& 6. •A/c?/*/<3 ^ T0F c , j? ' &&, \ c * **r ES of r NSSL Special Report National Severe Storms Laborator PROGRAM AND HISTORY Edwin Kessler June 1977 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Research Laboratories I NSSL Special Report .dPtfMQS* National Severe Storms Laboratory PROGRAM AND HISTORY Edwin Kessler National Severe Storms Laboratory Norman, Oklahoma June 1977 > o. o c c z o < ac o a. co z i— .co z s — "°5 (9 Z z at a. UJ U > ac UJ CO co UJ _l a. a. z UJ s ^ - - - ~ - ** - - - - *^ \ ^ - - - - ■" - - / s m . ■* -~ -^ \ \ -> - - - S S* s* - s / " ^ \ \ \ - - ** * 1 I t /* t / £ - -. V / ; ->> /■ \ i \ I 1 / f 1 " -x \ » „.*. \ / * \ \ V \ 1 1 s - - - - - * K -* - * * v \ \ \ - - - ** / i ' - X * * v s \ \ a - - -r > x - - - / / \ \ - V \ . - - - - * - - X x « V, V v \ V i - - - N. - / - X - - *. \ V \ \ K -> ^ - * - - ^ / v A. >## 8 4 2 4 djfimmlimm iTiViViMf f\o — — — — F/gtre 6. 1 Radar echo contour presentation of an east-west oriented squall line. Range marks are at intervals of 40 km. The "hook echo" north of the radar comes from a tornadic storm. The scattered short arcs indicate the locations of aircraft equipped with beacons for easy detection by radar. (C) With support from the Energy Research and Development Administration and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, intensive investigations of tornado wind speeds have been undertaken. Esti- mation of wind speed involves tornado damage sur- veys by well qualified engineers supported by con- tracts and grants, photogrammetric reduction of tor- nado motion picture films collected by NSSL Storm Chase teams and the public, and analyses grounded in meteorology theory. There has been a remarkable convergence of well-based theory with observations, most estimates of maximum tornado winds now being in the neighborhood of 250-300 mph, rather than up to 500 mph earlier proposed. In this there are vast implications for industries, such as the nu- clear industry, involved with structures whose dangerous contents would spread havoc if dis- persed. A complementary public information pro- gram, largely through the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Service, promotes adoption of rational building codes and zoning ordi- nances. References Golden, J H and D Purcell. 1976 Photogrammetric Velocities for the Great Bend, Kansas Tornado Accelerations and asymmetries. Preprints. Ninth Conf on Severe Local Storms. Norman, Oklaho- ma, Oct. 21-23. 1975. Am. Meteorol. Soc . Boston, Mas- sachusetts, 336-343. Mehta. K. C , J E. Minor, J R McDonald, B R Manning, J. J Abernethy, and U. F Koehler. 1975 Engineering aspects of the tornadoes of April 3-4, 1974 Final Report National Academy of Sciences. 110 pp Policy Statement of the American Meteorological Society on Tornado Detection, Tracking, and Warning; Policy Statement of the Ameri- can Meteorological Society on Mobile Homes and Severe Windstorms, 1975 Bull. Am. Meteorol Soc , 56(4), 464-467 (D) NSSL's Doppler radars have shown that tornado indicators may appear without the hook echo so often associated with tornadoes. The mesocyclone velocity signature, 5 to 10 km in diame- ter, not only persists during storm evolution, but also holds promise as a tornado warning tool. Five years of NSSL data reveals 40 mesocyclone signatures within 1 15 km of NSSL — at least 24 associated with tornadoes. At no time has the data shown a tornado not preceded by a mesocyclone signature. The av- erage lead time of 36 min in the NSSL data has important implication for more timely tornado warnings. References Brown, R. A. and L. R. Lemon, 1976 Single Doppler radar vortex recognition Part II — Tornadic vortex signatures Preprint, Pro- ceedings of the 17th Radar Meteorol. Conf.. Seattle, Washington. Oct. 26-29, 1976 Am Meteorol Soc , Boston, Massachusetts, 104-109. Burgess, D W . L R Lemon, and R. A. Brown, 1975: Tornado characteristics revealed by Doppler radar Geophys Res. Letters, 2(5). 183-184. 17 Burgess, D. W., 1976: Single Doppler radar vortex recognition: Part I— Mesocyclone signatures. Proceedings of the 17th Radar Meteorol. Conf., Seattle, Washington, Oct. 26-29, 1976 Am. Meteorol. Soc, Boston, Massachusetts, 97-103. Sirmans, D., R. J. Doviak. D. W. Burgess, and L. R. Lemon, 1974: Real time Doppler isotach and reflectivity signatures of a tornadic cyclone. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc, 55(9), 1126-1127. columns. Methods used in this work for simple rep- resentation of microphysical processes associated with precipitation formation, have been adapted widely for use in numerical simulations of convec- tion. 18 Among NSSL's contributions toward better un- derstanding of weather phenomena, we cite the fol- lowing areas: (A) Tornado vortices: Laboratory experiments at NSSL have illuminated contrasting conditions favoring formation of single and multiple vortices within a single main updraft (Fig. 6.2). Other fea- tures of tornadoes reproduced are a bulging defor- mation on the vortex core and a characteristic sur- face pressure profile. The radius of the turbulent vortex core is shown to be a function primarily of swirl ratio (ratio of tangential to vertical air velocities). References Davies-Jones, R. P., 1973: Dependence of core radius on swirl ratio in a tornado simulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1427-1430. Ward, N. B., 1972: The exploration of certain features of tornado dynamics using a laboratory model. J. Atmos. Sci., 29(6). 1194- 1204. (B) Dryline mechanics: The dryline of the U. S. West Central Plains has long been known as a favor- able place for severe convective development. A descriptive model of dryline formation and move- ment postulates that dryline motion represents eastward propagation of the mixing zone between moist and dry air. The postulate is supported by a numerical model whose behavior closely fits obser- vations. Other dryline manifestations indicate a storm trigger mechanism explained by mutual diffu- sion of heat and moisture across the dryline. This storm triggering effect compares with vertical cur- rents that arise in the ocean where relatively cold fresh water lies next to warm saline water. References Schaefer, J, T.. 1974: A simulative model of dryline motion. J. Atmos. Sci.. 31(4), 956-964. Schaefer, J T., 1974 The life-cycle of the dryline. J Appl Meteorol.. 13(4), 444-449. (C) Evolution of atmospheric water distribu- tions: A comprehensive theory treats connections between distributions of atmospheric wind and wa- ter, interprets many observations on precipitation, and provides inderstanding of interactive functions of thermal buoyancy and condensate loading of air References Kessler, E., 1969: on the continuity of water substance in atmospheric circulations. Meteorological Monographs. 10(32), 84 pp. Kessler, E , 1975: Model of precipitation and vertical air currents. Tellus. 26(5), 519-542. (D) Thunderstorm morphology: Extensive an- alysis of thunderstorm data define storm airflows, thermal structure, and precipitation distribution of large storms typically 20^0 km across. Doppler radar is now revealing details of air flow and as- sociated precipitation in storm interiors, and includ- ing the three-dimensional configuration and evolu- tion of the tornado vortex itself (Fig. 6.3). References Brandes, E. A., 1975: Severe thunderstorm flow characteristics re- vealed by dual-Doppler observations: 6 June 1 974 , Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, American Meteorological Society, 85-90. Barnes, S. L., Editor, 1974: Papers on Oklahoma thunderstorms, April 29-30, 1970. N0AA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-69, 233 pp. Davies-Jones, R. P., D. W. Burgess, and L. R. Lemon, 1975: Analysis of the 4 June 1973 Norman tornadic storm. Preprints. Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, American Meteorological Society, 384-388. Fankhauser. J. C, 1971: Thunderstorm-environment interactions determined from aircraft and radar observations. Mon. Weather Rev., 99(3), 171-192. Hammond, G. R., 1967: Study of a left moving thunderstorm of 23 April 1964, Institutes for Environmental Research Tech. Memo. NSSL-31, 75 pp. Ray. P. S . , 1 976: Vorticity and divergence field within tornadic storms from dual-Doppler observations. J. Appl. Meteor.. 15(8), 879- 890. Ray, P. S.. R. J. Doviak, G. B. Walker. D. Sirmans, J. Carter, and W. Bumgarner, 1975: Dual-Doppler observations of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteorol.. 14(8), 1521-1530. Another kind of contribution of no less impor- tance is NSSL's provision to the meteorological community of a versatile facility for comprehensive observations on severe storms. The NSSL facility has been used on a cooperative basis by scientists and students from all over our nation and from several other countries who would otherwise have poor prospects for nourishing their germinal ideas on se- vere storms with relevant data. During the 15 months of FY-76 and the transition quarter, NSSL staff responded to 64 requests for data or systems support software from investigators outside the Laboratory, and was host to 35 scholars who visited NSSL from one to several days or months. The Ninth Figure 6.2 Single and double vortices and other vortex combinations can be produced under controlled laboratory conditions in an apparatus developed by the late Neil Ward. 19 AMS Conference on Severe Local Storms, with nearly 200 participants, was held in Norman during October 1975. During the approximately 60-day spring period traditionally set aside for intensive ob- servations on storms, participation by many federal agencies and university groups is represented by staff of those organizations and by special equip- ment. All the contributions to the literature during FY-76 by NSSL staff are listed in Appendix C. 20 7. Current Program There have always been two very closely related foci of emphasis at NSSL basic research, a search for better understanding of fundamentals; and ap- plications, the use of what we know to improve storm forecasting and warning operations in the National Weather Service. Both share a common wellspring in recent electronic technology which carries vast capabilities in rates of data acquisition, processing, analysis, and communication. Both share today a strong involvement with Doppler radar. The distinc- tion between the two is often quite properly blurred. The pages immediately following describe some of the important problems that have recently engaged us. 7.1 Multiple Doppler Observations of Wind Fields NSSL's own Doppler radar systems are positioned on a 42 km NW-SE baseline, to allow construction of a three-dimensional field of wind. The NSSL Doppler radars measure velocity alongthe line of sight at 762 locations in range, and (typically) one degree intervals of azimuth. In approximately 1 minute, target velocities at nearly 300,000 loca- tions within 115 km of the radar, can be recorded on magnetic tape at each radar. During the spring season 1976, a contract provided for a third Doppler radar to be brought to Anadarko, Oklahoma, from the Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, Illinois. Since each radar measures the target velocity along the line of sight only, rather complex mathematical analysis is necessary to combine the data and pro- vide estimates of eastward, northward, and upward air currents everywhere in a large space. And, of course, it is of great importance to know the accu- racy of the wind data so derived. Peter Ray of NSSL treated cases of both two and three radars, each providing estimates of the wind component along radials from the radar sites. The estimated fall speed of precipitation, which when present contributes with the wind itself to the perceived radial winds, also enters the analysis. Distribution of estimated errors in the wind field near the Earth's surface are illustrated in Fig. 7.1. Note that the errors over most of the area associated with three Doppler radars are less than half the errors associated with two Doppler radars. In addition, use of three Doppler radars provides a much larger area of coverage in which the errors are small and more assurance that usable data will be collected even in case one radar malfunctions. Height = 10 km au ® \ \ 3 60 2 / ' 1 \ 2 \" 1 \ 40 -/ \\ 20 - / - © ® 20 — — -40 -20 Kilometers 20 40 Figure 7.1 Comparison of two- and three-Doppler error analysis. The standard deviation in meters /second of windspeed estimates is shown at 10-km height for radar locations indicated by a circled "X". Interpolated radial velocity and terminal velocity error variance were as- sumed to be 0.1 and 1.0 (mis) 2 , respectively. 7.2 Pre-Cloud and Cloud Research at NSSL Systematic measurement with NSSL's Doppler radars shows that accurate (1-2 m s _1 rms error) velocities within the lowest kilometer in clear air can be obtained typically to ranges of 60 km. It seems that densely spaced two-Doppler data can provide horizontal wind over large areas prior to precipitation HEIGHT 1.1 KM lorrs OUflL DOPPLER WINDS 12S500- 125300 CST .» M \ 1 t H f ( • » \\\ \ f t M » X-OISTANCE Figure 7.2 Airflow on a clear day relative to the area average flow. This is based on synthesis of radial velocity data from Doppler radars at Norman and Cimarron Field, Oklahoma. Half the average flow is indicated by the vector in the upper right hand corner. development (Fig. 7.2). Specifically, it should be possible to analyze gust fronts and turbulent regions, but the most important application of clear-air mea- surements will probably be to the initial stage of cumulus development in severe local storms. Experiments conducted during 1976 by R. J. Doviak and Dusan Zrnic indicate that NSSL's Dop- pler radars have capability to map, without chaff*, the development of severe storms prior to and during the small cumulus stage. Because reflective chaff is not required, we can track the growth of natural reflectivity and relate the reflectivity distribution to updrafts. A feature that distinguishes a monster storm from an ordinary thunderstorm is that updraft becomes persistent and jet-like instead of posses- sing several seemingly unorganized thermals. Some outstanding questions are the following: When are updrafts invigorated, and what relation- ships exist among updrafts, precipitation, and *Also called window, chaff is a vast number of fine metallized needles, which by diffusion fill a substantial airspace and provide a continuous radar target. downdrafts in the various stages of a thun- derstorm? Can we identify a transition from turbulent thermals to the organized plume of an incipient storm? Will Doppler data (spectrum width) define a sheath of mixed upper level air that bounds the updraft column and inhibits its growth? Can we charac- terize this sheath (i.e., diffusion length, thickness, etc,)? Are persistent plume-like updrafts associated with the arrival of precipitation at the ground? There should be two stages of measurement: clear air and weak echoes, and strong echoes. Returns from the clear and cloudy (but possibly nonprecipitating) environment produce signals that are near and below receiver noise level. Strong echoes produce signals that may be a hundred or more times stronger than receiver noise. Thus, we require two modes of data collection and special precaution to avoid contamination of data by spuri- ous signals. High resolution photographs from satel- lites should provide a major contribution to analysis. 21 22 7.3 Studies of the Moist Boundary Layer With a Turbulence Closure Model The structure and development of the layer near the Earth's surface (planetary boundary layer, PBL) has been the subject of extensive analytical and numerical study because this is where we live, and it is the place where the atmosphere's principal energy is first received as heat and then distributed. There has already been extensive study of dry boundary-layer processes such as mixing through the stable layer that ordinarily caps the first kilome- ter. However, Steve Burk, National Research Coun- cil Postdoctoral Associate at NSSL, has included moisture in his study of boundary-layer structure and development. An appropriate model including both temperature and moisture would provide accu- rate predictions of the radar reflectivity of clear air, and hence of our ability to examine wind distribu- tions in clear air with Doppler radar, as shown in Fig. 7.2. Dr. Burk's work employs an advanced technique known as second order turbulence clo- sure to provide a more accurate description of the turbulent processes which produce transport and mixing of heat and moisture in the PBL. He first examined a case in which the lower boundary condi- tion requires surface moisture to vary with surface temperature. Evolution of the moisture distribution during calculations representing the first 24 h of model time is displayed in Fig. 7.3. The initial mois- ture distribution is shown in detail by the curve at the right in the figure. A considerable initial moisture lapse above 0.5 km is assumed, consistent with early morning observations. Above the surface boundary layer, the model describes convective development of a well mixed moist layer which reaches a height of approximately 1500 m by late afternoon. Thus, moisture is well mixed and almost evenly distributed during the afternoon despite dry air entrainment at the top and surface moisture influx from below. Figure 7.3 also contains other significant infor- mation. For example, the daily variation in humidity at low levels shows a double wave structure (having minima in the early morningand midafternoon). The early morning minimum is associated with the sur- face temperature minimum, whereas the midafter- noon minimum results from mixing of the moist lower layer with the dry layer above. This vertical redistribution of the water vapor content can in- crease the atmosphere's stability (resistance to over- turning) and thereby reduce the likelihood of midaf- ternoon showers. 6 12 Time (h) 2 4 6 R(gm kg" Figure 7.3 Evolution of the specific humidity field (gram /kg) during the first 24hrofa numerical experiment designed by Stephen Burk. The initial specific humidity distribu- tion is shown at the right. In other experiments, realistic development of a single midafternoon minimum in low Iture content is found for a dry, desert-like climate; while an increase of moisture with height associates with dew forma- tion. Thus, it appears that this turbulence closure model is capable of providing considerable insight into processes that determine distributions of mois- ture and temperature in the planetary boundary layer, as well as providing a support to use of Doppler radar for acquiring direct observations of wind dis- tribution in that layer. 7.4 Precursor Conditions for Storm Development Textbooks commonly relate severe thun- derstorms to large-scale upward vertical air motion imposed over a region of strong temperature con- trast. We know now that this description is in- adequate, for statistical analysis work of the Techniques Development Unit, National Weather Service has shown almost no correlation between large-scale positive vorticity advection (PVA, as- sociated with vertical air motion) at 500 mbar and severe thunderstorm occurrences. We now believe that thunderstorm forcing responds to smaller scale flows which are difficult to detect with the present observation system. Clues to the structu re of the vertical velocity field preceding tornadic development have been found. One ongoing project at NSSL by Dr. Davies-Jones and Dr. Schaefer continues studies of atmospheric soundings taken within about 60 nmi and 90 min of M 211- ^-'[119 7 I 206 •mi 67 I 206 so •ms 65 215^^5 Surface Map Time: 1200 CST Date: 05 26 75 1QC6 — «[ 5 °OIS 1S0B ut r p- E1SB ?fc? — / — i — n^f 1 ^ 35 ^022 f/'gwe 7.4 Weather map for area centered on Oklahoma, plotted and analyzed by computer, three hours before severe thunderstorm development. The line of convergence extending northeast marks a southward moving cold front. Additional computer analysis reveals a center of moisture convergence nearly coincident with the center of rotation and the locus of storm formation. tornadoes. First indications confirm a previous find- ing that the low-level inversion lifts only in a very localized region near the storm. A further and somewhat surprising result is the consistent pre- sence of mid- and upper-tropospheric warming sev- eral hours before radar echoes appear. While these findings are tentative, we have quite a lot of confi- dence in them. The above facts are consistent only if larger scale vertical motion is downward before severe storm development. To verify this theory, a technique to compute the vertical velocity on scales compatible with the Weather Service rawinsonde network is being developed. Observations are con- sistent with small perturbations with accompanying localized regions of positive vertical velocity in a gen- erally sinking upper-level flow. Localized regions of surface moisture convergence (Fig. 7.4) that slowly progress eastward (less than 30 km/h) and finally produce severe weather are consistent surface re- flections of a wave in mid-troposphere with a 500-km wavelength. Such features obviously cannot be de- tected with the 400-km grid spacing now used in the upper air sounding network, but inferences towards the necessary conditions for severe storm develop- ment can be drawn from this research. 23 1421 CST 8 JUNE 1974 NERN FLDW HEIGHT .3 KM 20MPS 24 7.5 Thunderstorm Structure, Evolution, and Environment Interaction The air in strong thunderstorm updrafts tends to maintain the small horizontal speed of low altitudes, and hence acts as an obstacle to the fast environ- ment flow in mid levels (4-8 km). The more intense the updraft, the stronger its function as a block on the environmental flow. When mid-level winds are as strong as 65 kn, anticyclonic (clockwise) vortices have been observed to form within storm radar echoes and move downstream from the storm. What is the significance of these anticyclonic wake vor- tices? The anticyclonic vortex seems to form when a thunderstorm updraft begins to rotate cyclonically and severe weather starts. Leslie Lemon found such an association in six severe storms and noted an analogy to the "starting vortex" investigated in the theory of airfoils. In a study completed by Rodger Brown, Don Burgess, and Leslie Lemon, Doppler radar data have indicated an unanticipated result. As rotation in the mesocyclone, parent to the tornado, increases beyond a certain point and tornado production is favored or occurs, the updraft is disrupted. We speculate that the increased energy required to drive the spinning flow, leaves less energy available to drive the vertical updraft flow, and the storm top therefore begins to collapse.* This can ultimately lead to cessation of the updraft and of the tornado itself. This hypothesis requires formulation as a mathematical model which may help us discover different conditions that tend to favor transient and enduring classes of tornadoes. 7.6 Investigation of Tornadic Storms With Doppler Radar The continuum of observations provided by Doppler radar yields information on temporal and spatial scales previously unavailable. Studies on tor- nadic storms show that rotation in the main intense updraft, the updraft mesocyclone, is characteristic of their early development. Damaging surface winds and tornadoes are closely related to th existence of these circulations at ground levels. *Such a theory has found a highly practical application in fire- hoses which use a spin-creating nozzle as a valve. 14 16 18 20 X-DISTHNCE (KM) 22 24 26 28 Figure 7. 5 Horizontal airflow relative to the area average flow in a tornadic thunderstorm. Labeled contours represent the radar reflectivity, the shaded swath represents tor- nado damage, and the heavy solid and dotted lines repre- sent gust fronts. Centers of vorticity and convergence are represented by V and C's. A few dashed lines show vertical air velocities in meters /sec. Rotation first appears aloft (2- to 5-km eleva- tion) along a strongly sheared and convergent zone between air entering both forward and rear storm sectors. Such shear zones have been observed to extend lengthwise along squall lines and to exhibit mesocyclones at intervals. It is believed that convec- tive processes (e.g., updraft-downdraft interaction, angular momentum transport, and vertical stretch- ing) dominate both mesocyclone and tornado de- velopment but that shearing instability may be im- portant in the formative stage. With time the mesocyclone lowers and a pro- nounced gust front, reminiscent of synoptic-scale wave cyclone development, evolves at the surface. Note the psuedo cold front extending southward and diffuse warm front extending northward in Fig. 7.5, prepared by Edward Brandes in connection with his study of the storm of June8, 1974, in Oklahoma City. Tornado genesis (location indicated with ®) is along the major horizontal axis of the mesocyclone. Dis- solution occurs when the tornado becomes de- tached from the principal updraft. Although the Doppler radar data provide a de- scription of tornado evolution, actual physical bases for tornado development are still rather mysterious today. Effective analysis of the forces involved will include consideration of thermodynamic data, i.e., temperature, pressure, and moisture content at closely spaced intervals. Another approach will in- volve simultaneous consideration of winds and target radar echo intensity — the latter indicates the density of precipitation and hence estimates a com- ponent of the buoyancy force which influences air motion. 7.7 Tornado Dynamics Research at NSSL Field observations, photogrammetric analyses, and models (both theoretical and experimental) are being used by Robert Davies-Jones to elucidate the dynamics of tornadoes and their parent thun- derstorms (Fig. 7.5). Results to date indicate that intense tornadoes have maximum velocities in the neighborhood of 100 m s _1 . Extreme vertical velocities of 60 m s _1 have been observed in the lowest 100 m above the ground. Anti-cyclonic tornadoes do occur. Tor- nadoes generally form in precipitation-free, lightning-free regions of the storm. Strong tornadoes form beneath wall clouds (i.e., discrete lowerings of cloud base) and undergo morphological changes in accordance with a well-defined life cycle. Coinciden- tal with the morphological changes are correspond- ing changes in surface debris configurations, path width, and damage severity. Circulation isnotalways evident in surface debris and damage during the shrinking and decay stages of the tornadoes' life (in some cases during the entire lifetime). Strong radial inflow next to the ground during the shrinking and decay stages have also been inferred from damage surveys (Fig. 7.6). The significance of Doppler radar mesocyclone and tornado signatures have been ver- ified by visual field observations. Tornadoes often form in favored local regions which can be identified Figure 7.6 Analysis of the pattern of damage produced by tornadoes in grass, trees, and structures enables impor- tant conclusions to be derived about the wind that pro- duced the damage and about construction practices. a few hours in advance. The tornado is usually lo- cated on the right rear flank of the storm close to the location where actively growing storm towers merge with the parent cumulonimbus cloud. Large hail often falls a few kilometers ahead of and to the left of the tornado and a thin curtain of precipation often wraps cyclonically around the tornado, probably accounting for hook echo radar signatures (Fig. 6. 1). This phenomenological distribution helps guide us toward improved description and understanding of the air flow and associated processes in tornadic storms. 7.8 Storm Hazards to Aviation Thunderstorms are the principal meteorological hazard to aviation today, and NSSL continues to develop improved descriptions of the thunderstorm aviation hazard and improved techniques for forecasting and depicting storms. This project has been managed by J. T. Lee since its inception. During the mid-1960's, nearly 1000 controlled instrumented flights into thunderstorms, mostly in the 20,000^0,000 ft altitude range, were made by U. S. Air Force, U. S. Navy, and British Royal Aircraft Established aircraft (Fig. 4.7). The cooperative prog- ram, substantially supported by NASA and FAA, determined the probabilities of turbulence encoun- ters in relation to the characteristics of thunderstorm radar echoes. These data are a basis for FAA Advisory Circular 00-24, "Thunderstorms." In 1973, Doppler radar offered a serious pros- pect for improved turbulence detection, and a sec- ond series of thunderstorm investigations was begun with concentration at lower altitudes. With support of the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Defense participation, synchronous observations were obtained by aircraft, standard weather radar and Doppler radar, and real-time displays, such as the Plan Shear Indicator, were utilized. A graphic display programmed by NSSL to display fields of radial velocity variability and radar reflectivities simultaneously in real time indicates that turbulence will be better indicated by the combination of reflec- tivity with velocity. In 1976 we began an investigation of tur- bulence and wind shear associated with thunder- storm gust fronts, the cold-air outflow from convective storms (Fig. 7.7). This project with substantial FAA support uses an instrumented F4C aircraft and the tall tower of KTVY, instrumented at six levels for measurements of wind, temperature, and relative humidity. Storm gust fronts have been implicated in several recent tragic crashes of 25 31 May, 1971 1924 CDT Streamline Analysis Vertical Velocity Potential Temperature Wind Speed Parallel to Front Relative Wind Speed, Component Normal to Front Figure 7. 7 Streamline analysis and time-height sections of vertical velocity (m /s) ; potential tempera- C ture (°K); and wind speed components parallel and perpendicular to a gust front recorded by radar u and by instruments on the tower of KTVY Television, Oklahoma City. commerical aircraft. Aims of this project, managed during 1976 by R. Craig Goff, are to help optimize flight near aircraft terminals during gust-front conditions, and to determine how instruments should be deployed to provide cost effective criteria for runway selection, airport closing, and guidance to pilots by flight service station personnel and aircraft controllers. In a related study of aviation hazards an RB-57F reconnaissance aircraft has overflown 29 tornadoes or tornado-producing thunderstorms. But comparison of photographs thus obtained with photographs of nonsevere thunderstorms has yielded no visual clue to differentiate severe and nonsevere storms. Radar is still the most valuable tool for determining thunderstorm characteristics. Figure 7.8 a) Echo contours derived from NSSL 's WSR-57 radar and shown on a remote display, 2045 CST, 6 June 1975. Maximum range is 200 km. 7.9 Display of Radar Data at Sites Remote from the Console Effective, inexpensive display of weather radar data at all the sites where the data is required has been an elusive goal of meteorologists and radar engineers. The alternative to remote display is more radars, an expensive and thoroughly impractical solution because of mutual radio interference. But NSSL chief engineer Dale Sirmans has mated a graphic display terminal to the NWS WSR-57 radar and to other radars, and David Zittel has prepared computer programs to display calculated properties of the radar data, such as echo positions extrapo- lated 30 minutes hence, and to display the zones where there is a near-term danger to aircraft. The graphics terminal is a continuously refreshed remote display of radar echo intensity contours. Storm motion is determined mathematically from the position of echo centers at different times. New positions are predicted along with prediction error estimates based on analysis of recent echo behavior. Storm area and shape characteristics are derived by outlining predetermined intensity thresholds and matching the contours with a Fourier analysis. It has been shown that the first nine har- monics represent storm shapes with sufficient accu- racy. Mr. Zittel has determined that storms of moder- ate or greater intensity over areas of 100 to 1000 km 2 are well treated with this system. Figure 7.8 shows photographs of the remote display with (a) storm echo contours, and (b) contours of the intense cen- ters with expected storm movement for a 1 h period starting 15 min later than (a). FAA is considering the results of tests conducted at several Flight Service Stations with a view toward procuring several dozen of these programmable bright displays for use throughout the country. b) Contours of the intense echoing centers and extrapo- lated storm motion for one hour beginning at 2100 CST. 6 June 1975. Figure 7.9 Single-Doppler radar signature of a horizontal stationary idealized vortex (upper) and velocity profile along the axis XY (lower). 7.10 Severe Storm and Tornado Identification with Doppler Radar Medium-scale rotating wind systems (mesocy- clones) associated with severe thunderstorms and tornadoes can be identified from single Doppler radar data by applying objective criteria to cyclonic vortex signatures (Fig. 7.9). The signatures are eas- ily recognized from quasi-horizontal velocity fields (Fig. 4.6) and maintain good time and height con- tinuity. Furthermore, Doppler radar measurements 27 290° 295° 54 - 51 — 48km — 1545 CST 0.0° ELEVATION 0.2km HEIGHT Figure 7. 10 Union City tornado vortex signature near ground within a field of radar mean velocities (mis) detected with NSSL's Doppler radar at Norman. Velocities away from radar are positive, toward radar are negative. The dark dot indicates the tornado position at the ground. Dark rectangles indicate the relative size of the sampled vol- ume. related to damaging wind or hail. At no time during data collection has a verified tornado occurred un- less preceded by a mesocyclone signature. The NSSL data show an average lead time of 36 min before tornado occurrence. Doppler data has provided much new informa- tion about mesocyclone and tornado evolution. Both mesocyclones and tornadoes form at storm mid- levels and develop upward and downward with time until they extend through the storm's lower 10 km. The tornado signature appears to dissipate from storm top downward, so that by the time the tornado decays the signature has disappeared. Then the dying mesocyclone is also noted as a large-diameter, weak, low-level circulation embedded in the storm's precipitation core. The findings summarized above provide essen- tial background to a project begun in 1976 and jointly staffed from NSSL and the NWS. This aims to develop specifications for a Doppler radar system that will bring to the NWS a marked improvement in the precision and timeliness of their forecasts and warnings. In this project, during first seasonal tests, the Doppler radar at NSSL Headquarters will be jointly staffed by NSSL and NWS forecasters and its indications evaluated for use in actual forecast operations in the Oklahoma City area. Kenneth Wilk is Manager of this project for NSSL. 28 in the Union City, Oklahoma, tornadic storm of May 24, 1973, led to the discovery of a unique tornado signature. The tornado signature appears in the mean Doppler velocity field as a pair of anomalously high velocity values of opposite sign just one beam- width apart (Fig. 7. 10). Observations of the tornado signature by Rodger Brown, Don Burgess, and Leslie Lemon are supported by a theoretical model formu- lated by Dusan Zrnic. As the tornado becomes small relative to the beamwidth (e.g., with increasing range), the signature's amplitude decreases until it is no longer distinguishable from wind variations in the parent wind system. Single-Doppler data collected at NSSL since 1971 reveal 37 mesocyclone signatures within 160 km of NSSL for which sizes and relationships to severe weather have been tabulated. The average mesocyclone has a peak rotational velocity of 22 ms H ,a horizontal diameter of 5.7 km, and a vertical extent greater for those mesocyclones which pro- duce severe or "maxi" tornadoes. At least 23 of the 37 single-Doppler mesocyc- lone signatures are associated with reported tor- nadoes. Of the remaining 14 signatures, 12 are 8. The Future The view we have of ongoing work in NSSL provides a basis for projection of an appropriate future program. Needs press now in three areas of study and observation: (1) research including storm modeling into the dynamical processes of storms; (2) observation of relationships among the fields of wind, precipation, and electricity; and (3) a sus- tained commitment of resources for operational support of research with three Doppler radars. Regarding meteorology research, our full time staff in this area number only 11 at the end of the 1976 transition quarter. It should be recognized that the unique facilities which underlie many of NSSL's discoveries require a disproportionate share of pres- ent staff for their support. NSSL should be au- thorized to engage additional meteorologists, includ- ing several at the Ph.D. level, and be provided funds to pay their salaries and supporting staffs. The technology now available provides unpre- cedented capability for precision and detail in obser- vations of wind and water distributions and electric charge centers, as they develop together. Such ob- servations are crucial to knowledge of the associated interacting processes. Many important basic and applied problems, including questions critical to res- olution of precipitation modification controversies, await solution with the aid of such observations. Indeed, we now stand at the very portal of the thun- derstorm's main machinery room, so to speak. In Edward T. Pierce, a 1976 arrival at NSSL, we have the expertise required todirectdeploymentand use of electrical sensor. William Taylor, expert at use of directional sensors for locating centers of electrical activity, will be participating in NSSL's 1977 spring program, and is expected to join the staff permanently early in 1978. David Rust, expert at field investigation of electrical discharge charac- teristics, is expected to join the staff permanently in mid-1977. The Laboratory requires funds and per- sonnel to support observations on storm electricity complementary to other observations, while main- taining other priority work and developing meteorol- ogy research staff. Use of the Doppler radar of the Illinois State Water Survey at NSSL implies a substantial and well justified burden for support. We provide for transpor- tation and operation of their 10-cm Doppler radar and we should support ISWS participation with the Atmospheric Dynamics groups at the University of Illinois and University of Chicago in analysis and interpretation of the data. Furthermore, there must be additional strength in NSSL's computing facility for the great scope and complexity of 3-Doppler data analysis. In order to accommodate this expansion of the program and to provide space not available even now for guest workers, it is proposed that 300 square meters of office space be constructed as a perma- nentaddition to our building, with amortization costs incorporated into our present lease with the Univer- sity of Oklahoma. The increased staff and funds contemplated above amount to approximately one-third of the present program and should bring us to a size near the optimum, given the present organization and administrative arrangements in the meteorological community. Since search for new resources entails consid- erable unproductive administrative effort, we em- phasize wise use of the existing recurrent funding base and maintenance and development of quality, rather than quantity. Research progress seems realizable also by more effective coordination of talents in the meteorology community which are al- ready supported within the federal budget. 29 9. Acknowledgments Most of NSSL staff listed in Table 3.1 were active participants in preparation of this report. The NSSL has been fortunate in having persons so com- petent and dedicated on its staff since its founding, and the author is fortunate to have been their com- panion in zealous search. Appendix A 30 Biographies of NSSL Professional Staff — 1976 As in other organizations of its size, there is a large variety of tasks in the national Severe Storms Laboratory. This variety extends among the profes- sional staff whose relevant experience is presented as a documentary example of the special kinds of expertise required in research activities. In an organization devoted primarily to re- search, achievement tends often to be measured by quantity of publications. The reader is cautioned that often this is an incomplete and sometimes inac- curate measure. Indeed, those at NSSL whose work finds most expression through publications are necessarily most supported by many others — computer specialists, engineers, and managers, whose competence is equally essential to effective- ness of the organization, and to the printed materials which communicate our findings. In addition to those with professional backgrounds, NSSL's productivity rests essentially on the enthusiastic good work of technicians, ad- ministrators, and clerical personnel. And without NSSL's several well-qualified secretaries, devoted as they are to good work in the public interest, our whole organization would tumble down. Ronnie L. Alberty Head of Meteorology Research Group Dr. Alberty joined the National Severe Storms Laboratory as leader of its Modeling Project in 1972. In 1974, he was selected to head the Meteorological Research Group, which includes more than one third of NSSL's scientists. From 1967 through 1972, Dr. Alberty was a professor in the Department of Meteorology, U. S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. There he taught graduate courses in meteorological thermodynamics, dynamics, upper atmospheric physics, and heat-transfer processes, and super- vised thesis projects involving mesoscale analysis, severe storm morphology, and numerical modeling. His teaching effectiveness was recognized by the Excellence in Teaching Award for 1972, awarded for high esteem of both colleagues and students. Dr. Alberty attended Sarcoxie Public Schools, Sarcoxie, Missouri, where he received the Mathema- tics Award, American Legion Award, various athletic awards, and a University of Missouri Curator's Award. He was a radar technician during four years active duty in the U. S. Air Force, before entering college and graduate level education. At the Univer- sity of Missouri he worked in such varied areas as solar radiometry and severe storm dynamics. 31 32 Educational Background Graduated, Joplin Junior College, Joplin, Missouri, 1961 Physics, B.S. (1963): Meteorology, M.S. (1965); Ph.D. (1967): University of Missouri Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Phi Theta Kappa Sigma Xi Adjunct Associate Prof., Meteorology Dept., Univer- sity of Oklahoma Publications and Reports An economical solar radiometer. Master's Thesis, University of Mis- souri, Columbia, 50 pp., 1965. Dynamic pressure effects in organized convection. Ph.D. Disserta- tion, University of Missouri, Columbia, 76 pp., 1967. An analysis of a severe local storm using isentropic trajectories. Naval Postgraduate School, Tech. Report NPS-51 A19081A, 135 pp., 1969 (with K. L. Van Sickle). A proposed mechanism for cumulonimbus persistence in the pres- ence of strong vertical shear. Monthly Weather Review, 97(8), 590-596, 1969. An economical net solar flux radiometer. Conf. on Atmospheric Radiation of the Amer. Meteor. Soc, Ft. Collins, Colo., August, 1972 (with G. L. Darkow). Tornado-parent storm relationship deduced from a dual-Doppler radar analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 3, 721-723, 1976 (with P. S. Ray, C. E. Hane, R. P. Davies-Jones). Jack T. Andrews Administrative Officer Mr. Andrews joined the NSSL staff in January 1973. His major responsibilities are for administra- tion of budget and personnel, and he also oversees important aspects of contracts, grants, and pro- curement of equipment, supplies and services. Though born and raised around Washington, D.C., Mr. Andrews first entered civilian government service in 1943 at McClellan Army Depot (now McClellan Air Force Base), Sacramento, California. In September 1944 he joined the Navy and spent his military career as a ground school flight instructor. After his discharge at Corpus Christi, Texas, he re- mained awhile in similar Navy employment as a civilian. He later held increasingly responsible jobs in both Federal and private sectors, working in Washington, D. C, New York City, Florida, and California. In Santa Barbara, California, he and his wife established and managed a retail business (cof- fee, teas, spices, and gourmet cook items). When business success was established, he returned to Federal Service at Port Hueneme, California. He transferred to the Personnel Office of Department of Commerce, ESSA (now NOAA, ERL) at Boulder, Col- orado in 1968, and remained there until reassign- ment to NSSL. Educational Background Mr. Andrews's primary education was com- pleted in the Washington, D. C, school system through the GED examination with scores compara- ble to university sophomore level. He completed requirements for Commercial Pilot License in 1950 at Pensacola, Florida. He has also completed a host of technical and business courses and is currently enrolled in night classes on business management at a local college. Edward A. Brandes Meteorologist Mr. Brandes has been employed atthe National Severe Storms Laboratory since August 1971. His efforts have been primarily directed towards estima- tion of precipitation by radar and investigation of severe storm kinematic properties with Doppler radar. Rainfall studies have led to development of techniques to optimize radar estimates by incor- porating rain gage observations. The technique is currently being tested by the Tulsa River Forecast Center and the Office of Hydrology, National Weather Service. Prior to joining NOAA, Mr. Brandes attended New York University and worked as a research assis- tant on the "East Coast Snow Prediction Project." Accomplishments included the development of re- gression equations utilizing both observed and fore- cast meteorological variables to predict precipitation depth. Other studies determined the climatology of east coast heavy snows and a search was conducted for necessary synoptic conditions. From 1964 to 1968 Mr. Brandes served as weather forecaster and chief weather forecaster in the U.S. Air Force. Duty stations included Shaw AFB, South Carolina; Thule AB, Greenland; and Eng- land AFB, Louisiana. While at NSSL, Mr. Brandes has (a) developed techniques for improving processing of weather radar data; (b) developed techniques to optimize radar rainfall estimates; and (c) conducted studies utilizing dual-Doppler radar measurements to de- scribe severe thunderstorm life cycle and severe weather production. Educational Background Mechanical Engineering, B.S. (1964), Newark Col- lege of Engineering Meteorology, M.S. (1970), New York University. Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Publications and Reports A search for necessary conditions tor heavy snow on the east coast. J. Appl. Meteor., 10, 397-409, 1971 (with J. Spar). The use ot digital radar data in severe storm detection and prediction. Preprints, 15th Radar Conf., Champaign-Urbana, III., Amer. Meteor. Soc, October 11-12, 45-48, 1972. The variation of Oklahoma spring rains as revealed by radar. Pre- prints, Eighth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, Colo., Amer. Meteor. Soc, October 15-17, 146-148, 1973. Radar rainfall pattern optimizing technique. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-67, Norman, Okla., 16 pp., 1974. Severe thunderstorm flow characteristics revealed by dual-Doppler observations: 6 June 1974. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Okla., Amer. Meteor. Soc, October 21-23, 85-90, 1975. Optimizing rainfall estimates with the aid of radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(7), 1339-1345, 1975. Convective rainfall estimation by radar: experimental results and proposed operational analysis technique. Preprints, Conf. on Hydro-Meteorology, Ft. Worth, Tex., Amer. Meteor. Soc, April 20-22, 54-59, 1976 (with D. Sirmans). Rodger A. Brown Meteorologist In 1970, after having worked briefly at NOAA's Wave Propagation Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, Mr. Brown joined NSSL. He has been using the NSSL Doppler radars with other meteorological sen- sors to explore the structure and evolution of tornado-producing thunderstorms. Before joining NOAA, Mr. Brown was a Re- search Meteorologist at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Buffalo, New York. There he studied mesoscale features of lake-effect convective snowstorms and applied Doppler radar to investigate thunderstorm characteristics. From 1960 to 1965, Mr. Brown was employed with the Satellite and Mesometeorology Research Project, University of Chicago. There he developed cloud photogrammetric procedures and applied them with mesoscale analysis techniques to the study of convective storms. From 1955 through 1959, Mr. Brown held sev- eral short term meteorological positions as part of Antioch College's study-plus-work educational pro- gram. He was a weather observer at the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire and a weather observer and Research Assistantatthe Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Harvard University, Milton, Massachusetts. Following a tour as Scientific Aide with the Severe Local Storms Research Unit, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C., he spent 13 months at Little America V, Antarctica, as a Weather Bureau observer and rawinsonde operator. Mr. Brown's primary contribution to the ad- vancement of meteorological knowledge has been an improved understanding of the structure and evolution of tornadic storms. He is co-discoverer of the Doppler radar signature for a tornado. Educational Background Earth Science, B.S. (1960), Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio Geophysical Sciences (Meteorology), M.S. (1962), University of Chicago Graduate studies, University of Oklahoma Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union Canadian Meteorological Society Royal Meteorological Society Society of the Sigma Xi Publications and Reports Nocturnal rainbow. Weather, 14, 36, 1959. Report on the Chicago Tornado of March 4, 1961 . Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci. , Mesometeor. Project Research Paper No. 1, 13 pp., 1961 (with T. Fujita). On the mesometeorological field studies near Flagstaff, Arizona. J. Appl. Meteor., 1, 26-42, 1962 (with T. Fujita and K. A. Styber). On the determination of the exchange coefficients in convective clouds. Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci., SMRP Research Paper No. 41, 7 pp., 1965. A study of factors contributing to dissipation of energy in a developing cumulonimbus. Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci., SMRP Research Paper No. 42, 65 pp., 1965 (with T. Fujita). On the thunderstorm-high controversy.' Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci., SMRP Research Paper No. 46, 26 pp., 1965. The land and sea breeze: an annotated bibliography. Article F on Final Report Contract No. AF 19(604)-7259. Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci., 61 pp., 1965 (with G. L. Baralt). Occurrence of supernumerary fogbows at subfreezing temperatures. Mon. Weather Rev., 94, 47-48, 1966. 33 34 On the determination of exchange coefficients: Part II. Rotating and non-rotating convective currents. Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci., SMRP Research Paper No. 54, 30 pp., 1966. Three-dimensional growth characteristics of an orographic thun- derstorm system. Univ. of Chicago, Dept. of Geophys. Sci., SMRP Research Paper No. 61, 45 pp., 1966. Comments on A note on the square cloud. 305-307, 1967. J. Atmos. Sci., 24, Mass and available energy in growing convective clouds. J. Atmos. Sci.. 24, 308-311, 1967. A study of lake effect snowstorms. CAL Report No. VS-2355-P-1, Buffalo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., 55 pp., 1967 (with G. E. McVehil, J. E. Juisto and R. L. Peace, Jr.). A study of lake effect snowstorms. CAL Report No. VS-2355-P-2, Buffalo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., 83 pp., 1967 (with G. E. McVehil, J. E. Juisto and R. L. Peace, Jr.). A study of hydrologic and energy budgets of Lake Erie with emphasis on evaporation measurement. Buffalo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., CAL Report No. RM-2432-0-3, 38 pp., 1967 (with R. L. Peace, Jr. and G. E. McVehil). Mesoanalysis of convective storms utilizing observations from two Doppler radars. Proceedings, 13th Radar Meteor. Conf., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 188-191, 1968 (with R. L. Peace, Jr.). Comparison of single and double Doppler radar velocity measure- ments in convective storms. Proceedings, 13th Radar Meteor. Conf., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 464-473, 1968 (with R. L. Peace, Jr.). Final report of environmental support panel, U. S. Navy VLF special communications study. Buffalo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., CAL Re- port No. CM-2520-B-1, 85 pp., 1968 (with W. H. Keith). Investigation of severe storms utilizing Doppler radar. Buffalo, Cor- nell Aeronautical Lab., CAL Report No. VS-2428-P-2, 39 pp., 1968 (with R. L. Peace, Jr. and C. C. Easterbrook). Horizontal motion field observations with a single pulse Doppler radar. J. Atmos. Sci., 26, 1096-1103, 1969 (with R. L. Peace, Jr. and H. G. Camnitz). New England tornadoes: Climatological survey from first settlement through 1968. Proceedings, 6th Severe Local Storms Conf., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 238-243, 1969. Characteristics of forest vegetation analogs. Buffalo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab. , CAL Report No. VT-2408-P-1 , 98 pp. , 1 969 (with G. E. McVehil, R. L. Peace, Jr., and R. W. Coakley). Preliminary Doppler velocity measurements in a developing radar hook echo. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 52, 1186-1188, 1971 (withW. C. Bumgarner, K. C. Crawford and D. Sirmans). Doppler radar evidence of severe storm high-reflectivity cores acting as obstacles to airflow. Preprints, 15th Radar Meteor. Conf., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 16-21, 1972 (with K. C. Crawford). Doppler velocity measurements in an approaching squall line. Pre- prints, 15th Radar Meteor. Conf., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 27-34, 1972 (with K. C. Crawford). The structure of a severe right-moving thunderstorm: New single Doppler radar evidence. Preprints, 8th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 40-43, 1973 (with D. W. Burgess). Twin tornado cyclones within a severe thunderstorm: single Doppler radar observations. Weatherwise, 26, 63-69 and 71, 1973 (with D. W. Burgess and K. C. Crawford). Applications of conventional and Doppler radar measurements in severe storm research. Preprints, 3rd Symposium on Meteor. Obser- vations and Instrumentation, Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 165-174, 1975 (with K. E. Wilk). Tornado characteristics revealed by Doppler radar. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2, 183-184, 1975 (with D. W. Burgess and L. R. Lemon). Evolution of a tornado signature and parent circulation as revealed by single Doppler radar. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 99-106, 1975 (with D. W. Burgess and L. R. Lemon). Tornado production and storm sustenance. Preprints, 9th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 100-104, 1975 (L. R. Lemon and D. W. Burgess). NSSL dual-Doppler radar measurements in tornadic storms: a pre- view. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 56, 524-526, 1975 (D. W. Burgess, J. K. Carter, L. R. Lemon and D. Sirmans). Single Doppler radar vortex recognition: Part II. Tornadic vortex signature. Preprints, 17th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Boston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 104-109, 1976 (with L. R. Lemon). Tornado and mesocyclone detection with single Doppler radar. Pro- ceedings, Symposium on Tornadoes, Texas Tech University, Lub- bock, Tex., 1976 (with D. W. Burgess). William C. Bumgarner Computer Specialist Since 1970 Mr. Bumgarner has been in the Computing and Data Processing Group at the NSSL. His contributions to the NSSL program are funda- mental in the area of Doppler radar processing and systems programming. He designed and im- plemented radar data processing and archival schemes, and has provided systems support for all computer systems used by the Laboratory. From 1967 to 1970, Mr. Bumgarner was a sys- tems analyst in the Forecast Techniques section at this Laboratory. From 1965 to 1967, he was employed by the University of Oklahoma as a scien- tific programmer, and wasa graduate teachingassis- tant in the OU Physics Department. While an under- graduate from 1961 to 1964 he worked for the OU Mathematics Department as an instructor in the computer laboratory. Educational Background .S. (1968), Mathematics, B.S. (1964), Physics, University of Oklahoma Graduate work in meteorology and computer sci- ence (1969 to 1976), University of Oklahoma Professional Affiliations Association of Computing Machinery Publications and Reports Model of precipitation and vertical air currents. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-54, Norman, Oklahoma, 93 pp., 1971 (with E. Kessler). Dual-Doppler observation of a tornadic storm. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, April, 115-120, 1976 (with P. S. Ray, R. J. Doviak, G. B. Walker, D. Sirmans, and J. Carter). Estimation of spectral density mean and variance by covariance argu- ment techniques. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, April, 6-13, 1976 (with D. Sirmans). Receiver chain and signal processing effects on the Doppler spec- trum. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, April, 163-168, 1976 (with D. S. Zrnic). Numerical comparison of five mean frequency estimators. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(6), 991-1003, 1975 (with D. Sirmans). Dual-Doppler observation of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1521-1530, 1975 (with P. S. Ray, R.J. Doviak, G. B. Walker, D. Sirmans, and J. Carter). Extension of maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity by use of two sampling rates. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Washington, October, 23-28, 1976 (with D. Sirmans and D. S. Zrnic). Donald W. Burgess Meteorologist Since joining NSSL in September 1973, Mr. Burgess has worked with others to synthesize a diagnostic thunderstorm model from observations of external storm processes and Doppler radar indica- tions of internal storm flows. He has also accumu- lated several years Doppler data to reveal statistical relationships between Doppler observed velocity fields and tornadic or other damaging windstorms. From 1970 to 1973, Mr. Burgess was a part time research assistant in the Doppler radar project while attending Oklahoma University, and he helped formulate NSSL Doppler data reduction and analysis techniques. Mr. Burgess' most important contribution has been toward discovery and documentation of a re- gion of high wind shear within tornadic thun- derstorms: the Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS). The TVS has, in several cases, preceded tornado forma- tion by tens of minutes. There is the possibility that this discovery will provide the scientific basis for improved tornado warnings. This contribution re- sulted in a NOAA Special Achievement Award (Feb- ruary 1976). Educational Background Meteorology, B.S. (1971), M. A. (1974), University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma Mr. Burgess also attended Central State College, Edmond, Oklahoma (1966) Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Sigma Tau (Professional Engineering Fraternity) Publications and Reports Twin tornado cyclones within a severe thunderstorm: single Doppler radar observations. Weatherwise. 26(2). 63-69 and 71 , 1973 (with R. A. Brown, and K. C. Crawford). The structure of a severe right-moving thunderstorm: new single Doppler radar evidence. Preprints, Eighth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston, 40-43, 1973 (with R. A. Brown). Observations of Doppler isotach and reflectivity structure observed within a tornadic storm. J. Recti. Atmos., VIM, 1-2 and 235-243, 1974 (with R. J. Doviak, L. R. Lemon, and D. Sirmans). Real-time Doppler isotach and reflectivity signature of a tornado cyclone. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 55(9), 1126-1127, 1974. Study of a severe right-moving thunderstorm utilizing new single Doppler evidence. Masters Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 77 pp., 1974. NSSL dual-Doppler radar measurements in tornadic storms: a pre- view. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 56(5), 524-526, 1975 (with R. A Brown, J. Carter, L. R. Lemon, and D. Sirmans). Evolution of a tornado signature and parent circulation as revealed by single Doppler radar. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston, 99-106, 1975 (with L. R. Lemon and R. A. Brown). Tornado characteristic revealed by Doppler radar. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2(5), 183-184, 1975 (with L. R. Lemon and R. A. Brown). Tornado production and storm sustenance. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston, 100-104, 1975 (with L. R. Lemon and R. A. Brown). Analysis of the June4, 1973 Norman tornadic storm. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston, 384- 388, 1975 (with R. P. Davies-Jones and L. R. Lemon). Single Doppler radar vortex recognition: Part I. Mesocyclone signa- ture. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., 97-103, 1976. Tornado and mesocyclone detection with single Doppler radar. Pro- ceedings, Symposium on Tornadoes, Texas Tech University, 1976 (with R. A. Brown). Tornado characteristics revealed by a pulse Doppler radar. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., 110-117, 1976 (with D. S. Zrnic, R. J. Doviak and D. Sirmans). Stephen D. Burk NRC Associate Since July 1975, Dr. Burk has been a National Research Council Resident Research Associate at the National Severe Storms Laboratory where he has developed a higher order turbulence closure model for studies of the planetary boundary layer. With this model he has investigated the temporal behavior of moisture stratification within the diurnally varying PBL. Dr. Burk has a broad background in physics and the study of planetary atmospheres. In 1967, he received an A.B. in physics from the University of California at Berkeley, with a minor in mathematics. From September 1967 to January 1969 he worked as a teaching assistant in the Dept. of Physics at the University of Arizona. As a research assistant at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory from July 1968 to June 1970, Dr. Burk worked with the late Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper in spectroscopic investigations of plan- etary atmospheres. In January 1970, Dr. Burk received an M.S. degree in physics, and entered the Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Arizona. 35 Upon being awarded a NASA Traineeship, he worked with Dr. Wayne McGovern in study of the upper atmosphere of Jupiter, and investigations of planetary atmospheric evolution. Dr. Burk's Ph.D. dissertation dealt with the nature of the winds near the Martian polar caps. A two-dimensional numerical model was developed to study the response of the Martian atmosphere to non-uniform diurnally varying surface heating in the highly baroclinic region nearthe polarcap periphery. Particular attention was paid to the radiative transfer properties of the CO2 dominated atmosphere, and to the dust lifting potential of these polar winds in light of both ground based and Mariner spacecraft evidence of frequent dust storm activity near the caps. Educational Background Physics, A.B. (1967), University of California at Berkeley Physics, M.S. (1970), Atmospheric Physics, Ph.D. (1975), The University of Arizona, Tucson Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Publications and Reports Upper atmospheric thermal structure of Jupiter with convective heat transfer. J. Atmos. Sci., 29, 179-189, 1972 (with W. McGovern). Reflection spectra, 2.5-7 mm, of some solids of planetary interest. Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, No. 185, Ft. 1, 8-20, 1973 (with V. Fink). Numerical modeling of the diurnal winds near the Martian polar caps. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Arizona, 135 pp., 1975. Diurnal winds near the Martian polar caps. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 923-939, 1976. John K. Carter 35 Electronics Engineer Mr. Carter joined the Advanced Techniques Group at NSSL in February 1966. Previously he spent six years with the Federal Aviation Administra- tion (FFA) Aeronautical Center, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City, in surveillance radar and display systems. Mr. Carter's contributions have been funda- mental with respect to specification, design, and documentation of the meteorologically instrumented KTVY tower data acquisition system, and design, development, and commissioning of NSSL's second Doppler radar system at Cimarron Field near Oklahoma City. He was also responsible with Mr. Dale Sirmans for documentation of the NSSL X-Band Doppler radar that figured prominently in our early Doppler research. Educational Background Mathematics-Physics, B.S. (1966), Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma Electrical Engineering Graduate Studies, University of Oklahoma Professional Affiliations Instrument Society of America — senior member Publications and Reports Engineering report on the pulse Doppler X-Band radar at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. ESSA Tech. Circ. No. 8, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma, 26 pp., 1968 (with D. Sirmans). Detection and presentation of severe thunderstorms by airborne and ground-based radars: A comparative study. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-43, 1969 (with K. E. Wilk and J. T. Dooley). The meteorologically instrumented WKY-TV tower facility. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-50, 18 pp., 1970. Dual-Doppler observation of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteor., 14 (8), 1521-1530, 1975 (with P. S. Ray, G. B. Walker, R. J. Doviak, and D. Sirmans). Robert P. Davies-Jones Geophysicist Since September 1970, Dr. Davies-Jones has been a geophysicist with the National Severe Storms Laboratory, NOAA. Currently he is team leader of the Vortex Dynamics Group and of the Tornado Intercept Project. His research topics include theoretical and observational investigations of tornadic flows, rela- tionships of tornadoes to parent thunderstorms, improved short term tornado prediction, accurate estimation of tornado parameters and improved understanding of thunderstorm processes. This research utilizes meteorology, physics, mathema- tics, numerical modeling and computer program- ming. He also acts as a consultant on tornadoes to other government agencies, monitors NOAA grants, reviews proposals for funding agencies, and referees papers for science journals. During 1969-1970, Dr. Davies-Jones held a postdoctoral position at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He was a research assistant atthe High Altitude Observatory and the University of Colorado from 1964 to 1969. Educational Background Physics, B.S. (hons.) (1964), Birmingham Univer- sity, England Astrogeophysics, Ph.D. (1969), University of Colo- rado Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Adjunct Assistant Professor, Meteorology Depart- ment, University of Oklahoma Publications and Reports Problem studied during the thermal convection colloquium. NCAR Tech. Note 24, 525-550, 1967. The linear theory of thermal convection in horizontal plane couette flow. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Colorado, 216 pp. (also AFCRL-69- 0382), 1969. On large scale solar convection. Sol. Phys., 12, 3-22, (also AFCRL-69-0491, NCAR MS 69-151), 1970 (with P. A. Gilman). Thermal convection in an infinite channel with no-slip sidewalls. J. Fluid Mech., 44, 695-704 (also NCAR MS 69-179), 1970. Thermal convection in a horizontal plane couette flow. J. Fluid Mech. , 49, 193-205, (also NCAR MS 69-144), 1970. Convection in a rotating annulus uniformly heated from below. J. Fluid Mech. , 46, 65-81 (also AFCRL-70-0229 and NCAR MS 70-42) , 1971 (with P. A. Gilman). Comments on "Some aspects of a severe right moving thunderstorm deduced from mesonetwork and rawinsonde observations." J. Atmos. Sci., 28, 652-653, 1971 (with N. B. Ward). Numerical simulation of convective vortices. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-57, Norman, Okla., 27 pp. (also NCAR MS 71-199). 1971 (with G. T. Vickers). The dependence of core radius on swirl ratio in a tornado simulator. J. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1427-1430, (nominated for ERL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award, 1974), 1973. Characteristics of thunderstorm updraft soundings. Proceedings, Eighth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, Colo., October, 1-5, 1973 (with J. H. Henderson). Correspondence (on psychological response to tornadoes). Science, 180 (4086), 545, 1973 (with J. Golden and J. Schaefer). Discussion of measurements inside high speed thunderstorm updrafts. J. Appl. Meteor., 13, 710-717, 1974. Tornadoes. Chapter 16, Weather and Climate Modification, Editor, W. N. Hess, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 842 pp., (nominated for ERL Outstanding Scientific Paper Award, 1975), 1974 (with E. Kessler). Updraft properties deduced from rawinsondings. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-72, Norman, Okla., 117 pp., 1974 (with J. H. Henderson). On the relation of electrical activity to tornadoes. J. Geophys. Res., 80, 1614-1616, 1975 (with J. H. Golden). Photogrammetric wind speed analysis and damage interpretation of the Union City, Oklahoma tornado May 24, 1973. Proceedings, Second U. S. National Conf. on Wind Engineering Research, Ft. Collins, Colo., June 22-25, 1975 (with J. H. Golden). Updraft properties deduced statistically from rawinsondings. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 113, 787-801 , (special cloud dynamics issue), 1975 (with J. H. Henderson). Also in Contributions to Current Research in Geophysics, Vol. 2, Cloud Dynamics, Editor, H. R. Pruppacher, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 1976. Analysis of the 4 June 1973 tornadic storm. Proceedings, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Okla., October, 384-388, 1975 (with D. W. Burgess and L. R. Lemon). Reply to Comments on "On the relation of electrical activity to tornadoes" by S. A. Colgate. J. Geophys. Res. , 80, 4557, 1975 (with J. H. Golden). Reply to Comments on "On the relation of electrical activity to tornadoes" by B. Vonnegut. J. Geophys. Res., 80,4561, 1975 (with J. H. Golden). Interpretation of surface marks and debris patterns from Union City tornado. Chapter 13, The Union City Tornado of 24 May 1973, Edited by R. A. Brown. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-78, 1976 (with D. Burgess, L. Lemon and D. Pureed). Laboratory simulations of tornadoes. Proceedings. "A Symposium on Tornadoes; Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man," Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, June 22-24, 1976. J. T. Dooley Meteorologist Since January 1964, J. T. Dooley has been associated w't'i the Severe Thunderstorm Detection and Identification Project at NSSL. The objective of this project is to improve techniques to detect, identify, and track hazardous weather events associated with severe thunderstorms. Prior to 1964, Mr. Dooley was associated with the U. S. Weather Bureau's National Severe Storms Project in Kansas City, Missouri. From 1957 to 1961, Mr. Dooley worked for the U. S. Weather Bureau in Kansas City, Missouri, both as an observer and research assistant. Mr. Dooley's contributions to the Laboratory include 1) establishment of the NSSL subsynoptic scale network; 2) management of NSSL's mesonet- work data acquisition, processing, and archiving program from 1970 through 1974; 3) evaluation of the weather detection capabilities of the ASR^l and ARSR-1D Air Traffic Control radars of the FAA; 4) development of a computer program for the evaluation of the NSSL Doppler's hardwired radial velocity and width estimators, namely, the Pulse Pair Processors; 5) development of certain operational and quality control procedures used in collection of WSR-57 digital and photographic data. Educational Background Mathematics, (1962), University of Missouri, Kansas City Meteorology, (1960), Pennsylvania State University; (1962), University of Miami, Florida Publications and Reports A study of the comparative frequency of severe weather occurrences within 200 nmi radius of five midwestern cities. 11 pp., 1961. 37 38 Radar data acquisition techniques. ESSA Tech. Memo. NSSL-24, 122-130, 1965 (with C. Clark). Weather detection by ARSR-1D, ASR-4, and WSR-57 radars: A comparative study. Tech. Memo. NSSL-1 , 33 pp. , 1 965 (with K. Wilk and E. Kessler). Doppler study of the motion of clear air targets. Proceedings, 12th Weather Radar Conf., October, 293-299, 1966 (with R. Lhermitte). Toward a quantitative radar echo climatology. Proceedings, 13th Weather Radar Conf. , August, 280-285, 1 968 (with E. Kessler and K. Gray). Detection and presentation of severe thunderstorms by airborne and ground-based radars: A comparative study. Tech. Memo. NSSL-43, 56 pp., 1969 (with J. Carter and K. Wilk). The NSSL surface network and observations of hazardous wind gusts. ERL Tech. Memo. NSSL-55, 19 pp., 1971 (with NSSL Operations Staff). Objectives and accomplishments of the NSSL 1975 spring program, Part II, Radar Quality Control Program. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-78, 47 pp., 1976 (with other NSSL Staff). Charles A. Doswell III Meteorologist Mr. Doswell spent two summers at the Weather Bureau Airport Station at Madison, Wisconsin as a student trainee, where he trained in meteorologist duties — taking pilot balloon observations, operating the radar, participating in weather analysis and forecasting. After graduation from University of Wisconsin, he was appointed Meteorologist with the National Severe Storms Forecast Center in Kansas City, Missouri (and was allowed to return to school each year on leave-without-pay status). Before entering military service, he spent one summer with the Public Service Unit at NSSFC and two summers with the Severe Local Storms Forecast Unit (SELS). Toward the end of his service, from 1969 to 1972, he was assigned to the Atmospheric Modifica- tion Technical Area of the Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. There he worked on numerical modeling techniques for fog. He was also a Special Instructor at New Mexico State Univ. and taught a course in Meteorology at White Sands. Since leaving the Service he has been Research Assistant at the University of Oklahoma, applying variational analysis techniques to instrumented tower data. Mr. Doswell's work at NSSL has been directed toward the analysis of surface data, with emphasis on band-pass filtering. In March 1976 he trans- ferred to the Techniques Development Unit at the National Severe Storms Forecast Center, Kansas City, Missouri, where his work continues in coopera- tion with NSSL. Educational Background Meteorology, B.S. (1967), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Meteorology, M.S. (1969), Ph.D. (1976), University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma Professional Affiliations Meteorological Society of Japan University of Oklahoma Chapter of Chi Epsilon Pi (Meteorology Honorary Society) Publications and Reports On the interaction between the planetary boundary layer and large- scale vertical velocity. M.S. Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1969. A two-dimensional short-range forecast model. Atmos. Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, ECOM-5443, 1972. An iterative method for saturation adjustment. Atmos. Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, ECOM-5444, 1972. Rotating clouds at Norman, Oklahoma. Correspondence printed in Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 53, 1180, 1972 (with S. A. Tegtmeier). Field observations of the Union City tornado in Oklahoma. Weatherwise, 27, 68-79, 1974 (with A. Moller, J. McGinley, S. Tegtmeier, and R. Zipser). On the relationship of cirrus clouds to the jet stream. Mon. Weather Rev., 104, 105-106, 1976 (with J. T. Schaefer). The use of filtered surface observations to reveal subsynoptic scale dynamics. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1976. Richard J. Doviak Head of Advanced Techniques Group Dr. Doviak joined the National Severe Storms Laboratory in October 1971 to lead the Doppler Radar Project in developing a meteorological Doppler radar system and to perform investigations leading to improved physical and numerical models of air motions within severe storm environments. Currently, as Chief of the Advanced Techniques Project, Dr. Doviak performs and directs studies of the interaction of meteorological targets with elec- tromagnetic waves, and he works with staff of other NOAA elements and organizations to develop remote-sensing atmospheric probes. Dr. Doviak is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma and has given courses and lectures to students. Prior to Dr. Doviak's arrival at NSSL, he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania where he performed research and lectured on topics related to electromagnetic theory and practice. From 1967 to 1971 he was Supervisor of the Academic Laboratories, and from 1968 to 1971 he led the development of a research facility for remote sensing at the University's Valley Forge Research Center. There he assembled a high power radar to investigate scattering from clear air. In a cooperative experiment with scientists from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory the existence of diffuse scattering regions within the clear atmosphere was established. Because of the uniqueness of the system they were able to resolve important sidelobe contributions that had hindered previous definition of atmospheric scattering structure. From 1965 to 1967 Dr. Doviak was principal investigator to develop and study the first microwave spark chamber for detection of atomic particles. The program led to successful design of a chamber that had the isotropic properties of a bubble chamber but was triggerable so that selected atomic collisional events could be recorded. Dr. Doviak has also been active in research related to antennas, propagation, and studies on the electromagnetic properties of materials. Educational Background Engineering (1952-1953), Fairleigh Dickinson Col- lege, Rutherford, New Jersey Electrical Engineering, B.S. (1956), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York Electrical Engineering, M.S. (1959), Ph.D. (1963), University of Pennsylvania Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union American Association for the Advancement of Science Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Tau Beta Pi (General engineering honor society) Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical engineering society) Sigma Xi (Research honor society) Commissions C and F of the International Union of Radio Science Adjunct Associate Professor (1972-present), Uni- versity of Oklahoma. Publications and Reports A tristimulus computer. B.S.E.E. Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1956. Evaluation of ferrite materials for possible application on the Prince- ton-Pennsylvania 3 BEV proton synchrotron. Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Report No. 58-05, 1957 (with P. P. Lombardini and R. F. Schwartz). Measurement of the properties of various ferrites used in magnetically tuned resonant circuits in the 2.5-4.5 mc/s region. J. Appl. Phys., 29(3), 395-396, 1958 (with P. P. Lombardini and R. F. Schwartz). Crystal deterioration studies. Final Report, The Institute for Cooperative Research, University of Pennsylvania, Report No. ES-28-030-05, 1958. Microwave crystal deterioration studies. Final Report, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Report 60-14, 1960. Minimum pulse width obtainable from a magnetron. M.S. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1959. Temporary and permanent deterioration of microwave silicon crystal diodes. Proceedings IRE, 48, 119, 1960 (with P. P. Lombardini). Microwave crystal deteration studies. Final Report, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Report No. 60-14, 1960. Methods of improved measurement for electromagnetic field components. Report No. 2, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Report No. 62-02, 1961. TM modes in parallelogramic waveguides. Proceedings IRE, 49(7), 1961 (with D. J. Lewis and P. P. Lombardini). Study of methods of improved measurement for electromagnetic field components. Final Report, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Report No. 62-19, 1962. A sensitive recording system for harmonic pattern measurements at microwave frequencies. Proceedings, 7th Armour Conf. on Radio Interference Reduction and Elec. Compatibility, November, 584, 1961 (with D. J. Lewis). Wave treatment of ionospheric propagation. Raytheon Company, Report No. BR-2238, 1962. The study of the motion of wave packets in an inhomogeneous dissipative medium. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1963. Wave treatment of ionospheric propagation. Interim Report, Raytheon Company, Report No. BR-2559, 1963. Scattering properties of electron clouds. Interim Report. Raytheon Company, Report No. BR-2948, 1964. Electromagnetic forward scattering of artificial electron clouds. 2nd Interim Report, Raytheon Company, Report No. BR— 3051 , 1964. Analyses of linear arrays focused in the Fresnelregion. Raytheon Company, Report No. BR-3087, 1964 (with J. Goldhirsh and P. P. Lombardini). Wide-band scatterer for point-to-point VHF link. Raytheon Com- pany, Report No. FR-65-17. 1964 (with J. Goldhirsh and P. P. Lombardini). Diagnostic measurements of the D-region using focused, ground- based antennas. Raytheon Company, Report No. FR-65-258, 1965 (with P. P. Lombardini and J. Goldhirsh). Analysis of linear arrays focused in the Fresnel region. Radio Sci., Sec. D., No. 7, 1965 (with P. P. Lombardini and J. Goldhirsh). Electromagnetic scattering from electron irregularities embedded in an inhomogeneous electron density distribution. Raytheon Company, Report No. FR-65-275, 1965 (with J. Goldhirsh and P. P. Lombardini). Isotropic microwave spark chambers for cosmic ray trace detection. Raytheon Company, Report No. FR-66-146, 1966 (with P. P. Lombardini and J. Goldhirsh). Centimetric and millimetric wave spectroscopy of planetary at- mospheres from orbital pairs. Raytheon Company, Report No. FR-66-242, 1966 (with J. Goldhirsh). A note on the microwave spark chamber. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 48, 344, 1967 (with P. P. Lombardini and J. Goldhirsh). 39 40 A note on the threshold electric fields for microwave spark chambers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 54, 161, 1967 (with P. P. Lombardini and J. Goldhirsh). Radiation of short dipoles in the near zone of conduction cylinders. Symposium on Aviation Electronics, March 7, 1968 (with J. Goldhirsh, D. Knepp, and J. T. Lee). Early warning of solar flares by observations of the sun disk at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Raytheon Company, Report No. R68-4165, 1968 (with P. P. Lombardini and J. Goldhirsh). Studies on the degradation of the omnidirectivity of antennas mounted near helicopter members. Tech. Symposium on Navigation and Posi- tioning, ECOM, September 25, 1969 (with R. Unks, J. Goldhirsh and J. T. Lee). Radiation pattern characteristics of a dipole near a thick conducting cylinder of resonant length. Tech. Symposium on Navigation and Positioning, ECOM, September 25, 1969 (with J. Goldhirsh). Radiation from a dipole near a conduction cylinder of finite length. IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., EMC-12(3), 96, 1970 (with J. Goldhirsh and D. Knepp). Radiation from a short dipole or monopole near a thick conducting cylinder of resonant length. IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propag., AP-19(2), 279, 1971 (with J. Goldhirsh and D. Knepp). Identification of layered and diffuse scattering regions using a bistatic radar probe. 971 USNC/URSI— IEEE Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 1971 (with J. Goldhirsh and A. R. Miller). Time resolution of troposphere layers with the Valley Forge-Wallops Island forward scatter probe. IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propag., 714-716, 1971 (J. Goldhirsh and A. R. Miller). Comparison of bistatic and monostatic radar detection of clear air atmospheric targets. AIAA 10th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, Calif., Paper No. 72-175, January 19, 1972. Bistatic radar detection of the melting layer. J. Appl. Meteor., 2(6), 1012-1016, 1972 (with C. M. Weil). Bistatic radar detection of high altitude clear air atmospheric targets. Radio Sci., 7(11), 993-1003, 1972 (with J. Goldhirsh and A. R. Miller). Doppler radar with polarization diversity. J. Atmos. Sci., 30(4), 737-738, 1973 (with D. Sirmans). Pulsed-Doppler velocity isotach displays of storm winds in real time. J. Appl. Meteor., 12(4), 694-697, 1973 (with D. Sirmans). Meteorological radar signal intensity estimation. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-64, Norman, Okla., 1973 (with D. Sirmans). Doppler velocity and reflectivity structure observed within a tornadic storm. J. de Rech. Atmos., 3(1-2), 235-243, 1974 (with D. W. Burgess, L. R. Lemon and D. Sirmans). Real time Doppler isotach and reflectivity signature of a tornado cyclone. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 55(9), 1126-1127, 1974 (with D. Sirmans, D. W. Burgess and L. R. Lemon). Velocity spectra of vortices scanned with a pulsed Doppler radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1531-1539, 1975 (with D. Zrnic). Time, angle, and range sampling with weather radar. Proceedings, 16th Weather Radar Conf., Houston, Amer. Meteor. Soc, April, 156-162, 1975 (with P. S. Ray, D. Zrnic, and G. B. Walker). Dual-Doppler observation of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1521-1530, 1975 (with R. S. Ray, G. B. Walker, D. Sirmans, J. Carter and W. C. Bumgarner). Satellite borne Doppler radar measurement of atmospheric motion. NASA SP-376 Active Microwave Workshop Report, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, 318-335, 1975 (with R. Lhermitte, H. Groginsky and R. Weiss). Tornado probing with a pulse-Doppler radar. Proceedings, Symposi- um on Tornadoes: Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, June 22-24, Lubbock, Texas, 1976 (with D. Zrnic). Error estimation in wind fields derived from dual-Doppler radar measurements. J. Appl. Meteor., 15(8), 868-878, 1976 (with P. S. Ray, R. Strauch, and J. Miller). Effective antenna pattern of scanning radars. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. and Electron. Syst., AES-12 (5), 551-556, 1976 (with D. Zrnic). R. Craig Goff Meteorologist Mr. Goff joined NSSL in July 1970. He provided technical meteorological supervision of the 461-m KTVY tower north of Oklahoma City, first instrument- ed for meteorological measurements in 1965. Objectives of the tower program center on better understanding of the planetary boundary layer interaction with severe local storms, including the dynamics, thermodynamics, and energetics of the boundary layer and their influence upon convective development. Mr. Goff came to NSSL after receiving a Master's Degree in meteorology at Pennsylvania State University. His thesis examined dissipation of turbulent energy in the surface boundary layer using data from the Cape Kennedy, Florida, 150-m meteorological tower. In 1972-1973, Mr. Goff took a one-year leave- of-absence from NSSL upon award of a NOAA Fellowship, and he received additional graduate training at the University of Oklahoma. Important contributions by Mr. Goff include (a) climatological investigation of the planetary boundary layer, and (b) kinematical and dynamical study of the cold-air outflow from thunderstorms. Educational Background Liberal Arts, B.A. (1968), Minot State College, North Dakota Meteorology, M.S. (1970), Pennsylvania State Uni- versity Additional meteorological graduate work toward Ph.D., University of Oklahoma Professional Affiliation American Meteorological Society Publications and Reports The thermal structure of the lowest half kilometer in central Oklahoma: December 9, 1966-May 31, 1967. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-58, Norman, Okla., 53 pp., 1972 (with H. R. Hudson). Low-frequency temperature spectra from a 444 meter tower. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 1164-1166, 1974 (with C. E. Duchon). The NSSL/WKY-TV tower data collection program: April-July, 1972. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-68, Norman, Okla., 45 pp., 1974 (with W. D. Zittel). Thunderstorm outflow kinematics and dynamics. N00A Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-75, Norman, Okla., 63 pp., 1975. Some observations of thunderstorm induced low-level wind varia- tions. Proceedings, Amer. Inst, of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Ninth Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conf., San Diege. Calif., 8 pp., 1976. Kathryn C. Gray Manager, Computer and Data Processing Mrs. Gray has managed NSSL's computer and data processing functions since 1964. Her early contributions included programming, data reduc- tion, and arrangements for computer time at government facilities on the east and south U. S. coasts. Excess computers were used to establish "stop-gap" in-house computing facility, while feas- ibility studies provided for acquisiton of the excellent computing systems which presently serve the Laboratory. From September 1975 through January 1976, Mrs. Gray was Acting DIRECTOR OF NSSL, managing administrative activities during the Direc- tor's absence. Mrs. Gray continues to serve in a central role at NSSL with respect to implementation and administration of policies; she manages our Computing and Data Processing Group, and she oversees dissemination of NSSL data to those requesting it for research from many places in the United States and overseas. Earlier assignments with the U. S. Weather Bureau included pilot briefing, observing, rawin- sonde, communications, and radar operations in Houston, Texas; Denver, Colorado; and Kansas City, Missouri. As archivist for the National Severe Storms Project in Kansas City, Mrs. Gray was responsible for research records and quality control procedures. Other government positions involved unit ac- counting programming for Veterans Administration and Department of Defense, and commodity man- agement (grain storage, preparation, and foreign shipments) for Department of Agriculture. Education Chemistry and Mathematics, B.A. (1947), Ottawa University and University of Houston Law, LLB (1961), University of Colorado, Denver Professional Affiliations Member, Executive Board of the Systems Engineering Laboratories Computer User's Group. Publications and Reports Weather radar data system at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Preprints, 5th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, St. Louis, Missouri, Oct. 19-20, 14-23, 1967 (with K. Wilk, D. Sirmans, W. Watts. R. Lhermitte, and E. Kessler). Toward a quantitative radar echo climatology. Proceedings, 13th Radar Meteor. Conf., McGill University, Montreal, August, 280-285, 1968 (with E. Kessler, and J. T. Dooley). Processing and analysis techniques used with the NSSL weather radar system. Proceedings, 14th Radar Meteor. Conf., Tucson, Arizona, Nov. 17-20, 369-374, 1970 (with K. Wilk). Objectives and accomplishments of the NSSL 1975 spring program. Part 1: Observational program. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-78, 60 pp., 1976 (with K. Wilk and C. Clark). Carl E. Hane Meteorologist Dr. Hane joined NSSL in June 1976. His long range objectives involve combining modeling and observing in studies of deep moist convection systems, including their interaction with their larger scale environments. From 1973 to 1976 Dr. Hane was employed in the Atmospheric Sciences Department of Batelle- Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington. At Battelle he applied cloud models to precipitation scavenging problems. He studied redistribution of a pollutant plume by a thunderstorm circulation, to predict pollutant concentrations at various locations on the ground in the thunderstorm rainfall. In addition he was involved in (1) field experiment on precipitation scavenging by thunderstorms, within project METROMEX, (2) precipitation scavenging in frontal storms as a co-leader of field experiments, (3) application of a one-dimensional cloud model to cooling tower plumes, and (4) application of a two- dimensional cloud model to heat release from proposed energy centers (parks). Dr. Hane's professional experience began in 1963 with appointment as a Weather Bureau Student Trainee. During three-month periods (summer) 1963-64, he worked at the Weather Bureau Office, Topeka, Kansas, and in 1965-66 with the National Severe Storms Forecast Center, Kansas City, Missouri. Upon graduation from Florida State University in 1972 he was awarded a postdoctoral appointment for one year at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. There he continued working with a two-dimensional time- dependent convective cloud model formulated at 41 42 Florida State during his dissertation research. He applied the model to warm-season convection over the southeastern United States and to the calcula- tion of dropsonde trajectories in connection with the National Hail Research Experiment. Dr. Hane attended public schools in Leaven- worth, Kansas, graduating in 1961 when he was valedictorian of his high school class. Award of a NASA traineeship at Florida State University in 1966 facilitated his graduate studies in meteorology. Educational Background Mathematics, B.A. (1966), Meteorology, B.S. (1966), University of Kansas, Lawrence Meteorology, M.S. (1968), Ph.D. (1972), Florida State University, Tallahassee Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Phi Kappa Phi Publications and Reports Squall line maintenance: preliminary numerical investigations. Report No. 70-6, Prepared under Grant E 22-15-70 (G) with ESSA, 13 pp., 1970. Squall line structure and maintenance: numerical experimentation. Report No. 72-5, Prepared under Grant E 22-19-71 (G) and E 22-58-69 (G) with NOAA, 190 pp., 1972. A numerical model of the Great Plains squall line thunderstorm. Preprints, Eighth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, Colo., October 15-17, 257-264, October, 1973. The squall line thunderstorm: numerical experimentation. J. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1672-1690, 1973. Convective storm modeling and its possible application to precipita- tion scavenging problems. Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report for 1973 to the USAEC Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research, 143-146, 1974. Precipitation scavenging of inorganic pollutants from metropolitan sources. Report to the Office of Research and Development, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 136 pp., 1974 (with M.T. Dana, J. M. Hales, and J. M. Thorp). Precipitation scavenging in a squall line: numerical experimentation. Precipitation Scavenging — 1974, R. W. Beadle and R. G. Semonin (Coords.), AEC Symposium Series, Champaign, III., 1974. Atmospheric effects of circular mechanical draft cooling towers at Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Power Plant Number Two. Report to Burns and Roe, Inc., 38 pp., 1975 (with J. G. Droppo and R. K. Woodruff). The trajectories of dropsondes in simulated thunderstorm circula- tions. Mon. Weather Rev., 103, 709-716, 1975. Dropsonde trajectories in simulated thunderstorm circulations. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Okla., October, 1975. Precipitation scavenging field experiments in March 1975 on the Olympic Peninsula. Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report for 1975 to the USERDA-DBER, 147-150, 1976 (with J. A. Young). Design for in-cloud scavenging experiments on the Olympic Peninsula. Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report for 1975 to the USERDA-DBER, 151-155, 1976 (with J. A. Young). A review of moist mesoscale models with possible applicability to precipitation scavenging. Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report for 1975 to the USERDA-DBER, 156-159, 1976. Scavenging of urban pollutants by thunderstorm rainfall: numerical experimentation. Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report for 1975 to the USERDA-DBER, 172-178, 1976. Preparation of hourly maps of gridded precipitation data for use in precipitation scavenging calculations. Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report for 1975 to the USERDA-DBER, 229-232, 1976 (with L. L. Wendell). Larry Hennington Electronic Engineer From 1971 to the present, Mr. Hennington has been a computer specialist for NSSL. He has developed and maintained hardware and software for a minicomputer real-time data processing and display system interfaced to one of NSSL's Doppler radars. Prior to 1970 he was employed in several technical support positions such as Field Engineer- ing Representative (General Electric/Honeywell) and Electronic Technician (U. S. Navy). Mr. Hennington's achievements include design and implementation of the multimoment Doppler display which is used to detect mesocyclones and tornado vortex signatures easily in real time. Educational Background Electrical Engineering, B.S. (1975), University of Oklahoma, Norman Graduate studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman Publications and Reports Simulated real time displays of Doppler radar velocity fields. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-60, Norman, Okla., 1972 (with G. Walker). Multimoment Doppler display for severe storm identification. Accepted by J. Appl. Meteor., 1976 (with D. Burgess, P. S. Ray, and R. J. Doviak). Measurements of winds in the optically clear air with microwave pulse-Doppler radar. Preprints, 17th Radar Conf., Seattle, Wash., October 26-29, 1976 (with R.J. Doviak, D. Sirmans, D. Zrnic, and R. G. Strauch). Estimates of power scattered from distributed targets for a practical logarithmic detector. Preprints, 17th Radar Conf., Seattle, Wash., October 26-29, 1976 (with G. B. Walker and D. Sirmans). Edwin Kessler Director Dr. Kessler has been Director of NSSL since the Laboratory was organized in 1964. In cooperation with other groups, the Laboratory seeks understand- ing of tornadoes, squall lines, thunderstorms, and related local storms and rain; develops and applies methods for their observation and prediction; and examines possibilities for their beneficial modifica- tion. Before joining NSSL, Dr. Kessler was Director of the Atmospheric Physics Division in the Travelers Research Center, Hartford, Connecticut. There he developed a theory of associations among distribu- tions of water vapor, cloud and precipitation, microphysical processes, and the wind field, and authored specifications for computer programs to assemble and analyze patterns of radar-weather data. From 1954 to 1961, Dr. Kessler worked at the Weather Radar Branch, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Bedford, Massachusetts, where he was Chief of the Synoptic Meteorology Section. In this post, he studied interpretation of weather-radar data in terms of atmospheric fields of motion, water content, and temperature, and the data's application to weather forecasting. He invented an instrument to facilitate accurate meas- urement of radar-reflectivity distributions. Dr. Kess- ler also monitored the GRD contractual program in radar-synoptic meteorology. Dr. Kessler's most important contributions include (1) development of a theory for the distribution of water substance in atmospheric circulations; (2) development of improved tech- niques for acquiring, processing, and applying weather radar data; and (3) management of the National Severe Storms Laboratory from 1964 to the present time. Educational Background :1950), General Science and Mathematics, A.B. Columbia College, New York City Meteorology, S.M. (1952), Sc.D. (1957), Mass- achusetts Institute of Technology Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society: Fellow of the Society; past president, Greater Boston Branch; National Councilor, 1966-1969; Certified Consulting Meteorologist; past Member of Committee on Severe Local Storms; past Chairman of Committee on Weather Radar; Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Meteorology Royal Meteorological Society Sigma Xi American Geophysical Union American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow Weather Modification Association Executive Committee, Oklahoma University Re- search Institute Commission F of the International Union of Radio Science Adjunct Professor, University of Oklahoma, 1964- present Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sept. 1975-Feb. 1976 Publications and Reports Curvature corrections for radiowind reports. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 35(7), 328-330, 1954. On the relation between the received signal level of the Homdel-Round Hill circuit and certain meteorological parameters. Rept. , Dept. of Meteor., M.I.T., to Lincoln Laboratory, 16 pp., 1954. A test of the application of vorticity charts. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 36(6), 251-255, 1955 (with F. Sanders). Radar synoptic analysis of Hurricane Edna, 1954. Geophys. Res. Paper 50, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, 1956 (with D. Atlas). A model atmosphere for widespread precipitation. Aeronaut. Eng. Rev., 16(2), 69-75, 1957 (with D. Atlas). Reflectivities from unmodified radar displays. Proceedings, 6th Weather Radar Conf., Cambridge, March 26-28, 1975, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 315-320. Outer precipitation bands of hurricanes Edna and lone. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 38(6), 335-346, 1957. Radar-synoptic analysis of an intense winter storm. Geophy. Res. Paper 56, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, 1957. Eye region of Hurricane Edna, 1954. J. Meteor., 15(3), 264-270, 1958. Fields of motion and temperature in hurricanes as revealed by radar. Proceedings, Tech. Conf. on Hurricanes, Amer. Meteor. Soc: and Proceedings, 7th Weather Radar Conf., Amer. Meteor. Soc, 1958. The PAR-Scope, an oscilloscope display for weather radars. IRE Trans. Aeronaut, and Navigational Electron., ANE-6(1), 31-36, 1959. Model precipitation distributions. Aero/Space Eng., 18(12), 36-40, 1959 (with D. Atlas). Kinematical relations between wind and precipitation distributions. J. Meteor., 16(6), 630-637, 1959. Observations of a cold front, October 1 , 1958. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 41(5), 253-257, 1960 (with R. Wexler). Application of radar to the study of hurricanes. Proceedings, 2nd Tech. Conf. on Hurricanes, National Hurricane Research Project, Miami, Fla., 1961. Kinematical relations between wind and water distributions, II. J. Meteor., 18(4), 510-525, 1961. 43 44 Appraisal of the use of radar in observation and forecasting. Proceedings , Ninth Weather Radar Conf . , 1 961 , Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 23 pp. Report concerning test flight with APS-20E radar and its suggested uses for hurricane and thunderstorm reconnaissance. Report to U. S. Weather Bureau under Contract Cwb-10041, 15 pp., 1962. Elementary theory of associations between atmospheric motions and distributions of water content. Mon. Wea. Rev., 91(1), 13-28, 1963. Relationships between tropical precipitation and kinematic cloud models. Presented at 43rd Annual Meeting of Amer. Meteor. Soc, 1963; Reports No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on Dept. of the Army Contract DA36-039 SC 89099, 15 pp., 1963 (with P. Feteris and Newbury). Use of radar summary maps for weather analysis and forecasting. J. Appl. Meteor., 2(1), 1-11, 1963 (with J. W. Wilson). Note on the range normalization of digitized radar data. J. Appl. Meteor., 2(1), 178-180, 1963. Statistical properties of weather radar echoes. Proceedings, 10th Weather Radar Conf., April, 9 pp., 1963 (with J. A. Russo). Program for the assembly and display of radar-echo distributions. J. Appl. Meteor., 2(5), 582-593, 1963 (with J. A. Russo). An experimental Doppler radar for severe storm investigations. Proceedings, 1964 World Conf. on Radio Meteor., incorporated with 11th Weather Radar Conf., Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston, 1964, 304-309 (with R. M. Lhermitte). On membership structure. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 45(5), 279, 1964. Purposes and programs of the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Report No. 23 of the NSSP-NSSL series, 17 pp.; Also Trans. AGU, 46(2), 389-397, 1965. Weather detection by ARSR-ID, ASR-4, and WSR-57 radars: a comparative study. NSSL Tech. Memo. No. 1, Norman, Oklahoma, 33 pp., 1965 (with K. E. Wilk and J. T. Dooley). Sferics reception at 500 Kc/sec, radar echoes and severe weather. Final Report to FAA under interagency agreement FA64-WAI76, 43 pp.; Also National Severe Storms Laboratory Report No. 24, 39-71 , 1965 (with N. B. Ward and C. H. Meeks). A weather radar signal integrator. Proceedings, International Conf. on Cloud Physics, Tokyo and Sapporo, 302-308; also NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-2, Norman, Oklahoma, 1965 (with R. M. Lhermitte). Microphysical parameters in relation to tropical cloud and precipita- tion distributions and their modification. Third Conf. on Tropical Meteorology and Hurricanes, Mexico City, June 6-12, 1963. Associations between aircraft measurements of turbulence and weather radar measurements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 46(8), 443-447, 1965; Also 45th Annual AGU Meeting, April 23, 10 pp., 1964 (with J. T. Lee and K. Wilk). A storm's incalculable energy. Natural History, 75(4), 6 pp., 1966. Lightning discharge and precipitation. Q.J.R. Meteor. Soc, 921392), 308-310, 1966. Measurements by aircraft of condensed water in Great Plains thunderstorms. Report No. 1 9 of the former National Severe Storms Project, 17 pp., 1966 (with G. P. Roys). Radar measurements for the assessment of areal rainfall: Review and outlook. Water Resources Res., 2(3), 413-425, 1966; also presented at the 17th Session of the WMO Executive Committee, Geneva, 1965. Distribution with height of the radar echo coverage and its meteorological significance. Proceedings, 12th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, 52-56, 1966. Community preparedness in a place of high tornado frequency. Proceedings, 12th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, 35-36, 1966. Estimation of the average intensity of precipitation targets. Proceedings, 12th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, 5-9, 1966 (with R. M. Lhermitte). Computer program for calculating average lengths of weather radar echoes and pattern handedness. J. Atmos. Sci., 23(5), 569-574, 1966; also ESSA Tech. Note 3-NSSL-24, 99-110, 1965. On the continuity of water substance. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-33, ESSA, Boulder, Colo., 125 pp., 1967. Weather radar data system at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Proceedings, Conf. on Severe Local Storms, St. Louis, October 19, 1967; also Tech. Circular No. 4, NSSL, 1967 (with K. Wilk, W. Watts, D. Sirmans, R. Lhermitte and K. Gray). Aerial cloud photography as a technique for observing cloud growth and development. Proceedings, 1st National Conf. on Weather Modification, Albany, April, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 343-349, 1968 (with J. T. Lee). Evaluation of meteorological situation near Dawson, Texas, 3 May 1968. 24 pp., 1968 (with Staff of NSSL, ESSA). Radar measurement of precipitation for hydrological purposes. Report No. 5, of the WMO series on the International Hydrological Decade, World Meteor. Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1968 (with K. E. Wilk). Toward a quantitative radar echo climatology. Proceedings, 13th Radar Meteor. Conf., Montreal, August 20-23, 1968, 280-285 (with K. Gray and J. T. Dooley). Remarks on the study of precipitation formation. Proceedings, International Conf. on Cloud Physics, Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 336-339, 1968. Growth by accretion in relation to hydrometeor starting height, cloud density, and vertical air velocity. Proceedings, International Conf. on Cloud Physics, Toronto, August 26-30, 464-471, 1968 (with E. A. Newburg and J. Silver). On the distribution and continuity of water substance in atmospheric circulations. Meteorological Monographs, 10(32), 84 pp., 1969. Thunderstorms over Oklahoma— 22 June 1969. Weatherwise, 23(2), 56-69, 1970. Tornadoes. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 51(10), 926-936, 1970. Quantitative radar measurements of precipitation. Meteor. Mono- graphs, 11(33), 315-329, 1970 (with K. E. Wilk). Uncertainty of quantized estimates of radar echo intensity. Preprints, 14th Radar Meteor. Conf., Tucson, November 14-20, 381-382, 1970 (with D. Sirmans). Radar in an automated national weather system. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 52(11), 1062-1069, 1971 (with J. W. Wilson). Model of precipitation and vertical air currents. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERLNSSL-54, Norman, Okla.,93pp., 1971 (with W. C. Bumgarner). Storm detection. In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Tech. , 13, 180-183, 1971. On tornadoes and their modification. Technology Review, 74(6), 11 pp., 1972. Seedability in relation to environmental parameters and the horizontal dimension of convective events. Preprints, Third Conf. on Weather Modification, Rapid City, June 26-29, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 195-198, 1972. High level stratocumulus. Weather, 27(10), 433, 1972. On interpretation of data from meteorological Doppler radars. Preprints, 15th Radar Meteor. Conf., Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, October 10-12, 231-232, 1972. On the artificial increase of precipitation. Weather 28(5), 188-194, 1973; also a version presented November 9, 1972, Symposium on Weather Modification, Oklahoma Disaster Preparedness Conf., Oklahoma City. Radar for rainfall monitoring. Presented at AAAS National meeting, San Francisco. February 27, 11 pp., 1974 (with K. E. Wilk). Survey of boundary layer winds with special reference to extreme values. AIAA Paper No. 74-586, 7th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conf., Palo Alto, June 17-19, 19 pp., 1974. Tornadoes. Weather and Climate Modification , edited by W. N. Hess, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974, 552-595 (with R. P. Davies- Jones). Weather modification and severe local storms. Proceedings, Semicentennial Observance of Texas Tech Univ., October 15, 12 pp. , 1974. Model of precipitation and vertical air currents. Tellus, 26(5), 519-542, 1974. Some applications of weather radar to problems of energy production. Remote Sensing, Energy Related Studies, edited by T. Nejat Veziroglu, Halsted Press (John Wiley & Sons), New York, 103-112, 1975. Condensate content in relation to sloping updraft parameters. J. Atmos. Sci., 32(2), 443-444, 1975. Soaring vultures use a dust devil to gain altitude. The Wilson Bulletin, 87(1), 113-114, 1975. Development of Beekeeping Ordinance in Norman, Oklahoma. Gleanings in Bee Culture, 103(8), 268-269, 1975. On the condensed water mass in rising air. Pure and Appl. Geophys., Special Issue: Cloud dynamics, Edited by Hans R. Pruppacher, 113(5/6), 971-981, 1975. Abbreviated version in Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, October 21-23, 1975, AMS, 199-202. Tornadoforum. Letter in Nature, 260(5550), 457, 1976. (Response to article by Isaacs et al.) Weather modification and severe local storms. Proceedings. Sym- posium on Frontiers of the Semi-Arid World, Lubbock, Texas, Oc- tober 14-18, 1974, Vol. 2 (Weather Modification Research Studies, Texas Tech V.) 65-77. Normalized indices of destruction and deaths by tornadoes. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-77, 47 pp., 1976 (with J. T. Lee). Jean T. Lee Meteorologist Mr. Lee has been with NSSL since it was organized in 1964. His research on storm hazards to aviation has involved participation by NASA, FAA, and USAF, and has provided substantial contribu- tions to the safety and economy of flight. An FAA circular on thunderstorm flying based largely on the NSSL research is a definitive guide to aviation everywhere. During the early years at NSSL, Mr. Lee doubled as Administrative Officer, and by virtue of his substantial experience and good judgment he has always had important responsibilities for coordi- nation of programs with other agencies. From 1959 through 1964, Mr. Lee was a research meteorologist with the U.S. Weather Bureau's National Severe Storms Project, the forerunner of NSSL. From 1954 to 1959 Mr, Lee was a severe local storms forecaster responsible for tornado and severe storm forecasts in the continen- tal U.S. Between 1950 and 1954 he was an Educational Specialist in the Weather Bureau central office. During this time he developed a pilot briefer course and revised a book, Meteorology for Pilots. Mr. Lee first entered civilian government service in 1947 as an Aviation Forecaster at Jacksonville, Florida. Previously he had taught mathematics and physics at the University of Southern Mississippi; his military service was as a station weather officer in the continental United States and in the South Pacific. In 1958, Mr. Lee received a Department of Commerce silver medal group award for contribu- tions to advancement of severe storm prediction. Educational Background Physics, Math, and Secondary Education (1940- 43), University of Wisconsin Meteorology, B.S. (1944), M.S. (1962), University of Chicago Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Publications and Reports A short course in meteorology for observer-briefers. U.S.W.B. Training Paper, 1951. Training course for piiot briefers. U.S.W.B., 1952 (with T. Tule and C. Reber). Pilot's weather handbook. CAA Tech. Manual No. 104, 143 pp., 1954, 2nd ed., 1955 (with C. Reber). Tornadoes of February 1, 1955. Mon. Weather Rev., 83(2), 45-51, 1955. Preliminary report on the relationship between the jet at the 200 mb level and tornado occurrence. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 37(7), 327-332, 1956 (with J. Galway). Forecasting tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. U.S.W.B. Fore- casting guide No. 1, 34 pp., 1965 (with SELS Staff). The jet chart. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc , 39(4), 217-223, 1958 (with J. Galway). Tornadoes in the United States, 1950-1956. Mon. Wea. Rev., 86, 219-228, 1958 The synoptic situation — the tornadoes at Dallas, Texas, April 2, 1957. U.S.W.B. Research Paper No. 41, 114-143, 1960. A case study of extreme turbulence possibilities based on considerations of buoyancy and horizontal divergence. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 42(3), 175-185, 1961 (with D. C. House). The tornado research airplane project 1958-1959. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 42(4), 231-238, 1961 (with C. L. David). Squall line structure and development as depicted by horizontal traverses by the tornado research aircraft. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 42(9), 595-602, 1961 (with C. L. David). A summary of field operations and data collection by the National Severe Storms Project in spring 1961. NSSP Report No. 5, 47 pp., 1961. A plan for research on mesoscale severe storms. Univ. of Chicago, M.S. Thesis, 47 pp., 1962. Thunderstorm turbulence measurements by aircraft and concurrent radar echo evaluations. Unit I of Final Report, Severe Storms Detection and Circumnavigation, FAA Contract ARDS-A-176, 1-56, 1963. NSSP Final Report on NASA Project No. Ft-55, 65 pp.. 1963. 45 46 Environmental and thunderstorm structures as shown by National Severe Storms Project observations in spring 1960 and 1961. Mon. Wea. Rev., 9(6), 271-292, 1963 (with NSSP Staff). Field operations of the National Severe Storms Project in spring 1 963 . NSSP Report No. 20, 68 pp., 1964 (with L. D. Sanders). Associations between aircraft measurements of turbulence and weather radar measurements. 45th Annual Meeting AGU-AMS, April 23, 10 pp., 1964 (with E. Kessler and K. Wilk). Thunderstorm turbulence and radar echo relationships; 1964 Data Studies. Proceedings, Fifth Annual National Conf. on Environmental Effects on Aircraft and Propulsion Systems, September 1965. F— 100 observations of thunderstorm turbulence between 20,000- 40,000 feet. Proceedings, Sixth Annual National Conf. on Environ- mental Effects on Aircraft and Propulsion Systems, September 1966. Associations between atmospheric turbulence and radar echoes in Oklahoma. Proceedings, Twelfth Conf. on Radar Meteor., October 1966. Thunderstorm circulations and turbulences from aircraft and radar data. ESSATech. Memo. IERTM-NSSL-32, 1967. Aerial cloud photography as a technique for observing cloud growth and development. Proceedings, First National Conf. on Weather Modification, Albany, New York, April 1968 (with E. Kessler). Thunderstorm turbulence and its relationship to weather radar echoes. AIM J. Aircraft, 6(5), 438-445, 1969 (with J. Burnham). Thunderstorm turbulence. Proceedings, Symposium on Turbulence, Washington, D.C., March, 10 pp., 1971. Comparison of thunderstorms over Oklahoma and Malaysia based on aircraft measurements. Proceedings, International Conf. on At- mospheric Turbulence, London, England, May, 13pp., 1971 (with A. McPherson). Aerial survey of tornado producing thunderstorms. Proceedings, Seventh Conf. on Severe Storms, Kansas City, Missouri, October, 49-53, 1971. Thunderstorm turbulence and drafts. Proceedings, Int. Conf. on Aerospace and Aeronautical Meteor., Amer. Meteor. Soc, AIAA, WMO, and ICAO, Washington, D.C., May, 276-280, 1972. Application of Doppler weather radar to turbulence measurements that affect aircraft. FAA Report RD-74-97, 24 pp., 1974. Thunderstorm turbulence — concurrent Doppler radar aircraft obser- vations, 1973. Proceedings, Sixth Conf. on Aerospace and Aeronautical Meteor., El Paso, Texas, Amer. Meteor. Soc, November, 295-298, 1974. Plan shear indicator and aircraft measurements of thunderstorm turbulence: experimental results. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, Amer. Meteor. Soc, April 22-24, 337-340, 1975 (with M. Kraus). Mesoscale cloud features observed from skylab. NASA Report TMS 58142, Chapter 18, 1975 (with D. Pitts and Y. Sasaki). Normalized indices of destruction and death by tornadoes. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-77, Norman, Oklahoma, 1976 (with E. Kessler). Leslie R. Lemon Meteorologist From February 1973 to March 1976 Mr. Lemon was employed at NSSL; at the beginning he was a Lieutenant in the NOAA Commissioned Corps. Mr. Lemon worked extensively with conventional and Doppler radar data to produce diagnostic models to explain severe convective storm structure and processes. Before joining NSSL in 1973, Mr. Lemon served in the NOAA Corps aboard the ship Researcher. His primary duties were supervising weather observing and transmission duties, training personnel in weather observing, and providing meteorological forecasts for the ship's working areas. From 1968 through March 1970, Mr. Lemon was a physical science aid and meteorological technician at NSSL while a student at the University of Oklahoma. Mr. Lemon's most important contributions include (1) discovery of the Doppler radar Tornadic Vortex Signature for which he received a special achievement award; (2) discovery of the anticyclonic wake vortex associated with severe thunderstorms; and (3) contributions to understanding of effects of flanking convection on existing severe thunder- storms, and delineation of severe thunderstorm surface meteorological structure. Currently, Mr. Lemon is continuing his work at the Techniques Development Unit, National Severe Storms Forecast Center, Kansas City, Missouri. Educational Background Meteorology, B.S. (1970), University of Oklahoma Kansas City Jr. College, and University of Kansas Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Sigma Tau (Engineering Fraternity) Publications and Reports Formation and emergence of an anticyclonic eddy within a severe thunderstorm as revealed by radar and surface data. Preprints, 14th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Tucson, Arizona, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 323-328, 1970. Observations of Doppler isotach and reflectivity structure within tornadic storms. Preprints, Inter-union Commission of Radio Meteorology Colloquium, Nice, France, 1973 (R. J. Doviak, D. W. Burgess, and D. Sirmans). Doppler velocity and reflectivity structure observed within a tornadic storm. J. Recti. Atmos., 8(1-2), 235-243, 1973 (with R. J. Doviak, D. W. Burgess and D. Sirmans). Interaction of two convective scales within a severe thunderstorm: a case study; and Thunderstorm wake vortex structure and aerodynamic origin. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL— 71, Norman, Oklahoma, 43 pp., 1974. Real time Doppler isotach and reflectivity signature of a tornado cyclone. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 55, 1126-1127, 1974 (with D. Sirmans, R. J. Doviak and D. W. Burgess). Evolution of a tornado signature and parent circulation as revealed by single Doppler radar. Preprints, Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 99-106, 1975 (with D. W. Burgess and R. A. Brown). Tornado characteristics revealed by Doppler radar. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2, 183-184, 1975 (with D. W. Burgess and R. A. Brown). NSSL dual-Doppler radar measurements in tornadic storms: a preview. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 56, 524-526, 1975 (with R. A. Brown, D. W. Burgess, J. Carter, and D. Sirmans). Tornado production and storm sustenance. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Oklahoma, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 100-104, 1975 (with D. W. Burgess and R. A. Brown). Analysis of the 4 June 1973 Norman tornadic storm. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Oklahoma, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 384-388, 1975 (with R. P. Davies-Jonesand D. W. Burgess). The flanking line, a severe thunderstorm intensification source. J. Atmos. Sci., 33(4), 686-694, 1976. Wake vortex structure and aerodynamic origin in severe thunder- storms. J. Atmos. Sci., 33(4), 678-685, 1976. Stephan P. Nelson Meteorologist Since March 1972, Mr. Nelson has served in NSSL's Meteorology Research Project. Major duties include development of data collection/analysis techniques and interpretation of surface mesonet- work, rawinsonde, and radar data on severe storms. Recent effort has been directed toward investigation of relationships between microphysical and dynam- ical processes in storms. From 1969 till 1972, Mr. Nelson was a research assistant at the University of Chicago Cloud Physics Laboratory. There he interpreted radar storm data, collected and analyzed air pollution data (Project METROMEX), helped install and operate the TPS- 10 radar, analyzed weather modification data (Project Whitetop), and participated in operational flights and maintained airborne meteorological instrumentation. His work at Chicago and with joint NSSL/University of Oklahoma projects has included over 100 hours of research flight. During summer 1969 Mr. Nelson was em- ployed at the Navy Weather Research Facility, Norfolk, Virginia, where he helped develop forecast ing techniques. In 1974-1975, Mr. Nelson used a NOAA Fellowship to obtain additional graduate training at the University of Oklahoma. Educational Background Meteorology and Oceanography, B.S. (1969), New York University Meteorology, S.M. (1971), University of Chicago Additional graduate studies, University of Oklahoma Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union Publications and Reports Detailed observational study of an echo free region. Preprints, 15th Radar Meteor. Conf., Champaign-Urbana, October 10-12, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 50-57, 1972 (with R. R. Braham). Radiosonde altitude measurement using double radiotheodolite techniques. NOAA TEch. Memo. ERL NSSL-65, Norman, Okla., 20 pp., 1973. Experiments to deduce tornado cyclone inflow characteristics using chaff and NSSL dual-Doppler radars. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 55(9), 1130-1131, 1974 (with J. McCarthy and G. Heymsfield). Study of a dissipating severe storm. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-69, Norman, Okla., 89-96, 1974 (with S. L. Barnes). Detailed observational study of a weak echo region. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 113(5-6), 735-746, 1975 (with R. R. Braham). Evolution of a tornadic cyclone as seen by dual-Doppler, instrumented aircraft and chaff. Preprints, 9th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Oklahoma, October 21-23, Amer. Meteor. Soc, Boston 389-395, 1975 (with J. McCarthy, G. Heymsfield, and L. Tidwell). Characteristics of multicell and supercell hailstorms in Oklahoma. Second WMO Conf. on Wea. Modif. , Boulder, August 2-6, WMO-No. 443, 335-340, 1976. Edward T. Pierce Physical Scientist Dr. Pierce joined NSSL as Senior Scientist in April 1976. He is leading development of a program in storm electricity. Before joining NOAA, Dr. Pierce was for many years a Staff Scientist and Scientific Advisor at Stan- ford Research Institute (SRI) California. Here he carried out research in atmospheric electricity, radio physics, gas discharge phenomena and the geophysical effects of nuclear explosions. Highlights of the period at SRI include expert testimony before Congress prior to the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty of 1963; establishment of a Scientific Liaison Group for the Office of Naval Research at the Tokyo Embassy; Al and research into the electrostatic hazards causing supertanker explosions and endangering the NASA series of Apollo rocket launches. From 1946 to 1957, Dr. Pierce was on the faculty of the University of Cambridge, England. Here he conducted and supervised research in solar and meteorological physics; he also gave courses of postgraduate lectures. Dr. Pierce has also been employed by AVCO Corporation (1959-1960; geophysics research), by Vickers Ltd. (1957-1958; high voltage research) and by the British Govern- ment (1940-1945; weapons research). 48 Dr. Pierce's most important contributions are based in his (1) scientific publications principally in atmospheric electricity and radio physics; (2) reports colligating and applying basic scientific information; and (3) participation in international science. Educational Background Mathematics, B.Sc (Summa Cum Laude, 1937), University of Wales Physics, B.Sc (Summa Cum Laude, 1938), Univer- sity of Wales Atmospheric Physics, Ph.D. (1951), University of Cambridge, England Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Past Chairman, Committee on Atmospheric Elec- tricity American Geophysical Union International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (UGGI) International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Inter-Union (UGGI-URSI) — Commissions Royal Meteorological Society, Past Councillor Society of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity of Japan International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity Honorary President 1975 to present Publications and Reports Solar limb flare. Nature, 160, 59, 1947. Atmospherics. J.I. EI. , 95(3), 381, 1948 (with T. W. Wormell). The waveforms of atmospherics. Phil. Mag.. 43, 393-409, 1952 (with P. G. F. Caton). The radiolocation of thunderstorms. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 33, 243, 1952 On atmospherics containing a low-frequency component or an ex- tended series of oscillations. Proc. U.R.S.I., Sydney, Australia, 1952 (with F. Hepburn). Four working papers on atmospherics for the World Symposium of Sferics, Zurich, Germany, 1953. Atmospheric waveforms and the location of thunderstorms. Proceed- ings, Conf. on Radio-Meteorology, University of Texas, 1953 (with T. W. Wormell). Field-changes due to lightning discharges. Thunderstorm Electricity, edited by H. R. Byers, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 251-266, 1953 (with T. W. Wormell). Atmospherics with very low frequency components. Nature, 171, 837-838, 1953 (with F. Hepburn). Atmospherics with long trains of pulses. Phil. Mag., 45, 917-931, 1954 (with F. Hepburn). The association between waveform and place of origin for atmos- pherics observed in western Europe. Proc. U.R.S.I., The Hague, 1954 (with J. Chapman). The frequency spectra of the radiation fields from lightning flashes. Proc, Conf. on Very Long Radio Waves, Munich, Germany, 1955. Electrostatic field-changes due to lightning discharges. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc, 81, 211-228, 1955. The fine structure of natural point-discharge currents. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc, 81, 92-95, 1955 (with M. I. Large). The development of lightning discharges. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc, 81, 78-86(1956). The influence of individual variations in the field changes due to lightning discharges upon the design and performance of lightning flash counters. Arch. Meteor. Geophy. Bioklimatol., A, 9, 78-86, 1956. Some techniques for locating thunderstorms from a single observing station. Vistas in Astronomy, Vol. 2, Pergamon Press, New York 850-855, 1956. A lightning flash counter. Rpt. 1bfT20, Elec Res. Assoc, Leath- erhead, England, 1956. Some fundamental considerations in direction finding on radio at- mospherics. Proceedings, Conf. on Meteorology and Radiolocation, Essen, Germany, 1956. Atmospherics as indicators of world-wide thunderstorm activity. Pro- ceedings, Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Aachen, Germany, 1956. Recent advances in meteorology— lightning. Science Progress, 45, 62-75, 1957. Relations between the character of atmospherics and their place of origin. Proceedings, Conf. on Very Low Frequencies, Denver, 1957; also published inProc. IRE, 45, 804-806, 1957 (with J. Chapman). Les types d'ondes, les spectres de frequence, et la propagation des atmospheriques. Proceedings, Paris Conf., 1956; also published in L'Onde Electrique, 37, 523-525, 1957 (with J. Chapman). The dependence of point-discharge current on wind as examined by a new experimental approach. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 10(5/6), 251— 257, 1957 (with M. I. Large). Nuclear explosions and a possible secular variation of the potential gradient in the atmosphere. J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 11,71-72, 1957. Some calculations on radioactive fallout with especial reference to the secular variations in potential gradient at Eskdalemuir, Scotland. Paper presented at the Third Symposium on Atmospheric Condensa- tion Nuclei Cambridge, England, July 1 958; published in Geofis. Pura Appl., 42, 145-151, 1958. Thunder and lightning. Shell Aviation News, No. 246, 9-13, 1958. Effects of high electric fields on dielectric liquids. J. Appl. Phys. , 30, 445-446, 1959. Some topics in atmospheric electricity. Recent Advances in Atmos- pheric Elec, Edited by L. G. Smith, Pergamon Press, New York, 5-16, 1959. Geophysical effects of high-altitude nuclear explosions. Nature, 183, 1476-1478, 1959 (with T. Obayashi and S. C. Coroniti). The effects of the natural electricity of the atmosphere upon the diva fusing system. Preliminary report under work No. 305-88D-6262, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1959. The propagation of radio waves of frequency less than 1 kc. Proc. IRE., 48, 329-331, 1960. Some extremely low frequency phenomena. J. Res. NBS, 64D, 383-386, 1960. Study of spontaneous ionospheric disturbances. Final Report, Con- tract No. AF29(601)-1985, prepared for U.S. Air Force under ARPA Order, 1960 (with D. W. Swift). An experimental investigation of negative point plane corona and its relation to ball lightning. Final Report, Contract No. AF1 9(604)- 7342, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1960 (with R. M. Nadile and P J. McKinnon). Atmospherics from lightning flashes with multiple strokes. J. Geophys. Res., 65, 1867-1871, 1960. Ionization below 100 km due to radioactive clouds. Tech. Memo., SRI Proj. 3097, Contract DA-36-039-SC-851 19, 1961. Reprinted in Final Report Task II. 1961. Geophysical experiments pertinent to nuclear blackout studies. Final Report SRI Proj. PAU 3709, 1961 (with twelve others). Attenuation coefficients for propagation at very low frequencies dur- ing a sudden ionospheric disturbance (S.I.D.). J. Res. NBS.. 65D, 543-546, 1961. The lightning discharge. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics, 3, 32, Pergamon, New York, 1962. Meteorological aspects of sources of atmospheric noise in lightning. Mono, on Radio Noise of Terrestrial Origin , Xlllth General Assembly of U.R.S.I., London, edited by F. Horner, Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York, 55-71, 1962. Very low frequency atmospherics due to lightning flashes. Final Re- port, SRI Proj. 3738, Contract AF33(657)-7009, 1962 (with H. R. Arnold and A. S. Dennis). Slow onset ionsophere effects due to nuclear explosions. Tech. Memo. 1, SRI Proj. 3684, Contract AF(638)-1081 . 1962. Very low frequency atmospherics. Final Report, Part II, SRI Proj. 3738, Contract AF33(657)-7009, 1962 (with A. S. Dennis). Sudden ionospheric disturbances and the propagation of very low frequency radio waves. Final Report, Part I, SRI Proj. 3684, Contract AF(638)-1081, 1962 (reissued 1963) (with H. R. Arnold). Sudden ionospheric disturbances and the propagation of very low frequency radio waves, Part II , Whistle: tape analysis and instrument development. Final Report, Part II, SRI Proj. 3684, Contract AF(638)-1081, 1963 (with A. L. Whitson). Sudden ionospherics disturbances and the propagation of very low frequency radio waves. Final Report, Part III, SRI Proj. 3684, Contract AF(638)-1081, 1963 (with A. L. Whitson). Excitation of earth ionosphere cavity resonances by lightning flashes. J. Geophys. Res., 68, 4125-4127, 1963. Collisional detachment and the formation of an ionospheric C region. J. Res. NBS, 67D, 525-532, 1963. Very low frequency atmospheric (U). Final Report 2, Part II, SRI Proj. 3738, Contract AF33(657)-7009, 1963 (with A. S. Dennis and G. H. Price). Amplitude phenomena at 1 to 200 kilocycles during sudden ionos- pheric disturbances. Paper presented at classified VELA Meeting, March 1963 (with A. L. Whitson). Very low frequency atmospherics due to lightning flashes. Final Re- port 2, SRI Proj. 3738, Contract AF33(657)-7009, 1963 (with A. S. Dennis and G. H. Price). Reprinted April 1964. The ionosphere below 100 km (D region): a simple model. Res. Memo 11, Contract DA-36-039 SCOS7197, SRI Proj. 3670, 1963 (with H. R. Arnold). Perturbations produced by jet aircraft in the earth's electric field. Sci. Note 1 , SRI Pro). 4454, Contract Nonr-4099 (00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C., 1965. Reprinted from J. Appl. Meteor., 3(6). 805-806, 1964. Some effects hitherto unemphasized from nuclear explosions in the ionosphere. Paper presented at classified meeting, October 1964. Leader and junction processes in the lightning discharge as a source of VLF atmospherics. Radio Science J. Res. NBSIUSNC-URSI, 68D, 771-776, 1964 (with H. R. Arnold). The return stroke of the lightning flash to earth as a source of VLF atmospherics. Radio Science J. Res. NBSIUSNC-URSI, 68D, 771- 776, 1964 (with A. S. Dennis). The variation of potential gradient with altitude above ground of high radioactivity. J. Geophys. Res., 69(14), 2895-2898, 1964. The nature of atmospherics (U). Final Report Contract AF33(657)- 12719, SRI Proj. 4704, 1965 (with G. H. Price and A. S. Dennis). Atmospheric electricity and the waterfalls of Yosemite Valley. J. Atmos. Sci., 22, 314-319, 1965. Miscellaneous contributions to Problems of Atmospheric and Space Electricity, S. C. Coroniti, Editor; Proceedings, Third Int'l Conf. At- mos. Space Elec, Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York, 140, 156, 158, 159, 174, 175, 319, 587, 590, and 595, 1965. The effect of a living tree upon the fair weather potential gradient. J. Atmos. Terr.Phys., 27,429-430, 1965 (with H. R. Arnold and A. L. Whitson). The effect of a living tree upon the fair weather potential gradient. Sci. Note 2, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), 1965 (with H. R. Arnold and A. L. Whitson). Atmospheric electricity and the waterfalls of Yosemite Valley. Sci. Note 3, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), 1965. Prepared for ONR. Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C. Electrification in the Earth's atmosphere for altitudes between and 100 km. Sci. Note 4, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C, 1965 (with R. K. Cole, Jr.). The global ionospheric effects of nuclear explosions, Part I: Theoreti- cal background (U). Final Report, Part I, Contract AF33(657)-12514 , SRI Proj. 4627, 1965. The global ionospheric effects of nuclear explosions. Part II: observa- tions (U). Final Report, Parti, Contract AF33(657)-12514, SRI Proj. 4627, 1965. Electrification in the Earth's atmosphere for altitudes between and 100 km. J. Geophys. Res., 70, 2735-2749, 1965 (with R. K. Cole, Jr.). Nuclear explosion phenomena and their bearing on radio detection of the explosions. Proc. IEEE, 53(12), 1994-2008, 1965. Bibliography of unclassified literature relating to the global ionos- pheric effects of nuclear explosions. Report, SRI, Menlo Park, Calif., 1965. The global ionospheric effects of nuclear explosions, Part III: recon- ciliation of theory and observations (U). Final Report, Part III, Con- tract AF33(657)-12514. SRI Proj. 4627, 1966. The global ionospheric effects of nuclear explosions (U). Final Report, Part IV, Contract AF33(657)-12514, SRI Proj. 4627, 1966. The determination by radio methods of global thunderstorm statistics. Report to National Academy of Sciences, 1966. Ionized columns between thunderstorms and the ionosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 71(3), 959-964, 1966 (with R. K. Cole, Jr. and R. D. Hill). Atmospheric electricity in a typical American bathroom. Weather, 21 , 449-455, 1966 (with A. L. Whitson). Rebuttal to comments on 'Atmospheric electricity and the waterfalls of Yosemite Valley'. J. Atmos. Sci., 23, 452-453, 1966 (with A. L. Whitson). Lightning, (in part), Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14, 16-20, 1966. Ionized columns between thunderstorms and the ionosphere. Sci. Note 6, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C, 1966 (with R. K. Cole, Jr. and R. D. Hill). Reply to comments on 'Atmospheric electricity and the waterfalls of Yosemite Valley.' Sci. Note 7, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr- 4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. of Navy, Washington, D.C, 1966 (with A. L. Whitson). Atmospheric electricity in a typical American bathroom. Sci. Note 8, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C, 1966 (with A. L. Whitson). Lightning location system. Final Report, SRI Proj. 5829, Contract CWB-11277, prepared for U. S. Weather Bureau, 1966 (with R. T. Collis, A. L. Whitson and R. G. Hatfield). The characteristics of atmospherics (U). SRI Proj. 4704, Final Report 2, Contract AF33(657)-12719, 1967 (with G. H. Price). 49 50 A study of delta gamma data (U). SRI Proj. 5850, Final Report, Vols. I and II, Contract AF33(657)-1 5844, 1967. Spherics. Encyclopaedia of Atmospheric Sciences andAstrogeology, Reinhold, New York, Amsterdam, London, 935-939, 1967. Atmospherics — their characteristics at the source and propagation. Progr. Radio Science 1963-1966, Proceedings, XVth General As- sembly of URSI, International Science Radio Union, Part 1 , 987-1039, 1967. The monitoring of global thunderstorm activity. Sci. Note 9, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C., 1968. The radio emissions from close lightning. Sci. Note 10, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C., 1968 (with G. N. Oetzel). The counting of lightning flashes. SRI Proj. 4240, Special Tech. Report 49, Contract DA-36-039-AMC-00040(E), U. S. Army Elec- tronics Command, 1968. The charge transferred to Earth by a lightning flash. J. Franklin Inst., 286, 353-354, 1968. A relationship between thunderstorm days and lightning flash density. Trans. A.G.U., 49, p. 686, 1968. An interaction study (U). Final Report, Contract F33657-68-0904, SRI Proj. 7188, September 1968 (with R. A. Nelson and K. G. Dedrick). SECRET. The charge transferred to Earth by a lightning flash. Sci. Note 12, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Washington, D.C., 1969. Sferics. In Atmospheric Exploration by Remote Probes, Vol. 2, Final Report prepared by the Panel on Remote Atmospheric Probing for the National Academy of Sciences, 595-616, 1969. The radio emissions from close lightning. A survey paper for the Fourth Int'l. Conf. on Universal Aspects of Atmospheric Electricity, Tokyo, Japan, published in Planetary Electrodynamics, Vol. 1, 543- 569, 1969. The monitoring of global thunderstorm activity. An introductory paper for the Fourth Int'l. Conf. on Universal Aspects of Atmospheric Elec- tricity, Tokyo, Japan, published in Planetary Electrodynamics, Vol. 2, 3-16, 1969. The thunderstorm as a source of atmospheric noise at frequencies between 1 and 100 kHz. Special Tech. Report 2, SRI Proj. 7045, Contract DASA01-68-C-0073, prepared for Defense Atomic Support Agency, 1969. Beta beta and delta gamma revisited. Final Report, SRI Proj. 7271, Contract F33657-68-C-1082, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1969 (with G. B. Carpenter). VHF technique for locating lightning. Radio Science, 4, 199-202, 1969 (with G. N. Oetzel). Progress in radio noise of terrestrial origin. Radio Science, 4, 661— 666, 1969. A clarification of K-streamer effects in lightning. EOS, 50, p. 167, 1969. Latitudinal variation of lightning parameters. J. Appl. Meteor., 9, 194-195, 1970. Lightning discharge to tall structures. EOS, 51, p. 301, 1970. VLF radio noise generated during the launch of Apollo 13. EOS, 51(11), p. 757, 1970 (with J. E. Nanevicz). Conjugate techniques (U). Final Report, SRI Proj. 7987, Contract N00014-69-C-0386, prepared for ARPA, Monitored by ONR, 1970 (with R. A. Nelson and J. F. Vesecky). Latitudinal variation of lightning parameters. Sci. Note (2), SRI Proj. 4454, Contract Nonr-4099(00), prepared for ONR, Dept. of Navy, Washington, D.C., 1970. Reprinted from J. Appl. Meteor., 9, 194-195, 1970. Special analysis service: study of VLF perturbations (U) . Special Tech. Report 2, SRI Proj. 1834, Contract F33657-70-C-0091, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1970 (with R. A. Nelson, D. P. Kanellakos and J. Owen). Waterfalls, bathrooms and — perhaps — supertanker explosions. Sci. Note 14, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0105, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1970. Waterfalls, bathrooms and — perhaps — supertanker explosions. Pro- ceedings, 1970 Lightning and Static Electricity Conf., Air Force Av- ionics Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 89-96, 1970. Ionospheric propagation of short pulses: magnitudes of elec- tromagnetic pulses from underground nuclear explosions (U). Special Tech. Report 4, SRI Proj. 7859, contract N00014-69-C-0359, pre- pared for ONR under ARPA Orders 1971 (with G. H. Price). Special analysis services: causes of HF Doppler shifts (U). Special Tech. Letter Report 1 , SRI Proj. 8958, Contract F33657-71-C-0395, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1971. Special analysis service: VLF propagation near a localized ionospheric depression (U). Special Tech. Report 2, SRI Proj. 8958, Contract F33657-71-C-0395, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1971 (with G. B. Carpenter). Comparison of observed and predicted effects of delayed gamma radiation from low altitude nuclear events (U). Special Paper pre- sented at Defense Nuclear Agency HANE Symposium, SRI Proj. 8958, Contract F33657-71-C-0395, prepared for U. S. Air Force, 1971 (with G. B. Carpenter, R. A. Nelson and J. Owen). Are VHF signals generated by the firing of a gun? Special SRI Report to Defense Special Projects Group, 1971. Triggered lightning and some unsuspected lightning hazards. Sci. Note 15, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0106, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1972. Reprinted from presenta- tion of the 1 38th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Philadelphia, 1971. Radioactive fallout and secular effects in atmospheric electricity. EOS, 52(11), p. 835, 1971. Lightning induced by thermonuclear detonations. EOS, 52(11), p. 840, 1971 (with M. A. Uman, D. F. Seacord, G. H. Price and R. E. Holzer). A new technique for locating lightning. EOS, 52(11), p. 841, 1971 (with N. Cianos and G. N. Oetzel). The pressure of thunder. Special Memorandum 1, SRI Proj. 1834, Contract LS-2817-A3, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1972. The mechanisms of charge transfer by a flash to Earth. Special Memorandum 2, SRI Proj. 1834, Contract LS-2817-A3, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1972. An extreme lightning model for flashes to Earth. Special Memoran- dum 3, SRI Proj. 1834, Contract LS-2817-A3, prepared for McDon- nell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1972 (with N. Cianos). Atmospheric electricity and the Apollo series. Sci. Note 18, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0106, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1972 (with J. E. Nanevicz and A. L. Whitson). Measurements in atmospheric electricity designed to improve launch safety during the Apollo series. Final Report, SRI Proj. 8940, Contract NAS9-1 1 357, prepared for NASA, 1 972 (with J . E. Nanevicz and A. L. Whitson). A ground-lightning environment for engineering usage. Tech. Report 1, SRI Proj. 1834, Contract LS-2817-A3, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1972 (with N. Cianos). The chances of in-flight lightning strikes to spartan missiles. Special Report 1, SRI Proj. 1834, Contract LS-2817-A3, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1972 (with N. Cianos). Models for an intracloud lightning flash. Special Report 2, SRI Proj. 1834 Contract LS-2817-A3, prepared for McDonnell Douglas As- tronautics Company, 1972 (with N. Cianos). Structure of lightning noise — especially above HF. Proceedings, 1 972 Lightning and Static Electricity Conf., Air Force Avionics Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, pp. 50-56, 1972 (with N. CianosandG. N. Oetzel). A technique for accurately locating lightning at close ranges. J. Appl. Meteor., 11, 1120-1127, 1972 (with N. Cianos and G. N. Oetzel). Reply to comments by R. H. Collingbourneon Radioactive fallout and secular effects in atmospheric electricity.' J. Geophys. Res., 77, 6637-6638, 1972. Stratospheric electricity. EOS, 53(11), p. 1004, 1972 (with R. D. Hake, Jr.). Comments on the current risetimes for a lightning flash to ground. EOS. 53(11), p. 1005, 1972 (with N. Cianos). Radioactive fallout and secular effects in atmospheric electricity. J. Geophys. Res., 77, 482-487, 1972. Lightning induced by thermonuclear detonations. J. Geophys. Res., 77, 1591-1596, 1972 (with M. A. Uman, D. F. Seacord, and G. H. Price). Radioactive fallout and secular effects in atmospheric electricity. Sci. Note 16, SRI Pro). 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0106. prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1972. Lightning induced by thermonuclear detonations. Sci. Note 17, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0106, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1972 (with M. A. Uman, D. F. Seacord, and G. H. Price). Reply to Comments by R. H. Collingbourneon Radioactive fallout and secular effects in atmospheric electricity.' Sci. Note 19, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0106, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1973. Stratospheric electricity. Final Report, SRI Proj. 1724, Contract N00014-72-C-0259, prepared for ONR as part of the Climatic Impact Assessment Program of the U. S. Dept. of Transportation, 1973 (with R. D. Hake, Jr., and W. Viezee). Electric and magnetic fields due to close lightning. Special report 1 , SRI Proj. 2824, Contract 6-73-01 0-H, prepared for McDonnell Doug- las Astronautics Company, 1973. Electric and magnetic fields due to close lightning. Supplementary Report, SRI Proj. 2824, Contract 6-73-01 0-H, prepared for McDon- nell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1973 (with G. H. Price). Basic electrical parameters of the atmosphere. Final Report, SRI Proj. 4454, Contract N00014-71-C-0106, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, 1974. Stratospheric electricity. Preprints. 2nd International Conf. on the Environmental Impact of Aerospace Operations in the High Atmos- phere, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 47-52,1974 (with R. D. Hake, Jr.). Stratospheric electricity. Sci. Note B., SRI Proj. 3062, Contract N00014-74-C-0134, prepared on ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Vir- ginia, 1974. Lightning incidence to buildings in Dallas, Texas. Special SRI Report for Mobil Oil Corporation, 1974. Atmospheric electricity— some themes. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 55, 1186-1194, 1974. The dependence of lightning fields upon current structure. EOS. 55(12), p. 1131, 1974 (with G. H. Price). The predominance to tall structures of single-stroke lightning flashes. EOS. 55(12), p. 1131, 1974. Comments on the modelling of cloud-to-ground lightning. EOS 55(12), p. 1131, 1974 (with N. Cianos). Atmospheric electricity— some themes. Sci. Note C, SRI Proj. 3062 Contract N00014-74-C-0134, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Ar- lington, Virginia, 1974. Stratospheric electricity and the global circuit. Sci. Note D, SRI Proj. 3062, Contract N00014-74-C-0134, prepared for ONR, Dept. Navy, Arlington, Virginia, December 1974. Reprinted from presentation at the 5th International Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, 1974. Natural lightning parameters and their simulation in laboratory tests. Proc. 1975 Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Session I, Paper 6, Royal Aeronautical Soc, London, 13 pp., 1975. Some examples of unsuspected triggered lightning. Anzenhiko, No. 59, 19-28, 1975 (in Japanese). Electric fields in and around the anvils of Florida thunderstorms. EOS, 56(12), p. 990, 1975 (with R. T. Bly and J. E. Nanevicz). Supertanker explosions and waterfall electricity. Funenokagaku, 28 (8) 62-66, 1975 (in Japanese). Some factors in estimating lightning triggered by rockets. EOS, 56(12), p. 991, 1975 (with G. H. Price). Stratospheric electricity and the global circuit. Proceedings, 5th In- ternational Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, 1976. Atmospheric electricity and earthquake prediction. Geophys. Res. Letters, 3, (3), 185-188, 1976. Winter thunderstorms in Japan— a hazard to aviation. Naval Res. Reviews, 29(6), 12-16, 1976. Natural electrical effects on the operation of tethered balloon systems. SRI Proj. 3058, Contract F08606-74-G-0034, prepared for Air Force Eastern Test Range under ARPA Order, 1974 (with G. H. Price). Fields due to close lightning (10 km range and specific back-off distances). Final Letter Report, SRI Proj. 3271 , Contract 6-74-372H, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1974 (with G. H. Price). Methods for lightning warning and avoidance. Tech. Report 1, SRI Proj. 3057, Contract 6-73-300H, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1974 (with N. Cianos). Fields due to close lightning (comparison with exoatmospheric nu- clear EmP) (U). Supplementary Final Letter Report, SRI Proj. 3271, Contract 6-74-372H, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1974 (with G. H. Price). Recommendations for lightning-warning techniques at safeguard missile site, North Dakota. Final Report, SRI Proj. 3057, Contract 6-73-300H, prepared for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, 1974 (with N. Cianos). Source characteristics of atmospherics generated by lightning. Pro- ceedings, Waldord Conf. on Long-Range Geographic Estimation of Lightning Sources, Naval Research Laboratory Report 7763, 64-79, 1974. Peter S. Ray Meteorologist Since March 1974, Dr. Ray has been at NSSL, combining theoretical studies with observations to further our understanding of severe storms. Impor- tant questions he is currently addressing concern mechanisms for concentration of vorticity in the tor- nado and for tornado-triggering. He has other in- terests in optics and electromagnetic propagation, and has accepted assignment as coordinator of NSSL's 1977 spring program of observations. Before joining NOAA, Dr. Ray was a National Research Council Fellow. He then examined radar techniques and he analyzed various ways for 51 measuring distributions of rain drop-sizes aloft. These studies relied heavily on his knowledge of scattering of electromagnetic waves, the subject of his dissertation. Dr. Ray's important contributions include (1) development of a refractive index model for water and ice, applicable over a wide range of temperature and frequencies; (2) development of a consistent physical theory of scattering from spheres; and (3) development of methodologies. Educational Background Physics and Mathematics, B.S. (1962), Iowa State University, Ames Meteorology, M.S. (1969), Ph.D. (1973), Florida State University, Tallahassee Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union Chi Epsilon Pi (Professional Honorary) Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Nor- man Dual-Doppler observations of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1521-1530, 1975 (with R. J. Doviak, G. B. Walker, D. Sir- mans, J. Carter, and B. Bumgarner). Dual-Doppler observations of a tornadic storm. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 115-118, April 22-24, 1975, (with R.J. Doviak, G. B. Walker, D. Sirmans, J. Carter, and W. C. Bumgarner). Time, angle, and range sampling with weather radar. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 156- 162, April 22-24, 1975 (with G. B. Walker, D. Zrnicand R.J. Doviak). Multiple Doppler radar observation of tornadic storms. 10th Interna- tional Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Ann Arbor, October 6-10, 1975 (with K. Wagner). Multiple Doppler radar observation of storms. Geophys. Res. Lett, 3(3), 189-191, 1976 (with K. Wagner). Examination of a dual wavelength Doppler radar technique to measure vertical wind velocity and drop size distributions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 5(1), 35-45, 1976. Error estimation in wind fields derived from dual-Doppler radar measurement. J. Appl. Meteor., 15(8), 868-878, 1976 (with R. J. Doviak, R. G. Strauch and L. J. Miller). Vorticity and divergence fields within tornadic storms from dual- Doppler observations. J. Appl. Meteor., 15(8), 879-890, 1976. 52 Publications and Reports Preliminary results of experiments with symmetric baroclinic in- stabilities. J. Atmos. Sci., 26(5), 991-996, 1970 (with P. Stone, S. Hess, and R. Hadlock). Far-field transient backscattering by water drops. J. Atmos. Sci., 28(5), 785-793, 1971 (with J. J. Stephens and R. Kurzeja). Broadband complex refractive indices of ice and water. Appl. Opt. 11(8), 1836-1844, 1972. Simulation of dual wavelength Doppler radar experiment to measure vertical velocity and drop-size distributions. International Union of Radio Sci., (URSI) Atlanta, Georgia, Institute of Electrical and Elec- tronic Engineers, June 10-13, 1974. Far-field transient backscattering by ice spheres. Radio Sci., 9(1), 43-55, 1974 (with J.J. Stephens). Internal field pulsed fraction by an ice sphere. Radio Sci., 9(4), 497-506, 1974 (with J. J. Stephens). Precipitation characteristics at vertical incidence from multiple wavelength Doppler radars. J. Atmos. Sci., 31(7), 1943-1974 (with G. B. Walker). Precipitation parameters determined by multiple Doppler radars at vertical incidence. International Union of Radio Sci., (URSI), Atlanta, Georgia, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, June 10-13, 1974 (with G. B. Walker). Backscattered short pulse response of surface waves from dielectric spheres: Comment. Appl. Opt., 14(8), 1765-1767, 1975 (with J. J. Stephens). Far-field impulse response verification of selected high frequency optics backscattering analogs. Appl. Opt., 14(9), 2169-2175, 1975 (with J. J. Stephens, and T. W. Kitterman). Near-field impulse response examination of backscattering from dielectric spheres. Appl. Opt., 14(10), 2492-2498, 1975 (with J. J. Stephens and T. W. Kitterman). Charles R. Safford Meteorologist Since July 1975, Mr. Safford has been at NSSL developing computer programs to objectively analyze both single and dual-Doppler data and dis- play the results in different useful forms. Before joining NOAA, Mr. Safford was station meteorologist for television station KAMU in College Station, Texas. From December 1972 until Sep- tember 1973, he was employed by the Department of Meteorology, Texas A&M University, College Sta- tion, Texas, as manager of the Department's weather station. He prepared teaching aids for the faculty and aided in Civil Defense warning during severe weather situations. Educational Background Meteorology, B.S. (1972) Texas A&M University, College Station Graduate studies at Texas A&M Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Joseph T. Schaefer Meteorologist From June 1971 to March 1976, Dr. Schaefer was a Research Meteorologist at NSSL, where he was team leader of the Environmental Interactions Group. His research concerns processes involved in transformation of the near storm environment during storm development. This research requires identifi- cation of significant environmental features, physical reasoning as to the cause of such features, and numerical simulation to verify the conceptual mod- els obtained. From 1969 to 1971, Dr. Schaefer was with the Navy Weather Research Facility at Norfolk, Virginia. His mission was to develop techniques for direct application of numerical products to Navy opera- tions. Achievements included development of a trajectory forecast model and significant input into an analogue typhoon model. Dr. Schaefer was also the Navy technical representative to mesoscale numberical modeling efforts at Drexel University. Preceding 1969, Dr. Schaefer was a meterologist at various National Weather Service sta- tions, and was a Teaching Fellow in the Mechanical Engineering Department at St. Louis University for one year. Dr. Schaefer's most important contribution has been to illuminate the processes attendant to the dryline, a phenomenon of the western plains closely connected to thunderstorm initiation there. On March 28, 1976, Dr. Schaefer became Chief, Techniques Development Unit at the National Se- vere Storms Forecast Center of the NWS. Educational Background Meteorology and Mathematics, B.A. (1965), St. Louis University Meteorology, Ph.D. (1973), St. Louis University Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union Publications and Reports Numerical products as specific operational forecasting aids. Proceed- ings, 6th AWS Technical Exchange Conf., September 21-24, 1970. Published as Automated Weather Support, Air Weather Service Tech. Report No. 242, 183-201,1971 (with E. C. Kindle and R. L. Crisci). On the comparison of the surface divergence field. J. Appl Meteor., 12 546-547, 1973. On the solution of the generalized Ekman Equation. Won. Wea. Rev., 101, 535-537, 1973. The motion of the dryline. Preprints, 8th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Denver, Colo., October 14-17, 104-107, 1973. Morphology and motion of the dryline. Ph.D. Dissertation, St. Louis Univ., available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1973. Psychological response to tornadoes. Comments on an article by Sims and Baughman, Science, 180, 545, 1973 (with R. P. Davies- Jones and J. H. Golden). Motion and morphology of the dryline. N0AA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-66, Norman, Oklahoma, 80 pp., 1973. A simulative model of dryline motion. J. Atmos. Sci. , 31 , 956-964, 1974. The life cycle of the dryline. J. Appl. Meteor., 13, 444-449, 1974. The environment near the dryline. Proceedings, SESAME Opening Conf., 206-218, 1974. Reply to Comments by Mahrt. J. Atmos. Sci., 32, 636, 1975. Nonlinear biconstituent diffusion: a possible trigger of convection. J. Atmos. Sci., 32, 2278-2284, 1975. Moisture stratification in the well-mixed' boundary layer. Preprints, 9th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Norman, Okla., October 21-23, 45-50, 1975. On the relationship of cirrus clouds to the jet stream. Mon. Wea. Rev., 104, 105-106, 1976 (with C. A. Doswell). Moisture features of the convective boundary layer in Oklahoma. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 102, 432, 447-451. 1976. Dale Sirmans Chief Engineer Mr. Sirmans, now Chief Engineer at NSSL, joined the NSSP in 1962. Prior to that he was with the U. S. Weather Bureau at Miami, Florida, and still earlier he was in the field of aviation electronics with Eastern Airlines and Lockheed Aircraft. Mr. Sirmans' more important contributions in- clude (1) design and development of the digital in- tegrator and associated signal recording and display equipmentfor NSSL's WSR-57 radar; (2) design and development of the first 10-cm meteorological Dop- pler radar and associated signal processing and re- cording equipment; (3) design and development of one of the first real time mean velocity estimation devices and its associated display; and (4) design and development of real time velocity mean and width estimation devices using covanance argument techniques. Educational Background Undergraduate (1958-1960), Georgia Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering, B.S. (1968), University of Ok- lahoma Graduate studies at the University of Oklahoma 53 54 Professional Affiliations Eta Kappa Nu American Geophysical Union Publications and Reports Weather radar data system at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Preprints, Fifth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, St. Louis, Missouri, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 14-23, 1967 (with K. Wilk, W. L. Watts, R. M. Lhermitte, E. Kessler, and K. Gray). Engineering report on the pulse Doppler X-band radar at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. ESSA Tech. Circular No. 8, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Okla. , 26 pp., 1968. Special radar projects at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. The "R" meter. NSSL Final Report to Federal Aviation Administration, FA-68-WAI-148, 26 pp., 1970. Weather radar signal processing and recording at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. IEEE Trans. Geosic. Electron., GE-8(2), 88-94, 1970. Uncertainty of quantized estimates of radar echo intensity. Preprints, 14th Radar Meteor. Conf., Tucson, Arizona, Amer. Meteor, Soc, 381-382, 1970. Preliminary Doppler velocity measurements in a developing radar hook echo. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 52(12), 1186-1188, 1971 (with R. A. Brown, W. C. Bumgarner, and K. C. Crawford). A display of radar echo maximum intensity in use at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Mon. Wea. Rev., 100(1), 8-9, 1972 (with W. L. Watts). Digital processing of meteorological radar signals. Australian Com- monwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Meteor. Study No. 25, 1972. Assignment of reflectivity levels to the RC33 radar digital output. Australian Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Working Paper No. 159, 1973. Doppler radar measurements and observations of precipitation veloc- ity fields. 1973 SWIEEECO Record of Tech. Reports, 25th Annual Southwestern IEEE Conf. & Exhibition, Houston, Tex., IEEE Catalog No. 73CH0719-5-SWIECO, 69-70, 1973 (with R. J. Doviak). Doppler radar with polarization diversity. J. Atmos. Sci., 30(4), 737-738, 1973 (with R. J. Doviak). Real-time estimates of mean velocity by averaging quantized phase displacements of Doppler radar echoes. 1973 SWIEEECO Record of Tech. Reports, 25th Annual Southwestern IEEE Conf. & Exhibition, Houston, Tex., IEEE Catalog No. 73CH0719-5-SWIECO, 71-72, 1973. Pulsed-Doppler velocity isotach displays of storm winds in real time. J. Appl. Meteor., 12(4), 694-697, 1973. Meteorological radar signal intensity estimation. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-64, Norman, Okla., 1973. Real time Doppler isotach and reflectivity signature of a tornado cyclone. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 55(9), 1126-1127, 1974. Doppler velocity and reflectivity structure observed within a tornadic storm. J. Rech. Atmos., 8(1-2), 235-243, 1974 (with R. J. Doviak, D. W. Burgess, and L. R. Lemon). Estimation of spectral density mean and variance by covariance argu- ment techniques. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., April 22-24, 1975. NSSL dual-Doppler radar measurements in tornadic storms: a pre- view. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 56(5), 524-526, 1975 (with R. A. Brown, D. W. Burgess, J. Carter, and L. R. Lemon). Numerical comparison of five mean frequency estimators. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(6), 991-1003, 1075. Dual-Doppler observation of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1521-1530, 1975 (with P. S. Ray, R. J. Doviak, G. B. Walker, J. Carter, and W. C. Bumgarner). Convective rainfall estimation by radar: experimental results and proposed operational analysis technique. Preprints, Conf. on Hydro-Meteorology, Ft. Worth, Texas, April 20-22, 54-59, 1976 (with E. Brandes). Objectives and accomplishments of the NSSL 1975 spring program. NOAATech. Memo. ERL NSSL-78, 47 pp., 1976, (with K. Wilk, K. Gray, C. Clark, J. Dooley, J. Carter, and W. Bumgarner). Estimates of power scattered from distributed targets for a practical logarithmic detector. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., October, 53-59, 1976 (with G. B. Walker and L. Hennington). Extension of maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity by use of two sampling rates. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., October, 23-28, 1976. Measurement of winds in the optically clear air with microwave pulse-Doppler radar. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., October, 342-348, 1976 (with L. Hennington, R. J. Doviak, D. Zrnicand R. G. Strauch). Resolution of pulse-Doppler radar range and velocity ambiguities in severe storms. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., October, 15-22, 1976 (with R.J. Doviak, D. Zrnicand G. B. Walker). Simulation of attenuation by rainfall at a wavelength of 5 cm. Pre- prints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., October, 75-78, 1976 (with M. L. Weible). Tornado characteristics revealed by a pulse-Doppler radar. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., October, 110-117, 1976 (with D. Zrnic, R. J. Doviak, and D. W. Burgess). Judith Stokes Meteorologist Judith Stokes joined NSSL in July 1976. She was introduced to Atmospheric Sciences through an advanced study program sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research and later received a one-year UCAR Fellowship to attend Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology. Under the supervision of Professor Frederick Sanders she completed requirements for the degree of Master of Science in May 1976. Her thesis treated processes in an Oklahoma squall line. Educational Background Mathematics, B.S. (Summa Cum Laude, 1974), Clark College of the Atlanta University Center Meteorology, M.S. (1976), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional Affiliation Sigma Xi Publications and Reports Evidence of global-scale five day wave in a 73 year pressure record. J. Atmos. Sci., 32(4), 831-836, 1975 (with Roland Madden). Heat, moisture, and momentum budgets for an Oklahoma squall line. M.S. Thesis, Department of Meteorology, M.I.T., 82 pp., 1976. John F. Weaver Meteorologist Mr. Weaver joined NSSL during 1976 and is engaged now in development of observing and fore- casting practice to be applied during the 1977 spring observational program. During the first four months of 1976, hedid consultingwork in meteorology for an environmental research group in Wyoming before coming to work at NSSL. After attending several night courses at East Carolina College he applied to and was accepted at Colorado State University and received the Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics (physics minor) in June 1968. His earlier experience included work as a cost analyst and accountant in Wyoming, and sev- eral accounting correspondence courses. Educational Background Mathematics, B.S. ( 1968), Colorado State University Atmospheric Science, M.S. (1975), University of Wyoming Publications and Reports A cloud free vault. M.S. Thesis, University of Wyoming, 56 pp., 1975. A cloud free vault. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc, Norman, October 21-23, 120-123, 1975. The potential effects of strip mining on air quality in Wyoming (with a brief discussion of aeolian soil erosion). Unpublished report to the Mine Reclamation Group, Laramie, Wyoming, 42 pp., 1976. Michael L. Weible Computer Specialist Since March 1970, Mr. Weible has been a computer specialist in the Computing and Data Pro- cessing section of the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Assignments as a lead programmer in- clude development of radar quality control computer procedures, programming support for theoretical studies involving radar characteristics, and design and coding of scientific computer programs for re- duction and analysis of basic meteorological data. Before joining NSSL, Mr. Weible was employed as a data reduction specialist by the University of Oklahoma Research Institute from December 1966 through February 1970. Educational Background Electrical Engineering, B.S. (1971), University of Ok- lahoma Information and Computer Science, M.S. (1973), University of Oklahoma Currently enrolled as a Ph.D. candidate in Informa- tion and Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma Professional Affiliations Sigma Tau (Engineering Fraternity) Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Fraternity) Publications and Reports Severe rainstrom at Enid, Oklahoma, October 10, 1973. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-73, Norman, Oklahoma, 50 pp., 1974 (with L. P. Merritt and K.E. Wilk). Simulation of attenuation by rainfall at a wavelength of 5 cm. Proceed- ings, 17th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Amer. Meteor. Soc, 1976 (with D. Sirmans). Kenneth E. Wilk Head of Operations Group Ken Wilk joined the National Severe Storms Project (NSSP) in 1962, to establish its Weather Radar Laboratory at Norman. With transfer of other NSSP staff to Norman and creation of NSSL in 1964, he became Chief of the Operations Branch, leading 12 meteorologists and technicians in development, deployment, and maintenance of a network of sur- face meteorological stations, meteorological radar and rawinsonde installations, and a tall meteorologi- cal tower. These systems have provided basic data for numerous mesoscale studies conducted at NSSL and elsewhere during the past decade. In 1967, he promoted operational tests with the Office of Hydrology at NWS to examine digital radar data for monitoring precipitation and streamflow. This work stimulated discussions with NWS which resulted in the start of project D/RADEX. In 1970, similar work with the Systems Re- search and Development Service of the Federal Avia- tion Administration (FAA) led to study of applications of air traffic control radars and airborne radars for severe storm detection and avoidance. Techniques developed during this research are now being tested by NWS and FAA for use in their operations. 55 Recently, Mr. Wilk has assisted both FAA and NWS in design and testing of a unique remote radar data display to provide general aviation with greatly improved storm information at the Flight Service Stations. FAA and NWS are now planning to procure more than 50 of these units for use at various facilities across the United States. At the present time, he is serving as NSSL proj- ect manager for the N WS-NSSL experiment to trans- fer Doppler technology. Educational Background Mathematics and Physics, A. B. (1952), University of Illinois Meteorology, B.S. (1953), Pennyslvania State Uni- versity Severe rainstorm at Enid, Oklahoma — October 10, 1973. Tech Memo ERL NSSL-73, 1974 (with L. Merritt). Radar for rainfall monitoring. Proceedings, MAS Meeting, San Fran- cisco, Calif., 1974 (with E. Kessler). NSSL programs in meteorological processing and analysis of non- coherent (WSR-57) and coherent (Modified FPS-18) radar mea- surements of severe storms. Subsynoptic Extratropical Weather Sys- tems, Vol. 2, NCAR, 1974 (with R. Brown). Applications of conventional and Doppler radar measurements in severe storm research. Preprints, 3rd Symposium of Meteor. Obser- vations and Instrumentation, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 165-174, 1975; also Proceedings, IEEE 1975 Electronics and Aerospace Systems Conference, Washington, D.C., 75 CHO 998-5 EASCON, 1975 (with R. Brown). Evaluation of a remote weather radar display: Vol. I. Final Report, FAA Contract No. DOT-FA74WAI-440, 37 pp., 1976. Objectives and accomplishments of the NSSL 1975 spring program — Part I: Observational program. NOAA Tech Memo ERL NSSL-78, 60 pp., 1976 (with K. Gray and C. Clark). Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society Member, Committee on Weather Radar 56 Publications and Reports WSR-57 reflectivity measurements and hail observations. Tech Note 3 NSSL-24, 1965 (with N. Ward and W. Herrmann). Circularly polarizable radar and hail detection. Tech Note 3 NSSL-24, 1965 (with E. Kessler). Wave length dependence of the radar reflectivity of water and ice spheres. Tech Note 3 NSSL-24, 1965 (with S. Kulshrestha). Data processing at NSSL in 1964. Tech Note 3 NSSL-24, 1965 (with K. Gray). Associations between aircraft measurements of turbulence and weather radar measurements. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc, 46(8), 1965 (with E. Kessler and J. Lee). Weather detection by ARSR-1D, ASR-4, and WSR-57 radars: A comparative study. Tech Memo NSSL-1, 1965 (with J. DooleyandE. Kessler). Motion and intensity characteristics of the severe thunderstorm of April 3, 1964. Tech Memo IERTM NSSL-29, 1966. Weather radar data system at the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Proceedings, 5th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 1967 (with W. Watts, D. Sirmans, R. Lhermitte, E. Kessler, and K. Gray). Radar measurement of precipitation for hydrological purposes. WMO, (IHD), Report No. 5, 1968 (with E. Kessler). Detection and presentation of severe thunderstorms by airborne and ground-based radars: A comparative study. Tech Memo ERL NSSL- 43, 1969 (with J. Carter and J. Dooley). Quantitative radar measurements of precipitation. Meteor. Mono., 11, 1970 (with E. Kessler). Processing and analysis techniques used with the NSSL weather radar system. Proceedings, 14th Conf. on Weather Radar, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 1970 (with K. Gray). Severe thunderstorm radar echo motion and related weather events hazardous to aviation operations. Tech Memo ERL NSSL-46, 1970 (with P. Barclay). The NSSL surface network and observations of hazardous wind gusts. Tech Memo ERL NSSL-55, 1971 (with Operations Staff). Fuad Allen Zahrai Electronic Engineer Mr. Zahrai has been working as an Electronics Engineer with NSSL's Advanced Techniques Group since September 1975. The Advanced Techniques Group provides the engineering support and sophis- ticated electronic equipment needed for study of severe storms and tornadoes. Before joining NSSL, Mr. Zahrai was a graduate research assistant in the College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, where he was involved in design and development of acoustic radar and related equipment used to probe the lower atmos- phere. Mr. Zahrai's accomplishments at NSSL include (a) design and development of a dual tape recorder system for the Doppler radars; (b) design and de- velopment of a minicomputer interface and pro- grammer for the Doppler radar, and software de- velopment for the minicomputer; and (c) design of a digital communication link between the two Doppler radars. In addition, he provides consultation and assistance to others within the Laboratory on equip- ment maintenance problems. Educational Background Electrical Engineering, B.S. (1972), University of Oklahoma .S. (1974), Professional Affiliations Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineers' Honor Society) Publications and Reports Digital data logging and recordnig for the acoustic radar. M.S. Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. , 1974. W. David Zittel Meteorologist In February 1971, Mr. Zittel joined NSSL's Op- erations Group. He has worked primarily with the meteorological instrumented KTVY tall tower in field work, data collection and quality control, and analysis. More recently, using radar data, he has developed software for graphically blocking out air zones near severe storms hazardous to aircraft oper- ation, and has guided tests of a remote radar display for operational use in flight service stations. Educational Background Atmospheric Science, B.S. Washington, Seattle ;i970), University of Professional Affiliation American Meteorological Society Publications and Reports The NSSL/WKY-TV tower data collection program: April-July 1972. NOAA Tech Memo ERL NSSL-68, 45 pp., 1974. Computer applications and techniques for storm tracking and warn- ing. Preprints, 17th Conf. on RadarMeteor., Seattle, October 26-29, Am. Meteor. Soc, 514-521, 1976. Evaluation of a remote weather radar display, Vol. II: Computer applications for storm tracking and warning. Final Report, FAA Con- tract No. DOT-FA74WAI-440, 114 pp., 1976. Dusan Zrnic Electrical Engineer Dr. Zrnic was at NSSL during 1973-74 and 1975-76, first as a National Research Council Fel- low, and second, on differential sabbatical. He de- veloped an algorithm to simulate weatherlike signals that has become a standard test for comparison between various spectral moment estimators. He studies velocity spectra of vortices obtained with a pulse Doppler radar, magnetic effects in the vicinity of tornadoes, meteorological radar signals, and parameter estimators. Dr. Zrnic coordinated the first dual-Doppler experiment in clear air. Dr. Zrnic has been with the school of Engineer- ing, California State University, Northridge (CSUN) since 1969, first as an assistant professor and then as associate professor since 1974. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses — on radar, stochastic processes, and signal estimation and detection — and has done research in weather signal processing, tornado detection with a pulse Doppler radar, stochastic processes, and control theory. While employed at CSUM, Dr. Zrnic concur- rently consulted with various private companies and government agencies on radar systems improve- ment, signal processing, digital filtering, servosimu- lation, and noise analysis. Prior to joining CSUN, Dr. Zrnic was a research and teaching assistant at the University of I Hi nois's Charged Particle Research Laboratory. There he in- strumented a mass ion spectrometer for ionospheric research and established both theoretically and ex- perimentally that fluid instabilities can be sup- pressed by distributed feedback. Dr. Zrnic's most important contributions in- clude (1) development and verification of a model vortex spectrum; (2) development of a unifying theory for spectral moment estimates from corre- lated pulse pairs, and improvement of techniques for acquiring, processing, and utilizing weather radar data; and (3) a first experimental verification that a Rayleigh-Taylor instability can be suppressed with a distributed feedback system. Educational Background Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications and Electronics), Diploma in Engineering (1965), Uni- versity of Belgrade, Yugoslavia Electrical Engineering (minor in Mathematics) (1966), Ph.D. (1969), University of Illinois Professional Affiliations Sigma Xi National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, 1973 IEEE Publications and Reports Errors in regeneration of binary pulses. Dipl. Eng. Thesis, Dept. of Elec. Eng., University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1965. Instrumentation of an ion mass spectrometer. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Elec. Eng., University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1966. Stabilization of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability with magnetic feed- back. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Elect. Eng., University of Illinois, Urba- na, lllinios, 1969. On the resistivity and surface tension of the eutectic alloy of gallium and indium. J. Less Common Metals, 18, 1969. 57 Stabilization of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a multi-arm fluid pendulum. J. Appl. Phys., 13(3), 1970. Control of an instability on the fluid pendulum with magnetic feed- back. Phys. of Fluids, 13(7), 1970. Optimal modal control with physical readability constraint. Conf. Records of the Sixth Asilomar Conf. on Circuits and Systems, Pacific Grove, Calif., November 15-17, 1972. Dynamic correction of the A6C effect on radar tracking. Conf. Re- cords of the Sixth Asilomar Conf. on Circuits and Systems, Pacific Grove, Calif., November 15-17, 1972. Optimal control of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a multi-arm fluid pendulum. J. Appl. Phys., 42(2), 1973. Metric data corruption program. Working note, Pacific Missile Range, Pt. Mugu, Calif., 1973. Approximation of the autocorrelation matrix function. Proc. IEEE, 61(3), 1973. Reverse error coefficients. IEEE Trans. Aerosp and Electron. Syst., AES-9(3), 1973. Additional remarks on the equation: x + 2 ax + o> 2 x = 0. Amer. J. Phys., 41(5), 1973. Demonstration of course material by students. IEEE Trans. Educ, E-16(3), 1973. An approximation to optimal modal control. Automatica, 10(3), 1974. Moments of estimated input power for finite sample averages of radar receiver outputs. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. and Electron. Syst., AES- 11(11), 1975. Time, angle and range sampling with weather radar. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, April 1975 (with G. B. Walker, P. S. Ray and R. J. Doviak). Simulation of weatherlike Doppler spectra and signals. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(4), 1975. Receiver chain and signal processing effects on the Doppler spec- trum. Preprints, 16th Radar Meteor. Conf., Houston, Texas, April 1975 (with W. C. Bumgarner). Estimated tornado spectra and maximum velocity statistics. NOAA Final Report on Grant No. 04-5-022-17, 1975. Signal to noise ratio in the output of nonlinear devices. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT-21(6), 1975. Velocity spectra of vortices scanned with a pulse Doppler radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8) 1975 (with R. J. Doviak). Tornado characteristics revealed by a pulse Doppler radar. Preprints, 17th Radar Conf., Seattle, Washington, 1976 (with R. J. Doviak, D. W. Burgess and D. Sirmans). Tornado probing with a pulse-Doppler radar. Proceedings, Tornado Symposium in Lubbock, Texas, June 1976 (with R. J. Doviak). Measurement of winds in the optically clear air with microwave pulse Doppler radar. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., 1976 (with L. Hennington, R. J. Doviak, D. Sirmans and R. G. Straucn). Resolution of pulse Doppler radar range and velocity ambiguities in severe storms. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., 1976 (with R. J. Doviak, D. Sirmans and G. B. Walker). Extension of maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity by use of two sampling rates. Preprints, 17th Radar Meteor. Conf., Seattle, Wash., 1976 (with D. Sirmans and W. C. Bumgarner). Magnetometer data acquired during nearby tornado occurrences. Accepted by J. Geophys. Res., 1976. Effective antenna pattern of scanning radars. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. and Electron. Syst., ES-12(5), 1976. Mean power estimation of Rayleigh distributed signals with a recur- sive digital filter. Accepted by IEEE Trans. Aerosp. and Electron. Syst, 1976. 58 Appendix B History of Engineering Development of NSSL Date : August 10, 1976 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES National Severe Storms Laboratory 1313 Halley Circle Norman, Oklahoma 73069 To From Director Dale Sirmans RF37 Subiect: NSSL Program and History Ref: Memo of June 7, 1976 Engineering development at NSSL has always been a means toward meteorological results rather than toward hardware development per se . This concept has promoted NSSL's basic functions in research and devel- opment. Technology has been transferred to other parts of the meteoro- logical community as the value of techniques is recognized; we have usually transferred methods rather than hardware itself. With the above in mind, I give a brief history of engineering development at NSSL and a description of work in progress. Engineering History The group from which NSSL evolved, the National Severe Storms Project (NSSP) , established the existing NSSL site in 1962. The original mis- sion of NSSP was conceived primarily for safety of flight, and the probing of severe storms by aircraft and our ground based facilities reflected the needs of this mission. Original radar equipment consisted of a 10-cm WSR-57 weather surveillance radar which still gives satis- factory service, a 5-cm MPS-4 height finder radar (the standard system was modified for weather applications) and an L band aircraft transponder interrogator (IFF) which is also still in service. Radar signal pro- cessing consisted of "step gain" and PPI contour displays of unintegrated video (log-contour). Photography was the primary method of data archival. In late 1964 Dr. R. M. Lhermitte joined the Laboratory, and under his direction, NSSL developed a 3-cm pulse Doppler radar system, one of the first. Signal processing in this system, advanced for its time, analyzed one range location in real time (spectrum analysis) and used analog methods to record data at 10 range locations for post analysis. This Doppler system was used in a variety of studies relating to special problems in precipitation physics and clear air radar returns before being de-commissioned in 1969. 59 Director August 10, 1976 Page 2 60 Increasing research interest in radar as a quantitative indirect probe prompted the Laboratory to undertake engineering development of signal averaging techniques necessary for accurate meteorological interpretation of radar data. Engineering development under Dr. Lhermitte direction was done in late 1965 and early 1966, and a signal averaging device utilizing analog techniques was placed in service on the WSR-57 radar in 1966. Photography was then still the primary method of data archival. Analog signal averaging was one of the first engineering developments to be transferred outside the Laboratory (to the National Weather Service). This began in 1968; however the technology was advancing so rapidly that before the transfer was complete, NSSL had placed a second generation device using digital processing techniques in service. The National Weather Service (NWS) has many analog devices in use now and is currently procuring a digital version. Concurrent with signal processing development, data handling and recording methods were also being developed. One of the first efforts used paper tape (1967-1968) , but did not prove satisfactory. A digital magnetic recording scheme (1968) using a low performance recorder (by today's standards) proved more satisfactory for the radar system parameters but required substantial attention and input by the radar operator. A high speed digital recorder and semi-automation scheme (1969-to present) has been best so far. Most signal processing and recording schemes have been adapted to all of NSSL radars, but quantitative intensity measure- ments are usually restricted to the 10-cm systems. NSSL radar systems with wavelength less than 10-cm are sometimes configured and used only for special studies and are commissioned and de-commissioned according to program needs. The MPS-4 C-Band system was de-commissioned in 1972, its performance being compromised by attenuation of radar energy in our severe storms. A TPQ-11 K-Band radar was commissioned in 1969 and de-commissioned in 1972 after use in special studies. A modified CPN-18 S-Band radar was commissioned in 1968 and de-commissioned in 1969 when program needs no longer warranted its use. In 1968 a radar system consisting of a modified CPN-18 interfaced to a 30 ft. antenna was commissioned to study problems associated with extrac- tion of Doppler information from the amplitude fluctuation spectra. This system was de-commissioned in 1970. A major engineering project for the past six years has been the development of the 10-cm Doppler radars. Preliminary engineering for the first 10-cm Doppler radar at Norman was begun in 1969. Heavy engineering and system installation was completed in 1970 and the basic system was commissioned in 1971. The similar system at Cimarron Field was fully operational starting in 1973. Major improvements in system capability (and complexity) have been made every year; however, our Doppler radar techniques have evolved to the stage where technology transfer to NWS has begun. Director August 10, 1976 Page 3 Concurrent with deployment of the basic radar, techniques and hardware for signal processing, handling, and archival have been developed. In most cases, as much time and effort has been devoted to signal processing as to the basic radar system. Most effort in this area has been in addressing problems of signal averaging for quantitative intensity estimation and frequency (or velocity) analysis methods for both real time and post analysis. An example of how engineering evolves can be found in the development of the hardwired mean velocity and spectrum width processor for the Doppler radars. In late 1972, development of an original scheme of velocity estimation by scalar phase change was begun. The method consisted of measuring the rotation rate of the complex vector representing the Doppler radar signal. This vector was quantized into octants and the method dubbed "octant change counting" (OCC) . A working device was placed on line in 1973 and produced the first real time displays of mesocyclone signatures. However, the techniques contain basic limita- tions compared to the covariance and vector phase change methods of velocity estimation (Fig. 1) and in late 1973, design of a second generation velocity estimator using the covariance method was begun. A working device was placed on line in late 1975 and serves as the primary data acquisition device for the Doppler radars. tO INPUT STANOARO DEVIATION 61 NORMALIZED INPUT STANOAftO DEVIATION Fig. 1. Normalized mean frequency estimate (a) and standard deviation of mean estimate (b) at a signal-to-noise ratio of dB with simulated data. Standard devia- tions are observed values and contain any bias of associated mean estimate. Normal- ized mean frequency estimate (r) and observed standard deviation of mean esti- mate (d) at a signal-to-noise ratio of 15 dli with simulated data. Standard devia- tions are the observed values. Director August 10, 1976 Page 4 Work in Progress As mentioned earlier, our Doppler radars and signal processing have evolved to the point where the technology can be efficiently transferred to the operational environment of NWS. This implies a certain amount of stability in the R&D configuration of the system and except for refinements and expansion of existing capability, the basic systems will probably remain unchanged for sometime. Absence of large scale engineering development will allow the system to be committed to observation pro- grams a larger portion of the time. Presently, we are undertaking preliminary engineering for a cooperative experiment with NWS. Engineering modification and additions which will improve inherent radar system capability by extending the range of quantitative intensity measurements and adding ground clutter suppression circuits to our real time velocity estimation device are also under development. 62 FFT/NS FFT/l5dB .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 TRUE MEAN, f 1.0 1.0 .8 I 6 <- ~ tt .10 p .08 06 S/N =0dB .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 NORMALIZED INPUT STANDARD DEVIATION .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 TRUE MEAN, 7 02 04 .06 08 .10 12 14 NORMALIZED INPUT STANDARD DEVIATION PPP - Covariance estimator VPC - Vector phase change SPC - Scalar phase change TDC - Time derivative covariance FFT/NS - Fast Fourier Transform with noise suppression FFT/15dB - Fast Fourier Transform with spectrum coefficient less than 15dB below spectrum mode set to zero FFT - Fast Fourier Transform retaining all coefficients 63 Appendix C Publications and Reports by NSSL Staff July 1, 1975 to October 1, 1976 64 Copies of any of the listed papers can be had by request to the Laboratory. Brandes, E. A., 1975. Optimizing rainfall estimates with the aid of radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(7), 1339-1345. Brandes, E. A., and D. Sirmans, 1976. Convective rainfall estimation by radar: Experimental results and proposed operational analysis techniques. Preprints, Conf. on Hydro-Meteorology, April 20-22, Ft. Worth, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 54-59. Brown, R. A., and L. Lemon, 1976. Single Doppler radar vortex recognition: Part II — Tornadic vortex signatures. Preprints, 17th Conf. on Radar Meteor., Seattle, October 26-29, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 104-109. Burgess, D. W., and R. A. Brown, 1976. Tornado warning with single Doppler radar. Proceedings, Symposium on Tornadoes: Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, June 22-24, Lubbock, Texas. Davies-Jones, R. P., and J. A. Henderson, 1975. Updraft properties deduced statistically from rawin soundings. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 113, 787-801. Davies-Jones, R. P., D. Burgess, and L. Lemon, 1975. Analysis of the 4 June 1973 Norman tornadic storm. Pre- prints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, October 21-23, Norman, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 384-388. Davies-Jones, R. P., and J. H. Golden, 1975. "Reply" to Vonnegut. J. Geophys. Res., 80(33), 4561-4562. Davies-Jones, R. P., and J. H. Golden, 1975. "Reply" to Colgate. J. Geophys. Res., 80(33), 4557-4558. Davies-Jones, R. P., 1976. Laboratory simulations of tor- nadoes. Proceedings, Symposium on Tornadoes: As- sessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, June 22-24, Lubbock, Texas. Doswell, C. A. Ill, and J. T. Schaefer, 1976. On the relation- ship of cirrus clouds to the jet stream. Mon. Weather Rev., 104(1), 105-106. Doswell, C. A. Ill, and J. T. Schaefer, 1976. "Reply" to Picture of the Month. Mon. Weather Rev., 104(9), 1185. Doviak, R. J., P. S. Ray, R. G. Strauch, and L. J. Miller, 1976. Error estimation in wind fields derived from dual- Doppler radar measurement. J. Appl. Meteor., 15(8), 868-878. Golden, J. H., and D. Purcell, 1975. Photogrammetric vel- ocities for the Great Bend, Kansas tornado: Accelerations and asymmetries. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, October 21-23, Norman, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 336-343. Goff, R. C, 1975. Thunderstorm outflow kinematics and dynamics. NOAA Tech. Memo ERL NSSL-75, 63 pp. Goff, R. C, 1976. Some observations of thunderstorm in- duced low-level wind variations. Preprints, AIAA 9th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conf. , July 14-16, San Diego. AIAA Paper No. 76-388. Kessler, E., 1975. On the condensed water mass in rising air. Preprints, Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, October 21-23, Norman, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 199-202. Kessler, E. , 1 975. On the condensed water mass in rising air. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 113, 171-181. Kessler, E., 1976. Tornado forum. Nature, 260(5550), 457. Kessler, E. and J. T. Lee, 1976. Normalized indices of de- struction and death by tornadoes. Tech. Memo. ERL NSSL-77, 47 pp. Kessler, E., 1976. Recent development in tornado research. Proceedings, Symposium on Tornadoes: Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, June 22-24, Lub- bock, Texas. Lemon, L. R., 1975. Wake vortex and aerodynamic origin in severe thunderstorms. J. Atmos. Sci., 33(4), 678-685. Lemon, L. R., D. W. Burgess, and R. A. Brown, 1975. Tornado production and storm sustenance. Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, October 21-23, Norman, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 100-104. Lemon, L. R., 1976. The flanking line, a severe thunderstorm intensification source. J. Atmos. Sci., 33(4), 686-694. Nelson, S. P., and R. R. Braham, 1975. Detailed observa- tional study of a weak echo region. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 113, 735-746. 28) Nelson, S. P., 1976. Nelson, S. P., 1976. Characteristics of multicell and supercell hailstorms in Oklahoma. Second World Meteorological Or- ganization Scientific Conf. on Weather Modification, Au- gust 2-6, Boulder (WMO-No. 443). Ray, P. S., J. J. Stephen, and T. W. Kitterman, 1975. Near-field impulse response examination of backscattering from dielectric spheres. Appl. Opt., 14(10), 2492-2498. Ray, P. S., and K. K. Wagner, 1975. Multiple Doppler obser- vations of tornadic storms. Proceedings, Tenth Interna- tional Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, October 6-10, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 163-172. Ray, P. S., R. J. Doviak, G. B. Walker, D. Sirmans, J. K. Carter, and W. C. Bumgarner, 1975. Dual-Doppler obser- vation of a tornadic storm. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1521-1530. Ray, P. S., 1976. Examination of a dual wavelength Doppler radar technique to measure wind velocity and drop-size distributions. Remote Sensing Environ., 5, 35-45. Ray, P. S.,andK. K.Wagner, 1976. Multiple Doppler obser- vations of storms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 3(3), 189-191. Ray, P. S., R. J. Doviak, R. G. Strauch, and L. J. Miller, 1976. Error estimation in wind fields derived from dual- Doppler radar measurement. J. Appl. Meteor., 15(8), 868-878. Ray, P. S., 1976. Vorticity and divergence fields within tor- nadic storms from dual-Doppler observations. J. Appl. Meteor., 15(8), 879-890. Schaefer, J. T., 1975. Moisture stratification in the 'well mixed' boundary layer. Ninth Conf. on Severe Local Storms, October 21-23, Norman, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 45-50. Schaefer, J. T., 1975. Nonlinear biconstituent diffusion: A possible trigger of convection. J. Atmos. Sci., 32(12), 2278-2284. Schaefer, J. T., 1976. Moisture features of the convective boundary layer in Oklahoma. O. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 10(432), 447. Sirmans, D., and W. C. Bumbgarner, 1975. Numerical com- parison of five mean frequency estimators. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(6), 991-1003. Sirmans, D., D. S. Zrnic, and W. C. Bumgarner, 1976. Extension of maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity by use of two sampling rates. Preprints, 17th Conf. on Radar Meteor., October 26-29, Seattle, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 23-28. Stephens, J. J., P. S. Ray, and T. W. Kitterman, 1975. Far-field impulse response verification of selected high- frequency optics backscattering analogs. Appl. Opt., 14(9), 2169-2176. Waldtenfel, P., 1976. An analysis of weather spectra variance inatornadicstorm. Tech. Memo. ERLNSSL-76,80pp. Wilk, K. E., and R. A. Brown, 1975. Applications of conven- tional and Doppler radar measurements in severe storm research. EASCON, 145A-145J. Wilk, K. E., K. Gray, C. Clark, D. Sirmans, J. T. Dooley, J. Carter, and W. Bumgarner, 1976. Objectives and ac- complishments of the NSSL 1975 Spring Program. Tech. Memo ERL NSSL-78, Part I, 60 pp.; Part II, 47 pp. Zrnic, D. S., 1975. Signal-to-noise ratio in the output of nonlinear devices. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT— 21 (6), 662-663. Zrnic, D. S., and R. J. Doviak, 1975. Velocity spectra of vortices scanned with a pulse-Doppler radar. J. Appl. Meteor., 14(8), 1531-1539. Zrnic, D. S., and R. J. Doviak, 1976. Tornado probing with a pulse-Doppler radar. Proceedings, Symposium on Tor- nadoes: Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, June 22-24, Lubbock, Texas. Zrnic, D. S., and R. J. Doviak, 1976: "Effective antenna pattern of scanning radars. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. and Elec- tron. Syst., 12(5), 551-555. 65 i* U.S. Government Printing Office: 19 7 7-77 7-06 7/1203 Region 8 r wudtcmeiikl Ktsanidt "\ L ABO RAT O I The mission of the Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) is to conduct an integrated program of fundamental research, related technology development, and services to improve understanding and prediction of the geophysical environment comprising the oceans and inland waters, the lower and upper atmosphere, the space environment, and the Earth. The following participate in the ERL missions: MESA Marine EcoSystems Analysis Program. Plans, directs, and coordinates the regional projects of NOAA and other federal agencies to assess the effect of ocean dumping, municipal and industrial waste discharge, deep ocean mining, and similar activities on marine ecosystems OCSEA Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Office. Plans and directs research studies supporting the assessment of the primary environmental impact of energy development along the outer continental shelf of Alaska, coordinates related research activities of federal, state, and private institutions. WM Weather Modification Program Office. Plans, directs, and coordinates research within ERL relating to precipitation enhancement and mitigation of severe storms Its National Hurricane and Experimental Meteorology Laboratory (NHEML) studies hurricane and tropical cumulus systems to experiment with methods for their beneficial modification and to develop techniques for better forecasting of tropical weather The Research Facilities Center (RFC) maintains and operates aircraft and aircraft instrumentation for research programs of ERL and other govern- ment agencies AOML Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories Studies the physical, chemical, and geological characteristics and processes of the ocean waters, the sea floor, and the atmosphere above the ocean PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Monitors and predicts the physical and biological effects of man's activities on Pacific Coast estuanne. coastal, deep-ocean, and near-shore marine environments. GLERL Great Lakes Environmental Research Labora- tory. Studies hydrology, waves, currents, lake levels, biological and chemical processes, and lake-air interaction in the Great Lakes and their watersheds; forecasts lake ice conditions GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Studies the dynamics of geophysical fluid systems (the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the cryosphere) through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation using power- ful, high-speed digital computers APCL Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Labora- tory. Studies cloud and precipitation physics, chemical and particulate composition of the atmosphere, atmospheric electricity, and atmospheric heat transfer, with focus on developing methods of beneficial weather modification NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory. Studies severe-storm circulation and dynamics, and develops techniques to detect and predict tornadoes, thunderstorms, and squall lines WPL Wave Propagation Laboratory. Studies the propagation of sound waves and electro- magnetic waves at millimeter, infrared, and optical frequencies to develop new methods for remote measuring of the geophysical environment ARL Air Resources Laboratories. Studies the diffusion, transport, and dissipation of atmos- pheric pollutants; develops methods of predicting and controlling atmospheric pollu- tion, monitors the global physical environment to detect climatic change AL Aeronomy Laboratory Studies the physical and chemical processes of the stratosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere of the Earth and other planets, and their effect on high-altitude meteorological phenomena SEL Space Environment Laboratory. Studies solar-terrestrial physics (interplanetary, mag- netosphenc, and ionospheric), develops tech- niques for forecasting solar disturbances; provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of the space environment U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 L PROGRAM AND HISTORY PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD7D 1 MSEfi?