: A DIRECTORY OF PB-279 570 CDmPUTER SOFTWARE flPRJCPTOB TRfinSPDPfTfiTlDn U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-National Technical Information Service Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/dirOOunit PB-279 570 a. o U o A DIRECTORY OF CDmPUTER SOFTWARE Rppucmans TfiflnSPDRTflTCTl O* fc^ stA t6* vehicle accidents, "Accident investigations, "Data processing, Ac- cident investigations, Optical equipment. Colli- sion research, Highways, Computers. A computer program and an associated optical measurement system are described which have been developed to aid the investigation of highway accidents. The described develop- ments constitute the major components of a 25 system which will provide a capability of processing and evaluating data, via radio con- tact with the operator of a time-sharing com- puter terminal, while the investigators are at the accident scene. Reconstructions produced by the computer program are compared with the results of staged collisions in the literature. The instrumented optical system is described in detail and results of trial applications are discussed. Plans for completion and evaluation of the overall system, which could not be imple- mented within the first year of effort, are presented and discussed. (Author) PB-209 073/CP PC E01/MF A01 Research Triangle Inst., Durham, N.C. Computer Program Effectiveness Model Final rept. Jul 71 -Jan 72 S. B. White, C. A. Clayton, J. W. Dunn, and A. C. Nelson. 25 Jan 72, 1 12p DOT-HS-800 655 Contract DOT-HS-022-1-177 Descriptors: 'Safety engineering, Compu- terized simulation, 'Motor vehicle accidents, Safety engineering. Numerical analysis, Ac- cident prevention, Safety devices. Collision research, Accident investigations, Countermea- sures, Mathematical programming. A model has been developed for use in evaluat- ing the effectiveness of existing or proposed highway safety programs and motor vehicle safety standards. A computer program was developed to perform the computations of ef- fectiveness as formulated in the model and is described in detail That is, block diagrams, input requirements, limitations and constraints of the program, and the flexibility of output for- mat (sensitivity and simulation analyses) are provided. Numerical examples are given to il- lustrate the operational feasibility of the model as well as its flexibility in analyzing a variety of problems concerning current and future safety programs or vehicle standards. Conclusions and recommendations are provided to suggest guidance for future efforts (Author) PB-209 278/CP PC A19/MF A01 General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY Mechanical Engineering Lab. Modeling, Analysis, and Evaluation of Ran- kine Cycle Propulsion Systems. Volume II. Users Manual J. H. Skinner, R. P. Shah, and J. B. Okesson. Feb 72, 426p* S-71 -1 1 29-2, APTD-0961 Contract EPA-EHS-70-1 1 1 See also Volume 1 , PB-209 277. Descriptors: 'Automobile engines, "Rankme cycle, "Computer programs. Manuals, Digital simulation, FORTRAN Computer program listings for the models derived and analyzed in Volume 1 , PB-209 277, are presented. FORTRAN nomenclature, flow diagrams, input and output information, and other user instructions are also included. The manual has been prepared so that the user can link the programs together to form a com- ponent or system model, provide the needed input, run the program, and obtain and in- terpret the results. Each section deals with a particular model. All of the subroutines that are employed in constructing the model are listed. The total memory size requirements for all pro- grams used in the total systems model is ap- proximately 45K. The sections are: fluid proper- ty models; reciprocating expander model; tur- bine expander model; feedpump model; vapor generator model; condenser model, regenera- tor model; combustor model, transmission model; driver model; parametric design pro- grams; and total system model. (Author) PB-209 286/CP PC A13/MF A01 Mitre Corp , Bailey's Crossroads, Va. Advanced Automotive Power System Struc- tured Value Analysis Model J. Dukowicz, W Fraize, E. Keitz, S. Poh, and J. Stone Oct 71 , 284p* MTR-6085, APTD-0966 Contract F1 9628-71 -C-0002 Descriptors: 'Automobile engines, Evaluation, "Air pollution. Exhaust gases, "Exhaust gases, Automobile engines, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Assessments, Design criteria, Cost estimates. Acceptability, Per- formance evaluation, Economic analysis. Safety, Maintenance, CARBON DIOXIDE, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen oxides, Air pollution control equipment. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. A model which will provide a tool in evaluating advanced low-emission automotive power systems, and a basis for decisions relating to further development of candidate power systems is presented. The technique is quan- titative and readily adaptable to the stage of a candidate's development. It relies primarily on engineering measurements and provides con- sistent repeatable results. It allows the use of expert value judgments as a valid part of the evaluation process. The parameters which, when measured, will provide the information needed to describe and adequately evaluate the candidate are listed, and the measurement scales and the rationale for the parameter selection are provided.. The cost and economic factors critical to the evaluation of candidates are discussed. The analytical formulation of the model is addressed. Also included are value sets of parameters for eight evaluation catego- ries: emissions, operating performance, ac- ceptability, operating environment, safety, per- sonnel and facilities, propulsion system technology and reliability and maintenance (Author) PB-210 057/CP PC A17/MF A01 Sundstrand Aviation, Rockford, III. Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evaluation. Phase I Final rept. M. A. Cordner, and D. H. Grimm. 25 Feb 72, 388p' SA/AER-640, APTD-1121 Contract EPA-68-04-0034 Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, "Air pollution, "Automotive transmissions, Performance evaluation, Motor vehicle drive systems, Flywheels, Feasibility, Cost estimates. Design, Automobiles, FORTRAN, Computer programs, Analog simulation, Digital simulation. Identifiers: "Hybrid vehicular propulsion, Air pollution abatement, "Hydromechanical trans- missions. The purpose was to assess the practicality of a transmission for use in a heat engine/flywheel propulsion system to reduce emissions. The system was to be suitable for incorporation into a full size family car' automobile. The different possible link types (mechanical, hydrostatic, and hydromechanical) between the engine, flywheel, and vehicle wheels were analyzed. Many transmission schematics were in- vestigated, and several combinations were selected for further evaluation resulting in the final recommended configuration. Controls were selected and analyzed using a digital dynamic simulation computer program and an analog computer simulation. System per- formance, stability and driveability were detenned Cost estimates were made for the selected configuration using comparative data, vendor quotations and in-house estimates. Comparisons with a conventional three speed automatic transmission were made. A hydromechanical transmission configuration with interdependent links between the flywheel, engine, and wheels was the resultant selection. The flywheel/transmission was configured for a tran-axle installation, which was considered optimum. (Author) PB-211 201/CP PC A21/MF A01 I IT Research Inst., Chicago, III Articulated Vehicle Handling Final rept. Jul 71 -Mar 72 R. L. Eshleman, and S. D. Desai. Apr 72, 499p DOT-HS-800 674 Contract DOT-HS-105-1-151 See also PB-211 051. Descriptors: "Trucks, Performance, Truck trac- tors, Trailers, Computerized simulation. Steer- ing, Braking, Dynamic response. Computer programs, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Articulated vehicles. An analytical and experimental investigation of articulated vehicle handling was conducted to develop the facility for prediction of the dynam- ic behavior of single- and double-articulated vehicles during commonly encountered road and speed-maneuvers and subject to aerodynamic influences. To this end, an experi- mentally validated digital simulation model, AVDS II, was developed which uses the inverse trajectory method whereby the steering de- mands, braking demands, and the vehicle response are computed for given tire charac- teristics and prescribed tractor trajectory. The AVDS II was used to conduct a parameter varia- tion study on the factors that affect articulated vehicle handling. (Author) PB-212 298/CP PC E01/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley Operations Research Center. Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway We-Min Chow, and Adolf D. May. Aug 72, 73p Reptno.ORC-72-19 Grant NSF-GK-231 53 Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, Ser- vices, "Highway planning, "California, "Freeways, Facilities, Sites, Mathematical models, Simulation, Delay time, Dynamic pro- gramming, Optimization, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Integer programming, "Emergency services, FREEQ computer program, Optimiza- tion models. Two models were used to find the optimal loca- tions of the service facilities along a freeway. The first one is a simulation model, called FREEQ, which can be employed to generate all necessary information such as total travel time, individual average travel time on the freeway, provided that the demand pattern and the physical configuration of the freeway are known. Based upon these results, an optimiza- tion model is used to search for the best loca- tions of the service facilities so that the total delay time caused by the accident or incident or the response time of the service unit is minimized. PB-212 506/CP PC E01/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). Development of a Program for the Axle-Load Survey Recorder (ALSER) C. J D Lane, and J. G. Dennis. 1972, 16p Rept no.TRRL-LR-478 Descriptors: "Punched tape readers, "Computer programming, "Recording instrument papers, Punched tape readers, "Axles, Loads(Forces), Data recorders. Tape recorders, Punched tapes. Control sequences, Vehicular traffic. Flow charting, Great Britain Identifiers: ALSER(Axle Load Survey Recor- ders), Axle load survey recorders, Alser com- puter program, RATTLE computer program, Tape analysis, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. The report describes a FORTRAN program for analysing the data tapes produced by the porta- ble Axle Load Survey Recorder developed by 26 the Laboratory. The main purpose of the pro- gram ALSER is to compose the survey data into a suitable format for analysis by RATTLE, an in- dependently written tabulation program. With minor adaptations the ALSER program could be used with other commonly available tabula- tion programs. (Author) PB-212 767/8CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. Dept of Operations Research. Analytical Methology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume II Final rept. Robert Bechhofer, Mark Brown, Stella Dafermos, Mark Eisner, and James Little, Jr. Dec 68, 293p Rept no. TR-59 Contract FH-1 1-6913 See also Volume 3, PB-21 2 768. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, Transporta- tion models, 'Transportation models. Network flows, 'Vehicular traffic control, Automatic con- trol, Queueing theory, Traffic lights. Highways, Mathematical models, Computer programs. The report is the second in a series on auto- matic vehicular traffic control in urban trans- portation. PB-212 769/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. Dept. of Operations Research. Analytical Methodology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume IV Final rept. Robert Bechhofer, Mark Brown, Stella Dafermos, Mark Eisner, and James Little, Jr. Feb71,266p Contract FH-1 1-691 3 See also volume 1, PB-212 766. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, Transporta- tion models, 'Transportation models, Network flows, "Vehicular traffic control, Automatic con- trol. Traffic lights, Queueing theory, Intersec- tions, Stochastic processes, Mathematical models, Computer programs. The report is the final volume of a study on au- tomatic vehicular traffic control in urban trans- portation. PB-212 787/6CP PC A18/MF A01 Berger (Louis), Inc., East Orange, N.J. Transportation - Advance Planning Study, Vietnam Final rept J. Fay, D. Sherman, C. Sauerbier, D. Howe, and C. Troutman. Oct 70, 401p TA/OST-AN-70-10-5 Prepared in cooperation with Systems As- sociates, Inc., Long Beach, Calif. Descriptors: 'Vietnam, 'Transportation management, Investments, Regional planning. Developing countries, Economic models, Com- puter programs, Benefit cost analysis, Reviews, Economic surveys, Requirements. Identifiers: 'South Vietnam, Nonmilitary invest- ments. Significant resources have been investigated in South Vietnam's transport system in recent years, most of which were made to assist the military. A transportation study examines the non-war-related investment requirements of Vietnam. An economic model and three com- puter programs are used to depict South Viet- nam's transport system. The computer pro- grams compute minimum cost routes, least cost routing of commodities, the effect of fares and other factors on air and bus passenger traf- fic, and which road improvement projects are likely to result in maximum benefit/cost ratios. Consideration is given to the probable mag- nitude of investment funds available, and recommendations are made. PB-213 224/9CP PC E01/MF A01 Philco-Ford., Palo Alto, Calif. WDL Div. Car-Barrier Impact Response of a Computer Simulated Mustang Final rept., Mar 71 -Mar 72 R. J. Melosh. Mar 72, 87p DOT-HS-800 688 Contract DOT-HS-091-1-125 Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle accidents, 'Computerized simulation, Collision research, Crash tests, Simulation, Transient response, Trusses, Rigid frames, Mathematical models. Identifiers. CRASH Computer program, Com- puter simulated Mustang, 'Barrier impacts. The report describes use of a computer pro- gram (CRASH) to direct simulation of a Mustang crashing head-on at 31 mph into a rigid barrier. The simulation produces time histories of deflections, velocities, accelera- tions, stresses, and strain rates of joints on Truss and Frame models of the car structure. It describes simple test problems selected to evaluate the ability of the simulation to represent transient, large deflection, and large strain phenomena. It includes illustrations of configuration descriptive data (derivable from engineering drawings and coupon test data) and printouts of computer results. (Author) PB-213 279/3CP PC E01/MF A01 Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Engineering Ex- periment Station. Development of New Intersection Study Techniques Final rept. Jan 69-Apr 72 on Phase 2. Apr 72, 140p EES-274, Ohio-Hwy-72-06 Descriptors: 'Photographic techniques, 'Data processing, "Traffic surveys, 'Intersections, Computerized simulation. Vehicular traffic con- trol. Traffic engineering, Queueing theory, Analysis of variance. Regression analysis. Time lag. Computer programs. Identifiers: IBM 360 computers, GPSS 360 pro- gramming language, Fortran, Photographic data collection systems, GPSS(General Pur- pose System Simulator), General purpose system simulator. The objectives of this study were to develop a photographic data collection system which is capable of recording continuous traffic data, to develop an intersection simulation model, to examine the adequacy of existing design war- rants for the addition of separate left-turn lanes at the intersection of two and four lane road- ways, and, to develop guidelines for estimating the required length of additional turning lanes. An efficient and compact data collection system, based upon a 35mm ROBOT camera, has been developed and tested. A simulation model has been written in the Specialized IBM simulation language, GPSS/360. A simulation study which provides a means for predicting in- tersection delay on the basis of given intersec- tion traffic characteristics was carried out. (Author) PB-213 295/OCP PC A07/MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. User's Manual for the Prediction of Road Traffic Noise Computer Program Final rept. U. J. Kurze, W. H. Levison, and S. Serben. May 72, 146p* DOT-TSC-315-1 Contract DOT-TSC-315, DOT-OS-207 Descriptors: 'Random noise, 'Computerized simulation, "Vehicular traffic, Random noise. Computer programs. Energy level, Acoustic measurement. Frequency distribution. Attenua- tion, Energy absorption. Mathematical models, Programming manuals. Identifiers: Traffic noise, Noise pollution, For- tran, Fortran 4 programming language, IBM 7094 computers. The manual is a guide for using a computer program for prediction of noise from freely flowing road traffic. The program is written in FORTRAN 4 for use on the IBM-7094 computer at the Transportation Systems Center. The manual consists of four parts. In the introduc- tion, the limitations of the computer model are described. In the second part, acoustical pro- perties of the traffic and sound propagation model are developed, and the analytical expres- sions used in the computer program are described The third part contains a description of the structure of the computer program, and of the detailed calculation procedures. The fourth part gives practical guidelines for use of the computer program. (Author) PB-213 342/9CP PC E01/MF A01 Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. Ground Vehicle Systems. Flywheel Drive Systems Study Final rept. R. R. Gilbert, G. E. Heuer, and E. H. Jacobsen. 31 Jul 72, 292p" LMSC-D246393, APTD-1 182 Contract EPA-68 -04-0048 Descriptors: "Motor vehicles, Flywheels, "Automobileengines, "Flywheels, "Air pollution, "Exhaust gases, "Automobile transmission. Design, Feasibility, Performance evaluation, Specifications, Burst tests. Kinetic energy. Safety engineering, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen oxides, Carbon monoxide. Computer pro- grams, BASIC programming language. Identifiers: "Air pollution abatement, "Hybrid vehicular propulsion, 'Automobile exhaust. The systems study effort has been directed toward the verification and refinement of the conclusions reached in a previous study, which indicated that the fly wheel hybrid drive con- cept might be a technically feasible way to power a full size automobile. The present study makes use of more detailed input information on engine emissions on transmission charac- teristics. These data are augmented by detailed flywheel technology studies and test results to provide the background for more precise con- clusions regarding the flywheel drive concept. The results do indicate that the flywheel bybrid drive concept is a technically feasible propul- sion system for a full size automobile. The re- port describes the work done to accomplish the following goals: advance the development of flywheel systems technology including the development of final designs on conformal housings, bearings, seals, and evacuation systems; demonstrate positive flywheel energy containment in burst tests of flywheels; formu- late safety analyses, using fault-tree and gross- hazard methodologies, produce engine- mapping project data to permit calculation of engine emission data resulting from flywheel drive operations. (Author) PB-214 399/8CP PC A14/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Silver Spring, Md. Applied Physics Lab. A General Purpose Computer Program for the Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle-Guideway In- teractions Transportation programs rept. W. C. Caywood, G. Dailey, J. S. O'Connor, and J. T. Stadter. Jan 72, 324p Rept no. APL/JHU-CP- 008/TPR-021 Descriptors: "Railroads, Transportation models, "Computer programs, Programming manuals, Computerized simulation, Dynamic response. Equations of motion. Numerical in- tegration. Identifiers: PL/1 programming language, IBM 360/91 computers, APLDYN computer pro- gram. A general purpose computer program for cal- culating the dynamic response of vehicles traveling over surface or elevated guideways is 27 described. The program has application to a broad class of transportation systems and is modular in design. It is based on the finite ele- ment' or building block' method in which a complex dynamic system is made up of a number of components. The equations of mo- tion of each of these components is known and combined to form the complete equations of motion of the system The equations of motion are then integrated numerically to give the response of the system to variables such as guideway roughness, span, etc. The program is equipped with several output options. On-line printer plots or off-line CalComp plots of the response can be obtained. The program is writ- ten in PL/I language and has been used in the IBM 360/91 computer Program listings are in- cluded (Author) PB-218 460/4CP PC E01/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass Accumulative Probability Model for Auto- mated Network Traffic Analyses Final rept. 1 Jul-31 Dec 72 Charles R. Toye. Oct 72, 62p Rept no. DOT- TSC-OST-72-30 Contract DOT-OS-318 Descriptors: "Passenger transportation, 'Control equipment, 'Traffic engineering, Mathematical models. Rapid transit railways. Networks, Urban areas, Vehicular traffic, Routes, Passenger terminals, Queueing theory Identifiers: DUAL computer program. Auto- mated guideways. Dual mode transit systems, OSDOT. The report presents an illustration of the accu- mulative probability model which is applicable to ground transportation systems where high- speed and close headways are a performance requirement. The paper describes the model, il- lustrates it with a hypothetical problem, and then applies it to a network route that was ac- tually configured in a Dual mode system study. The paper also describes and gives a listing of a computer program called Dual which is used to illustrate the model and simulate various route structures. (Author) PB-219 779/6CP CP T03 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co , Boston, Mass. Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Final Computer Programs, Book 5 of 5, Appendix A. 3 William A Jessiman, and Robert B Cody. Dec 71, 2 reels mag tape Rept no. PMM-T8-542-3T2 Contract DOT-OS-00027 See also PB-219 780 thru PB-219 785. Super- sedes report dated Dec 70, PB-202 710. Specify tape recording mode desired: 7 track, 556 and 800 BPI, odd and even parity; or 9 track, 800 BPI, odd parity. Descriptors: "Air transportation, Transportation models, 'Transportation models, 'Computer programs. Passenger transportation, Air cargo, Scheduling, Terminal facilities. Urban transpor- tation, Linear programming, FORTRAN, Cost analysis. Magnetic tapes. Identifiers: 'Intercity transportation systems, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness (ITE) computer programs are composed of a Data Base System, System Executive, and the ITE Model programs. The Data Base programs are used to create, update, and print the data base. The System Executive is used to control the flow of in process' data between the various programs of the ITE Model and to save inter- mediate and final results. The model programs are structured in five modules, namely, Pas- senger Demand, Cargo Demand, Routes, Net- work Assignment, and Timetable Building. Saved results can be printed by means of a Re- port Generator Program. The original system is programmed in Extended FORTRAN 4 for ex- ecution on a CDC 6600 computer These tapes have unblocked card image source statements. (Author Modified Abstracts) PB-219 780/4CP PC E03/MF A01 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., Boston, Mass. Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume I. Computer Program Organization and Design Specification William A. Jessiman, and Robert B. Cody. Dec 71,412 Rept no PMM-T8-542-3-1 Contract DOT-OS-00027 Supplement to PB-200 476. Paper copy also available form NTIS $29.75/set of 6 reports as PB-219 780-SET. Descriptors: 'Air transportation, Transportation models, 'Transportation models, "Computer programming. Passenger transportation. Air cargo. Terminal facilities, Scheduling, Modules, FORTRAN, Urban transportation. Identifiers: 'Intercity transportation systems, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness (ITE) computer programs are composed of a Data Base System, System Executive, and the ITE Model programs. The Data Base Programs are used to create, update, and print the data base. The System Executive is used to control the flow of in process' data between the various programs of the ITE Model and to save inter- mediate and final results. The model programs are structured in five modules, namely, Pas- senger Demand, Cargo Demand, Routes, Net- work Assignment, and Timetable Building Saved results can be printed by means of a Re- port Generator Program. The system is pro- grammed in Extended FORTRAN 4 for execu- tion on a CDC 6600 computer. The volume con- tains a summary description of each module of the ITE model, together with general descrip- tions of the programs comprising each module. Brief descriptions of the subprograms compris- ing each are also included. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 781 /2CP PCA20/MFA01 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., Boston, Mass. Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Com- puter Operator's Manual, Book 1 of 5, Sec- tions 1-18 William A. Jessiman, and Robert B. Cody. Dec 71 , 467p Rept no. PMM-T8-542-3-2-1 Contract DOT-OS-00027 Supplement to PB-200 472. Paper copy also avilable from NTIS $29.75/set of 6 reports as PB-219 780-SET. Descriptors: 'Air transportation, Transportation models, 'Transportation models, 'Computer programming, Passenger transportation, Air cargo, Scheduling, Terminal facilities, Urban transportation, Cost analysis, FORTRAN, Pro- gramming manuals, Linear programming. Identifiers: 'Intercity transportation systems, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, Data bases, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness (ITE) computer programs are composed of a Data Base System, System Executive, and the ITE Model programs. The Data Base programs are used to create, update, and print the data base. The System Executive is used to control the flow of in process data between the various programs of the ITE Model and to save inter- mediate and final results. The model programs are structured in five modules, namely, Pas- senger Demand, Cargo Demand, Routes, Net- work Assignment, and Timetable Building Saved results can be printed by means of a Re- port Generator Program The system is pro- grammed in Extended Fortran 4 for execution on a CDC 6600 computer. The volume contains detailed descriptions of the programs con- tained in each module. These descriptions are composed of detailed writeups of the subpro- grams comprising each program. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 782/OCP PC A20/MF A01 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., Boston, Mass. Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Com- puter Operator's Manual, Book 2 of 5, Sec- tions 19-27 William A. Jessiman, and Robert B. Cody. Dec 71 , 473p Rept no. PMM-T8-542-3-2-2- Contract DOT-OS-00027 Supplement to PB-200 473. Paper copy also available from NTIS $29.75/set of 6 reports as PB-219 780-SET. Descriptors: 'Air transportation, Transportation models, 'Transportation models, 'Computer programming, Passenger transportation, Air cargo, Scheduling, Terminal facilities, Urban transportation, Linear programming, FOR- TRAN, Cost analysis, Programming manuals. Identifiers: 'Intercity transportation systems, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, Data bases, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness (ITE) computer programs are composed of a Data Base System, System Executive, and the ITE Model Programs. The Data Base programs are used to create, update, and print the data base. The System Executive is used to control the flow of in process' data between the various programs of the ITE Model and to save inter- mediate and final results. The model programs are structured in five modules, namely, Pas- senger Demand, Cargo Demand, Routes, Net- work Assignment, and Timetable Building. Saved results can be printed by means of a Re- port Generator Program. The system is pro- grammed in Extended FORTRAN 4 for execu- tion on a CDC 6600 computer. This volume con- tains detailed descriptions of the programs contained in each module. These descriptions are composed of detailed writeups of the sub- programs comprising each program. Each writeup contains an abstract, input data and format specification, logic flow, output descrip- tions, programming notes, and listing of pro- gram tables and variables. Operating system control cards and program tape organization are also discussed. (Author) PB-219 783/8CP PC A21/MF A01 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., Boston, Mass. Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Com- puter Operator's Manual, Book 3 of 5, Sec- tions 28-31 William A. Jessiman, and Robert B. Cody. Dec 71,487pRept no. PMM-T8-542-3-2-3 Contract DOT-OS-00027 Supplement to PB-200 474. Paper copy also available from NTIS $29.75/set of 6 reports as PB-219 780-SET. Descriptors: "Air transportation, Transportation models, 'Transportation models, 'Computer programming, Passenger transportation, Air cargo, Terminal facilities, Scheduling, Linear programming, FORTRAN, Programming manuals, Urban transportation. Identifiers: 'Intercity transportation systems, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness (ITE) computer programs are composed of a Data Base System, System Executive, and the ITE Model programs. The Data Base programs are used to create, update, and print the data base. 28 The System Executive is used to control the flow of in process' data between the various programs of the ITE Model and to save inter- mediate and final results. The model programs are structured in five modules, namely, Pas- senger Demand, Cargo Demand, Routes, Net- work Assignment, and Timetable Building Saved results can be printed by means of a Re- port Generator Program. The system is pro- grammed in Extended FORTRAN 4 for execu- tion on a CDC 6600 computer. The volume con- tains detailed descriptions of the programs contained in each module. These descriptions are composed of detailed writeups of the sub- programs comprising each program. Each writeup contains an abstract, input data and format specification, logic flow, output descrip- tion, programming notes, and listing of pro- gram tables and variables. Operating system control cards and program tape organization are also discussed. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 786/1 CP CP T01 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co , Boston, Mass Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Computer Program - Source Tape Transmittal James H. Batchelder, and Donald E. Ward. Nov 71 , 2400 ft mag tape DOT-OS-00027/1 6-3T2 Contract DOT-OS-00027 See also PB-21 9 787 and PB-219 788. Specify tape recording mode desired: 7 track, 556 and 800 BPI, odd parity and even parity; or 9 track, 800 BPI, odd parity. Descriptors: "Air transportation, Transportation models, "Transportation models, "Computer programs, Passenger transportation, Schedul- ing, Terminal facilities. Urban transportation, FORTRAN, Magnetic tapes. Compilers. Identifiers: 'Intercity transportation systems, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 Computers, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness - Ac- cess/Assignment Model is a planning tool designed to evaluate the alternatives available for increasing the capacity of groundside pas- senger handling facilities to accommodate the expected increase in air travel, specifically the expansion of existing airports, the construction of new airports, and the construction of offsite or satellite passenger processing facilities. The original system is programed in Extended FOR- TRAN 4 for execution on a CDC 6600 computer. This tape has unblocked card image source statements. Instructions for updating and com- piling the program are included. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-219 788/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., Boston, Mass. Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Program User's In- struction Manual James H. Batchelder, and Donald E. Ward. Nov 71 , 1 84p DOT-OS-00027/1 6-2 Contract DOT-OS-00027 See also PB-21 9 786 and PB-219 787. Descriptors: "Air transportation, Transportation models, "Transportation models, "Computer programs, Passenger transportation. Urban transportation, Terminal facilities, Urban planning, FORTRAN, Subroutines. Identifiers: "Intercity transportation models, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, ASPI. The Intercity Transportation Effectiveness - Ac- cess/Assignment Model is a planning tool designed to evaluate the alternatives available for increasing the capacity of groundside pas- senger handling facilities to accomodate the expected increase in air travel, specifically the expansion of existing airports, the construction of new airports, and the construction of off-site or satellite passenger processing facilities. The model is capable of representing specific re- gions, including multicity, multi-airport situa- tions. Proposed system of facilities can be tested easily at little cost. The assignment of air passengers to facilities in a proposed system is designed to reach an equilibrium between the facility supply (represented by time im- pedances) and the passengers using the facili- ty. The capital costs of the system are com- puted on a daily basis, enabling a comparison with reductions in the passengers' perceived time costs. The report documents the CDC 6600 Extended FORTRAN 4 computer programs, and includes listings. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-220 140/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Faucett (Jack) Associates, Inc., Chevy Chase, Md. Capital Stock Measures for Transportation. Projections of Investment Needs - Volume III Final rept. Raymond Scheppach Feb 73, 61 p' Rept no. JACKFAU-71-04-3 Contract DOT-OS-10195 See also Volume 2, PB-21 2 308. Descriptors: "Transportation, Investments, Pro- jection, Cost estimates, Capital, Expansion, Replacing, Airports, Highways, Water- ways(Transportation), Computer programs. Identifiers: Capital output ratios. Airways, ASPI. The study presents projections of investment needs for the major transportation modes for the period 1971-1980. The estimates are derived by independently projecting capital/output ratios and expected output. As such, the pro- jections are indicative of capital needs to main- tain quality of service and do not reflect marked changes in technology or financial restrictions. Specifically, it is assumed that the funds neces- sary to purchase the capital are available from either internal or external financial sources. A discussion of the reliability of the projection ap- proach and a description of the computer pro- gram which was used to develop the capital stock measures are also included in the report. (Author) PB-220 342/OCP MF A01 Battelle Columbus Labs., Ohio. Development of a Computer Simulation Pro- gram for Collinear Car/Car and Car/Barrier Collisions Final rept., 11 May 71-15 Jan 72 J. T. Herridge, and R. K. Mitchell. Jan 72, 346p DOT-HS-800 645 Contract FH-1 1-7550 Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, Mathe- matical models, "Passenger vehicles, Safety en- gineering. Collision research, Barriers, Com- puter programming, Subroutines, Impact, Skid resistance, Computer programs, Traffic safety, Safety devices, Design standards. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Car car collisions. Car barrier collisions, "Crashworthiness, Vehicle interiors, NHSB. The report describes the development of a new vehicle collision simulation program capable of analyzing collinear car/car and car/fixed rigid barrier collisions in which each car may be represented by a lumped-parameter configura- tion involving up to 4 masses and 35 nonlinear springs (i.e., energy absorbers). User instruc- tions; special options and features; and salient results of approximately 14 demonstration runs; are presented in the body of the report. Suggestions for user familiarization and further program growth and expansion are also given. PB-220 459/2CP PC E01/MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Simulation of Vehicle Impact with the Texas Concrete Median Barrier. Volume I. Test Comparisons and Parameter Study Research rept. Sep 68-Jun 72 Donald D Young, Hayes E Ross, Jr, Edward R Post, and Robert M. Holcomb. Jun 72, 85p Rept no. TTI-2-5-69-140-5 Report on Evaluation of the Roadway Environ- ment by Dynamic Analysis of the Interaction between the Vehicle, Passenger, and Roadway Sponsored in part by Federal Highway Adminis- tration, Washington, D.C. Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, Barriers, "Barriers, Impact tests. Mathematical models, Computer programs, Experimental data. Impact shock. Automobiles, Acceleration, Collision research. Highways, Traffic safety. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, FHAPR. The Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model (HVOSM), a computer program developed at Cornell Aeronautical Lab. (CAL), has been modified with generous help from CAL and used to successfully simulate a vehicle impact- ing the Texas Concrete Median Barrier (CMB) at speeds ranging from 50 to 80 mph and angles ranging from 5 to 25 degrees. Comparison of simulation and test results are presented both visually and quantitatively in the form of com- puter generated drawings of the vehicle during impact along-side corresponding frames from the high speed film and plots relating predicted and measured accelerometer readings. Follow- ing the successful simulation of the full scale tests, a parameter study on impact conditions was conducted. The results of all simulated im- pacts with the Texas CMB are presented graphically with regard to a severity index which quantifies the severity of each crash The index is based on vehicle accelerations. (Author Modified Abstract) PB-220 868/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Sperry Rand Corp., Great Neck, NY. Sperry Systems Management Div. Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System. Software Manual. Volume II Final rept. Feb 73, 173p GF-16-1003-2, FHWA-RD-73-20 Contract FH-1 1-7605 Paper copy also available from NTIS $14.00/set of 2 reports as PB-220 866-SET. Descriptors: "Vehicular traffic control. Urban planning, "Computer programs, Vehicular traf- fic control, Buses(Vehicles), Data processing, Systems analysis, Queueing theory. Subrou- tines, FORTRAN, Programming manuals, As- sembly languages. Identifiers: XDS Sigma 5 computers, XDS Sigma 7 computers, FHAPR An Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System has been implemented by the Sperry Systems Mangement Division in the District of Columbia under Federal Highway Administra- tion contract No. FH-1 1-7605, Advanced Con- trol Technology in Urban Traffic Control Systems - Installation. The system includes on- street surveillance and control elements and a central office data processing facility. The manual describes the software for this system. It contains Section 3, Glossary and Section 4, Appendices. It includes XDS Sigma 5/7 FOR- TRAN and assembler source program listings. PB-220 877/5CP PC A16/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Civil Engineering. M.I.T. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymarket-North Extension. Final Project Re- port Mar 72, 359p R72-33, UMTA-MASS-MTD-2-72-1 Contract DOT-H-753 Paper copy also available from NTIS $8.00/set of 2 reports as PB-220 876-SET. Descriptors: "Braces, Stability, "Clay soils, Braces, "Subway railways, Construction, "Soil mechanics, Bracing, Excavation, Mathematical 29 prediction, Loads(Forces), Motion, Retaining walls, Stresses, Massachusetts, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: BRACE Computer program, Finite element analysis, UMTA. Three objectives of the research were to: (1) develop a method for analyzing braced excava- tions based on the principles of soil mechanics and the finite element technique, (2) provide in- sight into the undrained behavior of braced ex- cavations in clay, and (3) predict the per- formance of two instrumented sections of a braced excavation. The demonstration was un- dertaken in a section of cut-and-cover subway constructed by the Massachusetts Bay Trans- portation Authority. The research was intended to illuminate design and engineering con- siderations with reference to load factors ap- plied to brace sheeting, the transfer of loads to the bracing system, ground movements and changes in water hydrology due to construc- tion, and other questions. The finite element technique was used to develop a unique com- puter program for predicting movements in the soil mass and the retaining wall, stresses on the wall, and loads in the struts. Appended material includes a user's guide for future applications of the BRACE program. PB-220 878/3CP PC E01/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Civil Engineering. M.I.T. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymarket-North Extension. Addendum to Final Project Report Mar 72, 60p R72-33-Add, UMTA-MASS-MTD-2- 72-2 Contract DOT-H-753 Paper copy also available from NTIS $8.00/set of 2 reports as PB-220 876-SET. Descriptors: "Braces, Stability, 'Clays soils. Braces, "Subway railway, Construction, "Soil mechanics, Bracing, Civil engineering. Braces, Loads(Forces), Numerical analysis, Computer programs, Performance evaluation, Mas- sachusetts. Identifiers: BRACE Computer program, UMTA. The finite element technique was used to develop a unique computer program for analyz- ing the performance of braced excavations in test sections of a cut-and-cover subway con- structed by the Massachusetts Bay Transporta- tion Authority. Finite element programs permit the analysis of previously unsolvable problems; element type, method of load application, ele- ment grid size, and input material properties are a few of the variables which determine the accuracy of simulations using this method. The report examines seven limitations and problems of the latest version of the program, called BRACE 2. A complete printout of the braced excavation analysis is provided. This re- port was generated as an addendum to the final report of MASS-MTD-2 in which development and application of the program is covered in greater detail. PB-221 164/7CP PC A10/MF A01 Stanford Univ., Calif. Dept. of Industrial En- gineering. Optimal Design of Transportation Networks with Fluctuating Demands. A Case in Mul- ticommodity Networks Flows Final rept. Jose Luis Aburto Avila. Dec 72, 203p" RR-1 , UMTA-CA-1 1-0008-72-1 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, "Transportation models, "Mass transportation, "Network flows. Benefit cost analysis, Linear programming, Trees(Mathematics), Routing, Economic analysis, Demand(Economics), Statistical analysis, Computer programs, Op- timization, Digital computers, Algorithms. Identifiers: Integer programming, Sensitivity analysis. Branch and bound method. Shortest route problem, UMTA. The problem of designing a transportation net- work that will best satisfy expected demand for travel among a given set of centers of activity is formulated by identifying for each origin- destination pair, called a commodity of the transportation network, all the alternative routes for travel that meet prespecified criteria and which constitute the set of feasible paths. Modal choice is assumed to be a function of travel time and consequently the model generates expected demands for travel, over al- ternative routes of different length, from a probability distribution function of travel time associated with each origin-destination pair. (Modified author abstract) PB-221 614/1CP PC E01/MF A01 Airborne Instruments Lab., Farmingdale, NY. Three-Beam Headlight Evaluation Final rept. 8 May 72-18 Feb 73 Bernard Adler, and Harold Lunenfeld. Apr 73, 241 p 0276-1 , DOT-HS-800 844 Contract DOT-HS-238-2-411 Descriptors: "Headlamps, Evaluation, Motor vehicles, Statutes, Glare, Brightness, Field tests. Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: NHSB. A first-order evaluation of three-beam, vehicle forward lighting systems is the subject of this report. Three different configurations were evaluated. The high-beam mode, the only dif- ference in the three systems, has various com- binations of high-beam and midbeam fila- ments. The three configurations are 2-3-2, 2-3- 3, and 2-3-4. The results show that present aim- ing requirements are satisfactory for the three- beam systems. (Modified author abstract) PB-221 978/OCP PC E01/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility Interim rept. Nov 71-May 72 Herbert Weinstock. Jun 73, 228p DOT-TSC- UMTA-72-10, UMTA-MA-06-0025-73 Descriptors: "Passenger vehicles, Dynamic loads, "Rail transportation, "Railroad tracks, Lateral pressure, Oscillations, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Linear systems, Nonlinear systems, Digital simulation, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Wheel rail interactions, UMTA. The development of experimental facilities for rail vehicle testing at the DOT High Speed Ground Test Center is being complemented by analytical studies conducted by Transportation System Center under the UM204 Rail Support- ing Technology Program to the Urban Mass Transportation Administrations Office of Research, Development, and Demonstrations. The purpose of this effort has been to gain in- sight into the dynamics of rail vehicles to guide the equipment development and to establish an analytic framework for the design and in- terpretation of tests to be conducted at the facility. The mechanics of rail vehicle lateral guidance are reviewed on the basis of linerarized models. Computer programs are developed for predicting stability and general lateral response characteristics. (Modified author abstract) PB-222 055/6CP PC E04/MF A01 Transit Development Corp., Washington, D.C. Single Track System Concepts Study Dec 72, 104p UMTA-DC-06-0010-72-19 Prepared in cooperation with Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas, Inc., New York. Descriptors: "Subway railways, "Environments, "Environmental engineering, "Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Graphs(Charts), Ventilation, Air flow, Mathe- matical analysis. Temperature distribution, Heat sinks. Heat transfer. Walls, Velocity, Geometry, Blocking, Control simulation, Ex- haust systems, Railroad tracks. Dynamic brak- ing. Identifiers: 'Single track subways, Headway, Cruising speed, Underplatform equipment, UMTA. A milestone report has been prepared under the Institute for Rapid Transit (IRT) project Ventilation and Environmental Control in Sub- way Rapid Transit Systems,' and is one of many such reports leading to the final product— a subway environmental design handbook. The report describes the implementation of the sin- gle-track subway environment (ST-SES) com- puter program in an evaluation of the air flows and temperatures resulting from several single track subway geometries and train operations. Geometric and operational parameters treated as variables include vent shaft location and flow impedance, tunnel cross-section, and train headway, dwell time, and maximum speed. In addition, three environmental control system concepts were simulated: mechanical ventila- tion, underplatform exhaust, and track profile variation. PB-222 394/9CP PC A23/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. HSRI Two-Dime nsional Crash Victim Simula- tor: Analysis, Verification, and Users' Manual. Revision No. 1 Final rept. 5 Jul 72-4 Oct 72 D. H. Robbins, R. O. Bennett, and V. L. Roberts. May 73, 541 p DOT-HS-800 849 Contract DOT-HS-03 1-2-499 Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, Motor vehicle operators, "Motor vehicle operators, Mathematical models, "Safety devices. Automo- biles, Safety belts. Seats, Computer programs, Rocket propelled sleds, Dynamics. Identifiers: Crash victim simulators. Restraint systems, Computerized simulation, NHSB. The report deals with the development and use of mathematical models for the simulation of automobile occupant dynamics in the event of a collision. This model was developed as a tool to study advanced concepts and designs of seat- restraint systems from the viewpoint of occu- pant protection. After a discussion of the state- of-the-art of mathematical modeling of the crash victim, an analytical description of the Two-Dimensional Crash Victim Simulator is presented. This model consists of a segmented, eight-mass dynamic model of a human interact- ing with the interior of a vehicle in a symmetric frontal or rear crash. Pedestrian-vehicle in- teractions can also be considered. The degree to which predictions of the model agree with experimental impact sled test data is presented followed by a detailed Users' Manual for those individuals desiring to exercise the model. Sample data sets and computer output are in- cluded. A description of the program including detailed subroutine flow diagrams concludes the report with a program source listing in- cluded. PB-222 654/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility Interim rept. Nov 71-May 72 Herbert Weinstock. Jun 73, 228p DOT-TSC- UMTA-72-10 30 Contract DOT-MA-06-0025 Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways, Kine- matics, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Vehicle wheels, Shock absorbers, Railroad tracks, Equations of motion, Dynamic response, Mathematical models, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Wheel rail interactions, IBM 7094 computers, UMTA. The development of experimental facilities for rail vehicle testing at the DOT High Speed Ground Test Center is being complemented by analytical studies. The purpose of this effort has been to gain insight into the dynamics of rail vehicles to guide the equipment development and to establish an analytic framework for the design and interpretation of tests to be con- ducted at the facility. The mechanics of rail vehicle lateral guidance are reviewed on the basis of linearized models. Computer programs are developed for predicting stability and general lateral response characteristics. Com- puter programs for predicting vertical and pitch vehicle response to track irregularities are in- cluded. (Modified author abstract) PB-223 898/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Cleveland Transit System, Ohio. WABCO Data Acquisition System. AC Propul- sion Project R. D. Smith, and W. P. Cymbor. Aug 73, 102p UMTA-OH-06-0006-73-1 Descriptors: 'Electric cars, Data acquisition, 'Rapid transit railways, 'Railroad cars. Electric drives. Alternating currents, Data processing equipment, Computer programs, Ohio, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Cleveland transit system, FORTRAN 4 programming language, UMTA. In June, 1971, the Cleveland Transit System received a grant contract (Project OH-06-0006) from the Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration to test and evaluate on three rapid transit cars an AC propulsion system developed by the Westinghouse Air Brake Company (WABCO). The AC propulsion system incorporates a pulse width modulated inverter to convert constant voltage DC energy to variable frequency, varia- ble voltage AC energy which in turn powers simple AC traction motors. The report describes the data acquisition system which was developed to measure, record and analyze performance data for the AC-powered rapid transit cars. The report is one of a series on various aspects of the project. PB-224 084/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Manual Final rept. Dennis I. Robertson. Aug 72, 62p See also mag tape PB-224 085. Descriptors: "Vehicular traffic control, Traffic signals, 'Traffic signals, 'Computer pro- gramming, Network flows. Programming manuals, Optimization, FORTRAN, Great Britain. Identifiers: TRANSYT computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, IBM 360 com- puters, FHAPR. TRANSYT is a method of optimizing traffic signals of a network. It is a computer program written in FORTRAN 4 and has been imple- mented on an IBM System 360 computer. The document describes the input and output for- mats. The basic input data requirements are link demand volume and saturation flow capacity; link length and speed; estimated ini- tial signal offsets and phase durations; left turn, right turn, and through volumes for each link TRANSYT can optimize networks having up to 50 signalized intersections and 200 links. It can be altered to accommodate larger networks, but will then require more computer storage Printout includes summary statistics of the net- work as well as optimal signal settings for each intersection. Diagrams of arrival and discharge flow rate patterns for each intersection are also printed out. Sample data sheets and a worked- out example of a hypothetical network are in- cluded. PB-224 085/1CP CP T04 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Mag Tape Final rept. Dennis I. Robertson. Aug 72, 1 reel mag tape See also the manual, PB-224 084. Specify tape recording mode desired: 7 track, 556 or 800 BPI, odd and even parity; or 9 track, 800 BPI, odd parity. Descriptors: 'Vehicular traffic control. Traffic lights, 'Traffic lights, 'Computer programming, Magnetic tapes, FORTRAN, Great Britain. Identifiers: TRANSYT computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, IBM 360 com- puters, FHAP. The tape contains a source program of the TRANSYT/5 computer program. The source code is written in FORTRAN 4, and has been im- plemented on an IBM/360. Every 80 character record in the source program is numbered by thousands in card columns 73 thru 80, starting with 00001000 and ending with 02547000. The tape contains one file, with an EOF following the last logical record. The records are fixed length (80 characters) and blocked 21 records per block. The tape contains standard IBM labels, with serial number ESD028. Tape densi- ty is 800 bits per inch. File data set name is TRANSYT. The tape was created using the IBM utility: IEBGENER on an IBM 360/65 Operating System, MFT, with HASP - Release 21 .6. PB-224 319/4CP PC A14/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, N.Y. Basic Research in Crashworthiness II - Large Deflection Computerized Analysis of Rate Sensitive Elasto-Plastic Frame Structures Interim technical rept. Rong-chung Shieh. Aug 73, 310p CALSPAN- YB-2987-V-1 1 , DOT-HS-800 884 Contract FH-1 1-7622 Descriptors: 'Automobiles, Structural proper- ties, 'Safety engineering, Automobiles, Com- puter programming. Dynamic structural analy- sis, Deformation, Deflection, Strains, Chassis, Automobile bodies, Algorithms, Bending, Stresses, Runge-Kutta method. Collision research, Design standards, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Crashworthiness, Computer aided analysis, LDDAFS 2 computer program, NHSB. A general computerized study, including the ef- fects of axial forces and material strain rate sensitivity on the dynamic plastic behavior, for collapsing plane frame structures involving large deflections is presented within the con- text of elementary beam theory. The nonlinear initial value problem is formulated through use of the matrix displacement method of rigid frame analysis, and a computational algorithm based on the Runge-Kutta step by step integra- tion and linear interpolation techniques for finding a special event (plastic loading or un- loading initiation) time is developed. A com- puter program, designated LDDAFS II, is developed for the special case of non-interac- tion between the axial force and bending mo- ment at a beam cross section. Three example problems of which one is related to automobile crashworthiness of a special automobile front structure are presented PB-224 700/5CP PC A13/MF A01 Denver Research Inst., Colo Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat. Volume III. Computer Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle Final rept.Jul 71-Mar 73 R. E. Knight, and H. C. Peterson. Aug 73, 280p DRI-2614, DOT-HS-800-908 Contract DOT-HS-126-1-186 See also Volume 2, PB-204 998 Descriptors: 'Motorcycles, 'Collision research, 'Safety engineering, Motorcycles, 'Anthropometry, Safety engineering, Dynamics, Motor vehicles accidents, Mathematical models, Equations of motion, Rotation, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN, Safety devices, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: Air bag restraint systems, 'Motorcycle accidents, NHTSA The volume presents a digital computer simula- tion of the three-dimensional post-impact mo- tion of a motorcycle. The motorcycle model has nine degrees of freedom (DOF) (three rigid body translations, three rigid body rotations, and three internal DOF). The three internal DOF are rotation of the steering assembly, rotation of the front wheel, and rotation of the rear wheel. The mathematical modeling and com- puter simulation reported were conducted in conjunction with the motorcycle crash tests done and reported in Volume II of this report. The equations of motion for the nine DOF system are derived; the method of solving these equations and the associated FORTRAN IV computer program are described. A listing of the program and detailed instructions for preparing the data input are given. Test-case results are included along with the plotted results obtained on a Calcomp Plotter. A signifi- cantly simpler eight DOF program is also described in detail; this simulation does not in- clude rotation of the steering assembly. Results of a parametric study of 2D motion of a motor- cycle/airbag/point-massrider are included. PB-225 577/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Dept of Automotive Research. A Feasibility Study of Impact Surface Pres- sure Guaging With Dye-Filled Microcapsules Final rept. Jun 72 -Sep 73 W. J. Astelford, G. R. Somerville, C. F. Schuetze, and R. H. Hemion. Nov 73, 90p SwRI-AR-910, DOT-HS-800 965 Contract DOT-HS-024-2-490 Descriptors: 'Automobiles, 'Impact tests, 'Pressure sensors, 'Anthropometry, Reliability, Feasibility, Pressure measurement. Composite materials. Sheet laminates. Dyes, Dynamic loads, Computer programs. Identifiers: NHTSA. The feasibility of using a composite sheet material comprised of dye-filled microcapsules adhered to a flexible substrate as a contact sur- face load or pressure sensor in vehicle occu- pant impact testing was investigated. The theory of filled capsule failure under axisym- metric loading was explored and optimum for- mulations of capsule shell/fillers developed. A unique load calibration technique was developed utilizing photometric analysis of im- pact test samples. The high potential of this in- vestigative tool to supplement other measure- ments in impact testing was demonstrated. PB-226 893/6CP PC E03/MF A01 California State Div. of Highways, Sacramento. Project Development Branch. Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns Final rept. 31 C. W. Otte. May 72, 60p Rept nos. CA-DOT-PD- 3125-1-72-01,623125 Descriptors: 'Semitrailers, "Trucks, 'Vehicular tracks, 'Patterns, 'Roads, "Curvature, "Highway planning. Field tests. Model tests, Computer programs. Identifiers: FHAPR. Transparent templates of turning track widths of trucks on short radius turns were developed for use by highway designers. Templates were developed using a model known as a Tractrix Integrator. These were compared with off- tracking results obtained from actual field tests using full scale trucks. Good correlation was obtained between model and field test results confirming the validity of the Tractrix Integrator as a means of solving offtracking problems. (Author) PB-227 003/1CP PC E07/MF A01 Safety Management Inst , Washington, DC. National Driver Register Study of Alternatives Final rept. 6 Mar-6 Dec 73. Dec 73, 1 67p DOT-HS-801 01 7 Contract DOT-HS-021 -3-625 Descriptors: "National driver register, Evalua- tion, Computer programs, Laws, Driver licensing. Problem drivers, Legal factors. Identifiers: NTSA. National Driver Register (NDR) managers have known for several years that a complete com- puter program rewrite for the NDR is a basic and serious need. However, prior to any major over-haul of NDR computer programs an in- depth study of what the role of the NDR should be in the future of nationwide driver records communications is deemed essential. This study identified four alternatives available to the NDR, however only one will meet the needs and requests of state driver licensing adminis- trators. This alternative requires an alteration in the NDR in terms of data content, category of users, and type of service. Requested is an on- line pointer/index system that would aid driver licensing officials in locating records on drivers who have: Medical/physical limitations; records of violation that require monitoring or recent suspensions; revocations; denials; withdrawals or cancellations in other jurisdic- tions. Draft legislative proposals and legal research concerning driver records exchange and requirements are an integral part of the study report. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-228 786/OCP PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Structural Engineer- ing Lab. BARRIER VII: A Computer Program for Evaluation of Automobile BARRIER Systems Final rept. 1 Dec 70-31 May 73 Graham H Powell. Apr 73, 73p UCSESM-73-8, FHWA-RD-73-51 Contract CPR-1 1 -6059 Descriptors: "Motor vehicles, 'Impact tests, "Barriers, Computer programming, Highway transportation, Traffic safety, Frames, Dynamic response. Identifiers: BARRIER 7 computer program, FHAPR. The computer program BARRIER VII is described The program analyzes the behavior of an automobile or other vehicle striking a deformable protective barrier. The program su- persedes the earlier programs BARRIER IV and BARRIER V, and incorporates an energy balance computation and the ability to accom- modate barriers with layers at different heights above the ground. A detailed user's guide to the program and a comprehensive example demonstrating idealization and data prepara- tion procedures are included. A related report, Barrier VII: Computer Evaluation of Automo- bile Barrier Systems,' is to be issued by the Federal Highway Administration as Report No. FHWA-RD-73-73. Copies will be available from the National Technical Information Service. PB-229 228/2CP PC A09/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor Highway Safety Research Inst. Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Im- pact Dynamics. Volume 4. Three Dimensional Plastic Hinge Frame Simulation Module Final rept. 28 Jun 72-25 Aug 73 I. K Mclvor, A. S. Wineman, W. J Anderson, and H. C. Wang. Feb 74, 187p' UM-HSRI-BI-73-4-4, DOT-HS-800 999 Contract DOT-HS-031 -2-481 Paper copy also available from NTIS $14.00/set of 4 reports as PB-229 224-SET. Descriptors: 'Plastic deformation, 'Impact tests, 'Collision research, 'Automobile bodies. Computer programs, Framed structures, Com- puterized simulation. Safety engineering. Identifiers: Plastic hinges, Collision models, Structural dynamics, NHTSA. The report describes the development of a computer program for modeling three dimen- sional large plastic deformation response of general frame structures. It is designed to serve as a preliminary version of a general com- ponent module in the overall simulation of vehi- cle impact. The analysis is based on the exten- sion of the plastic hinge concept to the three dimensional deformation of beams. The main body of the report covers the theoretical analy- sis, comparison of theory with basic verification tests, and the qualification study which com- pares computed results with the results of a crush test of a production vehicle frame. In ad- dition, the Appendix contains a Program User's Guide and a complete listing of the current ver- sion of the program. / PB-231 865/7CP PC A23/MF A01 Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Research, Develop- ment and Demonstration. UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual Technical rept. 1 Apr 74, 526p* Rept no. UMTA-RDD-8-74-1 Supersedes report no. PB-212 473. Descriptors: 'Programming manuals. 'Transportation management. Computer pro- gramming, Coding, Data processing, Regional planning. Urban planning. Information systems. Identifiers: Transportation planning, 'Multimodal transportation systems, IBM 360 computers, UMTA. The UMTA Transportation Planning System (UIPS) is a collection of IBM System/360 com- puter programs for use in planning multi-modal transportation systems. The objective of UTPS is to provide a readily available, easy-to-use, and fully tested program package for transpor- tation planners attempting to solve a wide variety of problems. UTPS presently consists of 13 separate but interrelated computer pro- grams designed for use in the IBM 360 operat- ing system. This document, the reference manual, summarizes relevant information for operators of the UTPS system, and it is in- tended to be used as a concise reference for persons already familiar with the usage of the programs. Specific sections include statements of system controls, subject program controls, program writeup organization, software system description, catalogued procedures, and actual program writeups. PB-231 880/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Highway Fuel Consumption Computer Model (Version I) Final rept. Jan-Sep 73 H. H.Gould, and A. C. Mallians. Apr 74, 133p* Rept no DOT-TSC-OST-73-43 Descriptors: 'Automobiles, "Fuel consumption, "Computerized simulation, "Computer pro- grams. Highways, Population(Statistics), Statistical analysis, Mathematical models. Identifiers: ASPI. A highway fuel consumption computer model is given. The model allows the computation of fuel consumption of a highway vehicle class as a function of time. The model is of the initial value (in this case initial inventory) and lumped parameter type. Parameters included in the analysis are (a) vehicle population in the initial year by fuel economy category and age, (b) the miles driven as a function of age, (c) vehicle survival as a function of age, (d) projections of vehicle populations as a function of time, and (e) the projected fractional mix, by fuel catego- ries, of new vehicles introduced in the vehicle population. PB-232 368/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Control Systems Research, Inc., Arlington, Va. A Fortran Program for Grade Crossing Colli- sions Studies Using Computer Graphics Final rept. Judy Taylor, and Paul Spencer. 27 Jul 73, 1 46p CSR-351-001-01 , FRA-ORD/D-74-6 Descriptors: "Collision research, "Motor vehicle accidents, "Railroad trains. Intersections, Safety engineering. Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, Computer programs. Identifiers: Crashworthiness, Railroad grade crossings, Vehicle dynamics, CDC 6600 compu- ters, Computer graphics. A computer program is presented in the FOR- TRAN language to simulate the co-planar dynamic response of vehicles to the collision situation in which a rail vehicle impacts a highway vehicle at a grade crossing. The simu- lation incorporates 28 individual parameters as- sociated with vehicle geometry, initial condi- tions, and other variables describing vehicle structural characteristics and a point-mass oc- cupant situated inside the struck vehicle. A complete listing of the program is given along with descriptions of the program logic, sample input and output. Inputs include the mass, velocity, and force-deflection properties of each vehicle. The displacements and rotations of the vehicles are calculated as well as the penetration of the highway vehicle and the ac- celerations of its occupant compartment. As a special feature, this program is capable of producing computer generated diagramatic aerial-view movies of the collision event representing a locomotive striking a sedan broadside. (Author) PB-232 921/7CP PC A09/MF A01 GCA Corp., Bedf or. Mass. Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Programs in Certain Metropolitan Areas Final rept. David A. Bryant. Apr 74, 184p* GCA-TR-74-8-G, EPA-450/3-74-041 Contract EPA-68-02-1337 Descriptors: "Passenger vehicles, "Urban trans- portation, "Coordination, "Computer programs, Evaluation, Surveys, Urban areas. Market research, Air pollution, Motivation, Incentives, Organizing, Bibliographies. Identifiers: "Car pools, Metropolitan areas. The report methodology is adopted in certain metropolitan areas to arouse public interest and support for carpooling by the use of com- puter matching to reduce the total number of vehicles committed to work trips, reduce the 32 demand for scarce motor fuels, and reduce vehicle miles traveled. All these combined will contribute to the improvement of air quality in congested work areas in metropolitan centers. PB-232 933/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simulation Model, Volume 1. Case Study of the Boston Region Final rept 1 Apr 73-31 May 74 Gregory K Ingram, and Gary Ft Fauth. May 74, 107p* DOT-OS-30099-5 Contract DOT-OS-30099 See also PB-232 934. Descriptors: 'Transportation management, "Air quality, 'Urban transportation, Computerized simulation, Atmospheric diffusion, Transporta- tion models. Government policies. Air pollution, Motor vehicles, Land use. Cost effectiveness. Identifiers: Emission factors, Boston(Massachusetts), 'Air pollution abate- ment, Stationary sources, TASSIM computer program. The TASSIM model integrates an urban trans- portation planning model, vehicle emission fac- tors, and simple air diffusion models in a simu- lation framework that can be used to analyze the air quality effects of transportation policies. The model is spatially disaggregated, and it is compatible with data sources available in many metropolitan areas. This volume briefly describes the structure of the model and then analyzes several model applications that simu- late for Boston the air quality effects of trans- portation control land use, and stationary source policies. The transportation control pol- icies are evaluated in a cost effectiveness framework. The final sections consider possible extensions of the model and outline the model's computational aspects. PB-232 934/OCP PC A10/MF A01 Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simulation Model. Volume II. Program User's Guide Final rept. Gregory K. Ingram, Gary R. Fauth, and Eugene A. Kroch. May 74, 201 p* DOT-OS-30099-6 Contract DOT-OS-30099 See also PB-232 933. Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, 'Air quality, 'Urban transportation, Computer pro- gramming, Calibration, Subroutines, Air pollu- tion, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Atmospheric diffusion, Coding. Identifiers: Emissions factors, 'Air pollution abatement, TASSIM computer program. The TASSIM model integrates an urban trans- portation planning model, vehicle emission fac- tors, and simple air diffusion models in a simu- lation framework that can be used to analyze the air quality effects of transportation policies. The model is spatially disaggregated, and it is compatible with data sources available in many metropolitan areas. Designed to aid others in using TASSIM, this volume describes the com- puter programming steps in the model, the input data required by various subprograms, and the procedures used to calibrate the model to a metropolitan area. The volume also in- cludes an outline of the programming changes needed to simulate various policies, and a list- ing of the model's FORTRAN code. PB-233 041/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich. Dept. of Neu- rosurgery. Breaking Strength of the Human Skull vs Im- pact Surface Curvature Final rept. 20 Dec 71-31 Mar 73 R. Voigt, and L. Murray Thomas. Nov 73, 189p DOT-HS-801-002 Contract DOT-HS-1 46-2-230 See also PB-204 239. Descriptors: "Skull, 'Fracture strength, 'Impact strength, Head(Anatomy), Injuries, Acceleration tolerance. Breaking load. Motor vehicle ac- cidents, Anatomy, Anthropometry, Ta- bles(Data), Computer programs. An investigation has been conducted into the effects of surface shape, hardness and impact location on the heads of human cadavers. This is the second year of a study involving eighty cadavers and most of the important results and conclusions are listed and discussed in this re- port. Impact surfaces included flat rigid and resilient, rigid cylindrical 1/8 in. radius up to 1 in. radius, resilient cylindrical 1 in. radius and rigid hemispherical shapes ranging from 3 in. to 8 in. radius. Impact locations include front, side and rear The various impact conditions are re- lated to type of skull fracture produced and several head injury parameters such as, velocity, peak force, acceleration, contact pres- sure and magnitude, and head injury criterion (HIC). PB-233 643/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Duke Univ., Durham, N.C. Dept. of Civil En- gineering. Dynamic Stability and Stress Analysis of Al- ternative Guideways for Levitation Vehicles Rept. for Feb-Dec 73 James F. Wilson. Dec 73, 232p FRA-ORD/D-74- 49 Contract DOT-FR-30029 Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways, 'Ground effect machines, 'Dynamic structural analysis, Stress analysis, Tunnel liners, Subsurface structures, Loads(Forces), Beams(Supports), Columns(Supports), Foundations, Walls, Finite difference theory. Computer programs. Con- trol. Identifiers: Guideway transportation, Elevated guideways, At grade guideways, Guideways, Air cushion vehicles, Levitation vehicles. Responses are predicted for several kinds of guideways subjected to the constant, transit pressures of levitation-type vehicles. The stu- dies include: Stresses in subterranean tunnel liners with alternative vehicle support struc- tures; comparative dynamic efficiencies of sim- ple and two-span elevated guideways with several distributions of transit loads; dynamics of multiple, flexible post and rigid panel guidance walls; dynamics of segmented (open- jointed) guidance plates and of continuous plate strips with arbitrary foundation restraints; responses to transit moments of plate-type levitation surfaces on elastic foundations; and applications of these dynamic theories in deter- mining stresses for alternative at-grade guideways of current importance. PB-233 961/2CP PC A05/MF A01 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, DC. Automotive Recorder Research Disc Recorder Pilot Project. Volume II. Results of Tests and Evaluation Technical rept. 24 Oct 72-31 Oct 73 S. S. Teel, S. J. Pierce, and N. W. Lutkefedder. May 74, 100p Rept no. DOT-HS-801 156 See also PB-226 880 Descriptors: 'Speed indicators, 'Accelerometers, Impact forces, Crash tests, Environmental tests, Road tests, Evaluation, Computer programs. Identifiers: Instrumental vehicles, PRCRSH computer programs. The NHTSA has developed automotive recor- ders which can measure crash triaxial accelera- tion/time histories during vehicle collisions. From these acceleration histories (recorded on a magnetic disc), velocity/time histories and velocity change during impact are derived to provide measures of vehicle crash severity. The purpose of developing these recorders is to provide firm unbiased relationships of vehicle crash severity with occupant fatalities and seri- ous injuries from real-world accidents. To date, a total of 1200 recorders has been produced and over 800 have been installed in fleet vehi- cles. This two volume report has been prepared to document the status of the Disc Recorder Pilot Project as of October 31, 1973. Volume II describes the types of tests (e.g., vehicle crash tests and environmental test) to which the disc recorders have been subjected, and the results Information and experience gained from these early research and development efforts form the foundation for future large scale recorder research. Portions of this document are not fully legible PB-234 272/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Autonetics, Anaheim, Calif Concept for a Satellite-Based Advanced Air Traffic Management System. Volume IX. System and Subsystem Performance Models Final rept. Oct 72-Oct 73 C. Chen, R. G. Loeliger, F. S. Nakamoto, J. C. Elsey, and J. B. King. Feb 74, 138p DOT-TSC- OST-73-29-9 Contract DOT-TSC-508 Paper copy also available from NTIS $37.00/set of 10 reports as PB-234 263-SET. Descriptors: 'Air traffic control, Artificial satel- lites, Networks, Transportation management, Air route traffic control, Systems engineering, Computerized simulation, Tracking, Air traffic. Safety, Mathematical programming, Queueing theory. Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Satellite based advanced air traffic management system. The volume presents the models used to analyze basic features of the system, establish feasibility of techniques, and evaluate system performance. The models use analytical ex- pressions and computer simulations to represent the relationship between system structure and state variables, system inputs, and system output measures. PB-235 361/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Introduction to the Application of the Dynalist Computer Program to the Analysis of Rail Systems Dynamics Interim rept. Jan-Mar 74 A. B. Perlman, and J. J. Lanza. Aug 74, 43p DOT-TSC-FRA-74-2, FRA-ORD/D-75-2 Descriptors: 'Railroads, 'Computer programs. Stability, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Equations of motion, Input output devices(Computers), Dynamics. Identifiers: DYNALIST computer program. DYNALIST, a computer program that extracts complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors for dynamic systems described in terms of matrix equations of motion, has been acquired and made operational. Simple dynamic systems are used to define the DYNALIST terminology Input parameters required to model a rail vehi- cle are described. Preparation of a card deck to run the program is detailed. The program out- put is examined in terms of an application to a hunting analysis of a rail vehicle PB-236 723/3CP PC A12/MF A01 Boeing Commercial Airplane Co., Seattle, Wash. Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVA. Computer Program Report Final rept. Nov 72-Dec 73 33 R. L. Erwin, M. J. Omoth, W. H. Galer, D. Hartnell, and A. L. Yarrington. Aug 74, 272p* DOT-TSCoOST-74-3-4A Contract DOT-TSC-538 Paper copy also available in set of 6 reports as PB-236 71 8-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Air traffic control, 'Air traffic, "Scheduling, Commercial aircraft, Air route traffic control, Terminal air traffic control, Rout- ing, Benefit cost analysis, Subroutines, Scenarios, Algorithms. Identifiers: *En route traffic control, 'Strategic control algorithms. A description of the strategic algorithm evalua- tion model is presented, both at the user and programmer levels. The model representation of an airport configuration, environmental con- siderations, the strategic control algorithm logic, and the airplane simulation model are delineated, together with data inputs and out- puts. Detailed instructions for running the model include the input deck setup. Listings of the complete program, as well as detailed logic flow charts and a variable dictionary, are in- cluded. Program storage requirements and machine dependence considerations are also discussed. PB-236 724/1CP PC A12/MF A01 Boeing Commercial Airplane Co., Seattle, Wash. Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVB. Computer Program Report (Concluded) Final rept. Nov 72-Dec 73 R. L. Erwin, M. J. Omoth, W. H. Galer, D. Hartnell, and A. L. Yarrington. Aug 74, 272p* DOT-TSC-OST-74-3-4B Contract DOT-TSC-538 Paper copy also available in set of 6 reports as PB-236 71 8-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Air traffic control, 'Air traffic, 'Scheduling, Commercial aircraft, Air route traffic control, Terminal air traffic control. Rout- ing, Benefit cost analysis, Computer programs, Scenarios, Algorithms. Identifiers: *En route traffic control, 'Strategic control algorithms. A description of the strategic algorithm evalua- tion model is presented, both at the user and programmer levels. The model representation of an airport configuration, environmental con- siderations, the strategic control algorithm logic, and the airplane simulation model are delineated, together with data inputs and out- puts. Detailed instructions for running the model include the input deck setup. Listings of the complete program, as well as detailed logic flow charts and a variable dictionary, are in- cluded. Program storage requirements and machine dependence considerations are also discussed. PB-238 270/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. TASSIM: An Application to Los Angeles Rept. for 1 Jun-31 Oct 74 Eugene Kroch. Nov 74, 58p* DOT-OS-30099-7 Contract DOT-OS-30099 Supplement to Volume 1, PB-232 933 and Volume 2, PB-232 934. Descriptors: 'Air quality, 'Urban transportation, Computerized simulation, Calibration, Mas- sachusetts, Government policies, Transporta- tion models. Mathematical models, Atmospher- ic diffusion, Atmospheric models, Exhaust emissions. Transportation management, Air pollution, California. Identifiers: TASSIM computer program, 'Los Angeles(Califomia), "Air pollution abatement, DOT/5C, DOT/4H2/HC, Boston(Massachusetts). The TASSIM model integrates an urban trans- portation planning model, vehicle emission fac- tors, and simple air diffusion models in a simu- lation framework that can be used to analyze the air quality effects of transportation policies. This report briefly reviews the structure of the model and then describes how it was applied to the Los Angeles region. The application required the tailoring of certain components of TASSIM to the peculiarities of the Los Angeles area and the calibration of the model to the re- gional data. The performance of the model in Los Angeles was then compared with previous experience with Boston for the simulation of the air quality effects of policies that alter the emission rates of automobiles, the character of the transportation system, and the pattern of land use. PB-238 575/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis. Urban Trans- portation Program. Optimal Scheduling of Bus Maintenance M. M. Bakr, and S. L. Kretschmer. Mar 74, 32p* UMTA-WI-1 1 -0002-74-4 Prepared in cooperation with Smith (A.O.) Corp; Milwaukee, Wis. Descriptors: 'Transit buses, 'Maintenance, 'Management, Cost analysis. Failure, Condi- tional probability, Computer programs, Scheduling. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, DOT/3I, DOT/4DZ/DG. The study of current practice in the manage- ment of bus maintenance has revealed to the authors that preventive maintenance schedules and procedures are based initially upon previ- ous experience, and reviewed and adjusted ac- cording to feedback regarding the cost of main- tenance and the reliability of performance of a bus fleet. A cost function which takes into ac- count the sum of maintenance and associated costs has been developed. The total cost con- sists of the cost of periodical preventive main- tenance and the cost of failures and unscheduled repairs. The cost is expressed in terms of various cost elements and the proba- bilities of failure for different systems on the bus. A computer method is used to derive the least cost maintenance schedule. PB-238 647/2CP PC A14/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Silver Spring, Md. Applied Physics Lab. Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program Final rept. Jun 73-Jul 74 P. F. Bohn, and R. J. Keenan. Nov 74, 321 p DOT- HS-801-290 Contract DOT-HS-21 3-3-695 Descriptors: 'Passenger vehicles, 'Suspension systems(Vehicles), 'Axles, 'Vehicle dynamics, Performance tests, Mathematical models, Hybrid simulation, FORTRAN, Braking, Steer- ing, Vehicle test procedures, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: DOT/5D, DOT/4DZ/DB, IBM 360/91 computers. A hybrid computer simulation for vehicle han- dling studies has been implemented, checked out, and validated. The simulation has been programmed to study both solid rear axle and independent rear suspension vehicles. Model validation was accomplished using parametric data representative of four 1971 vehicles: Volk- swagen Super Beetle, Chevrolet Brookwood, Dodge Coronet and Pontiac Trans AM. Braking, steering, and combinations of braking and steering were the inputs to the mathematical model. The hybrid vehicle handling program can be used for general studies of vehicle dynamics. A special interactive user's interface has been added to allow program use by vehi- cle engineers as well as computer specialists. PB-238 889/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. HSRI Digital Computer Programs for Semi- Empirical Tire Models J. T. Tielking, and M. Shih. Nov 74, 63p Rept no. UM-HSRI-PF-74-11 Descriptors: 'Automobile tires, 'Traction, Slid- ing friction. Friction factor, Braking, Accident prevention, FORTRAN, Digital simulation. Identifiers: 'Tire models. This document describes a set of five tire model computer programs which compute longitu- dinal and lateral traction forces and aligning moment developed by a pneumatic tire on a specific road surface. The preparation of input data for the tire models is discussed and a pro- gram for computing frictional performance data, from on-the-road traction measurements, is presented. Example computations are in- cluded. The theory behind the tire models pro- grammed in this document is described in In- terim Document 6, A Comparative Evaluation of Five Tire Traction Models,' UM-HSRI-PF-74-2 (NTIS order No. PB-229 707). These tire model programs supersede the programs described in Appendix 4 of Interim Document 6. PB-239 249/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Monsanto Research Corp., St. Louis, Mo. Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Ran- kine Engines. Volume III. Technical Section Appendices D. R. Miller, H. R. Null, Q. E. Thompson, A. C. Pauls, and J. A. Conover. Jun 73, 242p* APTD- 1565 Contract EPA-68 -04-0030 Prepared in cooperation with Sundstrand Avia- tion, Rockville, III. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB-239 246-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Automotive engineering, 'Rankine cycle, Fluoroaromatic compounds, Pyridines, Chemical properties, Toxicity, Flammability, Thermodynamic properties, Reciprocating engines, Gas turbines, Tests, Computer programs. Experimental data. Identifiers: Benzene/pentafluoro, Benzene/hexafluoro, Pyridine/methyl. The objective was to conduct a comprehensive program to establish the optimum working fluids and/or working fluid-lubricant combina- tions for automotive Rankine cycle applica- tions. This volume contains the technical details of the study and computer programs. PB-239 250/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Monsanto Research Corp., St. Louis, Mo. Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Ran- kine Engines. Volume IV. Engine Design Op- timization F. Sindermann. Jun 73, 108p' APTD-1566 Contract EPA-68-04-0030 Prepared in cooperation with Sundstrand Avia- tion, Rockford, III. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB-239 246-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Automotive engineering, 'Rankine cycle, Fluoroaromatic compounds, Pyridines, Reciprocating engines. Gas turbines. Design, Optimization, Computerized simula- tion, Computer programs. Identifiers: Benzene/pentafluoro, Benzene/hexafluoro, Pyridine/methyl. Optimum system designs were determined for two turbine engines operating on RC-1 and one reciprocating engine operating on RC-2 fluid. A Rankine cycle engine optimization computer program was used. RC-1 fluid was a mixture containing 60 Mo1%, pentafluorobenzene and 40 Mo1% hexafluororbenzene. RC-2 fluid was a mixture containing 65 Mol% water and 35 Mol% 34 2-methylpyridine. The principal results of the analysis are predictions ot engine size, weight and efficiency (vehicle miles per gallon). Com- putations leading to these optimum designs took into account five different steady-state load points to represent typical driving condi- tions. Each optimization was carried out under a number of fixed constraints selected to en- sure a practical system. PB-239 388/2CP PC A11/MF A01 Wyle Research, El Segundo, Calif Airport Noise Reduction Forecast. Volume II. NEF Computer Program Description and User's Manual Final rept. Jul72-Oct 74 Carroll Bartel, Charles Coughlin, John Moran, and Larry Watkins. Oct 74, 229p" WRC-74-14-2, DOT/TST-75-4 Contract DOT-OS-20088 Paper copy also available in set of 2 reports as PB-239 386-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Airports, 'Noise reduction, Com- puter programs, Noise pollution, Flight paths, Jet engine noise, Mathematical models. Mathe- matical prediction, Community relations, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Noise pollution abatement, DOT/2A, DOT/5B, Alternatives, Aircraft fleet mix, NEF computer program, FORTRAN 5 programming language. A fundamental requirement of this effort was that the noise impact of air traffic around major airports on the surrounding community should be described and that predictions of various noise abatement alternatives should be made. For this the DOT/Wyle noise exposure forecast computer program was developed. Volume 2 of the report is a description of this program. In- cluded are brief descriptions of the calculations performed, the subroutines that perform them, and a user's guide Also included is a complete listing of the program, in FORTRAN V. Inputs to the program are a description of the airport geometry including flight paths, aircraft noise and performance characteristics, and the air- craft fleet mix. Outputs are contours of equal value of Noise Exposure Forecasts around the airport. PB-239 825/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, DC. Office of Research, Develop- ment and Demonstration. Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit David Morag. 6 May 74, 102p Rept no. UMTA- RDD-8-74-2 Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Rapid transit railways, 'Transportation planning, 'Computerized simulation, Control, Separation, Braking, Computer programs, Automatic pilots. Transportation development. Identifiers: 'Personal rapid transit systems, DOT/3D, DOT/4DZ/DC. The report describes and evaluates operating policies for Personalized Rapid Transit (PRT) systems and illustrates their implementation in a PRT vehicle autopilot. The vehicles frequency of passage and other considerations that con- tribute to the selection of such frequencies are the major topics of the report. Also studied are the various effects on system parameters and performance that follow the selection of an operating policy. The report examines 3 poten- tial operating policies for PRT systems and defines the necessary limitations on headways resulting from design parameters and the ef- fects of maneuvers. The operating policies con- sidered are constant separation, constant K factor, and constant headway operation. Routing of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles. Appendix A: Manual for Use of the Computer Codes Final rept. (Appendix A) Jon C. Liebman. Dec 74, 67p* EPA/670/2-74- 036a Contract EPA-R-801289 Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB-239 895-SET, PC E99 Descriptors: 'Solid waste disposal, 'Collection, 'Transportation, "Routing, Management planning. Urban planning, Hauling, Trucks, Nu- merical analysis, Refuse disposal. Linear pro- gramming, Algorithms, Traffic regulations, Heuristic methods. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, Chinese postman problem This report describes research on computer- based and manual techniques for the routing of solid waste collection vehicles Algorithms are given for the routing of single vehicles under three conditions: (1) all streets are two way, (2) all streets are one way, and (3) some streets are two way and others are one way. In addition, a heuristic algorithm is provided for routing several vehicles in a larger area. Appendix A is a manual for use of the computer codes Appen- dix B (separately bound) is a heuristic solution to the m-postmen's solution III PC A12/MF A01 Engineering and Improved Inflation PB-239 898/OCP Illinois Univ., Urbana. PC A04/MF A01 PB-240 268/3CP Olin Corp., Marion, Development. Development of Techniques, Task II Final rept. Jul 73-Jun 74 Darrell W. Marlow, and James T. Johnson. Jan 75, 251 p DOT-HS-801 -226 Contract DOT-HS-345-3-691 Descriptors: "Motor vehicles, 'Accident preven- tion, 'Constraining, Safety engineering. Inflata- ble structures. Pneumatic equipment, Compu- terized simulation, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Air cushion restraint systems, 'Air bag restraint systems, DOT/5A, DOT/4DZ/DB. This report summarizes the effort to develop an improved inflatable restraint system. The objec- tive was to provide frontal crash protection up to 50 mph for front seat occupants without undue hazards to out-of-position occupants during deployment. The inflation concept that was developed and proven successful for this program consisted of a dual bag design-a low pressure aspirator inflator filled head bag and a high pressure augmented inflator filled torso bag. The knee and femur load were cushioned by a fixed crushable restraint. Based on the results of 27 sled tests it is concluded that this system can be effective in meeting MVSS208 in- jury criteria at speeds to 50 mph. PB-240 867/2CP PC A08/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents. Scene Measurement and Data Processing System Final rept. (Part 2) Jun 73-Dec 74 Raymond R. McHenry, Ian S Jones, and James P. Lynch. Feb 75, 170p CALSPAN-2Q-5341-V-2, DOT-HS-801 -405 Contract DOT-HS-053-3-658 See also PB-234 707. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle accidents, "Optical measurement, "Accident investigations. Com- puter programming, Range finding, Data processing, Computerized simulation. Radio communication, Traffic safety. Identifiers: SMAC computer program, DOT/5A, DOT/4DZ. A computer program and an associated optical measurement system have been developed to aid the investigation of highway accidents. They provide a capability of processing and evaluating scene data, via radio contact with a remote computer, while the investigators are at the accident scene Results of the third year of effort are presented and discussed. They in- clude the results of field testing by a local po- lice agency as well as by Calspan personnel. It is concluded that development of the prototype system has reached a point where it can be rou- tinely applied to many highway accidents Proposed modifications and extensions, aimed at greater ease of application and at increased generality, are presented and discussed. PB-240 868/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Accident Investigation. Vehicle Operational Manual Final rept. (Part 3) Jun 73-Dec 74 James P. Lynch. Feb 75, 70p CALSPAN-2Q- 5341 -V-3, DOT-HS-801 -409 Contract DOT-HS-053-3-658 See also PB-240 867 Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, "Optical measurement, 'Accident investigations. Manuals, Computer systems hardware, Mobile, Vehicles, Radio communication, Range finding, Data processing, Traffic safety Identifiers: SMAC computer program, DOT/5A, DOT/4DZ, Minicomputers. A special computerized vehicle has been developed by Calspan Corporation for the scientific investigation and reconstruction of automobile accidents. The report is a guide to proper usage of that vehicle Instructions on starting the minicomputer, sighting the physi- cal evidence with the optical measurement system, and using the radiotelephone for com- munication with the larger timesharing com- puter for reconstruction operations are pro- vided. Troubleshooting information is also in- cluded. PB-241 222/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Development of a New Collapsing Ring Bridge Rail System Interim rept. C. E. Kimball, M. E. Bronstad, J. D. Michie, J. A. Wentworth, and J. G. Viner. Jan 75, 29p FHWA/RD-75-510 Descriptors: 'Highway bridges, "Barriers, "Energy absorption, Crash tests, Impact, Shock absorbers, Safety engineering. Design. Identifiers: DOT/4CZ/CB, DOT/5A, BARRIER 7 computer program. An energy absorbing bridge rail system that uses plastic deformation of steel rings as the primary impact energy absorber has been developed through full scale crash testing and the utilization of BARRIER-VII computer pro- gram. The system design is not only capable of withstanding impacts by large vehicles such as buses and trucks, but also does not impart high accelerations to impacting smaller vehicles. PB-241 365/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Development of a Computer Program for Modeling the Heat Effects on a Railroad Tank Car Final rept. K.W.Graves. Jan 73, 101p CALSPAN-YE-5176- D-1, FRA-ORD/D-75-33 Contract DOT-AR -20036 Descriptors: 'Railroad cars, "Tank cars, 'Fire safety, "Hazardous materials. Mathematical models, Thermal insulation, Heat transfer, Thermodynamic properties, Stresses, Relief valves, Heat flux, Liquefied petroleum gases, FORTRAN, Computer programs Identifiers: JP-4 fuel, Railroad accidents, DOT/5A, DOT/4DZ/DC. 35 A mathematical model has been programmed in FORTRAN IV that represents the response to a fire environment of a railroad tank car laden with a volatile, flammable fluid . Inputs to the program include total mass of lading per foot of tank length, tank length, number and flow area of relief valves, their opening and closing pres- sure, thickness and thermal conductivity of ex- terior insulation, and array of the ther- modynamic properites of the lading, its initial condition, and heat transfer coefficient and fire temperature at various points on the tank Out- put includes tank pressure, temperatures of the liquid and vapor, temperatures of the interior surface of the shell, mass of liquid remaining, and location of the liquid level. These are printed for the end of every computing interval, thus indicating the history of each. PB-241 633/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Target Acquisition Performance of a Satellite Based Multiple Access Surveillance System Final rept Nov 72-Nov 73 H. D. Goldfein. Mar 75, 98p Rept no. DOT-TSC- OST-73-27 Descriptors: "Air traffic control systems, "Air surveillance. Target acquisition, Radio links. Communication satellites, Computerized simu- lation. Computer programs. Identifiers: Multiple access, DOT/4IZ/ID. A quantitative description of the detection per- formance of a satellite-based surveillance system is presented. This system is one which has been proposed for CONUS coverage in an advanced air traffic control system. In addition, the computer program which was used to simu- late the random access surveillance link for this system is described. This computer program is appliable for analysis of a broad range of ran- dom access surveillance systems PB-241 694/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. An Improved Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of Vehicle Crash Victims. Volume III. Users Manual Final rept. 30 Jun 72-31 Jul 74 John T Fleck, Frank E. Butler, and Stephen L. Vogel. Apr 75, 199p CALSPAN-ZQ-5180-L-1- Vol-3, DOT-HS-801-509 Contract DOT-HS-053-2-485 See also PB-241 695. Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, "Casualties, 'Computerized simulation, Mathe- matical models. Motion, Leg(Anatomy), Arm(Anatomy), Joints(Anatomy), Equations of motion. Dynamic response, Torque, Loads(Forces), Safety devices. Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Occupant simulation, IBM 370 com- puters, DOT/5A, DOT/5H. Contents: Input and output data features; Description of the restart procedure; Error messages, Job control language (JCL) IBM370; Program variable dictionary by labeled common blocks; Subroutine, common block and variable cross reference charts. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-241 743/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas Highway Dept., Austin. Div. of Automa- tion. A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation Departmental research rept. (Final) Roger L. Merrell. Feb 75, 70p Rept no. 1-19-74- 179-1F Descriptors: "Cargo transportation, "Weight measurement, "Highway transportation, "Data acquisition, Input output devices(Computers), Portable equipment. Computer programs, Ac- countability, FORTRAN. Identifiers: "Minicomputers, DOT/4I2/IA, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language. Existing manual procedures for material haul tickets when payments are by weight involve a considerable amount of manual checking, arithmetic calculations and ticket accountabili- ty. The availability of small mini-computers and appropriate input and output devices allowed for the development of a portable, automated data acquisition system which is capable of capturing the data at its source. All of the func- tions of ticket generation, ticket accountability, material summary reports and checking are ac- complished with the system. An additional im- portant feature is that the hardware is small enough to be transported from project to pro- ject Due to its interactive mode of operation, a technician can be trained to use the system in approximately one hour While cost effective- ness of operating this system depends on the size of the hauling operation and the amount of checking required, the overall benefits of the system are derived from accurate, flexible documentation and the release of skilled technicians for other work. Since the data is captured at its source in a computer environ- ment, remote transmission to a central material control system would minimize subsequent material accounting procedures involved in contractor payments and materials testing. PB-241 755/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. A Computer Model of Steady-State and Transient Traction Forces and Aligning Mo- ment Developed by Pneumatic Tires Bertil Koch. Jan 75, 158p Rept no. UM-HSRI- PF-75-2 Report on Tire Traction Characteristics Affect- ing Vehicle Performance. Prepared in coopera- tion with Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Associa- tion of the United States, Inc., Detroit, Mich. Descriptors: "Tires, "Performance tests, Trac- tion, Mathematical models. Friction factor, Force, Transients, Steady state, Velocity, Tire treads. Computer programs. Equations of mo- tion. Graphic methods. Identifiers: Tire pavement interactions, Hybtir computer program. This document presents the final report on the development of a semi-empirical tire model which has the capability of simulating steady- state and transient traction forces and aligning moment in response to combined longitudinal and lateral wheel slip. The model recognizes the tire-road friction force as a function of local position and velocity of tread element sliding within the contact region. Examples of steady- state and transient response calculations are given Pure-digital and analog-digital (hybrid) computer programs are included. PB-241 870/5CP PC A16/MF A01 TRW Transportation and Environmental Opera- tions, Houston, Tex. Urban Traffic Control System and Bus Priority System (UTCS/BPS): Traffic Adaptive Net- work Signal Timing Program (TANSTP). Soft- ware Description Final rept R Kessemann, L. Boiling, D. L. Cooper, J. Ritter, and E. Bravo. Aug 73, 351 p* Rept no. 96004.007 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-7594 Descriptors: "Vehicular traffic control, "Urban transportation, "Traffic signals, "Computer pro- gramming, Traffic flow, Automatic control, Adaptive systems, Optimization, FORTRAN, Real time operations, Central processing units, Executive routines. Identifiers: On line systems, TRANSTP com- puter program, DOT/5L, DOT/3C The document describes the Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP) of the Urban Traffic Control System/Bus Priority System. The TANSTP software package uses the executive structure, the surveillance data, and the command software of the first genera- tion package, which was installed in the original UTCS System. (The first generation uses a pre-stored timing pattern) TANSTP is a second generation on-line optimization of signal timing patterns using real-time predic- tions of volume patterns and on-line subnet- work determination. This document contains an overview of the entire UTCS/TANSTP soft- ware system; provides a description of the soft- ware routines; includes a description of the subroutines which were constructed to inter- face the second generation software with the first generation data base; gives a description of the modifications made to the first genera- tion routines to support the second generation package; discusses the procedures to be used in operating the UTCS/TANSTP System; and describes the data base. The Appendix contains a description of two off-line programs used to support the prediction. PB-242 068/5CP PC A15/MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Prevention. Volume V-A 3-D. Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study Final rept. Jul 71 -Jul 73 Ronald D Young, Wayne F. Lammert, and Hayes E. Ross, Jr. May 75, 342p RF-814-1-Vol-4, DOT-HS-801-547 Contract DOT-HS-065-1-217 See also PB-242 067. Prepared by Texas A and M Research Foundation, College Station. Descriptors: "Pedestrian movement, "Motor vehicles, "Accident investigations, Injuries, Mathematical models, Impact tests, Compu- terized simulation, Anthropometry, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Injury severity index, "Vehicle ex- teriors, "Pedestrian injuries, DOT/5A, DOT/4D2/DB. The volume describes various additions and ex- tensions of an occupant model needed to simu- late the pedestrian accident victim and the model's performance in simulating the drop tests of Volume IV. The modifications included changes to the victim-vehicle interaction subroutines, victim geometry, and vehicle geometry. Portions of this document are not fully legible PB-242 408/3CP CP T03 Reading, Pa. USAC Project Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGE- MENT Computer Program Module, Release Number One Software Harold George. May 75, 1 reel mag tap USAC- IMIS-RDG-003, HUD/DF-75/002 Contract HUD-H-1212 Specify tape recording mode desired: 9 track, 800 or 1600 bpi, odd parity, EBCDIC; or 7 track, 556 or 800 bpi, odd or even parity, BCD. Docu- mentation available. Descriptors: "Software, "Local government, "Urban information systems, "Vehicles, Management information systems. Magnetic tapes, COBOL, Fuel consumption, Computer programs, Urban planning, Pennsylvania. Identifiers: 'Reading(Pennsylvania), USAC pro- ject. Integrated municipal information systems. 36 This tape contains the USAC Municipal Vehicle Management Module for the Reading, Pennsyl- vania, Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS). The programs included on this tape produce from input cards a fuel consumption report. The cards are edited and then used as input to the program that produces a report by vehicle within Bureau showing fuel consumed during the reporting period. Totals are produced by vehicle by Bureau, and by fuel dis- tribution point. There are 2 programs recorded on the tape. 32K bytes of core storage are needed to operate this module on a UNIVAC Model 9300 II computer. Technical documen- tation describing this module include: USAC- RPA2-3251 , Design Specifications for the Vehi- cle Management Module; USAC-RPA2-4051, Program Specification for the Vehicle Manage- ment Module; USAC-RPA2-7051, The Vehicle Management Module User's Manual. ..Software Description: These programs are written in COBOL for implementation on a UNIVAC Model 9300 II computer using the UNIVAC 0S500 DNCOS revision 4 operating systems. The Data Base Management System is the Reading DMT Version 1, Release 1, Level 1. PB-242 737/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Computran Systems Corp., Hackensack, N.J. Feasibility of an Exclusive Bus/Car Pool Lane on New Jersey Route 3. Volume I Interim rept. on Phase 1 V. J. Blue, D. J. Parietti, and B. Adler. May 75, 161pFH-8312-1 Contract FH-1 1-8312 Descriptors: 'Limited access highways, 'Traffic lanes, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Computerized simulation. Traffic flow, Mathematical models. Vehicular traffic, Passenger transportation, Buses(Vehicles), Automobiles, Traffic direction. Traffic peaks, Benefit cost analysis, New Jersey. Identifiers: DOT/5L, Exclusive bus lanes, Car pools, PRIFRE computer program, Local stu- dies. The feasibility of setting aside one lane for the exclusive use of bus and car pools on New Jer- sey Route 3 was performed. The PRIFRE Model, a computer model which determines traffic conditions for normal and priority operations, was calibrated to represent Route 3. Numerous configurations of bus and car pool lanes were identified, and five priority configurations were modeled for eastbound traffic. Three other pri- ority configurations were modeled for east- bound traffic. Three other priority configura- tions were modeled for westbound traffic. A major criteria in the analysis is the occupancy shifts required in terms of cumulative pas- senger hours, travel time, vehicle miles traveled, and traffic operations. A benefit-cost analysis was performed including considera- tion to user and system costs. The report con- tains a recommendation that the state of New Jersey implement a bus and car pool lane in each direction according to specified criteria. PB-242 907/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle Dynam- ics Simulation Program User's Manual. Ad- dendum B. Zapotowski. Feb 75, 99p PMT-B4-R75-4, FRA-ORD/D-75-78 Contract DOT-FR-30041 Addendum to PB-219 984. Descriptors: 'Tracked air cushion vehicles, 'Digital simulation, FORTRAN, Computer pro- grams, Ground effect, Vibration, Excitation, Damping, User needs. Identifiers: DOT/4DZ/DC. This manual is an addendum to the Tracked Air Cushion Research Vehicle - Dynamics Simula- tion Program Users Manual, Department of Transportation Report FRA-RT-73-19, October 1972, NTIS Accession No. PB-219 984/2. A digital computer program was generated to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of the Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle. Additional programming and new input data requirements are described in this addendum that enable the reduction and plotting of vehicle test data stored on magnetic tape concurrently with simulated responses. The changes incorporate improved theory and algorithms and permit more comprehensive theoretical dynamic anal- ysis to be performed. PB-243 133/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Dept. of Agricultural Engineering Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Pro- gramming Approach Master's thesis Kwang-Ping Yang. Dec 73, 94p OWRT-B-029- Hl(1) Descriptors: 'Pipes(Tubes), 'Pipe flow, 'Computer aided design. Pipeline transporta- tion, Piping systems. Distribution systems. Dynamic programming, Theses, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. The dynamic programming technique has been successfully applied previously in solving serial type fluid systems. This technique was ex- panded to application to nonserial diverging branch type fluid networks. An interactive com- puter program based on a more efficient op- timization method was developed. Pressure loss between pipe segments due to change of conduit sizes was incorporated into the design. The computer program was discussed with flow charts and a sample run of the program was presented. Results from this example demon- strated that the dynamic programming method is applicable to the solution of diverging branch type fluid system problems Appendixes con- tain the FORTRAN listing of the program and the program output for the sample run. PB-243 456/1CP CP T03 Reading, Pa. USAC Project. Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module, Release No. 1 Software Harold George. May 75, 1 reel mag tape USAC- IMIS-RDG-010, HUD/DF-75/010 Contract HUD-H-1212 Specify tape recording mode desired: 9 track, 800 or 1600 bpi, odd parity, EBCDIC; or 7 track, 556 or 800 bpi, odd or even parity, BCD. Price includes documentation, PB-237 258 and PB- 238 266. Descriptors: 'Software, 'Local government, 'Urban information systems, 'Traffic safety. Magnetic tapes. Accident investigations, Infor- mation retrieval, Management information systems, Pennsylvania. Identifiers: USAC project, 'Reading(Pennsylvania). This tape contains the USAC Municipal Traffic Accident Recording Module for the Reading, Pa., Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS). This module processes information col- lected on traffic accident reporting forms and assembles these data into accident history files which comprise a portion of the system data base. This information can then be retrieved to produce periodic (monthly and yearly) reports. The module also has the facility to query the ac- cident portion of the system data base for any accidents meeting optional search parameter criteria. Its services, while available to all de- partments within city government, were designed around requirements supplied by the Traffic Law Enforcement Division of the Read- ing Bureau of Police. There are 8 programs recorded on the tape. Technical documentation describing this module include: PB-237 258, Design Specifications for the Traffic Accident Recording Module; PB-238 266, Program Specifications for the Traffic Accident Record- ing Module; and USAC-RPAZ-7031, The Traffic Accident Recording Module, User's Manual 32K bytes of core storage and 32M bytes of disk storage are needed to operate this module on a UNIVAC Model 9300 II computer Software description: These programs are written in the UNIVAC 9300 II COBOL programming language for implementation on a UNIVAC Model 9300 II computer using the UNIVAC 0S500DNCOS operating system. The Reading Data Base Management System is also used to implement this module. PB-243 521/2CP PC A10/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. Analytic Tire Model. Phase I: The Statically Loaded Toroidal Membrane Final rept. 30 Jul 74-30 Jun 75 J.T. Tielking.Jul 75, 217p Rept no. UM-HSRI- PF-75-7 Also pub. as Tire Traction Characteristics Af- fecting Vehicle Performance, Interim Document 10. Prepared in cooperation with Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association of the United States, Inc., Detroit, Mich. Descriptors: 'Automobile tires, "Structural analysis, "Traction, Mathematical models, Deformation, Stresses, Strains, Equations, Shear stress, Loads(Forces), FORTRAN, Struc- tural design, Computer programs. Identifiers: Bead rings. Pneumatic tires, PATCH computer program, PDP 11/45 computers. Tire beads. The document presents the final report on the development of a preliminary analytic tire model. The preliminary model is an isotropic to- roidal membrane with inner edges bonded to rigid bead rings. The toroid is inflated and deflected against a frictionless flat surface. Solutions are obtained for (a) The deformed shape and contact boundary; (b) strain and stress distributions, including principal stresses; (c) normal (hoop and radial) and shear stress distributions on the bead ring; and (d) tire load as a function of inflation pressure and loaded radius. Digital computer programs are included. PB-244 509/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Cambridge Collaborative, Mass. Noise Prediction Models for Elevated Rail Transit Structures Final rept. Jul 73-Jun 75 J. E. Manning, D. C. Hyland, J. J. Fredberg, and N. Senapati. Aug 75, 249p UMTA-MA-06-0025- 75-12 Contract DOT-TSC-643 Descriptors: 'Railroad tracks, 'Elevated rail- roads, 'Noise pollution, Mathematical models, Predictions, Vibration, Wave propagation, Sound transmission, Sound pressure, Struc- tural members, Noise reduction, Structural design, Urban transportation, Noise abatement. Computer programs. The report presents the theoretical develop- ment of a model for the prediction of noise radiated by elevated structures on rail transit lines. In particular it deals with noise and vibra- tion control for urban rail transit track and elevated noise and vibration control for urban rail transit track and elevated structures. The model allows for the prediction of both the vibration transmission between elements of the structure and the resulting noise radiation from each major structural element, in terms of design parameters for the different elements. Thus the potential effectiveness of various al- ternative methods for noise control can be eval- uated. Results of a field study of three different 37 types of elevated structure on the MBTA Rapid Transit System are also summarized. These results support the validity of the prediction model The engineering application of the pre- diction model is discussed in another report. PB-245 132/6CP PC A14/MF A01 Bechtel, Inc., Gaithersburg, Md Northeast Corridor High Speed Rail Pas- senger Service Improvement Project. Task 4. Scenario Development and System Simula- tion Final rept. C. W. Gillespie, R. A. Arnlund, M. McGinnis, A. Buchan, and E. Clausing. Jun 75, 324p FRA/ONECD-75/4 Contract DOT-FR-40027 See also PB-243 419. Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways, 'Passenger transportation, 'Northeast Region(United States), Planning, Services, Estimates, Rail- roads, Rail transportation. Operations research, Routes, Railroad tracks, Systems engineering, Systems analysis. Simulators, Railroad signals, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Travel demand. Commuter rail systems, Railroad-highway crossings, LOGSIM computer program, DOT/2C, DOT/1 B. The report covers, in brief, the preliminary work performed in identification, development, and evaluation of 14 alternative scenarios to handle estimated high potential demand for rail ser- vices in the Northeast Corridor in 1990. Addi- tionally, the report outlines the approach and methodology, the assumptions and constraints, and the findings resulting from the LOGSIM simulation of Scenario 13, at the estimated high potential demand for 1990. Changes in track configuration and interline connections for 1990 operations are identified. PB-246 187/9CP PC A22/MF A01 Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, DC. Planning Methodology and Technical Support Div. UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual Jun 75, 512p* Rept nos. UTP. 40.74.1 .5, UMTA- IT-06-0050-75-1 Supersedes PB-231 865. Descriptors: 'Transportation management, 'Programming manuals, 'Urban transportation. Computer programs. Planning, Information systems, Data processing, Coding, Systems analysis. Installing, Computer programming. Identifiers: 'Multimodal transportation systems, IBM 360 computers. Developed by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, the UMTA Transportation Planning System (UTPS) is a collection of IBM System/360-370 computer programs for use in planning multimodal urban transportation systems. The objective of UTPS is to provide transportation planners with readily available, tested, and easy to use planning tools. This document summarizes information on the func- tion and use of the UTPS program. It discusses general program operation and contains each individual program's operating instructions. This manual also describes all UTPS datasets, and explains how UTPS is installed at a user's computing facility. Sections of the manual in- clude system control statements, subject pro- gram control statements, program writeup or- ganization, software system description, data file formats, cataloged procedures, and pro- gram writeups. PB-247 481/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Office of Telecommunications, Boulder, Colo. Inst, for Telecommunication Sciences. Numerical Mapping Methods to Reduce OMEGA Propagation Correction Tabulations F. G. Stewart, L. R Teters, and R. H. Espeland. May 75, 36p Rept no. OTR-75-62 Prepared in cooperation with OMEGA Naviga- tion System Operations Detail, Washington, DC. Descriptors: "Radio navigation, 'Radio trans- mission, Very low frequencies, Correction, Tabulation processes. Computer programs, Conformal mapping, Variations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Omega navigation, FORTRAN 4 programming language. The report is a study of the feasibility of apply- ing numerical mapping techniques to the storage and handling of OMEGA propagation corrections. Using the techniques discussed in the report, it is possible to represent the 110,592 propagation correction values of a representative area with 1377 coefficients. These coefficients, not necessarily an optimum set, can be used to determine the entire set of correction values for the area. The range of maximum residuals between the observed and fitted correction values was 2 to 20 cecs and the RMS residuals ranged from 1 to 5 cecs. A synthesis program and the coefficients for the test area are included in the appendix. PB-247 754/5CP PC A09/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. RUCUS (Run Cutting and Scheduling) Imple- mentation Manual Ernest Nussbaum, Kathy K. Rebibo, and Eugene Wilhelm. Jul 75, 198p* MTR-6949, U MTA-V A-06-0004-75-4 Contract DOT-UT-10005 Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Bus lines, 'Scheduling, Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Personnel, Data processing. Transportation management, FORTRAN. Identifiers: RUCUS computer program, Travel time, DOT/1A, DOT/3C, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, IBM 360/70 computers. The Run Cutting and Scheduling (RUCUS) package is a set of computer programs designed to assist transit properties in develop- ing headway sheets, scheduling vehicles, and making driver work assignments. RUCUS has been extensively field-tested and is currently supporting the scheduling activities at a number of properties. The package, which is now available to the transit industry (through the Transportations Systems Center in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts) includes detailed pro- gram documentation, descriptions of the required input data, output reports and messages, and the program source code. This handbook provides guidance in implementing the RUCUS systems at the user's property, out- lining such steps as obtaining and organizing the necessary resources, constructing the ini- tial data base, and using the RUCUS programs. This handbook is to be used as an adjunct to existing documentation which defines in detail the execution of the system programs. PB-247 760/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., West Mifflin, Pa. Transportation Div. Assured Energy Receptivity Study Final rept. 30 May 75, 138p TDC-AER-75-3 Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways, 'Regenerators, Heat, Removal, Tunnels, Re- sistors, Load control, Computer programs. Breaking, Energy. The study objective was to determine the amount of heat removed from rapid transit tun- nels by adding wayside resistors which would absorb braking energy that could not be ab- sorbed by normal regeneration. In addition. preliminary design and cost data for the instal- lation of the wayside resistors was to be pro- vided. As the study progressed it was found that the addition of the wayside receptive devices provided a very marginal improvement over normal regeneration, and a substitution in the direction of the study made; the effect of im- proving the regenerative capability of the trains was measured rather than completion of the design for the wayside resistors. PB-247 933/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Philco-Ford Corp., Newport Beach, Calif. Aeronutronic Div. Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Program (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III. Appendix G. 5 DOF Com- puter Program Final rept. Jun 74-Jan 75. Feb 75, 93p Philco-Ford-TMLV-TR-0037B, FRA/ORD-75-21B Contract DOT-FR-40024 Prepared in cooperation with Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. Scientific Research Staff. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB-247 930-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways, 'Suspension systems(Vehicles), 'Superconducting magnets. Magnetic fields, Induction motors, Design, Cost analysis, Degrees of freedom, Computer programs, BASIC programming language. Identifiers: 'Tracked levitation vehicles, 'Magnetic levitation, 'Repulsion motors, 'Guideways, 'Linear induction motors, "Vehicle dynamics, Five degrees of freedom, 5 DOF computer program, DOT/4D2/DC. This report summarizes the studies of a pro- gram to establish the technology of magnetic suspension for ultimate use in a passenger-car- rying high-speed ground transportation (HSGT) system - at speeds on the order of 134 m/s (300 mph). Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) is one of the advanced vehicle suspension concepts considered as alternatives to conventional transportation modes in the short-haul regime. This third volume contains the computer pro- grams for the solution of the equations of mo- tion for 5 degrees-of-freedom, and a summary of the analytical background. These programs provide the capability for performing stability analyses of magnetically levitated vehicles, and for evaluating vehicle response and ride quality characteristics for operation over guideways with irregularities. Each program is listed along with a sample run. The programs are written in BASIC language for use on time-sharing systems. PB-248 777/5CP PC A15/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Engineering Experi- ment Station. Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management. Volume II. Digital Automotive Propulsion Simulator Programs and Description Final rept. N. H. Beachley, and A. A. Frank. Dec 74, 337p DOT/TST-75/2-Vol-2 Contract DOT-OS-301 12 See also PB-248 778. Descriptors: 'Automobiles, 'Automotive en- gineering, Fuel consumption, Motor vehicle drive systems, Automotive transmissions. Motor vehicle engines, Performance tests, Revisions, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Digital simulation, FORTRAN, Ex- haust gases. Identifiers: 'Fuel economy, FORTRAN 2 pro- gramming language, DOT/4DZ/DB. Computer simulation programs are developed to simulate the performance of current motor vehicles over all types of driving cycles. The 38 simulation includes the effect of the dynamic interactions among the powerplant and drivetrain components, and is quite so- phisticated so as to accurately predict the per- formance changes produced by a wide range of vehicle modifications. Two versions have been developed - a real-time hybrid computer simu- lation and an all-digital batch program The simulation results agree very well with experi- mental data for fuel consumption and NOX emissions Better experimental transient emis- sions data are required, however, before it will be possible to accurately model HC and CO emissions. Simulation of vehicles with Continu- ously Variable Transmissions as a replacement for the current automatic transmission has shown that a considerable improvement in fuel mileage over present-day automobiles is possi- ble. The report has been prepared in three volumes Volume t contains the results and general discussion. Volume II is the complete documentation of the digital computer pro- grams developed during the research effort, and Volume III presents the additional pro- gramming information necessary for running the real time interactive hybrid computer simu- lations. PB-248 778/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ. Engineering Experiment Sta- tion. Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management. Volume ill. Real-Time (Hybrid Computer) Simulation Program Set Final rept. N. H. Beachley, and A. A. Frank. Dec 74, 57p DOT/TST-75/2-Vol-3 Contract DOT-OS-301 1 2 See also PB-248 777. Descriptors: 'Automobiles, "Automotive en- gineering. Fuel consumption, Motor vehicle drive systems. Automotive transmissions. Motor vehicle engines, Performance tests, Revisions, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Hybrid simulation. Identifiers: 'Fuel economy, DOT/4D2/DB. Computer simulation programs are developed to simulate the performance of current motor vehicles over all types of driving cycles. The simulation includes the effect of the dynamic interactions among the powerplant and drivetrain components, and is quite so- phisticated so as to accurately predict the per- formance changes produced by a wide range of vehicle modifications. Volume III presents the additional programming information necessary for running the real time interactive hybrid computer simulations. PB-248 846/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Center for Advanced Computation. Unit Train Transportation of Coal. Appendix E Master's thesis (Final) John Alan Ferguson, Michael Rieber, Shao Lee Soo, James Stukel, and Jack Simon. May 75, 69p CAC-163-App-E, NSF/RA/N-75-037E Grant NSF-GI-35821 See also PB-248 063. Report on The Coal Fu- ture: Economic and Technological Analysis of Initiatives and Innovations to Secure Fuel Supply Independence. Descriptors: "Coal handling, "Rail transporta- tion, Cargo transportation, Hauling, Bulk han- dling, Economic analysis. Computerized simu- lation, Theses, Computer programs, Illinois. Identifiers: 'Unitized cargo transportation. This report reviews operating and economic limits of the unit train. It provides a base for comparison with slurry and pneumatic pipelines. PB-248 921/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Mitre Corp , McLean, Va. System Performance Data Processing for a Demand-Responsive Public Transportation System Ruth E. Hartzler. Nov 74, 1 19p' MTR-6794, UMTA-VA-06-001 2-74-3 Contract DOT-UT-40003 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, 'Data processing. Scheduling, Management, Com- puter programs, Systems engineering, New Jer- sey. Identifiers: "Demand responsive transportation systems, *Haddonfield(New Jersey), DOT/1 A The report is intended to be a guide for transit operators and managers interested in operating a demand-responsive transportation system and for programmers who maintain the data processing programs. In the broad evaluation of the Haddonfield, New Jersey Dial-A-Ride Demonstration Project, extensive data are required, including attitude data from personal interviews, cost data, and system performance data. The processing of system performance data is the topic of this report. The Haddonfield system was scheduled manually from the start of the demonstration in February 1972 until February 1974. During the latter part of this period, the automated system was the primary scheduling system. The procedures used in col- lecting and processing data from the manual scheduling system are described. Also discussed are manual system data files and tabulations. The computer programs that process automated system data and the auto- mated system tabulations are presented. PB-249 058/9CP PC A21/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. Transportation Management Systems Group. Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System Final rept. Jul 71 -Aug 74 V. S. Thurlow, E. I. Ravenscroft, E. B. Wilhelm, G. M. Brown, and C. G. Kim. Dec 75, 482p MTR- 6512-Rev-1, DOT-TSC-UMTA-75-30.I Contract DOT-UT-10005 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PB-249 057-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, "Buses(Vehicles), "Maintenance management, "Inventory control, "Information systems, Data processing, Records management, Scheduling, Computer programs, COBOL. Identifiers: DOT/4IZ/IA, DOT/4IZ/IB, DOT/4DZ/DG, SIMSfService Inventory and Maintenance System), Service inventory and maintenance system. The Service, Inventory and Maintenance System (SIMS) is a computer-based informa- tion system designed to assist urban transit systems in the management of their bus ser- vice, maintenance and inventory operations. SIMS comprises three interrelated program modules. The Service/Unit-Change module is designed to assist transit management in the scheduling and control of the vehicle servicing and maintenance operations. Labor and cost reports on the bus maintenance activity are produced by the Repair-Cost module. The In- ventory module provides management and financial control reports on all transit inventory activity such as parts issues, purchase orders and receipts. PB-249 059/7CP PC A21/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. Transportation Management Systems Group. Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume II: In- ventory System Final rept. Jul 71 -Aug 74 V. S. Thurlow, E. I. Ravenscroft, E B Wilhelm, G. M. Brown, and C. G Kim. Dec 75, 500p MTR- 6412-Rev-1, DOT-TSC-UMTA-75-30 II Contract DOT-UT-10005 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PB-249 057-SET, PC E99 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, 'Buses(Vehicles), 'Maintenance management, 'Inventory control, 'Information systems, Data processing, Records management, Scheduling, Computer programs, COBOL. Identifiers: DOT/4IZ/IA, DOT/4IZ/IB, DOT/4DZ/DG, SIMS(Service Inventory and Maintenance System), Service inventory and maintenance system. The Service, Inventory and Maintenance System (SIMS) is a computer-based informa- tion system designed to assist urban transit systems in the management of their bus ser- vice, maintenance and inventory operations. SIMS comprises three interrelated program modules. The Service/Unit-Change module is designed to assist transit management in the scheduling and control of the vehicle servicing and maintenance operations. Labor and cost reports on the bus maintenance activity are produced by the Repair-Cost module. The In- ventory module provides management and financial control reports on all transit inventory activity such parts issues, purchase orders and receipts. PB-249 060/5CP PC A11/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. Transportation Management Systems Group. Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume III: Repair Cost System Final rept. Jul 71 -Aug 74 V. S. Thurlow, E. I. Ravenscroft, E. B. Wilhelm, G. M. Brown, and C. G. Kim. Dec 75, 237p MTR- 6580, DOT-TSC-UMTA-75-30.III Contract DOT-UT-10005 Paper copy also available in set of 3 reports as PB-249 057-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Buses(Vehicles), 'Maintenance management, 'Inventory control, 'Information systems, Data processing, Records management, Scheduling, Computer programs, Costs, COBOL. Identifiers: DOT/4IZ/IA, DOT/4IZ/IB, DOT/4DZ/DG, SIMS(Service Inventory and Maintenance System), Service inventory and maintenance system. The Service, Inventory and Maintenance System (SIMS) is a computer-based informa- tion system designed to assist urban transit systems in the management of their bus ser- vice, maintenance and inventory operations. SIMS comprises three interrelated program modules. The Service/Unit-Change module is designed to assist transit management in the scheduling and control of the vehicle servicing and maintenance operations. Labor and cost reports on the bus maintenance activity are produced by the Repair-Cost module. The In- ventory module provides management and financial control reports on all transit inventory activity such as parts issues, purchase orders and receipts. PB-249 353/4CP PC A11/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. En- gineering Projects Lab. Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehi- cle-Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple- Vehicle Single Span Systems Final rept. J. E. Ill Snyder, D. N. Wormley. and H. H. Richardson. Oct 75, 230p EPL-81608-1. UMTA- MA-1 1-0023-75-1 Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, "Rapid transit railways, 'Mechanical guides. Automatic 39 control. Deflection, Dynamic response. Compu- terized simulation, Structural design. Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Wheel rail interactions, 'Guideways, "Computer aided design Analysis and design techniques are described for synchronously controlled AGT vehicles crossing elevated span structures. Computer simulation programs have been developed to determine time histories of guideway deflec- tions, moments and stresses and vehicle ac- celerations (peak, total rms and rms in one- third octave bands) for a string of multiple AGT vehicles crossing flexible spans with random vertical, angular, camber and surface roughness irregularities. Specific data has been developed to identify operating conditions cor- responding to potential span resonant condi- tions. A computer-aided design program has also been developed to determine span struc- tural requirements needed to meet stress and passenger comfort conditions Span designs for both large and small headway operation of 4, 6 and 12 passenger AGT vehicles have been determined PB-249 911/9CP PCA11/MFA01 Health Effects Research Lab., Research Trian- gle Park, N.C. Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Appendices. Volume III Sep 75, 245p Rept no. EPA/600/3-75/01 Od See also PB-249 91 2. Descriptors: 'Automobiles, *Air pollution con- trol, 'Air pollution, 'Exhaust emissions, "Gas analysis, Sulfur inorganic compounds, Parti- cles, Sulfates, Diesel fuels, Catalysts, Phenols, Sulfur dioxide. Sulfur trioxide, Fuel additives. Monitoring, Aerosols, Computer programs. Performance evaluation, Amines, Nitroso com- pounds. Con cent rat ion(Composite). Identifiers: 'Catalytic reactors(Exhaust systems). This volume contains the emissions measure- ment methodology. PC A13/MF A01 Research Trian- PB-249 913/5CP Health Effects Research Lab. glePark, N.C. Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Appendices. Volume VII Annual program status rept. Jan-Sep 74. Sep 75, 281 p Rept no. EPA/600/3-75/010h See also PB-249 908. Descriptors: 'Automobiles, 'Air pollution con- trol, 'Air pollution, 'Atmospheric chemistry, 'Toxicology, 'Exhaust emissions. Mathematical models, Gas analysis, Sulfuric acid. Sulfates, Smog, Catalysts, Aerosols, Highway transporta- tion, Fuels, Palladium, Platinum, Computer pro- grams, Atmospheric motion. Identifiers: 'Air pollution effects(Humans), HIWAY computer program, Smog chambers, Automobile exhaust. Saint Louis(Missouri), Los Angeles(California). Contents: Inhalation toxicology; Meteorological modelling: Atmospheric chemistry. PB-250 553/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, Md. Applied Physics Lab. Command and Control Studies for Personal Rapid Transit, Program Status, 1974 Technical rept. 1969-Jun 74 E.J. Hinman. Apr 75, 165p UMTA-MD-06-0018- 74-3 Contract DOT-UT-30010 See also PB-231 681. Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways, 'Vehicles, 'Automatic control, Routes, Traffic engineer- ing, Vehicular traffic control, Optimization, Computerized simulation. Spacing, Accelera- tion, Traffic safety. Urban transportation, Scheduling. Identifiers: Personal rapid transit, Guideway transportation, Vehicle merging, APLDYN com- puter program. The document reviews the APL effort on com- mand and control systems for circulation and distribution applications. A brief history of the program is given, together with the results of the work and its effects on system performance The discussion is divided into an investigation of vehicle management (the controlling of a fleet of vehicles in terms of scheduling, dispatching, empty vehicle allocation, and sta- tion operation) and an investigation of vehicle regulation (the controlling of an individual vehi- cle either alone or within a string of vehicles). A bibliography of the reports, papers, and signifi- cant memoranda relating to this work is in- cluded, as well as summary descriptions of the major digital computer simulations that have been developed in support of these investiga- tions. PB-250 772/1CP PC A12/MF A01 Amex Systems, Inc., Lawndale, Calif. Data Analysis for Driver Performance Stu- dies. Volume I. PDP-8 Data Acquisition System for Driver Simulation Laboratories Final rept. Nov 73-Dec 74 Raymond W. Burger, Jr. Richard Kemmerer, and Herbert A. Moskowitz. Feb 76, 263p Amex- 0105, DOT-HS-801 -830 Contract DOT-HS-4-00807 Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle operators, Per- formance evaluation, Data acquisition, Simula- tion, Motion, Head(Anatomy), Eye(Anatomy), Data processing. Computer programs, Mag- netic tapes. Traffic safety Identifiers: IBM-360 computers, Computer aided analysis, PDP-8 computers. A data collection and handling system developed for driving simulation laboratories is described. The system is based on a PDP-8 computer with A/D conversion capabilities and a magnetic tape drive. The systems output is an IBM 360 compatible 9-track magnetic tape. Software developed for sampling and recording driver response data is documented. PB-250 826/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Amex Systems, Inc., Lawndale, Calif. Data Analysis for Driver Performance Stu- dies. Volume II. A Computer Program for Analysis of Eye Movement Patterns Final rept. Nov 73-Dec 74 Robert A. Niemann, and Ken Ziedman. Feb 76, 63pAmex-0105-Vol-2, DOT-HS-801 -831 Contract DOT-HS-4-00807 See also Volume 1 , PB-250 772. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle operators, Per- formance evaluation, Simulation, Motion, Eye(Anatomy), Data processing, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN, Traffic safety. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, IBM 360 computers. Eye movements. A digital computer program is described which analyzes visual search data from subjects watching a traffic film while performing a simu- lated driving task. Classification of eye states into saccades, fixations, pursuits, and blinks, statistical summaries of eye movement pat- terns, analysis of looks' at pre-selected events in the film, and analysis of a discrete response task performed by the subject are included in the capabilities of the program. Sources of error and program accuracy are discussed. The program is written in FORTRAN IV and is presently implemented on the IBM 360 at the UCLA Campus Computing Network. Volume I of this report is entitled PDP-8 Data Acquisition System for Driver Performance Studies. PB-251 065/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Harvard Univ , Cambridge, Mass Additional Traffic Assignment Options for the TASSIM Model Final rept 1 1 Apr-1 Nov 75 on Phase I Gary R. Fauth, and Eugene Kroch Nov 75, 183p DOT-TST-76-53 Contract DOT-OS-30099 Descriptors: 'Air pollution, 'Urban transporta- tion, 'Management planning, Policies, Environ- mental impacts. Exhaust emissions, At- mospheric motion. Computerized simulation. Models, Traffic, Urban planning. Diffusion, Computer programs, Mathematical models. Identifiers: 'TASSIM model. Transportation and air shed simulation, Air quality maintenance The TASSIM model integrates an urban trans- portation planning model, vehicle emission fac- tors, and simple air diffusion models in a simu- lation framework that can be used to analyze the air quality effects of transportation policies. The model is spatially disaggregated, and it is compatible with data sources available in many metropolitan areas. This report evaluates ex- tensions of the basic model, including several alternative capacity-restrained assignment procedures and the addition of a more detailed spider network. The costs and impacts of the modifications are explored by examining simu- lations of several air quality improvement poli- cies. PB-251 179/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. Trans- portation Research Inst. A Strategy for the Evaluation of Alternative Urban Transportation Systems with Mul- tidimensional Consequences Feng-Bor Lin. Sep 74, 174p CMUTRI-TP-74-21, UMTA-PA-1 1-0007-74-4 Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Transportation models, Mathematical models. Computer programs. Ranking, Correlation techniques. Probability density functions, Evaluation. Identifiers: Utility functions. Sensitivity analysis. This report undertakes two interrelated efforts: (1) the examination of the validity of existing evaluation techniques potentially suitable for dealing with the problems involving mul- tidimensional consequences of urban transpor- tation systems; and (2) the development of an evaluation model in the context of additive utili- ties for unifying value judgements in search of the best alternative transportation plan. Four basic evaluation models are identified for com- parative analysis. The focus of the analysis is on the theoretical soundness of the models and on the sensitivities of the models with respect to the number of alternatives encountered, to the distribution of outcome states, and to the addi- tion or the reduction of the number of alterna- tives from the original set. PB-251 412/3CP PC A05/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Applied Mathematics Div. Machine-Readable Mapping from National Network Simulation (NNS) Zones to Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Areas Final rept. Daniel W. Lozier, and John R. Stiehler. Sep 75, 78p Rept no. NBSIR-75-918 Descriptors: "Cargo transportation, 'Mapping, Flow, Commodities, Statistical data, Economic surveys, Simulation, Computer programs, Reading machines. Regions. Identifiers: National network simulations. Com- modity flow, Machine readable formats. 40 This report describes the allocation of freight flow data from the National Network Simulation (NNS) zone system to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) area system. The NNS zone system was developed for use in the analysis of national modal freight flows. The BEA area system was primarily developed for the alloca- tion of national economic data to regions of the United States. Assuming flows of commodities are known among the NNS zones, the NNS zone to BEA area mapping enables the determina- tion of flows among the BEA areas. The report presents zone to area mapping which utilizes 1970 economic data as the basis when an NNS zone overlaps more than one BEA area. It also presents computer programs that could be used to generate a mapping using economic data from some other year. PB-251 530/2CP PC A10/MF A01 ARCTEC, Inc., Columbia, Md. Saint Lawrence Seaway System Plan for Ail- Year Navigation. Appendix B. Seaway Simu- lation Final rept. Jack W Lewis. Jul 75, 206p TR-0105-7-App-B, DOT/SLS-63-76/1B Contract DOT-SL-73-360 Paper copy also available in set of 5 reports as PB-251 527-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: *lce navigation, "Navigation, 'Saint Lawrence River, Computer programs, Compu- terized simulation, Water traffic, Sea ice. Winter, Tables(Data), Maps, Lake Ontario, Canada. Identifiers: *Saint Lawrence Seaway, Mon- treal(Canada), Quebec(Canada). Volume III, APPENDIX B, SEAWAY SIMULA- TION - Describes the computer program developed to simulate winter operation of the Seaway. It contains program descriptions, listings, flow charts and describes input and output data. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-252 114/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Computer Program Part I, Analytical Recon- struction of Highway Accidents Final rept. 3 Apr-15 Nov 75 Raymond R. McHenry. Feb 76, 29p CALSPAN- 2Q-5708-V-2, DOT-HS-801-837 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 124 See also Part 2, PB-252 1 1 5. Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, Accident investigations, Computerized simulation. Velocity, Impact, Damage, Loads(Forces), Ener- gy absorption, Collision research. Identifiers: CRASH computer program. The Calspan Reconstruction of Accident Speeds on the Highway (CRASH) computer program was modified to (1) improve its accu- racy and user convenience in the prediction of trajectories involving spins, (2) permit the op- tional entry of two, four or six measurements of damage extent in the calculation of absorbed energy, (3) improve the interpretation of damage in oblique collisions and (4) adapt the program as a preprocessor for the Simulation Model of Automobile Collisions (SMAC) com- puter program. PB-252 115/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, N.Y. Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Computer Program Part II, User's Manual for the Crash Computer Final rept. 3 Apr-15 Nov 75 Raymond R. McHenry. Feb 76, 68p CALSPAN- ZQ-5708-V-3, DOT-HS-801-838 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 124 See also Part 1 , PB-252 114, and Part 2, PB-252 116. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle accidents, Manuals, Accident investigations, Compu- terized simulation, Velocity, Impact, Damage, Loads(Forces), Energy absorption, Collision research. Identifiers: CRASH computer program The report contains detailed instructions for users of the CRASH computer program It also outlines the analytical basis of calculations within the program. PB-252 116/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, N.Y. Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Computer Program Part III, Evaluation of the Accuracy of Reconstruction Techniques for Highway Accidents Final rept. 3 Apr-15 Nov 75 Raymond R McHenry, and Ian S Jones Feb 76, 45p CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V-1 , DOT-HS-801 -839 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 124 See also Part 2, PB-252 115. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle accidents, Accident investigations. Computerized simulation. Velocity, Impact, Damage, Loads(Forces), Ener- gy absorption, Collision research. Identifiers. CRASH computer program An analytical study was performed with the ob- jectives of (1) development of an obstacle course' of well documented, staged collisions representative of frequently occurring accident configurations and (2) determination of the reconstruction accuracies of the automatic iteration version of the SMAC and of the sim- plified CRASH computer programs. It had been initially estimated that twenty staged collisions could be selected for this purpose. It is con- cluded that an urgent need exists for realistic staged collision experiments to permit quan- titative determinations of the accuracies of reconstruction techniques. The limited results achieved within the present study are con- sidered to be indicative of very attractive levels of attainable accuracies. PB-252 290/2CP PC A09/MF A01 Clemson Univ., S.C. Dept. of Mechanical En- gineering. Analytical and Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Wheel/Rail Geometric Constraints Interim rept. N. K. Cooperrider, E. H. Law, R. Hull, P. S. Kadala, and J. M. Tuten. 30 Dec 75, 182p FRA/ORD-76/244 Contract DOT-OS-40018 Prepared in cooperation with Association of American Railroads, Chicago, III. Technical Center. Descriptors: 'Railroad cars, 'Wheels, 'Railroad tracks, "Kinematics, Geometry, Conies, Dis- placement, Stiffness, Constraints, Computer programs, Profiles, Dynamics, Experimental data, Nonlinear systems. Mathematical models. Wheel/rail geometric constraint relationships, such as the effective conicity and gravitational stiffness, strongly influence the lateral dynam- ics of railway vehicles. In general, these geometric constraints are nonlinear functions of the wheelset lateral displacement This re- port describes the development and validation of an analytical procedure to determine these nonlinear functions for arbitrary wheel and rail profiles. Data for validation of this analysis was obtained experimentally. Experimental and analytical data for three validation cases are presented. Results of a limited parametric study are also reported. The computer program for the analytical procedure is described and docu- mented. PB-252 431/2CP PC A09/MF A01 Pittsburgh Univ., Pa. Dept. of Electrical En- gineering. A Simulation Study of Demand Actuated Transportation Systems Final rept Jang Gyu Lee. 1974, 193p Rept no SETEC-EE- 75-041 Grant NSF-ENG72-03783 Master's thesis Prepared in cooperation with Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Washington, DC, and Seoul National Inst. (Republic of Korea). Descriptors: 'Urban transportation. Compu- terized simulation. Streets, Networks, Routes, Systems engineering, Digital simulation. Stochastic processes, Transportation models, Scheduling, Computer programs Identifiers: Demand responsive transportation systems, Haddonfield(New Jersey), Dial a ride systems. A simulation of a demand actuated transporta- tion system is studied in this thesis, using two simulators PICTS (Pitt Continuum Transporta- tion Simulator) and PINTS (Pitt Network Trans- portation Simulator). PICTS is an extended and modified version of CARS (Computer Aided Routing System) program developed by MIT PINTS is a more extended and modified version of PICTS including a description of a street net- work and a demand actuated transportation system part and a fixed-route, fixed-schedule bus system part Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-252 826/3CP PC A14/MF A01 AiResearch Mfg. Co. of Arizona, Phoenix. Determination of Effects of Ambient Condi- tions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU, TPE 331 Turboprop. Volume 2 Final rept 20 Dec 74-20 Dec 75 Gerrick A. Slogar, and R C. Holder. Mar 76, 301 p 75-311636-2, EPA/460/3-76/009b Contract EPA-68-03-2156 See also Volume 1 , PB-252 825 Descriptors: 'Air pollution, 'Aircraft engines, "Computer programs, 'Exhaust emissions, Air- craft fuels. Hydrocarbons, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide. Nitrogen oxides, Laboratory equipment, Particles, Performance evaluation, Sampling, Chemical analysis. Standards, Con- centration(Composition), Design criteria. Test chambers. Identifiers 'TPE-331 engines, Air pollution standards, TPE-331-5-251M engines, Aircraft exhaust. Under Environmental Protection Agency con- tract number 58-03-2156, AiResearch Manufac- turing Company of Arizona, a Division of the Garrett Corporation, conducted full scale en- gine tests on a GTCP85-98CK Auxiliary Power Unit and a TPE331-5-251M Turboprop engine. The purpose of this program was to measure exhaust emission of HC, CO, C02, NOx, and smoke at controlled (temperature, humidity, and pressure) engine inlet conditions. This data along with other available data will provide the data base for the determination of the effects of ambient conditions on gas turbine engines. This volume contains the computer programs for volume 2 data. PC A15/MF A01 Pa. Dept. of Electrical En- PB-252 888/3CP Pittsburgh Univ., gineering Comparison of Variable and Fixed Routes for Demand Actuated Transportation Systems Final rept. 1 Jul 73-31 Aug 74 William G. Vogt, Kamran Amireabrahimy, J. T. Cain, Jang Gyu Lee, and Koustubh D Oka 31 Aug 75, 334p Rept no. SETEC-EE-74-101 Grant NSF-ENG72-03783 See also PB-252 889. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Computerized simulation. Transportation 41 models, Networks, Scheduling, Routes, Ser- vices, Cost effectiveness, Digital simulation. Systems engineering. Stochastic processes. Identifiers: Demand responsive transportation systems, Dial a ride systems, Haddonfield(New Jersey), PINTS computer program, PICTS com- puter program. In Section 1, the algorithms used to compute distance and successor matrices for large net- works are developed Sections 2 and 3 discuss the central philosophy of operation of PINTS. Sections 4 through 7 describe the methods used to calibrate PICTS and PINTS and the simulation studies performed. Section 8 sum- marizes the results obtained and suggests fu- ture areas of work. PB-252 889/1CP PC A11/MF A01 Pittsburgh Univ., Pa. Dept. of Electrical En- gineering. PINTS PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION: Op- timal Estimation and Control of Dynamic Systems Constrained by Stochastic Demands Actuated Networks Final rept. William G. Vogt, Koustubh D. Oka, Kamran Amirebrahimy, Hrair H. Aldermeshian, and J. T. Cain. 31 Aug 74, 243p Rept no. SETEC-EE-74- 104 Grant NSF-GK-32237, NSF-ENG72-03783 See also PB-252 888 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, "Computerized simulation, Transportation models, Systems engineering, Digital simula- tion. Routes, Networks, Stochastic processes FORTRAN, Subroutines. Identifiers: Demand responsive transportation systems, PINTS computer program. The document is a detailed report of the pro- gram structure and FORTRAN codings used in the PITT Network Transportation Simulator (PINTS). Section 2.0 describes the major infor- mation blocks, common variables and the rele- vant codings. Section 3.0 comprises a detailed description of individual subroutines, their sig- nificant variables, and a flow chart diagram of every major subprogram. PB-253 009/5CP PC A10/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II. Appen- dixes Final rept. Jul-Dec 74 D. N. Wormley, C. C. Smith, and A. J. Gilchrist. Apr 75, 213p FRA/ORD-75/43.II Contract DOT-TSC-349-2 See also Volume 1 , PB-253 008. Descriptors: "Urban transportation, "Tracked vehicles, "Ground effect machines, "Control equipment, Structural design, Deflection, Stresses, Acceleration, Structural forms, Systems analysis, Dynamics, Computerized simulation. Suspension systems(Vehicles), Pas- senger transportation, Comfort, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Elevated guideways, Tracked air cushion vehicles, "Tracked levitated vehicles, "Magnetically levitated vehicles, Guideway transportation. High speed ground transporta- tion. Contents: Appendix A - derivation of vehicle- guideway interaction equations; Appendix B - evaluation of pier support dynamics; Appendix C - computer simulation program of two- dimensional vehicle over a multi-span guideway; Appendix D - computer program to determine guideway midspan deflections and moments and vehicle suspension deflections and accelerations based on a constant force model; Appendix E - guideway design program based upon a constant force vehicle model; Ap- pendix F - tables of nondimensional suspen- sion deflection fourier coefficients; Appendix G - parametric data for sprung and unsprung mass inertia suspension forces; Appendix H - nomenclature; Appendix I - report of inven- tions. PB-253 041/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer- sity. Evaluating Transit Service to Minorities Final rept. Robert Jay Popper, and Michael David Connelly. Sep 75, 1 1 1p UMTA-VA/09-001 3-75-1 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, "Minority groups, Services, Costs, Computer programs, Socioeconomic status. Metropolitan areas, Mathematical models, Accessibility, Travel de- mand. Identifiers: Richmond(Virginia). The report describes a computerized evaluation methodology for analyzing the fair distribution of transit services. It may be used to analyze the fairness of transit services provided to the el- derly, to women, or to any desired interest group. The report is also of interest to transit planning agencies, and is useful in analyzing the geographic and socio-economic distribu- tion of transit services in a metropolitan area. A model is formulated upon the concept of acces- sibility indices of transit service for small geo- graphic zones. Capabilities of the model to analyze accessibility conditions and produce output reports are illustrated by data from the City of Richmond, Virginia. The computer pro- gram and user's manual make up the appen- dices. PB-253 416/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Dayton Univ., Ohio. School of Engineering. Gravity Assisted Mass Transit Arthur Z. Kovacs, George B. Shaw, Roger F. Weiss, and James K. Nelson, Jr. Jun 75, 1 20p UDSE-TR-75-02, UMTA-OH-1 1 -0002-75-1 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, "Gravitation, "Cost models, Construction costs. Braking, Kinetic energy. Stations, Mechanical guides. Operating costs, Slopes, Energy con- servation, Structural design, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Guideway transportation. In fixed guideway transit with established sta- tion stops, the propulsion energy can be reduced by grading the guideway downward on leaving the station (using gravity to assist in the acceleration) and grading upward on arrival at the next station (again using gravity, but this time to assist in the braking). A computerized conceptual cost model has been developed in- corporating parameters relating to required elevated structures and required dynamical considerations. The increase in total cost required to construct a station stop at a given elevation above the guideway level between stops is calculated by the computer program to be compared with the resultant decrease in energy consumed in acceleration and decelera- tion. Because today's costs are extremely un- certain, unit costs are input by the user to deter- mine the increased construction and operating costs and the resultant energy savings. The program outputs suggestions for structural design and associated cost data. PB-254 226/4CP PC A09/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of New York, Brooklyn. Dept. of Transportation Planning and Engineering. An Economic Analysis of Train Control Project rept. Leonard Goldstein, and Martin Huss. May 74 191pUMTA-74-11-2 Descriptors: "Rapid transit railways, "Railroad trains, "Automatic control, Control systems, Cost analysis, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Rail transportation, Economic analysis. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. The report represents the completion of a pro- ject which deals with the economics of rapid transit train control. Information dealing with rapid transit control systems from all parts of the world is used for the development of a com- puter program to analyze costs of an automatic vs. manual train control system. The Train Con- trol Analysis Program (TCAP) utilizes actual data from a rapid transit operator. This data can be from an existing manual system which is considering automation, or it may be a system in the planning phases, which is trying to deter- mine the proper transit control to utilize. The program operates in a time sharing mode so that it is very convenient to change certain input parameters and observe the correspond- ing analysis immediately. This program can be used to determine what the above benefits may cost in relation to a less sophisticated system. The results of this analysis may be used in the decision making process of selecting an adequate control system. Color illustrations reproduced in black and white. PB-254 749/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Multisystems, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Operational Implications of a Major Modal Diversion to Transit. Program Users' Guide Final rept. James H. Batchelder, Larry S. Englisher, and Kenneth L. Sobel. Apr 76, 149p DOT-TST-76/73 Contract DOT-OS-50266 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, Policies, Transportation management, Buses(Vehicles), Services, Routes, Management planning. Travel demand, Computer programs. Identifiers: Cost models, Exclusive bus lanes. Dial a ride systems, Paratransit, TRFORM com- puter program. The study has examined the implications of dramatic increases in transit patronage on system structure and performance. Models were developed to examine the cost and service attributes of a variety of system components, including express bus, exclusive lane opera- tion, subscription service, dial-a-ride, and several route-based feeder options. These models were applied in a regional context over a range of patronage assumptions to evaluate both the individual components and the synergisms resulting from various service com- binations. The analysis has provided insights into the structure of integrated transit systems and the expansion of these systems to serve in- creasing shares of urban travel. PB-254 789/1CP PC-GPO Transit Development Corp., Washington, DC. Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 1. Users Manual Technical rept Oct 75, 1 51 4p* UMTA-DC-06-001 0-75-1 Contract DOT-UT-290 Also available in set of 3 reports as PB-254 787- SET, PCE99/MFE99. Descriptors: "Subways, "Environmental en- gineering, "Handbooks, Ventilation, Air condi- tioning, Air circulation, Tunneling(Excavation), Urban transportation, Computerized simula- tion, User needs. Human factor engineering. Identifiers: "Tunnel engineering. This document forms part of the Subway En- vironmental Design Handbook. It contains the background information and instructions to enable an engineer to perform an analysis of a 42 subway system by using the Subway Environ- ment Simulation (SES) computer program The SES program is a designer-oriented tool which provides estimates of the airflow, temperature, and humidity characteristics, as well as the air- conditioning reguirements, for both operating and proposed multiple-track subway systems of any given design and operating characteristics. The SES program can be used to evaluate the impact on the subway environment of alterna- tive subway system design parameters such as tunnel and station cross-sectional area and length, tunnel interconnections, location and size of ventilation shafts and passenger en- trances ventilation fans, train headway and operating speed, and other parameters. The SES program is a numerical simulation model which incorporates the results of theoretical research, scale-model tests and field tests, and has been verified through comparisons with measurements taken in operating subway systems. PB-254 790/9CP PC-GPO Transit Development Corp., Washington, DC. Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 2. Pro- grammer's Manual Technical rept Oct 75, 1256p* UMTA-DC-06-001 0-75-2 Contract DOT-UT-290 Also available in set of 3 reports as PB-254 787- SET, PCE99/MFE99 Descriptors. "Subways, "Environmental en- gineering, "Handbooks, Ventilation, Air circula- tion. Air conditioning. Temperature control, Tunneling(Excavation), Design criteria, Urban transportation, Human factors engineering, Computer programming. The Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES) is a product of a four-year research and development project in the area of subway environmental control sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration and the Transit Development Corporation, Inc. The pro- ject produced a two-volume Subway Environ- mental Design Handbook. Volume 2 consists of two separate documents: Part 1 , the SbS User's Manual, and Part 2, the SES Programmer's Manual. The Programmer's Manual is intended to assist computer department personnel in making the SES Program operational on a given computer and to aid a programmer need- ing to understand the details of the internal operation and seguencing of the program. The information contained herein is not intended for design engineers and will be of no assistance to those wanting to use the program as it stands; all information necessary for appli- cation of the program is provided in the User's Manual. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-255 643/9CP PC A04/MF A01 ENSCO, Inc., Springfield, Va. Establishment of Interim Standards for Bridge Rails Required to Contain Heavy Vehicles. Volume 4. Development of Simplified Input and Flexible Criteria Capabilities for the BAR- RIER VII Program Final rept. Jul 73-May 75 J. A. Bloom. May 75, 58p FHWA/RD-75-83 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-81 47 Descriptors: "Highway bridges, "Barriers, "Traffic safety, Computerized simulation, Im- pact tests, Flexibility, Design criteria, Safety en- gineering, Trucks, Passenger vehicles. Dynam- ic response, Structural engineering, Computer programs. Identifiers: Barrier 7 program. The BARRIER VII program, which simulates the impact of vehicles with flexible barriers, was modified in order to simplify the input reguire- ments The simplified format eliminates the complex modeling reguired of the user and al- lows selection of prestored vehicle and barrier data from the program's library. The flexible barriers criteria developed under this contract was automated to enable the user to check the general tendency of a barrier design to safely contain vehicles of various weights. PB-255 802/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Sperry Rand Corp., Great Neck, NY. Sperry Systems Management Div. Description of Sperry Traffic Analysis and Research (STAR) Simulation Program. Diver- sion of Intercity Traffic at a Single Point Final rept Oct 74 125p FHWA/RD-76-99 Contract FH-1 1-81 19 Prepared in cooperation with Maryland State Highway Administration, Brooklandville. Bu- reau of Research. Descriptors: "Traffic surveys, "Freeways "Roads, 'Traffic engineering, Computerized simulation, Surveillance, Ramps, Vehicular traf- fic. Identifiers: Traffic flow, STAR computer pro- gram. The Sperry Traffic Analysis & Research (STAR) Program provides a multiple-roadway/freeway simulation capability. As such it provides the reguired tool to investigate the dynamics of a large scale roadway system and to design and evaluate appropriate surveillance and control algorithms. It can simulate changing roadway characteristics, independent or dependent en- trance ramp volumes, service areas, two com- ponent origin-destination studies, arbitrary de- tector site locations and local and/or global control strategies. The simulation program was utilized to evaluate several control strategies developed under the single point diversion design effort. This report discusses the mathe- matical theory and computer programs of the simulation. PB-256 046/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. . .-* ..-.- DYNALIST II, A Computer Program for Stabili- ty and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume I. Technical Report Final rept. 26 Feb-3 Oct 74 T K Hasselman, Allen Bronowicki, and Gary C Hart. Feb 75, 1 18p DOT-TSC-FRA-74-14.1, FRA/ORD-75/22.1 Contract DOT-TSC-760-1 Prepared by Wiggins (J. H.) Co., Redondo Beach, Calif Descriptors: "Railroad cars, "Dynamic response, "Railroad tracks. Computer pro- gramming, Eguations of motion. Vibration, Human factors engineering, Stability, Models, Systems analysis. Identifiers: Dynalist 2 computer program. Wheel rail interactions. Railroad rail irregulari- ties. A methodology and a computer program, DYNALIST II, have been developed for comput- ing the response of rail vehicle systems to sinusoidal or stationary random rail irregulari- ties The computer program represents an ex- tension of the earlier DYNALIST program. A modal synthesis procedure is used which per- mits the modeling of subsystems or com- ponents by partial modal representation using complex eigenvectors. Complex eigenvectors represent the amplitude and phase charac- teristics of rail vehicle systems which occur as a result of wheel-rail interaction, heavy damping in the suspension system and rotating machin- ery Both vertical and lateral motion are han- dled by the program which allows up to twenty- five component and fifty system degrees of freedom. PB-256 115/7CP PCA06/MFA01 Vizex, Inc., Buffalo, NY. User Manual for Air Bag Restraint Program ABAG 19 Final rept. Nov 75-Mar 76 Robert H. Dufort Jul 76, 124p VCR-76-1 , DOT- HS-801-929 Descriptors: "Safety devices, "Automobiles, Deceleration, Steering, Gas flow, Energy ab- sorption, Dynamic response. Mathematical models, Computer programs, Programming languages, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Air bag restraint systems, Honeywell 6080 computers, ABAG 19 computer program The work is an extension of an earlier air bag program. Since that time the program was widely used and modified to suit specialized purposes generated by the program users. The major tasks covered by this report have been the collection, interpretation, clarification and documentation of the accumulated but un- described changes evolved by the various users. The work scope did not include possible further refinements in the interest of added model flexibility and accuracy. The original computer program was written in BASIC + .This effort included the conversion of the modified program to FORTRAN IV as employed by the Honeywell 6080 computer. PB-257 437/4CP PC A12/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigations - Special Study of Active and Passive Restraint Systems in 1973-1976 Model Year Vehicles. Volume 4. Forms, Codebooks, and Computer Programs Final rept 19 Mar 74-22 Mar 76 J Robert Cromack. Aug 76, 274p SwRI-1 1 - 3075(4), DOT-HS-801-977 Contract DOT-H S-024-1 -1 1 5 Also available in set of 4 reports as PB-257 433- SET, PC E99 and MF E99. Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, "Accident investigations, "Safety devices, Colli- sion research, Injuries, Human factors en- gineering. Data processing, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Restraint systems. Volume 4 contains examples of field forms and keypunch forms as well as instruction manuals and codebooks used in collecting and coding the data for the Restraint System Effectiveness Program (RSEP) portion of the study. Also in- cluded in this volume are the computer pro- grams used to check for consistency and errors after the data were keypunched. Univariate ta- bles for all variables (unweighted) collected in the RSEP are also included. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-257 443/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Control Data Corp., Rockville, Md. Professional Services Div. Predicting the Limiting Performance of Au- tomobile Structural Components Under Crash Conditions Final rept. Dec 74-Dec 75 S. Chander, and W. D. Pilkey. Sep 76, 131p DOT-HS-802-007 Contract DOT-H S-6-01 335 Descriptors: "Automobiles, "Structural en- gineering, "Limit design methods, "Collision research. Mathematical models, Linear pro- gramming, Eguations of motion, Dynamic response, Safety belts, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Computer programs, Traffic safety, FORTRAN. Identifiers: REFORM computer program, NL- PERFORM computer program, Crashworthi- ness, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC-6600 computers. 43 The document is the final report of an investiga- tion for determining the optimum performance characteristics of automobiles under collision circumstances. A new technique called limiting performance was used for this purpose. The first goal was to establish the feasibility of ap- plying the limiting performance technique to the crash simulation of automobiles. Sub- sequent work demonstrated the utility of the new technique for the design of automobiles for crash passenger protection. Detailed results of the study are discussed. The report includes the computer programs REFORM and NLPER- FORM. PB-257 733/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Wiggins (J. H.) Co., Redondo Beach, Calif. DYNALIST II: A Computer Program for Stabili- ty and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume II. User's Manual Final rept. Allen Bronowicki, and T. K. Hasselman. Feb 75, 97pFRA/ORD-75-22.ll Contract DOT-TSC-760-2 See also PB-256 046. Descriptors: "Railroad cars, 'Dynamic response, 'Railroad tracks, Computation, Com- puter programming, Models, Eigenvectors, Wheels, Stability, Systems engineering. Data processing, Printouts, Motion. Identifiers: Dynalist 2 computer program, Wheel rail interactions, Railroad rail irregulari- ties. A methodology and a computer program, DYNALIST 2, have been developed for comput- ing the response of rail vehicle systems to sinusoidal or stationary random rail irregulari- ties. The computer program represents an ex- tension of the earlier DYNALIST program. A modal synthesis procedure is used which per- mits the modeling of subsystems or com- ponents by partial modal representation using complex eigenvectors. Complex eigenvectors represent the amplitude and phase charac- teristics of rail vehicle systems which occur as a result of wheel-rail interaction, heavy damping in the suspension system and rotating machin- ery. Both vertical and lateral motion are han- dled by the program which allows up to twenty- five component and fifty system degrees of freedom. PB-257 909/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor Highway Safety Research Inst. Further Development of a Computer Simula- tion to Predict the Visibility Distance Provided by Headlamp Beams Final rept. 1 Jul 73-30 Jun 74 Judith M. Becker, and Rudolf G. Mortimer. 26 Nov 74, 75p Rept no. UM-HSRI-HF-74-26 Contract UM-7204-C128 Descriptors: "Headlamps, "Visibility, Compu- terized simulation, Glare, Mirrors, Reflection, Roads, Curvature, Computer programs. The report describes some extensions to a computer simulation program for the evalua- tion of headlamp beams in terms of visibility and glare of drivers. In particular the effects of glare of headlamps reflected in rearview mir- rors, horizontal and vertical road curvature, and a glare discomfort index are incorporated Those capabilities are illustrated. A listing of the program and a manual describing its use are included as appendices. PB-257 941/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Duke Univ., Durham, N.C. Dept. of Civil En- gineering Experiments in Guideway - Levitation Vehicle Interaction Dynamics Final rept. Jun 74-Jan 76 James F. Wilson. Jan 76, 88p FRA/ORD-76/259 Contract DOT-FR-4-4098 Descriptors: 'Rapid transit railways. 'Mechanical guides, Dynamic loads, Dynamic response. Ground effect machines, Induction motors. Models, Cost effectiveness, Computer programs. Identifiers: Tracked air cushion vehicles, Tracked levitation vehicles, "Guideways, "Linear induction motors. This investigation involves the design and in- terpretation of laboratory-scale dynamic ex- periments of vehicles traversing multiple-span or cable-stayed guideways The nondimen- sional responses of such systems, including critical span bending moments and vehicle heave accelerations, depend on the system parameters derived in Chapter 2. A point load vehicle' and two vehicles closely resembling advanced operational prototypes were designed and tested: the 150 mph Prototype Tracked Air Cushion Vehicle (PTACV), and the 300 mph Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle (TLRV). In Chapter 3, general experiments are designed, all based on these dimensionless system parameters and the capability of instru- mentation and data processing minicomputers to measure and interpret response data. The remaining chapters include discussions and comparisons of response data for critical six and three-span guideway moments and for rms vehicle heave accelerations. PB-258 193/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Wiggins (J. H.) Co., Redondo Beach, Calif. DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stabili- ty and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume III. Technical Re- port Addendum Final rept. Feb 75-Mar 76 Allen Bronowicki, and T. K. Hasselman. Jul 76, 74p FRA/ORD-75/22.III Contract DOT-TSC-990 See also PB-256 046 and PB-258 1 94. Descriptors: "Railroad cars, "Dynamic response, "Computer programming, Models, Rigidity, Flexibility, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Eigenvectors, Phase, Sta- bility, Matrix methods. Periodic variations, Transient response. Recommendations. Identifiers: Dynalist 2 computer program, Ride quality. Wheel rail dynamics. Several new capabilities have been added to the DYNALIST II computer program. These in- clude: (1) a component matrix generator that operates as a 3-D finite element modeling pro- gram where elements consist of rigid bodies, flexural bodies, wheelsets, suspension ele- ments and point masses assembled on a nodal skeleton; (2) a periodic and transient time-his- tory response capability; (3) a component up- date capability for parametric studies; (4) an orthogonality check on component and system complex eigenvectors; (5) an option for improv- ing low-frequency convergence under modal trunction; (6) a more general sine-amplitude forcing function capability; (7) automatic phase lag generation; (8) user-controlled scaling op- tions on all response plots; and a number of ad- ditional minor improvements. A Technical Re- port Addendum and a completely revised User's Manual document these changes to the previ- ous version of DYNALIST II. PB-258 194/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Wiggins (J. E.) Co., Redondo Beach, Calif. DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stabili- ty and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume IV. Revised User's Manual Final rept. Feb 75-Mar 76 Allen Bronowicki, and T K. Hasselman. Jul 76, 156pFRA/ORD-75/22.IV Contract DOT-TSC-990 See also PB-258 193. Descriptors: 'Railroad cars, 'Dynamic response, 'Computer programming, 'Manuals, User needs, Analysis(Mathematics), Input, Systems analysis. Output, Problem solving, Functions(Mathematics), Matrix methods. Models, Instructions. Identifiers: Dynamist 2 computer program, Component modeling The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is sponsoring research, development, and demonstration programs to provide improved safety, performance, speed, reliability, and maintainability of rail transportation systems at reduced life-cycle costs. A major portion of these efforts is related to improvement of the dynamic characteristics of rail vehicles, track structures, and train consists. The Revised User's Manual reflects current modifications in output format which have been written into the Dynalist II program PB-258 320/1CP PC A15/MF A01 Pratt (R. H.) Associates, Inc., Kensington, Md. Software Systems Development Program. UMODEL User's Guide with Case Studies G. W. Schultz. Feb 76, 342p' UMTA-IT-06-0050- 76-1 Contract DOT-UT-20020 See also PB-237 089. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Transportation models, Planning, Computer systems programs, Travel demand, Forecast- ing, Computer programs. Transportation management. Passenger transportation, Travel patterns, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Travel demand models. Modal split models, UMODEL computer program. The manual is written to serve as a guide for the transportation planning analyst in the use of the program UMODEL. The manual assumes a basic knowledge of transportation planning and assumes that program documentation is available which will serve as the primary reference for applying program UMODEL. UMODEL is written with a built-in travel de- mand model which can be applied without any need for user coded subroutines. The manual demonstrates methods for use which may aid the analyst to heuristically apply UMODEL for forecasting trips and evaluating transportation system alternatives. The report is divided into two sections. The first section describes the default model and contains a general descrip- tion of program UMODEL and discusses pro- gram formats and potential output files and re- ports. Six case studies illustrate its application. For the reader who wishes to know what pro- gram is and what it can do, this first section should suffice. The second section describes methods of application and uses a comprehen- sive series of case studies to illustrate these methods. Each case study includes a descrip- tion of the problem to be solved and a list of the input data, necessary subroutine(s) and a list- ing of the complete UMODEL run PB-258 349/OCP PC A13/MF A01 Comsis Corp., Wheaton, Md. ManAGement of Traffic Operations Computer System (MAGTOP). User's Manual - Sample Input and Output Final rept. Ronald Grine. Aug 75, 299p DOT-FH-1 1 -8539- IO Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8539 See also PB-258 348. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Traffic en- gineering, 'Manuals, "Computer programs. Computer programming, Data processing, Transportation management, Systems manage- ment, FORTRAN. Identifiers: MAGTOP system. 44 A sample input and output from each of the MAGTOP programs is given in alphabetical order by program name. An extra sample is in- cluded with some programs to further illustrate program operation. For example, the CAPINT (Intersection Capacity) program is given both with and without the use of the BUILDS option if order to show how data can be retrieved from the data base by the CAPINT Preprocessor and alternatively how data can be entered directly from cards. Portions of this document are not fully legible PB-258 421/7CP PC A10/MF A01 AMF, Inc., Goleta, Calif Advanced Systems Lab. Development of a Unitized School Bus. Volume III. Appendices Final rept Jun 74-Apr 76 L Adams, A. Khadilkar, L. Pauls, and W Rup Aug 76. 204p DOT-HS-802-006 Contract DOT-HS-4-00969 See also Volume 2, PB-258 301 . Descriptors: *Buses(Vehicles), "Safety devices, "Structural design. Chassis, Bumpers, Seats, Impact tests, Computer programs, Data processing. Identifiers: "School buses Contents: Typical computer input listing; AMF2 computer program, Side pole impact model; Padding material test data; Plastic section anal- ysis, seat frame; Sled test data. Estimating data. Portions of this document are not fully legible. PB-258 994/3CP PC A07/MF A01 KLD Associates, Inc., Huntington, NY. Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Microscopic Freeway Simulation Model. Volume I. Program Design and Parameter Calibration Final rept. D. A. Wicks, and E. B. Lieberman. Jan 76, 146p KLD-TR-40, FHWA/RD-76-75 Contract DOT-FH-1 1 -8502 See also Volume 2, PB-258 995. Descriptors. "Freeways, "Vehicular traffic con- trol. Mathematical models, Simulation, Traffic engineering, Ramps, Computer programming. Identifiers: "Ramp control, "Traffic incident de- tection, Traffic flow, INTRAS computer pro- gram. The series of volumes documents the work per- formed to adapt a freeway simulation model for studying freeway incidents. The resulting pro- gram, INTRAS (INtegrated TRAffic Simulation), is a vehicle-specific time-stepping simulation designed to realistically represent traffic and traffic control in a freeway and surrounding surface street environment. This volume describes the detailed capabilities of INTRAS and its structural and procedural attributes. The calibration of traffic descriptive parameters are also presented herein. This volume is the first in a series. PB-258 995/OCP PC A05/MF A01 KLD Associates, Inc., Huntington, NY. Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Microscopic Freeway Simulation Model. Volume II. Freeway Micro-Simulation Com- ponent Model Development Final rept. A. G. Bullen, and P. Athol. Feb 76, 88p KLD-TR- 41.FHWA/RD-76-76 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8502 Prepared by Pittsburgh Univ., Pa. School of En- gineering. See also Volume 1 , PB-258 994 Descriptors: "Freeways, "Vehicular traffic con- trol, Mathematical models. Simulation, Traffic engineering, Ramps. Identifiers: Ramp control, Traffic incident de- tection, Traffic flow, INTRAS computer pro- gram. The series of volumes documents the work per- formed to adapt a freeway simulation model for studying freeway incidents. The resulting pro- gram, INTRAS (INtegrated TRAffic Simulation) is a vehicle-specific time-stepping simulation designed to realistically represent traffic and traffic control in a freeway and surrounding surface street environment. This volume docu- ments the development of the simulation com- ponents which model the car-following, lane- changing and vehicle generation aspects of freeway traffic. PB-259 239/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Technology Service Corp , Santa Monica, Calif Development and Testing of Incident Detec- tion Algorithms. Volume 4. Program Docu- mentation for Evaluation, Calibration and Im- plementation Final rept Jan 74-Feb 76 H.C. Knobel.and E. D. Helfenbem. Apr 76, 101 p FHWA/RD-76-22 Contract DOT/FH/1 1/8278 See also Volume 3, PB-259 238. Also available in set of 4 reports PC E10, PB-259 235-SET. Descriptors: "Freeways, "Vehicular traffic con- trol, Detectors, Electronic reconnaissance. Data processing, Algorithms, Surveillance, Metropolitan areas, Pattern recognition, Time series analysis. Computer programs, Min- nesota, California. Identifiers: "Traffic incident detection, Los An- geles(California), Minneapolis(Minnesota). The development and testing of incident detec- tion algorithms was based on Los Angeles and Minneapolis freeway surveillance data. Al- gorithms considered were based on times se- ries and pattern recognition techniques. Atten- tion was given to the effects of geometries, sen- sor configuration and weather, and methods were developed for detection malfunctioning sensors and for identifying the lane of an in- cident. This volume contains documentation of programs which can be implemented to provide the incident detection function in a real-time system, and programs which can be used for evaluating and calibrating incident detection algorithms. PB-259 287/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Prediction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume I. Technical Report Final rept. Jul 73-May 75 A. B. Perlman, and F. P. DiMasi. Dec 75, 116p DOT-TSC-FRA-75-16.1, FRA/ORD-76/135.1 Also available in set of 2 reports as PB-259 286- SET, PC E99/MF E99. Descriptors: "Railroad tracks, "Railroad cars, Dynamic response, Dynamic loads. Lateral pressure, Stability, Computer programming. User needs Identifiers: FULL computer program, FLEX computer program, LATERAL computer pro- gram, HALF computer program, "Frequency domain analysis. Frequency domain computer programs developed or acquired by TSC for the analysis of rail vehicle dynamics are described in two volumes. Volume I defines the general analyti- cal capabilities required for computer pro- grams applicable to single rail vehicles and presents a detailed description of frequency domain programs developed at TSC in terms of analytical capabilities, model description, equations of motion, solution procedure, input/output parameters, and program control logic. Descriptions of programs FULL, FLEX, LATERAL, and HALF are presented TSC pro- grams for assessing lateral dynamic stability of single rail vehicles are also described PB-259 288/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Prediction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume II. Appendixes Final rept Jul 73-May 75 A. B. Perlman, and F. P. DiMasi Dec 75, 102p DOT-TSC-FRA-75-16.il, FRA/ORD-76/135.II Also available in set of 2 reports as PB-259 286- SET, PCE99/MF E99 Descriptors: "Railroad tracks, 'Railroad cars. Dynamic response, Dynamic loads, Lateral pressure, Stability, Computer programs, User needs Identifiers: FULL computer program, FLEX computer program, LATERAL computer pro- gram, HALF computer program, 'Frequency domain analysis Frequency domain computer programs developed or acquired by TSC for the analysis of rail vehicle dynamics are described in two volumes. Volume 2 contains program listings including subroutines for the four TSC frequen- cy domain programs described in Volume I. PB-259 673/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station Computation of Dynamic Loads at Grade Crossings: A User's Manual of the Computer Program Research rept. Aziz Ahmad, and Robert L. Lytton. Jan 76, 68p TTI-2-18-74-164-2, FHWA/RD-76-S051 1 Report on Structural and Geometric Design of Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings Descriptors: "Highways, "Railroads, "Crossings, Dynamic loads, Flexibility methods, Stiffness methods, Computer programs. User needs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: DYMOL computer program. This report gives the theoretical background and a description of a computer program, DYMOL, along with its revisions. This program was originally written to calculate the dynamic forces applied normal to a rigid surface by mov- ing traffic. Revisions are made in the program to include the flexibility (stiffness, damping and inertia effect) of the riding surface, and a spe- cial subroutine is added to generate typical grade crossing profiles. Input formats, program listing and a glossary of variables are given for the use of the program. Also included with the report are the descriptions of the program's subroutines and functions and method of cal- culation of dynamic loads along with Maysme- ter readings. PB-259 750/8CP PC A21/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley. Inst, of Transporta- tion and Traffic Engineering. Simulation of Freeway Priority Strategies (FREQ3CP) Final rept. Jun 73-Mar75 Khosrow Ovaici, Adolf D. May, Roger F. Teal, and James K. Ray. Jun 75, 492p FHWA/PL-77- 001 Contract DOT-FH-8083 Descriptors: "Freeways, "Vehicular traffic con- trol. Mathematical models. Vehicular traffic. Simulation, Linear programming, Field tests, Validity, Computer programs, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: FREQ3CP computer program, "Ramp control. The report describes the development, compu- terization, and application of an analytical procedure for entry control at freeway ramps Two types of control strategies are developed: control on a passenger basis and control on a vehicle basis. The analytical procedure encom- passes two models. The first is a simulation 45 model which is deterministic and macroscopic, that predicts the freeway traffic performance as a function of freeway design and allowable ramp flows. The second is a decision model, which has a linear programming formulation, that selects a control strategy meeting the ob- jectives and constraints. The simulation model was validated under field conditions, and the predicted traffic performance compares very favorably to actual, measured traffic per- formance. The two models were integrated and computerized, and the composite model was applied to a number of sites to demonstrate its applications and to provide some results for possible implementation. PB-261 320/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas Univ at Austin Council for Advanced Transportation Studies Forecast of Revenue Freight Carried by Rail in Texas to 1990 Research rept. David L. Williams. Apr 75, 53p RR-24, DOT/TST- 75/139 Contract DOT-OS-30093 Descriptors; *Rail transportation, "Cargo, "Forecasting, Regression analysis, Indicators, Curve fitting, Texas, Revenue. Identifiers: POLYFIT computer program. Revenue tons of freight carried by rail in Texas have been forecast to 1990 using multiple regression analysis and trend analysis Data were gathered on the dependent variable (revenue tons of freight carried by rail in Texas) and on twenty-nine independent variables (economic indicators of the Texas economy) for the base period 1950 to 1972. Forecasts for each of the ten selected variables were com- puted for 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1990 by ex- trapolating a chosen trend curve. These forecasted values were then substituted into the regression equation to yield forecasts for the tons of revenue freight carried by rail in Texas. PB-261 770/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An Assessment of Current Development Final rept C. A. Skalski. Jun 76, 144p MTR-7028, FRA- ORD/D-76/260 Contract DOT-FR-54090 Descriptors: "Rapid transit railways, "Electric drives, "Synchronous motors, Electric motors, Superconducting magnets, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Computer programs. Identifiers: "Tracked air cushion vehicles, "Magnetic levitation, "Linear synchronous mo- tors, 'Guideways, Air core motors. The development of the air-core linear synchronous motor (LSM) is examined primari- ly on the basis of work done in the United States and Canada during the past five years. The out- standing performance features of these motors are demonstrated in terms of a simple theory, numerous design examples, and discussions of practical aspects. Comparisons to iron-core LSMs and linear induction motors are made Also, the possibility of using air-core LSMs as an alternative to conventional railroad electrifi- cation techniques is pointed out. PB-261 921/1CP PC A04/MF A01 MITRE Corp , McLean, Va. A Comparison of LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathemati- cally Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data Technical rept. J. D. Muhlenberg. Oct 75, 52p MTR-6618 FRA/ORD-76/25 Contract DOT-FR-30015 Descriptors: "Rapid transit railways, "Railroad tracks, Alignment, Air gaps, Power spectra. Alu- minum alloys. Welded joints, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Linear induction motor research vehicles, "Reaction rails, "Guideways. This document discusses the survey of 1,000 feet of Linear Induction Motor Research Vehi- cle (LIMRV) reaction rail at the Department of Transportation Test Center in Pueblo, Colo., and a comparison of experimental data from test runs of the LIMRV LIM guidance system with theoretical predictions using the survey data as an input to a mathematical model. While some deviations from predicted values were observed, in general the correspondence between experimental data and predictions was excellent. PB-262 236/3CP PC A13/MF A01 Bechtel, Inc , Gaithersburg, Md. Northeast Corridor High-Speed Rail Pas- senger Service Improvement Program. Task 19 - Support Services: Dynamics and Com- puter Program Development Final rept. C. C. Ronald, R. C. Arnlund, W. E. Ferber, G. R. Doyle, and S. L. Noble. Jul 76, 279p FRA/ONECD-76/19 Contract DOT-FR-66005 Prepared in cooperation with Battelle Colum- bus Labs., Ohio. See also PB-261 542. Descriptors: "Railroads, "Railroad tracks, "Safety engineering, Stability, Wear resistance, Railroad trains. Dynamic response, Loads(Forces), Axles, Passenger transporta- tion, Comfort, Maintenance, Mathematical models. Identifiers: High speed trains, Commuter rail systems, Northeast Region(United States). The report is a summary of the effect of track curvature and spiral length on high speed train safety and comfort, and the effect of speed and axle load on track stability and wear. In addi- tion, information is presented relating track curvature, spiral length, and train and track dynamics to support system performance and cost studies. PB-262 434/4CP PC A20/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, Md. Applied Physics Lab. Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program Final rept. Jul 74-76 P. F. Bohn, R. J. Keenan, and J. Prowznik. Oct 76, 451pAPL/BCE-T-0610/TSA-006, DOT-HS- 802-059 Contract DOT-HS-21 3-3-695 Descriptors: "Motor vehicles, "Hybrid simula- tion, "Computer programs, "Dynamic response. Axles, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Trucks, Automobiles, Braking, Steering, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: Motor vehicles(1974 models), Chevrolet Nova automobiles, Volkswagen Campmobiles. The hybrid computer simulation for vehicle handling studies has been in use for four years and has been validated for a large class of two axle vehicles. The following suspensions can be simulated: (1) four wheel independent, (2) independent front and solid rear axle, (3) solid front and rear axles, and (4) any front suspen- sions with dual tires on a solid rear axle. Model validation was accomplished using parametric data representative of a 1974 Chevrolet NOVA, 1974 VW Campmobile, 1974 White Tractor and various other automobiles and trucks. Braking, steering and combinations of braking and steering were input to the simulated mathe- matical model for validation and the simulation time histories were then compared to full scale test data. This hybrid vehicle handling program can be used for general studies of vehicle dynamics. A special interactive user's interface is available to allow program use by vehicle en- gineers as well as computer specialists. PB-262 822/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY CRASH 2 User's Manual Final rept. 1 Mar-30 Sep 76 Raymond R. McHenry, and James P. Lynch. Nov 76, 86p CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V-4, DOT-HS-802- 106 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 124 Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, "Accident investigations, "Computer programs, Damage, Velocity, Trajectories. Identifiers: CRASH computer program The CRASH computer program is an accident investigation aid aimed at achieving improved accuracy and uniformity in the interpretation of physical evidence from automobile accidents The program can provide estimates of impact speeds and speed changes on the basis of two separate analytical techniques Users may run the program in a timeshare interactive mode or in a batch processing mode. This report con- tains detailed instructions for users of the CRASH computer program. PB-262 988/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Finite Element Analysis of a Railway Track Support System. Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program Users manual S. D. Tarabji, and M. R. Thompson. Jul 76, 98p FRA/ORD-76/257 Contract DOT-FR-30038 See also PB-262 987. Descriptors: "Railroad tracks, "Dynamic struc- tural analysis, Railroad ballast, Railroad ties, Soils, Loads(Forces), Computer programs, User needs. Finite element analysis. A computer program for the finite element anal- ysis of conventional railway track support systems has been developed. This report details a User's Manual and a Program Listing of the computer program. PB-263 216/4CP PC A09/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. Predicting the Braking Performance of Trucks and Tractor-Trailers Technical rept. on Phase 3 C. B. Winkler, J. E. Bernard, P. S. Fancher, C. C. MacAdam, and T. M. Post. Jun 76, 195p Rept no. UM-HSRI-76-26-1 Report on Truck and Tractor-Trailer Braking and Handling Project. Supersedes PB-221 630 and PB-212 805. Sponsored in part by Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association of the United States, Inc., Detroit, Mich. Descriptors: "Motor trucks, "Dynamic braking, "Computer programs. Suspension systems(Vehicles), Semitrailers, Maneuverabili- ty, Dynamic response. Computerized simula- tion, Mathematical prediction, Tires, Steering, Towing vehicles. Friction. Identifiers: Articulated vehicles, Antilock brake systems. The report documents three digital computer programs for predicting the braking per- formance of commercial highway vehicles. The three programs are applicable to straight trucks, tractor-semitrailers, and doubles com- bination vehicles. The programs model these vehicle types in detail and include the effects of tandem suspension dynamics, air brake system dynamics, brake fade, antilock system per- 46 formance, and sprung mass dynamics. The research studies leading to the development of the programs are discussed. The report con- cludes with a discussion of appropriate appli- cations of these programs, and with a recom- mendation for further research into the areas of truck tire mechanics, the mechanical friction brake, and antilock systems. PB-263 248/7CP PC A10/MF A01 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Feasibility of Flaw Detection in Railroad Wheels Using Acoustic Signatures Final rept. Aug 72-Aug 74 K Nagy and R D. Finch. Oct 76, 206p DOT- TSC-FRA-76-6, FRA/ORD-76/290 Contract DOT-FRA-76-6 Prepared by Houston Univ., Tex. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Descriptors: "Railroad cars, 'Vehicle wheels, •Nondestructive tests, Defects, Acoustic signa- tures, Cracks, Pattern recognition, Computer printouts. Identifiers: BASIC programming language, ANSYS computer program. The feasibility study on the use of acoustic signatures for detection of flaws in railway wheels was conducted with the ultimate objec- tive of development of an intrack device for moving cars. Determinations of the natural modes of vibrating wheels under various condi- tions are reported. Differences in acoustic signatures are found between good and cracked wheels, including spectral changes and variations in the time decay of sound. Vari- ous sounds occurring in normal railroad prac- tice, such as rolling noise on welded rail and over joints and retarder screech were in- vestigated. It was concluded that special pur- pose impacters will have to be used for a ser- vicable device. Pattern recognition techniques were used for selecting good and bad wheels with a computerized processing scheme. A laboratory demonstration system has been con- structed and found to be 85% reliable when system malfunctions are discounted. PB-263 466/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. Validation Command Language Final rept 1 Jul 75-30 Jun 76 R. O. Bennett, J. M. Becker, and D. H. Robbins. 10 Dec 76, 1 1 2p Rept no. UM-HSRI-76-20 Descriptors: 'Motor vehicle accidents, 'Collision research, 'Safety engineering, 'Computer programming, Impact tests, Mathe- matical models, Computerized simulation, Mathematical prediction, Comparison, Regres- sion analysis. Identifiers: *VCL computer program. This report describes the features and use of the Validation Command Language (VCL) com- puter program which has been developed to aid the automotive safety researcher in quantifying comparison between impact test results and predictions of mathematical simulations. An- ticipated applications of this software are: (1) Manipulation, analysis and comparison of dynamic impact data, (2) Graphical presenta- tion of dynamic impact data, (3) Uses an or- ganizing tool to simplify quantative validation of mathematical models; and, (4) Use as an or- ganizing tool to demonstrate correlation or the lack thereof between experiments and/or theoretical estimates. Additional Formula In- terpreter software carries the manipulation and analysis capability a bit further. If a new analyti- cally-based performance criterion is developed, the user can invest the formula as data and retrieve the results without further post- processing. PB-263 645/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Honeywell Traffic Management Center, Hop- kins, Minn. Development of UTCS (Urban Traffic Control System) Signal Timing Patterns with Bus Pri- ority Final rept Feb 76, 84p 4641 5, FHWA/DF-77/001 b Contract DOT-FH-1 1-831 7 For data file on magnetic tape, see PB-263 643 See also PB-263 646, and PB-263 644 Descriptors: 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Signal devices, 'Urban transportation. Patterns, Traffic signals, Computerized simulation, Buses(Vehicles), Traffic control. District of Columbia Identifiers: 'Bus priority systems, TRANSYT/5 computer program, Signal patterns. The project involved development of UTCS time-of-day signal patterns that give preference to buses operating in Sections I and III of the Washington, DC. UTCS traffic control area. Section I is a heavily traveled east-west arterial; Section III is a grid-like network just north and west of the White House, extending to Washington Circle. The overall objective of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of preferential treatment for buses when using fixed time signalization. This work included data collection and preparation, signal pattern generation and evaluation, and the conversion of selected signal patterns into a format com- patible with signal controllers in Sections I and III. Signal patterns were generated using TRANSYT/5, a software package developed by the British Road Research Laboratory. This ver- sion of TRANSYT includes a bus traffic model, and an option that gives preferential treatment to buses. PB-264 054/8CP PC A13/MF A01 De Leuw, Cather and Co., Houston, Tex. Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume I. Overview Description; Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines Final rept. R. W. Kessmann. Aug 76, 291 p FHWA/RD-76- 125 Contract DOT-FH-1 1 -7594 Also available in set of 3 reports PC E1 1 , PB-264 053-SET. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Traffic signals, 'Computer programs, Subroutines, Programming manuals, Urban transportation, Transportation management, Optimization, Interfaces. Identifiers: 'Tanstp computer program, Com- puter software. This document describes the Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP) of the Urban Traffic Control System. TANSTP is a second generation traffic control package wherein optimal traffic signal timing patterns are generated on-line as a function of current and predicted traffic flow conditions to minimize average network vehicle delay. In ad- dition to the network optimization routine, the package includes a traffic flow predictor, real- time subnetwork determination routine, a sub- network interfacing routine, a transition op- timization routine, and a local intersection op- timization routine which adjusts splits and off- sets to minimize delay on a cycle by cycle basis. The TANSTP package uses the executive struc- ture, the detector processing, and the con- troller command software of the first genera- tion, UTCS software. This is volume one of a three volume set. PB-264 055/5CP PC A13/MF A01 De Leuw, Cather and Co., Houston, Tex. Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II. Data Base Interface and Support Subrou- tines: Modified First Generation Routines Final rept R W Kessmann Aug 76, 295p FHWA/RD-76- 126 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-7594 See also Volume 1 , PB-264 054 Also available in set of 3 reports PC E1 1 . PB-264 053-SET. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Traffic signals, 'Computer pro- gramming, Programming manuals, Urban transportation. Transportation management, Optimization, Interlaces. Identifiers: 'Tanstp computer program, 'Data bases. Computer software This document describes the Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP) of the Urban Traffic Control System TANSTP is a second generation traffic control package wherein optimal traffic signal timing patterns are generated on-line as a function of current and predicted traffic flow conditions to minimize average network vehicle delay. In ad- dition to the network optimization routine, the package includes a traffic flow predictor, real- time subnetwork determination routine, a sub- network interfacing routine, a transition op- timization routine, and a local intersection op- timization routine which adjusts splits and off- sets to minimize delay on a cycle by cycle basis. The TANSTP package uses the executive struc- ture, the detector processing, and the con- troller command software of the first genera- tion, UTCS software. This is volume 2 of a 3 volume set. PB-264 056/3CP PC A10/MF A01 De Leuw, Cather and Co., Houston, Tex. Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Up- date Procedures; Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures Final rept. R. W. Kessmann. Aug 76, 205p FHWA/RD-76- 127 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-7594 See also Volume 2, PB-264 055. Also available in set of 3 reports PC E1 1 , PB-264 053-SET. Descriptors: 'Urban planning, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Traffic signals, 'Computer pro- gramming, Programming manuals, Urban transportation. Transportation management, Optimization, Interfaces. Identifiers: "Tanstp computer program, 'Data bases, Computer software. This document describes the Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP) of the Urban Traffic Control System. TANSTP is a second generation traffic control package wherein optimal traffic signal timing patterns are generated on-line as a function of current and predicted traffic flow conditions to minimize average network vehicle delay. In ad- dition to the network optimization routine, the package includes a traffic flow predictor, real- time subnetwork determination routine, a sub- network interfacing routine, a transition op- timization routine, and a local intersection op- timization routine which adjusts splits and off- sets to minimize delay on a cycle by cycle basis. The TANSTP package uses the executive struc- ture, the detector processing, and the con- troller command software of the first genera- tion UTCS software. This is volume 3 of a 3 volume set. PB-264 255/1CP PC A11/MF A01 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering The Development of a Classification Scheme for Brake Linings. Volume II Final rept 7 Apr 75-30 Sep 76 47 H. E. Cook, R. A. White, G. L. Clark, Jr, L. K. Johnson, and H. J. Sommer III. Feb 77, 248p DOT-HS-802-244 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 131 See also Volume 1 , PB-264 254. Descriptors: 'Automobiles, "Dynamic braking, "Brake linings. Computerized simulation, Fric- tion, Skidding, Hydraulic brakes. Disk brakes, Drum brakes. Identifiers: DYNA DISC 2 computer program, DYNA DRUM 2 computer program, DISK DRUM 2 computer program. Computer aided diagno- sis, Tire pavement interactions. A comparison is made between vehicle braking performance as predicted by computer simula- tion and as measured on fully instrumented vehicle tests A new technique is described for accurately finger printing brake lining frictional characteristics based on full-scale dynamome- ter tests. PB-265 065/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY Yielding-Barrier Test Data Base-Refinement of Damage Data Tables in the CRASH Pro- gram Interim rept. May-Dec 76 Raymond R McHenry. Feb 77, 58p CALSPAN- ZR-5954-V-1, DOT-HS-802-265 Contract DOT-HS-6-01372 Descriptors "Collision research, "Computerized simulation, "Crash tests, Com- puter programs, Collisions, Accident investiga- tions. Impact tests, Barriers Identifiers: CRASH 2 computer program. Crash- worthiness The report summarizes the results of efforts ap- plied to the task of refining the empirical crush coefficients that are applied in the damage analysis portion of the CRASH 2 computer pro- gram The effects of the coefficient changes on reconstruction results for twenty-two staged collision cases are presented and discussed. A special computer program, CRUSH, which was developed to aid in the performance of this research is described. PB-265 331/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. Flow Theory Transportation research record William R McShane. 1976, 44p* Rept nos. TRB/TRR-596, ISBN-0-309-02565-6 Descriptors "Vehicular traffic control, "Traffic signals, Traffic signals. Freeways, Ramps, Traf- fic surveys, Markov processes. Computer pro- grams, Traffic control, Urban transportation. Identifiers: Traffic flow, SIGOP 2 computer pro- gram. Ramp control, Lane changing, Traffic lanes, Lane drops The 7 papers deal with the following areas: Developing a predictor for highly responsive system-based traffic signal control (abridgment); design of freeway entrance ramps and lane drops by using semi-Markov processes (abridgment); simultaneous op- timization of offsets, splits, and cycle time; SIGOP II, a new computer program for calculat- ing optimal signal timing patterns; multilane traffic flow process—evaluation of queuing and lane-changing patterns; freeway lane-changing process: a microscopic approach (abridgment); regularity of some detector-observed arterial traffic volume characteristics. PB-266 930/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents - Further Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program Final rept Feb-Nov76 Raymond R McHenry, and James P. Lynch Mar 77, 40p CALSPAN-2Q-5708-V-5, DOT-HS-802- 287 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 1 24 See also report dated Nov 76. PB-262 822. Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, 'Accident investigations, "Computer pro- gramming. Mathematical models, Simulation, Velocity, Highways, Revisions, Collision research, Time sharing. Trajectories, Fortran. Identifiers: CRASH computer program The Calspan Reconstruction of Accident Speeds on the Highway (CRASH) computer program was modified to (1) incorporate an op- tional trajectory simulation routine, based on the corresponding portion of the Simulation Model of Automobile Collisions (SMAC) com- puter program, to permit automatic testing and refinement of the CRASH estimates of separa- tion velocities, (2) provide an optional ab- breviated format for the time-sharing version of CRASH, (3) provide an optional batch mode of operation, and (4) revise and extend the output format This report documents the analytical bases for the modifications that have been in- corporated in the CRASH2 computer program PB-266 963/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. Modified Articulated Vehicle Simulation Final rept Apr-Jun 76 J. E. Bernard, and T. M Kim. Apr 77, 72p UM- HSRI-76-23, DOT-HS-802-325 Contract NHTSA-6-5547 Descriptors: 'Trucks, 'Brake drums, Brakes(Motion arresters), Drum brakes, Loads(Forces), Configuration, Equations of motion. Kinematics, Trailers, Tension, Tractors, Computerized simulation. Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: Articulated vehicles, TBS computer program, Jackknife restraint devices. This is a final report on a research task to add to an existing simulation the capability to simulate the Breeze jackknife restraint device. This re- port documents the addition as follows. First, an overview of the analytical problem is presented, followed by an explanation of the kinematics and some details of the new soft- ware. The kinematics section is closely linked to the software by relating equations in the text to line numbers in the computer program. Next, some sample computer runs introduce the input/output of the modified simulation. A flow chart and a list of the modified program is given in the appendix. PB-267 401/8CP PC A19/MF A01 Calspan Corp , Buffalo, N.Y. Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model- 1976. Volume 1. Users Manual Final rept. Feb 74-Feb 76 David J. Segal. Feb 76, 429p CALSPAN-ZR- 5461-V-6, FHWA/RD-76-162 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8265 Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-267 400-SET. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, "Highways, 'Motor vehicle accidents. Roads, Vehicle wheels, Interactions, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Brakes(Motion arresters), Man machine systems. Collision avoidance. Collision research, Computer programming, Computerized simulation. Mathematical models. Identifiers: HVOSM computer program, 'Vehicle dynamics A series of reports have been written to docu- ment revised and updated versions of the simu- lation of highway-vehicle-object interactions in a single vehicle highway environment. The pro- grams documented were developed under FHWA sponsorship to provide the highway safety community with an analytical means of evaluating the effects of highway/roadside en- vironment on safety This manual is the most general of the manuals describing the simula- tion. It provides an introduction to the simula- tion and enough information for a user to sub- mit a run, obtain results, and interpret the HVOSM output No description of the inertial subroutine structure or the derivation of the equations used is supplied. This manual is one of four volumes PB-267 402/6CP PC A25/MF A01 Calspan Corp , Buffalo, N.Y. Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model- 1976. Volume 2. Programmers Manual Final rept. Feb 74-Feb 76 David J. Segal. Feb 76, 594p CALSPAN-ZR- 5461-V-7, FHWA/RD-76-163 Contract DOT-FH-1 1 -8265 See also Volume 1 , PB-267 401 . Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-267 400-SET. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, "Highways, 'Motor vehicle accidents. Roads, Vehicle wheels. Interactions, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Brakes(Motion arresters), Man machine systems, Collision avoidance, Collision research, Computer programs, Com- puterized simulation, Mathematical models Identifiers: HVOSM computer program, 'Vehicle dynamics. A series of reports have been written to docu- ment revised and updated versions of the simu- lation of highway-vehicle-object interactions in a single vehicle highway environment. The pro- grams documented were developed under FHWA sponsorship to provide the highway safety community with an analytical means of evaluating the effects of highway/roadside en- vironment on safety. This manual is addressed to the applications programmer who might wish to modify or extend the HVOSM. The detailed descriptions of the subroutines and linkages among them are designed to be used in conjunction with a source program listing. Ancillary information of interest to the pro- grammer is also included. This manual is one of four volumes. PB-267 403/4CP PC A09/MF A01 Calspan Corp.. Buffalo, N.Y. Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model- 1976. Volume 3. Engineering Manual-Analysis Final rept Feb 74-Dec 75 David J Segal. Dec 75, 192p CALSPAN-ZR- 5461 -V-8, FHWA/RD-76-164 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8265 See also Volume 2, PB-267 402. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-267 400-SET Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, 'Highways, 'Motor vehicle accidents. Roads, Vehicle wheels. Interactions, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Brakes(Motion arresters), Man machine systems. Collision avoidance. Collision research, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models. Identifiers: HVOSM computer program, 'Vehicle dynamics. A series of reports have been written to docu- ment revised and updated versions of the simu- lation of highway-vehicle-object interactions in a single vehicle highway environment. The pro- grams documented were developed under FHWA sponsorship to provide the highway safety community with an analytical means of evaluating the effects of highway/roadside en- vironment on safety. This manual is addressed to the engineer who wishes to become familiar with the mathematical model which is the basis for the HVOSM computer simulation. It con- 48 tains a detailed description of the governing equations and logic for the three documented versions of the HVOSM. This manual is one of four volumes. PB-267 404/2CP PC A11/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model- 1976. Volume 4. Engineering Manual. Valida- tion Final rept Feb 74-Feb 76 David J. Segal. Feb 76, 236p CALSPAN-ZR- 5461-V-4-R, FHWA/RD-76-165 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8265 See also Volume 3, PB-267 403. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-267 400-SET Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, 'Highways, 'Motor vehicle accidents, Roads, Vehicle wheels, Interactions, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Brakes(Motion arresters), Man machine systems, Collision avoidance, Collision research, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models. Identifiers: HVOSM computer program, 'Vehicle dynamics. A series of reports have been written to docu- ment revised and updated versions of the simu- lation of highway-vehicle-object interactions in a single vehicle highway environment. The pro- grams documented were developed under FHWA sponsorship to provide the highway safety community with an analytical means of evaluating the effects of highway/roadside en- vironment on safety. This manual is addressed to the engineer and contains evidence of the validity of the HVOSM mathematical model and computer simulation. Both rigorous tests of validity by comparisons with extensively docu- mented full-scale tests and general com- parisons are included. This manual is one of four volumes. PB-268 329/OCP PC A06/MF A01 California State Dept. of Transportation, Sacra- mento. Transportation Lab. Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis Interim rept. P D Allen W. B. Crews, A. J. Ranzieri, and E. C. Shirley. Apr 76, 1 15p CA-DOT-TL-7169-2-76-27, 657169, FHWA/CA-76/27 See also report dated May 76, PB-263 921 Descriptors: 'Mathematical models, 'Air pollu- tion, Atmospheric motion, Ozone, Compu- terized simulation, Concentra- tion(Composition), Reaction kinetic, Photochemistry, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen oxide(NO), Motor vehicles. Industrial wastes, Trajectories, Wind velocity, Traffic, Sensitivity, Computer programs, Exhaust emissions, Com- bustion products. Identifiers: 'DIFKIN photochemical models, 'Air quality maintenance, 'DIFKIN computer pro- gram. An analysis of the DIFKIN photochemical model characteristics and sensitivities to various input parameters is presented. DIFKIN is a trajectory type photochemical air quality simulation model. The most sensitive input parameters to Ozone production are initial concentrations, reaction rate constants, and inversion base height. The ratio of Reactive Hydrocarbons to Nitric Oxide emissions are far more important in determining Ozone production than the ac- tual magnitudes for emissions. The DIFKIN model is most applicable to projects that result in changes in emissions in a few adjacent grid cells rather than widespread changes in emis- sions over an air basin. Five or more trajectories should be used to determine air quality impacts of a particular project. PB-268 870/3CP PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Computer Research Center for Economics and Management Science Models of Railroad Passenger-Car Require- ments in the Northeast Corridor. Volume II: User's Guide Final rept Apr-Jul 76 Robert Fourer. Sep 76, 61 p DOT-TSC-FRA-76- 26-II Contract DOT-TSC-1 179-2 See also Volume 1 , PB-268 869. Descriptors: 'Rail transportation, 'Passenger transportation, 'Railroad cars, 'Computer pro- gramming, Demand(Economics), Allocations, Mathematical models, Optimization, Linear programming, Railroads, Transportation management, Services. Identifiers: Northeast Region(United States), SESAME system. Models and techniques for determining pas- senger-car requirements in railroad service were developed and applied by a research pro- ject of which this is the final report. The report is published in two volumes. The solution and analysis of the Northeast Corridor models required the creation of a number of computer programs of several kinds. These programs are available for the use of others and are described in Volume II. PB-268 879/4CP PC A10/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion Final rept. P Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 21 2p 2551 -40274-Vol-1 , FHWA/RD-76-66 Contract DOT-FH-11-8149 Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traf- fic control, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Intersections, Urban transportation, Microprocessors, Computer programs, Fortran, Signal processing, Traffic signals, Automatic control. Adaptive systems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 programming language, "Traffic actuated traf- fic control, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersections, Priorities, Preemptive control, BPCU computer program. The Passive Bus Detector/Intersection Priority System was developed under this project. The system functions as a fully independent traffic controller with completely passive bus detec- tion capability using inductive-loop detectors (ILD) placed in the roadway. Bus detection is based on ILD signal processing (classifier) techniques, thereby eliminating need for any modifications or additions to the bus. Passive bus detection hardware includes special ILD electronics, a high-speed programmable processor, and a microprocessor. Using the same microprocessor, plus programming panel, stored programs, and switching and safety units, the system design is sufficient to exercise bus priority control at urban intersec- tions containing up to 23 signal circuits and 16 ILD transducers. In addition, the system has capability of commanding the traffic signals in either one of three fixed timing patterns, selected at the system by the traffic engineer or controlled by a loop master. PB-268 880/2CP PC A14/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documenta- tion Final rept. P Anderson, R. Larson, R Lubke, G Putnam, and D Wick. Dec 75, 319p 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt- 1 FHWA/RD-76-67 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 See also Volume 1 , PB-268 879. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traf- fic control, 'Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection. Intersec- tions, Urban transportation, Microprocessors, Fortran, Signal processing, Traffic signals. Au- tomatic control. Adaptive systems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment Identifiers: 'Computer program documenta- tion, Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 com- puter language. Traffic actuated traffic control, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersec- tions. Priorities, Preemptive control, BPCU computer program. The volume contains the description of the soft- ware developed for the Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System. The program documentation is formatted according to the Program Documentation section of the FHWA Documentation Standards. The computer pro- gram documentation is referenced in other volumes of this report as the following appen- dices: Appendix A. Fortran IV Version of the Vehicle Classification Algorithm; Appendix B BPCU Program for Minneapolis Installation; Appendix C. BPCU Program for Washington In- stallation. Appendix C is to be treated as an ad- dendum to Appendix B and contains documen- tation of only those modules which are different from the Minneapolis Installation program in Appendix B. Appendix D, Software and Com- puter Printouts, is presented separately as Part II of this volume. PB-268 881/OCP PC A18/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Com- puter Program Listings Final rept. P Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 41 3p 2551 -40274-Vol-2-Pt- 2, FHWA/RD-76-68 Contract DOT-FH -1 1 -81 49 See also Volume 2, Part 2, PB-268 880. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-268 878-SET. Desciiptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traf- fic control, 'Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Intersec- tion, Urban transportation. Microprocessors, Fortran, Signal processing. Traffic signals, Au- tomatic control, Adaptive systems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 computer language, Traffic actuated traffic control, Electronic traffic control. Signalized in- tersections, Priorities, Preemptive control, 'BPCU computer program. This volume contains the description of the software developed for the Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System. The program documentation is formatted according to the Program Documentation section of the FHWA Documentation Standards. Appendix D, Soft- ware and Computer Printouts, is presented. (Portions of this document are not fully legible.) PB-269 239/OCP PC A06/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg. Dept. of Civil Engineering. User Documentation for the Metropolitan Ac- cessibility Program (MAP) Final rept. 49 Michael D. Connelly, and Robert J. Popper. Jan 77, 113pUMTA-VA-1 1-0002-77-1 Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Urban planning, 'Computer programming, Computer graphics, Plotting, Programming manuals, Availability. Identifiers: 'MAP computer program, Maplot computer program. The Metropolitan Accessibility Program (MAP) is a computerized tool that facilitates analyses of transportation access to employment, com- mercial activities, hospitals, and other desired destination opportunities. This program is capable of producing output records that are interpreted by a special plotting program, MAPLOT. MAPLOT is capable of producing graphic displays of spatial variations in accessi- bility levels throughout an urban area, sector, or corridor. The MAP program and all sub- sequent modifications, including the plotting features, is housed within the U.T.P.S. Program, UMODEL. In this report the computer program, MAP, is presented through various User's materials including program documentation and five illustrative case study applications. The five case studies have been developed to aid the programmer in applying MAP and MAPLOT. This report is designed specifically as a User's guide to MAP and should be read in conjunc- tion with the companion report which explains and illustrates the theory and methodology of transportation accessibility studies: Accessibility Applications in Urban Transporta- tion,' by Popper and Connelly (UMTA-VA-11- 0002-77-2). The MAP Program is used to facilitate transportation accessibility analyses, and to produce graphic maps of the spatial dis- tribution of accessibility to jobs, shopping ac- tivities, and other destination opportunities The program is suggested for use in planning and evaluation studies. PB-269 240/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and State Univ., Blacksburg. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Accessibility Applications in Urban Transpor- tation Final rept Jan 76-Jan 77 Robert Jay Popper, and Michael David Connelly Jan 77, 54p UMTA-VA-1 1 -0002-77-2 Descriptors: "Urban transportation, Services, Evaluation, Decision making, Regions, Socioeconomic status, Demographic surveys, Metropolitan areas. Mathematical models, Sub- urban areas, Planning, Travel demand. Com- puter programs. Identifiers: MAP computer program. The report outlines the theory and methodology for developing accessibility studies to evaluate transportation service impacts at the corridor, subarea or metropolitan levels. A computer program (Metropolitan Accessibility Program or MAP) is described that will facilitate such an analysis In addition a typical case study appli- cation is presented illustrating how employ- ment accessibility is modified in a corridor after the building of a high speed transit line Data in- dicates the relative degree to which the Black population subgroup in the corridor benefits from the accessibility improvements. The pro- gram is suggested for use in planning and evaluation studies. PB-269 304/2CP PC A08/MF A01 Boeing Computer Services, Inc., Seattle, Wash. Energy Technology Applications Div. Vehicle Design Optimization System User Manual Final rept Jun 73-Aug 76 R M. Southall, and D. W. Twigg. Jun 77, 162p BCS-G0815, DOT-HS-802-421 Contract DOT-HS-356-3-719 Descriptors: "Motor vehicles, "Collision research, "Computer programming, Automo- bile bodies, Design standards. Optimization, Regression analysis, Pedestrians, Injuries, Manuals, Data processing Identifiers: PROMETHEUS 2 computer pro- gram, CDC 6600 computers. OPTREG com- puter program, ENTRACT computer program, PRMPLT computer program. Automobile front structures. The Vehicle Design Optimization System (VDOS) is a group of four computer programs developed to study the effects of vehicle exteri- or designs on pedestrian fatalities and injuries The four programs are OPTREG (optimization and regression analysis), PROMETHEUS 2 (accident simulation), ENTRACT (an interface program between OPTREG and PROMETHEUS 2, which converts the parametric hood model utilized by OPTREG to the finite element hood required by PROMETHEUS 2), and PRMPLT (an interface program between PROMETHEUS 2 and OPTREG which combines the detailed ac- cident simulation measurements into a single number called a pedestrian injury index, and also generates Stromberg Carlson 4020 plots of the accident data). This document describes the coordinated use of OPTREG, PROMETHEUS 2, ENTRACT and PRMPLT to study hood design Usage instructions for EN- TRACT and PRMPLT are given, including data preparation instructions and examples of CDC 6600 KRONOS Interactive Timesharing control card sequences for execution of the programs. The relationship between the programs is described and all files used by the system are described in detail. PB-269 305/9CP PC A10/MF A01 Boeing Computer Services, Inc., Seattle, Wash. Energy Technology Applications Prometheus 2 - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics Final rept. Jun 73-Aug 76 David W. Twigg. Jun 77, 21 2p BCS-G0802, DOT- HS-802-423 Contract DOT-HS-356-3-719 Descriptors: "Collision research, "Computerized simulation, "Motor vehicle ac- cidents. Mathematical models, Pedestrians, Safety devices, Safety belts, Simulation, Dynamics, Optimization, Central processing units. Motion pictures. Kinetics. Identifiers: Prometheus 2 computer program, Restraint systems, CDC 6600 computers, On line interactive systems. The PROMETHEUS 2 computer program is an efficient user oriented crash analysis program with interactive features. It simulates a pedestri- an being struck in the side by the front of an au- tomobile with a mathematical model composed of eleven linked rigid segments. A non-linear finite element model of the vehicle structure is incorporated which interacts realistically with the victim. It is also possible to model a pas- senger inside a vehicle in certain crash environ- ments. Various restraint systems can be simu- lated, including seat belt, shoulder harness and strap hangers. PROMETHEUS 2 input aids in- clude free field data input and an on-line data edit capability. Output provides user selected time-history and occupant configuration plots as well as abbreviated output lists for a rapid scan of results The program operates on the CDC 6600 computer in either a batch or interac- tive mode. A post processor is available which generates hard copy plots (Gerber or Strom- berg-Carlson 4020) of PROMETHEUS 2 data. The post processor can also generate 16mm motion pictures of the simulated accident PB-269 509/6CP PC A11/MF A01 Science Applications, Inc., McLean, Va. Energy and Environmental Sciences. Users Manual: TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code: MOD-04 Final rept. Oct 76-Jan 77 F. F. Rudder, Jr, and P. Lam Jan 77, 240p SAI- 5-351-02-717-02, FHWA/RD-77-18 Descriptors: "Highways, "Ambient noise, "Computer programs. User needs, Noise(Sound), Predictions, Attenuation, Vehicular traffic. Identifiers: "Noise levels, MOD-04 computer program, 'Traffic noise, Noise sources. The users manual presents a detailed descrip- tion of the Transportation Systems Center highway noise prediction computer program. The evolution of TSC program is described to il- lustrate salient differences between successive versions of the computer code. The version presented in this manual is called the MOD-04 version The manual relates the analytical basis to the coded statements to indicate how the prediction procedure utilizes input data. The manual describes the features of the MOD-04 version and presents guidelines for formulating problems. Detailed description of input data requirements and example problems are presented to illustrate usage of the computer program. The appendicies to the users manual describe the theoretical basis, computer system details, and subprogram descriptions of the MOD-04 version of the TSC highway noise pre- diction code. PB-270 027/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Calspan Corp., Buffalo, NY. Yielding Barrier Test Data Base. A Study of Side Impact Cases in the Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation (MAI) File Final rept. May-Dec 76 Raymond R. McHenry, A. Stephen Baum, and Donald O. Neff. Apr 77, 74p CALSPAN-ZR-5954- V-2, DOT-HS-802-319 Contract DOT-HS-6-01372 See also PB-265 065. Descriptors: "Motor vehicle accidents, "Collision research, "Computerized simulation. Barriers, Impact tests. Doors, Damage, Injuries, Design standards, Automobiles. Identifiers: CRASH 2 computer program, "Accident reconstruction, Impact forces. Lateral force, Crashworthiness, Side impact tests, Side impact bars. The report summarizes the reconstruction of 259 MDAI side impact cases using the CRASH 2 computer program. The results describe side impacts in terms of the crash environment and the damage sustained by both the struck and striking vehicles; comparisons were made between right and left side impacts. Injury thresholds, measured as a function of the direction of occupant motion, were examined for two vehicle size categories (compact and full size automobiles), in general, occupants of larger vehicles seem to have increased protec- tion against severe and fatal injuries at the cost of a reduced threshold to minor injuries. PB-270 109/2CP PC A0S/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 1. Executive Summary Final rept. Jun 73-Jun 76 M. E. Bronstad, L. R. Calcote, and C. E. Kimball. Jun 76, 94p" SwR 1-03-371 6-1, FHWA/RD-77-3 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8130 See Volume 2 dated Mar 76, PB-270 110. Descriptors: "Highways, "Motor vehicle ac- cidents, "Barriers, Collision research, Safety engineering, Walls, Concrete construction. Crash tests, Construction costs. Identifiers: "Median barriers, Computer aided design, HVOSM computer program. 50 A comprehensive research program was con- ducted to appraise performance ot concrete median barriers. Investigations included twen- ty-four crash tests which evaluated per- formance of barrier profiles, precast designs, and end treatments. Theoretical investigations using mathematical crash simulation program identified a new barrier shape which was crash tested to compare performance with currently used profiles. Load and stability criteria were determined from experiments and used to analyze barrier alternatives. Three crash tests examined performance of the CMB when im- pacted at 45 and 55 mph by a 40,000-lb intercity bus. Accident data were collected and analyzed for in-service performance of the concrete median barrier. State-of-the-art investigations provide summary of state practice and specific CMB details. Cost factors are discussed for concrete median barrier construction. This research is considered applicable to concrete bridge parapets. This volume is the first of two. PB-270 110/OCP PC A20/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex. Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 2. Research Report Final rept. Jun73-Apr76 M E. Bronstad, L. R. Calcote, and C. E. Kimball. Mar 76, 468p* SwRI-03-3716-2, FHWA/RD-77-4 Contract DOT-FH-1 1 -81 30 See Volume 1 dated Mar 76, PB-270 109. Descriptors: "Highways, 'Motor vehicle ac- cidents, 'Barriers, Collision research, Safety engineering, Walls, Concrete construction, Crash tests, Construction costs. Identifiers: 'Median barriers. Computer aided design, HVOSM computer program. A comprehensive research program was con- ducted to appraise performance of concrete median barriers. Investigations included twen- ty-four crash tests which evaluated per- formance of barrier profiles, precast designs, and end treatments. Theoretical investigations using a mathematical crash simulation program identified a new barrier shape which was crash tested to compare performance with currently used profiles. Load and stability criteria were determined from experiments and used to analyze barrier alternatives. This volume is the second of two. (Portions of this document are not fully legible.) PB-270 674/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Control Analysis Corp., Palo Alto, Calif. Computer Code for Transportation Network Design and Analysis Interim rept. Jan-Oct 76 R. P. Harvey, and D. W. Robinson. May 77, 1 26p DOT-TSC-OST-77-39 Contract DOT-TSC-1059 See also report dated Oct 76, PB-261 340. Descriptors: 'Transportation models, 'Decomposition method, 'Computer pro- gramming, Allocations, Network flows, Network analysis theory. Algorithms. Identifiers: 'Catnap computer program. This document describes the results of research into the application of the mathemati- cal programming technique of decomposition to practical transportation network problems. A computer code called Catnap (for Control Anal- ysis Transportation Network Analysis Program) has been developed in the course of this study; this code has the capability to solve the follow- ing problems: (1) The traffic assignment problem with fixed demands; (2) The transpor- tation network design problem with or without a budget constraint; (3) The optimal staging problem for transportation network invest- ments over a fixed time horizon. In this report the authors describe the basic structure and al- gorithms employed in Catnap and give actual numerical results obtained in some representa- tive sample problems. These results indicated that Catnap is an improvement over existing transportation network codes, particularly for solving the network design problem PB-270 984/8CP PC A14/MF A01 Michigan Univ , Ann Arbor. Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Technical and Economic Analyses. Volume II. Computer Program. Documentation and User Instruc- tions Final rept. Steve Callis, Pabitra Majumdar, Horst Nowacki, Benedict J. Stallone, and Peter M. Swift. Mar 74, 31 6p 152, MA/RD-940-77110 Contract MA-1 -35487 See also Volume 1 , PB-270 983. Paper copy also available in set of 6 reports PC E13, PB-270 982-SET. Descriptors: 'Merchant ships, 'Ice navigation. Great Lakes, Cargo transportation, Winter, Seasonal variations. Benefit cost analysis, In- land waterways. Computer programs. User needs. Identifiers: Extended Season computer pro- gram. This volume in a series of reports provides user instructions and documentation for the Ex- tended Season Program (ESP) developed under sponsorship of the Maritime Administra- tion. The program analyzes the costs and benefits accruing to a Great Lakes shipowner in operating an individual vessel in the bulk trades in an extended shipping season. The program can deal with a large variety of ship types, shipping routes, and conditions of winter en- vironment. PB-270 988/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Technical and Economic Analyses. Annex: Methods of Evaluation and Computer Program Final rept. Peter M. Swift, Volker H. Elste, and Benedict J. Stallone. 23 Sep 75, 64p 1 56, MA/RD-940-771 13 Contract MA-1 -35487 See also Volume 5, PB-270 987. Paper copy also available in set of 6 reports PC E13, PB-270 982-SET. Descriptors: 'Merchant ships, 'Ice navigation. Great Lakes, Cargo transportation, Winter, Seasonal variations, Benefit cost analysis, In- land waterways, Computer programming. Identifiers: Extended Season computer pro- gram. This report is an annex to a previously published five-volume set of reports dealing with Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Revisions and modifications to the computer program known as the Extended Season Program, or ESP, are summarized. This program is used for the prediction of the economic performance of Great Lakes bulk carriers operating in an ex- tended season. The report describes additions and modifications to the methods of evaluating ship economics and operations during the winter on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The documentation of the computer pro- gram containing these revisions is also up- dated. Finally a series of examples illustrates the increased versatility of the computer pro- gram. PB-270 990/5CP PC A11/MF A01 New Jersey Dept. of Transportation, Trenton. Div. of Research and Development. Noise Measurements. Second Interim Report 1974-1975 Thomas Fuca, Vincent Gazzillo, and Chuck Wong. Nov 75, 232p 76-002-7787, FHWA/NJ/RD-76-002-7787 Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, 'Transportation noise, Noise pollution. Data acquisition. Statistical analysis. Acoustic measurement, Computer programming, Michigan. Identifiers: 'Traffic noise, TSC computer pro- gram, Fortran 4 programming language, 'Noise levels. Noise measurements for 24-hour periods were made at various microphone positions at six sites adjacent to existing roadways. Traffic volume and speed measurements were made simultaneously with noise measurements. The noise measurement sites were surveyed using standard surveying techniques to determine distances and elevations, relative to the road- way, of microphone positions and noise bar- riers for input into the Michigan Traffic Noise Prediction Program and the Transportation Systems Center Traffic Noise Prediction Pro- gram. Noise level predictions were made for each site using the two prediction programs. The measured and predicted noise levels were statistically compared to determine the accura- cy of the programs. A method to produce cor- rections to predicted levels was developed and corrections for the six noise measurement sites were determined. PB-272 044/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume I: Summary Report, Test Results and Theory Final rept. Mar 74-Nov 76 I. K. Mclvor, W. J. Anderson, and A. S. Wineman. Aug 77, 136pUM-HSRI-76-4-1,DOT-HS-802- 530 Contract DOT-HS-4-00855 See also Volume 2, PB-272 045. Descriptors: 'Collision research, 'Motor vehicle accidents, 'Computerized simulation, Automo- bile bodies. Impact tests, Dynamic tests. Plasticity tests. Motor vehicles, Mathematical models, Plastic deformation. Identifiers: Crashworthiness, UMVCS-1 com- puter program. The objective of the project was to develop a computer simulation for vehicle structures under general crash conditions. The program has an user oriented modular structure designed for maximum flexibility in the synthe- sis of vehicle models. The volume contains recommendations for future development of vehicle simulations; A description of the general program structure, modeling capabili- ty, and solution procedure for the simulation program UMVCS-1; The experimental and pre- dicted results for static and dynamic validation tests; A modeling study of an actual vehicle dynamic frame test; The analytical studies on which the modeling elements of UMVCS-1 are based. PB-272 289/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Texas A and M Research Foundation, College Station. Tire-Pavement Interface Variability. Volume II. Technical Report Final rept. Jul 75-Feb 77 Gordon G. Hayes. Aug 77, 174p RF3256-Vol-2, DOT-HS-802-554 Contract DOT-HS-5-01190 See also Summary rept. dated Aug 77, PB-271 735. Descriptors: 'Pavements, *Brakes(Motion ar- resters), 'Friction, Roads, Surface roughness, Skid resistance. Road tests, Safety, Surface properties. Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: 'Tire pavement interactions, DATAREDU computer program, SINEREPT computer program. 51 To account for or eliminate the effects of sur- face properties on vehicle handling per- formance measured in established open-loop tests, various measures of surface properties were compared to vehicle test results on disparate surfaces. None of the non-vehicle textural and friction measures correlated well with vehicle performance. However, the vehicle performance was relatively insensitive to pave- ment properties on dry, stable surfaces. The peak coefficient of friction' with partial braking using a tire tester was also insensitive to pave- ment differences. Surfaces that produced some differences in vehicle performance also produced relatively large differences in the locked-wheel coefficient of friction' obtained with a standard skid measurement system. On the pavements used, if the locked-wheel coeffi- cient showed no significant difference between pavements, the vehicle performance measures also showed no significant difference. PB-272 425/OCP PC A13/MF A01 Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Highway Safety Research Inst. Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume III. Users' Guide for UMVCS-1 Final rept. Mar 74-Nov 76 R. O. Bennett, I. K. Mclvor, D. H. Robbins, and H. C. Wang. Aug 77. 284p UM-HSRI-76-4-3, DOT- HS-802-532 Contract DOT-HS-4-00855 See also Volume 2, PB-272 045. Descriptors: 'Collision research, 'Motor vehicle accidents, "Computerized simulation, Manuals, Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: Crashworthiness, 'UMVCS 1 com- puter program. This guide is an instruction and information manual to enable the user to prepare an input data set for exercising the program. The guide describes the input quantities which must be provided to the executive section of the pro- gram; it also gives a description and sample output of the executive system, a description and sample of the output produced by the com- puter program, and an example problem in- cluding a sample data set and exercise of the program. PB-273 430/9CP PC A18/MF A01 Sperry Rand Corp., Great Neck, NY. Sperry Systems Management Div. Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume I. Functional Description and Flow Charts Final rept. (Rev. C). Jun76, 401pGF-16-1003-1,FHWA/RD-76-185 Contract FH-1 1-7605 Supersedes report dated Feb 73, PB-220 867. See also Volume 2, PB-273 431 . Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Buses(Vehicles), 'Computer programming, Programming manuals, Data processing, Fortran, Subroutines, Multiplexing, Data transmission. Identifiers: Bus priority systems, XDS Sigma 5 computers, Computer program documentation. An Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System has been implemented in the District of Columbia. The system includes on-street sur- veillance and control elements and a central of- fice data processing facility. This manual describes the software for this system. This is Volume I of 2 volumes which comprise the UTCS/BPS Software Manual. It contains Sec- tion 1, Introduction and Section 2, Pro- gramming Specifications. PB-273 431/7CP PC A09/MF A01 Sperry Rand Corp., Great Neck, N.Y. Sperry Systems Management Div. Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume II. Variable Defini- tions; Algorithm and Off-line Software Descriptions Final rept. (Rev. C). Jun76, 181pGF-16-1003-2, FHWA/RD-76-186 Contract FH-1 1-7605 Supersedes report dated Feb 73, PB-220 868. See also Volume 1 , PB-273 430. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Buses(Vehicles), "Computer programs. Data processing, Fortran, Subrou- tines, Multiplexing, Data transmission. District of Columbia. Identifiers: Bus priority systems, XDS Sigma 5 computers. Computer program documentation. An Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System has been implemented in the District of Columbia. The system includes on-street sur- veillance and control elements and a central of- fice data processing facility. This manual describes the software for this system. This is Volume II of 2 volumes which comprise the UTCS/BPS Software Manual. It contains Sec- tion 3, Glossary and Section 4, Appendices. PB-274 293/OCP PC A17/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, Md. Applied Physics Lab. Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program Final rept. Jul 74-76 P. F. Bohn, R. J. Keenan, and J. Prowznik. Sep 77, 379p* Rept no. APL/JHU-CP-049 Contract DOT-HS-213-3-695 See also report dated Oct 76, PB-262 434. Descriptors: 'Motor vehicles, 'Hybrid simula- tion, 'Computer programs, 'Dynamic response, Axles, Suspension systems(Vehicles), Trucks, Automobiles, Braking, Steering, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: Motor vehicles(1974 models), Chevrolet Nova automobiles, Volkswagen Campmobiles, Motor vehicles(1 973 models). The hybrid computer simulation for vehicle handling studies has been in use for 4 years and has been validated for a large class of two-axle vehicles. The following suspensions can be simulated: (a) independent front and rear axles, (b) independent front with solid rear axle, (c) in- dependent front and solid rear axle with dual rear tinres, (d) solid front and rear axles, and (e) solid front and rear axles with dual rear tires. Model validation was accomplished using parametric data representative of a 1974 Chevrolet Nova, 1973 VW Campmobile, a 1974 White Tractor, and various other automobiles and trucks. Braking, steering, and combina- tions of braking and steering were input to the simulated mathematical model for validation, and the simulation time histories were then compared to full-scale test data. The hybrid vehicle handling program can be used for general studies of vehicle dynamics. Per- formance of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration standard passenger car Vehicle Handling Test Procedures and calculation of the associated performance comparison varia- bles are simulation options. A special interac- tive user's interface is available to allow pro- gram use by vehicle engineers as well as com- puter specialists. PB-274 528/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. En- gineering and Research Center. Frequency-Response Analysis of Automated Canals H. T. Falvey. Jul 77, 73p* Rept no. REC-ERC-77- 3 Descriptors: "Canals, Automation, Frequency response, Computer programs, Automatic con- trol, Analyzing. Identifiers: Computer applications, HFCCV computer program, HFRES computer pro- grams. Two methods are available for determining control parameters on automated canals. These are the transient-response method and the frequency-response method. Since a typical canal system is influenced predominantly by transient inputs, the transient-response method has been extensively used in the analysis of au- tomated canal systems. The main advantage of the frequency-response method is that the ef- fects of varying the various control parameters can be readily visualized and evaluated. The presently used transient-response method and parameter selection are reviewed. The basic concepts of the frequency-response method are presented and their application to an auto- mated reach is illustrated with an example. Two computer programs are given which can be used to determine canal response charac- teristics. The state-of-the-art in process control has progressed sufficiently so that both the transient-response and frequency-response methods of analysis can be used in a comple- mentary fashion. Employment of only one method in the design of automated systems is, in general, wasteful of both computer time and engineering effort. PB-274 629/5CP PC A04/MF A01 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Applied Mathematics Div. A National Network Data Base System Final rept. Richard H. F.Jackson. Sep 75, 61 p Rept no. NBSIR-75-911 Supported in part by the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C, and the Office of the Chief of Engineers (Army), Washington, D.C. Descriptors: 'Passenger transportation, 'Cargo transportation, 'Information systems, Fortran, Computer programs, Subroutines, United States. Identifiers: Univac-1108 computers, Commodi- ty flow. Data bases, Freight mode choice. Mar- ket split, Modal choices, Modal freight flows, National transport analyses, Regional transport analyses, 'Transportation networks. The report documents a data base 'system' created at the National Bureau of Standards. The National Network Data Base System (NNDBS) provides information on flows of freight and passengers throughout the trans- portation system of the United States. It con- sists of a set of Fortran programs written for the NBS Univac 1108 (but transportable) and some basic data tapes. In addition to providing basic data on the transportation network, the NNDBS can produce modal splits, aggregations over certain zones' in the U.S., and is capable of easy extension to other uses. The report is in- tended as a user's guide and includes discus- sions of the data tapes and each of the pro- grams. Complete listings and tape formats are also included. PB-275 050/3CP PC A14/MF A01 Florida State Dept. of Transportation, Tallahas- see. Traffic Operations Dept. Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida Final rept. Dec 73-May 77 C. S. Bauer, H. I. Klee, J. G. Bingham, P. R. Boulay, and T. A. Risher. May 77, 315 FHWA/RD-77-106 Contract DOT-FH -1 1 -8285 Prepared by Florida Technological Univ., Orlan- do. Transportation Systems Inst. Descriptors: 'Freeways, 'Traffic engineering, 'Computer programs, 'Computerized simula- tion, Ramps, Vehicular traffic control, Display 52 systems. Information, Motor vehicle operators, Computer programming, Fortran, Algorithms, Florida. Identifiers: Ramp control, 'Freeway merging process, "Freeway ramp control, Tampa(Florida). Freeway ramp control systems are used to con- trol the flow of vehicles onto the freeway and, thereby, maintain the freeway operations at an acceptable level of service. A green band mov- ing-merge system displays along the on-ramp, information to the ramp drivers to help them identify gaps and merge easily into the freeway flow. The first test and evaluation of the green band concept was undertaken in Woburn, Mas- sachusetts in 1970. The report describes vari- ous traffic operation improvements made to the Woburn green band computer control system. System software changes have been made to minimize the loss of green bands, to stabilize the ends of the moving green bands, and to segment long green bands into shorter, more useable bands Improvements are also described (1) for preventing the unnecessary surge of ramp vehicles to the merge area when the green band system changes modes, and (2) for making during the stopped mode the system more responsive to ramp and merge area ob- structions. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-27S061/0CP PCA04/MFA01 Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. A Report on the User's Manual for Diamond Interchange Slgnalization—Passer III Interim rept. Sep 75-Aug 76 Daniel B. Fambro, Donald L. Putman, Herman E. Haenel, Larry W. Cervenka, and Carroll J. Messer. Aug 77, 74p TTI-2-18-76-1 78-1 , FHWA/RD-77-T0253 See also Passer 2, PB-241 582. Prepared in cooperation with Texas A and M Univ., College Station, and Texas State Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation, Austin. Descriptors: 'Traffic signals, 'Interchanges, 'Traffic engineering, Computer programming, Services, Urban transportation, Frontage roads, Vehicular traffic, Freeways. Identifiers: PASSER 3 computer program, Fixed time traffic signals. Diamond interchanges. The report describes the user's manual for PASSER III, a practical computer program developed to assist the traffic engineer in deter- mining optimal traffic signal timings for pretimed or traffic-responsive, fixed-sequence signalized diamond interchanges. The program is applicable to isolated interchanges as well as to a series of interchanges through which progression is desired along the frontage roads. In addition, design engineers may use PASSER III to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed interchange design alternatives. PASSER III can evaluate any signal timing plan that might exist at a signalized diamond in- terchange. The program also determines the level of service for each phase at the intersec- tions which make up a diamond interchange. PASSER III provides all data required to imple- ment the signal timing plan it calculates. Two typical example programs, an isolated in- terchange and a frontage road progressive system, were coded and executed by PASSER III. The completed input data card coding forms and the program output, including time-space diagrams for the progression solution, are con- tained in the report. PB-275 482/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Avco Systems Div., Wilmington, Mass. Safety Status Data Collection Methodology. Volume VI. Computer Documentation Final rept. Jun 75-May 77 Richard W.Heldt. May 77, 120p AVSD-01 09-77- RR-VOL-6, DOT-HS-802-576 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 159 See also Volume 5, PB-275 481 . Also available in set of 6 reports PC E14, PB-275 476-SET. Descriptors: "Motor vehicles, 'Inspection, "Data processing, 'Computer programs, Accident prevention, Traffic safety, Defects, Automo- biles, States(United States), Effectiveness, Evaluation, Collision research, Project manage- ment, Programming manuals. Identifiers: Motor vehicle inspection. Volume VI contains the computer documenta- tion which is required to utilize the Field Evaluations as described in Volume V. Included are a User's Manual, Programmer's Manual, flow chart and listings. PB-275 568/4CP PC A14/MF A01 Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, Calif. Systems Analysis of Rapid Transit Un- derground Construction. Volume II. Sections 6-9 and Appendixes Final rept. Jul 73-Sep 74 A. J. Birkmyer, and D. L. Richardson. Dec 74, 305p UMTA-MA-06-0025-74-12 Contract DOT-TSC-601 Prepared in cooperation with Little (Arthur D), Inc., Cambridge, Mass. Also available as rept. no. DOT-TSC-75-72.il. See also Volume 1, PB- 275 567. Descriptors: "Rapid transit railways, "Tunnels, "Construction management. Subsurface struc- tures, Construction costs. Scheduling, Safety engineering, Cost engineering, Computer pro- grams, Fortran. Identifiers: Bay Area rapid transit system, Washington metro system, Cut and cover tun- neling. Three San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) projects and two Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) projects are analyzed with respect to time schedules, costs, and sensitivity to physical and institutional controls. These data are utilized in developing generalized models of four specific types of underground construction: cut-and- cover station, cut-and-cover line, free-air- driven tunnel, and compressed-air-driven tun- nel. The models presented herein are a planning tool for evaluation of the alternative types of underground construction in a transit system with respect to local costs and physical and institutional controls. Possible future tun- neling cost-reduction techniques and recom- mendations for further research are made. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-275 591 /6CP PC A11/MF A01 SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif. Improved Railroad Operations Using a Rail- road Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 1: New Procedures for Mak- ing Tactical Operations Planning Decision Final rept. P. J. Wong, B. Conrad, C. V. Elliott, J. M. Johnson, and M. G. Tashker. Oct 77, 232p FRA/OPPD-77/18 Contract DOT-FR-45020 See also Volume 2, PB-275 592. Prepared in cooperation with Grand Trunk Western Rail- road Co., Detroit, Mich. Descriptors: "Rail transportation, "Freight cars, "Routing, Inventory control, Scheduling, Management planning, Distributing, Posi- tion(Location), Automation, Computer pro- gramming. Identifiers: RAILS computer program, DMP computer program, "Freight yards, Grand Trunk Western Railroad. This volume documents the new tactical opera- tions planning procedures developed to inter- face with the Grand Trunk's Railroad Automa- tion Identification and Location System (RAILS). The tactical planning procedures for dispatching and yard management are described in detail, and the results of on-line experiments are presented. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-275 592/4CP PC A07/MF A01 SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif. Improved Railroad Operations Using a Rail- road Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 2: DMP Technical Documen- tation Final rept. M. G. Tashker. C. V. Elliott, and M. R. Hathorne. Oct 77, 140p FRA/OPPD-77/19 Contract DOT-FR-45020 Prepared in cooperation with Grand Trunk Western Railroad Co., Detroit, Mich See also Volume 1, PB-275 591. Descriptors: "Rail transportation, "Freight cars, "Routing, Inventory control, Scheduling, Management planning, Distributing, Posi- tion(Location), Automation, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: RAILS computer program, DMP computer program, "Freight yards, Grand Trunk Western Railroad. This volume documents the dynamic movement predictor (DMP), a railroad simulation model designed to interface with the Grand Trunk's Railroad Automated Identification and Location System (RAILS). A set of procedures detailing how to use the model is presented, validation of the model is discussed, and the construction of the model is documented. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-275 704/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm. A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise Ove Bennerhult, Bjorn Lundqvist, Nils-Ake Nilsson.and Peter Voigt. 1977, 123p" Rept nos. D121977, ISBN-91 -540-2759-4 Document contains some foreign text. Descriptors: "Traffic surveys, "Noise(Sound), "Psychological effects, Thresholds(Perception), Reaction time, Noise pollution, Sweden, Com- puter programs, Ratings. Identifiers: "Traffic noise, "Noise levels, "Fluctuating noise, "Annoyance reaction. This report presents a new method for physical rating of fluctuating noise relevant for the sub- jective annoyance reaction of a population. It is believed that this method has relevance for many noise situations but in this study only noise from road traffic was considered. Hereby recording of nine traffic noise situations and connected subjective annoyance ratings from a previous investigation were used to analyze the new physical measure presented. PB-276 147/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia. Dept. of Civil and Urban Engineering. Transport of Solid Commodities via Freight Pipeline. Volume III. Cost Estimating Methodology. Part A and Part B Final rept. J. A. Warner, E. K. Morlok, K. K. Gimm, and Iraj Zandi. Jul 76, 121 p* DOT/TST-76T/37 Contract DOT-OS-501 19 See also Volume 2, PB-276 146 and Volume 4, PB-276 148. Also available in set of 5 reports PC E1 1 , PB-276 144-SET. Descriptors: "Cargo transportation, "Pipeline transportation, Hydraulic conveyors, Pneu- matic conveyors, Slurries, Cost comparison, Technology assessment, Demand(Economics), Feasibility, Cost estimates, Computer pro- grams. 53 Identifiers: "Freight pipelines, Impact assess- ment, Demand analysis, IBM 370/168 compu- ters. In order to examine the feasibility of an intercity freight pipeline, it was necessary to develop cost equations for various competing transpor- tation modes. This volume presents cost esti- mating equations for rail carload, trailer-on- flatcar, truck, and freight pipeline. Section A presents mathematical equations which ap- proximate the fully allocated and variable costs contained in the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion (ICC) cost tables for rail carload, trailer-on- flatcar (TOFC) and truck common carrier inter- city freight movements. These equations were developed to enable the user to approximate the ICC costs quickly and easily. They should find use in initial studies of costs where exact values are not needed, such as in consideration of rate changes, studies of profitability, and in general inter-modal comparisons. Section B discusses the development of a set of engineer- ing cost equations for pneumo-capsule pipeline. The development was based on an analysis of system components and can readily be extended to other types of pipeline. The model was developed for the purpose of a feasi- bility study. It employs a limited number of generalized parameters and its use is recom- mended when sufficient detailed and specific engineering information is lacking. PB-276 422/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). User Guide to TRANSYT Version 6 D. I. Robertson, and P. Gower. 1977, 107p* Rept no. TRRL-SUPPLEMENTARY-255 Also pub. as ISSN-0305-1315. Descriptors: 'Urban transportation, "Traffic signals, "Traffic engineering, "Computer pro- grams, Intersections, Networks, Mathematical models, Data processing, Fortran, Great Britain. Identifiers: TRANSYT 6 program, Traffic flow. TRANSYT is a method of modelling traffic behavior in a network of urban roads and op- timizing the fixed time settings of the traffic signals. This user guide describes how to prepare data for input to version 6 of the pro- gram and how to interpret the results. An exam- ple is given. (Copyright (c) Crown Copyright 1977.) PB-276 452/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Transport and Road Research Lab., Crowthorne (England). Bus Transyt - A User's Guide J. R. Peirce, and K. Wood. 1977, 23p Rept no. TRRL-SUPPLEMENTARY-266 Also pub. as ISSN-0305-1315. Descriptors: "Urban transportation, "Traffic signals, "Traffic engineering, Computer pro- gramming, Time measurement, Buses(Vehicles), Time lag, Optimization, Great Britain. Identifiers: Bus priority systems, Traffic flow, BUS TRANSYT computer program, Glasgow(England). BUS TRANSYT is a computer program which calculates traffic signal timings that give buses priority in a network of linked fixed-time signals. Buses are modelled separately from other traffic; they follow fixed routes through the network and stop at bus stops. Allowance is made for the variation in running speeds and in the stopped time at bus stops. Buses are given priority by weighting their delay more than the delay to other vehicles when the signal timings are optimized. Approximately two-thirds of the bus benefit comes from optimizing the offsets and one-third from optimizing the green dura- tions. The program is insensitive to errors in the data on bus speeds and stopped time at bus stops. For a full scale test in Glasgow's 95 inter- section network, bus speeds were estimated from 1 man-days's observations and the stopped times at all the bus stops were esti- mated by surveying a sample of 21 stops. The test showed an 8 per cent increase in bus jour- ney speeds over the working day. Delay to other vehicles on bus routes was reduced by 5 per cent but delay off bus routes was increased by 10-20 per cent. Overall delay to other vehicles showed no significant change. (Copyright (c) Crown Copyright 1977.) PB-276 705/1 CP PC A02/MF A01 Franklin Inst. Research Labs., Philadelphia, Pa Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response. Abstract Summary Report Final rept. 26 Jun 75-31 Jan 77 M. M. Reddi, and H. C. Tsai. Feb 77, 25p FIRL-F- C4216-1, DOT-HS-803-208 Contract DOT-HS-5-01180 See also Vol. 1 , PB-276 706. Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Bone fractures, "Collision research, Motor vehicle ac- cidents, Injuries, Dynamic response, Mathe- matical models, Impact tests. Cadavers, Safety belts, Safety devices, Traffic safety. Identifiers: THORAX computer program, Restraining devices, Air bag restraint systems. The general objective of the work is to develop the THORAX program to the point where it has been demonstrated, by favorable comparison with experimental data developed elsewhere, to predict dynamic structural responses and rib fractures for the human cadaver. The work con- sists of a study and selection of techniques to simulate rib fracture, restraint systems and ex- perimental constraints as well as a total of five simulations of actual cadaver experiments con- sisting of three with impactors, one with belt restraints and one with an air bag equipped energy absorbing steering column. Documen- tation of the computer program THORAX is pro- vided. PB-276 706/9CP PC A10/MF A01 Franklin Inst. Research Labs., Philadelphia, Pa. Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response - Theory. Volume I Final rept. 26 Jun 75-31 Jan 77 M. M. Reddi, and H. C. Tsai. Feb 77, 224p FIRL- F-C4216-1-VOI-1, DOT-HS-803-209 Contract DOT-HS-5-01 180 See also Summary report, PB-276 705. Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, "Bone fractures, "Collision research, Motor vehicle ac- cidents. Injuries, Dynamic response, Mathe- matical models, Impact tests. Cadavers, Safety belts, Safety devices, Traffic safety. Identifiers: THORAX computer program, Restraining devices, Air bag restraint systems. Contents: The thorax— biodynamic modeling; Bending moment-curvature relationships- kinematic formulae; Simulation of tests; Simulation of tests involving human cadaves restrained by belts; Simulation of tests involving human cadavers restrained by air bag equipped, energy absorbing steering column. SANO-76-0243 PC A05/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N Mex. RADTRAN: A Computer Code to Analyze Transportation of Radioactive Material J. M. Taylor, and S. L. Daniel. Apr 77, 96p Contract 0EY-76-C-04-07890 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Radioactive materials, Environmental effects, R codes, Transport Identifiers: ERDA/050900, ERDA/990200, ERDA/053000, RADTRAN computer program, "Transportation safety. A computer code is presented which predicts the environmental impact of any specific scheme of radioactive material transportation. Results are presented in terms of annual latent cancer fatalities and annual early fatility proba- bility resulting from exposure, during normal transportation or transport accidents. The code is developed in a generalized format to permit wide application including normal transporta- tion analysis; consideration of alternatives; and detailed consideration of specific sectors of in- dustry. (ERA citation 02:045144) UCID-3771 PC A03/MF A01 California Univ., Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Backup System to Bart Automatic Train Con- trol System Leading to Transbay Crossing. Progress Report, March 1974. D. T. Scalise, and D. M. Evans. Mar 74, 26p Descriptors: "Rapid transit systems, "On-line control systems, Automation, Computer codes, Computers, Corrections, Data processing. Er- rors, Performance, Programming, Trains. Identifiers: ERDA/330300, BART(Bay Area Rapid Transit), Bay area rapid transit. A program was begun to: (1) investigate problems of the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) Automatic Train Control (ATC) system; (2) evaluate tentative corrective strategies; and (3) provide technical evaluations of other system matters. BART ATC problem areas in- clude train detection and collision avoidance resulting from lost occupancy indications. Cor- rective measures, referred to as the Backup System, were developed to add additional memory capability to the ATC for the last de- tected position of all trains. Additional efforts are being made to measure the performance of the ATC and to evaluate the logic equations and the traffic-simulation programs. UCRL-76459 PC A02/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore Lawrence Liver- more Lab. Headway Control Theory of Vehicular Traffic. J. C. Collins, and R. C. Epps. 23 Oct 74, 10p Rept no. OCONF-741001-410 Descriptors: "Automobiles, "Control systems, Algorithms, Behavior, Computer codes, Economics, Efficiency, Fuels, Interactions, Roads, Safety, Simulation, Urban areas. Velocity. For abstract, see NSA31 09, number 25141. 54 SUBJECT INDEX 3D CRASH VICTIM SIMULATION Structural Modification ot the Three Dimensional Crash Victim Simulation (3 DCVS) Software AD-A027 726/9CP ACCELEROMETERS Automotive Recorder Research Disc Recorder Pilot Project Volume II Results of Tests and Evaluation PB-233 961/2CP ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume I Research Report AD-A015 142/3CP Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume II Appendices B-U AD-A018 568/6CP Development of a Computer Program to Aid the Investigation of Highway Accidents PB-208 537/CP Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents Scene Measurement and Data Processing System PB-240 867/2CP Accident Investigation. Vehicle Operational Manual PB-240 868/OCP Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion Volume V-A 3-D Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study PB-242 068/5CP Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigations - Spe- cial Study of Active and Passive Restraint Systems in 1973-1976 Model Year Vehicles Volume 4 Forms, Codebooks, and Computer Pro- grams PB-257 437/4CP CRASH 2 User s Manual PB-262 822/OCP Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents - Further Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program PB-266 930/7CP ACCIDENT PREVENTION Development of Improved Inflation Techniques. Task II PB-240 268/3CP ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION Yielding Barrier Test Data Base A Study of Side Impact Cases in the Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation (MAI) File PB-270 027/6CP ACCIDENTS Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume I. Research Report AD-A015 142/3CP ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS Aircraft Noise Source and Computer Programs - User'S Guide N73-31946/9CP ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES Aircraft Noise Source and Computer Programs - User'S Guide N73-31946/9CP AERODYNAMIC NOISE Semiempirical Airframe Noise Prediction Model and Evaluation with Flight Data. N77-13791/7CP AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Computer Program for an Air Bag Restraint System PB-204 170/CP Development of Improved Inflation Techniques. Task II PB-240 268/3CP AIR CARGO Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model Documentation Volume I Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-200 471/CP AIR CUSHION RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Development of Improved Inflation Techniques. Task II PB-240 268/3CP AIR NAVIGATION Flight Test and Evaluation of omega Navigation in a General Aviation Aircraft Volume 2 appen- dices N76-18095/9CP AIR POLLUTION Airport Vicinity Air Pollution Model User Guide AD-A020 352/1CP Dispersion Simulation Techniques for Assessing the Air Pollution Impacts of Ground Transporta- tion Systems ANL/ES-29 Advanced Automotive Power System Structureed Value Analysis Model PB-209 286/CP Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evalua- tion Phase I PB-210 057/CP Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Ap- pendices Volume III PB-249 911/9CP Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Ap- pendices Volume VII PB-249 913/5CP Additional Traffic Assignment Options for the TASSIM Model PB-251 065/9CP Determination ol Effects of Ambient Conditions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU, TPE 331 Turboprop Volume 2 PB-252 826/3CP Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis PB-268 329/OCP AIR POLLUTION ABATEMENT Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP TASSIM A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model. Volume 1 Case Study of the Boston Region PB-232 933/2CP TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model. Volume II Program User's Guide PB-232 934/OCP TASSIM An Application to Los Angeles PB-238 270/3CP AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Ap- pendices. Volume III PB-249 911/9CP Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 913/5CP AIR POLLUTION EFFECTS (HUMANS) Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 913/5CP AIR QUALITY TASSIM A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model, Volume 1. Case Study of the Boston Region PB-232 933/2CP TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- *Mpn Model. Volume II Program User's Guide PB-232 934/OCP TASSIKV An /.^plication to Los Angeles PB-238 270/3CP AIR QUALITY MAINTENANCE Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis PB-268 329/OCP AIR SPACE National Airspace System. Measuring Air Route Traffic Control Center Computer Utilization AD-A017 492/OCP AIR SURVEILLANCE Target Acquisition Performance of a Satellite Based Multiple Access Surveillance System PB-241 633/7CP AIR TO AIR Accuracy Test of an Air-to-Air Ranging and Bear- ing System AD-A043 392/OCP AIR TRAFFIC Simulation Model for New York Air Traffic Control Communications AD-A006 426/1 CP Technical Report on Airport Capacity and Delay Studies AD-A032 166/1CP En Route Air Traffic Flow Simulation AD-751 929/CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVA. Computer Program Report PB-236 723/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVB. Computer Program Report (Concluded) PB-236 724/1CP AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL General Aviation Air Traffic Pattern Safety Analy- sis N74-13422/2CP Terminal Area Air Traffic Control Simulation N77-27881/0CP Concept for a Satellite-Based Advanced Air Traf- fic Management System Volume IX. System and Subsystem Performance Models PB-234 272/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development Volume IVA Computer Program Report PB-236 723/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVB Computer Program Report (Concluded) PB-236 724/1CP AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL RADAR BEACON SYSTEM Computer-Program for FAA/ATCRBS Tape Reader. Program JASPER I AD-A038 875/1 CP The Impact of a Proposed Active BCAS on ATCRBS Performance in the Washington. D C , 1981 Environment AD-A048 589/6CP AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS Simulation Model for New York Air Traffic Control Communications AD-A006 426/1 CP An Approach for the Design of an Air Traffic Con- trol System AD-A008 795/7CP Statistical Summary of the 1983 Los Angeles En- route Center Standard Traffic Model AD-A009 011/8CP Simulation of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (SOAR) with Application to a Dis- crete Address Beacon System Volume II. Appen- dixes AD-A010 474/5CP Validation of Maximum Airport Throughput Levels Estimated by the DELCAP Simulation Model AD-A0I1 485/OCP Enroute Air Traffic Control Program Software Op- timization Study AD-A015 172/OCP Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance ol ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 242/1 CP Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 243/9CP National Airspace System. Measuring Air Route Traffic Control Center Computer Utilization AD-A017 492/OCP Extendeo: Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System AD-A027 281/5CF OHare Delay Task Force Study Volume III Technical Appendices AD-A030 305/7CP A Computer Program Functional Design of the Simulation Subsystem of an Automated Central Flow Control System AD-A031 148/OCP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume I. Introduction to Specification Series; System Overview AD-A031 165/4CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations Volume V Executive Subsystem Specifi- cation AD-A031 167/OCP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume III. Off-Line Support Subsystem Specification AD-A031 180/3CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume IV Data Base Subsystem Specifi- cations AD-A031 210/8CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations: Volume II Application Program Specifi- cation AD-A031 345/2CP Technical Report on Airport Capacity and Delay Studies AD-A032 166/1 CP 55 SUBJECT INDEX Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A04t 864/OCP Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite Volume II Demonstration of Satellite-Supported Communi- cations and Surveillance for Oceanic Air Traffic Control AD-A042 146/1CP Simulation Model for Air Traffic Control Commu- nications AD-A044 256/6CP Development of a Discrete Address Beacon System AD-A046 580/7CP Automated UHF Frequency Assignment System for FAA Air Traffic Control Communications AD-A047 847/9CP The Impact of a Proposed Active BCAS on ATCRBS Performance in the Washington, D C , 1981 Environment AD-A048 589/6CP En Route Air Traffic Flow Simulation AD-751 929/CP North Atlantic (NAT) Aided Inertial Navigation System Simulation Volume II Computer Program NATNAV Users Manual AD-770 073/5CP Automated Reliability Assessment Program AD-778 935/7CP An Automated FAA Frequency Assignment System AD-779 086/8CP Survey of National Airspace System En Route Re- lated Support and Data Reduction and Analysis Programs AD-779 495/1CP Multilateration/Multipalh Study for Air Traffic Control AD-784 860/9CP Multi-Site Interrogation Scheduling for the Dis- crete Address Beacon System AD-787 231 /OCP Enroute Performance Assurance from User Air- craft Tracks AD-787 454/8CP Target Acquisition Performance of a Satellite Based Multiple Access Surveillance System PB-241 633/7CP AIR TRANSPORTATION ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Volume B AD-A009 432/6CP QUEST A Simulation Model for the Navy OUICKTRANS System User's Manual AD-A020 536/9CP Forecasting Models for Air Freight Demand and Proiection of Cargo Activity at U S. Air Hubs AD-A037 838/OCP Alternative Future Scenarios for the National Aviation System Volume 3 Methods and Data for Projecting the Variables AD-A046 744/9CP MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES VOLUME 2 METHODOLOGY N71-34246/CP MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES VOLUME 3 EXAMPLE N71-34247/CP A Domestic Multi-Modal Goods Distribution Model with Emphasis on Air Cargo N72-21969/CP The Development of a Model for Predicting Pas- senger Acceptance of Short-Haul Air Transporta- tion Systems N77-33148/6CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model Documentation Volume I Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-200 471/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model Documentation Volume V. Final Computer Pro- grams. Book 1 or 2, Chapter 1 PB-202 710/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 5 of 5, Appendix A3 PB-219 779/6CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume I Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-219 780/4CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor s Manual, Book 1 of 5. Sections 1-18 PB-219 781/2CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual. Book 2 of 5. Sections 19-27 PB-219 782/OCP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor s Manual, Book 3 of 5, Sections 28-31 PB 219 783/8CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Computer Program - Source Tape Transmittal PB-219 786/1CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model Program User's Instruc- tion Manual PB-219 788/7CP AIRCRAFT A Study of a Method to Improve the Safety of Air- planes AD-A009 20t/5CP Software Design for a Fatigue Monitoring Data Acquisition System AD-A031 816/2CP Prediction of Light Aircraft Interior Noise N76-20940/2CP AIRCRAFT ANTENNAS Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/OCP AIRCRAFT APPROACH SPACING Terminal Area Air Traffic Control Simulation. N77-27881/0CP AIRCRAFT CABINS Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model Volume I. Basic Mathematical Model AD-A033 682/6CP AIRCRAFT COMPARTMENTS Aircraft Cockpit Vision Math Model. N76-15778/3CP AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATIONS A Computer Program for Fitting Smooth Surfaces to an Aircraft Configuration and Other Three Dimensional Geometries N75-26693/2CP AIRCRAFT DESIGN Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distributed-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design N76-13065/7CP Preliminary Sizing and Performance Evaluation of Supersonic Cruise Aircraft N77-1 1031 /OCP AIRCRAFT ENGINES A Methodology for Estimating the Economic Benefits of an Aircraft Engine Warranty AD-A047 282/9CP Determination of Effects of Ambient Conditions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU. TPE 331 Turboprop Volume 2 PB-252 826/3CP AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Cost Analysis of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) Concepts AD-A023 080/5CP AIRCRAFT FIRES Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model Volume I Basic Mathematical Model AD-A033 682/6CP AIRCRAFT FUELS Examination of the Costs, Benefits and Enery Conservation Aspects of the NASA Aircraft Fuel Conservation Technology Program N77-23007/6CP AIRCRAFT NOISE Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations Computer Program Description AD-A004 821 /5CP Boeing Airplane/Noise Performance Computer Program User's Manual AD-A012 385/1CP Boeing Airplane/Noise Performance Computer Program Programmer's Manual AD-A013 768/7CP Aircraft Noise Definition Phase I Analysis of Ex- isting Data for the DC-8, DC-9 and DC-10 Aircraft AD-A016 278/4CP FAA Integrated Noise Model User's Guide AD-A035 062/9CP FAA Integrated Noise Model Data Base AD-A036 723/5CP Validation of Aircraft Noise Exposure Prediction Procedure AD-A041 674/3CP Further Sensitivity Studies of Community-Aircraft Noise Exposure (NOISEMAP) Prediction Procedures AD-A041 781 /6CP Aircraft Sideline Noise A Technical Review and Analysis of Contemporary Data AD-A042 076/0CP Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures. Volume IV. Computer Applica- tion Procedures AD-786 615/5CP Aircraft Noise Source and Computer Programs - User's Guide N73-31946/9CP Selected Methods for Quantification of Communi- ty Exposure to Aircraft Noise N76-18699/8CP Prediction of Light Aircraft Interior Noise N76-20940/2CP Sonic Boom Research. N76-28962/8CP A New Capability for Predicting Helicopter Rotor and Propeller Noise Including the Effect of For- ward Motion. N77-27876/0CP AIRCRAFT SAFETY System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3) Volume 1 Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP AIRCRAFT SEPARATION An Approach for the Design of an Air Traffic Con- trol System AD-A008 795/7CP AIRCRAFT SOUND DESCRIPTION SYSTEMS Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures. Volume IV. Computer Applica- tion Procedures AD-786 615/5CP AIRCRAFT STABILITY User's Guide to Computer Program Civm-Jet 4B to Calculate the Transient Structural Responses of Partial and/or Complete Structural Rings to Engine-Rotor-Fragment Impact N76-23182/8CP AIRCRAFT TIRES Laboratory Method for Evaluating Effect of Run- way Grooving on Aircraft Tires AD-780 614/4CP AIRCRAFT WAKES Vortex Interactions and Decay in Aircraft Wakes N77-33105/6CP AIRFRAMES Semiempincal Airframe Noise Prediction Model and Evaluation with Flight Data. N77-13791/7CP AIRPORT CAPACITY Validation of Maximum Airport Throughput Levels Estimated by the DELCAP Simulation Model AD-A011 485/OCP AIRPORT CONTROL TOWERS Tower Airport Statistics Handbook Calendar Year 1974 AD-A027 840/8CP AIRPORTS Development of a Structural Design Procedure for Flexible Airport Pavements AD-A019 205/4CP Airport Vicinity Air Pollution Model User Guide AD-A020 352/1 CP Validation of the DELCAP Airport Simulation Model AD-A021 127/6CP The Airport Performance Model AD-A025 262/7CP 56 SUBJECT INDEX BINARY MATRICES Technical Report on Airport Capacity and Delay Studies AD-A032 166/1CP FAA Integrated Noise Model User's Guide AD-A035 062/9CP Validation ot Aircraft Noise Exposure Prediction Procedure AD-A041 674/3CP Further Sensitivity Studies ot Community-Aircraft Noise Exposure (NOISEMAP) Prediction Procedures AD-A041 781/6CP Aircraft Sideline Noise A Technical Review and Analysis of Contemporary Data AD-A042 076/OCP Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures Volume IV Computer Applica- tion Procedures AD-786 615/5CP Airport Noise Reduction Forecast Volume II NEF Computer Program Description and Users Manual PB-239 388/2CP AIRSPACE Terminal Area Air Traffic Control Simulation N77-27881/0CP ALASKA Arctic Marine Commerce Study Volume II: Ap- pendix COM-73-12003/2CP ALGORITHMS NAVSTAR/GPS Navigation Analysis and Algorithm Development Study AD-A034 873/OCP AMBIENT NOISE Users Manual: TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code MOD-04 PB-269 509/6CP ANATOMICAL MODELS A Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Motor Vehicle Crash Victim. Phase I: Develop- ment of the Computer Program PB-204 172/CP ANNOYANCE REACTION A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP ANTENNA ARRAYS A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures AD-A014 643/1CP ANTHROPOMETRY Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat Volume III Com- puter Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle PB-224 700/5CP A Feasibility Study of Impact Surface Pressure Guaging With Dye-Filled Microcapsules PB-225 577/6CP ARCTIC REGIONS Arctic Marine Commerce Study Volume II: Ap- pendix COM-73-12003/2CP ARMY AIRCRAFT Digital Generation of Contour Maps for Raster Scan Display AD-A034 663/5CP ARROW WINGS Arrow-Wing Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Structural Design Concepts Evaluation. Volume 1 Sections 1 Through 6. N76-28219/3CP ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 913/5CP ATMOSPHERIC MOTION Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbu- lence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft AD-A048 603/5CP AUGMENTOR WINGS V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP AUTOMATIC CONTROL Command and Control Studies for Personal Rapid Transit, Program Status. 1974 PB-250 553/5CP An Economic Analysis of Train Control PB-254 226/4CP AUTOMATIC TRACKING Automatic Tracking of Wake Vortices Using Ground-Wind Sensor Data AD-A047 895/8CP AUTOMOBILE BODIES Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Impact Dynamics. Volume 4. Three Dimensional Plastic Hinge Frame Simulation Module PB-229 228/2CP AUTOMOBILE ENGINES Modeling, Analysis, and Evaluation of Rankine Cycle Propulsion Systems Volume II Users Manual PB-209 278/CP Advanced Automotive Power System Structureed Value Analysis Model PB-209 286/CP Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP AUTOMOBILE EXHAUST Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP AUTOMOBILE TIRES HSRI Digital Computer Programs for Semi-Empir- ical Tire Models PB-238 889/OCP Analytic Tire Model. Phase I: The Statically Loaded Toroidal Membrane PB-243 521 /2CP AUTOMOBILE TRANSMISSION Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP AUTOMOBILES Baseline Gas Turbine Development Program Third Quarterly Progress Report COO-2749-T3 Basic Research in Crashworthmess II - Large Deflection Computerized Analysis of Rate Sensi- tive Elasto-Plastic Frame Structures PB-224 319/4CP A Feasibility Study of Impact Surface Pressure Guaging With Dye-Filled Microcapsules PB-225 577/6CP Highway Fuel Consumption Computer Model (Version I) PB-231 880/6CP Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management Volume II Digital Automotive Propulsion Simulator Pro- grams and Description PB-248 777/5CP Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management. Volume III Real-Time (Hybrid Computer) Simulation Pro- gram Set PB-248 778/3CP Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices Volume III PB-249 911/9CP Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 913/5CP User Manual for Air Bag Restraint Program ABAG 19 PB-256 115/7CP Predicting the Limiting Performance of Automo- bile Structural Components Under Crash Condi- tions PB-257 443/2CP The Development of a Classification Scheme for Brake Linings. Volume II PB-264 255/1CP Headway Control Theory of Vehicular Traffic. UCRL-76459 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Rankine Engines. Volume III. Technical Section Appen- dices PB-239 249/6CP Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Rankine Engines Volume IV Engine Design Optimization PB-239 250/4CP Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management Volume II Digital Automotive Propulsion Simulator Pro- grams and Description PB-248 777/5CP Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management Volume III Real-Time (Hybrid Computer) Simulation Pro- gram Set PB-248 778/3CP AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSIONS Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evalua- tion Phase I PB-210 057/CP AVIATION ACCIDENTS Analysis ot U S Navy Aircraft Accident Rates in Major Aviation Commands AD-A031 837/8CP AVIATION SAFETY A Study of a Method to Improve the Safety of Air- planes AD-A009 201 /5CP Dynamics of a Crash Victim - A Finite Segment Model AD-A028 014/9CP Analysis of U S Navy Aircraft Accident Rates in Major Aviation Commands AD-A031 837/8CP Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model Volume I Basic Mathematical Model AD-A033 682/6CP The Impact of a Proposed Active BCAS on ATCRBS Performance in the Washington. D C . 1981 Environment AD-A048 589/6CP Users Manual for ILSLOC Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System AD-768 049/9CP Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces. Volume II Test Data and Description of Refined Program Krash , In- cluding a User's Guide and Sample Case AD-784 192/7CP AVIONICS Cost Analysis of the Airborne Portion of the Dis- crete Address Beacon System Intermittent Posi- tive Control (DABS/IPC) Concept AD-A023 538/2CP AXLES Development of a Program for the Axle-Load Sur- vey Recorder (ALSER) PB-212 506/CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-238 647/2CP BARRIER IMPACTS Car-Barrier Impact Response of a Computer Simulated Mustang PB-213 224/9CP BARRIERS Simulation of Vehicle Impact with the Texas Concrete Median Barrier Volume I Test Com- parisons and Parameter Study PB-220 459/2CP BARRIER VII: A Computer Program for Evaluation of Automobile BARRIER Systems PB-228 786/OCP Development of a New Collapsing Ring Bridge Rail System PB-241 222/9CP Establishment of Interim Standards for Bridge Rails Required to Contain Heavy Vehicles Volume 4 Development of Simplified Input and Flexible Criteria Capabilities for the BARRIER VII Program PB-255 643/9CP Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 1 Ex- ecutive Summary PB-270 109/2CP Concrete Median Barrier Research Volume 2 Research Report PB-270 110/0CP BEARING (DIRECTION) Accuracy Test of an Air-to-Air Ranging and Bear- ing System AD-A043 392/0CP BEHAVIOR A Preview-Predictor Model of Driver Behavior in Emergency Situations PB-196 405/CP BINARY ARITHMETIC Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP BINARY MATRICES Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP 57 SUBJECT INDEX BIODYNAMICS Occupant Model for Human Motion AD-A005 789/3CP BIRD STRIKES Numerical Analyses of Soft Body Impacts on Rigid and Deformable Targets AD-A040 030/9CP BLOWN FLAPS V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP V/STOL Noise Prediction and Reduction AD-774 794/2CP BOATING ACCIDENTS Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume I Research Report AD-A015 142/3CP Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume II Appendices B-U AD-A018 568/6CP BOATS Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume I Research Report AD-A015 142/3CP Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume II Appendices B-U AD-A018 568/6CP BOEING 720 AIRCRAFT Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Impact Using the Linear Elastic Finite Element Codes Finel. Sap, and Stardyne N76-21596/1CP BONE FRACTURES Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response Abstract Summary Report PB-276 705/1CP Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response - Theory Volume I PB-276 706/9CP BOOMLESS SUPERSONIC FLIGHT Test and Evaluation of a Real-Time Simulated Transcontinental Supersonic Boomless Flight System Volume I Main Text and Appendix A AD-A014 965/8CP BPCU COMPUTER PROGRAM Vehicle Detection Phase III Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development Volume II, Part II Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP BRACES MIT. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension Final Project Report PB-220 877/5CP MIT. Test Section Instrumentation Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- kei-North Extension Addendum to Final Project Report PB-220 878/3CP BRAKE DRUMS Modified Articulated Vehicle Simulation PB-266 963/8CP BRAKE LININGS The Development of a Classification Scheme for Brake Linings Volume II PB-264 255/1CP BRAKES (MOTION ARRESTERS) Tire-Pavement Interface Variability Volume II. Technical Report PB-272 289/OCP BUOYANCY Investigation of the Performance of Personal Flotation Devices AD-A017 101/7CP BUS LINES RUCUS (Run Cutting and Scheduling) Implemen- tation Manual PB-247 754/5CP BUS PRIORITY SYSTEMS Development of UTCS (Urban Traffic Control System) Signal Timing Patterns with Bus Priority PB-263 645/4CP BUSES (VEHICLES) Service. Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System PB-249 058/9CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description Volume II Invento- ry System PB-249 059/7CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description Volume III Repair Cost System PB-249 060/5CP Development of a Unitized School Bus Volume III Appendices PB-258 421/7CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual Volume I. Functional Descrip- tion and Flow Charts PB-273 430/9CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual Volume II Variable Definitions, Algorithm and Off-line Software Descriptions PB-273 431/7CP CALIFORNIA Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway PB-212 298/CP CANADA A Domestic Multi-Modal Goods Distribution Model with Emphasis on Air Cargo N72-21969/CP CANALS Frequency-Response Analysis of Automated Canals PB-274 528/9CP CANARD CONFIGURATION A Study of a Method to Improve the Safety of Air- planes AD-A009 201 /5CP CAR FOLLOWING An Investigation of the Car-Following Model using Continuous System Model Program (CSMP) Techniques PB-204 001 /CP CAR POOLS Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Pro- grams in Certain Metropolitan Areas PB-232 921/7CP CARGO Forecasting Models for Air Freight Demand and Projection of Cargo Activity at U. S Air Hubs AD-A037 838/OCP Forecast of Revenue Freight Carried by Rail in Texas to 1990 PB-261 320/6CP CARGO AIRCRAFT Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distnbuted-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design. N76-13065/7CP CARGO TRANSPORTATION A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation PB-241 743/4CP Machine-Readable Mapping from National Net- work Simulation (NNS) Zones to Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Areas PB-251 412/3CP A National Network Data Base System PB-274 629/5CP Transport of Solid Commodities via Freight Pipeline. Volume III Cost Estimating Methodolo- gy Part A and Part B PB-276 147/6CP CASKS IMPAC2 A Lumped-Mass Nonlinear Spring Com- puter Program to Analyze Type B Shipping Con- tainer Impact Problems LA-6643-MS CASUALTIES An Improved Three Dimensional Computer Simu- lation of Vehicle Crash Victims Volume III Users Manual PB-241 694/9CP CATALYTIC REACTORS (EXHAUST SYSTEMS) Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices Volume III PB-249 911/9CP CATNAP COMPUTER PROGRAM Computer Code for Transportation Network Design and Analysis PB-270 674/5CP CESSNA 172 AIRCRAFT Improvements in Aircraft Extraction Programs. N77-13043/3CP CHEMICAL HAZARDS RESPONSE INFORMATION SYSTEM Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) AD-A034 655/1CP CHEMICALS Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) AD-A034 655/1 CP CHRIS (CHEMICAL HAZARDS RESPONSE INFORMATION SYSTEM) Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) AD-A034 655/1 CP CITIES Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems Study. Re- port of Phase O Volume 1 : Executive Summary N77-24980/3CP CIVIL AVIATION The Airport Performance Model AD-A025 262/7CP FAA Integrated Noise Model Data Base AD-A036 723/5CP General Aviation Dynamics An Extension of the Cost Impact Study to Include Dynamic Interac- tions in the Forecasting of General Aviation Ac- tivity Volume III Planning Guide AD-A039 911/3CP CLAY SOILS MIT Test Section Instrumentation Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension Final Project Report PB-220 877/5CP CLAYS SOILS MIT Test Section Instrumentation Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Haymar- ket-North Extension Addendum to Final Project Report PB-220 878/3CP COAL HANDLING Unit Train Transportation of Coal Appendix E PB-248 846/8CP COCKPITS The Use of Opaque Louvres and Shields to Reduce Reflections within the Cockpit Computer Programs for Two Approaches to the Problem AD-A018 468/9CP COLLECTION Routing of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles Ap- pendix A: Manual for Use of the Computer Codes PB-239 898/0CP COLLISION AVOIDANCE An Approach for the Design of an Air Traffic Con- trol System AD-A008 795/7CP Cost Analysis of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) Concepts AD-A023 080/5CP COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEMS Cost Analysis of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) Concepts AD-A023 080/5CP COLLISION RESEARCH Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat Volume III Com- puter Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle PB-224 700/5CP Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Impact Dynamics Volume 4. Three Dimensional Plastic Hinge Frame Simulation Module PB-229 228/2CP A Fortran Program for Grade Crossing Collisions Studies Using Computer Graphics PB-232 368/1CP Predicting the Limiting Performance of Automo- bile Structural Components Under Crash Condi- tions PB-257 443/2CP Validation Command Language PB-263 466/5CP Yielding-Barrier Test Data Base-Refinement of Damage Data Tables in the CRASH Program PB-265 065/3CP Vehicle Design Optimization System User Manual PB-269 304/2CP Prometheus 2 - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics PB-269 305/9CP Yielding Barrier Test Data Base A Study of Side Impact Cases in the Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation (MAI) File PB-270 027/6CP Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation Volume I Summary Report, Test Results and Theory PB-272 044/9CP 58 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTER PROGRAMS Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume III Users' Guide for UMVCS-1 PB-272 425/OCP Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response Abstract Summary Report PB-276 705/1CP Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response - Theory Volume I PB-276 706/9CP COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT Commercial Aircraft Noise Definition - L-1011 Tristar. Volume V-Computer Programmer's Manual AD-A012 375/2CP Aircraft Noise Definition. Phase I Analysis of Ex- isting Data for the DC-8. DC-9 and DC-10 Aircraft AD-A016 278/4CP Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Impact Using the Linear Elastic Finite Element Codes Finel, Sap, and Stardyne. N76-21596/1CP COMMERCIAL AVIATION Technical Report on Airport Capacity and Delay Studies AD-A032 166/1CP Collision Risk and Economic Benefit Analysis of Composite Separation for the Central East Pacific Track System AD-A044 317/6CP Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Impact Using the Linear Elastic Finite Element Codes Finel, Sap, and Stardyne. N76-21 596/1 CP COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION Arctic Marine Commerce Study Volume II: Ap- pendix COM-73-12003/2CP COMMUNICATION AND RADIO SYSTEMS Simulation Model for Air Traffic Control Commu- nications AD-A044 256/6CP Automated UHF Frequency Assignment System for FAA Air Traffic Control Communications AD-A047 847/9CP COMMUNICATION SATELLITES Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/OCP Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume II. Demonstration of Satellite-Supported Communi- cations and Surveillance for Oceanic Air Traffic Control AD-A042 146/1CP COMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC Modeling the Service Ouality of Consolidated Coast Guard 500 kHz Operations COM-75-10795/3CP COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach PB-243 133/6CP Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple-Vehicle Single Span Systems PB-249 353/4CP COMPUTER APPLICATIONS National Airspace System Measuring Air Route Traffic Control Center Computer Utilization AD-A017 492/OCP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations: Volume II Application Program Specifi- cation AD-A031 345/2CP COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Extended Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System AD-A027 281 /5CP COMPUTER CODES IMPAC2: A Lumped-Mass Nonlinear Spring Com- puter Program to Analyze Type B Shipping Con- tainer Impact Problems LA-6643-MS RADTRAN: A Computer Code to Analyze Trans- portation of Radioactive Material SAND-76-0243 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Occupant Model for Human Motion AD-A005 789/3CP COMPUTER PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION Extended Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System AD-A027 281 /5CP Structural Modification of the 'Three Dimensional Crash Victim Simulation' (3 DCVS) Software AD-A027 726/9CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development Volume II Part 1 Appendixes A, B, and C-Com- puter Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Boeing Airplane/Noise Performance Computer Program User's Manual AD-A012 385/1 CP Boeing Airplane/Noise Performance Computer Program Programmer's Manual AD-A013 768/7CP Enroute Air Traffic Control Program Software Op- timization Study AD-A015 172/0CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations: Volume II Application Program Specifi- cation AD-A031 345/2CP Software Design for a Fatigue Monitoring Data Acquisition System AD-A031 816/2CP A Report on Software Functional Variability AD-A048 303/2CP A Computer Program for Fitting Smooth Surfaces to an Aircraft Configuration and Other Three Dimensional Geometries. N75-26693/2CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume I Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-200 471 /CP Development of a Program for the Axle-Load Sur- vey Recorder (ALSER) PB-212 506/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume I Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-219 780/4CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual. Book 1 of 5, Sections 1-18 PB-219 781/2CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 2 of 5, Sections 19-27 PB-219 782/0CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual. Book 3 of 5. Sections 28-31 PB-219 783/8CP TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Manual PB-224 084/4CP TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Mag Tape PB-224 085/1CP Urban Traffic Control System and Bus Priority System (UTCS/BPS) Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP). Software Description PB-241 870/5CP DYNALIST II A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume III Technical Report Addendum PB-258 193/2CP DYNALIST II A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume IV Revised User's Manual PB-258 194/0CP Validation Command Language PB-263 466/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures, Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures PB-264 056/3CP Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents - Further Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program PB-266 930/7CP Models of Railroad Passenger-Car Requirements in the Northeast Corridor Volume II: User's Guide PB-268 870/3CP User Documentation for the Metropolitan Accessi- bility Program (MAP) PB-269 239/OCP Vehicle Design Optimization System User Manual PB-269 304/2CP Computer Code for Transportation Network Design and Analysis PB-270 674/5CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual Volume I Functional Descrip- tion and Flow Charts PB-273 430/9CP COMPUTER PROGRAMS Methods for Predicting the Aerodynamic and Sta- bility and Control Characteristics of STOL Air- craft. Volume II STOL Aerodynamic Methods Computer Program AD-A001 581 /8CP National Airspace System Measuring Air Route Traffic Control Center Computer Utilization AD-A017 492/OCP Processing Instrument Approach for Microwave Landing System Implementation AD-A019 762/4CP Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP Extended Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System AD-A027 281 /5CP Structural Modification of the Three Dimensional Crash Victim Simulation' (3 DCVS) Software AD-A027 726/9CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume I. Introduction to Specification Series; System Overview AD-A031 165/4CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume V. Executive Subsystem Specifi- cation AD-A031 167/OCP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume III Off-Line Support Subsystem Specification AD-A031 180/3CP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume IV. Data Base Subsystem Specifi- cations AD-A031 210/8CP Computer-Program for FAA/ATCRBS Tape Reader. Program JASPER I AD-A038 875/1 CP Geometric Performance of Pseudoranging Navigation Satellite Systems A Computer Pro- gram AD-A043 744/2CP User's Manual for ILSLOC: Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System AD-768 049/9CP North Atlantic (NAT) Aided Inertial Navigation System Simulation. Volume II. Computer Program NATNAV User's Manual AD-770 073/5CP Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP Aircraft Noise Source and Computer Programs - User S Guide N73-31946/9CP Airline Return-on-lnvestment Model for Technolo- gy Evaluation N74-26413/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts Directivity Index Program N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP 59 SUBJECT INDEX Refinement and Validation of Two Digital Microwave Landing System (Mis) Theoretical Models. N75-29066/8CP Optimization and Sensitivity Studies of Flight- Path Trajectories. N75-32121/6CP Prediction of Light Aircraft Interior Noise. N76-20940/2CP Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Impact Using the Linear Elastic Finite Element Codes Finel. Sap. and Stardyne. N76-21596/1CP Advanced Multilateration Theory, Software Development, and Data Processing: The Microdot System N76-33586/8CP Improvements in Aircraft Extraction Programs. N77-13043/3CP A Computer Program for Estimating Costs of Hard Rock Tunnelling (Cohart) PB-193 272/CP Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume V Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 1 or 2, Chapter 1 PB-202 710/CP Computer Program for an Air Bag Restraint System PB-204 170/CP A Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Motor Vehicle Crash Victim Phase I: Develop- ment of the Computer Program PB-204 172/CP Modeling, Analysis, and Evaluation of Rankine Cycle Propulsion Systems. Volume II. Users Manual PB-209 278/CP A General Purpose Computer Program for the Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle-Guideway Interac- tions PB-214 399/8CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 5 of 5, Appendix A3 PB-219 779/6CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model Computer Program - Source Tape Transmittal PB-219 786/1CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Program User's Instruc- tion Manual PB-219 788/7CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume II PB-220 868/4CP Highway Fuel Consumption Computer Model (Version I) PB-231 880/6CP Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Pro- grams in Certain Metropolitan Areas PB-232 921/7CP Introduction to the Application of the Dynalist Computer Program to the Analysis of Rail Systems Dynamics PB-235 361 /3CP Determination of Effects of Ambient Conditions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU, TPE 331 Turboprop. Volume 2 PB-252 826/3CP ManAGement of Traffic Operations Computer System (MAGTOP). User's Manual - Sample Input and Output PB-258 349/OCP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-262 434/4CP CRASH 2 User's Manual PB-262 822/OCP Predicting the Braking Performance of Trucks and Tractor-Trailers PB-263 216/4CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program Volume I Over- view Description; Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines PB-264 054/8CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development Volume II Part 1. Appendixes A, B. and C-Com- puter Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP Vehicle Detection Phase III Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part II Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP Users Manual TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code MOD-04 PB-269 509/6CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume II. Variable Definitions, Algorithm and Off-line Software Descriptions PB-273 431/7CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-274 293/OCP Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida PB-275 050/3CP Safety Status Data Collection Methodology Volume VI Computer Documentation PB-275 482/8CP User Guide to TRANSYT Version 6 PB-276 422/3CP COMPUTER SOFTWARE Extended Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System AD-A027 281 /5CP Structural Modification of the Three Dimensional Crash Victim Simulation' (3 DCVS) Software AD-A027 726/9CP COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION Simulation of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (SOAR) with Application to a Dis- crete Address Beacon System Volume II Appen- dixes AD-A010 474/5CP Airport Vicinity Air Pollution Model User Guide AD-A020 352/1CP QUEST A Simulation Model for the Navy QUICKTRANS System User's Manual AD-A020 536/9CP Multipath Parameter Computations for the MLS Simulation Computer Program AD-A024 350/1CP O Hare Delay Task Force Study. Volume III Technical Appendices AD-A030 305/7CP A Computer Program Functional Design of the Simulation Subsystem of an Automated Central Flow Control System AD-A031 148/OCP Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume I Introduction to Specification Series; System Overview AD-A031 165/4CP Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model. Volume I Basic Mathematical Model AD-A033 682/6CP Emergency Evacuation Computer Simulation - Program Description and User's Guide AD-A036 055/2CP Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water: An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP Simulation Model for Air Traffic Control Commu- nications AD-A044 256/6CP Car-Barrier Impact Response of a Computer Simulated Mustang PB-213 224/9CP User's Manual for the Prediction of Road Traffic Noise Computer Program PB-213 295/0CP Single Track System Concepts Study PB-222 055/6CP Highway Fuel Consumption Computer Model (Version I) PB-231 880/6CP TASSIM A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model. Volume II. Program User's Guide PB-232 934/OCP Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit PB-239 825/3CP An Improved Three Dimensional Computer Simu- lation of Vehicle Crash Victims Volume III Users Manual PB-241 694/9CP Feasibility of an Exclusive Bus/Car Pool Lane on New Jersey Route 3. Volume I PB-242 737/5CP Comparison of Variable and Fixed Routes for De- mand Actuated Transportation Systems PB-252 888/3CP PINTS PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION: Optimal Estimation and Control of Dynamic Systems Con- strained by Stochastic Demands Actuated Net- works PB-252 889/1CP Yielding-Barrier Test Data Base-Refinement of Damage Data Tables in the CRASH Program PB-265 065/3CP Prometheus 2 - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics PB-269 305/9CP Yielding Barrier Test Data Base A Study of Side Impact Cases in the Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation (MAI) File PB-270 027/6CP Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation Volume I: Summary Report, Test Results and Theory PB-272 044/9CP Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation, Volume III. Users' Guide for UMVCS-1 PB-272 425/0CP Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida PB-275 050/3CP Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response Abstract Summary Report PB-276 705/1CP Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response - Theory. Volume I PB-276 706/9CP CONCORDE AIRCRAFT A Comparison of Flight Loads Counting Methods and Their Effects on Fatigue Life Estimates Using Data from Concorde N75-19227/8CP CONICAL NOZZLES Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation Volume IV Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report AD-A041 819/4CP CONSTRAINING Development of Improved Inflation Techniques, Task II PB-240 268/3CP CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Systems Analysis of Rapid Transit Underground Construction. Volume II Sections 6-9 and Appen- dixes PB-275 568/4CP CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Development of a Structural Design Procedure for Flexible Airport Pavements AD-A019 205/4CP CONTAINERIZING Data Analysis Techniques for a Containerized Ex- port Cargo Transportation System AD-783 869/1CP CONTROL CENTERS National Airspace System. Measuring Air Route Traffic Control Center Computer Utilization AD-A017 492/OCP CONTROL EQUIPMENT Accumulative Probability Model for Automated Network Traffic Analyses PB-218 460/4CP Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles Volume II Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP CONTROL SYSTEMS Headway Control Theory of Vehicular Traffic. UCRL-76459 CONVERGENT DIVERGENT NOZZLES Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation Volume IV Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report AD-A041 819/4CP COORDINATION Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Pro- grams in Certain Metropolitan Areas PB-232 921/7CP CORE STORAGE Extended Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System AD-A027 281/5CP 60 SUBJECT INDEX ECONOMIC FACTORS COST ANALYSIS Cost Analysis of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) Concepts AD-A023 080/5CP System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 1: Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2 3) Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP Examination of the Costs. Benefits and Enery Conservation Aspects of the NASA Aircraft Fuel Conservation Technology Program. N77-23007/6CP The Potential for Helicopter Passenger Service in Major Urban Areas. N77-27087/4CP COST BENEFITS A Methodology for Estimating the Economic Benefits of an Aircraft Engine Warranty AD-A047 282/9CP COST MODELS Gravity Assisted Mass Transit PB-253 416/2CP COSTS A Computer Program for Estimating Costs of Hard Rock Tunnelling (Cohart) PB-193 272/CP Program Cards for a Computer Program for Esti- mating Costs of Hard Rock Tunneling (COHART) PB-201 834/CP CRASH INJURIES Structural Modification of the Three Dimensional Crash Victim Simulation' (3 DCVS) Software AD-A027 726/9CP Dynamics of a Crash Victim - A Finite Segment Model AD-A028 014/9CP CRASH RESISTANCE Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces. Volume II Test Data and Description of Refined Program 'Krash', In- cluding a User's Guide and Sample Case AD-784 192/7CP CRASH TESTS Yielding-Barrier Test Data Base-Refinement of Damage Data Tables in the CRASH Program PB-265 065/3CP CRASH VICTIMS A Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Motor Vehicle Crash Victim. Phase I: Develop- ment of the Computer Program PB-204 172/CP CRASHWORTHINESS Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces. Volume II Test Data and Description of Refined Program Krash'. In- cluding a User's Guide and Sample Case AD-784 192/7CP Development of a Computer Simulation Program for Collinear Car/Car and Car/Barrier Collisions PB-220 342/OCP Basic Research in Crashworthiness II - Large Deflection Computerized Analysis of Rate Sensi- tive Elasto-Plastic Frame Structures PB-224 319/4CP CROSSINGS Computation of Dynamic Loads at Grade Crossings: A User's Manual of the Computer Pro- gram PB-259 673/2CP CURVATURE Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP DATA ACQUISITION Software Design for a Fatigue Monitoring Data Acquisition System AD-A031 816/2CP A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation PB-241 743/4CP DATA BASES Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II. Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures; Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures PB-264 056/3CP DATA ENTRY Data Entry Aboard Ship - DEAS Breadboard System Documentation AD-A031 610/9CP DATA LINKS Software for an Experimental Air-Ground Data Link. Volume III Program Listings AD-A019 964/6CP DATA PROCESSING The Airport Performance Model AD-A025 262/7CP Development of a Computer Program to Aid the Investigation of Highway Accidents PB-208 537/CP New Intersection Study Development Techniques PB-213 279/3CP System Performance Data Processing for a De- mand-Responsive Public Transportation System PB-248 921/9CP Safety Status Data Collection Methodology Volume VI. Computer Documentation PB-275 482/8CP DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS The Computer Center of the Gorkovskaya Rail- road (RR) is Solving Major Problems AD-727 914/CP DATA PROCESSING TERMINALS Data Entry Aboard Ship - DEAS Breadboard System Documentation AD-A031 610/9CP DATA REDUCTION Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume II. Demonstration of Satellite-Supported Communi- cations and Surveillance for Oceanic Air Traffic Control AD-A042 146/1CP DECOMPOSITION METHOD Computer Code for Transportation Network Design and Analysis PB-270 674/5CP DEFOGGING AND DEFROSTING SYSTEMS ADSYM: A Fortran Model of an Automobile Defog/Defrost System AD-743 776/CP DEMAND RESPONSIVE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS System Performance Data Processing for a De- mand-Responsive Public Transportation System PB-248 921/9CP DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Sealift Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III. Defense Implications. Volume III Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP Data Analysis Techniques for a Containerized Ex- port Cargo Transportation System AD-783 869/1CP DESIGN HPMPH: a Digital Computer Program for Com- puter-Aided Design AD-724 622/CP DESIGN ENGINEERING Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- cle ESDU-75021 DIFKIN COMPUTER PROGRAM Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis PB-268 329/OCP DIFKIN PHOTOCHEMICAL MODELS Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis PB-268 329/OCP DIGITAL SIMULATION Refinement and Validation of Two Digital Microwave Landing System (Mis) Theoretical Models. N75-29066/8CP Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Program User's Manual. Addendum PB-242 907/4CP DISCRETE ADDRESS BEACON SYSTEMS Cost Analysis of the Airborne Portion of the Dis- crete Address Beacon System Intermittent Posi- tive Control (DABS/IPC) Concept AD-A023 538/2CP Development of a Discrete Address Beacon System AD-A046 580/7CP The Impact of a Proposed Active BCAS on ATCRBS Performance in the Washington. D. C, 1981 Environment AD-A048 589/6CP DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT Multilateration/Multipath Study for Air Traffic Control AD-784 860/9CP DISTRIBUTING Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distributed-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design. N76-13065/7CP DIVIDED HIGHWAYS A Mathematical Model for Evaluating Priority Lane Operations on Freeways. PB-195 177/CP DOORS Performance Requirements for Doors. Door Retaining Devices and Adjacent Structures. PB-193 379/CP DOPPLER NAVIGATION Program Requirements for Short Count In- tegrated Doppler Satellite Navigation Solution AD-786 976/1CP DUCTED FANS Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unhanged Ducts Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP DYNAMIC BRAKING Predicting the Braking Performance of Trucks and Tractor-Trailers PB-263 216/4CP The Development of a Classification Scheme for Brake Linings. Volume II PB-264 255/1CP DYNAMIC RESPONSE Linda 1: A Program System for Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Railway Vehicles Linda 1 - Ein Program msystem Zur Untersuchung des Dynamischen Verhaltens von Schienenfahrzeu- gen. N77-18782/1CP DYNALIST II, A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume I. Technical Report PB-256 046/4CP DYNALIST II: A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume II. User's Manual PB-257 733/6CP DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume III. Technical Report Addendum PB-258 193/2CP DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume IV. Revised User's Manual PB-258 194/OCP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-262 434/4CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-274 293/OCP DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Dynamic Stability and Stress Analysis of Alterna- tive Guideways for Levitation Vehicles PB-233 643/6CP Finite Element Analysis of a Railway Track Sup- port System. Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program PB-262 988/9CP ECONOMIC FACTORS Airline Return-on-lnvestment Model for Technolo- gy Evaluation N74-26413/6CP 61 SUBJECT INDEX ECONOMICS Alternative Future Scenarios for the National Aviation System Volume 3. Methods and Data lor Projecting the Variables AD-A046 744/9CP ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES Electric Vehicle Research. Development and Technology-Foreign AD-A036 458/8CP Electric Vehicle Research, Development, and Technology-Foreign AD-A040 526/6CP ELECTRIC CARS WABCO Data Acquisition System. AC Propulsion Project PB-223 898/8CP ELECTRIC DRIVE VEHICLES HPMPH: a Digital Computer Program for Com- puter-Aided Design AD-724 622/CP ELECTRIC DRIVES The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP ELECTRIC PROPULSION Electric Vehicle Research. Development and Technology - Foreign AD-A011 129/4CP ELEVATED GUIDEWAYS Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume I - Analysis. PB-194 137/CP Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways Volume II - Computer Program PB-194 138/CP Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP ELEVATED RAILROADS Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume I - Analysis. PB-194 137/CP Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume II - Computer Program. PB-194 138/CP Noise Prediction Models for Elevated Rail Transit Structures PB-244 509/6CP EMERGENCY SERVICES Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway PB-212 298/CP EN ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVA. Computer Program Report PB-236 723/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVB Computer Program Report (Concluded) PB-236 724/1CP ENERGY ABSORPTION Development of a New Collapsing Ring Bridge Rail System PB-241 222/9CP ENERGY CONSERVATION Examination of the Costs, Benefits and Enery Conservation Aspects of the NASA Aircraft Fuel Conservation Technology Program. N77-23007/6CP ENERGY DISSIPATION Vortex Interactions and Decay in Aircraft Wakes. N77-33105/6CP ENGINE INLETS Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP ENGINEERING DESIGN DATA Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- cle ESDU-75021 ENROUTE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL Enroute Performance Assurance from User Air- craft Tracks AD-787 454/8CP ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Dispersion Simulation Techniques for Assessing the Air Pollution Impacts of Ground Transporta- tion Systems. ANL/ES-29 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Single Track System Concepts Study PB-222 055/6CP Subway Environmental Design Handbook Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES) Part 1. User's Manual PB-254 789/1CP Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 2. Programmer's Manual PB-254 790/9CP ENVIRONMENTS Single Track System Concepts Study PB-222 055/6CP ESCAPE SYSTEMS SENDS Escape Alert System Development Pro- gram. Phase II - Aircraft/Aircrew Analysis. Phase III - Aircraft Computer Program AD-A016 271/9CP EVACUATION Emergency Evacuation Computer Simulation - Program Description and User's Guide AD-A036 055/2CP EXHAUST EMISSIONS Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume III PB-249 911/9CP Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 913/5CP Determination of Effects of Ambient Conditions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU. TPE 331 Turboprop. Volume 2 PB-252 826/3CP EXHAUST GASES Advanced Automotive Power System Structureed Value Analysis Model PB-209 286/CP Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP EXPOSURE TIME Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures. Volume IV. Computer Applica- tion Procedures AD-786 615/5CP EXTRACTION Improvements in Aircraft Extraction Programs. N77-13043/3CP F-8 AIRCRAFT Improvements in Aircraft Extraction Programs. N77-13043/3CP FAN BLADES Numerical Analyses of Soft Body Impacts on Rigid and Deformable Targets AD-A040 030/9CP FATIGUE LIFE A Comparison of Flight Loads Counting Methods and Their Effects on Fatigue Life Estimates Using Data from Concorde. N75-19227/8CP FATIGUE (MECHANICS) Software Design for a Fatigue Monitoring Data Acquisition System AD-A031 816/2CP FAULT TOLERANT COMPUTING A Report on Software Functional Variability AD-A048 303/2CP FIRE SAFETY Development of a Computer Program for Model- ing the Heai Effects on a Railroad Tank Car PB-241 365/6CP FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS Methods for Predicting the Aerodynamic and Sta- bility and Control Characteristics of STOL Air- craft. Volume II STOL Aerodynamic Methods Computer Program AD-A001 581/8CP FLIGHT PATHS Collision Risk and Economic Benefit Analysis of Composite Separation for the Central East Pacific Track System AD-A044 317/6CP Optimization and Sensitivity Studies of Flight- Path Trajectories. N75-32121/6CP FLIGHT RECORDERS Microcomputer Based Solid State Crash Data Recorder for Military Aircraft AD-A038 617/7CP FLIGHT SIMULATORS Program Documentation for the DAIS Triple Task Experiment Program AD-A024 101/8CP FLOATS Investigation of the Performance of Personal Flotation Devices AD-A017 101/7CP FLOW GEOMETRY Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP FLUCTUATING NOISE A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP FLYWHEELS Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP FORECASTING General Aviation Dynamics. An Extension of the Cost Impact Study to Include Dynamic Interac- tions in the Forecasting of General Aviation Ac- tivity. Volume III Planning Guide AD-A039 911/3CP Alternative Future Scenarios for the National Aviation System. Volume 3 Methods and Data for Projecting the Variables AD-A046 744/9CP Forecast of Revenue Freight Carried by Rail in Texas to 1990 PB-261 320/6CP FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY Electric Vehicle Research, Development and Technology - Foreign AD-A011 129/4CP Electric Vehicle Research, Development and Tech no logy- Foreign AD-A036 458/8CP Electric Vehicle Research, Development, and Technology-Fo reign AD-A040 526/6CP FORKLIFT VEHICLES Economic Comparison of Four Electric Power Sources for Forklift Trucks AD-A006 479/OCP FRACTURE STRENGTH Breaking Strength of the Human Skull vs Impact Surface Curvature PB-233 041 /3CP FREEWAY MERGING PROCESS Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida PB-275 050/3CP FREEWAY RAMP CONTROL Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida PB-275 050/3CP FREEWAYS A Mathematical Model for Evaluating Priority Lane Operations on Freeways PB-195 177/CP The Development of a Digital Simulator for the Analysis of Freeway Traffic Phenomena PB-200 998/CP Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway PB-212 298/CP Description of Sperry Traffic Analysis and Research (STAR) Simulation Program Diversion of Intercity Traffic at a Single Point PB-255 802/1CP Development and Testing of INTRAS. a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model Volume I. Pro- gram Design and Parameter Calibration PB-258 994/3CP Development and Testing of INTRAS. a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model Volume II Freeway Micro-Simulation Component Model Development PB-258 995/OCP Development and Testing of Incident Detection Algorithms. Volume 4. Program Documentation for Evaluation, Calibration and Implementation PB-259 239/2CP Simulation of Freeway Priority Strategies (FREQ3CP) PB-259 750/8CP Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida PB-275 050/3CP 62 SUBJECT INDEX HIGHWAYS FREIGHT CARS Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System Volume 1: New Procedures for Making Tactical Operations Planning Decision PB-275 591 /6CP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System Volume 2 DMP Technical Documentation PB-275 592/4CP FREIGHT PIPELINES Transport of Solid Commodities via Freight Pipeline. Volume III. Cost Estimating Methodolo- gy Part A and Part B PB-276 147/6CP FREIGHT YARDS Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System Volume 1: New Procedures for Making Tactical Operations Planning Decision PB-275 591 /6CP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System Volume 2: DMP Technical Documentation PB-275 592/4CP FREQUENCY ALLOCATION Probabilistic Interference Prediction Model-Com- puter Programs AD-A011 453/8CP Automated UHF Frequency Assignment System for FAA Air Traffic Control Communications AD-A047 847/9CP An Automated FAA Frequency Assignment System AD-779 086/8CP FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics Volume I Technical Report PB-259 287/1CP Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics Volume II. Appendixes PB-259 288/9CP FRICTION Tire-Pavement Interface Variability. Volume II. Technical Report PB-272 289/OCP FUEL CONSUMPTION Examination of the Costs. Benefits and Enery Conservation Aspects of the NASA Aircraft Fuel Conservation Technology Program N77-23007/6CP Highway Fuel Consumption Computer Model (Version I) PB-231 880/6CP FUEL ECONOMY Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management. Volume II. Digital Automotive Propulsion Simulator Pro- grams and Description PB-248 777/5CP Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management Volume III Real-Time (Hybrid Computer) Simulation Pro- gram Set PB-248 778/3CP GAS ANALYSIS Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices Volume III PB-249 911/9CP GAS FLOW Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water: An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP GAS TURBINES Numerical Analyses of Soft Body Impacts on Rigid and Deformable Targets AD-A040 030/9CP Baseline Gas Turbine Development Program Third Quarterly Progress Report COO-2749-T3 GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT General Aviation Dynamics An Extension of the Cost Impact Study to Include Dynamic Interac- tions in the Forecasting of General Aviation Ac- tivity. Volume III. Planning Guide AD-A039 911/3CP General Aviation Air Traffic Pattern Safety Analy- N74-13422/2CP GLARE The Use of Opaque Louvres and Shields to Reduce Reflections within the Cockpit Computer Programs tor Two Approaches to the Problem AD-A018 468/9CP GLIDE PATH SYSTEMS A Guide tor the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures AD-A014 643/1CP A Computer Study and Site Analysis of the Buf- falo, New York Runway 23 Glideslope Site AD-A044 615/3CP GLIDE SLOPE ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Volume B AD-A009 432/6CP ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Multipath Scattering AD-A035 298/9CP A Computer Study and Site Analysis of the Buf- falo, New York Runway 23 Glideslope Site AD-A044 615/3CP GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM NAVSTAR/GPS Navigation Analysis and Algorithm Development Study AD-A034 873/OCP Geometric Performance of Pseudoranging Navigation Satellite Systems: A Computer Pro- gram AD-A043 744/2CP Global Positioning System (GPS) Part I Volume B User Segment System Analysis Report AD-921 753/OCP Global Positioning System (GPS), Part I Volume C. Control Segment Systems Analysis Report AD-921 754/8CP GRAVITATION Gravity Assisted Mass Transit PB-253 416/2CP GROOVING Laboratory Method for Evaluating Effect of Run- way Grooving on Aircraft Tires AD-780 614/4CP GROUND EFFECT MACHINES Dynamic Interactions Between Moving Loads and Their Support Structures, with Applications to Air Cushion Vehicle-Guideway Design PB-205 325/CP Dynamic Stability and Stress Analyses of Alterna- tive Guideways for Levitation Vehicles PB-233 643/6CP Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II. Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP GROUND VEHICLES Electric Vehicle Research, Development and Technology - Foreign AD-A011 129/4CP Electric Vehicle Research, Development and Technology-Foreign AD-A036 458/8CP Electric Vehicle Research, Development, and Technology-Foreign AD-A040 526/6CP GUARANTEES A Methodology for Estimating the Economic Benefits of an Aircraft Engine Warranty AD-A047 282/9CP GUIDEWAY TRANSPORTATION Gravity Assisted Mass Transit PB-253 416/2CP GUIDEWAYS Dynamic Interactions Between Moving Loads and Their Support Structures, with Applications to Air Cushion Vehicle-Guideway Design PB-205 325/CP Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV) Repulsion Scheme. Volume III Ap- pendix G 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics Multiple-Vehicle Single Span Systems PB-249 353/4CP Experiments in Guideway - Levitation Vehicle In- teraction Dynamics PB-257 941/5CP The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP A Comparison of LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathematically Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data PB-261 921/1CP HADDONFIELD (NEW JERSEY) System Performance Data Processing for a De- mand-Responsive Public Transportation System PB-248 921/9CP HANDBOOKS Subway Environmental Design Handbook Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES) Part 1. User's Manual PB-254 789/1CP Subway Environmental Design Handbook Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 2. Programmer's Manual PB-254 790/9CP HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Development of a Computer Program for Model- ing the Heat Effects on a Railroad Tank Car PB-241 365/6CP HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPILLS Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion trom Catastrophic Spills Onto Water An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) AD-A034 655/1 CP HEADLAMPS Three-Beam Headlight Evaluation PB-221 614/1CP Further Development of a Computer Simulation to Predict the Visibility Distance Provided by Headlamp Beams PB-257 909/2CP HELICOPTERS Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces. Volume II. Test Data and Description of Refined Program Krash', In- cluding a User's Guide and Sample Case AD-784 192/7CP The Potential for Helicopter Passenger Service in Major Urban Areas. N77-27087/4CP A Computer Program for the Identification of Helicopter Impulsive Noise Sources. N77-27879/4CP HIGH SPEED GROUND TRANSPORTATION Supporting Studies for Hsgt System Report (Tvs). PB-193 145/CP HIGHWAY BRIDGES Development of a New Collapsing Ring Bridge Rail System PB-241 222/9CP Establishment of Interim Standards for Bridge Rails Required to Contain Heavy Vehicles. Volume 4. Development of Simplified Input and Flexible Criteria Capabilities for the BARRIER VII Program PB-255 643/9CP HIGHWAY PLANNING Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway PB-212 298/CP Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation PB-241 743/4CP HIGHWAYS MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES VOLUME 2 METHODOLOGY N71-34246/CP MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES VOLUME 3 EXAMPLE N71-34247/CP Computation of Dynamic Loads at Grade Crossings: A User's Manual of the Computer Pro- gram PB-259 673/2CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976 Volume 1. Users Manual PB-267 401 /8CP 63 SUBJECT INDEX Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976 Volume 2. Programmers Manual PB-267 402/6CP Highway-Vehicle-Ob|ect Simulation Model-1976. Volume 3. Engineering Manual-Analysis PB-267 403/4CP Highway-Vehicle-Ob|ect Simulation Model-1976. Volume 4. Engineering Manual Validation PB-267 404/2CP Users Manual: TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code MOD-04 PB-269 509/6CP Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 1. Ex- ecutive Summary PB-270 109/2CP Concrete Median Barrier Research Volume 2. Research Report PB-270 110/OCP HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING The Use of Opague Louvres and Shields to Reduce Reflections within the Cockpit: Computer Programs for Two Approaches to the Problem AD-A018 468/9CP Selected Methods for Quantification of Communi- ty Exposure to Aircraft Noise. N76-18699/8CP HUMANS The Development and Demonstration of an Auto- matic Passenger Counter. Volume II. PB-193 906/CP HYBRIO SIMULATION Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-262 434/4CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-274 293/OCP HYBRID VEHICULAR PROPULSION Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evalua- tion Phase I PB-210 057/CP Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP HYDROMECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evalua- tion. Phase I PB 210 057/CP ICE NAVIGATION Saint Lawrence Seaway System Plan for Ail-Year Navigation. Appendix B Seaway Simulation PB-251 530/2CP Great Lakes Winter Navigation Technical and Economic Analyses. Volume II. Computer Pro- gram Documentation and User Instructions PB-270 984/8CP Great Lakes Winter Navigation Technical and Economic Analyses. Annex: Methods of Evalua- tion and Computer Program PB-270 988/9CP IMPAC2 COMPUTER PROGRAM IMPAC2: A Lumped-Mass Nonlinear Spring Com- puter Program to Analyze Type B Shipping Con- tainer Impact Problems LA-6643-MS IMPACT PREDICTION Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Impact Using the Linear Elastic Finite Element Codes Finel, Sap. and Stardyne N76-21596/1CP IMPACT STRENGTH Breaking Strength of the Human Skull vs Impact Surface Curvature PB-233 041/3CP IMPACT TESTS A Feasibility Study of Impact Surface Pressure Guaging With Dye-Filled Microcapsules PB-225 577/6CP BARRIER VII: A Computer Program for Evaluation of Automobile BARRIER Systems PB-228 786/OCP Modeling. Simulation and Verification of Impact Dynamics Volume 4 Three Dimensional Plastic Hinge Frame Simulation Module PB-229 228/2CP IMPULSE GENERATORS A Computer Program for the Identification of Helicopter Impulsive Noise Sources. N77-27879/4CP INERTIAL NAVIGATION North Atlantic (NAT) Aided Inertial Navigation System Simulation Volume II. Computer Program NATNAV Users Manual AD-770 073/5CP INFORMATION CENTERS Executive Summary: New York City Pilots Auto- matic Telephone Weather Answering Service (PATWAS) Test AD-A046 755/5CP INFORMATION RETRIEVAL A Vessel Inspection Information System AD-A047 165/6CP INFORMATION SYSTEMS Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) AD-A034 655/1CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description. Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System PB-249 058/9CP Service. Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description Volume II Invento- ry System PB-249 059/7CP Service. Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description Volume III: Repair Cost System PB-249 060/5CP A National Network Data Base System PB-274 629/5CP INJURIES A Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Motor Vehicle Crash Victim. Phase I: Develop- ment of the Computer Program PB-204 172/CP INJURY SEVERITY INDEX Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion. Volume V-A 3-D Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study PB-242 068/5CP INLAND WATERWAYS An Analytical Model to Predict Ship Transit Capacities of Sea-Level Canals AD-728 096/CP INLET FLOW Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP INSPECTION A Vessel Inspection Information System AD-A047 165/6CP Safety Status Data Collection Methodology Volume VI Computer Documentation PB-275 482/8CP INSTRUCTION MANUALS Users Manual for ILSLOC: Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System AD-768 049/9CP INSTRUMENT LANDINGS ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction. Volume B AD-A009 432/6CP A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Freguency and Two Freguency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures AD-A014 643/1CP ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Multipath Scattering AD-A035 298/9CP User's Manual for ILSLOC: Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System AD-768 049/9CP INTERACTIONS Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction AD-783 425/2CP INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS Program Documentation for the DAIS Triple Task Experiment Program AD-A024 101/8CP INTERCHANGES A Report on the Users Manual for Diamond In- terchange Signalization--Passer III PB-275 061/0CP INTERCITY TRANSPORTATION MODELS Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Program User's Instruc- tion Manual PB-219 788/7CP INTERCITY TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 5 of 5. Appendix A3 PB-219 779/6CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume I. Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-219 780/4CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual. Book 1 of 5. Sections 1-18 PB-219 781/2CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 2 of 5, Sections 19-27 PB-219 782/OCP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 3 of 5, Sections 28-31 PB-219 783/8CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model Computer Program - Source Tape Transmittal PB-219 786/1CP INTERNATIONAL TRADE Arctic Marine Commerce Study Volume II: Ap- pendix COM-73-12003/2CP INTERROGATION Multi-Site Interrogation Scheduling for the Dis- crete Address Beacon System AD-787 231/0CP INTERSECTIONS Development of New Intersection Study Technigues PB-213 279/3CP INVENTORY CONTROL Service, Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System PB-249 058/9CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description Volume II: Invento- ry System PB-249 059/7CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description Volume III Repair Cost System PB-249 060/5CP JET AIRCRAFT Aircraft Noise Definition Phase I Analysis of Ex- isting Data for the DC-8, DC-9 and DC-10 Aircraft AD-A016 278/4CP JET AIRCRAFT NOISE Acoustic Radiation from Lined. Unflanged Ducts Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts Duct Termination Impedance Program N75-28851/4CP JET ENGINE NOISE Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation Volume IV Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report AD-A041 819/4CP JET PLANE NOISE Commercial Aircraft Noise Definition - L-1011 Tristar. Volume V-Computer Programmer's Manual AD-A012 375/2CP V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP V/STOL Noise Prediction and Reduction AD-774 794/2CP JET TRANSPORT PLANES Commercial Aircraft Noise Definition - L-1011 Tristar Volume V-Computer Programmers Manual AD-A012 375/2CP Collection of Commercial Aircraft Characteristics for Study of Runway Roughness AD-A042 623/9CP KINEMATICS Analytical and Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Wheel/Rail Geometric Constraints PB-252 290/2CP 64 SUBJECT INDEX MICROWAVE LANDING SYSTEMS KRASH COMPUTER PROGRAM Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces Volume II Test Data and Description of Refined Program Krash', In- cluding a Users Guide and Sample Case AD-784 192/7CP LANDING AIDS Microwave Landing System (MLS) Development Plan as Proposed by Texas Instruments, Inc. Dur- ing the Technique Analysis and Contract Defini- tion Phase of the National MLS Development Pro- gram. Volume VI Appendixes E3 through E11 AD-A003 379/5CP Utilizing Facilities Master File Data for Microwave Landing System Implementation AD-A003 818/2CP User's Manual for ILSLOC: Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System AD-768 049/9CP Microwave Landing System Integration Study. Volume III Appendices AD-775 724/8CP LANDING FIELDS O'Hare Delay Task Force Study Volume III. Technical Appendices AD-A030 305/7CP LAW (JURISPRUDENCE) Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems Study. Re- port of Phase O Volume 1: Executive Summary N77-24980/3CP LIFE JACKETS Investigation of the Performance of Personal Flotation Devices AD-A017 101/7CP LIMIT DESIGN METHODS Predicting the Limiting Performance of Automo- bile Structural Components Under Crash Condi- tions PB-257 443/2CP LIMITED ACCESS HIGHWAYS Feasibility of an Exclusive Bus/Car Pool Lane on New Jersey Route 3 Volume I PB-242 737/5CP LINEAR INDUCTION MOTOR RESEARCH VEHICLES A Comparison of LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathematically Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data PB-261 921/1CP LINEAR INDUCTION MOTORS Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP Experiments in Guideway - Levitation Vehicle In- teraction Dynamics PB-257 941/5CP LINEAR PROGRAMMING Synchronous Longitudinal Guidance (SLG) Allo- cation Algorithm Effectiveness Study PB-203 499/CP LINEAR SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water. An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP LOADING OPERATIONS Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distributed-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design. N76-13065/7CP LOADS (FORCES) A Comparison of Flight Loads Counting Methods and Their Effects on Fatigue Life Estimates Using Data from Concorde N75-19227/8CP LOCAL GOVERNMENT Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module, Release Number One PB-242 408/3CP Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module, Release No. 1 PB-243 456/1 CP LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Data Analysis Techniques for a Containerized Ex- port Cargo Transportation System AD-783 869/1 CP LOGISTICS PLANNING Data Analysis Techniques for a Containerized Ex- port Cargo Transportation System AD-783 869/1CP LORAN The Distress Alerting and Locating System (DALS) Summary of Development and Documen- tation AD-A042 860/7CP LOS ANGELES (CALIFORNIA) TASSIM: An Application to Los Angeles PB-238 270/3CP LOW FREQUENCIES Prediction of Light Aircraft Interior Noise N76-20940/2CP MAGNETIC LEVITATION Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III Ap- pendix G 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP MAGNETICALLY LEVITATED VEHICLES Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP MAINTENANCE Optimal Scheduling of Bus Maintenance PB-238 575/5CP MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT A Study of Replacement Policy for Commercial Pattern Vehicles AD-A017 627/1CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System PB-249 058/9CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description Volume II: Invento- ry System PB-249 059/7CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description Volume III: Repair Cost System PB-249 060/5CP MAN MACHINE SYSTEMS Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems Study. Re- port of Phase O Volume 1: Executive Summary. N77-24980/3CP MANAGEMENT Optimal Scheduling of Bus Maintenance PB-238 575/5CP MANAGEMENT PLANNING Additional Traffic Assignment Options for the TASSIM Model PB-251 065/9CP MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND CONTROL Enroute Air Traffic Control Program Software Op- timization Study AD-A015 172/OCP MANUALS DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume IV. Revised User's Manual PB-258 194/OCP ManAGement of Traffic Operations Computer System (MAGTOP). User's Manual - Sample Input and Output PB-258 349/OCP MAP COMPUTER PROGRAM User Documentation for the Metropolitan Accessi- bility Program (MAP) PB-269 239/OCP MAPPING Machine-Readable Mapping from National Net- work Simulation (NNS) Zones to Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Areas PB-251 412/3CP MARINE TRANSPORTATION Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water: An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP Data Analysis Techniques for a Containerized Ex- port Cargo Transportation System AD-783 869/1 CP Arctic Marine Commerce Study. Volume II: Ap- pendix COM-73-12003/2CP MASS TRANSPORTATION Optimal Design of Transportation Networks with Fluctuating Demands A Case in Multicommodity Networks Flows PB-221 164/7CP MATHEMATICAL MODELS Multipath Parameter Computations for the MLS Simulation Computer Program AD-A024 350/1 CP Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model Volume I Basic Mathematical Model AD-A033 682/6CP Aircraft Cockpit Vision: Math Model N76-15778/3CP Computer Program for an Air Bag Restraint System PB-204 170/CP Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis PB-268 329/OCP MATRICES (MATHEMATICS) Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP MECHANICAL FASTENERS Performance Requirements for Doors, Door Retaining Devices and Adjacent Structures PB-193 379/CP MECHANICAL GUIDES Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple-Vehicle Single Span Systems PB-249 353/4CP Experiments in Guideway - Levitation Vehicle In- teraction Dynamics PB-257 941 /5CP MEDIAN BARRIERS Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 1. Ex- ecutive Summary PB-270 109/2CP Concrete Median Barrier Research Volume 2 Research Report PB-270 110/0CP MERCHANT SHIPS Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Technical and Economic Analyses. Volume II Computer Pro- gram Documentation and User Instructions PB-270 984/8CP Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Technical and Economic Analyses. Annex: Methods of Evalua- tion and Computer Program PB-270 988/9CP MERCHANT VESSELS A Vessel Inspection Information System AD-A047 165/6CP Sealift Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III Defense Implications Volume III. Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP METEOROLOGICAL RADAR Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbu- lence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft AD-A048 603/5CP MICROCOMPUTERS Microcomputer Based Solid State Crash Data Recorder for Military Aircraft AD-A038 617/7CP MICROPROCESSORS Data Entry Aboard Ship - DEAS Breadboard System Documentation AD-A031 610/9CP MICROWAVE LANDING SYSTEMS Microwave Landing System (MLS) Development Plan as Proposed by Texas Instruments, Inc Dur- ing the Technique Analysis and Contract Defini- tion Phase of the National MLS Development Pro- gram. Volume VI. Appendixes E3 through E11 AD-A003 379/5CP Utilizing Facilities Master File Data for Microwave Landing System Implementation AD-A003 818/2CP Combining Data for MLS Implementation Applica- tions AD-A018 850/8CP Processing Instrument Approach for Microwave Landing System Implementation AD-A019 762/4CP Multipath Parameter Computations for the MLS Simulation Computer Program AD-A024 350/1 CP 65 SUBJECT INDEX Microwave Landing System Integration Study. Volume III Appendices AD-775 724/8CP Retinement and Validation of Two Digital Microwave Landing System (Mis) Theoretical Models. N75-29066/8CP MILITARY TRANSPORTATION Sealift Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III. Defense Implications. Volume III. Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP MILITARY VEHICLES A Procedure for the Statistical Analysis of Vehicu- lar Noise Emission Spectra for Limited Samples AD-A025 981 /2CP MINICOMPUTERS A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation PB-241 743/4CP MINORITY GROUPS Evaluating Transit Service to Minorities PB-253 041/8CP MISSION PLANNING System Cost/Perlormance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 1: Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP MOTOR TRUCKS Predicting the Braking Performance of Trucks and Tractor-Trailers PB-263 216/4CP MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS PROMETHEUS - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics AD-A004 656/5CP Occupant Model for Human Motion AD-A005 789/3CP A Preview-Predictor Model of Driver Behavior in Emergency Situations. PB-196 405/CP A Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Motor Vehicle Crash Victim. Phase I: Develop- ment of the Computer Program PB-204 172/CP Development of a Computer Program to Aid the Investigation of Highway Accidents PB-208 537/CP Computer Program Effectiveness Model PB-209 073/CP Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway PB-212 298/CP Car-Barrier Impact Response of a Computer Simulated Mustang PB-213 224/9CP Development of a Computer Simulation Program for Collinear Car/Car and Car/Barrier Collisions PB-220 342/OCP Simulation of Vehicle Impact with the Texas Concrete Median Barrier Volume I. Test Com- parisons and Parameter Study PB-220 459/2CP HSRI Two-Dimensional Crash Victim Simulator: Analysis, Verification, and Users' Manual. Revi- sion No. 1 PB-222 394/9CP A Fortran Program for Grade Crossing Collisions Studies Using Computer Graphics PB-232 368/1CP Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents. Scene Measurement and Data Processing System PB-240 867/2CP Accident Investigation. Vehicle Operational Manual PB-240 868/OCP An Improved Three Dimensional Computer Simu- lation of Vehicle Crash Victims. Volume III. Users Manual PB-241 694/9CP Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Com- puter Program Part I, Analytical Reconstruction of Highway Accidents PB-252 114/4CP Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Com- puter Program Part II, User's Manual for the Crash Computer PB-252 115/1CP Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Com- puter Program Part III, Evaluation of the Accuracy of Reconstruction Techniques for Highway Ac- cidents PB-252 116/9CP Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigations - Spe- cial Study of Active and Passive Restraint Systems in 1973-1976 Model Year Vehicles. Volume 4. Forms. Codebooks. and Computer Pro- grams PB-257 437/4CP CRASH 2 User's Manual PB-262 822/OCP Validation Command Language PB-263 466/5CP Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents - Further Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program PB-266 930/7CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 1. Users Manual PB-267 401 /8CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 2. Programmers Manual PB-267 402/6CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 3. Engineering Manual-Analysis PB-267 403/4CP Highway- Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 4. Engineering Manual. Validation PB-267 404/2CP Prometheus 2 - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics PB-269 305/9CP Yielding Barrier Test Data Base. A Study of Side Impact Cases in the Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation (MAI) File PB-270 027 /6CP Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 1. Ex- ecutive Summary PB-270 109/2CP Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 2. Research Report PB-270 110/0CP Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume I: Summary Report, Test Results and Theory PB-272 044/9CP Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume III. Users' Guide for UMVCS-1 PB-272 425/OCP MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATORS Occupant Model for Human Motion AD-A005 789/3CP A Preview-Predictor Model of Driver Behavior in Emergency Situations. PB-196 405/CP An Investigation of the Car-Following Model using Continuous System Model Program (CSMP) Techniques PB-204 001 /CP HSRI Two-Dimensional Crash Victim Simulator: Analysis. Verification, and Users' Manual. Revi- sion No. 1 PB-222 394/9CP Data Analysis for Driver Performance Studies. Volume I. PDP-8 Data Acquisition System for Driver Simulation Laboratories PB-250 772/1CP Data Analysis for Driver Performance Studies. Volume II. A Computer Program for Analysis of Eye Movement Patterns PB-250 826/5CP MOTOR VEHICLES Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evalua- tion. Phase I PB-210 057/CP Flywheel Drive Systems Study PB-213 342/9CP BARRIER VII: A Computer Program for Evaluation of Automobile BARRIER Systems PB-228 786/OCP Development of Improved Inflation Techniques. Task II PB-240 268/3CP Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion. Volume V-A 3-D. Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study PB-242 068/5CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-262 434/4CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 1. Users Manual PB-267 401/8CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 2. Programmers Manual PB-267 402/6CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 3. Engineering Manual-Analysis PB-267 403/4CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 4. Engineering Manual. Validation PB-267 404/2CP Vehicle Design Optimization System User Manual PB-269 304/2CP Noise Measurements. Second Interim Report 1974-1975 PB-270 990/5CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-274 293/OCP Safety Status Data Collection Methodology Volume VI. Computer Documentation PB-275 482/8CP MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat. Volume III. Com- puter Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle PB-224 700/5CP MOTORCYCLES Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat Volume III. Com- puter Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle PB-224 700/5CP MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-231 865/7CP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-246 187/9CP MULTIPATH TRANSMISSION Multipath Parameter Computations for the MLS Simulation Computer Program AD-A024 350/1 CP ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Multipath Scattering AD-A035 298/9CP NATIONAL DRIVER REGISTER National Driver Register Study of Alternatives PB-227 003/1 CP NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Alternative Future Scenarios for the National Aviation System. Volume 3. Methods and Data for Projecting the Variables AD-A046 744/9CP NAVAL AIRCRAFT SENDS Escape Alert System Development Pro- gram. Phase II - Aircraft/Aircrew Analysis. Phase III - Aircraft Computer Program AD-A016 271/9CP NAVIGATION Computer Error Analysis of Tropospheric Effects for the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System AD-A017 183/5CP NAVSTAR/GPS Navigation Analysis and Algorithm Development Study AD-A034 873/OCP Saint Lawrence Seaway System Plan for All-Year Navigation. Appendix B. Seaway Simulation PB-251 530/2CP NAVIGATION CHARTS Digital Generation of Contour Maps for Raster Scan Display AD-A034 663/5CP NAVIGATION SATELLITES Geometric Performance of Pseudoranging Navigation Satellite Systems: A Computer Pro- gram AD-A043 744/2CP Continuous Whole-Earth Coverage by Circular- Orbit Satellite Patterns AD-A044 593/2 CP Program Requirements for Short Count In- tegrated Doppler Satellite Navigation Solution AD-786 976/1 CP Global Positioning System (GPS). Part I. Volume B. User Segment System Analysis Report AD-921 753/0CP Global Positioning System (GPS), Part I. Volume C. Control Segment Systems Analysis Report AD-921 754/8CP 66 SUBJECT INDEX PFD (PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES) NAVIGATIONAL AIDS The Distress Alerting and Locating System (DALS) Summary of Development and Documen- tation AD-A042 860/7CP Enroute Performance Assurance from User Air- craft Tracks AD-787 454/8CP NAVSTAR NAVIGATION SYSTEM NAVSTAR/GPS Navigation Analysis and Algorithm Development Study AD-A034 873/OCP NETWORK FLOWS Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System PB-207 268/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System Appendix I. Program Manual PB-207 269/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System. Appendix II. Subroutine Documenta- tion and Storage Arrays PB-207 270/CP Optimal Design of Transportation Networks with Fluctuating Demands. A Case in Multicommodity Networks Flows PB-221 t64/7CP NOISE EXPOSURE Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures. Volume IV. Computer Applica- tion Procedures AD-786 615/5CP NOISE LEVELS Commercial Aircraft Noise Definition - L-1011 Tristar. Volume V-Computer Programmer's Manual AD-A012 375/2CP Aircraft Noise Definition. Phase I. Analysis of Ex- isting Data for the DC-8. DC-9 and DC-10 Aircraft AD-A016 278/4CP Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures Volume IV. Computer Applica- tion Procedures AD-786 615/5CP Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- cle ESDU-75021 Users Manual: TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code: MOD-04 PB-269 509/6CP Noise Measurements. Second Interim Report 1974-1975 PB-270 990/5CP A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP NOISE MEASUREMENT A Computer Program for the Identification of Helicopter Impulsive Noise Sources. N77-27879/4CP NOISE POLLUTION Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations: Computer Program Description AD-A004 821 /5CP A Procedure for the Statistical Analysis of Vehicu- lar Noise Emission Spectra for Limited Samples AD-A025 981 /2CP V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP Validation of Aircraft Noise Exposure Prediction Procedure AD-A041 674/3CP Further Sensitivity Studies of Community-Aircraft Noise Exposure (NOISEMAP) Prediction Procedures AD-A041 781 /6CP Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume IV. Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report AD-A041 819/4CP A New Capability for Predicting Helicopter Rotor and Propeller Noise Including the Effect of For- ward Motion. N77-27876/0CP Noise Prediction Models for Elevated Rail Transit Structures PB-244 509/6CP NOISE REDUCTION V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP Airport Noise Reduction Forecast. Volume II. NEF Computer Program Description and User's Manual PB-239 388/2CP NOISE (SOUND) A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP NOISE SOURCES V/STOL Noise Prediction and Reduction AD-774 794/2CP NOISE TOLERANCE Selected Methods for Quantification of Communi- ty Exposure to Aircraft Noise N76-18699/8CP NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTS Feasibility of Flaw Detection in Railroad Wheels Using Acoustic Signatures PB-263 248/7CP NORTHEAST REGION (UNITED STATES) Northeast Corridor High Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Project Task 4. Scenario Development and System Simulation PB-245 132/6CP OCEAN SURVEILLANCE Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP OMEGA NAVIGATION The Distress Alerting and Locating System (DALS). Summary of Development and Documen- tation AD-A042 860/7CP Numerical Mapping Methods to Reduce OMEGA Propagation Correction Tabulations PB-247 481 /5CP OMEGA NAVIGATION SYSTEM Flight Test and Evaluation of omega Navigation in a General Aviation Aircraft. Volume 2: appen- dices. N76-18095/9CP ON-LINE CONTROL SYSTEMS Backup System to Bart Automatic Train Control System Leading to Transbay Crossing. Progress Report, March 1974. UCID-3771 OPERATIONS RESEARCH MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES. VOLUME 2 METHODOLOGY N71-34246/CP MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES. VOLUME 3 EXAMPLE N71-34247/CP OPTICAL MEASUREMENT Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents. Scene Measurement and Data Processing System PB-240 867/2CP Accident Investigation Vehicle Operational Manual PB-240 868/OCP OPTIMIZATION Optimization and Sensitivity Studies of Flight- Path Trajectories. N75-32121/6CP ORBITAL POSITION ESTIMATION Advanced Multilateration Theory. Software Development, and Data Processing: The Microdot System. N76-33586/8CP PASSENGER AIRCRAFT Airline Return-on-lnvestment Model for Technolo- gy Evaluation. N74-26413/6CP The Potential for Helicopter Passenger Service in Major Urban Areas. N77-27087/4CP PASSENGER COUNTERS The Development and Demonstration of an Auto- matic Passenger Counter. Volume II. PB-193 906/CP PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION Accumulative Probability Model for Automated Network Traffic Analyses PB-218 460/4CP Northeast Corridor High Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Project Task 4 Scenario Development and System Simulation PB-245 132/6CP Models ol Railroad Passenger-Car Requirements in the Northeast Corridor Volume II: User's Guide PB-268 870/3CP A National Network Data Base System PB-274 629/5CP PASSENGER VEHICLES ADSYM: A Fortran Model of an Automobile Defog/Defrost System AD-743 776/CP Performance Requirements lor Doors, Door Retaining Devices and Adjacent Structures. PB-193 379/CP A Mathematical Model lor Evaluating Priority Lane Operations on Freeways. PB-195 177/CP Computer Program for an Air Bag Restraint System PB-204 170/CP Development of a Computer Simulation Program for Collinear Car/Car and Car/Barrier Collisions PB-220 342/OCP Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility PB-221 978/OCP Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Pro- grams in Certain Metropolitan Areas PB-232 921/7CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-238 647/2CP PATTERNS Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP PAVEMENTS Development of a Structural Design Procedure for Flexible Airport Pavements AD-A019 205/4CP Collection of Commercial Aircraft Characteristics for Study of Runway Roughness AD-A042 623/9CP Computer Program for the Prediction of Aircraft Response to Runway Roughness. Volume II. User's Manual AD-786 490/3CP Tire-Pavement Interface Variability. Volume II. Technical Report PB-272 289/OCP PEDESTRIAN INJURIES Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion. Volume V-A 3-D. Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study PB-242 068/5CP PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion. Volume V-A 3-D. Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study PB-242 068/5CP PERFORMANCE PREDICTION A Domestic Multi-Modal Goods Distribution Model with Emphasis on Air Cargo N72-21969/CP Semiempirical Airframe Noise Prediction Model and Evaluation with Flight Data. N77-13791/7CP PERFORMANCE TESTS System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2 3). Volume 1: Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP A Computer Model of Steady-State and Transient Traction Forces and Aligning Moment Developed by Pneumatic Tires PB-241 755/8CP PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES Investigation of the Performance of Personal Flotation Devices AD-A017 101/7CP PERSONAL RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEMS Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit PB-239 825/3CP PFD (PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES) Investigation of the Performance of Personal Flotation Devices AD-A017 101/7CP 67 SUBJECT INDEX PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Development of New Intersection Study Techniques PB-213 279/3CP PILOT PERFORMANCE Aircraft Cockpit Vision: Math Model. N76-15778/3CP PILOTS Analysis of U.S. Navy Aircraft Accident Rates in Major Aviation Commands AD-A031 837/8CP PIPE FLOW Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach PB-243 133/6CP PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION Transport of Solid Commodities via Freight Pipeline. Volume III. Cost Estimating Methodolo- gy. Part A and Part B PB-276 147/6CP PIPES (TUBES) Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach PB-243 133/6CP PLANNING Alternative Future Scenarios for the National Aviation System. Volume 3. Methods and Data for Projecting the Variables AD-A046 744/9CP PLASTIC DEFORMATION Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Impact Dynamics. Volume 4. Three Dimensional Plastic Hinge Frame Simulation Module PB-229 228/2CP PREDICTION ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Prediction of Light Aircraft Interior Noise. N76-20940/2CP PRESSURE GRADIENTS Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- cle ESDU-75021 PRESSURE SENSORS A Feasibility Study of Impact Surface Pressure Guaging With Dye-Filled Microcapsules PB-225 577/6CP PROCUREMENT Sealift Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III. Defense Implications. Volume III. Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP PROGRAMMING (COMPUTERS) Uses of Ices in DOT. PB-191 531/CP PROGRAMMING MANUALS Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System. Appendix I Program Manual PB-207 269/CP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-231 865/7CP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-246 187/9CP PROPELLERS A New Capability for Predicting Helicopter Rotor and Propeller Noise Including the Effect of For- ward Motion. N77-27876/0CP PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP PUNCHED CARDS Program Cards for a Computer Program for Esti- mating Costs of Hard Rock Tunneling (COHART) PB-201 834/CP PUNCHED TAPE READERS Development of a Program for the Axle-Load Sur- vey Recorder (ALSER) PB-212 506/CP QUEST COMPUTER PROGRAM QUEST: A Simulation Model for the Navy OUICKTRANS System Users Manual AD-A020 536/9CP OUICKTRANS SYSTEM QUEST: A Simulation Model for the Navy OUICKTRANS System User's Manual AD-A020 536/9CP RADAR BEACONS Simulation of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (SOAR) with Application to a Dis- crete Address Beacon System. Volume II Appen- dixes AD-A010 474/5CP Development of a Discrete Address Beacon System AD-A046 580/7CP Multi-Site Interrogation Scheduling for the Dis- crete Address Beacon System AD-787 231 /OCP RADIO COMMUNICATION Modeling the Service Quality of Consolidated Coast Guard 500 kHz Operations COM-75-10795/3CP RADIO NAVIGATION Global Positioning System (GPS). Part I. Volume B User Segment System Analysis Report AD-921 753/OCP Global Positioning System (GPS). Part I. Volume C Control Segment Systems Analysis Report AD-921 754/8CP Numerical Mapping Methods to Reduce OMEGA Propagation Correction Tabulations PB-247 481 /5CP RADIO TRANSMISSION Numerical Mapping Methods to Reduce OMEGA Propagation Correction Tabulations PB-247 481 /5CP RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS IMPAC2: A Lumped-Mass Nonlinear Spring Com- puter Program to Analyze Type B Shipping Con- tainer Impact Problems LA-6643-MS RADTRAN: A Computer Code to Analyze Trans- portation of Radioactive Material SAND-76-0243 RADIOFREQUENCY INTERFERENCE Probabilistic Interference Prediction Model-Com- puter Programs AD-A011 453/8CP RAIL TRANSPORTATION MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES. VOLUME 2 METHODOLOGY N71-34246/CP MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES. VOLUME 3 EXAMPLE N71-34247/CP Linda 1: A Program System for Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Railway Vehicles Linda 1 - Ein Programmsystem Zur Untersuchung des Dynamischen Verhaltens von Schienenfahrzeu- gen. N77-18782/1CP Dynamic Interactions Between Moving Loads and Their Support Structures, with Applications to Air Cushion Vehicle-Guideway Design PB-205 325/CP Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility PB-221 978/OCP Unit Train Transportation of Coal. Appendix E PB-248 846/8CP Forecast of Revenue Freight Carried by Rail in Texas to 1990 PB-261 320/6CP Models of Railroad Passenger-Car Requirements in the Northeast Corridor. Volume II: User's Guide PB-268 870/3CP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 1: New Procedures for Making Tactical Operations Planning Decision PB-275 591 /6CP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 2: DMP Technical Documentation PB-275 592/4CP RAILROAD CARS Dynamic Analysis of Multiple Car Vehicles Using Component Modes. Volume I. analysis. PB-193 545/CP WABCO Data Acquisition System. AC Propulsion Project PB-223 898/8CP Development of a Computer Program for Model- ing the Heat Effects on a Railroad Tank Car PB-241 365/6CP Analytical and Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Wheel/Rail Geometric Constraints PB-252 290/2CP DYNALIST II, A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume I. Technical Report PB-256 046/4CP DYNALIST II: A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume II User's Manual PB-257 733/6CP DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume III. Technical Report Addendum PB-258 193/2CP DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume IV. Revised User's Manual PB-258 194/0CP Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume I Technical Report PB-259 287/1CP Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume II. Appendixes PB-259 288/9CP Feasibility of Flaw Detection in Railroad Wheels Using Acoustic Signatures PB-263 248/7CP Models of Railroad Passenger-Car Requirements in the Northeast Corridor. Volume II: User's Guide PB-268 870/3CP RAILROAD TRACKS Dynamic Interactions Between Moving Loads and Their Support Structures, with Applications to Air Cushion Vehicle-Guideway Design PB-205 325/CP Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility PB-221 978/OCP Noise Prediction Models for Elevated Rail Transit Structures PB-244 509/6CP Analytical and Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Wheel/Rail Geometric Constraints PB-252 290/2CP DYNALIST II, A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume I. Technical Report PB-256 046/4CP DYNALIST II: A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume II. User's Manual PB-257 733/6CP Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume I. Technical Report PB-259 287/1CP Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume II. Appendixes PB-259 288/9CP A Comparison ol LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathematically Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data PB-261 921/1CP Northeast Corridor High-Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Program. Task 19 - Support Services: Dynamics and Computer Program Development PB-262 236/3CP Finite Element Analysis of a Railway Track Sup- port System. Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program PB-262 988/9CP RAILROAD TRAINS Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume I - Analysis. PB-194 137/CP Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume II - Computer Program. PB-194 138/CP Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 57=tfCP A Fortran Program for Grade Crossing Collisions Studies Using Computer Graphics PB-232 368/1CP An Economic Analysis of Train Control PB-254 226/4CP 68 SUBJECT INDEX SAINT LAWRENCE SEAWAY RAILROADS Supporting Studies for Hsgt System Report (Tvs). PB-193 145/CP A General Purpose Computer Program for the Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle-Guideway Interac- tions PB-214 399/8CP Introduction to the Application of the Dynalist Computer Program to the Analysis of Rail Systems Dynamics PB-235 361 /3CP Computation of Dynamic Loads at Grade Crossings: A User's Manual of the Computer Pro- gram PB-259 673/2CP Northeast Corridor High-Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Program. Task 19 - Support Services: Dynamics and Computer Program Development PB-262 236/3CP RAMP CONTROL Development and Testing of INTRAS. a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model Volume I. Pro- gram Design and Parameter Calibration PB-258 994/3CP of Freeway Priority Strategies Simulation (FREQ3CP) PB-259 750/8CP RANDOM NOISE Users Manual for the Prediction of Road Traffic Noise Computer Program PB-213 295/OCP RANGE FINDING Accuracy Test of an Air-to-Air Ranging and Bear- ing System AD-A043 392/OCP RANKINE CYCLE Modeling. Analysis, and Evaluation of Rankine Cycle Propulsion Systems. Volume II. Users Manual PB-209 278/CP Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Rankine Engines. Volume III. Technical Section Appen- dices PB-239 249/6CP Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Rankine Engines. Volume IV. Engine Design Optimization PB-239 250/4CP RAPID TRANSIT RAILWAYS Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility PB-222 654/6CP WABCO Data Acquisition System. AC Propulsion Project PB-223 898/8CP Dynamic Stability and Stress Analysis of Alterna- tive Guideways for Levitation Vehicles PB-233 643/6CP Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit PB-239 825/3CP Northeast Corridor High Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Project. Task 4. Scenario Development and System Simulation PB-245 132/6CP Assured Energy Receptivity Study PB-247 760/2CP Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III. Ap- pendix G. 5 OOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple-Vehicle Single Span Systems PB-249 353/4CP Command and Control Studies for Personal Rapid Transit, Program Status, 1974 PB-250 553/5CP An Economic Analysis of Train Control PB-254 226/4CP Experiments in Guideway - Levitation Vehicle In- teraction Dynamics PB-257 941 /5CP The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP A Comparison of LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathematically Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data PB-261 921/1CP Systems Analysis of Rapid Transit Underground Construction Volume II Sections 6-9 and Appen- dixes PB-275 568/4CP RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEMS Backup System to Bart Automatic Train Control System Leading to Transbay Crossing Progress Report, March 1974. UCID-3771 REACTION RAILS A Comparison of LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathematically Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data PB-261 921/1CP READING (PENNSYLVANIA) Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module, Release Number One PB-242 408/3CP Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module, Release No 1 PB-243 456/1CP RECORDING INSTRUMENT PAPERS Development of a Program for the Axle-Load Sur- vey Recorder (ALSER) PB-212 506/CP RECORDING INSTRUMENTS The Development and Demonstration of an Auto- matic Passenger Counter, Volume II. PB-193 906/CP RECREATIONAL BOATING Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season. Volume I. Research Report AD-A015 142/3CP Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season. Volume II. Appendices B-U AD-A018 568/6CP RECURSIVE TRACKING ALGORITHMS Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP REGENERATORS Assured Energy Receptivity Study PB-247 760/2CP RELIABILITY Automated Reliability Assessment Program AD-778 935/7CP REPLACEMENT THEORY A Study of Replacement Policy for Commercial Pattern Vehicles AD-A017 627/1 CP REPULSION MOTORS Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III. Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Technical Report on Airport Capacity and Delay Studies AD-A032 166/1CP RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigations - Spe- cial Study of Active and Passive Restraint Systems in 1973-1976 Model Year Vehicles. Volume 4. Forms, Codebooks, and Computer Pro- grams PB-257 437/4CP RIDING QUALITY The Development of a Model for Predicting Pas- senger Acceptance of Short-Haul Air Transporta- tion Systems. N77-33148/6CP RING STRUCTURES User's Guide to Computer Program Civm-Jet 4B to Calculate the Transient Structural Responses of Partial and/or Complete Structural Rings to Engine-Rotor-Fragment Impact. N76-23182/8CP ROADS Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP Description of Sperry Traffic Analysis and Research (STAR) Simulation Program. Diversion of Intercity Traffic at a Single Point PB-255 802/1 CP ROTARY WINGS A New Capability for Predicting Helicopter Rotor and Propeller Noise Including the Effect of For- ward Motion. N77-27876/0CP ROUTING Routing of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles. Ap- pendix A: Manual for Use of the Computer Codes PB-239 898/OCP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 1 : New Procedures for Making Tactical Operations Planning Decision PB-275 591 /6CP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System Volume 2 DMP Technical Documentation PB-275 592/4CP RUNWAY CAPACITY Validation of Maximum Airport Throughput Levels Estimated by the DELCAP Simulation Model AD-A011 485/0 CP RUNWAY GROOVING Laboratory Method for Evaluating Effect of Run- way Grooving on Aircraft Tires AD-780 614/4CP RUNWAYS Development of a Structural Design Procedure for Flexible Airport Pavements AD-A019 205/4 CP Collection of Commercial Aircraft Characteristics for Study of Runway Roughness AD-A042 623/9CP Laboratory Method for Evaluating Effect of Run- way Grooving on Aircraft Tires AD-780 614/4CP Computer Program for the Prediction of Aircraft Response to Runway Roughness. Volume II User's Manual AD-786 490/3CP SAFETY Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season. Volume I. Research Report AD-A015 142/3CP Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season. Volume II. Appendices B-U AD-A018 568/6CP SAFETY DEVICES Computer Program for an Air Bag Restraint System PB-204 170/CP HSRI Two-Dimensional Crash Victim Simulator: Analysis, Verification, and Users' Manual. Revi- sion No. 1 PB-222 394/9CP User Manual for Air Bag Restraint Program ABAG 19 PB-256 115/7CP Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigations - Spe- cial Study of Active and Passive Restraint Systems in 1973-1976 Model Year Vehicles. Volume 4. Forms, Codebooks, and Computer Pro- grams PB-257 437/4CP Development of a Unitized School Bus. Volume III. Appendices PB-258 421 /7CP SAFETY ENGINEERING Computer Program Effectiveness Model PB-209 073/CP Basic Research in Crashworthiness II - Large Deflection Computerized Analysis of Rate Sensi- tive Elasto-Plastic Frame Structures PB-224 319/4CP Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat. Volume III. Com- puter Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle PB-224 700/5CP Northeast Corridor High-Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Program. Task 19 - Support Services: Dynamics and Computer Program Development PB-262 236/3CP Validation Command Language PB-263 466/5CP SAINT LAWRENCE RIVER Saint Lawrence Seaway System Plan for Ail-Year Navigation. Appendix B. Seaway Simulation PB-251 530/2CP SAINT LAWRENCE SEAWAY Saint Lawrence Seaway System Plan for All-Year Navigation. Appendix B. Seaway Simulation PB-251 530/2CP SUBJECT INDEX SATELLITE BASED ADVANCED AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Concept for a Satellite-Based Advanced Air Traf- fic Management System. Volume IX. System and Subsystem Performance Models PB-234 272/3CP SCALING FACTORS Preliminary Sizing and Performance Evaluation of Supersonic Cruise Aircraft. N77-11031/0CP SCATTERING ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Multipath Scattering AD-A035 298/9CP SCHEDULING O'Hare Delay Task Force Study. Volume III. Technical Appendices AD-A030 305/7CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVA. Computer Program Report PB-236 723/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVB. Computer Program Report (Concluded) PB-236 724/1 CP RUCUS (Run Cutting and Scheduling) Implemen- tation Manual PB-247 754/5CP SCHOOL BUSES Development of a Unitized School Bus. Volume III. Appendices PB-258 421/7CP SCIENTIFIC SATELLITES Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software AD-A041 864/OCP SEALIFT PROCUREMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY Sealift Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III. Defense Implications. Volume III. Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP SEARCH AND RESCUE The Distress Alerting and Locating System (DALS). Summary of Development and Documen- tation AD-A042 860/7CP SEARCH RADAR Users Manual for ILSLOC: Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System AD-768 049/9CP SEMITRAILERS Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP SHIPS Reduction of Sea Surveillance DatL Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP SHOCK MITIGATION Analysis of Shock-Absorbing Concepts for Bird- Proof Windshields of Advanced Air Force Vehi- cles AD-A023 621 /6CP SHORT HAUL AIRCRAFT The Development of a Model for Predicting Pas- senger Acceptance of Short-Haul Air Transporta- tion Systems. N77-33148/6CP SHORT TAKEOFF AIRCRAFT Methods for Predicting the Aerodynamic and Sta- bility and Control Characteristics of STOL Air- craft. Volume II. STOL Aerodynamic Methods Computer Program AD-A001 581 /8CP V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP V/STOL Noise Prediction and Reduction AD-774 794/2CP Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP SIDELOBES Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 242/1CP Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas AD-A015 243/9CP SIGNAL DEVICES Development of UTCS (Urban Traffic Control System) Signal Timing Patterns with Bus Priority PB-263 645/4CP SIMULATION Dispersion Simulation Techniques for Assessing the Air Pollution Impacts of Ground Transporta- tion Systems. ANL/ES-29 SINGLE TRACK SUBWAYS Single Track System Concepts Study PB-222 055/6CP SKULL Breaking Strength of the Human Skull vs Impact Surface Curvature PB-233 041 /3CP SOFTWARE Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module. Release Number One PB-242 408/3CP Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module. Release No. 1 PB-243 456/1CP SOIL MECHANICS Effect of Speed on Tire-Soil Interaction and Development of Towed Pneumatic Tire-Soil Model AD-A008 985/4CP Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction in Layered Soils AD-A024 162/OCP M.I.T. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension. Final Project Report PB-220 877/5CP MIT. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Haymar- ket-North Extension. Addendum to Final Project Report PB-220 878/3CP SOIL TIRE INTERACTIONS Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction AD-783 425/2CP SOILS An Application of Plasticity Theory to the Solution of the Rigid Wheel - Soil Interaction Problem AD-758 915/CP The AMC 71 Mobility Model. Volume II. Appen- dices A, B and C AD-766 734/8CP Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction AD-783 425/2CP SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Routing of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles. Ap- pendix A: Manual for Use of the Computer Codes PB-239 898/OCP SONIC BOOMS Sonic Boom Research N76-28962/8CP SOUND LOCALIZATION A Computer Program for the Identification of Helicopter Impulsive Noise Sources. N77-27879/4CP SOUND PRESSURE Semiempirical Airframe Noise Prediction Model and Evaluation with Flight Data. N77-13791/7CP SOUND WAVES Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP Advance Planning Study, Viet- SOUTH VIETNAM Transportation nam PB-212 787/6CP SPACE PROGRAMS System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 1: Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP SPANS (SEALIFT PROCUREMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY) Sealift Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III. Defense Implications. Volume III. Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP SPEED INDICATORS Automotive Recorder Research Disc Recorder Pilot Project. Volume II. Results of Tests and Evaluation PB-233 961 /2CP STORAGE BATTERIES Economic Comparison of Four Electric Power Sources for Forklift Trucks AD-A006 479/0CP STRATEGIC CONTROL ALGORITHMS Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVA. Computer Program Report PB-236 723/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development Volume IVB. Computer Program Report (Concluded) PB-236 724/1 CP STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Analytic Tire Model. Phase I: The Statically Loaded Toroidal Membrane PB-243 521 /2CP STRUCTURAL DESIGN Development of a Unitized School Bus. Volume III. Appendices PB-258 421 /7CP STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Predicting the Limiting Performance of Automo- bile Structural Components Under Crash Condi- tions PB-257 443/2CP SUBSONIC FLOW Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume IV. Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report AD-A041 819/4CP SUBWAY RAILWAY M.I.T. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension. Addendum to Final Project Report PB-220 878/3CP SUBWAY RAILWAYS M.I.T. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension. Final Project Report PB-220 877/5CP Single Track System Concepts Study PB-222 055/6CP SUBWAYS Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 1. User's Manual PB-254 789/1 CP Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 2. Programmer's Manual PB-254 790/9CP SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III. Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP SUPERSONIC AIRCRAFT Test and Evaluation of a Real-Time Simulated Transcontinental Supersonic Boomless Flight System Volume I. Main Text and Appendix A AD-A014 965/8CP Arrow-Wing Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Structural Design Concepts Evaluation. Volume 1: Sections 1 Through 6. N76-28219/3CP SUPERSONIC FLIGHT Test and Evaluation of a Real-Time Simulated Transcontinental Supersonic Boomless Flight System. Volume I. Main Text and Appendix A AD-A014 965/8CP SUPERSONIC FLOW Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume IV. Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report AD-A041 819/4CP SUPERSONIC TRANSPORTS Preliminary Sizing and Performance Evaluation of Supersonic Cruise Aircraft. N77-11031/0CP 70 SUBJECT INDEX TRAFFIC SURVEYS SURFACE ROUGHNESS Computer Program for the Prediction of Aircraft Response to Runway Roughness. Volume II. User's Manual AD-786 490/3CP A Computer Program for Fitting Smooth Surfaces to an Aircraft Configuration and Other Three Dimensional Geometries. N75-26693/2CP SUSPENSION SYSTEMS (VEHICLES) Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-238 647/2CP Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV) Repulsion Scheme Volume ill Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-26t 770/2CP TACAN Accuracy Test of an Air-to-Air Ranging and Bear- ing System AD-A043 392/OCP TANK CARS Development of a Computer Program for Model- ing the Heat Effects on a Railroad Tank Car PB-241 365/6CP TANSTP COMPUTER PROGRAM Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program Volume I. Over- view Description; Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines PB-264 054/8CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II. Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures; Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures PB-264 056/3CP TAPE READERS Computer-Program for FAA/ATCRBS Tape Reader, Program JASPER I AD-A038 875/tCP TASSIM MODEL Additional Traffic Assignment Options for the TASSIM Model PB-25f 065/9CP IcCHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Airline Return-on-investment Model for Technolo- gy Evaluation. N74-26413/6CP TELEPHONE SYSTEMS Executive Summary: New York City Pilots Auto- matic Telephone Weather Answering Service (PATWAS) Test AD-A046 755/5CP TELEVISION DISPLAY SYSTEMS Digital Generation of Contour Maps for Raster Scan Display AD-A034 663/5CP TERMINAL FLIGHT FACILITIES Validation of Maximum Airport Throughput Levels Estimated by the DELCAP Simulation Model AD-A011 485/OCP TEST METHODS Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces. Volume II. Test Data and Description of Refined Program Krash', In- cluding a User's Guide and Sample Case AD-784 192/7CP TIRE MODELS HSRI Digital Computer Programs for Semi-Empir- ical Tire Models PB-238 889/OCP TIRE PAVEMENT INTERACTIONS Tire-Pavement Interface Variability. Volume II. Technical Report PB-272 289/OCP TIRE SOIL INTERACTIONS Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction in Layered Soils AD-A024 162/OCP TIRES Effect of Speed on Tire-Soil Interaction and Development of Towed Pneumatic Tire-Soil Model AD-A008 985/4CP Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction in Layered Soils AD-A024 f62/0CP Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction AD-783 425/2CP A Computer Model of Steady-State and Transient Traction Forces and Aligning Moment Developed by Pneumatic Tires PB-241 755/8CP TOXIC HAZARDS Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) AD-A034 655/tCP TOXICOLOGY Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 9f3/5CP TPE-331 ENGINES Determination of Effects of Ambient Conditions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU, TPE 331 Turboprop. Volume 2 PB-252 826/3CP TRACKED AIR CUSHION VEHICLES Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Program User's Manual Addendum PB-242 907/4CP The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development PB-261 770/2CP TRACKED LEVITATED VEHICLES Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II. Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP TRACKED LEVITATION VEHICLES Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme Volume III Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP TRACKED VEHICLES Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II. Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP TRACKING Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices AD-A022 598/7CP TRACTION HSRI Digital Computer Programs for Semi-Empir- ical Tire Models PB-238 889/OCP Analytic Tire Model Phase Loaded Toroidal Membrane PB-243 521 /2CP The Statically TRAFFIC A Model for Traffic Simulation and a Simulation Language for the General Transportation Problem AD-723 723/CP An Investigation of the Car-Following Model using Continuous System Model Program (CSMP) Techniques PB-204 001 /CP TRAFFIC ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROL Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discus- sion PB-268 879/4CP TRAFFIC CONTROL Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems Study. Re- port of Phase O. Volume 1: Executive Summary. N77-24980/3CP A Mathematical Model for Evaluating Priority Lane Operations on Freeways. PB-195 177/CP TRAFFIC ENGINEERING A Mathematical Model for Evaluating Priority Lane Operations on Freeways. PB-195 177/CP Accumulative Probability Model for Automated Network Traffic Analyses PB-218 460/4CP Description of Sperry Traffic Analysis and Research (STAR) Simulation Program. Diversion of Intercity Traffic at a Single Point PB-255 802/1CP ManAGement of Traffic Operations Computer System (MAGTOP). User's Manual - Sample Input and Output PB-258 349/OCP Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa, Florida PB-275 050/3CP A Report on the User's Manual for Diamond In- terchange Signalization— Passer III PB-275 061/OCP User Guide to TRANSYT Version 6 PB-276 422/3CP Bus Transyt - A User's Guide PB-276 452/OCP TRAFFIC FLOW COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION The Development of a Digital Simulator for the Analysis of Freeway Traffic Phenomena PB-200 998/CP TRAFFIC INCIDENT DETECTION Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model Volume I Pro- gram Design and Parameter Calibration PB-258 994/3CP Development and Testing of Incident Detection Algorithms. Volume 4. Program Documentation for Evaluation, Calibration and Implementation PB-259 239/2CP TRAFFIC LANES Feasibility of an Exclusive Bus/Car Pool Lane on New Jersey Route 3. Volume I PB-242 737/5CP TRAFFIC LIGHTS TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Mag Tape PB-224 085/fCP TRAFFIC NOISE Users Manual: TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code: MOD-04 PB-269 509/6CP Noise Measurements. Second Interim Report 1974-1975 PB-270 990/5CP A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP TRAFFIC SAFETY Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module, Release No. 1 PB-243 456/1CP Establishment o. rnterim Standards for Bridge Rails Required to Contain Heavy Vehicles. Volume 4. Development of Simplified Input and Flexible Criteria Capabilities for the BARRIER VII Program PB-255 643/9CP TRAFFIC SIGNALS TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Manual PB-224 084/4CP Urban Traffic Control System and Bus Priority System (UTCS/BPS): Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP). Software Description PB-241 870/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program Volume I. Over- view Description; Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines PB-264 054/8CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network c . ^al Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANt: P Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures, Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures PB-264 056/3CP Flow Theory PB-265 331 /9CP A Report on the User's Manual for Diamond In- terchange Signalization-Passer III PB-275 061 /OCP User Guide to TRANSYT Version 6 PB-276 422/3CP Bus Transyt - A User's Guide PB-276 452/OCP TRAFFIC SURVEYS Development of New Intersection Study Techniques PB-213 279/3CP 71 SUBJECT INDEX Description of Sperry Traffic Analysis and Research (STAR) Simulation Program. Diversion of Intercity Traffic at a Single Point PB-255 802/1CP A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP TRAJECTORY ANALYSIS Optimization and Sensitivity Studies of Flight- Path Trajectories. N75-32121/6CP TRANSCONTINENTAL FLIGHTS Test and Evaluation of a Real-Time Simulated Transcontinental Supersonic Boomless Flight System. Volume I. Main Text and Appendix A AD-A014 965/8CP TRANSIT BUSES Optimal Scheduling of Bus Maintenance PB-238 575/5CP TRANSPONDERS Development of a Discrete Address Beacon System AD-A046 580/7CP TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model. Volume I. Basic Mathematical Model AD-A033 682/6CP Emergency Evacuation Computer Simulation - Program Description and User's Guide AD-A036 055/2CP Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- ESDU-75021 TRANSPORTATION A Model for Traffic Simulation and a Simulation Language for the General Transportation Problem AD-723 723/CP Uses of Ices in DOT. PB-191 531/CP Supporting Studies for Hsgt System Report (Tvs). PB-193 145/CP Capital Stock Measures for Transportation. Pro- jections of Investment Needs - Volume III PB-220 140/8CP Routing of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles. Ap- pendix A: Manual for Use of the Computer Codes PB-239 898/OCP TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Transportation - Advance Planning Study. Viet- nam PB-212 787/6CP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-231 865/7CP TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model, Volume 1. Case Study of the Boston Region PB-232 933/2CP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-246 187/9CP TRANSPORTATION MODELS QUEST: A Simulation Model for the Navy QUICKTRANS System Users Manual AD-A020 536/9CP A Model for Traffic Simulation and a Simulation Language for the General Transportation Problem AD-723 723/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume I. Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-200 471 /CP Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model PB-202 575/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume V. Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 1 or 2, Chapter 1 PB-202 710/CP Synchronous Longitudinal Guidance (SLG) Allo- cation Algorithm Effectiveness Study PB-203 499/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System PB-207 268/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System Appendix I. Program Manual PB-207 269/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System. Appendix II. Subroutine Documenta- tion and Storage Arrays PB-207 270/CP Analytical Methology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume II PB-212 767/8CP Analytical Methodology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume IV PB-212 769/4CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 5 of 5, Appendix A.3 PB-219 779/6CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume I. Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-219 780/4CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual. Book 1 of 5. Sections 1-18 PB-219 781/2CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tors Manual, Book 2 of 5. Sections 19-27 PB-219 782/OCP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 3 of 5, Sections 28-31 PB-219 783/8CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model Computer Program - Source Tape Transmittal PB-219 786/1CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Program User's Instruc- tion Manual PB-219 788/7CP Optimal Design of Transportation Networks with Fluctuating Demands. A Case in Multicommodity Networks Flows PB-221 164/7CP A Strategy for the Evaluation of Alternative Urban Transportation Systems with Multidimensional Consequences PB-251 179/8CP Software Systems Development Program. UMODEL User's Guide with Case Studies PB-258 320/1 CP Computer Code for Transportation Network Design and Analysis PB-270 674/5CP TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS A National Network Data Base System PB-274 629/5CP TRANSPORTATION NOISE Noise Measurements. Second Interim Report 1974-1975 PB-270 990/5CP TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit PB-239 825/3CP TRANSPORTATION SAFETY Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water: An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP RADTRAN: A Computer Code to Analyze Trans- portation of Radioactive Material SAND-76-0243 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Dispersion Simulation Techniques for Assessing the Air Pollution Impacts of Ground Transporta- tion Systems. ANL/ES-29 TRUCKS Articulated Vehicle Handling PB-211 201 /CP Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP Modified Articulated Vehicle Simulation PB-266 963/8C P TUBE VEHICLES Supporting Studies for Hsgt System Report (Tvs). PB-193 145/CP TUNNEL ENGINEERING Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 1. User's Manual PB-254 789/1 CP TUNNELING (EXCAVATION) Program Cards for a Computer Program for Esti- mating Costs of Hard Rock Tunneling (COHART) PB-201 834/CP TUNNELLING (EXCAVATION) A Computer Program for Estimating Costs of Hard Rock Tunnelling (Cohart). PB-193 272/CP TUNNELS Systems Analysis of Rapid Transit Underground Construction Volume II Sections 6-9 and Appen- dixes PB-275 568/4CP TURBINE BLADES Numerical Analyses of Soft Body Impacts on Rigid and Deformable Targets AD-A040 030/9CP TURBINE WHEELS User'S Guide to Computer Program Civm^Jet 4B to Calculate the Transient Structural Responses of Partial and/or Complete Structural Rings to Engine-Rotor-Fragment Impact. N76-23182/8CP TURBOFAN ENGINES Numerical Analyses of Soft Body Impacts on Rigid and Deformable Targets AD-A040 030/9CP TURBULENCE Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbu- lence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft AD-A048 603/5CP TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYER Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- cle ESDU-75021 UMVCS 1 COMPUTER PROGRAM Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume III. Users' Guide for UMVCS-1 PB-272 425/0CP UNDERCARRIAGE Linda 1 : A Program System for Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Railway Vehicles Linda 1 - Ein Prog ram msystem Zur Untersuchung des Dynamischen Verhaltens von Schienenfahrzeu- gen. N77-18782/1CP UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES A Computer Program for Estimating Costs of Hard Rock Tunnelling (Cohart). PB-193 272/CP Program Cards for a Computer Program for Esti- mating Costs of Hard Rock Tunneling (COHART) PB-201 834/CP UNITIZED CARGO TRANSPORTATION Unit Train Transportation of Coal. Appendix E PB-248 846/8CP URBAN AREAS Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations: Computer Program Description AD-A004 821/5CP URBAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module, Release Number One PB-242 408/3CP Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module. Release No. 1 PB-243 456/1 CP URBAN PLANNING Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations: Computer Program Description AD-A004 821 /5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume I. Over- view Description: Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines PB-264 054/8CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II. Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures; Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures PB-264 056/3CP User Documentation for the Metropolitan Accessi- bility Program (MAP) PB-269 239/OCP 72 SUBJECT INDEX VEHICULAR TRAFFIC CONTROL URBAN TRANSPORTATION The Potential for Helicopter Passenger Service In Major Urban Areas. N77-27087/4CP The Development and Demonstration of an Auto- matic Passenger Counter, Volume II. PB-193 906/CP Analytical Methology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume II PB-212 767/8CP Analytical Methodology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume IV PB-212 769/4CP Optimal Design of Transportation Networks with Fluctuating Demands. A Case in Multicommodity Networks Flows PB-221 164/7CP Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Pro- grams in Certain Metropolitan Areas PB-232 921 /7CP TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model. Volume 1. Case Study of the Boston Region PB-232 933/2CP TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model. Volume II. Program User's Guide PB-232 934/OCP TASSIM: An Application to Los Angeles PB-238 270/3CP Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit PB-239 825/3CP Urban Traffic Control System and Bus Priority System (UTCS/BPS): Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP). Software Description PB-241 870/5CP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-246 187/9CP RUCUS (Run Cutting and Scheduling) Implemen- tation Manual PB-247 754/5CP System Performance Data Processing for a De- mand-Responsive Public Transportation System PB-248 921/9CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System PB-249 058/9CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume II: Invento- ry System PB-249 059/7CP Service, Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume III: Repair Cost System PB-249 060/5CP Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple-Vehicle Single Span Systems PB-249 353/4CP Additional Traffic Assignment Options for the TASSIM Model PB-251 065/9CP A Strategy for the Evaluation of Alternative Urban Transportation Systems with Multidimensional Consequences PB-251 179/8CP A Simulation Study of Demand Actuated Trans- portation Systems PB-252 431/2CP Comparison of Variable and Fixed Routes for De- mand Actuated Transportation Systems PB-252 888/3CP PINTS PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION: Optimal Estimation and Control of Dynamic Systems Con- strained by Stochastic Demands Actuated Net- works PB-252 889/1 CP Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II. Appendixes PB-253 009/5CP Evaluating Transit Service to Minorities PB-253 041 /8CP Gravity Assisted Mass Transit PB-253 416/2CP Operational Implications of a Major Modal Diver- sion to Transit. Program Users' Guide PB-254 749/5CP Software Systems Development Program. UMODEL User's Guide with Case Studies PB-258 320/1 CP ManAGement of Traffic Operations Computer System (MAGTOP). User's Manual - Sample Input and Output PB-258 349/OCP Development of UTCS (Urban Traffic Control System) Signal Timing Patterns with Bus Priority PB-263 645/4CP User Documentation for the Metropolitan Accessi- bility Program (MAP) PB-269 239/0CP Accessibility Applications in Urban Transportation PB-269 240/8CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume I. Functional Descrip- tion and Flow Charts PB-273 430/9CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume II. Variable Definitions; Algorithm and Off-line Software Descriptions PB-273 431 /7CP User Guide to TRANSYT Version 6 PB-276 422/3CP Bus Transyt - A User's Guide PB-276 452/OCP USER MANUALS (COMPUTER PROGRAMS) A Computer Program for Fitting Smooth Surfaces to an Aircraft Configuration and Other Three Dimensional Geometries. N75-26693/2CP User'S Guide to Computer Program Civm-Jet 4B to Calculate the Transient Structural Responses of Partial and/or Complete Structural Rings to Engine-Rotor-Fragment Impact. N76-23182/8CP V/STOL AIRCRAFT Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP VCL COMPUTER PROGRAM Validation Command Language PB-263 466/5CP VEHICLE CHASSIS COMPONENTS Investigation of Suspension Units Possessing Bilinear Damping Force and Cubic-Linear Spring Force Characteristics AD-728 507/CP VEHICLE DETECTION Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discus- sion PB-268 879/4CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Com- puter Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP VEHICLE DYNAMICS Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-238 647/2CP Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume III. Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program PB-247 933/5CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 1. Users Manual PB-267 401/8CP Highway- Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 2. Programmers Manual PB-267 402/6CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 3. Engineering Manual-Analysis PB-267 403/4CP Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 4. Engineering Manual. Validation PB-267 404/2CP VEHICLE EXTERIORS Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion. Volume V-A 3-D. Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study PB-242 068/5CP VEHICLE HEATERS ADSYM: A Fortran Model of an Automobile Defog/Defrost System AD-743 776/CP VEHICLE WHEELS An Application of Plasticity Theory to the Solution of the Rigid Wheel - Soil Interaction Problem AD-758 915/CP Feasibility of Flaw Detection in Railroad Wheels Using Acoustic Signatures PB-263 248/7CP VEHICLES Effect of Speed on Tire-Soil Interaction and Development of Towed Pneumatic Tire-Soil Model AD-A008 985/4CP A Study of Replacement Policy for Commercial Pattern Vehicles AD-A017 627/1 CP HPMPH: a Digital Computer Program for Com- puter-Aided Design AD-724 622/CP Dynamic Optimization of Vehicular Structures AD-741 393/CP The AMC '71 Mobility Model. Volume II. Appen- dices A. B and C AD-766 734/8CP Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module, Release Number One PB-242 408/3CP Command and Control Studies for Personal Rapid Transit, Program Status, 1974 PB-250 553/5CP VEHICULAR TRACKS Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP VEHICULAR TRAFFIC The Development of a Digital Simulator for the Analysis of Freeway Traffic Phenomena PB-200 998/CP User's Manual for the Prediction of Road Traffic Noise Computer Program PB-213 295/OCP VEHICULAR TRAFFIC CONTROL A Model for Traffic Simulation and a Simulation Language for the General Transportation Problem AD-723 723/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System PB-207 268/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System. Appendix II. Subroutine Documenta- tion and Storage Arrays PB-207 270/CP Analytical Methology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume II PB-212 767/8CP Analytical Methodology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume IV PB-212 769/4CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System. Software Manual. Volume II PB-220 868/4CP TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Manual PB-224 084/4CP TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Mag Tape PB-224 085/1CP Urban Traffic Control System and Bus Priority System (UTCS/BPS): Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP). Software Description PB-241 870/5CP Feasibility of an Exclusive Bus/Car Pool Lane on New Jersey Route 3. Volume I PB-242 737/5CP Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model. Volume I. Pro- gram Design and Parameter Calibration PB-258 994/3CP Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model. Volume II. Freeway Micro-Simulation Component Model Development PB-258 995/0CP Development and Testing of Incident Detection Algorithms. Volume 4. Program Documentation for Evaluation, Calibration and Implementation PB-259 239/2CP Freeway Priority Strategies Simulation of (FREQ3CP) PB-259 750/8CP Development of UTCS (Urban Traffic Control System) Signal Timing Patterns with Bus Priority PB-263 645/4CP 73 SUBJECT INDEX Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program Volume I. Over- view Description; Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines PB-264 054/8CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II. Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures; Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures PB-264 056/3CP Flow Theory PB-265 331 /9CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discus- sion PB-268 879/4CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Com- puter Program Documentation PB-268 880/7CP Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part II. Appendix D Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual Volume I. Functional Descrip- tion and Flow Charts PB-273 430/9CP Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume II. Variable Definitions; Algorithm and Off-line Software Descriptions PB-273 431 /7CP VERTICAL TAKEOFF AIRCRAFT V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) AD-A028 765/6CP VIBRATION Investigation of Suspension Units Possessing Bilinear Damping Force and Cubic-Linear Spring Force Characteristics AD-728 507/CP VIETNAM Transportation - Advance Planning Study, Viet- nam PB-212 787/6CP VISIBILITY Further Development of a Computer Simulation to Predict the Visibility Distance Provided by Headlamp Beams PB-257 909/2CP VISION Aircraft Cockpit Vision: Math Model. N76-15778/3CP VOICE COMMUNICATIONS Simulation Model for New York Air Traffic Control Communications AD-A006 426/1CP Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume II. Demonstration of Satellite-Supported Communi- cations and Surveillance for Oceanic Air Traffic Control AD-A042 146/1CP VORTICES Vortex Interactions and Decay in Aircraft Wakes. N77-33105/6CP WAKE Automatic Tracking of Wake Vortices Using Ground-Wind Sensor Data AD-A047 895/8CP WAKE VORTICES Vortex Interactions and Decay in Aircraft Wakes. N77-33105/6CP WATER TRAFFIC An Analytical Model to Predict Ship Transit Capacities of Sea-Level Canals AD-728 096/CP WEAR RESISTANCE Laboratory Method for Evaluating Effect of Run- way Grooving on Aircraft Tires AD-780 614/4CP WEATHER COMMUNICATIONS Executive Summary: New York City Pilots Auto- matic Telephone Weather Answering Service (PATWAS) Test AD-A046 755/5CP WEIGHT MEASUREMENT A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation PB-241 743/4CP WHEEL RAIL INTERACTIONS Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility PB-221 978/OCP Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple-Vehicle Single Span Systems PB-249 353/ 4CP WHEELS Analytical and Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Wheel/Rail Geometric Constraints PB-252 290/2CP WINDSHIELDS Analysis of Shock-Absorbing Concepts for Bird- Proof Windshields of Advanced Air Force Vehi- cles AD-A023 621/6CP WING LOADING Preliminary Sizing and Performance Evaluation of Supersonic Cruise Aircraft. N77-11031/0CP WING SPAN Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distributed-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design. N76-13065/7CP 74 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES OF PRINCETON, INC., N. J. NASA-CR-2870 Vortex Interactions and Decay in Aircraft Wakes. N77-33105/6CP AEROSPACE CORP., EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. ATR-74(7333)-1 -VOL-1 System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 1: Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP ATR-74(7333)-1-VOL-2 System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP NASA-CR-1 35902 System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 2: Study Results N73-33920/2CP NASA-CR-135903 System Cost/Performance Analysis (Study 2.3). Volume 1: Executive Summary N73-33919/4CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF ENGINEERING SCIENCE OPERATIONS TR-0076(6901-03)-4 Reduction of Sea Surveillance Data Using Binary Matrices (SAMSO-TR-76-56) AD-A022 598/7CP AEROSPACE CORP., EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. TRANSPORTATION GROUP DIRECTORATE. NASA-CR-1 5201 7 Terminal Area Air Traffic Control Simulation. N77-27881 /OCP AEROSPACE SYSTEMS, INC., BURLINGTON, MASS. ASI-TR-75-22-V-2 Flight Test and Evaluation of omega Navigation in a General Aviation Aircraft. Volume 2: appen- N76-18095/9CP NASA-CR-132721 Flight Test and Evaluation of omega Navigation in a General Aviation Aircraft. Volume 2: appen- N76-18095/9CP North Atlantic (NAT) Aided Inertial Navigation System Simulation. Volume II. Computer Program NATNAV User's Manual (TSC-FAA-73-23- Vol-2) AD-770 073/5CP AIL DEER PARK N Y AIL-8591-1 Enroute Performance Assurance from User Air- craft Tracks (FAA-RD- 73-194) AD-787 454/8CP AIR FORCE CIVIL ENGINEERING CENTER TYNDALL AFB FLA AFCEC-TR-75-23 Collection of Commercial Aircraft Characteristics for Study of Runway Roughness (FAA-RD-76-64) AD-A042 623/9CP AIR FORCE FLIGHT DYNAMICS LAB WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFFDL-TR-74-155 Analysis of Shock-Absorbing Concepts for Bird- Proof Windshields of Advanced Air Force Vehi- AD-A023 621/6CP Computer Program for the Prediction of Aircraft Response to Runway Roughness. Volume II. User's Manual (AFWL- TR-73- 109- Vol-2) AD-786 490/3CP AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING GE/EE/75-7 Computer Error Analysis of Tropospheric Effects for the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System AD-A017 183/5CP GSE/SE/74-1-VOI-3 Microwave Landing System Integration Study. Volume III. Appendices AD-775 724/8CP AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF SYSTEMS AND LOGISTICS AFIT-LSSR-10-77B A Methodology for Estimating the Economic Benefits of an Aircraft Engine Warranty AD-A047 282/9CP AIR FORCE WEAPONS LAB KIRTLAND AFB N MEX AFWL-TR-76-219 Computer-Program for FAA/ATCRBS Tape Reader, Program JASPER I AD-A038 875/1 CP AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTS LAB., FARMINGDALE, N.Y. 0276-1 Three-Beam Headlight Evaluation (DOT-HS-800-844) PB-221 614/1CP AIRESEARCH MFG. CO. OF ARIZONA, PHOENIX. 75-311636-2 Determination of Effects of Ambient Conditions on Aircraft Engine Emissions Engine Testing - GTCP 85 APU, TPE 331 Turboprop. Volume 2 (EPA/460/3- 76/ 009b) PB-252 826/3CP ALFORD (ANDREW) CONSULTING ENGINEERS WINCHESTER MASS A Guide for the Selection of Antenna Charac- teristics for Single Frequency and Two Frequency Localizers in the Presence of Reflecting Struc- tures (FAA-RD-75-64) AD-A014 643/1 CP AMERICAN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY CO., SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. ADVANCED SYSTEMS LAB. AMF-ASL-E-176 Performance Requirements for Doors. Door Retaining Devices and Adjacent Structures. (DOT-HS-800-254) PB-193 379/CP AMEX SYSTEMS, INC., LAWNDALE, CALIF. Amex-0105 Data Analysis for Driver Performance Studies. Volume I. PDP-8 Data Acquisition System for Driver Simulation Laboratories (DOT-HSS01-830) PB-250 772/1CP Amex-0105- Vol-2 Data Analysis for Driver Performance Studies. Volume II. A Computer Program for Analysis of Eye Movement Patterns (DOT-HS-801-831) PB-250 826/5CP AMF, INC., GOLETA, CALIF. ADVANCED SYSTEMS LAB. Development of a Unitized School Bus. Volume III. Appendices (DOT-HS-802-006) PB-258 421/7CP ANALYTICS INC WILLOW GROVE PA TR-1194-A Structural Modification of the 'Three Dimensional Crash Victim Simulation' (3 DCVS) Software AD-A027 726/9CP ARCTEC, INC., COLUMBIA, MD. TR-0105-7-App-B Saint Lawrence Seaway System Plan for Ail-Year Navigation. Appendix B. Seaway Simulation (DOT/SLS-63-76/1B) PB-251 530/2CP ARCTIC INST. OF NORTH AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D.C. Arctic Marine Commerce Study. Volume II: Ap- pendix (MA-RD-900-74028) COM-73-12003/2CP ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., ILL. Dispersion Simulation Techniques for Assessing the Air Pollution Impacts of Ground Transporta- tion Systems. ANL/ES-29 ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB ILL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS DIV Airport Vicinity Air Pollution Model User Guide (FAA-RD-75-230) AD-A020 352/1 CP ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., ILL. (USA). Handbook of Air Pollutant Emissions from Trans- portation Systems. ANL/ES-28 ARINC RESEARCH CORP ANNAPOLIS MD 1306-01-1-1479 Cost Analysis of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS) Concepts (FAA-EM-76-1) AD-A023 080/5CP 1306-01-2-1480 Cost Analysis of the Airborne Portion of the Dis- crete Address Beacon System Intermittent Posi- tive Control (DABS/IPC) Concept (FAA-EM-76-2) AD-A023 538/2CP ARMY AEROMEDICAL RESEARCH LAB FORT RUCKER ALA USAARL-76-6 The Use of Opaque Louvres and Shields to Reduce Reflections within the Cockpit: Computer Programs for Two Approaches to the Problem AD-A018 468/9CP ARMY ELECTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH N J ECOM-4454 Digital Generation of Contour Maps for Raster Scan Display AD-A034 663/5CP ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION VICKSBURG MISS AEWES-Misc-Paper-H-69-10 An Analytical Model to Predict Ship Transit Capacities of Sea-Level Canals AD- 728 096/CP Development of a Structural Design Procedure for Flexible Airport Pavements (FAA-RD-74-199) AD-A019 205/4CP ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND TEXARKANA TEX INTERN TRAINING CENTER USAMC-ITC-02-08-73-21 3 Economic Comparison of Four Electric Power Sources for Forklift Trucks AD-A006 479/0CP USAMC-ITC-02-08-75-01 7 A Study of a Method to Improve the Safety of Air- planes AD-A009 201/5CP ARMY MOBILITY EQUIPMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER FORT BELVOIR VA USAMERDC-2003 HPMPH: a Digital Computer Program for Com- puter-Aided Design AD-724 622/CP ARMY TANK-AUTOMOTIVE COMMAND WARREN MICH LL- 143- Vol-2 The AMC '71 Mobility Model. Volume II. Appen- dices A. B and C AD-766 734/8CP TACOM-TR-1 1 789- Vol-2 The AMC '71 Mobility Model. Volume II. Appen- dices A, B and C AD-766 734/8CP ARMY TANK-AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CENTER WARREN MICH A Procedure for the Statistical Analysis of Vehicu- lar Noise Emission Spectra for Limited Samples AD-A025 981/2CP ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (PROGRAM ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION) WASHINGTON D C Seal if t Procurement and National Security (SPANS) Study. Part III. Defense Implications. Volume III. Appendixes E-l AD-783 525/9CP ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP., ALEXANDRIA, VA. EMM DEPT. NASA-CR-1 3271 3 Refinement and Validation of Two Digital Microwave Landing System (Mis) Theoretical Models. N75-29066/8CP AUTONETICS, ANAHEIM, CALIF. Concept for a Satellite-Based Advanced Air Traf- fic Management System. Volume IX. System and Subsystem Performance Models (DOT-TSC-OST- 73-29-9) PB-234 272/3CP AVCO SYSTEMS DIV., WILMINGTON, MASS. AVSD-01 09-77-R R-VOL-6 Safety Status Data Collection Methodology. Volume VI. Computer Documentation (DOT-HS-802-576) PB-275 482/8CP AVCON UNIVERSAL CONSULTANTS CORP BADEN PA AV-MLS-74-2 Processing Instrument Approach for Microwave Landing System Implementation (FAA-RD-74-182) AD-A019 762/4CP 75 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX AV-MLS-74-3 Utilizing Facilities Master File Data for Microwave Landing System Implementation (FAA-RD-74-183) AD-A003 818/2CP AV-MLS-75-3 Combining Data for MLS Implementation Applica- tions (FAA-RD-75-200) AD-A018 850/8CP BATTELLE COLUMBUS LABS OHIO General Aviation Dynamics. An Extension of the Cost Impact Study to Include Dynamic Interac- tions in the Forecasting of General Aviation Ac- tivity. Volume III. Planning Guide (FAA -A VP- 77-20- Vol-3) AD-A039 911/3CP Development of a Computer Simulation Program for Collinear Car/Car and Car/Barrier Collisions (DOT-HS-800-645) PB-220 342/OCP BECHTEL CORP., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Systems Analysis of Rapid Transit Underground Construction. Volume II. Sections 6-9 and Appen- dixes (UMTA-MA-06-0025-74- 12) PB-275 568/4CP BECHTEL, INC., GAITHERSBURG, MD. Northeast Corridor High Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Project. Task 4. Scenario Development and System Simulation (FRA/ONECD- 75/4) PB-245 132/6CP Northeast Corridor High-Speed Rail Passenger Service Improvement Program. Task 19 - Support Services: Dynamics and Computer Program Development (FRA/ONECD- 76/19) PB-262 236/3CP BERGER (LOUIS), INC., EAST ORANGE, N.J Transportation - Advance Planning Study. Viet- nam (TA/OST-AN-70- 10-5) PB-212 787/6CP BOEING CO., WICHITA, KANS. D3-8611-1 Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP D3-8611-2 Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP 03-861 1-3 Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP NASA-CR-120849 Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Acoustic Source Distribution Program. N75-28849/8CP NASA-CR-1 20850 Acoustic Radiation from Lined Unflanged Ducts: Directivity Index Program. N75-28850/6CP NASA-CR-1 20851 Acoustic Radiation from Lined, Unflanged Ducts: Duct Termination Impedance Program. N75-28851/4CP BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE CO SEATTLE WASH D6-44049 Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume IV. Data Reduction and Analysis Software (FAA-RD-75-173-4) AD-A041 864/OCP D6-60234 Aircraft Noise Source and Computer Programs - User'S Guide N73-31946/9CP NASA-CR-1 14650 Aircraft Noise Source and Computer Programs - User's Guide N73-31946/9CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVA. Computer Program Report (DOT-TSC-OST- 74-3-4A) PB-236 723/3CP Strategic Control Algorithm Development. Volume IVB. Computer Program Report (Concluded) (DOT-TSC-OST-74-3-4B) PB-236 724/1CP BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES INC SEATTLE WASH BCS-G0422 Boeing Airplane/Noise Performance Computer Program. User's Manual (FAA-EQ-73-7-6) AD-A012 385/1 CP BCS-G0473 Boeing Airplane/Noise Performance Computer Program. Programmer's Manual (FAA-EO-73-7-7) AD-A013 768/7CP BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES. INC., SEATTLE, WASH. ENERGY TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS. BCS-G0802 Prometheus 2 - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics (DOT-HS-802-423) PB-269 305/9CP BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES, INC., SEATTLE, WASH. ENERGY TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS DIV. BCS-G0815 Vehicle Design Optimization System User Manual (DOT-HS-802-421) PB-269 304/2CP BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES INC SEATTLE WASH SPACE AND MILITARY APPLICATIONS DIV BCS-40038 PROMETHEUS - A User Oriented Program for Human Crash Dynamics AD-A004 656/5CP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. User's Manual for the Prediction of Road Traffic Noise Computer Program (DOT-TSC-315-1) PB-213 295/OCP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CANOGA PARK CALIF BBN-2585 Community Noise Exposure Resulting from Air- craft Operations: Computer Program Description (AMRL-TR-73-109) AD-A004 821/5CP BBN-3291 Aircraft Sideline Noise: A Technical Review and Analysis of Contemporary Data (AMRL-TR-76-1 15) AD-A042 076/0CP BBN-3295 Further Sensitivity Studies of Community-Aircraft Noise Exposure (NOISEMAP) Prediction Procedures (AMRL-TR-76-1 16) AD-A041 7ei/6CP BBN-3299 Validation of Aircraft Noise Exposure Prediction Procedure (AMRL-TR-76-1 11) AD-A041 674/3CP BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, DENVER, COLO. ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH CENTER. REC-ERC-77-3 Frequency-Response Analysis of Automated Canals PB-274 528/9CP CALIFORNIA STATE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, SACRAMENTO. TRANSPORTATION LAB. 657169 Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis (FHWA/CA-76/27) PB-268 329/OCP CA-DOT-TL-71 69-2-76-27 Transportation Systems and Regional Air Quality - A Difkin Sensitivity Analysis (FHWA/CA-76/27) PB-268 329/OCP CALIFORNIA STATE DIV. OF HIGHWAYS, SACRAMENTO. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT BRANCH. 623125 Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP CA-DOT-PD-3125-1-72-01 Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns PB-226 893/6CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. INST. OF TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING. A Mathematical Model for Evaluating Priority Lane Operations on Freeways. PB-195 177/CP Simulation of Freeway Priority Strategies (FREQ3CP) (FHWA/PL-77-001) PB-259 750/8CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB. Backup System to Bart Automatic Train Control System Leading to Transbay Crossing. Progress Report, March 1974. UCID-3771 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. OPERATIONS RESEARCH CENTER. ORC-72-19 Searching for the Best Locations of Service Facilities Along the Freeway PB-212 298/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LAB. UCSESM-73-8 BARRIER VII: A Computer Program for Evaluation of Automobile BARRIER Systems (FHWA-RD-73-51) PB-228 786/OCP CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. CONF-741001-41 Headway Control Theory of Vehicular Traffic. UCRL-76459 CALSPAN CORP., BUFFALO, N.Y. CALSPAN-YB-2987-V-1 1 Basic Research in Crashworthiness II - Large Deflection Computerized Analysis of Rate Sensi- tive Elasto-Plastic Frame Structures (DOT-HS-800-884) PB-224 319/4CP CALSPAN-YE-51 76-D-1 Development of a Computer Program for Model- ing the Heat Effects on a Railroad Tank Car (FRA-ORD/D- 75-33) PB-241 365/6CP CALSPAN-ZQ-51 80-L-1 -Vol-3 An Improved Three Dimensional Computer Simu- lation of Vehicle Crash Victims. Volume III. Users Manual (DOT-HS-801-509) PB-241 694/9CP CALSPAN-ZQ-5341 -V-2 Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents. Scene Measurement and Data Processing System (DOT-HS-801-405) PB-240 867/2CP CALSPAN-ZQ-5341 -V-3 Accident Investigation. Vehicle Operational Manual (DOT-HS-801-409) PB-240 868/OCP CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V- 1 Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Com- puter Program Part III, Evaluation of the Accuracy of Reconstruction Techniques for Highway Ac- cidents (DOT-HS-801-839) PB-252 116/9CP CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V-2 Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Com- puter Program Part I, Analytical Reconstruction of Highway Accidents (DOT-HS-801-837) PB-252 114/4CP CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V-3 Extensions and Refinements of the Crash Com- puter Program Part II, User's Manual for the Crash Computer (DOT-HS-801-838) PB-252 115/1CP CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V-4 CRASH 2 User's Manual (DOT-HS-802-106) PB-262 822/0CP CALSPAN-ZQ-5708-V-5 Mathematical Reconstruction of Highway Ac- cidents - Further Extensions and Refinements of the CRASH Computer Program (DOT-HS-802-287) PB-266 930/7CP CALSPAN-ZR-5461-V-4-R Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 4. Engineering Manual. Validation (FHWA/RD-76- 165) PB-267 404/2CP CALSPAN-ZR-5461 -V-6 Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 1. Users Manual (FHWA/RD-76- 162) PB-267 401 /8CP 76 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS CENTER CALSPAN-ZR-546 1 -V-7 Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 2. Programmers Manual (FHWA/RD-76-163) PB-267 402/6CP CALSPAN-ZR-546 1 -V-8 Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model-1976. Volume 3. Engineering Manual-Analysis (FHWA/RD-76-164) PB-267 403/4CP CALSPAN-ZR-5954-V-1 Yielding-Barrier Test Data Base-Refinement of Damage Data Tables in the CRASH Program (DOT-HS-802-265) PB-265 065/3CP CALSPAN-ZR-5954-V-2 Yielding Barrier Test Data Base. A Study of Side Impact Cases in the Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation (MAI) File (DOT-HS-802-319) PB-270 027/6CP CAMBRIDGE COLLABORATIVE, MASS. Noise Prediction Models for Elevated Rail Transit Structures (UMTA-MA-O6-0025-75- 12) PB-244 509/6CP CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV., PITTSBURGH, PA. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH INST. CMUTRI-TP-74-21 A Strategy for the Evaluation of Alternative Urban Transportation Systems with Multidimensional Consequences (UMTA-PA- 1 1-0007-74-4) PB-251 179/8CP CHARLES STARK DRAPER LAB INC CAMBRIDGE MASS R-1009 Automatic Tracking of Wake Vortices Using Ground-Wind Sensor Data (FAA-RD-77-11) AD-A047 895/8CP CHRYSLER CORP., DETROIT, MICH. Baseline Gas Turbine Development Program Third Quarterly Progress Report COO-2749-T3 CINCINNATI UNIV OHIO DEPT OF ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Dynamics of a Crash Victim - A Finite Segment Model AD-A028 014/9CP CLARKSON COLL OF TECHNOLOGY POTSDAM N Y DEPT OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING MIE-009 Occupant Model for Human Motion AD-A005 789/3CP CLEMSON UNIV., S.C. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Analytical and Experimental Determination of Nonlinear Wheel/Rail Geometric Constraints (FRA/ORD-76/244) PB-252 290/2CP CLEVELAND TRANSIT SYSTEM, OHIO. WABCO Data Acquisition System. AC Propulsion Project (UMTA-OH-06-0006-73- 1) PB-223 898/8CP COAST GUARD RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER GROTON CONN CGR/DC-6/77 The Distress Alerting and Locating System (DALS). Summary of Development and Documen- tation (USCG-D-29-77) AD-A042 86077CP COAST GUARD WASHINGTON D C USCG-M-09-77 Predictability of LNG Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water: An Assessment AD-A040 525/8CP COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP., WALLOPS ISLAND, VA. FIELD SERVICES DIV. NASA-CR-141406 Aircraft Cockpit Vision: Math Model. N76-15778/3CP COMPUTRAN SYSTEMS CORP., HACKENSACK, N.J. Feasibility of an Exclusive Bus/Car Pool Lane on New Jersey Route 3. Volume I (FH-8312-1) PB-242 737/5CP COMSIS CORP., WHEATON, MD. ManAGement of Traffic Operations Computer System (MAGTOP). User's Manual - Sample Input and Output (DOT-FH-11-8539-IO) PB-258 349/OCP CONNECTICUT UNIV., STORRS. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. The Development of a Digital Simulator for the Analysis of Freeway Traffic Phenomena (JHR-68-14) PB-200 998/CP CONTROL ANALYSIS CORP., PALO ALTO, CALIF. Computer Code for Transportation Network Design and Analysis (DOT-TSC-OST -77-39) PB-270 674/5CP CONTROL DATA CORP., ROCKVILLE, MD. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIV. Predicting the Limiting Performance of Automo- bile Structural Components Under Crash Condi- tions (OOT-HS-802-007) PB-257 443/2CP CONTROL SYSTEMS RESEARCH, INC., ARLINGTON, VA. CSR-351-001-01 A Fortran Program for Grade Crossing Collisions Studies Using Computer Graphics (FRA-ORD/D-74-6) PB-232 368/1CP CORNELL AERONAUTICAL LAB.. INC., BUFFALO, N.Y. CAL-VJ-2251-V-6 A Preview-Predictor Model of Driver Behavior in Emergency Situations. PB-196 405/CP CAL-VJ-2978-V-1 A Three Dimensional Computer Simulation of a Motor Vehicle Crash Victim. Phase I: Develop- ment of the Computer Program (DOT-HS-800-574) PB-204 172/CP CAL-VJ-2979-V-1 Development of a Computer Program to Aid the Investigation of Highway Accidents (DOT-HS-800-612) P8-208 537/CP CAL-YB-2985-V-2 Computer Program for an Air Bag Restraint System (DOT-HS-800-541) PB-204 170/CP CORNELL UNIV., ITHACA, N.Y. DEPT. OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. TR-59 Analytical Methology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume II PB-212 767/8CP Analytical Methodology and Optimal Control in Urban Traffic Networks. Volume IV PB-212 769/4CP DANISH ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION, RISOE. RISO-M-1817 Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Impact Using the Linear Elastic Finite Element Codes Finel. Sap, and Stardyne. N76-21 596/1 CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD DTNSRDC-4358 QUEST: A Simulation Model for the Navy QUICKTRANS System User's Manual AD-A020 536/9CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS DEPT CMD-08-76 Data Entry Aboard Ship System Documentation AD-A031 610/9CP DEAS Breadboard DAYTON UNIV OHIO RESEARCH INST Dayton Aircraft Cabin Fire Model. Volume I. Basic Mathematical Model (FAA-RD-76-120-1) AD-A033 682/6CP Numerical Analyses of Soft Body Impacts on Rigid and Deformable Targets (AFML-TR-76-202) AD-A040 030/9CP DAYTON UNIV., OHIO. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. UDSE-TR-75-02 Gravity Assisted Mass Transit (UMTA-OH- 1 1-0002-75- 1) PB-253 416/2CP DE LEUW, CATHER AND CO., HOUSTON, TEX. Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume I. Over- view Description; Narrative Description and Flow Charts of TANSTP Routines (FHWA/RD-76-125) PB-264 054/8CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume II. Data Base Interface and Support Subroutines: Modified First Generation Routines (FHWA/RD-76- 126) PB-264 055/5CP Urban Traffic Control System Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program. Volume III. UTCS/TANSTP Data Base and Data Base Update Procedures; Offline Support Programs; Operating Procedures (FHWA/RD-76- 127) PB-264 056/3CP DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON D C DST-1850S-403-75 Electric Vehicle Research. Development and Technology - Foreign AD-A011 129/4CP DST-1850S-403-77 Electric Vehicle Research, Development, and Technology-Foreign AD-A040 526/6CP DST-1850S-403A-75 Electric Vehicle Research, Development and Technology-Foreign AD-A036 458/8CP DENVER RESEARCH INST., COLO. DRI-2614 Dynamics of Motorcycle Impcat. Volume III. Com- puter Simulation of Three-Dimensional Motion of Motorcycle (DOT-HS-800-908) PB-224 700/5CP DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO LONG BEACH CALIF DAC-88277 Technical Report on Airport Capacity and Delay Studies (FAA-RD-76-153) AD-A032 166/1 CP MDC-J5965-02 Methods for Predicting the Aerodynamic and Sta- bility and Control Characteristics of STOL Air- craft. Volume II. STOL Aerodynamic Methods Computer Program (AFFDL-TR-73- 146-Vol-2) AD-A001 581 /8CP MDC-J5973 Aircraft Noise Definition. Phase I. Analysis of Ex- isting Data for the DC-8, DC-9 and DC- 10 Aircraft (FAA-EO-73-5) AO-A016 278/4CP DUKE UNIV., DURHAM, N.C. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-1 45224 The Potential for Helicopter Passenger Service in Major Urban Areas. N77-27087/4CP Dynamic Interactions Between Moving Loads and Their Support Structures, with Applications to Air Cushion Vehicle-Guideway Design (FRA-RT-72-27) PB-205 325/CP Dynamic Stability and Stress Analysis of Alterna- tive Guideways for Levitation Vehicles (FRA-ORD/D-74-49) PB-233 643/6CP Experiments in Guideway - Levitation Vehicle In- teraction Dynamics (FRA/ORD-76/259) PB-257 941 /5CP ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS CENTER ANNAPOLIS MD ECAC-PR-77-012 Automated UHF Frequency Assignment System for FAA Air Traffic Control Communications (FAA-RD-77-96) AD-A047 847/9CP 77 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ENGINEERING SCIENCES DATA UNIT LTD., LONDON (ENGLAND). Estimation of the Surface Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Boundary Layer of a Flight Vehi- ESDU-75021 ENSCO, INC., SPRINGFIELD, VA. Establishment of Interim Standards for Bridge Rails Required to Contain Heavy Vehicles. Volume 4. Development of Simplified Input and Flexible Criteria Capabilities for the BARRIER VII Program (FHWA/RD-75-83) PB-255 643/9CP FAUCETT (JACK) ASSOCIATES, INC., CHEVY CHASE, MD. JACKFAU-71-04-3 Capital Stock Measures for Transportation. Pro- jections of Investment Needs - Volume III PB-220 140/8CP FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION DES PLAINES ILL GREAT LAKES REGION FAA-AGL-76-1-Vol-3 O'Hare Delay Task Force Study. Volume III. Technical Appendices AD-A030 305/7CP FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA AERONAUTICAL CENTER FAA-216-76A Emergency Evacuation Computer Simulation - Program Description and User's Guide AD-A036 055/2CP FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON D C OFFICE OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT FAA-EM-74-14 Multi-Site Interrogation Scheduling for the Dis- crete Address Beacon System AD-787 231/0CP FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON D C SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICE FAA-RD-75-171 National Airspace System. Measuring Air Route Traffic Control Center Computer Utilization AD-A017 492/0CP FAA-RD-76-157-2 Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations: Volume II. Application Program Specifi- cation AD-A031 345/2CP FAA-RD-76-157-Vol-1 Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume I. Introduction to Specification Series; System Overview AD-A031 165/4CP FAA-RD-76-157-Vol-3 Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume III. Off-Line Support Subsystem Specification AD-A031 180/3CP FAA-RD-76-157-Vol-4 Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume IV. Data Base Subsystem Specifi- cations AD-A031 210/8CP FAA-RD-76-157-VOI-5 Central Flow Control Computer Program Specifi- cations. Volume V. Executive Subsystem Specifi- cation AD-A031 167/OCP FLORIDA STATE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, TALLAHASSEE. TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DEPT. Operational Software Modifications to the Moving Merge Control System in Tampa. Florida (FHWA/RD-77-106) PB-275 050/3CP FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY DIV WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO FTD-HC-23-851-70 The Computer Center of the Gorkovskaya Rail- road (RR) Is Solving Major Problems AD-727 914/CP FRANKLIN INST. RESEARCH LABS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. FIRL-F-C4216-1 Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response. Abstract Summary Report (DOT-HS-803-208) PB-276 705/1 CP FIRL-F-C4216-1-VOI-1 Computer Simulation of Human Thoracic Skeletal Response - Theory. Volume I (DOT-HS-803-209) PB-276 706/9CP FUTURES GROUP GLASTONBURY CONN 276-72-05/03 Alternative Future Scenarios for the National Aviation System. Volume 3. Methods and Data for Projecting the Variables AD-A046 744/9CP GCA CORP., BEDFOR, MASS. GCA-TR-74-8-G Study and Evaluation of Computer Carpool Pro- grams in Certain Metropolitan Areas (EPA-450/3-74-041) PB-232 921/7CP GENERAL DYNAMICS/CONVAIR, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. NASA-CR-1 32382 Airline Return-on-lnvestment Model for Technolo- gy Evaluation. N74-26413/6CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO CINCINNATI OHIO AIRCRAFT ENGINE GROUP R74AEG452-Vol-4 Supersonic Jet Exhaust Noise Investigation. Volume IV. Acoustic Far-Field/Near-Field Data Report (AFAPL- TR- 76-68- Vol-4) AD-A041 819/4CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SCHENECTADY, N.Y. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LAB. S-71-1129-2 Modeling, Analysis, and Evaluation of Rankine Cycle Propulsion Systems. Volume II. Users Manual (APTD-0961) PB-209 278/CP GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORP., BETHPAGE, N.Y. PMT-B4-R75-4 Tracked Levitated Research Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Program User's Manual. Addendum (FRA -ORD/D-75- 78) PB-242 907/4CP GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORP BETHPAGE N Y RESEARCH DEPT RE-448 An Application of Plasticity Theory to the Solution of the Rigid Wheel - Soil Interaction Problem (LL-141) AD-758 915/CP RE-479 Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction (LL-147) AD-783 425/2CP RE-500 Effect of Speed on Tire-Soil Interaction and Development of Towed Pneumatic Tire-Soil Model (LL-151) AD-A008 985/4CP RE-516 Development of Mathematical Model for Pneu- matic Tire-Soil Interaction in Layered Soils (LL- 152) AD-A024 162/OCP HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model, Volume 1. Case Study of the Boston Region (DOT-OS-30099-5) PB-232 933/2CP TASSIM: A Transportation and Air Shed Simula- tion Model. Volume II. Program User's Guide (DOT-OS-30099-6) PB-232 934/OCP TASSIM: An Application to Los Angeles (DOT-OS-30099-7) PB-238 270/3CP Additional Traffic Assignment Options for the TASSIM Model (DOT-TST-76-53) PB-251 065/9CP HARZA ENGINEERING CO., CHICAGO, ILL. A Computer Program for Estimating Costs of Hard Rock Tunnelling (Cohart). PB-193 272/CP Program Cards for a Computer Program for Esti- mating Costs of Hard Rock Tunneling (COHART) (FRA-RT-72-06) PB-201 834/CP HAWAII UNIV., HONOLULU. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. Computer Assisted Design of Diverging Branch Fluid Network: A Dynamic Programming Ap- proach (OWRT-B-029-HI(1)) PB-243 133/6CP HEALTH EFFECTS RESEARCH LAB., RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. EPA/600/3-75/01 Od Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume III PB-249 911/9CP EPA/600/3-75/01 Oh Annual Catalyst Research Program Report. Ap- pendices. Volume VII PB-249 91 3/5CP HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 2551 -40274- Vol-1 Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I Project Overview and Technical Discus- sion (FHWA/RD-76-66) PB-268 879/4CP 2551 -40274- Vol-2-Pt-1 Vehicle Detection - Phase III Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Com- puter Program Documentation (FHWA/RD-76-67) PB-268 880/2CP 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt-2 Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detec- tor/Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D Computer Program Listings (FHWA/RD-76-68) PB-268 881/OCP HONEYWELL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER, HOPKINS, MINN. 46415 Development of UTCS (Urban Traffic Control System) Signal Timing Patterns with Bus Priority (FHWA/DF-77/00 1b) PB-263 645/4CP IBM FEDERAL SYSTEMS DIV OWEGO N Y Program Documentation for the DAIS Triple Task Experiment Program (AMRL-HESS-75-4) AD-A024 101/8CP IIT RESEARCH INST ANNAPOLIS MD The Impact of a Proposed Active BCAS on ATCRBS Performance in the Washington, D. C, 1981 Environment (FAA/RD-77/140) AD-A048 589/6CP An Automated FAA Frequency Assignment System (FAA-RO-73-184) AD-779 086/8CP IIT RESEARCH INST., CHICAGO, ILL. Articulated Vehicle Handling (DOT-HS-800-674) PB-211 201 /CP ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. CENTER FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATION. CAC-163-App-E Unit Train Transportation of Coal. Appendix E (NSF/RA/N- 75-037E) PB-248 846/8CP ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Finite Element Analysis of a Railway Track Sup- port System. Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program (FRA/ORD-76/257) PB-262 988/9CP ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. The Development of a Classification Scheme for Brake Linings. Volume II (DOT-HS-802-244) PB-264 255/1CP ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. Routing of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles. Ap- pendix A: Manual for Use of the Computer Codes (EPA/670/2-74-036a) PB-239 898/OCP INPUT OUTPUT COMPUTER SERVICES INC CAMBRIDGE MASS Software for an Experimental Air-Ground Data Link. Volume III. Program Listings (TSC-FAA-75-21-3) AD-A019 964/6CP IOWA UNIV IOWA CITY COLL OF ENGINEERING THEMIS-UI-40 Dynamic Optimization of Vehicular Structures AD-741 393/CP 78 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX MITRE CORP MCLEAN VA JET PROPULSION LAB., CALIF. INST. OF TECH., PASADENA. JPL-TM-33-792 Advanced Multllateration Theory, Software Development, and Data Processing: The Microdot System. N76-33586/8CP JPL-5040-26-V-1-HEV-A Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems Study. Re- port of Phase O. Volume 1: Executive Summary. N77-24980/3CP NASA-CR-1 48839 Advanced Multllateration Theory, Software Development, and Data Processing: The Microdot System. N76-33586/8CP NASA-CR-1 53208 Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems Study. Re- port of Phase O. Volume 1: Executive Summary. N77-24980/3CP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., LAUREL, MD. APPLIED PHYSICS LAB. APL/BCE-T-0610/TSA-006 Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program (DOT-HS-802-059) PB-262 434/4CP APL/JHU-CP-049 Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program PB-274 293/OCP Command and Control Studies for Personal Rapid Transit, Program Status, 1974 (UMTA-MD-06-0018-74-3) PB-250 553/5CP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., SILVER SPRING, MD. APPLIED PHYSICS LAB. APLAJHU-CP-008/TPR-021 A General Purpose Computer Program for the Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle-Guideway Interac- tions PB-214 399/8CP APL-TG-819-2 Program Requirements for Short Count In- tegrated Doppler Satellite Navigation Solution AD-786 976/1 CP Hybrid Computer Vehicle Handling Program (DOT-HS-801-290) PB-238 647/2CP KAMAN AEROSPACE CORP BLOOMFIELD CONN Test and Evaluation of a Real-Time Simulated Transcontinental Supersonic Boomless Flight System. Volume I. Main Text and Appendix A (FAA-RD-75-131-1) AD-A014 965/8CP KLD ASSOCIATES, INC., HUNTINGTON, N.Y. KLD-TR-40 Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model. Volume I. Pro- gram Design and Parameter Calibration (FHWA/RD-76-75) PB-258 994/3CP KLD-TR-41 Development and Testing of INTRAS, a Micro- scopic Freeway Simulation Model. Volume II. Freeway Micro-Simulation Component Model Development (FHWA/RD-76-76) PB-258 995/OCP LITTLE (ARTHUR D) INC CAMBRIDGE MASS ADL-C-74685 Development of Chemical Hazards Response In- formation System (CHRIS) (USCG-D-117-76) AD-A034 655/1 CP LOCKHEED-CALIFORNIA CO BURBANK LR-26075-Vol-5 Commercial Aircraft Noise Definition - L-1011 Tristar. Volume V-Computer Programmer's Manual (FAA-EQ-73-6-VOI-5) AD-A012 375/2CP LR-26151 Laboratory Method for Evaluating Effect of Run- way Grooving on Aircraft Tires (FAA-RD-74-12) AD-780 614/4CP Development and Experimental Verification of Procedures to Determine Nonlinear Load-Deflec- tion Characteristics of Helicopter Substructures Subjected to Crash Forces. Volume II. Test Data and Description of Refined Program Krash', In- cluding a User's Guide and Sample Case (USAAMRDL- TR-74- 12B) AD-784 192/7CP LOCKHEED-GEORGIA CO MARIETTA LG73ER0062 V/STOL Noise Prediction and Reduction (FAA-RD-73-U5) AD-774 794/2CP LG75ER0054 V/STOL Aircraft Noise Prediction (Jet Propulsors) (FAA-RD-75-125) AD-A028 765/6CP LOCKHEED MISSILES AND SPACE CO., SUNNYVALE, CALIF. GROUND VEHICLE SYSTEMS. LMSC-D246393 Flywheel Drive Systems Study (APTD-1182) PB-213 342/9CP LOGICON INC SAN PEDRO CALIF CSS-75007A Enroute Air Traffic Control Program Software Op- timization Study (FAA-RD-75-87) AD-A015 172/OCP LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., N.MEX. IMPAC2: A Lumped-Mass Nonlinear Spring Com- puter Program to Analyze Type B Shipping Con- tainer Impact Problems LA-6643-MS LTV AEROSPACE CORP DALLAS TEX VOUGHT AERONAUTICS DIV SENDS Escape Alert System Development Pro- gram Phase II - Aircraft/Aircrew Analysis. Phase III - Aircraft Computer Program (NADC-95190-40) AD-A016 271/9CP MARQUETTE UNIV., MILWAUKEE, WIS. URBAN TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM. Optimal Scheduling of Bus Maintenance (UMTA-WI- 1 1-0002-74-4) PB-238 575/5CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. AEROELASTIC AND STRUCTURES RESEARCH LAB. ASRL-TR- 154-9 User'S Guide to Computer Program Civm-Jet 4B to Calculate the Transient Structural Responses of Partial and/or Complete Structural Rings to Engine-Rotor-Fragment Impact. N76-23182/8CP NASA-CR-1 34907 User'S Guide to Computer Program Civm-Jet 4B to Calculate the Transient Structural Responses of Partial and/oi Complete Structural Rings to Engine-Rotor-Fragment Impact. N76-23182/8CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. R72-33 MIT. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension. Final Project Report (UMTA-MASS-MTD-2-72- 1) PB-220 877/5CP R72-33-Add MIT. Test Section Instrumentation. Mas- sachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Haymar- ket-North Extension. Addendum to Final Project Report (UMTA-MASS-MTD-2-72-2) PB-220 878/3CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Multispan Elevated Guideway Design for Pas- senger Transport Vehicles. Volume II Appendixes (FRA/ORD-75/43.II) PB-253 009/5CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. ENGINEERING PROJECTS LAB. EPL-81 608-1 Automated Guideway Transit Systems Vehicle- Elevated Guideway Dynamics: Multiple- Vehicle Single Span Systems (UMTA-MA-1 1-0023-75- 1) PB-249 353/4CP MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH LAB. NASA-CR-1 51 997 A Computer Program for the Identification of Helicopter Impulsive Noise Sources. N77-27879/4CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH LEXINGTON LINCOLN LAB ATC-68 Multipath Parameter Computations for the MLS Simulation Computer Program (FAA-RD-76-55) AD-A024 350/1 CP Development of a Discrete Address Beacon System (FAA-RD-77-107) AD-A046 580/7CP MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. HSRI Two-Dimensional Crash Victim Simulator: Analysis, Verification, and Users' Manual. Revi- sion No. 1 (DOT-HS-800-849) PB-222 394/9CP MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. DEPT. OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING. 152 Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Technical and Economic Analyses. Volume II. Computer Pro- gram. Documentation and User Instructions (MA/RO-940-77110) PB-270 984/8CP 156 Great Lakes Winter Navigation. Technical and Economic Analyses. Annex: Methods of Evalua- tion and Computer Program (MA/RD-940-77113) PB-270 988/9CP MICHIGAN UNIV., ANN ARBOR. HIGHWAY SAFETY RESEARCH INST. UM-HSRI-BI-73-4-4 Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Impact Dynamics. Volume 4 Three Dimensional Plastic Hinge Frame Simulation Module (DOT-HS-800-999) PB-229 228/2CP UM-HSRI-HF-74-26 Further Development of a Computer Simulation to Predict the Visibility Distance Provided by Headlamp Beams PB-257 909/2CP UM-HSRI-PF-74-11 HSRI Digital Computer Programs for Semi-Empir- ical Tire Models PB-238 889/OCP UM-HSRI-PF-75-2 A Computer Model of Steady-State and Transient Traction Forces and Aligning Moment Developed by Pneumatic Tires PB-241 755/8CP UM-HSRI-PF-75-7 Analytic Tire Model. Phase I: The Statically Loaded Toroidal Membrane PB-243 521/2CP UM-HSRI-76-4-1 Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume I: Summary Report, Test Results and Theory (DOT-HS-802-530) PB-272 044/9CP UM-HSRI-76-4-3 Modular Program Development for Vehicle Crash Simulation. Volume III Users' Guide for UMVCS-1 (DOT-HS-802-532) PB-272 425/OCP UM-HSRI-76-20 Validation Command Language PB-263 466/5CP UM-HSRI-76-23 Modified Articulated Vehicle Simulation (DOT-HS-802-325) PB-266 963/8CP UM-HSRI-76-26-1 Predicting the Braking Performance of Trucks and Tractor-Trailers PB-263 216/4CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR RADIATION LAB Sidelobe Suppression Mode Performance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas (TSC-FAA-75-3) AD-A015 242/1 CP Improved Sidelob Suppression Mode Per- formance of ATCRBS with Various Antennas (TSC-FAA-75-4) AD-A015 243/9CP MITRE CORP., BAILEYS CROSSROADS, VA. MTR-6085 Advanced Automotive Power System Structureed Value Analysis Model (APTD-0966) PB-209 286/CP MITRE CORP MCLEAN VA MTR-6616-Vol-4 Aircraft Sound Description System (ASDS) Appli- cation Procedures. Volume IV. Computer Applica- tion Procedures (FAA-EO-74-2-4) AD-786 615/5CP 79 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX MTR-6618 A Comparison of LIMRV LIM Guidance System Experimental Data with Mathematically Predicted Values Using Reaction Rail Survey Data (FRA/ORD-76/25) PB-261 921/1CP MTR-6676 Statistical Summary ot the 1983 Los Angeles En- route Center Standard Traffic Model (FAA-RD-74-43) AD-A009 011/8CP MTR-6794 System Performance Data Processing for a De- mand-Responsive Public Transportation System (UMTA-VA-06-0012-74-3) PB-248 921 /9CP MTR-6949 RUCUS (Run Cutting and Scheduling) Implemen- tation Manual (UMTA-VA-06-0004-75-4) PB-247 754/5CP MTR-7028 The Air-Core Linear Synchronous Motor - An As- sessment of Current Development (FRA-ORD/D- 76/260) PB-261 770/2CP MTR-7184 FAA Integrated Noise Model User's Guide (FAA-EO-76-2) AD-A035 062/9CP MITRE CORP MCLEAN VA METREK DIV MTR-7289 FAA Integrated Noise Model Data Base (FAA-EQ-76-6) AD-A036 723/5CP MITRE CORP., MCLEAN, VA. TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS GROUP. MTR-6412-Rev-1 Service. Inventory and Maintenance System, Computer System Description. Volume II: Invento- ry System (DOT-TSC-UMTA-75-30.il) PB-249 059/7CP MTR-6512-Rev-1 Service, Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description. Volume I: Ser- vice/Unit-Change System (DO T- TSC-UM TA- 75-30. 1) PB-249 058/9CP MTR-6580 Service, Inventory and Maintenance System. Computer System Description. Volume III: Repair Cost System (DOT-TSC-UMTA-75-30.III) PB-249 060/5CP MONSANTO RESEARCH CORP., ST. LOUIS, MO. Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Rankine Engines. Volume III. Technical Section Appen- dices (APTD- 1565) PB-239 249/6CP Optimum Working Fluids for Automotive Rankine Engines. Volume IV. Engine Design Optimization (APTD-1566) PB-239 250/4CP MULTISYSTEMS, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Operational Implications of a Major Modal Diver- sion to Transit. Program Users' Guide (DOT-TST-76/73) PB-254 749/5CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL ESTABLISHMENT OTTAWA (ONTARIO) NAE-LR-558 ADSYM: A Fortran Model of an Automobile Defog/Defrost System (NRC-12612) AD-743 776/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. HUGH L. DRYDEN FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER, EDWARDS, CALIF. H-951 Semiempirical Airframe Noise Prediction Model and Evaluation with Flight Data. N77-13791/7CP NASA-TM-X-56041 Semiempirical Airframe Noise Prediction Model and Evaluation with Flight Data. N77-13791/7CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER, LANGLEY STATION, VA. L-9934 A Computer Program for Fitting Smooth Surfaces to an Aircraft Configuration and Other Three Dimensional Geometries. N75-26693/2CP L- 10223 Selected Methods for Quantification of Communi- ty Exposure to Aircraft Noise. N76-18699/8CP L- 10473 Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distributed-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design. N76-13065/7CP NASA-TM-X-3206 A Computer Program for Fitting Smooth Surfaces to an Aircraft Configuration and Other Three Dimensional Geometries. N75-26693/2CP NASA-TM-X-3319 Preliminary Analysis of the Span-Distributed-Load Concept for Cargo Aircraft Design. N76-13065/7CP NASA-TM-X-72838 Prediction of Light Aircraft Interior Noise. N76-20940/2CP NASA-TM-X-73936 Preliminary Sizing and Performance Evaluation of Supersonic Cruise Aircraft. N77-11031/0CP NASA-TM-X-74037 A New Capability for Predicting Helicopter Rotor and Propeller Noise Including the Effect of For- ward Motion. N77-27876/0CP NASA-TN-D-7977 Selected Methods for Quantification of Communi- ty Exposure to Aircraft Noise. N76-18699/8CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OHIO. NASA-TM-X-68278 Computer Programs for Calculating Potential Flow in Propulsion System Inlets N73-29182/5CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. WALLOPS STATION, WALLOPS ISLAND, VA. NASA-TM-X-69455 General Aviation Air Traffic Pattern Safety Analy- N74-13422/2CP PAPER-A-24 General Aviation Air Traffic Pattern Safety Analy- N74-13422/2CP NATIONAL AVIATION FACILITIES EXPERIMENTAL CENTER ATLANTIC CITY N J FAA-NA-73-85 Automated Reliability Assessment Program (FAA-RD-74-16) AD-778 935/7CP FAA-NA-75-64 Air Traffic Control Experimentation and Evalua- tion with the NASA ATS-6 Satellite. Volume II. Demonstration of Satellite-Supported Communi- cations and Surveillance for Oceanic Air Traffic Control (FAA/RD-75/ 173-2) AD-A042 146/1 CP FAA-NA-76-15 Extended Storage Feature Modifications to the 9020A System (FAA-RD-76-89) AD-A027 281 /5CP FAA-NA-76-30 Simulation Model for Air Traffic Control Commu- nications (FAA/RD-77/69) AD-A044 256/6CP FAA-NA-77-16 Accuracy Test of an Air-to-Air Ranging and Bear- ing System (FAA-RD- 77-59) AD-A043 392/0CP FAA-NA-77-23 Executive Summary: New York City Pilots Auto- matic Telephone Weather Answering Service (PATWAS) Test (FA/RD-77/60) AD-A046 755/5CP FAA-NA-77-32 Collision Risk and Economic Benefit Analysis of Composite Separation for the Central East Pacific Track System (FAA-EM-77-5) AD-A044 317/6CP Survey of National Airspace System En Route Re- lated Support and Data Reduction and Analysis Programs (FAA-RD-74-76) AD-779 495/1 CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, INC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. COMPUTER RESEARCH CENTER FOR ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. Models of Railroad Passenger-Car Requirements in the Northeast Corridor. Volume II: User's Guide (DOT- TSC-FRA - 76-26-11) PB-268 870/3CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS WASHINGTON DC NBS-IR-75-638 Validation of Maximum Airport Throughput Levels Estimated by the DELCAP Simulation Model (FAA-RD-75-66) AD-A011 485/0CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. APPLIED MATHEMATICS DIV. NBSIR-75-911 A National Network Data Base System PB-274 629/5CP NBSIR-75-918 Machine-Readable Mapping from National Net- work Simulation (NNS) Zones to Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Areas PB-251 412/3CP NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS WASHINGTON D C INST FOR BASIC STANDARDS NBSIR-75-783 Validation of the DELCAP Airport Simulation Model (FAA-RD-75-1S4) AD-A021 127/6CP NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. DOT-HS-801 156 Automotive Recorder Research Disc Recorder Pilot Project. Volume II. Results of Tests and Evaluation PB-233 961/2CP NATIONAL SEVERE STORMS LAB NORMAN OKLA NSSL-1 Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbu- lence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft (FAA/RD-77/145) AD-A048 603/5CP NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIF Software Design for a Fatigue Monitoring Data Acquisition System AD-A031 816/2CP Analysis of U.S. Navy Aircraft Accident Rates in Major Aviation Commands AD-A031 837/8CP Microcomputer Based Solid State Crash Data Recorder for Military Aircraft AD-A038 617/7CP A Vessel Inspection Information System AD-A047 165/6CP Data Analysis Techniques for a Containerized Ex- port Cargo Transportation System AD-783 869/1 CP NEW JERSEY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, TRENTON. DIV. OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. 76-002-7787 Noise Measurements. Second Interim Report 1974-1975 (FHWA/NJ/RD- 76-002- 7787) PB-270 990/5CP NEW YORK UNIV., N.Y. DIV. OF APPLIED SCIENCE. NASA-CR- 148548 Sonic Boom Research. N76-28962/8CP OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, BOULDER, COLO. INST. FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCES. OTR-75-61 Modeling the Service Quality of Consolidated Coast Guard 500 kHz Operations COM-75-10795/3CP 80 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INST, SAN ANTONIO, TEX. OTR-75-62 Numerical Mapping Methods to Reduce OMEGA Propagation Correction Tabulations PB-247 481 /5CP Probabilistic Interference Prediction Model-Com- puter Programs (FAA-RD-75-33) AD-A011 453/8CP OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF ECONOMICS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. Uses of Ices in DOT. PB-191 531/CP OHIO STATE UNIV., COLUMBUS. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. EES-274 Development of New Intersection Study Techniques (Ohio-Hwy-72-06) PB-213 279/3CP OLIN CORP., MARION, ILL. ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT. Development of Improved Inflation Techniques, Task II (DOT-HS-80 1-226) PB-240 268/3CP OPERATIONAL RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS ESTABLISHMENT OTTAWA (ONTARIO) ORAE-M70 A Study of Replacement Policy for Commercial Pattern Vehicles AD-A017 627/1CP OPTIMIZATION SOFTWARE, INC., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. NASA-CR- 145090 Improvements in Aircraft Extraction Programs N77-13043/3CP ORINCON CORP LA JOLLA CALIF OC-R-76-0564-1 NAVSTAR/GPS Navigation Analysis and Algorithm Development Study AD-A034 873/0CP PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL AND CO., BOSTON, MASS. PMM-T8-542-3 Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume V. Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 1 or 2, Chapter 1 PB-202 710/CP PMM-T8-542-3-1 Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume I. Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-219 780/4CP PMM-T8-542-3-2-1 Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 1 of 5, Sections 1-18 PB-219 781 /2CP PMM-T8-542-3-2-2- Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 2 of 5, Sections 19-27 PB-219 782/0CP PMM-T8-542-3-2-3 Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Subprogram Design and Coding Specifications and Computer Opera- tor's Manual, Book 3 of 5, Sections 28-31 PB-219 783/8CP PMM-T8-542-3T2 Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model, Documentation Volume II. Final Computer Pro- grams, Book 5 of 5, Appendix A.3 PB-219 779/6CP PMM-T8-542-3-VOI-1 Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Model. Documentation Volume I. Computer Program Or- ganization and Design Specification PB-200 471/CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Computer Program - Source Tape Transmittal (DOT-OS-00027/16-3T2) PB-219 786/1CP Intercity Transportation Effectiveness Ac- cess/Assignment Model. Program User's Instruc- tion Manual (DOT-OS-00027/16-2) PB-219 788/7CP PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL AND CO., WASHINGTON, D.C. Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System (FH-11 -7462-2) PB-207 268/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System. Appendix I Program Manual (FH-11 -7462-2-App-l) PB-207 269/CP Network Flow Simulation for Urban Traffic Con- trol System. Appendix II. Subroutine Documenta- tion and Storage Arrays (FH-11 -7462-App-2) PB-207 270/CP PENNSYLVANIA UNIV., PHILADELPHIA. DEPT. OF CIVIL AND URBAN ENGINEERING. Transport of Solid Commodities via Freight Pipeline. Volume III. Cost Estimating Methodolo- gy Part A and Part B (DOT/TST-76T/37) PB-276 147/6CP PENNSYLVANIA UNIV., PHILADELPHIA. TRANSPORTATION STUDIES CENTER. An Investigation of the Car-Following Model using Continuous System Model Program (CSMP) Techniques (UMTA-URT-7-(70)-71-04) PB-204 001/CP PHILCO-FORD CORP., NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. AERONUTRONIC DIV. Philco-Fora-TMLV-TR-0037B Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Pro- gram (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme Volume III. Ap- pendix G. 5 DOF Computer Program (FRA/ORD-75-2 IB) PB-247 933/5CP PHILCO-FORD CORP PALO ALTO CALIF WESTERN DEVELOPMENT LABS DIV WDL-TR5291-Pt-1-Vol-B Global Positioning System (GPS). Part I. Volume B. User Segment System Analysis Report (SAMSO- TR- 74 -183-Pt-l- Vol-B) AD-921 753/0CP WDL-TR5291-PM -Vol-C Global Positioning System (GPS), Part I. Volume C. Control Segment Systems Analysis Report (SAMSO-TR-74- 183-P1-1 -Vol-C) AD-921 754/8CP PHILCO-FORD., PALO ALTO, CALIF. WDL DIV. Car-Barrier Impact Response of a Computer Simulated Mustang (DOT-HS-800-688) PB-213 224/9CP PITTSBURGH UNIV., PA. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. SETEC-EE-74-101 Comparison of Variable and Fixed Routes for De- mand Actuated Transportation Systems PB-252 888/3CP SETEC-EE-74-104 PINTS PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION: Optimal Estimation and Control of Dynamic Systems Con- strained by Stochastic Demands Actuated Net- works PB-252 889/1 CP SETEC-EE-75-041 A Simulation Study of Demand Actuated Trans- portation Systems PB-252 431 /2CP POLYTECHNIC INST. OF NEW YORK, BROOKLYN. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND ENGINEERING. An Economic Analysis of Train Control (UMTA-74-11-2) PB-254 226/4CP PRATT (R. H.) ASSOCIATES, INC., KENSINGTON, MD. Software Systems Development Program. UMODEL User's Guide with Case Studies (UMTA-IT-06-0050- 76- 1) PB-258 320/1CP PRINCETON UNIV N J SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Simulation Model for New York Air Traffic Control Communications (FAA-NA-74-172) AD-A006 426/1 CP RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF R-1949-AF Geometric Performance of Pseudoranging Navigation Satellite Systems: A Computer Pro- gram AD-A043 744/2CP RM-6324-DOT-VOL-2 MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES. VOLUME 2 METHODOLOGY N71-34246/CP RM-6324-DOT-VOL-3 MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF ALTER- NATIVE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MIXES. VOLUME 3 EXAMPLE N71-34247/CP READING, PA. USAC PROJECT. USAC-IMIS-RDG-003 Reading USAC Project: VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Computer Program Module, Release Number One (HUD/DF-75/002) PB-242 408/3CP USAC-IMIS-RDG-010 Reading USAC Project Traffic Accident Recording Computer Program Module, Release No 1 (HUD/DF-75/010) PB-243 456/1 CP RESEARCH TRIANGLE INST., DURHAM, N.C. Computer Program Effectiveness Model (DOT-HS-800-655) PB-209 073/CP ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT FARNBOROUGH (ENGLAND) RAE-TR-77044 Continuous Whole-Earth Coverage by Circular- Orbit Satellite Patterns (DRIC-BR-57655) AD-A044 593/2CP ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT, FARNBOROUGH (ENGLAND). STRUCTURES DEPT. ARC-CP-1304 A Comparison of Flight Loads Counting Methods and Their Effects on Fatigue Life Estimates Using Data from Concorde. N75-19227/8CP RAE-TR-73200 A Comparison of Flight Loads Counting Methods and Their Effects on Fatigue Life Estimates Using Data from Concorde N75-19227/8CP ROYAL RADAR ESTABLISHMENT MALVERN (ENGLAND) RRE-TN-789 A Report on Software Functional Variability AD-A048 303/2CP SAFETY MANAGEMENT INST., WASHINGTON, D.C. National Driver Register Study of Alternatives (DOT-HS-801-017) PB-227 003/1 CP SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. RADTRAN: A Computer Code to Analyze Trans- portation of Radioactive Material SAND-76-0243 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, INC., MCLEAN, VA. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES. SAI-5-351 -02-71 7-02 Users Manual: TSC Highway Noise Prediction Code: MOD-04 (FHWA/RD-77-18) PB-269 509/6CP SERENDIPITY, INC., ARLINGTON, VA. EASTERN OPERATIONS DIV. Highway/Motor Vehicle System Computer Model and Train System Computer Model (DOT-OST-ONA -71-5) PB-202 575/CP SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INST., SAN ANTONIO, TEX. SwRI-03-3716-1 Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 1. Ex- ecutive Summary (FHWA/RD-77-3) PB-270 109/2CP SwRI-03-3716-2 Concrete Median Barrier Research. Volume 2. Research Report (FHWA/RD-77-4) PB-270 110/0CP SwRI-1 1-3075(4) Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigations - Spe- cial Study of Active and Passive Restraint Systems in 1973-1976 Model Year Vehicles. 81 CORPORA TE AUTHOR INDEX Volume 4. Forms, Codebooks, and Computer Pro- grams (DOT-HS-801-977) PB-257 437/4CP Development of a New Collapsing Ring Bridge Rail System (FHWA/RD-75-510) PB-241 222/9CP SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INST., SAN ANTONIO, TEX. DEPT OF AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH. SwRI-AR-910 A Feasibility Study of Impact Surface Pressure Guaging With Dye-Filled Microcapsules (DOT-HS-800-965) PB-225 577/6CP SPERRY RAND CORP., GREAT NECK, N.Y. SPERRY SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT DIV. GF-16-1003-1 Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume I. Functional Descrip- tion and Flow Charts (FHWA/RD-76-185) PB-273 430/9CP GF-16-1003-2 Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System. Software Manual. Volume II (FHWA-RD- 73-20) PB-220 868/4CP GF-16-1003-2 Urban Traffic Control and Bus Priority System Software Manual. Volume II. Variable Definitions; Algorithm and Off-line Software Descriptions (FHWA/RD-76-186) PB-273 431 /7CP Description of Sperry Traffic Analysis and Research (STAR) Simulation Program. Diversion of Intercity Traffic at a Single Point (FHWA/RD- 76-99) PB-255 802/1CP SRI INTERNATIONAL, MENLO PARK, CALIF. Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 1: New Procedures for Making Tactical Operations Planning Decision (FRA/OPPD-77/18) PB-275 591 /6CP Improved Railroad Operations Using a Railroad Automated Identification and Location System. Volume 2: DMP Technical Documentation (FRA/OPPD-77/19) PB-275 592/4CP STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. DEPT. OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. RR-1 Optimal Design of Transportation Networks with Fluctuating Demands. A Case in Multicommodity Networks Flows (UMTA-CA- 1 1-0008-72- 1) PB-221 164/7CP SUNDSTRAND AVIATION, ROCKFORD, ILL. SA/AER-640 Hybrid Propulsion System Transmission Evalua- tion. Phase I (APTD-1121) PB-210 057/CP SWEDISH COUNCIL FOR BUILDING RESEARCH, STOCKHOLM. 012:1977 A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP ISBN-91 -540-2759-4 A New Method for Rating Fluctuating Noise PB-275 704/5CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING TR-73-14 An Approach for the Design of an Air Traffic Con- trol System (RADC-TR- 75-64) AD-A008 795/7CP SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS INC FALLS CHURCH VA SCI-2127 Tower Airport Statistics Handbook. Calendar Year 1974 (FAA-AVP-76-3) AD-A027 840/8CP TECHNISCHE UNIV., BERLIN (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT. ILR-11 Linda 1: A Program System for Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Railway Vehicles Linda 1 - Ein Program msystem Zur Untersuchung des Dynamischen Verhaltens von Schienenfahrzeu- gen. N77-18782/1CP ISBN-3-7983-0560-9 Linda 1: A Program System for Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Railway Vehicles Linda 1 - Ein Program msystem Zur Untersuchung des Dynamischen Verhaltens von Schienenfahrzeu- gen. N77-18782/1CP TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CORP., SANTA MONICA, CALIF. Development and Testing of Incident Detection Algorithms. Volume 4. Program Documentation for Evaluation, Calibration and Implementation (FHWA/RD-76-22) PB-259 239/2CP TEXAS A AND M RESEARCH FOUNDATION, COLLEGE STATION. RF3256-Vol-2 Tire-Pavement Interface Variability. Volume II. Technical Report (DOT-HS-802-554) PB-272 289/0CP TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPT., AUSTIN. DIV. OF AUTOMATION. 1-19-74-179-1F A Portable Automated Data Acquisition System for Material Haul Documentation PB-241 743/4CP TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC DALLAS Microwave Landing System (MLS) Development Plan as Proposed by Texas Instruments, Inc. Dur- ing the Technique Analysis and Contract Defini- tion Phase of the National MLS Development Pro- gram. Volume VI. Appendixes E3 through E11 (FAA-RD-74-170-6) AD-A003 379/5CP TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INST., COLLEGE STATION. RF-814-1-VOI-4 Vehicle Exteriors and Pedestrian Injury Preven- tion. Volume V-A 3-D. Math Simulation of a Crash Victim Extension and Validation Study (DOT-HS-801-547) PB-242 068/5CP TTI-2-5-69- 140-5 Simulation of Vehicle Impact with the Texas Concrete Median Barrier. Volume I. Test Com- parisons and Parameter Study PB-220 459/2CP TTI-2-18-74-164-2 Computation of Dynamic Loads at Grade Crossings A User's Manual of the Computer Pro- gram (FHWA/RD- 76-S05 1 1) PB-259 673/2CP TTI-2- 18-76-1 78-1 A Report on the User's Manual for Diamond In- terchange Sign alization— Passer III (FHWA/RD- 77- T0253) PB-275 061 /OCP TEXAS UNIV. AT AUSTIN. COUNCIL FOR ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION STUDIES. RR-24 Forecast of Revenue Freight Carried by Rail in Texas to 1990 (DOT/TST-75/139) PB-261 320/6CP TEXAS UNIV AUSTIN ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER A Model for Traffic Simulation and a Simulation Language for the General Transportation Problem (AFOSR-TR-71- 1278) AD-723 723/CP TEXTRON INC BUFFALO N Y BELL AEROSPACE DIV 6364-933005 Multilateration/Multipath Study for Air Traffic Control (RADC-TR-74-1 73) AD-784 860/9CP TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT CORP., WASHINGTON, D.C. Single Track System Concepts Study (UMTA-DC-06-0010-72-19) PB-222 055/6CP Subway Environmental Design Handbook Volume II. Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 1. User's Manual (UMTA-DC-06-0010-75-1) PB-254 789/1CP Subway Environmental Design Handbook. Volume II Subway Environment Simulation Computer Program (SES). Part 2. Programmer's Manual (UM TA -DC-06-0010- 75-2) PB-254 790/9CP TRANSPORT AND ROAD RESEARCH LAB., CROWTHORNE (ENGLAND). TRRL-LR-478 Development of a Program for the Axle-Load Sur- vey Recorder (ALSER) PB-212 506/CP TRRL-SUPPLEMENTARY-255 User Guide to TRANSYT Version 6 PB-276 422/3CP TRRL-SUPPLEMENTARY-266 Bus Transyt - A User's Guide PB-276 452/OCP TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Manual PB-224 084/4CP TRANSYT Method for Area Control Program - Mag Tape PB-224 085/1CP TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD, WASHINGTON, D.C. ISBN-0-309-02565-6 Flow Theory PB-265 331 /9CP TRB/TRR-596 Flow Theory PB-265 331 /9CP TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CENTER CAMBRIDGE MASS DOT-TSC-FAA-73-13 User's Manual for ILSLOC: Simulation for Derogation Effects on the Localizer Portion of the Instrument Landing System (FAA-RD-73-76) AD-768 049/9CP DOT-TSC-FRA-74-2 Introduction to the Application of the Dynalist Computer Program to the Analysis of Rail Systems Dynamics (FRA-ORD/D-75-2) PB-235 361/3CP DOT-TSC-FRA-74-14.1 DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume I Technical Report (FRA/ORD-75/22.1) PB-256 046/4CP DOT-TSC-FRA-75-16 I Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume I. Technical Report (FRA/ORD-76/ 135.1) PB-259 287/1CP DOT-TSC-FRA-75-16.il Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Pre- diction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics. Volume II. Appendixes (FRA/ORD- 76/ 1 35. II) PB-259 288/9CP DOT-TSC-FRA-76-6 Feasibility of Flaw Detection in Railroad Wheels Using Acoustic Signatures (FRA/ORD-76/290) PB-263 248/7CP DOT-TSC-OST-72-30 Accumulative Probability Model for Automated Network Traffic Analyses PB-218 460/4CP DOT-TSC-OST-73-27 Target Acquisition Performance of a Satellite Based Multiple Access Surveillance System PB-241 633/7CP DOT-TSC-OST-73-43 Highway Fuel Consumption Computer Model (Version I) PB-231 880/6CP DOT-TSC-UMTA-72-10 Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility (UMTA-MA-06-0025-73) PB-221 978/OCP TSC-FAA-71-1 En Route Air Traffic Flow Simulation AD-751 929/CP TSC-FAA-74-14-B ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction. Volume B (FAA-RD-74-157-B) AD-A009 432/6CP TSC-FAA-74-23-2 Simulation of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (SOAR) with Application to a Dis- crete Address Beacon System. Volume II. Appen- dixes (FAA-RD-75-35-2) 82 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX WYLE RESEARCH, EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. AD-A010 474/5CP TSC-FAA-75-25 The Airport Performance Model (FAA-ASP-75-5) AD-A025 262/7CP TSC-FAA-76-16 ILS Glide Slope Performance Prediction Multipath Scattering (FAA-RD-76-216) AD-A035 298/9CP TSC-FAA-76-25 A Computer Program Functional Design of the Simulation Subsystem of an Automated Central Flow Control System (FAA-RD-76-144) AD-A031 148/OCP Forecasting Models for Air Freight Demand and Projection of Cargo Activity at U. S Air Hubs (FAA-AVP-77-2) AD-A037 838/OCP Analyses of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in Support of Development of the Wheel Rail Dynamics Research Facility (DOT-TSC-UMTA-72-10) FB-222 654/6CP TRW SYSTEMS GROUP, MCLEAN, VA. WASHINGTON OPERATIONS. 06818-W033-RO-00 Synchronous Longitudinal Guidance (SLG) Allo- cation Algorithm Effectiveness Study (FRA-RT- 72-20) PB-203 499/CP TRW SYSTEMS GROUP, REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. 06818-6046-RO00 Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume I - Analysis. (FRA-RT-71-42-VOI-1) PB-194 137/CP 06818-6047-RO00 Dynamic Response of Continuous Beam Elevated Guideways. Volume II - Computer Program. (FRA-RT-71-42- Vol-2) PB-194 138/CP TRW SYSTEMS, REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. 0681 8-6041 -RO00 Supporting Studies for Hsgt System Report (Tvs). PB-193 145/CP 06818-6048-RO00-VOI-1 Dynamic Analysis of Multiple Car Vehicles Using Component Modes Volume I. analysis. (FRA-RT-71-43) PB-193 545/CP TRW TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS, HOUSTON, TEX. 96004.007 Urban Traffic Control System and Bus Priority System (UTCS/BPS): Traffic Adaptive Network Signal Timing Program (TANSTP). Software Description PB-241 870/5CP ULTRASYSTEMS, INC., IRVINE, CALIF. NASA-CR- 152683 Examination of the Costs, Benefits and Enery Conservation Aspects of the NASA Aircraft Fuel Conservation Technology Program. N77-23007/6CP REPT-8291-01 Examination of the Costs, Benefits and Enery Conservation Aspects of the NASA Aircraft Fuel Conservation Technology Program. N77-23007/6CP UNDERWRITERS'LABS INC TAMPA FLA Investigation of the Performance of Personal Flotation Devices (USCG-D-168-75) AD-A017 101/7CP URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION. UMTA-RDD-8-74-1 UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-231 865/7CP UMTA-RDD-8-74-2 Operating Policies for Personal Rapid Transit PB-239 825/3CP URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. PLANNING METHODOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT DIV. UMTA-IT-06-0050-75-1 UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-246 187/9CP UTP UMTA Transportation Planning System Reference Manual PB-246 187/9CP VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST. AND STATE UNIV., BLACKSBURG. DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. User Documentation for the Metropolitan Accessi- bility Program (MAP) (UMTA-VA-1 1-0002-77-1) PB-269 239/OCP Accessibility Applications in Urban Transportation (UMTA-VA-1 1-0002-77-2) PB-269 240/8CP VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY. Evaluating Transit Service to Minorities (UMTA-V A/09-001 3-75-1) PB-253 041/8CP VIRGINIA UNIV., CHARLOTTESVILLE. DEPT. OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS. NASA-CR-145250 The Development of a Model for Predicting Pas- senger Acceptance of Short-Haul Air Transporta- tion Systems. N77-33148/6CP UVA/528060/ESS77/ 1 1 1 The Development of a Model for Predicting Pas- senger Acceptance of Short-Haul Air Transporta- tion Systems. N77-33148/6CP VIRGINIA UNIV., CHARLOTTESVILLE. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE. EE-4038-1 02-75 Optimization and Sensitivity Studies of Flight- Path Trajectories. N75-32121/6CP NASA-CR-1 19132 Optimization and Sensitivity Studies of Flight- Path Trajectories. N75-32121/6CP VIZEX, INC., BUFFALO, N.Y. VCR-76-1 User Manual for Air Bag Restraint Program ABAG 19 (DOT-HS-801-929) PB-256 115/7CP WATERLOO UNIV. (ONTARIO). TRANSPORT GROUP. A Domestic Multi-Modal Goods Distribution Model with Emphasis on Air Cargo N72-21969/CP WAYNE STATE UN IV DETROIT MICH COLL OF ENGINEERING Investigation of Suspension Units Possessing Bilinear Damping Force and Cubic-Linear Spring Force Characteristics (TACOM-11297) AD-728 507/CP WAYNE STATE UNIV., DETROIT, MICH. DEPT. OF NEUROSURGERY. Breaking Strength of the Human Skull vs Impact Surface Curvature (DOT-HS-801-002) PB-233 041 /3CP WEST VIRGINIA UNIV., MORGANTOWN. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Technical Bull-94 The Development and Demonstration of an Auto- matic Passenger Counter, Volume II. PB-193 906/CP WESTINGHOUSE DEFENSE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS CENTER BALTIMORE MD AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DIV A Computer Study and Site Analysis of the Buf- falo, New York Runway 23 Glideslope Site (FAA-RD-75-13) AD-A044 615/3CP WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., WEST MIFFLIN, PA. TRANSPORTATION DIV. Assured Energy Receptivity Study (TDC-AER-75-3) PB-247 760/2CP WIGGINS (J. E.) CO., REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume IV Revised User's Manual (FRA/ORD-75/22.IV) PB-258 194/OCP WIGGINS (J. H.) CO., REDONDO BEACH, CALIF. DYNALIST II: A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems. Volume II. User's Manual (FRA/ORD-75-22.II) PB-257 733/6CP DYNALIST II. A Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems Volume III. Technical Report Addendum (FRA/ORD- 75/22. Ill) PB-258 193/2CP WISCONSIN UNIV. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management. Volume III Real-Time (Hybrid Computer) Simulation Pro- gram Set (DO T/TS T- 75/2- Vol -3) PB-248 778/3CP WISCONSIN UNIV., MADISON. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION. Increased Fuel Economy in Transportation Systems by Use of Energy Management. Volume II. Digital Automotive Propulsion Simulator Pro- grams and Description (DOT/TS T- 75/2- Vol-2) PB-248 777/5CP WYLE LABS HUNTSVILLE ALA MSR-75-23 Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season Volume I. Research Report (USCG-D-139-75) AD-A015 142/3CP MSR-75-23- Vol-2-App-B-U Capsizing/Swamping Accident Investigations for 1974 Season. Volume II. Appendices B-U (USCG-D-140-75) AD-A018 568/6CP WYLE RESEARCH, EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. WRC-74-14-2 Airport Noise Reduction Forecast. Volume II. NEF Computer Program Description and User's Manual (DOT/TST-75-4) PB-239 388/2CP 83 ■a U. S. 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