TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. BULLETIN NO. 111. September, 1908. Texas Fever (Third Report.) Veterinary Hospital. Post Office. COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. OFFICERS. GOVERNING BOARD. (Board of Directors A. &. M. College). K. K. LEGETT, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Abilene ‘T. D. ROWELL, Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jefferson A. HAIDUSEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LaGrange J. M. GREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Yoakum WALTON PETEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dallas E. R. KONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Austin L. L. McINNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bryan W. B. SEBASTIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Breckenridge STATION OFFICERS. H. H. HARRINGTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Director W. C. WELBORN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Vice Director and Agriculturist J. W. CARSON . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant to Director and State Feed Inspector M. FRANCIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Veterinarian O. M. BALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Botanist G. S. FRAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . .. Chemist J. C. BURNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Animal Husbandry C. E. SANBORN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Co-operative Entomologist H. NESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Horticulturist N. C. HAMNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Assistant Chemist S. E. ASBURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Assistant Chemist E. C. CARLYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Assistant Chemist R. P. MARSTELLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Assistant Veterinarain C. W. CRISLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chief Clerk F. R. NAVAILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Stenographer A. S. WARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ,. Stenographer STATE SUB-STATIONS. W. S. HOTCHKISS, Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Troupe, Smith County S. A. WVASCHKA, Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Beevi1le, Bee County NOTE.—The main entrance is located on the grounds of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, lin Brazos County. The postoffice addressis College Station, Texas. Reports and bulletins are sent free upon application to the Director. TEXAS FEVER (Third Report.) BY M. FRANCIS, Veterinarian Twenty years ago the authorities of the Texas Experiment Station de- cided to take up the Texas Fever problem, and, if possible, work out some plan by which the discouraging losses that followed the importation of high-class cattle for breeding purposes, could be avoided. In Bulletins 53 and 63 of this Station will be found the results of our work in this direc- tion, but as these have long been out of print and we continually receive calls for the information contained in them, we have decided to present a restatement of the essential facts of this matter. Every one who has had much practical experience with this disease must have been impressed with the fact that, while it is usually fatal to mature cattle, young ones usually survive it, and possess an immunity which ;lasts for life. Following this idea, the question naturally arises as to the ‘fbest methods of producing a mild, non-fatal attack, and thereby justify the purchase 0f strictly first-class cattle fcr breeding purposes. a It seems reasonably certain that all calves born of cows in the infected gfiarea possess no natural immunity to the disease, but acquire it, by becom- giing infected by ticks while yet young and nursing their mothers. In this ltiway they usually pass through the fever stages successfully and thereby [gbecome immune fcr life. If we notice these more closely we will find some gqthat fever severely, pass bloody urine and may even die, if the attack §occurs during the hot weather. If it seems desirable cr necessary to import valuable breeding ani- ifmals from outside of the infected area, we may do so with a reasonable édegree of safety by having young calves, say 4 to 6 Weeks of age, shipped filthy express, and, immediately upon arrival, put them on good nurse cows. Elf this be done during our winter months it is almost always successful. If Ettheresho-uld arise a question as to whether the calf has become infected iftafter being exposed a few weeks, it is a very simple matter to inoculate Tit with blood occasionally. We sometimes find such calves show little or no Efever from these inoculations, though they be repeated four or five times. ZAs a rule, however, they fever later, though they may have carried quite a Enumber of ticks, and were supposed to be safe against serious sickness. In case we decide to bring older calves into Texas, we should prepare "some months in advance a suitable place to handle them until they have “ecovered from the inoculation fevers. The best plan seems to be to ‘vlect a piece of land in April or May that is high enough not to receive , t‘; surface water from a ticky pasture. No cattle or other animals should epermitted in it, though there is no great objection to putting it in culiva- 3 tion, if the work stock be horses or mules. N0 double fence is necessary, though it reduces the risk somewhat. When the Fall rains occur plant a suitable crop for green winter pas- ture, say oats or a mixture of wheat and rye. In the Northern part of the State a green wheat field answers the purpose. In the absence of such a prepared enclosure an ordinary horse lot will do, but there is always more or less danger of such pens having been occu- pied by cattle through carelessness or ignorance of those in charge. The most suitable subjects are calves from 10 to 20 months of age. They should be in good, thriving condition. Thin, weak, half-starved ani- mals that have been bought “awful cheap” are usually too weak to stand the'fever, and turn out a disappointment. We must have animals that are in strictly prime condition; those that have that quality called “good con- stitution,” and that appear somewhat heavy and coarse in the head, horn, throat and chest. Heifers must not be pregnant, as they usually abort during the fever stages, and all kinds of mischief and even death follows. They should be shipped South during December, January, or February, in clean, disinfected cars, fed and watered in the car, and not unloaded into- stockyards along the route. A competent man should always be in charge of the animals to see that these points are strictly observed. When they finally reach their destination the animals should be hauled‘ in a suitable wagon from the car to the pens prepared for their receptions, We seldom have weather cold enough to make it safe to drive such animals over ordinary roads. These remarks may seem silly to those who have; little or no knowledge of this subject, but we can trace our greatest fail-j ures to a disregard of these precautions. It would seem best to permit the calves to rest a day or two beforej inoculation. We have, however, of late adopted the plan of inoculation immediately on arrival with black-leg vaccine and with blood for Texasi Fever. We have observed no evil effects of this. i It is very important that the animals be marked in some conspicuous?’ manner to prevent mistakes. We have found that a hair brand on the rump? answers the purpose and remains legible about 60 days. j The inoculation proper is very simple. The calves to be inoculated should be haltered and tied in a row so that we may secure each on promptly and make no mistakes. The animal which supplies the blot should be one that appears in good health, and that has a reasonable nuj ber of ticks on it. We usually select one 2 or 3 years of age. We have way of knowing the quality of the supply animal’s blood without making practical test of it. We find some Whose blood will fever almost every simultaneously, and others whose blood produces all sorts of irregularitie Having secured the supply animal, take a strong, clean, sterile, H; dermic syringe and fill it by forcing the needle into the jugular vein. Wh, you have done so detach it from the needle, attach another needle an, immediately inject about one cubic centimeter of the blood under the skin g . each calf. If there be a number of calves to be inoculated, we either i; several syringes at once, or return to the supply animal and refill the I one. If the blood clots in the syringe before the work is finished, no ha’, is done as the clotted blood can be forced through the needle and injec 1V 4 " ‘“ ulfildiuu-A. slink!» ‘ as before. The important thing is to have ever _. promptly and rapidly. If the number of calves to be inoculated be large, say 50 or more, and . we have them in an ordinary stock pen with a chute, we usually draw the ' blood from the supply animal with a sterile trocar or a fieam and collect it Jin a clean, sterile beaker, or similar vessel. It must now be stirred with :_ some sterile mechanical object, sa a bundle of wire, to separate the fibrin ything ready, then proceed a has ceased We strain the liquid blood through a thin cloth so as to remove 4 any small clots that may obstruct the needle. The blood is now ready for "use. It must be kept clean and warm until the work is finished. Fill the 1 syringe with the prepared blood, and, having the calves well secured in the chute, inject 1 cubic centimeter of it under the skin of each one. It is Well to have sufficient labor so that the work will proceed with speed and ‘accuracy. The calves should be well fed. No radical changes in diet are Fadvisable, but we find that a grain ration of about 1 per cent. of body weight per day is a safe one to begin on, with access to green winter pasture. The Qgreen stuff acts as a laxative, prevents inpaction, and enables the animal to throw off the waste products produced by disease. ' If the animals be gentle We take their temperature every morning and pkeep a record of it. The normal temperature of cattle varies from 101 to :102.5. We often find higher temperature in calves just off the cars or in those which have a heavy coat of hair. These should be noted and distin- Iguished from the fever produced bydnoculation. The inoculation fever usually appears from the 8th to the 10th day after injection of the blood, and continues from 2 to 6 days as a rule. We call this ithe primary reaction. As long as it remains Within reasonable bounds, say irom 103.5 to 105 degrees F., we pay no attention to it. The calves will ppear somewhat dull, will not eat with their usual relish, and prefer to lie {own apart from their fellows, or to straggle along behind the bunch in e pasture. We prefer to keep them out in a small pasture where they can have ilenty of room to scatter out and have access to shade and water. Bulls -om 15 to 20 months of age are especially benefited in this way. If they Y - somewhat wild, no attempt should be made to ascertain their tempera- . res, as the excitement and struggling incident to it are very harmful. i‘ No medicines are successful. If there be some tendency to constipa- _on, we may give a good dose of salts, but this must be done early in the ttack only. Much mischief is often done by superfluous attention and : equent use of medicines to reduce the fever. We have no medicines which * ll do this. During recent years we have been trying the serum of horses, :4 salts of quinine, preparations of haemoglobin, etc., but in no instance Vere desirable results obtained; in fact, we usually made matters Worse. If the primary fever be very mild, say 103.5 degrees F., for one day only, if it escapes our observation entirely, we must simply wait until the reac- on occurs. It almost always does so about'30 days after inoculation. In :e case it was delayed for 43 days. In such cases it is very unsafe to ake a second inoculation of blood, as we have caused quite a. number of aths by doing so. When the primary fever has been running high, say to 107.5 degrees, for a week or so it usually terminates quite abruptly. 5 v > from the serum and corpuscles. This requires a few minutes. When clotting " they usually die. We often try to control the temperature by applying ~v ‘of cases it occurs about the thirtieth day after inoculatoin. This secon {week or so get them in and turn out the second lot, and so on. The _and about 5 per cent more from fever and casualties during the follows“, We may find it falling as rapidly as 1 degree per hour. This is a crit, time with the animal, and deaths occur very frequently at this time. it falls below 100 degrees We put the animal in a warm place and stimulants, say whiskey and nuxl-vomica, and keep the animal very q i If the urine becomes red nothing can be done to remedy it. Thcse _ pass red urine during cool weather usually recover, while in hct wea » 4 . water with a brush and injecting some of it into the bowels. ln some c ‘ marked results are obtained in this way, but whatever we do must be d quietly and with the least possible disturbance to the animal. The prim fever terminates about the twentieth day after inoculation. The animals ‘I have lcst a gocd deal of flesh, and the hair often becomes erect, dead, ' much of it falls out along the neck and between the thighs. The calves then recover rapidly, eat with former relish and regain n of their lost condition. This continues a week or ten days, whena sec‘ fever period o-ccurs. We call it the secondary reaction. In a large nqumv reaction is usually similar in duration and severity to the previous one, we find cases in which it is more severe, and others in which it ‘is less 4 There is no typical temperature curve. If we examine the records ‘j number 0f cases we may find about four types cr varieties. First. Those in which the primary and secondary reactions are ne: equal in duration and severity. See Graphic Record. . d, Second. Thcse in which the primary reacticn was shcrt or feeble, apparently absent, while the secondary was prolonged and severe. f Third. Those in which the primary reaction was acute, severe, and companied perhaps with red urine, and the secondary reaction was dela irregular and mild. ' Q ' Fourth. Thcse which have three o_r more feeble reactions at irregi‘ intervals, which usually become chronic, with great loss of condition, ness of hair, weakness, and stunted, unthrifty condition'that continues ~ months. These are often observed eating dirt and may consume a :7 ficient quantity of sand to cause serious intestinal disturbances. , It is usually about 60 days before the animals will have recovered th strength and be in condition t0 be exposed to ticks or be shipped to '_ ranches. It seems that the first few exposures to ticks may be made‘ considerable safety if it cccurs in the early spring months, when grass soft and abundant. It often occurs that such animals may be put out. pasture, say April 1st,'and carry an abundance of ticks during May Q June, and be apparently safe until the hot weather of July and Au i occurs. Then they fever severely and may die. It seems advisable to. somewhat careful during July and August, and to keep the animals =j barn during the day; feed them well, apply some oil or grease to limit , number of ticks, and turn them out only at night. It is impossible to! this with young bulls which are in service. In such cases we may di them into three or four lots and turn out any one lot at a time. Afte summer is,a very trying time on young bulls, and many of them. feIf severely and become stunted from over service, fighting and lack off, We usually lose about 3 per cent of the animals from the inoculation fev 6 .351 =2E=QQ=_ t w n; Q htagfixn 2.: .6 ugouum Q2196 ~i 55.2w I QSOMU ~ @226 year. We cannot give exact information because many of the animals have-l passed into other hands and it is very difficult to keep in touch with all of them, but we can say that about 5,000 have passed through our hands ‘ with a death rate of about 8 per cent. 1 When we recall that previous to these investigations the mortality 5‘ from Texas fever ran from 50 to 80 per cent, the present death rate must “be regarded as quite satisfactory. It must not be supposed that we can l. save all animals subjected to this treatment, or that all that survive the -. inoculation are immune. g The immunity conferred in this way is never perfect, but simply en- ables the animals to resist in a great measure a fatal form of the disease i when contracted in the regular way. 9 EXPERIMENTS WITH SERUM OF THE HORSE. Texas Fever is a disease of cattle only, so far as we know. Even ani- ‘ mals so closely related as sheep and goats seem to possess a natural im- 1 munity to it. While other animals, such as horses, mules, pigs, dogs, cats, A rabbits, and fowls are naturally immune. _ 1 Though the cattle tick is very abundant on cattle at all seasons of , the year, and seem to prefer these animals as its host, we often find horses that have thousands of cattle ticks on them without producing apparent sickness. Dinwiddie has shown that cattle ticks lose their power of trans- mitting Texas Fever if they mature on the horse. The explanation of this , seems to be that horses are not susceptible and that the virulent principle j is destroyed or rendered inert by the blood serum of the horse. This sug-ji gested a trial ofhorse serum into cattle to see if it could retard or destroy the activity of the piroplasma and perhaps assist in enabling the animal to ‘ survive an acute attack of Texas Fever. . In December, 1903, we received from Chicago five yearling steers for this experiment. They were shipped south in a clean car without unload-‘r ing, and reached the Station grounds December 24th. On December 26th i each was inoculated with 1 cubic centimeter of tested virulent bloodq This was followed with daily subcutaneous injections of horse serum to see if it could prevent the usual fever reaction. To No. 1 we gave 100 cc.‘ daily; to No. 2, 250 cc. daily; to No. 3 600 cc. daily; to No. 4 1,000 cc. daily; i to No. 5 1,000 cc. daily. A glance at the accompanying fever records show that no benefit what-i ever resulted, and that horse serum cannot be used to control Texas Fever; It is well known that if the blood of one species be injected into an animal of a different sepcies, that it often "causes serious destruction of the cor- puscles of the injected animal. To guard against this source of error we injected a Texas cow with 1,000 cc. of horse serum for three consecutive, days without producing apparent sickness. This was done some weeks: before this experiment was made. ' 1903. Steer Steer Steer Steer Steer I II III IV V Dec. 26th——Temp. .. . . 101.8 101.4 101.6 101.4 101.2 Inoculated. 1 cc blood 1 cc blood 1 cc blood 1 cc blood 1 cc blood - Dec. 27th—Temp. 102.4 101.2 101.6 101.4 102 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Dec. 28th—Temp. . . .. 101.4 102 102.2 102.6 102.6 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Dec. 29th——Temp. .. . . 102 101.5 103 103 104.8 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Dec. 30th—Temp. .. . . 101.8 103 103 103.8 106 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Dec. 31th——Temp. .. . . 102 101.8 102.6 103 107 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Jan. 1st —Temp. .. .. 101.8 102.4 102.2 103.8 108.2 Serum ...| 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Jan. 2d —Temp. 101.2 102 104 106 106 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc Jan. 3rd —Temp. .. .. 104.2 102.6 103.6 105.8 104.8 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 500 cc 500 cc Jan. 4th —Temp. .. . . 105.4 104.6 104.6 105.2 103.8 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 475 cc 500 cc 1000 cc Jan. 5th —Temp. .. .. 103.2 102.8 102.8 105.6 103.6 Serum . .. 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 500 cc 500 cc Jan. 6th —Temp. .. .. 104.6 102.2 102.8 104.4 106.2 Serum 100 cc 250 cc 600 cc 500 cc 1000 cc Jan. 7th —Temp. .. .. 102.4 102.8 102.4 103 103.6 Serum It will be noticed that the serum injections were discontinued January 7th, as no favorable results were forthcoming. The further history of these animals is as follows: No. 1 had a strong secondary fever from the thirty-sixth to the forty- seventh days, but survived it. No. II had a secondary fever beginning on the thirty-fourth day, running about 106 degrees for four days, then somewhat lower. N0. III had a secondary fever, beginning on the thirty-seventh day and continued high five days. _ No. IV had a very severe secondary fever, beginniing on the thirty- first day and continuing 24 days. He became very thin, but survived. No. V had a very mild second fever, only 103 degrees for two or three days. At the expiration of 60 days he was in good condition, except some loss of hair. The results of this work were such that we found no encouragement to continue the use of horse serum to control Texas Fever. EXPERIMENTS WITH QUININE IN TEXAS FEVER. For many years physicians have used Quinine as a specific for malaria of man. The results obtained have been so favorable that it would seem to be the logical remedy for Texas Fever. In this, however, we have been disappointed, as the following cases will show: Case I.—A Shorthorn heifer, age 12 months, and weighing about 800' pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc virulent blood in December, 1901. Fever appeared on the 9th Day, Temperature 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th that five results. l! ll Dead. 104 104 105. 107 104. 103 104. 105. Passed bloody urine for three days. .2-— .8 2 6 .8 8 6 Gave 4 Drachms Quinine via mouth It will be noticed‘ ounces of Quinine were given this animal Without any desirable Case II.—A Red Polled bull, age 13 months, weight 910 pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc virulent blood. Fever appeared on the 7th Day, Temperature 107.5——Gave 8 drachms Quinine via mouth. 8th 9th 10th 11th ll 106 106 107 98 .2 .7 ll ll l‘ Dead, ll ll ll ll ll ll ll Kl (S ll ll ll l‘ l! ll red urine two days. Case III.—A Hereford bull, age "l4 months, weight 1,140 pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc virulent blood. Fever appeared on the —Gave 2 drachms Quinine via mouth. 9th Day, Temperature 103 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 104. 102. 103. 105. 105 102 i-‘r-PQDOO No medicine. It will be noticed that this was a typical case of inoculation fever that. terminated spontaneously, and it appears that the result was not due to the use of Quinine. A secondary fever period, extending from the 32d to 37th days, occurred, which terminlted equally favorably without Quinine. Case IV.—A Shorthorn heifer, aged 14 months, weight 960 pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc virulent blood. 1 9th Day, Temperature 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d ll 103 104. 104. 103 104. 105. 106. 106. 107 107 106 104. 103. 102 Fever appeared on the —'Gave 4 drachms Quinine, via mouth. 6 4 BDIADOOrP ll ll ll ll ll (K From this time the temperature ranged within the limits of normal varia- tion until the 32d day, when a secondary reaction, lasting seven days, oc- curred. This terminated favorably without medicines. It will be noticed that in these cases we gave Quinine in doses of 2, 4, and 8 drachms daily, during the fever periods, without apparent benefit. Similar results were obtained by Dinwiddie of the Arkansas Station. SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTIONS OF QUININE. In cases 5 and 6 we tried the subcutaneous injection of the Bimuriate of Quiniue with Urea. , Case V.——A Polled Durham steer, age 15 months, and weighing 975 pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc virulent blood. We decided to follow this immediately with injections of Quinine to see if the infection could be ar- rested. Fever appeared on the 3rd Day, Temperature 103.5—Gave 5 grammes Quinine subcutaneously. 4th “ “ 103 “ “ “ “ “ 5th “ “ 105 “ “ “ “ “ 6th “ “ 105.4 “ “ “ “ “ 7th “ “ 104.2 “ “ “ “ “ 8th “ “ 103.6 “ “ “ “ “ 9th “ “ 105 “ “ “ “ “ 10th “ “ 104.2 “ “ “ “ “ 11th “ “ 104 “ “ “ “ “ 12th “ “ 103.4 “ “ “ ‘ “ “ 13th “ “ 105 “ “ “ “ “ 14th “ “ 103.6 Gave no medicine. 15th “ “ 104 “ “ “ 16th “ “ 106.4 “ “ “ 17th “ “ 107.2 “ “ “ 18th “ “ 106 “ “ “ 19th “ “ 106.2 “ “ “ t 20th “ “ 106 “ “ “ 21st “ “ 104.6 “ “ “ 22nd “ “ 101.8 “ “ “ 23rd “ “ 100.8 “ “ “ Case VI.——A Polled Durham steer, age 18 months, weight 1050 pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc cf same blood and the same as No. V. Fever appeared on the 3rd Day, Temperature 103.2——Gave 10 grammes Quinine subcutaneously. 4th “ “ 102 “ “ “ “ “ 5th t‘ “ 106 “ “ " “ “ 7th “ “ 105.6 “ “ “ “ “ 8th “ " 105.4 “ “ “ “ " 9th " “ 104 “ “ “ “ “ 10th “ 105 “ “ “ “ “ 11th 1* " 106 “ “ “ “ “ 12th " " 106.8 “ “ “ “ “ 13th “ " 104.6 “ “ “ " “ 14th “ “ 107.4 “ “ “ “ " 15th “ “ 102 . 6 Gave nothing. 16th " t‘ 103 “ t‘ 17th “ “ 104.4 “ " 18th “ ‘t 104 “ “ 19th ~ ~ 103 ~ ‘t 20th " “ 102 " " 21st “ “ 102.2 “ “ 22nd “ “ 101 " ~ The injections were made into the loose cellular tissues along the neck and sides. In some cases We inserted a long needle in the muscles of the thigh and made the injections quite deep. It will be noticed that no beneficial effects were obtained. A remarkable after result in both cases (V. and VI.) was the develop- ment some days later of symptoms resembling tetanus. In both of them the cramps and rigidity became so intense that both died. INTRA VENOUS INJECTION OF QUlNlNE. Case VII.—A Polled Durham steer, aged 14 months, weight 1150 pounds, was inoculated with 1 cc virulent blood. The primary fever was mild and irregular, so we decided to Wait until the secondary one was Well developed. It ran as follows: 30th day, temperature 104 degrees 31st “ 104 32nd “ “ 104.8 ’ 33rd “ “ 103.8 34th “ “ 105 35th “ “ 107.2—Gave 6 grms. Quinine. 36th “ “ 106.2 “ 5 “ “ On the 35th day we dissolved 6 grammes Bimuriate of Quinine in 100 cc normal salt solution and injected this slowly into the jugular vein. Almost immediately the animal struggled violently, fell to the ground, gasped several times, and appeared to be dying. After some minutes it regained its feet and walked away. The heart evidently had been disturbed by the treat- ment. Winslow calls attention to this in his “Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics,” page 461, in these words: “When injected into a vein or directly applied to the cardaic muscle, quinine causes daistolic arrest of the heart by paralyzing the cardaic muscle or its contained ganglia.” The next day the animal appeared no worse from the treatment, though the temperature had fallen 1 degree. We suspected that possibly we had not been careful enough to have the solution blood warm. It was decided to reduce the dose to 5 grammes and inject it slowly at the temperature of the blood. This was attended to, but before the entire quantity was injected the animals staggered, fell to the ground, floundered around, gasped several times and died within a minute. It is evidently too dangerous to give Quinine in this way, s0 no further experiments were attempted. 12 DON’TS. Please Don’t ship cattle to us for inoculation without having arranged some weeks in advance for their reception. Please Don’t ship us a lot of thin, Weak, stunted animals or old, preg- nant cows or aged bulls because you can “get ’um awful cheap.” Please Don’t buy a show bull and keep him a few weeks to show at the fairs, and to breed to a few choice cows, and then have him inoculated. This is very risky. ' Please Don’t have your stock sent to the ranch and allowed to mix with native cattle a few weeks until some of them fever and die, and then wire us to “Send man to my ranch quick to inoculate car of fine bulls to stop them from dying.” It is then too late. Please Don’t fool with this thing at all unless you follow a carefully made plan, something along the suggestions printed in this bulletin. Map of United States, Showing Area Infested by the Fever Tick. 13