C 55S. 5 d\R(L ./§ NOAA TR NMFS CIRC-378 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-378 A^°'^ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Protozoa: Ciliophora ARTHUR C. BORROR I §§f§W§ § SEATTLE, WA September 1973 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and geographic distribution of fishery resources, to understand and predict fluctuations in the quan- tity and distribution of these resources, and to establish levels for optimum use of the resources. NMFS is also charged with the development and implementation of policies for managing national fishing grounds, develop- ment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations, surveillance of foreign fishing off United States coastal waters, and the development and enforcement of international fishery agreements and policies. NMFS also assists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortgage insurance and vessel construction subsidies. It collects, analyses, and publishes statistics on various phases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC series continues a series that has been in existence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publica- tions that review in considerable detail and at a high technical level certain broad areas of research appear in this series. Technical papers originating in economics studies and from management investigations appear in the Circular series. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS CIRC are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies, both Federal and State. They are also available in exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the ma- rine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained (unless otherwise noted) from NOAA Publications Section, Rock- ville, Md. 20852. Recent Circulars are: 315. Synopsis of biological data on the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792. By Rich- ard G. Bakkala. March 1970, iii + 89 pp., 15 figs., 51 tables. 319. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. March 1970, 8 pp., 7 figs. 330. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vols. 4, 2. Catalog No. 1 49.4:330/(vol.) 11 vols. ($4.75 each). Avail- able from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402. 331. Guidelines for the processing of hot-smoked chub. By H. L. Seagran, J. T. Graikoski, and J. A. Emerson. January 1970, iv + 23 pp., 8 figs., 2 tables. 332. Pacific hake. (12 articles by 20 authors.) March 1970, iii + 152 pp., 72 figs., 47 tables. 333. Recommended practices for vessel sanitation and fish handling. By Edgar W. Bowman and Alfred Larsen. March 1970, iv + 27 pp., 6 figs. 335. Progress report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Center for Estuarine and Menhaden Research, Pesticide Field Station, Gulf Breeze, Fla., fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 33 pp., 29 figs., 12 tables. 336. The northern fur seal. By Ralph C. Baker, Ford Wilke, and C. Howard Baltzo. April 1970, iii + 19 pp., 13 figs. 337. Program of Division of Economic Research, Bureau of Commerecial Fisheries, fiscal year 1969. By Division of Economic Research. April 1970, iii + 29 pp., 12 figs., 7 tables. 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Lab- oratory, Auke Bay, Alaska. By Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 6 figs. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By Wesley J. Ebel. April 1970, 6 pp., 4 figs. 340. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Technological Laboratory, Gloucester, Massachusetts. By Bu- reau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970, 8 pp., 8 figs. 341. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. By the Lab- oratory staff. August 1970, iii + 24 pp., 11 figs., 16 tables. 342. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 22 pp.," 20 figs., 8 tables. 343. Report of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Galveston, Texas, fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970, iii + 39 pp., 28 figs., 9 tables. 344. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Tropical Atlan- tic Biological Laboratory progress in research 1965-69, Miami, Florida. By Ann Weeks. Oc- tober 1970, iv + 65 pp., 53 figs. 346. Sportsman's guide to handling, smoking, and pre- serving Great Lakes coho salmon. By Shearon Dudley, J. T. Graikoski, H. L. Seagran, and Paul M. Earl. September 1970, iii + 28 pp., 15 figs. 347. Synopsis of biological data on Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus. By Richard L. Major and Herbert H. Shippen. December 1970, iii + 38 pp., 31 figs., 11 tables. Continued on inside back cover. ^OWMOSP r ^IENJ Of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Robert W. Schoning, Director NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC-378 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Protozoa: Ciliophora ARTHUR C. BORROR o 1 a. a o uS =5 SEATTLE, WA September 1973 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 65 cents FOREWORD This issue of the "Circulars" is part of a subseries entitled "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States." This subseries will consist of original, illustrated, modern manuals on the identification, classification, and general biology of the estuarine and coastal marine plants and animals of the Northeastern United States. Manuals will be published at irregular intervals on as many taxa of the region as there are specialists willing to collaborate in their preparation. The manuals are an outgrowth of the widely used "Keys to Marine Invertebrates of the Woods Hole Region," edited by R. I. Smith, published in 1964, and produced under the auspices of the Systematics-Ecology Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Instead of revising the "Woods Hole Keys," the staff of the Systematics- Ecology Program decided to expand the geographic coverage and bathymetric range and produce the keys in an entirely new set of expanded publications. The "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is being prepared in collaboration with systematic specialists in the United States and abroad. Each man- ual will be based primarily on recent and ongoing revisionary systematic research and a fresh examination of the plants and animals. Each major taxon, treated in a separate manual, will include an introduction, illustrated glossary, uniform originally illustrated keys, annotated check list with information when available on distribution, habitat, life history, and related biology, references to the major literature of the group, and a system- atic index. These manuals are intended for use by biology students, biologists, biological ocean- ographers, informed laymen, and others wishing to identify coastal organisms for this region. In many instances the manuals will serve as a guide to additional information about the species or the group. Geographic coverage of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is planned to include organisms from the headwaters of estuaries seaward to approximately the 200-m depth on the continental shelf from Maine to Virginia, but may vary somewhat with each major taxon and the interests of collaborators. When- ever possible representative specimens dealt with in the manuals will be deposited in reference collections of the Gray Museum, Marine Biological Laboratory, and other universities and research laboratories in the region. After a sufficient number of manuals of related taxonomic groups have been pub- lished, the manuals will be revised, grouped, and issued as special volumes. These vol- umes will thus consist of compilations of individual manuals within phyla such as the Coelenterata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca, or of groups of phyla. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Glossary 2 Techniques 4 Key primarily to families of the Ciliophora 6 Annotated systematic list 44 Selected bibliography 51 Systematic index 57 Acknowledgments 62 Coordinator's comments 62 The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. Ill MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES. Protozoa: Ciliophora ARTHUR C. BORROR 1 ABSTRACT This manual includes an introduction on the general biology, an illustrated key, an an- notated systematic list, a selected bibliography, and an index to the marine ciliated Protozoa of coastal and estuarine waters of New England. The key facilitates identification to family of nonencysted, nondividing marine ciliates at any stage in the life cycle. INTRODUCTION This manual is a guide to the families of ma- rine ciliated Protozoa of coastal and estuarine waters of New England. It includes ciliates to be encountered not only in areas of high salinity but also in the upper reaches of estuaries where the water is brackish. It is intended for use by a broad audience, hence is artificial (order not necessarily parallel to phylogenetic sequence), and is stripped of unnecessary technical terms. The key facilitates identification to family of nonencysted, Order Trichostomatida Family BALANTIDIIDAE Reichenow, 1929. One genus, Balantidium; free-living and in the gut of polychaetes and amphipods and the gas- trovascular cavity of medusae. See Kahl (1934a) and Faure-Fremiet (1955). Family CLATHROSTOMATIDAE Kahl, 1926. This family (also known as PARANAS- SULIDAE Faure-Fremiet, 1961) is placed here rather than in the Gymnostomatida as the ves- tibular ciliature used in feeding is distinct from the somatic cilia. As some of these ciliates may possess structures interpretable as peniculi, their inclusion in the Trichostomatida is artificial. One genus with marine species, Paranassula,. Free-living. See Faure-Fremiet (1962a). Gull- marella faurei Fenchel, 1964, endocommensal in bivalves, is of uncertain position in this order since little is understood of its morphogenesis, but may also belong in this family. See Fenchel (1964). Family COELOSOMIDIDAE Corliss, 1961. Three genera with marine representatives: Coelosomides, Paraspathidium, and Pseudopro- rodon; free-living. Conchostoma longissimum Faure-Fremiet, 1963, is a species of uncertain taxonomic position in this order, but may belong in this family. Family COLPODIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838. Contains Woodruffia (in estuaries) and Colpoda (typically a soil ciliate, but sometimes found in tidal marshes). Free-living. See Kahl (1931) and Prelle (1963). Family GELEIIDAE Kahl, 1933. Two gen- era: Corlissia and Geleia; free-living in ma- rine sands and algal mats. The genus Corlissia is of questionable systematic position, since little is understood of the cilia in the region of the cytostome. See Dragesco (1960). Family PLAGIOPYLIDAE Schewiakoff, 1896. At least four genera with marine species: Lech- riopyla, Plagiopyla, Plagiopyliella, and Sonderia. Free-living or endocommensal in sea urchins. See Kahl (1933). Schizocaryum dogieli Pol- jansky and Golikova, 1957, endocommensal in sea urchins, may also be a member of the family PLAGIOPYLIDAE. See Berger (1961d). Family TRIMYEMIDAE Kahl, 1933. One genus, Trimyema. Free-living. See review by Faure-Fremiet (1962b). Pericaryon cesticola Chatton, 1911 was de- scribed as endocommensal in the ctenophore, Venus' girdle, Cestus veneris. This species has been regarded as being in the family FOET- TINGERIIDAE (order Apostomatida), but possesses a vestibulum and lacks a cytostomal rosette. See Chatton and Lwoff (1935). Order Chonotrichida Family CHILODOCHONIDAE Wallengren, 1895. One genus, Chilodochona; ectocommensal on the exoskeleton of Ebalia and Portunus. See Faure-Fremiet, Rouiller, and Gauchery (1956). Family SPIROCHONIDAE Stein, 1854. One genus, Spirochona; ectocommensal on pleopodal bristles of gammaridean amphipods. See Ma- tsudo and Mohr (1968). Family STYLOCHONIDAE Mohr, 1948. Five genera with marine species: Heliochona, Ken- trochona, Lobochona, Oenophorachona, and Sty- lochona; ectocommensal on crustaceans (includ- ing Nebalia and Limnoria). See Matsudo and Mohr (1965) and Mohr, Levague, and Matsudo (1963). Order Suctorida Family ACINETIDAE Stein, 1859. At least eight genera with marine species: Acineta, Acinetopsis, Dactylophrya, Endosphaera, Pot- tsiocles, Pseudo gemma, Tachyblaston, and The- cacineta. Free-living and ectocommensal. Mi- gratory stages formed by internal (endogenous) budding. See Kahl (1934b). Family DENDROSOMATIDAE Fraipont, 1878. A large family of at least 13 genera, of which only Lernaeophrya and Trichophrya have marine representatives. Budding endogenous. 45 Family DISCOPHRYIDAE Collin, 1912. At least 14 genera, of which but Corynophrya and Thaumatophin/a occur in marine environments Family EPHELOTIDAE Kent, 1880. Four genera with marine species: Actinocyathus, Ephelota, Metephelota, and Podocyathus. Bud- ding exogenous, apical, and multiple. Free- living and ectocommensal on hydroids. See Kahl (1934b). Family OPHRYODENDRIDAE Stein, 1867. Five genera with marine species: Collin ophry a, Dendrosomides, Ophry odendron, Rhabdophrya, and Trophogemma. Free-living and ectocom- mensal. Budding exogenous. See Jankowski (1970). Family PHALACROCLEPTIDAE Kozloff, 1966. One species, Phalacrocleptes verrucifor- mis, originally considered a member of the order Thigmotrichida. Ectocommensal on the poly- chaete Schizobranchia. See Kozloff (1966). Family PODOPHRYIDAE Haekel, 1866. At least five genera with marine species: Lecano- phrya, Ophry ocephalus, Paracineta, Parapodo- phrya, and Podophrya. Free-living and ectocom- mensal. Migratory stages formed by external (exogenous) budding. Development of stalk may vary within a genus. Silenella ovoidea Fenchel, 1965 (couplet 97) may be a ciliated motile stage of an unidentified suctorian. Described as ectocommensal on an amphipod. See Fenchel (1965b). Order Apostomatida Family ASKOELLIDAE Jankowski, 1967. Three genera: Askoella, Conidiophrys, and Phthorophrya. Members of the genus Askoella are commensal on barnacles and amphipods (Fenchel, 1965b; Jankowski, 1967a) and accord- ing to Jankowski represent neotenic tomites of the order Apostomatida with a secondary cyto- stome. Conidiophrys has been considered to be a trichostome (Chatton and Lwoff, 1936). The trophont bears no cilia and is attached to hairs and papillae of appendages of amphipods and isopods. According to Jankowski (1967b) the ciliated stages resemble members of the order Apostomatida but with a significantly different life cycle. Consequently, Jankowski (1967b) placed this animal in a suborder by itself. Non- ciliated adult stages of Conidiophrys are known to occur on Corovhium, Gammarus, and Ido- thea. Family FOETTINGERIIDAE Chatton, 1911. At least 14 genera represented in marine habi- tats. Ciliates found in body fluids of copepods, amphipods, crabs, hermit crabs, and sea anem- ones. Life cycle complex, polymorphic, with encysted stages. See Chatton and Lwoff (1935) . Family OPALINOPSIDAE Hartog, 1906. Three genera: Chromidina, Cyrtocaryum, and Opalinopsis; endocommensal in cephalopods, coelenterates, ctenophores, and polychaetes. Chromidina occurs in cephalopods, Sepia, Loligo, and Illex. See Chatton and Lwoff (1935). Cyr- tocaryum occurs in the lateral caeca of the di- gestive tube of the polychaete Halosydna. The life cycle includes a tomite with a group of five to six fine, short ciliary rows once division allows size to fall below 40 pxa. Tomites are liberated into free seawater; they are asymmetrical, with a long caudal cilium. See Faure-Fremiet and Mugard (1949). Order Astomatida Family ANOPLOPHRYIDAE Cepede, 1910. At least 12 genera, of which five have marine representatives. Members of the genera Ano- plophryopsis, Herpetophrya, Herpinella, and Rhizocaryum occur in polychaetes including Cirratulus and Polydora. Members of the genus Perseia occur in Phascolosoma. See Cepede (1910), Kahl (1933), and Puytorac (1954). Family HAPTOPHRYIDAE Cepede, 1923. About eight genera, of which Lachmannella and Steinella have marine representatives in turbel- larians. See Sikora (1963) and Corliss, Puy- torac, and Lorn (1965). Family HOPLITOPHRYIDAE Cheissin, 1830. Includes over 30 genera (including those some- times placed in the family INTOSHELLINIDAE Cepede, 1910) , of which at least five have marine species: Buetschliella, Durchoniella, Hovassiel- la, Helella, and Spirobuetschliella. Marine mem- bers of the family are endocommensal in the gut of polychaetes, Ophelia, Cirratulus, Polydora, and Potamoceros. 46 Order Hymenostomatida Family CINETOCHILIDAE Perty 1852. Two genera, of which one, Cinetochilam, with one ma- rine species. Free-living. See Gelei (1940). Family COHNILEMBIDAE Kahl, 1933. In- cludes only the genus Cohnilembus. Free-living. See Borror (1961, 1963). Family ENTORHIPIDIIDAE Madsen, 1931. Contains at least the genus Entorhipidium, oc- curring in the gut of sea urchins. See Berger (1961b). Family FRONTONIIDAE Kahl, 1926. Eight genera; two with marine species: Frontonia and Frontoniella. Widespread, free-living. See Roque (1961). Family LOXOCEPHALIDAE Jankowski, 1964. At least two genera with marine species, Dexiotricha and Loxocephalus. Free-living. Cardiostomatella may belong here also. See Jankowski (1964a) and Faure-Fremiet (1968). Family OPHRYOGLENIDAE Kent, 1880. Possibly four genera; only one, Ophryoglena, in the marine habitat. Free-living in brackish waters; some species histophagic. See Roque (1961). Family PARAMECIIDAE Dujardin, 1841. One genus, Paramecium, with many species, of which P. woodruff i and P. calkinsi occur in brackish water. Free-living. See Wichterman (1953). Family PHILASTERIDAE Kahl, 1931. The boundaries between this family and the URONE- MATIDAE are unclear. The members of the genera Philaster, Philasterides, and Porpostoma form a natural group within the PHILASTERI- DAE. Anophrys salmacida may belong here also (Small, 1967). Additionally, members of the genera Glauconema, Helicostoma, Paranophrys, Parauronema, and Potomacus, most of which have been placed in the URONEMATIDAE, may be members of the PHILASTERIDAE. Free- living and endocommensal in sea urchins, some- times found in association with hydroids and anemones, some histophagic. Family PLEURONEMATIDAE Kent, 1880. Genera with marine members are Cristigera, Cyclidium, Histiobalantium, Pleurocoptes, Pleu- ronema, and Schizocalyptera. The genus Cycli- dium is sometimes placed in the family CYCLI- DIIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838. The genus Penicu- listoma, sometimes considered in the order Thigmotrichida, may also belong in this family. Free-living and commensal on mussels and sea urchins. See Faure-Fremiet (1961a), Dragesco (1968), and Borror (1963). Family PSEUDOCOHNILEMBIDAE Evans and Thompson, 1964. On the basis of similari- ties in morphogenesis, Pseudocohnilembus spp. and Anophrys sarcophaga belong here (Evans and Thompson, 1964; Small, 1967) . On the basis of interphase morphology, Paralembus and Cryptochilidium cuenoti may also belong here. Free-living and endocommensal in sea urchins (C. cuenoti occurs in the esophagus of the sipun- culid Phascolosoma) . See Berger (1961a, 1965) and Mugard (1949). Family TETRAHYMENIDAE Corliss, 1952. Includes at least six genera; two with marine species: Paratetrahymena and Platynematum. Recently Corliss (1961) split several genera from this family and placed them in the family GLAUCOMIDAE. See Borror (1962), Corliss (1961), Czapik (1968), and Thompson (1963). Family URONEMATIDAE Thompson, 1964. The boundaries between this family and the PHILASTERIDAE are unclear, but members of the genera Uronema and Uropedalium form a well-defined group within this family. In ad- dition, members of the genera Glauconema, Mi- amiensis, Parauronema, and Potomacus have been placed here. Free-living, sometimes found in association with hydroids and anemones. See Thompson (1964a, b, 1966) and Thompson and Berger (1965). In addition to the hymenostomes assigned to the families above, members of several genera (Biggaria, Cryptochilum, Entodiscus, and Mad- senia, all endocommensals of sea urchins) are considered here as hymenostomes with no as- signed familial status (Berger, 1961c). Recently, Small erected a new order Scutico- ciliatida for certain hymenostome and thigmot- rich families apparently related by particular features of stomatogenesis (Small, 1967). 47 Order Thigmotrichida Family ANCISTROCOMIDAE Chatton and Lwoff, 1939. About 23 genera; 12 with marine representatives: Colligocineta, Crebricoma, Goniocoma, Heterocineta, Holoeoma, Hypocoma- galma, Hypocomella, Hypocomides, Hypocomina, Insignicoma, Isoeomides, and Raabella. Typi- cally ectocommensal on gills of bivalves. See Fenchel (1965a), Kozloff (1965 and earlier pa- pers), and Raabe (1970b). Family CONCHOPHTHIRIDAE Kahl, 1934. At least four genera; one, Cochliophilus, with a marine representative endocommensal in Phytia, a tidal marsh pulmonate snail of the west coast. See Kahl (1934a) and Raabe (1963b). Family CRATERISTOMATIDAE Jankowski, 1967. Contains Crateristoma kindi, a carnivore on prostome ciliates found in association with barnacles. See Jankowski (1968). Family HEMISPEIRIDAE Konig, 1894. Con- tains at least 17 genera, of which nine have ma- rine members: Ancistrospira, Ancistrum, Bo- veria, Hemispeira, Isselina, Orchitophrya, Pla- giospira, Proboveria, and Protophyra. Most are ectocommensal on gills of bivalves; one is en- dozoic in echinoderms. Nucleocorbula adherens Santhakumari and Balakrishnan Nair, 1970, for which the authors erected the family NUCLEO- CORBULIDAE, keys out here. See Lorn, Corliss, and Noirot-Timothee (1968), Fenchel (1965a), and Raabe (1970a). Family HYPOCOMIDAE Biitschli, 1889. Three genera ; two, Heterocoma and Parahypo- coma, with marine representatives; ectocom- mensal on solitary and colonial peritrichs, and in branchial cavity of ascidians. See Chatton and Lwoff (1949). Family HYSTEROCINETIDAE Diesing, 1866. Members of this family (at least 10 gen- era) are typically endocommensal in terrestrial and freshwater oligochaetes. See Raabe (1949) and Kozloff (1960). Family SPHENOPHRYIDAE Chatton and Lwoff, 1921. Four genera with marine repre- sentatives: Gargarius, Lwoff ia, Pelecophrya, and Sphenophrya; ectocommensal on gills of bi- valves. Mature form with no cilia (except in genus Lwoffia), but budded larval forms with several rows of cilia. See Kozloff (1955), Do- brzanska (1961), and Raabe (1970b). Family THIGMOPHRYIDAE Chatton and Lwoff, 1923. Two genera, Conchophyllum and Thigmophyra, with marine representatives; ectocommensal on gills of bivalves. Undulating membrane difficult to observe in life. See Fen- chel (1965a). The genus Peniculistoma, sometimes consid- ered to be a member of this order, is included here in the family PLEURONEMATIDAE (or- der Hymenostomatida) . Recently, Small erected a new order Scuticociliatida for certain hyme- nostome and thigmotrich families apparently related by particular features of stomatogene- sis. Order Peritrichida Family EPISTYLIDIDAE Kahl, 1933. Four- teen genera, of which at least three have marine representatives: Epistylis, Opisthostyla, and Rhabdostyla. They occur attached to algae or the outer surfaces of copepods and barnacles, (Epistylis), on stalks of ascidians (Opistho- styla) , and on polychaetes, midge larvae, and sea cucumbers (Rhabdostyla). Individuals soli- tary and colonial. See Kahl (1935); Lorn (1964). Family LAGENOPHRYIDAE Biitschli, 1889. At least two genera; one, Lagenophrys, with ma- rine representatives, ectocommensal on crusta- ceans. See Couch (1967). Family SCYPHIDIIDAE Kahl, 1933. Ten genera, of which three have marine representa- tives. Members of the genus Ellobiophrya occur on Donax; Paravorticella occurs on polychaetes; Scyphidia occurs on snails and polychaetes. See Kahl (1935). Family URCEOLARIIDAE Dujardin, 1941. Subfamily Urceolarinae contains the genera Urceolaria, Leiotricha, Trichodinopsis, and Poly- cycla that occur as ectocommensals on marine invertebrates, on gills and respiratory surfaces of marine invertebrates, in the gut of snails, and in the gut of sea cucumbers, respectively. The subfamily Trichodininae contains eight genera, of which seven have marine representatives. Members of the genera DipartieUa, Trichodinel- la, and Tripartiella occur attached to fish gills; 48 members of the genera Paravauchomia, Poljans- kina, Tripartiella, and Vauchomia occur in the urinary bladder of fish; and members of the genus Trichodina are found in association with a wide variety of hosts. See review by Raabe (1963a). Family VAGINICOLIDAE de Fromentel, 1874. Ten genera, of which six have marine rep- resentatives. Members of the genera Caulicola and Thuricola are free-living. Cothurnia, Platycola, Pyxicola, and Vaginicola occur at- tached to red or green algae, as well as the outer surfaces of various invertebrates, includ- ing crustaceans, polychaetes, hydroids, and snails. See Kahl (1935). Family VORTICELLIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838. Eight genera; three with marine representa- tives. Members of the genera Carchesium and Vorticella are free-living. Members of the genus Zoothamnium are free-living and ectocommensal on crustaceans and hydroids. See Kahl (1935). Myonemes in colonial forms usually continuous, except in the genus Carchesium. Family METOPIDAE Kahl, 1932. Six gen- era; one, Metopus, with marine species. Free- living in areas of low oxygen concentration. See Jankowski (1964b). Family PERITROMIDAE Stein, 1867. Two genera; one, Peritromus, with marine species. Free-living. See Borror (1963) and Tuffrau (1967b). Family SPIROSTOMATIDAE Stein, 1867. At least eight genera, of which four have ma- rine representatives: Blepharisma, Gruberia, Parablepharisma, and Anigsteinia. Large, elongate, free-living animals. See Isquith (1968). The genus Protocruzia, usually placed in this family, is sufficiently aberrant to warrant transfer to a different family. They are free- living, benthic, small, and fragile. See Ammer- mann (1968). Family STENTORIDAE Carus, 1863. Four genera; three with marine species: Climacos- tomum, Fabrea, and Stentor. They occur pri- marily in areas of low salinity. See Kahl ( 1932) . Order Heterotrichida Family CAENOMORPHIDAE Poche, 1913. Three genera; one, Caenomorpha, with marine representatives. Occur in regions of low oxygen concentration. Free-living. See Jankowski (1964b). Family CHATTONIDIIDAE Villeneuve- Brachon, 1940. One genus, Chattonidium, free- living. See Villeneuve-Brachon (1940). Family CONDYLOSTOMATIDAE Kahl in Doflein and Reichenow, 1929. One genus, Con- dylostoma, widespread and free-living. See Borror (1963). Family FOLLICULINIDAE Dons, 1914. Members of this family are grouped into at least 30 genera (listed by Corliss, 1961), all marine. They are ectocommensal on various inverte- brates. Family LICNOPHORIDAE Biitschli, 1887. One genus, Licnophora, ectocommensal on snails, mussels, sea cucumbers, marine worms, and other invertebrates. See Villeneuve-Brachon (1940). Order Odontostomatida Family EPALXELLIDAE Corliss, 1960. Three genera; one, Epalxella, with marine spe- cies. Free-living, in areas of low oxygen con- centration. See Jankowski (1964b). Family MYLESTOMATIDAE Kahl, 1932. Two genera; one, Mylestoma, with marine spe- cies. Free-living, in areas of low oxygen con- centration. See Jankowski (1964b). Order Oligotrichida Family HALTERIIDAE Claparede and Lach- mann, 1858. Seven genera; four with marine representatives: Cephalotrichidium, Meta- strombidium, Strombidium, and Tontonia. These are typically pelagic. Members of the genus Strombidium are widespread, ubiquitous, and in some cases benthic. See Kahl (1932). Recently members of this family with a girdle of trichites and polygonal cortical platelets, in- cluding Strombidium and Tontonia, were placed in the family STROMBIDIIDAE. See Faure- Fremiet (1969). 49 Family STROBILIDIIDAE Kahl in Doflein and Reichenow, 1929. Six genera, of which three have marine species: Ciliospira, Lohman- niella. and Strobilidium. Typically pelagic, planktonic. See Kahl (1932). Order Tintinnida Families in this order are differentiated on the basis of the morphology of the lorica. See Kofoid and Campbell (1929), Schwarz (1964), Loeblich and Tappan (1968), and Tappan and Loeblich (1968). Members of this order gen- erally are pelagic, planktonic. Many genera are known only as fossils. Family CODONELLIDAE Kent, 1882. At least five marine genera: Codonaria, Codonella, Codonopsis, Rhizodomus, and Tintinnopsis. Family CODONELLOPSIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Eight genera; at least three with marine species: Codonellopsis, Laackman- niella, and Stenosemella. Family COXLIELLIDAE Kofoid and Camp- bell, 1929. Eight genera; seven with recent ma- rine representatives: Climacocylis, Coxliella, Helicostomella, Metacylis, Stylicauda, Favel- loides, and Poroecus. Family CYTTAROCYLIDIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Only Cyttarocylis. Family DICTYOCYSTIDAE Kent, 1881. Three genera with marine species: Dictyocysta, Luminella, and Wangiella. Family EPIPLOCYLIDIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Three genera with marine rep- resentatives: Epicancella, Epiplocylis, and Epiplocyloides. Family PETALOTRICHIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Six genera with marine rep- resentatives: Acanthostomella, Ascampbelliella, Luxiella, Niemarshallia, Petalotricha, and Wai- lesia. Family PTYCHOCYLIDIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Four genera with marine rep- resentatives: Cymatocylis, Favella, Protocymw- tocylis, and Ptychocylis. Family RHABDONELLIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Four marine genera: Epirhab- donella, Protorhabdonella, Rhabdonella, and Rhabdonellopsis. Family TINTINNIDAE Claparede and Lach- mann, 1858. About 23 genera with marine rep- resentatives (listed by Tappan and Loeblich, 1968). Family TINTINNIDIIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Two marine genera: Leprotin- tinnus and Tintinnidium. Family UNDELLIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929 . Seven genera with marine species: Amplectella, Amplectellopsis, Cricimdella, Mi- crundella, Proplectella, Undella, and Undellopsis. Family XYSTONELLIDAE Kofoid and Campbell, 1929. Four genera with marine spe- cies: Parafavella, Parundella, Xystonella, and Xystonellopsis. Order Hypotrichida Family EUPLOTIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838. Eleven genera, each with marine representa- tives: Aspidisca, Certesia, Diophrys, Discoceph- alus, Euplotaspis, Euplotes, Euplotidium, Gas- trocirrhus, Paraeuplotes, Swedmarkia, and Uronychia. Most are benthic and free-living. See Borror (1963, 1965a, 1968b, and 1972) and Deroux and Tuffrau (1965). Family HOLOSTICHIDAE Faure-Fremiet, 1961. At least six genera with marine species: Holosticha, Keronopsis, Paraholosticha, Trich- otaxis, Uroleptopsis, and Uroleptus. Free-living. See Borror (1972a). Family OXYTRICHIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838. Marine genera include: Ancystropodium, Gas- trostyla, Histriculus, Laurentia, Onychodromus, Oxytricha, Parastylonychia, Stylonychia, Tach- ysoma, and Trachelostyla. Free-living and ben- thic. See Borror (1972a) and Faure-Fremiet (1961b). Family PSILOTRICHIDAE Butschli, 1889. Three genera: Caryotricha, Kiitricha, and Psilotricha, all marine. , Free-living. See Kahl (1932). 50 Family SPIROFILIDAE Gelei, 1929. Seven genera; three with marine species: Sticho- tricha, Strongylidium, and Urostrongylum. Free-living and benthic. Family UROSTYLIDAE Butschli, 1889. At least seven genera with marine representatives: Amphisiella, Balladyna, Banyulsella, Epiclintes, Lacazea, Paraurostyla, and Urostyla. Members free-living and benthic. See Borror (1972a). SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY AGAMALIEV, F. G. 1967. Faune des cilies mesopsammiques de la cote ouest de la Mer Caspienne. Cahiers Biol. Mar. 8: 359-402. [Morphol- ogy of many species; new species de- scribed.] AMMERMANN, VON D. 1968. Die Kernverhaltnisse des Ciliaten Protocrucia depressa n. sp. Arch. Pro- tistenkd. 110:434-438. [Includes careful description of morphology.] BERGER, J. 1961a. The comparative buccal morphol- ogy of certain hymenostome ciliates en- tocommensal in echinoids. Proc. First Int. Cong. Protozool. p. 86-88. [Describes ciliature of buccal cavity in Cryptochilum and Biggaria spp.] 1961b. Stomatogenic evidence for the hy- menostome affinities of the genus Ento- rhipidium Lynch. J. Protozool. 8 (Suppl.): 11. [Morphology of this ciliate from sea urchins.] 1961c. Systematic reassignment, based on buccal morphology of two species of cili- ates entocommensal in echinoids. J. Pro- tozool. 8 (Suppl.) : 11. [Transfers Ento- discus and Madsenia from the Trichos- tomatida to the Hymenostomatida.] 1961d. Morphology and systematic posi- tion of Schizocaryum dogieli, a ciliate en- tocommensal in strongylocentrotid echi- noids (Ciliata: Trichostomatida). J. Protozool. 8:363-369. [Places it in the trichostome family PLAGIOPYLIDAE.] 1965. Infraciliary morphology of a little- known echinophilous hymenostome ciliate from the Indo-West Pacific. Proc. Sec- ond Int. Conf. Protozool. No. 255. [Dis- cusses morphology of Cryptochilidium polynucleata.1 BORROR, A. C. 1961. Feeding apparatus of the ciliate Cohnilembus verminus (Muller). Bull. Assoc. Southeastern Biol. 8:21. [De- scription of buccal and somatic ciliature.] 1962. Ciliate Protozoa of the Gulf of Mex- ico. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb. 12: 333-349. [List of recorded species and suggested synonymies.] 1963. Morphology and ecology of the ben- thic ciliated Protozoa of Alligator Harbor. Florida. Arch. Protistenkd. 106: 465-534. [Morphology of many species; four new species described.] 1965a. Morphological comparison of Di- ophrys scutum (Dujardin, 1841) and Diophrys peloetes n. sp. (Hypotrichida, Ciliophora). J. Protozool. 12:60-66. [Intraspecific variations tabulated.] 1965b. New and little-known tidal marsh ciliates. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 84: 550-565. 1968a. Nigrosin-HgCl2-Formalin; a stain- fixative for ciliates (Protozoa, Cilioph- ora). Stain Technol. 43:293-295. [Form- ula for a method that stains cilia and cortical sculpturing black against a white background.] 1968b. Systematics of Euplotes (Cilioph- ora, Hypotrichida) ; toward union of the old and the new. J. Protozool. 15:802- 808. [Discussion of morphology of four species, showing importance of cortical features (viewed prior to dependence up- on silver line system) in identification of species.] 1969. Application of the stain-fixative Ni- grosin-HgCl2-Formalin to fragile or con- tractile ciliates. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 88: 454-458. [Modification of the fixation and relaxation methods applied to above method.] 1972a. Revision of the order Hypotrichida (Ciliophora, Protozoa). J. Protozool. 19:1-23. [Lists 310 species distributed among 51 genera and 6 families. All families and genera are diagnosed and illustrated and synonymies are listed for each species.] 51 BORROR— Cont. 1972b. Ciliates of New Hampshire tidal marshes. Acta Protozool. 10:29-71. [About 100 species listed; morphology and autecology of over 30 spp. discussed; 4 new species.] CANELLA, M. F. 1960. Contributi alia conscenza dei Ciliati. III. Contribute ad una revisione dei ge- neri Amphileptus, Hemiophrys e Liono- tus (Ciliata. Holotricha, Gymnostomata) . Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. 3, Biol. Anim. 2:47-95. [Systematics of the Amphilep- tidae; a lengthy treatise.] CEPEDE, C. 1910. Recherches sur les infusoires astom- es. Anatomie, biologie, ethologie para- sitaire, systematique. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. (Ser. 5) 3:341-609. [An early but important work describing many species of the order Astomatida.] CHATTON, E., and A. LWOFF. 1935. Les cilies apostomes. Premiere partie. Apergu historique et general. Etude monographique des genres et des especes. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. 77:1-453. [A classic monograph on the Apostoma- tida.] 1936. Les Pilisuctoridae Chatton et Lwoff. Cilies parasites des poils secheteurs des Crustaces Edriophthalmes. Polarite, ori- entation, et desmodexie chez les Infu- soires. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. 70:86-144. [A description of the life cycle of the non- ciliated sessile Conidiophrys.~] 1949. Recherches sur les cilies thigmo- triches. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. 86:169- 253, 393-495. [An important monograph on the members of the order Thigmotrich- ida.] CORLISS, J. O. 1953. Silver impregnation of ciliated pro- tozoa by the Chatton-Lwoff technic. Stain Technol. 28:97-100. [A redescrip- tion of the classical French silver meth- od.] 1959. An illustrated key to the higher groups of the ciliated Protozoa, with def- inition of terms. J. Protozool. 6:265-281. 1961. The ciliated Protozoa; characteriza- tion, classification, and guide to the liter- ature. Pergamon Press, Inc., N.Y. 310 p. [Contains important coverage of history, systematics, and bibliographic sources for the entire class.] CORLISS, J. O., P. de PUYTORAC, and J. LOM. 1965. Resolution of persistant taxonomic and nonmenclatural problems involving ciliate Protozoa assignable to the astome family Haptophryidae Cepede, 1923. J. Protozool. 12:265-273. [Morphology of Steinella and Lachma?iella discussed.] COUCH, J. A. 1967. A new species of Lagenophrys (Cil- iatea: Peritrichida: Lagenophryidae) from a marine crab, Callinectes sapidus. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 86:204-211. [Morphology of cell and lorica discussed.] CZAPIK, A. 1968. La famille Tetrahymenidae et son importance dans la systematique et revo- lution des cilies. Acta Protozool. 5:315- 358. [A recent review of the family Tetrahymenidae.] DEROUX, G. 1970. La serie "Chlamydonellienne" chez les Chlamydodontidae (Holotriches, CYRTOPHORINA Faure-Fremiet) . Pro- tistology 6:155-182. DEROUX, G., and M. TUFFRAU. 1965. Aspidisca orthopogon n. sp. Revi- sion des certains mecanismes de la mor- phogenese a l'aide d'une modification de la technique au Protargol. Cahiers Biol. Mar. 6: 293-310. [Important descriptions of morphogenesis in this hypotrich.] DOBRZANSKA, J. 1961. Further study on Sphenophrya dreissenae Dobrzanska 1958 (Ciliata, Thigmotricha). Acta Parasitol. Pol. 9: 117-140. [Comparative morphology of many thigmotrichs, including ciliated tomites.] DOBRZANSKA-KACZANOWSKA, J. 1963. Comparaison de la morphogenese des Cilies: ChUodonella uncinata (Ehrbg.), Allosphaeriiim paraconvexa sp. n. et Heli- ochona scheuteri (Stein). Acta Protozool. 1 : 353-394. [On comparative morphology of the gymnostones and the chonotrichs.] DRAGESCO, J. 1960. Les cilies mesopsammiques littoraux (Systematique, morphologie, ecologie). Trav. Stn. Biol. Roscoff 12 (Nov. Ser.): 52 1-356. [A lengthy treatise on sand dwelling ciliates, with descriptions of many new species.] 1963a. Revision du genre Dileptus, Du- jardin 1871 (Ciliata: Holotricha) Sys- tematique, Cytologie, Biologie. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. 97:103-145. [A recent review of the genus.] 1963b. Complements a la connaissance des Cilies mesopsammiques de Roscoff. 1. Holotriches. Cahiers Biol. Mar. 4:91-119. [Morphology: descriptions of new spe- cies.] 1966. Observations sur quelques cilies libres. Arch. Protistenkd. 109:155-206. [Morphology: descriptions of new spe- cies.] 1967. Armature fibrilaire interne chez Hartmannula acrobates Entz (Cilie, hol- otriche gymnostome). Protistologica 3: 61-65. [Studied this gymnostome with protargol method.] 1968. Les genres Pleuronema Dujardin, Schizocalyptera nov. gen. et Histobalant- ium Stokes (Cilies holotriches hymeno- stomes). Protistologica 4:85-106. [Dis- cussion of intraspecific variation, and descriptions of new species.] EVANS, F. R., and J. C. THOMPSON, JR. 1964. Pseudocohnilembidae n. fam., a hymen stome ciliate family containing one genus, Pseudocohnilembus n.g., with three new species. J. Protozool. 11:344- 352. FAURE-FREMIET, E. 1955. La position systematique due genre Balantidium. J. Protozool. 2:54-58. [Considers it a trichostome.] 1961a. Pleurocoptes hydractinae (Ciliata Pleuronematina) et son adaptation struc- tural a la vie epizoique. Cahiers Biol. Mar. 2:447-52. [Shows its Pleuronema- like buccal ciliature.] 1961b. Protozoologie. — Remarques sur la morphologie comparee et la systematique des Ciliata Hypotrichida, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 252: 3515-3519. [Brief review of the order, with erection of new fam- ilies.] 1961c. Protozoologie. — Les Cilies Cyrto- phorina et leur diversification morpholog- ique. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 252:3912- 3916. [Distinguishes between the En- chelyidae and the Prorodontidae and dis- cusses other gymnostomes.] 1962a. Le genre Paranassula Kahl (Cili- ata, Cyrtophorina) . Cahiers Biol. Mar. 3:61-77. [Illustrates its vestibular cili- ature.] 1962b. Le genre Trimyema Lackey et les caracteristiques structurales des cilies Trichostomatida. J. Protozool. 9:146- 149. [Describes somatic and vestibular ciliature.] 1963. Conchostoma longissimum n.g. n. sp., cilie trichostome psammobie. Cahiers Biol. Mar. 4:193-199. [Describes this extremely elongate form from sand.] 1968. Les genres Dexiotricha Stokes et Loxocephalus Eberhard dans leurs rela- tions auxomorphiques. Protistologica 4: 115-125. 1969. Remarques sur la systematique des cilies Oligotrichida. Protistologica 5: 345-352. [A review of the order ; a new family erected.] FAURE-FREMIET, E., and H. MUGARD. 1949. Zoologie. — Un infusoire apostome parasite d'un polychete: Cyrtocaryum halosydnae, n. gen., n. sp. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 228: 1753-1755. [Morphology, life cycle, and systematics.] FAURE-FREMIET, E., C. ROUILLER, and M. GAUCHERY. 1956. Structure et origine du pedoncule chez Chilodochona. J. Protozool. 3:188- 193, [Morphology of this member of the Chonotrichida.] FENCHEL, T. 1964. Gullmarella faurei n. g., n. sp., a hol- otrichous ciliate from the intestine of Lamellibranchs. Cahiers Biol. Mar. 5: 311-318. [Morphology of this peculiar trichostome.] 1965a. Ciliates from Scandinavian mol- luscs. Ophelia 2:71-174. [An important treatise containing morphological details on the many thigmotrichs, and descrip- tions of new species.] 1965b. On the ciliate fauna associated with the marine species of the amphipod genus Gammariis J. G. Fabricius. Ophelia 2: 281-303. [Morphology; Silenella de- scribed.] 53 GELEI. G. 1940. Cinetoehilum und sein Neuronemen- system. Arch. Protistenkd. 94:57-79. [Shows the buccal apparatus to be Tetra- hymena-Wke.] HAIRSTON, N. G., and S. L. KELLERMANN. 1964. Paramecium ecology; electromigra- tion for field samples and observations on density. Ecology 45:373-376. [De- scribes a method for isolating paramecia from bottom sediments based on their lo- comotion in a weak electrical current.] ISQUITH, I. R. 1968. Anigsteinia n. g., a member of the family Spirostomatidae. J. Protozool. 15(Suppl.) :26. [Splits this genus from Blepharisma."] JANKOWSKI, A. W. 1964a. Morphology and evolution of Cili- ophora. IV. Sapropelebionts of the fam- ily Loxocephalidae fam. nova, their tax- onomy and evolutionary history. Acta Protozool. 2:33-58. [Discusses morphol- ogy of Dexiotricha and Loxocephalus.] 1964b. Morphology and evolution of cili- ophora. III. Diagnoses and phylogenesis of 53 Sapropelebionts, mainly of the order Heterotrichida. Arch. Protistenkd. 107: 185-294. [An important revision c-f the Odontostomatida and the Metopus-hke heterotrichs.] 1967a. Ciliates from the mantle cavity of Balanus in Barents Sea. Parasitology 1:82-93. [Morphology and systematics, including descriptions of several new spe- cies.] 1967b. A new system of the Ciliate Proto- zoa (Ciliophora). Acad. Sci. USSR. Trav. Zool. Inst. 43:1-52. [A lengthy important treatise defending a reclassi- fication of the ciliates, emphazing a new realignment particularly of many holo- trichs.] 1968. Morphology and phylogeny of Cra- teristoma (Ciliophora: Rhynchodida). Hydrobiol. J. 4:33-41. [Morphological details added to previous description.] 1970. T?*op ho gemma poljansky gen. et sp. n. (Ciliophora, Suctoria) from the shrimp's antennae. Hydrobiol. J. 6: 454-457. [Morphology.] KAHL, A. 1930-1935. Urtiere oder Protozoa. I: Wimpertiere oder Ciliata (Infusoria). In F. Dahl, Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 18(1930), 21(1931), 25(1932), 30 (1935), p. 1-886. [Most important treatise on the morphology and system- atics of the ciliates. Attempts to deal with every species, except for marine tintinnids and endozoic ciliates.] 1933. Ciliata libera et ectocommensalia. In G. Grimpe and E. Wagler (Begrun- det) , Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee 23:29-146. [This monograph, published in another series, overlaps significantly with the above, but it contains much im- portant morphological and systematics information.] 1934a. Ciliata entocommensalia et para- sitica. In G. Grimpe and E. Wagler (Begrundet) , Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee 26:147-183. [Complements the monograph cited above, with coverage on parasitic forms.] 1934b. Suctoria. In G. Grimpe and E. Wagler (Begrundet), Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee 26: 184-226. [An im- portant monograph on the order Suctor- ida.] KOFOID, C. A., and A. S. CAMPBELL. 1929. A conspectus of the marine and fresh water Ciliata belonging to the sub- order Tintinnoinea, with descriptions of new species principally from the Agassiz expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, 1904-1905. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 34: 1- 403. [A classical monograph on these planktonic ciliates.] KOZLOFF, E. N. 1955. Lwoffia cilifera gen. nov., sp. nov., a ciliated member of the family Sphen- ophryidae (Holotricha: Thigmotricha). Biol. Bull. 108:283-289. [Morphology of a ciliate ectocommensal on mussels.] 1960. Morphological studies on holotrich- ous ciliates of the family Hysterocinetidae I. Hysterocineta eiseniae Beers and Ptychostomum campelomae sp. nov. J. Protozool. 6: 41-50. [Morphology of mem- bers of the Astomatida.] 1965. Colligocineta furax gen. nov., sp. nov., an Ancistrocomid cilliate (Holo- 54 tricha: Thigmotricha) from the Sabellid polychaete Laonome kroyeri Malmgren. J. Protozool. 12:333-334. [The most re- cent of a long series of papers by this author on the ciliates that occur in or on marine invertebrates.] 1966. Phalacrocleptes vemiciformis gen. nov., sp. nov., an unciliated ciliate from the sabellid polychaete Schizobranchia insignis Bush. Biol. Bull. 130:202-210. [A small bizarre protozoon with short tentacles used for attachment to the host.] KUDO, R. R. 1966. Protozoology. C. C. Thomas, Spring- field, 1174 p. [The latest edition of this important textbook.] LOEBLICH, A. R., JR., and H. TAPPAN. 1968. Annotated index to genera, subgen- era, and suprageneric taxa of the ciliate order Tintinnida. J. Protozool. 15:185- 192. [An important source of informa- tion of the systematics of this order. See also Tappan and Loeblich, 1968.] LOM, J. 1964. The morphology and morphogenesis of the buccal ciliary organelles in some peritrichous ciliates. Arch. Protistenkd. 107:131-162. [Applied to protargol method to members of many genera.] LOM, J., J. 0. CORLISS, and C. NOIROT- TIMOTHEE. 1968. Observations on the ultrastructure of the buccal apparatus in thigmotrich ciliates and their bearing on thigmotrich- peritrich affinities. J. Protozool. 15:824- 840. [Members of these two orders close- ly related due to comparable arrangement of ciliary rows in the buccal cavity.] MATSUDO, J., and J. L. MOHR. 1965. A new species of Heliochona, H. psychra n. sp. (Ciliata: Chonotrichida), from Nuwuk Lake, Alaska. J. Protozool. 12:523-527. [Morphological study.] 1968. Oenophorachona ectenolaemus n. gen., n. sp. and Spirochona halophila n. sp., two new marine chonotrichous cili- ates. J. Protozool. 15:280-284. [Mor- phological study.] MOHR, J. L., J. A. LEVAGUE, and H. MATSUDO. 1963. On a new collar ciliate of a gribble: Lobochona prorates n. sp. on Limnoria tripuncta. J. Protozool. 10:226-233. [Morphological study.] MUGARD, H. 1949. Contribution a l'etude des infusoires hymenostomes histiophages. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. Biol. Anim. (Ser. 11) 10:171- 268. [An important paper illustrating patterns of cilia on several members of the Uronematidae and Philasteridae.] PRELLE, A. 1963. Observations sur le cilie holotriche Woodruff ia rostrata (Johnson et Larson 1938). Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. 102:239- 244. [Discussion of this trichostome and its relationship to the Colpodidae.] PUYTORAC, P. de. 1954. Contribution a l'etude cytologique et taxonomique des Infusoires astomes. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Biol. Anim. 16:85- 270. [Important recent monograph on the order Astomatida.] RAABE, Z. 1949. Studies on the family Hysterocineti- dae Kiesing. Ann. Mus. Zool. Polon. 14: 21-68. [Important study on the Asto- matida.] 1963a. Systematics of the family Urceo- lariidae Dujardin 1841. Acta Protozool. 1:121-138. [Revision of this family of peritrichs.] 1963b. La stomatogenese chez Conchoph- thirus (Ciliata, Thigmotricha). Acta Protozool. 1:139-146. [Morphology and life cycle of this thigmotrich.] 1970a. Ordo Thigmotricha (Ciliata - Hol- otricha). II. Family Hemispeiridae. Acta Protozool. 7:117-180. 1970b. Ordo Thigmotricha (Ciliata - Hol- otricha). III. Familiae Ancistrocomidae et Sphenophryidae. Acta Protozool. 7: 385-463. [These two papers are an im- portant recent revision of this order.] ROQUE, M. 1961. Recherches sur les infusoires cilies; les hymenostomes peniculiens. Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. 95:431-519. [An important monograph.] SCHWARZ, S. 1964. Die Tintinnoidea. Hydrobiol. 23: 213-245. [A brief but concise and illus- trated set of diagnoses to family and genus.] 55 SIKORA. J. 1963. Study on the parasitic ciliate Stei- nella uncinata (Schultze). Acta Proto- zool. 1: 13-20. [Morphology of this mem- ber of the family Haptophryidae (order Astomatida).] SMALL, E. B. 1967. The Scuticociliatida, a new order of the class Ciliatea (Phylum Protozoa, sub- phylum Ciliophora). Trans. Am. Mi- crosc. Soc. 86:345-370. [A rearrange- ment of families and genera previously placed in the order Hymenostomatida or the order Thigmotrichida, on the basis of differences in morphogenesis.] TAPPAN, H., and A. R. LOEBLICH, JR. 1968. Lorica composition of modern and fossil Tintinnida (Ciliata, Protozoa), sys- tematics, geological distribution, and some new tertiary taxa. J. Paleontol. 42: 1378-1394. THOMPSON, J. C, JR. 1963. The generic significance of the buc- cal infra-ciliature of the family Tetrahy- menidae and a proposed new genus and species, Paratetrahymena wassi. Vir- ginia J. Sci. 14 (New Ser.) : 126-135. [Brief paper on morphology.] 1964a. A redescription of Uronema mar- inum, and a proposed new family Uro- nematidae. Virginia J. Sci. 15:80-87. [Morphological study, with photomicro- graphs.] 1964b. Miamiensis avidus n.g., n. sp., a marine facultative parasite in the ciliate order Hymenostomatida. J. Protozool. 1 1 : 378-380. [A species apparently close- ly allied to Uronema, but differing in ex- act arrangement of buccal ciliature.] 1966. Glauconema trihymene n.g., n. sp., a hymenostome ciliate from the Virginia coast. J. Protozool. 12:393-394. [Mor- phology of a Uronema-like ciliate.] THOMPSON, J. C, and J. BERGER. 1965. Paranophrys marina n.g., n. sp., a new ciliate associated with a hydroid from the Northeast Pacific (Ciliata: Hymenostomatida). J. Protozol. 12: 527-531. [Morphological study.] ' TUFFRAU, M. 1967a. Prefectionnements et practique de la technique d'impregnation au Protargol des infusoires cilies. Protistologica 3:91- 98. [A discussion of the use of the pro- targol or silver proteinate method in staining of ciliates.] 1967b. Les structure fibrillaires soma- tiques et buccales chez les cilies hetero- triches. Protistologica 3:369-394. [Use of the protargol technique in elucidating the cilia of the buccal cavity and their associated fibillar systems in various heterotrichs.] UHLIG, G. 1965. Untersuchungen zur Extraktion der vagilen Mikrofauna aus marinen Sedi- menten. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 10: 151-157. [Describes use of melt water from seawater ice to drive small meta- zoans and protozoons from samples of sand.] VILLENEUVE-BRACHON, S. 1940. Recherches sur les cilies hetero- triches, cinetome, argyrome, myonemes. Formes nouvelles ou peu connus. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gen. 82: 1-180. [An important monograph on this order.] WICHTERMAN, R. 1953. The biology of Paramecium. Blak- iston Co., Inc., N.Y., 527 p. [An impor- tant source of information on this widely known ciliate.] 56 SYSTEMATIC INDEX Acanthostomella 50 Acineta 45 Acinetidae 41, 45 Acinetopsis 45 Acropisthium 44 Actinocyathtis 41, 46 Amphileptidae 35, 44 Amphileptus 44 Amphisiella 51 Amplectella 50 Amplectellopsis 50 Ancistrocomidae 14, 36, 40, 48 Ancistrospira 48 Ancistrum 48 Ancystropodium 50 Anigsteinia 49 Anophrys salmacida 47 sarcophaga 47 Anoplophryidae 15, 46 Anoplophryopsis 46 Apostomatida 45, 46 Ascampbelliella 50 Askenasia 44 Askoella 34, 46 Askoellidae 34, 40, 46 Aspidisca 50 Astomatida 2, 46 Atopochilodon 44 Balantidiidae 11, 45 Balantidium 45 Balladyna 51 Banyidsella 51 Biggaria 21, 47 Blepharisma 49 Boveria 48 Brandtiella 24 Brooklynella 44 Buetschliella 46 Caenomorpha 49 Caenomorphidae 39, 49 Carchesium 49 Cardiostomatella 47 Caryotricha 50 Caulicola 49 Cephalotrichidium 49 Certesia 50 Cestus veneris 45 Chaenea 44 Chattonidiidae 16, 49 Chattonidium 49 Chilodochona 45 Chilodochonidae 31, 45 Chilodonatella 44 Chilodonella 44 Chilodontopsis 44 Chilophrya 44 Chlamydodon 44 Chlamydodontidae 33, 44 Chlamydonella 44 Choanostoma 44 Chonotrichida 34, 45 Chromidina 44 Ciliofaurea 44 Ciliospira 50 Cinetochilidae 33, 47 Cinetochihim 47 Cirratulus 46 Clathrostomatidae 11, 45 Climacocylis 50 Climacostomum 49 Cochliophilus 48 Codonaria 50 Codonella 50 Codonellidae 25, 50 Codonellopsidae 24, 50 Codonellopsis 50 Codonopsis 50 Coelosomides 45 Coelosomididae 7, 45 Cohnilembidae 20, 47 Cohnilembus 47 Colepidae 8, 44 Coleps 44 Colligocineta 48 Collinophrya 46 Colpoda 45 Colpodidae 11, 45 Conchophthiridae 13, 22, 48 Conchophyllum 48 Conchostoma longissimum 13, 45 Condylo stoma 49 Condylostomatidae 16, 49 Conidiophrys 2, 34, 40, 46 Corlissia 45 Corophium 46 Corynophrya 46 Cothurnia 49 Coxliella 50 Coxliellidae 24, 26, 50 57 Crateristoma klndi 48 Crateristomatidae 35, 48 Crebriscoma 48 Cricundella 50 Cristigera 47 Cryptochilidium 20 cuenoti 47 Cryptochilum 20, 47 Cryptopharynx 44 Ctenoctophrys 44 Cyclidiidae 47 Cyclidmm 47 Cyclotrichium 44 Cymatocylis 50 Cyrtocaryum 46 halosydnae . 14 Cyttarocylididae 25, 50 Cyttarocylis 50 Dactylophrya 45 Dendrosomatidae 1, 43, 45 Dendrosomides 46 Dexiotricha 47 Dktyocysta 50 Dictyocystidae 25, 50 Didiniidae 38, 44 Didinium 44 Dileptus 44 Diophrys 50 Dipartiella 48 Discocephalus 50 Discophryidae 43, 46 Donax 48 Durchoniella 46 Dysteria 44 Dysteriidae 3, 33, 44 Ebalia 45 Ellobiophrya 48 Enchelyidae 9, 44 Enchelyodon 44 Enchelys 44 Endosphaera 45 Entodiscus 20, 47 Entorhipidiidae 20, 47 Entorhipidium 20, 47 Epalxella 49 Epalxellidae 39, 49 Ephelota 46 Ephelotidae 41, 42, 46 Epicancella 50 Epiclintes 51 Epiplocylididae 25, 50 Epiplocylis 50 Epiplocyloides 50 Epirhabdonella 50 Epistylis 48 Epistylididae 1, 30, 48 Euplotaspis 50 Euplotes 50 Euplotidae 37, 50 Euplotidium 50 Eabrea 49 Favella 27, 50 Favelloides 50 Foettingeriidae 10, 45, 46 Folliculinidae 15, 49 Frontonia 47 Frontoniella 47 Frontoniidae 18, 47 Gammarus 46 Gargarius 48 Gastrocirrhus 50 Gastrostyla 50 Geleia 45 Geleiidae 2, 12, 45 Glaucomidae 47 Glauconema 47 Goniocoma 48 Gruberia 49 Gruvelina 45 Gullmarella faurei 13, 45 Gymnostomatida . 44, 45 Halosydna 46 Halteriidae 29, 49 Haptophryidae 14, 46 Hartmannula 44 Helella 46 Helicoprorodon 44 Helicostoma 47 Helicostomella 50 Heliochona 45 Hemiophrys 44 Hemispeira 48 Hemispeiridae 22, 38, 48 Herpetophrya 46 Herpinella 46 Heterocineta 48 Heterocoma 48 Heterotrichida 34, 49 Histiobalantium 47 Histrimdus 50 Holocoma 48 Holophrya 44 Holosticha 50 Holostichidae 36, 50 58 Hoplitophryidae 1, 14, 46 Hovasseiella 46 Hymenostomatida 2, 5, 47, 48 Hypocomagalma 48 Hypocomella 48 Hypocomidae 36, 48 Hypocomides 48 Hypocomina 48 Hypotrichida 50 Hysterocinetidae 21, 48 Idothea 46 Ileonema 44 Illex 46 Insignicoma 48 Intoshellinidae 1, 46 Isocomides 48 Isselina 48 Kentrochona 45 Kentrophoros 44 Keronopsis 50 Kiitricha 50 Laackmanniella 50 Lacazea 51 Lachmannella 46 Lacrymaria 44 Lagenophryidae 28, 48 Lagenophrys 48 Lagynophrya 44 Lagynurus 44 Laurentia 50 Lecanophrya 46 Lechriopyla 45 Leiotricha 48 Leprotintinnus 50 Lernaeophrya 45 Licnophora 49 Licnophoridae 29, 49 Liliimorpha 44 Limnoria 45 Litonotus 44 Lobochona 45 Lohmanniella 50 Loligo 46 Longitricha 44 Loxocephalidae 19, 47 Loxocephalus 47 Loxodes 44 Loxodidae 2, 33, 44 Loxophyllum 44 Luminella 50 Luxiella 50 Lwoffia 48 cilifera 40 Lynchella 44 Madsenia 47 Mesodinium 44 Metacineta 41 Metacylis 50 Metacystidae 9, 44 Metaeystis 44 Metastrombidium 49 Metephelota 46 Metopidae 17, 49 Metopus 49 Miamiensis 47 Microregma 44 Micrundella 50 Mirodysteria 44 Monodinium 44 Mylestoma 49 Mylestomatidae 39, 49 Nannophrya 44 Nassida 44 Nassulidae 6, 10, 44 Nassulopsis 44 Nebalia 45 Nephrocerca 45 Niemarshallia 50 Nucleocorbula adherens 48 Nucleocorbulidae 48 Odo7itochlamys 44 Odontostomatida 49 Oenophorachona 45 Oligotrichida 49 Onychodromus 50 Opalinopsidae 1, 13, 14, 46 Opalinopsis 46 Ophelia 46 Ophryocephalus 46 Ophryodendridae 1, 42, 46 Ophryodendron 46 Ophryoglena 47 Ophryoglenidae 18, 47 Opisthostyla 48 Orchitophyra 48 Orthodonella 44 Oxytricha 50 Oxytrichidae 37, 50 Parablepharisma 49 Parachilodonella 44 Paracineta 41, 46 Paradileptus 44 Paraeicplotes 50 59 Parafavella 50 Paraholosticha 50 Parahypocoma 48 Paralembus 47 Parameciidae 18, 47 Paramecium 47 woodruff I 47 calkinsi 47 Pa)-anassula 45 Paranassulidae 45 Paranophrys 47 Parapodophyra 46 Pa raspathidium 45 Parastylonychia 50 Paratetrahymena 47 ParatrocMlia 44 Parauronema 47 Paraurostyla 51 Paravauchomia 49 Paravorticella 48 Parundella 50 Pelatraetus 44 Pelecophrya 48 Peniculi stoma 22, 47, 48 Perikaryon cesticola . . 12, 45 Peritrichida 1, 29, 48 Peritromidae 34, 49 Peritromus 49 Perseia 46 Petalotricha 50 Petalotrichidae 27, 50 Phalacrocleptes verruciformis 46 Phalacrocleptidae 43, 46 Phascolosoma 46, 47 Philaster 47 Philasteridae 21, 47 Philasterides 47 Phthorophrya 34, 46 Phytia 48 Pithothorax 44 Placus 44 socialis 6 Plagiocampa 44 Plagiopyla 45 Plagiopylidae 11, 12, 45 Plagiopyliella 45 Pkigiospira 48 Platycola 49 Platynematum 47 Platyophrya 44 Pleurocoptes 22, 47 Pleuronema 47 Pleuronematidae 19, 22, 47, 48 Podocyathus 41, 46 Podophrya 46 Podophryidae 41, 43, 46 Poljanskina 49 Polycycla 48 Polydora 46 Poroecus 24, 50 Porpostoma 47 Portunus 45 Potamoceros 46 Potomacus 47 Pottsiocles 45 Proboveria 48 Proplectella 50 Prorodon 44 mimeticus 6 Prorodontidae 8, 44 Protocruzia 34, 49 Protocymatocylis 50 Protophrya 48 Protorhabdonella 50 Protrichophora 45 Pseudocohnilembidae 20, 47 Pseudocohnilembus 47 Pseudogemma 45 Pseudoprorodon 45 Psilotricha 50 Psilotrichidae 37, 50 Ptychocylididae 26, 27, 50 Ptychocylis 26, 50 Pyxicola 49 Raabella 48 Remanella 44 Rhabdonella 50 Rhabdonellidae 27, 50 Rhabdonellopsis 50 Rhabdophrya 46 Rhabdostyla 48 Rhizocaryum 46 Rhizodomus 50 Rhopalophrya 44 Schizobranchia 46 Schizocalyptra 47 Schizocaryum dogieli 12, 45 Scuticociliatida 20, 47, 48 Scyphidia , 48 Scyphidiidae 30, 48 Sepia 46 Sessilina 29 Sigmocineta 44 Silenella ovoidea 36, 46 60 Sonderia 45 Spasmostoma 44 Spathidiidae 8, 44 Sphenophrya 48 Sphenophryidae 2, 40, 41, 48 Spirobuetschliella 46 Spirochona 45 Spirochonidae 31, 45 Spirofilidae 15, 36, 51 Spirostomatidae 17, 49 Steinella 46 Stenosemella 50 Stentor 49 Stentoridae 16, 49 Stephanopogon 44 Stephanopogonidae 1, 35, 44 Stichotricha 51 Stomatophrya 44 Strobilidiidae 29, 50 Strobilidium 49 Strombidiidae 49 Strombidium 49, 50 Strongylidiam 51 Stylicauda 50 Stylochona 45 Stylochonidae 31, 45 Stylonychia 50 Suctorida 1, 2, 36, 39, 45 Swedmarkia 50 Tachyblaston 45 Tachysoma 50 Tetrahymenidae 19, 47 Thaumatophrya 46 Thecacineta 45 Thigmophyra 48 Thigmophryidae 13, 22, 48 Thigmotrichida 2, 46, 47, 48 Thuricola 49 Tiarina 44 Tintinnida 50 Tintinnidae 24, 27, 50 Tintinnidiidae 24, 50 Tintinnidium 50 Tintinnopsis 50 Tontonia 49 Tracheliidae 10, 44 Trachelius 44 Trachelocerca 45 Trachelocercidae 2, 9, 35, 45 Trachelonema 45 Trachelophyllum 44 Trachelor aphis 45 Trachelostyla 50 Trichodina 49 Trichodinella 44 Trichodininae 29, 48 Trichodinopsis 48 Trichophrya 45 Trichostomatida 12, 13, 45 Trichotaxis 50 Trimyema 45 Trimyemidae 38, 45 Tripartiella 48, 49 Trochilia 44 Trochilioides 44 Tropho gemma 46 Undella 50 Undellidae 27, 50 Undellopsis 50 Urceolaria 48 Urceolariidae 28, 48 Urceolarinae 29, 48 Uroleptopsis 50 Uroleptus 50 Uronema 47 Uronematidae 21, 47 Uronychia 50 Uropedalium 47 Urostrongylum 51 Urostyla 51 Urostylidae 37, 51 Urotricha 44 Vaginicola 49 Vaginicolidae 28, 49 Vasicola 44 Vauchomia 49 Vorticella 49 Vorticellidae 1, 30, 49 Wailesia 50 Wangiella 50 Woodruffia 45 Xystonella 50 Xystonellidae 26, 50 Xystonellopsis 50 Zonotrichium 44 Zoothamnium 49 61 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is being coordinated by the following Board: Coordinator: Melbourne R. Carriker, Systematics- Ecology Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Advisers: Marie B. Abbott, Systematics-Ecology Program. Arthur G. Humes, Boston University Ma- rine Program, and Systematics-Ecology Program. Wesley N. Tiffney, Department of Biology, Boston University, and Systematics- Ecology Program. Ruth D. Turner, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, and Syste- matics-Ecology Program. Roland L. Wigley, National Marine Fish- eries Service, Woods Hole, Mass. Robert T. Wilce, Department of Botany, University of Massachusetts, and Syste- matics-Ecology Program. The Board established the format for the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States," invites systematists to collaborate in the preparation of manuals, reviews manuscripts, and advises the Scientific Editor of the National Marine Fisheries Service. John 0. Corliss, Helen T. Loeblich, Jesse C. Thompson, Jr., and Eugene B. Small submitted criticisms, sugges- tions, and helpful additions for construction of the key. Illustrations were penciled by Arthur C. Borror and were inked by Susan P. Heller. Eva S. Montiero typed the manuscript. Preparation of the manual was sup- ported in part by Project No. 18050 FBW, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, to Borror, and by Grant GB-24,832 from the National Science Foundation to the Systematics-Ecology Program. A contribution of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory. COORDINATOR'S COMMENTS Publication of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is most timely in view of the growing universal emphasis on environmental work and the urgent need for more precise and complete ident- ification of coastal organisms than has been available. It is mandatory, wherever possible, that organisms be identified accurately to species. Accurate scientific names unlock the great quantities of biological information storec in libraries, obviate duplication of research al- ready done, and make possible prediction of attributes of organisms that have been inadequately studied. Dr. Arthur C. Borror began his systematic investi- gation of the ciliates of the east coast of the United States in 1959 while pursuing graduate studies at Flor- ida State University, Tallahassee. He moved to the University of New Hampshire in 1961, where he has continued his research on the morphology and ecology of marine ciliates. Manuals are available for purchase from the Super- intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, D.C. 20402. The manuals so far pub- lished in the series and their cost per copy are listed below. COOK, DAVID G., and RALPH O. BRINKHURST. Marine flora and fauna of the Northeastern United States. Annelida : Oligochaeta $0.35 BORROR, ARTHUR C. Marine flora and fauna of the Northeastern United States. Protozoa: Ciliophora 0.65 62 349. Use of abstracts and summaries as communica- tion devices in technical articles. By F. Bruce Sanford. February 1971, iii + 11 PP-, 1 fig. 350. Research in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C. By the Laboratory staff. No- vember 1970, ii + 49 pp., 21 figs., 17 tables. 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 pp., 29 figs., 1 table. 352. Upstream passage of anadromous fish through navigation locks and use of the stream for spawn- ing and nursery habitat, Cape Fear River N C 1962-66. By Paul R. Nichols and Darrell E. Louder. October 1970, iv + 12 pp., 9 figs., 4 tables. 356. Floating laboratory for study of aquatic organ- isms and their environment. By George R. Snyder, Theodore H. Blahm, and Robert J. Mc- Connell. May 1971, iii + 16 pp., 11 figs'. 361. Regional and other related aspects of shellfish consumption — some preliminary findings from the 1969 Consumer Panel Survey. By Morton M. Miller and Darrel A. Nash. June 1971, iv + 18 pp., 19 figs., 3 tables, 10 apps. UNITED STATES PENN state university libraries DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE "' NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS STAFF ROOM 450 FOURTH CLASS A00007201flbQb 1 107 N.E 45TH ST ..S.MAIL SEATTLE. WA 98105 OFFICIAL BUSINESS UH