A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION :FbM\?L 3: 1 i Data Access Description Computer Tape Series CT-7 DAD No. 30 August 1972 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Social and Economic Statistics Administration • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS SIXTH COUNT SUMMARY TAPES FROM THE 1970 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING Contents Page Introduction 1 Organization and Geographic Areas of the Sixth Count Summary Tapes 1 Contents of the Sixth Count Summary Tapes 3 Population Tabulations 3 Housing Tabulations 8 Considerations in the Use of the Summary Tapes 15 Computer Compatibility 15 Geographic Code Schemes 15 Acquisition of the Tapes 15 Further Information 15 Introduction This Data Access Description, Computer Tape Series CT-7, describes the Sixth Count Summary Tapes, the last in the series of summary tapes to be released from the 1970 census. The First through Fifth Counts were described in DAD's CT-2 through CT-6; CT-1 provided general infor- mation about summary tapes. (CT-8 described the Public Use Sample tapes.) The Sixth Count tapes provide detailed tabula- tions and cross-classifications of sample popu- lation and housing characteristics for States, standard metropolitan statistical area's (SMSA's), and larger cities and counties. They are the source of two series of 1970 census reports: population reports PC(1)-D, Detailed Character- istics, and housing reports HC(2), Metropolitan Housing Characteristics. The Sixth Count tapes are being released during summer and early fall 1972. The contents of the Sixth Count Summary Tapes, as described in this Data Access Description, are subject to possible minor revision. Organization and Geographic Areas of the Sixth Count Summary Tapes The Sixth Count tapes contain information obtained from the 5-, 10-, and 15-percent sample questions; 100-percent items are included for purposes of cross-classification. Data are provided for the following geographic areas: States, SMSA's, metropolitan counties, nonmetropolitan counties of 50,000 inhabitants or more (housing data only), cities of 50,000 in- habitants or more, and central cities. For each area there are approximately 260,000 cells of data-- 151,602 cells of population data in 92 tables and 109,061 cells of housing data in 348 tables. The population and housing data on separate tapes. Population da one to two reels per State a to 14 reels per State. The geographic sequen Count files is as follows: ained Data Access Descriptions are intended Census Bureau data for persons with data requ as introductions to means of access to irements not fully met by the printed report Population: State total State total urban State total rural nonfarm State total rural farm Each SMSA Each SMSA county Each place of 50,000 or more population Each central city of the SMSA Housing: State total State total outside SMSA's State total inside SMSA's State total inside SMSA's inside central cities State total inside SMSA's out- side central cities Each SMSA Each non-SMSA county of 50,000 population or more Each SMSA county Each place of 50,000 population or more Each central city of an SMSA For both population and housing files, data for the entire county will be shown for counties only partially within SMSA's in New England. The great amount of detail contained in the Sixth Count tabulations rules out a complete description of each tabulation in this Data Access Description. Instead, each table description includes the table number, the universe and stratifiers, the number of categories for each stratifier, and the total number of data cells. For example, consider the following: 0990 Foreign- stock population by country of origin (82), sex (2), race (4), and nativity and parentage (2) 1,312 This description of table 0990 indicates that the foreign-stock population (universe) is tabulated by four stratifiers: 82 countries or world areas of origin, sex, four race groups, and two nativity and parentage classifications. The entire table amounts to 1,312 cells of data. A detailed description of each tabulation is presented in the Sixth Count Population and Sixth Count Housing Technical Documentations. These technical documents are provided with summary tapes sold by the Census Bureau or can be obtained separately from the Bureau (see page 15). NOTE: The 1970 census data review conducted by the Bureau revealed a misclassif ication of the statistics on f arm/nonf arm residence. This misclassif ication affects tabulation number T010 of the Sixth Count housing tapes. The misclassif ication is limited to the farm/nonfarm components and is compensating between them. Therefore, the population or housing unit figures for the rural area as a whole are not affected, nor are the figures for urban areas and the State as a whole. Contents of the Sixth Count Summary Tapes Population Tabulations On the sixth count tape, the population tabulations begin with tabulation number 0950 and end with number 1560. When "race" is indicated as a stratifier in a population tabulation, it will be one of five different distributions found on the population files. These distributions are: Number of categories Distribution Exceptions 2 Negro, Spanish American 3 Total, Negro, Spanish American Tabulations 099A, 099B: Total, white, other races (excludes Negro) 4 Total, white, Negro, Tabulations 0960, 112B: Spanish American White, Negro, other races, Spanish American 5 Total, white, Negro, Spanish American, other races 7 Indian (American), Japanese, Chinese, Filipino,* Hawaiian,* Korean, all other (*in Alaska, Eskimo and Aleut) The following additional information is important in understanding the population tabulations: 1) For all tabulations of families or subfamilies, the weight of the family or subfamily head is used for tabulation. (The weight is a value assigned to each family or subfamily head in the sample which expresses an estimate of the actual number of cases that would have been observed if the data had been collected on a 100-percent basis.) 2) For all tabulations of family income, only the income of family members 14 years old and over is included. 3) In computing income deficit (difference between income and poverty level for families and unrelated individuals below the poverty level), negative incomes are treated as zero. 4) Dollar aggregates of earnings and income, along with the relevant counts of units (persons or families and unrelated individuals) will permit the computation of mean values (e.g., average income). In all cases, a loss is tabulated as negative income, and a unit with negative income is tabulated as a unit with income. 5) All tabulations concerning "poverty" exclude inmates of institutions, members of the Armed Forces living in barracks, college students living in dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 14 years old. The term "poverty level" used in these tabulations refers to the Social Security Administration's poverty index. Families refered to as "below poverty level" are those with a. incomes less than the poverty level for a family or household of the specified compositions. u o •3 o a • a Population Tabulations Tabula- No. of Tabula- No. of tion data tion data number Universe and stratifiers cells number Universe and stratifiers cells 0950 Selected control counts by race and 103B Population 18 years old and over sample type 5 completing vocational training by sex (2), years of school completed 0960 Population by sex (2), nativity (2), (8), race (4), and field of voca- race (4), and age (18) 288 tional training (7) 448 0970 Population (excluding white and Negro) by sex (2), nativity (2), 103C Population 18-64 years old not enrolled in school and having race (7), and age (18) 504 completed less than 3 years of college and completing vocational 0980 Population by sex (2), race (4), nativity and place of birth (10), training by sex (2), race (4), employment status, occupation, and and age (18) 1,440 earnings (27), and field of voca- tional training (7) 1,512 0990 Foreign-stock population by country of origin (82), sex (2), race (4), 104A Civilian male veterans 16 years old and nativity and parentage (2) 1,312 and over by period of service, marital status, residence in 1965, 099A Population by mother tongue (29), race (3), and nativity and years of school completed, relation- ship, family status, employment parentage (3) 261 status, occupation, year last worked, and income (70), race (4), and 099B Population by age (9), sex (2), \ race (3), and citizenship (3) 162 104B age (12) Civilian male veteran family heads 16 3,360 099C Foreign-born population by country of birth (30), race (5), and years old and over and unrelated in- dividuals 16 years old and over by citizenship (2) 300 family income and income of unrelated individuals (20), race (4), and 099D Foreign-born population by race (5), year of immigration (8), and age (12) 960 citizenship (2) 80 1050 Population 14 years old and over by age (28), race (4), sex (2), and mar- 1000 Population 5 years old and over by age (17), race (4), sex (2), and ital status and marital history (ll) 2,464 residence in 1965 (9) 1,224 1060 Population by age (20), race (4), sex (2), and household relationship 100A Male population 20 years old and over in 1970 and in Armed Forces in 1965 (12) 1,920 by age (7), race (4), and residence in 1965 (9) 1070 Population in group quarters by 252 age (19), race (4), and sex and type of group quarters (13) 988 100B Population 20 years old and over in 1 1970 and attending college in 1965 1080 ^Families and subfamilies by pres- by race (4), age (3), and residence ence and number of own children in 1965 (9) 108 under 18 years old; race (4); sex (2); and marital status. Un- 100C Male population 15 years old and over in Armed Forces in 1970 by race (4), related individuals and inmates of institutions 19 years old and over age (8), and residence in 1965 (9) 288 by race (4), sex (2), and marital status 556 100D Population 15 years old and over attending college in 1970 by sex (2), 1090 ^Families by family type, race (4), race (4), residence with parents (2), age of head, and number of own age (3), and residence in 1965 (9) 432 children under 18 years old and presence of sons or daughters of 1010 Population 3-34 years old enrolled in school by age (24), sex (2), selected ages 720 race (4), type of school (3), and 1100 ^Families by family type, race (4), year of school in which enrolled (19) 10,944 age of head, and family size and number of members 18 years old and 101A Population 3-34 years old by age (24), sex (2), and race (4) 192 1110 over ^Families by related children under 720 1020 Population 16-24 years old and not enrolled in school by age (9), 18 years old, race (4), family type, age of head, and education and sex (2), race (4), and years of labor force 912 school completed (18) 1,296 1120 *Tamilies by related children under 1030 Population 14 years old and over by age (13), sex (2), race (4), and 18 years old, race (4), family type, age of head, and occupation and years of school completed (18) 1,872 employment status 572 103A Population 18 years old and over by sex (2), age (7), race (4), and *For this tabulation, the number of categories varies vocational training (8) 448 within some of the stratifiers. Population Tabulations Tabula _ No. of Tabula- No. of tlon data tion data number Universe and stratlflers Ever married population 14 years old cells number 119B Universe and stratifiers ce lis 112A ^Disabled population 16-64 years and over by age (16), race (4), old (excluding inmates) by race sex (2), and age at first (4); sex, age, and duration of marriage (10) 1,280 disability; marital status, pres- ence of own children under 18 years 112B *Ever married population 30-49 years old by race (4); sex (2); old, years of school completed, income, poverty status, labor force urban rural residence, place of status, and occupation 1 ,944 birth, marital status, race of spouse (present), years of school 1200 Population 14 years old and over and completed, occupation, income, 16 years old and over in the experi- nativity, and detailed race; and enced civilian labor force (ECLF) and count of persons and aggregate age employed, by sex (2), age and employ- at first marriage 816 ment status (3), and detailed occupation (514) 3 084 1130 Females 15 years old and over by age (13), race (4), and marital status and number of children ever born (10) 520 1210 Employed population 16 years old and over by sex (2), urban/rural resi- dence and race (5), and detailed 1140 Females 15-49 years old by age (8), race (4), and marital status and number of own children under 5 years occupation (514) 5 140 old (6) 192 1220 *Population 16 years old and over who have worked in 1960 or since 114A Females 35-44 years old by urban/ rural residence, nativity, race, marital history, years of school completed, and labor force status (28), race (4), and marital status by sex (2); race (4); employment status, weeks worked in 1969 of ECLF, and year last worked; and intermediate occupation 3 402 and number of children ever born (3) 336 122A Employed population 16 years old and over by sex (2), race (3), class of worker (7), and intermediate occupa- 114B Native females 35-44 years old by tion (156 for male, 87 for female) 5 103 State of birth (7), race (4), and marital status and number of children ever born (3) 84 1230 Employed population 14 years old and 114C Ever married females 35-44 years old by age at first marriage (7), race over by race (3), sex (2), age (11), and intermediate occupation (243 for (4), and marital status and number of total, 82 for Negro, and 82 for children ever born (2) 56 Spanish American) 4 477 114D Married, spouse-present females 35-44 1240 Males 16 years old and over with earnings in the ECLF by race (3), years old by occupation of husband and income of husband (19), race (4), earnings and weeks worked in 1969 and number of women and number of (18), and intermediate occupation children ever born (2) 152 (156) 8 424 1150 Population 14 years old and over by age (24), race (4), sex (2), and employment status (7) 1,344 124A Females 16 years old and over with earnings in the ECLF by race (3), earnings and weeks worked in 1969 1160 Population 16 years old and over by (20), and intermediate occupation age (14), race (4), sex (2), labor (87) 5 220 force status (2), and marital history and presence of own children (7) 1,568 124B Population 16 years old and over with earnings in the ECLF by sex (2), 1170 Population 14-34 years old by age (11), race (4), sex (2), school en- earnings and weeks worked in 1969 (10), and industry and occupation rollment (2), and employment status (119) 2 380 and hours worked (7) 1,232 124C *TCegro and Spanish American popula- 1180 Population 14 years old and over by age (13), race (4), sex (2), and weeks worked in 1969 (7) 728 tion 25 years old and over by race (3); sex (2); occupation and em- ployment status in 1965, and residence in 1965; and occupation 1190 Population 14 years old and over by age 12), race (4), sex (2), and employment status and year last worked (11) 1,056 varies 124D 1250 and employment status in 1970 Employed population 16 years old and over by sex (2), race (3), education (5), and occupation (51 for male, 31 for female) Employed population 16 years old and over by sex (2), industry (48), and occupation (71 for total, 33 for 1 1 568 230 *For this tabulation, the number of categories within some of the stratifiers. female) 4 992 Population Tabulations 130A Females 16 years old and over with earnings in the ECLF by race (3), earnings and weeks worked in 1969 (20), and intermediate industry (83) 131A Part I - Aggregate dollar earnings of population 16 years old and over at work during the census week by place of residence (2), place of work (5), race (4), age (3), sex (2), and means of transportation to work (4) Part II - Population 16 years old and over at work during the census week by place of residence (2), place of work (5), race (4), age (3), sex (2), and means of transportation to work (4) Parts I and II 131B Population 16 years old and over at work during the census week by years of school completed and major occu- pation (18), race (4), sex (2), place of residence (2), and place of work (5) 1320 Part I - Aggregate dollar earnings of population 14 years old and over at work during the census week by place of work (12) and class of worker (4) Part II - Population 14 years old and over at work during the census week by place of work (12) and class of worker (6) Parts I and II 1,920 *For this tabulation, the number of categories varies within some of the stratifiers. population 18 years old and over by race (4), sex (2), years of school completed (8), and age (7) Part II - Population 18 years old and over by race (4), sex (2), years of school completed (8), and income and age (21) Parts I and II 1390 Part I - Aggregate dollar income of families and unrelated individuals 14 years old and over by race (4), age (6), and family status and pres- ence of own children (21) Part II - Population of families and unrelated individuals 14 years old and over by race (4), age (6), income (12), and family status and presence of own children (21) Parts I and II Part I - Aggregate dollar income of families by race (4) and family size (10) Part II - Families by income (15), race (4), and family size (10) Parts I and II Families and unrelated individuals 14 years old and over (excluding inmates of institutions) by race (4), family status and number of earners (8), and income (15) Husband-wife families by race (4), work experience in 1969 and labor force status (21), and earnings (15) Tabula- No. of Tabula- No of tion data tion data number Universe and stratifiers Employed Negro and Spanish American ce lis number 1330 Universe and stra Population 14 years old tif iers and over by c« ■lis 125 A population 16 years old and over by race (4), sex (2), and income (15) 120 race (2) , industry (14), and occupati an (47) 1 ,316 1340 Part popu I - Aggregate doll Lation 14 years old ar income of and over by 1260 Population 14 years old and over and age 13), race (4), and sex (2) 16 years old and over in the ECLF and employed by sex (2), age and empl oy- Part II - Population 14 years old and ment status (3), and detailed over by age (13), race (4), sex (2), industry (230) 1 ,380 and mcome (14) Parts I and II 1 ,560 1270 Employed population 16 years old and over by sex (2), race (3), and 1350 Part I - Aggregate doll ar income of detailed industry (230) 1 ,380 population 14 years old and over (excluding inmates of institutions) 1280 *Population 16 years old and over by race (4), sex (2), and family in the ECLF by sex (2); race (4); status and age (8) employment status, year last worked, and weeks worked in 1969, and intermediate industry 2, 324 Part over II - Population 14 (excluding inmates years old and of institu- 128 A Employed population 16 years old over by sex (2), race (3), class worker (7), and intermediate and of tions) by race (4), sex status and age (8), and Parts I and II (2), family income (14) 960 industry (83) 3; 486 1360 Population 14 years old and over by 1290 Employed population 14 years old and over by sex (2), age (11), and inter- race 1969 (4), sex (2), weeks worked in (6), and earnings (15) 720 mediate industry (83) 1, 826 1370 Population 14 years old and over by 1300 Males 16 earnings years old and over with in the ECLF by race (3), race (4), sex and employment status (7), and income (15) 420 earnings and weeks worked in 1969 (18), and intermediate industry (83) 4, 482 1380 Part I - Aggregate dollar income of 1,792 6,552 640 480 1,260 Population Tabulations Tabula- tion number 144A IMP 1450 1460 146A 1470 1480 Universe and stratlflers Part I - Aggregate dollar Income of families by age (6), race (4), and years of school completed (10) Part II - Families by age (6), race (4), Income (14), and years of school completed (10) Parts I and II Part I - Aggregate dollar income of population 14 years old and over in households by race (4), and house- hold size, sex, and household composition (11) Part II - Population 14 years old and over in households by race (4), household size, sex, and household composition (11), and income (13) Parts I and II Families with heads in the ECLF by race (4), occupation, industry, and class of worker (32), and Income (15) Families with heads in labor force status by race (4), industry and labor force status (18), and income (15) Part I - Aggregate dollar income of families and unrelated individuals 14 years old and over by race (4), family status (2), and type of in- come '6) Part II - Families and unrelated in- dividuals 14 years old and over by race (4), family status (2), type of income (6), and income (14) Parts I and II Family members and unrelated individ- uals 14 years old and over by race (4), sex and family status (2), household relationship and age (16), and ratio of family Income to poverty level (8) Part I - Aggregate dollar income deficit of families below poverty level by race (4), age (4), number of related children under 18 years old (8), and sex and marital status (3) Part II - Families by race (4), poverty status (2), age (4), number of related children under 18 years old (8), and sex and marital status (3) Parts I and II No. of data cells 3,600 616 1,920 1,080 720 1,152 Tabula- tion number 1500 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 Universe and stratlfiers Families by race (4), poverty status (2), sex, age, and related children (11), and labor force status (6) Families by race (4), poverty status (2), weeks worked in 1969 (5), and sex, occupation, and class of worker (40) Families by race (4), poverty status (2), sex, age, and related children (8), and years of school completed (7) Part I - Aggregate dollar income of families by race (4), poverty status (2), sex, age, and related children under 18 years old (9), and aggregate type of income (5) Part II - Families by race (4), poverty status (2), sex, age, and re- lated children under 18 years old (9), and type of income (7) Parts I and II Part I - Aggregate dollar income deficit of families and unrelated individuals below poverty level by race (4), sex (2), and family status, age, and related children under 18 years old (11 ) Part II - Families and unrelated individuals with incomes below poverty level by race '4), sex (2), income deficit (8), and family status, age, and related children under 18 years old (11 ) Parts I and II Part I - Aggregate dollar income of families by race (4), sex (2), poverty status (2), and related children under 18 years old (10) Part II - Families by race (4), sex (2), poverty status and income (25), and related children under 18 years old (10) Parts I and II Population 3-24 years old enrolled in school by race 4), poverty status 2), sex (2), year of school in which enrolled (8'i, and type of school and age of person (13) Population 14-24 years old and not enrolled in school by race (4), poverty status (2), sex (2), years of school completed (8), and age (11) Total No. of data cells 1,600 792 1,664 8 Housing Tabulations Housing tabulations are numbered by alpha-numeric combinations. (The alphabetic letter O is indicated by underlining the letter.) The numbering scheme is as follows: The first letter refers to the major grouping. The numbers refer to the tabulation within the major grouping. The final letter, if any, differentiates between owners (A) and renters (B) within the same tabulation when the universe differs for owners and renters. For tabulations with the same alphabetic classification, one or more of the stratifiers remains the same for all the tabulations. In the following summary these constant stratifiers are given in the heading for each alphabetic group. Following each individual tabulation number, only the variable stratifiers are listed. For all housing tabulations containing the stratifier "tenure and race of head," the distribution is as follows: 8 categories: Total owner occupied White owner occupied Negro owner occupied Spanish American owner occupied Total renter occupied White renter occupied Negro renter occupied Spanish American renter occupied 4 categories: All categories for either owner- occupied or renter occupied, as appropriate. The type of tenure and race of head stratifier used in each alphabetic group of tabulations is indicated in the group heading. If an alphabetic group contains tabulations with both eight and four categories of tenure and race of head, * indicates the stratifier is composed of the four owner-occupied categories, and / indicates the stratifier is composed of the four renter-occupied categories. In such a group, all other tabulations of tenure and race of head consist of eight categories. The following additional information is important in understanding the housing tabulations: 1) Value is tabulated for owner-occupied and vacant- for- sale- only one-family houses which are on places of less than 10 acres and have no business or medical office on the property. Value is not tabulated for mobile homes, trailers, cooperatives, or condominiums. 2) Gross rent is tabulated for all renter-occupied units except one-family houses on places of 10 acres or more. One-family houses with no cash rent must be on places of less than 10 acres. 3) Contract rent is tabulated for all renter-occupied and vacant-for-rent units except one-family houses on places of 10 acres or more. One-family houses with no cash rent must be on places of less than 10 acres. 4) Units "with all plumbing facilities" have all of the following: Hot piped water, flush toilet for this household only, and a bathtub or shower for this household only. Units are also tabulated by "lacking one or more plumbing facilities." 5) Complete kitchen facilities are all of the following: A range or cookstove for this household only, a sink with piped water for this household only, and a mechanical refrigerator for this house- hold only. 6) Direct access is an entrance to a living quarters directly from outside the structure or through a common hall. Housing Tabulations Tabula- No. of Tabula- No. of tion data tion data number Universe and stratifiers ce Us number Universe and stratifiers cells A000 Selected control counts by race and C060 By year head moved into unit (7) 280 sample type 5 C070 By income (11) 440 AO10-A14O Household type and age of head (14), C080 By number of automobiles by tenure and race of head (8 unless C090 available (4) By second home (2) 160 indicated) 80 A010 By number of rooms in unit (8) 896 C10A ♦By units in structure (5) 100 A020 By number of persons in unit (8) 896 C10B /By units in structure (9) 180 A030 By number of bedrooms (5) 560 cuo ♦By value (11) 220 A040 By plumbing facilities and persons pe r room ( 8 ) CI 20 /By monthly gross rent (12) 240 896 CI 30 ♦By value/income ratio (7) 140 A050 By year structure built (6) 672 A060 By year head moved into unit (7) 784 C140 /By gross rent as percentage of A070 By income 11 1 1 ,232 income (7) 140 A080 By number of automobiles available (4) 448 C150 C160 ♦By income (7), by value (7) /By income (7), by gross rent as 980 A090 By second home (2) 224 percentage of income (7) 980 A10A »By units in structure (5) 280 D010-D200 Value (11), A10B /•By units in structure (9) 504 head (4 categories of owner-occupied A110 ♦By value ,11) 616 units) A120 -By monthly gross rent ^12) 672 D010 By number of rooms in unit (8) 352 A130 *By value income ratio (7) 392 D020 D030 By number of persons in unit (8) By number of bedrooms (5) 352 220 A140 *By income (7), by gross rent as percentage of income (7) 2 ,744 D040 By plumbing facilities and persons per room (8) 352 B010-BO70 Household tvDe and age of head (10). by tenure and race of head (8 unless D050 By year structure built (6) By heating equipment (8) 264 D060 indicated) 352 B010 By plumbing facilities (2), by income (7) 1 ,120 DO 70 B0 80 By number of bathrooms (4) By basement (3) 176 132 B020 By number of persons in unit (6), by income '7) 3 ,360 D090 By source of water (3) 132 B030 By plumbing facilities (2), by D100 By type of sewage disposal (3) 132 number of persons in unit (6) 960 DUO By year head moved into unit (7) 308 B04A ♦By units in structure (3), by income (7) 840 D120 D130 By income (11) By number of automobiles 484 B04B /By units in structure '5), by income 7l 1 ,400 D140 available (4) By air conditioning (4) 176 176 B05A ♦By units in structure (3), by plumbing facilities (2) 240 D150 By household equipment (4) 176 B05B •■■By units in structure (5), by D160 By number of television sets (3) 132 plumbing facilities (2) 400 D170 By battery-operated radio (2) 88 B06A ♦By units in structure (3), by year structure built (5) 600 D180 D190 By second home (2) By value/ income ratio (7) 88 308 B06B ■-By units in structure (5), by year structure built (5) 1 ,000 D200 By presence of roomers, boarders, or lodgers (2) 88 BO 70 ♦By income (7), by value (7) 1 ,960 C010-C160 Units with head 62 years old and over E010-E020 Value (7), by tenure and race of head by household type (5), by tenure and (4 categories of owner-occupied race of head 8 unless indicated) units ) C010 By number of rooms in unit (8) 320 E010 By plumbing facilities (2), by number of bedrooms ( 4 ) 224 C020 By number of persons in unit (8) 320 C030 By number of bedrooms '5) 200 E020 By number of persons in unit (6), by income (7) 1,176 C040 By plumbing facilities and persons per room (8) 320 F01O-F230 Monthly gross rent (12), by tenure and race of head (4 categories of C050 By year structure built (6) 240 F010 renter-occupied units) By number of rooms in unit (8) 384 »Owner- occupied units. /Renter -occupied units. F020 By number of persons in unit (8) 384 10 Housing Tabulations Tabula- tion number F030 FO40 Universe and stratlflers By number of bedrooms (5) By plumbing facilities and persons per room (8) F050 By year structure built (6) F060 By stories in structure (4) F070 +By passenger elevator (2) F080 By heating equipment (8) By number of bathrooms (4) By basement (3) By source of water (3) By type of sewage disposal (3) By year head moved into unit (7) By income (11) FO90 F100 F110 F120 F130 F140 F150 By number of automobiles available (4) F160 By air conditioning (4) F170 By household equipment (4) F180 By number of television sets (3) F190 By battery-operated radio (2) F200 By second home (2) F210 By presence of roomer, boarders, or lodgers (2) F220 By units in structure (9) F230 By gross rent as percentage of income (7) G010-G030 Monthly gross rent (8), by tenure and race of head (4 categories of renter- occupied units G010 By plumbing facilities (2), by number of bedrooms (4) GO20 By number of persons in unit (6), by income (7) G030 By units in structure (5), by year structure built (5) H010-H160 Income (11), by tenure and race of ~ ' ^ Us r indicated) H010 By number of rooms in unit (8) H020 By number of persons in unit (8) H030 By number of bedrooms (5) H040 By year structure built (6) H050 By number of automobiles available (4) H060 By air conditioning (4) H070 By telephone available (2) H080 By household equipment (4) H090 By numt->r of televisions sets (3) H100 By battery-operated radio (2) HI 10 By second home (2) H120 By presence of roomers, boarders, or 1 odge r s ( 2 ) H13A »By units in structure (5) No. of data cells 240 384 288 192 96 384 192 144 144 144 336 528 192 192 192 144 96 96 96 432 336 256 800 704 704 440 528 352 352 176 352 264 176 176 176 220 Tabula- tion number Universe and stratlflers ♦Owner-occupied units. /Renter-occupied units. +For units in structures with 4 stories or more. H13B rBy units in structure (9) H140 *By value/income ratio (7) H150 By type of household and sex of head (4), by age of head 6) H160 /By gross rent as percentage of income ''7) I01A-I040 Income '7), by tenure and race of head '4 | I01A *By units in structure 13), by number of persons in unit (6) I01B /By units in structure (5), by number of persons in unit (6) I02A »By units in structure (3), by year structure built (5) I02B /By units in structure (5), by year structure built (5) 1030 -*By value 7], by year structure built (5) 1040 -*By gross rent as percentage of income (7), by year structure built (5) J010-J290 Persons per room and plumbing facili- ties 8 1, by tenure and race of head '8 unless indicated) By number of rooms in unit (8) By number of persons in unit (8) By number of bedrooms (5) By stories in structure (4) +By passenger elevator (2) By access and complete kitchen facilities 2 By heating equipment (8) By source of water '3) By type of sewage disposal '3) By income (11) By number of automobiles available (4; By air conditioning (4) By telephone available (2) By household equipment (4) By number of television sets (3) By battery-operated radio (2) By second home (2) »By units in structure (5) J18B /By units in structure (9) J190 By number of persons in unit (6), by income (7) J200 By income (7), by number of own children under 18 years old (6) J21A »By units in structure [3), by income (7) J21B /By units in structure i'5), by income (7) J22A »By units in structure \3), by number of persons in unit (6) J22B *By units in structure (5), by number of persons in unit (6) J010 JO 20 JO 30 J040 J050 J060 JO 70 J080 JO 90 J100 J110 J120 J130 J140 J150 J160 J170 J18A No. of data cells 396 308 2,112 308 840 980 512 512 320 256 128 128 512 192 192 704 256 256 128 256 192 128 128 160 288 2,688 2,688 672 1,120 576 960 11 Housing Tabulations- Tabula- No. of Tabula- No. of tion data tion data number Universe and stratlflers cells number By Universe and stratlflers cells J230 By year structure bulit (6), by year L019 house heating fuel (8) 160 head moved into unit (6) 2,304 L020 By water heating fuel (8) 160 J240 By presence of roomers, boarders, or lodgers (2) 128 L021 By second home (2) 40 J250 »By value/income ratio (7) *By income (7), by value (7) 224 1,568 LR01-LR2 2 Units in structure (9), by tenure and race of head (4 categories of renter- J260 occupied units) J270 /By income (7), by gross rent as percentage of income (7) 1,568 LR01 By number of rooms in unit (8) 288 J280 By number of persons under 18 years LR02 By number of persons in unit (8) 288 old (4) 256 LR03 By number of bedrooms (5) 180 J290 By number of persons 65 years old LR04 By year structure built (6) 216 and over (4) 256 LR05 By stories in structure (4) 144 K010-K100 Year head moved into unit (7), by LR06 +By passenger elevator (2) 72 tenure and race of head (8 unless indicated) LR07 By access and complete kitchen facilities (2) 72 K010 By number of rooms in unit (8) 448 LR08 By heating equipment (8) 288 K020 By number of persons in unit (8) 448 LR09 By number of bathrooms (4) 144 K030 By year structure built (6) 336 LR10 By basement (3) 108 K040 By number of bathrooms (4) 224 LRU By source of water (3) 108 K050 By income (11) 616 LR12 By type of sewage disposal (3) 108 K060 By number of automobiles available (4) 224 LR13 By number of automobiles available (4) 144 K070 By air conditioning (4) 224 LR14 By air conditioning (4) 144 K08A *By units in structure (5) 140 LR15 By household equipment (4) 144 K08B /By units in structure (9) 252 K090 »By value/ income ratio (7) 196 LR16 By number of television sets (3) 108 K100 /By gross rent as percentage of LR17 By battery-operated radio (2) 72 income (7) 196 LR18 By cooking fuel (8) 288 L001-L021 Units in structure (5), by tenure and LR19 By house heating fuel (8) 288 race of head '4 categories of owner- LR20 By water heating fuel (8) 288 occupied units) L001 By number of rooms in unit (8) 160 LR21 By second home (2) 72 L002 By number of persons in unit (8) 160 LR22 By gross rent as percentage of income (7) 252 L003 By number of bedrooms (5) 100 L004 By year structure built (6) 120 M010-M230 Year structure built (6), by tenure and race of head (8 unless indicated) LOOS By stories in structure (4) 80 M010 By number of rooms in unit (8) 384 L006 +By passenger elevator (2) 40 M0 20 By number of persons in unit (8) 384 L007 By access and complete kitchen facilities (2) 40 M030 By number of bedrooms (5) 240 L008 By heating equipment (8) 160 M040 By stories in structure (4) 192 L009 By number of bathrooms (4) 80 M050 +By passenger elevator (2) 96 LOIO By basement (3) 60 M060 By complete kitchen facilities (2) 96 LOU By source of water (3) 60 M070 By heating equipment (8) 384 L012 By type of sewage disposal (3) 60 M080 By number of bathrooms (4) 192 L013 By number of automobiles M090 By basement (3) 144 available (4) 80 M100 By source of water (3) 144 L014 By air conditioning (4) 80 MHO By type of sewage disposal (3) 144 L015 By household equipment (4) 80 Ml 20 By number of automobiles L016 By number of television sets (3) 60 available (4) 192 L017 By battery-operated radio (2) 40 Ml 30 By air conditioning (4) 192 L018 By cooking fuel (8) 160 Ml 40 By household equipment (4) 192 M150 By number of television sets (3) 144 M160 Ml 70 By By battery-operated radio (2) cooking fuel (8) 96 *Owner- /Renter occupied units, -occupied units. 384 +For units in structures with 4 stories or more. Ml 80 By house heating fuel (8) 384 12 Housing Tabulations Tabula- No. of Tabula- No. of tion data tion data number Universe and stratifiers By water heating fuel (8) By second home (2) cells number Universe and stratifiers 50 Number of rooms in unit (8), b] 7 JSS cells Ml 90 384 96 P010-PO M200 tenure and race of head (8 unl< indicated) M210 By presence of roomers, boarders, or lodgers (2) 96 P010 By number of bedrooms (5) 320 M220 *By value/ income ratio (7) 168 P020 By heating equipment (8) 512 M230 -By gross rent as percentage of P030 By number of bathr.ooms (4) 256 income (7) 168 P040 *By value/income ratio (7) 224 N010-N160 Year structure built (3), by tenure and race of head (8 unless indicated) P050 /By gross rent as percentage of income (7) 224 N010 By years of school completed by Q010-Q020 Second home (2), by tenure and race head (10) 240 of head (4 categories) NO 20 By number of persons 65 years old Q010 *By value/income ratio (7) 56 and over (4) 96 Q020 /By gross rent as percentage of NO 30 By number of own children under 18 years old (6) 144 income (7) 56 N040 By number of own children under 18 years old and age (13) 312 R010-R050 Monthly contract rent (13), by and r- ?e of head (4 categories renter-occupied units) tenure of N050 By presence of nonrelatives and household type (6) 144 R010 By plumbing facilities and persons per room (8) 416 N060 *By value (6), by number of rooms in unit (6) 432 R020 By year structure built (6) 312 NO 70 *By value (6), by number of persons R030 By year head moved into unit (7) 364 in unit (6) 432 R040 By income (11) 572 N080 »By value (6), by household type and age of head ( 10 ) 720 R050 By units in structure (9) 468 N090 By household type and age of head (10), by income (7) 1,680 S010-S210 Bathrooms, kitchen facilities, and N100 -By monthly gross rent (7), by number of rooms in unit (6) 504 access (2), by tenure and race of head (8 unless indicated) N110 T'By monthly gross rent (7), by number S010 By number of persons in unit (6 ) 96 of persons in unit (6) 504 S020 By persons per room (4) 64 N120 /By monthly gross rent (7), by S030 By year structure built (6) 96 household type and age of head (10) 840 S040 By plumbing facilities (2) 32 N130 By number of rooms in unit (6), by plumbing facilities (2) 288 S050 S060 By heating equipment (8) By source of water (3) 128 48 N140 By number of rooms in unit (6), by number of bathrooms (4) 576 S070 By type of sewage disposal (3) 48 N1S0 By number of rooms in unit (6), by number of persons in unit (6) 864 S080 By household type and age of head (19) 304 N160 By number of rooms in unit (6), by household type and age of head (10) 1,440 S090 S100 By household type and presence roomers, boarders, or lodgers ( By household type and presence of 7) of 112 0010-0070 Number of persons in unit (8), by nonrelatives (7) 112 tenure and race of head (8 unless indicated) S110 By year head moved into unit (7 ) 112 0010 By number of rooms in unit (8) 512 S120 *By value (11) 88 0020 By number of bedrooms (5) 320 S130 /By monthly gross rent (12) 96 0030 By number of bathrooms (4) 256 S140 By income (11 ) 176 0040 By number of automobiles available (4) 256 S150 By number of automobiles available (4) 64 0050 By second home (2) 128 S160 By air conditioning (4) 64 0060 »By value/ income ratio (7) 224 S170 By telephone available (2) 32 0070 /By gross rent as percentage of S180 By number of rooms in unit and income (7) 224 S19A S19B S200 S210 number of persons in unit (13) *By units in structure (5) /By units in structure (9) *By value/ income ratio (7) /By gross rent as percentage of 208 40 72 56 *-Owner- occupied units. /Renter -occupied units. 1 income (7) 56 13 Housing Tabulations Tabula No. of Tabula- No. of tlon data tion data number Universe and stratifiers cell s number VE01-VEC Universe and stratifiers cells T010 Rural units by plumbing facilities (4), by tenure and race of head (8), '9 Vacant-f oi — rent or vacant-for-sale- only units by duration of vacancy by income ( 9 ) 288 (6), by vacancy status (2) VA Vacant units by vacancy status (6) 6 VE01 By number of rooms in unit (8) 96 VE02 By number of bedrooms (5) 60 VB01-VB07 Vacant-for-sale-only units by sale price (9\ VE03 By plumbing facilities (2) 24 VB01 By duration of vacancy (6) 54 VE04 By year structure built (6) 72 VB02 By number of rooms in unit (8) 72 VE05 By stories in structure (4) 48 VB03 By year structure built (6) 54 VE06 +By passenger elevator (2^ 24 VB04 By heating equipment (8) 72 VE07 By heating equipment (8) 96 VB05 By number of bathrooms (4) 36 VE08 By number of bathrooms (4) 48 VB06 By air conditioning (4) 36 VE09 By air conditioning (4) 48 VB07 By plumbing facilities (2), by VE10 Vacant-foi — sale only units by number of bedrooms (4) 72 duration of vacancy (6), by vacancy status (1), by units in structure (2) 12 VC01-VC11 Vacant-f or-rent units by asking VE11 Vacant-f or-rent units by duration of rent 10^ vacancy (6), by vacancy status (l), VC01 By duration of vacancy (6) 60 by units in structure (7) 42 VC02 By number of rooms in unit (8) 80 VF01-VF08 Vacant-f or-rent or vacant-f or-sale- By year structure built (6) 60 only units by year structure built VC03 (6), by vacancy status (2) VC04 By stories in structure (4) 40 VF01 By number of rooms in unit (8) 96 VC05 +By passenger elevator (2) 20 VF02 By number of bedrooms (5) 60 VC06 By heating equipment (8) 80 VF03 By stories in structure (4) 48 VC07 By number of bathrooms (4) 40 VF04 +By passenger elevator (2) 24 VC08 By air conditioning (4) 40 VF05 By heating equipment (8) 96 VC09 By inclusion of utilities in VF06 By number of bathrooms (4) 48 rent (2) 20 VT07 By air conditioning (4) 48 VC10 By units in structure (7) 70 VC11 By plumbing facilities ,2), by VF08 By complete kitchen facilities (2) 24 number of bedrooms (4) 80 VF9A Vacant-for-sale-only units by year structure built (6), by vacancy status (l), by units in structure (3) 18 VD01-VD10 Vacant-f or-rent or vacant-f or-sale- VF9B Vacant-f or-rent units by year only units by plumbing facilities (2), by vacancy status (2) structure built (6), by vacancy VD01 By number of rooms in unit (8) 32 status (l), by units in structure (7) 42 VD02 By number of bedrooms (5) 20 VG01 Rented or sold, not occupied; held VD03 By year structure built (6) 24 for occasional use; and other vacant units by vacancy status (3) 3 VD04 By stories in structure (4) 16 VTJ05 +By passenger elevator (2) 8 VG02 Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant VD06 By access and complete kitchen facilities (2) 8 units by duration of vacancy (6) 6 VG03-VGO9 Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant units by year structure built (3) VD07 By heating equipment (8) 32 VD08 By air conditioning (4) 16 VG03 By number of rooms in unit (8) 24 VD09 By source of water (3) 12 VG04 By number of bedrooms (5) 15 VD10 By type of sewage disposal (3) 12 VG05 By plumbing facilities (2) 6 VG06 By units in structure (3) 9 VD11 Vacant-for-sale-only units by plumbing facilities (2), by vacancy VG07 By complete kitchen facilities (2) 6 status (1), by units in structure (2) 4 VG08 By heating equipment (8) 24 VD12 Vacant-f or-rent units by plumbing facilities (2), by vacancy VG09 By number of bathrooms (4) 12 status il , by units in structure (7) 14 VG10 Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant + For units in structures with 4 stories or more. units by stories in structure (4) 4 14 Housing Tabulations Tabula- tion number VG11 Universe and stratifiers Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant units In structure with 4 stories or more by passenger elevator (2) VG12 Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant units by air conditioning (4) No. of data cells VG13 Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant Tabula- tion number Universe and stratifiers units by source of water (3) VG14 Rented or sold, not occupied; held for occasional use; and other vacant units by type of sewage disposal (3) VH01 Vacant seasonal and migratory units by year structure built (3) Total No. of data cells 109,061 15 Considerations in the Use of the Summary Tapes Computer Compatibility The computer tapes described in this Data Access Description can be used by the purchaser only if they are compatible with his computer. Some potential compatibility problems are dis- cussed in Data Access Description No. 18, CT-1 (Rev.), "General Information About Summary Tapes," which is available on request. Technical documentation describing tape for- mat and content in detail will be furnished with copies of the tape reels. In addition, documenta- tion for the population and housing parts of the Sixth Count may be purchased for $3 for each part from Users' Service Staff, Data User Services Office, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. Geographic Code Schemes Since the geographic areas on the tapes are identified only by their numeric codes, summary tape users will need some form of geographic code scheme to identify area names. Geographic codes and the corresponding names for census tabula- tion areas are contained on the following products: Master Enumeration DistrictList (MEDList). -- The MEDList contains (1) the names of political and statistical subdivisions and related codes from the State down to the county subdivision level; (2) codes for tracts, enumeration districts, and block groups; and (3) population and housing counts for most areas. Individual MEDLists for each State are available on one reel of computer tape for $70, one roll of microfilm for $8, or as paper copy for an entire State or a selected portion of a State for $2 per 75,000 population. A MEDList for the entire United States is available on three reels of tape for $210. Orders should be placed with the Users' Service Staff. Geographic Area Code Index (GACI). --GACI provides the names and related codes for areas from the State down to the county subdivision (MCD/CCD) and place levels. (This range excludes codes for census tracts, enumeration districts, and block groups.) No population or housing counts are included. The GAC I is available from the Users' Service Staff for the entire United States on one reel of tape ($70), one roll of micro- film ($8), or as paper copy of the microfilm. 1970 Geographic Identification Code Scheme (GICS) .-- Issued in four volumes- -one for each region- -GICS provides geographic codes for the component parts of each State within a region. Two tables are presented for each State. Table 1, arranged by counties within the State, shows the following codes, as appropriate, for counties, county subdivisions, and places: State, county, SMSA, economic subregion, State economic area, MCD, place, place description, and place size. Table 2 presents alphabetically all the places within the State with their corresponding county, county subdivision, and place codes. Table 3, shown once for each volume, presents SMSA and urbanized area codes for the entire United States. Copies of GICS may be purchased from the Super- intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 at the following prices: Northeast, $1; North Central, $1.75; South, $1.50; and West, 60 cents. Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUB's) . --The following FIPS PUB's provide codes for States, SMSA's, and counties and can be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office or Department of Commerce Field Offices. The titles and prices for these reports are: FIPS PUB 5-1 FIPS PUB 6-1 FIPS PUB 8 State codes 20 cents County codes 45 cents SMSA codes 20 cents Acquisition of the Tapes The summary tape series is being prepared as a part of the regular processing of the 1970 census. As a result, the price of these tapes is based on the cost of reproducing copies, plus the cost of the tape reels and the shipping and handling charges. Each reel of tape costs $70. Orders for these tapes may be placed now with the Users' Service Staff and will generally be filled in order of receipt. Estimates of the num- ber of tape reels by count for each State are presented in Summary Tape User Memorandum No. 26 (Rev.); as tapes are released, final figures on the number of reels will be announced in the 1970 Census Users Bulletins and in Part II of the Bureau of the Census Catalog. Further Information Questions and inquiries concerning the Sixth Count Summary Tapes From the 1970 Census of Population and Housing should be addressed to: Director Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233 Please refer to Data Access Description No. 30, Computer Tape Series CT-7. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE DIVISION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Washington, D.C. 20402 OFFICIAL BUSINESS FIRST CLASS MAIL PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AD0DD7Efl5 c ifla3 375 I