- Suggested Constitution and By-Laws for Women’s Home Demonstra- tion Clubs. Article I.-Name. The name of the organization shall be the __________________ __H0me Demonstration Club. ' Article II.—Object. The object of the club shall be the study of home and community prob- lems—food production, preservation, and preparation, clothing, home im- provement, home management, and child and community Welfare, with the purpose of putting the lessons learned into immediate practice in home and community. Article III.—Membership. Any woman in the community, of eighteen years or more, Who is Will- ing to undertake regular and definite Work is eligible to membership. Article IV.—Ofl’icers. The officers of the club shall be a president, vice-president and secretary. Should occasion arise for the need of a treasurer, the secretary shall act as treasurer. The Home Demonstration Agent shall be an adviser to the club. Article V.—Election of Officers. The officers shall be elected annually by any method which the club may choose and shallghold office until their successors are elected an dinstalled. Article VI.—-Duties of Officers. President.—It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meet- ings of the club, to appoint all necessary committees, to call special meet- ings, and to perform such other duties as appertain to the office. Vice-President-It shall be the duty of the vice-president to perform the duties of the president in case of her absnce or disability. Secretary.—It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep accurate min- utes o fall the meetings of the club, to attend to all correspondence, to he- ceive and keep properly filed all important communications and reports, _ to distribut all literature for the members, and to make regular reports to the county Home Demonstration Agent. If she is also treasurer she is to _ render an account of all monies collected and expended. Home Demonstration Agent.—It shall be the duty of the County Home Demonstration Agent to act as adviser to the club and if possible, to give demonstrations when requested by the club to do so, and secure speakers for special occasions, to furnish information as to sources of literature, and to do all in her power to promote interest and to advance the work of the club. Article VII.—-C0mmittees. The standing committees of the dub shall be a Membership Committee, a Program Committee, and Finance Committee. Other committtees shall be appointed by the president as need for them is found to exist. _ All standing committtees shall serve until the close of the year’s work.. Article VIII.—Duties 0f Committees. The Membership Committee—shall endeavor to induce every woman in the community to become members of the club, and shall investigate the cause of each absence from a meeting. The Program Committee-shall, with the advice and assistance of the County Home Demonstration Agent, plan the year's work for the club and make arrangements for special programs. _ The Finance Committee-shall have charge of all plans to make or raise money and the expenditure under the direction of the club, making a Written report of this work to the secretary-treasurer. Article IX.—Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held _____________ _. Special meetings may be called by the president. Article X.—Funds. No membership dues shall be required except by a vote of a majority of the membership. Article XI.—Amendments. This constitution may be amended by a majority, at any regular meeting of the club. - By-Laws. 1. A quorum to transace business shall consist of a majority of the membership. 2. The order of business shall be as follows: a. Meeting called to order. g. Reports of home work. b. Roll call. h. Regular work of program. c. Reading of minutes. i. Reading of program for next d. Reports of committees. meeting. e. unfinished business. j. Apjournment. f. New business. COMMITTEES. MEMBERSHIP. PROGRAM. FINANCE. SPECIAL. ATTENDANCE. - ‘s-I o: I-l >_.. Sept. uni. / _ \ s11 l” .1 1; A- A R A :2 Id_a-l_il_l\kwxm_llw\ u M, \ I _ , =a< .{_i%‘_i‘_i ‘l! 1i_@l..i:\\ 1 \ \\ \ . . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ , _ . A ‘ > _ , i1!‘ 1 \ = \‘I\t-. \ \\\ \ i \ i\1\\ i so |1_.|1_1I_|1_s1_\\,/_ 1 _ ;_\ \ A. M fi _ u 1_ % i . _ _ , _ ,!@r»,,+ _ _ i A &_ 1 wDW; ,@\_A-;1=_l F W A A. e F_1 , \ _A A _ u f u u "A % n _ ( N ‘u A_ \ _ _ ATTENDANCE. E W as _ * __ _ _ d1. _ NAME MINUTES OF MEETING.“ 1. Date _____________________ _ _ Place ____________ _ _p __________ _ _ 2. Meeting called to order at ___________________________________ ._ 3. Number of members present __________________________ ___ ____ __ 4. Number of new members enrolled _________________________ __.___ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present __________________________ __ 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total____ ____________ ._ 7. ‘Subject of program _________________________________________ __ 8. Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufiicient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) ___.__..___.__._____._____...._____._.__.____.__.__.___.__.....__._____________.___._ (Signed) __________________________________ _ _ Secretary 5 MINUTES OF MEETING. Subject of program _________________________________________ __ Demonstration given 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ -- 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. _Number of members present _________________________________ __ 4. Number ofunew members enrolled ______________________________ ._ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . -_ 6. Number of visitors _______________ __ Total __________________ ._ 7. 8. 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space ‘is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) ,._.____.__._________.________.__________.___....._._...______.______._ (Signed) _________________________ __ _,_ _____ "Secretary 6 PP°TJ°°P‘!“P°E°!" MINUTES OF MEETING. Date _____________________ _ _ Place ______________________ _ _'_ Meeting called to order at _______________________ _ _ _,_ _______ _ _ Number of members present ________________________________ _ _ Number of new members enrolled ___________________________ _ _ _ Home Demonstration Agents present __________________________ _ _ Number of visitors ______________ _ _ Total- _ _ _ __ ___________ .- _ Subject of program ___________________________________ __A_____ Demonstration given ___________________________________ __._ __ Home work" since last meeting ______ _ _i _______________________ _ _ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 7 MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present _____ _; _________________________ __ 4. Number of new members enro11ed___"_ __________________________ ._ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _________________________ __ 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ __ 7. Subject of program"; ____________________________________ __ 8. Demonstration given _________________________ ___ ___________ __ 9. Home Work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 8 MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _____ _ s _________________ __ 2i Meeting called to order at __________________________________ _ -_ 3. Number of members present ________________ __. __________ __l___ »_ 4. Number of new members enrolled ____________________________ _ _ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present __________________ _ _- _____ ._ 6. Number of visitors _______________ _ _ Total _______________ _. -_ 7. Subject of program ________________________________________ _ _ 8. Demonstration given ________________ - _‘_ _ _ _ _ s _' _____________ _ _ 9; Home work since last meeting ___________________________ _ _»_ _ _ _ (In case space is not sufiicient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 9 MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present ________________________________ -_ 4. Number of new members enrolled ____________________________ _- 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _______________________ _-.._ 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ __ 7. Subject of program ________________________________________ __ 8. Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ 9. Home work since lasumeeting _______________________________ _-_ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) .____..__.________...__________._..__.__...___.__..._________..__________._...____.__.___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _- (Signed) __________________________ -_A ____ __e__Secretary 10 MINUTES OF MEETING. Date ____________________ _ _l_ Place _______________________ _ _ Meeting called to order at’ __________________________________ __ Number of members present ________________________________ __ Number of new members enrolled ___________________________ .. _ Home Demonstration Agents present _____________________________ __ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ _i_.- (‘- Subject of program _________________________________________ .- ‘°.°°."'°‘°‘PF°N!" Home work since last meeting _____________________________ __.__ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 11 Demonstration given ______________________________________ _ _ S°9°Z'°?‘.°"F?°‘°!“ MINUTES OF MEETING. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ Number of members present ________________________________ _- Number of new members enrolled ____________________________ __ Home Demonstration Agents- present _________________ - _’ _____ __ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ______________ _- _ Subject of “program _________________________ __' _____________ -_ Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) __.._________._.__.__.__.____.__._._.__._____.______._...____.~________.___..__._.__..______ (Signed ). __________________ _-' ______________ - _Secretarv 1'2 MINUTES OF MEETING. Meeting called to order at ____________ ___ ____________________ __ Number of members present _______________________________ --_ Number of new members enro11ed_.._- _________________________ _ _ Home Demonstration Agents presentu"-.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ -_ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total _________________ ._ Subject ‘of program ________________________________________ __ Demonstration given @9°.‘°?°P‘!“.°°!\"§" Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufiicient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) _______________ _ f- _________________ _ _Secretary ' ' 13 Date _____________________ _ _ Place _______________________ - - . MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place ________________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at ________________________________ __..._ 3. Number of members present ________________________________ __ Number of new members enrolled _____________________________ . _ Home Demonstration Agents present ______________________________ _. . Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ __ . Demonstration given 4 5 6 7. Subject of program _________________________________________ __ 8 . 9 Home work since last meeting ________________________________ .- (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 14 ' MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ i 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present _________________________________ __ 4. Number of new members enrolled ____________________________ .._ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _________________________ __ 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ______ __A _________ ._ 7. Subject of program _______________________________________ --_ 8.‘ Demonstration given _________________ __. __________________ ___ 9. Home work since last meeting ______________________________ __e_ (In case space is not suflicient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) _________________________________ -- fiecretary 15 $°9°24§9l!“'§’°!°!" MINUTES OF MEETING. Date ______________________ __ Place _______________________ -_ Meeting called to order at; ________________________________ __ Number of members present __________________________________ __ Number of new members enro11ed___ ____________________________ ._ Home Demonstration Agents present ___________________ __-_ .___ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total __________________ __ Subject of program ______________________________ __~ _________ .- Demonstration given _______________ __' ___________________ __e___ Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) ...__.___.._......_.__.___._.__..__._.._..____..__.______.____.____...___._.________.____ (Signed) __________________________________ _ _ Secretary 16 MINUTES OF MEETING. Date _____________________ _ _ Place _______________________ _ _ Meeting called to order at _______________________ __‘ _________ __ Number of members present ___________________________ __._ ___- _ Number of new members enrolled _____________________________ ._ Home Demonstration Agents present___________ ___ - . . . _ >§ _. ._' -< _ Number of visitors ______________ _ _ Total ______________ ._ _ .. Subject of program __________ __- ____________________________ __ Demonstration given ______________________________________ _ _ Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) ______.___.._____._________._._.._____..______.__________._.________...__._,____._ (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 17 MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number‘ of members present _______________________ __. ___________ -_ 4. Number of new members enrolled _________________________ __..__ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present __________________ .. _ _____ .. 6. ii Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ____________ __._ . ._ 7. Subject of program _______________________________________ -§_ 8. Demonstration given _______________________________________ __ 9. Home Work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 18 MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date __________ _ _- _________ _ _ Place ________________________ _ _ 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present _____________________________________ ._ 4. Number of new members enrolled _____________________________ __ 5.. Home Demonstration Agents present _________________________ _-_ 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ___________ __-_._-...-i 7. Subject of program ________________________________________ __ 8. Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) _ (Signed) ________________ _ __ ________________ _ _ Secretary 19 MINUTES OF MEETING. Date _____________________ _ _ Place _______________________ _ _ 1. 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present __________ ___ _____________________ ._ 4. Number of new members enro11ed___v_____> ____________________ -_ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _______________________ 6. Number of visitors____Q _________ __ Total ________________ ._ 7. Subject of program __________________________________________ __ 8. Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) ___.______.___._._._____.____....__._______._______..______._______._._._._._____..,.__. _..._.__________._______...__._______._,._______._...________..________..__..__.______ — — - - - - _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S9cretary 20 MINUTES OF MEETING. 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present __________________________________ ._ 4. Number of new members enrolled _____ _; _____________________ __ 5. - Home Demonstration Agents present ________________ _. _ _-..._ 6. Number of visitors ______________ _'_ Total ________________ __ 7. Subject of program ______________________________________ _'____ 8. Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __-__. _____________________________ "Secretary 21 PFFPFPFN?‘ MINUTES OF MEETING. Date _____________________ __ Place ________________________ .. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ Number of members present _________________________________ ._ Number of new members enrolled ____________________________ -. Home Demonstration Agents present ________________________ -_~__ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total _______________ .__ Subject of program _______________________ _§ _______________ __ Demonstration given Home Work since last meeting ________________________________ ._ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) ________ __' ___________________ ________Secretary 22 MINUTES _ OF MEETING. 1. Date____g _________________ __ Place _______________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at ___________________________________ _. 3. Number of members present _____________________ __. _________ __ 4. Number of new members enrolled ____________________________ __ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _________________________ __.- 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ __. 7. Subject of program _______________________________________ __ 8. Demonstration given ______________________________________ __ 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) _____________ _ _l ___________________ _ _ Secretary 23 MINUTES OF MEETING. Subject of program __________________________ __" _____________ __ ' Demonstration given ________________________________________ __ 1. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ 2. Meeting called to order at __________________________________ __ 3. Number of members present ___________________ __A _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . ___ 4.‘ Number of new members enrolled ________________________________ ._ 5. Home Demonstration Agents present _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . _ _ __ 6. Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ___________________ _- 7. 8. 9. Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ ‘(In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) __________________________________ _ _Secretary 24 wsxfsewewwr MINUTES OF MEETING. Date _____________________ __ Place _______________________ __ Meeting called to order at ___________________________________ ._ Number of members present _________________________________ __ Number of new members enro11ed___:____7 ___________________ __ Home Demonstration Agents present ________ u‘ _________________ __ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ _ _ Subject of program _________________________________________ __ Demonstration given __________ ___ __________________________ __ Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) (Signed) ---------------------------------- - -Se¢1‘etaY'J‘7 25 gbpoggamewwr-l MINUTES OF MEETING. Date ________ _ _' _________ _ _-_ _ Place _______________________ _ _ Meeting called to order at ___________________________________ ._ Number of members present _____________________________ ._ ____ Number of new members ‘enrolled ______________________________ .. Home Demonstration Agents present _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . ~ _ __ Number of visitors ______________ __ Total ________________ -_ Subject of program ________________________________________ __ Demonstration given ______________________________________ ___ Home work since last meeting _______________________________ __ (In case space is not sufficient, use plain paper and fasten to this sheet) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.__.__...__.___________.__’,__.__.__..__...___.____....._._____.__ .....__._____..._._._...__.._____.,___._..._.__._.__.___.___._..._.___._.___....__.._..._____.__. ________.________.__._.__...____.___.___________..__._____.____...__________ ______._____.__.._._._.___._.___._.._,___.___._.__..._.___...__._.___.____.________..._._._ (Signed) - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Secreta1~y 26 SUMMARY OF YEAR’S WORK. The following summary should be very carefully made out after the last meeting of the year. It can easily be filled out from the information on the preceding pages. 1. Date club was organized. 2. Number of meetings held during year. 4. Total number of visitors present. Grand Total. WORK DONE. Number of gardens planted ______________ __Spring ______________ "Winter Number of fruit trees ________ __berry vines ________ __grape vines ______ __ Number of pounds of vegetables used fresh: Value Number of pounds of vegetables sold fresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ____________ Number of pounds of vegetables dried. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ____________ Number of quarts of vegetables canned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ____________ Number of pounds of fruit used fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ Number of pounds‘ of fruit sold fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ____________ Number of pounds of fruit dried ....................... ____________ Number of quarts of fruit canned ...................... ____________ Number of quarts pickles made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ Number of quarts jam ____ __marmalades ____ __preserves ____ __ jellies ____ __ made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number of gallons of vinegar made .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ Number of gallons of fruit juices made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of cans of meat canned: pork ____ -_beef ____ “poultry _r_-__game ____ __ fish and oysters ____ __ . . . . . . .. ____________ Number of pounds of meat cured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ Number of pounds of sausagemade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ____________ Numberofpounds of lard made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ Numberofpounds of soap made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ DAIRY WORK. Number of club members milking one or more cows ____________________ __ Number of club members having enough milk for family use ____________ __ Number of club members having surplus ______________________________ __ Number of pounds of butter used at home ________________ __ Value‘ Number of pounds of butter sold ___________________________ ____r_____ Number of pounds of cottage cheese made ____________________________ __ Number of pounds of milk sold _____________________________________ __ Number of pounds of cream sold ______ -7 ____________________________ __ POULTRY. Number of members who are poultry demonstrators ________________ __'____ Number of standard bred chickens owned by demonstrator Value Nnmber of flocks culled this year ___________________________________ __ Number of chickens raised this year ________________________________ __ Number of chickens kept at home __________________________________ __ 27 Number of chickens sold for breeding purposes ______________________ __ Number of chickens sold on market __________________________________ __ Number of eggs produced __________________________________________ __ Number of eggs used at home ______________________________________ __ Number of eggs sold ______________________________________________ __ Number of eggs preserved ; ________________________________________ __v_ FOOD PREPARATION. Number of women making bread following suggestions learn- throughclubwork Number of women making cake following suggestions learned throughclubwork Number of women making soups following suggesti ns learned throughclubwork Number of women making salads following suggestions learn- ed through club work Number of women cooking eggs following suggestions learn- ed through club work Number of women ‘cooking milk dishes following suggestions learned through club work Number of women cooking other food following suggestions learnedthroughclubwork Number of women packing school lunches following sugges- tions learned through club work . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ____________ CLOTHING. Number of garments made for grown ups using ideas learned throughclubworkQnH..................... Number of children’s garments mad using ideas learned Number of layettes made using ideas learned through club work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number of made over garments made using ideas learned throughclubwork ____________ Number of hats made and made over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ through club work Number of articles of sewing for household: curtains. . . . . . ____________ ‘ rugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ luncheon sets ____________ Etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number of dress forms made in clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ HOME IMPROVEMENT. Number of homes of club members screened during year. . . . . ____________ Number of other homes screened as direct or indirect result . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Number of homes in community renovated or rearranged dur- ing the year. Number of homes installing or extending running water . . . . ____________ Number (if homes installing improved lighting system. . . . . . _________'___ Kind ______________________________________ __ "Number of homes buying or making improved lianudry __________ __ equipment ____________ Articles ________________________________________________ __ Number of homes buying or making improved dairy equip- ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . __ Articles ________________________________________________ _- Number of homes buying or making improved poultry equip ‘ ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _< Number of home conveniences bought or made other than those already listed ____________ Number of articles of furniture renovated . . . . . . Number of vines, flowerbeds, shrubs, trees, window boxes, lawns planted Number of “women in club keeping accounts: Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Household . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Miscellaneous ____________ COMMUNITY WORK. Does this club maintain a hot school lunch? __________________________ __ Date established? ________________________________ __- __________________ __ Number of children in school? _______________________________________ _- Other things done for the school? _____________________________ __' _____ __ Has this club begun a community library? ____________________________ __ Number of books bought for library? ________________________________ __ Number of magazines and papers taken for library? ____________________ __ Number of magazines and papers subscribed for by members during the year? ______________________________________________________ __ Number of pieces of literature distributed to club members? ____________ __ Number of short courses held by club? _____ _-_ __________________________ __ Kind? _________________________________________________________ __ Did this club take part in a county short course? _______________________ __ How many members attended short course at Grubbs Vocational College at Arlington ________ __; John Tarleton College at Stephenville ________ __; or A. and M. College at College Station ________ __ ? ________________ __ Number of exhibits made by this club: Community __________ __; County __________ __; State____________. Products exhibited? _______ __'_ ______________________________________ __ Prizes won ______ _Q _________________________________________________ __ Number of entertainments held for purely social purposes _______________ __ Number of entertainments held for money ____________________________ __ Amount made ______________________________________________________ _. How expended ___. ________________ _; ________________________________ -_ Is this club federated? ____________________________________________ __'__ Number of members attending federation meetings: County ____________ _- District ______________ __; State _______________ _. Number of members attending Mothers’ Congress meeting: County ______ __; District ______ __; State ______ __; Miscellaneous. 29 CALENDAR OF. SUGGESTIVE WORK FOR WOMEN’S CLUBS. JANUARY Food Production—The Poultry Yard. Chicken Houses and Brooders. Milk for the Family. Hot Beds. Food Preparation and Preservation——The Balanced Meal in Mid-lWinter. The Place of Meat in the Diet. Clothing—Study of Textiles. Darning and Other Mending. January Sales. Advantages and Disadvantages. The Inside of the Home——Sa1'litati0Il. Proper Ventilation in Mid-NVinter. Lighting and Heating. The Outside of the I-Iome—Sanitation. Drainage. The Sanitary Closet. The ChCiIIdI-d-Large Aspects of Child Welfare. How to Eliminate Bad o s. Community Problems—Sanitation of the Schools. Ventilation. FEBRUARY Food Production—The Early Hatch. Incubation. Planning the Spring Garden. Preparation of the Soil.. Cold Frames. Food Preparation and Preservation——CaI'e and Utilization Of milk. Dif- ferent Methods of Cooking and Serving Meat. Bread Making. Quick Bread. Clothing——Appropriateness in Dress. The Family Spring Wardrobe. Use of Commercial Patterns. The Inside of the I-Iome—Home Conveniences. The Convient Kitchen. Equipment and Arrangement. " The Outside of the I-Iome—-Planning the Flower Beds. The Home Orchard. Care of the Home Orchard. The Child—Clothing for the Child. School Clothing. The Model Layette Community Problems. School Clean-up Day. Planning the School Garden. Celebration of Arbor Day. MARCH Food Production—-Plans for the Winter Pantry. (Selection of Vege- tables.) Planting the Garden. Care of the Young Chicks. Food Preparation and Preservation-—Use Of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet. Bread Making. Yeast Breads. , Clothing--Care of Clotheing Versus Family Income. Making over the ‘ Summer hat. The Inside of the I-Iome—Spring House Cleaning. Labor Saving Methods. Rearranging for Convenience. The Outside of the Ho-me-—-Permanent Plantings. Perennials and An- nuals suited to Locality. l The Child—The Child’s Diet Versus Spring Tonics. Community Problems-—The School Flower and Vegetable Garden. APRIL Food Productiom-Diseases of Poultry. Plant Diseases. Factors Affect- ing the Production of Good Milk. Food Preparation and Preservation—Cooking of Fresh Vegetables. Salads and Salad Dressings. Clothing-—TeXtileS. Underwear. Trimmings. Lace. Embroideries, Dec- orative Stitches. ' The Inside of the Home—Spring House Cleaning. Labor Saving Methods. Rearranging for Convenience. ' The Outside of the Home—-Painting the Farm House and other Build— ings. Vines: Their uses and Arrangements. 30 The Child—Child Feeding: The Place of Milk in the Child’s Diet. Com- municable Diseases. Community Problems—Play Ground Equipment. How can we use our School Plant Through the Summer. MAY Food Production-—Feeding for Egg Production. Infertile Egg Produc- tion. Food Preparation and Preservation—The Canning 0f Fruit. The Can- ning of Vegetables. Clothing—— M.illinery. Styles for Different Types. The Inside of the Home—Color in the Home. Paper and Draperies. The Outside of the I-Iome—Care of Flowers. How to have Cut Flowers Through the Summer. The Child—Recreation for the Child. Simple Games, Plays, and Songs. Community Problems—Community Picnics or Play. Summer Care of the School Plant. _ l JUNE Food Production—~The Egg Circle. Butter making on the Farm. Food Preparation and Preservation—HOt weather Dishes. Preserves and Jelly Making. Clo-thing—Care 0f the Summer Clothing. Cleaning and Renovating. Re- moving Stains.‘ The Inside of the l-Iome—Color in the Home: Miscellaneous: Bed Linens, Pillows, Shades, Scarfs, Lunch Cloths, Etc. The Outside of the Home——-Plant Diseases. Control of Insects. The Child—Child Labor Laws. Proper and Improper methods of Punish- ing Children. Community ProbIems—-Schoo1 Lawns. How to Secure State Aid. JULY Food Production—Planning the Fall Garden. Culling the Flock. Food Preparation and Preservation—Pickling and Drying and Brining Fruits and Vegetables. Fireless and Steam Pressure Cookery. CIothing—Short Cuts in Laundering. Laundry equipment. The Inside of the Home-—Design: Selection and Arrangement of Furni- ture. Selection and Hanging of Pictures. The Outside of the I-Iome-—The care of the Lawn in Summer. The Childl-l-Lessons in Hygiene. Suitable Literature for the Child. Story Te ing. Community Problems—-The School as a Social Center. A home for the Teacher. AUGUST Food Produetion—Preparation for the Fall Garden. Fall Poultry raising. Food Preparation and Preservation—COld Desserts and Beverages. Diet for the Sick. CIothing——Study of Textiles. Cotton and Linen. The Inside of the I-Iome—|System in the Home. Family Spending. The Outside of the Home—study Of Fall Flowers. The ChiId—-The Child’s allowance. Vacations for the Children. Community P;obIems-—The Supplementary Hot Dish for the School lunch. Plans or it. - SEPTEMBER Food Production—-—Planting‘ the fall Garden. Increasing the Meat supply. Belgian Hares. 31 Food Preparation and Preservation——Tl1e Improved Cold School Lunch. What it should contain. How it should be prepared. Clothing——-Plan1’1ing‘ the School Clothing: Suitable Shoes and Hose. Fall Millinery. The Inside of the Home-—System in the Home: The daily Sschedule or planning of the House Work. ' The Odtside of the Home——The Fall Flower Garden. Rooting Roses and Vines. The Child-—The Child’s Part in the Routine of House Work. Com.munity Problems—Recreation for the School Year. Plans for the School Lunch Continued. Food Production—Storing Fresh and Canned Products for the Winter. Food Preparation and Preservation——study Of PTOtEiTIS. Egg‘ Cookery. Clothing—Study of Textiles: Wool and Silk. The Inside of the Home—-System in the Home. Meal Planning‘. Table Ser- vice. The Outside of the Home——WindoW Boxes and Pot Plants for the Coming Winter. - The Child——Guarding the Health of the Child: His Food. Home Study for the School Child. Community Problems-—The Community Fair. Food Production—The Winter Garden. Food Preparation and Preservation-The Study 0f Carbohydrates: Cer- eals, Rice, Hominy, etc. The Thanksgiving Dinner. Clothing—-»Renovation of Winter Clothing and Hats. The Inside of the I-lome-—Household Hygiene. Care of the Sick. The Outside of the Home-—Ways to eliminate Barreness in Winter. Ever- green Shrubbery. The Home orchard: Planting. The Child—Chi1d Health Conference with Public Health Nurse. Commnunity Problems-—A Community Thanksgiving. DECEMBER Food Production-—The Winter supply of Meat and Lard. Curing Meat. Sausage making. ' . Food Preparation and Preservation——study 0f Fats, Oils, Sugars. Christ- mas Candies. The Christmas dinner. Clothing—Making over Winter Garments. The Inside of the l-Iome—Simple and Effective Christmas Decorations. The Outside of the Home-Planning the Farmstead. The Child—A safe, Sane, Sensible Christmas for the Child. Indoor Re- creation: Story Telling. ‘Community Problems—-The Community Christmas. The Community Li- brary.