Wti CLASSIFICATION OF WEIGHTS STANDARD GROUPING FOR MERCHANT SHIPS THEUNlVERS,TYUBRARY n U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Revised July 1962 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Donald W. Alexander, Administrator Prepared by OFFICE OF SHIP CONSTRUCTION DIVISION OF SHIP DESIGN Revised July 1962 Contents Introduction Reporting forms Nuclear Propulsion Systems. Steel Outfit Machinery Summary forms Index For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price 30 cents Introduction The weight classification system presented in this volume is a revision of the Maritime Commission system published under a similar title in July 1940. This system is now in gen- eral use among merchant ship designers and builders in the United States. No basic changes have been made in the classification system but descriptions have been clari- fied and enlarged to include new equipment and materials now common in the industry. The co- pious, cross-referenced index has been expanded to include these new items and now generally encompasses by common name every item of equipment and material found on a modern mer- chant vessel. The system comprises three major groupings: STEEL GROUPS 0-0 to 9-9 OUTFIT GROUPS 10-0 to 19-9 MACHINERY GROUPS 20-0 to 29-9 The major groupings encompass all of the LIGHT SHIP WEIGHT which is further defined as follows: The LIGHT SHIP WEIGHT shall be the weight of the ship with all its equipment and outfit, including permanent ballast (solid and liquid), spare parts, regardless of by whom furnished, water in boilers to normal steaming level, machinery in working condition, lubricating oil in all machinery, but not in storage tanks, water in piping systems in the machinery spaces, water in fresh water systems and firemains, but without any items of consumable or variable load, as liquids in double bottom tanks, deep tanks, storage or reserve supply tanks or any allowance for cargo, stores, passengers, crew and their effects. Reporting Forms (See appended samples) Each of the groups of STEEL should be reported on Forms similar to MA-36A and B. Each of the groups of OUTFIT should be reported on Forms similar to MA -36C and D. Each of the groups of MACHINERY should be reported on Forms similar to MA-36E and F. The LIGHT SHIP SUMMARY should be reported on a Form similar to MA -335. The summary should include total STEEL, OUTFIT, MACHINERY, and FIXED BALLAST, if any, with a sub- total of the above items and suitable weight and center of gravity margins, as necessary. The summary of LIGHT SHIP and DEADWEIGHT items comprising each condition of dis- placement should be reported on Forms MA-335. The detailed work, or takeoff, for each group of STEEL, OUTFIT and MACHINERY should be reported on Forms similar to MA-36G. The work should be presented in an orderly and concise manner to facilitate comparison with plans and specifications. Derivation of unit weights involving more than one factor, such as joiner linings with furring and trim, should be developed in detail from the various components. Sketches should be included where necessary, as in the development of unit weights for refrigeration insulation and sheathing. Derivation of quan- tities, areas or volumes should be indicated, (e.g., 5' x 3' = 15 sq. ft.) and located by frame numbers and decks, (e.g., Frame 86, BoatDeck). Sketches or rough diagrams on supplementary sheets should be provided where necessary, as for deck covering or piping systems. Where many small pieces are taken, quantities should be recapitulated by type. Where weights are derived from curves, plots or tabulations, copies of these data should be furnished with the work sheets. Work sheets should be numbered independently for each group, as sheet 2 of 5 and the group summary should be shown on the last sheet, as sheet 5 of 5. Nuclear Propulsion Systems At this stage of development in nuclear ship propulsion, it would be venturesome to outline a weight classification system to cover the many types of reactors being considered for ship propulsion. It is suggested, however, that REACTOR and SHIELDING be treated as a separate item on the Light Ship Summary to facilitate comparison with other means of propulsion. The following listing of major components in a pressurized water reactor installation is offered as a check list and a possible weight classification system for this type installation: REACTOR AND SHIELDING 1. SECONDARY SHIELDING 2. CONTAINMENT VESSEL Containment vessel Containment vessel supports Containment vessel access 3. COMPONENTS IN CONTAINMENT VESSEL Reactor vessel Reactor internals Reactor control rod drive and supports Boilers Pressurizers Tanks Foundations Lifting and handling equipment Piping systems, including pumps Lighting Ventilation and airconditioning systems Thermal shield Primary shielding Liquids in piping and equipment 4. COMPONENTS OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT VESSEL Reactor control system and instrumentation Cooling system Control consoles Ion exchangers Buffer seal pumps Surge tank Waste storage tank Liquids in equipment and piping Health physics lab equipment 5. MISCELLANEOUS Collision barrier Take home propulsion system Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/classificationoOOunit Stee! Group No. 0-0 STEM CASTING Include castings used for forefoot and also upper portion of stem. A paravane skeg in- tegral with the stem casting to be included here. Stems formed by rolled plates to be included in shell plating. If pipe or special forgings are used, include these in this group. 0-1 STERN FRAME CASTING Includes casting and forgings of stern frame and rudder post on single screw vessels. In- clude also propeller hub and propeller boss if cast integral or welded to the structure. On twin screw ships this also includes the casting for the skeg as well as the casting for the rudder bearers and pintles. If built up weldments are used, include in this group. 0-2 BOSS CASTING Include spectacle frames and other castings used to support or form the t 0-3 SHAFT STRUTS This group is to provide for struts when the propellers utilizing naked shafting and pro- peller struts and spring struts are used. If small bosses are used where the shaft goes through the shell, put these in 0-2. 0-4 PARAVANE CASTINGS Include castings that are provided for para- vane fittings if the same are not incorpo- rated with the stem casting. 1-0 FLAT PLATE KEEL Does not include bar keels which if used should go in group 0-5. Includes keel plate from stem to stern frame or skeg. Includes inner and outer keels, also straps, doublings and liners, but does not include rubbing strips attached to the keel plate. 1-1 SHELL PLATING Includes all the main shell plating up to the strength deck and to Forecastle, Poop and Bridge Decks, if existing; including sheer strake with shell doublersand reinforcements which provide for structural discontinuities or are required for local stiffening. Does not include fenders or other attachments. In- clude straps, liners, etc. 1-2 BULWARKS Include bulwark plating above sheer strake. Also angle or other metal cap if structural. Do not include curtain plates where deck becomes an open deck or bulwarks in Super- structures. Include Breakwaters on Weather Deck. 1-3 BILGE KEELS Plating and connections to shell or shapes or forgings used for bilge keels to be in- cluded in this group. Do not include filling. 1-4 BOSS PLATING Plating on bossing to be taken here. 1-5 RUBBING STRIPS AND FENDERS Include keel rubbing strips and structural fenders used to prevent damage to the shell. Do not include filling for fenders, etc. 2-0 CENTER VERTICAL KEEL Includes plates, straps, doublers, liners and angle connections to shell and inner bottom between Peak Bulkheads only. Also include intermediate brackets between frames that are for the purpose of giving additional stiff- ness, but not if they are worked in to support machinery or for some similar purpose. In- clude docking brackets in group 2-1. 2-1 TRANSVERSE FRAMING IN I. B. Floors, angles to inner bottom, shell, margin plate and C. V. K., if same is continuous, etc. Doubling plates around lightening or access holes or special stiffening on a floor to be included here, as well as partial or bracket floors. W. T. or O. T. floors in line with a similar bulkhead over are to be included here. Do not include structure in Peak Tanks. 2-2 LONGITUDINAL FRAMING IN I. B. Includes all longitudinals inside the inner bottom, except the center vertical keel. An- gles to inner bottom, shell, to floors if Ion- Group No. 2-2 LONGITUDINAL FRAMING IN I. B.-Con. gitudinals are intercoastal, doubling plates, flat bar or other stiffeners, intermediates used for docking keels, etc., but not for foun- dations, to be included in this group. Do not include structure in Peak Tanks. 2-3 TRANSVERSE FRAMING OUTSIDE I. B. Includes all transverse frames outside of in- ner bottom except those in the peaks and special deep web frames. Ordinary web frames as required by classification to sup- port a longitudinal system of framing to be included in this group. Include brackets to deck beams and margin brackets above the margin plate as well as gusset plates, re- verse bars, intermediate frames, etc. See also 2-7. 2-4 LONGITUDINAL FRAMING OUTSIDE I. B. Includes all bar longitudinals and stringers, including those which continue the structural continuity of a deck after the same ceases to exist. Do not include breast hooks, etc., in peaks. Includes plate angles, bracket gussets, doublings, etc. 2-5 FRAMING IN PEAKS Include bare transverse frames solid and open or partial floors, breast hooks, stringers, etc. Essentially this group covers all the framing in the fore and after peak tanks, except beams for Deck over Tanks. 2-6 TRANSOM AND CANTS Include the transom and all cant frames abaft the same with angles, brackets and miscellaneous connections as necessary. 2-7 WEB FRAMES Include special webs designed to take racking stresses or act as column support for top- side members. Include stiffeners, clips, etc. 3-0 to 3-9 DECK PLATING AND BEAMS Cover plating of Forecastle, Poop and Bridge Decks, when existing and all decks from the strength deck down including partial decks where they have approximate continuity of line except for brackets for such spaces as machinery, etc. Do not include flats or half decks if the same are local extending for only a small portion of the vessel's length. List each deck separately. Include all plating and such doublers as are provided for compen- sation of openings. Also stringer, angles, and coaming plates or curtain plates where the deck extends fore or aft beyond the shell line. Do not include pillar or local doublings for foundations. List separately deck beams both longitudinal or transverse forming the support of the decks. Do not include longi- tudinal girders or special local beams or girders used for foundations. Frame brackets are in group 2-3. Where deck plating is con- tinuous in way of tanks such as in way of fore peak tank, even though lightened, it is to be taken in this group. 4-0 MAIN TRANSVERSE W. T. BULKHEADS Includes all the main subdivision bulkheads of the vessel which segregate the vessel into watertight compartments and function in the longitudinal subdivision of the ship. Bulk- heads to be taken as extending from shell to shell and inner bottom to the strength deck, poop, bridge and forecastle deck except those bulkheads at the end of the inner bottom which are to be taken as extending from the keel. Include plating, boundary bar stiffeners, bulk- head girders, brackets, doublers, liners, etc. 4-1 TRANSVERSE W. T. AND O. T. BULKHEADS This group comprises the transverse water- tight or O. T. bulkheads forming tank bound- aries or other tight enclosures not included in 4-0. Only that portion of the bulkhead above the innerbottom to be taken except in way of discontinuities of the inner bottom in which case the bulkhead is to be taken as ex- tending from the shell. 4-2 LONGITUDINAL BULKHEADS W. T. AND O. T. This group comprises the longitudinal water- tight & O. T. bulkheads forming tank boun- dries or other tight enclosures. Only that portion of the bulkhead above the innerbottom to be taken. 4-3 STRUCTURAL N. W. T. BULKHEADS Those bulkheads forming part of the integral structure of the ship, as those that serve as web frames, replace a line of pillars, or per- form some similar function. Unless a bulk- head is complete in place for a web frame, do not include it in this group. Include plat- ing, angles to decks and shell or other bulk- heads if this is the intercoastal member; also stiffeners, brackets, etc. These bulkheads to be only those in the hull proper. Do not include bulkheads in superstructure in this group. Group No. 4-4 NON-STRUCTURAL BULKHEADS These are mostly partition bulkheads, formed of light plating, serving as boundaries to such spaces as W. C.'s, storerooms, etc. These bulkheads in general are those formed of a coaming plate, welded or otherwise connecteJ to the deck and a bulkhead plate with light stiffeners. Bulkheads formed of plates under five pounds as sheet metal bulkheads, corru- gated or non-corrugated, to be included in group 10-4. Wire mesh or expanded metal bulkhead to be taken under group 11-4. These bulkheads to be only those in the hull proper. Do not include bulkheads in superstructure in this group. 4-5 STRUCTURAL TRUNKS Includes cargo and access trunks, also those bulkheads forming the sides of the engine and boiler casings if the same are not integral with the main structural bulkheads of the ship. Also includes pipe trunks and vent trunks when structural. Includes plating, stiffeners, shelf plates, connections to deck, etc. Take the complete trunk in this group. Any portion of trunk extending above weather deck form- ing hatch coaming to be taken in group 4-8. 4-6 NON-STRUCTURAL TRUNKS Where pipe trunks or other trunks do not serve as structural members, i.e., are less than 7.5# lb. plate, include in this group. 4-7 STAIR ENCLOSURES Steel bulkheads forming stair enclosures as required by regulations except where the same are structural bulkheads to be included here and not in group 4-5. 4-8 HATCH COAMINGS Includes that portion of the hatch coaming not formed by a web beam, longitudinal girder or hatch trunk. 5-0 to 5-9 PILLARS AND GIRDERS Include pipe or other structural sections used to support vertical loads from decks, etc., except where those sections are used also as stiffeners for structural or W. T. bulkheads in which case they are to be taken in group 4. Head and heel fittings and dou- blers required under stanchions to be taken in this group. Also include all longitudinal and transverse girders with their brackets and stiffeners and doublers supporting deck beams or other vertical loads. Do not in- clude pillars and girders in superstructures. Group No. 6-0 INNER BOTTOM PLATING All plating forming the inner bottom includ- ing center strake, margin plate and margin and bounding angles. Gussets to hold frame brackets to be in 2-3. Where the inner bot- tom plating is continuous but lightened, viz., in way of a tank, it is to be included in this group. Doublings, except where forming part of foundations such as under machinery and pillars to be included here. Include also brackets in way of inner bottom discontinu- ities. 6-1 PLATFORM DECKS To include all plating and doublers, exclu- sive of those used for foundations, beams, and bounding angles of decks below the strength deck which extend over only a small portion of the vessel's length. Decks which are discontinuous only in way of the engine and boiler rooms or for a small portion of the vessels length are to be taken in group 3. 6-4 COFFERDAM FLATS Include all plating, beams, stiffeners, bounding angles, etc., of flats which form the bottom or top of deep tanks when these flats are not in line with a deck. Where these flats are in line with decks or platform decks they will be taken in group 3 or 6-1. 6-5 COFFERDAM FLOORS All floors including plating, stiffeners and bounding angles within cofferdams. 6-6 MISCELLANEOUS FLATS AND FLOORS Include the plating, beams, stiffeners and bounding angles of all miscellaneous flats and floors below the strength deck, which are not included in 6-1 to 6-5. 7-0 MAIN ENGINE FOUNDATIONS Include engine girders and webs, reduction gear foundations, thrust bearing foundations and any other foundations required for the main propelling machinery. Only that part of the structure whose sole purpose is that of supporting or strengthening in way of the machinery, such as doublers, miscellaneous longitudinals, partial floors, etc., inside or outside the inner bottom to be included. In- clude plating, angles or other connections to bulkheads, decks or inner bottoms. 7-1 BOILER FOUNDATIONS Include all saddles, webs, brackets and dou- blers which are required to support and Group No. 7-1 BOILER FOUNDATIONS-Con. strengthen in way of the main boilers. In- clude similar structure as in 7-0. 7-2 AUXILIARY MACHINERY FOUNDATIONS Includes structural material, used as a sup- port of those auxiliaries located in the engine or boiler rooms. Also includes foundations for such auxiliaries as generators, evapor- ators and distillers, refrigerating machinery, machinery space ventilating units, force draft blowers, etc., wherever located. 7-3 SHAFT STOOLS Include all the structure whose sole purpose is supporting the shaft bearings. 7-4 MISCELLANEOUS FOUNDATIONS closed by same above the strength deck which are separate from the main deck houses such as fan, resistor houses, houses enclosing stair wells, elevator machinery, etc. -9 STACK ENCLOSURES Include all the structure enclosing the up- takes, inner stack, outer stack, etc., such as side plating and stiffeners, bracing, cover plates and stiffeners, san pan, hoods, etc., above the uppermost deck or deck house in way of the stack. Where there is a small deck house whose main purpose is to sup- port or house the uptakes it is to be included in this group. Where the stack is formed by only the uptake an air space and an outer casing the whole is to be taken under ma- chinery weights. Include Dummy stacks un- less they serve other functions, e.g., king- Include here foundations for steering gear, windlass and other deck machinery, formed 9-0 RIVETING of structural steel. Also include foundations for ventilating and airconditioning units and all other machinery not otherwise allocated. Wood filling to be taken with carpenter work. Includes deck doublers, headers, clips, etc. Do not include in this group the total weight of rivets ordered for the vessel. Include only the excess weight due to the rivet heads and points. 7-9 GUN FOUNDATIONS Include all plates, doublers, webs, brackets, beams, girders, stanchions, etc., which are required to support and strengthen in way of guns and gun blast. 8-0 to 8-7 SUPERSTRUCTURES Include those principal structures above the strength deck including deck and side plating, provided the latter is not part of the shell. All bulkheads and trunks whether structural or non- structural, bulwarks, curtain plates, coamings, pillars and girders should be in- cluded. Endeavor to keep each tier of the houses separate, subdividing the same by the use of numbers 8-0 to 8-7 inclusive. Include the house sides, interior bulkheads and deck over for each tier in each group. 8-8 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSES All small house structures, their side plat- ing and stiffeners, top plating and beams, bulkheads, trunks, pillars and girders en- See note group 9-2. 9-1 WELDING As in group 9-0 do not include the total weight of welding wire ordered. Include only the excess weight caused by welding. Consideration should be given to the amount of base metal removed in the welding process. See note group 9-2. 9-2 MILL TOLERANCE In this group allow the excess weight due to mill tolerance. Do not use the maximum tolerance claimed by the mill, but only the probable average tolerance for the whole steel order. This is much smaller than the tolerance of individual pieces. Note: Based on data developed by the Mari- time Administration, a reasonable allowance for the sum of groups 9-0, 9-1, and 9-2 is 2 1/2 percent of the Subtotal Groups through 8, inclusive. This based on construction practices for so-called all welded ships circa 1960. Outfit Group No. 10-0 STEEL MASTS, KINGPOSTS, ETC. Masts (all types) Towers Kingposts Vang posts or support structure Boom step support structure Include all structural bracing, cross trees, cross -connecting girders, trusses, and plat- forms, other than house tops. 10-1 STEEL BOOMS Cargo booms Jack staff Boat booms Ensign staff Sounding booms Yard arms Miscellaneous booms Gaffs Do not include any caps, steps, goosenecks, bands or other fittings. (Include these in group 11-1.) 10-2 STEEL HATCH COVERS AND BEAMS Group No. 10-4 SHEET METAL WORK Shelving Racks Bins Include framing and fittings for the above. Do not include metal furniture in galley and pantry. 11-0 DECK CASTINGS, MOORING FOOTINGS Bits: Towing, moor- Foundation for ing, riding above Chocks: Open, closed, Mooring pipes roller, towing, bul- Bolsters wark, mallory Hawse pipes Fair leaders Deck rings Cleats Chain pipes Towing hook Include welded or cast construction. Covers Beams Beams rests Batten bars Batten cleats Locking bars Jacks Hinges Tracks Rollers Opening devices Gaskets Include structural steel in all cargo hatches. Include special devices for opening and stow- ing covers. Include pumps, motors, controllers, accume- lators, actuators, piping, valves, etc., but list such devices separately on work sheets. Note: See also groups 12-4 and 13-1. 10-3 STEEL STAIRWAYS Risers Stringers Landings and beams Treads Steps 11-1 MAST AND SPAR FORGINGS Includes those stairways built into the ship consisting of solid risers and steps. Enclo- sures boxing in a stair, even though the same supports the sides, are to be included in hull steel. Ornamental balustrades and rails to be taken in Decorative Joiner Work, group 14-4. Include deck coverings, nosings, etc., in groups 13-8 or 13-9. Shroud bands Stay bands Topmast bands Boom bands Boom goosenecks Boom sockets Boom swivels Boom caps Turnbuckles Chain plates Boom steps Boom pedestals Rigging screws Pin rails Belaying pins Kingpost fittings Cleats Deckpads and eye bolts Thimbles Locknuts Rings and cleats for boom vangs 11-2 RAILS AND STANCHIONS Rails, solid rod Rails, pipe Rails, brass Rails, chain Rails, portable Rails, storm Rail stanchions for above Rail fittings Rail braces Awning stanchions Jack rods Fittings for above Ridge poles Spreaders Rails on ladders to be included with ladder. Decorative railings, as balustrades on stairs, to be included with Decorative Joiner Work, groups 14-4. Group No. 11-3 LADDERS Outside ladders, vertical and inclined Rails for above Ladder rungs Hold ladders Tank ladders Rungs on masts and kingposts Rungs on vents Escape ladders Include all ladders except accommodation, pilot and boat ladders, i.e., ladders not cus- tomarily carried in place. 11-4 MISCELLANEOUS HULL FITTINGS Portable hatch and port brows Davits: Stores, ac- commodation ladder, anchor Fittings for above Leadsmans platform fittings Emergency rudder chain Chain locker grating and fittings Lumber chains Visor frame Docking plugs Label plates Sea steps Portable slop and ash chutes Trolley hoists Builder's plates Ship's name Draft marks Steel ladder cribbing in holds Key tags and rings Rigid awning (steel, aluminum plastic, etc.) Stowage: Anchor, spare tailshaft, spare pro- pellers, scuttle covers, dea dlight covers, deck gear (fastenings for boxes), booms, lines, etc., but not reels. 11-5 RATPROOFING Includes metal flashings, wire mesh panels, boxing in girders, beams, etc. Also other paneling or means required by U. S. Public Health for this purpose. Fastenings, fittings, such as framing for mesh, etc., to be includ- ed here. Boom crotches Boom rests Berth number plates Zincs or other sac- rificial anodes Padeyes Lashing gear Hinged platforms Guard rods for ports, etc. Chafing plates Metal platforms Name boards Wire mesh bulk- heads and doors Trolley tracks and fittings Grain fittings Tonnage opening plates Pipe protection Sanitary bulkheads and doors 12-0 SLIDING W. T. DOORS Doors Frames Air compressors Hydraulic control Pressure pumps gear Pressure tanks Electric control Motors gear Return tank Hand operated gear 12-1 HINGED W. T. DOORS Manually operated or remote controlled— in- clude control gear and general items as in group 12-0. 12-2 MANHOLES AND SCUTTLES Watertight manholes Watertight and Oiltight manholes non-watertight Bolted plate manholes scuttles Handholes Shell manholes Includes manholes and scuttles to: Deep tanks Peak tanks Innerbottom tanks Holds Cofferdams Chain locker F. W. and F. O. tanks Sea chests 12-3 AIRPORTS, WINDOWS AND LIGHTS Airports Windows Fixed lights Air scoops Insect screens Deadlight covers 12-4 HATCHES AND PORTS O. T. OR W. T. Hatches to stores Mucking ports Freeing port cov- ers and grating Passenger ports Coaling ports Cargo ports, hinged and sliding Misc. watertight hatches, raised and flush Misc. oiltight hatches to deep tanks Include activating gear with these items but list separately on work sheets. 12-5 N. W. T. STEEL DOORS N. W. T. doors Weathertight doors Bolted plate doors Note: vVire mesh doors in group 11-4. These doors are those formed of steel plate with suitable stiffening, as opposed to joiner doors formed of sheet metal. Hardware for doors to be included here. 12-6 SKYLIGHTS AND COMPANIONS Make-up tank Piping Skylight covers Fidley covers Lifting gear Companion hatches Companion ways Group No. 13-0 WOODEN MASTS AND SPARS Masts, top Boat booms Yards Propeller booms Cargo booms Sounding machine Coaling booms booms Flagpoles Steering pole Jack and ensign staffs Bowsprits Pudding booms Derricks Gaffs Misc. spars Trucks 13-1 WOOD HATCH COVERS Wood covers for cargo hatches Boards for tonnage openings Wedges Wood beams Metal lumber covers Fastenings Lifting handles Metal sheathing wood covers Includes also covers made of materials sub- stituted for wood, if not structural steel. 13-2 HOLD CEILING AND SPARRING Hold ceiling Metal battens in Bilge ceiling deep tanks Grounds Batten clips Cargo battens Fastenings Wood sheathing outside Sheathing deep tanks 13-3 MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTER WORK Group No. 13-8 MISCELLANEOUS DECK COVERINGS Include composition coverings as dexo-tex, magnesite, latex or equal, when used alone or as an underlayment. Include metal strip- ping or inserts, deck clips or other means to hold composition in place. Include those coverings manufactured and laid as a unit, sheet or tile such as linoleum, vinyl rubber, asbestos, cork. Include under- layment and fastenings for holding the same in place. Include coves other than joiner. Include stair treads, stair nosings, non-slip treads, rubber matting, etc. See group 16-2 for rugs and carpets. 13-9 CEMENT AND TILE COVERINGS Cement deck covering (hold ceiling— See 15-9.) Cement under tile. Tiling: Ceramic, mosaic, brick, non-slip Tile cove Wall tile Flashing Clips and fastenings for above 14-0 WOODEN HOUSES Includes wood houses ordinarily built in the shop and then lifted into place and secured. Fenders, hanging or fixed Shifting boards, bulk- heads Damping boards Shoveling flats Wood pipe casings Wood shelving in store rooms Stringer chocks Port brows, incl. sheathings Mast wedging Wood in foundations for: Windlass, winches, bits, cap- stan, towing engine, searchlights, dyna- mos, ice machine, sounding machine, etc. Uncaulked decks Wood in bilge keels Wood in rudder Deck strips Wood cribbing Tonnage doors Ventilator plugs Hatch brows Portable brows for- doorways Misc. gratings ex- cept in reefer spaces Chocks for anchors, booms Rope racks Fastenings and miscellaneous fittings for above Solid wood shutters 14-1 INTERIOR JOINER WORK Bulkheads Linings Ceiling Doors and frames Joiner bases or coves Furring Posts Cornices Moldings Airport and window boxing 13-7 WOOD DECKS (CAULKED) 14-2 FURNITURE Tables Chairs Desks Dressing tables Vanities Beds and berths — including springs Stools Seats Dressers Pianos, television sets Juke boxes Secretary bureaus Sofas Chiffoniers Book shelves Book cases Transoms Lockers Built-in wardrobes Sideboards Chests Altars Deck planking Deck margin planks Caulking, mastic, etc. Deck bolts, studs, etc. This includes all the furniture normally used by the passengers and crew for their neces- sities and comfort. It does not include equip- Group No. 14-2 FURNITURE-- Con. ment provided for offices, utility spaces, etc. See group 16-1. 14-3 JOINER DECKS Dance floors and parquet type flooring which is laid in an artistic manner are to be includ- ed in this group: Do not put caulked decks or normal tongue and groove flooring in this group. 14-4 DECORATIVE JOINER WORK Includes those items of joiner work which are more or less purely ornamental such as or- namental balustrades, pilasters, pillar cas- ings, cornices and moldings, ornamental mir- rors, paintings, murals, etc. 14-5 ACCOMMODATION LADDER Ladders Platforms Fittings for installing and stowing 14-8 INSULATION IN QUARTERS This covers the temperature insulation fitted for protection of the space from heat or cold. Also include materials specifically utilized for sound insulation or absorption. Include fastenings, furring, metal sheathing and mesh for covering or holding insulation in place . Joiner sheathing in group 14-1. 14-9 FIRE INSULATION Includes insulation on bulkheads or decks where required by fire regulations as around stair enclosures, fire screen bulkheads, ma- chinery spaces, etc. Include clips, furring, fastening, wire mesh and sheet metal cover- ings, etc. 15-0 ANCHORS, CHAINS, LINES Group No. 15-2 RIGGING AND BLOCKS Standing Rigging Shrouds, back stays Topmast shrouds, head stays Preventer stay, triatic stay Signal span, funnel guys Ratlines, davit spans and guys Running Rigging Cargo falls Topping lifts and purchase Vangs and purchases Cargo slings Boat boom topping lift Accommodation ladder falls and guys Watch tackle, deck tackle Painter's tackle Anchor davit falls Store davit falls Spare blocks Fittings Chain pendants 15-3 CANVAS WORK Bower anchors Spare bower Kedges Stream anchors Tow lines Mooring lines Hawsers Chain Stream chain or line Shackles Swivels Warps Hawser reels BOATS AND BOAT HANDLING Boats Boat ladders Davits Boat covers Boat winches Boat slings Tackle Boat stowage Boat cranes fittings Boat outfits Awning ball and ridge ropes Boat boom bridle and guys Sounding machine boom guys Rigging for hold cranes Fender ropes Hatch cover hoist pendent and pur- chase Flag and signal halliards Anchor light hal- liards Wireless halliards Blocks for running rigging Thimbles, cargo hooks, sister hooks, turn- buckles Hatch Tarpaulins, Weather and Lower Decks Tonnage hatch tarpau- lins Spare tarpaulins Awnings (if rigid in- clude in 11-4) Covers — Winches, incl. boat Covers — Windlass Covers — Capstan Covers — rope reel Covers— Ventilators Covers— Binnacle Covers-Gangway Covers — Emergency steering stand Weather cloths Dodgers Covers — Telegraph Covers — Skylight Covers— Pelorus Covers — Range finders Covers — Search- lights Covers -Funnel Covers— Pilot house hood Covers — Sounding machine Covers — Crow's nest Covers— Gyro re- peaters Covers — Windsails 15-4 MISCELLANEOUS DECK OUTFIT Navigating lights Navigating instruments Compasses — Standard Pelorus Sounding machine, mech. Leads and lines Ships bells Stability indicators Meridian or pitom- eter log Fog horns Day shapes Water lights Signal lanterns Taffrail log Anchor lights Boat hooks Charts Chronometers Megaphones Marking boards Sounding boards Notice boards Thermometers Telescopes Lamp and paint room fitting Deck gear boxes Stowage for the above Group No. Lyle gun and equip- ment Signal lights Flags and bunting Flag racks Life rafts and equip- ment Life bouys, plain and luminous Life preservers Barometers Binoculars Clocks Safety lamps Ships plans Plan frames License frames Storm oil and tanks Navigating books and tables Pilot and Jacob's ladders Carpenter and boat line boxes 15-8 PAINT Includes all paint applied to steel work and fittings and outfit. Also bitumastic coverings and coatings where applied as a finish in tanks and miscellaneous places. Does not include paint, varnish, lacquer, or other finishes ap- plied to items which are furnished in a fin- ished condition. 15-9 CEMENT Include cement in bilges, pipe tunnels, hold ceilings, peaks and inaccessible spaces. Al- so include cement wash used as tank coatings and tar and cement compounds. Does not in- clude cement when used as a sub-base for deck covering. Note: Do not include cement or other mate- rial used for Fixed Ballast. Fixed ballast should be listed as an additional item on the light ship summary. 16-0 GALLEY AND PANTRY EQUIPMENT Includes all e q u i p m e n t used in galleys and pantries devoted to the preparation or serv- ice of food for crew and/or passengers. In- cludes the following: Stoves and ranges Ovens Hot water and coffee urns Hot plates Broilers Griddles Bake ovens Dough machines Kitchen mixing ma- chines Slicing machines Bain maries Vegetable prepara- tion machines Stock kettles Group No. P roofer boxes Hot water boilers Dish racks in the gal- ley Pot racks Water coolers Toasters Egg boilers Metal sinks Slop chute Garbage stowage can Equipment lockers Refrigerators not built into the structure Pots and pans Steel tables Dressers Misc. furniture and fittings Dish washers Chopping blocks Meat rack in galley Meat hooks Misc. utensils stowage Ice bins Ice cream ma- chines Scales Silver polishers 16-1 UTILITY SPACE EQUIPMENT Includes all equipment and furnishings for those spaces devoted to administration and functional operation of the vessel. Laundry Equipment Washing machines Drying machines Extractors Tumblers Presses Laundry trucks Collar presser Shirt formers Valet Equipment Dry cleaning machines Pressing equipment including liquid Tables therefor Racks Shelving Laundry tubs Ironing boards Sorting tables Marking machines Stowage racks and bins Hand irons Pants presses Hospital Spaces Biological analysis equipment Stretchers Instrument cabinets Sterilizing machines X-ray machines Operating tables Dentist equipment Treatment stands Examining chairs Hospital beds and misc. furniture Barber and Beauty Shop Furnishings Barber chairs Beauty chairs Manicure tables Hair dryers Print Shop Equipment Presses Type racks And other furnishings Wave machines Misc. barber stools Cabinets Shelving, etc. Stowage racks Misc. tables Composing pots Bars and Bar Equipn Coils Mixers •ent Dressers Refrigerators Group No. 16-1 UTILITY SPACE EQUIPMENT- Con. Bar and Bar Equipment— Con. Tops Shelving Ice machines Misc. equipment Offices Includes all furniture, equipment and furnish- ings for offices which are segregated into separate compartments such as deck office, engineer's office located outside of machin- ery space, purser's offices, steward's offi- ces, chef's office, doctor's office. Equipment for miscellaneous shops as novelty, dress, flower, etc., including show cases, display racks, cash registers, etc. Chart Room and Wheelhouse Furniture, chart tables, stools, etc. 16-2 STEWARD'S OUTFIT Includes in general all those items of equip- ment and furnishings devoted to the living comfort and entertainment of passengers and crew such as: Group No. Foam systems Hose racks Spanners Fire pails Steam smothering Fire axes piping Smoke detecting Electrical detecting systems systems Breathing apparatus Manual fire alarm Sand Sheets Pillows Mattresses Towels Cushions Table linen Glassware Silverware Crockery Chinaware Rugs and carpets Curtains Cleaning gear includ- Motion picture out- ing vacuum cleaners fit Miscellaneous decorative items such as: Detached pictures (not Potted plants murals) Deck games Children play equip- Cuspidors and ash ment trays Gym equipment Swimming pool Library books equipment Bed spreads Coat hangers Deck chairs Hat and coat racks Deck blankets 16-4 to 8 DEFENSE FEATURES Preferably listed as separate item in Light Ship Summary. 17-0 FIRE DETECTING AND EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS Includes in general all fire detecting and ex- tinguishing equipment except firemains. Fire extinguishers, C0 2 systems portable and fixed Fire hose Sprinkling systems Hose nozzles systems Fire barrels 17-1 HEATING SYSTEM Includes all equipment for heating quarters, whether by direct heating or through ventilat- ing systems and includes: Radiators Thermo tanks Pumps Preheaters Steam supply piping (from Aux. steam main) Drain piping (to drain collecting system) Unit air conditioners Steam and water supply and return to unit heaters Electric heaters Pipe insulation Note: Main air conditioning compressors, receivers, condensers and pumps are includ- ed in group 17-4. 17-2 VENTILATION-NATURAL Includes natural ventilation both supply and exhaust. Includes trunks not serving as hull structure, cowls, mushroom tops, goose- necks, metal and wood plugs for vent tubes, miscellaneous ducts of sheet metal, plate, pipe, etc., insulation, hangers, stiffening; al- so dampers and spray shields as required. 17-3 VENTILATION-MECHANICAL Include all mechanical ventilation except that for machinery spaces. (See group 28-3.) Fans Screenings Motors Misc. heads Non -structural ducts Hangers and fasten- Insulation ings for above Terminals Dehumidifiers, Louvres filters, etc. Hoods Dampers Note: Cargo ventilation systems should be separately summarized on work sheets. 17-4 REFRIGERATING SYSTEMS Include the complete systems and installa- tions for refrigerated cargo, ref. stores, cooled spaces, and air conditioning systems except as noted: Group No. Ship's stores mach. (compressor, pumps, condensers, receivers) Cargo refrig. mach. (compressor, pumps, condensers, receivers) Air conditioning mach. (compressor, pumps, condensers, receivers) Piping (brine, S. W., refrigerant) Insulation on the above. Ship's stores boxes — coils and piping Cargo boxes— cold diffuse rs Sheathing Gratings Lagging Doors and hardware Miscellaneous Insulation Flooring Furring Battens Lining Insulation and sheathing on hatches 17-5 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND DRAINS Drain piping Discharge scuppers Valves Vents Shower curtains Shelves Towel racks Soap dishes Robe hooks Glass holders Bathroom shelves Toothbrush holders Toilet paper holders Paper towel holders Medicine cabinets and mirrors Sewage disposal tanks Sewage disposal pumps Sewage disposal piping Fixtures, incl. lava- tories Closets, water Urinals Tubs Shower fixtures Shower drains Bidets Slop sinks Drinking fountains Fixtures and acces- sories Miscellaneous Dis- pensing equipment 17-6 DECK SCUPPERS Covers those drains from open decks and other compartments which lead overboard or to the bilges. Includes: Piping Scuppers Fastenings Note especially, scuppers from bridges, house tops, 'tween decks, chain locker, deck store- rooms, refrigerated spaces, galley and pan- tries, steering engine room, deck machinery foundations, resistor houses. In each piping system, include all strainers, hangers, manifolds, valves, miscellaneous fittings, insulation and piping casings or other protection. 18-0 BILGE AND BALLAST SYSTEM Group No. Submersible bilge Bilge stripping pump Bilge piping pump Manifolds Notes: Include only clean ballast systems. Include piping systems connected with water anti- rolling tank installations. 18-1 CARGO OIL SYSTEM Cargo oil steaming - out and smothering Butte rworth heaters, piping, etc. Cargo oil pumps Cargo oil piping Cargo oil heating coils Bilge pump Standby bilge pump Ballast pump clean Ballast piping 18-2 DECK STEAM AND EXHAUST SYSTEM This item is used only where machinery in groups 19-0 and 19-1 is steam driven. Steam supply piping Hangers Steam exhaust piping Fittings Valves, reducing or Protection otherwise Drain Cocks Insulation or lagging 18-3 FIRE MAINS Fire pump Hydrants General service pump Special couplings Piping 18-4 SANITARY AND FRESH WATER SYSTEM Includes salt water circulating system for sanitary fixtures, hot and cold freshwater systems for wash and potable water. Washing water purhp Washing water pressure tank Hot water heater and storage tank Steam supply and drains Hot water circulating pump Hot water circulating piping Fresh water pump Fresh water pressure tank Fresh water piping Ice water circulating pump Ice water circulating piping and insulation Scuttle butt Sanitary pump Sanitary pressure tank Sanitary supply piping Swimming pool filling pump Swimming pool circulating pump Swimming pool piping F. W. filling lines Filters No fixtures to be included in this group. 18-5 F. O. TRANSFER SYSTEM F. O. transfer pump F. O. filling and transfer piping 18-5 F. O. TRANSFER SYSTEM-Con. F. O. steaming out and smothering piping system Steam supply and drain piping F. O. heating coils in storage tanks Oil and water separator Manifolds Notes: Include oily ballast piping in this group. Oily ballast pump. Include piping systems connected with fuel oil anti- rolling tank installations. 18-6 VENTS, SOUNDING TUBES AND OVER- FLOWS Includes vents and overflows from, and sound- ing tubes to all spaces in the vessel, designed for the carriage of liquids, or required by law to be vented and/or sounded such as cof- ferdams, bilges, etc. Group No. Relieving tackle Auxiliary steering gear Rudder filling ex- cept of wood Vent pipes Goosenecks Deck plates Escape valves Shutoff valves Screens Hangers and protec- tion for the above Sounding rods Sounding plates Overflow piping Discharge scuppers Valves Fittings and fasten- ings Sounding tubes 18-7 VALVE OPERATING GEAR All gear required for remote operation of valves. 18-8 CROSS-CONNECTIONS Piping and valves 19-0 DECK MACHINERY Cargo winches, topping Anchor windlasses winches, vang winches, Motor generators schooner guy winches for cargo winches Warping windlasses Cargo cranes Capstans Include such mechanical cargo gear as hoists, conveyors both horizontal and vertical, winches, motors, etc., for handling cargo and stores cranes, but does not include elevators for cargo or stores handling. Does not in- clude boat winches. Include motors, resistors, controls, etc. for the above equipment. 19-1 STEERING GEAR AND RUDDER Steering engine Motors Pumps Control gear Rudder Rudder stock Tiller or quadrant Rudder bearings 19-2A RADIO COMMUNICATION Telegraph, emergency Telegraph, main Transmitters and Auto-alarm receivers Radio telephone 19-2B INTERIOR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ELECTRIC) Alarms Telephones Telephones, sound powered Telegraphs, electrical Announcing, public address, and entertain- ment systems Recording systems Electric clocks Electric indicators Call bells and annunciators Multicoupler or antennaplex Include wiring. 19 -2C INTERIOR COMMUNICATION (MECHANICAL) Voice tubes Mechanical telegraphs 19-3A GENERATORS Ship's service generators Emergency diesel generator, silencer, exhaust piping All attached auxiliaries 19-3B AUXILIARY CONDENSER AND CIRCULATING SYSTEMS Auxiliary condensers Vents Pumps Piping, etc. Include circulating systems for diesel ship's service generators. 19-3C AUXILIARY AIR EJECTOR Auxiliary air ejector 19 -3D SWITCHBOARDS Main switchboards Engine room control boards (unless included with motors) Power distribution boards (includes galley, ventilation and deck auxiliary) Lighting distribution boards and switch panels Emergency Interior communication Group No. Note: Control boards furnished with equip- ment as part of a unit shall be included in the group for the equipment. 19-3E DISTRIBUTION Bulkhead and deck fit- tings Hangers, protection Tubes and kickpipes Power wiring Lighting wiring Transformers Wiring appliances 19-3F FIXTURES Lighting fixtures, bulbs, etc. Searchlights 19-3G STORAGE BATTERIES Ship's emergency Emergency diesel starting Bracket fans Lamps Radio emergency Telephone Gyro compass and pilot Radio direction finders Wind speed and direc- tion indicator and recorder Radar Electric log Fathometer Loran Weather printer Course recorder 19-4 DUMB WAITERS AND ELEVATORS Include all elevators whether passenger, car- go, stores, or service. Include also dumb waiters whether manual or powered. Sheaves Buffers Wiring Controllers Panels 19-3H ELECTRICAL NAVIGATING EQUIPMENT 19 " 7 Car- Gates and doors Motors and hoist Counterweight Tracks Cables Other items included in the installation itself. 19-5 AUXILIARY BOILER Include boilers whose functions are other than propulsion. 19-6 DISTILLING PLANT (SHIP USE) Include S. W. evaporators and systems whose primary functions are other than make-up for boiler feed water. STABILIZERS Do not include flooding water. Notes: Water in fin boxes shall be deducted from the displacement. Liquids in anti- rolling tanks shall be treated as a separate item of deadweight. 19-9 AIRCRAFT FITTINGS Machinery Group No. 20-0 MAIN PROPULSION Propulsion turbines Propulsion engines Propulsion generators and motors Steam strainers Integral L. O. piping Throttle, control and maneuvering valves Inter-connecting piping (except boiler re- heater) Lagging Attached auxiliaries Intake silencers Gauges and thermometers Main gauge board Propulsion control board (electric) Propulsion cable Rectifiers and M-G sets All equipment normally attached to and part of the propulsion equipment supplied by ven- dor. 20-1 TURBINE DRAIN AND LEAK-OFF SYSTEM Turbine drain piping Gland leak -off piping Gland exhaust condenser, feed heater Gland leak -off exhauster if not integral with 20-2 MAIN REDUCTION GEARS Main gears and casings Main thrust bearing (if integral) (independ- ent thrust bearing in group 23-1) Turning gear and motor Flexible, hydraulic, or electric couplings Integral L. O. piping Gauges and thermometers 20-3 MAIN CONDENSER Main condenser Spring supports Vents 20-4 MAIN AIR EJECTOR Main air ejector Inter and after condenser 20-5 MAIN CIRCULATING SYSTEM Suction and discharge piping Scoops and scoop piping- Group No. Water service to steady bearings Piping for auxiliary services using this system Main circulating pump Main engine fresh and salt water piping Expansion tank Fresh water coolers L. O. cooler water piping Fresh and salt water pumps Propulsion motor salt water service pump Propulsion motor salt water service piping 21-0 FEED HEATERS Stage feed heaters and drain coolers Direct contact heater and vent condenser Feed and filter tank Surge tank Deaerating tank Lagging 21-1 FEED AND CONDENSATE SYSTEM Main condensate piping from hot well to deaerating heater or feed and filter or surge tank Main feed piping from deaerating feed heater to economizer or boiler drum inlet Auxiliary feed piping and cross connections to main recirculating piping Heater overflows Reserve feed connections Engine or boiler room cross connections Main condensate pumps Main feed pumps Auxiliary feed pumps Booster feed pumps Emergency feed pumps Port feed pumps Boiler test pumps Heater drain pumps Injector Boiler compound tank 22-0 MAKE UP FEED SYSTEM Make up feed evaporator Make up feed vapor piping from unit to — (a) Direct contact heater (if independent) (b) Connection on exhaust or bleed line (c) Distiller or connection to vapor line to distiller M. U. F. evaporator feed piping to unit from — (a) Tank manifold (b) Fresh water line connection M. U. F. piping to condensers M. U. F. evaporator feed pump Lagging 22-1 CONTAMINATED SYSTEM Contaminated evaporator or low pressure steam generator Contaminated, drain cooler, ejector, vent condenser Contaminated drain tank Inspection tank Contaminated evaporator vapor piping from unit to— (a) Connection to systems using contami- nated vapor (b) Cross connections to other engine room (c) Cross connection to other live steam main Contaminated evaporator feed piping to unit from — (a) Drain tank (b) Cross connection to any source of supply Contaminated evaporator feed pump Lagging 22-2 SALT WATER EVAPORATOR SYSTEM Salt water evaporators (all effects) Distiller condenser Evaporator feed pump Distiller circulating pump (if independent) Condensate pumps Fresh water pumps Interstage booster pumps Brine pumps Vapor piping from unit to next effect, to dis- tiller or other system Feed piping from sea or other system to evaporator Distiller salt water circulating piping from sea or other system, to sea or other sys- tem Distiller condenser circulating water pump Interconnecting brine and fresh water piping Air ejector and condenser, steam supply and drain piping Salinity indicators Test tanks 23-0 SHAFTING Thrust shaft Line shafting Propeller shaft Propeller shaft liner Group No. 23-1 BEARING AND STERN TUBE Main thrust bearing" (if independent thrust) Line shaft bearings Stern tube Stern tube gland Strut bearings Stern tube bearings 23-2 PROPELLERS Propeller Fairwater cap Tallow in fairwater cap 23-3 MISCELLANEOUS SHAFTING PARTS Bulkhead stuffing boxes Propeller shaft clamping gear Shaft coupling guards Shaft coupling bolts and nuts Torsion meter Miscellaneous (shaft key, bolts and nuts) Shaft brake 23-4 PROPELLER AND SHAFTING SPARES Propeller Line shaft Propeller shaft 24-0 LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM Lubricating oil circulating pump Lubricating oil coolers Lubricating oil suction strainers Lubricating oil discharge strainers Lubricating oil gravity tank (when not part of hull structure) Lubricating oil settling tank (when not part of hull structure) Lubricating oil storage tanks (when not part of hull structure) Lubricating oil purifier Lubricating oil heater Lubricating oil sump tank (when a built-up tank) Lubricating oil sludge tank Lubricating oil cooler circulating pump (if independent) Lubricating oil circulating piping (see 20-5 or 19-3E) Lubricating oil purifying and filling piping Lubricating oil hand pump Lubricating oil heating coils in tanks Auxiliary lubricating oil coolers Lubricating oil transfer pump Lubricating oil service piping Lubricating oil service pump 24-1 MISCELLANEOUS ENGINE OIL TANKS Refrigeration machine oil tank Engineer's oil tanks Group No. Group No. 24-1 MISCELLANEOUS ENGINE, ETC.-Con. Engineer's lubricating oil tanks Cylinder oil tanks Kerosene tank Soda tank Waste lockers Tallow tanks Emergency generator fuel oil storage tanks Emergency generator fuel oil day tanks Emergency generator lubricating oil storage tanks 25-0 SERVICE COMPRESSED AIR SERVICE SYSTEM Ships service air compressor Compressed air storage tank Compressed air piping to root valve of other services taking air from system Emergency air compressor, tank, and piping 25-1 STARTING AIR SYSTEM Diesel starting air compressor, tanks, and piping 25-2 SCAVENGER AIR SYSTEM Scavenging air blowers Scavenging ducts Scavenging blower silencers If units are attached to main engines, in- clude under 20-0 26-0 BOILERS Boilers, superheaters, desuperheaters (in- ternal) Air heaters and economizers Boiler mountings Boiler lagging Feed water regulators 26-1 FUEL OIL BURNERS Fuel oil burners 26-2 SOOT BLOWERS Soot blowers Air or steam supply piping Air compressor (if independent) Compressed air storage tank (if independent) 26-3 BOILER DRAFT SYSTEM Forced draft blowers Induced draft blowers Inlet and outlet ducts to boiler casing Dampers 26-4 AUTOMATIC COMBUSTION CONTROL Master controllers Combustion control boards Piping (air or hydraulic) Control gear Thermostats (Valves to be included with system con- trolled) Air compressor and storage tank (if inde- pendent) 26-5 STACKS AND UPTAKES Uptakes and lagging to inner stack Inner stack and insulation Boiler drum insulation and lagging Outer stack (for stack enclosure, see 8-9) Dust catchers Dust catcher pump Main engine silencer Main engine exhaust piping and lagging Ships service diesel generator silencer, exhaust Piping and lagging and supports Auxiliary boiler uptakes 26-6 FUEL OIL SERVICE SYSTEM Fuel oil service pump Fuel oil standby pump Fuel oil stripping pump Fuel oil heaters Fuel oil heaters lagging Fuel oil suction strainers Fuel oil discharge strainers Fuel oil meter Sand box Catch-all pans Fuel oil service piping Fuel oil heating coils in fuel oil settling tank Fuel oil purifiers Boiler burner vice and work bench 27-0 MAIN STEAM PIPING Piping to propulsion unit Cross connections to other engine or boiler rooms Reheater inlet and outlet piping Astern piping Emergency propulsion connections All piping carrying main boiler outlet steam to auxiliaries or reducing valve auxiliary steam lines Lagging 27-1 AUXILIARY STEAM PIPING Auxiliary steam main Cross connections to other engine or boiler rooms External desuperheaters Desuperheated steam main All piping from reducing valve of main steam to auxiliaries Lagging 27-2 EXHAUST AND ESCAPE PIPING Auxiliary exhaust main Bleed piping from bleed point to exhaust main Cross connections to bleed lines or live steam lines of higher pressure or to other engine or boiler rooms Atmospheric exhaust piping Boiler escape piping Exhaust connections to main or auxiliary condensers Gland seal piping 27-3 STEAM DRAIN SYSTEM All drain piping not included with outfit systems Atmospheric drain tanks Water seal piping Drain condenser Drain condenser vacuum apparatus Drain collecting tanks Drain pumps Lagging Main and auxiliary air ejector drain piping Feed heater drain piping Evaporator drain piping Steam air heater drain piping 27-4 WHISTLES Steam whistler Steam supply piping Drain piping to drain tank or drain main Air whistle Whistle air tank Whistle air piping 28-0 ACCESS All floor plates, ladders, rails, and gratings in: Engine rooms Boiler rooms Auxiliary engine Shaft alleys rooms Pipe tunnels Refrigeration machin- Casings ery rooms (Include support for above, if not part of main hull structure.) Note: Permanent platforms should be taken in group 6-1 or 6-6. 28-1 WORK SHOP Large lathe Small lathe Radial drill Drill press Electrical test bench Grinders Power -hack saw Shaper Milling machine Tool cabinet Miscellaneous tools Tool racks Group No. Work benches and Catch pans unc all machines 28-2 LIFTING AND HANDLING GEAR Lifting gear Electric hoist Lifting gear I beams Main handling gear 28-3 MACHINERY SPACE VENTILATION All ventilation fans, ducts and lagging in: Engine rooms Boiler rooms Auxiliary engine rooms Casings Refrigeration ma- chinery rooms Stacks (Do not include structural or non -structural trunks.) 28-4 MACHINERY SPACE FIXTURES Log desks, miscellaneous work benches, scuttlebutts, bulletin boards, etc., in: Engine rooms Boiler rooms Auxiliary engine rooms Refrigeration machinery rooms 28-5 SPARE PARTS Spare parts Spare tools Spare store room equipment Engine stores 28-6 MISCELLANEOUS, INSTRUMENTS AND GAUGES Instruments and gauges Holding down bolts and chocks Miscellaneous 29-0 LIQUID IN MACHINERY -GROUPS 12 TO 19 INCLUSIVE All liquids in outfit systems where system is normally full Liquids in ship service generator engines Water in generator circulating piping Water in oil and water separator Water in auxiliary condenser Water in auxiliary condenser circulating piping Water in refrigerating machines Brine in refrigerating machines Oil in refrigerating machines Water in, sanitary, fresh, hot, and ice water systems vVater in firemains if system is wet 29-1 WATER-GROUPS 20 TO 28 INCLUSIVE Water in engines Water in main condenser Water in circulating piping Water in scoop piping Water in lubricating oil coolers Water in boilers Water in feed water heaters Water in atmospheric drain tank Water in feed and condensate piping Water in contaminated drain tank Water in inspection tank Water in distiller Water in distilled water test tank Water in S. W. evaporators Water in contaminated evaporators Water in M. U. F. evaporators Group No. Water in miscellaneous S. W. circulating piping Water in engine F. W. coolers 29-2 OIL-GROUPS 20 TO 28 INCLUSIVE Oil in fuel oil service piping Oil in lubricating oil cooler Oil in lubricating oil sump tank Oil in lubricating oil gravity tanks Oil in lubricating oil settling tanks Oil in lubricating oil piping Oil in miscellaneous engineer oil tanks Summary Forms — ! i 1 5 ii! 8"! m i ** LCF DRAFT DRAFT ; u 6 Sh |ip 1 i o i 1 s 1 jj LCG LCB TRIM LEVER FWD, AFT MOMENT TO TRIM 1" TRIM IN INCHES FWD, AF 1! it I 1 s 1 i 3: i Z 3 FORM MA-36A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE STEEL SUMMARY (Weight Calculations) COOE ,TEM !Ki V L E eV. MOM'.' LEV.' mom: (1-0 Stem casting 1 Stern frame casting 2 Boss casting 3 Shaft struts 4 Paravane castings 5 6 7 8 9 Forgings and Castings 1-0 Flat plate keel 1 Shell plating 2 Bulwarks 3 Bilge keels 4 Boss plating 5 Rubbing strips and fenders 6 Shell moldings 7 8 9 Shell Plating 2-0 Center vertical keel 1 Trans, framing in I. B. 2 Long, framing in I. B. 3 Trans, framing outside I. B. 4 Long, framing outside I. B. 5 Framing in peaks 6 Transom and cants 7 Web frames 8 9 Framing 3-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Deck Plating and Beans 4-0 Main trans. W. T. bhds. 1 Trans. ». T. and 0. T. bhds. 2 Long. W. T. and 0. T. bhds. 3 structural N.W.T. bhds. 4 Non- structural bhds. 5 Trunks - structural 6 Trunks - non-structural 7 Stair enclosures 8 Hatch coamings 9 Bulkheads and Trunks DESIGN DATE DIMENSIONS FORM MA-36B U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE STEEL SUMMARY (Weight Calculations) COOE ,TEM TO^S LEV. V M E R M T - LEV. mom: .-, - (l Pillars and girders 1 2 3 i 6 7 8 9 Pillars ar.«? Girders 6-0 Inner bottom plating 1 Platform deck 2 3 4 Cofferdam flats 5 Cofferdam floors 6 Miscellaneous flats and floors 7 (j 9 Hull Miscellaneous 7-0 Main engine foundations 1 Boiler foundations Aux. mach. foundations 3 Shaft stools foundations 4 Miscellaneous foundations 5 6 7 8 9 Gun foundations Foundations 8-0 1 2 3 4 ' 5 6 7 8 Miscellaneous houses 9 Stack enclosure Superstructures SUB TOTAL GROUPS THROUGH 8 9-0 Riveting and welding 1 welding 2 Mill tolerance 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 Riveting and Welding TOTAL STEEL DESIGN DATE DIMENSIONS form MA-36C U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (4-53) MARITIME ADMINISTRATION OUTFIT SUMMARY (Weight Calculations) CODE ,TEM TSi VERT. 5E' lev! mom: 10-0 Steel masts, kingposts, etc. 1 Steel booms 2 Steel hatch covers and beams 3 Steel stairways 4 Steel sheet metal work 5 G 7 8 9 Struct. Steel In Outfit 11-0 Deck castings, mooring ftgs. 1 Mast and spar forgings 2 Rails and stanchions 3 Ladders 4 Miscellaneous hull fittings 5 Ratproofing 6 7 8 9 Hull Attachments 12-0 Sliding W. T. doors 1 Hinged W.T. doors 2 Manholes and scuttles 3 Airports, windows and lights 4 Hatches and ports O.T. or W.T. 5 N.W.T. steel doors 6 Skylights and companions 7 8 9 Lights, Doors, Hatches 13-0 Wooden masts and spars 1 Wood hatch covers 2 Hold ceiling and sparring 3 Miscellaneous carpenter work 4 5 6 7 Wood decks (caulked) 8 Miscellaneous deck coverings 9 Cement and title coverings Carpenter Work and Decking 14-0 Wooden houses 1 Interior joiner work 2 Furniture 3 Joiner decks 4 Decorative joiner work 5 Accommodation ladder 6 7 8 Insulation in quarters 9 Fire insulation DESIGN DATE FORM MA-36D U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OUTFIT SUMMARY (Weight Calculations) CODE ,TEM Voli LEV.' 5E" lev! mom: 15-0 Anchors, chains, lines 1 Boats and boat handling 2 Rigging and blocks 3 Canvas work 4 Miscellaneous deck outfit 5 6 7 8 Paint 9 Cement Deck Outfit 16-0 Galley and pantry equipment 1 Utility space equipment 2 Steward' s outfit 3 4 Degaussing 5 Paravanes 6 Amm. stow, and handling 7 Armor and protection 8 Armament 9 Steward' s Outfit 17-0 Fire det. and ext. system 1 Heating system 2 Ventilation - natural 3 Ventilation - mechanical 4 Refrigerating systems 5 Plumbing fixtures and drains 6 Deck scuppers 7 8 9 Hull Engineering 18-0 Bilge and ballast system 1 Cargo oil system 2 Deck steam and ex. system 3 Fire mains 4 San. and fresh water system 5 Fuel oil transfer system 6 Vents, sgd. and overflows 7 Valve operating gear 8 9 Piping 19-0 Deck machinery 1 Steer, gear and rudder 2 Communicating system 3 Electric plant 4 Dumb waiters and elevators 5 Auxiliary boiler 6 Dist. plant (ship use) 7 8 9 Aircraft fittings Miscellaneous Machinery TOTAL OUTFIT DESIGN DATE form MA-36E U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (4-53) MARITIME ADMINISTRATION MACHINERY SUMMARY (Weight Calculations) CODE ITEM WGT. TONS VERT. LEV. VERT. LCG AFT. OF Zu 20-0 Main propulsion 1 Turbine drain and leak-off system 2 Main reduction gears 3 Main condenser 4 Main air ejector 5 Main circulating system 6 7 TOTAL - Main Propulsion Units 21-0 Feed heaters 1 Feed and condensate system 2 3 TOTAL - Feed & Condensate hquip. 22-0 Makeup feed system 1. Contaminated system 2 Salt water evap. system 3 4 TOTAL - Evaporator System 23-0 Shafting 1 Bearings and stern tube 2 Propellers 3 Miscellaneous shafting parts 4 Shafting and propeller spares 5 6 TOTAL - Shafting and Propellers 24-0 Lub. oil system 1 Miscellaneous engine oil tanks 2 3 TOTAL - Lubricating Oil System 25-0 Service compressed air serv. sys. 1 Starting air system 2 Scavenger air system 3 4 TOTAL - Air Systems DESIGN DATE TYPE SHP """ FORM MA-36F U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (4-53) MARITIME ADMINISTRATION MACHINERY SUMMARY (Weight Calculations) CODE ITEM WGT. TONS VERT. LEV. VERT. MOM. LCG AFT. OF MOM.' 26-0 Boilers 1 Fuel oil burners 2 Soot blowers 3 Boiler draft system 4 Automatic combustion control 5 Stacks and uptakes 6 F.O. service system 7 8 TOTAL - Boilers and F. 0. System 27-0 Main steam piping 1 Aux. steam piping 2 Exhaust and escape piping 3 Steam drain system 4 Whistles 5 6 TOTAL - Steam Piping 28-0 Access 1 Work shop 2 Lifting and handling gear 3 Machinery space ventilation 4 Machinery space fixtures 5 Spare parts 6 Miscellaneous instruments & gages 7 8 TOTAL - Miscellaneous 29-0 Liquids in machinery (Gr. 12 to 19) 1 Water (Gr. 20-28) 2 Oil (Gr. 20-28) 3 4 TOTAL - Liquids In Machinery TOTAL - Machinery DESIGN DATE TYPE SHP RPM Ig Index Group Access machinery space 28-0 Access trunks 4-5 Accommodation ladders 14-5 Accommodation ladder falls and guys 15-2 Air compressors 12-0 Air compressor ships service 25-0 Air conditioning units 17-4 Aircraft fittings 19-9 Air ejector auxiliary 19-3C Air ejector main 20-4 Air heaters and economizers 26-0 Airport boxes 14-1 A irports 12-3 Air scoops 12-3 Air system— scavenger 25-2 Air system— ships service 25-0 Air system— starting 25-1 Air whistle 27-4 Alarms 19-2 B Altar 14-2 Ammunition Deadweight Ammunition stowage and handling 16-6 Anchor davit falls 15-2 Anchor light halliards 15-2 Anchor lights 15-4 Anchors, bower 15-0 Anchors, chains and lines 15-0 Anchor chocks 13-3 Anchors, stream 15-0 Anchor windlasses 19-0 Announcing and sound distribution 19-2B Annuciators 19-2 B Antennaplex 19-2B Appurtenances for special hatches 10-2 Armament 16-8 Armor and protection 16-7 Ash trays 16-2 Auto-alarm radio 19-2A Automatic combustion control 26-4 Auxiliary air ejector 19 -3 C Auxiliary boiler 19-5 Auxiliaries attached to main engines 20-0 Auxiliary condensate and circulating system 19-3 B Auxiliary machinery foundations 7-2 Auxiliary steam piping 27-1 Auxiliary steering gear 19-1 Awning ball and ridge ropes 15-2 Awnings, canvas 15-3 Awnings, rigid (steel, aluminum, plastic, etc.) 11-4 Awning stanchions 11-2 B Bain Maries Bake ovens Ballast, fixed Separate item Ship Summary Ballast piping Ballast pump, clean Ballast pump, oily Bar Barber chairs Barber shop equipment Barber stools Bar equipment Barometers Baseboards , joiner Bathroom shelves Batten bars Battens , ca rgo Batten cleats Batten clips Battens, metal in deep tanks Battens, refrigeration Batteries , storage Beams, deck 3-0 Beams , hatch Beams , wood Beam rests, hatch Bearings, line shaft Bearings , strut Beauty chairs Beauty shop equipment Beds , hospital Beds, including springs Bed lights Bed sp reads Berth number plates Belaying pins de ts lge and ballast system lge ceiling lge keels lge keels , wood lge piping lge pump stripping pump noculars Biological analysis equipment... Bits: Towing, mooring, riding., Blankets Blocks for running rigging Blowers, induced draft Blowers, forced draft Group 16-0 16-0 in Light 18-0 18-0 18-0 15-4 14-1 13-2 17-4 19-3G to 3-9 10-2 13-1 10-2 23-1 23-1 16-1 16-1 16-1 14-2 12-3 11-1 17-5 18-0 13-2 1-3 13-3 18-0 18-0 18-0 15-4 10-4 16-1 11-0 16-2 15-2 26-3 26-3 Group Blowers, scavenging air 25-2 Blowers, soot 25-2 Boats and boat handling 15-1 Boat boom— Bridle and guys 15-2 Boat booms 10-1 Boat booms, wood 13-0 Boat boom topping lift 15-2 Boat chocks 15-1 Boat covers 15-1 Boat cranes 15-1 Boat hooks 15-4 Boat ladders 15-1 Boats, life, work, motor 15-1 Boat line boxes 15-4 Boat outfits 15-1 Boat skids 13-3 Boat slings 15-1 Boat stowage 15-1 Boat winches 15-1 Boat windlass outfit 15-1 Boards, bulletin 28-4 Boards, ironing , 16-1 Boards, marking 15-4 Boards, notice 15-4 Boards, sounding 15-4 Boards, tank sounding 28-4 Boiler — auxiliary 19-5 Boiler burner vice and work bench 26-6 Boiler draft system 26-3 Boiler drum insulation 26-5 Boiler foundations 7-1 Boiler lagging 26-0 Boiler mountings 26-0 Boilers, superheaters, desuperheaters (internal) 26-0 Bolted plate doors 12-5 Bolted plate manholes 12-2 Book cases 14-2 Book shelves 14-2 Books —Library 16-2 Boom bands 11-1 Boom caps 11-1 Boom chocks 13-3 Boom crotch 11-1 Boom goosenecks 11-1 Booms, boat 10-1 Booms, cargo 10-1 Booms, miscellaneous 10-1 Boom sockets 11-1 Booms, sounding 10-1 Boom step support structure 10-0 Boom swivels 11-1 Boss casting 0-2 Boss plating 1-4 Bower anchors 15-0 Bowsprits, wood 13-0 Bracing for vang post, mast, and kingposts 10-0 Brackets to deck beams 2-3 Brackets to margin plate 2-3 Breakwaters 1-2 B-Con. Breast hooks 2-5 Breathing apparatus 17-0 Bridge support, stanchions and bracing 11-2 Broilers 16-0 Brows, hatch 13-3 Brows, port 13-3 Builder's plates 11-4 Bulkhead lights 12-3 Bulkheads— Less than 5 # plate 10-4 Bulkheads, joiner 14-1 Bulkheads, main transverse watertight 4-0 Bulkheads, nonstructural 4-4 Bulkheads, structural N. W. T. 4-3 Bulkheads, W. T. and O. T., longitudinal... 4-2 Bulkheads, W. T. and O. T., transverse tank boundaries 4-1 Bulkheads, sanitary 11-4 Bulkheads, stuffing boxes , 23-3 Bulkheads, wire mesh 11-4 Bulls eyes 12-3 Bulletin boards (machinery space) 28-4 Bulwarks 1-2 Bulwark braces (cast or forged) 11-4 Burners, fuel oil 26-1 Bureaus 14-2 C Cabinets 16-1 Cable appliances 19-3 E Cable, interior— communication 19-2 B Cable, lighting 19-3 E Cable, power 19-3E Cable, propulsion 20-0 Call bells 19-2 B Cants 2-6 Canvas work 15-3 Capstan 19-0 Cargo battens 13-2 Cargo booms 10-1 Cargo booms, wood 13-0 Cargo falls, wire rope 15-2 Cargo oil heating coils 18-1 Cargo oil piping 18-1 Cargo oil pumps 18-1 Cargo oil, steaming-out and smothering ... 18-1 Cargo ports, hinged and sliding 12-4 Cargo slings: Chain or rope 15-2 Cargo trunks 4-5 Cargo winches 19-0 Carpenter work 13-3 Carpets 16-2 Casings, wood pipe 13-3 Casting, boss 0-2 Casting, paravane 0-4 Casting, stem 0-0 Casting, stern frame 0-1 Catch-all pan 26-6 Caulking 13-6 Ceiling, hold and bilge 13-2 C— Con. Group Ceiling, joiner 14-1 Cement 15-9 Cement and other sub-bases under tile 13-9 Cement decking 13-9 Center vertical keel 2-0 Ceramic tile 13-9 Chafing plates 11-4 Chain, anchor 15-0 Chain locker grating and fittings 11-4 Chain pipe castings 11-0 Chain plates 11-1 Chain rail 11-2 Chairs 14-2 Chairs, deck 16-2 Charts 15-4 Chart room furniture 16-1 Chiffoniers 14-2 Children's play equipment 16-2 Chinawa re 16-2 Chocks, boat 13-3 Chocks for anchors, booms 13-3 Chocks: Open, closed, roller, towing, bulward, mallory 11-0 Chocks, stringer 13-3 Chopping blocks 16-0 Chutes, portable 11-4 Chronometer s 15-4 Circulating system, main 20-5 Cleaning gear 16-2 Cleats 11-1 Cleats (cast) 11-0 Clocks 15-4 Clocks, electrical 19-2B Closets, water 17-5 Coat hangers 16-2 Coaling booms, wood 13-0 Coaling ports 12-4 Coamings, hatch 4-8 Coaming plates 3-0 to 3-9 Coffee urns 16-0 Cofferdam flats 6-4 Cofferdam floors 6-5 Cold diffusers 17-4 Collar presses 16-1 Combustion control boards 26-4 Combustion control gear 26-4 Communication, interior (electrical) 19-2 B Communication, interior (mechanical) 19-2 C Compasses, standard 15-4 Companion hatches 12-6 Companion ways 12-6 Composing pots 16-1 Composition deck covering 13-7 Compressed air storage tank (soot blower) 26-2 Compressed air storage tank (ships serv- ice) 25-0 Compressor, air and storage tank (com- bustion control) 26-4 Compressor, diesel starting air, tanks and piping 25-1 Group Compressor, emergency air, tank and piping 25-0 Compressor, ships service air 25-0 Compressor, soot blower air 26-2 Concrete 15-9 Condenser, auxiliary 19-3 B Condenser, distiller 22-2 Condenser, drain 27-3 Condenser, main 20-3 Condenser, main air ejector, inter and after 20-4 Contaminated evaporator 22-1 Control board — combustion 26-4 Control board— engine room 19-3D Control board — propulsion 26-4 Control gear 12-1 Control gear, steering engine 19-1 Control valves, propulsion 20-0 Controllers, master 26-4 Control valves, main engines 20-0 Conveyers 19-0 Coolers, F. W 20-5 Coolers, lubricating oil 24-0 Coolers, lubricating oil, auxiliary 24-0 Cornices 14-1 C0 2 systems 17-0 Couplings, flexible, hydraulic, or electric 20-2 Course recorders 19-3H Coves, joiner 14-1 Covers, binnacle, canvas 15-3 Covers, capstan, canvas 15-3 Covers, crow's nest, canvas 15-3 Covers, emergency steering stand, canvas 15-3 Covers, fidley 12-6 Covers, funnel, canvas 15-3 Covers, gangway, canvas 15-3 Covers, gyro repeaters, canvas 15-3 Covers, hatch 10-2 Covers, pelorus, canvas 15-3 Covers, pilot house hood, canvas 15-3 Covers, range finders, canvas 15-3 Covers, rope reel, canvas 15-3 Covers, searchlights, canvas 15-3 Covers, skylight (canvas) 15-3 Covers, skylight 12-6 Covers, sounding machine, canvas 15-3 Covers, telegraph, canvas 15-3 Covers, ventilators, canvas 15-3 Covers, winches, including boat, canvas... 15-3 Covers, windsails 15-3 Covers, windlass, canvas 15-3 Covers, wood for cargo hatches 13-1 Cove, tile 13-9 Cowls (mechanical ventilation) 17-3 Cowls (natural ventilation) 17-2 Cranes: Anchor, stores, etc 11-4 Cranes, cargo 19-0 Cranes, boat f 15-1 Cribbing 11 -4 Cribbing, wood 13-3 C-Con. Crockery 16-2 Cross connections (flooding) 18-8 Cross connection to other engine or boiler rooms 27-0 Crosstrees for kingposts 10-0 Curtain plates 3-0 to 3-9 Curtains 16-2 Cushions 16-2 Cuspidors 16-2 D Dampers 26-3 Damping boards 13-3 Dance floors 14-3 Dark room equipment 16-1 Davits 15-1 Davits: Stores, accommodation ladder, anchor 11-4 Day shapes 15-4 Deadlight covers 12-3 Deck beams 3-0 to 3-9 Deck blankets 16-2 Deck bolts 13-6 Deck castings 11-0 Deck chairs 16-2 Deck covering, composition 13-8 Deck covering, miscellaneous 13-8 Deck games 16-2 Deck gear boxes 15-4 Deck houses 8-0 to 8-7 Deck outfit, miscellaneous 15-4 Deck machinery 19-0 Deck margin planks 13-6 Deckpads and eye bolts 11-1 Deck planking 13-6 Deck plating 3-0 to 3-9 Deck rings 11-0 Deck scuppers and drains 17-6 Deck steam and exhaust system 18-2 Decks, platform 6-1 Deck steam piping 18-2 Deck strips 13-3 Decks, uncaulked 13-3 Decorative joiner work 14-4 Defense features 16-4 to 16-8 Degaussing 16-4 Dentist equipment „ 16-1 Derrick posts 10-0 Derricks, wood 13-0 Desks , 14-2 Desuperheaters, external 27-1 Desuperheater, main steam 27-1 Diesel generator, emergency 19-3 A Direct contact heater 21-0 Direction finders, radio 19-3H Discharge scuppers 17-5 Dishes 16-2 Dish racks in galley 16-0 Dish washers 16-0 D-Con. Group Dispensing equipment 17-5 Distiller 22-2 Distiller condenser 22-2 Distilling plant (ships use) 19-6 Distribution, electric power 19-3 E Docking plugs 11-4 Dodgers, canvas 15-3 Doors, bolted plate 12-5 Doors in halves 12-5 Doors, hinged W. T 12-1 Doors, joiner 14-1 Doors, N. W. T 12-5 Doors, refrigeration 17-4 Doors, sanitary 11-4 Doors, sliding W. T 12-0 Doors, tonnage 13-3 Doors, weathertight 12-5 Doors, wire mesh 11-4 Double bottom plating 6-0 Dough machines 16-0 Draft marks 11-4 Drain, collecting tanks 27-3 Drain cooler, contaminated evaporator 22-1 Drain cooler, feed heater 21-0 Drain piping 17-5 Drain pumps 27-3 Dressers, galley and pantry 16-0 Dressers 14-2 Dressing tables 14-2 Drill press (work shop) 28-1 Drinking fountains 17-5 Drinking fountains, machinery space 28-4 Drinking water piping 18-4 Drinking water pressure tank 18-4 Drinking water pump 18-4 Dry cleaning machines 16-1 Drying machines, laundry 16-1 Duct insulation 17-3 Ducts, auxiliary room distribution 28-3 Ducts, boiler room distribution 28-3 Ducts, engine room distribution 28-3 Ducts, inlet and outlet to boiler casing 26-3 Ducts, refrigeration room distribution 28-3 Ducts , scavenging 25-2 Ducts , ventilation 17-3 Dumb-waiters 19-4 Dust catchers , 26-5 Dust catcher piping 26-5 Dust catcher pump 26-5 E Economize rs 26-0 Egg boiler 16-0 Ejector, auxiliary air 19-3 C Ejector, contaminated 22-1 Electric cable 19-3E Electric hoist 28-2 Electrical clocks 19-2 B Electrical detecting systems 17-0 E— Con. Group Electrical fixtures 19-3 F Electrical indicators 19-2 B Electrical navigating equipment 19-3 H Electrical telegraphs 19-2 B Electrical test bench 28-1 Electric control gear 12-0 Electric heaters 17-1 Electric indicators 19-2 B Electric power distribution 19-3 E Elevators, crew 19-4 Elevators, freight 19-4 Elevators, passenger 19-4 Emergency air compressor, tank and pip- ing 25-0 Emergency diesel generator 19-3 A Emergency propulsion connections 27-0 Emergency rudder chain 11-4 Emergency switchboard 19-3 D Enclosures, stack 8-9 Enclosures, stair 4-7 Engines, propulsion 20-0 Engine stores 28-5 Ensign staff 10-1 Ensign staff, wood 13-0 Equipment lockers 16-0 Equipment, shops 16-1 Escape ladders 11-3 Evaporator, contaminated 22-1 Evaporator, make up feed 22-0 Evaporators, saltwater 22-2 Evaporators, ships use 19-6 Examining chairs 16-1 Exhaust and escape piping 27-2 Exhaust piping, generators 19-3A Exhaust connections (main or auxiliary condensers) 27-2 Extractors, laundry 16-1 F Fair leaders 11-0 Fair water cap 23-2 Fans, auxiliary machine exhaust 28-3 Fans, auxiliary machine space supply 28-3 Fans, boiler room exhaust 28-3 Fans, boiler room supply 28-3 Fans, engine room exhaust 28-3 Fans, engine room supply 28-3 Fans, refrigeration room exhaust 28-3 Fans, refrigeration room supply 28-3 Fans, ventilation 17-3 Fathometer 19-3 H Feed and condensate system 21-1 Feed heaters 21-0 Feed water regulators 26-0 Fenders 1-5 Fenders, hanging or fixed 13-3 Fender ropes 15-2 Fidley covers 12-6 Fire alarm system 17-0 Fire axes Fire barrels Fire detection system Fire extinguishers, portable and fixed Fire hose Fire hydrants Fire insulation Fire mains Fi re pails Fire pumps Fittings for housing topmast Fittings , kingpos t Fixed ballast Separate item Ship Summary Fixed lights Fixtures (electric) Fixtures, machinery space F ixtures , plumbing Flags and bunting Flag and signal halliards Flagpole fittings Flagpoles , wood Flag racks Flashing for cement floors Flashing, lead for tile Flat plate keel Flats , cof fe rdam Flats , mis cellaneous Flooding valves (not control) Flooring, refrigeration Floors Floors, cement Floor s , cof fe rdam Floors, miscellaneous Floor plate Foam systems Fog horns Forced draft blowers Forgings for boom rests Forgings, mast and spar Foundations , gun Foundations, auxiliary machinery Foundations , boiler Foundations, main engine Foundations , miscellaneous Frame , cant Foundations , wood Frames, license Frames, plan Frame , transom Frame, web Framing in peaks Framing, longitudinal in I. B Framing, longitudinal outside I. B Framing, transverse in I. B Framing, transverse outside I. B Freeing port covers and grating Fresh water coolers Fresh water heater Fuel oil burners Group 17-0 17-0 17-0 17-0 17-0 18-3 14-9 18-3 17-0 18-3 11-4 11-1 in Light 12-3 19-3F 28-4 17-5 15-4 15-2 11-4 13-0 15-4 13-9 13-9 1-0 6-4 6-6 18-0 17-4 2-1 13-9 6-5 6-6 28-0 17-0 15-4 26-3 11-1 11-1 7-9 7-2 7-1 7-0 7-4 2-6 13-3 15-4 15-4 2-6 2-7 2-5 2-2 2-4 2-1 2-3 12-4 20-5 18-4 26-1 F-Con. Group F. O. filling and transfer piping 18-5 F. O. heating coils in storage tank 18-5 F. O. service system 26-6 F. O. steaming out and smothering 18-5 F. O. transfer pump 18-5 Fuel oil meter 26-6 Fog horn 15-4 Furniture 14-2 Furniture, hospital 16-1 Furniture, miscellaneous in chart room and wheel house 16-1 Furniture, office 16-1 Furring, joiner work 14-1 Furring, refrigeration 17-4 G Gaffs, wood 13-0 Galley and pantry equipment 16-0 Garbage stowage cans 16-0 Gears and casings, main 20-2 Gear, control 26-4 Gear, main handling 28-2 General service pump 18-3 Generators 19-3 A Generators and motors (propulsion) 20-0 Girders 5-0 to 5-9 Gland leak-off exhauster 20-1 Gland leak-off piping 20-1 Gland, stern tube 23-1 Glass holders 17-5 Glassware 16-2 Grain fittings 11-4 Gratings, miscellaneous 13-3 Grating refrigeration 17-4 Griddles 16-0 Grinders 28-1 Grounds 13-2 Ground tackle 15-0 Guard rods for ports, etc 11-4 Gun foundations 7-9 Guns 16-8 Gym equipment 16-2 Gyro compass and pilot 19-3H H Hair dryers 16-1 Halliards 15-2 Handholes 12-2 Hand irons 16-1 Hardware, refrigeration 17-4 Hat and coat racks 16-2 Hatch beams 10-2 Hatch beam rests 10-2 Hatch brows 13-3 Hatch coamings 4-8 Hatch cover hoist pendant and purchase.... 15-2 Hatch covers, metal lumber 13-1 Hatch covers, steel 10-2 Hatch covers, wood 13-1 H-Con. Group Hatches and ports O. T. and W. T 12-4 Hatches to stores 12-4 Hatch lifting gear fittings 11-1 Hatch tarpaulins, weather and lower decks 15-3 Hawse pipes 11-0 Hawser reels 15-0 Hawsers 15-0 Heater, butterworth 18-1 Heater, fresh water 18-4 Heater, lubricating oil 24-0 Heater, feed 21-0 Heaters, fuel oil 26-6 Heaters lagging, fuel oil 26-6 Heating coils, cargo oil 18-1 Heating coils, fuel oil in fuel oil settling tank 26-6 Heating coils, fuel oil storage tanks 18-5 Heating coils, lubricating oil 24-0 Heating system piping 17-1 Hinged platforms 11-4 Hinged W. T. doors 11-1 Hold ceiling and sparring 13-2 Holding down bolts and chocks 28-6 Hold ladders 11-3 Hold sheathing 13-2 Hoist, electric 28-2 Hoists 19-0 Hoods 17-3 Hose nozzles 17-0 Hose racks 17-0 Hospital beds and miscellaneous furniture 16-1 Hospital equipment 16-1 Hot plates 16-0 Hot water boilers 16-0 Hot water circulating piping 18-4 Hot water circulating pump 18-4 Hot water storage tank 18-4 Hot water urns 16-0 Houses, deck 8-0 to 8-7 Houses, miscellaneous 8-8 Hull fittings, miscellaneous 11-4 Hydrants, fire 18-3 Ice bins 16-0 Ice cream machines 16-0 Ice water circulating piping and insulation 18-4 Ice water circulating pump 18-4 Indicators, electric 19-2 B Induced draft blower 26-3 Injector 21-1 Inner bottom plating 6-0 Inner keel 1-0 Insect screens 13-3 Instrument cabinets 16-1 Instruments and gauges 28-6 Instruments, navigating 15-4 Insulated hatches, refrigeration 17-4 Insulation, fire 14-9 I— Con. Insulation, boiler drum 26-5 Insulation in quarters 14-8 Insulation, refrigeration 17-4 Insulation, sheathing for 14-1 Intake silencers 20-0 Interior communication (electrical) 19-2 B Interior communication (mechanical) 19-2 C Interior joiner work 14-1 Ironing boards 16-1 ack and ensign staffs, wood., ack rods , acks , oiner bulkheads , ner decks 13-0 11-2 10-2 14-1 14-3 ner doors 14-1 ner work, decorative 14-4 K Kedges 15-0 Keel, center vertical 2-0 Keel, flat plate 1-0 Keel, inner 1-0 Keel, outer 1-0 Keels, bilge 1-3 Keepers 10-2 Kettles 16-0 Key tags and rings 11-4 Kickpipes and tubes (electrical) 19-3 E Kingpost fittings 11-1 Kingposts, steel 10-0 Kitchen mixing machines 16-0 Label plates 11-4 Ladder rungs 11-3 Ladders 11-3 Ladders, accommodation 14-5 Ladders and grating 28-0 Ladders, boat 15-1 Ladders, pilot and Jacobs' 15-4 Lagging, auxiliary steam piping 27-1 Lagging, boiler 26-0 Lagging, deck steam piping 18-2 Lagging, drain piping 27-3 Lagging, fuel oil heater 26-6 Lagging, main steam piping 27-0 Lagging refrigeration 17-4 Lagging, stacks and uptakes 26-5 Lamp and paint room fitting 15-4 Lamps, safety 15-4 Landings and beams 10-3 Lashing gear 11-4 Lathe, large and small 28-1 Laundry equipment 16-1 Laundry trucks 16-1 Laundry tubs 16-1 Lead flashing for tiling 13-9 L— Con. Leads and lines 15-4 Leadsmans platform fittings 11-4 Library books 16-2 License frames ■. 15-4 Life buoys, plain and luminous 15-4 Life presei"vers 15-4 Life rafts and equipment 15-4 Lifting gear 12-6 Lifting gear machinery space 28-2 Lifting gear I beams 28-2 Lifting handles 13-1 Lights, anchor 15-4 Lights, navigating 15-4 Lights, signal 15-4 Lights, water 15-4 Liquids in light ship 29-0 to 2 Liner, propeller shaft 23-0 Line shaft bearings 23-1 Line shafting 23-0 Lining, refrigeration 17-4 Linings, joiner 14-1 Liquid cargo Deadweight Liquid in machinery 29-0 Lockers 14-2 Lockers, waste 24-1 Locking bars 10-2 Locknuts 11-1 Log 15-4 Log, electric 19-3H Log desks 28-4 Longitudinal bulkheads W. T. and O. T. ... 4-2 Longitudinal framing outside I. B 2-4 Longitudinal framing in I. B 2-2 Loran 19-3 H Louvi-es 17-3 Low pressure steam generator 22-1 Lubricating oil piping 24-0 Lumber chains 11-4 Lyle gun and equipment 15-4 M Main air ejector 20-4 Main circulating system 20-5 Main condenser 20-3 Main engine 20-0 Main engine foundations 7-0 Main gauge board 20-0 Main gears and casings 20-2 Main switchboard 19-3D Main thrust bearing (integral) 20-2 Main thrust bearing (independent) 23-1 Main transverse bulkheads W. T 4-0 Main turbo generator 19-3 A Make up feed evaporator 22-0 Make up feed system 22-0 Make up tank 22-0 Maneuvering valves, main engines 20-0 Manholes 12-2 Manicure tables 16-1 Manual fire alarm system 17-0 M— Con. Group Margin planks 13-6 Marking boards 15-4 Marking machines 16-1 Mast and spar forgings 11-1 Mast, steel 10-0 Masts, top, wood 13-0 Mast wedging 13-3 Mattresses 16-2 Meat hooks 16-0 Meat racks in galley 16-0 Mechanical telegraphs 19-2 C Medicine cabinets and mirrors 17-5 Megaphones 15-4 Meridian or pitometer log 15-4 Metal battens in deep tanks 13-2 Metal framed windows 12-3 Metal platforms 11-4 Metal sheathing for insulation 14-8 & 9 Metal sinks 16-0 Meter, fuel oil 26-6 Milling machine 28-1 Mill tolerance 9-2 Miscellaneous booms 10-1 Miscellaneous carpenter work 13-3 Miscellaneous deck covering.. 13-8 Miscellaneous deck outfit 15-4 Miscellaneous flats and floors 6-6 Miscellaneous foundations.. 7-4 Miscellaneous furniture in chart room and wheel house 16-1 Miscellaneous gratings 13-3 Miscellaneous houses 8-8 Miscellaneous hull fittings 11-4 Miscellaneous instruments and gages 28-6 Miscellaneous shafting parts 23-3 Miscellaneous tanks 24-1 Miscellaneous tools 28-1 Moldings 14-1 Moldings, shell 1-6 Mooring fittings 11-0 Mooring lines 15-0 Mooring pipes 11-0 Mosaic tile 13-9 Motor generators with system served Motors, steering engine 19-1 Motors, ventilation 17-3 Motion picture outfit 16-2 Mucking ports 12-4 Multicoupler 19-2 B Mushroom tops 17-2 N N-tCon. Name boards Name , ship Navigating books and tables Navigating equipment, electrical. Navigating instruments Navigating lights Nite stands 15-4 19-3H Non - slip treads Non - slip tile Non-structural trunks Non-structural bulkheads N. W. T. doors, steel Notice boards Nuclear propulsion systems . Number plates, berth Office furniture Oil and water separator Oil in machinery Oiltight hatches to deep tanks Oiltight manholes Operating tables Orchestral instruments Oute r keel Outside ladders, vertical and sloping Ovens Overflow piping Padeyes — Cargo Paint Painter's tackle Panels joiner Pans, catch-all Pants presses Paper towel holders . Paravane casting Paravanes Parquet floors Partition bulkhead.... Passenger ports Peaks, framing in Pelican hooks Pelorus Permanent ballast.... Separate item Ship Summary Pianos Pictures , detached Pilasters Pillars 5-0 Pillars and girders 5-0 Pillows Pilot and Jacob's ladders Pin rails Pipe casing Pipe casings, wood Pipe protection Pipe trunks Piping air ejector drain Piping, anti- rolling tank F. O Piping, anti -rolling tank S. W Piping , astern Piping, atmospheric exhaust Piping, auxiliary circulating Piping, auxiliary condensate 11-4 13-9 16-1 18-5 29-2 12-4 12-2 16-1 16-2 1-0 11-3 16-0 18-6 11-4 15-8 15-2 14-1 26-6 16-1 17-5 0-4 16-5 14-3 4-4 12-4 2-5 11-4 15-4 in Light 14-2 16-2 14-1 to 5-9 to 5-9 16-2 15-4 11-1 18-0 13-3 11-4 4-6 27-3 18-5 18-0 27-0 27-2 19-3 B 19-3 B >ipj >iping P— Con. auxiliary exhaust main auxiliary feed auxiliary steam main ballast bilge bleed boiler escape cargo oil (include steam) combustion control C0 2 contaminated system cross connections to bleed lines.. deck scuppers and drains deck steam desuperheated steam diesel starting air drinking water emergency diesel generator ex- 'lping, )ing, , S. S. diesel generator exhaust , exhaust and escape , feed heater drains , feed main and auxiliary , firemain , fresh water , F. O. filling and transfer , , fuel oil heating , , fuel oil service , fuel oil steaming out and smother - , heating system , hot water circulating , ice water circulating , gland leak-off , lubricating oil , lubricating oil cooler circulating L. O. Integral, main engines main condensate main circulating main engine exhaust and lagging.. main engine F. W. and S. W main feed main gear L. O. (integral) main steam make up feed overflow motor S. W recirculating condensate refrigerating reheater inlet and outlet S. W. evaporating system sanitary supply sewage disposal S. S. compressed air soot blower sp r inkling steam drains steam smothering swimming pool P-Con. Group Group 27-2 Piping, tank cross connection 18-8 21-1 Piping, turbine drain 20-1 27-2 Piping, vent 18-6 18-0 Piping, water seal 27-3 18-0 Piping, whistles 27-4 27-2 Pitometer log 15-4 27-2 Plan frames 15-4 18-1 Plans, ships' 15-4 26-4 Plants, potted 16-2 17-0 Planking, deck 13-6 22-1 Platforms, accommodation ladder 14-5 27-2 Platform decks 6-1 17-6 Platforms, hinged „ 11-4 18-2 Platforms, metal 11-4 27-1 Platforms for structure at mast and king- 25-1 posts 10-0 18-4 Plating, boss 1-4 Plates, coaming 3-0 to 3-9 19-3A Plates, curtain 3-0 to 3-9 26-5 Plating, deck 3-0 to 3-9 27-2 Plating, inner bottom 6-0 27-3 Plating, shell 1-1 21-1 Play room equipment 16-2 18-3 Plugs, ventilator 13-3 18-4 Plumbing fixtures and drains 17-5 18-5 Portable brows for doorways 13-3 18-5 Portable slop and ash chutes 11-4 26-6 Port brows 13-3 Ports, coaling 12-4 18-5 Ports, mucking 12-4 17-1 Ports, passenger 12-4 18-4 Pot racks 16-0 18-4 Potted plants 16-2 20-1 Power-hacksaw 28-1 24-0 Preheater 17-1 Presses, laundry 16-1 20-5 Presses, printing 16-1 20-0 Pressing equipment, valet 16-1 21-1 Pressure pumps 12-0 20-5 Pressure tanks 12-0 26-5 Preventer stay, triatic stay 15-2 20-5 Print shop equipment 16-1 21-1 P roofer boxes 16-0 20-2 Propeller and shafting spares 23-4 27-0 Propeller booms, wood 13-0 22-0 Propellers 23-2 18-6 Propeller shaft 23-0 20-5 Propeller shaft clamping gear 23-3 21-1 Propeller shaft liner 23-0 17-4 Propulsion engines 20-0 27-0 Propulsion turbines 20-0 22-2 Propulsion turbo-generators and motors... 20-0 18-4 Public address system 19-2 B 17-5 Pudding booms, wood 13-0 25-0 Pump, auxiliary circulating 19-3 B 26-2 Pump, auxiliary condensate 19-3 B 17-0 Pumps, auxiliary feed 21-1 27-3 Pump, ballast, clean 18-0 17-0 Pump, ballast, oily 18-0 18-4 Pump, bilge 18-0 P— Con. Pump, bilge stripping 18-0 Pump, boiler test 21-1 Pumps, booster feed 21-1 Pumps, brine, S. W. evaporating system... 22-2 Pumps, cargo oil 18-1 Pumps, condensate S. W. evaporating system 22-2 Pump, contaminated evaporator feed 22-1 Pump, main circulating 20-5 Pump, make up evaporator feed 22-0 . Pump, distiller circulating 22-2 Pumps, drain 27-3 Pump, drinking water 18-4 Pump, dust catcher 26-5 Pumps, emergency feed 21-1 Pump, S. W. evaporator feed 22-2 Pump, fire 18-3 Pumps, fresh water S. W. evaporating system 22-2 Pump, fuel oil service 26-6 Pump, fuel oil standby 26-6 Pump, fuel oil stripping 26-6 Pump, F. O. transfer 18-5 Pump, general service 18-3 Pumps, heating system 17-0 Pump, hot water circulating 18-4 Pump, ice water circulating 18-4 Pumps, interstage booster, S. W. evapor- ating system 22-2 Pump, lubricating oil service 24-0 Pump, lubricating oil cooler circulating.... 24-0 Pump, lubircating oil hand 24-0 Pump, lubricating oil transfer 24-0 Pumps, main condensate 21-1 Pump, main engine freshwater 20-5 Pump, main engine salt water 20-5 Pumps, main feed 21-1 Pumps, port feed 21-1 Pump, propulsion motor salt water service 20-5 Pump, sanitary 18-4 Pumps, sewage disposal 17-5 Pump, standby bilge 18-0 Pumps, steering engine 19-1 Pump, submersible bilge 18-0 Pump, swimming pool circulating 18-4 Pump, swimming pool filling 18-4 Pump, washing water 18-4 Purifiers, fuel oil 26-6 Purifier, lubricating oil 24-0 Q Quadrant, rudder 19-1 Quarters, insulation in 14-8 R Racks 10-4 Racks, flag 15-4 Racks, rope 13-3 Racks, valet 16-1 R— Con. Radar 19-3 H Radial drill 28-1 ' Radiators 17-1 Radio 19-2 A Radio direction finder 19-3 H Radio transmitter 19-2A Radio telephone 19-2A Rail braces 11-2 Rail fittings 11-2 Rails, brass 11-2 Rails, chain 11-2 Rails for outside ladders 11-3 Rails, pipe 11-2 Rails, portable 11-2 Rails, solid rod 11-2 Rail stanchions 11-2 Rails, storm 11-2 Ranges 16-0 Ratlines, davit spans and guys 15-2 Ratp roofing 11-5 Recorder, course 19-3H Rectifiers, propulsion 20-0 Reduction gears, main 20-2 Reels, hawser 15-0 Refrigerating machinery 17-4 Refrigeration, battens 17-4 Refrigeration flooring 17-4 Refrigeration, furring 17-4 Refrigeration, insulated hatches 17-4 Refrigeration, insulation 17-4 Refrigeration, lining 17-4 Refrigeration, piping 17-4 Refrigerators not built into the structure.. 16-0 Reheater inlet and outlet piping 27-0 Relieving tackle, steering gear 19-1 Return tank 12-0 Reverse bars 2-3 Ridgepoles (metal) 11-2 Rigging 15-2 Rigging fittings 15-2 Rigging for hold cranes 15-2 Rigging screws 11-1 Rings and cleats for boom vangs 11-1 Risers 10-3 Riveting 9-0 Robe hooks 17-5 Rope racks 13-3 Rubber matting 13-8 Rubbing strips 1-5 Rudder 19-1 Rudder bearings 19-1 Rudder chain— emergency 11-4 Rudder filling except of wood 19-1 Rudder stock 19-1 Rudder, wood in 13-3 Rugs 16-2 Rungs on masts and kingposts 11-3 Rungs on vents 11-3 Runners, stair 10-3 Running rigging 15-2 Group Safety lamps 15-4 Salinity indicators 22-2 Sand 17-0 Sand box 26-6 Sanitary bulkheads and doors 11-4 Sanitary pressure tank 18-4 Sanitary pump 18-4 Sanitary supply piping 18-4 Salt water evaporators 22-2 Sanitary bulkheads 11-4 Sanitary and F. W. system 18-4 Scales 16-0 Scavenging air blowers 25-2 Scavenging air ducts 25-2 Scavenging blower silencers 25-2 Scoop, main 20-5 Screens, insect 12-3 Screening, ventilation 17-3 Scuppers, deck 17-6 Scuttle butt 18-4 Scuttles 12-2 Sea steps 11-4 Search lights 19-3F Seats 14-2 Secretary bureaus 14-2 Sewage disposal piping 17-5 Sewage disposal pumps 17-5 Sewage disposal tanks 17-5 Shackles 15-0 Shaft brake 23-3 Shaft coupling bolts and nuts 23-3 Shaft coupling guards 23-3 Shaft, propeller 23-0 Shaft stools 7-3 Shaft struts 0-3 Shaft, thrust 23-0 Shafting, line 23-0 Shafting spares 23-4 Shaper 28-1 Sheathing for insulation, joiner 14-1 Sheathing, hold 13-2 Sheathing, refrigeration 17-4 Sheaves for trucks 11-4 Sheet metal work 10-4 Sheets 16-2 Shell doublers 1-1 Shell linings in quarters 14-1 Shell manholes 12-2 Shell moldings 1-6 Shell plating 1-1 Shelving 10-4 Shelving, valet 16-1 Shelving, wood in storerooms 13-3 Shifting boards, bulkheads 13-3 Ships bells 15-4 Ship's name 11-4 Ships, plans 15-4 Ships service air compressor 25-0 Ships service compressed air system 25-0 S— Con. Ships service generator 19-3A Shirt formers 16-1 Shop equipment 16-1 Shower curtains 17-5 Shower drains 17-5 Shoveling flats 13-3 Shower fixtures 17-5 Shrouds, backstays 15-2 Shroud bands 11-1 Shutters, solid wood 13-3 Sideboards 14-2 Signal lanterns 15-4 Signal lights 15-4 Signal span, funnel guys 15-2 Silencer, emergency diesel generator 19-3A Silencers, intake 20-0 Silencer, main engine 26-5 Silencer, S. S. diesel generator exhaust 26-5 Silencer, propulsion engine exhaust 26-5 Silencer, propulsion engine intake 20-0 Silverwa re 16-2 Silver polishers 16-0 Sinks, dark room 16-1 Sinks, metal 16-0 Skylight covers 12-6 Skylight lights 12-3 Slicing machines 16-0 Sliding W. T. doors 12-0 Slop chute 16-0 Slop sinks except in galley and pantry spaces 17-5 Smoke detecting systems 17-0 Soap dishes 17-5 Solid wood shutters 13-3 Soot Blowers 26-2 Sorting tables 16-1 Sounding boards 15-4 Sounding booms 10-1 Sounding boom fittings 11-1 Sounding machine, mechanical 15-4 Sounding machine boom guys 15-2 Sounding machine booms, wood 13-0 Sounding plates 18-6 Sounding rods 18-6 Sounding tubes 18-6 Sound distribution and announcing 19-2 B Sound powered telephones 19-2 B Spanners 17-0 Spare blocks 15-2 Spare bower 15-0 Spare parts, machinery 28-5 Spare store room equipment 28-5 Spare tarpaulin 15-3 Spare tools 28-5 Spares, propeller and shafting 23-4 Special web frames 2-7 Spray shields 17-2 Spreaders (metal) 11-2 S— Con. Group Spring struts 0-3 Spring supports, main condenser 20-3 Springs for beds 14-2 Stability indicators 15-4 Stabilizer 19-7 Stack, dummy 8-9 Stack enclosures 8-9 Stack, inner and insulation 26-5 Stack, outer 26-5 Stair enclosures 4-7 . Stair nosings 13-8 Stairways, steel 10-3 Stanchions, awning 11-2 Standby bilge pump 18-0 Standing rigging 15-2 Starting air system 25-1 Stay bands 11-1 Steam drain system 27-3 Steam piping , main 27-0 Steam piping, auxiliary 27-1 Steam strainers 20-0 Steam smothering piping 17-0 Steaming out and smothering, cargo oil.... 18-1 Steam whistle 27-4 Steel -ables 16-0 Steering engine 19-1 Steering gear and rudder 19-1 Steering pole, wood 13-0 Stem casting 0-0 Steps 10-3 Sterilizing machines . 16-1 Stern frame casting 0-1 Stern tube 23-1 Stern tube bearing 23-1 Stern tube gland 23-1 Steward's outfit 16-2 Stock kettles 16-0 Stools 14-2 Stools, shaft 7-3 Storage batteries 19-3G Stores davit falls 15-2 Storm oil and tanks 15-4 Stoves 16-0 Stowage: Anchor, spare tailshaft, spare propellers, scuttle covers, deadlight covers, deck gear (fastenings for boxes), booms, lines, etc., but not reels 11-4 Stowage, boat 15-1 Stowage racks and bins, laundry 16-1 Strainers, fuel oil discharge 26-6 Strainers, fuel oil suction 26-6 Strainers, lubricating oil discharge 24-0 Strainers, lubricating oil suction 24-0 Strainers, steam 20-0 Stream anchors 15-0 Stream chain or line 15-0 Stretchers 16-1 Stringers 2-4 Stringer chocks 13-3 Structural N. W. T. bulkheads 4-3 S-Con. Structural trunks 4-5 Strut bearings 23-1 Struts, shaft 0-3 Struts, spring 0-3 Sub-Bases under tile 13-9 Subdivision bulkheads 4-0 Submersible bilge pump 18-0 Superstructures 8-0 to 8-7 Supply piping, generators 19-3A Swimming pool circulating pump 18-4 Swimming pool equipment 16-2 Swimming pool filling pump 18-4 Switchboards 19 -3D Swivels 15-0 T Table linen 16-2 Tables 14-2 Tables, steel 16-0 Tables, valet 16-1 Taffrail log 15-4 Tail shaft liner 23-0 Tallow in fairwater cap 23-2 Tanks, atmospheric drain 27-3 Tank, boiler compound 21-1 Tank boundry longitudinal bulkheads 4-2 Tank, combustion control air 26-4 Tank, compressed air storage 25-0 Tank, contaminated drain 22-1 Tank, contaminated inspection 22-1 Tanks, cylinder oil 24-1 Tank, diesel starting air 25-1 Tank, drain collecting 27-3 Tank, drinking water pressure 18-4 Tank, emergency air tank 25-0 Tanks, emergency fuel oil day 24-1 Tanks, emergency generator fuel oil stor- age 24-1 Tanks, emergency generator lubricating oil storage. 24-1 Tanks, engineer's lubricating oil ........ 24-1 Tanks, engineer's oil 24-1 Tanks for stowage in paint, oil lamp rooms, etc 10-4 Tank, feed and filter 21-0 Tank, hot water storage 18-4 Tank, inspection, contaminated system 22-1 Tank, kerosene 24-1 Tank ladders 11-3 Tank, lubricating oil gravity 24-0 Tank, lubricating oil settling 24-0 Tank, lubricating oil sludge 24-0 Tank, lubricating oil storage 24-0 Tank, lubricating oil sump 24-0 Tank, main engine F. W. expansion 20-5 Tank, refrigerating machinery oil 24-1 Tank, sanitary pressure 18-4 Tanks, salt water evaporator test 22-2 Tanks, sewage disposal 17-5 T— Con. Tank, ships service compressed air 25-0 Tank, soda 24-1 Tank, soot blower compressed air 26-2 Tanks, storm oil 15-4 Tank, surge 21-0 Tanks, tallow 24-1 Tank, washing water pressure 18-4 Tank, whistle air 27-4 Tarpaulins 15-3 Telegraphs, electrical 19-2 B Telegraph, emergency (radio) 19-2 A Telegraph, main (radio) 19-2 A Telegraphs, mechanical 19-2 C Telephones 19-2 B Telephone, radio 19-2 A Telephones, sound powered 19-2 B Telescopes 15-4 Television sets 14-2 Terminals 17-3 Thermometers 15-4 Thermostats 26-4 Thermo tanks 17-1 Thimbles 11-1 Throttle valves, propulsion 20-0 Thrust bearing, main (integral) 20-2 Thrust bearing, main (independent) 23-1 Thrust shaft 23-0 Tile cove 13-9 Tile, wall 13-9 Tiling: Ceramic, mosaic, brick, non-slip 13-9 Tiller or quandrant 19-1 Toasters 16-0 Toilet paper holders 17-5 Tolerance, mill 9-2 Tonnage doors 13-3 Tonnage hatch tarpaulins 15-3 Tonnage opening steel covers 11-4 Tonnage openings wood covers 13-1 Tool cabinet 28-1 Tool racks 28-2 Toothbrush holders 17-5 Topmast bands 11-1 Topmast shrouds, head stays 15-2 Topping lifts and purchase, chain or rope 15-2 Torsion meter 23-3 Towels 16-2 Towel racks 17-5 Towers 10-0 Towing hook (cast) 11-0 Tow lines 15-0 Transformers 19-3 E Transverse framing in I. B 2-1 Transverse framing outside I. B 2-3 Transverse W. T. and O. T. bulkheads 4-1 Transom frame 2-6 Transom, shell 1-1 Transoms 14-2 Treatment stands 16-1 Trolley hoists 11-4 Trolley tracks and fittings 11-4 T-Con. Trucks 13-0 Trunks, access 4-5 Trunks, cargo 4-5 Trunks, non -structural 4-6 Trunks, pipe 4-6 Trunks, structural 4-5 Tubes and kickpipes, electrical 19-3 E Tubs 17-5 Tumblers, laundry 16-1 Turbine drain piping 20-1 Turbines, propulsion 20-0 Turbo-generators and motors, propulsion 20-0 Turbogenerator, main 19-3 A Turnbuckles 11-1 Turning gear and motor 20-2 Type racks 16-1 U Uncaulked decks 13-3 Unit air conditioners 17-1 Uptakes, auxiliary boiler 26-5 Uptakes and lagging to inner stack 26-5 Urinals 17-5 Urns, coffee 16-0 Urns, hot water 16-0 Utility space equipment 16-1 V Vacuum cleaners 16-2 Valet equipment „ 16-1 Valve operating gear 18-7 Vang posts 10-0 Vangs and purchases 15-2 Vanities 14-2 Vegetable preparation machines 16-0 Vent condenser, contaminated 22-1 Ventilation ducts 17-2 & 3 Ventilation, machinery space 28-3 Ventilation, mechanical 17-3 Ventilation, natural 17-2 Ventilator plugs 13-3 Vent pipes 18-6 Vents, sounding tubes and overflows 18-6 Visor frame 11-4 Voice tubes 19-2C W Wall tile 13-9 Warping winches 19-0 Warps 15-0 Washing machines, laundry 16-1 Washing water pressure tank 18-4 Washing water pump 18-4 Waste lockers 24-1 Waste paper baskets 16-2 Watch tackle, deck tackle 15-2 Water coolers 16-0 Water in machinery 29-1 W-Con. Group Water lights 15-4 Watertight and non -watertight scuttles 12-2 Watertight hatches, raised and flush 12-4 Watertight manholes 12-2 Wave machines 16-1 Weather cloths 15-3 Weather printer 19-3H Weathertight doors 12-5 Web frames, ordinary 2-3 Web frames, special 2-7 Wedges 13-1 Wedging, mast 13-3 Welding 9-1 Wheel house furniture... „... 16-1 Whistle, air 27-4 Whistle, air piping 27-4 Whistle, air tank 27-4 Whistles, steam and air 27-4 Winches, boat 15-1 Winches, cargo 19-0 Winches, schooner guy „ 19-0 Winches, topping 19-0 Winches, vang 19-0 Winches, warping ., 19-0 Windlass, boat 15-1 Windlass, warping 19-0 Windlasses, anchor 19-0 Window boxing 14-1 Windows 12-3 Windows, wood 14-1 W-Con. Group Wireless halliards 15-2 Wire mesh bulkheads and doors 11-4 Wiring and wiring appliances 19-3E Wood beams 13-1 Wood covers for cargo hatches 13-1 Wood decks (caulked) 13-7 Wooden houses 14-0 Wooden masts and spars........ 13-0 Wooden windows 14-1 Wood foundations 13-3 Wood hatch covers 13-1 Wood in bilge keels... 13-3 Wood in rudder 13-3 Wood pipe casings..... 13-3 Wood shelving in store rooms 13-3 Work bench and vises................ 28-1 Work benches 28-4 Work shop 28-1 X X-ray machines 16-1 Y Yard arms 10-1 Yards, wood 13-0 Z Zincs on stern frames 11-4 r. S. GOVERNMENT PE T.PJi A .T^.i? NIVERS ' TY LIBRARIES 1IIIIIIII1IIIIII0 ADDD07iat,SeM7