VA. AGR. EXPT. m rm 15m: ' i(437) BULLETIN N O. 30. MARCH 1894. i‘ Veterinary Science: 1. GLANDERS EXPERLWENTS. 11. TUBERCULINE EXPEP/MENTS. 111. L UMP LA W~ 0F CA TTLE. 1V. N0 TES 01v PA PA SITES. V. TEXAS FE VEP EXPEP1111ENT5. V]. DE V1cE P0P DES TP0 YING TICKS. Agrzezz/zfzzral and Mee/zaezzeal College 0f Texas. POSTOFFICE. COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS CO., TEXAS. All Bulletins from this Station are sent free to citizens of the State on application to J. H. CON NELL, DIRECTOR, TEMPLE, TEXAS: COX & VENNEY, PRINTERS. 189-4» §TEX.As AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. P. O. College Station, Texas. (438) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OFFICERS. GOVERNING BOARD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. 8: M. COLLEGE. MA]. A. I. ROSE, President .............................................. ..Salado. HON. JoHN E. HOLLINGSWORTH, State Com. Agr .................. ..Austin. A HON. W. R. CAVITT, ....................................................... ..Bryan. DR. IJD. FIELDS, ............. ........ .................................. ..Manor. HON. 1N0. ADRIANcE, ................................................. "Columbia; ' TREASURER. PRESIDENT L. S. Ross, ........................................ ..College Station. STATION STAFF. . J. H. CONNELL, M. Sc. ................................ .. ............... “Director. H. H. HARRINGTON, M. Sc ............................................ ..Chemist. M. FRANCIS, D. V. M .............................................. ..Veterinarian. R. H. PRICE, B. S ................................................. .. Horticulturist. D. ADRIANCE, M. S ...................... “Meteorologist, Associate Chemist. JAS: CLAYTON, ....................................................... ..Agriculturist. J. W. CARSon, B. S ..................... ............... ..ASSiStant to Director. I. M. CARSON, B. S ..................................... ..ASSiStant Agriculturist. P. S. TILSON, M. S ...................... .......... ..ASSiStant in Chemistry. SUB-STATION, SUPERINTENDENTS. _ I. H. FERGUSON, ................... ... . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . “McKinney, Collin Co. I. W. PHILLIPS,‘ ................................. ..\Vichita Falls, X-Vichita ERR?! Zfl. On page 437 Law should read Jaw. 439 insiduous should read insidious. (6 H 6K 439 450 H verterinarians should read veterinarians. psorptes should rezarlpsoxmiptes. one hall’ should read one third, aesophegas should read oesophagus. 4:31 snilla should read suillzt. H (L {l 456 Magrinzttzr should read uiztrginztta. UfiSOpllélgOSt-(JID should read oesophagastrvma. lfiquiuzn should read (ifillllllllllii. indigemptus should read indigenous. Equie should read equina. Megostolnzt should read megastoma. omit “and dogs.” Tenoides should read taeinoides. argus should read argas. Paradoxis should read paradoxus. Unicinztria Tregocephalus should read Uncinaria trigonocephala. Haemotopinus should read Haemzitopinus. lllenuirostries should read tenuirostris. Avinrn should read aviuin. Lueillia should read Lucilia. . " catched should read collected. one should read ova. and bloody should read latter are flabby Sept-ember 6th should read October 6th. blood should read Food. foeees should read faeces. Parrenchtyrmatous should read Parenchymatous. (439) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. I.—-GLANI_)ERS EXPERIMENTS. M. FRANCIS. VETERINARIAN. ii-i-‘iii-g The manifestations of glanders are frequently so insiduous in their character that it becomes exceedingly important and desirable that the true nature of the disease be promptly recognized. Animals affected with a mild form of the disease are often a puzzle to ‘verterinarians even, and any means of determining definitely whether the case be one of glanders or no, will meet with a hearty Welcome. It is not the purpose in this paper to present or discuss the causes, symptoms, nature, treatment, etc., of glanders, but to present to the public the results of some experiments conducted recently on the subject. It may, however, be of interest to state that glanders is due to a germ and to nothing else. This organism, it has been found, produces a com- plex chemical product called “Mallein.” Through the courtesy of the Bureau of Animal Industry we have been provided with the means of making the experiments here recorded. Drs. Schweinitz and Kilborn describe its preparation in the following language: “Acid peptonized beef broth culture containing 5 per cent. glycerine “ were inoculated with the glanders bacillus and the culture allowed to “ grow for two months at the temperature of the room. At this time the “growth, which had been very abundant, had almost entirely ceased. The “liquid was then heated for two hours from 8o to 10o degrees C, after “ which it was filtered through a Pasteur tube to remove the germs. The “ resulting clear amber liquid, after being tested to prove the absence of “ germs and diluted with 5o per cent. of glycerine for better preservation, “was used for infection.” The mallein was injected under the skin by means of a hypodermic syringe in doses of I or 2 cubic centimeters as directed. The tempera- ture was taken per rectum bv exposing a clinical thermometer of supe- rior quality for five minutes. It will be noticed that in several instances the data is not complete. This is regretted‘ as it was almost unavoida- ble, as the cases were a considerable distance from our station and off the railroad, and time was limited. . Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been made public in a paper on “The Use of Mallein, etc.,” by Drs. Schweinitz & Kilborn in “Journal of Compar- ative Medicine, etc.,” also in “American Veterinary Review” for No- vember, 1892. See cut of the course described by the temperature in two representative cases. 440 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. NO. I.——2 C. Cr-"MALLEIN. Temp. Day before Injection Temp. Day of Injection. Temp. Day After Injection. DATE. TIME TEMP DATE. TILIE. TEMP DATE. TIME. TEMP. 1892. _ July 19 9 00 a n1 100.0 July 21 7 00 a n1 Injected July 22 10 00 a m 103.0 “ 19 2 00 pm 100.0 ; 2 9 00 a m 100.0 “ 22 2 00 p m 103.2 “ 19 5 3o pm 100.6 “ 21 11 00 a 111 102.4 “ 22 5 30 p n1 102.2 “ 2o 900an1 100.0 ‘ “ 21 200pm 103.5 “ 2o 2 00 p n1 100.4 “ 21 5 0o pn1 104.2 “4 21 6 30 p n1 103.5 NO. II.—-2 C. C.-—MALLEIN. i; a July 19 9 o0 a n1 99.9 | July 21 7 00 a n1 Injected July 22 10 o0 a n1 101.9 “ 19 2 00 p111 100.6 “ 21 9 00 a n1 100.0 i “ 22 2 00 p n1 102.0 “ 19 5 30 pn1 100.7 ‘i 21 11 o0 a n1 102.0 l‘ “ 22 5 30 p m 101.5 ti 2o 9 00 a 1n 99.9 "E “ 21 2 0o pn1 102.0 \ 20 2 00 p n1 100.6 i ‘ 21 5 00 p n1 103.4 J ‘ i “ 21 6 30 p 1n 104.0 NO. III.-—2 C. C.-—MALLEIN. i; . i July 19 9 00 a 111 100.6 Elk] July 19 7 00 a In Injected 1 July 22 10 00 a n1 101.5 “ 19 2 00 p111 101.6 1| “ 21 9 00 a n1 100.0 " 22 2 00 p 1n 102.4 “ 19 5 30 p n1 101.6 “ 21 I1 00 a 1n 101.8 i “ 22 5 30 p n1 102.0 “ 20 . 900am 100.9 “ 21 200pm 103.5 i “ 20 2 o0 p m 101.9 ‘l; “ 21 5 00 p n1 103.9 1 “ 21 6 30 p n1 ‘ 104.2 1% i NO. IV.——2 C. C. MALLEIN. 1 ' 1 July 19 9 00 a n1 102.0 1H July 21 7 00 a n1 Injected July 22 10 00 a n1 103.8 “ 19 2 00 p 1n 102.2 i “ 21 9 00 a In 102.5 g “ 22 2 00 p n1 102.0 “ 19 5 30 pn1 102.2 1 “ 21 11 00 a n1 102.9 l‘ “ 22 5 30 p n1 101.5 “ 20 9 00 a 1n 104.4 1 ‘i 21 2 00 p n1 103.5 a “ 20 2 00 p n1 102.9 l_ ‘ 21 5 00 p m 103.5 1 11 “ 21 6 3o p 111 103.1 U ' NO-AV.—"2 C. C.—-MALLEIN. July 19 9 00 a m 101.6 July 21 7 00 a n1 Injected July 22 10 00 a m 102.3 “ 19 200 pm - 101.8 “ 21 900am 101.4 22 200pm 103.8 “ 19 5 30pm 101.8 , “ 21 11 00am 102.3 “ 22 530pm 102.2 “ 20 9 00 a m 101.4 l “ 21 2 00 p m 102.7 “ 20 200pm 101.8 “ 21 500pm 102.8 '\ “ 21 6 30 p m 103.4 l . l . VETERINARY SCIENCE. 441- NO. VI.—-2 C. C.——MALLEIN. i Temp. Day Before Injection. Temp. Day 0f Injection. Temp. Day After Injection. DATE. TIME. TEMP. DATE. TIME. TEMP. DATE. TIME. TEMP. 1892. ‘ ‘ i . July 24 9 00 a m 99.8 July 25 6 30 a m Injected July 26 6 30 a m 99.8 “ 24 4 00 p n1 100.2 “ 25 8 30 a m 99.8 “ 26 8 30 a m 100.0 “ 24 6 06 p n1 100.2 “ 25 10 30 a m 100.2 “ 26 10 30 a m 100.8 “ 25 12 30pm 100.1 “ 26 I2 30pm 100.2 “ 25 230pm 101.0 “ 26 2 30pm 100.0 “ 25 4 30 p m 101.4 “ 25 6 30 p m 101.8 . “ 25 8 30 p m 101.0 NO. VII.--—I C. C.--MALLEIN. 1893. . _ ‘I ; Feb‘ 4 10 00 a m Injected i} Feb’y 5 7 00 a m 103.6 Y j i‘ 4 11 00 a m 101.2 i1 5 I 00 p n1 103.0 5 ‘ 4 3 00 p m 103.0 ; 5 4 00 p m 102.6 Not Taken. t “ 4 5 00 p m 103.0 i 4 7 00 p m 103.4 “ 4 9 00 p m 104.0 ‘ 4 11 00 p m 104.2 ¥ w NO VIII.-—I C. C.——MALLEIN. U ‘i ‘j Feb’y 4 3 00 p m 102.5 Feb’y 5 7 00 a m 104.0 ' 1 “ 4 5 00 p m 102.4 1i “ 5 1 00 p m 103.4 Not Taken. “ 4 7 00 p m 103.6 “ 5 4 00 p m 103.0 ‘i “ 4 9 00 p n1 103.6 “ 6 6 00 a m 102.6 L “ 4 11 00 p n1 104.4 ‘p; H NO IX.-—I C. C.——MALLEIN. (I _ I I = e y4 10 00 a m njec e ; e y 5 7 00 a n1 103.0 1‘ F b’ I t d F b’ l; 4 11 00 a m 103.2 l. 5 1 00 p n1 103.2 ’ 1| 4 3 00 p m 104.8 1 5 4 00 p m 103.0 Not Taken. i! “ 4 5 00 pm 104.8 ,§ 11 “ 4 7 00 p m 104.8 {g I‘ 4 9 00 p m 104.6 i ' 4 N ll ;¢ 11 00pm 104.2 NO. X.—~I C. Cr-"MALLEIN. J ‘ Feb‘y4 10 00 a m Injected Feb’y 5 7 00 a n1 101.2 i 11 00 a m 99.7 5 1 00 pm 102.8 (4 (C 5 4 00 p m 102.2 Not Taken. = " 5 00 p m 102.0 7 00 p m 103.8 9 00 p m 104.4 11 00 p m 104..0 I 4>4>4>4>4>4> 3 00 p m 100.4 I I I I >. Qx TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. NO. XI.-—MALLEIN. Te 111p. Day Before Injection. Temp. Day 0f Injection. Temp. Day After Injection. DATE. TIME. TEMP. DATE. T1ME. TEMP DATE. TIME. TEMP. 1893. April 16 9 00 a 111 101.8 April 18 8 0o a r11 102.5 April 19 6 00 a 111 103.2 “ 16 3 0o pn1 104.8 “ 18 9 00 a 1n 101.5 " 19 1 00 p 1n 103.6 “ 17 700211n 101.8 “ 18 12 30pm 104.0 “ 19 800pm 100.0 “ 17 3 00 p111 103.8 “ 18 3 00 p 111 104.0 “ 17 8 00 p m 103.0 ‘ 18 7 00 p n1 105.0 “ 18 10 00pm 103.0 NO. XIL-MALLEIN. April 16 9 00 a n1 99.8 April 18 8 00 a n1 101.0 l! April 19 6 00 a m 102.6 “ 16 3 00 pn1 101.2 “ 18 9 00 a m 99.0 “ 19 2 00 p 111 104.0 “ 17 7 00 a 111 101.0 “ 18 12 30 p n1 101.0 l‘ “ 19 6 00 p 111 104.0 “ 17 3 00 pn1 101.8 ‘. 18 3 00 pn} 102.6 l “ 17 8 00 p n1 101.0 “ 18 7 00 p 111 104.0 “ 18 10 00 p n1 103.4 NO. XIII.—-1\IALLEIN. | ! April 16 7 00 p 111 101.0 | April 18 7 00 a n1 101.0 I; April 19 6 00 a 1n 100.0 “ 17 7 00 a 111 101.0 1 “ 18 1 00 p n1 101.0 ! “ 19 1 00 p 111 100.6 “ 17 12 30 p111 101.0 “ 18 600 pn1 101.0 | “ 19 600pm 101.0 “ 17 600 pm 101.0 i - k l ; NO. XIV.———MALLEIN. April 16 7 00 p m 99.6 April 18 7 00 a m 99.8 April 19 6 o0 a m 99.8 ‘f 17 _ 700am 99.6 “ 18 1 00pm 102.0 “ 19 12 30pm 99.0 “ 17 12 30 pm 100.0 “ 18 6 0o p m 101.0 “ 19 6 00 p m 100.0 “ 17 7 00 p n1 100.0 June 28 9 00 a m 101.3 June 29 10 20 a m 103.2 “ 28 11 00a m 102.0 “ 2 74c pm 105.2 Not Taken. “ 28 1 00 p m 102.4 “ 28 3 30 p m 102.8 ‘ 28 6 00 p m 103.5 “ 28 7 30 p m 104.0 VETERINARY SCIENCE. . 443. NO. XVI.-—2 c. c. MALLEIN. (1 year old.) Temp. Day 0f Injection. Ten1p. Day After Injection. DATE. TIME. TEMP. DATE. TIME. TEMP. 1893. Not Taken. i June 28 Injected 5 June 29 10 2o a n1 104.4 “ 7 9 00 a 111 101.8 § “ 29 7 4o p 111 104.4 “ 28 11 o0 a n1 102.4 i “ 28 1 0o p n1 103.2 “ 2. 3 30pm 104.6 “ 28 6 00 p 1n 105.2 § “ 28 7 30 p n1 105.4 NO. XVII.——I c. c. MALLEIN. (fresh) July 8 6 00 p n1 101.0 July 10 5 30 a n1 Injected July 11 6 30 a n1 103 2 “ 9 800an1 100.0 “ 10 1000 “ 11 830an1 1034 “ 9 12 00 n1 100_4 “ 10 7 30 a 111 100 0 “ 11 10 30 a m 103 6 “ 9 600 pm 100.6 “ 10 93021111 1006 “ 11 100pm 1038 “ 10 113021111 1015 “ 11 300pn1 1038 “ 10 130pm 1048 “ 11 500pm 1036 “ 10 330p1n 1056 “ 11 700pn1 1036 “ 10 530pn1 1054 “ 12 63021111 1018 “ 10 730pm 1050 “ 12 830am 1018 “ 10 9 30 pm 104 2 “ 12 12 00 1n 101 6 “ 12 3 00 p 1n 101 6 “ 12 6 00 p m 101 6 “ 13 8 00 p m 100 4 I 1 NO- XVIII-—-I C- C- MALLEIN- ‘ i Oct 2 12 00 1n 1006 Oct4 700am 1000 Oct5 700am 1000 “ 2 300pm 1002 “ 4 900am 1000 1| “ 5 1100am 1002 “ 3 1100am 1000 “‘ 4 1100a111 1000 “ 3 300pn1 1000 “ 4 100pm 1006 “ 3 600pm 1002 “ 4 300p1n 1014 “ 4 500pm 1016 E 4 700pm 1018 E 4 900pm 1016 f N00 C0 1894. Jan 6 745am 994 Jan 7 Sooam Injected Jan 8 745am 1036 “ 6 9459111 998 “ 7 9459111 1994 “ 3 9459111 1934 “ 6 1145am 1004 “ 7 1145am 1010 “ 8 1145am 1032 “ 6 _1o0pm 1014 “ 7 145pm 1016 “ 8 145pm 1034 ‘I 6 34511111 1912 ‘f 7 34511111 1934 jj 8 34511111 1949. j‘ 6 54511111 1914 ‘_ 7 54511111 1952 u 8 54511111 1949 6 745pm 1016 “ 7 745pm 1048 8 745pm 1038 “ 7 94511111 1936 “ 9 7459111 1926 “ 7 114511111 1934 “ 9 9459111 1932 “ 9 1145am 1026 “ 9 145pm 1030 “ 9 34511111 1928 i: 9 34511111 1922 9 745pm 1°24 444, TExAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT sTATIoN. NO. XX.-—I C. Cr-MALLEIN. Temp. Day Before Injection. Temp. Day of Injection. Temp. Day After Injection. DATE. TIME. TEMP. DATE. , TIME. TEMP. DATE. TIME. TEMP. 1894. , March I2 8 0o a m I01 6 March I3 7 00 a m Injected March I4 8 00 a m I02 6 “ I2 I0 00am I026 “ I3 80oan1 I030 “ I4 10 00am 1026 “ I2 I2 00 m I03 6 “ I3 I0 00 a m I03 8 “ I4 I2 00 m I03 2 “ I2 200pm I038 “ I3 I2 0o m 1058 “ I4 200pm I036 “ I2 400pm I034 “ I3 200 pm I056 “ 14 400pm I040 “ I2 6o0pm I028 “ I3 400pm I050 “ I4 6o0pm 1036 “ I2 80opm I024 “ I3 600pn1 I034 “ 14 800 pm I032 “ I3 80opm I026 “ 15 8o0am I022 “ I3 I0 00pm I024 “ I5 400pm I034 “ I5 80opm I034 “ I6 8o0am 101.6 “NOTES. CASE No. I. Horse 7 or 8 years old, right submaxillary gland en- larged, discharge from right nostril. N0 farcy buds,-condition 0f animal good. The day after injection there was increased flow from right nos- tril and a painful enlargement at the point of injection. ' CASE No. 2. Horse 6 or 7 years old, both submaxillary glands en- larged, and slight nasal discharge. Had been affected 6 to 7 months. Condition of animal good CASE No. 3. Horse 4 years old, both submaxillary glands enlarged, no nasal discharge. Right hind leg swolen. There are thirteen farcy buds, general condition of animal is poor. . CASE No. 4. Horse in fair condition, but had farcy buds in fore legs and breast. The respiration is labored. No nasal discharge. The left eye is mattering. Appears to have pneumonia. CASE No. 5. Horse 9 years old, both submaxillary glands enlarged and some nasal discharge. The horse produces a snoring sound. Con- dition very bad. Farcy buds and chancres on both hind legs. Veins of fore legs prominent. He urinates frequently. CASE NO. 6. Horse healthy, injected to note the effect on sound ani- mal. CASE No. 7. Horse in charge of Dr. Wm. Falsetter, Dallas, Texas, thoroughbred, 4 years old, has been running from right nostril since November, I892. Ulcer on right eye, this recovered and left eye be- came affected, ICC injected, marked lumped followed, refused feed next day. P. M. showed numerous turbercles in the lungs and old ulcers in the nose. . . CASE No. 8. Thoroughbred filley, 3Q) years old, excellent condi- tion, nose, throat and legs perfectly clean. Has been lame in right hind leg for two days, no apparent cause for it, except small abscess at root of tail on top. This was opened and evacuated % ounce of oily looking puss. ICC mallein injected, large swelling resulted, left feed next day. VETERINARY SCIENCE. 445. This was the most interesting case that come under my notice. This was also Dr. Falsetter’s patient. CAsE N0. 9. Horse 4 years old, condition medium, began running from the nose about January 1o, 189 3. Presents ulcers on left eye which has spread all over the cornea, is losing flesh, appetite good, ICC mal- lein injected, does not refuse feed. P. M. showed large chancres in nasal chambers, also tubercles in the lungs. Dr. Falsetter’s patient. CASE No. 1o. Horse 6 years old, discharge from nose since Septem- ber 1, 1892. Condition good. ICC mallein injected, marked lump pro- duced. P. M. showed tubercles in lungs, varying in size from No. 5 shot to that of a small hickory nut. also cicatrices on septum nasi. Dr. Falsetter’s patient. CASES 11, 12, 13, 14. Cases inoculated by Dr. R. P. Talley, Tem- ple, Tex. Notes sent to Dr. Salmon and have mislaid copy. CASE 15. Mare 8 years old, excellent condition. No buds or dis- charge visible, has been running at the nostril for about a year. Used 2CC mallein that had been in my possession over a year. It had re- tained its qualities. Large lump at point of injection. CASE No. 16. Mare 7 years old, in bad condition, pulse 6o, respira- tion 4o, running freely at the nose. Used from same mallein as No. 15. There is a painful lump at point of injection 6 or 7 inches in diameter. CASE No. 17. Horse 1o years old, history not known, examined for soundness and suspicions aroused by small cicatrix on right septum, small ulcer on sheath, no nasal discharge, throat is clean, can’t stand exertion, said to have been very poor several months previous. ICC mallein produced abrupt swelling 6 inches in diameter. Pulse 6o, respi- ration 56. CASE No. 18. Horse sound, ICC mallein injected, no swelling at point of injection. CASE No. 19. Horse 7 years old, has discharge from botl1 nostrils, is in fair condition. Cicatrix on inside of right hind thigh, ICC mallein used. Lump is not so large as in some cases, but abrupt and painful. CASE No. 2o. Horse 1o years old, chancres visible in right nostril. Left maxillary sinusbulged, but sounds empty on percussion, left sub- maxillary lymphatic gland enlarged and nodular, considerable noise dur- ing respiration, no farcy buds noticed, discharge moderate, ICC used, lump moderate in size. Treatment followed by enormous oedema of the scrotum and prepuce the size of a cow’s bag. The experiments seem to show that in the mallein we have found a convenient, safe and reliable diagnostic agent for glanders. That the more occult the disease the more positive the temperature reaction. It also seems that the size, form and character of the lump produced at the point of injection is of great value. Fkwh/JAW m jrzfisn, DTDQLSQ wmmmwm 1mm w: fimsgomfimfiiw wozofimsm damofiomw Q 3%»? Owwmw NASH 8a WHN. VETERINARY SCIENCE. 447 . II.——TUBERCULINE EXPERIMENTS. The rece11t discoveries of the prevalence of tuberculosis t0 a much greater extent than l1as been supposed among stock i11 several parts of the country, formed the basis for this experiment. Several years ago one of our jersey cows died of this disease and these facts naturally led to an investigation of our dairy herd. The tuberculine used in these ex- periments was forwarded by the Bureau of Animal Industry and used ac- cording to directions for making the proper test. It will be noticed that the results are negative. The chief value of the results lies in the com- parison of animals not injected With those that were injected. In all cases the thermometer was exposed for five minutes per rectum. Six cows were selected for the experiment, four of which presented symptoms of a suspicious character. DATE. N0. 115. No. 318 No. 42o. Ida. 3d. No. 219. N0, 307. " IME. 1893- Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. October 3o 6 a n1 101 4 102 2 102 4 102 6 101 4 102 5 “ 3o 7 a n1 101 2 102 6 102 8 102 o 102 4 102 2 “ 30 8 a m 102 0 102 2 102 2 101 8 102 0 102 0 “ 30 9 a n1 101 4 102 2 102 6 101 8 102 6 101 8 “ 30 10 a n1 101 4 102 2 102 4 101 6 102 0 101 8 “ 30 11 a 111 101 2 102 2 102 o 101 6 102 4 101 6 “ 30 12 111 101 4 102 2 102 2 101 6 101 8 102 0 “ 30 1 p 1n 101 2 102 0 102 0 102 2 102 0 101 8 ‘ 30' 2 p n1 101 4 101 0 102 2 _ 101 2 101 6 102 0 ‘ 30 3 p n1 101 6 101 6 102 4 102 4 102 6 102 4 ‘ 3o 4 p n1 102 0 102 2 103 0 102 2 102 6 103 0 “ 30 5 p m 101 8 102 6 103 0 102 8 102 6 103 0 “ 30 6 p 111 101 8 102 2 ! 103 0 102 2 102 2 102 6 “ 3a 7 p n1 101 8 102 2 - 103 0 102 4 102 2 102 4 “ 50 8 p m 101 6 101 8 102 4 102 2 101 6 102 2 “ 30 9 p n1 101 4 101 6 102 4 102 0 102 2 101 8 “ 30 10 p n1 101 6 102 0 102 o 101 6 102 0 101 6 “ 30 11 p n1 101 6 101 8 102 0 101 8 101 8 101 4 “ 30 12 p 1n 102 0 101 2 102 0 102 0 102 2 101 4 October 30 _ 12 p 111 Not Injected. 2 c. c. Tuberculin Injected. October 31 6 a m 101 4 101 6 101 6 102 2 101 4 101 4 *‘ 31 7 a m 101 8 103 0 102 0 101 6 101 8 101 8 “ 31 8 a m 101 2 102 6 101 8 _ 102 6 101 6 101 4 "‘ 31 9 a n1 101 8 102 0 101 4 101 6 101 4 101 0 “ 31 10 a m 101 2 102 0 101 4 101 8 101 2 101 2 “ 31 11 a n1 101 4 102 0 101 6 102 6 101 2 101 4 “ 31 12 m 101 2 102 0 101 4 102 2 101 4 101 2 “ 31 1 p m 101 4 102 0 101 8 102 4 101 4 101 2 “ 31 2 p n1 101 2 101 6 101 6 102 0 101 6 101 4 “ 31 3 p m 102 0 101 6 102 0 102 4 101 8 102 8 “ 31 4 p m 101 6 101 8 102 6 103 2 102 0 102 8 “ 31 5 p m 102 0 102 2 102 4 102 8 102 6 102 2 “ 31 6 p m 102 2 102 6 102 6 103 0 102 6 102 6 “ 31 7 p m 102 2 102 2 102 2 102 8 102 8 102 4 “ 31 8 p n1 102 6 102 0 102 0 102 2 102 4 102 2 “ 31 9 p m 102 4 102 2 101 8 102 o 102 2 102 6 “ 31 10 p m 102 4 101 8 101 6 102 2 102 4 102 4 448. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIoN. III.'"-LUMPY JAW OF CATTLE. During the summer of 1892 our attention was directed to an announce-i, ment of the successful treatment of this disease by the internal use ofi Iodide of Potassium. This announcement was made by the Bureau 0 Animal Industry and gave the results of some experiments conducted by?‘ its agents. The discovery seems to be of European origin. The num-lf} ber of our experiments is limited, but they have been very satisfactory}. Case 1, noted below, being the only failure. We have adopted the fol-i lowing plan of treatment : The Iodide of Potassium is given in water as a drench, in doses oi 1i gram for every 1oo pounds live Weight of the animal, daily. In a fewf days a condition known as “iodism” sets in. This is shown by weeping; eyes, running at the nose and an abundance of dandruff in the roots of the hair, especially along the sides of the neck. The stall smells strongly’? of iodine. When this condition has been reached it is perhaps advisablei to discontinue the treatment for several weeks, then, ‘if necessary, repeat it. In some cases iodism was not well marked, although the animal re- ceived as much as 12 grams per day, yet the case recovered perfectly. One pregnant cow was treated and it is believed that the treatmentj, caused abortion. The reader is referred to the notes on cases given be- Q low, which are submitted without further comment. ~ CASE 1. July 19, 1892. Jersey cow; on the lower right maxilla is located a large swelling. The bone is much enlarged. There are several places where the tumor has discharged. Treatment begun on the 19tl1, cow received 15 grams of Potassium Iodide; July 20th, 13 grams; July 21st, 11 grams; July 22nd, 1o grains, and continued to receive 1o grains daily until July 29th. Iodism well marked, and nose ran profusely. Skin shed off considera- p ble quantities of dandruff. Stall smells strongly of Iodine. Result not satisfactory. In several months the tumor was discharging as before the treatment. 5 CASE No. 2. Holstein steer; small tumor of right lower jaw bone op- posite 5th tooth. This has broken and is discharging. The tumor is not larger than the fist. Began treatment July 5, 1893, by receiving 5 l; grams daily for 14 days. Iodism not marked. Treatment repeated October 16th in larger doses until 2oo grams were consumed. From this the tumor has shrunken considerably and has not broken to date (May, ’94). Steer is gaining rapidly in flesh. The case apr ears to be cured. ' CASE N0. 3. Jersey Bull; abrupt spherical enlargement in right jugu- lar region, 6 inches from border of jaw. This was first noticed October 26 and increased rapidly in size until 5 inches in diameter. Bull weighed j 1260. He received 12 grams of Potassium Iodide daily for aweek. VETERINARY SCIENCE. 449. Iodism Well marked. Bull lost 2o pounds during the treatment. Re- covery perfect apparently. (January 1894.) CASE No. 4. jersey cow; pregnant, weight 56o pounds. Enlarge- ment of right lower jaw bone the size of a cocoa nut. Has not broken. A October 26th received 5 grams of Potassium Iodide daily for 7 days. Iodism very Well marked. Cow so sick that it is thought best» to stop the treatment. Are suspicious that abortion has taken place. Tumor has shrunken very n1uch and appears to have made a recovery. Recov- ery apparently perfect. ( May 1894.) CASE No. 5. September 6, 1893; a small Jersey heifer presented a marked swelling in the parotid region. Regarded as a “throat boil.” Received Iodide of Potash in doses of 3 grams daily for a week. Iodism well marked. Case recovered perfectly. 450. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. IVY-NOTES ON PARASITES. iii-iii The following notes have been prepared simply as a report on the p, geographical distribution of common forms. The list is restricted to ‘ those collected personally HERE, and is therefore incomplete; for instance, such common ones as melop/zagus, ovinis, psorjbfes cwzmunis var 0212's, strongly/us contorius, syngaavzus trac/zealis, etc., have been reported by others and not having been collected personally, are omited. An excep- tion is made is case of Argas Americanus, because I felt that the note might be of interest. The identifications are thought to be correct. In those cases Where error is possible it is indicated. Distoma Hepaticum occurs in bile ducts of cattle and sheep. Common in countries along the Gulf of Mexico and river bottoms. Damage great. See bulletin No. 18, Texas Experiment Station. Distonza Magnum. The large American Fluke described in Bulletin No. 18 under the provisional name of D. Texanicum. Stiles, who has looked into the subject, regards it as D. Magnum. Curtice entertains ~- the same opinion as Stiles. Prof. Whitney writes under date of Febru- , ary 25, I892: “Many thanks for your specimens of D. Hepaticum and Texanicum. The latter is certainly a new one.” (Personal corres- ‘i pondence.) Occurs in liver tissue of cattle, distribution same as above. Damage great. Distoma (Sp?) Occurs in intestines of opossum, common here. De- scription: (Balsam preparation), body white, length 6 m. m., concave ventrally, convex dorsal. Anterior one-half of body armed with numer- ous large spines directed backward, “head” very large, circular, concave l; below, constituting about one-half of the body, behind which is a marked j constriction or neck. From the neck the body is a little larger, mar- gins convex, but gradually tapers to a narrow flat tail. Mouth terminal, sessile, surrounded by a muscular sphincter, aesophegas straight and ex- tends to about the middle of the “head.” At the beginning of the pos- terior one-third of the oesophagus is the bulb. The oesophagus divides a near the middle of the head into two plain caeca, which extend right and left, then backward to posterior one-third of body, perhaps further. Near the mouth are two kidney shaped areas, one right and one left, which bear straight spines or thorns directed forward, probably 1o or 12 in number. The form of this area may be influenced by cover glass pressure. Acetabulum large, circular, at posterior portion of anterior one-third of body. Genital openings midway between acetabulum and the point at which oesophagus divides. Male and female organs too transparent for accurate description. Ova duct very distinct, filled with ' ova. Terminal pore not seen. VETERINARY SCIENCE. I 45 I. Zlzeuia Mamillaaza (Mehlis). Two specimens from duodenum of horse, not common. T aenia Plicata (Rud). Eight specimens from illeum of horse, largest one I4 c. m. long, not common here. Taenia Marginala, intestine of the dog, common. T aenia Cucznvzerzbza, intestine of dog, common. Eckzbzorkync/zus‘gzlgas, intestine of pig, common, damage considerable. There is also a species of echinorhynchus common in the intestine of the opossum here. Asaaris Megalocep/zalzls. Occurs in small intestine of horse, common, no damage noted. Asmris SnzYla. Occurs in small intestine ot hog. Common, no dam- age noted. Ascaris fllagriizala. Occurs in small intestine of dog, common, no damage noted. A scaris Zllystazc. Occurs in small intestine of cats, common. Oesop/zagosiovz Columbzkznzmvz. Occurs in intestines of sheep. Damage very great. ~ Oesop/ztzgostoviz lnflaizmz? Occurs in intestines of cattle. Common, but not in sufiicient numbers to cause appreciable damage- Sclerosioma Equizmz. Occurs in caecum of horses and mules, also in aneurisms of anterior Mesenteric artery. Common, regarded as a cause or colic. Tricocep/za/us Afiinis. Caecum of cattle. There is some doubt as to this being indigenaus, as the only case under observation being a 2-year- old bull recently from Missouri. Not present in sufficient numbers to cause appreciable damage. Fi/aria Equie. Occurs in abdomen of horse. Very common, but not in large numbers. Saw one case at Dallas, Tex., in anterior chamber of eye. Filaria T erebra. Occurs in abdomen of cattle. Common, in limited numbers. a Spiroptera fllegostowzza. Occurs in tumors in stomach of horse. Not common. Have seen but one case in six years. Spiroptera Sirongylivzcfl?) Stomach of pig, common. Boopbilus How's. On horse, mule, OX and dog. Very common from June to December. Damage very great. Amlrlyonzvzza Unzpznzctala. On horse, mule, ox, dog and cat. Com- ion from April to August. This tick is more abundant during the spring and early summer. Not common after July 1st. There are two other species of ticks here. The first, which seems to be Dermacenier Awzerzkanzw", I have collected but twice. Once on the horse and once on the calf. Both Were females, males not seen. The second infests horses and dogs’ ears in September; it is not common. Specimens sent to Cur- tice for identification. ~ Dcmzaazyssis GaZ/zkzac. On horse, probably from chickens. Psoropfes Conznzzwzis our Equzl Horse, not common. Lintgflzafu/a. Tenofdesfi) One from dog. 452. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Argus A wzerzkazizus (Identified by F. W. Webster). Reported on chick- ens at San Marcos and Lampasas, Tex. LAMPAsAs, TEX., May 27, 1893. DR. M. FRANCIS. DEAR SIR:———I sent you a few days ago some of the insects that are so destructive to poultry. I found, in examining my poultry house, that it »Was infested by millions. The places infested by them are filled with the shells, eggs and bugs of all sizes. The larger ones are not found on the poultry, but the smaller ones get on their necks, under their Wings and legs and produce a perfect paralysis. I have cured one or two with sassafras oil, and some with mercurial ointment. I am now trying the sheep dip. The necks of the little chickens are nearly eaten to the bone. I have found them in the stables, but they have never made their attack on the cows or horses. MRs. j. H. M. Sfrorzgylzzs fliicrurusfl) Bronchi of calves. Sirongylzas Paradoxisfi?) Bronchi of pig. Unicinaria Trigocep/zalzzs Q?) Intestine of cat. Tric/zodectcs Pilosus. Horse and ass, very common on latter. T ricbodectes Scalaris. OX, very common. Tric/zodecies Climax Angora goat. Haemoiopinus Macrocep/zalzrs. Horse, not common. Haemoiopzhus Em/ysiemus. Adult cattle, not common. Haemofopirzzas Tenuirostries. Calves, common. Haewzolaphzus Urius. Pig, common. Pulex Avimn. Chickens, common, very troublesome last summer at Bryan, Tex. Palex Serraiiceps. Dog, common. Gasirop/zilus eguzI Horse and mule, very common. Oesims 0112's, Sheep, common. Hypoderwza Lineata. Cattle, very common- Hypoderwza of t/ze Horse (F?) Rare. Note January 14, 1894. Saddle . pony presents three lumps under the skin the size of quail eggs, These , contain pus and in one is found what is regarded as the moult of a large larva. Larva not found; seems to have been destroyed by saddle pres- sure, Lucillia Macellarzkz, Very common on all animals, Haemoioba Sex/ram, Cattle; common; appeared here October, I892. VETERINARY SCIENCE. 45 3. Vi-TEXAS FEVER EXPEEIMENTS. The investigation of the United States department of Agriculture of a the relation 0f ticks (Boophilus Bovis) to Texas Cattle Fever have pro- duced such astonishing results that any information in regard to these creatures commands interest and attention. The question that immedi- S ately comes to mind on reading the results is, are the other species of ticks capable of transmitting the disease? With the question in mind, it was decided to make the experiments reported as follows : July 3, 1893; ten adult females (Amblyomma Unipunctata) commonly called the “Lone Star” tick, were collected from cattle of the station. Their average weight was .44 grams. They were confined in the labo- ratory under ordinary conditions and began depositing eggs July 7th. This they continued about 1o days, having deposited about 48 per cent. of their original weight as eggs, Alive July 25th, that is, 6 or 7 days after having ceased laying eggs, though apparently dry and lifeless. August 8th larvae appeared. These were sent to Dr. Mayo, Kansas Experiment Station, and reached him August 17th. They were placed on two calves August 26th. See Dr. Mayo’s report below for results. July 14th, several cattle ticks (Boophilus Bovis) catched and one sent to Dr. Mayo with above. This is the lot reported on as having died before being tested. A second lot was collected for me by Mr. Watts and the eggs sent to Dr. Mayo. who received them September 8th. These eggs hatched September 15th. The young ticks were put on a four-year-old Jersey heifer September 28th. This animal is designated in Dr. Mayo’s report as No. 3. REPORT ON TEXAS FEVER EXPERIMENT. November 1, 189 3. In co-operation with M. Francis, of Texas Experi- ment Station. On August 17th, 189 3, there was received by express from Dr. M, Francis two specimens of southern cattle ticks. The ticks were very young, possibly two weeks from the egg. One bottle labeled “A” con- taining young ticks of the “Lone Star” variety. Bottle “B,” young’ ticks of Boophilus Bovis or common southern cattle tick. These ticks were kept in the laboratory until August 26th. The ticks in bottle “B” were not doing well on their arrival. and by August 28th were all dead. On August 26th the young ticks in bottle “A” were put upon two calves, half on one calf and half on the other, about 15o ticks put on each calf. Calf No, 1 was about two months old, and evidently a grade Jersey, a small white star on forehead and Jersey color. No. 2 about ten Weeks 454. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. old, native bull calf, large white spot on right flank and white briske running back on belly, also large white spot on face. The temperatur of Nos, 1 and 2 throughout the experiment were as follows: TEMPERATURE RECORD CALVES N0’s. 1 AND 2. NO. I. NO. II. DATE. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. August 29 I03 102 2-5 “ 30 101 3-5 104 I01 2-5 103 2-5 “ 31 102 I04 102 103 1-5 September 1 102 3-5 103 , 102 2-5 103 “ 2 102 4-5 102 4-5 “ 3 102 I02 . “ 4 102 3-5 104 H 5 103 1-5 103 1-5 “ 6 103 103 2-5 u 7 I03 I03 “ 8 102 I-5 102 1-5 “ 9 102 3-5 102 4-5 “ 11 102 1-5 103 2-5 “ 13 103 103 2-5 “ 15 102 3-5 102 3-5 “ 17 , 102 1-5 . 102 2-5 “ 19 I02 102 1-5 October 12 101 4-5 102 1-5 103 1-5 103 “ 13 103 I-5 103 104 103 “ 14 102 3-5 102 3-5 102 1-5 103 1-5 “ 15 I02 102 2-5 102 3-5 103 4-5 “ 16 102 ' 102 4-5 I03 2-5 I03 3-5 “ 17 I01 3-5 103 1-5 “ 19 I02 3-5 I03 103 I04 “ 20 101 4-5 102 3-5 103 104 “ 21 101 4-5 103 1-5 102 2-5 103 4-5 “ 22 101 4-5 103 102 3-5 103 2-5 “ 23 102 103 3-5 102 3-5 103 “ 24 102 2-5 103 3-5 102 2-5 103 2-5 “ g 101 4-5 102 103 I03 I-5 “ 26 - 103 3-5 103 103 3-5 103 2-5 “ 27 102 2-5 102 103 103 2-5 _ f‘ 28 102 102 2-5 103 1-5 102 4-5 “ 29 10212-5 102 4-2 102 3-5 102 “ 3o 102 2-5 101 4-5 103 1-5 103 “ 31 102 2-5 102 3-5 On August 31st ticks had increased considerably in size, but showed it signs of moulting. Ticks seemed quite few, and on September 7th no i’; ticks could be found on either calf. O11 September 5th one tick in larva * stage was found on a careful search, but 011 September 7th, the one tick, found on the 5th, was gone. From this time until September 22d no ticks were found, but on September 22d three ticks were found, one be- tween thighs and two on brisket. All of the three had eight legs. One was quite empty, the other two were filled with blood. These ticks i were so few that the experiment with them was given up. On September 8th received by mail eggs of common cattle tick (B. Bovis)- On September 15th eggs began hatching. A few ticks being found in the bottle on September 22d. Three or four hundred of these ticks were placed upon calf No. 1 in flank region and given plenty of time to crawl well into the hair. The same number of young ticks were placed upon calf No. 2 in the same manner. Three ticks of former lot (A. Unipunctata) were found, all had eight legs and one was one- eighth of an inch in diameter. On September 23d a full blooded jersey VETERINARY SCIENCE. 455. heifer was placed in a pen with calves, It was my intention to keep her separate, but she was put in by an assistant during my absence from home. On September 28th placed upon the heifer N0. 3 about two hundred yonng ticks from second lot (B. Bovis). On September 6th ticks were numerous on all three of the animals, and on October 10th seemed to be nearly or quite full grown. On Octo- ber 10th her temperature was reported very high; saw her at noon, tem- perature 106° F., pulse rapid and full, ears drooping, eyes bright, slight discharge from eyes and nostril. TEMPERATURE RECORD NO. III. Full Rlaozijvrsziv Hmfer Four Years Old, DATE. A. DJ. ! P. 1W. October 4 102 4 .02 é “ 102 0 103 2 102 4 102 4 7 103 4 103 o 8 102 2 | 2 P. M. 103 2 9 102 2 1 6 7 103 2 10 105 4 10 0 105 11 104 4 i] 106 0 l 105 4 12 104 4 106 2 13 101 6 106 2 14 105 2 106 8 1g 10g 8 107 g 1 10 ’ 107 17 104 6 I 110 0 * NOTE-J‘ Thermometer only registered 11o o; ran clear t0 top. Died during night. Autopsy held October 18, 1893, 2 P. M. by Dr. L. R. Brady, V. S. Manhattan Ks. Notes reported by him. Subject-Jersey heifer about 4 years old, in good condition. Experi- ment Station Ks. Patient having died previous night had been hauled out from barn; lying on right side, legs extended, no rzlgvr mortis, southern cattle ticks were noticed on abdomen, skin normal, discharge of bloody urine from vulva and bloody froth from nostril, Visible mucus membranes con- gested and dark. Incision through skin and muscles and bloody and connective tissue, yellowish in color. Rumen half full of blood and distended with gas, reticulum partially filled, omasum filled with blood, consistency of soft putty. Abomasum filled with digested food, small intestines show hemorrhage spots and beginning to show signs of decomposition, Rectum filled with clay colored foeces. Lungs normal. Heart:——Left auricle of a bluish color, darker than usual and empty, Left ventricle empty, small fibrous clot at a. v. opening. . Right ventri- cle filled with clot, and aorta filled with clotted blood, Post aorta empty, Post venacava contained a bloody froth, Spleen about three times normal size, 26 inches long, 7 inches wide and 3 inches thick, weight estimated 7 pounds, of a bluish mottled appearance with a few hemorrhagic spots. Capsule distended, incision revealed contents, a 456. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 5% homogeneous mass of blood and broken down tissue the consistency of thick blood. , Liver:——-Enlarged and of a peculiar mottled appearance; large blotches of a clay color and deep blue. Gall cyst greatly distended and filled with f about I quart of bile of the consistency of honey and of a peculiar granu- lar appearance, stains the hands readily a bright yellow. The liver on section appears bloodless and after exposure to the atmos- phere cut surface exhibits a peculiar clay color with a ring of true liver colored tissue. ' Parrenchymatous tissue easily broken down. Kidneys: Left kidney shows in half its superior portion a blackish green color, while inferior portion is of a deep red color; capsule peels 0E easily. Extravasation of blood in pelvis; right kidney some. Bladder:—Contains about two quarts of bloody urine, mucus membrane covered with pelechial spots. Sub Lumbar glandsz-Badly decomposed and broken down, a pecu- liar smell is noticed on section through muscular tissue. Adipose tissue, surrounding kidneys, of a yellow color. Uterus contains foetus of about three months development appears normal. Other organs and tissues normal. L. R. BRADY. VETERI NARY SCIENCE. 457 VL-A DEVIcE FOR DIPPING CATTLE TO DESTROY TICKS. The economic importance of ticks cannot be estimated. They are be- coming a greater curse every year. There are several reasons for this. It would naturally be supposed that the fencing and cultivation of the land would have a tendency to check their reproduction. Such is cer- tainly true on farms under cultivation. The range is becoming shorter every year and cattle find less nourishment. The results are that the cattle are poor in flesh and are more subject to the attacks of the tick. Another probable reason is that owing to the rapid settlement and fencing of the country, forest and prairie fires are less numerous and less extensive than formerly. These must have destroyed great numbers of ticks, and thus checked, to some extent, their ravages. It is therefore very desirable that some means be devised to destroy the ticks on a large scale at low cost. This condition of affairs has led to the construction of a large vat, into which the cattle are driven. So far as the writer is aware this was first accomplished by Hon. R. I. Kleburg of Alice, Tex. Its arrangement as in diagram below. Construction —-Vat 5 feet below ground, 4 feet above ground, 15 feet in bottom. Material, 4x4 cypress uprights and 2x12 cypress siding, joints calked with oakum. Trap, dripping floor, chute and pens as in diagram. Water supplied by wind pump. I saw this vat in operation and was so well pleased with its working that we have since built one at this station. Station Vat:-—At Mr. Kleburg’s suggestion we have built the station vat deeper and longer, being 1o feet deep and 24 feet long on the bottom. Construction:——2x4 uprights of pine I8 inches from centers. These rest on 4x4x24 pine sills; siding of 2x4x16, pine, dressed and matched. Trap of 2x12 pine. Dimensions according to plan. The uprights should be braced across to prevent bulging or collapse. Tramp the ground well around vat. COST OF CONSTRUCTION. Lumber . . . . . . ... . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “$80.00 Carpenter work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 Nails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00 Paint. two coats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._ 3.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ,$ro7_0o No estimate is included for excavating or for water supply. The latter in this case was trifling, as it required but a few joints of 3-4 pipe to con- nect with water main. Prof. D. W. Spence has kindly calculated the capacity of the vat, showing the depth for every IOO gallons. By using the table given be- \ 458 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 10w a very convenient, graduated measuring stick can be made which will give the reading in gallons. The vat can be used for the application of remedies for other parasites of the skin, viz: Screw Worms Worm. etc. (Lucilla), mange, horn fly, lice, ring The device is the most rapid, and practical yet suggested. TABLE GIVING DEPTH OF VAT FOR EVERY IOO GALLONS. 100 Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 35 20o Gallons ............................................... .. 6 32 300 Gallons ................................................ .. 9 o5 400 Gallons ................................................ ..11 57 50o Gallons ................................................ ..13 92 60o Gallons .............................................. ..16 14 70o Gallons ................................................ "18 2o 800 Gallons ..................... .... ................... ..2o 17 900 Gallons ................................................ ..22 05 1000 Gallons .............................................. ..24 84 ‘ 1100 Gallons ................................................ ..25 55 1200 Gallons ................................. ............. ..27 20 1300 Gallons ................................................ ..28 80 1400 Gallons .............................. .............. ..30 34 1500 Gallons ................................................ ..31 82 1600 Gallons ................................................ ..33 25 1700 Gallons ................................................ ..34 64 1800 Gallons ................................................ ..36 01 1900 Gallons ................................................ ..37 36 2000 Gallons ................................................ ..38 65 2100 Gallons ................................................ .. 39 88 2200 Gallons ................................................ ..41 10 2300 Gallons ................................................ ..42 31 2400 Gallons .............................................. .. _43 48 2500 Gallons ................................................ ..44 60 2600 Gallons ................. .; ........................... .. .45 72 2700 Gallons ................................................ ..46 81 2800 Gallons ................................................ ..47 90 2900 Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 96 3000 Gallons ................................................. ..50 00 3100 Gallons ................................................ ..51 02 3200 Gallons .................................................. ..52 04 3300 Gallons ................................................. ..53 04 3400 Gallons ................................................. .. 54 00 3500 Gallons ................................................. ..54 95 3600 Gallons ................................................. .. 55 89 3700 Gallons ........................... .; .................... ..56 80 3800 Gallons ................................................. ..57 70 3900 Gallons ................................................. .. 58 58 4000 Gallons ................................................. .. 59 45 4100 Gallons ................................................. ..6'o 32 ~ 4200 Gallons ................................................ ..61 18 4300 Gallons ................................................. ..62 04 4400 Gallons ................................................. ..62 86 4500 Gallons ................................................. ..63 67 4600 Gallons ................................................. ..64 48 4700 Gallons ................................................. ..65 28 4800 Gallons ................................................. ..66 08 4900 Gallons ................................................. ..66 87 5000 Gallons ................................................. ..67 64 . 5100 Gallons ................................................. ..68 40 l 5200 Gallons ................................................. ..69 15 ' 5300 Gallons ................................................ ..69 89 5400 Gallons ................................................ ..70 63 5500 Gallons ................................................. ..71 36 5600 Gallons ................................................. ..,72 00 w‘? \/\ c” ,5 pL ATE /"\ (umm, (may OLD!“ _ . b____ K3’ ‘Jiiza FKM / QWUTE? i? qt, \/ AW: PLAT “Rm, ._/. r ,/ _¢ ///' // xf/ w /,/¢'/:,%/': / / /f/;////