TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BULLETIN NO. 94. Horticultural Section, March, 1907. Horticultural Survey of Gulf Coast By Edward C. Green Setting Bermuda Onions v =.. ‘Y ;““-“-“-‘-‘---““--“‘-‘ “““ ‘_“““_‘_"‘v‘_‘_-‘v ““‘~ _“_‘-“-_-_“- ‘A ““AA‘A‘ POSTOFFICE COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICERS. GOVERNING BOARD. (BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. AND M. COLLEGE.) K. K. LEGGETT, President - - - - Abilene T. D. ROWELL, Vice President — - — Jefferson A. HAIDUSEK - - - - - LaGrange J. M. GREEN - - - - - Yoakum W ALTON PETEET - - - - - Dallas R. T. MILNER - - - - - - Austin L. L. MClNNIS — - - - - Bryan W. B. SEBASTIAN - - - - l3reckenridge STATIQN QFFICERS. H. H. HARRINGTON, LL. D., President of the College. J. W.CARSON - - - - - Vice-Director M. FRANCIS - - - - - Veterinarian E. KYLE - - - - - Horticulturist F. R. MARSHALL - - - - Animal Husbandry R. L. BENNETT - - - - Cotton Specialist O. M. BALL - - - - - - liotanist G. S. FRAPS - - - - — Chemist A. F. CONRADI - - - - Entomologist EDWARD C. GREEN - - - Assistant Horticulturist C. E. SANBORN - - - Co-Operative Entomologist JOHN C. BURNS -" - - Assistant Animal Husbandry C. O. MOSER — - - - Deputy Feed lnspector M. S. CHURCH — - - Deputy Feed inspector H. E. HANNA - - - - Deputy Feed lnspector C. W. CRISLER - - - - Clerk Feed Control C. A. POFFENBERGER - - - - Chief Clerk Miss M. H. WATKINS - - - Stenographer STATE SUB-STATIONS. S. A. WASCHKA, Superintendent — - Beeville, Bee County W. S. HOTCHKISS Superintendent - - Troupe, Smith County NOTE_—The main station is located on the grounds ofthe Agricul- tural and Mechanical College, in Brazos County. The Postoflice address is College Station, Texas, Reports and bulletins are sent free upon ap- plication to the Director. = A HORTICULTURAL SURVEY OF THE GULF COAST. The writer has been fortunate in having enjoyed the experience of Watching the rapid and remarkable development of that vast region of South Texas generally known as the Gulf Coast, through the three years which, from a horticultural standpoint, cover its history. Three winters ago the towns named on the time card, the fields of cotton and corn, the gardens and orchards, existed only in the inspired imagination of the ad- vance agents of progress, while today all these exist in veriest reality. Three years ago the inspecting party took meals in surveyors’ tents or en- joyed tne hospitality of the ranchmen, while at the present time the traveler finds hotel accommodations along the line equal or superior to those of any other rural part of Texas. The growth and development of the whole region has been marvelous, and the results obtained by the farmers and truck growers have been very satisfactory. During the last visit to the Gulf Coast country the writer has taken occasion to investigate with con- siderable care the records of the achievements of the truck growers of this new and most interesting section of our state, even going so far as to ob- tain and copy the original bills of sale returned from commission men, and by cross-checking the reports made by the growers with the book records of the local Truck Growers’ Association, the results from given acreage of various crops have been obtained. The scope of the inquiry was not merely the determinaticri of the accuracy of reports of extraordinary yields of various truck crops, but in- cluded the more important matters of determining what varieties and methods of culture, rotation and irrigation had proven most advantageous; what classes of crops were most profitable under the varied soil and climat- ic conditions of different localities; what were the dates of planting that ex- perience had shown most desirable with the number of days required to bring the crops to market maturity; what insects and diseases, if any, had appeared and to what extent did they threaten the truck industry. The methods employed in harvesting, packing and marketing, came in also for their share of investigation. lnformation was most freely given, it being gener- ally agreed that could all the facts concerning practical details be put in printed form and placed before the hundreds of new arrivals in the Coast country who begin operations for the first time the coming season, each and every recipient of such information would be saved from some at least of the blunders which even an experienced trucker is likely to make when starting in a new country under conditions with which he is not wholly familiar. The truck growers who have pioneered in the Coast country these past two years, if they did not already posses it, have imbibed the broad, generous spirit of the west to that extent that they wish to share freely with the new-comer all the benefits that have accrued from two years of what has been in some instances, serious and costly experience. These men are the salt of the earth and the equals of the most liberal and intelligent of the gardening profession. The home builder in South Tex- (3) as is not only fortunate in his new soil, fortunate in his new climate, but most fortunate in his new neighbors. As to general advice to nevv-comers who are now clearing land pre- paratory to their first year’s operations, the consensus of opinion of those who have passed this stage is, that it is not wise to attempt special truck crops on the new land, but rather to plant cotton and corn or sorghum the first season and in this manner subdue the wild land by plenty of culture with team tools. Land from the brush can seldom be economically pre- pared for truck crops the first season, and disappointment is likely to result from the attempt. Qn the other other hand cotton will flourish on new soil and produce returns which, labor considered, are fairly proportionate to those obtained from truck. Corn with favorable rains or timely irrigation will make two crops a year, while the nature of the plant allows a system of culture which is most beneficial to the new land. As to the crops for the various localities visited, the successful truckers list them, in order of profitableness and certainty, about as follows: Corpus Christi. —1st, cabbage; 2nd, cucumbers; 3rd, onions; 4th, beets. Kingsville:—-1st, carrots; 2nd, beets; 3rd, onions. Sarita.—1st, Irish potatoes; 2nd, water melons; 3rd, cucumbers. Raymondsville:—1st, water melons; 2nd, onions; 3rd, Irish potatoes; 4th, cucumbers. Harlingen.—1st, water melons; 2nd, onions. Brownsvilleylst, cabbage; 2nd, onions; 3rd, Irish potatoes; 4th, cu~ cumbers. Santa Mariaglst, onions; 2nd, cucumbers; 3rd, beans; 4th, cabbageLs While there issome difference of opinion among inciiuiduals as to the relative value and profit in certain crops, still the above exhibit represents fairly the general opinion of each locality and the relative acreage planted this year at each place supports the arrangement. It is well for the strang- er to forego for a season or two any preconceived notions he may have as to what crops wlll prove most profitable, and in his general planting follow very closely the crop plan in vogue in the section in which he settles. As a rule excellent reasons exist for the scheme of planting adopted in a locali- ty. I The following paragraphs consist of notes secured from successful truck growers at points visited during the December survey of 1906: CORPUS CHRISTI. Qwing to lack of irrigation facilities in this locality cabbage and onion seed are sown in the field direct. The variety of cab- bage most popular with the truckers is the Early Flat Dutch. The seed is sown from Sept. 1st to Dec. 1st, with hand seed drills, and subsequently, “chopped out to a stand” with a hoe in a manner similar to the way cotton plants are thinned. A plant is left every eighteen inches or two feet in rows three and a half feet apart. Seed sown later than Dec. 1st, says l\/Ir. Emmett, a successful and experienced Corpus trucker, produces plants which mature heads in March when the heat is likely to injure them, and when the price usually becomes too low to warrant shipping. A further (4) Imiwmzam X33 mafia. m" OoJEw 03$: lin$sms 3 hi5.» (5) (lifliculty is experienced in that young plants are frequently killed in the Cold Weather often experienced in January and February, whereas older cabbage go through with little injury. CUCUMBERS Cucumbers are planted from Feb. 15th t0 March 15th, in rows five feet apart, three t0 four feet apart in the drill, and the plants are subse- quently thinned t0 three in a hill. The improved White Spine variety is most satisfactory. Buyers are usually on hand to purchase the crop "de- livered at the side track. Last season the prices ranged from 40 to 60 cents per bushel for straight cucumbers six to eight inches long. A good average yield runs about 200 bushels per acre. Standard Size White Bermuda. QNKDNS. Bermuda and Creole onions are equally popular at this place. The latter is a good “keeper”, and may be held until the market ‘is clear of Bermuda and then sold at good prices in Texas towns. Seed is drilled in rows 14 to 18 inches apart, about one or txvo pounds of seed per acre be- ing used. Thorough preparation of the land before planting and- good cul- ture throughout is essential to success. From 8,000 to 12,000 pounds per acre is the usual yield, no irrigation being practiced. BEETS. The Crosby Egyptian variety is most commonly used as a Winter crop. This beet has been replaced by other varieties such as Electric and Crim son Globe by growers at other points, and the Writer believes, for excellent (6) reasons. (See Beeville Experiment Station Bulletin on Onions and Bunch Crops). The cultural notes for this crop will be found under the discus- sion of beets at Kingsville. i‘ LETTUCE. Big Boston and Florida Headere are the varieties commonly used. _ Seed sown in drills in November and December, thinned and given good cultivation, produce a marketable crop in about 100 days. TOMATOES. The Dwarf Champion and other dwarf varieties are planted almost exclusively’. The seed sown in frames about Dec. 15th, or planted in the open field after Feb. 15th. The plants transferred from franies mature fruit about May 1st. BEANS. Several varieties of beans are popular among the truckers of Corpus. For earliest the California Pink, or Frijole, is very satisfactory for Texas markets. For northern shipment the Round and Flat Wax, Stringless Greenpod and Valentine are generally planted. From one-half to three- fourths bushel of seed per acre is drilled in rows two and a half feet apart. Much thinner planting is practiced than by northern growers of this crop. Quality and freedom from “rust” are thought to result from the thinner planting. Harvest begins from six to eight weeks from time of planting according to variety, and continues for a variable length of time. From one to two hundred bushels of pod beans have been harvested per acre. Returns are variable, hut as a rule the crop is satisfactory and profitable. CANTALOUPES. Rockyford and Gem melons are produced, having excellent quality, and for Texas points in some instances it has paid to grow them. As a rule, however, this crop is not looked on with favor by the truckers. KINGSVILLF. Two years ago the Kingsville truckers were not, individually or collectively, as they are today, skilled gardeners. Their ranks were filled by business men, reformed engineers and brokers who came to the garden of the South and boldly and blindly plunged into truck growing. What they lacked in technical knowledge they made up in energy and en- thusiasm. They read no books chiefly because there are no gardening publications which cover the subject for this climate, but they visited Laredo and other “educational centers” and absorbed all the information possible, then returned to Kingsville and put the same into practice as rapidly as he Mexicans got the cactus off the ground. The Agricultural faculty of the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College visited theirlocal Farmers’ tn- stitute to discourse on their ideas and theories as to what would do well lin the new country; ideas and theories that the professors themselves weie ar from sure about. These, together with many others of their own, the truckers speedily put into practice. History made rapidly, and within two short and hurried years the experimental field, with respect to vegetable varieties and kinds of crops, has been exhausted and a rational system of ir- rigation has been established. At present the energy and enthusiasm re- (7) EwEmEn mww . , QQXH- :1 JJJ 1 , 7 “$4 was Aw . flfvwz M50 T. . iv: (\ U mains as at first, but the money making trucker has narrowed down his field of operations to three principal crops. The two years of active ex- perimentation and investigation has accomplished for the community what would have required twenty years in an old staid section, and more, too, be- cause certain innovations proved valuable and they will be copied by other older truckers when their value becomes known and appreciated. For ex- ample, the Kingsville trucker puts a common axle through two hand seed drills, removes one handle and steadies with a rod the remaining three. By hooking a good mule onto the coupled drills one man easily does the work which, with the old hand power method, could not be accomplished bv four. Likewise he arranges a triangular orchard harrow by removing four teeth so that a mule and man can do the cultivating usually performed by hand labor alone. No matter where the home seeker locates in the Gulf Coast, he should stop off at Kingsville to visit the truckers about there and obtain in a few days a liberal education in truck gardening in the far South. The Kingsville Truckers’ Association consisted last year of twenty-three members, and to these twenty-three were distributed over $17,000.00 as net return for truck handled through the Association officers. To the truckers and farmers of the locality about $30,000.00 was paid for‘ cotton, much of which was raised on land from which a truck crop had been harvested. As above said, there have been many, but at present there are only three crops to which the average trucker pins his faith: carrots, beets and onions. They are grown in this manner: CARROT S. Chantenay and Qxheart varieties are considered standard. The rows are planted 14 inches apart, but every third row is skipped to allow space for the furrow through which irrigation water is applied. The fUYFOW POW is thrown out with a “middle buster,” the seed planted with the coupled seed drills and the subsequent cultivation is performed with a mule and an or- chard harrow from which the central side teeth have been removed. Cul- tivation is given every week and after each rain or irrigation. When car- rots are allowed to reach the size adopted at Kingsville (5 to 6 inch roots) about 130 to 160 days are required toibring them from seed to maturity. They are bunched, washed and packed in cabbage crates, which hOld HbOIlY 170 pounds of carrots, and shipped in refrigerator cars to various markets. One grower raised three and one-half acres last year which proCluCed an average of 80 crates per acre. He estimates the cost of growing and har- vesting at $30.00 per acre. Sales accounts from Chicago and other POmtS show that those carrots which left Kingsville in good condition sold at from $400 f0 $550 per crate. The iced freight service from Kingsville to Chicago costs $1.43 per crate ()n carrots and beets. This grower considers that his crop netted him over $250.00 per acre f. o. b. Kingsville. BEETS. The varieties grown last year were chiefly the Eclipse and the Base Ball. The row arrangement was the same as for carrots, alternately 14 and 28 inches between rows. It is thought desirable that the seed should be sown between Nov. 1st and Dec. 15th, as it requires 3% to 4 mOHI-hS to grow beets to the size used by Kingsville truckers, and the market fOT (9) beets usually fails in April. There is a further reason for avoiding plant- ing much later than the middle of December; the beet plant, when old and well established, resists frosts perfectly and survives even sharp freezes, but while young it is rather tender to cold. “Northers” are to be expected in January and February and it is desirable to have the beets well grown be- fore these cold winds are due. When the plants are up they are thinned to a stand of two inches in the row by some, and left ‘unthinned by others. ln favor of thinning uni- formity insize and an earlier general crop are the points gained. From thinned fields the entire yield may be gathered in ten days, while the har- vest from unthinned patches may run from twenty to forty days. The cultivation given beets is the same as for carrots and the same shipping package is used. Beets planted Nov. 1st, 1905, were harvested early in March 1906. They were washed, outer leaves pulled away, tied three or four in a bunch and shipped chiefly to Chicago. Beets prepared in this way sold as high as $5.50 per crate. Similar beets from which the tops were largelyicut away, sold at from $1.00 to $2.00 per crate, thus barely paying freight charges. Where tops were removed in this manner a further loss was sustained by those who experimented with this meth- od of marketing in that fifteen dozen bunches were required to fill the crate which seven dozen bunches would fill with tops left on. As a matter of fact the writer believes that another equally serious blunder was made by the growers in regards to the size of the young beets shipped. This point will be referred to later in the paper- ONIONS. This crop is grown in the manner usual for Bermuda onions, being planted in seed beds the last of September or first of October, and subse- quently transferred to the field. An acre of seed bed furnishes abundant plants to set ten acres. A full treatment of Bermuda onion culture may be had by writing the Texas Experiment Station, at College Station, Texas, for their bulletin on “Onions and Bunch Crops.” The Kingsville onion grower uses the furrow system of irrigation, as . with the bunch crops above discussed, and the same row system of planting. When the onions begin to swell the earth is moved toward the row in cultivation to keep the bulbs covered with soil. ln this particular the Kingsville method differs from that generally used, but the peculiar treatment is said to be es- sential in their dark soil to prevent sun-scald. The crop is harvested by running a sweep under the rows after which the work is done by hand in the usual way. Sheep shears have been found more satisfactory for trim- ming than a knife, the work being done more rapidly and less injury result- ing from neck tears, due to dull knife or carelessness. About 90 acres of onions were raised about Kingsvilleiin 1906, and 46 car-loads averaging 501 crates per car were shipped. Owing to the excel- lent service rendered by the Southern Texas Truck Growers’ Association, good sales were made throughout the season, the average price being 85c per crate f. o. b. Kingsville. The average yield was high for a whole com- munity and speaks well for the general skill and ability of the growers. Certain acres yielded as high as 24,000 pounds, or 480 crates per acre and (10) the best car sale during the season was for $1.25 per crate f. 0. b. Kings- ville, but the high average of the whole community is more remarkable than the exceptional yields of a few acres 0r the sale 0f a car at an excep- tionally good figure. The cost of growing and harvesting an acre of onions varies with labor conditions, cost of irrigation, water, etc. It is probable that the price ranges from $50.00 to $75.00 per acre. At the Beeville Experiment Station under the skilful management of K. Robertson, the entire cost amounted t0 $67.00 an acre exclusive of shipping package. So long as the returns average up 85c per crate net for a whole community, as they did last year for Kingsville, onion growing will remain an eminently satisfactory industry. A crop of cow peas is usually grown on the land after the onions are gathered. CABBAGE AND OTHER CROPS. Cabbage and other crops, such as okra, beans and spinach, are raised by some growers, but these crops have not enjoyed general favor. Some inter- esting facts have been observed by those who have experimented with them. For example, two fields of cabbage plants of equal size and same variety ex- perienced the freeze of Jan. 25th, 1906, together. Qne field of three acres had been freely irrigated on Jan. 24th, the other a ten acre field was very dry the night of the freeze. The irrigated field came through with a loss of 10 per cent. of the plants killed; the dry field was killed out entirely. This would indicate that in the face of expected severe cold liberal irriga- tion would tend to protect crops liable to injury. Valentine and Round Wax beans planted Feb. 10th, were ready for harvest seven and eight weeks later. From two acres a yield of 200 bushel hampers was obtained which netted about $150.00. The crop held the land about three months. SARITA. At Sarita, though only a few miles south of Kingsville, an en tirely different soil is found, and it is due to this circumstance that the most profitable crops are of a different class. The land at this place is a very fine loose sand, containing as a rule considerable humus. Those most familiar with the country advise the writer that the land is rich and upon applying water alone excellent crops are raised. Qwing to the dry climate this is to be expected, as the accumulated nitrates of years have not been removed by washing rains. The experience of the gardeners substan- tiates these views, and it is believed that with careful use of irrigation water, and up-to-date farming methods, commercial fertilizer may not be neces- sary for several years. IRISH POTATOES. Last year 40 acres of Bliss Triumph potatoes planted Feb. 17th and later, were harvested from the middle to the last of May, the crop amount- ing to 2,775 bushels, an average of 69.4 bushels, per acre, and this without fertilizer and with an extra early type of potato whose habit of growth, in common with all extra early sorts, precludes the possibility of large yields such are obtained from late varieties. The crop, though late for this sec- (11) tion, averaged $1.00 per bushel f. 0. b. cars. The seven acres first planted yielded 800 bushels and this fact is an eloquent comment 0n Sarita soil when it is understood that the potato grown was an extra early variety, that only eight bushels of seed per acre were planted, that no irrigation was given, that no fertilizer was used and that three cultivations were all the crop received. The plants were injured severely over the entire 40 acres by an insect attack which gained serious headway before insecticides could be brought to bear. The tubers were cut to two eye pieces and planted by machine about five inches deep. As the plants appeared above ground the land was worked over with a spike tooth harrow crosswise the rows. Subsequent culture consisted of running through the rows three times at intervals with a five-tooth cultivator. The crop was harvested with a machine digger, sacked and shipped to northern markets. The “scab” injured some of the potatoes owing to the fact that no preventive treatment had been given the seed. A method for the control of this disease, together with a discussion of the insects attacking Gulf Coast crops, will be given in a later paragraph. From the above and other potato experiences at Sarita the truckers are agreed that the potatoes should be planted in January to bring most profit- able results. The Triumph potato “makes” in ninety days, and there ap- pears to be no suflicient reason why the crop should not be planted earlier and harvested by the first of May. As in East Texas at the Troupe Experiment Station, the experience at Sarita has shown that the popular Early Rose of northern gardens is most unsatisfactory and unprofitable in our southern climate. The Triumph po- tato appears to maintain its reputation as being the best red potato for Texas growers. WATERMELONS. The earliest comers appreciated at once the natural advantages pos- sessed by Sarita for melon culture, and watermelons has been a popular crop from the start. A typical experience of one of the growers is as follows: In November and December the land was fiat broken with a turning plow, bedding to lines eight feet apart on which the rows were to be planted. Instead of breaking to a “dead furrow,” a foot strip was left, with such weeds and grass as were on it to break the force of the winds which prevail in March. As the gardener in mind grew for the St. Louis market, the Triumph and the Black Diamond were the varieties planted. liior Texas markets, or Where a melon of superior quality is appreciated, the Alabama Sweet is usually grown. Seed was planted March lst, in check rows eigh feet apart, and when established the plants were thinned to three in a hill. Occasional cultivation was given with the “five-tooth.” On June lst, the first coar-load of 800 melons was shipped, though the load could have been harvested a few days earlier. Four other car-loads carrying from 800 to 1,400 melons each were shipped from the 20 acres grown, and the sales at St. Louis made a total of $1,001.00, the first car bringing $300.00, the last $76.00. The yield was considered to be about one-half what could be reasonably expected, and the grower concedes that errors were made in growing the crop. This year he will plant the seed two weeks earlier, thin (12) his plants t0 two in a hill, and give more space between rows. More ex- perienced growers in Texas leave only one plant each to hills spaced ten t0 twelve feet apart each way. Neither fertilizer nor irrigation was given the crop above described. Another grower at Sarita shipped 21 cars from 65 acres last year, still another obtained 10 cars from 40 acres. Different markets require melons of different sizes; for example, St. Louis demands melons which weigh from 35 to 40 pounds and pack 800 to 1,000 in a car, while El Paso, Dallas and Kansas City prefer 25 to 30 pound melons, but demand superior quality. CUCUMBERS. lt is believed by an experienced grower at Sarita, that cucumbers would prove a very profitable crop provided sufficient acreage was grown to make car-load shipments possible. About 15 acres would be necessary to make car-load pickings every two or, three days. The crop is grown here as at Corpus Christi, for the production of “slicers.” Last year three acres of White Spine planted March 1st, produced “cucks” six inches long on May 5th, when first shipments were made. Packed in barrels, they sold on St. Louis market at from $5.00 to $5.50 per barrel. About 60 bbls. were shipped before competition‘ with Corpus Christi bulk shipped “cucks” low- ered the price to that extent that further express shipments were unprofitable. ‘ Over half the crop was not harvested for the above cause and for the further reason that the Mexican laborers could not be taught to pick with sufficient care. lt is essential to success with the crop in question that all cucumbers of market size should be harvested every other day in such a thorough manner that few, if any, are left to grow too large. A six inch cucumber begins to draw very strongly on the vitality of the vine, and left two days too long in the growing season reaches an unmarketable size, hence by over-looking cucumbers that are ready a two-fold loss is experienced, vine vitality, which lessens the possible yield to come, and directly, the over-grown cucumbers themselves. With earlier planting, say Feb. 15th, forward, larger acreage to make car-load shipments possible, and with the trained pickers which experience will develop, this crop should prove a desirable one in view of the fact that the soil conditions are especially suited to it. OTHER CROPS. Lettuce grows to perfection through the winter, but the writer found no extensive plantings nor any record of shipments or sales- Cantaloupes of most excellent quality are grown at this place as in attested by one of the most successful cantaloupe growers from Rockyford, Colo., now living at Sarita, but on account of the attacks of the melon louse the crop cannot yet be recommended as a commercial proposition. Cotton, corn and cow-peas may be planted to follow any of the crops above mentioned; the last named is es- pecially well thought of by the truckers, as their experience shows that wherever cow peas are grown and plowed under greater yields result than from the best new land when cropped for the first time '_his has been found true especially with watermelons. (13) RAYMONDSVILLE ANI) HARLINGEN. The horticultural annals of the localities surrounding these towns are necessarily brief in-as-much-as there is little past experience to record. At Yturria, near Raymondsville, it is re- ported that last season 40 car-loads of Alabama Sweet Watermelons ‘were sold, bringing the growers approximately $3,000.00. The time of "planting and method of growing are practically identical with Sarita practice. Development work is progressing very rapidly and with much enthusiasm. It is reported that 300 acres of vvatermelons will be planted the present season beside a considerable acreage of Irish potatoes, cucumbers, and on- ions. Several thousand oranges, figs, pecans and European grapes have beenplanted, and the trees and vines look promising. The soil varies from Yturria to Harlingen, from sandy, approximating that of Sarita, to black, Waxy loam, heavier than that of Kingsville. BROWNSVILLE. At this old town gardening has been carried on in a small way for very many years, but the extent of operations was limited to what may be called kitchen gardens. It is only since the railroad came that extensive plantings have been made, and Within this brief period some of the largest truck farms of the South have been developed. All manner of truck is grown through the winter and even the most tender vegetables, such as beans, are produced in December and January. judging from this year’s planting, however, it appears that the largest growers depend chiefly on the bulk crops which lend themselves to car-load handling. One com- pany whose property the writer visited has 135 acres in Early Flat Dutch cabbage, 9 acres of cauliflower and 42 acres in onions, and plan to plant 50 acres of Watermelons, 6 or 8 acres of beans and 5 acres of cucumbers during the coming February. Other growers also have extensive plantings. Cabbage planted in seed beds Sept. 1st, were moved to the field Oct. 3d, and on Dec. 4th, the first head was taken from the field. Car-load shipments were possible the last part of December. Cauliflower suffered from black rot to a considerable extent, which was especially unfortunate in that a simple seed treatment might have entirely prevented the trouble. Onions are grown in the usual manner and irrigation is practiced similar to that employed at Kingsville, where the soil is inclined to be heavy. Where thelighter alluvial soils prevail the flooding method is employed. The oth- er crops mentioned are grown in a manner practically identical with that described for other points further north. It is an interesting fact that the Bermuda onions raised in South Texas last year were shipped to Los Angeles, Cal., to Seattle, Waslm, to Montreal, Canada, and to Halifax, Nova Scotia, as well as to other markets less distant. SANTA MARIA. For rapid development from brush and cactus to in- tensified profitable gardening Kingsville made a two-year record which probably had never been equalled up to that time, but the progress of Santa Maria since the completion of their canal, a year ago, has eclipsed even that of Kingsville. This is due, not to any greater energy or intelligence on the part of the Santa Maria growers, but to the presence among them of (14) mzoérrm U22: i >::<€_ Umuow: 5 5w =:@@: (16) 02:52.2 ma; Ummqovxwa 6% W52» W3 l Nkfzw: \€ \»§\\Z:. (19) in Bulletin N0. 89, of the Texas Experiment Station, which can be ob- tained by writing the Director of the Station, College Station, Texas. The invention consists of a light, cheap frame covered with canvas. This is set over a hill and fumes of tobacco introduced underneath. The writer has seen the fumigator in operation and can vouch for the effectiveness with which it destroys lice, and it seems probable that with a dozen such covered frames, fumigation would be sufficiently economical to warrant the procedure. However, it remains for the practical grower to demonstrate this point to his own satisfaction. Certain it is that spraying is practically useless, as are all other methods recommended in the past by various ento- mologists, so the matter narrows down to Mr. Sanborn’s plan as the only one offering enough promise to warrant investigation. » Qnion thrips, cabbage lice and Harlequin bugs may become more or less common in the Gulf Coast within a few years. These insects, with remedies for them, are fully discussed in the Experiment Station bulletin above mentioned. The only diseases of which complaint was heard were the potato scab and the black rot of cabbage and cauliflower, both of which may be en- tirely controlled on new soil or land not previously infected. The potato scab is introduced on the seed potatoes and by treating these with corrosive sublimate the fungus can be entirely destroyed, thus making impossible its future appearance in the crop. The seed potatoes are hung in sacks in barrels in which are thirty gallons of soft water holding four ounces of cor- rosive sublimate in solution. After being submerged 1% hours the sacks are lifted and allowed to drip a few minutes then emptied out to be dried, cut and prepared for planting. The black rot of cabbage and cauliflower may be prevented by sub- merging the seed in corrosive sublimate solution of the same strength. The seed should be stirred about under the solution for 15 minutes then spread out on news papers to dry. In this manner the spores on the seed are de- stroyed, and hence the disease cannot appear later in the crop unless the field has had at some previous time diseased cabbage or cauliflower raised upon it, T00 much emphasis cannot be laid on the importance of taking every precaution against the introduction 0f the black rot disease Z0 the new track growing localities along the coast. 1n Older sectigns as at Bee- ville, this disease has put the cauliflower grower out of business. Unce established in the soil it is impossible to raise cauliflower on the infected land for years. This ciop requires skill in growing and marketing and it is very profitable, and those who have healthy land on which to raise it possess a great advantage in being able to grow one thing in which compe- tition is reduced to a minimum. The disease attacks cabbage and causes extensive losses at times, but the cauliflower suflers most seriously and can- not be grown to perfection where the disease prevails. MARKETING METHODS. It was noticed during the survey that the growers at different points have varying notions as to the most suitable package for given crops. For example cucumbers are shipped in all sorts of packages from a bean box to a sugar barrel. At Corpus Christi it is reported that early slicer cucum (20) bers are shoveled into box cars in bulk. Beans are shipped in bean boxes, in bushel boxes and in hampers. Beets are packed in sugar barrels at one place and in cabbage crates at another. 'ln a similar manner confusion exists, especially with bunch crops, such as beets and carrots, as to the size of vegetable and number to be put in a bunch. At Kingsville beets are packed in cabbage crates Whose capacity is greater than a sugar barrel, and and only from seven to nine dozen bunches can be put in, - owing to the size of the beets. At Santa Maria the sugar barrel is the package employ- ed and from 18 to 25 dozen bunches are required to fill the barrel. It would seem that there is no standard in the Way of sizes and pack- ages, and this condition brings about confusion, especially at the market end, and operates against the standing and reputation of the whole Gulf Coast. It is believed by the writer that it would add much to the present and fu- ture welfare and prosperity of South Texas, if at an ‘early date all the truckers could get together into some association, such as the Southern Fruit and Truck Growers’ Association, and officially adopt standard ship- ping packages and uniform vegetable sizes for the various crops they pro- duce. Profitable Size for Bunches. (21)