403-1106-30M TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS a BULLETIN N0. 9O CHEMICAL SECTION——SEPTEMBER, 1906 , JTHE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6 BY j. W. CARSON AND G. S. FRAPS POSTOFFICE Z COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] I TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICERS GOVERNING BOARD (BOARD or DIRECTORS A. AND M. COLLEGE.) M. SANSOM, President Alvarado F. A. REIOHARDT Houston K. K. LEGGETT Abilene GEO. T. JESTER Corgigana W. J. CLAY Austin A. HAIDUSEK LaGrange L. D. AMSLFR Hempstead A. J. BRowN Dallas STATION OFFICERS H. H. HARRINGTON, LL. D., President of the College. I. W. CARsoN Vice Director M. FRANCIS Veterinarian E. I. Kym: Horticulturist F. R. MARSHALL Animal Husbandry R. L. BENNETT Cotton Specialist ' O. M. BALL , Botanist G. S. FRAPs Chemist A. F. CONRADT Entomologist EDWARD C. GREEN Assistant Horticulturist C. E. SANBORN Co-Operative Entomologist JOHN C. BURNS Assistant Animal Husbandry C. O. Mosnn Deputy Feed Inspector M. S. CHURCH Deputy Feed Inspector W. P. CoNNELLY Deputy Feed Inspector C. W. CRISLER Clerk Feed Control C. A. POFFENBERGFR Chief Clerk MIss M. H. WATKINS Stenographer STATE SUB-STATIONS Mcmk, Bee/Count‘. S, A, WAscHKA, Superintendent ........................................ .. , W, S, HoToHmss, Superintendent ..................................... ..Troupe, Smith County NOTE.—The main station is located on the grounds of the Agricultural and Mechanical College in Brazos County. The Postoffice address is College Station, Texas. Reports and bulletins are sent free upon appli- cation to the Director. [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6.* J. W. CARSON, Vice-Director. G. S. FRAPs, Chemist. The Legislature of 1905 passed» ala-w governing the sale of concentrated feeding stuffs in Texas. This Bulletin reports the work done under this la.w for the season of 1905-6. THE FEEDING STUFF LAW. The following is a summary of the chief provisions of the Texas Feeding Stuff Law. [For full text of the law see pages 15-19.] The Texas Feeding Stuff Law requires that every package of feeding stuff shall carry a tax tag, and a plainly printed statement show- ing clearly the number of net pounds of feeding stuff in the package, the name, brand or trade-mark under which the article is sold, the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the place of manufacture, and a chemical analysis stating the percentages it contains of crude protein and crude fat. _ All concentrated feeding stuffs, including wheat bran, corn chops, cotton seed meal, rice hulls, etc., are subject to the requirements of the law. Hay and straw and the whole seeds or grains of Wheat, corn, or other whole or unground grains 0r seeds are not included in this law. Before selling or offering for sale any concentrated feeding stufis in this State, the manufacturer, importer, or party who causes it to be sold or offered for sale, must deposit with the Director of the Experiment Station a sealed glass jar or bottle containing not less than one pound of each kind or brand or‘ such feeding stuff. This sealed package is hereafter referred to in this bulletin and in correspondence as the “deposit sample.” The sample must be accompanied by an aflidavit that it is a fair average sample of the feeding stuff to be sold or offered for sale and that it corresponds Within reasonable limits to the feeding stuff which it represents in the percentage of protein and fat which it con- tains. The sample must also be accompanied by the following informa- tion, to-wit: (l) The number of net pounds of feeding stuff in the package to be sold or offered for sale. (2) The name, brand, or trade-mark under which the article is sold. (3) The name and address of the manufacturer or importer. (fl) Place of manufacture. (5) A statement of the protein and fat which it is guaranteed to contain. . On application to the Director blank registration forms are furnished to the manufacturer, importer, or party Wishing to register feed stuffs. The above information must be either printed or stamped on the re- verse side of the inspection tax tag, on the sack, or on a separate tag and attached to the sack. 6 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. The law imposes a taxi of 20c per ton on all concentrated feeding stuffs, which must be paid before the tags are issued. This money is paid to the Director of the Experiment Station to be transmitted to the State Treasurer. The Director is authorized to draw on the State Treasurer for expenses incurred in the enforcement of this law. The penalty for selling or offering for sale any concentrated feeding stuffs Without the tax tag and the information required by the law, or with the statement that the feeding stuff contains substantially more protein and fat than it does contain, is a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for the first offense, and not less than $500.00 nor more than $1000.00 for each subsequent offense. Counterfeiting tax tags or using the same tag a second time may be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00, one-half of which is paid A to the informer. This fine may be increased for subsequent offenses. The law requires the Director of the Experiment Station to make annually one or more analysis of each feeding stuff sold 0r offered for sale under this act, and it empowers him to take samples, which shall be drawn from not less than 5 per cent of the whole lot inspected. The results 0f the analyses and additional information must be pub- lished in reports or bulletins. The law also provides that no foreign mineral substance, saw dust, dirt, or other indigestible substance, or other foreign substance, milling or manufactured offal injurious to the health of domestic animals shall be mixed with any feeding stuffs or material from which they are manufactured. How to Meet the Requirements of the Law. The Director of the Experiment Station has instituted a department which is designated as the “Feed Control.” All correspondence relating to this subject should be addressed to Feed Control, College Station, TeTlii; feed control department has prepared certain forms and adopted regulations for carrying out the provisions of the law, which are here briefly outlined for the guidance of those interested. The following forms are used :-— _ _ _ (1) A “Registration Form” for use in first registering a product with the feed control department. (2) A “Re-registration Form.” _ _ _ __ The Registration Form contains blanks for inserting the information required by the law, and a blank form of the affidavit required. When a manufacturer or importer wishes to put a feed stuff on the Texas market, he applies to the Feed Control for a “Registrationforin.” Receiving this he fills out the blanks, executes the afiidavit, which is a part of the form, sends it to the Feed Control, and at the same time a “deposit sample” of the .feed stuff. A separate registration form and separate sample is required for each particular feeding stuff to be registered. For illustration, if one wishes to register corn chops and wheat bran, apply for two registration forms. When the registration form, or forms, properly executed, and the sample of the feeding stuflf (properly sealed and otherwise correct) arrive at the feed control oflice, the feeding stufi Trrn FEED OoNrnoL IN 1905-6. I ‘Z concerned is registered at once. Tags may be ordered at the time these things are attended to, or as needed. ' To arrive at percentage of protein and fat which he wishes to guar- antee for his product, the manufacturer or importer may adopt either of the following plans, to-wit: (1) He may examine the tables in this bulletin to see how pure products similar to his usually run, and then make a guarantee that he feels he can safely maintain, or (2) he may send a fair average sample to some chemical laboratory for determination of its protein and fat content, and base his guarantee on this analysis. It is not usually safe to make a guarantee quite so high as the chemist’s azialysis shows, especially if such analysis runs high, since :1 high guar- antee is difficult to maintain. The feed control makes analyses from time to time of samples taken by its inspectors from stores or from the mills, to ascertain whether the guarantees are maintained. , The “Re-registration Form” referred to is used when the manufacturer l or importer wishes to re-register a feed stuff already duly registered, in order to change his guarantee. N0 samples need be sent’ when re-registra- tion ir- desired. The only time, except when asked, that tle manufac- turer is ever required to send a sample is when he applies for the first or original registration, even though the same feeding stuff may be put on the market year after year. The tax tag is simply a certificate from the Feed Control oflice, stating that the inspection tax has been paid. The inspection tax imposed by the law upon feeding stuffs is collected by selling these tags at such a price, each, asmakes the amount of 20c per ton of feed stuff. Money for the tags should accompany the order or they will be sent C. O. D. Upon receipt of these tags the party registering the feeding stuff may, if he desires, have printed or stamped on the reverse side the information required by the law—the name of manufacturer, the place of manufac- ture, the content of protein and fat, etc. The printing of this informa- tion is never done byihe Feed Control oflice. Deposit samples must be sealed with sealing wax, or they will be cast aside when received, and new ones called for. To insure safe arrival it will be well to enclose jars in a strong wooden box, protected by excelsior or othen material to prevent breakage. Ship samples of feed stuffs to this. office only in glass jars or bottles. DEFINITION OF TERMS. Under the Texas Feeding Stuff Law all feeding stuffs must carry a guarantee of the percentage of protein and fat which they contain. A complete analysis of the feeding stuff would show, in addition to the protein and fat, crude fiber, nitrogen-free extract, ash and moisture. Protein, being the constituent of food which forms flesh, muscle, hair, ligaments, and other portions of the animal body, is of great importance. It also replaces the wear and tear of the animal tissue and furnishes material for additional flesh. Besides furnishing material for tissue, protein may be burned in the body to produce heat, or it may serve as a source of fat in case of a deficiency in carbohydrates and fat ac- 8 THE FEED CONTROL 11v 1905-6. companied by excess of protein. It is too costly, however, to be used as a source of heat and fat. Fat (or ether extract) is composed mainly of fats and oils in the case of concentrated feeding stuffs, but with fodders or hays it is often com- posed to a considerable extent of waxes, coloring matter, and other sub- stances. Fat is used in the animal body as a source of body fat and to furnish heat or energy. The animal requires heat to keep its body warm and energy to run the animal mechanism or to do out-side work. The beating of the heart, chewing, movements of the intestines, and the involuntary muscular movements require energy which is furnished by the oxidation of fats, carbohydrates or protein. One pound of fat is equal to 2.25 pounds of carbohydrates. Crude fiber is the portion of the plant which resists the intense action of acids and alkalies. It- consists mostly of the cell walls and woody fiber of the plant, and is the most indigestible part of the feed stuff. By means of fermentation in the intestines, crude fiber is digested to some extent in animals which chew the cud. The operation, however, consumes so much energy that a large portion of the value of the crude fiber is taken up by the process of digestion. Hays and fodders and other roughage generally contain much crude fiber, but concentrated feeding stuffs contain comparatively small quantities of it. Nitrogen-free extract is composed of starch, sugar, dextrin and other substances of similar nature. These substances are mostly carbohydrates, that is they contain carbon, and hydrogen and oxygen in proportions to form water. Crude fiber is also composed largely of carbohydrates. Ash is the residue left when the plant is burned. It represents mostly the mineral portion of the plant and the portion which comes from the soil, although a part of the ingredients withdrawn from the soil are volatilized during combustion. Nitrogen particularly is driven out com- pletely. Ash is valuable to the animal, inasmuch as it furnishes the material for bones, and some constituents of it, particularly phosphoric acid and sulphur, are essential constituents of the animal cell. Water (moisture) is always contained in feeding stuffs, but since it is furnished for the most part in liquid form, it can not be considered as having any special nutritive value. WHAT GUARANTEES SHOW. As already stated, the Texas Feeding Stuff Law requires a guarantee of protein and fat. It has been pointed out in the preceding paragraphs that protein and fat are not the only nutrients i.n feeding stuffs. We can not compare two different kinds of feeding stuffs on the basis of protein and fat alone. In order to compare two different kinds of feeding stuffs, we need a complete analysis. For example: Corn meal guaranteed to contain 9 per cent protein and 3 per cent fat, is not necessarily inferior to kaflir corn, guaranteed to contain 10 per cent protein and 3 per cent fat, and it is vastly superior to a mixture of cotton seed hulls and meal, guaranteed to contain 9 per cent protein and 3 per cent fat. It would be better if in addition to the guarantee of protein and fat, a guarantee of the minimum amount of crude fiber were made. In the THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 9 instance just given, the amount of crude fiber in the cotton seed meal and hulls mixture would show immediately that it is inferior to the corn chops. The guarantee of protein and fat as given at present, however, shows several things. In the first place, it shows whether or not the feed is of average quality. A cotton seed meal which is guaranteed to contain less than 42 per cent protein, in this State, is at once recognized as being lmelovi’ the average in quality, and the same may he said of rice bran which is guaranteed to contain less than 1O per cent protein and 6 per cent fat. In order to take advantage of the guarantee in this way, that is to form an idea of its quality from the guarantee, the purchaser should have some knowledge of the composition of feeding stuffs. Secondly, by the comparison of the analysis with the manufacturefs guarantee, the buyer can see whether or not the feed meets the compo- sition claimed for it. Some manufacturers make too high a guarantee and consequently can not come up to it. Other manufacturers may make an average guarantee, but sell goods inferior to their claims. If, in addition to the determination of protein and, fat, a determination of crude fiber were made, the analysis would be more likely to show whether or not the feeds are adulterated. PURITY OF FEEDING STUFFS. Under the present State Law the main duty of the Experiment Station is to determine whether or not feeds reach the guarantees claimed for them by the manufacturer or jobber. If the amounts of protein and fat guaranteed are furnished, and if, when adulterated, it is so marked on the package, the manufacturer has complied with the law. There is no doubt that the law should be amended to prevent certain kinds of mix- tures or adulterations and to make it the duty of the Station to examine, for adulterations, suspicious feeding stuffs on the market. The addition of rice hulls, peanut shells, corn cobs, and manufacturing or milling oifals to any feeding stuff should be forbidden unless the percentage of the mixture is clearly stated on the package. The purchaser of feeding stuffs should remember that because a guarantee of protein and fat is made, it does not follow that the feeding stuff is of high grade. He should examine the guarantee carefully and from it form a judgment as to the purity and the quality of the feeding stufi. DESCRIPTION OF CONCENTRATED FEEDING STUFFS. Commercial feeding stuff is a term usually applied to substances which are by-products of other branches of industry. However, corn chops, milo maize chops, and kaffir corn chops are exceptions to this statement. The more important feeding stuffs on the market age as follows: Wheat Pr0ducts.——Wheat bran is the outer portion of the wheat grain, and is a valuable feed, because of its high content of protein and fat, though it contains a high per cent of crude fiber. Shorts and middlings are frequently the same in the feeding stuffs trade. They are the inner a 1O THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. portion of the wheat grain, made up of smaller fragments than bran and contain more of the starchy portion of the grain. Com Pr0ducts.—Oorn chops are supposed t0 be the entire grain of the corn chopped up. Some mills, however, put corn chops on the market which have had part of the grain removed for meal or grits. Such a product should not, of course, be sold as pure corn chops. Corn bran is the outer husk of the corn grain. It is placed (in the Illllilrliél} in Texas as such, and in mixtures with wheat bran and corn c ops. Gluten meal is a by-product in the manufacture of starch, and is not on the Texas market. Corn and cob meal is corn crushed with the cob that bears it. It is a good feed when Well ground. - Rice P/roduets.—Rice bran is the outer coat of the rice grain together with portions of the germ. It should be rich in protein and fat. Rice bran often comes on the market mixed with an excessive amount of hulls. The product usually contains the small amount of hulls incident to the process of manufacture, but some mills mix in an excessive amount of hulls. If the minimum guarantee of crude fiber were made it would aid in detecting these mixtures. - u Rice polish is a finely powdered substance obtained in polishing rice grain. It is richer in starch than rice bran. Rice hulls are the outer coverings of the rice grain. They contain much crude fiber and are poor in protein and fat. Cotton Seed Pr0ducts.—-Ootton seedmeal is the ground residue from the extraction of oil from cotton seed kernels. Texas cotton seed meal is, on the average, richer in protein than meal from other States. In this State it should contain not less than 44 per cent protein, except in some parts of East Texas a lower guarantee of protein must be made. Cracked cake corresponds to cotton seed meal, or the pressed cake is cracked instead of ground. Milo Maize and Kaffir.—Milo maize chops is the chops from the milo maize grain. Milo maize in the head is prepared from the grain which has not been removed from the heads. It has more crude fiber and is poorer in protein and fat than the chops from the pure grain, and there- fore has a lower feeding value. Kafiir corn chops and kaffir corn in the head correspond to the fore- going, kaffir corn being used instead of milo maize. Miscellaneous Feeds.-—A number of mixed feeds, of varying composi- tion, are on the market. Some of them are mixtures composed of corn and wheat bran, and others are mixtures of other grain products. The purchaser of such feeds should examine them carefully in order to satisfy himself, if possible, what ingredients they contain. COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS. In the following table we give the average analysis of a number of feeding stuffs sold in Texas. This table is based upon the analyses made in different parts of the country. A complete analysis of this kind is of value in different ways. THE. FEED CoNTRoi. IN 1905-6. 11 First, by comparing the guaranteed percentages of protein and fat in a given feeding stuff with the average composition as given in the fol- lowing table, one can decide Whether or not a feeding stuff is guaranteed to be of average value. A higher guarantee in protein and fat than the average is a claim of higher than the average value. One must remem- ber, however, that in order to give a safe guarantee, it is necessary’ for the manufacturer to guarantee slightly below the average. This allows for unavoidable variations in the composition of feeding stuffs. Second, comparison of the composition with the selling price of feed- ing stuffs of different kinds, aids one in determining which is the most economical feed to buy at any given time. Often the prices of feeding stuffs have little relation to their feding value. Third, the table will aid in the calculation of rations for farm animals. A discussion, however, of how this is done is beyond the limits of this Bulletin. . A study of the chemical composition of Texas feeding stuffs is under way and will be published in Bulletin form when completed. TABLE L-COMPOSITION OF SOME FEEDING STUFFS—POUNDS PER HUNDRED. a é 5.95 $3» s a s; s t; 2 5 -*= s fi B h. n. o Z-H <1 Wheat bran . 11.9 4.0 15.4 9.0 53.9 5.8 , Wheat middlings ................................. .. 12.1 4.0 15.6 4.6 60.4 3.3 Wheat shorts .......................................... .. 11.8 4.5 14.9 7.4 56.8 4.6 Corn chops 10.9 5.4 10.5 2.1 69.6 1.5 Corn bran 8.7 6.2 9.8 11.2 62.6 1.5 Corr! and cob meal ................................ .. 15.1 3.5 8.5 6.6 64.8 1.5 Corn cob 10.7 0.5 2.4 30.1 54.9 1.4 Cotton seed meal .................................... .. 8.52 13.45 43.26 5.44 22.31 7.02 Cotton seed hulls .................................... -. 11.1 2.2 4.2 46.30 33.4 2.8 Rice bran 9.8 10.5 11.9 12.2 45.8 10.0 Rice polish 10.81 7.0 11.9 3.3 62.2 4.9 Rice hulls 8.62 1.12 3.07 36.17 34.16 15.38 Kaflir corn 12.5 2.9 10.9 1.9 70.5 1.3 Milo maize 9.1 3.2 11.2 2.2 072.6 1.7 Oats ‘ 11.0 5.0 11.8 9.5 59.7 3.0 Wheat 10.5 2.1 11.9 1.8 71.9 1.8 Rice 12.4 0.4 7.4 0.2 79.2 0.4 Cotton seed ............................................ .. 9.1 20.1 19.6 18.9 28.3. 4.0 12 THE FEED CONTROL m 1905-6. WHAT GUARANTEES MAY BE MADE. The following table based on this year’s control work, and on other analyses, shows what guarantees may be made for pure products. A lower guarantee indicates inferior quality; a higher guarantee, a claim of higher quality. ‘ TABLE II.—GUARANTEES FOR PURE FEED PRODUCTS. Per cent Per cent protein fat Corn chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ........ .. 9.00 3.00 Wheat bran .... .. ________ __ 14,00 4_0() Wheat shorts . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 3.00 Wheat chops ......................... .., ........................................................ _. 14.00 2.00 Cotton seed meal* .... .. 44.00 8.00 Cotton seed cake* ......... .. 44.00 8.00 Rice bran ......................................................................................... __ " 10,00 6,00 Rice polish 10.00 6.00 Rice hulls . . . . . . . _ . . _ .. 2.00 0,5 Milo maize ________ _, 9,5 2,5 Kaffir corn . ' 9.5 2.5 . Corn bran .... .. 8.5 4.00 Corn and cob meal 8.00 2.5 *In East Texas a. lower guarantee may be made. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF SAMPLES ANALYZED. Table III gives the number and average composition of samples sub- jected to analysis this season. 1626 samples are tabulated. This is not the entire number of samples collected or subjected to analysis but in order to avoid delay in the production of the Bulletin this number only is published. , THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 13 TABLE III.—SHOWING AVERAGE CONTENT OF PROTEIN AND FAT IN GIVEN NUMBER OF SAMPLES ANALYZED. Tag Guaranteed Analysis Chemists’ Analysis -° l 5 g l Protein Fat Protein Fat zw {Per cent Per cent| Per cent Per cent 475 Corn chops .............................................. .. 9.01 3.74 _ 9.30 4.10 488 Wheat bran 15.26 4.37 14.75 4.42 97 Wheat shorts 15.21 4.34 16.90 4.28 13 Wheat chops 10.94 3.68 16.01 2.52 321 Cotton seed meal .................................... .. 42.76 8.58 47.06 9.69 71 Cotton seed cake .... .............................. .. 43.09 8.69 48.24 9.06 1 ‘Cotton seed scrugn ................................ .. 35.00 5.00 37.75 5.70 4 lCaddo feed (cold process cotton seedy y meal and hulls) .................................. ..l 16.0011 5.25 21.24 8.09 54 Mixed feed ............................... ............ ............ .9, .............................................. .. 10 Rice bran . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 10.981 8.94 10.91 9.96 15 Rice polish .............................................. ..! 11.41 1 7.90 11.57 7.04 6 Rice hulls . 2.59; 1.44 2.71 ’ 0.80 4 Chicken feed (cracked rice) ................ .. 5.47} 2.27 8.64 2.24 10 lMilo maize .............................................. .. 9.96; 2.67 10.99 2.79 13 lKaffir corn .............................................. 1| 8.701, 3.12 10.57 3.07 18 1Com bran ................................................ .. 9.07i 4.57 8.86 6.23 10 [Corn and cob meal ................................ .. 7.101 3.04 8.51 3.49 i 151F513 .3221 ............................ .. .............. -1 133331 i133 l??? i132 2 lBlood meal .............................................. ..l ............. .............................................. .. 2 lhBeef scraps .................................................... ..l 1 {Beef meal ..................................................... ._l . . . . . . .. 1 'Ideal poultry food ................................................... -. ~ 1 {Meat meal ................................................ .. .. 1 lMeat and bone A l. 2 lPoultry bone 1 fSoluble blood flour 1 iTankage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ——— a 1626 l l DISCUSSION OF FEED CONTROL ANALYSES. Owing to the lack of knowledge on the part of many manufacturers and dealers as to the nature of protein and fat in feeding stuffs, and the composition of feeding stuffs, it was to be expected that the results of the first year’s operation of the feed law would be largely educational. It was to be expected that many guarantees would be made which were higher than could be maintained, or in some cases, even reached, and also that some guarantees would be considerably lower than should be made for pure feed stuffs. It will be noted that a number of the analyses are below the guarantee. For example: One mill makes a guarantee of 13.2 per cent protein and 5.27 per cent fat in corn chops. This is a very high guarantee; we have not found any sample of corn chops to contain more than 11 per cent of protein. There are a number of guarantees of 10 per cent protein or more in corn chops. Corn chops usually run about 9 per cent protein, so that it is not to be expected ‘that a guarantee of 10 per cent could be main- ‘rained. 14 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. On the whole, we believe that the feeders of Texas are to be con- gratulatd on the high grade of the feeding stuffs on the market. There have, of course, been cases in which inferior or adulterated feeding stuffs were sold, but for the most part the feeding stuifs have been of excellent quality. Cotton Seed M eaZ.—Cotton seed Ineal is graded as follows: Choice. Must be the product from choice cotton seed cake when finely ground, must be perfectly sound, sweet, and light yellow color (canary), free from excess of lint and hulls. By analysis must contain at least 8 per cent of ammonia, or 41.13 per cent protein. Prime. Must be made from prime cake, finely ground, sweet odor, reasonably bright in color, yellow, not brown or‘ reddish, and free from excess of lint or hulls, and by analysis must contain at least .8 per cent of ammonia, or 41.13 per cent of protein. Oil‘. Any cottonseed meal which is dlstinltly’ (lcficient in any of the requirements of prime quality, either in color, odor, texture, analysis, or all is classed as “Off.” _ Cottonseed meal should, in Texas, carry a guarantee, in most cases, of at least 44 per cent protein and '7 or 8 per cent fat. A guarantee of 9 per cent fat will not be maintained in many cases. There are some cases in East Texas where a lower guarantee than 44 per cent is necessary, as the meal in this section runs lower than the meal from other parts of the State. Any meal containing less than 41.12 per cent protein is below prime according to the rules of the Cottonseed Crushers Association. The tables of analysis contain six samples of meal which run below this figure. Whether all these meals are made from a naturally low grade of seed, or are adulterat-ed with hulls, can notbe decided in absence of crude fiber determinations. A number of mills make a very low guarantee of protein, ranging from 32.67 per cent up. When the consumers are educated to a knowledge of what the guarantee means, the producers will make a guarantee as high as their meal can carry. - In one case at least the low per cent of protein contained in a sample is due to an excessive amount of fat (22 per cent) left in the meal. It is seen from the table that Texas meal is rich in protein. Corn Chops-As in the case of cottonseed meal, a number of samples fall below the guarantee on account of too high a guarantee. A guaran- tee of 1O per cent protein and 4.5 per cent fat is very diificult to main- tain, yet We have one guarantee of 12.69 per cent protein and 5.94 per cent fat, figures which our analyses have never reached. The number of samples which fall below the guarantee on account of inferior quality is small. Pure corn chops should come up to a guaran- tee of 9 per cent protein and 3 per cent fat. Wheat Bran.—Wheat bran should come up to a guarantee of 14 per cent protein and 4 per cent fat; some mills are able to maintain higher guarantees. As in the case of cottonseed meal and corn chops, many samples fall below the guarantee on account of too high guarantees, and only two or three fall below on account of being of inferior quality. Rice Bran.—Rice Bran should come up to a guarantee of 10 per cent protein and 6 per cent fat, and often, if desired, a higher guarantee THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 15 could be maintained. Attention should be called to two‘ samples of rice bran containing 6.69 per cent and 5.39 per cent protein and 3.15 per cent and 3.65 per cent fat, respectively. These samples must be consid- ered as of inferior quality and are doubtless adulterated with rice hulls. Jlliscellaneoas F€GCZS.——COI'I1 bran appears to vary considerably in (zom- position, being sometimes equal to corn chops in protein and high in fat, and at other times very low in protein and fat. Attention should be called to two oat feeds listed in the tables, which contain 5.93 per cent and 6.65 per cent protein and 2.43 per cent and 2.64 per cent fat, respectively. These feeds are probably com- posed largely of oat hulls or other Waste material. They are but little richer in protein and fat than cottonseed hulls. Attention should be called to a hog feed containing 4.37 per cent protein and 0.72 per cent fat, which is a little better in this respect than rice hulls. COPY OF LAW REGULATING SALE OF MIXED FEED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. EFFECTIVE JULY 14, 1905. An Act regulating the sale of concentrated commercial feeding stuffs, and the materials from which they are manufactured, defining concen- trated feeding stuifs, prohibiting their adulteration, providing for their correct weighing and marking, and providing for the collection of samples, the expenses of the enforcement of the law, and fixing penalties for its violation. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the ‘State of Texas: SEoTIoN 1. Every lot or parcel of concentrated feeding stuffs, as defined in Section 3 of this Act, used for feeding farm live stock, sold, offered or exposed for sale in the State of Texas, for use within this State, shall, in addition to the tag described in Section 5 of this Act, have affirozd thereto in a conspicuous place on the outside thereof a plainly printed statement clearly and truly certifying the number of net pounds of feed- ing stuif in the package, the name, brand or trademark under which the article is sold, the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the place of manufacture, and a chemical analysis stating the percentages it contains of crude protein, allowing one per cent of nitrogen to equal six and one-fourth per cent of protein and of crude fat, both constituents to be determined by the methods adopted at the time by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of the United States. Mill products here- inafter mentioned shall have the following standard xveights, viz: flour, one hundred and ninety-six (196) pounds per barrel, or forty-eight (48) pounds per sack; corn meal, bolted or unbolted, thirty-five (35) pounds per sack; cottonseed meal, one hundred pounds per sack; cereals of any kind, whether pure, mixed or adulterated, one hundred (100) pounds per sack. Fractional barrels and sacks shall Weigh in "the same proportion, and these weights shall be exclusive of the barrel in which the product is packed.‘ ' - SECTION 2. The term concentrated commercial feeding stuifs, as 16 THE FEED OoNTRoL IN 1905-6. herein used, shall not include hay and straw, the whole seed 0r grains of wheat, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, rice, buckwheat or broomcorn. or any other whole or unground grains or seeds. " SECTIoN 3. The term concentrated feed stuffs, as herein used, shall include wheat bran, wheat shorts, linseed meals, cottonseed meals, pea meals, cocoanut meals, gluten meals, gluten feeds, maize feeds, starch feeds, sugar feeds, dried brewer’s grains, malt sprouts, hominy feeds, cerealine feeds, rice meals, rice bran, rice polish, rice hulls, oat feeds, corn and oat chops, corn chops, ground beef, or mixed fish feeds, and all other materials of similar nature not included in Section 3 of this Act. SECTION 4. Before any concentrated feeding stuff, as defined in Sec- tion 3 of this Act, is so offered or exposed for sale, the importer, manufac- turer and party who causes it to be sold or offered for sale within the State of Texas for use within this State, shall for each and every feed stufi bearing a distinguishing name and trademark, file with the director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station a certified copy of the state- ment named in Section 1 of this Act, and shall also deposit with said director a sealed glass jar or bottle containing not less than one pound of the feeding stuff to be sold or offered for sale, accompanied by an affidavit that it is a fair average sample thereof and corresponds within reasonable limits to the feeding stuff which it represents in the percent- age of protein and fat which it contains. SECTION 5. The manufacturer, importer, agent or seller of each con- centrated commercial feeding stufi, as defined in Section 3 of this Act shall, before the article is offered for sale, pay to the director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station an inspection tax of twenty cents per ton for each ton of such concentrated feeding stufi sold or offered for sale in the State of Texas for use within this State, and shall affix to each lot shipped in bulk, and to each bag, barrel or other package of such concentrated feed stuffs a tag to be furnished by said director stating that all charges specified in said section have been paid. The director of said Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is hereby em- powered to prescribe the form of such tags and adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of this law. Whenever the manufacturer or importer or shipper of a concentrated feeding stuff shall have filed the statement made in Section 1 of this Act and have paid the inspection tax, no agent or seller of said manufacturer, inspector or shipper shall be required to file such statement or pay such tax. The amount of the inspection tax and penalties received by said director shall be paid into the State Treasurer. So much of the inspection tax and penalties collected under this Act shall be paid by the State Treasurer to the Treasurer of the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, as the director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station may show by his bills has been expended in performing the duties required by this Act, but in no case to exceed the amount of the inspection tax and pen- alties received by the State Treasurer under this Act. SECTION 6. Any manufacturer, importer, agent or person selling, offering or exposing for sale any concentrated commercial feeding stufi as defined in Section 3 of this Act, without the statement required by Sec- tion 1 and the tax tag required by Section 5 of this Act, or with a label THE FEED CONTROL IN, 1905-6. 17 stating that said feeding stuffs contain substantially a larger percentage of either of the constituents mentioned in Section 1 of this Act is con- tained therein, shall, on conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for the first offense, and not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars for each subsequent offense. The sale or offering for sale of each package shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION '7. Any person who shall counterfeit or use a counterfeit of the tag or tags prescribed by this Act, knowing the same t0 be counter- feited, or who shall use them a second time after the said tags shall have once been attached shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, one-half of which shall be paid to the informer; which fine may be ' doubled or tripled at each second or third conviction, and so on progress- ively for subsequent convictions. SECTION 8. All manufacturers and importers of concentrated com- mercial feeding stuffs, or dealers in same, shall, when requested, furnish the director of the Texas Experiment Station with a complete list of names or trademarks of such feeding stuffs. SECTION 9. The director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion shall cause one analysis or more to be made annually of each con- centrated commercial feeding stuff sold or offered for sale under the provisions of this Act. Said director is hereby authorized in person or by deputy to take a sample-not exceeding two pounds in weight for analysis from any lot or package of concentrated commercial feeding stuff which may be in the possession of any manufacturer, importer, agent, dealer or buyer in this State; but said sample shall be drawn or taken in the presence of said party or parties» in interest or their repre- sentative, and shall be taken from a parcel, lot or number of parcels which shall not be less than five per cent of the whole lot inspected, and shall be thoroughly mixed and divided into two samples and placed in glass or metal vessels carefully sealed and a label placed on each stating the name or brand of the feeding stuff or material sampled, the name of the party from whose stock the sample is drawn, and the date and place of taking such sample, and said label shall be signed by the direc- tor or his deputy and the party or parties at interest, or their representa- tives present at the taking and sealing of said sample; provided, that where the party or parties at interest refuse to be present and take part in the sampling of said feed stuffs, the director or his deputies may take said samples in the presence of two disinterested witnesses, one of said duplicate samples shall be retained by the director and the other shall be left with the party whose stock was sampled, and the sample or samples retained by the director shall be for comparison with the certified state- ments made in Section 1 and, 4 of this Act. The result of the analysis of the sample or samples so prescribed, together with such additional in- formation as circumstances advise, shall be published in reports or bul- gatins by the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College from time to me. . SECTION 10. The term importer for all the purposes of this Act shall be taken to mean all such persons as shall bring into or offer for sale 18 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. within this State concentrated commercial feeding stuffs manufactured without this State. SEOTION 11. No foreign mineral substance, saw-dust, dirt or other indigestible substance or other foreign mineral or substance, milling or manufactured offal, injurious t0 the health of domestic animals, shall be mixed with any feeding stuffs or any material or materials from which they are manufactured, sold or offered or exposed for sale in the State. Every person violating Section 11 of this Act shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a. term of not less than thirty days and not more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEOTION 12. (This Act becomes effective July 14¢.) H. B. No. 4103" COPY OF LAW REGULATING MARKETING, WEIGHT AND ADULTERATION OF FEEDS IN STATE OE TEXAS. EEFEOTIVE JULY 14, 1905. An Act to regulate the Sale of Certain Mill Products, and Provide Penalties for Violation Thereof: SEOTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: Mill products hereinafter mentioned shall have the following standard weights, viz: flour, one hundred and ninety-six pounds per barrel, or forty-eight pounds per sack; corn meal, bolted or unbolted, thirty-five pounds per sack, and feed made from cereals of any kind, whether pure, mixed, or adulterated, one hundred pounds per sack. Fractional sacks and barrels shall weigh in the same proportion and these weights shall be, net and exclusivd of the barrel or sack in which said product is packed. SEOTION 2. The correct name and the true net weight of the contents of each and every hogshead, barrel, box, cask, bale, sack or package of any of the foregoing products, Whether sold in single packages or lots, shall be plainly marked, branded or stenciled in large letters and figures not less than two inches in size upon the exterior of such hogshead, barrel, box, cask, bale, sack or package in a conspicuous place, as the head in case of hogsheads, or barrels, or the front or branded side in case of sacks, bales or packages; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or the agent, employe or representative of any person, firm or corporation, to sell or exchange or offer for sale or exchange any of such products so packed or contained until the provisions hereof have been complied with. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or the agent, employe or representative of any person, firm or corporation, *Director of Experiment Station not given supervision of this Act. THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 19 to sell or exchange, or offer for sale or exchange, whether in single pack- ages or lots, any product composed of mixed cereals of any kind or any cereals adulterated in any manner, unless the word Wzdulterated” is plainly marked, printed or stenciled diagonally across the other marks or brands, if any, on the hogshead, barrel, cask, box, bale, sack or package containing the same, or in case there are no other marks thereon, then across such box, barrel, hogshead, cask, bale, sack or package, in a con- spicuous place in large letters and figures not less than two inches in size. SECTION 4. If any person shall knowingly violate the provisions of this Act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, and each transaction‘ shall be deemed a separate oifense. ' / SECTION 5. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions 0f this Act are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. (Emergency Clause). (Although the bill contained the usual emergency clause it does not become eiiective until July 14th, as the House did not pass it by a two- thirds aye and nay vote). $8 3.2 4. .3 . ................. .. E8323 . ........ ......... 6o ES 52m EEEEE ..$.~on@ E5 =95 p88» 95m i ....... .. maoa 88 8.3 h .8. .3 .................. .. acfinzfi. ............................ 6o E2 56E E8328 Q25 @8.§> S i.,......... .3.» 28 _ .@ .8. .................. .. _s...@=:._< ................ .8 Eysom EG 2&5 nopwmzi .323 E60 2 mg E8 W .@ w .@ .................. .. 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If: 6...... x52 ........................ .. c2c> 520cc... .0 E .. .......................... .. wcccc =80 cox: 8.“. _ .2 ca. i5: ........................ .. ccS> . . .... .. ccficccc. .0 Emmmmmwmmmm .... c wccfi Eco ....... <3“. cc.” _ ccc _ a _ .c .................. .. cccwczi . ......... .. co E2 5.2m cfiwcmz... .1 ................ .._........mcnmkcc 8cm wwwms- ace Sc a d .................. .. acpwnsfiw ............................ ..co E2 ESE ccvwfiic. cnc Eco 3 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 2 2 .50 0N: 00.0 5w.w5 .............. .. 5555055 550.55 .................. ..o0 5050.555 50550 5552 055.555M ...... ....... ..55.0.555 5.500553 2555M .......... .. MN $.50 0.5.05 N050 05.05 .............. .. 5505055 5.5005 .................. ..o0 5050.65.05 50550 5552 055555M .............. ..55.0.555 50055.55 05555005 .......... .. 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M555 00.50 .5005 00.0 0m.5N .................... .. 550005555M ................ =00 505080505 50550 5552 5500055550 .......................... .. 550.555 50055.5 .......... .. .255 0N0 N005 0.5. .2 .............. .. 5000855805M ..... =00 505080505 50550 5552 50008558050 ........ ..0550550 50550 550555 50055.5» 2 ............ .. 00.0 50.05 .0 .2 500085580555 .......... ..o0 50505505 50550 5552 50008558050 ....... ...05.50550 50550 550555 50055.55 2 ............ .. 0N4. 0N5: .0 .2 500085580555 .......... ..o0 505080555 50550 5552 50008558050 .. ................... .. 550.555 50055.5» 550.005 ............ .. 00.0 5 5.05 00.0 N00 500085580555 .......... ..o0 5050805555 50550 5552 50008558050 ............................ .. 0550550 55500 2 ............ .. 00.0 00.0 00.0 N50 .............. .. 500085580555 .......... =00 505080505 50550 5552 50008558050 ............................ .. 0550550 55.500 .......... .. <00 00.0 50.0 00.0 N50 .............. .. 500085580505 .......... =00 505080505 50550 5552 50008558050 ............................ .. 0550550 55500 5505005 ............ .. 00.5“ $0.05 .0 .0 .................. .. 5555550555025 - 505080.25 .55 ...................... .. 0550550 5550.0 ............ .. 50000 00.N wwd .0 .N .0 .............. .. 5500M 5555005 ................................... ......... .5500 050 055500.505 .................. 0550550 0050555 0552 .......... .. >-550v5005m5 ............................ .. 0550550 55.500 5500N5 ............ .. 0N0 N50 .0 .0 .0 .................... .. 5505555055 ...... :00 555500.50 50550 5552 00055050050050.0555 ............................ .. 0550550 55500 .......... .. <05. 5.04m 00w .m .0 .................... .. 55055550550 ...... ..o0 55505.0 50550 5552 .000550>>-550v5005M ............................ .. 0500550 55.500 55005 ............ .. 50N.50 Nw.» .m .0 .................................. :00 050 55000550005 45555 ........................... .. 0520550 55.500 .......... .. $00 00.0 00.05 55.50 .................................... :00 00 000505505 .55 .0 .............................. .. 0050550 55500 2 ............ .. 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M005 50.55 5550505M 5005 5550505M 000550504 05550.55 . .055 0.505 .055 55555.0 9555.5 00550505 5505055055 050N209?» 050557525250 MHMDEO<0MDZ<2 23 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 06.2. 2m6 2.6.6 62.62 .................... .. 6.68.626 .................................. .60 622222 66822620 ....... .. 6.2626 6.80 02.6 66.62 2.220 26.2.2 .................... .. 6622626 ............................ .60 662222 662.2620 .............................. .. 20662 626626 66.6 66.62 2.2.0 26.22 .................... .. 2622626 _ . ............................ .60 6222222 6620620 ........................... .. 20662 26626 66.6 26.202 2.2.20 2622 .................... .. 6622226 .................................. .60 6622222 6626620 .............................. .. 20662 26626 66.6 62.62 2.2.6 2622 .................... .. 6622626 .................................. .60 6622222 66222620 .......... .. 20662 263w 2 ............ .. 2.22.6 02.02 @2626 226.02 .................... .. 22202222622 .. ................................ :00 @2522 2222222220 .............. .4 ............ .. 22200225. .......... .. mmw 2.22.26 .22 626.2 206.66 ........................ .. @2260 ................. ..00 202022622 02E 2222 26.222260 ........................ .. 62.20226 2.6622022 220002 ............ .. 220 6 m222 620.26 m0 >2 .. @230 . .... ..60 2626.62 2E 2222 @230 ............................ .. 2E2 2623 2 ............ .. 66.2. 66.62 2020.6 $.22 ........................ .. @2260 260E622 2E 2222 @230 ............................ .. 2E5 226225 20mw2 ............ .. 620.6 66.22 206.20 $.62 ........................ .. @230 .................... ..00 2620662 2E 2222 @230 ............. .. 2E2 22025 2 ............ .. 26.6 .202 2020.6 2020.202 ........................ .. @230 .................... .00 626.62 2E 2222 @230 ............................ .. 622626 :60 202.202 ............ .. 2.20.2 202.20 20.6 2020.02 ........................ .. @230 .................... ..60 202662 2E 2222 @230 ............................ .. 6.2626 :60 2 ............ .. 206.6 66.62 2020.6 200.02 ........................ .. @230 .. 262262 2E 2222 @230 ............................ .. 622620 :60 20662 ............ .. 20m6 2.6.20 202.6 6.0 ........................ .. 226:2. ................ ..60 20202002622 202E 2222 6262220 .............................. .. 6.2626 :60 220m ............ .. 20m6 2020.202 202.2. 6.20 ........................ .. 256:2. ................ ..60 200E622 2E 2222 622662220 ............. .- 622626 :60 .......... .. 220m 6206 .62 6.2. .22 ........................ .. 226:2. ................ ..00 2629622 2E 2222 62262220 .......................... .. 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B202 206.6 26.6 .................... .. 2622260 ...................... ..60 2626.62 2E 2222 .0 .0 ............................ .. 6.2626 :60 20mmm ............ .. 62.6 26.20 206.2. .................... .. 2:62:26 ...................... .60 262662 2E 2222 .0 .0 ............................ .. 622626 660 ........... .. 22002 206.2. 6202 12020.6 . 2:62:22 ...................... ..60 262662 2E 2222 .0 .0 ............................ .. 22622 E6225 206mm ............ .. 22.26 @002 .0 2.26 .262 .................... .. 2.220820% ...................... ..00 20223022 0222... 2222 .0 .0 ........ ..m..2.2022m 0220 220.222 #266222 .......... .. 4002 026.: 00.2.26 z .6 .026 .................... .. 22000622022 .......................................... ..00 0% 00200 .w H2 .................... 2260222 000w 2202500 .......... .. 426m 6m. 66.2 6. , 6.2 .................... .. 20.22am .......................................... :00 .00 0.0200 .w .02 .................. ..m:222~ 002.2 022220.200 .......... .. mzwfim .6206 $.20. .6 .20 ...................... .. :226:4 ...................................... 62222 M220 26.222260 ............................ .. 622026 :60 20 ............ .. 262.22 @222 6 .0 22226224 .....m:22 M020 20.222200 .............................. .. 000222 22.200 .......... .. 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THE FEED ‘CONTROL m 1905-6. 6.. 1 ; . .._ 381.188.06.883. i 6.3. #6668 M666 6.3: ................. -. 6688662 ...... .60 86666620 688 :08 668860 8:60 .. ........................ .i..ii 688680 <8 66.6 66.6 . .6 .8 .................. .. 6686888860 ...................... ....... ..60 688:2 668688860 .................. .. 8688 668686.666. 26E ............ .. 66.: 66.6: 6 .6 .3 .................. 668688860 ................................ ..60 682:2 66868860 ............................ .. 865 8668B .......... .. 66.6 66.6: _ .6 .3 .. .. 66868860 68:5,: 66868860 ............................ .. 865 6668B 2 86.6 66.6 .6 .6 .................. .. 668688860 680:2 66868860 ............................ .. 68686 8860 2 26.6 86.6: .6 .6 ................ .. 626868866: 868260 .0 .0. .......................... 66686 8.8.0 .......... .. 66.6 66.6 6.6 6.8 ................ .. 26868868 8.88660 .0 .6 ................. ...66686 68:88 682 86.6 66.6: 6.6 .3 ................ .. 6:.86886m 868660 .0 .m. ............................ .. 865 6668.; 86.6 68.6 .6 .6 ................ .. 68.868868 .. 8688660 .0 .8. ............................ .. 66686 866: 66.6 68.68 .6 .6 .................... .. 6888820 .... .. 68.26820 .0 .688. ................. ...68686 .863: 688m 62.6 686: .6 .6: u .................... .. 6888520.. .............................. ....... ..8866>20 d 6E. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66686 8668B 06.6.. 26.6 66.6 .6 .6 .................... .. 6888520. 8826.820 d .686. ................... ...68686 8866 668:2 .......... .. 0E6 .mm .® .................... l QQHDQQ@O Tgniw>mio 6g 6Qfl%.. ---------------------------- 1 MQQZU CHOU Q0 3323-11 66.6 66.6: 6.6 .3 -- 6888565 ................................ 6:02 826m 6888566 .......................... 865 6662B 6.62 66.6 66.6: 6 6.6 .6: .................... .. 68888.20 ...6::: 8.26m 688520 ............ ............. .. 865 8668.; :0 66.6 .6 .6 .6. .................... .. 68886.20 ....................... ...........6_:m: 826m 6888520 .............................. .. 686.6 8860 2666 66.6 .6: .6 .6 . .................... .. 6888520 ............................... ...2:2 826m 6888520 ............................ .. 68686 8860 .......... .. 66.6 86.6: 6.6 .6: _ ............ .. 886m 868860. . .... ..60 2:2 826m 886m 868860 ........................ 865 6668B 8:66 $6 .6: 6.6 .6: ............ .. 886m 866860. .................. ..60 62:2 86:6: 886m 868860 ............................ .. 88.5 8668B .......... .. 66.6 .866: 6.6 .6: ............ .. 686m 866860 .................. ..60 6:62 86:6: 686m 868860 ............................ .. 865 666868 .......... .. 66.6 66.6 66.6 86.6 86686820 .............................................. .6820 .0 .686 ............................ .. 66686 860 8086: 66.6 66.6 $6 86.6 .................. .- 866868620 ............................... .- .2820 2m .686. ........................... .. 66686 8860 .......... .. 86.6 .6 .6 .6 .................. .. 82.86820 .............................................. 6:20 .0 .686 ................... ...68686 68:68. 2:6 .......... .. 86.6 66.8 .6 86.6 . 86686820 .......................................... ......6820 .0 .686 ................ .8866 88.62 6686880 8066: 66.6 68.6 .6 .6 ................ .. 866868.20 ................ ........:20 2m 68:. ...... ...66686 8866 8886M 8066: ............ .. 66.6 68.6 .6 86.6 ................ .. 866868620 . ......................................... ......2820 .6: .686 ................ .6668 8: 8866 8:082 .......... .. 0666 66.6 66.6 .6 .6 .................. .. 6668230 .................................. ..60 68:5: 666.2220 ........................ .. 68686 8860 80666 ............ .. 66.6 66.6 .6 .6 .................. .. 6662220 .................................. .60 685:2 666.2250 ............................ .. 66686 8860 .......... .. <65 66.6 68.2 .6 6.6 .................. .- 66686250 .................................. .-60 68:56 6668:2880 ................... ...68686 6868 6:6 80666 ............ .. 66.6 62.6: .6 6.6 66686250 . ................................. ..60 68:52 66682580 ................. 1.68686 68:68 6:2 .......... .. 06E 66.6 .68 .6 .6 66686880 ........................... .... ..60 688:6 66686880 .... .6668 88 68686 62688 6:2 .......... .. 8686 66.6 6.6.6 66.6 3.6: .................... .. 86888680 .................. . .. ..... .60 052:2 86882680 ............................ .. 68686 8860 .......... .. <66. adrfl 8068686: 268m 8638M 6608004 Osdz 8808.6 0688.8 mmww6. 8mmm6 68608388 886888800 88680608802668 8 a 1 25 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 0.0.0 00.00 00.0. B»: ............ .. 000000000008 .......... .00 20:: 0.0000000 8200 0000.000 ............ =02: 0.0a 008 0:030 00.0 00.00 00.0 2.: ............ .. 00000200008 ...... .00 2:: 00052.0 820.0 000000.. . ............ .30: 05 E8 0002: 00.0 (00.2 0.0 0.3 ............ .. .... ........00 2:2 300000.: 8000.: :39? ...... .. . .... 0:00: 000005» 00.0. 000...: 0.0 0.2 ............ .. 0000020000? s00 2:: 0000000: 823 0000.000 ......................... 005 0.02;» 00.0. 02.: :3. 2.00 .. ..... .. 00000000088 .......... .00 2:2 0000020 8005 08s? .................. .. 0E0 00000000003. mmd 000d 0.0 0.0 ............ .. 0000000300? .......... :00 2:2 0000000: 3010M 130%: ................ 000:0 00000 0.0.0 00.0 W we Q: . ............ .. 0000005005 .......... ..00 0E2 mnisfim 00300 000000“ ................ ......... .. 000:0 00000 00.0 :00: 0.0 , .0. ........................ 00000. 0000.50 .0. .0 .................. .0000“. 000900 0:2 00.0 H .00 .0 , .0 ............ .. 0000000000000 00030: 0 50000,. ........................ 000:0 00000 00.0 000.3 .0 .00 ............ .. m005020£0m 00:08: 0 502m 000: 0000B 05.0 000.0 a . .0 ................. 02.8.. ...................... .... £00m a 00:00:00 A: .0 ............................ .. 000:0 00000 0.0.0. 400.0 .0 _ .0 ................. 0000.08: ...................................... =00 0 00.500 .000: ......................... .. 000:0 E00 00.0. 00.00 00.0 00.00 ...................... .. 00003. ........................................ ..00 M0502 .0000.» ......... .0000 00000 000800 00am u .3 Mowq. 03mm: ........................ .. 003204 00 mafia: x0000 ............. .603 x0000 00.00000 00m 6N0: _ .m .0 o0 M00502 5.000 ................ 000:0 00000 and Kwd _ m. .0 ....... .............................. :00 @0522 50.5w ............................ .. 000:0 00000 00.0. 000.00 . 0.0 0 .3 ....... .............................. ..00 @0052 00000 . ........ .. 000E 05.0.? 00.0 :50: . 0.0. 0 .3 . 00 @552 00000 ........................... .. .000: 0000B 00.0 00.2 W 0.0. .3 ........................................ ..00 000:2: 00000 ............................ .. 000: 08:5 00.0 00.00 0 0.0. _ .2 ..................................... .200 00:5: 00.000 ...................................... .. 300:0 00.0. 000.2 . 0.0 W .3. .00 000:3: 00000 000000 000:3 00.0. .000 0 .0. 00.0 .................. .. 000000000 .............................. .250 00:0: 0000000000 ............................ .. 000000 0000 00.0. .000 W .0 H .0 . .................. .. 000000000 ............................. 20:02 00003: 000000000 ............................ -. 000000 0000 :00 1.00.00 . 0.0 0 .3 .0 .................. .. 0000000000 .............................. .2002 00000: 000000000 .................... .0020. 000 000m 2 5.0. u .2 M 0.0 _ .3 . .................. .. 0000000000. ............................ ...0::.\: 00:3: 0000000000 .................... ..0000:0 000 0000: .......... .. <00 03. 000.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 ................ .. 0000000080. ....................................... .. 0000000 0000000 ........................ 000:0 0000 0:5 .... ..... .. $0 .0000 0 .0 .0 ................ .. 0210000000 ..................................... 0:00:00 000000: ............................ .. 000:0 00000 .......... .. m3: i: 0.00.0 . .0 .0: __ ................ .. .. 0:00:00 03000:. 0000p 00000 .......... .. 4mg 00.0.. 00.00 .93. 000.00 0 ........... .. 00000000 ............................ .00 00000 000000000080 ............................ .. 200:0 E00 .......... .. .0000 00.0 20.0 W. .0 0 .0 _ .................... .. 002.000.“: c0000 .0 H ............................ .. 000:0 00000 .......... .. 4Z5 00.0 00.0 W m W .0 .................... .. 0.0000000 @0000 .0 .0. .. 000:0 E00 Zfit: .... iii. 0m.” 5.0.3 M m ,0 .0 .. 0000800 0:02 002cm 00000000 ........................... .. 000:0 .0000 .......... .. 4mm 00.0. m .2 0 0.0 0 .3 .................... .. 0000800 2:2 00:0: 0000800 ............................ .. 5E 000:3 0:00 .... .... .. 00.0. 50.00 0 0.0 .3 .................... .. 00000000 2:2 00:0: 00000000. ....................................... .. 0E: :00 2.0 K00 :03 50.0 0 .................. .. 0000000002 ...... ..00 0000500 0000 :02 0.00000 5:00 ....................... .. 0.00:0 E00 2 ....... ..... .. 00.0 “$.00 E00 50.00 0 .................. .. 0000000000.. ...... =00 000055 0000 :02 b.0000 0:000 .. .................................... .2 02m .... m: 0.0.0 00.00 .20 T000 0 .................. .. 00000009. ...... =00 0000,0050 000 :02 b00000 00:00 .................................. 08m 2 a0.» _ .2 000.0 $.00 _ ............. 000050002 ...... =00 03.05000 05. :02 b00000 00:00.. .................................. .. 0000000 ii .... .. ....§..!. THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 36 3.2 6 .2 .................... .. naiawnm ................................ .60 E2 wfloadmm 25 .................. ..q§5 QEQ? 95m gm 3.5 E .5 .................... .. Hzwiaim ................................ 6o E2 HEQEEQ 2i ........................... .. E8 v1.8a mg w»; a . c0250 ..... 6o 060E652 E5 E2 noficwc ............................ .. mmomo =80 3mm 3d a comEwQ .................. ..o0 Hofifimzm ES E2 c0255 ............................ .. acme n30 owe NE: we f c0250 .................. 60 Eoismzm v.8 E2 sofififi ............................ .. =55 pawn?’ Mme .5 ma _ .2 m .................... .. cofiswm .................. 60 Eofirmxm E8 E2 coficwo ENMQ wdmfla mam .3 ma _ .2 1 .................... .. c.5180 .................. ..o0 Eofigwflfl was E2 QowEQD .......................... .. n95. pews?» 2E 5.2 A“ __ 4H .................... .. nowuzm .................. :00 mowmiimm wflw 2M2 coficwfi ........................ .. 3.8mm udwng 00$ 2.»: J» _ A: .................... .. c0250 .................. ..OU ncwmkwwfimm USE 5M2 E025. ........................ .. mQnOQm udwflg 3N £2 3m $2.4 ........ .. wmqssfim >52. pwmnzfimQ E .................................... .. mfiosm 8d $0.2 3m $42 ........ .. Eficcfim >$Z .............................................. .. pwmsmfipumfi .5 ........ .. mfioaw 3w 2:: 3w B5: ........ .. flfinsfim 3oz .............................................. -. nomfifiwwmfim .5 .............................. .. imam flnoO 3e 3w A“ Om.w ........ .. Bfifiékm 302 .............................................. .. nwwflfiuamfim mm ............................ .. mQOQQ GMQU 0M6 2d A“ 09w ........ .. EQEEEM >52 ............... zfi ........................... .. Ewwczfimm Mm ............................ .. mQOJQ GMOU and 5w A“ 3w ........ .. flficswLm >52 ............................... .. EmEEEQ A» ............................ -. mmomo E60 3m N?“ e mam ......... .. Ewwsfimpm BPZ ................................... :1 ....... .. awwmmfiunmQ .5 ............................ .. mmono ch00 $0M. 0nd 5v ma miwwifidamm 3oz .............................................. .. Mmwflflwfimm QM ............................ .. mQOSO QMOQ mil. 3d A“ m.w ........ .. 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BEEEQ ..................................... iwE2 E60 mdidfi ............................ .. .323 F80 5w 3.3 m _ w .......... .. 9E? 426.5 .2 E .... .. 32E F80 OW m __ m 006g . JL5OHQ ............................ .. mQOQO SHOQ awe 3d w W d .................. .. Eowmzwoz ........................................ 60 cfikw AQQOQO ............................ -. 3on0 E00 mod 2.3 .m W a .................. .. Eomwhwgz ........................................ .60 i333 @0595 ............................ .. 28% F60 mofl 2mm m .m ............ .. didommaoU ................... .. mZOwEdAO SP 4. ............................ -. mmoflo EEOC emwwm ............ .. fimh $0.3 E .@ ............ .. Hiowgwnpww? .. 0O 2Z2 wimwfiofim Qodfidnm ~dH~PmQO ............. .. ..~dwa HMHOU MEQMH iUmfim ............ .. wN m Q ® wvhmfinhwfifldwg . - . . . . . . ZOO .%Q@H50~rw._@ QOG@_NA% @fi¢w%h@ ...................... ETNUQH HFMOO HENM ........... .. Sm nmwfizm 8am YEBQLG mmwszé 2.82 .02 Pug .02 $52242 mmaz00 m; 8.2 3.2 :8 20d 00.2 00.: 8.2 m2: 02.02 00.02 8.2 m8 8.3 25.2 00.2 5.2 $.22 m8 m8 98 m8 $.02 >8 5w 8w @202 @222 :8 d2 N202 2W5 28 $6 8.3 8.3 08 @048 0 oo 1~1~1~ooo0 0*" .. . . . 5Q“? . . . . . .°°.‘-'°.°’2"1"f Qéfdldlg-[Q-ldldgdd mmmwwvwcomwmmcowwcomcovw 2d N26 0202 m3: .5 .5 .2 0&2 0N2 .2 .5 ...................... .. 0220M .................. .. @8@d2Q8A .................. .. @8@82:8Q .................. .. @8@82E8M .................. .. @8@82:8A .................. .. @8@8~2~8Q ............ .. 0002002080? 0002002280? 0002002080? 0.8282080?’ 00000020803 0002002080? 0002002080? .................... .. 080025 .................... .. 080025 ........................ .. 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THE FEED CONTROL m 1905-6. _2.NN 6N 6.: 66m 2E. ........ .......... =60 :2 6:3: 66am 2E ........................ .. 56% i325 ........... .- mm N66 66d: 6.6 .2 ....... .. 65am 62E ...a0 E2 62am 65am 62E .......................... .. =65 i223 2 ............ .. mo: .NN 6.6 _ .2 .............. .. i=6»: 62E ........................ ..a0 E2 =26: imam 62E .......................... .. =66 662.5 6N6 6.: .6 _ .............. .. 62am 62E ........................ ..a0 E2 6:3: imam 62E ...................... .. =65 6662.5 N66 .2 _ 6 1 ........ ............................... .60 @2222 a=2E ............ .... ......... .. .3626 6.6625 63. 66.2 E .6. 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Emmaza =6a 52.0 20 3.6 NE: W66 A .3 6552 96E .......................... .. =26 6666B 66.6 65: 6.6 _ .2 .655: a=2E ................. h. ...... .. =65 6.625 N66 6E: 6.6 a .2 .6652 66E .. ..................... .. =26. 6622B .36: 5.2 6 ._ A: ........................ .. 26E .......................................... -60 mEE2 26E .............................. .. =65 =60 N66 E6 66.6 E62: .................. ..a0 666.65.: 6.6 E2 66=aE ............................ .. 626 =60 N66 5.5 6N6 66.5 .................. ..a0 =aiw>2m 6.6 E2 666E ............................ .. =65 6662.5 6N6 N26: 6M6 66.: . .................. ..a0 666E: 6.6 E2 666E .......................... .. =65 665$ 6 5.6 E66 6.6: . .................. .60 666622 66 E2 666E 662a =60 6.0.6 66.3 666 . i: .................. ..a0 666,22 66 E2 666E .............................. .. 662a =60 6H6 6N6: N5 66.6 .................. .. 6666i” ...a0 .6662: 66 E2 666E ............ .665: =66 66 6662? 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Omdnw ................... .. cmwm 53m wfifim ................... .. c3265 ccpmscm .................... .. ccpwscfi ................... .. c326: ................... .. c3265 .. @225 ....................... .. @315 ................ .. phcmcwwwcm ................ .. mficnccsa ...................... .. eéac ........ £55 ..................... .. 2x539 ..................... .. fisac ...................... .. 2.2.5 .......... .. JEZEO ...................... .. 2255c ..................... .. acacia .......................... .. Edi ......................... .. ha"; .................... .. cztrccm ........................ .. @215 . ....................... .. mwzcc s ...................... i ma: GQ . nanicsw ................... .. éeméw ................... .. Gdahmfiw ................... .. mwficcsm .......... .. 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Em mccfi 5cm .................................. .60 @552 bum Em Ewmcac E8 haw 3m .................................... :52 E355 @9532 mmcsc F80 .... .. comm .2592 @950 F60 .................. 10$ hcwnfiuzfl ~25» 22% 2x525 ..-.......:...:-..mmcsc 3E5 OZQ/H ....cO pcckizfl 25c 2:2 £5333 . zwmczc Ecc .522 .................. :00 $25552 cam E2 cccws? mmcsc F50 .................. 60 hcfiwkzm E8 E2 sagas 3.5.0 Eco .................. :00 555552 2:8 :22 “T3559 .....-...-..A.a~S©8m8m ................................ =85 8. 88888882 .880 .......................... .. =88 8888B ........... .. <88 8am 48880.83 888m cmfiofw 8.88.8384 -311. 1 0E8? , 8.. ._ w... .82 9.88 .82 8 828.8 mama .8888 x8885 888.8822. _ 888.28.81.25 M 888088828732 . THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 3.6 $6 66.6 5.3 5.2 9.6 m3: 6.9 66.9 66.6 6.2 39 23; _ .2 i666 .36 6N9 K3: M Q1: 6.2: m4 - cowwrolm diwfim .w ............. .. 00mm .......z.................-..:....:.0U Qoflfioamm uwbwnw ..... @0696 QMOU .................. UGQumQEQWH hgflflmzw .WH .>/ ...... .. ...... .... .. mQOJO GpOU a ................ .. 66606955 62.5.5 .2 .>, ............. .. 39$ F60 .3 .................... .. 62$ a. 56:60am a: .......................... .. =26 n22; .3 ................... 62m E awerawow a: .......................... .. 5E 6665; .6 ......... ......60 5S0 92900265 .............. -6691. F66 $02M .6 ....... .. 60 5.20 krtwmszsm ............................ .. 39E =60 d ...................... .60 E50 bbwmgrwwm ............................ .. 96:6 F60 .6 .......... ..... 665$ ............... ...... .60 618.0 5.604290% ....... .. .696 F60 .6 .......... ............ 83$ ..................... ......60. 622$ mtfimsfiwm ...................... -. 96% :60 .2 .... 666w .... .60 626m 9s wfizm; 566m ........................ .. 2.5% 6695/ .2 ...................... .. smsmwm .60 662cm 96 @552 =msmwm ........................ .. 6.197. 6695/ .3 666w ......... ......6o 9626.0 9s 95:04 9666mm ............................ .0 52 62E .3 6696mm .................. 5o 8E5 96 @552 5.66,». ............................ .. 50.5 99E d 666$ .6860 E6 @5202 Esucm ............................ .. 96.3 F60 m .6 umswmw ..... .60 520m 96 @552 Eswwm 906% F60 E1: ...... ......... E595 60 a 226w ............................ .. 6.0.56 F60 6.0.3 0 ........ ...... 6F6> 60 a 526w. ............................ .. 396 E60 __ Wm ................ .. 0.696660 1662i .2 =.6__ ............................ .. 29E =60 ,_ m.w wuowflwflfimm Cudaww Q4» 050% ............................ -. mLOSQ 500D W .6 $9320 ......... =65 06666084606691. ................. 590620 6.6.. .6029 flaw 6000966630 60 a 026w .r._ ............................ .. 396 F60 hmzfi w_:>=@~fi0 o0 d 62.6w a. 5:5 069;» NW3 652066.10 o0 6 02.6w .2 5:; $6.5» 66.2 ............ 65:0 65 a >95 .0 .6 ...................... .. 96:92.0 5.5 2.2 _ .................. 95:0 62m a 296w .0 .0 ...................... .. 02:11 =9; M i326 .............. $0.9m 6w 30.6w .m~ .0 ..... .... .... .. T012040 :50 H7655 W 630:0 v95 Q Bozvw H .0 ........ ..$._o:¢ 9E Eta 069.5 5mg ........ 63:6 ..... ..m9m a 266w .0 m ........... .. 29E F60 wwflw C0330 ..........:...... ........ ...... 1600mm d0 3050M dm .L ............................ .. wnczu 000D E3; M ........... c6050 .... .65 0 893w .0 i .......................... .. .65 09:55 :36 E00 26m ....... .60 a £26m .0 .2? ............................ .. 96% F60 26.6 .......... -. b6 6:60 ..... ......... .-!.60 a 692w .0 .92 ............................ .. 39$ E60 . .w .. 033:4 EMPE: ....... .... ....... :00 E2 03h mmom 5f ................ 43E n90 0:6 E00 I .w f .... ... ..... .. Omflouiaw fldw ...... .................. ........0U 5W2 000mm QmOfi Exp .1005 Q00 did £00.10 E30 _, .... ..... .. 6:624 5w .......... ....... .60 E2 63m 32. 5% .. ........................ .. 96% =60 W26 0 .... ..... ... 66692 5w ..... E2 63m $8. 9% ............................ .. 26% =60 0 JA Omhdnflmm fldw ....:....-......... .6233 9626M omuduwfimm 50w .......................... .. CF09 .0152 >> THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. n0 4 02.0 00.2.2 2 .0 v2.2 000000002 00222222 2000200005 .............. ....2050022020 0020M 2032 i ........ .- <02 00.0 02.02 __ .0 .02 ................... .. 08.00022 00022222 200020005 ................................ .. 2.000 2222 .0020 ............ .. 00.0 00.02 _ .0 .02 z... ............... -. 0002000002 0022222 2.002000% 2.002 2222 ........... .. 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Emiwi m. .5 ........................ .. 000:0 =80 .0 ...................... .. 02267.. .......................................... :00 mczzz b.0011. ........................... .. 000:0 E00 m0 .............. .. 002:3 .......................................... ..00 00:22 000...... ....................... .. 00.5 0000B mPmH .............. .. 0fi0>».:fi0~0.0 ........................................ 12:2 820m 83v 538cm 000 00.5 @0055 3.3 .............. .. 00m0>£$08m0 ........................................ $52 820M 80m ...... .. 0.08am was :05 000a?» 000 .............. = M00~¢¢00_0H0 ....................................... -m_=04 ~0:0M~ 0000 =--=~=H-H~H ..... = w0000 0000 m0 .................. ..0nw...»£$300. .. ....... ...... .222 0020M 85x ....... .. mmoso F80 H»: W 00:00 ....................... .00 M552 0,0053% .0 .21 38am 00055 M0504 0805b .0 .0 008mm @0003 , . . . mEEQ/H 0.2283 .0 .0 ....... .. 000:0 n80 400.2 H ........................... .. . mEEZ 085mm .0 .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 000:0 =80 0f: ........................ .. £50 Hmmnwwww“H8 “.502 000M200 .0 ......H.................U.. ....... .. £5 0.0003 . .. 000M202 ....................... 0.805% .0 .0 8.5 000:2» _ . .................... .. 0 03 .................................. ..00 #000222 0.808% 00.5 00055 MM , .................... .. 0000000 .................................. :00 MEZQA 0000:0901. .......................... .. 50.5. udwfig .2 .................... .. 000383 .................................. :00 M552 0838i .......................... .. n05 0000B w; .................... .. 80282 . ..00 M0222 0.200000% .......................... .. 8.5 035$ _ .5 . .................... .. 0000000 @552 0.20550 :bfipwmmsm 0020M 00m _ S 0002i 00:02 0.000008% .............. ..b5mmfl~n 850m 00M 00000 ............ = ............ ..<00~ 0000_ ............ - ..........................U 0% .. mmmwwm M? .. ..........................M 0.0.... . . ............ ..0>H 11.15.12 0% .............. .. ..m0H ‘.7128..- 1141:5111 THE FEED CONTROL m 1905-6. o0 4. Si. 3.2 A a _ ...... Qqdouzoo ¢¢~Ew EOE 5m 2,3. =2; 2.2; 2E .2 3m 5.3 .................. .. =8£>2c 22m ham 2%.: .......................... .. 5.5 8.2K .- 3m 2.2 3d 5.3 .................. .. =§s>zo ............................. 22:2 EOE 2am mdvsm. ...... ................. .. 5S 8.9;» ........... .- 3a 2.: 2.... 5.3 ............ .. E..._$>:.o EOE Em mama. .......................... .. 5.2 Far; ........... .. .21. £2 m .@ ...... .. mwEEm 255$ .................. ............. ...§%F._. A .2 .......................... .. =8... . ........... .. 2Q 52: m a ...... .. mwEEm 255$ .%.:.C£.. .2 .2 .................... .. E26 :30 22mm x3. NZ 4.“ d ...... .. wWEEm 2E1“? 2.122. d é ...... .. .92.. P50 i: 2.3 d a ...................... .. zmFse .............. =00 wzpqfizw2 2E .520 mama. ............................ .. 2E3 F60 $2. Ba a a . ..................... .. zfisa .............. ..o0 25.88.02 ES c120 2E8. ......................... .. 29B =20 m3. 5a a d . ............. .. sic? 96m ................ .60 .S§>2H 2E c220 mfiflpz. ....................... .- @193 E00 2Q: ..... Si. 3d 4.. a 5S3 to.» . ......... ....... .60 83.5w 2E c120 wiwm. .......... ............... .. 396 :30 ........... .. <22. 3d 5m m3. $2 .... ............. .. @215 .. Q @552 2E 5E0 23.8. ............................ .. MQEE F60 ......................... .. d 3.3 2.1m .3 ....... .. M28332 ......... ................ ..... 52m cowfircoiZ ................... .. 396 @925, 50mm ........ 2d 3d mm... m ............. .. sfibfizwm ...................... 53m comnfioif .. mEEQ :50 220E ............ .. 3am $52 ma.» m .................. .. 22.53am dfim comEcii. ............................ .. .393 E00 20.2 $45 é .3. . ............. .. .383 “tam .... =00 a. 0.23m .................. 43E £35 wbram 3.3 8% m .3 5.2.3 $.82 o0 a iii ............... 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F60 3S 93 A. d . o$mn< cam ...................... ..o0 @552 mhwfisbm ............................ .. 23.6. n50 m?“ 5.3 3 $2 .............. .. o€w=< Ewm d0 2:52 mfiwfisbm ..... .-.......wmosu Q25: 2:2 34. .2 m3. .2 ............ .. 52 9.55m ................................... :52 m.>::...m .2 d .......... .. =95 $5.3» w? .3 a d .. ................. .. ufiwfismo ...... .....-....-.o0 22223082 mhwfixuopm . ..... .. macaw F60 @022 ......... nah nmwaouh “Eh nmogoum $33.4 Qawz mmDBm QMEE wvwhww... fiwamwHo mHmwn - II'IOO v o v n | - I | | | n | u u | o | | : u | | n u || .00 .. .....o0 0.0000500 0:8 0002 83$ ........................ .. 00.0200 000203 .000 ...................... .80 0302600 0:8 0002 88$.» .......................... .- 50.5 080005 .3 ...................... .80 080E600 0050 0002 820B ............................ .. c008. 080005 0&0 .......... .. 800050000080 .................................................... .. 835$ .00 .......... .4088 0008M 0:8 080050 .0 _ ............... .. w000>mc000o0 .......... 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E80 ......................... .. mtfifi .8... .......................... .. midhfi .................. ..O@ hOwfl>wfimm @226 kmwiwfi>ww ................ i. ......... .. mQOSO CMOQ ........... 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Emfionm E8 52m _ ...................... .. 885m. @552 x8888? .................... .3226 E8 5am .,__ .......... .. pswwrfimwasxw» .4552 x8850?’ .. 38am w ........... .. pswwE/QEWEP» . @552 x8828? ............................ .. .85 5E? ........... .. unwvrfiwpm P) 5:22 x8828? =EE @355 ........... .. ucmifiwpww? 500 mcfim2 8235c? ......:....-.........mfioam 2:8 52m “Emwpfiwuma? .................................... .60 @552 xowio? ............................ .. mgofi F50 “Emvrflwpirfi .................................... aoO wEE2 xuwfio? ............................ .. 32$ F80 m ............ .. pnwiBwgmsg .. ............. :00 @552 x8850?’ ............................ .. mmofi F80 % ............. .. wwflodfidkwkr» ............... ............... .80 a wimzm? 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E12 83.. 20.2 32 E2 020.2 :6 Em 2w. 22 $0.2 3w Z08 23 E2 5.2 $3 22 3w 2w $8.2 8w 3: 2.02 m; 3: Q: v $2 2%.: m; 5.2 $2 8.2 mwfi E2 8N2 3a 2a d2 92.2 8.2 8.» 3.8 $3. $2. m3 m3 $4. £8 3m ................. .. 3woom=2.....: ..2...l..i:.-..:.-.:.........OU Q 237m 4H .>> 23> mEE .... ................ 6o $2222 28:5» 33E 223w 25E ........ ............ do @552 25S» 23E ...... .. 8828222 ..::c0 =22 $20M 88.8.82 ....... B924 amfioum a. nowofiuh ........ i 39:4 noxoum ...::.....:.............-.............$finsm Q uomvian ........... 88:2 Em a 3E d ........ :8 2 82282220 22E .2 2. ............. .. @855 .......... ..... ............. =8 2252 .5855 .... 252:5 .. 2.2522 2855 ........ =8 2 $282220 @2222 22822.6 ....s..-a 2 $282220 25:2 2.8.2220 ........ d. 2 528222“. wizmz 22822.6 ......... 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H62 262020 .............................. .. 2:5 8E -. @252 $2M .............................. -. 2:5 8E .... .................. -- 25.5 22m .... 5E2 8E .......................... .. 22292 8E THE FEED CONTROL m 1905-6. 6 6 . 80.0. .880 8...... _ .80 ........ .. 5E0 .88808084.. ................................................... .8080 .00 .0. ..... ................... .. 8.08.08 E80 ........... .. 408w .088 80.80 .8 .2 ...... .. 5E0 .008>0E850 .............. ..80 880888080 0E8 E2 0088080850 ........................ .. 88.0888 8880080 ........... .. 0088 88.0. 0.8.8 .2 ...... .. 5E0 .0088>E850 .............. ..80 888888080 0888 E2 00880808800 .......................... .. 88S 888.080 .................... i... 8.0.8 08.80 .... .2 ...... .. 5E0 .008.E0850 ... ........... ...80 88888080 0.88 E2 0088508800 .......................... .. 88.0.0 888005 ........... .. 40.88 80.0. 88.0.0 .8 .2 ...... -. 5E0 .00880E850 .............. ..80 8888.800 0E8 E2 00885850 .......................... -. 88.0.0 888:; 80.0. 08.8 .8 .8 ...... .. 5E0 .008aE850 ........ ..80 88088080 0.88 0002 .8880 8800880 . 2.0. 2.8 88.0.. 88.8 .......... .. 5E0 .8550 .......................... ..80 808.00 88888008880880 88.0. 88.8 88.8 88.8 5E0 .888>:...0 .......................... ..80 8080 88808080088880 88.0. 00.8 88.8 88.8 .......... .. 5E0 .88§80 .......................... .80 80880 8880. ........... .. 48888 88.0. .80 88.0. 88.8 .......... .. 5E0 .8008804 .......... .................... .. 80 8.800002 8.08804 ........... .. 088m. 2.0. 88.2 80.8 88.0.0 .......... .. 5E0 .80088.04 ...................................... ..80 880000000 8008804 ........... .. 4888.. 88.0. 88.2 80.0. .00 .......... .. 5E0 8.08804 ...................................... ..80 8800002 80088.04 ........... .. 088m. 08.8 88.2 .888 842 .......... .. 5E0 .8008804 .... ......................... .. 80 8800002 8.08804 ..... .8888 .8: E2 ........... .. 08.8w 80.0. .80 8.8 .2 ......... 5E0 .834 ............ ......................... .5002 880080 8.004 .................... .88.. 888.088 E800 802.0 ......... ...» 5.0 800.00 :0 .8 .............. .. .8000 .824 ........................................ .8202 080030 8.004 ............................ .. 800008 00000 ........... .. 88.0. 8E0 8.0. .80 .824 ........................................ 5002 880080 8.004 88S 8880088 2.0. 88.80 8.0. .2 5E0 .834 80002 880080 8804 .......................... .. 88.5 8880080 ........... .. .00.... 2.80 8.0. .2 .504 .0002 880080 8.004 ........................... .. 888.0 888E800 ........ i. 0.0.002 420804.020 0.0.8 88.8 8.0.0. 8.8 ................ =0. .0 .8805. ........... .....80 8888.800 0E8 0002 0.880-880 ............................ .. 808.08 E80 ........... .. 4888 88.8 88.80 8.0. .2 .................. ..80 8888.800 0.88 E2 0088.50 ........................ .. 8888008 8880080 ........... .. 08w 8.0. .2 8.0. .2 .80 8888.800 0E8 E2 008880 .......................... .. 88.3 8880B ........... .. 488 80.0. 8E0 8.0. .2 .............. =0. .0 0088.50 .................. ..80 8888.800 0.5. E2 0088.080 .......................... .. 88.5 8880080 ......................... -- 08.0. 88.80 .0. .2 ................... .. 0088.50 .................. ..80 88.08.0800 0E8 0002 008880 .... -. 880.0 8.8855 ......................... .- 5.8 8.0.0 8.0. 8.2 .. 008880 .......... ..80 8888.800 0.88 E2 008880 ............ -8208 E88 0.88 88.00 ........... .. 088 8.0.8 08.8 .8 .8 ...................... ...0088880 .................. ..80 8888.800 0E8 E2 0088880 ............................ .. 808008 E80 ....................... i 88.0. 2.8 .8 .8 ...................... .. 008.50 .................. ..80 888088080 0E8 E2 0088.080 E80 2808 .......... --: 88.8 2.80 .8 .8 ...................... .. 0088080 .................. ..80 8888.800 0E8 E2 0088.50 E80 ....................... i 0.8.0. 0.8.8 .8 .8 ....... ............... .. 088080 ........ ........................ .5002 880080 888.080 E80 ........... .. 4888 aQQ QWOaOHQ adrfl 000080.08.» $000804 0862 . .82 8.008 .02 .0005 Q2000 880800 fimomonw 8080.042... . 000088400242 . 6'7 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 2.0 00.02 ma. .02 ............ .. .02 .0050 ...................................... ..0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 02 00.2 S. .2 ............ .. 5w 0......” ........................................ -200 W22 NMMW .......................... .. “MM wwwfi» 000.: 2020...... wiw 0W5 2m mwdfi ........ .. .3020 .0202 2H .................................... ..00 m0:m2.a0.>:0m ........................ .. 000020 0002B $22 ............ .. 02.0 0mg; 2.0 $.02 ........ .. .0205 .0202 2Q .................................... ..00 m=2222 8020,0202 ........................ .. $00.20 00055 ........... .. mmmm 09m M002 2M6 2E“ .0720 .0202 2H L00 M5222 Ewtrlmrm .......................... .. 20.20» 00023 0M2 ............ .. w? 002 2.0 2.2 ........ .. .020 M0002 E .................................... .00 002:2 E0502 .......................... .. =50 0002B 3.0 00.2 00.0.. 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E 0 m .2 .020 .200 ........................ =00 0000.020 05... :02 0am .......................... .. 00.5 0000B ........... .. <2: 00.0 mmd .m w.w .............. .. 622C 022m ........................ :00 202E522 202d 222 022m ............................ .- @2020 F200 Mmmw ............ .. .M d .............. .. ~@@i@ . . . . . - . . . . . - . lOQ hOQm>0~$ fiflnfi ............................ 3 mQOJO QhO@ ........... .. mfim omzm @040 2nd £2020 000555.32 ............ :00 000005022 2E0 2222 000552.32 .............. .. 02020 F200 20wmm ............ .. {I £5230 2@~MOEESMQ ............ 10o hOfifivwwmm @225 WQOEESLQ ............................ i mQOfiU QMOO ........... 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S... 3.0 .2. 2. £2.20 62.500 ...................................... ..co @2222 c2203. ............................ .. 2222c Eco ........... .. <2...» cmé $22.2 n02. 2.22 ........ .. £2.20 2.22.2200 ...................................... ..c0 w..22222 c2...2c....0 .......................... .. .55 23.23 ........... -. mccc 2.0.3. 00.2.2 mac 0.2.2 .... .. £2.20 .......................... .. ..£...2 2£c2>> ......................... .. ma... @002 no.0 0.2.2 ........ ... £2.20 622.2200 ...................................... ..c0 @0222 £22500 .......................... .. 52.2 2£c2>> $202.2 ............ .. 20.2 5302M .252 02.30am 2.52 .02 P23 .02 2.20am 02222.2 .25.... zccccn 8 c.8532. 2292.32.00 mmmbaofimbzfic 6 69 THE FEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 00.0 00.0 .0 .0 .......... .. 02020 £00522 00.002 0200E0N ............................ .. 0.20020 500 00.0 20.02 00.0 20.02 .. 02020 .200000002000>> .......... ........ =00 052222 2000020002000? ............................ .. 0020.20 22.20.U 00.0 02.2.2 00.0 00.02 .. 02020 .2000000.2000B .............. =00 0552 20000000000? 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2.22022“ ............ .. 2.2.0 0.2.2 0.0 0.02 . ..... .. 0220M .2200222004 00 02222222 .2205 ............................ .. 220.222 0002222 22022 ............ .. 00.0 .22 0.0 0.22 ...... .. .0220M .2200222004 .................. ..00 280m 0222.2 2200222004 .................... ..2220.222 000223 202.022 200m ............ -. 00.2. .02 20.... 00.02 ...... .. .0562 .2200222004 .............. =00 020000 02222 2200222000 .............................. .. 2202.2 2202M ........... .. .0002. 00.2.0 .2222 00.0 2.2.2 ...... .. .0220M 22200222004 .............................. ..00 02000m 0.22.2 2200222004 ....... .. 20002 2222002 ........... .. 020$ 0N0 $.02 0.0 0.02 ...... .. 0220M .2200222004 .............................. :00 v2000m 0.22.2 2200222004 .......................... -- 220.222 0.002222 ........... -- 02000 00.0 .2. .0 .0 ...... .. 0220M 2200222004 .............................. ..00 v2000m 022212 2200222004 ............. ...0220220 000 2.220 22.200 ........... .. 0N2“ N40 0N0 .0 0.02 ...... .. 0220M .2200222004 .............................. ..00 203m 032 2200222004 ............................ .. 0220220 22.200 ........... .. 420 2m.~. 02.02 Wm 02.02 ...... .. 0220M ..2200222004 .............................. -.00 02000m 022212 2200222004 .................................... .. 00.20220 ........... .- 222020 3.0 .02 00.0 02.02 ...... .. 000M 2200222000 .............................. ..00 v2000m 0.2222 2200222004 ........................ -. 0020220 002225 ........... .- 02002. 00.2. $.02 0.2. .22 .0220M .2200w222220>> ...................... :00 2000220222 20220 2222 022004 .......................... .. 220222 0002222 20200 ............ .. 90.0. 0.02 0.2. .22 0220M .2200m222220>> ............ :00 200222022 2022.0 2222 2022004 .......................... .. 2220.222 02202225 2222 ............ .. 20.20 .02 20.20 .202 0220M 22200220022220?’ ...................... :00 20020220222 2.2220 2222 2022004 .......................... .. 2220.222 02002223 0N0 N202 20.2. .22 .0222...M .2200w222220>> ..... .............. ..00 200052.22 20220 2222 022004 .............................. -. 022200 222m 2.0.20 .02 20.0 .22 0220M 22200022222025 ...................... :00 2000220222 20220 2222 022004 ........................ -.220.222 2222.2 2222 2.0.0 N222 .2. .22 .0220M .2200m222220>> ...................... ..00 2000220222 20222.. 2222 022004 ........................ .. 00.20220 0002222 202$ ............ -. 065.. 020002.22 vdrfi 222000.202 000220204 0222.072 .022 0.200 .022 22.222222 .0022: .220022022 02005524 2222282222200 MHMDH04MDZ42 THE FEED Contract. m 1905-6. a3. $6 ha...“ 6o6 666 26 a»? 26 aaa mam a3. $6 a3. mm6 a3. 6m6 mm6 a3. :6 mm6 mmm 2W6 cm6 s66 a3. mm6 aaa :.m N66 aaa A56 gm 3a S4 aw.» a3: 5.2 :3 a3: 2.2 3.2 $2 E5 a2: 2d maa mmmH E82 $62 i: 5.5 m3: m2 $2 5.3 2M5 aaa a3: 3S 5a 3.62 min; aaa m2 ma: .2 a3. m.6 m6 ama C...“ Xwa a3. 66 ciao‘ 3. 3. 3. 3a a? 2a m6 mwm 26 S6 “$6 aaa :3 m6 m6 5.6 “m6 mo6 a3. .2 3: .02 2W2 a3: 62.2 2.2 .... .. .232 wasssvs? ........................................ :00 E2 mafia? ................ ....... .. mass saws? .... .. .31.? .. =2 .......>> .%=._..z 3-25M sssogiwiawfl 0U nofigwfim s32 F80 poTnaE ............................ .. mmoso F50 ...... .. dnavH awsa>s=2 2:52 Edam .2 mass saws?’ ...... .. dsaM dca>ss2 @352 55am .2 mass saws?» ...... .. dnaM $23352 a EwmwZ mass saws?» ...... .. dflaM $252,252 .......:............swvsofim an Dmwwz mfiosm saws>> ...... .. .952 @5222 a bmmwz E; E2 ...... .. .252 dsa>ss2 a. fiwwwZ mmoso 22.00 ...... .. 52am mmiosifiw @5232 aoaanvw Edam mmsw ...... .. .262 ¢€EHE< @552 .5832 26% F60 ...... .. .282 £28526. @552 .8552 28% 58D ...... .. imam Quasi? mnss2 smEasM sass saws?’ ...... .. anaM ¢€osa=< @522 safiasvs ENS saws?» ...... .. asaM S=oss=< @2522 saiasw sass saws? .... .. aqaM dafiwssM mcsm2 cafimnsM nafim .... .. .252 éaawqsm @552 aafiwim maxim $.25 .... .. dnaM “nafimfivw @552 mafimfiM samsB sosfi imuaM éssasimiaau ........... .. .60 @552 2P3 2 @232 Edass saws? 95m zmnaM .s€o3=@>a§ ..... ................ =00 @5222 2P3 a M262 .................... éass flaws? Q25 imnam éfifivsamiawq ........................ 6o @522 $3.3 a $232 ................ .38sw saws>> 95m ...... .. aqam 5,2222? o0 E2 asaaam ........ .. duaM .3302’ o0 E2 wsagom wmoso E00 ........ .. .232 aafinfis .6 E2 abaaom S: E2 .......... .. 2am wsfiam sosaifi Ea :2 .5522 flask, sam .......... .. .222 wnwmsam .500 sosaism 25a E2 .5952 GOEEOU ........ .. dnaM wmxram “Sufifim sEa E2 $952 mmoso ssoO ........ .. diam 522m hoasmsm Ea :2 hangs 3.6% ..... .. dcaM fiawsmsafl sosaism msa E2 wawswsafi sass saws? ........ .. anaM dagwz 25x2 Bwam mass saws?» ..... .. ism dwaEao M552 zwafiao @291. Eoo ...... .. .282 Mzszaao @522 swaasao mssosm saws>> Hm $5.02 Eazao .................................... .8 @252 =2§ao ........................ .. mace. aazz.» . imam zwazao .................................... do @522 saaasao . =5; uaas>> ..... .. imam .=2%_ao @652 zaafiao 5.5 saws$> THE FEED CONTROL IN-1905-6. 2 N‘ ~26 .3 06:6 .2 66.6 66.66 06.6 $0.0M N06 66.6: 66.6 66.2 N96 665.2 06.6 6.6%: 3.6 66.: 66.6 66.2 66.6 66.6: 5.46 66.6: 66.6 66.66 M Md 66.66 66. 3.6 66.6. M062 66.6 $6.2 :26 66.6 N26 .2 66.6 66.66 66.6 66.66 66.6 66.6 0N6 .6: 66.6 66.66 66h 6636662 66602626. \ .6 .66 ............ .62 .2666 6w ......... ................. .60 66:62 .6660 666660 .......................... .6666 666 :62 6066 ........... .. .6 .66 ............ .62 .2666 .66. ...-.60 666:2 .6660 666660 ..................... .. 6666 6.6m 60666 ............ .. 6.6 .62 ............ ..62 .2662. 6w ........................... ..60 662:2 666m 6366M ................... .6666 6666.6 666m ........... .- 0666 .6 _ .62 .......... .62 .2662 6m ............................ ..60 6.62:2 666m 6366M ...... .6666 665E 66 6660 666M ........... -. M666 .6 ‘ .62 ............ ..62 .2662 6w ............................ .60 65:62 .6660 6866M ......................... 6662i ........... .. <66» 6.6 66.62 ...... :62 .6660 3366M .................................. .60 66660665 66666.60 .......................... .. 6666 6666630 ............ .. 6666 .6 .62 6666A 6w 666 636:0 .... .-60 $62 666 :62 66.666666667666662 866:6 666 6666. 666:? 666m ............ .. 062 6.6 6 .6: 266A 6m 666 662:0 .... =60 .662 666 6:2 66.666666660666662 ............... .3866 66663 6660 ............ .. 6.62 6.6 _ .6: 6666A 6m 666 686:0 .... .60 .6662 666 :62 66666666660666662 ................ .3623 6666B 666m ............ .. 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R212 02.05.02 .......................... .. =20 $2; :4. E2 .0. .2 ...... .02 5.6 £230 .......................... =00 _..$$0 $E.0.2$0=:M ........................ .. $.60... $2? 2.4. $.02 ma. .3 ...... :02 £30 0025M .......................... :00 100.60 .~2>»0@~-=2~S*M .......................... .. $0.5 0022.3 5.4. 0.3 00.0 “.3 $20 mfiaam 00 05:2 bBM ............................ .. 00.20 059$ 5m ............ .. 23. 00.3 00.... TE . ..... -.02 SEO 0028M .......................................... .-00 00:12 EEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. 00.5 000i.» a; 2.2 0i. w: ...... .02 56 £3.00. .......................................... -8 $5.2 00.x - .......................... .. Qdkn, 00056 THE‘ FIEED CONTROL IN 1905-6. 74 3.0 03a. .0 .00 5A 000000.52? .... ..00 5O ~50 0350x5047 03.00 was 3.3 0.0 d0 0Q ..._.6m0>0.~sm ...................... :00 :0 0:0 $05.30 03000 mmw .00 m...“ .2 0A “£009,025 ...................... :00 :0 0:0 03:00am 03000 00.0 00.00 s .00 .3 0000000025 ...................... :00 =0 0.6 50500.0 0250 $0 mfifi m0 .3 .014 £$w0M ........................................ .-00 @5202 0W0 0N3 m0 ma; .......... .. .200 ..~0>:0Q 500 ~000>0=m 0:0 E2 002000.500 3d 00.0 ma .0 4i .0m00E0 .......................... ..00 E0000 AS0000?» 000.00 00.0 .0 00.0 .0 .002 £30 000000020 ......................... =00 E200 0000003 @0000 00.0 00.0 .0 .0 ............ .- .5 00002.6 .......................... 60 E050 0.50%? 000.6 0.0.0 5.0m .0 0.00 .... .. if,» .0000_.§$H .............................. =00 :0 00300 0.28014 00.0 3.0m .0 0.00 .... .. .024 .0=0%§~0H .............................. =00 :0 00:00 00000024 Ea 00.0 .0 .0 ...... .. .03 d800>005w ................................................ .. .~0€>0,m $010 00.0 00.2 .0 .0 .... .. .014 600000089 .................. ..00.E§0 086a 0:0 000000014 3.0 00.3 0.0 .3 .... .. .024 650028300 .................. =00 000.5 00x05 0:0 03:02.50 E0 .0000 3. .3 .... .- .024 0000002269 .................. =00 5.20 25a 2E m2=§€ mo.” 00.2 0m...“ 2.0.2 .... .. .3 00230000000 .................................. $0 0552 50:20:» 2E 00.3 00.0 3.3 .... .. am 003000250. .................. .00 0552 502.50% $2 5.2 Si.“ 0.0.3 .... .. .3 030000250 .................................. 50 005% =Sc2=< wdrmm 2800mm wfirfl GMQwO-mm 000M004 0502 300G293. 00525750 a mmmnec