o 1 RIBULTURAL EXPERIMENT scrum —-—-OF THE---— (SOLLEGE or TEXAS, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. z l! é if Bulletin N0. 1. PLAN OF " OR GANIZA T] RINFORMATION IN REGARD TO STATION WORK, ADDRESS PROF. F. A. GULLEY, Director, l COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. 1887 Congress made provision for establishing, equipping supporting Agricultural Experiment Stations in the sever- - tes, the Stations to be placed under the supervision of i- oards of Directors of the State Agricultural and Mechani- colleges, Where such colleges have been es ablished. egAct of Congress appropriates $15,000. per annum the United States Treasury, to each State, to equip and, (o? 8,0!” i Support the stations. Owing to some technical defect inthi bill as passed, additional legislation was required to make th fund available. By recent enactment the appropriation i placed at the disposal of the several States, and the stationg are being organized. OBJECT OF THE STATIONS. The purpose for which the Agricultural ‘Experiment Statioli Bill was passed is clearly set forth in Section 2 of the Act, which reads as follows: c g “It shall be the object and duty of said Experiment Sta-é tions to conduct original researches or _ verify experiments on‘ the physiology of plants and animals; the diseases to which‘; they are severally subject, with the remedies for the same; the chemical composition _of useful plants at their different stages of growth; the comparative advantages of rotative crop-i ping as furnished under a varying series of crops; the capacity of new plants or trees for acclimation; the analysis of soils and water; the chemical composition of manures, natural or artificial, with experiments designed to test their comparative effect on crops of different kinds; the adaptation and value o? grasses and forage plants; the composition and digestibility o y the different kinds of food for domestic animals; the scientific and economic questions involved in the production of butter and cheese, and such other researches or experiments bearing directly on the agricultural industry of the United States as may in each case be deemed advisable.” The bill further provides that reports of the progress made in experiments shall be published from‘ time to time, one copy of which shall be sent to each newspaper published in the State where such station is located, and one to each individ- ual actually engaged in farming who may request the same, as far as the means of the station will permit; all such reports to be carried in the mails free. _ l THE EXPERIMENT STATION/S were placed under the supervision of the Boards of Directors of the Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges, not for the pur- pose of assisting the colleges, but because it was thought the fund would be most judiciously expended under such control, and it was believed that a portion of the equipment of said colleges, in the way of land, stock, implements, etc., might, without detriment to the work of the colleges, be used to some extent in experimental work. It was thought also that men loyed at the colleges, many of Whom have become skilled erimental Work, would be able to give part‘ 0f their time ciriitstatiion. g I l: y EXPENDITURE OF THE STATION FUND. billexpressly provides that no part of the fund appro- pshall be used for any purpose other than equipping pporting an ' establishment for carrying on experimental a While the stations may be attached to the agricultural ‘es and be made departments of the same, no part of this Work. , y its, THE TExAs EXPERIMENT STATION. a c 4f the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texashaive llished this station, and have made provision for beginning rk. The station is located at the college, and is made rtment of the college. Such part of the college. farm, gs, and other equipment as may be deemed necessary Alfperimental Work Will be assigned to the station depart- i‘l>_y the Board of Directors. In addition to ‘the equip- ;iassigned, Whatever buildings, apparatus, or other mate- jare found, necessary to carry out the provisions of the laW je provided for from the experiment station fund. t ' a - ADVANTAGE To THE COLLEGE. iaticially, the station Will not be of direct benefit to the t To compensate the college, hoWever,for the use “of i? iy assigned to the Work of the station, such Work Will irgely to the ability of the college to impart more thor- {fiinstruction in scientific and practical agriculture. Col- tudents Will be employed in the Work of the station to ‘station, and experimental Work in progress, Will in- the means of illustration of the college and be of special age to the students in providing practice and training cultural Work, under skilled instructors. The station _,;,!;1ot add to the expensesof the college in any Way, as such ‘tipasilmay be given by Professors or other employes in ex- i ntal Work Will be paid for from the station fund, and , \ _,_ “@7801 ‘t? ' i! 6 *_ __ ,> ,»l ..__/~ .€_._J-—--_-‘____._H» ~~-~ ‘ffifpmay be used in support of the colleges except in experi- éaccordance with the Act of Congress, the Board of Direc- t an extent as may be found practicable, and the plant the value of the time lost to the college deducted from t salary that would be paid by the college if the entire time W‘, 5 given t0 college Work, and in order not to impair the efficien of instruction the Board has provided for additional instructi i. to relieve the Professors of a portion of their class Work. A i y _ ORGANIZATION. l The Board of Directors of the college have placed the stati , department under the immediate control of the Agricultu P‘ Experiment Station Council, consisting of the Chairman of t Faculty, the Agent of the Board and the Director of the S i tion. A The Departmentsgtrf Agriculture, Horticulture, Chemi {Q try and Physics Will aid in the experimental Work, the head - of the departments to superintend the details in their seve A departments. i i F. A. Grulley, Professor of Agriculture of the Agricultur ,' College of Mississippi, has been elected_'_ Director, and he W g g g commence Work at once. A l i (TO-OPERATION OF FARMERS WITH THE STATION. The Board of Directors of the College desire to make t i. Work of the station of as much value to the agricultural inte i ests of the State as may be possible. The Work Will be co ~. ducted at all times with special reference to giving informati * of value that may be of some practical use to the farmer. A i enable them to carry out this policy, all associations havi . the advancement of agriculture in vieW,-the Grange, Allianc Stockbreeders, Fruitgrowers, and other organizations, Will g invited from time to time to appoint delegates to meet Wi the Board of Directors and the Counci-l, and consult and advi . With them in regard to the Work of the station. Suggestio will be gladly received at all times from any one Whois inter 1 . estedin advancing the agricultural interests of the State. The nii-eetei» of the Station will issue a bulletin March 1st, giving details in regard to the Work mapped out for this ; year. LOUIS L. McINNIS, Chairman of the Faculty, T. M. SCOTT, ._§ Agent of the Board, COUNCIL‘ F. A. GULLEY, A Director of Station, i j