Federal Quality Institute's Information Network Federal TQM Database Users Guide MAY 1991 ^o»* •'"**», ju: i391 UWtNTS COLLECTION U.S,OeposrtonrCoP!( ^°^ Z&**°* &' $ Federal Quality Institute Information Network P.O. Box 99 Washington, DC. 20044-0099 US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technology Administration National Technical Information Service On-line Training Program NTIS offers on-line training and presentations to groups. These training sessions include a presentation of the specifics of the database (format, content, etc.); an explanation of searching strategies and systems commands; and, if appropriate, a "hands-on" session. To arrange a training session, contact the NTIS On-line Training Coordinator, Office of Product Management at (703) 487-4929. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield. VA 22161 FAX (703) 321-8547 A Call for TQM Documents Any database is only as good as the information it contains. To build up a substantive collection, we are urging Federal agencies that are in the process of implementing TQM to review the documents they hold and submit them to the FQI for inclusion in the database. The documents may fall into the following categories: TQM Management Support Strategic Planning Focus on the Customer Employee Training Employee Recognition Employee Empowerment and Teamwork Measurement and Analysis Quality Assurance TQM Implementation Performance Management Case Studies of TQM in Federal Agencies Please send any TQM-related documents you wish to be included in the NTIS database to: The Federal Quality Institute Information Network P.O. Box 99 Washington, D.C. 20044-0099 CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. ABOUT FQI 2 An Overview 2 Services Offered 2 FQI Information Network 2 Defense Department Partnership 2 Commerce Department Partnership 2 2. A WORD ABOUT NTIS 2 3. FEDERAL TQM DATABASE 3 Purpose and Objectives 3 Benefits 3 4. DOCUMENT SUBMISSION 3 Sources 3 Guidelines 3 Submission Options 4 Sample Database Record 4 5. TQM SUBJECT CATEGORIES 4 6. ACCESS TO NTIS DATABASE 5 Where to Go for Assistance 5 Fees to Access Data 5 Software and Equipment Requirements 5 7. SAMPLE SEARCHES 6 8. INFORMATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 Electronic Bulletin Board 6 Bibliographic Catalog 6 9. DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL SOURCES 6 GPO, NTIS, and FQI 6 How to Order 7 How to Pay 7 Turnaround Time 7 APPENDICES A. Report Documentation Page 8 B. Rush Services and Additional Information 9 C. NTIS Price Schedules 11 D. International Cooperating Organizations 12 1 . About FQI An Overview The Federal Quality Institute (FQI) was established in June 1988. Its mission is to promote and facilitate the implemen- tation of Total Quality Management (TQM) throughout the Federal government. TQM has proven to be an excellent strategy for organizations that want to improve the quality of their services. As President Bush has stated, 'the improve- ment of quality in products and the improvement of quality in service-these are national priorities as never before." To accomplish its mission, FQI provides services in five major areas. Services Offered The Institute offers TQM-related services to Federal agencies in the following areas: • Technical assistance • Awareness briefings and seminars • Research and publications • Leadership, guidance, and coordination • Information and referrals Examples of major activities performed in these areas are: • Executive Awareness Seminars • Start-up Services • Model Projects • Federal Quality Conferences • Information Center • Awards (President's and Quality Improvement Prototype) • Publications For more information about these activities, contact the FQI Information Center at (202) 376-3753. (a) OPM's Federal Executive Institute (FEI) and Executive Seminar Centers (b) agency headquarters, regional, and field locations, as needed Questions about the Information Network can be directed to the FQI at (202) 376-3753. Defense Department Partnership The FQI's Information Network, in partnership with the DOD Quality and Productivity Information Exchange (QPIE), utilizes the Exchange's electronic bulletin board. This service provides a timely and easily accessible way of electronically communicating, to all Federal organizations, information on quality efforts. Commerce Department Partnership FQI works in close partnership with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to provide access to Federal TQM information. The focus of this information is on the practical application of TQM in the government. NTIS is a centralized information service that acquires and distributes agency: • publications (including TQM reports, studies, newsletters, and conference proceedings) • periodicals • computer datafiles • compute software This partnership lets you: • research new quality improvement techniques • review alternative TQM approaches • benefit from lessons learned by others • stay current with government-wide TQM implementation efforts FQI Information Network As part of the Institute's efforts to promote the principles and practices of TQM, and to provide information services to as many Federal employees as possible, the Federal Quality Institute has established an Information Network. This network includes: • a centralized database of case studies, articles, and handbooks focusing on the practical application of TQM in government. • an electronic bulletin board providing timely and easily accessible information on quality efforts to all govern- ment organizations. • an Information Center located at the FQI, providing referrals and information on TQM from its collection of articles, books and videotapes. • plans to promote the establishment of similar TQM Information Centers located at: 2. A Word About NTIS In 1950, Congress directed the Commerce Department to operate a national clearinghouse to collect, store and distribute scientific, technical and engineering information. In 1970, the clearinghouse was reestablished as NTIS, and information in business and statistics was added to the collection. Agencies are required by Public Law 100-418 to submit to NTIS training material developed for their use that could have application in the public or private sector. The NTIS collection includes materials on TQM. In addition, Xerox has submitted to NTIS the training material that helped it win the Baldrige National Quality Award. NTIS will seek to acquire similar material from other winners of the Baldrige Award. NTIS is the only government agency that deals specifically with all aspects of information and information products. Whether these are printed documents or in an electronic format — disks, tapes and audio-visuals — NTIS manages everything from permanent archival storage to distribution of information. 3. Federal TQM Database Purpose and Objectives Through daily contact with our agency customers, the FQI has become aware of an intense demand for practical, "real life" examples of ways the government is implementing TQM practices. Case studies from the private sector are helpful to some agencies, but most can better relate to organizations in the public sector (federal, state and local) that are practicing quality management. Offering this type of database through NTIS enables the FQI to: • promote the principles and practices of TQM • provide total quality information services to as many Federal employees as possible • strive for 1 00% customer satisfaction Benefits The Federal TQM Database, which is jointly administered by the FQI and NTIS, is: easy-to-access, a centralized resource, economical, government-specific, and offers practical TQM information 4. Document Submission Sources Each government organization is strongly encouraged to submit any appropriate documents they may have for the TQM database (government examples and case studies only — see Section 5 on TQM Subject Categories). FQI has submitted to NTIS documents that it has in the Information Center. Combined with TQM documents already in the NTIS database, nearly 200 publications are available. After the 4th Federal Quality Improvement Conference in June 1991 , the FQI will ask government organizations and TQM networks to contribute additional examples. Your help is needed in making this a useful and continuing source of information on TQM throughout the government. While the primary source of data will be from Federal agencies, any state or local government that has examples of government operations that have begun to implement TQM are encouraged to contribute to the database. Case studies from universities that have conducted research into the practical application of TQM to government operations will also be appreciated. Guidelines The following guidelines will contribute to the quality of the material in the database, and what is sent to requestors. • For newly created documents, select a title that is descriptive (customers frequently select material based on title alone). • Any customer survey instruments subject to the Paper- work Reduction Act must have proper clearance from OMB prior to submission to FQI. • NTIS needs a high quality, legible copy of each docu- ment included in its collection. It uses this "original" to print additional copies, as requested. • If the document is part of a series and the other parts are available outside NTIS, provide information on where to find them. • The publication or issue date should appear on the document. • If the item supersedes or supplements a previous one, please note this. • Check that all pages are printed and reproducible. • Charts, foldouts or maps should generally be avoided. If they are used, all should be numbered. • Any color used in illustrations should be understandable when reproduced in black and white. NTIS does not have color reproduction capability. • Any internal agency clearance process for documents should be followed prior to submission to the FQI. • Information that your organization considers sensitive (e.g., quality or productivity savings data) should be deleted from the document prior to submission, or limitations in distribution should be indicated. • Avoid little-known acronyms and abbreviations-unless you spell them out. • Items written by U.S. government employees while on duty usually cannot be copyrighted. If an item written by one or more government employees is copyrighted, and the fact of government employment is not noted in the book or article, a letter affirming the status of the author(s) as a government employee must accompany the document. • Check with the FQI about special instructions if there are plans to submit magnetic tapes or diskettes. • All reports funded by DOD, NASA and the Energy Department should continue to be sent through the appropriate agency information center or facility (i.e., Defense Technical Information Center, DOE OSTI. and NASA STI facility) prior to submission to NTIS. It is not necessary to send these documents to FQI. Submission Options The Federal Quality Institute has worked with NTIS to make the document submission process as easy as possible. FQI requests only one copy of each document; the Institute will then abstract, copy and submit the material to NTIS. If you already have a system in place to submit documents directly to NTIS, and would prefer to continue to do so, that option is also available. In either case, the data will become part of the Federal TQM Database. If material is sent directly to NTIS, then the following additional steps need to be taken: • complete SF-298, Report Documentation Page; • fill out an Accession Notice Card (NTIS-79); and • forward a master and 10 printed copies. Sample Database Record FQI provides NTIS with complete information describing the documents it submits. NTIS enters this information into the bibliographic database. A typical example of the type of citation contained in the database is shown in Appendix A. 5. TQM Subject Categories Table 1 illustrates the type of TQM information that agencies have indicated that they are interested in receiving. The database will only be as good as the information that is contributed. To build a substantive collection, agencies in the process of implementing Table 1 Example of TQM Subject Categories • TQM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT • MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS Directives Quality Measures Material Demonstrating Support (e.g., memos, proclama- Cost of Quality tions) Efficiency Measures Support Structures (e.g., Quality Councils, Boards.Teams) Effectiveness Measures Vision Statements and Guiding Principles Issues in Measuring • STRATEGIC PLANNING Types of Analytical Tools/Techniques Strategic Plans (agency level) • QUALITY ASSURANCE Business Plans (division/office level) Contractor Certification Programs • FOCUS ON THE CUSTOMER Methods for Designing Quality Products/Services Customer Surveys (instruments only - no data) Methods for Controlling Processes Information on Other Methods (e.g. focus groups) Methods for Ensuring Compatibility/Standardization "Partnership" Relationships with Suppliers • IMPLEMENTATION (GENERAL) • EMPLOYEE TRAINING TQM Self-assessment Models Training Courses Managing Change Quality Awareness Removing Barriers Problem Solving Guides, Manuals, Handbooks Tools & Techniques Cultural/Climate Surveys Facilitator Training Suggested Site Visits Executive Training • GLOSSARY Manager and Supervisory Training • PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Teamwork Training Awards How to do a Needs Analysis TQM Performance Elements in Executives' Appraisals Training Plans and Strategies Team-based Recognition • EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Awards General Gainsharing TQM Newsletters Other Incentive Programs Contractor Recognition Performance Appraisals • EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT AND TEAMWORK Examples of Elements and Standards Union Agreements Examples of Executive Elements and Standards Team Formation and Operation • CASE STUDIES OF TQM IN FEDERAL Work Re-design AGENCIES Improvement Teams Should be considered under all categories, and should Re-vitalized Suggestion Systems includelessons learned". Networks TQM are urged to submit to FQI documents that fall under the subject categories below. As you update this material (e.g., strategic plans), please send a copy to the Institute. Through the cooperative efforts of Federal agencies, this database can provide an invaluable source of information on TQM. 6. Access to NTIS Database Where to Go for Assistance The Federal TQM Database (part of the NTIS Database) can be accessed through your local agency or community libraries, if they subscribe to a commercial, on-line informa- tion service. Table 2 provides a listing of these commercial information services, along with phone numbers and addresses. Alternatively, you can call NTIS at (703) 487-4929 and ask for brochure PR-827, if you have questions about how to access the system. Fees to Access the Database Thje fee for accessing data will vary, but is not prohibitive. For example, one service charges $1 .40 per minute and $0.65 per full record (i.e., author, title and abstract). Some libraries may absorb this cost, but most pass at least some on to the customer. It is important to note that this fee covers access to the database only, and that there will also be a modest charge for copies of any documents requested (except those provided by FQI — see the section on docu- ment retrieval sources for details). Software and Equipment Requirements Your agency library, community library or local university may already subscribe to one or more commercial informa- tion services. If this is not the case, you can contact a vendor and establish your own account. You may also want to set up an account if you plan to be a frequent user of the database. A list of these services is provided in Table 2. Many of these information services are searchable in menu format. By simply answering queries presented by the service, solutions to your questions will come quickly and Table 2 Commercial Information Services Abbreviation Company Abbreviation Company Abbreviation Company BIOSIS BIOSIS Connection DATA-STAR DATA-STAR ■ NISC National Information 21 00 Arch Street 485 Devon Park Services Corp. Philadelphia, PA Drive, Ste. 110 31 00 St. Paul Street, 19103-1399 Wayne, PA 19087 Suite 6 (800) 523-4806 (800)221-7754 Baltimore, MD 21218 In Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania (301)243-0797 (215)587-4847 (215)687-6777 OCLC OCLC BRS BRS Information Technologies A Division of Maxwell Online 8000 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 DIALOG DIALOG Information EPIC 6565 Frantz Road Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue Dublin, OH 43107-0702 (800) 848-5878 Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 334-2564 ORBIT In Ohio (800) 848-8286 ORBIT Search Service (800) 345-4277 ESA/IRS ESA/IRS A Division of Maxwell In New York Via Galileo Galilei Online, Inc. (518)783-1161 00044 Frascati (Rome), Italy (39/6)941801 8000 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 CISTI Canada Institute Sceintific & Technical Informaiton National Research Council of Canada DIALINE MRI Mitsubishi Research Institute Time & Life Building, 306 Otemachi 2-Chome Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan FAX (03) 279-1308 (800) 456-7248 In Virginia (703) 442-0900 Ottawa, K1 A 9S2, Canada (613)993-3791 SilverPlatter SilverPlatter Information, Inc. 37 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 (800) 343-0064 NERAC NERAC, Inc. One Technology Drive Tolland, CT 06084 (203) 872-7000 STN STN International 2540 Olentangy River Road Columbus. OH 43202 (800) 848-6533. in Ohio and Canada (800) 848-6538 easily. Little or no training may be necessary. In addition, many of these services allow you to continually receive information any time new material becomes available. To access the NTIS database through a commercial information service, you will need the following: a. a personal computer or a dumb terminal; b. an internal or external modem with a 300. 1200, or 2400 baud rating; c. a communications software package (almost any ASCII- coded communications software package compatible with your personal computer); d. a standard phone line; and e. access to a telecommunications network (networks vary depending on the commercial information service selected). 7. Sample Searches The following searches are examples of how to approach typical questions. The subject categories listed in Table 1 (Section 5) will give you an idea of some areas in which you can conduct searches. The information services vary as to the particulars of keying in search words. As item 14, "subject terms." in Appendix A illustrates, a document can be accessed using different words. The sample searches below, therefore, show in a general sense only how someone might conduct a search. Question 1: I've just been designated TQM coordinator for my agency. How do I get started? • Search for Total Quality Management implementation plans. Question 2: To identify our organization's strengths and weak- nesses, and to determine our readiness to implement TQM, what can I do? • Search for TQM self-assessment models. Question 3: I'm the training officer for my organization, and we are developing a TQM training plan. What types of TQM training are other Federal agencies doing? • Search for TQM training plans and strategies. Question 4: What are some ways we can measure how well we are satisfying our customers? • Search for TQM customer surveys. Question 5: Should we involve our union in the TQM effort? • Search for TQM guides, manuals and handbooks. Question 6: Are there any agencies who have successfully begun to implement TQM from whom we can learn? • Search for TQM case studies. 8. Information Announcements Electronic Bulletin Board Any Federal agency in the U.S. can access the QPIE bulletin board by dialing a local or toll-free number. To provide immediate access to the bulletin board, new members are registered on-line the first time they use the system. To participate in the network, you only need to know the proper telephone number and sign-on procedure. Documents on quality-related topics are stored in the system, and are cataloged by author, category and selected keywords. These documents may be issued to all members as bulletins, sent to specified members only as mail, or retained within the system for future reference. This system is intended to complement, not duplicate, the NTIS Data- base holdings. The bulletin board will also announce recent additions to the Federal TQM Database. This provides a cost-effective alternative to conducting a search of the NTIS system for updates to the TQM collection. For a copy of the QPIE/FQI Bulletin Board Users Guide, or if you need assistance, please contact the Federal Quality Institute's Information Center at (202) 376-3753. Bibliographic Catalog NTIS will publish semi-annually a bibliographic catalog of all TQM documents in the database. This service complements direct access to the NTIS database and periodic notification of new holdings through FQI's electronic bulletin board. This catalog will identify the title, author, date, agency, order number and cost of the document. A complete abstract of the document will also be provided. To place your office on the mailing list, contact the FQI at (202) 376-3753. 9. Document Retrieval Sources GPO, NTIS, and FQI All documents that form the Federal TQM Database are listed in the NTIS system, so that a centralized search can be made. Each document that you select will be available from one of three sources. Which source depends on the type and size of the document: • GPO - Large, preprinted documents (i.e., the Federal TQM Handbook series) • NTIS - Mid-size documents • FQI - Small, 1 to 2 page documents The majority of the documents in the database can be obtained through NTIS. The Federal TQM Database will indicate the specific ordering source for all documents. There will be a fee for material procured from the first two sources; no fee will be charged for documents provided by the FQI. NTIS offers materials to its customers in both printed and microfiche format. Libraries maintaining large information collections often order the microfiche version. Documents from the TQM Database available from the GPO or FQI are in printed format only. How to Order The Federal TQM Handbook series can be ordered from GPO by: Contacting their warehouse directly at (301) 953-7974. There are several options for customers ordering documents from NTIS: a. Telephone. Call (703) 487-4650. The NTIS sales desk is available between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Eastern time. TDD for the hearing-impaired can be reached at (703) 487-4639. b. Mail. Orders should be sent to NTIS, Springfield, VA 221 61 . c. FAX or Telex. FAX — (703) 321-8547. For assistance, call (703) 487- 4679. You can get order forms to speed your order by calling (703) 487-4650 and asking for brochure PR-OFA/ 827. Telex — 89-9405 (domestic) or 6461 7 (international). d. On-line through commercial information companies. e. Direct access into the NTIS order system using a personal computer. With QuikSERVICE you may place your order directly into the NTIS order system, so you avoid the mail order delay. The $3 handling fee is waived for all orders placed with QuikSERVICE. For more information and an application, call (703) 487-4650 and ask for brochure PR-846/827. Additional information about ordering from NTIS, including rush services, price schedules and discounts, is available in Appendices B and C. Documents can be ordered from the FQI Information Center by: Calling the Center directly at (202)-376-3753 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Eastern time. How to Pay Your agency may pay for documents provided by NTIS any of the following ways: a. Credit card. American Express, VISA or MasterCard. b. Check or money order. This should be payable to NTIS in U.S. dollars. c. NTIS Deposit Account. This convenient service allows easy ordering by tele- phone, on-line or mail; an account number to simplify ordering; the ability to direct dial orders by a microcom- puter, and; special forms to speed an order through NTIS. To obtain information about the deposit account pro- gram, call (703) 487-4064 and ask for brochure PR-33/ 827. d. Purchase order. Add $7.50 to the total order (U.S., Canada and Mexico only). A $3 handling fee per order applies to orders from the U.S., Canada and Mexico. For other countries, the handling fee is $4 per order. Orders for foreign destinations are subject to foreign prices. Customers outside the U.S., Canada and Mexico may find it more convenient to order from one of NTIS' representatives listed in Appendix D. Documents provided by GPO may be paid by the same methods as NTIS offers (except the NTIS Deposit Ac- count). Material requested from the FQI Information Center is provided free of charge. Turnaround Time The following are estimated timeframes from receipt of an order to shipment: • NTIS - 3 to 10 days; faster if special rush order • GPO - 3 days, except for purchase orders, which take about 7 days • FQI - 2 to 3 days Appendix A REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No 07040 1 86 PuVk reporting burden tor this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources. father. ng and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the ..otlection of information Send comment* regarding this burden e\timate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions tor reducing thu burden to Washington Headquarters Services. Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, \2 IS Jefferson torn Mghwvy. Sunt '?04 Arlington. VA ?/?02-<30? and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0/04-0188). Washington. DC ?0S03 1 AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) PB91-15A088 2 REPORT DATE 7 Oct 87 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Total Quality Management "How To" Manual Organization, Duties, and Responsibilities Guide 6. AUTHOR(S) 5. FUNDING NUMBERS 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Naval Aviation Depot Cherry Point, North Carolina 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Department of the Navy 10. SPONSORING /MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) Total Quality Management (TQM) plan has been initiated at the Naval Aviation Depot. This manual was developed to describe the organizational structure; detail the duties and responsibilities of each functional element within the organization; and, standardize the implementation of TQM. 14 SUBJECT TERMS TQM, total quality management implementation, process action team, quality, model organization, communications flow, continuous process improvement, duties, responsibilities 15 NUMBER OF PAGES 26 16. PRICE CODE 17 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT 18 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 19 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT NSN 7540-01 280 5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39I8 ?98 to? Appendix B Rush Services and Additional Information How to Speed Your Order Rush Order Service Technical report rush orders are guaranteed to be ready for shipment just 24 hours after NTIS receives the order and sent First Class mail or equivalent service. Add $12 to the price of each title (Air Mail to Canada and Mexico is included). For customers outside the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, add $14.50 (Air Mail postage is additional, see page 39). To order, call (800) 553-6847. In Virginia or outside the U.S., call (703) 487-4650. Charge to an NTIS Deposit Account, American Express, VISA, or MasterCard. Express Order Service Technical report express orders are guaranteed to be ready for shipment just 24 hours after NTIS receives the order and delivered by overnight courier to most U.S. cities. Add $22 to the price of each title and $5 for each additional copy of the same title. This service is not available outside the United States. To order, call (800) 553-6847. In Virginia, call (703) 487- 4650. Charge to an NTIS Deposit Account, American Express, VISA, or MasterCard. Computer Product Rush Service Computer product rush orders are guaranteed to be processed by NTIS within five business days and delivered by overnight courier to most U.S. cities. Add $50 for each title ordered in magnetic tape; $25 for each title with ten or fewer diskettes; or $50 for each title with more than ten diskettes. This service is only available in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. To order, call (800) 553-6847. In Virginia, call (703) 487- 4650. Charge to an NTIS Deposit Account, American Express, VISA, or MasterCard. Local Delivery & Pickup Courier Service In the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, rush or regular service orders can be delivered. Fees start at $1 1 , depend- ing on the customer's location. For more information, call (703) 487-4650. Pickup Service Orders may be picked up at the NTIS Bookstore at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia (I-495, exit 5 west) between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The $3 handling fee is waived. Customers may also use the Bookstore to identify needed information. Additional Information Order Numbers All NTIS orders are processed using the NTIS order number. Always use this number to speed your request. It is provided in each NTIS information citation. If you do not have an order number, NTIS can provide one if you have a complete title. Write or call the NTIS Identifica- tion Department, (703) 487-4780. A limit of three titles will be identified by telephone. Help is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. Prices Prices are usually identified with a price code. To convert price codes to a dollar amount see Appendix C. To get additional price schedules, call (703) 487-4650 and ask for brochure PR-360-3/827 for U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For other countries, ask for brochure PR-360-4/827. Handling Fee A $3 handling fee per order applies to orders from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For other countries, the handling fee is $4 per order. The handling fee does NOT apply to rush, express, NTIS QuikSERVICE, or pick-up orders or to subscriptions or SRIM (Selected Research in Microfiche). Postage and Shipping Orders are sent First Class or equivalent in the U.S. Orders to other countries are shipped surface mail. Air Mail is available for $3.50 per report to Canada and Mexico and $7.50 per report to other countries. Tracing an Order If you have questions about your order, write or call NTIS Customer Services at (703) 487-4660 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Eastern time. NTIS usually processes your order within 3 to 10 days of receipt. Please allow sufficient time for mail delivery before inquiring about your order. Discounts for Technical Reports A 25 percent discount is available for most documents if 5 or more copies of a single title are ordered at the same time and shipped to the same address. Discounts are greater for more than 100 copies, call (703) 487-4650. Library Discount Academic libraries can receive a 10 percent education credit on orders. Call NTIS Customer Service at (703) 487- 4660 for information. Refund Policy NTIS does not permit return of items for credit or refund. A replacement will be provided if an error is made in filling your order, if the item was received in damaged condition, or if the item is defective. Holiday Openings The NTIS Sales Desk, Bookstore, and Customer Services are open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on four Federal holidays: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day. Charge your order! (703) 487-4650 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., ET VISA Order by phone or FAX for fastest service! 10 Appendix C NTIS Price Schedules NTIS generally uses price codes to indicate the cost of items sold. The following schedules convert these codes into actual 1991 prices. For Customers in the U.S ., Canada, and Mexico Standard Prices Except ion Prices "A" Codes "E" Codes Price Price Code Price Code Price A01 $8.00 E01 $10.00 A02 11.00 E02 12.00 A03 15.00 E03 14.00 A04 through A05 17.00 E04 16.50 A06 through A09 23.00 E05 18.50 A10th •ough A13 31.00 E06 21.50 A14 through A1 7 39.00 E07 24.00 A18 thi ough A21 45.00 E08 27.00 A22 through A25 53.00 E09 29.50 A99 Call NTIS E10 32.50 for price E11 E12 E13 E14 35.00 38.50 41.00 45.00 "N" Codes E15 48.50 Price E16 53.00 Code Price E17 57.50 N01 $60.00 E18 62.00 N02 59.00 E19 69.00 N03 20.00 E20 E99 80.00 Call NTIS for price Microcomputer Magnetic Tape Diskettes "T" Codes "D" Codes Price Price Code Price Code Price T01 $165 D01 $50 T02 220 D02 80 T03 340 D03 130 T04 450 D04 180 T05 560 D05 230 T06 670 D06 280 T07 780 D07 330 T08 890 D08 380 T09 1,000 D09 430 T10 1,110 D10 480 T11 1,220 D11 530 T12 1,330 D12 580 T13 1,440 D13 630 T14 1,550 D14 680 T15 1,660 D15 730 T16 1,770 D16 780 T17 1,880 D17 830 T18 1,990 D18 880 T19 2,100 D19 930 T99 Call NTIS D99 Call NTIS for price for price For Customers outside the U.S. , Canada, and Mexico Standard Prices Except on Prices "A" Codes "E" Codes Price Price Code Price Code Price A01 $16.00 E01 $20.00 A02 22.00 E02 24.00 A03 30.00 E03 28.00 A04 through A05 34.00 E04 33.00 A06 through A09 46.00 E05 37.00 A10 through A1 3 62.00 E06 43.00 A14 through A1 7 78.00 E07 48.00 A18 through A21 90.00 E08 54.00 A22 through A25 106.00 E09 59.00 A99 Call NTIS E10 65.00 for price E11 E12 E13 E14 70.00 77.00 82.00 90.00 "N" Codes E15 97.00 Price E16 106.00 Code Price E17 115.00 N01 $75.00 E18 124.00 N02 75.00 E19 138.00 N03 40.00 E20 E99 160.00 Call NTIS for price Microcomputer Magnetic Tape Diskettes "T" Codes "D" Codes Price Price Code Price Code Price T01 $330 D01 $100 T02 440 D02 160 T03 680 D03 260 T04 900 D04 360 T05 1,120 D05 460 T06 1.340 D06 560 T07 1.560 D07 660 T08 1.780 D08 760 T09 2.000 D09 860 T10 2.220 D10 960 T11 2,440 D11 1,060 T12 2.660 D12 1,160 T13 2.880 D13 1,260 T14 3.100 D14 1,360 T15 3.320 D15 1,460 T16 3.540 D16 1,560 T17 3.760 D17 1,660 T18 3.980 D18 1,760 T19 4.200 D19 1,860 T99 Call NTIS D99 Call NTIS for price for price 11 Appendix D International Cooperating Organizations NTIS is represented in many countries around the world by local organizations. These representatives ensure that NTIS clients in those countries receive fast and efficient service when transacting business with NTIS. They offer the convenience of accepting payment in local currencies and can resolve any order-related problem. These representatives may also serve as a channel for non-U. S. information acquisitions. ARGENTINA •os Asociados S A Mr Daniel B Koretzky Belgrano333. 1/34 1642 - San Isidro. Buenos Aires. ARGENTINA PHONE 742-1466. 747-6944 FAX 54- 1-1 1-2206 or 743-6461 AUSTRALIA INFO-LINE Overseas Document Delivery 235-243 Jones Si . Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA PHONE 282-1614 FAX 61-2-282-1640 AUSTRIA WWKGesm bh Unke W.enzeile 4/1/6 A-1060 Vienna. AUSTRIA PHONE 568-303 FAX 587-4214 BOLIVIA Direccion General de Normas y Tecnolgia Lie Consuelo Ballivian de Avila Directors. SITI Casilla Postal 4430 La Paz. BOLIVIA PHONE 37-20-47. 37-73-09 TLX 3259 Dl COMEX BU BOTSWANA The Botswana Technology Centre Private Bag 0082 Gaborone. 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