QTEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULLETIN No. I44 The Culture of Cigar Leaf Tobacco in Texas By OTTO OLSON Alssistant in Tobacco Investigations, Bureau o! Plant Industry, U. S Department of Agriculture; POSTOFFICE: COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AUSTIN PRINTING COMPANY AUSTIN. TEXAS I912 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. GOVERNING BOARD. . A p (Board of Directors A & M. College.) A WALTON PETEET, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I..F JOHN I. GUIQmVice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CHAs. DAVIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Stee f; L. J. HART . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..San J. ALLEN KYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. L. BENNETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. M. KEMPNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I’. En. R. KONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘ PRESIDENT 0F COLLEGE. _ R. T. MILNEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College. STATION OFFICERS. B. YonNonLoon. M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ M. FRANCIS, D. V. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Vete G. S. FRAPS. Ph.D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. NEss, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Horti _ I. C. Bunws. B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Animal Hus WILMON NEWELL, M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ent0 A. B. CONNER. B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..A ' F. H. BLODGETT, Ph. D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Plant Pathologist and Phy I-I. L. McKxIonT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Superintendent Statiof W. L. BOYETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..State Feed In HARPER DEAN, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant Ento J. B. RATHER. M. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant v‘ I. B. KELLY. A. B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant L. C. LUDLUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Assistant y B‘. B. PADDOCK, B. S . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . ..Assistant Ento L H. H. JossoN. B. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant. Cotton Invest! ' STATE SUB-STATIONS. GOVERNING BOARD. His EXCELLENCY Govmmon O. B. CoLQmTT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR A. B. DAvlnsox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. COMMISSIONER 0F AGRICULTURE Hox. En. R. KONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i DIRECTORS OF STATIONS. B. YoUNoRLoon. M. S . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..College I SUPERINTENDENTS 0F SUB-STATIONS. _. E. E. BINFORD, Beeville Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Beevi11e, Bee V; W. S. Horcmnss. Troupe Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Troupe, Smith j A. L. PASCHALL. Lubbock Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubbock, Lubbock H. C. STEWART. Pecos Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Pecos, Reeves v I‘. W. BUELL. Denton Silo-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Denton, Denton‘ f » H. C. HOLMES. Temple Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ternple, Bell ' ‘ l. S. YoRK, Spur Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spur, Dickens w" P. D. PERKINS, Angleton Sub-Station . . . . . . . . . . . ..Angleton, Brazoria __ E. M. JOHNSON, Beaumont Co-operative Rice Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Beaumont, Jefferson C‘. G. T. McNEss, Nacogdoches Sub-Station. . . .Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches C Norm-The main station is located on the grounds of the Agricultural Mechanical College, in Brazos County. The postoffice address is College -_ tion. Texas. _ Reports and bulletins are sent upon application to the A postal will bring the bulletins. 410-1 I?rZSn By Otto Olson ’ INTRODUCTION. e interesting processes connected with the production of tht 'r are almost wholly unknown outside of the tobacco trade. In ; first place, the cultivation and handling of cigar leaf tobacco is ghly specialized industry, differing in several important points I“ the production of other tobaccos, and secondly, the several pro- ”-.= through which cigar leaf tobacco passes before it is ready for cigarmaker’s table, require considerable technical skill and ex- ce. a ‘ all cigars of American manufacture three distinct sorts of leaf ' co are used,* namely, the wrapper, binder, and filler. The wrap- j is the outside covering of a cigar, and the domestic tobaccos ' for wrappers are grown in Connecticut and Florida, and to a -- extent in Texas and Alabama, usually from Cuban and Suma, ed. A considerable part ofthe acreage devoted to wrapper to- ~ consists of “shade,” that is, posts nine feet high are placed a fields at convenient distances and wires are strung between ;on top of the posts, forming a frame on which cheese cloth is hed, or laths interwoven. The object of growing tobacco under is to produce wrappers of silky texture and even colors. A cigar wrapper should possess evenness of color, elasticity, gooo i» e and grain, and last but not least, a good “burn,” by which i: t the ability of the leaf to ‘burn freely and without charring. _.i a gray or white ash. Wrapper tobacco is usually negative in and does not affect the aroma of a cigar to any appreciable t. c binders are used to hold the filler in shape, and are obtained "Connecticut, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and New York. The _ ovarietics used for binders are the Connecticut and Pennsyl- Broaclleaf, and several types of the so-called Havana seed. a 1 not be pronounced. i filler is, as the name implies, the inside filling of a cigar, and ste and aroma of a cigar are almost entirely dependent on the _' of the filler. The domestic cigar filler varieties are grown nsylvania, Connecticut, New York, Wisconsin, Ohio. and to a J extent in Alabama, Texas, and Florida, The northern varie- s ally are, after barn curing and asserting, packed in cases, in ijthg tobacco undergoes the fermentation process. The southern f. and packed in Cuban style, that is, the palm leaf hark, or’ . the so-called Yankee bale, which is covered with straw mats. .- ‘i Circular No. 48, “The Present Status of the Tobacco Industry," 4 of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. A Culture of Cigar Leaf Tobacco In Texas f imlcr should have very good burning qualities, and the flavor i ller varieties are bulk-fermented for from three to six months, _ 4 A 'l‘nx.»xs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS Of all domestic cigar filler tobaccos, the Texas product is undoubt- edly among the very best, if not the best, especially when grown frorr straight Cuban seed, though the relatively high cost of production uncertainty of disposal of crops, and general trade conditions haw combined more recently in causing a decided curtailment in tobaccs production in Texas. PREVIOUS TOBACCO WORK IN TEXAS BY THE U. S. l DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The cigar leaf tobacco industry in Texas is of comparatively recent origin. Although cigar tobacco had been grown near Willis, in Mont- gomery County, since 1892, it was not wholly a commercial success unti-l the Department of Agriculture introduced improved methods of cigar leaf tobacco production?“ Before complying with the general demand for assistance in to- bacco culture, the Department had conducted extensive experiments in order to determine Whether or not a high grade cigar filler to- bacco could be grown successfully in Texas. These experiments were carried on during 1903 and 1904 on different soils in several localities in East Texas, but the results varied. It was shown con- clusively, however, that the so-called red lands, or Orangeburg soils. in Nacogdoches, Anderson, Montgomery and Houston Counties were best adapted for the production of a high grade cigar filler tobaccc grown from Cuban seed. At the conclusion of these experiments, the Department was asked by the business men and farmers of the above mentioned counties for further aid in developing the tobacco industry by giving instruc- tions and assistance to the farmers in tobacco culture. In response to this petition, trained tobacco experts were stationed in the various counties with instructions to visit those farmers who so desired and give them instructions and assistance in all phases of tobacco cul- ture. This advisory work was, with some later modifications, contin- ued until the fall of 1910. During 1908 the Department conducted some much needed fer- tilizer experiments at Palestine and Nacogdoches in order to deter- mine the influence of various compositions of fertilizers upon- the yield and quality of both filler and wrapper tobacco. During 1909 fertilizer experiments were conducted in co-operation with several tobacco growers at Palestine. During 1910 and 1911 experiments in crop rotation with tobacco as the principal crop, fertilizer tests, and seed selection and breeding of tobacco have been conducted near Nacogdoches in co-operation with the Texas Experiment Stations. *See‘_ Bulletin No. 27, “Experiments in Growing Tobacco in Texas," Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dent. of Agriculture. Tun CULTURE or THE CIGAR LEAF r» TYPES OF TOBACCO GROWN IN TEXAS CIGAR FILLER TOBACCO. The culture of tobacco on a commercial basis was not attempted in 'l‘exas until 1892, though native varieties of Tennessee and Kentucky tobaccos were grown in small patches for home consumption prior to the Civil War. In 1890 and 1891 some tobacco was grown from im- ported Cuban seed near Willis, Montgomery County, with such prom- ising results that the attention of several leaf tobacco dealers was attracted to the possibility. of producing a cigar leaf tobacco in Texas that would, in their opinion, rival the genuine Cuban tobacco, which is the standard of the world as far as cigar filler tobacco is concerned. Consequently, a large acreage was grown in Cuban seed tobacco in 1892 around Willis, and the industry prospered for several years. Owing to impractical methods in cultivation and handling, however, . a decline followed, until the U. S. Department of Agriculture re- vived and extended the cigar leaf tobacco industry in 1903 by its experiments in the culture of Cuban tobacco. In these experiments several types of imported and domesticated Cuban seed were used, and the best types grown the first year se- lected for propagation. By a gradual process of elimination two distinct types, Texas Cuban 403 and 408 were evolved, and seed from these types distributed among the tobacco growers. This to- bacco, which is called Texas Cuban and known locally as “Little Cuban.” is used for high grade cigar fillers only, because its heavy body and dark color renders it unsuitable for wrapper purposes. In aroma and flavor it resembles rather closely the tobacco grown in Cuba. The Texas Cuban has of late, however, been superseded in the favor of the tobacco buyers by a hybrid tobacco known locally as “Big Cuban,” which was introduced in Texas in 1907. The reasons are partly because of the relatively higher yield of the latter and partly because it can be used as a substitute for imported Cuban wrapper tobacco and hence is more profitable to the buyer. When used as a filler the Big Cuban has a mild, flat taste and lacks the full. strong aroma of the Texas Cuban. As the average smoker desires a mild cigar independently of aroma. the attitude of the buyers to- ward Texas Cuban can be easily understood. CIGAR WRAPPER TOBACCO. The culture .of Sumatra and wrapper tobacco under shade was in- troduced in Texas in 1903, when ten acres of shade were erected near Nacogdoches by tobacco dealers from Florida. Owing to climatic- conditions, the results obtained did not for several years justify the extension of this branch of the tobacco industry. The shade crop of 1906, however, proved to be of good yield and quality due to the exceptionally fine season, and was sold at good prices. Encouraged by the results of this crop, the above mentioned tobacco dealers or- ganized companies, largely with local capital, in Palestine and Nacog- doches for the purpose of growingshade tobacco, and invoked the aid of the Department in supervising and designing the erection and 6_ TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS construction of shades and barns, and in giving instructions reg Q ing the cultivation and handling of the shade crops. The Depa ment, however, had not at any time advised the introduction production of shade tobacco in Texas. The seasons of 1907, 1908 and 1909 proved to be especially unf_ vorable for the growth of shade tobacco and, in addition, the pric paid for this class of tobacco produced in the South decreased m“ terially because of the “panic” of 1907, overproductionin Florid and, with a few exceptions, the generally inferior quality of the Tex shade-grown tobacco,_caused primarily by climatic conditions. Con sequently, the conditions did not warrant the continued productio“ of shade tobacco in Texas, and it has gradually been abandoned. ' It has been shown, however, that a good quality and percenta it of wrappers can be obtained from the Big Cuban hybrid, when gro w in the open field without shade, provided the tobacco is properly fertilized and handled in the field. In order to obtain a good percent- age and quality of wrappers, the fertilizer must contain a properly- balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium in the I form of sulphate applied at the rate of from 1600 to 1800 pounds g per acre, according to the condition of the soil. The plants are topped ~ high as soon as the bud begins forming, and the leaves are “primed,” that is, picked off the stalk, when they are grown and just before they are matured. They are then strung on twine, which is attached to a I lath, about 40 leaves to the lath, after which the laths are placed on f? tier poles in the barn for curing. After curing, the tobacco is fer- .; mented and assorted, the inferior grades packed as fillers, and the ‘Z good, sound leaves as wrappers. There is at present a decided de- . mand for these wrappers, principally because of the fact that they closely resemble the imported Cuban wrapper. The veins of the leaf are small so that the entire leaf can be used for wrappers, From 3 to 5 pounds of the Texas Big Cuban tobacco will wrap a thousand cigars. Unfortunately, the prices paid in the past for the Texas Big Cu- ban when primed for wrapper are not remunerative to the growers, and for this reason the area planted in tobacco in Nacogdoches County has decreased from 250 acres in 1910 to 30 acres in 1911. The “priming” process is considerably more expensive than the method practiced in harvesting filler tobacco, which consists in cutting the entire stalk and spearing from 10 to 12 stalks on the same lath. By “priming,” however, all the leaves are saved, because they are picked from the stalk as they ripen, whereas in cutting the entire stalk the bottom leaves are worthless, being overripe, and consequently the yield is somewhat increased by “priming,” though the increased yield does not fully cover the increased cost. The growers received from 8 to 10 cents _per pound for cut tobacco in 1910, the low price being due to the prevalence of “white veins” on the leaves, and the average yield was 1000 pounds per acre. As the average cost of producing this class of tobacco is about 8 cents per pound, the margin of profit was not very great. This low price, in connection with the high prices paid for cotton in the fall of 1910, is responsible for the fact that only 30 acres were grown in tobacco in 1911.‘ The growers received 17 cents per pound for “primed” THE CULTURE OF THE CIGAR LEAF 7 tobacco in 1911, and the average yield per acre was 1100 pounds. It should be stated, however, that even at 17 cents per pound the grow- ers claim, not without reason, that there is little profit in “priming” tobacco. METHODS OF PRODUCING CIGAR LEAF TOBACCOT IN TEXAS. = SEED BEDS A southern exposure is considered best for seed beds because they are then protected from the cold north winds. 'l‘he best place for a seed bed is near a stream and as close to the field to be planted in tobacco as possible. After selecting a suitable location with plenty of humus in the soil, all trees and bushes should be cut down. not only on the site for the seed beds. but also all around it, to a distance of 30 feet, so that there will be no obstruction to the sunlight. A ‘seed bed of 50 square yards will produce enough plants for 1 acre. It is safest to burn the seed bed in order to destroy grass and weed seeds and insects?" This should be done in the latter part of Jan- uary by placing skids 3 feet apart on the area, and piling brush and wood on one end of the skids. After setting fire to the brush the pile can be pushed forward on the skids by means of long poles until the whole area is thoroughly and uniformly burned. After burn- ing, all coals, roots and trash should be raked off, allowing the ashes to remain, after which the area should be spaded up or plowed, not deeper than 8 inches. The fertilizers are usually applied about two weeks previous to sewing the seed. 25 pounds cotton seed meal and 10§ponnds acid phosphate to every 5O square yards of seed bed will give good results if thoroughly mixed with the soil. The mixing is done by scattering the fertilizer broadcast over the beds and raking it thoroughly until it is entirely incorporated with the soil. Pre- vious to applying the fertilizer, boards 12 inches wide should be placed onedge, about 5 feet apart, supported by stakes driven into the ground, These boards form a cold frame, over which wires are strung, supporting the cheese cloth, which is put on after sowing the seeds. ' The seeds, which should have been previously subjected to the cleaning process described in Bulletin No. 96, “Tobacco Breeding,” Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. are usually sown in the latter part of February. The beds are first raked off, leaving the surface soil in a mellow condition. The seeds are then miized with cornmeal or sifted ashes and sown broadcast over the beds. care being taken to have the seeds distributed evenly. Two tablespoonful of seed mixed with about five handsful of ashes are silfiieient for 5O square yards of seed bed. After sowing, the seeds should not be covered with soil. but should be firmly pressed down. either by tramping the beds or by means of a roller. after which the beds should be thoroughly watered. The beds are then covered with "'See Farmers’ Bulletin No. 451, pages 41 to 43, U. S. Dept. of Agricul- ture. THE CULTURE OF THE“ CIGAR LEAF i 9 the cheese cloth, which is hooked t0 the side boards by nails driven through from the inside. If the Weather is dry, the beds should be watered regularly from time to time because the seeds do not germi- nate unless the soil is in a moist condition, and for this reason it is absolutely necessary to prevent the soil from drying, though, on the other hand, too much water will cause the young seedlings to rot ofli. The seeds germinate in from 1O to 14 days, under usual condi- tions, and it then becomes necessary to inspect the beds frequently and to wage a relentless Warfare on the multitude of insects that prey on the young plants. All Weeds and grass growing on the beds must also be removed, (For information regarding the best methods of combating these insects see Farmers’ Bulletin 120, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture.) In from six to seven Weeks after sowing the seeds. the plants will be ready for transplanting to the field. The growth of the plants, however, can be forced by sprinkling a solution of nitrate of soda over the beds. Five pounds of nitrate dissolved in one barrel of water is the rate at which the first application should be made, later increasing the strength up to 1O pounds of nitrate of soda to one barrel of water. Care should be taken, however, to water the beds thoroughly after applying this solution, as otherwise the nitrate of soda may injure the foliage of the plants. Liquid manure is also very efficient in forcing the growth of the plants. The covers should be removed when the plants are nearly grown. so they may become inured to climatic conditions. PREPARATION OF FIELD. The field intended for tobacco culture should have been plowed up to a depth of from 10 to 12 inches during the preceding fall. If this is not practicable, the plowing should be doneas early in the winter as possible and the field ought to be harrowed after every rain so that the moisture can be conserved as far as possible. It is also advisable to subsoil the field once every two or three years. If stable manure is to be used, it should be scattered broadcast at the rate of from 15 to 2O loads per acre just before this first breaking up of the field and plowed under. Lime has been found to be very beneficial to the East Texas soils. but its high cost has prevented a more general. use of it. It should also be applied just before the first plowing at the rate of from 500 to 700 pounds per acre. The field should be bedded up and prepared for transplanting about the latter part of March, or two weeks before transplanting. Frequently the heavy rains pack the soil, so that it will be neces- sary to plow up the field before bedding it. This plowing can be done with an 8-inch shovel plow, which thoroughly pulverizes the soil. In bedding up the field a small shovel plow is used in laying or streaking 0E the field into rows 3 feet apart, which is the usual . distance between the rows, though some growers place them 3 1-2 - feet apart. Four furrows are then thrown over these rows with a turning plow, forming a Water furrow, in which the fertilizer is drilled. When a transplanting machine is used, it is not necessary to bed up the rows and the fertilizer is- simply drilled in the rows after they arelaid off. l0 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS FERTILIZERS. The amount of fertilizer t0 be used depends on the fertility and condition of the soil, though it must be borne in mind that the to- bacco plant is a heavy feeder and requires an especially strong ra- tion of potash because of the great influence of the latter on the “burning” qualities of the leaf. It has been shown that a crop yield- ing 1000 lbs. of leaf per acre contains about 67 lbs. of nitrogen, 9 lbs. of phosphoric acid, and 85 lbs. of potash and, consequently. the fields must be heavily fertilized in order to secure good yields, Moreover, the use of a liberal application of fertilizers improves the quality of the leaves to a surprising extent, and it is known that potash chiefly influences the leaves in that respect. The form of potash to be used is important, as muriate of potash is decidedly injurious to tobacco. Carbonate of potash has been used in Texas to some extent and has given good results, but it is expensive an! is believed to injure the soil when used continuously, and for that reason the use of a high grade sulphate is advised. A liberal supply of phosphoric acid must also be applied as well as nitrogen and potash, because the soils of East Texas generally are deficient in this plant food, and the experiments at Nacogdoehes clearly demonstrate its value in tobacco culture. In regard to the amount of fertilizer to use, it is difficult to give a formula that would give satisfactory returns when applied gener- ally, because of the differences in fertility of the soils in East Texas. but, broadly considered, the following formula has produced the best results in the Nacogdoehes experiments, both in yield and quality. when compared for a period of two years, and is especiallv adapted to light, sandy soils: 1200 lbs. cotton seed meal; 400 lbs. l6 per cent acid phosphate; 200 lbs. sulphate of potash per acre. When stable manure is used at the rate of from 15 to 20 loads per acre, the amount of cotton seed meal may be eut in half. On the heavier soil types a fertilizer containing from 800 to 1000 lbs. cotton seed meal, 400 lbs. acid phosphate, and 200 lbs. sulphate of potash per acre may be used with good results. Experience has shown that better results are obtained when the fertilizers are drilled in the row than when they are applied broad- cast. It is also absolutely necessary to practice intensive cutivation if good yields are desired, because frequent plowings not only destroy grass and weeds, but they aerate the soil, thereby aiding in rendering the plant food contained in the fertilizers available, so that the tiny rootlets of the tobacco plant can absorb it, The fertilizers should be applied about two weeks before trans- planting. When applied in the drill a small shovel plow should be run through the fertilizer so as to mix it with the soil, afterwards throwing two furrowg back over the fertilizer. which forms a slightly elevated ridge for planting. The ridge left between the rows is broken out flat after transplanting. TRANSPLANTING. The plants are ready to be transferred to the field when they are from four to five inches high in the plant bed. Only the healthy. THE CULTURE oF THE CIGAR LEAF 11 stocky ones should be selected for transplanting. Great care is to be exercised when pulling the plants, as the tender roots and bud leaves are easily injured. After pulling, the plants should be placed in bas- kets with the roots down and the baskets placed in a shady place, preferably in a shallow pool, until needed in the field. Before trans- planting, the ridges on the field rows are leveled by means of a board attached to a plow stock, leaving the _soil in a moist, mellow condition and on a level with the field. It is always best to transplant as soon after a rain “as conditions will allow, but in case no rain has fallen for a week or two, and the plants are growing too large in the plant bed, it will be necessary to water them as they are set out. This can be done immediately after transplanting by pouring about a eupful of water on the side of each plant, taking care not to spill any on the plant itself, which would cause it to wilt, afterward raking dry dirt over the watered spot to prevent baking. v Another and better method of watering the plants, especially in dry weather, is to make holes in the rows with a hoe handle and pour water in them just before transplanting. The plants should be set deep, so that only the upper or bud leaves are above ground, and care should be taken to press the soil firmly to the roots. In a few days after transplanting, the field should be inspected and all missing hills re-planted. The best method of transplanting tobacco is by means of a trans- planting machine which not only sets the plants uniformly at any desired distance, but also waters them. It would hardly pay the average tobacco grower in 'l‘exas, however, to use such a machine, be- cause of the small individual acreage, unless a number of growers could purchase one in co-operation. The Texas Cuban variety should be set about fourteen inches apart in the drill, with the rows three feet wide, which would require about 12.000 plants per acre. The Big Cuban hybrid ought to be set twelve im-hes apart in the drill, with the rows three or three and one-half feet wide, requiring about 13,000 to 14,000 plants per acre. CITLTIVATING. the first cultivation should be made with a hoe to loosen up the snll between the plants, afterward running a side harrow close to the plants about ten days after transplanting, or sooner, depending on the rapidity with which the plants take root. In case heavy rains have packed the soil, a six-inch shovel plow should be run close to the plants on both sides of the rows, while an eight-inch shovel can be run twice in the middle, thus thoroughly pulverizing the soil. A few days later it is advisable to plow the tobacco three times to the row with a heel-sweep to which a small shovel has been ‘attached. This ' shfillld be repeated every four or five days until a soil mulch is estab- lished, which prevents loss of moisture from droughts, which are likely to occur at anytime in East Texas during May and June. In normal seasons the tobacco should receive a thorough cultivation once every week, and after a rain as soon as the soil has dried out suffi- eiently for working. A cultivator is one of the best implements to use for this purpose, though a heel-sweep will answer. Two hoeings are usually sufficient. The tobacco is generally cultivated up to the .w=:.§1$a§: pwupw 3:.“ Emu ooomnorrllm .w7m . THE CULTURE OF THE CIGAR LEAF a l3 time it is topped, although in case of heavy, packing rains it may be- come necessary to plo-W it even after topping. - N0 hard and fast rules can be laid down for cultivating tobacco, because difierent soils require different treatment, and then, again, weather conditions may be such as to require an entirely diffirent method of cultivation from that described here. But as a general§rule it should be observed that tobacco responds readily to intensive. cul- tivation when intelligently practiced, especially when large amounts of fertilizer are used. ‘ COMBATING INSECTS. As soon as the plants commence taking root, usually about eight to ten days after transplanting, it becomes necessary to apply poison for grasshoppers, budworms and other insects, using for_this pur- pose a mixture of cornmeal and Paris green or arsenate of lead once a week and after every rain. This poison is mixed asufollows: ‘One and a half tablespoonful of Paris green to two gallonflslolf corn meal thoroughly stirred. It is applied by means of a perforated tin can to which a stick has been fastened as a handle, so that the poison can be shaken directly in the bud of the plants. In poisoning the Big Cuban tobacco, it is necessary to gently openthe bud leaves, because - these grow closely together in this type. _ The horn or tobacco worm usually makes its first appearance in Texas during early May, and this arch-enemy of the tobacco plant re- quires a special system of poisoning, as follows: Sixteen parts of hydrated lime are thoroughly mixed with one part of Paris green. and applied to the tobacco plants once a week and after every rain by means of the so-called blow-gun, or dust-gun. Arsenate of lead may be used instead of Paris green at the rate of five pounds to the acre, mixed with five or six pounds of flour or sifted ashes. It is consider! ably more expensive than the Paris green, however, though it is less likely to burn the tobacco. This poisoning should be started early in May, even if there are no signs of the hornworm visible, because it is certain to appear sooner or later. Once the work has obtained a foothold, it is difficult to combat. because an increased strength of the poison. especially theiParis green, will injure the foliage of the plants?“ v TOPPING . By “topping” is meant the removal of the flower bud of the tobacco plant. The object in doing this is to force the nutritive substances of the plant to remain in the leaves, because when the plant is allowed to flower, the nourishment is gradually transferred from the leaves and used for the formation and production of seed. The yield and quality of a tobacco crop depend to a certain degree upon the way in which the topping has been done. and it is important ' 5 *For a complete description of insects affecting the tobacco plants and means of controlling them, see Farmers’ Bulletin 120, entitled “The Principal Insects Affecting the Tobacco Plant,” U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, also “Insect Enemies of Tobacco in the United States.” 1910 Yearbook Sep- arate 537, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. .. T. 11¢ {.21. i? instill- Elillsil Q __..; _<.i;___ T THE CULTURE OF Tun CIGAR LEAF l5 , have this done right. Cigar filler tobacco is usually topped low, Qhich causes the leaves t0 become thick and heavy, while tobacco in- " ded for wrappers should be topped high, which will assist in pro.- flucing thin leaves. As a general rule, however, all good, stocky plants _l vigorous growth should be topped higher than those of weak growth it is the custom among the tobacco growers in Texas to top each indi- “dual plant as soon as the flower bud appears, which necessitates go- r- over the field several times, resulting in an uneven ripening, and. nsequently, additional work in harvesting. This can be obviated ~ iting until a majority of the plants are budding out, when the Elli-ll‘!- irop can be topped. i SUCKERING. In a few days after topping, offshoots of the plant appear at the I notion of the leaves with the stalk. These offshoots are called “suek- ,_ ,” and are the results of the efforts of the plant to reproduce itself. _j e suckers should be removed as soon as they appear, because the)" it orb considerable plant food, thereby injuring the growth and Vality of the tobacco. It is necessary to sucker the Texas Cuban bacco twice, once about five days after topping, and again just before mvesting. Big Cuban tobacco does not need to be suckered more - i‘ an once, because it is not productive of suckers. HARVESTING. f A decided change takes place in the tobacco plant after topping. e leaves increase in size and thickness and assume a mottled appear- w e, usually within from twelve to fourteen days after topping, but pending on weather conditions. In dry weather the changes occur ner than during rainy or cloudy weather. Exhaustive tests have shown that though the yield is greatly in; ased when filler tobacco is harvested in a ripe or over-ripe con- tion, the quality of the tobacco is greatly inferior to that obtained hen the plant is harvested just before maturity or when still slightly . en- . ifIn normal weather conditions the upper leaves of the plant begin feel stiff and hard to the-touch in about twelve to fourteen days idy for harvesting. Filler tobacco is harvested in Texas by cutting stalk, leaving one or two leaves, which, being over-ripe, are worth- j, on the stubble, afterivards carrying the stalks on a stretcher, or uling them in a wagon either to a shady place near the field or direct the barn, if this is nearby. They are unloaded on to a low table. geplauts should be exposed to the sun for a few minutes after cutting order that they may wilt, so they can be handled without breaking a the leaves, but if they are exposed too long, the leaves will be ‘paged. The stalks are then speared onto laths or sticks from f1 to twelve stalks to the stick. The sticks are 52 inches long, one h wide and one-fourth inch thick, and after receiving, the nts are placed at a distance of from six to ten inches on the tier les in the barn. The tobacco sticks should be placed closer to- her if dry weather is prevailing, at harvesting time because this er being topped, whichis a good indication that the tobacco is‘ liisa .134 § . 4 2 , iv} .wnIm¢>.~wz .2; >29. ccuxnca L¢IE Emwfv w $5 uwfi f v > .wgp§w.,§. THE CULTURE OF THE CIGAR LEAF 17 .will prevent the tobacco from curing too fast. During rainy weather, however, it is better to give the sticks more distance, because other- wise there is danger of “pole sweat” and mould. Wrapper tobacco is harvested in Texas in a. diiferent way from that practiced in harvesting fillers. Instead of cutting the entire stalk, the leaves are picked off as they ripen, which process is called priming. The bottom leaves are primed before the upper part of the plant is fully grown, and the remaining leaves are primed 3 or 4 ‘ at a time, just before they are fully ripe. The leaves are carried in baskets to _the barn where they are strung on twine, attached to sticks, from 35 to 4O leaves to the stick, which are then hung on the tier poles from 4 to 6 inches apart. CURING!‘ The barns are kept closed during the first 24 hours of curing or until the tobacco has passed through the yellowing process. They are then opened up and ventilated thoroughly during the daytime, being closed at night. This is continued until the tobacco is nearly cured, or until the leaves turn brown, when the barn should be opened at night and closed during the day. In case of extremely dry weather, which is likely to occur during the curing season in Texas, the barn should be kept closed as tight as possible, and only opened occasionally to allow some ventilation when the need of it is indicated by the peculiar, rank odor in the barn. NVhen the barns are kept open during very dryweather, the tobacco cures too fast, and is liable to become affected with the so-called “white yein,” which ruins the leaf for wrapper purposes, though it does not affect its value as a filler. The “white vein,” as known in Texas, is caused by the leaf tissues curing faster than the veins on the leaf, which causes the moisture content of the veins to be deposited on both sides of the veins, producing in the cured leaf a straw-colored streak run- ning parallel with the veins. In case of a prolonged damp period it will become necessary to kindle small fires in the barn in order to dry the tobacco so as to prevent pole sweat and mould. Small sticks of pine wood should be used for this purpose, because pine imparts less odor to the tobacco than any other wood. The fires should be built in small pits under every third or fourth tier in the barn, and the tobacco hanging im- mediately above the fires should be removed. The firing should be continued until the tobacco is nearly dry. . It takes from five to six weeks to cure tobacco on the stalk, while primed tobacco cures in much less time, usually in about four weeks. STRIPPING AND TYING. The tobacco should be taken down from the tier poles as soon as possible after it is cured, but it is too dry to handle until a good rain has put it in “case,” that is, in a moist condition, so that it can be handled without breaking. By opening the doors and ventilators ‘See Bulletin 143, “Principles and Practical Methods of Curing Tobacco," Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. THE CULTURE OF THE CIGAR LEAF 19 at night and closing them in the morning the tobacco will remain in “case” for several days after a rain. In “taking down,” the tobacco stalks are first pushed to one side of the stick, pulled off and piled on boards placed on the floor of the barn. After all the tobacco has been piled up neatly, with the tips of the stalks to the inside, the pile is covered up with blankets or green weeds. The pile should not be made higher than about four feet, be- cause it will heat, but may be as long as the barn. The leaves are stripped 01f the stalks and tied up in “l1ands,” about 3O leaves to the hand. In stripping, the first three or four bottom leaves are kept separate, becauf-e they are of inferior quality. These bottom leaves are called “sand leaves.” The hands are packed neatly in large boxes, after which the tobacco is ready for sale to the packer. It is by no means ready for manufacture, however, for it must first pass through the fermentation process, after which it is assorted, sized, baled and aged, requiring in all from 8 to 12 months. Primed tobacco is taken down simply by pushing the leaves to the middle of the string, after which the string is taken off the stick and wound around the butts of the leaves, the hands then being packed in boxes. TOBACCO SEED SELECTION. To consistently conduct seed selection work requires time and labor, but the results obtained more than repay the extra work. By selecting and propagating plants of a given type, the yield may be increased, a uniform shape of the leaf obtained, and the growth of suckers more or less eliminated. In order to select desirable plants, the grower shOUld go over the field, and before the fields are budding, and mark the plants he wishes to save for seed by tying a string or bag on the stalk. In selecting plants care should be taken to choose those having desirable and similar height, shape of leaf, and uniform number of leaves per stalk, because these points will in all probability be transmitted to the next generation, FGLflIlIlB-g in a more uniform crop. As soon as the flower head ap- pears, and just before the flowers open, a light 12-pound paper bag shOUld be placed over the flower-head and tied securely in order to prevent cross fertilization. The bag should be removed every three or four days, the seed head shaken out and the bag replaced for the first two weeks, in order that the flower-head may be thoroughly in- speeted and all bud worms and other insects removed. It is advisable to poison the flower-head every time it is inspected. The plants finally selected and bagged should be those giving the largest yield per stalk, and all plants not having a deep green color or a perfectly healthy appearance should be rejected. The seed-heads should be cut ' from the stalk when the pods turn brown and hung up in a dry place until thoroughly dry, when the seed should be shelled out, cleaned and subjected to the seed separation process!" , ‘See Bulletin 96, “Tobacco Breeding,” Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 'l‘ua CULTURE or THE CIGAR LEAF 21 COST 0F PRODUCING CIGAR LEAF TOBACCO IN TEXAS. As stated in the introductory paragraphs, the relatively high cost of producing the Texas filler is one of the dominant factors restrict- ing the extension of the tobacco industry in the State. It was thought at the time of the introduction of cigar leaf tobacco in Texas that the filler produced from Cuban seed would, in a measure, supplant the imported Cuban filler, but the conservative position of the tobacco trade has prevented the realization of this expectation. It is beyond doubt that the Texas Cuban filler tobacco possesses decided merit and is second to, if not as good as, some imported Cuban fillers, but cigar manufacturers hesitate to use the Texas Cuban in their 10-cent cigars, while they claim, not without reason, that the high cost of this to- bacco prevents its use in 5-cent cigars. The Texas Cuban filler was sold during the time of its production in largest quantity in the State at a uniform price of 15 cents per pound in the barn-cured stage. The buyer must ferment the tobacco for from 4 to 6 months, after which it is assorted, sized, tied, and baled. Tobacco loses from 15 to 25 per cent of its weight during fer- mentation, and the buyer has, of course, to stand this loss. Assuming the loss from fermentation to be 20 per cent, the following estimate of the cost of cigar filler tobacco to the buyer or packer is approxi- mately correct: Cost of barn-cured tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 cents per pound 20 per cent loss of weight during fermentation. . . 3 cents per pound Cost of fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 cent per pound Cost of asserting, sizing and tying the leaves . . . . . . 3 cents per pound Cost of baling and baling material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 cent pcr pound Cost of supervising, rent, lights, etc . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2cents per pound Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 cents per pound The tobacco usually remains in the bale 6 months or longer before it is sold, and, as it continues to shrink during that period, and as the cost of storing and selling the tobacco must be reckoned in, the additional cost easily runs the total to the packer up to 27 cents per pound The prices paid for this tobacco by the manufacturers are not available, but it is probable the average has been about 35 cents per pound. The cost to the cigar manufacturer is not easily computed because so many factors enter into the problem, such as the diiference in cost of labor, etc., but the approximate cost is about as follows per one 1 thousand cigars: 20 pounds Texas Cuban filler, at 35 cents per pound . . . . . . . . .$ 7 .00 3 pounds binders, at 75 cents per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.25 3 pounds wrappers at $2.00 per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.25 After the cost of making the cigars has been added to the cost of the Tm; Cuurusr. or THE CIGAR LEAF 23 tobacco, as well as the cost of revenue stamps, rent, light, etc., it ap- pears that the cigars made of Texas Cuban tobacco can not be sold forflccnts. l " As to the cost of producing Texas Cuban tobacco, the following is m approximate estimate: Cost of tobacco seed beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 8.00 per acre Cost of preparing field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 per acre Cost of fertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 per acre Cost of transplanting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 per acre Cost of cultivating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 per acre‘ Cost of poisoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 per acre Cost of harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 per acre Cost of stripping and tying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 per acre Total . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $78.00 per acre Estimating the average yield at 600 pounds per acre, the cost of pro- Qducing this class of tobacco to the grower would be 13 cents per pound. fThe cost of producing the Big Cuban, which is now being grown in ;Texas, is decidedly less, because of the greater yield, and can be put down at about 8 cents per pound when this type is harvested by cutting the plant. ' . COOPERATIVE TOBACCO TEST FARM, NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS. In order to assist the United States Department of Agriculturein conducting tobacco investigations in the Seventeenth Representative District, the Texas Legislature in the spring of 1909 passed an act making available additional funds in support of this work. Accordingly, a tract of land comprising 5 acres was leased for a period of 2 years, beginning December 6, 1909. The work was planned to include three principal features, as follows: First, 0' comparative test of different types and strains of Cuban seed as to both quality and yield; second, a series of fertilizer tests intended to determine the best methods of fertilizing the tobacco and other crops grown in rotation; and, third, experiments to discover the best rotation system to be followed in growing tobacco as a money crop in connection with other crops adapted to this region. Description 0f Farm: The field selected for the experiments is located 11/2 miles north of the court house in Nacogdoches on what is known as North street. It had been under cultivation for over 25 years, cotton and corn being grown alternately, and had never been fertilized prior to the beginning of the experiments, except once, 12 years previously, when stable manure was applied at the rate of 10 loads per acre. ']‘he field is fairly level, with a gentle slope towards the east. Thesoil is of the Orangeburg finehsandy loam type, de- scribed as follows by the Bureau of Soils, United States Department of Agriculture: “The surface soil of the Orangehurg fine sandy loam is a compact, red sandy loam. containing considerable silt and ranging in depth from 10 to 20 inches, with an average depth of 12 inches. The soil contains from 1O to 20 per cent of rounded iron THE CULTURE or THE CIGAR LEAF 25 concretions about one-fourth of an inch in diameter. The sub- soil is a heavy, sandy clay, reaching to a depth of 3 feet or more. It contains a small quantity of quartz sand and a few quartz gravel, and contains iron concretions similar to those found in the soil, al- though not in such large quantities.” Preliminary Work: The area to be used in the experiments was surveyed, in December, 1909, and some 25 fruit trees removed, after which the field was plowed up to a depth of 10 inches with a steel beam plow and subsoiled 3 inches deeper. The field was then staked ofi into 4 sections with a roadway 6 feet wide extending through the center. Each section was 501 feet long and 110 feet wide, containing 1 1-15 acres. Twelve fertilizer plots, each containing 1-15 acre and 2 variety and breeding plots, each con- taining 2-15 acre, were then laid oif on each of the larger divisions, making a total of 48 fertilizer plats and 8 variety and breeding plats. All fertilizer, variety and breeding plots were separated by guard rows 5 feet wide. A model barn that could be used for curing tobacco as well as for other purposes was erected near the experimental field. The dimen- sions of the barn are as follows: Length, 44 feet; width, 3O feet; height, 9 feet from sill to plate, and 11 feet from plate to top. It contains 11 tiers and will house 2 acres of cut tobacco, or 1 1-4 acre of primed tobacco. Owing to the extremely heavy rains during the spring and early summer of 1910, the field was badly washed, and in order to prevent this as much as possible, terraces were thrown up in the guard rows between the plots. These terraces did not effectually stop the washes, however, because the growing crops prevented making the terraces large enough. During the next fall, after the crops were harvested, three large terraces were built across the field, with ditches on the upper side, eifectually preventing any additional erosion by the heavy rains so common in this section. ROTATION SYSTEM. It has been shown conclusively that tobacco should not be grown continuously on the same soil, and in order to devise a practical sys- tem of crop rotation to be used in connection with the growing of tobacco on the East Texas soils, the following rotation systems were planned for a period of four years. It will be noted that the principal difference between the two systems followed is that in the one case corn precedes tobacco, while in the other tobacco is preceded by oats and a legume. The work, however, has been conducted for only two years, and, while the weather conditions were uneven and the work has not been completed as planned, the results show without a doubt the beneficial influence of rotation, not only on the quality and yields of the crops, but also on the mechanical condition of the soil itself. During the first year of the experiments the soil was extremely deficient in plant food, as shown by the very low yields on the unfertilized plots, and it also showed a tendency to bake, while the yields were increased the second year, even in the face of a disastrous drought. The soil Plot A. 1910 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover. 1911 Cotton followed by Oats. 1912 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. 1913 Corn fol-lowed by Pens and Rye. Plot B. 1910 Corn followed by Peas and Rye. 1911 Tobacco followed by Burr Glover. 1912 Cotton followed by Outs. 1913 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. A West side of field. Plot A. 1910 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover.‘ 1911 Cotton followed by Rye. 1912 Corn followed by Peas and Oates 1911s Oats followed by Peas and Rye. Plot B. 1910 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. 1911 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover. 1912 Cotton followed by Rye. 1913 Corn followed by Peas and Oats. Plot C. 11710 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. 1911 Corn followed by Peas and Rye. I912 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover. 1913 Cotton followed by Oats. Plot D. I910 Cotton followed by Oats. 1911 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. i912 Corn followed by Peas and Rye. 1913 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover. Center roadway. Plot 0. 1910 Corn followed by Peas and Oats. i 1911 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. 1912 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover. 1913 Cotton followed by Rye. Northjldn pfalold. _ a p: Plot D. 1910 Cotton followed by Rye. 1911 Corn followed by Peas and Oats. 1912 Oats followed by Peas and Rye. 1913 Tobacco followed by Burr Clover. The 4 sections into which the field was divided, e one and one-fifteenth acres, and D, and a description of ach containing, were (lesignated by the letters A, B, C, the rotation systems as carried out fol- lows: . 1.910, Section A, Tobacco: The plat was broken up to a depth 0f 10 inches and subsoiled 3 inches deeper in December, 1909. It was then allowed to remain until the early part of March, 1910, when it was plowed up again‘ Wlilll an 8-inch shovel plow, which thoroughly pulverized the soil. The plot was harrowcd a few days later and bedded up in rows 3 feet apart by turning four furrows to the row with a turning plow. The fertilizers were then applied in the drill, stirred in, and covered by throwing two furrows back on it, forming a list for planting. The tobacco was transplanted April 4., and the entire plat, with the exception of one breeding plot, planted in Texas Cuban tobacco. The plants were set 14 inches apart in the drill and the rows were_3 feet apart. The first cultivation was given ten days later, when a side-barrow was run close to the plants, followed by a thorough hoeing. The subsequent cultivations were made with shovel plows and heel sweeps about twice every week, until the plants were topped in early June. The tobacco was harvested in the latter part of June, and the plat was disc-plowed iniJuly, when the tobacco stubble was turned mnder. ' It was disc-harrowed in the latter part ofJuly anl0: s. l '0 fertilizer. 30 bus.l 11 busljho fertilizer. l 28 bus. 9 bus. . l‘ l Plot 9. I . l Plot 10. l 100 lbs. o. s. 11001. $19 s0 l $12 40 600 lbs. c._s. 111001. $11 30 . $10 40 100 lbs. Acid Phos. l 47 bus.l 9 busul 200 lbs. ACld Phos. 46 bush 2O bus.- Plot 11. * Plot 12. § 200 lbs. Acid Phos. l $ 5 00 l 5 4O ll 600 lbs. C. S. Meal. $12 30 $11 86 lOO lbs. Sul. Pot. 31 bus.; 13 bus.ll 100 lbs. Sul. Pot. l 38 bus. 20 bus. ‘ 5 l . l Variety Plot 1. . l l varlew Plot 2. l l 100 lbs. o. s. 111001. : 922 50 l s21 0o ll1000 lbs. o.__ s. Meal. l $22 50 l $21 00 200 lbs. Acid Phos. 1 . 4 bus.l 8 bus.ll 200 lbs. Acid Phos. l 37 bUS.: 26 bus. s00 lbs. Lime. l 500 lhs. Lime. l The cost refers to the cost of fertilizers alone, and the yield means weighed lushels at 72 lbs. per bushel. 34 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL ' EXPERIMENT STATIONS OATS. 1910. 191 1 . 1910. Oost 0i Cost of Cost 01 Fertilizer" per acre. fertilizer fertilizer Fertilizer per acre. fertilizer and yield and yield and yield of oats of oats of oats per acre. per acre. per acre. Plot 1. $300 l sszs- Plot 2. $300 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 390 lbs.l 430 lbs. 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 600 lbs. Plot 3. $300 l $32a Plot 4. $3“) ‘100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 330 lbsu 330 lbs. 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 495 lbs. Plot 5. $ 3 00 $ 3 25 Plot 6. $ 3 00 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 390 lbs. 430 lbs. 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 480 lbs. Plot 7. l Plot s. xe fertilizer. s00 lbs.l s45 lbs. No fertilizer. 240 lbs. Plot s. s s o0 s Plot 1o. s s o0 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 420 lbs.’ 525 lbs. 1100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 480 lbs. l Plot 11. s s 00 s s 25' Plot 12. s s oo 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 420 lbs. 360 lbs. 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 450 lbs. Variety Plot 1. $ 3 00 .$ 3 25 Variety Plot 2. $_ 3 00 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 300 lbs. 510 lbs. 100 lbs. Nit. Soda. 375 lbs. The cost refers to the cost of fertilizers, and the yield means the weight o grain exclusive. DETAILED STATEMENT OF TOBACCO FERTILIZER PLOTS. s _ 53 - -- ‘I6 i... 06 {a s: __ v a g U; o W‘ <9 ‘ “é ' g : l’: l .0 l, cu £1 c» a m L. g a a _ t l. Fertilizer per acre. I l g _ a“? 3-5 35 , _ ‘5 :1 es 2~~ B-— i=5 '52 “s “e 1.; l lsé gel gig; 81.4 $1.; "55 g ‘as g i‘ léii b? b? $35 3E ‘h B El $3 l :> -'-‘~ >3 >3 > w g w '5 E 2 6*- 2 , ._ b- l 5 _ 1 cg :2 8% fig n: _ a _ c: ,@4-41'®V' o‘ w. 9-1:}; s" 152: a"! 1 gf§lgg 53w; 0-1;; t5 -- :- ' : v - "§i§°a;2§1§§l§a wads 1 i 1%»? E2 ‘ >- 1 < ‘ < 3 <1 <1 <11 i O CI 1 U > l .‘ 1 1 T l ‘ 1 m . . = 1910 18 I 15 ‘ 7 46 2%‘ green Medium ‘1 $18 60 1 930 r1 n 2. ——~ 1 ——— . l 1 .2110 lbs. S. Meal. l 1911 18 1 15 9 44 2%‘ Dark Rapid $16 80 1 1.04“ 1 1 green 1 1 1910 l 14 i 12 1 1 so 104,1 Yellow 111100111011 s 4 00 646 Plot 4. ——|—-—1-—— ——~l—— ‘ 1 100 lbs. Acid Phos. 1 1011 10 ‘ 12 7 1 s6 2 Yellow R0010 T s 1 00 1 14¢ l***__+_ 1'1 1 1 1 1 Dark _ 1 ‘ Plotfi 110101 20 1 17 1 10 . 60 2 - green Rapld 162s 601 1,166 12110 lbs. C. S. Meal. ; ‘l l i ‘~ 1 0101108. AcitlPhos. 11011 24 17 l 91,0‘ as l s l Dark Very 13127 601 1.1a» 3110 lbs. S111. Pot. 1 1 l 1 green 1 rapid 1 1 ' _ H vnfil l ; lYellowishi Very i _ 1 1910 , 15 1 10 1 6 ~ 34 '1 1% green slow 1 ______ _.1 017 Plot s. 1i:-—- 1 v0 1011111201. 11011 ‘ 14 12 6 l 27 lyg-Yelmwish‘ Slow ...... _.l 4W1 1 i 1 l green 5 l l 1 1 1 ' W Plot 10. I 1 l I Dark 1 i200 lbs. C. S. Meal. _ 101!) 1 22 17 10 ' 54 1 2% 1 green l Rapid '1 $26 60 1 1,23" 20o lbs. Acid Phos. -_1 1 , 1 j r 02110100 s01. Pot. 1911 ; 24 16 1 9 52 , s 1 Dark 1 Rapid $25 601 1.200 1' l l green ‘ ‘ _u__ __ #1 _ 1 ______'_____i___i_____ __. l l Dark 1 1 r101 12 1910 22 1s 1 12 54 1 121,; green 1 Slow : $24 60 1 1.24s H0010» c. s 1110011 lmsfl 1 --_;~»~! ; 1 1 100100 s01. Pot 10111 2 16 5 a 1 49 g 21/,’ Dark ~ s10w 1$23 601 1.01m ' aw ' rpm CCNCIIIISIONQ FROM THE FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS. The tobacco fertilizer experiments, as well as the crop rotation. work, will need to be carried 0n for at least four years, as planned. in order to yield conclusive results. Still, the yields show plainly the need of applying large amounts of fertilizers in order to obtain better yields and quality, and, at the same time, to increase the fertility of the soil. The average yield of the Texas Cuban tobacco has been 500 pounds per acre. and of the Big Cuban 800 pounds per acre, and these fer~ tilizer experiments have proven that this average yield can be in» creased to at least 1,000 pounds per acre of the Texas Cuban and 1.300 pnunds per acre of the Big Cuban. ‘It is well known that well fertilized cigar leaf tobacco has better aroma and flavor and a more rapid growth than tobacco not suffi- ciently fertilized, and this fact was demonstrated by the tobacco on the unfertilized plots numbers 7 and 8, as Well as plats 3, 4, and ll. which did not receive any nitrogen. In addition to the low yield. ‘the tobacco from theseplots, with the exception of that from plot 2. which has a high aroma and.an exceptionally good burn, lacks “body. " rhat is. the leaves are thin and papery, while the laboratory tests in- dicated less aroma and ‘flavor and much less ability to stand a heavy 36 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS fermentation than the tobacco from the highly fertilized plots. A following table shows the results obtained in the laboratory tests, v" in perusing it the fact should be remembered that all the ferti ' plots were planted in the same kind of tobacco, namely, Texas Cub’, l0 that the differences noted are due to the fertilizers or absence?‘ fertilizers. » ‘ Quality l Aroma Flavor Burn Yield j Tot i; 10 points. ., 40 points; 20 points. I 20 points. j 10 points. I100 p0 - Plat No 1 ______________ __ 10 a7 1s l 19 s a 92w Plat N0. 2 _______________ _[ 9 1 35 16 1 19 8 ‘ 87 ~ Plat No 3 _______________ -; 9 ‘ as ' 1s ;» 19 a l s: Plat No 4 ______________ --, 7 35 15 17 5 f 79 1. Plat N0 5 ______________ __‘ 9 39 19 l 19 6 l 92 1 Plat No. 6 ______________ _. 10 3s 1s 19 s l 9:; » Plat No 7 ______________ __ a 34 15 1s 4 " 77 t, Plat N0 8 ______________ __ 7 35 15 18 4 79 ' Plat NO 9 ______________ __ 9 39 19 18 8 ~ 93 '1‘ Plat No. 10 ______________ __ 10 . I 3s 1s 19 s 1 93 i Plat No. 11 ______________ __ 5 5 35 1s l 19 4 g1 1 Plat No. 12 ______________ _, 9 33 15 1 19 10 91 f, l i’ a These tests indicate quite plainly the great influence of a well b‘ anced fertilizer on the yield, flavor, burn and aroma of cigar leaf v: bacco. While the low yield of plot No. 3, which was fertilized wi sulphate of potash only at the rate of 200 pounds per acre, indic i. that potash is not conducive to a good yield when used by itself, 1- fact remains that the tobacco from this plot ranks very high in following important qualifications, namely, aroma, flavor, and bu l; Owing to the absence of an adequate supply of nitrogen and i; phoric acid, however, the yield was very lo . - It has also been clearly demonstrated by these experiments, as as by numerous others, that phosphoric acid causes an increase yield when used in conjunction with nitrogen. Phosphoric acid = hastens the maturity of the plants, or, in other words, causes a. growth, which is highly desirable in tobacco. The East Texas so' are deficient in this plant food, and it should be applied more generi ally than is the case now. The best form in which to apply phosphori acid is the so-called acid phosphate, preferably analyzing 16 per cen; available phosphoric acid. The highest amount used on the experi mental plats was 400 pounds of 16 per cent acid phosphate per acrej and it is probable that even larger amounts may be used to advantag Stable manure as a source. of nitrogen was not used on any of plots, because it is not obtainable in sufficiently large quantities be used to any extent on the tobacco farms in East Texas, thoug its use where available is advocated. Cotton seed meal was used i. stead because it is easily to be had in quantiy, and is quite generalL used as‘ a source of nitrogen in the manufacture of commercial fer§ tilizers in the South. i TOBACCO SEED BEDS ON THE TEST FARM, 1910 and 1911. In 1910 the seed beds were prepa-red early in February. They wer located near the experiment field, and a well was dug close by. Th area was first thoroughly burned and then spadcd to a depth of _ inches. after which all trash and. roots were raked off, leaving the soil 5 A THE CULTURE OF THE CIGAR LEAF 3 ' smooth, pulverized condition. Planks were then laid on edge, form- " f; cold frames 5 feet Wide and 3O feet long. Seven of these frames ire put up and the soil fertilized with 100 pounds cotton seed meal 50 pounds acid phosphate. The seeds were sown February 14 f the rate of 11/2 tablespoonsful of seed mixed with two handsful of ~ es to every 25 square yards. After being sown, the beds were cov- _ “w with cheese-cloth. They were then watered regularly, care being " to keep the soil moist, but not too wet. After transplanting in '_ ril, the frames and cloth were removed and the area plowed under. l, ‘Early in February, 1911, the same area was thoroughly burned in and spaded up. After the frames were put up the fertilizer was L plied and raked in. The seeds were sown February 27 and covered h cheese-cloth stretched over the frames. The seeds germinated ten days after sowing, and the plants grew very rapidly. TOBACCO DEMONSTRATION PLOT. iin order to test on a larger scale the correctness 0f the results ob- i=1 with fertilizers on the smaller plots, an additional half acre of i of the same soil type as the fertilizer plots forming a part of the ye field was leased during 1911. It was fertilized according to the ula used on plot A6, which gave the best results in 1910. This uula consists of 1,200 pounds cotton seed meal, 400 pounds 16 per t acid phosphate, and 200 pounds 50 per cent sulphate of potash acre. he field was thoroughly broken up in January and harrowed in bruary. It was then plowed up again in the latter part of March an 8-inch shovel plow and harrowed, after which it was bedded in three-foot rows. After the fertilizer had been distributed in 1. drill and stirred in, two furrows were thrown back over it, form- l a list or ridge for planting. Just before transplanting, this ridge leveled "down. The field was transplanted. April 20, and owing’ to heavy rains the field was not in condition to plow until May 6, an a side-harrow was run close to the plants after a thorough hoe- ' The next cultivation was made ten days later, when an 8-inch “el plow was used in thoroughly breaking up and pulverizing the " between the rows. The reason for this intensive cultivation was l, fact that the heavy rains had packed the soil just after transplant- erize the soil rather deep at first. ' A few ‘days later a heel- with a small shovel attached was run three times to the row, l this process was repeated every three or four days until a good j mulch was formed. ' _,e prolonged drought which commenced in May and continued '1 July did not affect the growth of the plants until early in June, usethe field is situated in a low place, whereas the regular fer- r plots which suffered intensely from the drought were situated : more elevated spot. In early June, however, the drought forced yplahtS to commence flowering earlier than would have been the =under normal conditions. At about the same time the bottom all available moisture in the soil Was exhausted. Consequently, prrler to save the crop, or part of it, it was necessary to top the ‘ and in order to form a soil mulch it was necessary to thoroughly‘ of the plants commenced to turn yellow and burn, indicating’ ’ ther pultivation until July 20, when the field was plowed for -=-_ Y to 100 plants of each type were first selected and a 12-pound . year with a view of ‘determining the practicability of imp the flavor of the Big Cuban. ‘ ~ 38 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT "STATIONS plants very low, leaving from 1O t0 12 leaves _per stalk. 'l‘his- y‘ June 12, and as there was no indication of rain, the tobaccof vested June 16 before maturity. a ~ In a few days after harvesting, suckers commenced to gro stubble in the field, and as it wasthought the available plant , not all been absorbed by the first crop, an attempt was mad a second or sucker crop. In order to get a second crop, all sue lcept one were removed from each tobacco stump. The sucke] grow was always the ground one, that is, the sucker coming ,_ neath the surface of the ground. After a thorough hoeing, V, were plowed with a 6-inch shovel plow, running close to the‘ with a view to breaking up all roots, thus forcing the plant F new ones. The field was plowed again within a few days with. SWGGI) and small shovel, after which rains set in and prevent time. The tobacco had by this time attained a full gro p marked rapidity, caused by the frequent rains. The plan I topped July 27, leaving from 16 to 18 leaves per stalk, and ha two weeks later. The yield of the first crop grown was 176 l. from 4,728 plants, which indicates a yield of 400 pounds p from a full stand. This low yield was caused by the drought; rendered not only the bottom leaves, but also 4 or 5 of the top‘ ab=olutely worthless. The former burned up in the field, =2 latter were too small t0 use. The yield of the second or sucker crop was 318 pounds fro’ stalks, indicating a yield of 700 pounds per’acre from a fullj This tobacco had too much rain, which caused the leaves to l- thin and light, whereas normally they should have been thi; heavy. " i~ . _¢~AH§Fmo: m mw9§§§ it mesoco SEED SELECTION AND BREEDING ON THE VARIETY AND a .fl i FLATS. Twenty-two varieties and types of cigar leaf tobacco were gro" the variety plats during 1910, and twenty varieties and types f‘ 1911. Careful selectionswere made of these tobaccos, with a- further propagating the types which seemed most desirable. F I bag placed over the flower head in order to prevent cross polli 'l‘wenty of the best plants of each type were then tagged and hered, and the leaves and seed of each plant kept separate for _ tests in Washington. Some of the types grown in 1910 were discarded as being no‘ able for East Texas, while a number of new types and varieties introduced in 1911. Several successful crosses were also mad lthas been demonstrated during these tests that high-grade‘, leaf tobacco can be successfully grown on the Orangeburg s01 Fiast 'l‘ex»as. andjthie? cheaper varieties are not‘ suited for introdi . liq’? THE CULTURE OF THE CIGAR LEAF 39 LIST OF TOBACCO VARIETIES AND TYPES GROWN ON THE VARIETY AND BREEDING PLOTS. Number of Number 0t Name o! Variety or Type. selections Growth. , selections Growth. grown m 1910‘ &gl‘0Wn 1n 1911 - sxas-Cuban No. 403 ..................... __ ‘Z l Very 200d 2 VBYY 30°11 mas-Cuban No. 408-- 2 | Very 8000 2 very 500d mas-Cuban No. 12 ...................... -- 1 very good 1 Very £0011 iban low nicotine. selections__-_--_------ 3 l very good H0118 ------------ ~ g Cuban llybritls ....................... _- 6 g very good 4 very good ybrid cross between Texas-Cuban and ‘ Connecticut Brondleaf ................. -_ 1 good 1 30011 ybrid cross between Mexican and Penn-l nylvama Brondlent ____________________ -_ 1 good 1 80011 iportcd Java set-d ______________________ __ 1 very poor none ------------ -~ mnecticnt Broadleat ___________________ -- 1 poor none ------------- -* emiiksylvania Itroadleat _________________ __ 1 poor none .-----------» ' a nrora 47818 __________________________ __ 1 , poor none -----------~ nported Cuban, Vuelta _________________ __ none ; ____________ __ 1 good nported Cuban, Remedios ______________ __ none 5 ____________ __ 2 good hkRllybriolqNm5204 _____________________ __ none ‘I ____________ __ 1 $11011 l 1 . 5 _______________________ __ , l ____________ __ 1 gow 11d lllggsa tgbacco ______________________ __ 23:2 l ____________ __ 1 good exican seed _____________________________ __ none i ____________ __ 3 very poor WEATHER CONDITIONS. 1910. The weather was very cold during January, with frequent rains. February was warmer, with heavy rains in the latter part of the nonth. March was very warm and dry, while April was cold and ainy. After a month of dry weather, heavy rains set in during the atter part of May. The greater part of June was marked by in- ensely hot, "dry Weather, which culminated in a severe wind and rain torm June 25, which lasted for 4 days. A succession of light show- =rs fell during the first part of July, Winding up in a storm July 18. 1fter this a drought set in, which was not broken until November 16. 1 number of showers fell during this period, but they dried out soon after falling, doing no material good. 1911. January began with a severe freeze, which did considerable dam- tge. It soon turned Warm, however, practically no rain falling until ate in l\larch, when the weather became colder again.— Frequent aeavy rains were of almost daily occurrence during April, washing ields and retarding farming operations. A period of very dry, hot weather set in May 2, resulting in a disastrous drought, which was not broken until July. The rains continued during July and August, with severe storms July 4 and August 1. September and October were dry and hot. though occasional showers relieved the heat. THE CULTURE OF THE C1GAR~LEAF i 141 RAINFALIJ. , w 1910 July '4 .30 ‘4 ................................. __ 1.50 July 4 .10 8 _________________________________ -- .45’ July "- .47 14 _________________________________ _- .02 July 7 .13 15 ________________________________ ..- 1.53 July‘ 13 .05 16 _________________________________ __ .10 July 14 .20 --- July 18 _________________________________ __ 1 40 3.60 ———- 2.65 14 _________________________________ __ .40 _ l7 _________________________________ __ 2.85 ‘ October, 1909 ___________________________ __ 2&9 19 ______________________ __'. ________ __ 3.15 November. 1909 ...... -~. ................ -- .85 20 _________________________________ __ .30_ December, 1909 _________________________ -- 7.59 "Z2 _________________________________ __ 1.80 January, 1910 _______ --. _________________ -156 31 _________________________________ __ .02 February, 1910 _____ __' ___________________ _,$.76 March, 1910 ........................... -‘_- ‘.93 8.52 a April, 1910- -_» 3.60 " ' May, 1910 8.52 4 .............................. __-___ .12 June, 1010 4.21 5 ............... -4 ________________ __ .75 y July, 1910 ............................ -.-.,2.65 l0 _________________________________ __ .56 ; August, 1910 ____» ____________________ _’.;"_.‘ 1.59 - '22 _________________________________ _- .03 , September, 1910 _________ _.- ............. -- 1.43 '34 _________________________________ -_ .03 -—i- ~. 25 .................................. _ 2.00 l 45.58 - ~26 _________________________________ __ .30 1 . 27 _________________________________ -_ .10 ‘Z8 _________________________________ -_ .32 ' January, 1911 __________________________ -- t -. 19 ................................. -- .04. Febuary, 1911 a ‘Z3 ................................. __ .30 March, 1911 ____________________________ -- 3.85 April, 1911 ______________________________ -- 7.74 s4 May, 1911 ______________________________ __ . June,.1Q11 ---- -_ .34 July, 1911 _____________________________ -_ 10.89 August. 1911 ___________________________ -- 3-50 September, 1911 ........................ -- ~32 35.51 ‘VIJCATIONS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGRI- v CULTURE WHICH RELATE TO TOBACCO. Bulletins. No. 60 “Methods of Curing 'l‘obacco_.” Revised. N0. 82 “The Culture of Tobacco.” ‘N0. 83 “Tobacco Soils, 1 0. 120 “Principal Insects Affecting the Tobacco Plant.” N0. 225 (Exper. Sta. Work, pp. 10-11), “Tobacco Seed.” ;-.\'0. 237 (Exper. Sta. Work, pp. 12-13), “Tobacco Seed Selection.” >.\'0. 451 (Exper. Sta. Work. pp. 5-71. “Sterilizing Tobacco Seed ' Beds.” 42 TEXAS ‘AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletins: No. 96 “Tobacco Breeding.” ‘$1 No. 143 “Principles and Practical Methods of Curing 'l‘obacc0.r§ Bureau of Soils Bulletins: f No. 29 “Experiments in Growing Cuban Seed Tobacco in Texaiigl; Circulars. Bureau of Plant Industry Circulars: No. 7 “Field Treatment of Tobacco Root-Rot.” No. 48 “The Present Status of Tobacco Industry.” Bureau of Soils Circulars: No. 14 “Opportunities for the Production of Cigar-Leaf Tobacc in East Texas and Alabama.” Bureau of Statistics Circulars: No. 18 “Tobacco Districts and Types.” No. 22 “Tobacco Report, July 1, 1911.” Separate Reprints from the Yearbook. Yearbook September, 188, “Growth of the Tobacco Industry.” Yearbook September, 446, “The Art of Seed Selection and Breed ing.” Yearbook September, 490, “Intensive Methods and Systematic RA tation of Crops in Tobacco Culture.’