i^l THE , ':,„„v.«siTY THE P-f ,.^HNSYUV ANIA STATE COLL-bo... '■ -'^f^ Exporters Importers Manufacturers Suppliers Professions Trade Associations a guide to Foreign Business Directories Government Officials UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN COMMERCE a guide to Foreign Business Directories United States Department of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Secretary Bureau of Foreign Commerce Loring K. Macy, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 45 cents "oreworc This guide is intended for businessmen seeking to identify persons or com- panies engaging in commerce, a specific industry, or a profession in other countries. Every effort has been made to list the more important publications presenting data on foreign suppliers, industrial establishments, trade associations, individ- ual businessmen, and Government officials. To a more limited extent, these directories serve also to identify sales outlets. In addition, many of them are useful sources of general information on certain areas and industries abroad. A guide to foreign directories was first issued by the U. S.. Department of Commerce in 1931 and revised in 1939, 1948, and 1951 under the title "Foreign Directories." The data contained in this newest guide are based on reports submitted by the Foreign Service of the United States. The material was compiled by Helen Houck and Agatha E. Frith under the direction of E. F. Becker, Director, Com- mercial Intelligence Division, Ofiice of Intelligence and Services, and Henry J. Dempsey, Chief, World Trade Intelligence Section, Commercial IntelUgence Division. ^^rvt^ j{ tVl^o^ LoRiNG K. Macy Director, Bureau of Foreign Commerce June 1955 Contents Page Foreword Mi Introduction vi I Country Directories 1 International Directories Published in the United States 103 Appendix A. Index to Country Directories, Special 109 Appendix B. Index to Country Directories, World Coverage.. 131 U. S. Department of Commerce Field Offices 132 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/guidetoforeignbuOOunit Introduction This Guide to Foreign Business Directories is presented in two principal parts. • The first part, Country Directories, contains the titles of directories pub- lished in or dealing with countries _ of the free world. These countries are arranged alphabetically. The directories are grouped according to their charac- ter — general, special, or local — and are listed alphabetically. "General" country directories are those providing comprehensive coverage of industries, trades, and professions. "Special" country directories cover a specific sector of an industry, trade, or profession, such as chemical manufacturers, importers and exporters of provisions, and practicing lawyers. "Local" country directories cover industries, trades, and professions in a given city or other specific area within a country. Two indexes to the country directories are provided. In appendix A, Index to Country Directories, Special, entries are arranged by subject and by country, both in alphabetical order. Here, for example, are assembled the names of directories of textile industries operating in France, India, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In appendix B, Index to Country Directories, World Coverage, entries are arranged according to their character — general or special — and listed alphabetically by country of publication. • The second principal part of this guide. International Directories Pub- lished in the United States, lists directories alphabetically by industry, trade, or profession. The contents of the directories listed in this guide are described to the extent of the available information. Also included are the publishers' names and addresses. Prices are given as available but are, of course, subject to change. The directories listed should be ordered from the publishers. Sales copies are not available from the U. S. Department of Commerce. Reference copies of some of the directories are on hand in public libraries and in the Department of Commerce in Washington and its Field Offices (see list of Field Offices on page 132 of this publication). Consulates maintained by foreign governments in the principal cities of the United States usually have reference copies of trade and industry directories covering their own countries. Directories listed in this guide may be used to supplement the trade list service of the Department of Commerce for the promotion of international trade of the United States. Trade lists of foreign importers and dealers and of manu- facturers and exporters, classified by commodity, are published for individual countries. The number of commodity classifications for each country is deter- mined by the variety and volume of United States trade with that country. Copies of the trade lists may be obtained for $1 per commodity list per country from the Office of Intelligence and Services, Bureau of Foreign Com- merce, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C, or from any of the Department's Field Offices. Country Directories ADEN, COLONY OF Insofar as can be ascertained, trade directories are not published in the Colony of Aden. General Arab Directory for Commerce, Industry and the Liberal Professions in the Arab Countries. See details under Lebanon. AFRICA, BRITISH EAST General East African Business Directory. A comprehensive directory covering Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. Section headings : Manufacturers ; Importers, Whole- salers, etc.; Manufacturers' Representatives; Product Brand Names; Finance and Business Services ; Travel Section ; Exporters ; Professional ; Address Sec- tion ; East African Office ; East Africa House ; E. A. Statistical Department ; Travel Information; Import Licensing Procedure; E. A. Customs and Excise; E. A. Railways and Harbours ; E. A. Posts and Telegraphs. Annual. First issue, 1954. J. Whelan Taplin (East Africa) Ltd., P. O. Box 6501, Nairobi, Kenya. 45 shillings. Saben's Commercial Directory and Handbook of Uganda. A comprehensive directory covering Uganda ; also, some information on Kenya and Tanganyika. Section headings : Country and Peoples ; Towns Directory ; Company Register ; Finance ; Freight and Customs ; Agriculture ; Commerce and Industry ; Commu- nications and Tourist Travel ; Other Information and Statistics ; Illustrations ; and Maps and Plans. Saben and Co., P. O. Box 650, Kampala, Uganda. 1953-54 edition, 25 shillings. The publishers hope to cover in the 1955-56 edition all territories of British East Africa. Year Book and Guide to East Africa. History and description of Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Nyasaland, Mozam- bique, Belgian Congo, Mauritius, Madagascar, Reunion, and Seychelles. Indicates travel routes and gives mai)S. Published for the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co. by Robert Hale Ltd., 63 Old Brompton Rd., London, S. W. 7, England. 7 s. 6d. AFRICA, BRITISH WEST General Merchants, Manufacturers, and Shippers Directory. See details under United Kingdom. FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, AFRICA, FRENCH EQUATORIAL (including French Cameroons) Insofar us can bo ascertainod, no foreij?n directorios or similar reference pub- lications are published in French Equatorial Africa. Those directories that have a section on French Fquatorial Africa and the French Cameroons and that are available and in use in this area are listed below. General Bottin de rUiiion Francaise. Brief description of the economy of French Ecpiatorial Africa and French Cameroons. Alphabetical list of firms in French Equatorial Africa by territory, city, and product. Alphabetical list of firms in the Cameroons by groups of products. Annual. An extract of this publica- tion for these areas contains an alphabetical list of firms by groups of products and was issued in 1955 for 300 francs in Brazzaville. See further details under France. Annuaire des Enterprises Coloniales. Covers French oversea territories. Individual sections for each territory, including French Equatorial Africa and the Cameroons. Companies with headquarters in Paris and a list of those with headquarters in the territory. Each list is divided into alphabetical list of companies by commercial, industrial, agricultural, and forestry groups. See further details under France. Annuaire Officiel des Telephones de I'A. E. F. Telephone directory that con- tains a section listing firms in French Equatorial Africa alphabetically under profession or product with detailed information on the larger companies as well as an alphabetical listing of firms by city. Annual. Edited by I'Agence Havas, B. P. 264, Brazzaville, 300 francs. Annuaire Vert. Covers French oversea territories. Each of the sections on French Equatorial Africa and the Cameroons contains general economic and commercial information with an alphabetical list of firms by city and an alphabetical list of firms by product and city. Cherifienne d'Editions et de Publicite, 71 rue de I'Horloge, Casablanca, French Morocco. 1955 edition in Brazzaville, 500 francs. France Exportation. Covers France and French oversea territories. Each of the sections on French Equatorial Africa and the French Cameroons con- tains a brief description of the economy and an alphabetical list of importers and exporters. English and German index. Centre d'Expansion Francaise, 77 rue des Saints-Peres, Paris, France. Brazzaville 1954 edition, 1,500 francs. Recueil des Importateurs et Exportateurs du Congo Beige, du Ruanda- Urundi et de I'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise. See details under Belgian Congo. Special Annuaire Noria. Covers French West Africa, French Togoland, the French Cameroons, and French Equatorial Africa. The section on French Equatorial Africa contains a brief description of the economy ; an overall alphabetical list of firms divided into those having headquarters in Paris and those with head- quarters in French Equatorial Africa ; and an alphabetical list of firms by profession and product, by city, and by territory. The section on French Cameroons contains brief descriptions of agricultural exports, the railroads, and XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES the hydroelectric installations at Edea. It also has an alphabetical list of firms grouped by city and product. Published at 11 rue Jean Nouailher, Limoges (Haute-Vienne), France. Price at Brazzaville for 1955 edition, 500 francs. Local Each of the five chambers of commerce at Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Libreville, Bangui, and Fort-Lamy publishes a mimeographed pamphlet which has an alpha- betical list of firms for its area and an alphabetical list of firms by profession and product. _- AFRICA, FRENCH WEST See France and French Equatorial Africa. AFRICA, PORTUGUESE EAST See Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa. AFRICA, PORTUGUESE WEST See Angola. ALGERIA See also France. General Annuaire Jaune de I'Algerie. A consolidated telephone directory for all of Algeria. Annual. Editions Commerciales de France, 4 bis Rue Descombes, Paris (XVII), France. Bottin de TUnion Fran^aise (section on Algeria). Names, addresses, and occupations of most Algerian businessmen, industrialists, and agriculturists. See further details under France. Special Annuaire des Agrumes Nord-Africaines. Names and addresses of citrus fruit producers, packers, and exporters in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. Also con- tains certain basic information concerning citrus fruit production in North Africa. Annual. Published at 7 Rue Marceau, Algiers. 600 francs. Annuaire Medical et Pharmaceutique de I'Union Fran^aise. A directory of most Algerian physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, midwives, veteri- narians, and other persons interested in the treatment of the ill and injured. Annual. Societe d'Expansion Medicale et Pharmaceutique, 55 Rue d'Isly, Algiers. 1,570 francs. FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, Annuaire des Mines et des Metaux Bruts de France et dc I'Union Fran^aise. Brief descriptions of mining enterprises in Algeria as well as in other French territories. La Federation des Chanibres Syndicales des IMinerais et Metaiix Brnts, 39 Rue Saint-Dominique, Paris (VII),. France. Annuaire, Travaux Publics et Batiment en Algerie, 1955. Names and ad- dresses of leading arcliitects, contractors, construction firms, and suppliers of construction materials in Algeria. Also contains the names and titles of appro- priate governmental officials and summaries of laws and ordinances pertaining to construction in Algeria. Annual. Travaux Publics et Batiments, 41 Rue Mogador, Algiers. Annuaire de la Viticulture de I'Afrique du Nord. Names and addresses of most Algerian producers and exporters of wine. Also contains general informa- tion concerning the production of wine in Algeria. Annual. Published at 7 Rue Marceau, Algiers. 650 francs. Travaux Publics en Algerie et en Tunisie, 1955. Briefly describes the leading firms in Algeria which have constructed roads, bridges, dams, ports, and similar projects of a public nature. Editions Franco-Africaines, 18 Chemin de I'Ain Zeboudja, Algiers. Local Les Adresses du Tout-Alger. Directory of the City of Algiers containing the names and addresses of the officials in charge of governmental offices, quasi- public institutions, and leading private clubs. Also contains a social register. Annual. Editions SPRENA, 2 Blvd. Victor-Hugo, Algiers. 1,000 francs. ANGLO-EGYPTIAN SUDAN General Sudan Directory. See details under Egypt. Year Book and Guide to East Africa. See details under Africa, British East. ANGOLA (PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA) See also Portugal. General Guia Economico de Angola (Anuario Portugues da Africa Ocidental). Gen- eral information regarding area, population, administrative divisions, and business firms listed by locality. Also includes data on Sao Tome, Guinea, and Cape Verde. Annual. Edi^oes Ultramarinas do Guia Economico, Rua Maria 43, Lisbon or P. O. Box 695, Luanda. 80 escudos. ARGENTINA General Anuario Kraft. Consists of 4 paper bound volumes classified as follows : Volume 1 — City of Buenos Aires. Description of city and the Republic ; list .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES of Government departments and agencies ; a "Who's Who" in Ai-gentina ; list of chambers and confederations of commerce and labor ; alphabetical list of business firms ; outstanding news events and cultural, sports, and economic activities during the first 9 months of 1954 (indexed by subject) ; alphabetical street guide of Buenos Aires, 1,128 pages. Volume 2 — Classified index of business firms in Buenos Aires ; advertisers' index; subject index (by products). 1,364 pages. Volume 3 — Index of firms in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Cata- marca, Cordoba, and Corrientes. 1,438 pages. Volume 4 — Index of firms in the provinces of Entre Rios, Eva Peron, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Presidente Peron, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, and the National Territories (Chubut, Formosa, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fuego) ; an index of advertisers for volumes 3 and 4 ; an index of cities, towns, and colonies of the Argentine Republic. Latest edi- tion, 1954. Guillermo Kraft, Ltda., Reconquista 319-27, Buenos Aires. 4 vols., 300 pesos within the Argentine Republic. Distributed in the United States by Transmundo Co., 274 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Catalogo IndustriaL An industrial directory dedicated chiefly to machinery, equipment, tools, and materials for all industries. Contains index of business firms in the Argentine Republic ; classified index of products ; catalogs of all the advertisers; a suppliers' directory and general index of equipment and materials ; a guide to foreign manufacturers and their representatives in the Argentine Republic ; and a list of all firms with their addresses in the Republic. 1953-54 edition was published in 1954 ; the 1954—55 catalog to be issued at the end of 1955. Printed in Spanish. Editorial Golova, Avenida de Mayo 963, Buenos Aires. 40 pesos. Quia "El Accionista" de Sociedades Anonimas, 1954. Contains the official decree governing the operation of commercial firms in Argentina, and other related legislation ; a sample balance sheet for commercial firms ; an index to and list of more than 3,700 commercial firms actually operating in the entire Republic ; includes the name of the firm, its address, telephone number, date of establish- ment, capital, last balance statement, and names of all the officers, board of directors, and lesser officials ; index of firms whose stocks are registered in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange ; and cross index of all the officers, boards of directors, and minor officials, with the companies with which they are associated. El Accionista, Diario Juridico Comercial, Bme. Mitre 367, 2nd floor, Buenos Aires. $7.20. Special Guia Heraldo del Cinematografista. Contains lists of all the motion picture houses in the country ; theaters ; distributors ; press agents ; newspapers ; infor- mation on the motion picture union ; production figures ; studios and laboratories ; and related subjects. Last issued in 1953. Guia Heraldo del Cinematografista, Montevideo 443, Buenos Aires. 50 pesos. Guia Hotelera de la Republica Argentina. A hotel and restaurant guide for the entire Republic. Also contains considerable tourist information, and diverse lists of museums, churches. Government agencies, libraries, art galleries, tourist agencies, railways, airlines, and places of interest for the tourist. Latest edition, 1954. Confederacion Argentina de Hoteles, Restaurantes, Confiterias, Bares y Afines, Tucuman 1610-14, Buenos Aires. 6 pesos. Guia Patron de la Cinematografia. A guide to the motion picture industry FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. of Argentina. Contains lists of all Government and private agencies associated with the industry ; laws and agreements concerning motion pictures ; statistical data ; lists of motion picture houses in the entire Republic ; and names of dis- tributors. Jose Koberto Patron, I'arana 924, Buenos Aires. 40 pesos. Guia de los Proveedores de Maquinarias, Accesorios y Productos para la Industria Textil Latino-Americana. A buyers' guide for machinery and acces- sories used in the Latin American textile industry. Lists suppliers in various South American countries, the United States, Canada, Europe, and Japan. Also gives a cross-reference list by products. The guide is an annual supplement to a monthly review. Editesa, S. A., Avda. Pte. R. S. Pena 825, Buenos Aires. May be obtained only by a yearly subscription for 80 pesos. Guia Radio. Contains regulations and other information regarding amateur and commercial broadcasting, and lists private shortwave broadcasting stations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, and Peru. The 1955 edition to be pub- lished in July. Printed in Spanish. Arbo Editores, Peru 165, Buenos Aires. 25 pesos. Guia Ripoli. A guide to the Argentine household furniture industry. Contains an advertisers' index, an index by subject, and an index by cities in the Argentine Republic. Annual. Fidel Ripoli, Directorio 355, Buenos Aires. 20 pesos. Manual de Especialidades Medicinales. Medicines and medicinal specialties produced or obtainable in the Argentine market. Contains a general index and an index of the manufacturers and wholesale houses with addresses and tele- phone numbers. The main body of the book is an alphabetical listing of all the products, giving the name of the supplier in Buenos Aires, the chemical composition of the product, its use, dosage, and numerical contents of the con- tainer. An addenda lists medicines most commonly used and their various manufacturers. At the end of the book there is a cross-reference section, giving the names of all the laboratories and the products of each. The latest edition was issued in 1951 and cost 120 pesos ; in 1953 a supplement brought up to date the main volume and this cost 40 pesos. Lopez & Etchegoyen, S. R. L., Junin 868, Buenos Aires. Local Guia Telefonica de la Capital Federal y Suburbios. Telephone directory for Greater Buenos Aires and suburban area ; also contains classified commercial section. Publicity Department, Telefonos del Estado, Parana 726, Buenos Aires. Cost to nonsubscribers, 40 pesos. AUSTRALIA General Australasian Manufacturers* Directory. Alphabetical and classified lists of manufacturers in Australia. Biennial. Manufacturer Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 16 Bond St., Sydney. £3 10s. Lloyd's Australian Register of Trade and Commerce. Classified lists of man- ufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in Australia and New Zealand. Annual. Published at 46 Carrington St., Sydney. £4 4s. XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Mercantile Directory of Australia and New Zealand. Classified lists of traders, manufacturers, and professional firms in Australia and New Zealand. Annual. Australian Interstate and New Zealand Publishing Co., 3 Castlereagh St., Sydney. £4 15s. Special Australian Advertising Rates and Data Service. Three volumes: (1) N. A. A. R. D. S. gives advertising rates and particulars of all newspapers in Australia which accept advertising. Kept up to date by weekly printed notifica- tions of all changes. Also contains lists of advertising agencies in Australia, newspaper associations, and miscellaneous information. £45. (2) G. A. A. R. D. S. General media edition containing similar details of 900 magazines published in Australia, and list of advertising agencies. £45. (3) B. A. A. R. D. S. Contains rates and particulars of 106 commercial broadcasting stations in Australia, together with information regarding Government regulations. £30. Annual. Mingay Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 75 Ultimo Rd., Sydney. 3 vols., £104. Australian and New Zealand Press Directory. Names, addresses, and par- ticulars of all newspapers and periodicals published in Australia, statistical information, and maps. Issued about every 3 years. Country Press Ltd., 5 Bar- rack St., Sydney. 10 shillings. Australian Pastoral Directory. Lists stock owners (sheep and cattle) in all States, and the Northern Territory, except Western Australia. Annual. Pastoral Review Pty. Ltd., P. O. Box 230E, Melbourne. £4 4s. Australian Plastics Trade Directory. Includes names and addresses of firms and organizations engaged in the plastics industry throughout Australia, with products made ; names and addresses of suppliers of equipment ; and index of brands. Annual. Australian Trade Publications Pty. Ltd., 171 Sussex St., Sydney. £2. Australian Sugar Year Book. Records the year's events in the industry, statis- tics, details of sugar areas ; includes a directory section which lists the personnel of the sugar industry. The Strand Press Pty., Ltd., 236 Elizabeth St., Brisbane. £1 5s. Australian Tobacco Annual. Names and addresses of manufacturers of and agents for tobacco products and smokers' requisites in Australia, names and addresses of tobacco trade associations, and various items of interest to the tobacco trade. Retail Tobacco Traders' Association of New South Wales, 350 George St., Sydney. 2 shillings. Graphic Arts and Printers' Handbook. Contains classified lists of printers and printers' suppliers in Australia. Also has a New Zealand section. Annual. Newspaper News Pty. Ltd., 15 Hamilton St., Sydney. 5 shillings. Hardware Journal. Monthly. Annual subscription price, £1 10s. See Hard- ' ware Year Book for details and publisher. Hardware Year Book. Contains Buyers' Guide to Australian-made hardware ; lists of Australian and overseas hardware manufacturers and their represent- atives ; reference data of tables, etc. applying to the hardware trade ; display advertisements. Not sold separately but as part of the annual subscription to the trade monthly, the Hardware Journal (see preceding title). Annual, about June. Trade Press Pty. Ltd., 19 Queen St., Melbourne. Jobson's Digest Year Book of Public Companies. Contains particulars of public companies in Australia, such as date and place of registration, names of FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. directors, and amount of capital. Annual. Jobson's Publications Pty. Ltd., 18 Martin Place, Sydney. £4 4s. Medical Directory of Australia. Alphabetical lists of surgeons and physicians in Australia, with an indication of specialty of each in a classified list. Triennial. Australasian Medical Publisliinu' Co. litd., Seamer St., Glebe, Sydney. £5. Tait's Electrical Directory of Australia and New Zealand. Contains partic- ulars of electrical undertakings and current supplied throughout Australia and New Zealand. Published in 1948 ; new edition being considered. Tait Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 349 Collins St., Melbourne. £1. Textile and Apparel Index. Contains 20 sections which provide detailed data concerning the wool, textile, and apparel industries of Australia. Annual ; 4th edition scheduled for May 1955. Textile and Apparel Index, Box 599, G. P. O., Sydney. £3 15s. Local Classified trade directories are published annually by Mac's Directory Pub- lishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 156 Castelreagh St., Sydney, covering the following States and cities: (1) New South Wales (including Sydney) ; (2) Victoria (including Melbourne), and Tasmania; (3) Queensland (including Brisbane) ; (4) South Australia (including xidelaide). Each, £3 10s. The following directories are published by Sands & McDougall Pty. Ltd., 357 Spencer St., Melbourne: (1) Victoria. An alphabetical list of householders and businesses in Victoria; a classified trade and business section in Melbourne and other towns and cities; a street section showing the residents of all houses and business premises ; a Government section indicating office holders in local coun- cils, etc. ; a rural classification with lists of dairy farmers, graziers, orchardists, and poultry farmers. Published annually in January, 1955 issue, £7 15s, (2) South Australia. Contains the same kind of information. Published annually in March. 1955 issue, £6 6s, (3) Canberra (seat of the Australian Federal Gov- ernment). Contains an alphabetical section; a street section with all offices and householders ; and a Government section with particulars of all Government departments. Published annually in March, £1 10s. Universal Business Directories (Australia) Pty. Ltd., 2d fioor, Foy's Chambers, corner of Bond and George Sts., Sydney, publish annual directories covering specific areas (named below). The directories contain classified lists of whole- salers, retailers, manufacturers, professional men, associations, and clubs, as well as miscellaneous general information. The area named is followed by the date of most recent or next issue and price. Sydney, New South Wales, January 1955, £2 10s. ; New England district of New South Wales, March 1955, £1 17s. 6d. ; Central and Southern New South Wales, June 1955, £1 17s. 6d. ; Melbourne, Victoria, April 1955, £2 10s,; Eastern Victoria, September 1955, £1 17s. 6d. ; Western Victoria, .Tuly 1955, £1 17s. 6d, ; Brisbane, Queensland, August 1955, £1 17s, 6d. ; Northern Queensland, October 1955, £1 17s. 6d. ; Southern Queens- land, April 1955, £1 17s. 6d. ; Adelaide, South Australia, September 1955, £1, 12s. 6d. ; South Australia (not including Adelaide), March 1955, £1 12s, 6d, ; Perth, Western Australia, March 1955, £1 12s. 6d. ; Western Australia (not including Perth), May 1955, £1 12s, 6d. ; and Tasmania, April 1955, £1 12s. 6d. Telephone directories of Australian capital cities are published annually and are obtainable from the Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne. These 1-volume directories contain alphabetical and classified sections giving the 8 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES names and addresses of persons and firms engaged in various businesses, pro- fessions, etc. The Sydney and Melbourne directories contain very useful lists, but the directories for the other cities contain less complete classified sections. Sydney, 3s. 6d. ; Melbourne, 3s. 6d. ; Brisbane, Is. 6d. ; South Australia (including Adelaide), Is. 6d. ; Western Australia (including Perth), Is. 3d.; Tasmania (including Hobart), Is. 3d. ; Canberra (Federal capital), 9 pence. Adelaide Chamber of Commerce Annual Report. Alphabetical list of mem- bers with types of business, also a classified list, and statistical information. Adelaide Chamber of Commerce, 44 Grenfell St., Adelaide. Building and Manufacturing. Official organ of the Queensland Master Builders' Association. Lists firms and persons in the building and allied trades in Queensland and gives current prices of most building materials and details of building tenders called. Weekly. Shipping Newspapers (Queensland) Ltd., Ryan House, Eagle St., Brisbane. £1 10s. per year. Canberra Chamber of Commerce Annual Report. List of members ; classified list under trades and professions of persons and firms operating in Canberra. Canberra Chamber of Commerce, Newcastle Bldgs., Bunda St., Canberra. Gregory's Hotel & Guest House Directory (New South Wales). Includes names and addresses of hotels and guest houses in New South Wales, with rates. Issued approximately annually. Australian Guide Book Co., 59 Regent St. Sydney. 2 shillings. Index of South Australian Manufactures and List of Members of the South Australian Chamber of Commerce. Alphabetical list of members and their addresses, and also a classified list under the various trades, etc. Last issued 1953, next issue 1955. South Australian Chamber of Commerce, 12 Pirie St., Adelaide. Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Year Book and Directory of Members. Names, addresses, and classes of business of members. Annual ; issued about July. Melbourne Chamber of Commerce, 35 William St., Melbourne. The Cham- ber of Commerce has under consideration a proposal to delete the list of mem- bers from the Year Book and to publish a separate directory, alphabetical and classified. Perth Chamber of Commerce Report. A review of the progress of Western Australia during the past 12 months, accompanied by a list of members, stating the type of business, address, and the name of the representative of the firm listed. Information is given on a variety of subjects, including imports, exports, names and addresses of consular and trade representatives, commercial charges and classified trade directory. Annual. Available from the Perth Chamber of Commerce (Inc.), .53 St. George's Terrace, Perth. Is. 6d. Queensland Chamber of Manufactures Year Book. In addition to illustra- tions and descriptions of products made in Queensland, this publication contains a classified list of manufacturers. Strand Press Pty. Ltd., 236 Elizabeth St., Brisbane. 15 shillings. Sydney Chamber of Commerce Report and Members' Directory. Classified list of trades and businesses. Annual. Sydney Chamber of Commerce, 36 Gros- venor St., Sydney. Victorian Classified Traders' Directory. Retailers operating in all country towns of Victoria. Issued each December. Chandos Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 430 Little Bourke St., Melbourne. £1 10s. A directory which lists firms engaged in the various metal trades in New 342444°— 55 2 9 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. South Wales is published by Metal Trades Employei-s' Association, 7 Wynyard St., Sydney. An annual report which contains classified list of members, available between September and November each year, is published by the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce, 14 Watt St., Newcastle, New South Wales. Printing costs 6 shillings. A list of hotels in South Australia, showing rates, and similar information regarding hotels in other States, for the convenience of motorists is published by Royal Automobile Association of South Australia, Inc., 49 Hindmarsh Sq., Adelaide. AUSTRIA General Adressbuch von Oesterreich fuer Industrie, Handel und Gewerbe, 1954. Manu- facturers, dealers, and handicraft industries listed by area ; also, commodities, cities, and towns. Herold Verlag, 24 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 100 schillings a set of 3 volumes. Single volumes, one covering the City and Province of Vienna, and one covering each of the other 8 provinces in Austria, can be pur- chased at the following prices : Vienna, 40 schillings ; Lower Austria, Upper Austria, and Styria, 20 schillings each ; Vorarlberg, Carinthia, Tyrol, Burgenland, and Salzburg, 15 schillings each. Austria Export-Import. Lists of exporters and exporting manufacturers by commodities : Iron, Steel and Machines, 1951, 15 schillings ; Textiles, Gold, Jewels, 1952, 15 schillings ; Chemicals, Optical Goods, Glass, 1953, 25 schillings ; Lumber and Paper, 1953, 35 schillings ; Automobiles, Electrical Supplies, Machines, 1955, 30 schillings. Wirtschaftsring Austria Export-Import, 9 Dapontegasse, Vienna III. Export Adressbuch von Oesterreich, 1954. Exporters, importers, and exporting manufacturers. English index. Herold Verlag, 24 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 65 schillings. Finanz Compass, 1955. Corporations classified and listed by branches of busi- ness. Compass Verlag, 32 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 150 schillings. Handels Compass, 1955. Wholesalers, retailers, agents, importers, and ex- porters, classified by products. Compass Verlag, 32 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 120 schillings. Industrie Compass, 1954. Manufacturers classified and listed by products. Compass Verlag, 32 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 120 schillings. Jahrbuch des Oesterreichischen Exports, 1955. Lists exporters, contains eco- nomic data. English index. Korallen Verlag, 11 Kohlmarkt, Vienna I. 120 schillings. Oesterreichisches Export- und Import Handbuch, 1955. Lists European im- porters and exporters and contains laws and decrees from all over the world on foreign trade. English index. Wiener Boersenkurier Verlag Friedrich Brabec, 2 Biberstrasse, Vienna I. 150 schillings. Personen Compass, 1954. Prominent businessmen and leading economists. Compass Verlag, 32 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 150 schillings. Special Assecuranz Compass, 1954. Insurance companies of the entire world. Wischi- nowsky and Co., 36 Piaristengasse, Vienna VIII. 546 schillings. 10 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Elektro Adressbuch von Oesterreich, 1954. Manufacturing firms in the electrical industry. Herold Verlag, 24 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. 110 schillings. Jahrbuch der Lederwirtschaft Oesterreichs, 1955. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of hides, skins, leather, and leather goods. Walter Hontschig Verlag, 4 Gredlerstrasse, Vienna II. 36 schillings, Oesterreichischer Baukatalog, 1953 and Nachtrag, 1954. Building and con- struction companies, architects, and producers of building materials. Austria Verlag, 9 Boesendorferstrasse, Vienna I. Catalog and supplement, 156 schillings. Oesterreichischer Saegewerksatlas, 1952. Technical data and 32 maps show- ing locations of sawmills. Internationaler Holzmarkt, 21 Herrengasse, Vienna I. 145 schillings. Wer arbeitet in der Holzwirtschaft Oesterreichs, 1950. Firms in the wood manufacturing and lumber industries. Verlag Internationaler Holzmarkt, 21 Herrengasse, Vienna I. 25 schillings. Local Vienna Classified Telephone Directory, 1954. Issued by Generaldirektion der Post- und Telegraphenverwaltung, 8 Postgasse, Vienna I. 30 schillings. AZORES ISLANDS See also, Portugal. General Almanaque Azores. Commercial firms, manufacturers, official organizations, and individuals classified by islands and councils in the Azores Islands. Annual. Livraria Editora Andrade, Angra do Heroismo, Terceira Island, Azores. 15 escudos. Almanaque Micaelense. Oflicial organizations, commercial and industrial firms, and individuals in the islands of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria. Annual. O Agoriano Oriental, Ponta Delgada, Island of Sao Miguel, Azores. 5 escudos. Lista dos Assinantes dos CTT, Azores. Telephone list of the Azores classified by localities. Annual. Servicos Culturais dos CTT, Rua Mousinho da Silveira 23, Lisbon, Portugal. 5 escudos. BAHAMAS General West Indies and Caribbean Year Book. See details under West Indies. Local Commercial Directory. Contains the names and post office box numbers of business firms and professional men in Nassau, Bahamas, classified by kind of business. n FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES BARBADOS General Advertisers Index and Buyer's Guide. Wholesalers and retailers. Barbados Chamber of Commerce, Bridgetown. Advocate Year Book. Barbados, Advocate Co., Ltd., Bridgetown. Latest issue, 1951. Barbados Annual Review. Published by Lloyd Lloyd-Mayers ; printed by the Barbados Advocate Co., Ltd., Bridgetown. Barbados Telephone Directory. Barbados Telephone Co., Bridgetown. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for Barbados). See details nnder West Indies. BELGIAN CONGO General Annuaire du Congo Beige. Includes list of colonial officials, customs briefs, list and description of all towns and villages, list by principal field of activity of all companies having a headquarters both in Belgium and in the Belgian Congo or Ruanda-Urundi, and lists of missionaries, white inhabitants named alphabetically, and individual firms by principal activity. Annual. Bodden et Dechy, S. A., 65-67 rue du Lombard, Brussels. 1,423 pp., 400 francs. Annuaire Officiel — Ministere des Colonies. List of Government personnel in Ministry of Colonies and in Congo Administration and of semigovernmental corporations. Classified lists of business firms in alphabetical order. Last issued in 1953. S. A. Annuairs Lesigne, 27 rue de la Charite, Brussels. 350 francs. Indicateur des Produits Beiges et du Congo Beige. Includes information on Belgian Government offices, consulates, chambers of commerce, and trade associa- tions ; lists Belgian manufacturers and dealers by principal product and Congo companies alphabetically. English index and descriptions. Annual. Published at 27 rue de la Charite, Brussels, under the auspices of the Belgian National Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. 1,260 pp., 314 francs in Bel- gium, 400 francs elsewhere. Liste des Societes et Institutions Coloniales ayant un siege en Belgique et au Congo Beige ou au Ruanda-Urundi. List by principal field of activity of all companies having a headquarters both in Belgium and in the Belgian Congo or lUianda-Urundi. Includes information on capital investment, principal activi- ties, and addresses of main offices; also, alphabetical listing of firm name abbreviations. Last issued 1954. Centre d'Information et de Documentation du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi, 94 rue de la Loi, Brussels. 20 francs. Recueil des Importateurs et Exportateurs du Congo Beige, du Ruanda-Urundi et de I'Afrique Equatoriale Francaise. Alphabetical list of importers and ex- porters doing business in Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, and French Equatorial Africa, w^ith number key to principal products handled. Introduction and index in English. 205 pp. Last issued in 1952. Banque Beige d'Afrique (a private bank), Leopoldville, with office at room 1742, 37 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. Repertoire du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi. A Government publication 12 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES listing all Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urnndi firms, both alphabetically and by principal activity. No information on individual firms. Last issued in 1952; revision expected in 1955. Centre d'Information et de Documentation du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi, 94 rue de la Loi, Brussels. 307 pp., 80 francs. Local Liste des Membres de la Chambre^e Commerce et de Flndustrie du Katanga. Alphabetical list of members of the chamber of commerce in the Elisabethville area, including full address, branch houses, and list of principal activities. Last issued in 1952. 37 pp. Chambre de Commerce et de I'lndustrie du Katanga, B. P. 972, Elisabethville. BELGIUM General Annuaire de la Chambre de Commerce de Bruxelles. Contains list of members and trade associations, foreign embassies, legations, and consulates in Belgium. Chamber of Commerce, 112 rue de Treves, Brussels. 155 francs. Annuaire du Commerce et de I'lndustrie de Belgique. Brussels and its sub- urbs, with a special section for Luxembourg. Btablissements Generaux d'lm- primerie S. A., 14 rue d'Or, Brussels. 300 francs. Repertoire Officiel de Producteurs-Exportateurs Beiges. Contains classified list in English of Belgian firms, manufacturers, and items produced. Edited by rOffice Beige du Commerce Exterieur. Editions Hallet, 47 Avenue Louis Bert- rand, Brussels. 840 francs. Special Annuaire Administratif et Judiciaire de Belgique et de la Capitale du Royaume. Contains list of ministries, Government organizations, magistrates. Etablisse- ments Emile Bruylant, 67 rue de la Regenee, Brussels. 355 francs. Annuaire de la Brasserie. Breweries and soft-drink manufacturers in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Bodden & Dechy, 65-67 rue du Lombard, Brussels. 275 francs. Annuaire du Commerce Automobile de Belgique. Manufacturers in the auto- mobile and allied industries. Chambre Syndicale du Commerce Automobile "Comaubel", 22 rue du Luxembourg, Brussels. 250 francs. Annuaire de la Federation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique. Manu- facturers of chemicals and list of products. Federation des Industries Chimiques Beiges, 32 rue Joseph II, Brussels. 150 francs. Annuaire General du Batiment. Architects, engineers, builders, and contrac- tors and allied trades. Published at 54 Avenue "Winston Churchill, Brussels. 188 francs. Annuaire de la Sante Publique. Hospitals, doctors, surgeons, dentists, and manufacturers of pharmaceutical products. Bodden & Dechy, 65-67 rue du Lombard, Brussels. 400 francs. Auberges de France "Le Club des Sans Clubs". Tourist information. In- cludes information for Belgium. See details under France. 13 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Belgo-Bijoux. Silversmiths, goldsmitlis, dealers in precious stones, clock and watch manufacturers, and importers. Les Editions Chabassol, 27 rue de Namur, Brussels. 200 francs. Cercle Beige de la Librairie de rimprimerie et de Toutes les Professions qui s'y Rattachent. Printers, publishers, magazines, importers and retailers of books and allied trades. Published at 5 rue du Chene, Brussels. 150 francs. Memento de TAssureur Beige (Belgian Insurance Manual). Data on insur- ance companies, agents, and brokers operating in Belgium ; section on Belgian insurance laws; and list of organizations. FOfRce des Assureurs, 155 Blvd. Anspach, Brussels. 235 francs. Repertoire des Industries Alimentaires. Food industry. Confederation de I'Alimentation Beige, 55 rue de la Loi, Brussels. 125 francs. Local Annuaire de la Bourse aux Cuirs de Bruxelles. Tanneries, manufacturers of leather and leather goods ; dealers, brokers, and importers. Bourse aux Cuirs de Bruxelles, 43 rue de Liverpool, Brussels. 100 francs. BERMUDA General Bermuda Business Directory. Classified listing of businesses and services throughout Bermuda, with an alphabetical index to the classifications. The Island Publishers, Hamilton. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for Bermuda). See details under West Indies. BORNEO General Straits Times Directory of Singapore and Malaya. See details under Malaya. BRAZIL General Anuario Comercial Brasileiro. Names and addresses of all commercial con- cerns registered in the States of Espirito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Per- nambuco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceara. Brief description of each firm's functions, lines handled, capitalization, etc., is also included. Printed in Portuguese ; 2 vols. Ugo Falangola, Rua Jenner de Souza 607, Derby, Recife, Pernambuco. Anuario EDAP — Orientador Comercial. Commercial directory with nation- wide listings. Printed in Portuguese. Editora de Anuarios e Publicidade S. A,, Avenida Presidente Vargas 502, 18.o andar, Rio de Janeiro. 800 cruzeiros. 14 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Anuario das Industrias de Sao Paulo. Index of industrial firms listing all existing in the State of Sao Paulo by name of manufacturer and by commodity. Printed in Portuguese. Federacao das Industrias de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. 300 cruzeiros. Brasi}, sua Industria e Exportacao. Nationwide listings ; two volumes : one containing firms registered in the State of Sao Paulo alone and the other listing firms registered in all other States of Brazil. Portuguese index. Sociedade Brasileira de Expansao Comercial Ltda., Praca D. Jose Gaspar 30 (Edificio Thomas Edison ) , Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo. 1,000 cruzeiros. Guia Globo de Exportacao e Importacao (The Export-Import Guide Book). Covers the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Includes pictures, statistical tables, and brief economic reports on local industries (in 3 languages). Index in English, Portuguese, and German. Clarim, Empresa de Publicidade, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Guia de Importadores e Exportadores do Brasil. Nationwide listings. Address : Praca Maua 7, Rio de Janiero. Livro das Sociedades Anonimas. T'wo-volume set: (1) Alphabetical list of banks and commercial and industrial concerns (Brazilian corporations) regis- tered in the State of Sao Paulo, and (2) a "Who's Who" in the foregoing cor- porations. Printed in Portuguese. Bolsa Oflcial de Valores de Sao Paulo, Sao I'aulo. Membership Directory 1955, American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil. Index of member firms and individuals in Rio de Janeiro and other cities in northern Brazil. Listing of member firms in the United States and other coun- tries. Classified index of members by function and commodities (membership includes Brazilian firms). Indexes in English. American Chamber of Com- merce, Avenida Graca Aranha 182-4° andar (Caixa Postal 916), Rio de Janeiro. $2.60 by airmail ; $2 surface mail. Membership List, January 1955, American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil. Index of member firms and individuals in Sao Paulo and otlier cities in southern Brazil. Listing of member firms in the United States and other countries. Classified index of members by function and commodities (membership includes Brazilian firms). Indexes in English. American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, Rua Formosa 367-29 andar (Caixa Postal 8109), Sao Paulo, S. P. Price, subject to inquiry. Special Anuario de Seguros (Insurance yearbook). Contains accounts of all Brazilian insurance companies, a separate directory of insurance companies, official statis- tics, etc. Revista de Seguros, Avenida Rio Branco 117, Rio de Janeiro. Local Boletim da Associacao Comercial da Bahia. A monthly bulletin including a section dedicated to business opportunities in Bahia. Furnishes lists of foreign firms desiring to do business with Brazilian firms and those especially interested in Bahia. The only publication issued in Bahia having the character of a commercial directory except for the classified section of the telephone directory. Associacao Comercial da Bahia, Praca Conde dos Arcos, Bahia. 15 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Indicador Azul (Blue Book Commercial Directory of the State of liio Grande do Sul). l*rinte(I in Portnj;uese. Address: Edilicio Banco do Coniercio, H.o andar. Caixa Postal OGcS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Indicador Telefonico de Campina Grande. Classified section of the telephone directory of the City of Campina Grande. Empresa Paraibana de Telefones, Campina Grande, Paraiba. Indicador Telefonico de Joao Pessoa. Classified section of the telephone di- rectory of the City of Joao Pessoa. Empresa Snl Americana de Telefones, Ladeira Feliciano Coelho, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba. Indicador Telefonico de Maceio. Classified section of the telephone directory of the City of Maceio. Cia. Forca e Luz Nordeste do Brazil, Kna do Coniercio 115/121, Maceio. Indicador Telefonico de Natal. Classified section of the telephone directory of the City of Natal. Cia. Forca e Luz Nordeste do Brazil, Caixa Postal 80, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Indicador Telefonico de Pernambuco. Classified section of the telephone direc- tory. Telephone Co.. of Pernambuco Ltd., Rua Aurora 487, Recife, Pernambuco. Lista Telefonica de Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. Classitied tele- phone directory covering City of Belo Horizonte. Listas Telef onicas Brasileiras S. A., Av. Amaral Peixoto 96, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro. Lista Telefonica do Distrito Norte de Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Classified telephone directory covering northern district of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Cia. Telefonica Brasileira. 90 cruzeiros. Lista Telefonica do Distrito sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Classified tele- phone directory covering the southern district of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Cia. Telefonica Brasileira. 90 cruzeiros. Livro Vermelho dos Telefones do Rio de Janeiro. Telephone directory and commercial guide covering the City of Rio de Janeiro. Livro Vermelho dos Telefones S. A., Praca Mahatma Gandhi 2, Rio de Janeiro. 300 cruzeiros. Livro Vermelho dos Telefones de Sao Paulo. Telephone directory and com- mercial guide covering the city of Sao Paulo. Livro Livro Vermelho dos Telefones Ltda., Rua Boa Vista 133, Sao Paulo. 300 cruzeiros. Parque Industrial de Pernambuco. Small booklet containing the naiiies of all the larger industries in the State ; only the name and address of each firm is listed. Prepared by Federagao das Industrias de Pernambuco (Federation of Industries of Pernambuco), Praca Rio Branco, Edificio Associagao Comercial, Recife, Pernambuco. BURMA General Burma Trade Directory. Alphabetical and classified lists of local and provin- cial firms, basic economic information, foreign trade statistics, trade regulations, lists of associations, trade unions, chambers of commerce, "Who's Who", and a general index. Printed in English. Annual. Burma Commerce, 325 Maung Taulay St., Rangoon. $7.35 postpaid. Khosla's Industrial and Commercial Directory of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon, 1952-53. See details under India. 16 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES CANADA General Byers Industrial Directory. Annual. Byers Associates, P. O. Box 190, Downs- view, Ontario. Canadian Almanac & Directory. Financial institutions, post offices, railroad stations, Government officials, associations, and other organizations in Canada. Annual. Copp Clark Co., Ltd., 517 Wellington St., W., Toronto. $9.50. Canadian Trade Index. An alphabetical and classified listing of Canadian manufacturers, producers, and exporters. Annual. Canadian Manufacturers Association, 67 Yonge St., Toronto 1. $7.50. Financial Post Directory of Directors. Men and companies in Canadian business. Annual. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. Eraser's Canadian Directory. A fairly complete compilation of Canadian manufacturers listed by commodities produced. A supplement contains useful lists of trade names and Canadian representatives of American concerns. An- nual. Fraser's Trade Directories, Ltd., 1520 Mountain St., Montreal. $7.50. Special Annual Financial Review. Lists securities quoted on Canadian exchanges, prominent companies operating in Canada, with data concerning each. Annual. Houston's Standard Publications, 234 Bay St., Toronto. Architectural and Building Catalogue. Annual. Publications Ltd., 137 Well- ington St., W., Toronto. Bank Directory of Canada and Newfoundland. Canadian banks and branch banks, with names of managers. Monthly. Houston's Standard Publications, 234 Bay St., Toronto. Buyers Trade Directory, Automotive Edition. Bound in with Electrical Edi- tion ; Farm Equipment Edition ; Hardware and Building Supply Edition ; Heating Edition; and Sporting Goods Edition. Annual. Byers Associates, Post Box 190, Downsview, Ontario. Canadian Automotive Trade. Monthly organ with annual directory issue. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. Canadian Aviation. Monthly organ with annual directory issue. MacLean- Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. $3 per year. Canadian Engineering & Machinery Yearbook. Annual. Lloyd Publications of Canada, 2953 St. Caair Ave., Toronto 16. $4. Canadian Fisheries Annual. Annual. National Business Publications Ltd., Gardenvale, Quebec. $1. Canadian Hospital Directory. Annual. Canadian Hospital Association, 57 Bloor St., W., Toronto. $2.50. Canadian Hotel Review and Restaurant. Monthly organ with annual directory issue. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 1242 Peel St., Montreal. Pub- lished in conjunction with monthly organ of same title. $3 per year. Canadian Machinery. Manufacturers, dealers, and importers of metalworking machinery and equipment. Annual. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. 17 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Canadian Machinery & Manufacturing News. Monthly organ with annual catalogue and directory issue. INIacLean-Hiinter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 Uni- versity Ave., Toronto. Canadian Mines Handbook. Mining companies in Canada. Northern Miner Press Ltd., 122 Richmond St., W., Toronto. Canadian Mining Manual. Annual. National Business Publications, Ltd., Gardenvale, Quebec. Canadian Packaging. INIonthly organ with annual directory issue. MacLean- Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. $8 per year. Canadian Paint & Varnish Magazine. Monthly organ with annual buyer's guide. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto 2. Canadian Plastics. Monthly organ with annual directory. Monetary Times Printing Co. of Canada Ltd., 341 Church St., Toronto 2. Canadian Ports and Shipping Directory. Biennial. National Business Pub- lications Ltd., Gardenvale, Quebec. Next issue April 1956. $3.50. Canadian Service Data Book. Automotive and accessories. Annual. Con- solidated Press Ltd., 73 Richmond St., W., Toronto. Canadian Sport Goods Directory. Alphabetical list of Canadian manufac- turers of sporting goods and equipment. Fullerton Publishing Co., 177 Jarvis St., Toronto 2. Canadian Stationer & Office Equipment Buyer. Monthly organ with annual directory issue. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. $3 per year. Canadian Toy Directory. Contains alphabetical list of Canadian manufac- turers of toys. Fullerton Publishing Co., Ltd., 177 Jarvis St., Toronto 2. Directory of Members of the Food Brokers' Association of Canada. Issued by the Food Brokers' Association of Canada, 1303 Yonge St., Toronto 7. Directory of Textile Manufacturing Industry. Annual. Issued by the Cana- dian Textile Journal Publishing Co., Ltd., 223 Victoria Ave., Montreal 6. Drug Merchandising Drug Index. Annual. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. Financial Post Survey of Mines. Information on Canadian mines. Annual. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. Food in Canada. Monthly organ with annual packaging directory. Consoli- dated Press Ltd., 73 Richmond St., W., Toronto 1. $3 per year. Fraser's Canadian Leather Directory. Manufacturers, jobbers, and Canadian representatives of foreign and United States firms. Covers the boot, shoe, leather, harness, gloves, trunks and bags trade, and machinery used in these industries. Annual. Fraser's Trade Directories Ltd., 1520 Mountain St., Montreal. $4. Fraser's Textile Apparel and Fur Directory. Canadian clothing, garment, and textile manufacturers, wholesalers, and importers. Fraser's Trade Direc- tories Ltd., 1520 Mountain St., Montreal. $4. General Merchant of Canada. Monthly organ with annual proprietary and patent medicine directory. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. $3 per year. Hardware & Metal's Data Service. Annual. MacLean-Hunter Publications Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. Heating & Plumbing Engineer. Monthly organ with annual directory of sources. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto 2. $3 per year. 18 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES Hide and Leather Blue Book. Covers tlie shoe and leather industries in Canada and the United States, geographically and alphabetically. Hide and Leather Publishing Co., 300 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Industrial Equipment Handbook. National Business Publications Ltd., Garden- vale, Quebec. Jewellers' Annual Directory. Annual. Consolidated Press Ltd., 73 Richmond St., W., Toronto 1. Keith's Florist Directory and Horticultural Guide. Canadian florists, horti- culturists, and growers of vegetables under glass. Annual. Keith Publishing Co., 49 Turner Rd., Toronto 10. Lumber and Forest Products Industry Directory of Canada. Appelbe Publi cations, 1473 Marine Dr., Hollyburn, B. C. Machine Production & Canadian Supply. Monthly organ with annual directory of equipment and supply. Monetary Times Printing Co. of Canada Ltd., 341 Church St., Toronto 2. $2 per year. Manual of the Textile Industry of Canada. Annual. Canadian Textile Journal Publishing Co., Ltd., 223 Victoria Ave., Westmount, Montreal 6. $3. Modern Power & Engineering. Monthly organ with annual directory issue. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto. $3 per year. National Directory of Pulp and Paper Industries. Mills, selling organizations, converters of paper and pulp, paper merchants, and paper stock dealers, printers, publishers, bookbinders, lithographers and engravers, pulp and paper distributors, and trade and forestry associations. Annual. National Business Publications Ltd., Gardenvale, Quebec. $4.50. National List of Advertisers. Annual. MacLean-Hunter Publishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto 2. $5. Painting & Decorating Contractor. Monthly organ with annual trade name directory. MacLean-Hunter Pul)lishing Co., Ltd., 481 University Ave., Toronto 2. $3 per year. Pulp and Paper Manual of Canada. Annual. National Publications Ltd., Gar- denvale, Quebec. Schools and Teachers. Elementary, public, private schools, and colleges in Canada. Compiled by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. Shoe and Leather Reporter Annual. Covers Canada by provinces. Shoe and Leather Reporter Co., 210 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. Trade and Professional Associations of Canada. Contains a representative alphabetical list of national and provincial associations. Issued by the Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. Westrade Traffic Directory. Annual. Westrade Publications Ltd., 423 W. Broadway, Vancouver 10. Who's Who in Furs. Annual. R. G. Hodgson, 588 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto 12. Willson Chemical Directory. Annual. Reg Willson Publications, 2533 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 13. Willson China, Jewellery, & Giftware Directory. Reg Willson Publications, 2533 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 13. Willson Food Processors Directory. Including food, refrigeration, hotel and restaurant, and packaging sections. Annual. Reg Willson Publications, 2533 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 13. Willson Footwear & Leather Goods Directory. Annual. Reg Willson Publi- cations, 2533 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 13. 19 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, Willson Furniture and House Furnishings Directory. Annual. Reg Willson Publications, 2588 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 18. Willson Textile Directory. Including display and store fixture section and cliildrens', ladies', and men's wear section. Annual. Reg Willson Publications, 2538 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 18. Willson Toy, Smallwares & Stationery Directory. Annual. Reg Willson Publications, 2588 Gerrard St., E., Toronto 18. Wrigley's Hotel Directory. Canadian hotels and the accommodations offered by each. Official oi-gan of the Hotel Association of Canada. Wrigley Directories Ltd., 1104 Hornby St., Vancouver. $5. Local A. B. C. British Columbia Lumber Trade Directory and Yearbook. Progress Publishing Co., Ltd., Marine Bldg., Vancouver. Alberta Trade Index. Commodities produced, wholesalers, food lockers' loca- tion, oil equipment data, supplies, services. Department of Industries and Labour, Edmonton. Bottin Forestieur Du Quebec. Lumber companies in Quebec. Bureau of Forest Industry, Quebec. British Columbia Directory and Yukon Directory. Lists individuals and com- panies in these provinces alphabetically and by trades. Annual. Sun Directories, Ltd., 2788 W. Broadway, Vancouver. British Columbia Journal of Commerce, Commercial and Industrial Yearbook. British ColumV»ia Journal of Commerce, Ltd., 618 Homer St., Vancouver. British Columbia Trade Index. Manufacturers' agents, wholesalers, brokers, importers, exporters. Department of Trade and Industry, Victoria, B. C. City of Calgary Directory. Henderson Directories Ltd., 279 Gary St., Winnipeg. City Directory of Charlottetown. Alphabetical lists of residents and classified section. Annual. Printed in English. Prince Edward Island Advertising Agency, Charlottetown, P. E. I. City Directory of Moncton, N. B. Alphabetical and classified list of residents. Annual. Printed in English. Standard Publications, Moncton, N. B. City Directory of St. John, N. B. Alphabetical and classified list of residents. Annual. McAlpine Directory Co., St. John, N. B. Construction Trades Directory (formerly Western Building Directory). An- nual. Mercury Publications Ltd., Suite 205, 818 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. Directory of Prairie Manufacturers. Industrial Development Board of Mani- toba, Winnipeg. Directory of Products Manufactured by BC Industries. Department of Trade and Commerce, Victoria, B. C. Halifax and Dartmouth City Directories. Lists firms, officials, and persons in these two towns, alphabetically and by trades. Annual. Printed in English. Might Directories Ltd., 177 Hollis St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Manitoba — Canada's New Apparel Center. Manitoban garment manufac- turers. Department of Industry and Commerce, Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg. Manitoba Trade Directory. Products manufactured, manufacturers, whole- salers, retailers. Department of Industry and Commerce, Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg. Montreal Telephone Directory. General telephone book, classified section, for the City of Montreal. Bell Telephone Co., 1050 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal. 20 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES New Brunswick Almanac. New Brunswick industries, fish dealers, processors, coal companies. Brunswick Press Ltd., Fredericton, N. B. Newfoundland Yearbook & Business Directory. Manufacturers and products, business directory. Guardian Ltd., St. John's, Newfoundland. Nova Scotia Directory of Trade and Industry. Products and sources of sup- ply, alphabetical listing of manufacturers and business firms, community data. Department of Trade and Industry, Halifax, N. S. Official Ontario "Ship-by-Truck" Directory. Automotive Transport Associa- tion of Ontario, 146 Wellington St., W., Toronto 1. $1. Official Shippers' Guide. Annual. Clifford Ritchie, 303 Kennedy St., Winnipeg. Ottawa City Directory. Ottawa residents and commercial, industrial, pro- fessional and Government and municipal organizations, with names of executives of business houses and firms, alphabetically and by trades. Annual. Printed in English. Might Directories Ltd., 230 Nepean St., Ottawa. Prince Edward Island Cannery Products. Lists producers. Department of Industry and National Resources, Charlottetown, P. E. I. Saskatchewan Shippers' Directory. Annual. Mercury Publications Ltd., 513 Westman Chambers, Regina. $1.50. Saskatchewan Trade Index. Directory of manufacturers' representatives, agents, brokers, jobbers, buyers, exporters. Published irregularly by Depart- ment of Cooperation and Cooperative Development, Legislative Bldg., Regina. Toronto Telephone Directory. General telephone book, classified section, for the City of Toronto. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, 76 Adelaide St., Toronto. Western Trade Index. A directory of Western Canada manufacturers and allied business 1955. Clifford Ritchie, 303 Kennedy St., Winnipeg. CAPE VERDE ISLANDS See Portugal. CEYLON General Annual Report of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. Gives Information on Ceylon's import and export trade, names of members of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the Tea Traders' Association, and the Rubber Traders' Association. Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Lower Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Ceylon Trade Journal. A monthly publication containing lists of export firms, special articles on Ceylon's trade with other countries, import and export statis- tics, movement of shipping at Ceylon ports, and other information useful to importers and exporters. Ceylon Government Department of Commerce, Galle Face Court, Colombo. 12 rupees per year ; 1 rupee per monthly issue. Ferguson's Ceylon Directory. Contains alphabetical lists of firms, estate owners, official and professional men in Ceylon, and acreage under various crops, together with statistical data and other information useful to exporters and importers. Annual (issued about May). Associated Newspapers of Ceylon, Ltd., "Lake House," McCallum Rd., Colombo. 25 rupees. 21 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, Handbook of Rupee Companies. Contains information regarding capital directorate, acreage, dividends, etc., of companies registered in Ceylon. Com- piled by the Colombo Brokers' Association, Colombo. Annual. Published at Harrisons & Crosheld Press, Colombo. 10 rupees. Khosla's Industrial and Commercial Directory of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon, 1952-53. See details under India. Telephone Directory of Ceylon. Classified section indexed by commodity. Ceylon Government Telecommunications Department, Colombo. 2.50 rupees. Special Indian Press Yearbook, 1954. See details under India. CHINA (FREE) See Taivran. COLOMBIA General Anuario Industrial Colombiano. A new directory, intended to be an annual publication. Aedita, Ltda. — Cromos, Apartado Aereo No. 6103, Calle 17, No. 5-43, Oficina No. 801, Bogota. 20 pesos. Directorio Grancolombiano — Industria, Comercio, Banca, Profesionales. Covers cities in Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, but devotes 219 of the 244 pages to Colombia. Annual. Publicidad Dirigida, Edificio Junin, Calle 17, No. 7-71, Bogota. 3 pesos. Directorio Industrial Nacional. Printed in Spanish. Biennial. The latest edi- tion, covering the years 1952-53, was issued in 1953. New edition expected in 1955. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica (National Admin- istrative Department of Statistics), Carrera 6, No. 13-40, Bogota. Local The telephone directories of the major cities have brief classified sections. COSTA RICA General Guia Comercial de Costa Rica. A comprehensive alphabetical guide to com- merce, agriculture, industry, and the professions in Costa Rica. English index. Camara de Comercio de Costa Rica, Apartado 8, San Jose. Price, 25 colones in Costa Rica, $7 in Philippine Islands, Spain, and Western Hemisphere (except colonial possessions), $10 elsewhere. The West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for Costa Rica). See details under West Indies. 22 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES CUBA General Anglo-American Directory of Cuba, 1954-55. Occupations and addresses of most American, Canadian, and Britisii residents in C'uba. Classified section of professions and trades. Editorial office : Calle 11 No. 43, entre 6 y 8, Almendares, Marianao, Havana. $3. '^ Directorio Comercial e Industrial de Cuba. (Commercial and Industrial Directory of Cuba.) Includes exclusively registered members of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba. Gives brief expose of the economic development of Cuba during first 50 years of independence. Also offers sum- mary on Cuba, its commerce, industries, names, and addresses of importers and exporters. Printed in Spanish, English, and French. Camara de Com- mercio de la Republica de Cuba, Amargura 103, Havana. Directorio Telefonico de las Provincias. Telephone directory of the provinces with classified section. Havana not included. Printed in Spanish. Cuban Telephone Co., Apartado 945, Havana. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book. See details under West Indies. Special Anuario Cinematografico y Radial de Cuba. Information on radio and motion picture industries, including names and addresses of all motion picture theaters in Cuba and indication of their seating capacity. Printed in Spanish. Pedro Pablo Chavez, Calle Almendares 162, Havana. Anuario Azucarero de Cuba (Cuba Sugar Year Book). General information regarding the Cuban sugar industry. Printed in Spanish and English. Compiled and edited by Editora Mercantil Cubana S. A., Lonja del Comercio Dptos. 441-442, P. O. Box 2540, Havana. $5. Gilmore Manual Azucarero de Cuba (Gilmore Cuba Sugar Manual). Infor- mation on the administrative and technical operation of the factories, the development of agricultural methods and resources, and production results. Printed in Spanish. Gilmore Publishing Co., Inc., 205 Queen and Crescent Bldg., New Orleans, La. Estadistica de Seguros (Insurance Statistics). Statistical information on all insurance companies operating in Cuba, showing types of insurance handled, office addresses, and name of principal officer. Printed in Spanish and English. Editorial oflice : Edificio Larrea 328, Havana, $2. Inter-Continental Press Guide. A directory of the leading newspapers and magazines published in Latin America and the islands and possessions throughout the Caribbean area, giving, for each, such information as circulation, general advertising rates, and mechanical requirements. Includes a listing of inter- national publishers' representatives and a monetary chart of Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Printed in English. Monthly with two complete semi- annual volumes. Oscar Rayneri, Hotel Plaza, Havana. $25 per year; single volume, $8 ; single monthly supplement, ,$1. Manual of Sugar Companies. Statistical data and other information on sugar companies. Printed in English. Farr & Co., 120 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. Shipping Directory of Cuba. Information on ports and harbors, customhouse 23 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. regulations, etc. Printed in English. Mario Garcia and Roberto Godoy. Ucar, Garcia, S. A., Teniente Rey 15, Havana. $5. Local Directorio Telefonico de la Habana. Telephone directory of Habana with classified section. Printed in Spanish, Cuban Telephone Co., Apartado 04.5, Havana. CYPRUS General Cyprus Commercial and Professional Directory. General information of commercial interest, tourism. Government departments, and statistics. Includes lists of doctors, dentists, and lawyers as well as exporters, importers, and traders. Index in English. Zavallis Press, P. O. Box 537, Nicosia. C£l (Cyprus currency). Pan. Vouros' Commercial and Professional Directory of Cyprus. General in- formation of commercial interest, as well as lists of importers, exporters, manu- facturers, mines, agents and other trades, and professions. Pan. Vouros, 78 Kykko Ave., Nicosia. C£2. DENMARK General Danske Importagenters Forening (Association of Danish Import Agents). Alphabetical lists of members and commodities with English, French, and Ger- man subtitles. Triennial ; latest edition, 1955. Danske Importagenters Forening, B0rsen, Copenhagen. 10 Danish crowns. Export Directory of Denmark. Lists Danish exporters in all fields of industry and trade and contains an extensive register of advertisements. Printed in English, French, Spanish, German, and Danish. Annual. Kraks Legat, 17 Nytorv, Copenhagen, in collaboration with the Trade Information Department of the Ministry of Commerce. Greensdanske Fonds og Aktier. General directory of Danish foundations and corporations having a capital stock of 100,000 Danish kroner or over. Published in 2 volumes : Volume 1, comprising foundations, banks, insurance, transportation, and real estate companies; volume 2, comprising industrial and commercial corporations. Printed in Danish. Volumes issued in alternate years. B0rsens Forlag, 4 Raadhuspladsen, Copenhagen. 70 Danish crowns for each volume. Kongeriget Danmarks Handelskalender (Trade Directory for the Kingdom of Denmark). An all-inclusive trade register set up alphabetically by trade, listing names and addresses of practically all Danish commercial and industrial enter- prises. A Danish-English glossary included, giving translations of the various trade register headings. Annual. Kongeriget Danmarks Handelskalender A/S, 10 Niels .Juels Gade, Copenhagen. 40 Danish Crowns. Kraks Vejviser (Kraks Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Shippers 24 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES in Denmark). Alphabetical and classified lists of Danish commercial and in- dustrial enterprises, private residents, lists of landed properties, and information concerning the various national and municipal institutions. Headings in the "classified trades" section printed in English, French, and German. Annual. 2 vols. Kraks Legat, 17 Nytorv, Copenhagen. 70 Danish crowns for the 2 volumes. Nordisk Handelskalender. A general trade directory covering Denmark, Nor- way, Sweden, Finland, and the Faroe Islands, containing approximately 50,000 addresses. All headings printed in English and German in addition to the local languages. Annual. H, P. Bovs Bogforlag, 63 Svanem011evej, Copenhagen. 50 Danish crowns. Register over et Antal Storre Provinsfirmaer og -Virksomheder (Register of a Number of Larger Firms and Enterprises Outside Copenhagen). Firms and commodities listed alphabetically. Printed in Danish. Provinshandelskam- meret, 2 Ved Stranden, Copenhagen. Rigstelefon Katalog (National Telephone Directory). Several volumes, classi- fied and unclassified. Printed in Danish. Annual. Generaldirektoratet for Post- og Telegrafvasenet, Copenhagen. Telegramm-Adressbuch (section for Denmark). See details under Germany. Special Bygningsindustriens Falleskatalog (Joint Catalog of the Building Trades). General catalog of firms handling materials and equipment for the building trades ; intended for the use of architects, builders, and contractors. Printed in Danish. Annual. Haandbog for Bygnings-Industries, 27 Frederiksberggade, Copenhagen. 20 Danish crowns. Danmarks Skibsliste. Ofiicial list of Danish vessels, including list of radio call signals and of Danish shipowners. Printed in Danish. Annual. Danish Ministry of Commerce, Copenhagen. 12.50 Danish crowns. Dansk Civilingenierstat. Lists all Danish civil engineers since 1829, with biographical data on living persons. Last published in 1942 ; new edition sched- uled for 1955. Printed in Danish. C. A. Reitzels Forlag, 20 N0rregade, Copen- hagen. 80 Danish crowns. Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund (National Association of Danish Architects) . Directory of Danish architects printed in Danish. Annual. Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund, 66 Bredgade, Copenhagen. 5 Danish crowns. Danske Lagestand. A "Who's Who" of Danish doctors and physicians. Printed in Danish. Issued periodically ; latest edition published 1949. Jacob Lunds Forlag, 6 Pilestrade, Copenhagen. 80 Danish crowns. Fortegnelse over Brancheforeninger. List of Danish trade associations. Printed in Danish. Annual. Grosserer-Societetets Komite, B0rsen, Copenhagen. Haandbog for Dansk Ingenierforening (Handbook and Directory of Civil Engi- neers). Printed in Danish. Annual. Dansk Ingeni0rforening, 29 Vestre Far- imagsgade, Copenhagen. 10 Danish crowns. Juridisk og Statsvidenskabelig Stat. A "Who's Who" of Danish lawyers and economists. Printed in Danish. Latest edition, published in 1954, contains 7,557 biographies. Danmarks Juristforbund, 19 Laksegade, Copenhagen. 55 Danish crowns. Medicinsk Vejviser. Volume 2 of this yearbook contains a complete list of Danish doctors, physicians, and surgeons as well as hospitals, clinics, and similar 42444°— 55- 25 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. institutions. I'rinted in Danish. Danish Doctor's Association (Den almindelige danske Lageforening), 12 Kristianiagade, Copenhagen. 22 Danish crowns. Short Hotel-Guide to Denmark. Printed in English. Annual. National Travel Association of Denmark (Turistforeningen for Denmark), 5-7 Banegaardsplads, Copenhagen. Local Telefon Fagbog for Sjalland (Classified Telephone Directory for the Island of Zealand). Printed in Danish. Annual. Kj0benhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, Copenhagen. Telefon Navnebog for Sjalland (Unclassified Telephone Directory for the Island of Zealand). Printed in Danish. Annual. Kj0benhavns Telefon Aktiesel- skab, Copenhagen. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC General Directorio — APA — Banca-Comercio-Industria Republica Dominicana, 1953- 1954. Rowues Roman, C. por A., Ciudad Trujillo. $5. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for Dominican Republic). See details under West Indies. ECUADOR Special Boletin de la Asociacion de Industriales Textiles del Ecuador (Ecuadoran Textile Industry Association Bulletin). A listing of the member firms of the association, giving, for each, such information as year firm was founded, its organization, name of manager, production, plans for future expansion, present capitalization, equipment, number of workers, etc. Asociacion de Industriales Textiles del Ecuador, P. O. Box 2893, Quito. Local Directorio de Industriales (Directory of Industries). Classified listing, by industry, of the principal industrial firms in the Guayaquil area. Camara de Industrias, Guayaquil. Gia de Camara de Comercio de Quito (Directory of the Quinto Chamber of Commerce). Gives (1) alphabetical listing of member firms of the Quito Chamber of Commerce, with, their street addresses and post oflice box numbers ; (2) classification of firms by type of business with headings for each group given in Spanish, English, French, and German, Index in Spanish. Paid adver- tising carried throughout. Camara de Comercio de Quito, P. O. Box 202, Quito. Guia General de Comerciantes de la Camara de Comercio de Guayaquil (Gen- eral Directory of the Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce). A listing of more than 26 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES 1,000 firms engaged in international trade, divided into two parts : (1) importers ; (2) exporters. Cross-indexed by commodities handled. Camara de Comercio de Guayaquil, Guayaquil. 60 sucres. Guia de las Industrias Establecidas en la Provincia de Pichincha (Industries Directory — Pichincha Province). Classification of firms by type of industry; capitalization of each firm indicated. Camara de Industriales de Pichincha, P. O. Box 699, Quito. Guia Telefonica de Cuenca (Cuenca Telephone Directory). Arrangement is numerical and alphabetical, both sections providing addresses of the subscribers. Alphabetical section includes classification by trade, industry, service, i. e., banks, taxi companies, commercial offices, factories, schools, w^orkshops, and hotels. A professional guide placed at the close of the directory lists lawyers, physicians, chemists, dentists, and engineers. Empresa Municipal de Luz, Agua y Telefonos, Calle Vasquez de Noboa No. 160, Cuenca. 10 sucres to subscribers. Guia Telefonica de Guayaquil (Guayaquil Telephone Directory). A particu- larly useful directory since many subscribers are classified by profession, trade, service or activity, each group listed alphabetically. Contains approximately 100 classifications, including doctors, lawyers, engineers, garages, laundries, fac- tories, and transportation companies. Paid advertising carried throughout. Compania Nacional de Telefonos S. A., Guayaquil. 10 sucres. Guia Telefonica de Quito (Quito Telephone Directory). An alphabetical listing of subscribers and their street addresses. Many subscribers are classi- fied, in the second section of the directory, by profession, trade, or service activity, each group listed alphabetically. Paid advertising carried throughout. La Empresa de Telefonos Automaticos de Quito, Calle Benalcazar, Esq. de Calle Mejia, Quito. 30 sucres. Libro de la Ciudad de San Francisco de Quito (Book of the City of San Fran- cisco of Quito). Four parts. Part 1, History of Quito ; Ecuadoran Art ; Women of Quito; Ecuadoran Law; Ecuadoran Music. Literature; Monograph on the Province of Pichincha. Part 2, "Who's Who" (Quito area). Part 3, Institutions (political, banking, business, insurance, industrial, agricultural, commercial, ad- ministrative, cultural); engineers; radio stations. Part 4, lists of various services; agricultural enterprises; commercial houses; industrial concerns; the professions ; and a listing of Quito residents and their addresses. Paid adver- tsing carried throughout. Cegan, Calle Espejo 815, P. O. Box 599, Quito. 190 sucres. EGYPT General Annuaire de la Federation Egyptienne de ITndustrie. Brief reports on a number of industries in Egypt. Includes classified and alphabetical lists of industrial firms operating in Egypt. Printed in French. Annual. Egyptian Federation of Industries, Immobilia Bldg., Cherif Pasha St., Cairo. $3.50. I'Annuaire Mondain. Alphabetical and classified lists of prominent person- alities in social and business life in Egypt. Printed in French. Annual. Max Fischer, 18 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $2. Annuaire des Societes Egyptiennes Par Actions. Lists all Egyptian limited liability companies with their balance sheets, names of the board of 27 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ (directors, etc. Printed in French. Annual. Elie Politi, 1 Adib St., Alexandria. $7. Commercial Directory of Egypt. Alphabetical list of business firms oi>erating in the main towns of Egypt, with description of the products handled; classified listing of such firms; alphabetical listing of foreign firms with their agents in Egypt; alphabetical listing of shipping lines and of vessels with their agents in Egypt. Printed in English. Annual. Modern Publishing Co., 11 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $7.50. Egyptian Directory. Classified and alphabetical lists of business firms and residents in the main cities of Egypt ; complete text of Egyptian customs tariff ; lists the various Egyptian Government departments and names of Government officials. Printed in French. Annual. Max Fischer, 18 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $8. Egyptian Trade Index. Alphabetical lists of selected firms in Cairo, Alex- andria, and Port Said, appearing in 3 sections: (1) importers, exporters, mer- chants by trades; (2) manufacturers; (3) firms, showing activities, capital, bankers, partners, directors, managers, agencies, and addresses. Printed in English. Annual. Middle East Publishing Co., 29 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $7. Pan-African Directory. Lists principal firms in Africa and gives a summary of basic information regarding each country in Africa. Printed in English and French. First published in early 1955. Michel ^C. Papamichael, 42 Ave. Alexander le Grand, Alexandria. $12. Stock Exchange Yearbook of Egypt. Lists all Egyptian limited liability companies, with such detailed information on each corporation as character" of business, names of the board of directors, year of establishment, and balance sheet. Printed in English. Annual (publication temporarily suspended). Clement Levy, 85 Farouk St., Cairo. $9. Sudan Directory. Classified and alphabetical lists of business firms and lesidents in the main cities of the Sudan ; a summary of the history of the Sudan ; and the Sudan customs tariff and regulations. Printed in English. Published at irregular intervals (most recent edition 1951-52). Max Fischer, 18 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $4. Who's Who for Agents and Distributors. Alphabetical list of agents and distributors operating in Egypt with the names of the firms they represent; and alphabetical list of foreign firms represented in Egypt with names of their agents. Printed in English. Annual. Middle East Publishing Co., 29 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $7. Who's Who in Egypt and the Near East. Alphabetical list of prominent personalities in social and business life in Egypt and the Near East. Also Includes a summary of basic information regarding each country. Printed in English. Annual. .J. E. Blattner, 50 Kasr el Nil St., Cairo. $5. Year Book and Guide to East Africa. See details under British East Africa. Special I'Annuaire du Batiment. Names of architects, civil engineers, building con- tractors, and importers-distributors of building materials in Egypt ; also, in- formation of interest to civil engineers in general. Printed in French. Societe de Publications Egyptiennes, P. O. Box 610, Alexandria. $7. I'Annuaire du Cinema pour le Moyen Orient et I'Afrique du Nord. Names and addresses of motion picture theaters, their seating capacity, name of pro- 28 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES jector used; motion picture producers and distributors; importers-distributors of motion picture equipment; motion picture studios and laboratories; titles of films produced; and text of legislation pertaining to the motion picture industry. Printed in French and Arabic. Issued at irregular intervals, Jacques Pascal, 27 Adly Pasha St., Cairo. $9. I'Annuaire Medical Egyptien. Physicians, surgeons, dentists, and hospitals in Egypt. Printed in French. Annual. Max Fischer, 18 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $4. Chantiers d'Egypte. Architects, civil engineers, building contractors, and importers-distributors of building materials in Egypt. Printed in French. Annual. Middle East Publishing Co., 29 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $7. Guide Hotelier et Touristique d'Egypte. Principal hotels in Egypt together with rates charged ; and names and addresses of principal places of interest to tourists. Printed in English. Annual. Modern Publishing Co., 11 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $1.50. Index Medical & Pharmaceutique d'Egypte. Names of pharmaceutical products on sale in Egypt; pharmaceutical manufacturers with names of their distributors in Egypt; Egyptian firms with names of the foreign manufacturers they represent. Printed in French. Annual. Middle East Publishing Co., 29 Sarwat Pasha St., Cairo. $2.25. EIRE See Ireland, Republic of ENGLAND See United Kingdom. FINLAND General Finnish Foreign Trade Directory, 1953 and Supplement, 1955. Most useful book containing alphabetical lists of member firms, all grouped according to manufacturers, exporters and importers, and trades. Frequency of revision, approximately 2y2 years ; revised edition to be published in June 1956. Printed in English. The Finnish Foreign Trade Association, E. Esplanadi 18, Helsinki. 1,00Q marks. Jasenluettelo — Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto ry. (List of Members — Finnish Foreign Trade Agents' Federation), 1952. This directory gives general informa- tion on the federation and lists alphabetically the members and indicates the commodities handled by each. Printed in English, Finnish, Swedish, and German. A revised edition will probably be published late in 1955. Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto r. y., Aleksanterinkatu 13, Helsinki. Nordisk Handelskalender. See details under Denmark. Sininen Kirja 1953 (Blue Book). Lists alphabetically, firms and their manage- ments, commercial associations, and trades. Revised edition available in October 29 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. 1055 (revision period 2i^ years). Printed in Finnish witli an alphabetical index to trades in En^dish. Sininen Kirja Oy., E. Esplanadi 18, Helsinki. Advanced subscriptions 8,S00 ; later 4,800 marks. Suomen Liikemiehia, 1948. "Who's Who" of Finnish businessmen comprising 2,622 biograpliies. Frequency of revision, every 10 years. Sininen Kirja Oy., E. Esplanadi 18, Helsinki. 1,800 marks. Suomen Pankit ja Osakeyhtiot, 1953. Finnish joint-stock companies (incorpo- rated companies) with a share capital over 2,000,000 marks ; also, banks, coopera- tives and insurance companies, economic and commercial organizations. Printed in Finnish and~Swedish. Biennial ; 1955 edition is being printed. Kustannusosa- keyhtio Liiketieto, Fabianinkatu 9, Helsinki. Approximately 3,500 marl^s, Suomen Teollisuus, 1951. Finnish industrial firms, containing history and general information on the various lines of industry, history of each individual firm, production, and management. Printed in Finnish ; a revised Finnish-Swed- ish-English language edition to be published in the fall of 1956. Kustannusosa- keyhtio Kivi, Yrjonkatu 13, Helsinki. 3,800 marks. Suomen Tybnantajain Keskusliiton Kalenteri. Member associations of the federation ; also, member firms of the associations, with number of employees in each. Printed in Finnish and Swedish. Annual. Suomen Tyonantajain Keskus- liitto (Finnish Employers' Federation), Etelaranta 10, Helsinki. Special Asianajotoimistoja Suomessa (Lawyers in Finland) . Lawyers belonging to the - Association of Finnish Lawyers. Annual. Suomen Asianajoliitto, Simonkatu 12 B, Helsinki. Finnish Timber and Paper Calendar 1954-55. The directory gives a compre- hensive picture of the Finnish forest product industries, statistical data, and general information, listing sawmills, manufacturers of pulp, papers, plywood, and boards; agents, etc. Printed in English. The Finnish Paper and Timber Journal Publishing Co., Unioninkatu 19, Helsinki. 1,500 marks. Handbook of the Northern Wood Industries. See details under Sweden. Hmoitushinnasto — Annons taxa 1952-53. Lists newspapers and periodicals published in Finland. New edition will probably be published in 1956. Sano- malehtien Ilmoitustoimisto Oy., Aleksanterinkatu 48, Helsinki. Paper and Pulp Makers. See details under Sweden, SAFA Vuosikirja — Arsbok. Finnish architects. Printed in Finnish and Swedish in one volume. Annual. Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto (Association of Fin- nish Architects), Bulevardi 1, Helsinki. 300 marks. Sahkolaitostilasto 1950 and Supplements 1951-52, -53, and -54 (Electric Power Plant Statistics) . Revised approximately every fourth year. Sahkotarkastuslai- tos, Sarkiniementie 3, Lauttasaari, Helsinki. 1,500 marks. Suomalaisten Teknikkojen Seuran Vuosikirja. Who's Who among Finnish engineers (graduates of Finland Institute of Technology) ; lists also various associations of engineers. Annual. Suomalaisten Teknikkojen Seura (The Association of Finnish Engineers), Ratakatu 9, Helsinki. 150 marks. Suomen Laakarien ja Hammaslaakarien luettelo 1955. Finnish physicians and dentists. Annual. The Finnish Government Publishing OflSce, Annankatu 44, Helsinki. 300 marks. Suomen MetalliteoUisuusyhdistys r. y. (Finlands Metallindustrlforening r. f.), 1949. Illustrated description of products of member industries, highlights on 30 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES their history, and management; also description of the association itself. Re- vised edition availahle in September 1955. Suomen Metalliteollisuusyhdistys r. y. (The Finnish Metal Industry Association), Etelaranta 10, Helsinki. 1,500 to 2,000 marks. Suomen Valtiokalenteri 1955 (Finlands Statskalender). Government oflEices, officials, employees. Government-supported institutions, and certain nonprofit organizations. Also printed in Swedish. Annual. University of Helsinki, Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki. 1,800 marks. Yleinen Laakintahakemisto, 1952 (General Medical Directory). Accredited physicians, dentists, veterinarians, hospitals, and other pertinent information on medical services. Published intermittently. Lliaketieteenkandidaattiseura r. y., Unioninkatu 45, G, Helsinki. 400 marks. Local Helsingin Kunnalliskalenteri— Helsingfors Kommunal Kalender (Helsinki Communal Calendar). Lists municipal offices, institutions, and employees. Printed in Finnish and Swedish. Annual. City of Helsinki, Statistical Office, Erottaja 19, Helsinki. 250 marks. Helsingin Puhelinluettelo, 1955 (Telephone Directory of Helsinki). Alpha- betical and classified sections in one volume. Helsingin Puhelinyhdistys (Hel- sinki Telephone Co. ) , Korkeavuorenkatu 35, Helsinki. 1,350 marks. Suomen Yleinen Puhelinluettelo, 1952 (General Telephone Directory of Fin- land, exclusive of Helsinki). Alphabetical. Triennial. Posti- ja Lennatinhal- litus (Board of Post and Telegraph), Mannerheimintie 11, Helsinki. 3,300 marks. FORMOSA See Taiwan. FRANCE General Annuaire Bleu (Annuaire du Commerce International). French exporters, classified by commodities ; general information on export and import regulations and licenses ; descriptions of most important French products. Index in English. Centre d'Expansion Francaise, 77 rue des St-Peres, Paris. 3,000 francs. Annuaire de la Federation Nationale du Commerce d'Importation et d'Ex- portation de France. Index in English. Published at 23 rue Notre-Dame des Vicfoires, Paris. 1,500 francs. Annuaire General de rExportation et des Foires Economiques — SLOG. Gen- eral directory of French exporters and importers. Printed in three languages. Edited with the aid of the Ministry of National Economy and the Permanent Committee of Foreign Fairs. Index in English. SLOG, 20 rue de Leningrad, Paris. 2,500 francs. Annuaire Industriel. French manufacturers in all industries in the country, classified according to the name of products manufactured. Exporters are distinguished by asterisks. Commodity headings are given in French, English, 31 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian. Index in English. Society d'Editions Documentaires Industrielles, 28 rue Geoffroy FAsnier, Paris. 3 vols. 7,180 francs. Bottin Commercial. A classified listing of firms in France, by districts and by commodities. Annual. Didot Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien P>ottin, Paris. In 3 sections, as follows: (1) Classified — (a) Paris, 1 vol., 1,700 francs; (b) De- partments, 1 vol., 1,700 francs; (2) Paris and Seine (firms listed by streets), 1 vol., 1,700 francs; and (3) Departments (firms listed in geographical arrange- ment), 3 vols., 6,800 francs. Bottin Mondial. An international, classified commercial directory presenting, for each country: (a) Index to trades, with chief production centers, adver- tisements; (b) index to localities, maps; (c) geographical listing and general information. Useful, though not very detailed. Printed in English and French. English index. Annual. Didot-Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien Bottin, Paris. 1,700 francs. France Professions. A commercial directory similar to the Bottin Com- mercial. Published at 53 rue Lafayette, Paris. 5,000 francs. General, Covering French Colonies Annuaire des Agrumes Nord Africaines. Published at 7 rue Marceau, Algiers, Algeria. See details under Algeria. Annuaire des Entreprises Coloniales. General reference relating to French overseas territories. Identifies foreign producers, exporters, importers, and dealers by colonial products. Individual sections for each of the territories list commercial, industrial, and mining firms, and agricultural producers and pro- cessors, furnishing data on the relation of these firms to companies in Europe and elsewhere, with details on capitalization, purpose of firm, and products handled ; also location of branch houses. Comite Central de la France d'Outre- Mer, 41 rue de la Bienfaisance, Paris. 1,500 francs. Annuaire Marocan. See details under INIorocco. Annuaire de la Viticulture de I'Afrique du Nord. See details under Algeria. Bottin de I'Union Francaise. Covers all the French overseas territories. Gives general information on the countries' administration, geography, history, econ- omy, trade, and transportation ; also statistics on imports and exports Oi. their leading commodities. Commercial and industrial firms in each territory are listed alphabetically by cities and are classified by types of trade in which they engage. Annual. Didot-Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien Bottin, Paris. 1,700 francs. Special Annuaire de TAmeublement. Furniture and furnishings. Published at 51 rue Boursault, Paris. 1,450 francs. Annuaire des Annuaires. Annual list of directories. Published at 195 Blvd. St. -Germain, Paris. Annuaire Azur de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfevrerie, Horlogerie et Profes- sions Annexes. .Tewelry, silverware, watches and clocks, and allied industries. Published at 5 rue du Louvre, Paris. 400 francs. Annuaire des Banques de France. Banks. Published at 13 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris. 1,100 francs. 32 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Annuaire du Batiment et des Travaux Publics. A detailed directory of all firms in the construction materials trade. Sageret, 53 rue de Rennes, Paris. 2 vols. 1,895 francs. Annuaire de la Bonneterie, de la Mercerie et de rHabillement. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of all types of wearing apparel. Most important publi- cation of the trade. Horizons de France, 39 due du General Foy, Paris. 500 francs. Annuaire des Chambres de Commerce. Published at 41 Avenue de Reille, Paris, 1,200 francs. Annuaire de la Chapellerie et de la Mode. Millinery and fashions. Published at 51 rue Boursault, Paris. 800 francs. Annuaire de la Chaussure et des Cuirs. Shoes and leather. Published at 51 rue Boursault, Paris, 1,200 francs. Annuaire du Cinema. Published at 29 rue Marsoulan, Paris. 2,250 francs. Annuaire de la Confederation des Industries Ceramiques. Gives names of the manufacturers of bricks, tile, porcelain, pottery, sanitary ware, and special- ized equipment and machines. Published at 44 rue Copernic, Paris. 1,750 francs. Annuaire de la Construction Electrique. Classified list of firms manufacturing or dealing in practically every item used in the electrical construction industry. Index in English. Camille Rousset, 31 rue Deparcieux, Paris. 1,700 francs. Annuaire de la Couleur. Manufacturers of paints and varnishes ; classified by commodity. Published at 7 rue Lauriston, Paris. 1,000 francs. Annuaire des Cuirs et Peaux, de la Pelleterie et de la Chaussure. Classified list of firms manufacturing or dealing in practically every item used in shoe and leather industries. Covers the entire world. Index in English. Camille Rousset, 31 rue Deparcieux, Paris. 1,800 francs. Annuaire Dentaire. Dentists, dental laboratories, etc. Published at 30 rue de Gramont, Paris. 2,150 francs. Annuaire Desechaliers pour I'lmprimerie la Papeterie le Bureau et la Publicite. Printing works, paper works, office supplies, and advertising. Published at 150 Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Paris. 1,400 francs. Annuaire Desfosses. Lists all stocks which have a current market value ; gives their value and highest and lowest quotations during last 3 years ; identifies stocks by firms and gives names of directors of firms ; gives last balance sheet of each company. Published at 42 rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, Paris. 2 vols. 7,500 francs. Annuaire de I'Education Nationale. Schools and colleges in France with de- scriptions of the institutions. A Government publication. Published at 3 rue Dufour, Paris. 2,500 francs. Annuaire de I'Electricite et de la T. S. F. Classified list of firms manufacturing or dealing in practically every item used in the electrical industry. Covers the entire world. Camille Rousset, 31 rue Deparcieux, Paris. 1,700 francs. Annuaire France Bois. Wood industries. Published at 40 rue du Colisee, Paris. 1,000 francs. Annuaire General du Patronat Francais. Association of manufacturers and businessmen. Conseil National du Patronat, 31 Avenue Pierre ler de Serbie, Paris. 3,000 francs. Annuaire General de la Pelleterie. Purs and skins. Published at 39 rue La Bruyere, Paris. Annuaire General de la Pharmacie Francaise. Lists of pharmacies in France and French colonies. Identifies specialties and pharmaceutical products by prin- 33 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. cipal maiuifactiirers. Covers legislation affecting the pharmaceutical trade. Piib- lii^hed at 70 rne Daiiiierre, Paris. 2,000 francs. Annuaire General des Vins, Cidres, Vinaigres, Spiritueux et Liqueurs. Le Mouitenr Vinicole, 6 rue de Beaune, Paris. (Last published, 1948.) 750 francs. Annuaire de I'lndustrie Laitiere et de la Porcherie. Dairy and pig farming industries. Published at 14 rue Turbigo, Paris. 2 vols. 1,900 francs. Annuaire de I'lndustrie Textile. Firms and manufacturers in the various bi-anches of the textile industry. Index in English. Camille Rousset, 31 rue Deparcieux, Paris. 2,100 francs. Annuaire des Industries de la Photo et du Cinema. Photographic studios, photographic supplies, and motion picture theatres. Paul Montel, 189 rue St- Jacques, Paris. 1,250 francs. Annuaire de la Marine Marchande. French steamship lines, number and ton- nage of ships, date of construction, etc. Comite Central des Armateurs de France, 73 Blvd. Haussmann, Paris. 1,200 francs. Annuaire de la Maree. Fisheries in France, producers of canned and salted fish. Published at 190 Blvd. Haussmann, Paris. 1,550 francs. Annuaire des Mines et Metaux Brut. Mining and metallurgical companies with production data. Published at 39 rue St-Dominique, Paris. 1,200 francs. Annuaire des Ministeres. Government agencies. Georges Saulgeot, 27 rue Jasmin, Paris. 2,500 francs. Annuaire Navis. Lists suppliers of merchant marine, navy, and shipbuilding yards, classified by specialties. Published at 120 Blvd. Haussmann, Paris. 2,550 francs. Annuaire Noria. Published at B. P. 206, Oran, Algeria. 2 vols. Annuaire O. G. M. Lists firms in the radio industry. Horizons de France, 39 rue du General Foy, Paris. 900 francs. Annuaire Officiel des Syndicats d'Initiatives. Association for the encourage- ment of touring. Published at 127 Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Paris. 1,950 francs. Annuaire de la Papeterie Universelle. Paper mills throughout the world. Lhomme et Argy, 9 rue Lagrange, Paris. 2,000 francs. Annuaire des Parfums et Savons. Perfumes and soaps. Published at 51 rue Boursault, Paris. 1,000 francs. Annuaire de la Presse Francaise et Etrangere et du Monde Politique. French dailies and periodicals listed alphabetically, by districts and by subjects. Maurice Roux Bluysen, 7 rue Portalis, Paris. 2,500 francs. Annuaire des Produits Chimiques et de la Droguerie. An international list of manufacturers of industrial chemicals and pharmaceutical products, classified by commodity ; headings are in French, English, German, Spanish, and Italian. Gives also alphabetical lists of manufacturers of chemicals in the largest centers of all countries. Index in English. Camille Rousset, 31 rue Deparcieux, Paris. 2,500 francs. Annuaire de la Quincaillerie. International list of manufacturers of hardware, classified by commodity. Headings are in French, English, German, Spanish, and Italian. Camille Rousset, 31 rue Deparcieux, Paris. 1,700 francs. Annuaire des Societes d'Assurance Operant en France. Insurance companies operating in France. I'Argus, 2 rue de Chateaudun, Paris. 3,600 francs. Annuaire du Syndicat National du Caoutchouc et des Industries qui s'y Rattachent. Firms manufacturing or dealing in rubber. Published at 9 Avenue Hoche, Paris. Index in English. 500 francs. 34 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Auberges de France "Le Club des Sans Clubs". Tourist information on France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Published in French and English at 34 Avenue de Trevise, Paris. 750 francs. Bottin Administratif et Documentaire. Branches of Government and subofRces. Didot Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien Bottin, Paris. 1,700 francs. Bottin de TAutomobile. Comprehensive directory of the automobile industry. Lists body builders, dealers, and manufacturers of accessories. Didot Bottin, 11 rue Sebastien Bottin, Paris. Bottin du Cycle et de la Moto. Bicycle and motorcycle industries in France. Didot Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien Bottin, Paris. 700 francs. Chambre Syndicale du Papier et des Industries Qui le Transforment et Qui s'y Rattachent — Annuaire. Paper and paper converting industries and subsidiary industries. Published at 15 rue de Chateauduu, Paris. 300 francs. Encyclopedie Permanente de 1' Administration Francaise. Lists all the French Government services and agencies. Georges Saulgeot, 27 rue Jasmin, Paris. 5,000 francs. France Plastiques. Classified list of firms manufacturing or dealing in prac- tically every item used in the plastics industry. Published at 27 rue Laffitte, Paris. 2,150 francs. France Textile. This catalog lists firms engaged in the production and dis- tribution of textile machinery and of semifinished and finished textile products. Annuaire France-Textiles, 10 rue des Py rami des. Paris. 2,500 francs. Guide de FEdition et de la Publicite. Publishing and advertising agencies. O. Lesourd, 252 Faubourg St-Honore, Paris. 800 francs. Guide du Froid, Refrigeration. Horizons de P>ance, 39 rue du General Foy, Paris. 1,000 francs. Guide du Petrole. A. Lesourd, 252 Faubourg St-Honore, Paris. 2 vols. 5,000 francs. Guide Rosenwald. Doctors and medical and pharmaceutical suppliers in France. Listings are printed in French. Guide Rosenwald, 23 rue du Cherche- Midi, Paris. 1,200 francs. Indicateur Lahure des Foires, Fetes et Marches. Guide to fairs and exhibi- tions. Published at 9 rue de Fleurs, Paris. 650 francs. Syndicat General de la Construction Electrique — Annuaire. Published by S. G. C. E., 11 rue Hamelin, Paris. 2,300 francs. Toute I'Alimentation. Food industry. Published at 23 rue Notre-Dame des Victoires, Paris. 2,800 francs. Tout Cinema. Classified list of buyers and sellers of films; names leading actors and actresses ; identifies motion picture theatres, producers and studios ; and gives other useful information about the industry. Covers the world. Published at 45 rue Richer, Paris. 2 vols. 2,800 francs. Local The following is a list of directories for those Departments in which separate directories are published. Information on those Departments in which separate directories are not published is available in a departmental section of the Bottin Commercial published by Didot Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien Bottin, Paris 7 eme (see that entry in listing of general directories, France). Annuaire Fournier de I'Ain. 4 rue Bourgmayer, Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain). Annuaire Departemental, Commercial et Industriel des Alpes-Maritimes 35 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. et Principaiite de Monaco. Agence Havas, Place Massena, Nice (Alpes-Mari- times ) . Annuaire Fournier de I'Ardeche -Drome. 83 bis Avenue Felix Faure, Valence (Drome). Annuaire des Bouches-du-Rhone (Indicateur Marseillais). 20 la Canebiere, Marseille (Bouches dii Rhone). Annuaire Delmas de la Correze. 6 Place St. Christoly, Bordeaux (Gironde). Annuaire General de la Corse. 1 Boulevard du Palais, Bastia (Corse). Annuaire Fournier de la Cote d'Or. 3 rue du Docteur Chaussier, Dijon (Coted'Or). Annuaire Delmas de la Dordogne. 6 Place St. Christoly, Bordeaux (Gironde). Annuaire Fournier du Doubs. 8 Place du Huit-Septembre, Besancon (Doubs). Annuaire de la Haute Garonne. 14 rue des Arts, Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Annuaire Delmas de la Gironde, 6 Place St. Christoly, Bordeaux (Gironde). Annuaire de I'Herault. 7 rue Dom Vaissette, Montpellier (Herault). Annuaire de I'lndre. rue Vieille Prison, Chateauroux (Indre). Annuaire de I'lndre et Loire. 6 Place de la Visitation, Angers (Maine et Loire ) . Grand Annuaire Officiel de I'lsere. 1 rue Lamartine, Grenoble (Isere) . Annuaire de la Loire. 12 rue Gerentet, St-Etienne (Loire). Annuaire de la Loire-Inferieure. 6 Place de la Visitation, Angers (Maine et Loire). Annuaire du Lot et Garonne (Annuaire Delmas). 43 rue Voltaire, Agan (Lot et Garonne). Annuaire du Maine et Loire. 6 Place de la Visitation, Angers (Maine et Loire). Annuaire de Lorraine, Departement de Meurthe et Moselle. 21 rue St-Dizier, Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle). Annuaire de la Meuse. 21 rue St-Dizier, Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle). Annuaire de Lorraine, Departement de la Moselle. 21 rue St-Dizier, Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle). Annuaire de la Nievre. 24 Avenue de la Gare, Nevers (Nievres). Annuaire du Nord (Ravet-Anceau). 52 rue Esquermoise, Lille (Nord). Annuare General de I'Oise. 32/34 rue des Otages, Amiens ( Nord ) . Annuaire du Pas de Calais (Ravet-Anceau) . 52 rue Esquermoise, Lille (Nord). Annuaire Fournier du Rhone. 33 rue de la Republique, Lyon (Rhone). Annuaire du Rhone, Indicateur Lyonnais, Henry. 37 rue de la Bourse, Lyon (Rhone). Annuaire Fournier de la Saone et Loire. 39 Grande-Rue, Chalon-sur-Saone (Saone et Loire). Annuaire de la Sarthe. 6 Place de la Visitation, Angers (Maine et Loire). Annuaire Regional Fournier de la Savoie et de la Haute-Savoie. 11 rue du Docteur Mazet, Grenoble (Isere). Annuaire General de la Somme. 32/34 rue des Otages, Amiens (Somme). Annuaire Officiel du Tarn. 71 Boulevard de la Liberte, Beziers (Herault). Indicateur du Var. 64 rue Gimelli, Toulon (Var). Annuaire du Vaucluse. 10 rue Bouquerie, Avignon (Vaucluse). Annuaire de la Vendee. 6 Place de la Visitation, Angers (Maine et Loire). Annuaire de Lorraine, Departement des Vosges. 21 rue St-Dizier, Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle). Annuaire Fournier du Territoire-de-Belfort. 15 rue de la Republique, Belfort. 36 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES FRENCH WEST INDIES (Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana) See also France. General West Indies and Caribbean Year Bo«k. See details under West Indies. GERMANY The directories listed below, unless otherwise indicated, cover only the territories of the Federal Republic of Germany and of Western Berlin, designated "Western Germany." They represent a selection, from among a far greater number of local and industry branch directories. Normally, these directories are printed in German ; an index in English is noted specifically. General ABC der Deutschen Wirtschaft (ABC of German Economy). ABC der deutschen Wirtschaft Verlagsgesselschaf t G. m. b. H., Gerauer Allee 8, Darmstadt. Published in 3 parts as follows : Part A. — Industrieller Informationsdienst. A classified listing of all Western Germany industrial enterprises, by industry groups, with detailed descriptions of the firms and their products. 4 volumes, published about every 2 years each. 44.50 German marks per vol. (about 1,200 pp. each). Part B. — Quellenwerk Fuer Einkauf-Verkauf. Contains a classified listing of Western Germany manufacturers by commodities and locations, and a listing of export and import merchants and agents by commodity groups, both with English index. 1 vol. (about 3,000 pp.). Annual. 24 German marks. Part 0. — Ortslexikon fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr. An alphabetical listing of about 15,000 industrial localities in Western Germany with pertinent authori- ties, post offices, and railway stations, and with industrial firms located at each place, by branches of industry. 1 vol. (about 1,100 pp.). Annual. 17 German marks. Biedermann Exporteure und Importeure. Alphabetical lists of (a) exporters and importers with products handled by them; (b) countries supplied by ex- porters listed; (c) import agents and brokers with products handled by them; (d) import goods and firms handling them (this section with English index) ; (e) auxiliary trades — banking, shipping, forwarding, insurance, and others. 2 vols. C. Ed. Biedermann Verlag, Neuer Wall 64/66, Hamburg 36. 7.50 German marks. Deutsche Branchen-Fernsprechbuch fuer die Bundesrepublik und Berlin-West. Lists all Western Germany commercial and industrial telephone subscribers by localities and branches of industry. 3 vols. Deutscher Adressbuchverlag fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr G. m. b. H., Holzhofallee 38, Darmstadt. 96 German marks. Deutsches Bundes-Adressbuch der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft. Western Ger- many firms by localities and branches of industry. 4 vols. Deutscher Adress- buchverlag fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr G. m. b. H., Holzhofallee 38, Darmstadt. 120 German marks. 37 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ Deutsches Bundes-Telefonbuch. Lists all Western Germany telephone sub- scribers alpha betically by localities (showinj:; business or profession and postal address) and, in addition, sources of supply by branches of industry. Verlag Paul Auff. Hoffman K. G., Stephanstr. 5, Darmstadt. 95 German marks. Deutsches Handels-Adressbuch. Industrial and trading firms. Kaupert- Verlag G. m. b. H., Friedrichstr. 210, Berlin SW 68. 20 German marks. Deutsches Reichs-Adressbuch fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr. A new edition of the former directory of the economy of the German Reich. 4 vols, with English index. Publication scheduled foi- end of 1955 by Rudolf Mosse G. m. b. H. K. G., Haydnstr. 1, INIuenchen 15. 96 German marks. Deutschland Liefert (Germany Supplies). Lists alphabetically the industrial sources of supply by branches of industry and commodities. Also lists the firm names alphabetically. English index. Also contains a list of German export merchants, by German States and by export markets served. Published on behalf of Federal Association of German Industry (BDI), Central Organization of Handicraft, and Working Committee of Exporters' Associations by Gemein- schaftsverlag Deutsches Exportadressbuch G. m. b. H., Ahastr. 7, Darmstadt. $12.50. Export-Handbuch von C. Ed. Biedermann. Alphabetical list of export goods with addresses of manufacturers and their export agents ; list of manufacturers and their export agents ; lists of export agents. 4 vols. 0. Ed. Biedermann Verlag, Neuer Wall 64/66, Hamburg 36. 25 German marks. Handbuch der Deutschen Aktiengesellschaften. Directory of about 3,000 Western Germany corporations with detailed descriptions of each, excerpts from their balance sheets, and other data. 5 vols. Annual. Verlag Hoppenstedt & Co., Spreestrasse, Darmstadt. 100 German marks per vol. Handbuch der Grossunternehmen. Description of about 6,000 largest Western Germany enterprises. Verlag Hoppenstedt & Co., Spreestrasse, Darmstadt. 100 German marks. Meyer's Adressbuch der Exporteure und Importeure. A general international directory listing exporters and shippers in Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and other countries; importers in Western Germany ; importers and buying agencies at the most important coastal and trading centers throughout the world ; detailed listing of Western Germany sources of supply and trade-marks ; Western Germany export auxiliary trades, such as banking, shipping, forwarding, insurance, and others. Rudolf Dudy K. G., Bankstr. 20-26, Hamburg 1. 40 German marks. Leitende Maenner der Wirtschaft und der Zugehoerigen Verwaltung. A "Who's Who" in Western Germany economy. Verlag Hoppenstedt & Co., Spree- strasse, Darmstadt. 89 German marks. Rademacher's Firmenregister fuer Industrie und Exporthandel. Alphabetical and classified listing of Western German sources of supply. Also special lists of export merchants in Bremen, Hamburg, and Luebeck ; export agents in Bremen and Hamburg ; Western German chambers of commerce and consulates abroad ; foreign consulates in Western Germany ; trade-mark register. English index. 3 vols. K. Rademacher & Co., Adolphsbruecke 11, Hamburg 11. 20 German marks. Seibt-Export Directory of German Industries. Western Germany exporting manufacturers and wholesalers by branches of industry and commodities, in English and German. Includes a list of trade-marks and trade names. Seibt- Verlag, Lengdorf (Isen-Oberbayern). Telegramm-Adressbuch. List of cable addresses and the subscribing firms in 38 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES AVestern Germany and also the Saar Territory, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxem- bourg, and Sweden, alphabetically by cable addresses ; firms' addresses ; coun- tries. States, and localities, by branches of industry ; and by branches of industry with special reference to exporting firms. English index. 2 vols. Deutscher Adressbuch-Verlag fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr G. m. b. H., Holzhofallee 38, Darmstadt. 80 German marks. "Wer Liefert Was?" Listing of industrial sources of supply, with English index. Bezugsquellennachweis fuer den Einkauf "Wer liefert was?" G. m. b. H., Groeningerstr. 25, Hamburg 11. $5. Wirtschafts-Behoerden und Organisationen. A complete listing of economic authorities, chambers of commerce, trade and professional associations, foreign diplomatic and consular representations in Germany, and German representa- tions abroad. Annual. Hoppenstedt Wirtschaftsverlag G. m. b. H., Jaegerstr. 23/25, Essen. 20 German marks. Taschenbuch des Oeffentlichen Lebens. Federal, State, and municipal authori- ties, chambers of commerce, trade associations. Europress G. m. b. H., Post- schliessfach 649, Bonn. 10 German marks. Special Adressbuch der Alkoholfreien Getraenkeindustrie. Manufacturers of soft drinks. Annual. Dr. Serger & Hempel, Gertrudenstr. 36, Braunschweig. 16 German marks. Adressbuch des Deutschen Fruechte Import und Grosshandels. Fruit im- porters and wholesalers. Koch & Wolf Verlag, Humboldtstr. 36, Duesseldorf. 17.5 German marks. Adressbuch der Deutschen Glas- und Email-Industrie. Manufacturers of glass, glassware, and enameled goods. Heinrich Jakobs, Postfach 97, Rheydt, Rheinland. Adressbuch der Deutschen Holz- und Forstwirtschaft. Forestry and lumber enterprises. Annual. Kaupert-Verlag Deutsche Adressbuch-G. m. b. H., Fried- richstr. 210, Berlin SW 68. 15 German marks. Adressbuch der Deutschen Mineraloelwirtschaft. Petroleum industry and re- lated enterprises. Annual. Christen & Co., Poststr. 33, Hamburg 36. 16.5 German marks. Adressbuch der Deutschen Nahrungs- u. Genussmittelbetriebe. Manufac- turers of food preparations and stimulants. Kaupert-Verlag, Deutsche Adress- buch-G. m. b. H., Friedrichstr. 210, Berlin SW 68. 15 German marks. Adressbuch der Deutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsbetriebe. Textile and clothing industries. Kaupert-Verlag Deutsche Adressbuch-G. m. b. H., Fried- richstr. 210, Berlin SW 68. 15 German marks. Adressbuch der Deutschen Verpackungswirtschaft. Packaging industry. Kaupertverlag Deutsche Adressbuch G. m. b. H., Friedrichstr. 210, Berlin SW 68. 9 German marks. Adressbuch Deutscher Chemiker. Professional chemists. Verlag Chemie G. m. b. H., Marktplatz 5, Gruenberg, Hessen. 15 German marks. Adressbuch des Eisen- und Stahlwarenhandels. Vol. 1 lists about 20,000 wholesalers and retailers dealing in hardware, alphabetically and by States and localities. 30 German marks. Vol. 2 lists about 100,000 pertinent sources of supply. A. E. Otto K. G., Freiligrathstr. 28, Duesseldorf. 20 German marks. Adressbuch der Glas-Industrie. Glass producing and glass processing plants 39 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. in Western Germany and Western Europe. Verlag des Sprechsaal, Mueller & Schmidt, Maner 2, Cobury-. Adressbuch der Keram-Industrie. Ceramic industry. Verlag des Sprechsaal, JNIueller & Schmidt, INIauer 2, Colmrg. 25 German marks. Adressbuch der Konserven-u. Naehrmittelindustrie. Directory of food proc- essing industry, such as processors of vegetables, fruit, fish, meat, milk and cheese, spices, coffee and cereals, and manufacturers of essences, mustard, vine- gar, dainties, synthetic honey, baking powder, pudding powder, and the like. Dr. Serger & Hempel, Gertrudenstr. 36, Braunschweig. 22 German marks. Adressbuch der Papierindustrie Europas. Paper and paperboard producing and processing industries of Europe. Verlag Birkner & Co., Postfach 128, Darm- stadt. 42 German marks. Adressbuch des Sanitaeren Fachgrosshandels. Wholesalers of sanitary equip- ment. Technischer Verlag A. Krammer & Co., Hermannstr. 3, Duesseldorf. 5 German marks. Anschriften-Verzeichnis der Beratenden Betriebs- und Volkswirte, Wirt- schaftsjuristen und Organisationen in der Bundesrepublik und West Berlin. Commercial consultants, political and juridical economists, and commercial or- ganizers. Gerlach'sche Verlagsbuchhaiidlung, Langerstr. 7, Muenchen 8. 3 Ger- man marks. Automaten Markt (Fachzeitschrift fur die Gesamte Automatenwirtschaft). Journal printed in German, English, French, and Spanish for the international coin machine industry. Names and addresses of vending machine manufacturers and dealers appear in the advertisement section. Published at 18 Auguststr., Braunschweig. Banken-Ortslexikon. List of all banking localities and of about 19,000 banking establishments with descriptions of the more important of these. Verlag Hoppen- stedt & Co., Spreestrasse, Darmstadt. 48 German marks. Behoerden und Organisationen der Land- und Ernaehrungswirtschaft. Au- thorities, semiofficial agencies, trade associations, and other organizations of Western Germany agriculture and food industry and pertinent wholesalers and distributors. Agrarwerbung G. m. b. H., Neuer Wall 72, Hamburg 36. 3.8 German marks. Brauerei-Adressbuch. Breweries, malt houses, and hop wholesalers. Verlag Hans Carl G. ni. b. H., Breite Gasse 58/60, Nuernberg 2. 22 German marks. Bueromarkt-Branchenadressbuch. INIanufacturers and distributors of office machinery, equipment, and supplies. Verlag Peter Basten, Welkenrather Str. 41, Aachen. 29 German marks. Buss' Produktenboersen-Adressbuch. Manual of produce exchanges, especially of those where cereals, feedstuffs, and fertilizers are traded. Carl Roehrig- Verlag OHG, Stephanstr. 8, Darmstadt. 26 German marks, DDIE Deutsche Elektro-Industrie. Official directory of the Central Organiza- tion of German Electrical Industry, with alphabetical and classified lists of manufacturers and their products, trade-mark register, and English index. Elektroverlag W. Sachon K. G., Schloss Mindelberg, Mindelheim i. Schwaben. 65 German marks. Deutsche KunststoflF-Rohstoffe, Waren, Hersteller. Plastic producing and plastic processing industries, by commodities and by firms, with English index. Otto K. Krauskopf, Bahnhofstr. 61, Wiesbaden. 16.80 German marks. Deutsche Optik-Adressbuch. Optical firms. Heinz Denckler- Verlag, Ludwigstr. 16, Bad Kissingen. 25 German marks. 40 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Deutsche Schloss- und Beschlagindustrie. Lock and fitting industries. Rheinischer Werbebund Boeddeker & Glaser, Franz-Egon-Strasse 23, Paderborn. 35 German marks. Deutsche Werkzeugindustrie. Manufacturers of tools. Verlag Rheinischer Werbebund Boeddeker & Glaser, Franz-Egon-Strasse 23, Paderborn. 3.5 German marks. Deutschen Brauereien und Maelzereien. Breweries, malt houses, and beer wholesalers. Hoppenstedt Wirtschaftsverlag G. m. b. H., Jaegerstr. 23/25, Essen. 00 German marks. Deutscher Molkerei- und Kaeserei-Adresskalender. Dairies and all other milk processing enterprises, pertinent distributors, authorities, associations, and schools, with list of sources of supply. Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung, Postfach 221, Kempten (Allgaeu). 2 vols. 7.60 German marks. Deutscher Baederkalender. Spas and health resorts with description of mineral springs and other medicinal facilities offered. Ludwig Floettmann, Berliner Str. 63, Guetersloh. 10 German marks. Deutsches Bau-Adressbuch. A directory of the building industry. Otto K. Krauskopf, Bahnhofstr. 61, Wiesbaden. 32 German marks. Deutsches Forst-Adressbuch. Directory of forestry. Wirtschafts- und Forstverlag Euting K. G., Haus Heddesdorf, Neuwied. 10 German marks. Deutsches Handbuch fuer Fremdenverkehr. Detailed description of about 300 spas and health resorts with information on sights and curiosities, hotels, pensions, excursions, traffic connections, and other data. Erwin Jaeger, Holzho- fallee 38, Darmstadt. 30 German marks. Deutsches Spielwaren-Adressbuch. Directory of manufacturers and distribu- tors of toys, Christmas decorations and other ornamental goods, tricks, perambu- lators and wickerware including small furniture, with English index, trade name and trade-mark register, list of sources of supply, and commodity index. Bamberger Verlagshaus Meisenbach & Co., Hainstr. 18, Bamberg 2. 12 German marks. Deutches Warenzeichen Archiv. Trade-mark register for the iron-, steel-, and metalware, electrical, electronic, and lighting fixtures industries only. A. E. Otto K. G., Freiligrathstr. 28, Duesseldorf. 35 German marks. EBM-Adressbuch der Eisen-, Blech-, und Metallwaren-Industrie. Producers of all types of hardware. English index. Wirtschaftsverband Eisen-, Blech- und Metallwaren-Industrie e. V. (trade association of the hardware industry), Harhortstr. 23, Duesseldorf. 3 German marks. Einkaufs-Fuehrer durch die Deutsche Pelz- und Rauchwarenbranche. Buyer's guide to the fur industry. Anziegen- und Werbebuero Otto Teubel, Rehbergstr. 5, Hannover. 6 German marks. Einkaufsfuehrer und Adressbuch der Uhren-, Schmuckwaren- und Edelmetall- waren-Industrie. Watch, clock, jewelry, and silverware industries. English index. Sueddeutsche Adress- u. Anzeigenbuch G. m. b. H., Mannheim, R 1, 12-13. 12 German marks. Einkaufsfuehrer fuer Heimschmuck, Mode und Geschenkartikel. Buyer's guide for interior decoration articles, fancy, and gift items. Bamberger Ver- lagshaus Meisenbach & Co., Hainstr. 18, Bamberg 2. 4 German marks. Fach-Adressbuch fuer die Radio- und Fernsehtechnik. Radio and television industries, wholesalers, pertinent authorities, radio and television stations, asso- ciations, and engineers, with trade-mark register. Franzis-Verlag, Odeonsplatz 2, Muenchen 22. 4.5 German marks. 342444°— 55 4 41 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Fachadressbuch der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Textile and clothing industries, pertinent wholesalers, foreign traders, suppliers, and salesmen. English index. Verlagsgesellsehaft fner Fach-Adressbuecher G. ni. b. H., Stephanstr. 5, Darmstadt. 28 German marks. Firmenhandbuch Chemische Industrie. Alphabetical and classitied listing of manufacturers of chemicals and their products ; list of wholesalers and foreign traders dealing in chemicals and drugs. English index. Econ-Verlag G. m. b. H., Pressehaus, Duesseldorf. 45 German marks. Firmenhandbuch der Foerdermittel- und Transportmittelindustrie. Manu- facturers of cranes, hoisting and conveying equipment, and dredgers, and their products. Markewitz-Verlag G. m. b. H., Gerauer Allee 66, Darmstadt. 14.5 German marks. Firmenhandbuch der Kaelte-Industrie. Manufacturers of refrigerating equip- ment with detailed, illustrated descriptions of the machines. English index. Markewitz-Verlag G. m. b. H., Gerauer Allee 66, Darmstadt. 20 German marks. Firmenkundliches Handbuch der Lieferfirmen fuer die Brauwirtschaft. A list of supply capacities of manufacturers and distributors of brewery machines, equipment, and raw materials. Atlas G. m. b. H., Theatinerstr. 49, Muenchen 1. 20 German marks. Gartenbau -Handbuch. List of tree nurseries, flower and vegetable gardenings, gardening architects, plant nurseries, seed wholesalers, and related enterprises. Verlag fuer Wirtschaf tsschrif ttum Otto K. Krauskopf , Bahnhof str. 61, Wiesbaden. 23 German marks. Grosse Film- und Kino-Adressbuch. Directory of the film industry and movie theaters. Neue Verlags-Gesellschaft m. b. H., Stephanienstr. 18-20, Karlsruhe. 30 German marks. Grosses Kraftfahrzeug-Adressbuch. Directory and manual of automobiles and their manufacturers. Beguna-Verlag, Bahnhofstr. 18, Remscheid-Lennep. 30 German marks. Hammerschmidt's Bezugsquellenbuch. Manufacturers of iron and other metal goods, tools, and machinery, and their products. English index. C. L. Krueger, Westenhellweg 9, Dortmund. 39 German marks. Handbuch des Darmhandels. Directory and manual of the gut and casing trade. Verband des Deutschen Darm-, Innereien-, und Fleischerbedarf-Gross- und Aussenhandels e. V., Haydnplatz 1, Bremen. 15 German marks. Handbuch des Deutschen Moebelgewerbes. Manufacturers and retailers of furniture and suppliers of raw materials and accessories. Hoppenstedt Wirt- schaftsverlag G. m. b. H., Jaegerstr. 23/25, Essen. 25 German marks. Handbuch fuer den Gemeinsamen Markt — Montanunion. Manual of the European Steel and Coal Community with descriptions of the iron and steel mill members. Wirtschaftsdienst Verlag und Druckerei G. m. b. H., Goethestr. 29, Frankfurt a. M. 35 German marks. Hansen Auto-Branchen-Code. Motor vehicle industry and related trades. Umschau-Verlag, Broenners Druckerei, Stuttgarter Str. 20-22, Frankfurt a. M. 29 German marks. Industriebedarfs-Adressbuch fuer die Keram-, Glas-, und Email-Industrie. List of suppliers of raw materials for the glass, ceramics, and enamel indus- tries in Western Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Verlag des Sprechsaal, Mueller & Schmidt, Mauer 2, Coburg. Internationales Hotel-Staedteadressbuch. Detailed description of spas and 42 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES health resorts and of hotels (with rates) in Western Germany and Western Europe. Annual. Poppe & Neumann, Eichhornstr. 25, Konstanz. 12 German marks. Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch. Directory of international art (institu- tions, dealers, artists, and other information). Dr. W. Kaupert, Uhlandstr. 1, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2. 36 German marks. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Bergbaus^ A manual and directory of the mining industry with description of all mines, their facilities, and production capaci- ties ; list of pertinent authorities, agencies and trade associations ; information on sources of supply and on organization of distribution and sales of mining products, including inland navigation. Annual. Verlag Glueckauf G. m. b. H., Postfach 279, Essen. 20 German marks. Krauskopf-Feinoptikbuch. Manufacturers of optical and photographic goods, movie equipment, precision mechanics, medical apparatus, and electromedical equipment. 3 vols. Otto K. Krauskopf, Bahnhofstr. 61, Wiesbaden. 15 German marks. Leder-, Lederwaren- und Schuh-Herold. Directory of about 30,000 firms engaged in the production, processing, and distribution of leather goods, boots and shoes, and related articles. English index. Draeger & Kraemer G. m. b. H,, Landhausstr. 74, Stuttgart-0. 28 German marks. Lederwaren-Branche. Manufacturers of leather, leather goods and accessories, pertinent wholesalers and retailers, covering Western Germany, Switzerland, and Spain. Anton Wiegand Verlag, Gaertnerweg 6, Frankfurt a. M. 7.50 German marks. Der Leitfaden fuer Presse und Werbung. Advertising guide containing com- plete list of newspapers, magazines, and other recurrent publications including calendars, manuals, handbooks, and directories with subscription rates, adver- tising fees, and sizes, circulation, and other data; selected list with similar data for foreign publications ; complete list of motion picture theaters and advertising fees ; complete list of billsticker enterprises, with prices ; addresses of and pertinent information on other types of advertising firms ; list of sources of supply for advertising purposes. English index. Verlag Willy Stamm, Gold- ammerweg 16, Essen-Stadtwald. 19 German marks. Loebners Textil-Adressbuecher. Directory of about 40,000 firms in the textile and clothing industries. English index. 2 vols. Loebners Textil-Adressbuecher Postfach, ]\I.-Gladbach. Volume A: Textile industry, 22.50 German marks; volume B : clothing industry, 20 German marks. Manual of the German Engineering Industry. English edition of a publica- tion giving detailed description of machinery-manufacturing enterprises. Hoppenstedt Wirtschaftsverlag G. m. b. H., Jaegerstr. 23/25, Essen. 47 German marks. Milchwirtschaftliches Adressbuch fuer das Gesamte Bundesgebiet. Directory of the dairy industry. Ernst Heinrichs Verlag, Langer Garten, Hildesheim. 8 German marks. Nachschlagewerk fuer die Montanunion. Coal mines and steel mills of the European Coal and Steel Community, with list of sources of supply. C. L. Krueger, Westenhellweg 9, Dortmund. 30 German marks. Neues Farben- u. Lacke-Adressbuch. Directory of the paint, varnish, lacquer, putty, glue, and adhesives industries, and of pertinent wholesalers, retailers, agents, and raw materials suppliers. Curt R. Vincentz- Verlag, Am Schiffgraben 41, Hannover. 25 German marks. 43 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ Neues Gummi-Adressbuch. Directory of the rubber and asbestos processing and related industries, of wholesalers, retailers, raw materials suppliers and importers, and of pertinent sales agents, by localities, by names, and by products. Curt R. Vincentz-Verlag, Am Schiffgraben 41, Hannover. 28 German marks. Obst- und Gemuesemaerkte in der Bundesrepublik. Fruit and vegetable markets. Zentrale Markt- und Preisberichtstelle der Deutschen Landwirtschaft G. m. b. H., Koblenzer Str. 131, Bonn. 1 German mark. Offizielles Spediteur-Adressbuch. Forwarding agents. Deutscher Verkehrs- Verlag G. m. b. H., Spaldingstr. 130, Hamburg 1. 1.5 German marks. Polygraph-Adressbuch des Graphischen Gewerbes. Graphic industry with list of educational institutions, magazines, and sources of supply. Polygraph Verlag G. m. b. H,, Alte Mainzer Gasse 37, Frankfurt a. M. 45 German marks. Sailers Fachadressbuch der Leder- und Schuhwirtschaft. Leather and boot and shoe industries. Broenners Druckerei-Umschau Verlag, Stuttgarter Str. 20, Frankfurt a. M. 30 German marks. Steine u. Erden-Baustofflexikon. Suppliers of stone and earth and other building materials. Otto K. Krauskopf, Bahnhofstr. 61, Wiesbaden. 30 German marks. Unternehmen der Oeffentlichen Versorgung. Public utility enterprises such as electric power plants, gas and water works, harbor enterprises, municipal motor vehicle parks, and slaughterhouses listed alphabetically by localities, with list of sources of supply. Hoppenstedt Virtschaftsverlag G. m. b. H., Jaegerstr. 23/2.5, Essen. 60 German marks. Who Makes Machinery? Buyer's machinery guide. English edition of a special guide for the purchase of machinery, plant, and precision tools in Western Germany, with detailed commodity index to firms. Hoppenstedt Wirtschafts- verlag G. m. b. H,, Jaegerstr. 23/25, Essen. 5 German marks. Zucker-Jahrbuch. Yearbook of the sugar and confectionery industries with list of sources of supply, including wholesalers. Annual. Alfred Roeper, Holz- bruecke 8, Hamburg 11. 17.5 German marks. Local Berlin Offers — Export Catalogue. Directory of Berlin manufacturers. Printed in English. BAO-Berliner Absatz Organisation, Hardenbergstr. 16-18, Berlin- Charlottenburg 2 (a nonprofit, semiofficial organization established for the pro- motion of the Berlin economy). Obtainable from the German-American Trade Promotion Office, Suite 6900, Empire State Bldg., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y. GIBRALTAR General The Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Review. To be published by The Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, 23 Engineer's Lane, Gibraltar. The Quarterly Official Directory of the Colony and Garrison of Gibraltar. Garrison officials, and Government departments. Business directory included. Quarterly. The Committee of the Gibraltar Garrison Library, Garrison Library Printing Works, Gibraltar. 1 shilling. 44 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES GREECE General Directory of Athens Chamber of Commerce. Classified index of Greek traders, manufacturers, exporters, and commission agents by commodity group; alphabetical list of insurance companies, banks, and stock exchange brokers. Lists all business firms established- in Athens and members of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Section on exporters includes names of exporters operating in the whole of Greece. Printed in Greek, English, and French. Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 8 Amerikis St., Athens. $2. Directory of Greece. The section on Athens and Piraeus and suburbs lists for each a combined commodity-occupation categorical guide to professional, commercial, and industrial services and sources. Printed in Greek. Egglessis, 5 Zinonos St., Athens. $4.66. Directory of Greek Industries. Classified index of Greek manufacturers by commodity, commodity group, and alphabetically by firm name. Printed in Greek. Most recent volume available dated 1949. Federation of Greek Indus- tries, 5 Xenophontes St., Athens. $1.66. Yearbook and Official Register of Members of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce. Alphabetical list of names of members in Greece w^ith information regarding the commodities handled by each. Printed in English. American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, 8 Amerikis St., Athens. $1. Local Directory of Athens Association of Commercial Agents. Classified index of sales agents in Athens of the registered members of the association ; and alpha- betically by name and by commodity group. Printed in Greek and English. Athens Association of Commercial Agents, 15 Voulis St., Athens. $1.66. GUATEMALA General Guia Anual de Direcciones. Classified telephone directory which also includes addresses of advertisers who have no telephone. Issued about 1953 (out of print) ; to be revised. For sale by J. Meany & Cia., Edificio EI Prado, 5o Av. y 9o Calle, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Former price, $4. Memoria, Camara de Comercio e Industria de Guatemala, el 30 de Junio de 1954-, y Lista General de Socios. Alphabetical list of the members. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Guatemala, Guatemala City. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (includes section on Guatemala). See details under West Indies. Special Nomina, Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos de Guatemala, Enero de 1954 (Asso- ciation of Physicians and Surgeons). List of officers and members; includes veterinarians. 45 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES GUIANA, BRITISH General West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for British Guiaua). See de- tails under West Indies. Local Commercial Review. List of members of tlie Cliamber of Commerce, George- town, and a very brief list of firms. Bimonthly. Chamber of Commerce, City of Georgetown, B. W. I. Annual subscription rate, BWI $1.25 (British West Indies currency ) . Telephone Directory of Georgetown. Contains a classified advertisements section. British Guiana Postoffice, Georgetown. HONDURAS General Boletin de la Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Tegucigalpa, Monthly bul- letin listing the 400 members and their occupations of the chambers of commerce of Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Tela, Santa Rosa de Copan, an La Ceiba. Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Tegucigalpa. Directorio Nacional de Honduras — 1954. Commercial, industrial, and agri- cultural directory of the Tegucigalpa area only ; customs code and regulations ; a list of air and surface mail rates ; a description of the economy and banking system of Honduras ; and membership lists of the five chambers of commerce in Honduras. Printed in Spanish. 200 pp. Compiled and published by Ernesto Landa Z., Tegucigalpa. 3 lempiras. Directorio Telefonico de Honduras. National telephone directory. Preceding each city's telephone subscribers is classified section listing lawyers, engineers, dentists, doctors, pharmacies, stores, and agencies. Annual. Direccion General de Comunicaciones Electricos, Tegucigalpa. Guia Oficial de Centro America. Names of public officials, membership of chambers of commerce, commercial and industrial firms under various classi- fications, and general information on Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nica- ragua, and Honduras. Latest edition, March 1950 ; revision projected. Enrique de la Flor, Tegucigalpa. HONDURAS, BRITISH General West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for British Honduras). See details under West Indies. 4^ XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES HONG KONG General Business Directory of Hong Kong & Macao. Alphabetical and classified lists of business firms in Hong Kong ; alphabetical list of firms and streets in Macao. Printed by Kam Che Printing Press, 372 Queen's Rd. West, Hong Kong. The Canton Business Directory Co., 84 Hennessy Rd., Hong Kong. HK$12 (Hong Kong currency). Business (O. K.) Directory. Classified list of business firms; a Government section; and a "Who's Who" section. Indexed. Published and printed by The O. K. Printing Press, Ltd., Marina House, Hong Kong. HK$10. Commerce, Industry and Finance Directory (C. I. F. Directory). General information, pictures of Hong Kong, maps, and trade statistics. Prepared by the Hong Kong Government Department of Commerce and Industry. Succeeds the Commercial Guide to Hong Kong, 1953, and the Hong Kong British Industries Fair Directory, 1954, which were prepared by the same Government department. HK$1. Directory of Members — The Chinese Manufacturers' Union. Classified lists of Hong Kong manufacturers who are members of the manufacturers' union. Indexed. Printed in English and Chinese. Obtainable from the secretary, Chinese Manufacturers' Union, 24-25 Connaught Rd. Central, Hong Kong. HK$3. Hong Kong Commerce Year Book. Alphabetical and classified lists of business firms and manufacturers, street guide, list of justices of the peace, and list of unions and associations. Indexed. Printed in English and Chinese. Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, 24-25 Connaught Rd. Central, Hong Kong. HK$25. Hong Kong Dollar Directory. Alphabetical and classified information con- cerning local business firms. Section on Government oflBces and a "Who's Who" section. Indexed. Local Printing Press, Ltd., 13 Duddell St., Hong Kong. HK$10. Hong Kong Exporter and Far Eastern Exporter. Lists firms engaged in vari- ous classified trades ; articles on finance, shipping, geology and minerals ; social welfare work ; and Hong Kong's industries. Indexed. Compiled and published by C. M. Wolosh who is connected with F. E. Skinner (H. K.) Ltd., Union Bldg., Honk Kong. HK$8. Hong Kong Telephone Directory. Alphabetical listing of subscribers with a limited classified section. Issued semiannually (January and July). The Hong Kong Telephone Co. Ltd., Telephone House, Hong Kong. HK$5. Special Gregg's Medical Directory of Hong Kong & Macao. Medical associations, Government hospitals, clinics, grant-in-aid hospitals, private hospitals, physicians and surgeons, pharmacists and chemists, dentists, medical laboratories, chiro- practors, chiropodists, opticians, optical dealers, importers of pharmaceuticals and surgical and medical equipment in Hong Kong and Macao. Classified agency section for Hong Kong. Indexed. Gregg Publishing ( H. K. ) Co., 16-17 Laichikok Village, Castle Peak Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong. HK$10. Gregg's Motor Directory. Contains traffic and general information, lists of automobile importers, insurance companies, agencies, and local dealers. Indexed. 47 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, Gregg PiibUsliing (H. K.) Co., 16-17 Laichikok Village, Castle Peak Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong. HK$10. Hong Kong Builders Engineers Decorators Classified Directory. Contains the sections as indicated by its title, and firms handling related lines. Indexed. Terry Advertising Agency, P. (). Box 2593, Hong Kong. HK.$10. Pharmaceutical & Chemical Directory of Hong Kong. Lists Government hospitals, dispensaries, and clinics, private hospitals, medical practitioners, den- tists, patent medicine dealers, and chemical importers. Indexed. Terry Adver- tising Agency, P. O. Box 2593, Hong Kong. HK.$10. ICELAND General Directory of Iceland. Information concerning Iceland's history, geography, banking, finance, trade agreements, commerce, and a detailed list of oflBcial insti- tntes. custom tariff charges, Icelandic firms, and Icelandic shipping. Annual. Directory of Iceland, P. O. Box 757, Reykjavik. 50 crowns. Vidskiptaskrain. Commercial and industrial directory of Iceland containing an English section giving statistical information about trade and production in Iceland. English translations of the subject index. Annual. Vidskiptaskrain, P. O. Box 365, Reykjavik. 75 crov^ns. iNDIA General Directory of World's Chambers of Commerce and Trade Associations, 1954/55. Indian Export Trade Journal, Baroda. 1954 (2nd edition). 7 rupees 8 annas. India at a Glance. A voluminous compendium of information on the Central and State governments. Includes membership lists of all Chambers of Commerce and trade associations, lists of manufacturers, exporters, traders, and a "Who's Who" section. Compiled by G. D. Binani and T. V. Rama Rao. Orient, Longmans, Ltd., Calcutta. 1954 (2nd edition). 40 rupees. Indian and Pakistan Year Book and Who's Who. General information on India and Pakistan ; a "Who's Who" section gives data on businessmen and Government officials. Compiled by the Times of India, Bombay. Annual. Bennett, Coleman and Co., Ltd., Bombay. Industry Yearbook and Directory, 1952-53. Alphabetical commodity lists of manufacturers and dealers. Arrangement is geographical. Name and address citations. Includes citations for Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon. Industry Publishers, Ltd., 22, R. G. Kar Rd., Calcutta. 22nd issue. 15 rupees. Joint Stock Companies in India for 1949-50 and 1950-51. Nevi^ Series Nos. 1 and 2. Manager of Publications, Symbol FD, 87.50 & 51. Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi. 1954. 20 rupees. Khosla's Industrial and Commercial Directory of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon, 1952-53. Contains (1) alphabetical and classified lists of business firms in the principal cities of the countries designated in title; (2) classified list, by commodities, of exporters of Indian products; (3) alphabetical (com- 48 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES modity) list of Indian manufacturers; (4) lists of industrial establishments in other countries included in title. Combined alphabetized index to places, commodities, agents, manufacturers in India ; alphabetical index to commodities in foreign countries, advertisers. Khosla Publishing Co., 3 Faiz Bazar, Daryaganj, Delhi. 3rd edition (26th edition of "Khosla's Directory"). Thacker's Directory of the Chief Industries of India and Pakistan for 1953-54. Thacker's Press and Directories, Ltd., Calcutta. 1954. 12 rupees. Thacker's Indian Directory of India, Pakistan and World, 1953-54. A com- prehensive compilation of information on Central and subordinate govern- mental organizations of India and Pakistan; also, civil, administrative, and commercial directories of Delhi, West Bengal, Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras. Separate sections on (a) newspapers and periodicals, (b) banks and insurance, (c) transport, (d) commercial industries, and (e) mines and plantations. Thacker's Press and Directories, Ltd., Calcutta. 1954 (91st edition). 36 rupees. Times of India Directory and Yearbook, Including Who's Who, 1954. Infor- mation on Government of India and State governments, among which that of Bombay receives the greatest attention. Commercial directory information is given, again with greatest detail for Bombay, both city and State. Compre- hensive "Who's Who" section. An alphabetical subject index is available. Bennett, Coleman and Co., Ltd., Bombay. 1954. 30 rupees. Trade Guide, S. E. Asia and Oceania. For all countries east and south of, and including Afghanistan, the volume presents information regarding import and export regulations, foreign trade statistics, tariff rates, and lists Chambers of Commerce and other trade organizations. International Chamber of Com- merce, Commission on Asian and Far Eastern Affairs, 28 Ferozshah Rd., New Delhi. 1954. 10 rupees. Special All-India Builders Directory, 1953-54. Contents : (1) Section on technical data concerning building materials ; (2) list of construction projects under the Foreign Plan in progress and planned, by States ; describes each project and lists super- visory and engineering personnel; (3) lists, by Central Government and States, officials connected with building and construction developments; and (4) classi- fied lists, by States, of builders, contractors, and dealers in construction materials. Builders Publications of India Ltd., Janmabhoomi Chambers, Fort St., Bombay 1. 1954 (1st edition). 15 rupees. All India Civil List. Directory of the Indian civil and administrative services and other higher services under the Union and the State governments, privately printed under Government of India authority. Contains a table of contents which lists organizational units and an alphabetical index to names of persons and offices. Semiannual (issued April and October, revised and corrected, re- spectively, to the 1st of the previous October and April). Available from Asso- ciated Advertisers and Printers Ltd., 505 Arthur Rd., Tardeo, Bombay. 10 rupees. All India List of Booksellers and Publishers, 1954. A mailing list, arranged al- phabetically by cities, citing names and addresses and indicating whether the listed firms are publishers, booksellers, or stationers. Bharat Directories Corp., 4 Daryaganj, Delhi 7. 1954. 16 rupees. All India Medical Directory and Who's Who (revised edition, 1955). Doctors, dentists, pharmacists (chemists and druggists), suppliers of medical, surgical, and hospital supplies, dealers in dental and optical supplies, dealers in bottles 49 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. and corks. Arrangement is by State and city. Also lists public hospitals and hospitals maintained by estate and other companies, citing bed space capacities and fields of specialization. Edited by Dr. K. V. Mathew. 1955. Available from Health Book Stall, Eraviperoor, Travancore. 20 rupees. All-India Pharmaceutical Directory, 1953-54. Lists (1) names and addresses of drug manufacturers, by States; (2) sources of pharmaceutical chemicals, by commodities; (3) sources of vegetable drugs, by States, without indication of commodities handled; (4) sources of pharmaceutical machinery, by types of equipment; (5) pharmacists, by States and districts (272 pp.) ; (6) hospitals, by States (33 pp.) ; and (7) persons prominent in pharmaceutical industry and organizations ("Who's Who" type of listing). Published under the direction of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (Bombay State Branch) by M. V. News House (Directory Section), Elphinstone Bldg., Churchgate St., Fort, Bom- bay 1. 1953 (1st edition). 12 rupees 8 annas. Bombay Cotton Annual 1952-53. Essentially a statistical compilation, this publication contains a list of cotton pressing factories in India, arranged geo- graphically by States, showing press marks (as allotted under the Indian Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Rules, 1925) and addresses. Annual. East India Cotton Association Ltd., Bombay. 1954 (34th edition). Distributed by Narandas Rujaram & Co., Ltd., Bombay. Calcutta Stock Exchange Official Year Book, 1955. Lists approximately 800 companies by industrial activities, with information on ownership, directors, managing agents, capitalization, and financial history. An alphabetical index to companies is included. Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd., Bombay. 19.55 (19th year of issue). 12 rupees 8 annas. Directory of Chambers of Commerce. The Indian Merchants' Chamber of Commerce, Bombay. 1953. 2 rupees 6 annas. Directory of Cottage Industries. Four parts. Parts available separately at prices indicated. Part 1 — Description of cottage industry directorates at Central and State government levels. Contains (a) list of manufacturers of machinery required for cottage industries — without designation of products — and (b) list of machinery suitable for cottage industry work, made in Japan — without desig- nation of manufacturers. 1 rupee 4 annas. Part 2 — Lists of manufacturing cooperatives, by States, classified by industrial fields. 1 rupee 10 annas. Part 3 — List of manufacturing units — other than cooperatives — as in part 2. 1 rupee 4 annas. Part 4 — Country lists of foreign importers of Indian cottage industry products. 10 annas. Ministry of Commerce, Cottage Industries Directorate, New Delhi. 1954-55. 4 parts, 4 rupees 14 annas. Directory of Engineers, Architects and Contractors in India. Lists of indi- cated personnel specializing in concrete construction. Includes names of manu- facturers of and dealers in concrete equipment and products. Concrete Association of India, Bombay. 19.53. Handbook of Indigenous Manufacturers — Engineering Stores. A directory of Indian manufacturers of hardware supplies and certain types of machinery,, arranged alphabetically by commodities and giving names and addresses of the manufacturers. Index lists commodities alphabetically and gives page reference. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Development Wing, New Delhi. 1954. 12 annas. Handbook of Indigenous Manufacturers of Chemical and Non-engineering Supplies. Has been scheduled for printing by the Manager of Publications, Gov- ernment of India. Is expected to contain the same information for chemical 50 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES and nonensineering supplies as the publication on Engineering Stores. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Development Wing, New Delhi. 1955. India and Pakistan Wool, Hosiery and Fabrics, 1^5 (6th edition). Mills, manufacturers, and merchants of wool, hosiery, carpet, jute, and linen in India and Pakistan. John Worrall Ltd., Oldham, England. 1954. 12 rupees. Repre- sentative in India : W. H. Brady & Co., Ltd., 12-14 Veer Nariman Rd., Bombay. Indian Bankers* Annual, 1954. Included in this annual review of banking in India are (1) an alphabetical list of scheduled banks in India, their positions as of December 31, 1952 (except as otherwise noted), number of branches, names of directors ; (2) an alphabetical list of placenames with names of banks or bank branches available in each; (3) a list of Indian banks outside of India; (4) a list of clearing houses in India (by cities) ; and (5) a "Who's Who" of banking personalities. Indian Press Publications, 585 Pycrofts Rd., Madras 5. 1953. 10 rupees. Indian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry — 1954 Survey. Contains, in addition to industry information, an alphabetical list of 103 member firms of the Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association, with street and cable addresses, citing manufactured products for each. Indian Chemical Manufacturers Asso- ciation, Bombay. 1954, 10 rupees. Indian Cotton Textile Industry, 1953-54, Volume 16. Review of the cotton textile industry, with list of mills in India and Pakistan revised to August 31, 1953, arranged geographically, giving data on (1) total number of spindles in- stalled, (2) average number of spindles working daily, (3) number of looms installed, (4) average number of looms working daily, (5) approximate amounts of cotton consumed during the year in candies of 784 pounds, and (6) average number of hands employed daily. Annual. M. P. Gandhi & Co., Jan Mansion, Sir P. M. Rd., Bombay. Oct. 1954. 6 rupees. Indian Electrical Yearbook 1953-54. Contains (1) alphabetical lists of (a) foreign and (b) Indian manufacturers of electrical equipment and/or their local agents; (2) geographical lists of electrical contractors and dealers, by States, regions, and towns; (3) alphabetical list of power stations, with data on date of establishment, area served, voltage, equipment, and address; (4) alphabetical list of managing agents of power stations; (5) geographical list (by cities) of manufacturers and distributors of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment ; (6) alphabetical name list of manufacturers and dealers in radio products; (7) alphabetical commodity list showing manufacturers or their representatives; and (8) list of oflScial organizations concerned with the development of electric power, industry, or trade. M. Largo-Afonso, 63 New Stock Exchange Bldg., Apollo St., Bombay. 1954 (2nd edition). 12 rupees 8 annas. Indian Engineers Buyers Guide, 1954-55. Contains (1) alphabetical com- modity list of machine tools and other plant equipment, citing names of manu- facturers and dealers, with indication of city or main offices or plants; (2) alphabetical list of British brands and trade names, citing manufactured com- modity and maker; (3) alphabetical list of firms cited in the commodity listing, with full street address and with telegraphic address, if any; (4) summary descriptions of selected industrial concerns. Indian Advertising Service, Block 5, No. 51, Kumara Park West Extension, Bangalore 3. 1954 (6th edition). 5 rupees plus postage. Indian Insurance Yearbook, 1954. Report by the Controller of Insurance on insurance business carried on by insurers and provident societies during the year 1953. Lists (1) Indian insurers, (2) non-Indian insurers doing business 51 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, ill India, (3) provident societies, and (4) actuaries in India. Includes sum- maries of business, assets, and valuations of registered firms. Available from the Manager of Publications, New Delhi. V.)~)~) (4()tli issue). 4 rupees 4 annas. Indian Motion Picture Almanac and Who's Who, 1953. Film Federation of India, Sandhurst Bids"., Sandhurst Rd., Bombay. 1953. 16 rupees 4 annas. Indian Press Yearbook, 1954. Press media in India and partial listings of media in Ceylon and Pakistan. Includes biographical notes on selected indi- viduals in Indian and Ceylonese press and advertising circles. Lists periodical publications by States, languages, and periodicity, citing editors' names, date of issue, sales price, advertising rates, and certified circulation figures. Contains an alphabetical list of towns in India, citing district, State, and 1951 population figures for each, with indication of those located on railroad lines. Indian Press Publications, 585 Pycrofts Rd., Madras 5. 1954. 15 rupees. Indian Sugar Industry, 1953-54. Vol. 17. Review of developments in Indian sugar industry, statistical and textual, to which is appended a list of established and prospective sugar mills in India and Pakistan (revised to 1953), arranged geographically, giving (1) name of mill, (2) name and address of managing agents or proprietor, (3) location of mill, (4) district, (5) nearest railway station, (6) nearest steamer station, and (7) daily cane-crushing capacity (with indication of process). M. P. Gandhi «& Co., Jan Mansion, Sir P. M. Rd., Bombay. 1954 (December), 6 rupees. Investor's India Yearbook, 1955. Condensed balance sheets and analyses of working, for recent years, of all important companies on the Calcutta Stock Exchange (together with selected companies listed in Madras, Bombay, and Delhi) including banks, railways, coal, cotton, jute, engineering, sugar, electrical, miscellaneous, mining, and tea. Orient, Longmans, Ltd., Calcutta. Apr. 1955 (41st edition). 20 rupees plus 2 rupees postage. Investors' Encyclopedia, 1954. Incorporates The Southern India Investor. Classified lists of stock companies, giving for each, founding date, names of directors, managing agents, terms of managing agents, officers, auditors, cap- italization data, capital history, transfer details, summary activities, balance sheets, and analysis of working. Covers all India. Indexes: (1) to loans and companies (alphabetical) ; and (2) combined list of managing agents, directors and secretaries (alphabetical), showing function, name of company or com- panies served. This list provides a key to interlocking management relationships. Kothari & Sons, Madras. 1954 (18th edition). 1,333 pp., supplement. 20 rupees. Life Insurance Directory, 1954. Lists (1) names of insurers working in India, alphabetically by country of registration; (2) actuaries in India; and (3) data of individual companies (directors, premium rates, and balance sheets). Chhaya Publications Ltd., Calcutta. 1954 (12th edition). 3 rupees plus 8 annas postage. List of Coal Mines in India, with index, revised to December 31, 1953. A tabular list of mines, by States and (alphabetically) by names of owners, citing (1) name of mine, (2) location, (3) name and address of manager and number or class of his certificate, authorization, or permit, (4) name and address of managing agents, and (5) remarks — opening and closing dates of operation and previous ownership. Index lists mines alphabetically by name and refers to principal list for names of owners. Available from the Manager of Publications, New Delhi. 1954. 31 rupees. List of Rubber Estates and Holdings in India, January 1953. List of rubber estates, arranged by State (almost all in Travancore Cochin) and Taluk, 52 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES giving registry number, name of estate, name and address of proprietor, and acreage planted to rubber. Alphabetical index to Districts and Taluks ; alpha- betical index to names of estates with 100 and more acres. Indian Rubber Board, Kottayam. 1953. 476 pp. 11 rupees 1 anna. Madras Filmdiary, 1955. A directory of the film industry, listing producers, distributors, exhibitors, actors, and technicians. Emphasis is on the Madras areas. Veeranki Rama Rao, 19 Woods Rd., Madras 2. 1955. 2 rupees 8 annas. Madras Stock Exchange Official Yearbook, November 27, 1954. Lists 313 companies by broad groups, i. e., banks, insurance, electric, sugar and breweries, plantings, textiles, and miscellaneous. Data for "planting" companies include crop estimates for the 1954-55 season. Other data note the company's managing agents, financial history, capital organization, abridged balance sheet, and financial analysis. Contains an alphabetical index to companies. Madras Stock Exchange Association, Ltd., Madras. (3rd edition. ) 7 rupees 8 annas. Office Equipment and Stationers' Annual of India, 1954. Alphabetical com- modity list of manufacturers, distributors, and dealers. Excels Ltd., 1/155 Mount Rd., Madras 2. 1954. 1 rupee 14 annas. Report of the Pharmaceutical Enquiry Committee (Ministry of Commerce and Industry). Government and non-Government pharmaceutical plants with data on ownership, products and production, consumption of raw materials, controls ; lists of associations and individuals prominent in the industry ; rec- ommendations regarding products to be emphasized in future manufacturing plans. Available from the Manager of Publications, New Delhi. 1954. 3 rupees 4 annas. Worrall's Indian Textile and Engineering Diary and Directory of the Indian and Pakistan Textile Industry, 1955. Cotton, jute, silk and rayon, and linen mills in India and Pakistan. Gives, for each country, a textile commodity list indicating manufacturers. John Worrall, Ltd., Oldham, England. Source in India: W. H. Brady and Co. Ltd., 12-14 Veer Nariman Rd., Bombay. 1954 ( 6th edition ) . 15 rupees plus 2 rupees 8 annas postage. Local Bangalore Trade and General Directory and Yearbook, 1955. A city directory containing classified commodity listings of manufacturers and dealers ; classi- fied lists of professional services ; and a combined alphabetical list of both giving addresses. Parthasarathy & Co., 365 Avenue Rd., Bangalore 2. 1955. 3 rupees. Calcutta Guide and Directory, 1953. M. C. Sarkar & Sons, 14 Bankim Chat- ter jee St., Calcutta. 1953 (5th edition). 1 rupee 9 annas. Coimbatore Guide and Directory, 1954. Names and addresses of manufacturers, merchants and sources of personal services, and a "Who's Who" in Coimbatore. Popular Hindustan Publications, Coimbatore. 1954. 3 rupees. Development Directory of Small-scale Industries (Madras, Ministry for In- dustries, Labour and Cooperation). Information on 75 small-scale industries, arranged alphabetically by commodities, giving, for each, data on current imports (through 1953), current production, cost of manufacturing equipment, names of manufacturers of factory equipment, cost of production and selling price, raw materials required, raw materials available with names of suppliers, names of producers of the commodities covered, names of importers, market. Available from the Superintendent, Government Press, Madras. 1954. 2 rupees 8 annas. 53 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Engineering Industries of Howrah, 1953. A directory of small- and medium- scale industries in West Bengal. Lists members of the Howrahi Manufacturers' Association and contains a consolidated alphabetical list of products manufac- tured by them. Howrah Manufacturers' Association, 198 Belilios Rd., Howrah (West Bengal). 1953. 2 rupees. Madras Directory, 1953 Edition. City commercial and industrial directory with classified list of trades and professions. Madras Directory and Who's Who, 39 Second Line Beach, Madras. 1953. 15 rupees, Thacker's Calcutta Directory, 1954-55. A city directory. (In press.) Thacker's Press and Directories, Ltd., Calcutta. 1955 (38th edition). 16 rupees. Tamilnad Directory and Who's Who, 1954. In addition to general information on Central government (offices, political parties, plans, etc.), contains (a) descrip- tions of each district in Madras State — general physical and facilities, (b) lists of organizations in Madras State, (c) periodical publications, (d) lists of mer- chants, under commodity headings, (e) a "Who's Who" section of area personali- ties. Printed in Tamil language. Keesay Publishers, Madras 5. 1954. 3 rupees 8 annas. Vyapar (Trade) Directory, 1954-55. Emphasis in directory information is on Bombay State and environs. Printed in Gujarathi language. Vyaparkaryala, Janmabhoomi Bhawan, Ghoga St., Post Box 62, Bombay 1. 1954 (2nd edition). 20 rupees. INDIA, PORTUGUESE (GOA) See also Portugal. General Anuario da India Portuguesa 1953 (Portugal. Estado da India. Reparticao Central de Estatistica e Informacao). An oflicial guide and directory of Portu- guese India. Includes descriptive material for the areas as well as administrative and commercial directories. Alphabetical index to contents ; alphabetical index to commodities, dealers, and liberal professions. 2nd series, vol. 1, 1953. Printed by Imprensa National, Goa. INDOCHINA See Vietnam. INDONESIA General Business Directory of Indonesia. General commercial information about Indonesia, including summaries of export and import regulations. Lists alpha- betically banks, insurance companies, import and export firms, industrial con- cerns, and agricultural estates. Also lists import and export firms classified according to products handled. Text printed in English and Indonesian. Dohartua Co., Djakarta. 100 rupiahs. 54 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Industry Directory of Indonesia. Announced for publication in 1955. Names and addressee of medium- and large-size Indonesian industrial enterprises. To be published for the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (DEIP) by ALVACO, Djakarta and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Trade Directory of Indonesia. Lists 1,650 export firms and 3,550 Import firms alphabetically, with a cross index of commodities handled. Also contains general commercial information about Indonesia in English, French, German, and Spanish. Published for the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (DEIP) by ALVACO, Djakarta and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 100 rupiahs. Local Djakarta Chinese Trade Directory. Chinese importers, dealers, and retailers in the city of Djakarta classified according to commodity handled. Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Djakarta. Telephone directories. Djakarta and other major cities of Indonesia. Ob- tainable from Kepala Kantor Telepon of each city. IRAQ Local Trade Directory, Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, 1953. Lists importers, exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers, and allied business ; includes about 1,700 Baghdad firms. Printed in English. Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Baghdad. 200 pp. 250 fils. IRELAND, NORTHERN See United Kingdom. IRELAND, REPUBLIC OF General Irish Industrial Year Book. Statistical review of industries and agriculture, press directory, and directory of Irish manufacturers. The McEvoy Publishing Co., Ltd., Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 10 shillings. CNeill's Commercial Who's Who and Industrial Directory of Ireland. Manu- facturers, trade names, trade-marks ; statistical data on production, customs duties, names of industrial organizations, handbook of Irish securities ; advertis- ing and press directory. The Parkside Press, Ltd., 43 Parkgate St., Dublin. 63 shillings. Thorn's Directory — Ireland. Names and addresses of residents and business firms in Dublin ; manufacturers, doctors, lawyers, ecclesiatics, universities. Gov- ernment departments and officials, societies and institutions, and educational data covering all Ireland. Also, banking, railway, and biographical data. Alex. Thorn & Co., Ltd., Crow St., Dublin. 84 shillings. 55 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES Special Architectural Survey & Directory of Architects, Students and Probationers. List of architects in all Ireland, and general information concerning architecture, v/ith pictorial survey of selected projects. The Parkside Press, Ltd., 43 Parkgate St., Dublin. 5 shillings. Building Construction & Engineering. Annual survey of Irish engineering, building, and construction work, and directory of builders, contractors, and engi- neers. The Parkside Press, Ltd., 43 Parkgate St., Dublin. 5 shillings. Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society, Limited. Names of all qualified pharmacists and members of the Pharmaceutical Council. Dublin University Press, Ltd., Trinity College, Dublin. 6 shillings. Hotel and Catering Year Book. Annual survey of developments and progress in hotel and catering trades. The Parkside Press, Ltd., 43 Parkgate St., Dublin. 2s. 6d. Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Calendar and Directory. Names of mem- bers of the legal profession. Incorporated Law Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Law Courts, Dublin. 10 shillings. Irish Catholic Directory and Almanac. Irish ecclesiastical register and data relative to Roman Catholic societies and institutions. Jameis Duffy & Co., Ltd., 28 Westmoreland St., Dublin. 12s. 6d. Irish Church Directory and Year Book. List of bishops and clergy of the Church of Ireland and data on Protestant educational establishments. The Church of Ireland Publishing Co., 61 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. 7s. 6d. Irish Creamery Year Book and Diary. List of Irish creameries and data rela- tive to them. The Irish Creamery Managers' Association, 32 Kildare St., Dublin. 25 shillings. Irish Medical and Hospital Directory. Contains information on hospitals and sanitoria ; names of doctors, dentists, and specialists in all Ireland. The Parkside Press, Ltd., 43 Parkgate St., Dublin. 21 shillings. Irish Textile Directory. Contains classified list of all textile firms in Ireland, and the names of their executives and directors. H. R. Carter Publications, Ltd., 2 Marcus Ward St., Belfast, Northern Ireland. 7s. 6d. Wholesale Grocers' Directory. List of wholesale grocers, importers and agents, as well as shippers. Guide to the wholesale grocery and smallwares trade in Republic of Ireland. The Parkside Press, Ltd., 43 Parkgate St., Dublin. 10s. 6d. ISRAEL General Blue Directory (The Israel Guide Book). Includes every outstanding enter- prise in trade, industry, craftmanship, and agriculture, and contains addresses subdivided into over 800 sections, based on vocations and professions. Name index arranged by principal cities, towns, and settlements; trade index by the three main cities. Printed in Hebrew and English. I. Lipschitz Advertising, 8 Hess St., P. O. Box 4267, Tel Aviv. If 7.5 (Israeli currency). Israel Directory (The Register of Commerce and Industry in Israel). First of the commercial directories in Israel, 1 volume, complete with keys and indexes. Printed in Hebrew and English. Register of Commerce and Industry in Israel, P. O. Box 953, Tel Aviv. I£ 6. 56 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES Israel Import Export Classified Directory. Contains over 5,000 names and addresses under about 700 headings of manufacturers, importers, exporters, and dealers, with indexes. Sahavy Advertising, P. O. Box 3014, Tel Aviv. I£ 5. Israel Industry. Official directory in English of the Manufacturers' Associa- tion of Israel. Lists all manufacturing enterprises organized within the asso- ciation, subdivided into major industrial branches with product and name in- dexes. Israel Periodicals, 13 Montefiore St., Tel Aviv. I£ 3. Israel Year Book. General reference work on many aspects of Israel's eco- nomic and social life, including a commercial directory, indexes, maps, and illustrations. Israel Publications Ltd., 2 Bar Kochba St., Tel Aviv. I£ 4.5. Year Directory of Israel. Guide to manufacturers, exporters, importers, financial institutions, and various professional lines ; subdivided into eight major sections with trade and name indexes. Includes foreign section with entries and advertisements of foreign firms. Israel Publishers and Advertising, P. O. Box 815, Tel Aviv. I£ G. ITALY General Annuario 1954. Summarizes condition of various sectors of Italian industry and includes a directory of member associations of the Italian National Asso- ciation of Manufacturers. Confederazione Generate dell'Industria Italiana, Piazza Venezia 11, Rome. 3,000 lire. Annuario delle Camere di Commercio Italiane aU'Estero — Commercio Estero e Turismo. Review of Italian foreign trade and directory of importers and ex- porters. Index and description translated into English. Stamperia Conti, Via Tiraboschi 8, Bergamo. 10,000 lire. Anuario Generale dell'Industria e del Prodotto Italian©. Register of Italian manufacturers classified by products and alphabetically. Biannual. 8 vols. Product headings in volume 2 translated into English. S. A. T. E. T., Via Villar 2, Turin. 25,000 lire. Annuario Generale dltalia. Contains names and addresses of all Government and municipal offices, firms and professional men, towns and cities in Italy. Index in English. 3 vols. Fratelli Pozzo, Via S. Teresa 3, Turin. 30,000 lire. Annuario Politecnico Italiano. Register of Italian manufacturers classified by products. Index in English. Biannual. Published at Via S. Pellico 12, Milan. 9,500 lire. Elenco degli Indirizzi Telegrafici Abbreviati e Convenuti d'ltalia. Directory of the Italian cable addresses, firms, and categories in alphabetical order. Translation in English. Biannual. Istituto Editoriale Internazionale, S. A., San Marino. 8,000 lire. Guida Nazionale del Commercio con TEstero. Italian exporters and importers. Translation in English. Annual. Istituto Editoriale Pubblicazioni Interna- zionali. Via Cremona 5, Rome. 10,000 lire. Special Agenti di Cambio, Rappresentanti, Osservatori alle Grida e Commissionari di Borsa. Stock exchange operators. Fratelli Palombi, Via dei Gracchi 181- 185, Rome. Latest issue, 1949. 750 lire. 342444°— 55 5 57 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Annuario Alberghi d'ltalia. Hotels in Italy. Translations in English. E. N. I. T., Via Marghera 2, Rome. Annuario delle Aziende di Credito e Finanziarie. Italian banks and financial institutions. Associazione Bancaria Italiana, Piazza del Gesu' 49, Rome. 5,000 lire. Annuario delle Biblioteche Italiane. Italian libraries. Fratelli Palombi, Via dei Gracchi 138, Rome. Annuario delle Casse di Risparmio, dei Monti di Credito su Pegno di Prima Categoria, e degli Istituti diversi. Italian savings banks, pawnbrokers, and other institutions. Biannual. Associazione fra le Casse di Risparmio Italiane, Via Paisiello 6, Rome. 2,000 lire. Annuario del Cinema Italiano. Motion picture industry. Translation in English. Annual. Cinedizioni, Via Po 50, Rome. 5,000 lire. Annuario Generale dell'Alimentazione Italiana. Italian manufacturers of and dealers in foodstuffs ; listing of suppliers of raw materials, machinery, and equipment. Index in English. Annual. Editrice CISCES, Viale Abruzzi 83, Milan. 6,500 lire. Annuario Generale della Eduzione e Istruzione in Italia. Italian schools and universities, including religious scholastic institutions. Biannual. A. G. Elia, Via G. Longhi 6, Milan. 2,000 lire. Annuario Generale per I'lndustria e il Commercio delle Profumerie. Manu- facturers of and dealers in toilet preparations, raw materials, associations, etc. Annual. Edizioni Ergo, Via del Tritone 59, Rome. Annuario Generale della Marina Mercantile Italiana e delle Attivita' Por- tuarie Internazionali. Contains general information on the Italian maritime industry and includes listings of the shipbuilders, and manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and machinery. Titles of the categories and index are printed in English. Annual. S. A. E., Via XX Settembre 26/1, Genoa. 8,000 lire. Annuario Generale dei Molini e Pastifici Italiani. Italian flour mills, macaroni manufacturers, cereal dealers, and manufacturers of flour mill equipment. Biannual. SEGETES, Via delle Botteghe Oscure 46, Rome. 3,000 lire. Annuario Generale degli Ospedali, Cliniche Ospedaliere e Universitarie, Polcilinici, Sanatori, Preventori, Case di Convalescenza e Riposo, Mutue Sanitarie, Ambulanze, Poliambulanze, Assistenze e Istituzioni Varie delle Stato, delle Provincie e dei Comuni di tutta Italia, Istituzioni Sanitarie Private in Italia. Listing of the Italian sanitary organization, including public and private hospitals and clinics. Biannual. A. G. Elia, Via G. Longhi 6, Milan. 1,500 lire. Annuario Generale del Touring Club Italiano. Geographical and tourist information ; listing of Italian towns. Touring Club Italiano, Corso Italia 10, Milan. 2,000 lire. Annuario Generale dei Trasporti e delle Industrie Ausiliarie. Firms engaged in road, maritime, and air transportation. Text translated into English. Biannual. Soc. Editrice, Vico Falamonica 1-13, Genoa. 3,000 lire. Annuario Grafico, 1954. Italian firms engaged in the printing, paper processing, and bookbinding industries. Associazione Nazionale Italiana Industrie Grafiche e Trasformatrici, Via S, Paolo 10, Milan. Annuario Guida dell'Industria e del Commercio Motociclistico. Manufac- turers of and dealers in motorcycles and replacement parts. Service stations. Annual. Casa Editrice Edizioni GEO, Viale Corsica 32, Milan. 500 lire. 58 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Annuario dell'Italia Sanitaria. Doctors and dentists, veterinarians, mid- wives, medical facilities, hospitals, pharmacies, chemical-pharmaceutical labora- tories, and manufacturers of medical and scientific equipment. Annual. Casa Editrice Pensiero Medico, Corso Porta Nuova 48, Milan. 9,000 lire. Annuario Italiano delle Pitture e Vernici. Manufacturers of and dealers in paints, varnishes, raw materials, equipment, and accessories. Biannual. Aracne, Via Cusani 5, Milan. 3,000 lire. Annuario del Legno. Firms engaged in wood production and woodworking machinery. Biannual. E. II. Editrice "II Legno", Piazzale Durante 6, Milan. 1 ,000 lire. Archivi SAIT. Four volumes, each containing a bound set of catalogs and pamphlets. Vol. 1, Archivio Edile, house building; Vol. 2, Archivio Meccanica, mechanical products ; Vol. 3, Archivio Agricolo, agricultural machinery and equipment ; Vol. 4, Archivio Tessile, textile machinery and equipment. Servizio Archivi Industriali Tecnici (SAIT) , Via Monte de Pieta 15, Milan. Attrezzature per le Industrie Grafiche. Italian manufacturers of printing machinery and equipment. Index in English. Introduction and description of production in English. Istituto per 11 Commercio con I'Estero, Via Torino 107, Rome. 2,500 lire. Camere di Commercio Industria e Agricoltura in Italia, 1952. Italian cham- bers of commerce in Italy and abroad. Unione Italiana delle Camere di Com- mercio Industria e Agricoltura, Via S. Maria in Via 37, Rome. Catalogo Collettivo della Libreria Italiana 1954-1955. Directory of the Italian publishers' catalogs. 2 vols. S. A. B. E., Foro Bonaparte 24, Milan. Cine Annuario, 1953. Italian motion picture industry, theaters, distributors, etc. Fratelli Palombi, Via del Gracchi 181-115, Rome. 4,000 lire. Elenco Ditte Aderenti Associazione Italiana Fabbricanti Seterie. Italian manufacturers of silk, nylon, and similar fiber textiles. Associazione Italiana Fabbricanti Seterie, Via Raimondi 1, Como. Elenco dei Quotidiani e Periodici Italiani, 1954. Italian newspapers, maga- zines, periodicals, and trade and industry publications. S. A. B. E., Milan. Guida Cotone, 1953. Two volumes. Volume 1 is a directory of the Italian cotton and similar fiber mills and trade, including finishing; volume 2 is a directory of the Italian manufacturers of and dealers in textile machinery, equipment and accessories, and chemical products. Translations in English. Editoriale Cotone, Via Manzoni 30, Milan. 5,000 lire. Guida Italiana del Petrolio, 1954 (V). Review of the world and Italian petroleum industry, Italian petroleum legislation, and directory of the Italian petroleum firms. La Rivista Italiana del Petrolio, Via Ufficio del Vicario 35, Rome. 8,000 lire. Guida Repertorio Tecnologico delle Macchine Utensili. Italian manufacturers of machine tools. Issued every 3 years. U. C. I. M. U., Via G. Giardino 4, Milan. 6,000 lire. (The directory is published, also, in English.) Imprese Edili Associate ai Collegi ed Associazioni Territoriali Aderenti alPANCE, 1953. Directory of builders. Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili, Via Boncompagni 26, Rome. 700 lire. Indicatore dei Trasporti Marittimi Internazionale. Italian and foreign mari- time transportation. Russo Mario, Via Santa Lucia 34, Naples. Industria del Giocattolo in Italia, Annuario Guida, 1949. Italian manufac- turers of toys. Product headings translated into English. Edizioni Riunite, Via Cerva 23, Milan. 1,800 lire. 59 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, Industria Italiana del Ciclo e del Motociclo. Italian manufacturers of bicycles and motorcycles. Contains a translation in English. Annual. A. C. N. A., Via M. Macchi 32, Milan. Industria dell'Ottica, Meccanica Fine e Preclsione — Annuario 1953. Review of the Italian optical and precision instruments industry and directory of the manufacturers of optical and precision instruments. Contains a dictionary, in English, of the items mentioned in the volume. Assottica, Piazzetta Umberto Giordano 2, Milan. 1,450 lire. Informatore Farmaceutico Italiano. List of drug preparations, citing thera- peutic indication, composition, and price ; list of manufacturers and their products. Annual. Organizzazione Editoriale Medico-Farmaceutixa, Via Edolo 40, Milan. 4,500 lire. Istruzione Universitaria e Pre-Universitaria in Italia e all'Estero, 1949. Directory of the Italian high schools and universities. Contains a description of public instruction abroad and a guide for exchange students. Italian uni- versities and preuniversity matriculation requirements, courses of study, and academic degree to v^hich the courses lead. Includes English translations. Casa Editrice F. Le Monnier, Casella Postale 455, Florence. 3,500 lire. Macchine per Cucire. Italian manufacturers of sewing machines. Introduc- tion and product description in English. Index in English. Istituto per 11 Commercio con I'Estero, Via Torino 107, Rome. Registro dei Marchi di Fabbrica e di Commercio Italiani. Italian trade-marks. Translation in English. Annual. Istituto Editoriale Pubblicazioni Interna- zionali. Via Cremona 5, Rome. 10,000 lire. Repertorio dell'Industria Farmaceutica. Italian manufacturers of medicinals. Lists products by trade names citing producing firms ; lists exporters, whole- salers, and salesmen ; includes a compendium of laws pertaining to the manu- facture of medicinals. Biannual. Casa Editrice Edizioni Tecniche, Via A. Bazzini 20, Milan. 3,500 lire. Repertorio delle Industrie Siderurgiche Italiane. Italian iron and steel mills and types and grades of products. Contains a translation into English of the technical terms. Associazione Industrie Siderurgiche Italiane, Milan. Repertorio della Produzione Chimica Italiana e del Commercio Chimico. Italian chemical industry. Lists manufacturers and products alphabetically. Lists exportable products and exporters and wholesalers and manufacturers of equipment and machinery. Contains an index in English of terms relating to the Italian nomenclature of chemical products. Biannual. Tecnindustria Editrice, Viale Tito Livio 19, Rome. 5,000 lire. Repertorio della Veterinaria. Manufacturers of veterinary drugs, products, description of drugs, etc. Biannual. ARACNE Editrice, Via Cusani 15, Milan. 1,200 lire. Utensileria, Attrezzature, Strumenti di Controllo per la lavorazione del metalli, del legno ed altri Materiali, 1948. Italian manufacturers of tools and control instruments for the processing of metals, wood, and other materials. Lists tools and control instruments manufactured. Terms translated in English. A. F. 1. U. M., Piazza Diaz 2, Milan. 500 lire. Winckelmann, Guida della Pellicceria. Italian dealers in and manufacturers of fur garments and fur skins. Annual. Tozzola Guido, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 30, Milan. 500 lire. 60 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES JAMAICA, BRITISH WEST INDIES General Commercial Directory of Jamaica. Alphabetical listing of the major commer- cial firms of Jamaica, including hotels and sugar estates, with information as to the principal products handled by each and/or the principal services of each ; classified list of importers in various commodity groups, and similar lists of exporters and manufacturers ; local commercial and other associations, building societies, auditors and accountants, insurance companies, and foreign consular establishments; general economic information on Jamaica and a precis of important commercial legislation. Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Ltd., King- ston, Jamaica, B. W. I. Jan. 1954 (2d edition). West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section on Jamaica) . General political, economic, and commercial information as well as useful trade lists of importers in various fields, solicitors, doctors, and other professional services. While the addresses of the firms are not listed, street addresses are not essential for corre- pondence with well established firms. See further details under West Indies. JAPAN General Directory of Foreign Firms. Foreign firms in Japan, listed alphabetically by regions, with addresses in Japan, indication of nationality, and kind of business. Classified commodity index. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. Tokyo News Service, Ltd., Kosoku Doro Bldg., 10 Ginza Nishi 8-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. 1,000 yen. Japan Economic Year Book. Economic survey, industry study, select statistics, list of firms, etc. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. Oriental Economist, 2 Hongoku- cho 3-chome, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. 360 yen. Japan Exports and Imports. Survey of various industries, list of firms inter- ested in foreign trade, timely trade news, etc. Monthly. Foreign Trade Press, Ltd., 1 Koishikawa-machi 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. $4 per year. Japan Foreign Trade and Industries Directory. General economic review of Japan, alphabetical index of commodities, alphabetical list of firms, etc. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. Foreign Trade Press, Ltd., 1 Koishikawa-machi 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. 3,000 yen. Japan Foreign Trade News. Information and news on foreign trade, list of manufacturers and traders by selected industries, etc. Monthly. Japan Trade News Publishers, Ltd., Men-Sufu Bldg., Tsukiji 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. $3.50 per year. Japan in Industry, 1954. General review of Japan by industries ; list of firms by products ; and index to trade directory. Annual. The Oriental Economist, Nihon- bashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. 2,000 yen. Japan Register of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Shippers. List of commodi- ties and firms, classified list of firms, outline of industries in Japan, information on trade procedures, etc. Biennial. Latest edition, 1952-53. Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 14 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. $10. Japan Trade Guide. Outline of economic and industrial conditions in Japan, classified list of commodities and firms, general trade information including industrial property right laws, etc. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. Jiji Tsushin Sha, 2 Hibiya Park, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. $3. 61 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, Japan Trade Directory. Alphabetical list of firms, classified index by com- modities, the Commercial Code of Japan, etc. Annual. Latest edition, 1954-55. Japanasia Information Service, Inc., 19 Shinsakurada-cho, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo. 2,880 yen. Local Directory of Trade and Industry. Manufacturers of export goods, commodi- ties, and firms listed alphabetically. Index of trade-marks, etc. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. The Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 16 Kaigan-dori 1-chome, Ikuta-ku, Kobe. Kobe Directory of Importers and Exporters. Alphabetical list of exporters and importers, commodity index, etc. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. The Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 16 Kaigan-dori 1-chome, Ikuta-ku, Kobe. Manufacturers List of Productive Goods. See Nagoya Trade Directory. Nagoya Trade Directory. Alphabetical list of trading firms, manufacturers, service organizations, etc., in Nagoya area. Commodity index. Latest edition, 1953. The Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Oike-machi, Naka-ku, Nagoya. Note: The Nagoya Chamber published a local directory entitled Manufacturers List of Productive Goods, 1954, in lieu of the Nagoya Trade Directory. Osaka Trade Index. Alphabetical list of firms, classified commodity index, etc. Issued occasionally. Latest edition, 1954. Osaka Foreign Trade Institute, 58 Uchihon-machi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Overseas Buyers Guide. Outline of trade and industry by commodities and an alphabetical index of firms by commodities. Covers Tokyo area. Biennial. Latest edition, 1954, in 2 vols. Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 14 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Tokyo Foreign Trade Guide. Alphabetical list of traders, manufacturers, etc. ; list of banks, and classified index of commodities and services in the Tokyo area. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. Tokyo Foreign Trade Association, 1 Marunouchi 3 — chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Traders and Manufacturers Directory. Lists firms by commodities in Kyoto area. Annual. Latest edition, 1954. The Commerce and Industry Department, Kyoto Prefectural Government, Kyoto. Yokohama Trade Guide. General review of Yokohama, summary of foreign trade procedures, regulations, systems, etc., and list of trading firms in Tokyo- Yokohama area. Latest edition, 1954. Yokohama Trade and Commerce Asso- ciation, Mitsui Bussan Bldg., 14 Nihon-Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama. 30 cents. KUWAIT As far as can be ascertained, no directories or similar reference books are published in Kuwait. LEBANON General Arab Directory for Commerce Industry and the Liberal Professions in the Arab Countries (Le Guide Arabe pour le Commerce, ITndustrie & les Professions 62 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Liberales Dans les Pays Arabes). Printed in English and French. The 1953-54 edition issued in late 1954. Souheil Sayed, Parliament Ave., P. O. Box 1467, Beirut. 25 L£ (Lebanese currency). LEEWARD ISLANDS General ^ West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for Leeward Islands). See details under West Indies. LIBERIA As far as can be ascertained, no trade or commercial directories are published in Liberia. LIBYA Insofar as can be ascertained, no directories or similar reference material are published in Libya. General Arab Directory for Commerce, Industry and the Liberal Professions in the Arab Countries. See details under Lebanon. Pan-African Directory. See details under Egypt. LUXEMBOURG General Annuaire du Commerce et de I'lndustrie de Belgique (section for Luxem- bourg). See details under Belgium. Guide du Marche Luxembourgeois. Contains separate lists, by commodities, of producers and importers of comprehensive list of manufactured goods and food products. Firms listed alphabetically under commodity. Also contains section giving useful commercial information about country. Printed in French and German as part of catalog of the International Fair of Luxembourg but also available as separate volume. Annual. Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, 8 Av. de I'Arsenal, Luxembourg. "Record", Annuaire du Commerce et de I'lndustrie. Comprehensive list cover- ing commerce, industry, and tourism. Types of products or services listed alpha- betically for each city and town. Firms listed alphabetically, both under name of product or service, and in general alphabetical index. Printed in French. Issued at irregular intervals; next edition to be issued in May or June 1955. Les Editions Publicitaires, 48 Av. de la Gare, Luxembourg. 200 francs. • Telegram- Adressbuch (section for Luxembourg). See details under Germany. 63 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Telephone Directory. All listings in a single volume covering the Grand Duchy of LuxembouriJ:. No classified section. May be obtained through Luxembourg Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Administration. 20 francs. Special Annuaire de la Brasserie (section for Luxembourg). See details under Belgium. Auberges de France "Le Club des Sans Clubs" (section for Luxembourg, tourist information). See details under France. MADAGASCAR General Annuaire Commercial de Madagascar. Available from Librairie de Madagas- car, Tananarive. 2,500 francs. Annuaire des Entreprises Coloniales (section on Madagascar). See details under France. Bottin de I'Union Francaise (section on Madagascar). See details under France. MADEIRA ISLANDS General Anuario Comercial de Portugal. See details under PortugaL Special Anuario Medico de Portugal Continental, Insular e Colonial. See details under Portugal. MALAYA General Classified Commercial Guide for Malaya and Singapore. Trades and pro- fessions in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya ; planting and mining com- panies ; and foreign chambers of commerce. Index. First edition, 195o-54. United Advertising and Publicity Services, 188 Cecil St., (P. O. Box 1119), Singapore 1. Malayan $10. Straits Times Directory of Singapore and Malaya. Trades and professions ; streets and roads ; list of firms in Singapore, the Federation of Malaya, Siam, Borneo, Sarawak, and Sumatra; ofiicials and public bodies; and information on principal postal charges and Malayan import and export duties. Alphabetical index. Straits Times Press Ltd., Cecil St., Singapore 1. Malayan $30. 64 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES Local Federation of Malaya Telephone Directory. Lists advertisers. Federation of Malaya Telecommunications Department, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor. English edition, Malayan $1.50 ; Chinese edition, Malayan $2. Singapore Street Directory and Guide. Classification and index to streets with maps and introductory and historical notes. Survey Department, 5th floor, Fullerton BldA"., Singapore 1. Malayair$3. Singapore Telephone Directory. Lists advertisers; two editions, one printed in English, the other in Chinese. The Singapore Telephone Board, Telephone House, 15/33 Hill St., Singapore 6. Malayan $2 for each edition. MALTA As far as can be ascertained, no trade directories are published currently in Malta ; however, the directory described below is to be published. General Malta Directory and Trade Index 1955-56. A combination of the normal classified trade directory plus an extensive general survey of various aspects of Maltese affairs (economy, industries, trade, tourism), together with a section of reference information, such as abstracts of trade with other countries, post and telegraph guide and schedule, and import-export duties and regulations, David Waddington Publications (Malta) Ltd., 292 Kingsway, Valletta. MEXICO General Directorio General de la Republica Mexicana. Classified sections cover busi- ness firms, clubs, schools, churches, professions, mines, radio stations, and Government officials. Printed in English and Spanish ; indexed in Spanish only. Confederacion de Camaras Nacionales de Comercio e Industria, Mexico, D. F. Directorio y Guia Comercial. Contains sections classified according to indus- try and product, including importers, exporters, and manufacturers. Arranged according to cities. Indexed in English and Spanish. Camara Nacional de Comercio de La Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, D. F. 1954 issue costs 30 pesos. This directory will not be published in 1955. Mexico en la Mano. Commercial, industrial, and tourist guide. Lie. Roque Nieto Pena, P. O. Box 1829, Mexico, D. F. 1955 edition to be published in July and to cost approximately 40 pesos. Primer Directorio Industrial Nacional. A classified listing of businesses throughout Mexico. Two volumes : one arranged according to products manu- factured, the other by firm names. Contains information on capitalization. Indexed in Spanish and English. Publicaciones RoUand, S. de R. L., Plaza de la Republica No. 6, Piso 4, Mexico, D. F. May 1955, 2 vols., 215 pesos. Trade Directory of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico. Divided into sections, it contains an alphabetical listing of member firms of the Amer- 65 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, ieau Chfimber of Commerce of Mexico; alphabetical listing of executives of member firms ; list of local and foreign firms represented in Mexico by the member firms ; and an alphabetical list of products and services offered by the member firms. l*ublished in 1954 ; another will not be issued for several years. American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico, Plaza Santos Degollado 10, Mexico, D. F. Special Anuario Financiero de Mexico. Lists banks and financial institutions in Mexico. Printed in Spanish. Asociacion de Banqueros de Mexico, Mexico, D. F. 1955 edition to be published in July and to cost 75 pesos. Boletin Minero. A monthly bulletin covering mining in Mexico, in connection with which a directory of mining companies is published annually. Department of Mines, Mexico, D. F. Directorio de Instituciones de Credito y Organizaciones Auxiliares, 1955. Directory of banlvs and financial institutions throughout Mexico. Printed In Spanish, Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico, Mexico, D. F. MOROCCO See also France. General Annuaire Marocain Industriel, Agricole, Economique, Commercial et Finan- cier. Persons and telephone numbers for French Morocco and Tangier. Annual. Les Imprimeries Reunies, Rue Georges Mercie, Casablanca, French Morocco. 1,000 francs. Annuaire Vert Maroc, Administration, Agriculture, Commerce, Industrie, Finances. Persons and telephone numbers for French Morocco and Tangier. Biannual. Cherifienne d'Editions et de Publicite, 71 Rue de I'Horloge, Casablanca, French Morocco. 1,500 francs. Bottin du Maroc. Persons and firms in French Morocco, with detailed clas- sification by kind of business, industry, or profession. Annual. Didot Bottin, 1 rue Sebastien-Bottin, Paris VII, France. 700 francs. MOZAMBIQUE (PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA) See also Portugal. General Cape Times South African Directory. See details under Union of South Africa. Guia Economico de Mozambique (Economic Guide to Mozambique). Business firms in Mozambique. Geographic description of Mozambique, excerpts from Government regulations pertaining to exports and imports, and statistics regard- 66 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES ing recent major imports and exports. Divided into 5 major sections, covering the capital, Lourenco Marques, and the other 4 political districts of Sul do Save, Manica e Sofala, Zambezia, and Niassa. Published at intervals of ap- proximately 1 year. Compiled and edited by the Mozambique Junta de Ex- portagao and the Commissao Reguladora de Importagao ; printed in Lisbon, Portugal, c/o Rua da Horta Seca 32, Segundo Andar, Direito. 1954-55 edition, 1,088 pp., index in English. NEPAL Insofar as can be ascertained, no trade directories are published in Nepal. THE NETHERLANDS Genera! Adresboek van Algemene Exporteurs, Inkopers voor Buitenlandse Huizen en Exportagenten in Nederland (Directory of General Exporters, Buyers for Foreign Firms and Export Agents in the Netherlands). "General Exporters" are those firms exporting various kinds of products for their own account and/or for third parties. Firms or persons conducting a commercial or industrial business export- ing the products of their own trade or industry are exporters as such, but are not considered as general exporters nor included in this list. 161 pp. Bureau voor Handelsinlichtingen, Oudebrugsteeg 16, Amsterdam-C. 8.35 guilders. Adresboek van de Nederlandse Fabrikanten *'De Nederlandse Industrie" (Di- rectory of Netherlands Manufacturers "The Netherlands Industry"), Names and addresses of manufacturers, alphabetically arranged by products ; addresses of Government agencies ; list of products for export. Index in English. 1,151 pp. A. W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij N. V., Doezastraat 1, Leiden. 29.50 guilders. Algemeen Handelsadresboek voor Nederland Polanex-Misset (General Trade Directory for the Netherlands Polanex-Misset). Lists, by city, names and addresses of exporters, importers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, agents, and independent trades. Index in English. Vol. 1, Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, 952 pp. Vol. 2, Other Cities, 2,751 pp. N. V. Polanex, Nieuwe Doelen- straat 6-8, Amsterdam. 26 guilders for both volumes. Annual of the Netherlands Industry and Trade. Addresses of exporters, manu- facturers, and importers. Printed in English. 232 pp. Eurimpex, Billitonlaan 37, Apeldoorn. 15 guilders. Import-Export Trade Information Book. Addresses of exporters, manufac- turers, importers, and agents. Information on many firms shows date of estab- lishment, capital, management, number of employees, and production. Printed in English. 630 pp. ABC voor Handel en Industrie fi. V., Fonteinlaan 3, Haar- lem. 18 guilders. A new issue entitled Holland Exports is in preparation. Nederlands ABC voor Handel en Industrie ( Netherlands ABC for Commerce and Industry). Lists addresses of exporters, manufacturers, importers, whole- salers, installing engineers, and agents of foreign firms. Data are given on many firms as to date of establishment, capital, management, number of em- ployees, and production. Well organized, with a good index in English. 2,028 pp. ABC voor Handel en Industrie N. V., Fonteinlaan 3, Haarlem. 37.50 guilders. 67 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Officieel Catalogus van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Jaarbeurs Official Cata- log;- of the Royal Netherlands Fair). Addresses of manufacturers, wholesalers, and representatives, and a list of trade-marks. Index in English. 388 pp. Kon- inklijke Nederlandsche Jaarbeurs, Gebouw Vredenburg, Utrecht. 2.50 guilders. Telegramm-Adressbuch (section for Netherlands). See details under Germany. Van Oss' Effectenboek — Binnenlandse Fondsen (Van Oss' Securities Book — Local Securities). Gives financial data on banks and industrial and trade enter- prises as to their scope, capital, profit, dividend, balance, etc. Preliminarily quoted shares and noncurrent shares and prospectuses are also included. H. P. Leopold's Uitgeversmaatschappij, Noordeinde 23, The Hague. 2,011 pp. 75 guilders. Special The coverage of trade and industry by individual commodity directories in the Netherlands is excellent. The list given here is incomplete primarily because of lack of space. Almost all of the directories are printed in Dutch. Catalogus voor de Bouwwereld (Catalog for the Building World). Contains catalogs of manufacturers and a register of trade names, trade-marks, and standards ; also, editorial section and tables. Addresses of associations and insti- tutions. 692 pp. Mouton & Co., N. V., Herderstraat 5, The Hague. 15 guilders. Catalogus voor Chemische Apparatuur (Catalog for Chemical Apparatus). Shows dates of establishment of the firms, management, number of employees, and manufacturing program. Also catalogs of manufacturers. Deel I, Neder- lands Fabrikaat (vol. 1, Netherlands Products), 204 pp.; Deel II, Nederlandse Vertegenwoordigers van Buitenlandse Fabrieken (vol. 2, Netherlands Represent- atives of Foreign Manufacturers), 194 pp. Bureau voor Bedrijfsdocumentatie, Gr. Florislaan 30a, Hilversum. 17.50 guilders. Catalogus voor de Metaalindustrie Waarin Opgenomen de Electrotechnische en Electrochemische Industrie (Catalog for the Metal Industry including the Electrotechnical and Electrochemical Industries). Contains addresses of ex- porters, manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, and representatives. Also a list of trade-marked products, standard sheets, and addresses of associations in the technical field. Index in English. 922 pp. Boom-Ruygrok N. V., Ged. Oudegracht 138, Haarlem. 30 guilders. Chemicalien Adresboek (Chemical Directory). Addresses of manufacturers, wholesalers, representatives, suppliers of machinery, apparatus, etc., for the chemical industry. Index in English. 349 pp. Bureau voor Bedrijfsdocu- mentatie, Gr. Florislaan 30a, Hilversum. 22.50 guilders. Factories of Capitalgoods in Holland. Gives particulars, by firm, concerning production programs and terms of delivery. A Government publication, obtain- able via Netherlands official representatives abroad. 145 pp. Economische Voorlichtingsdienst, Bezuidenhoutseweg 72, The Hague. Financieel Adresboek voor Nederland (Financial Directory for the Nether^ lands). Contains names of associations in the field of banking, money, foreign exchange, and security trade. Includes the names of financial publications and yearbooks appearing in the Netherlands and those of banks and credit institu- tions, administration and trust bureaus, mortgage, land-credit, shipping loan banks, savings banks, and insurance companies. Gives date of establishment, capital, distribution of profit, and management. 657 pp. N. Y. Drukkerij en Uitgeverij J. H. de Bussy, Rokin 60-62, Amsterdam-C. 17.50 guilders. 68 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Gids voor de Nederlandse Spaarbanken (Guide for the Netherlands Savings Banks). Associated savings banks, independent savings banks, and some data on the Government savings bank and Indonesian savings bank. Date and place of establishment, management, short statement of balances, and turnover. 459 pp. Nederlandse Spaarbankbond, P. Bothlaan 1, Amersfoort. 4 guilders. Jaarboek voor het Assurantie- en Hypotheekwezen (Netherlands Insurance Annual). Names of associations in the field of insurance and of local insurance companies including those operating in Indonesia but established in the Nether- lands, insurance companies abroad including Indonesia operating in the Nether- lands and in Indonesia, proxies of local and foreign insurance companies, dam- age-agents and experts, mortgage banks operating in the Netherlands and abroad, ship mortgage banks, and building funds. Date of establishment, scope, man- agement, and financial data. 749 pp. N. V. Drukkerij- en Uitgeverij Korthuis, Marnixstraat 6, The Hague. 7.90 guilders. Jaarboek voor de Cacao, Chocolade, Suiker en Dropwerkindustrie in Nederland (Yearbook for the Cocoa, Chocolate, and Confectionery Industry in the Nether- lands). Contains addresses of manufacturers-exporters. 120 pp. Nederlandse Vereniging van Suikerwerk en Chocoladefabrikanten, INIarnixstraat 380, Amster- dam. Jaarboek van de Nederlandse Banket, Beschuit, Koek en Wafel Industrie (Yearbook of the Netherlands Pastry, Biscuit, Cake, and Wafer Industry). Ad- dresses of manufacturers. 9G pp. Nederlandse Vereniging van Suikerwerk en Chocoladefabrikanten, Marnixstraat 380, Amsterdam. Jaarboek Oude Materialen en Afvalstoffen (Yearbook Old and Waste Ma- terials). Contains addresses of exporters, dealers, and importers. 205 pp. N. V. Polanex, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 0-8, Amsterdam. 10.40 guilders. Jaarboek voor de Zuivelbereiding (Yearbook of Dairy Products). Contains addresses of manufacturers, associations of exporters and dealers, and informa- tion regarding legislation, literature, and statistics. 612 pp. Vereniging van Oud-leerlingen der Rijksmiddelbare Zuivelschoel, Bolsward. 9.75 guilders. Losbladig Handboek van de Nederlandse Pers (Looseleaf Handbook of the Netherlands Press). Three volumes: Volume A, newspapers; volume B, maga- zines and trade journals ; and volume C, religious publications. Quarterly sup- plements are issued. Uitgeversbedrijf "Publiciteit", Groot Hertoginnelaan 162, The Hague. 20 guilders. Supplements, 2.50 guilders per quarter. Supplements need not be ordered if they are not of interest. Metal Products from Holland (English version of Producten Bock van de Vereniging van Metaal-Industrieen). Addresses of manufacturers and repre- sentatives, an advertising section, and an index of manufacturers and products. 756 pp. N. V. de Technische Uitgeverij H. Stam, Zeilweg 1, Haarlem. 25 guilders. Moorman's Jaarboek voor Scheepvaart en Scheepsbouw (Moorman's Yearbook of Shipping and Shipbuilding). Gives date of establishment of shipping com- panies, management, capital, and number of ships, names and kinds of ships, year of construction, tonnage, sizes, number of decks, carrying capacity, capacity of permanent bunkers, loading space, heating base of the main machinery, kind of machinery, call name, and radio. Shows, for many shipbuilding companies, the date of establishment, management, capital, location of shipyards, and spe- cialties. Statistics and information regarding Government and private inter- vention. Indexes in English. 376 pp. Moorman's Periodiske Pers, Zwarteweg 1, The Hague. 30 guilders. Nederlands Verpakkingsadresboek (Netherlands Packing Directory). Ad- 69 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, dresses of manufacturers and wholesalers with an editorial section. 2oG pp. Maandblad Verpakking, Mathenesserlaan 310, Rotterdam. 15 guilders. Nederlandse Chemische en Pharmaceutische Producten en hun Fabrikanten (Netherlands Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products and their Manufacturers). Index in English. 387 pp. In preparation. Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie, Javastraat 2, The Hague. Officieel Zakadresboek van Hotels, Restaurants en Aanverwante Bedrijven (Official Pocket Directory of Hotels, Restaurants, and Related Establishments). With description of accommodations available issued in cooi>eration with the A. N. V. V. (General Tourists Association) and Horecaf (Association for Hotels and Restaurants). 160 pp. J. G. Lasschuit, Boomkruiperlaan 6, The Hague. 0.90 guilder. Officieel Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Official State Almanac for the Kingdom of the Netherlands). Lists Netherlands Government agencies, bureaus, institutions, commissions, etc. Compiled by the Ministry of Local Affairs. 895 pp. Martinus Nijhoff, Lange Voorhout 9, The Hague. 15 guilders. Overzicht van Vrije Ondernemersorganisatie in Nederland (Review of Free Enterprise Organizations in the Netherlands). 4.50 pp. Sociaal-economische Raad, Bezuidenhoutseweg 60, The Hague. 8 guilders. Pyttersen's Staatsalmanak voor ledereen (Pyttersen's State Almanac for Everyone). Lists Netherlands Government agencies and business associations, officials in the Netherlands, Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles, and Netherlands New Guinea. 1,363 pp. N. V. van de Garde en Go's Drukkerij, Gamerschestraat 36, Zaltbommel. 13.75 guilders. Sijthoff's Adresboek voor de Nederlandsche Boekhandel (Sijthoff's Directory for Netherlands Bookdealers). Includes names and addresses of publishers of newspapers, periodicals, books, etc., book stores, advertising agencies, printing offices, bookbinding establishments, importers of periodicals, manufacturers, and wholesalers handling stationery, paper goods, etc. Printed entirely in the Netherlands language. 806 pp. A. W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij N, V., Doezastraat 1, Leiden. 18 guilders. Tabaksalmanak (Tobacco Almanac). Addresses of manufacturers, whole- salers, importers, and brokers, addresses of manufacturers of machines and utilities for the tobacco processing industry, marks and price lists. 80 pp. De Tabaks-Almanak, Rokin 121, Amsterdam-O. 4.25 guilders. Textieladresboek van Nederlandse Textielfabrikanten, Alsmede van Grossiers en Agenten van Buitenlandse Huizen (Directory of Netherlands Textile Manu- facturers, Wholesalers and Agents of Foreign Firms) . Index in English. 418 pp. N. V. Uitgeversmaatschappij Diligentia, Kalverstraat 35, Amsterdam-C. 6.90 guilders, Textieljaarboek (Textile Annual). Gives addresses of agents, manufacturers, dealers, and importers. Contains a list of trade-marks and an index in English. 228 pp. Uitgeverij N. V. Polanex, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 6-8, Amsterdam. 10.40 guilders. NETHERLANDS WEST INDIES Pyttersen's Staatsalmanak voor ledereen (Pyttersen's State Almanac for Everyone). See details under the Netherlands. 70 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for Netherlands West Indies). See details under West Indies. NEW ZEALAND See also Australia. General New Zealand Who's Who. Lists in alphabetical order the names and addresses of leading firms, their agencies, products, branches, directors, etc. Contains a Buyers' Guide Section and a Classified Business Index. L. T. Watkins Ltd., 176-186 Cuba St., Wellington C2. NZ£4 15s. (New Zealand currency). Trades Directories of New Zealand Cities and Provinces. A very compre hensive listing and classification by firms, commodities, and trades, by city and province. Printed in English. 10 vols. Arnold D. Baldwin, Universal Business Directories, Ltd., 44-46 Kingston St., P. O. Box 793, Auckland CI. Wise's Post Office Directory. Commercial and municipal organizations in New Zealand listed alphabetically and by trades and professions. Annual. H. Wise & Co. (Ltd.), AMP Bldgs., Dunedin. NZf5 lis. Special British and Dominion Textile Directory. See details under United Kingdom. Lists of Newspapers and Magazines. Lists those publications on register with the General Post Office. Government Printer, Wellington. Tail's Electrical Directory of Australia and New Zealand. See details under Australia. Local Stone's Canterbury, Nelson, Westland and Marlborough Directory. Stone Son and Co. Ltd., Anzac Ave., Dunedin. Stone's Otago and Southland Directory. Stone Son and Co. Ltd., Anzac Ave., Dunedin. The following publications all contain alphabetical and classified lists of business firms, municipal organizations, Government officials, members of local manufacturers' associations, and other general information. All are published annually by Universal Business Directories, 44 Kingston St., Auckland, and cover only the areas indicated in the titles ; thus : Auckland City and Suburban Trade Directory; Canterbury Provincial Trade Directory; Hawkes Bay and East Coast Trade Directory; Marlborough, Nelson and West Coast Trade Directory; Otago and Southland Trade Directory; Taranaki Trade Directory; Wellington, Hutt Valley and Petone Trade Directory; and Wellington Provincial Directory. NICARAGUA General West Indies and Caribbean Year Book. See details under West Indies. 71 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES NORWAY General Industrikalender. A classified directory of Norwegian industry, containing useful information concerning each producer: products manufactured, names of subsidiary companies, location of factory, address of head offices, amount of capital, cable address, name of manager, etc. Includes an alphabetical index, by products, in English. Issued by Noi-ges Industriforbund (Norway's Asso- ciation of Industry). Oscar Andersens Boktrykkeri, 6 Keysersgate, Oslo. 45 crowns. Nordisk Handelskalender. See details under Denmark. Norges Exportkalender. Classified lists of manufacturers, exporters, and dealers in Norway. English index. Annual. Centraltrykkeriet, 31 Tollbugaten, Oslo. Norges Haandverk og Industri-Kalender. Classified list of firms. Bjerkes Forlag, 27 Karl Johansgate, Oslo. 15 crowns. Norges Handels-Kalender. A commercial directory in two volumes, one list- ing alphabetically the names of firms, individuals and organizations, classified according to city or town in Norway. The other volume is classified according to commodity, listing the names of the firms producing or dealing in the product mentioned. This is the most important publication of its kind in Norway. It also contains data regarding railways and rates, postal, telegraph, and telephone services ; the names of representatives of embassies, legations, con- sulates and vice-consulates in Norway ; and Norwegian representatives of sim- ilar offices stationed in foreign countries. Additional' information regarding associations and societies of official and semiofficial character, ministries of the Norwegian Government, etc. Annual. S. M. Bryde, 4 Tordenskioldsgate, Oslo. 53 crowns. Norges Statskalender. Government organizations, departments, oflScials and employees, attorneys, police departments, district judges, sheriffs, educational institutions, professors, and teachers ; doctors, bishops, ministers, Norwegian diplomatic and consular officials, as well as foreign diplomatic and Consular officers serving in Norway. Annual. H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), 3 Sehestedsgate, Oslo. 58.50 crowns. Norsk Produksjon. A classified directory of Norwegian producers. A sepa- rate section contains the names of agents, wholesalers, banks, etc. English index. Annual. Norsk Produksjons Forlag (Norway's Association of Industry), 12 Universitetsgaten, Oslo. 15 crowns. Special Fortegnelse over Blad og Tidsskrifter. Newspapers and publications. Ed- ited by Poststyret (Oslo Post Office). Kai M011er, Drammen. 1.50 crowns. Haandbok over Norske Obligasjoner og Aksjer. Handbook on Norwegian Government and private stocks and bonds. 3 vols. Edited by Carl Kierulf and Co. A/S, 17 0vre Slottsgate, Oslo. 75 crowns. Handbook of the Northern Wood Industries. See details under Sweden. Jern og Metallindustri. Shipbuilding yards, engineering works, iron foun- dries, iron and metal shops, automobile and bicycle factories, and manufacturers 72 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES of electrical material. 0konomisk Literatur A/S, 42 Gyldenl0vesgate, Oslo. 25 crowns. Norges Elektrisitetsverker. Lists power plants in Norway, with current characteristics of each. Annual. Compiled by Norwegian Electric Works Association. Edited by Statistisk Sentralbureau, Oslo. 3.50 crowns. Norsk Aksjebank Aarbok. Norges Bank, Aksjebanker, Hypotekbanker, Kredittforeninger. Norwegian joint-stock bank yearbook containing data on Bank of Norway, commercial banks, mortgage banks, and credit associations. 0konomisk Literatur A/S, 42 Gyldenl0vesgate, Oslo. 15 crowns. Norsk Forsikrings-Aarbok (Norwegian Insurance Yearbook). Contains ac- counts of all Norwegian insurance companies, section of insurance laws, lists of insurance organizations, biographies of insurance men, etc. Den Norske Forsikringsforening (Norwegian Insurance Association), 17 Tollbugaten, Oslo. 25 crowns. Norsk Hermetikk-Industri. Lists names of firms engaged in Norw^egian canning industry alphabetically and by districts, furnishing certain details re- garding each firm. Also lists Norwegian canners' associations. 0konomisk Literatur A/S, 42 Gyldenl0vesgate, Oslo. Norsk Mobelindustri. Lists Norwegian firms engaged in furniture industry alphabetically and by districts with a brief description of the operations of the firms. Also lists name and suboflSces of furniture manufacturer's association, 0konomisk Literatur A/S, 42 Gyldenl0vesgate, Oslo. 15 crowns. Norsk Paper-, Cellulose-, Tremasse- og Wallboardfabrikker. Lists Norwegian paper and pulp mills alphabetically and by districts. Also furnishes certain details regarding each mill and the names of exporters and associations repre- senting or cooperating with the pulp and paper industry. 0konomisk Literatur A/S, 42 Gyldenl0vesgate, Oslo. 15 crowns. Norsk Tekstil- og Konfeksjonsindustri. Lists Norwegian firms engaged in textile and clothing industry alphabetically and by districts with a brief descrip- tion of the operations of the firms. Also names textile associations. 0kono- misk Literatur A/S, 42 Gyldenl0vesgate, Oslo. 15 crowns. Norsk Trelastindustri. Lists names of Norwegian firms engaged in lumber industry alphabetically and by districts, furnishing a brief description of the operations of the firms. Also names lumber industry associations. 0konomisk Literatur A/S, 42 Gylden]0vesgate, Oslo. 15 crowns. Norske Skibsrederier (Yearbook of Norwegian Shipowners). Norwegian shipowners, index of vessels, and data regarding Norwegian shipowners and the Norwegian regular service. Dreyers Grafiske Anstalt, Stavanger. Paper and Pulp Makers. See details under Sweden. Skipsverksteder Baatbyggerier (Annual Directory of Norwegian Shipyards). Lists shipyards alphabetically and by districts, furnishing some detailed informa- tion concerning each, such as specialties, standard types, docks, slips, and capacity size of ships that can be built or repaired. Selvigs Forlag, 8 Raad- husgaten, Oslo. 8 crowns. Local Ligningsboken for Oslo, Aker og Baerum. Names of corporations and private individuals in the districts of Oslo, Aker, and Baerum and information con- cerning their income, capital, and fortune during the year of issue, based on income tax statements. First section furnishes information on taxation in -55 6 73 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Norway. Financial background regarding private individuals and firms. Annual. Forretnings-Forlaget, 20 Akersgaten, Oslo. 24 crowns. Oslo Adressebok. I*ublic institutions, associations, organizations, and resi- dents of Oslo. Classified. Annual. Nationaltrykkeriet & Forlagsbokbinderiet A/S, 29 Stensberggate, Oslo. Rikstelefonkatalogen. Telephone directory of Oslo and suburbs. Names of subscribers, classified section, the names of streets and avenues in Oslo, and maps of the city and suburbs. Annual. Fabritius & S0ner, A/S, 0vre Slottsgate 25, Oslo. The following local directories (for localities indicated in the title) are pub- lished by S. M. Bryde, Tordenskioldsgaten 4, Oslo : Adressebok for Finnmark Fylke; Adressebok for Horkaland Fylke og Bergen; Adressebok for Nordland Fylke; Adressebok for Ostfold Fylke; Adressebok for Rogaland Fylke; Adresse- bok for Sogn og Fjordane Fylke og Bergen; Adressebok for Troms Fylke; Adressebok for Vest Agder Fylke; and Adressebok for Vestfold Fylke og Drammcn. Bergens Adressebok. Published by the City of Bergen, Vaskerelvgaten 8, Bergen. Buskerud Fylkesadressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag, Nodregate 19, Trondheim. Hedmark Fylkesadressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag, Nodregate 19, Trondheim. Kristiansands Adresse-Kalender. City of Kristiansand, Jaegergaten 6, Kristiansand S. More og Romsdal Fylkesadressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag, Nodre- gate 19, Trondheim. Nord Trondelag Fylesadressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag, Nodregate 19, Trondheim. Opland Fylkesadressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag, Nodregate 19, Trondheim. Sor Trondelag Fylkesadressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag, Nodregate 19, Trondheim. Stavanger Adressekalender. City of Stavanger, Steinkargaten 10, Stavanger. Trondheim Adressebok. Edited by Hans G. Moe's Forlag. Nodregate 19, Trondheim. OCEANIA General Handbook of Papua and New Guinea, 1954. History, geography, export and im- port trade, etc., of the Australian Territory of Papua and the Trust Territory of New Guinea, with classified lists of firms and names of residents. Pacific Publications Pty. Limited, 29 Alberta St., Sydney, Australia. 15 shillings. Pacific Islands Trades Directory. Classified listings of firms in the Pacific islands, covering Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Norfolk Island, French Oceania, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, New Caledonia, Papua and New Guinea, New Hebrides, and Solomon Islands. Biennial. Universal Business Directories, Ltd., 44-46 Kingston St., Auckland CI, New Zealand. 15 shillings. 74 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Trade Guide, S. E. Asia and Oceania. See details under India. Wise's Post Office Directory. See details under New Zealand. PAKISTAN See also India. General Ansari's Trade Directory of Pakistan. Commodity list of importers and ex- porters of Pakistan. Also has a "Who's Who" section. Issued annually in April. Ansari Publishing House, 2 Victoria Chambers, Victoria Rd., Karachi 3. 20 rupees. Barque's Pakistan Trade Directory and Who's Who. Classified list of importers and exporters in Pakistan and in addition has a "Who's Who" section. Incor- porates information given in Barque's Lahore Directory and Guide (see details under local directories). Annual. Barque and Co., Ltd., 6 The Mall, Lahore. 46 rupees 12 annas. Indian and Pakistan Year Book and Who's Who. See details under India. List of Manufacturing Establishments in Pakistan. A publication similar to Pakistan Manufacturers' Directory (described below), listing firms classified by trade and commercial industry. Issued in 1949 by the Department of Commercial Intelligence. Manager of Publications, Government of Pakistan, Karachi. 12 annas. Pakistan Manufacturers' Directory. Names and addresses of manufacturing firms in Pakistan. Issued in 1951 by the Department of Supply and Development, Ministry of Industries, Government of Pakistan, Karachi. Manager of Publica- tions, Government of Pakistan, Karachi. 2 rupees 12 annas. Pakistan Trade Directory. Classified list of firms engaged in industry and commerce in Pakistan. Issued in 1949. Department of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, Karachi. 10 annas. Pakistan Year Book and Who's Who. General information on Pakistan. The "Who's Who" section gives data about leading businessmen and officials. Issued in 1949. Kitabistan, Hotel Metropole, Karachi. 10 rupees. A new edition is reportedly due towards the end of 1955 and will supply more trade data than the 1949 edition. The price of the new edition will probably be 15 rupees. Local Barque's Lahore Directory and Guide. Contains a brief guide to Lahore City and" suburbs, and alphabetical list of firms in Lahore and details of the same firms by trades, professions, and commercial industries. Barque and Co., Ltd., 6 The Mall, Lahore. 1953 edition. 5 rupees. Guide to Pakistan's Capital. This is a tourist handbook and contains a few advertisements of local business houses. Third edition issued in 1954. Ansari Publishing House, 2 Victoria Chambers, Karachi. 3 rupees. Karachi Telephone Directory. Alphabetical listing of Pakistan Government oflSces, diplomatic missions, and firms located in Karachi. Annual. Issued by the Pakistan Posts and Telegraphs Department, and printed by the Manager, Government of Pakistan Press, Karachi. 2 rupees. 75 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ Pek's Chittagong Directory (East Pakistan). Information on industry and commerce in East Palcistan. Pek's Publications, Nandankanan, Chittagong. Rahman's Dacca-Narayanganj Business Directory. Names and addresses of firms located in Dacca and Narayanganj. The list of firm names is arranged alphabetically and by commodity. Rahman Publishing Co., 7 Ahsanullah Rd., Dacca. 1952-53 edition. 3 rupees 8 annas. PANAMA General Classified Telephone Directory. Covers Panama City and Colon. Cia. Pana- mena de Fuerza y Luz, 105 Central Ave., Panama City. Comercio, Industria y Turismo. Printed in Spanish with an English section. Organ of the Chamber of Commerce and the National Tourist Commission. Directorio Comercial e Industrial de la Ciudad de Panama. Commercial and industrial enterprises in Panama indexed by commodity and by firm. Also con- tains brief historical sketch of Panama and some statistical information on census, exports, and imports. Printed in Spanish. Edited in 1954 by the Panama Chamber of Commerce, Panama, R. P. Special Ingenieria y Arquitectura. Printed in Spanish. Organ of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects, P. O. Box 1492, Panama City. Local Colon Comercial. Printed in Spanish. Organ of the Colon Chamber of Com- merce, P. O. Box 322, Colon, R. P. PARAGUAY Guia de Abonados, Republica del Paraguay. Telephone directory for the entire country of Paraguay with classified index by commodity. Administracion Nacional de Telefonos, General Diaz 145, Asuncion. PERU General Guia Fabril del Peru. Classified list of firms in Peru. Sociedad Nacional de Industrias, Casilla 632, Lima. Guia Lascano. Classifies, by geographic location and in alphabetical order, type, names, and addresses of all business in Peru. Editorial Guia Lascano. Jiron lea 134, Lima. 60 soles. Guia Verde de los Telefonos. Classifies, by geographic location and alpha- betical order, the type, names, and addresses of all business organizations in Peru that have a telephone. A. Rosales, Apartado Postal 2298, Lima. 30 soles. 76 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Local Classified telephone directory of Lima. Similar to the Guia Verde listed in the foregoing group of general directories, except that it covers only the City of Lima. Compaiiia Peruana de Telefonos Limitada, Avda. Nicolas de Pierola 245, Lima. Price to nonsubscribers, 30 soles. Directorio Comercial e Industrial de Socios de la Camara de Comercio de Lima. Members of the Lima Chamber of Commerce. Camara de Comercio de Lima, Avda. Abancay, Lima. PHILIPPINES General ABC Commercial Directory of the Philippines. Classified lists of manufac- turers, banks, insurance firms, exporters, etc., in the Philippines. Indexed. A. G. Briones & Co., Manila. $12.50. Directory of Industrial Establishments in the Philippines, 1953-54. Classi- fied lists of Philippine manufacturing and other industrial establishments. In- dexed. L. Ma. Rivera & Associates, Manila, with the cooperation of Bureau of Commerce, Philippine Department of Commerce and Industry. $1.50. Directory of Manufacturers. Lists 31 Philippine companies with the United States manufacturers they represent. Alphabetical and commodity sections. Indexed. Machinery Dealers Association of the Philippines, Inc., P. O. Box 268, Manila. $2.50. * Philippine Directory of Trade and Commerce. Lists enterprises of all types alphabetically by city. Commodity classifications for larger cities. Indexed. Printed in English and Chinese. 2 vols. Vol. 1, Manila ; vol. 2, Visayas and Mindanao. Chinese Commercial News, Manila. Trade Directory of the Philippines. Classified lists of manufacturers, ex- porters, and dealers in the Philippines. 3 vols. Bureau of Commerce, PhiliiJ- pine Department of Commerce and Industry, Manila. PORTUGAL General Anuario Comercial de Portugal. General information and lists of commercial firms, manufacturers, and individuals classified by commodities, trades, and professions. This is the principal Portuguese commercial directory. Volume 1 covers the cities of Lisbon and Oporto and the Portuguese overseas terri- tories, i. e.. Cape Verde Islands, Portuguese Guinea, Islands of Sao Tome and Principe, Angola, Mozambique, Macao, Portuguese India (Goa), and Timor. Volume 2 covers the provinces of metropolitan Portugal and adjacent islands (Madeira and Azores). Annual. Empresa Nacional de Publicidade, Travessa do Poco da Cidade 26, Lisbon. 2 vols. 350 escudos. Anuario do Imperio Colonial Portugues. General information, areas, topog- raphy, climate, transportation facilities, legislation. Colonial Act, judicial organ- 77 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. ization, missions, and lists of commercial firms, manufacturers, and individuals classified by commodities, trades, and professions. Covers all of the Por- tuguese colonies, i. e., Cape Verde Islands, Portuguese Guinea, Islands of Sao Tome and Principe, Angola, Mozambique, Macao, Portuguese India (Goa), and Timor. Annual. Empresa Nacional de Publicidade, Seccao do Anuario, Travessa do Poco da Cidade 26, Lisbon. 100 escudos. Anuario do Ultramar Portugues. General information, area, topography, climate, transportation facilities, legislation. Colonial Act, judicial organization, foreign missions; lists of commercial firms, manufacturers, and individuals classified by commodities; and lists of trades and professions. Covers all of the Portuguese overseas territories, i. e., Cape Verde Islands, Portuguese Guinea, Islands of Sao Tome and Principe, Angola, Mozambique, Macao, Portu- guese India (Goa), and Timor. Annual. Empresa Nacional de Publicidade, Travessa do Poco da Cidade 26, Lisbon. 100 escudos. Indice da Producao Industrial Portuguesa — Edicao de 1955 (Index of Portu- guese Industrial Production — 1955 Edition). Alphabetical lists in Portuguese, French, and English of agricultural, mineral, and industrial products of Portugal and its oversea possessions. Also, alphabetical lists of the producers in the indicated fields. An appendix names agricultural, animal husbandry, and forestry products of Portugal and its oversea possessions by various com- ponents ; also, an alphabetical list of names of persons and firms engaged in these activities. This is a new publication to be issued annually. Oporto Industrial Association (Associacao Industrial Portuense), Rua de Mousinho da Silveira 228, Oporto. The Portuguese Industrial Association (Associacao Industrial Portuguesa), Avenida da Liberdade 242, Lisbon, collaborated in the project. 350 escudos. Special Anuario Medico de Portugal Continental, Insular e Colonial. Names of all licensed doctors of medicine, with indication of their specialization in the various branches of medicine, in continental Portugal, Madeira, Azores, and the Portuguese oversea territories, i. e., Cape Verde Islands, Portuguese Guinea, Islands of Sao Tome and Principe, Angola, Mozambique, Macao, Portu- guese India (Goa), and Timor. Also lists public health and welfare depart- ments, general and maternity hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, insane hospitals, infectious diseases hospitals, hospitals for children, and hospitals for cancer treatment, pharmacies, laboratories, medical publications, etc. Annual. Grafica Santelmo, Rua de S. Bernardo 84, Lisbon. 80 escudos. Hotels — Portugal. Hotels, boarding houses, inns, and "pousadas" in Portugal with indication of prices, accommodations available, hotel regulations, etc. Also gives information for tourists concerning passports, customs, exchange, tipping, transportation facilities, road distances. Index and summary in English, French, German, and Portuguese. Secretariado Nacional de Informacao, Cultura Popular e Turismo (SNI), Praca dos Restauradores, Palacio Foz, Lisbon. Local Anuario do Porto — Santos Viseu. Covers the City of Oporto and towns in the Oporto district. Contains general information and lists of commercial 78 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES lirms, manufacturers, and individuals, which are classified by commodities, trades, and professions. Listings are also made by streets with indication of nature of business and professions. Annual. Annuario do Porto — Santos Viseu, Largo de S. Joao Novo 17, Oporto. 100 escudos. Guia Profissional de Portugal, Edicao da Guia Profissional Telefonica. Classi- fied telephone directory published in two volumes ; one covers the city of Lisbon and outskirts, the other the city of Oporto. Annual. J. Corte Real, Rua do Ouro 140, Lisbon. 2 vols. 40 escudos. Indicador Comercial e Industrial. Covers the city of Oporto and the suburban towns of Vila Nova de Gaia and Matosinhos. General information and lists of commercial firms, manufacturers, and individuals, classified by commodities, trades, and professions. Listings are also made by streets with indication of nature of business and professions. Index and headings in English, French, German, and Portuguese. Annual. Anuarios de Portugal, Limitada, Rua Elisio de Melo 28-1^, Oporto. 120 escudos. Informador Comercial e Industrial de Lisboa. Covers the city of Lisbon and contains two sections, one listing commercial firms, manufacturers, and individuals classified by streets with indication of nature of business or profes- sions ; the other containing lists of firms, manufacturers, and individuals classi- fied by commodities, trades, and professions. Annual. Alfredo Rosario, Rossio 45-5^, Lisbon. 95 escudos. Roteiro Comercial, Industrial e Profissional. Listings are made by streets with indication of nature of business and professions for the city of Lisbon only. Annual. Artur Nunes da Cruz, Rua Martins Sarmento 38-1 5. Dto., Lisbon. 50 escudos. REUNION, ISLAND OF General Annuaire des Entreprises Coloniales (section for Reunion). See details under France. Bottin de I'Union Francaise (section for Reunion). See details under France. RHODESIA See also Union of South Africa, General Rhodesian Directory. The most comprehensive directory covering Northern and Southern Rhodesia, also including a small section on Nyasaland. Contains general information on localities, resources, local and National Government, and societies and associations. Also contains classified list of trades and professions, by localities ; alphabetical lists of names and addresses of farmers and ranchers ; mines and manufacturers ; and an alphabetical list of residents, by locality. Rhodesian Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., P. O. Box 585, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. £5. 79 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES SALVADOR, EL General Directorio Comercial, Industrial, Clasificado de El Salvador. A comprehensive coverage of importers, distributors, and agents operating in tlie market, grouped according to lines of business. Printed in Spanish. Graciela Suarez de Mendiza- bal, Pasaje Costa Rica No. 1, San Salvador. 2 colones. Directorio de Socios de la Camara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador (Directory of Members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salva- dor). Grouped according to most prominent activities. Printed in English and Spanish. Camara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador, 4a Calle Oriente y 2a Avenida Sur altos, San Salvador. SAUDI ARABIA, KINGDOM OF As far as can be ascertained, there are no directories or similar reference publications for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. General Arab Directory for Commerce, Industry and the Liberal Professions in the Arab Countries. See details under Lebanon. SCOTLAND See United Kingdom. SIAM See Thailand. SPAIN General Anuario Financiero. Contains a list of all corporations in Spain, with name, address, capital subscribed and paid in, date of founding, activities, the last dividends paid, and names of the directors. A balance year-report is included of the more important firms. Editorial SOPEC, San Miguel 13, Madrid. 350 pesetas. Anuario General de Espana. Contains complete list of business firms in Spain, arranged alphabetically by principal cities and towns. Anuarios Bailly- Bailliere y Riera Reunidos, S. A., calle Don Ramon de la Cruz 96 and 98, Madrid, with offices in Barcelona, calle Enrique Granados 86 and 88. 4 vols., 500 pesetas. Anuario Telefonico. A three-volume directory. The first and second volumes are arranged alphabetically by subscribers under cities, listing all telephones in Spain ; and the third volume is a classified directory. Compania Telefonica Nacional de Espana, Madrid. 3 vols., 450 pesetas. 80 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES Catalogo de Importadores, Exportadores y Productores Espanoles. Complete list of Spanish importers, exporters, and producers, and complete list of chief commodities Spain produces. Index in English, French, German, and Spanish. Informacion Comercial Espanola, Juan Bravo 40, Madrid. 400 pesetas. Relacion de Certificados de Productor Nacional (1954). Complete list of Spanish manufacturers who meet the requirements for possession of a certificate of "national producer" with the products they manufacture, normal output, and authorized capacity of productioti. Ministerio de Industria, Direccion General de Industria, Madrid. 95 pesetas. Special Anuario de la Industria Quimica Espanola. Products manufactured by the Spanish chemical industry. Contains complete list of Spanish importers and exporters. Sindicato Vertical de Industrias Quimicas, Hermanos Becquer 6, Madrid. 200 pesetas. Anuario de la Prensa Espanola. Lists all Spanish periodicals giving names of editors, page sizes, type of contents, and number of pages. Volume 1 con- tains lists of newspapers; volume 2 contains lists of magazines. Ministerio de Informacion y Turismo, Direccion General de Prensa, Madrid. Vol. 1, 25 pesetas ; vol. 2, 100 pesetas. Catalogo de Exportadores Metalurgicos de las Provincias Vascongadas. Complete list of metallurgical exporters in the Basque provinces. Operacion M-1, Seccion de Informacion y Propaganda, Camino 1, San Sebastian. Los Hoteles de Espana. Spanish hotels with details regarding each. Direc- cion General de Turismo, Madrid. Lederwaren-Branche (section for Spain). See details under Germany. Local Anuario Industrial de Cataluna. Complete alphabetical list of manufacturers and firms in the region. Lists all of the chambers of commerce in Spain and the names of the presidents and the names of the members of the Spanish National Committee in the International Chamber of Commerce. Camara Oficial de la Industria, calle Ancha 11, Barcelona. 200 pesetas. Guia-Anuario de Aragon, Rioja, Navarra, Guipuzcoa y Vizcaya. Complete list of stores, industrial plants and shops, and professions of the regions indicated. Ediciones Elias Gallegos, Mefisto 3, Zaragoza. 200 pesetas. SURINAM Pyttersen*s Staatsalmanak voor ledereen (Pyttersen's State Almanac for Everyone). See details under the Netherlands. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book. See details under West Indies. SWEDEN General Nordisk Handelskalender. See details under Denmark. Svensk Exportkalender (Swedish Export Directory). Classified directory of 81 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Swedish exporters. Sveriges Allmanna Bxportforening (The General Export Association of Sweden), 12 Vasagatan, Stoclcholm. 35 crowns. Svensk Industrikalender (The Swedish Industrial Directory). Classified lists of manufacturing firms and persons in Sweden. Sveriges Industriforbund (The Federation of Swedish Industries), 10 Malmtorgsgatan, Stockholm. 50 crowns. Svenska Aktiebolag Aktieagarens Uppslagsbok (Swedish Stock Companies and Stockholders' Reference Book). Arranged according to branches of trade and industry and comprises data on more than 4,000 Swedish companies includ- ing history, financial information, activities, balance sheet, dividends, and annual results. Annual. AB. P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 2 Tryckerigatan, Stockholm. 110 crowns. Sveriges Grossistfbrbund Matrikel. Index of wholesale importers and dealers in Sweden by commodity listing and by firm. Printed in Swedish. Sveriges Grossistforbund (The Federation of Swedish Wholesalers), 5 Regeringsgatan, Stockholm. Svenska Handelsagenters Forening Matrikel (List of Members of the Federa- tion of Swedish Commercial Agents). Commercial agents in Sweden handling all kinds of commodities. Printed in English. Svenska Handelsagenters Foren- ing, 9 Vastra Tradgardsgatan, Stockholm. Sveriges Handelskalender (The Swedish Business Directory). Three volumes : (1) Covers cities, towns, and villages in Sweden; (2) an index according to branches of trade; and (3) a purchasing register. Detailed information given on each firm including year of establishment, capital stock, dividends paid, and commodities handled. Annual. Sveriges Handelskalender, 1-B Tunnelgatan, Stockholm. 90 crowns per set of 3 vols. Telegramm-Adressbuch (section for Sweden). See details under Germany. Vem ar Det (Who's Who). A biographical list of about 8,000 individuals, including businessmen, industrialists, and ofiicials. AB. P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 2 Tryckerigatan, Stockholm. 40 crowns. Special Handbook of the Northern Wood Industries. Classified lists of timber, wood pulp, and paper firms in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and other countries ; sawmills, pulp, and paper mills in Sweden, Norway, and Finland ; shipping marks on Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish timber. Printed in English. Published irregu- larly by AB. Svensk Travarutidning, 17 Kungsgatan, Stockholm. 50 crowns. Paper and Pulp Makers. Paper and pulp manufacturers in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. Biennial. Hugo Brusewitz AB., Goteborg. 25 crowns. Spanningar for Distribution of Elektrisk Energi i Svenska Stader, Kopingar och Storre Samhallen. Distributors of electric energy and list of power plants in Sweden. Distributed by AB. C. El Fritzes Kgl. Hovbokhandel, 2 FredsgataUr Stockholm. 6 crowns. Svensk Annonstaxa (Swedish Advertising Rates). Newspapers and periodi- cals in Sweden. This directory is arranged according to the looseleaf system and subscribers obtain additional loose leaves containing corrections, changes, additions, and/or deletions of the newspapers and periodicals listed. Tidnings- statistik AB. (Newspapers' Statistics Inc.), 28 Warfvinges Vag, Stockholm K. 17 crowns. Svensk Forsakrings Arsbok (Swedish Insurance Yearbook). Contains com- plete survey of Swedish insurance, accounts of all major companies, and statisti- 82 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES cal summaries. Annual. Svenska Forsakringsforeningen (Swedish Insurance Institute), 5 Strandvagen, Stockholm 14. 20 crowns. Svenska Lakare och Tandlakare. Medical directory of Sweden, listing physi- cians, dentists, and hospitals. Kungl. Medicinalstyrelsen (The Royal Medical Board), Stockholm 3. 7.50 crowns. Sveriges Skeppslista (List of Swedish Shipping Vessels). Lists vessels in the Royal Swedish Navy, the Swedish merchant marine, including steamers and motorships, sailing vessels with auxiliary machinery, seagoing lighters, and shipowners. Biennial. Kungl. Kommerskollegium Fartygsregistreringssektion (The Vessel Registry Section of the Royal Swedish Board of Trade). Printed and distributed by AB. P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 2 Tryckerigatan, Stockholm. 32.50 crowns. Sveriges Statskalender (The Swedish Government Directory). Lists and sup- plies data concerning the functions of civil and military officials in Sweden and governmental and official institutions. Annual. Published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Printed and distributed by Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB., 26 Gamla Brogatan, Stockholm. 40 crowns. Local Adresskalender for Stockholms stad och Fororter (Directory of Addresses in Stockholm and Suburbs). Addresses of Government and city administrations, institutions, organizations, associations, corporations, firms, and individuals in the city of Stockholm and suburbs. Annual. Centraltryckeriet, 16 Vasagatan, Stockholm. 38 crowns. Lakare och Tandlakare i Stockholm. Physicians, dentists, and hospitals in Stockholm. Published jointly by Stockholms Lakarforening, 5 Villagatan, and Stockholms Tandllikarforening, 44 Skeppsbron, Stockholm. Telephone Directories. Local telephone directories are obtainable from Tele- fonbyran, 2 Brunkebergstorg, Stockholm 16. They are published in 23 volumes covering all of Sweden, including the cities of Stockholm, Goteborg, Malmo, and Norrkoping. Price for the entire set of directories covering all of Sweden, 26.50 crowns. SWITZERLAND General Adressbuch der Schweiz. In 4 sections: (1) Alphabetical list of names and addresses of all firms doing business in Switzerland, with capital structure, names of officers, date of incorporation ; (2) types of business with names of firms engaging therein by canton, subdivided into town or city; (3) all firms in Switzerland by types of business activity; and (4) special brand or trade-mark names of all firms handling such products. English-German vocabulary. Annual. Verlag Rudolf Mosse, Limmatquai 94, Zurich. 30 francs. Annuaire de Commerce Suisse. Lists about 500,000 Swiss firms and indi- viduals, arranged by canton and by trade. Chapalay & Mottier, S. A., 7 rue des Rois, Geneva. 40.50 francs. Directory of Swiss Manufacturers and Producers. Contains an index of products and classified list of goods in 18 subdivisions, with names and addresses 83 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ of firms engaging therein. Alphabetical lists of Swiss manufacturers, export and transit firms, banks, insurance companies, forwarding and shipping agents, commercial inquiry offices, consulting engineers, building contractors, and patent agents. Lists by special brand or trade-mark names of all firms handling such products. Printed in English. Swiss Office for the Development of Trade, Dreikonigstrasse 8, Zurich. 20.80 francs. Kompass, Informations werk der Schweizerischen Wirtschaft (A Directory of Swiss Industry and Commerce). First section contains index to localities; list of firms in alphabetical order ; and information section, listing detailed in- formation on every important firm. The second part lists firms according to branches and contains a trade-mark section. Kompass Verlag A. G., Span- weidstrasse 3, Zurich. 38 francs. Schweizerisches Ragionenbuch. First section lists cantons, alphabetically; names and addresses of all firms doing business in Switzerland, with capital structure; and names of officers and date of incorporation. Second section contains technical vocabulary in French-German. Lists, by commodity, names and addresses of all Swiss firms. Lists, by special brand or trade-mark, names of firms handling such products. Semiofficial. Verlag Orell Fussli, Pelikan- strasse 10, Zurich. 40 francs. Special Adressbuch fur Maschinenapparate und Werkzeuge. Names of manufacturers and wholesalers of the machinery and implement industry, also cross-references by product. Bureau de Documentation Industrielle, rue de la Tour-de-FIle 4, Geneva. 15.60 francs. Adressbuch de Schweizerischen Chemischen Industrie. Lists, by commodity, the names and addresses of all firms engaging in manufacture of chemicals and related products. Contains advertisements of manufacturers of instru- ments and apparatus used by the chemical industry with index thereof. Con- tains branch index. Verlag Aktienbuchdruckerei, Niklausstrasse 4, Zurich. 15.60 francs. Adressbuch der Schweizerischen Maschinen- und Metall-Industrie. Lists, by commodity, the names and addresses of all firms engaging in the machinery and mental industry. Contains advertisements of firms engaging in that industry, with index thereof; also, branch index. Verlag Aktienbuchdruckerei, Niklaus- strasse 4, Zurich. 15.60 francs. Adressbuch der Schweizerischen Textilindustrie. Lists, by commodity, the names and addresses of all firms engaging in the textile industry. Contains advertisements of firms engaging in that industry, with index thereof; also, branch index. Verlag Aktienbuchdruckerei, Niklausstrasse 4, Zurich. 15.60 francs. Annuaire de THorlogerie Suisse. Lists, by commodity, the names and ad- dresses of all firms engaging in the watch industry. Also cross-references by cantons and town and city. Contains illustrated advertisements of firms engaging in that industry. Lists export regulations for each country. Printed in French. Chapalay & Mottier S. A., Rue des Rois 7, Geneva. 12.50 francs. Chemische Industrie der Schweiz und ihre Nebenprodukte. Lists in 17 sub- divisions firms engaging in chemical industry and byproducts, with capital structure, date of incorporation, names of officers, and types of products. Lists by commodity, the names and addresses of suppliers. Lists alphabetically all 84 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES names and addresses of those engaging in the chemical industry. Contains illustrated advertisements of firms engaging therein. Verlag fiir Wirtschafts- literatur G. m. b. H., Burstwiesenstrasse 53, Zurich. 2 vols., 18 francs each. Einkaufs-Fuhrer der Uhren-Industrie und Verwandten Zweige. Lists by special brand and trade-mark the names of Swiss firms engaged in the watch industry ; cross-references by products and town or city. Lists related branches by commodity and town or city. Printed in French, English, and German. Bureau of Documentation Industrielle^ rue de la Tour-de-l'Ile 4, Geneva, 12 francs. Elektro-Industrie. (Official organ of I'Union Suisse des Installateurs Electriciens). Published by same, Stauffacherquai 36, Zurich. Feinmechanik und Industrie der Messinstrumente in der Schweiz. Lists, by commodity, the names and addresses of firms engaging in the manufacture of fine mechanics and measuring instruments, with capital structure, names of officers, and date of incorporation. Lists alphabetically names and addresses of firms engaging therein. Contains descriptive illustrated advertisements of such Swiss manufacturers. Verlag fiir Wirtschaftsliteratur G. m. b. H., Burstwiesen- strasse 53, Zurich, 9 francs. Getranke-Industrie der Schweiz. Brief report on the Swiss beverage indus- try. Lists in nine subdivisions the names and addresses of firms engaged in the beverage industry, with capital structure, names of officers, and type of beverage. Lists alphabetically all names and addresses of wholesalers engaging therein. Contains illustrated advertisements of firms engaging in this industry. Verlag fiir Wirtschaftsliteratur, G. m. b. H., Burstwiesenstrasse 53, Zurich. 15.60 francs. Handbuch der Internationalen Kautschukindustrie. Lists over 3,000 manu- facturers in the rubber industry throughout the world. Lists types of products and number of workers and employees. Contains technical vocabulary in German, English, and French, as well as illustrated advertisements of firms engaging in the rubber industry. Also lists professional organizations. Verlag fiir Wirtschaftsliteratur G. m. b. H., Burstwiesenstrasse 53, Zurich. 42 francs. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Lederwirtschaft. Lists, in seven subdivisions, the names and addresses of manufacturers and wholesalers of leather goods, with capital structure, names of officers, date of incorporation, and types of products. Contains technical vocabulary in German-English. Lists members of several leather industry associations. Alphabetical lists of names and ad- dresses of all firms engaging therein. Verlag fiir Wirtschaftsliteratur G. m. b. H., Burstwiesenstrasse 53, Zurich. 14 francs. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Milchwirtschaft. Lists by commodity, the names and addresses of all firms engaging in the dairy industry. Contains advertisements of firms engaging in that industry, with index thereof; also branch index. Verlag Aktienbuchdruckerei, Niklausstrasse 4, Zurich. 12 francs. Moebel- und Holzindustrie der Schweiz. Swiss manufacturers of furniture and related products, with capital structure, names of officers, date of incorpo- ration, and type of furniture and machinery installation with horsepower rating. Lists, by products, the names and addresses of firms. Names and addresses of members of the Swiss furniture manufacturers' association. Lists alpha- betically, names and addresses of all firms engaging in the furniture industry. Verlag fiir Wirtschaftsliteratur G. m. b. H., Burstwiesenstrasse 53, Zurich. 12.50 francs. Schweizer Holzindustrie und Baugewerbe. Lists, by commodity, the names and 85 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, addresses of all firms engaging in the woodworking industry. Lists all firms engaging in construction and related activities. Advertisements of firms engag- ing in the woodworking industry and construction work, with index thereof; also, branch index. Verlag Aktienbuchdruckerei, Niklausstrasse 4, Zurich. 15.60 francs. Schweizer Hotelfuhrer (Guide to Swiss Hotels). Swiss hotels with details regarding each. Swiss Hotel Proprietors' Association, Basel. Schweizerischer Automobil-Kalender. Swiss agents for automobiles, auto- motive equipment dealers, and automobile owners, giving make of car. Hallwag A. G., Nordring 4, Bern. Schweizerisches Medizinisches Jahrbuch. Physicians and specialists in Switzerland. Verlag Benno Schwabe & Co., Steinentorstrasse 13, Basel. 15.50 francs. Zeitungskatalog. Newspapers and publications in Switzerland. Rudolf Mosse A. G., Limmatquai 94, Zurich. Zeitungskatalog. Newspapers and publications in Switzerland. Publicitas S. A., 3 Avenue Benjamin Constant, Lausanne. Zeitungskatalog. Newspapers and publications in Switzerland. Orell- Fussli-Annoncen, Limmatquai 4, Zurich. Local Telephone directories are published by Hallwag A. G., Bern, and Schweizerische Telegraphen und Telephon Verwaltung, Bern, but do not contain classified sections. SYRIA General Arab Directory for Commerce, Industry and the Liberal Professions in the Arab Countries. See details under Lebanon. TAIWAN The Taiwan Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Taipei Chamber of Commerce, both at 40 Kuan Chien Rd., Taipei, publish irregularly directories of one kind or another in Chinese. General Directory of Taiwan. Miscellaneous information about Formosa and names of important firms and organizations. Annual. The China News and Publica- tion Service Ltd., 86 Hwai Ning St., Taipei. 1955 edition. 20 new Taiwan yuan. Foreign Trade Directory of Free China, 1954. Fairly complete information on foreign trade between Taiwan and other countries. Complete list of importers and exporters in Taiwan. The Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Daily News (Chen Hsin Hsin Web), 9 Kaifeng St., Section 2, Taipei. 200 new Taiwan yuan. Taipei Importers and Exporters Directory, 1952. Similar publication was not 86 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES issued in 1953 and 1954. The Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, 20 Nanyang St., Taipei. THAILAND (SIAM) General Commercial Directory for Thailand. Indexes of business enterprises in Thai- land, arranged both alphabetically and by commodity classification, and lists of banks. Insurance companies, etc., in Thailand. Comprehensive information on laws pertaining to registration of firms, trade-marks, income tax, banking, insur- ance tax, customs tariffs, commercial aviation, postal regulations, railway time- tables, wharfage, and landing charges. Printed in both English and Thai. Annual. Department of Commercial Intelligence, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bangkok. 1953-54 (12th edition). 75 baht. Siam Directory. Contains information on associations and banks, chambers of commerce, societies, census figures, daily and weekly newspapers. Government agencies, etc. ; indexes of business and professional firms, alphabetical and clas- sified. Printed in English. Annual. Thai Incorporated, 11-13 Maharaja Rd., Bangkok. 1953-54 edition (9th year of publication). 250 baht. Trades Guide for Thailand, 1954. Contains a comprehensive table of contents as well as commodity indexes by type of operation and 2 main sections. Thailand section includes an alphabetical list of firms with addresses and alpha- betical listing by commodity headings ; listings identifying the firms by method of operation (wholesalers and retailers, importers, exporters and manufac- turers) ; oversea cable addresses; and information pertaining to customs tarifi'. International section includes lists of manufacturers and exporters in those countries trading with Thailand, classified by commodities. Printed in English. Howard & Watson, Business Information Department, 270-272 Suapa Rd., Bang- kok. August 1954 (1st edition). $9. Local Bangkok Chamber of Commerce Directory, 1953. Contains well-defined table of contents ; alphabetical listing of firm names ; and a classified listing by com- modity and profession, listing of banks, and index to advertisers. Also includes a section regarding Thailand's economy, a well indexed customs tariff section, and information on export control regulations. Printed in English. Thai Inc., P. O. Box 398, 11-13 Maharaja Rd., Bangkok. 80 baht. TRINIDAD General Franklin's Trinidad and Tobago Year Book. Published by Yuille's Printerie, Ltd., 66 Marine Sq., Port of Spain. BWI $1.50 (British West Indies currency). Telephone Directory, Trinidad and Tobago. Contains useful section of classi- fied advertisements. Trinidad Consolidated Telephones Ltd., 54 Frederick St., Port of Spain. West Indies and Caribbean Year Book. See details under West Indies. 87 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES TUNISIA See also France and Algeria. General Annuaire Officiel des Abonnes an Telephone, 1955. Telephone directory cover- ing all telephone users in Tunis and other cities in Tunisia which are tied into the central exchange. Office Tunisien des Postes, Telegraphes et Telephones, Tunis. 300 francs. Annuaire Tunisien du Commerce, de ITndustrie, de TAgriculture et des Ad- ministrations de la Regence, 1953. General information regarding Tunisian Government, history, economy, sociology, and lists of professional groups and individuals, commercial enterprises, industrial enterprises, occupational groups, and miscellaneous governmental subdivisions and organizations. Printed in French. Societe Anonyme de Publicite et Imprimerie, 12 Rue de Vesoul, Tunis. 1,919 francs. Indicateur General Franco-Tunisien 1955. General information regarding Tunisian geography, history, Government, politics, economy^ and religion ; list- ings of professional, commercial, agricultural, and other local organizations and individuals. Printed in French and Arabic. Editions Franco-Arabes, 21 Rue de la Commission, Tunis. 2,000 francs. Special Annuaire Agricole de la Tunisie, 1952. Contains lists of members of govern- mental agricultural bodies, cooperative organizations, associations of colons [French farmers], agricaltural producers, agricultural suppliers, agricultural districts, and agricultural legislative decrees. Printed in French. Societe d'Editions Francaises en Afrique du Nord, 25-27 Ave. Jean Jaures, Tunis. 500 francs. TURKEY Local Istanbul Ithalatci ve Ihracatci Birlikleri ute Listesti. Names of firms that are members of the union of importers and exporters of Istanbul. General Secretariat of the Union of Exporters and Importers of Istanbul, Istanbul. Istanbul Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasina Kayith Ithracatci vo Ithalatcilar. Names and addresse;^ of Turkish firms registered in the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Istanbul Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi, Istanbul. Izmir Ticaret Odasi Adres Kitabi. Trade directory of the Chamber of Com- merce of Izmir. Chamber of Commerce, Izmir. Ticaret Yilligy. Industrial firms in Turkey, located principally in and around Istanbul. Annual. Milli Ulku Neariyat Yurdu, Galata, Bereket Hani, Istanbul. Telephone directories of Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara. Turkish title of each directory, Telefon Rehberi. Published annually by the P. T. T. Mudurlugu of each city indicated. 88 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA General Blue Books of South African Business. Information on import and export control measures ; price control ; customs tariff ; laws pertaining to business operations such as company law, agency law, Workmen's Compensation Act, Factories Act and Regulations, Wage Act, and national and provincial taxation. National Publishing Company (Pty.) Ltd., P. O. Box 335, Cape Town. Retailers' and wholesalers' edition, f 1 17s. 6d. ; manufacturers' edition, £1 17s. 6(1. ; executives' edition, £2 10s. ; builders' and architects edition, £1 17s. 6d. ; textiles, clothing, and leather industries, £2 10s. Braby's Commercial Directory. A commercial directory covering the Union of South Africa, the Rhodesias, South West Africa, and East Africa. It con- tains classified and alphabetical listings of business firms in the mentioned territories. A. C. Braby, P. O. Box 731, Durban. £6 10s. 6d. Cape Times South African Directory. Contains in one volume for the Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, Basuto- land and Bechuanaland Protectorates, Swaziland, and Portuguese East Africa : (a) Names and addresses of Government officials, banks, attorneys and notaries, mines, steamship lines, airlines and their agents; (b) alphabetical list, by Province, of customs, forwarding and clearing agents, names and addresses (including telegraphic addresses), of business firms; (c) listing of business firms and professional men, classified by trades; (d) alphabetical directory of the residents of the city of Cape Town and of the Cape Province. The classi- fied listing of business firms and professional men is given in detail by Provinces ; thus, there is no comprehensive listing for the whole country. Cape Times Ltd., Burg St. Cape Town. £5 2s. 6d. plus postage. National Business Directory of Southern Africa. Classified and alphabetical listings of South African and Southern Rliodesian producers, assemblers, con- structors, mines, etc., according to the products they manufacture or services they render ; wholesale merchants, export merchants, trade stockists [trade agents or trade brokers, etc.], business and financial concerns in South Africa listed according to the goods they supply or services they render ; manufacturers' representatives and oversea firms represented in South Africa ; a section listing addresses of South African Government Departments, representatives in south- ern Africa for Commonwealth and foreign Governments, chambers of commerce and industry, and trade unions ; section containing the names and addresses of South African and Rhodesian business firms listed in the classified sections of this directory. National Publishing Co. (Pty.) Ltd., Radio House, 92 Loop St., P. O. Box 335, Cape Town. £3, postage free. When purchased together with National Trade Marks Directory of Southern Africa, inclusive price of the two volumes is £4, postage free. National Trade Marks Directory of Southern Africa. Classified and alpha- betical listings of South African trade-marks, brand names and imprints ; also contains a listing of the names and addresses of South African firms mentioned in the classified trade-marks section. National Publishing Co. (Pty.) Ltd., Radio House, 92 Loop St., P. O. Box 335, Cape Town. £2, postage free. When purchased together with National Business Directory of Southern Africa, in- clusive price of the 2 volumes is £4, postage free. 342444°— 55 7 89 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, South African Export Trade Directory. Alphabetical index to exporters, classified lists of goods and their exporters, the addresses of South African Government representatives abroad, and addresses of representatives in South Africa of Commonwealth and foreign Governments. Export Publications (Pty.) Ltd., P. O. Box 59, Cape Town, fl Is. Special African Press & Advertising Annual (Incorporating The South African Ad- vertising and Press Guide). Covers the whole of Africa, Names and addresses of the following types of publications together with their advertising rates: Newspapers and periodicals ; trade, technical, industrial, and professional publi- cations ; annuals, quarterlies, directories ; religious publications. Sections on Theatre Screen Advertising and Commercial Radio Advertising are also in- cluded. Also a listing of the names and addresses of advertising agencies in southern Africa and a Who's Who in Advertising and the Press. The African Press & Advertising Annual, 616 Boston House, Strand St., P. O. Box 334, Cape Town. £1 5s., postage free. British and Dominion Textile Industry. See details under United Kingdom. List of Members of the Motor Trade Association. Alphabetical and classified list of automobile, truck, motorcycle, used car, and replacement part dealers who are members of the association. Issued by the South African Motor Trade Association, Speedcraft House, Johannesburg. 6 shillings plus postage. National Federation of Building Trade Employers in South Africa — Member- ship Rolls of Affiliated Associations. National Federation of Building Trade Employers in S. A., P. O. Box 2335, Johannesburg. 5 shillings plus postage. Register of Medical Practitioners and Dentists for the Union of South Africa. Members of the South African Medical Council, register of medical practitioners, list of specialists, and register of dentists. South African Medical and Dental Council, P. O. Box 205, Pretoria, f 1. South African Financial Year Book. Investors manual and cyclopedia of South African public companies. Company section is made up of annual published reports to shareholders by all companies registered on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Also lists stock and share brokers ; includes a South African directory of company directors. R. Beerman Publishers (Pty.) Ltd., P. O. Box 2981, Cape Town. £3 15s. South African Metal Industries Directory and Handbook. Names and ad- dresses of important organizations including Government and semi-Government ; classified list of manufacturers in the metal and allied industries; alphabetical list of firms included in classified section ; list of technical institutes within the metal, plastics, and allied industries ; information on Industrial Agreement of the Iron, Steel, Engineering and Metallurgical Industries ; and a brief section on legislation. South African Metal Industries Directory and Handbook, P. O. Box 1338, .Johannesburg, f 1 10s., postage free. South African Mining and Engineering Year Book (Incorporating The Rho- desian Mining Year Book). Mines and principal firms in the engineering, iron, steel, machinery, hardware, and allied trades in the Union of South Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, as well as the representatives of foreign manu- facturers in South Africa. S. A. Mining Journal Syndicate, 201-207 Jubilee House, Simmonds St., Johannesburg. £2 5s., postage free. Year Book of the Institute of South African Architects and Chapter of S. A. 90 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Quantity Surveyors. Architects Institute of S. A., 84 Walter Wise Bldg., P. O. Box 7322, Johannesburg. 10s. 6d., plus postage. Local Cape Times Cape Peninsula Directory. Residents, buildings, and chambers of commerce in Cape Town and neighboring towns in Cape Peninsula. Cape Times Ltd., P. O. Box 11, Cape Town. £2. Donaldson's Port Elizabeth Directory. Alphabetical list of residents and firms, associations and societies, classified index of trades and professions, com- mercial, industrial, and professional organizations, hospitals, medical practi- tioners, streets, telegraphic addresses, post office boxes, etc. Donaldson's Pub- lications (Pty.) Ltd., P. O. Box 1153, Port Elizabeth and Power House, Johannes- burg. £1 10s. plus Is. 6d. postage. Lawrie's Durban Directory. Alphabetical, telephone, street, business, profes- sional, and general information covering Durban and suburbs. Allan R. Lawrie, P. O. Box 760, Durban. Orange Free State Directory (Braby's). Alphabetical list of residents and business concerns in the Orange Free State ; Kimberley, Northern Cape ; and Basutoland. A. C. Braby, P. O. Box 731, Durban. £ 1 10s. Rand-Pretoria Directory. This directory is limited to the City of Johannes- burg, the neighboring towns on the Witwatersrand, and the City of Pretoria. Contains classified lists of trades and professions (including street and cable addresses), a list of post office box renters in Johannesburg and Pretoria; and alphabetical listings of insurance companies, legal establishments, and mining companies ; also an alphabetical list of the residents of the above communities, and a section giving the names and addresses of the Union of South Africa Gov- ernment departments and officials. Cape Times Ltd., P. O. Box 3021, .Johannes- burg. £4 17s. 6d. UNITED KINGDOM General Anglo-American Year Book. Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in London ; British and United States firms and the agents and representatives of each in the other country. Diplomatic and consular representation in the United States and the United Kingdom ; passport, visa, and currency regula- tions ; legal matters likely to affect individuals ; cultural and social organiza- tions; United States citizens resident in Britain. Annual. American Chamber of Commerce in London, Inc., 7 York Bldgs., Adelphi, London, W. C. 2. $4. British Empire Trades Index. Annual. Business Dictionaries, Ltd., 133-137 Fetter Lane, London, E. C. 4. United States agent— W. Prugh, Sr., 3210 Carlisle Ave., Baltimore 16, Md. $5. Directory of British Exporters. Biennial. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents — International News Co., Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N. Y., and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. $5. Directory of Directors. Names of British directors of companies, their 91 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, addresses, and the names of the companies with which they are connected. Annual. Thomas Sl^inner & Co. (Puhlishers), Ltd., Gresham House, Old Broad St., London, E. C. 2, and 111 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. $10. F. B. L Register. Official yearbook of the Federation of P>ritish Industries listing alphabetically the products and services of the members; their names and addresses ; their brand and trade names and trade-marks ; and FBI member trade associations with addresses and activities. Annual. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. £2 2s. Kemp's Directory. Classified list of merchants, manufacturers, exporters, etc. Annual. Kemp's Commercial Guides Ltd., 299-301 Grays Inn Rd., London, W. C. 1. £5. Manufacturers, Bankers and Exporters ManuaL Annual. Littlebury & Co. Ltd., The Worcester Press, Worcester. £1 10s. Mercantile Year Book & Directory of Exporters. United Kingdom merchant houses who buy for oversea concerns showing goods handled and market to which they ship; list of oversea buyers, detailing the lines imported and their United Kingdom buying offices. Annual. Lindley-Jones & Brother Ltd., 52 Bishopsgate, London, E. C. 2. £1 lis. 6d. Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers Directory. A comprehensive, classi- fied, well-indexed directory in one volume. The major portion of the directory is devoted to Great Britain and the British Commonwealth. This portion is dividend into 4 sections: (1) England, Scotland and Wales, except London; (2) London; (3) Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland; and (4) the British Empire and Commonwealth overseas. The second portion is a special supplement covering nearly every other country of the world, grouped together by continents. Annual. Kelly's Directories Ltd., 186 Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— Fred V. Gessler, 120 Broadway, New York 17, N. Y. National Union of Manufacturers. List of members. Includes classified section, National Union of Manufacturers, 6 Holborn Viaduct, London, E. C. 1. Sell's National Directory & British Exporters Register. Classified and alphabetical lists of merchants, manufacturers, and shippers ; cable addresses. Annual. Business Dictionaries Ltd., 133-137 Fetter Lane, London, E. C. 4. $12.50. Stubbs' Directory, Manufacturers, Merchant Shippers and Professional. Classified. Biennial. Stubbs' Directories Ltd., 3 and 4 Addle Hill, London, E. C. 4, £5. Special Advertisers' Annual. List of British publications, advertising agents and their clients, printers, commercial art studios, marketing specialists, national advertisers, outdoor and poster advertising contractors, and film and screen specialists; foreign publications with London offices; and overseas advertising agencies. Annual. Business Publications Ltd., 180 Fleet St., London, E. C. .4. $6.50. Aeroplane Directory of British Aviation. Annual. Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E. C. 1. 15 shillings. Bankers' Almanac & Year Book. Survey of the world's banks and banking. Annual. Thomas Skinner & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., Gresham House, Old Broad St., London, E. C. 2 and 111 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. $22. 92 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Bottlers' Year Book. List of brewers ; bottlers of beer, mineral waters and cider. Annual. B. Y. B. Ltd., 22-23 Laurence Pountney Lane, London, E. G. 4. 7s. 6d. Brewers' Almanack. Directory of brewers and maltsters. Annual. The Review Press Ltd., 22-23 Laurence Pountney Lane, London, E. C. 4. £3 3s. British and Dominion Textile Industry (excluding Lancashire and Yorkshire). British section includes list of mills, details of grades of goods manufactured, equipment, power, telegraphic addresses^odes, telephone numbers, and paydays. The Commonwealth section gives particulars of the chief cotton, woolen, and other textile mills of Australia, Tasmania, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. Annual. John Worrall Ltd., Central Works, Oldham. £1 7s. 6d. B. E. A. M. A. Catalogue. List of members of the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Inc., with information regarding their products and facilities ; descriptive catalog pages of electrical power plant, electrical equipment in industry, transport, and communications appliances ; buyers' guide in five languages — English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. Trade directory section lists BEAMA firms alphabetically with their principal United Kingdom addresses, their telephone numbers and cable addresses, and any oversea branches. Uiffe & Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. British Engineers' Association Classified Handbook of Members and Their Manufactures. Includes trade names and trade-marks. Annual. The British Engineers' Association, 32 Victoria St., London, S. W. 1. British Fisheries Directory and Buyers' Guide. Official lists of fishing ves- sels of United Kingdom and Eire ; trawler owners and their fleets ; fishing vessel builders and repairers ; associations and authorities of fishing industry ; buyers' guide; list of registered fish merchants. Biennial Piscatorial Press Ltd., 68 Victoria St., London, S. W. 1. £2 2s. British Petroleum Equipment. Biennial. Council of British Manufacturers of Petroleum Equipment, 79 Buckingham Palace Rd., London, S. W. 1. $7. British Plastics Year Book. Lists of suppliers of raw material, products made from plastics, plant and equipment ; processing and fabricating services offered by the industry ; list of proprietary names ; Who's Who ; trade associations ; technical definitions and data; classified list of the year's patents. Annual. Uiffe and Sons Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. £1 10s. British Quality. Illustrated buyers' guide to high-grade footwear and leather industries. Annual. The Shoe and Leather Record Ltd., Granville House, Arundel St., London, W. C. 2. 10 shillings. British Rayon, Silk and Synthetic Textiles Directory. Classified directory of the British rayon, synthetic textiles, and silk industries. Harlequin Press Co. Ltd., Old Colony House, South King St., Manchester 2. £1 17s. 6d. Buyers' Guide to the Dairy and Ice Cream Industries. Includes resume of previous year's statistics and trends and precis of new regulations. Annual. Dairy Industries Ltd., 9 Gough Sq., London, E. C. 4. 10 shillings. Buyers' Register and Brands Directory. Guide to shoe and leather industries. Annual. The Shoe and Leather News, Spencer House, South PL, London, E. C. 2. 10 shillings. Cabinet Maker Year Book. Annual. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., Lon- don, E. C. 4. United States agents — International News Co., Inc., 131 Varick ^3 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ St., New York, N. Y., and Moore-Cotti-ell Siibscriplioii Agency, North (Johocton, N. Y. $3. Carpet Annual. Annual. British-Continental Trade Press Ltd., 222 Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— J. D. Griffiths, 1502 Clegg St., Greens- boro, N. C. $5. Carter's Flax, Hemp and Jute Handbook & Directory. Descrij^tion of modern methods of production and processing of flax, hemp, and jute and directory of these industries throughout the world. Issued approximately every 3 years. H. E. Carter Publications Ltd., 2 Marcus Ward St., Belfast, N. Ireland. £1 5s. Chemical Age Year Book. Buyers' guide, financial and commercial an- nouncements, prices, details of new products and processes, and technical ar- ticles. Annual. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents — International News Co. Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N. Y., and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. $3. Chemical Manufacturers Directory. List of chemical manufacturers. An- nual. Newnham, Cowell & Gripper Ltd., 15/21 City Rd., London, E. C. 1. 8 shillings. Colliery Year Book. Detailed information at all stages of coal production ; particulars of the Ministry of Fuel and Power, and the National Coal Board; and information regarding allied industries. Annual. The Louis Gassier Co., Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. £1 10s. Concrete Year Book. Directory and illustrated catalog of firms engaged in and supplying the concrete industry in Britain. Annual. Concrete Publica- tions Ltd., 14 Dartmouth St., London, S. AV. 1. $2. Cotton Year Book. Particulars of all processes of manufacture from raw material to finished fabric. Annual. Textile Mercury Ltd., 41 Spring Gardens, Manchester 2. 13s. 6d. Directory of Brush and Allied Trades. Brush manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials ; Who's Who ; trade-marks and trade names. Annual. Wheat- land Journals Ltd., 1 Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. 15 shillings. Directory of Contractors and Public Works Annual. A review of public works and building; developments in machinery, equipment, and methods during the previous year ; lists of architects, builders, contractors, engineers, surveyors ; buyers' guide ; officials of ministries and nationalised industries. Annual. C. W. Biggar Ltd., 93 Western Ave., London, W. 3. £2. Directory of Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books in the British Isles. Biennial. Sheppard Press Ltd., 3 Blackstock Rd., London, N. 4. $2. Directory of Paper Makers of Great Britain and Ireland. Includes watermarks and trade names. Annual. H. F. & G. Witherby Ltd., 5 Warwick Ct., London, W. C. 1. 16 shillings. Directory of Quarries, Clay Works, Sand and Gravel Pits. Biennial. The Quarry Managers' .Journal Ltd., Salisbury Square House, London, E. C. 4. 15 shillings. Directory of Railway Officials and Year Book. Details of railways all over the world including key personnel, addresses, types of rolling stock, motive power, mileage, gage, and statistical and other information. Annual. Tothill Press Ltd., 33 Tothill St., London, S. W. 1. £2 Is. Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers. Worldwide coverage of shipowners, shipbuilders, marine engineers, naval architects, etc., key personnel ; fleets, their services, tonnage etc. ; shipyard facilities, capacities, output, etc. Annual. Tothill Press Ltd., 33 Tothill St., London, S. W. 1. £2 Is. 94 1 .COUNTRY DIRECTOmES Directory of the World's Flax Spinners, Linen Thread Manufacturers and Flax and Yarn Merchants. H. R. Carter Publications Ltd., 2 Marcus Ward St., Belfast, N. Ireland. 5 shillings. Electrical Trades Directory (The Electrical Journal Blue Book). Annual. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents- International News Co. Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N. Y., and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. $7. Engineer Buyers' Guide. Classified. Annual. Morgan Brothers Ltd., 28 Essex St., Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent — British Publications Inc., 30 East 60th St., New York 22, N. Y. 5 shillings. Fashions & Fabrics Branded Merchandise and Trade Marks Directory. British suppliers of clothing fabrics, fashionwear, sportswear, millinery, etc. Also feature articles on branded merchandise. The National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., London, W, C. 2. United States agent — The Overseas Pub- lishers' Representative, 66 Beaver St., New York 4, N. Y. $2. Fisheries Year Book and Directory. Annual. British-Continental Trade Press Ltd., 222 Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— J. D. Griffiths, 1502 Clegg St., Greensboro, N. C. $5. Food Directory. Food processors ; plant and equipment manufacturers ; pack- aging equipment and materials ; consultants ; and oversea food regulations. Tothill Press Ltd., 33 Tothill St., London, S. W. 1. £2 Is. Footwear Directory of Trade Marks and Trade Names. The National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., London, W. C. 1. United States agent— The Overseas Publishers' Representatives, 66 Beaver St., New York 4, N. Y. $2. Fruit Annual Directory. Annual. British-Continental Trade Press Ltd., 222 Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— J. D. Griffiths, 1502 Clegg St., Greensboro, N. C. $5. Furnishing Show Book and Directory of Trade Marks. The National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., London, W. C. 2. United States agent — The Overseas Publishers' Representatives, 66 Beaver St., New York 4, N. Y. $2. Games & Toys Year Book. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and agents ; key to branded goods; and classified buyers' guide of merchandise. Annual. H. Richard Simmons Ltd., 30-31 Knightrider St., London, E. C. 4. 12s. 6d. ' Gas World Year Book. Annual. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents — International News Co., Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N. Y. and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton. N. Y. $3. Guide to the Coalfields. Classified directory of all British coal mines (Na- tional Coal Board and licensed mines) complete with ordnance maps (sectioned) plotting situation of each mine, details of management, personnel, type of coal worked. Annual. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30-31 Furnival St., London, E. C. 4. £1. Harpers Directory & Manual of the Wine and Spirit Trade. List of wine and spirit merchants in the United Kingdom. Annual. Harper & Co., 8 Lloyds Ave., London, E. C. 3. 10 shillings. Harpers Guide to Sports Trade. Sources of supply of sports goods, list of manufacturers, brand name index. Annual. Harper & Co., 8 Lloyds Ave., London, E. C. 3. 10 shillings. Hotels and Restaurants in Great Britain and Ireland. iVnnual. British Hotels and Restaurants Association, 88 Brook St., London, W. 1. 5s. 6d. 95 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Ice Cream Industry Year Book. Annual. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. (1 4. United States agents — International News Co. Inc., 181 Variek St., New York, N. Y., and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. $1.50. Industrial Finishing Year Book. Articles on finishing practice by various methods ; finishing materials ; trade guide. Annual. Arrow Press Ltd., 157 llagden Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire. 15 shillings. Irish Textile Directory. Alphabetical and classified list of spinners, weavers, bleachers, dyers, finishers, stitchers, textile printers, merchant converters, fiber and yarn merchants, and executives. Separate sections for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Biennial. H. R. Carter Publications Ltd., 2 Marcus Ward St., Belfast, N. Ireland. 7s. 6d. and 12s. 6d. Iron and Steel Directory. Manufacturers, ironfounders, etc., in Great Britain ; ores, fuels and refractories ; foundry practice ; wrought iron tables ; steelmaking practice tables ; scientific and technical section ; buyers' guide. The Louis Cas- sier Co. Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. £1 5s. Iron and Steel Works of the World. A review of the world's major iron and steel plants with details of location, plant, capacities, products, output, directors, and capital. Triennial. Quin Press Ltd., 27 Albemarle St., London, W. 1. $7. Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers' Guide. Annual. Morgan Brothers Ltd., 28 Essex St., Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— British Publi- cations Inc., 30 East 60th St., New York 22, N. Y. Supplied tO' subscribers to The Ironmonger. Jute Canvas and Cordage Trades Directory. Annual. British-Continental Trade Press Ltd., 222 Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— J. D. Griffiths, 1502 Clegg St., Greensboro, N. C. $5. Lancashire Textile Industry. List of mills and other textile concerns in Lancashire with details of equipment, counts spun, grade of goods manufactured, and executives. List of cotton fabrics and classified yarn section. Annual. John Worrall Ltd., Central Works, Oldham. £1 7s. 6d. Library Association Year Book. Constitution of association, officers, council, syllabus, complete list of members, and professional register. Annual. The Library Association, Chaucer House, Malet PL, London, W. C. 1. £1 Is. Machinery Buyers' Guide. Makers of machine tools and all plant equipment and supplies for engineering shops. Annual. Machinery, West St., Brighton, Sussex. 9s. 6d. Machinery Market Trades Index. Buyers' guide to new and used plant and equipment; capacity available; machinery auctioneers; agents in the United Kingdom of overseas firms; heavy haulage contractors; trade names; metals section. Annual. Machinery Market Ltd., 146A Queen Victoria St., London, E. C. 4. 15 shillings. Metal Bulletin's British Iron and Steel Directory. A guide to producers and suppliers of iron and steel in the United Kingdom. Issued at intervals of several years. Metal Information Bureau Ltd., 27 Albemarle St., London, W. 1. Latest edition 1949. $1.40. Mining Year Book. Particulars concerning mining companies operating in all parts of the world. Annual. Walter E. Skinner, 20 Copthall Ave., London, E. C. 2. $7. Newspaper Press Directory. Details of newspapers and periodicals published in the United Kingdom and throughout the world. Annual. Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents — International News Co. 96 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N. Y. and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. $6. Oil and Petroleum Year Book. Particulars concerning oil companies operating in all parts of the world. Annual. Walter E. Skinner, 20 Copthall Ave., London, E. C. 2. $5. Optical Year Book. Annual. The Hatton Press Ltd., 72-78 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. 12 shillings. Paper Makers' and Merchants' Directory of all Nations. Worldwide list of paper, pulp, and board mills, paper agents and merchants, equipment suppliers ; British paper stainers, box and carton makers, waste paper and rag merchants, paper bag makers, export merchant shippers ; china clay producers, agents, and merchants ; and watermarks. Trade customs, tables of weights and sizes, trade associations. Annual. Business Publications Ltd., 180 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. $6.50. Passenger Transport Year Book and Directory. Private and municipal bus undertakings in Great Britain and abroad ; manufacturers and operators ; asso- ciations ; student societies ; buyers' guide ; statistical survey ; legal digest. H. F. Maynard Ltd., Avenue Chambers, Vernon Place, Southampton Row, London, W. C. 1. 15 shillings. Perfumery and Essential Oil Record Annual Directory and Buyers' Guide. Technical information for the perfumery, cosmetic, soap, and allied trades ; buyers' guide to raw, semimanufactured, and synthetic commodities, oils, and waxes. Annual. G. & M. Press Ltd., 22A College Hill, Cannon St., London, E. C. 4. £1 10s. Phillips' Paper Trade Directory of the World. Paper manufacturers of the world. Annual. S. C. Phillips & Co. Ltd., 3 Tudor St., London, E. C. 4. £1 19s. 6d. Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review Buyers' Reference Book. Lists of British pottery and glass manufacturers ; trade-marks ; and oversea agents. Annual. Scott Greenwood & Son Ltd., 83-86 Farringdom St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents — Bay State Periodical Service, 18 Tremont St., Boston 8, Mass., and The Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. Gratis to subscribers to Pottery Gazette. Power Laundry Directory and Who's Who. Directory, buyers' guide, and trade reference book for the laundry and dry-cleaning industries. Annual. Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. $2.50. Power Transmission Directory and Trade Names Index. Manufacturers and suppliers ; classified and alphabetical sections ; trade names. Biennial. Trade and Technical Press Ltd., 65-66 Chancery Lane, London, W. C. 2. 6s. 4d. Register of the Gas Industry. Gas boards, offices, works, showrooms, and personnel; articles on gasworks practice, distribution, and ancillary subjects; trade guide. Annual. Arrow Press Ltd., 157 Hagden Lane, Watford, Hertford- shire^ £1 Is. Register of Patent Agents. Annual. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, Staple Inn Bldgs., High Holborn, London, W. C. 1. 1 shilling. Register of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Register of Premises. Annual. The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Sq., London, W. C. 1. £3 3s. Roads and Road Construction Year Book and Directory. Review of research on soil mechanics, concrete roads and foundations, road services, surface char- acteristics, traffic and road layout, and accident analyses ; list of highway offi- cials, road contractors, suppliers of sand and gravel, producers of roadstone; 97 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES, niid plant maiuifactiirors. Annual. The Carriers Pnblishinj!; Co. Ltd., 60 Victoria St., London, S. W. 1. 15 shilling's. Rubber Trade Directory of Great Britain, Classified guide to all sections of the rubber industry and to suppliers of machinery, laboratory, and other equip- ment, and all raw materials including chemicals and textiles, and ancillary products used by rubber manufacturers. Issued approximately every 3 years. :\Iaclaren & Sons Ltd., Stafford House, Norfolk St., London, W. C. 2. $9. Ryland's Directory of the Coal, Iron, Steel, and Allied Trades. Tinplate, metal, engineering, foundry hardware, and allied trades. Biennial. Industrial Newspapers Ltd., 49 Wellington St., Strand, London, W. C. 2. Clotlibound £4 4s., leatherbound £5 5s. Shipping World Year Book and Who's Who. World shipowners, shipbuilders, ship repairers, towage, and salvage contractors ; liner services ; United Kingdom port authorities : shipping and shipbuilding organizations. Annual. The Shipping World Ltd., Effingham House, 1 Arundel St., London, W. 0. 2. United States agent — E. W. Sweetman, 1 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. Shoeman's Guide. Directory to the wholesale footwear trade — manufacturers, factors, leather firms, machinery, and materials used in the manufacture of footwear. Annual. Halford Publishing Co. Ltd., Spencer Chambers, 4 Market PI., Leicester. 10 shillings. Skinner's Cotton Trade Directory of the World. A complete survey of the cotton industry throughout the world. Annual. Thomas Skinner & Co. (Pub- lishers), Ltd., Gresham House, Old Broad St., London, E. C. 2 and 111 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. $7. Skinner's Hosiery and Knit Goods Directory. A survey of the hosiery and knit goods industry in Great Britain. Annual. Thomas Skinner & Co. (Pub- lishers), Ltd., Gresham House, Old Broad St., London, E. C. 2 and 111 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. Skinner's Wool Trade Directory of the World. A complete survey of the wool industry throughout the world. Annual. Thomas Skinner & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., Gresham House, Old Broad St., London, E. O. 2 and 111 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. $12. Soap Makers' Directory. List of soap manufacturers. Annual. Newnham Cowell & Gripper Ltd., 15 City Rd., London, E. C. 1. 5 shillings. Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics Year Book. Technical information regarding soap, perfumes, and cosmetics ; standards ; buyers' guide. Annual. United Trade Press Ltd., 9 Gough Sq., London, E. C. 4. £1 10s. Steam Boiler Year Book and Manual. Use, maintenance, and new develop- ments in steam boilers. Elek Books Ltd., 14 Great James St., London, W. O. 1. £2 2s. Style for Men Branded Merchandise and Trade Marks Directory. British suppliers of ready to wear men's clothing and accessories together with feature articles on brand marking, sales aids, and the uses of manmade fibers. The National Trade Press Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., London, W. C. 2. United States agent — The Overseas Publishers' Representatives, 66 Beaver St., New York 4, N. Y. $1. Textile Recorder Annual. Reviews in detail and in its various aspects the work and achievements of the textile industry during the preceding year. Annual. Harlequin Press Co. Ltd., Old Colony House, South King St., Man- chester 2. £1 10s. Timber Trades Directory. List of timber firms in 100 countries. Annual. 98 .COUNTRY DIRECTORIES Benn Brothers Ltd., 154 Fleet St., London, E. C. 4. United States agents — International News Co. Inc., 131 Varick St., New York, N. Y. and Moore-Cottrell Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N. Y. $7. Times Issuing House Year Book. Issuing houses and their operations ; stock- brokers and their operations ; United Kingdom and oversea issues ; list of principals of issuing houses and other undertakings in the United Kingdom associated with issues or similar operations. Annual. The Times Publishing Co. Ltd., Printing House Sq., London, E. C. 4. United States agent — The Times, London, Inc., 45 East 51st St., New York 22, N. Y. $6. Trader Handbook. A legal, technical, and buying guide for the motor, motor- cycle, and cycle trades. Annual. Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. 80 cents. Waste Trades Manual and Directory. Annual. British-Continental Trade Press Ltd., 222 Strand, London, W. C. 2. United States agent— J. D. Griffiths, 1502 Clegg St., Greensboro, N. C. $5. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith Directory of Trade Names and Punch Marks. Annual. Heywood & Co. Ltd., Drury House, Russell St., London, W. C. 2. United States agent — Overseas Publishers' Representatives, 66 Beaver St., New York 4, N. Y. $2. Water Engineers' Handbook. British Isles water undertakings with statistics and section of technical information. Annual. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30-31 Furnival St., London, E. C. 4. 18 shillings. Who's Who in Gas Industry. Addresses of gas boards, group and divisional offices, and works ; including names of officials. Annual. Arrow Press Ltd., 157 Hagden Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire. 5 shillings. Willing's Press Guide. A complete list in alphabetical order of national and provincial newspapers, magazines, periodicals, reviews, and annuals with a selec- tion of dominion, colonial, and foreign publications. Annual. Willing's Press Service Ltd., 356 Grays Inn Rd., London, W. C. 1. $6. Winckelmann's Fur Directories. Annual. Winckelmann Publications Ltd., 1 Broadhurst Gardens, London, N. W. 6. United States agent — Winckelmann & Sons Inc., 124 West 30th St., New York, N. Y. 10 shillings. Wine and Spirit Trade Diary and Agency List. Annual. H. 0. Lea & Co. Ltd., 3 St. Dunstan's Lane, London, E. C. 3. £1 15s. Wireless and Electrical Trader Year Book. Alphabetical and classified lists of manufacturers, agents, and distributors in the radio and electrical appliance industries ; wholesalers ; proprietary and trade names ; and legal and general information. Annual. Trader Publishing Co. Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S. E. 1. $2. Wool Year Book. Particulars of all processes of manufacture from raw mate- rial to finished fabric. Annual. Textile Mercury Ltd., 41 Spring Gardens, Man- chester 2. 13s. 6d. World's Non-Ferrous Smelters and Refineries. A worldwide survey of lead- ing nonferrous metal smelting and refining plants, including a number of signifi- cant secondary smelters and refineries. Triennial. Quin Press Ltd., 27 Albemarle St., London, W. 1. $5.60. Year Book of British Paper Box Industry. List of boxmaking firms in the United Kingdom. Technical information. Verstone & Co. Ltd., 20 The Mall, Ealing, London, W. 5. 2s. 6d. Year Book of Chartered Insurance Institute. Annual. The Chartered Insur- ance Institute, The Hall, 20 Aldermanbury, London, E. C. 2. 3 shillings. 99 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Year Book of Heatinj? and Ventilating Industry. Articles, buyers' guide, list of iiiaiiufacturers, details of agreements. Annual. Technitrade Journals Ltd., S Southampton Row, London W. C. 1. 7s. Gd. Year Book of the Textile Institute. Information on textile education ; world- wide textile organizations ; and list of members. Annual. Textile Institute, 10 Blackfriars St., Manchester 3. United States agent — Fairchild Publications (Business Book Division), 7 East 12th St., New York 3, N. Y. $2.10. Yorkshire Textile Industry. List of textile firms in Yorkshire with details of mill equipment, power, counts spun, and grade of goods manufactured or proc- essed. Classified section. Annual. John Worrall Ltd., Central Works, Oldham, Lancashire, fl 7s. 6d. Local Local directories have not been included since the special directories already listed fully represent the trades or industries they cover and the general direc- tories provide adequate information for most commercial purposes. URUGUAY General Anuario "El Siglo". In 5 parts: (1) Description of the country, almanac, communication rates; administrative guide; (2) Montevideo by order of streets (some 2,030 streets), showing in the case of residences the number of the house, together with the name and occupation of the occupant; (3) Montevideo by names of residents (some 17,000 with their families) in alphabetical order, show- ing name, occupation, street, and number ; (4) Montevideo by names of organiza- tions, classified as commercial, industrial, and professional (over 1,000) ; and (o) interior of the country by departments, showing cities and villages of importance. Casa Barreiro y Ramos, S. A., Calle Juan Carlos Gomez, esq., 25 de Mayo, Montevideo. Guia Industrial de Socios de la Union Industrial Uruguaya. Members of the Union Industrial by order of industry. It treats solely of manufacturers. Union Industrial Uruguaya — Camara de Industrias, Calle Treinta y Tres 1325, Montevideo. Registro General de Firmas (Commercial, Industrial, and Banking Annual). Composed of the following: (1) Map of Uruguay; (2) general information, including index in English and 4 other languages, description of the country, and a guide to Government offices; (3) commercial information of Montevideo, including a general list of commercial, professional, industrial, and banking firms in alphabetical order, with addresses and telephone numbers, and in many cases the cable address, also affiliates or branches, names of the owners, partners, or principals, banking or commercial references, approximate capital, and classi- fied lists of agents and representatives, banking institutions, wholesalers and retailers, exporters and importers, and manufacturers and industrialists; (4) commercial information of the interior of the country, with its 18 subdivisions (one for each Province), including description of the capital cities, a guide to the Provincial Government offices, and a general list of conmiercial, professional, industrial, and banking firms with the same details as mentioned under item 3 above; (5) communications, including radio stations and their authorized 100 XOUNTRY DIRECTORIES broadcasting potential, address, and telephone, city transportation including all bus, trolley bus, and street car lines in Montevideo, street index, telephone index: with telephone number of subscriber, list of cable addresses in alpha- betical order ; (6) trade-marks in alphabetical order ; (7) rural section including list of pedigreed livestock by Provinces, breeds, and breeding farms, livestock standards, general list of breeders, and classified lists of specialized farms, ranches, miscellaneous establishments, and dairy farms; and (8) international section (Spanish and English) classified by countries and commodities. Antolin R. Lassus, Calle Ituzaingo 1527-29, Montevideo. 40 pesos. Registro de Importadores y Exportadores. Principal importers, exporters, industrial concerns, sales agents, and export agents in Montevideo, giving only their names and addresses. Firms are listed alphabetically under major groups of merchandise which they handle or are able to handle. National Chamber of Commerce of Uruguay, Calle Misiones 1400, Montevideo. 2 vols., mimeo. Uruguay Telephone Directory. Contains a separate section for Montevideo with a street index. Obtainable from the Administracion General de las Usinas Electricas y los Telefonos del Estado, Montevideo. VIETNAM General Annuaire du Telephone du Sud Vietnam et des P. M. S., 1954. Names and addresses of major firms and governmental departments in Saigon-Cholon area and adjacent Provinces of South Vietnam. Imprimerie Francaise d'Outre Mer, 3 rue Rudyard Kii)ling, Saigon. 50 piasters. WALES See United Kingdom. WEST INDIES General West Indies and Caribbean Year Book. Names and addresses of business firms and professional men in the Caribbean area. Includes sections for Ber- muda, Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, British Guiana, British Honduras, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Netherlands West Indies, Netherlands Guiana (Surinam), French West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique), French Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala ; also the Virgin Islands of the United States, Puerto Rico, and Panama Canal Zone. Gives also, for each area, details on administration and legislature, finance, agricultural and other resources, industries, trade, postal and telecommunication services, attractions and facilities for visitors, public boards, associations, etc. Printed in English. Annual. Thomas Skinner & Co. (Publishers), Ltd., 330 Gresham House, Old Broad St., London E. C. 2, England, and 111 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. 1954-55 edition, $9 in the United States. 101 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES WINDWARD ISLANDS General West Indies and Caribbean Year Book (section for the Windward Islands). See details under West Indies, 102 International Directories Published in the United States AVIATION American Aviation World-Wide Directory. Companies and key personnel in all branches of aviation throughout the world. Semiannual. American Avia- tion Publications, Inc., 1025 Vermont Ave., NW., Washington 5, D. C. Spring- Summer 1955 edition issued April. $7.50. BANKS International Bankers Directory. Lists United States and foreign banks and gives information concerning them. Semiannual. Issued March (initial edition) and September (final edition), with monthly supplements to each issue. Rand McNally & Co., P. O. Box 7600, Chicago 80, 111. $27.50 per issue, including- supplements. Polk's Bank Directory. A list of banks in the United States, Canada, and other foreign countries. Semiannual (issued March and September), with bimonthly revision service. R. L, Polk & Co., 130 Fourth Ave. North, Nashville 3, Tenn. $27.50 an issue ; $20 an issue when ordered for a 5-year period. BREWERIES Modern Brewery Age Blue Book. Breweries in the United States, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, and South America, with names of executive personnel, information on capacities, brands, etc. Annual (issued March). Brewery Age Publishing Co., 20 E. Huron St., Chicago 11, 111. 1955- edition, $4. CABLE ADDRESSES Marconi's International Register. Contains: (1) An alphabetical section listing 45,000 firms throughout the world, complete with postal address, registered cable address (if any), telegraphic codes used, and nature of business; (2) list of firms by trade ; and (3) list of the cable addresses in alphabetical order, cross- referenced to the corresponding firm name in the alphabetical section. Annual. Published jointly by Telegraphic Cable and Radio Registrations, Inc., 280 Broad- way, New York 7, N. Y., and Marconi International Code Co., Ltd., Marconi House, Strand, London W. C. 2, England. 1955 edition, $20. COIN MACHINES Directory and Source Book of the Coin Machine Industry. Manufacturers of all types of coin-operated devices, and jobbers and distributors in various 103 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ countries of the world ; trade names and trade-marks ; associations. Annual. Coin Machine Review, 1115 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 13, Calif. 1955 edition, $1. DIRECTORIES Trade Directories of the World. Guide to directories. Contains data on nearly 1,300 business directories covering all trades in the United States and in more than 60 foreign countries, with entries arranged geographically. Most entries give short description of the directory contents, number of pages, price, and name and address of publisher. Cross-indexed by trades and professions and by countries. Issued in looseleaf form, kept up to date by amended and supple- mentary pages issued monthly. Croner Publications, 89-88 212th PI., Queens Village, N. Y. 1954-55 edition, $9 (includes 1 year's supplements). FREIGHT FORWARDERS World Register of International Forwarding Agents. Names and addresses of about 7,000 foreign freight forwarders in all parts of the world. Issued in looseleaf form, kept up to date by corrections made periodically through monthly amendment sheets. Croner Publications, 89-88 212th PI., Queens Village, N. Y, $10, including 1 year's supplements. HOTELS Hotel Red Book. Official directory of the American Hotel Association, listing practically all of the hotels in the United States. Hotels in Mexico and Canada belonging to hotel associations in those countries also are listed. A limited number of listings from South America, Central America, and West Indies included. Annual (issued May). American Hotel Association Directory Corp., 221 W. 57th St., New York 19, N. Y. $5. LAWYERS Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory. Vols. 1 and 2 — A roster of lawyers of each city and town in the United States, its possessions, and the Dominion of Canada ; biographical data ; ratings ; roster of lawyers registered with U. S. Patent Office; selected list of lawyers (including patent lawyers) in principal cities of foreign countries. Vol. 3 — Digests of the laws of every State in the United States and of its possessions, Canada, and other foreign countries. Digests of United States copyright, patent, and trade-mark laws; Court Calen- dars ; Uniform Acts ; Bank Collection Code. Revised annually. Martindale- Hubbell, Inc., 1 Prospect St., Summit, N. J. Jan. 1955, $49.50. MARKET GUIDES Latin American Sales Index. A guide for the selection of trade contacts in Latin America, giving names and addresses, types of business, financial standing, etc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York 8, N. Y. 1955 edition, $100. Market Guide for Latin America. Contains the names, trade styles, street and postal addresses of importers, exporters, commission agents and distributors, 104 JNTERNATIONAL DIRECTORIES and manufacturers in all countries of South and Central America, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands including the United States, British, and French West Indies, Netherlands Antilles, etc. Classified by trades. Each listing has both a capital and a credit rating. Also contains individual market surveys and separate trade lists of selected industries. Annual with monthly supplements. American Foreign Credit Underwriters Corp., 253 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. March 1955. Annual subscription, $85, Market Guide for the Pacific Area. Sales and credit guide listing more than 7,000 importers, exporters, commission agents, distributors, manufacturers, etc., in Hawaii, Philippines, Korea, American Samoa, Guam, Tahiti, Fiji, Trust Terri- tory, Taiwan, New Caledonia, New Hebrides. Each listing includes firm name, street and postal address, line of business, and both a credit and a capital rating. Trade classifications. Market surveys for each country and separate trade lists of selected enterprises. Annual. American Foreign Credit Underwriters Corp., 253 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. March 1955. Annual subscription, $25, including supplementary services. United States-Italy Trade Directory. Lists 640 names of United States im- porters of Italian products and agents of Italian exporters ; Italian firms rep- resented in the United States ; trade names. Also gives a classified list of the Chamber of Commerce members. Contains other information of interest to traders between the two countries, including import-export and exchange regula- tions in Italy, taxation in Italy, United States-Italy trade statistics, Italian associations of manufacturers, etc. American Chamber of Commerce for Trade with Italy, Inc., 105 Hudson St., New York 13, N.Y, 1955 edition, $5,25 (postage included ) . MARKETING RESEARCH AGENCIES Bradford's Directory of Marketing Research Agencies. Agencies engaged in market research in leading cities of the United States and the world, and the services offered by each. Issued every 2 years. Bradford's Directory, 50 Argyle Ave., New Rochelle, N.Y, 1954-55 (6th edition) issued Jan. 1955. $6.50 ($6 cash). MINES Mines Register. Information on active mines and mining companies in the Western Hemisphere. Mines Register, 425 W. 25th St., New York 1, N.Y. NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, AND TRADE PAPERS Directory of Foreign Publications which have Representatives in the United States. List of newspapers and trade periodicals, arranged geographically by countries ; names and addresses of their United States representatives. Export Trade & Shipper (19th Annual Advertising Number), Jan. 31, 1955, p. 43. Thos. Ashwell & Co., Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York 7, N.Y. This issue, 50 cents. N. W. Ayer & Son's Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals. Geographical listing of newspapers and periodicals printed in the United States and its posses- sions, Canada, Bermuda, Cuba, Panama, and the Philippines with names and addresses of the publishers, and descriptions of the States, Provinces, cities, and towns in which they are published ; classified listing of trade, technical, and 342444°— 55- 105 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ class publications ; alphabetical index. Annual. N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., West Washington Sq., I'hiladelphia G, I*a. 1955 edition, .$80. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory- Classitied guide to a selected list of current periodicals, foreign and domestic, with price, publishers, place of publication, and other data for each. Periodicals grouped in a subject classification, alpha- betically arranged. Revised triennially. R. R. Bowker Co., 62 West 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. Latest edition, 1953. $20. Next revision, fall 1956. OILS, VEGETABLE International Green Book of Cottonseed and Other Vegetable Oil Products. List of cottonseed oil mills and soya bean, linseed, peanut, and other vegetable oil mills in the United States, Canada, and Latin America ; refineries, brokers, dealers, importers and exporters, oil mill machinery manufacturers, etc. Annual (issued September). Cotton Gin & Oil Mill Press, P. O. Box 7985, Dallas 26, Tex. 1954-55 edition, $10 domestic ; $12 foreign. PETROLEUM Petroleum Register. Detailed information on oil companies in the United States and foreign countries. Annual. Mona Palmer, 604 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. Dec. 1954 issue, $15. RADIO AND TV STATIONS Directory of Foreign Radio and Television Stations and their United States Representatives. Lists the stations in geographical arrangement, by countries ; names and addresses of their United States representatives. Export Trade & Shipper (19th annual advertising number) Jan. 31, 1955, p. 79. Thos. Ashwell & Co., Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York 7, N.Y. This issue, 50 cents. TEA AND COFFEE Ukers' International Tea and Coffee Buyers' Guide. Coffee importers, brokers, and roasters in the United States, Europe, Australasia, Africa, South America, United Kingdom, and other areas ; coffee and tea exporters in producing coun- tries; tea and coffee equipment and supply houses and trade associations in the United States and abroad. Issued every 2 years. The Tea and Coffee Trade .Journal Co., 79 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. 1954-55 edition, $3.50. TOBACCO Tobacco Directory of the World. Leaf tobacco dealers, manufacturers of tobacco products, importers and exporters of tobacco products in the United States and various foreign countries. Issued once every 2 years. Costa's Direc- tories Co., 210 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. 1953-54 edition, $12.50. VETERINARIANS AVMA Directory. "Veterinarians in the United States, Canada, and some for- eign countries and other information about the veterinary profession in the areas 106 JNTERNATIONAL DIRECTORIES covered. Includes a section listing veterinary colleges of the world ; also sum- maries of licensing requirements in the United States, Canada, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Biennial. American Veterinary Medical Association, 600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, 111. An official publication of the association. 1954 issue to members, $2.50 (standard edition), $3.40 (deluxe edition) ; to non- members, $15 (standard edition), $16 (deluxe edition). 107 Appendix A INDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL For a (lescriptioii of the directories named in tliis appendix, see the country directories part of this guide. Advertising Agencies Australia Australian Advertising Rates and Data Service. Canada National List of Advertisers. France Guide de I'Edition et de la Publicite. Netherlands Slijthoff's Adresboek voor de Neder- landsche Boekhandel. Union of South Africa African Press & Advertising An- nual. United Kingdom Advertisers' Annual ; Newspaper Press Directory (world covera^ge) ; Witling's Press Guide. Advertising Media Argentina Guia Heraldo del Cinematografista. Australia Australian Advertising Rates and Data Service ; Australian and New Zealand Press Directory. Belgium Cercle Beige de la Librairie de rimprimerie et de Toutes les Pro- fessions qui s'y Rattachent. Canada National Directory of Pulp and Paper Industries. Advertising Media — Con. Cuba Inter-Continental Press Guide (cov- ers Latin America, Caribbean area, and. the Philippines). Finland Ilmoitushinnasto — Annons taxa 1952-53. France Annuaire de la Presse Francaise & Etrangere & du Monde Politique. Germany Leitfaden fuer Presse und Werbung. India All India List of Booksellers and Publishers ; Indian Press Yearbook (includes Ceylon and Pakistan). Italy Elenco dei Quotidiani e Periodici Italian!. Netherlands Losbladig Handboek van de Neder- landse Pers. New Zealand Lists of Newspapers and Magazines. Norway Fortegnelse over Blad og Tids- skrifter. Spain Anuario de la Prensa Espanola. Sweden Svensk Annonstaxa. Switzerland Zeitimgskatalog. 109 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Advertising Media — Con. Union of South Africa African Press & Advertising Annual (includes all Africa). United Kingdom Advertisers' Annual ; Newspaper Press Directory (world coverage) ; Willing's Press Guide. Agriculture and Horticulture Canada Keith's Florist Directory and Horti- cultural Guide. Germany Gartenbau-Handbuch. Tunisia Annuaire Agricole de la Tunisie. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration France Guide du Froid. Germany Firmenhandbuch der Kaelte-In- dustrle. India Indian Electrical Yearbook. Alcoholic Beverages See Beverages. Apparel, Wearing Australia Textile and Apparel Index. Canada Fraser's Textile Apparel and Fur Directory. France Annuaire de la Bonneterie, de la Mercerie et de I'Habillement ; Annu- aire de la Chapel lerie et de la Mode. Germany Adressbuch der Deutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsbetriebe ; Fachadress- buch der Textil- und Bekleidungsin- 110 Apparel, Wearing — Con. dustrie ; Loebners Textil-Adressbue- cher. Italy Winckelnaann, Guida della Pellic- ceria. Norway Norsk Tekstil- og Konfeksjonsin- dustri. United Kingdom Fashions & Fabrics Branded Mer- chandise and Trade Marks Directory ; Style for Men Branded Merchandise & Trade Marks Directory. Architects See Construction. Attorneys Denmark Juridisk og Statsvidenskabelig Stat. Finland Asianajotoimistoja Suomessa. Ireland, Republic of Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Calendar and Directory. United Kingdom Register of Patent Agents. Automotive Belgium Annuaire du Commerce Automobile de Belgique. Canada Byers Trade Directory ; Canadian Automotive Trade ; Canadian Service Data Book. France Bottin de I'Automobile ; Bottin du Cycle et de la Moto. Germany Grosses Kraftfahrzeug-Adressbuch ; Hansen Auto-Branchen-Code. Hong Kong Gregg's Motor Directory, .INDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Automotive — Con. Italy Annuario Giiida dell'Industria e del Comniercio Motociclistico ; Indiistria Italiana del Ciclo e del Motociclo. Norway Jern og Metallindnstri. Switzerland Schweizerischer Automobil -Kalen- der. Union of South Africa List of Members of the Motor Trade Association. Aviation See Transportation. Banks, Brokers, Exchanges Australia Jobson's Digest Year Book of Pub- lic Comijanies. Canada Annual Financial Review ; Bank Directory of Canada and Newfound- land. France Annuaire des Banques de France ; Annuaire Desfosses. Germany Banken-Ortslexikon ; Buss' Produk- tenboersen-Adressbuch. India Calcutta Stock Exchange Official Yearbook; Indian Bankers' Annual; Investor's India Yearbook ; Investors' Encyclopedia ; Madras Stock Ex- chaiige Official Yearbook. Italy Agenti di Cambio, Rappresentanti, Osservatori alle Grida e Commission- ari di Borsa ; Annuario delle Aziende di Credito e Finanziarie ; Annuario delle Casse di Risparmio, dei Monti di Credito su Pegno di Prima Categoria, e degli Istituti diversi. Banks, Brokers, Exchang Con. Mexico Anuario Financiero de Mexico ; Di- rectorio de Instituciones de Credito y Organizaciones Auxiliares. Netherlands Financieel Adresboek voor Neder- land ; Gids voor de Nederlandse Spaar- banken (includes Indonesia) ; Van Oss' Effectenboek — Binnenlandse Fondsen. Norway Haandbok over Norske Obligasjoner og Aksjer; Norsk Aksjebank Aarbok. Union of South Africa South African Financial Year Book. United Kingdom Bankers' Almanac & Year Book (world coverage) ; Times Issuing House Year Book. Beverages Algeria Annuaire de la Viticulture de I'Afrique du Nord. 6e/g/um Annuaire de la Brasserie (includes also the Netherlands and Luxem- bourg). France Annuaire General des Vins, Cidres, Vinaigres, Spiritueux et Liqueurs. Germany Adressbuch der Alkoholfreien Ge- traenkeindustrie ; Brauerei-Adress- buch ; Deutschen Brauereien und Maelzereien. Switzerland Getranke-Industrie der Schweiz. United Kingdom Bottlers' Year Book; Brewers' Al- manack; Harpers Directory & Man- ual of the Wine and Spirit Trade; Wine and Spirit Trade Diary and Agency List. m FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Boat-Shipbuilders, Shipyards France Aimuaire Navis. Italy Anniiario Generale della Marina Mercantile Italiana e delle Attivita' Portuarie Internazionali. Netherlands Moorman's Jaarboek voor Scheep- vaart en Scheepsboiiw. Norway Jern eg Metallindustri ; Skipsverks- teder Baatbyggerier. United Kingdom Britisli Fisheries Directory and Buy- ers' Guide (includes Eire) ; Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Ma- rine Engineers (world coverage). Books, Magazines, Periodicals Australia Australian and New Zealand Press Directory. Belgium Cercle Beige de la Librairie de rimprimerie et de Toutes les Profes- sions qui s'y Rattachent. Finland Ilmoitushinnasto — Annons taxa. France Annuaire des Annuaires ; Annuaire de la Presse Francaise et P]trangere et du Monde Politique. India All India List of Booksellers and Publishers ; Indian Press Yearbook (includes Ceylon and Pakistan). Italy Elenco dei Quotidian! e Periodic! Italiani. Netherlands Losbladig Handboek van de Neder- landse Pers; Slijthoff's Adresboek voor de Nederlandsche Boekhandel. Books, Magazines, Periodicals — Con. New Zealand Lists of Newspapers and Magazines. Norway Fortegnelse over Blad og Tids- skrifter. Spain Annuario de la Prensa Espanola. Sweden Svensk Annonstaxa. United Kingdom Directory of Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books in the British Isles. Boots and Shoes See also Leather. United Kingdom British Quality ; Buyers' Register and Brands Directory; Footwear Di- rectory of Trade Marks and Trade Names ; Shoeman's Guide. Breweries See Beverages. Brushes and Brooms United Kingdom Directory of Brush and Allied Trades. Building Materials See Construction. Carpets and Rugs United Kingdom Carpet Annual. Ceramics See Glass and Ceramics. Chambers of Commerce See Trade Organizations. 112 .INDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Chemicals Belgium Annuaire de la Federation des In- dustries Chimiques de Belgique. Canada Willson Chemical Directory. France Annuaire des Prodnits Chimiques et de la Droguerie (world coverage). Germany Adressbuch Deutscher Chemiker ; Firmenhandbuch Chemische Industrie. Hong Kong Pharmaceutical & Chemical Direc- tory of Hong Kong. India Handbook of Indigenous Manufac- turers of Chemical and Nonengineer- ing Supplies ; Indian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry. Italy Repertorio della Produzione Chimica Italiana e del Commercio Chimico. Netherlands Catalogus voor Chemische Appara- tuur ; Chemicalien Adresboek ; Neder- landse Chemische en Pharmaceutische Producten en hun Fabrikanten. Spain Anuario de la Industria Quimica Espanola. Switzerland Addressbuch der Schweizerischen Chemischen Industrie; Chemische In- dustrie der Schweiz und ihre Neben- produkte. United Kingdom Chemical Age Year Book ; Chemical Manufacturers Directory. Clocks and Watches Belgium Belgo-Bijoux. Clocks and Watches — Con. France Annuaire Azur de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfevrerie, Horlogerie et Professions Annexes. Germany Einkaufsfuehrer und Adressbuch der Uhren- Schmuckwaren- und Edel- metallwaren — Industrie. Switzerland Annuaire de FHorlogerie Suisse; Einkaufs-Fuhrer der Uhren-Industrie und Verwandten Zweige. United Kingdom Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silver- smith Directory of Trade Names and Punch Marks. Coal Germany Nachschlagewerk fuer die Mon- tanunion (European Coal and Steel Community). India List of Coal Mines in India. United Kingdom Colliery Year Book; Guide to the Coalfields ; Ryland's Directory of the Coal, Iron, Steel, and Allied Trades. Commercial Consultants Germany Anschriften-Verzelchnis der Bera- tenden Betriebs- und Volkswirte, Wirtschaftsjuristen und Organisa- tionen in der Bundesrepublik und West Berlin. Confectionery Germany Zucker-Jahrbuch. Netherlands Jaarboek voor de Cacao, Chocolade, Suiker en Dropwerkindustrie in 113 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ Confectionery — Con. Nederland ; Jaarboek van de Neder- laiidse Banket, Beschuit, Koek en Wafel Industrie. Construction >\/9erfa Annnaire, Travaux Publics et Batiment en Algerie ; Travaux Publics en Algerie et en Timisie. Austria Oesterreichischer Baukatalog. Belgium Annuaire General du Batiment. Canada Architectural and Building Cata- logue ; Byers Trade Directory. Denmark Byguingsindustriens Falleskatalog ; Dansk Civilingeni0rstat ; Danske Ar- kitekters Landsforbund ; Haandbog for Dansk Ingeni0rforening. Egypt I'Annuaire du Batiment ; Chantiers d'Egypte. Finland SAFA Vuosikirja — Arsbok; Suo- malaisten Teknikkojen Seuran Vuosi- kirja. France Annuaire du Batiment et des Travaux Publics. Germany Deutsches Bau-Adressbuch ; u. Erden-Baustofflexikon. Steine Hong Kong Hong Kong Builders Engineers Decorators Classified Directory. India All-India Builders Directory ; Di- rectory of Engineers, Architects and Contractors in India. 114 Construction — Con. Ireland, Republic of Architectural Survey & Dirwtory of Architects, Students and Proba- tioners; Building Construction & Engineering. Italy Archivi SAIT ; Imprese Edili Asso- ciate ai Collegi ed Associazioni Ter- ritorial! Aderenti all'ANCE. Netherlands Catalogus voor de Bouwwereld. Panama Ingenieria y Arquitectura. Union of South Africa National Federation of Building Trade Employers in South Africa; Year Book of the Institute of South African Architects and Chapter of South African Quantity Surveyors, United Kingdom British Engineers' Association Clas- sified Handbook of Members and Their Manufactures ; Concrete Year Book ; Directory of Contractors and Public Works Annual ; Engineer Buyers' Guide ; Roads and Road Construction Year Book and Directory ; Water Cotton, Raw India Bombay Cotton Annual. Dairy France Annuaire de I'lndustrie Laitiere et de la Porcherie. Germany Deutscher Molkerei- und Kaeserei- Adresskalender ; Milch wirtschaftli- ches Adressbuch fuer das Gesamte Bundesgebiet. Ireland, Republic of Irish Creamery Year Book and Diary. .INDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Dairy — Con. Netherlands Jaarboek voor de Zuivelbereiding. Switzerland Jalirbnch der Schweizerischen Milchwirtschaft. ^_ United Kingdom Buyers' Guide to the Dairy and Ice Cream Industries ; Ice Cream Industry Year Book. Dentists See Medical Profession. Eiectricai Austria Elektro Adressbucli von Oesterreich, Canada Byers Trade Directory. France A'nnuaire de la Construction Elec- trique ; Annuaire de I'Electricite et de la T. S. F. (world coverage) ; Syndi- cat General de la Construction Elec- trique. Germany DDIE Deutsche Elektro-Industrie. India Indian Electrical Yearbook. Switzerland Elektro-Industrie. United Kingdom B. E. A. M. A. Catalogue ; Electrical Trades Directory ; Power Transmis- sion Directory and Trade Names In- dex ; Wireless and Electrical Trader Ye^r Book. Engineers See Construction. Fibers United Kingdom Carter's Flax, Hemp & Jute Hand- book & Directory (world coverage). Fishing Canada Canadian Fisheries Annual. France Annuaire de la Maree. United Kingdom British Fisheries Directory and Buyers' Guide (includes Eire) ; Fish- eries Year Book and Directory. Florists See Agriculture and Horticulture. Food Belgium Repertoire des Industries Alimen- taires. Canada Directory of Members of the Food Brokers' Association of Canada ; Food in Canada ; Willson Food Processors Directory. France Toute I'Alimentation. Germany Adressbuch der Deutschen Nah- rungs- u. Genussmittelbetriebe ; Ad- ressbuch der Konserven- u. Naehr- mittelindustrie ; Handbuch des Darm- handels. Ireland, Republic of Wholesale Grocers' Directory. Italy Annuario Generale dell'Alimenta- zione Italiana ; Annuario Generale dei Molini e Pastitici Italiani. Norway Norsk Hermetikk-Industri. United Kingdom Food Directory. Freight Forwarders See Transportation. 115 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ Fruit and Vegetables Algeria Aiiniiaire des Agrumes Nord-Afri- caines (includes Morocco and Tu- nisia). Germany Adiessbuch des Deutschen Fruechte- Import und Grosshandels ; Obst- und Gemuesemaerkte in der Bundesre- publik. United Kingdom Fruit Annual Directory. Furniture Argentina Guia Ripoli. Canada Willson Furniture and House Fur- nishings Directory. France Annuaire de I'Ameublement. Germany Handbuch des Deutschen Moebelge- werbes. Norway Norsk M0belindustri. Switzerland Moebel- und Holzindustrie der Schweiz. United Kingdom Cabinet Maker Year Book. Gas United Kingdom Gas World Year Book ; Register of the Gas Industry ; Who's Who in Gas Industry. Glass and Ceramics Canada Willson China, Jewellery & Gift- ware Directory. 116 Glass and Ceramics — Con. France Annuaire de la Confederation des Industries Ceramiques. Germany Adressbuch der Deutschen Glas- und Email-Industrie; Adressbuch der Glas-Industrie (also other Western European countries) ; Adressbuch der Keram-Industrie ; Industriebedarf s- Adressbuch fuer die Keram-, Glas-, und Email-Industrie (also includes Austria, Belgium, France, Great Brit- ain, Italy, Netherlands, and Switzer- land). United Kingdom Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review Buyers' Reference Book. Government Belgium Annuaire Administratif et Judi- ciaire de Belgique et de la Capitale du Royaume. Finland Suomen Valtiokalenteri. France Annuaire des Ministeres ; Bottin Administratif et Documentaire ; En- eyclopedie Permanente de I'Adminis- tration Francaise. India All-India Civil List. Netherlands OfRcieel Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden ; Pytter- sen's Staatsalmanak voor ledereen (also includes Surinam, the Nether- lands Antilles, and Netherlands New Guinea). Sweden Sveriges Statskalender. JNDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Handicraft and Giftware Canada Willson China, Jewellery & Gift- ware Directory. Germany Einkaufsfuehrer fuer Heimschmnckr Mode imd Geschenkartikel ; Interna- tionales Kunst-Adressbuch. India All-India Directory of Cottage In- dustries. Hardware Australia Hardware Journal ; Hardware Year Book. Canada Byers Trade Directory; Hardware & Metal's Data Service. France Annuaire de la Quincaillerie. Germany Adressbuch des Eisen- und Stahl- warenhandels ; Deutsche Schloss- und Beschlagindustrie ; Deutsche Werk- zeugindustrie ; EBM-Adressbuch der Eisen-, Blech- und MetalUvaren- Industrie. India Handbook of Indigenous Manufac- turers — Engineering Stores, Union of South Africa South African Mining and Engineer- ing Year Book (also includes Northern and Southern Khodesia). United Kingdom Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers' Guide. Hides, Skins, Furs Austria Jahrbuch der Lederwirtschaft Oes- terreichs. Hides, Skins, Furs — Con. Canada Eraser's Textile Apparel & Fur Directory : Who's Who in Furs, France Annuaire General de la Pelleterie. Germany Einkauf s -Fuehrer Durch d i e Deutsche Pelz- und llauchwaren- branche, Italy Winckelmann, Guida della Pellic- ceria. United Kingdom Winckelmann's Fur Directories. Hospitals and Institutions Belgium Annuaire de la Sante Publique. Canada Canadian Hospital Directory. Denmarii Medcinsk Vejviser. Egypt I'Annuaire Medical Egyptien. Finland Yleinen Laakintahakemiato, Hong Kong Gregg's Medical Directory of Hong Kong & Macao ; Pharmaceutical & Chemical Directory of Hong Kong. India All-India Pharmaceutical Directory, Ireland, Republic of Irish Catholic Directory and Alma- nac; Irish Medical and Hospital Directory, Italy Annuario dell'Italia Sanitaria; An- nuario Generale degli Ospedali, Cli- niche Ospedaliere e Universitarie, Poli- clinici, Sanatori, Preventori, Case di Convalescenza e Riposo, Mutue Sani- tarie. 117 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES^ Hospitals and Institutions — Con. Portugal Aiinario IMedico de Portugal Conti- nental, Insular e Colonial. Sweden Svenska Lakare och Tandlakare. Hotels See Tourist Facilities. Industrial Finishing Unifed Kingdom Industrial Finishing Year Book. Instruments, Professional and Scientific Germany Krauskopf-Feinoptikbuch. India All India Medical Directory and Who's Who. Italy Annuario dell'Italia Sanitaria ; In- dustria dell'Ottica, Meccanica Fine e I'recisione. Netherlands Catalogus voor Cheniische Appara- tuur ; Chemicalien Adresboek. Switzerland Feinmechanik und Industrie der Messinstrumente in der Schweiz. Insurance Austria Assecuranz Compass (world cover- age). Belgium Memento de TAssureur Beige. Brazil Anuario de Seguros. Cuba Insurance Statistics. Insurance — Con. France Annua ire des Societes d' Assurance Operant en France. India Indian Insurance Yearbook ; Life Insurance Directory. Netherlands Jaarboek voor bet Assurantie- en Hypotheekwezen (also includes In- donesia ) , Norway Norsk Korsikrings-Aarbok. Sweden Svensk Forsakrings Arsbok. United Kingdom Year Book of Chartered Insurance Institute. Iron and Steel Germany Handbucli fuer den Gemeinsamen Markt — Montanunion (European Steel iind Coal Community) ; Nachschlage- werk fuer die IVIontanunion (European Coal and Steel Community). Italy Repertorio delle Industrie Siederur- giche Italiane. Union of South Africa South African Mining and Engineer- ing Year Book ( also includes Northern and Southern Rhodesia). United Kingdom Iron and Steel Directory; Iron and Steel Works of the World ; Ironmonger Diary and Hardware Buyers' Guide; Metal Bulletin's British Iron and Steel Directory; Ryland's Directory of the Coal, Iron, Steel and Allied Trades. Jewelry Belgium Belgo-Bijoux. 118 .INDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Jewelry — Con. Canada Jewellers' Annual Directory; Will- son China, Jewellery & Giftware Directory. France Anniiaire Azur de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfevrerie, Horlogerie et Professions Annexes. Gemnany Einkaufsfuehrer und Adressbueh der Utiren- Schmuckwaren- und Edel- Metallwaren — Industrie. United Kingdom Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silver- smith Directory of Trade Names and Punch Marks. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Unifed Kingdom Power Laundry Directory and Who's Who. Leather Austria Jahrbuch der Lederwirtschaf t Oesterreichs. Belgium Annuaire de la Bourse aux Cuirs de Bruxelles. Canada Eraser's Canadian Leather Direc- tory; Hide and Leather Blue Book; Shoe and Leather Reporter Annual ; Willson Footwear & Leather Goods Directory. France Annuaire des Cuirs et Peaux, de la Pelleterie et de la Chaussure (world coverage) ; Annuaire de la Chaussure et des Cuirs. Germany Leder-, Lederwaren- und Schuh- Herold; Lederwaren-Branche (also Leather — -Con. includes Switzerland and Spain) ; Sailers Fachadressbuch der Leder- und Schuhwirtschaft. Switzerland Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Lederwirtschat't. United Kingdom British Quality; Buyers' Register and Brands Directory ; Shoeman's Guide. Libraries Italy Annuario delle Biblioteche Italiane. United Kingdom Library Association Year Book. Livestock Australia Australian Pastoral Directory. France Annuaire de I'lndustrie Laitiere et de la Porcherie. Lumber and Forest Products Austria Wer arbeitet in der Holzwirtschaft Oesterreichs. Canada Lumber and Forest Products Indus- try Directory of Canada. Finland Finnish Timber and Paper Calendar. Germany Adressbueh der Deutschen Holz- und Forstwirtschaf t ; Deutsches Forst- Adressbuch. Norway Norsk Trelastindustri. Sweden Handbook of the Northern Wood Industries (also includes Norway, Finland, and other countries). 119 FOREIGN BUSINESS DIRECTORIES. Lumber and Forest Products — Con. Unifed Kingdom Timber Trades Directory (world coverage). Machinery and Allied Equipment Africa, French Equatorial Aniinaire Noria (also includes French West Africa, French Togoland, and French Cameroons). Argentina Catalogo Industrial; Guia de los Proveedores de Maquinarias, Acces- orios y Products para la Industria Textil Latino-Americana. Canada Byers Trade Directory; Canadian Engineering & Machinery Yearbook; Canadian Machinery; Canadian Ma- chinery & Manufacturing News ; Era- ser's Canadian Leather Directory; Industrial Equipment Handbook ; Ma- chine Production & Canadian Supply. France France Textile. Germany Firmenhandbuch der Foerdermittel- und Transportmittelindustrie ; Fir- menkundliches Handbuch der Liefer- firmen f uer die Brauwirtschaf t ; Man- ual of the German Engineering In- dustry; AVho Makes Machinery? India Handbook of Indigenous Manufac- turers — Engineering Stores ; Indian Engineers Buyers Guide. Italy Annuario Generale dell'Alimenta- zione Italiana (for food industry) ; Annuario Generale dell Marina Mer- cantile Italiana e delle Attivita' Por- tuarie Internazionali (for shipyards) ; Annuario Generale dei Molini e Pasti- fici Italiani (for flour mills) ; Annu- ario del Legno (woodworking) ; Ar- chivi SAIT (agricultural and textile 120 Machinery and Allied Equipment — Con. machinery and equipment) ; Atrezza- ture per le Industrie Gratiche (print- ing) ; Guida Cotone (textile) ; Guida Repertorio Tecnologico delle Macchine Utensili (machine tools) ; Macchine per Cucire (sewing machines) ; Reper- torio della Produzione Chi mica Itali- ana e del Commercio Chimico (for chemical industry) ; Utensileria, At- trezzature, Strumenti di ControUo per la lavorazione dei metalli, del legno ed altri Material! (tools and control instruments for processing of metals, wood, and other materials). Netherlands Catalogus voor Chemische Appara- tuur (chemical apparatus) ; Chemi- calien Adresboek (chemical indus- try) ; Tabaksalmanak (tobacco proc- essing equipment). Switzerland Adressbuch fur Maschinenapparate und Werkzeuge ; Adressbuch der Schweizerischen Maschinen- und Metall-Industrie. Union of South Africa South African Mining and Engineer- ing Year Book (also includes Northern and Southern Rhodesia). United Kingdom British Petroleum Equipment ; Food Directory ; Machinery Buyers' Guide ; Machinery Market Trades Index ; Shoeman's Guide (shoe machinery) ; Steam Boiler Year Book and Manual. Medical Profession Algeria Annuaire Medical et Pharmaceuti- que de I'Union Francaise. Australia Medical Directory of Australia. Belgium Annuaire de la Sante Publique. JNDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Medical Profession^ — Con. Denmark Danske Lagestand ; Medicinsk Vej- viser. Egypt r Annua ire Medical Egyptien. Finland Soumen Laakarien Ja Hammas- laakarien luettelo; Yleinen Laakin- tahakemisto. France Annuaire Dentaire; Guide Rosen- wald. Guatemala Nomina, Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos de Guatemala. Hong Kong Gregg's Medical Directory of Hong Kong & Macao; Pharmaceutical & Chemical Directory of Hong Kong. India All India Medical Directory and Who's Who. Ireland, Republic of Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society, Limited ; Irish Medical and Hospital Directory. Italy Annuario dell'Italia Sanitaria. Portugal Annuario Medico de Portugal Con- tinental, Insular e Colonial. Sweden Svenska Lakare och Tandlakare. Switzerland Schweizerisches Medizinisches Jahr- buch. Union of South Africa Register of Medical Practitioners and Dentists for the Union of South Africa. Medicinals ond Pharmaceuticals Argentina Manual de Especialidades Medi- cinales. Belgium Annuaire de la Sante Fublique. Canada Drug Merchandising Drug Index ; General Merchant of Canada. Egypt Index Medical et Pharmaceutique d'Egypte. France Annuaire General de la Pharniacie Francaise (also includes French Col- onies). India All India Medical Directory and* Who's Who ; All-India Pharmaceutical Directory ; Indian Chemical and Phar- maceutical Industry; Report of the Pharmaceutical En\rgenf/na Guia Hotelera de la Republica Ar- gentina. Canada Canadian Aviation ; Canadian Ports and Shipping Directory; Westrade Traffic Directory. Cuba Shipping Directory of Cuba. Denmark Danmarks Skibsliste. France Annuaire de la Marine Marchande. Transportation — Con. Germany Offizielles Spediteur - Adressbuch ( forwarding agents ) . Italy Annuario Generale della IMarina Mercantile Italiana e delle Attivita' Portuarie Internazionali ; Annuario Generale dei Trasporti e delle Indu- strie Ausiliarie : Indicatore dei Tra- sporti Marittinii Internazionale. Netherlands Moorman's Jaarboek voor Scheep- vaart en Scheepsbouw. Norway Norske Skibsrederier. Sweden Sveriges Skeppslista. United Kingdom Directory of Railway Officials and Year Book (world coverage) ; Direc- tory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers (world coverage) ; Passenger Transport Year Book and Directory ; Shipping World Year Book and Who's Who (world coverage). Vending Machines Germany Automaten Markt. Veterinarians See Medical Profession. Waste Trades Netherlands Jaarboek Oude Materialen en Af- valstoffen. United Kingdom Waste Trades Manual and Direc- tory. Wines See Beverages. 128 JNDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, SPECIAL Woodworking Woodworking — Con. Austria Italy Wer arbeitet in der Holzwirtschaft Annuario del Legno. Oesterreichs. «► •* i » Switzerland France Scliweizer Holzindustrie und Bauge- Annuaire France Bois. __ werbe. 129 Appendix B INDEX TO COUNTRY DIRECTORIES, WORLD COVERAGE For a description of the directories named in this appendix, see the country- directories portion of this guide. The country noted here is the country of origin. General France Bottin-Mondial. Germany Myer's Adressbuch der Exporteure und Importeure. United Kingdom Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers Directory, Kelly's. Special Austria Assecuranz Compass- France Annuaire des Cuirs et Peaux, de la Pelleterie et de la Chaussure ; An- nuaire de I'Electricite et de la T. S. F. ; Annuaire de la Papeterie Universelle ; Annuaire des Produits Chimiques et de la Droguerie; Tout Cinema. Switzerland Handbuch der Internationalen Kaut- schukindustrie. Special — Con. United Kingdom Bankers' Almanac and Year Book ; Directory of Railway Officials and Year Book ; Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers; Directory of the World's Flax Spin- ners, Linen Thread Manufacturers and Flax and Yarn Merchants ; Gas World Year Book; Iron and Steel Works of the World; Mining Year Book; Newspaper Press Directory; Oil and Petroleum Year Book ; Paper Makers' and Merchants' Directory of all Nations ; Phillips' Paper Trade Directory of the World ; Shipping World Year Book and Who's Who; Skinner's Cotton Trade Directory of the World ; Skinner's Wool Trade Directory of the World; Timber Trades Directory; World's Non-Fer- rous Smelters and Refineries; Year Book of the Textile Institute. 131 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD OFFICES Information on all phases of world trade — ranging from comprehensive eco- nomic and business data to details on export and import regulations — is quickly and directly available to businessmen in their own cities or localities through the 33 Field Offices of the U. S. Department of Commerce. Conveniently located in the business centers of the United States, the Field Offices are staffed with foreign trade specialists who keep constantly abreast of developments in the United States and abroad. Aided by the current infor- mation and publications sent to them regularly from Washington, they are well equipped to serve world traders in their communities. The addresses of the Department's Field Offices follow : Albuquerque, N. Mex., Room 321 Post Office Bldg. Atlanta 5, Ga., Peachtree and Seventh St. Bldg. Boston 9, Mass., 1416 U. S. Post Office and Courthouse Bldg. Buffalo 3, N. Y., 117 Ellicott St. Charleston 4, S. C, Area 2, Sergeant Jasper Bldg,, West End Broad St. Cheyenne, Wye, 307 Federal Office Bldg. Chicago 6, 111., 226 W. Jackson Blvd. Cincinnati 2, Ohio, 442 U. S. Post Office and Courthouse. Cleveland 14, Ohio, 1100 Chester Ave. Dallas 2, Tex., 1114 Commerce St. Denver 2, Colo., 142 New Customhouse. Detroit 26, Mich., 438 Federal Bldg. El Paso, Tex., Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Houston 2, Tex., 430 Lamar Ave. Jacksonville 1, Fla., 425 Federal Bldg. Kansas City 6, Mo., Federal Office Bldg. Los Angeles 15, Calif., 1031 S. Broadway. Memphis 3, Tenn., 229 Federal Bldg. JMiami 32, Fla., 300 NE. First Ave. Minneapolis 1, Minn., 319 Metropolitan Bldg. New Orleans 12, La., 333 St. Charles Ave. New York 17, N. Y., 110 E. 45th St. Philadelphia 7, Pa., 1015 Chestnut St. Phoenix, Ariz., 137 N. Second Ave. Pittsburgh 22, Pa., 107 Sixth St. Portland 4, Oreg., 217 Old U. S. Courthouse. Reno, Nev., 1479 Wells Ave. liichmond 20, Va., 900 N. Lombardy St. St. Louis 1, Mo., 910 New Federal Bldg. Salt Lake City 1, Utah, 222 S. W. Temple St. San Francisco 11, Calif., Room 419 Customhouse. Savannah, Ga., 235 U. S. Courthouse and Post Office Bldg. Seattle 4, Wash., 909 First Ave. For local telephone numh&rs, consult U. S. Government section of phone book. 132 U: S. GOVERNMEI IPbrld Coverage . .Z PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES iiiiiiiiiiin Published by the Bureau of Foreign Commerce • • • for world traders Annual Subscription: Domestic $3.50, Foreign $4.50. From U.S. Department of Commerce Field Offices or from. Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.