‘TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ' BULLETIN NO.‘ "180 I OCTOBER, 191s DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY THE TURNIP LOUSE POSTOFFICE: College Station, Brazos County, Texas AUSTINTEXAS Von Boeckmann-{orllgs C0., Printers J . [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] ° A143-1015-10m ‘TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN N0. 18o OCTOBER, 191s DIVISION OF ENTOAIOLOGY THE TURNIP LOUSE BY F. B. PADDOCK, B. S. E. Entomologist in Charge; State Entomologist. POSTOFFICE: College Station, Brazos County, Texas ~@» AUSTIN, TEXAS VoN BoEcxMANN-llflrgzss ($0.. Pamrnns AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OE TEXAS \V. B. BIzzELL, A. M., D. C. L., President TEXAS AGRICULTURAL. EXPERIMENT STATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS loHN I. GUION, President, Ballinger .................... .. .. J. HART, Vice President, San Antonio . ...... .. :1. H. AsTIN, Bryan ................................................. .. l‘. E. BATTLE, Marlin ........ N. C. BREIHAN, Bartlett ........................................ .. '. F. KURENA, Fayetteville ................... f. ............... .. 7V. A. MILLER, JR., Amarillo .................................. .. 8. B. DAVIDSON, Cucro ............................................ .. ................................................. .. Term expires 1919 ...................... ..Term expires 1919 ..................... ..Term expires 1919 ........................ ..Term expires 1917 ........................... ..Term expires 1917 ........................... ..Term expires 1917 ............................. .. Term expires 1921 Term expires 1921 MAIN STATION COMMITTEE L. J. HART, Chairman J. S. WILLIAMS \V. A. MILLER, JR. GOVERNING BOARD, STATE SUBSTATIONS >. L. DowNs, President, Temple .......................... .. IHARLEs RQGAN, Vice President, Austin .............. .. 7V. P. IIORBY, Beaumont ........ .. . ................................. .. '. E. BOOG-SCOTT, Coleman .................................... .. .................................................... ..Term expires 1919 ....Term expires 1917 ....Term expires 1917 .................................................... ..Term expires 1921 *STATION STAFF IDMINISTRATION B. YOUNGBLOOD, M. S., Director A. B. CoNNER, B. S., Vice Director CHAs. A. FELKER, Chief Clerk A. S. WARE, Secretary HVISION OF VETERINARY SCIENCE M. FRANcIs, D. V. S.,‘ Veterinarian in Charge _ _ H. ScHMInT, D. V. M., Veterinarian )IVISION OF CHENIISTRY G. S. FRAPs, Ph. D., Chemist in Charge; State Chemist _ R. H. RIpoELL, B. S., Assistant Chemist FRANK HopoEs, B. S., Assistant Chemist W. T. P. SPRoTT, B. S., Assistant Chemist JIVISION OF HORTICULTURE H. NEss, M. S., Horticulturist in Charge W. S. HoTcHKIss, Horticulturist “VISION OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY J. C. BURNS, B._S.,_Animal Husbandman, Feeding Investigations. J. M. JoNEs, M. S., Animal Husbandman, Breeding Investigations HVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY _ F. B. PAppocR, B. . Entomologist in Charge; State Entomologist _ . K. COURTNEY, B. S., Assistant Ento- mologist HVISION OF AGRONOMY A. B. CONNER, B. S., Agronomist in Charge A. H. LEIDIGH, B. S., Agronomist H. H. JoBsoN, B. S., Agronomist _ Louis WERMELsRIRcHEN, B. S., Agronomist “VISION OF PLANT PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY F. H. BLODGETT, P_h. D., Plant Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge N. D. ZUBER, B. S., Fellow. *DIVISION OF FARM MANAGEMENT ' REX E. WILLARD, M. S., Farm Management Expert in Charge DIVISION OF POULTRY HUSBANDRY R. E. HARvEY, B. S., Poultryman in Charge DIVISION OF FORESTRY J. H. FosTER, M. F., Forester in Charge; State Forester DIVISION OF FEED CONTROL SERVICE JAiviEs SULLIVAN, Executive Secretary CHAs. A. FELKER, Chief Clerk J. H. RoGERs, Inspector . H. W000, Inspector . H. WoLTERs, Inspector . D. PEARcE, Inspector . M. WIcREs, Inspector T. B. REEsE, Inspector SUBSTATION NO. 1: Beeville, Bee County E. E. BINFORD, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 2: Troup, Smith County W. S. HOTCHKISS, Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 3: County N. E. VVINTERS, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 4: Beaumont, Jeiferson County H. H. LAUpE, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 5: Temple, Bell County A. K. SHORT, B. S., Superintenderft SUBSTATION NO. 6: County T. W. BUELL, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 7: Spur, Dickens County R. E. DICKSON, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 8: Lubbock, Lubbock County V. L. CORY, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. 9: Pecos, Reeves County J. W. JACKSON, B. S., Superintendent SUBSTATION N0. l0: (Feeding and Breed- ing Substation) College Station, Brazos County T. M. REppELL, Superintendent SUBSTATION NO. ll: Nacogdoches, Nacog- doches County G. T. McNEss, Superintendent _ D. T. KILLOUGH, B. S., Scientific Assistant “SUBSTATION N0. 12: Chillicothe, Harde- man County R. W. EDWARDS, B. S., Superintendent seas Angleton, Brazoria Denton, Denton CLERICAL ASSISTANTS TATION J. M. ScHAEpEL, Stenographer W. F. CHRISTIAN, Stenographer ELIZABETH WALKER, Stenographer J. L. COTTINGHAM, Stenographer C. L. DuRsT, Mailing Clerk *As of October 1, 1915 FEED CONTROL SERVICE DAIsv LEE, Registration Clerk E. E. KILBURN, Stenogra her WILLIE JOHNSON, Tag C erk **In Cooperation withithe United States Department of Agriculture. ................................ ..Term expires 1921 . CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Historical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ 8 Food Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Feeding Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 Viviparous Development . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Seasonal History“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 _ 1913-1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 1914-1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Hibernation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Life History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Alternate Host Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Rearing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Description of Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Wingless Viviparous Female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Pupa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Winged Viviparous Female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Moulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3s Number of Generations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 Age at Which Females Reproduce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 Reproductive Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. e38 Longevity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 Average Number of Young Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . .. 41 Rate of Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 Effect of Temperature on Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 Summer Reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 Other Species Found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 Natural Enemies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Parasites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Diaeretus rapae Curt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Life History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 Lysiph/lebus itestaceipes Cress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 Life History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Predaceous Enemies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Lady Beetles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 Syrphid Flies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 Lace-Wing Flies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 Fungous Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 4: CONTENTS. PAGE Artificial Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 Season 1913 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 Spraying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Black Leaf-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Kerosene Emulsion j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 N0. 6 Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Black Le.1f-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 No. 6 Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 Fumigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 Radishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . 66 Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 67 Mustard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Season 1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 67 Spraying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Radishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Black Leaf-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 Sulfur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Lime Sulfur Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~. 69 Soluble Sulfur Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 Laundry Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 Fish Oil ‘Emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 N0. 3 Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 Whale Oil Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 Mustard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 General Remarks on Plat I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71 Preventive Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 Planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 Trap Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. 73 Destruction of First Colonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73 Clean Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73 Spraying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . 74 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74 Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 II. III.‘ IV. °°9° NPWPP-‘P 10. ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Turnip lice feeding in the flower head of mustard. .9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Above, shelter in which the cage experiments were conducted with the turnip louse; below, an infested garden, showing radishes which were killed by a severe infestation of the turnip louse . . . . . . . . . . . .. Above, empty skins of parasitized lice on cabbage from which the para- sites have emerged; below, larva and adult of Chrysopa or Lace-wing "fly, a predlaceous enemy of the turnip louse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., A bucket spray pump properly equipped for spraying against the turnip louse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Above, a barrel spray pump, with cart, showing one lead of hose -and attachments for spraying against the turnip louse; below, a hand- power pump, with barrel supply tank, showing proper attachments for spraying against the turnip louse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. TEXT FIGURES. Map of Texas, showing distribution of the turnip louse ‘as determined up to January, 1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The turnip louse, Wingless viviparous“ female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The turnip louse, winged viviparous female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Succession of generations in the turnip louse, 1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Succession of generations in the turnip louse, 1914-1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cress, a parasite of the turnip louse . . . . . . . . .. Lysiphlebus testdceipes Cress, ovipositing in the body of a “green bug” . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The convergent lady-beetle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The spotted lady-beetle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . Syrphus americanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 25 54 68 9 . 25 26 36 37 53 54 56 57 58 II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. TABLES.‘ Generation Series, 1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Generation Series, 1914-1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 Moults of Wingless-Lice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Moults of Winged Lice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 Line of Generations, 1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39 Line of Generations, 1914-1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Reproduction in Winged and Wingless Lice . . . . . . . . f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 THE TURNlP LOUSE. BY F. B. PixnnooK, B. S. E., ENTOMOLOGIST IX CHARGE; STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. INTYQODUCTPIOX. For several years complaints have been made of a plant-louse de- stroying the fall crop of turnips in various sections of the State. It became evident from the increased number of these letters that the in- sect was spreading, and that it was a. serious menace to several truck crops during the Winter. In the early fall of 1913 it was decided to undertake some investigations of this plant-louse, as it was causing widespread injury to turnips and related plants. When the ' rk was started, it was supposed that this insect; was the cabbage louse, Aphis brasusicae. and that its habits and life history as observed in the South would probably yiarv considerably from the observations which had been made upon it in the North. Statements made in the literature up» to this time were to the effect that in the South during the winter the cabbage louse was a serious pest of turnips grown as a winter truck cro .- ellftei" some preliminary observations, it was deemed advisable to con- sult descriptions of A. Zirassiicae, in order that all the described forms might be recogniyed when met with. It was soon evident that the species which was being taken upon the plants about College Station did not coincide with the descriptions of A. brass-icae. Material col- lected from turnips xvas sent to Prof. C. P. Gillette, of Fort Collins, Colorado, for his determination. His reply was that the specimens sent were evidently a species xvhich had recently been described in manuscript by Mr. J. J. Davis, of Latayette, Indiana, as Apihis pseudo- brassiciae. Material was then sent to Mr. l)avis, and his identification confirmed that made bv Professor Gillette. As soon as it was evident that the species which was being investigated was not the cabbage louse, we took the liberty of calling it the “turnip louse,” as this would more clearly identify it for the truck grower. During the tall of 1913 material was collected from turnips at Iredell, Wortliam, Valley View, Ile Kalb. Daingerfield, Cooledge, Mc- Kinney and Hitchcock, '.l‘exas. Specimens collected at these places proved to be A. yrsetrdobrassicae rather than A. brass-abate. It was then evident that the turnip louse rather than the cabbage louse, was doing much’ of the injury to the winter turnip crop. It was thought that further study might show this louse to be generally distributed over the State. freliminary observations were made during the fall of 1913 upon the habits 0t the turnip louse, and some work was condu.cted with practical control measures. In January of 1914 cage experiments were started to ascertain some of the details of the life history and number of generations of the louse. The work was continued until August, 1914, at which time the lice died out in the cages. The work was resumed in September, 1914, 8 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. and continued for one year. During the fall of 1914 control measures were undertaken on a much larger scale than in the previous season. ~ Studies on the distribution of the species were also continued. Re- ports were received from all sections of the State, and these indicated that the turnip louse was present, and in every case it was considered a serious pest. Trips have been made to both the northern and south- ern limits of its range in Texas and considerable time has been devoted to a study of the varying life history at and between these points. The turnip louse is now known to be a serious pest in the winter truck regions of the State. The injury is perhaps most noticeable upon turnips, though the louse attacks most any of the plants of the family Cruciferae, especially cabbage and mustard. Not only is this insect a serious pest in the winter truck regions, but the home gardens everywhere are often entirely destroyed. It is not possible to estimate the loss caused by the presence of this insect, but the total sum must be very large indeed. Often the home gardens are planted twice and truck growers often lose an entire planting; a big loss when competi- tion is keen for early crops. In some of the sections the truck growers will be forced to abandon the growing of crops attacked by the turnip louse, unless it is brought under control. HISTORICAL. In his description of this species,* Mr. Davis says the first specimens were sent him from Geneva, New York, taken from cabbage in July, 1912. Later in the same year Mr. Davis received specimens on kale and mustard from Evansville, Indiana. During the fall of 1913, he also reported the species abundant upon radishes and turnips at Lafayette, Indiana. DISTRIBUTION. It will probably be found after more observations have been made upon this species‘ that it is generally distributed over the United States, especially where A. brassicae is found, as A. pseudobrassicae feeds upon many of the same plants, especially the cultivated species. In the past the later species of plant louse has probably been mistaken for the former in many instances. The turnip louse has already been reported from New York (Schoene), Indiana (Davis), Minnesota (Maxson), Oklahoma (Sanborn), Louisiana (Tucker), Florida (Mason), and Texas, Reports received from all the Southern States, Georgia ex- cepted, indicate the presence of this species, though examination of material from various localities should be made to avoid the confusion of this ’Form with the cabbage louse. ' Reference to the accompanying map will give an idea of the distri- bution of the turnip louse in Texas, as determined up to January, 1915. We now have received 89 reports from '76 towns located in 6O counties, showing the presence of the louse. The general distribu- tion is probably well confinedto the more humid sections of the State. At present the species is found between the 26th and 34th parallels of latitude. *Canadian Entomologist, XLVI, 7, p. 231. THE TURNIIf LOUSE. ,9 FOOD PLANTS. Aphis pseudobrassicae has been taken upon turnip, radish, cabbage, cauliflower, mustard, kale, rutabaga, lettuce and bean in. our Work at College Station. In addition to these plants this species has been re- ported from sections of “fexas upon rape, kale, kohl-rabi and collard. Mr. A. C. Maxson, of Longmont, Colorado, sent us specimens of this louse Which had been taken on rutabaga "at St. Cloud, Minnesota. Mr. Davis described the species from specimens taken on radishes, turnips , and rape at Lafayette, Indiana. He also records the receipt of speci- Fig. 1.—Map of Texas, showing distribution of the Turnip Louse as determined up to January, 1915 (Original). mens from Mr. J . W. Schoene at Geneva, New York, taken from cab- bage with the note that they likewise occur on kale and mustard. Mr. A. C. Mason has sent us specimens of this species taken on cabbage at Gainesville, Florida. FEEDING HABITS. This louse feeds for the most part upon the tender leaves of the host plants, and usually upon the under sides. In the case of turnips the infestation starts upon the leaves of medium size, though these leaves often become quite large by the time the infestation is severe. When 1O TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. this stage is reached the under sides of the leaves are almost entirely covered with the masses of lice. The more tender leaves nea.r the center of the crown are sought by the young ones when the large leaves become crowded. When the infestation is very heavy these central leaves are crowded on both sides with the lice. Under normal condi- tions the lice do not move about much; if the infestation is not heavy the young ones establish themselves very close to the parent. In fact, the female is often forced to swing the rear end of her body around in order that room may be found for additional young. If the leaves are crowded the young lice are active for a time in search of a good feeding place, but under normal conditions they do not move from the place Where they first become established. Urjion heavily infested leaves the moulted skins of the lice are found on top of the masses. It is doubtful if the young lice can travel very far over the ground, especially; the soils which are coarse and loose. ’l‘hey' may go from plant to plant when the leaves are touching, but even such migration is unusual. When a. single leaf becomes croyvded pupae are developed and the winged lice fly to other plants. Only once has a migration of Wingless lice been observed. During the late fall of 1913, in the horti- cultural gar-den of the College the infestation upon the turnips was very heavy. On one side of the patch was fallow ground for fully 15 feet and next to this was a patch of turnips sown broadcast. These turnips were small, for the most part, having only four leaves, and the plants were scattering. “llhese Wingless lice, fron1 half-grown to adults, were going in hordes from the old turnips across the fallow ground, which was dry and quite well pulverized, to the young turnips. The rate of travel of the lice Was very rapid, and they traveled in nearly a. straight line from the old turnips to the new plants. The young tur- nips Were soon covered with lice, and Within twenty-four hours all the plants were killed. . In the early spring of 1914 old turnips which had been left in the field over winter sent. up seed stalks and floyvered. The lice which were feeding upon the leaves near the crowns of these plants moved up the stalk as it grew, feeding upon the under sides of the young leaves near the aXils. When the flowers developed the lice clustered in the heads, at the bases of the stems of the florets. Here viviparous reproduction continued until the seed pods became hard and dry. It was evident that the winged lice selected these high flower stalks to start the new infestation. Winged lice were frequently observed which had just alighted from the flowers or had but recently gone in among the stems 0f the florets and given birth to one or two yroung. Throughout the spring the feeding of the lice upon the turnips was confined to the flower or seed stalks. When the seed pods were first formed the lice fed upon the stem, or in case of l1ea.v_v infestation, up-on the pod itself. When the seed pods became hard and the stalks dry, the lice left the turnips, possibly in search of some alternative host. During the winter the lice migrate from the outer portions of the plants and mass upon the small leaves at the center of the crown. Here they prefer to feed upon the under sides of the leaves. They also may be found upon the upper sides of the bases of the smallest leaves. This change in place of feeding is for protection from the winter weather, as Plate I—'I‘urnip lice feeding in the flower head of mustard. (OriginaL) THE TURXIP LoUsE. 11 the lice are thus protected from snoW and rain, from Wind and to some extent from cold temperatures. After a. very hard freeze in the Winter the lice become active in the search of leaves Which may be in good condition for food. Upon radishes the feeding habits of the lice are much the same as upon turnips. Apparently the infestation can become heavier upon single radish plants than up-on turnips before pupae are developed and the Winged lice fly to ncW plants. In the spring and early summer the lice may be found feeding in the floWer heads of this plant in the same manner as they feed upon the flovvers of turnips. Aslate as May 18, 1915, the lice Were found on the flowers of some isolated radishes. Young radishes in the same garden Were but lightly infested at that time. During the tWo seasons in Which observations have been made in one garden, the radishes and turnips Were soWn side by side. Both years the infestation in the garden started upon the radishes, and even spread for a time on this plant before starting upon the turnips. The radish plants are easily killed by a severe infestation. Upon mustard the lice are found mostly in the deep curls of the smaller leaves, but they do not attack this plant as readily as they do the radishes and turnips. During the fall of 1913 the radishes and ‘turnips Were dying before the mustard in the same garden Was attacked, and during the fall of 1914. the lice left the mustard to go to the radishes and turnips i11 the same garden. During the Winter of 1914 lice Were observed upon mustard plants Which had gone to seed. Here the lice Were feeding in the stems of the florets exactly as they had been upon the turnips in the spring. The lice attacking mustard at this time Were entirely in the floWer head. Both the Winged and Wing- less forms Were observed feeding in this manner upon the mustard. When feeding upon cabbage the lice may be found upon the under sides of some of the outer leaves. This is especially’ true When the in- festation is started on young plants. If the plants are of much size, as they often are, thcvvingerl females go to the smaller leaves near the inside of the head. Here the lice may be found upon the upper sides of the leaves also, but usually upon the under sides. The lice are found mostly along the larger veins of the leaves, especially When the infesta- tion is just starting. During the Winter those lice Which live over upon cabbage are found very close to the base of the leaf and upon those leaves just outside of the head. Very closeinspection is neces- sary to detect the lice upon this plant during the Winter. In the case of cauliflower the lice have been observed: only upon small plants, and the feeding habits here Were the same as upon cabbage. Upon lettuce the lice Were found feeding upon the tender leaves of a head variety in much the same manner as upon cabbage. When feeding upon beans the lice Were entirely upon the under sides of the leaves, near the bases. Often an infestation in a. garden Will start from one spot and spread from this in all directions. Where such an infestation starts the plants are usually killed before most of the garden is even infested. A garden may be infested in several places at ‘once, and the infestation from each source Will spread until meeting that from other sources. l2 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. VIVIPAROUS DEVELOPMENT. In Texas the normal form of reproduction in the turnip louse is asexual throughout the entire year. N0 sexes have so far been ob- served either in the breeding cages or the fields. It seems that each generation is made up entirely of viviparous females. Webster* states that south of the 35th parallel the sexual forms of plant-lice have been observed but rarely, except at high altitudes. The farthest north in Texas that observations have been made upon A. pseudobrassicae is Wichita Falls, just south of the 34th parallel. It is evident that at this point sexes do not occur and the viviparous females survive the winters. Mr. Davis in his (briginal paper (l.c.) says‘: “The sexes have not been found, and our present knowledge leads us to believe that the more usual means of passing‘ the winter is as viviparous females.” Re- cently Mr. Davis wrote that their searches had not revealed the sex forms‘ at Lafayette, Indiana. SEASONAL HISTORY. Most of the field observations on the turnip louse have been made at College Station, though some time has been spent in the two ex- treme sections of the State, Brownsville in the south and Wichita Falls in the‘ north. The field notes made on the turnip louse during two seasons at College Station are briefly reviewed here. 1913-1914. As the Work of this season was not organized early, the first observa- ' tions Were not made until October 9. At that time the turnips in this vicinity were very heavily infested with the louse, though the ex- treme infestation had not existed long enough to induce the formation of xvinged lice. However, within a. week afterwards fully 50 per cent. of the lice found upon turnips were winged females. In another week fully '75 per cent. of the lice were winged and the pupae were abundant. The very large proportion of winged females at this time resulted later in an extensive infestation of the host plants in this vicinity. About the time of the heavy infestation and production of winged lice on the turnips, the radishes in the College garden became infested. The winged lice migrated from the crowded turnips to the radishes in the same field. At the end of two weeks these radish plants were heavily infested, at which time only 1 p-er cent. of the lice present were winged but fully 25 per cent. were pupae. This tendency to the formation of winged lice was to be expected. as the radishes and turnip-s in the garden had suffered severely from the extreme infestation. Within a. month after the first appearance of the lice upon the radishes the winged lice were leaving the plants. During that month, however, the radishes were almost killed bv the extreme infestation. It was not until November 1, 1913, that the turnip louse was first observed upon cabbage in this vicinity. three weeks after the maximum *Bureau of Entomology, Bulletin N0. 110, p. 47. THE TURNIP LoUsE. 13 infestation, upon turnips. This infestation on the cabbage started so late tha.t the low temperatures at that time materially retarded the rate of reproduction. For some time the lice increased slowly upon the cabbage, but xvithin three weeks from the time they were first observed there was a decided migration from the cabbage to some other host plant. By the middle of November, when the infestation was slight, fully 50 per cent. of the lice were winged. From that time on the lice gradually disappeared from the cabbage. Early in November the lice were very abundant upon mustard in the same garden where the radishes and turnips had been so heavily in- fested. In two weeks after the lice were first observed upon the mustard the infestation there was much more severe than upon the other host plants in the garden. While the mustard suffered some from the presence of the lice it did not show the effects of the infestation to the extent that the radishes and turnips did. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the lice migrated back to the radishes and turnips after those plants had recovered from the previous attack. In the College garden, well along in the season, the lice were very abundant upon turnips, radishes and mustard. As all of these plants began to suffer from the severe. infestation, there was need for new food. Beans which were planted between mustard and radishes were found to be infested with the turnip louse on November 21. The colonies of lice at that time were scattered upon the under sides of the leaves. The infestation did not persist long, due to natural control fac- tors, but it is doubtful if the lice could continue long upon this host. The infestation upon this host was very light, consisting of scattered individuals, both winged and Wingless lice, with no well-defined colonies. Upon the turnips in the College garden the lice continued to increase to such an extent that unsprayed plants were dead by November 21, at which time the lice were found upon most every variety of plant then in the garden. Fully 3O per cent. of the-lice on the infested plants were winged females and 50 per cent. were pupae, so that a- general migration took place which infested the sprayed plants. ' During the last week of November and the first week of December very heavy rains occurred which apparently killed every louse upon all the plants in this vicinity. From December 19, 1913, ‘to March 5, 1914, no lice were found on any plant in the fields. From December 20, 1913, lice were kept in breeding cages out doors for general ob- servation purposes. From this date through January and February all study of the lice was made in these cages. The reproduction during these months was quite constant though governed strictly by the tem- peratures, since the lice reacted quickly to a change in temperature. On February 6, 1914, a sudden drop in temperature to 1'7 degrees F. occurred, but hardly 5 per cent. of the lice succumbed, these being the old females. Winged lice emerged in great numbers in the cages dur- ing the latter part of February, at which time it was quite cool. The host plants in the cages became heavily infested by Ma.rch 1, and the lice were purposely allowed to fly from them to infest the experi- _ mental fields. From the cages the lice infested the turnips in the immediate vicin- ity only, the migration seeming to be very limited. This migration 14 Texas AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. from the cages continued throughout March and April. The plants which were first infested close to the cages never suffered, as the lice seemed to remain upon them but a couple of Weeks and then the re- sulting Winged lice migrated to other plants. During the latter part of April the Winged. lice Were particularly active in the air during the Warm afternoons. Some turnips in an adjoining field Which had gone to seed seemed to attract many lice. Throughout April there was a general migration of the lice from the turnips in the cages and from the plants in the fields. During this time the infestation was never heavy upon the turnips and there was a continuous production of Winged lice. The small colonies upon the turnips continued to grow smaller all the time, as a. portion of each brood developed into pupae and later to winged lice. By l\l.ay 1 there were- but few lice upon the turnips in the field, though it was possible to find lice as late as June 6. By this time the turnips ceased to grow well on account of the heat and (lrouth. 1914-1915. The lice were first observed upon turnips in the College garden on September 10, at which tiime the infestation had just started. The infestation consisted almost entirely of Wingless lice at the head of Well formed colonies. On this date the lice Were also found upon the radishes and mustard which were growing on either side of the turnips. The infestation in this garden started upon the radishes near the West end. The spread of the lice Was from west to east, but this was evi- dently not due to the Wind, as at that season the prevailing Winds Were from the south. - Within a Week after the lice were first observed upon the turnips, the plants Were heavily infested and a few winged lice Were found, Well scattered over the field. At this time pupae Were developing, though not alWa_vs in theplaces of heaviest infestation. Development of pupae at this time, When dissemination is general and rapid, appears to be normal. At other seasons of the year pupae develop only under the stimulus of excessive infestation. The radish plants seem to shoW the effects of severe infestation more readilv than the turnips or mustard. When the general spread of the lice started the leaves of the radishes were larger than those of the other plants. and it may have been that the lice were attracted to them. At no time Were the lice as bundant upon mustard as upon the turnips and radishes. The infestation increased rapidly upon the radishes and turnips, and to such an extent that by the end of the second Week the leaves of those plants were entirely covered with the lice. At that time fullv '75 p-encent. of the lice present Were pupae and 10 per cent. Were Winged lice and, as a result, other fields in the vicinity Were becoming infested. Some of the gardens Were seemingly Well isolated from anv infested host, but the lice became well established upon all. As the radishes and turnips began to die, the lice became more plentiful upon the mustard, though the latter Was evidently not as desirable a food as the other plants. The very vigorous spraying conducted in the College garden doubt- less altered the seasonal development of the louse at that time. The THE TURNIP Lo USE. 15 pest was held in check after October 1, but there was a marked tendency toward the formation of ivinged lice only. At one time fullv 90 per cent. of the lice present on the plants were pupae. On Xoveni- ber 1, there were but few winged. females present and but few wing- less; though these were of all ages. At this time also a few Winged lie-e were first observed upon cabbage, but this infestation was not last- ing‘. Contrary to expectations, no lice could be found upon the cab- bage during the winter. The lice were present on the radishes and turnips in the gardens in this vicinity throughout the entire winter. There were no severe tem- peratures during the winter, so the infestation steadily increased. In -Februarv this species, was present in sufficient numbers to result in a usual infestation of spring crops. During the first part of Blarch the infestation of lice on turnips was very light. This consisted of apterous individuals well scattered over the field. The feeding at this time was confined entirely to the flower heads of the fall turnips... During the latter part of April the lice be- gan migrating‘ from the flower stalks, though the winged females were never present in large numbers. The lice ap-peared on the spring plant- ing- of turnips in earl)‘ hfay. This infestation consisted of large, well- defined colonies, ivhich were found over the entire field. The lice never became abundant on these turnips. “There never was a heavy produc— tion of winged females, but the lice entirely disappeared from the fields by the middle of June. On l\Iarc-l1 1 the lice were quite abundant on the winter radishes in the gardens. By March 15, 75 per cent. of all the lice in the gardens were found on radishes. The infestation consisted of 50 per cent. of apterous lice of all ages, 30 per cent. pupae and 20 per cent. winged. females. A few (lays later only apterous lice were found on the radishes. The feeding of the lice during this season was entirely in the flower heads of the plants. The spring planting of radishes was not infested with lice until April 6. This infestation was light and consisted mostly of apterous lice in small colonies. The lice increased on the radishes until April '20. and then the number decreased for a time. A light infestation of lice persisted on young radishes in the gardens throughout lvfay. During the latter part of this month there “'38 a continued production of pupae, though these were never abund- ant upon the plants. The winged females were seldom observed. The lice gradually disappeared from the plants, and by the middle of June no lice IVQTQ observed in the gardens. ' By the middle of March the lice were quite abundant upon mustard plants. This infestation consisted mostly of apterous lice, which were feeding on the leaves near the ground. These lice migrated to the flower heads about April 1. Though the infestation at this time was apparently of apterous lice, the spring mustard became infested during the first of April. During the first half of April the infestation on the old mustard increased heavily, and the lice moved from the flower heads to the young leaves near the top- of the plants. A few pupae were observed at this time, but winged females were seldom seen. Dur- ing the first part of May the infestation increased on the spring mustard. 16 TEXAs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. About the middle of the month pupae developed, and gradually the lice disappeared from this plant. During the last half of April there was a light infestation of lice on rutabagaeturnips. These were planted in the same garden as the turnips, radishes and mustard, which has been discussed above. About the same time lice were found on kale in the same garden. This in- festation consisted of immature apterous lice. On June 1 a rape field tvas found heavily infested with lice. Fully 8O per cent. of the lice were pupae which were about ready to emerge aswinged females. But few winged females were observed on the plants at this time. The apterous females were surrounded by small colonies of young. This heavy infestation practically killed the rape. ' HIBERNATION. From the foregoing observations made at College Station it is evi- dent that the turnip louse continues to breed throughout the winter. Seldom is the temperature low enough to prevent reproduction, though the daily number of offspring is very low most of the time. There are a few days during the winter at College Station when the lice, especi- ally the older females, do not reproduce. The temperatures below which the lice are not active are indicated in our cage records, which are shown in Table I. Trips were made to Wichita Falls, the most northern Texas point known to be infested, and observations made on the winter conditions. Here the licc pass the winter upon turnips and mustard; seldom on radishes. The winter temperatures are sometimes quite low, 15 to 20 degrees F., and it is not uncommon to have snow. For much of the time during the winter the reproduction is indeed very slow, and there are many days at a. time when the temperature is not above 32 de- grees F. During such periods the lice do not reproduce, and in this we have the nearest approach to hibernation that occurs in the State. During the last of January, 191-5, observations were made at Wichita Falls after a long cold spell. Apparently only a few lice had been killed b'_v the cold and. snow, and most of these were old females, still upon the leaves. At Brownsville, the southernmost point visited, winter conditions are vastly different from those found at College Station or Wichita Falls. At Brownsville the conditions in January are very similar to those pre- vailing at College Station in October. The daily reproduction in the fields near Brownsville in January was four to six young, and in pro- tected places it was as high as eight. LIFE HISTORY. The life history of A. pseudobrassicaie in the various sections of the State is a perplexing problem. Although the louse is a pest in all parts of the State during the fall and early winter, we have been unable to determine where or how it passes the remainder of the year. In the fall the lice make their first appearance on the turnips about the time they develop four leaves. At Waco the lice are first noticed upon the turnips in August and are present continuously on turnips and radishes THE TURNIP Lousn. 17 until the following May. At College Station the lice do not make their appearance until September 1. The turnips and radishes are then attacked by the louse during the winter and until May of the next year. Further south, at Beaumont, Galveston and Beeville, the lice appear upon the turnips between September 15 and _October 1. At Browns- vills the turnip crop is not up until about November 1, but the lice are found on mustard as early as August 1 and continue to infest’ this crop until the turnips are available. The turnip crop experiences the heaviest damage during November. By December most of the tur- nips have been either destroyed by the pest or harvested. Throughout the winter the lice feed upon radishes and mustard a.nd on what tur- nips remain in the ground. In the spring the infestation extends to the new crops of turnips, radishes, etc., and increases in severity. At Brownsville, after May 1, practically all eruciferous crops, except mustard, are over with. At Wichita Falls turnips are not available for the lice until about September 1, a.t which time the first infestation is observed. Were the turnips soxvn as early at Wichita Falls, or other northern points, as they are at Waco, the lice would probably appear on them as early as at the latter place. The time of appearance in fall seems to depend upon the availability of turnips for food. At Wichita Falls the winter is passed upon turnips and mustard, and in the spring the infestation extends also to radishes, continuing until July. ALTERNZATE HOST PLANTS. A review of the life histories here given show that there is a portion of the year during; which the louse is not found upon any cultivated host plant. At College Station the lice begin to migrate from the cul- tivated plants with the approach of hot. dry weather, during April. Tllhroughout this month there is a decided. tendency to the Production of winged lice, even when the food supply is good. During this time the number of xvingless lice gradually decreases and the infestation finally dies out. There are never very many winged lice present dur- ing May, as the reproduction seems to be much retarded. These winged females, while the migration is. in progress, are not different in struc- ture from those taken during the fall and winter. Also the first winged lice taken in the fall upon turnips are in no respect different. from those found later. With the approach of hot, drv weather there is a. decide-d reduction in the number of young produced daily and all of the stages of the life history are lengthened, much the same as under winter conditions. It is quite evident that the summer conditions are even more trying than the winter. At College Station there are normally four months of the _year when the turnip louse is not found upon cultivated plants. How- ever, some of the host plants, such as mustard and radishes, are some- times in the garden during the entire summer. At Brownsville the radishes and turnips are in the ground from Oc- _ tober 1 until the following May hlustard is grown until June, and may be found in small patches during the entire summer. The earlv fall crop of mustard is available in August, but the lice do not become abundant on it until a month later. There .is a period of four, and 18 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. perhaps five, months during the year when the turnip louse is not found upon the cultivated host plants. At Wichita Falls there is only one month—-July-—cluring which there are none of the cultivated host plants in the gardens. However, the lice are not found upon these plants from May until September, during which time the lice must ex- ist upon some other host plant. 19 THE TURNIP LOUSE. we ww N ww mo ww mm N ww No ww mm N wv mm w w M. w w wm aw- ~ mm fin om mm w om mm w MM w w w w w” w w w ww ww m ww ww ww ww 9 wm fin w w w w w mm 2w fin ww . w w ww ww ww ww hm ww mm mm ~N hm om. mm wm mo mm om mm hm ~w Hh wv ww ww ww om on ww Nw ww om. mw mm mm S m9 ow mm mm 99 ow mo wm wm ww w w w w 3 wm 3w E mm mm an ow on ww wm ww I TL I T. T» Tl .l_ I 0a CA V 7v I w m w. w w w w w w w w n m m m w m m w. w. w w. m m m. m. n. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 u m. m w 0 o o o a o o o 0 o o a Q a a a a a 9 w w w n 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 U U w w w w w H 9 n n . w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 1 1 1 1 1 w w w w 98o . w w w w w w w w w w w w. w. w. w. w. w. w... w n. :2 U U U W U U U U U H U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m. M w w w w w w w w w w w w .u w .u .u .u .u w... . $2253» . . . . . . . . . . . owBwSQEQP QWQmMQm ioflauviwuv ihOfinum I“ A HHfl . ZLOQDOOOOG§FOOO>COOOLOCQQ : : : : : : . . . . : —<—1 wvwmwmvvg g g ‘IIXIIIXIIXEW 11o Date. 29 THE TURNIP LOUSE. EMMOINCOCOOONNNNCOCONNQ‘ OOOINNNNNNNNN MCONNNNf-"JNNNv-u-wwuwvqwflfiflfilflPWWNHNNv-iflm NNNNNNNNNNN mcomvmmmvvmmmcwolcvolcq~~oog 3O TABLE II-Continued. First-born Generation Series. Humidity. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. ‘WRIIIIIIIW umwgxnw 110112191199 11199 uogexauaf) 111179 101112191199 p199 uonemuag pugg wxopemuag 1518 "uogelauag 1.1109 -u011Bl9“9‘5) ‘H68 wxone-IQHQD ‘I188 uopelauef) IHLZ 1101181911915) ‘I198 "uolllg-IQUQQ 11193 MODE-IQUQO ‘IWZ 1101121911915) pJgZ, 'u0[1e.1eua9 PIIZZ uoqelauag ISIZ 11011819099 ‘DOE ‘IIOHB-Kmgi) 11161 uonmauaf) 11181 nonexauag q1_/_[ ‘IIODBJNIQO ‘I19! 1101181911915) 11191 1011121911915) qWI "110118191199 11121 uopelauag) r1131 uoguaaauag 11111 Em}; iw ‘uopruauag 11101 ffifiv-flflNNNmCqNNNmNmfififflflN uonelaualg) I116 ‘uonemauag I113 ‘UOQBJQUQQ I111, "uoqemauag I119 uopwauag I119 uoneaeuag 111K "uonexauag p.19 NNv-H-‘Nv-‘NNMMNONNNNNNNNNNCWMNNNNNNMNNQ NOOQ TIOYHBJOUGIJ pllz "uoqmauag 1S1 Temperature Date. . - mwmmmmwmw~wnw wmwmw & mmwwwmmmmwmmm . - mm mmmom mwh m“wWWN¢% @w§hwvmw§nwm 31 THE TURNIP LOUSE. :mmw~Nmmm mommmm MP-WVMNfiOOOQKOOOMMkONONNCYJm NNfimCfiNNfNvflmfiNv-H-'NNC\1©v-‘v-1P"-"- m . : . . OOOOOOONONOOOOOOOQOQDCO . 3 . . F‘ F‘ ‘uogeaauag 1119 1 "uonmauag 11191 Emzz 5 Nwwwwnbhwwwmmmwmmg uonexauag 111171 Immwwwwwmwmnwmmumwmvmmmg5; ‘uonelauag 11191 'u011e.19u9r_) 11131 uoneleuag 11111 ‘uonelauag 11191 'u011e.19ua{) I116 First-born Generation Sefigsf ‘110112191199 I119 _ 10112191199 111g, 110118191199 uoneiauag 111g TIOFIE-ISUQQ ‘uogmauag p19 TIOYIBJQIIQD pUz fiLOfiOOMOOQ mm Temperature ‘UOEHZJQUSQ 1S'[ VITIWIUEW Ho ‘UIIIIIIIXBW '30 Date. olodwilokdfiodcid Vfi 33 THE TURNIP LQUsE. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . ¢ - . | - ¢ - - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - ¢ - .. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . - . ~ ¢ - - - ¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - Q - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ . . . . . . . . . . . a - - I . . . . . . . , - . . e . - - - . - - - . . .. . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . - - - - Q Q - . . ¢ . - u Q . . .. . . . - - - . . . Q - - - . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - - - . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - n - . .. . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . - . - - - ¢ - - . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . - - .. . . . . . . . 4 . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . | - - - ~ - ¢ .. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . - Q - . .. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . - - ¢ . Q - . . .. . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . Q . .. . . . 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ECQEEEEF°°°33. w 0 E333. w E33. ........... ..3 >333. mm w3 E33. w +m.m mm 33 33 >333. 3. 3 >333. 0m v53. ........... ..wm v53. mm 33 E3. 3. + w.m wm 3.3 03 >333. w wm v53. mm v53. .............. ..0m v53. wm m3 E33. w +m.m 3w mm m3 E3. w 0m v53. 0m v53. .............. ..m3 v53. mm m E33. 0 +m.m 3.w m3 3 >333. m m3 v53. m3 v53. .............. ..03 v53. 3m mm v53. w +3..m m3. m3 mm v53. 3. 03 v53. 0 v53. ........... ..m v53. 03 m3 v53. 33 +m.w m03 m3 w3 v53. m m v53. m. v53. .............. ..wm >32 3m 03 v53. m3 +0.3. m03 m3 0 v53. 3. wm >32 3.m >32 .............. ..3m >32 mm w v53. 03 +m.3. 303 w3 m v53. w 3m >32 0m >32 .............. ..m3 >32 mm 0m >32 0 +3..m 3.0 3.3 0m >32 w m3 >32 m3 >32 .............. ..m >32 0m mm.>32 3. +0.w 00 0m wm >32 w m >32 w >32 .............. ..3.m 333334 mm 03 >32 0 .|3..m 3.w m3 . 0 >32 0 3.m 333334 mm 333334 .............. ..w3 33.3334 mm m >32 w +0.m mw 3.3 w >32 w3 w3 333334 m3 333334 Em ......... ..w 333334 0m mm 33.3334 03 +w.m ww mm mm 33.3334 3. w 333334 m 333334 .~ ........ ..wm M332 mm m3 333334 33 + 0.m m0 03 m3 333334 m3 wm .332 mm .332 .......... ..m3 H332 3w m 333334 w 0.w m3. 03 m 33.3334 3.m m3 .332 m3 .332 ............ ..m3 339.3 mw m3 .332 m +w.m. wm 3.m w3 .332 3.3 m3 .33vr3 m3 .33v...3 ............ ..0m M333. wm wm .3393 w .|m.m 03. wm mm .3333 m3 0m .333. 0m .333. .............. ..w3 3303. 330333332530 3333303 .>mn3 3vn3 .>vn3 3v33 $530 2 .533 .30033vn3 .9335 2 $530 2 .>33335mw2 .33333m3 .30 .30 333D 3333333333332 vmv3v>4 330.3. v>33v3330 33.3 .w>vn3 .vw4 33333 .30 v0.33 .30 v0.33 m>vm3 33303. ..o333vw3 .30 30D .30 33.303 .3.3v3|mz033.<3333z330 .30 337333113» 33.33353. 4O TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. . . - . - - - . . - . . . . . - - ~ - - . - . - - - - - . - o ¢ ¢ - - - ¢ - - ¢ - . . - - - . - - - . . . . . . . - ~ - - - - - - - . . - - . ~ . - - - . - - . - - . ¢ . . - - - . . - - - - . . - . - - ~ - . . . . . . . . . . - . - ¢ - . . - - - - - . - . - ¢ | - - . . . - . - . - . - - . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . - - - . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . - - . . . - - - - - - u ¢ - - ¢ - - . - - . - . - - . - - . - -¢® Q . . . . ¢ . - » - - - . ¢ . . . . - . . . . . . - . ~ . - - - . - - - . - . . - . - . 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N.3 >303. ............ .2 >33 wm 3 .m:4 u +m.v N.w om om >33. w 2 >33. m >33. ............ ..v >33. vm 3m >33. 2 +N..w ww w3 w3 >33. w v >33. m >33. .............. ..wm 2:3. 3m 33 >33. o3 o.N. mm m3 2 >33. N. wm 0:3. N0 0:3. ............ ..3m 0:3. N.m N. >33. w o w wm 2 w >33. o3 3m 0:3. om 2:3. ............ :33 2:3. om m >33. N. +w.v wm 3m 3 >33. w 33 003. 2 2:3. ............ ..w 2:3. wm m3 0:3. w ||m.w mm w3 w3 2:3. w m 2:3. m 2:3. .............. ..wm >32 mm m3 2:3. 2 0.0 mo3 N.3 33 2:3. w wm >32 wm >32 ............ ..3m >32 vm v 0:3. 2 o.N. 02 v3 m 0:3. m 3m >32 om >32 ............ ..m3 >32 wm wm >32 33 +v.w mo3 w3 N.m >32 w m3 >32 m3 >32 ............ ..w >32. mm mm >32 o3 +v.w mo3 w3 m3 >02 N. w >32 v >32 .............. ..wm33.:34 0N 2 .002 0 +mN m2 .3 33 >02 2 00.3333. N023. .............. .2 3303. wm w >32 w 0.0 mo3 N.3 v >32 w w3 33:34 N.3 33.54 .............. .2 33:34 wm m >32 w +m.v mo3 mm 3 >32 m3 2 33:34 m 33:34 ............ ..mm Q32 wv m3 33:34 N. + m.v mo3 mm w3 33:34 wm mm Q32 wm Q32 ............ Q32 N.w m3 33:34 w +w.m mo3 ov 33 33:34 w3 m Q32 3 Q32 .... ....... ..w3 43003 oN. N. 33:34 w .|3.m vo3 ow w 33:34 m3 w3 bob m3 3on3 ............ ..N.m d3. vw m Q32 v ||3.m mw ov w Q32 mm N.m d3. wm d3. ............ ..w .d3. 3w v3 3on3 m +w.3 wN. ov m3 A302 om w d3. m d3. .............. .2 .00D mw 3m d3. v +3.m wN. Nm om d3. v3 w3 .0oD v3 .00D ............ :3 00D mw w3 d3. m +N..3 ow wv v3 d3. 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THE TURNIP LoUsE. 47' EFFECT OF TEBIPPIRATURE ON DEVELOPh/IENT. The winter of 1913-14. presented many unusual climatic conditions and afforded an excellent opportunityto study the effect of Weather conditions upon the habits of the lice. On January 1'7, 1914, when the generation experiments were started, the weather was warm. At this time the females were producing from 5 to 8 young per day. For some time previous to this it had been quite cool and the increase in temperature stimulated reproduction and the females responded very quickly to the changes in temperature. On the night of February 6, 1914-, the temperature suddenly fell to the unusual p-oint of 17° F. The next day was cool, and the following night was quite; cool, 32°, b-ut the following day was much warmer. On this day the females under ob- servation gave birth to a.n average of 2 young. Several winged lice also developed on the plants in the cages. During the week of Feb- ruary 10 to 1'7, 1914, two quite- hard freezes occurred, but the days were warm. The daily reproduction did not seem to be seriously affected by the low night temperatures. Winged females continued to develop- in the cages during this time. The latter part- of February was quite cold for a period of a week. The reproduction at this time uras very materially reduced, and but few winged females developed in the cages. During early March a patch of turnips was artificially infested with A. pseudobrassicae. At that time it was quite warm and the females soon became established upon the plants. Within a week after the lice were transferred, good-sized colonies were found around each female. Reproduction materially increased during the warm days and decreased on the cool days. The period from March 20 to 3O was cooler than the preceding two weeks and the drop in reproduction was very noticeable. The warm period which followed caused the daily repro- duction to go up from 3 or 4 to *7, S or 9. April 7 to 12 was again cool, and. the rate of reproduction drop-ped to 2 young per day. SUMMER REPRODUCTION. During the summer months the reproduction is low. When the hot- test days of the summer occur there is no reproduction, even for days at a time. It is quite evident that the summer conditions are much harder for the lice to withstand than are the winter conditions. OTHER SPECIES FOUND. There are two other species of plant lice which may be found upon thesame plants on which the turnip louse feeds. Very often one or both of the species have been taken upon the plant at the same time. The cabbage louse, A. braasicae Linn, is often found upon cabbage, especially in the fall, and is often mistaken for the turnip louse. Wherever the cabbage louse is found it is a serious pest upon the plants attacked. The cabbage louse is known to» feed upon most of the known host plants of the turnip louse. In Texas the writer has observed the cabbage louse upon plants other than cabbage but once; in the spring of 1915 a few colonies were‘ found upon turnips. In the past it has 48 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. been thought that the cabbage louse was responsible for the injury to winter turnips, and there is no doubt that the turnip louse has not yet been recognized in many sections. In reply to inquiries, several ento- mologists stated that the cabbage louse was known to be present and that the winter turnips suffered from the attacks of a. plant louse. It is a. comparatively- easy matter to distinguish the cabbage louse from the turnip louse. This is especially true of the wingless female, which in the case of the cabbage louse is covered with a cottony sub- stance, whereas the turnip louse is bare. The winged females of the cabbage louse have distinct. transverse bands upon the abdomen, which are not found upon the turnip louse. . The Green Peach-Aphis, Myzus persicae Sulz, sometimes called the “garden aphis,” has very often been found upon turnips, and by some has been mistaken for the turnip louse. The variation in appearance and the great range of host plants has caused much confusion in the determination of this species. The synonyms of this species are listed by Gillette,* who also describes the various forms. _ Those forms which have been taken during the investigations on the turnip louse arecalled by Prof. Gillette the apterous viviparous female, second generation and the spring migrant. This species is most always present upon turnips and radishes, though never in sufficient numbers to do any injury. The louse was present in numbers in the out-of-door cages during the winter of 1913-14. This species is much more hardy than the turnip louse, though it is not nearly as prolific. During the winter the low temperatures did not affect the garden aphis nearly as much as they did the turnip louse. During the fall of 1913, when the, fungus dis- ease, Eampusa, was working such destruction of the turnip- louse, the gar-den aphis was not attacked until most of the turnip lice were de- stroyed. Under such conditions the garden aphis served to carry over the fungus until the turni louse againa. eared. The arasites which c D p u 7 were abundant, did not. attack the garden aphis until the food supply of the turnip lice was almost exhausted. Only when the turnip lice c were about gone would the coccinelids feed upon the garden aphis. The garden aphis was always found very closely ‘associated with the turnip louse, the colonies of the two sp-eciesbeing often intermingled upon the same leaf. ' l The young of these two species are quite similar in general appear-- ance under casual observaton. The apterous females of the garden aphis are pale green in color with no markings upon the body, though occasionally the eyes of the young appear as pink spots on the abdomen. The general shape of the body of this species is much elongated. The winged females of the garden aphis closely resemble the turnip louse at first appczii-ance, but when the two species can be closely compared it is found that the former seems much darker, dueto the presence of several black lines across the HlNlOHIQH. The body of the winged form of the garden aphis is elongate, as are the Wingless forms. *Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. I, No. 6, p. 359. THE TURNIP LoUsE. 49 NATUB. AL ENEMIES. The enemies of A. pseudo-braszsicae .are not a. few, and the assistance which they give the grower can hardly be estimated. These enemies may be grouped into parasites, 0r enemies, which develop within the body of the host, predaceous enemies, or those which feed upon the lice ex- ternall , and disease which grows upon "the outside of the lice. There are twg species of parasites which have been very important in the con- trol of the turnip louse, D/ieretus rapae Curt, and Lylsipihleibus testa- ceripes Cress. Other parasites have been taken in the study of the louse, but they were always present in limited numbers. Of the predaceous enemies two species of lady beetles, M eigilla maxculata DeG., and Hip- padmia. c012/z:e1'gen.s* Crueiz, have been very effective in checking this pest. Syrphid flies and lace-wing flies have been present in limited numbers. A fungus disease was very effective one season in the con- trol of the turnip louse. PARASITES. Diaeretvrs rapae Curt. The turnip louse has been very‘ seriously attacked at College Station by this species of parasite?‘ During the season of 1913 it was present in great numbers, and was a very important factor in controlling the pest. It has not been taken at any other place in connection with the a study of A. f7S8?.i(.?0r7>7‘(lr$8t(‘/(l€. The followring descriptions are taken from Maryland Bulletin No. 152-, by Mr. A. B. Gahan: Diaeretus mpae Curt; Aphidius rapae Curt; Trrioarys pieeus Cress.; Aplhidius brassicae Marsh.; Diraeretus califorvtimrs Baker. Female: Length 2 mm. Head and thorax black, smooth and shining. Head transverse not wider than the thorax, the temple-s rather broad and convex, not sloping abruptly from the eye margin, "clypeus transverse, about twice as wide as long. Mouth parts reddish yell-ow, the palpi o-ften fuscous. Antennae 13-15- jointed, (most often 14-jointed), entirely black or dark brown. Parapsidal fur- rows present at the anterior lateral angles of the meso-notum; pro-podium with distinct median longitudinal and transverse carinae, the former dividing at the intersection with the latter and enclosing a short and very narrow are-ola at the base of the petiole, (this areola. is variable in width, being hardly dis- cernible in some specimens). Wings hjyaline, veins and stigma brown; the post- marginal vein and stub of radius are nearly equal, the latter extending about one-third of the distance to the wing apex; the cubital vein recurrent nervure and cubital cross-veins are entirely effaced. Anterior legs including their coxae yellow; median and hind coxae mostly black, yellowish at the apices, their femora and tibiae brownish; tarsi all fuscous. Abdomen longer than the head and thorax, often entirely black but usually reddish brown. Male: Antannae 16-l8-joined. All legs usually dark brown, nearly black. Abdomen not longer than the head and thorax. Qtherwise similar to the female. Habitat: United States and Europe. Host: Aplzis brasstcae Linn. The details of the life history of. this insect have not been worked out, but much time has been taken to carefully observe it under field conditions. ’l"here are a great many points in it which closely resembles *Determined by Mr. A. B. Gahan through the courtesy of Prof. F. M. Web- ster of the Bureau of Entomology. 50 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Lysipheiebus testaceipes Oress., the l.ife history of which is given in detail by Webster (l.c.). Egg-laying probably begins Within a few hours a.fter the adult parasite emerges fro-m its host. We cannot say if the females will deposit eggs when the males are not present and if these eggs will hatch partheno- genetically, as is the ca.se with Lysirplzlebzts tastaceipes Oress. In some cages kept inside during February and March, 1914, the parasites which emerged gathered immediately on that side of the cage nearest the ivindow. Here they Were very active, going up the side until the top was reached, falling to the bottom and starting up- again. Within the course of a few hours the parasites would return to the louse-in- fested plant. The manner of oviposition is much the same as in Lysi- phlebus tesiace/ipes, shown in Fig. '7. While ovipositing the females seem very excited and act as though they were prepared to make their escape at any time. Under natural conditions, it is very probable that only one; egg is laid in a single louse, as in the cages we never observed more than one parasite developing within one louse. In January, 1.914, the adult parasites were kept alive for seven days, though it may be that the adult life is quite long at that time of the year. In October, 191.3, we were not able to keep the adults confined in tubes over three days, and most of them died within two days. The parasites seem to prefer to oviposit in the "younger lice, those which have passed the second or third moults. Most of the apterous lice mature and many of them reproduce ‘for’ two or three days, produc- e ing as many as ten young in a few instances. However, the daily pro- duction is much reduced in the parasitized lice. Only once has a winged louse been observed that died from a parasite, and dead pupae have never been seen. The dead lice seem very securely fastened to the leaf on which they were feeding before death. A slight cocoon spun by the larva of the parasite is attached to the body wall of the louse and, through a hole which has been previously out by the larva, to the leaf surface. The skin of the dead louse is dull brown in color, parch- ment-like in texture and seemingly water-proof. We have not been able to ascertain the number of lice that a single Diaeretus will para- sitiize, but it is evidently not as many as Lysiphlebus which, according to Webster (l.c.), averages 94. a This species of parasite was described from specimens of A. brassicae. The present experiments have been conducted entirely with A. pseudo- brass-icae. About May 7, 1914, when most of the turnip lice were dead, a few Dideretus were taken from Jl/[g/zzas persictae. Diaeretus was first taken in 191.3 on October 9, when they were working on the lice feetling "upon turnips. The lice were nearly all apterous, and the infestation was quite heavy. The first dead lice were taken just a few days later in the same patch. During the last two weeks of October but few parasites were observed, though the dead lice were abundant in all the fields in this vicinity. The parasites seem to be able to detect a heavily louse-infested area of plants and to move to it quickly, On November 2, all of the host plants of the lice in a garden l1ad been sprayed or fumigated, except a few radishesJ Here, two days later, the parasites were very abundant and hardly a one could be found around the treated plants. A week later these rad- THE TURNIP LOUSE. 51 ishes were fumigated and then the parasites were found among mustard plants, where the louse infestation had just started. By November 19, 1913, fully 2O per cent. of the lice in the College gjarden were para- sitized. The heavy rains which occurred from November 28 to Decem- ber 8 killed almost every louse and apparently the parasites. Diiaev-et/us was next taken on January 13, 1914. In the out-door cages a few dead lice were seen, making it evident that the parasites had been present some time previous. The last week in December was very cold, but the first week in January was mild. Webster (l.c.) states that Lg/s/iphlebzzs can survive very low temperatures in the full- grown larval stage. The larvae of Diaeretus must have been nearly full-grown before the very cold Weather of late Decemb-er and the warm spell during early January enabled them to pass through the pupal stage and emerge as adults on January 13. The parasites continued to emerge over a period of a week. On January 17, more dead lice were observed upon the cagedplants, which was evidence that the adults of Diaeretus had been present for some time before. During the first seventeen days of January the average daily mean temperature was 50° F., and at this temperature the larval development was not stopped. Adult parasites emerged from the dead lice collected on January 1'7, sixteen days later, or on February During thisperiod the average daily mean temperature Was 59° F. l On the night of February 6, the very low temperature of 17° F._ occurred, at which time all of the turnips were badly frozen and 5 per cent. of the lice were killed. Some of the lice which died from para- sites four days previous and which were exposed to this low tempera- ture, were put in a cage inside but with no heat. Eleven days after the freeze, and fifteen days after the lice died, parasites emerged. They continued to emerge for a period of seven days. The pupal stage of this brood of parasites varied from 15 to 22 days, during which period the average daily mean temperature was 49° F. The reason for this variation is hard to explain. It is evident that the parasites in the pupal stage are able to withstand low tempratures and to develop at low temperatures. The adult parasites were again active in the out- door cages on February 21, at which time a few lice were observed and within the next two days manyi were seen. On. March 9, 16 days from the maximum. activity of the last brood, the parasites were active again. During this period the average daily mean temperature was 118° F. p The first Diiaereiivzs taken in the field ‘ivas on March 25. It is pos- sible that these escaped from the cages and did not survive the winter in the field. The first dead lice were taken in the field only two days later, which is evidence that the parasites had been present for some time before they were observed. The number of dead lice increased rapidly for a few weeks and threatened the destruction of all the lice for experimental work. It was not possible to determine the entire life history, but from the observations made there is a decided overlapping of broods, especially during the periods of low temperature. The para- sites were constantly present in the fields until May 13, at which time most of the turnip lice were dead. On November 12, 1913, some heavily infested radish plants were Cu 2 TEXAs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. fumigated with tobacco stems. On the following day many parasitized lice were collected from these plants and placed in a cage in the lab- oratory. At the end of a Week a parasite had emerged from every louse collected. This single experiment confirms the field observations that fumigation does not injure the pupae within the lice. Of course, there are many lice with parasite larvae in them, and as such lice dry up after the fumigation the parasites do not mature. On November 1'7, 1913, some infested cabbage plants were sprayed With Black Leaf-4t) and Whale-oil soap. Parasitized lice were collected from these plants on the day following “the application. ' These lice were placed in a cage in the laboratory. Within two days parasites had emerged from all lice in the cage. Our field observations confirm this experiment, that the soap and Black Leaf-40 sprays do not injure the pupae of the parasite within the body of the host. The lice which are struck by the spray dry up at once, and of course the larvae of the parasites are killed. ' As only one case has been recorded of a winged lou.se being para- sitized, it is hard to say that Diacretus is disseminated to any great ex- tent by the host flying from field to field. Webster (l.c.) says that a part, at least, of the dispersion of Lysip-hlebvis is due to this factor. It is very probable, hon/ever, that the winged turnip lice are parasitized to a greater extent than has. been observe-d, which would certainly make such means of dispersion important in the case of this parasite. Throughout March, April and May the prevailing Wind at College Sta- tion is from the South. During these months the wind is seldom in any other quarter for very long at a time. This south wind is never heavy, so the parasites may fly safely a great deal of the time. It is quite probable that Diaercius‘ flies to a considerable extent from field to field, as they are active in the field at all times when a hard wind is not blowing. This factor must exert much influence upon the dis- persion of this parasite. The temperature exerts much infiuence upon the activity of Diacretus. During the month of January, 1914, the parasites were quite active in the outdoor cages when the daily mean temperature averaged 55° F. Parasites emerged from the lice in February when the average daily » mean temperature was 53°‘ F., though the adults Were not active at this temperature. With the average daily mean temperature of 49° F., the rate of reproduction by the lice was but 2 young per day. Below 49° F. reproduction is almost negligible, While above this point its rate in- creases rapid] y. '.l.‘he lice are, therefore, active at temperatures fully 6° lower than those required for the activity of Diaieretus. During March, when the average daily mean temperature was 575° F., the parasites were very active in the fields. During April they were active, ‘with an average daily mean temperature of 64.5" F. At this time the average daily reproduction of the lice was 5 young: Whatever start the lice may have had was soon overcome by the p-arasites in the slightly Warmer a weather. The parasites surely do not spread rapidly during times of much rain or periods of cold, misty showers. A shower followed by sunshine seems to stimulate the parasites to flight, but a slow, steady rain drives them to shelter under the leaves of the plants. " THE TURNIP LOUSE. 53 Lysiphlebus testaiceiipes Cress. This parasite has been taken in limited numbers from A. pseudo- brass-icae in our work at College Station. lit has also been taken at De Kalb, Wortham, McKinney, Iredell, and Hitchcock, Texas. In these places it was the only parasite present and was usually found in great numbers. It is Without doubt an important- parasite in the con- trol of the turnip louse over the State. This parasite has been very efficient in the control of the “green bug,” which has been found in many of the sections mentioned above. The following descriptions are taken from Maryland Bulletin No. 152, by Mr. A. B. Gahan: Fig. 6—Lysiph{ebus testaceipes Cress., a parasite of the turnip louse. Adult female and antenna of male, greatly enlarged. (From Webster.) Lysiphlebus testaoeipes Cress; Aphidvlus testaceipes Cress; L. itrit/ici Ashm. Female: Length about 2 mm. Head distinctly transverse, as wide as the thorax at the tegulae, black, smooth and shining; the temples convex; not broad; clypeus transverse, about twice as wide as long; mouth parts usually yellowish, occasionally fuscous. Antennae 11-13-jointerd, (usually with 13 joints) black or brown-black, the joints approximately equal in length throughout and about twice as lo-ng as thick; the two apical joints are sometimes connate, forming a single joint much larger than the others. Thorax black, smooth and shining, the parapsidal furrows absent or o-nly faintly indicated at the anterior angles of the mes-onotum, the propodium flattened or depressed posteriorly, the spiracles visible but not prominent. Wings hyaline, veins and stigma brown; the stub of cubitus varies somewhat in length but is never longer than the crossvein, usually shorter; the cubital crossvein is often indistinct, lacking the pigment, but can always be traced by a hyaline fo-ld. F-o-relegs including their coxae yellow; middle and posterior ooxae, femorae, and tibiae, usually though not always fuscous, often nearly clear yellow. Abdomen lalnceol-ate, compressed at the apex, about one and a half times as long as the head and thorax, black or brown-black, except the petiole which is usually yellow; the ovipositor sheath black. ’ ‘ a Male: Antannae 14-15-jointed; the joints slightly shorter than in the female. , Abdomen scarcely longer than the head and thorax, rounded at the apex. Mid- dle and posterior legs usually fuscous, occasionally clear yell-ow. In other re- spects the male is like the female. - ' . 54-. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. To the list of host plants as given by Webster (l.c.) Aphis pseudo- brassicae must be added. The life history of this parasite, which is given in detail by Webster (l.e.), is briefly reviewed here. ‘The females usually begin ovipositing within a few hours after they emerge, even when the males are not present, and the eggs may hatch parthenogenically. The manner of ovipositing is shown in Fig. '7, though the attack is not always made in this way. Very seldom is more than one egg deposited in a single louse, and the number of lice which a. single parasite will “sting” varies greatly, being sometimes over 200. Lg/siphiebazs prefers to oviposit in those lice which are in the second or third instars. Lice stung at these ages will mature and may reproduce for two or three days. The length of the period from the egg to the adult varies greatlv, the averages for August, September and October being 15.9 days. The hosts of this parasite include several genera. of Aphids which occur over most of the United States. Lysi- phlebus can withstand severe cold, for in the North it may survive the ' winter in the mature larval stage within the host. The adults have been kept alive for two weeks when the temperature was below freezing. Fig. 7-—Lysiph!ebus tesiaceipes ovipositing in the body of a “green bug.” Enlarged. (From Webster.) Winds exeart a great influence on the spread of this parasite and the parasitized lice in flying from field to field are a great factor in the dispersion of LysiphZeb/zzs. This parasite is not active when the tem- perature is much below 56° F., and for this reason is not present in numbers as early in the spring as the lice are, which are active at a temperature of 50° F. a The parasites were not observed during the spring of 1915 in the gardens around College. On June 1, 1915, in a field of spring rape, which was heavily infested with lice, the parasites were found to be very abundant. The work of the parasite here was certainly reducing the number of lice. PREDACFOTIS ENEMIES. Of the natural factors of control the predaceous enemies are of very considerable importance. For the past ttvo years during which the turnip louse has been observed‘ these factors have exerted much influ- ence in keeping the pest in check. The past year (September, 1914, to September, 1915) the parasites were present only in the late spring, and the natural check of the lice was due entirely to the presence of Plate III——Ab0ve, empty skins of parasitized lice on cabbage from which the parasites have emerged. (After Herrick, Cornell Bull. .) Below, larva and adult _0f Chrysopa or Lacewing fly, a predaceous enemy of the turnip louse. (After Hunter, UIllV. Kans. Bull. THE TURNIP LOUSE. 55 the predaceous enemies. The same condition_ existed this year in many sections of the State Where the turnip louse is serious pest. The presence of the predaceous enemies d.oes not depend to such an extent upon climatic conditions as does that of the parasites. Lady Beetles. Of. the predaceous enemies, the most important are the ladybird beetles or coccinelids. These insects feed upon plant lice in both the larval and adult stages. Observations and reports indicate that the beetles are usually present in those parts of the State Where the lice are a pest, but While present they seldom become abundant enough at the right time to eradicate the lice. At Beaumont the beetles appar- ently hold the lice in check and at Brownsville the latter are seldom a pest, probably due to the presence of the beetles in great numbers. At Henrietta, during the fall of 19111, the beetles Were the only factor of natural control present and the louse infestation Was not serious. The beetles are present in other sections of the State but never check the pest to such an extent. It is hard to fullv appreciate What a factor of natural control the ladybird beetles are until a. study is made of their ability to destroy lice. The eggs are always laid close to the lice so the larvae of the beetles Will have an abundance of food near at hand When they hatch. When full-grown these larvae attach themselves to a. leaf on which are plenty of lice in order that the adult When it emerges Will not have to seek long for food. There are three species of ladybird beetles present in the gardens at College Station. They are Flippodamzia- convergens Guer. ; M egilla ma- culaita. DeG, and Ooccinellrt mundai Say. The first tWo named species are about equally abundant and the last is present only in limited numbers. Sanborn* found in 1906 at College Station that H. convergens adults collected in April deposited 556 eggs over a period of 34 days, a daily average of 16 eggs. These eggs hatched in 2 days, the» larval period was 11 days, the pupil period Was 41- days, making a total of 1'7 days from the deposition of the egg to the emergence of the adult. He found that a single larva may eat 396 lice during its life of 11 days, an average of 36 lice per day. Webster (l.c.) records cases of the adult of H. convert/ens eating 30 lice per day. Hunter: states that by actual count these insects Will devour from 30 to 100 lice in a dav. Miss Palmer} states that the adults of this species ate daily from 36 to 180 lice. In the Work ivith N. mandate, Sanliorn found that during August one adult deposited 2-19 eggs over a period of 24 days, an average of. 9 eggs per day. During September and October, only 15'?’ eggs Were de- posited in 4'7 (lays, an average of only 3 eggs per dav. During August the eigg stage Was 2 days, the larval period Was 9 days and the pupal *Bulletin No. 98, Oklahoma Experiment Station. ttBulletin, Univ. Kan, Vol. IX, No. 2. TAnn. Ento. Soc. Am., VII. 3, p. 215. 56 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIQN. period 5 days, making a._total of 16 days from the deposition of the egg to the emergence of the adult. He found that a single larva ate an average of 32 lice per day. The consumption of food by the adult depends much upon the season. In August the average numb-er of lice- eaten daily was 63, in September r16, in October 33 and in November 15. The experiments conducted by Sanborn with (.7. wtunda. Were'made in June and .luly. He found that a. female may lay 4118 eggs o-ver a pe-riod of 36 days, an average of 12 eggs per day. The egg stage of this species Was 2 days, the larval stage 9 days and the pupal stage 2‘ days, a total of 13 days from the deposition of the egg to the emergence of the adult. The larva of this species ate 553 lice in a period of 9 days, an average of 61 lice per day. The adults ate 706 lice during their life. Fig. 8-—The convergent lady-beetle (Hippodamia convergens), an enemy of the turnip louse. a, adult; b, pupa; c, larva. Enlarged. (After Chittenden from Bureau of Ento. Bull. No. 100.) Under ordinary conditions the beetles will not travel far from their. place of emergence, but if food becomes scarce they may fly some dis- tance in search of better feeding. On November 4, 1913, most of the beetles were feeding upon lice ‘on radishes which were heavily infested. These plants had not been sprayed 0r fumigated, and it was evident that all of the beetles in the garden had gathered on them Where there. was an abundance of lice. This condition was again evident on No- vember 10. The adult beetles are not injured With the sprays which have been used in the spraying experiments against the lice. After the applica- tion of each material an examination was made and no dead beetles could be found. Many larvae Were observed unharmed after the ap- plications of the soap solutions. On September 8, 1914, one larva was found dead Where Black Leaf-AG had been used. While fumigating on November 12, 1913, many beetles were present upon the plants. After the fumigation was completed these beetles ran about in a very excited manner, but did not seem to be injured in any way. l The very hard rains which occurred during the latter p-art of No- vember and the early part of December, 1913, apparently killed most of the beetles which were then present in the fields. It was not until January '7, 1914, that a. single specimen of H, con-vergens was observed. During January, February and March of 1914- the beetles were present THE TURNIP LoUsE. 57 in limited numbers but were a source of much trouble, as they Worked upon the outdoor host plants and nearly cut off the supply of lice-. The beetles would probably have eradicated the lice if measures had not been taken to prevent it. On March 10, 1914, H. convergent?" Was the only species present, but by March 31, M. wzaculaifa, Was present in limited numbers. On April 4 quite a few larvae Were observed Working on the lice upon the turnips; these larvae were one-third to two-thirds grown. The first pupa Was taken on April 10, 1914, and many larvae were observe-d on the same day that Were almost full grown. From April 24 to .28 M. macuZat/ia xvas the most common species present in the fields, but two days later H. conzrergens Was again most common. Pairs of M. muiwz/ztlrtta. Were observed m coitu on April 25 and of H. Fig. 9——The spotted lady-beetle (Megilla maculata), an enemy of the turnip louse. a, larva; b, empty pupa skin; c, adult. E.nlarged. (After Chittenden from Bureau Ento. Bull. N0. 110.) con/vergens on April 29. Through the month of May, H. conivergens Was the most abundant species on the turnips. There Were only a few M. Wldfllldid- present during this time, and not a single U. munda. Was observed. By September 18, 1914, the ladybird beetles Were present in num- bers upon the turnips Which Were infested With lice about September 5. The beetles Were very ‘abundant by September 29, mostly H. conoergens. One pair of this species Was observed in coitu. on Sep-tem- ber 26 and another pair on the 29. By October.12, M. ma-culaita Was quite abundant and H. con/uergens Was present only in limited numbers. On Octo-ber 29, larvae, pupae and adults of H. convergens Were observed on turnips. On November 3, 1914, the adults of this species Were found in numbers at Amarillo, Texas. On the following day at Wichita Falls the adults of this species Were observed in num- bers on turnips Which had just recently become infested With the lice. On November 6, at Henrietta, this species Was quite common in the gardens Which Were louse-infested. At the latter place, H. convergens Was the only species ‘xvhich had been present during the entire season. At Brownsville in January, 1915, the beetles Were present in the fields in large numbers. Here H. convergens was the most common species 58 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. at that time, but during some other periods M. ma-culaita is the most abundant. In the College garden some adult M. maculata Were observed on radishes on February 3. Coccinelids Were not observed again until March 12. At that time most of those in the garden were H. 00n- vergens. A few larvae were also observed on this date. One pair of this species were observed in coitu on this date. During the last half of March the coccinelids increased rapidly in the gardens. H. 00n- vergen-s was alwauvs most numerous, though the proportion of M. muciulata increased. During this time copulation among the beetles was frequently observed, but no eggs were found until the. middle of April. During the early part of April C. miurzida was found in limited numbers. On April 15 .711. wiaculata was the most abundant species in the gardens. Eggs. of all species were observed in numbers on April 20. The beetles increased until the middle of May, when the lice were gradually disappiearing from the fields. Sy/rjflaial Flies. In many places where the turnip lice are present, and especially Where they are abundant, the syrphid flies are to be found. These in- sects are beautiful two-Winged flies with prominent gold bands across Fig. 10—Syrphus americanus, the larva feeds upon turnip lice. a, female fly; b, second abdominal segment of male. Enlarged. (From Webster.) the abdomen. They have the peculiarity of poising in the air over the plants which are infested with lice. This has caused them to be called “hover flies”. The syrrphid flies resemble the honey bee somewhat but are readily distinguished from them by their peculiarity of remaining still in the air. The eggs of this insect are usually placed singly on the under sides of the leaves near the lice. The larvae are always THE TURNIP LoUsE. 59 found where the food is most abundant. These larvae are slug-like and dirty gray in color. This is the only sta.ge of the insect which preys upon the plant lice. The few observations which have been made upon this insect indicate that it has a Wonderful appetite for lice. During the season of 1913, the first syrphid fly was observed on N o- vember 21. This proved to be Syrpiz/zzs americavtus, Wied. It is quite probable that they had been present some time previous but had not been detected. Syrphid larvae were observed on December 19, 1913, upon turnips in cages, which were being used for host plants. No stage of the insect was observed again during the winter, and it is not known how that season of the year is passed. Larvae Were again ob- served on March 31, 1914-, a.t which tirnethe lice were not very abund- ant on turnips. The flies were first observed in the fall of 1914 on September 25. A few days later when some spraying experiments Were being conducted some larvae were seen.‘ The adults were quite numerous until October 10, when the food supply was cut oif by a more thorough application of spray materials. On April 6, 1915, material was received from Brownsville which con- tained all stages of the oblique syrphid, Allograpta, obliqua Say. A larva of this species was observed at College on April 15. The adults of both species of syrphids were unusually abundant during the latter half of April. Lace-l/Ving Flies. The lace-wing fly, or Chrysopa, is often present in localities where the turnip louse is abundant. Their presence is indicated by small white eggs on fine silk-like stalks on the under sides of the leaves. The adults or flies are light green in color, the ivings are very large and have many lines running across them. The flight of the insects seems to be very ditficult, as though they could only flutter along. The young larvae run about freely on the leaves of the plants in search of food. The plant lice are taken up by the larvae in their strong jaws and the juices sucked out. Webster (_l.c.) states that one species which is very common in the Southwest hihcrnates over winter in the adult stage and begins depositing eggs when the first warm spells occur in the spring. Eggs 0f Cll1ry'sopa were first observed in the spring of 1915 on April 6. During the first half of this month the eggs were observed fre- quently. The adults were often observed but never were abundant. FUNGUS DISEASE. This ‘factor in the natural control of Aphis pceuidobrassicaie is very interesting because of its sudden appearance and its effectiveness in eradicating the pest. The fungus which was so prevalent in our work was undoubtedly Elmpusa spp. The groxvth and reproduction of Em- pusa. as given by Tha.xter* are briefly given here. The infection is started with a coni.dial spore coming in contact with the skin of the louse. 'I‘he entrance made by means of hyphae of *Mem. Bos. ‘Soc. Nat. Hist, IV, 6, p. 139. 60 TExAs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. germination at some point where the skin is tender. When inside the body these hvphae develop very rapidly, at the expense of the soft body tissues. The growth of these hyphae may be by the formation of hyphal bodies which are reproduced by budding. Sometimes the hyphae branch in all directions forming mycelium within the body of the host. When the fungus has about completed its growth, at wvhich time the louse is about to die, hyphal bodies are formed. ,At this time, if climatic con- ditions are favorable, the fungus will complete its development, but, if conditions are not favorable, a “chlamydospore” is formed,-which en- closes the contents of the hyphal bodies with a thick wall. The fungus may remain dormant in this stage for several Weeks, if necessary, until proper conditions for growth present themselves. If the fungus has completed its growth and is ready for reproduction the hyphal bodies or the chlamydospores germinate rapidly. The hyphae from these grow very rapidly; one or more may come from a single hyphal body. These hyp-hae may grow directly to the outside or they may branch and each branch grow outward to become a “conidiophore.” In Empusa. aphi- dius, the hyphal bodies branch in all directions and in great numbers, to such an extent that the body of the louse is very much distended. The germination of these hyphal bodies may result in the formation of sexual or asexual (resting) spores, or “conidiospores.” .When' the latter is the result, the hyrpliae grow’ outxvartl rapidly, break through the skin of the louse and form a spongy mass on the outside. When outside, these hyphae branch and the ends of each grow to the same height. The terminal portion of the conidiophore is usually swollen somewhat and is called the “basidium.” At the tip of the basidium is a bud which grows from the rest and becomes the “conidium” after the separating wall has grown between. The conidium thus formed within the apex of the basidium absorbs water, expands and breaks through the wall surrounding it. As a result of this the spore is thrown out, some- times for a considerable distance. If these conidia, when liberated, come in contact with proper en- vironment they send out hyphae of germination, which enter the body of the host as was first described. Such germination usually takes place soon after the conidia are discharged. If the conidia do not fall in suitable surroundings, they will form a secondary conidia after the same fashion. This serves as a means of further spread when the pri- mary spore has not fallen well. The primary spore produces a hypha which grows upvsrard, becomes swollen at the tip into the basidium in which develops a conidium similar to its origin and is discharged in the usual manner. This process may be repeated until the substance is exhausted, if the spore does not find suitable environment for growth. . If the germination of the hyphal bodies does not result in the forma- tion of the conidia as just described, resting spores wrill be formed. This resting condition may be accomplished by a non-sexual process re- sulting in “azygospores” or by a sexual process resulting in “zygo- spores.” The azygospores may be formed in several ways, by the con- tents of the hyphal bodv being converted directly into the spores, or the germination hyphae ending in the spore. When zygospores are formed the process may vary considerably. The simplest method is for the germinating hyphae to send out lateral shoots which meet midway be- THE TURNIP LoUsE. 61 tween the hlyphae. A bud then grows rapidly, absorbing the contents 0f the conjugating cells. Sometimes this conjugation takes place on the outside of the host. The causes of the formation of the resting spores cannot be satisfactorily explained. The fungous disease was first observed during the fall of 1913, on November 12. At this time some radish leaves Were collected for examination as to the condition of the li.ce upon them. The lice were found dead; some were dry and bronze-colored, while others were punky and orange-colored. These dead lice were mostly pupae, some imma- ture ap-terous forms and a few winged lice. Just a week later the (lis- ease was found upon lice on ‘(F11lSt€l.I‘(l where fully 30 per cent. of those lice had recently died. Most of the dead lice were immature apterous forms, though there were many pupae and some winged lice. The fungus was also found on the lice feeding upon turnips, and it soon spread to all the gardens in the vicinity. The spread of the fungus threatened to exterminate the lice on some of the host plants, such as beans, lettuce and mustard. In two weeks from the time the fungus was first. observed the lice were almost entirely destroyed. On November 26 a very hard rain occurred, a.nd this apparently checked the growth and spread of the fungus to such an extent that dead lice were seldom seen on the plants. The rains which occurred in the following two weeks killed nearly every louse on the plants, and the disease disappeared. ' The fungus was next taken on lice in the fields on December 19. In some outdoor observation cages the lice were found to be dying rapidly from the disease on January '7, 1914:. Two weeks before this it was cold but apparently not cold enough to p-revent the fungus from u developing. The dead lice found at this time were mostly apterous and only a few winged forms. Within the next week the lice were almost entirely killed in these cages. they were wanted for experimental work, an effort was made to stamp out the disease. All of those» leaves which had dead lice upon them were cut from the plants and de- stroyed. After repeating this operation several times the disease was apparently checked, and then all of the healthy lice were transferred to new plants in new cages. About a month later the disease was found again in the outdoor cages. This was shortly after the low tem- perature of 17° F, and a week during which low temperatures pre- vailed. During the last half of February it was quite cold and the fungus did not spread rapidly. lit was not until March 1O that the disease was found to be spreading, but within two weeks most of the lice in the cages had died from i.t. On March 94. material was collected to start some experiments in spraying louse-infested plants to disseminate the disease. Lice which had died from the disease were scraped from the leaves .taken from badly infested plants. These were put into rain water and thoroughly shaken to break up the masses of fungus. The application of this mix- ture was made with a. De Vilbiss atomizer. The plants were well cov- ered with the spray, which was so applied that it would settle onto the plants as a mist and not as a driving spray, which would knock the lice oflf the leaves. It is not possible to say just how successful these experiments were, as it was not possible to properly isolate the check 62 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. plants from natural infection. During the time that these experiments were made the disease W35 very prevalent i11 the fields adjoining. Many lice died 0n all the sprayed plants, but not enough to say that the measures would be practical for the control of the pest. A very large per cent. of the lice which died were pupae. Most of the dead apterous lice were immature forms. Those lice which had contracted the dis- ease could be distinguished by the straw color of the body, which became swollen just before death. When the lice die their bodies are much dis- tended, orange in color and velvety in appearance. The disease was found to be Widespread in the fields on March 30, 1914. At this time but few lice could be found which did not show signs of having the disease. Most of the pupae present upon the plants were dead and the apterous lice of all ages were dying rapidly. In many gardens the disease had killed the lice out entirely. At that time of the year there was considerable dew upon the plants each morning, which was doubtless favorable to the reproduction of the fungus. Very often the dead bodies of the lice would be found in a small bead of dew. Under such conditions the spores of the fungus should develop rapidly. The disease was prevalent in the fields throughout the month of April. By the first of May fully 25 per cent. of the lice on the tur- nips were dead from the fungus. By the end of another week 40 per cent. of the lice were dead, and in two weeks more at least_75 per cent. were dead. From that time on the lice gradually disappeared. It is very evident that the fungus is a destructive enemy of the tur- nip louse, and that if it could be controlled it would be a big factor in eradicating the pest. The disease was very persistent throughout the fall of 1913 and the spring of 1914. During the fall of 1914 not a. single louse was observed at College Station which had_died from the disease. This is probably because the climatic conditions of the two seasons were so different. It does not seem possible to propagate the disease when the conditions are unfavorable. In January, 1915, when at Brownsville, the writer was told that the lice were being held in check by lady beetles. Examination of the lice 0n the plants in the infested fields revealed the fact that the fungous disease was present and was working effectively. On the plants lice could be found which were about to succumb, as well as others that had but recently died. The raunkyrlwodies of the lice which had been dead for some time were abundant. The disease was spreading rapidly among the lice on the turnips. As the infestation of. lice was light, most of those present were apterous. The lice which were dying were almost mature. ARTIFICIAL CONTROL. SEASON 1913. _ As the study of the turnip louse was started rather late in the season, the experiments with control measures were not conducted under the best conditions. Naturally this work was of a. preliminary nature, but it was expected that some results might be obtained which would serve as a basis for future work along this line. When the work was started, all of the turnips were heavily infested with lice and had been for some time. ' THE TURNIP LOUSE. 63 l SPRAYING. Spraying was first investigated as a means of control for this pest. This Work was started 0n a small scale, as the efforts were not »well enough organized to undertake extensive experiments. The results of the Work were not all that was expected of it. The difficulty was not in getting material to kill the lice but in getting the material onto the lice. Black Iieaf-40, kerosene emulsion and whale-oil soap were selectea for the trial Work. The results of these experiments are briefly given here. Turnips. (Black Leaf-40.) A small area of broadcasted turnips were sprayed on October 25th with a solution of this material. The spray was made according to the directions on the package, five ounces of the black leaf-40 and one pound of whale-oil soap to thirty gallons of water. The application was made with a. bucket spray pump, equipped with a long hose, an extension rod, a 45° elbow and an agle type nozzle. The material was applied early in the morning while the dew was still on the leaves. Care was taken to cover all of the leaves so as to hit all of the lice. The plants were only four inches high, but the ground was covered by the foliage. Immediately after the app-lication was completed an examination was made, and no living lice could be found. There was a slight odor of tobacco present on the leaves. Two days later another examination was made, and no living lice were found upon the sprayed plants, but on the check plants the infestation was increasing rapidly. The tobacco odor had entirely left the leaves. (Kerosene Emulsion.) A patch of turnips, similar to the above, was sprayed with kerosene emulsion on October 30. A proprietary stock solution was diluted ac- cording to directions on the container: to make a 5 per cent. solution of oil. This stock solution was well made, as no free oil had separated out. The day was cool and the application was made late in the after- noon. The outfit was the same as was used for applying the black leaf-40. While the application was being made there was a decided odor of kerosene, but none of the leaves showed signs of burning. Im- mediately after the application no living lice could be found on the plants. Two days later an examination showed that no lice were on these turnips. The odor of kerosene was gone and there were no burned leaves. Another test of kerosene emulsion on turnips was made where the plants were in rows; the infestation on these plants was heavy. For this application home-made stock solution was used. It was made by the common formula of one-half pound of soap, one gallon of water and two gallons of kerosene. The usual care was taken in making the stock solution, but free oil separated out after it stood awhile. The applica- tion was made with a. knapsack sprayer, which was placed on the- ground so that ‘the nozzle could be directed toward the under sides of the leaves. 64 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The application was tedious and unsatisfactory, as many of the leaves were not touched with any of the material. As soon as the material dried, many leaves showed evidence of burning and before the spraying was finished the patch looked as though a fire had gone over it. Two days later all of the turnips were dead. from the severe burning of this material. The result of this spraying is evidence that kerosene emulsion is not always properly made by ordinary help and that such help will not take the proper care to apply a. contact insecticide. It is clear that these two factors play an important part in the control of the lice. (No. 6 Soap.) On October 30 a. patch of turnips which were planted in rows was sprayed with a solution of Good’s Caustic Potash Tobacco Fish Oil Soap No. 6. The solution was made as directed, one ounce of soap to one gallon of water. {The application was made with the bucket pump, previously described. The leaves of the plants were large and the foliage was dense, which made it difficult to apply the material eifectively; An examination made after the spraying was completed showed that all of the lice had not been hit and the results could not be satisfactory. Two . days later the lice were found well scattered over the plants. As this application was not effective, another was made five days later. The same material and outfit were used again. More time and material were used in an effort to make a careful application. The eX- amination made immediately after the spraying showed that some of the lice had not been hit this time. A week later the turnips were ex- amined. On the check rows the infestation was very heavy; on those plants which were sprayed only once the lice were quite abundant. There were but few lice on those plants which had been sprayed twice. The second application following closely after the first proved to be a decided check on the lice. Spraying will not entirely eradicate the lice when made under such conditions as these trials were conducted. ’I.‘he plants were too large and the infestation was too heavy when the spraying was started. All of the materials tried gave good results when properly applied. Tur- znips sown in rows are much easier to -spra_v than those sown broadcast. The cost of the concentrated solution of black leaf-4t0 seems very high, but when properly diluted the spray is not expensive. The ma- terial is easy to apply, it spreads well on the leaves and does not in— jure them. However, this material is more expensive than the other two. Kerosene emulsion is a good material to use, since the ingredients can be purchased any place and it can be made at home. But if it is not properly mzlde more harm than good will be done by using it. The material spreads on the plants nieelv and the odor does not persist long. On account of the danger of making a poor emulsion, this material is not to be recommended ahead of the other two materials. The No. 6 soap is a soft soap and dissolves readily in a small quantity of boiling water. This concentrate can easily be taken from place to place and the dilution made then as needed. The spray spreads easily on the leaves and dries oif quickly. The odor of fish does not persist long. The cost is low if the soap is purchased in quantity. Plate IV—_—A bucket spray pump properly equipped for spraying against the turnip louse. (Orlginal). THE TURNIP LoUsE. , 65 Cabbage. The lice did not infest the cabbage this season until November 12th. The spraying was not started until five days later, when the infestation was Well scattered over the patch. One-half acre of cabbage was used for these experiments. The outfit used was a. hand-power pump equipped with two leads of those, each having a four-foot extension rod, a 45° elbow and an angle type spray nozzle. On the day the application was made there was considerable Wind, which interfered with the Work. (Black Leaf-40.) Thisfsolution was made of S ounces of the black leaf-liO and 2 pounds of hard whale-oil soap to 50 gallons of water. To this Was added. 3 pounds of rosin sticker soap, so that the material would spread evenly over the cabbage leaves. As the day Was cloudy, the material did not evaporate quickly, but no ill effects from this were apparent. The ample force supplied by the pump Was a decided advantage, as it Was possible to drive the spray into the unfolding leaves Where the lice Were ordi- narily protected. The examination made immediately after the appli- cation was completed showed that all of the lice had been killed. Dur- ing the following Week examinations did not reveal any lice up-on the lants. p (No. 6 Soap.) -An adjoining patch of calfloage was sprayed with this material on the same day as the above. The solution was made of 1 ounce of soap to 1 gallon of water, and the rosin sticker soap was added; at the rate of 3 pounds to 5O gallons of water. This material spread nicely on the leaves and killed every louse present. The addition of the sticker soap to these stilutions made the cost high, but it is likely that further investigation will show that the sticker soap will partly replace the Whale-oil soap in the formulae. FUMIGATION EXPERIh-IENTS. The spraying experiments during the early part of the season did not give entirely satisfactory results. It did not seem possible to apply the material so that it would be efficient and at the same time keep down the cost of materials and application. Fumigation was next con- sidered in hopes of finding a cheaper and more efficient means of eon- trol of the louse. It was evident that it would not be practical to fumigate turnips which had been broadcasted. The best means of fumi- gatiug turnips apparently was to build a small portable fumigator, sim- ple in construction and low in cost. The following fumigator seemed to meet the requirements: The frame was made of 1 x 2 and 10 feet long, with a brace of 1 x 2 put in the middle; the ends were 14 X 18 inches, made solid with ship lap; this frame was covered with muslin of the heaviest grade that could be purchased. This cloth was 36 inches wide and was put on the frame beginning at one edge of the top, going across it and down the side. This allowed a four-inch flap, on which dirt could be placed. The other side was covered with a half strip, 66 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. which also allowed for a flap. The cloth was oiled to make it gas-proof. i The cost of the material for this fumigator was 28 cents. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the materials which were best suited for use in the fumigator, and the time required for each to become exhausted. Unsatisfactory results were obtained from the use of tobacco papers, they seemed to smother out in the small confined space. Tobacco dust would not burn in the small space, even when ignited with kerosene. Tobacco stems gave satisfactory re- sults when properly used. Tied in compact bunches, they burned nicely after being lighted i.n the open. They could be easily lighted by pour- ing a teaspoonful of kerosene on one end of the bundle. The bunches burned best in the fumigator when placed in an upright position with the burning end up. Radish es. The first fumigation experiments were made on November 10.- The day was clear but cool. The radishes were large, the foliage was very- dense and the infestation was extremely heavy. The charge of stems was placed in the center of the fumigato-r. The first charge of stems of one ounce was confined for twenty minutes. The lice were not even stunnetl. by this fumigation. The second charge of 2 ounces was burned for twenty minutes, and it was estimated that 25 per cent. of the lice xvere killed. Two ounces of stems were used again, but burned for thirty minutes this time. As a result of this long exposure ' to the fumes of 6O per cent. of the lice were dead and upon the ground. The next charge was 3 ounces of stems, and they were b-urned for thirty minutes. Fully 95 per cent. of the lice were on the ground under the plants; about 8 per cent. of these were not killed but only partly over- come by the fumes. On November 12 the fumigation experiments with radishes were continued. The day was cool and cloudy with a strong wind blowing. At times this wind was too hard for satisfactory results. The stems were placed in one end of the fumigator, as the wind seemed to push the smoke to the opposite end. i The plants were small and scattered on the ground; the infestation was heavy. The first charge was 3 ounces of. stems, and these were burned for thirty minutes. The result of this was that 8O per cent. of the lice were found dead upon the ground. About 5 per cent. more were crawling about on the ground but did ‘not seem to be injured by the treatment. The second charge was 3 ounces of stems burned for twenty-five minutes. Fully 90 per cent. of the lice were found upon the ground after this fumigation. Of these, 5 per cent. were not en- tirely overcome and would survive. The next charge was 3 ounces of stems, which were burned for thirty-five minutes. This killed 95 per cent of the lice and more were on the ground but were not entirely overcome by the fumes. The next test was under the same conditions, but 98 per cent. of the lice were found upon the ground. Soon after the fumigations the foliage showed severe burning; some of the plants were entirely killed. This burning was more severe on the old leaves near the top of the fumigator. lt was more severe and shoived. up quicker when the fumigation was prolonged. Those plants THE TURNIP LOUSE. 67 Where the gharge was small and the exposure short did not show burn- ing until the folloxving day. The burning seemed to be more severe on those plants which had dew upon them when fumigated. Turnips. These plants were not as heavily infested as the radishes, but the foliage was much denser. The first charge of stems Was 2 ounces and they were burned for thirty minutes. This fumigation killed '70 per cent. of the lice. The second charge was 2 ounces of stems, but these were burned for thirty-five minutes. Only '70 per cent. of the lice were killed this time. The additional time of confining the gas did not im- prove the results. Another charge of 2% ounces of stems was burned for thirty-five minutes. This killed 90 per cent. of the lice, but the burning of the foliage was more decided. The turnips did not seem to be as susceptible to burning as the radishes. Those lea.ves which i touched the fumigator at any place seemed to be most severely injured. illustard. Not many trials were made with fumigating this plant, as the leaves burned so badly. With the minimum charge and exposure most of the leaves were seared, and the plants soon died. The result of the fumigation experiments were not all that had been expected. The burning of the leaves was such that it would not be considered practical. The cost of the materials was about the same as for spraying. The cost of application was the same for both, but the cost of equipment was less for fumigation. SEASON 1914. This ‘year it was possible to ascertain the beginning of the infesta.- tion of the lice in the garden. The spraying experiments were planned to start before the plants were large and the infestation was heavy. It was evident from the work of the previous year that spraying would hardly eradicate the lice after they were well established on large plants. Spraying as a- control measure xvas undertaken again this year because the fumigation experiments of the previous year gave unsatisfactory results. The spraying of last year was too expensive to be practical on a large scale, so the aim in the work this year was to develop a cheap and efficient spray. lliore materials were tested and the work was con- ducted on a much more extensive scale. SPRAYING. The experiments were made in the vegetable garden of the Horticul- tural Department of the College. There were two plats, one consisting of 2 rows of radishes, 2 rows of mustard and 2 rows of turnips; the other of 5 rows of turnips. The rows were 400 yards long. 68 Texas AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Radish es. (Black Leaf-ALO.) This solution was made of 12 ounces of the concentrate and 4 pounds of whale-oil soap to 100 gallons of water. The outfit was a barrel pump supplied with two leads of hose, each with a four-foot extension rod, a 45° elbow, and an angle type nozzle. The material spread on the leaves nicely and was effective in so far as the application was perfect. An odor of tobacco couldb-e detected for a few hours after the material was ap-plied. The leaves dried quickly after the application. With this outfit the application was very slow and unsatisfactory. The pump was not in good condition and would not properly supply the two leads of hose. It required a crew of 3 men two hours to apply the material to 1000 feet of plants. It is a great saving in time to use a good pump an.d much easier to make an effective application. . With considerable force the leaves of the plants are raised and the spray can be put onto the lice with little effort. ' Three days after this application an examination was made, and many lice were found on these plants. - A second application xvzis made just a wreck after the first. This time the outfit was a hand-power pump equipped with two-leads of hose, each having a four-foot extension rod, a 45° angle Y and two angle type nozzles. The pressure was maintained at '75 pounds. The immediate results of the application were satisfactory, as apparently all of the lice had been killed. A barrel of the spray material cost 6'7 cents. Five hundred.‘ andisixty-four feet of plants were covered in twenty minutes by the crew of 3 men. ( Sulfur.) This material has been used some as a. contact insecticide, both as a liquid and a. dry spray. Russell (Jr. Econ. Ent, I, 6,p. 3'78) used it with much success against the red spider on beans. The sulfur was used at the rate of 1 ounce to 1 gallon of water. The sulfur was mixed with a small quantity of hot water, which was kept almost boil~ ing for fifteen minutes. In. this way it was hoped to more completely - separate the particles of sulfur. The application was made on the same day as the above, under the same conditions and with the same outfit. Much (lifficultyr was experienced in the application of this material, as the small particles of sulfur would clog the intake pipe of the pump and the nozzles were constantly stopped with sulfur. Later in the day it was necessary to take the pump apart, and particles of sulfur were found around all valve seats and the plunger. The pump did not work well until carefully cleaned. The immediate results of this material were far from satisfactory, though the sulfur wras well spread over the leaves. Since sulfur can only kill when it comes in contact but few lice were killed,. as only few particles of sulfur actually hit them. Even those lice which were hit with the sulfur did not apparently suffer any. Soon after the applica- tion the film of water on the leaves collected in small globules, and the particles of sulfur were drawn on the surface of. these drops of water. Many lice which had sulfur on them were able to crawl about, as soon Plate V—Ab0_ve, a barrel spray pump, with cart, showing one lead of hose and attach- ments for sprai/ing against the turnip louse; _be10w, a hand power pump, with barrelsupply tank, showing proper attachments for spraying against the turnip louse. (OriginaL) THE TURNIP Lousn. 69 as they could get from under the water. Not a louse was killed by the appplication of this material. A barrel of the spray cost 35 cents. This amount covered 576 feet of plants and the time of application was thirty-five minutes. ' (Lime Sulfur Solution.) A commercial brand of lime sulfur testing 32° Baume Was diluted 1 to 50 parts of water. The application was made with the hand-power pump described above. When first applied the material was spread evenly over the leaves, which gave the foliage a yellowish appearance. This thin film of liquid seemed to irritate the lice, and no doubt would have killed them if the lice cov/Jd hcmuc been, confined in it. However, in a short time this film contracted into small globules over the leaves and the insects crawled off unharmed. The leaves did not dry quickly and there was considerable residue left upon them. This residue did not seem to affect the plants any; it merely left them unsightly for a time. (Soluble Sulfur Compound.) This material is recommended for use in the same manner as the commercial lime sulfur solution. It is a powder which is dissolved in cold water at the rate of 1% pounds to 50 gallons of water (for plant lice). The resulting liquid is yellowish in color, like the weak solu- tion of commercial lime sulfur. ' The application of the spray was made with the same hand-power pump. The action of the soluble lime sulfur upon the leaves and on the lice was the same as the commercial lime sulfur. Three days after the lime sulfur sprays were applied an exam- ination was made. The lice were found to be as abundant upon the sprayed plants as upon the check plants. (Laundry Soap.) For this purpose the “Clairette” brand of soap was used at the rate of 1 pound of soap to 5 gallons of water. The soap‘ was shaved into a small quantity of boiling water and after dissolved diluted to the re- quired amount. The soap does not dissolve readily, even in boiling water, and the results are not satisfactory if too small a quantity of water is used. The hand-power pump above described was used to make the application of this. material. It spread onto the leaves nicely and dried off quickly, leaving no odor. It is very effective against the lice. This formula makes the solution too soapy, and it was diluted for further" work. For this work the barrel of material required 10 pounds or 20' bars of soap, which cost '70 cents. The barrel of liquid was sprayed out‘ in twenty minutes, and covered 700 feet of plants. t‘ Two weeks later another test was made with this material, using 1 pound of soap to 7' gallons of water. The soap was dissolved in a larger quantity of water, and much better results were obtained. At the strength used the material was very effective against the lice. The cost of a barrel of this solution was now as low as any material which had been used. '70 TEXAs AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. (Fish Oil Emulsion.) This material Was made by dissolving 1 pound of soap in 1 gallon of Water, then adding 2 gallons of fish oil. This Was then agitated vio- lently to make a perfect emulsion. The stock solution Was diluted to contain 5 per cent. of oil. Upon standing some time there Was a tend- ency for some of the oil to come to the surface, which indicated that the emulsion Was not properly made. The application Was made With the hand-power pump described above. This material spread on the leaves nicely and soon dried. At first there Was a decided fish odor, but this did not persist long. The material Was effective against the lice. The immediate results Were satisfactory, but in three hours after the application the plants showed. severe burning of the foliage. Most every plant Was dead by the end of a Week-after the application Was made. The cost of this material is too high to be practical; one bar- rel cost $1.25. (N0. 3 Soap.) Good’s Caustic Potash Fish Oil Soap» No. 3 is a soft Whale-oil soap. This makes a satisfactory material to use, as it dissolves readily in a small quantity of Water. From that standpoint, it is superior to the hard WlIEIlQ-Oll’ soaps. The formula used was 1 ounce of soap to 1 gal- lon of Water. The hand-power pump Was used in making this appli- cation. The material goes onto the leaves nicely and is very effective against the lice. The cost of a barrel of this material is 25 cents. A second trial was made with this material, and'the results were again very satisfactory. (lVhale-Qil Soap.) This Was the hard soap. Which is the form usually on the market. It Was used at the rate of 1 pound to '7 gallons of Water. The soap Was shaved into boiling Water, but it did not dissolve readily. In this re- spect, it is not as easy to useas the No. 3 soap. The spray goes onto the leaves Well and is very effective against the lice. The leaves dry quickly and the odor of fish does not persist long. The cost of a barrel of this material Was 50 cents. M us turd . The materials Which have been discussed above Were used on mustard plants, Which Were adjoining the radishes. ln general, they Were not as effective against the lice upon this plant as they Were upon the radishes. The leaves of the mustard are so curly that it is diificult to force the spray into the small folds Where the lice are usually found. The sulfur solution seemed to- collect on the leaves of mustard more readily than on radishes. The lice Were hardly inconvenienced by the application of thees materials. The mustard suffered much more from the application of the fish oil; not a single plant lived in the area sprayed by this Inaterial. Turnips. These same materials Were tested on the turnips, which Were also beside the radishes. The results of these trials Were in every Way the THE TURNIP LoUsE. '71 same as those 0n radishes. The condition of these plants was such that more effective spraying could be done than on the radishes. The de- posit of the sulfur materials was not so pronounced 0n the turnip leaves as 0n the radish leaves. When the turnips dried they looked as though they had been covered with lime. 1n addition to the above tests, plat No. 2 of turnips was sprayed throughout the season with No. 6 soap only. This material had given satisfactory results in previous trials, so it was our aim to try it under actual control conditions. The first application was made on Septem- ber 15 when the plants were six to eight inches high. At this time the infestation was not heavy, though the lice were well scattered over the patch. The usual formula of 1 ounce of soap to 1 gallon of water was used. The hand-power outfit previously described was used to make this application. It was estimated that 95 per cent. of the lice were killed with this spray. On September 22 a second application was made on the turnips. This time the plants were 12 to 14 inches high, and almost covered the ground. The same formula for the spray and the same outfit were used. The first application was so effective and this one followed so closely that there were not many lice present, and these were well scat- tered over the patch. A barrel of spray covered 757 feet of plants and was applied in twenty minutes. This application killed 95 per cent. of "the lice. A third application of this material was made two weeks later. The same formula and the same spray outfit were used this time. The plants then entirely covered the ground, which made it diflicult to apply the material without extreme care. The infestation was light and well scat- tered over the patch. Examinations made on several days following ‘did not show a single living-louse. This No. 6 soap certainly proved very effective against the lice, and the proper times for the application were indicated by these trials. GENERAL REMARKs ON PLAT I. At the time the first spraying was d.one on September 15 the radishes were 6 to 8 inches high and heavily infested with lice. The mustard was 4 to 6 inches high a.nd only lightly infested. The turnips were 6 to 8 inches high and the infestation was light. The applica- tion was not effective, due partly to the improper application of the material and partly to the poor results of the materials used. The lice were just as abundant in a. few days after the application was made as they had been before. When the second application was made on September 22 many of the radishes were dead from the severe infestation. The lice were abundant on all the plants. The radishes and mustard did not grow much between the applications, but the turnips were quite large. Pow- dered arsenate of lead was added to all. the material this time at the rate of 21, pounds to 50 gallons of water. This was necessary, as the grasshoppers were becoming very destructive in the garden. The third application was not made until October 6, two Weeks after the second one. It was considered best to wait this long, as the =second application had been quite effective and it was cool during this '72 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. period, so that the reproduction was 10W. When the application was made, it was evident that a mistake had been made in waiting so long. The lice had increased materially and the plants had suffered from it. The plants were very large, so that it was difficult to make an effective application. Under these conditions, it was considered advisable to cut the large leaves from the turnips and destroy them. In this way many of the lice were carried away from the plants and destroyed, and it was a sim- ple matter to spray effectively the few small leaves which remained- The infestation was quite severe on all the plants. PRFJVEN'I‘IVE MEASURES. In thecontrol of the turnip louse, as in the control of most every insect pest, preventive measures are to be employed whenever possible. With the turnip louse these measures do not assure as much relief as" is often the case in combating insect pests. But it is true here also that the actual control of the pest is made much easier when the pre-- ventive measures are employed. When the turnip louse becomes well _ established in turnips and radishes, the complete eradication is very dif-s. ficult and unsatisfactory. While the natural factors may check the pest" in time, such relief usually comes too late to be of real service. Com- plete control of the turnip louse can only be expected when all of the- preventive measures have been used and judicious spraying has been: . employed. ROTATION. 'l‘his very important factor of insect control is not as effective with the turnips louse as with many insect pests. It is, however, of suflicient importance to be practiced as much as possible. It does seem that in- -jury by the turnip louse can be reduced by planting the new crops of the host plants as far as possible from where the old crops were grown. It is seldom feasible to abandon a garden site entirely, but the plant-- ings of the host crops should be so planned that they will not come- together at the same time in adjoining plats. In some cases where a» succession of host plants (radishes and turnips) is employed, it would be advisable to discontinue a planting or two of each. This -would make a break in the line of food and probably cause the lice to seek other gardens where such crops would be growing at that time. When- ever it is possible to arrange the rotation, radish should not precede- the fall crop of turnips, and at best such a. planting of radishes should not be next to the fall turnips. Where an early fall crop of mustard is grown, one should leave as much time as possible between the end of that crop and the fall. turnip crop. PLANTING. It is the general opinion of gardeners that the early fall crop of turnips suffer most from the attacks of the louse. In the same way the early varieties of turnips seem to suffer more than the late varie- ties. It is true that in some sections there is not much chance for a THE TURNIP LOUSE. '73 choice in the time of planting fall turnips, but wherever possible the planting of the main crop of fall turnips should be delayed for a time. TRAP CROPS Such crops are those planted on a small scale at such a time as t0 attract most of the insects to feed. These crops are destroyed at such a. time as the insect infestation upon them is at its height; not later than such a time as the main crop may prove attractive to the insects. If not destroyed early enough the trap crops will fall short of their duty, since they will serve as a breeding place for the insects until the main crops are ready. The trap crop, if properly employed, may be made to serve as a big factor in the control of the turnip louse; if not properly employed, it will work against the possible reduction of loss by the lice. For the trap crop, turnips may be used by planting a row very early along one side of the proposed turnip patch. If such a plan is not adapted to the locality’, radishes may be used in the same way. In many localities,.mustard is the best. trap crop to use, but the lice will not remain long upon the mustard after the turnips are of much size. DESTRUCTION OF FIRST COLONIES. When the turnip louse is known to be a pest in a locality, it is ad— visable to inspect the fall crops from time to time to detect, if possible, the first colonies that start in the garden. Usually the lice Will be- come established upon a few plants in a defined area; there may be two or three such areas. The destruction of these colonies at the start will do much to prevent further injury from the pest. It is necessary to repeat this process, for the lice will continue to come into the field for a~considerable period of time and establish the small colonies. If a careful inspection is maintained and all colonies destroyed at the start, the injury to the field as a whole will be small. It is so much easier to eradicate the louse in small areas than to wait and attempt to‘ spray the entire field. In one section of the State these small areas of infested plants are surrounded by a strip of crude oil, the plants cov- ered with straw and burned. It is said that such treatment holds the pest in check. Any of the spraying suggestions given below may be used in the destruction of the first colonies of lice. CLEAN CULTURE. While we do not know that any of the common weeds about the gar- den serve as food for the turnip louse, nevertheless, it is advisable at all times to practice clean culture. It is not advisable to leave the remnants of the old crop in the ground when the new crop is coming on. Any of the fall crop of turnips and radishes should be pulled dur- ing the winter, or at least some time before the spring crops may be subject to attacks. It will not do to merely pull the crop and. leave it on the ground, for most of the plants will be able to root enough to stay in a growing condition and be food for the lice. '74 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. SPBAYING. T0 employ the preventive measures here suggested will surely reduce the possible injury by the turnip louse. However, it seems that the pest will not be entirely eradicated by those measures alone. After all of the above measures have been followed, the fall crop of turnips may still be infested With the lied. When the lice are present in the fields, spraying is the most satisfactory means of combating the pest. MATERIALS. The spraying experiments conducted show that the soaps are the most satisfactory materials to use. All of the whale-oil soaps were very effec- tive, but, as they are not alwayjs available over the State, the use of laundry soap is advised. For this purpose a good grade of laundry soap should be purchased. The “Clairette” brand Was used in the ex- periments. The formula given, 1 pound of soap to *7 gallons of water, is considered the best. The soap should be shaved into boiling water, at the rate of about 1 p-ound of soap to 2 gallons of water. The soap does not dissolve readily in any less water, and if the water is not boil- ing the soap will dissolve very sloxvlyr. It is necessary to frequently stir the shaved soap in the water to facilitate the dissolving. After the soap is dissolved, dilute to make the above formula. The materials used for the spraying against the turnip louse are called “Contact Insecticides.” Such materials kill only when they come in contact with or hit the insect. It can readily be seen that extreme care must be used in the application of such materials in order that they may b-e effective. Any louse which is not actually hit with some of the spray is not harmed in any way by the application. When the lice are known to be starting in a garden, preparations should be com- pleted at once for the sprayring. Any delay in this matter is serious, as the. lice will spread rapidly and the eradication is much more difficult. ‘Experience shows that it is almost impossible to hit and kill all of the lice with one. application, especially by those people who have not had much experience in such work. Even with extreme care in the appli- cation of the material, some of the lice may remain upon the plants. Also, in the early part of the season, the first application of the ma- terial may be given before the migration of the lice has ceased. In this way a field which has been freed of the lice may become reinfested and make it necessary to spray again. A third application is usually neces- sary to hold the pest in check. These three applications should be given at intervals of seven to ten days; in some cases, it may be advisable to wait longer between the second and third application, but it is not best to wait too long. “Jlhe spraying should be started early, while the plants are still. small, for the smaller the leaves the easier it is to spray effectively. If the leaves of the plants are very large, most covering the ground, before the last application is made, it is advisable to pull most of the leaves, as for greens, and destroy them. In this way, many of the lice will be killed and the application can be very effectively made to the remaining leaves. That will allow a great saving in the amount of spray material necessary to cover the plants and in the time neces- sary to make the application. THE TURNIP LoUsE. '7 5 APPARATUS. For the application of any of the contact insecticides, it is necessary to have a good spray pump. When spraying to eradicate the turnip» louse, it is necessary to have an extra good pump and outfit. As the lice feed almost entirely upon the under sides of the leaves, it is neces- sary to- have some special accessories. With any pump, a fifteen-foot lead of hose is necessary for use against the turnip louse. The equip- ment for this purpose must include an extension rod; four feet length is the best length. To properly direct the material onto» the under sides of the leaves, it is Irecessary to use an “angle” type of spray noz- zle, which must be attached to, the extension rod by means of a 60° elbow. The secret of success in spraying against the turnip louse is the use of the angle nozzle and the elbow. These accessories are neces- sary to any equipment for such spraying. There are three classes of spray pumps which may be used in this work. The class of pump which it is necessary to buy depends upon the amount of work that has to be done. Only a good outfit of any class should be purchased. A good spray pump will give good service, but a poor outfit will never give satisfaction. The bucket pump, shown in Plate II, is an example of this class of pumps. The photograph shows the pump with the proper accessories for spraying against the turnip louse. Such a pump is quite limited in its range of usefulness. It is adapted only for use in the home garden, and is not large enough for the truck grower. The applica- tion of material with such an outfit is too slow and expensive for one who has much area to spray. If one is growing only a few turnips in an infested district, it is necessary to have some kind of a spray outfit, and a bucket pump will serve this purpose. Specifications and esti- mated cost of such an outfit are here given: Brass spray pump, with 1 angle nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 Rubber hose, Et-inch, 3-ply, 15 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 One extension rod, 4 foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 One brass 60 degree elbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 $6.40 The barrel pump, shown in Plate III, above, is an example of this class of spray pumps. The photograph shows the accessories for spray- ing against the turnip louse. In this photograph the pump is fitted with only one lead of hose. Hoxvever, a good pump of this class should supply’ ample pressure for two leads of hose. Unless it will do this the outfit is not good enough to buy. It happens that at times the pump will not furnish good pressure to two leads of hose. Under such con- ditions, it is best to use only one lead with good pressure. Two leads of hose with poor pressure makes the application expensive and unsatis- factory. The experiments proved that it is best to use as high pres- sure as possible for all spraying work. It is not necessary to have the cart shown in the photograph, as the pump can be hauled about the field in a small wagon. A good barrel spray pump has a wide range ol.’ usefulness. It is best adapted to the needs of the small truck gar- 76 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. dener but may be used by the large growers. Very often it is advisable for two or more growers to purchase can o-utfit together. This will ma- terially reduce the individual cost on the start. Specifications and esti- mated cost of a barrel sprayer adapted for the work against the turnip louse are here given: One barrel pump, with brass cylinder, one brass cut-out, two leads of hose, el-inch, 5-ply, 15 feet, two angle nozzles . . . . . . . $18.00 Two brass 60 degree elbows . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Two extension rods. ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 $19.30 The hand-power pump, shown in Plate III, below, is a specimen of this class of spray pumps. This pump will supply ample pressure for two leads of hose, each having two nozzles. With such an outfit as here shown it is possible to spray turnips very effectively and economi- cally. The cost of this outfit puts it beyond the reach of many truck growers, but if one has many crops to spray it is the best outfit to purchase. If two or more growers could go together for the purchase of this outfit the first cost would not be prohibitive. Specifications and estimated cost of such an outfit are here given: _ One hand-ploxver pump, .50-gallon barrel, mounted on sled, pres- sure gauge, two 15-foot leads of 7-ply hose, {--inch, two exten- sion rods 4.- feet, two brass angle Y’s, four angle nozzles . . . . . $35.00 It is possible to purchase a hand-power pump and accessories without barrel and sled for $29.25. SUMMARY. A new species of plant louse, commonly called the turnip louse, and not the cabbage louse, as wasformerly supposed, does the damage to the fall turnips and winter truck. This damage is general over the entire State of Texas. Not only do the truck regions suffer, but every home garden is damaged by the turnip louse. The food plants of the turnip louse are turnips, cabbage, mustard, cauliflower, kale, rutabaga and rape. The normal form of reproduction of the turnip louse in Texas is ‘asexual throughout the year. Observations have been made upon this louse in Texas from Brownsville, on the 26th parallel, to Wichita Falls, on the 34th parallel. True hibernation does not take place in Texas, even at the northernmost point of occurrence the lice reproduce some during the winter. The summer is the critical period in the life his- tory of the turnip- louse, as it is forced to sheltered locations and none of the cultivatedhost plants are grown at that time of the year. Thir- ty-five generations of the lice were reared in pot cages in one year. Two other species of plant l.ice are often found closely associated with the turnip louse. These are the “garden aphis” and the cabbage louse. The natural factors of control of the turnip louse are widespread over the State. Two species of parasites, Diuerevfws rarpae Curt, and Lysi- THE TURNIP LoUsE. 7'7 phlebus tesiaceipes Cress, have been commonly found, the form.er at College Station and the latter in other sections. Threespecies of lady beetles have been observed to feed freely on the turnip louse. These are flippadam-ia convergens Guer, Jegilla maculata DeG.‘ and C0001} nella nwnda Say. Syrphid flies and lace-Wing flies are usually found in limited numbers Where the turnip lice are abundant. A fungous disease was very destructive to the turnip louse during the season of 19.1.4.- at College Station. For the artificial control of the turnip louse, spraying is the most satisfactory method. Of the materials which can be used for spray‘- ing, laundry soap solution gives as satisfactory results as any and is easily obtainable. The secret of success in the control of the turnip louse is the use of the 45° elbow and an “angle” type spray nlozzle. By the use of these it is possible to direct the spray on the under sides of the leaves, Where the lice feed. The preventive measures against the turnip louse are rotation, proper planting time, trap crops, clean culture, and the destruction of the first colonies.