BULLETIN OF THE Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (In Cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture) June, 1916 EXTENSION SERVICE No. 13-24 130w’ Agricultural Club Encampment School Waco, November 6th, 7th and 8th, 1916 Address CLARENCE OUSLEXC Director 0i Extension Service, College Station, Texas T0 the Members of the Boys’ Agricultural Clubs of Texas: ' Your attention is directed to the announcement 0n the following pages of the Boys’ Agricultural Club Encamp- ment School to be held at Waco, Texas, November 6, 7 and 8, 1916, (luring the Texas Cotton Palace Exposition. This. encampment is to be conducted co-operatively by the Agri- cultural a11d Mechanical College of Texas, the United States Department of Agriculture and the Texas Cotton Palace As- sociation. ~ We trust that you will succeed in your club work thisw year to the extent that you may be entitled to the honor and privilege of attending this educational encampment. You are requested to examine carefully the list of prizes offered by the Cotton Palace Association to club boys. Consult your county agent if you desire further detailed information concerning the encampment school. Yours very truly, T. O. WALTON, Chief, Farm Demonstration Division. H. H. WILLIAMSON, Assistant, State Boys’ Club Agent. BOYS’ AGRICULTURAL CLUB ENCAMPMENT SCHOOL- Waco, Texas, November 6th, 7th and 8th, 1916 The Texas Cotton Palace Association of ‘Waco, Texas, extends an invitation to 100 Texas club boys to be its guests Without cost at an Agricultural Club Encampment School to be conducted by the Agricultural and Mechanical College- of Texas and the United States Department of Agriculture at their next exposition. Who May Attend. All farm boys of Texas who are members 0f the Boys" Agricultural Clubs conducted by the Agricultural and Me- chanical College of Texas and the United States Department of Agriculture are eligible to compete for scholarships in this encampment. One club member from each county in which club work is conducted will be permitted to attend. In the event that counties a great distance from Waco fail t0 send representatives, some other counties will be permitted to send more than one upon application by their county agents or county club leaders to H. H. Williamson, College Station, Texas. Representatives from each county will be selected upon merit. The selection will be made by the- county agent or a committee designated by the county agent. The Trip. Representatives to the Encampment from each county‘ should plan their trip so as to arrive at Waco not later than 8 a. 1n. on the morning of November 6. Each county agent or county club leader is requested to furnish H. H. William- Son, College Station,~Texas, with the name, address and itin- erary of his county’s representative not later than October 15, 1916. Each representative will be furnished with an identifica- tio11 badge before departing from his home to be worn while- en route in order that he may be readily identified by the- reception committee 0n his arrival at Waco. All trains will be met by a reception committee. The Camp. The camp will be located on the exposition grounds and will consist of first-class camping equipment, including reg- ular army tents, cots, cook tent, cooking utensils, etc. Wholesome and well-prepared meals will be served in camp. Everything possible will be done to make the camp life com- fortable and attractive. All boys will be expected to bring their ownibedding, such as blankets, quilts, sheets, towels, etc. Each boy should bring at least two heavy blankets or three quilts. The camp will be ready for occupancy on the afternoon of November 5 and will remain open until the morning of November 9. This will accommodate boys arriving on the 5th and those desiring to remain over until the morning of the 9th. s The , first meal in camp xvvill be breakfast on the morning of the 6th, and the last will be supper on the night of the 8th. Boys in camp 011 the evening of the 5th and the morning of the 9th will be assisted in securing their meals at cafes and restaurants on the exposition grounds. _ Supervision. The camp will be under the (lirect supervision of H. H. Williamson, in charge of Club Work for Texas, assisted by Mr. C. C. French, the District Agent 0f the Extension Service of the Agricultural and ‘Mechanical College, and a number of Senior students of the College. All precautions necessary will be exercised to insure the comfort and safety of the boys in camp. No boy will be permitted to leave the expo- sition grounds without the permission of some one in au- thority. The School. There will be both work and pleasure for all boys at- tending. Regular work will begin promptly at 9 o’clock each morning a11d will continue throughout the larger part of the day. The forenoon will be devoted to lectures by ex- perts of the Agricultural and Mechanical College on various subjects of special interest to club boys; the afternoons will be devoted to instruction and practice in live stock and grain judging, and sight seeingathletic contests, etc. Mail. All mail intended for boys attending the Encampment School should be addressed to Waco, Texas, care of Boys’ Encampment, Cotton Palace. Expenses. The only cost will be railroad fare, meals while en route. and-incidental expenditures. Meals and lodging while in camp will be furnished by the Texas Cotton Palace Associa- tion. Prizes. Offered to members of the Texas Boys’ Agricultural Clubs. ' (Same as given in 1916 catalogue.) ‘Rules governing the contest. (Same as given in 1916 catalogue.) L. S. Henry, Printer, Waco