gvwvvtwwwww - BULLETIN OFTHE Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture) MARCH, 1916 EXTENSION SERVICE No. B-17 JNO. P. PIGS ADDRESS CLARENCE OUSLEY Director of Extension Service, College Station, Texas 0n account 0t‘ the increase in the peanut industry, stimulated in large degree by the activities of the College during the winter of 1914 and early spring of 1915, it is important at this time to publish the re- sult of an investigation made by Mr. T. 0. Walton, chief leader in charge of farm demonstration work, in the growing of peanuts and the raising of hogs as practiced successfully for several years by the farmers of Brooks, Lowndes and Colquitt counties in South Georgia. Mr. Walton’s report is contained in the following pages, to which are added some observations on the growing of pea- nuts by Dr. J. Oscar Morgan, Professor of Agronomy, and lby Prof. J. C. Burns, Professor of Animal Husbandry in the A. and M. College. These additions are reprints, in part, from our Extension Bulletin ES-3, entitled “Peas and Peanuts,” published in January, 1915, which is now exhausted. As soon as funds will permit, that bulletin will be revised andqrepublished. Meanwhile, those desiring further infor- mation on the subject of peanuts are advised to write to the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., for Farmers’ Bulletins Nos. 411 and 431 and Circular No. 98. The primary object of this publi- cation of the South Georgia experiences is to exhibit the success of ‘farmers in combining peanuts with hogs. Incidentally, the bulletin shows, also, how peanut-fed pork may be handled to the best ad- vantage; how meats may be cured at home, and how local ice plants may serve the farmers in their neighborhoods at small expense and fair profits. It is important for farmers who raise peanuts to ibear in mind that if both the nuts and the hay are sold from the farm and no sys- tem of rotation is practiced, the soil will be rapidly depleted in fier- tility. The peanut has come to be a fairly staple product, and there is every reason to anticipate that market conditions will demand a large supply in 1916. But it would be a calamity if farmers should bc tempted by attractive prices for the nuts and hay to neglect the vital problem of maintaining the fertility of their soils. As will be shown in this bulletin and as has Ibeen demonstrated everywhere throughout the history of agriculture the world over, the most profit- able method of selling edible farm produ-cts is by feeding them to live stock. The Experiment Station of Texas is now conducting some inter- esting and promising experiments on the feeding value of peanut cake, and in due time the results will be announced. But at the best, it is not likely that the farmer will find a more profitable method of handling peanut products than by feeding them to hogs and finish- ing on other feeds to harden the flesh. CLARENCE OUSLEY, Director. GEORGIA EXPERIENCES. By T. O. Walton, Chief in Charge of Farm Demonstration Work In going into the production of hogs on peanuts, it is well to keep in mind the fact that to produce pork cheaply we must furnish cheap feed in quantities sufficient to keep the pigs growing from farrow- ing time until the hogs are ready for market. In order to do this successfully the farmer must carefully plan his farm -crops and pas- tures so that he can have grazing throughout the entire year. We must realize that the hog, in his wild state, is a grazing animal, that he will do best on crops that he can graze, and that the most profita- ble meats are produced from feeds that the hog can harvest himself. Perhaps the crop of first consideration in producing cheap pasture is Bermuda grass. Without question, a combination of Bermuda grass and bur clover, rescue grass and Japanese clover will give the best results for a permanent pasture for hog grazing; .that is, in trsegc- tions of the state where the soil and climate are adapted to growing‘ these crops. If the soil is reasonably good and you have, bur clover and Bermuda sod, the Bermuda will furnish grazing throughout the spring and summer months and the bur clover will come in diving the early winter months and last until the Bermuda has a start the next spring. On good soils in South and East Texas these two crops should give good grazing for at least nine months each year, and in some sec- tions of the state the grazing period will be longer. If the farm is loca- ted in sections of the state where the soil and climate are not adapted to growing Bermuda grass, the farmer will have to depend on some other grazing crop, such as oats, sudan grass, rye, vetch, ‘barley, wheat and rape or some crop adapted to the peculiar section or soil. Not only will such crops as oats and rye sown in the fall produce good grazing crops for hogs throughout the winter months, but they will serve as a winter covler crop and be of material benefit to the soils. Aside from the value of these crops as grazing crops, in sections of the state where we have sufficient moisture to make cover crops profit- able they will conserve enough of the soil’s fertility to pay for seed- ing, and whatever grazing they afford is a profit to the farmer. PLANTING—In planting the peanut for hogs, the nuts should be planted just as soon as the soil is thoroughly prepared and the danger of frost is past and should be ready to graze in from ninety to- one hundred and twenty days, the time depending upon the variety planted, soil and the weather conditions. When planting peanuts for grazing the farmer should bear in mind that the number of acres to be planted at each planting should be governed by the number of hogs to be fed. A safe basis upon which to make this cal-culation is that soils which will produce an average of from thirty-five to forty bushels an acre will graze ten head of hogs, weighing on an average 3 of one hundred and forty pounds at the beginning of ‘the grazing period, for from twenty-five to thirty days. The number of acres to be planted at each planting can easily vf/l/A .\\!\\ ‘l,’ 55x5 til). .\\\\- 1117A $\\\§ 7/1 w? .Q\ IIdU/ITII» Irv/v 1 m; shown Carnqvred dent term/flair: New!‘ %ck 6\"tir¢tl'f~'e‘n’_' Q ‘v l‘r‘<‘-*'| ‘u~‘l'u"u'- ‘m. n~, ‘fig . e'- 4'/o - p» lee Roar I!!!‘ F§ fi?! 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I ~ . j 1-'—— -—2'-4"—~~+ -/'-_r"---¢- —/'-_s"~-~' r a’ ‘ rr fY/l/V 0F FL 00F /‘Z/4/V 0/: BU/V/Ff/P MATERIALS FOR HOME MEAT CURING HOUSE. 2-2x6x18 for sill, 26-2x4x10 for studs, 7-2x4x14 for meat racks, ice bunker joists and rafters, 5-2x4x18 for ceiling joists and girders for ice bunker, 8-1x4x18 for ice bunker slats and door trim, 9-1x6x12 for corner boards and door trim, 4-1x6x18 for outside trim, 10-1x3x10 slats for meat racks, ~160-1x8x18 shiplap for siding inside and outside, 3 sheets galvanized iron 3 feet by 8 feet, 1 tin gutter 8 feet long, 500 common brick, 1 cubic yard of sand, 1 cubic yard of broken stone or gravel, 1-2 barrel of lime, 6 sacks of Portland cement, 90 feet 2 ply roofing 30 inches wide, 36 feet tin flashing. the home curing plant we find the very best results can be obtained by the farmers co-operating and building a plant of this kind suf- ficient to care for the products of an entire community. If ten farmers will unite and build a plant of sufficient size to care for the meat of the entire neighborhood, and hire one man to take care of it and pay him for his services, it will be a mono economical way of handling the products than if each farmer should plan and build his own plant. The meat can be cured in an individual plant for an average of 1% cents a pound, while in the co-operative plant the cost can be reduced to 1%. dent a pound, if the plant is properly handled. As will be seen from the illustrations, the home curing plant is nothing more than a large refrigerator, built on correct principles. and if a plant of this kind is convenient to the farmers they can kill hogs at any season, knowing that their meat is insured against change in weather conditions. Of course, if it is planned to save meat in one of these plants during the hotter months of the year, the total cost of curing the product will be materially increased. Figures above given are based on condition that the meat is killed during the winter months. Meat that is handled through the storage plant is treated in the same way, until it is ready to salt in the plant, as if it is to be cured by the old method. Salt down in the plant just as you would in the box, after the mteat has been spread for the night, or after the animal heat is out of the meat. Ice is then placed in the bunkers and the temperature is kept down as low as 36 to 40 degrees F. Temperatures may run above this without doing any damage, b-ut it is best to keep them just as low as possible. The meat is left in the plant for from 25 to 45 days, depending upon the size of the animal. After it has thoroughly taken salt it is then ready to take out, scald, hang and smoke in the same way as described for home curing. ICE PLANT CURlNG—The second process is that of curing the meat in the local i-ce plant. In most instances I am of the opinion that this is the safest and most economical way of handling the meat, especially if the ice plants are prepared to care for the meat that is killed at any time during the year and the farmers do not live too far from the ice plant. The ice and light plant of Valdosta, Georgia, has been curing meat for the farmers of the county for the past three seasons. The plan adopted is to use the summer storage rooms for the purpose of curing meat during the winter months. Aside from the building of the storage rooms, any ice plant can prepare to take care of ‘from 200,000 to 300,000 pounds of meat at any time at a cost not to exceed $75.00. In fact, the only additional cost afiier the rooms are built is for lumber and labor to make the bins to separate the different lots of meat. They can be built of cheap material and any carpenter can build they. Bins are built in sections 2x4, 4x4, etc; material 1x3—rough lumber can be used. 10 As will be seen, the bins are constructed of different sizes. This is in order that the manager can care for any sized lot of meat that the farmer might bring at one time. If he has only 200 or 300 pounds, a bin of small size will answer just as well as a large one. After the bins are built in the storage rooms and the salt is se- cured, the ice man is ready to begin curing meats. When the farmer brings in his meat it is weighed, pieces counted, and the meat is salted in the bins. The bin is numbered and the farmer is given a duplicate receipt calling for so many pieces of meat of a certain weight, located in bin No. 1, 2, 3, etc. After the meat has lain in salt until it is thoroughly cured or has taken salt, the farmer is notified and upon his return with the duplicate receipt his meat is weighed back to him, giving him the same meat he brought to the plant, the same number of pieces and pounds. The ice company furnishes everything and makes a charge of 1 cent a pound for this work. If the customers desire the company will smoke the meat for an- other cent and wrap it for still another; it is optional with the farmer whether he has it wrapped or smoked, or ‘both. If he would rather do this work he can take the meat to his smokehouse and do the work himself. If hie does this his cured product will cost him only 1 cent a pound, with whatever additional expenses he is put to in hauling the meat to and from the ice plant. There are certain points of co-operation in the handling of meat in this way if we are to glet the best results. First, the farmers should all kill as nearly at the same time as possible; that is, they should arrange to carry as mu-ch meat to the plant in two or three days as the plant can conveniently handle, as bringing in small lots from day to day will increase the expenses that the ice plant will incur in handling the meat and will correspondingly decrease “the profits. The farmers should see that their meats are uniform and that they are carried to the plant just as soon as all the animal heat is out of the body. Do not make the mistake of waiting until the meat has begun to sour, trusting to luck and the weather, but carry the product to the ice plant immediately after slaughtering. That this method is satisfactory to thle farmers is evidenced by the fact that during the first season the plant at Valdosta cured meat for the farmers it handled about 90,000 pounds, the second year 150,000 pounds, and this year it will handle 250,000 pounds. Of this vast amount of meat handled the plant has a record of not having turned out a single piece of meat that spoiled. When the meat is delivered at the plant it is immediately salted with the flesh side down and left this way for a period of five days. This is done in order that the watpr and blood that is drawn out by the salt can run off without soaking into the pieces of meat immediately under it, for it will be seen that the hide on the lower 11 piece forms a covering that turns thle water. After it has lain this way for five days it is taken up and re-salted with the flesh side up this time. It is allowed to lie in salt for ten days, when it is again taken up and re-salted. After this it is allowed to lie in the salt from 20 to 35 days, depending upon the size of the meat, the room being kept at a temperature of from 33 to 35 degrees F. It is than ready to take up, hang and smoke. In handling the larger pieces, such as hams and shoulders, it is best to give an injection 01f brine around the bone. This will hasten the time necessary to get it to take the salt thoroughly. It is the opinion of the owners of the ice plant at Valdosta that any plant in the warmer sections of the South can well arfiford to arrange to -care for the farmers’ meat at the very low price of 1 cent a pound. This plant has found it profitable. Some ice men may advance the argument that there are not enough hogs to justify them going into the business, and such an argument was made at Valdosta, yet it has paid at that plant from the very first year and the volume of business has more than doubled in three years. If the local ice company will erect a cooling room, especially for curing meat, the farmers can slaughter at any time the hogs are ready. This will insure better prices for the farmer, as he can usually finish his hogs to best advantage during the late summer or early fall. As a rule, this is the season of high prices for cured meats. If the farmer can be assured that he can slaughter his hogs at any season of the year it will encourage him in going into the hog business, as he will ibe assured that by this method he can market his products gradually and obtain the highest market prices at all times. LOCAL SLAUGHTERING PLANT—The third method that the Georgia farmers are using in handling peanut-fed products is through the packing plant at Moultrie, Ga. This plant is owned and operated by the people of that town, and has a capacity of 850 head of hogs a day. The plant cost $150,000, and $150,000 are required for operat- ing expenses during the period of a year. The hogs are shipped from a radius of about 150 miles. This packing house buys directly from the farmers through local buyers at different points through- out the hog growing section. If the farmer so desires, he can ac- company his shipments to Moultrie and deal directly with the pack- ers themselves. This is a very satisfactory method of doing busi- ness, as the farmer has an opportunity to see his hogs weighed and can receive his check before leaving the plant. This company is paying thie same price for peanut-fed ho-gs as for the corn-fed product; however, this price is somewhat lower than is paid at some of the central markets throughout the country. On the 17th of January the packers at Moultrie were paying from $5.25 to $6.85 per 100 pounds for the hogs they were receiving. The bulk of sales on that date at this plant were from $6.55 to $6.70. On the 12 same date the markets at Chicago were from $5.60 to $7.45, bulk of sales at $6.95; the St. Louis market, $6.00 to $7.30; the Kansas City market, $6.25 to $7.20, bulk of sales $6.90 to $7.15; the Fort Worth market, $6.10 to $7.25. However, as this market is very much closer to the farmers the shipping shrinkage is considerably less. In fact, the shrinkage from Moultrie to St. Louis, if the hogs were shipped, would be from six to nine pounds per 100 pounds, while the ship- ping shrinkage from a radius of from 50 to 150 miles of the Moultrile plant would not be more than an average of three pounds per 100 pounds; therefore, it is more economical for the farmer to sell his products at slightly reduced prices at Moultrie rather than ship them long distances to central markets. The packing house people at Moultrie are of the opinion that pea- nut fed meats are not quite so desirable from the packers’ standpoint as the corn-fed products, due primarily to the fact that the dressing and curing shrinkage is somewhat greater in the peanut-fed hogs than in meats that have bfeen hardened on corn. The manager, Mr. C. L. Brooks, says that this will amount to approximately % cent per pound of live weight. However, he does not agree that the meat is of an inferior quality, but contends that when it is standardized it is as good as the cornsfed product. This company has no troublfie in selling; at a satisfactory price all peanut-fed meats that they are able to cure and store. A further contention has been made that the lard from peanut- fed- fat is not equal to the lard from corn-fed products, as it melts at a lower temperature than the corn-fed lard, but this concern claims that by its process of handling the lard it will stand up equally as well as the corn-fed lard.. However, Mr. Brooks makes the further statement that in -case the lard would melt at a lower tem- perature, by extracting 20 per cent of the oil from the peanut-fed fat the remainder of the fat will carry just as well as the cornsfed product, and he has a ready sale for all the oil that he can extract at 3 cents per pound more than he gets for the lard. This company seems to be satisfied with the profits obtained from the handling of peanut-fed products up to this time, as they have doubled the capacity of their plant after having operated it for two season. CONCLUSION—It was the purpose of the writer, in all investi- gations upon ‘the subject of producing and handling peanut-fed hogs, to make a thorough study at each point and in the light of the conditions that he found in that part of Georgia visited it is very evident that the farmers are getting profitable returns ‘from their soils through handling their products by the methods outlined. A large per cent of the lands of Texas are well adapted to the growing of peanuts, and our farmers will make no mistake in going into the hog and peanut businless, provided they are willing to carefully plan 13 their farm operations and be content with a reassonable profit. It is well, however, for the farmer to remember that he is apt to make some mistakes, even though he may plan operations as carefully as possible, but he can safely hope to get reasonable returns from the very beginning. I should like to stress the importance of co-operation among farm- ers in communities where they are growing a large acreage in pea- nuts for the purpose of fattening hogs, as it will be necessary to re- duce the cost of production and handling to the minimum if the greatest profits are to be received. The farmers of a community contemplating the growing of a large acreage in these crops to be marketed through hogs should first confer among themselves and ascertain whether they can have a local organization for marketing their productsr It is not absolutely necessary to have such an or- ganization, ‘but the best results can always be secured where the farmers of a community are working together. The next step will be to enlist the co-operation of the local business men of the nearest towns for thie selling of these products. This, however, will not be a difficult matter, as the jobbers in any community are willing to handle such meats when the meats have been properly cured, so that they can secure as much as a carload for shipping to the trade at a time. THE PRODUCTION OF PEANUTS. By J. Oscar Morgan, Professor of Agronomy, A. and M. College of Texas. The peanut will grow on a rather wide variety of soils. It will not thrive on low, wet soils or soils that are distinctly acid. Nuts of the highest market quality are produced only on rather light colored sandy or loamy soils. Highly colored clay soils stain or dis- color the nuts, thereb-y reducing their market valule. When grown as stock foods, however, the color of the shell is of no importance and high yields are often obtained from the heaviest clay soils. PREPARING THE SEED-BED—Clay soils or soils on which there 1s considerable vegetable matter are preferably plowed in the fall for peanuts. This permits the vegetable matter to decompose before the crop is planted. Soils thus plowed should be thoroughly disced in the spring before planting. Sandy or loamy soils are usually plowed in the late winter or early spring. It is best that they be plowed at least a month before planting. This permits the seed-bed to settle and also hastens the germination of weed seeds which can then be easily and cheaply de- stroyed by means of the harrow before planting. The depth of plow- ing will depend somewhat upon the character of the soil and the time of plowing. In general, clay soils should be plowed deeper than sands. Care must be exercised, however, to see that an excessive 14 amount of inert subsoil is not plowed up at any one time-. Clays that havie been plowed shallow in previous years should be deepended gradually by plowing -from one to one and a half! inches deeper each year than was practiced the preceding year until the proper depth is reached. Very deep plowing should be avoided if done; a short= while before planting. See that the soil is thoroughly pulverized by means of the harrow before the crop is planted. BARNYARD MANURE—lt is usually unwise to apply stable or barnyard manure directly to the peanut crop for two important reasons: 1. Barnyard manure usually contains large quantities of weed seeds which greatly interfere with peanut production. 2. The use of manure also has a tendency to produce a too rank growth of tops and also a large percentage of “pops” or poorly filled pods. The best practice is to apply the manure to the preceding crop, thus giving it time to thoroughly decompose and become a part of the soil in which form it is very beneficial to peanuts, FERTlL|ZERS—On sandy and loamy soils the peanut responds- readily to the use of commercial fertilizers. It must be remembered, however, that the peanut is a legume and consequently the fierti~ lizer should contain little or no nitrogen, as this element is secured from the air. On very poor soils it has been found advisable to add a small quantity of nitrogen, say 30 or 40 pounds of Nitrate of Soda. per acre, at the time of planting to nourish the plants until they develop sufficiently to secure their nitrogen from the air. In genieral the fertilizer mixture that gives best results for pea-- nuts is 250 pounds of acid phosphate and 5O to 75 pounds of muriate of potash per acre. ' All fertilizing materials should be applied before or at the time of planting the crop. The best method is to apply them in the drill and thoroughly mix them with the soil before planting. L|ME—~A considerable amount of lime in the soil is necessary for peanuts. Soils deficient in lime produce low yields and also a rather large percentage of unfilled pods. Most sandy and loamy soils are deficient in lime and for this reason soils of this character usually receive an application of from 600 to 1,000 pounds of slacked lime per acre at least two weeks before planting the crop. This lime should be spread broadcast and thoroughly harrowed into the soil. PLANTING-On well drained soils, peanuts should be planted level. The usual practice is to open furrows 30 or 36 inches apart in which the fertilizers are drilled, if these materials are to be used. The fertilizers are best distributed by means of a common fertilizer distributor. They are often distributed by hand. It is well to have a cultivator or some other suitable implement follows the fertilizer distributor to better mix the fertilizers with the soil. Soils that are not well drained are usually ridged for peanuts. 15 This is done by means of a small turn-plow or other suitable imple- ment. The ridge is formed immediately over the fertilizer and should be partially harrowed down or flattened by means of a fine-tooth harrow before planting. The peanuts may be planted by hand or by means of a community planter which can be b-ought for $15.00. The large podded varieties should be hulled before planting. Small podded varieties such as the Spanish variety are usually ‘planted in the pod. When planted in the pod, germination may be hastened by soaking the peanuts in water for a few hours just be- fore planting. Approximately two bushels of unhulled seed or one- half bushel of hulled peanuts are required to plant an acre. The plants should ‘qe left from seven to twelve inches apart in the row, depending on the variety. The large ‘podded variety should have the greater spacing. Planting should not be done‘ until the soil has become thoroughly warm in the spring. Little is to -be gained by planting pleanuts in a cold soil. . CULTIVATION.-—The cultivation of the peanut crop may well begin before the plants are up by running a weeder or section- harrow diagonally across the rows. After the plants are well up, tillage by separate rows bsegin. There is little difference between the cultural methods for peanuts and for such crops as corn, peas, etc. It is especially important that such implements be used as will keep the soil thoroughly pulverized close to the plants. This facili- tabes the entrance o-f the fruit stems or “pegs” into the soil. Culti- vators with small points on the side next to the row are quite satis- factory for this purpose. Hoeing should be done only when neces- sarys to keep down weeds and grass. HA'RVEST|NG.—The greatest value of thle peanut crop to Texas farmers is as a pasture crop for hogs. When used for this purpose the hogs should be allowed to harvest the crop. When grown for the market, the crop should be dug before frost. The proper stage of maturity for harvesting is indicated by the tendency of the pods about the base of the plant to shed, and the vines to turn yellow. Various methods of harvesting pleanuts for the market are prac- ticed. In many cases the plants are merely plowed from the ground with a one-horse turning plow and afterwards separated from the soil by hand. Another and very common method is to remove the moldboard from a turning plow and run the plowshares under the row on each side at a sufficient depth not to sever the pods from the vines. The side from which the moldboard is removed is kept next to the row. The plants are lifted by hand or by means of forks, and the dirt carefully shaken from them. They are then thrown in small piles to dry. The potato digger may be viery satisfactorily used in harvesting peanuts. STACKlNG.—As soon as the plants have sufficiently dried, which requires about three or four hours, they are put in small stacks. 16 Poles about seven feet long are driven securely in the ground. Around the base of each pole a few pieces of short poles are placed to keep the peanuts off the ground. The pieanuts are stacked with the vines out and nuts in next to the pole. The stacks should be made rather slender and tapering toward the top to shed water. Each stack is usually capped with grass to protect the nuts. P|CKlNG.—Peanuts should not be picked from the vines until the pods have become dry and the peas firm. A better grade of pea- nuts will be secured if picking is deferred until late autumn. The greater part of the crop is picked by hand. Machines are in use for picking peanuts. Th-ey are profitable where the crop is grown extensively. Most machines have a tendency to crack a portion of the pods. Names of manufacturers of picking or threshing machinery will be furnished on application. The picked pods should not be exposed to dampness as this discolors them, reducing their market value. FEEDING VALUE OF SPANISH PEANUTS By John C. Burns, Professor of Animal Husbandry, A. and M. College of Texas. There can be little doubt that one of the most profitable methods of marketing the peanut crop is to dispose of it through livestock raised on the farm. Peanut vine hay, which may be obtained -by mow- ing the vines after the nuts have matured, and curing them by the ordinary method of making hay, is in the class with alfalfa and cowpea hay in feeding value. Its nutrients are even better propor- tioned from the standpoint of forming a balanced ration in itself than are those of alfalfa or cowpea hay. It forms a very satisfactory roughage for horses, cattle and sheep. _ The seeds, or peanuts, themselves, constitute one of the richest feeds produced on the farm. They are especially valuable as a feed for hogs, and, being very rich in digestible fat or oil, they are used to the best advantage during the fattening period. However, they also contain a high percentage of digestible protein and, th-erefore, prove very satisfactory for growing hogs, too. In order to make an accurate determination of the feeding value of Spanish peanuts for hogs, the Texas Experiment Station con- ducted a test in 1908 in which six pigs averaging 43 pounds at the start were fed exclusively on Spanish peanuts for a period of 91 days, the nuts being separated from the vines in order to ascertain definitely the quantity fed. The results of this test show that the amount o‘? peanuts required per 100 pounds of gain in live weight was only 296% pounds. This remarkably good showing is further emphasized when we consider that the averag-e results of tests at nine different station in the United States show that 537 pounds of 17 shelled corn were required to produce 100 pounds of gain, and that in no instance was th-e requirement for such gain less than 479 pounds. ‘Accra-cling to the above figures, an acre of Spanish peanuts of a yield of 40 bushels, allowing 30 pounds to the bushel, would pro- duce approximately 405 pounds of pork, which, if valued at 7 cents a pound, would amount to $28.35. These results seem to be entirely in accordance with those obtained Iby other Southern Experiment Stations, that have made experiments along this line. * In the preparation of this bulletin, due acknowledgement is made for valuable assistance rendered by Dr J. O. Morgan, Professors J. C. Burns L. B. Burke and A. B. Conner of the A. and M. College. 18