C 5i*.2UI*> * COUNTRY DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES REPUBLIC OF CHINA TAIWAN ISP-30, No. 3 JANUARY 1974 INTRODUCTION This is one in a series of demographic profiles which present detailed data on individual countries for both a recent census year and the current period. Most readily available sources of demographic statistics contain basic unevaluated and unadjusted data as reported by the statistical offices of the separate countries. Because of age misreporting and underenumeration in the censuses and registration systems, however, these data often do not reflect the actual structure and trends of the population in the countries. In order to meet a need for up-to-date statistics for individual countries, particuarly in the developing areas, these profiles are being prepared to present not only the basic, unadjusted data, but evaluated and adjusted data as well. Due to the general paucity of statistics in the developing countries, many of the cells in the profiles will contain an NA, for data not available. As more information becomes available, many of these cells will be filled and new, updated profiles will be prepared to supersede previous issues. In addition, as noted below, the data in these profiles will be available to interested users through a private, time-sharing computer network, and the contents of the computer files will be periodi- cally updated. It is planned to prepare profiles for the countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia as a first priority, and to undertake the compilation of data for the countries of Europe, North America, and Oceania— where current, reliable demographic data are generally more available— only as a second priority. GENERAL CONTENTS OF THE PROFILES The individual items comprising each profile are listed below, with descriptions of those items for which the meaning or derivation may not be evident. A complete profile for each country contains three arrays of data— base, intermediate, and current— which are pre- sented side by side for ease of comparison. An entry in the profile contains, for each of the arrays, the data, the year to which the data refer, and a code to a source note which is given at the end of the profile. Base data refer to the year of the latest census for which detailed tabulations are available. They have generally not been updated to the most recent census year when only a total population figure is available from that census. Base data are either unadjusted figures or derived from unadjusted figures. Thus, the popula- tion total and age-sex distribution are usually taken directly from the latest census for which detailed results are available. Numbers of births and deaths for the census year are generally from the country's vital registration system or a vital rates survey. Other fertility and mortality items, such as crude birth and death rates, net and gross reproduction rates, and age-specific death rates, are usually calculated from reported, unadjusted data. Intermediate data are usually adjusted base data which also refer to the latest census year for which detailed results are available. For example, the inter- mediate population figures are usually the base popula- tion figures as adjusted for underenumeration anc -< ',X / V \ This profile was prepared by William G. Duncan of the International Statistical Programs Cent a participating agency service agreement with the Office of Population, Agency for Internatio For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, bxT. 20402. t Price $0.25 1 p£. * U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Social and Economic Statistics Administration **ns of age misreporting. They may be used with similarly adjusted vital statistics to calculate the fertility and mortality measures in the intermediate array. Other items in this array are also adjusted as necessary to provide a corrected census-year demographic profile. Occasionally the base data for a country may be considered adequate without adjustment. When this is the case, reliable unadusted data for a later year may be given in the intermediate array. Current data portray the demographic situation in a given country for the most recent year feasible. They may be estimates made at the International Statistical Programs Center (ISPC), or they may be taken from sources considered to be accurate and reliable. SOURCES Data for the profiles are compiled from various sources, including: (1) Censuses, surveys, statistical yearbooks, journals, and special reports published by individual countries; (2) statistical yearbooks, journals, and special analytical reports issued by the United Nations, including unpublished results of population projections prepared by the Population Division; (3) reports of specialized agencies of the United Nations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization Produc- tion Yearbook, the International Labour Office Year- book of Labour Statistics , and the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook; (4) reports prepared by other international organizations, such as the Centro Latinoamericano de Demografi'a; and (5) technical papers prepared for conferences and articles in demographic or statistical journals. Many of the items have been prepared by ISPC for use by the Agency for International Development in various issues of its publication, Population Program Assistance . AVAILABILITY OF PROFILES THROUGH COMPUTER FACILITIES The data in this profile have been entered into the system of a private, time-sharing computer network, the Computer Network (COMNET) Corporation, and as presented here are taken from a computer printout of that system. Profiles for a number of other countries have been— and will continue to be-added to this data base, prior to being published in this series. Staff members of ISPC will periodically update these profiles, as new information becomes available, although older data originally entered in the profiles will be retained in some form. In addition, ISPC is developing plans to provide access to this data file for linkage with methodological and functional computer programs. This would give users the capability of manipulating the data file for such purposes as data evaluation and population projections. Persons or organizations interested in gaining access to these profiles through computer terminal facilities should write directly to the Computer Network Corpo ration, 5185 MacArthur boulevard, Washington, D.C., 20016. Detailed instructions on the retrieval of the data are provided in a user's manual which has been prepared by ISPC. Copies of this manual and additional informa- tion about the data files can be obtained by writing the Chief, International Statistical Programs Center, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., 20233. LIST OF ITEMS Population Total population Male population Male population by age Female population Female population by age Percent urban, however defined (according to each country's definition, as explained in individual profile notes) Percent urban, 20,000+ (percent of population living in cities of 20,000 or more inhabitants) Population Growth Natural increase (births minus deaths) Rate of natural increase (per 1,000 population) Annual growth (natural increase plus or minus net migration) Rate of annual growth (per 1,000 population) Fertility Total births Crude birth rate (number of births per 1,000 population) Sex ratio at birth (males per 100 females) General fertility rate (number of births per 1,000 women of childbearing age, 15 to 49 years) Total fertility rate (the average number of children of both sexes that would be borne per 1 ,000 women in a cohort of females according to a given set of age-specific birth rates; equivalent to the sum of the age-specific birth rates multiplied by five) Age-specific birth rate (number of births per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Gross reproduction rate (the average number of daughters that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females starting life together, all of whom lived to the end of the childbearing period, if the cohort bore children according to a given set of age-specific birth rates) Net reproduction rate (the average number of daughters that would be borne per 1,000 women in a cohort of females starting life together, allowing for mortality of some of the women, and assuming that there were no changes in the age-specific schedules of fertility and mortality) Births by age of woman (percent of total births occurring to women in a specified age group) Median age of women reporting births (repre- senting the age whereby one-half the mothers reporting births in a given year are younger and one-half are older) Births by order (percent of total births that are first births, second births, etc.) Median birth order (representing the birth order whereby one-half the births in a given year are of a lower order and one-half are of a higher order) General order-specific fertility rate (number of births of a given order per 1 ,000 women age 1 5 to 49 years) Child/woman ratio (number of children under 5 years of age per 1 ,000 women age 15 to 49 years) Children ever born (per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Surviving children (per 1,000 women in a specified age group) Mortality Total deaths Crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) Age standardized crude death rate (the crude death rate that results when the subject country's age- and sex-specific death rates are applied to the 1970 age-sex structure of the United States) Infant mortality rate (number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1 ,000 live births) Life expectancy at birth (both sexes) Male life expectancy at birth Male region in model life table (selected from four alternative regions as presented in Ansley J. Coale and Paul Demeny, Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations, Princeton University Press, 1966) Female life expectancy at birth Female region in model life table (see note above for male region) Male age-specific death rate (number of deaths per 1 ,000 males in a specified age group) Female age-specific death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 females in a specified age group) Male net migration by age (a minus sign indicates net emigration) Female net migration by age (a minus sign indi- cates net emigration) Marriage Female age-specific marriage rate (number of marriages per 1 ,000 women in a specified age group, based on vital registration data) Married women by age (percent of all women in a specified age group who are married, based on census data) Mean age at marriage, females (based on the more reliable of the above two measures, as specified in the source notes for each profile) School Enrollment Primary school enrollment rate, local (percent of children in a specified age group actually enrolled; varying age groups defined in notes of individual profiles) Primary school enrollment rate, U.N. (unadjusted total primary school enrollment as a percent of population age 5 to 14 years, as reported in the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook) Labor Force Labor force participation rate (economically active population of both sexes as a percent of total population age 15 to 64 years) Male labor force participation rate (see note above for both sexes) Female labor force participation rate (see note above for both sexes) Labor force in agriculture (as a percent of total labor force) Male labor force in agriculture (percent) Migration Total net migration (a minus sign indicates net emigration) Density Total land per person (acres) Agricultural land per person (acres) o. o a =9 REPUbLIC OF CHINA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE TOT AL POPULATION 13348096 1966 AA 14396294 1969 AJ 151520)) 1972 AV MALF POPULAT ION 7031644 1966 AA 7395927 1969 AJ 7955000 1972 AV MALE POPULATION PY AGE UNDER 1 2 )5J19 1966 AA 183634 1969 AJ 1800')) 1972 AV 1-4 833542 797918 787000 5-9 10 03739 1 )36)69 10420JO 10-14 926662 967021 1009000 15-19 707409 838945 927000 20-2 4 448686 527450 713000 2 5-29 476075 4937e2 472000 30-34 445561 449087 482000 35-39 5 )0737 458659 46 7000 40-44 432744 456965 510000 45-49 330851 363724 4 26000 50-54 271561 275183 3 21000 55-59 17790 7 227822 248000 60-64 122393 145143 167000 65-69 7641C 89761 105000 70-74 41159 4958S 59000 75-79 20245 22799 26000 80-84 8334 12696 14000 85 + 2610 * * FEMALE POPULATION 6316452 1966 AA 67))367 1969 AJ 7197000 1972 AV FEMALE POPULATION BY AGE UNDER 1 192967 1966 AA 172371 1969 AJ 167000 1972 AV 1-4 784520 748332 740000 5-9 949286 9767fc5 982000 10-14 879459 918450 957000 15-19 668820 799173 883000 20-24 445247 499221 675000 25-29 457888 467552 447000 30-34 398395 426543 458000 35-39 350723 374126 381000 40-44 2903J5 321229 359000 45-49 232602 261243 30600C 50-54 192276 202859 237000 55-59 159877 180206 196000 60-64 116760 133821 154000 65-69 85179 93755 110000 7C-74 53202 61824 73000 75-79 3292 5 35077 41000 80-84 17944 27820 31000 85* 8077 * * PFRCFNT URBAN (HOWEVER DEFINED) AA 63.6 1969 AL 65.0 1971 AL REPUBLIC OF CHINA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current PERCENT URBAN (20000+) NA NATURAL INCREASE 345330 1966 AC RATE OF NATURAL INCREASE 27.0 1966 AC ANNUAL GRCWTH 345407 1966 AC RATE CF ANNUAL GROWTI- TOTAL BIRTHS CRUCE B IRTh RATE SEX RATIO AT BIRTH 27.0 1966 AC 415138 1966 AC 32.4 1966 AC 105.7 1966 AC GENERAL FERTILITY RATE TOTAL FERTIL ITY RATE 150 1966 AC 4805 1966 AE AGE-SPECIFIC BIRTH RATE 15-19 42 1966 AC 20-24 268 25-29 326 30-34 187 35-39 93 40-44 3 8 4 5-4 9 7 GROSS REPRODUCTION RATE 2 33 6 1966 AE NET REPROtUCTION RATE 2200 1966 AE BIRTHS BY AGE OF WOMAN (?) UNDER 20 6.7 1966 AM 20-29 64.5 30+ 28.8 MEDIAN ACE OF WOMEN REPORTING BIRTHS 27.0 1966 AM BIRTHS BY ORDER i%) MEOIAN BIRTH ORDER NA NA 320179 1969 AN 22.7 1969 AM NA NA 390728 1969 AJ 27.7 1969 AM 106.6 1969 AM 124 1969 AJ 4120 196V AJ 1994 1969 AE 1891 1969 AE 7.6 1969 AE 67.0 25.4 26.5 1969 AE NA 49.8 1971 eA 309470 1971 AU 2C. 8 1971 AU 318859 1971 AU 21.5 1971 AU 380424 1971 AU 25.6 1971 AU 136.2 1971 AU 120 1971 AU 40J0 1971 AU 40 1969 AJ 40 1971 AU 245 238 2«8 293 151 147 63 59 23 20 4 3 1940 1971 AE 1847 1971 AE 8.3 1971 AE 68.6 23.0 25.6 1971 AE NA NA NA NA REPUBLIC OF CHINA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current GENERAL OR CFR-SP FC I F IC FERTILITY RATE N A CHILD/WOMAN RAT 10 70S 1966 AH CHILCRFN EVER PORN 15-19 588 1966 AC 20-24 819 25-29 2443 30-34 3881 35-39 4 64 5 40-44 5337 45-49 56J8 50-54 5611 55-59 5676 6C-64 5490 65 + 5190 SURVIVING CHILDREN 15-19 545 1966 AD 20-24 799 2 5-2 9 2365 30-34 3696 35-39 4514 40-44 4803 45-49 4846 50-54 4657 TOTAL DEATHS CRUCE DEATH RATE 69778 1966 AC 5.5 1966 AC AGE STANCARDIZED CRUDE DEATH RATE 14.2 1966 AP INFANT MOFTALITY RATE 22.4 1966 AF LIFE EXPECTANCY AT eiRTH 68. J8 1965 AF MALE LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH 65.84 1965 AC HALE REGICN IN MODEL LIFE T4BLE WEST 1965 AT FEMALE LIFE EXPFCTANCY AT eiRTh 70.44 1965 AC FEMALE REGION IN MOCEL LIFE TABLE WEST 1965 AT NA 604 1969 AE NA NA 70549 1969 AN 5.0 1969 AN 13.1 1969 AP 19.5 1969 AR 67.95 1969 AO 65.12 1969 AO WEST 1969 AT 70.77 1969 AC WEST 1969 AT NA 534 1972 AV NA NA 70954 1971 AU 4.8 1971 AU 12.7 1971 AP NA 70.00 1971 AW 67.27 1971 AW WEST 1971 AT 72.49 1971 AW WEST 1971 AT REPUBLIC OF CHINA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current MALE AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATE UNDER 1 24. 1 1966 AC 20.5 1969 AR 17.0 1971 AU 1-4 4.8 3.3 2. 8 5-9 0.9 J. 8 0.7 10-14 0.7 C.7 0.6 15-19 1.3 1.2 1. 1 20-24 3.1 1.7 1.7 25-29 2.4 2.2 2.1 30-34 2.6 2.5 2.4 35-39 3.5 3.3 3.1 40-44 4. e 4.5 4.1 45-49 7.5 6.9 6.0 50-54 10.8 13.9 9.9 55-59 17.8 15.4 15.5 60-64 29.2 27.2 26.7 65-69 47.2 43.1 42.1 70-74 71.8 66.7 67.1 75-79 106.9 107.0 133.3 80+ 202. 7 187.2 185. 1 FEMALE AGE-SPECIFIC DEATH RATE UNDER 1 20.7 1966 AC 18.4 1969 AR 14.8 1971 AU 1-4 4.3 3.5 2.6 5-9 0.6 3.6 0.5 10-14 0.5 0.5 0.4 15-19 1.0 o.e 0.7 2C-24 1.3 1.0 0.8 25-29 1.4 1.2 1.1 30-34 1.9 1.7 1.4 35-39 2.4 2.1 2.0 40-44 3. 8 3.1 2.8 45-49 4.5 4.5 4.4 50-54 6. 8 6.9 6.6 55-59 10.5 9.4 9.7 6C-64 18.4 17.4 16.3 65-69 32.3 28.4 26.9 70-74 48.8 46.1 46.4 75-79 77.5 78.9 70.8 80+ 168.0 153.5 155.6 TOTAL NET MIGRATION 77 1966 AC NA NA MALE NET MGRATICN BY ACE NA NA NA FEMALF NET MIGRATICN BY AGE NA NA NA FEMALE AGE-SPECIFIC MARRIAGE RATE NA MARRIED WCMEN BY AGE {%) 10-14 1966 AH 15-19 8.7 20-24 57.4 25-29 88.6 30-34 93.0 NA NA 1969 AK 1971 AU e.o 8.0 49.9 50.3 88.2 88.1 93.0 93.0 REPUBLIC OF CHINA DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE— Continued Item Base Intermediate Current MARRIED WOMEN BY AGE ( %) — CON. jf-39 92.3 40-44 89.0 45-49 83.9 MEAN AGE H MARRIAGE (FEMALES) 19.6 1966 AE PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT R *TE (LOCAL) 97.2 1966 AG PRIMARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PATE (UN) 62.0 1965 AO LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 50.3 1966 AX MALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 72.4 1966 AX FEMALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION RATE 28.4 1966 AX LABOR FORCE IN AGRICULTURE (I) 44.3 1966 AX MALE LABOR FORCE IN AGRICULTURE (?) 42,2 1966 AX TOTAL LAND PER PERSCN (ACRES) 0.655 1966 AI AGRICULTURAL LAND PER PERSCN (ACRES) 0.170 1966 AI ^