COMMUNITY CANNIN G PLANTS E ‘.1 i i 1 J Fig‘. 1. Model Community Canning Plant on the Campus at the A. and M. College used for instructional purposes. Published By EXTENSION SERVICES," AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COL- LEGE OF TEXAS, AND UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COOPERATING. T. Q. WALTON. Acting Director COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1 9 1 9. BLANK PAGE IN ORIGINAL COMMUNITY CANNING PLANTS. I WaltoniPeteet and Chauncey .Merwin, Specialists in Organization, and Miss Cornelia Simpson, Specialists in Canning. ' Enough fruit and vegetiables are’ wasted on Texas“ farms annually, to, supply the food needs of all thepeople ‘of the . state. _ Expressedin terms of “money this waste amounts to several million dollars. - It is notpracticable to establish com- mercialcanneriesin small rural communities at this time and farm families have neither theequipment nor the time to pre- serve these valuable food products in the home. a ' - The community canner is designed: (1) to conserve the food supply, (2) to increase the supply of succulent food in rural homes, (3) to reduceliving expenses of the farm family, and (4) to. lighten the laborlof the farmhousewife. _ l The-plant of a community canner consists of a small, in- expensive building and steam canning equipment, the latter costing from $150.00 to $300.00. The processes and‘ methods of operation» are similar to those employed in commercial canneries and all kinds of fruits, vegetables and meat suitable for canning maybe suc- cessfully and economically preserved in theseplants. » To be successful, community canners-mustbe coopera- tively owned and operated. If operated as private enterprises for the benefit of owners they will fail. HOW T0 oRcAfNi-ZE. Any rural community numbering~fift'eeng or __ ies will find it profitable to have a communitycannerlwvlzT _ step towards securing one is to call on “thejcpounlty farmjde.rrrifo_n- stration agent or the county homedemonstration"agefitgfwho are the local representativesof the U. SJ-Devpartment-(ififgkg- riculture and the Extensions Servic-ec of the Texas and Mechanical College, i ,Eitheif~or bothcof these uagentsfrvvill give counsel and. assistance-in all matters relating to ‘organ- ization and operation; of the enterprise. if The capital required should be raised by. IOlQIILi-fllaricsub- scription. Usually a farmers’ “club is organized a com- mittee appointedto canvas “the membership-for. subscriptions. If a club or farmers’ organization‘ is already in existence iii-the community it should install and operate the canning plant on a cooperative basis. For illustration, a cooperative fruit or vegetable marketing" association, -or‘-a~co~operative cotton gin or potato warehouse association might Well add a canning plant, and’ put its.“managemerifinlcharge pf-the manager of the enterprise, and thus by giving" employment for’ a longer period in the year contribute‘ to thesiolution ofthe ‘problem of securinga competent person for manager. ~ 3 a i Incorporation of the club or association is desirable but not neeessary. The subscribers to the fund to purchasethe l plant should meet and organize by‘ electing the usual-"ofiicers" and an executive committee. This committees-hould be author- ized to build or rent a suitable building, to purchase the equip- ment,'to employ a manager and such other help as-may be needed, to arrange for a supply ofvcans, and make rules for the operation of the enterprise. ' If the capital amounts to as much as $500.00 a charter may be obtained from theState of Texas at a cost of $10. Full directions for incorporating may be obtained by Writing to the Director of Extension, College Station, Texas. INSTRUCTION OF MANAGERS. When a community has decided that it wants a canning plant and information in addition to that contained in this bul- letin is desired, application may be made through the county farm demonstration agent or the home demonstration agent to Fig. 2. The first community canning plant established in Texas, built at Red Springs, Smith County, Texas, after plans furnished by the Extension Service, A. and M. College. 4 o i 3 1 ‘is,’ w‘ - w‘: - .. of a. ‘member of the’ staff will, if possible, visit the community and give assistance thielorganization and operation offlthe plant; A It is highly desirable that the personiselected as manager should visit Qollege Station and take at least a three ‘day's free courseof instruction in a model plant which is. located on the Colle_ge_ Gampus. If the manager cannot take this -Q,ourse_ ofb instruction a member of "the Extension‘ Staff Will, upon inv-ita; tion,~visit the community "and instructthe managerdn the operation of the plant. In order to obtain the benefit of this instruction by a representative from the College it will be necessary for the equipment to be installed and made ready ‘for operation before the canning season begins. In small plants, the manager should be the only paid employe. All other labor should be performed by the ‘ovvners of the products canned. In the rush season it may be neces- sary to employ a boy or girl t0 assist the manager for a limited period. I The canner should be operated on a true cooperative basis. Each patron should take his or her products to the canner and assist in the Work of canning them. Expenses of operation are paid from the proceeds of the sale of toll or from cash fees charged for canning. Fig‘. 3. Qanning plant and storage room at Call, Texas. This plant is one of six built and operated by the Kirby Lumber Co., for the benefit of their employes. 5 p r PURCHASE _.O;F CANS-r _ _ _ In- order to keepthe cost of canning loW,a supply of, cans for all patrons should_ be purchased ‘before the canning sea- son opens.’ The manager orithe executive committee of the club orassociation should canvass the-community to determine about how many cans of foodeach family» will needs If toll in canned-goodsis t0 be-taken, instead of a cash toll, the cans- purchased should be about twice th-enumber needed for home use.» , . , k p _ p In emany, places local banks willcarry joint notes of the executive committee, who are in turn protected by per- sonal notes. i Cans ordered early in car lotsiand divided be- tween several communities insure cheaper cans for patrons. Cans come in bulk,_in crates of 500 each and in paper cartons. The latter are packed, l0e0lNoj3 cans or“ -125 No. 2 cans to the ‘carton. RATE OF TOLL. ‘The rate of toll or fees charged for canning must be fixed by the executive committee of each plant. After one or two days’ operation the manager ‘or the executive ‘committee will be able to fix a satisfactory rate. The charge for canning meat, which should not be undertaken during the fruit and vegetable season, should be the subject of special arrange- ment, depending largely upon the amount of help furnished by Fig. 4. Interior of furnace plant showing retort with furnace, crane, sealing table, cooling vat,, and end of work table. 6 v i“ the owner of the meat. V The cost of operation varies in differ- ent communities acciording toithe‘ prevailing scale of Wages, the‘ price of fuel, rent of buildingycost of cans, and, other items of expense; 1 Where plants are operatedron a, true co- operative basis, and Without the expense of rent, lights, etc., and the-Wage of the manager is rnoderate,_it has. been found that the club can furnish the cans and do the canning for one- halfthe finished products-the patron assisting in the work of canning. 71f ‘the‘patrons-=furnish' the cans a small cash charge should be made for canning, the amount being sufii- cient to pay all expenses of operation and a ‘small sum for- incidentals. _ - TYPES oFfPLANTs. ~ TWo distinct types of community canning plants have been evolved. The steam for processing in“ one type of plant is generated by a furnace under the retort (Fig. 4) and in the other by a small boiler (Figs. 5 and 6)., Either one or the other is recommended accordingto the numberofr people to be served, and the amount of money the community has to in- vest. Other differences Will appear as the two types of plants are described in detail. .- . J Fig. 5. Interior iview of“ steam plant at College Station fronrend pf plant.’ “Sealing » ‘ letable at left ‘in rear. Steam heated vat in center; offvtabile.’ ";No§e__pipe con- ' nection ‘to vat, sealingirons‘ on end‘ ofdiable, can'""-"cratel rest and can crate at end of table, steam connection at boiler. Can crate, retort and cooling vat are in crane radius. . - ~ l 7 THE FURNACE PLANT. The furnace plant (See fioor plan Fig. 7), is designed to meet the needs of small communities. It has a capacity of from 250 to 700 cans per day. This plant Will care for the ' surplus "vegetables from not more than 15 one-halfacre fam- ily gardens. FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT. The equipmentto be purchased from_ the factory is as follows: i ' i " 1—18”x18" retort complete with thumb nut wrench. p.30 lb. steam guage, safety valve and pet cock. 1—Furnace for heating retorts In addition to the foregoing a brick furnace (See Fig. 8) should be installed, and equipped With a vat and sheet steel cover. This vat provides hot Water for blanching and scald- ing, or it may be used for processing fruits and tomatoes. One or more lard cans fitted with a small faucet, may be used for brine or syrup tanks, thus providing a convenient method of filling cans. When canning meats the vat may be removed, the steel plate substituted permitting the furnace to be used much as one Would use a stove. (See Fig. 9). The cooling tank shown in the fioor plan (Fig. 7) is made of galvanized iron 3O”X3O” and is fitted with a drain on the bottom from Which the Waste Water is piped to the out- Fig. 6. ‘Interior view _of steam plant- at College from end of sealing table, showing steam connection and drain. - » i - 8 -side of the building. Running water should be provided by means of a tank or barrel placed outside the building as shown in Fig. 13. THE BOILER PLANT. The boiler plant (See floor plan, Fig. '7) is designed t0 meet the requirements of large communities. Steam is pro- vided by a 1 1-2 or 3-horse power boiler from which it is piped to two 0r more 18x18 inch retorts, to the hot water vat (See Figs. 5 and 6) and to the brine or syrup tank (See Fig. 10, and Fig. 7). Its capacity is from‘ 500 to 2,000 cans per day. This plant will care for the surplus from 40 to 50 one-fourth to one-half acre family gardens if plantings are made so as to distribute the harvest over a reasonable period of time. BOILER PLANT EQUIPMENT. The equipment to be purchased from the factory is as follows: 1-—1 1-2 or 3-horse power upwright boiler with furnace. 2—18”X18” retorts, equipped with thumb nut Wrench, 30 lb. steam guage, safety valve, pet cock and 2 crates. In addition to the foregoing a steam heated vat (See Fig. 11) with coils, a brine vat (See Fig. 10) with coils,_and a cooling tank with drain are usually purchased of the local tinner or plumber. The valves and 1-2 inch pipe used in fit- ting up the plant may also be purchased locally. A list of the pipe and fittings appear below. PLUMBING FOR BOILER PLANT. The following plumbing equipment will be needed if the plant is built according t0 plans and illustrations in this bul- letin : O0 | "inch pipe. inch glove valves. inch glove valves. inch pipe (drains for E. and L). inch elbows. inch T’s. inch Caps. inch Unions. inch close nipples. ' w w ammmwowwo I I | IUNNHQNJIPr-PIQNJ Fig‘. 7. l F 1 I _r~—— I, WP- ; U 1' 4.‘,\f| ® E: _ é! G 1 ii ,- ‘ r: "‘ ‘o ‘I S5 J i: a 5E3 3e _ o D a F) /'" . _u__l I q BOILER. PLANT PLAN fbrains-gn l 1— 1 + l | U 1 9 .. Y b 15,9 ‘l - r‘ . . a K Q. h, ‘P < » a1 5 O ii] ~ n G) 2 _JI__.__..: l - - DITCb-“v- FURNACE PLANT PLAN Boiler Plant Plan :——A, B, C, work tables; D, Capping tables with brine tank; E, Blanching vat; F, Tipping table; G, Can crate; H-H, Retorts; I, Cooling vat; K, Boiler. Furnace Plant Plan :——1, Water supply; 2, 3, 4, work tables; 5, Sealing table; 6, Can crate; 7, Retort; 8, Cooling vat; 9, Furnace with brine tank and hot water vat. 10 ACCESSORIES. I "llhe following equipment should be purchasedito supple- ment theequipment recommended for eachtype of plant: l I 1 l-4NH-4NJ ROMP‘ Quart liquid flux or 1 pt. muratic acid and several zinc stripes. Lump Sal Ammoniac. ' ‘ » Kitchen scales. ’ Clock. Fiber pails, 3 to 6. Scalding basket. » - ~ ' Broom, wash rag, wash powder, etc. or 2 extra can crates. Tipping coppers. - 2 1-2 inch capping steels with core. Paring knives, 6 to 10. Can tongs. a Pound wire solder. Flux brushes. Set crane irons. STEAM HEATED VATS. In Fig 11 return bends may be used in place of elbows and short nipples. be altered accordingly. The plumbing equipment needed should If desired a satisfactory coil ‘can be made by bending a piece of iron pipe into a flat “Archimedes Spiral.” It is then perforated, capped, and connected with the steam line in such a way as t0 rest on the bottom of the vat. I l2'x30"x4o" G l, Tank. i“ "Fl a » Q . 4 |-——— 2‘-1o' 2'-2" DETAILS OI" i FURNACE ‘G 2'. n I f-el-fln-izhw-k-ec-l-fi Fig. 8. Details of furnace for providing hot water in furnace type of plant. 11 The water in the vats is heated by the condensation of steam or by radiation. The first method is the most econom- ical, and is very satisfactory Where clean steam is available. Some kinds of water and the use of some boiler compounds taint the steam and render it unfit for use by this method. This trouble is usually encountered where the steam is piped from a large boiler in thevicinity of the canner. In such cases the second method of heating should be used. The a small horizontal perforations are omitted, and an exhaust pipe with valve takes the place of the cap. The exhaust may be through the ceiling or floor. TESTING PURITY OF STEAM. A test should always be made of steam to be used in can- ning plants if the Water is to be heated by condensation. This may be accomplished by directing a jet of the steam to be used into a bucket of clean pure water until it boils. Allow the water to cool and note results. If the water is badly discolored, bitter or oily the steam should not be used. Care must be used to see that the hose or pipe conveying the steam w. U) clean, otherwise the test might be inaccurate. i Fig. 9. Furnace with vat removed for use in canning meat. “l2 COST OF EQUIPMENT. Furnace Plant- Steam Pressure Canner and Furnace . . . .$ 55.00 Vats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ 45.00 Freight . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150:@ Boiler Plan't—- i Steam Pressure Canner and Boiler . . . . . .$157.00 Vats with plumbing . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . .. 75.00 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Fregiht and dray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . q . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300K The above estimates will vary with the price of material and the locality but should prove approximately correct. ADVANTAGES oF BOILER PLANT. The boiler plant has the following advantages over the furnace plant: 1. It consumes less fuel per hour. 2. The outfit is larger in proportion to original cost. 3. The labor expense is less per can. 4. It is better adapted to community needs. It Will care for a small amount of food as cheaply as the furnace plant. When necessary the capacity is two or three times as great. The capacity may be increased by adding a third retort. LOCATION OF PLANT. The community canning plant should be located as near the center of the community as essential conditions will per- mit. An abundant water supply, drainage and a constant source of steam are determining factors which might vary this rule. Where the management can be united in one per- son it is always advisable to locate the community canner near or adjoining the community gin, the syrup mill, the store, the laundry, the sweet potato drier, or the meat curing plant. 13 &~r\ \ \\ ._ ,- c<. ,- k;\\_f_i) g El - 165/" . - l 48’ on the ground. Fig. 10. Brine 0r syrup tank h ated .with e steam BUILDING. Any building suitably located‘ and having suflicient floor space, may be used for a community scanning plant. The plans shown in Fig. 12 are for the guidance of those who find the construction of a building necessary. Both’ plans have been found viceable. Experience leads us to give the gable roof building with ventilator the preference, as it has been found muchcooler. The storage room is usually the‘ same size as the canning- room, making the entire building 20’x The bill of lum- ber apperaing below isfor a building of the above dimensions with a gable roof. S61‘- coil. LUMBER BILL. 160 pieces 1”x12”x12’ Boxing 1920 feet 6 pieces 2”x 4”x20’ Framing i 80 feet- 24 pieces _ ” x12’ Framing 192 feet 48 pieces ” X16’ Framing 510 feet 50 pieces ” x14’ Rafters 467 feet 12 pieces ” x11’ Casing 96 feet 6 pieces 4”x 4”x16’ Plate 128 feet 2 pieces 4”X 6”x20’ Sills i 80 feet 6 pieces 4”): 6”x16’ Sills 192 feet 1O pieces 1”X 4”x16’ 54 feet Sheeting 1”x 8”—1”xl0”—1”x12” 1500 feet O. G. Bats 1400 linear feet Composition roofing 15 squares 1O 100 1O 170 HARDWARE AND MILL WORK. pr. 8" strap hinges. 3 outside doors with hinges. pounds pounds pounds screen. doors. 8” nails common. 16” nails common. 4” nails common. sq. feet 30” screen wire. oz. tacks. window shades for store room. 14 ‘FLOOR. - Tamp clay 4” thick. .~ I Spread 3.”_ concrete of the following mixture: 1 part cement. “ * “ " 4 parts bank run gravel." ' ~ _ .- _. _ .A floor 20 ft, x 48 ft. will require 32 sacks cement, and ,8 .yds. bank run gravel. The floorn in the canning plant should slope slightly ‘co-- Ward the back of the building. ‘This will afford drainage and assist in keeping the floor clean. A '1 l The Work tables may be made from scrap lumber left from the construction of the building. Care must be taken to have the sealing table top-flat and level. CANNING. S It will be impossibleTin aibulletin of this character to discuss why» food‘ spoils or to go into details of methods of canning. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 853, Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables; covers these subjects. This bulletin may be had by writing to the Extension Service, A. and M. College, College Station, Texas. ' . " a t Q Where foods are-to be canned in large quantities as they are in the community, canner the operationsmarme more like © . ' r" - F i F. v e I»! o» , I 7 _ - 7-9 + w? q- 4- -v> w)- --!> m- a- »> a» -:> “w- mn- Q , J H) t: Fig. 11. Steam heated vat for furnishing supply of hot water Kfor blanching, and exhausting cans. 15 those employed in small factories than processesy used by housewives who have only a few cans at a time. . The funda- mental principles of canning are, of course, the same. The limited-area from which the community plant’ draws its raw material insures a fresh product. The fact that about one-half of the finished cans are returned to the grower for home use encourages him to grow Shingle Roe? /' 1 1i g a = é 3 n UU ELEVATION @ ELEVATION ® Fig. 12. End an_d side elevation of two types of buildings suitable for Community Canning Plants. 16 7U suitable varieties,-_gtoigatherlthem at. the correct stage of ma- turity and to deliver_ them in _sound condition. l-Eeoperation ‘of local women in packing foods under the supervision ofithe plant manager makes for uniformity. Canning of like varieties, which are carefully and quickly Worked up, results in a high grade pack which will meet re- quirementsof weight or numericalcount "demanded of com- mercial canners. For practical purposes No. 2 (two pound) and No. 3 (three pound) cans are used for the foods canned in the com- munity plants. No. 10 (gallon) cans may be used for fruits and tomatoes. Berries, beets and very acid foods should be packed in lacquered or enamel-lined cans. Each plant should buy a few of these cans when the original order is made. The cost is little more than that of the plain tin cans and the pro- ducts mentioned do not change color in lacquered cans. MANAGEMENT. The plants are so plan- ned that the raw pro- ducts follow a certain course until they leave the plant as finished cans. Manager should try to have the cannery open on days that are most convenient for a major- ity of the patrons. It will be Well to have an understanding a b o u t what products will come in on given days. For example, it is not well to have too many varieties of food canned on one day, especially is this true in bean and tomato w, , , n“ Fl seasons. A flw/wlilhri y“ The plant and the I ground around it must at all times be in perfectly sanitary condition. Fig. 13. A simple and easily constructed water supply system. 17 If everything inthe plant is in readiness for canning when the first patrons arrive with products to be canned there will be no confusion or loss of time. Managers are responsible to the association for the quality of canned goods turned out. Systematic methods of handling the foods through the various processes will avoid delays in a dayfs work and result in a finished product of which every member of theassociation will be proud. ' » Managers should adopt some system of marking cans so that canned products will not be mixed until labels can be put on cansQ A graphite or lead pencil mark ion the side of a can will not come ‘off during cooking. To-scratch the tin is a ' mistake because rust begins and may cause a hole inthe can before it can be used; before it is sealed. _ Managers can not take inferior products like over-mature beans, bruised or spoiled tomatoes or corn which is too old andmake first‘ class canned goods of them. Hence the ‘The proper time to. mark a can is l patrons of the canner, whether members of the association or not, must observe rules, (copies of which may be obtained. from the Extension Service, A. and M. College) if they would have well canned products. - » ' In sections of Texas where tomatoes produce well atten- tion should begiven to varieties suitable for canning. The. Stone, Spark’s Earliana, and Chalk’s Jewel are’ considered the three best canning varieties of tomatoes. i - Burpee’s Stringless Greenpod and Keeney’s Stringless: Green Refugee or any other round podded, juicy bean are: best for canning. Yellow and green beans should not be mixed in a can if toll is to be taken in payment for the ‘can- ning. , _’ _ - - The Bureau of Markets, United. StatesDepartment of Ag- riculture, sentan expert accountant‘ to Texas to study the- plan on which the community cannerspareoperated in order that he mightsuggest a form of recordstoibe kept by the managers of these community enterprises." These blanks will be printed and sold by some reliable dealer at a reasonable- price. A _ ' I * The free courselgiven canning plant managers, consists"- of instruction in grading,.washing, blanching, packing, seal-- ing and processing of all kinds of foods. Exercises in plant management designed to save time, energy and material are.- given, and the why. and how of sanitation explained. 18 I MARKETING. Community canners are designed primarily to serve the needs of their patrons and are not intended to be small fac- tories. They should only can for sale such products as can be readily sold in the locality. Canned goods for sale come from two sources: 1. Toll taken by the organization to cover cost of cans and operating expenses. 2. From a member of the association who has goods beyond his own needs. Surplus products may be disposed of to the best advan- tage by observing the following suggestions: 1. Contract in January, February or March with local merchants for such produtcs as are produced in-the locality. 2. The market demands, clean, tender, uniform, attrac- tive products. Community canners can turn out products of this character if managers will carefully follow instructions which may be obtained from the Extension Service. 3. Raise only standard varieties of vegetables for the market. WALL PLACARDS FOR COMMUNITY CANNERS. No. 1. Canning Time Card No. 7. Sweet Potatoes. (revisedy No. s. Beans. No. 2. Directions for Man- NO_ 9_ 'Okra_ NO_ 3_ %fifrfj'toes_ No. 10. Peas (Field). NO_ 4_ Com . No.11. Kraut. No. 5. Soup Mixture. No. 12. Rules for Patrons. No. 6. Squash and Figs. 19