7 7 Operations Manual East Flower Garden Bank Brine Seep Biological Assessment «<" c v Xt* 1 * ° %d& U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Coastal Zone Management OPERATIONS MANUAL EAST FLOWER GARDENS BANK BRINE SEEP BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT August 28 - September 18, 1980 Sponsored by OFFICE OF COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE in cooperation with HARBOR BRANCH FOUNDATION, INC. and TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EAST FLOWER GARDENS BANK BRINE SEEP BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANUAL This Operations Manual satisfies the requirements of NOAA Circular 78.31 (June 1, 1978) entitled Leasing and Operation of Submersibles and NOA7T" Circular 74-62 (August 12, 1974) entitled NOAA Diving Regulations W^ J. Umbach n'stant Director '0 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/eastflowergardenOOnati TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary i I. Overview of the Operation 1 II. Mission Objective 3 III. Mission Plan 3 A. Operating Area 3 B. Chronology 5 C. Training Requirements 9 D. Routine Reports 9 E. Limiting Environmental Conditions 9 F. Alternative Mission Plans 9 G. Scientific Reports 10 IV. Organization and Personnel 10 A. Chain of Command Responsibilities 10 B. Participants and Their Duties 11 V. Facilities and Equipment to be Used 13 A. Surface Support Description 13 B. Manned Undersea System Description 17 C. Diver Description and Equipment 32 D. Photographic Equipment 35 E. Emergency Equipment Description 40 F. Communications 40 G. Navigation Control 42 VI . Emergency Procedures 45 A. Advance Notifications 45 B. Search and Rescue Facility Availability 46 C. Medical Treatment 46 D. Possible Emergencies and Planned Responses 46 E. Emergency Notifications 47 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Appendix 1 - Resumes of Key Personnel 1-1 Appendix 2 - J-S-L Emergency Procedures, DDC Facility and Life Support Systems 2-1 Appendix 3 - Emergency Notifications 3-1 SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-532) authorizes the Secretary of Commerce with Presidential approval to designate ocean areas with distinctive conservation, recreational, ecological or aesthetic values as marine sanctuaries. The Flower Garden Banks, lying more than one hundred miles offshore Texas and Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico, have been nominated as a candidate site for marine sanctuary designation by Texas State Senator A.R. Schwartz in conjunction with the Texas Coastal and Marine Council. The Banks are biologically unique and important. They contain not only the northwestern most living reefs on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, but also many important habitats for unusual marine organisms. Included in these habitats is the East Flower Garden Brine Seep System, appropriate for study because of its (1) unique physical, chemical, and biological systems; (2) the extreme fragility of the system; and (3) the importance of the systems in general for science and in particular for the understanding of the evolution of benthic community structure. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Coastal Zone Management, in cooperation with scientists from Texas A & M University (TAMU) and Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. (HBF), will sample in the brine seep and adjacent canyon and hard-bottom community resources and equipment provided by HBF. This manual presents the operations plan for this resource sampling survey. 11 OFFICE OF COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Coastal Zone Management (OCZM) was established to administer the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-583). In addition to this responsibility, the Secretary of Commerce delegated the authority to OCZM to administer Title III of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-532). The authority granted under Title III is for the purpose of setting forth the procedure by which areas may be nominated as marine sanctuaries and the concepts, policies, and procedures for the processing of nominations as well as for the selection, designation, and operation of a marine sanctuary. Through its desire to undertake an active role in management and research in the proposed East and West Flower Gardens Marine Sanctuary, OCZM is acting cooperatively with TAMU and HBF in planning, preparation, and execution of this deepwater resource survey. As project manager and coordinator, OCZM is providing technical personnel responsible for designing and executing the project, contacting the necessary outside scientific experts and is funding part of their equipment shipping and personnel travel expenses. Ill TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY The University's College of Geoscience's Department of Oceanography is involved in oceanographic research, including surveying and sampling of unusual marine biotic communities. The Department is providing technical personnel who are responsible for developing the scientific plan for the mission, preparing and analyzing all samples collected, constructing or making available any supplies or equipment needed for scientific research, and for writing the final cruise and scientific report. HARBOR BRANCH FOUNDATION, INC . The Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. (HBF), is a not-for-profit organization established in 1970 primarily for research in the marine sciences and for the development of oceanographic tools and systems for undersea research. Outlined below are HBF's program objectives: 1. Accumulating and computerizing knowledge in the field of oceanology, particularly as it applies to the effects of pollution. 2. Sponsoring and engaging in scientific research and development for the purposes of making inventories and observing the behavior of marine plants and animals through various stages of their life cycles in unpolluted and polluted waters. 3. Developing new engineering tools and improved safety equipment for marine and oceanographic research and operating laboratories for the furtherance of such research. IV 4. Developing methods for changing the character of pollution, by eliminating the harmful effects and by utilizing the nutrients and beneficial effects. 5. Sponsoring and engaging in underwater archaeology projects through the use of new engineering tools and methods. 6. Preparing and distributing publications, research materials, lectures, and seminars which serve to disseminate knowledge of marine plants and animals and ocean engineering research and development. HBF is providing technical personnel, both surface and underwater vessels, and equipment to meet the operation requirements for proposed East Flower Gardens Bank Brine Seep Assessment. I. OVERVIEW OF THE OPERATION The area to be surveyed is part of the proposed East and West Flower Gardens Marine Sanctuary, located approximately 110 nautical miles (nm) southeast of Galveston, Texas, and 120 nm south of Cameron, Louisiana. The proposed sanctuary would include the waters overlaying the banks and extending to within 4 nm of the 100 m (328 ft.) isobaths of each bank, a total area of approximately 173.25 square nautical miles. Personal communication with Thomas J. Bright and Eric N. Powell (Texas A & M University) indicates the East Flower Garden (EFG) Brine Seep system (Figure 1) is biologically important for the following reasons: (1) the bacteria of the seep oxidize sulfide in high salinity water at low light levels. Data suggest that a bacterial association, under the conditions found here, occurs rarely, if at all, anywhere else; (2) the benthic communities found downstream of the seep may exist primarily on sulfur bacteria as a food source. As such, community composition and structure are exotic and population densities are unusually high (in fact, the communities are analogous to the Galapagos Rift hydrothermal vent community in this regard—see Ballard et al . , 1979); (3) one of these communities --the one associated with the white sulfur bacterial mat in the overflow canyon--is absolutely unprecedented. This community is dominated by gnathostomulids, a relatively unknown phylum restricted to sulfide system-like environments. A community dominated numerically (and possibly in biomass also) by this phylum has never been reported before, and in fact, may be unique. There is every reason to believe it is a "living fossil" community; u - V) •» 2 'c o ■S o c "c o ■o •o « o o a £ ,0 „ E 9 c _2 •2 e o .C o. c c — V 1 -c "a. ° w I o U 1 X m * ^ t Vf I * * Q. a> CD O) £= •r- $- CQ C rt3 CD •D J- «3 O S- o -p to O) ^: *J o < < 9 * 9 2-5 o • 2 ° S £ S . * ~ 2 2 «S v-~-^ (4) the gnathostomulid species may themselves be unique. We have not yet consulted with a systematic expert in the group, but the large size of the organisms involved, coupled with the general knowledge of the group which we do have, leads us to believe that the species may indeed be undescribed. Thus it is clear that the biological associations found at the EFG brine seep are unusual and deserving of careful study. II. MISSION OBJECTIVE Doctors Bright and Powell of Texas A & M University, with the support of the Office of Coastal Zone Management (OCZM) will use Harbor Branch Foundation facilities and equipment, including the submersible JOHNSON-SEA-LINK (J-S-L) to undertake a series of dives to quantitatively sample marine resources in the East Flower Garden Bank Brine Seep System, near the overflow canyon and coral reef, and adjacent soft-and hard-bottom communities. J-S-L diver 1 ock-out capabilities will be used to collect any necessary biological samples for species identification. Video tape and still photography will be used to document observations. III. MISSION PLAN A. Operating Area Figure 2 shows the project operating area. The onshore base of operations will be located at Texas A & M Marine Biomedical Institute at Galveston, Texas. The physical characteristics of the area are as f ol 1 ows : Depth: Operating area depths vary from 100-300 feet for observations and 100-200 feet for lock-out dives. Currents: Predominately east to west at surface. Bottom current directions correspond to those of surface currents in early Fall . Obstacles: None. Temperature: Diving September temperatures range from Surface: 150 feet: 300 feet: 27°C 22°C 19°C Bathymetry: The East Flower Garden Bank is distinguished by several distinct biotic zones lying at depths from 20 to 120 meters. (Figure 3) B. Chronology 19 January Meeting at HBF with N0AA and TAMU to discuss operation. R.V. Johnson departs Link port. 28 August 1 September PHASE I: 2 September Dive 1 Arrive Galveston. Onload scientist and supplies. Depart for operations area. Arrive operations area. Submersible dive, Pilot and Bright Locate brine seep, emplace marker buoy. Sample soft bottom in vicinity of brine seep using sediment scoops or appropriate sediment samplers (20 samples.) Salinities at each sample site using salinometer or con- ductivity meter. No lock-out diving required. Dive 2: Lock-out submersible dive, depth 250' approximately Sample overflow canyon 4 sediment samples (for meiofauna) 3 September Dive 1 1 sample of blue-green or bacterial mat 4 samples of epi benthos from bacterial mat 2 salinity samples (water) 2 sulfide samples (water) 2 dissolved oxygen samples (water) 2 total organic carbon samples (water) 2 temperature measurements 1 photographic transect with frame (36 photos) Video documentation of sampling effort. Lock-out submersible dive, depth 250' approximately Complete sampling described for September 2, Dive 2. Dive 2: Submersible dive, Pilot and Bright Detailed measurements of dimensions of brine pool, basin, canyon overflow and over flow stream. Flow meter measurements in stream. High resolution temperature and salinity profiles in brine pool and stream. Photographic documentation. Video documentation of sampling. 4 September Dive 1: Dive 2; 5 September Dive 1 Lock-out submersible dive, depth 235' approximately Sample main brine pool 4 sediment samples (for meiofauna) 4 bacteria samples 4 samples of epi benthos from hard bottom 2 salinity samples (water) 2 sulfied samples (water) 2 dissolved oxgen samples (water) 2 total organic carbon samples (water) 2 temperature measurements 1 photographic transect with frame (36 photos) Video documentation of sampling. Submersible dive, depth 235' approximately Complete sampling described in Dive 1. Submersible dive, Pilot and Powell Sampling of soft bottom adjacent to brine seep at varying distances away from seep at corresponding depths. m H Z LU Q QT < C9 or c n P^C _ o G> E CL to CO o a> i: a 3 X aj h- "2 .c a. < 3 (f) t o Q en < a> en u_ UJ c= o o c X> .^ o o «> > o ai o* O E XI - to § < JZ u ism/ 1 I si 1 i 1 i s . * its.*-. E S - . o. -1 S 1 S 6 1 - S I i | | | | | s» II || | S | 1 al Si £i jl £ 12 * jl !l i £ 2 f a- sm ^ SU313M M Hid30 8 Dive 2: Lock-out submersible dive, depth 270' approximately Same sampling effort as described for September 2, Dive 2 but at mouth of canyon. 6 September Dive 1: Dive 2; Lock-out sumbersible dive, depth 270' approximately Complete sampling started on September 5, Dive 2. Submersible dive, Pilot and Bright Descriptive transect on a line between coral reef and brine seep. Collection of benthic biota for systematic determinations. 7 September Dive 1 Dive 2; 8 September Dive 1; Dive 2: 9 September PHASE II: 10-14 Sept. Submersible dive, Pilot and Bright Locate and mark gas seeps. Submersible dive, depth 150' approximately 4 sediment samples. Sampling substratum and biota associated with natural gas seeps. Lock-out submersible dive, depth 250' approximately 4 sediment samples. Sampling substratum and biota associated with natural gas seeps. Lock-out submersible dive, depth 300' approximately 4 sediment samples. Sampling substratum and biota associated with natural gas seeps. Return to Galveston. Onload new scientist and supplies. Return to operations area. Dr. Nat Eiseman of HBF will be conducting the required observational transect from the shallow (coral reef) area of East Flower Garden Bank to a point below the brine seep. He will also be conducting a series of lock-out dives at 100', 125', 160', 200' and at selected points around the "brine lake" and "canyon". These dives are necessary to augment the transect work. The distribution and species of algae collected will be reported. Light meter and thermograph instruments will be deployed in the study area and recovered at the conclusion of the mission. Dr. Robert Jones of HBF will be making observations and photographic recordings of marine fishes in and around the brine seep. This will be a continuation of work begun by Dr. Bright. Of special interest will be the behavior of these fishes toward the brine stream. 15 September Depart operations area. Return to Galveston to offload scientific party. R.V. Johnson returns to Link Port. 18 September R.V. Johnson arrives Link Port. C. Training Requirements No specific training will be required for this operation as HBF will be using experienced staff familiar with the equipment and procedures required for this mission. D. Routine Reports The only routine report which will be made during the mission is a scheduled call to Link Port each morning 0900 to inform HBF of the happenings of the day before and the scheduled activities of the day. Because a NOAA Representative will be on-site throughout the operation, reports will be submitted to OCZM on an as-appropriate basis, followed by a report at the end of the operation. E. Limiting Environmental Conditions Limiting environmental conditions which have a significant impact on the execution of the mission are: Sea State - The surface support vessels cannot operate in a Sea State greater than 5 as they are unable to launch or recover the J-S-L. Therefore, any time such condition arises, the operation will be halted until calmer seas prevail. The weather forcast will be monitored on Channel WX and NOAA will contact the National Weather Service to inform them of the planned mission so they may provide up-to-date information upon request. Currents- Because the operational propulsion of the J-S-L is 1.5 knots, any curents over 1.5 knots will result in review of the planned dive. Turbidity- Reduced visibility in the water could have an impact on good photographic data and limit submersible operations. 10 F. Alternative Mission Plans If the Sea State is such that the vessels cannot operate, no mission plans can be substituted as the purpose of this operation is to conduct a biological assessment which requires vessel operations. If operating days are lost due to weather, first priority will be given to TAMU for completion of their research. G. Scientific Reports HBF will provide final reports on their algae and fish investigations by December 30, 1980. TAMU will provide NOAA with a cruise report by November 1, 1980 and a final scientific report in publishable form by August 31, 1981. IV. Organization and Personnel Figure 4 illustrates diagrammatical ly the organization of the participants in the operation. A. Chain of Command and Responsibilities Director, Operations and Enforcement (OCZM )- is responsible for overall program planning and coordination. He will be advised by the NOAA representative and the operations director of any event which could affect the safety of the open-sea operation. Substantial alterations to the mission plan must have the prior approval of the Director for Operations and Enforcement. He will be responsible for keeping the Assistant Administrator for Coastal Zone Management informed of all ongoing activities. NOAA Representative - is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the mission. Safety of the operation will be foremost in his mind, and he will keep the Director, Operations and Enforcement 11 informed of any problems affecting the mission. He may, in the event it is necessary and only under circumstances where he observes that the safety of personnel or failure to observe pre-arranged agreements arises, suspend further open-sea operations. Operations Directo r - has the responsibility for the overall safe and efficient operation of the mission. Safety of the operation will be foremost in his mind, and he will keep the NOAA Representative advised of any event which could alter the mission's plan or affect the safety of the operation. He is also responsible for the coordination of launching, operating, tracking and recovery of the submersibles. He will make the final decision as to the readiness of the submersible to operate and will direct those technical personnel responsible to him in carrying out their assigned duties and assure that all diving equipment is functional and properly maintained. Chief Scientist - is responsible for the scientific mission, and for coordinating the science plan of the mission. He will coordinate the activities of the scientists with the Operations Director and keep him informed of any alteration which would affect the daily operations schedule. Support Ship Captain - is responsible for the safe operation of the support ship and its equipment and personnel. He will coordinate with the Operation Director all support ship activities with respect to submersible operations. B. Participants and Their Duties National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 12 4-> L. O O. CL a to «o VI u •*-> •p- CO •M •^ CO +-> CO f c O) o l •^ _l 4-> CJ CO cn r— C r- (O 0) E c CO c 5 cu o •r" O to •P" -4-> ■4-> a. -r- ■M c -»-> CU O t- C O S- «3 a. to s_ o •r— UJ ^ o Chief omas B bert J •M a. -C o 1— C£ i- o ♦J u 01 1. •r- Q j*: S § c CU E CU ratic iger U a> -S L. o. ce O o v»- eu c J*-«* <♦- si en j_ c o CO E o a> f0 ra * o >> - <_> •2 £ «- i. * £ fl o E ♦J E 3 «-> cu Q. cn E «- aj CU 5*«- •m L. <_> 00 Q CO Q. 01 C a: cu «C Q. < cu O +J z CO CU s- 13 Stephen Jameson Texas A & M University Thomas J. Bright Eric N. Powell Director, Operations and Enforcement NOAA Representative Chief Scientist - Phase I Research Scientist Harbor Branch Personnel Robert Jones Nat Eiseman Chief Scientist - Phase II Research Scientist V. Facilities and Equipment to be Used A. Surface Support System Description 1. R/V JOHNSON The R/V JOHNSON is a converted 125-foot Coast Guard Cutter. It was redesigned specifically to support the lock-out submersible, J-S-L, and is an intergral part of a 1000- foot submersible lock-system, the vessel provides a stable platform for the safe launch and retrieval of the submersible in seas up to State 5, a lock-on decompression facility, a scientific lab, and support facilities for 22 people. a. General Specifications 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9 10 11) 12) 13) Load Length, Overall Beam, Molded Displacement, Full Draft, Maximum Draft, Amidships Full Diesel Fuel Potable Water Dry Storage and Lockers Frozen Stores Berthing Gal ley Messing Lounge Messing Propulsion Load 14) Transmissions 123'8" 26 '8" 350 tons 10'8 M 8'10" 10,000 gallons 2,295 gallons 691 cu. ft. 53 cu. ft. 18 berths 6 seats 8 seats 2 - CAT 3408TA diesels, 400 BHP at 1800 RPM 365 MG514 (Omega) 4.5-1 Reduction Twin Disc 15 15) Bow Thruster 16) Electrical Power 17) Distillers (2) 18) Air Condition Compressors (2) 19) Maximum Speed 20) Cruise Speed 21) Fuel Consumption at Cruise 22) Foredeck Cargo Crane 80 H.P. Schottel unit 2 GM 471 diesels 75 KW ea Maxim distillers Model HJ-10 20 gal . per hour 7 1/2 tons 14 knots 12 knots 34 gallons per hour 4 tons 2. J-S-L Handling System for R/Y JOHNSON The handling system consists of one hydro crane, two capstans, a battery pod footprint, two vertical supports to support the after end of the J-S-L and various padeyes, chains, and turnbuckles for securing the J-S-L to the deck. In addition to this the R/Y JOHNSON has aluminum pipe back stops with gates that can be moved through 90° to accommodate an inner and outer tiedown position. The hydro crane was designed principally for the launch and retrieval of the J-S-L over the stern of a small ship. It can be used for other purposes provided the design loads are not exceeded. It is constructed entirely of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 welded with 5356 electrode and has a 100 percent hydraulically operated system, incorporated in the crane head is a hydraulic braking system that dampens roll and pitch of the suspended load when it is in the housed position. 16 The R/V JOHNSON receives its hydraulic power for the submersible handling system from two sunstran 55 G.P.M. pumps which are clutched to the frame of each main engine. The crane hydraulic power can be cross-connected with the forward hydraulic system which furnishes power to the bow thruster, anchor windless, and cargo crane. a. Pertinent Data 1) Crane Maximum Hydraulic Pressure -- 2500 PSI 2) Brake Maximum Hydraulic Pressure -- 1000 PSI 3) Cable type - 7/8" dia. 6 x 25 IWRC, extra improved plow steel, pre-stretched , right regular lay, bright finish, breaking strength 80,000 lbs. 4) Average pick-up velocity - 1.4 ft. per second b. Maximum Sea Condition 1) Sea State 4 with 22,000 lbs. load 2) Sea State 5 with 20,000 lbs. load 3) Pitch +10° for 6 seconds 4) Roll +10° for 8 seconds 17 B. Manned Undersea ^System Description J-S-L I will be used during the mission. 1. General Description The J-S-L is a small research submarine designed to operate at depths to 3,000 feet. The J-S-L has two manned pressure hulls: a two-man sphere constructed of four-inch thick plexiglass and a separate dive com- partment made of welded aluminum. The sphere provides the pilot and one observer with panoramic visibility and is maintained at one atmosphere. The diver compartment has two view ports for scientific observation at one atmosphere and is designed for a diver lock-out to 1,500 feet and mating to a deck decompression facility. The frame, ballast tanks, and electrical /electronic housing are all constructed from aluminum. It is 18 equipped with SONAR, underwater communication, FM system, echo sounder, mechanical arm, life support systems, and closed circuit diving equipment Eight thruster units provide three dimensional mobility. An oil battery and a static inverter which converts DC to AC provide power. 2. General Specifications 1) Overall a) Length 22*10.25" b) Beam 7* 10.75" , 7 „ I C» c) Height 10'7 d) Draft 7' 6 e) Weight 21,481 lbs. f) Payload 1,335 lbs. g) Gross Weight 22,816 lbs. 2) Pilot's Sphere a) Inside Diameter 58" b) Hull Thickness 4" c) Internal Volume 59 cu. ft. d) Hatch Opening 18" diameter (1) Operating Depth 3,000 (2) Classification depth 1,000 (3) Test Dept 3,300 (4) Crush Dept 8,000 Description The sphere contains the following: sphere electrical control panel, sphere junction box, electronic equipment rack, Straza sonar electronics, Straza underwater telephone electronics, Sperry Doppler Navigator, Magnesyn compass, echo-sounder, one FM transceiver, underwater loud- 20 speaker amplifier, diver's communications amplifier, sound powered phone, thruster control unit, freon detector, P02 and PC02 analyzers, diver compartment P02 and PC02 monitors, two C02 scrubbers, air conditioning coil and fans, mechanical arm control unit, two seats, two oxygen breathing regulators, oxygen flow meter, flow pressure air regulator, two emergency breathing regulators, two face masks, high pressure air manifold, high pressure gas manifold, variable ballast flood valves, diver's bilge flood and exhaust valves, battery drop mechanism, two inflatable vests, tool kit, spare fuses, first aid kit, two saltwater desalter kits, fifty pounds of spare LiOH, two flash lights, external pressure guage, internal pressure guage, diver compartment pressure guage, fire extinguisher, flares and potable water. The sphere is manned by a J-S-L pilot and one observer who has been briefed on the sphere or is a J-S-L crew member. The sphere is always maintained at one atmosphere but is capable of withstanding 60 psi over external pressure. Decompression of the diver compartment is normally controlled from the sphere. 3) Diver Compartment a) Length 8" b) Internal Diameter 52.78" c) Hull Thickness (1) Side Wall 3.36" (2) Heads 2.33" - 2.80" 21 d) Internal Volume 73 cu. ft. e) Medical Lock 4" I.D. x 11.5" deep f) Side Ports 10" dia. x 4" thick g) "A" Hatch Port 7" dia. x 2" thick h) "B" Hatch Port 7" dia. x 2" thick i) "A" Hatch Opening 27" diameter j) "B" Hatch Opening 24" diameter k) Man way Opening 20" diameter 1 ) External Pressure (1) Operating Depth 3,000' (2) Classification Depth 1,000 (3) Test Depth 4,500 (4) Crush Depth 6,000 m) Internal Pressure (1) Test Pressure 1,000 psi (2) Operating Pressure 670 psi Description The diver compartment is a welded aluminum cylinder with spherical heads. It has a medical lock, a front and two side view ports as well as a viewpoint in "A" hatch, two penetrator plugs, a bilge under a plexi- glass floor that serves as a ballast tank, and a manway with an internal hatch that seats with internal pressure and an external hatch that seats with sea water pressure. The entrance to the manw?y is a 32 inch-bolt circle flange used to mate the submersible to a decompression facility. The diver compartment contains the following: an electrical junction box, C02 scrubber, two oxygen masks with overboard dump, one Bio-Marine closed cycle rebreather , or appropriate diver breathing apparatus, two emergency breathing regulators, two umbilical s, one fan, one overhead 22 rigging gear, dive tables, morse code, 02 flow meter, external pressure gauge, internal pressure guage, sound powered phone, one intercom speaker and headset, spare light bulb, an emergency main ballast blow system, and medical lock. The tender compartment is always manned by one J-S-L diver and one observer, who has been briefed on the diver compartment system or another J-S-L diver in the case of planned lock-out dive. It is maintained at one atmosphere except when preparing for a lock-out. "A" hatch has a view port for observing obstruction on the bottom that might impede lock-out. A front view port is provided for viewing between the sphere and diver -compartment and two side viewports are provided for lateral visibility. The diver compartment is always equipped for a lock-out at the maximum depth of the mission, not to exceed 1,500 feet. Blow down and decompression can be carried out from the pilot's sphere or the diver compartment. c. Construction Materials 1) Pilot's sphere Acrylic Plexiglass Grade "G" Annealed 2) Diver Compartment Aluminum 5456 3) Frame Aluminum 6061 d. Air Supply 1) Air a) Eight aluminum lined fiberglass wrapped (1) Maximum Pressure 3200 psi 23 2) Volume at 3200 psi 324 cu. ft. ea. Air System Description 1. Air is stored in two separate banks of four cylinders each, The cylinders are attached to the frame on the port and starboard sides. Both banks are piped into the pilot's sphere and connected to the pilot's five-way valve, diver and mask five-way valves (3.1 -A) and the air cross- connect. Either bank may be selected or both banks by opening the air cross-connect. Each bank has a common charging connection located on the charging manifolds. The air banks are pressurized to maximum allowable working pressures prior to each dive, 2) Oxygen a) Two Steel Aluminum Lined Fiberglass wrapped Cylinders (1) Maximum Pressure 3000 psi (2) Volume at 300 psi 252 cu. ft. each Description and Operation 1) Oxygen is stored in two separate cylinders. The oxygen cylinders are attached to the submersible's frame on the port and starboard sides of the diver compartment. Both cylinders are piped into the pilot's sphere. The port cylinder supplies oxygen to the pilot's sphere metabolic metering valve and flow meter, the diver compartment metabolic metering valve and flow meter and mask system five-way valve. The starboard cylinder is used as a back-up supply and can be used by opening the oxygen 24 cross-connect valve located in the pilot's sphere. Each cylinder has a common charging connection located on the charging manifolds. 2) Oxygen is piped from the pilot's sphere into the diver compartment oxygen metabolic metering valve. Oxygen then enters the dispersal tube or the closed circuit rebreather. 3) Gas a) One Aluminum Sphere (1) Maximum Pressure 1900 psi (2) Volume at 1900 psi 1769 cu. ft. b) Eight Steel "T" Cylinders (J-S-L II) (1) Maximum Pressure 3200 psi (2) Volume at 3200 psi 234 cu. ft. each Description 1. Gas is stored in two separate banks, the gas sphere and the auxiliary bank. The gas sphere is located aft of the rear "A" frame between the lower frame and the strong back and is held in place by three bolts. The auxiliary gas bank, consisting of eight cylinders, is located on the port and starboard sides of the main battery. Both banks are piped into the pilot's sphere and connect to the pilot's five-way valve and diver and mask five-way valves. Either bank may be selected and cannot be cross-connected. Each bank has a separate charging connection located on the charging manifolds. The gas sphere and the auxiliary gas bank are pressurized to maximum allowable working pressure prior to each dive. 25 e. Bal last Capacities 1) Main Ballast Tanks 3455 lbs. S.W. 2) Variable Ballast Tanks 352 lbs. S.W. 3) Dive Ballast Tanks 402 lbs. S.W 4) Diver Compartment Bilge Tanks 286 lbs. S.W. f. Power 1) Battery a) Fourteen, 2 VDC EXIDE DTG-33 Lead-acid Batteries b) 1152 Ampere-hours c) Oil Compensated (25 gal. mineral oil) Description The battery is built from fourteen 2 VDC lead-acid batteries wired 1n series and center tapped to the provide + 14 VDC, and DC common. The batteries are housed inside an aluminum pod with a plexiglass top and are attached to the bottom of the submersible frame under the sphere. The 26 pod is filled with mineral oil and pressure compensated through two 1/2 inch lines from two oil filled bladders housed in a compartment on the front of the battery pod. The plexiglass top contains an oil fill- ing port, vent valve set approximately .25 lbs., a four conductor penetrator to connect the water detection and battery charging, and two battery posts. When the battery is fully charged it will indicate 31 VDC, and when it is about depleted it will indicate approximately 24.5 YDC. 2) Static Inverter a) Input (1) Voltage 24 to 32 YDC (2) Current 4 to 16 amp. b) Output (1) Voltage 115 VRMS + 5$ (2) Power to 250 VA (3) Frequency 60 Hz + .6 Hz Description The DC to AC inverter is mounted in a pressure proof cylinder attached to the frame of the submersible under the after end of the port main ballast tank. The inverter is energized by closing a switch and the sphere electrical control panel. The AC is routed into the sphere junction box and then out to the sonar and one outlet on the sphere electrical control panel. 27 Propulsion 1) Eight Identical Thruster a) Propeller - Four Blades 14 x 14 L.H. b) Motor (1) Permanent Magnet Continuous Duty (2) Reversible (3) 1.25 H.P. at 3900 RPM (4) 28 VDC c) Planetary Reduction Gears 9 -1 d) Thrust 100 lbs. ea Description The J-S-L obtains its three dimensional mobility from eight thruster units. All thrusters are controlled by individual switches on the thruster control unit inside the pilot's sphere. h. Life Support 1) Endurance 2) Carbon Dioxide Scrubbers a) Diver Compartment b) Pilot's Sphere 480 man hours (20 man days) Lindbergh-Hammer #787M9 H.B.F. Mod. Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. , Scrubber Description The dive chamber scrubber is a metal container consisting of a sealed continuous duty motor that 1s magnetically coupled to dual tur- bines and refillable scrubber cannister. It is mounted in the after 28 end of the diver compartment and power is applied by closing switch on the sphere electrical control panel. The HBF scrubber is a round container consisting of two boxer fans in series, a refillable scrubber cannister and a filter. It is mounted under the sphere hatch and power is applied by closing a switch on the sphere electrical control panel. The units are cycled on and off as necessary to keep the C02 level within normal limits. Fifty pounds of spare LiOH is carried in both the sphere and diver compartment, for refilling the cannisters, and yields 480 additional man hours of scrubbing ability. 3) Bio Marine CCR-1000 a) Operational Duration 6 hours per scrubber charge Description As a life support system, the Bio-Marine CCR-1000 can be used in the close cycle diving mode or the units can be used to scrub the C02 from the atmosphere. To use the unit as a scrubber, disconnect the exhaust side of the breathing hose and breath normally through the mouthpiece. Gas supply and electrical power is secured. 4) Emergency Breathing Regulators a) Pilot's Sphere 2 29 Description Emergency breathing regulators are provided in the pilot's sphere. Air or gas may be selected as a breathing medium. In case of fire, flooding or atmosphere contamination, emergency breathing regulators will be donned. 5) Oxygen Masks a) Diver Compartment 2 Oxygen masks with overboard dump are provided in the diver com- partment. (?) Metabolic Oxygen Bleed a) Pilot's Sphere 1 b) Diver Compartment 1 Description Prior to each mission the J-S-L oxygen banks are charged to 3000 psi, and capable of sustaining life for 20 man days. Low pressure oxygen flow meters are provided in both the pilot's sphere and the diver com- partment. The oxygen banks can be cross-connected in the pilot's sphere. Oxygen regulator by-passes are provided. Oxygen can be fed directly from the pilot's sphere into the diver compartment through a sampling line. 30 7) Oxygen Analyzer a) Pilot's Sphere (1) Beckman Atmosphere Oxygen Monitor (AOM) 6602 Description A portable Beckman AOM 6602 is calibrated and placed in the pilot's sphere during the pre-launch check before each mission and removed during the post dive check after each mission. This AOM requires a self con- tained power source. (2) One Remote Meter AOM 6602 from Diver Compartment b) Diver Compartment - One Beckman Minos Atmospheric Oxygen Monitor Model AOM 6602 Description During the pre-launch check before each mission a bulkhead mounted Beckman Minos AOM 6602 is calibrated and clamped to a frame in front of the diver compartment. It is removed during the post dive check after each mission. A remote monitor is permanently installed in the pilot's sphere. Either external or internal power may be selected on the diver compartment AOM 6602. The sensor is insensitive to other gases, and the output current is directly proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen. 31 8) Carbon Dioxide Monitors a) Pilot's Sphere (1) One Beckman Minos Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Monitor (ACDM) (2) One Bendix Gastec Analyzer - hand pump type (3) One Remote ACDM Meter Monitor from Diver Compartment b) Diver Compartment (1) One Beckman Minos ACDM (2) One Bendix Gastec Analyzer - hand pump type Operating Characteristics 1) Depth 0-1000 feet 2) Speed a) Cruise .75 knots 2 motors b) Maximum 1.50 knots 4 motors 32 C Diver Description and Equipment 1. JOHNSON-SEA-LINK Lock-out Dives a. Breathing Equipment Primary Umbilical -supplied, open circuit , KMB-10 hat with communications Secondary Small Auxiliary Bail- out Bottle (KMB-10 only) b. Breathing Mixture Air 1200 cubic feet total-air 600 cubic feet total-0 2 33 Description Normally a lock-out dive from the J-S-L will consist of one tethered diver who is tended by another diver from inside the dive compartment. As the J-S-L approaches a lock-out site, the pilot positions the J-S-L on the bottom, pointing into the current at the work site, reports his depth to the support ship and requests permission to flood down. After the divers are dressed-out and report ready for lock-out, the pilot requests permission from the surface to blow down. The divers secure their 02 bleed and C02 scrubber, check "A" hatch undogged and report to the pilot standing by for blow down. Then the pilot initiates a count down over the underwater telephone and the J-S-L intercom. The diver- tender controls blow down in the diver compartment and maintains a 100* per minute descent rate. The rate of descent is monitored by the pilot. (If necessary, the pilot can override the tender). When the diver compartment equalizes and the "A" hatch seal is broken, the pilot reports to the support ship. When the "A" hatch seal is broken the diver- tender secures the blown down, pushes "A" hatch of the manway and gives the diver a last minute check before he enters the water. 34 When the diver initially enters the water he gives the J-S-L a lift test by trying to lift it off the bottom, and makes a communica- tion check with the pilot before leaving and diver compartment. The pilot reports to the support ship that the diver is out. The diver is continuously monitored by the pilot and observer throughout the dive. The diver's bottom time is kept by the diver- tender, pilot, and support ship. The diver's umbilical is tended throughout the dive by the diver- tender. When the diver returns to the J-S-L at the completion of his task, the diver-tender takes up the umbilical and assists the diver through the manway, lifts and dogs "A" hatch, drops "B" hatch and over pressurizes the diver compartment 5'-10'. The pilot reports the over-pressurization depth in the diver compartment to the support ship and requests permission to surface. The divers blow the bilge ballast tanks and the pilot commences blowing the diver ballast tanks. The pilot reports to the support ship when the ballast tanks are blown dry. As the J-S-L leaves the bottom, the divers commence venting the diver compartment to their first stop. The venting is monitored by the pilot and observer. Venting can be controlled either from the pilot's sphere or the diver compartment. 35 2. Surface Support a. Communications will be maintained between divers and pilot during swimming excursions, via hard wire. b. Communications will be maintained during lock-out dives from diver to submersible to R/V JOHNSON. c. Should prolonged decompression or treatment be necessary following a lock-out dive, the submersible will return to the surface, and be mated to the decompression chamber aboard the R/V JOHNSON. d. All diving will be via diver lock-out. D. Photographic Equipment 1. Camera Strobe Hydroproducts Underwater Electronic Strobe Mode PF-730 Specifications : 1) Pressure Proof Cylinder 7.75" dia. x 13" 2) Test Depth 20,000 FSW 3) 200 watt second flash 4) Power 24 - 30 VDC 5) Charging time at 9 amps is 6 seconds 6) Weight: (a) In air 24 lbs. (b) In sea water 8 lbs. 36 Description The Hydroproducts PF-730 Sea Strobe is clamped on the top of the forward starboard diver ballast tube and is moveable for adjusting flash cover-coverage. The power cable plugs into the #1 E.O junction block and flash synchronization. Power is applied to the strobe by closing a switch on the electrical control panel. A standard flash photo contact cord is provided in the sphere for triggering the flash. Exposure is set by following a distance-aperture and visibility chart. 2. Flasher Pelagic Electronics, Ind. Instrument IM4133 Specifications ; 1) Aluminum Cylinder 2) Weight: (a) In air (b) In sea water 3) Flash intensity 4) Flash duration 5) Flash rate 6) Battery type 7) Battery life to .5 output power 8) Flashtube life 9) Depth rating 3.5" dia. x 15.9" 7 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.2 watts-seconds less than 100 uses 1 flash every 2 seconds 240 vol t dry eel 1 , Ever- ready 491 (or equivalent) 40 hours approximately 1 million flashes 2000 meters (proof tested to 5000 PSI 37 Description The Model 4133 deep-sea flasher is a high intensity xenon flashing beacon powered by its own battery. The flasher is clamped to the aft top port side "A" frame with breakaway nylon .25" - 20 bolts. It is turned on by closing a switch on the sphere electrical control panel. The switch cable plugs into the forward starboard #1 E.O junction block. 3. Deep Sea Camera Benthos Deep-Sea Standard Camera, Model No. 372 Specifications : J.) Film Capacity 750 exposures on 30-meter (100- foot) spools of 35 mm film 2) Objective Lens Focal Length (1) 35 mm in water; (2) 28 mm in air 3) Objective Lens Aperture Adjustable from F3.5 to F22 4) Objective Lens Focus Adjustable focus for distance in water from 0.6 meters to infinity. The focus scale is calibrated in both meters and feet underwater. The depth of field is automatically shown depending upon distance and aper- ture settings. 5) Data Lens Aperture adjustable from F2.S to F22. Fixed Focus. 6) Shutter Electrically operated and controlled from a remote source of 28 volts D.C. power. Speed set at 1/20 second (50 ms). 38 Adjustable from 1/25 (40 ms) to 2/5 seconds (400 ms) . 7) Viewing Angle 4° x 54° 8) Alignment Pin on Camera chassis positively aligns chassis with respect to the housing. Four orientations (90° apart) are possible. 9) Rated Depth 10) Temperature Rating 11) Capacitance 12) Voltage 13) Current 14) Fuses 15) Connector 16) Data Chamber Actuation 12,000 meters -20C to 50°C (28°F to 120°F) 6000 mfd; 2 watt- seconds when charged to 28 volts DC 28 VDC 0.7 amperes peak during film advance 1 ampere, Slo-Blo Amphenol 14-pin Internal batteries (2 1.5 V Alkaline "C" Cell). Everyready E93 or equivalent. 17) Camera Cycling Rate Advance cycle completed in less than 3 seconds. 18) Materials (a) Housing 17-4PH Stainless Steel (b) Window Retainer 303 Stainless Steel 19) Weight (a) In air 48 lbs. (b) In seawater 35 lbs. 20) Dimensions 4.842" dia. x 25.281" 39 4. Benthos Deep-Sea Standard Flash Model No. 382 Specifications 1) Depth Rating 12,000 meters 2) Power Source Benthos Model 389 Battery Pack mounted with Flash housing. 28 VDC nickel -cadmium rechargerable type (24 Gould 1.2 volt, No. 4-OSCL, connected in series) 3) Capacitance 4) Number of Flashes 5) Flash Duration 6) Recycle Time 7) Spectrum of Light Output 8) External Materials - Housing 262 microfarads; 800 volts: 100-watt-seconds Approximately 1,000 with fresh battery Approximately 1 milli- second 3 seconds with charges battery White - Essentially the same spectrum as sunlight Hardened 17-4PH stainless steel. Lamp Cover Annealed glass. Lamp Cover Retainer: PYX plastic. 9) Weight (a) In air (b) In seawater 10) Dimensions 63 lbs. 50 lbs. 8.25" dia. x 35,625" Description Photographs may be taken from inside the pilot's sphere by pressing a switch or automatically by setting the programmer in the flasher. The 40 programmer inside the flasher can be set to take photographs as often as one every three seconds. A delay timer may be set so photographs are only taken after the J-S-L is on the bottom. A light emitting diode chamber, located in the camera, gives time, date, and run number on each frame exposed. Suggested exposure with 100 WS flash, approximately 10 to 13 feet over the bottom: Film ASA f High Speed Ektachrome 160 4-5.6 Plus-X pan 125 3.5 Tri-X 400 5.6-8 E. Emergency Equipment Description See Appendix 2. F. Communications 1. Surface Unit Communications Surface unit communications will be conducted via channel 16 between all surface vessels. Communication to J-S-L will be via Sub Base YHF 153.260 and 158.280 MHz. No interference as a result of other radio operators in the area 1s anticipated. 41 2. Support to Undersea Platform Underwater communications (UQC) sound frequency will be used 3. Diver Communications The lock-out diver will be able to communicate with the sub- mersible pilot via open circuit, hard wire communication. 4. Communications and Sounding Equipment a. Radio - (1) VHF - Modar Triton (M) 25W 12-channel , (2) SSB-Northern N-550 150W 12-channel , and (1) DSB/AM radiophone Konel KR-132CA 135W - 8 channel b. Echo Sounders (1) EDO Western 9057 1 - 6000 fathoms and (1) Furuno 1 - 2000 feet c. Under Telephone - (1) Straza ATM 504-14 d. Passive Tracking Sonar - (1) Straza Model 9010 5. Radio Frequencies R/V JOHNSON Expires 10/7/81 Fla. # FL 8402 BP1 WYG 9140 (HB-402 VHF (13 Monitor) Channels WX2-6-12-13-14- 22-26-27-28-68-80A 42 Sub Frequency Sub Crew Channels WYG 9140 (HB 249) 16 - Sub Freq. - 80A S.S.B #1 2082.5 4090.9 2182.0 2638.0 2096.5 4385.3 - 2670.0 4489.5 18590.2 4143.6 8291.0 2031.5 - 12345.2 12429.2 8207.4 8198.0 13116.3 12432.2 8731.2 8722.0 S.S.B. #2 4143.6 W00410 16590.2 WOM 1206 W001203 12429.2 W00808 WOM 805 8291.1 2; through the flare gun barrel as necessary b. In the diver compartment (1) Secure the 2 bleed. (2) Inform the sphere. (3) Don emergency rebreather or masks, or Kirby Morgan masks. 2-5 (4) Fight fire with extinguishers and/or water. (5). Sphere: Ca) Secure diver power and oxygen to the diver compartment. (b) Commence surfacing. (c) Inform the support ship. (d) When the J-S-L reaches the surface, have the divers ventilate the diver compartment with He02 . 3. Smoke and/or fire while a diver is locked-out: a. In the sphere (1) Secure the oxygen bleed. (2) Call the diver back. (3) Turn off circuit breakers. (4) Don emergency regulators and face masks. (5) Fight fire with extinguishers and/or water. (6) Man the sound-powered phcfne. (7) Commence surfacing as soon as the diver compartment is over pressurized. (8) Inform the support ship if possible. (9) Upon reaching the surface, ventilate with HeC>2 through the flare gun barrel . b. In the diver compartment (1) Inform the sphere. (2) Don emergency rebreather or spare Kirby Morgan mask and enter the water in the manway (3) Fight the fire with water or extinguisher. (4) Blow down with He02- (5) Sphere: (a) Alert the diver in the water. (b) Secure oxygen to diver compartment. 2-6 (c) Inform the support ship. (d) As soon as the smoke is cleared, get the divers back inside and commence surfacing. Ruptured Pressure Line 1. Internal - A ruptured pressure line or leaking fitting on any one of the pneumatic systems inside the submersible can easily be detected by the sudden change in the noise level and/or the increase in compartment pressure. A leak in the oxygen system can also be detected by monitoring the PO2 meters. The faulty system should be iso- lated immediately by securing the appropriate hull stop valve. In most cases, it will be possible to bypass or repair the malfunction while submerged. A report should be passed to the support ship. a. Ballast tank pressurization lines - A ruptured or leaking ballast tank pressurization line would be detected by observing bubbles while pressurizing the ballast tank. Since the variable ballast tanks have a common pressuri- zation line, a break in this line would disable both. All other ballast tanks have separate pressurization lines and a broken line can easily be isolated by securing the appropriate blow valve. The main ballast tanks also can be pressur- ized from the diver compartment. The mission should normally be aborted and the pilot should request permission to surface as soon as practicable after detecting a faulty ballast tank pressurization line . b. Gas supply lines - A rupture in one of the gas supply lines. will be detected by loss of pressure on the appropriate gage and/or bubbles in the water. In the event a gas supply line is broken, secure the appropriate hull stop valve and realign valves as necessary to keep the J-S-L operational. Request permission to surface as soon as practicable. Entrapment Your best insurance for survival in case of entrap- ment is the pre-mission planning and the thoroughness with which the pre-launch check was made; one item overlooked could make the difference between life and death. 2-7 2. Entrapment of J-S-L means that it is being physically held in place, such as getting caught in a crevasse, being stuck in the mud, entangled in plant life, or entangled in sub- merged debris, such as cables or fishnets. More than likely, the J-S-L could be worked out of all these situations by using the thrusters and blowing all ballast tanks, except entanglement in submerged debris . 3. As long as either the diver compartment or pilot's sphere is dry, the J-S-L has enough positive buoyancy to surface if it is not anchored to the bottom in some way. If, by chance, the diver compartment was flooded, the battery pod would have to be dropped and the main ballast tanks blown to gain enough positive buoyancy to surface. 4. If the J-S-L is entrapped and cannot break loose by normal means, and neither the pilot or divers can clearly determine that a lock-out diver could free the submersible, the J-S-L would blow the buoy, vent its tanks, secure all unnecessary equip- ment to conserve power, and await rescue. A lock- out dive would be conducted only as a last resort in the event that the divers were unable to clear the obstruction. 5. If the divers are unable to free the J-S-L, bring them back in and shut both "A" and "B" hatches. Do not over pressurize. Keep calm, conserve power, monitor your PO? and PCO2 meters, and maintain com- munication on the sound-powered phone . NOTE: Anytime the J-S-L is launched, it has gas onboard for a lock-out to maximum mission depth plus adequate dive gear and rescue tools aboard. There is always at least one qualified J-S-L lock-out diver in the diver compartment. 2-8 DOC Faci lity The following is a detailed breakdown of the D.D.C. volumes and gas storage capacities: Entrance Lock Main Lock Transfer Trunk Medical Lock PSI Rating = 67.9 S.C.F. =127.9 S.C.F. = 26.0 S.C.F. » 1.5 S.C.F. 350 psi = 785 F.S.W. E.L. at 785 F.S.W. = 1683 S.C.F. M.L. at 785 F.S.W. •= 3170 S.C.F. T.T. at 785 F.S.W. = 644 S.C.F. TOTAL 5497 S.C.F. = 53.9% of R/V JOHNSON Heliox Banks or a Reserve Capacity of 4703 S.C.F. e /H e 2 Bank Cu. Fi 1 1200 2 1200 3 900 4 900 5 1200 6 1200 7 1500 8 1200 *9 900 10 900 (H e for Fire System Pressure in D.D.C.) 10,200 cu. ft. (*not counting #9) Oxygen = 2100 cu. ft. Air = 2400 cu. ft. .8 ATM 2 » 3.23% mix at 785 F.S.W. 3.23% of 5497 S.C.F. required to blow M.L., E.L.,. and T.T. to 785 F.S.W. 177.5 S.C.F. 2 . 177.5 S.C.F. 2 = 8.45% of R/V JOHNSON 2 capacity. If J-S-L is filled to capacity with proper mix for diver and R/V JOHNSON is also filled to capacity we would theoretically have 46.1% of ships He0 2 capacity as reserve gas available for the entire D.D.C. complex. Oxygen does not present a problem until oxygen decompression is needed. For example: at 60 ft. with two divers breathing 3/4 cu. ft./min. of 2 (each) = 1.5 cu. ft./min. x 2.8181 ATM = 4.23 cu. ft./min. or 253.6 cu. ft. 2 /hr, 2-9 For example: At 30 ft. O2 consumption would be 171.8 cu. ft./hr. Total 2 capacity of R/V J = 2100 cu. ft. O2 The D.D.C. facility aboard R/V JOHNSON is a closed' circuit system with full instrumentation to monitor and control life support. Environ- mental control equipment include the following: 1. Beckman CO2 Analyzer 2. Lindbergh Hammar CO2 Scrubber 3. Bio Marine O2 Analyzer Recorder 4. Pyrotector Automated Fire Suppression System 5. Helle Communications 6. Lighting via External Source 7. Remote Temperature Proble 8. Scott Oxygen Breathing Regulators with Overboard Dump Other equipment which enhance the safety of the entire complex or which are back-up equipment are the following: 1. Bio Marine Hand O2 Analyzers (3) 2. Bio Marine Explosive Gas Monitor 3. Remote O2 Emergency Shut-off 4. 12, 24 and 36 V.D.C. Electrical System 5. Open-mike land phone (when in Link Port) PRIMARY LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT 1. Beckman CO2 Analyzer (see Reference 1) 2. Lindbergh Hammar Scrubber Sodasorb is used in these units and can either be filled within the chamber or a fresh canister can be sent in via the medical lock. See Reference 2 for further information on the performance. 3. Bio Marine O2 Analyzer Recorder This unit will simultaneously measure the PO2 in the main lock and entrance lock as well as the ship's lazarette and control console. Rustrak recorders continuously operate for the main lock and entrance lock only. The chamber stations read from 0-2.0 ATM of O2 and the lazarette and control console stations read from - 0.4 ATM of 2 For further information, see Reference 3. 4. Pyrotector Automated Fire Suppression System This integral system utilizes He! on 1301 in the control console and lazarette and water' with a helium pressure head for the main lock and entrance lock. Operation of the system is either manual or automatic utilizing numerous infra-red sensors to activate the system. For further information on this system, see Reference 4. 2-10 5. Helle Communications This system provides communication via speakers to the main lock and entrance lock. To date no provisions have been made for helium voice unscrambling. Communications are continuously open from the chambers to the control console. 6. Lighting via External Source Light to the main lock and entrance lock is provided via J. M. Canty Associates rheostated lights mounted externally. Light enters the chambers via plexiglass penetrators. 7. Remote Temperature Probe Continuous monitoring of the temperature in the main lock in degrees F is shown in the control console on a Weksler Instrument Gauge. 8. Scott Breathing Regulators with Overboard Dump There are two regulators in the main lock and one regulator in the entrance lock. All regulators have a first stage regulator mounted internally to provide 125 psi over ambient to the divers. All masks are also equipped with a vacuum regulator so that divers may use them as emergency breathing regulators at any depth. These same masks provide either air, mix-gas or oxygen to the divers upon demand. BACK-UP EQUIPMENT 1. Bio Marine Hand-Held O2 Analyzers Three model 255 Bio Marine O2 Analyzers are available in the control console with the following scales: - 10Q%, 0-25%, - 10% and 0-5%. One unit is semi -permanently attached to the sample line from the main lock and entrance lock. For further information on this unit, see Reference 5. 2. Bio Marine Explosive Gas Monitor This unit continuously monitors fcr the presence of any flammable or explosive gas in the lazarette. tor further information, see Reference 6. 3. Remote O2 Emergency Shut-off In the event of fire or catastrophic leak in the oxygen system the O2 bottles can be secured at the bottles via a remote valve in the control console area. This is done utilizing pneumatic shut-off valves. These valves must be turned on topside prior to each operation. 4. 12, 24 and 35 V.D.C. Electrical System Every essential life support system is run on D.C. current so that in the event of malfunction or temporary shut-down of the ship's 110 and 220 V.A.C. system," all functions will continue normally. The only equipment which will not run on A.C. is the internal lighting in the chambers and the Rustrak recorders in the O^ monitoring station. 5. Open-mike Land Phone When the ship is in Link .Port there is a telephone in the control console area which can be operated "no hands". 2-11 REFERENCE I PRIMARY LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT BECKMAN CO 2 ANALYZER 2-12 BULLETIN 0-2018 SssTiss EDSscrfds C^sjrfJ©? Genera! Description Designed for the rugged hyperbaric environments of c/ivihg. clinical, and research chambers, the MINOS ACDM (Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Monitor) will faithfully safeguard your breathing environment by measuring carbon dioxide content from 0.1 through 30 millimeters of mercury partial pressure. Although the availability of oxygen at safe levels in a sealed chamber is critical, the build-up of carbon dioxide must also be monitored carefully. The MINOS ACDM helps to make certain that personnel inside chambers are not exposed to dangerous levels of carbon diox- ide. The MINOS ACDM — together with its companion MINOS AOM (Atmospheric Oxygen Monitor) — offers you a complete atmospheric monitoring system. Superior Design Sensing System This self-contained system responds directly to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, independent of total sample pressure. Operating electro-chemically, the sensor contains a pH electrode and a reference electrode. Separated from the atmosphere by a mem- brane permeable to carbon dioxide, the electrolyte pH will change as a function of exposure to carbon dioxide. Electrode potential is proportional Jo a loga- rithm of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the sample. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide is displayed on a logarithmic meter scale on the instru- ment. The ACDM may be ordered for either panel or bulkhead mounting. The rechargeable sensor will operate up to 30 days before recharging is necessary. Since the sensor re- ceptacle contains a preamplifier, the sensor can be used at considerable distances from the meter, with no signal degradation from cable noise; or, if desired, the sensor-receptacle assembly is easilv rsounled directly on the face of the ip«»njTM»nt. fne ACUM functions in oper-.-rvj ^.'ebsures as high as 35 abso- lute atmospheres, making it ideal for almost any application from ambient to hyperbaric pressure. Features • Uses-alkaline batteries or 12 to 32 VDC external power (some options require 14 to 32 VDC external power). • External outputs available for gemote alarms, meters, recorders, or an analog-to-digital converter. Complete Monitoring Systems By using the MINOS ACDM in conjunction with the MINOS AOM (Atmospheric Oxygen Monitor), z complete atmosphere monitoring system is estab- lished. Ask for BulletinJD-2016 for information on the MINOS AOM. 2-13 : 3 i /";. : ?C^Sv *agr?ggrg? y ***Vi Bulkhead Modal mounts easily on any vertical surface. Compact and self-contained, ACOM is clt- solid -state. Specifications Operating Range: Accuracy: Stability: Absolute Pressure Range: Response Time: 0.1 to 30 millimeters of mercury, Pcoi. ±4 percent of full scale, 60 to 90°F ±8 percent of full scale, 40 to 1 10°F *10 percent of full scale, 35 to 130°F ±3 percent of full scale, 30 days, at 80 percent relative humidity. 0.5 to 35 absolute atmospheres. 63 percent response to step function increase in sample partial pressure to 25 mmHg, Pco», or more within one minute. Relative Humidity: Outputs: Options: Power Size: Weight: To 100 percent. to 2.5 Vdc with 25K minimum load; to 50 mVdc at 500 ohms; to 100 /iA; all outputs double-ended. For alarm and control options, see price list for Bulletin 0-2018. 12 to 32 Vdc external source or internal batteries (Mallory MN 1604 alkaline cell); 14 to 32 Vdc external power (or alarm and control options. Bulkhead Mount,6 1 /4x4 l /4x3V'a inches; Panel Mount, 7V2x5x5 inches. Bulkhead Mount, 5% pounds; Panel Mount 4Va pounds. INSTRUMENTS. INC OCEANIC EQUIPMENT ACTIVITY 441 PfTltS *OAO. MAtVtr, LOUISIANA 739U two HAtio* lOJLivAro. ruin croM. cau'ohnia %nu LOUISIANA [534| iit-Un • CAlifOINiA |/U| »n-««a 0"«'« :n jif 2-14 fmMrcs iw U.S. a: REFERENCE 2 PRIMARY LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LINDBERGH HAMMER SCRUBBER 2-15 §^^S LIND3ERGH-HAIV1MAR ASSOCIATES JON M. L1N03£RGH •JAMES H. HAM.UA3 /* . * * m all loose cable with suitable straps or clamps to guard against accidental snagging. Use_ on.lv approved explosion-proof switches in pressurized environ - ments . DO i\ r QT make or break pressure-exposed connections :in oxygen atmospheres . •'* > ~~.' _j i .. i .. i .. i . ■ m - ■ < -t- ■ ■ ,■ 1 1 • ****» GROUND TERMINAL - Secure a heavy gauge wire to the ground ter- minal (located at the exhaust end of the unit next to the hull penetrator) and connect it to an adequate ground; (metal side- wall of a' hyperbaric chamber). CONNECT GROUND CABLE BEFORE OPERATING UNIT. cSS .;.* - iS ■ ■ • • !w=^5^5gg5ES5w, r.-r.>^ . —=> MOUNTING- Scrubbers will operate in any attitude. Preferred mounting position is vertical', against a sidewall near 'floor level. (See Loading) Any holes drilled and tapped into the scrubher end plates for mounting purposes should be sealed gas— tight with RTV* Silicone Cement. (See Punctures) Special mounting brackets are available' from the factory. SNAP-LOCKS - The quick-release hooks securing the loading cover penetrate the case through 0-ring gland fittings and 'arc gas- tight. Apply a drop of APPROVED SILICONE 0IL\tp each rod to keep it operating smoothly. (See Lubrication and Loading) FITTINGS and HARDWARE - All stock fittings have been tested and certi f ied . • Do not endanger safety and certification by changing or altering installed fittings. If modifications are required, return to factory for refitting, testing and certi- fication. (See Maintenance) . DO NOT DRILL, TAP V/ELD, OR IN ANY WAY ALTER THE. PRESSURE HOUSING. ABSORBENT - Any approved carbon dioxide absorbent ma : y be used, including plastic prepacks .(disposable type). Prepacks are NOT recommended in high partial-pressure oxygen atmospheres because of their fl amenability. Gas flow through prepacks is not as efficient as through stock stainless steel refillable canister. (See Loading and Baralyme/Sodasorh : pH) COp REMOVAL - Gas exchange rate is controlled directly by varying input voltage. Unit can be ideally matched to any system by monitoring C0 2 level and altering the supplied volt- age. In large . hyperbaric installations, multiple scrubbers may be used to hold C0 2 concentration at the required level. (See excerpts - test reports) PAINT - Use only fire-resistant , oxygen-compatible epoxy coat- ings when retouching any surface. Page 1 2-17 LOADING - The unit is prepared for use by filling the desic- cant canister with a carbon dioxide absorbent chemical. Fill ' "p r± orTtTS ach /use" with f re shy dry de sic'cant... .— PPJ^OTL Qmttj-m s procedure. Sodasorb is recommended, although the canister may be charged with any approved desiccant. Remove the canister from- within the case by twisting the five scjruring^snap^loclcs to^release the loading cover. Remove the ""cover, 'expo'sin^j^lfe^canisoer. Lift the canister.^jstraight^au.t;* with the wire bail and then free the canister top from the • three locking bayonet pins. Fill the cylinder carefully with desiccant. ' While filling, tap the canister firmly on *th e bottom with the palm of the hand to settle the granular chem- ical. If the unit is operated in a vertical position, the desiccant will settle, firmly without "channeling." If oper- ated in a horizontal attitude, "the canister must* be packed tightly Avith great care to avoid settling which might cause a void along the side of the cylinder through which, intake gas would flow freely without passing through the desiccant. Such channeling is extremely dangerous since the carbon dioxide is not retained. Inspect the bottom gasket (intake end) on which the canister seats £ or dirt or dust and clean carefully. Clean the mating machined bronze surface of the canister. Replace the top screen canister cover, locking it in place on the bayonet pins. Lower the canister into position within the unit. Clean the top machined surface of the exterior case around the- five snap-locks. Check the loading cover gasket for- dust and wipe clean. Position the loading cover over, the snap-lr»c!:s , and push it straight down, forcing the attached bronzp compres- sion ring against the canister. Pull up on the snap -locks 'with a slight outward force and twist them into position to lock the cover securely in place. Check the loading cover gasket carefully for proper positioning , especially along its straight edge where the actual sealing area is narrow. ' It 'is important that the exterior case is maintained gas tight, so that the air flow is through the desiccant canister only. If the case -is punctured, patch immediately or carbon dioxide removal will be severely impaired (See Maintenance). Page 2 2-18 )- < / C0 2 INPUT - 2.0 SLPM 178 fsw (6.39 ata) AIR CANISTER FILLED WITH S0DAS0RB / ) / j / / / >— )™ c$ si\^ CO a ) ) y 3? >- SCR JBBEE I EFFI -UENT » " — 1— J — 1 — -4- 1 U- f r 1 Q 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 130 140 150 TIME - MINUTES 2-19 4* (3 u Z •H 3 5 ° CO CO en T-t C •H +> E W \ O J o .O .Q J- U CO CM cu C •H CM o 2: Hi to O *-» I > 20 30 VOLTS AC Design Calculations Lindbergh-Hammar Drytype Scrubber Sodasorb Prepacks 2-21 C0 2 ?o SEA LEVEL EQUIVALENT T^ CM < D ( 23 O «e» cm • • • • • • • t* r-* I f n O OOO » a a 6- Ss k*4 O U Eh O CM O -P ^3 , 03 H / •H 1 ■ O c C3 O ,_,...... ^ __ — CO' • / T* -P W c > • O . U X iH^a ^4 / « S-. c O CO > ° ^ 3 C3 W / V< ] CD -p X T-»- a h H W (3 £3 ? v«» § (3t j^ O zz. w & J - CJ- *r- CM . 9 w H *"" Y"< 2: £- B-i H P.O to )( w c a 1. O O • 6* ■HO CM < C """ , 1 C3 T* -P CcCO % \. ^« 2 CM 3 to G* fa a H \ M S # -C OS-+ 1 g s QJsJ ^ O P5 JO CM HO CO CJO £< • ■H DO ec Jh oca CMO — £-*« 1" OCO a. a, ___ CM CO °a a 2: x J* <3 «-H OH \ • OS c \ CSS CO \ A 1 \ it O.C 1 we.r* *,• CM ^* V . 1 1 » t 1 1 " » w 10 to O to to to > CM • F- • CM • r» • JO • CM • n c CO n T-l (Sh turn *fr£ =-j) Sh una 3 oo 2-22 2-23 REFERENCE 3 PRIMARY LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT BIO MARINE 2 ANALYZER RECORDER 2-24 DRAWING #10A556 DATE: 8/14/74 BY: Bill Mac Bride Paye 1. OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR REMOTE OXYGEN MONITOR AND RECORDER (DEVELOPED FOR THE HARBOR BRANCH FOUNDATION) GENERAL This monitor was developed to fill a need for a four (4) station hyperbaric oxygen analyzer with adjustable high and low alarms. Integrated circuit techniques have been employed in its construction, insuring many years of reliable service, while enabling a complexity impossible just a few years ago. The unit will operate over a wide temperature range (32° F to 105° F) and will enable the operator to maintain precise control over the oxygen partial pressure in the diver decompression chamber. DESCRIPTION AND CONTROLS This monitor consists of a four (4) station oxygen monitor with adjustable high and low alarms in a brushed aluminum rack configuration. In addition, stations £l & 52 are backed up by Rustrak t ype re< , n ^ a, '« , - , L these recorders produce a permanent record of the oxygen level for later evaluation. Stations vl & v2 have a full scale sensitivity of 2 Atm. Abs. Stations 03 & £4 have a full scale sensitivity of .4 Arm. Abs. Each station has a sensor select switch, sensor calibrate controls, alarm adjust switch, high and low alarm set controls, recessed taut band suspension display and an alarm light emiting dicde. In addition, common to all stations, the front panel contains a power disconnect switch, an audio alarm disconnect switch, a sonalert type audio alarm and push to reset circuit breakers for batteries and line. All stations share a common power supply with a battery back up. 2-25 REFERENCE 4 PRIMARY LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT PYROTECTOR AUTOMATED FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM 2-26 SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION This technical manual provides information on the Optical Fire Detection and Extinguishing System Components manufactured by Pyrotector, Incorporated, Hingham, Massachusetts for installation in HSF's shipboard decompression facility. .1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Fire Detection and Extinguishing System is an integrated automatic detection, warning and extinguishing system utilizing high speed optical detectors, signal conditioning amplifiers, control panel and Hal on 1301 extinguisher assemblies which can be activated at the control panel by operation of electrical switches or manually at the site of the solenoid valve assembly. Remote manual operation may be incorporated by the addition of pull cables connected to the manual override lever on the solenoid valve assembly. Independent detection and extinguishing is provided for the lazarette, control console area and D.D.C. A separate control amplifier is mounted in or adjacent to each compartment to accept detector signal inputs and to relay alarm output to the control panel. Pressure Switches are installed in each Compartment. They turn on an amber light on the control panel and are activated by the pressure rise in the extinguishing agent distribution piping when the system is discharged. Audible alarms (Horns) are located in the D.D.C. control console to warn of a fire in any compartment and -in the control console to warn of a fire in that compartment. A test switch is provided on the electrical control panel for verifying system integrity and operation of the detection components. Components of the system are designed to operate from a nominal 28 VDC. Compartments protected by the system and allocation of components are listed in Tabele 1-1. Descriptions and illustrations of components are provided in Figures 1-1 through 1-10. 2-27 REFERENCE 5 BACK-UP EQUIPMENT BIO MARINE HAND HELD 2 ANALYZERS 2-28 "•".': V - . "• •is&fev <%& GENERAL BioMarine analyzers provide continuous direct reading of the oxygen concentration in any given environment. Easily portable and simple to operate, the analyzers are automatically temper- ature compensated over their full operating range of 32°F to 104°F (Model OA222, 45°F to 104°F) require single point calibra- tion and perform accurately in high humidity environments. 2-29 REFERENCE 6 BACK-UP EQUIPMENT BIO MARINE EXPLOSIVE GAS MONITOR 2-30 ii-:L. r-XSM&BimOM COMBUSTIBLE GAS/QXYGEN DETECTOR WITH ALARMS ........ .40 hours CONTINUOUS USE BETWEEN RECHARGES □ HAND HELD -TRULY PORTABLE □ BUILT-IN ALARM FOR COMBUSTIBLE GAS & OXYGEN □ LIGHTWEIGHT -WEIGHT ONLY 3 LBS. E3 0-100 LEL COMBUSTIBLE GAS, - 40% OXYGEN SCALE - 5% METHANE □ IMMEDIATE READING - NO WARM UP 13 DIFFUSION AND REMOTE DETECTING CAPABILITY 3 INTRINSICALLY SAFE □ COMPLETE WITH CARRYING CASE AND f SAMPLING KIT Tha Model 900 provides continuous monitoring of both com- bustible gas and oxygen in any environment for a full week (40 hours) between battery recharges. Audible and visual alarms automatically warn of the presence of combustible gas, oxygen deficiency or low battery voltage. The combustible g3s sensor employs an advanced ceramatized gas sensing element insuring long life. The proven BMI galvan- ic oxygen sensor is self-powered and never requires rebuilding or recharging. The 900 is fully temperature compensated from 5°F to 1 10°F and meets U.S. Bureau of Mines intrinsic safety requirements. The 900 may also be used in spot checking for both oxygen and combustible gas at the press of a button. Each unit comes with a remote sampling kit. The unit is housed in a rugged leather carrying case and may be worn on the belt or on the shoulder. The 900 is completely solid state with no moving parts to wear out. A loud., penetrating remote alarm is available to provide additional warning of alarm con- ations to outside or "topside" personnel. . ne 900 is particularly useful in mines, tunnels, silos, tanks, ship holds, railroad tank cars, manholes, sewers and other lo- cations in the chemical, petroleum, mining, utilities and ship- ping industries where combustible gases and oxygen deficien- cies may be found. I I t •*V%SP* , «>> . AM .Aigfe . ha »»j '"Son iis*ft3x** ^3SS^§ DlMSNSJON-4x3x3 WEIGHT- 3 lbs. SCALE - O • ICOM LEL CombtwtlbU c™ • 40% Oxyg** • SK M*than* RESPONSE TIME - Oxya»«»- 10 sae. CombuitibU ?*» • 5 j»c RECHARGE TIME • Lm than .IS hours BioMartne Industries 303 Wn« L3ocjit»r Avrmi* Davon. Penn»yJ**«ta, 19333 215:687-2300 » Csi^SlOM AR 2-31 MQDZL 900 C0:-BUSTIBL£ GAS/QSTCgl MONITOR OPERATING AND MAINIglANCS INSTRUCTIONS WAimiMG: These instructions must be read, and understood by all individuals who will have the responsibility of operating and sarvicins tha Cocbustibls Caa/Orygan Monitor, Tha actions tikao aa a result of tha measured 0x73^1 and conbuatihla gaa lavsla aunt ba in strict actardaaca with Cocpany and. Govarrriat regulations, Tha instrucanfc 3howld not b* us*d to caasura cocbustibla gas in atmospheres either ox7gen deficient or containing core than 25Z ocysen by- voluca.. GENERAL. '"Hza. BioHarisa Cccbu3 tibia. Gaa/O^s en Monitor provides a aicpla method of detercinins o^cyg-an- concentrations and combustible gas., levels in. any environment. The instrument may be used for both spot checks and continuous conitorisg with alarms, Vh«n used- as a monitor, oxvjjen lsvel and., battary voltage are conitorsd continuously and Combus tibia Gas level is chackad. autccatically .every three minutes. This "samplad data" approach- allows forty hours continuous operation before: battery recharging. Easily portabla and sicpls. to onerata, tha Monitor is automatically temperature coapeasatad. over., its* full 'operating range, of 5°T ta 110 F„ The Monitor reijuiras infrequent calibration and perf oms accurately in high humidity environments",. While- ca thane- is tha calibration standard for the combustible gas. conitor, other cocbustibla gases will be detected* . If desired^ combustible gases* other than methane- cay be used for calibration, CAunoas 3U The battary must be tested before the conitor is- used, 2* In cocbustibla. gas concentrations aba-ve 1Q02T LSL, tha ins trum ent- will give incorrect readings.. If -it is suspected that concentrations higher 2-32 APPENDIX 3 Notification of Coast Guard and Navy Rescue Organizations Notification of Coast Guard and Navy Rescue Organizations Prior to commencement of the at-sea portion of the project, Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. shall notify the Coast Guard in accordance with Coast Guard Notice 3130, by completing and submitting USCG Form 4790 (8-71), "Summary of Planned Submersible Operations." This form will be sent to Commander, 8th Coast Guard District, New Orleans. The Commander of the 8th Coast Guard District will notify appropriate Navy authorities of the impending operation, and will issue a warning to mariners giving location and time of operations in order to minimize interferences during the operations. If the submersible should be unable to surface, the support ship shall radio a MAYDAY message to the Coast Guard on 2182 KHZ, and other emergency circuits as may be available. The Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center (New Orleans) may be reached using a telephone call via the marine operator 504/589-6225. Upon receipt of the MAYDAY message, the Coast Guard will proceed in accordance with Commandant Instruction 3130. 7A of 5 December 1975. If Navy assistance is appropriate, the Coast Guard will so request by calling the Navy Department Duty Captain at 202/695-0231. The Navy Duty Captain will take action in accordance with 0PNAV Instruction 3130.4A of 29 October 1973. Applicable portions of Coast Guard Instruction 3130. 7D and 0PNAV Instruction 3130. 4A are presented hereinafter: 3-1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MA1UIN UNITED STATES COAST GUARD ^"cnt^st*^^" 2 ^ 3 ? / S3 > MAlUlfSC AOOfllSS. WASHINGTON. O.C. I0S9C ^ N *(2Q2) 426-2307 ^-USStHZ COHDTDIST 3130. 7D rc „ 5 DEC T37S COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION 3 130". 7D Subj : Operations Involving Civilian Submersibles 1. Purpose . This Instruction provides procedures Co be followed by the Coast Guard with respect to operations involving civilian submer- sibles. 2. Cancellation . Commandant Instruction 3130, 7C CH-1 is cancelled. 3. Discussion . a. The Coast Guard's search and rescue responsibilities extend to vessels operating under, as well as .on, the surface of the sea. These responsibilities therefore include the small number of civilian submersibles which operate in or near U.S. waters on scientific, indus- trial or other missions. The safety record of these submersibles has been good, but the few accidents have demonstrated both the difficulty of rescue and the potential for public interest. The Coast Guard has no special undersea search and rescue equipment to assist a submersible unable to surface and must discharge its responsibility by requesting suitable equipment be brought to the scene. Equipment is available which could effect a rescue in most situations, but frequently information on the location and status of the equipment is not available. The primary source of expertise and equipment is the U.S. Navy, and procedures have been established to permit utilisation of Navy resources in the event of a civilian submersible SAR incident. A single point of contact has been established, as the Navy can provide not only fleet resources but specialized experimental equipment located at laboratories, and also civilian specialists retained on contract for undersea salvage. The, point of contact is the Navy Department Duty Captain at the Pentagon, as described in OPNAVINST 3130.4, enclosure (1) . When the Navy has responded and assumed the role of SAP. Mission Coordinator, the Coast Guard role be- comes one of support. Until that time the Coast Guard must respond with its own resources and whatever local civilian or government help is available. b. Submersible operations present another problem. This is one of interference with Navy operations. To enable the Navy to reduce this possibility, to reduce the chance of classifying a civilian submersible as an unknown submerged vessel necessitating investigation, and to aid in prompt SAR assistance the Commandant has established a voluntary 3-2 COMDTINST 3130, 7D 5 DEC 1975 reporting system through, which 'pertinent information can be relayed to concerned parties. The Commandant (G-M-2/USP/83) monitors submersible activity and advises known submersible operators of the reporting system and the procedure for requesting assistance if needed. c. There is no mutual assistance plan, formal or informal, in effect among the submersible operators. Most operators, however, could be expected to be willing to assist in the rescue of a distressed sub- mersible. 4. Action . a. Commandant (G-M-2/USP/83) (1) Inform all known submersible operators and owners in the United States of the voluntary reporting system. Enclosure (2) is a copy of the notice used for this purpose. (2) Maintain liaison with the Navy and other organizations to provide coordinated planning for submersible emergencies. (3) Distribute periodic reports on the status of U.S. sub- merslbles to all District Commanders. Coordinate the distribution of appropriate informational material to District Commanders (RCC's). The following publications are currently distributed automatically: Deep Submergence Systems Surrr'ary and Characteristics Manual: Published and revised annually by Commander Submarine Develop- ment Group One as C0MSU3DEVGRU ONE INSTRUCTION 5450.1 and contains characteristics of U.S. military and civilian submersihles , unmanned undersea systems, and habitats. An Inventory of Navy Laboratory R&D Equipment Available for Emergency Undersea Operations : Published by and revised annually by Naval Undersea Center, San Diego as NUC AP-2. b. District Commanders (1) On receipt of information on planned submersible operations disseminate this information by message as described in enclosure (3) . Issue a Notice to Mariners as appropriate giving the location and time(s) of operations to minimize interference during the operations. (2) In the event that a specific request for assistance to a civilian submersible is received: 3-3 COMDTIKST 3130. 7D 5 DEC 1S75 (a) Obtain Navy assistance, if appropriate, by calling the Navy Department Duty Captain in the Pentagon at the following phone number, notifying him of the situation: COMMERCIAL (202) 695-0231 .AUT0V0N 22-50231 If appropriate request implementation of SU3MISS/SU3SUNK fcr civilian submersibles in accordance with OPNAV INSTRUCTION 3130.4, and the USN ADDENDUM to NTT? 37(B). Send a follow-up message in the format of enclosure (4) to confirm the request. (b) Respond with appropriate Coast Guard resources, such as On- Scene Commander rescue platform (buoy tender), traffic control, communi- cations, and logistics. (c) Ascertain if there are any other- civilian submersibles available; request that they assist the ais tressed sub. (d) Coordinate the response as SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) until the Navy assumes this responsibility. Continue to provide any assistance requested after the Navy assumes SMC. Ensure that the AREA COMMANDER and the COMMANDANT are kept informed of the progress of the rescue both before and after the Navy assumes SMC. (e) Until the Navy assumes SMC (and in case the Navy is unable to assume SMC) obtain advice from Headquarters Flag Plot and make. use of best available military and civilian resources. A brief guide to RCC controllers in handling submersible SAR incidents is printed by and available from the National Search and Rescue School, Governors Island, New York. (f) Prepare a SAR Case Study in. addition to the normal assistance report. 5. Availability of Forms . a. Commandant (G-M-2/USP/83) shall distribute the SUMMARY OF PLANNED SU3MERSIBLE OPERATIONS (CG-4790) to all known owners, operators, and manufacturers of civilian submersibles in the United States and to all RCC r s. 3-4 COMDTINST 3130. 7D 5 DEC 1975 b. Additional copies of Form CCG-4790) may be ob Gained from v-ommandant (G-M-2/USP/83) . R. H. SCAS3O50BCS Chief of Staff End: (1) OPNAVINST 3130. 4B (2) Notice to all owners, operators, and manfacturers of civilian sub- mersibles (3) Message format for planned submersible operations (4) Message format for requesting Navy to implement EVENT STJBMISS/SU3SUNK List CG-10 Dist: (SDL No. 101) acde (3) jgfhmv (2) ; ijnou (1) n (45); c (20); f (15); g (11); e (10); r (7) ; h (6); bm (3); dpq (1); j(2) A: B: C: D: a (5) ; bdn (3) ; go (2) ; q (1) a (2); dsu (1) do (1) None CIO 0P-23 (5) CNO OP-943 (5) SUPSALV (5) CINCLANTFLT C5) CINCPACFLT (5) C0MSEC0NDFLT (5) C0MTHIRDFLT (5) COMSUBLANT (5) C0MSUBPAC (5) NAVOCEAN0 (5) C0MSUBFL0T 1 (2) C0MSUBFL0T 2 (2) C0MSUBFL0T 5 C2) C0MSUBFL0T 6 (2) C0MSUBFL0T 7 (2) C0MSUBR0N 6 (2) COMSUBRON 12 (2) COMSUBDEVGRU 1 (2) 3-5 ENCLOSURE (1) to COMDTIJJST 3130. 7D 4?$tfffl$k DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY 5 Q£C 1975 g A \£ > i ^v^efe orr»c« or the chjct or naval. operations Wr^'^*^'^ 1 WASHINGTON". O.C Z03S0 W« »CW.T NVU TO OPNAVINST 3130. 4A 0p-232 2 9 OCT 1373 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 3130. 4A Sufaj: CPNAV Manned 'No n- Combatant SlnTmersibla SUBMISS/SUBSUNK fR Bill End: (1) Washington- Area Notification List (A (2J Information regarding action to be taken in the Washington area (3) General information regarding manned non-combatant (R submersibles 1# Purpose . The purpose of this bill is to ensure that the Navy Department is alerted to provide assistance whenever a SUBMISS/SUBSUNK is executed for a manned non-combatant sub- mersible. 2. Cancellation . OPNAV Instruction 3130.4 dated 18 July (A 1969 is hereby superseded. 3. Scope . This bill serves to advise the Navy Department £R duty captain, Navy Command and Support Center (NCSC) of the following: a. Action to be taken by him to alert the Navy Depart- ment or initiate appropriate U. S. Navy action if required. b. Action to be taken by other activities in the Washington area. 4. Discussion (A a. In the event of loss of a manned non-combatant sub- mersible operated by the U. S. Navy or operating under a Navy lease* "Event SUBMISS/SUBSUNK". will be placed in effect by the Submarine Operating Authority in whose area the sub- mersible is operating. b. In the event of the loss of a civilian submersible not operated by or under lease to the U. S. Navy, the U. S. Coast* Guard may request Navy assistance in accordance with the National Search and Rescue Plan, 19 69. Under federal law, the Coast Guard is responsible for developing, estab- lishing, maintaining and operating, with due regard to the 3-6 ENCLOSURE (I) to COMDTINST 3130. 7D 5 DEC ia/5 OPNAVINST 3130. 4A 2 3 OCT ~73 requirements of national defense, rescue facilities for the promotion of safety on, under and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The Coast Guard has issued an instruction on civilian sub- mersible operations, Commandant Instruction 3130.7 series. The Navy is assigned no direct responsibility in the N'atior SAH Plan for the rescue of personnel or salvage of civiliar owned and operated submersibles . However, provision is mac for the use of Navy facilities to meet civil needs on a bas of non- interference with higher priority military missions If Navy assistance is requested by the Coast Guard, "Event SUBMISS/SUBSUNK" may be placed in effect by the duty capta: aftcr consultation with the appropriate fleet commander anc the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Submarine Warfare) . If "Event SUBMISS/SUBSUNK" is declared, the Navy- will respc to the fullest extent possible within its existing capabil: When Navy assistance is provided, the cognizant Coast Guarc area or district commander will designate the senior U. S. Navy officer on scene as the on-scene commander. That off shall be qualified for succession to command at sea, and i practicable, will be a submarine officer serving in a sub- marine billet. c. The provisions of this instruction will cease to apply should the operation become simply one of a salvage nature. Appropriate salvage instructions will then apply. This could occur should: (1) The personnel in the disabled vehicle escape o be rescued and the submersible or parts thereof remain on the bottom. (2) The personnel entrapped have exhausted their life support and rescue is no longer possible. . . R) 5. Action . When a manned non-combatant submersible emerg arises, tne Navy Department duty captain shall: a. Call those listed in enclosure (1) and inform ther. of the situation. b. Coordinate as necessary any actions or assistance that may be required from assets not under the command of % he search and 'rescue mission coordinator. 3-7 ENCLOSURE (1) to COMDTINST 3130. 7D 5 DEC 1975 OPNAVINST 3X30. 4A 9. 9 CCT 1373 c\ Declare SUBMISS/SUBSUNK, if appropriate, upon Teceipt of/ a request for assistance from the Coast Guard and after consultation with the proper fleet commander and the DCNO (Submarine Warfare) S(^JL jj£& SUMMARY OF PLANNED SUBMERSI3LE OPERATIONS NOTE: TV followirrj information is voluntarily submitted :o the Coast Guard for dis.'.ctr.tnation to minimize operational interference and to facilitate emergency action if ne*