es\.vv. ^21^ Data Base Services I and Federal Technology i in MachinjB- [ Readable Formats A%h available from National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Contents NTIS Data Base Services About NTIS Directory of Computerized Data Files NTIS Bibliographic Data Base Energy Data Base Energy models on tape Energy statistics Agricultural data Water resources data base OHMTADS water quality data Pacific Island Ecosystem WDROP organic water pollutants data MEDLINE/TOXLINE Health statistics Chemical citations SANSS/SANSSA data bases NIOSHTIC data base Fire Incident Reporting System LABSTAT data base FCC data files Directory of Computer Software and reports Federal Statistical Data Files Directory Federal research in progress Federal Information Processing Standards Directories of Computer Software Applications Federal Software Exchange Center Ada translator interpretor Integrated Library System software COBOL Compiler Validation System FORTRAN Compiler Validation System NBS Minimal Basic Test Program Cartographic Automatic Mapping Program Graphics Compatibility System DATAPLOT TR-20 Project Formulation UNAMAP (Version 4) HEW Computer Audit System 1980 Census data Highway Planning Software Package How to order How to pay Discount on multiple copies How to open a Deposit Account NTIS Price Codes Key Telephone Numbers In this catalog all microfiche are 24x unless Otherwise designated. NTIS programs ensure public access to Federal machine-readable data In its continuing effort to provide the widest pos- sible access to specialized scientific, technical, and business information, NTIS has been increasingly responsible for expanding the public access to the machine-readable information products of Fed- eral agencies. In the initial stages of this expansion program, spe- cial attention is being given to the following areas of concern: • Providing access to bibliographic and nonbiblio- graphic data files produced by agencies other than NTIS. •Cataloging and indexing machine-readable statis- tical data files. • Providing online access to highly specialized data bases processed by Federal agencies. • Expanding the NTIS collection of available ma- chine-readable data files and software. • Providing access to the full range of Federal statis- tical data files through reference and tabulation services. A wide range of machine-readable products and services already is available from NTIS in these areas: Bibliographic Data Bases • NTIS Bibliographic Data Base— AW items announc- ed by NTIS are included in the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (on magnetic tape). It is available for lease. •Energy Data Base (EDB)— The world's largest and most comprehensive data base on energy, cre- ated and maintained by the Technical Information Center, U.S. Department of Energy, is available for lease through NTIS. • Selected Water Resources Abstracts (SWRA) Data Base—from the Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department of the Interior, the SWRA is available for lease through NTIS. The SWRA contains abstracts covering aspects of the characteristics, conservation, control, use, and management of water. •AGRICOLA Data Base— From the U.S. Department of Agriculture, available for lease through NTIS. Provides coverage of worldwide agricultural lit- erature. More than 1.5 million records available. U, S. Depository Copy Magnetic Tapes •The present collection of magnetic tapes contains more than 1,500 data files and computer programs from more than 100 Federal agencies, covering an array of subject fields. • The 1982 Directory of Computerized Data Files de- scribes some 800 machine-readable data files in the NTIS collection. The Directory contains two sec- tions: the file abstract section, subdivided into 30 subject categories, and the appendix section which lists the files by originating agency, NTIS accession number, and subject matter (key word). Order PB83-127605at $40. • The Directory of Computer Software, 1983 is a sim- ple guide to machine-readable software available to the public from Federal agencies. Some 500 pro- grams are listed and described in the Directory. Order PB83-167668at$40. • The Directory of Federal Statistical Data Files de- scribes the contents and locates major Federal sta- tistical data files that are publicly available or from which Government agencies prepare tabulations for the public. More than 600 files are described, from 14 Federal departments and 57 Federal agen- cies. Order: PB81-133175 at $25. Computer software and data files Data files and computer software sponsored by the Federal Government have been made available by NTIS since 1967. As a result NTIS has assembled a wide variety of software and data files, pertinent to business and scientific interests, that are available for sale or lease. The present collection contains more than 1,500 data files and computer programs from more than 100 Federal agencies. These cover an array of subject fields: statistics, finance, ed- ucation, demography and population, health sta- tistics, building technology, energy sources, environ- mental pollution and control, and many others. Computer Software Modeling & Simulation Statistical Analyses & Evaluation Operating Systems Control Systems Data Base Management Systems Search/Retrieval Systems Application Programs Graphics Programs Among the software available from NTIS are: Integrated Library System (ILS) DATA PLOT "^ Computer Graphics System Graphics Compatibility System (GCS) UNAMAP— Air Pollution Modeling — Version 5 Cartographic Automatic Mapping Program (CAM) Ada "/Ed (NYU) Translator/Interpreter COBOL Realignment System Table Producing Language (TPL)— Version 3 HEWCAS — Computer Audit System Construction Control Management System Data Files Bibliographic Numeric Statistical Textual Among the data files available from NTIS are: Dictionary of Occupational Titles Fatal Accident Reporting System Natural Drug Code Directory Standard Codes for Named Populated Places and Related Entities of the United States World Data Bank, Volumes 1-5 National Survey of Family Growth, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Programs Consumer Price Index Producer Price Index Inventory of Energy Research & Development Employment, Hours, and Earnings Public Use Energy Statistical Data Base Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers Notification of Hazardous Substances Foreign technology NTIS is negotiating with foreign data base oper- ators to make their services directly accessible in the United States. Several data bases, bibliographic and non-bibliographic, that heretofore have been accessible only in Europe and Japan, are expected to centralize the U.S. availability of their information through NTIS. Online Access Services NTIS plans to provide online access to highly specialized data bases processed by Federal agen- cies when a comparable service is not offered by a commercial vendor. Services being considered will stem from data bases containing information in the areas of environment, chemical substances, and others. Currently NTIS offers online access to sev- eral U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data bases/models through the National Computer Center at Research Triangle Park, NC. Basic NTIS Product is Federal researcti and teclinical information As a cornerstone of the technological publishing structure in the United States, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is a key participant in the development of advanced information products and services for the achievement of U.S. productivity and innovational goals in the 1980s. NTIS, an agency of the U.S. Department of Com- merce, is the central source for the public sale of U.S. Government-sponsored research, develop- ment, and engineering reports, as well as foreign technical reports and other analyses prepared by national and local government agencies, their con- tractors, or grantees. It is the central source for fed- erally generated machine-processable data files and software and it manages the Federal Software Ex- change Center. Consequently, NTIS is one of the world's leading processors of specialty information. The NTIS information collection exceeds a million titles, more than 300,000 of which contain foreign technology or foreign marketing information. All are permanently available for sale, either directly from the 80,000 titles in shelf stock or from the microfiche master copies of documents less in demand. Seventy thousand new reports of completed research are added to the NTIS data base annually. In the same period NTIS supplies its customers with more than 6 million documents and microforms, shipping about 23,500 information products daily. Full summaries of current U.S. and foreign research reports and other specialized information, in hun- dreds of subject categories, are published regularly by NTIS in a wide variety of weekly newsletters, a biweekly journal, an annual index, and in various sub- scription formats for other Federal agencies. The complete texts of the reports cited are sold in paper and microform. Anyone seeking the latest technical reports or wanting to compile unique subject groups of ab- stracts may search the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base online using the services of venders or organizations that maintain the data base for public use through contractual relationships. The whole data base in machine-readable form may be leased directly from NTIS. The more timely documents in the collection are continually grouped by NTIS into paperbound Published Searches, covering some 3,000 topical subject areas. Customers with well defined continuing interests may subscribe to a standing order microfiche service (SRIM) which enables them to automatically receive the full texts of only those documents relating to their individual requirements. NTIS sells its technical information products and services under the provisions of Title 15 of the U.S. Code (1151-7). The law established a clearinghouse for scientific, technical, and engineering information and directed NTIS to be self-supporting. NTIS, therefore, is a unique Government agency sustained only by its customers. It operates very much as a business, but in the public service. All the costs of NTIS products and services, including rent, telephone, salaries, marketing and postage, and all other usual costs of doing business, are paid from sales income; not from tax-supported congressional appropriations, certain experimental programs excepted. Computerized Data Files Directory The 1982 Directory of Computerized Data Files contains descriptive information on the 800 data files available from NTIS. It is in two sections; the section containing the data file abstracts (organized by subject category), and the section containing several appendices. The Abstract section is subdivided into 30 sub- ject categories in three principal areas: Econom- ics, Social Services, and Science and Technology. Subject categories range from Agricultural Econom- ics to Vital Statistics, from Demography to Trans- portation. Users of the Directory who wish to locate files available from a particular agency should refer to Appendix I, which is a listing of all file titles included in the Directory, organized by originating agency (or its contractor). An alternative way to use the Directory is through the subject matter index. Appendix III contains a subject matter index arranged in alphabetical order by keyword or keyphrase. Each keyword/keyphrase contains descriptors for the types of data items contained in each file and related identifiers. Appendix II lists all files in order by NTIS acces- sion number. The Directory may be ordered as PB83-127605 at $40. 940.000 NTIS titles computer-accessible through Bib Data Base All of the research summaries announced by NTIS are included in the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base (on magnetic tape). Most are complete bibliograph- ic citations and may be used to create a wide vari- ety of information products. Users of the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base are uniquely able to search a multiplicity of technical information input styles within the uniform NTIS format. There is no need for the user to acquire fa- miliarity with different search strategies in order to search the several source tapes contributing to the NTIS file. Such "single" searching saves both com- puter and communication costs. Subscribers may search any or all of the file ele- ments: research report title; personal or corporate author; accession number or contract number; by subject, using keywords, descriptors, or subject codes. The files are arranged in the NTIS modification of the COSATI implementation of the ANSI standard (Z39.2, 1971) specifying a format for bibliographic information interchange on magnetic tape. The char- acter code is convertible to the standard ASCII code. Tapes are available as 7-track, 800 BPI and as 9-track, 800, 1600 or 6250 BPI, odd parity only. • Environmental Microthesaurus (PB-265 261) Price code E06 • Energy Microthesaurus (PB-254 800) Price code E06 • Health Care Microthesaurus (PB-290 776) Price code E06 • Standard for Cataloging of Government Scientific and Technical Reports (PB-277 951) Price code A04 • COSATI Corporate Author Headings (PB-198 275) Price code A99 • COSATI Subject Categories (AD-612 200) Price code A04 • Computer Services Microthesaurus (PB80-207814) Price code E04 The magnetic tape containing the data file may be leased annually and files back to 1964 may be ac- quired. Current tapes are shipped to subscribers biweekly. Copies of the most recently available tape may be ordered separately for testing. Use fees are charged quarterly and based on factors such as the number of citations displayed or searches performed and the possibility of third party use. The NTIS Bibliographic Data Base is available online from the following U.S. commercial vendors: • Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94304 (800)227-1960 • System Development Corporation (SDC) Information Services 2500 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA. 90406 (800)421-7229 • Bibliographic Retrieval Services, INC. (BRS) 1200 Route 7 Latham, NY. 12110 (800) 833-4707 Batch services are available from the New England Research Application Center (NERAC) (203) 486-4533. NTIS Data Base Guidelines The following publications are basic guides to the NTIS collection. • NTIS Subject Classification (Past & Present) (PB- 270 575) Price code A05 • A Reference Guide to ttie NTIS Bibliographic Data ease (PR-253) No charge 750,000-item Energy Data Base from DOE The world's largest and most comprehensive bibli- ographic data base on energy is created and main- tained by the U.S. Department of Energy's Techni- cal Information Center in Oak Ridge, TN and is avail- able for lease through NTIS. The Energy Data Base (EDB) includes more than 750,000 items. This is primarily a bibliographic data file relating to research, development, and demonstration proj- ects on all aspects of energy. EDB started in the information programs of the Atomic Energy Commis- sion and the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), all since absorbed into DOE. The information is stored on magnetic tape and includes citations, abstracts, and indexes for use by DOE and the general public in the United States. Citations consist of all the data elements that describe and uniquely identify a particular infor- mation item, such as title, author's name, issuing source, type of literature, language of the item, name of the journal (when articles are selected from jour- nals), and page count. For report items, identifying numbers, sources of availability, and prices are also given. Abstracts are included in the data base so that users can determine whether they wish to obtain a complete text. EDB items are indexed by subject within the fol- lowing categories: Solar Energy (also includes Advanced Automotive Systems Tidal and Wind Power) Electric Power Engineering Geothermal Energy (includes MHD. Cryogenics. Fossil and Synthetic Fuels and Superconducting Coal Transmission) Petroleum and Natural Gas Environmental Sciences Oil Stiales and Tar Sands Biomedical Sciences. Health. Hydrogen and Safety Other Synthetic and Natural Fuels Physical Research Fusion Energy Chemistry Nuclear Energy Physics Nuclear Fuels Materials Nuclear Power Plants Geosciences Nuclear Reactor Technology Engineering Energy Conservation. Consump- Particle Accelerators tion. and Utilization Instrumentation Energy Policy and Management Explosions Energy Storage Isotope and Radiation Energy Conversion Source Technology General and Miscellaneous EDB is online at Dialog, SDC and BRS and batch services are available from NERAC. Energy models on tape in several categories. The following energy modeling programs on mag- netic tape were developed by DOE's Energy Infor- mation Administration. Price: $140 each. Title of Model Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (1979) PB81-200685 Reserves Allocation and Mine Cost (1980) PB82-1 19660 Light-Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption (1979) PB81-200701 Levelized Nuclear Fuel Cost (1979) PB81-200719 Mid-Term Oil and Gas Supply (1979) PB81-200727 Conceptual Capital Cost (1979) PB81-201212 Long-Term Energy Analysis Package (1980) PB81-119686 Mid-Term Energy Forecasting Demand Analysis System (1979) PB81-201238 Enhanced Oil Recovery (1980) PB82-1 19702 Uranium Market Price and Supply (1979) PB81-232845 Regional Shares (1980) PB82-1 19678 Oil Market Simulation (1980) PB82-1 19694 Alaskan Hydrocarbon Supply (1980) PB82-119710 Mid-Term Energy Market (1980) PB82-1 19744 Powerplant Fixed Charges Factory (1980) PB82-1 19736 Long-Term Energy Analysis Program (LEAP81) (1981) PB83-190157 Short-term Coal Analysis System (SCOAL82) (1982) PB83-190165 Mid-Term Energy Forecasting System Demand Analysis System (DAS81) (1981) PB83-190173 International Coal Trade Model (ICTM81) (1981) PB83-190181 Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Supply Model (OCSM81)(1981) PB83-190199 Oil Market Simulation Model (0MS81) (1981) PB83-190207 Powerplant Fixed Charge Factor Model (PFCFM81)(1981) PB83-190215 Reserves Allocation and Mine Cost Model (RAMC81)(1981) PB83-190223 Conceptual Capital Cost Model (CONCEP82) (1982) PB83-190231 Regional Shares Model (REGSHR) (1981) PB83-190249 Mid-Term Energy Forecasting System Demand Analysis System (DAS80) (1980) PB83-191361 Energy statistics also available on mag tape Energy statistics on magnetic tape, compiled by DOE'S Energy Information Administration, are avail- able as follows. All are priced at $140. Some are available by subscription. Title Lifestyles and Household Energy Use: 1973/1975 National Surveys National Interim Energy Consumption Survey (NIECS) 1978 End Use Energy Consumption- Data Base Transportation Sector (1967-1978)/(EIA Format) Order Number PB-272 448 PB81-108714 PB81-112161 End Use Energy Consumption- Data Base Transportation Sector/ (1967-1978) (ORNL Format) PB81-1 12195 Report of Oil Imports Into the United States & Puerto Rico, (Form ERA-60) PB83-223073 Cost of Quality of Fuels for Electric Utilities (Form 423)/ Current File (1982) PB83-223115 Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Household Screener Survey, 1979-1980 Household Characteristics & Annualized Consumption, Public Use Data Tapes PB82-1 14877 Residential Energy Consumption Survey, (RECS/NIECS) 1978-1979: Household Monthly Energy Consumption & Expenditures PB82-1 14901 Alternative Fuel Demand Due to Natural Gas Curtailments (EIA-50) PB82-131822 Generating Unit Reference File (GURF) 1900-1980 PB82-150442 Power Plant Report - Current (EIA Form 759)/(1983) PB83-223099 Publicly Owned Electric Utilities in the United States/Historic (Form 3), PB82-186123 10 Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies/Historic (Form 2), PB82-186131 Privately Owned Electric Utilities in the United States (Form 1), PB82-186149 Cost & Quality of Fuels For Electric Utilities Historic File, 1972-1982 (Form 423) PB83-220871 Nonresidential Energy Consumption Survey (NRECS), 1979-1980 PB82-192014 State Energy Data System (SEDS) Public Use File PB82-248527 Power Plant Report - Historic File, (EIA Form 759) 1972-1982 PB83-223081 Public Use Energy Statistical Data Base(PUESDB), 1950-1982 PB82-250861 Large Combustors Energy Con- sumption Data Base, 1979 PB83-120477 Interstate Pipeline Companies Annual Report of Gas Supply (FERC 15) PB83-137307 Oil & Gas Field Code Master List (EIA) PB83-149500 Natural Gas Policy Act Notices of Determination (FERC 121), Biweekly File PB83-154971 Natural Gas Policy Act Notices of Determination (FERC 121), Monthly File PB83-154989 Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Housing Characteristics and Annualized Consumption & Expenditures, 1980-1981 PB83-199554 Do you produce highly specialized NTIS-type machine-readable data that would benefit scientists, technicians, economists, business people, or social planners? Ask how your software or data files may enter the NTIS distribution sys- tem. Address your remarks to the Office of Data Base Services, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA. 22161. 11 Agricultural data online from AGRICOLA The Agricultural Online Access (AGRICOLA) Data Base contains bibliographic records for documents acquired by the National Agricultural Library (NAL). AGRICOLA provides worldwide coverage of ag- ricultural literature through journal articles (90%) and monographs and serials (10%). AGRICOLA contains about 1.5 million bibliograph- ic records, about 35 percent in foreign languages. About 145,000 records are added to the data base annually. AGRICOLA is composed of two files, retrospective (1970-78) and current (1979-present). For informa- tion about leasing the AGRICOLA Data Base tele- phone (703) 487-4808. 100 agricultural centers covered by AGRIS data The International Information System for the Ag- ricultural Sciences and Technology (AGRIS) is a co- operative information collection and dissemina- tion system for more than 100 national and multi- national agricultural research centers. References to citations for U. S. publications given coverage in the AGRICOLA Data Base are not included in AGRIS. Many citations in AGRIS are not found in any other data base. References to documents not commer- cially available note where copies may be obtained. Subject access in AGRIS is provided by use of subject category codes and codes for specific ag- ricultural commodities. Geographic subject codes are also included. AGRIS distribution is limited to the United States. This limitation includes online access as well as SDI batch services. Permission may be obtained for for- eign distribution by application to the national center responsible for the geographic location to which ac- cess will be offered. A full set of AGRIS manuals for its tape format, classification scheme and character set is available. A test tape may also be obtained for $60.00. 12 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey The U.S. Department of Agriculture data are from the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey conducted in 1977-78 by the Consumer Nutrition Center (CNC). The basic sample was a multi-stage, stratified probability sample of all households in the cotermi- nous United States. Within the basic sample, four independent interpenetrating samples were drawn and implemented in four separate quarters of data collection. In addition to the basic sample, sever- al special samples were surveyed in 1977-78 as follows: Households containing elderly persons (Elderly); households in Puerto Rico, Alaska, and Hawaii; and households eligible for the Food Stamp Program (Low Income). Data on the food and nutrient intake of individuals are on a companion series of available tapes. Finally, for comparison, data for basic individual intake are available from the 1965-1966 Survey. In addition to these Survey data sets, the research of the Consumer Nutrition Center generates many data sets related to food composition, the food intake of individuals, and the food used by house- holds in the United States Selected Water Resources Abstracts Data Base The Selected Water Resources Abstracts (SWRA) Data Base is available from NTIS through an Inter- agency Agreement with the Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department of the Interior. The SWRA Data Base is updated monthly and includes abstracts of current and earlier pertinent monographs, journal articles, reports, and other publication formats. The contents of the file cover the water-related aspects of the life, physical, and social sciences, as well as related engineering and legal aspects of the characteristics, conservation, control, use, and management of water. The data base is designed to serve the scientific and tech- nical information needs of scientists, engineers, and managers. The technical format of the tapes basically con- forms to ANSI Z39.2-1971, American National Stan- dard for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tapes. Detailed tex^hnical specifications and the fee schedule are available on request. 13 OHMTADS system deals with water quality data The Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assist- ance Data System (OHMTADS) provides informa- tion generated by the Environmental Protection Agency pertinent to emergency spill response efforts. The OHMTADS Data Base includes a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological, toxicological and commercial data on this subject, emphasizing effects on water quality. Some 126 different information fields are maintained for more than a thousand haz- ardous materials. For information about leasing the OHMTADS Data Base telephone (703) 487-4808. Pacific Island Ecosystem Data Base covers 50 years The Pacific Island Ecosystem (PIE) is a comprehen- sive data base of nearly 20,000 references and 1,000 annual additions to information on the Pacific Islands. It has been designed to meet the information needs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) in the area of fish and wildlife management. The references in PIE (spanning the last 50 years) cover the biological, ecological, physical, and socio- economic processes and features of the coastal eco- systems of the Pacific Islands, and the impact of such processes and human influence on the environment of the region. The geological area is defined as the Hawaiian Islands and other Pacific Islands under U.S. jurisdiction or claimed by the United States, located approximately between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. P/E is online at SDC. WDROP covers organic pollutants The Waterdrop Distribution Registry of Organic Pollutants (WDROP) contains data on drinking water and on other types of water. The data includes lo- cation of the sample, compound identity, analytical method, concentration detected and references to published results. For information about leasing the WDROP Data Base telephone (703) 487-4808. 14 Library of Medicine's MEDLINE/TOXLINE MEDLINE is an online data base, maintained by the National Library of Medicine, containing ref- erences to approximately half a million citations from 3,000 biomedical journals. It is designed to help health professionals find out easily and quickly what has been published recently on any specific biomedi- cal subject. The magnetic tape is available through NTIS. MEDLINE contains citations for the current year plus two previous years. Further coverage is provided by ancillary files, which cover some 2.8 million cita- tions from the biomedical literature from 1966 to 1977. MEDLINE \s updated monthly. TOXLINE, also available from NTIS, is the National Library of Medicine's extensive online collection of computerized toxicology information containing more than 650,000 references to published human and animal toxicity studies, effects of environmen- tal chemicals and pollutants, adverse drug reactions, and analytical methodology. TOXLINE contains bibliographic citations and abstracts from 1965 to the current year, depending on the secondary source. Healtli Statistics NCHS is the primary source of statistical data on vital events, health, and related matters in the United States. Data are obtained from several statistical data collection systems: • Vital Events: births, deaths, marriages, and di- vorces; • National Natality and Mortality Followback Surveys; • National Health Interview Survey; • National Health Examination Surveys/National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I, II); • National Master Facility Inventory: Periodic surveys of medical, nursing, and custodial care institutions; • Utilization of Health Resources: Hospital short- stay patients, physician office visits, & nursing home residents & staff; •The National Survey of Personal Health Practices & Consequences; • International Classification of Diseases, 9th Re- vision (ICOM-9). For more information on products or services in this catalog please telephone (703) 487-4807. 15 Chemical citations in Federal Register The Federal Register Notices (FRSS) Data Base provides a cross reference to all of the citations of any chemical or class of chemicals cited in the Federal Register since January 1, 1978. The title, part, subpart, and a short description of the notice of the chemical of interest is given. For information about leasing the FRSS Data Base telephone (703) 487-4808. SANSS/SANSSA are data bases of compounds The Cliemical Names and Synonyms in Structure and Nomenclature Search System (SANSS) and the Chemical Structure Records (Connection Tables) in the Structure and Nomenclature Search System (SANSSA) provide a data base of more than 220,000 compounds. The data includes the CAS registry number, other data bases associated with the sub- stances, structural diagrams and systematic names and synonyms. For information about leasing SANSS or SANSSA telephone (703) 487-4808. NIOSHTIC covers safety and health The NIOSHTIC Data Base is produced by the Clear- inghouse for Occupational Safety and Health In- formation of the Department of Health and Human Services. NIOSHTIC cites journal articles, NIOSH publications, NIOSH staff files, translations and selected articles from the International Labor Organ- ization Data Base, all of which are related to safety and health. NIOSHTIC cowers the period from 1800 to the present, citing more than 74,000 records. The file is updated quarterly with some 4,500 citations. For information about leasing the NIOSHTIC Data Base telephone (703) 487-4808. This specialized catalog is one of several de- signed for NTIS customers having similar interests. Other specialized catalogs are listed on page 43. 16 Fire Incident Reporting System The National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) collects national data on fire incidents, equipment, and casualty losses. The information contained on these data files comes from States participating in the NFIRS program. NFIRS can be used to assist State and local governments to devel- op and interpret their own fire incident data. On the national level, this information can be used to determine the magnitude and characteristics of fires in the United States. The NFIRS System consists of data for the years 1975 through 1981 plus a software package con- taining programs which (1) generate reports (2) con- vert data from Uniform Fire Incident Reporting Sys- tem (UFIRS) to NFIRS and (3) report invalid values, gaps, and data discrepancies. A system documen- tation manual is available plus separate documenta- tion for the base, scenario and graphics reports. Each year's data are incorporated into a complete master file. In addition, two sub files can be ordered separately: (1) the Equipment File and (2) the In- cident/Casualty File. LABSTAT The LABSTAT {LABor ST">4 fistics) data base of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) contains time series data generated by statistical surveys and programs. It is divided into a number of separate data files, each containing statistics in a particular subject area. The following individual data files— updated monthly un- less otherwise noted— from MSSTVAT" are now avail- able through NTIS. • Export & Import Price Indexes— (quarterly) • Imports— Tariff Commodity Class (TSUSA)— (quarterly) • Imports— Industrial Commodity Class (SIC)— (quarterly) • Producer Price Index— (quarterly) • Producer Price Index Revised • Consumer Price Index • Industry Sector Price Index • Employment, Hours, and Earnings— National • Unemployment and Labor Force— State & Area • Employment, Hours, and Earnings— State & Area • Labor Force 17 FCC data files The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) data files of licensees are available through NTIS in two media— computer magnetic tape and microfiche. The magnetic tape files are sold only as whole files. Some of these files are available by subscription. Order as follows: Title Order Number TV Programming Data Master File PB82-191602 Broadcast TV Data Base PB82-134925 Broadcast Log EEC Master File PB82-191982 Broadcast Ownership Master File PB-239 807 Broadcast AM Data Base (AM Engineering Data Base) PB81-219289 Broadcast FM Data Base PB82-134917 Broadcast Applications Address List (BAPS) PB82-157348 FCC Citizens Master File, EBCDIC Version PB83-112524 Citizens Radio Service Trans- actions File PB80-117112 FCC Master Frequency Data Base Complete Data Base PB83- 178442 Mass Media Services PB83-178392 Common Carrier Services PB83-178400 Private Radio Services PB83-178418 Cable Services PB83-178434 Experimental Services PB83-178426 Amateur Radio Service Master File PB82-254806 Amateur Radio Service Master File Updates PB81-238792 Microwave Applications Process- ing System Data Base PB83-106716 Microwave Application Process- ing System Owner File PB83-106708 Common Carrier Microwave Antenna, Licensee, and Transmitter File PB82-168238 Common Carrier Microwave DataBase PB82-191974 FCC Microwave MEANS to MELF Conversion File Private Radio, by City PB83-116343 18 Private Radio, by County Common Carrier, by City PB83-1 16335 PB83-1 16327 Cable Television Physical (Trunk) Data File 1980 PB83-178483 Cable Television Community Unit System (CATV1) Inquire Cable Television EEC Data File Inquire Aeronautical Frequency Lists and Geographic Location of Radio Stations Operating Near Fre- quencies Commonly Used by Cable TV Systems PB83-108217 Aviation (Aircraft) Radio Station Data Base PB-235 961 Marine (Telephone) Radio Station License Data Base PB83-148692 Common Carrier Individual Land Mobile Data Base PB82-253295 Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Station Data Base PB83-154930 Common Carrier Earth Station Application File PB83-195560 FCC M3 Map Data File PB81-211567 Common Carrier Overseas Tele- communications Traffic Data (excluding AT&T), 1971-1976 PB-282 075 Common Carrier Industry Consolidation, 1978 PB80-197437 Statistics of Communication Common Carrier Print Tape, 1979 Inquire FCC Telephone Equipment Registration List PB82-116161 FCC Radio Equipment Type Acceptance List File PB82-191610 Antenna Survey Tower File PB83-1 18950 Industry Equal Employment Opportunity Master File (1978) PB81-145997 Ground Wave Data Files and FORTRAN Routines (WAVE) PB83-1 18968 FCC Decision Data File Vols. 1-88 Inquire Ohio and Michigan Radio De- regulation File PB80-127723 19 Restricted Commercial Licenses Master File PB80-220825 FCC microfiche Each of the FCC microfiche files is available in a set of 48X microfiche sheets, on demand or a stand- ing order basis. A demand sale consists of the latest master file and supplements to the master file current at the time of the sale. A standing order ensures that the customer will automatically receive the master file with supplements, plus periodic updates and sub- sequent supplements received by NTIS (as long as an active NTIS deposit account is maintained with sufficient funds to cover the cost of the updates). The following FCC microfiche files are available ei- ther on demand or as standing order service. Please ask for prices. Title TV Engineering Data Base in Ordei by State TV Translators Engineering Data Base in Order by State, City, Channel TV Translators Engineering Data Base in Order by State, Channel FM Engineering Data Base in Order by State FM Engineering Data Base in Order by Frequency AM Engineering Data Base in Order by State AM Engineering Data Base in Order by Country and State AM Engineering Data Base in Order by Frequency Citizens Master Citizens Index Frequency Master File (Frequency Sequence) Frequency Master File (Service Group Code Sequence) Licensee Name Index to Non- Government Master Frequency File Callsign Index to Non-Government Frequency Master File 20 Order Number PB83-912401 PB83-912501 PB83-912601 PB83-912701 PB83-913001 PB83-947501 PB83-947601 PB83-947701 PB83-919001 PB83-945901 PB83-919301 PB83-919401 PB83-902301 PB83-902501 i state Index to Non-Government Frequency Master File PB83-902401 Amateur Master File PB83-919101 Amateur Master File Supplement PB83-947301 Common Carrier Microwave Construction Permit File PB83-945701 Common Carrier Microwave Authorization File (Licensees) PB83-945801 Common Carrier Microwave Pending Applications Dump PB83-946401 Private Radio Bureau Microwave Master File PB83-946501 MAPS Data Base PB83-946901 Microwave Applications PB83-947801 Microwave Licenses Issued PB83-947101 Community Unit Cable Full Record PB83-919601 Cable TV Station Authorization Report PB83-945501 Cable TV Station Distribution File PB83-945601 Marine Radio Station Master File PB83-919801 Aviation Master File PB83-919901 Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Stations (Suppliers) PB83-946101 Common Carrier Individual Land Mobile— Name Sequence (Subscribers) PB83-946201 Common Carrier Land Mobile Base Stations Cumulative Staff Study Listing PB83-915201 Commercial Master File PB83-919201 Commercial Operator History File PB83-947401 Commercial Master File Supplement PB83-947201 FCC Telephone Equipment Registration List PB83-903501 Antenna Survey System Tower File Report PB83-947901 For more information on products or services in this catalog please telephone (703) 487-4807. 21 Latest Directory of Computer Software and Related Teclinical Reports The 1983 Directory of Computer Software is a unique guide to the machine-readable software available to the public from Federal agencies. The information contained in the Directory has been compiled in co- operation with more than 100 U.S. agencies. Some 500 programs are described in abstracts covering 17 subject categories. Ttie Directory contains five indexes for easy reference: an Agency Index, listing the originating agency for the specific program; a Subject Index, listing all programs by their major subject concepts; a Hardware Index, a Software Index and an Acces- sion Number Index. Tfie Directory may be ordered as PB83- 167668 at $40. Federal Statistical Data Files Directory The Directory of Federal Statistical Data Files describes the contents and locates major Federal statistical data files that are publicly available or from which government agencies prepare tabu- lations for the public. More than 600 files are de- scribed, from 14 Federal departments and 57 Fed- eral agencies. Order: PB81-133175 at $ 25. Watch for Price Codes Most prices in this catalog are indi- cated by Price Codes. For example: When you read Gasofioi: A Tecfinicai l\/lemorandum. NTIS Price: PCA04/MF A01, you learn from the Price Code table on page 41 that A04 is the equivalent of $10, and the A01 is the equivalent of $4.50. PC, of course, means paper copy, and MF means microfiche. Price Code Tables may change. Current tables al- ways are free on request from NTIS. 22 Federal Research in Progress Data Base: former SSIE product updated monthly; The Smithsonian Science Information Exchange ceased operation in October 1981. NTIS then assum- ed responsibility for SSIE's research-in-progress data base. SSIE had operated under contract to NTIS (through congressional appropriations) for the past two years under conditions that SSIE become self-supporting by the end of fiscal year 1984. Considering the finan- cial uncertainty of the future, the SSIE Board of Di- rectors, concluded that the corporation should cease operation. SSIE had been a central source of information on federally supported research in progress over ,the past 10 years. Federal agencies provided SSIE with abstracts of ongoing research projects from which SSIE produced computer printouts in various sub- ject areas for sale to the public. The SSIE data base includes records describing about 300,000 current research projects funded by Federal agencies. About 100,000 records are added annually. (Of these about one-third describe new research and about two-thirds describe continuing projects). Monthly updates of the former SSIE data base will be leased by NTIS to the major online vendor sys- tems assuring continuing public accessibility. Telephone (703) 487-4808 for current information. Federal Information Processing Standards Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are computer standards adopted by the U.S. Gov- ernment. FIPS are developed by a consensus of in- dustry, academia, and Government. They deal with hardware, software, data, and ADP operation standards. NTIS offers FIPS publications on demand and by standing order. With standing order service, new and revised FIPS, along with any change notices and associated industry standards issued during the year, are sent to subscribers automatically. Price annually: $75. For more information request PR-357. Back issues price (FIPSSET) $265. 23 Directories of Computer Software Applications The technical reports announced by NTIS often contain listings of computer programs and documen- tation covering a wide variety of applications. Sci- entists, systems analysts, and programmers are usu- ally unaware of these programs unless they happen to acquire the technical report in which the program is listed. These computer programs are not in machine- readable form. They are programs and documen- tation which are included in the technical report and must be converted into machine-readable form to have workable software. The 30 Directories of Computer Software Appli- cations refer readers to the technical reports in which the computer programs and documentation are listed. The programs can then be ordered at the regu- lar price of the technical reports, in paper or micro- fiche. Software Applications Directories are available as follows: • Administration and Management— PB-283 714 • Aeronautics, Aerodynamics & Aircraft System Design — PB-286 825 • Agriculture & Food— PB-291 552 • Astronomy & Astrophysics— PB-294 832 • Atmosplieric Sciences— PB-286 256 • Behavior, Training & Education— PB-282 229 • Biomedical Technology & Human Factors— PB-292 724 •Chemistry— PB-283 183 • Civil and Structural Engineering — PB-278 125 • Communications — PB-289 952 • Detection & Countermeasures— PB-297 095 • Economics and Business— PB-277 800 • Electrical & Electronics Engineering— PB-284 924 •Energy, 1977-March 1980— PB80-105497 • Energy— PB-264 200 • Environmental Pollution and Control— PB-270 018 • Environmental Pollution and Control, 1977-March 1980— PB80-105505 • Library & Information Sciences— PB-278 452 • Marine Engineering— PB-294 014 • Mathematics— PB-293 184 • Medicine & Biology— PB-287 825 • Minicomputers and Microcomputers — PB-272 972 • Minicomputers and Microcomputers, 1977-March 1980— PB80-105513 • Natural Resources & Earth Sciences— PB-288 486 • Navigation & Guidance— PB-289 390 • Oceanography— PB-283 210 •Physics— PB-281 642 • Space Technology— PB-296 039 • Transportation— PB-279 570 • Urban & Regional Technology & Development— PB-284 165 For more information on products or services in this catalog please turn to the order form for FREE supplementary information on page 43, or write or telephone: National Technical Information Service Office of Data Base Services 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Telephone (703) 487-4807 24 Federal Software Exchange Center The Federal Software Exchange Program was es- tablished in 1976 by General Services Adminis- tration (GSA) to promote Government-wide shar- ing of common use software owned by Federal agen- cies. In order to provide a central location and bibliographic control for the collection, GSA es- tablished the Federal Software Exchange Center (FSEC) at NTIS. State and local Governments also participate in the program under the Intergovern- mental Cooperation Act, as can the public. A few FSEC products are limited to governmental buyers only. The vehicle for Federal software information and dissemination is the Federal Software Exchange Center catalog. It contains software abstracts cover- ing numerous application areas on programs that are written in a broad range of computer languages for a wide variety of hardware. The 1982 edition con- tains several hundred abstracts. According to FPMR 101-36.1068 and 101-36. 1609, before a Government agency can obtain a Del- egation of Procurement Authority (DPA) to acquire software from commercial sources, it must screen available Federal ADP resources by reviewing the Federal Software Exchange Cenfer catalog. If a suitable system or program can be found in the catalog, FSEC will make it available to Govern- ment users at the published price. Prices for soft- ware obtained from the exchange are nominal com- pared to the cost of inhouse development or outside procurement. Limited technical assistance in in- stallation and maintenance is normally available from the contributing agency or from GSA Agency Services Coordination Division on a reimbursable basis. The 1983 edition of the catalog is available on sub- scription at $75 annually. A subscription is com- prised of a cumulative issue distributed in January followed by one noncumulative update issued in July. Your subscription will be entered for a period covering January through December. "We could not have developed anything that would have been as accurate in this short period of time. The NTIS computer program saved us 5-10 project years. The first application gave us a $350,000 savings."— James M. Kissane, IVIining Machinery Division, Joy Manufacturing Company. This specialized catalog is one of several de- signed for NTIS customers having similar interests. Other specialized catalogs are listed on page 43. 25 ANSI-Ada®/E(i (NYU) Translator/Interpreter The Ada- Joint Project Office (AJPO) of the Depart- ment of Defense has approved release of this imple- mentation of the Ada- programming language. The NYU Translator/Interpreter, named Ada -/Ed, was developed by the Courant Institute at New York Uni- versity under contract to the Center for Tactical Com- puter Systems (CENTACS) at the U.S. Army Commu- nications and Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. The Translator is a complete implementation of ANSI Ada- (MIL-STD 1815A, Feb. 1983) and serves as an operational semantic definition of the language. The Translator will also serve as an aid in Ada ■ train- ing programs due to its extensive error message facility and syntax and semantic checking provisions. ANSI Ada -/Ed is already in use for educational pur- poses by the Army at West Point and Fort Monmouth. The ANSI Ada'/Ed Translator/Interpreter is written in SETL, a very high level program specifi- cation language also developed at the Courant In- stitute. The Translator /Interpreter translates Ada- source programs into an intermediate code which is then executed in an interpretive mode. ANSI Ada "/Ed is designed to execute on a VAX-11/ 750-780 system under the VMS operating system (Version 3.0) and requires at least two (2) megabytes of memory. Special features of ANSI Ada'/Ed (Version 1.1) include: • All software bugs formally reported to CENTACS via the Ada"/Ed Software Trouble Report Form (copy included with each purchase) by users of all pre- vious versions have been corrected. • ANSI Ada'/Ed (Version 1.1) compiles Ada'"- programs approximately 10% faster than the prior versions. Ada " is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense For more information on products or services in this catalog please telephone (703) 487-4807. 26 Integrated Library System software The Integrated Library System (ILS) software was developed at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), to enable health science librar- ians to better manage their collections and promote more effective resource sharing. The ILS is applicable to any library, not only health science libraries. The design objectives were: (1) modular integra- tion of functions and files, (2) operation on a range of hardware affordable even by small libraries, (3) soft- ware that is responsive to varying demand, (4) trans- portability of programs, (5) multi-level user inter- faces, (6) system network access, and (7) com- patibility with NLM's planned MEDLARS Hi The ILS software was written to operate on sev- eral different minicomputers with the MIIS operating system in the MUMPS programming language. The basic capabilities are: • Master Bibliographic File (MBF)— supports all functions— circulation, serials control, acquisitions, cataloging, and authority files. • Circulation Subsystem — '\n6\caXes the current status of any item in the collection, whether in process or cataloged. • Public Catalog Access Subsystem— T[^e online public catalog combines the features of traditional divided and dictionary catalogs. Patrons may choose a specific type of search (author, title, sub- ject, and others) or may search for particular terms throughout the catalog. • Serials Check-In— aWows the check-in of serials and prepares them for shelving and circulation. • Administrative Subsystem — provides summary reports on library processing and allows the library manager to set system processing parameters without programmer assistance. Future enhancements of the ILS which remain to be developed include: serials control, acquisitions, cataloging, authority file, and enhancements to existing modules. This specialized catalog is one of several de- signed for NTIS customers having sinnilar interests. Other specialized catalogs are listed on page 43. 27 1974 COBOL Compiler Validation System The COBOL Compiler Validation System is used to validate COBOL compilers and to ensure their con- formance to the Federal Standard as prescribed in FIPS PUB 21-1. The system consists of a compre- hensive set of audit routines, their related data, and an executive routine which prepares the audit rou- tines for compilation in a particular hardware/ operating system environment. Each audit routine is a COBOL program which includes several tests and support procedures indicating the result of the tests. Audit routines are included for testing all mod- ules of the 1974 COBOL Standard. The executive routine provides a method for resolving implementor names within the source COBOL programs. The executive routine also provides the user with a means for updating source programs and generating the operating system control cards required. Version 4.0 of the 1974 COBOL Compiler Valida- tion System includes all of the corrections identified in Version 3.0. It also includes additional test cases for the Inter-Program Communications Module, Indexed 1-0 Module, Nucleus Module, Relative 1-0 Module, and the Table Handling Module. Test cases for the Communications Module are included in the validation system for the first time. Excluded from Version 4.0 are any tests for arithmetic expressions and the ENTER statement of the Nucleus Module due to lack of definition or to their use/results. 1978 FORTRAN Compiler Validation System The Federal Compiler Testing Center has recently released the initial version of a Compiler Validation System for the 1978 FORTRAN Standard (Amer- ican National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN, X3. 9-1978). Version 1 of the 1978 FORTRAN Compiler Validation System (FCVS) was designed to test the subset language as defined in FORTRAN 78. The test routines making up the system are for the most part stand-alone programs. They are available on a source program library tape. A special program (written in FORTRAN) is provided which will automat- ically load each of the programs making up the FCVS on the users system, thus facilitating their use by any Federal agency, private user, or vendor. 28 The tests are progressively complex exercises of statement combinations representing typical lan- guage usage. They can be used to evaluate compil- er usability and conformance to the 1978 FORTRAN Standard, and can aid in precise identification of compiler flaws. The test routine outputs are tailored to each of the tests involved in order to aid in the specific diagnosis of instances of nonconformance or of compiler errors. For each test, the output in- dicates whether the test passes; if a test fails, the correct results and the compiler-produced results are displayed on the output report. The audit rou- tines are so designed that the user can quickly and easily locate the source code which caused the failure for further analysis. The FCVS architecture supports thorough quali- ty testing of the compiler; at the same time, with no loss of efficiency or increase in complexity, the system also provides for the auditability of the testing operation. The system was produced to be used in support of the procurement of FORTRAN 78 compil- ers, but it is also designed for the general user. The approach taken in producing the FCVS has potential for improving the development of future FORTRAN standards (e.g., FORTRAN 90) and the quality of compilers available to both government and non-government users. NBS Minimal Basic Test Programs (Version 2) This set of programs was developed by NBS for the purpose of testing conformance of implemen- tations of the computer language Basic to the Ameri- can National Standard for Minimal Basic, ANSI X3. 60-1978. The Department of Commerce has adopted this ANSI standard as Federal Information Processing Standard 68. By submitting the programs to a candidate implementation, the user can test the various features which an implementation must support in order to conform to the standard. While some programs can determine whether or not a given feature is correctly implemented, others produce output which the user must then interpret to some degree. The User's Manual describes how the programs should be used so as to interpret correctly the re- sults of the tests. Such interpretation depends strongly on a solid understanding of the conformance rules laid down in the standard. There is a brief dis- cussion of these rules and how they relate to the test programs and to the various ways in which the lan- guage may be implemented. 29 Cartographic Automatic Mapping Program (CAM) CAM is a program that performs a wide variety of cartographic functions. Included are 16 map pro- jections, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system, and an XY ("One for One") data display routine. CAM will connect points with straight lines or circles, and draw line grids, range rings, ellipses, cones, symbols, azimuths and elevation rings. In- cluded is a World Coastline file of 8,200 points, but CAM may also be used in conjunction with World Data Bank I, a 100,000 point file separately contained on Accession No. PB-223 178. A significant new fea- ture of CAM—5Xh Edition also allows its use in con- junction with World Data Bank II, which contains ap- proximately six million points contained on five sepa- rate geographic area files. These geographic area files are Volumes 1-5, and contain, respectively, 1) North America (Order No. PB-271 868, Price - $240); 2) South America (Order No. PB-271 870, Price - $140); 3) Europe (Order No. PB-271 871, Price - $140); 4) Africa (Order No. PB-271 872, Price - $240); 5) Asia (Order No. PB-271 873, Price - $240. Graphics Compatibility System The Graphics Compatibility System (GCS) is a FORTRAN-based computer graphics system de- signed for interactive use on a wide variety of com- puter graphics terminals. Due to its comprehensive and modular design, GCS provides a simplified easy- to-learn and easy-to-use approach to computer graphics, while simultaneously providing a pow- erful tool which the sophisticated programmer may use for demanding and highly interactive graphical applications. GCS provides compatibility at two distinct levels: a. Cross-compatibility from one computer system to another. b. Cross-compatibility between computer graphics terminals. Cross-compatibility from one terminal to anoth- er has been achieved in a manner which is completely transparent to the user. One need no longer be con- cerned about the problems of "tailoring" his pro- grams for a given graphical device— GCS provides the maximum capabilities offered by the various terminals in order to satisfy the user's graphical requirements. Device independence provides the 30 user with the option of preparing and debugging his graphics program on a terminal other than the type he may desire for final output — a consideration of paramount importance for installations which may have a limited number of graphical devices available at any given time. GCS is not just another collection of unrelated graphics subroutines — it is a unified system which provides the user with the flexibility to perform his tasks at any level of involvement that he desires. Be- cause of this unique man/software relationship, GCS can also be thought of as "user compatible", and it is in this last facet of compatibility that GCS un- veils its true potential. Individuals who would normally dismiss graphics for their particular applications are now provided with an alternative. High-level, com- posite routines are provided to perform relatively complex but frequently required tasks such as the preparation of complete graphs and histograms. Flexibility and adaptability to the needs of the more sophisticated user are achieved by allowing such a user to control the various GCS options which are present to standard default conditions for the un- sophisticated programmer. Users of all disciplines may feel equally comfortable with GCS, since they are required to interact only at their particular level of graphics involvement. GCS is available in two versions, a two-dimen- sional version, and a three-dimensional version. The three-dimensional version is a sophisticated, highly capable package having such features as graphical data structures, text processing, and of course, three-dimension graphics. The two-dimen- sional version is the older, less sophisticated version. While processing fewer capabilities, it is still support- ed, since it offers the benefits of a smaller central memory requirement, and a higher execution speed, while still fulfilling most of the normal graphics re- quirements. In general, the two-dimensional version is a proper subset of the three-dimensional version, meaning that all elements of two-dimensional GCS are contained within the three-dimensional version. DATAPLOT® DATAPLOT"^ is the most used interactive graphics and nonlinear fitting language at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). It is a valuable tool not only for raw graphics but also for manuscript preparation, modeling, data analysis, data summarization, and mathematical 31 analysis. DATAPLOT- may be run either in batch mode or interactively, although it was primarily designed for (and is most effectively used in) an interactive environment. DATAPLOT- graphics may appear on many different types of output devices. Due to its modular design and underlying ANSI FORTRAN (PFORT) code, DATAPLOT" is port- able to a wide variety of computers. The capabilities of DATAPLOT' are as follows: General graphics Graphics capabilities include continuous dis- play terminal plots (e.g., Tektronix); discrete (narrow-width or wide-carriage) terminal plots (e.g., Tl 700); high-speed printer plots, high-quality secondary output plots (e.g., Calcomp); online interactive definition and plotting of functions; data plots; multi-trace plots; linear or log scale plots; plots with or without labels, titles, frames, tic marks, grid lines, legends, legend boxes, arrows, etc.; automatic hardcopying of plots; 3-D plots of functions and/or data; multi-colored graphics; all of above for full data sets or subsets of data. Diagrammatic graphics Graphical diagrammatic capabilities relating to manuscript and slide preparation include sub- vocabularies for interactive diagramming such as chemical diagramming, electrical diagramming, 10 and LSI device diagramming, printed circuit dia- gramming, flow charting, logo construction, and general text/equation writing (with choice of Her- shey character fonts, character sizes, upper and lower case, mixture of English/Greek math symbols, superscripting and subscripting, etc.). Capabil- ities exist for the saving, editing, combining, super- imposing, and redisplaying of any diagram. Fitting Fitting capabilities include interactive online model specification; fitting of linear, polynomial, multi- linear, and nonlinear models; fitting may be linear/ nonlinear, weighted/ unweighted, constrained/ unconstrained; nonlinear fitting without need of derivatives; pre-fit analyses for determination of non-linear fit starting values; exact rational function fitting; spline fitting; least squares smoothing; robust smoothing; automatic storage of predicted values/ 32 residuals from all fitting and smoothing operations; superimposed raw and predicted value plots; resid- ual plots; fitting and smoothing over full data sets or subsets of data. Graphical data analysis Graphical data analysis capabilities include box plots; complex demodulation plots; control charts; correlation plots; distributional frequency plots; histograms; lag plots; percent point plots; auto and cross periodograms; probability plots (24 distri- butions); probability plot correlation coefficient dis- tribution analysis plots (3 families); auto- and cross- spectral plots; scatter plots; pie charts; Youden plots; graphical ANOVA/ANOCOV; runs plots; 3-D distribution frequency plots; 3-D histograms; 4-plot per page univariate analysis; all of above for full data sets or for subsets of data. Nongraphical data analysis Nongraphical data analysis capabilities in- clude elementary statistics (25 statistics); analysis of variance; median polish; tabulation of summary statistics; online definition and execution of func- tional transformations; cumulative distribution functions (24 distributions); probability density functions (24 distributions); percent point functions (24 distributions); random number generation (24 distributions); all operations may be over full data sets or subsets of data. Mathematical Mathematical capabilities include interactive online definition and concatenation/composition of functions; functional analyses; exact analytic sym- bolic differentiation; root extraction; definite in- tegration; convolution. D Graphics Compatibility System PR-696 nDATAPLOT" PR-619 n Directory of Computer Software PR-261 D Federal Software Exchange Center PR-383 D Directories of Computer Software Applications PR-572 33 TR-20 Project Formulation deals with hydrology TR-20 Project Formulation program which will flood route any frequency storm through various user-specified hydrologic networks. Detailed hydro- graphs and summary output reports are optionally requested. The program computes surface runoff resulting from any synthetic or natural rainstorm. It will take into account conditions having a bearing on runoff and will route the flow through stream chan- nels and reservoirs. It will combine the routed hydro- graph with those from other tributaries and print out the peak discharges, their time of occurrence and the water surface elevation for each at any desired cross section or structure. In addition, it will print out the coordinates of the routed hydrograph to- gether with the corresponding elevation of each if requested. The program provides for the continuing analyses of nine different storms over a watershed under pres- ent conditions, and with various combinations of land treatment, floodwater-retarding structures and channel improvement. It will perform these routines through as many as 120 reaches and 60 structures in any one continuous run. It has been programmed so that other aspects of watershed planning can be added later. UNAMAP (Version 4) The User's Network for Applied Modeling of Air Pollution UNAMAP (Version 4) contains 21 air quality simulation models (AQSM). These models input emission and meteorological data to calculate pro- jected air pollutant concentrations. UNAMAP con- tains state-of-the-art dispersion research algo- rithms supported by U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency's (EPA) Office of Research and Devel- opment. The UNAMAP (Version 4) contains ten (10) new models. In addition, most of the original UNAMAP models have undergone extensive revision. The models are: 1. COMPLEX II — is a multiple point source code with terrain adjustment. 2. COMPLEX I — is a multiple point source code with terrain adjustment representing a sequen- 34 tial modeling bridge between Valley and COM- PLEX II. *3. BLP (Buoyant Line and Point Source Disper- sion Model)— is a gaussian plume dispersion model associated with aluminum reduction plants. 4. RAM — Short-term gaussian steady-state algorithm estimates concentrations of stable pollutants. 5. CRSTER — estimates ground-level concen- trations resulting from up to 19 collocated elevated stack emissions. 6. CDM — this climatological dispersion model determines long-term quasi-stable pollutant concentrations. 7. CDMQC— CDM altered to provide implemen- tation of calibration and of averaging time transformations. 8. APRAC— computes hourly averages of carbon monoxide for any urban location. 9. HIWAY— computes the hourly concentrations of non-reactive pollutants downwind of roadways. 10. VALLEY — is a steady-state, univariate gaus- sian plume dispersion algorithm. 11. TEM (Texas Episodic Model)— is a short term, steady-state gaussian plume model for deter- mining short-term concentrations of non- reactive pollutants. 12. TCM (Texas Climatological Model) is a climato- logical, steady-state gaussian plume model for determining long-term average pollutant con- centrations of non-reactive pollutants. 13. PAL (Point, Area, Line Source Algorithm)— this short-term gaussian steady-state algo- rithm estimates concentrations of stable pollu- tants from point, area, and line sources. 14. PTPLU— is a point source dispersion gaussian screening model for estimating maximum sur- face concentrations for one-hour concen- trations. 15. MPTER— is a multiple point-source gaussian model with optional terrain adjustments. 35 *16. HIWAY2 — update of HIWAY. *17. ISCST (Industrial Source Complex Short- Term)— is a steady-state gaussian plume model which can be used to access pollutant concentrations from an industrial source complex. *18. ISCLT (Industrial Source Complex Long- Term)— is a steady-state gaussian plume model which can be used to access pollutant concentrations from an industrial source complex. 19. PTMAX— performs an analysis of the maximum short-term concentrations from a single point source as a function of stability and wind speed. 20. PTDIS — estimates short-term concentrations directly downwind of a point source at dis- tances specified by the user. 21. PTMTP— estimates for a number of arbitrarily located receptor points at or above ground level, the concentrations from a number of point sources. NOTE: Those Models marked with an asterisk (*) are new models. Inquire about Version 5, just received. HEW Computer Audit System The HEW Computer Audit System (HEWCAS) makes it practical for an auditor, with limited back- ground in computers, to use a time-sharing computer system employing the BASIC language to auto- matically compose COBOL programs. Upon com- mand, entered at the terminal, the system punches the COBOL programs into cards either remotely or for mailing. The cards serve as the medium for get- ting the COBOL programs into another comput- er where the audit work is to be done. The auditor can separate records into strata based on auditing criteria and apply independent statistical samples to the strata; he can create new tape or disk files; he can locate and print records duplicating data in one or more fields of other records on the same file; he can locate and print records from a second file matching one or more fields of any records on a first file, together with a printout of the matched records, as well as perform several other functions. 36 1980 Census data Using SEEDIS software and 1980 Census data stored in SEEDIS, standard reports are available for various geographic levels, including state, SMSA, county, place (based on population size), minor civil division, and census tract. The following reports are available: Report 1: Population Characteristics Report 2: Employment & Training Indicators Report 3: Social Indicators for Program Analysis, Planning, & Evaluation Report 4: Racial/Ethnic Socio-economic Profile Report 5: Equal Employment Indicators Report 6: Journey to Work Patterns Report 7: Labor Force Estimates The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) of the University of California developed SEEDIS (Socio- Economic Environmental Demographic Informa- tion System) and the U.S. Department of Labor Em- ployment & Training Administration (ETA) makes 1980 census data available to LBL. Batch Services NTIS provides custom reports from an enormous data base of 1980 Census data developed by the U.S. Department of Labor and maintained by the Law- rence Berkeley Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy. The data base contains all of the employ- ment-related information of the 1980 Census. Highway planning software pacl(age This software package was developed by the Department of Transportation's Rural Highway Transportation Planning System. It consists of six magnetic tape reels of software and test data, a user manual, and a guidebook to highway planning. The elements of the program, aside from the test data, are indicated by the coverage of the guidebook. Its six sections cover: The Highway Planning Process; Instructions for Road Inventory; Instructions for Traf- fic Surveys; Functional Classification of Highways; Highway Adequacy Rating; and Measuring Highway Improvement Needs and Priority Analysis. The guidebook is also available in Spanish. 37 How to order The prices in this catalog cover sales in the Unit- ed States, Canada, and Mexico. Buyers for foreign destinations should read "How to Pay", on page 39. Rush Handling and Premium Service do not apply to machine-readable products. RUSH HANDLING is for customers who must have immediate delivery. Rush l-landling guarantees that a particular order will be filled at NTIS within 24 hours of receipt. Rush Handling orders receive immediate validation, veri- fication of availability, and individual hand processing through inventory control and the warehouse; priority printing if production from film is required, and prior- ity mailing. Rush Handling orders for mailing rather than pickup are accepted only from customers having NTIS Deposit Accounts or American Express, VISA, or MasterCard Accounts. Rush Handling orders may be placed only by tele- phone, telegram, Telex, Telecopier (see key tele- phone numbers on page 42), or by customers in person; not by mail. Customers must use order numbers. Rush Handling for delivery to customers by First Class Mail adds $10 to the cost of each item or copy ordered. Rush Handling for pickup in Springfield or down- town Washington adds $6 to the cost of each item or copy ordered. PREMIUM SERVICE is a day-and-night toll-free telephone ordering procedure ensuring order pro- cessing and mailing within four to nine days to NTIS Deposit Account or American Express, VISA, or MasterCard customers. The $3.50 fee for each item is waived if the order is not mailed within the specified period. Customers must use order numbers. Titles alone cannot be accepted in this procedure. All Deposit Account, American Express, VISA, and MasterCard customers receive Premium Service identification numbers with which they may place toll-free telephone orders at any time. Premium Service benefits include toll-free calls with 24-hour availability, no busy signals, simplified ordering tech- niques (details with the identification number), postage savings, and priority delivery. Premium Service adds $3.50 to the cost of each item ordered. REGULAR SERVICE includes optional priority mail delivery ($3 North America; $5 outside) and optional pickup in Springfield or D.C. Current parcel post deliveries using the U.S. Postal Service are complet- 38 1 ed within 9 to 30 days. Machine-readable products are shipped by a commercial delivery service at no additional charge. For special, additional cost de- livery, contact NTIS. ONLINE ORDERING: The commercial vendors of the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base are experiment- ing with the convenience of online ordering of NTIS documents for their customers. Currently, online ordering is offered by the System Development Cor- poration (SDC) and Lockheed's Dialog system. It permits SDC and Dialog/Dialorder customers to charge their NTIS Deposit Accounts for orders that are transmitted daily to NTIS. Inquiries should be addressed to SDC, 2500 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA. 90406 and to Dialog, 3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA. 94304. TELEX: Orders from NTIS may be speeded by the use of Telex. Customers may charge their Deposit Accounts, or credit cards. How to pay The prices in this catalog cover sales in the Unit- ed States, Canada, and Mexico. Foreign orders should be placed through the foreign sales agencies for NTIS products, (list available on request, or see the NTIS General Catalog). Only if there is no foreign sales agency should orders be placed directly to NTIS. The fastest service is provided to customers who charge against their NTIS Deposit Accounts or their American Express, VISA, or MasterCard accounts because the processing of such orders is simplest for NTIS. Initial deposits to new Deposit Accounts may also be charged to a credit card. Otherwise, payment by check or money order must accompany each order. Discount on multiple copies When at least 20 copies but less than 100 copies of one title are ordered, NTIS automatically reduc- es the total price by 15 percent. When at least 100 copies of one title are ordered, the total price is re- duced by 25 percent. This discount does not apply to all NTIS products and services. "Service is great, you really get things to us fast. I know people complain about prices going up. But we have no complaints because of your prompt delivery on items ordered."— W.T. Durr, Baltimore Region Institutional Stud- ies Center. 39 How to open a deposit account Use the order form on page 44 and send at least $25, or enough to cover your first order, to NTIS Deposit Account, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA. 22161. Thereafter, keep at least $25 on deposit or enough to cover two months" charges. Orders will not be processed for overdrawn accounts. You may deposit any amount prior to ordering. Some active customers keep several thousand dollars in their accounts to ensure the fastest possible service for large orders. When your account is opened, you will receive order forms to speed your shipments and simplify accounting and the recording of tax-deductible expenses. Retail sales at two locations NTIS has two retail sales locations in the Washing- ton area. In the District of Columbia, the NTIS Information Center and Bookstore is in Room 1067 in the Depart- ment of Commerce main building at 14th St. and Constitution Ave., N.W. Telephone (202) 377-0365. Several hundred best selling titles are displayed for sale and for immediate delivery without the Rush Handling surcharge The Springfield Operations Center has a much more limited display of research reports, but any titles may be ordered for future delivery. For more information Use the order form on page 43 to request the spe- cific supplemental information referred to on the vari- ous pages of this catalog. For information not covered by the order form, please direct your inquiry to General Information, NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA. 22161; or telephone (703) 487-4600 or (202) 377-0365. At least 26 million referrals annually are made to specific titles in the NTIS system, three each sec- ond of the NTIS workday. And, every second of the NTIS workday, a buyer receives a specially requested information item. About 3,600 new buyers are added to the NTIS customer list month- ly and 10,000 customers make repeat purchases, resulting in 23,500 items of information being shipped daily. Every two minutes during the NTIS workday one new technical report enters the NTIS system. 40 NTIS Domestic Price Codes The prices below are for customers in the United States, Canada and IVIexico. All other addresses please write for an appropriate price list. Code Price Code Price "A" codes A01 (microfiche) $ 4.S0 A1S $26.50 A02 7.00 A16 28.00 A03 S.SO A17 29.50 A04 10.00 A18 31.00 A05 11. SO A19 32.50 A06 13.00 A20 34.00 A07 14.S0 A21 35.50 A08 16.00 A22 37.00 A09 17.S0 A23 38.50 A10 19.00 A24 40.00 A11 20. SO A25 41.50 A12 22.00 A13 23. SO A99 * A14 25.00 * Please ask for a price quote. << p>> codes E01 $ 6. SO E13 $31.50 E02 7.S0 E14 34.50 EOS 9.S0 E15 37.50 E04 11. SO E16 40.50 EOS 13.S0 E17 43.50 E06 15. SO E18 46.50 E07 17.50 E19 51.50 EOS 19.50 E20 61.50 E09 21.50 E99 * E10 23.50 E11 25.50 N01 35.00 E12 28.50 N02 40.00 *Ask for price quote t codes T01 $125.00 T11 $ 790.00 T02 140.00 T12 855.00 TOS 240.00 T13 920.00 T04 320.00 T14 985.00 TOS 400.00 T1S 1,050.00 T06 465.00 T16 1,115.00 T07 530.00 T17 1,180.00 TOS 595.00 T1S 1,245.00 T09 660.00 T19 1,310.00 T10 725.00 T99 * Ask for price quote 41 KEY TELEPHONE NUMBERS To Check On Orders (703) 487-4660 Subscriptions (703) 487-4630 Computer Products (703) 487-4763 New Orders for Documents (703) 487-4650 Published Searches (703) 487-4642 SRIM (703) 487-4640 Picl(up Orders Downtown Information Center and Boolcstore (202) 377-0365 At Springfield Operations Center (703) 4fi7-4650 Accounting (703) 487-4770 Rush Handling (703) 487-4700 or Toll Free (800) 336-4700 General Information (703) 487-4600 Telecopier or 3M Facsimile Service (703) 321-8547 Telex 89-9405 64617 (international) 42 oc LU Q < LU CC O O < o LU < CD < < Q DC O LL in CM CO in DC in Q. ^ 6 ::^ >- E o B o ™ O Z 0) ^ C N z^cf, W .2 CO ♦* „ o a 5 >» o --|^ (0 U k ^ .— £|-L1.QU. Z O O < O Q-nnnn 5 ^E E o o -^ 0| O O w '^ O -^ ro o CO o (0 Q LL □ D O Q (/> o > 0) > cc i/i "O \n c O .9^ S O) S E c o o "i- Q. C/5 o o LL o • CD o c -a 'sT z 75 u CO o cc 00 'E "co CO o o o OC d) DC < H ^ CD Q. ^ ^— C HI (0 o o o 1 CL Q. CD c/> ts CO ra CvJ CD Q !;2 O (^ o _ cc S ro OJ ^ oj 2 ro ;2 cc flS ■ TO 2^ cc CO CTU- 1^ CL >: 5 0) O en ? ^°^ < < O CO 3 D Z ID I- U Q) E 2? -g 2 O o 0) o C:i LL LL LL 43 n CO o Q. Q. CO 0) C Q) CO c g) CO CO 01 Q. E 3 O CO o Z O a. N B 00 O 0) c o a Q) 0) o w CO ^ D < C/3 > n CO CO (D ■o Q. o X o LJJ c CO >- o _J -z. a3 E < 6 2 a O LU C/5 Z) 6 1 1 CO o CD CD c o o "co Q Q 1- .' 2 o 6 2 6 CD .^ CO O CO o X O < • o CD — CD < LU 0) CD x: o CD ■o O u_ Q O o C/5 O O 44 I A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE NTIS is a self-supporting information service organization stemming from a congressionally created predecessor. It channels information about technolog- ical innovations and other specialized information to business, educators, government, and the public. Its products and services are intended to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of U.S. research and development, to support U.S. foreign policy goals by stimulating the social and economic growth of devel- oping nations, and to increase the avail- ability of foreign technical information in the United States. NO CHARGE IF NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED If you find that the reports and micro- fiche you receive from NTIS are occa- sionally not what you expected, NTIS will refund their purchase price if the items are returned with your refund request and copies of your original order. PRICES CURRENT October 1983 Subject to change U.S. Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige Secretary National Technical Information Service Joseph F. Caponio Director PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Q < _l CL LO < (I) ^ LU LU 6 C/5 LL < 1- d O < z 1- Q LLI ^ DC O DC < LU X 1— Q- 1— C/5 O CL A00D07EaD13fl7 O 11J> O a> S o O I o E u- o ^ O c -o CO . — CO -^ Jl o o > oc 0) DC ' < H ^ :a m (0 O ~ Q C CL CT . .2 to .E D Z Lo C/5 o o CO m CD C/5 CO Z) III Q) z 00 f/^ > 3 n m i- 1 o < >^ C) m LL ^. ^ (f) D CD cr O) c CO O -5 cu O Q) >^ C/) ^ <^ LO 00 DC O) CL