AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS EXTENSION SERVICE CHAS. H. ALVORD, Director COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating) Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8th and June 30th, 1914. B-67 College Station, Texas May, 1926 Waterworks For Texas Farm Homes é‘ ‘ 7 ofis€ ff #65530“ Address CHAS. H. ALVORD, Director Extension Service, College Station, Texas WATERWORKS FOR TEXAS FARM HOMES M. R. Bentley, Agricultural Engineer, Extension Service, A. and M. College of Texas Water is the most necessary and useful thing around the home, and yet in many homes very little attention has been given to making the water supply convenient. There is a tendency to consider a farm home water system a luxury and not particularly a labor saving device. Probably the heaviest work around the farm house is the carrying in of the water and the carrying out of the Waste water. This heavy Work may be very much lightened by the in- stallation of a kitchen sink with water piped to it, and a waste pipe to dispose of waste water. Such a simple water system does not cost a great deaL One of the first considerations on a Water'system should be a supply of pure water. Many of the shallow, open topped wells, with the drainage from the stable and cow lot coming toward them and without the protection of a tight curb, present an unwholesome appearance and are actually dan- gerous. Every well should have a water tight curb extending from several feet below the ground surface to at least a foot above the surface. As a general rule the water from wells '75 feet or more in depth is safe unless contaminated by surface water. Shallow wells should also be protected from pollution by surface wat-er. However, the water in shallow wells is often polluted at its source so that no protection afforded the Well itself will make the water safe. In this case a Water tight underground cistern may afford the only safe and desirable water supply for the house. If there is any doubt about the purity of the water supply, it should be tested. The State Board o;f Public Health at Austin, Texas, may be consulted in regard to such a test. Figure 1. Poorly curbed shallow wells are dangerous. 2 " “LW/ 511/3 _;F=‘////,=:"/// 3 gfiliéifi? \ w; //// .-=4;’%1%//;’—””’ . ' I |I ' lllillllllllllllllllllllllllll mmlll O , __ ‘C , U .- .|| . ll '. llll a '|'| I I 8 Figure 2. A well protected by a concrete top and bricks laid in mortar. CISTERNS f’; i- 55 ';-. /_=//: ae/LFQ/ 122/1 . :4” f?’ w; _ , Z/Ws i 5n :1 __ZI/fi"IfL;/ZEE////5 v _/,//E/7/¢ l/El. /;_ K f,“ l] ,. 77/5/61 4g” N/fl} t" '2' . —"»’/*: A~.\\‘?lz. W Y n“ F»? s \'..‘v: I k'l_.'f|“l' 01 ,. . y Q 1 ' ' \ ‘ . ." 1|!‘ _.»' " " a1"! ‘l "l ‘-' n. . I _ \\'.'|_,,III'_. t. ,, g H ’ u 'I'.WiI' 3. 9 - .: _. l_ -‘_ aasziamssff: :..:fj a f: "lwlllllahllll \\ f’. |l| Q l!‘ n~_' Figure 3. A well curb of con- crete or clay tile with cemented joints. Where it is necessary to use cistern Water for drinking, care should be taken to obtain a sufficient supply and to see that it is kept clean. Pre- cautions should be taken to keep trash and leaves or dead birds from the house gutters out of the cistern. Also, if the top is not made tight there may be pollution from bugs and crickets rotting in the Water, and there is the same possibility of surface water running in the top of the open cistern that there is in the well. Protection may be afforded by screening all openings in the cistern and making the top proof against the entrance of contaminated water. The required size of the cistern to insure a supply Will dpeend on conditions, but under average conditions in Texas, a cistern '7 feet in diameter and 1O feet deep will keep the average family supplied with water for kitchen use and drinking water. Cisterns are frequently built by digging a hole in the ground and plastering- the walls with about an inch of cement mortar. This method is all right in soils that do not cause the plastering to crack. Brick laid in cement mortar and plastered is commonly used as a cistern Wall. Gal- vanized iron is pretty generally used, especially for cisterns above the ground. Probably the best material for a cistern either above or below the ground is reinforced concrete. CISTERN FILTERS Cistern filters are made in a number of ways.‘ Many are little more than strainers. A filter should be built so that it will not freeze and burst. It should be so arranged that it can be easily cleaned. A good box filter may be built on top of the ground at a reasonable expense. The box should be made of some durable material, such as concrete, and have a tight cover over it. The size should be about 3 feet by 4 feet_by 3 feet deep. The water from the house should pour onto a bed of fairly coarse sand about 2 feet thick to remove any particles from it. A layer of finely_ granu- lated charcoal about 6 inches thick under the sand will aid in removing any undesirable color, taste, or odor. While a filter made in this way will give_ very desirable results, it will not work indefinitely without cleaning the filter materials or replacing them. A type of filter which gives very good. results and requires very little care is shown in Figure 4. This con- sists of a partition in the cistern, through which the water must pass after it comes off the roof and before it reaches the. compartment from which l the water is drawn for use. This par- tition is built of brick laid in cement V; mortar and is not plastered. Some- Z5 times the partition is made by building two walls of brick 6 or 8 inches apart, if with the space between the walls filled _ with sand. In this construction no mor- 25.32;; tar is used either in laying brick or for 2.5.5; plastering. Unless the partition wall "if; f3" is properly built there is danger of it l falling when water comes in on one “I? .$cr Bricks laid in mar/"ar. Wall not plastered. h k_. h 4~ ‘ffla A‘. r ~‘ side of it during a rain. The wall may Figure 4. Cistern with partition wall to be made Strong by building it in the filter the Water- shape of a part of the wall of a cylin- der, with the outside of the curvature next to the incoming water. GETTING THE WATER INTO THE HOUSE There are numerous ways of getting water from the well or cis- tern into the house Jther than by carry- mg it in a bucket. Since the expense oi the water system is an important item in many cases, some of the inexpensive me- thods will be discuss- ed along with others. Figure 5 shows an arrangement for pip- . mg the water from Figure 5. Piping the water into the house at small expense. jhe W911 t0 the house 4 Where the water is drawn from the well in a bucket. The advantage of this arrangement is that the men or boys of the home can easily draw the supply of water for the day and leave it so it is handy, without the women having to draw or carry it. The kitchen sink may be homemade if desired or one can be bought for a few dollars. A kitchen sink of some kind should not be omitted from any arrangement that is made to put running water in the house. The hydrant on the back porch may bring the water nearer, but a big saving in labor is effected by putting the water faucet over a sink in the kitchen. An important feature of the sink is the disposal of the waste water through a pipe to the outside of the house. Carrying out waste water takes as much time as carrying in the fresh water. SIMPLE WATER SYSTEMS The several different simple water systems shown are intended to suggest methods by which any farmer can put running water into his home at a small expense. There are numerous other combinations which maydbe worked out to fit the conditions peculiar to the individual farm- stea . Where there is an elevated tank near the house it is usually an easy matter to complete the water connection to the kitchen sink, and any other fixtures desired. Since many do not have the elevated water tank, sug- gestions are made "for putting up the elevated tank, and also for getting water into the house without the elevated tank. PITCHER PUMP AND KITCHEN SINK T W Kitchen 4"Trap f/ygibrd/n pipe m- u" ‘ » '-‘\‘<'- ._4_\ M‘ ‘ Q w: fi/a- fl/sv/Lv k/S/I //// s///§////s////.=_'////§//i=//r: '5" '*””§//! ml’ Pipe 4 ___ rtflSonqblg d/'$1‘anc&__*\ In Figure 6 is shown a very inexpensive method of making the water supply handy when conditions permit. A pitcher pump lifts the water from a nearby well or cis- tern. The vertical distance from the top of the water surface to the pump 5 uk n Iva I I P no! aver-gain cylinder must be less than 20 feet. The pump cylinder may be placed under the floor of the house to reduce this suction lift if necessary. If the water supply is a considerable distance from the house the water cannot be lifted as much as 20 feet on account of the friction in the long pipe. A foot valve on the lower" end of the pipe keeps the water from leaking back into the well, while the pump is not in use. The trap under the sink is for the purpose of preventing foul odors from coming up the drain pipe and is not absolutely necessary on this system. A list of the material necessary for this system follows. This material should not cost over $20.00: *30 feet—-11/l-inch iron pipe (well to *20 feet ll/fz inch iron pipe (drain) pump) 2 wall brackets for sink 1 pitcher pump 1—1%,-inch foot valve 1 sink 2——11/4-lI1Ch elbows 1—1%-inch sink trap 1—11,é-inch elbow *These lengths will vary. AN ELEVATED TANK BESIDE THE HOUSE IAIN IL I II . Aw h _ p umcuu i- eiiiTlllzl. 1* r: l y; | r VOICE PUMP 4:‘: lllflllfllllliililal‘ Figure 7 shows a cistern placed under the eaves of the house in order to catch rain water. A pipe carries the water from this cistern tank to the kitch- _. en sink. In case the tank runs dry during a drouth, d _ f? water may be pumped to the tank from a well or i underground cistern. The size of pipe from pump to tank should be llli-inch or 1-inch, and from tank to sink 1-inch or %-inch. A list of materials for this system follows: 1 force pump, cylinder, and pipe in 1 elevated tank well lumber for tank tower *40 feet lllr-inch iron pip-e (pump to 1—1%-inch elbow tank) 1—11A-inch elbow 2-1%.-inch couplings *16 feet 1-inch pipe (tank to sink) 1 sink 2-1-inch elbows 1—-11/g-IlI1Cl’l sink trap 2—l-inch lock nuts with washers *20 feet ll/z-inch iron pipe (drain) 1--1-inch faucet 2 wall brackets for sink *These lengths will vary. ELEVATED TANKS SILO l ; ;' gs: ‘I l l i, IR. i"; IITIFIIEI /,$_/_¢_ - p-n-n M 5-1] Figure 8 shows convenient ways of placing a tank to get pressure. The pipe from the tank on top of the silo to the ground may be packed in a box to prevent freezing, in localities where it is necessary. The tank in the barn loft is sometimes cove-red with hay to prevent freezing. A i tank in the house or barn should have a large overflow pip-e so as to elimi- nate the possibility of damage by accidental overflow. _Only a small tank should be placed in a house attic on account of the weight. It should be placed over a partition wall that is on a good foundation. OUTDOOR SHOWVER BATH 1 from fan/r) 4 I‘ ;y . .. -. "i l Vdlv¢~>u4 A shower bath such as is shown in Figure 9 can be built at very little expense, and will be very much ap- preciated by boys on the farm. This shower‘ is built in the tower for the elevated tank so as to save pipe. The pipe from the tank is tapped and a cut-off valve set in a small pipe which carries the water overhead. The small pipe may be l/z-inch or ‘if-inch in size. The sprinkler on the pipe may be omitted if desired. The floor under the shower may consist of boards, or of boards covered with galvanized iron. A more permanent floor may be made of concrete. The waste water can usually be run off at one side of the floor and ditched away, or a drain pipe may be installed. I . ‘ 4g l8 s8 \ \ Z E‘ ' z .' '4 , ‘ ‘ - l \ 11/1, - ~ ~ =e. .111 541 l‘ W? 41: 3-H _.. _/r - “afl/pw/lz w 910/;- Q1“ 4.71’ ' ill-b > al/fl-i” .' ////E//// // . _ '~'=- -' I ‘ "J/l“ .:///‘*////~ w 3/ — ”’7/////* - '1: ' 3 5171f; /// ~ W; 1e l» --// - f q ». . ; l- 311g“ 61g A Q.- A‘ ‘E Ag);- "zg/ a w ... :i~:"a' ‘J-zr» £7” $114513 -,' '" 2.; .. '4'»! \ 0 ~ gl?\fl 3' a? /=-_ a» —— . //;. k .‘ Z’: ' . " gli . q __=/__ sl/f a ‘l ,'/é_47/‘:fi//// " ll l ":'_’/_//¢///:;6 L b . fl/ifi” l w» _ w, #5, ___;' ”__ w; '11’? :=___ " . afin/y/r/s M’; Q z/ZZi/yj ;=§7/ an =/// :-; 2 g /M§fl/f5‘Z’//'; l5?‘ iQ/laug 2 1713/1 i-t/n/ 3. _~ l am @197, ml g2 El/lflfl/ 4/1 Ely/rill; ~ a - gpz/z/g/[aé / s; B; 3L //=_/ :_4_//.':*r - 4/15/1427?» ‘l? i1.” 7;”="/:{’if;’ 15/957741: l F/"W/f? fé/z/éfzé/zr %/;///7 f'= f 91/ T5 l’ Qéfl/Q/fl/"E ///:4///;‘/// 5 3 =-//1/-,~__/-.- ,//;//,/g///-;~'////fi/ 545m; l a1 W» An. Eli/i’ / //:"’/" ",4 ;../ -un= ~ l‘ 3/r--!,1/.=./n= %,’/-’ ‘A - ////-,>/75/7?§ ' W""“"" 12/2 ‘hQQ/di x ’ ‘ // ' ~ , Ff 3A) 1\ 6 __ a; p‘. 5m; x» /’/ //: i»; £541 ~. \\ $5‘ _\l" ("z _'__ '3 :1 \.Z;§—i~r‘ ‘ ‘Q : "Q ‘ i f‘ r é.‘ 7:: "-‘\~ “T. ' r L: ‘F I ' ‘_ ‘ ' "v. é A. L?‘ ' u o ‘lil V ‘i’? ’ " ‘. ' 0- I i.‘ . u l "T 5' l‘ . Jp._---' s a ' _ ‘fb ~ l‘? a . ‘ \ ‘ \ ‘ L' o‘ t: ‘ “ , , ‘ _,_»~~ L, . *.Z\- ‘ - Q \ ‘ ‘k4 ‘ ____, ' 5 0 I ' :' \\ ‘ ‘ f‘ ‘i; ‘ . n a: "fl I _ ‘ f: k ‘__~ ..‘.._ _‘ .- ~;_‘ ‘_“-i/g\\‘ ‘ ‘ in "2 ' ‘ “ O ‘s T? ‘ ‘ .€ _ a u ‘,1 . - ':\‘ :6‘ a‘ a 5o. i o’ l n. a I l ~0 , q ‘~ $0. \ _‘ 0' a Iva. \.‘L" ‘ I; ' .1‘? * . Q. ".6 .*-=>-- _-. m.- r=-'>~ - - Figure 10.—Pumi)s for forcing or lifting water to supply tanks, for ‘use. vliitlx a wind- mill or small engine. 8 POWER FOR PUMPING WATER The windmill is the most generally used source of power for pumping water to elevated tanks. It is an economic source of power and has only the one big disadvantage of being useless when the wind is not blowing. Another common source of power for pumping is the gasoline or kerosene engine. Where electric current is available, the electric motor is a very convenient source of power for pumping. There are some places where water may be raised to an elevated tank by means of a hydraulic ram. Where a ram can be operated it furnishes the most economical means of elevating water. PUMPS FOR USE WITH A WINDMILL OR SMALL ENGINE There are a number of types of pump heads and cylinders for pumping from wells. The kind of pump and cylinder to use for getting the best results frequently depends on the kind and depth of the well and the rate of pumping desired. Figure 10 shows the most common types of pumps used with windmills and pump jacks in Texas. In Figure 10, pump A is an underground force pump. The cutoff valve is below the ground so there is no trouble from the pump freezing. The pipe leading off to the supply tank may be kept underground as it leaves the pump. Any ordinary lifting cylinder may be used with this pump. A tubular well cylinder is shown. With this type of cylinder the piston and check valve may be drawn out without removing the pipe from the well. Pump B is a very common type of force pump. The pipe to the supply tank is connected to the pump opposite the spout. The pump is shown here with a driven well. With the cylinder located as it is shown here the well must necessarily be a shallow one and water must be found in coarse sand or gravel. This type of cylinder is generally used in all kinds of wells that are reasonably shallow. However, the cylinder is usually placed under the water as shown in well C. In pump and well C, an ordinary lifting pump is placed under the water in the well and the water is lifted to the tee joint. From the tee the water is forced through an underground pipe to the supply tank. A sttcilffing box is placed over the upper end of the pipe and around the sucker ro . One of the most common methods of raising water to elevated tanks is shown in D. This outfit consists of a cylinder under the water which lifts the water through the vertical pipe until it is high enough to run out through a tee jont and horizontal pipe to the elevated tank. A deep well cylinder is shown here. The cylinder is smaller than the pipe so that the piston and check valve may be drawn out without disturbing the pipe. With the pumps and cylinders shown in Figure 10 various combina- tions can be made other than those shown, and a suitable outfit arranged for any ordinary farm well. Equipment of this kind can usually be obtained from the local hard- ware dealer. It is nearly always best to install the type of pump that has been found best suited, by the experience of others, to thewells of the locality. If the pumps in the various wells of the community are similar, hardware dealers can afford to keep repairs in stock for them. 9 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS WITH ELEVATED TANK Figure 11 shows a water supply system which is one of the most common in Texas except that the water is usually piped to the barn and not to the house. If it is piped to the house, too often it is not IITCIIEI ILLICIT i: P w ,1 . sum g l! ~ l TIAP Q u g; z DRAIN TIL! brought into the house to a kitchen sink. A pipe of 1-inch or ‘ii-inch diameter is suitable for running water from the tank to the sink. The waste water from the drain is run into underground drain tile where it may seep away Without forming a mud puddle. irrigate a garden. /, / \i .. --»-_-~_~; 4- l l - tr: 2 I I iu w YIIAI LI ll.‘- = ://\. a :-(/,,=///__,/a L” It may be used to sub- Figure 12 shows a concrete storage tank with a milk cooling trough in the room below. By means of the three-way valve the water may be pumped to the D O I O ._ milk trough, from which 1t overflows ,. in fl 94f 1m: s‘ i _-‘ x“- s; V2 iii-V.“ __ lurcuu coouli noouif-I . _ _¥ r———» t;- - ~ smr I - - 1 ; 5 1,”, gpcoouna i. l ~"'"* I. nnuen m’ 4 1% _* , . F l l? 35E. i r A l -_ ‘vw E ' _.= '— Wm : t; ¢_,srocn noun ; ~ *//_=////_=:////§/I_ u/s/v/t _=/L////s///_.4/§/r/§§.'7,§,,,; ,9”, ‘fr: ,9 _, w-n» 6-. 4 . 4 V _ . _- - ‘ ;5,¢f. through a pipe to the horse trough; or by turning the valve the other way the water is pumped to the storage tank.| The overflow pipe in the cool- ing trough consist of a short piece of pipe which will unscrew from a coup- ling set 1n the bottom of the trough. 10 Figure 13 shows how a nearby hill may be util- ized to support a tank at an elevation above the house. The hill may be between the well and the fl TAIK house. A concrete tank built underground on a ‘.- W‘ \ W . l‘, F. M> . \ Vv/ ‘ll-fl’! §”\~$i"\l?\\¢\}blL All“, I a R IITCIIEI IITII IOOI f/ f \ i ///\\ 0% - / w 1 \ ' a6“ ililll {'1 wig ‘ m urn tun /// /// Nww/"l l mu ' N _ // WA s”, y ézsl/W, l / \\’\\ ‘ \\ \\ \/ ‘l YIAP \ a‘ I '- - ~ \b.: ~ . ~ » \ '/ . I -~ -. § / cw‘ '/ . u 5‘; ' 44,- ~ I/ ¢ _ \\ ‘g t’ ’.=///L~*////5///'§////_-////> ///; Q //§////§// 5/0.: .'_\'7///E ve // "@’ = ’ m“, L‘. l “~41” n. m». a‘: . s hill top makes a good reservoir as it keeps the water from freezing in the winter, and cool in the summer. WATER-AIR SYSTEM Figure 14 shows a system where an air-tight tank is used for water storage and for furnishing pressure to force the water to all fixtures. In sections where a windmill cannot be depended upon to pump water regu- larly, it would be best to plan to use an engine or electric power to pump with this system unless a very large tank is used togive plenty of storage. Kivchen 11 The pressure to force the water from the tank is furnished by the compressed air above the Wat-er in the tank. It is necessary to replenish the air as well as the water. This may be taken care by using a spec1a1 cylinder that pumps some air into the tank along with the water,.or the air may be pumped in by a hand pump. Some advantages of th1s kind of a tank are that it can be placed where it will not freeze_ a rather high pressure can be had at the faucets, and no tank tower is needed. The water and air may be put into this tank with hand pumps if desired. AUTOMATIC WATER-AIR SYSTEM An automatic control‘ may be used with the water-air tank. The control is arranged so that when the pressure in the tank goes down to "a certain point, the pump motor will be started, or the windmill will be thrown in gear. Then when the pressure in the tank is raised, the motor will be stopped, or the windmill will be thrown out of gear, automatically. If a gas engine is used for power, it may be stopped automatically, when the pressure in the tank has been raised to a certain point. Many of the companies making farm electric plants also furnish a water system of the kind mentioned above. Where electric power is avail- able, the water tank need not be large because with an automatic control, the motor pumps up , _ the tank whenever the water gets low. This kind i" ’ ' of water system may be used for pumping from any ordinary well or cistern. The automatically controlled motor may be made to operate whatever kind of pump is necessary to pump the water from the well. TANKLESS SYSTEM Where electric current is available and the water is obtained from a shallow well or cistern, an electric motor may be so controlled that it will pump water direct from the well whenever a faucet is opened. An auto- matic electic switch is controlled by the pressure» in the pipes. The opening of a faucet reduces the pressure and starts the motor. When the faucet is closed the rise in pressure in the pipes immediately stops the motor from pumping. This systm is similar to the automatic water-air system except that the tank is eliminated. AIR LIFT SYSTEM The air lift system of bringing water out of a well is not very gen- erally used. The system consists of an air tank, an air compressor with some kind of power to operate it, pipe to conudct the air down into the well, and pipe to convey the water from the well. The operation of the system might be described as blowing the water from the well by air from the air tank. The advantages of this system are that no moving parts are necessary in the well, and grit and sand in the water do not affect it. On the other 12 hand the depth of water in the well must be great in proportion to the total lift, and the water cannot be forced any considerable distance after it is brought to the surface. Where this system is used to bring water from wells to the surface, the water is usually pumped to the points of final delivery by some other kind of pump. WATER PUMPS OPERATED BY COMPRESSED AIR With a compressed air pump, an air tank, an air compressor with I power for operating it, an air-displacement pump to put in the well, and other minor attachments are required. In this system a certain air pres- sure is maintained in the air tank preferably by automatic control. When a water faucet is opened, the the pump in the well is operate-d by the com- pressed air from the tank, bringing water fresh from the Well to the open faucet. The closing of the faucet stops the operation of the pump in the well. i The advantages of this system are that water is brought direct from the well to the faucet, and more than one pump may be operated from the air tank. If a cistern and a well are both available, one of these pumps may be placed in each and connected to the same compressed air tank. The opening of the faucet from the cistern starts the cistern pump working, and the same applies with the Well pump. The disadvantages of the system are that it is rather expensive as to first cost, and also sand or grit in the water or anything else that causes the valves to leak, interfere with the operation of the pump. THE HYDRAULIC RAM Elevafcd Tank \\IM" A A ram is very cheap as to first cost and requires practically no at- tention or upkeep. Its use is, of course, limited to places where a stream of water is flowing, or to artesian wells. Also some fall must be obtained between the water supply and the ram within a reasonable distance, ex- acept in the case of artesian flow. The ram is operated by what is com- 13 monly known as “water hammer.” It utilizes the power from a large amount of water falling a short distance, to lift a part of the falling water to a greater height. Rams will operate Where a flow of water of two gallons or more per minute may be obtained, and a fall of two feet or more is available. The height to which the water may be raised will depend on the available fall through the drive pipe and the proportion of‘ the; flow that is to be de- livered. Where a ram can be operated to furnish a home water supply, the water may be delivered to an elevated tank, or into an air-tight tank on the ground or in the basement of the house. If the water is delivered to a pressure tank, the water would be forced to the fauects by air pres- sure in the tank as in the case of the water-air systems. PLUMBING AND FIXTURES IN HOUSE Figure 17 shows a set of plumbing fixtures and pipe connections. A water heater burning kerosene is more convenient in Texas than a water heater in a wood or coal stove, since such a stove is not used much except in the winter. Note that pipes are sloped to drain at stop cocks when shut off in freezing weather. The supply pipes going to the fixtures may be reduced from the 1-inch or %-inch main pipe, to l/g-inch pipe. This sys- NOT WATER Till KITCHEN BATH IOOI "|* 5 ~ xznosens 1 "EATER LIVATOIY Dllll IOAID KEIOSEIE IITEI CLOSET III“ TUI tem having a water closet, it is necessary that a sewage system be pro- vided. The sewer pipe is usually 4-inch cast iron pipe until the sewer line is carried a f-ew feet from the building. A bill of materal of the pipe and fixtures shown, is given as an aid to obtaining an estimate of the cost of such an outfit: l kitchen sink with fittings 1 faucet for hot water tank 1 bath tub with fittings 3—1%-inch elbows 1 lavatory with fittings 2-1 Eé-inch tees 1 water closet with fittings 2—%-inch stop and waste cocks 1 hot water tank with fittings 15 feet 4-inch cast iron soil pipe 1 kerosene heater with fittings 12 feet 3-inch cast iron soil pipe 50 feet ‘ill-inch galvanized iron pipe 1-—4-inch cast iron quarter bend 55 feet Vz-inch galvanized iron pipe 1 roof flashing 5 %-inch tees ~ 1—4x3-inch cast iron reducer 4 l/g-inch tees 1-4-inch x 4-inch cast iron tee 8 ‘ii-inch elbows branch for 1%-inch inlet 3 l/z-inch elbows ' 1—4-inch cast iron quarter bend tap- 4 ‘ég-inch x l/g-iflCh reducers ped 1 bath tub trap 10 pounds lead wool 25 feet ll/g-inch waste pipe 5 pounds oakum 2 pounds putty 14 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM After water has been piped into the house many desire to include with the fixtures, the water closet. When this fixture is included, attention must be given to the safe disposal of the waste water from the house. About the only practical means of doing this is by running the waste water through a septic tank and then into a bed of disposal tile. Figure 18 shows a sewerage system with a one cham- \ ber septic tank. The sewage is brought into and carried A,‘ a few feet from this tank in sewer tile with tight joints. i Then the sewage goes into open jointed tile where it l passes out into the soil. The septic tank is merely a water tight box where the sewage should remain under a natural scum until the solids in it decompose. ‘(Ill LIII IIOH HOUSE The open jointed tile should run under the ground within. a foot or so of the surface so that the sewage may be acted upon by the air and sunlight A bill of material necessary for this system is given in order that one may figure on the cost of putting in a sewerage system: 100 feet sewer tile (house totank) 2 sewer tile Y’s . E (Concrete for septic tank for 8 persons) 20 sacks of cement 11/; cubic yards sand 3 cubic yards gravel 375 feet 14-inch rods for reinforcing. (Woven wire may be used in- stead of rods) 20 feet sewer tile (tank to disposal tile) 200 feet farm drain tile (usual minimum requirement for 8 person. tank) (For sewer tile joints) 5 pounds oakum Small quantity cement mortar. Complete plans for a one-home sewage disposal system may be ob- tained by writing the Extension Service, A. and M. College, College Sta- tion, Texas. 15 Coup/fr} O a Lock Nuf ‘ Bushiaj -§~ Sfop and Wasfe Cock P/uj 5w- Bafh Tub Trap 16