AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS EXTENSION SERVICE T. O. WALTON, Director COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating.) Distributed in furtherance of the Act of Congress of May 8th and June 30th, 1914. B-60 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS SEPTEMBER, 1922 SWEET POTATO STORAGE IN TEXAS 4; D .' i‘ “is Si‘: - 2 LL31?!‘ (Extension Service and Experiment Station Cooperating) BY E. A. MILLER, Sweet Potato Specialist, Extension Service. M. R. BENTLEY, Agricultural Engineer, Extension Service. J. J. TAUBENHAUS, Plant Pathologist, Experiment Station. FOREWORD. The sweet potato is one of the most important food products grown in Texas and has been steadily increasing in importance since storage houses came int-o use. Although the sweet potato storage industry is comparatively new, it has been growing fast the last few years. At the present time there are nearly 200 storage houses in Texas with a storage capacity of over 1,000,000 bushels. In order to enable the sweet potato growers to utilize this product to the best advantage as well as to meet the increasing demand for in- formation about sweet potato storage houses and their proper operation, this bulletin is presented, and it is hoped that the essential points of handling the crop, particularly seed treatment, careful harvesting, grad- ing and storing, will be closely followed, thereby making it possible to successfully conserve and profitably market this important food product. The type of storage house herein described, known as the “Texas A. and M. College Sweet Potato Storage House,” was developed by a com- mittee composed of members of the Texas Extension Service and Experi- ment Station and is the result of extensive study and data collected on the subject. "This type of house has been given a severe test under adverse conditions and has proved satisfactory. It is a simple house to con- struct and is easily and cheaply operated. If properly handled, it will keep potatoes with a minimum amount of loss from rot and will also give them good shipping qualities. Parts of this bulletin are extracts and reprints from Sweet Potato Storage Bulletin No. 250, which was published cooperatively by the Texas Experiment Station and the Extension Service, but which is now out of print. T. O. WALTON, Director. SWEET POTATO STORAGE IN TEXAS E. A. MILLER, Sweet Potato Specialist, Extension Service M. R. BENTLEY, Agricultural Engineer, Extension Service J. J. TAUBENHAUS, Plant Pathologist, Experiment Station FACTORS ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESSFUL STORAGE. There are several factors which are absolutely essential to success- ful sweet potato storage and they should be carefully considered in con- nection with this important industry, in order to be able to keep potatoes, with a minimum amount of loss and also to be able to market them at maximum prices. These factors are; (1) properly constructed storage houses, (2) proper management of storage houses, (3) careful harvesting and handling of the crop, (4) disease control. The importance of these factors cannot be over emphasized and each one will be discussed in detail. TYPE OF STORAGE HOUSE. Unit Syste~m:—»The two houses of 5000 and 15000 bushels each here presented are based on the unit system of 5,000 bushels to each unit. A comparatively small unit is recommended because the larger units in curing houses make successful storage much more difficult. The 5000 bushel unit can be filled in a short time and it is also possible to secure an ample amount of ventilation and with proper management to reduce the losses from rot to a minimum. Where a storage capacity of only 5000 bushels is desired, the one unit house should be used. For a 15000 bushel house the three unit plan should be used while for a 10,000 bushel house the 5000 bushel plan may be used by doubling the length, thereby making two units. In case a wider house should be preferred, on account of size of lot, the larger plans of 15000 bushels may be used by leaving off one unit. For any house of more than 15000 bushels capacity additional units may be added. MATERIAL FOR BUILDING. These houses may be built either of lumber, brick, hollow tile or concrete. However, the plans herewith presented are for a frame building. Lumber has given good satisfaction and is usually the easiest building material to secure. The average carpenter can easily handle it. The house is constructed on piers which extend about two feet above the ground and there is also a concrete or brick foundation wall which helps to protect the house against severe cold spells and also to maintain a cooler and more uniform temperature during warm spells. With this foundation wall the house can be easily kept warm during the cold weather and also kept cool during the warm weather which is quite impor- tant as it is really more necessary in Texas to guard against warm humid weather during the winter and spring than the severe cold spells in win- ter. There are openings in this foundation wall to provide ventilia- tion under the floor. The air then passes into the house through floor ventilators. Ventilators:——The arrangement of floor ventilators, windows, doors and ceiling ventilators are distinct features of the house. Any or all of these ventilators may be opened 0r closed when it is necessary to admit or exclude air currents. Cupola:—The cupola solves the roof ventilation problem by provid- ing a large opening for the escape of moisture laden air and warm air and at the same time by its method of construction protecting the inter- ior of the building from rain. The openings into the cupola are controll- ~ ed by means of ventilators in the ceiling of the house which can be opened and closed by means of a rope and pulley. Stove and FZue:— Another distinct and important feature of this house is the method of heating and air circulation, which is accomplished by means of a stove and flue. This is really an adaptation from the mod- ern system of heating school houses. The feature of this system of heat- ing is an opening under the stove, through which the outside air enters from under the house. The air then passes around the jacketed stove, where it becomes heated and dried in contact with the stove. Since warm air is lighter, it will naturally rise to the ceiling and spread to all parts of the ceiling. As it absorbs moisture from the inside air it becomes cooler and hence heavier and falls to the floor whence it escapes by suction through the bottom opening of the flue. By thismethod a constant and strong circulation of warm dry air may be maintained when- ever damp or cold weather makes it necessary to keep windows and ven- tilators closed. Crates and Bins:—Formerly bins were used largely for storage pur- poses but within the last few years, the crate system has become more popular and satisfactory and it is quite likely that in the near future the use of crates for storing sweet potatoes will entirely take the place of bins. In fact the plans of the 15000 bushel house which is wider than the 5000 bushel house, call for crate storage only, while for the 5000 bushel house, plans are given for both crate and bin storage. There are several advantages of the crates over the bins, viz, (1) the cost of the house is considerably reduced, (2) when the potatoes have been shipped, the empty house can easily be utilized for other purposes, (3) they save extra handling, thereby reducing bruises, (4) being in small containers the potatoes receive more ventilation than in bins, (5) the crates are needed during harvesting and shipping, (6) the potatoes usu- ally keep somewhat better in crates than in bins, although this depends a good deal upon the method of handling. The only advantage of the bin over the crate is that in bins more potatoes can be stored within a given space. e5 nix" l“ <.@¢:;r Paimr Fig. 1. A. and M. College type of sweet potatoe storage house built of brick and having two units of 5000 bushels each. PREPARING THE HOUSE FOR STORAGE. Sometime before harvesting and during a slack time in summer, the house should be carefully overhauled, unless it is new, and any necessary repairs should be made. Broken Windows should be replaced and all doors, ventilators and other outside openings made to fit tight. Any leaks in the roof should be repaired and all holes made by rats closed. The stove and stove pipe shoul dbe overhauled and cleaned. The house should also receive a thorough cleaning so as to remove all the dust and refuse left over from the previous crop. The indoor walls, floor, bins, crates, etc, should be disinfected by spraying with a solution of copper sulphate, also known as blue vitriol or blue stone. This is prepared in the proportion of five pounds of copper sulphate to fifty gallons of Water. A good Way to dissolve copper sulphate is to place it in a small sack and suspend it in a barrel of Water overnight. Only wood- en buckets or barrels should be used as this solution will corrode metal. Copper sulphate solution is poisonous when taken internally, hence it should not be left where children or farm animals may have access to it. The spraying may be done with an ordinary bucket pump having a long extension rod and an ordinary nozzle. l The burning of sulphur in the house is effective in controlling mites and in killing rats, but it will not kill the germs that cause diseases in sweet potatoes. HARVESTING. A great deal of the success in storing sweet potatoes depends on the way in which the crop is handled in the field. - The importance of care- ful handling cannot be over-empha-sized. For storage purposes sweet 5 potatoes should not be dug until they are well matured, since immature stock is much harder to cure and to keep. Sometimes an early frost will injure the crop but ordinarily the season in Texas is such as to allow full maturity. It is never safe to take chances on a late frost because there is danger that the potatoes will become frost bitten in the field. If the vines are merely frosted the potatoes are still safe for storing; how- ever the vines should be cut immediately at the main stem and then the potatoes should be dug as soon as possible. On the other hand, if the frost has killed the vines to the point of injuring the tips of the potatoes there is little chance of the crop keeping well. The natural yellowing of the foliage is usually a good indication that the -potatoes are ready to be harvested. Another test for maturity is to cut several potatoes and if the cut surface becomes white and dry in a short time the potatoes are mature; if on the other hand the sap con- tinues to flow and remains sticky, it is an.indication that the potato is immature. Furthermore the skin of the mature potato cannot be rub- bed off as easily as that of the immature one. The potatoes should be dug as carefully as possible, avoiding all un- necessary bruising. For this purpose a sweet potato digger or a good turning plow with two rolling colters attached to the beam to cut the vines, makes a very handy implement for digging. A “middle buster” with rolling colters also does satisfactory work. A common mistake is made in not going deep enough with the plow and as a result many of the potatoes are cut and bruised. The best time to dig is during dry weather since the potatoes, especially the bruised ones, are more likely to rot when dug while the weather is wet; besides, the potatoes dug dur- ing wet weather will be more watery and harder to cure. However, in Fig. 2. Harvesting sweet potatoes in hampers. Bushel crates are becoming more pop- ular. Note that the potatoes are carefully placed in the containers from the fur- rows, to prevent bruising. 15,000 bushel storage house in background. wet seasons the growers will often be forced to dig when potatoes are wet and muddy. Under these conditions sweet potatoes require extra care in that they must be dried quickly and the moisture not allowed to stay on the potatoes for any considerable length of time. Wet pota- toes should never be stored in great bulk but should be spread out in small quantities if possible. It is poor policy to dig the potatoeslate in the evening and allow them to remain uncovered during the night in the field as they may become chilled. The best time to dig is after the sun is well up and not later than three or four in the afternoon or until such time that the grower will be able to pick up all that he has plowed up before night. It is not safe to allow the potatoes to remain exposed long to hot sun although a mild sunlight will help them to dry off. The potatoes should be graded while being picked up. To do so will save time, labor and excessive handling. Some of the pickers should gather the No. 1’s and others No. 2’.s and still others the cut and the jumbo grades and seed potatoes. Mechanical graders are being perfected and no doubt they will play an important part in the future in proper grading of sweet potatoes. Potatoes should be handled with extreme care and as little as possi- ble if they are expected to keep well. Where storing is done in crates, hampers or baskets it is best to gather the potatoes in these containers carefully without dropping them. They should never be handled in sacks or hauled loose in a wagon box and never hauled in a trot on hard or rough roads. When the potatoes are hauled from the field to the house they should be placed in a spring wagon and carried over the smoothest road, the aim of course being to avoid unnecessary shaking and jarring. If a spring wagon is not available a deep layer of straw or potato vines should be placed in the wagon box. It is very important to prevent bruising, which is mostly caused by rough handling, because bruised po- tatoes are hard to keep and even if they go through the storage period without rotting they are practically unmarketable on account of their unsightly appearance. Rough handling causes great damage to potatoes for storage and marketing, and this can easily be prevented. MANAGEMENT OF THE POTATO HOUSE. Successful sweet potato storage depends partly on the house itself, but intelligent management of the house is a factor which should be con- sidered. It is hoped that those who contemplate adopting the A. and M. unit system will give it careful study. Good management after all is the application of common sense. Where potatoes fail to keep it is easy enough to throw the blame on the house, but in most cases the fault is due to mismanagement or to diseased, bruised or frosted potatoes. Enough wages should be paid to secure a first class manager for storage houses. Such money is well spent. It does not take the loss of many ‘bushels of potatoes to amount to more than the extra salary required to secure a competent manager. 7 CURING AND CARE OF SWEET POTATOES IN STORAGE. The problem of keeping sweet potatoes is the problem of prevent- ing rot producing fungi from growing on them. Since these destructive forms of life require moisture for their development the most important factor in preventing their growth is a thoroughly dry surface. During the first ten days or two weeks of storage a great deal of moisture is given off which generally amounts to 6 or 8 per cent of the original weight of the sweet potatoes. This stage of great-est evaporation is called the curing period. After this, a small amount of evaporation continually goes on but is easily handled. While it is important at all times that the moisture given off by the potatoes should be driven out of the house, it is especially important dur- ing the curing period. In the Texas A. and M. house this is easily ac- complished by means of heat supplied by a jacketed stove and thorough ventilation obtained by means of special ventilators. The heat creates air currents in the house and aids in the drying of the potatoes, because when the air which is taken in from the outside becomes warmed, it is given a greater capacity for taking up moisture. In the A. and M. unit house the heat is so distributed that the temperature is practically the same in all parts of the house except that it is somewhat higher at the top than at the bottom, but this difference does not effect the prop- er curing and keeping of the potatoes. While a certain amount of heat is essential, this requirement is often misunderstood because potato houses are frequently overheated. Warm air is not necessarily dry air and it will not cure potatoes unless it is dry. After dry air has circulated around the potatoes during curing, it will be moist even though still quite warm and must be allowed to escape with its load 0f moisture. The temperature during curing should run from 75 to 8O degrees Fahr. and this sam-e temperature should be maintained as far as possible until complete curing is indicated. The length 0f the curing period depends on the condition of the potatoes. If they are grown during a season of high rainfall and dug in wet weather, they will naturally require longer curing than those‘grown during the dry season and dug when dry. Generally speaking, the curing period lasts from ten to eighteen days, two weeks being an average. It is relatively easy to tell when potatoes are cured by merely rubbing the skin. When it clings firmly and feels leathery to tho touch, it indicates complete cur- ing. On the other hand if the skin rubs ofi’ easily the curing period should be extended. The appearance of small sprouts is also often an indication that the potatoes are sufficiently cured. Directions for curing:—- The following directions should serve as a guide during curing: ‘While the potatoes are being brought to the house a fire should be kept in the stove if the outside air is damp in order to take care of any sweating of the potatoes. If the weather is dry and warm with a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees it is not necessary to keep up a fire while the house is being filled. In that case all of the doors, windows and ventilators should be kept open. 8 . After the house has been filled, Which should be within ten days or two weeks, the main curing period starts. For this purpose, if the weather is bad, the house should be completely closed except the ventil- ators under the stove and the two ventilators at the bottom of the flue. A fire should be kept in the stove day and night, maintaining a uniform temperature of 75 to 80 degrees, until the potatoes are cured; that is, until the skin feels leathery and does not peel off. If it is hard to keep the humidity below 70 degrees the ceiling ventilators should be opened for short periods to let the damp air out. By thus keeping the house closed during the curing period a large volume of air is drawn in from under the house and is heated by the stove. Then it rises to the ceiling, spreads out evenly to all parts of the house, being drawn out through the openings in the flue. By this method a good circulation of warm air is maintained in the house and all of the air has to circulate around the potatoes before it can escape through the flue thereby curing all of the potatoes uniformly. In case the weather during the curing period, is dry and Warm, hav- ing the desired temperature of 70 to 80 degrees, the fire in the stove is not necessary but instead, all of the ventilators and Windows can be opened as the dry warm air from the outside will serve exactly the same purpose in curing, as the air heated by the stove. By consulting the thermometer and hygrometer the manager can easily tell when to use the stave and when to take advantage of the outside air. The first method, that is, by keeping the house closed, works well during wet, cold or damp weather and the latter during warm, dry weather. If at any time the temperature rises above 80 degrees the house should be cooled by opening as many of the ceiling ventilators and those in the aisles as necessary. This creates a draft which will soon reduce the temperature. However, if the heating is closely watched such a con- dition should not arise. In order to maintain the proper temperature in the potato house it is necessary to have three or four reliable thermometers distributed in various parts of the house as otherwise it is impossible to know that the desired temperature is being maintained. In addition to a thermometer, one or two hygrometers are very useful in the proper operation of a sweet potato storage house. The hygrometer indicates the amount of mois- ture in the air. For example, a reading of 60 indicates that the air around the hygrometer is 60 per cent saturated. The danger point in the potato house is about 7O percent. If the reading is near or above 70, it indicates that the air is too moist. The reading should be main- tained below 70 if possible and should generally run between 40 and 65. Both thermometers and hygrometers should be hung up at a height of about five feet. In addition to the indoor thermometer, and hygrom- eter, it is desirable to have a thermometer and hygrometer outdoors to indicate the temperature and moisture in take advantage of all favorable outdoor conditions. 9 Fig. 3. Type of hygrometer which is very handy for storage houses. It registers the relative humidity of the atmosphere. (Texas Exp. Sta. Bul. 250. Storage Period After Curing:—-As soon as the potatoes have been cured the temperature should be reduced to 55 degrees Fahr. and kept as nearly at that point as possible. This is accomplished by the proper handling of the ventilators and windows, It is usually quite easy to keep this type of house cool and dry. During a clear and dry day with the outside temperature registering from 55 to 60 degrees, all ventilators should be opened so that plenty of fresh air can circulate through the house. VWhenever the weather is rainy or the air is damp it is neces- sary to keep the house well closed so as not to let in any outside air. The flue ventilators should always be kept open except during cold or wet weather, as thereby a constant circulation of air will be maintained in the house. It. is important to have the flue ventilators and the ventilators un- der the stove open whenever a fire is required in the stove except during very cold weather when fall ventilators should be kept closed. In case weather conditions are such in the fall that it is hard to 10 keep the temperature down to 55 degrees, the house can be opened dur- ing a part of the night, especially on dry clear nights, but of course this should not be done during damp weather. The manager of the house should have no trouble in keeping the house dry and cool if he uses good judgment in handling the ventilators. The reading of the hygrometers in the house and outdoors is a good guide as to Whether or not to open the ventilators. The house should be kept closed whenever the hygrometers indicate a greater humid- ity on the outside than on the inside. The temperature of the house should never be allowed to go below 45 degrees. During cold weather if the house seems rather moist as indicated by the reading of the hy- grometer, one can easily drive off this moisture by starting a fire in the stove, being careful, however, not to let the temperature rise above 60 degrees. DISEASE CONTROL. It has been previously stated that the storage problem is mainly one of keeping down diseases. The importance of this fact cannot be over- estimated. There are two diseases in particular, viz; black rot and soft rot, which have to be watched and kept under control in order to make sweet potato storage successful. According to our data black rot has been the cause of most of the losses in storage houses and since there is a good field remedy for this pest it certainly behooves every sweet potato grower to keep it under control by careful. seed treatment and rotation of crops. Soft rot is almost wholly a storage trouble and is usually found in improperly constructed and poorly managed houses and where potatoes are bruised by rough handling or where they were frost bitten. Both of these diseases are described on another page. Seed Treatment:——SlnCe black rot which is doing so much damage nearly always starts in the seed bed from diseased seed potatoes, from which it is transmitted to the slips and thence to the field, and from there to the storage house it is very important that the potatoes be carefully selected and treated at bedding time as follows: Every potato that shows any black spots or other signs of disease should be discarded and the sound ones dipped for ten to fifteen minutes in a solution containing one ounce of corrosive sublimate to eight gal- lons of water. As the chemical is not quickly soluble it is best to dis- solve it in warm water or in cold water over night. "This solution will kill the disease germs on the surface of the potatoes but cannot reach those which have already gone through the skin, hence it is important to select the potatoes carefully before they are dipped. *(1) A bushel of sweet potatoes, when treated in 32 gallons of a 1 to 1,000 mercuric-chlorid solution in the manner generally followed by farmers, reduces the strength of the solution approximately 1 per cent. * (2) The decrease in the strength of the mercuric-chlorid solution is due in part to the potatoes themselves. *J. L. Weimer, Journal of Agr. Research, Vol. XXI, No. 8. 11 * (3) The dirt and fibrous roots as well as the containers of both the potatoes and the solution also remove a certain amount of the disinfectant. *(4) Washed sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes remove approxi- mately the sa-me amount of mercuric-chlorid from the solution. *(5) The addition of from 2-5 to 1-2 ounce of mercuric-chlorid and sufficient water to make the solution up to its original volume after each 10 bushels of sweet potatoes treated will maintain the solution near enough Figs. 4 and 5. Upper picture shows good method for treating seed sweet potatoes in corrosive sublimate solution. Lower picture shows same treatment 1n a specially prepared vat. (Texas Exp. Sta. Bul. 249). 12 to its original strength for all practical purposes for the treatment_of 50 bushels of sweet potatoes. The dipping can be easily done in a shallow vat or in barrels or half barrels. Wooden vessels should be used as the chemical is corrosive to metal. This solution is poisonous and should not be left Where livestock or children can have access to it. A handy way to do this dipping is to place the potatoes in bushel baskets or hampers and then immerse them in the solution for ten to fifteen minutes. They are ready to be placed directly in the seed bed as soon as the solution has drained off. While these are being bedded another lot can be dipped. New seed beds should also be used each year. , This method is very simple and is extremely important in keeping down serious diseases which are threatening the industry. All growers of slips whether for home use or commercial purposes, are urged to follow these directions. In buying slips it is important to get them from reliable growers who will guarantee that their seed potatoes were carefully selected and disinfected against diseases. Soft Rot:—This disease is well known to the farmers who store sweet potatoes. It is generally known as mush rot, vinegar rot or leak. As its name indicates, it cannot be mistaken for any other disease. Rotted potatoes become soft and mushy and at the least touch of the finger or from pressure, break open and a clear brownish liquid comes out. A few days afterward there will be noticed in the house numerous small gnats. They are merely little flies that lay their eggs in the rotted potatoes. Some people believe that these gnats are the cause of the rot but they are only an indication of the presence of soft rot in the house. Frequently also the potatoes in the bin appear wet as though water had been poured on them. This too is an indication that in that vicinity there are one or more soft rotted potatoes which have broken open and spilled their juice on the healthy potatoes underneath and also become covered with a whiskered growth of causal fungus. If a soft rotted potato remains in the bin untouched until the end of the storage season, it will usually l-ose all its moisture and become very hard in which case the term dry rot is often applied to it. In fact many growers mis- takenly believe that this dry rot has no connection with the soft rot, but as already stated, this is the final stage of the disease. Usually a house full of potatoes that smell of vinegar indicates the presence of consider- able soft rot. This condition may be met with in houses which lack the necessary means of ventilation, in which case it is not uncommon to find the moisture actually dripping from the inside Walls of the house. Such houses can of course be corrected by the installation of more doors, windows and ventilators. The cause of soft rot is a fungus. , It is the ordinary bread mold fungus which is often found growing on bread when kept in a tightly closed vessel. This same fungus also causes a soft rot of the Irish potato. The spores which are very small and from which the fungus grows, floats in the air or clings to the dust that is 13 brought in with the potatoes from the field. As long as the potato house is kept perfectly dry and properly ventilated these spores will not germi- nate just as seed of higher plants will lie dormant in a dry soil. As soon as the air in the house becomes heavily laden with moisture and this air is permitted to remain in the house for any length of time the spores will germinate, penetrate the sweet potato and produce the mush rot. Bruised or cut potatoes will naturally rot quicker than the sound ones for cuts present an ideal opening for these germinated spores to penetrate. As a matter of fact, mush rot or soft rot is seldom found in properly ventilated houses and where care and attention is given to the house. On the other hand, where a high percentage of soft rot is met with it may be taken for granted that either badlyvbruised or frozen potatoes have been put in the house or that the house was overheated or not ventilated sufficiently. While soft rot is an important disease in the potato house, it can be readily controlled by bringing in well handled potatoes and by giving due attention to the heating and ventilation. The spores of soft rot are found everywhere in the air and the dust and do not necessarily have to be brought in from the field although they are met with there. Black Rot:-—Black rot is primarily a field trouble and when found in storage is always traceable to diseased potatoes in the seed bed or to dis- ease infected soil in the field. It is possible under careful management to keep down the spread of this trouble to a minimum. Overheating in storage will nearly always encourage the spread of disease if infected potatoes have been brought in from the field. Usually black rot will not spread in the house as long as the skin of the potato covering the black spot is unbroken. However, as soon as the skin ruptures, there immediately develops the fruiting stage of the fungus. Under sufficient heat and moisture these spores will ooze out in little yellowish droplets on the surface of the po- tato. The numerous mites usually present in the house are very fond of and will come to feed on this yellowish fluid which contains the spore seed of the fungus. In feeding, their bodies become smeared with the black rot spores which they carry about and spread from potato to potato. It is pos- sible_ to manage the house so as not only to minimize the spreading of the spots on the potatoes already affected but also to prevent the cracking of the skin and development of this fruiting stage. Black rot itself is only a skin deep disease. However, its presence is very detrimental to the potato as it leaves a decidedly bitter quinine- like taste and makes the potatoes when cooked unfit for eating purposes. Besides, black rot opens the wayto soft rot as it lowers the disease-re- sisting power of the potato. Black rot in the house may be controlled by giving due attention to the temperature; by seeing that during the curing period the temperature never rises above 80 degrees; and after curing by maintaining a tem- perature of about 55 degrees Fahr. Moreover, if the crop is grown on uninfected soil, and carefully. selected and treated seed are used, there should be little damage from black rot. 14 i: x83 2: fir: wvpqfism 2 2w: 2: E. Qewaa ~ .25» 3m imam mam. rfluw AHNH mNNQEV 50H HMOw MO woman-w 03H 30am Q fix us» no woopspom owufi o?» 15 There are, of course numerous other diseases which may attack the sweet potato in storage but usually those are secondary and follow in the wake of either black rot or soft rot and because they are not suffi- ciently important they are here omitted. The managers of potato houses should be cautioned never to go through the bin with the view of sorting out bad potatoes. They will scatter spores of disease producing fungi and hence will do more harm than good. ‘ It is much better not to handle them until they are ready for shipping. THE BUSINESS SIDE OF POTATO HOUSES. The first year of the operation of a storage house is the most critical year. There are several reasons for this: (1) The community is liable not to produce enough potatoes to fill the house and this is especially true if the house is of large capacity. It is therefore well to begin with a small house and addanot herunit from year to year as potato growing increases in popularity with the farmers. (2) Farmers must become accustomed to handling potatoes with- out bruising, as bruised potatoes are hard to keep and unfit for market. (3) The manager not being able to fill the house with carefully handled potatoes, will be tempted to accept inferior potatoes and thus add to the difficulties of keeping down rot. ‘The manager himself will present a problem. The business of storage will be new to him. If the owner of the house is in immediate charge, or if a thoroughly capable man is hired, the business will be quickly mastered, but if an indifferent man is hired, the losses may be large. Enough wages should be paid to hire a good man and to cause him to take a real interest in the problems of storage. As the storage period runs only about six months, the manager may be profitably employed in growing slips for sale. This is desirable for three reasons: (1) it will add to the income of the house and help to pay the manager; (2) if the slips are properly grown it will supply the farmers with plants free from diseases and will thus cut down losses dur- ing the next storage season, and (3) it would standardize the potatoes grown in the community and sold through the house. REGRADING AND SHIPPING. Before being shipped, the potatoes should be carefully re-graded into the standard grades and all those that do not come up to the required specifications, should be discarded. There is nothing more important in successful marketing than to ship carefully packed and graded pro- -ducts such as the market wants, thereby getting the top prices and es- tablishing a reputation which will bring repeat orders. Consumers are willing to pay a good deal more for nice looking products than for infer- ior stuff, which is high at any price. Poorly graded products are not wanted by the buyers and it is poor policy to ship them. It is much more profitable to feed these inferior potatoes to the hogs than to at- 16 Fig. 7. Upper picture shows ceiling door vents. Lower picture shows sweet potatoes, packed in ‘sacks for shipment, a practice which is highly injurious to the potatoes, as they become skinned and bruised, causing rot and unsightly appearance. (Texas Exp. Sta. Bul 250). tempt to sell them. Bushel crates .are good containers to use for shipping sweet potatoes. They should never be shipped in sacks. Care In Shipping:-—Sometimes after potatoes have been perfectly cured they spoil while in the car or after they have reached the jobber on account of improper handling. Cars should not be loaded during cold or wet weather if possible, and for long shipments during cold weather it is sometimes necessary to pro- vide artificial heat in the car to prevent chilling. Cars should be kept dry and cool on the inside while they are conveying the potatoes to mar- ket. The jobber who receives potatoes should store them in a room that may be kept as dry and as near a temperature of 55 degrees as possible. The retailer and consumer should store them with care for the best re- sults. It should always be remembered that even cured potatoes are liable to rot when improperly handled after being taken out of the house. UNITED STATES AND TEXAS GRADES FOR SWEET POTATOES. Grade No. 1 shall consist of sound sweet potatoes of similar varietal characteristics which are practically free from dirt or other foreign matter, frost injury, decay, bruises, cuts, scars, cracks, and damage caus- ed by heat, disease, insects (including weevils), or mechanical or other means. The diameter of each sweet potato shall not be less than one and three quarter (1 3-4) inches nor more than three and one-half (3 1-2) inches and the length shall not be less than four inches nor more than ten inches but the length may be less than four inches if the diameter is two and one quarter inches or more. Grade No. 2 shall consist of sound sweet potatoes of similar varietal characteristics not meeting the requirements of the foregoing grades which are free from serious damage caused by dirt or other foreign mat- ter, frost, injury, decay, bruises, cuts, scars, cracks, heat, disease, insects, or mechanical or other means, and which are not less than one and one half inches nor more than three and one half inches in diameter. Jumbo Grade shall consist of sound sweet potatoes of similar varie- tal characteristics, which are free from serious damage caused by dirt or other foreign matter, frost, injury, decay, bruises, cuts, scars, cracks, heat, disease, insects, or mechanical or other means and which are not less than three and one half inches in diameter. In order to allow for variations in these grades, incidental to com- mercial grading and handling, five per cent by weight of any lot may be less than the diameter prescribed and in addition, six per cent by weight may be below the remaining requirements of this grade. DEFINITION OF GRADE TERMS AS USED IN THESE GRADES. “Practically free” means that the appearance shall not be injured to an extent readily apparent upon casual examination of the lot and that any damage from the causes mentioned can be removed without appre- ciable increase in waste over that which would occur if the sweet pota- toes were perfect. “Diameter” means the greatest dimension at right angles to any 18 Fig. 8. Cut 8 shows convenient method of taking potatoes from bins. Cut 9 .shows floor vents behind bins or crates. Cuts 10 and 11 show proper method of stacking ham- pers. (Crates are better for storing and shipping sweet potatoes than hampers). Cut 12 shows school house heater and brick flue. portion of a central line running through the sweet potato from stem end to root end. “Free from Serious Damage” means that any damage from the causes mentioned can be removed without increase in waste of more than ten percent by Weight over that which would occur if the sweet potatoes were perfect. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 26 BY 60 FOOT TEXAS A. AND M. SWEET POTATO HOUSE——ABOUT 5,000 BUSHELS CAPACITY. Concrete for Piers, Footings, etc. Mortar for flue (Mixture 1:3): (Mixture 1:2 1-2 :5) . C t__6 k Cement—100 sacks. 3211211131 cu?a;afia_ Sand—9 cu- Yards- Terra Cotta Flue Lining.—-12”x12,” Grave1—-18 cu. yards. 24g Brick for flue.——1000. Board ft. Board ft. Girders: ____2——8”x10”x18’ 240 Bridging ____28-—1”x 3”x10’ 7O _ 6——8”X10”X14’ 560 Floor (Shiplap) ________ __ 3500 Sills _____ 24=—-2”x 6”x12’ 288 Ceiling (Shiplap) _______ __ 3700 _ 4—2”X 6”X14’ 56 Walls-Jnside (Shiplap) __ 4800 Jelsts ---- 89—2jjX1°jjX18j 267° Walls-—Outside (Shiplap) __ 3200 Studs ---- 105—2 X 4 X12 .840 Roof (Shiplap) _________ __ 2000 Cupela Studs -----”- ” , Drop Siding ___________ __ 2800 --14—2 X 4 X14 93 Shingles ____ __17,500 Plates ____ 24—2”x 4”x12‘ 192 4-2”x 4”x14’ 37 Cupola Plates____ Cupola: ____5——2”x 4”x16’ 53 Vent sills____ 4—-2”x8”x16’ 85 Ties ____ __ 24—2”x 4”x14’ 224 Vent frames __10——1”x4”x16’ 53 Stop (between studs at Louvers ____ 32—1”x8”x16’ 384 floor) __ 14-—2”x 4”x12’ 112 Corner Ceiling joists ____ __ boards ____ 4—1”x4”x16’ 21 ____31—2”x 4”x16’ 331 8—1”x5”x14’ 56 Wlindow headers and sub- Ridge boards __6——1”x6”x18’ 54 sills ____ 6—2”x 4”x12’ 48 2__1>>X6~X12' 12 Hejedrftlgs il1_'°_u1n2d_2"x 4NX16, 128 Fascia boards_ 6——1”x6”x16’ 48 Steps between ~ P1 tf ___2_4" 4" 10’ 27 _ 10'*'_2,,X 6”X12’ a 5t2yyi 8)y)x(16) Rafters __ 66—2”x 6”x18’ 1188 n ” , rafters _ 11—-2”x 4”x14’ 103 4—2”x 6”x14’ 28 Frames (foundation 10—2”x10”x16’ 267 ___ 6-12,’): 8,,X12, 4izyyxlzyyxl2y 6—1”x 4”x16’ 32 _ Ridge board __ 3——1”x 6”x20’ 3O Window Frames-JO frames, complete with casings, for 8 light, 2 sash windows, 12”x14” glass, without pulley or weights. 2 frames, for gable sashes, 4 light, 12”x14” glass. Window Sash.——Sashes for 10 double sash windows, 8 light, 12”x14” glass. Gable Sash.——2 single sashes, 4 light, 12”x14” glass. Door Frames.—2 frames, complete with casings, for 3’x7’ doors. One heating stove——jacketed—complete with metal vent doors. 20 Hinges—-2 prs.——8” strap hinges. Hinges—-20 prs.-—6” strap hinges. 28 prs.—6” T hinges. Canvas—10oz. material—55 sq. yds. Nails—-500 pounds. Screen wire for floor and foundation doors, 1-4” mesh, 200 sq. ft. Building paper—1,000 sq. yds. Rope—-—1-4”—85’. Pulleys for 1-4” rope—6. Bolts——18—1-2”xl2” and 16 1-4”x5”. Strap iron—-8 pieces 1-4”x2”x16”. Flashing‘—60 linearfeet, tin, 7” wide. Paint.—2 coats outside, 12 gallons. MATERIAL FOR BINS (ONLY). Board ft. Bin Floor Joists (lower) ____60—2”x8”x 9’ 720 Bin Floor Joists (upper) __ 50—-—2”x6”x10’ 500 Studs _____ __115—2”x4”x12’ 920 Plates (over bins) ____ __20—2”x4”x10’ 134 Spacers _____ 40—2”x4”x10’ 268 Board ft. Cleats ____ 103—1”x2”x10’ 172 29—1”x6”X14’ 203 Slats ____ __270——1”x4”x10’ 900 1000--1”x4”x 9’ 3000 Bridging ____30——1”x3”x10’ 75 Floors _____430—1”x4”x 9’ 1290 Slats (loose) 94——1”x6”x10’ 470 Nails —200 pounds. Hinge-s—6” strap hinges—60 prs. Material for Storage in Crates, Hampers, or Baskets withoult Bins. Board ft Studs ______ __ 40-——2”x4”x12’ 320 Floor rack or Plat- form ____ __60——2”x8”x 9’ 720 210——1”X4”xl0’ 700 30—I”x3”x10’ 75 i: /5' s" ' 5328‘ _L - ~ 1_ ~ - l ~ /¢~7 l; /4~ 7 ll /s—.! .1 :'i_.____, _ _ ' _ _ _J_ l__'—___'*f_iq_"l____'__l— T_____'“""___“|-n— , r" m - '__ if" — -_ ‘ - - " - " "f "- - "ff "W ------ " "flux-ii; Tfm;i..§.7-,,1 i? ,._ h, #2110 Jo/srs /$ c-c Daub/e ‘o/sf eve/J t5~o 1w 1a Jae daarnnl mne t1 ‘f? g. | |= z: If burs are no! used JpUCQ 111m l2 c-c ‘o’ 15F a, PM,’ 6'x/‘" up E I _ B 1i | T _— 9__Jo_ w c f M, 4) afwb/de MM,» lVI/I. : ‘I. I‘ l X K OIICFE C IHJS a S] _n> -*. , f; _r‘ 1 r '1 *1 r- 1 r- 1 1"": I |k 1 I TQJ |_%_: uéJ l_ |_ J iéJ LE._3.| ‘E/‘Yj ‘*5 ' [ ' ' * 2' a M i - ‘I ' ° El 1 R a. i d 121/ Conan (w)! pun: .° ' a‘ __ l ‘in I :- zzz: ‘do ers . ' 3 ‘W I | “l N Qfii T_i___ _i_ _ _, Jul Q 2L . I , $14 SJ n | | Qxas-‘ab flue fool/v . l :3‘ l.“ U fi ' I r-j f-“r-"g y- -1 If] 1 r- "| Ffffi "1 n, |_, =.> ~—- . . - r1: = = - m3: ——i:E}+—-— no» u: E L_i-_l L...) l- J _.~_l l- g 7L0 7‘_o'?l—;;L 6L/0"___‘_’ Q | ---3/'-2' ‘l _ 1E E55; z~ziibrlqiry an each sfan i _ n», é t _ _ _ 4 , _ ~ _ Ktoncrere arbr/ck wa/l ' h}, Q T L. _ _ _ _ _ L13: fnl-f/ff 1"" "””'_'1"l"f‘_'°'_"'_"_ l. _’£‘£”‘_"_"_"".°' ‘£13322’? _ _,Z_ _i f: - r | l I l I l l n .9. .21 Foundation plan of 26x60 foot sweet potato storage house. amévdp 35d tsp“ EEEQQ dmzom oamuom 303m woo.“ owxww we cfin 82m A: Em w+co> LQQK .9 79 "4 400/; p quaA ‘EQ mix u o0 Nkxbx m! x 5 \URUUKUM4 Wk§§> kOOQ _ g- oEuo o5 22.0 Znfifibaw. to n-ilfi EOQtOQ Wnh< 22 2116' cuf befweén rafrers ro ‘srop a/r c/rcu/af/on Shmales or Prepared Build/n Paper 5 Ip/flp 2; lF-l/‘qaarr §/7/,o/ap Bzn/dia] paper Shlplap _ o. x/Ul/oisfs z_z;6' F/UOF/‘fl 0f Bl/ildirg paper Ship/up 24: _ 2x5 Fjg 11. Section of 26x60 foot house. §hmgles or OHver Hamlin} m desired Fig. 12. Side view of 26x60 foot house. 23 Fig. 13. Fig. 14. n J: a u I'M‘ J/afs kc/r wall of bin //a0r.: ' ' s/a/fed rd er Mole Mnf tow: Jaisfd are double under bin .,¢ _ '4‘ nnyb i. \.4'_ ‘a .4 "l a Section of a storage bin. End view of 26x60 foot house. z“ ‘F. 2'1 6' l‘ ),\ u‘), End of rack 1hr" Lenqfh f0 60H‘ *7 Z"l4' i 2%“? Fig 15. Crate rack for support-A ing sweet potato crates a few inches ofi the floor where bins are not used. Terra co H0 /I'nir_rf Fig. 16. 24 G/rder , ~'-‘ _ .‘4"I§ ‘-4-'A_‘..‘§ {BI-J 4-4 A‘ In/ef from room / 1 l, Inlef from outside) Jacketed stove for use in sweet potato storage houses. BILL OF MATERIALS FOR 40 BY 100 FOOT TEXAS A. AND M. SWEET POTATO STORAGE HOUSE—-ABOUT 15,000 BUSHELS CAPACITY. Concrete for wall, piers and footings (mixture 1:2 1-2 :5): Cement——175 sacks vSand——1 6 cu. yds. Grave1——32 cu. yds. Flues—3 100 bricks Flue Mortar (Mixture (1 :3)—— Cement—-16 sacks. Sand—-2 cu. yds. Flue lining'—terra cotta.——12” x12”; —66 ft. Thimbles.—3-—6” Board ft. Girders _____6—-8”x10”x10’ 400 15-—8”x10”x16’ 1600 Sills ____ __35—-2”x 8”x16’ 747 Studs ____ 164-—2”x 6”x12’ 1968 14—2”x 6”x14’ 196 Headers and sub sills at windows __8—2”x 6”x16’ 128 Plates _____35-—2”x 6”x16’ 560 Ties ______ __6—2”x 6”x18’ 108 12-—2”x 6”x12’ 144 Posts ____ __12—4”x 6”x18’ 432 Purlins _____18-—2”x 8”x12’ 288 18—-2”x 6”x12’ 216 Braces under purlin ___18--2”x 6”x14’ 252 Rafters ___106—2”x 6”x14’ 1484 106—2”x 6”x12’ 1272 Collar ties _13——1”x 6”x16’ 104 Joists ____ 101—;J"x1-')"x18' 3030 202—2”x10”x12’ 4040 Cupolas ' Studs ___-_ 24—-2”x 4”x16’ 256 Plates ____ __6—2”x 4”x20’ 80 Rafters ____20——2”x 4”x14’ 187 Louver sills _6—2”x 6”x20’ 120 Frames ____30—1”x 4”x10’ 100 Louver ' boards __ 60—-1”x 8”x16’ 640 Trim ____ __17—1”x 4”x12’ 68 Platforms and Steps Posts _____ __1—-4”x 4”x16’ 21 1-—6”x 6”x12’ 36 467 Floors ___- 20-—2”x10”x14’ 25 Board ft. Joists ___- 4——2”x 8”x14’ 75 4—2”x 8”x12’ 64 9—2”x 8”x16’ 192 3——2”x 6”x16’ 48 4—2”x 4”x12’ 32 4—-2”x 4”x14’ 37 10—2”x12”x12’ 240 Bridging _____ 1”x3” 250 Wall stop between studs at floor ___ 20—-2”x6”x14’ 280 Stop between rafters in roof __ 12--2”x6”x16’ 192 Ceiling joists _ 51——-2”X6”x20’ 1020 Headers around vents _ 36-—2”x4”x16’ 384 Partition Studs __ 4—2”x4”x12’ 32 8-—2”x4”x14’ 75 8—2”x4”x16’ 85 ' 22—2”x4”x18’ 264 Partition plates and sills ____ 4—2”x4”x12’ 32 6—2”x4”x18’ 72 Door frames in Founda- tion ___ 7—2”x6”x18’ 168 10—1”x4”x18’ 60 Office Framing Studs 4-—2”x4”x16’ 43 4—2”x4”x12’ 32 4--2”x4”x10’ 27 Rafters ___- 8—2”x4”x10’ 54 Plates _____ 2-—2”x4”x16’ 21 3—2”x4”::10’ 20 Shiplap Fascia Floors ______________ __ 9600 boards __26—1”x-6”x12’ 156 Inside walls _________ __ 11200 Roof Ridge- Ceiling _____________ __ 9800 boards ___ 4—1”x6”x14’ 28 Outside walls ________ __ 5000 i10—1”x6”x10’ 50 Roof _______________ __ 6500 6——1”x6”x12’ 36 Drop Siding --------- -- 5100 Shingles ______ __4s,000. Corner boards __ 8—1”x5”>:14’ 56 4—1”x5”x 9’ 18 Window frames—17 frames, complete with casings, for 2 sash, 8 light windows, glass, 12”x14”, sashes movable, but without pulleys and weights. Two frames, with casings, for gable sash, 4 light sash, glass 12”x14”, not movable. ' Sashes-For 17 double sash windows, and '2 single sash windows, all 4 light 12”x14” glass. Door Frames.—Eight frames complete with casings for 3’x7’ outside doors, 6” studs, 3 frames complete with casings for 3’x7’ stock doors, 4” studs. Doors-—3 stock doors with locks and hinges. Latches—For all outside doors and window shutters. Building paper-—2500 sq. ycls. Screen wire—550 sq. ft. 1-4” mesh. Canvas (10 oz.) 150 sq. yds. Flashing'—150 linear ft. of tin 7” Rope—290 ft. 1-4” rope. wide. Hinge.s——45 prs. 6” strap hinges. Strap iron—-11—1-4”x2”x16’. 70 prs.——6” T hinges. Bolts——12——1-4”x5”. 8 prs.—8” strap hinges. 10——1-4”x7.” Pulleys—-18 for 1-4” rope. 2g___1_g"X12"_ Nails ____ __1300 pounds. Stoves—3 jacketed stoves complete with metal vent doors. Paint—-2 coats outside, 22 gallons. I Crate Racks: Board ft. Board ft. 102—-2”x4”x16’ 1088 . 18—2”x4”x10’ 120 102—-1”x4”x16’ 544 For blocks-— 32——2”x6”x16’ 512 18——1”x4”x10’ 60 26 r236 fiffed befweeni raffers f0 sfap _'- air circu/afion. * ¢ _ p/alp q/reafhinj. a ‘Sh/Lola’, e Buz/d/ng paper. v‘ or '\ P"/’e" 5m" w. ale Sh/p/ap 3 ‘v E fie 23.61 //'—a“ agar/- 5/1 w 5M0’ r"’.’}”/” 236E411’ between sfuds Sir/plop Fig. 21. End elevation of 40x100 foot house. 27 iwwmfi 25.: v5.5“ aumomnmO 625: wuwgwfi 330m $5.5m uoom 0012K. we ca? aooFm .>H Mmh ~36 o...“ 0 . hi1! n‘ .?.s\ IITIII b“? IL 6E5: poem c0121. we cs3 comawwisoh .w~ .Mrm Illlllllllllllll. I l 1 I | | | . I I | | | I I IIP | I | ! I | F l I I I I | | I I | I I I I I I I | | I : I I l I | I | | l.. j |.-»--|||l1:.llFhlwllFlWlul . _l .;.|.|.._||_|..I.... |_ f .. _ _.. _ - _. _.. . I I l I I | II 1/ I I I | | l 1|“. | | | I | 1 | | 1 | | l l I I I I . 9_ . . _v . .H ts: <23 é 33250 .m v2.5 .m $53k u\onu=ew.n\ oEEk .25 kSQBo $8 .5 §auhca§|< E §=EQ . My Huuuunmm / . _-1-----w“§...w.w§.» M. w _ ml . |. . . _ _ T91 m. _ _ . . =25... scam . _ 1|1_;l|ln|._.||-|_1. $1lllwJ l~U/- 11 - 1|. v .14 _ .. \_ r L _| Lb F L m. L _| ._ r L F.L _.. T»; l é. Kl _ _ . . .. 11.3 . . _.. . E WHHHHH . .. _.- | . 1| .!.~,.2.~.a _ _.H _ m +||||.| ..Qt..wowmmvfio~.w _ _ JYsiasw. 2t . T. =5. ._ _ _ c .9. _ _ FI|I.T.\ . rI‘L _ _w9. K _ m! J~ll _l J l “I J a J I 1 l- l _| |_ 1 | _J_J% D F0. __ FL. r._ _||_ FL WU FL r._ elf. . ... F Mail: .95 .90 QAD . £40 .?.v 3A0 x35 n. k .... _ vIHHHHH 9, , . H1|11| _ . _ . , _ _ . _ w _ _ _ J _.._ 3 U W 1W? _. 1%.. 1...? 1w? _._%J 3.1 1 .._ n _H_ .._ . L r._| 1 ii.” “rtpr- u 0 - tlln L1: .. _ r+L 4 F|_..L 7%. Ffi M. _..._ J _ _ _ _ m _ w. _ u Lhmm §ut §_.S\Si\ {=23 X w. i1; rm _# 1-5.2 .238...» f:- s: 2.3 u bi t .5 r... _ ._ .1 k §Q§§Q 8 Nun?‘ W _ _ . .»...~-~ 3w . r _. _ .W . r v . . ! | | I I I l I l l l | | I I I I I | I l | l | l | I | I l I I I I I l I l I | l I . | : I I I I | | I | | I I | l I I I | | I l I I l I | I I | ll lllh |h.lz.l.l..l.;l.ll_zl \.| .||. _ .. ._ .|..|..|...._|I 7L. .....1|l:. ._ . . =2... _. . .. p ~.. . 4 |.|_w Li Latl .9.» ‘IL?’ =92 l $1.9 ‘ b. 2 IQ. .?.~§ Lrl T2 1|4||L||i Bu! |4ILwNl .o..2 L! kiM x \ ‘ i. x Z.$ w»... w... l.- -0\|8\ J r w. 9. S r. i i . % U. T..OT|+:.IL wfl-{IQOE 29 dmno: 88 2:5; w. =£§>2m w“; 6N ém 92.88 H iii-W n: Ow/IRQOK EUIHO so WUJWZILW 30 dmsos omsaopm 3.30m uwo3m we 9E3 .2 wax .< E in wfiaos mo flomaflsopmo m5??? nowwxm Ewamflfi dw fin 1.56: OEQHOQ H.330 Z_ wzz nzaod< d3 353x #0 ZOHHOT, Q11; 31 , 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT POINTS. The success of sweet potato storage begins in the seed bed. Carefully select seed potatoes before bedding; discard all those that show signs of diseases, and then dip the healthy ones for 10 to 15 min- utes in a solution containing one ounce of corrosive sublimate to eight gallons of Water, in order to prevent diseases. Harvest sweet potatoes before frost and handle them very carefully to prevent bruising, as bruised potatoes are hard to keep and are un- fit for market. Never allow the potatoes to become chilled. In case of a killing frost before harvesting cut the vines at once, and then dig the potatoes as soon as the Weather permits. Always place the potatoes from the furrows directly into the crates or baskets without dropping them. Thoroughly clean out and then disinfect the storage house before storing the potatoes by spraying with a solution containing 5 pounds of bluestone to 50 gallons of water. Store potatoes in a well constructed storage house, either in crates or bins, the crates being preferable. Cure the potatoes for about two weeks at a uniform temperature of 75 to 80 degrees. Wzhen sufficiently cured as indicated by a leathery or velvety skin, or by small sprouts appearing, the fire should be stopped and the tem- perature reduced to about 55 degrees by opening the ventilators. ‘After curing, the temperature should be kept as nearly as possible be- tween 50 and 60 degrees and the humidity between 40 and 65, the latter being indicated by the hygrometer. All ventilators should be opened whenever the temperature and mois- ture conditions are more favorable on the outside than in the house as shown by the thermometers and hygrometer. If the house becomes damp in cool and wet or damp weather, a slow fire should be kept going until all dampness has been driven out. Never go through the bins or crates with the view of taking out dis- eased of rotten potatoes because more harm than good will be done. Let one reliable person have entire charge of the house and be res- ponsible for its proper operation. When shipping, carefully regrade and pack the potatoes and ship only a well graded product, thereby establishing a reputation which brings repeat orders.