S) 47 13 9 4 - 17 15 2 _ 45 11 T 10 21 T 17 9 (XI (XI (X) (XI 48 163 39 12 132 76 76 - - T 120 94 55 89 285 418 324 344 T 247 685 49 52 46 6 _ 60 56 4 _ 103 177 89 140 129 105 129 128 104 405 50 - . - _ _ . _ - (SI T - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 51 70 70 - _ 64 64 _ . T 79 98 108 88 114 72 (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 85 85 - - 127 127 _ . 88 104 86 96 144 185 134 115 77 (SI 53 68 28 12 28 46 18 16 12 55 T 24 36 T 33 49 44 T 49 T 29 T 41 80 54 112 112 _ _ 131 131 _ _ 85 152 146 309 342 193 75 100 (SI 83 55 187 36 6 145 49 45 4 _ 156 123 30 52 108 79 80 58 21 56 56 21 15 6 31 17 6 8 50 39 19 49 T 23 30 29 106 64 T 154 57 52 52 - _ 47 47 _ T 24 8 10 T 26 88 50 28 53 48 24 58 141 141 - - 187 187 - - 160 145 99 T 94 198 130 123 140 126 293 59 45 45 . 173 99 4 70 T 108 103 (SI T 50 T 76 57 48 25 46 32 60 175 109 60 6 310 152 80 78 555 215 465 408 552 T 603 509 716 468 1 802 61 22 8 14 _ 26 8 18 . (SI (SI (SI 23 31 64 T 74 77 19 22 62 50 16 34 . 47 11 36 _ 142 65 57 122 64 54 77 96 88 182 63 72 60 - 12 39 33 6 - 55 42 (S) T 47 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 64 42 42 _ _ 78 78 . _ T 60 56 36 66 96 104 88 86 62 74 65 448 5 2 441 22 2 ^0 118 . 159 13 (SI 82 84 T 52 T& 172 & 436 173 103 66 477 39 106 332 & 537 35 & 384 538 & 903 142 312 224 & 650 163 279 4 726 & 472 67 98 46 2 50 32 32 - 66 40 (SI T 87 T 48 48 52 206 T 115 T 436 68 3 1 2 - (SI (SI - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI IXI (XI (XI (X) (X) 69 122 114 8 _ 86 86 _ _ 65 52 T 52 86 88 100 85 60 34 46 70 28 24 4 . (SI (SI _ _ (SI (S) (SI 60 110 132 77 115 123 T 184 71 47 21 10 16 41 37 4 _ (SI (SI (SI 50 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 72 512 512 - - 525 525 _ . 544 477 475 492 T 360 322 309 429 307 765 73 T 158 147 4 7 T 133 133 T 125 T 137 T 122 (SI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 74 368 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 tor ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, -r-Jhis Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housin; in structures wi units th- Total number of housing units Mumber of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NE* JERSEY — CON. PATERSOtM-CLIFTON-PASSAIC SMSA~CON. PASSAIC COUNTY * — CON. 70 20 50 - 133 57 76 - 87 17 70 - PHILADELPHIA! PA. -N.J. SI^SA (SEE PENNSYLVANIA) TRENTON SMSA 02 I^ERCER COUNTY * EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. . .•••.... 251 271 1 122 & 193 7 91 171 436 28 5 2 2 2 160 98 684 & 165 98 429 626 390 11 93 203 502 5 11 4 5 226 120 385 61 625 626 11 6 61 182 450 11 6 4 443 172 03 04 OS 06 EWING TOWNSHIP + HAMILTON TOWNSHIP + HIGHTSTOWN BOROUGH HOPEWELL BOROUGH 07 08 09 10 1 1 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP + LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP + PENNINGTON BOROUGH PRINCETON BOROUGH PRINCETON TOWNSHIP -f*. ..•«.... 63 126 3 4 164 S 577 46 39 63 126 3 4 68 6 44 39 2 2 96 & 569 62 140 4 10 77 161 39 41 62 133 4 6 77 11 39 41 4 4 7 146 83 154 3 5 114 T 4 36 T 246 83 154 3 5 114 4 36 46 - 200 12 TRENTON -f. ••••■•*. .••..•■ 13 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. •.•....... WILMINGTON. DEL.-N. J.-MD. SMSA (SEE DELAWARE) PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S 15 16 17 18 19 CAPE MAY COUNTY * AVALON BOROUGH + CAPE MAY CAPE MAY POINT BOROUGH DENNIS TOWNSHIP LOWER TOWNSHIP + 166 11 3 9 275 131 11 3 9 275 . 35 84 (S) 3 16 235 84 (S) 3 14 235 2 - T 55 (S) 2 15 208 55 (S) 2 15 208 - - 20 MIDDLE TOWNSHIP + «... 47 33 170 69 25 47 13 116 63 21 14 48 6 4 6 6 48 34 & 177 T 54 28 46 13 81 48 26 2 21 36 6 2 & 60 56 60 127 23 27 56 18 61 21 23 19 66 2 4 23 21 22 23 24 NORTH WILDHIfOOD + OCEAN CITY + SEA ISLE CITY + STONE HARBOR BOROUGH + 25 UPPER TOWNSHIP 35 7 4 86 3 175 (S) 16 10 11 (S) 23 141 8 35 5 39 3 31 (S) 16 10 11 (S) 23 7 137 8 2 4 25 4 22 144 22 (S) 13 2 101 11 32 34 16 18 14 (S) 24 11 241 2 22 (S) 13 2 27 11 32 34 16 18 14 (S) 24 9 111 2 25 2 49 130 23 10 21 11 53 18 & 80 22 13 4 T 23 (S) 25 (S) 126 1 23 10 18 6 19 18 30 22 13 4 20 (S) 25 (S) 122 1 3 19 3 4 5 15 & 50 26 27 28 29 WEST CAPE MAY BOROUGH WEST WILDWOOO BOROUGH WILDWOOD WILDWOOO CREST BOROUGH + 3i CUMBERLAND COUNTY BRIDGETON 32 33 34 35 COMMERCIAL TOWNSHIP DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP DOWNE TOWNSHIP FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP ........... 36 37 GREENWICH TOWNSHIP HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. ........... 38 39 40 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP MILLVILLE + STOW CREEK TOWNSHIP 41 42 UPPER DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP VINELAND +• 40 208 13 10 4 8 5 40 206 13 10 4 8 5 2 - 26 881 6 5 (S) 8 15 26 203 6 5 (S) 6 15 44 2 634 38 237 8 6 1 2 9 38 189 8 6 1 2 9 6 42 43 HUNTERDON COUNTY ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP. ••........ 45 46 47 BLOOMSBURY BOROUGH CALIFON BOROUGH CLINTON TOWN 48 49 50 51 52 CLINTON TOWNSHIP DELAWARE TOWNSHIP EAST AMWELL TOWNSHIP FLEMINGTON BOROUGH FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP 56 24 12 13 56 18 12 13 6 - 33 11 18 125 10 33 9 12 3 10 2 6 6 116 T 29 14 14 10 14 29 14 11 6 14 3 4 - 53 2 1 2 9 46 2 1 2 9 42 4 - 3 1 4 6 T 28 3 1 6 28 4 - 3 4 4 17 3 4 4 17 - . 54 55 56 57 GLEN GARDNER BOROUGH HAMPTON BOROUGH HIGH BRIDGE BOROUGH HOLLAND TOWNSHIP 58 59 60 61 62 KINGWOOD TOWNSHIP LEBANON BOROUGH MILFORD BOROUGH RARITAN TOWNSHIP + READINGTON TOWNSHIP + 14 4 80 56 14 4 80 56 - - 18 2 13 68 39 18 13 68 39 2 - 11 6 63 25 11 6 60 25 3 - 63 64 65 TEWKSBURY TOWNSHIP UNION TOWNSHIP WEST AMWELL TOWNSHIP 22 8 14 22 8 14 - - 12 7 17 12 7 17 ■ - 15 7 22 15 7 18 4 " 66 67 MIDDLESEX COUNTY * CARTERET BOROUGH + CRANBURY TOWNSHIP 48 12 10 12 38 - 67 11 35 11 32 - T 134 (S) 38 (S) 38 & 58 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 369 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7- Data symbols: "-" Repiesents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 'S" Does not meet publica- Not applicable because not 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units 40 148 626 & 53 106 369 1 60 97 164 19 70 56 (S) a 14 185 69 43 116 64 51 25 (S) 4 9 28 6 113 (X) 40 197 1 2 a (XI 5 11 48 25 18 6 19 100 27 40 148 499 11 3 106 141 1 10 97 12 19 52 29 27 15 10 15 tS) 41 8 113 (X) 40 194 56 - IS) - 11 - 14 - 185 - 59 10 22 14 71 34 42 22 39 12 17 8 (SI - 27 - 14 4 9 - 5 16 13 - 2 _ 1 - 2 - 8 - (XI (XI 5 - - - 11 - 46 2 25 - 18 _ 6 - 19 ~ 60 40 27 - 120 S 42 238 48 16 193 471 33 15 180 212 4 184 201 54 (SI 11 163 58 86 84 45 ' 31 (S) 7 225 (S) 9 5 21 (S) 34 (SI 76 17 4 T 3 5 31 T 25 (SI 11 12 12 T 10 3 (SI 7 (XI S 355 23 16 191 469 33 15 178 212 4 80 105 13 15 49 25 (S) 9 5 21 (SI 34 (SI 75 (XI 48 173 25 (SI 10 3 (SI 7 (X) 273 23 52 2 (S) - 4 - 11 - 163 - 47 _ 22 36 54 32 64 20 33 12 31 - (SI - 5 2 5 4 27 18 (X I 277 470 (SI 225 (SI 21 152 (S) 19 94 91 53 105 123 91 T 6 (XI T 9 12 98 (SI 39 5 14 (XI (XI (X) T 32 (XI 102 (XI (XI (XI 10 T 20 (XI (S) 17 T 14 2 (XI (XI 22 (XI 2 (X) (X) 54 r 12 (SI 22 T 209 23 (XI 124 452 (SI T 5 81 124 (SI 17 151 55 10 79 32 (Xl 19 233 12 (XI 9 r 24 r 57 (SI 49 (SI 10 (XI (XI (X) T 29 (XI 102 (XI (XI (XI 35 (XI 5 10 13 3 (XI (XI 6 (X) 5 1 (XI (XI 46 17 T 3 17 T 154 17 (XI 305 (SI (S) 8 T 73 142 4 (SI 132 22 16 58 T 42 (XI 8 19 (SI 104 85 189 T 59 41 24 (XI T 4 35 79 (SI 76 T 27 8 (X) (X) (XI T 27 (Xl 84 (XI (XI (XI 3 (SI 2 (SI (XI 13 5 15 3 (XI (XI 8 ( XI T 15 T 3 (XI (X) T 62 22 T 5 T 21 111 15 (XI 372 (SI T 13 102 181 7 (SI 250 23 17 T 63 37 (XI 3 25 279 174 87 241 95 53 T 9 (XI 5 (SI 110 (SI T 89 T 33 15 (XI (XI (XI 48 (X) 121 (X) (XI (XI (XI 13 4 5 3 (SI (XI 12 2 (XI (XI 14 I (XI (XI 59 435 T 9 (XI T 167 >SI (SI 10 100 56 T 14 T 17 203 105 11 45 T 55 (XI 12 39 296 213 101 302 135 78 14 (XI 4 (X) 121 (SI 93 64 13 (XI (XI (XI 41 (XI 136 (XI (X) (XI (XI (SI T 28 (XI 14 1 (XI (XI 11 (XI 11 1 (XI (XI 57 17 12 27 58 (S) (XI (X) 118 63 14 38 250 230 15 41 (XI (XI 18 16 295 199 152 356 99 97 16 (XI (XI (XI 134 (SI 79 r 29 (XI (XI (XI (XI r 15 (XI 159 (XI (XI (XI (SI 2 3 35 (XI 10 5 12 (X) (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI 54 11 11 73 (SI (X) (XI 1 653 24 (XI 12 T 37 (XI & 355 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (SI (SI (S) 177 295 (XI (SI (SI (XI (XI (XI 105 4 93 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 125 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI (SI 12 (SI (SI (XI (XI 5 (XI (SI T 1 (XI (XI (SI (SI (SI (SI T 55 (SI (XI (XI 957 T 32 IXI (XI 152 23 & 76 (X I 143 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 245 227 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 150 10 T 91 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 126 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 (XI (XI (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 742 (SI (XI (XI 665 T 12 (XI (XI 237 18 36 (XI S 595 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 213 220 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 125 133 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 118 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 3 3 (XI (XI (XI 23 (XI (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (S) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 263 34 (XI (XI (SI (SI 28 (XI 67 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 177 342 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 142 2 85 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 129 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI T 4 7 (X) (XI (XI 31 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI T 1 (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI 58 59 60 61 62 53 54 65 370 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated lor each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4- Wherever there is a change in dehnifion, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This i^ Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 ^ E n Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 NEW JERSEY — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S—CON. MIDDLESEX COUNTY ♦—CON. DUNELLEN BOROUGH *......•.... 28 259 1 087 7 202 35 2 558 77 50 44 39 238 343 224 539 8 1 166 32 56 106 142 30 & 1 713 21 459 12 17 82 80 91 85 13 429 35 69 448 12 93 318 4 94 31 23 313 354 23 53 242 148 200 22 128 51 & 185 18 417 34 19 298 2 30 62 11 4 11 72 11 11 741 11 30 8 28 30 88 380 15 259 379 7 12 9 690 77 42 19 39 10 212 38 299 8 136 20 56 102 94 30 353 21 10 12 5 8 4 23 85 13 53 35 29 347 6 93 318 4 18 7 23 27 354 23 S3 18 24 200 22 8 15 125 18 141 34 19 4 2 30 2 11 4 11 23 11 11 137 11 22 8 28 30 78 380 8 26 8 54 28 14 12 4 48 4 2 68 80 14 10 4 8 8 5 5 708 190 1 868 25 174 103 172 240 1 030 & 1 360 449 8 72 76 296 40 101 6 62 24 276 220 124 120 36 & 60 276 286 60 49 604 S 27 234 642 6 450 54 T 209 92 339 16 (S) 121 169 76 391 9 T 44 46 40 80 78 49 & 665 15 361 146 11 118 78 2 81 27 217 1 15 131 47 12 93 264 2 64 288 38 1 078 117 28 (S) 559 (S) 285 12 (S) 161 & 280 20 180 60 T 25 & 70 1 47 2 13 10 5 18 98 13 10 184 45 35 11 35 36 94 522 19 234 442 4 8 16 209 92 67 10 (S) 5 101 52 219 9 44 46 40 80 78 49 390 15 3 16 3 4 10 2 81 17 19 1 15 20 47 12 93 264 2 16 6 38 66 117 28 (S) 163 (SI 285 12 (SI 13 128 20 180 60 25 6 1 47 2 13 10 5 18 13 13 10 184 9 25 11 21 36 94 432 8 2 2 18 38 4 6 39 8 172 8 2 4 4 6 28 10 4 & 54 10 10 14 198 424 268 77 60 24 & 275 350 130 8 114 66 6 194 111 42 282 984 386 144 & 152 10 75 36 90 24 205 & 989 2 131 38 145 IS) 57 78 48 (SI 93 145 231 134 T 95 (S) 91 103 280 48 634 2 219 21 5 8 22 (S) 64 9 96 2 13 37 111 9 49 169 1 65 81 31 & 749 49 689 55 121 615 380 10 9 25 324 T 26 T 143 49 63 49 10 18 (S) 2 16 18 22 13 146 27 19 6 15 42 107 355 18 205 425 2 22 10 145 (S) 55 78 48 (S) 71 95 231 6 87 (S) 55 99 190 44 367 2 2 19 5 8 5 (S) 64 9 12 2 13 35 111 9 49 169 1 16 4 31 29 49 29 55 49 615 380 10 7 15 324 26 143 49 2 49 18 (S) 2 16 16 20 13 146 27 17 6 9 42 107 339 6 6 28 2 2 34 8 4 2 4 4 6 2 2 18 2 7 7 2 4 2 2 2 6 & 558 109 20 16 128 36 88 263 211 17 84 31 75 & 713 653 72 10 57 10 16 02 EAST BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP -I- 04 HELI^ETTA BOROUGH *... ........ 05 06 HIGHLAND PARK BOROUGH + JAMESBURG BOROUGH 09 MIDDLESEX BOROUGH -f. .......... 10 MILLTOWi'vi BOROUGH ............ 12 NEW BRUNSWICK. ............. 13 14 NORTH BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP + PERTH AMBOY -f.............. 15 16 PISCATAWAY TOWNSHIP +. .....a... PLAINSBORO TOWNSHIP. .......... 18 19 20 21 SOUTH AMBOY +.............. SOUTH BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP + SOUTH PLAINFIELD BOROUGH + SOUTH RIVER BOROUGH 23 24 MONMOUTH COUNTY ** ALLENHURST BOROUGH , 25 ALLENTOWN BOROUGH 27 28 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BOROUGH AVON-BY-THE-SEA BOROUGH. ........ 29 BELMAR BOROUGH .....a....... 30 3i BRADLEY BEACH BOROUGH BRIELLE BOROUGH 32 33 34 35 36 37 COLTS NECK TOWNSHIPS DEAL BOROUGH EATONTOWN BOROUGH ENGLISHTOWN BOROUGH FAIR HAVEN BOROUGH FREEHOLD BOROUGH + 39 40 41 42 43 HIGHLANDS BOROUGH HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP . HOWELL TOWNSHIP + INTERLAKEN BOROUGH KEANSBUR6 BOROUGH 46 LONG BRANCH +.............. 47 MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP ........... 49 50 51 MARLBORO TOWNSHIP MATAWAN BOROUGH 52 53 54 55 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP + MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP MONMOUTH BEACH BOROUGH NEPTUNE CITY BOROUGH ...a...... 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP + NEW SHREWSBURY BOROUGH + OCEAN TOWNSHIP * OCEANPORT BOROUGH RARITAN TOWNSHIP + RED BANK BOROUGH + ROOSEVELT BOROUGH. ........... 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 RUMSON BOROUGH SEA BRIGHT BOROUGH SEA GIRT BOROUGH SHREWSBURY BOROUGH SOUTH BELMAR BOROUGH SPRING LAKE BOROUGH SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS BOROUGH UNION BEACH BOROUGH UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP WALL TOWNSHIP +............. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 WEST LONG BRANCH BOROUGH OCEAN COUNTY ** BARNEGAT LIGHT BOROUGH BAY HEAD BOROUGH BEACH HAVEN BOROUGH BEACHWOOD BOROUGH + BERKELEY TOWNSHIP -f. .......... BRICK TOWNSHIP + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 371 in Permit-issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute ttie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12. and B-13. ,« See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which conlracis were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Nuiiibei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total E number in sti uctures with _ number in structuies wil — number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing ZJ units units or more units unils or more units units units unils units units units units units units 37 7 6 24 119 119 35 12 30 21 T 38 22 22 34 T 38 T 37 01 820 478 - 342 240 240 - - 188 T 266 T 141 T 492 441 224 359 227 160 416 02 709 454 2 253 559 430 36 93 T 927 TA 507 659 (SI (SI T 15 (XI (XI {XI (XI 03 5 5 _ . 31 5 26 _ 38 T 6 16 12 (SI 5 9 5 6 2 04 & 214 29 . & 185 123 37 10 76 171 148 45 39 64 44 44 58 241 46 05 98 98 _ _ 51 49 2 . 42 37 T 5 17 T 10 T 15 (SI (XI (XI (XI 05 165 165 _ . (S) (S) - - (S) (SI (SI T 786 (SI T 545 (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 31 13 18 - (SI (S) - - (S) 113 ?5 89 105 118 152 96 157 133 08 102 96 6 _ 171 169 2 _ 135 103 115 62 104 221 123 197 69 132 09 20 18 2 . 43 35 _ 8 31 34 23 35 118 84 99 44 29 38 10 31 31 _ _ 49 49 _ _ IS) 177 T 35 36 53 (SI (SI (XI (XI (XI 11 IS) (S) - - 8. 372 19 21 S 332 21 26 S 305 59 89 52 69 188 63 & 446 12 101 99 2 - 80 75 4 - 63 332 69 64 138 T 62 194 83 T 55 (SI 13 93 51 16 26 S 278 26 6 & 246 66 445 75 91 49 42 81 49 93 384 14 271 271 _ 323 323 _ . 309 425 205 251 320 228 136 197 244 T 233 15 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (Xl (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 78 65 13 _ 64 59 5 . T 57 (SI (SI T 111 T 115 r 1 028 T 458 181 91 288 17 53 53 - 58 58 - - (SI 9 Ti 27 75 >SI ;x) (XI >XI (XI iXI 18 40 40 _ . 27 27 _ _ (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI 49 59 41 40 19 120 116 4 . 107 107 . _ 157 119 209 T 311 T 206 192 178 264 204 706 20 87 85 2 - 80 80 _ - 116 75 49 96 120 149 81 80 63 61 21 35 31 4 _ T 36 36 _ _ T 35 T 110 T 77 T 160 151 40 19 T 56 T 20 (SI 22 642 518 100 24 784 625 158 - 857 615 556 690 2 005 1 231 1 837 953 T P761 1 294 23 6 6 4 4 1 1 1 T 3 _ _ 1 _ 2 4 24 3 1 2 _ 2 2 _ _ 2 8 9 T 4 3 (XI (XI (XI (X! (XI 25 S 95 3 2 & 90 5 3 2 _ T 9 & 57 & 83 9 52 8 51 93 T& 164 18 26 27 22 _ 5 27 27 _ - 35 15 18 63 15 30 (XI (XI (XI (Xl 27 4 2 2 - 4 4 - - 3 T 5 8 8 4 11 1 T 3 T 9 7 28 11 9 2 . T 12 12 . _ (SI T 5 13 10 14 (S) (SI (X) (XI (XI 29 4 4 . . 25 4 . 21 23 13 4 7 5 11 11 4 9 22 30 (S) (S) _ _ (S) (SI . _ T 35 51 52 63 53 55 45 42 31 27 31 86 86 _ _ (S) (S) _ _ (S) 14 23 17 (SI 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 T 17 17 - - T 19 19 - - T 11 14 12 11 16 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 568 32 _ 536 232 15 _ 216 19 T 15 14 45 14 71 49 62 55 114 34 « _ 1 1 _ _ _ T - T 3 2 3 T 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 13 13 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 11 22 25 T 40 T 62 (SI T 48 T 54 T 76 206 35 17 17 _ _ 46 46 _ - (SI 42 T 83 55 44 48 (SI (XI (XI (XI 37 140 140 - - 40 40 - - 21 38 T 68 T 44 T 48 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 5 5 3 3 5 5 T 1 4 10 4 T& 30 T 14 T 11 25 39 24 24 _ _ 19 19 _ - 25 23 118 139 T 41 32 (SI (XI (XI (XI 40 249 249 _ _ 174 174 _ _ 130 T 220 250 207 T 109 135 txl (XI (XI (XI 41 5 5 . _ (S) (S) _ . (SI T 4 4 8 10 (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI 42 28 17 6 5 18 18 - - 25 16 16 11 37 25 (SI (XI (XI (XI 43 21 9 2 10 19 19 . _ T 5 16 T& 23 T 8 T 15 27 22 25 19 63 44 17 17 29 29 . _ T 18 T 17 35 72 120 T 77 T 71 T 63 82 142 45 325 54 16 255 8 383 46 9 & 328 174 53 & 100 49 91 164 63 299 S 245 176 46 117 117 _ 19 19 _ _ 30 18 29 T 32 20 T 26 (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 54 22 - 32 22 22 - - 34 31 36 41 59 56 55 49 51 88 48 (S) (X 1 (XI (X) 05 1 1 _ « 6 6 « _ T 13 1 5 21 102 (SI (XI (X) (X) (XI 06 54 54 - - 94 94 - - 164 91 T 147 311 372 T 256 (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 5 5 . . 9 9 _ . 20 12 T 17 22 49 T 44 (SI (XI (X) (X) 06 168 122 46 - 182 114 68 - T 202 171 T 176 T 208 301 T 180 (X ) (X) (XI (XI 09 146 146 . _ 52 46 6 _ 90 41 T 19 81 71 10 (SI (XI ( XI (X) 10 4 4 - . 10 10 _ - T 6 T 5 T 5 T 8 9 6 (SI (X) (XI (X) 11 9 9 - - 12 10 2 - 5 14 16 29 37 20 (SI (XI (X) (XI 12 H3 43 - - 57 57 . . 63 54 59 81 (S) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 13 15 15 - - 11 11 - - 18 11 15 30 39 33 (SI (XI (XI (X) 14 9 5 4 _ 15 15 _ _ 43 20 22 T 43 89 T 54 (SI (XI (XI (X) 15 36 36 . . 27 27 . _ 21 24 35 49 61 (SI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI 16 166 145 1 20 173 173 . . 311 314 295 216 425 316 229 161 152 183 17 2 2 . - 16 6 _ 10 T 5 13 T 8 20 21 41 T 50 60 68 82 18 6 3 3 - (S) (S) - - (S) 9 12 20 25 50 42 50 50 54 19 24 17 7 _ 32 32 _ _ (SI 11 T 17 31 56 51 (SI (XI (XI (X) 20 191 191 - - 210 210 . . 293 157 3 5 1 T 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI 21 (S) (S> - - (S) (S) - - (SI T 19 19 T 26 59 69 (SI (XI (XI (XI 22 68 56 12 - 67 57 10 - 62 52 53 61 101 71 (SI (XI (XI (XI 23 11 11 - - 18 18 . - 240 71 161 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 24 4 4 - - (SI (SI - - (SI T 10 3 15 5 (S) (XI (XI (X) (X) 25 8 8 13 13 8 28 10 35 27 25 24 T 12 (S) (SI 26 161 181 . _ 84 84 _ _ 94 31 47 T 58 87 63 51 (XI (X) (XI 27 58 26 2 30 34 30 4 - 44 T 42 36 40 76 51 41 36 39 54 26 27 15 12 - 41 31 10 - 32 19 92 87 52 36 50 39 27 364 29 57 57 - - (S) (S) - - (SI 47 45 64 58 41 (XI (XI (XI (X) 30 633 262 99 272 222 204 18 _ 293 (SI (SI T 229 158 166 116 149 169 T 332 31 1 1 - - 4 4 _ - 2 - 6 - 6 T 5 7 3 T 3 3 32 212 212 - - 265 263 2 - (SI (S) S (S) 303 404 T 53 T 140 (S) T 222 (SI 33 36 36 - . 58 37 . 21 35 25 31 T 98 (S) T 38 (X) (X) (XI (X) 34 121 117 4 - 62 62 - - (S) 123 116 126 208 47 (SI (X) (X) (XI 35 91 89 2 _ 116 99 17 . 102 T 113 110 T 151 160 91 T 126 T 86 116 77 36 (S) (S) - - 2 . 2 - 12 4 T 2 T 3 5 T 3 (S) (X) (XI (X) 37 50 50 - . 23 23 _ . (S) (SI (SI (S) (S) T 27 (S) (X) (XI (X) 38 91 85 6 - 63 61 2 - 72 70 84 114 106 102 113 72 178 316 39 (SI (S) - - (S) (S) - - 4 (S) (X) ^XI >X) vXI (X) (X) (XI (X) 40 14 14 _ . (S) (SI _ . (S) (SI (SI (S) (SI T 16 (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 - - - - (S) (S) _ - (SI (SI (SI (SI (S) T 2 (X) (XI (X) (X) 42 96 96 - - 177 107 70 - (S) (S) (S) (SI 40 28 35 44 30 43 43 45 25 20 . 96 21 61 14 50 54 28 20 16 T 6 (X) (X) (XI (X) 44 132 132 - - 85 85 . . 94 74 103 (SI (S) T 55 (S) (XI (XI (X) 45 48 48 - - (S) (S) - - 57 T 31 & (S) T 42 60 T 42 28 T 34 40 42 46 1 1 11 11 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 47 23 21 2 _ 23 23 _ - 39 50 26 34 48 31 (SI (X) (X) (X) 48 5 5 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 T 68 68 - - T 160 160 _ - (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 50 33 33 - - T 25 25 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 51 20 20 _ _ (XI (XI (X) (XI IXl (X) ( X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 52 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 53 20 20 - - T 72 72 _ _ (X) (X) ( X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 54 (X) (X) (X) (X) txi (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 144 144 - - 120 120 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 56 12 12 . _ (X) (X) (X) tX) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 57 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 58 21 21 - - 24 20 4 - 15 T 13 3 - - - - - - (S) 59 6 6 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 60 HI 111 - - 121 107 14 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 61 72 72 _ _ 106 106 _ _ (SI T 11 4 5 20 6 T 4 7 T 9 10 62 57 57 - . 41 41 _ - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 63 - - - _ (SI (SI _ - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 41 41 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 66 1 422 1 184 107 131 2 049 1 776 124 149 4 159 4 223 2 149 1 435 2 423 2 715 T2 736 3 207 1 721 4 092 67 2 2 6 6 tX) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 68 1 1 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 59 980 940 5 35 717 678 - 39 506 488 262 204 442 503 520 299 269 502 70 374 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau ol the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes m definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-I for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures lor Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing uriits Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 39 40 45 NEW MEXICO — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON COLFAX COUNTY RATON SPRINGER TOWN CURRY COUNTY CLOVIS -I- TExICO TOWN DONA ANA COUNTY LAS CRUCES -I- EDDY COUNTY ARTESIA + CARLSBAD -l- GRANT COUNTY BAYARD VILLAGE CENTRAL TOWN HURLEY TOWN SILVER CITY TOWN GUADALUPE COUNTY VAUGHN VILLAGE HARDING COUNTY ROY VILLAGE HIDALGO COUNTY LORDSBURG LEA COUNTY EUNICE HOBBS + JAL + LOvINGTON TOWN + TATUM VILLAGE LINCOLN COUNTY CARRIZOZO TOWN RUIDOSO VILLAGE -f RUIOOSO DOWNS VILLAGE LOS ALAMOS COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . LUNA COUNTY COLUMBUS VILLAGE DEMING VILLAGE MCKINLEY COUNTY GALLUP TOWN + OTERO COUNTY ALAMOGORDO + CLOUDCROFT VILLAGE TULAROSA VILLAGE * QUAY COUNTY TUCUMCARI ROOSEVELT COUNTY PORTALES + SAN JUAN COUNTY AZTEC BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE FARMINGTON TOWN + SAN MIGUEL COUNTY LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS TOWN SANTA FE COUNTY SANTA FE ■^ SIERRA COUNTY TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES SOCORRO COUNTY MAGDALENA VILLAGE SOCORRO TAOS COUNTY TAOS TOWN TORRANCE COUNTY MOUNTAINAIR TOWN UNION COUNTY CLAYTON TOWN VALENCIA COUNTY BELEN TOWN MILAN VILLAGE 377 (S) 11 108 288 (S) 11 108 7 7 144 144 16 16 17 15 1 1 . 74 72 4 - 135 135 52 290 18 114 18 ~ ■ 50 40 36 36 1 6 46 1 6 8 113 17 13 9 & 50 6 383 4 11 132 & 24 25 104 1 318 2 11 108 16 16 163 163 26 26 41 41 3 3 5 5 109 77 5 5 4 4 11 11 23 23 11 11 5 5 32 43 125 43 125 6 (S) 258 189 17 17 26 24 2 2 1 1 62 62 9 9 4 4 12 12 5 5 53 53 67 67 5 5 15 15 50 40 10 10 5 5 275 269 15 15 2 2 16 16 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 375 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ,» See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, tor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: ■■-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in structures wilh- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ot housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units 1 1 unit 2.4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 6 2 6 2 - - T 9 5 7 5 2 - 37 (S) 22 13 (S) 21 5 42 (S) 12 (X) 10 (XI 31 (XI 17 (XI 44 (XI 01 02 470 3 284 3 - 186 34 3 8 343 8 - - 333 (X) 351 (X) 48 (X) 186 (X) 328 (X) 198 (X) 34 (XI 249 (X) S 183 (XI 216 (XI 03 04 S 158 S 156 - T 224 210 14 - S 660 820 325 293 308 499 210 410 139 184 05 99 128 97 126 2 2 - 166 96 148 94 2 2 16 163 119 149 123 97 127 90 251 133 227 58 205 82 241 192 724 143 428 286 534 06 07 8 3 20 8 3 20 - - 6 2 9 21 6 2 9 17 4 ; T - (X) (X) U 2 (X> (X) 17 25 (X) (X) 73 19 (XI (XI 64 28 (X) (X) 44 (X) (X) (X) 24 (XI (XI (XI 41 (XI (XI (XI 53 (XI (XI (XI 36 (XI (XI (XI (SI 08 09 10 11 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 12 - - - - - - - - - T - - - T - 1 - 2 4 7 13 12 12 - - 4 4 - 4 3 3 14 16 11 T 6 T 2 5 20 14 8 195 53 70 4 8 195 50 66 4 3 4 - 28 150 40 42 6 28 150 40 42 6 - - (X) 170 (X) 131 (X) (X) 378 (X ) 97 (X) (X) 415 (X) 200 (X) (XI T 311 (X) 115 (X) (X) 491 (X) (S) (X) (X) 427 (X) T 92 (X) (XI T 468 (XI 343 (XI txi T 553 (XI 327 (XI (XI (SI (XI 173 (XI (XI (SI (XI 105 (XI 15 16 17 18 19 2 T 39 4 2 37 4 2 - 1 67 (X) 1 44 (X) 23 (XI (X) 149 (X) T 4 137 (X) 10 88 (X) 10 30 (X) 2 48 (X) 23 46 (X) 1 (S) (XI 11 (X) (XI T 5 (XI (XI 3 (XI (X) 20 21 22 46 46 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 56 56 - - (X) 76 (X) 74 (X) 2 (X) (X) 57 (X) 48 (XI 45 (X) 30 (X ) 36 (X) 51 (XI 68 (XI 57 (XI 21 (XI 88 24 25 & 100 & 89 & 11 - & 185 73 & 80 32 77 79 155 71 77 177 42 31 89 50 26 4 8 7 4 8 7 - - 33 9 12 33 9 12 - 641 13 T 47 601 6 25 398 22 19 709 15 84 492 24 T 19 308 19 (XI 235 (SI (XI 316 (XI (X) 151 (XI (XI 126 (XI (XI 27 28 29 40 28 4 8 42 42 - - 40 25 18 13 23 7 18 32 S 30 84 30 S 177 77 - S 100 80 76 4 - 91 75 51 28 102 18 27 T 63 106 (SI 31 13 17 41 13 17 39 2 - (S> 6 69 (S) 6 66 3 _ 32 T 6 388 177 (S) 1 165 (S) T 15 680 (X) 7 354 (XI (S) 221 (X) (XI 353 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 33 34 & 47 5 15 5 - & 32 16 (S) 16 (S) - 13 (S) S 44 T - 17 28 7 30 T 20 T 25 (S) 22 (XI 12 (XI 19 (XI 40 (XI 35 36 353 353 - - 521 521 - - T 231 180 160 252 243 244 145 189 249 460 37 7 7 - - 14 12 2 - T 4 T 3 5 8 13 13 24 28 38 97 38 13 13 - - 16 16 - - .\; T 31 (S) 1 & (S) (S) 23 9 T 5 (SI (SI (SI 39 40 16 14 2 - 5 5 - - 1 1 - 8 5 (SI (SI (SI (SI 7 41 2 2 - - 5 5 - - 5 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 T 3 2 42 9 9 - - 10 10 - - 4 4 5 6 13 2 4 4 24 63 43 13 6 13 2 4 - 19 14 11 9 8 5 T 15 (X ) 20 (X) 19 (XI T 15 (X) T 42 (X) 71 (XI 37 ( X 1 T 60 (XI 50 (XI (SI (XI 44 45 376 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table 6-i. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housin; in structures wi units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Zj 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 NEW YORK ALBANY-SCHENECTADY-TROY SMSA ALBANY COUNTY ♦* ALBANY +•••••••••••••••• 245 10 203 7 12 463 T 56 89 27 32 10 9 57 40 1 4 10 71 2 27 10 172 2 40 107 5 89 87 104 & 150 1 45 54 30 26 9 30 11 28 28 310 149 3 (S) 9 110 5 4 4 1 6 63 9 886 4 39 5 52 8 342 149 10 124 7 12 332 56 85 23 32 10 9 57 34 1 4 1 71 2 27 10 172 2 40 83 5 89 87 104 50 1 33 50 30 26 9 18 11 16 28 203 149 3 (S) 9 110 5 4 4 1 6 63 9 594 4 39 3 52 8 53 84 63 11 4 4 6 3 24 4 4 ~ 4 14 122 2 41 12 16 120 6 & 150 8 8 12 93 170 248 & 742 1 159 7 24 447 48 96 8 27 9 5 T 41 32 7 3 8 57 12 26 13 203 35 97 3 71 70 85 84 5 & 504 24 31 32 5 95 11 9 23 25 217 389 2 (S) 7 149 2 1 3 4 45 5 627 5 37 5 38 9 283 117 1 104 7 24 371 48 96 8 25 9 5 41 32 7 3 8 57 12 26 13 197 35 73 3 71 70 85 66 3 40 22 29 32 5 21 7 7 23 1 197 181 2 (S) 7 149 2 1 3 4 45 5 511 5 37 3 34 9 78 58 22 16 2 6 24 2 40 2 2 22 4 2 20 5 84 2 4 61 & 567 33 60 18 & 424 52 24 203 32 144 171 1 89 22 29 402 38 97 122 24 14 15 46 49 2 6 4 & 108 3 27 19 107 1 41 64 9 74 60 94 T 27 2 165 33 39 45 9 26 3 17 25 1 168 166 4 3 3 199 5 1 6 70 24 461 B 42 10 43 7 392 135 1 77 22 27 360 38 92 20 22 14 15 46 44 2 6 4 68 3 27 19 107 1 37 64 9 74 60 94 27 2 57 33 39 43 9 20 3 11 25 1 140 166 4 3 3 176 5 1 6 70 24 451 8 42 4 43 7 83 30 12 2 6 5 2 4 12 2 6 6 28 23 10 59 6 36 102 5 & 40 96 6 250 02 03 04 05 ALTAMONT VILLAGE BETHLEHEM TO*N COEYMANS TOWN COHOES 08 09 GREEN ISLAND TOWN GUILOERLAND TOWN + 10 1 1 NEW SCOTLAND TOWN 14 15 RENSSELAER COUNTY BRUNSWICK TOWN + CASTLETON-ON-HUDSON VILLAGE 17 HOOSICK FALLS VILLAGE* •••••••■• 19 20 21 RENSSELAER •••••■••••••••• SCHAGHTICOKE VILLAGE SARATOGA COUNTY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 CLIFTON PARK TOWN CORINTH VILLAGE MECHANICVILLE MOREAU TOWN SARATOGA SPRINGS SCHENECTADY COUNTY ** SLENVILLE TOWN + NISKAYUNA TOWN •^ ROTTERDAM TOWN + SCHENECTADY* •••■••••••••■• 35 SCOTIA VILLAGE 36 BINGHAMTONi N.Y.-PA. SMSA BROOME COUNTY BINGHAMTON -fa************* 38 CHENANGO TOWN* •••■••*•••••• 39 CONKLIN TOWN ••■•■•■••••••• 41 DICKINSON TOWN ••••••••••••• 42 43 44 ENDICOTT VILLAGE FENTON TOWN JOHNSON CITY VILLAGE ••••••■••* 45 KIRKWOOD TOWN* ••••••*•••••• 46 47 48 49 50 51 PORT DICKINSON VILLAGE UNION TOWN + VESTAL TOWN + WINDSOR TOWN WINDSOR VILLAGE TIOGA COUNTY NEWARK VALLEY TOWN ••■•••••••■ 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 OWEGO TOWN + OWEGO VILLAGE WAVERLY VILLAGE (PENNSYLVANIA) SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY HALLSTEAD BOROUGH LANESBORO BOROUGH SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT BOROUGH BUFFALO SMSA ERIE COUNTY ** AKRON VILLAGE ALDEN TOWN ALDEN VILLAGE AMHERST TOWN -f ANGOLA VILLAGE AURORA TOWN BLASDELL VILLAGE BOSTON TOWN + BRANT TOWN BUFFALO + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 377 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ■.■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see tabic B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period mote than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in str uctures witf - number nf in structures with- number of number of number numbei number of number of number numbet numbei numbet of or of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Ij units units or more units units or mote units units units units units units units units units units 187 156 31 171 165 6 218 S 592 237 250 228 199 184 & 608 S 347 949 01 8 8 - - 2 2 . - _ 2 4 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 94 68 4 22 54 50 4 - 84 96 79 124 HI 133 119 107 (S) (SI 03 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 27 27 - - & 155 35 - & 120 21 36 37 19 23 26 15 44 19 30 05 368 272 _ 96 323 319 4 _ 325 313 334 467 579 593 522 (XI (XI (XI 06 64 64 - - 73 73 . - 74 46 88 133 216 141 100 23 T 53 82 07 - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X I (XI (XI IX 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 08 131 124 2 5 119 119 - - (X ) ( X 1 (XI (XI IXI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 09 9 9 - - (S) (S) - - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 12 12 - - 16 16 - - (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 9 9 ■ ~ S 41 9 2 i 30 4 & 92 11 11 8 12 6 2 13 (SI 13 39 39 . 41 41 50 54 70 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 14 - . - - _ . - . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IS 54 54 - - 49 41 2 6 T 41 53 50 (X) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 16 5 5 - - (S) (S) - - (XI (X) ( X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) 18 8 8 _ _ 10 10 _ _ T 6 6 10 18 20 13 18 14 14 31 19 (S) (S) - - _ _ _ _ (SI - _ - T - 1 3 4 1 1 20 84 84 - - 58 58 - - 59 19 37 66 56 34 57 S 447 & 217 218 21 4 4 _ . 13 13 . . 4 34 50 13 7 8 10 11 6 11 22 18 18 - - 35 35 - - T 32 45 26 (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 23 15 15 - - 14 14 - _ (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 24 51 51 - - 41 41 - - 22 36 30 44 38 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 25 - - - - 3 3 - - 3 4 12 7 4 5 12 17 1 18 26 3 3 _ _ & 38 2 _ 8, 36 1 5 1 4 4 10 6 7 T8, 61 11 27 28 28 . - 36 36 _ - 43 41 43 68 123 97 75 56 (SI (SI 28 & 127 67 24 8 36 35 35 - - 41 51 34 38 39 65 S 134 53 78 43 29 9 9 ~ - 12 12 - - (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 30 102 102 _ . 135 135 . . 158 133 187 214 182 181 196 236 197 266 31 60 60 - - 96 95 1 - T 77 97 67 115 158 122 176 127 105 136 32 96 96 - - 81 81 _ _ 90 92 105 132 195 153 149 270 328 585 33 S 244 40 - S. 204 37 37 - 30 52 74 78 140 119 166 203 223 229 34 4 2 2 1 4 5 5 7 32 17 21 10 13 35 108 67 17 24 96 78 10 8 87 55 58 83 164 184 141 & 253 133 246 36 37 37 - - 33 33 - - 42 35 16 27 40 53 25 29 (SI (SI 37 28 28 - - (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 38 60 60 - - 36 36 . . 29 35 28 28 38 32 (XI (XI (X) (XI 39 - - - - - - - - - 4 2 - 2 7 1 3 (SI (SI 40 13 13 . . 13 13 _ _ 11 8 14 10 15 30 (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 22 16 6 - 29 9 14 6 32 21 25 20 56 33 37 26 28 47 42 17 17 - - 4 4 . . 11 9 9 9 38 T 34 (X 1 (XI (XI ( XI 43 17 14 3 - 20 16 4 - 16 26 24 36 57 62 93 59 59 94 44 34 34 - - 48 48 - - 31 44 T 31 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 3 1 2 _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ 1 5 1 8 7 6 7 46 266 189 43 34 152 141 11 - 219 191 244 290 421 357 283 222 180 207 47 411 223 - 188 275 270 5 - (SI 157 T 165 159 168 190 (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 5 5 - - . . . - T - 2 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 49 - - - - (X) (X) tX) tX) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 6 6 . 9 9 10 8 12 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 215 204 - 11 112 92 _ 20 241 239 139 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 52 43 43 - - 15 15 _ _ 6 17 6 20 1 8 1 4 4 3 53 " " ■ ■ " 7 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 54 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 4 4 1 T - (SI 55 - - - - - - - - T 3 - T - - T - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 56 1 1 4 4 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 57 8 8 4 4 12 3 9 13 16 15 8 T 25 ■ T 16 10 58 54 54 - - 48 48 - - 36 59 43 37 67 30 (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 31 31 - - 38 36 2 - 26 16 6 18 17 11 21 11 15 15 60 542 476 52 14 713 619 94 . 742 744 726 680 789 614 660 762 T 730 1 062 61 5 5 - - 8 S - - T 8 6 22 24 43 18 T 20 15 13 8 62 32 32 _ _ 41 37 4 _ 42 49 59 100 128 T 69 (X) (XI (XI (XI 63 7 5 2 - 4 4 - - 11 16 11 41 46 24 28 25 16 35 54 18 18 - - 38 38 _ - 65 98 83 71 98 T 20 (XI (X) (Xl (X) 65 4 4 - - 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 66 294 130 54 110 268 137 41 90 227 232 605 & 1 799 & 989 & 1 066 619 & 1 087 S 872 & 1 355 67 378 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the hgures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical lishng by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing in strucluies wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 3 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NEW YORK— CON. BUFFALO SMSA — CON. 01 ERIE COUNTY ♦* — CON. 932 135 9 206 8 41 68 31 88 134 653 133 9 184 8 41 68 31 58 lie 279 2 22 10 30 6 704 117 6 205 11 25 51 35 61 191 610 115 6 177 5 25 51 35 53 185 94 2 28 8 6 6 567 132 14 237 15 32 64 20 66 146 497 132 14 219 10 32 64 20 66 125 64 18 21 6 5 03 COLLINS TOWN •.....•.....•• 06 07 08 09 10 EDEt^ TOWN * ELMA TOWN + EVANS TOWN + GRAND ISLAND TOWN + HAMBURG TOWN + 11 12 13 It HAMBURG VILLAGE + KENMORE VILLAGE LACKAWANNA + 34 36 & 287 62 65 14 24 9 6 99 28 1 109 62 57 14 24 9 6 97 6 18 30 8 2 17 & 148 23 22 115 90 38 25 16 4 6 247 16 2 101 90 26 22 16 4 2 101 20 14 12 3 4 6 5 140 24 14 103 98 32 35 25 10 2 91 16 2 99 98 22 35 25 10 2 91 8 12 4 10 - 16 17 19 20 NORTH COLLINS VILLAGE ORCHARD PARK TOWN 21 ORCHARD PARK VILLAGE «... 24 2 30 48 205 11 479 170 24 2 13 40 105 11 401 2 8 80 60 44 15 20 18 126 26 6 17 T 33 182 29 482 75 26 6 17 29 136 29 381 5 4 36 86 70 8 15 11 8 5 66 251 19 431 24 11 4 5 60 199 19 372 6 4 6 52 46 18 13 22 23 24 25 SLOAN VILLAGE SPRINGVILLE VILLAGE TONAAANDA + TONAWANDA TOWN -v... ••• 26 WALES TOWN • ••■ 27 28 WEST SENECA TOWN + WILLIAMSVILLE VILLAGE 29 30 31 32 33 NIAGARA COUNTY ** BARKER VILLAGE + CAMBRIA TOWN HARTLAND TOWN LEWISTON TOWN -l- LEWISTON VILLAGE 1 14 9 44 1 1 14 9 44 1 - - 9 8 25 1 9 6 25 1 - - 21 14 30 33 21 14 30 3 - 30 34 35 36 37 38 LOCKPORT + LOCKPORT TOWN + MIDDLEPORT VILLAGE NEWFANE TOWN NIAGARA FALLS -l- 40 66 3 36 49 38 66 3 36 37 2 4 8 40 53 5 24 29 32 53 5 24 25 4 6 45 54 4 19 202 29 54 4 17 56 2 2 16 144 39 40 41 42 43 NIAGARA TOWN + NORTH TONAWANDA + PENDLETON TOWN + PORTER TOWN SOMERSET TOWN 43 63 40 3 2 43 75 40 3 2 2 6 46 111 29 12 6 42 109 27 12 6 4 2 2 - 37 86 34 13 2 37 81 34 13 2 5 - 44 45 46 47 WHEATFIELD TOWN -f WILSON TOWN WILSON VILLAGE YOUNGSTOWN VILLAGE NEW YORK SMSA 60 7 1 11 54 7 1 11 6 - T 37 8 1 3 33 8 1 3 4 - 52 6 2 4 50 6 2 4 2 - 48 49 50 51 52 NEW YORK CITY « BRONX BOROUGH * + BROOKLYN BOROUGH * + MANHATTAN BOROUGH * * QUEENS BOROUGH * + RICHMOND BOROUGH * * & 3 903 & 4 972 8, 2 924 8, 6 008 & 2 968 247 380 1 892 1 549 1 344 8.1 154 8 2 860 420 & 2 312 & 3 438 & 2 915 & 2 256 & 999 & 7 283 9 864 & 12 608 17 248 3 149 329 464 1 1 204 1 805 1 198 2 664 4 2 470 539 4 5 756 6 536 & 12 603 13 574 805 & 9 544 & 21 333 & 21 764 14 977 & 2 806 294 620 1 1 300 1 402 &1 337 2 755 4 021 & 354 & 7 913 & 17 958 & 21 763 9 656 & 1 050 53 NASSAU COUNTY * BAXTER ESTATES VILLAGE ... 38 3 11 15 38 3 11 11 4 - 66 42 1 14 53 1 42 1 14 1 - 67 52 40 1 a 32 29 40 1 11 - & 21 22 54 55 56 57 BAYVILLE VILLAGE + BELLEROSE VILLAGE BROOKVILLE VILLAGE CEDARHURST VILLAGE 3 1 64 25 13 3 1 64 11 2 14 11 2 35 39 6 2 35 13 6 26 - 2 55 14 3 2 55 4 3 10 - 59 60 61 62 COVE NECK VILLAGE EAST HILLS VILLAGE + EAST ROCKAWAY VILLAGE + EAST WILLISTON VILLAGE + 63 64 65 66 ■ 67 FARMINGOALE VILLAGE + FLORAL PARK VILLAGE FLOWER HILL VILLAGE FREEPORT VILLAGE + GARDEN CITY VILLAGE + 56 23 U 143 15 10 15 11 100 15 12 8 34 43 341 31 4 57 34 35 21 4 57 34 6 298 10 47 21 66 & 163 56 5 15 4 113 41 10 6 32 64 a 50 15 68 GLEN COVE ■♦■ *..••••••• & 109 4 141 10 I 589 25 4 10 1 534 36 12 & 48 141 43 99 9 43 16 1 775 69 9 16 1 517 30 6 43 250 121 2 55 6 2 371 107 2 6 2 238 14 16 55 117 69 70 71 72 GREAT NECK ESTATES VILLAGE GREAT NECK PLAZA VILLAGE + GREAT NECK VILLAGE + HEMPSTEAD TOWN + 73 HEMPSTEAD VILLAGE + 296 9 52 9 - 244 296 2 74 2 "■ 222 365 2 54 2 5 28 283 74 75 HEWLETT BAY PARK VILLAGE HEWLETT HARBOR VILLAGE .«...••.. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 379 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected petmit-issuing places which constitute the soufce for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-II, B-12. and B-13 '■ See Appendix C-2 fof statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in sir uctuies Witt — number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 554 445 109 667 460 207 648 708 768 706 1 209 937 805 T 450 1 079 1 479 01 118 116 2 _ 123 121 2 _ 165 199 190 233 254 196 180 150 98 126 02 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X ) (X) (X 1 (X) (X> (X ) (XI (XI (X) 03 170 155 15 . 166 150 16 . 203 227 269 206 251 135 167 141 90 132 04 9 9 - - 14 14 - - 29 20 23 39 27 20 30 47 47 64 05 34 34 . _ 40 40 _ _ 51 58 60 58 63 47 51 60 IS) (S) 06 68 68 - - 54 52 2 . 80 85 93 127 127 128 96 80 (S) (SI 07 37 37 - - 25 25 - - 55 58 78 75 106 114 132 116 (S) (S) 08 49 49 _ . 48 46 2 _ 87 96 88 118 223 89 77 93 82 137 09 126 126 - - 174 172 2 - 235 212 361 423 418 T 353 374 252 284 565 10 25 23 2 _ 43 43 _ „ 82 90 32 31 36 80 47 100 55 96 11 4 . 4 _ 8 6 2 _ 12 17 28 22 64 133 62 80 70 121 12 67 54 13 . 90 78 12 - 82 lU 256 218 389 220 104 111 89 146 13 T 98 86 12 . 97 93 4 _ T 58 55 80 78 86 56 76 64 58 79 14 58 52 6 - 55 51 4 - 89 102 135 132 238 194 94 68 51 95 15 20 20 _ . 24 22 2 _ 23 21 31 (S) 17 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 18 18 - - 11 11 - - 12 14 24 25 20 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) 17 3 3 . - (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 1 1 . - 2 2 « - 6 8 9 (S) 12 10 (S) 4 (S) 7 19 8 8 - - 13 11 2 - 113 139 143 205 197 244 187 148 125 153 20 51 51 . _ 67 67 _ _ 8 18 39 26 31 35 32 36 43 77 21 15 13 2 _ 6 . 6 . 26 50 57 54 88 65 36 30 14 37 22 11 11 - . 5 5 _ - 7 8 22 22 14 23 17 16 8 25 23 67 55 12 . 48 38 10 - 127 183 225 321 340 320 239 127 121 155 24 327 303 24 - 406 325 81 - 616 499 792 1 302 1 792 1 640 1 546 1 871 1 342 1 518 25 18 18 _ _ 13 13 _ _ 12 9 13 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 26 291 245 26 20 348 342 6 - 383 405 368 557 541 403 429 399 363 364 27 3 3 - - 4 2 2 - T 18 69 17 20 58 85 64 68 63 84 28 3 3 (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) 29 20 20 . _ 35 35 . . 44 42 49 45 56 24 26 29 26 T - 30 6 6 - _ 9 9 . . 9 11 14 (S) (X) (X) (X) (XJ (X) (X) 31 38 36 - . 62 62 . . 87 145 156 185 188 151 144 127 132 135 32 7 7 - - 38 4 10 24 15 11 23 39 49 29 50 89 55 36 33 50 46 4 _ 39 39 . _ 71 43 65 106 111 78 56 51 44 119 34 38 38 . . 47 47 _ 72 56 63 86 82 T 83 74 61 (S) T 55 35 2 2 - 2 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 36 22 22 - . 31 31 _ _ 42 38 T 35 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 37 63 57 6 - & 231 89 & 122 20 226 245 289 434 573 487 492 583 627 913 38 38 38 _ _ 47 47 . _ T 65 & 321 T 21 33 92 45 117 47 32 51 39 56 54 2 . 94 90 4 - 226 355 298 484 416 295 263 216 228 271 40 27 27 - - 37 35 2 _ T 52 50 54 64 53 53 48 41 33 31 41 (S) (S) - - IS) (S) _ - (S) (S) 54 68 50 49 29 32 33 24 42 1 1 - - 7 7 - - 5 ' 8 T 10 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 43 T 40 36 4 _ T 66 62 4 _ T 46 51 68 80 86 56 (X) (X) (X) (X) 44 13 13 . _ 19 19 _ _ 26 15 30 30 18 29 22 10 14 13 45 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 5 7 2 7 14 3 3 10 6 3 46 6 6 ~ ~ 5 5 ~ ~ 5 115 14 16 27 14 9 19 (S) T 3 47 & 9 884 448 1 339 & 8 097 & 7 565 531 1 110 & 5 924 & 5 835 & 5 534 & 4 747 & 4 092 & 3 386 S 3 110 & 4 227 & 5 237 & 6 599 & 3 689 48 & 13 292 536 2 924 & 9 832 S 10 096 379 2 791 & 6 926 &10 535 i 7 734 & 6 842 & 5 096 & 7 776 S 7 447 & 6 436 & 5 433 S 2 507 & 6 566 49 & 19 983 . &19 983 S 13 677 & 13 677 &15 140 & 9 371 S 5 286 & 7 481 ilO 464 & 6 565 & 2 488 & 1 934 & 2 818 S 4 389 50 25 863 1 512 3 121 21 230 13 101 1 161 3 204 8 736 &15 774 & 10 913 S 5 905 7 365 & 7 988 9 589 & 8 266 & 8 961 S12 680 424 336 51 1 362 916 338 108 & 2 250 958 370 & 922 & 2 259 865 642 494 463 334 607 & 971 183 428 52 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 . T 7 (X) (X) (X) (X) 53 54 54 - _ 51 51 _ _ 77 70 50 66 62 38 54 35 34 56 54 _ _ _ _ 2 2 _ _ 2 1 _ . 2 1 2 T - T - T 1 55 18 18 _ . 17 17 _ _ 26 19 24 20 22 36 17 17 12 3 56 5 5 - - 19 19 - - 31 4 69 27 101 210 24 27 22 85 57 2 2 . _ 2 2 _ _ 4 6 7 2 3 1 165 (X) (X) (X) (X) 58 1 1 - . 1 1 _ _ 4 4 6 6 2 2 4 2 - - 59 64 64 - _ 88 88 _ - 174 145 85 159 55 80 50 20 107 292 60 120 1 34 85 66 3 18 45 161 218 108 200 83 63 34 35 39 185 61 5 5 3 3 - 1 9 8 26 31 31 28 30 53 36 62 161 17 8 136 30 22 8 _ 100 76 40 85 46 28 134 20 65 118 63 11 9 2 18 14 4 _ T 19 20 37 53 95 74 120 163 184 439 64 4 4 . 2 2 _ _ T - 5 10 12 224 120 54 76 58 124 65 1 144 103 . 1 041 503 97 . 406 505 360 & 232 T 253 429 402 422 232 197 237 66 44 44 - - 56 56 - - 75 104 96 190 314 581 441 330 343 226 67 68 60 8 . 132 71 61 _ 148 173 197 T 177 & 358 256 167 238 299 246 68 5 5 - _ 3 3 _ 17 11 14 22 16 28 17 15 39 35 69 1 1 - _ 115 . 115 158 48 2 - 36 204 56 1 - - 70 26 26 . - 13 13 _ - 99 6 28 19 73 113 64 81 11 198 71 2 403 2 193 40 170 1 891 1 889 2 - 2 179 2 263 2 917 2 871 4 373 4 770 6 239 7 033 9 988 14 040 72 457 55 167 235 473 46 152 275 573 328 300 256 158 268 181 306 264 285 73 « _ _ _ . 3 4 1 1 5 4 4 2 2 6 74 - - - - 5 5 - - 11 7 18 21 18 24 27 19 34 94 75 380 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown In table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-Issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +Thls Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number housing units Number of housing units In structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 08 09 10 11 12 13 it 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 NEW YORK— CON. NEW YORK CITY— CON. NASSAU COUNTY * — CON. HEWLETT NECK VILLAGE .... ISLAND PARK VILLAGE -I- . . . . KENSINGTON VILLAGE KINGS POINT VILLAGE LAKE SUCCESS VILLAGE .... LATTINGTOWN VILLAGE LAUREL HOLLOW VILLAGE. . . . LAWRENCE VILLAGE LONG BEACH + LYNBROOK VILLAGE -I- .... . MALVERNE VILLAGE MANORHAVEN VILLAGE + , . . , MASSAPEQUA PARK VILLAGE +. . MATINECOCK VILLAGE MILL NECK VILLAGE MINEOLA VILLAGE MUNSEY PARK VILLAGE MUTTONTOWN VILLAGE NEW HYDE PARK VILLAGE. . . . NORTH HEMPSTEAD TOWN + . . . NORTH HILLS VILLAGE OLD BROOKVILLE VILLAGE . . . OLD WESTBURY VILLAGE .... OYSTER BAY COVE VILLAGE. . . OYSTER BAY TOWN -I- PLANDOME HEIGHTS VILLAGE . . PLANDOME MANOR VILLAGE . . . PLANDOME VILLAGE PORT WASHINGTON NORTH VILLAGE ROCKVILLE CENTRE VILLAGE + . ROSLYN ESTATES VILLAGE . . . ROSLYN HARBOR VILLAGE. . . . ROSLYN VILLAGE RUSSELL GARDENS VILLAGE. . . SADDLE ROCK VILLAGE SANDS POINT VILLAGE SEA CLIFF VILLAGE SOUTH FLORAL PARK VILLAGE. . STEWART MANOR VILLAGE. . . . THOMASTON VILLAGE + UPPER BROOKVILLE VILLAGE . . VALLEY STREAM VILLAGE +. . . WESTBURY VILLAGE WILLISTON PARK VILLAGE . . . WOODSBURGH VILLAGE ROCKLAND COUNTY * CLARKSTOWN TOWN -f » GRAND VIEW-ON-HUDSON VILLAGE HAVERSTRAW TOWN HAVERSTRAW VILLAGE HILLBURN VILLAGE NYACK VILLAGE -l- ORANGETOWN TOWN -I- PIERMONT VILLAGE RAMAPO TOWN + SLOATSBURG VILLAGE SOUTH NYACK VILLAGE SPRING VALLEY VILLAGE +, . . STONY POINT TOWN -I- SUFFERN VILLAGE WEST HAVERSTRAW VILLAGE. . . SUFFOLK COUNTY ** AMITYVILLE VILLAGE •^ . . . . ASHAROKEN VILLAGE BABYLON TOWN + BABYLON VILLAGE + BELLE TERRE VILLAGE BELLPORT VILLAGE BRIGHTWATERS VILLAGE .... BROOKHAVEN TOWN + EAST HAMPTON TOWN -I- EAST HAMPTON VILLAGE .... GREENPORT VILLAGE HEAD OF THE HARBOR VILLAGE . HUNTINGTON TOWN -f HUNTINGTON BAY VILLAGE . . . ISLIP TOWN + LINDENHURST VILLAGE +. , . . LLOYD HARBOR VILLAGE .... NISSEQUOGUE VILLAGE 48 46 277 105 11 39 20 2 14 22 3 22 20 267 12 30 1 1 6 11 141 14 311 2 116 396 1 759 2 255 130 149 149 108 6 878 61 (S) 18 3 466 396 21 12 1 745 T 6 3 413 109 32 19 2 - 7 10 2 _ 15 - 4 - 7 - 48 - 44 2 23 20 17 22 7 4 9 30 20 _ 2 - 14 - 20 2 3 - 22 _ 20 - 259 8 879 871 3 3 7 7 3 3 274 24 47 29 4 4 5 5 12 30 1 1 6 11 113 14 171 2 3 396 1 717 15 126 28 45 32 6 878 35 (S) 10 3 342 396 21 12 701 6 144 107 32 19 234 66 250 12 115 104 26 269 18 5 17 35 49 184 21 4 55 29 4 15 427 3 15 20 392 7 9 1 002 4 122 31 6 9 659 1 22 62 & 182 296 6 665 14 1 425 122 28 212 178 54 13 12 21 584 147 15 3 9 589 16 938 155 29 T 20 2 - 10 26 18 - 5 - 17 - 35 - 49 25 14 7 14 4 - 3 52 29 _ 4 - 15 - 1 6 3 - 15 _ 20 - 334 - 7 9 862 4 2 4 36 19 6 9 546 1 22 44 1 286 6 643 14 25 122 6 212 15 8 1 098 46 13 12 5 2 343 147 15 3 9 1 581 18 2 932 155 29 20 & 177 6 1 390 16 16 195 1 114 21 15 8 12 35 213 26 13 62 50 2 8 80 2 18 26 394 20 5 1 030 834 1 44 76 2 82 523 13 585 15 12 307 130 10 27 26 1 2 144 205 28 16 3 341 138 21 12 1 593 12 3 805 220 39 13 35 10 6 13 10 50 2 8 11 2 18 26 375 20 5 1 022 786 8 1 - 44 - 68 8 2 - 1 4 295 6 13 - 570 4 15 - 12 _ 31 52 128 2 8 2 25 2 26 _ 1 - 157 2 41 6 8 - 28 12 4 005 20 138 - 21 - _ _ 12 - 589 4 12 - 114 2 220 _ 39 - 13 - 77 222 985 158 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 381 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ot 3,014 selected permil-issumg places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12. and B-13 - See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table 8-7 Data symbols: "- ■ Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" identihed as permit-issuing m designated year 'S" Does not meet pubiica- Not applicable because not 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing linils Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number of 111 St( uctures with - number ot in structures wil - number of number of number number ot number of number of number of number number of number of = of of = housing 1 unit 2-'l 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housmg housing housing housing housing Zi units units Of more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 3 3 1 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 3 5 10 20 01 53 - 29 24 45 3 42 - 81 48 66 27 22 19 48 12 23 12 02 1 1 _ _ 3 3 _ _ T 3 7 2 3 1 3 3 5 4 13 03 32 32 - . 31 31 . _ 40 23 17 23 91 127 131 61 107 136 04 21 24 - - 20 20 _ - 12 27 25 9 12 25 35 71 49 127 05 10 10 - - 14 14 - - 12 12 19 24 (X) ( X) 1X1 (X) ( X) (X) 06 13 13 - - 7 7 - - 11 1 5 4 4 8 5 5 4 1 07 20 20 _ _ 31 27 4 _ 28 42 22 34 45 39 30 74 42 118 08 496 21 26 449 455 19 24 412 71 189 158 191 158 423 312 238 228 640 09 36 10 26 . 251 15 14 222 257 74 27 80 66 135 60 133 75 118 10 16 16 - - 19 17 2 - 12 23 42 38 40 30 49 56 70 178 11 56 10 46 - 61 15 46 - T 54 72 58 30 51 51 38 38 48 33 12 74 74 _ _ 113 113 _ _ 135 122 116 85 562 992 517 586 477 740 13 3 3 - - 1 1 - - 8 8 3 7 9 12 11 14 14 10 14 14 14 . . 8 8 . _ 16 8 8 9 16 7 1 5 6 4 15 15 U 4 - 82 12 4 66 T 20 604 10 80 37 43 106 269 287 474 16 2 2 - - 14 14 - - 15 10 18 22 29 41 29 (SI 10 15 17 23 23 _ _ 15 15 _ _ 21 8 5 20 17 3 5 _ 1 4 18 7 7 _ _ 11 11 _ _ 35 32 28 28 41 48 38 153 227 280 19 671 568 - 103 686 364 2 320 512 552 581 8 538 596 594 793 925 & 690 & 2 270 20 2 2 - - _ . - - 3 4 - 3 3 - 1 1 5 5 21 9 9 - - 13 13 - - 16 20 30 T 9 ISI T 3 (X) (X > (X) ( X) 22 9 9 _ _ 12 12 _ „ 13 10 22 17 27 37 28 35 30 42 23 3 3 - - 8 8 _ - 5 5 11 17 25 24 23 11 9 6 24 1 230 1 230 - - 1 759 1 759 - - 2 964 2 774 2 279 4 222 6 156 6 527 7 506 7 063 2 816 7 138 25 . - - . 2 2 . _ T 4 - 1 1 5 2 7 4 1 4 26 4 4 - - 11 11 - - 6 9 14 5 13 17 14 18 13 4 27 3 3 _ . . _ _ _ 1 2 3 19 15 9 2 2 7 7 28 164 44 - 120 42 42 _ _ 86 6 - 1 2 - - 3 - I 29 34 20 2 12 236 28 12 196 187 149 80 54 62 154 119 T 170 Ill T 390 30 7 7 - - 5 5 - - T 9 21 21 9 32 20 5 11 22 33 31 10 10 - - 11 11 - 12 12 39 22 9 6 - 3 1 38 32 _ _ _ _ 4 4 _ 4 1 7 9 5 76 57 27 26 232 33 - - - - 2 2 . - 4 1 3 2 6 1 8 6 15 U 34 _ . - . _ _ _ _ 1 3 2 6 20 31 (X) (X) (X) (X) 35 21 21 _ . 15 15 _ - T 22 18 21 24 38 73 37 46 35 T 43 36 9 9 - - 30 30 - - 11 22 13 24 24 26 70 21 21 21 37 7 7 _ 12 12 _ . 32 11 11 6 15 21 10 17 T 3 5 38 - _ _ 4 4 _ - 5 3 - 1 11 6 4 100 16 U 39 4 4 _ . 8 8 _ . 98 8 6 28 30 66 59 29 10 69 40 8 8 - - 24 24 _ - 32 19 16 17 20 12 11 9 9 6 41 39 35 4 - 39 31 8 - 87 132 137 240 287 205 267 419 235 849 42 17 9 8 _ 20 14 6 _ 35 35 39 73 154 358 259 414 258 268 43 98 2 - 96 53 1 4 48 60 5 - 13 12 T 17 21 14 28 38 44 - ~ - - 1 1 - - 4 4 4 1 4 3 6 7 11 23 45 661 603 10 48 549 541 8 745 758 563 T 585 679 532 289 204 183 (S) 46 1 1 - - 1 1 - _ - 3 2 - 3 - - 1 1 2 47 11 11 - - 20 20 . - T 12 20 22 21 (S) (X) (X> (X) (X> (X) 48 9 9 - . 7 7 _ . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 49 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 3 2 1 4 2 3 - 3 3 3 50 21 1 8 12 7 _ 7 _ 100 T 4 7 16 T 2 5 (XI (X) (X) (X) 51 226 226 . - 412 286 - 126 368 271 & 384 T 222 (S) T 359 (X) (X) (X) (X) 52 6 4 2 - 1 1 _ - 4 2 1 5 1 5 2 3 1 7 53 567 567 - - 635 631 4 - 550 449 279 400 242 (S) (X) (XI (XI (X) 54 14 14 - - 17 17 - - 29 9 16 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 55 (SI (S) _ _ 6 4 2 _ 7 61 6 T 6 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 56 510 128 36 346 T 242 11 22 209 52 50 & 156 55 125 57 34 57 7 12 57 113 99 14 - 74 65 9 - 122 69 51 (S> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 58 149 7 2 140 15 11 4 - 34 45 119 109 125 17 16 22 27 23 59 19 19 - - 22 22 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 60 67 22 45 50 28 22 55 81 94 44 51 92 151 71 50 112 61 4 4 - _ 6 6 - - 10 4 7 7 6 4 2 6 7 11 62 75 70 - 5 1 624 1 613 - 11 1 774 2 015 1 363 1 244 1 725 2 229 1 480 2 228 1 410 3 064 63 1 932 1 716 7 209 89 75 2 12 86 57 84 133 201 117 127 88 92 364 64 6 6 - - 7 7 - - 8 7 5 2 6 - 2 2 2 2 65 15 15 . _ 12 12 _ . 11 12 12 37 80 30 20 T 6 (SI (S) 66 15 15 . . 15 15 . - 20 15 10 19 17 37 25 50 27 22 67 T 1 399 1 399 - . 1 712 1 612 _ 100 2 061 & 2 407 1 852 2 190 2 778 T 3 240 1 960 1 503 T 1 220 T 1 320 68 139 137 2 _ 147 147 - - 152 141 & (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 69 15 15 - - 15 15 - . 16 13 8 19 33 23 13 15 18 24 70 _ _ . _ 2 2 _ 1 1 3 _ 1 7 4 5 3 8 71 17 17 . . 7 7 . - 3 5 3 5 6 3 3 5 (S) (S) 72 1 712 1 706 6 . 2 037 1 867 19 151 2 259 1 748 1 352 2 377 2 957 T 1 983 2 758 1 514 914 1 391 73 6 6 . . 8 8 - - T 6 4 10 12 16 11 6 11 10 11 74 2 905 2 682 - 223 2 280 2 250 2 28 2 722 2 240 1 825 3 191 4 107 3 610 2 984 2 452 T 1 885 1 858 75 169 166 2 1 203 203 _ _ T 209 241 193 278 186 190 159 781 190 486 76 30 30 - - 34 34 . . 46 36 30 53 55 34 20 23 31 37 77 T 18 18 - - 3 3 - - T - 4 7 7 9 8 7 3 T - (SI 78 382 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage Is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes In dehnltlons established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown In the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population In 1960 lived In places which were permit-issuing In 1964. -^Thls Peimlt-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 19G4 Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with— I unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— I unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wlth- I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NEW YORK — CON. NEW YORK CITY— CON. SUFFOLK COUNTY ♦» — CON. NORTH HAVEN VILLAGE NORTHPORT VILLAGE. ...... OCEAN BEACH VILLAGE OLD FIELD VILLAGE PATCHOGUE VILLAGE POQUOTT VILLAGE QUOGUE VILLAGE RIVERHEAD TOWN + SAG HARBOR VILLAGE SALTAIRE VILLAGE SHELTER ISLAND HEIGHTS VILLAGE SHELTER ISLAND TOWN SHOREHAM VILLAGE SMITHTOWN TOWN + SOUTHAMPTON TOWN + SOUTHAMPTON VILLAGE SOUTHOLD TOWN + VILLAGE OF THE BRANCH VILLAGE. WESTHAMPTON BEACH VILLAGE ■^ . . WESTCHESTER COUNTY * ARDSLEY VILLAGE BEDFORD TOWN + BRIARCLIFF MANOR VILLAGE + . . BRONXVILLE VILLAGE BUCHANAN VILLAGE CORTLANDT TOWN + CROTON-ON-HUDSON VILLAGE . . . DOBBS FERRY VILLAGE EASTCHESTER TOWN * ELMSFORD VILLAGE . GREENBURGH TOWN + HARRISON TOWN + HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON VILLAGE + . IRVINGTON VILLAGE LARCHMONT VILLAGE LEWISBORO TOWN MAMARONECK TOWN MAMARONECK VILLAGE + MOUNT KISCO VILLAGE MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN + MOUNT VERNON -f NEW CASTLE TOWN + NEW ROCHELLE + NORTH CASTLE TOWN + NORTH PELHAM VILLAGE NORTH SALEM TOWN NORTH TARRYTOWN VILLAGE. . . . OSSINING TOWN OSSINING VILLAGE + PEEKSKILL + PELHAM MANOR VILLAGE PELHAM VILLAGE PLEASANTVILLE VILLAGE PORT CHESTER VILLAGE + . . . . POUND RIDGE TOWN RYE + RYE TOWN + SCARSDALE TOWN + SOMERS TOWN -I- TARRYTOWN VILLAGE + TUCKAHOE VILLAGE + WHITE PLAINS + YONKERS + YORKTOWN TOWN + ROCHESTER SMSA LIVINGSTON COUNTY AVON TOWN AVON VILLAGE CALEDONIA TOWN CALEDONIA VILLAGE DANSVILLE VILLAGE. GENESEO VILLAGE LEICESTER VILLAGE MONROE COUNTY ♦ BRIGHTON TOWN * BROCKPORT VILLAGE CHILI TOWN + CHURCHVILLE VILLAGE CLARKSON TOWN 12 12 68 68 3 3 121 19 2 2 (S> (S) 329 129 21 21 13 13 609 424 30 175 17 59 15 113 42 4 5 141 32 30 24 17 227 116 24 13 65 54 63 & 101 113 118 102 340 52 11 47 10 100 135 364 IS 32 27 37 26 37 48 19 197 328 825 354 1 503 424 30 171 17 33 15 87 42 4 5 141 30 30 24 5 156 66 24 13 8 63 54 33 100 40 10 56 147 236 13 13 13 13 2 2 13 13 13 11 286 106 17 17 278 278 2 2 39 39 69 8 265 93 352 26 270 2 185 246 408 116 11 11 37 37 2 2 16 16 43 21 1 1 (S) (S) 417 145 18 16 4 4 1 1 659 323 40 157 49 120 11 96 51 5 27 158 19 38 83 8 305 115 45 2 7 73 19 53 7 92 318 113 & 303 70 9 22 21 48 277 T 8 3 2 20 29 30 T 38 82 55 59 35 30 244 1 980 267 1 579 323 40 157 49 20 11 86 51 5 27 158 19 38 40 145 43 38 2 7 60 19 31 7 82 19 113 58 68 7 22 10 48 49 8 3 2 20 13 30 38 78 55 59 35 82 163 267 257 149 16 16 159 159 3 3 16 16 160 16 7 244 & 223 5 220 10 13 240 12 149 1 577 9 9 68 58 4 4 6 6 27 25 3 3 (S) (S) 167 165 19 19 10 10 591 353 28 136 T 21 22 19 85 69 3 7 133 29 85 527 27 187 108 30 8 9 53 26 83 40 115 176 104 451 46 19 33 15 137 52 19 8 2 33 28 21 47 234 51 57 110 9 321 1 256 248 1 447 346 28 136 21 22 19 73 69 3 7 133 29 83 60 7 163 34 30 8 9 53 26 39 14 101 15 104 78 46 9 33 13 65 48 15 8 2 29 41 62 51 57 18 7 52 214 248 18 18 33 5 5 5 6 6 16 16 61 105 13 13 12 112 2 2 37 31 144 7 465 17 94 369 2 12 284 257 758 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 383 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the souice lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number ot public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: •'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number of in structures with- number of in structures with- number ol number of number of number number of number of number of number number of number ^ ol of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing '3 units units or more units units 01 more units units units units units unils units units units units 9 9 12 12 13 3 10 11 23 T 16 16 14 8 17 01 28 25 3 - 96 30 - 66 53 98 45 62 27 34 28 46 55 47 02 3 3 . . 5 5 . _ T 1 _ 3 2 IX) (XI IXI (XI IXI IX) 03 13 13 _ _ 8 6 . _ 5 9 6 6 6 6 2 - 5 3 04 31 26 . 5 46 29 2 15 45 43 48 45 54 24 57 51 T 24 T 4b 05 3 3 . - 5 5 - . T 3 3 2 4 - 5 9 7 5 12 06 (S) (S) - - (S) (S) - - IS) 9 21 T 15 (SI T 7 1X1 (XI 1X1 IX) 07 138 138 . _ 202 202 _ _ IXI IXI (X) IX) IXI IX I IXI (XI IXI IXI 08 21 21 _ _ 17 17 _ _ T 17 12 6 6 15 10 18 17 20 23 09 3 3 _ _ 7 7 « _ IS) 10 8 2 2 - 1 - 1 5 10 T - . _ _ _ . _ IXI (XI IX) (XI IX 1 (XI 1X1 (XI IXI IX) 11 26 26 - - 34 34 - - 24 27 IS) (XI IXI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 (X) 12 T - _ . T 1 1 _ _ IS) _ 2 (SI IX 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 13 1 bll 1 469 . 142 1 452 1 444 _ 8 1 6S7 1 242 1 131 1 224 1 208 669 286 217 251 252 14 351 351 . - 474 398 _ 76 458 & 599 IS) (XI (X ) (XI IX) 1X1 1X1 IX) 15 20 20 . - 23 23 _ - 34 16 T 28 T 23 34 27 30 16 30 19 16 165 165 - - 151 145 6 - 172 141 IS) (XI (X 1 (XI IX) 1X1 IXl IX) 17 T 17 17 _ _ 21 21 _ _ (SI 4 4 60 IXI IX) (X) IX) (XI IXI 18 102 32 - 70 20 12 - 8 187 33 26 51 T 32 42 (XI (XI (X) IXI 19 69 69 9 9 T 7 26 9 T 41 102 47 52 89 255 54 20 mo 69 2 69 74 74 _ _ 106 101 92 113 160 122 93 61 64 T 56 21 131 76 . 55 49 49 - - 51 90 44 71 122 47 39 104 90 ISI 22 4 4 . . 5 5 _ . T 4 8 56 13 12 11 19 93 20 15 23 5 5 - - 2 2 - - 3 4 3 5 5 10 1X1 (XI 1X1 1X1 24 164 164 _ _ 182 182 _ _ 384 209 173 342 309 363 125 106 103 T 94 25 44 20 _ 24 107 32 2 73 32 31 37 55 119 T 79 37 54 T 44 ISI 26 40 26 14 _ 28 24 4 _ T 37 64 187 30 43 135 277 T 123 29 42 27 111 47 64 130 55 4 71 166 429 135 100 112 212 264 153 267 296 28 26 5 ^ 17 7 5 2 T 26 36 37 42 46 20 24 19 24 24 29 476 188 _ 288 & 363 148 _ & 215 364 198 542 570 724 756 495 900 284 381 30 140 39 44 57 102 46 56 _ 129 127 101 173 158 131 111 192 124 371 31 35 33 2 - 21 19 2 _ 147 56 69 23 32 41 39 36 134 144 32 8 8 _ _ 10 8 2 . 18 10 9 22 172 26 257 T 18 (31 IS) 33 6 ^ - 10 10 - 13 12 10 9 19 17 20 11 14 91 34 45 45 _ 40 40 _ _ 48 45 51 52 60 61 43 40 47 34 35 25 21 4 . 36 36 _ _ 46 40 35 48 215 165 50 44 52 67 36 73 31 42 _ 189 46 42 101 290 118 76 84 99 285 341 145 99 91 37 17 17 . 19 17 2 _ 12 21 24 35 T 34 113 23 29 22 T 82 38 81 75 6 - 113 113 - 164 154 276 274 286 209 207 ISI IS) IS) 39 108 14 42 52 75 15 60 _ 80 60 46 69 82 61 499 480 167 999 40 92 92 _ 82 82 - 67 69 92 141 151 106 118 T 93 114 151 41 163 105 4 54 (S) (S) _ . 162 276 228 435 1 748 713 1 315 595 444 879 42 92 88 4 T 91 91 _ _ T 50 76 53 76 159 84 74 60 42 80 43 5 5 15 9 6 - 8 6 2 11 26 23 6 20 9 20 44 55 55 _ . 44 44 _ _ 26 17 16 21 20 41 16 15 10 T 18 45 16 12 4 _ 20 14 6 _ 16 11 4 33 42 41 23 20 8 T 36 46 7 7 _ _ 43 43 _ 9 11 3 26 71 63 44 21 41 85 47 298 17 _ 281 46 44 2 _ 240 138 75 47 103 113 94 57 40 85 48 89 19 - 70 205 20 2 183 98 53 22 25 ISI 64 37 101 & 162 47 49 9 9 . _ 12 12 _ _ 12 13 26 20 20 IS) IXI IX) (X) (X) 50 1 1 _ . _ - 6 6 2 8 7 2 2 3 (S) 3 51 54 30 . 24 54 37 6 11 39 87 30 31 153 53 66 31 35 (S) 52 31 17 14 31 17 14 _ TS 164 31 136 43 52 258 52 41 & 175 139 53 31 31 - 21 21 - - 26 36 27 47 55 39 (X) IX) IX) IX) 54 T 85 58 2 25 7S 75 _ _ 68 92 82 145 147 145 166 57 91 78 55 51 51 « _ 60 60 _ . T 90 111 102 125 85 61 65 (X) (X) (X) 56 57 57 _ _ 45 45 _ _ 89 50 73 104 158 150 135 190 161 144 57 41 41 _ _ 44 44 _ - 47 58 55 63 56 50 48 53 T 46 63 -58 19 19 - 6 6 - - 84 26 36 24 241 18 18 8 & 85 217 59 16 6 10 . 5 3 2 _ 101 19 7 17 105 5 6 9 & 109 3 60 82 50 12 20 90 49 4 37 174 107 199 372 T 243 229 890 790 124 & 1 254 61 & 1 203 216 238 & 749 1 125 261 190 674 2 112 1 666 1 196 1 497 1 293 1 275 2 847 & I 389 634 1 450 62 247 247 ~ 149 149 ■ 265 174 269 519 564 344 253 108 121 122 63 16 16 (S) (S) 1X1 (X) (X) (X) IXI (X) (XI (X) IXI IX) 64 13 13 _ _ 13 13 _ - T 14 6 6 15 18 16 1 T 21 (SI IS) 65 11 9 2 _ 7 7 _ - 11 6 16 (XI (X) (XI (X) IX) IXI (X) 66 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1X1 (XI (X) (XI (XI IX) (X) IX) IXI (X) 67 16 12 4 6 6 - - 18 21 11 11 27 9 16 14 16 (S) 68 39 24 _ 15 11 11 _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ - . 5 69 - - - - - - (XI (X) IX) IX) (XI (X) IX) 70 97 97 328 98 230 386 336 268 311 440 394 205 209 253 301 71 17 17 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 10 11 6 72 26 9 18 17 24 21 72 174 86 _ 88 115 71 ~ 44 T 110 168 116 126 198 199 160 154 118 201 73 1 1 _ _ 1 1 - T 5 T 5 . (X) (XI IXI (XI IX) IXI IX) 74 (X) (X) IXI IXI (X) (X) (XI (X) 1X1 (XI IX) IX) (XI (XI (XI IX) IXI IX) 75 384 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the defmition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97.0 to 99.9 percent ol county population in 1960 lived in places v»hich were permit-issuing in 1964, +Tnis Permit-issuing places by State. SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housinf in structures w unils th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing unils Number of housing units in structures with- '^ I unit 2-4 units 5 unils 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more I unil 2-4 units 5 units or more NE* YORK — CON, ROCHESTER SMSA — CON. MONROE COUNTY *— CON. 33 66 451 1 339 33 700 35 3 527 19 80 56 254 330 288 1 17 430 23 16 108 156 140 21 8 16 6 3 21 7 1 18 3 3 8 11 6 (S) 2 46 18 9 2 46 54 1 2 16 10 (SI 13 15 12 11 37 2 12 247 10 135 468 196 (S) 15 4 5 88 51 2 24 40 4 50 333 674 33 591 15 3 298 17 80 56 246 330 278 1 17 87 23 8 50 154 26 17 6 16 6 3 21 I 18 3 3 e 11 6 (S) 2 46 18 9 2 46 36 1 2 16 10 (S) 2 15 12 9 37 2 12 203 6 133 280 192 (S) IS 4 5 36 47 2 24 40 23 16 20 132 4 38 2 8 56 5 2 2 4 2 10 2 4 2 24 4 4 6 98 533 109 16 191 10 287 8 53 112 8 11 44 164 52 24 27 385 (S) 23 426 4 3 675 19 108 134 310 285 295 1 15 705 29 2 59 31 217 139 21 7 3 1 8 13 3 15 10 5 20 20 19 3 (S) 3 25 17 17 2 2 34 37 8 19 8 19 8 (S) 4 10 47 4 25 367 301 295 381 7 11 2 4 36 59 1 37 41 9 19 306 (S) 23 373 4 3 387 19 106 131 262 285 295 1 15 84 29 2 9 31 127 27 21 7 3 1 8 13 3 4 10 5 2 20 19 3 (S) 3 25 17 14 2 2 34 33 8 19 4 13 (S) 4 10 47 4 15 223 288 291 165 7 11 2 4 36 57 1 37 41 9 8 12 2 2 3 20 2 8 11 3 4 4 _ 10 12 5 4 16 2 6 67 55 286 48 601 48 90 104 _ 18 6 8 132 8 200 15 29 238 884 23 345 28 1 356 16 109 102 256 262 257 6 18 646 24 14 22 117 14 3 8 1 5 11 4 2 14 4 3 13 12 9 (S) 3 26 7 9 34 2 35 22 10 7 3 26 3 17 3 17 59 3 13 283 5 282 356 355 6 15 7 4 23 127 2 34 51 ' 9 27 201 533 23 333 28 1 356 18 101 102 232 262 200 6 18 74 24 12 20 113 14 3 8 1 5 11 4 2 14 4 3 13 12 9 (S) 3 24 7 9 1 2 31 22 6 7 3 26 3 17 3 13 59 3 13 283 5 266 348 157 6 15 1 4 23 121 2 34 51 6 2 4 12 12 8 8 28 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 8 6 33 339 16 57 544 33 12 198 6 03 GATES TOWN + 04 05 06 GREECE TOWN + HAMLIN TOWN , HENRIETTA TOWN -f. .•••.■.•■.. 09 IRONDEQUOIT TOWN -t-. •••...•••• 10 MENDON TOWN 1 1 OGDEN TOWN +•..••* ........ 13 14 15 PENFIELD TOWN * PERINTON TOWN + PITTSFORD TOWN + . 17 18 RIGA TOWN. ............... ROCHESTER +. ........a..... 20 SCOTTSVILLE VILLAGE 22 23 24 25 26 SWEDEN TOWN WEBSTER TOWN + WEBSTER VILLAGE + WHEATLAND TOWN ORLEANS COUNTY ALBION VILLAGE ............. 27 ALBION TOWN 28 29 BARRE TOWN CARLTON TOWN 31 32 33 34 GAINES TOWN HOLLEY VILLAGE KENDALL TOWN LYNOONVILLE VILLAGE 36 MURRAY TOWN. .............. 37 38 RIDGEWAY TOWN YATES TOWN k WAYNE COUNTY 40 GALEN TOWN ............... 42 43 MACEDON TOWN MACEOON VILLAGE 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 PALMYRA VILLAGE SODUS VILLAGE WALWORTH TOWN WILLIAMSON TOWN WOLCOTT VILLAGE SYRACUSE SMSA MADISON COUNTY CANASTOTA VILLAGE CA2EN0VIA TOWN CAZENOVIA VILLAGE 54 DE RUYTER TOWN 55 HAMILTON TOWN 56 57 58 59 60 61 LENO;\ TOWN MORRISVILLE VILLAGE ONEIDA SULLIVAN TOWN WAMPSVILLE VILLAGE ONONDAGA COUNTY ** 62 63 64 65 66 CAMILLUS TOWN + CAMILLUS VILLAGE CICERO TOWN + CLAY TOWN -f DEWITT TOWN + ■•... 67 68 69 70 71 EAST SYRACUSE VILLAGE ELBRIDGE TOWN ELBRIDGE VILLAGE FABIUS TOWN FAYETTEVILLE VILLAGE + •.• 72 GEDOES TOWN -f. .........•••. 73 74 75 JORDAN VILLAGE LA FAYETTE TOWN + LYSANDER TOWN + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 385 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected petmit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 ~~~ 1961 Total Number of liousing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number of in structures witt — number in structures with- number of number of number of number of number of number of number of number ol number of number of = of c= housing 1 unit 2-'I 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing —1 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 15 7 8 15 8 7 21 19 24 47 39 46 38 67 69 39 01 12 10 2 - 15 15 - - 13 8 12 19 59 12 8 13 (SI 18 02 112 104 8 _ 137 125 12 . 132 62 140 153 296 138 134 T 157 (SI (S) 03 715 483 12 220 465 442 - 23 (SI 426 T 339 T 554 T 730 791 563 492 553 757 04 13 13 - - 15 15 - - 18 13 17 26 16 27 9 4 4 8 05 349 345 4 _ 316 316 _ . 362 275 188 (XI (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X) 06 m 41 . - 16 16 - - 50 3 5 11 15 5 7 10 4 4 07 n 4 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 8 1 7 7 80 11 8 (XI (XI (X) 08 389 311 _ 78 309 309 - - T 357 336 402 533 868 689 658 (XI (XI (XI 09 14 14 - - 8 8 - - (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 10 95 81 14 _ 103 103 _ _ 95 81 62 72 121 62 46 40 40 26 11 83 83 _ 93 93 _ - 84 71 T 63 37 52 44 50 30 23 19 12 276 248 4 24 308 224 _ 84 240 169 172 222 201 225 164 155 93 162 13 211 211 - - 206 206 - - 211 166 100 118 94 85 118 88 76 71 14 222 165 - 57 232 154 - 78 118 122 133 169 197 101 89 86 108 139 15 26 26 _ _ 13 13 . _ 14 3 2 8 3 9 14 2 20 5 16 19 19 _ - (S) (S) _ _ (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 17 421 68 25 328 193 62 26 85 195 360 324 385 378 359 403 668 * 1 058 1 040 18 20 20 - - 21 21 . - 23 16 18 22 30 7 10 2 3 T 9 19 3 3 - - 1 1 - - T 18 38 26 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 20 5 5 _ _ 11 11 _ _ 19 13 36 25 45 9 9 25 24 33 21 15 15 - - 28 28 _ . 27 41 13 ( XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 22 121 119 2 . 170 166 4 . 178 182 124 188 121 287 388 275 141 95 23 41 41 - - 35 35 - - 50 55 34 3 5 3 4 42 118 31 24 4 4 ■ - (S) (S) - ~ (X) (XI (XI (Xl (X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI 25 7 7 1 1 6 9 13 (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI 26 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 (S) (SI _ - (S) (S) _ _ (X) tx) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 28 1 1 . _ (S) (S) - . 1 30 - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 29 - - ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 30 5 5 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) ( X I (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 31 1 1 _ _ 3 3 _ _ 1 . 2 7 3 10 9 3 5 2 32 12 12 _ . 5 5 _ _ 12 11 17 (SI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 33 - _ 6 6 . - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 34 8 8 - - 6 6 - - 8 4 10 19 11 19 14 17 7 18 35 12 12 _ _ 11 11 _ _ 9 6 4 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 36 13 13 _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 37 4 4 - - 9 9 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 38 (S) (S) (S) (S) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 39 - . - _ (Xl IX) (X) IX) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 40 1 1 - _ 2 2 . - . 3 8 15 10 7 21 17 9 5 41 18 16 2 _ 23 21 2 - 35 23 - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 42 (XI ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 43 & 10 & 10 . _ 18 18 _ _ 27 21 23 45 63 45 48 35 28 31 44 2 2 - _ 8 8 . _ 11 7 4 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 45 2 2 - _ 1 1 _ _ 2 - 6 - 1 6 3 5 7 5 46 19 19 - - 19 19 _ - IX) tX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 47 23 23 . _ 15 15 _ . (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 48 " " " ■ ■ 1 1 T 1 5 6 7 2 3 49 6 6 6 6 T 8 14 4 14 19 20 27 46 26 14 50 16 16 . _ 13 13 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 51 4 4 _ . 5 5 _ _ 11 17 12 7 6 4 2 7 7 5 52 25 25 . - 34 34 . _ (S) 13 10 13 14 62 224 8 (SI (S) 53 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X I (XI (Xl (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 54 3 3 „ _ . _ _ _ 3 3 1 3 7 3 3 7 2 3 55 (SI (S) . _ 12 12 _ . T 8 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 56 1 1 - - . - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 57 8 6 2 _ 16 16 _ - T 32 48 23 20 (SI 34 21 27 24 T 17 58 39 39 - _ 38 38 _ - T 29 77 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 59 1 1 - - 4 4 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 60 6 6 6 4 2 11 31 10 16 42 2 19 31 20 17 61 233 233 - - 259 259 - - 238 317 341 462 583 429 266 173 (SI (SI 62 5 5 - . (X) (X) (XI (XI IXI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 63 265 265 - - 161 149 12 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 64 247 237 10 - 232 232 - - 130 148 192 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 65 193 175 _ 18 285 259 _ 26 302 206 188 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 66 5 5 - - (SI (S) . . 4 2 4 14 7 4 8 7 1 4 67 10 10 - . 15 11 4 - T 16 16 22 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 68 . _ - - 14 14 _ - T 4 2 7 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 69 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 70 34 34 _ _ 40 40 _ . 58 50 34 28 45 T 18 26 64 45 71 71 62 62 - - 76 76 - - 57 45 70 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 72 2 2 _ _ _ _ . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 73 27 27 _ . (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (X 1 ( X 1 (X) (X) (X) 74 39 39 - - 46 46 - - 50 45 32 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 75 386 RESIDENTIAL BUtLDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 tor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 0( more 1962 Total number of housing . units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 to 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6S NEW YORK — CON. SYRACUSE SMSA — CON. ONONDAGA COUNTY ♦* — CON. I^ANLIUS TOWN + I^At^LIUS VILLAGE MARCELLUS TOWN MARCELLUS VILLAGE MINOA VILLAGE. NORTH SYRACUSE VILLAGE + . . . ONONDAGA TOWN + POMPEY TOWN + SALINA TOWN + H SKANEATELES VILLAGE SOLVAY VILLAGE + SYRACUSE + TULLY VILLAGE VAN BUREN TOWt>J + OSWEGO COUNTY CENTRAL SQUARE VILLAGE .... FULTON GRANBY TOWN HANNIBAL VILLAGE HASTINGS TOWN LACONA VILLAGE MEXICO VILLAGE OSWEGO PARISH TOWN PARISH VILLAGE PHOENIX VILLAGE PULASKI VILLAGE SCHROEPPEL TOWN VOLNEY TOWN UTICA-ROME <;MSA HERKIMER COUNTY DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE FRANKFORT TOWN FRANKFORT VILLAGE HERKIMER VILLAGE ILION VILLAGE LITTLE FALLS MOHAWK VILLAGE NEWPORT VILLAGE POLAND VILLAGE WEST WINFIELD VILLAGE ONEIDA COUNTY BOONVILLE VILLAGE CAMDEN VILLAGE CLINTON VILLAGE DEERFIELD TOWN HOLLAND PATENT VILLAGE . . . . KIRKLAND TOWN + MARCY TOWN + . . MARSHALL TOWN NEW HARTFORD TOWN + NEW HARTFORD VILLAGE NEW YORK MILLS VILLAGE . . . . ONEIDA CASTLE VILLAGE ORISKANY VILLAGE ROME + SANGERFIELD TOWN ' . . SHERRILL UTICA + VERNON TOWN VERONA TOWN WATERVILLE VILLAGE WESTMORELAND TOWN WHITESBORO VILLAGE YORKVILLE VILLAGE. ...'... PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ALLEGANY COUNTY ALFRED VILLAGE ANDOVER VILLAGE BELMONT VILLAGE CUBA VILLAGE RICHBURG VILLAGE WELLSVILLE TOWN WELLSVILLE VILLA«E CATTARAUGUS COUNTY ALLEGANY VILLAGE CARROLLTON TOWN. . CATTARAUGUS VILLAGE r 64 47 22 7 3 65 78 24 132 3 & 855 (S) 77 6 114 6 (S) • 4 64 - 47 - 22 _ 7 - 3 - 18 . 78 - 24 - 130 2 3 - 10 8 94 34 (S) - 42 3 5 . 22 - 1 _ 26 4 6 ■■ 21 2 6 _ 2 _ 14 - 12 - 12 - 2 2 15 16 7 7 6 6 7 7 49 1 2 2 2 2 7 7 8 8 15 15 25 25 20 20 .■ - 72 72 7 7 19 15 1 1 3 3 81 71 - - 1 1 258 153 10 10 24 24 - - 17 17 3 3 4 4 (S) 4 727 32 53 197 22 4 T 1 55 98 T 31 157 21 42 413 3 55 8 143 1 1 25 1 11 4 & 55 9 (S) 2 53 182 11 14 98 - 31 - 141 16 1 20 12 _ 148 61 3 - 51 4 8 . 17 - 1 - 1 - 25 - _ _ 2 - 16 - 7 - - - 4 _ 1 - 17 - 14 - 2 2 6 6 3 3 29 29 - - 29 29 48 48 5 5 80 74 9 9 12 12 - — 5 5 130 110 3 3 3 3 283 251 10 10 28 28 - - 34 34 7 7 11 9 (S) 2 30 30 204 & 126 1 - 9 2 2 2 5 & 50 9 - 4 . 6 - 32 54 106 21 190 3 19 685 (S) 3 22 106 21 168 3 12 156 5 5 8 8 2 2 23 23 - - 33 33 35 35 3 3 101 101 7 7 16 14 7 7 8 8 61 55 2 2 7 7 182 182 14 14 35 35 - - 52 52 3 3 8 8 (S) 3 7 492 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 387 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- » See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 'S" Does not meet publica- Not applicable because not 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe ol housing units Total Numbe Ol housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total ■f number ol in structures with— number ol in si ucluies wilh- number number ol number ol number of number number number number number number = ol of ol ol of ol ol c housing I unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units unils units unils units units units units units 70 70 79 79 150 180 120 212 160 219 177 112 96 203 01 65 33 32 - 12 12 - - 39 5 5 2 1 9 3 11 10 16 02 29 29 _ . 31 31 _ „ (X) IX) ( X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 03 6 6 - - 6 6 - - (X I (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 8 6 2 - 6 4 2 - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X I (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 50 50 _ - 69 43 _ 26 62 (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 06 111 97 8 6 101 101 - - 105 89 107 (X 1 (X 1 (XI ( X ) (X) (XI (XI 07 38 38 - - 18 IB _ - IX 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 08 258 236 2 20 253 177 36 40 321 304 227 311 T 278 10 17 20 40 36 09 11 3 8 - 7 7 - - 5 1 7 7 18 21 9 12 14 22 10 49 13 24 12 26 20 6 _ 54 20 31 39 62 49 39 50 52 38 11 & 1 813 185 108 & 1 520 678 175 140 363 690 & 683 353 423 605 464 & 898 492 680 & 1 416 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 13 100 100 " " 146 146 - - T 145 124 123 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 T 10 8 2 _ T 5 5 . . (XI (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 18 18 - - 22 20 2 - 35 27 25 70 52 50 21 36 29 39 16 (X) (XI IX ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 2 2 - - 2 2 . - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 18 23 23 - - 20 20 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X I (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI 19 - . . _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 2 2 - - 2 2 - - 2 - 2 - - - - - - 1 21 15 15 - - 9 9 - - 21 7 28 41 33 & 278 27 32 19 28 22 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 23 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 _ _ _ 5 5 _ _ 5 18 6 24 9 9 10 12 T 12 T 8 25 7 7 - - 5 5 - " (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 26 15 15 " - 16 16 - (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 27 19 19 - 10 10 12 20 16 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 28 3 3 1 1 8 5 7 3 3 2 3 5 2 13 29 16 16 - - 13 13 - - 12 15 22 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 30 - - - - 8 8 - - 6 6 9 3 8 2 8 1 8 9 31 12 12 _ - 19 19 - - 16 16 21 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 32 20 20 - - 17 17 - - 22 20 13 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 1X1 33 4 4 _ 2 2 _ _ 4 6 5 6 8 8 9 6 6 5 34 4 t - 2 2 - - 8 3 6 11 16 8 20 16 T 6 32 35 1 1 - - 3 3 _ _ _ 1 - 3 _ . - - - - 36 2 2 - - _ _ . - _ - - - 1 - - - - 1 37 6 6 - - 5 5 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 6 6 . _ 4 4 5 4 1 3 6 6 . 9 7 17 39 t 4 - - 2 2 - . 2 1 9 3 - - - - 2 5 40 3 3 - - 2 2 _ - 11 4 12 3 3 4 T 7 6 T 5 (SI 41 18 18 - - 18 18 _ - T 28 55 69 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 - - - - 1 1 - - (SI T 3 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 43 21 21 _ _ 13 13 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 44 42 42 - - 29 29 . . 48 43 34 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 4 4 - - 3 3 - . (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 114 112 2 - 71 69 2 - (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 47 13 13 - - 5 5 - - T 3 14 9 21 22 14 8 10 1 6 48 20 20 _ _ 23 23 _ _ T 16 24 20 14 22 T 8 14 T 16 12 (SI 49 2 2 - - 3 3 - . 7 8 5 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 50 (S) (S) - - (SI (SI . . (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 51 60 59 1 - 93 89 4 _ 148 98 156 236 196 174 142 138 103 280 52 3 3 - - - - - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 7 7 _ _ 9 9 _ _ 15 10 3 20 28 17 18 5 19 31 54 138 138 - - 217 217 - - 328 & 513 294 180 265 196 128 235 345 213 55 10 10 - - 6 6 - - 21 16 21 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 56 36 36 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 57 - - - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 1X1 (XI (XI 58 30 30 _ (SI (SI _ . (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 59 21 21 - - 25 25 - - 20 16 14 7 14 18 16 41 81 37 60 T 7 7 T 10 10 T 5 4 12 12 9 7 9 12 22 30 61 8 8 2 2 8 9 2 4 6 U 4 T - 2 T 4 62 - _ - - - - - - T - - 3 1 1 3 2 11 1 2 63 2 2 - _ . - - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - (SI (SI 66 (S) (S) _ _ (SI (SI _ _ (XI (X) IXI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI 67 5 5 ■ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 68 10 10 . . 3 3 _ 17 9 5 (X) (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 69 - - - - 6 4 2 - (XI (X) 1X1 (X) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 70 1 1 - - 2 2 - - - - 4 6 3 T 2 1 - 1 T 2 71 388 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes In definitions established prior to 1964 are shown In table B-4. Wherever there is a change In definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov*n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by Stale of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown In the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Bullding permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived In places which were permit-issuing fn 1964. -t-Thls Permit-issuing places by State, SI^SA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with- 2-4 umis 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more NEW YORK — COIM. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— C0(^. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY — CON. EAST OTTO TO*N GOWANDA VILLAGE LIMESTONE VILLAGE NEW ALBION TOWN GLEAN OLEAN TOWN PERRYSBURG TOWN PERRYSBURG VILLAGE PORTVILLE VILLAGE RANDOLPH VILLAGE SALAMANCA SOUTH DAYTON VILLAGE CAYUGA COUNTY AUBURN AURORA VILLAGE BRUTUS TOWN CATO VILLAGE CAYUGA VILLAGE MERIDIAN VILLAGE OWASCO TOWN PORT BYRON VILLAGE SENNETT TOWN THROOP TOWN WEEOSPORT VILLAGE CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY BUSTI TOWN CARROLL TOWN CASSADAGA VILLAGE CELORON VILLAGE DUNKIRK DUNKIRK TOWN ELLICOTT TOWN FALCONER VILLAGE FORESTVILLE VILLAGE FREOONIA VILLAGE GERRY TOWN HANOVER TOWN JAMESTOWN + KIANTONE TOWN LAKEWOOD VILLAGE MAYVILLE VILLAGE POLAND TOWN POMFRET TOWN SHERMAN VILLAGE SILVER CREEK VILLAGE SINCLAIRVILLE VILLAGE WESTFIELD TOWN WESTFIELD VILLAGE CHEMUNG COUNTY BIG FLATS TOWN ELMIRA ELMIRA HEIGHTS VILLAGE ELMIRA TOWN HORSEHEADS TOWN + HORSEHEADS VILLAGE + SOUTHPORT TOWN CHENANGO COUNTY BAINBRIDGE VILLAGE COLUMBUS TOWN NORWICH CLINTON COUNTY CHAMPLAIN VILLAGE PLATTSBURGH ROUSES POINT VILLAGE COLUMBIA COUNTY HUDSON KINOERHOOK VILLAGE VALATIE VILLAGE CORTLAND COUNTY CORTLAND CORTLANDVILLE TOWN HOMER TOWN HOMER VILLAGE DELAWARE COUNTY FLEISCHMANNS VILLAGE HAMDEN TOWN MAR6ARETVILLE VILLAGE SIDNEY VILLAGE WALTON VILLAGE (S) 2 2 1 (S) 160 39 3 31 113 67 38 81 4 3 6 (S) 1 . (S) - 160 . 9 - 3 - 29 2 91 22 32 2 38 - 6 6 1 1 1 1 8 6 3 3 6 6 3 34 103 22 38 14 14 2 2 8 8 3 3 2 2 21 21 15 15 2 2 4 4 15 15 2 2 79 31 4 4 1 1 21 17 6 6 11 11 61 61 4 4 14 14 4 4 8 8 13 13 6 4 2 2 68 10 73 49 4 4 14 14 1 1 11 11 5 5 6 6 16 14 19 19 3 3 1 1 29 29 3 3 16 16 1 1 2 2 27 27 4 4 11 11 83 83 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 17 (S) 5 7 (S) 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 389 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see fable B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number ol housing unifs Total Totaf Total Total Total Totaf Total Total Totaf Totaf ■f number in structures wilh _ number in stiuctures wift — number number number number number number number number number number c of ol ol of of of of of of of of ol housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units 01 more units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 1 X ) IX) (X) (XI (X ) (X 1 (XI IX) (XI 01 4 4 - - 2 2 - - 3 5 11 9 21 17 13 11 9 31 02 3 3 _ _ (X) IX 1 ( X) IX 1 IXI IXI (XI 03 2 2 _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 IX) (XI IXI IX) IXI IXI (X) 04 17 15 2 _ 10 10 _ _ T 25 19 25 37 33 33 53 38 57 109 05 5 5 _ _ 3 3 _ _ 7 13 8 8 21 10 16 T 15 IS) (S) 06 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) IXI IX) IXI (X ) 1 XI 07 . . _ _ . 1 2 _ _ 3 1 - _ 4 - 08 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ I 4 5 15 3 2 13 5 4 09 2 2 _ . . _ IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) 1 XI 10 1 1 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 7 6 8 IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X ) 1 XI 11 - - 1 1 - - 2 2 4 - 1 1 2 " 2 2 12 44 42 2 44 44 37 & 104 78 79 88 38 45 83 97 168 13 4 4 . _ . _ - IX) (X) 1 XI IX) (X 1 (X) IX) IX) (X) 1X1 14 7 7 _ _ 2 2 _ _ 3 2 1 IX) (X ) (X) IX) IX) IX) IXI 15 1 1 _ _ IX ) IX) IX) IXI IX) 1 X ) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) IX) IX) I X) 1X1 16 3 3 - - 1 1 - (X) IX) (XI (XI (XI (X) IX) IX ) ( X 1 IXI 17 _ . . . (X) IX) IXI IX 1 (XI (X) IX) IX) (X) 1 XI 18 9 9 . _ 10 10 _ _ 12 15 17 24 25 13 15 35 (SI IS) 19 1 1 . _ 2 2 _ _ 4 4 3 (XI (X 1 (X) IX) IX ) (XI IX) 20 3 3 _ . IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) ( XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) 1X1 (X) 21 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 1 X) (X) IX ) (XI (XI (XI (X) ( X 1 (X) 1X1 (X) 22 3 3 2 2 - - 5 6 4 2 8 5 11 3 4 T 1 23 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI IXI IX) 24 15 15 _ 8 8 _ - 8 11 5 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI IXI IX) 25 3 3 _ _ IS) IS) _ . (S) 3 3 3 4 T 5 9 5 3 4 26 2 2 _ _ 19 2 _ 17 2 1 2 T 3 T 6 4 6 4 T 2 3 27 29 29 - - 25 25 - - 38 29 34 51 70 47 50 88 68 81 28 (X) (X) (X> IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX ) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) IX) (XI IX) IXI 29 21 21 16 16 _ 32 30 40 56 62 73 T 53 (S) IS) IS) 30 2 2 _ _ 5 5 . . 1 - 2 6 6 2 3 6 9 13 31 2 2 _ _ 5 5 _ _ IX) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 32 24 24 - - 36 36 - - 36 27 19 53 45 71 35 44 50 48 33 2 2 _ . 3 3 _ _ 4 6 5 IX) IX) (X) IX) IX] (X) IX) 34 17 17 _ . 19 19 _ _ 25 18 26 (X) (X) (X) (XI IX) IX) IX) 35 75 75 _ _ 68 68 . _ 61 68 69 114 147 113 117 114 109 136 36 7 7 . _ 3 3 _ _ 6 12 5 6 8 8 8 10 8 3 37 22 18 4 - 22 14 - 8 20 29 27 22 35 41 43 35 25 39 38 8 8 . _ 5 5 . _ _ 9 6 7 7 7 4 4 5 10 39 1 1 . . 17 17 . _ IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) (XI IX) (X) IX) 40 T 16 16 . . 18 18 _ _ IX) IX) (X) (XI (XI ( X) (XI IX) (XI IX) 41 _ _ 3 3 _ . IS) 1 - - 3 3 1 1 - (S) 42 6 6 - - 6 6 - - 6 5 9 9 10 7 10 12 7 12 43 2 2 _ 1 1 . 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 _ 2 - 44 3 3 _ _ 3 3 - 6 6 5 7 17 15 12 14 17 30 45 (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IXI (X) IX) IX) (X) 1X1 (X) 46 60 60 43 43 IX) IX) (X) (XI (X) (X) IX) IX) (XI IX) 47 14 14 _ _ 17 17 _ _ 26 21 33 49 47 89 81 62 T8 126 65 48 7 7 _ . 5 5 _ _ 8 49 12 16 29 18 32 16 19 5 49 22 20 2 _ 29 27 2 _ 44 6 47 54 87 76 60 75 ISl (S) 50 61 61 - 54 54 - - 65 68 116 T 89 100 79 79 39 ISl IS) 51 40 40 . . 49 49 _ „ 84 63 62 T 43 111 183 169 T 92 IS) (S) 52 37 37 - - 36 36 - - 46 62 59 87 70 92 61 75 IS) IS) 53 1 1 (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX] 54 _ _ _ _ IX ) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (XI (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 55 12 12 - - 15 15 - 19 8 13 13 35 U 11 9 26 17 56 1 1 2 2 12 6 2 5 11 9 6 _ _ _ 57 S 222 44 1 & 177 & 207 40 12 8, 155 37 & 119 51 82 56 72 52 & 187 34 81 58 - - 2 2 - - IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IXI IX) IX) (X) IX] 59 8 8 6 4 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) IXI IX) IX) IX) (X) IX] 60 (S) IS) . _ IS) (S) - IX) IX) IX) IX) IXI IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 61 - - - - 5 1 4 - - ~ ~ 2 ~ "■ " ■ ■ " 62 19 19 22 22 36 34 24 34 38 55 50 48 ISl IS) 63 38 38 _ _ 30 30 _ . 32 41 33 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IXI IX) 64 5 5 _ _ IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 1X1 IX) 65 37 37 - - 28 28 - - 31 16 14 17 29 2 2 1 ISl IS) 66 1 1 (X) IX) IX) I X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI IX) 67 . _ (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 68 1 1 _ _ _ _ 2 - - - 3 2 1 1 2 6 69 23 15 . B 10 10 . _ 7 12 15 16 22 37 30 16 42 31 70 T 5 5 - 5 5 - - T 6 3 3 12 13 7 7 2 4 11 71 390 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ♦•97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permt-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units fJumbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wifh- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 to 41 42 NEW YORK — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COr>l. DUTCHESS COUNTY BEACOIM CLINTON TOWN FIbHKILL TOWN FISHKILL VILLAGE HYDE PARK TOWN + LA GRANGE TOWN -l- MILLBROOK VILLAGE MILLERTON VILLAGE PAWLING TOWN PAWLING VILLAGE POUGHKEEPSIE + POUGHKEEPSIE TOWN + RED HOOK VILLAGE RHINEBECK VILLAGE TIVOLI VILLAGE WAPPINGER TOWN WASHINGTON TOWN ESSEX COUNTY ELIZABETHTOWN TOWN LAKE PLACID VILLAGE PORT HENRY VILLAGE TICONDEROGA VILLAGE + WESTPORT TOWN FRANKLIN COUNTY ALTAMONT TOWN FORT COVINGTON VILLAGE I^ALONE VILLAGE SARANAC LAKE VILLAGE TUPPER LAKE VILLAGE FULTON COUNTY GLOVERSVILLE JOHNSTOWN + MAYFIELD VILLAGE NORTHVILLE VILLAGE GENESEE COUNTY BATAVIA BATAVIA TOWN + BERGEN TOWN BERGEN VILLAGE CORFU VILLAGE DARIEN TOWN ELBA TOWN ELBA VILLAGE LEROY VILLAGE OAKFIELD VILLAGE PEMBROKE TOWN GREENE COUNTY CATSKILL VILLAGE COXSACKIE VILLAGE HUNTER TOWN HUNTER VILLAGE TANNERSVILLE VILLAGE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLAYTON TOWN CLAYTON VILLAGE GLEN PARK VILLAGE PHILADELPHIA TOWN SACKETS HARBOR VILLAGE WATERTOWN + WATERTOWN TOWN WEST CARTHAGE VILLAGE WILNA TOWN LEWIS COUNTY CONSTABLEVILLE VILLAGE COPENHAGEN \/ILLAGE HARRISVILLE VILLAGE LOWVILLE VILLAGE LYONS FALLS VILLAGE MONTGOMERY COUNTY AMSTERDAM CANAJOHARIE VILLAGE FORT PLAIN VILLAGE PALATINE BRIDGE VILLAGE ST JOHNSVILLE VILLAGE ONTARIO COUNTY CANANDAIGUA CANANDAIGUA TOWN FARMINGTON TOWN GENEVA PHELPS TOWN SHORTSVILLE VILLAGE 29 20 1 152 149 14 6 27 1 37 916 1 18 429 15 & 183 19 25 20 1 150 147 6 6 27 1 37 361 1 14 319 15 (S) 1 13 7 10 10 1 1 2 2 37 27 49 39 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 6 - .* 3 3 17 17 1 1 12 1 12 7 7 3 1 6 6 6 6 7 3 1 » 6 - 2 - 3 _ 6 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 36 14 36 4 13 - 7 - 19 - 28 28 14 14 (S) (SI 1 1 134 122 168 168 2 2 3 3 16 16 7 7 32 32 496 328 2 2 10 10 358 244 14 14 6 6 4 4 (S) (S) 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 11 11 10 10 1 1 2 2 28 26 24 24 1 1 2 2 5 5 25 25 (S) (S) 7 7 1 1 10 10 5 5 7 7 12 12 12 12 1 1 5 5 ■ ■ 1 1 9 9 4 4 3 3 - • 48 43 20 12 5 5 8 8 13 13 6 T 4 4 156 1 156 1 17 5 17 5 145 406 3 (S) 29 306 3 (S) (S) 17 (S) 17 5 2 9 5 2 9 10 10 3 4 3 4 20 12 1 2 20 12 1 2 56 30 6 1 22 30 6 1 14 5 5 2 14 5 5 2 29 29 13 13 1 1 2 2 . _ 2 2 - - 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 25 25 12 12 11 3 12 12 12 12 116 100 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 391 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" I^ot applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total f^umbei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total e number of m structures with- number in structures w;th- number number of number of number ot number of number number number number number of of of of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units unils units 23 21 2 13 13 19 24 20 29 25 42 40 42 46 50 01 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI { XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI 02 34 30 4 - ( X ) (XI ( XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 2 2 - - 4 u - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI 04 84 83 1 - 157 105 6 46 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 176 172 4 _ 134 134 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 06 I 1 - - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 07 (S) (S) - - (SI (SI - - (X I (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 18 18 - - 20 20 _ _ 16 27 28 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 09 18 18 - - {'.) h; - - 6 7 6 9 2 14 13 13 7 7 10 38 22 _ 16 37 37 _ _ 71 117 27 81 52 61 161 44 65 & 239 11 353 294 3 56 255 247 8 - T 1<56 211 328 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 12 3 3 - - 1 1 - - 6 11 27 (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI IXI 13 - . - - _ . _ - . - . - 7 9 - - - 5 14 - - - - - - - - T - - 3 (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 15 222 129 2 91 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 17 17 ■ ■ (X 1 (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . _ . 18 5 5 - - 1 1 . . 8 5 1 5 1 2 1 5 5 3 19 1 1 - - 1 1 _ . 2 1 2 2 1 4 5 - 1 1 20 8 8 - - 21 17 4 . (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 - - - - - - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X, (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 3 3 - - 4 4 - - (SI (SI 12 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 24 4 4 - - U 11 . - 18 8 27 20 32 25 18 11 9 9 25 5 5 - - T 11 11 _ - (SI 5 3 4 4 6 4 6 (SI (SI 26 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 27 12 12 . 10 10 T 6 18 19 13 15 T 17 28 34 54 63 28 12 12 - - 14 14 _ _ 9 9 8 13 23 22 26 24 18 28 29 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 3 - 2 5 5 1 ■ 3 4 4 31 22 20 2 . 15 13 2 . 22 31 31 38 50 82 92 49 46 116 32 21 21 - - 20 20 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 33 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) 34 3 3 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 35 2 2 - - 2 2 - - - 1 7 1 5 2 4 - - 3 36 6 6 _ _ 10 10 _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 1 1 - - 3 3 - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 38 1 1 . . (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 39 7 7 - - 4 4 _ 7 7 5 9 7 T 17 (XI (XI (X) (XI 40 - - - - 2 2 - - T 2 3 5 5 8 2 6 1 4 4 41 13 13 - - 13 13 - - 13 12 2 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 10 10 . 12 12 8 & 91 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 43 T 9 9 - _ 6 6 - _ 8 4 T 3 3 3 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 44 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 45 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 46 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 47 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 48 2 2 . _ _ _ _ . _ . - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 49 1 1 - - _ _ _ - - - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 - _ - - 1 1 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 51 - - - - - - - - - 5 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 52 26 26 _ _ 27 27 _ _ & 111 43 52 58 49 46 T 159 53 & 149 S 243 53 7 7 - _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 54 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 55 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) IX) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 57 - _ _ . - . - - T - - 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 58 . _ . . _ _ _ . (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 59 14 14 - - 11 11 - - 6 5 7 5 5 6 9 3 T 5 5 60 " - ~ - 1 1 - - - ~ " ~ 1 ~ * 1 ~ " 61 3 3 . 7 2 5 7 21 56 57 42 66 85 81 123 142 62 2 2 _ _ 2 2 _ _ T 2 16 18 23 21 16 4 7 5 15 63 2 2 - - 2 2 _ - 2 1 5 1 2 4 7 6 (SI (S) 64 _ _ . _ _ . _ . 1 - 1 4 - 2 - 1 65 - - - 3 3 - - 1 - 2 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 66 35 35 . 65 51 14 T 24 27 22 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 67 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 68 9 9 . - 6 6 - - 8 3 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 69 8 8 - - 14 14 _ - & 131 23 15 33 78 83 92 22 30 (SI 70 11 11 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 71 - _ - - 1 1 - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 72 392 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes m definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the hgures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peiniil-issuing places by State, SI;/ISA, outside SI\(SA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r^EW YORK — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COIM, ONTARIO COUNTY — C VICTOR TOWN. . VICTOR VILLAGE ORANGE COUNTY BLOOMING GROVE TOWN + CHESTER TOWN CHESTER VILLAGE CORNWALL TOWN CORNWALL-ON-THE-HUDSOt^ VILLAGE CRAWFORD TOWN. . FLORIDA VILLAGE. GOSHEN TOWN. . . GOSHEN VILLAGE . GREENVILLE TOWN. GREENWOOD LAKE VILLAGE HARRII^AN VILLAGE . . . HIGHLAND FALLS VILLAGE MAYBRCOK VILLAGE . . . MIDDLETOWN -I- MONROE TOWN. . . . MONROE VILLAGE + . MONTGOMERY TOWN. . MONTGOMERY VILLAGE MOUNT HOPE TOWN. . NEWBURGH ■^ NEWBURGH TOWN -l- . . . OTISVILLE VILLAGE. . PORT JERVIS TUXEDO PARK VILLAGE. WALDEN VILLAGE WARWICK TOWN + WARWICK VILLAGE WASHINGTONVILLE VILLAGE. WOODBURY TOWN OTSEGO COUNTY COOPERSTOWN VILLAGE. . . . ONEONTA OTEGO VILLAGE RICHFIELD TOWN RICHFIELD SPRINGS VILLAGE. PUTNAM COUNTY CARMEL TOWN +. . . . COLD SPRING VILLAGE. KENT TOWN + PATTERSON TOWN . . . PHILIPSTOWN TOWN + . PUTNAM VALLEY TOWN SOUTHEAST TOWN + . ST LAWRENCE COUNTY BRASHER TOWN . . . CANTON VILLAGE . . FINE TOWN GOUVERNEUR VILLAGE HERMON VILLAGE . . LOUISVILLE TOWN. MADRID TOWN. . . MASSENA TOWN . . MASSENA VILLAGE NORFOLK TOWN . . NORWOOD VILLAGE. . OGDENSBURG .... POTSDAM TOWN . . . POTSDAM VILLAGE. . STOCKHOLM TOWN . . WADDINGTON VILLAGE SCHOHARIE COUNTY 61 COBLESKILL VILLAGE . . 62 MIDDLEBURG VILLAGE . . 63 SHARON SPRINGS VILLAGE SCHUYLER COUNTY WATKINS GLEN VILLAGE SENECA COUNTY INTERLAKEN VILLAGE . LODI TOWN SENECA FALLS VILLAGE WATERLOO VILLAGE . . STEUBEN COUNTY ADDISON VILLAGE. AVOCA VILLAGE. . BATH VILLAGE • . CAMPBELL TOWN. . CANISTEO VILLAGE 23 23 47 47 96 96 28 28 8 8 118 22 13 13 51 51 9 9 26 26 19 9 12 12 12 12 3 3 9 9 1 1 35 31 29 29 24 24 36 28 4 4 17 17 134 6 318 214 334 12 81 25 31 53 93 70 (S) 334 4 69 21 31 53 73 30 (S) 128 72 100 47 13 41 101 28 28 9 22 8 16 25 4 117 13 41 101 28 28 9 22 23 4 7 9 9 76 76 17 6 16 16 32 32 2 2 8 8 4 4 5 5 ■ ~ 293 293 6 2 60 60 30 30 43 43 71 71 56 56 6 6 12 4 6 6 4 4 13 13 3 3 7 7 1 1 4 4 10 10 5 5 16 16 53 53 86 86 28 2S 6 6 25 19 - - 33 33 4 4 16 16 15 15 20 20 2 2 5 5 6 6 134 30 13 13 4 4 25 23 2 2 6 6 16 12 88 88 - - 6 6 1 1 4 4 90 88 7 7 270 270 2 2 67 67 31 31 44 44 41 41 55 55 2 2 9 7 5 5 3 3 12 12 7 7 3 3 2 2 13 13 16 16 2 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 393 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute ttie source for tlie statistics shown monttily in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. - See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: ■■-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting Is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 17 17 33 33 75 75 26 26 5 5 18 It - - (X) (X) 5 5 32 32 15 9 IX) (X ) 5 5 (X) (X) 29 29 . . T 18 in 21 24 1 1 15 15 a 4 94 94 1 1 3 3 (S) (S) 5 5 113 105 6 6 6 6 19 19 6 6 H 11 55 155 3 3 56 56 25 25 32 32 31 28 67 67 6 6 12 12 17 17 4 4 10 10 5 5 _ _ 9 9 (X) (X) 6 6 2 2 (X) (X) 87 38 (X) 19 (S) 3 38 16 (X) (S> 1 (X) (XI 41 (S) 30 26 2 19 6 (X) 87 - 38 - IX) (X) 17 2 (S) - (X) (X) 3 - 38 - 16 - (X) (X) (S) _ 1 - (X) IX) (X) (X) 41 - (S) . 30 - 26 - 2 - 9 9 (X) (X) (S) (S) T 165 165 IX) (X) 85 85 T 24 24 47 47 32 32 58 58 19 6 (X) 19 19 23 23 2 2 3 3 (X) IX) 6 6 7 7 (X) (X) (S) (S) (SI (SI 3 3 (X) (XI 10 10 (X) (X) 1 1 (XI (X) 85 (XI (X) 24 T 8 28 11 (X) (XI (X) 72 (X) (XI 54 169 T 2 14 T 4 9 (X) (XI (X) (X) 28 (X) (X) (XI 33 T 52 (X) 19 (X) 27 (XI 12 135 (XI 5 21 (XI (X) 13 (XI (S) (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI 20 (XI (X) (S) (X) (X) 32 15 (XI 5 16 18 (XI (X) 1 (XI (XI 71 41 24 17 (X) (XI 33 460 2 17 7 84 5 (X) 16 (X) (XI (X) (X) 26 (X) (XI 13 (XI 13 (XI 19 78 (XI 5 32 (XI (X) 18 1 (XI (X) (X) (SI (XI (XI 17 (XI (X) 173 (X) (X) 24 (X) 5 3 23 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 43 55 12 (X) (XI 30 209 2 14 3 10 32 19 (X) 22 1 7 (X) (X) 2 55 28 (X) 35 270 (X) 9 (X) 9 (X) 29 (XI 35 116 (X) 35 (X) (X) 45 (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) (s) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 7 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 168 (X) (X) (X) 25 (XI (XI 15 (XI 31 (XI 23 2 13 (XI (X) 3 (XI (XI 54 (X) (X) 45 (X) (X) 12 (X) 6 (X) (XI (XI (XI 119 (XI (X) 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) (SI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) (X I (X I (X) (X I (XI (X) 14 (X) IX) (XI (X) (X) 63 (SI (S) (X) (X I (X) 84 (X) (X) 36 (X) 29 (XI 22 (X) (X) (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI 61 (XI (XI 62 (XI (X) 11 (XI 12 (XI (X) (X) (X) 199 (X) (X) (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) T 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 3 (XI (X) (XI (XI 36 (X) (X) IX) 16 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 50 IXI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) tX) 34 (X) 20 (X) 30 (XI (XI 1 12 (X) (X) 1 (X) (XI 64 62 (X) (X) 5 (X) 6 (X) (XI (XI (XI 137 (XI (XI T 16 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 61 (X) (XI 20 (X) 10 (X) 17 (X) (X) 2 15 (XI (XI (X) (X) o3 (X) (X) 52 (X) (XI 3 (X) 7 (X) (X) (X) (X) 95 (X) (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI T - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 15 8 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 17 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 69 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 239 (X) (X) 14 (X) 13 (X) 22 (X) (X) 4 11 (XI (XI (XI (X) 55 (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) 3 (X) 15 (X) (X) (X) (X) 37 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI T - (XI (X) (XI (X) (S) (X) (X) IX) (S) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 45 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 146 (X) (X) 11 (X) 11 (X) 15 (X) (X) 7 (XI (XI 7 (SI (X) (XI (SI (X) (X) 5 (X) 12 (X) (X) (X) (XI 42 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (5) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 7 T 8 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (SI (XI (X) (X) (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (S) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 54 (X) (X) (XI (XI 122 (X) (XI 16 (XI 16 (XI 25 (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) T 6 (X) 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) 43 (X) (X) 140 (XI (XI (XI (X) (SI (X) (XI - 65 (X) 66 (X) 67 6 68 (X) 69 (X) 70 (X) 71 (X) 72 (X) 73 394 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIflSA shoviin in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived m places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 5 units units or more NEW YORK — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. STEUBEN COUNTY — CON. COHOCTON VILLAGE CORNING CORNING TOWN ERWIN TOWN HORNELL NORTH HORNELL VILLAGE PAINTED POST VILLAGE PRATTSBURG VILLAGE ....... RIVERSIDE VILLAGE SOUTH CORNING VILLAGE WEST UNION TOWN SULLIVAN COUNTY FALLSBURGH TOWN MONTICELLO VILLAGE -f THOMPSON TOWN WOODRIDGE VILLAGE TOMPKINS COUNTY CAYUGA HEIGHTS VILLAGE DANBY TOWN DRyDEN VILLAGE FREEVILLE VILLAGE GROTON VILLAGE ITHACA ITHACA TOWN + TRUMANS6URG VILLAGE ULSTER COUNTY ELLENVILLE VILLAGE + ESOPUS TOWN KINGSTON LLOYD TOWN NEW PALTZ TOWN NEW PALTZ VILLAGE ROSENDALE TOWN SAUGERTIES VILLAGE SHANDAKEN TOWN WARREN COUNTY GLENS FALLS LAKE GEORGE VILLAGE QUEENSBURY TOWN WARRENSBURG TOWN WASHINGTON COUNTY ARGYLE TOWN ARGYLE VILLAGE FORT EDWARD VILLAGE GRANVILLE VILLAGE GREENWICH TOWN GREENWICH VILLAGE HUDSON FALLS VILLAGE KINGSBURY TOWN WHITEHALL VILLAGE WYOMING COUNTY ATTICA TOWN ATTICA VILLAGE GENESEE FALLS TOWN PERRY VILLAGE SHELDON TOWN WARSAW VILLAGE WYOMING VILLAGE YATES COUNTY DRESDEN VILLAGE PENN YAN VILLAGE RUSHVILLE VILLAGE NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE SMSA BUNCOMBE COUNTY ASHEVILLE + BILTMORE FOREST TOWN BLACK MOUNTAIN TOWN WEAVERVILLE TOWN CHARLOTTE SMSA MECKLENBURG COUNTY ♦ CHARLOTTE + CORNELIUS TOWN MECKLENBURG COUNTY REMAINING AREA (S) 69 27 5 3 11 12 201 4 31 & 76 40 34 67 5 6 21 T 8 2 325 S 252 (S) 6 5 4 445 298 20 20 8 6 3 3 1 233 5 252 (SI (S) 84 17 32 32 3 3 4 4 5 5 - - 2 2 5 5 " ■ 20 12 33 U 289 48 2 495 4 & 250 15 - 7 - 4 - - - - - 7 2 28 2 "■ ■ 6 ^ 29 - 21 - 38 - 39 - 4 6 2 - 5 - " " 18 _ 1 - 73 - 4 4 3 3 3 3 _ _ 15 15 16 16 2 2 6 6 3 3 > — 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 347 236 13 13 10 10 11 11 280 18 16 16 16 16 12 12 6 6 1 1 3 3 - » 1 I 6 6 ■ ■■ 28 18 (S) (S) 2 250 2 297 10 4 11 - 4 - - - - - 5 _ 37 - 1 ~ 6 . 25 2 20 - 49 2 42 - 4 4 3 - 4 - 1 ~ 12 _ 2 4 47 8 7 7 5 7 7 5 20 13 1 20 13 1 1 3 1 3 — - 5 17 5 17 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 237 8 16 8 299 2 292 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 395 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, ,s See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with- Total numbei o( housing units Numbei of housing units in siructuies with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 1 1 2 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (X) 01 10 11 11 10 11 11 - - (X) 9 16 (X) 9 16 (XI (XI (XI 11 (XI 2 (X 1 18 (XI 1 ( XI 24 (X) 2 (X 1 44 (XI 6 (X) 48 (XI 9 (X 1 85 (XI 8 (XI 48 (XI 4 (X) 49 (X) (XI 79 (XI 5 (X) 87 (X) 4 02 03 04 05 3 5 1 (S) 3 5 1 (S) - - 6 2 1 (S) 6 2 1 (S) - - 2 T 1 T 1 T 4 1 5 3 1 4 1 6 7 1 5 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI 20 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 22 T - (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 3 IX) (XI (XI (XI 7 9 (X) (XI (X) (X) 9 (SI (XI (X) (X) (X) 4 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 06 07 08 09 10 11 22 3 (X) 17 3 (X) 5 (X) (X) (X) 34 (X) (XI 34 (S) (XI (X) (X) 1 X) (XI (X) (XI T 13 (X 1 IXI (XI 16 (Xl (XI ( X 1 24 ( XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 12 13 14 15 18 7 6 1 18 7 6 1 - 41 3 7 (X) 29 1 5 (XI 2 2 (X) 12 (X) (XI 9 (S) 2 (XI (XI 2 (SI 1 (X) (XI (XI 1 (XI (X) (X) (S) 1 (X) (XI (X 1 6 I (XI (XI (XI 2 3 (X) (XI (XI 9 2 (X) (X) (X) 7 1 (X) (X) (X) 4 2 (X) (X) (X) (S) 1 (X) 16 17 18 19 20 14 50 4 10 45 4 4 5 14 39 2 14 33 2 ~ 6 13 62 1 23 T 49 23 62 (X) (X) 1 (XI (X 1 5 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 5 (X) (X 1 4 (X) (XI 4 21 22 23 18 30 19 90 40 18 30 19 90 40 ; ; 10 (X) 13 (X) 35 10 (XI 13 (XI 35 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 29 (XI 36 (X) (X) 24 (XI 39 (XI (XI 46 (XI 32 (X) (XI 70 (X) (XI (XI (XI 126 (XI (X) (X) (X) 88 (X) (XI (X) (X) 66 (X) (X) (XI (XI & 173 (X) (X) (X) (XI 204 (XI (X) (X) (XI 162 (XI (X) 24 25 26 27 28 6 3 4 6 3 4 - - 4 1 3 (XI 4 1 3 (XI (X) (X) 8 (X) 6 (X) 9 (XI 7 (XI 9 (XI 33 (XI (X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 29 30 31 32 16 77 16 77 - - 19 2 (X) (XI 19 (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) 32 1 (XI (X) 24 1 (XI (X) 13 3 (X) (XI 21 8 (XI (X) 34 5 (X) (XI 19 10 (XI (XI 15 23 (X) (X) 27 15 (XI (X) 25 15 (X) (X) 81 26 (X) (XI 33 34 35 36 2 (X) 10 3 3 2 (X) 10 3 3 tX) (XI (XI 4 3 4 (XI 4 3 4 (X) (XI (XI 3 T - 3 1 (XI 1 3 txi 3 9 (X) (XI 6 1 (XI (X) (X) 9 (X) (XI (XI 5 (X) (X) (X) 5 (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) (X) (X) 17 1 (XI (XI (X) 11 3 (XI 37 38 39 40 41 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 _ - 2 16 13 3 2 16 13 3 - - 2 16 (XI 3 1 9 (XI 1 5 6 (X) 4 (XI 18 (XI 1 (XI 28 (X) 4 (X) 22 (X) 2 (X) 13 (X) (X) 12 (X) 4 (X) 38 (XI 5 (XI 31 (X) 7 42 43 44 45 2 1 9 13 2 1 9 13 - - 2 6 (s) 1 (XI 2 4 (S) 1 (XI 2 (X) (XI 1 5 5 (XI 1 4 5 (X) 2 4 1 7 (XI (XI 7 (X) 10 (X) (X) 8 (XI T 13 (XI (X) 11 (XI 10 (XI (X) 6 (X ) 15 (X) (X) 4 (X) 7 (XI (X) 6 (X) 3 (X) (X) 5 (X) 26 (X) 46 47 48 49 50 1 (X) 1 (X) (X) (X) 8 (XI 8 (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI 10 (X) 4 (XI 2 (XI 5 (X) 7 (X) 6 (X) 2 (XI 2 (X) 5 (X) 51 52 (X) 1 1 (X) 1 1 IX) (X) (XI 1 (S) (XI 1 (S) (X) (XI (XI 16 (XI (X) 8 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 53 54 55 279 12 8 4 237 12 8 2 2 2 40 306 13 9 13 290 13 9 11 8 2 8 155 (XI 14 6 & 398 (X) ■^ 7 138 (XI T 3 T 10 184 (XI T 6 (S) 272 (X 1 13 (XI 205 (X) 12 (XI 182 (X) 12 (X) 190 (X) (SI (X) & 430 (X) 8 (X) & 447 (X) 13 (X) 56 57 58 59 3 352 3 25 1 928 3 25 534 890 1 764 5 (X) 1 327 5 1X1 272 (X) 165 (XI 1 311 (X) (X) 1 097 (XI ( X 1 659 (X) (XI 911 (X) (X) 1 436 (XI (X 1 1 115 (XI (XI 1 199 (X) (X) & 1 489 (XI (XI & 1 276 (X) (X) 3 136 (X) (X) 60 61 62 396 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown In the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NORTH CAROLINA — CON. CHARLOTTE SMSA— CON. MECKLENBURG COUNTY * — CON. UNION COUNTY MARSHVILLE TOWN MONROE + DURHAM SMSA DURHAM COUNTY * DURHAM + DURHAM COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . GREENSBORO-HIGH POINT SMSA GUILFORD COUNTY GIBSONVILLE TOWN GREENSBORO + HIGH POINT + JAMESTOWN TOWN RALEIGH SMSA WAKE COUNTY ** APEX TOWN CARY TOWN -I- FUQUAY SPRII^GS TOWN GARNER TOWN + HOLLY SPRINGS TOWN MORRISVILLE TOWN RALEIGH + WAKE COUNTYi PART OF UNINC. AREA WAKE FOREST TOWN + WENDELL TOWN ZEBULON TOWN WINSTON-SALEM SMSA FORSYTH COUNTY * FORSYTH COUNTY REMAINING AREA «. KERNERSVILLE TOWN WINSTON-iALEM + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ALAMANCE COUNTY BURLINGTON + GRAHAM TOWN + MEBANE TOWN ALEXANDER COUNTY TAYLORSVILLE TOWN ALLEGHANY COUNTY SPARTA TOWN ANSON COUNTY WADESBORO TOWN ASHE COUNTY JEFFERSON TOWN WEST JEFFERSON TOWN BEAUFORT COUNTY BELHAVEN TOWN WASHINGTON BERTIE COUNTY AULANDER TOWN COLERAIN TOWN WINDSOR TOWN BLADEN COUNTY BLADENBORO TOWN CLARKTON TOWN ELIZABETHTOWN TOWN WHITE LAKE TOWN BRUNSWICK COUNTY SOUTHPORT YAUPON BEACH TOWN BURKE COUNTY DREXEL TOWN MORGANTOI^ TOWN VALDESE TOWN CABARRUS COUNTY CONCORD + CALDWELL COUNTY GRANITE FALLS TOWN LENOIR TOWN -l- RHODHISS TOWN CARTERET COUNTY ♦♦ ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN + BEAUFORT TOWN H9H 658 9 1 776 338 14 1 153 15 641 144 23 6 179 658 9 1 163 292 6 13 11 71 63 13 13 26 20 4 4 1 1 624 770 163 155 18 8 6 6 10 10 051 11 394 127 21 6 7 7 5 5 15 15 & 211 36 . _ 1 1 8 8 4 4 2 2 2 2 10 10 & 236 20 377 26 338 T 624 6 1 315 262 7 137 14 662 115 12 8 201 624 6 013 236 7 1 042 14 358 115 12 8 8 8 6 6 16 16 T 20 20 3 3 - — 6 6 2 2 6 6 2 2 16 10 13 13 11 11 15 15 53 49 5 5 7 7 29 27 5 5 4 4 10 10 & 23 13 & 10 69 57 12 13 13 - 28 26 - 3 3 - 1 1 _ 854 714 32 339 332 7 & 52 - & 52 & 25 7 & 18 & 38 4 & 34 67 266 & 392 647 11 1 479 308 4 780 193 27 18 6 979 18 672 171 23 8 184 645 11 1 038 230 951 18 458 171 23 5 5 5 5 22 22 T 30 30 8 6 2 2 10 10 7 7 2 2 5 5 9 9 8 8 20 20 6 6 82 82 13 13 10 6 43 35 2 2 5 5 5 5 407 30 12 2 72 22 12 - 43 - 4 - 4 _ 702 28 191 2 3 24 16 2 6 - 19 116 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 397 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number in str ol housing ucluies with units Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wit units — Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 6 58 6 58 - - 2 58 2 58 - - 5 83 5 64 2 34 12 68 9 96 8 65 (X ) T 69 (X) 103 IX) 78 IX) 90 01 02 603 453 222 453 60 321 399 426 315 426 56 28 473 T 369 & 470 T 280 264 ( X) 280 (X) 389 (X ) 284 (X) 266 (X) & 812 IX) 267 (X) 617 IX) 03 04 10 1 682 330 3 10 1 398 186 3 48 91 236 53 11 1 545 338 (S) 11 1 316 296 (S) 38 36 191 6 (S) 1 473 274 9 3 & 1 318 408 T 14 IS) 691 278 T 4 IS) 714 372 7 (S) 931 472 (S) 8 1 054 383 IS) 33 941 365 IX) 15 845 391 IX) T 14 & I 682 341 IX) 17 1 039 357 (X) 05 06 07 08 22 86 23 60 12 22 80 23 60 12 6 - 12 80 21 55 7 12 74 13 55 7 6 8 - (S) 100 20 96 (X) (S) 49 19 116 (X) (S) T 21 23 34 (X) U (X) 14 124 (X) T 5 (X) 23 89 (X) 9 (X) T 20 T 56 IX) 1 X ) (X) 21 IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) (X) IX) IS) (X) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) 09 10 11 12 13 29 771 222 T 1 13 13 745 218 1 13 11 26 4 2 29 935 (X) 5 15 21 908 (X) 5 15 19 27 (X) 2. IX) (X) & 1 209 (X) (S) T 16 (S) (X) & 1 000 (X) T 3 T 15 (S) (X) 488 (X) (S) (S) (S) (X) 599 (X) T 5 T 1 (X) (X) & 660 (X) T 12 T 13 (X ) IX) 648 IX) T 5 9 IX) IX) 744 IX) 20 IX) IX) IX) 741 IX) T 9 IX) IX) IX) & 486 IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) 683 IX) T 13 IX) IX) 14 15 16 17 18 19 917 22 & 883 915 12 433 2 10 58 8 392 & 860 IX) IX) 583 IX) IX) & 898 IX) IX) & 1 067 IX) IX) 1 169 20 21 22 201 75 IS) 197 75 (SI 4 ; 249 59 1 247 59 1 2 - 204 72 33 296 42 T 22 203 77 T 11 132 68 (S) 151 T 74 T 20 148 T 24 IS) 173 IS) IX) 229 IS) IX) 246 T 33 IX) 259 T 24 IX) 23 24 25 - - - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 26 - - - - - - - - (X) tX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 27 (S) (S> - - (S) (S) - - (S) T 14 T 20 (S) (S) (S) 8 IS) IS) IS) 28 4 2 4 2 - - (X) 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) 4 (X) (X) T - (X) (X) 2 IX) 1 IX) 4 IX) IS) IX) IS) IX) IS) 29 30 16 26 16 18 8 - 15 18 15 18 - - (S) 35 (S) 22 (S) 31 (S) 89 T 12 107 3 70 IX) 84 IX) T 36 (X) IS) IX) IS) 31 32 5 3 3 5 3 3 - - (S) (S) 5 (S) IS) 5 - - (X) 2 5 (X) (S) T 11 (X) ( S) T 5 (X) T 1 T 5 (X) 2 13 1 X) 4 20 IX) IX) 9 IX) IX) 10 IX) (X) T 12 IX) IX) IS) 33 34 35 9 (s) 4 23 9 (s) 4 23 - - 1 (s) 7 (X) 1 (s) 7 (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 37 38 39 16 21 16 10 - 11 9 (X) 9 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) 40 41 a 95 18 8 92 18 3 - 5 (X) 21 5 (X) 21 (X) (X) (X) (X) 19 (X) (X) 12 (X) (X) 19 (X) (X) 16 (X) (X) 10 IX) IX) 13 IX) IX) 11 IX) IX) 10 IX) IX) 18 IX) IX) T 18 42 43 44 80 66 - 14 48 48 - - 78 & 141 64 89 71 89 64 46 99 & 235 45 4 57 4 53 4 - 5 86 (X) 5 70 (X) 16 (X) (X) T 13 76 (X) (S) T 51 (X) (S) T 45 IX) (S) (S) (X) (s) 19 IX) (s) T 17 IX) (s) 24 IX) IS) 25 IX) T 2 T 34 IX) 13 T 57 IX) 46 47 48 17 10 15 10 2 - T 12 8 12 8 - - IX) (X ) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX ) IX) IX) tX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 49 50 398 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard melropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended lo October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 i Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NORTH CAROLINA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. 01 02 03 CARTERET COUNTY ** — CON. CARTERET COUNTY UNINC. AREA MOREHEAD CITY TOWN NEWPORT TOWN 159 (S) 8 159 IS) 8 - - 173 17 19 171 17 19 2 - 114 33 4 114 31 4 2 - 04 05 06 07 08 CATAWBA COUNTY ** CATAWBA COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + «. . . CLAREMONT TOWN CONOVER TOWN HICKORY + LONGVIEW TOWN. *.••.•••••••. 831 3 34 99 10 7 35 13 34 816 3 32 56 8 7 31 11 15 15 2 28 2 4 2 15 19 660 3 30 68 12 11 36 4 22 642 3 28 50 8 11 34 4 22 18 2 18 4 2 - 730 5 27 74 12 13 39 4 33 716 5 27 49 8 13 29 4 33 14 17 4 10 8 NEWTON TOWN 11 12 CHATHAM COUNTY PITTSBCRO TOWN SILER CITY TOWN 13 CHEROKEE COUNTY ANDREWS TOWN •.*........... 6 2 6 43 173 5 23 17 2 2 6 39 122 5 19 17 4 4 7 4 44 3 & 45 11 42 61 8 16 & 59 3 5 7 42 59 8 16 9 & 40 4 2 & 50 - 3 12 33 68 10 6 9 3 12 33 52 10 6 9 - 16 CHOWAN COUNTY CLEVELAND COUNTY 18 COLUMBUS COUNTY CHADBOURN TOWN ... 19 20 TABOR CITY TOWN WHITEVILLE TOWN 21 CRAVEN COUNTY NEW BERN ......... ....... 46 479 35 15 46 380 36 15 12 87 57 500 16 38 57 431 16 34 10 4 59 32 400 14 36 30 346 14 28 2 18 8 36 22 CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAYETTEVILLE 4>............. 23 24 HOPE MILLS TOWN SPRING LAKE TOWN + 25 13 & 65 36 11 13 & 85 11 36 - 8 & 37 60 9 8 & 37 60 9 - - 9 16 24 8 9 13 24 6 3 2 - 26 27 28 DARE COUNTY * DARE COUNTY REMAINING AREA KILL DEVIL HILLS TOWN + NAGS HEAD TOWN 29 DAVIDSON COUNTY LEXINGTON -t- 76 77 13 3 4 9 14 2 66 47 13 3 4 9 14 2 4 24 6 " 57 75 15 4 2 3 T 15 4 53 57 15 4 2 3 13 4 4 18 2 - 61 87 17 9 6 5 16 21 49 70 17 9 6 5 16 21 12 8 9 30 THOMASVILLE +........ DAVIE COUNTY 32 33 34 35 36 DUPLIN COUNTY BEULAVILLE TOWN FAISON TOWN ROSE HILL TOWN WALLACE TOWN + WARSAW TOWN 37 38 EDGECOMBE COUNTY PRINCEVILLE TOWN TARBORO TOWN + 49 49 - : 46 46 _ : 1 32 1 32 - - 39 40 FRANKLIN COUNTY FRANKLINTON TOWN YOUNGSVILLE TOWN 4 3 4 3 - - 2 1 2 1 - _ 5 1 5 1 _ - 41 GASTON COUNTY BELMOl>JT 8 50 9 382 15 4 50 9 357 11 4 6 4 19 1 58 10 414 13 1 58 10 284 13 10 120 3 38 49 225 15 3 38 47 213 15 2 12 42 43 44 45 BESSEMER CITY TOWN + CHERRYVILLE TOWN GASTONIA + LOWELL TOWN 46 47 MOUNT HOLLY TOWN STANLEY TOWN 17 6 13 6 4 _^ 17 17 17 17 - I 32 25 20 17 4 8 8 48 GRAHAM COUNTY IS) 21 3 18 77 10 6 (SI 21 3 18 65 10 6 12 _ 26 3 17 4 55 9 13 26 3 17 4 55 9 13 - - 27 5 18 1 84 13 25 27 6 15 1 84 13 25 3 - 49 GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD TOWN. ...... ... 50 GREENE COUNTY SNOW HILL TOWN ......•••.... 51 52 53 54 55 HALIFAX COUNTY ENFIELD TOWN HOBGOOD TOWN ROANOKE RAPIDS + SCOTLAND NECK TOWN WELOON TOWN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 399 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-Il, B-12, and B-13. i See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see fable B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing unils Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total a number of m structures witf - number of in structures with- number number of number of number ot number of number of number of number number of number of = ot of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units unils units units units units units units units units (X) IX) (X) (X) (X > (X) ( X) ( X) IX) ( X ) ( X ) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) 01 24 22 2 - (S) (S) - - IX) (X) ( X) (X 1 IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) 02 19 19 ~ ~ 19 19 - - (S) (S) (S) (SI 3 T 15 IXI (X) IX) (X) 03 664 656 8 . 659 645 14 (X) (X) ( X ) (X) IXI IX) IX) IX ! IX) (X) 04 - - - - 5 1 4 - 5 11 2 (S) T 4 T 9 IX) IX. IX) (X) 05 21 21 - - 44 42 2 - 39 50 38 T 29 T 37 T 24 23 T 2i. 12 19 06 85 54 25 6 91 62 23 6 112 121 47 65 82 76 90 10,- 115 161 07 22 14 8 - (S) (S) - - (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X/ IX) IX) 08 7 7 _ . 9 9 _ _ T 7 6 5 6 19 17 IX ) IX) (X) IX) 09 36 32 4 - 23 23 - - T 36 (S> (S) (S) T 51 62 43 IS) (S) IS) 10 18 18 . . 7 7 . IX) (X) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) U 23 23 - - 9 9 - - 7 T 3 T 4 7 7 7 T 38 T 19 T 14 T 39 12 4 4 . . . . 3 (S) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X> (X) 13 6 6 - - - - - ISl (S) T 3 T 1 IS) IS) IX) IX) IX) (X) 14 10 10 - - 4 4 - 4 7 26 IS) IS) 39 8 6 3 6 15 42 42 _ . 37 37 . 34 56 26 45 71 60 44 39 T 34 66 16 98 89 2 7 101 99 2 - 142 126 112 78 122 106 86 153 173 T 196 17 8 8 . . (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) >S) IS) IS) T 31 (S) T 3 IS) 18 6 6 - . 4 4 _ - 5 7 6 11 17 T 16 (X) IX) (X) IX) 19 29 24 5 - 32 32 - - 24 30 T 9 IS) IS) IS) 38 T 18 T 53 IS) 20 23 23 - - 26 26 - - T 36 38 43 58 T 44 95 & 183 208 T& 159 97 21 314 288 16 10 274 250 10 14 312 211 133 249 (S) IS) IS) & IS) T 267 & 640 22 6 6 - - 11 11 . - T 6 T 8 T 3 IS) IX) (X) 1 X ) (X) (X) IX) 23 23 21 2 - 40 34 " - 93 T 24 13 69 T 58 T 28 IX) (X) (X) IX) 24 26 26 - - 30 30 - (X ) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) 25 56 50 . 6 36 36 . (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 26 T 25 25 - - 40 40 . - (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) 27 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) 28 74 61 13 92 92 78 129 93 85 89 110 99 107 129 158 29 65 49 16 - 120 69 51 - 137 88 83 78 62 58 79 76 81 112 30 11 11 - - 14 14 - - 19 17 12 16 18 19 15 11 24 25 31 10 10 . IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) iXi IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 32 3 3 . . 6 6 _ _ T 6 T 10 (S) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 33 2 2 - - 8 8 . . 30 15 T 9 IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 34 26 26 - - 18 14 4 . (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) 35 33 33 - - 7 7 - - T 12 T 8 T 11 T 13 14 11 (X) IX) (X) (X) 36 7 7 . 18 18 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X> IX) IX) (X) 37 39 39 - - 43 38 5 - 54 25 (S) 40 T 49 (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) 38 6 6 . 5 3 2 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 39 6 6 - - 3 3 - - T 1 T 4 4 T 2 3 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) 40 11 8 3 4 2 2 (S) (S) T 6 IS) T 19 13 17 (S) IS) IS) 41 45 45 - - 49 49 . . 55 27 (S) IS) (S) 56 IS) (S) T 26 T 31 42 11 11 - . 15 14 1 . (S) (S) T 11 15 16 15 18 T 14 IS) 22 43 238 226 _ 12 233 228 5 - 298 301 344 333 397 355 231 23U 258 141 44 12 12 - - 23 23 - - 34 7 (S) IS) (S) (S) IX) (X) (X) (X) 45 32 29 3 _ 23 17 6 _ (S) IS) T 26 IS) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 46 20 18 2 - 9 7 2 - T& 10 7 7 IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 47 - - - - 9 9 - - (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 25 25 - - 28 28 - - 27 23 36 44 49 23 33 38 73 90 49 7 7 - - 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) 50 19 13 6 (S) (S) . (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) (X) (X) 51 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 1X1 (X) (X) (X) 52 89 87 2 . 101 101 . - (S) 79 85 104 111 91 62 51 T 55 T 57 53 7 7 - - 9 9 . - T 9 T 5 T 10 T 17 1 T 4 (X) IX) (X) IX) 54 3 3 - - 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) 1 X) (X ) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 55 400 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 5 units units or more NORTH CAROLINA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. HARNETT COUNTY ANGIER TOWN DUNN TOWN LILLINGTON TOWN HAYWOOD COUNTY * CANTON TOWN CLYDE TOWI^ HAYWOOD COUI^TY UNINC. AREA . . . HAZELWOOD TOWN WAYNESVI1.LE TOWN HENDERSON COUNTY HENDERSONVILLE HERTFORD COUNTY AHOSKIE TOWN MURFREESBORO TOWN WINTON TOWN HOKE COUNTY RAEFORD TOWN IREDELL COUNTY MOORESVILLE STATESVILLE + JACKSON COUNTY SYLVA TOWN JOHNSTON COUNTY BENSON TOWN KENLY TOWN PINE LEVEL TOWN SELI^A TOWN SI^ITHFIELD TOWN JONES COUNTY t^AYSVILLE TOWN LEE COUNTY SANFORD + LENOIR COUNTY KINSTON -f LA GRANGE TOWN LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLNTON TOWN MCDOWELL COUNTY MARION TOWN OLD FORT TOWN MACON COUNTY FRANKLIN TOWN HIGHLANDS TOWN MARTIN COUNTY WILLIAMSTON TOWN MITCHELL COUNTY SPRUCE PINE TOWN MONTGOMERY COUNTY CANDOR TOWN MOUNT G I LEAD TOWN STAR TOWN TROY TOWN MOORE COUNTY ABERDEEN TOWN CARTHAGE TOWN PINEBLUFF TOWN PINEHURST ROBBINS TOWN SOUTHERN PINES TOWN NASH COUNTY NASHVILLE TOWN ROCKY MOUNT + SHARPSBURG TOWN SPRING HOPE TOWN WHITAKERS TOWN NEW HANOVER COUNTY CAROLINA BEACH TOWN KURE BEACH TOWN WILMINGTON + WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TOWN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY RICH SQUARE TOWN ONSLOW COUNTY JACKSONVILLE + SWANSBORO TOWN 26 227 & 54 3 2 & 79 in 137 12 9 226 114 15 26 103 137 12 & 50 & 68 18 2 ^ & 22 2 . 7 - 3 - 7 " 5 - 1 - 6 - 1 - 30 - 9 . 200 2 6 _ 2 - 16 9 24 4 3 - 9 9 13 13 6 8 10 10 8 8 66 66 6 6 67 62 24 132 145 4 6 4 153 2 24 126 1 1 4 4 & 28 2 4 4 2 2 5 5 3 3 6 6 141 4 4 - 6 - 4 ■ 16 8 7 28 32 2 4 6 153 2 13 11 2 44 44 - 6 6 - 10 10 . 10 10 - 52 50 2 7 7 - 22 20 2 19 128 159 11 205 14 19 126 159 11 3 3 3 3 8 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 12 2 47 43 1 1 143 143 3 3 5 5 5 5 17 8 8 8 46 19 3 3 203 14 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 401 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ot 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source tor the statistics shown monthly m tables B-li. B-12, and B-13. " See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; tor number ol public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housinc units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Tolal number of housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zi 19 38 10 19 38 10 _ - 9 26 3 9 26 3 - _ T 12 24 2 IS) 25 1 T 5 28 4 T 9 51 16 16 82 19 14 72 T 11 (XI 60 (XI (XI 71 (XI (X) 65 (XI (XI 76 (X) 01 02 03 14 1 87 46 14 1 87 46 ; ; 43 (X) (X) 8 42 43 (X) (X) B 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) T 16 (X ) (X) (S) (S) (S) (X> (X ) (S) (S) (SI (X) (X) T 13 42 T 14 (X) (XI (s) T 7 (XI (X 1 T 52 T 27 (X) (X) T 36 T 20 (XI ( X ) 25 T 21 (X) (X 1 49 TV (XI (XI T - 31 T 45 (XI (X) 68 04 05 06 07 08 34 27 - 7 19 19 - - 37 15 24 39 (SI (SI (SI (S) (S) T 29 09 23 27 3 23 27 3 _ _ (S) T 20 (S) 20 - - (S) (X) 4 (SI (XI 4 (SI (XI 3 (SI (XI 4 (SI (X 1 12 T 64 (X) 1 51 (X) 2 (S) (X) (SI (SI (XI (SI (S) ( X) (S) 10 11 12 (S) (S) - - 27 27 - - 17 16 13 (SI (S) T 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI 13 (s) 123 (s) 123 - - (S) 119 (S) 117 2 - T 25 119 T 32 119 T 27 101 37 117 36 122 17 158 47 121 36 113 (SI no (SI 231 14 15 (s) (s) - - (s) (s) - - (S) (S) T 7 6 - (SI (XI (X) (X) (XI 16 8 2 22 30 B 2 22 28 2 - 5 (X) 16 29 5 (X) 16 27 (X) 2 (X) 1 3 (X) 18 T 30 T - 7 (X) 11 18 T 4 3 (X) 15 24 (SI 7 (XI 24 35 (X ) 10 (X) 25 52 (XI T 7 (XI 18 32 (X) 5 (XI 19 16 (X) T 8 (XI (S) 26 (X) 7 (X) (S) 35 (XI 4 (XI (SI 70 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 22 42 42 - - 58 54 4 - T 105 46 53 83 (SI (SI 83 (SI T 122 95 23 129 26 126 26 3 - 105 tS) 105 (S) - 125 (XI & 227 (X) 96 (X) 126 (X) 238 (XI 177 (XI 191 \X 1 292 (XI 169 ^XI & 463 (XI 24 25 1 1 - - (S) (S) - - (S) (S) (S) 15 28 T 19 25 27 (S) T 58 26 11 1 11 1 - - 14 14 - - 16 3 16 2 15 (S) 16 (SI 16 20 2 27 (XI (S) (XI T 37 (X) 56 (X) 27 28 8 8 - - (S) 4 (S) 4 - - (S) 4 (S) 3 (S) 4 T 4 4 11 T 4 17 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 29 30 57 55 2 - 31 31 - - 37 17 46 48 67 37 48 38 41 76 31 1 1 - - 4 4 - - 8 3 12 15 9 17 (X) (XI (XI (X) 32 5 1 4 6 5 1 4 6 - - 2 2 7 2 2 7 - - (X) (X) (X) 8 (XI IX) (X) 10 (X) (X) (X) T 7 (XI (XI (XI (S) (X) (X) (X) (SI (X) (X) (X) 9 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) txi (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 33 34 35 36 10 T 1 4 2 5 51 10 1 4 2 5 49 2 - 2 1 (S) 4 2 31 2 1 (S) 2 2 31 2 - 3 T 6 (X) T 1 T 10 T 26 1 T 2 (X) T 5 2 23 5 tX) T 1 (S) 3 4 (X) (S) 1 (SI 5 T 5 (X) (XI 1 49 2 3 (X) (XI 1 28 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI 54 54 (X) (XI (XI (X) 3 48 (X) (X) (X) (X) 9 69 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 5 111 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 140 5 9 8 1 140 5 9 8 - - (S) 104 (S) 12 1 (S) 101 (S) 12 1 3 - (X ) 104 (X) (X) 4 (XI 120 (X) IX) 3 (X) & 352 (X) (X) 3 (XI 161 (XI (XI 1 (XI 206 (XI (XI 2 (XI 151 (X) (X) T - (XI & 477 (X) (XI (XI (X) 193 (XI (XI (X) (X) T 136 (X) (X) (X) (X) 411 (X> (XI (XI 43 44 45 46 47 15 13 39 5 5 9 39 5 4 4 6 13 19 T 29 6 11 12 29 6 2 2 5 T 15 (X) 56 4 T 17 (X) 41 6 22 (X) 48 T 7 T 21 (XI T 68 (S) 66 (XI 155 (S) 21 (X) 119 (XI (X) (X) T 119 (XI (X) (X) & 254 (X) (X) (X) 139 (X) (XI (XI & 505 (XI 48 49 50 51 14 14 - - 10 10 - - 2 3 4 1 10 T 12 (XI (XI (XI (X) 52 220 9 218 2 9 132 4 124 1 8 3 - 183 5 111 5 79 3 T 106 (S) 116 (XI 138 (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 53 54 402 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA. outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing unit in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more H4 45 46 NORTH CAROLINA— COIM. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. ORANGE COUNTY CARRBORO TO*N CHAPEL HILL TOUKN HILLSBORO TOWN PASQUOTANK COUNTY ELIZABETH CITY TOWN PENDER COUNTY BURGAW TOWN PERQUIMANS COUNTY HERTFORD TOWN PERSON COUNTY ROXBORO PITT COUNTY AYDEN TOWN BETHEL TOWN FARMVILLE TOWN FOUNTAIN TOWN GREENVILLE -l- GRIFTON TOWN + WINTERVILLE TOWN POLK COUNTY COLUMBUS TOWN SALUDA TRYON TOWN RANDOLPH COUNTY ASHE60R0 TOWN LIBERTY TOWN RAMSEUR TOWN RICHMOND COUNTY ELLERBE TOWN HAMLET TOWN ROCKINGHAM TOWN ROBESON COUNTY FAIRMONT TOWN LUMBERTON -t- MAXTON TOWN PEMBROKE TOWN RED SPRINGS TOWN ROWLAND TOWN ST PAULS TOWN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY DRAPER TOWN LEAKSVILLE TOWN + MADISON TOWN REIDSVILLE * ROWAN COUNTY CHINA GROVE TOWN EAST SPENCER TOWN LANOIS TOWN SALISBURY + SPENCER RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY TOWN LAKE LURE TOWN RUTHERFORDTON TOWN SPINDALE TOWN SAMPSON COUNTY CLINTON TOWN NEWTON GROVE TOWN ROSEBORO TOWN SCOTLAND COUNTY LAURINBURG STANLY COUNTY ALBEMARLE TOWN + ' . . . SURRY COUNTY DOBSON TOWN ELKIN TOWN MOUNT AIRY TOWN + TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY BREVARD TOWN TYRRELL COUNTY COLUMBIA TOWN VANCE COUNTY HENDERSON + • 128 390 (S) 7 37 9 5 & 136 5 16 & 120 19 163 8 36 13 73 214 17 - 6 - 41 6 - — 117 8 3 2 5 - 5 _ 2 . 4 - 37 4 5 4 5 - (S) _ 7 - 37 - 16 . 85 2 7 - 22 8 14 - 4 _ 9 - 13 ^ 25 - 4 6 27 - _ _ 5 4 5 - 58 & 68 5 ~ 35 4 5 - 10 - e - 18 11 1 - 3 " 14 3 38 13 4 _ 12 4 10 & 110 49 148 8 94 10 10 14 18 15 33 2 101 14 80 15 - 13 - 22 3 — - 00 18 7 _ 2 - 9 ^ 2 - 3 ~ 31 _ 12 - 14 - 3 _ 1 - 30 " 8 . 94 - 10 - 6 4 14 - 18 _ 15 - 5 _ 15 - 10 4 46 " 3 ^ 8 4 7 - 56 16 7 " 33 _ 9 - 10 - 23 - 18 2 3 - 7 - 39 145 8 9 116 4 17 18 13 21 9 106 4 15 18 13 21 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 403 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ot 3.014 selected pecmit-issumg places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. - See Appendix C-Z for statement regarding coverage "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, lor number of public housing units by place, sec table B-7 Data symbols; '*-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total E number in str uctures with- number of in structures with- number number of number of number of number of number of number number of number of number of ot of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing II units units or more units units or more units units units units units unils units units units unils 35 20 15 13 9 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 01 193 78 8 107 & 73 51 3 & 19 40 & 273 87 67 39 36 33 T 24 T 15 (SI 02 3 3 " ~ 6 6 - - (XI (X 1 (XI ( X 1 IX 1 (XI ( XI (X 1 (XI (XI 03 22 22 - - 28 26 - - ISI (SI (SI (SI (SI T 35 39 T 59 T 51 71 04 19 19 - - 8 8 - - (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 05 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 06 17 17 - - 18 18 - - 34 14 20 36 33 22 38 27 (SI (S) 07 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 8 8 - - 3 3 - - (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 31 29 2 - 13 10 3 - 14 26 15 8 15 11 16 20 21 16 10 7 7 - - - - - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 163 151 12 - 116 104 '^ - 140 157 155 144 226 T 131 159 161 217 250 12 19 19 - - 48 48 _ . (X 1 1 XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 15 15 " ~ 12 12 - - T 11 (S) ( SI (SI (SI (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 5 5 _ _ . . . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 15 1 1 - - 3 3 - - 1 1 2 4 3 1 - - T - T - 16 8 8 ■ - 9 9 - - (SI T 2 T 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 37 37 _ . 37 35 2 . 43 35 47 36 51 60 T 73 (S) T 59 112 18 6 6 - - (SI (SI . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 19 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 20 6 6 _ . . . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 21 6 6 - - 2 2 . - 3 3 3 2 4 T 6 7 7 7 13 22 27 27 ~ - 34 34 - - 19 18 32 16 " 12 9 15 (SI 7 23 1"* 14 _ _ 12 12 . . (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 24 83 83 - - 90 90 - - 104 79 63 88 109 104 90 & 219 96 140 25 9 9 - 8 8 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 26 3 3 - - 2 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 16 16 - - 15 15 - - 11 16 11 18 23 13 (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 7 7 _ _ 11 11 _ _ 10 T 7 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 29 6 6 - - 5 5 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 30 4 4 . . 16 16 13 T 6 T 6 6 5 9 (XI (XI (X) (XI 31 14 14 - - (SI (SI . _ (S) (S) (SI T 37 T 38 T 17 (XI (X) (XI (X) 32 15 13 2 - 5 5 _ - 9 T 7 4 9 9 10 3 4 6 6 33 55 55 ~ - 54 54 - - 49 32 43 67 79 101 127 121 144 95 34 5 5 _ . 5 5 . 10 7 (SI T 5 9 6 (XI (X) (X, (X) 35 14 12 2 - 16 16 _ - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 36 8 8 - . 5 5 . . 2 T 6 4 3 7 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 98 84 9 5 79 71 8 - 57 88 84 90 100 95 & 106 200 T 103 355 38 3 3 - - 3 3 - - 9 10 8 18 31 T 15 15 T 6 T 13 (SI 39 42 42 _ . 38 38 43 20 31 35 38 27 25 (SI (S) T 37 40 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 41 12 12 - - 12 12 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 42 17 17 ~ - 10 10 - - T 15 T 18 23 30 32 41 21 26 37 31 43 42 42 _ . 34 26 8 . 38 43 37 43 71 T 48 (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 6 4 2 ■ (S) (SI - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 46 S 97 21 & 76 - 42 42 - - 43 29 T& 73 14 T 12 T 22 41 TS 101 (SI (SI 47 27 27 - - 35 35 - - 52 81 55 72 80 53 98 94 61 126 48 4 4 _ . 8 8 . 7 2 6 10 3 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) 49 4 4 - - 11 11 _ - T 7 (S) (SI T 10 T 12 24 (XI (XI (XI tX) 50 23 15 8 ■ 20 20 - - 78 36 32 34 SO 39 47 T 27 T 18 55 51 7 7 - - 16 14 2 - 12 25 T 13 34 T 34 28 16 (S) (SI T 88 52 3 3 - - 6 6 - - 3 - - T - 5 (S) (SI (SI (SI 15 53 92 90 2 - 60 60 - - 77 74 83 T 115 (SI (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI 54 404 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are stiown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1954. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1950 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total numbei of housing Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing Number of housing units in structures with— Total number Number of housing units in structures with- ■3 2-4 5 units 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 2-4 5 units units units or more units units or more units units or more NORTH CAROLINA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. WARREN COUNTY 01 LITTLETON TOWN 1 1 - - 3 3 - - 3 3 - - 02 WARRE.MTON TOWN WASHINGTON COUNTY 2 2 ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 ■ " 03 PLYMOUTH TOWN. ....•.•...»•• 22 13 4 5 10 10 ■ ■ 1 1 " " WATAUGA COUNTY 23 18 21 12 2 6 - 26 25 I'o 4 15 19 14 19 14 - - WAYNE COUNTY 06 GOLOSBOPO -1- 200 184 16 . 213 202 11 _ 237 224 13 _ 07 MOUNT OLIVE TOWN ...*.....••. 19 19 - 13 13 " 23 23 ~ WILKES COUNTY 08 NORTH WILKESBORO TOWN 19 19 - . 18 18 - - 10 10 _ - 09 WILKESBORO TOWN WILSON COUNTY 33 33 23 23 " " 19 19 ' ■ 13 & 229 11 98 2 & 107 24 5 116 3 105 2 11 - 129 123 6 - 1 1 WILSON + YADKIN COUNTY 3 5 3 5 - - e 4 8 4 - - 8 7 8 7 - - YANCEY COUNTY 14 BURNSVILLE TOWN 2 2 _ . 3 3 _ _ 3 1 2 _ NORTH DAKOTA FARGO-MOORHEADi N. DAK. -MINN, SMSA CASS COUNTY 15 AMENIA VILLAGE - - . - . - - - - - - - 16 CASSELTON 2 2 - - , 1 1 - . 5 1 4 - 17 FARGO + 191 117 10 64 312 123 8 181 284 125 31 128 18 KINDRED . . . * 3 3 . . 3 3 - - 19 SOUTHWEST FARGO + T 46 20 14 12 & 38 & 38 - - 25 25 - - 20 WEST FARGO VILLAGE (MINNESOTA) CLAY COUNTY 1 1 5 9 5 5 4 - 6 12 6 12 _ - 7 23 3 9 4 14 . 22 DILWORTH VILLAGE 23 GEORGETOWN VILLAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 GLYNDON VILLAGE 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 3 3 - - 25 HAWLEY VILLAGE 4 1 3 - 4 4 - - 8 8 - - 26 HITTERDAL VILLAGE 3 3 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 2 2 - - 27 MOORHEAD ••■ 175 81 18 76 333 93 86 154 272 65 52 155 26 OAKPORT TOWNSHIP 6 6 - - (S) IS) - - 5 5 - - 3 1 3 1 - - 4 1 4 1 - - 3 1 3 1 - - 30 ULEN VILLAGE PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S BARNES COUNTY 31 VALLEY CITY+ 16 16 " 52 19 33 43 27 16 BENSON COUNTY 32 ESMOND - - - - 4 4 - - - - - - 33 LEEDS 1 1 . - 1 1 - - - - - - 34 MADDOCK 4 4 - - 1 1 - - 3 3 - - 35 MINNEWAUKAN 1 1 1 1 BOTTINEAU COUNTY 36 BOTTINEAU 16 16 - - 8 8 - - 3 3 - - 37 WESTHOPE BOWMAN COUNTY 4 4 " ■ 1 1 2 2 8 8 ■ ' 13 13 6 6 BURKE COUNTY 39 BOWBELLS 5 5 - - 2 2 - - 4 4 - - 40 COLUMBUS 2 2 - - 1 1 - - - - - - 41 FLAXTON _ _ _ . . - - - - - - - 42 LIGNITE VILLAGE 1 1 _ _ 7 7 - - 3 3 - - 43 PORTAL - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 44 POWERS LAKE BURLEIGH COUNTY 2 2 " " ■ ■ 3 1 2 325 11 178 11 87 60 295 8 201 8 39 55 265 8 207 8 38 20 46 BURLEIGH COUNTY' PART OF UNINC. AREA + « CAVALIER COUNTY 47 LANGDON 21 21 - . 14 14 - - 4 4 - - 48 OSNABROCK VILLAGE DICKEY COUNTY 1 1 ■ 1 1 2 2 49 ELLENDALE 5 5 . - 5 5 - - 5 5 - - 50 OAKES 13 9 4 ■ 4 4 ■ ■ 5 5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 405 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. "- See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Nunibei of housing in structures wilt units Total number of housing units Number ot housing in stiuctuies wil units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Tolal number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number ol housing units Tolal number ol housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number ol housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more - 3 1 3 1 - - 2 2 2 2 - - (X ) (SI (XI T 1 IX) 6 IX) ISI IX) IS) (X) IS) (X) T 1 (X) (S) IX) T 6 IX) T 8 01 02 (SI (S) - - 8 8 - - T 3 6 T 4 IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) 03 24 36 24 10 10 16 24 20 24 14 - 6 (S) (S) T 10 (S) T 19 ISI T 26 (S) T 26 (S) 17 T 15 11 T 20 T 9 T 33 (S) T 18 (S) 36 04 05 & 486 47 242 45 & 238 2 6 181 26 179 26 2 - 241 18 145 16 183 17 166 41 178 38 269 25 & 242 1 X 1 S 401 IX ) 122 IX) & 1 034 (X) 06 07 10 25 10 25 - - 10 8 9 2 - T 22 T 15 16 13 15 T 5 T 23 18 27 8 10 4 9 IX) T 8 IX) IS) IX) T 27 (X) 08 09 1 S 403 1 99 & 153 151 3 8 239 3 141 & 98 - (X ) 151 (X) 204 ( X) 175 (X ) 196 IX ) 276 (X) 315 (X) 253 IX) 156 (X) 356 ( X) 346 10 11 9 3 9 3 - - 5 9 5 B 1 - 4 (S) 6 6 5 IS) 3 (X) 2 IX) T 7 (XI (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) 12 13 ■ - ■ ■ 4 4 - - T 4 T 5 3 7 T 8 7 3 IS) (S) (S) 14 10 250 4 72 (XI 2 126 4 58 (X> 8 38 14 (XI 86 (X) 1 2 279 (X) 62 (XI 1 2 196 (X) 38 (X) 36 ( X) 24 (X) 47 (X) (X) 10 T 357 (X) (X) (X) 17 403 (X) (X ) (X) 9 & 357 (X) (X) (X) 4 S 338 (X) (X) (X) 5 392 IX) IX) (X) 1 339 IX) IX) (X) 318 (X) (X) (X) 310 (X) (X) (X) 325 (X) (X) (X) T - 359 (X) (X) IX) 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 5 2 4 7 1 5 2 7 4 " 12 11 2 (X) 8 9 2 (X) 4 2 (X) (X) 7 (X) (X) 1 (X) 7 (X) (X) 2 (X) 4 (X) (X) 1 IX) 6 (X) (X) 1 IX) 7 (X) (X) 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) 16 (X) (X) 1 (X) 5 (X) (X) 1 (X) 7 1 X) (X) 5 (X) 21 22 23 24 25 206 16 1 89 16 1 87 30 1 259 (X> (X) 1 190 (X) (X) 51 (X) (X) 18 (X) (XI (X ) 312 (X) IX) (X) (X) 268 (X) (XI (X) (X) 182 (X) (X) (X) (X) 206 (X) IX) IX) IX) 334 IX) IX) IX) IX) 314 IX) IX) IX) (X) 1-il (X) (X) (X) IX) 230 IX) (X) (X) (X) 131 (X) (X) (X) (X) 236 (X) (X) (X) 26 27 28 29 30 28 24 4 - 63 48 15 - 56 50 21 30 31 14 38 25 4 (S) 31 4 (X> 1 (X) 3 (X) (X) 2 2 (X) 2 2 (X) (XI (X) 4 1 (X) 1 1 (X) 3 1 4 (X) 1 2 4 (X) (X) 1 3 (X) IX) 4 2 IX) (X) 2 IX) (X) 5 2 (X) (X) 1 3 IX) (X) T 5 T 1 (X) 32 33 34 35 (S) (S) - I 7 4 7 4 - - (X) (X ) (XI IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 37 5 5 - - 14 14 - - (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 38 5 1 (X) 1 1 5 1 (X) 1 1 (X) tX) 6 5 (X) 1 2 6 5 (X) 1 2 (X) (X) 1 (X ) (X ) T 1 2 IX) IX) 4 5 1 (X) IX) 1 IX) IX) 4 (X) (X) 3 3 1 (X) (X) 1 3 1 (X) (X) 1 9 (X) (X) 2 3 4 (X) (X) T 2 T 6 5 IX) (X) 4 T 6 39 40 41 42 43 44 318 11 231 11 42 45 264 8 236 8 28 - 367 (X) 388 IX) 174 iX) 120 ^X) 240 (X) 416 (X) 275 IX) T 357 (X) 228 IX) 267 IX) 45 46 11 3 11 3 - - 14 (X) 14 (X) ( X) (X) T 6 (X) 15 IX) T 11 IX) IS) (X) 11 (X) T 9 (X) IS) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) (X) 47 48 10 3 10 3 - - 1 1 - - 8 T 7 8 3 7 5 9 3 18 2 6 2 (SI 3 (X) IS) IX) T 2 IX) IS) 49 50 406 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended bacl< to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 22 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing unfits Number of housing units in structures with- "-J 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more NORTH DAKOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. 01 02 DIVIDE COUNTY CROSBY ................. 6 1 9 8 16 2 312 3 6 5 6 1 6 8 10 2 168 3 6 5 3 6 144 5 4 10 1 15 5 3 12 200 2 2 6 5 4 10 1 15 5 3 170 2 2 2 12 4 30 3 (S) 3 10 2 & 313 16 13 3 (S) 3 10 2 207 16 13 - & 106 DUNN COUNTY KILLDEER .•••.■>..>...... 03 EDDY COUNTY NEW ROCKFORD «■•..•• 04 EMMONS COUNTY HA2ELT0N VILLAGE 06 FOSTER COUNTY CARRINGTON 07 GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY BEACH. .....■•>.....•••• GRAND FORKS COUNTY 09 10 11 12 GRAND FORKS + LARIMORE MANVEL VILLAGE NORTHWOOD + 13 GRANT COUNTY CARSON VILLAGE ............. 1 12 8 3 1 12 8 1 2 - 3 6 1 3 3 6 1 3 - - 6 3 2 2 3 2 4 - GRIGGS COUNTY 15 HETTINGER COUNTY MOTT ......... 16 NEW ENGLAND 17 18 KIDDER COUNTY PETTIBONE VILLAGE STEELE .......... 1 4 5 2 4 1 4 5 2 4 - 3 3 2 1 8 3 3 3 2 1 8 3 - - 15 5 1 3 5 4 15 5 1 3 5 4 - - LA MOURE COUNTY 20 LA MOURE ....... LOGAN COUNTY 23 MCHENRY COUNTY QRAKE 24 25 VELVA. ................. 26 27 MCINTOSH COUNTY LEHR WISHEK 28 MCKENZIE COUNTY WATFORD CITY VILLAGE + - - - - 4 4 - - 18 18 - - 29 30 MCLEAN COUNTY COLEHARBOR 3 2 3 2 - - 5 3 4 5 3 4 - - 6 1 (SI 6 1 (S) - - 32 WASHBURN 33 34 35 MERCER COUNTY BEULAH HAZEN ZAP VILLAGE 7 3 1 7 3 1 - - 12 8 12 2 6 - 8 7 1 a 7 1 - - 36 37 38 39 MORTON COUNTY GLEN ULLIN + HEBRON MANDAN * NEW SALEM 1 1 57 6 1 1 53 6 4 - 8 6 39 1 8 6 35 1 4 - 4 3 35 4 3 32 3 - 40 41 42 MOUNTRAIL COUNTY NEW TOWN PARSHALL STANLEY 2 4 5 2 4 5 - - 4 3 4 3 - - 2 4 2 4 - - 43 44 45 NELSON COUNTY ANETA LAKOTA MCVILLE 3 11 4 3 3 4 - 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 - - 2 5 1 2 5 1 - - 46 OLIVER COUNTY CENTER VILLAGE ...... 2 15 1 2 2 9 1 2 : 6 1 7 15 3 1 7 9 3 - 6 9 1 1 8 9 1 1 S - - 47 48 49 50 PEMBINA COUNTY CAVALIER DRAYTON ST THOMAS 51 PIERCE COUNTY RUGBY -I- 9 9 11 11 4 4 . RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 407 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-Issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown nionthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data couer period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing In designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units E 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zl 2 2 7 7 (SI (SI 7 6 (SI (SI (SI (SI (SI 2 01 1 1 - 3 3 - - 2 - 2 3 5 2 2 6 8 4 02 3 3 . - 8 8 - - 3 6 12 6 4 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI 03 6 6 - - 7 7 - _ 1 (SI 1 T 13 1 9 1 8 9 5 T 5 2 3 T 3 2 T - 14 04 05 7 7 - - 21 15 6 - (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 06 5 5 - - 1 1 - - 10 4 2 1 5 1 4 5 T 11 T 12 07 (S) 125 t 11 (S) 125 4 9 2 - 64 (XI 8 60 (XI 4 4 (XI 4 (XI (XI 4 669 (XI (XI (XI (XI 492 (XI (X) (XI (XI 259 (XI (XI ( XI (XI & 306 (XI (XI (XI (XI 266 (XI (XI (XI (XI 289 (XI (XI (XI (XI 115 (XI (XI (XI (XI 96 (XI (XI (XI (XI 97 (XI (X) (XI (XI 123 (XI (XI (XI 08 09 10 11 12 2 2 - - 1 1 - - 1 - 2 2 - - - - - - 13 3 3 - - 5 5 - - 14 15 8 14 3 13 9 17 2 14 14 1 1 4 - - 2 4 2 4 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 16 1 (X) 1 (X) (XI (XI 1 (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 18 9 5 9 5 - - 4 5 4 5 - - 1 (XI 4 (XI 4 (XI 2 (XI 5 (XI (S) (XI 1 (XI 1 (XI (SI (XI 2 (XI 19 20 2 2 - - 3 2 3 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 22 (X) a (XI 8 (XI (XI (XI 4 (XI 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 5 (X) (XI 8 (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI 4 (XI (XI (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 24 25 - - - - 3 3 - _ (XI 7 (XI 10 (XI 4 (XI 4 (XI 8 (XI T 4 (XI (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 27 12 12 - - (S) (SI - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 4 4 5 4 4 5 " ~ (XI 6 (XI 6 (X) (XI (XI 9 (X 1 (XI 8 3 (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI 5 2 (XI (XI 1 1 (XI (XI 5 1 (XI (XI 2 1 (XI (XI 2 1 (XI (XI 8 (SI (XI (XI 17 (SI (XI 29 30 31 32 (X) 1 (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 34 35 5 54 1 5 46 1 e - 5 7 58 5 7 54 4 ~ (XI 3 60 9 (XI 6 60 5 (XI 1 53 4 (X) 2 65 3 (XI 2 108 1 (XI 5 T 161 1 (XI (SI (SI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 37 38 39 3 T 2 4 3 2 4 - - 2 T 1 (SI 2 1 (SI - - (XI (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI 4 (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI T 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 40 41 42 1 3 1 1 3 1 - - 1 5 2 I 5 2 - - (XI (SI (XI (XI (S) (XI (XI 8 (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 44 45 2 2 - - - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 4 10 4 10 - - 5 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 - - T 6 3 (XI (SI 10 10 (XI 1 15 (XI (SI 1 (XI 5 (XI 6 (XI 5 (XI (XI T 4 (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 48 49 50 408 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms lo the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended tiacl* to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places v»hich were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing unit! in siructures wilh— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh— 2-4 units 5 units or more NORTH DAKOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. RAMSEY COUNTY DEVILS LAKE + EDMORE LAWTON VILLAGE RANSOM COUNTY LISBON RENVILLE COUNTY GLENBURN MOHALL RICHLAND COUNTY COLFAX VILLAGE HANKINSON WAHPETON + ROLETTE COUNTY DUNSEITH ROLETTE ROLLA SARGENT COUNTY FORMAN GWINNER VILLAGE MILNOR SHERIDAN COUNTY GOODRICH MCCLUSKY ' . , . . STARK COUNTY DICKINSON + RICHARDTON STEELE COUNTY FINLEY STUTSMAN COUNTY JAMESTOWN + MEDINA TOWNER COUNTY CANDO TRAILL COUNTY HATTON HILLSBORO MAYVILLE + PORTLAND WALSH COUNTY ADAMS VILLAGE GRAFTON + MINTO PARK RIVER WARD COUNTY DES LACS VILLAGE KENMARE MINOT 4- RYDER VILLAGE SURREY VILLAGE WARD COUNTYt PART OF UNINC. AREA WELLS COUNTY FESSENDEN HARVEY WILLIAMS COUNTY RAY TIOGA WILDROSE WILLISTON + AKRON SMSA PORTAGE COUNTY + AURORA TOWNSHIP. ...... AURORA VILLAGE BRADY LAKE VILLAGE . . . . GARRETTSVILLE VILLAGE. . . HIRAM VILLAGE KENT + MANTUA VILLAGE PORTAGE COUNTY UNINC. AREA RAVENNA WINDHAM VILLAGE SUMMIT COUNTY ** AKRON + BARBERTON + BOSTON HEIGHTS VILLAGE . . lot 2 200 50 65 67 3 (S) & 419 2 325 (S) 129 63 5 185 50 65 - 67 - 3 _ (S) - 29 22 2 - 321 4 (S) - 377 330 53 10 5 - 6 6 1 1 _ 3 3 9 9 23 4 14 14 9 5 - - 5 5 2 2 3 3 82 69 2 2 3 3 6 6 21 8 2 2 2 2 31 24 5 5 9 9 2 2 6 6 323 208 10 10 7 7 2 2 3 3 1 1 32 32 61 2 370 54 4 1 215 82 2 47 2 344 9 4 519 76 2 32 310 6 135 1 412 6 7 1 255 7a 1 1 6 6 (S) (SI 2 2 2 2 41 26 3 3 8 8 _ 8 8 305 216 — * 2 2 74 66 4 4 3 3 . 5 5 1 1 31 20 43 1 412 6 7 721 72 215 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 409 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing In designated year. 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing Number of housing units m structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units' Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units (X) 3 2a 1 211 (X) 3 16 (S) 5 X) (X) 7 7 1 1 50 34 18 18 18 18 (X) (X) 5 5 3 3 & 327 53 3 3 386 370 28 14 6 6 1 300 844 82 78 12 12 143 3 (X) 3 15 (X) 26 (X) 3 77 (X) 969 22 5 1 313 94 (X) 3 3 1 1 (X) (X) 6 2 39 33 2 2 10 6 107 3 (X) 3 15 24 24 2 2 4 4 1 1 13 13 298 245 2 2 53 27 4 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 11 (X) 22 73 (X) 969 22 5 1 012 66 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) T 5 IS) IX) (X) (X) 2 148 T 2 IX) T 8 IX) IX) (X) 38 IS) IX) 533 IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 78 269 28 IX) IX) 33 IX) T 2 T 2 IX) IX) IX) 32 IS) 463 145 IX) IX) 3 IS) (X) IX) IX) 2 IX) IS) (X) (X) IX) 29 2 IX) (X) 7 384 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 128 IX) 11 IX) IX) IX) 33 T - 1 324 294 IX) IX) IX) I X) 10 T 7 (X) IX) IX) 2 IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) 10 IS) IX) IX) 7 300 IX) 4 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 86 (X) 15 IX) IS) 5 IX) IX) (X) 30 5 1 280 154 vX) IX) IX) IX) 5 35 IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) 4 IX) IX) IX) 27 IS) IX) IX) 4 381 IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 93 IX) 26 IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) 72 637 197 >X) IX) (X) IX) 32 IS) IX) (X) IX) 2 73 5 (X) 6 (X) (X) IX) 20 IX) 2 245 IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) 74 IX) 14 IX) IS) IX) IX) (X) 70 IS) 445 189 16 T - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 2 IX) 6 IX) IX) IX) T 15 IX) 1 177 (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 85 IX) 29 IX) 11 (S) IX) IX) IX) 50 IX) 249 266 IX) IX) (X) IX) IS) IS) IS) IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) 10 IX) IX) IX) IS) IS) IX) IX) 2 107 (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (S) IX) 18 IX) 3 IX) IX) 64 IX) 293 289 IX) IX) IX) IX) T 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 3 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 125 IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) T - 2 IX) IX) IX) 468 254 IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 146 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 15 IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 IX) 377 247 IX) IX) IX) IX) T 9 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 7 IX) 13 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) T 5 208 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 7 IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 IX) 2 041 332 IX) 410 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing Number of housin, in structures w units th- Zi 1 unit 2-4 5 units 2-4 5 units 1 unit 2-4 5 units units units ot more units units or more units units or more OHIO—CON. AKRON St^SA — CON. SUMMIT COUNTY **— CON. 01 CLINTON VILLAGE - - . - 3 3 « _ 2 2 - - 02 CUYAHOGA FALLS +.••.. .••..•• 175 85 73 65 30 20 72 195 88 69 67 40 21 86 101 114 52 96 32 18 17 03 FAIRLA*N VILLAGE + oa GREEN TOWNSHIP 131 92 8 31 104 94 10 - 137 135 2 - 05 HUDSON VILLAGE 59 59 . - 22 22 - - 28 28 - - 06 LAKEMORE VILLAGE 8 8 - - B 4 4 - 1 1 - - 07 MUNROE FALLS VILLAGE + 34 32 2 - 46 34 - 12 64 58 - 6 na NORTHFIELD VILLAGE 100 19 _ 81 99 13 4 82 11 11 _ . 09 NORTON VILLAGE + 64 62 2 95 89 6 78 76 2 - 10 SILVER LAKE VILLAGE 15 15 - - 24 24 - - 21 21 - - 91 1 042 83 736 8 100 206 (S) 848 (S) 737 40 71 217 837 217 823 14 : 12 SUMMIT COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + « . . . 13 14 TALLMADGE -!■•..•.••■••••••• 185 T 7 125 5 60 2 - 139 100 127 92 8 12 194 17 144 17 50 - TWINSBURG VILLAGE. . CANTON SMSA STARK COUNTY 15 ALLIANCE + 21 21 - - 23 21 2 - 29 29 - - 16 CANAL FULTON VILLAGE 11 11 - - 15 15 - - 10 10 - - 17 CANTON + & 549 42 & 186 321 61 51 10 - & 183 57 & 126 * 18 CANTON TOWNSHIP 89 85 4 - 79 69 10 - 60 60 - - 19 EAST CANTON VILLAGE 3 3 - - e 6 2 - 5 5 - - 20 LAKE TOWNSHIP 86 68 18 _ 83 77 6 _ (S) (S) - - 21 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP 41 41 - - 34 34 - - 24 24 - - 22 LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP 34 32 2 - 31 31 - - 26 26 - - 23 LIMAVILLE VILLAGE - - - - - - - - - - - 24 LOUISVILLE VILLAGE ........... 36 3 26 3 10 28 24 4 28 4 24 4 4 25 MAGNOLIA VILLAGE 26 MARLBORO TOWNSHIP 20 20 - - 19 19 - - 22 22 - - 27 MASSILLON + 55 41 6 8 58 42 2 14 136 136 - - 2S MINERVA VILLAGE 14 10 4 - 13 10 3 - 8 6 2 - 29 NAVARRE VILLAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 NIMISHILLEN TOWNSHIP 71 71 _ _ 83 75 8 _ 92 88 4 - 31 NORTH CANTON VILLAGE -I- 124 60 28 36 84 82 2 - 71 69 2 - 32 OSNABURG TOWNSHIP 21 21 - - (S) (S) - . IS) (S) - - 33 PERRY TOWNSHIP + 225 193 26 6 190 154 20 16 302 216 14 72 34 PLAIN TOWNSHIP 376 252 76 48 286 286 - - (S) (S) - - 35 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP + 32 18 8 6 28 24 4 _ 22 10 12 _ 36 WAYNESBURG VILLAGE CINCINNATI 1 OHIO-KY.-INO. SMSA CLERMONT COUNTY 2 2 37 BATAVIA VILLAGE 3 3 - - 10 10 - 5 5 - - 38 CLERMONT COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + # . . 243 234 2 7 404 389 10 5 426 420 6 - 39 - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 79 12 - 67 27 7 4 16 60 30 - 30 41 NEW RICHMOND VILLAGE HAMILTON COUNTY ♦ (S) (S) 2 2 9 3 6 42 ADDYSTON VILLAGE 2 2 - - 3 3 - - - - - - 43 AMBERLEY VILLAGE + 41 41 . - 38 38 - - 30 30 - - 44 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS VILLAGE 6 - - 6 39 - - 39 - - - - 45 BLUE ASH VILLAGE + 19 19 . . 19 19 - - 41 41 - - 46 CHEVIOT + 2 2 - - 1 1 - - 4 4 - - 47 CINCINNATI + 2 978 11 316 11 158 2 504 & 3 994 4 502 4 248 & 3 244 3 719 7 489 3 533 4 2 697 48 CLEVES VILLAGE 49 DEER PARK + 3 . 3 - 3 - 3 - 12 1 11 - 50 EVENDALE VILLAGE + 16 16 - - 22 22 - - 6 8 - - 51 FAIRFAX VILLAGE 14 14 - - 15 15 - - 23 23 - - 52 GLENDALE VILLAGE 7 7 _ _ 39 7 _ 32 5 5 _ _ 53 GOLF MANOR VILLAGE 37 1 36 - 25 1 24 - 24 - 24 - 54 GREENKILLS VILLAGE -f 23 23 - - 12 12 - - 70 48 - 22 55 HAMILTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + « . . 2 473 2 163 12 298 2 336 2 155 38 143 2 831 2 593 79 159 56 HARRISON VILLAGE ■^... 38 38 14 38 ; 24 17 40 13 40 4 19 39 10 39 4 5 57 INDIAN HILL VILLAGE 58 LINCOLN HEIGHTS + 6 4 2 - 9 9 - - 23 15 8 - 59 LOCKLAND 3 1 2 . « - - - 25 - 4 21 60 LOVELAND + « 16 16 - 55 55 - - 128 128 - - 61 MADEIRA VILLAGE 24 16 8 - 12 12 - - 27 17 10 - 62 MARIEMONT VILLAGE 9 9 _ . 4 4 _ _ 3 3 - - 63 MONTGOMERY VILLAGE + 87 87 - - 77 77 - - 57 57 - - 64 MOUNT HEALTHY 4 4 . - 4 4 - - 7 5 2 - 65 NEWTON VILLAGE 63 63 - - 31 31 - - 34 34 - - 66 NORTH BEND VILLAGE 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 2 2 - ■ 67 NORTH COLLEGE HILL 3 3 _ . 1 1 _ _ 78 38 40 - 68 NORWOOD 66 5 4 57 34 11 - 23 50 11 - 39 69 READING + 175 11 4 160 37 19 - 18 (S) (S) - - 70 ST BERNARD 2 2 . . 30 2 - 28 5 1 4 - 71 SHARONVILLE VILLAGE + 275 76 - 199 90 88 2 - 213 213 - - 72 SILVERTON VILLAGE 4 1 3 _ 5 1 4 _ (S) (S) . - 73 SPRINGDALE VILLAGE 110 86 12 12 130 130 - » 44 44 - - 74 TERRACE PARK VILLAGE 5 5 . - 8 e - - 12 12 - - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 411 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicli constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. ? See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 2 2 313 245 41 41 78 78 143 23 3 3 150 150 117 53 31 31 16 16 282 282 170 1 126 103 101 (S) IS) 121 63 5 48 18 24 6 17 130 10 2 83 77 (XI 238 10 21 2 11 517 3 42 8 T 28 78 2 674 7 8 11 21 2 16 26 2 860 9 33 27 36 58 27 2 33 97 5 T 3 49 44 T 77 5 198 144 57 19 86 13 63 - 3 2 40 8 18 - 24 - 6 - 17 - 116 8 10 - 2 - 77 6 75 2 (X) (XI 220 18 10 - 19 2 2 - 7 4 513 4 - - 15 8 5 ■ 3 . 42 - . 8 28 - 1 - 504 647 3 4 _ 8 11 - 21 - 19 2 645 134 1 (XI 20 4 158 331 (X) 23 (XI 1 240 96 106 44 9 120 (X) 10 (XI (XI (XI 6 7 146 18 5 (X) 121 (XI 222 (X) 44 7 13 90S 6 170 ,XI 54 3 542 5 37 28 16 50 22 3 46 45 3 T 3 13 42 81 1 296 12 (X) 20 4 156 330 (XI 23 (XI 1 173 96 106 93 (X) 10 (X) (XI (X) 7 140 15 5 (XI 113 (XI 212 (XI 44 13 877 4 90 (XI 54 3 160 5 37 18 2 46 10 3 46 7 3 3 47 1 296 (X) 22 2 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 2 (XI 10 (X) 628 15 (XI 45 10 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 6 80 (XI T 5 290 (XI (XI 28 (XI 123 (XI T 19 (XI 1 322 T 116 (XI 113 13 120 (X) 14' (XI (XI (X) (XI 28 (X) (XI 191 13 (XI (XI 127 (XI (XI (X) (XI 7 1X1 2 50 T 4 70 102 3 007 7 (S) 112 30 5 19 52 4 818 T 46 40 (SI T 5 75 10 147 50 7 (XI 44 35 T 108 (XI (XI 16 (XI 45 2 (XI 25 (XI 1 369 133 105 15 175 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 21 (XI (X) 103 15 IXI (XI 146 (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI 10 T 30 (XI (XI 21 (XI 1 (XI (X) IB (XI I 45 1 74 136 1 449 7 32 32 1 2 50 90 3 766 97 64 (SI 13 21 16 2 128 23 6 (X) 18 88 171 2 58 T 34 (XI 33 5 361 (XI (XI 21 (XI 24 (SI (XI 36 (XI 110 (XI 161 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 38 (XI (X) 130 21 (XI (XI 123 (XI (XI (XI (X) 13 (XI 1 27 4 61 15 1 342 11 (SI 9 3 3 38 19 3 023 7 75 32 6 98 35 38 6 (XI 17 22 62 7 28 35 (X) 24 2 411 (XI (XI 17 (XI 12 (XI (XI 38 (XI (XI 131 (X) 78 (XI 200 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 (XI (XI 149 31 (XI (X) 86 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 14 (XI 2 (XI 5 25 2 80 11 111 6 27 5 9 72 3 463 169 67 T 41 4 109 36 11 109 31 3 (X) T 64 11 80 99 (X) 20 3 667 35 (XI 24 (XI (X) 48 (X) (X) 146 (XI 118 (X) 482 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 33 (XI (XI 115 21 (X) (XI 79 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 14 (X) 3 80 (XI 20 1 120 6 36 5 (S) 6 30 122 3 420 12 93 54 7 198 84 9 98 30 3 (XI 131 31 55 6 32 80 (XI 31 (XI (X) 30 (XI 20 (XI (XI 32 (XI IXI 212 (XI 102 (XI 263 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 (X) (XI 101 23 (XI (XI 57 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 10 105 (X) 3 1 540 12 23 49 114 3 214 17 79 58 14 55 200 16 22 76 11 (XI 190 25 T 124 4 23 100 (XI 23 T 1 549 (XI (XI 22 (XI 28 (XI (XI 43 (XI (XI 110 (XI 86 (XI 292 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 28 (X) (XI 139 22 (XI (XI 56 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 (XI 3 82 4 (XI 23 1 613 6 85 4 (XI 7 15 82 2 734 30 80 73 16 24 172 27 22 (XI 90 27 198 29 79 (XI 22 3 633 33 (XI 13 (XI (XI 68 (XI (XI 123 IXI 104 (XI 332 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 (XI (X) 198 12 (XI (XI 73 (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (X) 5 (XI 33 (XI 2 (XI 3 (XI 40 1 331 11 91 (XI (XI 24 (XI (XI 2 035 16 69 (XI 2 (XI 174 42 T 27 21 (X) (XI 163 27 199 31 2 105 (XI (X) (XI 23 (XI 5 (XI IXI 75 IXI (XI 90 (XI 87 (XI 499 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 23 (X) IX) 126 11 (XI (X) 79 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI ( S) (XI 40 (XI (X) 2 (X) 93 3 793 3 26 (X) (X) 13 (X) (X) 2 246 19 66 (X) 27 (X) 180 73 12 28 IXI (X) 216 39 30 26 12 75 IXI 18 IX) IX) 17 IX) 15 IX) IXI 71 IXI IXI 132 IXI 139 1X1 517 IX) IX) IX) (X) (XI (X) 29 (XI (XI 142 14 1X1 IXl 128 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 (XI (XI 4 (XI 107 2 349 14 42 (XI (X) 15 (XI (XI 1 797 12 45 (XI 11 (XI 116 93 20 69 (XI (XI 240 45 101 29 32 134 1X1 23 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 412 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 "i Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- '-J 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 OHIO — CON. CINCINNATI. OHIO-KY.-IND. SI^SA— CON. HAMILTON COUNTY * — CON. WOOOLAWN VILLAGE *........•.• 8 60 77 25 1 101 5 43 395 19 37 24 11 175 3 27 13 31 11 2 45 26 3 6 168 5 11 79 1 7 5 35 229 5 7 276 24 24 10 3 11 17 94 365 52 348 1 185 2 69 85 99 16 231 63 & 1 495 31 45 1 T 155 1 671 86 270 8 60 77 16 1 42 5 35 388 16 1 37 22 11 91 3 24 1 31 11 45 26 3 6 31 5 9 23 1 7 5 35 149 5 5 276 24 24 1 1 7 17 94 66 28 278 1 153 2 69 85 99 16 170 29 371 21 45 1 94 86 90 42 8 7 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 22 2 2 4 2 37 2 32 52 17 80 8 137 56 58 9 299 24 70 30 61 34 & 1 087 10 153 1 545 128 10 68 116 21 T 1 62 7 35 T 62 354 27 43 12 8 47 7 31 6 30 12 3 5 84 34 293 5 28 9 8 2 216 2 5 41 140 7 30 197 10 31 1 5 7 12 76 73 84 56 1 315 146 386 68 4 137 (S) 2 840 26 52 11 718 705 237 418 10 66 116 _ 15 1 50 7 35 60 339 21 43 12 8 45 3 31 2 30 8 3 5 72 20 5 5 28 9 8 2 30 2 5 14 106 7 30 197 10 23 1 5 3 10 76 73 36 56 1 154 106 70 38 4 53 (S) 413 22 50 1 2 83 101 101 2 6 12 2 15 5 2 4 4 4 4 12 8 4 2 2 10 16 28 4 2 10 4 50 2 20 8 14 288 186 27 22 46 151 24 316 30 84 2 399 712 572 134 297 6 71 66 3 148 74 10 32 88 344 22 48 29 11 54 4 51 9 26 9 2 6 66 26 & 55 4 25 21 4 2 36 7 23 76 7 18 61 5 20 5 3 10 89 88 193 83 2 419 1 280 262 76 8 128 121 & 2 069 188 28 10 246 601 175 389 6 71 66 3 136 58 10 32 88 341 16 48 21 6 48 4 51 4 26 9 2 6 58 26 5 4 23 21 4 2 24 7 23 60 7 10 61 5 16 5 3 10 81 59 41 83 2 ISO 1 78 56 74 8 128 9 508 29 28 8 2 101 143 97 16 3 6 6 8 2 4 16 8 4 8 4 30 53 2 & 200 2 26 24 12 8 5 5 & 50 8 29 148 239 149 206 112 1 361 159 244 474 32 268 03 WARREN COUNTY CARi i=;lf village ••■••■.•.... 04 CORWIN VILLAGE ..•...••...•. 06 HARVEYSBURG VILLAGE. .......... 08 09 10 MASON VILLAGE -(-. ............ SOUTH LEBANON VILLAGE SPRINGBORO VILLAGE .... 11 12 13 (VARREN COUNTY UNINC. AREA + WAYNESVILLE VILLAGE. .......... ( INDIANA) DEARBORN COUNTY DEARBORN COUNTY UNINC. AREA 15 LAWRENCEBURG .............. (KENTUCKY) BOONE COUNTY 17 WALTON ..... 18 CAMPBELL COUNTY ** ALEXANDRIA ............... 19 BELLEVUE ................ 20 21 22 23 CAMPBELL COUNTY UNINC. AREA COLD SPRING CRESTVIEW DAYTON ..•..........•••• 25 HIGHLAND HEIGHTS ............ 26 27 NEWPORT SILVER GROVE 31 KENTON COUNTY ** BROMLEY. ................ 32 33 34 COVINGTON CRESCENT SPRINGS CRESTVIEW HILLS. ............ 35 EDGEWOOD ................ 37 ERLANGER + 40 41 42 43 44 45 KENTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA KENTON VALE LAKESIDE PARK LOOKOUT HEIGHTS LUDLOW PARK HILLS 47 TAYLOR MILL 48 WINSTON PARK 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 CLEVELAND SMSA CUYAHOGA COUNTY ** BAY VILLAGE + BEACHWOOD + BEDFORD + BEDFORD HEIGHTS -l- BENTLEYVILLE VILLAGE BEREA + BRATENAHL VILLAGE BRECKSVILLE + BROADVIEW HEIGHTS + BROOKLYN + BROOK PARK -f CHAGRIN FALLS VILLAGE CLEVELAND + CLEVELAND HEIGHTS + ... 64 65 66 67 68 69 CUYAHOGA COUNTY UNINC. AREA + CUYAHOGA HEIGHTS VILLAGE EAST CLEVELAND + EUCLID + FAIRVIEW PARK + GARFIELD HEIGHTS + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 413 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the souice lot the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ■ See Appendix C-2 lot statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number ol public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total E number in structures will' — number in structures wilt — number number number number number number numbei number number numbei c of of ol of of of ol of of of ol of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Jj units units or more units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units H 11 13 13 2b 16 154 55 51 15 23 34 29 43 01 51 51 - - 38 38 - - 73 54 46 64 95 65 53 59 83 78 02 97 97 (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 10 10 . - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 04 122 122 - - 157 149 - 8 136 31 T 27 T 4 117 37 26 28 15 32 05 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 V2 64 8 - 126 126 - - 24 28 30 41 42 78 30 29 36 32 07 «6 46 _ _ 48 46 2 _ 199 (SI 5 11 9 19 (S) 55 (SI (SI 08 27 27 - _ 1 1 . - 1 1 (SI T 6 T 71 19 (SI (X) (X) (X) 09 121 121 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 363 359 4 . 506 502 4 _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 7 7 ■ " 6 2 4 15 5 3 11 4 11 9 10 8 12 m» 44 (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 ( X 1 ( X ) ( ■/ ) ( V ) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 21 21 - . 31 29 2 - 35 20 15 15 20 21 (S) (XI (XI (XI 14 19 19 ■ ■ (S) (S) ■ (S) 5 21 9 17 T 10 (XI (X) (X) (XI 15 70 70 T 64 60 4 71 (S) 91 103 (XI 82 44 34 31 16 6 6 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 17 25 25 . (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 18 1 1 . _ 6 6 _ _ T 5 - 2 15 16 31 21 20 (SI (S) 19 63 63 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 20 13 13 _ . 1 1 _ _ 20 18 9 10 10 6 (S) (XI (XI (XI 21 4 4 - - 6 6 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 22 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 1 2 4 3 9 9 2 1 6 23 78 64 14 - 67 67 - - 78 104 127 147 194 184 168 110 98 113 24 25 25 . _ 1 1 _ _ 30 26 44 25 44 28 47 37 37 56 25 16 16 - . 10 10 _ . 14 14 12 32 46 34 58 & 398 35 39 26 (S) (S) - - 3 3 - - (S) 4 2 4 20 9 (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 42 42 _ _ 37 37 _ _ 3 5 2 9 11 14 27 18 4 8 28 4 4 . _ 10 10 _ _ T 8 - - (SI ~ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 29 2 2 - - - - T - - - 1 1 5 ~ (XI (XI (XI 30 1 1 1 . . . 1 4 6 (SI 31 37 37 - _ 43 43 . _ 16 18 16 34 41 17 30 & 453 36 22 32 _ _ - . . (XI (XI (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 - _ - _ _ . . - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 34 (S) (S) - - 6 4 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 34 34 _ _ 59 59 _ _ 50 29 50 44 45 45 9 (X) (X) (XI 36 162 86 76 - 78 66 12 . 100 112 112 125 115 64 64 64 63 70 37 2 2 _ _ 7 7 _ » 29 7 15 4 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 32 26 6 - 28 22 6 - 13 2 17 12 22 26 43 24 19 23 39 (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 1 1 _ . . _ _ _ _ _ T - _ (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 41 8 8 _ _ 7 7 _ . 15 21 30 29 43 32 30 36 69 49 42 17 17 . _ 24 22 2 _ 24 25 22 1 2 7 - (X) (X) (XI 43 1 1 . _ 1 1 _ 8 8 7 1 6 6 8 20 T 11 (SI 44 11 1 10 - 47 1 2 44 10 12 36 14 53 39 46 65 74 76 45 4 4 _ _ 7 5 2 „ 13 14 24 21 11 25 30 23 42 54 46 20 20 - _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 47 " ■ ■ ■ 4 1 3 " T - 1 3 3 2 9 5 (SI T - 48 84 84 104 104 113 103 207 89 262 447 292 204 208 375 49 123 67 . 56 80 76 4 - 96 131 122 147 263 142 120 91 165 T HO 50 126 50 10 66 43 43 - _ T 94 T 116 227 238 321 138 284 132 118 198 51 312 150 . 162 339 319 _ 20 472 186 46 26 (S) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 52 - - - 2 2 - - 4 4 3 5 3 3 3 T 3 T 6 (SI 53 174 118 20 36 229 201 28 _ 308 196 121 177 525 228 (SI (SI 121 151 54 1 1 - . 1 1 . _ 2 4 4 1 14 5 5 3 3 2 55 159 95 - 64 77 77 . . 91 82 92 115 105 74 75 71 85 64 56 183 97 - 86 T 78 78 - - 61 82 T 80 150 211 105 83 74 79 T 88 57 224 120 - 104 140 89 2 49 101 109 130 165 95 122 T 139 98 155 251 58 3 3 . _ 1 1 . . 2 3 4 7 7 11 3 8 27 65 59 374 260 - 114 1 912 1 797 8 107 1 505 992 326 148 - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 60 24 8 . 16 5 5 _ _ 10 19 12 19 25 21 30 19 9 15 61 & 2 340 479 122 & 1 739 & 1 672 720 65 S 887 1 241 839 & 2 087 1 456 2 004 1 655 & 2 219 2 567 1 683 2 913 62 145 33 - 112 295 34 5 256 94 194 336 134 196 136 136 258 330 352 63 33 33 _ _ 68 68 _ _ 132 70 44 30 49 26 35 46 65 107 64 7 7 . _ 15 1 14 - 11 1 4 5 6 8 5 5 T 2 T 9 65 45 5 4 36 351 5 . 346 T 64 56 92 71 246 114 51 55 13 63 66 299 115 20 164 372 141 10 221 218 307 338 530 575 658 710 836 953 1 379 67 100 100 - - 294 103 72 119 124 49 103 90 262 236 186 115 193 375 68 414 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the hgures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical lishng by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "gy.O to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +Thls Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in stiuctuies with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1962 Total number of housing . units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more OHIO— CON. CLEVELAND SMSA— CON. CUYAHOGA COUNTY *♦ — CON. GATES MILLS VILLAGE GLENWILLOW VILLAGE HIGHLAND HEIGHTS VILLAGE + . HUNTING VALLEY VILLAGE . . . INDEPENDENCE -I- LAKEWOOD + LINNDALE VILLAGE LYNDHURST ♦ MAPLE HEIGHTS -I- MAYFIELD HEIGHTS + MAYFIELD VILLAGE + MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS -^ . . . . NEWBuRGH HEIGHTS VILLAGE . . NORTH OLMSTEAD + NORTH RANDALL VILLAGE. . . . NORTH ROYALTON + OAKWOOD VILLAGE OLMSTED FALLS VILLAGE. . . . ORANGE VILLAGE PARKVIEW VILLAGE PARMA -I- PARMA HEIGHTS + PEPPER PIKE VILLAGE +, . . . RICHMOND HEIGHTS + ROCKY RIVER + SEVEN HILLS VILLAGE +. . . . SHAKER HEIGHTS + SOUTH EUCLID + STRONGSVILLE VILLAGE + . . . UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS + . . . . VALLEY VIEW VILLAGE WALTON HILLS VILLAGE .... WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS + . . . WESTLAKE + WESTVIEW VILLAGE WOODMERE VILLAGE GEAUGA COUNTY * AQUILLA VILLAGE CHARDON VILLAGE + GEAUGA COUNTY REMAINING AREA SOUTH RUSSELL VILLAGE +. . . LAKE COUNTY ** EASTLAKE + KIRTLAND HILLS VILLAGE . . . LAKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + U LAKELINE VILLAGE MADISON VILLAGE MENTOR-ON-THE-LAKE VILLAGE + MENTOR VILLAGE NORTH PERRY VILLAGE PAINESVILLE + PERRY VILLAGE » WAITE HILL VILLAGE WICKLIFFE + WILLOUGHBY + WILLOUGHBY HILLS VILLAGE . . WILLOWICK + MEDINA COUNTY BRIARWOOD BEACH VILLAGE. . . CHIPPEWA-ON-THE-LAKE VILLAGE GRANGER TOWNSHIP LEROY VILLAGE MEDINA + MEDINA COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. SEVILLE VILLAGE SPENCER VILLAGE WADSWORTH COLUMBUS SMSA DELAWARE COUNTY ASHLEY VILLAGE BERKSHIRE TOWNSHIP BROWN TOWNSHIP , DELAWARE GALENA VILLAGE LIBERTY TOWNSHIP ORANGE TOWNSHIP POWELL VILLAGE SUNBURY VILLAGE FRANKLIN COUNTY * BEXLEY 17 1 16 6 27 342 1 98 153 382 27 208 5 1 179 95 66 11 6 7 91 687 294 56 58 297 130 25 104 92 24 8 11 710 57 54 30 21 295 12 256 1 21 385 111 184 18 177 1 98 101 128 27 194 1 486 64 11 6 7 91 427 107 56 58 37 130 25 48 70 19 8 11 77 41 34 6 5 295 12 193 1 8 21 244 12 12 11 11 143 73 185 185 5 5 1 1 76 55 1 1 8 8 IS) (S) 127 82 21 21 23 21 1 1 (S) (SI 22 5 332 48 240 12 693 95 224 185 260 56 609 14 141 160 154 84 23 1 56 2 22 1 460 2 227 320 363 32 293 3 1 312 98 90 18 11 12 152 500 411 39 380 112 154 152 137 148 29 8 23 470 162 6 245 3 285 28 451 2 374 121 747 3 119 69 203 22 137 2 2 (S) 4 78 191 3 1 39 23 1 56 2 22 7 131 132 126 17 155 3 464 2 88 18 11 12 152 463 105 39 82 47 152 35 66 126 14 8 23 31 50 6 3 3 285 28 206 2 226 73 284 3 79 2 2 (S) 4 55 191 3 1 39 96 188 233 15 138 825 96 11 286 298 65 111 69 439 108 245 148 48 463 156 84 45 27 2 59 1 20 692 99 121 105 25 181 2 94 14 3 7 114 595 628 53 80 560 150 49 126 102 21 17 44 217 75 7 40 1 25 345 28 226 2 546 40 66 170 5 117 3 173 394 25 65 3 2 7 3 S3 230 2 2 29 27 2 59 1 20 11 99 81 83 25 110 4 310 2 94 14 3 7 114 523 138 47 80 82 150 25 74 98 19 17 44 53 39 7 4 1 25 345 28 194 2 486 111 41 25 65 3 2 7 3 53 228 2 2 19 2 2 ■9 9 10 10 51 35 IS) (S) 13 13 40 464 164 36 62 345 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 415 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. /• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: '•-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total numbei in structures with- number of in structures with- number numbei number of number of number of number of number of numbei of number of number of of of of c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 unils housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing tiousing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units 22 22 22 22 29 20 17 23 14 13 16 T 14 (SI (SI 01 - - - - 3 3 - - 1 1 1 5 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 121 121 - - 243 243 - - 142 32 23 89 115 70 65 73 45 T 15 03 3 3 - - 6 6 - - 8 3 10 8 8 6 5 3 5 7 04 59 59 . _ 47 47 . _ T 47 52 89 124 131 97 104 114 111 144 05 555 18 2 535 187 11 4 172 386 627 33 49 43 56 46 293 46 383 06 2 - 2 - - - - - _ 1 2 - 1 - - 2 (SI (S) 07 107 23 - 84 24 24 - - 75 102 126 396 436 285 227 289 265 346 08 253 96 14 143 200 80 - 120 202 359 320 284 527 495 326 419 691 726 09 281 65 - 216 371 227 _ 144 T 134 258 249 80 80 136 215 148 442 454 10 32 32 - - 67 67 - - 76 19 44 47 42 51 33 23 34 32 11 169 97 6 66 144 144 - - 94 80 113 191 185 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 - - - - - - - - 1 18 13 12 7 - 3 3 1 5 13 352 352 - - 170 170 - - 198 285 192 370 414 328 298 200 170 226 14 2 2 - - 2 2 _ . 26 13 21 30 23 20 15 16 5 6 15 126 76 2 48 129 129 - - T 127 136 212 239 242 129 HO 89 87 80 16 12 12 - - 12 12 - - T 10 10 9 13 (SI (SI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 17 8 8 - - 15 15 - - 22 10 16 20 36 36 30 22 27 39 18 17 17 - - 19 19 - - (S) (S) (S) 25 T 26 39 T 32 (SI (S) (Si 19 79 79 . _ 25 25 _ _ 21 13 18 28 48 T S3 45 44 (SI (S) 20 391 339 44 8 504 450 54 - 821 1 222 1 254 995 1 414 1 724 1 464 1 704 1 669 2 087 21 347 179 74 94 477 373 10 94 309 183 255 540 574 459 403 321 380 600 22 50 50 - - 86 86 - - 81 69 82 94 110 87 65 46 43 37 23 124 124 - - 123 123 - - 128 134 (SI T 194 - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 177 91 _ 86 216 107 2 107 316 126 433 313 345 255 180 176 245 224 25 89 85 4 - 198 196 2 - 335 96 133 125 123 129 106 67 89 131 26 198 23 24 151 75 40 2 33 216 194 264 344 318 402 319 528 482 467 27 128 112 16 - 211 137 6 68 82 81 96 187 319 443 431 577 592 809 28 159 153 6 - 222 215 7 - 250 212 223 24 1 167 133 75 100 89 (SI 29 20 20 - - 17 17 . _ 51 42 97 229 183 254 229 149 135 229 30 21 21 - - 14 14 - - 132 (SI (SI T 10 11 10 9 8 7 12 31 36 36 - - 21 21 - - (S) (SI (SI T 27 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 169 39 - 130 255 77 _ 178 280 264 151 256 (S) T 68 58 281 240 202 33 55 51 4 - 99 92 - 7 177 186 315 229 309 273 271 236 211 195 34 9 9 - _ 12 12 _ _ T 11 T 8 15 37 32 26 15 15 29 8 35 2 2 ~ - 4 4 - - (SI (SI (S) T 2 T 3 (SI T 7 (S) T - (S) 36 _ _ _ _ 1 1 . . (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI txi 37 16 8 - 8 12 12 . - (S) (S) (S) (SI 27 21 (SI (XI (X) (XI 38 423 423 - - 404 399 - 5 570 636 621 'SI - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 33 33 ■ ■ 49 49 - - 58 32 43 40 27 30 19 13 21 (SI 40 316 114 42 160 66 66 . . T 58 47 95 151 215 171 (S) 140 (S) (SI 41 - - - - 5 5 _ - 4 4 T 1 5 2 (SI 4 - - T - 42 695 632 - 63 662 638 16 8 730 604 694 732 928 751 690 699 640 761 43 - . - - - - . - T - T - 4 2 3 4 10 - 3 - 44 81 81 - - 4 4 - - 5 7 4 11 6 8 4 3 8 T 2 45 61 61 . . 134 134 . _ 110 127 53 30 29 25 20 14 21 13 46 136 69 1 66 107 77 8 22 T 35 26 54 65 78 83 89 49 35 30 47 5 5 - - 6 6 - . (S) (SI (SI (SI T 5 T 7 2 4 (SI (S) 48 99 39 - 60 38 24 14 - 61 46 45 48 70 70 69 75 137 132 49 8 8 - - 2 2 - - 11 3 1 5 5 5 1 (SI (SI (S) 50 . _ - . - _ _ 2 1 5 5 3 1 2 4 T 1 2 51 184 92 12 80 417 224 4 189 269 464 (SI T 267 594 246 389 281 164 93 52 38 36 2 - 179 45 6 128 51 50 127 203 185 528 129 83 T 60 (SI 53 17 17 - - 19 19 - - 34 34 35 57 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 54 144 84 ~ 60 157 157 - - 243 262 481 711 609 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 4 4 _ . 1 1 . (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 1 1 - - 1 1 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 8 8 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 58 3 3 - - 3 3 _ - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) {XI 59 55 55 - - 63 39 6 18 138 182 69 82 55 66 76 26 73 50 60 243 237 6 _ 286 280 6 _ 421 544 842 1 053 734 334 254 253 222 (S) 61 2 2 - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 62 2 2 - - 1 1 . - 1 2 7 - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 63 33 29 4 24 18 6 47 71 76 91 153 95 103 102 102 89 64 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 65 10 10 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 66 3 3 - - (X> (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 67 50 34 6 10 30 30 - 44 54 79 94 51 49 (X) (X) (XI (XI 68 * - - - - - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 69 14 14 . (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 70 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 71 - - - - - _ - - T 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 72 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 73 416 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the hgures for the same SMSA shov^n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 ^ s Total number of housing units Numbei of housini in structures wi units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units m structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 0.2 03 OHIO— CON. COLUMBUS SMSA — COI^l. FRANKLIN COUNTY * — CON- CANAL WINCHESTER VILLAGE COLUMBUS -!-••••■•••••••••■ (S) 5 130 3 1 305 285 68 179 7 8 1 21 (S) 16 66 3 259 2 1 156 89 198 1 51 5 4 3 5 t 12 23 388 657 154 167 & 45 23 2 4 6 1 120 126 1 37 116 40 28 141 1 & 2 201 118 17 14 727 102 2 867 7 38 24 3 74 119 105 116 17 (S) 2 637 3 1 072 285 4 105 7 4 1 21 (SI 16 50 3 247 2 1 120 37 198 1 39 3 4 3 5 4 5 12 2 228 596 162 65 23 21 2 4 6 1 120 126 1 16 99 34 22 141 1 126 118 17 10 355 80 1 919 7 28 8 3 38 119 99 116 17 481 70 58 4 16 12 16 12 6 2 10 10 8 2 8 & 22 2 21 6 & 535 4 4 16 171 4 16 36 2 012 163 64 16 20 40 6 11 150 53 94 17 6 1 540 368 6 777 6 6 T 6 & 6 755 6 1 1 914 391 4 185 23 3 11 5 16 14 71 3 260 4 118 524 211 S 56 5 3 2 8 5 6 15 3 471 584 186 91 28 25 2 1 8 4 104 97 2 32 116 38 27 115 1 & 2 109 135 20 9 653 171 1 855 1 62 13 1 1 69 53 92 88 (SI 6 3 074 6 1 1 442 311 4 125 17 3 1 16 12 53 3 250 4 77 25 195 5 48 5 3 2 8 5 6 15 3 225 584 178 89 20 25 2 1 8 4 104 97 2 18 97 30 27 85 1 190 127 20 9 424 108 1 663 1 56 11 1 1 42 53 78 86 (SI 653 60 80 60 6 4 2 18 10 41 185 16 78 8 2 3 14 8 8 308 8 45 50 46 6 2 27 2 2 & 3 028 412 11 314 8 168 5 11 30 & 1 611 184 13 146 12 3 5 704 3 8 1 328 385 20 428 9 1 31 17 1 15 200 250 3 1 100 264 97 1 54 5 3 1 8 3 12 20 8 127 589 2 254 76 22 21 4 1 1 6 2 83 96 2 15 104 67 95 125 1 031 104 12 12 723 127 1 819 1 63 12 1 84 T 69 113 75 27 3 3 172 3 8 1 252 385 252 5 1 27 17 1 13 192 225 3 1 64 61 95 1 54 5 3 1 8 3 12 20 3 124 589 242 76 14 21 4 1 1 6 2 83 96 2 15 90 55 91 121 188 99 12 12 515 60 1 665 1 63 12 I 71 69 113 65 25 1 034 52 8 110 4 4 2 8 15 12 52 2 3 2 4 8 6 4 4 _ 332 49 67 no 13 10 2 1 498 24 12 66 10 24 151 5 8 8 6 6 511 5 159 24 DARBYDALE VILLAGE. ••••••••••• 04 DUBLIN VILLAGE •• 05 06 07 08 FRANKLIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA + GAHANNA VILLAGE -f GRANDVlEW HEIGHTS + GROVE CITY + 10 HARRISBURG VILLAGE ••••••••••• 12 LOCKBOUPNE VILLAGE 14 MINERVA PARK VILLAGE ••■••••••• 15 16 17 18 19 20 NEW ALBANY VILLAGE NEW ROME VILLAGE REYNOLDSBURG VILLAGE + RIVERLEA VILLAGE ypp£R ARLINGTON -!-•••■•••••••• 2 1 URBANCRE5T VILLAGE •••■••••■•• 23 24 WHITEHALL +••••••••••••••• PICKAIKAY COUNTY 27 CIRCLEVILLE ■(-•••••••••••••• 26 29 30 HARRISON TOWNSHIP MADISON TOWNSHIP NEW HOLLAND VILLAGE. •••••••••• 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SOUTH BLOOMFIELD VILLAGE WALNUT TOWNSHIP DAYTON SMSA GREENE COUNTY ♦* BELLBROOK VILLAGE CEDARVILLE VILLAGE FAIRBORN -f GREENE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + SPRING VALLEY VILLAGE 4 1 XENIA TOWNSHIP ..*..••*•.••. 42 43 44 45 46 YELLOW SPRINGS VILLAGE + MIAMI COUNTY *» BETHEL TOWNSHIP BRAFORD VILLAGE CASSTOWN VILLAGE COVINGTON VILLAGE 49 50 51 52 MIAMI COUNTY I PART OF UNINC. AREA + «, . PIOUA + PLEASANT HILL VILLAGE TIPP CITY VILLAGE + 54 55 WEST MILTON VILLAGE MONTGOMERY COUNTY *♦ BROOKVILLE VILLAGE + 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 CENTERVILLE VILLAGE -f CLAYTON VILLAGE DAYTON * ENGLEWOOD VILLAGE GERMAN TOWNSHIP GERMANTOWN VILLAGE KETTERING + M MIAMISBURG + MONTGOMERY COUNTY UNINC. AREA + MORAINE VILLAGE NEW LEBANON VILLAGE OAKWOOD PHILLIPSBURG VILLAGE RIVERSIDE VILLAGE 71 72 73 74 UNION VILLAGE + VANDALIA + WEST CARROLLTON VILLAGE + PREBLE COUNTY EATON VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 417 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ,« See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more Ihan 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Total ■f number of in structures wilh - number of in structures wilt — number ol number of numbei of number of number of number of number of number of number of number of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 4 4 2 2 (S) (S) (SI (S> (S) 15 4 13 6 (S) 01 & n 343 3 014 370 8 959 & 3 733 2 617 152 & 964 & 4 838 s 5 669 2 972 2 967 2 290 1 866 2 113 1 712 1 811 4 549 02 12 12 - - 4 4 - - (S) (S) T 3 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 03 6 6 - - 7 7 - - 2 6 8 8 33 6 2 6 T 3 T - 04 1 174 1 138 36 . 712 712 _ _ 1 215 & 1 524 887 1 737 2 347 3 546 2 642 1 729 1 184 2 065 05 3tO 328 12 - T 135 115 20 - (S) T 55 48 55 IS) IS) (S) IS) 13 12 06 2 2 - - 2 2 - - T 76 2 1 14 IS) (S) 73 28 25 (S) 07 144 127 17 - 87 73 8 6 193 79 71 399 521 191 33 31 25 26 08 3 1 2 - 3 3 - - (S) 7 4 19 13 52 (S) (X) (X) IX) 09 . . _ _ 10 10 _ . 2 _ _ 4 2 1 (S) (X) (X) (X) 10 75 65 10 - 89 85 4 - 165 199 112 166 316 36 (S) (X) (X) (X) 11 - - - - - - - - _ - - - S IS) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 12 23 1 5 17 43 - 3 40 . 1 2 2 3 24 12 2 2 5 13 11 11 - - 10 10 - - 37 34 20 23 28 22 (S) (X) (X) (X) 14 1 1 . _ 1 1 _ _ T 1 1 _ (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 15 - - - - 3 - 3 - (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) 16 8 8 - - 13 9 4 - 11 6 15 26 7 IS) (S) IS) (S) (S) 17 155 147 - 8 T 337 316 - 21 (SI 238 210 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 6 2 2 - 12 6 11 23 15 18 19 285 221 50 14 246 2 36 10 _ 426 490 500 507 646 386 207 252 321 505 20 4 4 - - 2 2 - - 2 6 18 17 6 8 (S) (X) (X) (X) 21 - - - - 2 2 - - 1 5 1 (S) 11 (X) (X) ( X) IX) (X) 22 71 67 4 - 63 61 2 - 145 100 83 165 (S) IS) 40 36 14 18 23 89 85 4 - 29 29 - - 223 199 111 279 343 341 (S) (X) (X) (X) 24 65 65 ■ ■ 64 56 8 - 205 256 T 116 177 66 T 37 52 39 34 56 25 5 5 _ _ 1 1 . . (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 26 62 62 - - 50 50 - - 87 66 40 32 93 75 (S) (X) (X) (X) 27 2 2 ~ - (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 29 5 5 " - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) IX) 30 _ _ . . (S) (S) _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 31 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 33 8 8 (X) (X) (X) tX) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 34 17 17 4 4 T 23 25 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 35 3 3 - - 4 4 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 36 67 55 12 - 235 211 - 24 206 348 203 219 63 679 506 127 T 103 29 37 651 651 - - 493 493 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) 38 1 1 - - - - - - (S) (S) - 1 - 5 (S) (X) (X) (X) 39 99 91 _ 8 & 102 94 & 8 _ 80 352 371 674 110 69 44 122 92 46 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 41 36 20 ■ 16 24 24 - - 48 54 36 29 41 20 23 22 17 18 42 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) I X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 43 3 3 - - 2 2 - - (S) (S) (S) (S) 6 3 9 3 - 3 44 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 5 45 2 2 - - 4 4 _ - (S) (S) T 6 11 5 23 8 5 7 14 46 21 21 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 47 1 1 - _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) I X ) (X) (X) (X) 48 88 88 - - 62 62 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 49 87 87 - - 79 77 2 - 53 43 32 91 62 190 99 89 64 91 50 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 3 - 1 2 4 T 3 IS) (X) (X) (X) 51 28 28 - - 55 55 - - 62 18 34 43 50 49 23 7 12 14 52 91 83 8 . 166 166 _ _ 192 132 96 93 108 119 103 70 68 61 53 31 27 4 - 15 15 - - 36 28 37 29 35 17 IS) (XI (X) (X) 54 11 11 _ . 7 7 . . T 75 14 9 18 29 31 17 14 24 T 14 55 169 169 - - 122 122 _ - 264 231 35 31 5 24 T 15 7 42 52 56 1 1 - - 4 4 - - (S) 2 1 2 2 2 T 4 15 T 6 1 57 444 201 Ill 132 395 239 87 69 370 & 705 342 670 1 389 894 1 008 730 1 141 1 743 58 156 150 6 - 66 66 - - 43 30 22 18 12 7 1 2 T 1 4 59 73 73 - _ (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) 60 15 15 - - 14 14 - - 7 16 17 34 23 10 64 65 20 27 61 689 542 92 55 741 721 20 - 994 521 447 1 128 1 391 2 523 c,QO (X) (X) (X) 62 137 67 46 24 102 74 22 6 71 74 88 201 120 54 61 42 104 90 63 1 632 1 590 8 34 1 945 1 923 10 12 2 376 2 227 1 872 2 918 4 708 2 193 2 825 2 670 T 4 014 2 141 64 - _ . . _ _ _ _ (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) (X) 65 122 118 4 - (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) 66 20 9 11 - 7 7 - - 10 10 18 25 24 50 29 27 72 144 67 2 2 - - 6 4 2 - 4 2 4 7 3 2 (S) (X) (X) (X) 68 - - - - - - - - (S) (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 69 77 69 8 _ 55 55 _ . 157 189 124 253 120 7 T 19 5 T 20 (S) 70 86 86 - - 64 64 - - IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 71 114 111 3 - 121 115 6 - T 101 T 48 48 33 325 36 19 43 38 T 11 72 125 125 50 50 (S) 51 (S) 13 26 22 (SI (S) T 12 T 111 73 418 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, •*97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1984 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 5 units units or more 19S3 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 OHIO — CON. DAYTOt>J SMSA — CON. PREBLE COUNTY — CON. LEwISBURG VILLAGE NEW PARIS VILLAGE PREBLE COUNTYi JMIMC. AREA PLUS HAMILTON-MIDDLETOWN SMSA BUTLER COUNTY * BUTLER COUNTYi REMAINING AREA +. . . . FAIRFIELD + HAMILTON * MIDDLETOWN + MONROE VILLAGE NEW MIAMI VILLAGE. OXFORD VILLAGE TRENTON VILLAGE + HUNTINGTON-ASHLAND. W. VA.-KY.-OHIO SMSA. (SEE WEST VIRGINIA) ALLEN COUNTY AMERICAN TOWNSHIP BEAVERDAM VILLAGE. BLUFFTON VILLAGE . DELPHOS ELIDA VILLAGE. . . FORT SHAWNEE VILLAGE LIMA + PERRY TOWNSHIP . . . LORAIN-ELYRIA SMSA LORAIN COUNTY ** AMHERST TOWNSHIP . AMHERST VILLAGE +. AVON VILLAGE . . . AVON LAKE VILLAGE BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP. BROWNHELM TOWNSHIP CARLISLE TOWNSHIP + COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP + EATON TOWNSHIP . . ELYRIA + ELYRIA TOWNSHIP. . . . GRAFTON TOWNSHIP . . . GRAFTON VILLAGE. . . . HENRIETTA TOWNSHIP . . HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP*. KIPTON VILLAGE LAGRANGE VILLAGE .... LORAIN + NORTH RIDGEVILLE VILLAGE OBERLIN PENFIELD TOWNSHIP. . PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP. RUSSIA TOWNSHIP. . . SHEFFIELD TOWNSHIP . SHEFFIELD VILLAGE. . SHEFFIELD LAKE # . . . SOUTH AMHERST VILLAGE. WELLINGTON VILLAGE . . SPRINGFIELD SMSA CLARK COUNTY ** CLARK COUNTY UNINC. AREA .... CRYSTAL LAKES ENON VILLAGE LAWRENCEVILLE VILLAGE MOOREFIELD & PT SPRINGFIELD TWPS NEW CARLISLE VILLAGE . NORTH HAMPTON VILLAGE. SPRINGFIELD ■^ STEUBENVILLE-WEIRTONi OHIO-W.VA. SMSA JEFFERSON COUNTY ADENA VILLAGE MINGO JUNCTION VILLAGE MOUNT PLEASANT VILLAGE RAYLAND VILLAGE. . . . SMITHFIELD VILLAGE . . STEUBENVILLE + . . . TORONTO WINTERSVILLE VILLAGE YORKVILLE VILLAGE. . 345 63 116 589 52 2 211 56 2 21 34 (S) 532 30 3 14 12 1 & 653 37 25 6 6 10 (S) 4 17 2 T 140 61 1 & 591 120 7 48 2 335 10 53 10 114 2 91 10 50 2 2 _ 41 11 56 - 108 106 1 1 11 U 11 11 1 1 28 26 lis 87 17 17 2 21 34 (S) 276 28 3 4 8 1 1 294 37 25 6 6 10 IS) 2 17 2 132 55 1 149 6 232 3 94 6 11 8 35 142 18 28 97 48 84 2 9 T 33 T 34 (S) 365 43 11 5 11 4 6 549 190 125 1 5 7 5 (S) 1 30 55 2 302 & 468 12 31 4 1 92 314 308 97 97 96 96 180 81 36 36 67 67 105 35 53 53 6 11 2 29 108 18 28 92 36 60 2 5 31 32 (S) 354 43 11 5 11 4 6 345 190 28 1 5 7 3 (S) 1 22 43 2 230 172 97 72 68 28 12 - 29 2 4 - (S) 93 26 69 4 21 29 T 14 581 39 8 1 11 3 1 3 496 232 33 3 6 12 5 11 (S) 58 14 475 1 23 1 131 51 208 321 319 2 110 92 18 117 109 8 130 88 18 28 28 - 124 124 _ 64 35 2 71 71 - 133 101 1 1 6 6 7 7 1 1 42 42 225 191 8 8 (S) 85 20 69 1 4 21 29 10 508 37 8 1 11 3 1 3 472 226 27 3 6 12 5 11 (S) 14 475 1 23 1 127 39 55 55 — - 1 1 - - 68 46 7 7 32 32 4 4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 419 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. n See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting Is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Nun be of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number of in sliuctures with- number of in structures wilh- number number of number of number of number of number of number ol number number of number of ol of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing I unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing ^ units units 01 moie units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 4 4 IX) (X) (X) ( X) (X) ( X I (X) (X) IX) (X) 01 4 4 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 02 87 87 66 66 96 114 82 7 9 IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) 03 413 409 4 664 662 2 580 488 542 787 921 1 354 1 311 T 1099 778 866 04 112 112 - - 123 97 26 - T 226 432 T 136 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 05 142 138 4 - 137 120 17 - 398 385 & 309 405 356 316 299 314 411 475 06 216 152 36 28 237 206 31 - 279 184 205 178 269 226 219 118 175 301 07 T 28 28 - - 55 47 8 - 24 10 21 49 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X> 08 76 76 _ _ 5 3 2 _ 6 _ 6 9 9 3 T 3 3 T 33 55 09 62 45 6 11 34 32 2 - (S) (S) - (S) 12 16 22 8 11 19 10 55 55 54 54 T 68 T 35 (S) i'2 83 43 (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 74 74 99 99 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 12 1 1 - - - - - (X) (X ) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 13 47 47 - - IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 14 12 12 - - 41 41 - - (S) (S) (S) (S) 18 27 18 29 43 39 15 - - - - - - - - (X) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 17 226 223 3 - 155 155 - - 184 126 123 126 155 157 158 125 164 208 18 7 7 13 13 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 19 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 20 97 97 - - 141 141 _ - 112 114 83 74 45 33 27 29 34 32 21 49 35 14 - 26 20 6 - 46 43 76 145 240 (S) 61 69 108 IX) 22 76 76 - - 93 93 - - 121 105 77 99 194 188 180 137 (X) IX) 23 - - - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 24 2 2 _ _ 4 4 . _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 25 38 36 2 - 51 49 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 26 37 35 2 - 33 31 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 27 20 20 - - T 21 21 _ . T 19 33 T 24 56 235 147 (S) (X) IX) IX) 28 338 335 3 - 241 234 7 - 259 187 222 247 299 188 558 260 300 361 29 72 52 8 12 58 56 2 _ 98 66 65 81 148 155 (S) (X) (X) (X) 30 6 6 - - 5 5 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 31 - - - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 32 9 9 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 33 4 4 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 34 2 2 _ „ _ _ _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 35 (S) (S) - - 2 2 - - (X ) IX) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) 36 507 492 15 - 462 444 18 - 301 & 436 314 448 466 428 & 710 363 366 585 37 46 46 - - 63 58 _ 5 T 56 99 63 80 101 63 (S) (X) IX) IX) 38 46 46 - - 35 33 2 - 32 29 25 25 43 30 33 24 21 34 39 3 3 _ _ 1 1 „ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 40 6 6 - - 4 4 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 41 6 6 - - 11 11 - - 20 7 17 22 25 20 (X) (X) IX) IX) 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 43 4 4 - - 9 9 - - (S) 3 (S) 26 24 17 24 (X) IX) IX) 44 80 80 _ . (S) (S) _ _ IS) 215 T 262 44 297 181 14 (X) IX) IX) 45 18 18 - - 15 15 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 46 S 8 11 9 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 47 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X, (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 48 - - - - 2 2 - - IS) 4 2 3 6 T 15 (S) (X) (X) (X) 49 21 21 - - 25 25 . - 24 27 4 29 T 10 25 (X) (X) (X) (X) 50 - - - - 2 2 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 51 123 123 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 52 68 68 _ _ 140 140 _ _ 15 3 3 6 442 7 (X) (X) IX) IX) 53 - - - - 1 1 - - - - - 3 T - - (X) (X) IX) IX) 54 241 233 8 219 219 117 149 148 229 214 141 366 478 248 540 55 2 2 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 56 37 37 - - 19 19 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 57 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 58 2 2 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 59 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI IX) (X) (X) 60 56 52 4 _ & 212 79 2 & 131 56 & 185 58 94 107 117 151 123 129 195 61 13 7 - 6 6 6 _ - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 62 43 43 - - 24 24 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) 63 5 3 2 - 7 7 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 64 420 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SKISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more OHIO — C0(^. STEUBENVILLE-*EIRTON. OHIO-W.VA. SM (WEST VIRGINIA) BROOKE COUNTY ** BETHAI>JY TO*N BROOKE COUI^TY UNINC. AREA. . . . FOLLANSBEE WELLSBURG HANCOCK COUNTY WEIRTON + TOLEDO. OHIO-MICH. SMSA LUCAS COUNTY ** HOLLAND VILLAGE LUCAS COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + tt MAUMEE * OREGON + OTTAWA HILLS VILLAGE SYLVANIA VILLAGE + TOLEDO * WATERVILLE VILLAGE -I- WHITEHOuSE VILLAGE WOOD COUNTY BOWLING GREEN + CYGNET VILLAGE GRAND RAPIDS VILLAGE HASKINS VILLAGE LUCKEY VILLAGE MILLBURY VILLAGE PEMBERVILLE VILLAGE PERRYSBURG VILLAGE PORTAGE VILLAGE ROSSFORD VILLAGE ROSS TOWNSHIP WALBRIDGE VILLAGE + WAYNE VILLAGE WESTON VILLAGE (MICHIGAN) MONROE COUNTY ASH TOWNSHIP BEDFORD TOWNSHIP + BERLIN TOWNSHIP CARLETON VILLAGE DUNDEE VILLAGE ERIE TOWNSHIP ESTRAL BEACH VILLAGE EXETER TOWNSHIP FRENCHTOWN TOWNSHIP IDA TOWNSHIP LA SALLE TOWNSHIP LONDON TOWNSHIP MAYBEE VILLAGE MONROE + MONROE TOWNSHIP ■)■ PETERSBURG TOWNSHIP RAISINVILLE TOWNSHIP SOUTH ROCKWOOD VILLAGE WHEELING. W.VA.-OHIO SMSA (SEE WEST VIRGINIA) YOUNGSTOWN-WARREN SMSA MAHONING COUNTY ** CAMPBELL + CANFIELD TOWNSHIP CRAIG BEACH VILLAGE + LOWELLVILLE VILLAGE MAHONING COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS POLAND VILLAGE SEBRING VILLAGE STRUTHERS * YOUNGSTOWN + TRUMBULL COUNTY BLOOMFIELO TOWNSHIP BRACEVILLE TOWNSHIP BRISTOL TOWNSHIP CHAMPION TOWNSHIP •^ FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP GIRARD * GUSTAVUS TOWNSHIP HOWLAND TOWNSHIP HUBBARD TOWNSHIP * HUBBARD VILLAGE + 3 3 - 822 624 82 98 86 12 155 127 8 25 5 12 207 195 12 691 642 & 280 29 25 4 11 11 134 134 10 10 2 2 7 3 15 15 1 1 13 13 40 40 17 15 12 12 10 10 - - 40 16 (S) (S) _ . 11 11 5 5 24 24 12 12 1 1 - - 708 470 6 6 9 9 25 17 138 56 3 3 10 10 8 8 (S) (S) 11 11 18 le 2 2 116 116 11 11 10 8 116 20 4 - 1 - 3 - 3 _ 4 - 23 - 15 - 26 4 15 6 1 - 1 - 894 187 107 25 133 1 069 T 18 2 624 95 89 9 122 525 18 2 54 29 1 1 10 10 20 20 21 12 18 18 191 183 17 17 3 3 7 7 13 13 (S) (S) 12 12 43 43 18 18 23 17 21 21 (S) (S) 15 15 5 5 9 9 16 16 15 15 9 9 2 2 24 124 22 22 8 6 177 29 16 11 277 763 119 89 112 710 32 7 167 1 6 1 7 668 107 89 112 503 32 7 12 12 257 257 7 7 2 2 3 3 20 20 3 3 11 11 39 39 19 19 21 21 18 16 - - 39 39 56 46 26 26 27 27 8 8 59 59 23 23 2 2 1 1 750 708 2 2 8 8 24 24 145 139 2 2 10 10 9 9 25 25 20 20 18 18 3 3 163 163 15 15 10 10 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 421 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-ll, B-12, and B-13. <• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table 8-7, Data symbols: ■ '-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 19G1 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Tolal Total Total Total Tolal M nuiiibei in structures with _ nuinbei HI slruclures witt _ number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of of of of of of ol of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zl units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 (SI (SI 3 01 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI 02 5 5 _ _ 3 3 _ - T 19 4 6 T - - 1 1 - 16 (XI 03 4 4 - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 04 147 109 14 24 203 180 16 7 240 126 183 302 346 211 210 301 T 347 306 05 7 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 876 813 26 37 1 022 997 - 25 999 1 099 1 217 1 689 2 234 1 911 1 756 1 547 1 926 2 278 07 193 191 2 . 72 72 _ _ T 62 189 113 237 129 197 197 173 124 143 08 88 84 4 . 105 105 . - (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 09 41 11 24 6 24 9 8 7 26 18 34 28 51 50 28 48 72 80 10 180 180 _ _ 50 50 . _ 148 230 45 81 93 107 29 34 19 39 11 673 505 160 8 S 708 & 591 54 63 693 613 8, 456 619 842 790 865 1 012 1 145 1 660 12 37 37 . _ 48 48 _ . 55 15 14 24 8 25 30 26 11 10 13 11 11 - - 13 13 - - 13 6 5 10 12 7 7 (XI (XI (XI 14 61 40 21 69 67 2 55 71 46 58 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 (XI (X> (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 1 1 _ - 1 1 _ . (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 1 1 - . (SI (SI _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 6 6 _ _ 10 10 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 7 7 - - 3 3 _ - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 27 24 3 - 62 52 10 - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 7 7 - - 12 12 - - 12 15 26 25 T 31 32 33 24 46 T 38 24 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 44 44 - - 71 71 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 4 4 - _ 1 1 . - (XI (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 2 2 ■ ■ 4 4 ■ (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 16 16 24 24 20 22 22 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 280 277 3 . 373 373 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 12 12 . . 5 5 . . 18 8, 40 8 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 2 2 - . 3 3 _ - 2 3 6 14 8 9 13 6 8 9 32 3 1 2 - 7 7 - - 5 11 6 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 23 23 _ _ 21 21 _ _ 23 28 35 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 64 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 65 14 14 15 15 . 19 12 19 28 18 73 (XI (X. (X) (XI 66 40 40 ■ 93 93 ■ 167 57 37 60 64 58 46 69 61 65 57 424 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated lor each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ••97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. COLUMBIANA COUNTY — CON. EAST LIVERPOOL EAST PALESTINE HANOVERTON VILLAGE PERRY TOWNSHIP SALEM SALINEVILLE VILLAGE SUMMITVILLE VILLAGE COSHOCTON COUNTY COSHOCTON + PLAINFIELD VILLAGE WARSAW VILLAGE WEST LAFAYETTE VILLAGE CRAWFORD COUNTY ** BUCYRUS CHATFIELD VILLAGE CRAWFORD COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . CRESTLINE VILLAGE GALION * JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP NEW WASHINGTON VILLAGE POLK TOWNSHIP DARKE COUNTY ARCANUM VILLAGE GREENVILLE + GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP UNION CITY VILLAGE DEFIANCE COUNTY DEFIANCE DEFIANCE TOWNSHIP DELAWARE TOWNSHIP HICKSVILLE VILLAGE HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP NEY VILLAGE NOBLE TOWNSHIP SHERWOOD VILLAGE SOUTH RICHLAND TOWNSHIP TIFFIN TOWNSHIP ERIE COUNTY * BAY VIEW VILLAGE BERLIN HEIGHTS VILLAGE CASTALIA VILLAGE . . ERIE COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . , , HURON VILLAGE + KELLEYS ISLAND VILLAGE MILAN VILLAGE PERKINS TOWNSHIP SANDUSKY + VERMILION « FAIRFIELD COUNTY BREMEN VILLAGE GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP LANCASTER + LIBERTY TOWNSHIP MILLERSPORT VILLAGE PLEASANT TOWNSHIP PLEASANTVILLE VILLAGE VIOLET TOWNSHIP FAYETTE COUNTY BLOOMINGBURG VILLAGE UNION TOWNSHIP WASHINGTON COURTHOUSE + FULTON COUNTY LYONS VILLAGE SWANTON VILLAGE WAUSEON VILLAGE GALLIA COUNTY CHESHIRE VILLAGE GALLIPOLIS GUERNSEY COUNTY BYESVILLE VILLAGE CAMBRIDGE JACKSON TOWNSHIP HANCOCK COUNTY FINDLAY + JENERA VILLAGE WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP HARDIN COUNTY ADA VILLAGE ALGER VILLAGE 22 111 20 6 158 2 40 - 12 6 19 11 13 _ 2 - 25 - 19 3 107 4 20 - 6 - 64 16 13 4 7 - 15 - 30 - _ . 12 4 1 - 7 - 4 4 15 15 57 57 6 6 7 7 60 54 106 54 123 107 2 2 21 21 151 151 7 7 2 2 3 3 3 3 79 79 1 1 (SI (S) 18 18 74 35 11 11 1 1 27 27 11 5 99 76 15 15 3 3 56 39 16 18 5 5 22 22 14 12 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 28 28 (S) (S) 4 4 3 3 59 59 67 57 109 97 5 5 29 29 160 156 7 7 2 2 42 39 1 1 38 38 2 2 27 19 42 40 1 1 13 1 12 12 1 1 18 18 3 3 102 15 ■ ■ 179 179 » - 3 3 81 7 7 5 5 1 1 24 24 48 48 1 1 60 1 (S) 33 90 15 2 33 11 169 17 4 2 1 2 r 32 7 5 5 57 134 110 43 5 (S) 154 (S) 58 1 (S) 33 63 15 2 33 2 1 2 32 7 5 5 57 100 102 43 5 (SI RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 425 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiicli constitute tlie source for tlie statistics sliown monttily in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. f See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ot housing jnits Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in str ictures with -. number in structures witt — number number number number number number number number number number ^ ot of ot of of of of of of of of of (3 housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 11 11 18 18 10 21 15 19 46 24 (SI 57 67 102 01 9 9 - - 8 8 _ - 10 11 18 19 19 (SI (SI 16 24 21 02 1 1 - - 2 2 _ - (X) (XI ( X ) (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X 1 (X) (X) (XI 03 17 17 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X) (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI 04 27 27 _ . 31 31 _ _ (SI (SI (SI (51 (SI (S) 70 75 54 73 05 1 1 - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 06 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (Xl (X) (X) (X I (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X 1 (X 1 (X) 07 59 57 2 . 69 69 55 49 41 45 28 27 23 34 58 73 08 - _ - - 1 1 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 09 2 2 - - (S) (S) - - (XI ( X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) 10 5 5 " - 6 6 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) ( XI (XI (X) 11 66 63 3 56 56 T 36 62 27 46 48 87 64 35 47 73 12 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) ( XI (Xl (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X) 13 (X) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 14 24 24 - - 33 33 - - 24 13 17 24 33 20 18 19 7 38 15 82 69 4 9 75 71 4 - 52 87 68 84 102 96 58 56 51 101 16 15 15 _ . 9 9 _ . T - (S) 35 21 21 166 7 5 T 7 9 17 - - - - 3 3 - - (XI (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 29 36 3 - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 19 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 20 51 51 - - 181 134 2 45 (SI (SI (S) T 77 86 53 49 64 (XI (X) 21 16 16 - - 23 23 _ - 22 10 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 22 1 1 - - 9 9 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 23 52 42 10 . (S) (S) . . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 24 9 9 - - 15 15 - - 17 1 (S) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 25 5 5 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 26 7 7 - - 1 S) 1 S 1 - - (SI 15 10 12 10 16 (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 15 15 - - 11 11 - - 8 3 5 12 16 (S) (X) (X) (XI (X) 28 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 29 8 8 - _ 4 4 _ - T 9 4 8 9 7 10 (XI (X) (XI (X) 30 6 6 - - (S) (SI - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 31 7 7 - - 6 6 _ _ 8 4 3 14 14 24 (XI (X) (X) (X) 32 1 1 - - - - - - - 2 1 3 - 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) 33 2 2 . . 2 2 _ 18 28 14 10 (S) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 34 4 4 - - 8 8 - - (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 35 H 4 - . 5 5 . - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 36 T 22 22 - - T 43 41 & 2 _ (SI 353 264 208 178 102 (X) (X) (X) (XI 37 (S) IS) - - 28 26 2 - 54 30 46 55 93 42 (X) (X) (X) (XI 38 9 9 _ _ 9 9 _ _ 12 10 8 24 10 7 9 11 3 (X) 39 H 4 - - 3 3 _ - (SI 2 6 1 3 5 12 7 1 10 40 61 61 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 41 76 76 - - 73 73 _ - 165 74 78 157 174 116 126 129 114 159 42 143 139 4 - 75 67 8 - 43 39 25 29 37 24 30 37 17 24 43 (X) (X) (X I (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 44 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 45 ISO 146 4 - 191 185 _ 6 T 133 184 158 181 278 252 169 260 204 T 227 46 5 5 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 47 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 48 35 35 _ . (X) (X) (X) (XI IXI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 49 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 50 42 42 ~ - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) 51 _ . . . . (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 52 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 53 54 48 6 - 88 86 2 - 83 80 84 T 66 106 59 48 42 T 57 (X) 54 . _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 55 16 14 2 - 20 20 _ - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 56 12 12 - - 9 9 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 57 1 1 _ . (S) (S) . (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 56 16 16 - - 38 38 - - 33 35 22 13 28 41 36 19 30 29 59 4 4 . 2 2 7 7 4 5 8 3 1 2 3 5 60 32 17 - 15 19 19 _ - (SI (SI (SI (S) T 43 (S) (S) (S) (S) 57 61 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 62 197 197 . . 237 237 . 245 170 135 247 299 287 206 159 (X) (X) 63 - - - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X ) (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) 64 (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI 65 2 2 . . 6 6 . (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 66 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 67 426 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table M Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov^n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ♦♦97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wlth- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. HARFdSON COUNTY BOWERSTON VILLAGE. JEWETT VILLAGE . . NEW ATHENS VILLAGE SCIO VILLAGE . . . HENRY COUNTY HARRISON TOWNSHIP. . LIBERTY TOWNSHIP . . I^CCLURE VILLAGE. . . NAPOLEON NAPOLEON TOWNSHIP. . WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. HIGHLAND COUNTY HILLSBORO HOLMES COUNTY GLENMONT VILLAGE . . HOLMESVILLE VILLAGE. KILLBUCK VILLAGE . . MILLERSBURG VILLAGE. HURON COUNTY BELLEVUE FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP . GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP. MONROEVILLE VILLAGE. NEW HAVEN TOWNSHIP . NEW LONDON VILLAGE . . . NORTH FAIRFIELD VILLAGE. NORWALK + NORWICH TOWNSHIP . . . . RIDGEFIELD TOWNSHIP. . . RIPLEY TOWNSHIP. . SHERMAN TOWNSHIP . TOWNSEND TOWNSHIP. WAKEMAN TOWNSHIP . WAKEMAN VILLAGE. . WILLARD VILLAGE. . JACKSON COUNTY JACKSON. . . KNOX COUNTY BERLIN TOWNSHIP. . . . BROWN TOWNSHIP . . . . CLINTON TOWNSHIP . . . COLLEGE TOWNSHIP . . . FREDERICKTOWN VILLAGE. GAMBIER VILLAGE. MILLER TOWNSHIP. MONROE TOWNSHIP. MORRIS TOWNSHIP. MOUNT VERNON . . LICKING COUNTY ETNA TOWNSHIP. . . GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP GRANVILLE VILLAGE. HEATH VILLAGE +. . HEBRON VILLAGE . . LIMA TOWNSHIP MADISON TOWNSHIP . . . NEWARK + NEWARK TOWNSHIP. . . . ST ALBANS TOWNSHIP . . ST LOUISVILLE VILLAGE. LOGAN COUNTY BELLEFONTAINE +. . HARRISON TOWNSHIP. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP MIAMI. TOWNSHIP . . PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. QUINCY VILLAGE .... RUSHCREEK TOWNSHIP . . RUSSELLS POINT VILLAGE UNION TOWNSHIP .... WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. . MADISON COUNTY LONDON PLAIN CITY VILLAGE . . WEST JEFFERSON VILLAGE MARION COUNTY CALEDONIA VILLAGE. . . GRAND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP GREEN CAMP VILLAGE . . LARUE VILLAGE MARION + 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 68 40 3 3 2 2 12 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 12 5 5 35 35 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 1 1 7 7 7 7 26 37 2 1*5 68 89 26 296 68 9 2 & 106 15 37 26 37 2 35 68 57 26 211 68 9 2 2 - 1 - 2 ~ 6 & 100 11 37 4 4 16 - 3 3 1 1 1 1 26 24 6 6 9 9 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 - - 28 28 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 4 4 5 5 2 2 5 5 31 24 3 286 13 48 32 211 38 10 27 24 3 154 13 48 32 162 38 8 1 I 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 24 24 9 9 2 2 (SI 3 12 28 26 1 309 10 37 15 362 20 14 39 7 3 tS) (S) 3 12 4 - 16 - 10 - 17 a 20 8 26 - 1 - 58 35 10 - 35 2 15 - 192 26 20 - 14 : 39 7 - 3 - (S) - 3 3 11 11 SI 1 47 (SI 1 37 1 21 1 21 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 427 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issumg places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, S-12, and B-13. • See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 196[ 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei ot housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Tola! Total Total Total Total Total Total Total i number ot in st uctures with- number of in structures with— number ot number numbei of number number of number of number of number of number of number of 3 of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units 01 moie units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 1 1 T 3 2 1 01 . - - . 5 5 - - - 1 3 2 1 1 1 - 3 - 02 . _ - . _ - _ - (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 03 - - - - 4 4 - - T 3 T - 1 8 2 T 6 2 3 1 1 04 . . . . (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 05 3 3 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 06 2 2 - . 3 3 _ - (X ) (X) (XI (Xl (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 07 18 18 - . (SI (S) _ - (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (X) (X) 08 8 8 - - 5 5 . - (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 09 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X I (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 10 28 28 - - 29 29 - - (X ) (X) (XI (Xl (X) (X) (X) (X I (XI (XI 11 . . . . . . (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 12 . . - _ . . . _ (X ) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 . . . _ 1 1 - _ 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 - - 14 6 4 2 - 3 3 - - 11 6 10 9 14 9 (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 15 15 . . 20 20 . 27 12 39 67 S3 24 (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 - - - txi (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 1 1 - . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI {XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 18 - _ - - - _ - - 2 - 2 3 7 1 14 1 1 5 19 4 4 - - 8 8 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ _ T 7 3 3 10 6 13 (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 - - - _ 1 1 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 40 40 - - 35 35 - - 50 65 94 94 106 116 ■/o 72 33 o6 23 5 5 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 24 5 5 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 25 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 - - - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 (X> (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 29 1 1 - . 4 4 _ . 4 4 2 4 4 (S) (X) (X) (XI (X) 30 8 8 - - 12 12 - - 19 14 20 56 45 18 24 13 25 14 31 2 2 - - - - - - 8 4 T 3 6 18 36 (X) (X) (X) (X) 32 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 33 (X) (X) tx) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 34 21 21 - - 24 24 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 (X) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 36 1 1 - - 3 3 - - 5 6 1 2 3 2 3 6 8 7 37 7 7 . _ 2 2 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 38 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 39 12 12 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 40 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 41 20 14 6 - 31 31 - - 46 66 57 82 33 29 26 38 (X) (X) 42 13 13 . (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 43 42 42 - _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 44 3 3 - - 2 2 _ - 1 1 1 4 3 4 4 1 3 5 45 151 151 - - 219 219 _ - 286 46 66 (Xl (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 46 7 7 - - 13 13 - - (X) (X) (X) {XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 47 _ _ _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 48 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (Xl (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 49 111 111 - - 143 143 . - 212 166 322 337 283 167 139 158 97 no 50 10 10 - - 10 10 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 7 7 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 52 - - - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 53 42 42 42 42 T 39 42 31 50 54 37 41 (X) (XI (XI 54 9 9 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI (Xl (XI 55 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 56 (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (Xl (X) (XI 57 2 2 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 58 _ ~ _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (X) {XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 59 4 4 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (Xl {X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 60 2 2 . . 1 1 - _ T 9 (SI (S) - - - - 1 T - (XI 61 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) {XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (Xl (XI 62 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 63 (S) (S) _ . . _ _ T 41 22 (S) (Xl (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 64 6 6 - - (SI (SI - - (X) (XI {XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 65 77 77 ■ - 31 31 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 66 1 1 . . . (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 67 15 15 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 68 a 8 - _ - _ _ - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 69 1 1 - - _ _ - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 70 218 110 54 54 133 133 - - 138 139 189 112 117 T 89 115 115 ^■3 208 71 428 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more OHIO — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE St^SA'S — CON. MARION COUNTY — CON. MARION TOWNSHIP MORRAL VILLAGE MEIGS COUNTY MIDDLEPORT VILLAGE MERCER COUNTY CELINA CHICKASAW VILLAGE COLDWATER VILLAGE ROCKFORD VILLAGE MONROE COUNTY WILSON VILLAGE WOODSFIELD VILLAGE MORGAN COUNTY MCCONNELSVILLE VILLAGE MALTA VILLAGE MORROW COUNTY EDISON VILLAGE MUSKINGUM COUtMTY FRAZEYSBUR6 VILLAGE NEW CONCORD VILLAGE PERRY TOWNSHIP PHILO VILLAGE SOUTH ZANESVILLE VILLAGE .... ZANESVILLE OTTAWA COUNTY * GENOA VILLAGE OAK HARBOR VILLAGE OTTAWA COUNTY REMAINING AREA + . PORT CLINTON PAULDING COUNTY ANTWERP VILLAGE HAVILAND VILLAGE PERRY COUNTY CROOKSVILLE VILLAGE NEW STRAITSVILLE VILLAGE .... PIKE COUNTY PIKETON VILLAGE WAVERLY VILLAGE PUTNAM COUNTY CLOVERDALE VILLAGE CONTINENTAL VILLAGE OTTAWA VILLAGE PANDORA VILLAGE RICHLAf^D COUNTY BELLVILLE VILLAGE BUTLER VILLAGE JACKSON TOWNSHIP LEXINGTON VILLAGE + LUCAS VILLAGE MANSFIELD -I- MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP MONROE TOWNSHIP ONTARIO VILLAGE PLYMOUTH VILLAGE SHARON TOWNSHIP SHELBY SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ROSS COUNTY BAINBRIDGE VILLAGE CHILLICOTHE •^ CLARKSBURG VILLAGE KINGSTON VILLAGE SANDUSKY COUNTY CLYDE VILLAGE FREMONT GIBSONBURG VILLAGE WOODVILLE VILLAGE SCIOTO COUNTY NEW BOSTON PORTSMOUTH SENECA COUNTY * FOSTORIA + SENECA COUNTY REMAINING AREA . . TIFFIN + SHELBY COUNTY ANNA VILLAGE ... 4 2 26 40 1 133 69 11 32 1 6 22 72 89 2 2 ZH 10 5 5 1 1 3 3 77 & 25 1 1 2 2 124 122 13 13 4 4 1 1 (S) 55 2 3 1 7 136 29 23 41 9 102 (S) 11 37 5 10 15 46 87 1 7 134 29 2 4 23 41 7 86 (S) 11 37 5 10 15 40 87 4 4 8 6 3 3 2 2 3 3 22 22 1 1 6 6 137 133 20 20 3 3 4 4 3 3 9 9 3 3 26 26 69 69 3 3 198 113 (S) (S) - * 31 31 2 2 7 7 9 9 40 34 71 71 3 3 55 55 1 1 1 1 4 4 10 6 4 4 6 6 5 5 42 42 44 30 98 74 32 32 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 429 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13 ■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "S," Includes public housing units tor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: •'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of tiousing units Total number of housing units ^ E 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zi 65 1 65 I - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI ( XI (X 1 ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 01 02 - - - - 4 4 - - (SI T 4 3 1 u 2 (XI (XI IX 1 (XI 03 17 9 5 17 9 5 ~ - (X) 13 (X) (XI 13 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI T - (X) (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 ( XI (XI IX 1 (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI (XI 3 (XI ( XI 04 05 06 07 1 6 1 6 - - (XI 6 (XI 6 (XI ( X) (XI u (XI 12 (XI 234 (XI 18 (XI 7 (XI 1 (XI 2 (XI 7 (XI 3 (XI T 1 08 09 2 2 - - 5 1 5 1 - - 3 6 2 6 1 10 3 6 3 3 T 5 1 2 17 (SI T 17 (SI 6 (SI 10 11 - - - - - - - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 1 a 3 6 41 1 8 3 6 37 _ 4 - 10 7 (XI " 34 10 7 (XI 34 (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI 1 (SI 32 (X) T 10 (X) 2 (SI 49 (XI 1 (XI 11 (SI 68 (XI 2 (X) 1 (SI 77 (XI (X) 4 (SI 77 (X) 1 (XI 1 11 47 (XI (SI (XI (SI T 13 48 (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 74 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 4 97 (XI (XI (XI (XI 8 152 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 7 137 23 1 7 137 21 2 ■ 2 9 173 38 2 9 173 26 - 12 (XI T 5 (XI 42 (XI 10 (X 1 35 (XI 16 (XI 41 (XI 10 (XI 33 (X) 25 (XI 24 (X) 15 (XI 21 (XI (SI (X) T 20 (XI (XI (XI 18 (XI (XI (XI 35 (XI (XI (XI 28 19 20 21 22 8 2 8 2 - - 1 (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI 1 (XI 3 (XI 8 (XI 16 (XI 21 (X) 10 (XI 11 (XI T 13 (XI T 19 (XI 5 (XI 23 24 5 5 - - 2 2 - - (XI 2 (XI (X) 5 (XI 2 (XI 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 26 4 - 4 - - 2 1 2 1 - - T 3 5 2 1 4 3 1 2 4 (SI 15 (X) (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 28 8 9 8 9 - - 1 9 1 1 9 1 ~ - (XI 1 (X) 4 (XI (XI 2 (X) 7 (X) 5 (X) 10 (XI 15 (X) 9 (X) 8 (X) 6 (X) 7 (XI 8 (XI 6 (XI 3 (XI 4 (XI 5 (XI 2 (X) T 4 (XI 5 29 30 31 32 (X) (X) 85 3 (X) 4 (X) 85 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 2 (X) 75 4 (XI 2 (XI 73 2 (XI (XI 2 2 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 8 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 2 (XI (XI (XI (X) 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 33 34 35 36 37 154 (X) (X) 105 2 132 (X) (XI 99 2 6 IX 1 (X) 6 16 (X) (X) 110 (X) (X) (X) (XI 95 (XI (X) (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI (XI 8 (X) (XI (X) (XI T 89 (XI (X) (XI (XI 102 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 126 (Xl (XI (XI (XI 142 (XI (XI (XI (XI 184 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 157 (XI (XI (XI (XI 242 (XI (XI (XI (XI 231 (XI (XI (XI (XI 252 (XI (XI (XI (XI 379 (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 39 40 41 42 5 16 99 71 5 16 97 71 2 - 16 20 (X) (XI 16 20 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) txi (XI 20 (XI (XI (XI 12 (X) (X) txi 14 (X) (X) (XI 39 (XI (XI (XI 58 (XI (XI (XI 28 (XI (XI (XI 43 (XI (XI (XI 82 (XI (XI (XI 96 (XI (XI (XI 83 (X) (XI 43 44 45 46 (X) 76 3 (XI 70 3 (XI 6 (X) (XI 109 6 (X) 107 (X) 2 6 (XI (XI 108 (XI 2 (X) 87 (X) 6 (XI 95 (XI 4 (XI 87 (XI 5 (XI 120 (XI 2 (XI 150 (XI 1 (XI 186 (XI (XI 89 (XI (31 (XI T 64 (XI 3 (XI (SI (XI 47 48 49 50 11 11 7 8 11 11 7 8 - - 14 10 5 9 12 10 5 9 2 ; 10 26 6 (XI 6 19 5 (X) 12 23 8 (XI 12 83 13 (XI 13 74 10 (XI 15 53 7 (XI 52 114 11 (XI 32 122 15 (XI (SI 144 10 (XI (S) 85 12 (X) 51 52 53 54 2 28 2 28 - - 2 42 2 42 - - T 2 47 2 39 3 29 5 52 8 69 14 T 111 9 365 13 151 4 64 10 142 55 56 28 (XI 72 28 (X) 64 (X) (X) 8 34 ( XI 64 34 1 XI 64 1 XI 1 XI ( X) 65 (XI 77 35 (X) 67 36 (X) 110 52 (XI 96 59 (XI 117 69 (XI 103 94 (XI 108 59 (XI 69 51 (XI 110 80 (X) 127 57 58 59 430 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the hgures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shovKn in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more OHIO — COfvl. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S—CON. SHELBY COUNTY — COI^. CLINTON TOWNSHIP CYNTHIAN TOWNSHIP FORT LORAMIE VILLAGE FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP JACKSON CENTER VILLAGE JACKSON TOANSHIP LOCKINGTON VILLAGE LORAMIE TOWNSHIP ORANGE TOWNSHIP PERRY TOWNSHIP PORT JEFFERSON VILLAGE SALEM TOWNSHIP SIDNEY TURTLE CREEK TOWNSHIP VAN SUREN TOWNSHIP TUSCARAWAS COUNTY DOVER GN&DENHUTTEN VILLAGE NEWCOMERSTOWN VILLAGE NEW PHILADELPHIA PARRAL VILLAGE PORT WASHINGTON VILLAGE STONE CREEK VILLAGE STRASBURG VILLAGE ■ TUSCARAWAS VILLAGE UNION COUNTY ALLEN TOWNSHIP DARBY TOWNSHIP MARYSVILLE VILLAGE + PARIS TOWNSHIP RICHWOOD VILLAGE , UNION TOWNSHIP , UNIONVILLE CENTER VILLAGE , VAN WERT COUNTY ELGIN VILLAGE , OHIO CITY VILLAGE , PLEASANT TOWNSHIP , SCOTT VILLAGE , VAN WERT WASHINGTON COUNTY BELPRE + , BEVERLY VILLAGE LOWELL VILLAGE MARIETTA + MUSKINGUM TOWNSHIP WAYNE COUNTY APPLE CREEK VILLAGE DALTON VILLAGE DOYLESTOWN VILLAGE ORRVILLE RITTMAN VILLAGE + SHREVE VILLAGE WAYNE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + « . . . WEST SALEM VILLAGE WOOSTER + # WILLIAMS COUNTY BRYAN EDGERTON VILLAGE MONTPELIER VILLAGE STRYKER VILLAGE WEST UNITY VILLAGE WYANDOT COUNTY ** CAREY VILLAGE CRAWFORD TOWNSHIP UPPER SANDUSKY VILLAGE WYANDOT COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + U FORT SMITHt ARK.-OKLA. (SEE ARKANSAS) LAWTON SMSA COMANCHE COUNTY LAWTON + OKLAHOMA CITY SMSA CANADIAN COUNTY EL RENO YUKON 19 19 12 12 5 3 5 5 It 4 3 3 - - 10 10 3 3 2 2 - - 6 6 73 48 1 1 4 4 42 32 6 6 7 7 28 22 1 1 3 3 10 10 27 25 21 21 2 2 2 2 16 16 1 1 42 26 72 67 1 1 1 1 38 38 23 23 11 11 36 22 17 17 2 2 227 225 (S) (S) 50 3 27 27 5 5 7 7 1 1 10 10 3 3 8 8 21 11 14 14 3 3 3 3 12 12 11 U 60 58 4 4 2 2 55 41 2 2 6 6 46 25 2 2 1 1 - - 6 4 1 1 3 3 5 5 38 26 22 22 138 (S) 91 36 203 36 137 60 254 77 8 3 - 3 - 40 2 17 " 5 _ 1 - 6 2 15 2 28 - _ _ 138 - (S) - 58 12 21 _ 1 - 11 - 4 - 8 ■■ 1 _ 2 - 20 - 10 - 23 3 5 2 23 3 5 2 6 2 6 2 12 3 12 3 1 1 3 67 1 8 3 63 1 8 51 1 3 28 49 1 3 26 2 2 23 23 6 3 30 17 3 6 3 18 17 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 (S> 1 1 (S) 20 20 89 3 78 3 43 19 43 15 13 26 24 5 (X) 13 - 26 - 20 4 5 _ (X) (X) — > 59 7 20 _ 6 - 12 - 4 - 10 ■ 3 _ 10 - 19 2 20 - 60 190 47 246 47 205 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 431 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. " See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 196U 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in str uctuies Witt — number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 23 23 6 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 01 8 8 - - ( X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 02 11 7 4 - 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 04 <* 4 . _ 6 6 _ . 10 6 4 8 6 9 8 10 5 3 OS (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI ( X) (XI (XI 06 - - - - - - . - (X) (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 07 6 6 - - (X 1 (Xl (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 08 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 09 _ _ . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 10 - - - - - - - - (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 11 6 6 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 12 103 93 10 - 90 90 - - 50 81 80 T 109 75 41 50 35 44 47 13 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 2 2 ~ ~ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 34 30 4 1 Si ( SI . T 65 69 80 82 80 53 71 85 73 (XI 16 2 2 - - 7 7 - - (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 2 2 - - 6 6 _ . 14 5 16 6 13 10 8 8 (XI (XI 18 35 27 8 - 30 30 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 - - - - 2 2 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 21 - - - - - . - . (XI (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 1 1 ■ - 1 1 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 24 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI txi (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 25 4 4 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 26 52 36 - 16 40 24 4 12 54 21 22 18 32 34 (X) (XI (X) (XI 27 9 9 - - 20 20 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 28 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (Xl (XI (XI (XI 30 2 2 - - 1 1 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 - . - _ 1 1 - _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 33 - _ - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 34 - _ . - 4 4 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 35 19 19 - - 19 19 - - T 32 31 44 72 114 63 34 24 55 68 36 69 69 _ 75 75 T 75 75 71 63 39 16 (X) (X) (XI (XI 37 7 7 - - 8 8 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 38 3 3 - . 3 3 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 39 32 32 - _ 48 48 _ _ 65 52 56 42 T 41 39 52 63 58 53 40 11 11 - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 41 2 2 . 5 5 (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 42 - - - - _ _ - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 43 4 2 2 _ 18 16 2 . 15 T 14 16 21 16 6 17 4 10 15 44 40 36 4 - 25 23 2 _ 27 35 32 50 53 6 (X) (X) (XI (XI 45 46 42 4 - 37 37 - - 59 51 49 55 60 T 86 32 36 22 32 46 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X] (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 1 1 - - (SI (SI _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 66 58 8 - 87 70 17 - 105 86 76 89 114 91 85 82 115 137 50 28 28 . 20 20 30 30 35 55 48 36 43 45 35 51 51 2 2 . _ 9 9 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 7 7 _ _ 9 9 _ - 12 13 8 14 23 20 (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 5 5 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 9 9 - - (S) (SI - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 7 7 3 3 3 5 8 10 22 14 11 16 21 (XI 56 1 1 - _ 4 4 _ - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 28 26 2 . 15 15 _ _ 14 21 29 15 45 9 27 T 14 16 27 58 13 13 16 16 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 723 711 12 - 578 530 48 - 1 052 784 336 404 342 703 269 1 482 1 158 T 690 60 50 50 59 59 35 37 29 46 48 33 26 33 30 99 61 190 190 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 62 432 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropohtan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacli to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are stiown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table 8^1 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units m structures with— Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- '^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more OKLAHOMA — CON. OKLAHOMA CITY SMSA — CON. CLEVELAND COUNTY 611 63 & 877 443 57 453 298 3 313 21 21 & 4 714 1 39 60 86 8 54 4 200 11 63 44 20 4 1 556 17 5 (S) 8 16 8 15 110 4 62 202 25 11 12 27 4 13 354 11 1 609 59 410 340 51 424 211 3 313 10 21 2 787 1 39 60 86 8 54 4 182 9 25 30 18 4 337 17 5 (S) e 16 8 13 43 4 62 44 25 11 12 24 4 13 294 11 1 2 4 18 30 6 4 61 18 2 3 2 130 2 6 3 27 4 449 73 29 83 11 & 1 866 35 14 1 089 61 158 33 941 66 & 855 587 52 918 239 13 405 14 12 4 896 5 84 89 71 5 53 2 135 14 28 22 21 4 1 952 12 4 (S) e 14 4 24 62 18 83 53 18 10 10 34 8 11 287 13 2 855 66 587 559 52 654 217 13 405 14 12 3 120 5 84 89 63 5 49 2 112 14 11 22 21 4 542 12 4 (S) 8 14 4 24 62 18 76 49 18 10 10 32 8 11 239 13 2 61 8 12 90 4 112 2 4 2 24 86 & 207 20 264 10 1 686 8 23 17 1 298 5 24 679 30 645 506 9 690 233 5 748 3 28 4 401 6 97 127 137 4 72 7 103 7 14 29 3 1 001 16 5 2 12 19 13 24 74 12 81 53 56 12 12 34 6 19 279 3 5 675 30 508 504 9 533 175 5 529 3 28 3 314 6 97 127 137 4 72 7 103 7 14 29 3 322 16 5 2 12 19 13 24 32 12 81 50 56 12 12 30 6 19 273 3 5 4 83 2 10 71 30 3 4 6 54 157 48 219 1 016 649 42 02 NOBLE TOWN ......*..••..•• 03 NORMAN -t...... ........... OKLAHOMA COUNTY ** 05 CHOCTAW TOWN .............. 07 08 EDMONO -I- FOREST PARK TOWN 10 11 12 13 14 MIDWEST CITY + NICHOLS HILLS NICOMA PARK TOWN OKLAHOMA CITY + OKLAHOMA COUNTYi PART OF UNINC. AREA + » 16 THE VILLAGE + 18 TULSA SMSA CREEK COUNTY DRUMRIGHT. ............... 19 SAPULPA -fa............... 20 OSAGE COUNTY PAWHUSKA +......... 21 TULSA COUNTY BROKEN ARROW + 23 24 OWASSO TOWN SAND SPRINGS 26 27 28 SPERRY TOWN TULSA + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAIR COUNTY STILWELL ALFALFA COUNTY 30 ATOKA COUNTY ATOKA. . 31 BEAVER COUNTY BEAVER TOWN. .............. BECKHAM COUNTY 33 34 35 BLAINE COUNTY OKEENE TOWN WATONGA BRYAN COUNTY DURANT 36 CADDO COUNTY 37 CARTER COUNTY ARDMORE 38 CHEROKEE COUNTY 39 CHOCTAW COUNTY HUGO 40 CIMARRON COUNTY BOISE CITY TOWN 41 COAL COUNTY COALGATE 42 43 CUSTER COUNTY CLINTON -I- THOMAS TOWN DELAWARE COUNTY 45 GARFIELD COUNTY ENID + 46 47 HUNTER TOWN NORTH ENID TOWN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 433 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permil-issumg places wtiicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. 'See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total numhei ol housing units Number of housing in structures witf units Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of tiousing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units i e 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more ! 435 8 414 435 8 364 50 - 251 15 295 251 15 275 20 - (X) (XI 137 (XI (XI 390 (XI (XI 263 (XI (XI 266 (XI (XI 351 (XI (XI 297 ( XI (XI 156 (XI (XI 356 (XI (XI T 167 (XI (XI 335 01 02 03 253 29 330 187 (X) 246 29 330 166 (X) 7 16 (X) 5 (X) 262 (X) 240 & 170 (X) 243 (X) 240 140 (X) 13 (XI 6 349 22 (XI 3 024 (XI 255 24 (X) 2 079 (XI 157 30 (XI 1 399 (XI 286 46 (XI 1 553 txi 138 57 (XI 2 779 (X 1 392 83 (XI 3 475 (X 1 (XI 90 ( XI 2 141 (XI (XI 76 (XI 2 131 (XI (XI 243 (XI 2 401 (XI (XI 164 (XI 4 120 09 10 11 12 13 9 31 167 142 9 31 187 130 4 8 36 (X) 189 91 36 (X) 189 91 (X) - (XI 413 (XI 270 136 & 476 (XI 282 126 169 (XI 134 35 223 ( X 1 220 81 722 (X 1 364 128 (SI (XI (SI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 15 16 17 (S) 69 (S) 69 - - 11 118 11 116 2 23 63 8 34 6 T 37 T 48 48 1 43 53 1 63 3 49 3 60 21 64 18 19 3 3 - - 13 12 1 - 59 7 12 13 8 3 16 6 (SI 27 20 80 12 7 8 2 80 12 7 8 2 - - 59 11 10 12 (X) 59 11 10 12 (X) (X) (XI 148 (SI (X) (XI (XI 53 (SI (XI (XI (X 1 58 (SI (XI (XI (XI S3 (SI (XI (XI (XI 138 (SI (XI (X) (X) T 95 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 (XI (XI (XI 21 22 23 24 25 (X] 557 (X) 344 (X) 29 (X) 184 (X) 895 (X) 562 (X) 16 (XI 317 (XI 923 (X) 1 274 (XI 649 (XI 776 (X 1 1 074 (X) 1 094 (XI 769 (XI 761 (XI 746 ( XI 1 430 26 27 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) tX) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 10 10 - - 9 9 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI txi (XI 29 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 9 9 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 31 39 39 - - 61 61 - - T 88 37 10 8 38 10 12 (S) (S) T 186 32 10 26 10 26 - - 8 16 6 16 - - 3 12 6 7 3 8 4 15 1 14 13 11 4 2 7 81 (XI 28 33 34 20 20 - - 37 37 - - (SI 28 26 63 52 24 (XI (XI (X) (XI 35 6 6 - - 19 19 - - 23 21 28 34 14 47 (XI (XI (XI (Xl 36 63 63 - - 36 36 - - 39 77 120 236 366 251 152 162 230 223 37 56 48 8 - 62 62 - - * 123 40 T 28 (SI 53 (S) 20 40 T 43 65 38 (S) (S) - - (S> (S) - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 39 15 15 - - 13 13 - - T 17 13 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 13 13 - - 10 10 - - (Xl (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 41 32 13 32 13 - - 60 15 56 15 4 - 119 (XI 56 (X) 21 (XI 32 ( XI 162 (X) 42 (XI 81 (XI 17 (XI 21 (XI T 38 (XI 42 43 8 8 - - 12 12 - - (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 196 1 (X) 194 1 PONCA CITY + « • TONKAWA < KINGFISHER COUNTY KINGFISHER . . . OKARCHE TOWN • . KIOWA COUNTY HOBART . . LINCOLN COUNTY CHANDLER . . MEEKER TOWN. PRAGUE . . . STROUD . . . LOGAN COUNTY GUTHRIE. . MCCLAIN COUNTY PURCELL. . . MCCURTAIN COUNTY IDABEL .... MCINTOSH COUNTY CHECOTAH . . • MAJOR COUNTY FAIRVIEW . MAYES COUNTY PRYOR. . . MURRAY COUNTY DAVIS. . . . SULPHUR. . . MUSKOGEE COUNTY MUSKOGEE -f . . NOWATA COUNTY NOWATA SOUTH COFFEYVILLE TOWN OKMULGEE COUNTY HENRYETTA. . . OKMULGEE . . . OTTAWA COUNTY MIAMI. . . . PAWNEE COUNTY CLEVELAND. . PAWNEE . . . PAYNE COUNTY CUSHING. . . STILLWATER + PITTSBURG COUNTY MC ALESTER + . 37 (S) 142 17 & 303 33 11 16 16 (S) (SI 12 12 13 13 22 22 34 34 39 39 30 22 21 13 37 (S) 78 17 17 15 15 38 38 3 3 8 S 9 9 5 5 12 10 16 16 5 5 8 a 20 20 164 98 8 8 29 29 4 4 24 & 283 8 11 178 11 HI 24 15 9 32 3 164 8 ONTOTOC COUNTY ADA -I- 3 278 60 lOl/ 15 19 19 108 108 95 95 9 9 24 24 13 13 6 6 11 17 6 6 11 17 18 18 14 14 35 35 21 21 29 29 3 124 60 100 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 435 in Permit-issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13 < See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 5 It 9 14 9 - - 13 16 13 16 - - 43 52 55 (XI 1 (XI 11 ( X 1 3 (XI 6 (XI 1 (XI 10 (XI (XI 01 02 47 2 47 2 - - 19 (X ) 19 (X) (X) (X) (SI (X) (SI (XI (SI (XI 150 (X 1 T 86 (X 1 42 (XI 30 (XI 73 (X) 61 (X) 117 (XI 03 04 37 37 - - 44 44 - - 28 34 16 11 (SI (S) (S) 2 (SI 32 05 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 (X) 11 (X) 11 (X) (X) ( X) (S> (X) (S) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI {XI ( X 1 ( X 1 (X 1 (X) (Xl (Xl (X 1 (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) 07 08 17 17 - 12 12 - - (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 18 44 44 - - 33 33 - - T 14 16 7 23 25 15 7 22 23 (XI 19 5 2 22 10 5 2 22 10 - _ 4 8 (X) 4 8 (X) (X) (X) 9 (X) 21 (X) 10 (XI 12 (XI 4 (XI 1 (XI 14 (XI 6 (XI 21 (X ) (S) (X) (SI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (S) (XI (XI (XI T 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 21 22 23 10 10 - - 9 9 - - (SI (SI 5 11 22 15 T 24 35 T 30 61 24 19 19 - - 6 6 - - (SI (SI (S) 39 37 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 25 43 43 - - 13 13 - - (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 22 22 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 27 17 15 2 - 8 8 - - T U 7 (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 28 64 64 - - 52 52 - - 39 29 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 10 (X) 10 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (Xl (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 30 31 120 118 2 - 129 129 - - 219 331 194 165 116 85 59 90 70 268 32 6 3 6 3 - - 12 (X) 12 (X) (X) (X) 15 (X) T 12 (XI 43 (X) 45 (XI 39 (X) 37 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 34 12 44 12 44 - - 7 47 7 47 - T 36 3 (SI 3 (SI 5 77 (SI 32 T 9 14 T 2 15 16 3 47 T 2 108 35 36 45 19 2 24 42 42 38 32 73 92 95 49 (XI (X) (XI (X) 37 (X) 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) (XI 5 (X) 5 (X) (X) (X) T - (XI 2 (XI (X) T 2 (XI (SI (X) 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 38 39 12 229 12 109 8 112 21 131 21 119 - 12 (SI 158 26 173 24 & 374 41 & 115 48 131 102 88 43 56 T 28 78 (XI 88 (Xl 232 40 41 44 44 - - 40 40 - - 53 39 16 36 52 95 66 84 87 136 42 436 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacli to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are sliown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov^n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.C to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places v»hich v(ere permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issumg places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more OKLAHOMA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY EARLSBORO TOWN EHA*NEE * ROGERS COUNTY CLAREMORE SEMINOLE COUNTY SEMINOLE WEWOKA STEPHENS COUNTY DUNCAN MARLOW TEXAS COUNTY GUYMON + HOOKER TYRONE TOWN TILLMAN COUNTY FREDERICK GRANDFIELD WAGONER COUNTY WAGONER. . WASHINGTON COUNTY BARTLESVILLE -I- DEWEY WASHITA COUNTY BURNS FLAT TOWN COROELL WOODS COUNTY ALVA WAYNOKA TOWN WOODWARD COUNTY FORT SUPPLY TOWN MOORELAND TOWN WOODWARD + OREGON EUGENE SMSA LANE COUNTY ♦ COTTAGE GROVE CRESWELL TOWN EUGENE + FLORENCE JUNCTION CITY LANE COUNTY REMAINING AREA + . . . . OAKRIDGE SPRINGFIELD PORTLANDi OREG.-WASH. SMSA CLACKAMAS COUNTY CANBY CLACKAMAS COUNTY. PART OF UNINC. AREA ESTACADA GLADSTONE MILWAUKIE + MOLALLA OREGON CITY OSWEGO + SANDY WEST LINN MULTNOMAH COUNTY * FAIRVIEW GRESHAM MULTNOMAH COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . PORTLAND + WOOD VILLAGE CITY WASHINGTON COUNTY ** BEAVERTON + CORNELIUS FOREST GROVE HILLSBORO +. . .' SHERWOOD TOWN TUALATIN WASHINGTON COUNTYi UNINC. AREA + . . (WASHINGTON! 1 121 221 11 20 2 20 101 52 7 931 36 33 1 278 10 240 60 831 4 110 343 35 32 151 24 35 6 132 1 682 1 919 5 340 11 65 130 10 217 11 26 10 16 1 6 - 428 72 431 14 2 20 11 22 - 193 85 _ 10 - - 158 28 54 39 771 4 21 149 12 27 101 3 31 2 81 1 101 401 5 175 9 31 84 3 1 899 30 98 265 85 155 21 483 1 253 302 6 34 6 221 14 22 265 1 525 65 678 4 26 292 10 32 225 3 55 97 1 779 1 418 2 274 12 74 214 7 6 235 194 6 34 4 484 14 20 1 055 1 181 49 630 4 22 146 32 106 3 32 2 76 1 129 418 2 144 6 36 93 7 6 866 2 S 302 6 93 182 14 298 82 6 119 17 6 15 557 818 150 8 1 4 104 36 21 & 787 9 9 1 183 3 & 281 47 523 6 43 265 7 32 197 3 54 1 670 1 245 3 268 16 35 159 7 950 CLARK COUNTY ♦ BATTLE GROUND TOWN CAUAS. ...... 1 - 37 . 9 - 27 4 138 2 8 ■ . . 30 - (S) _ - 4 1 . 4 - 104 26 2 13 8 416 & 128 9 - 7 2 994 189 3 - 136 & 85 43 4 483 40 4 2 30 13 202 14 7 _ 32 - 147 4 4 - 43 ■ 3 . 44 10 1 216 220 454 156 3 ■ 164 44 6 10 26 9 117 20 8 - 7 _ 871 47 9 2 15 - 8 243 234 635 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 437 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. ■- See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total nunibei ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of tiousing units Total number of liousing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 95 7 (X) (X) 56 35 9 981 15 14 877 5 lit 37 540 12 30 226 138 (X) 87 13 59 1 545 1 053 145 24 48 146 16 2 077 75 7 (X) 186 11 (X) (X) 56 33 520 94 7 26 116 (X) 87 13 26 1 373 574 4 114 6 32 102 16 2 928 6 (X) (X) (X) 29 6 7 2 455 & 222 15 - 10 4 801 76 3 2 75 21 6 67 251 (X) IX) 50 22 (X) 27 105 228 123 15 (X) (XI 77 42 2 S 840 & 40 10 S 635 5 62 17 484 18 183 29 193 (X) 61 15 52 1 332 1 711 25 102 2 7 982 (X) 68 30 30 2 2 36 36 12 12 70 70 8 8 (X) (X) 123 15 (X) (X) 69 17 440 1 29 124 (X) 39 15 27 1 193 521 (XI (XI 40 2 2 - 412 S 301 10 & 30 9 1 733 102 5 - 38 18 (X) 2 2 18 196 (XI (X) 69 (XI 20 23 121 994 IXI 127 39 (X) 61 11 (X) 258 (X) 1X1 (XI (X) (XI 95 7 T - 498 10 5 755 35 (X) (X) (XI (XI 133 (XI 33 126 (X) T 33 20 36 594 676 220 10 34 105 (X) 1 (XI (XI 25 1X1 94 15 (XI 38 2 (XI 321 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 93 7 387 582 2 49 (XI (XI (XI 73 (X) 14 72 (XI 33 1 41 & 1 481 & 1 368 179 3 43 47 (X) (XI 21 (XI 73 76 (X) 16 (XI 295 (XI (X) (XI 35 1 216 10 2 420 T 6 28 (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 (X) 21 63 (XI 13 40 971 825 T 68 3 22 89 (XI 2 (X) (XI 157 215 (X) 15 3 (XI 328 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 12 3 259 14 3 721 (XI (XI (X) (XI 20 57 (X) 23 2 33 1 568 996 154 (S) 26 59 (Xl 22 (XI (XI (XI (X) 21 (XI 201 207 (XI 43 1 (XI 7 T 2 217 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 29 217 10 2 758 4 100 (XI (XI (X) ■ 46 (X) 33 82 (XI 36 2 26 2 248 1 371 (S) T 8 35 61 (X) (X) (XI 17 (XI 146 215 (X) 3 (X) 222 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 25 34 T 2 206 826 23 (XI (X) (X) (XI 22 (XI 32 63 (XI 28 2 185 2 179 (XI 32 46 (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 (XI 89 (SI 9 165 (XI 24 5 (X) 10 (SI 124 (X) (Xl (XI (XI (XI 23 16 (SI 259 iSI 5 989 (S) 124 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 24 (XI 45 68 (XI 34 (XI 32 (SI 2 180 (XI 88 6 34 57 (XI (XI 24 (X) 129 197 (XI 2 (XI 25 (XI 131 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 22 (XI 272 ;xi (S) & 897 (XI 135 (XI (XI (XI (X) 41 37 (X) 33 (X) 29 (X) 1 880 (X) (XI (XI (XI 28 (XI 198 (SI (XI 15 8 (X) 47 (XI 81 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 13 (XI 401 (XI (SI 806 (XI 113 (XI (X) (XI (XI (SI (XI 32 48 (XI 20 (XI 19 (XI 1 721 (XI ■ 10 (S) 31 63 (X) (X) (X) (XI 36 (XI 267 (XI (XI (S) (XI T 29 (X) 110 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (X) 57 31 (XI 815 (X) (S) 760 (XI 200 (X) (X) (XI (XI (S) (X) 46 T 41 (X) 40 (X) 26 (X) 3 824 (X) 74 (X) (XI (X) (XI (SI 438 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Mumber of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more OREGON — CON. PORTLANDi OREG.-*ASH. SMSA — CON. CLARK COUNTY * — CON. CLARK COUNTY REMAINING AREA +. . . LA CENTER TO*N RIDGEFIELD TOWN VANCOUVER -f WASHOUGAL TOWN SALEM SMSA MARION COUNTY ♦* AUMSVILLE TOWN GATES GERVAIS TOWN HUBBARD JEFFERSON MARION COUNTYt UNINC. AREA •!• . . . MOUNT ANGEL SALEM + SILVERTON STAYTON TOWN SUBLIMITY TOWN WOOOBuRN POLK COUNTY DALLAS FALLS CITY TOWN INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH TOWN PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S BAKER COUNTY BAKER + HALFWAY TOWN BENTON COUNTY CORVALLIS •^ PHILOMATH CLATSOP COUNTY ASTORIA GEARHART SEASIDE + WARRENTON COLUMBIA COUNTY CLATSKANIE COLUMBIA CITY COLUMBIA COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . . RAINIER ST HELENS SCAPPOOSE COOS COUNTY BANDON COOS BAY -f COOUILLE EASTSIDE EMPIRE MYRTLE POINT NORTH BEND -t- POWERS CROOK COUNTY CROOK COUNTY UNINC. AREA PRINEVILLE CURRY COUNTY BROOKINGS GOLD BEACH FORT ORFORO DESCHUTES COUNTY BEND * REDMOND SISTERS DOUGLAS COUNTY ** CANYONVILLE DOUGLAS COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . DRAIN GLENDALE MYRTLE CREEK OAKLAND REEDSPORT RIDDLE ROSEBURG SUTHERLIN WINSTON GILLIAM COUNTY ARLINGTON 760 1 7 457 10 5 2 4 671 11 295 17 37 3 197 562 28 & 5 29 & 39 6 2 108 37 2 180 2 2 11 603 1 S 38 2 139 6 62 4 482 3 110 17 37 3 197 2 & 169 2 2 11 154 8 163 359 10 543 1 7 321 7 7 6 2 9 3 643 32 414 32 57 6 227 & 318 14 & (S) 21 1 64 91 5 & 23 529 1 5 7 2 9 3 451 6 107 26 38 6 210 158 8 & IS) 21 159 24 274 1 - 42 - — — 53 8 5 - 7 & 16 531 6 420 7 1 3 2 11 3 648 7 297 33 23 2 206 327 2 & 32 2 12 1 & 14 6 & 59 2 7 489 6 163 1 488 7 120 19 23 2 194 131 2 & 22 2 12 1 & 14 6 & 40 2 7 & 227 6 112 120 12 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 439 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13, <• See Appendix C-2 tor statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; tor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Dala symbols: •-" Represents zero, "T" Dala cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units m structures with- Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units 5 E 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 697 3 585 3 65 47 544 2 4 519 2 4 14 11 T 392 T 1 2 425 4 358 2 2 487 2 6 (X) T 2 (XI 1 (X) 3 (X) 3 (XI 1 (X) (S) 1 01 02 03 & 246 10 & 163 10 68 15 212 9 154 7 48 2 10 8 288 5 269 4 210 8 181 13 187 9 219 7 87 9 105 3 127 T 9 235 17 04 05 2 2 6 H 2 2 4 4 2 - 2 2 (X) (X> 2 (X) (X) 2 (X) ( X) (X) (XI tX) (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 (X) (XI (X) ( XI (XI (X) (X ) (X I (XI (XI ( X 1 1X1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (X 1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 07 08 09 10 & 604 6 294 17 17 & 541 6 145 17 13 42 41 4 21 108 623 233 13 16 567 108 13 16 46 47 10 78 (X) 3 249 13 15 (X) 5 8 242 15 11 (X) 4 124 8 7 (XI 2 212 11 22 (XI 3 275 4 26 (XI 3 261 2 22 (XI (S) 290 (SI (SI (XI (X) T 279 (X) (XI (XI (XI 298 (X) (X) (XI (X) 477 (X) (XI 11 12 13 14 15 2 72 2 68 4 - 3 13 3 13 - - 1 (X) 1 (X 1 4 (X) 3 (X) (SI (XI 5 (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 16 17 22 5 50 36 18 5 13 27 4 2 9 35 15 2 6 2 11 2 6 2 4 - 24 T - 24 26 18 1 10 23 5 6 21 4 8 23 2 2 13 12 1 4 11 18 (SI (SI 9 30 (XI (X 1 10 41 (X) (XI 9 17 (XI (XI 9 18 19 20 21 24 2 20 2 4 - 37 33 . 4 T 67 T - 38 1 35 1 17 3 44 30 29 36 33 55 T 1 22 23 170 6 120 2 22 4 28 8 280 5 164 5 15 8 101 331 (SI 275 (S) 116 T 6 199 4 110 10 143 2 54 3 135 8 110 6 177 T 8 24 25 42 4 22 4 17 4 4 4 21 17 6 10 5 IX) 6 10 5 (X) (X) (X) 14 (X) 53 (X) 9 (X) 25 (X) 17 (X) 7 (X) 17 (X) 9 (X) 26 (XI 13 (XI 27 (X) (S) (X) 28 (X) ,(SI (XI 104 (XI 25 (XI 53 (X) 39 (XI 37 (X) (SI (XI 26 27 28 29 2 87 17 23 2 85 15 18 2 2 5 - 3 (X> 1 8 29 3 (X) 1 8 29 (XI (X) 2 (X) (X) 1 12 (X) 1 (X) (X) 1 1 (X) (X) (X) 1 7 (X) (X) (XI 12 (XI 2 (XI (X) 3 25 (X) 6 (XI (XI (SI 17 (XI 3 (XI (XI (SI 26 (X) 6 (XI (X) T 1 21 (X) T 2 (X) (X) (SI 12 (XI 2 (X) (X) (S) 34 (X) 30 31 32 33 34 35 3 50 6 4 11 3 26 6 4 9 16 2 8 5 29 18 8 9 5 19 18 8 9 2 8 9 51 16 11 17 T 2 41 4 10 12 (S) 29 6 T 9 (S) (S) 35 20 (S) (SI IS) 37 25 (S) (S) (S) 21 21 T 5 10 (SI 30 70 11 119 22 60 (S) 20 T 107 T 41 117 37 (31 (S) (S) 54 18 (S) (SI 36 37 38 39 40 la 40 1 14 4 11 5 7 37 7 37 7 - ~ 7 98 (X) 3 23 (X ) 4 30 (XI 11 23 (XI 13 38 (X) 12 22 (X) 12 45 (X) 18 78 (X) 20 80 (XI 7 161 (XI 41 42 43 5 1 5 1 - - & 1 14 & 1 14 - - (XI 13 (X) 7 (XI 12 (X) 7 (X) 13 (X) 6 (X) 12 (X) 18 (XI 50 (XI 78 44 45 9 15 2 9 11 2 4 - 12 7 5 12 7 5 - _ 10 (X) 10 10 (X) 11 9 (XI 12 28 (X) 25 (SI (XI 10 (X) (XI 8 (X) (XI 16 (X) (XI (SI (XI (X) (S) (XI (X) (SI 46 47 48 42 6 & 4 42 6 S 4 - - 49 3 49 3 _ - 67 8 (X) 71 3 (X) 64 3 (XI 72 17 (X) 47 14 (XI 41 15 (XI 37 12 (XI 51 18 (X) 22 47 (X) 84 56 (XI 49 50 51 3 & 114 6 3 & 108 6 6 ■ 1X1 & 95 1 2 (X) 8 93 1 2 IX) 2 (XI (X) 60 (S) 2 1 (X) 47 T - (XI 8 54 T - (X) 223 8 10 6 (X) 95 2 18 (XI 19 3 23 (X) (SI (S) (S) (XI (XI (X) T 4 (X) (X) (X) (XI 2 (XI (XI (X) (X) 7 (XI 52 53 54 55 56 19 4 50 6 10 4 46 6 4 4 5 1 & 15 2 8 42 1 10 1 & 13 2 & 42 1 10 2 - (X) 13 (X) 36 9 T 8 (X) ( XI 37 (S) 7 (XI 7 (XI 19 T - (S) (XI 8 (X) 69 14 (XI (X) 18 (XI 84 37 (X) (X) & 44 (XI 54 51 (X) (X) 65 (XI 36 (S) (X) (X) 21 (X) 53 (X) (XI (XI 51 (XI 54 (X) (X) (XI T 33 (XI 42 (X) (X) 57 58 59 60 61 62 8 8 _ _ 3 3 _ _ 2 T - 2 2 . (SI (S) 1 2 1 63 440 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols; 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, ••97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more OREGON — COI>J. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. GILLIAM COUNTY — CON. CONDON GILLIAM COUI^TY UNINC. AREA . . . GRANT COUNTY CANYON CITY TOWN JOHN DAY PRAIRIE CITY HARNEY COUNTY BURNS HINES TOWN HOOD RIVER COUNTY HOOD RIVER JACKSON COUNTY ASHLAND -I- CENTRAL POINT EAGLE POINT TOWN GOLD HILL JACKSONVILLE MEDFORD -I- PHOENIX TALENT TOWN JEFFERSON COUNTY CULVER MADRAS METOLIUS JOSEPHINE COUNTY CAVE JUNCTION GRANTS PASS KLAMATH COUNTY BONANZA TOWN CHILOQUIN TOWN KLAMATH FALLS + MALIN TOWN MERRILL TOWN LAKE COUNTY LAKEVIEW TOWN LINCOLN COUNTY DE LAKE NEWPORT OCEANLAKE TAFT TOLEDO WALOPORT LINN COUNTY ALBANY + BROWNSVILLE HALSEY HARRISBURG LEBANON MILL CITY SCIO SWEET HOME WATERLOO TOWN MALHEUR COUNTY NYSSA TOWN ONTARIO VALE TOWN MORROW COUNTY HEPPNER lONE SHERMAN COUNTY MORO WASCO TILLAMOOK COUNTY GARIBALDI MANZANITA ROCKAWAY TILLAMOOK UMATILLA COUNTY ATHENA HELIX HERMISTON MILTON-FREEWATER PENDLETON -f PILOT ROCK TOWN STANFIELD UMATILLA WESTON It6 70 21 5 37 292 13 22 10 155 97 66 13 3 31 185 8 7 2 105 1 & 6 165 61 289 25 16 1 116 142 6 2 4 33 9 4 39 1 1 & 6 68 2 53 8 9 - 4 - 16 - 200 28 11 14 4 12 1 3 10 6 1 96 20 ^ _ 4 - 27 2 2 - 18 - 24 14 17 4 3 - 3 3 5 4 74 16 6 - 2 - 4 - 13 6 9 _ 2 2 27 - 1 ■■ 6 _ 24 6 2 - 7 _ 1 - 30 21 11 11 40 25 _ _ 2 2 2 2 5 5 66 75 7 7 5 285 (S) 6 64 2 69 6 7 - 7 - 5 - 211 15 (S) - 6 ■ 2 . 16 18 8 ■ 70 4 1 - 28 - 2 - 6 - 12 . 24 2 31 2 9 _ 2 - 57 13 5 - 1 - 2 - 8 - 6 _ 1 - 8 2 10 29 4 3 1 1 ■ 9 - 2 2 7 ~ 2 - 29 2 10 2 28 - 4 _ 2 - 1 - 3 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 441 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3.014 selected permil-issumg places wtiich constitute tlie source for the statistics shown monthly m tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. /• See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "- ■ Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is tor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1357 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total nuiiibei ol housing units Number of housing ill stiuctu'es will units Total number of housing units Numbei of housing in structures wifl units — Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of huusing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 iiioie IJ 2 (XI 2 (X) (X) 1 x> (XI (XI (X) (XI iX) (XI iX) ( \i (XI 1X1 (X) (X) IX) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 02 2 2 _ - 2 3 2 - - T 5 T 5 91 (XI 71 (XI 93 (X) 111 (X) 108 (X) 120 20 21 U 26 1 11 26 i - - 2 55 (X) 2 27 (X) 4 (X) 'I (XI (XI (X 1 165 (XI (XI IX) (X) 57 (X ) (X ) ( X) (X) 42 ( x.) (X) ( X) ( X) 156 (XI (X) (X) (X) 81 (X) (XI (X) 34 (XI (X) (XI (XI 25 (XI (XI (X) (X) 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) 33 (X) (X) (XI (XI 106 (XI (XI 22 23 24 25 26 7 5 2 - 20 12 - 8 21 43 9 20 32 21 15 29 15 19 27 9 T 27 31 3 9 10 9 25 16 3 7 4 2 15 2 6 . 10 62 i2 ) ;xi 28 (SI (XI 41 (X) (X) 20 (SI (XI 27 (XI (X) 6 T - (XI 20 (XI (X) 6 2 (XI 8 61 (XI (XI (SI 3 (XI 30 (XI (XI (XI 5 (X) 17 (XI (XI (XI T 4 (X) 28 (XI (X) (X) (SI 28 29 30 31 32 33 105 3 5 13 84 3 5 9 6 4 15 100 3 2 4 a 65 3 2 4 8 4 31 l3i (XI <;< ; (XI 10 15i (X) (XI (XI 11 7b (X) vX) (X) 10 128 (X) (X) (X) 19 91 (X) (X 1 (XI 39 73 1X1 (XI (XI 47 39 (XI (XI (XI 42 74 (X) (XI (X) 59 115 (X) (X) (X) 96 105 (XI (XI (XI 70 34 35 36 37 38 4 3 9 1 9 1 3 - 3 10 (;; I 3 2 (X) (X) 6 (X) - 4 iXI 8 !XI (XI 5 (X) (X) 2 (X) 2 (XI 10 (X) 3 (XI 7 (XI (S) (X) 9 (XI (S) (X) 19 (XI (X) (X) 32 (XI (X) (X) 22 (XI (X) (X) 17 (X) 39 40 41 42 8 30 8 27 3 - 11 25 1 11 17 2 6 20 36 4 21 46 8 41 19 24 9 9 26 4 9 22 2 5 18 1 3 6 3 11 10 T 2 12 34 (S) 43 44 45 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) 6 (Xl (XI (XI 5 (Xi 8 (X) 4 (X) 6 (X) (XI IX) ;xi (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 46 47 2 - 2 - (X) (XI iX, (XI (XI 2 (X) (X) ( XI 2 (XI (X) 3 (XI (X) (XI (XI 3 48 49 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 3 (X > (X) ;x) (XI (XI (X) 1 21 (X) (XI 1 9 (XI (X) 12 (X) (X) (X) IXI (XI 4 (X) ( X 1 (XI 18 (XI (XI (XI 7 (X) (X 1 (XI 6 (X) (X) (XI 7 (XI (X) (X) 4 (X) (X) (XI 3 (X) (XI (X) 5 (XI (X) (XI 11 (X) (X) (X) 14 50 51 52 53 9 IX) 42 9 53 9 (XI 30 9 33 (X) 2 (X) 10 1 20 (X) '.X ) 13 13 S 56 (X) (XI 13 11 ?. 44 (X) (X) 2 (XI (XI 10 (X) 'X 1 13 15 T 49 (XI 1X1 11 17 S7 (XI (XI 14 21 70 (X) IX) 11 21 143 (X i (X) 36 i5 92 (XI iXI 62 14 94 IX) (X) 23 21 51 (X) iXI 56 25 51 (XI (XI & 133 T 16 T 143 (X) (XI 78 32 154 54 55 56 57 58 3 3 2 1 3 2 - - 10 (XI i 1 10 (X) & 1 (X) (XI T 8 (X 1 (X) (XI (S) ( X ) (X) ( XI (SI (XI (X) 1 X) 17 (X) (X) (X) 34 iX; iXI (X/ 48 (X) (X; 29 (XJ (XI .x: 40 iXI (XI (X) 21 (X> (Xi (XI 36 (X) IX) .X) 59 60 61 62 442 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropohtan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical lishng by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State. SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing UDitS Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 38 39 HO 41 12 H3 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 OREGON — COI>J. PLACES OUTSIDE St^SA'S — CON. UNION COUNTY ELGIN -> LA GRANDE »/ALLOWA COUNTY ENTERPRISE JOSEPH LOSTINE WASCO COUNTY DALLES DUFUR TOWN MAUPIN TOWN WASCO COUNTYi PART OF UNINC. AREA WHEELER COUNTY FOSSIL TOWN YAMHILL COUNTY CARLTON DAYTON DUNDEE DUNDEE TOWN LAFAYETTE MCMINNVILLE + NEWBERG SHERIDAN WILLAMINA YAMHILL COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . PENNSYLVANIA ALLENTOWN-BETHLEHEM-EASTONi PA. -N.J. SMSA LEHIGH COUNTY ALBURTIS BOROUGH ALLENTOWN -f CATASAUQUA BOROUGH COOPERSBURG BOROUGH COPLAY BOROUGH EMMAUS BOROUGH * FOUNTAIN HILL BOROUGH HANOVER TOWNSHIP LOWER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP MACUNGIE BOROUGH NORTH WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP SALISBURY TOWNSHIP + SLATINGTON BOROUGH SOUTH WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP UPPER SAUCON TOWNSHIP + WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP + NORTHAMPTON COUNTY BANGOR BOROUGH BATH BOROUGH BETHLEHEM + BUSHKILL TOWNSHIP EASTON FORKS TOWNSHIP FREEMANSBURG BOROUGH GLENDON BOROUGH HANOVER TOWNSHIP + HELLERTOWN BOROUGH LOWER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP LOWER SAUCON TOWNSHIP NAZARETH BOROUGH NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH NORTH CATASAUQUA BOROUGH PALMER TOWNSHIP + PEN ARGYL BOROUGH ROSETO BOROUGH STOCKERTOWN BOROUGH WALNUTPORT BOROUGH WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP WEST EASTON BOROUGH WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP. WIND GAP BOROUGH (NEW JERSEY) WARREN COUNTY ALLAMUCHY TOWNSHIP ALPHA BOROUGH BELVIOERE TOWN BLAIRSTOWN TOWNSHIP GREENWICH TOWNSHIP (S) 1 - 1 - 25 10 10 2 4 - 38 6 7 7 522 199 3 3 22 22 4 4 38 38 6 6 2 2 62 62 8 8 24 24 165 165 9 9 94 88 82 82 85 81 7 7 1 1 393 122 15 15 86 6 27 27 3 3 1 1 147 147 15 10 42 42 4 4 10 10 11 11 104 104 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 12 12 2 2 2 2 3 3 (S) (S) 34 14 1 1 6 6 5 5 1 20 1 20 1 1 1 1 69 1 41 1 - 5 312 495 - 7 • 16 - 5 _ 40 - 4 - 19 - 8 _ 25 - 113 - 2 - 68 _ 72 - 87 _ 5 - 3 237 295 - 6 80 5 _ 15 - 8 - 3 - 144 5 11 _ 2 - 21 - 2 - 17 - 7 _ 115 - 2 - 4 - 3 - 6 (S) (S) 20 14 5 5 8 8 5 5 5 - 171 15 3 4 16 - 1 4 40 - 4 - 19 - — * 8 - 25 _ 111 2 2 . 68 - - - 72 _ 79 8 5 ^ 3 - 95 8 6 - 5 - 15 _ 8 - 3 - 144 * 11 - 2 _ 21 . 2 - 17 - 7 - 102 13 2 - 4 - 3 - 6 - 2 2 25 25 5 3 4 4 2 2 27 25 1 I & 1 & 1 31 29 321 250 100 100 15 11 12 12 55 55 10 10 22 22 63 63 2 2 31 31 93 93 3 3 112 112 43 43 85 85 96 94 6 6 2 2 114 104 25 25 & 112 7 18 18 3 3 90 90 14 14 2 2 41 37 16 16 13 13 6 6 96 96 — - 6 6 3 3 2 2 _ _ 1 I 13 13 5 5 JNSYLVANIA — CON. ALLENTOWt^-BETHLEHEM-EASTONt PA. -N.J, SI^SA- WARREN COUNTY — CON. HACKETTSTOWN TOWN HARDWICK TOWNSHIP HARMONY TOWNSHIP . . HOPE TOWNSHIP INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP LIBERTY TOWNSHIP LOPATCONG TOWNSHIP MANSFIELD TOWNSHIP PHILLIPSBURG TOWN POHATCONG TOWNSHIP WASHINGTON BOROUGH + • , . WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP WHITE TOWNSHIP ALTOONA SMSA BLAIR COUNTY ALTOONA + ANTIS TOWNSHIP BELLWOOD BOROUGH BLAIR TOWNSHIP H0LLIDAYSBUR6 BOROUGH LOGAN TOWNSHIP MARTINSBURG BOROUGH SN-TDER TOWNSHIP TYRONE BOROUGH BINGHAMTONi N.Y.-PA. (SEE NEW YORK) ERIE SMSA SMSA ERIE COUNTY CORRY EDINBORC B0r:1jGH ERIE FAIRVIEW BOROUGH . , . . . FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP. .... GIRARD BOROUGH HARBORCREEK TOWNSHIP + . . LAWRENCE PARK TOWNSHIP ^ . MILLCREEK TOWNSHIP + . . . NORTH EAST BOROUGH .... NORTH EAST TOWNSHIP. . . . SUMMIT TOWNSHIP UNION CITY BOROUGH .... WESLEYVILLE BOROUGH. . . . HARRISBURG SMSA CUMBERLAND COUNTY CAMP HILL BOROUGH +. . . , CARLISLE BOROUGH EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP +. HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP + . . . . LEMOYNE BOROUGH LOWER ALLEN TOWNSHIP + . . MECHANICSBUR6 BOROUGH. . . MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS BOROUGH NEW CUMBERLAND BOROUGH . . NEWVILLE BOROUGH SHIPPENSBURG BOROUGH . . . SHIREMANSTOWN BOROUGH. . . SILVER SPRING TOWNSHIP ■^ , WORMLEYSBURG BOROUGH . . . DAUPHIN COUNTY DAUPHIN BOROUGH -I- DERRY TOWNSHIP ELI2ABETHVILLE BOROUGH . . HALIFAX BOROUGH HARRISBURG + HIGHSPIRE BOROUGH HUMMELSTOWN BOROUGH. . . . LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP . . . LOWER PAXTON TOWNSHIP +. . LYKENS BOROUGH MIDDLETOWN BOROUGH .... MILLERSBURG BOROUGH. . . . PAXTANG BOROUGH PENBROOK BOROUGH ROYALTON BOROUGH STEELTON BOROUGH SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP + . . SWATARA TOWNSHIP + . . . . WEST HANOVER TOWNSHIP +. . (S) 13 19 15 30 (S) in 102 22 1 100 13 1 25 281 15 1)4 6 41 15 258 14 17 20 4 2 117 85 79 105 13 73 102 3 31 5 25 320 9 110 136 42 (S) 6 19 6 15 30 (S) 14 2 22 1 26 I 3 I 6 ' 3 262 19 13 2 42 2 6 _ 41 - 15 - 240 18 10 4 17 _ 20 . 4 . 2 - 21 71 55 76 5 . 21 4 182 4 - - 2 _ 1 - 1 - 9 83 . 84 14 42 - 401 69 1 1 2 2 8 8 25 25 9 9 19 19 19 19 10 10 21 15 3 3 22 22 T 5 5 95 92 13 13 2 2 14 11 10 10 22 22 15 15 7 7 5 5 & 362 240 8 8 51 51 11 11 45 45 18 18 226 211 5 5 18 18 12 12 2 2 2 2 133 27 63 39 172 76 160 143 6 6 52 52 44 32 8 2 60 55 - - 11 11 38 38 51 46 25 25 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 19 16 1 1 4 4 12 12 238 221 - - 8 8 7 7 1 1 10 2 - - 11 11 95 87 78 78 64 64 20 20 6 6 45 10 3 3 12 10 22 22 45 31 24 24 5 5 5 5 5 5 108 108 29 29 2 2 23 23 5 5 19 19 3 3 11 11 6 6 14 14 33 17 257 253 9 9 42 42 9 9 33 33 27 27 202 200 6 6 8 8 21 21 1 1 1 1 106 70 24 56 96 205 - 114 - 4 . 50 - 60 6 2 5 36 - - _ 17 - 40 5 37 - 37 32 2 16 32 238 5 85 & 98 56 10 2 16 32 211 59 11 40 - 61 - 109 - 4 - 47 3 56 4 2 - 31 - - - 11 _ 40 - 34 3 37 - 16 144 5 12 & 40 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 445 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13- ' See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. •&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units 01 more Total number housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units (XI 22 47 23 (X) 16 (XI 257 (XI (XI 10 64 24 200 (XI (XI 20 2 1 56 50 54 115 12 107 35 (XI 25 37 28 9 (XI 1 15 6 28 (XI 298 6 125 105 68 48 (XI (XI 22 47 23 (XI 86 79 19 19 4 4 6 6 T 7 7 (XI (XI 5 5 17 17 1 1 12 (XI 237 (XI (X) 10 64 24 198 (XI (XI 20 2 1 42 50 46 113 9 107 35 4 40 (XI 25 34 28 9 (X) 1 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 6 - 26 - (XI (XI 265 26 - - 15 _ 5 - (SI (XI 12 (XI 40 (XI I 41 (SI 73 27 (XI 112 31 (X) (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI 222 (XI (XI 59 32 189 (XI (XI T 15 1 68 62 122 190 15 116 28 2 39 (X) 13 37 9 1 (XI (SI (XI 12 (XI 40 (X) 5 (SI 27 (XI 110 31 (XI (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI 9 62 40 122 184 11 116 28 2 39 (XI 13 37 9 113 103 66 2 2 31 31 (XI (XI 265 261 14 10 8 6 10 10 6 6 1 1 11 11 157 157 150 134 76 76 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 222 - (X) (XI (XI (XI 57 2 32 - 187 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 - 1 - (XI 4 36 64 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 34 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 (X I 51 (Xl (XI 111 (XI (XI (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI T 10 (XI 267 (XI (XI (S) (XI T 47 215 (XI (XI T 14 112 25 94 (XI 13 288 45 2 34 (XI (SI (XI (XI 522 " 18 (X) (XI 7 3 11 T 164 T 190 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 (XI T 34 (X) (XI 81 (XI (XI (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI 5 11 (X) 274 (XI (X) 18 (XI 18 204 (XI (XI 30 56 22 123 (X) 18 210 40 2 48 T - (XI 4 (XI (SI (XI (X) 2 14 (XI 2 6 12 189 134 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 (XI (SI iXI (XI 107 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 5 5 (XI 344 (XI (XI 17 (XI 33 314 (XI (XI 23 1 126 28 95 (X) 12 172 22 3 60 T - (X) 7 (XI (31 (XI (XI 78 1 28 (XI (XI T - 18 (XI 2 1 10 161 (SI (XI 247 ( X I (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI 17 (XI (SI (XI (XI 133 (X) (XI (XI T 15 (XI (XI (X) T 14 16 (XI 551 (XI (XI 15 (XI 69 362 (XI (XI (XI 3 153 26 109 (XI T 12 164 19 2 73 T - (X) 11 (XI (SI (XI (XI 21 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 87 (XI (SI (XI (XI 89 (XI (X I (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 14 21 (XI 733 (X) (XI 11 (XI 24 367 (XI (XI (XI 1 10 169 46 117 (XI (SI (SI 58 3 146 1 (XI 13 (XI (S) (XI (XI T 10 17 29 30 (XI (XI (XI (XI T - - 31 35 (XI (XI T 5 6 19 9 1 19 27 220 2 200 208 (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 75 (X) (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI 16 23 (XI 6o6 (XI (XI (XI 45 295 (XI (XI (XI 1 T 10 120 22 (XI (XI T 2 (XI 34 4 48 1 (XI 26 (XI (XI (XI 123 T 12 26 (XI (XI T - 34 (XI 1 10 2 148 (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 (XI T - (XI (XI 1C7 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 15 25 (XI 628 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI 1 (S) 24 (XI (XI (SI (XI 50 11 121 (SI (XI 27 (XI T 3 (XI (XI 7 33 (XI (XI (XI 34 (XI T 7 14 T - 15 142 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 47 (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI r 15 12 (XI 699 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 73 50 (XI (XI 10 55 (XI (XI 9 (XI T 2 (XI (XI 9 r 13 40 (XI (XI (XI 40 (XI 15 (SI 225 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI & 212 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI 22 (XI 1 629 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 (XI 51 (XI (XI (XI 23 1 & 142 (XI (XI 9 (XI 2 (XI (XI 17 (XI (XI (XI 62 (XI 2 15 1 29 (SI 170 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 372 ( XI (SI (XI (XI 117 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI 15 (XI 325 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 96 125 (XI (XI (X) 22 5 140 (XI (XI 6 (XI 19 (XI (XI 4 1 392 16 26 (XI (XI (XI 134 (XI 8 18 1 13 (SI 173 (XI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 68 69 446 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land atea delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shov»n in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SI^ISA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 03 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Zj 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more PENNSYLVAN I A — CON . HARRISBURS SMSA~C0N. 01 02 03 PERRY COUI^TY DUNCANNON BOROUGH MARYSVILLE BOROUGH NEWPORT BOROUGH JOHNSTOWN SMSA 4 4 - - 3 2 3 2 - - 2 4 - - OH 05 CAI^BRIA COUNTY BARI^ESBORO BOROUGH CRESSON BOROUGH 6 3 7 1 9 1 2 26 2 6 3 7 1 9 1 2 24 2 2 ~ 1 2 1 8 11 1 & 59 32 4 1 2 1 8 11 1 3 32 4 & 56 - 3 4 2 (S) 11 40 3 1 4 2 (S) 11 36 3 2 4 - 07 EBENSBURG BOROUGH* ••••*•••*•• 09 FRANKLIN BOROUGH ••«•«•■••••• 10 12 JOHNSTOWN* •••••••■••••••• 13 14 15 16 17 18 LORETTO BOROUGH RICHLAND TOWNSHIP SOUTHMONT BOROUGH 3 5 11 2 3 13 3 5 U 2 3 13 - - 5 17 7 I 1 9 5 17 5 3 2 1 9 2 - 2 10 17 11 4 13 2 2 10 17 11 4 13 2 - - 20 21 22 23 STONYCREEK TOWNSHIP UPPER YODER TOWNSHIP VINTONDALE BOROUGH WESTMONT BOROUGH ••••••#••••« 2t 25 26 27 28 SOMERSET COUNTY BERLIN BOROUGH BOSWELL BOROUGH CENTRAL CITY BOROUGH CONEMAUGH TOWNSHIP JENNERSTOWN BOROUGH 6 21 4 6 21 4 " - 3 12 3 3 12 3 - - 1 10 17 1 1 10 17 1 - - 30 31 32 33 ROCKWOOD BOROUGH SOI^ERSET BOROUGH STONYCREEK TOWNSHIP WINOBER BOROUGH* ••••*••••••• LANCASTER SMSA LANCASTER COUNTY 1 23 9 5 3 1 23 9 5 3 - - 6 15 4 7 9 6 15 4 7 9 - - 1 22 12 5 10 1 20 12 5 10 2 - 36 CLAY TOWNSHIP* ••••••••••••• 37 38 COLUMBIA BOROUGH DENVER BOROUGH 39 UO EAST COCALICO TOWNSHIP EAST PETERSBURG BOROUGH. •••#•••• 21 43 42 65 & 198 21 43 31 28 54 - 11 37 & 144 20 51 38 20 120 18 51 27 20 70 2 11 50 9 44 22 21 122 9 44 22 21 122 - - 41 42 43 ELIZABETHTOWN BOROUGH + EPHRATA BOROUGH LANCASTER + 44 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP +••«••••••• 36 44 11 356 218 26 13 2 43 18 36 40 11 154 86 21 13 2 23 18 4 8 4 194 128 5 20 37 42 17 169 74 23 24 2 16 21 37 42 17 136 74 23 22 2 16 21 10 2 23 54 16 25 294 20 23 7 1 13 8 30 8 25 140 16 23 7 1 13 8 8 4 24 154 45 LITITZ BOROUGH ••••••••••••• 46 47 48 MANHEIM BOROUGH MANHEIM TOWNSHIP + MANOR TOWNSHIP ••••••••>•#•■ 49 MILLERSVILLE BOROUGH 51 52 53 MOUNTVILLE BOROUGH NEW HOLLAND BOROUGH PEOUEA TOWNSHIP 54 55 56 57 58 59 QUARRYVILLE BOROUGH STRASBURG BOROUGH TERRE HILL BOROUGH WASHINGTON BOROUGH WEST DONEGAL TOWNSHIP WEST LAMPETER TOWNSHIP + PHILADELPHIA. PA. -N.J, SMSA 8 20 8 20 - : 5 13 (S) 1 33 5 11 (S) 1 33 2 - 6 10 (SI 5 29 1 10 (S) 5 29 - 5 60 61 62 63 BUCKS COUNTY BENSALEM TOWNSHIP + BRISTOL BOROUGH BRISTOL TOWNSHIP BUCKINGHAM TOWNSHIP 662 79 238 26 5 42 72 7 346 42 2 5 3 32 12 21 26 5 37 72 7 45 42 2 5 3 2 630 65 217 5 301 30 10 56 43 30 167 46 1 117 48 3 3 2 30 8 28 43 30 35 46 1 29 48 3 3 2 2 2 28 130 88 47 33 116 29 25 39 38 2 219 42 2 S 2 47 6 24 29 25 37 38 2 54 42 2 5 2 4 2 23 92 165 65 66 67 68 DOYLESTOWN BOROUGH DOYLESTOWN TOWNSHIP DUBLIN BOROUGH FALLS TOWNSHIP + 70 HULMEVILLE BOROUGH .•..«••.••« 71 72 IVYLAND BOROUGH LANGHORNE BOROUGH RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 447 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ,« See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbei of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 numbei in structures wit — number in structures with- number number number number numbei number numbei number number numbei c of of ol of of of of of of ol of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 4 1 2 3 T 1 01 3 3 . - 5 5 . 6 3 6 7 6 6 (S) (XI (X) (XI 02 ■ ■ ' ■ T - ■ " 1 1 2 1 2 3 03 3 3 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) IXI (X) (XI 04 3 3 . . _ . _ _ 7 3 6 8 14 4 12 16 (SI IS) 05 . - . (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 1 X) (X) (X) IX ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 06 10 10 - - 9 9 _ - 15 11 14 11 11 10 10 19 19 34 07 2 2 - - 4 4 - - 6 6 6 3 11 5 (SI (X) (XI (X) 08 ( Xl (X) 1 X) (XI (X) (XI (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 09 12 12 - _ 12 12 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (XI (X) 10 _ . _ 2 2 . _ 26 T 22 8 T 30 42 T 25 T 26 26 - - 11 20 20 - . 19 19 - - 20 S 467 35 29 34 22 30 55 & 361 & 282 12 (X) IX) IX) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X ) (X) (XI IX) (X ) (X) (XI (X) IXI (X) 13 1 1 _ _ 2 2 . _ 1X1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 1X1 (X) 14 1 1 . _ _ . _ _ 1 . - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 15 1 1 . . 2 2 _ - 3 (SI 7 T 3 3 T 1 1 T 1 - T 3 16 (X) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI ( X 1 (X) (X) (XI ( XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 17 (SI (SI - - 8 8 - - (SI (31 T 19 21 20 T 9 14 - 9 43 18 2 2 _ _ _ _ . _ 5 _ _ 3 _ _ 4 T 1 _ 2 19 iS) (S) . _ 21 21 . . (X) (X) (XI (X) IX) (XI (X) (XI ( X) (X) 20 16 16 - - 49 47 2 - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 21 _ _ . . _ . _ _ . - - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) tX) 22 14 14 - - 27 27 - - 39 38 57 48 60 48 39 92 92 113 23 8 8 6 6 T - 6 6 3 3 4 4 6 4 T 6 24 6 6 - . S 50 . & 50 _ 2 _ 3 3 2 1 (S) (X) (X) (X) 25 . _ _ - . _ - 1 - - - - (S) (XI (XI (X) 26 < XI (X) IX) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 27 3 3 - - (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 28 2 2 _ _ 5 5 . _ T n 5 4 T 3 5 6 T 9 8 5 10 29 6 6 _ . 2 2 . _ T - - - (SI (S) (S) T - - 1 - 30 9 9 - . 18 18 . _ 18 22 11 25 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 31 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 32 6 6 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 33 2 2 4 4 8 5 3 4 2 2 T 6 8 T 9 (S) 34 18 18 - . 13 13 _ - T 30 24 17 16 37 18 24 11 16 9 35 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 1X1 (X) (XI (X) tX) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 36 4 4 _ _ 2 2 _ _ 5 3 8 18 16 35 20 17 22 33 37 8 6 2 - (S) (S) - - (S) 12 6 14 17 16 9 5 10 16 38 (X) IX) (X) IXI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 39 51 49 2 - 28 28 . - 35 13 13 37 75 8 (X) (X) (X) (X) 40 29 29 . 36 36 _ - 62 70 59 44 (S) T 37 (SI 33 52 (SI 41 15 15 . « 15 15 . . 16 20 24 34 38 51 36 39 34 41 42 92 92 - - 120 86 34 - 89 72 38 96 156 203 142 79 100 & 192 43 33 33 . . 43 39 4 _ 76 68 54 114 163 168 (X) (X) (X) (X) 44 8 8 - _ 16 16 . - 20 12 13 33 29 28 19 24 28 34 45 17 17 - _ 11 11 . _ (SI 10 (SI T 20 T 28 T 18 (X) (XI (XI (XI 46 126 112 - 14 136 136 . . 191 156 121 223 220 209 T 4 (S) 41 44 47 ( X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (X) IXI (X) (X) (XI (X) 48 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (XI (X) 49 12 12 - - 13 13 . _ 10 11 21 12 20 20 14 T 10 5 26 50 6 4 2 _ 2 2 _ . T 5 1 5 13 7 11 (X) (X) (XI (X) 51 13 13 ■ . 8 8 . _ 27 16 13 16 12 13 (X) (X) (XI (X) 52 5 5 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 1X1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 53 11 11 _ _ 4 4 . _ 3 7 12 8 11 11 (S) (X) (XI (X) 54 27 27 _ . 12 8 4 - 6 12 5 11 9 4 (X) (X) (X) (X) 55 (S) (S) _ - (S) (S) - _ (S) (S) 4 T 2 1 - (X) (XI (X) (X) 56 1 1 . _ 1 1 _ . _ - 1 T 2 IS) T - (S) (X) (X) (X) 57 1X1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 58 31 31 " ■ 30 30 ' ■ 64 65 60 (X> (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 59 39 39 67 67 T 122 49 98 119 701 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 60 39 9 6 24 52 11 41 - 5 1 7 11 33 6 23 13 18 25 61 46 23 - 23 52 50 2 - (SI 25 161 471 1 161 1 807 T 3 403 2 239 & (S) (S) 62 25 25 - - 21 21 . _ 15 24 35 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 63 40 24 16 - 33 33 - - (S) (S) (SI (S) 28 T 13 (S) 10 (S) 8 64 107 59 _ 48 68 37 . 31 45 20 15 41 46 29 38 46 34 42 65 50 50 . _ 61 61 _ _ 36 29 33 61 60 44 (X) (X) (X) IX) 66 1 1 - - 4 4 - - 2 3 - 5 5 6 2 3 2 2 67 55 55 - . 75 75 - - T 67 25 81 98 805 675 (X) (X) (XI (X) 68 57 57 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI IX) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 69 8 8 _ _ 7 7 . _ 1 1 4 4 (X) IX) (X) (X) (XI (XI 70 . _ _ _ _ _ T 2 - - T 1 6 3 (X) (X) (XI (XI 71 2 2 - - 2 2 - - 1 3 4 8 9 11 4 4 7 7 72 448 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes m definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county tor 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent ol county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^Thls Permit-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number ol housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 moie 1963 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1962 Total number ol housing units Numbei of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more "45 46 t7 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 S7 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 PENNSYLVAN I A — CON . PHILADELPHIA! PA.-N.J. SMSA — CON. BUCKS COUNTY — CON. LANGHORNE MANOR BOROUGH. ...... LOWER MAKEFIELD TOWNSHIP + LOWER SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP + • . . . MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP + MORRISVILLE BOROUGH NEW BRITAIN BOROUGH NEW BRITAIN TOWNSHIP -f NEW HOPE BOROUGH NEWTOWN BOROUGH NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP + PENNDEL BOROUGH PERKASIE BOROUGH QUAKERTOWN BOROUGH RICHLANDTOWN BOROUGH RIEGELSVILLE BOROUGH SELLERSVILLE BOROUGH SILVERDALE BOROUGH SOLEBURY TOWNSHIP TIMCUM TOWNSHIP TRUMBAUERSVILLE BOROUGH TULLYTOWN BOROUGH UPPER MAKEFIELD TOWNSHIP UPPER SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP + . • . . WARMINSTER TOWNSHIP ■^ WARRINGTON TOWNSHIP WARWICK TOWNSHIP WRIGHTSTOWN TOWNSHIP YARDLEY BOROUGH CHESTER COUNTY ATGLEN BOROUGH AVONOALE BOROUGH CALN TOWNSHIP CHARLESTOWN TOWNSHIP COATESVILLE DOWNINGTOWN BOROUGH EAST BRADFORD TOWNSHIP EAST CALN TOWNSHIP EAST COVENTRY TOWNSHIP EAST GOSHEN TOWNSHIP EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP EAST NOTTINGHAM TOWNSHIP ...... EAST PIKELAND TOWNSHIP + EASTTOWN TOWNSHIP EAST VINCENT TOWNSHIP EAST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP HONEYBROOK BOROUGH HONEYBROOK TOWNSHIP KENNETT SQUARE BOROUGH LONDON BRITAIN TOWNSHIP LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP LONDON GROVE TOWNSHIP MALVERN BOROUGH MODENA BOROUGH OXFORD BOROUGH PARKESBURG BOROUGH PENNSBURY TOWNSHIP PENN TOWNSHIP PHOENIaVILLE BOROUGH '. POCOPSON TOWNSHIP SOUTH COATESVILLE BOROUGH SPRING CITY BOROUGH TREDYFFRIN TOWNSHIP + UPPER UWCHLAN TOWNSHIP UWCHLAN TOWNSHIP WALLACE TOWNSHIP WARWICK TOWNSHIP WEST BRADFORD TOWNSHIP WEST CALN TOWNSHIP WEST CHESTER BOROUGH WEST FALLOWFIELD TOWNSHIP WEST GOSHEN TOWNSHIP + WEST GROVE BOROUGH WEST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP WEST NANTMEAL TOWNSHIP WEST PIKELAND TOWNSHIP WEST SADSBURY TOWNSHIP WESTTOWN TOWNSHIP WEST VINCENT TOWNSHIP 135 566 94 161 33 30 5 3 15 226 71 23 lOS 1 2 11 3 21 23 1 181 27 75 384 93 9 66 - 13 - 33 - 30 - 3 2 1 2 15 - 226 - 3 2 23 ^ 15 - - - 11 - _ 21 - 19 4 - - 25 2 75 - 366 18 93 - 9 - 4 4 4 4 16 16 15 15 4 4 163 14 14 14 4 4 69 25 198 121 13 13 4 4 27 23 103 103 37 37 18 18 3 3 4 4 6 6 116 5 5 5 4 4 10 10 3 3 - - 1 1 9 9 10 10 3 3 19 8 3 3 99 7 4 4 297 124 - - 114 114 3 3 (S) (S) 44 44 12 12 61 1 5 5 91 91 - — 2 2 6 6 ■ 34 34 4 4 51 51 10 10 468 28 148 92 173 4 180 51 108 161 49 34 19 3 13 208 54 35 22 1 2 16 2 23 12 2 1 21 127 528 57 2 1 23 21 8 58 23 36 65 (S) 7 39 143 26 25 4 4 5 10 7 604 2 71 13 (S) 48 16 28 7 51 12 5 3 20 5 86 6 4 180 51 85 13 49 34 7 1 13 208 2 32 20 1 2 6 2 23 12 2 1 21 122 452 57 2 1 23 21 8 21 23 36 65 (S) 7 39 123 22 25 4 4 5 2 7 145 2 71 13 (S) 48 16 5 7 51 23 148 33 205 67 23 19 1 7 3 21 15 26 131 451 42 14 17 25 2 17 29 6 192 14 12 28 71 19 6 42 124 23 30 2 3 13 5 33 205 1 23 17 1 7 3 19 13 2 26 127 435 42 14 17 1 2 14 29 6 40 14 12 28 71 19 6 42 124 23 30 2 3 13 5 43 43 1 1 68 18 11 11 1 1 10 10 572 165 6 6 94 94 10 6 1 1 41 41 31 31 38 3 13 13 47 47 — - 6 6 3 3 26 26 4 4 74 74 20 20 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 449 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected peimit-issuing places wtiich constitute the soucce tor ttie statistics .hown monllily in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. ^ See Appendix C-2 foe statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units (or which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols. ■■-■ Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is foi 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1950 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in sliuctures with number in structures wilt — numt)er number number numbei numbei number number number number number § of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unil 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 4 4 1 1 5 2 6 5 11 5 4 T 7 16 16 01 89 89 - - 116 116 - - 148 140 126 183 212 133 194 127 172 174 02 86 86 _ _ 90 90 _ . 105 87 122 141 315 499 T 247 251 IS) IS) 03 71 71 - - 69 69 - - T 104 78 1 669 1 235 1 651 T 362 T 61 546 IS) IS) 04 165 15 - 150 13 13 _ - 25 12 19 21 29 33 57 43 80 106 05 3 3 - - 3 3 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) 1 X 1 IX) IX) vX) 06 87 87 - - 57 57 - - IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX 1 IX) 07 1 1 _ _ 4 4 _ _ IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX 1 IX) IX) IX) 08 . _ . _ 3 3 . . 3 1 4 2 5 9 10 19 18 6 09 23 23 - . 9 9 _ - 15 14 11 9 7 10 IX 1 IX) IX) IX) 10 169 159 - - 157 157 - - 158 104 111 201 IX ) IX) IX 1 IX) IX) IX) 11 10 4 6 - 4 4 - - 4 4 31 12 82 54 T 21 IS) 20 24 12 18 18 _ _ 19 19 _ _ 11 17 18 19 27 20 27 19 14 21 13 9 9 - _ 10 10 - - 40 17 21 26 16 33 26 20 20 41 14 2 2 - - _ - - _ 3 - 4 3 1 6 T 5 4 2 15 4 4 . . T 2 2 _ _ T 3 3 5 T 7 1 T 9 IS) IS) - - 16 8 8 - - 5 5 - - IS) IS) 5 T 6 7 3 12 18 9 T 11 17 _ _ _ _ 2 2 _ _ 3 1 14 6 _ 2 3 3 2 3 18 12 12 - - 8 8 . - T 19 IS) 23 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 19 12 12 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 20 1 1 - - 2 2 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 21 - - - - - - - - T - 1 - - 44 - IX) IX) IX) IX) 22 26 26 _ _ 37 37 _ _ 29 29 29 20 20 16 IX) (X) IX) IX) 23 125 125 - - 137 137 - - IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> IX) 24 541 461 10 70 381 363 10 8 307 294 292 481 466 T 137 IX) IX) IX) IX) 25 28 28 - _ 35 35 - - 22 39 17 51 37 37 IX) IX) IX) IX) 26 18 18 - - 29 29 - ■ 11 8 17 44 24 53 7 IS) IS) IS) 27 19 17 2 _ 13 13 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 28 4 4 - - 20 4 4 12 1 2 4 2 IS) 14 10 4 8 IS) 29 1 . 4 1 T - . . 2 2 2 30 - _ - - _ _ _ - T - 2 - - IS) 6 IS) IX) IX) IX) 31 21 21 - _ 23 23 _ _ 25 18 23 37 33 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 32 20 20 - - 15 15 - - IS) U 20 21 32 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 11 9 2 - 13 13 - - IS) 11 7 12 17 12 & 67 13 19 13 34 120 48 _ 72 49 49 _ _ 65 26 16 25 26 47 31 38 11 19 35 14 14 - - 4 4 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 8 8 _ - IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 37 32 32 - - 38 38 . - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 38 27 27 - - 22 22 - - 27 8 14 10 10 15 IS) IX) IX) IX) 39 13 13 _ . (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) tX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 40 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> 41 52 32 - - 46 46 . - IS) 24 T 40 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 42 138 138 - - 95 95 _ - SO 58 51 123 191 75 49 122 58 29 43 30 30 - - 12 12 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 44 (S) (S) _ _ IS) IS) _ _ tX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 45 (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 46 2 2 - - 8 8 _ - 7 5 1 4 7 3 4 8 4 4 47 IX) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 7 7 - - 17 6 4 7 IS) 7 40 21 30 34 16 53 19 67 49 6 6 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) 50 3 3 - - 3 3 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 51 (X) (X> (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 52 4 4 - - 4 4 _ - IS) IS) IS) T 9 14 15 6 80 7 8 53 - - - - - - - - T - - 3 2 - IS) IX> IX) IX) IX) 54 3 3 _ _ 5 5 _ _ 7 1 7 6 16 7 9 17 18 13 55 11 11 - - 11 11 _ - 14 12 10 10 10 2 T - - - - 56 36 36 - . 35 35 - _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 57 1 1 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 5t; 40 16 - 24 8 8 - - 41 35 40 41 o8 120 38 112 71 53 59 19 19 _ _ 4 4 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 60 1 1 - . _ » _ _ 11 7 7 5 2 4 2 2 2 1 61 7 7 - - 8 5 3 _ 6 4 7 T 8 5 5 5 T 3 2 8 62 153 153 - - 382 258 . 124 284 253 279 338 354 326 224 129 117 79 63 5 5 - - T 2 2 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 64 50 50 _ _ 19 19 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) 65 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 66 (X) (X> (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 11 8 17 44 24 53 7 IS) IS) IS) 67 33 33 - - 28 28 . - 40 19 15 T 17 IS) 17 IX) IX) IX) IX) 68 21 21 - - 15 15 - - 32 17 24 28 20 13 IXI IX) IX) IX) 69 113 11 _ 102 36 18 18 _ 43 48 T 23 T 38 35 T 46 71 67 31 75 70 3 3 - - (X) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (XI IX) IX) IX) 71 55 55 - - 83 83 - - 163 100 40 171 204 199 87 120 75 173 72 - - - - _ _ _ - . - - T - - - 1 7 3 - 73 (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) 74 (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 75 12 12 - - 12 12 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 76 14 14 - - IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 77 71 71 - - IS) IS) - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) 78 10 10 - - IS) IS) - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 79 450 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the defmition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 03 OH 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 PENNSYLVANI A — CON . PHILADELPHIA! PA. -N.J. SMSA — COIvJ. CHESTER COUNTY — CON. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP +> WILLISTOWN TOWNSHIP +. . . DELAWARE COUNTY * ALDAN BOROUGH +. . . ASTON TOWNSHIP + . . BETHEL TOWNSHIP. . . BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. BROOKHAVEN BOROUGH + CHESTER + CHESTER HEIGHTS BOROUGH. CHESTER TOWNSHIP . . . . CLIFTON HEIGHTS BOROUGH. COLLINGDALE BOROUGH. . . COLWYN BOROUGH CONCORD TOWNSHIP . . . . DARBY BOROUGH DARBY TOWNSHIP EAST LANDSDOWNE BOROUGH. EDDYSTONE BOROUGH. EDGEMONT TOWNSHIP. FOLCROFT BOROUGH + GLENOLDEN BOROUGH. HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP LANSDOWNE BOROUGH LOWER CHICHESTER TOWNSHIP. MARCUS HOOK BOROUGH. . . . MARPLE TOWNSHIP + MEDIA BOROUGH MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP +. . . MILLBOURNE BOROUGH .... MORTON BOROUGH NETHER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP + . . . . NORWOOD BOROUGH. . . . PARKSIDE BOROUGH . . . PROSPECT PARK BOROUGH RADNOR TOWNSHIP +, . . RIDLEY TOWNSHIP +. . . RIDLEY PARK BOROUGH. ROSE VALLEY BOROUGH. RUTLEDGE BOROUGH . . SHARON HILL BOROUGH. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP SWARTHMORE BOROUGH THORNBURY TOWNSHIP TINICUM TOWNSHIP . TRAINER BOROUGH +» UPLAND BOROUGH . . UPPER CHICHESTER TOWNSHIP UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP -f . . UPPER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP YEADON BOROUGH MONTGOMERY COUNTY ** ABINGTON TOWNSHIP +. AMBLER BOROUGH . . . BRIDGEPORT BOROUGH . CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIP + COLLEGEVILLE BOROUGH CONSHOHOCKEN BOROUGH . . DOUGLASS TOWNSHIP. . . . EAST GREENVILLE BOROUGH. EAST NORRITON TOWNSHIP . FRANCONIA TOWNSHIP . . . GREENLANE BOROUGH. HATBORO BOROUGH. . HATFIELD BOROUGH . HATFIELD TOWNSHIP HORSHAM TOWNSHIP + JENKINTOWN BOROUGH . . . . LANSDALE BOROUGH + . . . . LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP +. . LOWER MORELAND TOWNSHIP +. LOWER P0TT3SR0VE TOWNSHIP. LOWER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP LOWER SALFORD TOWNSHIP + . MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP . . . MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP. . . . NARBERTH BOROUGH 94 66 60 60 1 1 95 95 13 13 5 5 65 65 73 6 - - 47 47 41 8 6 2 1 1 45 45 1 1 12 12 107 1 90 9 128 117 NEW HANOVER TOWNSHIP NORRISTOWN BOROUGH + 55 120 103 103 24 (S) 301 46 1 128 113 3 26 17 5 7 44 315 155 102 368 96 51 826 6 70 18 1 170 45 7 10 32 101 209 284 163 72 19 72 31 15 37 6 28 400 103 24 (S) 56 44 198 22 8 69 6 28 18 1 62 45 115 33 106 72 11 103 52 241 172 120 276 92 94 167 74 37 757 40 108 206 188 82 165 13 9 84 106 2 25 19 15 5 46 151 346 69 324 68 195 89 36 12 6 50 154 49 17 1 25 1 115 4 35 26 2 3 54 632 147 30 163 79 54 96 6 28 16 16 371 36 103 5 15 66 195 157 303 57 42 137 35 36 21 3 38 306 117 13 9 84 82 2 25 7 3 156 12 18 68 6 6 16 6 17 36 1 5 15 60 1 149 107 57 42 137 32 36 21 1 38 97 134 259 206 63 47 191 22 542 69 26 22 354 98 180 194 108 56 1 124 1 7 110 239 97 178 1 4 113 101 56 10 85 112 10 121 358 11 107 21 25 33 2 30 25 409 67 38 & 264 6 3 673 21 34 20 U 168 51 20 21 34 299 12 301 1 093 220 24 98 28 17 21 21 31 204 108 56 7 106 2 69 2 1 4 109 3 56 1 85 80 5 105 61 204 4 3 75 12 8 20 1 168 51 197 113 76 24 98 28 17 21 2 31 53 207 176 96 9 32 28 5 12 297 131 « 46 2 380 28 598 9 14 16 216 9 52 974 144 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 451 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permil-issumg places whicti constitute ttie source lor ttie statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for wtiich contracts were awarded; tor number of public housing units by place, see table 8-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 montfis or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol, housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units 108 73 185 200 14 11 1«4 17 5 17 71 99 12 2 257 10 T 9 99 83 93 243 270 5 136 35 26 27 58 296 52 (X) 257 108 - 73 ■ 185 200 - 14 - 11 - 144 - 4 . 2 - 76 2 3 16 2 14 _ 26 - 43 - 6 17 _ S - 7 10 7 64 99 " 12 2 - - - 99 58 2 8 278 203 19 1 36 20 92 67 4 '* 29 21 12 12 3 3 60 60 36 36 1 1 10 8 12 8 34 34 93 93 _ _ 422 178 521 167 63 53 36 36 100 100 39 39 13 13 16 16 34 11 16 19 44 66 150 142 238 348 69 59 133 133 7 5 10 10 12 12 (S> (SI 134 134 10 10 21 21 (S) (S) 24 - 22 4 7 7 27 27 26 10 120 120 10 2 10 10 124 124 19 3 109 109 (X) 111 (X) 102 282 90 5 149 96 25 5 69 155 272 29 3 1 15 T 99 73 24 25 T 20 12 39 346 94 15 610 130 29 103 11 23 25 1 25 40 98 10 65 163 173 633 104 38 88 33 (X) 17 39 (X) 287 146 54 371 9 21 103 11 7 25 1 20 40 55 154 48 192 104 38 33 (X) 17 (X) 155 230 18 52 61 158 231 117 92 439 (X) 32 (X) 132 (X) 131 109 92 27 (X) 114 123 1 (S) 26 (S) 12 (S) 3 T 5 (S) T 8 226 14 T - 160 15 134 T - T 8 T 85 109 (S) 20 56 180 140 T 12 (S) 1 T - T 7 23 31 r 56 1 r 52 142 77 25 381 4 10 455 (S) 33 16 3 (X) 36 T - 19 (SI (S) (S) 57 510 189 43 (S) 51 (X) 25 26 (X) 125 10 92 31 (X) 181 63 2 (S) 2 29 (X) 16 (S) 1 4 6 233 8 129 40 1 T 1 334 1 106 123 (S> 6 23 90 153 7 (S) 2 4 15 14 20 12 1 43 275 70 23 626 7 4 106 13 12 27 1 (X) 33 1 85 5 33 IS) 11 23 404 126 31 69 31 (X) 32 36 (X) 261 (X) 105 25 101 11 (X) 27 102 T 2 (S) 16 21 124 (X) 24 IS) 3 10 131 179 16 (S) 77 119 106 40 8 129 283 57 IS) 122 172 51 32 821 31 5 122 7 33 3 IX) 46 2 25 1 65 (S) 2 26 266 71 42 72 29 IX) 26 T 39 (X) 105 IX) 171 5 248 5 IX) 27 113 T 1 26 135 (X) (S) T 2 T 117 2 208 T 522 T 9 141 137 60 11 49 180 459 T 19 3 58 208 2 T 5 81 115 103 16 914 14 8 246 T 8 T 10 41 1 (X) 33 7 19 14 IS) 142 80 294 75 IS) 89 IS) IX) 32 (XI (X) 237 IXI (SI 15 274 18 IX) 85 110 2 (S) (S) 32 (XI 42 (SI 1 15 119 6 434 2 303 811 6 14 222 249 17 20 6 535 707 57 (SI 85 456 31 10 25 T 57 9 (SI 158 77 57 1 547 98 17 514 10 40 20 2 (X) 41 2 16 (SI 91 (SI 166 392 70 59 (XI IXI (XI 160 1X1 140 13 T 64 20 IXI 72 254 1 103 T 3 14 IX) 25 403 T 322 43 389 33 127 657 36 T 150 T - 62 195 150 T 38 69 72 149 813 115 152 504 37 10 23 3 36 74 331 31 11 912 76 31 439 5 16 33 3 IXI 38 T 29 11 T 85 T 234 6 56 472 193 IXI (X) (X) (X) 68 IXI IXI 159 1X1 IXI 34 58 IX) IX) 99 126 IS) IX) 10 11 IX) IS) S 305 4 19 148 30 426 48 1 5 291 T 9 IX) (S) 27 107 112 23 1 26 186 681 147 (SI 40 511 120 (XI 31 4 75 33 132 IS) 9 730 168 12 463 T 13 89 31 (X) (XI (XI 2 44 11 (X) (X) 13 144 400 ISI (XI (XI (XI (X) (SI (XI IX) 114 IX) (X) 99 129 (X) (X) 99 22 (X) IX) 26 T 2 (X) 22 2 3 13 125 113 335 67 T 2 T - 350 T 12 IX) T - 91 79 185 12 65 52 121 405 115 3 5 696 23 IX) 32 T 1 12 29 321 T 52 59 17 335 IX) IXI 1X1 5 142 12 IX) (X) 18 54 365 IXI IXI (X) (X) IX) (XI 52 (X) IX) 25 66 IX) IX) 279 481 IX) IX) 23 1 IX) 29 50 516 298 39 1 244 217 30 6 40 109 730 5 7 2 5 375 57 IX) 16 2 108 T 54 321 75 14 735 76 15 338 T 5 16 T 33 IX) (X) (X) T 2 101 S 139 485 IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI IXI IXI (XI 51 1X1 1X1 40 25 1X1 1X1 ISl IX) 87 104 49 14 140 50 187 63 4 2 399 79 168 12 2 13 514 479 76 9 5 136 846 63 IXI 38 15 2 67 611 108 26 553 63 36 447 (SI 43 ISl (X) (XI (X) T 1 244 27 (XI (XI 8 163 845 1X1 1X1 IX) S) (SI _ - T 28 28 _ - (SI T - T 3 (SI 6 19 (SI (X) (XI (XI 34 12 12 - _ 31 31 _ _ T 25 62 (SI 94 T 209 117 T 121 (S) (S) T 73 35 17 17 - - 34 34 - - & 1 466 32 T 14 22 (SI 57 (SI 257 105 53 36 T 79 79 _ _ 146 148 _ _ (S) (SI (SI 115 (SI T 49 (XI (X) (X) (XI 37 16 16 - - (S) (SI - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 T 290 290 . .- 522 522 - _ (SI 324 (S) (S) (SI T 38 (SI (XI (XI (XI 39 17 17 - - 12 12 - - 8 38 12 T 37 (SI 54 (SI (XI (XI (XI 40 151 151 - - 221 221 - - (SI 68 139 T 131 193 46 52 55 45 (SI 41 4 4 _ _ 1 1 _ _ (SI 34 3 3 28 13 (X) (X) (X) (XI 42 T 77 77 - - 126 126 . - (SI (SI (S) 90 141 23 T 12 T 10 6 (S) 43 207 207 - - 219 219 _ - T 84 T 145 67 29 T 309 86 39 37 T 41 T 18 44 1 1 _ ~ 2 2 _ _ (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 45 18 18 - - 20 20 - - 31 25 21 49 46 37 (SI (XI (XI (XI 46 11 11 _ _ 17 17 _ _ 13 T 15 23 23 30 40 (SI (X) (X) (XI 47 534 534 - _ (SI (S) _ - (XI (X) IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 48 9 9 . _ 3 3 _ _ T 6 16 T 19 42 13 9 (S) (X) (X) (XI 49 (SI (SI - . (SI (SI _ - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 50 47 23 2 22 18 18 - - (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 51 T 54 54 _ _ 75 75 _ _ 102 82 82 69 70 48 46 45 T 26 (SI 52 66 66 _ . 75 75 _ - (SI (SI (SI (SI (S) T 52 (X) (X) (X) (XI 53 108 88 _ 20 99 99 _ _ 105 81 62 68 116 T 71 IX 1 (X) (X) (XI 54 8 8 - 8 8 _ _ 8 T 88 (SI T 29 (SI 200 (S) (XI (X) (X) 55 157 157 - - 26 26 - - (SI T 16 (SI 119 (SI T 72 (XI (XI (X) (XI 56 2 2 _ . 10 10 . _ (SI & 326 T 5 7 (SI T 2 (SI (XI (XI (X) 57 6 6 . . 13 13 _ _ T 8 T 5 (S) 19 (SI T 14 (XI (XI (XI (X) 56 3 3 _ _ 94 94 _ - - 2 2 2 T 3 T 2 (SI (XI (XI (XI 59 80 80 _ _ 104 104 _ . T 102 126 T 148 71 T 277 T 118 (SI (XI (XI ( XI 60 15 15 - - 25 25 - - 18 14 T 25 80 132 31 53 54 25 128 61 5 5 _ _ 2 2 _ _ 15 6 T 8 T 8 9 16 21 24 16 22 62 4 4 _ . 7 7 _ _ 7 4 (S) T 8 7 9 T 3 (SI (S) (SI 63 32 32 . _ 24 24 _ - T 13 17 T 10 (SI (SI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 64 11 11 . . 20 20 - - 13 (S) (S) T 24 (SI 9 (S) (X) (XI (XI 65 13 13 - - (S) (SI - - (SI (SI (SI 13 T 21 T 20 (XI (XI (XI (X) 66 4 4 . _ (X) (XI IXI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 67 10 10 - . 39 39 _ - o6 51 10 9 36 7 14 8 8 5 68 14 12 2 « 7 7 _ - 7 8 4 9 2 7 (SI (X) (X) (XI 69 3 1 2 - 4 4 - - 2 2 (SI (SI (SI T 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI 70 9 7 2 11 7 4 3 5 6 19 20 23 118 T 114 31 27 71 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T - _ (X) ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) 72 9 9 _ _ 13 13 _ _ 4 40 T 71 19 20 185 132 241 168 220 73 32 32 . _ 28 28 _ - 105 43 29 164 260 572 T 167 170 218 166 74 25 25 - - 24 24 - - 26 16 76 62 47 T 42 (SI (SI (SI T 22 75 454 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more PENNSYLVANIA — CON. PHILADELPHIA! PA, -N.J. SMSA — CON. CAMDEN COUNTY * — CON. 77 & 240 1 630 35 257 31 3 105 199 75 1 792 35 3 5 3 5 81 2 8 2 4 22 & 231 838 252 22 100 96 41 4 76 867 T 18 4a- 166 1 17 387 39 4 24 777 18 19 8 1 13 121 2 30 4 4 4 22 90 21 154 262 T 35 2 158 659 (S) 14 57 14 38 244 23 2 50 576 (S) 12 7 14 18 244 88 2 10 2 12 20 83 40 18 04 CHERRY HILL TOWNSHIP +....••... 05 CHESILHURST BOROUGH 08 09 10 GIBBSBORO BOROUGH + GLOUCESTER CITY GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP 1 1 HADDON TOWNSHIP -f. ■...•...••• 31 25 55 7 20 50 229 2 26 22 139 29 398 27 25 55 3 20 50 55 2 16 2 139 29 16 4 4 32 174 10 20 350 36 29 41 93 29 (S) 49 3 73 3 157 30 92 34 29 15 5 29 (S) 49 3 5 3 157 30 14 2 4 34 22 88 68 44 (S) 18 14 9 24 (S) 22 4 92 55 391 44 82 (S) 14 11 3 24 (SI 22 4 6 2 163 44 20 4 3 6 26 11 30 60 42 228 32 12 HADDONFIELD BOROUGH 13 HADDON HEIGHTS BOROUGH la 15 HI-f>lELLA BOROUGH LAUREL SPRINGS BOROUGH 17 18 19 LINDENWOLD BOROUGH + MAGNOLIA BOROUGH MERCHANTVILLE BOROUGH 21 OAKLYN BOROUGH ...a......... 23 24 25 PINE HILL BOROUGH + PINE VALLEY BOROUGH RUNNEMEDE BOROUGH 26 27 28 29 30 31 SOMERDALE BOROUGH STRATFORD BOROUGH + VOORHEES TOWNSHIP WATERFORD TOWNSHIP WOOD LYNNE BOROUGH 203 129 29 38 81 1 25 50 13 38 79 1 2 178 79 16 502 76 29 107 188 10 25 97 8 4 314 58 10 IS) 365 60 (S) 83 1 (S) 165 52 IS) 83 1 8 200 GLOUCESTER COUNTY ♦ 13 217 22 13 37 9 37 22 13 37 4 180 10 53 18 9 53 10 51 18 9 53 2 - 24 229 18 13 (S) 13 170 18 13 (S) 4 6 55 33 34 35 36 DEPTFORD TOWNSHIP + EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP ELK TOWNSHIP FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP + 37 38 39 40 41 GLASS60R0 BOROUGH -f GREENWICH TO*NSHIP HARRISON TOWNSHIP LOGAN TOWNSHIP MANTUA TOWNSHIP + & 94 27 11 3 15 54 27 11 3 15 & 40 - 111 62 16 3 18 67 62 16 3 18 - 44 & 105 128 8 3 18 33 128 8 3 18 - & 72 42 43 44 45 46 MONROE TOWNSHIP NATIONAL PARK BOROUGH NEWFIELD BOROUGH ... PAULSBORO BOROUGH PITMAN BOROUGH 76 2 6 6 26 76 6 6 26 2 - 93 13 2 23 56 91 3 2 19 56 2 10 4 - 35 17 4 13 37 35 9 4 13 37 8 - 47 48 49 50 51 SOUTH HARRISON TOWNSHIP SWEDESBORO BOROUGH WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP + WENONAH BOROUGH WEST DEPTFORD TOWNSHIP + 12 1 202 10 57 8 1 202 10 57 4 - 10 2 106 7 29 10 2 100 7 29 6 - 6 5 147 9 T 70 6 5 147 9 68 2 - 52 53 54 55 WESTVILLE BOROUGH WOODBURY WOODBURY HEIGHTS BOROUGH WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP PITTSBURGH SMSA 119 10 49 4 2 10 49 4 8 109 135 16 27 1 3 16 27 1 16 116 42 71 42 3 9 14 42 3 2 33 55 56 ALLEGHENY COUNTY ** 1 10 106 57 1 1 2 1 57 1 8 3 102 5 5 11 86 5 1 5 86 4 6 5 9 74 5 5 74 4 - 57 58 59 60 ASPINWALL BOROUGH AVALON BOROUGH BALDWIN BOROUGH ■^ BALDWIN TOWNSHIP 61 62 63 64 65 BELL ACRES BOROUGH » BELLEVUE BOROUGH BEN AVON BOROUGH BEN AVON HEIGHTS BOROUGH BETHEL PARK BOROUGH •!■ « 3 13 5 1 238 3 5 1 1 238 8 4 - 7 87 1 I 275 7 3 1 1 179 - 84 96 4 8 3 216 4 1 216 8 2 - 66 67 68 69 70 BRACKENRID6E BOROUGH BRADDOCK BOROUGH BRADDOCK HILLS BOROUGH ■^ BRADFORD WOODS BOROUGH BRENTWOOD BOROUGH I 5 3 10 1 5 3 10 - - 14 1 2 5 U 14 1 2 5 11 - - 9 203 3 22 9 3 3 14 8 200 71 72 73 74 75 BRIDGEVILLE BOROUGH CARNEGIE BOROUGH + CASTLE SHANNON BOROUGH + CHALFANT BOROUGH CHESWICK BOROUGH 13 9 15 9 4 13 7 10 9 4 2 5 11 9 6 5 8 11 5 4 5 6 4 2 2 - 21 24 11 4 7 21 5 11 4 7 4 15 72 9 72 9 - : 45 11 45 8 3 - 'I 24 8 - _ 77 CLAIRTON RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 455 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. n See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units 39 27 5 5 U89 148 536 536 5 5 14 14 146 4 38 38 9 9 320 320 34 34 18 18 35 9 3 3 10 6 18 14 33 33 41 25 2 2 B 3 18 8 138 138 IS 15 - - 44 26 33 33 191 191 112 112 (S) (S) 6 200 10 5 56 19 40 12 24 14 2 15 46 5 1 175 6 127 82 11 40 3 12 122 6 200 10 5 56 19 40 12 175 6 127 2 11 40 3 2 2 5 5 1 1 42 32 14 14 15 11 16 11 2 2 2 2 37 37 12 12 30 635 7 (S> 26 41 1 18 11 (S) 17 10 5 459 49 187 128 (S) 63 2 T 11 360 T 66 83 (S) (X) 5 T 61 31 21 7 12 30 274 7 100 18 57 (S) 24 213 2 (XI 12 6 IS) 240 (S) 5 10 2 43 35 T 14 17 9 14 42 20 20 635 7 40 7 222 (S) 26 15 11 (S) 16 10 5 109 89 1 25 49 187 128 (S) 39 2 360 - 19 - 14 - 66 - 83 _ (S) - (X) (X) 3 2 61 - 31 _ 21 - 7 - 10 2 30 - 18 57 1CKEESP0RT BOROUGH EAST PITTSBURGH BOROUGH EDGEWOOD BOROUGH 4 1 ^3 ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP + ■13 2 8 9 58 37 21 10 44 38 69 55 3 3 12 2 24 34 5 9 e 6 210 63 12 80 162 137 2 35 3 3 61 27 9 53 9 391 13 1 295 27 178 3 1 17 51 31 192 4 64 5 4 208 4 31 13 1 7 a 20 1 10 ■ 2 4 2 4 8 2 2 2 24 28 4 3 2 4 2 2 15 ETNA BOROUGH ...•.•.••••... 16 17 FINDLAY TOWNSHIP FOREST HILLS BOROUGH + . . . 20 GLA5SP0RT BOROUGH. .•.••••.,.. 21 22 23 GLENFIELD BOROUGH GREEN TREE BOROUGH + HAMPTON TOWNSHIP + 26 27 HAYSVILLE BOROUGH HEIDELBERG BOROUGH • . • • 28 HOMESTEAD BOROUGH 29 30 31 32 INDIANA TOWNSHIP INGRAM BOROUGH JEFFERSON BOROUGH + KENNEDY TOWNSHIP + 35 36 37 LEETSDALE BOROUGH LIBERTY BOROUGH LINCOLN BOROUGH 39 MCKEESPORT + 40 MCKEES ROCKS BOROUGH +••••..••. 41 MARSHALL TOWNSHIP. . ••• 45 46 MOUNT LEBANON TOWI^SHIP + MOUNT OLIVER BOROUGH .•...•.••• '17 49 SO NORTH BRADDOCK BOROUGH 51 52 53 Sl| NORTH VERSAILLES TOWNSHIP + OAKDALE BOROUGH. . OAKMONT BOROUGH. . . 55 56 57 Sfi OHIO TOWNSHIP OSBORNE BOROUGH PENN HILLS TOWNSHIP + « PINE TOWNSHIP 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7fl PITCAIRN BOROUGH PITTSBURGH + PLEASANT HILLS BOROUGH +....'.... PLUM BOROUGH + PORT VUE BOROUGH RANKIN BOROUGH RESERVE TOWNSHIP RICHLAND TOWNSHIP + ROBINSON TOWNSHIP + ROSS TOWNSHIP + ROSSLYN FARMS BOROUGH SCOTT TOWNSHIP + SEWICKLEY BOROUGH SEWICKLEY HEIGHTS BOROUGH SHALER TOWNSHIP + SHARPSBURG BOROUGH SNOWDEN TOWNSHIP + SOUTH FAYETTE TO»NSHIP +........ SOUTH VERSAILLES TOWNSHIP SPRINGDAI E BOROUGH 79 80 81 SPRINGDALE TOWNSHIP STOWE TOWNSHIP SWISSVALE BOROUGH RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 457 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute ttie jource for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13. f See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbo's' ■'-" Represents zero. "T ' Data cover period rr.cre than 8 months but less ttian 12 mcnths. ' S" Does nol mee' pujlica- tion standards because reporting is foi 8 inunth', or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identiiied as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1958 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 19'1 1950 Totiil number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number housing units Total number of housing units Total number cf liousmg units Total number of housing jnils Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Toial number ol housing units 17 (X) 12 (X) 12 1 2 (XI 24 33 26 17 1 78 46 36 100 65 11 1 H90 16 2 1 007 66 378 29 2 27 38 54 1 55 3 277 3 30 23 1 21 3 7 3 13 (X) 12 (X) 7 2 (X) 22 33 26 17 1 78 46 28 100 S) (S) 3 3 8 8 5 5 23 23 45 45 7 7 1 1 10 10 221 221 76 64 4 4 13 13 (S) 17 59 6 T - (S) 324 209 209 14 53 10 111 59 (X) 16 (X) 2 177 7 14 (X) 52 27 (X) 26 84 95 12 34 (S) 2 (X) 15 41 51 9 2 11 5 125 51 6 (S) 324 169 207 2 41 6 HI 59 41 41 10 10 553 467 19 19 6 6 1 668 559 T 116 116 445 445 24 24 2 2 20 20 44 44 45 45 383 277 2 2 52 52 2 2 3 3 318 318 4 4 89 85 31 31 13 5 14 12 58 58 29 29 10 (X) 10 73 2 2 (X) 64 99 147 (X) 46 96 7 T - 1 11 (XI 113 41 4 T 32 (S) 704 227 196 3 58 (X) 3 19 •'6 1 23 19 (S) & 516 (SI 3 1 180 183 163 (S) 40 48 345 11 333 15 5 207 2 59 27 (X) 22 (X) 15 18 (XI 17 (X) 12 108 (X) 54 34 40 22 (S) 81 153 (X) 44 1 14 5 T 5 33 (X) 152 61 2 (S) (S) 438 144 210 4 61 (X) 28 72 2 24 107 (S) (S) 500 (SI 1 048 143 141 (S> 15 79 77 368 4 302 3 5 155 2 45 44 (XI 18 (XI 22 24 23 (X) T lO T 145 (X) 65 48 24 1 92 135 (X) 98 1 (X) 11 105 103 11 3 1 20 (X) 237 75 2 T 34 3 444 126 269 13 78 (X) 17 19 114 1 13 138 28 3 725 (S) 3 1 568 123 T 96 24 131 361 3 217 21 3 297 72 (S) (X) 19 (X) 19 43 97 37 15 (SI 10 (X I 19 (XI r 12 1 9 (S) 121 10 26 (XI 71 52 36 T - 114 116 (X) 76 (X) 26 165 86 11 7 6 89 (X) 220 75 13 T 21 (S) 658 & 158 328 5 83 (X) 18 (SI 214 2 33 (S) (SI (SI 949 (S) 2 1 593 (S) 97 (S) 1 65 89 144 306 7 343 11 (S) (S) (XI 29 (XI 31 42 (S) 12 16 (XI r 17 (X) I (XI j 56 (S) (X) 53 10 T - 2 62 (XI 255 63 22 13 (SI 286 T 118 286 2 57 (X) (X) 110 (S) (S! T 2 860 I (X) 2 1 589 I T 25 57 (S) 1 23 (X) 116 T 327 12 364 9 5 265 T 4 (X) (S) (X) 29 (X) 48 17 (X) 9 (X) 27 1 - 19 10 17 15 115 (SI 13 28 16 7 (X) (XI 33 169 57 39 T 47 T 43 22 38 T 29 T 66 (XI (XI (X) 62 (SI (XI j 6 51 (XI 259 65 I 24 14 (SI 245 280 6 87 (X) 13 (XI HI 1 41 (XI (XI (SI 421 (XI 2 1 352 (XI (XI 15 3 37 (XI 72 40 2 247 28 3 (XI & 69 (X) & (SI (XI 42 (XI 55 26 (X) 21 20 (X) 39 (X) 34 (x; (XI 71 40 52 35 5 38 141 (XI (XI (XI 25 (XI 48 (XI (XI 1 65 (XI 261 218 161 (SI 102 310 13 94 (XI 10 (XI 134 3 34 (X) (XI (SI 658 (XI (XI 8 & 62 54 119 194 205 9 3 (XI (XI T 61 (XI 36 2 11 (XI 18 (XI 19 (XI 32 3 7 15 (XI (XI 55 29 (S) 54 3 71 (SI (XI (XI (XI 67 119 (XI 26S T 83 271 18 99 (XI 11 (X) 127 3 35 (XI (XI 1 031 (XI 9 I , 2 813 1 (XI (XI 13 I (X) 69 95 3 226 2 (XI I 1 (XI (X) (X) 37 (X) 13 (XI 35 (X) 15 23 (XI 29 15 (XI 169 68 (Si 41 100 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI 3 111 (XI 351 T 68 510 59 197 (X) 11 (XI 135 5 47 (XI (XI 5 918 (XI 22 3 320 (XI (XI 262 (XI (SI 263 4 145 (XI (XI (XI 57 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4 316 155 39 24 15 40 T 16 T 4 41 > - 42 ISI (SI 43 45 45 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 79 SO 81 458 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforrrs to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentahon and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA. outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2H 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 to 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 PENNSYLVANIA— CON. PITTSBURGH SMSA — CON. ALLEGHENY COUNTY ** — CON. — CON. TARENTUM BOROUGH THORNBURG BOROUGH TURTLE CREEK BOROUGH UPPER ST CLAIR TOWNSHIP +. . . VERONA BOROUGH VERSAILLES BOROUGH WALL BOROUGH WEST HOMESTEAD BOROUGH . . . . WEST MIFFLIN BOROUGH + . . . . WEST VIEW BOROUGH + WH I TAKER BOROUGH WHITEHALL BOROUGH + WHITE OAK BOROUGH WILKINS TOWNSHIP + WILKINSBURG BOROUGH + WILMERDING BOROUGH BEAVER COUNTY ALIQUIPPA BOROUGH AMBRIDGE BOROUGH BADEN BOROUGH + BEAVER BOROUGH BEAVER FALLS BIG BEAVER BOROUGH BOROUGH TOWNSHIP BRIDGEWATER BOROUGH BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP CENTER TOWNSHIP + CHIPPEWA TOWNSHIP CONWAY BOROUGH DAUGHERTY TOWNSHIP ECONOMY BOROUGH + FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP FREEDOM BOROUGH GEORGETOWN BOROUGH HARMONY TOWNSHIP HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP + INDUSTRY BOROUGH KOPPEL BOROUGH MIDLAND BOROUGH. . MONACA BOROUGH NEW BRIGHTON BOROUGH NEW GALILEE BOROUGH NORTH SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP . . . PATTERSON HEIGHTS BOROUGH. . . PATTERSON TOWNSHIP POTTER TOWNSHIP PULASKI TOWNSHIP ROCHESTER BOROUGH ROCHESTER TOWNSHIP SHIPPIN6P0RT BOROUGH SOUTH BEAVER TOWNSHIP SOUTH HEIGHTS BOROUGH WEST MAYFIELD BOROUGH WHITE TOWNSHIP WASHINGTON COUNTY BUFFALO TOWNSHIP BURGETTSTOWN BOROUGH CALIFORNIA BOROUGH CANONSBURG BOROUGH CANTON TOWNSHIP + CARROLL TOWNSHIP + CECIL TOWNSHIP CENTERVILLE BOROUGH CHARLEROI BOROUGH CHARTIERS TOWNSHIP COKEBURG BOROUGH DONORA BOROUGH DUNLEVY BOROUGH EAST BETHLEHEM TOWNSHIP. . . , ELCO BOROUGH FINLEYVILLE BOROUGH HOUSTON BOROUGH MCDONALD BOROUGH , MONONGAHELA NORTH CHARLEROI BOROUGH. . . . NORTH FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. . . , NORTH STRABANE TOWNSHIP. . . . NOTTINGHAM TOWNSHIP ROSCOE BOROUGH SMITH TOWNSHIP 10 233 14 91 13 2 52 17 16 170 4 18 1 5 3 3 19 2 3 27 73 30 (S) 20 36 14 5 58 8 1 1 22 3 1 (S) 2 60 1 5 2 233 5 5 16 1 5 3 3 19 2 3 21 73 30 (S) 20 36 14 5 58 8 1 1 22 3 1 (S) 2 17 7 7 1 1 6 6 1 1 17 13 29 29 46 46 26 26 23 23 3 3 3 3 38 36 5 3 1 1 17 5 6 6 - - 30 30 44 38 13 13 2 2 6 118 13 12 1 12 88 15 5 39 22 8 84 3 1 118 5 10 1 12 88 11 5 39 22 8 18 1 4 4 5 5 . _ 3 3 15 10 45 33 40 40 14 14 33 33 3 3 1 1 51 44 19 1 - - 1 1 27 27 57 55 14 14 2 2 & 120 5 3 4 6 125 22 2 6 39 124 6 (S) 12 & 56 18 1 17 8 4 13 19 36 18 (S) 4 4 51 1 1 5 3 - 4 - 2 4 89 36 4 18 2 - 5 . as 4 25 6 3 - 34 - 18 . 10 8 13 18 23 2 1 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 18 - 6 _ 39 - 122 2 36 - 17 _ 31 - 11 ■ 10 - 68 - 8 - _ _ 2 - 13 - 1 - 6 . (S) - 12 - 8 - 4 - 11 2 17 2 36 - 18 . (S) - 4 - 4 - 51 - 1 _ 1 - 5 - 4 4 2 2 2 2 18 18 62 62 (S) (S) 1 1 17 17 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 459 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wliich constitute the source lot the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Mumber of housing units Total Numbe Of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number m stiuctuies wilh- number of in structures with— number of number ol number of number of number of number of number number of number of number of ^ of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 7 3 4 10 B 2 10 5 4 6 1 01 4 4 - - IS) IS) - - IS) B 10 5 5 IS) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 02 . . _ _ 14 10 4 _ IS) IS) 22 6 T 10 T 9 . T - 3 IS) 03 lao 140 - . T 92 92 - - 121 112 95 166 218 125 104 92 101 126 04 3 1 2 _ 10 8 2 . 11 16 18 16 13 14 10 4 5 2 05 5 1 4 . 4 2 2 _ 10 7 5 7 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 06 - - - - - - - IS) - - T - 1 - - 1 - 1 07 7 7 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 33 112 119 SO 140 59 14 T 8 7 15 08 130 130 . . 140 140 _ - 167 128 168 230 405 317 444 366 352 478 09 26 14 12 . T 22 12 10 - IS) T 55 T 14 17 43 T 47 32 44 30 70 10 5 5 . . 3 3 . _ 11 13 5 IS) IS) IS) IS) - - - 11 U9 34 8 7 70 63 - 7 T 88 106 112 216 287 296 IX) IX> IX) IX) 12 32 28 4 _ 75 75 _ _ IS) T 60 73 IS) 78 83 130 145 98 143 13 11 11 _ . 52 27 20 5 71 32 21 38 75 170 431 T 97 63 90 14 31 10 16 5 62 22 2 38 71 35 83 T 28 72 89 68 81 106 309 15 - - - - 1 1 - ■ - 2 ~ ~ " ~ ■ ' ■ ' 16 16 16 24 24 32 28 4B 55 40 35 IX) IX> IX) tX) 17 & 128 2 . 8 126 10 10 _ _ 21 6 13 T 8 12 T 11 17 14 T 15 & 234 18 17 15 2 . 11 11 . - 71 58 51 123 106 56 IX) IX) IX) IX) 19 6 _ 6 8 5 3 . 9 6 4 5 6 18 10 14 6 20 20 7 7 - - 3 3 - - 5 & 51 6 10 9 13 15 T 35 i 153 27 21 8 8 _ _ 31 17 14 . IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) tX) IX) 22 T 2 2 . _ 2 2 _ _ IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 23 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 - 2 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 24 29 29 _ - 99 45 _ 54 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) tX) IX) IX) 25 61 59 2 - 76 74 2 - 106 98 110 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 26 38 38 _ _ 31 31 _ _ 39 58 91 83 116 84 IS) IX) IX) IX) 27 _ _ 9 9 _ _ IS) T 4 11 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 28 _ _ . _ IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 29 36 36 - _ 47 47 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 30 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) tX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 31 _ . _ _ , 1 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 32 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 33 13 11 2 _ 21 21 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 34 54 54 . _ 70 70 _ _ T 79 143 136 T 88 94 44 IX) IX) (X) IX) 35 6 6 - - 5 5 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 36 2 2 _ 1 1 _ _ 8 7 6 13 38 5 IS) IX) IX) IX) 37 6 6 . 5 5 _ _ 4 8 7 6 10 88 8 & 153 13 IS) 38 8 B _ . 24 20 4 . 16 20 36 24 30 34 33 52 57 & 156 39 _ . & 50 2 & 48 _ T 9 4 2 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 40 2 2 - - - - " IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 41 (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 42 (X) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) 43 22 19 3 . 15 15 _ _ T 16 19 25 18 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 44 _ _ 5 5 _ _ IS) IS) T 2 4 7 7 (X) IX) IX) IX) 45 2 2 - - T 1 1 - . IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 46 2 2 _ _ 9 3 _ 6 2 7 2 4 5 5 3 2 3 11 47 16 16 _ _ 18 18 _ _ 22 37 45 29 55 T 18 IX) IX) IX) IX) 48 . _ IX) IX) IX) IX) tX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 49 12 12 _ _ 18 18 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 50 - - 1 1 - " T - 2 - 2 5 3 - 10 1 2 51 3 3 7 7 . 4 7 10 13 12 8 IX) IX) IX) IX) 52 2 2 - - 3 3 - 4 7 10 13 12 8 IX) IX) IX) IX) 53 14 14 IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 54 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 55 14 12 2 . 15 13 2 - T 13 11 10 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 56 22 20 2 _ 21 21 _ . IS) 14 14 20 IS) T 12 & (S) - - 12 57 33 33 - 36 36 - - 54 32 66 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 58 23 23 . . 53 53 _ _ 67 57 85 IX) IX) IX) (X, IX) IX) IX) 59 (X) IX) IX> IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 60 3 3 _ . 4 4 _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 61 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ . IS) - T U 12 7 5 T 5 5 5 10 62 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 63 _ _ _ _ . IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 64 _ _ _ _ T 3 3 _ _ 9 T 3 T 3 T 5 7 7 7 T 5 & 124 12 65 . _ _ _ . _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 66 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ 3 . 1 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 67 - - - 1 1 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 68 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 69 4 4 - . 2 2 _ - 2 3 3 3 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 70 8 B . _ 3 3 _ _ 2 2 2 4 8 1 6 4 2 2 71 6 6 _ _ 7 7 _ . 15 16 21 17 27 31 25 31 28 45 72 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 7 2 2 2 3 2 3 6 7 9 73 29 29 _ . 51 27 24 _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 74 34 34 . . IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 75 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) tX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 76 _ _ « _ _ _ . _ 2 7 T 2 6 4 - 11 4 3 77 12 12 - - IX) IX> IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 78 460 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964 **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived m places which were permit-issuing in 1964 +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 PENNSYLVAN I A — CON . PITTSBURGH SMSA — CON. WASHINGTON COUNTY — CON. SOUTH STRABANE TOWNSHIP -I-. . . SPEERS BOROUGH STOCKDALE BOROUGH TWILIGHT BOROUGH WASHINGTON WEST BROWNSVILLE BOROUGH . . . WESTMORELAND COUNTY ADAMSBURG BOROUGH ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP ARNOLD DERRY BOROUGH GREENSBURG + HYDE PARK BOROUGH IRWIN BOROUGH JEANNETTE LATROBE BOROUGH LOWER BURRELL MONESSEN + MOUNT PLEASANT BOROUGH . . . . MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. . . . NEW ALEXANDRIA BOROUGH . . . . NEW KENSINGTON + NORTH BELLE VERNON BOROUGH . . NORTH HUNTINGDON TOWNSHIP +. . NORTH IRWIN BOROUGH OKLAHOMA BOROUGH PENN TOWNSHIP ROSTRAVER TOWNSHIP SCOTTDALE BOROUGH SEWICKLEY TOWNSHIP SMITHTON BOROUGH SOUTHWEST GREENSBURG BOROUGH . TRAFFORD BOROUGH UNITY TOWNSHIP VANDERGRIFT BOROUGH WEST LEECHBURG BOROUGH . . . . WEST NEWTON BOROUGH YOUNGWOOD BOROUGH READING SMSA BERKS COUNTY ALSACE TOWNSHIP AMITY TOWNSHIP BALLY BOROUGH BECHTELSVILLE BOROUGH BERN TOWNSHIP BERNVILLE BOROUGH BIRDSBORO BOROUGH BOYERTOWN BOROUGH CAERNARVON TOWNSHIP CUMRU TOWNSHIP + DOUGLASS TOWNSHIP EXETER TOWNSHIP + FLEETWOOD BOROUGH HAMBURG BOROUGH HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP KENHORST BOROUGH KUTZTOWN BOROUGH LAURELDALE BOROUGH LENHARTSVILLE BOROUGH LOWER ALSACE TOWNSHIP LOWER HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP. . , MAIDENCREEK TOWNSHIP MOHNTON BOROUGH MOUNT PENN BOROUGH MUHLENBERG TOWNSHIP + READING ROBESON TOWNSHIP , ROBESONIA BOROUGH RuSCOMBMANOR TOWNSHIP. . . . , ST LAWRENCE BOROUGH , SHILLINGTON BOROUGH , SHOEMAKERSVILLE BOROUGH. . . , SINKING SPRING BOROUGH . . . , SOUTH HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP. . , SPRING TOWNSHIP + . STRAUSSTOWN BOROUGH TEMPLE BOROUGH , TOPTON BOROUGH . WERNERSVILLE BOROUGH .... WEST LAWN BOROUGH 187 2 7 57 36 12 16 1 51 3 3 26 1 3 11 25 77 12 17 5 21 4 187 2 7 55 36 12 16 6 6 17 5 18 IB 42 42 12 12 58 56 5 5 (S) (S) 7 7 42 42 78 18 15 15 - - 3 3 13 13 5 5 4 4 10 6 91 91 & 246 21 18 18 3 3 6 6 31 31 1 1 162 18 9 9 93 93 1 1 2 2 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 2 208 14 1 96 31 9 2 8 7 9 2 3 120 252 (S) 4 9 (SI 15 9 109 1 - 55 - 4 2 4 - 18 3 1 - 9 - 19 - 57 9 48 - 17 & 50 7 - 11 2 208 1 1 82 21 9 15 - 13 2 1 2 1 - 34 24 3 - 1 - 3 - 10 - 58 - 9 _ 79 4 11 - - - 9 - 45 2 13 - 6 4 - - 1 - 7 _ 9 - 2 - 3 - 88 - 32 _ (S) - 4 - 9 - (S) - 21 - <- - 15 - 9 - 109 - _ . 1 - 3 - 32 & 220 1 16 5 3 21 1 9 20 29 51 42 9 4 & 143 4 264 2 7 139 22 8 13 22 7 74 11 2 26 9 42 10 21 2 6 6 (S) 38 12 74 19 15 5 10 (S) 6 10 113 4 256 7 135 22 8 13 2 7 2 6 6 (X) (X) (X) (X) 02 38 38 _ _ 42 42 _ _ 48 40 34 19 28 37 36 38 46 48 03 6 6 ■ ' " " " T 23 21 19 59 42 19 21 41 42 32 04 8 8 5 5 IX) ( X) (X) (X> (XI (X) (X) (X) ( X ) (XI 05 ( X) ( X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) I X) (X) 05 9 9 - . 3 3 . ~ IS) 10 17 16 T 9 T 12 (S) - - - 07 34 34 - _ 52 52 _ - 39 32 26 19 23 T 20 (S> (X) ( X) (X) 06 5 5 - - (X) (XI ( X) (X) CXI ( X ) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 09 19 19 _ _ 31 29 2 _ 12 15 29 (S) IS) (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 10 12 12 - - (S) (S) - - IS) IS) 40 15 14 37 4 11 5 11 11 * 312 98 _ 4 214 95 95 _ . 119 91 104 94 79 76 4 323 & 225 68 & 324 12 T - ~ ■ ■ (S) (S) ■ (X ) (X ) (X> IX > IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 13 (S) IS) (S) (S) (X) (X) IXI IX) (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) 14 12 12 _ . 9 9 - 7 7 17 14 23 13 (X) (X) (X) (X) 15 15 15 - _ 32 32 - - T 10 (S) IS) T 11 7 9 IS) T - - 17 16 10 6 4 _ 7 5 2 . 13 8 7 5 13 15 20 25 14 37 17 2 2 - - 2 2 - - 4 7 8 5 2 4 6 - 3 - 18 IS) (S) _ _ 50 50 . _ (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X> 19 57 55 2 _ 43 43 . _ 54 29 49 36 38 32 34 41 51 119 20 1 1 « _ _ _ _ . _ - 1 1 - 1 T - - 1 2 21 7 7 _ _ 9 9 . _ (X) (X) (X) IXI (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) IX) 22 12 12 - - 12 12 - - 4 11 17 26 43 45 63 69 73 88 23 33 33 _ _ 26 26 . _ 12 16 19 20 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 24 (S> (S) - _ (S) IS) - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 25 7 7 _ _ 10 10 . ~ 4 3 7 5 8 3 (S) - - - 26 2 2 _ _ _ 2 5 2 T 2 6 4 6 7 10 4 27 5 5 - - 1 1 - - 8 2 6 T 6 3 5 2 2 4 7 28 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) 42 3 3 - - 2 2 - 9 3 2 3 4 3 7 T 3 7 (S) 43 _ . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) 44 15 5 _ 10 10 10 _ . 23 26 16 37 42 11 23 18 12 17 45 11 11 _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 46 4 4 . . 5 5 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (XI (X) (X) 47 3 3 - - - - 2 I 1 5 10 1 5 3 T - 4 48 3 3 13 13 4 1 2 7 14 12 12 17 T 33 IS) 49 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 2 3 . 9 7 6 T 2 (S) (S) IS) 50 _ . (XI IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 51 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 52 - - (S) (S) - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) 53 25 25 . 48 48 _ IX) (XI (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) 54 T 4 4 . _ (SI (S) 8 - - IS) IX) (X) (X) (X) 70 - - - - 1 - - 4 - T - IS) - 3 - 71 464 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 lor ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shov»n in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State. SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing Number of housini in structures w units th- Total numbei of housing Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing Number of housing units in structures with- ID 2-4 5 units 2-4 5 units 1 unit 2-4 5 units units units or more units units or more units units or more PENNSYLVANIA— CON. YORK SMSA~C0N. YORK COUNTY—CON. 150 114 30 106 120 35 286 31 88 4 35 52 31 52 4 8 198 " PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ARMSTRONG COUNTY & 64 8 - S 56 4 1 1 4 ~ 4 1 1 4 ~ 05 FORD CITY BOROUGH 06 FREEPORT BOROUGH 7 2 - 5 1 1 _ _ 4 4 - . 07 KITTANNING BOROUGH . . . & 90 - - & 90 6 - - 6 - - - - (SI IS) - - 3 3 - - 5 3 2 - 09 NORTH APOLLO BOROUGH 10 SOUTH BETHLEHEM BOROUGH 4 4 - - 2 2 . _ - - - - 11 *EST KITTANNING BOROUGH 1 1 - - _ _ . _ 2 2 - - 12 WORTHINGTON BOROUGH BEDFORD COUNTY 1 1 ■ ■ ■ " ' " 13 BEDFORD BOROUGH 14 4 4 6 4 4 - - - : : ; 14 COALDALE BOROUGH 1-5 EVERETT BOROUGH 1 1 - - 1 1 . . 4 4 - - 16 HYNDMAN BOROUGH 1 1 . - 1 1 - . 2 2 . - 17 NEW PARIS BOROUGH - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 RAINSBURG BOROUGH _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ SAXTON BOROUGH ... 1 1 - _ - _ . - - - _ - 21 WOODBURY BOROUGH 1 1 - - 4 4 : - 1 1 - : 23 CANTON BOROUGH , . 24 SAYRE BOROUGH 5 5 - - 3 3 - - 12 12 - - 25 SOUTH WAVERLY BOROUGH 6 6 - - 6 6 - - 10 10 - - 26 TOWANDA BOROUGH 4 4 - - 4 4 - - 5 5 - - ?7 TROY BOROUGH 10 10 - - 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - 28 WELLS TOWNSHIP 29 WYSOX TOWNSHIP 6 6 " ' 5 5 ' " 6 6 BUTLER COUNTY 30 ADAMS TOWNSHIP 12 12 . . 15 15 - . 14 14 - - 31 BUTLER 4 4 - - 4 4 - . 5 5 - - 32 BUTLER TOWNSHIP + 91 87 4 - 87 87 - - 96 96 - - 33 CENTER TOWNSHIP 50 44 . 6 41 41 - - 49 49 - - 34 DONEGAL TOWNSHIP - - - - - - - - - - - 35 EAST BUTLER BOROUGH 4 4 _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 FORWARD TOWNSHIP .... 2 16 2 16 - ': 25 16 25 16 - \ 5 6 3 5 6 3 - - ■^7 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. ... ... 38 HARRISVILLE BOROUGH 10 5 15 10 5 16 _ - 1 19 1 19 - _ 13 21 8 13 21 8 - - - See Appendix C-2 lor statement regatding coverage. '■&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded; lor number ol public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: '■-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identihed as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Nirmber of housing units Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total M number in sir ctuies wilh- numbei in structures with _ number number number number number number number number number number c ol of ol of ol ol of ol of ol of ol c housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or moie units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 18 16 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 01 ( XI (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 02 (X) (X) (X) ( X ) (X 1 (X) tX) (X) (X) IX) ( XI (X) (X ) ( X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (X) 03 6 6 _ 1 1 _ _ (X) (X) (XI ( XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 04 2t 24 - - 32 32 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 05 1 1 _ _ 3 3 _ _ (XI (X) (XI ( XI (X I (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 06 ( X) (X) (X) (X) (X) tX) { X) (XI 1 X 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 07 7 7 - - 3 3 - - (X ) (X) ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 08 7 7 10 10 10 11 8 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 09 7 7 - , (S) (S) _ - (XI (X) ( X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) 10 8 8 - _ 12 12 - - (X ) ( X ) (Xl (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X) ( X 1 (X) 11 ( X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI ( X ) (X) (X) (X) 12 15 15 - - 15 15 - - 27 53 35 38 82 59 (SI (XI (X) (XI 13 6 6 _ _ 8 8 _ _ 8 10 8 11 6 17 9 5 9 11 14 - _ - _ 12 12 . _ 10 3 11 5 4 14 (S) (X) (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (X) (XI (X) (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 16 6 6 6 6 3 2 4 15 12 18 14 5 7 13 17 6 6 _ _ 3 3 . . 4 4 3 T 2 2 1 1 6 1 11 18 2 2 . . _ _ _ . 1 2 4 7 6 3 6 3 4 9 19 3 3 _ . 1 1 . - . 2 1 7 T 3 (SI (XI (X) (XI 20 49 44 5 - 50 48 2 - T 48 42 119 72 76 77 38 31 50 48 21 3 3 _ _ 7 7 _ _ (S) (X) (S) T 6 5 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 22 3 3 . _ 8 8 » - 1 1 - 1 4 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) 23 19 19 - - 6 6 _ - 11 19 11 17 21 77 41 42 28 56 24 35 33 2 _ 38 38 . - 28 22 30 39 36 42 48 & 180 62 96 25 8 8 - - 4 4 -- - 11 7 5 6 14 7 (SI (XI (X) (XI 26 15 15 . 2 2 . 7 5 6 8 25 21 16 9 15 14 27 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 28 _ . . _ _ « _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 29 - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 - - - - - - - - 1 1 ~ T - ~ ~ ~ ■ T - ■ 31 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 32 11 11 _ . 9 9 _ _ 26 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 33 1 1 _ _ 3 3 . _ T 5 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 34 6 2 4 _ 5 5 _ . T 14 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 35 76 74 2 - 191 182 9 - (X) ( X ) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 36 3 3 _ . _ _ _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 37 4 4 . . 3 3 _ _ T 3 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 6 6 - . 5 5 . . (XI (X> (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (X I (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (Xl (X) (XI (X) 40 2 2 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 41 9 9 _ _ 17 7 _ 10 IS 85 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 42 8 8 _ . 18 IB _ . 12 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 6 6 _ - (S) (S) . _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 9 9 _ _ 30 30 . _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 45 . _ (X) (X) (X) (X> (X ) (X) (XI ( XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 46 9 9 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 I 1 3 3 (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (Xl (XI (XI (XI 48 8 8 _ . 15 15 _ - T 8 12 14 16 15 16 22 26 (SI (SI 49 - - - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 50 7 7 - - 14 14 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 1 1 T 63 3 & 60 T 6 6 1 T 9 11 1 11 7 6 (SI 52 13 13 - - 1 S) ( S) - - - " ~ (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 53 u 4 4 2 2 T 2 . . _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 54 _ _ _ _ 2 2 _ - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 15 15 - . 7 7 . _ (X ) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ T - - - - T 10 - - 57 11 11 - - 8 8 - - T 9 9 8 (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 7 7 _ . 15 15 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 2 2 - . 1 1 _ _ . - T - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 60 5 5 - _ (S) (S) _ _ (S) (S) 6 11 6 & 7 6 11 11 13 61 3 3 - - 6 6 - - 8 3 6 9 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 62 33 33 (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 ( S) (S) _ _ ( S) 1 S) _ _ (SI (SI (S) (SI T 7 7 7 3 7 7 64 2 2 - - _ . 2 5 3 2 1 8 3 5 1 - 65 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 ( XI (XI (X I (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 66 - - - - - - - - - 1 3 1 1 4 - - - - 67 470 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated (or each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1953 1962 ^ E Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units fJumber of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more PENNSYLVANIA— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S—CON. 01 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY—CON. AUBURN BOROUGH . 1 2 10 11 1 3 1 & 110 8 9 3 6 1 2 4 11 1 3 1 10 8 4 3 6 5 _ 6 & 100 87 1 1 9 1 2 3 & 64 6 1 2 87 1 1 9 1 2 3 14 6 1 2 & 50 - 4 1 2 7 1 15 5 3 2 4 1 2 7 I lb 5 3 2 _ - 03 COALDALE BOROUGH 05 06 DEER LAKE BOROUGH FRACKVILLE BOROUGH 08 MCADOO BOROUGH •..•...•.•••• 09 MAHANOY CITY BOROUGH .......... 10 MAHANOY TOWNSHIP ...... 11 12 i3 MECHANICSVILLE BOROUGH MINERSVILLE BOROUGH NORWEGIAN TOWNSHIP •...■ 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 PORT CARBON BOROUGH SCHUYLKILL HAVEN BOROUGH TAf^AQUA BOROUGH TOWER CITY BOROUGH WEST MAHANOY TOWNSHIP 23 24 25 SNYDER COUNTY MIDDLEBURG BOROUGH SELINSGROVE BOROUGH SHAMOKIN DAM BOROUGH 1 IS 15 1 11 15 4 - 1 20 21 1 16 21 4 - 23 11 13 11 10 - SULLIVAN COUNTY 2 4 1 9 5 2 4 1 9 5 - - 1 4 2 1 15 4 1 4 2 1 15 4 - - 4 2 2 1 5 1 4 2 2 1 5 1 - " 27 LAPORTE BOROUGH 28 TIOGA COUNTY BLOSSBURG BOROUGH 30 LAWRENCEVILLE BOROUGH. ......... 31 32 33 MANSFIELD BOROUGH WELLBORO BOROUGH WESTFIELD BOROUGH 34 35 36 UNION COUNTY LEWISBURG BOROUGH MIFFLINBURG BOROUGH NEW BERLIN BOROUGH 48 7 5 8 7 5 4 36 12 8 4 12 8 4 - - 10 13 5 6 18 5 4 - 37 38 39 40 41 VENANGO COUNTY FRANKLIN IRWIN TOWNSHIP OIL CITY OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP PLEASANTVILLE BOROUGH 9 5 1 2 9 5 1 2 - - 9 U 2 2 9 9 2 2 2 - 6 9 6 9 - - 4 19 3 4 19 3 - - 7 6 15 1 5 6 12 1 2 3 - 1 10 8 1 10 8 - - 43 ROUSEVILLE BOROUGH 45 WARREN COUNTY CLARENDON BOROUGH 46 47 48 FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP WARREN BOROUGH YOUNGSVILLE BOROUGH 49 WAYNE COUNTY BETHANY BOROUGH. ...... 6 11 6 11 - - 7 21 7 21 - - 1 10 18 1 10 18 - - 50 51 HONESDALE BOROUGH SALEM TOWNSHIP RHODE ISLAND FALL RIVER. MASS. -R.I. SMSA See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7- Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in siructuies with- 2-4 5 units units 01 more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures with— 2-4 units 5 units or moie Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units (XI (X) 2 (X) (X) 2 (X) 1 (X) 3 2 (X) (X) 7 IX) 2 98 96 82 82 1*7 47 211 202 112 112 453 439 79 53 IXI (X) (X) (X> (X) 4 2 (X) (X) 2 IX) 2 5 2 19 1 (X) 20 (S) 12 (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) u (X) 5 (X) 6 115 95 26 219 98 507 81 (X) 10 2 (X) (X) 2 (X) 2 5 2 1 (X) 18 (51 12 (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) 115 95 26 217 96 499 79 (X) 6 (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (X) (X) I X) IX) IX) (X) IX) T - T 6 (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 4 (X) (X) IX) IX) 12 2 IX) IS) IX) (X) (X) 10 T 6 (X) 13 IX) 115 68 36 286 88 T 415 9 IX) 3 IX) IX) IX) IX) 5 (X) (X) IX) 10 IX) (X) (X) IX) 3 IX) 5 1 (X) (S) 13 IX) IX) IX) 7 3 IX) 16 IX) (X) 3 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IS) (X) 5 23 IX) (X) (X) 5 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 7 3 IX) 6 3 IX) 5 17 IX) IX) IX) 2 3 IX) 13 T 11 IX) 12 IX) 116 T 43 37 & 103 48 470 114 IX) T 6 1 9 IX) IS) IX) IS) IX) T 3 29 11 (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) T 6 11 IX) 12 1 IX) IS) 22 (X) (X) 31 T 8 (X) 11 IX) 147 78 36 T 47 65 621 103 12 IX ) 26 (X) IX) IX) (X) (S) (X) 3 6 33 10 2 3 (X) IX) IX) 8 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 4 10 (X) IX) 8 2 IX) 3 43 IX) IX) IX) 26 12 IX) IX) (X) 135 77 53 108 51 847 173 IX) 3 IX) 5 IX) IX) (X) IS) 1X1 IS) 10 T 3 63 11 3 IX) IX) (X) 14 iX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 3 IX) T 12 (X) T 9 33 (X) (X) (X) 1 1 (X) 21 11 (X) (X) IX) 116 163 93 34 657 104 12 IX) 6 (X) (X) IX) IX) 2 (X) (X) 15 T 1 23 4 IX) IX) IX) 19 (XI (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (S) 4 (X) (X) 39 IX) IX) (X) IS) IS) (X) (X) IX) 125 IS) 73 IS) 48 648 78 IX) 7 T - 36 (X) 2 IX) IX) IS) IX) 2 (X) (X) 1 IX) IX) 12 r 13 1 1 IX) (X) (X) 8 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 IX) IX) IS) IX) IX) 40 (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 27 10 IX) IX) (X) 170 132 25 IX) 60 887 139 IX) 5 43 (X) (X) IX) IX) 1 IX) (X) T 5 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 2 7 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 20 (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 23 IX) IX) (X) (S) (S) 22 (X) 71 1 036 131 145 (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) 71 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 9 19 IX) IX) IX) 5 IX) IX) 16 IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) 75 5 (X) (X) (X) 237 IS) 43 (X) 63 1 024 206 IX) 15 ^'> RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The la.id area deli.ieatpd for each of the 219 st?nda d metropohlan statbt'cal areas in this table onforms to the definition eslabhshed by the Burea'j of tiie Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 lor case in presentation and rcmoarability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1364 are shown in table 8-4. Wherever tiiere is a change in definition, the totals presented in tible 3-4 diffe; from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Siub symbols: ♦Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in I960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964 +This 1964 Permit-issuing places bv State, 3VSA, uiside SMSA's, and county 01 02 0,3 0', OS r,6 07 08 , 09 !0 U I RHODE ISLAI\ID--COn. PROVIDENCE-PAWTljCKET-WARWlCK.R. i.MASS.SMS— PROVIDENCE COUIvTY *»--CON. CRANSTON + CUI>1BERLAND TOWN i- . EAST PROVIDEI\,CE -l- JOHNSTOtM TOWN +. LINCOLN TOWI^ -f . IvORTK PROVIOEwrE NORTH SMITHFIELD PA*TUCKET +. . . •OON ■cv/ri Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- PROVIDENCE 'r . SWnHF [ELD TOWt: WOONSOCKET + • ^-IHINGTON .CUNTY * ■l,lRRA3Af^SETT TOWN -i- NORTH king:. TOWN TjU'V (I^ASS'C USif.S! BRISTOL COUNTY * ATTLEBORO -f ........ , NORTH ATTLE lOROLlGH 1 OWN +. , REHOBOTH TOWN SEEKONK TOA'N + NORFOLK COL'NTY ** BELL INGHAM TOWN. F.RANKLIN TOWN +. FLAINVILLE TOWN. WOPCESTER COUNTY BLACKSTONE TO*N. CILU'ILlE TOWN . PLACE: OI'-^SlDE SKSA'S I KENT COUNTY * I WEST GREENWICH T3WN. I riEWPORT COLMTY ** 21 I MJDDLETOWH TOWN ( . ?.5 , NEWPORT. ..... 26 I PORTSiMOUTH TOWN ■•■ • I ,^ROVIOENCE COUNTY *+ ?.? ' (TLDCESTER TOWN . . WASHINGTON COUNTY * CI-'ARLE3T0WN TOWN + . EXETER TOWN HOPKiNTON TOWN . RICHMOND TOWN. . . . SOUTH KINGSTOWN TOWN WESTERLY TOWN +. . . SOUTH CAROL IN,e ALiGiJSTAi GA.-3.C. SMSA (SEE GEORGIA) CHARLESTON SMSA CHARLESTON COUNTY ♦ CHARLESTON + COOPER RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT . JAMES ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT « MOULTRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT » . . ISLE OF PALMS MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN ^ ST ANDREWS SCHOOL DISTRICT U . ST JAMES SANTEE SCHOOL DISTRICT ST JOHN SCHOOL DISTRICT. . . . ST PAUL SCHOOL DISTRICT. . . . COLUMBIA SMSA LEXINGTON COUNTY EATESBUR6 TOWN CAYCE + IRMO TOWN LEESVILLE TOWN . . WEST COLUMBIA RICHLAND COUNTY ARCADIA LAKES TOWN ...... COLUMBIA + n FOREST ACRES TOWN * & 5,'l 272 S 277 141 108 32; 78 15B 8 5iH )29 i ?.3 = 103 9i (S) 213 28 96 I 29 I 102 37 31 19 (S) 139 103 & 985 259 633 57 13 HH 220 3 53 27 1^ 16'!- 1 it 29 351 272 177 138 96 218 48 59 127 125 87 123 196 134 109 39 91 (S) 213 24 37 31 19 IS) 89 103 302 209 629 57 '■0 14 164 1 14 13 !2 146 22 2-4 5 units units 01 more 511 22 & 144 & 82 t 97 18 57 & 417 12 172 26 53 32 1963 Total number of housing units 137 & 557 144 352 T 190 315 67 65 35 211 T 9 74 40 . 29 - 78 - 1 - 11 ' 24 . 20 82 467 56 Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unii 444 316 56 208 206 2 367 244 2 151 151 _ 69 65 4 210 206 4 14 6 8 204 75 23 132 124 8 173 173 - 261 76 12 122 116 6 156 149 7 138 136 98 87 48 48 101 101 (S) (S) 234 234 8 3 62 58 7 7 131 19 72 29 29 10 10 33 33 21 21 92 92 86 184 301 158 31i 67 65 35 201 9 74 40 2-4 units 5 units or more 72 121 538 64 29 - 78 - 1 - 11 - 12 12 20 _ 175 96 'to 2 196 24 1962 Total number of housing units 401 254 173 154 65 171 118 156 124 100 139 147 69 41 85 277 126 39 83 21 105 & 655 T 147 245 57 31 27 148 T 4 58 T 28 10 276 71 Number of housing units in structures with- 325 254 155 150 62 157 109 156 101 100 131 129 69 37 85 277 103 21 77 19 101 63 63 9 9 26 26 19 19 88 88 80 78 635 143 245 55 31 27 148 4 58 28 10 148 71 2-4 units 5 units or more 12 213 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 473 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 lor statement cegarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units lor which contracts were awarded, for number ol public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" identilied as permit-issuing in designated year 'S" Does not meet publica- Not applicable because not 1961 1960 1959 1958 195? 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing jnits Total Number ol housing units I Total Total Total Total Total Tola! Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures with - number in structures with - number ol number number ol number of number ol number ol number ol number ol number ol number ol = ol of ol housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 3a6 304 10 32 419 315 19 85 311 279 321 449 514 463 472 501 531 645 01 260 258 2 _ 293 291 2 - (SI (SI (XI T 165 (X) (X) ( X) (XI (XI (XI 02 119 1 16 3 - 151 139 - 12 238 238 181 250 346 237 223 253 292 334 03 1 18 1 16 2 . 140 140 . _ 177 165 136 195 130 122 123 119 118 137 04 75 75 _ 71 71 _ _ 64 64 72 105 103 114 102 84 81 123 05 138 132 6 _ 135 135 _ _ 150 T 110 137 164 185 137 T 123 136 151 202 06 ( S) ( S ) _ 55 53 2 „ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 07 108 70 13 25 123 88 28 17 115 64 123 149 176 118 211 296 & 687 547 08 247 134 40 73 & 329 102 27 & 200 T 150 & 149 129 190 237 195 230 S 322 S 1 275 P775 09 138 138 98 80 18 _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 10 9H 84 10 - 62 53 9 - 123 65 92 89 93 72 74 73 & 434 122 11 93 91 2 102 96 6 T 95 164 (SI T 135 141 132 (SI (X) (X, (XI 12 153 128 6 19 133 133 ■ (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI IXI (XI 13 & 212 136 4 8 72 136 136 160 146 159 167 142 119 107 103 102 S 197 14 72 68 4 63 59 4 . T 57 84 91 96 120 73 75 77 71 & 152 15 29 29 _ _ 19 19 _ _ 34 26 & 56 45 36 35 27 34 26 39 16 96 96 - - 70 70 - - T 55 60 56 92 76 74 74 71 82 97 17 ( S) ( S ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 18 170 170 _ _ 199 199 _ _ T 153 T 100 34 43 19 19 45 34 49 43 19 T 27 20 7 - 47 31 16 - T 23 13 16 T 17 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 20 40 34 6 33 17 16 . 18 10 T 17 32 15 23 (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 1 1 " " 1 1 ~ ■ (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 22 8 8 - - 7 7 - - 32 12 8 16 12 1 (SI (XI (X) (XI 23 100 98 2 130 130 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 24 & 598 & 521 2 S 75 29 29 . _ 27 28 37 & 54 32 260 & 154 103 84 53 25 88 80 8 104 104 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 26 30 30 - - 31 31 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 50 50 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 28 (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 29 ( X) (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 30 9 9 10 10 _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 74 74 _ _ 83 80 3 _ 94 & 155 & 93 53 81 163 (SI (X) (X) (X) 32 (S) (SI 100 94 6 (SI 166 T 105 (S) (SI .S) (S) 104 (SI 150 33 & 728 & 659 23 46 S 109 & 70 39 & 89 34 47 71 82 76 134 125 & 306 135 34 288 270 18 241 241 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 35 236 224 12 _ 149 149 _ - T IQ? 14a 147 250 201 ns 115 105 141 142 36 95 95 - 106 106 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 38 27 38 27 38 6 6 _ 18 17 18 14 11 18 (S) (X) (XI (X) 39 _ _ 45 29 16 _ 83 108 87 57 49 13 23 & 37 T 5 12 40 275 263 12 _ 446 446 _ 6.56 451 3^5 41 1 /jnn 304 20 7 197 234 20^ 42 6 6 - 6 6 - _ (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 89 89 67 67 . _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 44 40 40 ~ ■ 53 53 ~ ■ (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 45 ( S 1 (SI (SI 18 17 9 15 20 (SI (X) (X) (XI 46 79 79 _ _ 61 59 2 _ 94 99 76 91 93 56 25 29 39 46 47 _ _ (X ) (X) (XI (XI IX) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 48 24 24 _ _ 3 3 _ (SI T 6 8 4 2 9 (XI (XI (X) (X) 49 21 21 - - 7 7 - - 7 29 14 27 92 39 39 39 57 ■ 50 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 & 260 155 34 & 71 257 212 39 6 248 212 & 267 282 704 518 407 i 896 & 915 664 52 57 57 52 50 2 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 474 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 tor ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shovnn in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical lisfing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county populafion in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more SOUTH CAROLINA — CON. GREENVILLE SMSA GREENVILLE COUNTY FOUNTAIN INN TOWN GREENVILLE * GREER TOWN MAULDIN TOWN * SIMPSONVILLE TOWN PICKENS COUNTY * EASLEY LIBERTY TOWN U NORRIS TOWN » PICKENS COUNTY REMAINING AREA + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ABBEVILLE COUNTY ABBEVILLE ABBEVILLE COUNTY UNINC. AREA . , CALHOUN FALLS TOWN DUE WEST TOWN ALLENDALE COUNTY ALLENDALE TOWN FAIRFAX TOWN ANDERSON COUNTY ** ANDERSON . ANDERSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . , BELTON TOWN + HONEA PATH TOWN PENDLETON TOWN WILLIAMSTON TOWN BAMBERG COUNTY BAMBERG TOWN , DENMARK TOWN , BARNWELL COUNTY BARNWELL ■ BLACKVILLE TOWN WILLISTON TOWN BEAUFORT COUNTY ♦* BEAUFORT BEAUFORT COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . PORT ROYAL TOWN CALHOUN COUNTY ST MATTHEWS TOWN CHEROKEE COUNTY 6AFFNEY -I- CHESTER COUNTY * CHESTER CHESTER COUNTY REMAINING AREA + CHESTERFIELD COUNTY MCBEE TOWN PAGELAND TOWN CLARENDON COUNTY MANNING SUMMERTON TOWN COLLETON COUNTY * DARLINGTON COUNTY DARLINGTON TOWN HARTSVILLE TOWN DILLON COUNTY DILLON TOWN LATTA TOWN DORCHESTER COUNTY ST GEORGE TOWN SUMMERVILLE TOWN FAIRFIELD COUNTY WINNSBORO FLORENCE COUNTY FLORENCE + LAKE CITY TOWN + GEORGETOWN COUNTY ANDREWS TOWN ... GEORGETOWN GREENWOOD COUNTY * GREENWOOD + GREENWOOD COUNTY REMAINING AREA NINETY-SIX TOWN HAMPTON COUNTY ESTILL TOWN HAMPTON TOWN VARNVILLE TOWN 13 232 22 29 10 (S) 15 79 166 2 6 13 (S) 13 - 167 53 20 2 29 - 6 4 (S) 15 - 25 25 - 65 65 - 3 8 - 6 4 2 18 18 . U 9 2 49 43 6 26 26 - 13 13 - 23 23 - 12 12 - 11 11 - 19 19 . 15 15 - 15 15 _ 10 10 - 15 15 - 14 14 . 383 383 - 3 3 - 20 20 25 25 4 4 24 24 53 53 2 2 180 ISO 10 10 19 19 89 63 7 7 5 5 16 16 73 162 2 6 13 (S) 16 171 24 19 10 9 4 160 51 T 50 96 265 2 5 16 (S) 14 2 137 34 22 2 19 - 10 " 33 10 21 - 28 24 35 35 7 7 1 1 11 9 33 33 13 11 33 33 17 17 28 28 19 19 24 24 18 18 14 14 18 18 18 12 26 226 2 2 5 5 75 71 23 23 21 21 1 1 11 11 66 253 2 5 14 (S) 10 235 27 24 6 48 (S) 113 48 & (S) 10 188 25 24 6 59 53 47 47 25 25 28 28 11 11 28 28 5 5 11 11 16 16 12 12 14 14 9 9 334 334 5 5 10 14 14 36 36 4 4 3 3 43 43 18 18 22 22 15 15 48 48 11 7 7 7 6 6 48 (S) 97 48 (S> 2 & (S) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 475 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units loi which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not idenlihed as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total nuiiibei housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number ol housing units " Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 14 14 - 100 84 16 36 30 6 21 21 - 13 13 ~ 26 26 . 12 12 - 22 20 (X) (X) 2 2 5 5 13 13 10 10 43 38 (XI (X) 37 35 19 19 17 17 12 12 6 (X) 17 17 52 52 X) (X) 1 1 27 23 6 6 15 15 12 12 26 24 45 45 9 9 11 11 5 5 57 57 T 28 26 17 17 29 29 62 60 T 4 4 5 (X) 20 20 160 109 34 34 32 32 9 7 12 (X) (S) (S) (X) 23 (X) 34 19 17 14 12 (X) (X) 10 (X) (S) 12 (X) (XI 22 22 60 48 (X) (X) 3 3 (X) (X) 7 7 82 82 31 31 18 18 94 92 12 12 2 (X) (S) - (X) (X) 21 2 (XI (X) 34 - 17 2 17 - 14 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 199 29 (XI (X) 43 (X) (XI (X) 27 (XI IS) (X) (S) (X) T U (XI 47 21 U (S) (X) 13 T 16 T 1£ 14 (X) (X) 26 (X) (X) T - (XI (X) (XI T 27 21 T 30 (X) 81 186 (S) (XI 3 (XI 24 (XI (XI 201 41 (X) (XI 39 (XI (X) (X) 21 (XI (SI (XI (SI (X) 28 (XI 36 20 3 29 (XI 28 33 (X) (X) 47 (XI (X) 2 (XI (X) 24 (XI (SI (X) 1 (XI 28 (XI (XI 161 (X) (X) 41 (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (S) (X) (S) (X) 32 18 (XI 16 10 5 (S) 41 (X) (XI 35 (X) (X) (XI (XI 28 (XI (SI (X) (X) 17 (X) (XI 282 32 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (SI (XI (S) (XI 50 (XI 41 25 5 14 (XI 14 21 2 (XI 62 (XI (XI (XI 7 (X) (X) (X) 27 (X) 137 23 (SI (XI (XI (S) (XI (X) 420 45 (XI (X I 70 (XI (XI (XI T 7 (XI (SI (XI 49 24 13 18 (X) 10 58 (XI (X) 15 (XI (XI 13 (XI (XI (XI 52 (XI 199 10 (SI (X) (XI (X) (XI ( XI 575 37 (XI (X) 52 (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (SI (XI 21 (XI (S) (X) 35 17 (XI 26 28 (S) (X) 97 (X) (XI 19 (X) (X) 9 (X) (X) (X) 68 (X) (SI 14 175 62 (SI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 470 (XI (XI (XI 40 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 1 43 (XI (S) (X) (SI (X) !, 66 i 60 i. 57 i 65 (X) (S) (S) 3 (X) 60 (X) (X) 25 (X) (XI (XI (XI 51 (XI (S) 12 131 31 (XI 19 (S) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 924 (X I (XI (XI 37 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 84 (XI 50 23 23 25 (XI (XI (X) 141 (XI 76 (XI (XI 33 (X) (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI 24 (SI 47 (XI (X) 21 232 10 (XI 16 86 (X) 3 (XI (XI (XI (XI 1 030 (XI (XI (XI 68 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI T 3 (XI (X) (X) (S) (XI r 83 30 14 14 (X) (X) (X) 33 (X) T 114 (XI 28 (X) (XI T 4 (X) (X) (X) 26 (S) 37 (XI (XI 21 230 (SI (X) 18 (XI (XI (X) (XI 846 (XI (XI (XI 90 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI T 40 36 71 61 (XI (XI (X) (S) (XI 106 (XI (XI 115 (X) (XI (SI (XI (X) (X) 40 (SI 75 (XI (X) T 8 363 (SI (X) 39 556 (XI 7 (XI (XI 476 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropohlan statistical areas in this table conforms fo the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived In places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 "i Total number of housmg units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- '-J 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more lunit 2-4 units 5 units or more SOUTH CAR0Lir>IA — COI^. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. 01 HORRY COUNTY CHERRY GROVE BEACH TOWN* ■••••••• 64 43 47 52 92 28 40 43 13 58 12 24 20 52 10 3 14 24 13 41 35 73 7 152 22 22 35 15 7 51 14 19 4 21 8 54 80 44 27 14 9 59 (S) 36 27 14 9 36 (SI 8 8 15 02 03 04 05 06 CONWAY TOWN CRESCENT BEACH TOWN LORIS TOWN MYRTLE BEACH TOWN + OCEAN DRIVE BEACH TOWN + JASPER COUNTY 3 37 3 37 - - 1 30 1 28 2 - 6 2 13 6 2 13 - - KERSHAW COUNTY OQ CAMDEN + 10 LANCASTER COUNTY 13 54 76 10 10 27 13 54 60 10 10 27 16 - 11 48 & 137 7 6 16 11 43 57 7 6 16 & 80 9 61 35 10 6 8 9 53 35 10 6 8 8 - LAt^lCASTER TOWN 12 LAURENS COUNTY LAURENS 13 LEE COUNTY BISHOPVILLE TOWN •••••••■•••• 14 MCCORMICK COUNTY MCCORMICK TOWN 15 MCCORMICK COUNTY UNINC. AREA 16 17 MARION COUNTY MARION TOWN + MULLINS TOWN 43 36 43 29 - 7 43 23 43 23 - : 29 15 29 15 - - MARLBORO COUNTY 54 1 33 2 51 1 31 2 3 2 _ 29 6 64 3 25 6 52 3 4 12 20 9 18 3 20 9 18 3 - - 20 21 NEWBERRY COUNTY NEWBERRY TOWN PROSPERITY TOWN 22 OCONEE COUNTY *+••••• ••• 168 4 2 83 168 4 2 79 4 - 149 3 1 2 59 149 3 1 2 55 4 - 136 5 6 2 59 136 5 6 2 59 - - 23 24 25 26 ORANGEBURG COUNTY BOWMAN TOWN ELLOREE TOWN NORWAY TOWN ORANGEBURG + SPARTANBURG COUNTY 1 4 6 8 1 4 6 8 - - 1 2 1 4 6 1 2 1 4 6 - - 1 2 2 5 15 1 2 2 5 15 - - 28 29 30 31 CHESNEE TOWN INMAN TOWN LANORUM TOWN PACOLET TOWN 32 33 SPARTANBURG + WOODRUFF TOWN 254 13 198 13 40 16 229 22 215 22 14 - 350 22 308 14 36 6 8 34 SUMTER COUNTY PINEWOOD TOWN SUMTER + 5 59 21 20 5 7 142 5 59 21 14 5 7 135 6 7 - 4 70 40 13 3 25 156 4 66 40 13 3 9 143 4 5 16 8 6 57 37 15 4 22 186 5? 37 15 4 22 182 4 - 36 UNION COUNTY UNION. ••••••••• •• 37 WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY KINGSTREE TOWN 38 39 40 YORK COUNTY CLOVER TOWN FORT MILL TOWN ROCK HILL + SOUTH DAKOTA SIOUX FALLS SMSA 41 42 MINNEHAHA COUNTY DELL RAPIDS SIOUX FALLS + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S 12 361 12 280 32 49 20 310 16 292 4 8 10 5 454 5 329 36 89 43 44 45 46 BEADLE COUNTY HITCHCOCK TOWN HURON + WESSINGTON WOLSEY TOWN T 76 1 63 1 13 - 59 2 2 59 2 2 - - 48 44 4 - 47 BENNETT COUNTY MARTIN ••...•..•.• 6 3 2 6 3 2 - ; 4 7 3 4 7 3 _ - 1 4 3 1 4 3 _ - 48 49 BON HOMME COUNTY SPRINGFIELD + TYNDALL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 477 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list o( 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, j See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 I960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number Of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 E number in structures witf _ number in structures wit - number number number number number number number number number number c of of of of of of of of of of ol of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zj units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units' units units units 44 27 12 5 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 01 34 34 - - 35 35 - - 44 74 62 48 88 77 41 T 25 21 82 02 26 15 6 5 18 12 6 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 03 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 55 37 18 - 56 21 27 8 (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 05 25 7 13 5 (SI (SI - ~ (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 06 (X) (XI txi (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 4 4 . 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI 08 20 20 - - 10 10 - - (SI (SI (SI 17 28 17 13 49 59 (SI 09 13 13 _ . 19 19 T 7 6 20 14 14 10 9 10 T 4 T 6 10 37 37 - - 30 30 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 (X> (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 20 20 - - 24 24 - - (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 6 6 . _ (SI (SI . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 (X) (XI (X) (XI txi (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI IS T H 11 _ ■ T 31 31 . . T 42 40 T 15 40 T 47 52 (SI (XI (XI (XI 16 31 31 " 23 23 - - 20 15 20 T 30 17 22 (SI (XI (XI (XI 17 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 16 3 3 " ■ 6 6 - - (SI T 1 1 6 7 (SI (XI (XI (XI ( XI 19 22 22 _ _ 30 30 _ . 43 31 29 33 34 29 24 37 (SI 103 20 5 5 - - 9 9 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 143 143 - - 154 154 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 22 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 2 2 - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 & 38 & 38 ~ - 47 47 - - 53 40 36 55 84 49 (SI (XI (XI (XI 26 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 3 3 - - 2 2 - - (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 3 3 - - 5 5 - - 6 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 10 10 - - 10 10 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 10 10 - - 15 15 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 273 249 16 8 257 243 14 240 177 152 156 101 65 67 100 S 271 & 446 32 20 20 " ■ 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 3 3 _ _ 1 1 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 49 47 2 ■ 34 32 2 - 92 148 88 135 168 175 76 164 190 404 35 71 71 - - & 226 76 & 150 - (SI (SI (SI T 33 T 32 21 T 18 20 54 90 36 30 28 2 - 12 12 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 8 8 _ _ 5 5 . _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 7 5 2 - 30 30 - - 8 57 & 50 24 8 19 (SI (XI (XI (XI 39 156 128 28 155 155 190 133 109 117 134 160 142 168 282 529 4 3 3 8 8 16 4 6 S 11 4 6 10 9 8 41 435 367 38 30 395 332 16 47 416 392 318 353 710 571 348 283 257 858 42 (XI (XI txi (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 58 48 2 8 59 59 - - 53 29 12 59 112 94 50 65 80 (SI 44 - - - - - - - - 2 (SI - - - - T - - (SI (SI 45 2 2 ~ ■ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 6 2 4 - 3 3 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 478 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability- Changes m definitions established prior to 1964 are shown In table B-4. Wherever there is a change In definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown In this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-Issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. '*B70 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived In places which were permit-Issuing in 1964. +Thls Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more SOUTH DAKOTA — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. BROOKINGS COUNTY BROOKINGS +. . BROWN COUNTY ABERDEEN + GROTON . . BRULE COUNTY CHAMBERLAIN BUTTE COUNTY BELLE FOURCHE +. NEWELL NISLAND TOWN . . CAMPBELL COUNTY HERREID. . . . CHARLES MIX COUNTY PLATTE WAGNER CLARK COUNTY CLARK. . . . WILLOW LAKE. CLAY COUNTY VERMILLION + CODINGTON COUNTY WATERTOWN +. . CORSON COUNTY MCINTOSH . . . . MCLAUGHLIN . . . MORRISTOWN TOWN. CUSTER COUNTY CUSTER . . . PRINGLE TOWN DAVISON COUNTY MITCHELL + . DAY COUNTY ROSLYN TOWN. WAUBAY . . . WEBSTER. . . DEUEL COUNTY CLEAR LAKE DEWEY COUNTY ISABEL . . . TIMBER LAKE. DOUGLAS COUNTY CORSICA TOWN EDMUNDS COUNTY BOWDLE . . . HOSMER . . . IPSWICH. . . ROSCOE . . . FALL RIVER COUNTY EDGEMONT . . . . HOT SPRINGS. . . FAULK COUNTY FAULKTON . GRANT COUNTY BIG STONE CITY MILBANK. . . . HAAKON COUNTY PHILIP • . . HAND COUNTY MILLER + . HARDING COUNTY BUFFALO TOWN HUGHES COUNTY PIERRE + . . HUTCHINSON COUNTY FREEMAN PARKSTON . . . . HYDE COUNTY HIGHMORE . JERAULD COUNTY WESSINGTON SPRINGS 115 2 183 3 113 3 126 6 T 16 15 120 6 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 479 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected peiiiiit-issumg places wliicli constitute the source foi the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- In tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. i See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units lor which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total nuiiibei of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- Total numbei ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 27 27 32 30 2 84 110 S 119 87 79 35 33 36 31 72 01 98 1 94 1 4 - 75 73 2 - T 114 1 105 60 4 97 2 102 3 109 4 129 1 157 2 99 8 159 2 02 03 IS 15 - 17 15 2 - (SI 5 6 6 14 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 04 26 2 'I 2 - 22 6 1 22 6 1 - - (X) (X) ( X ) (X) 59 (X) (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) T 1 (X) (X) (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 05 06 07 10 10 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI 08 10 s 10 5 - - 6 (S) 6 (S) - - (X) (S) (X) 5 (X) 3 (X) 14 (X 1 18 (X) T 7 (X) (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 09 10 3 3 _ - 2 2 - - - - - - - T - (S) (XI (SI (XI (XI 11 12 8 8 - - 35 33 2 - 28 44 & 58 17 27 28 7 11 14 30 13 34 34 - 24 22 2 - 93 56 47 90 88 94 49 49 66 T 159 14 6 6 - - 2 4 2 4 - - T 2 6 (X) 3 (X) (X) 7 (X) 1 9 (X) 1 T 7 (X) T 1 2 (X) 2 (S) (X) (S) (XI 4 (S) (X) 15 16 17 3 3 - - 2 2 - - T 8 (X) 3 (X) 4 (X) 7 (X) 9 (X) 11 (X) (S) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) 18 19 35 35 - - 38 38 - - 53 59 62 92 69 48 29 39 56 87 20 2 2 - - 3 3 _ - T - T 5 1 6 2 1 4 8 3 4 1 (S) 2 (X) 8 (X) 7 1 (X) 26 21 22 23 2 2 - " 4 4 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 24 2 5 2 5 - - 2 2 2 2 - " (X) 4 (XI 5 (XI 3 (X) T 2 (XI 3 IX) 3 (X) (S) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 25 26 3 3 - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 27 2 1 1 (X) 2 1 1 (X) 1X1 (X) 5 3 5 (X) 5 3 5 (X) (X) (X) 2 10 IX) 1 1 15 (X) (X) 3 3 (X) 7 (X) 1 3 1 (X) 1 (SI (51 (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) 1 (X) (X) (X) T 1 (X) (X) (X) 28 29 30 31 5 8 5 8 - - 3 13 3 13 - - 8 (S) 7 (S) 7 1 18 2 14 20 5 (S) (S) 25 (X) (S) (XI (SI (X) (S) 32 33 3 3 - - 6 6 - - 1 8 I 4 4 2 - 7 T 15 1 34 12 12 - - (X) 19 (X) 19 (X) (X) (XI (S) (X) T 17 (X) (SI (XI 22 (X) 20 (X) 11 (X) 12 (X) 10 (XI 20 (X) T 20 35 36 5 5 - - 5 5 - - T 3 5 ' 3 6 (S) (S) (S) (SI T 14 37 12 12 - - 7 7 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 38 - - - - - - - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 39 71 59 - 12 61 47 6 8 60 36 40 57 83 91 84 90 29 86 40 6 9 6 9 - - 22 (X) 22 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 41 42 16 16 - - 4 4 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 43 3 3 - - 5 5 _ . (S) (S) 1 3 7 8 8 4 4 10 44 480 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan stahstical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 tor ease m presentahon and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county tor 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964 -tThis B^. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in tabi e B-4 differ from the sum of the figures to Peiinil-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's. and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Number of housin, in structures w units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number ot housing units in structures with- Zj 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 SOUTH DAKOTA — C0l\l. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. JONES COUNTY MURDO 3 2 25 1 5 25 2 3 4 7 3 4 1 1 3 15 1 9 1 108 4 1 9 11 6 6 4 & 64 11 1 43 81 621 55 1 463 3 2 23 1 5 26 2 3 4 3 I 1 1 3 15 1 9 1 72 4 1 9 11 6 6 4 & 64 9 1 22 66 89 41 987 2 4 2 2 6 3 82 14 76 34 15 12 450 400 1 2 7 30 3 25 28 1 5 5 1 8 7 4 4 1 4 34 6 5 281 5 1 6 2 2 2 2 8 6 12 I 30 75 201 71 932 1 2 7 28 3 25 26 1 5 5 1 8 7 4 4 1 4 34 6 5 201 5 1 6 2 2 2 2 S 6 12 1 30 59 113 55 920 2 2 27 4 88 16 12 53 12 2 6 16 1 5 7 24 7 8 7 6 6 3 1 2 22 2 1 346 9 6 8 & 7 2 2 18 5 1 28 3 27 60 & 861 65 & 1 029 2 6 12 1 5 7 19 7 8 7 6 6 3 1 2 20 2 1 312 9 6 8 & 7 2 2 18 5 I 20 3 27 50 135 39 & 1 025 4 5 2 ~ 22 10 & 560 16 4 12 6 & 156 10 - 02 03 04 KINGSBURY COUNTY ARLINGTON DE SMET TOIWN LAKE COUNTY MADISON 05 06 07 LAWRENCE COUNTY CENTRAL CITY TOWN DEADWOOD LEAD iO 11 12 LINCOLN COUNTY CANTON LENNOX LYMAN COUNTY PRESHO MCCOOK COUNTY 14 15 16 17 MCPHERSON COUNTY EUREKA LEOLA + LONG LAKE TOWN BRITTON ••••#••••••• 18 EDEN TOWN «•• 19 20 21 MEADE COUNTY FAITH STURGIS + MELLETTE COUNTY WHITE RIVER TOWN •• 22 MOODY COUNTY FLANDREAU ••••••• 23 24 25 PENNINGTON COUNTY HILL CITY TOWN RAPID CITY + WALL TOWN PERKINS COUNTY 27 POTTER COUNTY 28 29 30 ROBERTS COUNTY NEW EFFIN6T0N TOWN SISSETON SPINK COUNTY DOLAND •.. • 31 REDFIELD •#•••••••• 32 33 ONIOA ••••• TODD COUNTY UNION COUNTY 37 38 39 GLENHAM TOWN MOBRIDGE YANKTON COUNTY YANKTON ^••••••••••••••t»« 40 41 42 TENNESSEE CHATTANOOGAi TENN.-GA. SMSA HAMILTON COUNTY * CHATTANOOGA + RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 481 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected petmit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13, « See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures will units — Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units 5 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zj 3 3 T 4 IS) (SI (SI 2 3 (SI (XI (X 1 (X) 01 2 9 2 9 - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) ( XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 02 03 12 12 - - 12 12 - T 16 18 18 25 25 11 7 17 24 43 04 1 13 25 1 1 13 22 1 3 "■ 4 4 20 4 2 4 20 4 2 T - T - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (X) 1 (XI (XI (XI T - T 4 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (X) T - (SI (X) (X) (X) (SI 5 (X) (X) (X) 4 (XI (X) (X) 05 06 07 08 09 10 (S) 10 (S) - - 13 7 13 7 - T 4 (X) 7 (X) 1 (X) 4 ( XI 13 (XI 8 (X 1 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 10 11 - - - - 3 3 - (X) (X) (X) ( X I (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 12 8 8 - - 14 14 - 5 2 5 3 7 18 IS) (X) (X) (XI 13 IS) 3 (XI (S) 3 (X) (X) (X) (S) 4 (X) (S) 4 (X) (X) (X) T 7 (X) (X) 9 (XI (XI 1 (X) (X) 5 (X) (X) T 1 (X) (X) 4 (XI (X) 2 (XI (XI 2 (X) (X) T 3 (X) (X) T 1 (X) (XI 14 15 16 1 1 - - 8 (X) 8 (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) 5 (XI 2 (X) 13 (XI 6 (XI T 3 (XI (S) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 18 3 33 3 33 - - (X) 49 (X) 49 (X) (X) (X) 29 (X) 19 (XI 16 (X) 43 (X) 42 (XI 36 (X) 22 (XI 27 (XI 20 (X) 20 19 20 1 1 - - - - - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 21 3 3 - - 1 1 - - 3 2 2 1 5 5 1 4 6 19 22 2 721 12 657 10 2 58 2 6 496 4 476 4 8 12 (XI 725 (X) (XI 534 (X) (X) 236 (XI (X) 320 (XI (X) 545 (XI (X) 672 (XI (X) 364 (X) (XI 706 (XI (XI 404 (XI (XI 491 (XI 23 24 25 1 1 - 3 3 - - T 6 8 10 10 8 3 (S) (XI (XI (X) 26 18 18 - - 7 7 - - 9 2 3 20 14 11 (SI (X) (XI (XI 27 8 8 - - 10 10 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (Xl (X) 28 29 5 5 - - 10 10 - - (X) T 13 (X) 13 (X) 5 (XI 28 (XI 17 (XI 6 (X) (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) 30 31 1 1 - - 4 4 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 32 1 1 - - 2 2 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 33 - - - - 3 3 - - (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 34 28 28 - - 12 12 - - 13 17 4 13 13 6 8 29 (SI T 41 35 3 3 - - 2 2 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 36 24 24 - - 3 40 3 38 2 - T 2 T 4 28 23 1 T 29 T 23 (SI T 13 3 21 10 T 17 37 38 40 30 10 - 56 52 4 - 52 33 23 29 64 78 97 80 51 74 39 403 113 1 211 234 98 1 193 169 15 18 - & 785 189 1 042 280 145 1 042 & 484 44 21 735 (Xl 1 194 653 (X 1 983 422 (XI 690 430 txi 767 401 (X) 1 090 & 636 (XI 1 180 323 (XI (S) 314 (XI (XI & 782 (XI (X) & 982 (X) (XI 40 41 42 482 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shov»n in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i^This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 E Total number of housing units Numbei of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Zl 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie TENNESSEE— C0(^. CHATTAt^OOGAt TENN.-GA. SMSA — CON. 01 02 HAMILTON COUNTY * — CON. LOOKOUT MOUt^TAIN TO*t^ RED BANK WHITE OAK + 5 75 5 43 8 24 10 37 10 29 8 - 7 86 7 45 13 28 RIDGESIDE 3 45 3 42 3 . 1 37 1 37 - - 2 36 2 34 2 - 04 SIGNAL MOUNTAIN TOWN + (GEORGIA) .. . WALKER COUNTY 24 11 24 11 - - 1 26 8 1 26 6 2 - 3 & (S) 4 3 4 & (S) - 06 LAFAYETTE. ............... KNOXVILLE SMSA 08 09 10 11 12 ANDERSON COUNTY ** ANDERSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA + CLINTON TOWN LAKE CITY TOWN NORRIS OAK RIDGE + 71 8 4 165 24 41 1 179 1 201 71 8 4 165 24 21 1 174 355 46 20 5 800 62 12 4 166 18 22 1 052 & 949 56 12 4 158 18 19 1 048 343 6 3 4 55 8 & 551 53 26 & 54 2 175 15 16 1 232 & 770 53 19 4 2 159 15 14 1 213 210 & 50 2 4 18 7 16 15 & 542 13 BLOUNT COUNTY 15 16 KNOX COUNTY ♦ KNOX COUNTY UNINC. AREA + KNOXVILLE + MEMPHIS. TENN.-ARK. SMSA 17 18 19 20 21 SHELBY COUNTY * ARLINGTON TOWN BARTLETT TOWN COLLIERVILLE TOWN GERMANTOWN TOWN MEMPHIS + 3 16 19 92 2 917 3 16 19 92 669 288 1 960 1 1 17 63 4 435 1 1 17 63 762 218 3 455 3 1 23 40 2 025 3 1 23 40 806 162 1 057 64 3 149 64 2 911 54 184 2 728 2 2 476 14 238 30 2 616 30 2 518 42 56 23 SHELBY COUNTY UNINC. AREA * (ARKANSAS) 24 25 CRITTENDEN COUNTY MARION WEST MEMPHIS + NASHVILLE SMSA 11 146 11 144 2 - 8 277 8 215 2 60 6 277 6 277 - - DAVIDSON COUNTY *♦ S 8 70 58 & 4 751 28 74 75 4 8 5 70 58 1 884 28 28 73 4 3 522 8 2 & 2 345 38 3 66 69 & 3 482 25 & 66 & 137 & 29 3 66 69 2 126 23 24 83 11 769 2 & 42 & 54 & 18 & 587 3 36 42 71 3 000 14 14 55 8 3 42 69 2 026 14 14 51 8 2 355 36 619 4 27 28 29 BERRY HILL . FOREST HILLS + 600DLETTSVILLE -f... 30 31 32 NASHVILLE 8, DAVIDSON COUNTY + » SUMNER COUNTY GALl ATIN >■....■•...■.... 33 WILSON COUNTY LEBANON 4-. ■...•■•. ....... 34 WATERTOWN TOWN ... PLACES OUTSIDE SMSAiS 35 35 SHELBYVILLE TOWN + WARTRACE TOWN & 152 2 102 2 & 50 - 144 2 142 2 2 - & 207 & 207 - - 37 BENTON COUNTY CAMDEN TOWN «.. T 5 116 4 T 21 5 116 4 16 - 5 (S) & 249 4 (S) 96 4 & 153 - 32 130 4 18 28 130 4 18 4 - 39 40 CAMPBELL COUNTY JELLICO LA FOLLETTE 41 42 43 CARROLL COUNTY BRUCETON TOWN HUNTINGDON TOWN MC KENZIE 14 & 70 44 12 20 44 2 & 50 - 9 IB 55 9 18 55 - - 15 15 35 12 15 33 3 2 - 44 45 CARTER COUNTY ELIZABETHTON + WATAUGA 51 51 - _ 58 1 42 1 16 - 41 41 - - 46 CHESTER COUNTY HENDERSON ••• ».. 14 9 21 14 9 21 - - 23 3 17 21 3 17 2 - 17 & 39 & 41 17 5 & 41 & 34 ~ 47 48 49 CLAIBORNE COUNTY CUMBERLAND GAP TOWN NEW TAZEWELL TOWN TAZEWELL TOWN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 483 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964- place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute tfie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and 8-13- j See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: -Continued "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 Total number of housing units 2 2 12 33 2 705 & 100 2 212 141 (X) 49 (X) Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 33 1 286 10 2 180 1 166 5 5 52 52 67 67 48 48 3 850 2 266 34 34 2-4 units 4 178 101 S 40 (X) (X) 28 6 128 - 4 . 29 8 54 16 _ 29 - 33 - 49 . (X) (X) 5 units or more 1 241 20 1960 Total number of housing units 15 15 113 53 6 6 46 44 32 32 14 14 7 7 5 5 269 269 15 15 21 21 303 1 303 303 181 2 23 24 2 266 25 2 762 5 175 5 1 (X) 69 C39 48 & IS) (X) 104 (X) Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2 19 24 1 028 25 2 696 3 171 5 1 (X) 65 1 96<1 44 (SI (X) 104 (X> 7 7 16 16 6 6 23 23 22 22 52 52 X) (X) 2-4 5 units units or more (X) 4 35? (S> ( X) (X) 71^ 1959 Total number of housing units T 14 (X) IX) T 11 IX) T 28 & 20 (X) IX) 1 414 345 (S) IX) 40 & 3 795 17 3 930 IX) 158 IX) IX) 2 442 IS) IX) 125 IX) IX) IX) 23 IX) IX) 1958 Total number of housing units IX) 39 IX) IS) 27 S 32 (X) 1 393 292 T 1 (X) 13 3 499 14 2 651 IX) 187 6 18 IX) IX) 1 896 28 IS) IX) 129 (X) tX) IX) 27 53 IX) IX) IX) IX) 1957 Total number o( housing units IX) IX) (X) T& 72 IS) (X) 37 IX) IX) 1 240 241 17 2 114 9 1 605 (X) (X) 1 432 22 & 96 (X) 75 IX) & 30 10 IX) IX) 26 31 IX) (X) (X) IX) 1956 Total number of housing units T 2 IX) IX) 73 IX) (S) IX) 26 5 IX) IX) 1 537 224 IX) 17 17 1 920 16 2 020 (X) 250 IX) IX) 1 880 35 41 IX) (X) (X) 33 T 33 IX) IX) IX) (X) 1955 Total number of housing units 14 IX) IX) 76 (X) I ^ ) IS) IX) 43 IX) IX) 2 017 430 24 3 666 1954 Total number of housing units IX) 79 IX) ( s) IS) IX) IS) IX) IX) 10 T 58 (X) IX) 3 270 60 29 IX) IS) IX) T 1 T 28 IX) IX) 23 42 (X) IX) IX) IX) 1 463 483 6 4 209 3 2 727 (X) 375 13 (X) IX) 2 751 61 38 IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) 23 30 (X) 1953 Total number ol housing units 12 IX) IX) 37 IX) IS) IX) IX) (S) 37 1 131 384 (S) 3 828 91 2 640 (X) 152 13 IS) IX) IX) 017 IS) 32 IX) 33 IX) IX) (X) 22 42 IX) IX) IX) IX) 1952 Total number of housing units 12 IX) IX ) 17 IX) IS) IS) IX) I X ) IX) IX) IX) 48 939 370 IX) 30 IX) S, 5 151 117 2 885 IX) 490 17 IX) IX) IX) 12 944 (X) 161 (X) 35 IX) (X) IX) 16 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1951 Total number of housing units 21 (X) IX) IS) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 40 921 440 IX) 10 (X) 4 0-^7 IS) T 1 750 (X) 199 23 IX) IX) (X) 3 815 (X) 37 IX) 51 IX) (X) IX) 12 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1950 Total number ol housing units 18 (X) IX) 23 IX) IS) IX) IX) 11 IX) IX) IX) 46 1 069 1 790 IX) 13 (X) & 6 6o2 IS) T 2 388 IX) 273 61 IX) IX) IX) 4 228 IX) 67 (X) 156 IX) (X) IX) T 35 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 39 40 41 42 43 484 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change m definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -^This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1952 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more TENI^ESSEE — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON CLAY COUNTY CELINA TOWN COCKE COUNTY NEWPORT TOWN COFFEE COUNTY MANCHESTER TULLAHOMA -l-. . . DYER COUNTY DYERSBURG FAYETTE COUNTY MOSCOW TOWN SOMERVILLE TOWN FRANKLIN COUNTY COWAN TOWN DECHERD TOWN ESTILL SPRINGS TOWN HUNTLAND WINCHESTER TOWN GIBSON COUNTY BRADFORD TOWN DYER TOWN HUMBOLDT MILAN TOWN TRENTON GILES COUNTY PULASKI + GREENE COUNTY GREENEVILLE TOWN HAMBLEN COUNTY MORRISTOWN + HANCOCK COUNTY SNEEDVILLE TOWN HARDEMAN COUNTY BOLIVAR TOWN HARDIN COUNTY SAVANNAH TOWN HAWKINS COUNTY CHURCH HILL TOWN ROGERSVILLE TOWN SURGOINSVILLE TOWN HAYWOOD COUNTY BROWNSVILLE TOWN HENDERSON COUNTY LEXINGTON + HENRY COUNTY PARIS PURYEAR TOWN HICKMAN COUNTY CENTERVILLE TOWN HOUSTON COUNTY TENNESSEE RIDGE TOWN HUMPHREYS COUNTY NEW JOHNSONVILLE WAVERLY TOWN JEFFERSON COUNTY JEFFERSON CITY TOWN JOHNSON COUNTY MOUNTAIN CITY TOWN LAKE COUNTY RIDGELY TOWN TIPTONVILLE LAUDERDALE COUNTY HENNING LAWRENCE COUNTY LAWRENCEBURG + LEWIS COUNTY HOHENWALD LINCOLN COUNTY FAYETTEVILLE TOWN LOUDON COUNTY LOUDON TOWN. 39 173 35 115 6 6 12 12 2 2 21 21 6 6 14 14 42 42 14 14 19 19 4S 48 70 62 34 30 53 209 40 112 139 14 71 & 66 (S) 41 209 5 - 12 ■ 11 _ 20 4 13 - 10 - 32 4 13 _ 17 - 53 - 72 - 21 - 40 - 112 - 131 8 14 - 40 & 52 27 & 62 36 2 10 - 5 - 37 107 2 T 12 40 & 237 & 215 12 20 52 35 107 97 & 140 106 & 109 12 - 18 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 485 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly ■-•' Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- m tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. • See Appendix C-2 tor statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols; identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Numbei in sti of housing uctures witli units Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing unils 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X) 02 35 69 35 69 - - 16 81 16 81 - - 1X1 117 ( X 1 101 (X) 116 (XI 201 (XI 181 (XI 141 (XI S (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 04 «7 43 4 - 53 49 4 - T 42 TS 200 45 40 57 79 80 62 75 143 05 1 3 1 3 - - 12 12 - - (S) 5 (SI 13 (SI 8 3 11 (SI 7 (XI T 5 (XI T 20 (XI (XI T 7 (XI 27 06 07 6 3 (XI 8 10 6 1 (XI 8 10 2 (XI (X) 12 U (XI 7 18 12 11 (XI 7 IB (XI (X) 20 (Kl (XI (XI T 13 4 (X 1 (XI (XI 15 4 (XI (XI (XI 18 6 ( XI (XI (XI 15 16 (X 1 (XI (X) 26 14 (XI (XI (XI 8 4 (XI (XI (XI 4 21 (XI (XI (XI 22 13 (XI (XI (X 1 21 T 22 (XI (XI (XI 27 06 09 10 11 12 6 14 50 18 15 6 14 46 18 15 4 - 14 44 (SI (SI 14 44 (SI (SI - - (XI 14 33 T 9 (X) (X) 8 23 4 (XI (XI 10 S 159 6 (X 1 (XI 24 70 26 (XI (XI 10 66 37 (X) (XI 16 70 20 (XI (X 1 18 98 37 (X) (XI 17 100 91 (XI (XI 19 (SI 52 (XI (XI 35 T 77 39 (XI 13 14 15 16 17 23 17 6 - T 23 23 - - (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 59 59 - - 46 44 2 - T 28 T 20 15 35 35 39 (SI (XI (XI (XI 19 175 169 6 - 162 155 2 5 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 20 11 11 - - 27 27 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 28 24 4 - 20 20 - - 28 29 14 36 21 20 17 28 16 T 24 22 69 69 - - 44 44 ■ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 (X) 8 60 (X) (XI 6 (XI (XI & 54 (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 10 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI T 5 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI T 5 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI T 9 (XI (XI (SI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 25 26 U5 43 2 - 26 26 - - S 43 22 20 28 28 22 21 & no (SI (S) 27 23 23 - - 39 39 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 28 36 2 34 2 2 - 42 4 42 4 - - 41 (XI 48 (XI 57 (XI 68 (XI « 64 (X) 44 (XI 26 (XI 42 (XI & 83 (XI 74 (XI 29 30 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 31 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 7 S 43 7 11 & 32 - 2 17 2 17 - - (XI T 20 ( X 1 S 97 (XI T 21 (XI 7 (XI 2 (XI 4 (XI 30 (XI 29 (XI 19 (XI 10 33 34 3 3 - - & 40 10 & 30 - 23 20 19 18 26 14 14 S 50 17 26 35 9 9 - - 4 4 - - 9 9 9 16 10 9 (SI (XI (XI (XI 36 & 43 (XI 3 (XI & 40 (Xl (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI 11 (XI T 11 (XI 11 (XI 11 (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI 10 (XI 37 38 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 S (SI (SI - & (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 31 30 1 - 20 20 - - T 17 (SI 7 18 (SI (S) (SI (XI (X) (XI 41 53 47 6 - 49 49 - - T 11 & 57 1 11 18 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI 42 (XI (XI 486 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1984. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 1 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- '3 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 TENNESSEE—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. MCMINN COUNTY ATHENS + ...•*.... 49 12 12 & 402 99 20 55 9 4 5 30 242 27 32 & 167 S 33 S 60 9 11 4 8 63 100 55 87 4 56 6 27 2 56 117 7 19 49 & 197 4 8 48 14 30 74 49 12 12 126 99 20 55 9 4 5 30 167 21 32 55 7 10 9 11 4 e 46 54 55 87 4 32 6 27 2 56 101 7 19 30 130 4 8 46 14 28 20 & 126 15 6 & 90 & 26 & 50 6 14 4 4 & 67 2 2 6 & 150 60 22 17 40 10 12 15 48 39 18 4 106 T 164 28 64 13 1 5 33 254 16 53 46 7 19 6 11 16 6 47 121 56 86 4 27 14 26 2 50 T 137 S 113 11 57 102 3 10 53 5 33 (S) 39 18 4 66 148 28 60 13 1 5 33 229 8 46 36 7 19 6 11 16 6 47 65 56 86 4 15 12 22 2 50 91 13 11 57 89 3 10 53 5 33 (S) 2 4 25 e 7 2 10 6 2 4 8 & 100 3 38 16 8 _ 46 6 " 38 10 51 14 82 142 27 57 & 61 2 7 15 161 14 57 59 11 14 8 5 16 3 & 95 & 107 79 94 & 53 21 17 & 48 1 T 53 T 49 22 9 & 123 101 9 13 49 8 & 132 & 38 51 14 64 142 20 45 11 2 7 15 146 14 57 59 11 14 8 5 16 3 45 & 79 79 94 & 53 19 17 10 1 51 49 22 9 23 94 9 13 49 8 32 19 2 & 50 15 & 50 8 2 & 38 2 & 100 7 & 100 & 19 16 7 12 20 02 ETOWAH TOWN. •••........... 03 MCNAIRY COUNTY SELMER TOWN .....•• MADISON COUNTY ♦* 05 MADISON COUNTY UNINC. AREA MARSHALL COUNTY 07 MAURY COUNTY COLUMBIA ■..........*..•• 08 09 10 MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN SPRING HILL TOWN MONROE COUNTY MADISONVILLE TOWN MONTGOMERY COUNTY 13 It 15 16 i7 OBION COUNTY SOUTH FULTON UNION CITY TOWN + PUTNAM COUNTY COOKEVILLE TOWN MONTEREY TOWN RHEA COUNTY DAYTON •.......•.•••.... 18 19 20 21 22 23 SPRING CITY TOWN ROANE COUNTY HARRIMAN ROCKWOOD ROBERTSON COUNTY RIDGETOP TOWN SPRINGFIELD + RUTHERFORD COUNTY *♦ MURFREESBORO +....•.••••..» 24 RUTHERFORD COUNTY UNINC. AREA. ..... SCOTT COUNTY 27 28 SEVIER COUNTY GATLINBURG PIGEON FORGE TOWN SMITH COUNTY 11 32 33 SULLIVAN COUNTY BLUFF CITY TOWN BRISTOL + KINGSPORT + TIPTON COUNTY COVINGTON TOWN + * • 34 UNICOI COUNTY ERWIN TOWN ............... 35 WARREN COUNTY 36 WASHINGTON COUNTY 37 WAYNE COUNTY WAYNESBORO 38 39 40 41 WEAKLEY COUNTY DRESDEN TOWN MARTIN SHARON TOWN WHITE COUNTY SPARTA TOWN. ....... ....... 42 WILLIAMSON COUNTY FRANKLIN TOWN. .. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 487 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3.014 selected permit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13. /■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1955 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number ot housing in structures wilt units Total number ot housing units Number ot housing units in structures with- Total number ot housing units Total number of housing units Total number ot housing units Total number ol housing units Total number ot housing units Total number ot housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ot housing units Total number of housing units i 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more "Ij 67 30 67 30 _ _ 92 15 92 15 - - T 94 IX) 56 IX) 54 IX) 80 IX ) 98 IX 1 56 (X) 37 1X1 & (S) IXI & (S) (XI & IS) I X) 01 02 5 5 - - 18 18 - - 5 4 5 5 10 4 IS) 12 5 18 03 77 77 - - 66 IX) 64 (X) 2 (X) ( XI 70 IX) 42 IX) 58 IX) 97 IXI 153 IXI 156 (X) & 321 (X) 199 (XI 95 IX) & 384 IXI 04 05 S 81 21 & 60 - 31 31 - - 45 S 131 39 76 50 35 IS) IXI IX) (XI 06 S 201 5 (S) 61 5 (S) & 140 _ 18 8 (S) 18 8 IS) . - 36 13 IX) T e 7 (XI 16 5 IXI 45 4 (X) 20 3 (X) 20 4 IX ) 17 3 IXI 31 4 IX) T 32 7 (X 1 (S) 7 (X) 07 08 09 a 16 4 16 - - 4 22 4 22 - - IX) 26 IX) 31 (X) 23 (X) 25 (X 1 32 (XI 34 IX 1 26 IX) S 71 (XI T 14 (X) 13 10 11 & 264 209 «, 75 - 207 175 32 - 205 131 43 & 124 53 (SI T 22 109 & 313 (5) 12 20 54 20 54 - - 28 56 28 56 - - (X 1 79 (XI 54 IXI 17 (X) 29 IX) T 58 IX) 31 IX) T 18 1X1 S 164 1X1 47 (X) & 146 13 14 44 16 20 16 - 24 S 106 & 29 34 & 29 & 64 8 T 25 (XI 32 (X) & 84 IXI 47 IXI 51 IX) 31 IX) 26 IXI 31 IX) (S) (X) IS) IX) 15 16 IS) 7 ( SI 7 - - 1 SI 2 1 SI 2 - - 25 (XI 6 (XI 3 IXI 9 IXI 13 IX) 14 IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI IX) 1X1 1X1 (X) 17 18 2 9 2 9 - - 11 11 11 11 - - 6 (X) 3 IX) 7 IX) 8 (X) 6 (X) 25 (X) 17 (X) 17 (XI 27 IX) T 18 1X1 19 20 2 51 2 51 - - 3 51 3 51 - - IX) 81 IX) & 187 (X) 67 IXI 10 IX) 17 IX) U 1X1 10 (X) 20 (XI 6 IX) 14 21 22 103 (X) 46 99 (X) 46 4 (XI IX) & 287 IX) 66 127 (X) 66 & 160 (XI (XI 101 IX) IX) 126 (X) IX) 154 (X) (X) 162 IX) 1X1 140 IX) IX) 134 IXI IX) 42 IX) 1X1 & 287 1X1 1X1 129 (XI 1X1 177 IX) (X) 23 24 25 (X) (X) (XI IX) IX) (XI (X) IXI (XI (XI IXI (X) IX) IXI (XI (X) (XI (X) 25 46 (X) 22 (X) 24 (X) IX) S. 31 IX) & 15 (X) 16 (XI (XI IX) IX) (X) (XI IX) IX) 1X1 (X) IX) IX) IXI (XI 1X1 (XI IXI (XI 1X1 IX) (XI 1X1 27 28 12 12 - - 10 10 - - IS) 1 - T 1 2 3 9 7 T 7 T 48 29 1 45 75 1 40 75 . 5 53 87 49 83 4 4 - (XI 49 59 (XI 56 56 1X1 52 59 (X) 88 95 (XI 59 134 (X) 64 142 (XI 161 141 (X) 200 90 (X) 185 & 388 IX) 251 & 223 30 31 32 26 26 - - 29 29 - - & 98 28 17 25 T 32 35 24 28 37 T 67 33 6 6 - - 15 15 - - T 15 T 12 8 1 1 8 7 7 9 11 34 9 9 - - ISI (S) - - (X) IX) (X) 1X1 IX) (XI (X) (X) IX) IX) 35 165 153 6 6 151 145 6 - & 174 96 66 118 128 87 103 97 & 458 199 35 17 17 - - 14 14 - - IS) 7 T 4 7 6 3 (S) (X) (X) (X) 37 15 T 50 14 13 50 12 2 2 - 8 56 10 6 55 10 2 - 13 (X) (X) 4 IX ) IX) 8 (X) (X) 1 IX) 1X1 IS) (X) (X) (S) (X) (XI (S) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (XI (X) IX) (X) 38 39 40 33 33 - - IS) IS) - - (X) IX) IXI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 41 (S) (SI 42 42 (S) IS) IS) 18 (SI IS) 35 IS) IS) (S) 42 488 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: ♦Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permil-issuing places by Slate, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housini in structures w: units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- ^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more TEXAS ABILENE SMSA 01 JONES COUNTY ANSON. ••■■•■••••••••••• 9 15 18 9 15 18 - - (S) 18 18 (S) 18 18 - - 17 S 39 33 17 19 21 & 20 12 02 03 I^AMLIN STAMFORD 04 TAYLOR COUNTY ABILENE + 638 352 19 267 722 546 30 146 872 730 52 90 AMARILLO SMSA POTTER COUNTY ** 1 535 82 1 238 76 65 232 6 2 060 193 1 332 68 138 2 590 123 1 771 87 1 439 63 22 310 24 06 RANDALL COUNTY CANYON -faacaaavaaaaaaa** AUSTIN SMSA 07 08 09 10 TRAVIS COUNTY & 2 932 6 14 18 1 547 6 14 18 262 & 1 123 3 855 13 25 26 1 500 13 25 26 314 2 041 2 744 12 25 28 1 536 12 25 28 208 1 000 MANOR ROLLINGWOOD WEST LAKE HILLS -f* ••••••«•••• BEAUMONT-PORT ARTHUR SMSA 1 1 JEFFERSON COUNTY BEAUMONT -!■••••••••••••••• & 642 100 151 32 115 90 55 12 375 48 151 30 115 90 55 12 & 159 2 108 52 609 2 47 166 134 134 148 60 8 552 2 47 166 134 134 115 41 8 15 42 33 19 781 T 67 176 27 170 77 & 159 21 684 67 176 25 170 77 105 21 7 2 & 54 90 12 13 jriffinj park « ........ GROVES + 15 PEAR RIDGE TOWN. ............ PORT NECHES + ORANGE COUNTY 19 WEST ORANGE • 20 21 22 CAMERON COUNTY BROWNSVILLE + HARLINGEN + LA FERIA •>.... ... 257 38 10 10 & 45 152 38 10 10 9 & 36 105 143 30 10 11 143 30 10 11 - - 159 41 10 5 17 154 41 10 5 17 5 - 23 24 LAGUNA VISTA TOWN LOS FRESNOS TOWN 25 26 27 28 PORT ISABEL RIO HONDO TOWN SAN BENITO + SANTA ROSA ............... 10 31 3 10 31 3 - - & 108 6 31 15 20 6 31 15 & 44 44 20 6 41 15 20 6 41 15 - - CORPUS CHRISTI SMSA NUECES COUNTY 6 1 519 26 6 904 26 - 615 12 & 1 450 29 12 823 29 8 & 619 13 849 & 131 13 715 61 14 & 70 120 30 31 CORPUS CHRISTI + KOBSTOWN -I- DALLAS SMSA 32 33 COLLIN COUNTY FRISCO TOWN '• MC KINNEY + 17 103 393 20 17 75 289 15 8 44 20 60 5 8 113 403 41 8 101 201 41 12 20 182 & 36 89 437 28 16 87 330 28 & 20 2 91 16 34 35 PLANO + WYLIE 36 DALLAS COUNTY ** ADDISON 189 1 386 39 189 I 222 39 4 160 2 119 364 34 2 119 293 34 - 71 70 1 402 20 70 1 274 20 - 128 37 38 39 40 BALCH SPRINGS TOWN + BUCKINGHAM TOWN CARROLLTON + CEDAR HILL TOWN 41 42 43 44 45 COCKRELL HILL DALLAS + U DE SOTO DUNCANVILLE TOWN + FARMERS BRANCH -f 3 9 256 212 319 359 3 3 230 196 305 289 96 5 930 16 14 70 146 12 998 149 362 T 339 2 3 746 137 362 261 162 12 144 9 090 ■78 6 &11 546 75 291 298 6 4 697 75 283 260 & 83 8 & 6 766 38 46 47 48 49 50 FRUITDALE TOWN » GARLAND + GRAND PRAIRIE + 795 471 14 24 783 259 9 24 6 5 12 206 13 2 245 461 59 18 13 1 092 229 7 10 4 1 153 228 52 8 13 1 490 647 13 10 13 1 260 269 13 10 4 15 226 363 51 IRVING -f...... 3 077 72 754 681 9 16 1 114 72 308 671 9 16 114 2 10 1 849 444 2 301 T 52 892 1 060 12 7 988 52 472 719 12 7 101 202 14 1 212 218 327 2 269 163 839 1 065 13 21 895 153 785 870 13 21 12 1 362 10 54 195 52 53 54 55 LANCASTER + MESQUITE + RICHARDSON + ROWLETT CITY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 489 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issumg places whicfi constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U. B-12, and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols; '■-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 numbei in stiuctuies with- nunibei of in structures with- number of number of numbei of numbei of numbei of number numbei of number of numbei numbei of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing tiousing housing housing housing 3 units units or moie units units 01 moie units units units units units units units units units units (S) (S) IS 15 18 & 34 9 5 19 19 14 (SI T 39 T 91 01 . - . 17 17 . _ (SI T 7 10 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 20 20 - - & 69 33 & 36 - 15 13 15 9 12 19 14 21 38 79 03 715 693 10 12 761 717 - 44 1 738 1 316 710 1 085 1 166 973 616 559 401 1 644 04 1 756 1 534 88 134 1 680 1 554 50 76 1 762 1 471 1 058 861 1 241 1 058 1 411 2 893 2 477 2 350 05 126 122 4 - 77 62 6 9 55 56 41 47 45 31 29 53 70 & 64 06 2 165 1 417 199 549 1 626 1 234 150 242 2 140 1 758 1 205 1 549 S 1 928 I 839 1 316 1 643 8 1 808 2 837 07 - - - - 4 4 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl 08 - - - - 21 21 - - (XI (XI (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 09 11 15 26 5 5 ■ ■ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 705 672 13 20 734 727 7 861 4 1 243 630 & 838 1 137 1 034 & 799 4 854 & 810 823 11 5 5 - - 5 5 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (XI (XI (Xl 12 68 63 - 5 91 90 1 - 119 188 158 310 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 181 181 - - 200 200 - - 247 319 340 285 221 106 (XI (XI (XI (XI 14 31 31 - - 32 32 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 208 208 _ _ 227 227 _ _ 197 249 & 258 250 256 220 193 239 & 605 490 16 98 96 2 - 90 90 - - 83 68 56 76 119 102 94 (SI (SI 10 17 141 122 . 19 182 182 . 222 174 191 159 205 215 186 139 & 346 130 18 25 25 35 35 T 37 55 63 83 ;si iXI iXI iXl (XI iXl 19 173 171 2 & 300 150 & 150 170 117 168 210 241 162 157 191 & 319 & 679 20 85 77 8 - 295 281 - 14 T 239 315 & 478 292 266 194 113 & 683 170 T 246 21 13 13 - - 13 9 4 - T 7 6 14 10 14 9 (SI (SI (SI T 5 22 - - - 5 5 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 17 17 - - 27 27 - - 5 (SI (SI 2 (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (XI 24 7 5 2 _ 8, 48 18 & 30 _ T 11 20 11 19 21 T 13 (SI (XI (Xl (XI 25 4 4 - - 7 7 - - 8 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI 26 38 37 1 - 57 55 2 - 57 56 & 78 58 41 35 30 50 49 & 181 27 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (Xl 28 15 15 12 12 T 7 14 12 15 28 51 38 (SI (SI (SI 29 736 684 52 - 580 547 27 6 864 1 308 819 1 139 2 144 3 012 2 385 1 783 1 270 & 2 661 30 63 63 53 53 62 37 72 79 78 58 62 40 60 76 31 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl 32 115 95 2 18 127 113 6 8 107 & 105 101 64 70 78 48 62 & 175 127 33 T 376 336 & 28 12 77 75 2 - 68 T 37 33 45 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 34 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (XI (XI 35 _ . _ . (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI 36 113 113 - - 71 71 - - T 86 87 51 105 (SI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (XI 37 (X> >X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI vXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 346 346 - - 150 110 4 36 T 67 84 50 63 93 74 67 T 49 66 60 39 31 31 - - 16 16 - - 22 16 24 23 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 - _ _ _ 23 11 _ 12 (SI (51 6 24 T 17 (SI 49 30 59 41 41 9 503 5 161 85 4 257 6 957 4 250 162 2 545 T 6 110 7 707 5 231 4 643 9 379 10 267 6 397 6 972 & 7 315 12 197 42 51 51 - - 42 42 . - 27 37 21 T 37 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 554 543 11 - 105 91 8 6 121 68 47 87 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 320 292 - 28 509 493 - 16 635 603 408 497 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl 45 17 15 2 _ 2 2 _ _ T 26 23 10 13 T 7 37 T 9 10 20 26 46 1 241 1 085 - 156 1 036 1 036 - - 817 1 116 479 314 1 212 1 063 811 699 284 462 47 281 253 - 28 158 154 4 - T 354 287 135 359 691 514 346 T 815 T 270 279 48 14 7 - 7 34 8 2 24 (SI 25 12 26 113 46 9 51 238 T 265 49 23 23 - 27 23 4 - 55 12 2 13 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl 50 1 253 1 003 22 228 1 183 893 18 272 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 233 233 - - 115 115 - - (SI 245 92 61 94 71 (SI (XI (XI (XI 52 1 241 1 235 6 - 1 254 1 246 8 - T 1 168 1 338 856 333 2 103 454 (SI T 147 T 76 T 69 53 1 120 1 007 16 97 1 052 956 12 84 T 864 780 542 440 849 T 358 177 96 40 101 54 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 ■ ~ ~ " S 5 - ~ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI {XI (Xl 56 490 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated lor each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to ttie definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing urtits Number of housing in structures wi units h- '^ 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more TEXAS—CON. DALLAS SMSA — COf^. DALLAS COUNTY ♦* — CON. 16 8 13 15 649 5 3 100 15 14 123 7 18 4 7 49 2 2 167 10 122 7 12 1 1 362 227 188 28 43 5 52 515 130 2 967 48 294 625 23 24 31 296 T 31 34 7 51 5 1 95 287 114 276 208 5 35 228 17 38 3 13 984 20 33 2 49 82 825 23 16 8 7 15 236 5 3 79 15 14 108 7 18 4 7 49 2 1 180 5 97 7 12 1 695 227 188 28 43 5 52 267 130 1 140 44 201 388 23 15 31 172 31 34 7 51 5 1 93 143 70 235 152 5 35 212 13 38 3 4 861 20 33 2 49 82 393 23 6 4 15 20 25 26 46 68 4 2 16 4 627 87 409 21 967 5 641 202 1 759 93 237 9 124 128 44 40 56 16 8 496 345 13 4 419 9 602 11 7 177 22 7 98 9 35 1 2 127 6 1 621 (S) 182 10 27 4 1 432 136 102 (S) 25 5 46 648 192 1 856 9 281 407 27 42 18 194 13 13 24 58 9 1 1 76 & 243 142 338 288 43 48 165 49 120 8 & 19 711 43 39 87 9 24 10 1 004 28 13 4 7 9 350 11 7 71 22 7 94 9 21 1 2 63 6 946 tS) 182 10 27 4 544 136 102 (S) 25 5 46 480 192 1 123 9 219 323 27 42 18 194 13 13 18 58 9 1 1 56 179 106 191 244 27 48 153 13 36 6 6 078 11 39 17 9 24 10 482 28 8 6 15 4 2 26 30 28 46 & 12 2 2 8 2 717 6 21 404 246 90 14 62 549 858 li'-O 687 62 84 6 20 52 34 145 44 16 12 28 84 & 12 916 32 64 501 10 4 13 21 554 15 5 78 23 T 5 106 11 12 2 7 60 5 2 024 7 155 6 T 5 4 677 134 63 (S) 7 6 29 479 208 & 2 087 18 188 263 17 52 21 194 (S) 12 8 60 12 1 1 44 338 98 212 335 9 45 99 35 17 13 22 053 23 (S) 38 14 20 T 166 1 229 23 10 4 5 21 271 15 6 78 23 5 100 11 12 2 7 56 5 1 262 7 155 6 6 4 524 134 63 (S) 7 6 29 359 208 1 328 18 188 263 17 44 21 194 tS) 12 a 60 12 1 1 44 206 86 188 244 9 45 99 11 17 11 6 795 13 (S) 24 14 20 15 646 23 2 24 5 4 44 52 4 28 8 6 4 5 2 582 14 22 5 359 718 101 116 & 731 125 12 24 87 18 14 676 10 151 561 03 04 05 UNIVERSITY PARK WILMER -1- DENTON COUNTY DENTON ■^•.... ••..■■.«•■• 08 09 LEWISVILLE + PILOT POINT TOWt^ ELLIS COUNTY 13 14 15 15 17 18 MIDLOTHIAN ..•••...«•••... RED OAK TOWN SONOMA TOWN EL PASO SMSA EL PASO COUNTY ANTHONY TOWN EL PASO -f. •.•«••• 19 20 21 FORT WORTH SMSA JOHNSON COUNTY CLEBURNE + GRANDVIEW. •.«•.•.*.*..«.• 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 VENUS TOWN TARRANT COUNTY ARl TNGTON ■(■.•••■■■.>>>.... BEDFORD + BENBROOK VILLAGE + COLLEYVILLE VILLAGE CROWLEY TOWN DALWORTHINGTON GARDENS TOWN EUl FSS VILLAGE 4-. ■■■■••••.*. FOREST HILL VILLAGE + FORT WORTH + HALTOM CITY VILLAGE + HURST + KENNEDALE TOWN LAKE WORTH VILLAGE + MANSFIELD. *....•.•...••*• 40 41 PANTEGO VILLAGE 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SAGINAW TOWN SANSOM PARK VILLAGE SOUTHLAKE TOWN WESTOVER HILLS TOWN WESTWORTH VILLAGE WHITE SETTLEMENT TOWN + GALVESTON-TEXAS CITY SMSA GALVESTON COUNTY GAI VEC;TOf\l 4->.B>*a«.a*>.... 51 LA MARQUE -f*. ..•*•. •••...• HOUSTON SMSA HARRIS COUNTY 54 55 BELLAIRE BUNKER HILL VILLAGE. ...•.>■••• 56 57 58 59 DEER PARK + GALENA PARK HEDWIG VILLAGE HILSHIRE VILLAGE .•*...••.•.. 61 62 63 64 HUMBLE HUNTERS CREEK VILLAGE + JACINTO CITY JERSEY VILLAGE 66 67 LA PORTE •.••... 68 PINEY POINT VILLAGE. . .' RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 491 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-Issuing places wt)ich constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. - See Appendix C-2 tot statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" I^ot applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Numbe of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total E number in structures with- number in structures with- number number number number number number number number number number ^ of of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 3 units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 7 7 13 13 T 15 14 12 57 193 118 58 32 18 19 01 10 10 - . 9 9 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 02 13 9 4 _ 50 8 22 20 T 23 94 20 45 68 48 69 144 87 319 03 11 11 - - 74 74 - - T 37 (S) 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 368 275 20 73 343 178 42 123 279 321 292 287 327 258 116 140 122 303 05 3 3 - . 6 6 _ - (SI T 13 5 108 (SI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 06 n 4 - - 2 2 . - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 07 189 185 4 - 143 141 2 - T 224 74 48 45 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 12 12 - _ 8 8 . _ 14 (SI T 3 4 9 10 1 4 T 6 (SI 09 8 8 - - 8 8 - - 12 8 6 7 3 5 1 2 T 6 T 3 10 HI 111 . 87 85 2 . 67 41 42 30 32 33 (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 - - . - 12 12 - . (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 12 18 18 - - 12 12 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 13 . - - _ 1 1 . _ (XI IXI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 14 - _ . - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 15 U3 48 59 57 2 81 100 61 88 80 92 61 & 115 144 8 173 16 16 16 5 5 T 4 10 6 1 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 3 022 2 732 40 250 2 644 2 371 48 225 3 864 5 311 2 880 I 910 2 780 3 067 1 328 8. 1 518 & 1 394 2 379 18 12 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) i^) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 108 108 - - 98 98 - 118 99 128 148 126 92 150 125 126 109 20 - - - - 17 15 2 (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 21 5 5 - - 7 5 2 T U 7 14 (S) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 22 1 1 ■ - 3 3 - - 2 5 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 805 635 14 156 585 507 62 16 T 930 1 063 771 713 1 496 1 603 1 274 (SI 540 271 24 307 307 - - 206 206 - - 109 92 90 38 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 25 98 98 - - 155 155 _ - T 163 T 139 86 121 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 15 15 - - 11 11 - - T 18 T 11 (SI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 27 4 " - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 2 2 _ . 1 1 _ _ T 2 3 1 . (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 - - - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 379 379 - - 202 202 - - 332 T 186 169 44 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 31 124 124 - - 136 134 2 - T 77 (SI (SI 22 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 32 & 1 836 1 487 & 50 299 2 131 1 818 50 263 T 2 673 3 285 2 576 2 577 4 308 3 867 3 453 & 6 186 4 496 7 131 33 31 21 4 6 26 26 _ _ T 34 T 24 17 41 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 34 228 228 - - 314 314 - - T 391 (SI T 388 380 (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 35 446 446 - - 432 432 . . (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 18 18 - - 15 15 - - 41 T 13 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 37 70 70 - - 124 124 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 _ _ _ _ 21 21 . _ (XI (XI {XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 242 242 - - 229 229 - - T 341 328 314 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 7 7 - . 5 5 . - (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 41 17 17 - - 35 19 . 16 23 31 87 200 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 42 14 14 - - 10 10 - - 20 T 17 (SI 15 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 43 43 _ _ 2 2 _ . 5 46 (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 44 - - - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 14 14 - - 7 7 - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 - - - - 3 3 . . . - (SI - (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 47 2 2 - - 7 7 . _ T 2 T - T 41 17 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 141 141 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 49 257 193 7 57 196 157 5 34 T 113 164 185 176 189 & 372 209 228 & 638 322 50 52 42 3 7 67 67 _ - 91 122 125 104 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 51 169 169 & 295 255 & 40 T 238 437 326 386 504 473 314 453 & 353 187 52 250 250 & 181 161 & 20 158 & 309 252 267 221 177 149 278 296 332 53 7 7 - - 7 7 _ - 18 26 7 20 84 147 317 681 695 1 149 54 51 51 - - (SI (SI _ . (SI (SI (SI 88 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 104 104 - - 69 69 _ _ 93 104 116 81 (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 56 13 9 4 - 10 10 - - 29 34 46 87 134 137 131 240 110 252 57 - _ - . 17 17 _ . (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 - - - - 9 9 . . (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 10 041 5 667 258 4 116 6 966 5 024 301 1 641 10 999 12 650 9 936 4 693 6 838 8 659 7 377 7 540 & 7 997 11 909 60 a 8 - - 8 8 _ . 11 14 6 19 (S) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 61 51 51 - - 33 " - - T 74 47 29 46 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 62 16 12 4 . 39 39 _ _ 39 9 11 1 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 - - - - 14 14 . - (X) IX 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 18 18 - - 24 24 - - T 20 17 21 13 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 17 17 - - 15 15 - - 37 54 42 35 49 67 31 44 30 58 66 785 606 6 173 570 540 4 26 879 1 052 582 896 1 463 2 016 1 406 1 189 688 1 032 67 492 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This A- Permit-issuing places by State. SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 ■1962 "i Total number of housing units Number of housini in structures wi units th- Total number of housing units Number of housin in structures w g units th- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- -' 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units ot more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more TEXAS—CON. HOUSTON SMSA — CON. HARRIS COUNTY — CON. 50 252 37 8 11 35 7 50 62 8 11 1 7 6 2 184 37 32 18 87 72 2 13 18 10 18 53 1 2 9 18 10 7 4 27 71 27 437 73 7 17 16 12 27 59 1 7 17 16 12 6 372 72 02 SOUTH HOUSTON TOWN +.......... 03 SOUTH SIDE PLACE 06 07 WEBSTER WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE LAREDO SMSA WEBB COUNTY 174 170 4 - & 231 129 2 & 100 128 110 - 18 LUBBOCK SMSA LUBBOCK COUNTY 27 2 913 19 35 22 14 1 179 16 35 14 8 233 3 8 5 1 501 17 1 445 14 31 18 9 1 019 14 26 18 8 190 236 5 19 1 946 12 33 14 19 1 288 12 33 14 80 578 10 1 1 LUBBOCK +.•...•......■... SHALLOWATER TOWN +........... 12 SLATON 4...... ........... 13 MIDLAND SMSA la MIDLAND COUNTY 480 315 - 165 388 324 - 64 404 364 - 40 ODESSA SMSA 15 ECTOR COUNTY ' ' '' ODESSA +...... .......... 151 151 - - 128 128 - - 259 259 - - SAN ANGELO SMSA 16 TOM GREEN COUNTY & 688 257 26 & 405 404 276 6 122 280 280 - - SAN ANTONIO SMSA 17 18 19 20 21 BEXAR COUNTY ALAMO HEIGHTS CASTLE HILLS + HOLLYWOOD PARK KIRBY 26 49 82 12 63 4 1 82 12 63 2 20 48 32 255 447 21 70 6 2 52 21 70 26 253 395 21 201 65 22 109 3 4 65 22 109 8 18 189 3 4 726 15 8 3 2 694 15 8 78 1 954 56 4 063 15 9 2 628 15 9 56 96 1 339 5 4 881 11 12 1 3 023 11 6 4 78 1 780 6 23 24 25 SAN ANTONIO +. ............. SHAVANO PARK TERRELL HILLS 26 GUADALUPE COUNTY 105 68 16 21 75 73 2 - 68 66 2 - TEXARKANAt TEX. -ARK. SMSA 27 23 BOWIE COUNTY TEXARKANA + WAKE VILLAGE (ARKANSAS) 239 25 176 25 4 59 214 50 137 32 18 77 141 39 141 39 - - 29 30 MILLER COUNTY FOUKE TOWN TEXARKANA + TYLER SMSA 4 & 116 4 52 & 40 24 65 65 - - 97 97 - - 31 32 33 TYLER + WHITEHOUSE WACO SMSA 24 472 28 20 438 28 4 8 26 8 641 17 8 382 17 14 245 4 493 14 4 461 14 6 26 3H 35 36 37 38 MCLENNAN COUNTY BELLMEAD BEVERLY HILLS VILLAGE HEWITT TOWN 69 25 10 51 16 59 13 10 31 16 10 12 20 87 65 8 33 11 70 53 8 23 11 5 12 12 10 20 60 40 15 17 60 40 15 3 " MCGREGOR 39 40 41 42 MART NORTHCREST TOWN ROBINSON + WACO 4........... ....... 7 20 34 & 779 7 20 34 445 & 132 202 4 61 93 808 4 61 93 395 _ 8 405 21 90 45 508 19 80 45 350 2 10 14 144 WICHITA FALLS SMSA 43 ARCHER COUNTY HOLLIDAY 5 5 B 8 . . 6 6 _ _ 44 45 WICHITA COUNTY 29 (S) 29 (S) - - 61 7 53 7 8 - 118 (S) 108 (S) 10 - ELECTRA. ..........a..... RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 493 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ,»■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1950 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number in structures witti _ number in structures witt _ number number numbei number number number number number number number ^ ol ol of ol ol of of of of ol of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing. housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 20 20 22 22 20 14 21 12 (XI ( XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI 01 43 43 . . 110 107 3 - 146 176 79 44 63 95 87 75 56 155 02 T 4 4 . _ 1 1 _ _ 1 . - - (SI ( XI (X 1 (X) (XI .XI 03 22 22 - - 43 43 - - (SI 34 10 (SI (X 1 ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 04 5 5 8 8 . 16 33 41 25 (SI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 05 6 6 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (Xl (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (X) 06 13 13 " ■ 9 7 2 ■ 12 6 9 10 16 4 28 34 39 54 07 180 149 6 25 169 169 - - S 392 225 & 393 252 191 189 278 378 195 287 08 IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 1 XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI ( X) 09 1 744 1 460 104 180 1 486 1 439 10 37 2 442 2 150 928 1 077 1 658 1 363 943 1 280 1 142 2 135 10 20 20 T 14 14 _ _ (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X 1 (XI ( X) 11 42 42 _ _ 64 64 _ . 62 34 20 21 25 17 16 22 56 74 12 19 19 ~ ~ (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X) 13 776 536 - 240 884 755 12 117 1 888 1 673 1 047 898 1 119 692 792 T 1 880 1 317 1 265 14 551 551 - - 647 647 - - 1 573 2 207 1 388 1 225 1 238 969 513 1 179 724 982 15 638 545 - 93 439 435 ^ - 384 & 309 393 575 636 490 378 467 605 1 333 16 15 7 8 12 12 20 10 3 15 11 14 22 44 84 51 17 42 4 _ 38 35 5 _ 30 1 1 (SI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 18 41 41 _ _ 56 56 _ - 76 70 59 65 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 19 _ _ 23 23 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 20 - - - - 20 20 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 _ . _ . 4 4 . _ (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 22 3 278 2 654 66 558 3 162 2 573 88 501 4 501 & 4 670 3 205 3 539 5 6-^8 5 532 5 126 S 4 945 S 6 159 5 969 23 14 14 _ _ 18 18 _ . (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 24 21 13 8 - 23 15 - 8 23 22 22 55 61 67 67 88 148 368 25 81 79 2 - 66 60 6 - 56 70 70 97 102 85 84 80 98 111 26 219 119 100 130 120 10 199 168 109 122 131 120 & 224 135 79 116 27 58 58 ~ 29 29 ■ 26 4 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 3 3 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 29 & 113 73 & 40 ■" 73 73 ~ ■ 67 39 & 60 »3 (SI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 30 11 11 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 31 402 400 2 _ 401 399 2 _ 534 620 412 557 882 723 565 522 418 629 32 (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 33 17 17 19 19 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 34 _ _ 39 36 3 . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 35 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 36 - 23 21 2 _ (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 37 10 10 - - 27 27 - - 16 16 16 14 266 123 28 (SI (SI (S) 38 _ . _ _ 20 20 _ _ (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 39 88 76 12 . (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 40 38 38 _ 48 48 _ _ 69 49 64 44 (SI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 41 383 367 16 ~ 428 349 16 63 539 & 841 544 590 722 778 584 & 1 120 1 261 1 577 42 - - - - 14 14 - - (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 43 166 158 8 133 133 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI ( X) 44 T 1 1 - - (SI (SI - - T 26 T 27 19 11 12 17 4 20 & 67 52 45 494 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown In table B-4. Wtierever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown In the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Buildlng permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population In 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing In 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more TEXAS — CON. WICHITA FALLS SMSA— CON WICHITA COUNTY — CON. IOWA PARK TOWN * WICHITA FALLS + PLACES OUTSIDE SI^SA'S ANDERSON COUNTY PALESTINE -I- ANDREWS COUNTY ANDREWS ■I' ANGELINA COUNTY LUFKIN + ARANSAS COUNTY ROCKPORT ATASCOSA COUNTY CHARLOTTE EVERMAN JOURDANTON LYTLE TOWN PLEASANTON TOWN POTEET AUSTIN COUNTY BELLVILLE BASTROP COUNTY BASTROP ELGIN SMITHVILLE BEE COUNTY BEEVILLE + BELL COUNTY BELTON HARKER HEIGHTS KILLEEN -I- ROGERS TOWN TEMPLE + BLANCO COUNTY BLANCO TOWN BRAZORIA COUNTY ALVIN + ANGLETON + BRAZORIA TOWN BROOKSIDE VILLAGE CLUTE CITY TOWN FREEPORT LAKE JACKSON + RICHWOOD VILLAGE SWEENY TOWN WEST COLUMBIA BRAZOS COUNTY BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION + BREWSTER COUNTY ALPINE TOWN BROOKS COUNTY FALFURRIAS BROWN COUNTY BROWNWOOD + EARLY TOWN BURNET COUNTY BURNET TOWN CALDWELL COUNTY LOCKHART LULING CALHOUN COUNTY POINT COMFORT TOWN PORT LAVACA + SEADRIFT CAMP COUNTY PITTSBURG CARSON COUNTY PANHANDLE TOWN CASS COUNTY ATLANTA HUGHES SPRINGS TOWN 31 182 & 153 135 & 1 291 2 306 100 59 19 23 11 17 92 10 17 16 347 163 19 & 83 126 21 & 124 20 31 150 41 108 530 2 213 & 104 28 & 130 89 3 55 4 19 - 23 - 11 - 14 3 92 - 10 - 15 2 16 ~ 143 4 90 21 16 « 54 18 2 1 . 59 - 6 - 8 631 84 200 52 78 & 664 28 170 85 134 1 068 4 308 128 96 7 27 17 61 78 6 23 17 226 85 78 364 67 28 170 23 6 6 59 59 24 24 6 6 19 19 17 17 69 106 660 4 250 118 90 7 27 17 22 78 6 23 17 140 64 16 16 14 14 1 1 146 89 11 11 28 177 16 231 22 136 682 80 53 613 7 & 378 184 94 4 24 49 63 96 11 29 36 T 120 36 136 575 3 3 102 102 24 24 9 9 27 27 18 18 75 5 51 2 404 117 7 - 283 & 89 150 87 4 24 49 27 88 11 29 36 120 36 17 12 17 12 3 98 8 3 160 8 22 22 84 30 39 11 39 11 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 495 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. - See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; lor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1950 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number ol housing in structures wit units - Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units S e 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Zi 161 1 161 161 1 005 - 156 204 1 736 204 1 624 8 104 T 708 6 52 947 437 732 S 506 874 595 B62 761 1 350 727 670 280 198 & 1 629 103 & 830 134 4 888 01 02 128 128 - - 133 133 - - 93 72 90 95 116 97 58 75 68 127 03 96 96 - - 165 165 - - 284 138 157 268 205 240 107 111 (SI (S) 04 109 104 - 5 134 123 - 11 143 129 125 184 135 93 76 13b 97 211 05 (SI (SI - - 15 15 - - 35 T 21 28 17 (SI (XI ( X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI 06 6 81 8 12 6 81 8 12 - - 2 (X) 10 (S) (X) 2 (X) 10 (SI (X) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) 2 (XI 23 (X) (X) (X) 2 (X) 17 (X 1 (XI (XI 6 (XI 18 (XI (XI (XI 17 ( XI 22 ( XI ( XI ( XI (SI (XI 20 (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (X) 18 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 17 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 9 (X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 8 (XI (X) (XI (Xl (XI 22 (XI (XI (XI 07 08 09 10 11 12 8 8 - - 10 10 - - 8 9 T 11 24 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 13 14 35 10 14 35 10 - - 15 25 7 15 25 7 - - 20 20 14 15 T 14 8 6 17 2 15 26 1 9 36 9 (SI 22 5 T 18 20 4 (S) 22 T 10 (SI T 18 (SI (SI T 16 (SI 14 15 16 65 65 - - S 120 30 & 90 - 88 110 141 105 114 379 48 27 34 80 17 43 (X) 222 1 266 43 (X) 208 1 266 (X) 14 (X) 45 (X) 205 5 187 45 (X) 181 5 185 (X) 24 2 (X) 31 (Kl 333 4 193 42 (XI 290 3 231 18 (XI 50 4 115 30 ( XI 52 7 153 92 (XI 244 (SI 339 94 (XI 853 (X) 334 37 (X) 76 (X) 104 189 (XI T& 110 (XI 247 (SI ( XI 8, (S) (X) & 498 T 123 (X) (SI (XI 463 18 19 20 21 22 T 4 4 - - 8 8 - - T 10 T 2 4 - (S) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 23 130 (S) 17 33 92 (S) 17 33 18 20 41 (S) 4 (X) 43 41 (S) 4 (X) 43 (X) (X> 53 (S) (X) (X) (S) 39 52 (XI (XI (SI 43 71 (XI (XI 32 59 49 (XI (XI 40 47 44 (X) (X) (SI 132 60 (XI (XI (XI 72 106 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI 24 25 26 27 28 28 56 5 11 24 56 5 11 4 - 24 94 (X) 16 11 24 94 (X) 16 U ( X) (X) 36 95 (X) IXI 26 (SI 87 (XI (X 1 18 75 166 (XI (XI 43 84 239 ( X ) (X) 15 52 94 (X) (XI 18 58 310 (XI (XI 135 69 (XI (XI (XI 49 205 (XI (XI (XI 30 143 (XI (XI (XI T 24 93 (XI (XI (XI 22 29 30 31 32 33 104 32 104 32 - 127 38 127 38 - - 196 & 311 & 273 65 321 64 384 91 313 83 215 52 139 46 & 426 185 171 51 226 61 34 35 6 4 2 - 10 10 - - T 9 (SI 2 7 24 9 15 8 27 38 36 27 27 - - 17 17 - - 23 19 16 37 28 21 6 (SI (SI (SI 37 & 108 14 78 14 & 30 - 116 8 116 8 - - T 57 7 22 4 16 8 25 (S) 17 (XI 23 (XI 31 (XI 56 (XI i 285 (XI & 185 (XI 36 39 19 19 - - 4 23 & 23 - - 28 12 9 12 7 7 9 4 19 35 40 10 19 10 19 - - 12 10 12 10 - - 16 17 23 7 11 12 27 12 47 33 34 T 15 28 16 56 14 42 T4 82 56 35 41 42 1 T 62 1 60 2 - 8 102 5 8 102 5 - - 3 113 ( X I 3 89 (XI 43 110 (XI 47 91 (X) (SI 119 (XI (X) 74 (XI (X) 37 (XI (X) 65 (XI (XI (SI (X) (XI 44 (X) 43 44 45 9 9 - - 21 21 - - 15 25 25 30 39 28 25 21 31 & 85 46 36 36 - - 34 34 - - 31 34 11 7 2 T 1 (SI (X) (XI (XI 47 41 9 41 9 - - 21 & 30 21 6 & 24 - 32 4 T - 6 (SI 22 ( XI 15 (X 1 23 (X) (SI (XI (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 49 496 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6 -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SIVISA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ••97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- I unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more TEXAS — cor^. PLACES OUTSIDE SI^SA'S — CO(g CASTRO COUNTY DIMMITT TO*N HART CHAMBERS COUNTY ANAHUAC CHEROKEE COUNTY JACKSONVILLE + RUSK TOWN CHILDRESS COUNTY CHILDRESS CLAY COUNTY HENRIETTA TOWN COCHRAN COUNTY MORTON TOWN WHITEFACE TOWN COKE COUNTY BRONTE TOWN COLEMAN COUNTY COLEMAN COLLINGSWORTH COUNTY WELLINGTON COLORADO COUNTY EAGLE LAKE COMAL COUNTY NEW BRAUNFELS + COMANCHE COUNTY COMANCHE COOKE COUNTY GAINESVILLE + MUENSTER CORYELL COUNTY COPPERAS COVE TOWN + GATESVILLE COTTLE COUNTY PADUCAH TOWN CRANE COUNTY CRANE CROSBY COUNTY CROSBYTON LORENZO RALLS TOWN CULBERSON COUNTY VAN HORN TOWN DALLAM COUNTY DALHART DAWSON COUNTY LAMESA + DEAF SMITH COUNTY HEREFORD DE WITT COUNTY CUERO YORKTOWN TOWN DICKENS COUNTY SPUR DIMMIT COUNTY ASHERTON CARRIZO SPRINGS DONLEY COUNTY CLARENDON EASTLAND COUNTY CISCO RANGER ERATH COUNTY DUBLIN STEPHENVILLE + FALLS COUNTY MARLIN ROSEBUD FANNIN COUNTY 80NHAM 199 31 86 262 3H 4 & 5H & 26 2 183 31 62 11 117 3 278 40 46 11 48 2 117 3 232 36 26 87 159 32 32 22 22 16 16 40 38 6 6 65 15 22 20 39 39 300 22 T 5 102 283 22 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 497 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source lor ttie statistics sliown monthly •'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12. and B-13, a See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. '&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units tor v»hich contracts weie av^arded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number ol housing m structures wilt units - Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units 3 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 28 (XI 28 (X) (X) IX) 33 (X) 33 (X) (X) (X) T 30 (XI T 33 (X) 37 (XI 71 (XI 129 (X ) 107 (X I (SI (X) (X 1 (X ) (XI ( XI (X) (XI 01 02 5 5 - - 17 15 2 - 12 8 16 19 (SI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 03 «7 47 - - 60 11 52 11 8 - 58 (X 1 43 (X) 41 (XI 79 (XI 53 (XI 59 IXI 47 (XI 53 (X) 53 (X 1 73 (X) 04 05 26 26 - - 20 20 - - 18 12 7 8 10 14 5 35 37 88 06 - - - - 19 19 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 07 34 32 2 - 39 2 39 2 - - 28 24 1 22 27 (SI 32 (XI (SI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI IXI (XI (XI 08 09 t 4 - - 5 5 - 5 ' 7 4 2 T 1 3 16 (S) T 12 10 31 31 - - 38 38 - - 22 15 14 15 54 61 34 24 40 T 55 11 19 19 - - 3 3 - - 9 S 35 2 8 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI IX) 12 12 12 - - 14 14 - - 13 14 10 17 17 15 (SI (XI (XI ( X) 13 95 95 - - 92 92 - - 97 112 91 99 126 137 186 189 272 256 14 - - - & 30 - & 30 - (S) T 1 2 1 2 7 3 5 10 18 15 'I 58 6 2 - 87 8 87 8 - - 99 4 72 3 103 5 125 7 162 20 208 11 144 10 98 9 85 7 86 9 16 17 217 (X) 216 (XI 1 IX) (X) T 107 (X) 107 (X) (XI (X) T 89 (X) 118 (X) (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 18 19 T 7 7 - - 7 7 - - 5 4 2 2 1 - 4 & 37 17 34 20 T 8 8 - - 7 7 - - 18 46 64 37 26 T 10 (XI (X) (XI (XI 21 & «0 7 26 14 7 26 S 26 - 10 (X) 15 10 (X) 13 (X) 2 (X) 20 (XI 22 5 (X) 17 8 (X) (S) (X) (X) 26 (X) (X) 2 (X) (X ) 12 (XI (XI 26 (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) T 18 (XI (XI 22 23 24 a 8 - - 2 2 - - 7 - (SI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 25 19 19 - - 20 20 - - 8 5 9 13 20 8 12 17 18 58 26 159 159 - - 95 95 - - 144 109 70 60 25 13 16 52 117 225 27 66 62 4 - 63 61 2 - 33 28 35 35 135 89 41 41 36 T 76 28 49 7 49 7 - - 23 5 23 5 - - 26 3 22 5 16 7 (SI 10 (SI 5 (SI 9 (SI (SI 26 (XI 47 (XI 59 (X) 29 30 (X) (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI (XI (X) (XI IX) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 31 4 25 4 23 2 - 77 77 - - 42 16 20 30 17 1 10 21 25 23 52 32 33 30 14 16 - & 25 9 & 16 - 10 5 4 5 (S) (SI (SI (X) (X) (X) 34 - - - - 12 9 12 9 - - (XI (XI IX) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 35 36 1 72 1 72 - - 2 76 2 76 - - 6 106 5 76 T 1 59 T 3 T 37 37 7 38 T 3 (X) (SI (XI (S) (X) S (SI (X) 37 38 26 2 26 2 - - 42 4 42 4 - - 27 5 29 2 15 6 31 9 28 9 31 11 33 2 48 T 11 62 7 111 12 39 40 498 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures lor the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 42 43 TEXAS — CONi PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON FAIMNIN COUr^TY — CON. OMAHA SAVOY TOWN TRENTON TOWN FAYETTE COUNTY FAYETTEVILLE TOWN LA GRANGE SCHULENBURG FLOYD COUNTY FLOYDADA TOWN LOCKNEY TOWN FOARD COUNTY CROWELL FORT BEND COUNTY MISSOURI CITY NEEOVILLE TOWN RICHMOND TOWN ROSENBERG -I-. . . STAFFORD TOWN. . . SUGAR LAND FRANKLIN COUNTY MOUNT VERNON TOWN FRIO COUNTY DILLEY TOWN PEARSALL GAINES COUNTY SEAGRAVES SEMINOLE + GARZA COUNTY POST + GILLESPIE COUNTY FREDERICKSBURG TOWN GOLIAD COUNTY GOLIAD GONZALES COUNTY GONZALES NIXON SMILEY GRAY COUNTY MC LEAN TOWN PAMPA ■I' GRAYSON COUNTY DEN I SON + HOWE SHERMAN * VAN ALSTYNE TOWN WHITESBORO GREGG COUNTY GLADEWATER KILGORE + LONGVIEW * GRIMES COUNTY NAVASOTA HALE COUNTY ABERNATHY HALE CENTER PETERSBURG PLAINVIEW -f HALL COUNTY MEMPHIS TURKEY HAMILTON COUNTY HAMILTON HICO HANSFORD COUNTY GRUVER SPEARMAN TOWN +. . HARDEMAN COUNTY CHILLICOTHE OUANAH HARDIN COUNTY SILSBEE ■ . HARRISON COUNTY MARSHALL + 231 8 45 57 16 T 35 24 19 5 306 tS) 3 24 19 5 207 (S) 8 167 143 4 18 18 - 234 212 22 25 25 - 33 33 - 17 17 _ 33 29 4 258 185 28 4 & 16 & 14 24 3 23 6 18 26 21 48 24 3 30 30 13 13 44 44 59 59 36 29 37 37 18 26 21 48 34 34 3 3 29 29 9 9 1 1 1 1 45 45 180 164 24 24 278 185 25 25 34 34 12 12 59 39 197 131 33 27 19 19 5 5 102 98 15 15 3 3 13 13 4 4 12 12 40 40 9 9 31 31 46 40 47 33 & 10 & 10 10 10 5 5 4 4 2 2 18 18 T 9 9 72 32 12 12 6 6 6 6 22 22 57 41 11 11 52 52 (S) 51 (S) 51 152 149 17 17 162 144 17 17 17 17 (S) _ 35 35 315 281 T 27 17 7 182 27 17 7 128 14 10 14 10 (S) 4 (S) 4 9 56 7 56 8 29 8 29 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 499 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute Ihe source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-ll, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data coyer period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number ol housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in struclures wift - number in structures wilh- number number number number number number number number number number c of of ol of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unil 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing '3 units units or more units units or more units unils unils units units units units unils units units & 18 8 & 10 IX 1 IX) (X) 1 X) 1 X ) IX) 1X1 IX) (X ) (X ) IX) IX) 1 X) (X) 01 . . _ 5 5 . . IXI IX ) IX) 1 X) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) 02 - - - - 6 6 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 03 . . 5 T 2 . 2 IX) IX) IX) IXI IX ) IX) 04 14 14 - . 19 19 - - 18 11 8 20 23 25 24 IS) IS) IS) 05 20 20 - - 10 10 - - 8 T 3 IS) IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 06 35 35 48 48 25 T 14 35 13 31 40 16 62 34 47 07 15 15 - - 14 11 3 - 17 14 10 15 IS) IX) IX) IX) IXI IX) 08 - - - - 4 4 - - IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 09 . 5 5 . ( X ) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 10 (S) (S) - - 7 7 - - T 8 8 6 4 IS) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 11 22 22 - - 31 29 2 . 35 44 39 40 IS) 1 X ) IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) 12 «4 44 - . 43 43 . - 97 148 110 107 86 89 94 T o4 IS) 148 13 _ _ - - 13 13 - _ IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 14 ( XI IX) (X) (X) 1 X) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IXI IX) IX) 15 T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - T - 16 22 22 4 4 11 3 4 6 (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IXI 17 38 38 - - 41 41 - - 42 IS) 51 33 18 19 T 11 10 11 33 18 . . 11 11 . IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 19 32 32 - - 32 32 - - 55 54 80 126 87 108 100 T 32 37 61 20 33 33 - - 37 37 - - U) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 21 65 59 6 - 32 32 - - 38 21 26 24 38 35 15 16 38 50 22 7 7 - - 5 5 - - 3 9 T 13 12 16 8 T 9 5 IS) T 10 23 25 25 . 26 26 27 18 & 39 21 38 23 22 11 & 73 42 24 (S) (S) - _ & 26 2 i 24 - 15 13 7 8 2 4 9 IS) IS) (S) 25 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX ) IX) (X) 26 . . S 30 18 & 12 . IS) IS) 36 2 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 27 68 68 - - 148 144 4 - 282 331 300 271 200 165 107 475 231 248 28 217 215 2 . 123 117 . 6 187 162 109 85 140 164 86 26 & 248 104 29 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX 1 IX) 30 156 154 2 . 173 173 _ - 205 203 149 242 290 206 202 133 117 166 31 - _ - - 8 8 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) (XI 32 21 19 2 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 33 15 15 . . 13 13 . 21 12 IS) IS) (S) 75 T 51 T 14 T& 90 T 41 34 63 63 - . 39 39 _ . 82 81 73 53 78 64 30 88 T 43 108 35 387 324 10 53 317 271 8 38 392 420 364 218 233 194 189 313 391 425 36 12 12 - 56 50 6 - IS) IS) IS) T 12 26 26 18 (SI IS) (S) 37 36 36 38 38 41 21 21 28 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 38 32 32 - - 3 3 - - 29 24 18 36 23 40 24 44 40 52 39 6 6 - - IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX ) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) 40 273 243 8 22 179 179 - - 134 111 60 140 255 256 1^9 144 149 227 41 3 3 . . 12 12 9 4 . 3 9 7 IX) IX) IX) (X) 42 1 1 - - 5 5 - * 2 4 - - - T - T 1 IS) 10 T 17 43 . _ 15 15 tX) IX) IX) IXI IX) IXI IX) IX) IX) (X) 44 6 6 - - 6 6 - (X) IX) IX) IXI (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (XI 45 _ . . . 5 5 IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 46 43 38 - 5 S 59 49 & 10 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IXI IX) (X) (X) 47 6 6 . 1 _ _ _ 2 48 T 34 34 - - 11 11 - - 19 18 10 19 IS) IS) T 5 & 60 42 T 38 49 55 55 - - 38 38 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) 50 77 75 2 - 111 111 - - 137 78 81 128 201 142 143 200 103 137 51 500 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metfopolilan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: ♦Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. ♦♦97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's. and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more TEXAS—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON HASKELL COUNTY MASKELL * HAYS COUNTY SAN MARCOS HENDERSON COUNTY ATHENS + MALAKOFF HIDALGO COUNTY ALAMO DONNA EDCOUCH TOWt^ EDINBURS + ELSA TOWN MCALLEN -I- MERCEDES MISSION + PHARR + SAN JUAN WESLACO -I- HILL COUNTY HUBBARD TO««N HOCKLEY COUNTY ANTON LEVELLAND + ROPESVILLE SUNDOWN HOPKINS COUNTY SULPHUR SPRINGS + HOUSTON COUNTY CROCKETT HOWARD COUNTY BIG SPRING + HUNT COUNTY COMMERCE + GREENVILLE ■^ HUTCHINSON COUNTY BORGER -I- FRITCH STINNETT TOWN JACK COUNTY JACKSBORO JACKSON COUNTY EDNA GANADO JASPER COUNTY JASPER JIM WELLS COUNTY ALICE + ORANGE GROVE FREMONT ' KARNES COUNTY KARNES CITY TOWN KENEDY KAUFMAN COUNTY FORNEY TO*N KAUFMAN TERRELL -I- KENDALL COUNTY BOERNE KENT COUNTY JAYTON TOWN KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE + KIMBLE COUNTY JUNCTION KINNEY COUNTY BRACKETTVILLE KLEBERG COUNTY KINGSVILLE + KNOX COUNTY MUNDAY LAMAR COUNTY PARIS + 130 7 39 33 T 43 127 13 219 i 190 41 56 6 94 (S) & 14S 2 1 & 54 185 119 7 39 33 & 29 103 13 138 40 41 50 6 82 (S) 94 2 1 26 131 9 & 75 & 20 46 5 150 - & 45 . 47 - & 62 - 9 24 79 - 24 72 178 75 & 1X4 - 64 - 70 - 9 12 268 133 8 & 150 141 34 14 134 17 8 89 15 146 47 22 9 79 24 162 36 64 70 9 79 8 115 8 37 114 & 113 27 195 21 T 37 43 10 116 10 227 55 48 100 26 90 13 117 IS) 48 180 37 43 10 116 10 201 55 48 96 26 90 13 117 (S) 78 20 402 40 120 119 119 5 5 13 13 15 15 24 24 5 5 51 47 54 54 21 172 20 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 501 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11, B-12. and B-13, <• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing lion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Nunbei in sti of housing uctuies Witt units Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei ol housing units Total number of housing units 1 E 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or mote 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 3 7 7 T 11 11 (X ) (X) 1X1 IX 1 IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) (X) 01 25 25 - - 24 24 - 32 14 S 64 86 187 183 78 & 225 126 37 02 92 80 12 - T 42 13 42 13 - - IS) (X) IS) (X) IS) IX) IS) 1X1 IS) (X ) 60 IX) 58 1 X) 47 IX ) 57 IX 1 T 49 (X) 03 04 «3 & 103 T 6 109 12 13 53 6 105 12 S 50 4 - 56 29 8 94 11 54 29 8 94 11 2 - 22 IS) 4 84 13 26 T 14 3 64 11 & 21 12 60 5 11 18 8 127 17 18 22 7 75 11 15 3 IS) 50 7 8 10 T - 40 3 8 IS) IS) 71 IS) IS) IS) IS) 8 209 IS) (SI IS) IS) 82 IS) 05 06 07 08 09 222 25 35 103 29 123 195 25 35 103 29 95 10 4 17 24 385 30 T 58 138 41 70 294 30 58 113 41 70 17 74 25 312 21 49 IS) 30 97 268 34 60 IS) 18 74 135 32 52 73 14 77 210 36 63 79 22 84 177 24 37 IS) IS) 86 158 14 38 IS) IX) 41 117 18 24 23 IX) 39 157 T 14 16 47 IX) 22 & 313 IS) 5 116 6 176 IX) 26 416 IS) 100 108 (X) 53 10 11 12 13 14 15 IXI IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IXi IX) IX) IXi IX) IX) IX) IX) IX> IX) IX) (X) 16 73 3 (X) 73 3 (X) (X) IX) 13 92 5 IX) 13 92 5 IX) IX) (X) (X) 68 IX) IX) IX) 40 IX) IX) IX) 35 IX) IX) IX) 37 IX) IX) (X ) 63 IX) IX) IX) 91 (X) IX) IX) 69 IX) IX) IX) 100 iX) IX) IX) 121 vX) IX) (X) 188 iX) (X) 17 16 19 20 84 84 - - T 63 61 2- - T 58 T 32 52 T 82 134 IS) IS) IS) IS) 139 21 31 31 - - 32 32 - - 27 19 8 T 5 T 9 4 5 23 21 T 35 22 ai8 366 - 52 240 234 6 - 131 T 419 203 290 246 262 279 676 362 418 23 & 239 1«7 33 123 8 24 & 198 T 31 134 25 134 6 - (X) 192 IX) 136 IX) 131 IX) 117 IX) 174 IX) 115 IX) 109 IX) 173 IX) 97 1 X) T 63 24 25 69 (X] 12 84 IX) 12 IX) 5 IX) 75 IX) 1 75 IX) 1 IX) IX) 161 (X) T 22 195 (X) 24 100 IX) 20 99 IX) IS) 114 IX) IX) 50 (X) IX) 140 (X) IX) & 569 (X ) IX 1 189 IX) IX) 96 1 X) IX) 26 27 28 11 14 " - 16 16 - - 22 27 21 39 67 66 32 29 16 54 29 16 (X) 16 (X) IX) (X> 15 (X) 15 IX) IX) IX) 18 IX) 15 IX) 32 (X) 44 (X) IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) 30 31 (XI IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 32 97 (S) 27 97 IS) 27 - - 58 IS) 15 58 IS) 15 _ - 61 T 3 20 42 T 6 22 69 22 25 110 6 24 164 IS) 8 281 IX) 21 T 78 IX) IX) 57 IX) IX) T 80 IX) IX) 175 (X) (X) 33 34 35 23 16 21 16 2 - 1 25 1 25 - - 22 10 4 & 45 8 5 8 10 19 13 7 15 6 10 IS) U IS) 11 IS) 26 36 37 4 51 69 4 51 69 - _ 35 27 102 35 27 94 8 - 13 T 14 IX) 17 28 IX) IS) 19 IX) (X) 19 IX) (X ) 38 IX ) (X) 24 1 X ) (X) 16 IX) IX) 15 tx) IX) 26 IX) 1 X) 24 IX) 38 39 40 11 11 - - 11 11 - - 11 9 6 7 11 16 IS) IX) IX) IX) 41 3 3 - - 8 8 - - IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 42 69 89 - - 100 65 4 11 77 64 52 66 70 85 62 56 63 92 43 30 30 - - 20 20 - - 21 14 10 3 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) 44 12 12 - - 2 2 - - T 3 1 T 1 - IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 45 92 92 - - 139 139 - - 155 & 299 109 161 161 217 & 175 86 170 89 46 9 9 - - 8 8 - - 20 16 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) 47 33 & 245 502 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964- The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended bacli places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1950 lived in places which were permit-Issuing in 1964. -^This the sum of the figures for Permil-issuing places by Stale, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 26 27 28 42 «3 44 45 TEXAS — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COtvl LAMB COUNTY EARTH LITTLEFIELD + OLTON LAMPASAS COUNTY LAMPASAS LA SALLE COUNTY COTULLA LAVACA COUNTY HALLETTSVILLE SHINER TOWN YOAKUM LEE COUNTY GIDDINGS LIBERTY COUNTY CLEVELAND DAYTON TOWN LIBERTY LIMESTONE COUNTY COOLIDGE TOWN GROESBECK MEXIA LIPSCOMB COUNTY BOOKER TOWN LIVE OAK COUNTY THREE RIVERS LLANO COUNTY LLANO LYNN COUNTY TAHOKA MCCULLOCH COUNTY BRADY MARION COUNTY JEFFERSON MARTIN COUNTY STANTON MATAGORDA COUNTY BAY CITY PALACIOS TOWN MAVERICK COUNTY EAGLE PASS + MEDINA COUNTY CASTROVILLE DEVINE HONDO MENARD COUNTY MENARD TOWN MILAM COUNTY CAMERON ROCKDALE MITCHELL COUNTY COLORADO CITY LORAINE TOWN MONTAGUE COUNTY NOCONA ST JO MONTGOMERY COUNTY CONROE + MOORE COUNTY DUMAS SUNRAY TOWN MORRIS COUNTY DAINGERFIELD TOWN » LONE STAR TOWN MOTLEY COUNTY MATADOR NACOGDOCHES COUNTY GARRISON TOWN NACOGDOCHES + NAVARRO COUNTY CORSICANA + FROST 95 & 35 & 128 21 20 & 48 21 10 & 32 38 254 10 179 15 5 176 152 1 171 10 179 13 2 & 100 & 12 10 (S) 31 22 22 15 15 22 22 1 1 18 18 27 15 (S) 31 14 48 T 13 112 101 T 16 26 9 9 (S) 16 16 25 25 50 28 3 3 12 12 23 23 10 10 T 30 30 31 31 (S) 100 (X) (X) 21 (S) 100 (XI IX) 109 21 19 (X) 15 20 T 10 T U (X) 29 (X) (S) 24 (S) (X) 13 (S) (X) 68 133 (XI IX) T 38 IS) 10 (XI 9 T 11 T 9 T 25 (XI 31 (X) (S) T 52 IX) IX) 28 lUO (X) (X) 11 32 (X) 14 IX) 13 (X) 16 17 (S) 14 IS) 45 (X) 24 T 7 (X) 109 129 (X) IX) 15 30 (X) 11 IX) 14 11 (S) T 24 32 21 IX) 12 (X) IX) 123 136 (X) IX) 34 IS) IS) (X) 39 IS) IX) 15 IX) 9 (S) (S) (X) T 42 (X) 19 IX) 127 IX) IS) (S) 129 IX) IX) 23 IX) (X) (X) 19 IX) IX) 35 IX) 11 (X) (X) (X) 42 101 (S) (X) 37 (X) 305 (X) IX) IX) U) 56 102 (X) (X) 50 (X) (X) (X) 10 (X) (X) 31 IX) T 10 (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) (S) (X) IS) IX) IX) IX) (X) 28 70 (X) IX) IS) IX) (X) (X) 19 28 (SI 50 (X) IX) 15 IX) IX) 28 (X) T 12 IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) (X) (X) (S) (X) IX) (X) 24 (X) (X) 24 (X) (S) IX) IX) (X) 36 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) 51 IS) IX) (X) (S) T& 300 (X) (X) T 69 (X) IX) IX) IS) 36 73 (X) (X) 27 (X) 18 (X) IX) (X) 34 (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) 107 (X) 37 IX) 38 IX) 39 IX) 40 155 IX) 45 504 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas In this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage Is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown m table B-j1. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown In this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived In places which were permit-Issuing in 1964. +Thls Permit-Issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units In structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more TEXAS—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON NEWTON COUNTY NEWTON NOLAN COUNTY ROSCOE SWEETWATER * OCHILTREE COUNTY PERRYTON + OLDHAM COUNTY VEGA PALO PINTO COUNTY MINERAL WELLS PANOLA COUNTY CARTHAGE + PARKER COUNTY WEATHERFORD + PARMER COUNTY BOVINA FARWELL FRIONA PECOS COUNTY FORT STOCKTON + POLK COUNTY LIVINGSTON TOWN PRESIDIO COUNTY MARFA REAGAN COUNTY BIG LAKE TOWN REEVES COUNTY PECOS -t- REFUGIO COUNTY REFUGIO TOWN WOODSBORO ROBERTSON COUNTY CALVERT HEARNE ROCKWALL COUNTY ROCKWALL ROYSE CITY TOWN RUNNELS COUNTY BALLINGER WINTERS RUSK COUNTY HENDERSON + OVERTON SAN AUGUSTINE COUNTY SAN AUGUSTINE TOWN SAN PATRICIO COUNTY ARANSAS PASS GREGORY INGLESIDE MATH IS OOEM PORTLAND + SINTON TOWN TAFT SAN SABA COUNTY SAN SABA SCHLEICHER COUNTY ELDORADO TOWN SCURRY COUNTY SNYDER + SHACKELFORD COUNTY ALBANY SHELBY COUNTY CENTER SHERMAN COUNTY STRATFORD TOWN STEPHENS COUNTY BRECKENRIOGE T 15 26 43 & 56 2 i48 25 9 133 & 56 2 148 25 9 8 8 10 10 5 5 23 17 30 30 6 6 14 14 9 9 47 47 7 7 24 24 10 10 19 19 21 21 1 1 146 146 13 11 8 8 14 14 10 10 5 5 33 33 14 14 8 6 19 19 5 5 40 40 6 6 20 20 T 6 6 33 33 27 27 3 3 130 130 17 17 & 51 7 5 5 (S) (S) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 505 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected pecmit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number Number of housing in stiuctures with units Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of tiousing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units "i of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or moie 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Ij (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 01 34 34 - - 10 69 10 69 - - (X ) 108 (X) 95 (XI 73 (XI 93 (XI 75 (X) 71 (XI 22 (XI 87 (X 1 S 248 (X) 312 02 03 112 98 2 12 93 72 16 5 208 141 105 141 (SI T 8 (XI (X 1 (X) (X) 04 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 05 ua 48 - - 36 36 - - 35 35 32 36 64 80 53 387 187 46 06 45 45 - - 38 38 - - 62 66 55 29 54 33 21 T 10 (SI T 29 07 90 90 - - 76 76 - - 128 103 64 43 76 55 (SI (XI (XI (XI 08 (X) 29 (XI 29 (XI (X) (X) 12 39 (X) 12 33 (X) 6 (X) (X) (S) 31 (X) T 19 26 (X) (SI 31 (X) 14 38 (X) (XI (S) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 09 10 11 73 73 - - T 65 63 2 - (S) (SI (S) (S) (S) (X> (X) (X) (X) ( X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 36 - - - - 2 2 - - (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 37 42 42 - - 94 94 - 122 136 165 130 134 151 169 T 134 T 176 626 38 8 8 - - 15 15 - - (S) - 5 8 (S) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X] 39 22 22 - - 27 27 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 40 23 23 - - 21 21 - - 4 9 5 11 13 6 (SI (XI (X) (XI 41 18 IB - - 22 22 - - T 37 & (S) 13 23 (SI (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) 42 506 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to ttie the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended back places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Bullding permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- lunit 2-4 5 units units 01 more TEXAS—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON SUTTON COUNTY SONORA SWISHER COUNTY KRESS TULIA TERRY COUNTY BROWNFIELD + TITUS COUNTY MOUNT PLEASANT + TALCO TRINITY COUNTY TRINITY TYLER COUNTY WOODVILLE TOWN UPSHUR COUNTY GILMER UPTON COUNTY MCCAMEY UVALDE COUNTY SABINAL UVALDE VAL VERDE COUNTY DEL RIO+ VAN ZANDT COUNTY CANTON TOWN VAN WILLS POINT VICTORIA COUNTY VICTORIA + WALKER COUNTY HUNTSVILLE WALLER COUNTY WALLER TOWN WARD COUNTY MONAHANS + WASHINGTON COUNTY BRENHAM + WHARTON COUNTY EL CAMPO WHARTON WILBARGER COUNTY VERNON + WILLACY COUNTY LYFORD TOWN RAYMONDVILLE WILLIAMSON COUNTY FLORENCE TOWN GEORGETOWN ROUND ROCK TAYLOR WINKLER COUNTY KERMIT + WINK WISE COUNTY DECATUR + WOOD COUNTY HAWKINS MINEOLA QUITMAN YOAKUM COUNTY DENVER CITY TOWN PLAINS TOWN YOUNG COUNTY GRAHAM -I- OLNEY ZAVALA COUNTY CRYSTAL CITY 56 & 16 50 8 & 45 207 85 3 48 (S) 29 41 9 8 - 19 & 26 127 22 37 4 (S) 29 15 & 121 7 - 25 ■ 4 _ 33 2 32 6 31 - 21 . 3 - 2 & 50 22 (S) 207 43 T 7 32 22 (S) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 507 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- m tables B-11, B-12. and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 5 (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X ) IX) (X) ( XI IX 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI ( XI (X 1 (X) (XI 01 1 67 1 67 - - 48 48 - - 44 3 25 4 26 28 (X) 57 (XI 41 ( X 1 44 (XI 39 (XI 44 (XI 71 02 03 63 63 - - 67 67 - - 165 103 82 73 144 98 54 78 87 263 04 U3 43 - 61 4 61 4 - - 85 (X 1 73 (XI T 69 (XI 74 (XI 86 (XI 60 (XI 71 (XI T 63 (XI 79 (XI 77 (X) 05 06 a 8 - 7 7 - - 2 18 T - 6 12 4 5 4 7 12 07 ( X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 10 10 - - 15 15 - - 16 12 13 19 38 24 11 & 69 22 20 09 - - - - 1 1 - - 1 8 2 2 17 T 39 52 T 20 T 27 24 10 66 4 66 - - 1 67 1 67 - - 3 49 39 T 28 (SI 35 (XI 47 (X) 47 (XI 5S (X) 54 (XI 69 (XI 63 11 12 & 148 68 & 80 - 88 88 - - 103 149 117 156 177 139 85 149 78 & 203 13 13 7 19 13 7 19 - - 25 4 14 25 4 14 - - 19 U 15 21 13 5 16 13 2 T 20 (XI 7 (XI (XI (SI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) 14 15 16 168 168 - - 121 121 - - 134 156 & 375 452 410 T 454 (XI (XI (XI (X) 17 S 125 56 4 & 65 44 44 - - 37 S 107 37 & 107 22 20 6 (S) (SI T 79 18 2 2 - - 12 10 2 - 5 4 (SI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) 19 58 58 - - 53 53 - - 136 197 T 112 110 110 T 47 (S) T 24 (SI (S) 20 61 61 - - 61 61 - - 81 57 43 51 59 69 60 44 55 86 21 23 23 - - 20 21 20 21 - - (SI 37 (SI 48 (SI 43 (S) 40 (SI 36 63 49 35 49 31 48 50 55 83 69 22 23 111 111 - - 72 72 - - 62 50 34 54 75 23 22 37 48 132 24 14 14 - - 9 26 9 26 - - (XI T 20 (X) 21 (X) 15 (XI 12 (XI 16 (XI 7 (X) 10 (X) 23 (XI 16 (X) 57 25 26 2 23 (S) 24 2 21 (S) 24 2 - 3 30 (X) 29 3 27 (X) 29 3 (X) (XI 1 32 (X) 20 5 20 (X) 46 6 6 (XI 44 4 11 (XI 44 (S) 23 (X ) 66 (XI 23 (XI 78 (XI 23 (X) 60 (XI 22 (X) 77 (X) 3 (XI S 145 (X) 36 (X) 112 27 28 29 30 94 & 24 94 S 24 - 87 14 87 14 - - T 154 (XI 141 ( X 1 99 (XI 56 (X) 55 (XI 45 (XI 20 (XI T 74 (XI 48 (X) 69 (X) 31 32 4 4 - - 14 14 - - T 57 44 42 33 (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 33 11 11 - " 1 (S) 6 1 (S) 6 - - (X) (XI 22 (X) ( XI 12 (XI (XI 11 (X) (X) 12 (XI (XI (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 34 35 36 21 17 21 17 - - 34 15 34 15 - - 30 T 30 56 T 8 86 19 11 15 (S) (SI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 37 38 20 5 20 5 - - 74 12 70 12 4 - 114 28 100 30 T 91 23 96 28 (SI 27 (XI 27 (X) 15 (X) 28 (X) & 114 (X) 45 39 40 60 60 48 48 " 25 37 & 61 28 14 23 & 59 28 39 (SI 41 508 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ fjom the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, -i^This Permit-Issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— lunit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more OGDEN SMSA WEBER COUNTY ** HUNTSVILLE TOWN NORTH OGDEN + OGDEN + PLAIN CITY TOWN PLEASANT VIEW TOWN ROY + SOUTH OGDEN -f WASHINGTON TERRACE WEBER COUNTY UNIIxIC. AREA + . . PROVO-OREM SMSA UTAH COUNTY ♦* ALPINE CITY AMERICAN FORK + LEHI LINDON MAPLETON OREM + PAYSON PLEASANT GROVE + PROVO + SALEM SANTAQUIN SPANISH FORK CITY + SPRINGVILLE UTAH COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . SALT LAKE CITY SMSA DAVIS COUNTY *♦ BOUNTIFUL + CENTERVILLE CLEARFIELD + DAVIS COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . EAST LAYTON TOWN FARMINGTON FRUIT HEIGHTS TOWN KAYSVILLE CITY + LAYTON CITY + NORTH SALT LAKE TOWN SOUTH WEBER TOWN SUNSET SYRACUSE WEST BOUNTIFUL TOWN WOODS CROSS TOWN SALT LAKE COUNTY ** MIDVALE + MURRAY + SALT LAKE CITY + SALT LAKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + SANDY CITY SOUTH SALT LAKE PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S BEAVER COUNTY BEAVER MILFORD BOX ELDER COUNTY BRIGHAM CITY + CORINNE GARLAND PERRY TOWN TREMONTON + CACHE COUNTY CACHE COUNTY UNINC. AREA • . . HYDE PARK TOWN HYRUM LOGAN + NORTH LOGAN TOWN PROVIDENCE RIVER HEIGHTS TOWN SMITHFIELD CARBON COUNTY CARBON COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . HELPER PRICE WELLINGTON DUCHESNE COUNTY DUCHESNE MYTON ROOSEVELT 3 49 116 16 22 67 39 27 56 224 27 28 86 5 19 3 S3 55 10 2 14 15 3 22 116 215 049 322 33 13 3 - 45 4 71 18 16 - 22 - 45 22 33 6 21 6 56 - 12 8 26 18 12 10 6 6 13 13 127 107 10 10 29 21 492 164 2 2 3 3 15 15 23 21 62 62 183 21 28 78 5 15 3 49 55 10 2 14 15 3 22 70 138 235 1 752 24 3 1 1 10 10 13 13 5 5 7 7 90 62 10 10 10 10 1 1 21 21 3 3 4 4 " " 1 1 3 3 3 65 205 9 23 148 104 34 51 18 144 252 3 10 28 77 670 318 6 371 19 59 106 4 20 3 70 157 12 6 73 21 9 19 62 223 1 569 & 3 668 81 74 T 16 1 3 - 65 - 143 4 9 - 23 - 100 48 84 20 22 12 51 - 3 3 35 29 19 19 3 3 7 7 81 77 13 13 17 17 282 114 4 4 4 4 23 17 16 16 55 53 267 19 29 62 4 16 3 68 139 12 6 69 17 5 15 56 162 228 & 2 530 75 2 3 3 8 8 13 13 14 14 17 17 115 89 24 24 19 19 3 3 32 32 3 3 1 1 10 8 T - - 2 2 - - 5 5 6 15 238 478 6 32 46 1 103 660 109 329 14 43 222 112 21 71 262 20 50 107 3 17 2 74 225 19 4 105 17 5 2 66 199 154 029 85 65 221 6 8 16 28 26 6 44 & 353 15 22 2 40 109 - 175 8 14 - 41 2 166 56 84 28 15 6 67 4 3 3 & 26 & 26 18 18 5' 5 12 12 103 97 9 9 11 11 185 98 6 6 5 5 15 15 17 17 57 57 225 20 22 87 3 13 2 74 220 15 4 97 17 3 2 48 167 156 361 61 1 18 16 225 491 5 64 16 - 1 ■" 182 31 4 2 8 - 16 - 28 ~ 26 _ 6 - 38 6 97 64 15 - 18 4 2 - 40 ~ 6 _ • - 6 - 16 773 177 19 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 509 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list ot 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ,» See Appendix C-2 for statement regardmg coverage. "&" Includes public housmg units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see fable B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received, "X" identified as permit-issuing in designated year. "S" Does not meet publica- Not applicable because not 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbei of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total number of in structures witt - number of m structures with- number of number of numbei number of number number of number ot number of number of number of ^ of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing 1} units units or more units units 01 more units units units units units units units units units units (X> (X) (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI IX 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI 01 93 93 _ _ 58 56 2 . 100 64 45 28 30 26 (SI (XI (XI (XI 02 349 233 2 114 434 400 22 12 662 340 245 349 719 535 293 409 445 302 03 10 10 . 13 13 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 04 28 28 - - 23 23 - - (X) (X) (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 05 273 223 50 _ 173 163 10 _ T 294 257 204 13B 118 165 159 230 T 66 55 06 86 64 22 - 96 86 10 - 256 96 73 104 80 56 29 40 71 113 07 28 28 . _ 13 13 _ . (X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 08 65 65 ' " 73 73 ' 68 54 39 52 61 50 51 28 24 23 09 3 3 4 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 10 33 33 . . 51 43 8 - 56 41 45 T 41 97 48 38 41 36 T 51 11 23 21 2 - 23 23 - - 19 10 23 25 17 16 14 (SI (SI 30 12 5 3 2 . 10 10 _ . 14 20 9 10 9 10 (SI (X 1 (X 1 (XI 13 7 7 - - 8 8 - - 1X1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI 14 136 132 4 _ 172 170 2 . 242 254 307 403 331 228 164 153 134 253 15 13 13 . . 11 9 2 . (SI 15 (S) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI 16 18 18 - - 21 21 . . 47 23 31 49 104 30 29 31 30 85 17 158 136 4 18 124 87 11 26 T 173 220 219 148 123 70 75 75 106 264 18 3 3 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 19 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 4 1 (SI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 25 25 - . 38 38 - - 48 54 34 63 50 63 41 45 49 77 21 33 33 . - 34 34 . _ 39 60 67 59 43 38 48 55 34 66 22 64 64 " 62 62 v 74 68 86 155 157 99 73 52 59 66 23 223 205 10 8 280 258 22 444 333 269 309 371 302 151 166 173 129 24 14 14 - - 31 27 4 - (SI (SI (S) (SI 22 26 18 11 26 30 25 32 23 9 - 82 82 _ - 92 106 70 112 131 140 (SI (X) (XI (XI 26 110 88 22 . 115 99 16 - 116 142 183 96 128 82 (SI (XI (XI (XI 27 5 5 - - 1 1 - - 6 (SI (SI 6 T 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 28 36 36 _ _ (S) (SI _ _ (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 29 3 3 - _ 4 4 . . (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 30 66 57 9 - T 88 88 _ . 90 60 54 54 39 37 (SI (XI (XI (XI 31 224 220 4 . 126 126 - - 127 245 140 19 142 73 (SI (XI (XI (XI 32 (S) (S) - - (S) (SI - - T 22 57 47 T 39 8 (SI (SI (X ) ( XI (XI 33 3 3 _ _ (S) (SI _ _ 1 3 . 8 (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 34 134 126 8 - (S) (SI - - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 35 22 22 - . 11 11 _ - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 6 4 2 - 12 6 6 - 10 3 4 T 11 4 8 (SI ( X) (XI (XI 37 3 3 - - 10 8 2 - 7 18 6 T 10 8 50 (SI (XI (XI (XI 38 50 46 4 . 64 48 8 8 84 47 22 58 64 36 38 54 48 76 39 190 186 4 . 141 137 4 - 236 326 217 173 T 170 T 145 (SI (XI (XI (XI 40 930 156 218 556 692 149 231 312 & 936 S 499 560 709 924 883 625 727 943 2 207 41 2 833 2 192 271 370 2 323 2 047 238 38 2 808 3 225 2 059 2 550 2 778 2 993 1 607 1 083 1 252 1 293 42 56 44 6 6 34 30 4 - 48 44 23 52 31 13 25 25 11 29 43 95 5 44 46 35 9 26 38 31 15 25 61 (SI 113 111 127 145 44 T 10 10 T 6 6 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 45 6 6 - - 2 2 - - 6 - 3 1 1 - 5 10 1 3 46 385 334 24 27 260 234 10 16 541 183 77 53 57 70 42 31 35 & 52 47 4 4 . - - - _ - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 49 23 23 - - 9 9 . - (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI txi (XI 50 (SI (SI - - 76 76 - - T 60 18 7 3 8 (SI (S) 11 6 19 51 13 13 _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 52 10 10 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 (X> (X) (X) txi (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 & 194 104 18 & 72 119 97 22 - 143 107 50 59 77 84 49 32 85 154 55 21 21 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 56 18 18 _ _ 13 13 _ . (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 11 11 - - 8 8 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 29 29 ■ - 21 21 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 59 12 12 . . 7 3 4 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 60 - - - - 1 1 _ . 3 14 11 4 6 3 1 4 2 11 61 3 3 - - 10 10 - - 24 52 79 61 90 69 39 22 16 35 62 ~ - " - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 3 3 _ . 2 2 . 1 . (SI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 IXI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 65 4 4 4 4 8 6 (SI 5 3 4 T 3 18 (SI 66 510 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated lor each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. Ttie same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4- Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more UTAH — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — COf>l. EMERY COUNTY GREEN RIVER GARFIELD COUNTY PANGUITCH GRAND COUNTY MOAB IRON COUNTY CEDAR CITY TOWN + PAROWAN JUAB COUNTY NEPHI KANE COUrJTY KANAB MILLARD COUNTY DELTA CITY FILLMORE MORGAN COUNTY * (MORGAN CITY MORGAN COUNTY UNINC. AREA PIUTE COUNTY CIRCLEVILLE TOWN RICH COUNTY SAN JUAN COUNTY BLAND I NG MONTICELLO SAN JUAN COUNTYi PART OF UNINC. AREA SANPETE COUNTY EPHRAIM FAIRVIEW MANTI SEVIER COUNTY RICHFIELD SUMMIT COUNTY COALVILLE PARK CITY SUI^MIT COUNTY UNINC. AREA TOOELE COUNTY GRANTSVILLE STOCKTON TOWN TOOELE + UINTAH COUNTY * MAESER TOWN UINTAH COUNTY UNINC. AREA VERNAL CITY WASATCH COUNTY HEBER MIDWAY TOWN WASATCH COUNTY UNINC. AREA WASHINGTON COUNTY HURRICANE ST GEORGE WASHINGTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS U WAYNE COUNTY LOA TOWN VERMONT PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADDISON COUNTY BRISTOL VILLAGE MIDDLEBURY VILLAGE VERGENNES WEYBRIDGE TOWN BENNINGTON COUNTY BENNINGTON VILLAGE + OLD BENNINGTON VILLAGE . . . . READSBORO VILLAGE CALEDONIA COUNTY DANVILLE TOWN HARDWICK VILLAGE LYNDOIMVILLE VILLAGE ST JOHNSBURY VILLAGE + . . . . CHITTENDEN COUNTY BURLINGTON + 6 3 & 5 3 3 7 7 (S) (S) T 5 5 3 3 116 110 6 6 10 10 15 15 17 11 2 2 5 5 6 6 55 35 & 10 & 10 5 7 & 52 5 7 & 52 2 2 5 5 58 58 7 7 * — 118 lot 13 13 & 24 & 24 25 21 10 10 - - 9 9 3 3 33 31 3 3 35 455 5 2 (S) 1 & 4 2 2 1 1 12 12 12 12 1 1 15 13 2 . 5 5 1 1 5 5 4 - 1 - 57 - 29 6 - - 405 2S 25 ^ 44 10 71 8 5 . 2 - (S) - 4 . 1 - & 4 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 511 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wtiich constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. = See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded: for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wiltr- Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number o( housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units J 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more - 1 1 4 4 (X ) (XI (XI (X) IX) ( X 1 (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 01 3 3 - - 20 20 - - (X) 1X1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 02 125 119 6 - 22 22 - - (X ) (XI (XI ( X 1 (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 12 H 12 4 ~ - 50 1 50 1 - - 62 11 47 3 33 4 75 4 66 4 38 9 38 (SI 52 (XI 53 (XI 81 ( XI 04 05 6 6 " - { X) tX) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) IXI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 06 5 4 2 - (X) (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 07 1 1 1 1 - - 4 2 4 2 - - (X) (X) IX) IXI (X) (XI IX) (X) IX 1 (X) (XI (XI IXI IXI 1X1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI 08 09 6 (XI 6 (X) (X) (XI 6 (X) 6 (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) 6 IXI 8 ( X) 11 (XI 3 (X ) 6 (XI 4 (XI 4 1X1 2 (XI 5 (XI 10 11 1 1 - 2 2 - - (X) IXI (XI (XI (X ) (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 12 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 13 2 6 1 2 6 1 - - 5 2 2 5 2 2 - . (X) (X) 1X1 5 IX ) (X) 22 (X) (X) & 26 IX) (X ) 37 (X 1 (XI 6 (XI (XI ISI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 IXI (XI IXl IXI (XI 14 15 16 (X) 3 (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (XI IXI IXI (XI 1 (XI (XI T 2 ( X ) (X ) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 17 18 19 8 8 - - 14 14 - - 16 12 14 21 22 21 17 1X1 (XI (XI 20 10 1 30 10 1 30 - - (s) (X) (s) (X) (X) IX) (S) IX) (X) IS) IX) IX ) (SI IXI IX) (SI IXI IXI IS) IX) IX) IS) IX) IX ) 6 (XI (XI 2 1X1 (XI T 4 (XI (XI T 4 (XI (XI 21 22 23 3 113 3 107 6 - 5 62 5 62 - - (X) (X) 73 IX) IX) 26 IX) IX) 24 IXI IXI 14 IX ) IX 1 39 IX) IX) 27 (XI (XI 80 (XI (XI 150 (XI (XI 131 (X) (XI 83 24 25 26 21 40 T «1 21 35 32 5 4 5 (X) (X) 51 (X) (X) 51 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IXI (X) (XI (XI IXI (XI (X) (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI IXI (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 27 28 29 11 (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 (X) (x) 11 (X) (x) (x) (x) (X) (X) IX) (X) 10 (XI IXI 43 (XI (X) T 11 (X) IXI 6 IXI IX) 1 1X1 (XI 1 (XI 1X1 5 (XI (XI 15 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI 30 31 32 6 27 & 6 6 25 & 6 2 - 5 19 4 5 19 4 - . IX) IX) IX) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) IX) 1X1 IXI IXI 1X1 1X1 IXI (XI 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI 33 34 35 ~ ~ ~ ■ - ~ - * IX) (X) (XI (XI IXI IXI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 36 26 5 (X) 20 5 (X) (X) 6 (X) 3 8 (X) 3 8 (X) (X) (X) 8 T 14 I X ) 1 5 4 (X) 5 6 (XI 1 T 3 (S) (X) 5 8 14 1X1 9 3 (XI 9 ISI ISI (XI (XI (XI IXI (XI (XI 1X1 IXI 1X1 1X1 37 38 39 40 7 7 - - 16 (X) 16 (X> IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) IXI IXI 1X1 IXI IXI IX ) IX ) (XI (XI 1X1 (XI 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 (XI 41 42 " ~ ~ ~ " - - - - - - - - - T - " ~ ~ 43 5 1 1 6 5 1 1 6 - - (X) (X) (S) 16 (X) (X) IS) 16 IX) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (X) T 5 32 IXI (X, 3 33 IXI (XI 16 IXI IXI 2 28 (X) (X) 4 11 (XI (XI 1 9 (XI 1X1 4 13 IXI 1X1 4 9 1X1 1X1 T - 10 (XI (X) 3 23 41 45 46 47 512 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B^ differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county lor 1964, **97,0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county VERMONT — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON CHITTENDEN COUNTY — CON. COLCHESTER TOWN + ESSEX TOWN JERICHO TOWN SOUTH BURLINGTON TOWN * FRANKLIN COUNTY ENOSBURG FALLS VILLAGE RICHFORD TOWN GRAND ISLE COUNTY ALBURG VILLAGE ORANGE COUNTY RANDOLPH VILLAGE STRAFFORD TOWN ORLEANS COUNTY DERBY VILLAGE DERBY LINE VILLAGE NEWPORT IvlORTH TROY VILLAGE ....... RUTLAt>JD COUNTY CHITTENDEN TOWN POULTNEY TOWN RUTLAND * SHERBURNE TOWN WASHINGTON COUNTY BARRE + MONTPELIER * NORTHFIELD VILLAGE PLAINFIELD VILLAGE WATERBURY VILLAGE WINDHAM COUNTY BELLOWS FALLS VILLAGE BRATTLEBORO TOWN WINDSOR COUNTY CHESTER VILLAGE HARTFORD TOWN VIRGINIA LYNCHBURG SMSA AMHERST COUNTY * + CAMPBELL COUNTY * ALTAVISTA TOWN BROOKNEAL TOWN CAMPBELL COUNTY UNINC. AREA *. . LYNCHBURG -f NEWPORT NEWS-HAMPTON SMSA HAMPTON + NEWPORT NEWS * YORK COUNTY * POQUOSON TOWN + YORK COUNTY REMAINING AREA * . . NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH SMSA CHESAPEAKE * t) NORFOLK + PORTSMOUTH + VIRGINIA BEACH -f » RICHMOND SMSA CHESTERFIELD COUNTY * + HANOVER COUNTY * ASHLAND TOWN HANOVER COUNTY UNINC. AREA * , . HENRICO COUNTY ♦ •^ RICHMOND + ROANOKE SMSA ROANOKE COUNTY * ROANOKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . , SALEM TOWN + 1964 Total number of housing units 48 44 22 22 21 21 34 34 2 2 5 5 6 6 18 14 2 2 27 27 35 4 382 081 931 53 402 177 997 581 361 2 302 9 409 285 832 952 125 Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 31 4 370 1 538 1 204 53 394 1 125 461 186 2 194 7 345 925 220 803 113 2-4 units 40 & 536 22 192 360 51 5 units or more 533 727 12 2 000 373 975 1963 Total number ol housing units 14 2 466 1 745 1 358 56 & 500 1 413 2 183 438 & 2 238 11 338 1 918 2 121 913 130 Number of housing units in structures with— 10 2 409 1 335 1 209 56 400 1 133 565 276 2 048 1 398 3 336 919 174 889 56 2-4 units 16 244 14 & 118 762 119 5 units or more 36 130 406 149 264 1 374 148 72 284 237 1 828 1962 Total number of housing units 2 T 20 16 3 369 1 491 1 270 47 300 1 255 & 1 975 & 711 2 236 16 337 1 310 1 025 901 76 Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 3 358 1 302 928 47 300 1 180 & 819 473 2 130 16 331 1 076 188 899 58 2-4 5 units units or more 70 150 15 70 88 110 176 342 5 1 006 & 223 36 146 727 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 513 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lot the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11. B-12, and B-13. t See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. '•&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data s/mbols; "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number of in sliuctures witt — number of in structures wilh- number of number of number of number of number of number of number of number of number of number of 1= housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 uml 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 32 32 13 13 (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (Xl 01 17 15 2 - (X) (X> (X) (X> (XI (XI ( X) ( XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 02 2 2 - - ( X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (X) 03 85 85 - - 69 69 - - (X) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 04 (SI (S) . 2 2 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 05 - - - - - - - (X) ( X 1 (XI ( X 1 (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (X) (X) (XI 06 (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) ( XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI 07 . 3 3 1 2 . 5 5 5 5 08 (X) (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) I XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) 09 2 2 . . (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 10 3 3 - - . - - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI 11 8 8 - - 5 5 . _ 15 9 9 11 9 T 13 7 10 12 11 12 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X] 13 (X> (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI 14 2 2 - - 6 6 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 15 34 32 2 - 30 30 - - T 40 48 60 70 67 56 54 24 28 127 16 25 25 ~ ■ (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 17 US 48 . _ 46 44 2 56 33 38 26 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 44 41 3 - 26 26 - - 25 49 27 26 22 34 (S) (SI (SI 60 19 2 2 - - - _ _ - 6 1 4 1 2 3 5 T 3 3 2 20 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (X) 21 - - - - - - - 1 2 3 7 - - 1 5 4 8 22 2 2 _ _ 4 4 . . (X 1 (X 1 (X) (Xl (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 23 16 16 ~ ~ 9 9 - - (SI 18 17 28 46 28 26 22 23 (S) 24 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 25 (SI (SI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 26 163 163 _ _ 159 156 3 _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI 27 4 4 _ _ 13 13 . . 7 5 15 10 15 26 17 18 34 33 28 3 3 - - 1 1 - - T 2 3 8 12 15 16 5 T 11 (S) (S) 29 409 409 - 406 402 4 _ 311 296 284 296 292 233 (SI (XI (X) (X) 30 207 188 19 - 365 215 74 76 S 416 341 278 287 333 253 171 130 183 232 31 1 281 1 275 6 937 915 22 _ 914 & 1 458 596 660 1 553 1 359 876 764 27 13 32 8, 1 028 & 996 ■ 32 958 958 - - 1 073 & 1 033 818 & 1 296 8 1 193 947 1 275 4 1 340 474 423 33 54 54 _ _ 46 46 . . 52 29 36 30 37 16 (SI (XI (XI (X) 34 293 293 ■ " 263 263 ~ ~ 2H 143 & 170 & 315 227 440 (SI (X) (XI (X) 35 1 166 1 112 54 684 670 14 T 1 198 T&l 758 1 024 1 261 1 679 2 184 2 263 2 HI 4 167 1 867 36 829 553 87 189 844 495 72 277 748 465 323 & 896 739 578 S 1 356 & 2 920 S 2 153 & 2 132 37 432 419 13 - 442 436 6 - & 259 100 106 & 191 & 375 & 792 333 S 553 & 734 419 3r 2 491 2 248 22 21 2 563 2 523 16 24 2 332 2 302 1 711 2 491 3 002 2 543 1 471 2 195 925 814 39 1 103 1 026 49 28 1 040 1 032 2 6 1 480 1 320 & 747 & 874 1 291 1 180 762 651 560 771 40 2 2 _ _ (S) (SI . . (SI (SI (S) 3 25 13 13 24 13 15 41 T 256 253 3 - T 341 339 2 - (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 42 1 295 1 190 29 76 1 078 1 044 34 _ 1 705 1 819 1 677 1 600 2 834 2 049 1 383 1 574 1 509 2 316 43 & 1 397 318 & 606 473 700 208 137 355 411 385 & 1 153 & 769 480 737 650 677 & 1 723 1 336 44 803 803 808 800 2 6 904 840 618 726 938 585 371 358 (S) 465 45 39 34 5 84 84 56 82 86 94 122 52 54 (S) (S) (S) 46 514 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended bacl( to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown m this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- lumt 2-4 5 units units or more 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 VIRGINIA--CON. ROANOKE SMSA — COtvJ. ROANOKE COUNTY * — CON. VINTON TOWN ROANOKE + WASHINGTON) D.C.-VA.-t^D. SMSA (SEE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA) PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ACCOMACK COUNTY ONANCOCK TO*N PARKSLEY TO*N ALBEMARLE COUNTY * + ALLEGHANY COUNTY * + AMELIA COUNTY * APPOMATTOX COUNTY * + AUGUSTA COUNTY * + BATH COUNTY * BEDFORD COUNTY + BEDFORD COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f . . , BEDFORD TOWN BOTETOURT COUNTY BUCHANAN TOWN BRISTOL + BRUNSWICK COUNTY * BUCHANAN COUNTY GRUNDY TOWN BUCKINGHAM COUNTY ♦ BUCKINGHAM COUNTY REMAINING AREA . BUCKINGHAM TOWN BUENA VISTA CAROLINE COUNTY * BOWLING GREEN TOWN CAROLINE COUNTY REMAINING AREA . . CARROLL COUNTY * CARROLL COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . . HILLSVILLE TOWN CHARLOTTE COUNTY * + CHARLOTTESVILLE + CLARKE COUNTY * BERRYVILLE TOWN BOYCE TOWN CLARKE COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . , , CLIFTON FORGE COLONIAL HEIGHTS + COVINGTON CULPEPER COUNTY ♦ CULPEPER COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . CULPEPER TOWN CUMBERLAND COUNTY * DANVILLE <<- DICKENSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . . DINWIDDIE COUNTY * + ESSEX COUNTY * ESSEX COUNTY UNINC. AREA TAPPAHANNOCK TOWN FAUQUIER COUNTY * FAUQUIER COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. , . REMINGTON TOWN THE PLAINS TOWN WARRENTON TOWN FLOYD COUNTY * + FLUVANNA COUNTY * + FRANKLIN FRANKLIN COUNTY FRANKLIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . . ROCKY MOUNT TOWN FREDERICK COUNTY * + FREDERICKSBURG GALAX GILES COUNTY NARROWS TOWN PEARISBURG TOWN GLOUCESTER COUNTY * + GRAYSON COUNTY * * 177 444 279 77 33 57 264 33 212 44 117 6 43 380 4 46 17 193 84 126 3 30 351 13 263 & 236 1 147 10 255 57 15 110 69 145 226 255 . 69 - 33 - 57 - 264 . 33 - 209 3 40 4 117 6 43 182 17 - 193 - 49 - 116 10 1 2 30 _ 223 28 13 . 113 - 197 9 1 - 10 - 36 _ 61 - 36 6 147 . 8 2 241 2 51 6 15 - 11 4 22 - 88 2 69 - 24 159 100 150 & 30 15 24 478 6 1 223 T 89 74 261 24 201 49 45 46 18 290 6 1 207 83 70 255 24 199 45 37 46 5 5 64 64 124 124 6 6 45 45 & 597 223 10 10 - — 27 27 22 10 230 190 28 28 138 128 7 1 39 39 407 331 30 30 lis 115 60 60 6 6 165 160 7 7 - - 93 10 49 49 53 47 26 26 182 175 6 6 419 254 82 71 16 16 10 8 22 14 119 117 55 55 36 83 165 8 19 302 100 8 57 & 226 5 1 43 18 189 28 96 2 33 473 13 143 250 5 182 7 234 84 19 15 195 4 4 3 3 712 447 71 61 21 21 72 72 242 242 31 31 216 216 31 29 5 1 43 18 181 28 92 2 33 379 13 142 250 5 178 3 234 80 19 225 10 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 515 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-I3. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero, "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilti- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more '3 14 12 2 3 3 8 17 14 7 12 14 16 7 8 19 01 247 206 19 22 274 263 3 6 423 439 532 551 878 663 639 521 . 1 241 1 216 02 5 2 5 2 - - 4 (XI 4 (XI ( X) ( XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI ( XI ( X 1 (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 03 04 343 66 IX] 56 263 30 333 66 (XI 56 263 30 10 (XI (XI 440 68 (XI 99 67 13 355 68 (XI 99 67 13 20 (XI 65 (XI (X ) 90 (X ) (XI T 209 (XI (XI 82 (X) (X) & 214 IXI (XI 54 (XI (XI 229 (XI (XI 67 (XI (XI 280 (XI (XI 54 (X 1 (XI 275 (XI (XI 61 (XI (XI 200 (XI (XI 38 (XI (XI 151 (XI (XI T 46 (XI (XI 173 (XI (XI T 114 (XI (XI 233 (XI (XI 168 (XI (XI 246 (XI 05 06 07 08 09 10 248 Is) 248 (s) - - 256 (S) 254 ( '- ) 2 - i 299 (SI & 166 T 18 204 34 229 (SI 255 (SI 243 32 (SI 16 (XI 18 (XI 17 (XI 42 11 12 3 3 - - (s) (S) (S) (3) (SI 3 5 5 5 12 6 6 3 2 13 51 51 51 51 - - 50 60 50 60 - - 60 36 55 39 85 20 78 33 97 27 69 16 90 22 i 255 25 107 (SI 202 (SI 14 15 6 6 - - 2 2 - - 3 5 T 5 12 9 2 (SI (X 1 (XI (XI 16 59 (X) 59 (X) (XI (XI 16 (XI 16 (XI (XI (XI 19 (XI 19 (XI 18 (XI 14 (XI 10 (XI 14 (XI 19 (XI 19 (XI 8 (XI 6 (XI 17 18 24 24 _ - 21 21 - - T 33 25 31 40 62 (SI 43 52 58 71 19 7 72 7 72 - - 2 71 2 71 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 21 (X) 7 (X) 7 (XI (XI (XI 9 (XI 9 (XI (XI (XI (SI (XI 3 (XI (SI (XI (SI (XI T 10 (XI T 6 (XI 2 (XI 4 (XI 7 (XI T 6 22 23 54 225 54 107 15 103 T 62 136 62 81 20 35 (XI 886 (XI 186 (XI 308 (XI 225 (XI 249 (XI 168 (XI 174 ( XI 244 (XI 198 (XI 184 24 25 3 (X) 49 3 (X) 49 (XI (XI (XI (XI 29 (XI (XI 29 (X) (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (XI (X) 1X1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 27 28 5 154 12 5 154 12 - 8 154 60 8 154 60 - ~ 11 (51 33 22 (SI 38 13 (SI 35 15 (SI T 22 14 193 48 8 136 (SI 7 138 23 8 133 53 6 123 11 14 119 14 29 30 31 125 1 125 1 - _ 79 2 79 2 - - 95 7 93 4 67 2 95 15 93 15 76 13 46 3 47 10 61 13 64 10 32 33 30 254 16 161 30 231 16 161 23 - 28 & 394 17 8 341 28 266 17 & 341 S 128 - 31 319 48 173 26 & 500 31 173 23 295 20 172 20 438 29 202 27 321 (SI 195 38 196 (XI 131 (SI 218 (XI T 102 (XI & 511 (XI T 86 (XI 228 (XI T 93 (XI 258 (XI (SI 34 35 36 37 57 5 57 5 - - 37 (S) 37 (s) - - (XI 5 (XI 3 (XI 9 (XI 3 (XI 8 (XI 7 (XI 10 (XI 6 (XI 5 (X) 7 38 39 T 139 3 3 6 139 3 3 6 - - 155 2 16 127 2 16 28 - (XI (X) (XI 4 (XI (XI (XI 3 (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (XI 12 (XI (XI (XI T 5 (XI (XI (XI 4 40 41 42 43 52 38 24 52 36 24 2 - 35 T 49 51 35 49 43 8 (XI (XI T 15 (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI 18 (XI (XI 14 (XI (X 1 34 (XI (XI 23 (XI (XI 39 (XI (XI 26 (XI (XI 39 (XI (XI 54 44 45 46 247 3 247 3 - (XI 5 (XI 5 (XI (XI (XI T 1 (XI T 6 (XI 4 (XI 11 (XI 13 (XI 4 (XI 8 (XI 3 (XI 8 (XI (SI 47 48 216 & 52 22 211 & 43 22 2 5 7 214 36 24 214 27 24 9 " (XI T 15 27 (XI 22 17 (XI 30 19 (XI 99 34 (XI 110 47 (XI 62 32 (XI 44 18 (XI (SI 14 (XI (SI 13 (X) (SI 11 49 50 51 8 21 8 21 - _ 4 13 4 13 - - T 2 21 (SI 10 1 6 3 18 8 19 2 16 4 7 4 3 7 8 10 13 52 53 123 106 123 106 _ - 103 92 103 92 - _ 120 (XI 64 (XI 71 (XI 89 (XI 97 (XI 71 (XI (SI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI 54 55 516 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units Of more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more VIRGINIA~CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. GREENSVILLE COUNTY EMPORIA TO*N 02 HALIFAX COUNTY 03 HARRISONBURG 01 HENRY COUNTY 05 HIGHLAND COUNTY 06 HOPEWELL 07 ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 08 JAMES CITY COUNTY 09 KING GEORGE COUNTY 10 KING WILLIAM COUNTY LANCASTER COUNTY 11 KILMARNOCK 12 LANCASTER COUNTY REMAINING AREA LEE COUNTY 13 JONESVILLE TOWN 14 PENNINGTON GAP TOWN LOUDOUN COUNTY ' 15 HAMILTON TOWN 16 HILLSBORO TOWN 17 LEESBURG TOWN 18 LOUDOUN COUNTY UNINC. AREA 19 LOVETTSVILLE TOWN 20 MIDDLEBURG TOWN 21 PUkCELLVILLE TOWN 22 ROUND HILL TOWN 23 LOUISA COUNTY 24 LUNENBERG COUNTY 25 MADISON COUNTY 26 MARTINSVILLE 27 MATHEWS COUNTY MECKLENBURG COUNTY 28 MECKLENBURG COUNTY REMAINING AREA 29 SOUTH HILL TOWN MIDDLESEX COUNTY ■ MONTGOMERY COUNTY 31 BLACKSBURG TOWN 32 MONTGOMERY COUNTY REMAINING AREA 33 NANSEMOND COUNTY 34 NELSON COUNTY 35 NEW KENT COUNTY NORTHAMPTON COUNTY ' 36 CAPE CHARLES TOWN 37 EXMORE TOWN 38 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REMAINING AREA 39 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 40 NORTON NOTTOWAY COUNTY ♦ 41 BLACKSTONE TOWN 42 BURKEVILLE TOWN 43 CREWE TOWN 44 NOTTOWAY COUNTY UNINC. AREA 45 ORANGE COUNTY 46 PAGE COUNTY 47 PATRICK COUNTY PETERSBURG + . . . 49 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY 50 POWHATAN COUNTY PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 51 FARMVILLE TOWN 52 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY REMAINING AREA PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY * + PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ** 54 HAYMARKET TOWN 55 MANASSAS TOWN 56 MANASSAS PARK TOWN 57 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY UNINC. AREA 58 OUANTICO TOWN PULASKI COUNTY 59 DUBLIN TOWN 60 PULASKI COUNTY REMAINING AREA RADFORD 62 RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY 63 RICHMOND COUNTY *. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY *' GLASGOW TOWN . . 16 108 146 275 2 148 114 265 56 27 42 202 95 54 43 112 31 116 162 179 31 47 12 1 15 34 46 97 120 225 201 34 1 307 (S) 2 661 108 - 68 78 275 - 2 - 94 32 114 _ 183 20 52 4 27 - 4 . 73 - 9 _ 2 - 36 6 158 4 4 _ 4 . 4 4 95 _ 54 . 43 - 95 8 31 - 63 . 19 8 59 10 132 14 177 2 31 - 47 ~ 3 - 7 - 46 _ 3 - 12 _ I - 15 - 34 - 46 _ 93 4 120 - 147 2 201 34 - 3 . 43 - 1 211 (S) 1 601 163 163 - 106 56 2 320 308 - 5 5 - 159 127 20 99 99 _ 228 228 - 66 66 - 38 22 6 7 7 _ 54 54 " 3 3 _ 1 1 - 398 51 676 424 1 1 7 7 3 3 4 4 86 86 43 43 46 46 208 122 48 48 77 77 20 16 436 T 8 1 449 10 112 315 8 1 038 6 108 327 252 107 63 17 292 193 24 257 257 _ 33 33 - 54 54 ■■ 3 3 _ 1 1 - & 90 20 4 70 51 51 _ (SI (S) " 10 10 _ 2 2 - 8 8 - 36 36 - 71 69 2 92 92 - 60 60 - 250 192 - 275 260 - 37 37 " 6 6 _ 41 41 - 121 399 16 213 42 253 7 230 97 164 77 17 103 440 7 2 128 59 21 129 45 140 T 191 265 35 49 17 2 6 33 47 79 190 145 261 20 1 160 16 213 42 250 7 128 97 164 77 17 53 440 7 2 128 59 21 108 45 43 144 265 35 49 17 2 6 33 37 79 190 139 256 20 913 7 127 54 26 32 85 187 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 517 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964- place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. e See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: -Continued "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 monttis or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-Issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures with units Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wit units — Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units ! 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 3 21 21 15 15 13 22 21 20 31 T 28 (S) 42 37 40 01 138 35 282 6 & 212 138 25 280 6 84 2 2 & 128 8 139 & 133 263 (X) 149 139 31 263 (X) 133 S 102 (X) 16 ( X) (X) 37 272 (XI 88 (X) 23 214 (X ) 93 (XI 59 259 (X) 70 (X) T 66 292 (X) 113 (X ) 89 235 (X ) 236 1X1 58 160 (X) 160 (X) 67 (S) ( X ) 222 ( X 1 66 (XI (XI & 234 1X1 73 (X 1 (X 1 35 ( XI 182 ( XI (XI 57 02 03 04 05 06 105 201 70 40 105 201 70 40 _ - 102 163 56 30 102 163 56 30 - - 126 (X) IX) (X) «, 99 ( XI ( X ) (XI 76 ( XI (X) (X) 82 (XI (X) (X) 63 (X 1 ( X ) (XI 76 (X) (XI (XI (S> ( X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X ) (X ) (X 1 (XI (XI ( X 1 ( X 1 (XI ( XI (XI ( XI 07 08 09 10 (S) 49 (S) 49 - - (S) 64 (S) 64 - - T 7 (X) 8 ( X 1 ,xt 11 (X) 20 (X ) 11 (XI (S) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (XI 11 12 2 14 2 14 - - 3 3 - - T 8 (S) 4 2 7 6 5 4 4 7 11 (SI 7 (SI 7 (S) 5 (SI 8 6 13 14 2 297 95 2 33 95 4 260 3 21 131 2 3 21 131 2 - - T - (X) 15 139 (X) T 1 (XI 14 98 (X ) T 1 (XI 3 134 (XI 3 (X ) 5 136 (X) (XI 4 153 (X) (XI 26 138 (X) (S) (X) 5 107 (XI (X) (X) 9 119 (X) (XI (XI 2 99 (XI (XI (XI 6 T 55 (XI 15 16 17 18 19 (S) 5 2 IS) 5 2 - - 6 11 2 6 9 2 2 - 8 8 4 9 3 4 26 14 20 1 3 15 1 2 3 2 (S) 4 (SI (X) 8 (X) (XI 7 (XI (XI T 12 (XI 20 21 22 121 51 46 91 44 121 51 46 89 44 2 - 86 22 38 890 62 86 22 36 87 62 2 2 - (X) IX) (XI n bb (XI (XI (XI 66 42 (XI (X) (X) 100 25 (X ) (X) (X) 121 53 (XI (X) (X) 170 73 (XI (XI (XI 122 1 (XI (XI (XI 123 (S) (X) (X) (X) 120 (X) (XI (XI (XI 184 (XI 1X1 (XI (XI 214 (XI 23 24 25 26 27 101 6 101 6 _ - 62 (s) 62 (s) - - T 59 (S) 69 (SI 44 (SI 37 (S) (S) (SI (X) 21 (X) 17 (XI 21 (XI 20 (XI 27 28 29 (S) IS) - - - - - T 33 29 29 26 20 T 15 (SI (X ) (XI (XI 30 138 171 45 136 30 35 63 67 161 32 145 30 16 5 (S) (X) 83 (XI 12 (X) 6 (X) 21 (X) 17 (X) 13 (X) 6 (X) 10 ( XI 45 (XI 31 32 202 88 70 202 88 70 ~ - 254 26 59 254 22 59 4 - 189 25 (X) 212 15 (X) 181 4 (XI 202 7 (XI 345 6 (XI 292 3 (X) 250 3 (X) 245 4 (X) 161 4 (XI 138 4 (XI 33 34 35 (X) 31 (X) 31 IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI & 20 (X) (X) 2 (X) (X) 4 (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) 2 (X) (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI 1 (XI (XI 36 37 38 (X) & 59 (X) 9 (X) S 50 (X) (X) 15 (X) 15 (X) (X) (X) 17 (XI 9 (XI 13 (X) 5 (X) 12 (X) (S) (X) 10 (X) (SI (XI (SI (XI (SI 39 40 19 5 12 44 19 5 12 44 - - 15 1 5 19 13 1 5 19 2 - 4 (XI 3 (XI 7 (X) 2 (X) 5 (X) 4 (X) 7 (X) 4 (X) 19 (X) 7 (X) 9 (XI 6 (XI 15 (XI 14 (XI 82 (XI 12 (XI 26 (XI 19 (XI 27 (XI 18 (XI 41 42 43 44 32 84 150 101 293 (S) 32 84 150 97 293 (S) 4 - 17 83 (S) 103 291 (s) 17 83 (S) 95 291 (S) 8 - T 19 (XI (XI 182 245 (5) T 10 (X) (X) 158 212 & 22 17 (X) (X) 238 238 14 (S) (X) (X) 332 312 2 (S) (X) (X) 216 330 (S) 18 (XI (XI 295 258 10 20 (X) (X) 235 390 (S) T 10 (X) (X) 217 400 (X) (S) (XI (XI 198 336 (XI (S) (XI (XI 249 T 439 (X) 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 42 5 42 - _ 6 46 4 46 2 - 8 43 15 45 5 53 13 41 20 37 8 42 21 (S) 21 (XI 19 (XI 18 (X) 51 52 133 133 - - 185 185 - - T 146 & 473 & 127 & 657 & 313 116 155 109 197 504 53 4 53 32 & 1 081 4 34 32 & 1 049 9 8 10 24 28 T 143 1 176 28 143 1 172 4 - T - T 65 (X) 638 49 (XI 211 4 16 (X) 513 4 2 9 (X) (S) 1 24 (XI (SI 2 3 16 (XI (XI 2 (S) 5 (XI (XI (X) 7 9 (X) (X) 4 (XI 13 (XI (XI 3 (XI 29 (XI (X) 9 54 55 56 57 58 (X) 111 IX) 111 (X) (X) (X) 92 IX) 92 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 59 60 63 39 27 63 39 27 ■ - 35 32 21 35 32 21 - ~ 42 17 (X) 21 13 (XI 15 8 (X) 24 11 (X) 32 10 (X) 31 7 (XI 42 (S) (X) 52 (XI (XI 95 (XI (XI 29 (XI (XI 61 62 63 4 4 _ _ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 64 518 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, *'B70 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1980 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 1963 1962 e Total number of housing units Number of housing in structures wi units h- Total number of housing units Number of housin in structures w 5 units th- Total number of ■ housing units Number of housin, in structures w units th- Zj 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 01 VIRGII^IA— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY ** — CON. LEXINGTON TOWN ••..«*•*•..•. 22 94 370 1 50 12 139 16 43 33 79 21 90 160 24 44 30 25 11 32 (S) 66 138 103 8 3 72 28 50 (S) 7 3 2 4 4 37 & 43 50 216 4 36 7 35 26 2 1 23 29 4 22 72 3 238 61 5 31 164 20 94 294 1 50 8 139 16 18 33 79 21 90 160 20 44 30 25 8 16 (S) 66 138 87 6 3 72 20 46 (S) 7 3 2 4 4 37 & 31 46 77 4 28 7 35 22 1 15 19 4 10 48 2 725 18 5 31 164 2 6 4 4 " 3 16 2 8 4 12 4 40 4 2 8 12 32 2 70 25 16 99 8 10 24 481 41 39 90 274 1 2 40 4 T 95 12 19 37 66 69 71 211 16 (SI 27 16 5 15 (S) 44 179 109 15 1 107 62 45 (S) 8 3 10 24 34 177 78 1 55 6 50 111 6 1 32 164 3 43 198 & 5 534 128 (X) 33 212 32 90 251 1 2 40 4 95 12 19 33 66 27 71 163 16 (S) 27 16 5 5 (S) 44 179 81 15 1 107 8 45 (S) 8 3 8 24 30 127 61 1 30 50 99 6 1 28 41 3 24 156 4 722 55 (X) 33 212 2 13 4 6 48 4 2 2 4 7 12 14 4 19 & 231 12 (X) 5 10 36 10 24 52 43 5 11 6 12 123 42 581 61 (X) 27 115 241 1 2 72 4 107 16 20 35 59 33 101 144 14 22 40 22 1 16 (S) 48 160 106 9 1 1 59 85 (S) 7 2 2 (S) 3 24 22 276 3 104 2 64 6 20 126 3 20 51 2 90 236 7 368 120 (X) 45 242 25 115 241 1 2 72 4 107 16 20 35 59 26 101 144 14 22 40 22 1 16 (SI 48 160 79 9 1 1 5 50 (SI 7 2 2 (S) 3 24 22 239 3 66 2 58 6 20 88 3 20 49 2 46 146 6 600 34 (X) 45 235 2 9 3 2 18 6 8 2 26 20 35 11 (X) 7 18 51 33 19 38 30 18 70 733 75 (X) 7 02 03 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY UNII^C. AREA + RUSSELL COUNTY 05 HONAKER TOWN .....•...••... 06 RUSSELL COUNTY 08 SHENANDOAH COUNTY SHENANDOAH COUNTY REMAINING AREA + . . . 10 SMYTH COUNTY * MARION TOWN. .............. 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 SMYTH COUNTY REMAINING AREA SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ♦ + SOUTH BOSTON SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY * + STAUNTON + SUFFOLK SURRY COUNTY * DENDRON TOWN SURRY COUNTY REMAINING AREA SUSSEX COUNTY *. ■ TAZEWELL COUNTY 21 22 CEDAR BLUFF TOWN RICHLANDS TOWN 24 WARREN COUNTY FRONT ROYAL TOWN . 25 WASHINGTON COUNTY *. ... 26 WAYNESBORO -f. 27 WESTMORELAND COUNTY * COLONIAL BEACH TOWN* 28 MONTROSS TOWN 29 WESTMORELAND COUNTY UNINC. AREA 3i WINCHESTER + WISE COUNTY 33 34 35 BIG STONE GAP TOWN COEBURN TOWN POUND TOWN . 36 WISE TOWN 37 38 39 WYTHE COUNTY * RURAL RETREAT TOWN WYTHE COUNTY UNINC. AREA WYTHEVILLE TOWN 40 WASHINGTON PORTLANDi GREG. -WASH. SMSA (SEE OREGON) SEATTLE-EVERETT SMSA KING COUNTY ** 41 42 43 44 BELLEVUE -I- BOTHELL TOWN -t- 45 CARNATION TOWN 46 CLfDE HILL TOWN 47 48 49 50 DES MOINES DUVALL TOWN EAST REDMOND TOWN ENUMCLAW ff 51 HOUGHTON TOWN 4...... 52 53 54 55 56 HUNTS POINT TOWN + ISSAQUAH + KENT + KING COUNTY UNINC. AREA + KIRKLAND + • 57 LAKE FOREST PARK TOWN + 59 MERCER ISLAND + t> RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 519 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ;.■ See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded: for number of public housmg units by place, see table B-? Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Tolal number housing units Number of housing units in sliuctures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Tolal number housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Tolal number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units to 111 (X) 52 142 112 10 (X) 40 HI (X) 52 86 86 13 13 45 45 58 58 67 67 29 29 103 101 135 135 30 30 17 17 55 55 14 14 (X) (X) 11 11 26 26 142 108 (X) (X) 148 146 1 1 62 62 1 1 44 42 2 2 18 18 61 61 3 3 1 1 23 21 58 55 5 5 26 22 149 125 134 4 843 76 60 (X) (X) 14 14 187 187 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (SJ (X) 13 (S) 36 137 - 135 . 32 - 2 - 95 _ 4 - 20 - (X) - 4 - - _ 26 - 40 - 5 - 34 - 103 212 4 550 12 48 (X) (X> (X) (X) (S) 47 47 76 78 82 82 24 24 61 61 138 134 30 30 (X) (X) (S) (S) (X) 13 (S) (X) IX) (X) IXI 33 3 137 - 10 _ 1 - (S) - 26 & 32 70 4 17 - 5 - (X) (X) (X) (X) 1 . 6 - 14 - (X) (X) 132 3 1 - 32 - 2 - 87 8 . 4 20 - (X) (X) 2 2 26 . 29 - 5 - 32 2 95 8 225 22 33 15 (XI (X) 9 - (XI (X) (X) (XI 10 121 24 52 T 121 31 T 8 (X) 17 33 154 (S) 82 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 304 (XI 129 (X) 34 T 65 (X) 50 226 3 & 78 IX) IX) (XI (X) 21 21 41 119 15 42 156 27 (X) (X) T 5 (XI 24 5 21 133 7 6 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 19 177 (XI 229 (XI 26 1 18 (XI 2 (X) 21 T 41 (X) 33 160 5 307 82 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 10 16 38 104 10 68 124 31 (X) (XI (SI (X) 20 4 15 142 17 2 (XI (S) 64 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 21 & 177 (X) 129 (X) 15 1 23 (X) 3 (X) 26 3 532 43 (X) T 96 212 (X) (X) (X) (X) 11 20 55 99 25 68 (S) 23 (XI (XI (XI (XI 20 27 162 17 1 (XI (SI 142 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 23 102 (XI 19 2 20 (XI 1 (X) 21 (S) (X) 3 46 3 517 37 (XI (XI (XI T 107 210 (XI (XI (XI 68 137 35 S, 77 250 32 (X I (XI (X) (X) 35 T 31 26 221 17 3 (XI 23 122 45 (X) 310 (X) 21 (SI (X) 22 31 (X I 5 47 698 79 (X) (X ) (XI 100 168 (XI (X) (X) 42 62 141 24 (SI (SI 50 (X) (XI 27 42 144 21 8 (X) (XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 32 (SI 65 (XI 343 IXI 20 (S) (X)- (XI 10 11 (X) 10 42 5 727 45 (X) (X) (X) 1 21 (S) (X) (XI (X) (XI U 89 33 (SI (SI (XI (X) (X) (X) 33 (S) 29 (SI (X) 40 (SI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 30 34 (X) (SI (XI 13 T 3 (XI (XI 29 (XI 11 19 517 43 (XI (XI (XI 11 (XI (XI (X) (XI 95 24 (S) (XI 43 (XI (XI (X) (X) 31 (XI r 89 (X) (X) (SI (S) 3 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (SI 52 (XI (XI (XI 6 5 (XI (XI 16 T 7 (XI 12 30 845 50 (XI (XI (XI T 3 (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 12 20 11 82 48 (SI (XI 35 (XI (XI (X) (X) 35 (XI 45 100 24 (XI (XI (SI 76 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (S) T& 94 (XI (X) (X) 11 T 5 (XI (X) 23 20 (XI 7 18 429 60 (XI (XI I (XI T 22 (XI (XI (XI (XI 13 (X) 31 95 76 T 65 (X) 63 (XI (XI (XI (XI 42 (XI 61 118 26 (X) (X) (SI (SI 9 (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (SI 58 (X) (X) (X) 10 (SI (X) (X) (S) (XI 15 T 14 (XI T 16 32 4 0481 50 (XI (XI I (XI 520 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-\ for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures wilh- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more WASHINGTON — CON. SEATTLE-EVERETT SMSA — CON. KING COUNTY »* — CON. MERCER ISLAND TO*N » NORMANDY PARK -t- NORTH BEND TOWN PACIFIC TOWN REDMOND TOWN . . . RENTON + SEATTLE + SKYKOMISH TOWN SNOOUALMIE TOWN TUKWILA TOWN YARROW POINT SNOHOMISH COUNTY * ARLINGTON TOWN EDMONDS -I- EVERETT + GOLD BAR TOWN GRANITE FALLS TOWN LYNWOOD MARYSVILLE TOWN MONROE TOWN MOUNTLAKE TERRACE + MUKILTEO TOWN SNOHOMISH SNOHOMISH COUNTY REMAINING AREA STANWOOD TOWN » WOODWAY TOWN SPOKANE SMSA SPOKANE COUNTY ** AIRWAY HEIGHTS TOWN . CHENEY -I- DEER PARK TOWN MEDICAL LAKE TOWN MILLWOOD TOWN SPOKANE + SPOKANE COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . TACOMA SMSA PIERCE COUNTY ** BONNEY LAKE TOWN BUCKLEY TOWN DUPONT TOWN FIFE TOWN FIRCREST TOWN GIG HARBOR TOWN MILTON TOWN ORTING TOWN PIERCE COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS + PUYALLUP * ROY TOWN RUSTON TOWN STEILACOOM TOWN SUMNER TACOMA + WILKESON TOWN PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ADAMS COUNTY ** ADAMS COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . . LIND TOWN OTHELLO + RITZVILLE WASHTUCNA TOWN ASOTIN COUNTY * ASOTIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . . ASOTIN TOWN CLARKSTON BENTON COUNTY * BENTON CITY TOWN BENTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . KENNEWICK + PkOSSER RICHLAND WEST RICHLAND TOWN CHELAN COUNTY * CASHMERE TOWN CHELAN COUNTY UNINC. AREA -f. . . CHELAN TOirN ENTIAT TOWN LEAVENWORTH WENATCHEE -l- 19 12 7 102 123 728 2 30 16 14 288 237 2 2 139 41 10 143 15 25 1 118 8 10 288 482 55 14 1 2 74 11 5 15 2 031 127 34 10 & 507 3 114 54 26 62 4 19 5 7 98 57 626 2 7 16 12 106 157 2' 2 136 8 10 143 11 15 1 067 4 10 219 407 55 14 1 2 62 6 5 7 1 423 87 26 10 & 403 1 101 40 7 38 4 3 200 63 1 902 178 61 287 3 738 11 264 420 5 163 19 13 223 16 31 1 554 6 8 514 316 391 72 22 1 7 82 17 16 9 782 145 2 44 18 869 5 196 72 9 129 4 256 865 4 20 14 11 161 318 5 139 9 9 223 16 17 1 467 201 365 55 6 1 7 78 12 16 9 & 1 379 77 2 38 14 450 5 194 34 9 109 8 & 81 14 1 35 6 385 & 78 48 103 76 325 20 24 11 11 76 & 390 3 635 5 25 T IS) 12 316 169 2 80 15 10 326 10 21 1 854 3 9 441 427 2 369 190 1 31 48 1 122 2 198 84 8 176 5 24 11 11 60 214 906 5 16 (S) 228 133 2 1 32 7 5 326 10 7 1 854 3 9 273 411 38 8 1 4 53 18 13 8 1 843 87 1 11 18 544 2 179 46 8 134 5 & 90 6 & 90 398 86 2 331 226 39 300 64 12 16 548 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 521 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ■'• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: •'-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbe ot housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 nunibei in structures with- number of in structures with- number number ol number of number number number number number number number c 01 ot of of of ol of of ot ^ housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or more units units units unils units units units units units units 2 2 ( X ) (X) (X) (X> (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (X) 01 23 23 _ _ 42 24 18 _ 68 46 43 49 (SI (X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI 02 5 5 . - 7 2 5 - 14 8 1 2 7 3 1 2 2 2 03 5 5 - - 10 10 - - U 33 10 T 24 6 16 8 8 4 1 04 18 18 - - 17 17 - - 29 7 6 & 50 12 11 5 2 5 05 252 115 16 121 123 59 50 14 376 317 138 112 107 164 162 142 26 34 06 2 127 919 198 1 010 1 604 879 177 548 8, 4 613 3 746 & 3 688 2 914 3 380 3 632 2 136 2 548 2 249 3 415 07 (X) (X) (X) IX> (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 08 - _ - . 3 3 _ _ 7 4 (SI (XI (X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 09 9 y - . 11 11 - - 19 28 19 11 15 12 10 6 4 8 10 11 11 - - 6 6 - - (X) ( X ) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) 11 7 7 . . 3 3 . (X) (X ) (X) ( X ) (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 12 208 171 13 24 154 121 7 26 (X) ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X I (XI (XI (X) 13 103 91 - 12 104 68 4 12 137 80 87 102 206 199 192 185 138 S 510 14 1 1 - - 1 1 _ - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI 15 - - - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 16 (X) (X) IX) (X) (X ) (X) ( X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 17 18 6 6 6 31 17 8 6 30 22 19 22 19 24 10 21 24 24 18 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) 19 363 363 - - 321 321 _ - 59 34 7 (X) (X) ( XI (X ) (X ) (X) (X) 20 H 4 - - 6 6 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 21 13 9 4 _ 21 12 9 . 40 13 10 T 13 39 21 9 T 16 T 17 25 22 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 23 1 1 " - 1 1 - - 5 - 4 4 5 7 1 3 7 15 24 8 8 IX) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) { X) 26 23 19 4 - 38 19 2 17 58 38 29 & 56 6 4 7 13 8 22 27 - - - - 5 5 - - 6 3 1 3 5 7 4 3 T 4 T 11 28 10 8 2 - 2 2 - . (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X ) (XI (X) 29 - - " - 6 2 4 - 4 1 3 14 20 9 24 36 38 25 30 528 372 23 133 518 373 55 90 & 748 687 686 844 1 240 2 322 1 603 1 351 1 429 2 435 31 498 474 14 10 584 559 25 865 & 1 363 677 T& 885 S 1 419 1 055 743 S 576 494 611 32 20 20 17 17 (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 3 3 - - 12 10 2 - 11 9 7 10 11 15 3 (XI (XI (XI 34 - - - - - - - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 35 4 4 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 36 52 48 4 - 7 ' - - 41 33 41 36 56 47 47 40 67 70 37 18 16 2 . 12 12 _ . (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X) (X) 38 38 28 10 - 21 19 2 - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 39 2 2 - - 1 1 - - 1 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 40 1 647 1 388 76 183 1 583 1 295 100 188 & 2 501 & 2 606 & 1 189 & 1 719 & 2 365 1 195 735 731 902 1 596 41 101 59 20 22 71 59 4 8 106 80 76 75 70 67 49 46 69 163 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 43 4 4 - - 1 1 - - - 1 - 2 4 - - 1 4 T 3 44 10 8 2 - 12 10 2 - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 45 25 17 2 6 23 13 10 - 37 20 21 23 18 15 17 16 25 35 46 608 444 28 136 546 433 10 103 (S) 403 298 514 623 723 508 582 1 103 1 756 47 1 1 ■ 1 1 (S) (SI (SI 48 2 2 1 20 & 1 2 2 (S) (X) (X) (X) 49 2 2 - - - - - - T - 1 1 - 5 7 (X) (X) (XI (X) 50 7 5 2 - 6 6 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 51 3 3 - - 7 7 - - 5 4 1 11 16 19 15 21 18 18 52 2 2 " ~ (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) 1 X) 53 20 17 3 _ 22 22 . . (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 54 1 1 - - (S) (S> - - (S) 3 - 5 2 (S) 24 S (SI (S) (SI 55 4 2 2 ~ 8 8 - - 15 13 17 43 47 30 22 43 61 109 56 6 6 _ _ 6 6 . . (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 57 165 161 4 - 133 133 _ - 245 152 173 & 195 300 390 3 (X) (XI (X) 58 107 49 22 36 82 56 4 22 98 47 34 50 154 200 146 170 S 366 198 59 7 7 - - 9 9 - . 9 10 2 6 11 20 27 45 T 24 T 28 60 179 140 - 39 84 84 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 61 2 2 ~ * 2 2 - - (X ) IX) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 62 10 8 2 _ 7 7 . 18 6 6 6 7 8 6 10 4 13 63 92 92 - - 65 65 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI ( X I (XI (X) (X) 64 8 8 - - (S) (S) - - (S) T 10 5 9 12 14 (S) (XI (X) (X) 65 - - - - - - - - 1 4 - - - 1 - 2 1 (S) 66 1 1 - - 1 1 . - 2 3 6 2 4 3 1 1 T 1 9 67 34 34 ~ ~ 4 29 & 29 ~ ~ 55 46 53 90 120 100 90 377 208 110 68 522 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability- Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cower the entire land area of the county for 1964. •*97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more WASHINGTON—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. CLALLAM COUNTY * CLALLAM COUNTY UNINC. AREA , . . FORKS TOWN ... PORT ANGELES SEQUIM TOWN COLUMBIA COUNTY COLUMBIA COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . DAYTON COWLITZ COUNTY * CASTLE ROCK TOWN COWLITZ COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . KALAMA TOWN KELSO LONGVIEW + WOODLAND TOWN DOUGLAS COUNTY ** BRIDGEPORT TOWN COULEE DAM TOWN DOUGLAS COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . EAST WENATCHEE TOWN ROCK ISLAND TOWN *ATERVILLE TOWN FERRY COUNTY * FERRY COUNTY UNINC. AREA .... REPUBLIC TOWN FRANKLIN COUNTY ♦ CONNELL TOWN FRANKLIN COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . KAHLOTUS TOWN MESA TOWN PASCO + GARFIELD COUNTY * GARFIELD COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . POMEROY GRANT COUNTY COULEE CITY TOWN ELECTRIC CITY EPHRATA GRAND COULEE GRANT COUNTY UNINC. AREA + . . . MOSES LAKE + QUINCY TOWN SOAP LAKE WARDEN TOWN WILSON CREEK TOWN. ...'... GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY * + ISLAND COUNTY * COUPEVILLE TOWN ISLAND COUNTY UNINC. AREA +, . . LANGLEY TOWN OAK HARBOR TOWN + JEFFERSON COUNTY * JEFFERSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . PORT TOWNSEND KITSAP COUNTY * BREMERTON + KITSAP COUNTY UNINC. AREA +. . . PORT ORCHARD TOWN POULSBO TOWN WINSLOW TOWN KITTITAS COUNTY CLE ELUM ELLENSBURG + KITTITAS COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . KITTITAS TOWN KLICKITAT COUNTY * BINGEN TOWN GOLDENDALE KLICKITAT COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . WHITE SALMON TOWN LEWIS COUNTY ** CENTRALIA CHEHALIS LEWIS COUNTY UNINC. AREA . . . . MORTON TOWN MOSSYROCK TOWN NAPAVINE TOWN WINLOCK TOWN LINCOLN COUNTY * DAVENPORT LINCOLN COUNTY REMAINING AREA. . 67 6 113 30 1 180 10 & 121 126 14 & 69 6 & 13 2 12 1 210 1 21 & 30 26 an & 642 25 10 20 2 120 63 59 6 16 2 1 . 7 ■ 1 178 2 2 8 39 & 82 90 22 12 2 _ 3 - 53 - & 6 1 225 1 201 1 19 & 30 26 43 510 22 8 13 & 20 9 12 12 2 2 16 13 7 7 & 112 104 14 6 1 1 67 & 12 8 125 54 133 6 2 116 1 3 3 & 38 1 1 2 110 1 & 201 - 1 1 7 213 190 - 3 3 - 62 30 _ 33 33 - 23 23 39 106 34 120 453 437 - 27 15 - 11 11 7 22 6 . & 1 & 1 84 18 18 35 29 21 10 10 & 18 & 16 2 2 33 13 12 10 & 156 144 3 3 4 4 1 107 3 39 133 17 6 104 2 1 136 90 5 1 & 14 1 187 10 7 127 1 107 3 35 76 17 1 3 & 50 2 1 2 1 110 44 5 1 2 1 - 1 1 5 185 185 _ 3 3 24 38 32 . 13 13 - 17 17 66 102 38 16 437 425 12 14 14 . 4 4 16 15 15 . ^ _ - & 69 19 - 25 25 10 5 122 4 3 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 523 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-11, B-12, and B-I3. « See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see fable B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 Total numbei housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1960 Total numbei of housing units Number of housing units in siructuies with— 1 unil 2-4 unils 5 units or more 1959 Total number housing unils 1958 Total number of housing units 1957 Total numbei of housing units 1956 Total number of housing units 1955 Total numbei of housing units 1954 Total numbei of housing unils 1953 Total numbei of housing units 1952 Total numbei of housing units 1951 Total numbei of housing units 1950 Total numbei of housing units 1 105 3 98 (X) 1 3 20 1 T 113 76 2 IBS 160 2 26 51 309 37 i 3 21 12 1 103 3 82 (X) 16 (XI (XI 16 1 - 3 - 18 2 1 - 107 6 68 8 6 2 _ * 4 - 2 - 169 8 . _ 160 - 2 - 20 6 13 _ 10 ■ 25 . 303 - 9 - 3 2 11 ■ 3 _ 17 1« 11 3 36 36 2 2 26 26 13 9 3 3 73 73 3 3 22 22 86 79 12 12 7 (S) 1 30 (X) 3 (XI 2 5 167 3 34 17 236 3 5 15 15 (X) 7 (S) 1 30 (X) 3 (X) 2 5 179 3 32 17 224 3 3 13 13 IXl (X) 3 (X) 44 31 & 56 2 2 (X) (X) 2 2 (X) T - 19 124 5 (X) IX) 74 (X) (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) (X) (X) 127 (X) (X) (X) (X) 6 (X) 107 76 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) T 186 IX) T 86 63 284 12 2 65 (X) (X) 11 (X) 3 13 15 IX) 9 1 (XI (X) 5 (X) (X) 9 (X) 13 31 112 2 (X) (X) 112 (X) (X) IX) (X) 2 (X) (X) (X) 68 (X) (XI & 18 (X) 340 35 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 259 (X) 164 (X) 24 58 267 3 10 (X) 14 (XI (SI (XI 22 (XI (XI 3 5 IX) (XI 16 IX) (X) 3 1 (X) 1 23 67 7 (XI (XI 109 (XI (X) 1 (X) (XI 2 (XI (XI (X) 55 (X) (XI (XI txi 16 (XI 200 55 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 221 (XI 86 (XI 38 34 231 3 11 (X) 1 27 (X) (XI 1 (XI 15 10 (XI 3 1 (XI (XI (XI 5 15 100 2 (X) (X) 208 (XI (XI 1 (X) (X) 9 (XI (XI (XI 64 (X) (XI (XI (XI 48 (XI 177 173 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 125 (XI 55 (XI 11 46 249 6 (XI 19 (XI (XI 7 (XI 19 16 (XI 11 7 (X) (X) 2 (X) (XI 10 2 (XI 5 33 154 (X) (X) 173 (X) (XI 10 (XI (X) 10 (X) (XI (X I 206 (XI (X) (X) (X) 134 (X) 414 359 (X I (XI (X I (XI 175 (X) 87 (X) 56 (X) 9 56 331 6 13 (X) 1 22 (XI (XI 15 (XI 5 35 33 (X) 3 (XI (X) (X) 6 57 3 (X) 10 23 141 (XI (XI 142 IX) (X) 2 (SI (XI (XI (X) 359 (X) (XI (XI (XI 228 (XI 486 586 (X) (X) (X) (X) 166 (XI 131 (XI 47 (XI 3 98 356 T 10 10 (XI 1 9 (XI 2 (XI 18 (XI 45 15 (XI 5 1 (XI (XI 5 (XI (X) (SI 69 3 (X) i 82 169 (X) (X) (SI (XI (XI 5 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 176 (XI (XI (XI (XI 131 (XI (SI 224 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (S) (X) 35 (X) T 6 49 (SI 9 (X) (XI 13 (X) 19 29 15 (XI 13 3 (XI (XI 6 (X) IX ) (X) 111 13 IX) 14 (S) (X) S 34 43 208 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI 2 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 192 (XI (XI (XI (XI 86 (XI (XI 268 (X) (XI (XI (XI 177 (XI 62 (X) T 52 774 (XI 7 (XI 2 (XI 15 (XI 29 46 17 (X) 15 3 (X) (X) 5 (XI (XI 132 (S) (X) 30 351 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 2 (XI IXI (X) (XI 176 (XI (XI (XI (X) 71 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (SI 148 (X) 7 12 (X) (X) 1 (X) 4 53 39 (XI 5 (XI (XI T 7 (X) (X) (X) 121 8 (X) 24 (S) (X) 16 45 313 (S) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 3 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 305 (XI (XI (XI (X) 280 (X) (X) & 366 (XI (XI (XI (X) T 148 (XI (XI (XI 43 (XI (SI 73 (XI 2 127 (X) (SI (XI 14 (X) 5 (XI 5 1 14 (XI 524 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-I for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 WASHINGTON—CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S— CON. LINCOLN COUNTY ♦—CON. ODESSA TOWN WILBUR TOWN I^ASON COUNTY * MASON COUNTY UNINC. AREA + SHELTON OKANOGAN COUNTY ** BREWSTER TOWN COULEE DAr^ ELMER CITY TOWN NESPELEM TOWN OKANOGAN OKANOGAN COUNTY UNINC. AREA OMAK OROVILLE TOWN PATEROS TOWN TONASKET TOWN PACIFIC COUNTY * ILWACO TOWN LONG BEACH TOWN PACIFIC COUNTY UNINC. AREA RAYMOND SOUTH BEND PEND OREILLE COUNTY lONE TOWN METALINE TOWN METALINE FALLS TOWN NEWPORT TOWN PEND OREILLE COUNTY UNINC. AREA. . . SAN JUAN COUNTY * + SKAGIT COUNTY *♦ ANACORTES BURLINGTON CONCRETE TOWN MOUNT VERNON SEDRO-WOOLLEY SKAGIT COUNTY UNINC. AREA STEVENS COUNTY ** CHEWELAH COLVILLE KETTLE FALLS TOWN NORTHPORT SPRINGDALE TOWN STEVENS COUNTY UNINC. AREA THURSTON COUNTY * OLYMPIA -f TENINO TOWN THURSTON COUNTY REMAINING AREA + . , TUMWATER TOWN YELM TOWN WAHKIAKUM COUNTY * WALLA WALLA COUNTY COLLEGE PLACE + PRESCOTT TOWN WAITSBURG WALLA WALLA + ..ALLA . (S) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (X) ( XI ( XI ( X 1 (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (X 1 (SI (X 1 (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (Xl (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 03 04 05 06 07 08 (S) (S) - - (SI (S) - - 7 10 4 7 2 1 - - 10 13 09 8 8 - - 14 14 - - T 7 T 17 10 25 16 9 9 T 4 T 6 (SI 10 2 17 2 11 - 6 1 14 T - 1 10 4 - 4 1 16 (X) (X ) 7 (X) (X) 4 2 (X) (XI 4 6 ( X 1 (XI 2 4 16 (XI (X 1 7 10 (X) (XI 2 (SI 20 (XI (XI 2 (XI 25 (XI (XI 3 (XI 22 (XI (XI (SI (XI 33 (XI (XI 11 12 13 14 15 8 18 2 16 2 6 2 2 8 2 2 8 - ~ (X) (X) u (X) (X) (X) (X) (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (X 1 (SI (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI 8 (XI (XI 7 (XI (XI 10 (XI (XI 14 16 17 18 20 20 - - 2 2 - - (X) 7 (XI 6 (X) 11 ( X 1 7 (XI 10 (XI (SI (XI 22 (X 1 (SI (XI (SI ( XI (SI 19 20 3 3 - - 3 3 - - 4 (X) 1 (X) 6 (XI 2 (XI 15 (XI 12 (XI 6 (XI 4 (XI 1 (XI 8 (XI 21 22 25 23 1 25 23 1 - - (XI 24 19 2 (X) 24 19 2 (X) (X) (X) 35 29 1 T - (X) 43 T 27 1 (S) (XI 47 31 1 1 (XI 41 T 44 (XI 54 81 (SI (XI 56 57 1 (XI 35 58 (SI (XI 39 85 (XI 3 (XI 58 101 (XI 1 (XI 52 149 (XI 23 24 25 26 27 2 2 15 6 2 2 2 15 6 2 - - 2 1 3 4 (X) 2 1 3 4 (X) - (X) (X) (XI 2 3 6 (X) (X) 2 3 8 (X) (XI 2 T 8 8 (XI ( XI 2 (SI 8 (XI (XI 2 (SI 9 (XI (XI (S) (SI 7 (XI (XI 7 (SI (XI (XI 1 T 8 (XI (XI (XI T 1 8 (XI (XI (XI 2 14 (XI (XI 28 29 30 31 32 «7 47 - - 57 T 43 57 41 2 - 91 (X) 149 (X) 96 (XI 173 (XI 34 (XI 2 (XI 1 (XI 1 (X) 3 (XI 5 (XI 33 34 3 4 7 3 4 7 ; - 5 (S) 9 5 (S) 9 - - 1 (S) 7 3 (S) 9 4 (S) 8 2 (SI 21 T 11 (SI 23 (SI 13 1 17 (SI T 27 T - 22 (SI T 8 14 (SI 16 T - 11 T 3 T 8 17 35 36 37 38 - - - - T 5 5 - - (X) I (X) 1 (X) 3 (XI (XI (XI (SI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 39 40 2 2 - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 41 (X) 1 (X) (XI (X) 1 (X) (X) 1 (X> (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) 1 (X) (X) 4 (X) ( X ) 5 (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI 2 (XI (XI 2 (X) (XI (SI (XI (X) (SI (XI (XI T 2 (X 1 (X 1 2 (XI (XI 42 43 44 (s) 1 (s) - (S) (5) - _ (X) (X) (XI (X) txi 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI 2 (XI 4 (X) T 1 (XI T 2 (XI (SI (XI 4 (XI 1 (XI (X 1 T - ( X 1 2 (XI T 1 ( XI 45 46 47 48 57 1 5 1 57 - 66 28 1 66 1 - 28 73 3 T 2 70 1 3 3 79 2 10 3 96 2 3 1 1 106 1 5 2 2 128 1 1 T 3 75 (SI 4 (S) (SI 83 (XI 14 (XI (XI 14^ (XI 8 (XI (XI 184 (XI T 1 3 (XI (XI 49 50 51 52 53 54 12 24 12 24 ~ - 3 1 16 43 3 1 16 43 - - (X) (X) 16 57 (X) (X) 6 48 (X) (X) 2 32 (XI (XI 3 26 (XI (XI 4 52 (XI (XI T 2 T 34 (X) (XI (SI (SI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (X) (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI 55 56 57 58 4 12 2 12 2 : & 24 19 19 & 24 - (S) 32 42 5 38 & 24 T 40 4 63 4 38 6 61 95 (SI 96 (SI 158 59 60 530 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented m table B-4 differ from Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized this table conforms to the the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing coverage is extended bacl< places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county to 1964 are shown in table for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i-This the sum of the figures for Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with- 2-4 5 units units or more 03 OH 05 06 07 08 42 43 WEST VIRGINIA— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE St^SA'S — CON. MERCER COUNTY — CON. MATOAKA TOWN . . PRINCETON. . . . MINERAL COUNTY *♦ KEYSER MINERAL COUNTY UNINC. PIEDMONT RIDGELEY TOWN. . . . MINGO COUNTY DELBARTON TOWN WILLIAMSON . . MONONGALIA COUNTY BLACKSVILLE TOWN GRANVILLE TOWN . MORGANTOWN . . . STAR CITY TOWN . WESTOVER .... MONROE COUNTY PETERSTOWN TOWN. MORGAN COUNTY BATH TOWN. . . . PAW PAW TOWN . . NICHOLAS COUNTY RICHWOOD SUMMERSVILLE TOWN. PLEASANTS COUNTY BELMONT. . . . ST MARYS . . . POCAHONTAS COUNTY MARLINTON TOWN . PRESTON COUNTY ALBRIGHT TOWN. . KINGWOOD TOWN. . MASONTOWN. . . . NEWBURG TOWN . . REEDSVILLE TOWN. ROWLESBURG TOWN. TERRA ALTA TOWN. TUNNELTON TOWN . PUTNAM COUNTY HURRICANE TOWN . . . PUTNAM COUNTY UNINC. RALEIGH COUNTY BECKLEY -I-. . . LESTER TOWN. . MABSCOTT TOWN. RHODELL TOWN . SOPHIA TOWN. . RANDOLPH COUNTY ELKINS HARMAN TOWN. . . MILL CREEK TOWN. RITCHIE COUNTY HARRISVILLE TOWN PENNSBORO TOWN . ROANE COUNTY REEDY. . . SPENCER. . SUMMERS COUNTY HINTON . . . TAYLOR COUNTY FLEMINGTON TOWN. TUCKER COUNTY HAMBLETON TOWN . PARSONS THOMAS TOWN. . . TYLER COUNTY FRIENDLY TOWN. UPSHUR COUNTY BUCKHANNON . WEBSTER COUNTY ADDISON TOWN . . CAMDEN-ON-GAULEY- WETZEL COUNTY HUNDRED TOWN . . NEW MARTINSVILLE 126 H 13 19 19 74 74 2 2 1 1 & 72 9 40 9 47 ei & 32 & 41 8 12 17 17 1 1 4 4 5 5 2 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 531 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place Is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and 8-13. ,» See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total number of housing units Number in stf of housing units uctuies wilh- Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 more 1 unit 2^4 units 5 units or more '3 18 18 - - 11 11 _ - (X) T 23 (XI 21 (XI T 24 ( X 1 16 (XI IX 1 IX 1 1 XI (XI IXI I X 1 IXI (XI (XI (XI (XI 01 02 16 (X) 4 14 (X) 2 2 IX) 2 (X 1 13 IX 1 2 5 13 (XI 2 5 (XI (XI 15 (XI T - 11 (XI 19 (X) 13 (SI 2 (XI 1 (SI 3 5 (X 1 (SI 7 1X1 4 IXI 3 6 IXI 6 (XI 9 (XI 03 04 05 06 4 4 - - (X 1 7 (XI 7 IX) (X) IX) 7 IX 1 14 ( XI 13 IXI 19 1X1 18 IXI T 6 IXI (S) IXI 18 (XI 21 (XI 27 07 08 39 7 10 39 7 10 - - 1 & 320 13 11 1 56 13 11 - & 264 (XI T - 48 20 U 1X1 1 49 5 8 (XI 3 54 4 21 IXI 2 80 T 6 23 IX 1 6 97 5 34 1X1 1 50 1 49 IXI ISI 45 4 IXI IX 1 IXI 83 T 4 IXI 1X1 1X1 85 3 IXI 1X1 1X1 175 13 1X1 09 10 11 12 13 6 6 - - - - - - (XI IXI (XI (XI (XI 1X1 IXI IXI 1X1 IXI 14 4 2 4 2 - 4 1 4 1 - - 1 (SI 5 1 1 4 2 5 3 4 1 4 2 2 5 15 16 1 9 1 9 - - 6 14 6 14 - - 3 T 8 2 12 9 18 9 12 7 10 4 6 2 (S) 10 (XI 13 (XI T 24 (XI 17 18 6 4 6 4 - - (S) 4 (S) 4 - - 5 7 2 3 10 7 (SI 19 1X1 21 IXI 9 (X 1 11 1X1 17 IXI 46 19 20 3 3 - - 4 4 - - ISI 10 1 2 - 4 2 2 3 8 21 9 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 18 4 4 5 5 3 5 3 8 12 7 9 29 28 18 19 20 20 _ - 27 27 _ - 14 27 23 T 22 19 (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 20 19 19 - - 19 19 _ - (S) (SI 7 11 14 3 7 7 8 17 21 21 21 - - 20 20 - - 16 8 13 37 6 9 11 20 12 24 22 17 17 16 16 12 8 16 20 13 15 12 11 15 31 23 _ _ 2 2 « . 9 4 7 - 1 - - T - T 3 24 _ . _ _ (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 25 10 10 - . 17 17 _ . T 29 (SI (S) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 26 30 30 - - 43 43 - - 64 45 56 42 43 30 32 50 71 59 27 3 3 . . 5 5 . _ T 6 6 1 _ 4 3 5 3 8 12 28 - _ (5) (s) - - (S) (SI (SI 24 T 24 29 (SI (XI (XI (XI 29 1 1 « _ _ _ (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 30 - - - - - - T - - - - - - - 6 10 8 31 (X) tX) tX) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 32 3 3 - _ 5 5 _ _ (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 33 _ _ _ _ 3 3 _ - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 34 1 1 . _ 1 1 _ _ T 1 _ - T - 3 - - 2 - - 35 5 5 - - 4 4 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI 36 2 2 _ . 4 4 . _ 6 2 9 6 3 1 7 - - - 37 6 6 _ _ 12 12 _ - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 38 5 5 „ _ 7 7 _ _ T 5 13 - 2 - 1 2 - T 1 5 39 1 1 - - 6 6 - - (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 40 2 2 1 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) 41 2 2 - . 1 1 . - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X> (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 43 15 12 3 _ 7 7 _ _ T 4 11 11 13 15 14 8 9 14 15 44 (X) (X) (X) (X) ( X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI txi (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 45 (S) (S) . . . _ _ _ (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 46 8 6 2 . 4 4 _ _ 4 2 6 7 4 3 3 3 3 4 47 15 15 • . 7 7 _ - (XI (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 48 21 21 _ . 21 21 _ - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 49 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 50 (S) (S) _ _ 1 1 _ _ T 4 (SI 3 6 2 6 (SI T 12 15 8 51 - - - 3 3 - - 1 - 1 ■ ~ 2 ~ ~ ■ T - 52 2 2 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 53 15 15 - - 25 25 - - (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 54 60 53 7 50 50 61 54 45 62 89 64 65 64 60 102 55 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI 56 51 51 _ . 29 29 _ . (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 57 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 58 2 2 - - 3 3 - - (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 59 6 6 _ _ 25 25 _ _ 14 8 11 12 12 5 20 10 24 28 60 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X) (XI (XI (XI (XI 61 « _ « _ 2 2 _ _ (XI (XI (XI ( XI (XI (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (XI 62 2 2 _ _ 3 3 _ . (XI (XI (XI ( X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 63 - - - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI 64 538 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change m dehnilion, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown \n this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical lishng by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structuies with- I unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number ol housing units Number of housing units in stiuctures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housing umts Number of housing units in structures wilh- 2-4 5 units units or more WISCONSIN— CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. DODGE COUNTY — CON. MAYVILLE NEOSHO VILLAGE RANDOLPH VILLAGE RUBICON TOWN THERESA VILLAGE WAUPUN DOOR COUNTY EPHRAIM VILLAGE SISTER BAY VILLAGE STURGEON BAY DUNN COUNTY BOYCEVILLE VILLAGE COLFAX VILLAGE KNAPP VILLAGE MENOMONIE RIDGELAND VILLAGE WHEELER VILLAGE EAU CLAIRE COUNTY ALTOONA AUGUSTA BRIDGE CREEK TOWN BRUNSWICK TOWN CLEAR CREEK TOWN EAU CLAIRE + FAIRCHILD VILLAGE FALL CREEK VILLAGE LINCOLN TOWNSHIP PLEASANT VALLEY TOWNSHIP .... SEYMOUR TOWN UNION TOWN WASHINGTON TOWN FOND DU LAC COUNTY BRANDON VILLAGE CAMPBELLSPORT VILLAGE EDEN VILLAGE EMPIRE TOWN FOND DU LAC + FOND DU LAC TOWN FRIENDSHIP TOWN NORTH FOND DU LAC VILLAGE. . . . OAKFIELD TOWN OAKFIELD VILLAGE RIPON -I- FOREST COUNTY CRANDON WABENO TOWN GRANT COUNTY BL00MIN6T0N VILLAGE BLUE RIVER VILLAGE BOSCOBEL CASSVILLE VILLAGE CUBA CITY DICKEYVILLE VILLAGE FENNIMORE FENNIMORE TOWN LANCASTER PLATTEVILLE GREEN COUNTY 6R0DHEAD MONROE NEW GLARUS VILLAGE GREEN LAKE COUNTY BERLIN GREEN .LAKE VILLAGE MARKESAN IOWA COUNTY BARNEVELD VILLAGE DODGEVILLE HOLLANDALE VILLAGE MINERAL POINT IRON COUNTY HURLEY JACKSON COUNTY BLACK RIVER FALLS BROCKWAY TOWN MELROSE VILLAGE JEFFERSON COUNTY ♦* FORT ATKINSON JEFFERSON JEFFERSON COUNTYt UNINC. AREA +. 159 1 1 1 3 10 17 44 1 2 (S) 2 144 15 6 8 1 1 11 22 1 2 4 2 25 125 1 1 1 3 10 17 32 1 2 (S) 2 70 15 6 8 1 1 11 10 7 7 7 9 9 4 4 8 8 5 5 4 4 48 30 5 5 27 25 2 2 16 16 5 5 17 17 3 3 11 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 17 1 1 2 2 11 11 2 2 - - 2 2 2 2 114 109 2 2 - - 2 2 5 5 11 11 46 30 4 4 9 9 141 77 23 23 5 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 19 19 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 5 5 7 7 4 4 2 2 3 3 4 4 10 10 28 28 2 2 26 24 4 4 12 12 11 3 9 9 2 2 12 10 1 1 4 4 1 1 6 6 12 12 T 38 16 3 3 3 3 1 1 7 7 72 64 22 22 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 19 19 1 1 6 6 5 5 45 31 5 5 27 23 3 3 9 9 3 3 8 8 3 3 13 13 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 539 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected petmit-issuing places whicti constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13, •• See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Totol nuiiibei housing units 20 2 2 (XI 1 14 25 5 1 2 146 3 (X) 1 2 IXI Numbei ol housing units in stiucluies with- 1 unit 20 2 2 (X) 1 11 6 6 10 10 25 23 1 1 6 6 2 2 3 3 72 72 3 (X) 1 2 (X) 2 2 3 3 7 7 (S) (S) 5 5 (X) ( X) It It 36 zn 35 27 6 6 17 17 11 11 6 6 2-4 units 5 units or more Total numbei of housing units (X) 12 18 18 2 2 4 a X ) (X) 3 3 16 16 3 3 12 12 1 5 14 3 1 (X) (X) 12 30 Number of housing units in stiucluies with— 1 unit (X) (X> (X) (X) 101 101 2 2 (X) (X) (X) (X) 5 5 (XI (X) 17 17 U, 4 7 7 2 2 (X) (X) 84 84 7 7 (X) (X) 2 2 33 25 (X) 1 5 14 3 (X) (X) 10 30 2-4 units (X) (X) 2 11 - 1 - 17 11 20 - 72 2 5 units or more (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 10 (X ) (X) (X ) (X) r 21 3 (X) (XI 30 (XI T - IS) (X) IX) (X) (X) 10 (X) (X) 23 (X) 41 (X) T 5 (X) (X) 131 (X) (X) 5 (X) (X) 53 2 (X) (X) (S) (X) (X) (S) 24 T 5 39 14 13 (X) (X) 19 (X) 9 (XI T 1 (XI 86 Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei ol housing units Total numbei ol housing units 12 (X I (XI (XI (X) (S) (S) 15 (XI (XI 27 (XI 16 (SI (XI (XI (X) 163 (XI 9 (XI (XI 22 (XI (XI 3 (X) (X) 114 (X) (X) 3 (XI (XI 28 1 (XI 7 (X) (S) r 10 (XI (XI 20 42 14 6 (X) (X) 13 (XI 3 43 1X1 20 (X) (XI (XI (XI (SI 2 (S) 30 (X) (X) 22 ( XI 16 1 (XI (XI (XI 174 (X) 2 (XI (XI 15 (XI 35 (XI 3 (XI (XI 118 (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) 23 3 {XI 5 (XI 9 (X) (XI 17 29 11 5 (XI (XI 17 (X) (XI (SI 47 (XI 128 17 (X) (X) (X) (X) 42 6 (X) (X) 17 (X) 5 T 6 (X) (XI (XI IE (X) (X) 10 (X) 30 (XI 7 (XI (XI 99 (XI (XI 12 (Xl (XI 37 (XI T 2 4 (X) (S) (XI (XI 21 13 (X) 46 25 5 (X) (X) 15 (XI 8 24 (X) (S) (X) 68 24 (X) (X) (X) (X) 41 1 (X) (XI 22 (X) (X) (X) (X) 220 (XI 8 (XI (XI (XI 31 (X) 10 (X) (X) 161 (X) (X) 15 (XI (XI 43 (XI 2 3 (X) 13 8 (X I 19 (X) 4 15 (X) (X) 66 20 (XI (XI (XI (XI T 21 6 (XI (X) 19 (XI T 7 T 6 (XI (XI (XI 213 (X) 5 (X) (X) 12 (X) 38 (XI 9 (XI (XI 183 (XI (XI 20 (X) (XI 36 3 (X) (X) (S) 5 (X) (S) T - (XI (XI 20 19 (XI 50 9 5 2 (XI (XI 19 (XI 21 (XI 83 (XI 42 (S) (X) (X) (X) (X) 35 (X) (X) 20 (XI (XI (XI (XI 167 (XI 2 (X) (X) (S) (XI (SI (XI 3 (XI (XI 181 (XI (XI 16 (XI (XI 38 (SI (XI (XI 6 (XI (XI (X) 30 9 14 1 (X) (X) 17 (X) 5 5 (X) 28 (XI (SI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI 32 (S) 3 21 (X) (XI T 10 (XI 1 (S) (S) (X) (X) (X) 193 (X) 6 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) 243 (XI (XI 18 (XI (XI 25 (XI (XI (XI T - (X) 26 5 T 8 (XI (XI 12 (X) 5 T 5 (X) T 1 56 (XI (XI (XI (X) 53 (SI 5 28 2 (X) (X) I 76 (X) (SI 2 (XI (XI (XI 230 (XI 1 (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI T 3 (XI (XI 170 (X) (X) 11 (X) (X) 35 (XI (SI 7 (XI T 2 T - (X) 12 (S) (X) (X) 22 (SI (XI 2 41 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 59 (S) 5 31 5 (XI (XI 27 (XI 20 2 (X) (X) (X) 398 (X) 4 (XI (X) (XI (XI T 12 (X) (X) 203 (XI (XI (SI (XI (XI 37 (XI (XI (XI (SI 14 (X) 5 (X) (XI 16 12 (XI 70 (S) T 30 (SI (XI (X) 24 (XI T 2 25 (XI 540 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6.-lndividual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964 The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B^. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover tfie entire land area of the county for 1964. **97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -t-Jhls Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA. outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total nunibei of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more INISCONSIN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. JEFFERSON COUNTY ♦* — CON. JOHNSON CREEK VILLAGE LAKE MILLS SULLIVAN VILLAGE WATERLOO VILLAGE INATERTOWN + JUNEAU COUNTY CAMP DOUGLAS VILLAGE HUSTLER VILLAGE LYNDON STATION VILLAGE MAUSTON NECEDAH VILLAGE NEW LISBON KEWAUNEE COUNTY AHNAPEE TOWN ALGOMA CASCO VILLAGE FRANKLIN TOWN KEWAUNEE LINCOLN TOWN LUXEMBURG TOWN LUXEMBURG VILLAGE MONTPELIER TOWN PIERCE TOWN RED RIVER TOWNSHIP WEST KEWAUNEE TOWN LACROSSE COUNTY ** HOLMEN VILLAGE LACROSSE -I- LACROSSE COUNTYi UNINC. AREA -I- • ONALASKA WEST SALEM VILLAGE LAFAYETTE COUNTY BLANCHARDVILLE VILLAGE DARLINGTON LANGLADE COUNTY ANTIGO LINCOLN COUNTY MERRILL TOMAHAWK MANITOWOC COUNTY CATO TOWN CLEVELAND VILLAGE KIEL MANITOiiVOC + REEDSVILLE VILLAGE ST NAZIANZ VILLAGE TWO RIVERS + VALDERS VILLAGE MARATHON COUNTY ATHENS VILLAGE EASTON TOWN EDGAR VILLAGE HALSEY TOWNSHIP. ... HULL TOWN KRONENWETTER TOWN MCMILLAN TOWN MAINE TOWN MOSINEE MOSINEE TOWN RIB MOUNTAIN TOWN ROTHSCHILD VILLAGE SCHOFIELD SPENCER TOWN SPENCER VILLAGE STETTIN TOWN -f STRATFORD VILLAGE TEXAS TOWN UNITY VILLAGE WAUSAU -I- WAUSAU TOWN MARINETTE COUNTY COLEMAN VILLAGE MARINETTE NIAGARA VILLAGE PESHTIGO PESHTIGO TOWN STEPHENSON TOWN WAUSAUKEE VILLAGE 6 125 137 30 t 13 155 (S) 1 _ 3 - 1 _ 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 _ 2 - 6 . 104 22 131 6 30 - 4 ■ 3 . 2 - 13 87 (S) 13 11 15 15 6 6 24 24 22 22 10 6 4 4 7 5 31 31 3 3 4 4 1 1 77 63 13 13 5 5 23 19 14 14 6 6 6 6 12 12 2 2 7 195 124 29 5 7 - 99 20 114 10 29 - 5 - 1 . 5 - 13 13 11 11 1 1 3 3 14 14 117 85 6 6 4 4 41 41 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 9 9 5 5 15 15 21 19 3 3 29 23 5 5 3 3 5 5 3 3 21 21 2 2 3 3 - - 137 67 4 4 2 2 11 11 12 12 1 1 9 9 12 12 1 1 2 8 T 39 5 129 107 27 24 22 4 4 6 _ 2 2 9 9 78 74 7 7 3 3 51 51 6 6 3 3 15 11 3 3 3 101 105 25 6 6 20 20 - - 21 21 19 19 4 4 4 4 6 6 24 24 7 7 7 7 - - 65 65 9 7 2 2 11 11 15 15 6 8 5 5 15 15 1 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 541 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place IS on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places wliich constitute ttie source lor tlie statistics stiown monttily in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. p See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public tiousing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7. Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number ol housing nits Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total s H number in stiuctures with _ number in structures witf _ number number number number numbei numbei number number number number c ol of of of of of of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing tiousing housing housing housing housing housing Jj units units 01 more units units 01 nioie units units units units units units units units units units 2 2 1 X 1 IX) (X) { X ) IX ) 1 X ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 01 12 12 - - 7 7 - - 12 6 IS) 1 X ) IX) 1 X) IX) IXI IX) IX) 02 1 1 _ _ . _ . _ IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX ) IX) 1 X) IX ) IX) IX) 03 7 7 - _ 6 6 _ - IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 04 37 37 - - 46 46 - - 77 71 IS) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 05 1 1 1 1 IX) (X) 1 X) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 06 _ _ _ _ IX) IX) (X) (X) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 07 2 2 - _ _ . _ - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 08 4 4 - - 5 5 _ _ 19 T 4 T 4 7 12 IS) IS) IX) IX) IX) 09 _ _ . . _ . _ _ . - 2 2 - 6 - 3 3 - 10 6 6 - - 1 1 - - 3 4 4 6 9 1 IS) IX) IX) IX) 11 . (X) (X) 1 X) IX) IXI IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) 1X1 IX ) IX ) 1 X) 12 15 15 - _ 12 12 _ - U 13 22 26 32 26 21 13 T 20 30 13 1 1 . . _ _ _ . IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 14 - - (X) (X) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 15 8 8 - - B 8 - - 14 11 13 15 IS) IS) IS) 8 IS) 10 16 (s) (s) - _ (S) (S) _ _ 4 5 7 9 7 5 IS) IX) IX) 1 X) 17 3 3 _ _ (X) (X) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 18 5 5 _ . 6 6 _ _ 5 3 4 5 7 4 2 6 3 1 19 3 3 - . 4 4 - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) 20 2 2 - - IX ) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 21 _ _ . _ (X) IX) IX) 1 X) 1X1 IX ) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 22 - - ■ - (X ) (X) (X) IX) (X) (X) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 23 2 2 . 3 3 . (X ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 24 61 68 13 - 57 55 2 - 69 127 49 56 72 96 105 131 168 419 25 105 101 4 . 91 87 4 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 26 19 19 - - 16 16 . _ T 21 39 29 40 35 30 28 18 26 33 27 7 7 - - 12 12 - - 6 21 20 15 10 6 3 9 6 13 28 2 2 _ IX ) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 29 3 3 - - 8 8 - T 9 IS) IS) 3 14 T 9 9 10 12 T 9 30 24 24 - - 13 13 - - 12 14 9 10 20 15 IS) IX) IX) IX) 31 26 26 20 18 2 30 29 32 41 IS) T 10 34 36 39 47 32 2 2 - - 2 2 - - IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X) 33 2 2 . . 6 . _ 6 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 34 - . - - (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 35 20 20 - - 11 11 _ - 13 9 16 13 18 5 11 6 10 15 36 ill 103 - 8 133 131 2 - 142 130 132 227 237 214 144 161 143 180 37 2 2 - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) 38 6 6 _ _ (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 39 51 51 - _ 72 72 _ - 61 41 57 62 59 50 55 42 63 78 40 3 3 - - 3 3 - - T 2 7 2 6 1 2 ~ 2 3 2 41 3 3 . 2 2 3 7 3 3 2 . 2 2 „ 1 42 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 43 6 6 - - 3 3 - - 2 1 1 12 5 3 4 1 5 5 44 2 2 - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 45 - - - - - - - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 46 7 7 . . 6 6 _ . (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 47 5 5 - - 6 4 2 - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 48 17 17 - _ 11 11 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 49 8 8 - - 7 7 - - T 17 10 13 21 21 18 9 5 10 10 SO - - - - - - - - IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 51 24 22 2 _ 25 25 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 52 12 12 - - 17 15 2 - T 10 24 30 37 30 33 55 27 37 36 53 4 4 - - 11 11 - - 6 24 30 35 31 13 15 6 13 14 54 2 2 - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 55 10 10 - - 7 7 - - 7 7 6 12 11 6 2 2 T 3 5 56 17 17 _ _ 47 47 _ _ (X) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 57 1 1 - - 2 2 _ _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 58 7 7 - - 11 11 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 59 - - - - - - - - tX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 60 70 70 - . 87 70 17 . 94 97 109 154 179 173 155 147 206 217 61 10 10 - - 15 15 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) iX) >X) IX) ;x) 62 1 1 . . 3 3 T 3 3 T 1 T - 3 5 3 2 2 T 6 63 20 20 ~ . 22 22 _ - 25 31 35 41 37 30 24 10 43 43 64 8 8 - - 14 14 _ - 6 8 6 25 12 8 5 4 T 7 IS) 65 10 10 - - 11 11 - - 8 21 13 12 13 17 5 6 8 16 66 - - - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 IX) IX) 67 15 15 _ . 6 6 _ _ T 4 3 5 _ . 5 IS) IX) IX ) IX) 68 ~ - ~ - 2 2 - - - - 3 T - IS) T - 1 1 2 IS) 69 542 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6. -Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: •Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964. *'97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with- 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing unrts Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more 22 23 2t 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 *ISCONSIN~CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. MARQUETTE COUNTY ENDEAVOR VILLAGE . OXFORD VILLAGE . . WESTFIELD VILLAGE. MONROE COUNTY LA GRANGE TO*N SPARTA .... SPARTA TOWN. . TOMAH TOMAH TOWN . . OCONTO COUNTY ARMSTRONG TOWN DOTY TOWN. . . GILLETT. . . . LENA VILLAGE . OCONTO .... OCONTO FALLS . SURING VILLAGE TOWNSEND TOWN. ONEIDA COUNTY * NEW BOLD TOWN. . . . ONEIDA COUNTY UNINC. RHINELANDER SUGAR CAMP TOWN. . . WOODRUFF TOWN. . . . OUTAGAMIE COUNTY APPLETON + BEAR CREEK VILLAGE . BLACK CREEK VILLAGE. BUCHANAN TOWN. . . . CENTER TOWN COMBINED LOCKS VILLAGE GRAND CHUTE TOWN + . . GREENVILLE TOWN. . . . HORTONIA TOWN HORTONVILLE VILLAGE. . KAUKAUNA + KAUKAUNA TOWN. . . . KIMBERLY VILLAGE + . LITTLE CHUTE VILLAGE OSBORN TOWN SEYMOUR SHIOCTON VILLAGE VANOENBROEK TOWN PEPIN COUNTY DURAND . . . . PEPIN VILLAGE. PIERCE COUNTY BAY CITY VILLAGE . . . ELLSWORTH VILLAGE. . . ELMWOOD VILLAGE. . . . PRESCOTT RIVER FALLS SPRING VALLEY VILLAGE. POLK COUNTY AMERY BALSAM LAKE VILLAGE. CENTURIA VILLAGE . . DRESSER VILLAGE. . . FREDERIC VILLAGE . . LUCK VILLAGE . . MILLTOWN VILLAGE OSCEOLA VILLAGE. ST CROIX FALLS . PORTAGE COUNTY AMHERST VILLAGE. . . . JUNCTION CITY VILLAGE. PARK RIDGE VILLAGE . . ROSHOLT VILLAGE. . . . STEVENS POINT -I-. . . . WHITING VILLAGE. . . . PRICE COUNTY PARK FALLS PHILLIPS . RICHLAND COUNTY LONE ROCK VILLAGE. RICHLAND CENTER. . ROCK COUNTY BELOIT + . . BELOIT TOWN •^ CLINTON TOWN 2 2 3 3 2 2 (SI (S) 23 23 8 8 21 13 7 7 9 9 1 1 2 2 8 8 2 2 (SI (S) 125 125 14 14 10 10 7 7 6 9 11 29 70 29 8 6 30 4 24 13 (S) 5 2 17 4 5 1 101 256 49 12 6 - 9 - 11 - 29 _ 70 - 29 - 8 - 6 - 24 6 4 - 22 2 13 - (S) - 5 _ 2 - 17 - 11 ^ 6 " 1 . 5 - - - 15 2 34 4 2 - 18 2 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 - Ill 49 (SI (SI 23 23 9 9 18 16 (SI (SI (S) & 138 12 5 6 141 12 320 59 1 (SI & 138 12 5 6 6 - 12 - 9 - 24 _ 70 2 25 - 2 - 3 - 37 2 3 - 29 16 28 - - - 5 2 - - 14 - 174 59 1 T 4 7 211 52 1 I 1 21 17 56 26 4 4 16 10 6 6 1 1 191 52 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 543 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the list ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12. and B-13, t See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage, "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7 Data symbols: ■'-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months, "S" Does not meel publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not idenlihed as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Numbe of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total I number of in structures with- number of in structures with— number number number number of number of number of number number of number of number of i of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing tiousing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing II units units or more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 01 . _ - _ IX ) IX) 1 X) 1 X ) 1 X ) IX ) 1 X ) IX] IX 1 IX) IX] IX 1 1 X ) IX) 02 1 1 - - 1 1 - - IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) 1 X) IX ] IX] 1X1 IX] 03 2 2 . . IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ] IX ) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX) 04 la 14 - - 11 11 - . T 5 T 7 8 16 6 IS) 8 79 T 49 26 05 10 10 - - 1 X 1 IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX ) IX) IX] 1X1 IX 1 IX) 06 19 19 - - 19 19 - - IS) 11 15 23 11 11 12 149 47 40 07 - - - IXI IX) IX) 1 XI IX ] IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) 08 1 1 1 3 2 IS) IX) 1 X ) IX] 09 3 3 - _ 9 9 - - T 2 - 1 IS) IS) IS) IS) 1 X) IX) IX) 10 3 3 - - 2 2 _ - T I 1 3 6 2 4 3 4 IS) IS) 11 - - - - _ - . - IX) IX) IX) 1 X) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 12 7 7 - - 16 16 - - 16 8 9 8 9 - T - - - - 13 8 8 . . 8 8 _ . 3 2 8 14 14 7 6 T 6 10 14 14 - _ - . . - - - T 3 3 IS) IS) IX] IX) 1 X) IX) 1 X] IX] 15 - - - - 29 29 - - 6 T 14 11 7 10 10 IS) IX] IX) IX) 16 . . (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX ) IX) IX] IX) IX) 1X1 17 120 120 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) 1 X ) IX ) IX) 1 X) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 18 11 11 - - 14 14 - - 25 21 20 30 36 36 20 21 22 44 19 - - - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 20 5 5 ~ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX ) IX) IX) IX) IX ) 1X1 21 329 263 48 18 262 250 12 . 273 278 272 341 433 345 292 329 319 345 22 - - - - 1 1 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) 23 3 3 - - 3 3 _ - IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX] 1 X) 1X1 IX) 24 19 19 - - 29 29 _ - 22 19 9 16 12 12 IS) IX) 1X1 IX] 25 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX] (X) IX) 1X1 IX] 26 37 31 6 _ 62 56 6 _ IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX] IX) IX] IX] 27 95 95 - - 77 71 6 - o2 7 3 •/3 60 57 63 IS) IX) IX] IX] 28 21 21 - - 16 16 _ - IX) 1 X ) IX) IX) IX ) IX] IX] IX) 1X1 1X1 29 - - - - IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX ) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX] IX) 1X1 IX] 30 13 13 - - 5 5 - - 4 11 5 16 6 4 5 3 T 3 IS] 31 38 32 6 . 56 56 _ _ 52 46 66 62 60 50 34 43 41 70 32 4 4 - - IX) IX] IX) 1 X) IX) IX ) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX] IX] 1X1 IX] 33 40 24 16 - 27 23 4 - IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX] IX) 1X1 IX) 1X1 34 21 21 - - 27 27 - - T 18 28 21 22 31 19 34 49 33 46 35 (X) (X) (X) ( X) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX] IX) 1X1 IX) 1X1 36 7 7 _ _ 10 6 4 . IX) IX] IX] IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 37 - - - - - - - - IX) IX) IX] IX) IX] IX] 1X1 IX] IX) IXI 38 9 9 ■ ■ 13 13 - - 5 5 6 2 3 3 IS) IX) IX) IXI 39 5 5 _ . 4 4 . 5 6 1 10 6 6 3 4 9 7 40 4 4 ~ - 2 2 - - (X) IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX) 41 1 1 _ . 4 4 . . IX) IX] 1X1 IX] IX) IX] 1X1 1X1 IX) 1X1 42 11 11 - - 5 5 - - IX) IX] IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 43 - - - - IX) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX) IX] IX) IX] IX ) 1X1 1X1 IXI IXI 44 13 13 - - 24 22 2 - IX) IX ) IX] IX) IX ] IX) 1X1 1X1 IXI 1X1 45 30 24 6 - 38 30 8 - T 36 19 11 23 39 T 13 IS) 1X1 IXI IXI 46 ■ ~ " ~ 1 1 - T 1 IS) 3 5 2 2 T 7 1 T 2 IS) 47 12 12 _ . 15 15 . . 8 9 4 6 6 11 8 T 3 6 18 48 2 2 - - (X) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 IX] 49 2 2 - - 3 3 - ~ T 1 2 3 1 4 T 5 4 1 I T 1 SO 1 1 - - 10 2 8 2 - 2 1 1 T 4 IS) 1X1 1X1 IX] 51 3 3 - - 4 4 - - 2 1 3 4 1 4 IS) 1X1 IX] IX] 52 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 3 1 T 3 IS) 2 3 IS) IS) 53 1 1 - - 2 2 - - 7 5 - 1 3 5 5 2 4 4 54 (X) (X> (X> (X) IX ) IX) IX) (X) IX) IX] IX) IX] IX) IX) IX] IX] 1X1 IX) 55 3 3 ~ ~ 2 2 - - 2 9 4 6 7 5 5 5 4 7 56 1 1 _ . . 2 3 1 1 1 1 . . 2 57 - - - - . . _ 1 2 1 - 1 . 1 2 - 2 58 12 12 - - 12 12 _ - IX) IX) IX] IX] IX) IX) 1X1 1X1 IX) IX] 59 2 2 - - 1 1 _ . IX) IX) IX] IX] IX) IX] IX) 1X1 IX) IX) 60 56 42 14 - 59 55 4 - 69 61 57 57 71 54 58 46 49 87 61 9 9 ~ ~ 18 18 - - IX) IX) IX) IX) IX ] IX) 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 62 8 8 . _ 9 9 . . IX) IX] IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX] IXI IX) 63 (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) IX) 1 X) IX) IX) IX) IX] IX] IX) IX) 1X1 IX) 1X1 IX) 64 4 4 _ . 2 2 . IX) IX) IX] IX] IX) IX) IX) 1X1 IX] 1X1 65 (S) (S) ~ - 7 7 - - IX] IX) IX] IX) IX) IX) IX) 1X1 IX] IX] 66 167 162 5 . 175 161 14 . 130 101 123 237 188 170 126 153 174 215 67 50 50 - - 99 99 - - 53 80 165 167 106 T 60 IS) IX) IX) IX] 68 26 - - 26 12 - - 12 1 T 3 5 2 4 IS) IS) IX] IX ) IX) 69 544 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land afea delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964. The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4, Wherever there is a change in dehnilion, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964- "97.0 to 99.9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. +This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1963 Total number of housing units Number of housing unit! in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1962 Total number of housmg units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more H9 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 WISCONSIN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. ROCK COUNTY — CON. CLINTON VILLAGE EOGERTON EVAr>ISVILLE FOOTVILLE VILLAGE FULTON TOWN HARMONY TOWN JANESVILLE + JANESVILLE TO*N LA PRAIRIE TOWIVJSHIP t^ILTON VILLAGE I^ILTON JUNCTION VILLAGE NEWARK TOWNSHIP PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP PORTER TOWN SPRING VALLEY TOWN TURTLE TOWN + RUSK COUNTY BRUCE VILLAGE LADYSMITH SHELDON VILLAGE ST CROIX COUNTY GLENWOOO CITY HAMMOND VILLAGE HUDSON HUDSON TOWN KINNICKINNIC TOWNSHIP NEW RICHMOND NORTH HUDSON VILLAGE SOMERSET VILLAGE TROY TOWN WOODVILLE VILLAGE SAUK COUNTY BARABOO DELTON TOWN LAKE DELTON VILLAGE LAVALLE VILLAGE LIME RIDGE VILLAGE PLAIN VILLAGE PRAIRIE DU SAC VILLAGE REEOSBURG ROCK SPRINGS VILLAGE SAUK CITY VILLAGE SPRING GREEN VILLAGE WEST BARABOO VILLAGE SAWYER COUNTY HAYWARD HAYWARD TOWN SHAWANO COUNTY BIRNAMWOOD VILLAGE BONDUEL VILLAGE SHAWANO TIGERTON VILLAGE WITTENBERG VILLAGE SHEBOYGAN COUNTY ADELL VILLAGE CEDAR GROVE VILLAGE ELKHART LAKE VILLAGE KOHLER VILLAGE OOSTBURG VILLAGE PLYMOUTH + RANDOM LAKE VILLAGE SHEBOYGAN + SHEBOYGAN TOWN SHEBOYGAN FALLS SHEBOYGAN FALLS TOWN WILSON TOWN TAYLOR COUNTY GILMAN VILLAGE MEDFORD TREMPEALEAU COUNTY ARCADIA BLAIR ELEVA VILLAGE ETTRICK VILLAGE 6ALESVILLE INDEPENDENCE OSSEO STRUM VILLAGE TREMPEALEAU VILLAGE WHITEHALL 3 27 10 2 13 19 476 24 4 3 3 16 27 2 148 40 31 4 24 2 13 19 378 24 4 3 3 16 4 4 32 14 10 10 4 4 24 14 11 11 1 1 7 7 22 14 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 13 9 11 11 1 1 5 - 2 - 6 - 22 5 2 - 142 6 38 2 23 8 4 . 24 - 9 1 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 6 2 6 7 2 5 6 439 31 5 23 1 11 2 2 2 1 6 1 7 20 4 221 40 23 5 20 7 2 5 6 318 31 5 5 1 11 2 2 2 18 1 1 1 1 3 3 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 - 6 - 1 - 7 - 20 _ 4 - 163 20 33 7 21 2 5 _ 20 ■ 1 . 18 - 1 1 16 12 3 3 1 1 15 15 (S) (S) 315 241 20 20 1 1 4 4 6 6 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 11 11 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 18 16 5 5 1 1 15 15 6 6 2 2 5 5 12 12 7 7 5 5 3 3 1 1 2 2 32 28 2 2 10 2 19 11 32 7 230 42 20 5 13 10 - 2 - 19 - 11 - 30 2 7 - 147 6 40 2 16 4 5 . 13 " 2 . 13 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 545 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place IS on the lisl ol 3,014 selected permit-issuing places whictt constitute tlie source for the statistics shown monthly in tables B-U, B-12, and B-13. ' See Appendix C-2 lor statement regarding coverage. "S" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; lor number of public housing units by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: "-" Represents zero "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is lor 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "'X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number of housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total numbei in structures witf _ nunibei in structures wit — number number number numbei number number number number number number ^ ol of of of of of of of of ol of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing tiousing housing housing housing housing housing housing :ij units units 01 more units units or more units units units units units units units units units units 1 1 ( \ 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 01 21 13 8 - 12 9 3 - 11 17 14 30 26 15 (S) (XI (XI (X) 02 3 3 _ _ 3 3 . _ 13 10 8 9 10 4 (S) (XI (XI (X) 03 1 1 . _ IXI (X) ( X) (XI (Kl (X 1 ( X 1 ( XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 04 1 1 - - (XI (X) (X) ( XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 05 (X) 1 X) (X) (X) (X) (XI ( X) ( X) (Xl (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (XI 06 339 203 20 116 326 314 12 - 368 284 189 259 330 254 173 203 195 212 07 H 11 _ _ 10 10 _ _ (X) ( XI (XI (XI (X) ( XI (XI IX) (X) (XI 08 . . - . (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI ( X 1 IXI (XI (XI (X) IX) !XI 09 2 2 - - 1 1 _ - 7 8 8 3 2 6 5 3 4 7 10 6 6 - - u 11 - (XI IX ) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 11 - - - - (XI IX] IX) (X) (XI (X) ( XI ( X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 12 _ _ _ _ (X) (X) ( X) (X) (XI ( X) (XI ( X 1 (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI 13 5 5 - - (X) (X) (X) ( X) (XI ( X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI ( X) 14 2 2 - - ' ■ . ) ('..) - - (SI (SI 3 5 2 2 T 7 1 T 2 (S) 15 25 25 ~ ~ 15 15 - " (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 16 1 1 (XI (X) (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X I (XI (XI (X) 17 3 3 _ _ 3 3 _ _ T 2 5 3 2 3 10 7 5 1 19 18 1 1 - - - - - - 3 1 - - - 2 ■ 1 2 2 19 (Xl (X) (X) (X) (XI (Xl (X) (XI IX) ( XI (XI (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 20 1 1 . . 1 1 . - 2 6 - - - T 7 (SI (XI (X) (XI 21 12 10 2 - 31 31 - - 23 39 24 T 22 (S) (SI (SI (SI 16 16 22 10 10 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI ( X 1 (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI 23 5 5 - - (X) (X) 1X1 (XI (X) IX) (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (X 1 (XI 24 16 16 _ . 12 12 _ . 41 20 30 22 25 (S) 8 11 18 25 25 6 6 - - 16 16 _ - (XI (X ) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 26 3 3 - - 5 5 - - 4 1 1 4 8 1 (S) (XI (XI (X) 27 15 15 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI IX) (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 28 - - - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI 29 16 13 3 . 13 13 10 7 8 30 42 24 36 77 42 36 30 - - - - 3 3 - - (X) (X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 31 19 6 4 9 3 3 _ - 11 6 3 3 (SI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 32 - - - - - - - - (X) IX) (X) (X) IX 1 (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 4 4 _ _ 4 4 _ _ 3 5 2 6 4 5 6 10 2 3 35 a 4 - - 4 4 _ . 8 7 2 14 12 13 17 5 9 7 36 13 11 2 - 15 15 - - 31 26 6 17 29 28 T 24 17 9 13 37 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - 38 7 7 - - 5 5 - - 11 3 7 13 16 10 22 20 10 7 39 1 1 _ _ 1 1 . . (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 40 1 1 ■ ■ 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 41 6 6 . . 3 3 3 9 2 . 6 5 3 3 _ 1 42 7 7 - - 5 5 - - (X) (X) (XI (XI IXI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) 43 4 4 . 4 2 1 3 3 2 1 . . (S) 44 4 4 - - 2 2 _ - 3 3 - - 2 9 6 2 4 6 45 36 36 - - 23 28 - - T 23 11 19 20 27 12 23 22 24 42 46 2 2 - - (SI (S) - - (X) 1 X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 47 3 3 - - - - - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 48 (S) (S) _ . . . . . (X) (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 49 4 4 - - 5 5 - - (XI IX) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 50 7 7 - - 3 3 _ - (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 51 - - - - 1 1 . - 1 1 3 - 1 - 1 - 4 1 52 6 6 - - 6 6 - - 9 2 2 7 9 7 8 4 5 9 53 25 25 _ _ 20 20 _ _ (XI (X ) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X) 54 4 4 - - 3 3 - - (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 55 146 136 10 - 147 119 18 10 150 140 100 113 243 171 194 178 225 262 56 31 31 - - 20 20 _ - 22 15 23 29 41 43 (SI (X) (XI (X) 57 31 21 10 - 15 15 - - 26 14 17 19 16 34 15 25 18 16 58 6 6 _ _ 5 5 _ _ (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 59 14 14 " - 22 22 - - 17 T 5 T 9 15 (X) (X) ( XI (XI (XI (XI 60 1 1 _ . 1 1 (X) IX) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 61 37 37 - - 15 15 - - 13 19 17 8 20 6 (SI (XI (X) (XI 62 9 9 _ _ 10 10 . 19 7 14 10 5 13 4 2 3 4 63 2 2 - - 3 3 _ - 2 3 6 4 8 9 (SI (XI (X) (XI 64 3 3 - - 1 1 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 65 4 4 - - 1 1 - - 2 (X) (X) (X 1 (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI 66 1 1 - - (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (X) (X) 67 4 4 . _ 11 11 _ _ 2 _ 1 2 . 2 (S) (X) (X) (X) 68 4 4 - - 7 7 - - 14 3 3 3 6 2 5 1 (SI T 2 69 2 2 - - 9 9 _ . (XI (XI ( XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) 70 (X) tX) (X) (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI ( X 1 ( X 1 (X ) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 71 2 2 - - - - - - 5 8 3 7 11 15 5 1 1 T 1 72 546 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same coverage is extended back to 1950 for ease in presentation and comparability. Changes in dehnitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4. Wherever there is a change in dehnition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by Stale of the 12.000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols : 'Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, **97.0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964. -i^This Permit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total numbei of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units 01 moie 1963 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total numbei of housing units Number ol housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more «»ISCONSIN~CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S — CON. VERNON COUNTY COON VALLEY VILLAGE HILLSBORO STODDARD VILLAGE VIROQUA lAIESTBY VILAS COUIMTY BOULDER JUNCTION TOWN EAGLE RIVER FLAMBEAU TO*N LINCOLN TOWN PLUM LAKE TOWN PRESQUE ISLE TOWN WALWORTH COUNTY DARIEN VILLAGE DELAVAN EAST TROY ELKHORN FONTANA ON GENEVA LAKE VILLAGE GENOA CITY VILLAGE LAKE GENEVA SHARON VILLAGE WALWORTH COUNTY UNINC. AREA + WALWORTH VILLAGE WHITEWATER WILLIAMS BAY VILLAGE WASHBURN COUNTY MINONG VILLAGE SHELL LAKE VILLAGE SPOONER WASHINGTON COUNTY * GERMANTOWN VILLAGE GERMANTOWN TOWN HARTFORD -I- JACKSON VILLAGE KEWASKUM VILLAGE POLK TOWN RICHFIELD TOWN SLINGER VILLAGE WASHINGTON COUNTY UNINC. AREA + WEST BEND + WAUPACA COUNTY CLINTONVILLE DAYTON TOWN EMBARRASS ViLLAGE FAKMINGTON TOWN FREMONT VILLAGE lOLA VILLAGE MANAWA MARION NEW LONDON WAUPACA WEYAUWEGA WAUSHARA COUNTY PLAINFIELD VILLAGE WAUTOMA TOWN WINNEBAGO COUNTY ALGOMA TOWN CLAYTON TOWN MENASHA MENASHA TOWN + NEENAH + NEENAH TOWN OMRO OMRO TOWN OSHKOSH + OSHKOSH TOWN VINLAND TOWN WINNEBAGO COUNTYi PART OF UNINC. AREA +» WINNECONNE TOWN WINNECONNE VILLAGE WOOD COUNTY BIRON VILLAGE GRAND RAPIDS TOWN + LINCOLN TOWN MARSHFIELD + NEKOOSA PORT EDWARD TOWN PORT EDWARDS VILLAGE SENECA TOWN 53 33 23 1 5 17 28 1 130 142 19 19 5 5 29 29 17 17 3 3 9 9 1 1 41 14 5 5 21 13 39 39 2 2 43 15 4 4 183 183 6 6 38 18 9 9 53 - 33 - 23 - 1 - 6 - 17 _ 26 2 1 •> 30 - 95 4 4 . 15 - 1 - 10 - ~ - 1 _ 3 - 3 - 13 2 11 2 4 2 253 231 10 17 17 - 64 50 4 107 87 8 142 114 20 33 33 _ 6 6 - 9 9 - 336 138 26 26 26 - 9 9 _ 253 231 10 15 13 2 10 10 ~ 6 6 . 48 48 - 10 10 - 101 78 2 5 5 - 9 9 _ 15 15 - 5 5 - 11 9 4 15 1 195 6 43 13 9 29 1 117 75 193 7 50 95 176 30 9 15 196 25 6 193 11 7 4 10 1 193 9 29 1 113 73 169 4 7 - 40 10 75 - 91 43 28 2 7 2 15 - 157 21 25 - 6 _ 169 4 4 4 7 - 3 _ 46 - 1 - 60 2 10 - 8 _ 10 - 2 - 256 4 133 6 39 17 2 2 15 32 3 107 70 102 8 46 93 154 23 5 3 93 26 6 180 18 I 3 (S) 8 7 15 1 16 5 14 7 1 14 224 4 18 6 5 39 17 2 2 15 32 3 107 60 36 10 93 - 00 36 23 _ 5 - 3 - 88 5 26 - 6 . 80 - 18 - 8 ~ 7 _ 46 - 1 - 37 4 12 - 11 _ 5 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 547 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -Continued place is on the list of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source lor the statistics shown monthly in tables B-Il, B-12, and B-13. » See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing units for which contracts were awarded; for number of public housing units by place, see table B-7- Data symbols: "-" Represents zero. ■ "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publica- tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received "X" Not applicable because not identified as permit-issuing in designated year. 1961 1960 1959 1958 195? 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Total Number of housing units Total Number ol housing units Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 number in structures with- numbei in structures with- number number number number number number number number numbei number c of of of of of ol of of of of of of housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing 1 unit 2-4 5 units housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing housing Zi units units or more units units or mote units units units units units units units units units units 2 2 3 3 6 5 3 2 1 4 4 1 T 3 4 01 (S) (S) - - IS) (S) - - 1 1 1 3 7 (S) (SI (X) (X) (X) 02 - - - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI 03 15 15 - - 6 6 - - 17 10 12 21 22 19 6 14 13 23 04 6 6 ■ ■ 20 20 - - 7 6 5 * 9 8 2 4 4 10 05 7 7 _ . 7 7 . (SI (SI (SI 7 4 6 (S) (XI ( X) (XI 06 5 5 - - 4 4 - - 5 3 5 6 7 8 11 2 T 6 10 07 31 31 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI 08 10 10 - - 3 3 . > 4 5 7 9 7 5 (SI (XI (XI (XI 09 3 3 - - 6 6 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI 10 63 63 " ■ 11 11 - - 6 4 2 4 6 6 (S) (X 1 (XI (XI 11 2 2 _ . (X) (XI (X) (XI (.O (<) (x) (x) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 12 19 19 - - 17 17 - - 10 33 35 16 31 20 20 18 20 13 13 t 4 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) 14 36 28 - 8 20 20 - - 28 20 19 26 25 26 24 20 19 21 15 7 7 - - 67 - - 67 35 20 20 18 22 35 19 17 9 22 16 3 3 . _ 3 3 _ _ (X 1 (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) 17 20 16 4 - 15 15 - - 27 30 16 36 50 41 24 29 28 26 18 2 2 - - - - - - txi (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (X) (XI (XI IXl 19 199 195 4 - 168 168 - - IvO 177 212 252 232 215 (S) (X 1 (XI (XI 20 7 3 4 - 6 6 - - 6 10 8 5 16 11 3 9 T 6 (SI 21 12 10 2 _ 12 10 2 . 18 22 23 20 24 (SI (S) (XI (XI (XI 22 8 8 " ~ 11 11 - - 10 28 20 16 27 10 19 14 16 19 23 3 3 _ . 3 3 . . (XI ( X ) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (XI 24 6 6 - - 10 10 - - (K) (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X ) (X) (XI 25 ~ - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - T - - - 26 52 52 ~ _ 52 52 . . T 36 10 4 3 7 4 2 6 27 11 7 4 - 15 13 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X 1 (XI (XI (X I (X) (XI 28 19 19 - - 12 12 - - T 91 28 36 43 22 40 34 35 24 33 29 3 3 - - 2 2 - - 2 - 4 4 - - (SI (X) (XI (XI 30 2 2 - - 6 2 4 - T 12 7 9 9 9 8 (SI (XI (XI (X) 31 (X) (X) (X) (X) 1X1 IXl (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 32 32 32 - - 26 26 - - (XI ( X 1 (XI (XI (X ) (XI (X) (XI (XI (X) 33 3 3 - - 1 1 - - T 2 5 6 6 9 4 (S) (XI (XI (X) 34 108 98 10 - 115 US - - 132 121 113 147 190 171 (S) (XI (XI (X) 35 118 92 14 12 123 103 12 6 146 120 70 88 94 66 63 75 79 T 85 36 7 7 _ _ 25 25 . _ (SI T 3 9 13 14 8 15 39 30 32 37 - - - - (XI (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 38 2 2 - - 2 2 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X ) (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) 39 14 14 - - (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (X 1 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI 40 2 2 - - 1 1 - - (XI (XI (X) (X) (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (XI 41 8 8 - - (S) (S) _ _ (X 1 . XI iXI ,X 1 iX) (XI (XI (XI (X) 62 10 10 ■ ~ 3 3 - - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X ) (XI (XI (XI (X) 63 a 8 . _ 4 4 . . (Xl (XI (XI ( XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (XI 64 53 49 4 - 78 76 2 - (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) (XI (X) (X) (X) 65 (s) (s) - - (s) (:-) - - 4 5 7 9 7 5 (S) (X) (X) (XI 66 47 45 2 - 81 79 2 - 85 55 68 71 75 65 56 42 76 98 67 10 10 ~ - 14 14 - - (XI (X) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X 1 IX) (X) (XI 68 (X) (X> (X) (X) (X) IX) (X) (XI (XI (X) (X) (X 1 (X 1 (X) (XI (X ) ( X) (XI 69 14 14 - - 19 15 4 - (XI (XI (XI (X) (X 1 (XI (XI (X ) (X) (X) 70 7 7 (XI (XI (X) (XI (XI (XI (XI (X) (X) ( X I (X) (X) (X ) (X) 71 548 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 6- Individual Places- New Housing Units Authorized The land area delineated for each of the 219 standard metropolitan statistical areas in this table conforms to the definition established by the Bureau of the Budget, as amended to October 1964, The same couerage is extended back to 1950 for ease m presentation and comparability. Changes in definitions established prior to 1964 are shown in table B-4 Wherever there is a change in definition, the totals presented in table B-4 differ from the sum of the figures for the same SMSA shown in this table. See Appendix C-1 for alphabetical listing by State of the 12,000 permit-issuing places shown in the stub of this table. Stub symbols: *Building permit systems cover the entire land area of the county for 1964, •*97,0 to 99,9 percent of county population in 1960 lived in places which were permit-issuing in 1964, +This Peimit-issuing places by State, SMSA, outside SMSA's, and county 1964 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units m structures with- 2-4 5 units units 01 more 1963 Total number of housing units Numbei of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more 1962 Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 2-4 units 5 units or more WISCONSIN — CON. PLACES OUTSIDE SI^SA'S — CON. WOOD COUNTY — CON. WISCONSIN RAPIDS + PLACES OUTSIDE SMSA'S ALBANY COUNTY LARAMIE +. • BIG HORN COUNTY BASIN TOWN . . BYRON TOWN . . GREYBULL TOWN. LOVELL TOWN. . MANDERSON TOWN CAMPBELL COUNTY GILLETTE TOWN CARBON COUNTY HANNA TOWN . . . . MEDICINE BOW TOWN. RAWLINS + CONVERSE COUNTY DOUGLAS TOWN . GLENROCK TOWN CROOK COUNTY SUNDANCE TOWN. FREMONT COUNTY DUBOIS TOWN. LANDER TOWN. RIVERTON + . GOSHEN COUNTY LINGLE TOWN. . . TORRINGTON TOWN HOT SPRINGS COUNTY EAST THERMOPOLIS TOWN. THERMOPOLIS TOWN + . . JOHNSON COUNTY BUFFALO. . . LARAMIE COUNTY CHEYENNE + . . . PINE BLUFFS TOWN LINCOLN COUNTY AFTON TOWN + . . . DIAMONDVILLE TOWN. KEMMERER TOWN. . . THAYNE TOWN. . . . NATRONA COUNTY CASPER + , . . . EVANSVILLE TOWN. MILLS TOWN . . . PARK COUNTY CODY -f . . . . MEETEETSE TOWN POWELL TOWN +. PLATTE COUNTY GUERNSEY TOWN. WHEATLAND TOWN SHERIDAN COUNTY SHERIDAN * . . SUBLETTE COUNTY BIG PINEY TOWN PINEDALE TOWN. SWEETWATER COUNTY GREEN RIVER TOWN ROCK SPRINGS * . TETON COUNTY JACKSON TOWN WASHAKIE COUNTY WORLAND. . . . WESTON COUNTY NEWCASTLE. . UPTON TOWN 4 VIRGIN ISLANDS ^b ST. THOMAS ISLAND 469 (S) 425 (S) 4 4 1 (S) 4 4 1 (S) 166 6 1 144 6 1 33 25 - - 95 17 256 3 245 12 250 3 4 (S) 245 12 T 148 118 144 116 605 2 527 2 1 3 27 2 1 3 19 2 249 9 240 9 - ~ 30 2 18 30 2 13 3 6 3 6 (S) 7 (S) 7 52 135 52 105 13' 13 13 13 10 1 10 1 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 549 in Permit-Issuing Places: Annually, 1950 to 1964 -continued place 1^ on the lisl of 3,014 selected permit-issuing places which constitute the source for the statistics shown monthly '-" Represents zero. "T" Data cover period more than 8 months but less than 12 months. "S" Does not meet publlca- in tables B-11, B-12, and B-13. ,« See Appendix C-2 for statement regarding coverage. "&" Includes public housing tion standards because reporting is for 8 months or less, or annual report not received. "X" Not applicable because not units for which contracts were awarded, for number of public housing unifs by place, see table B-7, Data symbols: identified as permit-issuing in designated year 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 Totjl number of housing units Number of housing units in stfuctuies with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or more Total number of housing units Number of housing units in structures with— 1 unit 2-4 5 units units or moie Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total number of housing units Total number housing units Total number of housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units Total number ol housing units Total numbei of housing units Total number of housing units (X) 6 204 & 180 76 76 2 2 12 12 425 407 13 13 3 3 2 2 241 2 3 227 2 3 19 19 25 23 2 7 2 7 (XI 2 (X) 1 3 1 102 100 740 5 340 1 (X) 1 (X) 1 3 704 5 327 1 1BER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 10,000-PLACE series: 195 256 236 213 235 26y 305 280 288 379 112 32q 102 359 UOl 371 286 320 352 360 287 279 226 267 1963 DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962 DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961 DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 359 309 351 322 23'4 266 300 309 233 229 187 217 222 233 170 190 169 186 158 133 221 135 190 133 1 137 1 093 1 112 1 79 1 077 1 017 99 7 996 962 977 720 71)1 709 705 b9H 683 726 716 691 774 808 721 715 738 751 7614 738 7 39 771 752 7 79 71)6 710 714 677 693 707 718 690 692 724 709 730 705 674 669 698 702 678 706 709 710 702 718 748 705 744 7 36 7 59 737 765 742 727 742 718 717 698 700 675 714 80 97 93 92 95 103 103 100 103 100 127 116 112 128 128 128 107 129 139 122 104 120 100 105 109 124 125 128 104 128 136 116 100 118 97 101 107 96 86 88 85 96 79 100 83 86 78 83 395 418 434 446 496 478 476 464 494 505 477 487 575 493 522 479 441 4 52 442 486 404 413 416 448 573 492 519 476 440 446 440 484 403 406 416 447 417 435 406 396 375 380 377 315 390 344 368 314 348 305 294 278 314 275 288 234 229 235 226 203 247 250 220 237 258 231 267 229 234 275 276 211 253 235 254 266 214 224 216 252 226 235 227 247 247 229 244 257 204 215 208 243 218 229 222 242 247 248 240 221 219 228 236 223 289 244 270 265 307 252 246 235 273 230 211 214 209 198 172 162 276 291 299 301 294 275 271 276 2 58 317 323 299 271 302 279 264 277 261 284 269 285 254 194 217 259 287 265 249 263 245 269 253 267 241 184 20 1 376 406 400 378 414 390 409 405 414 417 405 408 460 424 420 413 383 406 407 400 388 368 387 375 443 406 404 395 366 389 391 385 371 351 373 356 242 332 234 361 230 341 246 348 229 348 244 343 241 330 230 337 229 329 218 339 247 344 211 325 225 314 226 299 231 324 227 312 223 310 225 307 228 309 218 289 209 294 227 293 244 261 243 273 296 309 317 327 319 368 358 370 382 370 408 406 418 398 443 428 412 429 445 439 388 422 418 428 410 387 438 421 401 417 432 428 377 408 408 418 401 390 359 375 373 371 351 343 374 334 329 332 334 334 336 319 306 317 329 296 285 278 285 299 594 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 8. United States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates by Type of Structure and Region: Monthly, 1959 to 1964-continued Coveiage, year, and month Thousands of units Number of housing units authorized Total in structures with- 1 unit 2 to 4 units 5 units or mote Northeast North Central Scuth West 10,000-PLACE SCriieS — CONT INUED: DtC£MBER . . . 1960 1 1 1 1 949 NOVEMBLR 991 981 96a 958 JULY 998 JUNt 961 APRIL 025 071 093 DECEMBER. . . . 1959 150 164 AUGUST 209 197 JUNE 223 267 MARCH 329 2 72 JANUARY ??0 570 711 707 697 708 737 7«g 770 796 721 855 855 900 839 877 906 955 937 955 969 985 030 985 935 2114 210 215 206 185 186 m3 207 171 155 118 170 181 153 159 187 180 185 191 198 202 213 211 209 132 215 20 5 199 193 217 177 219 197 158 21U 235 210 185 217 218 198 213 228 223 221 255 26U 228 238 270 230 272 235 263 212 260 225 261 218 257 213 285 238 302 2^2 292 let 283 252 301 2 59 3214 257 350 248 332 250 329 280 3^5 289 3511 29H 360 30 5 3H8 290 35a 315 376 306 386 27 2 «05 281 352 259 27i( 278 293 279 295 286 282 29U 313 301 27t| 333 306 32« 321 368 330 3117 381 351 372 331 319 J Sources and Explanations for Table B-9 SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1959 to 1964. "Construction Reports, Housing Starts, May 1965." C20-65-5 (June 1965), table 6, pp. 12-13. Annual data. Worksheets in Bureau files. Monthly data. EXPLANATIONS The unadjusted figures presented in this table for new housing units authorized in permit- issuing places are the source of the seasonally adjusted annual rate data presented in table B-8. Also, these figures are related to housing starts in permit-issuing places. The units started in permit-issuing places are given in table A-11. Housing units authorized by local building permits relate to the issuance of permits rather than to the actual start of construction. They do, however, provide some indication of activity in residential building in advance of the start of actual construction. Although construction is started on most residential buildings in the same month in which the permit is issued, several months or more may pass from the time a permit is issued to the start of construction. In less than one percent of the total units authorized, permits issued are not used at all but are permitted to lapse. The 12,000 areas with local building- permit systems for which figures are given in this report account for a major portion of residential building in the United States. For the country as a whole, about 84 percent of the private housing units were constructed in areas of this permit-issuing universe in 1964. During 1963 and 1964 the total authorizations re- ported monthly in this table were obtained, in the first instance, by cumulating reports from ap- proximately 3,500 of the more active permit-issuing places in the country, with estimates for the remain- ing 8,500 places prepared from a stratified sample of 500 of these places. When final annual data are established, the monthly estimates are revised to reflect the revisions reported in the annual data. For earlier years, 1959 to 1963, this series relates to the 10,000 places identified as permit-issuing in 1959. In 1963 (the overlap year), the number of housing units authorized in the 10,000-place series is given along with the number in the 12,000-place series to provide the user with a basis for linking the two series. 595 596 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 9 United States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places by Type of Structure and Region: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 (Because ot rounding, detail may not equal totah Coverage, year, and montli Number of housing units authorized In structures with- 2 to 4 units 5 units or more Northeast North Central South ANNUAL DATA IZiOOO-PLACi: jtiRlLS: 1964 1963 10,000-PLACL SLHIES: 1963 196^ 1961 1960 1959 t^ONTHLY DATA 12,000-PLACt: si:ries: 196H: D£CtMBCR NOVCMBCR OCTOBER itPTLMBLR AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FtBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBLR NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 10,000-PLACE series: 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1 285 800 1 3314 700 1 285 000 1 186 600 1 06a 200 998 000 1 208 300 80 000 90 600 106 600 107 600 108 aoo 119 500 124 800 122 900 128 800 119 200 90 900 86 400 96 100 98 600 127 800 114 700 115 000 121 800 118 700 138 7 00 131 500 108 800 78 700 34 400 93 700 95 000 123 200 110 800 110 000 116 700 113 900 133 800 125 800 104 500 76 200 81 400 78 000 94 500 107 600 95 200 111 000 105 800 107 000 117 500 120 800 101 400 74 600 73 200 720 100 750 200 705 200 716 200 722 800 746 100 938 300 42 200 50 800 60 800 61 900 61 100 68 200 72 300 70 900 73 100 67 600 48 500 42 700 40 800 51 000 69 700 65 400 68 100 72 800 71 000 78 800 82 100 63 800 43 400 43 300 38 700 47 900 65 600 61 400 63 600 68 100 66 700 74 200 76 900 60 300 41 200 40 700 38 300 51 100 62 900 57 500 68 800 66 800 67 800 75 200 75 200 63 300 45 100 44 300 100 800 1 18 900 110 50 n 67 100 67 600 64 600 77 100 5 600 7 000 8 400 7 500 7 300 8 800 9 400 9 100 10 100 10 000 8 900 8 800 8 200 9 200 11 600 10 300 8 800 10 400 11 800 11 300 10 800 11 300 7 100 8 100 8 100 8 900 11 400 10 800 8 500 10 300 11 500 11 000 10 400 11 100 5 800 7 800 7 30 7 100 7 800 6 600 7 100 7 30 6 900 9 300 8 100 8 400 5 100 5 900 464 900 465 600 463 300 383 300 273 800 187 400 192 900 32 200 32 900 37 500 38 200 40 000 42 500 43 000 42 900 45 700 41 600 33 500 34 800 47 000 38 400 46 400 39 000 38 100 38 700 35 900 48 700 38 600 33 600 28 200 33 000 46 900 38 30 46 100 38 700 38 000 38 200 35 700 48 600 38 500 33 100 28 200 32 900 32 400 36 300 36 800 31 100 35 100 31 700 32 300 33 000 37 500 29 700 24 400 23 000 243 400 2 39 400 231 400 242 500 229 400 199 000 222 400 19 100 18 900 20 200 21 000 21 700 22 200 26 800 23 400 25 200 22 600 12 800 9 600 19 100 18 800 24 800 22 400 20 500 20 900 19 700 26 100 25 200 18 500 11 600 11 800 18 900 18 300 23 800 21 600 19 600 20 000 18 800 25 30 24 200 18 100 11 400 11 600 16 600 20 600 23 100 17 900 21 900 20 200 21 700 23 700 30 200 19 800 14 100 12 900 286 900 268 800 254 100 238 300 226 100 228 300 285 800 14 200 21 700 27 500 27 700 25 800 27 200 29 200 28 700 28 900 25 600 16 200 14 200 14 500 22 000 26 900 24 300 25 400 26 900 28 500 30 500 30 900 20 400 9 000 9 500 401 400 403 200 386 600 342 800 299 400 283 000 355 800 25 200 29 300 33 200 33 300 34 500 37 30 36 200 35 800 38 700 37 800 29 400 30 600 32 200 30 400 37 700 34 600 33 500 37 100 33 200 39 200 37 500 32 600 26 800 28 200 13 900 31 300 20 900 29 200 25 600 36 300 23 000 33 100 23 900 31 900 25 100 35 600 27 000 31 900 28 800 37 800 29 000 35 800 19 400 31 100 8 600 25 800 8 900 26 800 12 500 21 300 17 800 27 600 22 500 30 800 21 800 27 800 22 500 32 300 24 200 30 300 25 600 28 700 26 800 33 100 24 800 30 700 18 700 31 400 11 900 24 400 9 200 24 400 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 597 Table B 9 United States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-issuing Places by Type of Structure and Region: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued (Because of lounding, detail may not equal lolali Coverage, yeai, and month Number of housing units authorized Total In structures with-- 2 to 4 units 5 units or more Northeast North Central South West MONTHLY DATA — CONTINUED 10,000-PLACE Sl-Rles — CONTINUED! 1951: OECtMSER NOVCMbER OCTOBER iEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY UANUARY 1959 ; DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST UULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 71 700 87 aoo 98 300 90 aoa 108 600 92 son loa boo 105 300 9« 000 92 700 58 800 59 700 58 700 73 900 81 600 SH 900 93 700 86 300 9a 800 103 400 101 100 89 000 68 100 62 600 73 500 75 800 94 600 102 500 106 400 112 300 120 900 120 800 127 900 119 000 79 000 75 700 41 800 56 200 67 000 62 100 71 100 56 300 72 400 74 000 65 800 64 800 40 200 41 100 38 700 51 800 59 600 62 300 70 000 65 800 75 800 76 100 78 700 67 700 52 700 46 800 55 100 57 800 74 400 80 300 85 400 90 200 94 900 93 500 99 700 91 300 59 900 55 700 900 500 800 800 100 800 300 400 400 200 200 100 400 900 200 700 700 200 000 700 300 900 400 900 400 400 200 900 200 800 500 000 400 200 200 25 100 25 700 24 500 22 500 31 300 1 1 300 25 900 24 800 21 700 21 500 14 500 14 400 15 500 16 700 17 000 17 400 18 000 14 700 12 800 21 400 16 800 15 000 10 500 11 500 13 500 12 600 13 700 15 000 15 200 15 800 18 200 19 700 20 200 19 300 13 900 14 aoo 19 500 21 100 21 800 19 000 28 900 20 500 21 700 23 30 20 500 16 900 8 300 7 900 n 200 17 000 17 400 18 100 20 100 19 300 18 000 22 900 20 100 14 000 10 200 10 700 12 800 14 200 19 100 19 900 18 400 20 500 24 000 23 000 23 400 22 400 13 200 11 400 1 1 100 18 900 17 500 23 300 21 100 27 500 20 900 25 800 21 900 29 300 21 400 25 700 24 700 28 000 24 600 28 300 21 400 25 300 19 900 28 000 11 700 18 600 9 900 19 800 12 300 17 200 15 600 20 300 20 500 21 300 20 600 22 500 ii 500 24 800 21 100 22 400 24 200 25 200 25 600 28 300 25 100 27 300 15 400 27 100 12 200 23 200 10 000 22 600 13 500 23 300 15 800 23 400 23 000 25 400 27 000 29 600 25 500 30 400 30 800 32 700 33 000 31 700 30 000 32 300 34 700 36 000 25 900 34 800 12 700 29 400 11 800 26 800 22 200 25 500 27 900 24 700 28 500 25 300 30 100 29 100 25 800 27 900 20 200 22 100 17 900 20 000 22 500 23 700 25 200 23 500 26 500 26 700 27 700 31 500 22 500 19 200 23 900 21 500 27 100 25 900 31 200 28 200 32 200 35 400 33 800 35 800 23 800 25 600 Sources and Explanations for Table B-10 I SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census January 1959 to April 1960. "Construction Re- ports, Building Permits," C49-1 (September 1960), table 1, p. 5. May 1960 to December 1964 Annual data 1960 "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42-14 (August 1961), table 1, p. 4 (rev.). 1961 "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42-28 (September 1962), table 1, p. 4. 1962 "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42-43 (October 1963), table 1, p. 5. 1963 "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42-53 (July 1964), table 1, p. 9. 1964 "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42-63 (May 1965), table 1, p. 7 (rev.). 598 Monthly data Worksheets on file in the Bureau. EXPLANATIONS The figures presented in table B-10 are taken from 2 sources: first, the total units shown monthly (1959 to 1964) in table 6 of the C20-65-5 report. These figures incorporate slight revisions of data shown in table 1, of the C42 monthly series, to reconcile the monthly data for total units authorized with the annual data published in the C42 reports. Second, worksheets on file in the Bureau. The work- sheets extend the C 20- 65- 5 revision of total units to cover the type of structure detail and all "valuation" figures monthly from 1959 to 1964. Publicly- owned housing data show slight revisions due to inclusion of some late reports. The C42 monthly figures are preliminary and therefore do not include the final revisions reflected in the C42 annual reports. Table B-10 gives figures from the 10,000-place series for the months and years 1959 to 1963. In 1963, the 12,000-place series replaced the 10,000- place series. Thus for 1963 (the overlap year) data are presented for both the 10,000-place series and the 12,000-place series in order to provide the user with a basis for linking the two series. I SIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 599 Table B 10 United States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 Because of rounding, detail may not equal total Coverage, yeai, and monlli fJumber of housing units Total Private (pemiil-aulliorized) Total In structures witfi-- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract award) Valuation (miflions of dollars) Private (permlt-autfiorized^ Total In structures witli- units 5 units or more Public (contract award) A^J,^IUAL DATA 00-PLACE semes: 163. lOO-PLAce series: 163 162 161 160 159. 31b 600 36U 300 MONTHLY DATA )00-PLACE series: !&« : OeCEMBEl? NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEr^BER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY !63: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY )00-ptACE series: !63: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY >62: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY )6i: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1 3ia 100 1 212 900 1 107 900 1 031 200 1 238 600 81 500 92 800 108 500 110 800 111 300 121 900 130 000 125 600 131 800 122 000 91 600 87 600 97 900 100 200 130 MOO 116 500 118 500 123 900 122 100 112 000 133 600 112 500 79 800 87 100 95 MOO 96 500 125 aoo 112 500 113 500 118 700 117 300 137 100 127 900 108 100 77 300 8a 000 78 900 96 000 110 300 97 600 112 500 109 200 109 600 119 100 125 300 103 100 75 700 75 600 75 500 90 aoo 102 300 95 500 111 300 95 100 110 200 108 800 97 100 96 500 63 100 62 100 1 285 800 1 33a 700 1 285 000 1 186 600 1 06a 200 998 000 1 208 300 80 000 90 600 106 600 107 600 108 400 119 500 12a 800 122 900 128 800 119 200 90 900 86 aoo 96 100 98 600 127 800 iia 700 115 000 121 800 118 700 138 700 131 500 108 800 78 700 8a aoo 93 700 95 000 123 200 110 800 110 000 116 700 1 13 900 133 800 125 800 lOa 500 76 200 81 aoo 78 000 9a 500 107 600 95 200 111 000 105 800 107 000 117 500 120 800 101 aoo 7a 600 73 200 71 700 87 aoo 98 300 90 aoo 108 600 92 800 lOa 500 105 300 94 000 92 700 58 800 59 700 720 100 750 200 705 200 716 200 722 800 7a6 100 938 300 42 200 50 800 60 800 61 900 61 100 68 200 72 300 70 900 73 100 67 600 a8 500 a2 700 ao 800 51 000 69 700 65 aoo 68 100 72 800 71 000 78 800 82 100 63 800 a3 aoo a3 300 38 700 47 900 65 600 61 403 63 600 68 100 66 700 74 200 76 900 60 300 41 200 40 700 38 300 51 100 62 900 57 500 68 800 66 800 67 800 75 200 75 200 63 300 as 100 44 300 ai 800 56 200| 67 000 62 lOOJ 71 lOOJ 66 300 72 aoo 74 000 65 800 64 800 ao 200 ai 100 100 800 lis 900 116 500 87 100 67 600 6a 600 77 100 5 600 I 7 000 8 aoo 7 5 00 7 300 8 800 9 aoo 9 100 100 10 10 000 8 900 8 200 9 200 11 600 10 300 8 800 10 400 11 800 ; 11 300 10 800 [ 11 300 i 7 100 I 8 100 8 100 8 900 11 400 10 800 8 500 10 300 11 500 11 000 10 aoo 11 100 6 800 7 800 7 300 I 7 100 j 7 800 I 6 600 1 7 100 7 300 6 900 9 300 8 100 8 aoo 5 100 5 900 900 500 800 800 100 800 300 400 400 200 200 100 a6a 900 a65 600 a63 300 333 300 273 800 187 aoo 193 000 32 200 32 900 37 500 38 200 ao 000 a2 500 a3 000 a2 900 as 700 ai 600 33 500 3a 800 47 aoo 38 aoo a6 aoo 39 000 38 100 38 700 35 900 as 700 38 600 33 600 28 200 33 000 a6 900 38 30 a6 100 38 700 38 000 38 200 35 700 as 600 38 500 33 100 28 200 32 900 32 aoo 36 30 36 800 31 100 35 100 31 700 32 300 33 000 37 500 29 700 2a aoo 23 000 25 100 25 700 2a 500 22 600 31 300 21 800 25 900 2a 800 2! 700 21 600 la 500 14 aoo 29 800 29 600 29 100 26 300 as 700 33 200 30 200 1 400 2 200 1 900 3 200 2 900 2 aoo 5 200 2 700 3 000 2 900 600 1 200 1 800 1 600 600 800 500 100 400 30 100 600 100 700 600 700 500 000 400 300 100 600 100 600 900 500 700 400 1 500 3 400 2 600 1 600 4 500 1 700 1 100 2 400 800 000 000 100 700 300 700 500 100 3 800 4 300 2 aoo 15 601 15 561 la 9a9 13 740 12 583 11 7 16 13 719 991 1 120 1 296 1 30 3 1 299 1 463 1 593 1 503 1 567 1 4 39 1 048 978 1 060 1 127 1 497 1 333 1 399 1 a36 1 a 38 1 617 1 5a8 1 283 879 947 1 033 1 083 1 440 1 278 1 335 1 370 1 381 1 556 1 480 1 233 849 911 842 1 083 1 236 1 094 1 291 1 248 1 270 1 395 1 437 1 174 835 8 34 850 1 004 1 176 1 094 1 261 1 112 1 263 1 254 1 099 1 089 698 683 15 242 15 213 14 606 13 a38 12 075 11 327 13 375 97 3 1 087 1 275 1 267 1 266 1 a33 1 527 1 a70 1 53a 1 ao6 1 040 964 1 38 1 109 1 470 1 313 1 357 1 411 1 398 1 579 1 519 1 239 865 916 1 Oil 1 066 1 ai3 1 259 1 293 1 346 1 342 1 518 1 451 1 190 835 881 833 1 067 1 205 1 065 1 273 1 206 1 238 1 378 1 385 1 155 824 809 802 971 1 128 1 39 1 229 1 085 1 198 1 217 1 064 1 042 649 652 10 714 10 658 10 088 9 703 9 368 9 a27 11 a28 638 773 923 930 902 1 Oil 1 081 1 057 1 081 1 001 705 612 599 734 1 008 931 975 1 028 1 028 1 119 1 143 893 602 598 571 69 a 955 881 917 968 974 1 061 1 078 850 573 566 529 710 862 780 9 32 896 923 1 033 1 016 854 581 587 546 733 881 811 918 86a 953 966 852 829 505 510 86a 970 952 682 52a 491 3 664 3 585 3 565 3 053 2 184 1 a09 28a 253 279 274 302 34 7 364 339 365 322 257 278 368 302 365 297 310 296 278 366 285 256 208 253 369 301 36 3 295 306 292 277 365 285 252 208 252 2a7 302 280 23a 28a 252 258 275 308 234 204 175 218 198 194 184 261 183 196 200 162 164 113 111 359 348 34 3 301 507 389 344 18 33 21 36 33 30 66 34 33 33 22 18 27 20 a2 25 ao 38 29 22 17 27 19 a2 24 39 38 29 43 14 30 9 16 31 29 18 42 32 17 52 19 11 25 48 33 48 55 32 27 65 37 35 47 49 31 600 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 10. United States-New Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Bec.iuse o( OLinding, dela 1 may not equal total Numbet of housing units Valuation (millions of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract award) Total Private (permit-authorized) Coverage, year, and month Total In structures with- Total In Structures with- Public (contract award) lunit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more MONTHLY DATA — CONTlNUtO: 10.000-PLACE SfRIES — CONTINUCD: 1950: 5a 600 75 000 83 aoo 86 900 96 800 89 600 99 500 106 900 102 200 92 300 70 aoo 63 600 7a 800 77 700 97 900 106 100 107 200 113 000 125 000 12a 200 133 000 120 aoo 80 100 79 200 58 700 73 900 81 600 aa 900 93 700 a£ 300 9a 800 103 aoo 101 100 89 000 68 100 62 600 73 500 75 800 9a 600 102 500 106 aoo 112 300 120 900 120 800 127 900 119 000 79 000 75 700 38 700 51 eoo 59 600 62 300 70 000 a aoo 5 liQO a 900 5 200 5 700 15 600 16 700 17 000 17 aoo 18 000 la 700 12 800 21 aoo 15 800 15 000 10 500 U 500 13 500 12 600 13 700 16 000 15 200 15 800 18 200 19 700 20 200 19 300 13 900 la 800 5 900 1 100 1 800 2 000 3 100 3 300 a 800 3 500 1 100 ' 3 JOO 2 300 1 000 1 300 1 900 3 300 3 600 800 700 a 100 3 aoo 5 100 1 aoo 1 100 3 500 718 837 9a3 995 1 097 1 031 1 laa 1 223 1 17a 1 oao 786 685 813 857 1 123 1 207 1 209 1 259 1 a07 1 390 1 a79 1 305 8ai 817 6a6 82a 922 971 1 053 995 1 128 1 182 1 162 998 760 675 800 836 1 077 1 153 1 203 1 263 1 361 1 348 1 a26 1 291 827 779 a93 657 761 795 888 831 972 976 997 aas 6aa 567 662 3a ai 3S 39 aa U3 a6 Hb a3 a6 ai 30 119 126 123 137 131 121 110 160 122 107 75 78 72 13 OCTOBER 21 2U 3a 55 800| 5 700 75 800 5 POO 36 56 HAV ....:.=,. 76 100 78 700 67 700 52 700 a6 800 6 000 5 700 6 300 a 900 a aoo 41 12 MARCH a2 26 11 ' 1959: DECEMBER 5b 100 57 800 7a aoo 80 300 85 aoo 90 200 9a 900 93 500 99 700 91 300 59 900 55 700 a 900 5 aoo 6 aoo 6 200 5 900 5 200 7 800 7 500 8 000 8 aoo 5 200 5 200 139 13 NOVEMBER 712! 125 21 92a 99 3 1 050 1 101 1 173 1 161 1 22a 1 101 690 6ao 153 172 153 162 188 186 202 191 137 139 45 44 6 JULY, 5 JUNE....' a5 43 53 MARCH 14 14 38 Sources and Explanations for Table B-11 SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census January 1959 to April 1960. "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C49-1 (September 1960), table 2, p. 5. May 1960 to December 1964. "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42, annual and monthly report series. Annual data 1960-C42-14 (1961), table 3, p. 4 (rev.). 1961-C42-28 (1962), table 3, p. 4. 1962-C42-43 (1963), table 3, p. 7. 1963-C42-53 (1964), table 5, p. 25. 1964-C42-63 (1965), table 5, p. 23 (rev.). Monthly data May to December 1960 - C42-1 toC42-8, table 2, p. 4. January to December 1961 - C42-9 to C42-13, table 2, p. 4, andC42-15 toC42- 21, table 2, p. 5. January to December 1962 - C42-22 to C42-27 and C42-29 to C42-34, table 2, p. 5. January to December 1963 - C42-35 to C42-42, table 2, p. 5, andC42-44 toC42- 47, table 2, p. 6. January to December 1964 - C42-49 to C42-52 and C42-54 to C42-61, table 2, p. 6. EXPLANATIONS The 3,014 permit- issuing places furnishing these data comprise the more active permit-issuing places selected from the 10,000-place universe established in 1959. National summaries of the monthly and annual data reported from these places form the basis for the statistics in this table. This sample consists generally of places where permits were issued during 1959 for at least 50 new housing units. For Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming, the sample includes places which issued 20 to 49 new housing units in 1959, The annual totals for the 3,014-place series in- clude late revisions which are not reflected in the monthly data. The extent of activity in the 3,014-place series is shown in the text tables for tables B-12 and B-13, which give comparisons of the annual totals for the United States, State, and each SMSA summarized for the 3,014-place series with the corresponding totals compiled from the 10,000-place series for 1959 to 1962, and the 12,000-place series for 1963 and 1964. On a nation-wide basis, during 1960 to 1964, the 3,014-place series accounted for from about 86 percent to 92 percent of the total new residential units authorized in all permit-issuing places. 601 602 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 11 United states— New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "Z" Less than 500 units. Number of housing units (tliousands) Valuation (mi lions of dollars) Total Private (permrt-autfiorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (pe imit-authorized Year and month Tolal In structures witli- Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) ANNUAL DATA 196y 1 134 1 193 1 110 1 013 942 1 150 71 79 93 90 92 104 109 107 112 106 80 30 90 87 115 101 104 108 102 122 114 99 71 79 71 89 100 87 102 98 99 108 113 95 70 70 70 81 92 36 101 86 98 93 87 87 58 58 60 68 77 79 88 30 89 95 93 86 65 60 70 72 91 98 100 105 116 115 123 112 75 74 1 111 1 169 1 038 974 912 1 123 71 79 92 88 91 103 107 106 110 104 30 79 38 85 114 100 101 107 101 119 113 96 70 77 70 87 93 86 101 96 97 107 110 94 70 68 66 78 90 82 99 84 93 96 85 85 55 56 55 67 75 78 85 77 86 94 92 84 63 59 68 71 88 95 99 104 112 112 119 111 74 71 538 621 635 645 670 851 35 41 50 50 49 55 58 53 59 56 40 37 34 42 53 53 56 50 53 55 67 54 38 37 34 45 57 50 60 59 60 66 66 57 41 40 37 50 60 55 63 58 54 56 58 58 37 38 35 45 54 56 53 58 67 68 71 63 48 44 51 53 68 74 78 83 87 85 91 84 55 51 90 109 82 63 61 433 4 39 371 265 132 23 24 23 40 30 25 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 ( Z) 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 2 2 5 3 2 2 3 2 6 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 4 3 4 1 1 3 13 335 13 543 12 542 1 1 490 10 557 12 681 871 938 1 102 1 079 1 081 1 241 1 329 1 273 1 328 1 230 925 379 951 969 1 303 1 152 1 213 1 235 1 203 1 372 1 311 1 128 730 355 764 994 1 119 970 1 153 1 121 1 143 1 261 1 294 1 075 781 766 7 79 906 1 054 930 1 142 999 1 131 1 131 984 979 6 37 532 657 753 856 896 99 5 913 1 060 1 083 1 051 970 722 546 754 792 1 037 1 115 1 118 1 173 1 299 1 284 1 366 1 208 778 755 13 106 13 250 12 278 11 027 10 305 12 379 865 923 1 088 1 057 1 065 1 225 1 300 1 256 1 302 1 210 92 1 374 942 957 1 235 1 135 1 181 1 226 1 185 1 348 1 302 1 093 771 333 750 979 1 092 958 1 155 1 094 1 119 1 249 1 255 1 062 775 750 740 876 1 035 935 1 113 976 1 053 1 103 957 950 606 507 598 745 833 875 96 1 388 1 022 1 058 1 044 933 704 636 742 774 99 7 1 075 1 112 1 168 1 259 1 247 1 320 1 195 767 722 3 394 8 962 8 665 8 411 8 477 IC 436 543 533 762 762 735 833 380 871 89 2 837 607 533 516 613 842 775 820 350 856 934 949 765 529 527 481 630 776 684 824 793 314 915 900 769 537 534 496 654 79 7 717 822 762 842 864 755 745 468 474 450 585 681 705 796 735 870 852 888 786 591 530 507 653 848 909 964 1 010 1 075 1 055 1 124 1 010 633 585 778 895 642 491 452 3 434 3 393 2 970 2 125 1 366 279 1963 293 263 196 1 463 I960 352 1959 253 1 893 302 MONTHLY DATA 1964: 5 6 8 7 5 8 9 8 9 8 8 8 3 11 10 8 10 9 11 9 10 7 3 7 7 3 5 7 6 6 9 8 3 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 4 30 31 35 31 36 40 41 40 42 39 32 34 46 35 45 37 37 38 33 44 37 32 25 32 29 36 34 29 34 30 31 32 36 29 24 22 24 23 24 22 30 21 23 24 21 21 14 14 15 15 17 17 17 14 13 20 15 14 10 11 47 54 57 57 53 67 75 66 73 75 70 70 69 65 38 77 57 82 80 87 77 83 54 52 54 53 60 48 55 52 51 67 59 64 39 45 35 38 51 42 43 36 48 48 45 47 28 29 32 37 37 35 42 35 44 45 41 43 39 30 270 237 260 2 39 276 325 345 318 332 299 243 271 357 274 355 233 294 235 250 326 276 244 188 245 225 296 257 225 276 244 253 267 298 228 199 170 209 185 187 176 24 3 178 173 192 155 153 110 104 116 123 120 135 123 117 108 152 116 103 73 76 6 NOVLMBLR 15 14 22 AUGUST 15 JULY 16 29 MAY 18 25 19 FEbRUAKY 4 JANUARY 5 1963: OLCt-MBLR 19 12 17 SLPTtMbLR 17 37 9 17 24 APRIL 3 34 9 JANUARY 23 OECEMBLR 4 N0VLM8LR 15 27 SEPTEMBLR 12 AUGUST 13 27 JUNL 24 MAY 12 33 MARCH 14 FEBRUARY 6 17 1961 : 39 NOVLMBLR 29 18 45 29 JULY 24 63 28 27 MARCH 29 FEBRUARY 31 25 1960 : DECEMBER 69 NOVEMBER 9 13 SEPTEMBER 21 AUGUST 34 30 JUNE 37 MAY 25 APRIL 7 37 19 JANUARY 10 1959: DECEMBER 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 8 8 2 1 5 7 7 7 9 9 135 121 149 167 149 155 183 181 196 185 133 135 12 13 OCTOBER , . , 41 39 5 JULY 5 40 MAY 37 47 MARCH 13 12 JANUARY 33 Sources and Explanations for Table B-12 SOURCES 1959 TO 1964 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census January 1959 to April 1960. "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C49-1 (September 1960), pp. 9-29. May 1960 to December 1964. "Construction Reports, Building Permits," C42, Annual and Monthly report series. Annual data 1960-C42-14 (1961), table 5, p. 6 (rev.). 1961-C42-28 (1962), table 5, p. 6. 1962-C42-43 (1963), table 3, p. 7. 1963-C42-53 (1964), table 5. p. 25. 1964-C42-63 (1965), table 5, p. 23 (rev.). Monthly data May to December 1960 - C42-1 to C42-8. table 3, p. 5. January to December 1961 - C42-9 to C42- 13, table 3. p. 5, and C42-15 to C42-21, table 3, p. 6. January to December 1962 - C42-22toC42- 27 and C42-29 to C42-34, table 3, p. 6. January to December 1963 - C42-35toC42- 42, table 3, p. 6, andC42-44 toC42-47, table 2, p. 6. January to December 1964 - C42-49toC42- 52 and C42-54 to C42-61, table 2, p. 6. EXPLANATIONS Table B-12 presents annual and monthly statistics for 1959 to 1964 for each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia. The relative importance of the 3,014-place series as compared with the 10,000- place series (1959 to 1962) and the 12,000-place series (1963 and 1964) is shown in the text table below. The annual totals reported from the 3,014-place series reflect considerable variation in the propor- tion of all permit-authorized construction which they cover. For example, during the year 1964, the 3,014-place series accounted for 100 percent of the number of new housing units authorized in Hawaii, while, for the same year, it accounted for only 56 percent of new units in South Carolina and West Virginia. In 30 of the 50 States, the 3,014-place series accounted for more than 80 percent of the total of new units authorized; and in 12 States, between 70 and 80 percent; and in only 8 States was the ratio less than 70 percent. The annual State totals shown for the 3,014-place series include late revisions which are not reflected in the monthly data. New Housing Units Authorized in the 3,014 Place Series as a Percent of Total Units Authorized state 10,000 place series 12,000 place series State Pl 10,000 ace series 12,000 place series 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 United States 91. <; 88.0 89.4 98.6 82.1 98.7 95.0 94.7 92.8 100.0 95.7 90.4 100.0 74.8 92.5 89.9 74.3 81.6 87.0 92.3 83.3 98.5 90.4 79.5 79.9 90.1 91.5 88.7 87.3 98.7 77.0 98.4 94.6 94.8 93.2 100.0 95.9 91.4 100.0 76.7 90.3 90.4 73.0 82.4 83.1 92.2 80.5 98.8 91.1 81.2 83.2 92.1 91.5 88.5 92.8 98.5 78.0 97.8 92.9 95.1 91.4 100.0 95.8 90.3 100.0 78.8 88.8 90.1 71.4 77.3 87.8 93.6 77.5 98.8 88.9 80.9 85.2 90.3 87.5 86.7 85.7 95.3 69.7 95.6 91.3 88.0 58.9 100.0 90.1 89.4 100.0 80.8 84.4 78.9 63.4 74.7 78.4 94.3 69.9 97.5 84.1 78.5 78.1 76.8 86.2 86.3 66.9 93.0 63.1 95.0 90.5 89.8 65.8 100.0 89.5 88.7 100.0 76.9 82.7 79.9 70.0 75.1 80.5 92.4 65.7 96.7 87.6 79.0 79.1 74.4 86.5 88.1 85.6 99.0 85.2 81.8 92.9 93.8 85.0 84.8 90.7 86.2 86.6 78.6 94.1 66.7 80.9 91.2 91.6 90.4 85.5 92.6 92.3 58.5 82.9 86.7 88.3 88.2 82.9 99.2 86.9 80.4 93.5 94.9 83.9 85.9 87.6 85.0 82.6 79.8 93.5 69.7 84.9 89.9 93.7 87.4 85.9 92.1 92.6 64.7 80.2 74.8 86.7 88.0 85.5 99.5 78.6 80.4 94.9 95.2 83.6 85.9 89.9 85.4 82.6 79.3 94.1 76.0 80.9 85.8 92.6 89.4 82.3 94.9 93.5 62.7 79.1 77.8 81.0 85.8 79.9 98.0 57.1 74.4 91.5 91.4 70.6 82.0 84.5 82.3 79.0 69.7 81.6 54.1 78.5 86.5 90.4 88.3 71.2 92.4 83.5 62.6 77.6 80.9 83.4 Alabama Montana Nebraska Nevada 84.4 78.5 Alaska 95.6 57.5 Arkansas New Jersey New Mexico California 73.7 89.4 Colorado Connecticut Delavrare Dist. of Columbia New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon 87.1 73.4 79.9 Florida 33.8 Georgia 83.0 80.5 Hawaii Idaho Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee 69.6 91.8 Illinois Indiana Iowa 55.6 71.9 86.8 Kansas Texas Utah Vermont Virginia 89.6 88.5 Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland 62.7 93.7 81.7 Michigan 56.0 76.2 91.2 603 604 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964 Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) state, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with - Total In Structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) ALABAMA ANNUAL DATA 1964. 14 260 16 606 13 047 11 684 10 996 17 471 822 971 1 092 1 116 1 215 1 335 1 179 1 331 1 767 1 455 1 006 953 907 1 084 1 678 1 429 1 346 1 306 1 572 1 416 1 553 1 335 1 160 1 699 761 924 1 554 981 1 100 1 065 1 049 1 232 1 300 1 142 1 031 912 606 969 1 042 973 1 176 1 117 1 021 1 248 1 016 945 739 846 13 574 15 660 12 422 11 171 10 370 15 651 822 971 1 092 1 116 1 165 1 122 1 179 1 331 1 387 1 455 1 006 910 907 944 1 678 1 343 1 346 1 306 1 572 1 416 1 553 1 285 1 160 1 069 761 924 1 103 981 1 100 1 065 1 049 1 232 1 226 1 142 1 031 812 606 969 957 973 1 176 917 1 021 1 020 1 016 945 739 846 11 235 11 943 11 231 10 312 9 905 14 214 612 820 995 893 985 979 1 023 1 149 1 050 1 090 846 798 593 829 1 134 1 027 971 1 050 1 085 1 124 1 196 1 174 962 813 534 818 1 021 931 1 044 1 008 975 1 108 1 032 1 086 885 766 512 808 925 876 1 060 879 953 999 946 889 690 789 731 882 388 433 267 1 608 2 835 803 426 198 686 946 625 513 626 1 820 50 213 380 43 140 86 50 630 451 74 100 85 200 228 155 861 162 428 128 226 108 674 99 502 147 367 8 577 10 373 12 453 12 167 13 148 15 695 13 584 15 321 18 440 15 548 9 916 10 010 8 797 10 791 15 845 14 726 12 572 13 431 14 463 13 972 15 389 14 233 11 623 16 207 6 579 9 438 16 093 10 083 11 057 11 221 10 330 11 944 12 758 10 822 9 263 8 332 5 783 8 361 10 345 8 932 10 366 10 947 9 786 11 887 9 543 8 402 6 547 7 632 148 820 153 612 121 880 103 760 93 867 131 072 8 577 10 373 12 453 12 167 12 638 13 195 13 584 15 321 14 814 15 548 9 916 9 605 8 797 9 543 15 845 13 832 12 572 13 431 14 463 13 972 15 389 13 951 11 623 10 140 6 579 9 438 11 322 10 083 11 057 11 221 10 330 11 944 12 110 10 822 9 263 7 406 5 783 8 361 9 674 8 932 10 366 8 958 9 786 9 632 9 543 8 402 6 547 7 632 134 569 133 669 116 316 100 045 90 979 122 982 7 421 9 603 12 014 11 014 11 471 11 837 12 504 14 427 12 293 13 270 9 337 9 047 7 070 9 039 12 622 12 073 10 457 12 217 12 063 12 785 13 595 13 414 10 589 8 552 5 458 8 928 11 014 9 801 10 815 10 989 10 084 11 232 11 170 10 591 8 663 7 218 5 218 7 801 9 547 8 587 9 805 8 779 9 471 9 549 9 204 8 177 6 377 7 385 5 383 5 309 1 768 1 764 i^ 1 092 8 868 14 634 3 796 1 951 1 796^ 7 041 1963. . 8 816 1962 6 346 1961 1960 4 914 5 635 1959 1 437 V 8 090 A 16 295 f 302 171 67 247 113 1,038 735 130 1 805 492 92 169 84 136 1 616 301 209 289 267 201 379 127 293 1 432 24 292 154 51 97 157 56 508 112 95 303 151 216 202 127 228 191 84 119 83 159 93 114 148 854 598 372 905 1 054 320 344 763 716 1 786 487 390 1 642 368 1 608 1 458 1 905 925 2 134 986 1 415 410 741 156 1 276 217 156 230 145 75 189 204 828 137 302 27 348 358 117 370 95 196 180 131 56 100 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER. ......... NOVEMBER. f 48 34 19 34 20 113 82 31 203 85 23 37 16 22 233 50 37 58 70 42 72 23 49 214 8 37 37 12 23 42 22 81 26 25 64 38 46 51 32 67 51 22 24 21 28 22 35 34 1 162 117 78 189 160 30 74 151 134 280 137 75 298 93 311 266 338 198 417 250 285 88 149 42 219 69 45 38 33 15 52 43 168 31 82 8 48 110 30 65 16 44 42 34 14 23 - OCTOBER . _ SEPTEMBER ......... AUGUST. .......... 510 JULY. JUNE 2 500 MAY _ APRIL MARCH 3 626 FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 405 1 248 SEPTEMBER 894 JULY JUNE ; _ APRIL 282 FEBRUARY _ JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER 6 067 OCTOBER . 4 771 SEPTEMBER ......... AUGUST JULY. - JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 649 926 1961: DECEMBER. .... NOVEMBER. ... - OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER 671 AUGUST JULY 1,989 JUNE MAY APRIL 2 255 . FEBRUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 605 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because ol rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) ALABAMA- -Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1960: DECEMBEfl. ..... NOVEMBER. ..... OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE . MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL . MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY ...... ALASKA ANNUAL DATA 1964. ........ 1963. . . 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 196A: DECEMBER, NOVEMBER, OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. JULY. . JUNE. . MAY . . APRIL . MARCH . FEBRUARY, JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 555 755 837 889 938 1 071 1 370 1 110 950 886 820 78iIBER 242 OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY 646 1 020 420 APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER 1 039 942 1 096 6 897 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SETPEMBER 1 763 AUGUST 931 MAY MARCH 549 6 913 JANUARY . . " 1 1959: NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 1? 25 2C 32 2f= 31 IC i: 29 16 9 6 7 1 8 1 2 3 9 4 1 1 443 2 421 338 1 475 196 2 428 2 097 2 250 670 607 1 861 621 801 JULY JUNE - MAY APRIL ... FEBRUARY 499 2 463 ANNUAL DATA 19&i 1963 f 100 26 26 18 12 1 183 374 472 313 300 ; 796 116 200 125 68 1. 7 579 2 085 4 725 3 821 3 000 1 910 " 1961 - 76 5 350 - 614 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Total In structures wrtti- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) DELAWARE— Con. MONTHLY DATA 196^: DECEMBER NOVaffiER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER. ..... NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. ...... JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . MARCH ....... FEBRUARY. ..... JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE. . MAY . APRIL . MARCH , FEBRUARY JANUARY . 1960: DECEMBER, NOVEMBER, OCTOBER September AUGUST. JULY. . JUNE. . MAY . . APRIL . MARCH . FEBRUARY JANUARY 206 411 185 569 172 353 434 232 368 245 241 63 262 143 277 229 383 309 278 210 133 93 57 54 158 322 120 147 171 188 209 197 179 220 160 155 285 195 225 187 341 250 220 156 265 163 39 186 132 145 166 254 430 149 193 204 179 442 172 77 206 411 185 569 172 353 434 232 219 245 241 63 262 143 277 229 383 309 278 210 133 93 57 54 158 322 120 147 171 209 197 179 220 160 155 285 195 225 187 341 250 220 156 265 163 39 186 132 145 166 254 430 149 193 204 179 442 172 77 195 117 161 240 172 267 167 192 195 173 112 56 258 123 167 229 192 309 278 137 133 93 55 54 50 76 114 147 171 176 209 197 175 210 117 84 52 187 225 187 341 250 220 156 225 115 39 75 132 145 166 254 126 149 185 204 179 442 172 77 - 11 8 286 - 24 2 327 4 82 64 203 - 40 16 8 6 66 - 129 - 7 149 110 191 73 108 246 12 43 63 233 40 40 109 300 2 694 3 978 2 850 4 970 2 961 4 478 4 559 2 939 5 103 2 949 2 175 769 3 503 1 859 3 074 1 621 3 827 4 220 4 421 4 583 3 509 2 242 1 774 1 773 1 860 5 536 2 945 1 793 2 279 2 264 555 703 725 343 879 759 4 122 2 633 2 802 2 433 3 680 3 341 983 248 994 067 623 547 758 895 489 241 856 071 2 327 3 486 2 302 4 834 1 982 2 694 3 978 2 850 4 970 2 961 4 478 559 939 193 949 175 769 3 503 1 859 3 074 1 621 3 827 4 220 4 421 4 583 3 509 2 242 1 774 1 773 1 860 5 536 2 945 1 793 2 279 2 264 2 555 2 703 2 725 4 343 1 879 1 759 4 122 2 633 2 802 2 433 3 680 3 341 983 248 994 067 623 547 758 895 489 241 856 071 327 486 302 834 982 896 599 680 310 300 961 971 860 699 023 499 524 714 478 784 514 621 797 220 4 421 4 088 3 509 2 242 1 758 1 773 1 210 2 236 2 925 1 793 2 279 2 164 2 555 2 703 2 690 4 253 1 639 1 269 762 573 802 433 680 341 2 983 2 248 2 801 1 759 623 989 1 758 1 895 2 489 3 241 1 836 2 071 2 279 3 486 2 302 4 834 1 982 896 50 25 27 424 120 150 25 75 95 2 248 540 1 645 480 1 275 240 50 300 651 55 560 1 030 1 910 20 35 90 55 60 650 3 300 100 240 435 3 360 40 25 20 48 193 268 533 3 000 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 615 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because ol rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month DELA>. 84 182 263 279 428 927 599 28 208 65 289 155 91 Public (contract awards) 218 736 176 32 34 128 279 457 Valuation (thousands ol dollars) Total 1 J42 2 087 1 723 3 702 3 929 3 269 5 329 5 511 4 366 5 133 1 526 597 70 084 64 962 30 738 23 732 22 393 11 59d 746 8 376 5 391 2 652 5 914 15 739 4 204 11 617 3 i22 8 428 1 571 1 624 5 993 1 032 12 340 3 161 5 333 11 723 3 290 10 404 1 753 1 362 2 098 6 473 1 363 1 482 2 031 2 864 5 970 6 987 530 1 778 666 3 330 1 952 787 Private (permit-authorized) Total 1 342 2 087 1 728 3 702 3 929 3 269 5 329 5 511 4 366 5 133 1 526 597 67 491 55 407 30 738 23 732 22 393 11 237 746 7 725 5 391 2 652 5 914 15 739 4 204 11 073 3 822 7 030 1 571 1 624 5 993 1 032 12 340 3 161 5 333 8 180 3 290 10 404 1 753 1 362 2 098 461 1 363 1 482 2 031 2 8b4 5 970 6 987 530 1 778 666 3 330 1 952 787 In structures with- 1 unit 1 192 2 087 1 728 3 702 2 429 3 269 2 829 4 911 3 766 5 133 1 526 597 5 656 4 538 4 245 4 571 4 953 4 362 ?-4 units 5 units or more 150 1 500 2 500 600 600 _A^ 61 835 50 869 26 493 19 050 15 695 ) 377 - 369 811 - 6 914 748 - 4 643 340 - 2 312 563 - 5 351 275 - 15 464 494 _ 3 709 '/")' J - 10 474 3d0 - 3 462 460 - 6 570 449 - 1 122 179 - 1 445 262 . 5 731 192 - 840 618 - 11 722 466 - 2 695 540 - 4 793 474 - 7 706 519 _ 2 772 44-1 - 9 963 203 - 1 550 546 - 816 215 - 1 883 63 - 398 222 1 141 180 - 1 302 4A6 - 1 585 226 - 2 638 285 - 5 685 317 - 6 670 370 _ 160 578 - 1 200 423 - 238 706 - 2 t)25 142 - 1 810 347 - 440 Public (contract awards) 2 593 9 555 1 745 359 651 544 1 398 3 543 6 012 616 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, yeai, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA- -Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUME MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY FLORIDA ANNUAL DATA 196A 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 196-4: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER , SEPTEMBER , AUGUST , JULY , JUNE , MAY APRIL , MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 18 91 162 256 4.0 228 54 169 265 106 4 951 44 858 3 148 36 231 2 409 18 996 2 675 7 624 3 277 2 911 J 3 754 >. ( > 310 2 322 186 5 460 262 6 562 348 4 982 241 3 564 536 4 107 473 4 924 499 2 129 247 4 228 832 5 042 438 1 129 638 1 145 145 14 747 1 483 1 125 6 009 16 922 39 156 1 425 3 311 1 204 9 118 9 793 14 059 6 984 6 857 9 603 4 068 1 179 9 464 676 2 786 1 219 1 130 4 298 624 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Autliorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because o( rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) INDIANA— Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE •. . . MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1 180 1 2 450 2 385 779 1 169 813 1 008 625 880 344 283 156 407 60 590 48 4 236 6 693 6 689 7 449 8 539 7 614 3 975 8 107 10 365 5 232 4 054 3 941 5 593 6 813 9 737 9 107 9 678 12 637 12 084 12 642 15 477 10 468 4 013 4 370 91 885 82 433 82 408 77 627 76 449 101 463 5 460 6 035 8 908 7 448 8 020 7 850 10 234 8 134 10 086 6 589 6 323 6 808 300 301 773 471 599 167 120 7 544 7 660 9 105 11 356 5 Oil 4 773 4 236 6 693 6 689 7 449 8 539 7 614 8 975 8 107 10 365 5 232 4 054 3 941 5 593 6 813 9 737 9 107 9 678 12 637 12 084 12 642 15 477 10 468 4 013 4 370 91 885 81 151 78 375 77 196 70 626 100 966 5 460 6 035 8 908 7 448 8 020 7 850 10 234 8 134 10 086 6 589 6 323 4 300 301 773 471 599 167 7 544 7 660 9 105 11 356 5 Oil 3 809 3 931 6 135 6 350 7 219 8 247 7 307 7 258 7 431 9 667 4 936 3 905 3 775 5 482 6 563 9 396 8 819 9 545 12 260 11 465 12 395 14 878 10 055 3 861 4 204 68 438 66 441 65 102 65 787 66 324 97 717 657 861 612 983 369 178 7 318 6 153 7 082 5 686 5 342 5 207 3 105 4 815 5 936 5 096 5 609 5 791 6 258 6 748 7 208 10 251 4 670 3 074 265 40 256 302 339 - 145 85 154 138 307 - 216 1 500 484 141 582 117 296 - 149 - 73 93 111 250 341 288 133 377 619 247 599 413 152 166 ( 4 762 18 686 6 488 8 221 6 768 6 505 4 722 6 687 2 545 1 756 5 24'3 1 283 4 033 431 5 823 497 240 1 564 252 922 401 2 896 142 1 323 1 015 1 635 509 1 163 437 2 479 275 1 706 638 2 366 417 486 317 665 119 1 482 230 964 229 1 258 636 200 443 1 932 1 990 - 236 140 445 842 280 632 562 1 335 604 500 341 - 475 259 964 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 627 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of lounding. detail may not equal total. Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures wlth- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) KANSAS— Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUI>1E MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY KENTUCKY ANNUAL DATA i96<; 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 342 522 671 499 533 901 631 777 659 701 427 266 277 431 652 514 487 514 694 727 468 654 387 390 697 391 397 668 745 539 487 444 628 609 270 316 538 471 648 621 630 826 999 792 720 1 004 633 410 12 544 9 763 8 445 7 005 7 329 9 074 342 522 671 499 533 690 531 777 659 605 427 266 277 431 652 514 437 514 694 727 468 654 387 390 307 391 397 668 545 539 487 444 628 609 270 316 490 471 648 621 630 826 999 792 720 1 004 633 410 12 368 9 575 8 143 6 665 7 065 874 265 349 430 339 417 406 411 570 521 423 391 179 217 320 485 348 366 396 553 467 391 470 359 324 240 338 369 634 510 513 403 426 498 551 228 268 im) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 344 490 639 538 079 77 38 113 75 100 108 70 42 41 89 36 24 52 31 56 46 78 74 67 61 36 56 20 42 19 48 28 24 35 8 46 18 28 26 36 24 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (Mi) (MA) (NA) 135 123 85 16 176 50 165 97 93 63 111 120 43 44 74 199 41 123 8 24 48 5 10 18 38 102 32 6 24 r ^ 512 3 512 415 1 670 353 1 151 289 838 347 639 K ; 211 100 96 390 200 48 7 555 1 31" 176 188 302 340 264 200 4 227 6 038 7 379 5 953 6 632 10 166 8 107 9 242 8 349 7 384 5 905 2 980 3 500 5 585 8 163 6 498 5 706 6 202 3 757 8 261 6 479 7 382 4 986 4 709 6 654 4 736 5 261 8 123 10 032 7 163 5 985 5 279 7 711 8 120 3 305 4 030 6 948 5 840 7 592 7 418 7 895 11 626 11 522 9 933 9 188 11 737 7 162 4 603 134 976 107 768 92 852 76 579 84 900 101 696 4 227 6 088 7 379 5 953 6 632 8 151 6 967 9 242 8 349 6 506 5 905 2 980 3 500 5 585 8 163 6 498 5 706 6 202 8 757 8 261 6 479 7 882 4 986 4 709 3 535 4 786 5 261 8 123 7 273 7 163' 5 985 5 279 7 711 8 120 3 305 4 030 6 451 5 840 7 592 7 418 7 395 11 626 11 522 9 933 9 188 11 737 7 162 4 603 133 290 105 870 89 910 72 573 82 398 99 825 707 054 987 019 869 338 057 631 509 985 540 410 3 112 4 726 7 215 4 750 4 781 5 359 7 660 6 389 5 862 6 486 4 785 4 248 3 172 4 413 5 062 7 924 6 993 6 952 5 375 5 130 6 847 7 691 3 032 3 734 (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (MA) (MA) (NA) (NA) 107 629 93 913 80 406 67 055 76 682 90 087 520 247 710 498 696 1 352 583 462 297 890 366 148 368 268 426 374 655 556 528 431 245 406 110 301 133 343 199 149 235 71 412 99 174 205 248 177 787 682 435 67 1 461 327 1 150 543 631 423 20 592 522 1 375 270 287 568 1 441 371 990 91 160 280 30 50 140 198 690 224 25 120 (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (MA) 4 128 3 064 2 583 1 948 2 167 v_ 21 533 8 893 6 920 3 570 3 549 2 015 1 140 3 069 2 754 9 738 1 686 1 898 2 942 4 006 2 502 1 871 628 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Nurnber of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) State, year, and month Total In structures with - Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) KENTUCKY- -Con. MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER 763 1 209 1 199 1 046 988 1 180 1 259 1 050 1 336 1 182 733 624 454 694 1 228 948 824 979 921 835 955 821 568 468 419 726 755 1 022 780 743 807 929 701 669 598 332 248 433 695 659 610 639 820 733 677 751 322 287 523 518 580 575 487 657 861 859 832 498 441 410 733 1 209 1 199 1 046 958 1 180 1 259 1 050 1 336 1 182 733 624 454 694 1 228 948 824 979 921 835 955 771 568 420 419 726 755 812 750 743 745 929 701 669 598 332 248 433 577 659 610 639 820 653 677 609 322 287 487 518 580 575 487 657 861 859 684 498 441 410 423 710 830 643 584 749 894 796 990 878 561 419 266 523 756 797 669 814 757 760 758 631 457 324 317 432 732 574 642 683 643 668 590 619 499 276 236 421 507 554 572 598 555 565 563 500 277 235 319 425 447 493 461 635 786 787 616 461 313 328 20 64 85 39 43 68 52 21 40 48 8 22 24 24 48 52 40 37 32 22 36 39 19 42 40 38 15 14 32 26 56 48 38 18 4 24 4 12 32 14 4 11 82 27 36 29 28 10 28 38 34 47 14 22 40 36 36 4 16 32 290 435 284 364 331 363 313 233 306 256 164 183 164 147 424 99 115 128 132 53 161 101 92 54 62 256 8 224 76 34 46 213 73 32 95 32 8 38 91 34 30 183 61 78 80 17 42 140 55 99 35 12 35 36 32 33 112 50 30 30 50 48 210 30 62 - 118 80 142 36 148 7 236 11 769 12 552 11 296 10 138 12 359 13 934 12 392 14 785 12 589 8 504 8 416 4 623 7 508 12 420 10 427 9 359 11 329 9 969 9 863 10 718 9 446 5 756 4 927 4 642 7 243 8 496 10 320 8 808 8 575 9 290 10 060 8 415 7 831 6 105 3 498 3 103 5 031 8 103 7 266 7 477 7 366 7 804 8 442 7 714 8 180 3 525 3 060 4 999 5 755 6 399 6 568 5 992 7 854 10 992 10 423 10 067 6 152 4 592 4 234 6 880 11 769 12 552 11 296 9 849 12 359 13 934 12 392 14 785 12 589 8 504 8 416 4 623 7 508 12 420 10 427 9 359 11 329 9 969 9 863 10 718 8 914 5 756 4 493 4 642 7 243 8 496 8 297 8 489 8 575 8 691 10 060 8 415 7 831 6 105 3 498 3 103 5 031 6 278 7 266 7 477 7 366 7 804 7 597 7 714 6 844 3 525 3 060 4 589 5 755 6 399 6 568 5 992 7 854 10 992 10 423 8 579 6 152 4 592 4 234 5 305 8 762 10 383 8 861 7 875 9 856 11 623 10 632 12 826 10 951 7 154 5 325 3 359 6 596 9 599 9 548 8 565 10 328 8 975 9 376 9 705 8 237 5 182 3 971 3 992 5 332 8 356 6 916 7 753 8 059 7 947 8 073 7 872 7 528 5 844 3 166 3 065 4 951 5 790 6 728 7 217 7 145 6 532 6 929 6 972 6 318 3 272 2 778 3 600 5 366 5 570 6 025 5 821 7 705 10 621 10 060 8 185 5 978 3 773 3 708 168 572 576 368 388 567 426 217 341 337 50 144 152 182 410 339 249 211 286 170 262 318 131 335 361 311 100 120 181 173 420 329 276 128 41 142 25 80 226 103 25 60 502 247 214 211 186 70 173 187 220 345 71 149 224 210 244 10 125 211 1 407 2 435 1 593 2 066 1 586 1 936 1 885 1 542 1 618 1 300 1 300 2 946 1 113 730 2 411 540 545 790 707 317 751 359 443 186 289 1 600 40 1 260 555 343 324 1 658 267 174 220 190 12 263 435 235 161 770 421 528 315 67 213 816 202 610 198 100 147 153 150 164 694 315 356 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 289 JULY JUNE MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY - JUNE - MAY - APRIL - MARCH 532 FEBRUARY - JANUARY 434 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER 2 023 AUGUST 319 JULY - JUNE 599 MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER - OCTOBER 1 825 SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY ■ * JUNE - MAY 845 APRIL - MARCH 1 336 FEBRUARY " JANUARY " 1960: DECEMBER 410 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER " AUGUST ~ JULY ~ JUNE - MAY 1 488 APRIL MARCH " FEBRUARY " JANUARY •" RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 629 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero . "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) state, year, and montti Total Private (perm t-auttiorized) Public (contract awards) Total ='rivate (perm t-authorized) Total In structures witi - Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) KENTUCKY- -Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1959: DECEMBER 396 740 564 1 043 910 951 770 748 1 060 878 609 405 15 752 14 743 12 192 11 385 10 683 16 241 1 308 1 141 1 365 1 445 1 308 1 798 1 369 1 346 1 171 1 350 744 886 738 1 077 1 624 2 074 1 312 1 013 1 337 1 383 1 119 910 673 1 157 717 944 1 040 755 982 1 056 1 145 1 564 693 1 318 935 915 396 740 564 943 810 951 770 748 1 060 878 609 405 15 662 13 293 12 092 10 271 10 523 16 073 1 308 1 061 1 365 1 445 1 308 1 798 1 369 1 346 1 171 1 350 734 886 738 1 077 1 624 1 072 1 112 1 013 1 225 1 247 1 119 910 673 1 157 717 944 1 040 755 942 1 056 1 145 1 504 693 1 318 935 915 344 534 527 668 677 821 732 657 953 804 495 345 9 308 8 688 8 914 8 420 9 167 14 537 729 629 601 835 689 820 869 772 821 861 555 656 610 536 770 639 668 735 745 931 884 773 548 601 475 664 853 594 783 871 638 977 653 777 786 680 >^ J 100 100 90 1 450 100 1 114 160 168 80 10 1 002 200 112 136 40 60 4 567 7 845 6 305 11 134 9 878 10 611 9 177 8 564 12 752 10 183 6 462 4 222 199 269 195 446 159 081 132 496 118 132 187 986 15 827 13 188 16 086 18 056 15 362 21 714 17 628 17 385 16 972 17 034 9 860 12 041 10 749 12 131 20 629 27 098 16 841 13 361 22 387 17 628 14 440 13 165 8 699 12 025 9 029 11 309 15 806 10 556 13 604 13 067 12 469 20 150 9 836 17 683 12 532 11 042 4 567 7 845 6 305 10 135 9 006 10 611 9 177 8 564 12 752 10 183 6 462 4 222 198 401 178 463 158 059 122 016 116 734 186 743 15 827 12 422 16 086 18 056 15 362 21 714 17 628 17 385 16 972 17 034 9 759 12 041 10 749 12 131 20 629 14 814 14 344 13 361 21 091 16 723 14 440 13 165 8 699 12 025 9 029 11 309 15 806 10 556 13 184 13 067 12 469 19 548 9 836 17 683 12 532 11 042 4 228 5 938 6 104 7 501 8 324 9 488 8 910 8 129 12 075 9 706 5 807 3 876 149 925 139 346 130 774 110 638 108 881 175 937 11 501 9 982 9 779 13 905 10 862 14 157 13 476 12 663 13 466 13 358 8 532 10 289 9 553 7 643 12 789 9 625 10 643 11 251 17 368 13 922 12 951 11 568 7 832 8 359 7 445 9 311 14 476 8 398 12 136 11 949 8 986 14 875 9 561 11 379 11 386 8 690 V J Y 52 206 37 275 133 130 38 91 107 74 114 60 339 1 907 201 2 634 682 1 123 267 435 677 477 655 346 _ NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER 999 AUGUST 872 JULY _ JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - LOUISIANA ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 ( 1 934 1 502 743 581 605 ^ 4 420 3 103 2 435 1 270 751 ) f 19 790 14 546 6 557 4 964 4 700 28 686 24 571 20 729 6 414 3 153 1 868 16 983 1962 1 022 1961 I960 10 480 1 398 1959 1 r 91 81 325 146 158 415 188 90 161 98 75 104 60 271 226 63 88 112 260 68 40 137 58 79 56 57 61 79 50 55 85 45 40 75 89 51 536 10 806 1 243 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER 488 351 439 464 461 563 312 484 189 391 104 126 68 270 628 370 356 166 220 248 195 67 477 186 223 126 82 109 130 422 482 466 60 184 c 821 782 4 069 1 214 1 613 3 856 1 876 1 013 1 990 908 647 993 601 2 838 2 260 608 906 1 127 1 798 652 264 1 597 659 805 573 528 528 638 401 415 761 406 276 792 814 425 3 506 1 659 2 238 2 937 2 887 3 701 2 277 3 709 1 515 2 768 580 760 595 1 650 5 579 4 582 2 795 983 1 924 2 149 1 225 208 2 861 1 Oil 1 470 802 1 520 647 703 2 722 4 268 5 513 332 1 926 766 OCTOBER ■ SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE 101 12 284 2 497 1 296 MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 905 420 602 630 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) state, year, and montti Total In Structures with- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) LOUISIANA— Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1961: DECEMBER 705 673 1 114 1 774 1 171 1 037 921 1 029 919 753 688 663 627 693 867 737 961 776 1 507 995 868 987 775 893 999 963 968 1 198 1 755 1 366 1 803 1 340 1 645 1 752 1 221 1 232 1 036 1 247 1 198 1 391 1 494 1 716 37 97 119 127 98 101 111 132 115 60 23 35 705 613 1 054 781 1 171 1 037 921 1 029 919 753 688 663 627 653 867 737 891 776 1 507 995 868 987 775 893 999 963 968 1 198 1 755 1 366 1 663 1 340 1 617 1 752 1 221 1 232 1 036 1 201 1 198 1 391 1 494 1 716 37 97 119 127 98 101 111 132 115 60 23 35 413 575 955 655 991 847 792 828 703 677 489 558 475 535 651 667 811 684 1 309 895 815 900 715 763 849 844 874 1 113 1 634 1 302 1 476 1 235 1 456 1 574 1 095 1 085 1 020 1 142 1 168 1 337 1 424 (NA) 37 91 119 121 96 101 111 130 115 69 23 35 36 31 57 41 90 27 38 46 50 48 42 75 36 69 4^ 57 56 42 76 38 30 36 60 61 256 7 42 85 90 163 91 155 166 28 157 30 116 49 172 13 24 50 122 62 23 51 69 ) 60 60 993 40 70 140 28 46 6 985 9 083 13 853 18 736 13 113 12 348 11 959 11 495 9 574 9 467 7 606 7 770 6 485 7 454 9 126 7 871 10 337 8 951 15 660 11 112 10 -590 11 138 9 519 10 071 10 584 10 262 10 961 13 659 20 005 16 752 20 654 15 970 19 240 21 398 14 612 13 888 13 141 15 647 14 665 16 532 17 443 19 266 588 1 303 1 415 1 517 1 210 1 248 1 439 1 572 1 473 685 310 572 6 985 8 506 13 456 10 086 13 113 12 348 11 959 11 495 9 574 9 467 7 606 7 770 6 485 7 121 9 126 7 871 9 715 8 951 15 660 11 112 10 590 11 138 9 519 10 071 10 584 10 262 10 961 13 659 20 005 16 752 19 639 15 970 19 012 21 398 14 612 13 888 13 141 14 806 14 665 16 532 17 443 19 266 588 1 303 1 415 1 517 1 210 1 248 1 439 1 572 1 473 685 310 572 5 798 8 241 12 790 9 200 11 700 11 311 11 312 10 342 8 394 8 842 6 012 7 049 5 599 6 356 8 Oil 7 371 9 008 8 428 14 779 10 470 10 207 10 692 9 252 9 334 9 368 9 508 10 411 13 047 19 243 16 325 18 227 15 207 17 732 20 099 13 721 13 056 12 986 14 316 14 420 16 064 16 891 (NA) 588 1 245 1 415 1 458 1 190 1 248 1 439 1 554 1 473 685 310 572 304 240 474 402 758 225 344 3.79 540 466 318 513 292 575 395 446 429 399 522 335 268 268 267 503 V 883 25 192 484 656 813 303 774 640 159 1 276 208 594 190 721 54 278 124 359 307 116 178 235 1 NOVEMBER 577 OCTOBER 397 SEPTEMBER 8 650 AUGUST JULY _ JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER 333 OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER _ AUGUST 622 JULY - JUNE MAY ; _ APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - 1959: DECEMBER V 150 119 94 85 121 64 187 105 161 178 126 147 1 216 759 550 612 762 427 1 412 763 1 280 1 299 891 332 _ NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - AUGUST _ JULY _ JUNE 1 015 MAY _ APRIL 228 MARCH - _ JANUARY - MAINE ANNUAL DATA 1964 16 18 28 43 64 \ 41 2 11 6 1 ( 155 150 221 358 517 340 24 110 35 1 1963 841 1962 - 1961 - I960 - 1959 (NA) (NA) - MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER 6 6 2 2 ^ 58 59 20 18 \ NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER . AUGUST _ JULY . JUNE MAY _ APRIL . MARCH FEBRUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 631 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "- ' Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) state, year, and month Total In structures with- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) MAINE— Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1963: DECEMBER 89 84 158 133 147 126 138 149 129 51 12 28 47 117 134 106 137 128 138 149 155 53 14 39 60 116 133 150 168 158 169 198 140 52 14 26 66 126 145 168 162 150 162 198 162 66 36 32 72 92 202 247 163 169 229 231 205 68 21 16 43 84 158 133 147 126 138 149 129 51 12 28 47 117 134 106 137 128 138 149 155 53 14 39 60 116 133 150 168 158 169 198 140 52 14 26 66 126 145 168 162 150 162 198 162 66 36 32 72 92 202 247 163 169 229 231 205 68 21 16 43 80 154 133 113 122 138 138 127 51 12 28 45 117 132 94 137 124 138 145 155 53 14 37 58 110 133 133 166 145 169 192 132 52 14 26 64 114 135 160 158 146 152 184 160 66 32 32 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 12 4 4 2 2 6 6 2 13 6 8 2 12 10 2 4 4 10 14 2 4 30 11 11 6 46 1 367 1 044 2 013 1 666 1 705 1 615 1 686 1 719 1 629 642 250 302 549 1 573 1 710 1 212 1 585 1 604 1 601 1 752 1 971 664 158 487 759 1 490 1 554 1 691 1 950 1 831 1 911 2 338 1 728 669 144 350 826 1 444 1 762 1 938 1 907 1 703 1 850 2 211 1 994 836 436 390 840 1 027 2 517 2 652 2 048 1 946 2 534 2 446 2 006 859 192 200 526 1 044 2 013 1 666 1 705 1 615 1 686 1 719 1 629 642 250 302 549 1 573 1 710 1 212 1 585 1 604 1 601 1 752 1 971 664 158 487 759 1 490 1 554 1 691 1 950 1 831 1 911 2 338 1 728 669 144 350 826 1 444 1 762 1 938 1 907 1 703 1 850 2 211 1 994 836 436 390 840 1 027 2 517 2 652 2 048 1 946 2 534 2 446 2 006 859 192 200 526 1 009 1 976 1 666 1 424 1 585 1 686 1 629 1 612 642 250 302 539 1 573 1 690 1 142 1 585 1 567 1 601 1 701 1 971 664 158 474 741 1 434 1 554 1 531 1 930 1 723 1 911 2 288 1 672 669 144 350 808 1 351 1 668 1 883 1 877 1 676 1 775 2 105 1 969 836 406 390 (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 35 37 31 30 17 10 20 70 37 51 13 18 56 50 20 108 50 56 18 93 93 20 30 27 75 107 25 30 250 90 110 35 I 841 NOVEMBER OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER _ AUGUST _ JULY _ JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST ~ JULY _ JUNE MAY ■ APRIL - MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER - OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH - FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER " NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE - MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959- DECEMBER (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) ^ V ' (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY - JUNE MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY _ ' 1 > V. \ 632 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Numbef of fiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more MARYLAND ANNUAL DATA 19W 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 196^: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 40 400 45 561 34 151 29 151 20 996 27 593 710 302 796 320 549 496 143 719 172 530 064 3 513 7 593 4 216 4 426 4 720 2 903 3 601 3 588 2 868 4 235 2 034 1 802 3 396 662 318 568 132 651 365 565 765 950 585 074 517 844 442 068 Oil 102 055 679 655 737 117 133 196 40 258 45 382 34 149 27 786 20 996 27 281 710 302 796 320 547 3 496 143 719 172 530 064 513 7 593 4 216 4 426 4 720 2 903 3 601 3 588 2 868 4 235 2 034 1 802 3 396 662 318 568 132 651 363 565 765 950 585 074 517 1 844 2 684 2 581 2 Oil 3 102 3 055 679 655 737 997 133 196 19 616 17 540 18 671 16 936 14 891 19 802 1 126 2 017 1 761 1 867 1 695 2 136 1 830 1 703 2 057 1 621 1 000 675 923 090 726 378 647 992 1 673 2 063 1 945 1 367 723 1 013 857 146 802 656 812 696 697 146 855 623 162 220 032 647 727 288 903 902 1 617 1 829 1 278 1 345 614 751 192 174 101 210 198 20 450 27 668 15 377 10 640 5 907 J 7 479 f ^ 17 1 567 54 2 231 9 2 026 4 1 449 9 1 843 21 1 339 12 1 301 15 1 001 21 2 094 12 897 12 2 052 6 2 832 7 6 663 24 3 102 12 2 688 14 3 328 14 1 242 6 1 603 5 1 910 12 793 11 2 279 57 610 4 1 075 8 2 375 6 799 4-4 1 128 12 1 754 4 1 472 7 1 832 2 1 665 2 866 1 030 589 409 686 8 954 4 908 6 1 291 4 808 14 1 023 47 807 6 717 92 1 107 1 1 152 6 1 056 6 820 17 1 442 5 647 4 515 8 437 142 179 2 1 365 312 758 487 120 425 269 437 120 334 516 307 133 226 769 295 375 27 429 45 861 38 219 37 174 36 269 42 612 33 953 30 376 45 996 29 592 25 407 28 430 51 407 46 294 42 251 41 520 29 850 41 804 32 582 32 788 37 599 24 433 16 621 37 157 17 006 23 416 32 690 29 457 34 798 32 554 27 156 36 340 31 132 26 778 19 684 23 547 23 023 36 125 33 976 20 916 32 610 32 352 26 449 29 152 24 896 24 024 10 276 12 625 422 908 434 299 334 482 291 725 226 769 291 503 27 429 45 861 38 219 37 174 36 237 42 612 33 953 30 376 45 996 29 592 25 407 28 430 51 407 46 294 42 251 41 520 29 850 41 804 32 582 32 788 37 599 24 433 16 621 37 157 17 006 23 416 32 690 29 457 34 798 32 520 27 156 36 340 31 132 26 778 19 684 23 547 23 023 27 937 28 024 20 916 32 610 32 352 26 449 29 152 24 896 22 755 10 276 12 625 280 427 244 898 241 039 218 377 192 029 244 299 17 381 28 575 25 458 27 169 23 281 29 703 25 264 24 183 28 820 23 917 12 971 12 007 13 220 16 266 26 846 18 959 23 631 26 780 21 388 28 492 25 524 20 625 10 038 13 129 12 162 15 734 22 471 20 585 23 082 23 026 22 043 26 159 24 361 20 664 14 233 16 561 13 522 20 232 22 114 15 789 22 958 25 128 19 574 24 334 17 532 18 251 8 256 10 509 595 184 850 301 042 140 887 188 217 92 593 72 047 33 698 47 204 f 120 ^ 9 929 570 16 717 61 12 700 45 9 960 58 12 897 146 12 762 78 8 611 114 6 080 161 17 016 118 5 557 83 12 353 42 16 381 51 38 137 223 29 805 125 15 280 92 22 468 65 6 154 52 14 972 34 11 160 72 4 224 80 11 996 311 3 497 20 6 563 60 23 968 50 4 794 357 7 325 112 10 106 25 8 847 68 11 649 8 9 486 20 5 093 6 658 3 522 2 448 4 323 61 6 052 23 5 428 51 6 935 8 9 493 128 7 577 315 5 595 21 5 107 566 9 085 12 7 212 38 6 837 23 4 795 82 7 281 26 4 478 41 1 980 42 2 074 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 633 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing - Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of founding, detail may not equal total. Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unil 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) lMRYhPM)--Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1960: DECEMBER. ...... NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVElffiER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH . . . ' FEBRUARY JANUARY MASSACHUSETTS ANNUAL DATA 19&4 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1 223 1 745 1 264 1 655 1 973 2 051 1 631 2 793 2 253 1 847 1 172 1 433 1 424 2 081 2 320 1 942 2 612 2 606 2 209 2 933 3 296 2 403 1 870 1 895 31 503 25 435 23 858 23 044 19 582 20 642 3 724 2 390 2 325 2 468 1 749 2 195 2 695 2 346 2 602 4 461 2 402 1 784 181 827 899 925 167 419 270 748 549 766 936 331 1 223 1 745 1 264 1 655 1 973 2 051 631 793 253 847 172 433 344 081 320 942 612 606 2 209 2 933 3 296 2 403 1 870 1 663 31 205 25 025 23 104 21 591 18 941 19 955 724 390 325 468 749 195 695 270 562 461 402 702 181 827 899 925 167 319 2 270 2 748 2 549 1 606 902 1 331 554 944 1 120 1 181 1 357 1 262 473 552 481 570 136 305 129 109 514 676 737 961 1 684 2 319 2 042 1 920 1 584 1 128 14 858 14 651 14 821 15 390 16 225 17 821 170 313 357 291 270 364 1 408 1 477 1 617 1 328 594 633 825 098 519 335 345 505 1 332 1 558 1 749 930 439 697 12 60 12 28 4 3 22 25 24 6 657 741 132 446 616 787 154 1 238 750 252 12 122 215 972 806 266 875 645 525 614 1 254 483 286 535 1 681 14 666 1 427 8 947 1 166 7 117 718 5 483 656 2 060 ^ ' 2 134 232 298 410 754 1 453 641 687 f 167 ^ 2 387 68 1 009 150 818 102 1 075 69 410 106 725 99 1 188 98 695 107 838 494 2 639 90 1 718 132 937 50 1 306 95 634 172 1 208 124 466 76 746 102 712 178 760 250 940 135 665 78 598 35 428 118 516 76 40 82 100 160 34 10 957 16 968 11 974 18 219 18 803 19 197 21 244 30 228 24 591 23 214 14 664 17 265 15 821 19 590 22 543 22 683 33 406 27 578 23 997 30 882 35 069 25 194 19 426 19 185 319 670 285 423 261 263 256 563 220 898 230 433 33 935 24 589 25 430 23 963 20 258 22 976 29 684 26 438 28 278 39 758 21 672 19 998 32 416 19 414 29 089 21 338 22 481 24 812 25 940 27 399 28 595 24 784 11 428 12 484 10 957 16 968 11 974 18 219 18 803 19 197 21 244 30 228 24 591 23 214 14 664 17 265 14 846 19 590 22 543 22 683 33 406 27 578 23 997 30 882 35 069 25 194 19 426 16 288 315 608 280 675 251 682 239 073 213 709 223 383 33 935 24 589 25 430 23 963 20 258 22 976 29 684 25 379 27 878 39 758 21 672 18 735 32 416 19 414 29 089 21 338 22 481 23 623 25 940 27 399 28 595 22 982 11 034 12 484 7 828 12 566 11 173 15 801 15 775 15 447 20 340 21 227 19 695 21 585 14 504 16 643 13 629 13 775 18 512 20 489 25 157 24 421 21 589 26 838 27 039 22 525 17 764 12 561 199 592 192 539 186 649 192 970 193 612 207 204 15 215 18 005 19 007 17 457 16 846 18 578 19 472 20 080 21 152 16 424 8 367 8 559 13 091 14 724 20 723 16 569 17 376 19 269 18 106 20 114 22 132 11 698 5 627 8 627 60 3 069 296 4 106 56 745 69 2 349 - 3 028 14 3 736 50 854 50 8 951 129 4 768 174 1 455 95 65 50 572 1 217 5 815 4 031 2 194 8 249 3 157 408 044 030 669 662 727 12 575 103 441 10 637 77 500 8 236 56 797 4 642 41 462 4 203 15 895 '. ; 16 179 ( 1 312 17 408 459 6 124 1 128 5 295 615 5 892 511 2 901 838 3 559 734 9 478 681 4 618 734 5 992 3 666 19 669 793 12 512 1 143 9 033 417 18 908 834 3 857 1 150 7 215 945 3 824 584 4 522 837 3 517 993 6 841 1 865 5 421 979 5 484 687 10 597 484 4 922 750 3 107 975 2 897 4 062 4 748 9 581 17 489 7 189 7 050 1 059 400 1 263 1 189 1 802 395 634 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total . "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) state, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) Total In structures with- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) MASSACH USETTS- - Con . MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1962: DECEMBER 1 225 1 640 2 135 1 819 3 357 1 975 1 949 2 239 2 132 2 076 1 195 1 767 2 303 1 316 2 069 1 704 2 210 1 902 2 598 2 759 2 068 1 850 631 610 1 310 1 614 1 760 1 630 1 860 1 821 1 903 1 754 1 727 1 223 1 589 1 333 1 432 1 579 1 943 1 912 1 740 2 174 2 443 2 403 2 386 1 281 600 750 38 706 32 449 28 310 25 355 26 737 36 067 1 225 1 640 2 135 1 819 3 357 1 975 1 925 2 239 2 068 1 996 1 195 1 461 1 903 1 816 2 019 1 704 2 110 1 902 2 380 2 759 2 068 1 700 631 610 1 175 1 614 1 760 1 630 1 860 1 771 1 813 1 754 1 727 1 223 1 453 1 175 1 400 1 579 1 887 1 912 1 740 2 037 2 293 2 263 2 294 1 201 600 750 38 608 32 229 28 031 25 355 26 597 35 557 810 1 077 1 373 1 408 1 568 1 354 1 478 1 795 1 621 1 010 524 862 1 007 1 286 1 348 1 238 1 579 1 487 1 679 1 939 1 557 1 268 442 567 943 1 330 1 572 1 398 1 707 1 514 1 701 1 643 1 547 1 086 871 918 1 266 1 384 1 745 1 597 1 549 1 631 2 016 2 170 2 090 1 146 523 704 25 504 23 866 22 586 23 044. 24 937 33 948 88 76 99 49 106 66 103 106 164 151 50 54 60 120 51 40 47 50 94 59 37 76 52 22 52 103 47 62 68 50 55 69 27 28 60 27 1. 327 487 663 362 1 683 555 344h 338 283 835 621 545 836 410 620 426 484 365 607 761 474 356 135 21 180 181 141 170 85 207 57 42 153 109 522 230 J - 24 64 80 306 400 50 100 218 150 135 50 90 136 158 32 56 137 150 140 92 80 98 220 279 140 510 13 243 18 691 22 708 21 072 30 441 24 151 23 540 24 501 24 052 20 910 14 143 19 478 25 551 19 677 23 595 18 099 24 712 21 624 30 692 29 053 23 562 21 153 5 862 7 424 15 205 18 763 20 282 18 784 21 641 20 239 22 477 19 693 18 028 13 556 18 386 13 863 16 479 18 099 22 133 21 452 19 793 22 963 \ 28 258 26 483 26 238 13 870 6 511 8 155 528 787 427 707 395 847 342 112 356 783 451 988 13 243 18 691 22 708 21 072 30 441 24 151 23 140 24 501 23 237 20 096 14 143 15 277 20 026 19 677 22 956 18 099 23 379 21 624 27 882 29 053 23 562 19 463 5 862 7 424 13 376 18 763 20 282 18 784 21 641 19 670 21 430 19 693 18 028 13 556 17 018 12 171 16 097 18 099 21 540 21 452 19 793 21 705 26 486 25 224 25 287 13 035 6 511 8 155 527 648 425 218 392 278 342 112 351 450 444 308 10 954 14 024 17 513 17 949 18 346 16 809 19 040 22 007 20 763 12 450 6 499 11 156 12 698 16 971 17 514 15 283 19 508 18 981 20 435 24 209 19 387 15 793 4 950 7 186 12 247 17 686 19 327 16 884 20 463 17 214 20 462 18 977 17 008 13 039 9 980 11 130 15 179 17 104 20 664 18 869 17 903 18 855 23 761 24 630 23 754 12 684 5 890 7 910 418 563 361 984 328 921 324 997 339 286 430 264 626 564 609 269 667 438 679 630 1 085 1 683 249 264 456 766 328 248 290 270 625 339 226 481 406 14* 286 275 279 445 521 379 563 457 195 203 365 192 1. 1 664 4 103 4 586 2 854 11 428 6 904 3 421 1 864 1 390 5 963 7 395 3 858 6 872 1 939 5 114 2 568 3 581 2 373 6 822 4 505 3 948 3 189 506 94 843 802 676 1 455 657 2 077 405 259 825 314 6 673 849 1 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE 400 MAY APRIL MARCH 815 814 FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE. ............ MAY MARCH . 4 200 5 525 639 1 333 2 810 1 690 1 829 569 1 047 JANUARY 1959- 1 368 1 692 NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER JULY JUNE MAY APRIL 134 195 142 315 191 406 277 93 204 55 77 46 918 995 876 2 583 1 890 2 850 2 725 594 1 533 351 621 245 '382 593 1 258 1 772 1 259 951 MARCH , . FEBRUARY JANUARY 835 MICHIGAN ANNUAL DATA 1964 f 1 160 682 438 453 379 11 944 7 681 5 007 1 858 1 281 r 10 367 5 528 3 689 3 944 2 906 98 719 57 706 59 668 13 172 9 258 1 1 139 1963 2 489 1962 3 569 1961 - I960 5 333 1959 1 609 14 044 7 680 ^ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 635 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, yeai, and montti Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-autliorized) Total In structures witfi- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (perinit-authorized) Total In structures wittr- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MICHIGAN- -Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1964- : DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962 : DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY. JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 2 491 3 031 3 397 3 235 3 560 3 500 3 920 3 644 3 631 3 -^12 2 917 1 758 491 031 397 235 560 500 3 920 3 644 3 533 3 396 2 917 1 758 2 262 2 262 2 525 2 525 3 239 3 239 2 471 2 471 3 230 3 030 3 257 3 257 3 14-2 3 142 3 470 3 470 3 754 3 754 2 535 2 535 1 129 1 129 1 224 1 224 1 567 1 567 2 037 2 037 2 607 2 607 2 757 2 557 2 934 2 934 2 772 2 772 2 676 2 676 2 832 2 832 2 901 2 822 2 204 2 204 1 194 1 194 1 656 1 656 1 158 1 158 1 655 1 655 1 998 1 998 1 860 1 860 2 713 2 713 2 JAe 2 146 3 635 3 635 2 758 2 758 2 307 2 307 2 264 2 264 1 625 1 625 1 176 1 176 1 088 1 088 1 800 1 800 2 182 2 182 2 317 2 317 2 584 2 544 2 701 2 701 3 233 3 133 2 885 2 885 2 796 2 796 2 153 2 153 1 812 1 812 1 316 1 316 598 740 147 227 175 315 2 547 2 416 2 689 2 459 1 817 1 328 1 390 1 628 2 14^ 2 062 2 135 2 511 2 666 2 817 2 995 1 885 904 717 1 179 1 569 2 165 1 762 2 247 2 130 2 428 2 554 2 616 1 870 1 103 894 1 083 1 488 1 896 1 747 2 4A8 2 048 331 476 065 031 359 1 010 1 042 1 671 2 028 2 154 2 323 2 518 3 075 2 659 2 683 1 947 1 768 1 182 206 139 82 48 122 79 90 110 110 45 36 38 107 95 66 30 56 77 25 61 51 22 34 40 40 16 43 11 14 825 1 085 1 111 926 1 337 1 063 1 294 1 138 734 797 1 055 394 834 790 1 000 343 865 690 390 582 708 624 166 311 443 381 744 665 208 238 190 291 80 748 44- 124 71 80 212 71 231 213 206 199 245 162 36 105 105 97 181 156 14 194 73 181 32 116 16 200 200 79 40 100 31 736 41 637 45 845 43 372 44 826 48 633 55 919 50 131 51 885 48 990 38 594 24 918 27 233 32 4^ 42 936 35 118 41 463 43 375 44 144 44 683 51 965 33 319 15 626 13 579 19 332 27 484 33 540 33 896 39 727 44 679 37 643 47 415 41 785 30 655 15 807 21 385 15 519 22 631 28 456 24 934 35 577 30 486 49 344 36 872 32 129 30 137 20 929 14 684 14 741 23 345 29 258 30 307 33 238 35 566 40 762 38 086 38 034 29 605 24 245 17 240 31 736 41 637 45 845 43 372 44 826 48 633 55 919 50 131 50 746 48 740 38 594 24 918 27 283 32 448 42 936 35 118 38 841 43 375 4A 144 44 683 51 965 33 319 15 626 13 579 19 332 27 434 33 540 31 409 39 727 44 679 37 643 47 415 40 704 30 655 15 307 21 385 15 519 22 631 28 456 24 934 35 577 30 486 49 344 36 872 32 129 30 137 20 929 14 634 14 741 23 345 29 253 30 307 32 817 35 566 39 606 38 086 38 034 29 605 24 245 17 240 25 529 30 143 35 377 35 860 34 397 37 471 43 659 40 495 43 642 40 727 29 335 20 957 452 1 733 1 140 328 401 963 766 695 1 102 1 022 450 356 20 668 272 6 342 25 990 829 5 629 33 991 743 8 197 31 709 569 2 840 32 683 236 5 923 38 313 502 4 560 40 494 678 2 972 39 561 698 4 425 44 864 416 6 685 29 035 228 4 006 13 949 469 1 208 10 323 106 3 150 16 514 616 2 202 23 778 201 3 505 30 311 511 2 718 25 761 333 5 265 31 568 433 7 722 32 138 279 12 213 35 853 362 1 429 37 494 325 9 596 38 946 134 1 624 28 329 178 2 143 15 211 83 513 12 117 134 9 133 15 004 230 285 21 393 350 838 27 663 272 521 24 029 304 601 33 141 464 1 972 29 547 411 527 47 000 505 1 839 34 732 479 1 661 30 373 344 1 412 23 340 451 1 347 19 411 108 1 411 13 923 47 709 14 457 70 214 22 510 190 646 27 703 502 1 047 29 373 310 619 31 227 279 1 311 33 924 225 1 417 39 153 330 73 36 756 251 1 079 37 171 303 560 28 075 168 1 362 23 963 79 204 16 228 196 816 5 755 9 761 8 329 6 685 10 028 10 199 11 494 8 940 6 002 6 992 8 759 3 605 1 139 250 2 622 2 453 1 081 421 1 156 636 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permi t-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi -authorized) state, year, and month Total In Structures with - Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) MICHIGAN- -Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1959: DECEMBER 1 549 1 827 3 052 3 514 3 202 4 069 3 825 3 634 4 357 3 839 1 523 1 675 16 991 16 482 17 418 14 324 13 223 16 508 790 1 264 1 515 1 255 1 732 2 238 1 322 1 762 1 351 1 181 1 311 1 068 650 1 795 1 676 1 270 1 608 1 481 1 332 2 256 2 013 1 129 618 500 1 083 1 579 1 591 1 253 1 403 1 571 2 071 1 721 1 446 1 148 1 232 986 1 549 1 698 2 672 3 514 3 202 4 069 3 825 3 634 4 357 3 839 1 523 1 675 16 734 16 392 16 215 13 746 13 199 16 508 790 1 264 1 515 1 255 1 732 2 238 1 322 1 762 1 351 1 181 1 311 1 068 650 1 741 1 676 1 270 1 608 1 481 1 332 2 256 2 013 1 129 582 500 1 083 1 579 1 591 1 253 1 403 1 416 1 785 1 436 1 446 1 148 1 232 638 1 467 1 592 2 638 3 417 3 102 3 900 3 714 3 594 3 886 3 649 1 418 1 571 7 701 7 849 8 009 7 891 9 244 (NA) 289 560 758 642 785 777 811 800 784 674 499 400 371 898 756 783 872 714 697 890 872 482 305 171 416 854 813 635 803 727 764 830 876 557 316 287 ; 129 380 1 257 90 1 203 578 24 54 36 155 286 285 348 20 333 23 362 39 917 43 699 39 769 48 131 48 674 45 686 55 431 48 642 18 875 19 469 223 418 201 834 202 945 176 611 172 681 217 287 10 141 16 447 19 853 16 080 21 789 31 113 19 309 23 048 19 024 16 607 14 834 12 410 9 022 21 606 19 713 17 013 20 396 18 123 17 757 25 852 24 364 13 484 7 687 5 557 11 900 17 040 18 809 15 710 17 134 20 975 23 295 21 371 17 081 13 992 11 561 10 275 20 333 21 944 33 673 43 699 39 769 48 131 48 656 45 686 55 431 48 642 18 875 19 469 219 864 200 555 190 875 170 528 172 452 217 287 10 141 16 447 19 853 16 080 21 789 31 113 19 309 23 048 19 024 16 607 14 834 12 410 9 022 20 671 19 713 17 013 20 396 18 123 17 757 25 852 24 364 13 484 7 34^; 5 557 11 900 17 040 18 809 15 710 17 134 19 307 19 914 18 674 17 081 13 992 11 561 7 154 19 521 21 183 33 397 43 082 39 090 47 170 47 797 45 360 49 969 47 186 17 893 18 615 136 181 132 352 125 586 122 849 140 707 (NA) 5 487 10 033 13 178 10 915 13 040 14 269 14 720 14 539 13 833 11 913 7 968 6 784 6 435 14 627 12 731 13 402 14 109 12 417 12 333 15 052 14 200 8 280 5 346 3 042 6 617 11 252 13 022 10 133 13 029 11 439 12 685 13 684 12 667 9 266 4 984 4 589 1. ' §2 106 34 97 100 169 110 40 471 190 105 104 812 761 276 617 679 961 859 326 5 462 1 456 982 854 . NOVEMBER 1 418 OCTOBER 6 244 SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY - JUNE 18 MAY - APRIL . MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY _ MINNESOTA ANNUAL DATA 1964 f 733 897 1 032 855 818 1. 8 300 7 646 7 174 5 000 3 137 8 398 9 195 9 803 8 285 7 926 75 285 59 010 55 486 39 394 23 819 3 554 1963 1 279 1962 12 070 1961 6 083 I960 229 1959 (NA) (NA) - MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER C 50 62 96 60 81 62 94 89 74 32 16 47 64 56 46 80 62 136 62 106 116 77 16 26 58 62 133 76 67 150 90 81 103 104 36 76 451 642 661 553 866 1 399 417 873 493 475 796 621 215 787 874 402 674 631 573 1 260 1 025 570 261 303 609 663 645 542 533 539 931 525 467 487 880 275 ( ^ 544 764 904 642 1 046 672 1 038 953 675 366 150 980 1 000 489 508 773 626 1 261 723 1 024 1 181 774 170 264 614 659 1 145 751 641 1 371 834 835 982 1 114 329 672 4 110 5 650 5 771 4 523 7 703 16 172 3 551 7 556 4 515 4 328 6 716 4 647 1 587 5 555 6 474 2 838 5 661 4 445 4 700 9 775 8 983 4 430 1 827 2 250 4 668 5 129 4 642 4 826 3 464 6 497 6 395 4 154 3 432 3 612 6 248 1 893 NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY - JUNE _ MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY - 1963: DECEMBER 935 OCTOBER - AUGUST JULY - JUNE _ MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY 343 JANUARY - 1962: DECEMBER. . NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY 1 668 JUNE , , 3 381 2 697 APRIL - - FEBRUARY - 3 121 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 637 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing _ Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MINNESOTA--Cori. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY MISSISSIPPI ANNUAL DATA 196^ 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 196^: DECEMBER , NOVEMBER , OCTOBER , SEPTEMBER AUGUST , JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 97? 1 22', 1 413 1 822 1 065 974 1 393 1 473 1 248 1 096 643 649 121 153 473 379 228 075 1 210 1 468 1 461 783 487 430 1 337 1 465 1 601 1 499 1 709 1 739 1 718 2 328 1 105 612 589 4 621 4 706 4 258 4 420 4 764 3 597 209 277 351 260 332 546 365 654 538 476 312 298 772 1 224 1 371 1 629 1 065 974 1 393 1 473 1 248 1 096 643 649 121 153 473 379 228 051 1 210 1 468 1 461 783 487 430 1 337 1 465 1 601 1 499 1 709 1 739 1 718 2 328 1 105 612 589 4 621 4 491 4 202 4 035 4 171 3 191 209 277 351 260 332 546 365 654 538 476 312 298 357 683 902 907 691 658 805 984 791 514 317 250 683 669 939 1 090 936 731 1 014 1 001 992 585 383 281 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (m) (NA) (NA) 209 677 536 325 2 892 173 183 243 234 236 299 243 294 305 304 260 239 20 91 90 75 65 74 84 91 124 70 21 48 59 64 113 64 116 80 56 70 82 38 26 52 395 450 379 647 309 242 504 398 333 512 305 351 379 420 421 225 176 240 140 397 387 160 78 97 200 42 193 24 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 202 1 431 203 1 079 182 343 403 96 242 604 J 299 215 56 385 593 406 4 32 16 78 66 42 11 15 8 88 22 225 18 104 10 350 11 222 4 168 14 38 8 51 11 163 15 374 17 577 20 250 13 703 14 000 17 565 18 584 16 543 13 992 8 380 7 091 13 688 13 948 19 226 18 523 16 902 13 824 16 867 19 133 18 564 10 262 7 139 5 993 10 770 16 021 20 315 21 741 19 743 22 622 23 459 22 073 30 966 14 610 7 667 7 301 43 232 43 534 38 810 40 558 44 247 28 168 173 603 257 842 174 091 364 216 703 480 180 842 9 405 15 374 16 930 18 075 13 703 14 000 17 565 18 584 16 543 13 992 8 380 7 091 13 688 13 948 19 226 18 523 16 902 13 595 16 867 19 133 18 564 10 262 7 139 5 993 10 770 16 021 20 315 21 741 19 743 22 622 23 459 22 073 30 966 14 510 7 667 7 301 43 232 41 088 38 382 37 183 37 227 25 365 173 603 257 842 174 091 364 216 703 480 180 842 5 705 11 119 12 990 12 611 10 933 11 442 13 231 15 109 12 911 8 629 5 197 3 936 9 989 10 395 14 555 16 259 14 445 11 142 15 175 15 344 15 099 8 862 6 291 4 619 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 34 203 34 078 36 455 35 140 31 709 24 253 961 219 575 730 704 468 796 382 215 491 976 563 186 909 947 744 622 692 853 847 1 190 613 221 431 555 541 1 226 570 1 070 755 585 684 763 353 245 603 3 514 3 346 2 993 4 720 2 147 1 866 3 481 2 628 2 443 4 751 2 962 2 724 143 012 445 694 387 698 1 107 3 105 2 701 1 048 603 771 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 063 7 966 929 6 080 676 1 251 1 533 509 724 4 795 V 1 112 23 188 51 334 474 208 60 52 39 431 75 1 548 69 499 35 1 79y 43 1 444 26 962 52 152 50 228 1 758 647 2 175 229 2 446 428 3 375 7 020 2 803 638 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964~Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. °-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of tiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi -authorized) state, year, and month Total In structures with- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) MISSISSIPPI— Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1963: DECEMBER 199 304 574 337 396 479 359 343 502 274 300 390 282 295 345 376 412 367 314 380 360 426 362 237 211 237 322 317 387 516 404 614 426 341 235 389 206 263 300 507 405 656 419 723 362 410 228 256 200 187 205 201 329 313 461 326 338 351 206 480 199 304 574 337 396 389 359 343 502 274 300 325 282 295 345 376 412 367 314 380 360 426 362 237 208 237 322 317 387 516 344 444 426 341 235 237 206 263 300 507 373 336 419 638 362 284 228 206 200 187 205 201 299 313 369 282 338 351 206 240 165 220 285 259 264 309 238 299 390 254 260 241 168 249 281 341 338 335 290 346 316 407 339 221 173 225 300 305 364 350 322 356 357 321 231 213 198 239 282 298 301 286 324 346 342 266 204 188 185 164 178 186 264 260 340 271 305 322 199 219 10 32 8 4 18 21 22 12 14 24 20 12 20 12 19 4 24 24 10 12 19 10 16 3 12 22 12 16 166 16 88 18 20 4 24 8 24 18 10 32 42 16 22 12 18 24 18 24 52 265 70 128 62 100 22 100 6 16 64 102 26 52 16 70 8 24 32 13 32 7 6 51 199 4u 8 79 270 8 90 65 3 60 170 152 32 320 85 126 50 30 92 44 240 1 917 3 149 5 049 2 963 4 076 4 898 3 059 3 249 4 198 2 833 2 851 3 546 2 134 2 577 3 187 3 484 3 878 3 559 2 949 3 292 3 092 4 058 ■ 3 452 2 162 2 173 2 411 3 133 3 048 3 833 3 912 3 864 5 332 3 941 3 240 2 170 3 552 1 900 2 292 2 729 4 510 2 864 7 281 3 709 7 089 3 81^ 3 735 1 916 2 059 1 759 1 349 1 639 1 714 2 435 2 507 3 781 2 613 2 903 2 755 1 633 3 082 1 917 3 149 5 049 2 963 4 076 3 987 3 059 3 249 4 193 2 833 2 851 2 646 2 134 2 577 3 187 3 484 3 878 3 559 2 949 3 292 3 092 4 058 3 452 2 162 2 123 2 411 3 3J3 3 048 3 833 3 912 3 319 3 949 3 941 3 240 2 170 2 155 1 900 2 292 2 729 4 510 2 526 2 930 3 709 6 285 J 814 2 798 1 916 1 469 1 759 1 349 1 639 1 714 2 218 2 507 2 899 2 225 2 903 2 755 1 633 1 766 1 801 2 753 3 048 2 551 3 353 3 572 2 415 3 097 3 710 2 704 2 675 2 237 1 723 2 496 3 002 3 .345 3 481 3 421 2 858 3 166 2 932 3 993 3 361 2 118 1 847 2 375 3 000 3 006 3 728 3 372 3 250 3 544 3 678 3 190 2 144 2 064 1 868 2 211 2 677 2 955 2 153 2 812 3 370 3 554 3 724 2 766 1 863 1 404 1 713 1 271 1 543 1 662 2 124 2 210 2 764 2 195 2 785 2 674 1 618 1 695 26 89 68 23 18 130 97 84 90 79 101 96 47 32 30 59 38 103 91 50 51 65 67 44 20 36 132 41 75 540 55 405 55 51 26 91 32 81 52 j7 85 100 44 89 55 32 54 65 90 307 1 933 389 705 286 548 68 398 50 75 312 364 49 154 80 360 35 76 110 24 257 30 14 208 1 518 288 18 294 2 642 35 J NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . . MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 900 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER - AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . ; _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY JANUARY - 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 50 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE. . . ; 545 MAY 1 383 APRIL MARCH JANUARY 1 397 1960: NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 338 4 351 JULY JUNE MAY 804 APRIL MARCH 937 FEBRUARY JANUARY 590 1959: DECEMBER 15 23 27 15 35 53 29 11 33 29 7 21 46 78 96 52 94 297 135 30 118 81 15 71 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 217 JULY JUNE 882 MAY 388 APRIL MARCH JANUARY 1 316 I RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 639 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing ^ Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of loundlng, detail mjy not equal total. "-" Represents zero. °NA" Not available. State, year, and montfi Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures witti- I unit 2-4 units 5 units Of more Public (contract awards) Valuation (tfiousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MISSOURI ANNUj^i DATA 196^ 1963 1962 1961. ... 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 1964 : DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL ....... MARCH ....... FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVE^BER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECOBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER ....... SEPTEIjIBER , AUGUST , JULY , JUNE . MAY , APRIL ........ MARCH , FEBRUARY , JANUARY , 24 527 19 645 16 572 16 701 16 029 24 346 273 437 326 160 835 919 413 889 385 743 276 252 1 115 1 319 2 073 1 771 1 933 2 116 649 791 797 270 112 106 982 197 573 822 779 547 866 578 642 629 086 508 915 260 446 129 493 891 1 706 1 608 1 319 2 127 1 256 924 24 013 19 645 16 136 16 377 15 879 23 028 1 103 1 437 2 982 2 160 1 835 1 919 413 889 385 743 276 252 115 319 073 771 933 116 649 791 797 270 112 106 982 197 473 652 649 547 866 578 642 629 050 508 803 1 260 1 446 1 099 1 493 1 891 1 706 1 608 1 319 2 127 1 074 924 13 595 12 520 11 848 12 143 13 145 17 894 655 795 144 364 148 212 1 307 1 633 1 512 1 273 924 769 587 933 1 175 1 212 1 146 1 384 1 245 1 332 1 426 1 500 808 440 696 933 1 050 1 229 1 121 1 275 1 324 1 270 1 413 1 046 835 420 655 706 1 183 1 016 1 246 1 277 1 208 1 095 1 060 1 506 787 784 1 557 1 902 1 332 1 265 1 161 a 861 5 223 2 956 2 969 1 573 5 L34 70 378 97 545 496 1 342 218 578 105 582 105 602 269 837 118 2 138 78 795 62 408 60 292 145 338 208 320 138 248 218 680 150 409 181 606 271 461 57 347 78 381 90 281 69 701 101 203 94 572 84 202 97 167 134 289 64 359 130 398 79 193 64 478 176 132 78 151 264 319 110 105 44 44 60 88 60 494 142 121 40 43 47 200 185 429 138 360 151 362 68 191 195 426 110 177 50 90 514 436 324 150 1 318 170 344 100 170 130 36 112 30 182 271 158 219 622 190 603 192 738 178 593 265 943 14 059 16 761 31 257 23 027 22 822 23 500 26 725 39 059 28 047 19 893 33 592 14 344 11 569 14 812 22 404 20 327 21 176 24 148 19 005 21 375 21 506 23 954 13 075 11 144 10 652 13 777 17 542 22 572 19 699 18 015 20 646 18 915 19 684 18 857 12 154 5 580 10 844 15 515 15 578 13 310 17 430 22 265 20 524 17 412 15 149 24 224 14 227 10 467 266 368 219 622 185 690 189 056 177 249 250 407 12 377 16 761 28 149 23 027 22 822 23 500 26 725 39 059 28 047 19 893 33 592 14 344 11 569 14 812 22 404 20 327 21 176 24 148 19 005 21 375 21 506 23 954 13 075 11 144 10 652 13 777 16 517 20 637 18 119 18 015 20 646 18 915 19 684 18 857 11 781 5 580 9 258 15 515 15 578 12 983 17 430 22 265 20 524 17 412 15 149 24 224 12 459 10 467 189 600 167 980 152 527 147 848 156 220 199 272 9 020 11 690 16 104 17 923 15 623 18 051 17 691 22 438 22 247 16 690 30 870 11 389 7 594 12 276 15 332 16 039 15 945 18 834 15 896 17 410 19 189 19 752 10 730 5 716 8 836 11 973 13 057 16 235 14 596 16 131 17 087 16 460 17 727 12 964 10 323 4 935 8 111 8 553 13 644 12 449 15 457 14 781 14 919 13 671 13 193 18 913 8 977 9 404 12 236 14 392 10 984 9 301 8 361 64 533 37 250 22 179 31 908 12 667 ) 51 135 536 825 3 567 1 679 794 740 2 312 1 147 705 591 465 943 349 000 531 053 120 338 692 674 759 523 814 663 592 694 1 022 454 951 650 533 1 297 589 3 191 677 290 526 299 925 290 295 1 254 884 1 235 571 1 538 887 446 2 822 4 246 8 478 3 425 6 405 4 709 6 723 15 474 5 094 2 612 2 258 2 012 626 536 541 235 110 976 2 417 3 291 1 558 3 679 1 531 4 764 1 225 1 110 2 438 3 948 2 572 1 235 3 027 1 158 1 368 2 701 781 356 621 6 663 1 009 243 1 677 6 230 4 721 2 457 1 385 3 773 2 596 618 4 790 4 913 3 681 1 344 15 536 1 682 3 108 1 025 1 935 1 580 373 1 586 327 1 768 640 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. Number of tiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, year, and month Total Private (permi -authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) Total In structures with- Total In Structures with- Public (contract lunit 2-4 units 5 or units more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 or jnits more awards) MISSOURI— Con. MONTHLY DATA--Con. 1960: DECEMBER 919 1 256 1 162 1 553 1 628 1 741 1 616 1 345 1 918 1 196 1 157 1 185 1 396 1 265 1 578 1 992 2 778 2 319 2 286 2 005 2 556 1 855 2 093 2 223 1 232 1 490 1 363 1 566 1 779 1 660 45 71 153 HI 88 133 88 98 155 108 46 77 48 129 221 165 97 110 153 143 134 147 79 56 919 1 256 1 162 1 509 1 628 1 741 1 616 1 345 1 918 1 196 1 157 1 079 1 396 1 265 1 578 1 992 2 778 2 319 2 286 2 005 2 556 1 855 1 355 1 643 1 182 1 490 1 303 1 537 1 579 1 654 45 71 153 111 88 133 88 98 155 108 46 77 48 129 221 165 97 110 153 143 134 147 79 56 797 1 054 1 012 1 340 1 325 1 314 1 397 1 116 1 756 811 990 909 820 918 1 426 1 593 1 759 1 943 2 008 1 488 2 276 1 617 1 072 974 935 1 040 1 065 1 254 1 346 1 394 39 48 117 90 69 102 80 86 135 77 46 41 48 70 106 103 68 93 101 105 114 115 65 52 76 110 60 36 L24 132 146 118 82 110 34 102 44 92 90 133 179 295 73 111 80 275 133 68 44 106 738 580 50 60 29 200 6 _ 10 513 13 805 13 573 16 126 18 015 20 351 17 499 16 389 21 320 14 036 11 712 11 099 15 828 12 536 16 307 22 955 30 752 24 143 27 033 21 535 27 964 20 799 23 440 22 652 15 344 17 684 16 043 18 421 19 258 18 132 691 880 1 864 1 470 1 046 1 715 1 162 1 289 2 082 1 285 607 802 685 1 332 2 373 1 817 1 281 1 435 1 781 1 800 1 617 1 665 924 846 10 513 13 805 13 573 15 737 18 015 20 351 17 499 16 389 21 320 14 036 11 712 10 144 15 828 12 536 16 307 22 955 30 752 24 143 27 033 21 535 27 964 20 799 14 540 16 016 15 010 17 684 15 320 18 033 17 533 18 056 691 880 1 864 1 470 1 046 1 715 1 162 1 289 2 082 1 285 607 802 685 1 332 2 373 1 817 1 281 1 435 1 781 1 800 1 617 1 665 924 846 9 726 12 314 12 660 14 788 16 143 15 665 15 688 14 775 20 275 10 778 10 430 8 915 9 461 10 490 15 131 17 700 18 274 21 809 23 055 17 522 25 072 18 884 12 543 9 330 13 170 14 433 13 558 15 919 15 708 16 234 606 657 1 626 1 275 899 1 438 1 113 1 20b 1 962 1 065 607 619 685 932 1 567 1 437 1 072 1 309 1 413 1 548 1 440 1 399 847 820 537 878 408 306 872 837 1 030 972 617 787 253 774 V 250 614 504 643 1 000 3 849 781 642 429 2 471 1 030 454 1 NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 389 AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL _ MARCH . FEBRUARY _ JANUARY 955 DECEMBER 576 347 152 399 1 019 376 278 517 280 238 283 669 6 367 2 046 1 176 5 255 12 473 2 334 3 978 4 013 2 892 1 915 1 997 6 686 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY 8 900 JANUARY 6 636 MONTANA ANNUAL DATA 1964 ( 126 266 125 258 169 121 184 113 25 64 1 027 1 852 912 1 976 1 305 ^ 813 1 400 850 138 520 334 196,3 1962 723 1961 387 I960 1 725 1959 260 1 822 A 76 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER t 6 2 20 21 2 31 8 6 11 7 8 4 42 62 29 17 18 32 20 16 14 4 21 16 17 6 9 24 28 55 73 34 6 16 1 85 23 138 195 16 277 49 35 80 50 59 40 331 380 209 126 118 203 177 116 76 26 200 100 130 48 40 170 125 360 475 250 50 150 OCTOBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY - APRIL . MARCH _ FEBRUARY , JANUARY _ 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER . OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST . JULY . JUNE . MAY . APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 641 Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing - Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available Stale, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Total In structures witti- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authotized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MONTANA— Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1962 : DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST . . JUI.Y JUNE. MAY APRIL [,tj\RCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY. JUNE MAY . . - APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY I960-. DECEliSER NO'VEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY . . . . JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER ....... AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NEBRASKA ANNUAL DATA 1964. 1963. 1962. 1961. 1960. 1959. 81 138 78 227 153 115 K5 112 71 47 97 74 114 120 140 115 128 166 187 148 122 126 97 156 180 171 162 90 172 194 44 54 156 103 96 74 209 138 134 178 173 188 194 209 32 37 5 599 5 651 7 141 7 34-5 5 969 5 757 81 138 78 167 153 115 145 112 71 47 97 74 114 120 140 115 128 166 187 148 122 126 97 156 180 171 162 90 172 194 44 54 156 103 90 74 209 138 134 178 173 188 194 209 32 37 019 651 091 445 919 73 72 70 98 98 130 101 125 104 71 35 71 71 96 96 102 115 122 150 137 121 80 93 73 143 144 165 134 76 118 172 40 46 136 99 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (KA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 421 180 965 231 028 26 8 10 10 23 6 L4 8 12 14 3 18 24 25 6 16 50 27 42 33 24 13 28 6 28 14 12 14 4 8 14 4 (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 241 276 293 330 273 60 12 13 42 8 1 357 1 195 1 833 884 618 5 541 4 850 691 580 50 900- 50 216 985 1 283 1 030 2 453 1 335 1 231 1 696 1 474 1 737 1 367 911 541 1 179 953 1 401 1 382 1 559 1 505 1 599 2 089 1 969 1 703 1 290 1 403 1 007 1 768 1 931 2 038 1 734 991 1 967 2 117 421 600 1 662 1 298 150 861 196 630 574 875 1 970 1 946 1 984 2 200 328 419 58 260 60 1A2 74 861 75 937 59 597 56 404 985 283 030 730 335 231 1 696 1 474 1 737 1 367 911 541 179 953 401 382 559 505 599 089 969 703 290 403 1 007 1 768 1 931 2 038 1 734 991 1 967 2 117 421 600 1 662 1 298 074 861 196 630 574 875 1 970 1 946 1 984 2 200 328 419 52 703 60 142 74 361 63 543 59 112 52 854 924 802 966 1 222 1 335 1 162 1 547 1 347 1 575 1 299 911 467 972 949 1 226 1 208 1 289 1 505 1 552 1 963 1 617 1 496 985 1 156 857 1 667 1 667 1 987 1 524 870 1 476 1 935 379 543 1 542 1 262 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) .(NA) (NA) (NA) 44 073 52 219 57 540 56 393 53 589 48 532 60 181 63 83 69 U9 47 117 68 74 134 4 175 174 205 47 126 353 207 304 246 150 102 199 51 210 121 111 .122 42 57 104 37 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 300 425 723 73 65 65 380 60 15 76 2 347 6 283 2 327 5 597 2 548 14 273 2 671 4 479 2 373 3 150 . 1 4 322 5 557 500 12 392 485 3 550 642 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEBRASKA- -Con. MONTHLY DATA 19&4: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER ...... SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963 : DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL ....... MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER ..... AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY AJ>RIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 225 546 440 456 430 469 408 433 572 435 300 313 360 439 646 499 476 563 524 579 660 478 285 142 280 479 591 364 588 766 710 776 911 443 341 379 389 651 579 543 960 533 531 550 1 090 629 378 494 444 635 619 577 567 556 622 647 657 282 217 147 225 546 44.0 456 430 469 408 433 572 435 300 313 360 439 646 499 476 563 524 579 660 478 285 142 280 479 591 864 588 716 710 776 911 448 341 379 389 651 579 543 460 533 531 550 690 629 378 494 444 635 619 577 567 556 622 647 607 282 217 147 151 287 317 298 305 294 317 341 386 348 200 185 160 322 402 401 361 436 382 486 500 413 191 126 206 363 439 410 503 440 573 534 710 371 231 177 222 415 485 439 416 470 515 474 642 537 253 368 325 516 577 473 482 507 539 490 565 252 184 119 11 24 25 32 10 14 37 10 34 30 8 6 22 62 22 20 22 40 24 22 22 2 10 6 30 40 22 18 22 30 38 33 28 10 16 24 32 59 37 20 26 16 28 14 46 7 10 12 26 28 27 34 26 24 44 24 14 63 235 98 126 115 161 54 82 152 57 92 122 192 95 182 76 95 105 102 69 138 43 92 6 68 86 112 432 67 254 107 204 168 49 100 186 143 204 35 67 24 37 48 34 46 118 116 107 93 14 77 51 23 59 113 18 16 25 22 50 500 400 50 2 317 4,686 4 830 4 851 4 590 4 998 4 672 5 108 5 794 5 079 3 014 2 788 2 795 4 539 6 351 5 417 4 889 6 485 5 428 6 571 7 499 5 431 2 682 1 555 3 161 5 059 7 454 8 577 6 719 7 864 8 086 7 666 9 222 4 827 3 050 3 096 4 028 5 831 6 181 5 555 L2 017 5 527 5 745 5 576 12 196 5 882 3 274 4 051 3 895 5 911 6 488 5 395 5 850 5 844 6 302 6 320 7 151 2 924 2 037 1 421 2 317 4 686 4 830 4 851 «, 590 4 998 4 672 5 108 5 794 5 079 3 014 2 788 2 795 4 539 6 851 5 417 4 889 6 485 5 428 6 571 7 499 5 431 2 682 1 555 3 161 5 059 7 454 8 577 6 719 7 364 8 086 7 666 9 222 4 827 3 050 3 096 028 831 181 555 137 527 5 745 5 576 6 683 5 882 3 274 4 051 3 895 5 911 6 488 5 395 5 850 5 844 6 302 6 320 6 666 2 924 2 037 1 421 1 980 3 579 4 204 4 009 4 041 3 756 4 068 4 563 4 308 4 429 2 456 2 200 1 978 3 999 5 123 4 399 4 399 5 862 4 669 6 046 6 313 5 071 2 422 1 436 2 294 4 425 5 369 4 757 5 723 5 056 6 417 6 295 8 207 4 379 2 430 2 060 2 550 4 548 5 541 4 991 4 863 5 136 5 640 5 171 6 442 5 291 2 836 3 380 3 176 5 420 6 177 4 735 5 092 5 523 808 448 352 741 879 181 101 223 199 357 94 145 346 96 323 330 84 44 74 130 549 137 169 133 238 232 192 169 18 31 44 249 382 216 193 163 170 391 277 224 102 138 179 290 4a7 282 170 229 106 234 140 331 96 84 86 207 241 239 347 214 211 416 211 lU 45 40 236 879 428 484 454 1 097 258 444 663 320 475 544 743 360 1 179 331 321 435 471 292 994 191 241 38 324 385 1 703 3 605 802 2 145 1 500 980 738 224 469 1 299 993 193 283 104 112 171 102 210 342 587 634 284 70 421 411 107 283 456 103 68 112 200 500 5 513 485 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 643 Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because ol rounding, detail may not equal loial. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- i unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) MEBRASKA— Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOB.ER ........ SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY. JUNE. MAY APRIL .... MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NEVADA ANNUAL DATA 19&4 . . 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER. ....... NOVEMBER. ....... OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST . , . JULY , . . . JUNE. MAY APRIL , MARCH FEBRUARY . JANUARY . . 1963: DECEMBER. NOVEMBER . . OCTOBER . . SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH . . FEBRUARY . . JANUARY . . 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER , OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE . , . . MAY . . . . APRIL ... MARCH , . FEBRUARY JANUARY ........ 332 329 502 778 404 517 563 645 655 642 237 153 5 77A 14 353 17 730 7 316 5 186 3 541 241 254 504 331 456 407 391 538 94.1 484 360 827 690 7. 1 847 126 16 66 30 38 35 29 24 142 13 63 228 71 122 37 n 14 24 36 56 226 97 243 419 068 460 304 579 175 224 322 83 226 170 219 134 11 141 46 120 19 96 123 96 16 42 286 128 180 137 92 218 326 106 807 364 447 370 524 376 562 675 872 562 326 383 491 695 279 375 216 325 303 125 125 101 10 300 200 100 125 3 143 3 385 4 817 8 840 4 071 5 135 5 486 5 454 6 114 6 187 2 338 1 434 84 529 194 053 185 017 82 690 61 089 41 329 3 672 4 292 7 303 4 863 6 519 6 305 5 673 7 922 13 724 8 739 5 586 9 351 9 552 10 399 12 556 11 766 12 453 10 558 10 035 25 748 29 423 17 745 23 116 20 704 21 378 16 149 17 697 18 074 16 609 11 875 15 131 13 629 19 372 10 554 15 082 9 185 143 385 817 290 071 135 5 486 5 454 6 114 6 187 2 338 1 434 80 271 190 589 183 434 82 690 59 547 40 089 3 672 4 292 7 223 4 863 6 519 6 305 5 673 7 922 9 675 8 739 5 586 9 351 7 012 10 399 12 556 11 702 12 453 10 558 10 035 25 748 29 423 17 745 23 116 19 844 21 378 16 149 17 697 18 074 16 609 11 875 15 131 13 629 19 372 8 972 15 082 9 185 795 057 427 828 780 837 5 031 4 803 5 603 5 856 2 135 1 379 64 825 149 788 113 455 64 217 49 215 34 706 2 384 4 188 5 007 4 238 5 322 5 331 4 847 6 683 7 330 8 525 4 813 5 205 5 243 8 002 11 252 11 114 10 738 8 267 8 958 19 058 24 592 13 106 18 160 11 296 10 261 9 242 10 167 7 639 11 012 S 478 9 722 9 718 12 479 5 160 11 338 7 957 348 328 390 462 291 298 455 651 511 331 203 55 f ^ 8 207 7 239 11 584 29 218 29 605 40 375 5 626 12 846 2 785 7 547 5 383 55 1 043 246 396 297 267 194 1 519 104 553 2 246 1 012 1 029 405 48 125 223 290 453 1 800 986 1 902 3 311 7 996 3 300 2 294 4 054 1 388 1 703 2 652 599 1 472 1 529 1 390 1 228 49 1 173 378 801 177 559 1 045 826 110 220 1 901 757 1 367 539 589 068 786 238 030 653 053 237 3 121 3 606 5 236 6 381 4 208 1 694 2 757 3 312 5 422 2 283 2 354 3 550 4 258 3 464 1 583 1 542 1 240 80 4 049 2 540 64 860 1 583 644 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because o! rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEVADA- -Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH ■. . . FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NEW HAMPSHIRE 646 691 f^n 61<4 836 693 650 A73 434 637 452 541 437 456 306 530 354 500 490 425 592 429 315 351 255 173 394 364 372 140 299 401 178 359 226 381 ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH '. FEBRUARY JANUARY 838 753 664 442 569 2 071 110 244 181 117 203 131 197 200 176 155 37 47 691 647 614 836 693 650 473 434 637 452 541 312 456 306 530 354 500 490 425 592 429 315 351 255 153 394 364 372 140 299 395 178 359 226 306 601 604 142 569 2 071 110 160 181 117 203 131 141 200 176 155 37 47 441 337 349 432 580 486 411 389 315 508 259 300 217 306 251 346 306 360 423 237 525 254 213 287 189 114 215 290 271 122 218 327 140 251 177 278 344 365 491 442 504 (NA) 96 101 141 117 133 116 133 171 156 108 33 41 39 179 74 101 18 81 68 38 108 49 28 (NA) 14 16 40 18 13 20 6 4 6 162 296 206 84 215 150 172 20 73 90 122 168 78 112 36 152 30 62 41 158 37 135 74 38 ^ "> 166 188 97 139 76 37 44 656 40 25 / 43 16 41 125 20 140 152 60 300 84 56 7 267 7 736 6 345 7 018 10 046 8 066 616 155 874 637 936 987 363 870 333 325 296 718 844 986 041 443 105 2 819 2 163 3 929 4 215 4 174 1 806 3 703 4 964 2 062 4 319 2 753 4423 22 974 21 882 20 379 25 696 17 750 21 583 1 325 3 161 2 422 1 602 2 332 1 599 3 027 2 711 1 383 1 756 477 576 7 267 7 736 6 345 7 018 10 046 8 066 6 616 6 155 4 874 7 637 4 936 5 987 3 258 5 363 3 870 6 333 4 325 5 296 5 718 4 844 7 986 5 041 3 443 4 105 2 819 1 899 3 929 4 215 4 174 1 806 703 892 062 319 753 519 20 835 19 935 19 599 21 974 17 750 21 583 1 325 1 978 2 422 1 602 2 332 1 599 2 098 2 711 1 383 1 756 477 576 5 814 4 342 4 564 5 770 7 440 6 472 5 119 5 573 4 105 6 803 3 749 3 958 2 611 3 930 3 412 4 613 4 016 4 394 306 144 572 673 856 723 559 720 823 622 568 696 3 176 4 581 1 787 3 433 2 462 3 278 18 336 18 090 18 719 16 649 17 249 (NA) 229 470 135 602 814 502 2 026 2 532 1 257 1 432 443 534 360 375 660 734 291 416 461 479 327 304 530 688 125 268 124 216 115 625 179 224 222 302 235 150 260 179 1 106 593 606 110 527 311 275 886 291 241 1 148 740 633 276 261 (NA) 96 116 287 118 57 72 69 126 45 34 42 1 093 2 519 1 121 514 2 315 1 177 1 036 102 442 530 657 1 341 522 1 165 334 1 504 194 277 232 1 476 192 1 066 353 232 1 352 1 105 248 5 050 240 392 400 40 110 280 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 645 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. 1 Number of frousmg units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) State, year, and montti Total In structures witti- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) NEW HAMPSHIRE- -Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER 122 113 12^ IS-i 152 136 136 173 193 136 50 47 122 113 108 154 152 136 136 173 193 136 50 47 88 91 102 150 128 118 132 149 181 64 46 47 10 22 6 4 14 7 4 24 12 4 24 10 11 72 16 1 526 1 510 1 584 2 059 1 775 1 667 1 968 2 246 1 664 1 563 661 696 1 526 1 510 1 367 2 059 1 775 1 667 1 968 2 246 1 664 1 563 661 696 1 320 1 334 1 327 2 025 1 633 1 560 1 938 2 029 1 561 813 630 696 76 176 40 34 97 57 30 217 104 31 130 45 50 750 - OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY 217 JUNE MAY - APRIL _ MARCH FEBRUARY - JANUARY - 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER 88 U2 215 113 173 141 88 142 155 113 173 141 82 138 147 105 173 139 6 4 8 2 8 60 1 123 1 796 2 576 1 380 2 371 1 706 1 123 1 796 1 796 1 380 2 371 1 706 1 064 1 769 1 737 1 332 2 371 1 690 59 26 59 16 48 - OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY 780 JUNE MAY 137 175 166 79 55 57 137 175 166 79 55 57 131 155 164 77 55 57 6 20 2 2 " - 1 582 2 142 2 035 1 009 722 783 1 582 2 142 2 035 1 009 722 783 1 531 1 992 2 015 992 722 783 51 150 20 17 - - APRIL . . ' MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY - 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY 103 138 335 634 267 111 103 138 185 634 267 111 91 131 183 132 155 108 7 2 2 3 12 500 112 150 1 271 1 688 3 161 5 540 2 723 1 321 1 271 1 688 1 396 5 540 2 723 1 321 1 221 1 654 1 374 1 525 1 923 1 306 34 22 15 15 50 4 000 800 1 765 JUNE MAY . . . APRIL 168 163 257 124 30 52 168 163 157 74 30 52 168 123 157 72 30 48 16 2 4 24 100 50 1 905 1 796 3 266 1 285 347 597 1 905 1 796 1 826 769 347 597 1 905 1 557 1 826 760 347 567 78 9 30 160 1 44-0 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 516 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST 95 129 250 143 184 147 154 115 189 75 58 92 95 129 250 143 184 147 154 115 189 75 58 92 95 123 246 123 178 137 154 113 181 73 58 90 6 4 6 10 2 8 2 2 20 - 1 157 1 633 2 818 1 600 2 116 1 594 1 816 1 366 2 077 844 659 639 1 157 1 633 2 818 1 600 2 116 1 594 1 816 1 366 2 077 844 659 639 1 157 1 590 2 782 1 400 2 058 1 550 1 816 1 351 2 033 834 659 627 43 36 58 44 15 44 10 12 200 - JULY _ MAY - MARCH JANUARY - 68 117 310 186 165 213 68 117 310 186 165 213 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) I. f - 769 1 338 3 214 2 237 1 704 2 213 769 1 338 3 214 2 237 1 7&; 2 213 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) V I 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) - OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY - JUNE 174 270 216 239 50 63 174 270 216 239 50 63 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) - 1 992 2 726 1 996 2 237 497 660 1 992 2 726 1 996 2 237 497 660 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) . MAY APRIL MARCH - FEBRUARY JANUARY (N (N A) A) _ 646 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of founding, detail may not equal total. '-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEW JERSEY ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . . MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER , SEPTEMBER AUGUST , JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL , MARCH , FEBRUARY , JANUARY , 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER , OCTOBER SEPTEMBER , AUGUST , JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 50 025 39 894 35 843 36 999 34 667 39 452 794 501 785 801 026 003 6 192 5 563 5 405 4 113 1 994 1 919 074 511 653 713 003 180 092 423 222 144 792 204 290 045 671 835 938 867 956 520 600 780 911 552 112 809 768 657 560 481 257 379 735 599 666 271 49 057 39 338 35 439 36 329 31 662 38 646 644 501 785 801 026 753 6 192 5 195 5 405 4 113 1 994 1 779 3 074 2 511 4 653 3 713 2 813 3 130 3 044 4 423 4 162 3 084 1 792 2 204 290 975 611 835 938 867 792 470 540 780 911 552 112 809 518 597 560 481 257 379 523 599 666 123 19 187 20 853 21 624 22 475 23 653 31 242 970 175 770 783 771 26 900 15 310 11 045 11 071 5 238 7 404 161 474 729 770 608 533 383 126 933 176 854 619 072 451 105 792 952 022 2 Oil 2 466 2 296 1 939 891 839 063 662 991 890 899 325 170 667 672 678 814 083 517 132 985 988 117 135 2 256 2 268 2 005 1 960 969 760 206 2 277 211 2 816 370 1 686 187 844 300 2 118 246 2 974 330 3 479 326 2 743 304 3 168 261 1 676 116 1 024 89 1 071 169 1 833 176 884 403 2 145 318 1 603 375 486 286 822 208 825 245 1 712 308 1 558 236 909 110 791 203 1 162 166 1 061 193 1 120 208 1 412 174 771 224 815 286- 1 256 170 1 452 244 559 292 576 361 741 128 969 174 295 232 363 145 532 406 1 127 201 408 245 1 198 191 1 155 314 687 218 893 261 257 210 429 70 627 105 258 968 556 404 670 3 005 806 150 250 368 140 190 50 48 164 50 60 250 60 212 148 520 247 446 827 420 632 431 465 414 595 440 952 41 058 44 228 40 197 35 745 40 638 61 778 63 328 55 957 54 051 43 763 20 301 20 672 33 929 29 383 49 010 40 607 35 632 38 728 38 974 55 584 47 964 37 210 18 775 19 050 25 817 35 095 41 399 34 650 33 725 45 146 46 301 47 380 43 740 32 856 19 085 18 712 26 038 34 119 44 626 33 308 36 855 39 816 39 071 40 354 33 908 29 228 15 067 14 765 507 296 440 113 415 278 424 271 378 907 433 175 39 355 44 228 40 197 35 745 40 638 58 537 63 328 50 671 54 051 43 763 20 301 18 778 33 929 29 383 49 010 40 607 33 748 38 111 38 374 55 584 47 196 36 495 18 775 19 050 25 817 34 295 40 570 34 650 33 725 45 146 44 047 46 750 42 900 32 856 19 085 18 712 26 038 34 119 42 207 32 633 36 855 39 816 39 071 40 354 31 657 29 228 15 067 12 916 289 837 309,381 307 584 309 962 319 586 378 295 17 514 22 703 26 986 27 459 23 558 34 631 36 953 31 933 29 224 31 213 12 541 8 979 21 283 21 840 30 786 26 253 27 731 29 621 30 367 39 614 34 Oil 28 580 12 515 11 858 15 436 24 250 28 638 26 778 26 022 32 199 31 449 40 419 36 769 23 659 11 343 15 448 21 589 29 048 29 074 27 816 28 624 29 486 31 149 31 907 27 863 24 807 12 078 10 326 25 629 28 177 23 950 23 087 22 708 191 830 102 555 83 744 91 222 36 612 54 880 r 1 905 \ 19 936 1 863 19 662 2 922 10 289 1 763 6 523 2 381 14 700 2 105 21 801 2 902 23 474 2 936 15 802 2 658 22 169 2 156 10 394 998 6 761 872 8 927 1 453 11 193 1 388 6 156 3 595 14 630 2 575 11 779 2 804 3 213 2 684 5 806 2 051 5 956 2 278 13 692 2 911 10 273 2 260 5 656 1 012 5 248 1 920 5 272 1 440 8 940 1 860 8 185 1 914 10 018 1 525 6 347 2 058 5 645 2 541 10 405 1 519 11 079 1 912 4 418 2 498 3 632 2 989 6 208 959 6 783 1 520 1 744 1 728 2 721 1 297 3 774 3 318 9 816 1-682 3 136 2 133 6 098 1 538 8 791 2 586 5 335 1 755 6 692 2 269 1 525 1 731 2 690 582 2 407 980 1 610 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 647 Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEW JERSEY— Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NEW MEXICO ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 832 518 249 995 002 837 4 764 3 093 3 186 2 191 2 050 1 950 376 361 830 369 256 421 4 111 4 025 4 352 4 778 1 944 1 629 5 112 6 395 5 050 4 301 4 792 7 379 192 372 322 363 632 561 422 410 608 413 478 421 366 435 759 503 684 371 670 546 775 393 468 1 832 2 434 3 173 2 747 3 262 2 837 093 186 191 993 950 2 376 2 361 2 830 3 329 3 006 4 421 3 803 3 925 4 352 4 702 1 912 1 629 5 076 6 125 4 986 4 177 4 776 7 961 379 192 372 322 363 632 561 422 410 608 377 478 421 366 435 609 503 564 371 670 546 775 393 468 1 052 1 772 2 291 1 918 2 152 2 182 2 698 2 469 2 581 1 833 1 510 1 305 1,806 1 983 2 330 2 644 2 497 3 863 3 156 3 381 3 688 3 041 1 561 1 292 3 233 3 848 3 763 3 691 4 304 7 020 191 186 210 196 255 246 347 272 329 371 275 395 232 318 310 316 294 357 257 312 405 415 318 314 253 302 223 239 169 288 248 255 239 217 162 114 570 378 500 685 509 558 647 544 664 1 661 351 337 941 527 360 659 590 941 367 138 369 366 141 321 531 -J ( 468 1 375 623 1 654 459 764 134 352 236 236 , 1 ^ 10 178 6 - 6 156 38 88 23 85 22 364 35 179 60 90 67 14 121 116 9 93 71 12 92 97 32 16 66 59 74 219 40 169 41 166 14 100 39 319 57 84 20 340 69 6 75 79 84 76 248 740 57 40 250 308 100 76 32 36 270 64 124 16 27 36 150 120 20 072 30 944 37 835 34 512 45 864 35 757 59 Oil 38 838 39 146 28 058 22 207 19 332 25 791 27 471 33 646 37 145 36 670 45 866 46 997 47 479 50 904 49 045 21 146 18 791 59 759 70 126 53 947 43 313 47 020 77 641 4 135 2 756 3 988 3 800 4 413 7 189 679 757 043 389 977 957 4 506 4 559 4 601 9 838 4 974 8 211 3 939 7 291 5 698 6 982 4 652 4 903 20 072 29 856 36 877 31 559 36 974 35 757 39 170 38 838 39 146 28 058 21 638 19 332 25 791 27 471 33 646 36 798 34 730 45 866 44 113 46 241 50 904 48 106 20 717 18 791 59 460 67 030 53 315 41 950 46 832 77 122 4 135 2 756 3 988 3 800 4 413 7 189 6 679 4 757 5 043 6 389 4 678 5 957 4 506 4 559 4 601 8 275 4 974 6 678 3 939 7 291 5 698 6 982 4 652 4 903 14 789 24 608 29 879 25 113 29 229 30 770 36 140 33 525 34 961 25 405 18 303 15 587 21 988 24 561 30 057 31 506 31 112 41 616 38 971 41 677 45 219 37 392 18 178 16 018 45 641 48 551 ■45 049 39 089 44 038 72 082 637 718 946 776 662 720 891 961 505 778 037 333 973 250 947 202 816 460 3 205 3 901 4 725 5 004 4 033 4 034 917 748 840 849 293 637 2 147 2 078 1 835 1 766 1 326 896 3 367 2 499 5 158 4 597 6 452 2 350 883 3 236 2 349 888 2 009 2 848 803 910 589 292 618 4 250 5 142 4 564 5 685 10 714 2 539 2 773 3 409 10 410 4 317 14 162 2 845 5 421 881 1 981 1 414 1 380 r 72 ^ 1 426 38 _ 42 1 000 383 640 124 627 213 3 256 251 1 537 401 394 473 65 789 821 75 566 548 77 619 914 215 94 393 261 476 3 596 316 842 291 1 928 101 633 227 3 162 478 495 118 1 860 599 20 513 356 1 088 958 2 953 8 890 19 841 569 347 1 940 2 884 1 238 939 429 299 3 096 632 1 362 188 519 299 1 563 1 533 648 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not avarlable. Number of tiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) ^rivate (permi t-aufhorized) Private (peririt-authorized) State, Public Public year, and montti Total In structures witt - (contract Total In Structures with- (contract Total 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) Total I unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) NEW MEXICO— Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1962: DECEMBER A2A 413 636 351 485 424 413 572 351 485 227 269 338 282 317 63 75 136 43 31 134 69 98 26 137 64 4 592 4 037 6 676 3 675 5 271 4 592 4 037 6 044 3 675 5 271 2 954 3 064 4 029 3 218 4 276 230 430 895 307 253 1 408 54-, 1 120 150 743 _ NOVEMBER. . . OCTOBER 632 SEPTEhBER AUGUST JULY 363 363 312 23 28 -- 4 723 4 723 4 397 201 125 - JUNE 354 354 296 39 19 - 3 704 3 704 3 341 256 108 . MAY 405 387 405 387 322 307 4 3 79 77 : 4 193 4 108 4 193 4 108 3 76^» 3 778 36 15 393 315 APRIL _ MARCH 398 398 376 22 - 4 464 4 464 4 382 82 - . FEBRUAHY 461 461 366 8 87 - 4 474 4 474 4 023 66 386 - JANUARY 373 373 351 12 10 4 028 4 028 3 822 76 130 _ 1961: DECEMBER 270 269 256 13 - 1 2 374 2 354 2 172 183 - 20 NOVEMBER 509 374 409 374 254 267 16 155 91 100 4 079 3 778 3 183 3 778 2 913 3 015 89 270 675 896 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 346 346 314 5 27 - 3 667 3 667 3 485 32 150 . AUGUST 400 400 361 4 35 - 4 557 4 557 3 834 14 709 _ JULY 275 275 264 11 - - 2 961 2 961 2 905 56 - - JUNE 319 319 298 13 8 _ 3 272 3 272 3 197 47 27 . MAY 353 353 339 14 - - 3 628 3 628 3 550 78 _ _ APRIL 400 400 360 4 36 - 3 893 3 893 3 734 9 150 - m;ihch 394 394 386 8 _ - 4 186 4 186 4 058 128 _ _ FEBRUARY 370 356 320 36 _ 14 3 896 3 658 3 483 175 . 238 JANUARY 282 282 272 10 - - 2 842 2 842 2 771 71 - - 1960: DECEMBER 212 212 169 11 32 - 2 059 2 059 1 697 67 296 _ NOVEMBEfi 301 301 272 24 5 - 3 228 3 228 3 043 155 29 - OCTOBER 326 326 265 16 45 - 2 850 2 850 2 628 50 173 _ SEPTEMBER 408 408 338 34 36 - 4 160 4 160 3 697 264 199 . AUGUST 374 374 345 29 - - 3 648 3 648 3 422 226 - _ JULY 491 491 460 6 25 4 611 4 611 4 420 32 159 - JUNE 549 391 505 549 391 505 501 365 440 27 16 35 21 10 30 - 5 108 3 743 4 582 5 108 3 743 4 582 4 852 3 617 4 310 153 74 139 103 52 133 . MAY APRIL _ MARCH 455 455 423 32 - - 4 632 4 632 4 449 183 - . 401 401 379 6 16 - 4 297 4 297 4 133 28 135 - JANUARY 376 360 334 10 16 16 4 059 3 871 3 709 61 101 188 1959: DECEMBER 1^ 1 i> 1 417 417 396 s 2 1 . 4 351 4 351 4 188 163 _ NOVEMBER 431 431 385 4 6 - 4 128 4 128 3 846 282 - OCTOBER 574 574 479 9 5 - 5 263 5 263 4 818 445 _ SEPTEMBER 669 669 603 6 6 - 6 585 6 585 6 186 399 - AUGUST 587 587 529 5 8 - 6 145 6 145 5 784 361 - JULY 504 504 419 8 5 - 4 593 4 593 4 211 382 - JUNE 716 716 634 8 2 . 6 944 6 944 6 421 523 MAY 678 678 591 8 7 _ 6 442 6 442 6 047 395 . APRIL 944 944 859 8 5 - 10 535 10 535 10 137 398 . MARCH 859 859 727 13 2 - 7 772 7 772 7 134 638 _ FEBRUARY 790 790 697 9 3 _ 6 509 6 509 5 982 527 _ JANUARY 818 791 702 8 9 27 8 373 7 854 7 327 527 519 NEW YORK r ANNUAL DATA 196A 61 904 58 566 33 546 7 849 17 171 3 338 778 613 734 194 507 265 69 195 157 734 44 419 1963 91 077 84 895 32 779 8 762 43 354 6 182 1 049 280 967 167 1 164 370 478 707 77 406 86 249 411 055 82 113 1962 111 515 105 222 34 424 10 017 60 781 6 293 1 247 546 478 445 599 676 83 176 1961 109 132 98 412 32 344 9 301 56 767 10 720 1 173 646 1 043 940 452 060 79 344 512 535 129 706 I960 82 724 93 564 77 650 86 823 32 146 39 969 9 144 36 360 5 074 6 741 905 247 1 002 995 846 006 927 919 443 751 522 419 75 443 326 812 59 241 46 854 405 500 75 076 — N RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 649 Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEW YORK— Con. MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MM . . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY . JUNE MAY APRIL . .' MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 3 939 4 513 5 568 5 243 5 518 5 369 7 715 5 263 6 108 5 223 3 654 2 766 10 632 6 482 9 748 8 274 8 847 6 408 224 280 015 901 150 511 6 896 11 706 9 385 6 469 8 297 8 025 7 418 8 931 17 516 8 845 8 592 6 898 12 942 9 596 9 150 7 437 15 348 8 443 9 400 9 956 9 560 7 232 3 693 3 763 5 129 6 860 8 006 8 376 8 765 9 508 6 392 10 136 7 200 5 113 3 117 4 538 3 939 4 513 5 382 4 540 5 140 5 121 263 108 223 654 766 10 077 6 482 8 846 8 274 6 849 6 408 6 224 8 407 8 015 6 295 3 750 5 244 6 896 11 204 8 606 6 357 8 297 6 640 7 418 8 931 15 959 8 845 8 492 6 473 11 701 8 740 9 150 7 384 15 067 8 002 6 918 9 238 8 527 6 613 3 072 3 763 4 651 6 830 6 715 7 718 8 093 7 758 6 267 10 136 7 032 5 113 3 117 4 538 1 909 2 651 3 403 3 088 2 989 3 160 382 615 594 063 599 226 1 844 2 274 3 641 2 908 3 220 3 409 3 247 3 677 3 394 2 343 1 077 1 642 1 956 2 668 3 296 2 922 3 176 3 260 3 324 3 568 3 501 2 921 1 624 1 934 2 058 2 972 3 425 2 964 3 149 2 718 3 722 3 417 3 062 2 659 971 1 205 1 673 2 680 2 776 3 122 3 388 2 991 3 308 3 362 3 161 2 509 1 659 1 709 511 638 643 680 568 658 744 794 654 735 704 512 538 682 903 626 685 520 643 1 130 944 880 652 550 722 736 941 585 656 723 623 884 1 228 941 963 955 449 789 1 018 1 062 957 696 892 1 104 871 827 340 274 50-f 634 562 587 885 785 1 109 1 093 853 763 660 737 1 519 1 224 1 336 772 1 583 1 303 480 854 860 425 351 028 7 695 3 526 4 302 4 740 2 944 2 479 2 334 3 600 3 677 3 072 2 021 3 052 4 218 7 800 4 369 2 850 4 465 2 657 3 471 4 479 11 230 4 983 5 905 3 584 9 194 4 979 4 707 3 358 10 961 2 30^ 4 717 4 594 3 127 1 761 2 284 474 516 377 009 820 982 850 681 018 841 798 092 186 703 378 248 1 109 555 902 1 998 873 606 400 267 502 779 112 1 385 1 557 100 425 1 241 856 53 231 441 2 482 718 1 033 619 621 478 30 291 658 672 750 125 168 53 575 56 902 74 156 68 205 64 725 69 604 97 580 68 312 78 788 62 748 42 258 28 925 116 112 69 386 116 293 91 513 106 527 76 116 72 063 110 397 95 254 82 825 44 884 60 105 73 539 132 169 107 482 75 451 96 788 91 676 83 100 103 258 178 410 99 088 105 564 71 114 131 920 104 009 98 451 80 410 163 156 93 933 108 640 103 757 100 725 77 763 37 370 42 728 55 757 75 793 84 415 96 833 92 634 109 768 69 727 105 839 76 314 55 454 34 681 48 259 53 575 56 902 71 846 59 240 61 406 66 154 82 178 68 312 78 788 62 748 42 258 28 925 107 892 69 386 104 657 91 513 81 897 76 116 72 063 99 663 95 254 74 716 38 991 56 459 73 539 125 595 96 275 73 628 96 788 71 734 83 100 103 258 159 429 99 088 104 319 67 444 115 477 93 093 98 451 79 904 159 544 88 103 78 841 95 755 89 358 70 662 30 220 42 728 50 454 75 451 69 621 88 639 85 351 89 791 68 186 105 839 73 264 55 454 34 681 48 259 30 881 43 218 53 475 46 228 44 745 47 841 50 408 53 665 53 436 45 122 22 640 17 848 28 025 34 208 54 283 39 944 45 484 49 070 46 958 53 244 48 308 33 484 16 071 29 494 27 223 36 774 45 579 40 210 44 545 44 665 45 867 51 109 50 230 40 186 22 007 27 215 29 661 41 094 46 721 42 642 44 785 38 320 52 642 47 542 42 409 36 610 13 279 16 405 23 858 36 543 38 863 41 614 46 266 40 352 46 001 46 721 45 139 33 661 22 613 22 287 956 139 900 035 215 300 6 373 6 663 5 925 6 285 7 881 4 506 5 073 5 875 7 954 5 633 5 908 4 446 5 332 9 964 8 817 8 494 5 168 4 529 5 693 6 401 8 161 5 193 5 754 6 242 5 399 7 522 10 552 7 644 8 944 8 069 3 662 6 393 8 660 9 596 8 383 6 152 7 737 9 206 7 328 7 014 3 027 2 149 3 918 5 286 4 640 4 392 7 061 6 485 028 709 923 348 463 919 18 739 8 545 12 471 6 977 11 446 13 013 25 393 7 984 19 428 11 341 11 736 6 571 74 794 29 303 42 421 45 936 30 506 22 600 19 772 36 455 38 129 32 737 17 753 22 435 40 623 32 420 42 534 28 224 46 489 20 327 31 334 44 627 93 647 51 258 73 368 32 161 32 155 45 606 43 070 27 666 106 376 43 631 13 462 39 007 39 621 27 038 13 914 24 173 22 677 33 621 26 118 ^2 133 32 024 42 954 13 157 49 409 21 202 15 445 6 605 20 053 2 310 8 965 3 319 3 450 15 402 8 220 11 636 24 630 10 734 8 109 5 892 3 646 6 574 11 207 1 824 19 942 18 981 1 245 3 670 16 443 10 916 506 3 612 5 330 29 799 8 002 11 367 7 101 7 150 5 303 342 14 794 8 194 7 283 19 977 1 541 3 050 650 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. °NA° Not available. Slate, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NEW YORK- -Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . NORTH CAROLINA ANNUAL DATA 19&; 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 196-;: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY I, 772 5 834 8 189 8 500 7 275 6 834 8 978 9 234 11 150 9 310 6 727 6 762 13 381 11 057 10 973 12 966 10 501 11 806 793 793 1 114 1 168 1 200 1 191 962 534 1 347 296 188 940 526 1 030 1 199 903 1 037 815 790 1 154 986 894 852 773 660 741 986 787 1 220 751 954 1 081 1 118 1 143 771 825 4 648 4 895 8 119 7 673 7 275 6 776 8 034 8 836 8 861 8 724 6 727 6 256 12 657 11 005 10 923 12 305 10 411 11 469 793 793 1 114 1 048 1 200 1 120 962 534 1 144 296 188 940 526 1 030 1 199 903 1 037 815 790 1 154 986 894 852 773 660 741 986 787 1 220 751 954 1 081 1 068 1 143 771 825 138 485 741 656 953 410 4 424 4 541 4 197 3 762 1 920 1 743 8 744 8 500 8 532 9 451 9 179 9 772 534 621 636 792 715 824 743 490 869 270 181 584 442 734 756 724 801 677 703 867 770 753 583 601 440 622 768 625 766 683 740 834 950 883, 651 617 510 410 378 017 322 366 3 610 4 295 4 664 4 962 4 807 4 513 ^ 1 079 2 834 683 1 822 624 1 767 988 1 366 707 525 V 1 1 697 "N 61 198 78 94 92 386 73 183 38 447 115 181 98 121 32 12 39 236 10 16 7 " 96 260 31 53 88 208 92 351 61 118 78 158 30 108 36 51 40 247 93 123 52 89 56 213 32 140 32 188 63 56 43 175 64 98 49 405 25 43 33 181 102 145 23 95 100 160 29 91 62 146 124 939 70 827 58 944 398 2 289 586 506 724 52 50 661 90 337 120 71 203 50 55 751 64 762 93 526 99 107 77 390 75 775 95 057 95 626 116 931 95 020 73 018 60 980 143 176 119 317 118 635 126 650 105 603 110 793 8 526 9 176 12 025 ]J 003 11 705 12 752 11 051 3 527 14 963 3 504 2 239 9 394 6 438 10 694 13 016 10 349 11 803 9 289 8 473 11 346 10 723 9 943 8 175 3 110 6 361 8 119 10 504 8 326 11 697 8 615 10 174 12 400 12 783 13 133 8 697 8 316 54 360 54 121 92 914 38 639 77 390 74 833 84 826 90 729 92 926 88 004 73 018 56 157 135 337 118 770 118 266 120 947 104 786 108 020 8 526 9 176 12 025 11 730 11 705 11 972 11 051 3 527 12 774 3 504 2 239 9 394 6 433 10 694 13 016 10 349 11 803 9 289 8 473 11 346 10 723 9 948 8 175 8 110 6 361 8 119 10 504 8 326 11 697 8 615 10 174 12 400 12 414 13 133 8 697 8 316 28 544 33 622 49 548 49 416 50 944 45 388 57 4A1 58 958 54 376 47 145 24 023 22 515 111 906 103 850 103 305 102 888 98 000 98 471 6 944 8 044 8 836 10 162 9 127 9 972 9 566 3 303 11 349 3 307 2 210 7 284 5 904 8 917 10 032 8 971 10 121 8 617 8 041 9 905 9 654 9 174 6 709 7 131 5 250 7 454 9 107 7 035 9 007 8 291 9 430 10 658 11 818 10 750 7 947 6 874 25 816 20 499 43 366 39 223 26 446 29 445 27 385 31 771 33 050 40 859 48 995 33 642 ( ^ 6 358 3 926 3 672 5 041 3 598 v. 17 072 10 994 11 288 13 019 3 189 9 549 r ^ 362 1 220 483 649 631 2 559 439 1 129 256 2 322 946 1 054 490 995 164 60 219 1 206 58 139 29 - 507 1 603 206 329 522 1 255 480 2 454 333 1 045 521 1 161 185 486 204 228 208 1 233 497 573 308 466 323 1 143 170 803 179 932 391 274 231 1 166 439 302 237 2 403 141 133 186 558 738 1 004 118 478 605 1 773 111 638 329 1 113 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 651 Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because o( rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) NORTH CAROLINA- -Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH . FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH .... FEBRUARY JANUARY ........ NORTH DAKOTA ANNUAL DATA 196i 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 MONTHLY DATA 196 172 383 218 399 167 271 146 160 197 102 . ' 1 N 4 16 17 11 122 18 23 12 54 6 12 11 . 34 - 22 54 25 5 4 96 4 - 143 225 293 90 300 10 27 210 24 320 9 303 8 578 12 971 8 168 12 179 9 456 12 965 12 761 11 305 15 316 7 247 6 761 6 589 8 191 7 780 9 327 9 498 9 202 9 813 9 575 10 838 7 691 8 118 8 894 6 726 6 806 7 254 9 129 8 890 12 210 11 399 9 810 10 925 11 207 8 931 7 505 20 641 21 869 20 224 20 977 20 324 32 971 199 566 488 184 075 169 1 848 2 728 2 361 719 1 088 225 9 303 8 578 12 971 8 168 12 179 9 456 11 807 12 761 9 494 12 582 7 247 6 761 6 589 8 191 7 780 8 510 9 498 9 202 9 813 9 575 10 838 7 691 8 118 8 894 6 726 6 806 7 254 9 129 8 890 10 131 11 399 9 597 10 925 11 207 8 450 7 505 20 641 21 610 20 224 18 084 20 129 27 727 199 566 488 184 075 169 1 848 2 728 2 361 719 1 088 225 6 896 7 724 9 378 7 563 11 288 7 642 9 418 11 418 8 436 10 606 6 559 6 321 6 023 7 365 7 236 7 774 8 852 8 933 9 396 9 124 10 116 7 483 7 004 8 562 6 077 6 380 6 709 8 304 8 150 9 039 10 451 8 627 10 191 9 948 7 794 6 801 16 243 16 947 16 875 15 849 18 007 270 379 592 356 388 465 394 393 325 782 271 440 403 376 307 377 225 201 293 262 379 208 372 237 2 137 474 3 001 250 504 1 349 1 994 950 733 1 194 417 163 451 238 359 421 68 125 189 343 743 95 1 158 1 811 2 734 817 649 426 545 825 740 1 092 948 970 734 1 259 656 704 2 079 213 481 1 561 1 610 1 340 1 124 1 520 2 837 3 053 2 009 1 111 603 23 797 150 1 303 2 491 1 895 1 552 2 007 1 753 2 462 1 836 490 194 186 3 930 259 2 892 195 5 244 49 164 128 164 124 62 95 266 190 184 30 39 100 870 125 398 100 335 45 864 652 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of tiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) State, year, and month Total In structures with - Total In Structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) NORTH DAKOTA— Con. MONTHLY DAKA--Con. 1963: DECEMBER. . NOVEMBER 61 137 290 195 159 165 168 226 241 69 10 8 76 223 257 151 182 139 163 165 148 48 21 19 33 128 207 167 164 156 129 343 147 94 57 13 15 74 207 172 184 239 192 200 195 61 23 15 57 100 54B 318 416 254 249 261 324 102 20 23 61 137 290 195 159 165 168 226 217 69 10 8 76 223 257 151 182 139 163 165 148 48 21 19 33 128 207 167 164 156 129 133 147 94 57 13 15 74 207 172 184 239 168 200 195 61 23 15 57 100 228 318 416 254 249 261 324 102 20 23 35 97 189 89 112 118 108 149 131 55 10 8 46 113 176 98 155 113 119 129 123 48 13 11 19 90 183 121 132 122 117 121 109 70 26 9 13 60 144 127 157 174 151 182 175 35 21 15 47 80 191 212 242 224 186 233 263 72 13 11 2 12 29 14 47 14 13 8 57 14 6 8 10 45 27 18 10 28 17 8 6 26 24 14 12 8 12 12 10 13 8 4 2 14 39 26 17 46 11 12 14 14 2 24 28 72 92 33 47 69 29 24 102 71 8 8 34 8 8 8 8 12 32 20 26 28 11 23 24 19 10 19 6 6 6 12 J 24 210 24 320 684 1 774 3 662 2 250 2 022 2 239 2 199 2 926 2 820 931 120 132 780 2 885 2 979 1 834 2 345 1 909 2 002 2 218 2 020 725 238 211 324 1 488 2 659 2 160 2 279 1 903 1 871 4 786 1 814 1 128 518 142 181 963 2 449 2 268 2 516 2 749 2 424 2 819 2 760 726 332 186 657 1 125 8 052 3 559 4 402 3 165 2 974 3 417 3 931 1 212 215 266 684 1 774 3 662 2 250 2 022 2 239 2 199 2 926 2 561 931 120 132 780 2 885 2 979 1 834 2 345 1 909 2 002 2 218 2 020 725 238 211 324 1 488 2 659 2 160 2 279 1 903 1 871 1 894 1 814 1 128 518 142 181 963 2 4;9 2 268 2 516 2 749 2 229 2 819 2 760 726 332 186 657 1 125 2 808 3 559 4 402 3 165 2 970 3 417 3 931 1 212 215 266 566 1 536 2 821 1 422 1 668 1 881 1 578 2 350 2 056 789 120 132 636 1 744 2 531 1 498 2 150 1 680 1 709 1 936 1 811 725 161 146 246 1 181 2 486 1 798 2 045 1 654 1 750 1 800 1 540 998 303 122 169 847 2 092 1 887 2 285 2 352 2 108 2 692 2 603 517 317 186 575 1 004 2 549 2 887 3 187 2 944 2 639 3 221 3 481 999 165 146 18 91 233 122 354 108 121 46 324 142 48 72 78 296 195 168 78 232 164 77 38 205 173 102 89 84 121 94 85 80 55 20 12 116 282 221 159 304 89 92 122 109 15 100 147 608 706 250 500 530 180 96 1 068 370 40 60 215 50 45 65 40 102 260 145 165 189 50 160 75 160 72 93 33 35 35 100 1 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY - JUNE MAY - APRIL 259 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST •* JULY - JUNE _ MAY - APRIL - MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY - JUNE - MAY 2 892 APRIL - MARCH - - JANUARY - 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY. ... - JUNE 195 MAY " APRIL ~ MARCH " FEBRUARY " JANUARY ~ 1959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 1 2 3 10 17 3 6 2 6 3 1 7 6 4 3 8 1 7 2 82 121 259 672 1 215 221 331 196 450 213 50 120 5 244 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL - MARCH JANUARY ( ^ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 653 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of founding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (petmit-auttiorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) state, year, and montti Total In structures wit^ - Total In Structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) OHIO ANNUAL DATA .964 963 50 782 53 230 47 848 44 289 47 796 56 579 1 787 3 550 5 125 5 434 4 536 4 473 5 714 4 725 4 750 4 394 2 408 3 168 2 601 4 848 5 177 5 568 6 430 5 460 5 821 5 668 5 672 3 736 1 700 2 145 1 954 3 328 4 981 3 751 5 150 5 039 4 642 6 ^66 4 791 3 831 2 019 1 536 3 025 3 322 4 953 4 346 4 803 4 139 4 639 4 573 3 487 3 177 1 997 1 438 49 163 51 495 47 750 41 954 46 588 56 247 1 787 3 400 5 125 5 334 4 536 4 473 5 315 4 725 4 540 4 194 2 158 3 168 2 401 4 628 5 177 5 568 6 430 5 460 5 365 5 668 5 672 3 736 1 700 2 145 1 954 3 328 4 981 3 751 5 150 5 039 4 546 6 966 4 791 3 831 2 019 1 536 2 093 3 322 4 953 3 998 4 174 4 139 4 689 4 573 3 487 3 177 1 725 1 438 26 835 27 907 30 788 32 518 38 815 48 279 1 057 1 839 2 324 2 732 2 592 2 726 2 952 2 822 2 796 2 504 1 311 887 1 072 2 116 3 046 2 487 2 839 2 958 3 179 3 131 3 358 1 895 989 805 1 004 2 173 2 661 2 509 3 266 3 237 3 349 4 049 3 472 2 812 1 466 1 079 1 438 2 278 3 552 3 084 3 382 3 574 3 462 3 821 2 829 2 480 1 290 1 192 2 998 3 583 3 810 2 831 2 257 19 330 20 005 13 152 6 605 5 516 J 1 619 1 735 98 2 335 1 208 332 150 100 399 210 200 250 200 220 456 96 932 348 629 272 663 263 665 312 614 378 616 026 677 718 801 051 24 134 51 129 61 545 68 814 58 227 60 733 77 830 62 800 62 837 58 661 33 285 35 422 31 460 54 520 67 243 55 076 63 274 67 295 77 676 74 062 72 684 44 150 20 637 25 603 23 430 41 292 59 914 50 269 bA 889 61 706 63 397 85 973 65 753 53 408 26 942 20 476 50 187 42 119 66 665 57 656 62 745 59 055 64 506 63 391 51 136 47 654 26 428 19 689 639 491 646 265 613 201 592 358 665 155 797 812 24 134 45 222 61 545 67 443 58 227 60 733 72 813 62 800 60 598 55 863 30 318 35 422 29 303 52 419 67 243 55 076 63 274 67 295 73 223 74 062 72 684 44 150 20 637 25 603 23 430 41 292 59 914 50 269 64 889 61 706 62 265 85 973 65 753 53 408 26 942 20 476 41 077 42 119 66 665 54 016 56 270 59 055 64 506 63 391 51 136 47 654 23 856 19 689 462 005 455 839 479 689 500 488 590 103 736 148 19 040 32 778 39 773 46 292 43 999 46 719 53 405 47 367 46 997 44 221 22 799 14 910 17 834 33 568 49 499 39 217 46 012 48 928 52 522 49 546 55 383 33 113 15 331 13 186 15 961 33 402 40 773 40 026 50 475 48 376 51 987 62 737 55 077 45 242 22 496 16 880 23 044 35 164 55 738 46 476 49 790 54 307 54 126 57 386 44 335 39 934 19 674 17 909 25 781 28 345 30 581 24 770 25 613 V 151 706 162 081 102 931 67 100 49 439 23 772 19 047 962 1 177 961 23 669 .960 12 563 959 V 7 968 61 664 3 239 MONTHLY DATA 964: DECEMBER 94 215 246 300 268 299 326 256 394 208 142 261 252 282 334 267 386 458 326 416 442 256 127 135 137 354 382 354 561 334 292 323 396 437 233 120 268 283 310 204 278 194 357 302 207 194 134 85 636 1 346 2 555 2 302 1 676 1 448 2 037 1 647 1 350 1 482 705 2 020 1 077 2 230 1 797 2 814 3 205 2 044 1 860 2 121 1 872 1 585 584 1 205 813 801 1 938 888 1 323 1 468 905 2 594 923 582 320 337 387 761 1 091 710 514 371 870 450 451 503 301 161 t 1 013 2 437 2 212 2 731 2 118 2 547 2 663 1 879 3 102 1 765 1 290 2 204 1 755 2 284 2 467 2 189 2 895 3 679 2 939 3 776 3 209 1 633 838 1 187 1 279 2 708 2 609 2 735 4 517 2 262 2 245 2 970 3 200 3 853 1 859 958 2 176 2 341 2 859 2 016 2 586 1 941 3 181 2 307 1 654 1 891 1 118 685 ^ 4 081 10 008 19 559 18 421 12 110 11 467 16 744 13 555 10 499 9 877 6 230 18 308 9 715 16 566 15 277 13 670 14 368 14 688 17 762 20 740 14 092 9 404 4 468 11 230 6 190 5 182 16 532 7 509 9 897 11 068 8 033 20 266 7 476 4 313 2 587 2 638 15 857 4 615 8 068 5 524 3 895 2 807 7 199 3 698 5 147 5 829 3 063 1 095 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 5 907 1 371 AUGUST JULY - JUNE 5 017 MAY APRIL MARCH 2 239 2 798 FEBRUARY JANUARY 2 967 963: DECEMBER 2 157 NOVEMBER OCTOBER ... SEPTEMBER AUGUST 2 101 JULY JUNE 4 453 APRIL FEBRUARY - DECEMBER. . - OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JUNE MAY 1 132 APRIL ~ MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 961: NOVE.MBER 9 110 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 3 640 6 475 JULY - JUNE APRIL . ... FEBRUARY. ... JANUARY 2 572 654 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of fiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) State, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- Total In structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) OHIO— Con. MONTHLY DATA- -Con. 1960: DECEMBER 2 007 3 214 4 300 3 959 5 566 4 134 4 604 5 566 5 773 3 334 2 612 1 952 2 196 3 474 4 810 5 551 5 332 6 024 7 041 6 010 6 842 4 656 2 584 2 060 11 790 12 795 10 902 8 555 7 896 9 335 513 789 1 621 817 847 680 1 239 829 818 1 020 876 1 572 1 149 680 1 115 1 165 1 117 915 1 106 1 041 1 164 1 430 1 138 778 2 007 3 167 4 298 3 959 5 440 3 839 4 480 5 546 5 767 3 238 2 612 1 952 2 196 3 474 4 810 5 551 5 332 6 024 6 985 5 934 6 642 4 656 2 584 2 060 11 143 12 595 10 902 8 555 7 872 9 291 513 789 1 501 817 847 680 1 024 829 818 1 020 876 1 572 1 149 680 1 115 1 165 1 117 915 1 106 937 1 164 1 334 1 138 778 1 695 2 439 3 327 3 137 4 686 3 522 3 730 4 534 4 896 2 791 2 361 1 540 1 912 2 977 4 361 4 974 4 662 5 700 5 392 5 031 5 516 3 930 2 263 1 561 7 174 8 318 8 259 7 454 6 732 8 442 483 397 604 630 634 603 653 585 709 644 589 644 392 519 661 663 732 665 820 811 853 873 821 511 135 191 230 138 188 170 269 243 213 136 148 204 177 537 741 684 566 147 481 769 658 311 103 208 I 47 2 - 126 295 124 20 6 96 56 76 200 647 200 24 44 120 215 104 96 25 912 43 310 55 442 54 945 77 265 58 396 64 506 78 409 78 169 • 45 659 48 087 25 998 31 076 48 321 67 773 77 966 75 804 88 705 94 725 88 642 95 714 66 075 38 654 27 598 141 386 144 371 122 842 101 021 90 424 i04 671 7 135 9 016 20 242 10 534 10 627 9 465 14 093 10 171 11 133 11 476 11 901 13 392 9 291 8 142 12 141 13 357 12 407 11 396 12 826 13 181 13 973 15 999 13 326 8 358 25 912 42 592 55 422 54 945 75 962 55 773 63 207 78 179 78 036 44 886 48 087 25 998 31 076 48 321 67 773 77 966 75 804 88 705 94 028 87 846 93 968 66 075 38 654 27 598 134 509 142 494 122 842 101 021 90 174 104 331 7 135 9 016 17 872 10 534 10 627 9 465 12 042 10 171 11 133 11 47b 11 901 13 392 9 291 8 142 12 141 13 357 12 407 11 396 12 826 12 264 13 973 15 039 13 326 8 358 23 748 35 445 47 648 48 Oil 67 621 52 935 56 510 67 610 71 199 41 674 39 792 22 702 29 090 44 589 64 990 73 714 71 245 85 771 82 626 79 047 85 4L3 60 239 35 663 23 761 106 433 114 726 108 743 93 928 SO 289 98 911 6 907 5 786 9 306 9 239 9 878 9 018 9 783 8 667 10 514 9 290 8 533 9 467 5 350 6 929 9 085 9 196 10 430 9 575 11 187 11 313 11 579 11 933 11 301 6 874 966 1 701 1 913 1 298 1 677 1 516 2 190 1 314 1 807 1 255 7 694 1 884 1 198 5 446 5 860 5 636 6 664 1 322 4 507 8 755 5 031 1 958 600 1 413 1 NOVEMBER 718 OCTOBER 20 SEPTEMBER AUGUST 1 303 JULY 2 623 JUNE 1 299 MAY 230 APRIL 133 MARCH 973 FEBRUARY JANUARY 1959: DECEMBER 284 497 449 577 670 324 1 593 903 1 126 726 321 499 1 989 3 732 2 783 4 252 4 559 2 934 11 402 8 799 8 555 5 836 2 991 3 837 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE 697 MAY 796 APRIL 1 746 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY OKLAHOMA ANNUAL DATA 1964 1 352 347 269 224 214 \ 3 617 3 930 2 374 877 926 r 2 802 2 588 1 744 1 528 25 275 25 180 12 354 5 565 8 730 J 6 877 1963 1 877 1962 1961 1960. .... 1 155 1 v. ' 250 1959 849 5 420 340 MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER ( 22 40 33 81 14 42 22 4 32 18 16 28 52 30 40 38 22 20 2 16 30 32 55 10 8 352 864 106 199 35 349 240 77 358 271 900 705 131 414 464 363 230 284 110 281 429 262 257 192 354 215 474 84 271 236 28 359 210 118 258 411 199 303 201 128 158 4 136 289 270 430 59 ^ 36 2 876 8 351 821 665 175 2 023 1 475 260 1 976 3 250 3 667 3 530 1 014 2 753 3 960 1 849 1 66^ 1 635 815 2 105 2 836 1 595 1 425 NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER 2 370 SEPTEMBER _ AUGUST. _ JULY _ JUNE 2 051 MAY APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY 917 APRIL MARCH 960 FEBRUARY JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 655 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing ^ Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continueci Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and montti Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures witti- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Tota Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) OKLAHOMA - -Con. MONTHLY DATA--Con. 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH ........ FEBRUARY. JAi^UAHY 1961: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTENSER ...... AUGUST JUI.Y JUNE MAY APRIL ... MARCH ........ FEBRUARY. ...... JANUARY ....... 1960: DECEMBER. ...... NOVEMBER. .,,..., OCTOBER ....... SEPTEMBER ...... AUGUST JULY JUNE. ifM ........ . APRIL MARCH ........ FEBRUARY JANUARY . 1959; DECEMBER NOVIJyiBER OCTOBER ....... SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL . MARCH FEBRUARY. ...... JANUARY ....... OREGON ANNUAL DATA 19(A 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 761 769 929 342 979 853 966 871 1 243 941 975 761 497 704 725 687 786 857 804 662 781 851 576 641 581 638 681 525 795 558 663 622 999 648 735 464 504 629 547 832 885 833 939 871 896 853 827 717 11 560 11 000 9 343 8 504 8 653 8 884 761 769 929 842 979 853 966 871 1 243 941 975 761 497 704 725 687 786 857 80/» 662 781 851 576 641 581 638 681 525 795 558 663 622 999 624 735 464 504 629 547 832 885 833 939 871 896 853 783 717 11 553 10 764 9 117 8 389 8 373 8 884 564 534 684 532 803 758 680 806 888 772 740 486 423 576 661 577 732 645 741 634 655 782 455 589 446 584 559 501 597 485 623 562 800 620 545 423 470 516 501 663 822 774 883 812 787 808 726 679 6 847 6 471 6 449 6 499 5 985 6 532 12 18 12 19 12 33 48 22 15 24 10 44 185 217 233 291 164 62 238 43 340 145 225 231 64 92 26 98 37 195 54 14 108 43 110 36 131 50 100 14 187 56 23 16 139 173 37 24 7 236 226 115 280 8 296 10 601 9 198 12 174 9 862 10 075 10 942 13 391 11 316 10 516 7 713 5 618 8 070 8 748 7 980 9 544 10 504 9 781 8 806 9 279 9 352 6 270 7 282 5 786 6 884 7 480 6 072 8 481 6 382 7 630 7 344 12 534 7 588 8 719 5 672 593 165 246 165 836 283 10 612 9 593 10 063 9 646 8 554 7 914 142 731 126 980 112 592 103 416 104 822 112 656 8 685 8 296 10 601 9 198 12 174 9 862 10 075 10 942 13 391 11 316 10 516 7 713 5 618 8 070 8 748 7 980 9 544 10 504 9 781 8 806 9 279 9 352 6 270 7 282 5 786 6 884 7 480 6 072 8 481 6 382 7 630 7 344 12 534 7 338 8 719 5 672 593 165 246 165 836 283 10 612 9 593 10 063 9 646 8 214 7 914 142 608 124 992 110 669 102 637 102 491 112 656 7 608 7 101 9 267 7 569 10 876 9 325 8 829 10 718 11 598 10 374 9 287 6 119 5 257 7 415 8 416 7 351 9 195 8 389 9 296 8 676 8 597 8 980 5 588 6 980 025 606 702 968 225 7 448 6 937 9 434 7 323 6 647 5 133 5 345 6 517 7 022 7 963 9 293 9 063 10 168 9 305 9 244 9 355 7 906 7 729 99 967 92 905 90 504 89 090 82 929 91 967 86 992 90 1 105 107 1 227 90 1 540 73 1 225 282 255 210 1 036 126 98 105 1 688 200 742 90 1 139 286 1 308 55 306 316 339 139 192 84 545 170 179 195 1 920 74 410 66 64 78 605 160 212 64 618 128 175 13 748 18 260 158 620 49 55 95 1 161 83 311 84 98 307 100 252 2 849 15 - 48 2 024 34 505 248 64S 224 1 202 543 220 444 288 819 291 308 185 /■ ^ 7 971 34 670 7 463 24 625 7 500 12 665 6 084 7 464 5 620 13 943 >. / 20 689 250 340 123 1 988 1 923 779 2 331 656 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of louncling, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more OREGON— Con. MONTHLY DATA 1964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL TMRCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961: DECEMBER , NOVEMBER , OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . AUGUST , JULY , JUNE , MAY APRIL , MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 515 698 1 013 886 89A 972 965 1 634- 1 036 1 005 1 275 660 668 790 1 123 854 949 959 986 1 406 887 803 685 598 411 545 661 759 1 044 923 880 754 1 151 925 580 634 367 634 654 748 813 867 885 728 824 718 530 643 449 532 602 774 796 667 929 1 027 924 708 577 591 515 698 1 013 886 894 972 965 1 634 1 036 1 005 1 275 656 668 790 1 123 854 949 959 1 406 887 803 685 598 411 545 661 759 1 044 923 880 754 971 925 580 634 367 634 654 748 813 867 885 728 824 718 530 643 4 217 42 22 52 100 49 150 50 89 1 672 389 471 132 12 164 60 73 50 58 139 29 - 368 55 38 . 88 2 522 36 50 139 - 174 - 155 426 57 36 112 - 45 - 144 37 136 - 47 50 88 20 116 74 88 - 38 60 120 132 82 - 51 _ 99 - 50 20 39 . 27 - 79 20 10 19 56 80 70 50 205 . 15 . 66 - 16 49 7 . 45 60 87 28 20 34 77 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 661 Table B 12 States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing _ - Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. "NA" Not available. State, year, and rrontli Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit ?-4 units 5 units or more Public (contract awards) SOUTH CAROLINA--Con. MONTHLY DATA--Con. 960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUWE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 959: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY ... APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY SOUTH DAKOTA ANNUAL DATA ?64 363 362 561 360 359 MONTHLY DATA 364: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL ......... MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY »63: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 186 187 213 205 221 208 2 635 1 032 509 1 256 623 829 875 337 344 332 V / 3 599 610 47 72 95 43 90 75 365 125 117 250 232 31 56 662 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of tiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) state, year, and month Total In structures with- Total In Structures with- Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) SOUTH DAKOTA— Con. MONTHLY DATA— Con. 1962: DECEMBER NOVEMBER 107 133 171 99 90 90 146 121 175 70 60 52 48 169 163 159 179 166 145 164 211 125 52 81 68 192 157 128 122 105 155 149 160 77 39 53 118 67 411 190 141 199 249 163 230 164 48 77 17 829 16 291 13 645 14 172 14 002 17 112 107 133 171 99 90 90 146 121 175 70 60 52 48 169 163 159 179 166 145 164 211 125 52 81 68 192 157 128 122 105 155 149 160 77 39 53 118 67 191 190 141 199 249 163 230 164 48 77 17 285 15 750 12 654 13 572 13 582 16 325 75 100 142 93 82 88 113 106 155 50 45 52 38 143 147 134 171 143 135 158 181 125 45 55 56 159 147 110 108 103 141 143 158 77 39 53 (HA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 9 894 9 740 9 507 10 178 10 593 12 898 2 6 10 6 8 2 8 15 6 10 15 10 18 16 6 8 23 10 6 24 10 4 4 8 4 2 14 6 2 30 27 19 25 14 10 8 19 6 7 16 12 29 6 10 10 > 220 544 541 991 600 420 787 1 108 1 373 1 829 1 188 1 119 1 146 1 571 1 422 1 940 749 614 584 481 1 865 1 801 1 597 1 891 1 751 1 621 1 792 2 107, 1 314 583 671 687 2 031 1 699 1 313 1 257 1 248 1 805 1 579 1 868 852 455 565 1 199 748 5 755 2 116 1 644 2 129 2 789 1 789 2 620 1 623 507 770 156 141 133 907 117 533 121 661 113 313 129 761 1 108 1 373 1 829 1 188 1 119 1 146 1 571 1 422 1 940 749 614 584 481 1 865 1 801 1 597 1 891 1 751 1 621 1 792 2 107 1 314 583 671 687 2 031 1 699 1 313 1 257 1 248 1 805 1 579 1 868 852 455 565 1 199 748 2 156 2 116 1 644 2 129 2 789 1 789 2 620 1 623 507 770 150 958 128 470 107 894 114 831 109 103 121 939 857 1 167 1 666 1 142 1 032 1 130 1 347 1 323 1 832 603 516 584 403 1 635 1 689 1 455 1 835 1 609 1 543 1 760 1 888 1 314 543 560 659 1 799 1 634 1 213 1 179 1 219 1 705 1 537 1 859 852 455 565 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 118 403 104 056 93 648 95 424 96 487 110 678 11 46 80 46 87 15 34 99 33 65 98 78 150 112 37 56 142 77 32 184 34 46 25 72 28 29 100 42 10 240 160 84 190 75 80 80 105 " 35 40 77 28 186 40 28 50 OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY - JUNE . MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - 1961: DECEMBER NOVFAJBER - OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY - APRIL - MARCH FEBRUARY - JANUARY 1960: DECEMBER NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - AUGUST JULY : JUNE . MAY . APRIL - MARCH - - JANUARY - 1959: (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) _ NOVEMBER - 3 599 SEPTEMBER - AUGUST - JULY - JUNE . MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY _ JANUARY - TENNESSEE ANNUAL DATA 1964 ( 1 146 1 099 881 867 1 144 6 245 4 911 2 266 2 527 1 345 J 5 113 4 450 3 481 3 855 4 787 27 441 19 965 10 765 15 552 7 829 1 5 183 1963 5 437 1962 9 639 1961 6 830 I960 4 210 1959 3 427 11 261 7 822- - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 663 Table B 12. States-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1959 to 1964-Continued Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero "NA" Not available. Number of tiousing units Valua tion (iriousands of aoiidis) Total Private (permit-autfiorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t authorized) state, year, and month Total In structures witti - Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more 1 unit ?-4 units 5 units or more awards) TENNESSEE- -Con. MONTHLY DATA l964: DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 1 054 1 612 1 438 2 322 1 007 1 841 1 351 1 921 2 001 1 071 1 276 933 1 129 1 451 1 054 1 246 1 477 1 273 1 192 1 433 1 820 1 742 1 358 1 026 793 960 1 230 926 1 298 1 103 1 714 1 308 1 235 1 230 1 015 807 857 1 013 1 171 1 587 1 182 1 329 1 174 1 431 1 422 1 308 836 894 872 875 1 013 1 272 1 418 982 1 136 1 390 1 159 1 619 1 148 1 123 1 054 1 612 1 438 2 052 1 007 1 841 1 351 1 697 1 951 1 071 1 276 933 948 1 451 1 054 1 246 1 477 1 273 1 192 1 333 1 820 1 592 1 358 976 793 860 1 170 926 1 248 1 103 1 272 1 308 1 106 1 230 905 707 787 1 013 1 171 1 347 1 182 1 079 1 174 1 431 1 422 1 308 836 854 872 875 1 013 1 272 1 226 982 1 136 1 240 1 159 1 619 1 070 1 123 824 657 917 716 810 813 929 938 1 043 927 764 552 744 573 776 753 872 844 873 882 1 079 1 076 656 614 684 644 787 727 856 811 868 926 866 999 784 551 505 739 957 947 994 839 975 1 175 859 885 635 700 517 649 821 998 818 817 940 908 937 1 427 788 978 91 87 130 118 86 87 57 149 93 88 103 59 73 92 88 95 110 121 98 100 81 73 67 99 24 70 119 79 139 60 76 82 90 69 25 47 37 53 101 67 60 42 101 68 74 99 96 69 66 47 103 100 77 98 100 121 132 81 123 96 139 868 391 1 218 111 941 365 610 815 56 409 322 131 786 190 398 495 308 221 351 660 443 635 263 85 146 264 120 253 232 328 300 150 162 96 109 245 221 113 333 128 198 98 188 489 324 105 85 289 179 89 174 331 67 96 211 90 111 159 49 270 224 50 181 100 150 50 100 60 50 i3 2 562 1 559 1 902 2 898 3 060 3 911 3 724 3 493 3 245 4 180 4 202 3 953 2 635 1 835 576 514 463 873 166 329 531 938 652 637 729 634 16 167 17 319 18 886 21 616 23 078 571 1 144 1 452 1 394 1 368 1 t.38 i 77a 1 770 I 670 i 747 980 636 758 1 216 1 818 1 725 1 496 1 660 1 681 2 240 2 125 1 546 572 593 886 1 330 1 615 1 762 1 864 1 860 2 173 2 040 2 199 1 714 800 707 941 1 528 2 069 1 730 2 094 1 955 2 258 2 215 2 653 2 185 1 004 985 1 069 1 343 074 006 205 313 695 564 883 736 276 065 2 743 3 497 2 762 3 129 2 661 104 267 188 2J2 189 193 445 301 273 269 203 114 172 258 278 312 297 335 419 311 399 303 236 161 196 195 324 194 144 330 231 363 285 200 142 102 200 160 185 160 216 280 253 328 505 364 201 220 161 297 176 241 344 155 237 192 290 288 77 13 774 13 480 15 911 14 304 9 688 1 174 1 072 1 254 1 408 929 1 184 1 471 1 008 1 004 1 182 645 1 472 890 1 439 1 578 808 1 084 1 604 1 475 1 157 1 098 1 082 657 611 1 324 856 1 052 1 235 1 093 1 579 933 071 093 129 620 750 761 210 2 021 1 414 1 258 734 1 637 1 044 1 404 1 430 630 1 346 874 1 213 626 617 861 599 1 182 479 613 376 489 1 133 1 661 1 060 3 243 5 528 150 b42 314 301 129 450 200 116 158 116 181 593 1 261 108 120 378 1 376 3 154 125 92 814 747 596 465 188 468 233 502 927 576 235 554 517 25 719 35 403 39 454 39 634 36 884 41 208 52 482 44 017 43 248 50 516 25 115 30 174 25 062 44 443 49 567 36 810 43 585 45 189 45 374 52 896 52 273 38 067 18 190 16 570 29 109 32 314 40 947 39 996 44 332 50 934 69 770 49 734 50 464 48 558 26 238 20 126 23 747 39 347 41 551 65 413 51 692 47 167 47 619 57 828 56 642 57 445 54 969 23 995 69 148 37 106 46 618 40 831 46 292 46 887 51 645 61 976 53 796 46 222 30 311 21 125 454 110 450 797 491 417 530 950 487 293 25 719 34 568 39 454 39 634 36 884 39 816 52 482 44 017 41 889 44 805 25 115 30 174 25 062 40 281 46 473 35 597 38 972 45 189 45 374 51 071 51 101 38 067 18 190 16 570 29 109 30 665 39 667 39 996 44 332 50 934 69 770 48 027 50 464 41 832 26 238 20 126 23 747 39 347 41 551 50 666 50 209 47 167 46 494 57 828 56 642 51 436 38 047 23 995 29 992 35 681 46 618 39 870 46 292 46 887 51 645 52 858 53 796 36 429 23 540 21 125 303 946 307 409 321 632 354 427 377 603 12 123 22 666 27 699 25 584 25 873 28 685 33 562 32 985 31 939 32 558 18 481 12 027 14 507 22 658 31 709 27 618 26 514 30 464 30 715 38 859 37 815 26 715 10 696 10 695 15 225 22 807 28 842 28 566 31 313 31 212 38 669 35 013 36 587 28 768 13 614 11 936 15 689 25 966 32 395 28 023 34 247 33 010 38 051 37 292 42 343 34 801 16 348 15 471 17 900 22 894 35 317 31 795 36 415 36 940 43 729 41 493 46 699 28 496 20 232 17 015 31 040 40 594 29 546 35 817 30 566 1 363 3 637 2 352 2 569 1 950 2 140 4 619 3 167 958 138 317 141 090 828 698 979 Oil 674 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 4 7V9 3 615 4 940 3 844 2 654 1 804 1 868 1 994 3 304 2 151 1 454 3 639 2 516 3 944 3 298 1 784 1 855 1 214 274 850 506 897 539 375 817 647 782 583 676 549 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 2 2 045 3 160 2 217 2 783 4 Oil 2 040 2 847 2 305 3 275 3 059 871 821 119 124 102 795 140 239 140 706 79 124 12 232 8 265 9 403 11 481 9 062 8 992 14 301 7 865 6 992 9 110 4 317 17 005 8 464 14 795 11 066 5 001 8 447 11 050 9 880 8 597 8 346 7 508 4 840 4 071 12 016 5 864 7 521 9 279 11 565 16 084 28 586 9 071 10 579 11 279 10 769 6 976 5 785 11 531 6 651 20 746 13 423 10 782 5 627 16 889 9 517 12 051 19 023 5 975 10 047 9 627 9 084 5 292 5 866 7 907 5 069 9 060 3 822 4 874 2 437 3 290 11 078 17 435 11 510 45 286 67 224 835 1 392 1 359 5 711 4 162 3 094 1 213 4 613 1 825 1 172 1 648 1 280 1 707 6 726 14 747 1 483 1 125 6 009 16 922 39 156 1 425 961 9 118 9 793 6 771 686 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and montti Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Bunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Bunits or more CINCINNATI, OHIO - KY ANNUAL DATA 196i 1963 . . . , 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECE^BER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 7 226 7 o<;3 7 43-4 6 -465 7 065 415 507 680 812 551 609 602 705 708 539 235 869 284 806 884 624 604 747 646 535 596 439 231 170 222 491 578 491 836 1 132 661 1 024 941 517 332 206 411 705 624 1 031 650 609 625 633 436 199 217 237 490 784 744 520 444 524 638 1 248 564 221 363 7 226 6 533 7 434 6 024 6 773 415 507 680 812 551 609 602 705 708 539 235 869 284 806 884 624 604 747 646 535 596 439 231 170 222 491 578 491 836 1 132 661 1 024 941 517 332 206 288 411 705 624 590 650 609 625 633 436 199 217 237 490 784 74^ 520 44^ 524 638 1 248 564 221 363 3 691 3 268 3 883 3 852 4 434 132 295 354 395 331 350 449 433 400 339 187 159 110 263 452 269 385 317 355 342 320 286 103 102 112 242 236 280 533 380 4^0 538 402 383 191 142 135 200 380 380 454 4^5 435 434 432 245 135 119 162 392 334 309 380 350 479 372 1 046 272 175 168 223 313 663 894 769 6 7 17 4 6 6 4 4 25 13 12 116 15 30 10 11 47 46 77 38 20 18 16 26 36 59 32 73 82 50 69 122 45 32 38 32 88 148 42 84 49 138 94 95 58 50 28 31 62 83 52 38 79 35 105 104 35 8 137 3 312 2 952 2 888 1 278 1 569 277 205 309 413 214 253 149 268 283 187 36 594 174 528 402 345 208 383 245 116 238 133 110 52 84 213 283 179 230 670 171 417 417 89 109 26 121 123 177 193 52 156 36 97 106 133 14 70 lA 36 367 383 102 15 10 161 98 257 38 58 510 441 292 441 84 649 89 916 85 322 78 145 83 833 3 948 5 762 7 847 8 670 6 625 6 967 8 477 8 721 8 025 7 322 3 279 11 793 4 284 8 740 12 677 6 160 8 087 9 077 8 322 7 424 8 618 5 609 2 743 2 546 2 783 5 305 5 972 5 742 "S 555 10 160 7 800 12 476 11 916 7 287 3 691 2 547 3 329 5 012 8 489 6 914 11 652 8 133 919 985 689 390 675 263 2 950 5 587 8 569 7 993 6 722 6 472 7 741 7 518 14 279 5 385 3 007 3 982 84 649 83 468 85 322 73 917 80 641 3 948 5 762 7 847 8 670 6 625 6 967 8 477 8 721 8 025 7 322 3 279 11 793 4 284 8 740 12 677 6 160 8 087 9 077 8 322 7 424 8 618 5 609 2 743 2 546 2 783 5 305 5 972 5 742 9 555 10 160 7 800 12 476 11 916 7 287 3 691 2 547 3 329 5 012 8 489 6 914 7 424 8 133 7 919 7 985 7 689 5 390 2 675 2 263 2 950 5 587 8 569 7 993 6 722 6 472 7 741 7 518 14 279 5 885 3 007 3 982 56 854 53 507 58 452 57 569 63 649 2 235 4 489 5 469 6 057 4 962 5 578 429 944 157 592 933 7 6 6 5 2 2 608 1 814 4 495 7 422 3 621 5 997 5 401 304 735 339 770 756 623 1 929 3 963 3 966 4 538 7 367 5 114 312 772 086 258 818 193 2 240 3 497 5 675 5 477 6 285 6 481 6 483 6 547 6 269 4 150 2 127 1 653 2 476 4 811 5 053 4 752 5 816 5 550 7 263 5 652 12 932 4 156 2 777 2 475 2 109 3 522 5 689 8 008 6 646 54 75 148 24 94 72 50 34 149 159 96 1 140 120 242 100 195 466 581 1 086 419 183 118 137 390 222 414 229 522 571 438 746 1 266 394 296 249 323 718 1 354 389 778 491 1 236 817 692 478 468 255 254 592 776 472 356 724 388 780 757 294 65 1 189 25 686 26 438 21 180 8 340 10 346 659 198 230 589 569 317 997 1 743 1 720 1 570 250 8 044 470 124 014 439 895 210 437 603 2 860 656 869 786 464 1 120 1 592 975 1 665 4 475 1 050 3 957 4 564 635 578 105 766 797 1 460 1 048 362 1 161 200 621 728 762 80 355 220 184 2 740 2 769 550 198 90 1 086 590 1 435 165 319 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 687 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Beca jse of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Numbei of hou sing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In structures with - 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more I unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) CLEVELAND, OHIO ANNUAL DATA 1964 12 193 14 680 11 348 10 377 12 038 372 ^S 1 033 1 679 808 968 1 542 1 257 980 1 091 637 1 162 514 1 396 1 283 2 251 2 878 1 378 1 419 1 968 1 544 895 568 885 718 651 1 352 953 1 339 989 1 025 1 982 791 753 437 428 1 294 819 868 913 899 883 1 281 849 700 849 719 296 705 682 832 994 1 863 1 123 1 249 1 295 1 316 704 671 435 12 093 14 680 11 346 9 323 11 647 372 765 1 033 1 579 808 968 1 542 1 257 980 1 091 637 1 162 514 1 396 1 283 2 251 2 878 1 378 1 419 1 968 1 544 895 568 885 718 651 1 352 953 1 339 989 1 025 1 982 791 753 437 428 512 819 868 913 899 883 1 281 849 700 849 447 296 705 682 832 994 1 863 828 1 249 1 295 1 316 608 671 435 5 308 4 583 4 860 5 152 8 429 250 398 430 501 516 581 584 542 512 520 344 167 165 371 463 418 433 511 527 500 667 292 146 82 123 312 455 357 538 601 521 607 556 429 269 168 274 368 465 461 511 668 576 505 434 509 219 203 627 426 504 718 1 409 712 799 873 820 559 579 308 264 271 343 444 347 6 18 20 42 18 18 34 21 27 12 36 12 4 26 32 19 46 38 22 22 18 6 4 32 16 58 28 54 26 14 88 26 24 46 78 7 18 24 46 24 34 44 110 34 10 58 16 14 11 22 36 29 34 12 24 29 24 22 84 26 6 521 9 826 6 143 3 727 2 871 116 349 583 1 036 274 369 924 694 441 559 257 983 345 999 788 1 814 2 399 829 870 1 446 859 597 418 771 579 281 869 542 775 374 416 1 349 211 278 90 253 220 427 357 428 354 171 595 310 256 282 212 79 67 234 292 247 420 104 426 393 472 27 8 101 100 2 1 054 391 100 782 272 295 96 173 767 184 557 151 754 163 033 186 337 6 688 13 477 14 684 21 574 13 141 16 087 20 158 18 016 15 840 14 766 9 870 10 505 7 293 15 376 16 389 14 779 18 477 16 634 21 624 27 801 20 178 9 302 6 135 10 288 7 728 8 983 16 836 13 570 17 186 13 853 15 226 22 390 12 438 12 602 6 894 5 312 27 851 10 469 12 982 13 298 13 242 14 580 17 369 13 400 12 316 14 370 8 478 4 865 9 929 10 358 11 485 15 466 28 862 16 145 18 660 20 478 18 421 10 994 16 314 6 693 172 396 184 557 151 709 152 889 182 741 6 688 13 477 14 684 20 203 13 141 16 087 20 158 18 016 15 840 14 766 9 870 10 505 7 293 15 376 16 389 14 779 18 477 16 634 21 624 27 801 20 178 9 302 6 135 10 288 7 728 8 983 16 836 13 570 17 186 13 853 15 226 22 390 12 438 12 602 6 894 5 312 20 279 10 469 12 982 13 298 13 242 14 580 17 369 13 400 12 316 14 370 5 906 4 865 9 929 10 358 11 485 15 466 28 862 13 522 18 660 20 478 18 421 10 021 16 314 6 693 112 274 94 219 95 749 100 299 143 539 5 652 8 702 9 345 10 225 10 757 12 283 12 286 10 808 11 054 11 079 7 411 3 265 3 842 7 313 9 462 8 672 9 146 10 580 10 413 11 094 13 174 5 796 2 863 1 727 2 676 6 390 8 370 7 524 10 952 10 575 10 628 11 662 10 820 9 191 5 193 3 143 5 249 7 477 9 460 9 074 10 097 12 614 10 870 10 235 8 400 9 641 3 621 4 045 9 253 7 732 8 734 12 559 22 605 12 364 14 275 15 847 14 259 9 586 9 070 5 435 3 142 3 212 4 386 4 996 10 080 89 243 276 564 226 207 397 248 288 128 326 150 36 351 323 198 416 527 290 278 223 63 40 436 174 612 326 564 318 155 597 290 311 1 068 627 64 250 309 575 321 448 613 974 396 137 629 186 160 106 296 277 322 393 184 274 235 265 255 7 190 372 56 980 87 126 51 574 47 594 29 122 947 4 532 5 063 9 414 2 159 3 597 7 475 6 960 4 498 3 559 2 132 7 090 3 415 7 712 6 604 5 909 8 914 5 527 10 921 16 428 6 781 3 443 3 232 8 124 4 877 1 982 8 140 5 482 5 916 3 123 4 001 10 438 1 307 2 343 1 074 2 105 14 780 2 683 2 947 3 903 2 696 1 353 5 526 2 769 3 779 4 100 2 100 658 570 2 331 2 474 2 585 5 864 974 4 111 4 396 3 897 180 54 886 1 371 1963 1962. 45 10 144 3 596 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. , . OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER ........ AUGUST. ... 1 371 JULY JUNE. .... MAY . . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. . OCTOBER ......... SEPTEMBER ........ AUGUST. ......... JULY. .......... JUNE - MAY APRIL .......... MARCH - FEBRUARY JANUARY ...,,.... 1962— DECEMBER. . - NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER ........ : JULY JUNE. .......... APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . . 1961— DECEMBER 7 572 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST - JULY JUNE. . MAY , APRIL FEBRUARY 2 572 I960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTE^BER . . AUGUST - JULY 2 623 ,TUNE . . . APRIL MARCH 973 FEBRUARY JANUARY „ 688 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- I unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) COLUMBUS, OHIO AMNUAL DATA 19&; 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY . . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUCRJST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER. . . . . NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OGTOBEP SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 7 794 10 470 8 816 6 743 5 566 222 592 849 664 822 963 846 726 734 669 424 274 629' 543 1 205 596 1 264 935 1 691 1 014 747 1 089 317 403 364 718 1 046 622 1 089 765 921 1 167 776 795 262 282 379 605 1 309 602 960 479 649 570 498 301 142 143 253 584 601 301 482 424 581 814 350 342 343 250 7 794 10 014 8 816 6 555 5 242 222 592 849 664 822 963 846 726 734 669 424 274 629 543 1 205 596 1 264 935 1 235 1 014 747 1 089 317 403 364 718 1 046 622 1 089 765 921 1 167 776 795 262 282 379 605 1 309 602 772 479 649 570 498 301 142 143 253 584 601 301 482 424 457 814 350 342 343 250 4 798 5 576 5 730 5 259 4 371 160 244 404 400 566 437 574 517 557 510 275 145 289 381 674 400 710 475 632 581 525 374 264 251 186 557 545 516 669 530 603 736 560 360 227 236 261 425 827 569 710 459 426 508 436 275 126 139 155 350 582 301 460 372 410 611 271 316 321 202 675 1 129 1 301 503 204 4 34 30 44 94 142 82 77 88 74 2 144 17 92 94 212 167 112 130 28 80 31 16 38 124 172 50 174 158 66 108 105 272 30 110 90 42 27 62 8 56 48 14 26 16 4 60 17 19 2 24 24 12 16 20 6 4 2 321 3 309 1 785 793 667 58 314 415 220 162 384 190 132 89 85 147 125 196 145 439 102 342 293 491 303 194 635 22 136 140 37 329 56 246 77 252 323 111 163 5 46 90 440 6 12 167 14 48 38 217 20 28 23 191 63 6 16 44 456 188 324 456 188 99 683 117 955 107 752 93 441 89 854 3 370 6 262 9 752 3 281 10 602 11 919 11 316 9 389 9 765 10 329 5 426 3 151 5 991 6 198 13 123 7 694 14 431 10 821 18 894 8 712 10 163 11 894 4 310 5 257 3 941 8 486 11 532 8 624 12 625 9 420 11 940 13 748 10 407 9 103 3 832 3 967 5 008 7 472 17 216 8 571 11 838 7 281 8 858 8 045 7 400 5 065 2 952 2 080 2 920 7 731 8 091 4 570 7 315 6 355 7 938 11 686 4 848 5 400 4 339 3 643 99 683 113 502 107 752 91 194 86 482 3 370 6 262 9 752 8 281 10 602 11 919 11 316 9 389 9 765 10 329 5 426 3 151 5 991 6 198 13 123 7 694 14 431 10 821 14 441 8 712 10 163 11 894 4 310 5 257 3 941 8 486 11 532 8 624 12 625 9 420 11 940 13 748 10 407 9 103 3 832 3 967 5 008 7 472 17 216 8 571 9 591 7 281 8 858 8 045 7 400 5 065 2 952 2 080 2 920 7 731 8 091 4 570 7 315 6 355 6 639 11 686 4 848 5 400 4 339 3 643 77 496 84 708 85 945 82 238 77 897 2 947 4 146 6 428 6 257 8 985 6 988 9 214 8 059 8 354 9 159 4 386 2 453 4 100 5 294 10 045 6 341 10 732 7 590 9 735 5 956 8 933 7 624 3 984 4 131 2 851 7 339 7 944 7 900 9 413 7 922 9 046 11 041 8 961 6 268 3 528 3 645 4 107 6 373 14 124 8 322 9 015 7 108 357 645 934 760 872 038 2 338 4 900 7 938 4 570 7 207 6 058 6 348 8 490 4 344 5 219 4 227 3 481 5 782 8 189 9 272 4 107 1 434 35 300 294 427 715 1 284 697 568 866 564 14 18 780 144 685 770 1 554 1 242 1 019 975 264 462 156 91 341 894 1 051 409 1 245 962 599 912 707 1 850 264 881 632 352 198 576 98 558 247 137 305 80 43 362 183 152 23 147 164 71 115 144 54 20 16 405 20 605 12 535 4 849 7 152 388 1 816 3 030 1 597 902 3 648 1 405 761 545 606 1 027 680 1 111 760 2 393 582 2 144 1 988 3 687 1 781 966 3 808 170 1 035 749 254 2 537 315 1 966 536 2 295 1 796 740 985 40 322 20 467 2 740 50 75 943 153 330 220 2 648 85 150 127 125 389 38 58 143 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 689 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because ol rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) DALLAS, TEX. ANNUAl DATA 1964. 1963. 1962. 1961. 1960. MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECE^BER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. , . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . , FEBRU.yiY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . , MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 17 315 22 770 20 613 17 451 13 509 820 631 1 Oil 1 280 1 428 1 802 1 655 1 838 1 825 2 252 1 618 1 655 1 631 1 515 1 722 1 506 2 381 1 776 921 135 253 705 670 562 1 493 1 589 1 998 1 633 1 483 1 494 1 666 2 151 2 069 2 039 1 486 1 448 1 042 1 372 1 926 1 781 1 827 1 496 1 505 1 076 1 583 1 648 1 043 1 091 692 868 1 206 1 083 1 339 775 1 322 1 251 1 305 1 510 1 096 1 073 17 815 22 770 20 565 17 427 13 509 820 631 1 Oil 1 280 1 428 1 802 1 655 1 838 1 825 2 252 1 618 1 655 1 631 1 515 1 722 1 506 2 381 1 776 921 135 253 705 670 562 445 589 998 633 483 494 666 151 069 039 486 448 1 042 1 372 1 926 1 757 1 827 1 496 1 505 1 076 1 583 1 6A8 1 043 1 091 692 868 1 206 1 083 1 339 775 322 251 305 510 096 073 8 317 9 262 10 811 12 360 10 143 452 4^0 627 578 648 748 816 755 834 828 779 812 510 552 823 770 831 841 769 792 1 892 783 535 572 760 716 806 788 956 1 318 1 015 1 167 1 174 962 748 981 933 1 201 1 426 1 103 1 110 1 035 1 074 1 186 804 710 569 593 758 710 903 635 1 100 1 010 1 015 1 298 890 703 303 543 249 170 276 16 20 10 80 30 10 26 24 20 26 26 15 19 68 84 118 26 12 4 18 136 38 16 12 2 23 22 6 86 16 18 23 25 2 2 19 6 8 12 2 20 38 12 33 16 26 22 18 8 14 4 18 18 20 50 40 38 9 195 12 965 9 505 4 897 3 090 352 171 374 622 750 1 044 813 1 059 971 1 398 813 828 1 102 895 815 618 1 524 923 48 24 144 343 357 1 656 741 894 1 005 1 236 894 655 700 710 747 1 038 854 289 461 292 389 974 550 393 381 393 21 471 450 206 365 97 253 430 365 422 136 204 223 270 162 166 332 48 24 172 117 199 963 185 4^7 181 060 136 246 8 507 7 727 10 990 12 737 12 807 15 774 20 723 16 430 15 988 19 640 15 609 15 191 12 550 12 920 16 56A 14 823 18 837 16 046 17 039 19 184 27 103 15 592 23 422 14 052 11 389 12 387 15 754 14 250 14 676 13 040 15 128 20 315 17 992 18 234 16 161 15 209 9 940 12 944 19 082 16 815 18 455 20 671 14 633 14 876 15 095 16 877 10 400 10 583 7 004 8 474 11 534 9 935 13 037 8 183 13 688 12 811 12 688 16 457 12 155 10 587 172 117 199 963 185 168 180 818 136 246 8 507 7 727 10 990 12 737 12 307 15 774 20 723 16 430 15 988 19 640 15 609 15 191 12 550 12 920 16 564 14 823 18 837 16 046 17 039 19 184 27 103 15 592 23 422 14 052 11 110 12 387 15 754 14 250 14 676 13 040 15 128 20 315 17 992 18 234 16 161 15 209 9 940 12 944- 19 082 16 573 18 455 20 671 14 633 14 876 15 095 16 877 10 400 10 583 7 004 8 474 11 534 9 935 13 037 8 183 13 688 12 811 12 688 16 457 12 155 10 587 120 593 127 833 139 561 145 503 120 705 6 591 6 563 3 991 8 631 8 983 10 392 11 900 10 912 11 800 12 322 11 510 11 507 7 354 7 681 11 579 10 902 11 121 11 611 10 803 11 060 25 087 11 255 11 449 10 435 7 054 7 854 9 869 9 346 10 937 9 991 12 338 16 399 12 646 14 505 14 798 13 127 8 541 11 213 11 239 13 970 16 721 13 255 12 926 12 386 12 909 13 725 9 087 8 903 6 454 7 475 9 236 8 408 10 809 7 732 12 529 11 919 11 432 15 516 10 914 8 657 2 211 3 705 2 216 1 081 1 438 97 185 67 584 224 86 192 160 163 186 159 108 106 417 891 660 155 90 47 23 163 780 274 99 99 9 114 203 48 977 94 145 281 147 13 120 39 42 38 16 125 296 69 216 99 124 119 75 48 64 12 79 57 118 356 185 201 49 313 68 425 43 391 34 234 14 103 1 819 979 1 932 3 523 3 601 4 796 8 630 5 358 4 026 7 132 3 941 3 577 5 090 4 822 4 094 3 260 7 561 4 346 6 189 8 124 1 993 4 174 11 193 3 343 3 957 4 433 5 876 4 790 3 536 3 000 790 939 251 585 081 935 1 390 1 718 7 724 2 564 1 692 7 378 690 366 889 083 098 581 425 879 2 223 1 479 2 164 439 1 080 836 1 138 586 1 057 1 729 279 242 279 242 690 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of tiousing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and montti Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In structures with - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or mote 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) DAYTON, OHIO ANNUAL DATA 1964 8 291 6 965 5 551 4 631 4 868 242 472 874 868 1 155 748 715 969 1 059 654 196 299 357 925 689 539 592 729 703 614 935 356 114 220 233 405 767 466 596 689 538 693 605 474 186 87 213 424 425 407 444 488 395 718 348 299 268 113 152 259 454 350 686 405 407 531 747 276 395 223 8 061 6 546 5 551 4 631 4 862 242 472 874 868 1 155 748 695 969 849 654 196 299 357 705 689 539 592 729 703 614 935 356 114 220 233 405 767 466 596 689 538 693 605 474 186 87 213 424 425 407 444 488 395 718 348 299 268 113 152 259 454 350 686 405 407 531 741 276 395 223 4 543 4 194 4 231 4 074 4 602 162 304 376 610 479 496 466 534 380 375 161 136 223 312 467 370 390 515 559 511 473 223 &3 75 190 285 416 342 446 546 488 591 504 420 109 78 174 315 393 336 339 457 381 679 297 273 245 96 139 237 409 306 662 402 382 514 716 263 371 214 601 591 604 288 149 26 30 32 15 67 37 62 88 140 21 12 91 24 32 86 21 44 43 51 45 158 69 19 11 33 51 63 53 142 29 38 35 69 42 44 9 13 14 12 57 21 25 8 39 51 14 23 11 13 10 33 9 24 3 20 11 8 13 9 2 917 1 761 716 269 111 54 138 466 243 609 215 167 347 329 258 23 72 110 361 136 148 158 171 93 58 304 64 12 134 10 69 288 71 8 114 12 67 32 12 33 26 95 20 14 84 6 6 12 6 12 12 35 5 6 17 24 230 419 6 20 210 220 6 97 868 82 556 68 998 62 613 67 580 2 876 6 104 9 897 11 363 12 979 9 663 9 072 11 032 10 194 7 795 2 774 3 195 4 259 10 008 8 388 6 411 6 895 8 970 9 181 8 593 9 423 4 734 1 489 1 876 2 879 4 644 9 000 5 567 7 565 8 092 7 473 9 028 7 541 6 256 2 023 1 201 2 742 4 791 5 969 5 725 5 711 6 575 6 049 9 406 4 786 4 412 3 522 1 556 2 152 3 540 5 524 5 051 9 030 5 701 5 397 7 599 10 573 4 118 6 188 2 959 95 411 78 183 68 998 62 613 67 447 2 876 6 104 9 897 11 363 12 979 9 663 8 854 11 032 7 955 7 795 2 774 3 195 4 259 7 907 8 388 6 411 6 895 8 970 9 181 8 593 9 423 4 734 1 489 1 876 2 879 4 644 9 000 5 567 7 565 8 092 7 473 9 028 7 541 6 256 2 023 1 201 2 742 4 791 5 969 5 725 5 711 6 575 6 049 9 406 4 786 4 412 3 522 1 556 2 152 3 540 5 524 5 051 9 030 5 701 5 397 7 599 10 440 4 118 6 188 2 959 72 483 62 496 59 426 58 815 65 741 2 453 5 253 6 150 9 621 7 734 8 075 7 317 8 023 5 864 6 214 2 583 2 045 3 285 4 551 6 921 5 201 5 841 7 526 8 390 7 673 6 770 3 744 1 330 1 175 2 585 3 980 5 446 4 908 6 547 6 961 7 171 8 394 6 960 5 983 1 582 1 153 2 486 4 076 5 787 5 009 4 934 6 376 5 945 9 223 4 500 4 258 3 379 1 472 2 044 3 367 5 285 4 778 8 878 5 686 5 217 7 501 10 293 3 980 5 993 2 902 3 484 3 567 3 632 2 029 1 057 147 169 321 86 383 233 379 484 760 98 63 627 L27 268 568 118 199 264 295 277 976 392 101 66 194 348 334 270 978 167 208 218 424 208 260 48 72 107 70 652 132 170 69 183 286 89 143 56 108 65 188 113 152 15 L47 58 52 138 57 19 444 12 121 5 939 1 769 649 276 681 3 426 1 656 4 862 1 355 1 158 2 525 1 331 1 483 129 523 847 3 088 899 1 093 855 1 179 496 643 1 678 598 58 635 100 316 3 220 389 40 964 94 415 156 65 180 183 608 112 64 645 28 35 65 29 108 51 160 33 40 95 195 2 457 1963 4 373 1962 1961 1960 133 t«INTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE 218 MAY . APRIL 2 239 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER 2 101 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY _ APRIL . _ FEBRUARY _ _ 1962— DECEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - _ JUNE . MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1961— DECEMBER . NOVEMBER . OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE , MAY , _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1960— DECEMBER . NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUCajST - JULY - JUNE . MAY . APRIL 133 MARCH . FEBRUARY . JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 691 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of tiousing units Valuation (ttiousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total P rivate (permit-auttiorized) Public (contract awards) Total ^rivate (perm t-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures witti- Total In structures witti- 1 unrt 2-4 unrts 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) DENVER, COLO. ANNUAL DATA 1964 9 399 11 810 15 416 19 101 13 257 449 798 730 1 020 538 696 815 1 136 1 046 720 576 503 568 540 781 847 840 1 340 1 097 1 769 1 165 1 019 1 101 728 737 824 1 015 989 1 673 1 239 1 355 1 594 1 431 1 563 1 707 801 1 210 1 566 1 785 1 276 2 084 1 808 1 972 1 442 1 735 1 830 1 146 1 189 697 1 131 1 069 1 419 1 386 1 260 1 066 1 383 1 130 1 073 746 866 9 021 11 641 14 938 19 101 13 257 449 798 616 1 020 538 696 815 1 136 1 046 720 576 503 568 540 781 847 840 1 265 1 097 1 769 1 165 1 019 1 101 728 737 824 1 015 989 1 673 1 239 1 355 1 594 1 431 1 563 1 707 801 1 210 1 566 1 785 1 276 2 084 1 808 1 972 1 442 1 735 1 830 1 146 1 189 697 1 131 1 069 1 419 1 386 1 260 1 066 1 383 1 130 1 073 746 866 6 257 7 939 10 543 9 822 8 103 319 378 425 621 486 577 655 731 721 520 440 414 364 387 564 703 658 869 760 996 795 830 669 431 456 649 819 774 1 199 1 021 1 050 1 147 1 029 1 097 732 560 605 700 891 632 1 098 1 015 988 659 780 1 087 759 595 365 657 655 735 887 850 691 848 877 679 439 389 352 827 1 022 1 640 947 23 37 30 21 28 15 23 16 45 38 55 25 40 56 61 57 78 93 64 116 73 64 47 70 41 40 58 86 99 92 78 96 104 121 134 73 126 155 172 102 215 94 208 151 92 134 67 88 112 101 62 64 138 71 101 64 60 70 60 44 2 412 2 875 3 373 7 639 4 207 107 383 161 378 24 104 137 389 280 162 81 64 164 97 156 87 104 303 273 657 297 125 385 227 240 135 138 129 375 126 227 351 298 345 841 168 479 711 722 542 771 699 776 632 863 609 320 506 220 373 352 620 361 339 274 471 193 324 247 433 378 169 478 114 75 112 101 136 094 180 424 186 690 133 096 5 203 8 615 8 177 12 782 7 279 9 246 9 958 13 025 12 759 9 698 6 923 6 335 6 512 6 250 8 809 21 369 10 528 15 949 13 795 19 446 13 675 12 424 11 114 7 715 8 058 10 133 12 553 12 223 20 849 15 020 17 474 18 686 18 023 17 751 15 703 9 168 12 226 15 032 17 758 12 251 22 008 17 594 20 030 13 305 15 907 17 845 12 017 10 396 7 016 11 329 10 938 13 830 13 469 12 822 10 670 13 877 13 048 11 049 7 366 7 495 107 957 134 730 175 755 186 690 133 096 5 203 8 615 7 026 12 782 7 279 9 246 9 958 13 025 12 759 9 698 6 923 6 335 6 512 6 250 8 809 21 369 10 528 15 151 13 795 19 446 13 675 12 424 11 114 7 715 8 058 10 133 12 553 12 223 20 849 15 020 17 474 18 686 18 023 17 751 15 703 9 168 12 226 15 032 17 758 12 251 22 008 17 594 20 030 13 305 15 907 17 845 12 017 10 396 7 016 11 329 10 938 13 830 13 469 12 822 10 670 13 877 13 048 11 049 7 366 7 495 87 934 111 539 146 950 132 869 104 730 4 591 5 200 6 024 9 739 6 964 8 059 9 149 9 849 10 524 8 708 6 166 5 846 5 229 5 226 7 762 20 578 8 981 12 803 11 410 14 189 11 378 11 327 8 759 6 023 6 742 8 873 11 323 10 415 16 919 13 895 14 647 16 322 15 Oil 15 276 9 813 7 600 8 558 9 400 12 247 8 620 16 306 13 253 13 924 8 634 10 647 13 838 9 939 7 456 5 038 8 582 8 719 9 070 11 041 10 456 8 621 11 084 11 685 8 809 5 577 5 860 2 864 6 438 7 763 11 693 6 660 166 322 201 152 211 115 218 169 381 280 477 210 315 492 474 390 787 684 469 846 562 468 378 505 302 300 403 742 841 566 570 776 836 894 992 542 1 057 1 045 1 185 696 1 373 674 1 725 1 029 708 947 430 573 863 779 432 461 875 533 605 441 418 527 412 313 17 159 16 753 21 043 42 128 21 706 447 3 093 800 2 891 104 1 072 591 3 007 1 854 710 280 280 967 532 573 400 761 1 664 1 917 4 411 1 735 629 1 977 1 187 1 013 961 828 1 066 3 090 559 2 257 1 588 2 176 1 580 4 899 1 026 2 610 4 587 4 326 2 936 4 329 3 667 4 381 3 642 4 552 3 060 1 648 2 367 1 115 1 967 1 788 4 299 1 553 1 833 1 443 2 351 945 1 712 1 377 1 322 4 144 1963. ... 1 364 1962 , 4 669 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. . OCTOBER 1 151 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER. . NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST, ......... JULY JUNE 798 MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER. OCTOBER AUGUST - JUNE APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY , _ APRIL _ FEBRUARY I960— DECEMBER . OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - _ JUNE _ APRIL _ MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 692 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) DETROIT, MICH. ANNUAL DATA 1964. . 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964- -DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY , 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . , JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH , . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEl^ER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . , MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . , FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 22 413 19 202 17 245 14 460 15 191 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 807 1 927 2 329 1 586 585 857 757 377 600 740 980 734 562 880 535 766 924 100 371 334 006 929 927 087 204 773 845 445 822 022 1 1 1 1 1 1 589 1 475 1 580 1 375 752 1 195 600 901 1 072 1 003 1 538 1 099 2 419 1 506 1 295 1 319 916 751 543 019 133 257 447 475 596 674 593 260 270 770 22 413 19 002 17 166 14 460 14 951 562 880 535 766 924 100 371 334 006 929 927 087 204 773 845 445 622 022 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 807 1 927 2 329 1 586 585 857 757 377 600 740 980 734 589 475 501 375 752 195 600 901 1 072 1 003 1 538 1 099 2 419 1 506 1 295 1 319 916 751 543 019 133 257 407 475 496 674 593 260 270 770 14 885 13 685 13 084 13 084 13 854 017 045 185 274 252 267 426 406 518 517 199 786 841 1 028 1 206 1 099 1 186 1 491 1 452 1 608 1 760 1 080 487 447 654 959 317 020 443 220 385 360 429 097 696 513 568 807 1 042 923 1 432 1 035 2 241 1 389 1 113 1 112 795 586 503 917 1 115 1 166 1 212 1 377 482 482 500 168 228 652 456 270 107 139 134 46 158 27 14 12 64 57 44 7 8 18 2 4 22 56 34 2 11 72 19 6 4 40 7 072 5 047 3 975 1 237 963 499 677 323 478 660 769 888 884 481 404 710 299 359 723 583 312 434 520 283 300 563 502 58 410 99 418 267 707 535 502 190 109 64 248 56 680 28 92 30 68 81 60 155 98 160 189 114 162 36 100 10 83 175 92 170 67 82 32 116 200 79 240 200 79 40 100 315 508 253 158 241 601 197 221 208 961 20 539 26 616 23 250 24 390 25 249 28 812 34 389 31 533 29 551 29 311 26 103 15 555 14 308 22 275 24 840 20 654 24 222 26 823 25 034 24 841 32 300 20 149 8 711 9 285 10 104 18 112 19 807 20 658 27 173 31 129 23 088 21 679 24 127 18 516 10 033 15 720 8 137 12 469 15 874 13 380 20 711 16 220 33 883 20 319 18 118 16 675 12 421 8 742 7 377 13 367 15 896 16 919 18 804 19 676 22 188 21 941 20 777 18 026 17 164 10 244 315 508 250 896 240 520 197 221 202 472 20 539 26 616 23 250 24 390 25 249 28 812 34 389 31 533 29 551 29 311 26 103 15 555 14 308 22 275 24 840 20 654 21 600 26 823 25 034 24 841 32 300 20 149 8 711 9 285 10 104 18 112 19 807 20 658 27 173 31 129 23 088 21 679 23 045 18 516 10 033 15 720 8 137 12 469 15 874 13 380 20 711 16 220 33 883 20 319 18 118 16 675 12 421 8 742 7 377 13 367 15 896 16 919 18 383 19 676 21 032 21 941 20 777 18 026 17 164 10 244 251 238 212 834 196 013 187 411 194 991 16 519 18 741 20 384 20 746 20 156 20 319 25 856 24 321 25 607 25 778 20 061 12 758 12 144 17 056 19 860 17 825 18 666 23 631 22 526 22 580 26 806 17 113 7 884 6 616 9 478 14 827 17 795 15 529 20 286 19 661 21 700 20 992 22 499 16 567 9 690 7 132 7 941 11 856 15 653 12 783 19 599 15 760 32 290 19 365 16 872 15 258 11 750 8 Oil 7 135 12 754 15 774 16 307 16 983 18 841 20 919 20 923 20 082 17 321 16 896 9 403 3 807 2 118 787 1 231 1 002 267 1 292 245 139 96 504 569 365 65 57 220 14 36 155 424 289 21 106 538 157 67 29 294 30 136 103 17 156 101 62 69 103 10 21 14 128 297 32 235 135 160 151 36 22 •28 18 69 74 134 60 113 158 176 68 64 25 60 462 35 944 43 721 8 579 6 479 3 754 6 583 2 622 3 506 4 998 7 989 7 964 6 846 3 879 3 476 5 821 2 783 128 064 555 540 913 035 969 104 427 006 534 2 669 596 3 285 1 875 5 026 6 870 11 313 1 287 625 477 1 846 343 8 578 175 598 222 469 814 428 1 357 820 1 086 1 267 636 709 214 596 53 538 1 266 775 861 519 637 204 816 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 693 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-autfiorlzed) Total In structures witti- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunlts or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) FORT LAUDERDALE HOLLYWOOD, FLA ANNUAL DATA L9&i 1.963 L962 L961 L960 MONTHLY DATA L9W— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY L963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY L962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . , AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1.961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . , . , AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY L960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NA Not available. 10 -454 9 ^6 8 563 7 IQU 9 929 999 665 1 082 763 824 1 265 1 03A 535 588 832 526 960 67A 758 885 1 082 972 746 701 481 829 599 472 636 942 646 661 704 1 428 530 737 630 564 443 533 690 1 000 711 701 676 663 571 756 565 465 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA 10 454 9 446 8 563 7 638 9 929 999 665 1 082 763 824 1 265 1 034 828 995 8o9 535 588 832 526 960 t,74 758 1 082 972 746 701 481 829 599 472 b36 942 646 661 704 1 428 530 737 630 564 443 533 690 934 711 701 676 663 571 756 565 465 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) 3 547 3 954 4 378 5 571 7 447 241 246 275 306 287 351 288 323 349 270 270 315 260 375 315 337 381 361 338 324 321 331 296 217 285 369 368 378 349 348 368 308 487 430 467 344 430 534 499 558 497 530 567 448 400 531 381 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA 1 111 1 203 1 178 549 813 54 65 112 124 69 75 79 61 76 129 121 146 136 107 90 120 124 61 113 90 97 106 71 47 68 51 46 52 35 591 56 54 36 52 47 50 67 42 22 46 21 42 55 78 34 49 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 796 4 289 3 007 1 518 1 669 704 354 694 333 468 839 621 479 596 391 144 172 381 159 495 239 297 443 608 544 325 274 79 445 302 140 199 523 222 260 321 469 166 196 164 45 52 53 89 393 131 156 125 54 68 278 35 (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA 120 367 108 323 97 412 93 300 102 801 13 223 7 882 12 792 8 003 11 551 13 529 10 405 9 422 11 658 9 277 6 217 6 323 8 916 6 422 13 591 7 829 8 071 9 308 10 159 11 540 7 835 7 307 5 986 11 359 7 511 5 699 7 760 13 654 7 627 7 657 7 743 9 396 5 695 9 638 8 324 6 624 5 065 6 612 8 272 14 244 8 820 8 616 7 519 7 706 6 170 9 246 6 454 5 315 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (AN) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA (NA) 120 367 108 323 97 412 92 741 102 801 13 223 7 882 12 792 8 003 11 551 13 529 10 405 9 422 11 658 9 277 6 217 6 323 8 916 6 422 13 591 7 829 8 071 9 308 10 159 11 540 7 835 7 307 5 986 11 359 7 511 5 699 7 760 13 654 7 627 7 657 7 743 9 396 5 695 9 638 8 324 6 624 5 065 6 612 8 272 13 685 8 820 8 616 7 519 7 706 6 170 9 246 6 454 5 315 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA 55 222 57 996 62 204 71 338 87 356 3 677 4 127 4 684 5 073 4 570 5 400 4 993 4 236 4 823 5 233 4 335 3 995 4 540 3 868 5 407 4 660 5 119 5 451 5 160 5 193 4 546 4 693 4 871 4 488 3 282 4 186 5 481 5 257 5 926 5 029 076 210 278 710 742 009 4 311 5 889 6 986 6 485 7 518 6 493 6 460 6 967 5 515 4 991 6 249 4 762 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) NA 9 166 9 685 5 073 4 004 5 646 509 616 961 865 675 599 629 520 600 1 021 957 1 205 1 008 848 741 1 017 899 490 875 824 806 892 600 687 627 400 529 386 351 413 301 645 417 339 249 351 305 374 473 311 440 278 159 298 329 511 205 341 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA 55 979 40 641 30 134 17 399 9 799 9 038 3 140 7 147 2 064 6 307 7 529 4 783 4 666 6 235 3 023 925 1 122 3 368 1 706 7 444 2 152 2 052 3 367 4 125 5 523 2 483 1 722 515 6 185 3 602 1 113 1 750 8 010 1 349 2 215 2 366 3 540 1 001 2 589 2 334 263 449 349 814 6 890 862 1 845 901 441 326 3 745 213 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA 559 559 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) 694 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total In Structures with- Total In structures with - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more FORT WORTH, TEX. ANNUAL DATA 1964 6 750 5 472 4 500 4 643 4 612 356 701 670 297 486 779 580 746 528 616 333 664 581 490 462 580 425 382 394 428 441 562 460 268 332 204 269 220 390 350 426 344 923 392 311 339 376 333 372 333 538 419 397 349 383 523 349 274 311 307 285 374 343 359 409 404 502 523 432 381 6 750 5 472 4 256 4 615 4 612 356 701 670 297 486 779 580 746 528 616 333 664 581 490 462 580 425 382 394 428 441 562 460 268 332 204 269 220 390 350 426 344 679 392 311 339 376 333 344 333 538 419 397 349 383 523 349 274 311 307 285 374 343 359 409 404 502 523 432 381 3 520 3 537 3 460 4 124 4 219 225 259 276 255 274 347 306 308 3S3: 336 288 293 180 274 268 307 286 376 261 335 349 357 289 256 205 185 243 220 269 233 237 296 641 347 291 293 295 290 279 333 420 371 302 347 364 505 349 272 256 299 285 316 335 330 355 388 461 420 426 366 165 104 92 36 114 8 30 14 10 14 16 4 16 10 25 22 10 10 4 8 28 6 4 14 2 14 4 18 6 2 4 10 22 6 20 4 4 2 4 12 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 2 8 2 48 16 10 4 6 6 3 065 1 831 704 455 279 131 434 364 28 202 418 258 434 129 270 20 349 391 206 190 265 111 133 89 78 203 157 8 109 13 24 121 113 179 26 32 45 42 77 41 61 106 44 93 17 16 51 56 27 6 31 99 9 244 28 244 28 63 590 53 494 48 294 45 777 42 169 3 550 6 469 5 432 3 715 4 769 6 710 5 522 6 548 5 482 6 143 3 894 5 607 4 206 4 566- 4 077 4 907 4 078 4 709 4 050 4 426 4 753 4 951 5 756 3 019 2 949 2 144 2 879 4 342 3 581 3 024 3 805 3 693 9 028 6 238 3 286 3 323 3 314 3 280 3 611 3 637 5 183 4 051 3 802 3 563 3 688 5 102 3 306 2 773 2 926 2 846 2 755 3 193 3 195 3 535 3 661 3 747 4 381 4 666 3 950 3 370 63 590 53 494 45 206 45 356 42 169 3 550 6 469 5 432 3 715 4 769 6 710 5 522 6 548 5 482 6 143 3 894 5 607 4 206 4 566 4 077 4 907 4 078 4 709 4 050 4 426 4 753 4 951 5 756 3 019 2 949 2 144 2 879 4 342 3 581 3 024 3 805 3 693 5 940 6 238 3 286 3 323 3 314 3 280 3 190 3 637 5 183 4 051 3 802 3 563 3 688 5 102 3 306 2 773 2 926 2 846 2 755 3 193 3 195 3 535 3 661 3 747 4 381 4 666 3 950 3 370 45 349 44 695 41 739 43 265 40 307 2 804 3 298 3 578 3 409 3 719 4 542 3 865 4 028 4 792 4 477 3 609 3 591 2 329 3 357 3 282 3 793 3 466 4 688 3 383 3 982 4 268 4 128 5 039 2 984 2 323 2 043 2 781 4 342 3 056 2 651 2 997 3 484 5 795 5 899 3 179 3 188 2 897 3 070 3 084 3 637 4 703 3 819 3 316 3 558 3 616 5 034 3 306 2 759 2 638 2 811 2 755 2 966 3 143 3 408 3 445 3 671 4 264 4 054 3 920 3 289 1 254 571 499 182 509 101 234 101 71 82 87 36 66 166 181 142 59 54 26 52 114 22 10 118 9 96 10 96 33 13 19 73 104 30 107 25 22 16 23 50 25 14 6 7 6 14 13 35 8 52 10 199 76 37 19 30 30 16 988 8 229 2 968 1 908 1 352 746 3 070 1 620 204 979 2 087 1 570 2 484 624 1 500 105 1 874 1 818 1 155 770 1 062 498 668 434 366 813 621 25 530 68 85 525 355 735 106 115 339 110 394 194 83 430 208 472 65 62 275 219 117 17 81 594 50 1963 1962 3 088 421 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL FEBRUARY NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL 3 088 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER 421 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY . JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY . JANUARY . ESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 695 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounrii ig, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. *)uniber of hoL sing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total P nvate (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (perm t-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total In structures with- Total In structures witt - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more HAHTFORD, CONN. ANNUAL DATA 64 6 354 5 018 4 470 4 044 3 710 394 458 309 526 499 641 850 641 1 029 306 549 155 267 406 644 342 716 648 512 431 431 267 105 191 253 218 338 459 424 327 476 721 516 214 167 230 217 373 293 283 436 492 468 357 420 287 244 97 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6 274 4 968 4 420 3 834 3 710 394 458 309 526 499 641 850 641 1 029 256 549 155 267 406 644 342 716 648 512 431 431 267 105 191 253 218 338 459 374 327 476 721 516 214 167 230 217 373 293 283 436 492 468 357 370 287 144 97 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 675 2 695 2 749 2 768 3 184 161 231 242 198 254 258 326 322 358 174 117 91 131 253 270 229 242 287 281 301 300 189 105 99 133 208 260 211 235 175 320 285 480 141 69 109 197 224 216 225 302 412 309 323 203 219 49 89 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 180 207 331 121 100 17 23 2 24 14 16 32 16 14 16 4 2 8 12 16 30 67 22 16 10 10 8 8 17 10 20 12 26 16 96 38 28 18 42 12 12 20 19 6 18 2 10 4 10 6 6 8 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 419 2 066 1 340 945 426 216 204 65 304 231 367 492 303 657 66 428 62 128 141 358 83 407 339 215 120 121 70 84 103 58 236 113 136 60 398 8 55 56 109 8 129 58 52 116 78 149 30 157 62 89 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 80 50 50 210 50 50 50 100 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 60 946 50 397 49 489 44 909 45 524 3 759 4 AAA 4 184 4 706 4 988 5 744 8 240 6 261 8 629 3 826 4 700 1 728 2 883 3 860 5 428 3 955 5 705 6 242 5 190 4 820 5 075 3 319 1 417 1 932 2 481 2 767 4 095 4 048 4 832 3 497 5 609 8 122 6 318 2 519 1 518 2 285 2 822 3 828 3 630 3 230 4 514 5 796 4 955 4 734 3 807 3 568 2 295 1 150 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 60 037 49 848 48 852 42 870 45 524 3 759 4 444 4 184 4 706 4 988 5 744 8 240 6 261 8 629 3 366 4 700 1 728 2 883 3 860 5 428 3 955 5 705 6 242 5 190 4 820 5 075 3 319 1 417 1 932 2 481 2 767 4 095 4 048 4 195 3 497 5 609 8 122 6 318 2 519 1 518 2 285 2 822 3 828 3 630 3 230 4 514 5 796 4 955 4 734 3 344 3 568 1 199 1 150 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 39 685 37 545 37 803 36 912 42 570 2 454 3 096 3 798 3 005 3 632 3 659 4 595 4 309 5 159 2 748 1 673 1 402 2 059 3 160 3 889 3 299 3 297 3 952 4 028 4 014 4 357 2 582 1 417 1 421 1 982 2 687 3 640 2 968 3 302 2 604 4 357 4 156 6 070 2 188 988 1 548 2 674 2 848 3 263 2 938 3 797 5 300 4 048 4 520 2 608 3 205 610 1 100 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 327 1 502 2 516 1 074 751 144 159 16 184 108 114 223 134 96 100 33 16 69 85 121 273 368 165 135 87 73 65 62 105 80 121 85 151 123 839 335 208 126 280 87 100 345 142 42 135 16 74 24 61 38 49 50 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 19 025 10 801 8 533 4 884 2 203 1 161 1 190 370 1 518 1 248 1 972 3 423 1 318 3 374 518 2 994 310 755 616 1 419 383 2 040 2 125 1 028 719 645 672 450 393 334 995 742 770 413 3 631 40 205 250 650 48 635 225 250 582 480 834 190 675 325 540 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 909 63 549 62 637 61 2 039 60 MONTHLY DATA 64— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL MARCH 460 FEBRUARY JANUARY 63— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 62— DECEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST 637 JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH ..... FEBRUARY JANUARY 61— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST - JUNE MAY APRIL 463 MARCH FEBRUARY 1 096 JANUARY (NA) NOVEMBER (NA) OCTOBER (NA) (NA) (NA) AUGUST (NA) JUNE (NA) MAY (NA) APRIL (NA) MARCH (NA) FEBRUARY (NA) JANUARY (NA) NA Not available. 696 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) HONOLULU, HAWAII 1964. ANNUAL DATA 1963 1962 1961 1960 ^40NTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JTJNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. , JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY , . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 7 279 6 818 7 900 5 77A 8 397 811 3';6 504 727 534 875 702 418 518 451 449 394 701 518 623 379 437 671 447 431 558 1 051 287 401 327 311 1 032 611 449 285 792 575 1 856 732 402 528 420 598 583 405 335 455 672 358 437 544 463 504 371 404 596 695 566 692 487 739 678 1 197 585 475 6 629 5 740 7 900 5 774 7 435 811 346 504 727 534 875 602 418 518 451 449 394 701 518 623 379 437 671 447 431 408 437 287 401 327 311 1 032 611 449 285 792 575 1 856 732 402 528 420 598 583 405 335 455 672 358 437 544 463 504 371 404 596 645 566 692 487 739 678 1 197 585 475 3 671 3 354 3 654 3 412 4 189 326 255 357 363 339 332 402 267 302 247 205 276 261 294 381 234 338 332 307 259 223 247 204 274 243 196 321 462 338 254 373 374 232 346 257 258 231 256 372 235 266 340 406 286 298 201 166 355 189 173 466 310 274 471 276 407 342 639 368 274 419 433 287 318 171 128 20 12 41 12 21 17 14 15 5 127 7 33 38 18 30 9 18 14 69 105 69 12 18 7 12 35 57 23 25 10 32 35 10 21 20 22 10 46 28 17 30 38 30 28 26 31 12 15 4 19 16 15 17 4 20 15 14 26 6 2 539 1 953 3 959 2 04^ 3 075 357 71 135 323 183 522 183 137 201 199 117 111 407 186 224 115 90 321 126 103 80 121 71 109 77 103 676 92 409 169 1 589 376 124 250 167 332 165 142 52 85 228 42 111 317 266 137 167 227 111 319 277 204 207 312 321 54A 191 195 650 078 962 100 150 614 50 87 171 80 130 94 524 59 813 91 137 8 452 4 022 6 020 8 751 6 935 8 954 8 231 4 677 7 254 5 4^9 5 426 4 484 593 963 060 931 328 5 074 5 114 7 578 13 351 3 190 4 343 4 036 3 735 13 466 7 340 4 915 3 648 9 914 6 966 23 038 7 990 4 382 5 093 4 389 5 050 5 552 33 810 3 776 5 293 410 137 547 271 120 458 4 490 4 414 6 382 7 598 6 854 8 323 5 416 7 472 6 591 11 228 5 688 4 888 77 156 65 453 94 524 59 813 78 663 8 452 4 022 6 020 8 751 6 935 8 954 6 731 4 677 7 254 5 4^9 5 426 4 484 7 599 5 593 6 963 4 060 5 931 6 328 5 074 5 114 5 131 6 079 3 190 4 343 4 036 3 735 13 466 7 340 4 915 3 648 9 914 6 966 23 038 7 990 4 382 5 093 339 050 552 810 776 293 7 410 4 137 4 547 5 271 5 120 5 458 4 490 4 414 6 382 6 916 6 854 8 323 5 416 7 472 6 591 11 228 5 688 4 888 49 738 43 230 47 290 41 700 48 620 4 328 3 339 4 719 5 071 4 822 4 138 5 386 3 555 4 419 3 356 2 882 3 723 3 608 3 587 4 830 2 821 4 406 4 225 3 850 3 587 3 073 3 374 2 612 3 258 3 477 2 801 4 167 5 880 4 122 3 427 792 888 956 44-1 250 087 2 624 3 091 4 457 2 694 3 244 4 289 4 945 3 489 3 567 2 800 2 093 4 407 480 581 495 919 573 137 3 571 4 899 3 770 5 809 4 012 3 374 4 844 4 474 2 531 2 865 1 323 1 74/k ■156 203 284 88 155 125 88 165 33 1 756 45 371 282 143 168 75 131 180 713 1 458 760 61 130 57 72 314 653 196 177 89 250 283 93 194 154 172 82 404 225 148 312 372 311 233 266 255 85 "128 52 152 153 115 176 30 136 93 89 158 44 22 575 17 750 44 702 15 248 28 720 2 380 527 1 098 3 395 2 025 4 661 1 220 1 034 2 671 2 060 787 716 3 620 1 724 1 990 1 070 1 450 1 972 1 044h 813 650 1 946 517 955 502 862 8 985 807 597 AA 5 033 1 828 19 799 3 456 938 1 852 1 593 1 877 691 890 384 692 2 093 338 746 2 205 2 772 966 1 882 1 781 736 2 8AA 3 166 3 010 816 437 728 330 519 470 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 697 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized In 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unil 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) HOUSTON, TEX. ANNUAL DATA 19&i. 1963. 1962. 1961. 1960. MONTHLY DATA 196^— DECE^EER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. , . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST, . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH , . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEl^ER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 15 538 21 296 2U 160 11 296 7 972 1 304 864 736 1 242 1 125 1 855 151 222 430 959 475 169 273 502 671 243 544 975 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 414 3 179 1 782 2 726 1 254 1 763 1 503 2 185 2 425 2 136 3 060 2 156 2 276 699 1 727 1 811 1 510 1 623 767 791 1 034 688 1 446 935 770 1 163 1 199 1 125 654 777 796 550 488 698 700 669 701 645 684 807 557 702 15 538 21 242 24 160 11 296 7 952 1 304 864 736 1 242 1 125 1 855 1 151 1 222 1 430 1 959 1 475 1 169 1 273 1 502 1 671 1 189 1 544 1 975 414 179 782 726 254 763 503 185 425 136 060 156 2 276 699 1 727 1 811 1 510 1 623 767 791 1 034 688 1 446 935 770 163 199 125 654 777 796 550 488 698 700 669 681 645 684 807 557 702 5 721 7 051 7 850 6 743 5 977 386 378 423 368 485 459 525 522 625 583 425 536 447 394 590 490 606 567 449 612 585 1 192 614 535 477 508 615 547 768 714 739 699 768 776 623 682 428 436 538 454 841 546 539 701 590 657 465 601 346 389 372 605 514 520 515 529 538 683 488 504 720 745 614 264 308 42 39 40 65 21 57 75 10 174 45 122 30 10 51 61 71 48 27 50 58 75 117 130 47 53 50 46 62 58 52 52 41 57 39 46 15 16 16 12 37 14 29 27 8 34 36 20 14 23 12 7 33 37 62 30 32 4 27 24 9 097 13 446 15 696 4 289 1 667 876 447 273 809 619 1 339 551 690 631 1 331 928 603 816 1 057 1 020 628 890 1 381 915 2 509 1 122 1 417 510 1 181 973 627 764 527 234 390 1 485 918 978 848 895 324 339 480 222 568 375 202 435 601 434 153 156 436 138 104 86 153 112 104 86 114 118 42 174 54 20 54 20 158 651 193 999 209 327 126 655 99 981 11 040 12 504 9 232 12 081 10 944 14 365 10 635 13 603 13 976 19 908 14 294 15 340 10 072 10 531 17 627 11 977 20 203 20 929 12 899 22 350 17 920 25 437 11 568 13 812 13 153 17 966 18 293 16 263 23 911 18 686 24 538 10 823 16 722 15 961 13 927 14 397 7 774 8 524 11 209 8 553 15 774 10 765 9 297 13 850 12 173 12 943 8 951 10 138 7 619 7 066 6 406 9 441 8 503 8 527 9 473 8 482 8 805 10 908 7 942 8 412 158 651 193 578 209 327 126 655 99 795 11 040 12 504 9 232 12 081 10 944 14 365 10 635 13 603 13 976 19 908 14 294 15 340 10 072 10 531 17 627 11 556 20 203 20 929 12 899 22 350 17 920 25 437 11 568 13 812 13 153 17 966 18 293 16 263 23 911 18 686 24 538 10 823 16 722 15 961 13 927 14 397 7 774 8 524 11 209 8 553 15 774 10 765 9 297 13 850 12 173 12 943 8 951 10 138 7 619 7 066 6 406 9 441 8 503 8 527 9 287 8 482 8 805 10 908 7 942 8 412 86 142 104 043 112 603 101 171 89 174 114 897 405 517 796 629 644 941 844 188 630 808 221 359 659 661 437 8 984 7 302 9 350 8 149 16 188 8 259 7 800 7 380 6 733 ■8 757 7 538 10 492 10 158 10 811 10 823 11 448 11 176 9 117 10 221 -6 310 6 781 8 341 7 044 12 508 8 089 8 046 11 219 9 312 10 030 7 743 9 042 5 200 6 233 5 901 9 004 7 594 7 710 8 412 7 990 7 939 10 361 6 946 7 492 3 679 3 951 3 030 1 272 1 324 242 162 205 296 126 352 344 82 956 198 567 147 42 232 187 299 358 94 253 292 431 942 604 217 251 239 285 275 297 226 291 199 241 117 347 108 50 86 49 205 107 119 74 30 110 255 81 55 100 30 32 237 127 225 90 142 47 119 115 68 830 85 584 93 694 24 211 9 297 4 684 6 445 2 621 6 268 4 022 7 383 2 648 5 579 4 176 10 522 7 097 7 385 3 809 3 940 7 781 3 597 10 407 11 850 5 344 12 707 9 340 8 307 2 705 5 795 5 522 10 994 9 251 8 450 13 123 8 302 13 437 5 076 4 544 4 693 3 829 1 356 1 692 2 782 1 459 3 061 2 570 132 557 831 803 953 015 2 364 733 475 405 672 690 650 403 724 500 878 805 421 186 421 186 698 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of roundir g, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total P rivate (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more awards) INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ANNUAL DATA 1964 6 857 6 488 6 299 5 873 4 484 397 605 685 542 714 547 836 449 891 659 320 244 360 378 490 821 673 729 820 539 955 372 180 171 198 522 718 468 537 1 125 563 605 555 599 230 179 301 596 629 742 538 569 631 525 540 362 172 289 274 274 344 456 163 556 479 522 587 355 270 204 6 857 6 488 6 299 5 873 4 484 397 605 685 542 714 547 836 449 891 659 320 244 360 378 490 821 673 729 820 539 955 372 180 171 198 522 718 468 537 1 125 563 605 555 599 230 179 301 596 629 742 538 569 631 525 540 362 172 289 274 274 344 456 163 556 479 522 587 355 270 204 3 278 3 312 4 510 5 030 4 022 159 292 287 246 292 278 363 307 404 285 235 134 153 136 290 269 297 454 434 428 384 197 107 163 174 368 332 383 486 589 473 517 484 339 200 165 293 438 555 555 400 511 608 434 534 270 166 285 238 259 251 408 91 520 471 512 541 305 234 1 192 168 118 142 176 163 6 8 16 18 10 20 16 16 10 40 14 16 4 20 16 2 14 14 8 10 12 4 6 8 8 6 12 10 24 10 8 26 20 8 2 8 8 8 16 24 11 22 23 14 6 36 6 4 6 15 14 12 36 4 8 30 10 16 12 3 411 3 058 1 647 667 299 232 305 382 278 412 249 457 126 477 334 71 94 203 222 184 550 362 261 378 101 559 171 67 16 148 374 75 27 526 82 62 51 252 28 4 150 58 163 127 36 77 56 30 79 36 36 32 10 16 40 20 - 70 531 62 604 65 507 64 650 50 640 3 932 5 050 5 957 7 623 6 795 5 988 8 125 6 238 8 156 6 327 3 734 2 696 2 547 3 073 5 762 10 679 5 969 6 720 6 617 5 617 8 072 3 819 1 734 1 995 2 160 5 499 7 162 4 582 5 829 11 506 6 103 6 504 6 099 5 717 2 362 1 986 3 265 6 018 7 026 7 946 5 776 5 851 7 267 5 959 6 821 3 565 2 086 3 336 2 922 3 229 3 152 5 267 1 324 6 200 5 786 6 177 7 068 4 079 3 078 2 358 70 531 62 604 65 507 64 650 50 640 3 932 5 050 5 957 7 623 6 795 5 988 8 125 6 238 8 156 6 327 3 734 2 696 2 547 3 073 5 762 10 679 5 969 6 720 6 617 5 617 8 072 3 819 1 734 1 995 2 160 5 499 7 162 4 582 5 829 11 506 6 103 6 504 6 099 5 717 2 362 1 986 3 265 6 018 7 026 7 946 5 776 5 851 7 267 5 959 6 821 3 565 2 086 3 336 2 922 3 229 3 152 5 267 1 324 6 200 5 786 6 177 7 068 4 079 3 078 2 358 43 147 41 098 51 487 58 924 47 780 2 125 2 565 4 096 3 445 3 686 3 858 4 990 4 496 5 403 3 599 2 974 1 852 1 855 1 813 3 980 3 633 3 780 5 497 5 342 4 939 4 599 2 428 1 285 1 947 1 999 4 198 3 912 4 241 5 512 6 481 5 377 6 068 5 597 4 031 2 203 1 869 3 215 4 855 6 647 6 342 4 854 5 491 7 084 5 387 6 787 3 151 2 058 3 301 2 727 3 124 2 605 4 979 889 6 019 5 723 6 139 6 648 3 781 2 870 2 275 1 103 809 978 1 342 1 226 41 55 81 131 60 140 106 95 63 266 90 99 38 88 117 18 93 112 66 61 116 24 29 48 53 45 55 46 172 75 56 206 162 52 9 48 50 38 99 289 102 160 184 82 34 259 29 35 35 105 131 88 235 31 63 270 58 128 83 26 281 20 698 13 042 4 385 1 634 1 766 2 430 1 780 4 047 3 049 1 990 3 030 1 647 2 690 2 462 671 745 654 1 173 1 665 7 028 2 096 1 111 1 209 617 3 357 1 368 420 108 1 256 3 195 295 145 4 950 670 230 340 1 634 150 69 1 125 280 1 315 820 200 490 155 160 416 200 200 150 38 150 240 80 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL FEBRUARY NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY APRIL . MARCH FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 699 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (tliousands of dollars) Area, year, and montti Total Private (permlt-auttiorlzed) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permlt-auttiorlzed) Public (contract Total In structures wlth- Total In Structures witf - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more awards) JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ANNUAL DATA 1964 4 348 3 614 5 235 6 032 6 358 191 321 750 181 396 406 231 274 491 379 420 320 195 279 315 207 333 382 238 403 355 273 310 341 294 241 460 322 352 295 766 401 627 353 435 692 274 423 559 480 547 299 499 433 541 720 376 400 250 422 454 469 472 410 694 681 602 498 670 728 4 348 3 614 5 095 5 442 6 358 191 321 750 181 396 406 231 274 491 379 420 320 195 279 315 207 333 382 238 403 355 273 310 341 294 241 460 322 352 295 626 401 627 353 435 692 274 423 559 480 547 299 499 433 541 652 376 400 250 422 454 469 472 410 694 681 602 498 670 728 2 553 2 975 4 144 4 920 5 692 191 163 160 147 208 266 219 163 317 273 242 216 137 233 298 185 314 316 222 332 241 263 214 237 162 199 298 270 330 271 498 357 619 320 367 456 251 336 485 438 529 237 476 382 495 593 362 386 238 404 442 433 351 381 543 616 537 419 629 691 129 171 182 225 338 17 4 16 6 23 12 12 16 13 10 2 2 6 22 9 4 16 32 42 10 16 10 14 9 8 20 14 8 14 18 8 33 10 26 6 17 22 42 4 20 11 21 36 9 14 14 12 18 12 8 12 13 104 30 32 39 21 37 1 666 468 769 297 328 141 586 18 182 117 111 162 90 165 94 56 44 11 10 62 39 72 80 94 118 33 154 32 8 16 114 26 58 210 17 70 52 14 42 12 30 10 50 28 109 16 47 35 33 40 20 140 590 140 68 27 567 24 710 35 753 41 454 42 557 1 441 2 Oil 3 401 1 321 2 872 2 493 1 900 1 914 3 268 2 646 2 456 1 966 1 266 1 994 2 388 1 622 2 423 2 355 1 715 2 665 2 265 2 093 2 012 2 136 1 528 1 598 2 389 2 118 2 518 2 062 5 699 2 821 4 146 2 630 2 713 5 555 1 710 3 114 3 414 3 235 3 561 1 887 3 218 2 723 3 104 4 512 2 369 2 598 1 588 2 623 2 897 3 127 4 171 2 818 4 387 4 541 3 714 3 547 4 449 4 634 27 567 24 710 33 690 34 446 42 557 1 441 2 Oil 3 401 1 321 2 872 2 493 1 900 1 914 3 268 2 646 2 456 1 966 1 266 1 994 2 388 1 622 2 423 2 355 1 715 2 665 2 265 2 093 2 012 2 136 1 528 1 598 2 389 2 118 2 518 2 062 3 636 2 821 4 146 2 630 2 713 5 555 1 710 3 114 3 414 3 235 3 561 1 887 3 218 2 723 3 104 3 831 2 369 2 598 1 588 2 623 2 897 3 127 4 171 2 818 4 387 4 541 3 714 3 547 4 449 4 634 20 699 22 679 29 392 31 980 38 966 1 441 1 370 1 296 1 231 1 814 1 965 1 861 1 544 2 524 2 182 1 943 1 652 1 105 1 840 2 310 1 550 2 354 2 181 1 664 2 457 1 885 2 061 1 741 1 754 1 226 1 513 2 010 1 978 2 456 1 971 3 216 2 689 4 073 2 505 2 520 3 261 1 644 1 985 3 225 3 102 3 507 1 686 3 101 2 565 2 956 3 693 2 320 2 556 1 553 2 572 2 859 2 995 2 546 2 744 3 710 4 330 3 516 3 283 4 304 4 488 468 626 739 818 1 368 75 14 53 18 56 40 52 62 55 43 11 9 56 72 36 17 50 96 150 32 63 33 36 48 28 70 52 45 62 59 73 125 43 98 19 60 79 133 18 74 49 98 128 28 49 43 35 51 38 32 37 40 576 104 96 149 70 146 6 400 1 406 3 559 1 648 2 223 566 2 091 37 1 040 473 370 692 402 458 272 150 145 23 33 157 112 230 208 348 266 37 350 70 10 46 358 74 _ 150 2 197 47 1 070 110 36 127 68 60 20 110 100 1 588 34 101 108 102 115 75 1963 1962 2 063 1961 7 008 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY, _ 2 063 MAY MARCH _ FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL flARCH 681 JANUARY I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ MAY _ _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 700 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) KANSAS CITY, MO.-KANS. ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE l^Y APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 10 377 7 953 7 383 7 174 7 099 647 742 1 072 859 1 051 1 085 1 142 735 957 728 713 662 510 589 687 673 993 542 684 726 672 731 466 596 424 528 862 538 686 751 800 702 698 648 501 217 252 654 593 412 524 784 586 796 592 1 043 470 395 848 472 518 668 603 679 761 264 732 687 327 495 10 207 7 953 7 147 7 174 6 709 477 742 1 072 859 1 051 1 085 1 142 735 957 728 713 662 510 589 687 673 993 542 684 726 672 731 466 596 424 528 762 538 686 751 700 702 698 648 465 217 252 654 593 412 524 784 586 796 592 1 043 470 395 458 472 518 668 603 679 761 264 732 687 327 495 5 925 5 355 5 192 5 247 5 756 319 396 499 581 521 551 571 491 620 582 462 358 273 411 469 464 431 466 503 523 555 621 399 189 330 412 413 446 470 455 510 519 625 453 394 145 202 321 488 380 455 420 487 476 466 776 395 333 400 421 426 644 559 494 719 258 600 535 264 415 833 886 841 634 398 56 53 70 58 113 78 94 52 59 52 34 85 60 286 26 40 34 40 63 40 89 94 48 92 48 94 110 78 54 32 84 63 36 -^2, 53 50 32 69 113 66 32 36 54 28 34 58 46 38 24 34 16 34 6 30 30 30 28 3 449 1 712 1 114 1 293 555 102 293 503 220 4-i2 446 458 166 243 94 192 252 169 144 133 149 276 50 141 169 77 47 27 318 68 257 44 122 186 112 129 41 111 36 280 55 251 33 288 90 213 47 28 5 54 10 169 102 122 33 52 170 236 390 170 100 100 36 390 117 855 93 280 88 510 86 109 84 235 7 547 8 344 11 699 10 165 13 146 13 514 11 744 8 879 9 897 8 367 7 757 6 949 5 564 7 138 7 859 7 774 10 585 7 168 8 363 8 337 8 786 11 941 5 074 6 320 5 252 6 588 9 104 6 851 8 186 8 991 9 926 8 848 8 929 6 675 6 349 2 507 3 176 7 822 7 733 5 254 6 608 8 502 7 324 8 963 7 327 11 685 6 136 4 837 8 205 5 607 6 375 7 775 7 547 9 979 8 452 3 137 8 190 9 197 4 032 5 434 116 173 93 280 85 972 86 109 81 166 5 865 8 344 11 699 10 165 13 146 13 514 11 744 8 879 9 897 8 367 7 757 6 949 5 564 7 138 7 859 7 774 10 585 7 168 8 363 8 337 8 786 11 941 5 074 6 320 5 252 6 588 8 079 6 851 8 186 8 991 8 786 8 848 8 929 6 675 5 976 2 507 3 176 7 822 7 733 5 254 6 608 8 502 7 324 8 963 7 327 11 685 6 136 4 837 5 136 5 607 6 375 7 775 7 547 9 979 8 452 3 137 8 190 9 197 4 032 5 434 82 703 73 345 71 110 70 843 72 188 4 642 5 656 7 317 8 121 7 142 9 215 7 842 7 005 7 560 7 202 6 154 5 134 3 803 5 887 6 434 6 255 6 035 6 619 7 055 6 869 7 860 11 089 4 570 2 702 4 5 5 6 6 6 583 593 774 200 692 154 7 404 7 176 8 406 5 310 5 535 2 042 789 647 799 995 083 651 6 685 6 414 6 530 9 978 5 321 4 366 4 769 5 226 5 887 7 626 7 194 6 836 8 098 3 075 7 268 7 426 3 622 4 967 6 795 7 010 6 865 4 707 2 899 472 538 637 484 637 614 869 706 876 423 458 263 469 295 617 524 2 300 202 344 276 399 531 373 544 669 378 583 357 682 1 380 645 632 233 598 406 242 327 333 403 259 525 867 452 254 246 368 265 251 366 351 269 149 293 143 277 62 202 241 218 217 26 674 12 925 7 996 10 559 6 079 750 150 746 561 367 686 3 032 1 168 1 461 742 1 145 1 552 1 292 956 807 996 2 251 348 963 1 192 528 321 131 3 074 617 1 722 294 813 1 458 737 1 040 290 767 35 223 60 2 842 532 1 984 186 2 296 550 1 339 550 220 30 219 60 000 78 720 530 192 250 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 701 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) LAS VEGAS, NEV. ANNUAL DATA 196^ 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . , AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEIVER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . , AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . , AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NA Not available. 2 778 11 050 15 205 5 521 3 675 167 131 178 61 170 161 133 229 65; 7 350 5 984 5 186 4 477 3 867 421 669 624 604 635 688 843 500 871 747 444 365 363 465 583 594 529 535 595 545 532 552 390 327 265 358 560 499 499 449 493 556 426 503 425 198 177 325 482 442 449 400 523 377 321 359 166 198 227 271 306 295 334 323 398 553 423 276 240 232 7 288 5 832 5 186 4 404 3 867 421 669 624 604 635 688 843 500 871 747 444 365 363 465 583 594 529 535 543 545 532 452 390 327 265 358 560 499 499 449 493 556 426 503 425 198 177 325 409 442 449 400 523 377 321 359 166 198 227 271 306 295 334 323 398 553 423 276 240 232 5 348 4 830 4 613 3 638 3 484 276 467 522 371 387 424 619 431 765 605 343 261 224 369 448 523 433 490 475 532 467 384 292 223 185 294 556 417 447 443 437 508 400 469 316 186 175 313 385 395 415 379 305 340 287 297 141 170 213 213 248 243 330 311 384 487 421 250 220 175 124 134 210 87 167 8 4 4 14 8 2 6 8 28 12 30 12 2 12 4 20 21 8 6 7 6 32 32 4 4 14 6 56 48 26 8 12 2 12 10 6 2 35 2 2 14 22 18 30 4 12 2 30 2 4 29 1 816 868 363 679 216 137 ■ 198 98 219 248 256 222 63 98 114 89 74 127 94 123 67 76 24 68 5 59 61 92 72 48 60 82 38 26 109 14 41 34 19 183 37 30 60 17 26 36 40 22 12 36 26 16 28 62 152 73 52 100 73 72 708 63 760 61 246 46 411 43 950 3 760 5 884 6 531 5 840 5 868 6 389 8 615 5 277 9 820 7 506 4 617 3 923 3 613 4 904 5 912 6 278 5 477 5 865 6 359 6 035 5 973 6 117 3 618 3 203 2 721 3 660 5 998 5 125 5 517 4 962 5 564 11 366 5 296 5 690 3 757 2 072 2 235 3 613 5 629 5 004 5 048 4 629 4 454 4 112 3 395 3 729 1 815 1 886 2 477 2 697 3 170 3 202 3 913 4 065 4 774 6 100 5 366 3 174 2 666 2 187 72 117 61 916 61 246 45 145 43 950 3 760 5 884 6 531 5 840 5 868 6 389 8 615 5 277 9 820 7 506 4 617 3 923 3 613 4 904 5 912 6 278 5 477 5 865 5 695 6 035 5 973 4 937 3 618 3 203 2 721 3 660 5 998 5 125 5 517 4 962 5 564 11 366 5 296 5 690 3 757 2 072 2 235 3 613 4 363 5 004 5 048 4 629 4 454 4 112 3 395 3 729 1 815 1 886 2 477 2 697 3 170 3 202 3 913 4 065 4 774 6 100 5 366 3 174 2 666 2 187 62 039 56 573 58 070 42 096 42 000 3 251 4 851 5 992 4 573 4 683 5 108 7 255 4 913 9 212 6 795 3 973 3 311 2 704 4 272 5 211 5 873 4 972 5 683 5 393 5 965 5 632 4 732 3 147 2 638 2 226 3 356 5 963 4 750 5 061 4 927 5 144 11 031 5 106 5 473 3 512 2 002 2 230 3 533 4 187 4 769 4 813 4 513 3 554 3 921 3 167 3 501 1 686 1 785 2 376 2 493 2 891 2 871 3 888 4 016 4 697 5 781 5 351 3 016 2 542 1 909 921 831 1 546 526 396 103 20 16 120 70 10 26 78 190 72 251 78 10 76 30 126 112 52 38 3a 28 239 286 19 35 96 35 420 335 190 60 70 5 80 78 85 5 130 35 12 62 9 101 74 119 213 25 49 17 167 15 30 98 9 157 4 462 1 630 2 523 1 053 406 1 013 523 1 146 1 185 1 211 1 351 337 530 521 572 362 831 622 625 375 380 70 302 18 303 167 443 326 209 284 375 360 157 245 98 150 235 111 770 191 193 215 67 93 130 160 118 60 153 158 94 180 591 1963 1 8-'i4 1962 1961 1 266 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. . OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE l^Y . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE 664 MAY APRIL MARCH 1 180 FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST - MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 1 266 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NOVEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST - JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . 704 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of roundin g, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In Structures with - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more awards) MMPHIS, TENN. AMUAL DATA 1964 6 212 7 163 4 641 4 947 5 028 483 468 573 726 368 539 441 777 696 422 383 336 300 835 ^07 520 759 570 462 694 896 484 755 481 217 419 419 331 448 3i3 495 405 472 487 302 313 430 417 316 454 472 627 318 423 361 591 271 267 239 343 343 484 284 340 290 413 425 974 414 479 6 212 7 163 4 641 4 697 5 028 483 468 573 726 368 539 441 777 d96 422 383 336 300 835 407 520 759 570 462 694 896 484 855 481 217 419 419 331 448 333 495 405 472 487 302 313 430 417 316 454 472 377 318 423 361 591 271 267 239 343 343 484 284 340 290 413 425 974 414 479 3 724 3 238 3 324 3 216 3 724 346 244 362 258 295 290 298 363 417 359 245 247 185 241 257 221 308 241 322 344 306 286 313 214 178 307 231 231 256 286 286 350 327 373 263 236 200 326 250 313 370 295 266 321 263 281 162 169 152 209 272 300 214 259 186 256 306 839 317 414 344 232 204 220 318 26 30 52 48 12 22 20 36 24 24 32 18 8 8 22 12 42 26 10 28 28 20 8 20 8 20 'I 72 6 14 14 20 24 6 4 6 16 4 42 18 10 22 14 8 30 20 30 26 14 12 30 32 24 22 32 40 24 30 32 2 144 3 693 1 113 1 261 986 111 194 159 420 61 227 123 378 255 39 106 71 107 ■ 586 128 287 409 303 130 322 562 178 434 247 31 92 178 94 120 41 195 41 125 90 33 73 224 75 62 99 84 72 30 m 90 280 89 68 61 120 59 154 38 57 82 125 79 111 67 33 250 250 - 51 053 47 228 35 066 35 593 32 439 4 053 3 467 5 114 • 5 135 3 580 4 393 4 081 5 105 5 664 4 339 3 193 2 930 2 112 4 491 3 090 4 157 4 828 3 222 3 409 5 067 5 284 3 404 5 080 3 083 1 637 2 846 3 844 2 378 2 959 2 84b 3 438 3 344 3 489 3 609 2 330 2 344 3 204 2 702 2 277 3 399 3 405 5 586 2 493 3 074 2 461 3 884 1 595 1 514 1 473 1 884 2 379 2 853 1 860 2 299 2 289 2 402 2 975 6 497 2 633 2 895 51 053 47 228 35 066 32 400 32 439 4 053 3 467 5 114 5 135 3 580 4 393 4 081 5 105 5 664 4 339 3 193 2 930 2 112 4 491 3 090 4 157 4 828 3 222 3 409 5 067 5 234 3 404 5 080 3 083 1 637 2 846 3 844 2 378 2 959 2 846 3 438 3 344 3 489 3 609 2 330 2 344 3 204 2 702 2 277 3 399 3 405 2 393 2 493 3 074 2 461 3 884 1 595 1 514 1 473 1 884 2 379 2 853 1 860 2 299 2 289 2 402 2 975 6 497 2 633 2 895 43 384 32 649 30 129 26 436 29 095 3 705 2 896 4 584 2 867 3 412 3 574 3 595 4 163 4 861 4 191 2 827 2 709 1 880 2 367 2 777 2 314 3 036 2 496 3 041 3 368 3 3Si 2 907 3 165 1 915 1 556 2 611 2 251 2 126 2 407 2 736 2 552 3 198 3 048 3 219 2 245 2 180 1 597 2 487 2 145 2 772 3 065 2 191 2 376 2 713 2 156 2 388 1 331 1 215 1 294 1 576 2 243 2 475 1 690 2 086 1 786 2 050 2 602 6 239 2 428 2 625 1 147 628 576 866 969 84 92 200 160 28 84 90 112 71 64 103 60 18 24 58 56 130 67 23 74 66 46 20 48 20 50 23 21 196 24 56 40 54 64 15 13 16 41 12 372 49 27 50 37 59 78 49 76 60 51 27 74 79 76 58 81 184 56 86 137 6 521 13 952 4 361 5 098 2 375 264 480 331 2 107 140 734 396 830 732 84 263 161 214 2 101 25b 1 788 1 662 659 345 1 626 1 835 450 1 895 1 121 61 185 1 570 232 356 87 830 106 388 326 71 151 1 591 174 120 255 291 174 67 324 246 1 418 215 223 119 257 109 304 91 137 445 271 189 202 119 133 1963 1962 1961 3 193 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JTJNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY _ JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY APRIL . FEBRUARY 1962— DECEMBER OCTOBER _ AUGUST - JUNE MAY . APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY 3 193 JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH - FEBRUARY _ JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 705 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and trontti Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (ttiousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) MIAMI, FLA. -AMUAL DATA 196; 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1963— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST. .... JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1962— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1961— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEt^ER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1960— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . , . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 12 283 9 899 10 183 10 098 11 123 901 962 9U 1 142 942 1 164 164 101 089 114 777 085 5fa7 882 685 1 024 646 1 019 914 743 949 727 836 688 467 1 060 1 355 423 961 889 813 932 1 349 715 593 584 455 420 681 890 1 211 864 1 115 1 318 703 703 773 981 1 005 804 688 757 1 013 813 1 214 861 1 052 1 086 998 847 12 283 9 567 10 133 9 976 11 059 901 962 914 1 142 942 1 lo4 164 101 089 114 777 085 5b7 882 675 1 024 646 1 019 914 743 949 727 836 688 467 1 060 1 355 423 961 889 813 932 1 349 715 593 584 455 420 681 890 1 211 798 1 060 1 318 703 703 773 981 1 005 804 688 757 1 013 749 1 214 861 1 052 1 086 998 847 3 65J 3 96.: 4 541 5 923 7 421 258 216 261 310 259 369 402 290 336 356 302 364 298 218 368 400 286 447 369 324 364 297 316 344 269 251 379 313 369 350 357 384 503 525 441 396 317 319 565 478 565 694 635 432 463 476 625 363 510 450 447 552 648 529 882 612 734 817 682 579 931 1 012 804 1 041 58 50 65 88 42 69 76 101 95 74 110 105 76 100 86 42 90 95 90 106 104 94 72 84 76 98 60 34 77 41 41 60 49 82 66 73 58 59 48 38 60 49 35 226 34 53 88 64 56 44 70 70 69 46 165 102 102 101 104 106 7 699 4 593 4 919 3 249 2 597 585 696 588 744 641 726 686 710 658 684 365 616 193 564 221 582 270 477 455 313 481 336 448 259 122 711 916 76 515 498 415 488 797 108 86 115 80 42 68 374 586 55 390 660 206 174 60 554 439 310 171 135 296 174 167 147 216 168 212 162 332 122 64 10 64 115 553 99 724 110 146 112 960 134 898 7 529 8 122 8 756 12 036 9 055 10 797 11 144 9 615 10 314 10 668 7 825 10 703 5 938 8 082 7 527 10 314 6 961 9 619 10 847 7 142 8 721 6 538 8 264 7 346 4 764 10 779 15 185 5 140 9 479 9 642 10 612 8 467 14 423 8 106 6 935 6 505 5 300 5 075 8 379 10 376 15 244 9 367 12 047 12 787 7 134 7 935 8 109 11 274 10 893 9 161 7 246 8 444 10 031 8 913 33 177 9 988 9 762 10 509 8 935 7 962 115 553 96 146 110 146 112 003 134 424 7 529 8 122 8 756 12 036 9 055 10 797 11 144 9 615 10 314 10 668 7 825 10 703 5 938 8 082 7 423 10 314 6 961 9 619 10 847 7 142 8 721 6 538 8 264 7 346 4 764 10 779 15 185 5 140 9 479 9 462 10 612 8 467 14 423 8 106 6 935 6 505 5 300 5 075 8 379 10 376 15 244 8 833 11 642 12 787 7 134 7 935 8 109 11 274 10 893 9 161 7 246 8 444 10 031 8 439 33 177 9 988 9 762 10 509 8 935 7 962 55 740 58 507 63 549 77 301 109 950 3 987 3 334 4 114 4 614 3 609 6 00b 5 827 4 619 4 831 5 751 4 539 5 508 4 411 3 328 5 386 5 803 4 646 6 310 5 465 4 863 5 199 4 340 4 715 4 971 3 744 3 445 5 332 4 479 5 437 5 054 5 452 5 499 6 644 7 069 5 937 5 406 4 496 ~ 4 373 7 710 6 437 7 579 8 247 8 472 5 730 5 888 6 408 7 233 4 786 5 657 5 875 6 003 7 099 8 052 7 260 31 263 8 534 7 951 8 656 7 231 6 512 6 085 6 301 4 397 5 185 6 189 368 335 453 541 263 469 534 623 678 484 658 690 444 626 581 281 577 569 555 642 692 544 395 492 460 581 415 192 418 243 262 357 267 476 479 476 342 405 333 310 330 316 218 1 528 238 323 491 376 320 313 499 441 472 293 953 662 519 536 577 585 53 728 31 338 42 200 29 517 18 285 3 175 4 454 4 189 6 881 5 182 4 322 4 782 4 374 4 805 4 432 2 628 4 504 1 083 4 127 1 456 4 230 1 738 2 741 4 827 1 637 2 330 1 654 3 153 1 882 560 6 753 9 438 470 3 624 4 345 4 898 2 611 7 512 561 519 623 462 297 336 3 628 7 336 270 2 952 5 529 1 007 1 204 385 6 112 4 915 2 973 744 904 1 507 886 962 791 1 293 1 318 1 127 865 3 578 957 474 104 534 405 474 706 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total F rivate (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total In Structures witf - Total In structures with - 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more MILWAUKEE, WIS. ANNUA! DATA 1964 8 476 6 707 5 400 6 424 8 165 456 849 559 452 1 238 568 867 870 844 1 015 402 367 322 405 483 598 442 807 831 757 708 525 228 203 329 461 497 571 543 347 401 542 660 383 346 318 510 384 447 802 516 639 691 715 551 489 356 332 563 761 680 545 692 599 607 982 1 144 738 554 300 8 296 6 333 5 399 6 424 8 045 456 669 559 452 1 238 568 867 870 844 1 015 402 367 322 405 483 598 442 807 831 757 708 525 228 203 329 461 497 571 543 347 401 542 660 383 346 318 510 384 447 802 516 639 691 715 551 489 356 332 563 761 680 545 692 599 607 862 1 144 738 554 300 3 419 3 220 2 860 3 163 3 645 194 187 242 266 277 329 380 445 372 346 209 183 146 218 314 270 297 354 349 425 351 276 117 103 123 192 298 255 310 237 304 342 314 228 158 96 206 219 260 275 354 340 337 345 302 231 147 148 129 218 279 301 364 323 394 361 492 393 216 175 886 633 434 837 1 569 50 69 87 59 63 72 93 87 84 118 54 50 69 50 66 42 39 87 67 52 66 45 38 12 22 22 44 32 40 25 39 61 41 52 27 31 31 39 30 48 72 68 104 100 116 110 45 81 98 155 116 80 141 97 91 107 148 171 278 87 3 991 2 480 2 105 2 424 2 831 212 413 230 127 898 167 394 338 388 551 139 134 107 137 103 286 106 366 415 280 291 204 73 88 184 247 155 284 193 85 58 139 305 103 161 191 273 126 157 479 90 231 250 270 133 148 164 103 336 388 285 164 187 179 122 394 504 174 60 38 180 374 1 120 180 120 98 833 78 135 63 272 72 339 88 396 3 166 8 122 7 064 6 304 13 370 7 321 9 762 10 680 11 407 10 833 4 927 4 244 3 431 5 015 6 339 6 355 5 492 9 210 9 671 8 910 8 287 5 677 2 802 2 194 3 385 4 874 5 521 6 052 5 968 4 499 5 469 7 015 8 690 4 835 3 651 3 188 4 917 4 372 5 196 8 039 6 523 7 391 7 796 8 181 6 838 5 634 3 837 3 670 4 858 6 863 7 403 6 342 8 017 6 775 7 881 10 483 11 407 8 575 6 296 3 497 97 162 73 584 63 254 72 339 87 085 3 166 6 451 7 064 6 304 13 370 7 321 9 762 10 680 11 407 10 833 4 927 4 24^ 3 431 5 015 6 339 6 355 5 492 9 210 9 671 8 910 8 287 5 677 2 802 2 194 3 385 4 874 5 521 6 052 5 968 4 499 5 469 7 015 8 690 4 835 3 651 3 188 4 917 4 372 5 196 8 039 6 523 7 391 7 796 8 181 6 838 5 634 3 837 3 670 4 858 6 863 7 403 6 342 8 017 6 775 7 881 9 172 11 407 8 575 6 296 3 497 56 376 50 203 44 276 49 346 55 874 1 261 3 007 4 065 4 495 4 775 5 439 6 058 7 311 6 397 5 732 3 371 2 829 2 160 3 567 5 093 4 205 4 542 5 168 5 520 6 734 5 626 4 149 1 802 1 583 1 894 2 870 4 372 3 936 4 550 3 551 4 693 5 449 5 050 3 733 2 459 1 591 2 699 3 338 3 986 4 441 5 296 5 476 5 349 5 567 4 998 3 670 2 292 2 241 1 993 3 180 4 375 4 629 5 696 4 906 6 350 5 786 7 264 6 004 3 187 n 2 506 8 952 6 151 4 372 8 063 13 913 472 687 847 600 610 758 926 853 801 1 417 491 490 622 483 640 394 365 797 621 489 800 416 400 124 190 229 454 291 395 318 369 612 412 502 267 352 440 354 287 498 654 645 943 963 986 1 036 525 781 897 1 422 1 072 766 1 314 837 696 931 1 227 1 422 2 639 691 31 834 17 230 14 606 14 931 17 298 1 433 2 756 2 152 1 209 7 985 1 124 2 777 2 516 4 209 3 683 1 065 925 649 965 606 1 757 585 3 245 3 530 1 688 1 861 1 112 600 488 1 301 1 775 695 1 825 1 022 630 407 953 3 228 600 925 1 245 1 779 680 923 3 100 573 1 271 1 504 1 651 854 928 1 020 648 1 968 2 261 1 957 947 1 007 1 032 835 2 456 2 917 1 150 470 300 1 671 1963 4 551 1962 18 1961 1960 1 311 ^40NTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER 1 671 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE . MAY . . _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY - 1963— DECEMBER . NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE _ MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUAEY - JANUARY - . NOVEMBER - _ SEPTEMBER - JULY - JUNE _ MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - 1961— DECEMBER - NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST : JULY - JUNE - MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - I960— DECEMBER - NOVEMBER - OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST ~ JULY - JUNE - MAY 1 311 APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY - JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 707 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con Beca use of roundl ig, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures wlth- Total In Structures witt - 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or rrore awards) MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL, MINN. ANNUAL DATA 1964 14 652 14 127 15 202 12 439 11 177 618 923 1 235 1 013 1 562 1 985 1 121 1 524 1 162 1 074 1 277 946 584 1 559 1 368 1 018 1 427 1 274 1 178 1 880 1 747 967 523 467 1 015 1 382 1 233 1 056 1 222 1 353 1 741 1 471 1 219 1 078 1 195 919 925 1 008 1 170 1 576 874 818 1 172 1 241 1 037 997 593 611 1 065 999 1 198 1 164 992 785 1 002 1 219 1 145 705 455 389 14 395 14 073 14 099 11 901 11 153 618 923 1 235 1 013 1 562 1 985 1 121 1 524 1 162 1 074 1 277 946 584 1 505 1 368 1 018 1 427 1 274 1 178 1 880 1 747 967 523 467 1 015 1 382 1 233 1 056 1 222 1 198 1 555 1 186 1 219 1 078 1 195 571 725 1 008 1 128 1 422 874 818 1 172 1 241 1 037 997 593 611 1 065 999 1 198 1 164 992 761 1 002 1 219 1 145 705 455 389 6 232 6 393 6 435 6 394 7 467 247 436 556 486 621 645 654 624 625 579 467 377 312 725 537 642 733 577 567 711 700 424 282 158 352 685 609 494 647 578 597 627 693 497 285 256 310 541 685 744 554 524 631 788 602 428 277 221 644 529 703 902 723 553 812 762 694 519 353 240 577 639 734 693 700 44 46 70 26 75 50 74 75 56 30 14 41 64 36 26 38 44 90 44 64 98 43 16 26 54 50 75 62 42 93 56 59 77 94 36 40 20 83 68 55 53 52 64 61 102 66 19 46 57 50 80 60 103 70 50 60 64 32 24 52 7 586 7 041 6 930 4 814 2 986 327 441 609 501 866 1 290 393 825 481 465 796 528 208 744 805 338 650 607 567 1 105 949 500 225 283 609 647 549 500 533 527 902 500 449 487 874 275 395 384 375 623 267 242 477 392 333 503 297 344 364 420 415 202 166 138 140 397 387 154 78 97 257 54 1 103 538 24 54 155 186 285 348 200 42 154 24 193 439 172 941 174 811 152 362 146 082 8 389 12 659 16 122 13 096 19 274 27 669 16 462 19 807 16 387 15 048 14 301 11 353 8 027 18 518 15 716 13 959 17 818 15 520 15 515 21 936 21 005 11 807 6 771 5 262 10 839 14 359 14 670 13 276 14 677 18 259 19 043 18 083 14 214 13 004 11 074 9 656 10 515 12 767 14 301 17 124 11 455 11 987 14 759 15 690 13 503 12 621 7 825 6 615 12 996 11 831 15 366 15 651 13 729 10 945 13 974 15 634 14 387 9 254 6 701 5 433 189 885 172 006 163 986 146 643 145 853 8 389 12 659 16 122 13 096 19 274 27 669 16 462 19 807 16 387 15 048 14 301 11 353 8 027 17 583 15 716 13 959 17 818 15 520 15 515 21 936 21 005 11 807 6 771 5 262 10 839 14 359 14 670 13 276 14 677 16 591 16 907 15 385 14 214 13 004 11 074 6 534 8 757 12 767 13 654 15 297 11 455 11 987 14 759 15 690 13 503 12 621 7 825 6 615 12 996 11 831 15 366 15 651 13 729 10 716 13 974 15 634 14 387 9 254 6 701 5 433 113 263 110 148 102 907 101 675 116 202 4 784 8 087 10 059 8 507 10 593 12 093 12 180 11 753 11 431 10 484 7 459 6 416 5 480 11 942 9 376 11 278 11 912 10 333 10 293 12 343 11 641 7 368 5 014 2 855 5 602 8 803 10 046 8 095 10 765 9 333 10 138 10 826 10 149 8 376 4 532 4 168 5 057 9 093 9 926 10 184 9 066 9 627 10 754 12 498 10 084 7 357 4 707 3 525 9 411 8 409 11 023 13 522 11 464 9 133 12 328 11 920 11 081 7 942 5 875 4 060 7 082 6 995 7 546 6 857 6 940 479 623 689 374 978 588 857 851 519 336 126 916 1 000 364 322 418 454 889 571 673 1 039 429 170 264 569 563 776 668 449 841 598 652 756 1 015 329 474 186 817 760 566 523 495 683 602 977 582 205 411 538 410 947 550 959 683 539 606 605 298 223 603 69 540 54 863 53 533 38 110 22 711 3 125 3 949 5 374 4 215 7 703 14 988 3 426 7 203 4 437 4 228 6 716 4 022 1 547 5 276 6 019 2 263 5 452 4 298 4 650 8 920 8 325 4 010 1 587 2 142 4 668 4 993 3 848 4 513 3 464 6 417 6 170 3 908 3 308 3 612 6 213 1 893 3 514 2 857 2 968 4 547 1 866 1 866 3 322 2 590 2 443 4 683 2 912 2 679 3 047 3 012 3 395 1 579 1 306 900 1 107 3 108 2 701 1 015 603 771 3 554 1963 935 1962 10 825 1961 5 719 1960 229 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . APRIL . MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER 935 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NOVEMBER. SEPTEMBER - JULY 1 668 JUNE 2 136 2 697 MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 3 121 1 758 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 647 SEPTEMBER AUGUST 1 827 JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER - JULY 229 JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 708 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of founding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and montti Number of housing units Total Private (permit-autfiofized) Total In structures wilti- unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (tfiousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) NASHVILLE, TENN . 1964. ANNUAL DATA 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . , FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY , . . APRIL . , MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBEP . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . , JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 4 912 3 576 3 085 3 932 3 156 274 225 335 735 198 678 402 403 787 256 440 179 533 349 215 280 274 267 192 192 391 536 161 186 356 124 224 215 256 303 320 459 182 303 176 167 82 264 367 635 227 330 323 538 536 252 160 218 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 692 3 395 3 085 3 692 3 156 2 043 2 218 2 109 2 348 2 077 220 131 185 131 114 171 192 197 209 202 179 112 302 96 138 137 170 191 118 116 291 438 77 144 314 88 131 186 187 244k 173 181 137 221 143 104 62 123 285 254 203 190 222 413 163 163 92 178 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 524 590 357 383 360 26 32 52 50 60 37 29 68 51 44 58 17 50 53 41 64 48 71 74 47 24 36 40 42 14 28 47 16 29 38 34 45 36 30 13 27 11 21 50 17 24 20 51 31 38 45 52 23 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 125 587 619 961 719 28 62 98 334 24 470 181 138 527 10 203 50 200 36 79 56 5 29 76 62 44 28 8 46 13 40 21 113 233 9 52 20 36 9 120 32 124 120 50 94 335 44 16 17 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 220 181 240 220 181 240 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 36 128 27 478 24 840 35 640 28 369 2 44h2 1 995 2 382 5 394 1 654 4 126 2 749 3 415 4 521 2 258 3 805 1 386 5 238 1 793 1 580 1 914 1 936 2 181 1 561 1 542 2 859 4 164 1 074 1 638 3 348 1 043 1 407 1 726 2 128 2 419 2 369 3 272 1 556 2 866 1 459 1 245 738 779 024 224 142 123 2 788 4 591 4 997 2 001 1 094 2 136 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 33 934 25 6^0 24 840 33 035 28 369 2 442 1 995 2 382 3 200 1 654 4 126 2 749 3 415 4 521 2 258 3 805 1 386 400 793 580 914 936 181 1 561 1 542 2 859 4 164 1 074 1 638 348 043 407 726 128 419 2 369 3 272 1 556 2 866 1 459 1 245 738 779 024 619 142 123 788 591 997 001 094 136 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) 20 864 21 447 20 543 23 016 21 471 2 022 1 441 1 880 1 469 1 314 1 851 870 862 063 058 852 183 189 972 328 337 577 866 273 249 499 873 810 1 476 3 223 925 1 123 1 635 1 832 2 247 1 783 1 790 1 406 2 218 1 334 1 028 626 1 182 2 683 2 480 2 034 1 822 2 185 4 100 1 664 1 659 792 1 789 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 141 2 376 1 511 1 836 1 920 96 154 220 211 220 166 95 282 24^ 138 242 75 211 211 157 253 219 299 289 194 128 131 125 162 62 103 191 72 151 128 127 192 132 162 75 117 58 97 218 75 108 111 256 148 180 204 263 119 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10 928 1 817 2 785 8 184 4 979 324 400 283 1 520 120 2 109 784 1 271 2 215 62 1 712 128 610 96 324 141 16 99 233 160 139 63 15 93 20 145 45 460 1 290 18 486 50 101 54 1 500 123 1 065 1 190 348 344 3 154 139 40 228 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA Not available. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 709 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of fiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Putjiic (contract awards) NEW ORLEANS, LA. ANNUAL DATA 1964. 1963. 1962. 1961. 1960. MONTHLY DATA 1964_DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY , 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. , JULY. . . JUNE. . . I^Y . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY, JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL , . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 9 9A9 9 468 6 6A7 6 134 5 051 745 485 861 1 098 921 1 330 726 941 653 815 345 575 414 785 1 229 1 759 963 537 822 791 656 538 324 667 414 457 668 444 547 624 710 617 317 854 484 511 473 304 573 1 397 471 555 509 540 410 328 254 320 266 324 397 324 376 400 1 Oil 410 374 375 400 394 9 949 8 266 6 647 5 141 5 051 745 485 861 1 098 921 1 330 726 941 653 815 345 575 414 785 1 229 757 763 537 822 791 656 538 324 667 414 457 668 444 547 624 710 617 317 854 484 511 473 304 573 404 471 555 509 540 410 328 254 320 266 324 397 324 376 400 1 Oil 410 374 375 400 394 5 272 4 215 4 276 3 603 4 052 435 353 294 492 390 460 487 393 440 473 248 353 343 252 425 330 334 373 382 528 487 408 218 252 212 330 511 293 410 490 288 486 289 318 364 285 185 270 484 292 368 367 395 367 210 256 174 235 180 208 305 264 316 314 821 330 348 321 358 287 1 827 1 399 650 531 529 89 69 320 142 154 399 154 83 161 91 69 96 57 263 214 57 84 98 248 62 24 130 52 66 56 55 51 69 44 42 83 38 28 70 72 42 32 27 47 37 80 25 36 46 46 44 40 71 22 67 38 55 44 36 76 32 26 32 42 59 2 850 2 652 1 721 1 007 470 221 63 247 464 377 471 85 465 52 251 28 126 14 270 590 370 345 66 192 201 145 54 349 146 72 106 82 93 92 339 93 466 48 184 256 7 42 75 23 163 78 127 154 28 40 14 64 49 54 5 16 50 114 48 22 48 1 202 993 1 002 200 993 134 L24 131 142 96 464 77 388 61 501 10 110 7 516 10 926 13 396 10 763 16 111 10 680 11 900 10 901 11 458 5 445 8 123 6 815 8 729 15 316 23 171 12 380 8 384 16 221 11 436 9 072 8 514 4 752 7 448 5 302 6 356 11 433 6 867 8 446 8 169 7 727 10 710 5 094 12 217 7 215 6 927 4 340 5 042 8 823 14 286 6 185 7 574 7 234 6 780 4 227 4 914 3 688 4 296 3 208 3 559 5 040 3 642 4 703 5 020 10 401 262 297 019 301 050 134 124 116 361 96 464 68 738 61 501 10 110 7 516 10 926 13 396 10 763 16 111 10 680 11 900 10 901 11 458 5 445 8 123 6 815 8 729 15 316 10 887 9 883 8 384 16 221 11 436 9 072 8 514 4 752 7 448 5 302 6 356 11 433 6 867 8 446 8 169 7 727 10 710 5 094 12 217 7 215 6 927 4 340 5 042 8 823 5 636 6 185 7 574 7 234 6 780 4 227 4 914 3 688 4 296 208 559 040 642 703 020 10 401 5 262 5 297 5 019 5 301 5 050 95 202 80 443 74 746 59 358 55 189 524 265 480 254 913 163 8 448 7 439 8 497 8 353 4 638 6 432 181 271 777 737 246 871 12 672 9 051 8 107 6 949 4 007 4 430 3 919 5 342 10 298 4 784 7 525 7 384 4 687 9 180 4 870 5 927 6 218 4 612 3 163 4 786 8 221 4 826 5 276 6 544 630 726 155 304 056 673 2 632 2 809 4 463 3 177 4 088 4 532 553 715 074 649 105 392 19 191 14 003 5 999 4 745 4 282 811 696 4 041 1 205 1 586 3 792 1 702 927 1 990 882 627 931 589 2 808 2 163 569 893 1 054 1 729 619 190 1 565 642 742 573 5L4 452 563 344 367 755 334 224 778 706 389 294 232 410 375 724 217 340 379 513 451 310 500 207 560 366 443 366 364 522 290 223 257 196 488 19 730 21 916 15 719 4 635 2 030 774 556 405 937 264 156 530 3 534 413 2 223 180 760 45 1 650 5 376 4 582 2 744 458 1 820 1 766 775 103 2 276 809 500 683 1 520 576 418 2 285 1 197 5 513 291 1 926 883 25 192 434 185 813 264 674 560 159 322 123 367 190 211 22 250 124 327 256 112 170 14 781 8 650 12 284 2 497 8 650 710 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more NEW YORK, N.Y ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1963— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1962— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . , . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1961— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. , . . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1960— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . , . OCTOBER .... SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... « 685 74 090 96 854 94 766 69 501 125 943 765 607 764 499 5 936 3 647 4 553 3 411 1 552 2 156 346 163 166 625 157 957 4 271 7 487 6 291 6 023 3 326 4 913 6 041 10 720 8 065 5 172 6 958 6 444 5 867 7 189 15 864 7 873 8 126 6 411 12 116 8 378 7 876 5 578 13 840 7 263 8 050 8 523 8 259 6 107 3 378 3 351 4 279 5 472 6 904 7 021 7 247 8 283 4 964 8 650 5 806 4 350 2 630 4 086 40 903 68 400 90 661 84 546 64 396 125 943 579 904 386 499 827 647 553 411 552 156 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 1 2 8 791 5 163 7 264 6 625 5 159 4 957 4 271 6 614 6 291 5 417 3 326 4 646 6 041 10 218 7 286 5 060 6 958 5 059 5 867 7 189 14 307 7 873 8 126 5 986 10 875 7 522 7 876 5 525 13 559 6 822 568 805 226 488 757 351 3 801 5 472 5 613 6 463 6 575 6 533 4 839 8 650 5 638 4 350 2 630 4 086 21 404 20 870 23 062 21 637 20 868 326 683 250 861 867 851 1 969 2 272 2 387 2 037 163 894 288 533 309 757 986 159 1 902 2 298 1 964 1 633 722 1 300 1 474 1 853 2 177 1 872 1 940 2 043 2 117 2 228 2 335 2 003 1 331 1 493 1 437 2 038 2 359 1 942 2 Oil 1 638 2 504 2 242 2 061 1 819 689 844 188 773 783 077 052 882 013 966 896 845 218 310 6 556 7 857 9 382 8 619 8 325 377 477 494 572 453 578 666 673 582 618 570 428 483 619 776 550 579 440 559 1 035 870 810 626 492 672 676 891 522 590 661 589 820 1 144 897 928 944 393 722 968 1 010 898 642 837 1 024 783 761 313 268 464 563 506 473 803 717 1 020 1 023 744 678 638 684 12 943 39 673 58 217 54 290 35 203 1 422 783 835 471 1 066 1 070 2 192 702 1 584 756 819 834 7 020 3 Oil 4 179 4 318 2 594 2 358 810 281 457 974 978 854 3 895 7 689 4 218 2 666 4 428 2 355 3 161 4 141 10 828 4 973 5 867 3 549 9 045 4 762 4 549 2 573 10 650 4 542 2 227 4 539 4 382 2 908 1 755 2 239 149 136 324 913 720 934 806 661 998 827 774 092 2 782 5 690 6 193 10 220 5 105 186 703 378 1 109 555 902 873 606 267 502 779 112 1 385 1 557 425 1 241 856 53 281 441 2 482 718 1 033 619 621 478 1 291 558 672 1 750 125 168 542 688 833 971 1058 689 987 093 722 218 42 814 38 268 50 026 44 411 42 794 43 227 72 454 45 725 57 966 42 312 17 297 21 819 101 733 53 779 93 420 72 748 84 809 56 773 48 480 86 334 72 298 70 836 32 713 53 191 63 770 119 028 90 231 58 580 78 612 72 124 63 626 79 176 157 637 85 235 99 621 64 229 121 202 89 571 80 941 56 537 144 485 77 302 89 368 84 780 83 890 64 221 33 004 37 452 42 815 59 287 69 457 79 156 71 407 94 186 50 592 83 554 56 291 45 820 28 184 42 860 504 466 759 125 976 758 863 972 663 028 42 814 38 268 47 716 35 446 39 475 43 227 57 052 45 725 57 966 42 312 17 297 21 819 93 513 53 779 81 784 72 748 60 179 56 773 48 480 75 600 72 298 62 727 32 713 49 545 63 770 112 455 79 024 56 756 78 612 52 182 63 626 79 176 138 656 85 235 99 621 60 629 104 759 78 655 80 941 56 031 140 873 71 472 59 569 76 778 72 523 57 120 25 854 37 452 37 512 59 287 54 663 72 433 64 124 74 209 49 051 83 554 53 241 45 820 28 184 42 860 317 690 304 771 316 357 298 019 282 353 21 163 27 993 35 323 26 930 27 426 27 028 28 659 33 234 34 614 29 260 2 164 12 817 19 106 22 966 33 968 24 246 27 636 30 990 26 894 32 808 27 376 22 793 10 287 24 647 19 866 24 777 30 220 25 163 27 210 27 649 29 064 31 698 33 283 26 710 17 829 20 693 20 688 28 372 31 389 27 650 28 859 22 513 34 401 30 642 27 634 24 469 9 176 11 477 17 066 24 030 24 697 27 147 27 084 25 630 27 748 25 959 26 015 24 614 16 506 17 154 59 634 70 145 80 981 74 345 68 703 366 007 512 161 342 661 742 699 383 523 813 884 655 372 997 971 Oil 850 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 3 4 5 6 4 5 3 4 730 9 156 8 097 7 878 4 954 4 191 5 256 5 934 7 732 4 659 5 303 5 696 5 159 6 936 9 871 7 337 8 696 7 986 3 255 5 912 8 306 9 193 7 929 5 676 7 355 8 497 6 757 6 552 2 805 2 088 3 625 4 712 4 203 3 977 6 142 5 956 8 351 8 710 6 211 5 836 5 223 5 653 127 143 384 210 579 420 491 608 311 973 18 285 6 267 7 881 3 354 7 707 11 538 22 651 6 793 17 969 7 529 8 320 5 118 69 751 25 442 40 820 43 531 27 533 21 933 16 856 33 636 36 826 32 056 17 473 20 707 38 648 81 743 41 072 26 934 46 099 18 837 29 403 40 542 95 502 51 188 73 096 31 951 80 816 44 370 41 245 19 188 104 085 43 282 17 813 37 640 38 032 26 100 13 874 23 887 16 821 30 545 25 763 41 309 30 898 42 623 12 952 48 886 21 015 15 370 6 455 20 053 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 711 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-con Because of rounding, detail maj not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of hou sing units Valu ition (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In >tructures witi - 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) NEWPORT NEWS - HAMPTON, VA. ANNUAL DATA 1964 4 467 3 659 3 108 2 656 2 204 250 333 203 380 877 444 413 437 318 369 227 216 197 548 280 318 355 252 215 438 211 271 221 353 289 134 252 283 207 199 459 510 285 222 133 135 167 162 167 315 266 212 198 485 198 205 116 165 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) 4 467 3 559 3 108 2 433 2 204 250 333 203 380 877 444 413 437 318 369 227 216 197 548 280 318 355 252 215 338 211 271 221 353 289 134 252 283 207 199 459 510 285 222 133 135 167 162 167 315 266 212 198 262 198 205 116 165 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 189 3 000 2 577 2 395 2 182 198 280 187 274 281 318 381 288 284 321 203 174 192 252 262 270 355 236 215 258 211 271 221 257 91 134 252 231 189 199 260 498 253 205 133 132 167 130 165 315 266 212 198 262 198 201 116 165 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 (NA) 10 4 13 6 22 2 4 4 4 4 52 2 4 12 32 17 3 2 4 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 268 555 518 32 52 53 16 104 596 122 32 149 34 48 20 42 5 296 18 48 12 80 96 194 16 195 32 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 100 223 100 223 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 42 963 39 596 29 769 26 149 21 260 2 372 3 294 2 195 3 827 6 091 4 031 4 484 4 788 3 332 3 818 2 503 2 228 2 154 5 106 3 276 3 763 3 668 2 711 2 386 5 331 2 929 2 930 1 883 3 459 2 532 1 463 2 496 2 688 2 018 1 946 3 892 4 512 3 157 2 312 1 454 1 299 1 352 1 525 1 616 2 617 2 466 2 146 2 060 5 390 2 000 2 320 1 237 1 421 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 42 963 38 036 29 769 23 214 21 260 2 372 3 294 2 195 3 827 6 091 4 031 4 484 4 788 3 332 3 818 2 503 2 228 2 154 5 106 3 276 3 763 3 668 2 711 2 386 3 771 2 929 2 930 1 883 3 459 2 532 1 463 2 496 2 688 2 018 1 946 3 892 4 512 3 157 2 312 1 454 1 299 1 352 1 525 1 616 2 617 2 466 2 146 2 060 2 455 2 000 2 320 1 237 1 421 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 37 056 33 559 25 854 23 094 21 170 2 164 3 092 2 105 3 140 3 206 3 340 4 284 4 695 3 182 3 523 2 348 1 978 2 141 2 881 3 170 3 438 3 668 2 625 2 386 3 124 2 929 2 930 1 883 2 384 871 1 463 2 496 2 335 1 881 1 946 2 498 4 442 2 907 2 272 1 454 1 289 1 352 1 425 1 608 2 617 2 466 2 146 2 060 2 455 2 000 2 308 1 237 1 421 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 86 26 68 20 90 25 31 30 26 26 353 23 9 70 250 40 10 8 12 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 820 4 451 3 847 100 208 202 90 662 2 885 660 200 93 150 295 125 250 13 2 225 106 325 60 647 1 075 1 635 114 1 385 100 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1963 1 560 1962 1961 2 935 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY _ 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY 1 560 ' APRIL MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY NOVEMBER _ _ SEPTEMBER - JULY _ JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH FEBRUARY _ JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER . OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY 2 935 APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY - I960— DECEMBER (NA) NOVEMBER '. (NA) (NA) SEPTEMBER . . (NA) (AN) JULY (NA) JUNE (NA) MAY (NA) APRIL (NA) MARCH (NA) FEBRUARY (NA) JANUARY (NA) NA Not available. 712 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -con. Because of roundir g, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of tiou sing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In Structures witf - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) NEWARK, N.J. ANNUAL DATA 1964 14 432 9 859 8 909 11 266 10 996 591 1 368 1 174 645 1 543 1 540 2 189 1 431 2 297 1 022 468 432 900 464 1 454 717 812 700 783 822 782 817 595 785 559 772 731 509 866 882 973 698 952 857 612 451 516 584 1 474 648 1 364 607 679 813 560 549 349 271 605 613 1 065 959 1 271 601 2 342 848 752 507 511 237 14 432 9 607 8 845 10 956 8 598 591 1 368 1 174 645 1 543 1 540 2 189 1 431 2 297 1 022 468 432 900 464 1 454 717 622 700 721 822 782 817 595 785 559 772 731 509 866 882 909 698 952 857 612 451 516 584 1 224 588 1 364 607 679 813 560 549 349 271 605 613 1 065 903 1 271 601 662 848 752 507 511 237 3 649 3 737 3 928 4 042 4 739 227 260 315 434 337 327 466 411 391 328 138 95 201 292 373 318 291 354 413 376 435 286 137 141 172 309 315 306 336 362 425 439 417 362 156 280 269 393 425 353 376 381 403 391 373 346 287 153 241 353 466 340 395 409 532 512 487 390 303 194 757 793 861 941 922 32 43 93 48 48 92 156 62 150 58 24 19 39 48 152 44 67 38 53 90 68 75 11 42 52 58 86 36 76 74 64 112 71 148 30 56 144 38 146 69 64 65 99 51 87 54 28 42 134 60 76 45 59 68 94 130 87 57 54 38 10 026 5 077 4 056 5 973 2 937 332 1 065 766 163 1 158 1 121 1 567 958 1 756 636 306 318 660 124 929 355 264 308 255 356 279 456 447 602 335 405 330 167 454 446 420 147 464 347 426 115 103 153 653 166 924 161 177 371 100 149 34 76 230 200 523 518 817 124 36 206 178 60 154 5 252 64 310 2 398 190 62 64 250 60 56 1 680 140 711 109 625 104 917 134 824 133 483 6 002 13 145 11 264 10 436 15 312 13 967 19 977 14 403 20 718 9 840 4 508 3 763 13 094 6 258 12 866 8 648 9 383 9 349 9 999 9 622 9 737 7 933 5 518 4 853 5 726 9 569 8 962 6 617 10 579 9 479 13 262 9 485 10 529 10 303 4 786 5 536 6 596 8 068 17 488 8 269 11 538 8 064 8 376 9 994 7 566 7 157 3 752 3 223 • 6 696 8 246 11 788 10 311 12 553 7 983 29 332 10 530 9 576 7 015 6 443 3 611 140 711 106 973 104 075 131 730 105 507 6 002 13 145 11 264 10 436 15 312 13 967 19 977 14 403 20 718 9 840 4 508 3 763 13 094 6 258 12 866 8 648 7 499 9 349 9 232 9 622 9 737 7 933 5 518 4 853 5 726 9 569 8 962 6 617 10 579 9 479 12 420 9 485 10 529 10 303 4 786 5 536 6 596 8 068 15 069 7 594 11 538 8 064 8 376 9 994 7 566 7 157 3 752 3 223 6 696 8 246 11 788 9 527 12 553 7 983 9 491 10 530 9 576 7 015 6 443 3 611 67 296 70 805 66 528 66 296 75 700 4 095 4 791 5 859 9 031 5 953 6 145 8 165 7 300 7 098 5 875 2 430 1 696 8 747 5 211 6 503 5 667 5 113 6 445 7 377 6 686 7 607 4 999 2 487 2 512 3 113 5 518 5 618 5 066 5 736 5 823 7 361 7 865 7 104 6 126 2 613 4 382 4 410 6 484 7 038 5 586 6 020 6 291 6 653 6 759 6 278 5 442 3 282 2 447 3 937 5 956 6 761 4 847 6 361 6 647 8 532 8 485 7 790 6 079 4 831 3 248 6 588 6 932 7 206 7 813 7 759 290 394 858 ■ 445 412 665 1 330 550 1 338 476 197 194 309 377 1 315 413 571 343 443 732 646 692 104 386 391 558 720 276 703 805 569 797 520 1 181 264 441 1 097 376 1 090 604 571 550 873 443 745 520 221 321 1 006 588 565 410 518 571 760 1 064 755 542 529 324 66 82b 29 237 30 441 57 621 22 047 1 617 7 960 4 547 960 8 946 7 156 10 482 6 553 12 282 3 489 1 881 1 873 4 038 670 5 049 2 568 1 815 2 561 1 412 2 204 1 483 2 243 2 926 1 955 2 222 3 493 2 623 1 276 4 140 2 851 4 490 823 2 905 2 996 1 909 713 1 090 1 209 6 941 1 404 4 947 1 223 850 2 792 543 1 195 250 455 1 754 1 703 4 462 4 270 5 674 765 198 982 1 032 394 1 083 40 1963 2 652 1962 842 1961 3 094 1960 27 976 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY. . JUNE MAY . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 1 884 JULY JUNE 767 MAY . . . APRIL . FEBRUARY NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE 842 MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 2 419 675 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST 784 JULY JUNE 19 841 MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 713 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Total In structures witti- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Tola! Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) NORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH, VA. ANNUAL DATA 19&i 1963 1962 1961 1960 ^40NTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY. . JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE l^Y APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBEP SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NA Not available. 8 116 6 272 6 275 A 918 4 538 510 612 439 924 634 581 798 966 828 673 643 294 458 723 550 651 599 423 419 863 595 337 360 598 782 464 469 745 462 454 716 543 505 381 292 261 323 487 428 583 452 518 395 325 647 236 253 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 7 876 6 232 5 815 4 918 4 538 508 510 612 439 924 634 581 558 966 828 673 643 254 458 723 550 651 599 423 419 863 595 337 360 598 622 464 469 445 462 454 716 543 505 381 292 261 323 487 428 583 452 518 395 325 647 236 253 (NA) (NA) (AN) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 966 4 022 4 398 4 532 4 129 178 300 256 369 357 326 419 432 334 379 267 349 158 294 259 329 372 395 389 315 457 485 267 302 164 263 400 428 383 432 409 460 440 440 327 252 237 294 441 416 542 420 508 361 291 601 190 223 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 550 352 299 176 108 18 38 34 70 30 44 82 64 50 48 36 36 24 28 36 50 14 34 34 44 34 16 20 18 4 14 24 18 16 30 29 50 28 20 22 20 18 6 26 12 35 4 10 18 13 14 4 14 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 360 1 858 1 118 210 301 312 172 322 537 264 80 62 582 401 370 258 72 136 428 171 265 170 60 372 94 50 40 430 345 40 23 46 16 206 75 45 32 20 6 23 20 6 28 16 21 32 42 16 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 240 40 460 240 40 160 300 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 97 176 73 317 70 954 56 522 50 068 5 312 6 937 7 270 6 182 8 058 6 729 7 392 10 978 11 092 9 667 8 239 9 321 3 671 5 166 6 394 7 960 7 237 6 877 5 504 5 291 8 992 7 515 4 159 4 552 5 7 5 5 9 5 846 584 619 480 387 618 5 741 6 864 6 786 5 149 4 711 3 398 2 935 3 813 5 700 4 948 6 829 5 270 5 805 4 471 3 855 7 130 2 789 2 729 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 93 311 72 388 65 188 56 522 50 068 5 312 6 937 7 270 6 182 8 058 6 729 7 392 7 113 11 092 9 667 8 239 9 321 2 742 5 166 6 394 7 960 7 237 6 877 5 504 5 291 8 992 7 515 4 159 4 552 846 867 619 480 337 618 741 864 786 149 711 398 935 813 700 948 829 270 5 805 4 471 3 855 7 130 2 789 2 729 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 62 027 57 640 55 956 54 822 47 365 768 478 956 721 147 646 6 396 6 247 5 277 5 722 4 591 6 078 2 321 3 872 3 810 4 939 5 399 5 792 5 307 4 750 6 456 6 978 3 796 4 220 2 271 2 981 5 233 5 286 5 078 5 455 5 552 5 493 6 309 4 865 4 000 3 079 2 831 3 706 5 452 4 888 6 622 5 056 5 749 4 343 3 740 6 990 2 611 2 596 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 778 2 206 1 871 907 514 124 257 211 461 207 298 596 446 352 370 245 211 134 191 222 305 73 214 197 291 222 90 151 117 23 73 190 106 114 163 158 125 194 112 373 107 79 35 172 60 177 21 56 78 71 54 22 73 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 27 506 12 542 7 361 793 2 189 2 421 1 202 3 102 2 704 1 784 400 420 5 462 3 575 3 404 3 032 287 1 103 2 363 2 716 1 765 871 250 2 313 447 212 215 3 552 2 814 196 88 145 31 1 246 283 172 338 213 25 72 76 30 193 50 45 86 157 60 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 865 929 5 766 3 865 929 4 050 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 714 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5 units or more awards) OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. ANNUAL DATA 1964 7 245 8 065 7 493 5 626 4 996 325 466 956 486 797 404 927 462 492 506 665 759 541 469 793 820 759 529 602 750 676 922 816 388 516 436 615 557 710 590 674 626 943 650 626 550 356 419 567 389 590 693 578 498 554 532 389 371 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 6 718 7 961 7 493 5 626 4 996 325 466 956 486 485 404 712 462 492 506 665 759 541 469 793 820 759 529 602 646 676 922 816 388 516 436 615 557 710 590 674 626 943 650 626 550 356 419 567 389 590 693 578 498 554 532 389 371 (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 632 5 699 5 833 4 915 4 272 307 248 407 373 440 397 441 371 445 411 381 411 267 316 454 405 515 479 564 576 618 597 572 336 396 382 478 362 580 564 474 577 660 546 471 343 304 373 527 353 553 503 528 489 445 510 301 339 !S! (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 113 171 166 150 127 10 18 4 12 10 2 10 18 12 13 4 4 30 24 17 14 12 14 22 14 18 2 10 14 10 12 6 4 30 14 6 20 6 34 4 14 30 12 14 14 4 9 6 22 11 10 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 973 2 091 1 494 561 597 8 200 545 101 35 5 261 91 29 83 271 344 270 123 315 398 230 38 38 56 36 311 226 50 110 40 127 183 124 22 170 35 277 84 149 173 48 32 10 24 23 176 46 103 77 22 \Z] (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 527 104 _ 312 215 104 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 89 607 95 895 87 933 68 617 68 617 4 482 5 595 10 838 6 540 9 678 5 910 10 365 5 922 7 103 6 513 8 898 7 763 6 131 5 386 8 716 9 360 8 192 7 113 8 118 9 554 8 780 10 313 9 364 4 868 6 119 5 692 7 491 6 363 9 145 7 224 7 212 7 945 10 439 7 783 6 967 5 552 4 266 5 206 7 116 4 914 7 264 8 899 7 306 6 521 6 464 5 990 4 282 4 473 iS! (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 85 100 94 978 87 933 68 617 58 924 4 482 5 595 10 838 6 540 7 222 5 910 8 314 5 922 7 103 6 513 8 898 7 763 6 131 5 386 8 716 9 360 8 192 7 113 8 118 8 637 8 780 10 313 9 364 4 868 6 119 5 692 7 491 6 363 9 145 7 224 7 212 7 945 10 439 7 783 6 967 5 552 4 266 5 206 7 116 4 914 7 264 8 899 7 306 6 521 6 464 5 990 4 282 4 473 ISi (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 (NA) 69 405 78 713 78 310 63 582 53 065 4 341 3 722 6 126 5 661 6 976 5 857 6 504 5 577 6 841 6 046 5 565 6 178 3 661 4 288 6 280 5 705 6 964 6 831 7 793 8 193 8 355 8 320 7 839 4 483 5 348 5 315 6 630 5 264 8 099 7 072 6 292 7 798 8 967 7 148 6 119 4 258 4 006 4 950 6 982 4 705 7 020 6 939 6 895 6 469 5 863 5 860 3 738 4 238 [Z] (NA) (NA) (NA) (nA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 124 1 305 1 136 1 080 787 106 213 57 88 76 14 138 192 130 83 40 35 199 181 95 83 89 129 220 110 130 35 72 77 101 70 56 43 140 77 67 155 65 214 10 121 107 84 155 165 42 52 41 130 64 110 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 14 571 14 961 8 487 3 955 5 072 36 1 660 4 655 791 170 40 1 672 345 70 337 3 250 1 545 2 435 899 2 255 3 560 1 145 193 325 315 205 1 884 1 395 350 700 300 760 1 030 990 109 780 70 1 405 480 783 1 080 250 135 28 125 89 1 795 369 560 480 125 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 507 1963 917 1962 1961 _ 1960 _ MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST 2 456 JULY _ JTJNE 2 051 MAY . _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1963— DECEMBER _ NOVEMBER . OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY - JUNE . MAY 917 MARCH _ _ JANUARY _ . NOVEMBER _ _ SEPTEMBER - JULY _ JUNE . MAY _ APPJL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1961— DECEMBER . NOVEMBER - OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE - MAY - APRIL - MARCH - FEBRUARY . JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER (NA) NOVEMBER (NA) OCTOBER (NA) SEPTEMBER . ^ AUGUST (NA) (NA) JULY (NA) JUNE (NA) MAY (NA) APRIL (NA) MARCH (NA) FEBRUARY (NA) JANUARY (NA) NA Not available. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 715 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of fiousing units Valuation (tfiousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-auttiorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In structures witf - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) OMAHA, MEBR. - IOWA ANNUAL DATA 1964 3 647 3 621 4 710 5 107 4 042 177 404 263 274 265 219 229 258 348 227 201 202 266 280 443 309 342 364 337 405 310 273 206 86 147 267 420 681 330 448 377 561 618 303 227 320 210 495 372 367 316 346 401 351 974 444 291 372 (NA) (NA) (NA) (na) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 067 3 621 4 710 4 207 4 042 177 404 263 274 265 219 229 258 348 227 201 202 266 280 443 309 342 364 337 405 310 273 206 86 147 267 420 681 330 448 377 561 618 303 227 320 210 495 372 367 316 346 401 351 574 444 291 372 (NA) (NA) NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 984 2 533 3 141 3 389 3 436 98 176 197 147 172 168 173 186 234 203 126 104 90 187 243 219 239 259 237 334 290 237 114 84 147 217 306 243 304 269 350 333 454 238 133 136 146 286 305 290 286 297 371 301 532 378 166 290 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) m (NA) (NA) (NA) 86 110 122 140 172 6 16 10 12 2 8 12 8 4 8 12 24 14 8 12 10 12 6 10 2 8 16 12 8 2 14 14 8 24 6 10 2 20 32 22 6 12 14 14 14 38 7 8 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 997 978 1 447 678 434 73 212 56 115 91 43 44 64 110 16 75 88 176 81 176 76 95 93 90 59 14 26 92 45 98 426 18 177 13 214 156 41 88 174 62 189 35 55 24 37 16 36 28 28 118 74 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 580 900 500 400 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 33 569 33 909 44 843 49 100 36 612 1 558 2 855 2 609 2 278 2 403 2 169 2 647 2 550 3 041 2 571 1 807 1 525 1 631 2 414 4 198 3 038 3 055 3 806 3 157 3 936 3 387 2 818 1 561 908 1 527 2 620 5 242 6 254 3 387 4 451 3 818 4 837 5 527 3 191 1 808 2 416 1 797 3 995 3 719 3 525 10 050 3 184 3 951 3 223 10 603 3 820 2 105 2 903 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 28 012 33 909 44 843 36 708 36 612 1 558 2 855 2 609 2 278 2 403 2 169 2 647 2 550 3 041 2 571 1 807 1 525 1 631 2 414 4 198 3 038 3 055 3 806 3 157 3 936 3 387 2 818 1 561 908 1 527 2 620 5 242 6 254 3 387 4 451 3 818 4 837 5 527 3 191 1 808 2 416 1 797 3 995 3 719 3 525 3 170 3 184 3 951 3 223 5 090 3 820 2 105 2 903 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 23 360 28 978 33 640 33 021 33 454 1 230 1 975 2 320 1 717 2 071 1 918 2 369 2 150 2 623 2 425 1 435 1 126 997 2 028 2 813 2 572 2 669 3 401 2 704 3 631 3 310 2 640 1 320 894 1 527 2 435 3 472 2 588 3 212 2 860 3 652 3 681 4 779 2 508 1 345 1 498 1 525 2 906 3 306 3 138 3 012 2 972 3 710 3 028 4 900 3 390 1 667 2 527 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 756 911 1 092 1 049 1 398 46 133 74 123 19 112 81 72 41 56 92 237 134 65 90 58 89 52 79 14 68 133 98 98 18 102 148 64 203 65 95 13 199 221 182 53 100 96 94 113 315 96 56 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 896 4 021 10 110 2 638 1 760 281 747 215 438 312 139 197 328 378 90 372 399 634 294 1 149 331 321 315 396 216 25 99 241 117 1 636 3 568 77 1 574 64 1 008 683 480 399 823 259 891 193 205 104 112 145 101 76 115 342 319 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 557 1963 1962 1961 12 392 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST, - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST - JUNE APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 6 880 JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL 5 513 MARCH FEBRUARY I960— DECEMBER (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) OCTOBER AUGUST JUNE APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NA Not available. 716 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits 0( more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) 1964. . ORLANDO, FLA. ANNUAL DATA 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. , JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . , MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE, . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 3 6-42 3 498 3 406 4 638 5 288 195 226 282 256 238 276 612 325 233 320 284 381 229 202 282 260 259 311 227 246 367 249 222 346 182 372 256 225 334 236 190 301 321 401 255 362 231 340 352 397 350 329 407 615 396 457 342 427 259 328 330 392 435 403 375 397 569 554 518 728 3 642 3 490 3 406 4 638 5 288 195 226 282 256 238 276 612 325 233 320 284 381 229 202 282 260 259 311 227 246 359 249 222 346 182 372 256 225 334 236 190 301 321 401 255 362 231 340 352 397 350 329 407 615 396 457 .342 427 259 328 330 392 435 403 375 397 569 554 518 728 2 649 2 778 3 008 4 128 4 883 162 205 234 246 203 228 239 206 217 226 243 221 219 177 243 233 248 236 221 232 293 213 210 220 166 205 235 181 304 222 170 283 307 379 227 356 225 306 331 393 343 327 403 443 386 361 260 355 246 288 324 368 417 395 355 383 541 512 491 563 249 197 165 107 153 10 10 19 27 11 20 6 14 18 36 12 14 16 32 13 18 10 14 10 4 14 22 8 6 6 16 4 7 2 4 14 10 26 8 10 13 17 6 4 18 8 10 14 12 14 12 25 744 515 233 403 252 349 96 6 81 8 154 15 20 55 48 26 20 158 70 74 62 23 20 10 16 28 15 140 40 137 42 366 37 737 43 985 47 685 365 557 217 018 728 068 7 035 3 304 2 780 3 398 3 298 3 260 935 294 203 026 190 695 2 748 2 873 4 085 2 671 2 542 4 230 1 997 4 720 2 809 2 320 3 675 2 831 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 3 2 317 3 094 2 928 3 518 3 993 3 965 3 489 3 707 4 662 4 633 4 743 6 637 123 223 306 927 441 437 312 193 417 976 502 296 712 617 698 886 873 670 40 137 42 222 37 737 43 985 47 685 365 557 217 018 728 068 7 035 3 304 2 780 3 398 3 298 3 260 935 294 203 026 190 695 2 748 2 873 3 941 2 671 2 542 4 230 1 997 4 720 2 809 2 320 3 675 2 831 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 489 3 707 4 662 4 633 4 743 6 637 123 223 306 927 441 437 312 193 417 976 502 296 712 617 698 886 873 670 317 094 928 518 993 965 33 010 34 082 34 304 39 677 44 764 184 453 979 957 493 876 3 045 2 658 2 690 2 787 3 057 2 703 875 174 978 881 123 856 710 792 511 453 462 719 1 905 2 513 2 701 2 095 3 524 2 751 2 016 3 115 3 229 3 806 3 309 3. 404 2 270 3 081 3 289 3 954 3 463 3 285 696 033 651 282 513 327 237 635 889 410 3 933 3 918 3 381 3 629 4 513 4 489 4 617 5 113 1 400 1 160 904 648 802 146 58 109 61 200 192 142 146 62 76 176 32 61 48 117 145 67 110 38 81 97 219 80 98 92 125 81 113 55 80 49 27 77 121 60 33 42 99 22 39 11 16 84 47 180 39 69 80 83 38 20 60 47 52 78 77 61 69 137 5 727 6 980 2 529 3 661 2 119 35 46 130 36 3 849 500 28 535 65 525 72 108 729 333 1 413 2 082 27 112 95 58 82 112 30 2 500 424 321 274 375 56 73 83 56 1 387 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 717 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of fiousrng units Total Prrvate (permit-authorized) Total In structures wrth- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units Of more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) PATERSON-CLIFTON PASSAIC, N.J. ANNUAL DATA 196BER NOVEMBER. . . . . OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY. . JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST. JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER. . . . . NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER .... AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NA Not available. 5 350 5 043 3 890 3 347 2 998 344 466 538 510 427 569 552 468 272 428 466 310 832 483 397 453 415 345 d72 557 367 224 133 142 427 199 255 249 351 549 352 446 307 257 77 124 189 173 280 312 432 242 32 427 286 377 87 137 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5 350 5 043 3 890 3 347 344 466 538 510 427 569 552 468 272 428 466 310 832 483 397 453 415 345 672 557 367 224 133 142 427 199 255 249 351 549 352 446 307 257 77 124 189 173 280 312 432 242 32 427 286 377 87 137 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 552 3 349 2 769 2 483 2 432 218 235 369 387 317 389 348 387 254 338 166 144 197 186 367 319 325 322 412 392 345 218 117 130 153 197 247 245 343 303 316 307 254 247 71 124 163 169 230 220 244 217 290 264 183 87 125 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 262 115 76 69 38 92 18 26 8 10 4 4 30 10 14 22 24 8 12 30 4 12 10 4 10 8 10 6 4 4 2 4 14 8 13 6 4 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA) (NA 1 536 1 579 1 045 795 528 34 213 143 115 100 176 200 51 8 76 278 142 627 285 130 78 13 260 156 22 274 242 32 129 45 22 48 92 184 11 24 124 16 190 10 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA 78 660 66 900 53 090 44 916 43 410 4 638 5 346 7 879 9 766 6 418 8 911 8 504 7 514 4 606 6 176 4 963 3 666 8 156 5 037 6 832 4 779 6 204 5 168 8 435 8 227 5 842 3 646 2 135 2 188 4 126 3 266 4 019 3 918 5 310 6 544 5 255 7 190 4 546 3 739 1 179 1 956 2 894 2 861 4 032 4 286 5 277 3 625 350 5 501 4 039 3 589 1 355 1 932 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (NA 78 660 66 900 53 090 44 916 43 410 4 638 5 346 7 879 9 766 6 418 8 911 8 504 7 514 4 606 6 176 4 963 3 666 8 156 5 037 6 832 4 779 6 204 5 168 8 435 8 227 5 842 3 646 2 135 2 188 4 126 3 266 4 019 3 918 5 310 6 544 5 255 7 190 4 546 3 739 1 179 1 956 2 894 2 861 4 032 4 286 5 277 3 625 350 5 501 4 039 3 589 1 355 1 932 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA NA 63 867 55 053 44 135 38 704 36 159 4 261 4 391 6 391 7 120 5 683 7 771 270 686 489 678 845 283 387 091 598 101 633 046 026 493 747 571 002 129 2 419 3 247 3 949 3 880 5 260 4 871 022 033 174 646 155 956 2 588 2 834 3 619 3 563 3 734 3 437 4 377 3 941 2 800 1 355 1 874 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA (na) 1 421 916 904 476 320 227 78 260 27 28 184 77 74 158 156 42 85 234 38 112 72 76 75 133 30 19 71 38 50 40 24 217 67 93 24 42 27 14 27 70 62 187 39 36 20 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA 13 372 10 932 8 052 5 736 6 932 150 878 1 228 2 580 649 1 113 2 206 644 40 424 1 961 1 227 4 728 1 862 640 460 50 1 409 1 658 95 30 1 707 1 633 209 1 940 304 264 400 723 1 516 118 288 937 60 751 3S (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA (NA) 724 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) • • Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public {contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total In structures with- Total In structures witt - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more SACRAMENTO, CALIF. 8 891 12 290 7 716 6 466 9 266 543 498 553 556 601 858 886 917 713 1 065 978 723 788 697 1 100 1 135 1 100 1 109 758 1 564 1 402 1 021 871 843 584 741 837 643 641 761 589 400 978 599 356 587 400 543 549 479 530 443 533 535 584 662 336 872 525 561 475 661 1 054 689 762 634 858 1 398 821 828 8 889 12 290 7 716 6 416 8 936 543 498 551 556 601 858 886 917 713 1 065 978 723 788 697 1 100 1 135 1 002 1 109 758 1 564 1 402 1 021 871 843 584 741 837 643 641 761 589 400 978 599 356 587 400 543 549 479 530 443 533 535 584 662 336 822 525 561 475 661 1 004 689 762 634 858 1 168 821 778 5 060 4 239 4 078 4 621 7 357 266 344 404 367 446 540 551 448 462 456 392 384 226 278 380 398 373 387 339 556 391 302 240 369 209 231 338 229 366 469 370 271 513 445 232 405 278 380 443 372 341 424 336 431 390 538 276 412 466 497 446 473 654 643 700 578 799 939 597 565 1 616 4 370 971 437 397 110 32 135 79 93 84 190 169 144 135 247 198 218 285 487 546 414 427 297 634 328 496 154 84 64 157 76 66 94 66 88 96 68 64 48 84 16 44 54 38 30 11 10 40 44 36 34 80 16 40 24 40 30 18 40 26 51 30 38 44 2 213 3 681 2 667 1 358 1 182 167 122 12 110 62 234 145 300 107 474 339 141 344 134 233 191 215 295 122 374 683 223 477 390 311 353 423 348 181 226 131 33 397 90 76 98 106 119 52 69 159 8 187 64 150 88 26 330 43 24 5 148 320 28 22 30 8 199 186 169 2 50 330 2 50 50 230 50 105 202 119 504 80 884 68 098 99 524 6 143 6 625 7 287 6 872 7 365 10 418 10 931 10 817 8 949 10 652 10 885 8 258 7 348 6 541 10 662 11 023 10 279 10 804 ■ 8 029 14 798 12 4A1 9 577 9 902 8 100 5 842 7 135 7 323 6 897 6 842 8 393 6 298 4 828 9 942 6 857 3 898 6 629 4 552 6 095 5 988 5 189 5 276 5 133 5 360 5 603 5 962 7 082 3 784 8 074 6 129 6 275 5 457 7 961 10 444 7 593 8 348 7 108 9 313 14 877 7 982 8 037 105 158 119 504 80 884 67 573 95 309 6 143 6 625 7 243 6 872 7 365 10 418 10 931 10 817 8 949 10 652 10 885 8 258 7 348 6 541 10 662 11 023 10 279 10 804 8 029 14 798 12 441 9 577 9 902 3 100 5 842 7 135 7 323 6 897 6 842 8 393 6 298 4 828 9 942 6 857 3 898 6 629 4 552 6 095 5 988 5 189 5 276 5 133 5 360 5 603 5 962 7 082 3 784 7 549 6 129 6 275 5 457 7 961 9 889 7 593 8 348 7 108 9 313 11 717 7 982 7 537 74 339 57 981 54 398 56 091 83 741 3 844 5 461 5 935 5 152 6 182 7 898 8 232 6 898 6 900 6 48C 5 817 5 538 3 094 3 746 4 993 5 539 5 208 5 285 4 908 7 419 5 275 4 407 3 358 4 749 2 917 3 174 4 395 3 167 4 875 6 423 4 894 3 943 6 485 5 831 3 076 5 218 3 697 4 896 5 231 4 431 4 126 5 013 4 178 4 955 4 753 6 394 3 435 4 983 5 712 5 779 5 191 5 537 7 566 7 296 7 931 6 774 8 917 10 227 6 519 6 292 14 168 34 129 7 711 3 340 3 027 950 269 1 189 747 828 738 1 731 1 393 1 191 1 315 2 125 1 692 1 882 2 332 3 816 4 083 3 373 3 121 2 334 4 891 2 571 3 755 1 307 663 541 1 257 601 474 79? 528 654 709 494 549 340 767 141 363 391 300 241 65 69 318 310 242 246 652 134 334 190 314 227 148 283 159 354 238 345 300 16 651 27 394 18 774 8 143 8 542 1 349 894 119 973 354 1 782 967 2 526 858 2 857 2 944 1 028 2 372 462 1 853 1 402 1 697 2 397 787 2 489 4 595 1 415 5 237 2 688 2 384 2 704 2 327 3 256 1 170 1 442 750 177 2 964 477 482 644 714 836 367 458 909 55 1 113 330 899 446 103 1 914 283 162 76 2 110 2 096 149 133 176 41 1 252 1 118 945 ANNUAL DATA 1964 ^i4 1963 1962 1961 525 1960 4 215 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 44 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL FEBRUARY NOVEMBER OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY _ 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY _ APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 525 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBEJ? SEPTEMBER , . . AUGUST 555 JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH 3 160 FEBRUARY JANUARY 500 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 725 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or mote Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) ST. LOUIS, MO. ILL. ANNUAL DATA 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER . . . , SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY . . . . 1963— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER . . . . SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY . . . . 1962— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . , OCTOBER . . . . SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 1961— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . . . OCTOBER . . . . SEPTEMBER . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY . . . . 1960— DECEMBER. . . . NOVEMBER. . , . OCTOBER . . . . SEPTEMBER . , . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY. . . . JANUARY .... 15 370 11 802 9 733 9 753 9 955 714 753 2 385 1 348 940 916 1 617 3 164 1 595 976 585 715 704 757 1 396 996 1 039 1 527 967 1 085 1 071 1 558 600 520 614 752 859 1 066 1 015 981 1 266 990 969 1 144 566 314 615 616 872 742 916 1 182 1 242 1 003 783 1 072 608 452 462 762 593 1 047 986 1 037 873 994 1 224 651 1 363 565 14 993 11 752 9 633 9 641 9 255 714 753 2 085 1 348 940 916 1 540 3 164 1 595 976 585 715 704 757 1 396 996 1 039 1 527 967 1 085 1 021 1 558 600 520 614 752 859 1 066 1 015 981 1 266 990 969 1 044 566 314 503 616 872 742 916 1 182 1 242 1 003 783 1 072 608 452 462 762 593 947 986 1 037 873 994 1 224 651 763 565 7 737 7 043 6 627 6 909 7 345 323 383 625 792 659 661 783 1 151 919 675 439 421 322 484 719 677 725 823 740 825 850 862 406 274 380 510 610 747 662 815 823 769 789 613 448 264 421 387 700 621 699 887 765 628 638 733 406 376 384 593 547 791 740 815 677 789 1 116 423 641 440 978 1 385 893 852 777 lb 66 434 160 33 82 172 56 39 tructures witt - 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more SAN BERNARDINO - RIVERSIDE - 21 254 24 247 17 521 12 429 13 143 1 074 1 010 1 113 1 898 1 976 2 234 1 659 1 603 2 253 1 786 2 052 2 418 2 338 2 064 1 964 2 168 1 544 2 107 1 309 2 991 2 136 1 842 1 339 1 830 1 297 1 328 1 633 1 427 1 489 2 013 1 378 1 846 1 321 1 615 902 1 072 971 962 1 282 1 007 1 189 789 1 277 1 136 1 089 859 874 894 817 857 1 002 1 042 1 209 968 1 010 1 091 1 650 1 240 1 117 1 000 21 173 24 231 17 321 12 329 12 776 1 074 1 010 1 113 1 898 1 976 2 234 1 659 1 603 2 253 1 786 2 052 2 418 2 338 2 064 1 964 2 168 1 544 2 107 1 809 2 991 2 136 1 842 1 339 1 830 1 297 1 328 1 633 1 427 1 489 2 013 1 378 1 846 1 321 1 615 902 1 072 971 962 1 282 1 007 1 189 789 1 277 1 136 1 089 859 874 894 667 857 1 002 1 042 1 209 968 1 010 1 091 1 650 1 240 1 052 1 000 11 599 14 779 11 950 10 071 10 580 709 650 723 943 1 001 1 078 931 1 014 1 182 1 002 1 182 1 134 1 228 1 381 1 061 1 299 902 1 277 1 169 1 689 1 374 910 1 039 1 351 737 966 1 305 1 072 1 035 1 241 1 043 1 192 844 926 745 844 789 812 978 874 887 684 1 040 824 940 739 736 768 551 706 764 850 994 828 883 875 1 269 1 063 957 852 5 066 4 680 2 141 923 921 217 252 278 404 256 392 357 458 558 463 507 920 753 455 370 600 277 298 365 475 287 498 110 192 120 151 126 115 308 172 180 268 225 298 82 96 91 95 77 76 103 60 79 91 105 30 53 63 68 77 69 113 66 112 78 55 119 89 36 39 4 508 4 772 3 230 1 335 1 275 148 108 107 551 719 764 371 131 513 321 363 364 357 228 533 269 365 532 275 827 475 434 190 287 440 211 202 240 146 600 155 386 252 391 75 132 91 55 227 57 199 45 158 221 44 90 85 63 48 74 169 79 149 28 49 161 262 88 59 109 81 16 200 100 367 150 65 229 587 268 521 188 787 128 881 132 497 12 779 11 919 12 863 19 920 20 015 20 670 19 046 19 302 23 654 19 128 22 345 25 732 25 799 23 466 21 670 24 549 21 211 20 804 20 006 30 873 23 241 19 581 16 207 19 731 14 922 13 916 17 816 16 488 16 579 19 668 15 719 19 501 13 786 15 768 9 301 12 444 10 834 10 151 13 020 11 021 12 763 8 491 12 918 10 695 10 566 8 731 8 891 9 360 8 799 7 969 9 462 11 385 13 019 9 926 10 231 10 949 15 493 12 137 10 984 10 345 228 358 268 197 185 902 127 508 127 871 12 779 11 919 12 863 19 920 20 015 20 670 19 046 19 302 23 654 19 128 22 345 25 732 25 799 23 466 21 670 24 549 21 211 20 804 20 006 30 873 23 241 19 581 16 207 19 731 14 922 13 916 17 816 16 488 16 579 19 668 15 719 19 501 13 786 15 764 9 301 12 444 10 834 10 151 13 020 11 021 12 763 8 491 12 918 10 695 10 566 8 731 8 891 9 360 6 698 7 969 9 462 11 385 13 019 9 926 10 231 10 949 15 493 12 137 10 395 10 345 155 235 195 990 146 261 112 341 112 778 9 386 8 752 9 410 12 448 13 131 14 520 12 503 14 214 15 743 13 554 15 089 15 997 16 393 17 915 14 679 17 652 16 190 15 027 15 186 21 979 17 777 11 994 13 931 16 208 10 058 11 375 15 711 13 308 12 429 14 574 13 254 14 843 10 319 11 155 8 368 10 869 9 493 9 112 10 985 10 197 10 409 7 846 11 628 8 727 9 641 7 976 7 943 8 318 5 788 6 907 7 866 9 783 11 507 9 031 9 4^1 9 346 12 938 11 078 9 806 9 425 41 352 38 410 15 920 6 130 6 740 2 174 2 143 2 708 2 402 2 167 2 445 3 957 4 116 4 845 3 437 4 150 6 785 6 769 3 455 2 849 5 078 2 111 2 673 2 985 3 835 2 092 4 386 788 1 389 962 1 124 801 779 2 878 1 202 1 286 2 157 1 689 1 935 511 597 617 599 554 447 618 426 466 751 686 164 415 385 553 639 616 1 133 448 727 460 347 793 570 217 239 31 771 33 796 23 721 9 038 8 353 1 219 1 023 745 5 069 4 717 3 705 2 586 972 3 067 2 136 3 106 2 951 2 637 2 096 4 142 1 818 2 910 3 104 1 836 5 059 3 372 3 200 1 488 2 134 3 904 1 416 1 304 2 400 1 272 3 893 1 179 2 500 1 778 2 674 422 978 724 441 1 481 377 1 736 218 825 1 217 239 590 533 656 357 424 980 469 1 064 168 330 1 256 1 762 489 372 682 ONTARIO, CALIF. ANNUAL DATA 1964 1 229 1963 324 1962 2 885 1961 1 373 1960 4 626 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER . . _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY. . JUME - MAY . . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL _ MARCH ..... _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL _ FEBRUARY I960— DECEMBER 2 101 NOVEMBER OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER . . AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY 589 JANUARY - 728 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Beca jse of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total F rivate (permi t-authorized) Total In structures with- Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) SAN DIEGO, CALIF. ANNUAL DATA 1964 13 822 12 694 9 015 10 917 14 374 565 824 1 574 760 929 691 1 475 1 081 1 109 1 051 2 381 1 381 1 090 1 248 1 964 974 838 940 1 276 1 159 1 106 842 717 1 145 503 642 822 435 888 935 867 817 980 850 436 840 730 928 1 105 888 1 084 1 382 960 756 773 875 693 743 734 434 663 996 902 1 139 854 1 152 1 735 2 186 1 601 1 978 13 821 12 233 8 909 10 917 14 372 565 824 1 574 760 929 691 1 475- 1 081 1 109 1 051 2 381 1 381 1 090 1 248 1 964 974 838 940 1 023 1 159 1 106 842 717 945 503 642 822 435 888 935 867 817 980 850 436 734 730 928 1 105 888 1 084 1 382 960 756 773 875 693 743 734 434 663 996 902 1 139 854 1 152 1 733 2 186 1 601 1 978 6 108 7 048 5 645 7 810 11 630 349 457 646 480 404 507 526 528 455 487 596 673 493 686 1 061 678 478 520 650 783 652 517 517 670 300 468 482 295 583 664 607 440 641 507 282 376 333 842 915 571 610 909 639 541 684 624 632 510 650 354 590 848 598 1 023 649 988 1 334 1 755 1 166 1 675 2 272 1 806 449 451 825 68 30 263 36 64 99 333 205 190 143 572 269 260 281 370 35- 138 236 136 147 190 62 71 90 33 19 25 30 36 38 27 115 36 24 42 24 112 36 58 36 23 39 22 28 29 23 24 21 23 29 26- 38 105 32 54 79 128 103 100 108 5 441 3 379 2 815 2 656 1 917 148 337 665 244. 461 85 616 348 464 421 1 213 439 337 281 533 261 222 184 237 229 264 263 129 185 170 155 315 110 269 233 233 262 303 319 112 334 285 50 132 281 451 434 299 187 60 228 37 212 61 51 47 110 199 84 151 85 271 328 335 195 1 461 106 2 253 200 106 2 175 234 162 817 111 555 134 777 179 934 8 393 9 724 17 552 10 633 11 559 10 343 22 439 16 289 14 175 13 239 24 090 16 779 13 496 17 234 21 670 12 004 10 656 11 925 17 408 14 513 14 862 10 737 9 439 15 379 6 316 8 297 10 649 5 573 10 995 11 437 10 920 9 510 11 980 10 798 5 636 9 444 9 047 13 635 15 065 10 937 12 213 14 519 10 639 9 580 10 521 10 434 9 639 8 548 9 991 5 988 8 949 12 886 11 099 14 748 11 083 14 226 20 228 26 097 18 388 26 251 175 215 156 064 110 649 134 777 179 883 8 393 9 724 17 552 10 633 11 559 10 343 22 439 16 289 14 175 13 239 24 090 16 779 13 496 17 234 21 670 12 004 10 656 11 925 13 639 14 513 14 862 10 737 9 439 12 429 6 316 8 297 10 649 5 573 10 995 11 437 10 920 9 510 11 980 10 798 5 636 8 538 9 047 13 635 15 065 10 937 12 213 14 519 10 639 9 580 10 521 10 434 9 639 8 548 9 991 5 988 8 949 12 886 11 099 14 748 11 083 14 226 20 177 26 097 18 388 26 251 106 933 113 315 90 763 11-8 328 162 262 6 640 7 650 10 676 8 451 7 424 8 818 8 996 9 777 8 353 8 648 10 630 10 868 8 429 10 846 14 679 10 465 8 054 8 819 10 467 11 545 11 020 8 587 7 896 10 113 4 813 7 310 8 527 4 731 9 115 9 752 9 489 7 166 9 876 8 869 4 721 6 395 5 925 13 033 13 906 9 517 9 932 12 317 ;• 249 c* 541 9 916 9 334 9 276 7 381 9 596 5 241 8 547 12 139 8 775 14 178 9 799 13 262 17 684 23 427 15 300 24 314 21 286 17 101 3 269 3 665 6 771 563 339 2 440 273 605 969 3 497 1 886 1 876 1 452 5 090 2 297 2 825 2 917 2 849 322 1 284 2 152 1 173 1 384 1 677 542 660 808 274 110 175 249 255 255 207 915 279 150 241 160 1 145 270 426 248 155 337 148 211 180 170 201 174 172 428 175 252 1 446 228 365 540 966 725 731 742 46 997 25 648 16 617 12 784 10 850 1 190 1 734 4 436 1 910 3 530 556 9 946 4 626 3 946 3 139 8 370 3 614 2 243 3 471 4 142 1 216 1 318 953 1 999 1 584 2 165 1 608 883 1 508 1 229 877 1 948 593 1 625 1 429 1 224 1 430 1 825 1 779 674 1 983 1 977 332 732 1 172 2 127 1 864 1 242 828 424 931 163 993 223 319 226 495 878 342 918 424 1 528 1 945 2 356 1 195 19 1963 5 753 1962 906 1961 1960 51 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY . _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY - JUNE 3 769 MAY _ MARCH _ . JANUARY 2 950 NOVEMBER - _ SEPTEMBER - JULY _ JUNE MAY - APRIL . MARCH - FEBRUARY . JANUARY 906 1961— DECEMBER -&«. NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST : JULY _ JUNE MAY , _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER , , . AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE . MAY _ APRIL 51 MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 729 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Numbei of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permi t-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures with- Total In structures witt - 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more awards) SAN FRANCISCO - OAKLAND, CALIF. ANNUAL DATA 1964 38 144 42 207 37 100 32 510 27 966 1 831 1 601 2 740 2 768 2 883 3 790 4 376 3 981 3 797 4 087 3 191 2 696 2 813 2 245 4 912 3 199 3 927 3 857 3 770 4 330 3 375 3 880 2 276 3 614 2 878 3 374 2 937 2 630 4 022 3 495 2 733 3 275 3 459 3 171 2 024 3 042 2 430 2 769 3 127 2 282 2 385 2 949 2 922 3 099 2 789 2 733 1 842 2 291 1 910 1 995 2 535 2 174 2 780 2 186 2 445 3 078 2 411 2 539 2 068 1 763 37 356 42 006 36 740 30 692 27 574 1 831 1 601 2 740 2 670 2 883 3 590 4 376 3 981 3 797 4 047 3 191 2 b96 2 813 2 245 4 912 3 199 3 927 3 857 3 770 4 130 3 375 3 880 2 276 3 bl4 2 678 3 374 2 937 2 530 4 022 3 495 2 733 3 275 3 459 3 171 2 024 3 042 2 252 2 769 3 127 2 032 2 262 2 621 2 922 3 099 2 789 2 733 1 842 2 231 1 910 1 995 2 535 2 144 2 780 2 186 2 445 2 722 2 411 2 539 2 068 1 763 14 298 17 022 15 026 13 099 14 606 997 794 1 174 1 271 1 222 1 399 1 341 1 101 1 270 1 406 1 191 1 127 963 843 1 912 1 493 1 519 1 713 1 812 1 471 1 500 1 432 775 1 589 945 1 119 1 265 1 185 1 701 1 562 1 171 1 280 1 370 1 393 787 1 248 696 1 238 1 375 972 1 064 957 1 381 1 407 1 202 1 106 729 976 829 1 076 978 1 248 1 727 1 155 1 431 1 447 1 291 1 554 919 891 4 71b 5 067 3 275 3 176 2 769 277 319 266 359 466 256 615 501 496 475 368 318 434 313 542 337 378 466 466 469 294 379 432 499 264 251 341 198 283 372 294 273 277 294 219 209 292 281 292 327 178 231 214 317 273 315 213 243 187 242 338 227 256 227 196 257 187 267 245 136 18 342 19 917 18 439 14 417 10 199 557 488 1 300 1 040 1 195 1 935 2 420 2 379 2 031 2 166 1 632 1 251 1 416 1 089 2 458 1 319 2 030 1 678 1 492 2 190 1 581 2 069 1 069 1 526 1 469 2 004 1 331 1 147 2 038 1 561 1 268 1 722 1 812 1 484 1 018 1 585 1 264 1 250 1 460 733 1 020 1 433 1 327 1 375 1 314 1 312 900 1 012 894 677 1 219 669 797 804 818 1 018 933 718 904 736 788 201 360 1 818 392 98 200 40 _ 200 200 100 178 250 123 328 60 30 356 523 227 520 795 448 662 364 563 318 837 27 827 24 194 41 514 38 912 38 094 54 298 65 315 47 336 52 271 52 940 40 100 34 482 37 981 27 350 61 368 40 607 45 920 55 196 48 121 50 346 38 294 46 452 27 637 41 480 35 602 44 230 35 296 32 729 52 327 40 227 34 032 41 748 39 643 35 243 21 845 35 094 26 728 30 637 37 308 28 162 26 908 33 138 34 923 33 259 30 733 29 808 19 230 23 358 26 548 22 925 27 014 24 286 30 487 24 780 27 556 35 597 28 128 29 276 21 234 19 189 512 017 517 749 444 625 344 037 313 642 27 827 24 194 41 514 37 690 38 094 51 021 65 315 47 336 52 271 52 346 40 100 34 482 37 981 27 350 61 368 40 607 45 920 55 196 48 121 47 331 38 294 46 452 27 637 41 480 33 087 44 230 35 296 31 854 52 327 40 227 34 032 41 748 39 643 35 243 21 845 35 094 24 748 30 637 37 308 25 563 25 598 29 660 34 923 33 259 30 733 29 808 19 230 22 745 26 548 22 925 27 014 24 001 30 487 24 780 27 556 30 852 28 128 29 276 21 234 19 189 267 661 281 447 239 370 201 520 209 675 18 747 15 837 22 786 23 987 22 469 26 508 25 260 21 398 24 170 26 064 21 251 19 009 16 640 14 674 30 928 24 676 24 805 29 318 30 092 25 449 22 834 23 242 13 174 25 683 15 243 18 429 19 466 19 801 27 705 24 883 19 540 20 947 21 311 20 853 12 249 19 445 11 502 19 531 20 714 14 747 16 619 14 862 20 658 21 570 19 306 17 132 11 289 13 782 12 211 15 512 14 223 17 637 23 509 16 968 20 288 19 891 18 570 22 686 13 252 13 358 46 669 46 589 29 014 25 781 22 324 2 973 3 317 2 951 3 564 4 562 2 829 5 819 5 021 5 058 4 186 3 407 2 983 4 029 2 901 4 728 3 235 3 439 4 375 4 736 4 424 3 022 3 520 3 909 4 139 2 384 2 183 3 728 1 809 2 460 3 124 2 524 2 400 2 381 2 540 1 746 1 735 2 277 2 402 2 401 2 609 1 485 1 825 1 846 2 414 2 155 2 538 1 814 2 016 1 514 2 006 2 531 1 767 1 900 1 998 1 725 2 199 1 577 2 058 1 934 1 092 197 686 189 713 175 741 116 735 81 643 6 107 5 041 15 776 10 139 11 063 21 683 34 237 20 918 23 043 22 096 15 442 12 491 17 311 9 775 25 713 12 695 17 626 21 503 13 293 17 458 12 438 19 690 10 554 11 657 15 461 23 618 12 102 10 244 22 162 12 220 11 967 18 401 15 951 11 851 7 850 13 914 10 969 8 704 14 193 8 208 7 494 12 974 12 418 9 275 9 272 10 138 6 127 6 947 12 823 5 406 10 260 4 597 5 078 5 814 5 543 8 762 7 981 4 533 6 048 4 739 11 210 3 046 4 037 20 526 5 195 1963 1962 . . 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 1 222 JULY 3 277 JUNE MAY . . APRIL MARCH 594 FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER - SEPTEMBER AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY 3 015 APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 2 515 NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER 875 JULY MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER 1 980 NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 2 599 1 310 JULY 3 478 JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 613 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER . . 285 JULY ' JUNE MAY 4 745 APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . 730 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) SAN JOSE, CALIF. ANNUAL DATA 196i 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JTJLY. JTOIE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JTJLY JTfflE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1962— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEt^BER . . . . AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY U 731 21 374 18 880 15 995 16 427 504 677 1 268 972 951 1 499 1 165 1 584 1 885 1 595 1 517 1 110 100 044 715 277 797 991 235 618 634 987 400 574 1 580 1 480 1 332 1 298 1 792 1 617 1 402 1 946 2 425 1 718 799 1 415 1 123 1 192 1 053 1 114 1 420 1 471 1 613 1 611 1 442 1 575 1 038 1 333 908 298 267 633 568 621 14 731 21 374 18 880 15 995 16 427 504 677 1 268 972 951 1 499 1 165 1 584 1 885 1 595 1 517 1 110 2 100 1 044 1 715 1 277 1 797 1 991 235 618 634 987 400 574 1 427 1 523 1 694 1 558 1 238 692 1 580 1 480 1 332 1 298 1 792 1 617 1 402 1 946 2 425 1 718 799 1 415 1 123 1 192 1 053 1 114 1 420 1 471 1 613 1 611 1 442 1 575 1 038 1 333 908 1 298 1 267 1 633 1 568 1 621 1 427 1 523 1 694 1 558 1 238 692 7 546 8 993 8 704 8 616 10 175 409 370 591 600 511 722 592 763 874 877 672 565 753 425 711 626 937 962 883 960 803 787 497 647 553 631 658 641 754 941 696 706 1 027 900 476 645 423 646 727 703 828 904 853 744 764 535 599 452 845 803 1 014 991 1 013 915 957 1 125 911 725 424 2 257 4 729 4 762 2 684 1 884 74 112 153 110 225 244 340 173 399 146 435 351 394 348 159 439 320 646 272 656 212 497 377 360 254 227 434 473 332 568 831 530 133 243 418 136 209 193 177 178 234 301 170 219 175 268 208 107 106 135 231 103 181 188 166 150 233 76 4 928 7 652 5 414 4 695 4 368 119 603 260 287 667 348 577 671 545 446 399 912 268 610 303 701 590 1 032 1 012 559 544 691 430 650 489 420 430 604 203 374 672 567 288 190 527 282 410 117 218 415 493 457 528 592 328 466 248 346 358 484 346 505 331 378 403 497 280 192 195 065 247 625 209 314 178 321 173 310 8 084 9 096 17 219 15 499 12 190 20 342 15 171 20 486 22 977 20 667 19 039 14 257 22 211 11 836 21 837 16 224 21 856 24 364 26 738 27 870 19 658 21 983 15 028 17 972 16 582 17 531 16 286 14 614 18 746 18 931 15 522 19 688 24 951 19 380 9 756 15 572 11 739 18 029 13 331 13 416 16 343 15 901 17 409 17 165 14 581 16 793 10 878 12 669 9 958 13 248 13 917 17 216 16 811 15 283 15 528 16 697 18 159 16 411 12 379 7 704 195 065 247 625 209 314 178 321 173 310 8 084 9 096 17 219 15 499 12 190 20 342 15 171 20 486 22 977 20 667 19 039 14 257 22 211 11 836 21 837 16 224 21 856 24 364 26 738 27 870 19 658 21 983 15 028 17 972 16 582 17 531 16 286 14 614 18 746 18 931 15 522 19 688 24 951 19 380 9 756 15 572 11 739 18 029 13 331 13 416 16 343 15 901 17 409 17 165 14 581 16 793 10 878 12 669 9 958 13 248 13 917 17 216 16 811 15 283 15 528 16 697 18 159 16 411 12 379 7 704 130 902 150 947 137 491 125 208 132 511 7 076 6 437 10 256 10 394 8 709 12 591 10 248 13 468 15 437 14 761 11 434 10 091 11 924 7 130 12 532 10 917 15 179 16 129 15 059 15 684 13 576 13 165 8 537 11 066 9 335 10 770 11 194 10 026 11 393 14 044 10 916 11 321 15 305 13 836 7 538 10 058 6 689 10 459 10 850 10 781 12 384 12 618 12 558 12 030 10 696 10 687 7 570 7 845 6 717 10 538 10 965 12 844 12 767 11 426 12 151 12 819 14 633 12 720 8 951 5 981 21 214 39 274 35 505 20 087 14 474 918 1 745 720 1 226 1 158 1 821 2 327 2 179 2 751 1 537 3 596 1 197 3 928 2 946 4 001 2 856 1 498 3 994 2 929 5 158 2 101 4 605 1 714 3 545 2 937 2 565 2 029 1 960 3 570 3 808 2 452 3 820 5 737 3 691 1 078 1 860 2 891 1 149 1 735 1 245 1 255 1 326 1 787 2 395 1 328 1 913 1 115 1 922 1 719 906 862 1 130 1 661 764 1 327 1 582 1 157 993 1 776 598 42 948 57 404 36 318 33 026 26 325 90 913 6 243 3 880 2 323 5 930 2 596 4 839 4 788 4 368 4 008 2 970 6 359 1 759 5 304 2 451 5 179 4 241 8 751 7 029 3 982 4 213 4 777 3 360 4 310 4 197 3 062 2 628 3 783 1 079 2 155 4 546 3 909 1 854 1 141 3 654 2 6 1 2 1 3 2 2 4 2 2 1 523 1 804 2 090 3 242 2 383 3 093 159 421 746 390 704 958 064 740 558 192 193 901 050 296 369 699 653 124 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 731 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Beca jse of rounding, detai 1 may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valu ation (thousands of dollars Area, year, and month Total Pnvate (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total. In structures with- Total In structures witf - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. ANNUAL DATA 1964 2 966 6 434 7 597 5 762 3 679 187 214 127 121 173 239 293 <*57 425 333 315 369 257 606 312 346 537 516 599 529 1 029 553 765 512 510 633 671 942 388 717 522 871 792 494 540 261 608 417 612 457 446 273 759 345 360 407 274 206 211 297 181 251 742 368 221 488 287 152 2 963 6 423 7 597 5 462 3 278 82 134 214 127 121 173 239 293 457 333 315 369 257 606 312 346 537 516 599 529 1 029 553 765 512 510 633 671 942 338 717 522 871 792 494 540 261 608 417 612 407 446 273 759 567 345 360 407 274 206 211 297 181 251 342 363 221 488 287 152 1 274 3 313 4 855 4 313 2 482 62 60 173 33 74 111 140 159 133 136 53 35 79 134 285 152 281 342 300 308 331 432 344 325 310 297 457 430 611 251 395 395 573 472 252 412 228 363 365 554 300 353 232 490 423 331 305 369 241 162 191 269 122 216 239 165 101 454 210 112 323 585 523 176 147 10 32 27 26 2 22 8 23 43 14 92 19 30 40 30 79 10 11 37 10 76 115 36 111 20 22 51 49 103 16 91 55 23 32 33 28 10 12 52 16 22 2 12 13 12 8 5 12 20 14 20 15 8 4 16 6 14 8 12 10 1 366 2 525 2 219 973 649 10 92 14 68 45 40 91 111 271 225 188 211 260 &3 291 31 55 184 179 231 122 432 178 329 182 191 130 192 228 121 231 72 275 288 209 100 23 233 42 85 91 29 ;s 6 50 26 13 30 13 51 31 87 197 106 26 65 30 3 11 300 401 3 50 400 41 413 82 795 96 368 75 231 51 318 1 655 2 439 3 585 1 612 2 355 2 706 3 919 4 668 6 116 5 747 3 697 2 913 3 982 3 619 8 031 4 172 5 511 7 476 6 803 7 336 7 400 12 318 7 340 8 513 6 284 6 742 8 269 8 464 11 775 4 719 8 734 7 555 11 230 9 880 5 552 7 163 3 896 6 936 6 452 8 285 5 953 5 770 3 977 9 181 6 994 5 083 4 923 5 418 4 036 2 834 2 953 4 201 2 609 3 567 10 350 3 959 2 934 7 925 3 735 2 161 41 339 82 550 96 368 72 366 45 762 1 655 2 365 3 585 1 612 2 355 2 706 3 919 4 668 6 116 5 747 3 697 2 913 3 982 3 619 8 031 4 172 5 511 7 476 6 803 7 386 7 400 12 318 7 340 8 513 6 284 6 742 8 269 3 464 11 775 4 719 8 734 7 555 11 230 9 880 5 552 7 163 3 896 6 936 6 452 8 285 5 447 5 770 3 977 9 181 6 994 5 083 4 923 5 418 4 036 2 834 2 958 4 201 2 609 3 567 4 342 3 959 2 934 7 925 3 735 2 161 26 369 57 954 76 362 64 664 39 844 1 443 1 425 3 237 828 1 539 2 118 2 965 3 068 2 893 3 381 1 231 1 743 1 727 2 468 5 392 2 779 5 059 5 520 5 177 5 418 5 884 7 364 5 895 5 270 4 546 5 221 6 848 6 868 9 394 3 690 6 241 6 630 9 072 7 474 4 104 6 274 3 712 5 371 5 956 7 802 4 850 5 164 3 679 7 390 6 133 4 985 4 479 5 142 3 733 2 557 2 787 3 974 2 146 3 318 4 006 2 564 1 954 7 656 3 243 1 906 3 459 5 685 4 741 1 568 1 425 119 359 248 300 22 189 80 275 500 157 1 053 156 256 461 320 696 85 124 613 118 772 1 007 320 913 204 164 439 402 868 166 825 534 235 276 294 334 69 119 495 127 177 19 97 127 101 77 40 113 200 118 171 147 77 41 167 65 150 94 110 86 11 511 18 911 15 265 6 134 4 493 94 531 100 484 794 400 873 1 326 2 724 1 709 1 413 1 013 1 998 690 2 319 696 367 1 832 1 014 1 850 744 3 948 1 124 2 330 1 534 1 358 982 1 194 1 513 862 1 668 392 1 924 2 130 1 154 555 115 1 446 355 419 537 201 1 663 759 26 404 159 103 159 80 386 208 670 1 330 830 175 382 170 74 1963 245 1962 1961 2 865 1960 5 556 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. . . 74 OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY. . . JUNE MAY . . APRIL - MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . . 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. ... OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY . . . JANUARY NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER . - JULY JUNE MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER - NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 506 JULY JUNE MAY , . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER. OCTOBER SEPTEMBER - JULY JUNE 5 508 MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY _ 732 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In Structures wlth- Total In >tructures with - 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) SEATTLE-EVERETT, WASH. ANNUAL DATA 1964 7 439 11 567 13 416 8 967 7 396 336 397 556 649 708 602 636 751 917 680 646 642 662 655 755 849 997 928 1 071 1 303 991 1 169 1 169 941 703 802 803 1 012 1 133 1 257 1 455 1 468 1 429 1 289 1 114 897 735 699 876 685 910 875 682 754 943 625 565 516 498 406 599 532 845 561 633 635 755 845 597 489 7 389 11 367 13 356 8 967 7 396 336 397 556 649 708 602 636 751 917 680 646 642 662 655 755 849 997 928 1 071 1 278 991 1 169 1 169 941 703 802 803 1 012 1 133 1 257 1 395 1 468 1 429 1 289 1 114 897 735 699 876 685 910 875 682 754 943 625 565 516 498 406 599 532 845 561 633 635 755 845 597 489 4 247 7 280 9 309 7 231 6 168 215 252 298 373 342 392 448 366 396 429 329 425 273 392 544 595 540 616 651 769 684 904 672 650 510 534 689 803 927 904 948 906 953 846 711 565 502 512 657 591 791 700 596 631 687 515 484 460 378 370 554 487 627 536 592 566 554 675 316 512 566 345 314 15 13 60 25 21 34 24 26 16 18 44 20 42 30 44 30 55 56 33 41 51 44 43 37 45 27 62 44 24 62 65 60 31 86 43 34 17 23 22 23 43 39 26 21 33 30 53 12 18 25 14 18 32 8 18 38 46 55 2 826 3 575 3 481 1 391 914 106 132 198 251 345 176 164 359 505 233 273 197 347 233 167 224 402 256 387 468 256 221 454 254 148 241 52 165 182 291 382 502 445 357 360 298 216 164 197 71 76 136 60 102 223 80 28 44 102 11 31 27 186 17 23 31 155 115 116 100 50 200 60 25 60 107 106 158 288 176 874 121 822 101 451 4 718 5 567 8 551 10 362 11 914 8 449 9 547 10 516 13 358 10 204 8 289 7 589 8 352 13 183 10 094 11 663 13 449 12 514' 15 389 18 006 14 087 16 738 15 113 12 369 9 568 10 737 12 118 13 458 15 835 15 682 17 571 18 875 19 365 16 408 14 411 12 308 9 208 9 183 12 082 9 433 12 446 13 859 9 734 10 202 10 951 9 177 7 691 7 346 6 456 5 417 8 392 7 460 10 950 7 923 9 269 9 100 10 083 11 616 7 916 6 854 106 659 156 153 176 214 121 822 101 451 4 718 5 567 8 551 10 362 11 914 8 449 9 547 10 516 13 358 10 204 8 289 7 589 8 352 13 183 10 094 11 663 13 449 12 514 15 389 17 739 14 087 16 738 15 113 12 369 9 568 10 737 12 118 13 458 15 835 15 682 16 911 18 875 19 365 16 408 14 411 12 308 9 286 9 183 12 082 9 433 12 446 13 859 9 734 10 202 10 951 9 177 7 691 7 346 6 456 5 417 8 392 7 460 10 950 7 923 9 269 9 100 10 083 11 616 7 916 6 854 71 936 116 509 139 252 108 314 91 677 3 598 4 276 5 892 6 132 6 162 6 600 7 775 6 226 6 535 7 425 5 740 5 640 4 687 6 273 8 143 9 509 8 843 9 770 10 540 12 656 11 295 14 520 10 481 9 950 8 026 8 157 11 008 11 774 13 957 12 476 12 858 13 732 14 410 13 288 10 692 8 661 7 524 7 682 10 245 8 755 11 524 12 010 8 934 9 322 9 671 8 204 7 046 6 967 5 439 5 164 8 016 7 067 9 176 7 717 8 924 8 573 8 538 10 306 6 886 5 856 3 085 5 365 5 263 2 917 2 643 156 129 657 208 247 366 100 257 166 187 399 214 480 279 397 278 704 558 357 468 509 469 471 339 337 345 612 433 231 540 767 555 153 669 404 250 125 192 209 179 338 390 195 124 265 360 395 114 165 178 111 150 269 106 174 331 387 441 117 217 31 637 34 281 31 698 10 591 7 131 964 1 162 2 002 4 022 5 505 1 483 1 671 4 034 6 658 2 592 2 150 1 735 3 186 6 630 1 553 1 876 3 902 2 185 4 492 4 615 2 283 1 750 4 160 2 080 1 205 2 235 498 1 251 1 647 2 665 3 286 4 588 4 802 2 451 3 316 3 398 1 637 1 309 1 628 498 584 1 460 605 756 1 015 614 250 265 852 75 265 243 1 505 100 172 197 1 158 869 913 782 447 1963 2 135 1962 660 1961 1960 _ MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY. . JUNE . MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER ,_ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY 267 APRIL _ FEBRUARY _ _ 1962— DECEMBER . NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY - JUNE 660 MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE . MAY , _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY _ JANUARY _ 1960— DECEMBER ^ NOVEMBER _ OCTOBER _ SEPTEMBER . , AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE . MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH _ FEBRUARY 463 18 365 24 . JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 733 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing unrts Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- unit 2-4 units 1 427 81 1 648 134 1 961 111 1 784 150 1 830 194 53 115 - 115 5 155 14 131 8 152 2 149 6 168 6 143 10 139 28 49 2 47 - 64 6 85 2 227 19 156 11 207 28 175 8 170 24 193 14 209 10 91 8 33 4 60 2 60 10 167 6 238 2 196 16 199 14 220 18 211 14 205 16 169 4 125 4 35 2 137 5 146 29 188 18 178 8 156 16 193 16 187 12 184 19 148 2 134 16 135 2 35 12 68 - (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 5units or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) SYRACUSE, N.Y. ANNUAL DATA 1964. 1963. 1962. 1961. 1960. MONTHLY DATA 1964_DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL , . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 2 575 2 386 2 781 3 510 2 463 97 139 170 281 139 163 199 222 153 555 51 87 70 129 314 439 243 193 270 224 249 174 43 62 75 251 275 240 230 259 426 257 386 139 67 177 285 303 215 692 286 209 231 180 309 142 47 79 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 267 2 386 2 781 3 010 2 463 97 139 170 281 139 163 199 222 153 555 51 87 70 129 314 439 243 193 270 224 249 174 43 62 75 251 275 240 230 259 426 257 386 139 67 177 285 303 215 692 286 209 231 180 309 142 47 79 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (MA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 759 604 709 1 076 439 44 24 50 112 44 48 388 40 42 68 272 8 10 76 17 30 75 6 5 78 35 28 17 21 201 36 213 10 30 35 110 97 29 520 77 10 28 30 159 5 11 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 308 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 28 008 27 490 32 393 44 060 35 123 003 850 068 672 911 306 2 503 2 615 2 306 4 116 721 794 056 475 473 918 855 726 856 111 172 024 604 784 1 028 3 026 2 943 3 103 2 698 3 215 4 824 3 253 3 702 1 957 742 1 927 2 793 2 875 2 935 9 325 3 327 2 965 3 151 2 729 3 244 2 084 640 1 059 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 25 261 27 490 32 393 37 475 35 123 1 003 1 850 2 068 2 672 1 911 2 306 2 503 2 615 2 306 4 116 721 794 056 475 473 918 855 726 2 856 3 111 3 172 2 024 604 784 1 028 3 026 2 943 3 103 2 698 3 215 4 824 3 253 3 702 1 957 742 1 927 793 875 935 325 327 965 3 151 2 729 3 244 2 084 640 1 059 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 20 871 22 767 26 592 25 625 27 199 849 1 730 1 724 2 018 1 849 2 212 2 227 2 355 2 219 1 933 701 658 997 1 203 2 814 2 184 2 579 2 594 2 346 2 904 2 993 1 408 530 764 884 2 483 2 646 2 717 2 508 2 898 3 040 2 887 2 514 1 857 499 1 684 817 100 634 491 675 809 2 840 2 488 1 887 2 029 522 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 636 1 185 1 114 1 496 40 116 62 22 70 60 87 158 20 59 22 188 107 221 67 210 117 79 66 44 20 104 43 15 136 50 160 137 121 42 30 18 33 206 135 76 114 127 78 136 16 89 19 118 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3 754 3 539 4 912 10 736 6 428 154 120 304 537 72 206 200 2 025 136 250 471 1 627 56 65 300 90 100 550 30 40 500 282 250 140 157 1 647 245 1 146 70 225 210 770 640 225 6 720 525 78 175 225 1 268 37 73 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 747 6 585 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) NA Not available. 734 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of tiousing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) TACOMA, WASH. ANNUAL DATA 1964. . 1963 1962 1961 1960 MONTHLY DATA 19&;_DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. , JULY. . . JTJNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1963— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST, . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1962— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY , . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 1960— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER. OCTOBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST. . JULY. . . JUNE. . . MAY . . . APRIL . . MARCH . . FEBRUARY. JANUARY . 2 665 2 796 3 449 2 356 2 200 217 130 211 175 250 253 229 296 288 200 233 181 118 168 226 157 250 263 351 311 258 269 219 205 76 134 290 494 304 260 239 263 791 254 300 276 217 211 195 210 226 138 239 174 152 334 126 168 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 663 2 795 2 949 2 356 2 200 217 130 211 175 250 253 229 296 288 200 233 181 118 168 226 157 250 263 351 311 258 269 219 205 76 134 290 494 304 260 239 263 291 254 300 276 217 211 195 210 226 138 239 174 152 334 126 168 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 911 1 905 1 974 1 891 1 787 119 117 167 152 157 158 193 192 202 153 171 130 94 HI 188 149 154 166 167 221 176 163 161 155 72 114 162 154 198 210 178 204 168 192 161 161 160 142 175 154 172 122 207 162 142 221 114 156 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 150 148 295 124 114 36 16 13 12 4 11 10 14 14 16 18 40 41 41 60 26 15 16 16 16 12 4 6 2 12 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 602 742 341 299 20 94 58 47 46 27 20 49 25 6 82 91 166 84 46 90 45 38 9 118 326 92 34 43 19 82 21 79 42 53 12 49 46 16 6 107 10 ,NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 2 1 500 500 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 32 951 32 584 39 741 28 562 26 294 2 387 1 922 2 877 2 382 3 067 3 254 2 919 3 149 3 436 2 477 2 931 2 125 1 629 2 034- 2 987 2 325 2 785 3 106 3 167 3 424 3 363 2 785 2 641 2 327 1 163 1 726 3 683 2 964 3 027 2 933 2 865 3 240 9 292 2 900 2 886 3 063 606 359 477 449 634 575 2 880 2 174 2 038 3 549 1 777 2 232 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 32 907 32 573 33 319 28 562 26 294 2 387 1 922 2 877 2 382 3 067 3 254 2 919 3 149 3 436 2 477 2 931 2 125 1 629 2 034 2 987 2 325 2 785 3 106 3 167 3 424 3 363 2 785 2 641 2 327 1 163 1 726 3 683 2 964 3 027 2 933 865 240 870 900 886 063 2 606 2 359 2 477 2 449 2 634 1 575 174 038 549 777 232 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 27 385 26 021 26 213 25 350 23 604 1 801 1 707 2 396 2 078 2 402 2 321 747 655 909 157 500 730 1 458 1 597 2 781 2 277 2 084 2 252 2 169 465 182 316 017 1 129 1 608 2 318 1 962 2 374 2 660 2 473 2 720 2 066 2 466 2 184 2 254 219 867 209 872 286 507 2 691 2 104 1 982 2 980 1 673 2 159 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 1 041 1 020 2 018 866 850 60 30 81 64 132 35 92 101 176 46 62 106 18 94 50 140 43 197 101 34 86 70 112 99 93 143 306 274 259 358 184 64 67 218 39 65 105 70 26 42 18 74 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 482 5 532 5 089 2 346 1 840 526 185 400 240 533 414 336 320 330 220 125 375 100 30 607 804 858 960 701 502 245 225 32 1 295 890 554 180 248 215 530 175 345 625 322 425 50 538 283 85 30 527 86 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) HA Not available. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 735 Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. 'dumber of fioi sing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permi -authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract Total In structures witfi- Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) TAMPA-ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. ANNUAL DATA 1964 9 238 9 158 9 572 11 882 13 251 618 661 597 1 112 615 788 728 656 1 267 741 646 770 626 875 820 816 623 774 956 729 936 661 575 767 492 578 737 638 807 692 690 869 837 1 103 909 1 221 883 835 938 932 881 1 255 1 059 931 888 1 412 874 978 671 901 900 810 1 060 919 1 089 1 161 1 326 1 377 1 605 1 389 8 818 9 158 9 572 11 866 13 211 618 661 597 712 615 788 728 656 1 267 741 646 770 626 875 820 816 623 774 956 729 936 661 575 767 492 578 737 638 807 692 690 869 837 1 103 909 1 221 883 835 938 932 881 1 255 1 059 931 888 1 412 874 978 671 901 900 810 1 060 919 1 089 1 161 1 326 1 377 1 605 1 389 6 962 7 650 8 414 10 119 12 040 479 563 513 526 535 661 622 539 631 621 329 656 544 596 730 642 600 662 672 656 764 607 544 633 468 518 669 563 742 656 646 699 773 906 822 951 779 770 886 878 813 920 930 919 818 874 696 836 627 840 819 768 952 868 989 998 1 247 1 174 1 471 1 288 390 289 229 200 654 20 30 18 23 34 14 20 43 89 52 44 21 21 26 24 20 23 19 18 25 32 38 23 20 16 28 28 28 17 16 8 12 14 32 22 10 12 8 14 6 17 25 41 6 6 23 26 16 14 19 30 42 42 36 56 84 63 125 72 67 1 466 1 219 929 1 547 517 119 68 66 163 46 113 86 74 547 68 273 93 61 253 66 154 93 266 48 140 16 8 114 8 32 40 47 48 20 36 158 50 165 65 260 92 57 38 48 51 310 88 6 64 515 152 126 30 42 51 66 15 44- 79 16 78 62 34 420 16 40 400 102 470 103 435 101 422 116 604 117 381 7 247 7 783 7 115 11 614 7 380 9 210 8 222 7 612 10 964 8 563 8 289 8 801 7 317 9 420 9 198 8 908 8 179 8 787 11 007 8 472 10 544 7 122 6 588 7 892 5 471 6 032 8 324 7 007 8 847 7 722 7 500 8 599 8 527 11 570 9 622 12 205 8 729 8 001 9 313 9 413 8 713 12 245 10 665 9 507 8 347 14 182 8 350 9 009 6 281 7 801 8 078 7 686 9 532 8 220 10 114 10 584 9 978 11 921 14 174 12 738 98 494 103 435 101 422 116 489 117 117 7 247 7 783 7 115 7 757 7 380 9 210 8 222 7 612 10 964 8 563 8 289 8 801 7 317 9 420 9 198 8 908 8 179 8 787 11 007 8 472 10 544 7 122 6 588 7 892 5 471 6 032 8 324 7 007 8 847 7 722 7 500 8 599 8 527 11 570 9 622 12 205 8 729 8 001 9 313 9 413 8 713 12 245 10 665 9 507 8 347 14 182 8 350 9 009 6 281 7 801 8 078 7 686 9 532 8 220 10 114 10 584 9 978 11 921 14 174 12 738 88 640 92 727 94 299 100 247 111 468 6 559 7 233 6 718 7 009 6 977 8 316 7 653 6 876 7 943 7 877 5 740 8 016 6 755 7 712 8 649 7 902 7 984 8 141 8 204 8 056 8 884 6 805 6 381 7 253 5 352 5 734 7 826 6 574 8 538 7 556 7 270 8 433 8 197 9 713 9 039 10 065 7 982 7 741 9 030 8 838 8 253 9 091 9 316 9 443 7 689 8 411 6 617 7 833 6 105 7 530 7 738 7 461 9 023 7 935 9 570 9 813 9 608 10 975 13 502 12 210 2 440 1 907 1 251 1 164 3 550 123 184 107 134 221 97 141 304 490 348 399 150 121 167 190 124 195 160 107 164 164 252 159 104 78 147 173 149 87 88 52 76 76 149 122 61 89 56 64 30 78 177 249 34 33 126 133 84 47 104 159 225 249 203 324 430 350 623 431 393 7 414 8 801 5 872 15 078 2 099 565 366 290 614 182 796 428 433 2 531 338 2 150 635 442 1 541 359 881 486 2 696 251 1 496 65 48 535 41 151 325 284 223 78 178 90 254 1 708 460 2 080 657 205 219 545 382 2 977 1 100 30 625 5 644 1 600 1 093 129 167 182 260 82 220 342 20 323 241 135 3 976 1963 1962 1961 115 1960. .... 264 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECE^BER . NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST 3 857 JULY JUNE MAY . . APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER - OCTOBER SEPTEMBER ........ AUGUST. - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER - JULY . . . . MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER. NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH JANUARY 1960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER . . - JULY MAY MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 736 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Table B 13. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized in 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964 -Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Number of housing units Valuation (thousands of dollars) Area, year, and month Total Private (permit-authorized) Public (contract awards) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In Structures wItt - Total In structures with - Public (contract 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more awards) TUCSON, ARIZ. ANNUAL DATA 1964 3 150 5 895 5 015 3 697 4 325 405 139 255 145 197 157 411 308 215 178 311 429 206 445 436 247 473 331 383 634 639 1 504 270 327 244 225 310 267 268 1 044 591 368 586 361 444 307 149 494 223 276 386 346 387 269 205 366 302 288 347 219 282 228 273 175 443 263 214 1 224 393 264 3 150 5 886 5 015 3 690 4 325 405 139 255 145 197 157 411 308 215 178 311 429 206 445 436 247 473 331 374 634 639 1 504 270 327 244 225 310 267 268 1 044 591 368 586 361 444 307 149 494 222 276 386 346 387 269 205 366 302 288 347 219 282 228 273 175 443 263 214 1 224 393 264 1 849 2 394 2 597 2 523 3 588 374 61 150 128 95 117 124 93 159 125 110 313 146 186 195 153 171 149 218 249 318 233 191 185 159 175 188 196 172 198 218 241 307 256 221 266 134 155 133 210 271 244 169 234 174 278 276 245 215 198 141 181 238 149 362 180 180 1 159 357 228 352 1 752 347 292 284 13 78 16 5 4 35 16 19 56 38 19 53 46 37 44 59 97 34 47 104 68 1 181 7 28 11 16 55 13 20 31 22 40 29 30 39 41 9 35 18 14 28 33 11 25 25 57 14 23 32 21 32 20 8 26 22 7 26 43 30 17 949 1 740 2 071 875 453 18 89 12 98 5 271 196 15 182 63 14 222 197 35 205 148 109 281 253 90 72 114 74 34 67 58 76 815 351 87 250 75 184 6 304 71 52 87 69 207 10 6 31 12 20 100 109 27 27 59 76 8 22 6 19 9 7 9 1 30 922 47 609 45 826 35 248 40 848 4 304 1 498 2 326 1 970 2 187 1 782 3 087 2 628 2 273 2 149 2 501 4 217 2 077 3 363 3 842 2 435 3 777 2 749 3 998 5 508 5 232 8 946 2 594 3 088 2 280 2 270 3 047 2 736 2 530 9 299 4 662 3 393 5 314 3 315 3 963 3 017 1 630 4 155 2 041 2 597 3 568 3 414 3 299 2 954 2 160 3 422 3 027 2 889 3 118 2 378 3 392 2 321 2 995 1 864 3 900 2 743 2 483 9 176 3 758 2 719 30 922 47 445 45 826 35 138 40 848 4 304 1 498 2 326 1 970 2 187 1 782 3 087 2 628 2 273 2 149 2 501 4 217 2 077 3 363 3 842 2 435 3 777 2 749 3 834 5 508 5 232 8 946 2 594 3 038 2 280 2 270 3 047 2 736 2 530 9 299 4 662 3 393 5 314 3 315 3 963 3 017 1 630 4 155 2 022 2 597 3 568 3 414 3 299 2 954 2 160 3 422 3 027 2 889 3 118 2 378 3 392 2 321 2 995 1 864 3 900 2 743 2 483 9 176 3 758 2 719 22 660 27 682 29 049 28 091 35 636 4 100 750 1 781 1 858 1 363 1 427 1 443 1 432 1 884 1 790 1 468 3 364 1 806 1 898 2 218 1 887 1 935 1 883 2 842 2 828 3 407 2 569 2 142 2 267 1 817 1 931 2 298 2 224 2 016 2 462 2 477 2 672 3 180 2 891 2 327 2 753 1 517 1 733 1 507 2 241 2 896 2 838 2 078 2 767 1 965 2 979 2 871 2 698 2 254 2 233 1 922 2 060 2 694 1 685 3 438 2 295 2 282 8 746 3 585 2 442 2 575 9 534 2 171 1 794 1 775 105 748 116 40 21 261 108 120 389 273 127 266 219 264 290 342 567 172 308 720 547 5 869 42 192 46 120 350 97 108 213 160 261 208 102 242 264 63 212 149 90 201 159 62 117 155 343 103 141 220 145 220 145 50 179 144 34 173 238 128 100 5 687 10 229 14 607 5 253 3 436 99 430 72 804 93 1 535 1 076 86 906 587 52 1 202 1 333 206 1 275 693 684 1 960 1 277 508 410 630 417 219 399 415 406 6 624 2 025 460 1 927 322 1 394 50 2 210 366 266 471 418 1 159 70 40 100 53 50 644 1 250 116 251 319 415 28 192 46 176 1963 164 1962 1961 110 1960 MONTHLY DATA 1964— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1963— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE 164 MAY APRIL FEBRUARY . . . NOVEMBER . SEPTEMBER AUGUST - JULY JUNE MAY APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY 1961— DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER 19 SEPTEMBER AUGUST JULY JUNE MAY , APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY . JANUARY I960— DECEMBER NOVEMBER . OCTOBER SEPTEMBER . , AUGUST - JULY _ JUNE MAY _ APRIL _ MARCH . FEBRUARY _ JANUARY - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS 737 Table B 13 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas-New Housing Units Authorized In 3,014 Selected Permit-Issuing Places: Annual and Monthly, 1960 to 1964-Con. Because of rounding, detail may not equal total. "-" Represents zero. Area, year, and month Number of housing units Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units Sunits or more Public (contract awards) Valuation (thousands of dollars) Total Private (permit-authorized) Total In structures with- 1 unit 2-4 units 5units or more Public (contract awards) WASHINGTON, D.C.-MD.-VA. ANNUAL DATA 196l LINEVILLE TOWN LIPSCOMB , ANDALUSIA ANNISTON ARAB TOWN • LOXLEY TOWN ARITON TOWN LUVERNE TOWN ...........a... ARIZONA AVONDALE ASHFORD TOWN ASHLAND TOWN ASHVILLE TOWN MADISON TOWN MIDFIELD MIDLAND CITY TOWtM ATHENS . . ATMORE MOBILE ATTALLA MONTEVALLO TOWN ...a. ... 170 AUBURN . , , BENSON TOWN 172 BAY MINETTE MORRIS TOWN. .......••.«.. .a BUCKEYE TOWN 170 BAYOU LA BATRE CASA GRANDE BESSEMER . CHANDLER BIRMINGHAM CLARKDALE TOWN MUSCLE SHOALS TOWN CLIFTON TOWN 172 172 172 172 170 156 166 168 164 158 168 166 166 164 158 164 166 164 165 165 158 166 164 168 168 168 168 154 156 164 166 165 158 166 154 164 158 155 168 166 168 154 166 158 164 164 165 154 156 165 168 168 154 168 165 168 158 170 168 166 168 168 165 154 154 164 164 166 170 164 154 166 COOLIDGE BRENT TOWN DOUGLAS DUNCAN TOWN EL MIRAGE TOWN BREWTON BRIDGEPORT BROOKSIDE TOWN NEWTON TOWN NORTHPORT CALERA TOWN OPELIKA a. ... ELOY TOWN 172 CARBON HILL OPP a aa. FLAGSTAFF 172 OXFORD TOWN OZARK PHENIX CITY. ..a. ........ a. a FLORENCE TOWN 172 CHEROKEE GILA BEND TOWN GILBERT TOWN 170 170 170 PIEDMONT GLOBE 172 GOODYEAR TOWN 170 PINE APPLE TOWN PLEASANT GROVE TOWN PRATTVILLE PRICHARD a ROANOKE ROBERTSDALE TOWN a . . . . a 172 COLLINSVILLE TOWN CULLMAN HUACHUCA a.aa aaaaa 172 JEROME TOWN KEARNY TOWN KINGMAN a 172 172 172 RUSSELLVILLE MARICOPA COUNTY UNINCa AREA MESA 170 DECATUR SAMSON a a SARALAND a a . a . a SATSUMA TOWN SCOTTSBORO SELMA SHEFFIELD SILVERHILL TOWN SLOCOMB TOWN SUMMERDALE TOWN SYLACAUGA TARRANT CITY THOMASVILLE TOWN THORSBY TOWN TOWN CREEK TOWN TRAFFORD TOWN TRINITY TOWN TROY TRUSSVILLE TOWN TUSCALOOSA ■ TUSCUMBIA 170 MIAMI TOWN NOGALES PARADISE VALLEY TOWN a 172 172 170 172 170 ELBERTA TOWN PHOENIX 170 ENTERPRISE 170 PINAL COUNTY UNINC. AREA ......... 172 EUTAW PRESCOTT 172 172 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY UNINC. AREA SCOTTSDALE 172 170 172 170 170 FLOMATON TOWN. THATCHER TOWN 172 TOLLESON TOWN 170 TOMBSTONE TUCSON WICKENBURG TOWN. ............. 172 170 TUSKEGEE .a UNION SPRINGS 170 WiLLCOXa aaaaaaa.......aaa 172 172 VALLEY HEAD TOWN ......... ... YOUNGTOWN TOWN aa. aaaaaaaaaaa 170 VERNON TOWN. .... VESTAVIA HILLS ..... WARRIOR WEAVER TOWN WETUMPKA WILSONVILLE TOWN WILTON TOWN WINFIELO YORK TOWN. aaaaaaaa. . YUMA ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 172 GEORGIANA GORDON TOWN GREENSBORO TOWN ARKANSAS ARKADELPHIAa ......aa....... 174 174 GUNTERSVILLE ..... ALASKA ANCHORAGE ASHDOWN. ..........a...... AUGUSTA. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 175 174 BENTON a. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 175 HARTSELLE BERRYVILLE a 174 HOBSON CITY TOWN BOONEVILLE ••*. 174 CORDOVA DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS HOONAH JUNEAU KENAI KETCHIKAN KODIAK PALMER . • 176 HUNTSVILLE CABOT. 174 176 JACKSONVILLE 172 CLARENDON. .........a...... 176 JEFFERSON COUNTY UNINC. AREA PLUS 174 KIMBERLY TOWN COLLEGE CITY TOWN. ............ 174 LAFAYETTE CONWAY •* 174 740 INDEX TO TABLE B-6 Appendix CI -Alphabetical Listing by State of the 12,000 Permit-issuing Places Shown in Table B-6-Continued Slate and name o( permit place ARKANSAS — CON. COTTON PLANT . . CROSSETT .... DE WITT ELAINE EL DORADO. . . . EUDORA EUREKA SPRINGS . FAYETTEVILLE . . FLIPPIN TObN . . FORDYCE FORREST CITY . . FORT SMITH . . . FOUKE TOWN . . . GENTRY 6RAVETTE TOWN. . HAMPTON HARRISBURG . . . HARRISON .... HELENA HOPE HOT SPRINGS. . . HOXIE HUGHES HUNTSVILLE . . . JACKSONVILLE . . JONESBORO. . . . JUNCTION CITY. . LAKE VILLAGE . . LEWISVILLE . . . LITTLE ROCK. . . MCGEHEE MAGNOLIA .... MAR I ANNA .... MARION MARKED TREE. . . MARVELL MENA MORRILTON. . . . MOUNTAIN HOME. . NASHVILLE. ... NEWPORT NORTH LITTLE ROCK PARAGOULD. • . . PARIS PINE BLUFF . . . POCAHONTAS . . . ROGERS RUSSELLVILLE . . SEARCY SHERWOOD .... SILOAM SPRINGS . SPRINGDALE . . . STAMPS TEXARKANA. . . . TUCKERMAN. . . . VAN BUREN. . . . WEST HELENA. . . WEST MEMPHIS . . WILMOT TOWN. . . WYNNE CALIFORNIA ALAMEDA ALAMEDA COUNTY REMAINING AREA ALBANY ALHAMBRA ALPINE COUNTY ALVISO AMADOR COUNTY ANAHEIM ANDERSON ANGELS ANTIOCH ARCADIA ARCATA ARROYO GRANDE ARTEsIA ATHERTON TOWN ATWATER AUBURN AVALON AZUSA BAKERSFIELD 175 n» 172 176 176 1714 174 176 176 1714 176 172 1492 1714 1714 1714 176 1714 176 174 174 174 176 174 172 174 176 174 174 172 174 174 174 482 176 176 176 174 174 174 174 172 174 174 172 176 174 175 176 172 174 176 174 492 174 172 176 482 174 174 182 182 132 178 184 182 184 175 186 134 182 178 184 186 178 182 186 180 178 178 176 State and name of permit place CALIFORNIA—CON. BALDWIN PARK BANi