Fafm Boys’ ‘and Girls’ Educational Encampment AT THE STATE FAIR OF TEXAS DALLAS OCTOBER 14TH 'TO 29TH, 1916 Under the Supervision of the Extension Serv- ice, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, in Co-operation With the United States Department of Agriculture Baneun 5 vzs A WEEK OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION AND PLEASURE COMBINED Free for 200 Farmer Boys and 100 Farmer Girls Announcement This exceptional educational opportunity is offered free to the farmer boys and girls 0t Texas by the State Fair of Texas, as a me- dium whereby they may receive a short course of instruction in practical and scientific demon- stration of every branch of agriculture and home industry, by expert instructors from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas in co-operative Work with the United States Department of Agriculture. The boys and girls of the farm today are the agriculturists and housewives of the future, and it is the earnest desire of the State Fair Management to afford them educational oppor- tunities which cannot be offered at any other time or place. Statesmen o1.‘ all ages have steadfastly pointed to agriculture as the great basis of wealth, commerce, prosperity and independ- ence. N0 State in the Union possesses greater agricultural wealth, developed and undevel- oped, or has a more ambitious, intelligent and healthy youth upon its farms. The inauguration of this Annual Educational Encampment will offer additional and un- equaled opportunity for study and research by practical observation, a scholarship which every ambitious boy and girl in Texas should zealously covet. The Rules and Regulations should be care- fully studied, as they Will be strictly enforced. Should any boy or girl, or parents, desire any further information, they should address either H. H. Williamson, Assistant State Agent in Charge of Boys’ Club Work, College Station, Texas, or Miss Bernice Carter, State Agent in Charge of Home Demonstration Work, College Station, Texas. A Ansmmlmxswm timxi>xnrbb Three Van Zandt County Boys, who were_members of the team that won the county prlze. Farmer Boys’ Encampment OCTOBER 16TH TO 218T SELECTION OF BOYS All farmer boys of Texas, who are members of the Boys’ Agricultural Clubs, organized by the United States Department of Agriculture, in co-operation with the Agricultural and Me- ;._. chanical College of Texas, are eligible to com- pete for scholarships. Two delegates will be selected from each county, until 200 boys have been selected. These delegates will be selected T, upon a competitive basis, and shall be those making the best record in club work in their "fhrespective counties in 1916. The county con- ‘test will be u.nder the direction of the county Agricultural Agent, or County Club Leader. , ‘The supervisors of the county contests shall rnish the superintendent of the encampment éspositive information as to their county being represented at the encampment, at the earliest date possible, and positively not later than ffSeptember 1st. They s-hall also furnish the superintendent of the encampment with the flnames and addresses of successful contestants or before October 1st. All delegates must libs of good moral character, and willing to co- lperate in making the encampment a success. Vt o boy should enter this encampment unless 3 he intends to stay the entire week and fully comply with all rules and regulations. ARRIVAL AT DALLAS AND DIRECTIONS FOR REACHING THE FARMER BOYS’ CAMP AT FAIR PARK The boys who are successful in the various counties must plan their trip so as to reach Dallas Monday, October 16th. Upon arrival at Dallas, boys wil be met at the railroad sta- tion by a special committee assigned for that purpose, and be taken direct to Fair Park, where they will register and receive assign- ment. Promptly upon arrival at Fair Park, each boy shall deposit his railroad transporta- tion and other valuables with the superintend- ent of the encampment, who will place them in safe keeping, and deliver to the boy at close of the encampment. Looeme AND MEALS DURING ENCAMPMENT Comfortable quarters, good wholesome meals, cots, mattresses, pillows and towels will be '1 LEE DENSON, Sweetwater, Texas, Who won first prize in the Milo Maize Class, producing 93.1 bushels of Milo on one acre, at a cost of 9c per bushel. 4 furnished, free of cost, by the State Fair of Texas, but each boy shall bring the following bedding, necessary toilet articles, clothing, etc: 1. Blankets, sheets and pillow slips.- ~ 2. Brush and comb. 3. Necessary clothing to last a week. 4. Suflicient money for personal incidental expenses. UNIFORMS The State Fair of Texas will furnish free to each boy a good hat that can be kept as a souvenir. Each boy will be required to pur- chase a khaki uniform, belt and necktie, the cost of which will be guaranteed not to exceed $3.00. SUPERVISION The Boys’ Encampment will be under the direct and personal supervision of Mr. H. H. Williamson, Assistant State Agent in charge of Boys’ Club Work of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, in co-operation with the United States Department of Agricul- ture. Strict discipline will be enforced, and the conduct of the boys carefully looked after. Those not wishing to conform to the discipline and rules of the encampment, will be asked to _. return at once to their homes. INSTRUCTION AND PLEASURE For the purpose of seeing the Fair, studying #7 the exhibits in a systematic and intelligent f manner, and receiving practical instruction, the boys will be divided into small groups each il day, in charge of competent instructors fur- nished by the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Special opportunity will be 1 given to make a careful study of live stock, agriculture, horticulture, dairying, machinery, 3 500d roads, etc., all of which willbe of the greatest educational value to the boys. No boy will be permitted to leave Fair Park , without a special written permit from the su- l‘. perintendent of the encampment. Special hours will be devoted each day to athletics and wholesome recreation,» as well as to allow the i? boys to attend various entertainments which f will be provided for their pleasure by the Fair " management. BREAKING CAMP Camp wil'l be broken Saturday afternoon, October 21st, so that the boys may leave for ‘home Saturday night, but in the event any of the boys cannot get home on trains leaving Saturday afternoon, supper will be served Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning. MAIL All mail for boys attending the encampment should be addressed care of Farmer Boys’ Camp, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas. All boys will be required to write at least a postal card to their parents each day, BOYS’ AGRICULTURAL CLUB DAY Saturday, October 21st, has been designated as Boys’ Agricultural Club Day at the Fair,_ which will mark the greatest gathering of farmer boys ever held, at any time or place. Special programs for their entertainment will be announced at a later date, and every effort will be made to make this day one long to be remembered. PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST AFTER THE FAIR Upon returning to their homes after the Fair, each boy will be given an opportunity to write an essay of not less than 600 or more than 800 words on the subject of “What I Saw and Learned at the State Fair, as a Member of the‘ Farmer Boys’ Educational Encampment.” These essays are to be forwarded to W. H. Stratton, Secretary, State Fair of Texas, Dallas, Texas, on or before December 1st, 1916. Upon re- ceipt they will be judged by a special commit- tee; the winner of first prize to receive a diploma and gold medal; the winner of second prize to receive a diploma and silver medal. NOTICE TO PARENTS The State Fair Management will exercise the utmost care in looking after the welfare of the boys while in camp. Good quarters will be pro- vided in a large, roomy building, "especially provided for their accommodation. A special kitchen and dining room will be installed for the use of the boys, where good, wholesome food will be provided. The management will i? i n13‘ _____,ywfly__fl,y_:n_w rmmwwk “m, "w. 17px W . ~ -»<-. "it -- I not be responsible for accidents, loss or dam- age to articles; in the event of sickness or accident, quick and prompt attention can be given at the Emergency Hospital on the Fair Grounds. It is expected to have a camp of good, healthy, ambitious farmer boys, who will here- after be an honor and an asset to Texas agri- culture, and to their parents. The management wants the farmer boys of Texas to know the real worth of the State Fair, and have taken this means of giving 200 boys a week's outing at this great annual exposition. They will be under the constant supervision of the superintendent and his c-orps of assist- ants. Address all communications regarding the Boys’ Encampment, to H. H. Williamson, Su- perintendent, College Station, Texas, Willie Haworth, leaving home for the StateFair of Texas. Farmer Girls’ Encampment OCTOBER 23D T0 28TH SELECTION OF GIRLS All farmer girls of Texas, who are members of the Girls’ Clubs, organized by the United States Department of Agriculture, in co-operation With the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, are eligible to compet-e for scholar- ships. Four delegates will be selected from each county Where there is an organized club, until a total of 100 girls have been chosen. These delegates will be selected upon a com- petitive basis, and shall be those making the best record in club Work in their respective counties in 1916. The county contests Will be under the direction and supervision of the lady agents in charge of Canning Clubs and Home Demonstration Work. The supervisors of the county contests shall furnish the superintend- ent of the encampment positive information as to their county being represented at the encampment at the earliest date possible, and positively not later than September 1st. i They shall also furnish the superintendent of the encampment With the names and addresses of successful contestants, on or before October 1st. No girl should enter this encampment un- less she intends to stay the entire week, and fully co-operate with the superintendent in making the encampment a success. 8 SUPERVISIOKN The girls of the encampment will be under the personal chaperonage and supervision of Miss Bernice Carter, State Agent in charge 0f Home Demonstration W-ork for the United States Department of Agriculture, in co-opera- tion with the Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege of Texas, and her selected corps of as- sistants. ARRIVAL IN DALLAS, AND DIRECTIONS FOR REACHING THE FARMER GIRLS’ CAMP AT FAIR PARK The girls who are the successful contestants in the various counties, should plan their trip so as to reach Dallas Monday, October 23d. Upon arrival at Dallas they will be met at the railroad station by a special committee of la- dies assigned for that purpose, and taken direct to Fair Park, where they will register and re- ceive assignments in the Girls’ Club Building. Promptly upon arrival, each girl shall deposit her railroad transportation and other valuables with the superintendent of the encampment, who will place same in safe keeping, and return to the girl at the close of the encampment. LODGING AND MEALS DURING THE ENCAMPMENT Comfortable quarters, good wholesome meals, cots, mattresses, pillows and towels will be furnished each girl, free of cost, by the State Fair of Texas, but each girl shall bring the following bedding, necessary toilet articles, clothing, etc.: 1. Blankets, sheets and pillow slips. 2. Brush, comb and other toilet articles, 3. Necessary clothing to last a week. 4. Suflicient money for personal incidental expenses. Any girl whodesires, may send th-ese articles by prepaid express to Miss Bernice Carter, care v of Farmer Girls’ Encampment, State Fair of Texas, Dallas, Texas. UNIFORMS The State Fair of Texas will furnish free to each girl, a nice uniform hat, which will be 9 worn during the encampment and retained as a souvenir, after the encampment. Each girl will be required to provide herself with a navy blue serge sailor suit uniform, made according to instructions of the lady County Agent. INSTRUCTION AND PLEASURE For the purpos-e of seeing the Fair, studying the exhibits in every department of woman's work in a systematic and intelligent manner, and receiving practical instructions, the girls will be divided into small groups each day, in charge of competent instructors and chap- erones, selected by Miss Bernice Carter, State Agent in Charge of Home Demonstration Work. Detailed routine of instruction will be given in the various departments each day, all of which will be of the greatest educational value. Special hours will be devoted each day to wholesome recreation, and for the enjoyment 0t special entertainments which will be pro- vided for their pleasure by the Fair Association. BREAKING CAMP. The encampment will be broken Saturday, October 28th, so that girls so desiring, may start for home Saturday night, but in the event it is not convenient for anyone to leave on the evening trains, they will be cared for until Sunday morning. MAIL All mail for girls attending th-e encampment, should be addressed care of the Farmers Girls’ Camp, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas. Each girl will be required to write at least a postal card to her parents each day. GIRLS’ CANNING AND POULTRY CLUB DAY Saturday, October 28th, has been designated as Girls’ Canning and Poultry Club Day at the Fair. A special program will be prepared tor the general entertainment of the thousands ot farmer girls that are expected to visit the Fair on that day, PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST AFTER THE FAIR Upon returning to their homes after the Fair, each girl will be given an opportunity to write 10 a} ..,.a..-e-w-.-v.-»wvp~.fw~vl .-~ 4 Agriculture. an essay of not less than 600 or more than 800 words 0n the subject of “What I Saw and Learned at the State Fair, as a Member of the Farmer Girls’ Educational Encampment.” These essays are t0 be forwarded to W. H. Stratton, Secretary, State Fair of Texas, Dallas, Texas, on or before December 1st, 1916. Upon receipt, they will be judged by a special com- mittee; the winner of first prize to receive a diploma and gold medal; the winner of second prize to receive a diploma and silver medal. NOTICE TO PARENTS The State Fair Management will exercise the greatest care in looking after the welfare of the girls while in camp. Suitable quarters will ' be provided in a large, roomy building, which will be specially prepared for their accom1no- dation. A special kitchen and private dining room will be installed for the use of the girls, where good wholesome food will be provided. The management will not be responsible for accidents, loss or damage to articles, and in the event of sickness or accident, quick and prompt attention can be given at the Emer- gency Hospital on the Fair Grounds, where a corps of physicians and trained nurses are on duty at all hours of the day. It is the earnest desire of the management to have an encamp- ment of bright, healthy, ambitious farmer girls, who will profit to the fullest extent by this exceptional educational opportunity offered by the State Fair of Texas, in co-operation with the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the United States Department of The strictest chaperonage will be I exercised by Miss Bernice Carter, Superintend- ent in Charge, and her lady assistants. On no occasion will any girl be permitted to leave 1 camp unchaperoned, without special permis- sion from the Superintendent. Address all communications regarding the . Girls’ Encampment, to Miss Bernice Carter, State Agent, College Station, Texas, who will " cheerfully give any further detailed information " ‘that may be desired. 11 OFFICERS R. E. L. KNIGHT, Pres. R. A. FERRIS, 1st Vice-Pres. E. L. FLIPPEN, 2nd Vice-Pres. I. B. ADOUE, Treas. W. H. STRATTON, Secy. DIRECTORS J. c. DUKE WILLIAM DORAN J. J. ECKFORD E. L. FLIPPEN ROYAL A. FERRIS R. K. GASTON A. A. JACKSON E. M. KAHN E. J. KIEST J. s. KENDALL R. E. L. KNIGHT LOUIS LIPSITZ s. T. MORGAN s. I. MUNGER H. A. OLMSTED ALEX. SANGER JNO. N. SIMPSON F. F. SLINEY w. I. YOPP