fu c F 1.209;s90101 1 A ‘I INSURANCE‘ STUDY p Library Texas AIM University 001 2 5 200s nocumeur “ CITY OF LANCASTER, OHIO FAIRFIELD COUNTY l BRARY TEXAS A351 UfaiiVEbfl-[y MAR 0 61980 L DEPOSITORY NOVEMBER 1979 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY NUMBER — 390161 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 .1 Purpose of Study 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements 1.3 Coordination AREA STUDIED 2.1 Scope of Study 2.2 Community Description 2.3 Principal Flood Problems 2.4 Flood Protection Measures ENGINEERING METHODS 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 4.1 Flood Boundaries 4.2 Floodways INSURANCE APPLICATION 5.1 Reach Determinations 5.2 Flood Hazard Factors 5.3 Flood Insurance Zones 5.4 Flood Insurance Rate Map Description 10 15 15 16 16 17 TABLECHICONTENTS(Confimmfl) 6.0 OTHER STUDIES 7.0 LOCATION OF DATA 8.0 I REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY FIGURES Figure 1 e Vicinity Map Figure I2 — Floodway Schematic TABLE§ Table 1 — Summary of Discharges Table 2 - Floodway Data Table 3 — Flood Insurance Zone Data EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 — Flood Profiles Hocking River Pleasant Run Baldwin Run—Ewing Run Ewing Run Fetters Run Tarhe Run Hunters Run Lateral A Lateral B Lateral D Exhibit 2 — Flood Boundary and Floodway Map Index Flood Boundary and Floodway Map PUBLISHED SEPARATELY: Flood Insurance Rate Map Index ' Flood Insurance Rate Map Panels Patiels; Para/a} Panels Panels Panel Panel Panels ilanezle; PtlllfiIF I. 5 U .54‘ i} i‘) P" I}??? -- (l9? H???’ ~ fliiir" I. ~- 11.5.3?‘ 1.5? "T? 18E’ —- 28?--ZIP 22?-»@¢r 1.0 FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY CITY OF LANCASTER, FAIRFIELD COUNTY, OHIO INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose of Study This Flood Insurance Study investigates the existence and severity of flood hazards in the City of Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio, and aids in the administration of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. This study will be used to convert the City of Lancaster to the regular program of flood insurance by the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA). Local and regional planners will use this study in their efforts to promote sound flood plain management. In some states or communities, flood plain management criteria or regulations may exist that are more restrictive or comprehensive than those on which these Federally-supported studies are based. These criteria take precedence over the minimum Federal criteria for purposes of regulating development in the flood plain, as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 24 CFR, 1910.1 (d). In such cases, however, it shall be understood that the state (or other jurisdictional agency) shall be able to explain these requirements and criteria. Authority and Acknowledgements The source of authority for this Flood Insurance Study is the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for this study were performed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, for the Federal Insurance Administration, under Inter—Agency Agreement No. IAA—H—9-76, Project Order No. 17. This study was completed in July 1978. Coordination The initial coordiation meeting was held on July 21, 1976 at City Hall in Lancaster, Ohio. Attending the meeting were City of Lancaster officials, FIA representatives, Ohio Department of Natural Resources representatives, and Soil Conservation Service (SCS) representatives. Requirements for a community to participate in the Flood Insurance Program were presented. Representatives attending the meeting agreed upon the scope of work for the proposed Flood Insurance Study. On June 5, 1978, comments on discharge values were solicited from the Fairfield County Engineer, the Lancaster City Engineer, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). A floodway coordination meeting was held on June 23, 1978, at City Hall in Lancaster. The City of Lancaster, the Regional Planning Commission, and the SCS were represented at the meeting. Floodways were revised and agreed upon for the study areas. On April 24, 1979, the results of the work by the Study Contractor were reviewed and accepted at a final coordination meeting attended by representatives of the Study Contractor, the FIA, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and the community. 2.0 AREA STUDIED 2.1 Scope of Study This Flood Insurance Study covers the incorporated area of the City of Lancaster. The area of study is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The areas studied by detailed methods were selected with priority given to all known flood hazard areas, and areas of projected development or proposed construction for the next five years, through July 1983. The scope and methods of study were proposed to and agreed upon by the FIA and the City of Lancaster. The flooding sources studied by detailed methods are listed below: a. the Hocking River within the corporate limits; b. Pleasant Run within the corporate limits; c. Baldwin Run within the corporate limits; d. Ewing Run within the corporate limits; e. Fetters Run within the corporate limits; f. Tarhe Run from the Hocking River to a point 1,100 feet upstream of Broad Street; g. Hunters Run within the corporate limits; h. Lateral A from the Hocking River to a point 2,000 feet upstream of Columbus Road; i. Lateral B from the Hocking River to a point 450 feet upstream of Hoffman Drive; j. Lateral C within the corporate limits; and k. Lateral D within the corporate limits. .22 >====> I: SEES: _._= £52925 3 >5 FIGURE I _ Tll T||+ LH|¢ mm|:_>_ N’ w v O v ==Zh=m==Efl< $25.52: E23“. w._232 b52352: 5:555 #5:: c1. 1 6:! a» 1. . h- ..H....@ ,5}. $1 w. ..w\, . w, f. . A www..%;¢./ E - . f. . l4 . r u. . . . _. ll\\... .7 . l ‘I\V|4‘\ .., ‘ 0P3 mtagumucw 1/ ...\\ C. . . . .,. F Q» ." .... . 1/ . _ . . m . 1L. F 1. ..\\E \ _ .\ . . . 1 ._ .131. ,., . f ..\ - m .. .. W...» w 529:0 * .. ., .\_\ wt. . \ Rwmc 3mm; . wag . . .. ,_ . / w xiitmwu... iiaiwOm . . .. .. , . Mm fiiu A.» .3“ M .. .. .. .. rum . . M... a . ,?~.¢.X $2.2» Se“? .. .- .. z .. “Nuvq , o . X .x._..._@\.\ o r . .. ¢~ JM . . 3/ fir. ..\\..w , w. O / wrcm... , LOXF / w w_=>.fi< ‘kwv S . / ; . .n / Q2“ 2K . i . . .. 0mm EU w. I . ..;8£3:~4 we 5w i .- . é -. -. s. r _. . . 3mm ..m H. 4% p. f . F . w / y m, . _ . fl. a fl_ . / é r _. V . _ l “flag A» _ ; - _ w w 0 \ \ U __ . w _ v. \ .\\/R \\ _ .. . .. ufimmucmo» w.“ N _..HT> O , m ._ _ \ ~ Nd Li‘ ll. _ OWE e n. w \ L/ .2. A m.%w >> x05 _ w: iwa» . i i.-. WAQRU... __ h . 0 1.0m 3x <5 |lrlnT mfifoLwaua/vi m wmw . . ‘¥%/?J u_fmmmc%.m>wl _ ./.. \ _ . . .\ _. Wfl/ _ wannabe .\. _ % m .9 i. i {all XI wnnv. , “UH- m8 K 0 0 wE M1 f1. +1. -1 \\ 1L1!‘ 41 _/,_ lflwllsaflwwm 6W w? M . Emiz...‘ . . _ n EcWO >11 a 5 F\ _ W _ . . E. _mw >>mZ __ El 3m _ _ m R Nmw Q 11/ v COaw>_ ‘.0 u mm Aw. 5 . W .. \ . i“ I . 2.73%” awww . Q42 . ~ wnO . Z _ . /. . 2.2 2.3 Community Description The City of Lancaster is located in central Fairfield County, which is located in central Ohio. Lancaster is located about 30 miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio. Unincorporated Fairfield County completely surrounds Lancaster. Urbanization is occurring rapidly to the west and north. The population of the incorporated area of Lancaster in the 1960 census was 29,916 and the population in the 1970 census was 32,911 In 1975, the population of Lancaster was estimated to be 38,141. The watershed is located in the north temperate zone. classified as humid with warm summers and mildly cold winters and precipitation is distributed quite evenly throughout the year. The mean annual precipitation in the area is 40.75 inches (Reference 1), more than 2 inches greater than the mean for the state as a whole and more than 7 inches greater than the flat northwestern part of the state. The highest elevation in the study area is about 1,100 feet at Mt. Pleasant in Rising Park. The lowest point is about 800 feet where the Hocking River leaves the area. There is about 300 feet of relief within the watershed. The bedrock consists of sandstone and conglomerate, which is almost completely covered by glacial materials left during the retreat of the last glacier. The topography is rolling due to the location of the area on end moraines of the glaciated Allegheny Plateau. This is a transition area between the flat glacial till plains to the northwest and the hilly unglaciated Allegheny Plateau to the southeast. The soils on the uplands are primarily light colored Alexandria and Cardington silt loams which have formed in glacial till. The soils on the flat, relatively wide bottomlands around Pleasant, Ewing, and Fetters Runs, as well as the Hocking River, consist of mixtures of soils which have formed on glacial lake deposited clays, glacial outwash gravels and recent alluvial silts. Typical soils in these areas are the Montgomery, Fox, and Eel series (Reference 2). Drainage is in the Hocking River basin. The approximate percentages of land use in the watershed is as follows: cropland, 50 percent; pasture and meadow, 18 percent; woods (hardwood), 9 percent; urban, 19 percent; and miscellaneous, '4 percent. The development in the flood plain in Lancaster is primarily residential with only an occasional commercial establishment. The flood plain is almost completely developed in the central part of the city. As one moves towards the city limits, there is less development in the flood plain. Principal Flood Problems The most severe flood known to have occurred in Lancaster was on the night of July 21, 1948. Approximately 8 to 10 inches of rainfall occurred in the Upper Hocking River and North Hocking River Watersheds. Over 200 residences and businesses were flooded, the resulting damages were over $1,000,000. There were no gages in the watershed to measure the storm The climate is l 3.0 rainfall. The USGS determined the discharge at the mouth of Hunters Run, with a drainage area of 10 square miles, to be 11,200 cubic feet per second (cfs). This was an extremely high discharge .for such a small drainage area. Flooding also occurred on January 1, 1959; March 5, 1963; lilay 151468; April 2, 1970; February 24, 1975; and July 23, 1976 (Reference 3). Estimates of the frequency of these floods are not available. Flocitiing in Lancaster frequently occurs in the George Street and lvlulberry Street areas, in the Maple Street area adjacent to the river, and along Sugar Grove Road. Storms which occur in the fall and winter are usually less intense than those occurring in the spring and summer seasons. The most frequent flooding occurs during the dormant season and in early spring. Areas are flooded less frequently in the summer. 2.4 Flood Protection Measures In 1956, two streamflow measuring gages were located in the vratershedby the USGS, one on Hunters Run and one on the Hocking River. éifootit this same time, construction of the Upper Hocking (pilot) Water-shed Project started. Installation of the gages and construction of the floodwater prevention structures took place primarily because of the damage suffered in the 1948 flood. The watershed project was completed in 1961. Eight. floodwater retarding structures were installed controlling 24.4 square miles of drainage area and providing 6,245 acre-feet of temporary flood storage (Reference 4). Since the installation of the reservoirs, downstream flood peaks have been rather uniform due to the temporary flood storage provided. Several years ago, many of the streams in Lancaster were cleaned and the spoil piled on the banks. This spoil prevents flooding on many of the more frequent storms. However, the reliability of these spoil pile dikes is questionable. ENGINEERING METHODS For the flooding sources studied in detail in the community, standard i1},"'rii"roi.og'ie and hydraulic study methods were used to determine the flood hazard data iwequired for this study. Flood events of a magnitude which are expected to be saqualled or exceeded org; on the average during any 10-, 50—, 100-, or 500—year period (recurrence interval) have been selected as having special significance for flood plain management and for flood insurance premium rates. These events, commonly termed the 10-, 50a, 100-, and 500-year floods, have a l0, 2, 1, and 0.2 percent chance, respectively, of being equalled or exceeded during any year. Although the recurrence interval represents the long term average period between floods of a specific magnitude, rare floods could occur at short intervals or even within the same year. The risk of experiencing a rare flood increases when periods greater than one year are considered. For example, the risk of having a flood which equals or exceeds the 100-year flood (one percent chance of annual occurrence) in any 50- year period is about 40 percent (four in ten), and for any 90-year period, the risk increases to about 60 percent (six in ten). The analyses reported here reflect flooding potentials based on conditions existing in the community at the time of completion of this study. Maps and flood elevations will be amended periodically to reflect future changes. 3.1 3.2 Hydrologic Analyses Hydrologic analyses were carried out to establish the peak discharge- frequency relationships for floods of the selected recurrence intervals for each flooding source studied i'n detail affecting the community. Discharge-frequency relationships for the detailed study streams were established by valley and structure flood routings computed through use of the SCS computer program, Project Formulation Hydrology, TR-20 (Reference 5). The convex method in this program is used for stream valley flood routing. Rainfall to establish frequency was obtained from Technical Paper No. 40 Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, (Reference 6). Stream gages are located on Hunters Run and the Hocking River. The length of record for both is 22 years; however, the record is biased due to the construction of 8 flood retarding dams (Reference 4). The TR-20 flow for the May 1968 storm matched the gage on Hunters Run at the U.S. Route 22 bridge, one mile southwest of Lancaster. The TR-20 flows for the May 1968 storm were higher than the gage at Columbus Street in Lancaster, however, this was expected since the storm center was in the Hunters Run area and south of the Hocking River area. The flows for the areas covered in the Hocking River Flood Hazard Analysis Report were taken from that report (Reference 3). At some points in the watershed, the flow values computed by the TR-20 computer model differ from the values calculated by the regression equations developed by the USGS (Reference 7). The TR-20 values were over 50 percent smaller than the regression values below the Upper Hocking River flood retarding structures, however, they were over 70 percent larger than the regression values in the Baldwin Run and Ewing Run areas. Lower values than those obtained with the generalized regression equations are expected below the regulated area of the flood retarding structures. Urbanized areas and shorter time of concentrations are watershed characteristics of Baldwin Run and Ewing Run that would result in higher flows than calculated with the generalized regression equation. Peak discharges for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500—year floods of each flooding source studied in detail in the community are shown in Table 1. Hydraulic Analyses Analyses of the hydraulic characteristics of the streams in the community were carried out to provide estimates of the elevations of the floods of the selected recurrence intervals along each flooding source studied in detail. ==@.H @@>.N @=w“m ==m“¢ ¢¢m.¢ ccmflw =@>“¢ ¢¢H.@ com.” @¢@.H ¢ow“¢ ¢¢@.@ ¢¢>“> ¢¢~.@fl =¢@“¢H =¢~.¢H m< 5mm Ewobwmb cam ciiimm :25 wocwsficoO 2am wmmfiemm UflOm QCQQ EQQQHmQD. 53m Cwgmiflm Si? QOCQBECOU ZDM wzrsm $2M wfixoom at; wocwsEcoO ZDM z§mq< 85E SSE $355 m0 SQSOE w>on< cam 2.8% Mo 520E m>on< cam cwzziwm we 520E m>on< wwom 20.6 2&3 EwobwmD mmim UvSMOOE @=m,~ =¢~.~ =@> cafi N @@@._ ¢¢N.H ¢¢@“m ¢¢@“~ ¢@w.H @Q¢.w =¢=.m ¢¢H.~ cam.” @@H.m ¢=H.~ cow,” ¢@@,~ ¢¢~.N ¢@>“m com,” @¢m“N ¢Qm.> ¢=m“@ =¢¢“¢ @¢@.~ ¢¢m“~ ¢¢>.H ccmhfi ¢¢H.H gcm ¢@@.m ¢@¢.m ¢¢@.N ¢@N“@ @Q@.¢ @¢m.m =¢H.@ ogmwm ¢¢H.¢ c¢H.w @¢@.> @¢@~@ @=m“w @oN.> ¢¢H,m Qo¢.HH ccmxm ¢¢w.@ mfiiai MQEI; mfimwéfik amov wmumu=m6=wsw 255m: TABLE 2 w._.__>:|_ w._.mm wazmhxm IPO_>> 21$ w._.__>:|_ mC-(IOQIOU w>om< Bu“: m.6 Pmmm $3 mémm m6 6mm6 m2: m Pm. Pm << m.6 6.mmm Qmmm vmmm m6 mmm6 mmmP 636m N m.6 w. Pmm 66mm 66mm P.P P. Pmm R3 m Pm.mm > m.6 mdmm m.6mm m.6mm m6 8E mm6P mmmmm X m6 m.6mm Saw Dwww P. P m6mw Q8 mmmdm >> m.6 mmmm P.mmm P.mmm m. P 8mm Pmv mmmmm > m.6 66mm m.mmm m.mmm mm PmmP ~6m mPmdm D m.6 mémm meww mémm P.P Pmmv ~92 6¢m.mm ._. m.6 mémm mmmm 5S m.6 m66m mmmmP 6vm6m w m6 Pémm mmmm 66mm m.6 88 mmP P 6v66m m m6 mmmm mmmm mmmm 5P mPPm mmm mmm.6P O m6 mmmm 66mm 6.6mm 6. P 6mmm Pm6 mm6.mP m m6 mmmm m.mmm m.mmm 6.P 3% SK 66m§P O m6 m.mmm mmmm mmmm 6.6 £8 6m6 66>6P 2 m6 5mm m.mmm m.mmm m6 P6P6P $2 666.mP _>_ m6 m.mmm 6.mmm 6.mmm m6 mmP6 mmmP 66m€P .._ m6 vmmm 6.Pmm 6.Pmm #6 E3: $8 mPm.mP v. m6 m.mmm $3 5mm m6 6~.66 mmmP mmPdP _.. m6 6.Pmm ¢.Pmm ¢.Pmm m.P ~6§~ mm6P mPm.mP _ m6 m. Pmm m. Pmm m. Pmm m6 mm? ¢m6 m P6.mP I m6 6.6mm w6mm 18w >6 mm6.P P mmP P 6mm6P U m6 $5 m.6Pm m.6 Pm m.P mmmm mmw 6¢m6P u m6 ~.6Pm m.6Pm m.6Pm P.P 33 6Pm 6mP_6P w m6 m.mPm P.mPm P.mPm m6 mmm P mm 66¢m Q m6 P.mPm m.mPm mmPm m6 mPmm Pmm 66mm 0 m6 m.mPm 66Pm 66Pm Q6 vmmm mm6P 6Pmm m m6 m.6P m 6.6Pm 6.6Pm m6 mmmm N? 6m6P < 52m UZQUOI 65w“: AQ>OZ6 AO>UZ6 AO>026 Puwwfimr: 2mm.» .09 C-wm»: ><>>DOO|I ><>>OOO|E >._._UO|_m> > 10555 zoFoww 80E. ww> hDOIkzS >IOPw._w mofimnm mmck; 000.6". ww<>>OOO4m womnow 02500.; - a =2 2...: . =2. ziiz. . =2. 555.: _..E_=__.__.__ _.5 fissz: 3 IS €.? 1 Z > € gZ Z 1-11 ==E=E=Ei< 60:952- E23; >256.‘ E~s$<=u=mG5su .2555. w._._S:|_ w+wm wozmvxw I._.n:>> wit.“ mm>E OZQOOI I.r_>> wuzwaizoo w>om< 55$ wtz... wPom< Em“: m.6 666m P666 F666 m.m N8 8. NOSXQN |_ m.o >666 N666 wdmw FR m? MB 33.2 v. m6 $8 2B 3E 1m mS n66 acid. _. m.6 >606 Nmww N666 5 mmv Q $3.3 _ m.6 3mm fiBw Emw m.m m8 mm. momma. I m.o 13w mdww méa m.m NE mm? ~82: 0 m6 mdwm Qmqw oasw 66F 8m S uommm . u m6 mmmw ommw ommw m.m 6mm E NEE w m6 66mm 5% mfimw FR mum m9 ~88 Q m6 5mm wdww Nfiw m6 Qw o: ~88 U 26m oz=sw m6 m. 5w . o. 3w o. Rm m.m $8 mmm ~33 m m6 6.2m m.m-w $5 m.m m8. m? ~88 < 23m z_>>a._0Z. AD>OZV A0202. Adwmimw“: 2mm“. .09 Chm“: ><>>OOO|E ><>>OOO4 m >.C0O|_ w> > q moz<._.w_o 20.5mm wwomo ww> PDOTEL; >IOPm4m mofEaw mwh<>> aoo._“_ ww<>>OOO|E momaow 02600.1 TABLE 2 =2 2E5: . =2 $25 . =2 2H5» :2 222.36» I: 32.22“: == £52226 B CE =£~E§=_E=< 952:2: .225» >2fiw< Ems$<=2fi=Eus~ 255m: TABLE 2 52m OZQUOI EOE“. hmrrm mwh<>>zow._w Q 2.53 m._.wm w. IhOIS 91km 52m OZQOOI IFZS MOZMDJuZOO w>om< Em“; 23E z_>>o._> wozwaizoo w>om< Em“: m6 mdmw 38 66mm 5m mwm m_. _. ~85 n. m6 18w 2% 3S 66 8m mm Nm 5v m m6 mNNm 5% 5% fin Sm 6N ~m Rm Q m.6 3am v6.05 mdww we 2m 8 Nofi: O m.o 5% v66 5 mdmw m6 ¢S~ i“ N2 Z m m6 32w awflw m6wm m6 29. 3.0 amz- < 23m wmmfiza: m6 3% w. 3w w. Sm mN Sm 91 umwmm 0 m.6 3W3 3mm 2mm m6 Sm 2 ~mw$ m m.o 1mm 66mm 66mm m.\. 66- mm ~89. m m6 mdmm oNmm 38 m6 m2 3 ~83. Q m.o weww Saw 63w MN m8 :3 Nmmmm O m6 3mm 3S 3% m; 8t 2% ~83 m m.6 66$ 22.5 12w m; N. PF mom ~82 < 22m mIm<._. m6 3R” 3% 13.6 m6 3:. mm 9,59 |_ m.o 66mm 26w wwww m6 8m mm $2: v_ m.o 23w mdmm Nmmw m.“ c? ow 25m. _. m6 wmmm mmmw Nmmw m.m 5w 2. 88 _ m6 22% 59$ Si“ 1w 8Q mm oSm I m6 3% m. 3w w 3w m? mwm mmw 66mm O m6 mmmw ommw Qmmw rm wmm wfi Q9; m m6 $96 m. 6w m. 5w 6H w? mm 8% m m6 66mm E3 2mm m.m 8w SN ommw O m6 $8 mfimw 3% 3 m? E 666p Q m6 Qfiw Ivww Qww 1m $2 Nmm 060p m m6 ES m. Em m. Rm m6 mom Q6 com < 22m mm m._.._.w ..._ fiww“: 23oz. 23oz. .055 _.owmiwmu= Em: .02 Fwmr: ._ ><>>aooi >§>aooi >too4w> > Sort; ‘Eobjnowm zw.m_ wufiEaw ~35; Q03 n. m9; ><>>Qood 356w ozfiood n q = s: d .< Wifipfi <5 225$ I: 55...; == éfifiuzs 3 CG =cw~._§=_E-.< 09-3255 $3.5m 055:2 Ewsww<=<=.._ >u=mw=wsu 255m: TABLE 2 52m OZQOOI EOE“. pomniw mm+<>>¥u> wzo:.<>w.m_~ 52m 02660: I.P_>> mOZmDJmZOO w>om< Bu“: 0.0 0.0.v0 0. p¢0 0.p¢0 0.0 000 0p~p 00p0 O 0.0 0.000 p.000 p.000 0.0 0p0 m3 000v 0 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 000 p00 83 < D 46.0 0.06.4 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 000 p0 0000 Q 0.0 0.000 0. p00 0. p00 0. p 00¢ p0p 0000 u_ 0.0 imfiw 0.0¢0 0.0.w0 0. p 5m 00p 000% w 0.0 0.p¢0 0.0¢0 0.0¢0 04w 0Qp p0 00p¢ O 0.0 0.000 p.000 p.000 0.0 00p p 00p 0000 U 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. p v00 0p p 000p 0 0.0 0600 u0.€00 0600 0.p 000 0pp 000 < 0 ._oz. 25oz. 62oz. Ewwiwwu: CHE d9 Em“: w<3$3 n. >§Q=ww~m >mo.p<._ sum m >F_,__wwm_> zuwwomw Eb =s _wuzw._w wufimaw mmi; ooo._ n. ww<>>aoo._“_ mumaow oz 500.. n. Qfl As shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (Exhibit 2), the floodway boundaries were determined at cross sections; between cross sections, the boundaries were interpolated. In cases where the boundaries of the floodway and the l00—year flood are either close together or collinear, only the floodway boundary has been shown. The area between the floodway and the boundary of the IOU-year flood is termed the floodway fringe. The floodway fringe thus encompasses the portion of the flood plain that could be completely obstructed without increasing the water-surface elevation of the l00-year flood more than 0.5 foot at any point. Typical relationships between the floodway and the floodway fringe and their significance to flood plain development are shown in Figure 2. I<———-————i— 10o -YEAR FLOOD PLAIN a I‘ FLOODWAY I v FRINGE T Room/we» STREAM _ CHANNEL. ' ~ I I I I FLOOD ELEVATION was»: CONFINED WITHIN FILOODWAY I ENCROACHMENT N ENCROACHMENT I ‘T- 7 / Li‘ I!‘ IIIMIv "W! I l‘: ‘I E II III i:?i"_ ___ D HPHII ‘ 1 \ /\ nyviflii‘ i-l IIIIH‘ WIHHJLIMMJI“ __l—lgcmuioei r __H .II H; ll" , g \ "rung, I. II I|"I,| ‘ -— ||Ii , B. i I ~ iIiI-IIIIII \ I ___Z ‘ __:_._______=__ j I I \ BE USED FOR DEVELOPMENT BY X FLOOD ELEVATION RAISING GROUND BEFORE ENCROACHMENT ON FLOOD PLAIN LINE AB IS THE FLOOD ELEVATION BEFORE ENCROACHMENT. LINE CD IS THE FLOOD ELEVATION AFTER ENCROACHMENT. ‘SUTICI-IAHGE IS NOT TO EXCEED 1.0 FOOT (FIA REQUIREMENT) OR LESSER AMOUNT IF SPECIFIED BY STATE. FIGURE 2 — Floodway Schematic INSURANCE APPLICATION In order to establish actuarial insurance rates, the FIA has developed a process to transform the data from the engineering study into flood insurance criteria. This process includes the determination of reaches, Flood Hazard Factors (FHF), and flood insurance zone designations for each flooding source affecting the City of Lancaster. i 5.1 Reach Determinations Reaches are defined as lengths of watercourses having relatively the same flood hazard, based on the average weighted difference in water-surface elevations between the 10- and 100-year floods. This difference does not have a variation greater than that indicated in the following table for more than 20 percent of the reach. 15 5.2 5.3 Average Difference Between 10- and 100-year Floods Variation Less than 2 feet 0.5 foot 2 to 7 feet 1.0 foot 7.1 to 12 feet 2.0 feet More than 12 feet 3.0 feet The locations of the reaches determined for the City of Lancaster are shown on the Flood Profiles (Exhibit 1) and are summarized in the Flood Insurance Zone Data Table (Table 3). Flood Hazard Factors The FHF is used to correlate flood information with insurance rate tables. Correlations between property damage from floods and their FHFs are used to set actuarial insurance premium rate tables based on FHFs from 005 to 200. The FHF for a reach is the average weighted difference between the 10» and 100-year flood water-surface elevations expressed to the nearest 0.5 foot, and shown as a three-digit code. For example, if the difference between water-surface elevations of the 10- and 100-year floods is 0.7 foot, the FHF is 005; if the difference is 1.4 feet, the FHF is 015; if the difference is 5.0 feet, the FHF is 050. When the difference between the 10- and IOU-year water-surface elevations is greater than 10.0 feet, accuracy for the FHF is to the nearest foot. " Flood Insurance Zones After the determination of reaches and their respective FHFs, the entire incorporated area of the City of Lancaster was divided into zones, eacn having a specific flood potential or hazard. Each zone was assigned one of the following flood insurance zone designations: " Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the 10-0¥-year flood, determined by de- tailed methods; base flood elevations are shown, and zones subdivided according to FHF. ' Zones Al-A5: Areas between the Special Flood Hazard Area and the limits of the 500—year flood, includingyareas of the BOO-year flood plain that are protected from the IOU-year flood by dike, levee, or other water "control structure; or areas subject to Zone B: 16 5.4 6.0 7.0 certain types of 100—year shallow flooding where depths are less than 1.0 foot; and areas subject to 100-year flooding from sources with drainage areas less than 1 square mile. Zone B is not subdivided. Zone C: Areas of minimal flooding. Table 3, "Flood Insurance Zone Data," summarizes the flood elevation differences, FHFs, flood insurance zones, and base flood elevations for each flooding source studied in detail in the community. Flood Insurance Rate Map Description The Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Lancaster is, for insurance purposes, the principal result of the Flood Insurance Study. This map (published separately) contains the official delineation of flood insurance zones and base flood elevation lines. Base flood elevation lines show the locations of the expected whole—foot water-surface elevations of the base (100—year) flood. This map is developed in accordance with the latest flood insurance map preparation guidelines published by the FIA. OTHER STUDIES A Flood Hazard Analysis Report for the Hocking River was published in April 1977 (Reference 3). The area of Lancaster east of Broad Street was studied as part of that study. The SCS has studied the flood hazard in the areas west and south of Lancaster that drain into the Hocking River (Reference 13).‘ Flood elevations in this report agree with the revised elevations in the Hocking River report and the SCS report to the south and west of Lancaster. A Flood Hazard Boundary Map has been published by the Federal Insurance Administration (Reference l0). The differences between the Flood Hazard Boundary Map and this study are justified due to the more detailed nature of this Flood Insurance Study. This report either supersedes or is compatible with all previous studies published on streams studied in this report and should be- considered authoritative for the purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program. LOCATION OF DATA Survey, hydrologic, hydraulic and other pertinent data used in this study can be obtained by contacting the office of the Federal Insurance Administration, Regional Director, One North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. 17’ =2 £052 . =2 @530 . =2 ====<= . =2. 535.5 . 52¢ @5082. <5: “=3 02.552: =20: I: .552: == £05555 3 C5 =2§E=_E_.< 3=2=2_ .225“. >uzm0< hzusww< owkzwsmzfl .525. .22 ES. woz m4 m5 0.0 m.0i o0: 0000 _. zo_ wwwswmzm<> m4 m6 0.0 m.0l mél v000.0000;000 op Iofim 23m 0Z_>>w . 0000_m000 ._ 04 m_.0 0.0 m.0l mél 300.0000 1 104mm Z30 225G440 n_4_>_ mwm--.mw_m4> P4 m00 m.0 Ndl v.0! 0000.300 F 104mm 22m h_,__ www|w~=m<> N4 0_.0 v.0 0.0! 0._.| No.00 v 104mm .32 wwwuwmzm<> 04 m5 0... m.0l #4.! 0000_N000 0 105m ~22 www|wm=m<> m4 mmo m; 0.0:. mNl m000.0000 N zofim ..<_>_ wwwlmfim<> 04 m_.0 0.0 m0! m._.| 0000 m000 P 10.4mm 52m UZQUOI Eqmioom. E.8v E-o: ~zo_»<>m._w wzo~ Mmmvm mo or». 2. .525. womoow oz_ooo.:_ oooi mmw._m = .._ .< SEES . =2 255:: . =2. HE: 2=$< P522225.‘ >u=ww5sm 040:3» TABLE 3 POO“. Bwm< QwPIQwZPN ._wzw.m_ n_<_>_ wwwlwmzm<> ~< 0P0 0.0 m0! 0.01 m000 P. Iu/Em Q ._<¢wP<._ n_<_>_ www|wwE<> ~< 0P0 v.0 v.0-.. 0.Pl m000_~000 m 104mm 04E wwwzmmzm<> <4 0N0 P.P 0.0! 0N! M000 P xofiE m .__ wwwlwmzm<> 2 0P0 0.0 #0:- P.PI M000 P 10.6mm < ._ ~< 0P0 v.0 m0! 0.Pl 0000 P xu¢o: x3 zmwziwm Uwzfi wumaow 0250011 8.0 REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 10. 11. 12. 13. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration, Climatological Data, Ohio, Annual Summaries, 1975, 1976. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, "Fairfield County Soil Survey," 1960. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Flood Haz_-a_rd_ Analysis Report, Hocking River, Fairfield County, Ohio, April 1977. 74th Congress of the United States, Public Law No. 461, Upper Hocking (Pilot) Watershed Project, constructed under the authority of the Soil Conservation Act of 1935, with participation and coordination of Fairfield Soil Conservation District and Hunters Run Conservancy District. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 20, A Computer Program for Project Formulation, Hydrology, May 1965. U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, Technical Paper No. 40, Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, May 1961. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Bulletin No. 45, Floods in Ohio, May 1977. U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Map, Scale b24000, Contour Interval i0 feet: Baltimore, Ohio, 1974; Amanda, Ohio 1970; Contour Interval 20 feet: Lancaster, Ohio, 1974. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 61, fl_S_I_>_--2 waterlSurface Profile Program, May 1976. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance: Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Lancaster, Ohio, Nlay 1974. . Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, Otii-q Flood Plain Regulation Criteria, 1976. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Hjllélilitii Floodway Program, 1976. , Flood Hazard Analysis Report, Upper Hocking .R.1IWI‘E‘.|I“5@ Fairfield County, Ohio, February 1979, Yin progress). Ohio Department of Development, Federal Census of Population», (Zlliib, 1970. 20 U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources for Ohio, Part 1, Surface Water Records, 1940 to 1975. U.S. Water Resources Council, Hydrology Committee, Bulletin No. 17, March 1976. - 21 ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) u: Ll-I -' 0 5 u- Z c n: a: u: n. z s15 a S2 c: c; Q Q _.| :: Ll- s10 s05 s00 5 5 5 ‘i’ s l- 3 " 795 E ‘E 7 5 § IE I- 8 LEGEND g ,5 2 a € 500—YEAR H.000 i‘ 3 ‘z’ Q 100—YEAR FLOOD E § 4 E a a -' .1 790 50—YEAR H.000 E ib- 10—YEAR FLOOD .0 5Q -l STREAM BED § 3 I 5'» Z5 cnoss SECTION - LOCATION 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 STREAM DISTANCE m FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 825 820 815 810 805 800 . 795 L .., 5500 6000 .... _. . . . . . 4 . .. ..>v. 6500 7000 ..... . . ...... .. 7500 STREAM DISTANCE 8000 9000 8500 9500 IN FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 10,000 10,500 1 1,000 U, u-l -- 5 u.- Z 1 Z Z =- 2 a E == s $ __| 1 u. > :|: 3 é $ T52‘ EEH_|_ Ll-l-o-I w Sal-c #22: i 53nd ‘=55 >-= _ §2_.l< :52 = at} H: =.~.=.:>- ski-P- I-Ll j E L? Lin 02R ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD? s25 i’ A 815 810 805 800 1 1,000 1 1,500 12,000 12,500 13,000 13,500 14,000 14,500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS 1 5,000 LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—-YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 15,500 16,000 16,500 3 n: Inl-I 1| 2 m — o m n: u: =- E =1 f, Q c Q :|: q-l Ll- >- Q3 E 3:: 2Q 551:’ 512m"? Eel-S 53m zu<fl >29: E515 25-1‘- “iwu-"T" :5: g3.’ u; >- § = u 03F 52¢ 2562. 2a ._:=.__:_ == 555...: 3 CE ===ub£====< 3=2=ms E82 5E3 zu=asz= >255‘; .255“ LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100'—YEAR FLOOD ‘i '- ———- 50-YEAR FLOOD 10-YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION .. L~_...~'....~ -4’- M». a l. 1| O 8 8 8 . 8 8 83c» --'- '1 2 E292. Em". Z- zo_»<~.m._m \\II\IIA wuulliflllir. 04F 22,000 21,500 21,000 20,500 20,000 19,500 19,000 18,000 18,500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS 17,500 1 7,000 52¢ @2293 “:52; .59: 5 .552: == .._m_5QEQ5E Z55» 05F 5 O 3 3 8 8 E>UZL Emu“. 2_ 29.553 815. 810 LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD i- — — ——-—- 100—YEAR FLOOD "i"- -- —*- 50--YEAR FLOOD I0-YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 27,500” 805 27,000 26.500 26,000 25,500 25,000 24,500 24,000 23,500 23,000 22,500 22,000 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS 52g @532. wwfis: QQQE I: 35:2: == .._EGZV E5 2. zo:.<>w.m_ 32,500 32.000 Ebbod“ F 29,500 28,500 do 77,500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS === E55: I: ._:_._.__:_ g Quasi: 3 ZS . =¢=~=m==E=< 3.5.52. E53“ 32%: =mE$=<= REESE .255» .12.; ........v.......J............... .. . I. . 22...... ........Z......................... ...; . .2....................Z. .|w_...= 5w“. 2m zonkihdw 07F 0000 "5560 5000 4500 4000 "0500 2500 3000 ET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS 1500 2000' STREAM DSTANCEIN FE ‘I O00 500 O ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVDI 845 840 835 830 825 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 STREAM DISTANCE IN. FEET ABOVE CORPORATE LIMITS . LEGEND 500—-YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD IO-YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION (I, l-l-l Z -| Z u- z c E Z Z =- a € g u: 1| 3 ‘J fl- u- >- ‘i’ g Z <§° Egzi? z-—Llul@ g.sht, ‘Em Z: g < <—l féaé‘ gfifis ma < 22-‘: ‘*'--L|- 52,9 :3 5a.} S = u... L} 08F ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 830 825 820 815 810 805 800 795 500 1 000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER H.000 PRUFILES BALDWIN RUN - EWING RUN LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—-YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD IO-YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 4500 5000 5500 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Z § E:- Emu‘; 12'5" E<= <05 3Z2 §- Lin: £ 09F ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 855 850 845 840 835 830 825 820 815 5500 6000 6500 7000 7 500 8000 8500 9000 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER 9500 LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 10,000 1 0,500 1 1,000 1 1,500 H000 PIIDFILES EWING IIIIII FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Federal Insurance Administration CITY 0F LANCASTER, 0N [FAIIIFIEIII C0 ] 10P ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 880 875 870 865 860 855 850 845 840 1 1,500 12,000 12,500 13,000 13,500 14,000 14,500 15,000 15,500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 16,000 16,500 1 7,000 1 7,500 U’ Ll-I "' z u- Z @ Z Z =» 2 a E 1 LIJ § 1| IL >- 3 "u: 1 u: <§= §ili E§g__ $.2u' Lu: Q L'5""h(,, <5 zgCfla < za_‘c=:%_ cs2: =5<— ""10 4 25-Ju- u i —u.. 5E: 2'?» 5a.}- 5 = "- Q 11P ELEVATION IN FEEQT INGKID) 880 f ' ’ ' ‘A FL000 PROFILES EWING RIIN 18,000 18,500 A 19,000 19,500 19,500 A 20,000 20,500 21,000 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER 21,500 LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 22,000 22,500 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENGY Federal Insurance Administration CITY 0F LANCASTER, 0H [FAIIIFIELD 00.] i § "5 ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 845 s40 I 830 825 820 s15 I 810 805 LIQAIi-LPIIIINLC; ,U-I{ .9, Z. 500 1 000 1 500 2000 2 500 3000 3500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH BALDWIN RUN LEGEND 500-YEAR FLOOD IOO-YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 4500 5000 5500 C!) L".- g I- Z “' m 3 z z u: Q- III j Z l-IJ z H- $ q-I Il- >- 53 :|: Ill-l §§5~ 44f; 539% 552:: E542 wg-Ilm 5:1“ Ego ‘i? E35 a j ,_,_ C} I3P 5E 2:52 3:52; H592 I: .:m.:.__s__ _._= .._=w<..=_<._ 3 CG ===2E________< 3521.": E82 5E3 $322.52: 5525:“ .255» I4P I fzowa A3 i LEGEND BOO-YEAR FLOOD 100-YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD IO-YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION l ‘I- J . . . I . 4 . N. W ,, , M . .w.t2_.._.Iwfiqmo.»m.ou....w...h...........__...h W . . . . . f AD>QZv 5w“. Z_ 2OE.<>m1_w . .,, . M h a M, H, . W, 5 A. o0 835 5500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH BALDWIN RUN ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 880 875 870 865 860 855 10,500 1 1,000 1 1,500 12.000 12,500 13.000 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH BALDWIN RUN LEGEND SOD-YEAR FLOOD ‘IOU-YEAR FLOOD 50—-YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION ' 6/3 Lu i Z B = a g Z if, =- 2 t Q u: § u. _| u. >- i’ u: 1 35° |-+- ,_ 53m... §g¢fl ;<<2 >*§'= Z §§* = r; 3-‘ c: 15v ELEVATELIIQ 5N FEET {Ni-NUT ( ._-'..-§-§~;¢-é u} n1“ nah-am u. , - . . - r pflnnwm-npan-qv-re .' \ L , L 845 840 835 830 825 820 LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 500 1000 1 500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 4500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER 5000 5500 6000 FLOOD PRUFES TARNE RUN FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Federal Insurance Administration CITY 0F LANCASTER, 0H [FAINFIELD C0 ] 16 ‘U 5E 25:5: “sci; =23» I: __::.__:_ _._= .._.“=w§_<. “E >5 ===2E=__=__< 352-55 2.2:...“ SE3 EH=HQ<=<= Emgszm 2E5» 17F 500—YEAR FLOOD SD-YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 4500 TREA<§3H N1§ 460d 0 356 sfifib “"2500 Ebb l O0 1 0 a5 W. 2 8 5>0Zv 5E 7: zoi<>w._w 50 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 845 840 835 s30 A ' s20 ' s15 810 805 .4. .. 500 1000 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ; . . . A 1 500 2500 3000 3500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING 3x500 RIVER .... A .>... LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD 100—YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 4000 5000 H.000 PROFILES LATERAL A FECENAE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Federal Insurance Administration CITY 0F LANCASTER, 0H [FAIIIFIELII 00.] 18 ‘U ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVD) 865 860 855 s50 A 845 5000 5500 6000 6500 STREAM 7000 DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING ‘RIVER FLGGD PRGFILES LATERAL A LEGEND 500~YEAR FLOOD IOU-YEAR FLOOD 50—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Federal insurance Administration CITY 0F LANCASTER, 0H [FAIRFIELG G0 ] 19v ELEVATION IN FEET (NGVDI 845 835 s30 I s25 I s15 . 1 500 1 500 850 845 n s40 835 s30 A H.000 PRUFILES LATERAL B LEGEND 500—YEAR FLOOD IOU-YEAR FLOOD 50-—YEAR FLOOD 10—YEAR FLOOD STREAM BED CROSS SECTION LOCATION 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4000 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER 4500 5000 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY i g: Es’ ‘gl-l-l": ‘El-Ia 2CD" ...<.=:. 23m ~22 5¢5 _$_-l< lulu Elm-f- g: Q >- ".2 CJ 20 . “U m .555 2s amass; _.E JEwszs “S 5B w m .__ h; m m a c m =_w:~:»=_==__< flaws“... Efis» 55¢.‘ 55:522.‘ >552?“ 52.“: —YEAR FLOOD 50-YEAR FLOOD- LOCATION —~YEAR F LOOD 500-YEAR FLOO 100 10 STREAM BED CROSS SECTION \ LEGEND f. AO>0Z. Em: Z_ zofi<>mzm ZIP 7 500 6500 7000 STREAM DiSTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER 6000 5500 5000 = ._<55._ I: __:_.=__:_ == Efiuz: E C5 Z11 Z l 1 3 1 ===2E====< 2=§=2__ 3.3a: >23“; b52352: B5255 .253» w w 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 N I. |L nu .U nu F F L L D IN F F E TO R R B Cl w. A A R R xT W. Y Y E E A SC W D 0 0 _ _ R mL N % m % w q. C :. G F_ |. 1 : 0 7_ ; h_ q .,_._ a _ M 1 _ _ . ¢ H. . ;@= m W »n.. C Lu ..A W F. W. WC aTzwmmiwzfixwar w W %_ » t»?! w xvlnlwnlyi4gitlll ¢$!<(1.w!....1>...r.2~.1 0 5 0 5 0 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 O0 8 0O 8 8 8 AQ>UZV Em“. 2_ 2955.5 22P 5500 5000 101500 4000 ‘ 0000 2 500 2000 T 1000 1500 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE CONFLUENCE WITH HOCKING RIVER 500 __ ._<5_.<._ I: =.:_:__5__ 3E2: ===._.._ == .E5j -.._.....,.._ y. . 1 '_. .~, . . S500 t l. 4 b c 1 i w M ~ w , U. __ ._ w... r M . u .. m » .1 .. n . . f Li a .. Lin! r l. l! E52. Pwwu. Z_ zo:.<>w._w 23F Illlllll ||flH|H|T||T1|ii| mil flimiliaiflliliimiflflarl m: 1m ALI-MEL! 157M759 \- 4 -O