U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22161 V % II - Your Partner in Transferring Information About this Handbook This handbook introduces NTIS and shows how it can help you manage your business, scientific, and technical information. It describes the breadth and variety of NTIS information services suitable for your smallest or largest project. To begin your partnership with NTIS, please call the Office of Program Management and Acquisitions National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4634. C_ $[.% IS?
S Depository Copy How NTIS reaches an audience How you can help 19 NTIS services for your customers Ordering options Methods of payment Rush services Additional services Appendices 21 A. Submitting your documents and computer products to NTIS 25 B. Sample media release 27 Forms and additional information Key NTTS telephone numbers, inside back cover PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY JUL It i330 DOCUMENTS COLLECTION U.S. Depository Copy See page 21 for easy steps to submit your information products. Managing Your Agency's Scientific, Technical, and Business Information — How NTIS Can Help The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is the only U.S. Govern- ment agency that deals specifically with all aspects of information and informa- tion products. Whether these are printed documents or in an electronic format — disks, tapes, audio-visuals, and CD-ROMs — NTIS manages everything from permanent archival storage to promotion and distribution of your information. In keeping with the U.S. Govern- ment's policy of making more Federal information available to a wider audi- ence, NTIS has become even more active in building information partner- ships with U.S. Government agencies. A working partnership between your agency and NTIS will not only help you organize and keep track of your scientific, technical, and business- related information, it will also help you reach the U.S. business and industry leaders that need your infor- mation. Managing Your Information NTIS provides a complete, centralized information management system that can store, process, and distribute your agency's: • Publications — including research reports, conference proceedings, and studies • Periodicals • Computer datafiles • Computer software • Ongoing research As part of its standard information man- agement system, NTIS: • Markets your agency's products through its network of promotional and announcement media • Creates a searchable bibliographic record of your information product — fully indexed and abstracted • Handles all the administrative and accounting details for the sale of your information products • Takes care of subscription details — changes of address, renewal notices, billing, and payment • Stores your information and makes it available for retrieval at any time — it will never go "out of print." Special Services NTIS also provides information services to save you time and expand your audience. These include: • Reducing your Freedom of Informa- tion Act (FOIA) workload • Patent licensing and promotion for patented inventions • Federal laboratory technology transfer • Leases of bibliographic databases • Seminars based on topical studies • Mail list service • Electronic media replication and distribution, including CD-ROM • Translation services. Listed below are agencies with the largest submissions of scien- tific, technical, and business- related information to NTIS: Annual Input Organization 800 Agriculture 2,400 Commerce 14,400 Defense 900 Education 24,000 Energy 2,200 EPA 900 Health & Human Services 900 Interior 9,000 NASA 700 National Science Foundation 500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 800 Transportation For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 3 NTIS Overview **A self-supporting agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. " NTIS as Your Partner NTIS carefully considers each agency's needs when developing a partnership. NTIS bridges the gap between your agency's information and those individuals in U.S. business, industry, and academia who put that information to work. A joint effort between your agency and NTIS in managing and disseminating your information accomplishes for both what neither one could do alone. This joint effort • aids the U.S. Government in its technology transfer efforts • strengthens the competitive position of U.S. industry • extends the effectiveness of your own program beyond its original mission requirements. This teamwork creates a "win-win- win" situation: you and your programs win, your customer constituency wins, and NTIS wins. NTIS Background Paradoxically, a history of NTIS needs to start with the future. For some time, experts have predicted an "information age" that will be realized by the beginning of the next century. This prediction is becoming a reality to- day — thanks to rapid advances in technology that allow more informa- tion to be processed faster. U.S. Government agencies are among the world's most prolific information producers and are rich sources of information that is acctirate, current, and of immeasurable value to industry and academia alike. Every day the volume of available information increases, challenging everyone who produces, handles, and uses it. Not only must all this information be cataloged and maintained in archives, it must also reach those people who need it. And this is where NTIS has histori- cally been in the forefront. NTJS is the only agency to assure that information will remain available to the general public now and in the future. Whether a report dates from 20 years ago or last month, or whether it's needed today or 20 years from now, that report, once stored at NTIS, will be available. Although the task is monumental — particularly when confronted with today's flood of information — NTIS is in the unique position of having 45 years of experience in information manage- ment. Getting Started in 1945 NTIS and its predecessor organizations date back to 1945 when President Harry S. Truman established what was then called the Publications Board. 1 The Board reviewed all Government- generated scientific and technical documents and determined what could be released to the public. At the end of World War II the Board's responsibili- ties were expanded. 2 The Board's ob- jectives were to organize declassified information to permit researchers, and especially industry, fast and easy access 4 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies to information, and to notify the public and industry about resources available. Five years later, Congress directed 3 the Department of Commerce to operate a national clearinghouse to collect, store, and distribute scientific, technical, and engineering information. In 1970, the national clearinghouse was reestablished as the National Technical Information Service, and information in business and statistics was added to the collection. Ever since its inception, NTIS has operated under some restrictions. By law, it must remain self-supporting by selling its products to users on a cost- recovery basis. 4 NTIS receives no Con- gressionally appropriated funds and cannot require other agencies to submit materials. In spite of these restrictions, NTIS continues to expand its scope of information in all areas of science and technology, including medicine, health, business, computer sciences, ecology, natural sciences, and the "soft" sciences, such as psychology and sociology. Increasing Services In 1980, NTIS established the Center for the Utilization of Federal Technol- ogy (CUFT). CUFT licenses Federal in- ventions to private industry — often on an exclusive basis — and pays use fees to the Federal agencies that produced the inventions. In addition, CUFT issues catalogs and directories describ- ing Federal laboratory technologies and resources. In 1988, NTIS formed the Federal Computer Products Center to handle the ever-increasing number of compu- terized information products. The Center announces and distributes Gov- ernment-sponsored computer software and datafiles. Its inventory presently includes more than 1,500 datafiles and 2,800 software titles. Recent legislation' authorizes NTIS to take positive steps to ensure con- tinuing improvement of its equipment and systems — particularly automated formats — so that that its collection, storage, and dissemination activities will keep pace with the "information revolution." tt The largest single source for Federally-produced information.** 'Executive Order 9568. Executive Order 9604. 'Public Law 776, 1950. Title 15, U.S. Code 1151-7. 'Public Law 100-418, signed 8/23/88; Public Law 100-519, signed 10 24 88. For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Sen ices for Federal Agencies 5 Submitting Your Agency's Information to NTIS — How It Benefits You A working partnership benefits both your agency and NTIS. You benefit because NTIS provides information management services specifically designed to not only organize and maintain information, but also satisfy Federal regulations. NTIS benefits because it acquires data that improves its collection, which it can in turn provide to the libraries, businesses, universities, and private individuals throughout the world that already depend on NTIS to fulfill their information needs. And, while both partners benefit from expanded distribution of the information, there is a third, silent partner who gains the most — the user of the information. Eighty percent of NTIS customers are in business and industry; the other twenty percent are academia and Federal, state, and local governments. Permanent Availability When your agency provides NTIS with information products, NTIS will: • Create a bibliographic record for each item • List your item in its online database • Maintain the item in its archives. NTIS is the only agency that makes your information available permanently by including it in its archives. The NTIS archive copy is your master copy. NTIS also maintains one microfiche copy of each report in the NTIS collection at another location as a backup. Documents Most NTIS activities involve announc- ing and distributing research docu- ments. By working with NTIS, you are assured of reaching a wide audience. NTIS offers your documents to its customers in both printed and micro- fiche format. Libraries maintaining large information collections often order documents in microfiche. NTIS works one-to-one with your agency to determine the most conven- ient way to submit your material. Details on how to register documents with NTIS are provided in Appendix A on page 21. Periodicals NTIS can manage your agency's subscription fulfillment tasks. NTIS handles and distributes more than 80 subscriptions regularly published by U.S. Government agencies. For ex- ample, NTIS distributes the Smith- sonian Institution's Scientific Event Alert Network, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Patent Ab- stracts Bibliography, the Department of Energy's Radioactive Waste Management, and the Executive Office of the President, U.S. Trade Representative's Trade Action Monitor- ing System. NTIS will manage all aspects of your agency's subscription fulfillment activities — maintaining mailing lists, sending renewal notices and bills, and collecting payments. Subscription items may be issued regularly or irregularly — NTIS offers both services to match your agency's special requirements. Case Study The EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) adds about 1 ,500 information products to the NTIS collection each year. ORD is required to inform the environ- mental community of its research. To use its resources — staff and funds — most effectively, ORD prints 10 percent of its products to fulfill its own requirement and refers inquiries for 90 percent of its materials to NTIS for copies. NTIS produces a quarterly bibli- ography for EPA that includes ORD material that is available to all EPA contractors, libraries, and others interested in the environ- ment. Case Study Because NTIS maintains a "disaster backup file" of all the documents in its collection, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) no longer had to maintain a master backup set. It knows there are two complete sets of its docu- ments at NTIS: one as a working set and a separate one as a "disaster backup file." For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Case Study The National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) staff was burdened with the details and paperwork needed to distribute its 13 periodicals. NTIS now man- ages these products including all printing, mailing, and subscription fulfillment for 1,700 subscriptions. Case Study NTIS saved $50,000 for an office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that was unaware NTIS routinely creates a master microfiche of all documents submitted. Before sending a series of reports to NTIS, this EPA office obtained outside esti- mates — as high as $50,000 — for a microfiche copy of each report. Instead, they ordered their microfiche set from NTIS for about $300 and informed their state cooperating network that each of them could do the same through NTIS's Selected Research in Microfiche (SRIM) service. Computer Products If your agency produces software or data in electronic format, NTIS can help you with dissemination. NTIS promotes, reproduces, and distributes magnetic tapes, diskettes, CD-ROMs, and digital tapes for a number of agencies. Federal Computer Products Center The Center works directly with agen- cies to collect and announce computer products that are particularly useful to businesses and the scientific commu- nity. The Center can: • Manage subscriptions for datafiles on tapes or diskettes • Provide services to convert mag- netic tape files to diskettes • Promote your products to specific audiences through free listings and a quarterly newsletter. The Center currently offers the public more than 1,500 datafiles — both numerical and textual — and 2,800 software programs for use on both mainframe and microcomputers. Your agency can join more than 60 others for whom NTIS manages computer products, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administra- tion, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. NTIS works with agencies on an individual basis to determine the best way to present information. This may involve creating subsets of an existing datafile, converting from tape to diskette, reproducing on paper, designing a customized application, or even finding a private company to provide online interactive access to your datafile. NTIS also manages the Federal Software Exchange Program for the General Services Administration. Federal regulations 1 require agencies to continually review the software they produce to identify common-use programs or systems and report them to NTIS. NTIS then announces these products to other Federal agencies. To register your agency's computer products with NTIS, see Appendix A on page 21. NTIS Electronic Media Production Service If your agency needs help producing electronic media such as magnetic tapes, diskettes, CD-ROMs and digital tapes, see the Electronic Media Produc- tion Service description on page 14. 'FPMR 101-36 dated June 1978. 8 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Ongoing Research Current information is vital to scientists and researchers who want to exchange ideas immediately — before technical reports or journal literature become available. Your ongoing R&D could be a critical part of this exchange. The NTIS Federal Research in Progress (FEDRIP) Database will list your current projects, making them easy to access through private sector vendors. In fact, the number of searches performed on FEDRIP by industry, government agencies, and academia has more than doubled in the last year. Current contributors to FEDRIP are: • Department of Agriculture • Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology • Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information • Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey • Department of Veterans Affairs • National Aeronautics and Space Administration • Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health • National Science Foundation • Small Business Administration, Small Business Innovation Research Program • Transportation Research Board. The database, which is updated monthly, lists project title, start date, estimated research completion date, principal investigator, performing and sponsoring organizations, project sum- mary, keywords, and progress report. To register your ongoing research, call the FEDRIP product manager at (703) 487-4929. Training Materials Your agency is now required 2 to submit to NTIS training materials developed for your use that could have secondary application in the public and private sector. Because training is becoming critical in developing and maintaining a competitive workforce, NTIS was selected to act as a single public source for these materials. Your agency may already have training materials in the NTIS collection or NTIS may have training materials that you can use at much less than the cost of developing new ones. The NTIS collection includes materials on • Quality management • Ethics • Stress management • Machine repair instructions, and many others. Materials are accepted in a variety of formats including printed manuals, slides, videos, overlays, and computer programs. Case Study NTIS often receives datafiles from agencies that have their own small-scale copying and dis- tributing operations. When the volume begins to tax their re- sources, they turn to NTIS for help. Such was the case with the National Center for Health Statis- tics (NCHS). NTIS was already successfully handling the promo- tion and distribution of NCHS computer products on tape. When the agency added prod- ucts on diskettes, it initially kept the distribution process inhouse. But when the market for diskettes expanded beyond NCHS resources, the agency turned to NTIS to produce and distribute the diskette products as well as the tape products. Case Study The National Library of Medicine (NLM) produces Grateful Med, a successful and popular front-end microcomputer search package for users of NLM's MEDLINE and CATLINE online databases. Each time Grateful Med is updated, NTIS masters and copies the new version for distri- bution, and, with contractor support, produces and packages the accompanying documenta- tion. NTIS handles all product distribution, billing, and collection. -'Trade Omnibus Act (P.L. 100-418) For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 9 Special Services — Handling Unique Products In addition to technical reports and computer products, NTIS offers: • Patent licensing • Laboratory technology transfer • Bibliographic database leasing • Seminar programs • Mail list service Patent Licensing The NTIS Center for the Utilization of Federal Technology (CUFT) licenses technology developed by Federal laboratories to the private sector. If your agency patents its technology, CUFT can assist you. To discuss licensing, call CUFT at (703) 487-4838. Laboratory Technology Transfer Each year, Federal laboratories develop thousands of new technologies with commercial or practical applications. NTIS announces these technologies to businesses and universities through catalogs and bulletins. These publica- tions act as a one-stop source of infor- mation in the technology transfer process. For more information on NTIS 1 Federal laboratory technology transfer program, call (703) 487-4805. Bibliographic Database Leasing NTIS will lease your inhouse databases to the public including commercial online or CD-ROM vendors. NTIS has historically served as the clearinghouse for Federally-produced bibliographic databases. It has devel- oped a good working relationship with commercial vendors that makes lease negotiations easier. The list at right shows the databases currently handled by NTIS. For more information, call the Database product manager at (703) 487-4929. Seminar Program The NTIS Seminar Program presents your most successful studies or R&D endeavors to a targeted audience. A seminar is based on a specific report or study that originates with a Government agency. NTIS publishes and promotes the report along with an accompanying seminar. The agency assists NTIS in identifying the most ap- propriate speakers and panelists. Semi- nar attendance is limited to about fifty people to allow for lively interaction between participants and speakers. The seminars provide an excellent opportu- nity to develop strong personal net- works. Mail List Service NTIS will make your agency's lists of names and addresses publicly avail- able. Through this service, customers can order mail lists on Cheshire and peel labels or on magnetic tape. Some agencies use this service to handle their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for publically releas- able mail lists. Licensing for agencies NTIS licenses more than 60 inventions each year. In 1989. NTIS collected licensing reve- nues of $5.4 million, of which $570,000 was shared with Federal inventors. Some of the agencies for which NTIS handles licensing: • Department of Agriculture • Department of the Interior • Environmental Protection Agency • Public Health Service — National Institutes of Health. ADAMHA, and Center for Disease Control • National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration • National Institute of Standards and Technology. Bibliographic Databases NTIS leases the following databases to commercial online and CD-ROM vendors: • AGRICOLAand AGRIS— National Agricultural Library • Cold Regions Database- Library of Congress, National Science Foundation, and Army Corps of Engineers. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory • Energy Data Base — Office of Scientific & Technical Informa- tion. Department of Energy • Natural Resources Data- bases—Department of the Interior • NIOSHTIC— National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health • Selected Water Resources Abstracts— U.S. Geological Survey. Department of the Interior. For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 1 1 Options for Savings & Efficiency- More Ways NTIS Can Help NTIS can help you deal with your agency's changing budgets by: • Reducing FOIA workloads • Tracking how your information is used • Providing financial services • Mastering and duplicating electronic media • Providing translation service • Creating special bibliographies • Customizing collections. Reducing Your FOIA Workload NTIS can assist you with your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Because NTIS has a statutory-based fee schedule 1 , it can provide your material directly to the public without your involvement. For example, NTIS works with the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the U.S. Army Publications and Printing Agency to provide public access to documents that might be requested under FOIA. Gramm-Rudman provides new in- centives for FOIA officers to reduce administrative costs. When you enter releasable items that are frequently requested under FOIA into the NTIS collection, NTIS can fill orders or provide subscriptions for recurring publications. This frees your agency's FOIA staff and reduces your printing costs. For further information, call the Office of Program Mangement and Acquisitions at (703) 487-4634. Reports to Track How Your Information is Used If your agency needs information on sales of its publications or computer products for program justification or marketing, NTIS will provide the following reports: • Document Sales Summary — lists titles, order numbers, prices, and current and cumulative sales data for all your registered documents • Best Seller List — contains titles, order numbers, and total sales for best- selling documents registered with NTIS • User Profile — shows total sales by user group, including universities, businesses, business libraries, and Federal libraries • Input/Demand Summary — lists buyer names, copies sold, and agency report numbers for docu- ments with sales activity during the latest quarter. The Document Sales Summary and Best Seller List are free; the User Pro] lie and the Input/Demand Summary are avail- able for a nominal fee. For further information, call the Office of Program Mangement and Acquisitions at (703) 487-4634. Case Study The Food and Drug Administra- tion (FDA) maintains a list of FDA documents in the NTIS collection. When one of these documents is requested under FOIA, FDA refers the request to NTIS, freeing FDA of the FOIA administrative burden. 'Based on 1987 changes to FOIA and related Office of Management and Budget guidelines. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 13 Case Study For 15 years, NTIS has been assisting the National Library of Medicine (NLM) with the billing of customers using its online medical databases. NTIS handles invoicing, accounts receivable and payable, cash receipts, and financial management. NLM finds that it is more economi- cal to have NTIS handle the accounting required for the thou- sands of invoices sent monthly. Financial Services to Support Your Program NTIS offers accounting and financial services that include account mainte- nance, invoicing, and funds collection. These services can be provided for virtually any kind of product or service through brokerage agreements. For further information, call the Office of Program Management and Acquisitions at (703) 487-4634. Electronic Media Mastering and Replication Services NTIS can now assist you in obtaining services for producing and disseminat- ing information on: • Compact Discs • Diskettes • Magnetic Tapes • Digital Tapes. You need only to submit technical specifications and a task order to NTIS. NTIS then deals directly with contracted vendors for the services, runs quality checks on completed material, and handles all finances. NTIS is reimbursed through inter- agency fund transfers. Benefits to your agency include: • Cutting agency procurement costs by as much as 90 percent • Shortening the procurement cycle by two to four weeks • Saving production costs by 20 to 70 percent • Assuring stringent quality • Simplifying the production process. This program opens the door for agencies to make low-cost experiments in electronic media. For further information on the NTIS Electronic Media Production Service, call (703) 487-4672. Interagency Translation Assistance Service NTIS can help you meet your foreign language translation requirements. This service is part of NTIS' expanding role in bringing foreign government re- search results to U.S. industry and universities. NTIS handles all contrac- tual, financial, and logistical details for a translation. Your agency reimburses NTIS through interagency fund trans- fers. Translation work of any size is accepted — from brief letters to com- plete monographs. Based on client needs, the service meets requirements for quality and lowest priced turn- around time. For more information, call the Office of International Affairs, (703) 487-4819. 14 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Bibliographies of Your Information NTIS can produce fully indexed bibliographies of your agency's reports. Each bibliography includes indexes by subject, author, corporate source, contract, accession numbers, and title. To ensure complete bibliographies, NTIS encourages agencies to include all their reports in the NTIS collection, even if they are available from another source. For further information, call the Office of Program Management and Acquisitions at (703) 487-4634. Customized Collections and Other Programs To assist in the internal management of your agency's information, NTIS develops customized, multi-service programs. For instance, your agency may need to respond to regional offices or your own special constitu- ency and create a "library" of your agency's reports. NTIS can help you set up and maintain this library. If you need to publicize your reports. NTIS produces a number of topical newsletters that will meet your needs. These include Health Care, Energy, and Environmental Pollution and Control. NTIS specializes in collecting, synthesizing, and distributing informa- tion and can put its knowledge and expertise to work for you. Whether you need help with packaging, pricing, new information transfer technologies, or marketing a product, NTIS can do it for you. For further information, call the Office of Program Management and Acquisitions at (703) 487-4634. *NTIS— A dissemination resource for hundreds of Government agencies. 99 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 1 5 Announcing Your Information — A Shared Responsibility How NTIS Reaches an Audience NTIS provides maximum exposure for your documents, periodicals, and computer products through its announcement media and promotional material. NTIS includes summaries of your material in: • Government Reports Announcements & Index (GRA&I) Journal — A twice- monthly journal that lists 2,500 new entries and features five indexes in each issue • Abstract Newsletters — Weekly bulletins published in 26 subject areas that help readers stay current in their fields easily and efficiently • NTIS Bibliographic Database — An online database that announces more than 60,000 completed re- search summaries annually and contains 1.4 million summaries going back to 1964 • Federal Research in Progress Data- base (FEDRIP) — An online database that announces more than 90,000 summaries of ongoing government research each year • Catalogs and directories — NTIS produces directories for specific audiences, including the Director}' of Federal Laboratory and Technology Resources, the directories of com- puter software and datafiles, and the Catalog of Government Inventions Available for Licensing. NTIS also promotes your information through an active program that includes: • Direct-mail campaigns aimed at multiple audiences • Specialized publicity targeted to specific "niche" markets • Announcements to the trade press • Exhibits at industry conferences and trade shows • Cooperation with media for special promotion of selected technical documents • The use of sales agents. How You Can Help NTIS provides marketing services that give greatest visibility to your informa- tion products. You can coordinate your own announcements with NTIS's publicity; your carefully timed and distributed press releases will increase attention during the weeks following the NTIS announcement, resulting in increased dissemination for your product. On the other hand, if you must do an early press release or Federal Register announcement, early coordina- tion with the NTIS acquisitions stall will allow NTIS to be prepared for customer orders. Hints on Writing Media Releases Effective media releases depend upon accurate, complete information. Whether NTIS or your agency prepares the media release, here are some points to remember: • Include a full account of why the material is valuable to the reader. NTIS will work directly with you to develop this infor- mation. • Provide correct NTIS prices and ordering information. • Request a media code from NTIS for each media release and attach this code to the order number, so NTIS can help you determine the effec- tiveness of the release. See Appendix B, page 25, for a sample media release. For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services lor Federal Agencies 1 NTIS Services for Your Customers NTIS offers its customers a number of ways to order. Some of these services are listed below. Ordering Options Customers may order from NTIS by: • Telephone — TDD for the hearing impaired is available • Mail • FAX or telex • Online through commercial information companies such as DIALOG, OCLC, ORBIT, and STN • direct access into the NTIS order system using a personal com- puter. Methods of Payment Customers may pay for documents and other NTIS products and services by: • Credit card — American Express, MasterCard, or VISA • Check or money order payable to NTIS in U.S. dollars • NTIS Deposit Account • Billing through a purchase order. Rush Delivery Services Although NTIS ships its orders via First Class delivery, it also offers a variety of rush services for an addi- tional fee. • Rush order service for technical documents — orders are guaran- teed to be ready for shipment just 24 hours after NTIS receives the order. • Express order service for techni- cal documents — orders are guaranteed to be ready for shipment within 24 hours of receipt and then delivered by overnight courier. • Computer product rush service- orders are guaranteed to be ready for shipment within five business days and then delivered by overnight courier. Additional Services • Title identification — NTIS will determine whether a particular report is available from NTIS. If NTIS does not have the report, NTIS identification specialists will help the customer find it. • Tracing an order — if customers have questions about their orders, NTIS customer service representa- tives are ready to help. • Discounts for technical reports — a 25 percent discount is available for most documents if more than five copies of a single title are ordered and shipped to the same address. • Library discount — academic libraries are eligible for a 10 percent education credit on orders. • State and local governments and state universities can order on credit using a "special credit" ac- count. With this service, they can use their purchase order system without being charged the regular NTIS purchase order fee. • Courier service — orders can be delivered in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. • Pickup service — orders may be picked up at NTIS in Springfield, Virginia. Customers may also use NTIS' reference room to identify needed information. • Overseas representatives — NTIS has 30 overseas representatives with whom customers can place orders. NTIS Deposit Accounts A Deposit Account is a convenient debit account service that makes it easy for customers to order quickly and efficiently from NTIS. The ad- vantages of the account include: • Easy ordering — by telephone, online, or mail • A unique account number to simplify all ordering • Ability to direct dial orders into the NTIS order system using a microcomputer • Special order forms to speed an order through NTIS • Monthly statements with detailed transactions and routing informa- tion • A free subscription to the quarterly publication, NTIS NewsLine For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 19 20 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Appendix A — Submitting Your Documents and Computer Products to NTIS The more complete the information you provide NTIS, the easier it will be for customers to locate your report. Be certain to: • Select a title that is descriptive (Customers frequently select material on title alone) • Furnish a concise abstract that includes the purpose of study and highlights its findings • Send reports to NTIS promptly — new items are continually an- nounced. Be sure your informa- tion has every opportunity to gain maximum use. A good title and abstract increase the dissemination potential of your report, software, or datafile. Legibility NTIS needs a high-quality, legible master copy of each document included in its collection. Once the original stock is exhausted, NTIS uses this master to print additional copies. The quality of copies NTIS reproduces is directly related to the quality of the original. NTIS Archive Fee NTIS generally waives the archive fee; however, for older repons or reports requiring extensive input processing, NTIS may need to charge a fee. To obtain forms to submit information to NTIS, see page 31 or call (703) 487-4690. Four easy steps for submitting material 1. Describe your report or computer product Documents Please fill out a Report Documenta- tion Page (SF-298). It provides the information that assures your document will be announced accu- rately. You need not include any in- formation easily found in the first few pages of the report. A free microcomputer version of this form is available. Magnetic Tapes For software or datafiles on mag- netic tape, fill out a Catalog Data Sheet (NTIS-23H and a Computer Magnetic Tape File Properties form (SF-277). For any documentation you submit, fill out a Report Docu- mentation Page (SF-298). Diskettes For software or datafiles on diskette, fill out a Catalog Data Sheet (NTIS-231) and a Computer Diskette File Properties form (FCPC-01). For any documentation you submit with the diskette, fill out the Report Documentation Page (SF-298). 2. Fill out a return postcard To verify that NTIS has received your item, enclose an Accession Notice Card (NTIS-79) for each. NTIS will return the card to you with the order number and price of your registered item so you can refer public inquiries to \T1S. The card also gives you a record of whai you've sent to NTIS. Your mailing address must be on the reverse side of each card. 3. Review this checklist □ The title is descriptive □ The publication date is on the item □ If the item is part of a series and the other parts are available outside NTIS. provide information on where to find them. _) If the item supersedes or supple- ments a previous one. make a no- tation to that effect on the Report Documentation Page Documents J Ml pages are present and repro- ducible. J Charts, foldouts, or maps were avoided. II thev were used, see thai all are numbered. For assistance With these Steps, Call (703) 487-4690. I [andbook of NTIS Sen ices for Federal Agencies 21 □ Horizontal pages are inserted correctly. □ Any color used in illustrations will be understandable when repro- duced in black and white. NTIS does not have color reproduction capability. □ The report number series is registered with NTIS (see page 23). □ Copyright statements in the report comply with the rules on page 23- □ Computer printouts are legible and on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. □ A Report Documentation Page and an Accession Notice Card are attached.. Magnetic Tapes and Diskettes □ Magnetic tapes are IBM-compat- ible and recorded in 9-track, 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi density, odd parity. A reflective spot precedes the first record and an end-of-file marker follows the last record. □ Each magnetic tape is labeled with the name of producing agency, title, density and charac- ter code, number of files, volume serial number and data set name, and reel number. □ Each diskette is labeled with the name of producing agency, title, and diskette number. NTIS also distributes audiovisual and CD-ROM products. To submit these items, call (703) 487-4634. □ For datafiles, record layouts and descriptions are complete and reproducible. □ If the computer product is to be updated, all updates should be sent to NTIS so the producty may be sold on a continuing subscrip- tion basis. The update schedule will be included if it is available. □ Computer software includes documentation to implement the program with input and output layouts, if applicable. 4. Send NTIS your material Documents Send one high-quality, legible master copy and at least 10 printed copies (arrangements can be made if you do not have printed stock) of your document to: U.S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Attn: Receiving All items funded by the Departments of Defense, Energy, and NASA should be sent to the following addresses. They will then send your reports to NTIS to be included in the information collection. Send U.S. Department of Defense-funded reports to: Defense Technical Info. Center Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 274-6837 Send U.S. Department of Energy- funded reports to: DOE OSTI P.O. Box 62 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (615) 576-1268 Send NASA-funded reports to: NASA STI Facility P.O. Box 8757 BWI Airport, MD 21240 (301) 859-5300 Magnetic Tapes and Diskettes Use appropriate packing material for all computer products. It is impor- tant to mail related items together as one package to ensure proper handling. U.S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Attn: Federal Computer Products Center, Room 1025S At the time you submit your document, you qualify for a significant discount on ten or more copies for your agency's use. 22 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Other Guidelines Selecting Tides A strong, clear title is often the most crtical element in creating interest to a document or computer product. • Do not begin a title with a number or a year • Do not use the following phrases in the title: "Final report on ...," "Annual report of ...," "Technical report on ...," "Report on project ...," "Software on ...," or "Program of ...." Instead, put that informa- tion in a subtitle • Avoid little-known acronyms and abbreviations — unless you also spell them out. Spell out the name of chemicals. Report Number Series for Your Organization If you submit more than one item, NTIS can create a report number series for your organization that makes it easier to track and catalog reports. If you are already using a system, NTIS can register your existing series. NTIS has been designated by the National Information Standards Organization as the central authority to maintain a registry of report num- bers. For more information, call the NTIS Standard Report Number (STRN) service at (703) 487-4668. Document Appearance Remember: Quality in - Quality out. NTIS can provide higher quality copies of your documents when the master copy meets the highest stan- dards. Be sure to: • Prepare your document using black ink on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper. Provide at least one sharp, legible copy for successful duplication • Number each page, including introductory pages • Use color only when absolutely necessary. If color must be used, code colors in the margin of the page so that black and white reproduction is possible. Copyrighted Material If the document or any part of it is copyrighted or otherwise restricted, a letter signed by the copyright owner or authorized representative must accompany the report. It must grant assignment, release, or permis- sion to reproduce and sell the document. If the U.S. Government has been granted authority to reproduce and sell by virtue of a contract or otherwise, the following statement must be on the cover or title page: The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and sell this copyrighted work. Perm issio > i fo rfi irtber repro- duction must be obtained from the copyright owner. If the U.S. Government does not have authority to reproduce and sell, but the copyright owner has granted authority to NTIS, the following statement must be on the cover or title page: NTIS is authorized to sell this copyrighted work. Penyussion for further reproduction must be obtained from the copyright owner. Items written by U.S. Government employees while on duly usually cannot be copyrighted. If an item written by one or more Government employees is copyrighted and the fact of Government employment is not noted in the book or article, a letter affirming the status of the author(s) as a Government employee(s) must accompany the document. Translations made from text published in a country signatory to the Geneva Copyright Convention must contain a signed statement in Box 12a of the Report Documenta- tion Page (SF-298) or in a letter ad- dressed to NTIS with one of the following statements: The original text is not copy- righted. Or. The U.S. Government has been authorized to reproduce and sell this copyrighted work Permission for further repro- duction must be obtained from the copyright owner. For assistance, call (703) 487-4690. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 23 24 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Appendix B — Sample Media Release Trade Announcement Protecting Public Health and the Environment — New Risk Analysis Handbook Is Concise, Comprehensive Reference Work EDITORS For a review copy call: Dottie MacEoin at (703) 487-4812 This recently released guide is of value to anyone who needs to work with risk assessments, environmental impact state- ments, or other statements of risk. Risk Analysis : A Guide to Principles and Methods for Analyzing Health and Environmental Risks was prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality in cooperation with the National Science Foundation. This guide is intended both as an introduction to risk analysis and as a readily accessible reference manual. Designed for users of risk information, it offers a balance between the technical and nontechnical literature. Some of the topics covered in the guidebook include methodology and techniques, an overview of risk analysis, hazard identification, and risk communication. The report includes a glossary, numerous case stu£ ies, examples, and reference materials. TO ORDER: Request Risk Analysis : A Guide to Princigjj*er~5nd Methods for Analyzing Health and Environmental Ris/cs,PB89-137772i $17.50, plus $3 handling fee. FROM: NTIS, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 487-46 National Technical Information Service U.S. Department ot Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Point of contact for more information Easy to scan copy NTIS order number and price This three character code lets NTIS track sales generated by the press release. Call NTIS at (703) 487-4812 for a tracking code for your relaese NTIS Phone number This NTIS press release is an example of how to alert editors to newly issued documents or computer products. For assistance, call (703) 487-4634. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 2^ 1 AOOOOltl^ 7333 26 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Forms and Additional Information The following forms are used to submit your information items to NTIS: Quantity Accession Notice Card (NTIS-79) — submit one with each item Report Documentation Page (SF-298) — submit one with each printed item Catalog Data Sheet (NTIS-231) — submit one with each computer product Computer Magnetic Tape File Properties (SF-277) — submit one with each magnetic tape. _ Computer Diskette File Properties (FCPC-01) — submit one with each diskette CD-ROM properties — submit one with each CD-ROM Please check which of the following publications you would like: NTIS Products & Services Catalog (PR-827/870) — free catalog describing NTIS products. □ □ NTIS Newsline (PR-660/870) — a free subscription to the NTIS quarterly newsletter reviewing new items received by NTIS. Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies (PR-870) — for more copies of this book. Name Agency Address City, State, ZIP Send to: NTIS, Office of Program Management and Acquisitions Room 30 IF, 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 FAX: (703) 321-8547 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies 2" 28 Handbook of NTIS Services for Federal Agencies Key NTR> Telephone Numbers TO SUBMIT YOUR INFORMATION Acquisitions Department (703) 487-4634 TO PLACE AN ORDER Technical Reports & Computer Products Regular service (703) 487-4650 RUSH service (800) 336-4700 (In Virginia) (703) 487-4700 FAX (703)321-8547 Telex 89-9405 or 64617 Subscriptions (703) 487-4630 OTHER ASSISTANCE For help in identifying a title for sale (703) 487-4780 For help in tracing an order (703) 487-4660 For help with NTIS Deposit Accounts (703) 487-4064 Licensing Government-owned inventions (703) 487-4732 For a FREE copy of the NTIS Products & Services Catalog, please write or call (703) 487-4650 ami ask for catalog number PR-S27. "A partnership with NTIS helps you manage your agency's information" Inside, how to: ■ Submit technical reports, software, and datafiles, page 21 ■ Announce your ongoing research, page 9 ■ Procure CD-ROM, page 14 ■ Reduce your FOIA workload, page 13 AD0D01bl27333 PR-870 3/90