BULLETINQJQQ; W A‘ A%&M.c:o|.; ARY Agricultural Secti0n—.\[,u%cn, Wow-Field (mops REPORTS OF CUOPERATING SIUUKDIEN AND FARM- ‘ ERS FROM 71 COUNTIES. ALFALFA. BEGGAR WEED. JAPAN CLGVER. cuw PEAs. MELILOTUS. RESCUE GRASS. CRIMSUN CLOVER. KAFFIR 001m. WHITE 01.0mm. FIELD 001m. VELVET BEAN. CHUFAS. POSTOFFICE: COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COLTNTY, TEXAS. AUSTIN. TEXAS: VON BOETKMANN, FCHUTZE s; c0., STATE CONTRACTORS. 1901. [43] f" 14‘ mm AUIUUUIJLUKAL EXPERIMENT WAGE FORAGE CROPS. TEXAS AGRITIULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ()l=’F=I(IZE5IQlE5. GOVERNING BOARD. (BOARD or DIRECTORS A. a M. COLLEGE.) M. SANSOM, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A1varado. F. A. REICHARDT . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Houston. P. H. TOBIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Denis0n. A. P. SMYTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mart. J 01m W. KOKERNOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio. JEFFERSON JOHNSON“ . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Austin. DR. A. C. OLIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D0ug1assvi11e. W. P. MALONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..San Marcos. STATION STAFF. THE PRESIDENT——TREASURER OF THE COLLEGE. J. H. CONNELL, M. S0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Direetor. H. H. HARRINGTON, M. So . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chemist. M. FRANCIS, D. V. M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Veterinarian. R. H. PRICE, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horticulturist and Mycologist. B. C. PITTUGK, B. S. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Agricu1turist. P. S. TILSON, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ass0ciate Chemist. W. C. MARTIN, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Chemist. E. A. WHITE, B. S . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant Ilorticulturist and Mycologist. J. W. CARSON, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Farm Superintendent. J. G. IIARRIsoN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Bookkeeper. SUPERINTENDENT OF BEEVILLE STATION. S. A. MOHENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Beevil1e, Bee County. NOTE.—The main station is located on the grounds of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, in Brazos County. The postofiice address is COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Reports are sent free of cost to farmers of the State upon application to the Director. [44] FORAGE CROPS. This report on the growth of forage crops, under the practical farm conditions existing in Texas, is published as a record of the successes and failures experienced by practical farmers in handling crops which have been new to them in many instances. The facts herein stated are impor- tant while many predictions that are made by the cooperative grower as to the success or failure of certain crops are printed without our specific endorsement, which must be withheld until such crops have actually failed or succeeded. The counties in which crops have been grown are given in connection with the postotlices, so that the climate and the soil may be better under- stood by the reader. The weather map of the State, showing the average distribution of the rainfall throughout Texas, is also supplied in order that the influence of moisture upon the success of the crop may be con- » sidered. We have been unable to supply those cooperating with us with a the rain gauges and thermometers necessary for an accurate record of . the weather conditions existing during the time these crops were grown, i but in many instances the correspondent describes the weather as accu- e rately as may be. We hope to improve upon this feature of the work in j the near future by supplying a number of weather recording instruments. TI-lE ADAPTABILITY OF CROPS TO SOILS. A; The normal distribution of our grasses, forage crops, and other field - products is an interesting study in itself. Just why a crop succeeds in ' one locality and fails in another will depend almost solely upon soil, Q temperature, and rainfall. Every plant has a restricted set of conditions j limiting its range and the possibility of its growth. Rainfall is a very f common con trolling factor; where it- occurs in abundance, the growth of such plants as Red clover, Crimson clover, and Indian corn is assured, t while, if we test these plants under dry or semi-arid conditions, they fail I because their constitutions demand a larger supply of water than is there < available. Therefore, no Red clover is grown in this country West of the one hundredth meridian, but Alfalfa takes its place because of its hardi- rness and drouth resisting qualities. ' An example of the influence of soil upon the distribution of crops is easily found in the case of Red clover being supplanted by the Cow pea {as the Southern, or Gulf States are approached because the physical and tchemical conditions of the soils of the Gulf States are but little suited to Red clover, which delights in porous, calcareous lands. Upon such soils, even in the Gulf States, it will thrive and has proven a profitable g crop in a few restricted localities. Some plants are fond of peculiar forms of plant food as, for example, Kentucky Blue grass thrives in all of its splendor upon the soils that have been formed from the Trenton lime stone. It delights in lime, phosphates, and good drainage, while l45l - 46 Alfalfa appears indifferent to lime and. largely careless of the phosphates. i i Its daily food is nitrogen and potash more largely than any other forms; Melilotus is a great lime “crank” and asks for little else under ordinary Weather conditions; it has been known to thrive upon the barest lime- stone rocks where its roots could penetrate through the crevices in the rock to the moisture found several feet below the surface. With the diversity of soil possessed by Texas and a range of climatic conditions that is most puzzling to the visitor in the State, the special adaptability of forage plants is a matter of constant interest. In one county a plant will thrive While in an adjoining section it has no prac- tical value; hence the experience of one grower often contradicts the careful observations of another and yet each may be correct so far as his limited observation extends. In the cooperative experiments that have been conducted throughout the State for several years, under the supervision of the Texas Experi- inent Station, it has been our intention to encourage the experimental growth of a number of crops that were thought to be but poorly suited to the soil and climate of our State. Under these circumstances it is not to be wondered at that some of the growers Who were unfamiliar with the crops in their charge have misunderstood the objects or purposes for which the seed were "planted. This seems to have been especially true of alfalfa. Instead of cutting the crop for hay when the plants were bloom- ing freely, some of our cooperators waited and allowed seed to form to judge of the seed making capacity of the plant which, without proper machinery for harvesting, was u-seless since the yield of seed could not be determined. Comparatively’ few farmers or stockmen raise alfalfa for seed but as a hay crop, which is very profitable where as much as one and one-half to three tons per acre can be grown annually. For years to come it will remain an excellent crop for sale upon our markets, since Texas now affords a large and excellent market for the alfalfa hay grow- ers of Colorado. Failures, as well as successes, are herein reported, believing that all of the matter presented has great practical value. In some instances the cause of the failure is obvious; in others, not so clear. One of the fre- quent causes leading to the failure of many experimental crops is found in the preconceived opinion of the grower who lacks faith in the possible adaptability of the crop to his soil. Under such conditions the grower does not study the peculiar needs and requirements of the crop under his care, which results in unintentional neglect at a critical moment in the life of the plant. This difficulty‘ can only be met by the development of a deeper interest in the success of the experimental crops in the care of the practical grower. All available literature bearing upon the crops in hand should be carefully studied and the facts so gained should be adapted, through the good judgment of the grower, to local conditions. As an instance of this (litiicultyr, we call attention to many reports received here of alfalfa crops “dying during August or September on account of the hot sun,” whereas, in most of these cases, no doubt, the crop had only reached its period of rest and was waiting for fall rains to put out a new crop of leaves, which would be more or less persistent throughout the entire winter season. If not grown under irrigation. alfalfa usually rests for four or eight weeks during the summer season because of dry, hot weather, though it may be stimulated to continued growth if kept constantly mowed or pruned back by stock grazing upon it. FORAGE CROPS. ' 47 RAIN (‘JHART FOR TEXAS. Average Annual Precipilatimz in Texas from Dznta Cuntained in Speflifll Bulletin N11- 5, T613618 $601117", ~ (‘I/inmfe and Crap Service, U. S. IVeather Blareazl, Galveston. 1895. ‘Hf Scale of Shades. Less than 10 inches. 10 t0 20 inches. 20 t0 30 inches. 30 t0 4O inches. More than 40 inches. IP10. 1. RAIN CHART 01v TEXAS. 48 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. PLAN OF THE REPORT. The names and address of cooperating stockmen and farmers are shown below and a map of Texas (on opposite page) with numbers shown corresponding to the name of th.e grower as shown in the list. , Each report is preceded by the map number of the grower, and the 4 location of the experiment is also indicated, whenever reported, by the i abbreviations used to indicate “Central Texas,” “North Texas,” “West i Texas,” etc. Guide,” and in many instances by many persons living in Texas. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF GROWERS. l-li-l F9S°F°IQPEUPPP°F°IP§°P L1 H . . Wright. Anson, Jones Co. . Frost, SanlAntonio, Bexar Co. . . Morris, San Antonio, Bexar Co. . . Priest, San Antonio. Bexar Co. . . Rileyf Gray, Falls Co. t. E. \ ood, Lexington, Lee O0. . . Torro, Lexington, Lee Co. . . Phillips. Terrell, Kaufman Co. . . Kirkpatrick, Marlin, Falls Co. PUZQOQFUTUIPUH qfi UHOWE ‘Jwqugoqr-HQQ . Ford, Hollis, Madison Co. . Chambers, May, Brown Co. L-QN-l n Co. . . Brooks, Bedias, Grimes Co. . . Giesecke. Columbia, Brazoria Co. . . Knox. Columbia, Brazoria Co. a g>mwew @w@”“Z@ . . Nelms, Rosebud. Falls Co. . . Foote. Cotton Gin, Freestone Co. E . . McGregor, Millican, Brazos Co. . . Brown, Runge, Karnes C0. . Taylor, Hunt, Hunt Co. . L. Spears, Alto, Cherokee Co. n . W. Kirby, Buttfield, Jefferson Co. . . Hill, Hill’s Prairie, Bastrop Co. . McFarland, Tyler, Smith Co. . . Warlick, Childress, Childress Co. . . Evershed, Henly. Hays Co. . . Vance, Waco, McLennan Co. . D. Miller, Brookshire, Waller Co. ' . M. Grantham, Dublin, Erath Co. . J. Rogers, Bowers, Polk Co. J. Jeannet, Sowers, Dallas Co. Thomas Gault, Genoa, Harris Co. G. W. Nelson, Prairy Dell, Bell Co. J. L. Pitts, Pasadina, Harris o0. A. L Shulz, Iowa Park, Wichita C0. John Crawford, Cameron, Milam Co. C. W. Baker, Red Hill, Cass Co. p W. H. Bowlby, Kemp, Kaufman Co. J. H. Burkett, Curtiss, Eastland Co. HfiQ3 3m: sz~Nmem>~@ J. B. Tanner, Hookerville, Burleson Co. Geo.W.l\lurray, BeaukissWilliamson Co. F. W. Bette, Marietta, Cass Co. Aupust Letz. Paige, Bastrop Co. W. C. Davis, Louise, Falls Co. . . Milner, Cade, Navarro Co. . '. Wilson, Sunnyside, Waller Co. . Locklan, San Gabriel, Milam Co. .Shumm, Temple, Bel] Co. are mUZ B1 z?‘ CD Q9 ba Co. ' . Kehl, Gonzales, Gonzales Co. . Betts, Marietta. Cass Co. . Vinson, Kosse, Limestone Co. . Stone, DeBerry, Panola (to. . T. Huntley, Vernon, Wilbarger Co. ob Davis, Ballinger, Runnels Co. F lfl "jé? S? HQT-‘HQE E . R. Taylor, Houston, Harris Co. . Katherine Hord, Dallas, Dallas Co. .Crockett,Junction City, Kendall Co. . Cox, Southerland Springs, William» ry Rhodes, Columbia, Brazoria Co..... .Voorhies, Rock Island, Colorado Co. .Hoard,China Springs,McLennanCo. . Johnson, Richland Springs, San . W. Wagner. Mt. Enterprise, Rusk Co. 60. 61. wwmmm ®®®m®®®QQHQQqflfl QqQmma@mmmmm F9??? @??WWF99@P??@?W WP¢?W?@?PWNF 1151 These terms are taken from the “U. S. Official Postal do not agree with the expressions as used R. M. Lesesne, Henrietta, Madison Co. T.OC. Lutterlock, Big Springs, Howard f o. I W. T. Burkhead, Big Springslloward C0.] J. J. Kelt, Rice, Navarro Co. W. G. McDaniel. McGregonMcLennan Co. _ F. A. Looney, Wharton, Wharton Co. Chas. Fordtran,FayettevilleFayette Co. N. P. Gregg, Nursery, Victoria Co. D. J. Thomas, Glidden, Colorado Co. Sam Moss, Devine, Medina Co. Chas. Hodge, Nelsonville, Austin Co; H. L. Griggs, Alvarado, Johnson Co. A. P. Wri ht, Mathis, San Patricio Co. ‘T0611’! A. E i . M. Glass, Post Oak, Jack Co. . L. Hutchins, Alvin, Brazoria Co. . L. Durham, Alvin, Brazoria Co. {NDSQE . J. Brown, Seale, Robertson Co. Ll Theo. Brasig, eters, Austin Co. M. A. Cauley, Moran, Shackelford Co. Herbert Taylor, Monaville, Waller Co. B. F. Parker, Content, Runnels Co. R. R. Crockett, Junction City, Kimble Co. F. L. Thomas. Goree, Knox Co. Arthur A. Beverly, Copperas Cove, Coryell Co. Gus Long. Eliasville. Young Co. A. A. Gibson, Centralia, Trinity Co. . A. Long, Davilla, Milam Co. D. E. McFadden. La Porte, Harris Co. . L. Rice, Floydada. Floyd Co. . W. Manning, Alief, Harris Co. . W. Murray, Alief, Harris Co. . M. Lessner. Hennessy. Madison Co. . R. Taylor, Houston, HarrisICo. . H. McLendon. Fate. Rockwall Co. . W. VanNess, Jines, Ochiltree Co. . C. Moore, Hulen, Galveston Co. . C. Moats, Hulen, Galveston Co. é E ewogmweeo Arthur W. Bennett, Corpus Christi. Nue- O ces Co. J. E. Jones. Lake Charlotte. Chambers Co. D. E. Easin. Garrett, Ellis Co. Parker, Jacksonville. Cherokee Co. J Browning, Seymour, Baylor Co. Kimble. Chilton. Falls Co. Seiger, Border, Colorado Co. Longley, Milano. Milam Co. Buell, Roanoke, Denton Co. Dixon, Roanoke, Denton Co. M. Chandler. Rodgers, Bell Co. Atkisson, Sodom, Hunt Co. r . o Wilbanks. Morales. Wilson Co. . Yeary, Farmersville, Collin Co. . Lampton, Couch, Karnes Co. Robertson, Smithville, Bastrop Co. gaacmmwmawm L. B. G. P. C. C. .F A. m B R E. um [The numbers in above list refer to corresp onding numbers on map] oung, Prairie Hill, Limestone O. , F. L. Martin, Chillicothe, Hardeman Co. , ohn Dierlam, Port Lavaca, Calhoun Co. i .G. Hood, China Springs, McLennan Co. 4 . J. Hawsber er, Pearland, Brazoria Co. FORAGE CRoPs. 49 1. ALFALFA. (MecZ/tcago sat/tea.) This plant is well distributed over all parts of the United States, with few exceptions, and has been under cultivation for several hundred years. The two varieties, the Common and the Turkestan (or Sand) Alfalfa, differ very little in appearance, but seed of the latter has given promise of greater drouth resisting qualities than the ordinary alfalfa possesses. If once sown upon suitable land, the crop grows from the old roots, year after year, producing a.n abundance of very fine hay at slight cost per acre. Its season of growth throughout this region is from September until July, during which time it yields a large amount of grazing and from one to four cuttings of hay. If planted in the fall, care must be taken to seed the crop so early that the young plants will be well estab- lished and toughened before the early frosts endanger their vitality. September and October are preferable for fall planting. Spring plant- ing is safer and is more generally practiced; February being selected or the first part of March in the more northern portion of Texas. The land should be well prepared and as free from weeds as pos- sible. On soils that run together easily, the seed may be only har- rowed in, but upon light, porous soils they may be covered to a depth of a two or three inches with safety. In very dry localities it is safest to I plant the seeds in drills one and one-half or two feet apart and cultivate “ the crop lightly during the first season. This often enables the crop to grow such a large tap root that it can supply the moisture demands of ,1 the plant during seasons of great drouth. Twenty pounds of seed per ' acre, sown broadcast, is an abundance where land is properly prepared; t, for rough land, sow more seed. Fluctuation in the price of seed show ‘ig that quotations range from six to twelve cents per pound. ' The crop can be used for pasture purposes and is especially prized in a ; certain sections for pork production—where the hogs are trained to graze § upon the crop throughout several months of the year. During the fall v season, fat hogs are sometimes marketed off of Alfalfa fields without the j use of additional grain. It is claimed that 1000 pounds of pork can be _ produced from each acre so grazed. Alfalfa is fast becoming a standard hay throughout the entire west and 1' southwest. It sells upon the local markets in Central, Southern, and ‘A Eastern Texas at from $10.00 to $14.00 per ton at nearly all seasons of w‘ the year. Its composition is practically the same as that 0f wheat bran. ‘All kinds of stock are fond of the hay and it is eaten with very slight waste. It has a very large amount of protein, which, together with its Thigh digestibility, enables it to be used as a substitute for grain to a large extent upon the stock farms of the State. During favorable sea- sons, between three and four tons per acre have been grown upon the jmore fertile soils of the State. ' i The lower Brazos valley, the fertile black lands of North Texas, and ‘certain other regions of smaller area have grown Alfalfa extensively dur- 50 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ALFALFA: ing the past six or eight years, finding a ready market for the hay and steadily increasing the States annual production of Alfalfa hay. The efforts to grow this crop, herein reported, make valuable contributions to our knowledge upon the adaptability of the crop to the several distinct soils of our State. All of the Alfalfa herein reported was seeded in the spring months, and in many cases it was planted too late for best results with only aver- age rainfall. In the latitude of Bexar and Brazoria counties the seed should be germinated not later than February and as we approach the latitude of Dallas and Fort Worth, March is the ideal season for plant- ing. Despite the late planting given many of the lots of seeds reported on above the Alfalfa is reported as generally successful. In passing upon the cmerits of Alfalfa, it should be borne in mind that the Work here reported is for the first year after spring seeding. Under such conditions we expect only light crops of hay as compared with the second and third yieafs growth under normal conditions. [The number appearing before each of the reports refers to the map number. page 48.] (l) J. T. YVRIGHT‘. Anson, Jones county (N. Tex.). Dark, very rich sandy soil, well drained, fine cotton land. Planted March 5 and April T; germinated March 15 and April l5; first blooms June 1O and August 10; quality good; quantity good and value good, especially for hog pasture. Season about an average. Rainfall above normal up to August 1, and below normal afterwards. The very high temperature of July and August seemed to wilt it very much; low temperature (20°) of March 23 killed most of March 5 planting. No insects and no fungous. Rabbits are our Worst enemies; almost impossible to raise Alfalfa without fencing' against the rabbits. (2) J. C. FROST. San Antonio, Bewar county (S. Tex.). The seed sent me was “dry land Alfalfa.” Planted in first Week of February, 1898. Could discover but few plants appearing, which we thought must be alfalfa. These from the continued dry weather soon disappeared. The land was a loose soil with considerable lime in it, and was probably not suited to the plant, and crop failed for lack of rain to start crop off. (2) _ R. E. MORRIS. San AiltOTbiO, Bewar county (S. Tex). lVell pulverized black mesquite (not waxy) soil, well drained, and well fer- tilized with vegetable matter. Previous crop sorghum. Planted April 4, 1898, and germinated April 7 (very late planting). Bloomed in July. Cut August 5, about eighteen inches high, and did not cut second time, as it did not grow high enough. Very good yield; quality fair. Value, I cannot say, for I let it remain standing until the seed ripened, consequently stock would not eat it~—not having had any Alfalfa to eat before. Season temperature far below normal; also rain- fall. I believe Alfalfa will do some good in this section without irrigation if we can bring it through the first summer alive. I noticed today that some of it is coming up again, notwithstanding the rabbits eat the stubble two inches under the ground. I saved some seed, and will sow again this spring. Will mix and sow with oats about first of February, so the dry, high winds will not dry the ground out before plants take root. (s) P. F. RILEY. ‘ Gray, Falls county (c. Tex.). The land selected was where a garden was planted last year, consequently it was fertile and in a fine state of cultivation. The land selected is a dark sandy, with red clay foundation six inches below. but of such a nature as to bake. The land was turned and thoroughly pulverized, and rows laid off eighteen inches apart and covered one and one-half inches deep. Planted on March 26; the seed ger1ni- nated six days later; blooms appeared first of June and about the first of August, FIG. 3. BRAYUS VALLEY ALFAI.F.~\. SHOWING CROP OF 18 DAYS CUTTING—APRIL 93. FIG. 4. GIANT BEGGAR \VI‘~ sun-A‘ FORAGE CRoPs. '79 RED KAFFIR CORN: (ll) J. E. COX. Southerland Springs, I/Vilson county (S. Tex.). Grown on black sandy mesquite land, rather drouthy, broke with eight-inch turning plow, running ten inches deep. Planted in drills three and one-half feet apart‘, six inches apart in the drill. Planted March 8, germinated to a good stand on the 14tl1, instant. Matured July 25. Yielded at the rate of twenty-five bush- els _per acre. Quality good and value estimated at seventy-five cents per bushel. _ The season was about normal. The red and black weevils are very destructive to Kafiii" corn in this climate. (46) J. M. MILLNER. (Jade, Navarro county (N. E. Tex.). Grown on land previously cropped with oats. Soil broken with eight-inch turning plow, running four inches deep, harrowed and bedded at once, drainage good. Planted April 14, germinated April 24. Did not mature will on account of drouth in July. Yield good, considering drouth. Allow me to say that I prefer Red Kaflii" corn to the White. Rainfall was rather heavy during the early part of the season. ~ (63) W. G. MCDANIEL. McGregor, lllcliertnait county (C. TeX.) . V, Soil was in fine tilth; drainage good, and previously cropped in cotton. , Planted March 9, germinated March 19, matured late. Kafiir corn was very , promising until it was nearly ripe, when it seemed to blight. I think if the corn can be kept from blighting it is a good crop, especially if a person has a machine for cutting—then the cost of gathering would be small. (5) O. C. PHILLIPS. Terrell, Ifaufvnan county (N. E. Tex.). . Kaffir corn planted April 8, germinated April 12, matured July 25. Thinned ' to one or two stalks every eighteen inches. Each stalk matured a good head. : After cutting the first heads, it suckered a number of small heads, but the chinch- q bugs reduced these heads. Will plant this crop another year. ‘ ; (64) F. A. LOONEY. Wharton, Wharton county (S. E. Tex.). ' Soil in good condition, well cultivated, good drainage, previously cropped in ‘ cotton, manured the soil which is as good in production as any in the county. Planted February 8, matured late. First blooms about May 1, last blooms June ' 12; yield splendid, quality very good and abundant quantity. I fed it all as a green forage. I believe that it would yield profitably in this county. (65) CHARLES FORDTRAN. Fayetteoille, Fayette county (C. Tex.). . Land broken up in the fall; pulverized with disc harrow and laid ofl‘ into beds 5 with middle breaker. Soil loose black, well drained and very fertile. Previous .» crop cotton. Planted April 1; germinated April 12; first tassel noted in July; . last in October—~did not yield one seed. Season was dry. I attribute the non- _ production of seed to the hot dry weather, accompanied by high winds and insects. ; There seemed to be a sweet sticky substance to attract the insects. Sorghum also ' failed to produce seed here this year, though did not have as many insects on 1 the heads. About the 15 of July we had a good rain; it put out new shoots and f would have made seeds if We had had another rain, which has not fallen up to L this date. A heavy frost fell on the night of October 20. The stalks seemed (to be very short—-none of them over four and one-half feet. (45) W. C. DAVIS. Louise, Falls county (C. Tex.). ' , Planted on black waxy soil with good drainage; previously "cropped with sorghum. Planted April 18, germinated April 25; matured about September 1; (yield good; early season was wet; late season very dry. Average temperature very high for this country. € (4) ROBERT E. WOOD. Lexington, Lee county (C. Tex.) . Planted on land previously cropped in cotton; good fertility; yielded about ne-half bale per acre. Planted March 14, germinated March 11. First blooms wppeared about May T. Yield very poor, blasted like all sorghum; covered with 'nsects. Season above normal for the first four months, then below normal; an ,yxcess of rainfall: temperature very high; a little white louse covered the seed l eads. (I 80 ~TnxAs AGIHOULTUR-AL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. RED KAFFIR CORN: (6) J. A. KlRKPiltTRlCK. Marlin, Falls county (C. Tex.). The land in this test was not cultivated last year. 1 put the land in good condition before planting. Light, sandy postoak land, high and rolling. Planted -' about the first of April and yield was very good, though I did not measure it. (66) N. P. GREGG. Alursergh Victoria county (C. Tex.). Planted Kaflir corn-May 1; almost a complete failure. (67) D. J. THOMAS. Gliddin, Colorado county (S. E. Tex.). On March 1, 1898, Kafiir corn was broadcasted and afterwards bedded into rows l three feet apart. The rows were drained to the south-—running north and south. P 1 planted millet on the same land last year which yielded abundantly; owing o to the drouth the yield was not what it otherwise would have been. The birds 1 destroyed them as fast as they ripened, hence I failed to save more than a quart oi‘ seed. (£38) SAM ROSS. Devinc, Medina county (S. Tex.). Kaif-r corn was planted on a loose soil, very moist, drainage good. Planted on March 2 and germinated on March 9; bloomed June 23 and matured about July ‘v 18. The yield was very fine and consisted of three crops. The corn was the. y, finest I ever saw a11d the harvest very large——two to three heads to one stalk. a Doves and ants were injurious. (69) CHARLES HODGE. Nelsonville, Austin county (S. E. Tex.). ’ Soil was in good condition when planted; a fertile black prairie land; good; previously cropped in cotton; planted March 9; germinated March 24; bloomed V about first of Jnue; yield good; corn stalks five to six feet high; tender and J brittle. (70) H. L. GRIGGS. Alvarado, Johnson county (N. Tex.). Land was previously cropped in oats; was broken in the summer and again in the fall and was in fine condition when planted; black waxy, underlaid with gravel which will make sixty bushels oats per acre nearly every year. Kaffir corn grew about seven feet high; made one large, well matured head on each stalk, .4 . smaller heads blasted. (71) A. P. WRIGHT. zllathis, San Patricio county (S. Tex.). Land had been plowed in the fall; no winter rains; light loam Nueces Valley, subsoil same as surface. The only rain suflicient to start crops was on January 12. Planted March l0 and germinated March 17. I lost this crop by a horse getting into it and eating it do\vn. It was very promising. 1 raised an acre in g 1897 which was very fine and conclude generally that it is a success here. (72) JOHN A. YOUNG. Prairie Hill, Limestone county (C. Tex.). Gravelly black soil; well drained to the south and east; previously used as In garden spot; soil medium. Planted. February 27 in rows four feet apart and eighteen inches in the drill. 1t all germinated by March 10; matured July l; began to head May 7; suffered from both cold and drouth. Yielded about forty bushels per acre. Quality good; the season was very unfavorable. (35) J. L. PITTS. Pasadinta, Harr~is county (S. E. Tex.). The soil was in fine condition, black waxy with a slight trace of sand; pre- vious crop sorghum. Planted Kaffir corn March 22, germinated April 4; grew five feet high; yielded a good crop of fodder of fine quality. This land will yield about one bale of cotton per acre under favorable conditions. (73) F. L. MARTIN. (Jhillicothe, HG/TdGHLCHL county (N. Tex.). Grown on a red sandy loam near valley and Wanderers creek, which is a L typical wheat land, with a Panhandle loam from six to eight inches deep, under- laid With a compact clay which is almost impervious to water. Land was culti- vated in wheat last year; broke eight to nine inches deep in June; pulverized Former: CRoPs. . 81 RED KAFFIR CORN: with drag harrow and was loose and treated with good supply of manure when planted in Katfir corn. Planted April 13 in rows three and one-half feet wide and eighteen inches in the drill. Germinated April 20; first blooms about July 5. The heads matured well but were rather small compared to the Kafiir corn grown here for the last few years; quality fine; inclined to sucker and suckers made very little corn on account of drouth; cut with a McCormick harvester; estimated yield about two tons per acre; value in thismarket from three to five dollars per ton. During growing season we had less rain than usual; it only rained on May 2, and a week’s rain during early part of June, and no other until crop was harvested. Crop suffered from drouth after blooms. The cold nights in April and May served to retard growth; hot winds in June and July had bad effects, although affected less than sorghum or other field crops. The chinchbugs injured it some during the hot days. (74) H. M. GLASS. ‘ Post Oak, Jack county (N. Tex.). Broke with turning plow in the winter and harrowed until pulverized; has good drainage and was planted in corn during previous year. It is a light sandy 10am of medium fertility; planted April 8 and germinated April 16; yielded about fifteen pounds of seed. Did not get a good stand. Cultivated three times with a cultivator. Like it very much and will plant again next year. (75) E. L. HUTCHINS. Alvin, Brazoria county (S. E. Tex.). Planted on a black sandy soil of moderate fertility, and fertilized with barn- yard manure. Planted April 8 and germinated April 13. The yield was enormous and of first-class quality. (76) JOHN DIERMAN. Port Lavaca, Calhoun county (S. TeX.). Land was well broken prairie sod; broken last year and planted in cotton; well drained; rather dry when planted, about April 27; germinated about ten days later. Headed out during first of August, but no seeds matured. During Sep- tember it put out more side heads but did not mature a seed. Season about normal. I found upon close examination a la1'ge brown bug with a very disagree- able odor was sucking the seeds while in the milky stage, which was, I suppose, the cause of the first crop not maturing, although I found no bugs on them. I think if the bugs had not destroyed the heads I would have had quite a lot of seed from the number of heads put out. I will try it again another year as I consider it a valuable food for poultry. (77) G. G. HOOD. China Springs, McLcnnan county (O. Tex.). _ Kaffir corn was planted on the same ground and by the side of alfalfa; planted " on March 9; germinated March 13; seed had germinated and sprouted in four days and by the 19th was nearly all up. Had been very warm from time of planting until Nlareh 20, when a very cold norther set in, freezing on the night of the 20th and killing it all down to the ground. Some died out—probably g one-tenth. Took it some time to start to growing again. The first blooms about f the 23rd of June; last about July 6; harvested on the 8th day of August. I ~ gathered 175 heads and threshed out twenty~seven and one-half pounds; for forage it is valued at about six dollars per ton here. The season was below normal, ' rainfall below normal. The Kafiir corn was very lousy with something like the t cotton louse covering the heads. There was more or less blight 011 the first heads. _ I think it was caused by the continued dry and cold weather during April and . May. I think four and one-half feet would be full height of highest stalk. Our ,_ highest corn here this year was not over five and one-half feet high. (46) J. N. MILLER. Broolcshi-re, l/Vallew" county (S. E. Tex.). b The condition of the soil was good at time of planting. Light sandy land, easy ' to pack at time of planting. Planted in beds about twelve by fifteen feet, ditches on every side; well drained and fertilized with nearly fresh manure. Good piece ‘ of land. Was second year’s raw prairie land, and clay is from one foot to jfeighteen inches below the surface. Planted March 10, germinated March 17; zmaturity was very poor; seemed to blast all the blooms; a few heads blooming ilatei“ matured very well. The suckers or sprouting crop did not mature. The 82 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. RED KAFFIR CORN: quality of those that did mature did well—-developing heads about ten inches long. The season here in this immediate vicinity was unsatisfactory, so much so that the watermelon crop was late, blasting the vines in April when they had to plant over——throwing the crop so late that the market was glutted and they are hardly able to pay the freight. The rain during the entire growing season was light. Showers were not very frequent and it was the longest and hottest summer I have ever witnessed in many years——about ninety degrees for about seven hours a day, which, of course, had bad effects on all such plants and nothing seemed to flourish but cotton. (78) A. J. BROWN. » Scale, Robertson county (C. Tex.). Land was in good shape, and a good rich soil with good drainage. Planted May 20 and bloomed about August 1; yielded a good crop of medium quality, value medium. (l9) L. F. BROWN. Runge, Karnes county (S. Tex.). Black sandy soil, rich but drouthy; previous crop cotton. Planted March l, germinated March 10; first blooms appeared about middle of June; last blooms about middle of July; yield good. Stayed green untilthe latter part of Septem~ ber; I consider it a very valuable stock feed andpstands the drouth well. Season, as compared with normal, very wet until the 10th of June; no rain since except a few late showers. I cut it green and fed it to horses, which seemed to relish it very much. Several heads seemed to blast; the birds were a great pest. Yielded Well, stands drouth well, good forage plant; will plant it again. (20) J. W. TAYLOR. Hunt, Hunt county (N. E. Tex.). Kaflir corn made a good yield of fine quality. ' (48) W. H. LOCKLAN. Sun Gabriel, Zliilam county (C. Tex.). Condition of soil, good; pulverized fine; black loam; drained; yield perfect; previously cropped with cotton for some years, with good yield; a very fertile soil; planted April 8; germinated April 15; matured early; yield good; quality good; season about normal; rainfall about normal as to inches throughout the season, but not so well distributed. I am sure we will be pleased with this forage plant. ' (2) R. E. MORRIS. A San Antonio, Beacon" county (S. Tex.). Soil was finely pulverized with good season in it; black mesquite land (not waxy) ; well drained; previous crop was sorghum; well fertilized with vegetable matter. Planted March l, did not mature a seed; rainfall was not sufficient for sorghum to mature seed. Kafiir corn did not stand the dry weather as well as sorghum, although light and of poor quality. It made very fair fodder; the corn made a very fair stalk—about five feet high—but did not mature seed; there seemed to be an insect which killed the seed while in the bloom. Cut it in July. (79) J. J. HAWSBERGER. Pearland, Brazoria county (S. E. Tex.). Soil in good condition; plowed deep and well harrowed; well drained; land previously cropped in cotton; soil fertile; black sandy; I used some fertilizers in hills; planted March l7; germinated March 28; matured about August 15; yield small and not as good as the sorghum or the large African millet. (59) E. R. TAYLOR. Houston, Harris county (S. E. Tex.). Good soil, black loam; previously used as garden. It was planted five or six days; cut in about eight weeks; yielded very well; quality good. (80) TIIEO. BRASSIG. Peters, Austin county (S. E. Tex.). Planted on a good, well fertilized, light sandy land with clay foundation; planted April 2; germinated April 6. This corn may be all right if a man can plant as much as twenty or twenty-five acres, but if you plant much less than this the birds will get all of it as they have done mine. I did not get the seed back. 1t grew rapid with cultivation, but in my opinion it is no good this far south. FORAGE CnoPs. » 83 L RED KAFFIR CORN: . .. (81) M. A. CAULEY. lllorau, Shaclc-elford county (N. Tex.). ' Soil a sandy loam with clay subsoil. Land with favorable seasons will make 5 from thirty to forty bushels per acre. Soil before planting was finely pulverized - and warm—a good deep season and subsoil is dry as deep as a year’s drouth ~ could make it. Planted March 7; I can only approximate yield, as I have not ~ threshed the heads, but, considering the season, it was satisfactory. Spring sea- son late and the summer unusually warm, unfavorable t0 plant growth except § top season, not having rain enough at any time to wet the ground. Usually we have heavy rains in May and June, but July and August are usually dry. Growth {W38 retarded in the spring by a frost chilling the ground about the time of __ germination. (2) S. T. PRIEST. Sun .4utonlo, Bewcm‘ county (S. Tex.) . y Sandy land; drainage good; previous crop cotton; land will yield about six jhundred pounds cotton per acre. Planted March 5; germinated March 9; first ;blooms about June 14; yield and quality good; quantity good; second crop blighted. t (50) E. L. SCHUMM. Temple, Bell county (C. Tex.) . I On a black land broken in the fall and harrowed twice in the spring and lplanted April 1; germinated April 9; cut the heads on August 1; yielded a good (crop of very good and large grains; a few heads did not get seeded, could not “find out the trouble; second crop was killed by frost in October. Aim to plant every seed I saved, as I consider it a fine forage crop. (82) HERBERT TAYLOR. _ M onamlle, Waller county (S. E. Tex.). I‘ The soil had been well worked but not fertilized. The ground has a gradual [slope from north to south—artifi.cial drainage not necessary. Previous crop cot- Iton and made three-quarters of a bale per acre. The soil is a prairie loam soil. Planted March 17; germinated March 26, yielded a fine large stalk, but no seed; (one large rain from time of planting untiltime of blooming. It turned ofi‘ too dry. Heavy continued rains still kept up which “'21s injurious to its growth. . 84 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 11. FIELD CORN. (Zea Mays.) In selecting from the many varieties of corn that are now available, the grower is often perplexed in his effort to secure a distinctive variety * superior t0 the sort grown in his community. Many of the reports of the success, or failure, of varieties contain little instruction for him because y.’ his lan.d and his rainfall are materially different from that upon Which the other crop was grown. Through the work herein reported and that already printed in the publications of this Station, a systematic classifi- cation of varieties adapted to the various localities and soils of the State has been suggested. The selection of early maturing varieties, to avoid the bad eliects of the dry Weather of June, is now quite familiar to our farmers, but they have not yet fully appreciated the necessity of studying the character- fl» istics of the varieties offered that adapt them to his uses from the stand- point of (a) stock feeding; (b) a meal making» corn; and (c) the weevil proof varieties. The “weevil proof” varieties are not corns that are absolutely resistant to the attack of weevil, but by this expression is meant those varieties that have a long shuck that grows early entirely over the end of the ear and largely protects the ‘variety against the deposit of the weevil’s egg, while the corn -is in the field. Throughout a large portion of this and adjoining States the corn, or grain, weevil, is an important factor. In many instances the greater part of the crop has been known to have been v destroyed in the field before being gathered. One of the ditficulties in assuring ourselves that a certain variety will always protect its grain thoroughly from an excessive shuck growth is due to the fact that with changing rainfall conditions the length and amount of shuck will vary so that a variety that will protect itself in this manner in East Texas will fail to do so when carried west of that rainfall belt. This is a mat- ter upon which we have no satisfactory experimental information that bears upon all of the common varieties in use in the State, and needs further investigation. Many persons assume that the yellow corns are superior to the whites for stock feeding purposes because “richer” in some material. Careful investigation in this matter has shown that there is no material difference _ . in varieties due to color; therefore, in selecting corns, we should pay little attention to the color as indicative of its food value, while, for bread making purposes, this will of course materially influence the selec- tion. On the other hand, the flint varieties of corn are often so hard that they are not well masticated by work stock and a considerable loss results because the whole grains eaten are not digested. The varieties of corn are classified by Sturdevant into I. The Pod Corns, Zea tuncita. II. The Pop Corns, Zea everata. III. The Flint Corns, Zea indurata. Former: Canes. 85 FIELD CORN: 1V. The Dent Corns, Zea mdentrttci. V. The Soft Corns, Zea anzylaceat. VI. The Sweet Corns, Zea sacchairata. This classification is based on differences in the shape of grain and the ear. The “flint” corns are composed of thick “corneous” growth, cover- ing the crown of grain and the starchy portions, while the “dents” pos- sess an excess of the starchy matter and less of the transparent fiinty covering. The shrinkage of the starch portion at maturity causes the “dents” to wrinkle at the crown of the grain and hence the name assigned them. The “shoe-peg” and “gourd-seed” fall in this group. These sev- eral classes of corn are found distributed over a Wide range of latitude in the Americas almost regardless of the groups into which they have been classified. [The number appearing before each report refers to the map number, page 48.] (a)—1\lOSBY’S PROLIFIC. (107) L. C. MOATS. Hulen, Galveston county (S. E. Tex.). Soil was in good condition; first crop; la11d had been broken two years before; plowed twice; drainage good; fertilized with barnyard manure. Planted March l9; germinated March 29; matured June 20. One row one hundred yards long made fifteen pounds of good corn. (68) SAM MOSS. Deuine, Medina county (S. TeX.). Soil \vas in good condition at planting time and very fertile; drainage good; previous crops were all good. Planted March 3; germinated March 8 to 10, bloomed May 20, corn grown June 2]., matured July 10. The yield was good and quality best I have ever planted——two good ears to each stalk. Season below normal, rainfall was short and below normal. Spring was cold and wet, summer hot and dry. Budworms were numerous and did much damage. I think I will adopt this corn for my general planting as I think it is a hardy and quiek-1natur- ing variety. Mosby’s Prolific corn was the best corn you sent me. (108) A. M. HILL. Hill, Bastrop county (C. Tex.). Soil was in good condition; previous crop onions; well manured. “las planted March 8, germinated March 17. This corn did well here but ears are small com- pared to our common field corn. Only a few stalks matured two ears. Season here some better than i1sual—more rain during summer than usual. (45) W. E. DEVUNE. Louise, Falls county (C. Tex.). Planted on black ucaxy soil; physical characteristics good; previous crop sor- ghum; drainage good; planted April 18; germinated April 28; matured about it June 15; yielded at the rate of twenty bushels per acre; valued at about forty cents per bushel; this is a good corn for this country. (4) C. J. TORRO. Lexington, Lee county (C. Tex.). The soil was in good condition; broken broadcast about seven inches deep; the 1 soil is a deep sand with a clay subsoil, well drained; previously cropped with melons; about eight tons per acre of cow lot manure was used on this ground last season; planted March 17; germinated March 23; was in good roasting ear ¢ June 28; the yield was good, the ears averaged about eight inches long, while some were eleven inches long, but they were not well filled out; stalks averaged a about seven and one-half feet high; had only one ear to the stalk-—so1netimes two j were found, but one usually proved to be a nubbin. I do not know how much the yield would be; value about like common corn. 86 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Siivrioys. FIELD CORN: (5) O. C. PHILLIPS. ’_l'ei"rell, Kaufman county (N. E. Text). Soil is what is commonly known as rawhide in this locality, with sufficient lime in it t0 cause it to crack; cropped in cotton two years previously; this is the third crop since put in cultivation. Soil is dark, subsoil; some of this has Inade one-third of a bale of cotton this season per acre, and promise much better the coming season; land was broken here in March; harrowed twice and laid off three and 0ne—half feet With sweep and planted between sweep furrows; opened drill with six-inch shovel and covered with harrow. Planted April 8th; germi- nated .18th to 20th; June 20 was in full tassel; July 7 was in full silk; matured August 5; yielded at the rate of thirty bushels per acre; quality fair to good; value about twenty-five cents per bushel; the ground was in a good state of culti- vation and moisture was sufiicient when planted; CUllLlViLtlOII was regular, say every ten or twelve days unless rain prevented and as soon after the rain as the ground would admit plowing. Mosby’s Prolific grew very high stalks and most of the stalks put out shoots, but very few matured two ears. (63) EUGENE MCDANIEL. lllcGregoi", McLennan county (C. Tex.). Soil was very deep, but had been broken early last fall, drainage good; pre- viously cropped in cotton. Planted March 9, germinated hlarch 1U; yielded about twenty-five bushels per acre. I am satisfied that it would have made a large yield if the planting had been made earlier; however, I do not thinlo it superior to the conwnon. rarieties g/row/n in this section. (83) B. F. PARKER. Content, Runnells county (C. Tex.) . Mosby’s Prolific corn produced very poorly, planted on the same soil and at the same time as other corn; it made nothing but nubbiizs,‘ had a very tall stalk. (7) MRS. CATHERINE HORD. Dallas, Dallas county (N. E. Tex.) . Good grarden soil, lime rock, planted March 25, germinated fifteen days later; grew very fine stalks, averaging twelve feet; had long cobs, but only a few of them had a dozen grains on the cob. (109) E. C. BUELL. Roanoke, Denton county (N. Tex.) . The soil had been winter plowed and was mellow and in good tilth; it is black land, slopes to the east; previously cropped in cotton; an extra rich land. The spring was very dry;_ planted March 17, germinated March 27 to a very uneven stand. The pollen was falling the last days of June. I do not think it will prove a good variety for this section owing to its late maturity, and the ears did not fill out well. (12) n. P. BROOK. Bedias, (trim-es county (E. Tex.). I am very favorably impressed with the appearance of the few stalks of Mos- by’s Prolific planted on my place; however, there was not enough to determine the yield. (11) ']-I.EI COX. Southerland Springs, ltVilson county (S. Tex.). Black sandy soil, broken broadcast ten inches deep; planted in drills four feet apart and two feet in the drill. Planted March 8, germinated to good stand. lifatured August 10, yielded about twenty bushels per acre; season not as good as normal; rainfall above normal; high winds almost destroyed corn in the fall—— about the first of October. (13) T. D. GIESECKE. (folumbia, Brazoriaycounty (S. E. Tex.). Mosby’s Prolific was planted on land that has yielded thirty bushels of corn per acre; black sandy with slant to land; plowed deep and well drained and is extra fertile. Planted April 7, germinated April 15; very good yield. (108) A. P. IJONGLEY. Milano, lllilam county (S. Tex.). Sandy loam soil; had been in cotton previous year; Well fertilized. Planted March l6, germinated March 23; most of it was killed by a cold rain while in the ground. . FORAGE (Jnors. 87 FIELD CORN: (110) DR. F. X1. CHANDLER. Rodgers, Bell county (C. Tex.). Previous crop cotton; dark, Little river bottom land, sandy soil; planted the corn in January, but only a little of it came up; replanted in March and on the 18th of same month planted 180 grains in ninety hills two feetapart in three and one-halffoot rows and covered grains two or three inches deep with Well pulver- ized dirt; after this planting twelve additional stalks came up and matured ears of medium size. A heavy wind passed over my place in Jilly, blowing the corn down and several ears were blown off so I only gathered eight ears. Gathered 00m 1'12 October and every ear mas badly deranged by Wee Vi]. Quality Was only medium; quantity was reduced by storm; oalue less than my regular field corn. My large white corn that my renters grow on my place is far superior to it in quantity and value and fully as fine in quality. ‘ (86) ARTHUR W. BEVERLY. Crapperas Cove, Coryell county (C. Tex.) . Soilin good condition previous to planting; good drainage; previously cropped in oats; black waxy soil; planted February 8, germinated February 18; matured September 1. Yield about twenty-five bushels per acre; value about twenty cents per bushel. (4.) R. P. SELNIAN. ' Lexington, Lee county (C. Tex.). Soil in fine shape; red prairie; good drainage; previously croppedin Irish potatoes. Corn was planted April 1, matured a little later than ou-r native field corn; value was good, quality and quantity fair. (111) F. A. ATKISSON. Sodom, Hunt county (N. E. Tex.). Condition of soil previous to planting was very good; loose black land; good drainage; previously cropped in cotton; planted March 1, germinated March 5, matured first of August; bloomed last of June and first of July; yield very good. Every stalk had two large ears on it. The stalks were large, well rooted. and ears were well grained and are in a close shuck. Yield at the rate of forty bushels per acre. 1 think this variety of corn is well worth a trial on any man’s farm. I will plant as much as I can itext yea/r. (72) JOHN A. YOUNG. Prairie Hill, Limestone county (C. Tex.) . Black gravely soil, previously cultivated in potatoes; in good condition; well drained; corn planted in rows four feet apart, two feet in the drill; soil medium; planted February 26, germinated March 11; tasseled March 10, matured June 1. Yielded about thirty-five bushels per acre; quality good; value nine dollars. Mosby’s early corn suffered in common with all other varieties from cold and drouth. (1112) TOM WILBANKS. Morales, (Wilson county (C. Tex.) . Land in good state of cultivation; sandy land; good drainage; previously crop- ped in cotton; good fertility; planted March 6, germinated March 15; matured late; yield good; quality g"ood—about twenty-five bushels per acre; value of corn at present thirty cents. (113) W’. B. YEARY. Farrncrsrille, Collin, county (N. E. Tex.). Soil rich loam; previously cropped in pumpkins; planted March 16, germinated March 25; matured about August 1. Each stall; made one good ear of heavy corn; very few had more than one ear. ‘ (114) J. L. DURHAM. Alvin, Bruzoria county (S. E. TeX.) . Good sandy land in goodstate of cultivation; previously cropped in cabbage; well drained: fertilized with barnyard manure. Planted March 15, germinated April 1. Yield thirty bushels per acre; good quality. Corn is worth here about forty cents per bushel. This is a good corn for this coitntry. (79) JOHN DRUTH. ' Pearland, Braeoria county (S. E. Text). Dark sandy land; previously cropped in sweet potatoes; drainage good; planted April l5, germinated April 25. Corn was ripe in August; however, all of the corn 88 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. FIELD CORN: did not mature on account of the wet weather, and that which did mature, matured one ear to each stalk——from ten to twelve inches long. I believe this corn is a good producer for this climate and soil. I have thirty ears saved that hav-e no weevils or fungus on it and I will plant this next year. I would recom- mend this corn and believe that it will make a success in this part of the country. (35) J. L. PITTS. Pasadena, Harris county (S. E. Tex). Soil was in fair condition; drainage good; previously cropped in sorghum. This land would make about one bale of cotton per acre under favorable cir- cumstances. Planted March l8, germinated March 26, matured August 6. Yield very light; quality poor; the worms damaged the ears badly; poor stand. (18) C. B. MGG-REG-OR. Zl/lillican, Brazos county (C. Tex.). Land well broken five inches deep in January. In January laid off in six foot rows and bedded them with disc, leaving each bed in good condition. Good black land of second year’s working"; well drained; planted March 21, germinated to a good stand in ten days; matured late; very good yielder; every stalk eighteen inches in drill; had a good ear, averaging fivc inches in length; some few had considerable nubbins. (114) E. L. HUTCHINS. Alvin, Brazoria county (S. E. Tex.). Soil was black sandy; fertility medium and in good condition. Planted March 14, germinated March 20. The yield was very g0od——about twenty-five bushels per acre; quality first class. (20) J. W. TAYLOR. Hunt, Hunt county (N. E. Tex.). All varieties of corn planted on sa-me plot of ground; quality good, but small yield as only a few of the seed came up. (48) W. H. LOCKLAN. i San Gabrael, Milam county (C. Tex.). Land mellow and in good condition; black loam soil; well drained; previous crop cotton; planted ‘March 10, germinated March 17 and matured the last of July. Yield was good, but cannot estimate the quantity per acre; quality good. I am well pleased with this corn. It matures well, yields well and is a fine corn for this climate and in this soil. (82) HERBERT TAYLOR. fllonaoille, Waller county (S. E. Tex.). Land well worked and in good condition; just before planting well broke and fertilized. Planted March 11, germinated March 18, tasseled May 18, silked May 28, matured June 15. Made very good yield. (70) J. J. JAMES. Alvarado, Johnson county (N. Tex.) . Good black land; soil well prepared, and in fairly good condition; previously cropped in cabbage. Planted April 9, germinated April l7; shuek was dry June 28; tasseling and silking June 1. Yield at the rate of forty-eight bushels per acre; quality good; eighty picked ears made a bushel. The amount of seed was so small that many of the stalks were a blank, otherwise the yield would have been better——perhaps twenty per cent. better. Mosby’s Prolific corn is a good corn, making a larger ear and has a longer grain than the Iowa Silver Mine. 1t is also a softer corn than the Iowa Silver Mine, therefore, preferable as a stock feed. (80) THEO. BRASIG. Peters, Austin county (S. E. Tex.). Planted March T on good land, which had been in cotton during previous year; broken broadcast, then listed; germinated March 23; matured about July 30; yield sixty bushels per acre. This corn is much better than Adams’ Early corn. The ears were well developed and also well closed, which gave the birds and insects no chance to ruin same. (81) M. A. CAULEY. J1 oran, Shaclcelford county (N. Tex.). Soil a light sandy loam ten or fifteen inches deep, with red clay subsoil; pul- FORAGE CRoPs. _ 89 " -- FIELD CORN: verized and loose; subsoil had been dry several months. Planted March 7, ger- minated March l7. It did not reach maturity as a very severe drouth prevailed during its growth. I think this crop will do well here in ordinary seasons. I gave it careful cultivation as an unfavorable season would permit—plo\ving it . and keeping down the grass and weeds—but we had no rains during the season ‘ . and ‘the farmers were unfortunate. (109) H. C. DIXON. Roanoke, Dcnton county (N. Tex.). Condition of land was not good as the land was not broken until early spring; reasonably fertile; a close compact mixture 0f sand, etc.; well drained; previ- ously cropped in cotton. Planted March 18, germinated March 27; bloomed, matured and g-athered exactly with our native corn. Has a long ear, but the corn was shriveled and shrunken on the cob. (21) G. W. L. SPEARS. Alto, Cherokee county (E. Tex.). Land in good state of cultivation; last year cropped in watermelons; character of soil gray sand; Well drained; planted March 20, germinated March 31. . Matured some earlier than our native varieties; quality good. The ears filled out _. to the ends and some of the stalks had two ears. You can recommend this corn f to farmers as being one of the very best to plant for general purpose corn, it being 1 a pure white and making an extra fine bread. (22) JOHN W. KIRBY. Butt/told, Jeficrsort county (S. E. Tex.). Corn planted May 1, germinated May 6, matured about August 1; yield one to . two good ears to each stalk; quality good. I think this is a good variety of corn 3 for this locality. _'(__,. . ' )(5l) P. M. JOHNSON. Richland Springs, San Saba county (C. Tex.) Ground dry, no rain since February 9; fertile black sandy soil; well drained; (planted March 18, germinated March 29. Averaged one small ear to each stalk. . WherfI came to gather it I found nothing but cobs left. f, (59) E. R. TAYLOR. Houston, Harris county (S. E. Tex.) . Soil in fine condition previous to planting;_previously used as a cow lot. I Planted first of April, germinated to a good stand; yielded Well; good fine ears ' and fine season. - i (10) J. E. CHAMBERS. May, Brown county (C. Tex.) . ‘- Soil on which I planted corn was sandy with clay subsoil; had no crop the "revious year; broken in February and was in fair condition. There has never alien any fertilizer put on the land since it was cleared; drainage perfect; planted arch 13, germinated March. 20; first blooms on June 15; fully matured by ugust; had a frost March 22 and 23 which injured the corn badly, but it lived nd did well; it made a good size stalk and one good ear to a stalk, and if there _d been a good stand would have made thirty-five or forty bushels per acre; the uality was good. 97) C. W. VAN NESS. Jines, Ochiltrec county (N. W. Tex.) . ' Soil in poor condition, having run idle for several years and being very dry; e land is dark sandy soil; well drained with sufiicient moisture; very fertile; planted April 17, germinated May 2. First blooms July 16. Hot winds during fitter part of July which fired the corn. I did not get but very little from the ianting; yield about three bushels; of a poor quality; no material value. I sent and bought some seed of the variety called Prehistoric, which proved a valu- i» variety for this country, standing the drouth and hot winds very well. 9) CHARLES HODGE. Alelsonvillc, Austin county (S. E. Tex.) . Soil in good condition when planted; prairie land, light sandy soil; previously pped in sorghum; land not very fertile. Planted March 9, germinated March ; matured about the latter part of July; ears not very large. I have made a (If-bushel from the seed you sent; quality very good. I believe it will require ter land. 90 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. FIELD CORN: (b) ——ADAMS’ EARLY CORN. (68) SAM MOSS. Devine, rlledina county (S. Tex.).‘ The soil was in very good condition, loose and moist and well drained; sandy hillside and very fertile; the previous crop being very good. Planted March 3,- gernrinated March 8, bloomed April 13 and roasting ears May 31. The yield wast very good and quality extra fine, about one good ear and one small one to each stalk; very valuable corn for the early market as it is so early. The spring dur- L ing March and April was very cold and dry; the rainfall was below normal. Bud ' worms were very num-erous in the corn, but did not injure it much. Corn was l, clear of smut and rust. Adams’ Early corn is a very fie corn for market and this season it was especially so. a (ot) D. J. THOMAS. Gliddevt, (Yolorado county (S. E. Tex) v I gave the corn two plowings previous to planting; the rows run north and f souur with a gradual drainage to the south. Previous crop cabbage. Planted * March l, germinated March 8. I had roasting ears May 17. Yield was good, being an earlier variety than most we have here. As I wrote you at the time, the i package came t_o me in bad condition with but few seeds in any of them, but I J prefer this variety to any other varieties you sent me. ‘ (45) W. C. DAVIS. Louise, Falls county (C. Tex.). Soil previous to planting was very wet; black waxy; good drainage; and pre- i vious crop sorghum. Planted April 18, germinated April 28. Yield about twenty- ; five bushels per acre. Good quality, worth about forty cents per bushel. This is 1 a good corn for this, part of. the country. (4) C. J. TORRO. Lexington, Lee county (C. Tex) y. The soil was in fine condition, had been broken broadcast about seven inches » deep. The land had been well manured last spring a year ago with cow lotj manure at the rate of eight tons per acre. Previous crop watermelons. The land" T_ is a deep loose sand with red clay subsoil. Planted March 17, germinated March 22. The corn was in roasting ear by June 1. Yield was very light; longest ear i‘ was about five inches. The stalks were about four feet high and most of the ears came out at the end ofthe shuck. I do not think it is of any value here. (5) O. C. PHILLIPS. Ferrell, Kaufman county (N. E. Tex.). I Adams’ Early corn planted April 8, germinated to good stand April 18, May 24 "_ was in tassel, June 10 silked out, June 20 in roasting ear, July 7 the corn was _ hardening; yield one to two ears to stalk; quality fair to good. ‘ (11) J. E. COX. Sout-herland Springs, Wilson. county (S. Tex.). v Black sandy soil broke with 8~ineh turning plow ten inches deep. Planted in a rows four feet apart, two feet apart in the row. Planted March 8, germinated ' March l8,.first blooming May 1, matured June 18; yield about fifteen bushels per _ acre. Adams’ Early corn is a good variety for this locality as it makes before A the drouth of summer sets in. ' (111) J. A. ATKISSON. _ Sod-om, Hunt county (N. E. Tex.). Soil very good black land; drainage good; previous crop cotton. Planted March 1, germinated March 5; yield, quality and quantity good; value good, especially for early roasting ears. (70) H. L. GRIGGS. _ ellrarrzdo, Johnson county (N. Tex) Soil was plowed twice before planting and was in good condition; black Waxy rolling land; nzade sixty bushels oats last year. Planted March 28, germinated to good stand; yield good. Am well pleased with this as an early tablevariety. (106) F. B. RIMBLPI. (J/tiltort. Full-s county (C. Tex.). Warm and damp “when planting; light sand, clay subsoil. PYBVlOUS CTOp COlZ- ton; fertility above the average; planted February’ 24, germinated March l0 to FORAGE CRoPs. 91 FIELD CORN: 15. This is earlier than other Northern grown varieties. The yield was very poor, almost a failure; quality poor; would have to be at least fifty per cent. better to be of any value. This may be a good early variety to grow for table i’ - use, but I do not think it would pay to plant it extensively as a field corn. (112) ' THOMAS WILBANKS. Morales, Jackson county (S. Tex.). The soil a good light sandy loam in a good state of cultivation; good previous -crop——cotton. Planted April 6, germinated April 15; matured and was dry by the first_ of June. Yield was good and of not much value. It made a very fair ear to each» stalk, hence I say a good yield. (36) A. J. SCHULZ. Iowa Park, lVichita county (N. Tex.). Soil very mellow at time of planting; sandy soil, chocolate loam with a. hard pan subsoil. Planted ‘March 4, germinated March 17, matured July; yield very poor as our soil is not fit for corn on account of lack of rain. The season was generally very dry. Heavy frost March 22 and 23, thermometer going down ten degrees below freezing point. The corn was badly damaged by Worms. (107) H. C. SEIGIER. Border, Colorado county (S. E. Tex.) . Soil light sandy loam in good condition and moderate fertility; broken broad- ‘. least and bedded into four foot beds; rows opened with a shovel and covered with turning shovel and harrowed afterwards; plowed three times, first with small shovel, afterwards with 18-inch sweep; hoed twice. Planted April 4, germinated M: a April 14, matured about June 20. Adams’ Early corn yielded at the rate of fifteen bushels per acre; value about fifty cents per bushel. (48) W. H. LOCKLAN. San Gabrael, Milan» county (C. Tex.). Land in good condition, mellow and well pulverized; black loam; very fertile; '_ "previously cropped in cotton. Planted March 10, germinated March 17 , matured toward the last of June. Quality not good; quantity small; value small. I do ‘not think this corn will do anything on this soil. . (49) J. W’. TAYLOR. Hunt, Hunt county (N. E. Tex.). Quality of this corn good, but came up to a very poor stand. (114) H. R. LAMPTON. Couch, Karnes county (S. Tex.) . On account of hard rain and wind while the tassel was in bloom, this corn was f’ a total failure. Do not like the corn. r (18) C. B. MGGREGOR. Millican, Brazos county (C. Tex.). Lightpsandy soil; previously used as a garden; well broken six inches deep in January and bedded with long bull tongue in February. Rows thirty inches apart, 1 twenty inches in drill. Planted March 1, and germinated to a good stand in seven s- days; first roasting ears May 20, running from five to nine inches in length and l- well matured; made a large yield, and a fine corn for early garden. '1 (109) H. C. DAVIS. Roanoke, Denton county (N. Tex.). Soil was very fertile; had been fertilized with stable manure during the pre- vious winter; black sand, clay subsoil; melons had been planted on same during previous year; planted April 22, germinated April 28, matured July 3; yield, g1 quality and quantity good. (21) G. W. L. SPEARS. Alto, Cherokee county (E. Tex.) . Rich gray sandy land, third year's crop. Last year in Irish potatoes. Planted lon March 20, germinated on March 30, bloomed fifty days after germination. It jmatured the earliest of any field variety that I have ever planted; corn very small, but well filled; value and quality good; the season was very unfavorable ' for garden corn. This variety is not valuable in this section except as an early "roasting ear or for market gardening, but is entirely too small for general pur- r poses. .20 of July; yield average about fifty bushels per acre. We consider this extr 92 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. FIELD CORN: (so) THEO. BRASIG. i Petersfliustin county (s. E. Tex.). ' Condition of land was good; had been well broken and listed into rows fou 1 feet apart and planted about twelve inches in the row. Prvious crops Irish potatoes and beets. Planted March 15, germinated March 22, matured about th good in this section. The season was above normal. The only objection to thi corn that I have is that the ears grew out of the shuck, which gave the birds an: _ opportunity to damage them. I am now trying to keep the weevils out and will’. plant some next year, as I believe that it is the best corn that I have had for a long time. v . ' ‘ (115) D. E. ROBERTSON. Smitheille, Bastrop county (C. Tex.) . Planted on a good loose soil March 12 and germinated to a good stand. Had '_ corn for table use the 29 of May. FORAGE CRoPs. 93 12. CHUIFAS. (Cyperus esculentus.) l ; This plant resembles cocoa and nut grass more than it does any recog- -;_ nized crops. The sweet nuts that are formed at the base of the roots are t much appreciated by hogsyand are fattening in their tendency. On -_ account of the fact that they are rarely dug in large quantities, it is diffi- ; cult t0 indicate the yield of nuts per acre. This crop, together with the peanut, is one of the most reliable that can be grown for hogs where a root crop is wanted. The Chufas mature 1 during August or September and are usually recommended for cultiva- tion on loam soils. (40) J. H. BURKETT. (Curtis, Eastland county (N. Tex.). . Chufas were planted March 17 in same soil as alfalfa and germinated to a poor 1 - stand. Yield estimated at about one hundred bushels per acre. They grew to a _ height of fifteen inches, spreads rapidly, and I will save several of the nuts to l plant next year. The grass or tops makeexcellent grazing for stock. v (46) J. N. MILNER. (Jade, Navarro county (N. E. Tex.). . I desire to say that Chufas are splendid for this country and great abundance . of vines. I gathered more than one peck from eight hills when planted in hills, » after my chickens and rabbits had eaten a great many before I knew of their theft. _I am strictly for Chufas and I will plant all the seed I have another year f for my hogs. I‘ <53) F. W. BETTS. Marietta, Cass county (N. E. Tex.). _ Soil in which Chufas were planted had been used some twenty-five years as a garden; moderately rich, rather loose wet sandy soil; hill land and dry; was well I and deeply plowed and pulverized; usually productive. Planted April 12, germi- ' nated April 26 and harvested August 15, the tops being dead. Some bunches pro- duced one-half gallon; quality very good; very large and plump. Season to plant < in to June 1 was very dry, though from that time on the rainfall was above nor- _1nal. Wood lice destroyed some bunches, eating the Chufas. The cause was l perhaps due to such early maturity by being crowded and somewhat smothered ‘ y tomatoes. (31) W. J. RODGERS. Bouvers, Polk county (E. Tex.) . 1 Chufas were planted in rich sandy, pine land. Planted April 15, germinated Z April 23, and continued to grow and mature until killed by frost. Yield was about one pint per hill; cannot say about value. Hogs have been running on them for two weeks, but have not noticed them as yet. f. (54) H. M. VIMON. Kosse, Limestone county (C. Tex.). Chufas were planted on a sandy loam soil; seconds years’ timber land. Land iis fairly good and drained very Well. Planted about May 10, germinated about fthe 19; cannot say as to the quality and value, but is of the very best quantity. f'.l‘his locality seems to favor the growth ofpChufas splendidly. 94 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. OHUFAS: FIG. 9. SEED, HEAD AND Room or CHUFA. (55) J. H. STONE. Deberry, Punola county (N. E. Tex). Condition of soil was good, and on sandy soil with clay subsoil; well drained and had been grown in peanuts during previous year; planted April 4, germinated April 14; failed to mature, but matured about October 1. The yield was excel- lent, of good quality and large quantity. D0 not know their value, but I prize them very highly. The season was splendid with excess of rainfall. I am well _ pleased with them and have saved about one peck of seed to plant next year. (25) L. C. WORLICK. Childress, Ghildress county (N. W. Tex.). Chufas were planted on new ground April l and about two weeks later they germinated; they grew off nicely; yield poor on account of dry weather. (56) E. T. HUNTLEY. Vernon, l/Pilburgcr county (N. Tex.) . Soil in first class condition; physical characteristics very poor. Planted April l5, germinated about April 25, matured about the 20 of September; no blooms; yield about one pint of good Ohufas. Nothing interfered with the growth of chufas except moles and rats commonly called kangaroos in this country. I do not think it will pay to grow Chufas in this country on account of the rats and moles and also on account of so litt-lc rain during the summer. (57) JOB DAVIS. Bull/inger, Runnells county (C. Tex.) . Condition of soil previous to planting was good; sandy soil, from six to eigh- teen inches, clay foundation; natural drainage good. Had not been previously cultivated; fertility good as shown by vines grown, but nothing else. Planted April 19, germinated to a good stand; apparently good yield, but when died noth- ing but the shell was left. I think for this part of the country Chufas would be of little value, even if they should make a good yield, as the ground is, as a rule, too hard for the hogs to root. FORAGE CRoPs. . 95 v UFAS: (4) ROBERT E. WVOOD. Lexington, Lee county (C. Tex). Chufas planted March l5, germinated March 26; very poor yield, but of good quality. ’ (58) (G. lV. lVAGNON. Mt. Enterprise, Rusk county (N. E. Tex.). Chufas planted March 16, germinated March 29; made good yield. (59) E. R. TAYLOR. (Houston, Harris county (S. E. Te\'.). Chufas planted 0n new land, black loam, broken in winter; was put in good condition; planted during May, germinated eight to ten days after planting. I would think they would be good hog feed. The party who planted same for me kept no record. The plant resembles very much cocoa grass. i ~l (V?) L. F. BRO\*Vl\'. Runye, Karnes county (S. Tex.). I Chufas planted March 10 and germinated March 20. There was Ally amount of i young tubers by July 1, but none seemed to mature. (60) R. M. LESESNE. Henrietta, Madison county (N. E. Tex). g Planted on new land which had been cleared of timber—hea\i'y postoak and L small undergrowth of oak. First planted in corn and two years in vegetables. ~' Chufas planted April l], germinated April 20; matured about August 3U; yield one-half or three-fourths pound per hill, or about six gallons to eighty-two hills. Quantity about one-third what the tubers will yield on warm natured sandy land. ' Valuable for poultry and hogs, no salable value except as seed. The season was ‘Q too wet, then too dry, causing sudden check to plant growth producing inferior , tubers. Rainfall was excessive. The plant is not very sensitive to a varying tem- * perature. Chufa nuts were injured in March by some insect feeding on the nuts, , destroying the kernel and leaving the empty shell. I planted eighty-two hills of .-' (Chufas and about three nuts to the hill, growing three pints of the seed. A great i} many of them did not germinate. I transplanted, but failed to get a stand, still 5 Iregard Chufas as a very fine food for hogs and profitable on land suited to it. I planted it about eighteen years ago on a. red sandy upland and had an abundant “ yield, averaging nearly two pints per hill. They are fine for poultry. I think they will seed themselves if the hogs and poultry will permit, and they are easily exterminated. s '_ (13) D. A. KNOX. Clolninbia, Brazoria county (S. E. Text). Soil well pulverized, not well drained; cultivated in cotton the year before; . medium fertility. Planted May 1, germinated May 15. Yield very small; do not Y think the crop worth anything in this section. 96 TExAs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. OTHER FORAGE CROP WORK. In addition to the results herein published we have in hand much valu- able data bearing upon the crops grown in many sections of Texas under - our supervision for some five years past. These results we have not yet ‘i been able to prepare for print, but a report containing this matter will _' be published in the near future. ’ Besides the purely varietal work, the station has under way at sev- .p eral points fertilizer experiments with cotton, corn and tobacco, and. has j also made arrangements with a large rice growing concern for the testing of imported varieties of rice. Fertilizer work will also be instituted with this crop. The station has recently entered into an agreement with the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Washington, D. CK, to investigate grass and forage plants 011 a larger scale. Circular No. 8 from the office of Secretary Wil- son, comments on this work as follows : “THE NATIONAL DEPARTMENTS oerxrox. “On account of its large size and great variety of soil and climatic conditions included within its boundaries, Texas presents a variety of forage problems, some , L of which are exceedingly complicated. The stock industry is by far the most important one in the State and is carried on in all the different ways, from the open ranging of large herds in the Western part of the State, the large areas of fenced lands in the middle and northern parts to the more intensive methods of the closely settled sections in the southern and Western parts. In this State are to be met the problems of range improvement: drouth resistant forage crops, annuals for rotation with the cotton crop, winter annuals for Winter and spring pasturage, formation, cure and management of permanent meadows and pastures, and crops suited to alkali soils, and for the overflowed lands of the coast and river bottoms. . “At the Experiment Station the value of alfalfa and the sorghums has been ' l well demonstrated. An excellent plan of co-operation between the station and the farmers of the State has been devised and put into successful operation, and a considerable amount of preliminary Work has been done in the improvement of the native pastures by the use of Bermuda grass, burr clover and other introduced varieties. After a long conference xvith the director and argiculturist of the sta- tion, there seems to be four lines of investigation along which co-operative work might be arranged, and they are here given in what seems to be, under the pres- ent conditions, their relative importance. “The first question is that of improvement of meadows and pastures, particu- larly in the middle and southern portions of the State, including annual and ‘winter-growing varieties of grasses and forage plants, as well as the more perma- nent perennials. The diversity of soil and climatic conditions included make it necessary to consider this question from a number of different directions, although the general problem may be the same. In part, this work has to do with the actual formation of meadows and pastures, and in part with the changing of the natural fields to better and more productive ones through the addition of improved and more hardy varieties. The second question has to do with the drouth resist- ant grass and forage crops, and is essentially the same here as in the other South- western States; so likewise the third problem—that of range improvement, and also the fourtl-:—alkali resistant crops. “After going over the whole matter with Director Connell, and conferring also with our special agent at Abilene, and many stock raisers and farmers in differ- ent sections of the State, I am confident that the most important problem, and one in which most good can be accomplished by co-operative investigation, is that of the improvement of meadows and pastures. Moreover, the conditions are espe- m€§HQCZ . MJQ. H? $25G ZCCZ c: HIE mxwzzriihz éQTPOQO MQDMH hO EHBPOWG Q3873?» A: ilk