A310-1019-5n1 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL iaxriéiklimlsur snmou AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS W. B. BIZZELL, President BULLETIN NO. 252 OCTOBER, I919 DIVISION OF FEED CONTROL SERVICE Commercial Feeding Stuffs Registered for Sale in Texas, October l, 1919 B. YOUNGBLOOD, DIRECTOR. COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. STATION STAFFT ADMINISTRATION B. YoUNoBLoon, M. S.. Director A.B. CONNER, B. S., Vice Director J. M. JoNEs. A. M.. A_ssistant Director CHAS. A. FELKER, Chief Clerk A. S. WARE, Secretary ---___--———, Executive Assistant CHARLES Sosoux. Technical Assistant VETERINARY SCIENCE *M, FRANCIS. D. V. M.. Chief _ H. SCHMIDT, D. V. S., Veterinarian _ D. H. BENNETT, V. M. D., Veterinarian CHEMISTRY G. S. FRAPS, Ph. D., Chief; State Chemist S. E. ASBURY, M. S., Assistant Chemist S. LOMANITZ. B. S.. Assistant Chemist T. B. SCHILLING, B. S., Assistant Chemist L. E. Eyer, B. S., Assistant Chemist J. B. SMITH, B. S., Assistant Chemist WALDO WALKFR, Assistant Chemist HORTICULTURE H. NEss. M. S., Chief W. S. Horcmuss. Horticulturist ANIMAL INDUSTRY J. M. JoNEs, A. M., Chief; Sheep and Goat Investigations. . C. BURNS, B. S., Animal Husbandman in Charge of Beef Cattle Investigations (on leave) J. B. McNuLTY, B. S., Dairyman R. M. SHERWOOD, B. S., Poiiltryman ——i— , Animal Husbandman in Charae of Swine Investigations R. G. BREWER, B. S., Assistant Animal Hus- bandman ENTOMOLOGY M. C. TANQUARY, Ph. D., Chief; State Ent molnom _ H. J. BiziNnAnn. B. S., Entomologist W. E. JAcxsoN, M. S., Assistant Entomologl AGRONOMY A. B. CONNER, B. S., Chief . A. H. Lennon, B. S., Agronomist_ E. W. GEYER. B. S., Agronomist H. H. LAUDE. M. S., Agronomist PLANT PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY J. J. TAUBENHAUS, Ph. D., Chief FEED CONTROL SERVICE F. D. FULLER, M. S., Chief JAuEs SULLIVAN, Executive ‘Secretary FORESTRY E. O. SIECKE, M. F., Chief; State Forester PLANT BREEDING E. P. HUMBERT. Ph. D., Chief FARM AND RANCH ECONOMICS H. M. ELIOT, M. S., Chief SOIL SURVEY **W. T. CARTER, JR., B. S., Chief J. F. STROUD, Soil Surveyor T. M. BUSHNELL. B S.. Soil Surveyor W. B. FRANCIS, B. S., Soil Surveyor SUBSTATIONS No. 1. Beeville, Bee County I. E. COWART, M. S., Superintendent No. 2. Troup, Smith County W. S. HOTCHKISS, Superintendent No. 3. Angleton, Brazoria County E. B. REYNOLDS, M. S., Superintendent No. 4. Beaumont, Jelferson County A. H. PRINCE, B. S., Superintendent No. 5. Temple, Bell County _ D. T. KILLOUGH, B. S., Superintendent No. 6. Denton, Denton County C. H. McDowELL, B. S., Superintendent No. 7. Spur, Dickens County R. E. DICKSON, B. S., Superintendent TAs of October 15, 1919. No. 8. Lubbock, Lubbock County R. E. KARPER, B. S.. Superintendent D. L. JoNEs, Scientific Assistant No. 9. Pecos, Reeves County J. W. JAcKsoN B. S., Superintendent No. l0. (Feeding and Breeding Substatlo College Station, Brazos County J. W. LUKFR, B. S., Superintendent L. ISCHY, Scientific Assistant No. ll. Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches Count, G. T. McNEss, Superintendent **No. 12. Chillicothe, Hardeman County A. B. CRON, B. S., Superintendent V. E. HAFNER, B. S., Scientific Assists No. 14. Sonora, Sutton-Edwards Countl E. M. PETERS, B. S.. Superintendent G. R. WARREN, B. S., Shepherd fin cooperation with School of Agriculture, A. & M. College of Texas. ‘In cooperation with the School of Veterinary Medicine, A. & M. College of Texas. "In cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Remarks to Manufacturers and Importers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Remarks to Agents, Dealers, Distributors and Consumers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Ofiicial Texas Tag, Reproduction of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Standards and Definitions Adopted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Alfalfa Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Animal Products . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Brewers’ and Distillers’ Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Corn Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Cottonseed Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 Feterita Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Kafir Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Linseed and Flax Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Milo Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1O Oat Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Peanut Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Rice Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Sorghum Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Sugar Beet Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Wheat Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Miscellaneous Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 Rulings Under the Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l4 Tentative Guarantees for Feeds. . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Alphabetical List of Manufacturers Registering Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Table of Registrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED FOR SALEAIN TEXAS, OCTOBER 1, 1919 BY F. D. FULLER, M. S., Chief, Division of Feed Control Sermlcel‘ Under the provisions 0f the Texas Feed Law any manufacturer, importer, agent 0r person desiring to sell, offer, or expose for sale Within this State any commercial feeding stuff must register the brand with this office and submit a representative sample for deposit. After a feeding stuff is registered, the party so registering it is notified that he may sell, offer, or expose it for sale, provided he attaches the official Texas tag to each bag, barrel, or other pack- age, as required by law. Official samples of feeding stuffs are drawn in the open market of the State by regularly appointed inspectors who are on the road each Working day, collecting samples of feed which are sent to the ofiice and subsequently analyzed. ,The results of the inspection, together with such additional information as circumstances make advisable, are published in bul- letin form each year for gratuitous distribution. Each year as the number of registrations and analyses of feeding stuffs have increased, the size of the annual commercial feeding stuffs bulletin has grown larger. It seemed ad- visable, therefore, to issue a separate bulletin giving a list of all manufac- turers of feed doing business in Texas, and of the brands registered here, and other information required by the law. Consumers and others interested in the purchase of feed are earnestly re- quested to use this bulletin as a supplement to Bulletin No. 251, “Commercial Feeding Stuffs.” To Manufacturers and Importers-The person desiring to register a brand of feed for legal sale in the State must properly fill out an application form acknowledged before a notary public and send it to this office accompanied by an average sample for deposit. The sample, of not less than one pound in xveight, should be shipped by parcel post or express, charges prepaid, in a glass jar or bottle properly sealed. The package must bear the name and address of the sender, who should also write to this Division when the sample is for- warded. All brands of feeding stufl" offered for sale in Texas are certified by the man- ufacturers to contain the minimum guaranteeof crude protein, crude fat, and nitrogen-free extract, the maximum guarantee of crude fiber, and, in the case of a mixed feed, the names of the ingredients of which the feed is composed. When corn cobs, rice hulls, peanut hulls, cottonseed hulls, or other similar adulterants are used in manufacturing the feed, the percentage of each ingredi- ent of the feed must appear upon the official tag. . A copy of the Texas Feed Law and blank forms for registering feeds will be gladly furnished on request. Tags are issued by the Division of Feed Control Service at such a price as will make the inspection tax ten cents per ton on all concentrated commercial feeding stuffs sold for use within the State of Texas. The information ap- pearing upon the registration form must be plainly printed upon the reverse side of the tag, and this printing must be done by commercial printers. The use of a rubber stamp for this purpose will not be permitted. PRICE LIST OF TAGS 5 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .25 per M 6:} pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .31}, per M 8%; pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .4132; per M *Assisted by Commye Little Buchanan, Registration Clerk, and S. D. Pearce, Feed Inspector. 6 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 10 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 per M 12% pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .621} per M 16% pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83% per M 25 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 per M 50 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 per M 75 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.75 per M 100 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 per M 125 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.25 per M 143 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.15 per M 150 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.50 per M 167 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.35 per M 175 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.75 per M 200 pound tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 per M The blank taa- tag is furnished by this Division and is the only label which can legally be used in the sale of feeding stuffs in Texas. This tag contains the statement, on the reverse side, that the inspection fee has been paid and, when properly printed by the manufacturer, bears on the reverse side all the information required by law. To Agents, Dealers, Distributors and Gonsumers.-—Consult the bulletins of this Division and ascertain What companies show a disposition to comply with the provisions of the law. Do not distribute or accept any feeding stuff manufactured by a company whose record of inspection shows that the guar- antee is not being maintained. Special attention is directed to the fact that the guarantee on the official tag is the guarantee of the manufacturer or importer and not of the Division of Feed Control Service, Whose duty it is to inspect the feed and make cer- tain that manufacturers maintain their guarantees and comply with the law in all other requirements. The guarantee on the tag does not necessarily mean that the feed is of high quality. It is only a guide to the purchaser. Feed of low quality may be sold if correctly guaranteed. Examine carefully the list of ingredients printed on the tag and purchase only those feeds best adapted to your needs. The official Texas tag, a reproduction of which follows, is always printed, contains all the information required by law and the facsimile signatures of the Director, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Chief, Division of Feed Control Service. I Not 600d for iMore Than 100 Pounds The feed bearing this tag is guaranteed under the Texas Feed Law and sold subject to inspection. Guaranteed analysis and composition must be plain- ly PRINTED on reverse side. The inspection fee has been paid. $500.fine for using this tag second time, zaazen _ Chief, Division of Feed Control Service Director, Texas Agricultural Eaéperim ent ‘ Station Address all communications relating to ' feeding stuffsto HIIVISIHN or man BIINTRDL SERVICE, CO l EXAS \ LLEGE STAT ON, T Obverse side-printed by this Division. m0 POUNIJSOlEUIfEI-ZDING siurr COMMERCIAL FEEDING SrUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 7 / 10o POUNDS (NET) Prlmo Mixed Feed Composed of 16 per cent. Alfalfa Meal, 48 per cent. Ground Cotton Seed Hulls, 9 per cent. Corn Chops, 9 per cent. Wheat Bran, 1 per cent. Salt and 17 per cent. Molasses. Q y Manufactured by JOHN DOE 8c SON, Doeville, Texas. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS: Crude Proteinmoteless than . . . . .. 6.00 Per Cent. Crude Fat not less than . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Per Cent. Nitrogen-Free Extract not less than 46.00 Per Cent. \ Crude Fiber not more than . . . .24.00 Per Cent. Reverse side—printed by manufacturer or importer. D0 not accept, offer or expose for sale, sell, deli/ver or distribute a/ny package of feed which does not hate an official tag attached as required by law. If dealers accept untagged shipments they; must assume the responsibility and bear the penalty for selling feed in violation of the law. STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS ADOPTED The law empowers the Director of the Experiment Station to adopt names, standards and definitions for feeding stuffs. He may refuse the registration of‘ any feeding stuff under a name which would be misleading as to the materials of which it is made, or which does not conform to the standards and definitions adopted. If a feeding stuff is registered and then discovered to be in violation of the standards and definitions adopted, the Director has the power to cancel registration after ten days’ notice. Feeding stuffs cannot be sold under names that are false or misleading. Should the manufacturer desire to use a name not included in the following list, it would be advisable for him to correspond with the Division of Feed Control Service before making application for registration. In accepting certificates for the registration of feeding stuffs to be sold in Texas, many of the definitions adopted by the Association of Feed Control Offi~ cials are followed closely. In addition to the oflicial definitions, the following include standards and definitions formulated by this Division from the most reliable data available. Definitions not from A. F. C. O. are marked with an asterisk ( *) . Alfalfa Products* Alfalfa Meal is the entire alfalfa hay ground to a meal, and does not con- tain an admixture of ground alfalfa straw or other foreign material. Stand- ard: It must contain not less than l2 per cent. of crude protein and l per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 30 per cent. of crude fiber. Chopped Alfalfa is the entire alfalfa hay chopped. and not ground finely enough to be a meal. Standard: It must contain not less than l2- per cent. of crude protein and l per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 33 per cent. of crude fiber. Animal Products Blood Meal is ground dried blood. Fish Meal‘ is the dried, ground residue from the extraction of the oil from fresh fish. 8 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Cracklings are the residue left after partially extracting the fats and oils from the animal tissue. If they bear a name descriptive of their kind, com- position or origin, they must correspond thereto. Digester Tankage is thevresidue from animal tissue, exclusive of hoof and horn, specially prepared for feeding purposes by tanking under live steam, dry- ing under high heat, and suitable grinding. If it contains more than 10 per cent. of phosphoric acid (P205) it must be designated Digester Meat and Bone Tankage. Meat Scrap and Meat Meal are the ground residues from animal tissues ex- clusive of hoof and horn. If they contain more than l0 per cent. of phosphoric acid (P205) they must be designated Meat and. Bone Scrap and Meat and Bone Meal. If they bear a name descriptive of their kind, composition or origin, they must correspond thereto. Brewers’ and Distillers’ Products Brewers’ Dried Grains are the properly dried residue from cereals obtained l in the manufacture of beer. Distillers’ Dried Grains are the dried residue from cereals obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors. The product shall bear the desig- nation indicating the cereal predominating. Malt Sprouts are the sprouts of the barley grain. If the sprouts are de- rived from any other malted cereal, the source must be designated. Corn Products Corn Chops* consists of the pure grain of corn from sound seed and good quality, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent. of crude protein and 3.5 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent. of crude fiber. Corn Bran is the outer coating of the corn kernel. Standard: It must con- tain not less than 8 per cent. of crude protein and 5 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 13 per cent. of crude fiber. Corn Germ Meal is a product in the manufacture of starch, glucose and other corn products, and is the germ layer from which a part of the corn oil has been extracted. Corn Feed Meal* is the by-product obtained in the manufacture of cracked corn, or table meal from the Whole grain of corn. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent. of crude protein and 3 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent. of crude fiber. ' Corn Gluten Feed is that portion of commercial shelled corn that remains after the separation of the larger part of the starch and the germ by the pro- cesses employed in the manufacture of cornstarch and glucose. It may or may not contain corn solubles. Corn Gluten Meal is that part of commercial shelled corn that remains after the separation of the larger part of the starch, the germ and the bran, by the processes employed in the manufacture of cornstarch and glucose. It may or may not contain corn solubles. E~ar Corn Chopsi‘ is husked corn and cob chopped with not a greater pro- portion of cob than occurs in the ear corn in its natural state. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent. of crude protein and 3 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than S per cent. of crude fiber. The percentages of grain and cob must be shown on tax tag. Hominy Feed, Hominy Meal or Hominy Chopi‘ is a mixture of the bran coating, the germ and a part of the starchy portion of the corfi kernel obtained in the manufacture of hominy grits for human consumption. Standard: It COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Rnorsmnnn IN TEXAS. 9 must contain not less than 10 per cent. of crude protein and 6 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 7 per cent. of crude fiber. Cottonseed Products Cottonseed products are classified as follows: Choice Cottonseed Meal. Prime Cottonseed Meal. Ordinary Cottonseed Meal. Ground Cottonseed Feed Number Four. Ground Cottonseed Feed Number Five. Ground Cottonseed Feed Number Six. Choice Cold Pressed Cottonseed. Prime Cold Pressed Cottonseed. Choice Cottonseed Meal is composed of the expressed deeortieated kernels of cottonseed, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. It must be finely ground and of sweet odor, and reasonably bright in color. Standard: It must contain not less than 48 per cent. of crude protein, and not less than 55 per cent. of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 9 per cent. of crude fiber. 9°?'?>P‘t“$'°.“"!" Prime Cottonseed Meal is composed of the expressed deeortieated kernels of cottonseed, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must contain not less than 45 per cent. of crude protein, and not less than 51 per cent. of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 10 per cent. of crude fiber. Ordinary Cottonseed Meal is composed of the expressed deeortieated ker- nels of cottonseed, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must contain not less than 43 per cent. of crude protein, and not less than 49 per cent. of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 12 per cent. of crude fiber. Cottonseed Cake shall correspond to cottonseed meal in composition and as to standard and classification. Ground Cottonseed Feed Number Four is a product obtained in the manufacture of oil from cottonseed and shall contain 95 per cent. of ordinary cottonseed meal and 5 per cent. of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 41.20 per cent. of crude protein, and not less than 46.20 per cent. of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 14 per cent. of crude fiber. Ground Cottonseed Feed Number Five is a product obtained in the man- ufacture of oil from cottonseed and shall contain 88 per cent. of ordinary cot- tonseed meal and 12 per cent. of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 38.50 per cent. of crude protein, and not less than 43.50 per cent. of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 18 per cent. of crude fiber. Ground Cottonseed Feed Number Six is a product obtained in the manu- facture of oil from cottonseed and shall contain 82.5 per cent. of ordinary cot- tonseed meal and 17.5 per cent. of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 36 per cent. of crude protein, and not less than 41 per cent. of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 22 per per cent, of crude fiber. Cracked Cottonseed Feed shall correspond to ground cottonseed feed as to standard and classification. . The percentage of cottonseed halls contained in cottonseed feed must be shown on tags in order that this product may not be considered adulterated. Choice Cold Pressed Cottonseed is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean undecorticated cottonseed to the cold pressure process for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire cottonseed less the lint, 1O TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. and the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 28 per cent. of protein. - Prime Cold Pressed Cottonseed is the product resulting from subjecting" the whole, sound, mature, clean, undecorticated cottonseed to the cold pressure process for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire cottonseed less the‘ t lint, and the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 25 per cent. of protein. Ground Cold Pressed Cottonseed is cold pressed cottonseed, ground. It. must correspond to cold pressed cottonseed in composition and as to standards. Feterita Products* Feterita Chops consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent. of protein, 2.75 per cent. of fat, and not more than 3 per cent. of crude fiber. Feterita Head Chops consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than~l0 per cent. of protein, 2.50 per cent. of fat, and not more than 8 per cent. of crude fiber. Kafir Products i’ Kafir Chops consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent. of protein, 2.50 per cent. of fat, and not more than 3.50 per cent. of crude fiber. Kafir Head Chops consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8.50 per cent. of protein, 2.50 per cent. of fat, and not more than 8 per cent. of crude fiber. Kafir Head Stems consists of the head of kafir from which the grain has been removed. Linseed and Flax Products Flax Plant By-Product is that portion of the flax plant remaining after the separation of the seed, the bast fiber and a portion of the shives, and consists of flax shives, flax pods, broken and immature flax seeds, and the cortical tissue- of the stem. Unscreened Flaxseed Oil Feed is the ground product obtained after ex— traction of part of the oil from unscreened fiaxseed by crushing, cooking and hydraulic pressure, or by crushing, heating and the use of solvents. When sold without grinding the unground product shall be designated as “unscreened flax- seed oil cake.” Ingredients of unscreened flaxseed oil feed are ground cake from partially extracted flaxseed and foreign seeds (wheat, wild buckwheat, pigeon grass, Wild mustard, etc.). Screenings Oil Feed is the ground product obtained after extraction of part of the oil by crushing, cooking and hydraulic pressure, or by crushing, heating and the use of solvents, from smaller imperfect grains, weed seeds and other foreign materials having feeding value separated in cleaning the grain. The ' name of the grain from which the screenings are separated shall be prefixed to “screenings oil feed.” Milo Products* Milo Chops consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent. of protein, 2.50 per cent. of fat, and not more than 3.50 per cent. of crude fiber. Milo Head Chops consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent. of protein, 2.50 per cent. of fat, and not more than 8 per cent. of crude fiber. MiloHead Stems consists of the head of the milo from which the grain has been removed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING SrUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 11 Oat Products Oat Groats are the kernels of the oat berry. V Oat Hulls are the outer chafly coverings of the oat grain. Oat Middlings are the floury portions of the oat groat obtained in the mill- ing of rolled oats. Oat Shorts are the covering of the oat grain lying immediately inside the hull, being a fuzzy material carrying With it considerable portions of the fine floury partof the groat obtained in the milling of rolled oats. Clipped Oat By-Product‘ is chiefly oat hull clippings, obtaining in clip- ping whole oats. It may contain light chaffy material broken from the ends of the hulls, empty hulls, light, immature oats and dust. Peanut Products* Choice Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of sound peanuts, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must be finely ground and of sweet odor, and must contain not less than 4Q per cent. of pro- tein, not less than 7 per cent. of fat, and not more than 9 per cent. of crude fiber. Prime Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of sound peanuts, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must be of sweet odor, and contain not less than 45 per cent. of protein, not less than 6 per cent. of fat, and not more than 14 per cent. of crude fiber. Ordinary Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of sound peanuts, reasonably free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must be of sweet odor, and contain not less than 43 per cent. of protein, not less than 6 per cent. of fat, and not more than 17 per cent. of crude fiber. Peanut Cake shall correspond to peanut meal in composition and as to standards. i Choice Whole Pressed Peanuts is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clea11 peanuts, free from sticks, stems and dirt, to pres- sure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire peanut less the oil ex- tracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 36 per cent. of protein, and not more than 22 per cent. of crude fiber. Prime Whole Pressed Peanuts is the product resulting from subjecting the Whole, sound. mature, clean peanut-s, reasonably free from sticks and stems, to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire peanut less the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 34 per cent. of protein and not more than 24 per cent. of crude fiber. Ground Whole Pressed Peanuts shall correspond to Whole pressed peanuts in composition and as to standards. Rice Products Rice Bran* is the cuticle of the rice grain. with only such a quantity of hulls as is unavoidable in the regular milling of rice. Standard: It must contain not less than ll per cent. of crude protein and 10 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than l5 per cent. of crude fiber. Rice Polish is the finely powdered material obtained in polishing the kernel. Standard: It must contain not less than 1] per cent. of crude protein and 6 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 4 per cent. of crude fiber. Rice Hulls are the outer chaffy coverings of the rice grain. 12 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Sorghum Productsi‘ Sorghum Chops consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent. of crude protein and 2.5 per cent. 0f crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent. of crude fiber. Sorghum Head Chops consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent. of crude protein and 2.5 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 8 per cent. of cr_ude fiber. Sorghum Head Stems consists of the head of sorghum from which the grain has been removed. Sugar Beet Product* Dried Sugar Beet Pulp is the dried residue obtained in the manufacture of beet sugar, after extraction of the larger percentage of the sugar from the beet. Wheat Products Wheat Bran is the coarse outer coating of the wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and scoured Wheat in the usual process of commercial milling. Standard: It must contain not less than 14.50 per cent. of crude protein and J per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 10 per cent. of crude fiber. Wheat Bran and. Wheat Screenings is the coarse outer coating of the Wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial milling plus the various impurities separated from the wheat during the cleaning process, and known collectively as Wheat Screenings. Standard: It must contain not less than 14.50 per cent. of crude protein and 3 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 10 per cent. of crude fiber. This product must contain not more than 8 per cent. of screenings. Wheat Bran and Wheat Scourings is the coarse outer coating of the wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial milling plus such portions of the cuticle, hair, dust, smut and other materials as are separated from the grain in the usual process of scouring. Standard: It must contain not less than 14.50 per cent. of crude protein and .3 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 10 per cent. of crude fiber. Wheat Gray Shorts consist of the fine particles of the outer bran, the inner or “bee-Wing” bran, germ and the offal or fibrous material obtained in the last reduction of middlings. It is composed of all the shorts or middlings, both the Brown Shorts and the White Shorts and corresponds to the Flour Middlings of the Northwest. Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent. of crude protein and 3.50 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 5.50 per cent. of crude fiber. Wheat Brown Shorts consist mostly of fine particles of bran and germ and contains much less fibrous offal obtained from the “tail of the mill” than does the Wheat Gray Shorts. This corresponds to the Standard Wheat Middlings produced by the Northwestern mills. Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent. of crude protein and 3.50 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 6.50 per cent. of crude fiber. Wheat White Shorts consist of a smaller portion of the fine bran particles and germ and a much greater portion of the fibrousofial from the “tail of the mill” than does Wheat Gray Shorts and corresponds to the Red Dog flour of the Northwest. Standard: It must contain not less than 14.50 per cent. of crude protein and 3 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 3.50 per cent. of crude fiber. Wheat Mixed Feed consists of Wheat Bran and Wheat Gray Shorts com- bined in the proportions obtained i11 the usual process of commercial milling. Feed sold as Wheat Mixed Feed must consist of bran plus Wheat Gray Shorts, or the total feed. It does not consist of bran plus Wheat Brown Shorts, only. Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent. of crude protein and 3.50 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 8.50 per cent. of crude fiber. COMMERCIAL FEEDING SrUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 13 If to any of the above brands of feed there is added any “Screenings” 0r “Scourings,” as hereinafter defined, either ground or unground, bolted or un- bolted, such brands shall be so registered, labeled and sold, as clearly to indi- cate this fact. The word “Screenings” or “Scourings,” as the case may be; shall appear as part of the name of the brand and shall be printed in type of the same size and face as the remainder of the name. Example: “WHEAT BEAN AND SCOURINGS”; not “WHEAT BRAN and scourings.” Wheat Mixed Feed and Wheat Screenings shall consist of the wheat bran and Wheat gray shorts to which have been added the various impurities separated from Wheat during the cleaning process and known collectively as Wheat Screenings. The name of each ingredient-—wheat bran, wheat gray shorts and Wheat screenings——and the maximum per cent. of screenings, which 1s 8 per cent., shall appear upon the tag. Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent. of crude protein and 3.50 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 8.50 per cent. of crude fiber. Similar definitions shall apply to mixtures of Wheat Gray Shorts and Wheat Screenings, Wheat Brown Shorts and Wheat Screenings, or Wheat White Shorts and Wheat Screenings, as the case may be, and each must comply with the guarantee required for the pure product. Mixtures of wheat products containing wheat scourings are defined similarly to those in which wheat screenings are used, and each must comply with the guarantee which is required for the pure product. Wheat Screenings consist of the smaller, imperfect grains, weed seeds, and other foreign materials having a feeding value, separated in cleaning the wheat. (Sand, dirt and other substances without feeding value must be eliminated from screenings before they are added to any feed.) Recleaned Wheat Screenings shall consist of the smaller imperfect grains of wheat after all weed seeds and other foreign materials have been removed. Wheat Scourings consist of such portions of the cuticle, hair, dust, smut and other materials as are separated from the grain in the usual process of scouring. Wheat Chops is the entire berry of sound Wheat, chopped. Standard: It must containinot less than 12 per cent. of crude protein and 2 per cent. of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent. of crude fiber. Miscellaneous Products Meal is the clean, sound, ground product of the entire grain, cereal or seed which it purports to represent. Screenings are the smaller, imperfect grains, weed seeds and. other foreign materials having feeding value, separated in cleaning the grain. Yeast or Vinegar Dried Grains are the properly dried residue from the mixture of cereals, malt and malt sprouts (sometimes cottonseed meal) obtained in the manufacture of yeast or vinegar, and consist of corn or corn and rye from which most of the starch has been extracted, together with malt added during the manufacturing process to change the starch to sugars, and malt sprouts (sometimes cottonseed meal) added during the manufacturing process to aid in filtering the residue from the wort and serve as a source of food supply for the yeast. Palm Kernel Oil Meal is the ground residue from the extraction of part of the oil by pressure or solvents from the kernel of the fruit of Elaeis guineensis or Elaeis malanococca. Ivory Nut Meal is ground ivory nuts. Cocoanut Mea1* is the ground product obtained after the extraction of part of the oil from the dried fleshy portion of the cocoanut (Cocos nucifera), termed “copra.” 14 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Ground Velvet Beans with Pods* are the velvet beans and pods, dried and ground. Velvet Bean Meal* is the velvet beans without the pods, dried and. ground. Barley Mixed Feed* consists of barley bran and shorts combined in the proportions obtained in the usual process of commercial milling for the manu- facture of barley flour. If in the above feed there are contained any barley hulls, or screenings, either ground or unground, bolted or unbolted, such feed shall be so registered, labeled and sold, as to clearly indicate this fact. The word “Screenings” or “Hulls” shall appear as part of the name of the brand and shall be printed in type of the same size and face as the remainder of the brand name. RULINGS UNDER THE LAW In, efiect on and. after October 1, 1,919 The law provides that the Director of the Experiment Station shall be em- powered to prescribe and enforce such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to carry into effect the full intent and meaning of the act. In ac- cordance with this provision the following rulings have been promulgated: 1. Alfalfa Meal.—Mixed feed containing alfalfa meal as one of the in- gredients may be registered only in such a manner as to show the percentage of alfalfa meal present. This percentage must also appear upon the Texas tax tag. 2. Chopped Alfalfa.-——Mixed feed containing chopped alfalfa as one of its ingredients may be registered only in such a manner as to show the percentage of each ingredient present. These percentages must also appear upon the Texas tax tag. 3. MiXtures.—Mixtures of Wheat bran and corn bran must be registered as Wheat Bran and Corn Bran, or under some other name not misleading as» to the materials used in their manufacture, and the ingredients given as wheat bran and corn bran. 4. Feeds Containing iScreenings.—Feeds containing Screenings cannot be registered as Wheat Bran, Wheat Shorts, Bran, Shorts, etc., but must be regis- istered as Wheat Bran and Screenings, or under some other name not indicating distinct by-products of wheat, and the ingredients given as wheat bran and wheat screenings, clover screenings or under some other names indicating What the materials are. In all feeds containing screenings the source and condition of the screenings, i. e., whole. crushed or ground Wheat screenings, oat screen- ings, corn screenings, etc., will be required. The general term “grain screen- ings” will. not be accepted. The word “Screenings” shall appear as part of the brand name and shall be printed in type of the same size and face as the re- mainder of the name. The amount of screenings permissible in feed is limited to 8 per cent. and the quantity present must be stated on the registration form and tax tag. 5. Screenings.——-Screenings, if sold as such without grinding, need not be registered. If ground, they must be registered and labeled. 6. Mill Run Bran.—This term has hitherto been generally used to desig- nate a mixture of wheat bran and wheat shorts. Such mixtures will now be accepted for registration only under the name of Wheat Mixed Feed, or some other name not indicating a single by-product of the wheat grain. The in- gredients should be given as wheat bran and wheat gray shorts. 7. Feed Meal.—This material must be registered and tagged when sold, offered or exposed for sale in Texas. When used as an ingredient of a com- pound feed it must be given in the list of ingredients. WVhen used in conjunc- tion with the siftings from any cereal the name of the cereal must prefix the term “feed meal.” COMMERCIAL FEEDING Srnrrs Bncrsrnnnn IN TEXAS. 15 S. Corn Cockle.——Corn Cockle will be considered an adulterant if present in appreciable amounts in a feed offered or exposed for sale or sold in this State. 9. Oat Feed.——This term will not be accepted when used to indicate any material other than whole or ground oats. Mixtures of oat shorts, oat mid- dlings, and oat hulls will not be accepted under the term and the name of each separate ingredient will be required. Mixtures containing oat hulls will be considered adulterated unless the percentage of each ingredient present is stated on the registration form and tax tag. l0. Seeds, Field Seeds, Miscellaneous Seeds.——-These terms will not be ac- cepted in the list of ingredients to cover a mixture of seeds. \Vhen seeds are used the common name of each variety of seed must be given on the registra- tion form. If the seeds are separated from screenings the source of the screen- ings will be required, i. e., Field seeds from Wheat screenings, clover screen- ings, etc. 11. Grit.—This term used as an ingredient of a feeding stuff will be con- sidered to mean the rough, hard particles of limestone. quartz, mica, gravel, etc., used in poultry foods. It should be preceded on the registration form by the name of the material used, i. e., limestone grit, quartz grit, mica grit, etc. 12. Inert Materia1s.——It is permissible to use grit, oyster shells, charcoal, and similar materials in compounding poultry feeds, provided not more than two (2) per cent. of such inert material is used. , The words “charcoal,” “grit,” etc., must constitute a. part of the brand name of all feeds containing these ingredients and must be printed in type of the same style and face as the rest of the name: e. g., EXCELSIOR POULTRY FEED WITH GRIT AND CHARCOAL. The percentages of all ingredients of feeds containing grit, oyster shells and similar substances must be shown on the official tag. When charcoal alone is present, the percentage of charcoal only is to be given except when the feed contains some material classed as an adulterant. 13. Corn Chops and Corn Bram-lkiixtures of corn chops and corn bran must be registered and tagged so as to show the percentage of added corn bran present. l4. Brand Names.—The registration by a manufacturer of two or more feeds under the same brand name will not be accepted. 15. Redemption of Tax tTags.—-When tags are printed in error by the manufacturer, or if for any reason they are not in correct form, they will be redeemed by the Division at their full value lessthe original cost of the tags. 16. Transfer of Tags.—Since under the law tags are good until used, a person or firm succeeding a firm which has registered feeding stuffs for sale may use any tags secured in the transfer, provided said tags are blank on the reverse side and proper registration is made by the successor, who must subse- »quently have the tags printed for his own use. In the event that the transfer involves the purchase of printed tags, such tags cannot be used by the successor but may be redeemed as under Ruling 15. 17. Clubs, Associations, Etc.—When a number of consumers form a club or association and purchase feeding stuffs either from within or without the State, such feeds must be registered and tagged when delivery is made to the individual members of the club or association. The person or persons ordering such feed or to whom it is consigned will he held responsible for the failure of any such shipments to meet all the requirements of the Teras feed law. 18. Changing Guarantees.—Guarantees either as regards composition or ingredients can only be changed by the submission of “Registration Adjustment Clause” properly executed. Under no circumstances should the guarantee be changed without first obtaining authority from this Division. 16 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 19. Reregistration.—Manufacturers, importers and all persons who have registered feeding stuffs for sale in Texas are requested to note that a regis- tration of a feed is permanent and reregistration during the fiscal year Without a change in brand name will not be permitted unless reasons satisfactory to this Division are given for such reregistration. The substitution of inferior materials in a registered feed will not be considered as justifying reregistration Without a change in name. 20. Use of Rubber iStampr-Attention is called to the fact that all infor- mation on the tax tag must be printed. The use of a rubber stamp for this purpose ioill not be permitted. 21. Samples Equal to Guarantee.—lnspection samples found to comply in every respect with the guarantee will be reported to the manufacturer, dis- tributor, agent, and dealer from whom the sample is obtained as soon as the analysis of the sample is completed. 22. Samples Not Meeting Guarantee-In the case of appreciably deficient or adulterated samples the manufacturer is given ten days’ advance notice in which t0 file objections. A portion of the official sample is furnished if re- quested. As soon as the deficiency or adulteration is detected, the agent or person offering the feed for sale is notified and advised to remove it from sale. Those failing to accept this advice will be reported for violation of the law. 23., Relabeling Shipments.~--—Permission will be granted for the relabeling of deficient shipments only in special cases Where reasons satisfactory to this office for the deficiency and relabeling are presented. Dealers will be advised to return to the manufacturer all shipments which are adulterated. 24. Deficiency in More Than One Constituent-Inspection samples show- ing deficiency in more than one constituent, even though the deficiency may not be large, may be reported as sold in violation of the law and the dealers may be advised to Withdraw such shipments from sale. ' 25. Discarding or Substituting Samples.—All requests for discarding or substituting samples will be refused unless an error on the part- of this Division can be shown. 26. Prosecutions.——Original shippers will be prosecuted, rather than local dealers, where it is possible to do so either under the State law or through co- operation With the United States Department of Agriculture under the Federal Food and Drugs Act. Local dealers, however, are directly responsible under the law for the feed they offer for sale, and will be held accountable for failure of such feed to meet the requirements of the law, especially for selling a feed when notified to withdraw it from sale. 27. Cottonseed Feed Mea1.—Mixtures of cottonseed meal and cottonseed hulls will not be registered under the name of Cottonseed Feed Meal. Mixtures of this nature will be accepted for registration under the name of Cottonseed Feed, in accordance with definitions and standards adopted for this product. The maximum percentages of cottonseed hulls permissible in the various grades of cottonseed feed must be stated on the registrati ~n form and tax tags. 28. Cottonseed Hull Bran.—This material is not a “bran” and this term cannot be accepted to mean delinted cottonseed hulls. 29. Duplicating Samples from the Same Shipment.—Requests for dupli- cation of samples from the same shipment will receive consideration only when accompanied by satisfactory evidence of irregularity in the drawing of the sample to which objection is made. 30. Statement of Ingredients.—The attention of those desiring to register feeds for sale in the State is especially directed to the requirement of the law regarding the declaration of ingredients. Every substance used in compound- ing feed must be given in the list of ingredients without regard to the pur- pose for which it may be used. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 17' 31. Ingredients from Screenings-Manufacturers must not certify that cereals are used in certain feeds when as a matter of fact they were not added separately but incidentally as a part of the grain screenings. In such cases the cereals present should be included under the terms whole, ground, 0r crushed screenings from wheat, barley, oats, etc., as the case may be. 32. Net Weight.-—Some manufacturers are in error as to the weight re- quirement of the tax tag, taking it to be the gross and not the net weight required by law. The contents of the package must equal the amount certified on the tag and this net ureight must always be printed on the reverse side of the tag. 33. Fees-The law requires that the agent or person registering feeds shall, before the articles are offered for sale, pay an inspection tax of ten cents per ton for each ton sold or offered for sale in the State. Fees should accompany tag orders and be sent in the form of money order, certified check or bank exchange. Personal checks will not be accepted. In case it is not convenient to remit as suggested above, tags may be sent C. O. D. 34. Private Tags.—Shipmcnts have been found bearing not only the official Texas tax tags but also private firm tags containing statements in conflict with those on the oflicial tag. The Texas tax tag, which should be attached to each package of feed, and those which accompany bulk shipments, contain all the information required by law, and private tags should be omitted from ship- ments into this State. Shipments having private tags containing statements not in accord with official tags will be considered misbranded and dealers ad- vised to remove them from sale. 35. Rebates.—The Texas feed law makes no provision for the payment of rebates to cover deficiencies and. although this practice often shows the good intentions of the manufacturer, the payment of such rebates will have no bear- ing on any subsequent action which may be taken in cases of violation of the law. The law does not contemplate that the purchaser of a feeding stufl’ should be required to have an analysis made in order to secure protection. When rebates are paid, dealers will be required t0 prorate them to the pur- chasers so that the consumers may receive their benefit. The payment 0]‘ rebates ‘never fully remunerates the consumer for being furnished feed which is deficient in valuable nutrients, and manufacturers are advised to be cer- tain in advance that shipments are up t0 the guaranter? in every respect. 36. Federal Inspection.—Interstate shipments of feed will be sampled un- der the Federal Food and Drugs Act, in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture. 37. Cold Pressed Cottonseed.—This product resulting from subjecting the Lindecorticated cottonseed. to pressure for the extraction of the oil will not be accepted for registration under the names of Cold Pressed Cottonseed Cake and Cold Pressed Cottonseed Meal but when unground will be registered as Cracked Cold Pressed Cottonseed and when grciend, as Ground Cold Pressed Cottonseed. 38. Peat.—The proper designation in the list of ingredients is cha/rred peat and the word “peat” must constitute a part of the brand name of all feeds containing this ingredient, and must be printed in tvpe of the same style and face as the rest of the name: e. g., PRIMO MOLASSES FEED WITH PEAT. The percentages of all ingredients of feeds containing charred peat must be stated on the registration form and printed on the official tax tags. The mace- imum amount of charred peat permissible in feeds shall not exceed 5 per cent. 39. Printing‘ on Packages.—Statements on packages must agree with those on the official tax tags attached thereto. Under the provisions of the law “a feeding stuff shall be deemed to be adulterated if it * * * is in any respect not what it is represented to be.” TENTATIVE GUARANTEES FOR FEEDS The following table shows tentative guarantees for the convenience of manu- facturers in registering feeding stuffs for sale in Texas. It is to be under- 18 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. stood, however, that manufacturers are responsible for their guarantees and that this Division accepts no responsibility for feeds failing to meet the guarantees. Table 1.—Tentative Guarantees Crude h Nitrogen- Crude Protein Crude Fat free Extract Fiber not Name of Feedstuff not less than not less than not less than more than per cent per cent. per cent. per cent. Alfalfa, Chopped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 1.00 36.00 33 O0 Alfalfa Meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 1.00 36.00 30 00 Barley Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 1.50 65.00 6 00 Barley Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .00 1 .00 75.00 1 00 Beet Pulp, Dried . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 .50 55.00 20 00 Blood, Dried . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.00 1 .00 3.00 2 00 Brewers’ Dried Grains . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 6.00 40.00 18 0O Corn Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 5.00 60.00 13 00 Corn Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 3.50 70.00 3 00 Corn Cobs, Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 .50 50.00 34 00 Corn Feed Meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 3 .00 67.00 00 Cottonseed Chops. . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 17.00 25.00 20 00 Cottonseed Cake, Choice . . . . . . . . . . . 48 .00 7 . 00 23.00 9 00 Cottonseed Meal, Choice . . . . . . . . . . . 48 .00 7.00 23 .00 9 00 Cottonseed Cake, Prime . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 6.00 24.00 10 00 Cottonseed Meal, Prime . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 6.00 24.00 10 00 Cottonseed Cake, Ordinary . . . . . . . . . 43 .00 6.00 25 .00 12 00 Cottonseed Meal, Ordinary . . . . . . . . . 43.00 6.00 25.00 12 00 Cottonseed Feed No. 4, Cracked. . . . 41.20 5.00 26.00 14 00 Cottonseed Feed No. 4, Ground. . . . . 41.20 5.0() 26.00 14 00 Cottonseed Feed No. 5, Cracked. . . . 38.50 5.00 27.00 18 00 Cottonseed Feed No. 5, Ground. . . . . 38.50 5.00 27 .00 18 00 Cottonseed Feed No. 6, Cracked. . . . 36.00 5.00 28.00 22 00 Cottonseed Feed No. 6, Ground: . . . . 36.00 5 .00 28 00 22 00 Cottonseed, Cold Pressed, Choice, racked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._..... 28.00 7.00 29 O0 23 0O Cottonseed, Cold Pressed, Choice, ‘roun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.00 7.00 29 00 23 O0 Cottonseed, Cold Pressed, Prime, Cracked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 7.00 29.00 25 00 Cottonseed, Cold Pressed, Prime, Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 7.00 29.00 25.00 Cottonseed Hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 .50 30.00 50.00 Ear Corn Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 3.00 64.00 8.00 Ear Corn Chops with Husk . . . . . . . . . 7.75 2.75 62.00 10.00 Feterita Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 2.75 69.00 3 .00 Feterita Head Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 2.50 64.00 8.00 Hominy Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 6.00 60.00 7 .00 Kafir Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 2.50 69.50 3.50 Kafir Head Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 2.50 65.00 8.00 Linseed Meal, New Process . . . . . . . . . 33.00 3.00 38.00 10.00 Linseed Meal, Old Process . . . . . . . . . . 32 00 6.00 35.00 9.00 Millet Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 4.00 57.00 10.00 Milo Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,00 2.50 70.00 3.50 Milo Head Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 2.50 65.00 8.00 Molasses, Beet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 . . . . . . . . . . , _ 59.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . Molasses, Blackstrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40 . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 65.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . Oat Hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 1 .00 51.00 30 00 Oats, Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 4.00 58.00 12 00 Peanut Cake, Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 7 .00 23 .00 00 Peanut Meal, Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 7.00 23.00 9 00 Peanut Cake, Prime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 _OO 6,00 23 _OO 14 00 Peanut Meal, Prime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 .00 6.00 23 .00 14 O0 Peanut Cake, Ordinary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.00 6.00 23.00 17 00 Peanut Meal, Ordinary . . . . . . . , . . . . 43.00 6.00 23.00 17 0O Peanuts, Whole Pressed, Choice, Cracked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,.... 36.00 7.00 20.00 22 00 Peanuts, Whole Pressed, Choice, Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36.00 7.00 20 00 22 00 Peanuts, Whole Pressed, Prime, Cracke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.00 7.00 20.00 24 O0 Peanuts, Whole Pressed, Prime, ' Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.00 7.00 20.00 24 0O Rice Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.00 10.00 42.00 15 00 Rice Hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 .50 37.00 36 00 Rice Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 6.00 55.00 4 00 Rice, Rough, Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 1.75 63.00 10 00 Rye Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _10.00 1.50 72.00 2 00 Sorghum Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 2.50 69.00 3 00 - Sorghum Head Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 2 . 50 65.00 8 00 Sunflower Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00 21 00 21.00 30 00 Velvet Bean Meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.00 4 50 51 .00 00 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUrFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 19 Table l.-—Tentative Guarantees—Continued. Crude . Nitrogen- Crude _ Protein Crude Fat free Extract Fiber not Name 0f Feedstuff not less than not less than not less than more than per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. Velvet Beans with Pods, Ground. . . . 17.00 3.50 48.00 17.00 Wheat Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . 5O 3.00 53 .00 10.00 Wheat Chops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 2.00 70.00 3.00 Wheat Mixed Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 3.50 55.00 8.50 Wheat Shorts, Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 3.50 55.00 6.50 Wheat Shorts, Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 3.50 57.00 5.50 Wheat Shorts. White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.50 3.00 60.00 3.50 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INIANUFACTLIRJERS WHO HAVE REGISTERED FEEDS FOR SALE IN TEXAS, OCTOBER 1, 1919 I The following is an alphabetical list of all firms who have feeds registered with the Division 0f Feed Control Service, October 1, 1919. By noting the ad- dress of any given firm, then referring to Table 2, the list of feeds registered by any firm doing business in Texas may be found. Aaron, T. M., Quail, Texas. Abbott, E. C., Caldwell, Texas. Abernathy Corn Mill, Abernathy, Texas. Abernathy, E. M., Lexington, Oklahoma. Abilene Flour Mills Company, Abilene, Kansas. Accidental Oil Mills, Bartlett, Texas. Accidental Oil Mills, Belton, Texas. Accidental Oil Mills, Granger, Texas. Acme Mill, Houston, Texas. Acme Milling Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Acme Roller Mills, Leonard, Texas. Ada Milling Company, Ada, Oklahoma. Ahrenbeck Mill & Manufacturing Company, Navasota, Texas. Ainsa and Sons, M., Inc., El Paso, ’I‘exas. - Alabama Black Belt Company, Montgomery, Alabama. Alabama Velvet Bean Mills, Georgiana, Alabama. Alamo Cotton Oil Company, San Antonio, Texas. Alamo Lumber Company, Uvalde, Texas. Alexandria Cotton Oil Company, Alexandria, Louisiana. Alfocorn Milling Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Alice Cotton Oil Company, Alice, Texas. Allen, G. M., Hermleigh, Texas. ale Allen, J. B., Glen Cove, Texas. Alliance Milling Company, Denton, Texas. Alto Cotton Oil Company, Alto, Texas. Altringer Mill, H., Stratford, Texas. Altus Cotton Oil Mill, Altus, Oklahoma. Alva Roller Mills, Alva, Oklahoma. Alvarado Cotton Oil Mill, Alvarado, Texas. Amarillo Commercial Company, Amarillo, Texas. American Beet Sugar Company, Chino, California. American Brewing Association, Houston, Texas. American Linseed Company. Chicago, Illinois. American Milling Company, Peoria, Illinois. American Rice MillingjCompany, Crowley, Louisiana. American Seed Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Amsler’s Estate, C., Hempstead, Texas. Anadarko Milling Company, Anadarko, Oklahoma. Anaheim Sugar Company, Anaheim, California. Anchor Mills. Waco, Texas. Anderson 8t Company, O. T., Olney, Texas. Andreas & Peters, El Paso, Texas. 20 Texas AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Andrews & Sons, W. A., Necessity, Texas. Andrews, W. A., Eliasville, Texas. Anthony Milling Company, Anthony, New Mexico. Apache Cotton Oil & Manufacturing Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. Apache Milling Company, Apache, Oklahoma. Arapaho Mill 81. Elevator Company, Arapaho, Oklahoma. Ardmore Milling Company, Ardmore, Oklahoma. Arendell Brothers, Stephenville, Texas. Arkadelphia Milling Company, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Arkansas City Milling Company, Arkansas City, Kansas. Arkansas Milling Company, Denton, Texas. Armengol, J ., Laredo, Texas. Armour Fertilizer Works, Fort Worth, Texas. Arnold, H. G., Silverton, Texas. Artesia Alfalfa Milling Company, Artesia, New Mexico. Ashby & Sons, Leavenworth, Kansas. Ash Grove Milling Company, Ash Grove, Missouri. Athens Cotton Oil Company, Athens, Texas. Atlantic Rice Mills Company, Beaumont, Texas. Atlas Cereal Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Atlas Oats Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Attica Mills, Attica, Kansas. Aunt Jemima Mills Company. Saint Joseph, Missouri. Aunt Patsy Poultry Feed Company, Memphis, Tennessee. Aurora Milling Company, Aurora, Missouri. Austin Mill & Grain Company, Brownwood, Texas. Austin Oil Manufacturing Company, Austin, Texas. Austwell Oil Mill, Austwell, Texas. Ayers Mercantile Company, F. C., Denver, Colorado. Baker Brothers, Prosper, Texas. Baker, Charles, Yoakum, Texas. Baker Cotton Oil Company, Altus, Oklahoma. Baker, H. C., Edna, Texas. Baker, J. W., Conroe, Texas. Baker Milling Company, Claude, Texas. Ballard Milling Company, E. F., Lancaster, Texas. yBall & Gunning Milling Company. Webb City, Missouri. Ballinger Cotton Oil Company, Ballinger, Texas. Balzer Brothers, Sagerton, Texas. Bardwell Oil Mill, Bardwell, Texas. Barker & Company, W. A., Gainesville, Texas. Barnhart Mercantile Company, Denison, Texas. Barry Milling Company, Barry, Texas. Barteldes Seed Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Barton County Flour Mills, Great Bend, Kansas. Bason, G. J., Frost, Texas. Bastrop Milling Company, Bastrop, Texas. Bates, James A., Leonard, Texas. Bay City Rice Milling Company, Bay City, Texas. Beasley, D. C., Arthur City, Texas. Beatrice Milling Company, Whitewright, Texas. Beaumont Rice Mills, Beaumont. Texas. Becker Company, John, Belen, New Mexico. Becker & Company, Brenham, Texas. Beeville Cottonseed Oil Mills Company, Beeville, Texas. Bell Grain Company, Crowell, Texas. Bellevue Roller Mills, Bellevue, Texas. Bells Mill & Grain Company, Bells, Texas. Bellville Cotton Oil Company, Bellville, Texas. Bellville Mercantile Company, Bellville, Texas. Belton Mill & Grain Company, Belton, Texas. Ben Franklin Milling Company, Ben Franklin, Texas. Bernheimer Flour Mills, Marcus. Clinton, Missouri. Berry, D. C., Saint Jo, Texas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTEREDTN TEXAS. 21 Berryman & Watters, Alto, Texas. Bertram Light & Power Company, Bertram, Texas. Best-Clymer Manufacturing Company, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Bewley Mills, Fort Worth, Texas. Bias Fuel Company, R. B., El Paso, Texas. Bible, Cecil, Bible, Texas. Bigham, H. V., Roaring Springs, Texas. Binding-Stevens Grain Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bishop Manufacturing Company, Bishop, Texas. Black Brothers, Beatrice, Nebraska. Black & Braly, Leonard, Texas. Blackwell Grain Company, Blackwell, Oklahoma. Blackwell Mill & Elevator Company, Blackwell, Oklahoma. Blair Milling Company, Atchison, Kansas. Blanco Roller Mills & Gin Company, Blanco, Texas. Blatchford Calf Meal Factory, Waukegan, Illinois. Bleich, M. N., Galveston, Texas. Blessing Warehouse 8a Elevator Company, Blessing, Texas. Blooming Grove Cotton Oil Company, Blooming Grove, Texas. Blossom Oil & Cotton Company, Blossom, Texas. Blount, D. E., Pittsburg, Texas. Blue Jacket Grain Company, Blue Jacket, Oklahoma. Blue Star Elevator Company, San Antonio, Texas. Blum Roller Mills Company, Blum, Texas. Bobbitt Mill & Grain Company, Madill, Oklahoma. Bogatto, A. L., Lamarque, Texas. Booth, F. I., Booth, Texas. Boothe &. Furguson, Floydada, Texas. Bovina Mercantile Company, Bovina, Texas. Bower, Louis, Graham, Texas. Bowers & Vinson, Tahoka, Texas. Bowie Cotton Oil & Gin Company, Bowie, Texas. Bowie County Cotton Oil Company, New Boston, Texas. Boyce, M. C., Utopia, Texas. Boyd Grain & Commission Company, J. W., Joplin, Missouri. Boyd-Gunning Milling Company, Webb City, Missouri. Boyd & Brigmore, Sarcoxie, Missouri. Bradbury, R., Beaumont, Texas. Bradfish, H. J ., Weatherford, Texas. Brady Oil Company, Brady, Texas. Bramblett, T. L., Alvarado, Texas. . Branch & Company. T. O., Little Rock, Arkansas. Brand-Dunwoody Milling Company, Joplin, Missouri. Brazoria Grain Company, Brazoria, Texas. Brazos Valley Cotton Oil Company, Waco, Texas. Breckenridge Milling 8t Gin Company. Breckenridge, Texas. Brenham Compress, Oil & Manufacturing Company, Brenham, Texas. Brennand, W. H., Seminole, Texas. Brent Brothers, Dodd City, Texas. l Brewer, E. A., Denton. Texas. Bridges, H. S., Roby, Texas. Brigance & Teavis, Navasota, Texas. Brock, J. W., Grapevine, Texas. Brode & Company, F. WV” Dallas, Texas. Brooks Grain Company, Wellington, Texas. Brooks & Woodrufl‘. Southmayd, Texas. Brookston Milling Company, Brookston, Texas. Brown Cash Grocery, Vernon, Texas. Brown, F. A., Elstone, Texas. Brown,iJ. B., Channing, Texas. Brown & Dishman, Bellevue, Texas. Brownwood, Cotton Oil Mill, Brownwood, Texas. Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company, Bryan, Texas. Bryant, J. E., Saint Jo, Texas. 22 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Buchel Milling Company, Cuero, Texas. Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, Memphis, Tennessee. Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, Selma, Alabama. Buda Milling Company, Buda, Texas. Buden-Vilm Milling Company, Winfield, Kansas. Buhler Mill & Elevator Company, Buhler, Kansas. Bulte Mills, Kansas City, Missouri. Bumgardner, WV. T., Brady, Texas. Bunch Commission Company, T. H., Little Rock, Arkansas. Bunts, A. J., Munday, Texas. Burke, C. W, Plainview, Texas. Burleson & Baker, Eagle Pass, Texas. Burleson Mill & Elevator Company, Burleson,‘Texas. Burnet Roller Mills, Burnet, Texas. Burrus Mill & Elevator Company, Fort YVorth, Texas. Burson, J. R., Silverton, Texas. Burson & King, Georgetown, Texas. Burton Cotton Oil Company, Burton, Texas. Bussey, C. H., Hutehins, Texas. Byers Cotton Oil Company, Byers, Texas. Caddo Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. Caddo Milling Company, Caddo, Oklahoma. Cage & Company, D. S., Houston, Texas. Cairo Milling Company, Cairo, Illinois. Caldwell Milling Company, Caldwell, Kansas. Caldwell Oil Mill Company, Caldwell, Texas. Cameron Cotton Oil Company, Cameron, Texas. Campbell, H. L., Paris, Texas. Canadian Mill & Elevator Company, El Reno, Oklahoma. Canton Milling Company, Canton, Kansas. Canutillo Roller Mill Company, Canutillo, Texas. Cape County Milling Company, Jackson, Missouri. Capital City Mills, Austin, Texas. Carmichael, W. D., Nocona, Texas. Carmine Cotton ‘Oil é‘: Manufacturing Company, Carmine, Texas. Carmoda, Nicola, Hearne, Texas. Carney Milling Company, Carney, Texas. Carothers, A. B., Rochester, Texas. Carpenter & Gressctt, Ferris, Texas. Carrollton Mill & Electric Company, Carrollton, Texas. Carson, A. lVL, Willis, Texas.- ' Carter Grain Company, Bay City, Texas. Carter, J. M., San Saba, Texas. Carthage Cotton Oil Company, Carthage, Texas. Cason, L. C., Cleburne, Texas. Caudle, M. C., Dorchester, Texas. Cawyer Mercantile Company, John B., Mercury, Texas. C. C. Milling Company, Waxahachie, Texas. Cedar Hill Milling Company, Cedar Hill, Texas. Celina Corn Mill, Celina, Texas. Center Cotton Oil Company, Center, Texas. Center Point Roller Mills, Center Point, Texas. Chalfant Grain Company, Clinton, Oklahoma. Chamberlain Company, F. B.. Saint Louis, Missouri. Chandler, J. M, Sutherland Springs, Texas. Chandler & Morris. Graham, Texas. Channing Mercantile 8; Banking Company, Channing, Texas. Chapin & Company, Hammond, Indiana. Chapman Milling Company, Sherman, Texas. Charleston Milling Company, Charleston. Missouri. Checotah Mill and Elevator Company, Checotah, Oklahoma. Chickasha Cotton Oil Companv, Chickasha, Oklahoma. Chickasha Milling Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. COMMERCIAL FEEn1xe~ Srorrs REeisrEnEo 1N TEXAS. 23 Childress Grain Company, Temple, Texas. Chillicothe Cotton Oil COIIlpany,.Cl1llllCOl3li€, Texas. Chinski, A. A., Houston, Texas. Christine Gin & Milling Company, Christine, Texas. Churchill, WV, Wloodsboro, Texas. Cia. Harinera. del Norte, S. C. L., Eagle Pass, Texas. Cia. Industrial Jabonera De La Iiaguna, S. A. Gomez, Palacio Dgo, Mexico. Cisco Oil Mill, Cisco, Texas. Citizens Cotton Oil Company, Cumby, Texas. Citizens Cotton Oil Company, Lancaster, 'l.‘exas. . Citizens Cotton Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. Citizens Mill 8t Brokerage Company. Seguin, Texas. City Feed Store, Kingsville, Texas. City Mill, Ennis, Texas. City Mill & Elevator Company, Emporia, Kansas. City Mill & Light Company, Royse City, Texas. Claflin Mill & Elevator Company, Claflin, Kansas. Clarendon Grain Company, Clarendon, Texas. Clark, John H., Clarendon, Texas. Clark-Lynn Grain Company, Texarkana, Tex-Ark. Clarksville Cotton Oil Company, Clarksville, Texas. Clay County Cotton Oil Company, Henrietta, Texas, Clay & “lard Grain Company, Stephenville, Texas. Cleburne Oil Mill Company, Cleburne, Texas. Cleburne Peanut & Products Company, Clebilrne, Texas. Clement Grain Company, Waco, Texas. Clever Milling Company, Clever, Missouri. Clifton Mill & Elevator Company, Clifton, Texas. Clinton Alfalfa Mill, Clinton, Oklahoma. Clinton Sugar Refining Company, Clinton, Iowa. Clover Leaf lVlilling Company, Wellington, Missouri. Cobb Grain Company, Kress, Texas. Cobb Grain Company, Plainvieyv, Texas. Cobb, L. G-., Citrus Grove, Texas. Cochran, H. K., Little Rock, Arkansas. Coflield Milling Company, Bowie, Texas. Cokes, H. P., Crisp, '.l.‘exas. Cole Milling Company, H. C., Chester, Illinois. Coleman Cotton Oil Mill, Coleman, Texas. l Coleman Grain & Mercantile Company, Coleman, Texas. Collin County Grain Company, McKinney, Texas. Collin County Mill & Elevator Company, McKinney, Texas. Collin & Morten, \Veir, Texas. Comanche Cotton Oil Company, Comanche, Texas. Comanche Grain 8t Elevator Company, Comanche, Oklahoma Comanche Milling Company, Comanche, Texas. Combs, Aileridian, Texas. Comfort Roller Mills, Comfort, Texas. Commerce Oil Wills, Commerce. Texas. Community Milling Company, El Paso, Texas. Concordia Mill 8r Elevator Company. Concordia, Missouri. Conkev Company, G. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Consolidated Flour Mills Company, Hutchinson, Kansas. Continental Oil & Cotton Company, Abilene. Texas. Continental Oil & Cotton Company, Colorado, Texas. Cooper Cotton Oil Company, Cooper, Texas. Corno Mills, Saint Louis. Missouri. Corn Products Refining Company, New York, New York. Corpus Christi Cotton Oil Company, Corpus Christi, Texas. Corsicana Roller Mills, Corsieana, Texas. Cottonseed Cake & Meal Company of Texas, Dallas, Texas. Cottonseed Oil Company of Texas, Dallas, Texas. Couch, L., Killeen, Texas. Cowan Grain Company, J. C., Tulia, Texas. 24. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Cowgill & Hill Milling Company, Carthage, Missouri. Cox Milling Company, H. M., Killeen, Texas. Cozart, C. B., Higgins, Texas. Cozart, C. B., I/Voodward, Oklahoma. Cranfills Gap Roller Mills, Cranfills Gap, Texas. Cranston, Oliver, Houston, Texas. Crawford Roller Mill, Crawford, Texas. Crescent Flour Mills, Denver, Colorado. Crosby Roller Mills, Topeka, Kansas. Crouch Milling Company, Sfoakum, Texas. Crown Mills Company, Belleville, Illinois. Crystal Ice Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Crystal Palace Flouring Mills, Weaiherford, Texas. Cudahy Packing Company, Chicago, Illinois. Cuero Cotton Oil & Manufacturing Company, Cuero, Texas. Cunningham Commission Company, Little Rock, Arkansas. Custer Milling Company, Custer City, Oklahoma. Daingerfield Cotton Oil Company, Daingerfield, Texas. 'Dalhart Mill & Elevator Company, Dalhart, Texas. Dallas Brewery, Dallas, Texas. Dallas Corn Mills, Dallas, Texas. Dallas County Cotton Oil Company, Garland, Texas. Dallas Oil & Refining Company, Dallas, Texas. Dallas Peanut Feed Manufacturers, Dallas, Texas. Daly, Bob, Presidio, Texas. Dandee Feed & Milling Company, San Antonio, Texas. Darling & Company, Chicago, Illinois. Darragh Warehouse Company, Little Rock, Arkansas. Darsey &. Company, George E., Grapeland, Texas. Davidson Company, O. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Davidson Feed Store, Lubbock, Texas. Davidson Mill & Elevator Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Davidson Mill & Elevator Company, Muskogee, Oklahoma. Davis Elevator Company, J. H.. Knox City, Texas. Davis 8t Sons, H. M., Claude, Texas. Davison & Company, Galveston, Texas. Dawe & Son, Tom, Gonzales, Texas. Dawson Oil Mill, Dawson, Texas. Dazey-Moore Grain Company. Fort IVorth, Texas. DeKalb Milling Company, DeKalb, Texas. DeKalb Power & Light Company, DeKalb, Texas. DeLeon Peanut Company, DeLeon, Texas. DeLong & Sons, R. S, Newcastle, Texas. Delphos Milling Company, Delphos. Kansas. Denton Milling Company, Denton, Texas. Denton Oil & Gin Company. Denton, Texas. Denver Alfalfa‘ Milling & Products Company, Lamar, Colorado. Denver Elevator Company, Denver, Colorado. Depauw, J. M., Quail, Texas. Deport Oil Mill, Deport, Texas. Detroit Oil & Cotton Company, Detroit, Texas. Devereaux Company, W. P., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dew Brothers Company. Incorporated, Dewalt, Texas. Dial, W. P., Memphis, Texas. Dial, W. P., Shamrock, Texas. Diamond Mill Company, Sherman, Texas. Dieago, Migul, Del Rio, Texas. , Dillar, R. W., Midlothian, Texas. Dittlinger Roller Mills Company, H.. New Braunfels, Texas. Dixon & Company, S, Houston, Texas. Dobbs & Company. H. L., Ector, Texas. Dodd City Oil Mill Company, Dodd City. Texas. Dodge City Milling Company, Dodge City, Kansas. Doggett & Palmers, Ravenna, Texas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUrFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. Doherty & Johnson, Shreveport, Louisiana. Dold Packing Company, Jacob, Wichita, Kansas. Dorsey Grain Company, Weatherford, Texas. Douglas Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Dowlin & Son, W. H., Windom, Texas. Dreyer Commission Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Drozd & Parma, Penelope, Texas. Dublin Cotton Oil Mill, Dublin, Texas. Dublin Mill 8: Elevator Company, Dublin, Texas. Duke, C. W., Arlington, Texas. Dumas Mill 8L Grain Company, Honey Grove, Texas. Dunlaney, W. H.,,,.Leaky, Texas. Durant Cotton Oil Company, Durant, Oklahoma. Durant Grain & Elevator Company, Durant, Oklahoma. Durant Milling Company, Durant, Oklahoma. Dyersburg Milling Company, Dyersburg, Tennessee. Eagle Mill & Elevator Company, Higginsville, Missouri. Early Grain & Elevator Company, Amarillo, Texas. Early Grain & Seed Company, Waco, Texas. Easterling Brokerage Company, Marfa, Texas. Eastern Produce Company, Lampasas, Texas. Easton Grain Company, San Angelo, Texas. vEast Texas Mill & Elevator Company, Lougview, Texas. Eaton Milling & Elevator Company, Eaton, Colorado. Eddleman, D. E., Weatherford, Texas. Eddy Milling Company, Eddy, Texas. Edministon Brothers, Crockett, Texas. Edwards Brothers, Tahoka, Texas. Edwards Grain'& Elevator Company, Floydada, Texas. Edwards, J. F., Grandview, Texas. Edwardsville Milling Company, Edwardsville, Illinois. Eggers Milling Company, Hermann, Missouri. Eidelbach, G. S., Flatonia, Texas. Eiland, Enoch, Lakeview, Texas. Eisenmeyer Milling Company, Springfield, Missouri. Elam, C. L., Pearl, Texas. El Campo Cotton Oil Company, El Campo, Texas. El Campo Grain Company, El Campo, Texas. El Campo Rice Milling Company, El Campo, Texas. Electra Ice & Milling "Company. Electra, Texas. Electric Corn Mill, Corsicana, Texas. Elgin Cotton Oil Company, Elgin, Texas. Elk City Cotton Oil Company, Elk City, Oklahoma. Elliot & Meyers, Superior, Nebraska. Ellison, H. W., Beasley, Texas. EllsworthMill & Elevator Company, Ellsworth, Kansas. Ellzey, B. G., Goodnight, Texas. El Paso Grain & Milling Company, El Paso, Texas. El Paso Refining Company, The, El Paso, Texas. El Reno Alfalfa Milling Company, El Reno, Oklahoma. El Reno Mill & Elevator Company, El Reno, Oklahoma. Ely, George B., Clyde, Texas. Empire Rice Mills Company. New Orleans, Louisiana. Emporia Elevator & Feeding Company, Emporia, Kansas. England. A. D., Wolfe City. Texas. Enid Milling Company, Enid, Oklahoma. Enns Milling Company, Inman, Kansas. Ervine & Company, J. E., Houston, Texas. Erwin Mill and Elevator Company, Byers. Texas. Espey & Skwortz Milling Company, Leming, Texas. Everage, Will H., Rising Star. Texas. Evergreen Milling Company. Evergreen, Alabama. Excello Feed Milling Company. Saint Joseph, Missouri. Excelsior Milling & Elevator Company, Denver, Colorado. 25 26 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Fannin Mill, Fannin, ‘Texas. Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Celina, Texas. Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Farmersville, Texas. Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Kosse, Texas. Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Waxahachie, Texas. Farmers Cotton Oil Company, lVichita Falls, Texas. Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas. Farmers District Union Mill & Elevator Company, O’Brien, Texas. Farmers Elevator Company, Electra, Texas. Farmers Elevator Company, Iowa Park, Texas. Farmers Gin Company, Forreston, Texas. Farmers Gin Company, Cross Plains, Texas. Farmers Gin & Mill Company, Cooper, Texas. Farmers Gin & Mill Company, Valley View, Texas. Farmers Grain & Elevator Company, Groom, Texas. Farmers & Ginners Cotton Oil Company, Austin, Texas. Farmers & Ginners Cotton Oil Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Farmers Mill, McGregor, Texas. Farmers Mill & Elevator Company, Enid, Oklahoma. Farmers Mill & Elevator Company, Kress, Texas. Farmers Mill & Grain Company, Cleburne, Texas. Farmers Milling & Mercantile Company, Berthoud, Colorado. Farmers Oil & Fertilizer Company, Texarkana, Texas. Farmers Rice Milling Company, Eagle Lake, Texas. Farmers Shipping Association, Canadian, Texas. Farmers Union Mercantile Company, Snyder, Texas. Farmers Union Supply Company, Henderson, Texas. Farmersville Mill &. Light Company, Farmersville, Texas. Fayette Mill & Mercantile Company, Fayette, Missouri. Federal Rice Mill Company, Incorporated, Crowley, Louisiana. Feeders Supply Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Feist, M., Rowena, Texas. Ferris Ranch Gin, Weincrt, Texas. Ferson Hay Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Fick & Son, William, Bleiblerville, Texas. Fidelity Products Company, Houston, Texas. Fidelity Grain Company, Marshall, Texas. Finch, J. R., Ginsite, Texas. Findley, John T., Gasoline, Texas. Fisher, F. E., Carlton, Texas. Fitzgerald, T. F., Bangs, Texas. Flatonia Oil Mill, Flatonia, Texas. Fleming, J. F., Osage, Texas. Flessner, John H, Yorktown, Texas. Floco Grain Company, Floco, Texas. Florence Mill Company, Florence, Texas. Floresville Oil & Manufacturing Company, Floresville, Texas. Floydada Mill & Elevator Company, Floydada, Texas. Forbes Milling Company, Archer City, Texas. Ford, C. C., Longview, Texas. Forney Cotton Oil & Gin Company, Forney, Texas. Forney Hay Company, Forney, Texas. Forreston Milling Company, Forreston, Texas. Fort Bend Cotton Oil Company, Richmond, Texas. Fort Collins Milling S: Elevator Company, Fort Collins, Colorado. Fort l/Vorth Cotton Oil Mill, Fort “lorth, Texas. Fort Worth Elevator Company, Fort YVorth, Texas. Fouke Milling & Grain Company, Texarkana, Texas. Fowler Commission Company, Kansas City, Missouri. French Company, W. A.. Kaufman. Texas. Frenzel & Son, E. R., Coleman, Texas. Frio Cotton Oil Company. Pearsall, Texas. Frisco Grain & Elevator Company. Frisco, Texas. Frisco Milling Company, Frisco, Texas. a COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 2'7 Fritsch, A., Hempstead, Texas. Frontier Packing Company, San Benito, Texas. Fuller Cotton Oil Company, Snyder, Texas. Fuller Grain Company, Seymour, Texas. Gage Roller Mills, Gage, Oklahoma. Gainesville Cotton Oil Company, Gainesville, Texas. Galena Mill & Elevator Company, Galena, Kansas. Ganado Mill & Elevator Company, Ganado, Texas. Garber Milling Company, Garber, Oklahoma. I Garfield County Milling Company, Enid, Oklahoma. Garland Cotton Oil Company, Garland, Texas. Garner & Company, C. R., Amarillo, Texas. Garza Mill Company, Garza, Texas. Gatesville Cotton Oil Mill, Gatesville, Texas. Gatesville Roller Mills, Gatesville, Texas. Gateway Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Geary Milling Company, Geary, Oklahoma. Geary Milling & Elevator Company, Geary, Oklahoma. Gegenworth, George, Columbus, Texas. Georgetown Oil Mill, Georgetown, Texas. Gerlach-Higgins Milling Company, Canadian, Texas. Gerlach-Higgins Milling Company, Higgins, Texas. Gibson Gin Sz Oil Company, Calvert, Texas. Giddings Cotton Oil Company, Giddings, Texas. Gilchrist Cotton Oil Company, Lampasas, Texas. Gilland, Charles H, Franklin, Texas. Gilliland, G. W., Abilene, Texas. Gilmer Cottonseed Oil Company, Gilmer, Texas. Gladney Milling Company, Sherman, Texas. Glasgow Milling Company, Glasgow, Missouri. Glazier Mill & Elevator Company, Glazier, Texas. Glen Rose Roller Mills, Glen Rose, Texas. Goad 8r Son, Greenville, Texas. Godley Mill & Elevator Company, Tlodley, Texas. Golden Grain Milling Company, East Saint Louis, Illinois. Golden Rod Mills, Incorporated, Fort Worth, Texas. Goldthvvaite Mill & Grain Company, Goldth\vaite, Texas. Gomez Mill & Gin Company, Gomez, Texas. Gonzales Cotton Oil & Manufacturing Company, Gonzales, Texas. Goode, C. C., Grand Saline, Texas. Goodlander Milling Company, Fort Scott, Kansas. Gordan & Company, J. S., Beaumont, Texas. Goree Grain Elevator, Goree, Texas. Gorvin Feed &. Grain Company, Wichita, Kansas. Gorvin, H. \V.. Wichita, Kansas. Gossett Brothers, Taylor, Texas. Gouldbusk Milling Company, Gouldbusk, Texas. Gracey Grain Company, Dallas, Texas. Jrraham & Company. E. V., Odessa, Texas. Graham Cotton Oil Company, Graham, Texas. Graham, D. M., McLean, Texas. Graham Mill & Elevator Company, Graham, Texas. Grain Belt Mills Company, Saint Joseph, Missouri. Grain Products Company, Wichita, Kansas. Granhury Cotton Oil Company, Granbury, Texas. Granhury Milling Company, Granbury, Texas. Grand Prairie Custom Milling Company. Grand Prairie, Texas. Grandview Cotton Oil Mill, Grandview, Texas. Grapevine Milling Company, Grapevine, Texas. Graves & McWhorter, Lubbock, Texas. Great Western Alfalfa Milling Company, Denver, Colorado. Green Milling & Grain Company, C. L., Winters, Texas. Green, F. A., Cameron, Texas. Greenville Cotton Oil Company, Greenville, Texas. 28 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL Plxrnnlixmlvr STATION. Greenville Mill & Elevator Company, Commerce, Texas. Greenville Mill & Elevator Company, Greenville, Texas. Greenwell Peanut & Milling Company, San Antonio, Texas. Greer, H. C., Austin, Texas. Greer-Moore Elevator Company, Anna, Texas. Guenther Public Warehouses, San Antonio, Texas. Guiles & Rowland, Weatherford, Texas. Gulf Coast Rice Mills, Houston, Texas. Gulf Fish Oil & Fertilizer Company, Galveston, Texas. Gurney, R. F., Dublin, Texas. Guthrie Cotton Oil Company, Guthrie, Oklahoma. Guthrie Mill & Elevator Company, Guthrie, Oklahoma. Hall & Ayers, Plainview, Texas. Hall & Short, Rochester, Texas] Halliclay Milling Company, H. L., Cairo, Illinois. Hallman Milling Company, Olney, Texas. Halsell-Arledge Cattle Company, Maryneal, Texas. Halstead Milling & Elevator Company. Halstead, Kansas. Hamilton & Groves, Brownfield, Texas. Hamilton Mill & Elevator Company, Hamilton, Texas. Hamlin Cotton Oil Company, Hamlin, Texas. Hamlin Elevator Company, Hamlin, Texas. Hamlin Mill & Elevator Company, Anson, Texas. Hamlin Mill & Grain Company, Hamlin, Texas. Hanna-Pate Grain Company, Joplin, Missouri. Haralson & Pool, Hubbard, Texas. Harden, A. J ., Water Valley, Texas. Hardie Seed Company, David, Dallas, Texas. Hargrove, J. H., ‘Sandia, Texas. Harley, H. L., Weatherford, Texas. Harper Mill &- Elevator Company, Harper, Kansas. Harrison, E. W, Hereford, Texas. Harrison Grain Company, San Antonio, Texas. Hartley Grain 8: Fuel Company, Hartley, Texas. Harvest Queen Mills, Plainview, Texas. Haucks Elevator Company, Valley Falls, Kansas. Haven Milling Company, Haven, Kansas. Hayes Grain & Commission Company, Little Rock, Arkansas. Hays City Flour Mills, Hays City, Kansas. Head & Son, D., Durant, Oklahoma. Hefiey Company, Fort lVorth, Texas. Heflin. R. L., Galveston, Texas. Heid Brothers, El Paso. Texas. Heidenreich, J. G., Kyle, Texas. Hempstead Oil Mill, Hempstead, Texas. Henderson Cotton Oil Company. Shreveport, Louisiana. Henderson Cotton Oil & Gin Company, Henderson, Texas. Henrietta Milling Company, Henrietta, Texas. Herder Rice Milling Company, Bay City, Texas. Hereford Grain Company, Hereford, Texas. Hicks, R. W., Miles, Texas. Hicks, W. H., Canyon, Texas. Hico Cotton Oil Mill, Hico, Texas. Higginsville Milling Company. Higginsville, Missouri. Highland Roller Mills, Salado, Texas. Hill County Cotton Oil Company, Hillsboro, Texas. Hill, J. E., Midland. Texas. Hillje Brothers, Weimar, Texas. Hillman. Charles, Telferner. Texas. Hill Milling, Feed & Fuel Company, Lubbock, Texas. Hill & Webb, McKinney, Texas. Hobart Mill & Elevator Company, Hobart, Oklahoma. Hock, M. J., Denison, Texas. Hogan, Hayden & Company, Pryor, Oklahoma. COMMERCIAL FEEDING SrUFFs Rnersrnnno IN TEXAS. 29 Holdenville Grain & Produce Company, Holdenville, Oklahoma. Holland-O’Neal Milling Company, Mount Vernon, Missouri. Hollis County Oil, Light & Ice Company, Hollis, Oklahoma. Holley Milling Company, Ogden, Utah. Hondo Gin & Mill Company, Hondo, Texas. Honey Grove Cotton Oil Company, Honey Grove, Texas. Hormel Milling Company, Austin, Minnesota. ' Horn & Allen, Channing, Texas. Hornsby, N. M., Hedley, Texas. Houston Cotton Meal Mill, Houston, Texas. Houston Cotton Oil Mill, Houston, Texas. Houston County Oil Mill 8.. Manufacturing Company, Crockett, Texas. Houston Grain Company, Houston, Texas. _ Houston Ice & Brewing Company, Houston, Texas. Houston-Lichnovslzy Gin Company, Floresville, Texas. Houston Milling Company, Houston, Texas. Houston Packing Company, Houston, Texas. Howe Grain & Mercantile Company, Howe, Texas. Huckabee, J. E., Leonard, Texas. Huggins-Andrews Company, Childress, Texas. Hughes Grain Company. J. A., Howe, Texas. yHughley, Amos, Plano, Texas. Hughston Grain Company, Plano, Texas. Hugo Cotton Oil Company, Hugo, Oklahoma. Hugo Milling Company, Hugo, Oklahoma. Humphreys-Godxvin Company, Galveston, Texas. Hungarian Flour Mills, Denver, Colorado. Hunt County Oil Company. Wolfe City, Texas. Hunter Milling Company, Wellington, Kansas. Hunt Grain Company, J. C., Wichita Falls, Texas. Huntsville Cotton Oil Company, Huntsville, Texas. Hurley, H. H., Clinton, Missouri. Husler Mill & Elevator Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hutchison, O. W., Shattuck, Oklahoma. Ideal Milling Company, Tom Bean. Texas. Imbs Milling Company, J. F., Bellville, Illinois. Imperial Mills Company, Wichita, Kansas. Imperial Oil'& Cotton Company, Sugarland, Texas. Imperial Valley Oil 8t Cotton Company. El Centro, Oklahoma. Independent Milling Company. Kinsman, Kansas. Industrial Cotton Oil Properties. Denison, Texas. Industrial Cotton Oil Properties. Hearne, 'I.‘exas. Industrial Cotton Oil Properties, Houston. Texas. Industrial Cotton Oil Properties, Seguin, Texas. Industrial Cotton Oil Properties, Waco, Texas. Industrial Mill, Houston, Texas. international Stock Food Company. Minneapolis, Minnesota. International Sugar Feed Number Two Company. Memphis, Tennessee. International Vegetable Oil Company, Houston, Texas. ' Iota Rice Mill Company, Iota, Louisiana. Italy Cotton Oil Company, Italy, Texas. Itasca Cotton Oil Company, Itasca, Texas. Itasca Roller Mills & Elevator Company, Itasca, Texas. Jacksboro Mill & Elevator Company. Jacksboro, Texas. Jacksboro Oil & Milling Company, Jacksboro, Texas. Jackson Brothers. Lubbock, Texas. Jackson, H. M., Sunset, Texas. Jackson & Company, O. P.. Houston, Texas. Jackson & Mitchell, Weir, Texas. Jacksonville Cotton Oil Company. Jacksonville, Texas. Jayton Cotton Oil Company, J ayton, Texas. Jefferson Oil Company. Jefferson, Texas. Johnson City Roller Flour Mills, Johnson City, Texas. 30 Texas AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Johnson, E., Hubbard, Texas. Jonah Roller Mills, Jonah, Texas. Josey-Miller Company, Beaumont, Texas. Kammerdiener, Frank, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Kansas Flour Mills, Kansas City, Missouri. Kansas Milling Company, Wichita, Kansas. Katy Grain Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Kaufman Cotton Oil Company, Kaufman, Texas. Kaufman Electric Flour Mill, Kaufman, Texas. Keel 8t Son, Gainesville, Texas. Kehlor Flour Mills Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Kelley Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Kell Milling Company, Vernon, Texas. Kelly, A. V., Kirvin, Texas. Kelly Milling Company, W. M., Hutchinson, Kansas. Kemper-Fair Milling Company, Tonganoxie, Kansas. Kenedy Cotton Oil Company, Kenedy, Tlexas. Kerens Cotton Oil Company, Kerens, Texas. Kerrville Roller Mills, Kerrville, Texas. Kessler Mercantile Company, Schulenburg, Texas. Key & Key, Lamesa, Texas. Keystone Milling Company, Larned, Kansas. Kimball-Sawyer Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Kimbell Milling Company, Wolfe City, Texas. King, Calvin, Alvord, Texas. King, G. H., Nacogdoches, Texas. King, J. W., Sipe Springs, Texas. Kingfisher Mill & Elevator Company, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Kingsville Cotton Oil Mill Company, Kingsville, Texas. Klecka, Frank, Yoakum, Texas. Kline Grain Company, Moody, Texas. Knaur Grain Company, Denison, Texas. Knox City Cotton Oil Mill, Knox City, Texas. Knox County Elevator Company, Munday, Texas. Knuth, H., Floresville, Texas. Kornfalfa Feed Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Kruger, Emil, New Ulm, Texas. Kuhlman & Meyers, California, Missouri. Kutzer, Albert, Boerne, Texas. Kyle Oil &. Gin Company, Kyle, Texas. Ladonia Cotton Oil Company, Ladonia, Texas.‘ La Grange Cotton Oil & Manufacturing Company, La Grange, Texas. La Grange Ginning & lVIilling Company, La. Grange, Texas. La Junta Mill & Elevator Company, La Junta, Colorado. Lake Charles Grain Company, Lake Charles. Louisiana. Lake Charles Rice Milling Company. Lake Charles, Louisiana. Lamar Cotton Oil Company, Paris, Texas. Lamar Milling & Elevator Company, Lamar, Colorado. Lambert, O., Colorado, Texas. Lamont Alfalfa Milling Company, Lamont. Oklahoma. Lampasas Milling Company, Lampasas, Texas. Land Milling Company, Neodesha, Kansas. Land Milling Company, Mose H., l\larshall, Missouri. Landa Cotton Oil Company, New Braunfels, Texas. Landa Flour Mills, New Braunfels, Texas. Landers, T. A., McLean, Texas. Lane Brothers Grain Company, Goldthwaite, Texas. La Palma Mills, Brownsville, ‘Texas. Laraloee Flour Mills Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri. Laredo Roller Mills, Laredo. Texas. Larrowe Milling Company, Detroit, Michigan. Larrowe Milling Company. Los Angcles, California. Lavaca Oil Company, Hallettsville, Texas. GOLIDIERCIAII FEEDING Sruws REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 31 Lawler Milling & Trading Company, H. T., Bryan, Texas. Lawrence & Discher, Wylie, Texas. Lawther Grain Company, Dallas, Texas. Leader Cash Store. Pecos, Texas. Leavell Company, J. G., Houston, Texas. Leavenworth Milling Company, Leavenworth, Kansas. Lee County Cotton Oil Company, Giddings, Texas. Lee Flour Mills Company, H. D., Salina, Kansas. Lee Grain & Elevator “Company, C. S, Abilene, Texas. Leger Mill Company, Altus, Oklahoma. Lehman, George W., Rosebud, Texas. Lemons Grain & Coal Company, Amarillo, Texas. Leonard Cotton Oil Company, Leonard, Texas. Levita Roller Mills, Levita, Texas. Levy Rice Milling Company, New Orleans, Louisiana. Lewisville Cotton Oil Company, Lewisville, Texas. Liard, J. P., Uvalde, Texas. Liberty Grain Company, Dallas, Texas. Liberty Mills, San Antonio, Texas. Lilienthal Brothers, Houston, Texas. Lillard Milling Company, Decatur, Tilexas. Lindsay Brothers, Houston, Texas. Lindsborg lVIilling & Pjlevator Company, Lindsborg, Kansas. Linton Grain Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. Liske & Company, A., White Deer, Texas. Livingston Llanufzzcturing Company, Livingston, Texas. Lock, C. EX, Running Water, Texas. Lockhart Oil & Gin Company, Lockhart, Texas. Lockney Coal & Grain Company, Lockney, Texas. Logsdon & Son, Andrews, Texas. Lone Oak Oil & Gin Company, Lone Oak, Texas. Lone Star Brewing Company, San Antonio, Texas. Lone Star Milling & Grain Company. Prosper, Texas. Long, John Y., Del Rio, Texas. Longmont Farmers Milling & Elevator Company‘, Denver, Colorado. Longmont Farmers Milling & Elevator Company, Longmont, Colorado. Longmont Flour Milling Company, Longmont, Colorado. Longvieiv Cotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas. Lorenz & Geis, Cordell, Oklahoma. Louisiana Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. Louisiana Grain & Milling Company, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Louisiana State Rice Milling Company, New Orleans, Louisiana. Love & Cobb, Blessing. Texas. Lovelancl Milling 8t ElevatonCompany, Loveland, Colorado. Lovitt & Company. L. B., Memphis, Tennessee. Lubbock Grain & Coal Company, Lubbock, Texas. Lyle & Lyle, Huntsville, Alabama. Lyon Oil Mill Company, Lyon, Texas. Lyons Milling Company, Lyons, Kansas. Lysle Milling Company, J. C., Leavenworth, Kansas. McAdams, L. D. 8a J. D.. Clarendon, Texas. McAdams, T. J., Celina, Texas. McAdams, Y. O., Kennard, Texas. , McAlester Grain 8t Elevator Company, McAlester, Oklahoma. McAteer Grain Company, Lott, Texas. McCarley Grain Company, Venus, Texas. McComb, J. R., Lampasas, Texas. McCulloch County Cotton Oil Company, Brady, Texas. McCulley & Company, Brownwood, Texas. McDaniel Milling Company, Carthage, Missouri. McFadden Rice Milling Company, Beaumont, Texas. McGregor Milling & Grain Company, McGregor, Texas. McGregor Oil & Manufacturing Company, McGregor, Texas. McKee, J. F. 8:. R. D.., Eldorado, Texas. 32 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. McKinney Cotton Oil Mill Company, McKinney, Texas. McLain Gin Company, Dawson, Texas. McLain, J. T., Mickey, Texas. McQueen Grain and Coal Company, Hereford, Texas. Madill Grain & Elevator Company, Madill, Oklahoma. Magnolia Provision Company, Houston, Texas. Mangelsdorf Seed Company, Atchison, Kansas. Mangum Mill & Elevator Company, Mangum, Oklahoma. Manhattan Milling Company, Manhattan, Kansas. Mansfield Mill 8r. Elevator Company, Mansfield, Texas. Marble Falls Milling Company, Marble Falls, Texas. Marco Mills, Pine Blufl‘, Arkansas. Marks Grain Company, Austin, Texas. Marlin Oil Company, Marlin, Texas. Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas. Marshall Grain Company, Floydada, Texas. Marshall Mill & Elevator Company, Marshall, Texas. Marsh Milling & Grain Company, Madill, Oklahoma. Mart Cotton Oil Company, Mart, Texas. Martha Alfalfa Milling Company, Martha, Oklahoma. Martin, C., German, Texas. Martin, C. J., Austin, Texas. Marucheau Grain Company, M., San Antonio, Texas. Marvel Mill Company, Hillsboro, Texas. Marvel Milling Company, Gatesville, Texas. Mason Grain Company, Brownsville, Texas. Mason Ice & Power Company, Mason, Texas. Mathews Grain & Elevator Company, G. W., Terrell, Texas. Mathis, H. C., Goliad, Texas. Matthews & Sons, George 13., New Orleans, Louisiana. Mays & Company, “Mineral Wells, Texas. Meadows Grocery Company, DeLeon, Texas. Meadows Grocery Company, Waco, Texas. Mealer, T. H., Garland, Texas. Meeks, R. E., Gatesville, Texas. Meetze, Q. L., Commerce, Texas. Memphis Cotton Hull & Fiber Company, Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis Cotton Oil Company, Memphis, Texas. Merchants & Planters Oil Company, Houston, Texas. Meridian Hill Company, Meridian, Texas. Mesa Flour Mills. Grand Junction, Colorado. Mesquite Corn Mill, Mesquite, Texas. Meyer & Sons Milling Company, John F., Springfield, Missouri. Michot & Son, J. A., Port Lavaca, Texas. » Midland Mercantile Company, Midland, Texas. Midland Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Midlothian Oil & Gin Company, Midlothian, Texas. Midwest Milling Company, Abilene, Kansas. Miller, Carl, Runge, Texas. Miller Cereal Mills, Omaha, Nebraska. Mills Company, John R.. Turon. Kansas. Miltenburgar, Wilbur, Clinton, Oklahoma. Mineola Cotton Oil Company, Mineola, Texas. Mineral Wells Roller Mills Company. Mineral Wells, Texas. Minor, H. C., Houma, Louisiana. Mitehum, J. M., Park Springs, ‘Texas. Model Milling Company, Greeley, Colorado. Modern Milling & Manufacturing Company, Waxahachie, Texas. Moers Seed Company, Houston, Texas. Mofiitt, E. A., Mineral Wells, Texas. Monarch Milling Company, Hutchinson. Kansas. Monarch Peanut Company, Houston, Texas. Montemayor, Carlos, Ruidosa. Texas. Montemeyar, Enrique, Presidio, Texas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Rnsrsrisizsn IN TEXAS. 33 Moody Grain & Elevator Company, Moody’, Texas. Moore & Skipworth, Kress, Texas. Moore Grain Company, Chiekasha, Oklahoma. Morgan, G. R., Bowie, Texas. Morgan-Maston Company, Grandview, Texas. Morris 8L Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Morris Gin & Machinery Company, Palestine, Texas. Morris, T. J., Carbon, Texas. Morrison Brothers’ Mill, Jefferson, Oklahoma. Morrow, A. N., Tama, Texas. Morten Milling Company, Dallas, ‘Texas. Moulton Oil & Gin Company, Moulton, Texas. Mount Calm Cotton Oil. Company, Mount Calm, Texas. Mount Pleasant Oil Mill, Mount Pleasant, Texas. Mugge 8t Company, J. E., San Antonio, Texas. Mugg Milling & Grain Company, Whitesboro, Texas. Munday Cotton Oil Company, Munday, Texas. Munday Mill & Elevator Company, Munday, Texas. Munger Oil & Cotton Company, Mexia, Texas. Munger Oil & Cotton Company, 'I‘eague, Texas. Munger Oil 8r Cotton Company, Wortham, Texas. Murphy & Company, J. E., Eagle Pass, Texas. Murphy, M. D., Paris, Texas. Mutual Cotton Oil Company, Fort lvorth, Texas. Mutual Refining Company, Sherman, Texas. Myra Mill & Elevator Company, Myra, Texas. Nacogdoches Oil Mill, Naeogdoches, Texas. Nail, R. E., Albany, Texas. National Feed Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Navarro Cotton Oil Company, Corsieana, Texas. Nebraska Corn‘ Mills, Lincoln, Nebraska. Nellie-Witter Grain & Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Nelson & Company, J. W., Little Elm, Texas. Nelson Grain Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Nelson, I. A. J., Reagan Wells, Texas. Nelson 8c Smalley, Claude, Texas. Neuensehwander, F. W., Pfiugerville, Texas. O i Neumond, K. & E., New Orleans, Louisiana. 1- l Newcastle Mill 8t Elevator Company, Newcastle, Texas. New Orleans Export Company, Galveston, Texas. New State Flour 8; Feed Company, Muskogee, Oklahoma. Newton Milling & Elevator Company, Newton, Kansas. Newton, W. R., Hillsboro, Texas. New Ulm Cotton Oil Mill, New Ulm, Texas. Nicholson, Robert, Dallas, Texas. Niggli. F. F., Eagle Pass, Texas. Noel Milling Company. Noel, Missouri. Norman Milling & Grain Company, Norman, Oklahoma. Northern Illinois Cereal Company, Lockport, Illinois. Norton 8: Company, Willis, North Topeka, Kansas. Norwood, J. M., Hempstearl, Texas. Nutriline Milling Company. Crowley, Louisiana. ' Nutro Rice Mill, Incorporated, Gueydan, Louisiana. ~- ‘i Oak Clifi‘ Milling Company, Dallas, Texas. O’Bannon Company. The, Claremore, Oklahoma. Ochiltree Roller Mills. Ochiltree. Texas. Odem Milling Company, Odem, Texas. Offer, Augn, Waring, Texas. Oqlesby Roller Mills, Oglesby, Texas. O’Hara, C. W., Groesbeek, Texas. O’Keene Roller Mills, O’Keene, Oklahoma. Oklahoma City Mill & Elevator Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cotton Oil Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 34 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Oklahoma Mill Company, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Okmulgee Mill & Elevator Company, Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Old Time Mill, The, Sherman, Texas. Omaha Alfalfa Milling Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Omaha Cotton Oil Company, Omaha, Texas. Oquinn, J. E., Lamesa, Texas. Orange Rice Mill Company, Orange, Texas. Orton, S. B., Canyon, Texas. Ozark Water Mills, Ozark, Missouri. Paducah Milling Company, Paducah, Texas. Page Milling Company, Thomas, North Topeka, Kansas. Paine, G. C., Rockport, Texas. ‘ Palestine Grain Company, Palestine, Texas. Palestine Oil & Manufacturing Company, Palestine, Texas. Pampa Grain Company, Pampa, Texas. Panhandle Grain 8t Elevator Company, Amarillo, Texas. Panther City Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Pargmann, Dietrich, Runge, Texas. Paris Fuel Company, Paris, Texas. Paris Milling Company, Paris, Texas. Park, J. P., Hulver, Texas. Parker, J. I., Fluvanna, Texas. Parmer, A. H., Eldorado, Texas. Pate & Sons, O. M., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Patterson and Company, G. E., Memphis, Tennessee. Patterson, R. W., Athens, Texas. Pauls Valley Milling Company, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Pearl Roller Mills, Oswego, Kansas. Pearlstone Mill & Elevator Company, Dallas, Texas. Pease-Moore Milling Company, West Plains, Missouri. Pecan Gap Cotton Oil Company, Pecan Gap, Texas. Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill Company, Hagerman, New Mexico. Peoples Ice & Manufacturing Company, Brownsville, Texas. Peoples Oil & Cotton Company, Wharton, Texas. Peppard Seed Company, J. G., Kansas City, Missouri. Perrin Milling Company, Perrin, Texas. Perry, F. S., Gorman, Texas. Perry Mill Company, Perry, Oklahoma. Peter Oil & Refining Company, Denison, Texas. Peters, E. T., Bandera, Texas. Peters Mill Company, M. C., Omaha, Nebraska. Peterson & Pietsch, Calvert, Texas. Petrolia Grain Company, Petrolia, Texas. Petty, Clarence, Noble, Oklahoma. Peyton Packing Company, El Paso, Texas. Pfiugerville Cottonseed Oil Company, Pflugerville, Texas. Pharr Mill & Elevator Company, Pharr, Texas. Phillips Milling Company, Belton, Texas. - Pietzsch & Sons, L., East Bernard, Texas. Pilot Point Cotton Oil Mill Company, Pilot Point, Texas. Pilot Point Roller Mills Company, Pilot Point, Texas. Pioneer Flour Mills, San Antonio, Texas. Pipkin, S. M., Pampa, Texas. Piquero, C. R, El Paso, Texas. Pittman Roller Mills, M. M., Cleburne, Texas. Pittman & Harrison Company, Sherman, Texas. Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas. Plainview Mill, Plainview, Texas. Plano Cotton Oil Company, Plano, Texas. Plano Mill & Ice Company, Plano, Texas. Plansifter Milling, Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Plant Milling Company, George P., Saint Louis, Missouri. Planters Cotton Oil Company, Bonham, Texas. Planters Cotton Oil Company, Dallas, Texas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TExAs. 35 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Ennis, Texas. Planters Cotton Oil Company, Frost, Texas. Planters Cotton Oil Company, Navasota, Texas. Planters Cotton Oil Company, Nocona, Texas. Planters Cotton Oil Company, Waxahachie, Texas. Planters Gin Company, Frost, Texas. Planters Oil Company, Hearne, Texas. Planters Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. Planters Oil Company, Weatherford, Texas. Platt, W. H., Petersburg, Texas. Plunkett & Epps, Wortham, Texas. Polk, C. B., Gunter, Texas. Ponca City Milling Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma. Port Arthur Export Company, Port Arthur, Texas. Porter & Son, W. A., Tulia, Texas. Porter Grain Company, Hale Center, Texas. Powell Oil Mill, Bastrop, Texas. Powitzky, E. H., Guadalupe, Texas. Pratt Food Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Presidio Milling Company, Presidio, Texas. Price Oil Mill Company, Madisonville, Texas. Price, Tom, Leakey, Texas. ' Priddy Grain Company, lVichita Falls, Texas. Prime, M. M., Bardwell, Texas. Pritchard Rice Blilling Company, Houston, Texas. Proctor 8t Allen, Groesbeck, Texas. Producers Cotton Products Association, Ennis, Texas. Prosper Mill, Prosper, Texas. Pueblo Flour Mills, Pueblo, Colorado. Pulliam Milling Company, Dallas, Texas. Pundt, Henry, Panhandle, Texas. Purity Oats Company, Davenport, Iowa. Putnam Mill Company, Putnam, Texas. Quaker Oats Company, Chicago, Illinois. Quality Mills, Austin, Texas. Quanah Cotton Oil Company, Quanah, Texas. Quanah Will & Elevator Company, Quanah, Texas. Rainey, B. F., lVater Valley, Texas. Raiza Milling Company, Lewisville, Texas. Ralston Purina Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Ramsel, F., Eldorado, Texas. Randel, L. T., Chillicothe, Texas. Randol, R. A., Arlington, Texas. Ransom. Real F., Richmond, Texas. Rayford-Newsom Company, Cleburne, Texas. Rea & Page Milling Company. lVIarshall, Missouri. Rea-Patterson hililling Company, Cofieyville, Kansas. Rea-Patterson Milling Company, Republic, Missouri. Rea-Reed Mill & Elevator Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Red, R. B., Lou. Texas. Redman, Christian, Ganado, Texas. Red Star Mill &. Elevator Company. Wichita. Kansas. Regina Flour Mill Company. Saint Louis. Missouri. Reichert Milling Company, Freehurg, Illinois. Reinemer & Penick, Sabinal. Texas. Reinhard, Charles, Boerne, Texas. Reliance Roller Mill, Fredericksburg, Texas. Reno Flour Mills Company, Hutchinson, Kansas. Renshaw. W. S. W., Bridgeport, Texas. Rhome Milling Company’, Rhome, Texas. Rhone, J. W., Winnsboro, Texas. Richerson, J. A., Estelline, Texas. Rickert’s Rice Mills, New Orleans, Louisiana. 36 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Riemenschneider, C. F., Sarco Creek, Texas. Rio Grande Grain & Milling Company, Mercedes,'Texas. Riverside Cotton Oil Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Roanoke Roller Mills, Roanoke, Texas. Robbins, J. I., Cooledge, Texas. Roberts, L. L., Waller, Texas. Robinson Brothers, Austin, Texas. _ Robinson 8t Company, C. W., Houston, Texas. Robinson, H. B., Quinlan, Texas. Robinson Milling Company, Salina, Kansas. » Robstown Mill 8:. Feed House, Robstown, Texas. Rockdale Oil Mill, Rockdale, Texas. Rockwall Cotton Oil Company, Rockwall, Texas. Rodgers, P. M., Bertram, Texas. Rogers Grain Company, Rogers, Texas. Rogers, J. E., Houston, Texas. Rosebud Oil & Cotton Company, Rosebud, Texas. Ross Feed Company, Whitewater, Kansas. Rotan Cotton Oil Company, Rotan, Texas. Rothschild & Company, Sigmond, Houston, Texas. Roxton Cotton Oil Company, Roxton, Texas. Royal Feed 81 Milling Company, New Orleans, Louisiana. Royal Feed & Milling Company, Memphis, Tennessee. Royse Cotton Oil Company, Royse, Texas. Rudy-Patrick Seed Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Rule Cotton Oil Company, Rule, Texas. Runge'& Company, H., Cuero, Texas. Runkle & Peacock, E1 Paso, Texas. Russell-Coleman Oil Company, San Antonio, Texas. Ryan Cotton Oil Company, Ryan, Oklahoma. Rylander & Cheatham, Lockhart, Texas. Sackenreuther, P. G., Houston, Texas. Saint Grain & Produce Company, Houston, Texas. San Angelo Cotton Oil Company, San Angelo, Texas. San Antonio Brewing Association, San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio Grain Company, San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio Mill & Elevator Company, San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio Oil Works, San Antonio, Texas. San Augustine Cotton Oil Company, San Augustine, Texas. San Benito Feed Company, San Benito, Texas. Sanders Brothers Company, Texarkana, Texas. San Elizario Roller Mills, San Elizario, Texas. Sanger Mill & Elevator Company, Sanger, Texas. San Marcos Milling Company, San Marcos, Texas. San Marcos Oil & Gin Company, San Marcos, Texas. San Saba Milling Company, San Saba, Texas. Sansom Company, M., Fort Worth, Texas. Santa Anna Cooperative Sugar Company, Santa Anna, California. Santa Fe Grain Company, Friona, Texas. Sauer Milling Company, N, Cherryville, Kansas. Sawyer, M. B., Brownfield, Texas. Saxony Mills, Saint Louis, Missouri. Scheef Brothers, Marlin, Texas. Schreiber Flour & Cereal Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Schuhart Grain Company, Dalhart, Texas. Schulenburg Oil Mill, Schulenburg, Texas. Schulz Gin & Milling Company, Falls City, Texas. Schumacher Oil Works, Navasota, Texas. Scott Brothers Grain 8: Fuel Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Scott County Milling Company, Sikeston, Missouri. Scott, John R., Childress, Texas. Seaboard Rice Milling Company, Galveston, Texas. Sealy Grist Mill, Sealy, Texas. Sealy Oil Mill & B/Ianufacturing Company, Sealy, Texas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING Srurrs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 37 Sears, Roebuck & Company, Dallas, Texas. Seay, G. W., Miami, Texas. Security Flour Mills, Abilene, Kansas. Seguin Milling & Power Company, Seguin, Texas. Seidel, William, Brenham, Texas. Seley-Cornforth Grain Company, Waco, Texas. Service Grain Company, Dallas, Texas. Setz, D., Houston, Texas. " Setzler Milling Company, W. R., Wolfe City, Texas. Sewell Grain & Fuel Company, Vernon, Texas. Seymour Cotton Oil Company, Seymour, Texas. Shaffer Feed & Produce Company, Hico, Texas. Shamrock Mill & Elevator Company, Shamrock, Texas. Shannon, W. H., Cuero, Texas. Shaw Jersey Farm, T. J., Ginger, Texas. Shawnee Milling Company, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Shepherd, A. C., Gomez, Texas. Sherman Oil Mill, Sherman, Texas. Sherrill Elevator Company, Haskell, Texas. Shindler, W. H., Hempstead, Texas. _ Shiner Oil Mill & Manufacturing Company, Shiner, Texas. Shiner Gin & Mill Company, Yoakum, Texas. Shive 8t Keys Mill 8t Elevator Company, \Vaxahachie, Texas. Short, F. C., Center, Texas. Shotwell & Company, S. A., Canyon, Texas. Shreveport Mill & Elevator Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. Simon Rice Mills, Crowley, Louisiana. Singley Brothers, Wellington, Texas. Sitter, George W., McLean, Texas. Slater Mill & Elevator Company, Slater, Missouri. Sledge, C. B., Navasota, Texas. Sleeper Milling & Grain Company, Valley Mills, Texas. Smith, A. H., Martindale, Texas. Smith Brothers Grain Conlpany. Fort Worth, Texas. Smith, Davis, Brownwood, Texas. Smith, Ed, Ingram, Texas. Smith Grain Company. J. G., Waco, Texas. Smith, J. H., Paris, Texas. Smith, John F., Anson, Texas. Smith, Joseph B., El Paso, Texas. Smith, J. S., Sylvester, Texas. Smith Milling Company, G. B. H., Sherman, Texas. Smith, R. A., Whitney, Texas. Smith, W. V., Stoneburg, Texas. Smithville Oil Mill Company, Smithville, Texas. Smyers, L. C., Byers, Texas. Snell Mill & Grain Company, Clay Center, Kansas. Snider, G. H., Gunter, Texas. Sotol Products Company, El Paso, Texas. Southern Livestock & Feed Market, Marlin, Texas. Southern Rice Growers Association, Houston. Texas. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Chandler, Oklahoma. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Corsicana, Texas. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Paris, Texas. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Waxahachie, Texas. Southland Milling Company of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas. South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Houston, Texas. South Texas Grain Companv. Houston. Texas. Southwestern Fuel & Feed Company, El Paso, Texas. Sowell, D. S., Cleburne, Texas. Sparks Brothers, Alton, Illinois. Springer Produce & Seed House, Gainesville, Texas. . Springfield Wholesale Flour & Feed Company, Springfield, Missouri. 38 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Springstun, C. E., Vancourt, Texas. Sprinkles, C. F._. Novice, Texas. Spur Grain & Coal Company, Spur, Texas. Spur lVlilling & Grain Company, Spur, Texas. Spur Oil Mill Company, Spur, Texas. Staifel, Ferd, San Antonio, Texas. Stafford County Flour Hills Company, Hudson, Kansas. Stamford Mill 8t Elevator Company, Stamford, Texas. Stamford Oil Mill Company, Stamford,~Texas. Stamps, W. O., Timpson, Texas. Stanard-Tilton Milling Company, Dallas, Texas. Stanard-Tilton Milling Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Standard Milling Company, Crowley, Louisiana. Standard Milling Company, Houston, Texas. St. Anthony Flour Mills, Saint Anthony, Idaho. St. John Mills, Saint John, Kansas. St. Mary’s Mill Company, Saint Mary’s, Missouri. Stanush Brothers, Leming, Texas. Star Mill & Elevator Company, Hennessey, Oklahoma. Star Milling Company, Mountain Grove, Missouri. Stark Grain Company, Plano, Texas. Starkey, L. J ., Wellington, Texas. Stegall, W. D., Franklin, Texas. Steger Grain Company, Dallas, Texas. Steger Milling Company, Bonham, Texas. Steger Milling Company, Denison, Texas. Steinle & Steinle, J ourdanton, Texas. Stephenville Cotton Oil Mill, Stephenville, Texas. Stevens-Scott Grain Company, Wichita, Kansas. Stillwater Milling Company, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Stillwell, John H., Canadian, Texas. Stockdale Cottonseed Oil Mill Company, Stoekdale, Texas. Stocker, W. E., Miami, Texas. Stolz & Peterson, Galveston, Texas. Storm & Company, C. B., Longmont, Colorado. Stratton, J . E., Lucas, Texas. Strawn Flour Milling Company, Strawn, Texas. Streetman Corn Mill, Streetman, Texas. Strickland, A. B., Voss, Texas. Strieber Brothers, Runge, Texas. Strieber Brothers, Yorktown, Texas. Strong Trading Company, Wichita, Kansas. Stuttgart Rice Milling Company. Stuttgart, Arkansas. Sugarland Manufacturing Company, Sugarland, Texas. Summers, Alva, Mesquite, Texas. Sunset Grain Company, Sansom, Texas. Sunset Milling Company, Temple, Texas. Superior Feed Company. Memphis, Tennessee. Swan, Orange, Dallas, Texas. Sweet Springs Milling Company. Sweet Springs, Missouri. Sweetwater Cotton Oil Company. Sureetwater, Texas. Sweetwater Seed 8:. Grain Company. Sweetwater, Texas. Swift & Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Swilling. Bob, Whitney. Texas. Swindle. J. M.. Collinsville, Texas. Svrink, B. L., Richland, Texas. Taft Oil & Gin Company, Taft, Texas. Tamilina Milling Company, San Antonio. Texas. Tarkio Molasses Feed Company. Kansas City, Missouri. Taylor Cotton Oil Company. Taylor, Texas. Taylor Grain & Coal Company. Quanah, Texas. Taylor Grain &- Elevator Company, Corpus Christi, Texas. Taylor, James G., Cleburne, Texas. Taylor Milling Company, Taylor, Texas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 39 Tecumseh Oil & Cotton Company, Tecumseh, Oklahoma. Temple Cotton Oil Mill, Temple, Texas. Temple Milling Company, Temple, Oklahoma. Terminal Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Terrell Cotton Oil Company, Terrell, Texas. Terrell Milling Company, Terrell, Texas. Terry, C. R., Corsicana, Texas. Terry County Mill & Feed Company, Brownfield, Texas. Terry, W. B., Marlow, Oklahoma. Texarkana Cotton Oil &. Fertilizer Company, Texarkana, Tex.-Ark. Texas Cake & Linter Company, Dallas, Texas. Texas City Grain & Fuel Company, Texas City, Texas. Texas Cottonseed Crushers Association, Galveston, Texas. Texas Cottonseed Products Company, Dallas, Texas. Texas-Mexican Milling Company, Laredo, Texas. Texas Peanut Mill & Products Company, Cleburne, Texas. Texas Refining Company, Greenville, Texas. ‘ Texas Refining Company, San Antonio, Texas. Texas Seed & Floral Company, Dallas, Texas. Texas Star Flour Mills, Galveston, Texas. Texas State Rice Milling Company, Houston, Texas. Texhoma Mill & Elevator Company, Texhoma, Oklahoma. Tex-Mex Milling Company, San Antonio, Texas. Thomas Milling Company, Weatherford, Oklahoma. Thorndale Oil Mill Company, Thorndale, Texas. Throekmorton Milling Company, Thnoekmorton, Texas. Thurman-Davis Grain Company, Neoslio, Missouri. Tims, 8., Belton, Texas. ' Tolar Grist Mill, Tolar, Texas. Tolbert Grain Company, H. G., Littlefield, Texas. Tom Bean Grain Company, Tom Bean, Texas. Topeka Flour Mills, Topeka, Kansas. Toyah Valley Alfalfa Milling Company, Balmorhea, Texas. Traders Oil Mill Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Trevathan’s Cash Store, Vernon, Texas. Triangle Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Trinity Cotton Oil Company, Dallas, Texas. Tucker & Seward, Liberty Hill, Texas. Turner, D. M., Decatur, Texas. Turner, Wiley, Abilene, Texas. Turon Mill & Elevator Company, Turon, Kansas. Twin Falls Flour Mills, Twin Falls, Idaho. Tyler Cotton Oil Company, Tyler, Texas. Tyrrell Rice Milling Company, Beaumont, Texas. Union Oil Mill, The, Hubbard, Texas. United Oil Mills, Ashdown, Arkansas. United States Stock Food Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Valley Center Alfalfa Milling Company, Valley Center, Kansas. Valley Mills Cotton Oil Company, Valley Mills, Texas. Val Verde Irrigation Company, Del Rio, Texas. Van Alstyne Cotton Oil Company. Van Alstyne, Texas. Van Alstyne Roller Mills, Van Alstyne, Texas. Veneable & Whittington, Bardwell, Texas. Vernon Cotton Oil Company, Vernon, Texas. Vick Brothers, Bryan, Texas. Victoria Manufacturing Company, Victoria, Texas. Victoria Milling Company, Victoria, Texas. Villegas, L., Laredo, Texas. Vincent Brothers. Tom Bean, Texas. Vodder, Robert, Blum, Texas. Waco Cotton Oil Mill Company, Waco, Texas. Waco Mill & Elevator Company, Waco, Texas. 40 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Wade 8t Sons, John, Memphis, Tennessee. Waggoner-Gates Mill Company, Independence, Missouri. Wagner Grain Company, San Antonio, Texas. Waldman-Ross Grain Company, Houston, Texas. Walker, A. B., Teague, Texas. Walker Flour Mills Company, Lawton, Oklahoma. Walker & Brice, Fleetwood, Oklahoma. Wall-Rogalsky Milling Company, McPherson, Kansas. Walnut Creek Milling Company, Great Bend, Kansas. Wamba Gin Company, Wamba, Texas. Warnken, A. D., Poth, Texas. Washburn-Crosby Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Washer Grain Company, S. B., Atchison, Kansas. Washington Cotton Oil Company, Dallas, Texas. Waterloo Milling Company, Waterloo, Illinois. Watson, H. H., Longview, Texas. Watson, J. N., Lamesa, Texas. Wearden, Ed, Glen Flora, Texas. Weatherford Milling Company, WVeatherfQrd, Oklahoma. Weatherford Peanut Mills, Weatherford, Texas. Weathers Grain Company, Greenville, Texas. Weaver, Isaac, El Campo, Texas. Weber-Freeman Milling Company, Salina, Kansas. Wehmeyer, WV. H., Washington, Texas. Weid, E. H., Nordheim, Texas. Weimar Oil Works, Weimar, Texas. Weinmann Milling Company, Little Rock, Arkansas. Weiser Milling & Elevator Company, Weiser, Idaho. Weiss Alfalfa Stock Food Company, Otto, Wichita, Kansas. Welch, W. C., Vera, Texas. Wellington Mill, Wellington, Texas. Wellington Milling & Elevator Company, Wellington, Kansas. Wells-Abbott-Nieman Company, Schuyler, Nebraska. West Cotton Oil Mill, West, Texas. West End Corn Mill, Denison, Texas. West, J. H., Fort Worth, Texas. West & Glaze, Miles, Texas. v West Texas Grain Company, Sweetwater, Texas. Westbrook Grain & Commission Company, Pine Blufi’, Arkansas. Western Alfalfa Milling Company, Denver, Colorado. Western Cotton Oil Company, San Antonio, Texas. Western Cotton Oil & Gin Company, Haskell, Texas. Western Feeders Supply Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Western Grain Company, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Western Grain Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Whaley Mill & Elevator Company, Gainesville, Texas. Wharton Grain & Produce Company, Wharton, Texas. Wheeler County Cotton Oil Company, Shamrock, Texas. White Eagle Milling Company, Eagle Lake, Texas. White, J. E., Clint, Texas. Whitesboro Cotton Oil Company, Whitesboro, Texas. Whitesides, H. E., Rochester, Texas. Whitewright Mill & Elevator Company, yVhitewright, Texas Whitewright Oil Mill Company, Whitewright, Texas. Wichita Cotton Oil Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. Wichita Flour Hills Company, Wichita, Kansas. Wichita Mill & Elevator Companv, Wichita Falls, Texas. Wieser & Company, J. F., Hico, Texas. Wilborn & Brown Milling Company, Nursery, Texas. Wildorado Elevator Company, Wildorado, Texas. Wiley Fertilizer Company, Troy, Alabama. Willett Milling Company. Ginsite, Texas. Williams, John R, Post City, Texas. Williamson Milling Company, Clay Center, Kansas. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 41 Willig Brothers Flouring Mills, Temple, Texas. Willson, William P. M., Cisco, Texas. Wills Point Cotton Oil Company, Wills Point, Texas. Wilson & Company, Chicago, Illinois. Wilson & Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Wilson Flour Mills, l/Vilson, Kansas. Wilson-Legler Hay & Grain Company, Leavenworth, Kansas. Winder Grain Company, Bowie, Texas. Winfield Alfalfa Milling Company, Winfield, Kansas. Winnsboro Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas. Winters Mill & Elevator Company, Winters, Texas. Winters Oil Mill, Winters, Texas. Wise Seed Company, W. D., El Paso, Texas. Wisrodt Grain Company, Galveston, Texas. Wisrodt Grain Company, Rosenberg, Texas. Woldert Peanut Products Company, Tyler, Texas. Wolf Milling Company, Ellinwood, Kansas. Wolf Milling Company, New Haven, Missouri. Wood, A. N., Hedley, Texas. Woods & Company, C. H., Ladonia, Texas. Woolridge, J. C., Gainesville, Texas. Wormser Brothers, Laredo, Texas. Worth Milling Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Wright & Company, M. W., Bardwell, Texas. Yeawood & Son, B. F., Floydada, Texas. Yoakum Cotton Oil Company, Yoakum, Texas. Yoakum Mill & Elevator Company, Yoakum, Texas. Yorktown Cotton Oil & Manufacturing Company, Yorktown, Texas. Yorktown Milling Company, Yorktown, Texas. Yukon Mill & Grain Company, Yukon, Oklahoma. Zedler, B., Ottine, Texas. Zedler, H. & C., Luling, Texas. Zeiss Brothers, Brenham, Texas. 42 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wvOQMQOHQOU 00.00 00.00 00.0 8. 00 . . . . . . .000: 000 0000 0000000000 00002 0000 00.00 00.00 00.0 00. 20 . . . . . . 0:000 000 0002 0000000000 00002 0000 .0000 000 00000 0000000000 00.00 8.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 0002 0000000000 0000080 2000 .0000 000 00000 0000000000 00.00 00.2 8.0 00. 00 0 .00 000000 000 0o 00000000000 . . . . . . . . . . . . :0 .02 0002 0000000000 000 0000 .0000 000 000E 0000000000 00.00 8.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 00000 0000000000 000000 2000 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..000000m 00000000 0000B @000 00000 0000000000 0:00 0000000000 00.00 8.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10002 00:2 0000 00.00 00.00 00.0 8.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 0000000000 000$ m000 00.00 00.00 00.0 8.00 _ r . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .0002 0000000000 0.02m 4000 .0522. 220550 g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .§N.~m HNU£3 v . . .QU Hsnim ~AHTIHOUZ 0i? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Zw0000 0002 0000: 000E 0E0 £000 0000000000 00.00 09$ 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . 0000000001100000 .0 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000n0 300 00002 0.00000 M00: 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000M 0000 Q00: 503000000 00003 00E £0000 00000 00.0w 00.0 00.0 00.00 r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0090 0000000 000: .05====..0|w1E< 0000000000 .00:E0:00|0~00 J 0000009 .0000? :0 2.0m 00.0 00000000000 00000010 20.0.0. 5 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXA". 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. _8. 0:55 USN HNQE 0000000300 GZHHS USN QMNO 0000000300 8. 8. 0:55 USN UMNU 0000000300 .2100 UHHN 000000 0000000300 QNQE GEN 0:000 0000000300 8. 8. 0:000 0000 0:00 00000000000 o0. 8. 00. 0:000 0000 H0000 0000000300 00. 00. 00. Hm 00 0h mm 00 0N. 00 0N 00 00 0m 0N 00. 00. 00. 00. 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TNUE @UOWH~OHHOU ~%HN§@@HO é . . . . . . . . . .02 UQQYmm UOQmCOQHOU UQJOQhmQ 00b 0N. 3 . . . . . . . . .00 0O 00300 x0850 4 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 88m 000000300 00:50 00.0 0000 _ . . . . . . . . 0x80 000000300 000E880 051m r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.002 UUQMQOHHOU QETwAm 035,-. .8555 oi . 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T8 88 .1808 .58; 08.5 08055 .88888_0E .085 80E _88 _88 .88 .8 88. 88. 0Q. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88.88 88 88.8 :8 88.8 88 88.8 88 88.8 88 88.88 88 88.88 88 88.8 88 88.8 88 88.8 88 88.8 5 88.8 88 88.8 88 8.8 88 88.8 88 88.8 88 88.8 88 88.8 .88 _88.8 .88 _88.88 .88 88.8 .88 88.8 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88 . 88 88 88 88 88 88. 88. _88. _88. 88. .88. 0685883838; COCYJCYDfiCO CON 8 88. 8N. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. _8. _88. 88. 0Q. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 8. 88. 88 m: 0i 88 8 8 _ _ 8 ... . .80 88:0 888 =82 5Z2 85888. .QOO>PZ>POMQ 888.888.88.32 1:8 03 88:00am 8. .8325. dai>mz>>0m0 . . . . .00 85880 00882 .... . .282 888$ .3 . . . dwfiaooSm v08 880m 098:2 . . . . . . . . . . ..08._.m0o.n2 . . . . . . . . . . . 880m 0885,? v08 $8M . . . . . . . . . . . . dmcEwfiqw 0:8 080m 088:3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............m00n0 E00 . . . . . . . . . . . .@.NU2 vvmvwwgoflfiou bfi§@%vho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUUMQOPPQU .@Qmm®hm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dommfioz 0:8 080m 0888;? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dowmfioz 0:8 280m vii ............ _ ......................... ........... . . . .................. . ......................... . ................. . é ..00 088m 0:8 =22 30:00 588m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imn0s0 E00 . . . . . . . . ...8o>>>8m.m.§ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800:0500 . . . . . . . . . . . ..m0>0._08%=0¢:E8E ..............................mQ0s0:..00 $408M? .0.iEzB0mm _ . . . . . . . . . . .00 @0522 003030.13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:8~m~ E00 0:8 980:0 E00» @4035. 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Gm Q-flm 00.0 0o003m0m0~w m0o0h||.m 2.30. 69 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. -.-,....-.- n ¢ - - ¢ - - - - . - .-.-.ummogu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O12 oo. . . . . . . - . - - . - - - . 1U n\i ¢ . - . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . - - . ¢ . ooon oo.m ooh ooo _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . imnosU F60 mmofil é . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ooon oo.m ooé ooo .....oU hbwizw “:5 E2 53pm . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ImQonU FSU >,_ 2m Ea E2 fimzim . . . . . . . . . . . . .595 EoU Es 22G EoU um oooo 3e ow.m 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225w EEG 22>, mm oooh oo.m om.m oo.o~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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N 0002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352602 00 . m 00 . 0H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..E§O-O-um2 M000 <000 mafia 4000M 3N3 3N8 0:002 @0002 mp0,“; @202 0.2.03 n82 4.000" 4005 94 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. .28 £86888 .388 out 0:508 .2188 0:505 :85 3F: .8? 00:04.. 00d 090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .889: 852 852380 Z39. £3 Evmwfiai A22: 8: .55 8E 8.8 8.2 88.2 of: . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ....8P.: 8.252 @580: 2:8 J13 fiomwuivfi .135 E13 Aw 68o .388 vow: 0:205 J88 83w c066 00.: 0min 00.w .. 08h xoBw Jun 8x000 8.80m 18:88am J3me .28 .135 wuvwcofioo. $282205 imficvohum =12”: Anmamaaflo 2:: 8o .2623 8: 68.5-»: :6 825% .32. .188 “ma? 88.8 8a: 8.: 8.8 w .. wéauldu M3522 9.53:2 . . . . . . .88.: 82:2 @5837: 888m 8O v38 .28 J88 woomcofioo 600.8 :80 .832 -08 .828 ES: .188 515m :85 8E 88.8 8.8 85 00.0: . . . . . 08h 88w @582 @3800 5.3% 3&0 dommEoE éucmcoopun 58o Awwcmaamo E5 8o 385d 838.5 :3 8o 888:8 .393» out .82: arm“ Aw .188 coumcofiou .28 Juan 038:0 88.9.. 00.0w 8.: 00S . . . . . . . . . . . . 88L f?» 08h 82w AX $8 flaw .82: mfimrw 6.80 .395.“ 3i 05.08 dummies: :88 80m 006.? 00.3 00.8 00.0 88m 83w 25:2 03800 6.3% 1.86.25 5.8 .28 iowmfi -05 .385» o3: 058E .3838 05:08 :85 8T 6:5: :8 .380 58o 080220 00 wv 00.2 09m 00.w . . . . . . . . . . . 108m 8E2 82:2 8.58m Owmw .28 68o .888 82x01.“ dommflofi :85 8mm 00 0m 00.04 0nd 00.0: . . . . . . . . . 108m 823m 888m 8:53:70 hwmw domflfioi 6P5 o0? .82: uuomcofiou .808 whats .38 E80 0066 00.2 00d 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83h KC 25187.. 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M000 4000 00 $0 M0 Q0 M0 <0 <00N owém mwmom mwmam Q0000 03cm Q0000 <000N 110 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. d0 2 00.00 00.0w 00.2 00.02 05.2222 002022 c.5033 00000 02.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 0.220.024 <0wmw . .00 .5000, 00.20.20 000m 000.2? 50.5 0002225 00.wm 00 .0 0m .0 00.2.2 -020 0cm 2522222 0020200020 022.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0302 00x22 03222,? <00: 00.00 00.0 mw.0 00.0 . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 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Anonm noon? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WaHQ§% >|WHU flmwQnkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .nmflhm HUG-kg omcncoonow noon? nonno onncnw noon? doom noon? ..............mmcncoonom woo nnonmn noon? . . . . . . . omnnnnnoonom noco noooh UQKME noon? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . noooh nooonnz noon? woo: mmonn Goo: moonn woo: moonn nnooo 5.2m 03mm mnomo M nooo Qnooo 03mm <$oo naooo moon: m»? <23 03$ onion onion Dion ufl..§=a|13....8fi4dmvm 88 8 88.88 88.8: 88.8 88.88 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..._882 888288880 8.8888880 08888 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..wh000 0000B E05 00055 00.00 00 .00 00.0w E00 .._000._0Ew..0 dEon J0EE 60E 0000000 .0000 0000000 .0000? 00000.00 00.00 00000000 400E 0:000 .500 0EE00w 500000 000E 50.5 0000B 400E 0000:0300 JGQE E000 60.02000: 00003 00.0w .0000 003000050 S0102 . .300 60E .0000; E000 0000000 .0000? 00.00 00.00 460E C50 000wEoSo0 000m. 00.0 00.0w 00.0 00.0w 00.0 00.0w 00.0 00 .0m 00.0w 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.00 000m 00.0 00.0w 00w 00.ww 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0w 00.0 8.3 00.0 00.0 00m 00.0w 00.0 00.0 0m.m 00.0w 00m 00.0w 00w 00.2 00.0 00.: 00.0 00.mw 00.0 00.0w 00.0 00.0w 00.0. 00.0w 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0w 00.0 00.0w 00.0 00.0w 00.w 00.0w 00.0 000m .00 0300/20 0E0 =02 23m E . :..¢u 0552 0:21.. 08m E v .OU MOQN>U_.@ 0E0 E0m00E00 .wOw.w<.wMO 4020M Am ..........00000w0mm>P.nw.>> 1; 4% . . . . . . .. . . .23.; 0:55 00055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00000 0200M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2E0Emw E000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35am >000 00055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005900.80“ 0E0 E0Emw 00055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............m0000E000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ......tQUm%QQBUH@£g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....-...WQQ§U QHQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020M 300 . . . . . . . . .............000h00x@w>w0.=00w< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0002 0:024 . . . . . . . . . . 000m SUQNMUW E0w|w E300mw .0E0mw 00000E0E0 0E0 00000000 .200 023 08m 0220 E03 .520 03000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mmEE00.E0m 0E0 E0Emw 0005,? . . . . . . 0mEE0000m 0E0 000m 00x22 00003 . . - . - . - - - . u . - . - - - - . ¢ - . ¢ - u ~ ¢ ~ ¢ - o . u I ~ > - - - ¢ u - - - - ~ - n I 0000 -0000 0E0 00:0 0S3 000m x0000 E0fl00000nw . . . . . . . . . . 40000000 50$ 0002 Eo0000000m ...........0oohE0w.wE0U00fw0nw . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............w00w>w0.:0.:< . . Omv UOQh 0E0 w0snw E000m03Ew0E0w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UOU@ QHQQMQBJwH-OW 002 mwwow E02 000w 002 400w mw00mw nwo0mw 000mw mw00m w <00mw E30 .030 03.0 03.0 03.0 <30 h000w mw000w Q000w <000w 3.000 120 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL ICXPERIMENT STATION. .wwkO5M Wflhm QNQZB Jhfiufi QNQEE/ . . . . . . . . . .OU whQizz 03v? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wuQQFQ @0X@2 aflflfla .M_~MOH—M %Nhm QNUQB »H~N.~Q wflmwzg . m . . . . . . . 0U wviflahflw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @QQh 28% raw 22:? .525 255s 8.3 3 a ome 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qzum Hi2 22$» c8», 09mm cod omh c032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152m 2x53 mmom .MQ°§U M@NX .MQOQU Fnkau . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - . . . . . ...-...@QQm vUK@E .MQO§U km-vflvé .GNHQ wfiQgg .@$ .@. .§% . . . . . . . . . . . . . .°U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..@UQh @Uvn@2 Q98 om Q 00% 2T: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38$ 33>? 135$ 0N3 oodh ooh Oman cod g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.950 n30 QQM NTMQQEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @502 dtonm 52m “was? 53a awash» ooém om .w om am cog: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “awn @252 £355 mwmfi . - - . . . . . - . - . . - . . . . . - . - - . - - 8.3 8.2 34m 3 .3 . . . . . . . qfiérsm Ea E2 hi0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qiflsfiow 3a 52m £355 ommi; 21m S. d S, a. 092 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fihéw 8.315 E23 mam“: .ml 000 0000B .005 000:3 00.5 030 50.5 00055 .7008 000000300 200E000 .205 30000 000000 00.5 030 053E .003 00003 00.00 000m 00.02 00m 0m ON Ow OOOlDOOO OOONOOKD Lfimlfifllbf-OP‘ OOOOOOOOKULO OOOOLOOOOOLO OOIOIDIDI-OOKDNF MCOOONCONECYUflfiN LOmLOmMQCQDQDv-(v-i 00.05 00.m0 00.02 00.m0 00.3 00.2 00.3 00.00 00.00 0405:. 05275 000202000 O .0042 m3s0o~m EOwuCmw 0000500000 . . . . . . . .00 :0 00030 0000.005 2 .................. 102 as . . . . . . . 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Om0mm 0m0mm 00000 mmmiaH 8.8 + 118v 8552 2:... 50.25881 .... . . . . . . Idmbm F50 wax 38.5 E00 New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252m ckoU Qww . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895cm 52.0 888:3 Uww . . . . . . . . . . .2688 Ea 25m 88855 2.8 dxmU UQQwCOQQOU mVOXONhU %.~NG@U.~Q . . . . . . . . . . ~N02 wuowcofioU ~mMNC~UMQ Qiflmw woomcofioU uvxuwpU uocovfim UFIMQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8812 88x2 888823 E88 . . . . . . . . . . . .832 88w=8888u 25E <88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . FWQQZU Qkoui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQC§U QMQU . . . - . . . . . . . . . . IQGUS ghou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .@Q®Yv# AHNUM flmw>imw>i TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT ST/YPION. won Eabfizw mucomwokmc~ aw - . Q ¢ . . . . . - - - . | ¢ . - . - - a . . . . - . . . . . . . .=°W¢hNQQ@m -@¢i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MQC.§U QLOU .m>.HH@A..~ oo om. oo ow. om. oo. oo. oo _8. 3o. om oo. om »ahu.dw . . . . . . . . . . - . - ITNQE wvfiwmflmoamwcu bflnmwfiho mm . . . . . . . . . .m .oZ ovum wovmcofioU wcsofib .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 =0 fiizsm . . . . . . . . . a dz 8Q wwaaozou “E50 afi . . . . . . . . . .02 .@U@m UOQmCOQHOU UQUO-fiw S . . . . . . . . J. e2 Ram fixaé¢scu wwfifiu fifi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .—NQ2 mvQOmQOHBOU 081mm w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MQOJU QMOU Hfim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MQCQU QHOU .25: JQZOHQQH a.» i . . . . . . . . . . .HHQmw0hu uwv hQHQUQ-uflui . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QMQOEU QMOU? @585. dEmm-m @M .OU OZQCNOHUE wvnwfl UHQQWNhi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fiwfivm» TQN@2 wfinvgg} aabomm-S QHEHW~ 0.? . - ¢ . . . ~ . ¢ - - - - - - ¢ - | - | - - - - - - v .¢M .OU Ufld O~Z>whQEhflfv~ . . _ . . . .mWEMCQQHU@ TQM doom UOK@2 Hmong 4X5 _ 2m 0cm =22 00.0.35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fikonm 033m i803 m5? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..WQ°§U IOU . f - . . - - . . - - -. . - ~ - - . - - a . - - » 00.0w 00.0 000 00.2 0836a,. 05w c0000 “Eaawm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12500 0E2 402$ . . . . - - - . . . . . - . - - . ¢ . - - - - - . 00.0w 00.0 00.m 00.m~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iwaonU .8003 Ommmm . . - . . . . . . . a - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - - - - . . . . ¢ . - - - - . . - - - - 1 4 @4035. .m3o~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 0uuwcofioU EmEEO U50 00.00 00.: 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.5 F60 mhmw 00.31. 00 .0~ 00.0 88.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 0wom=oSoU with <5? $52.2. éadkwmmoqm . 0 $.00 60E 3m MW» . éazzn 00:00 o0EU @0500 oZ 3000x0300 macfi0whwc~ . 0308005 .5 QENZ 052m 2050b nvhflwodwflfldz 0c oEa Z émwom 45.0 09ml fiwfimn< 003.23..“ EU .0o=:S:eO|m§~ ‘m 009-030 QDGNQH. w: Q-flw .5.“ UOhOuOmNOG QQQQrflN-N 01nd? 125 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 3.50m 52w “was? 48.5 ~m@:>>_00. 00. 00. 00. duos“. 0:3 6&3? chow 6.23 UQSOEU 00. 00. $55G wow 13E wowmcogboU 00. 00. 00. 00. .135 new 21E wvwmcofioU 00. 00. ._woE 0cm 21E woumnofioU 00. 00. :5 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 8 8m. 0O 00 0m? 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ImQOSU aCOU_ .MDHh CG .6 . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQOSU hGNVw Uifl . . . . . . . .GOW um.- wuOOahflvkf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQO£U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........mQOH_UG.~O\r.v Ow 0F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m~u.Q0m UQJQHMU Ofl . . . . . . . . . . . . Omw Gwflhw =N§mhfl2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQOH~U $2" mxxa <$§ 400g mwmmw <33 500g 03$ mowfi n82 95$ u8fi 96$ fiafi in: 05am 908m <0nNN n33 £53 126 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. . . . . . . . . . . 100.0 00.00 ...................0000>0050m00500000>0 00000 . . . . ..00. 00.0w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..050m0>000:0.0 <50 .0055 600000 5000 65000 00003 .5000 0:5 £5000 0000M 00.00 00.0 00.0 002w . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 00000 50000052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0090 00.00 050000 000m <00: 00300.0. 00.5003 0.00000 00.0» 00.0 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . .......00 50000 50000005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0000 5000 <0000N .MQMMN~OE 0000000 550E000 000050.00 ©@. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .@QU_H% HQQ>V@ wviflhm .000 00000005 .00>00_ 5:00.000 055000 .0005 0.000.000 .300 .5000 00000000 00.00 00.0.0 00.N 00.0 . . . . . .N .070 00000 00:0>0 050 000000 000N930 5000a .0000 00000005 £00,000 5:00.000 000000 .0005 0000000 .200 .500 0000000 00.00. 00.0.0 00.0 00.0 . . . . .0 .02 0.00.0 0032 0E0 800E 00000-30 00000 .0000 60000005 .0005 0000 5000 .0500 000555 0000 0000500 -000 .00>000 5:00.000 055000 .0005 0000004 00.00 00 .00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 0000000 0000001000 0000000 .0000 60000005 $070M: 5500000 v .O.mv wfliflfiuwi-CNE fivflffimvimvm A 05:50 .0005 000.0 5000 .0500 000555 000.0 0000500000 055000 .0005 0.000004 00.00 00.000 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 000000 500:0 .3960. E0000 00000005 ._s>§ 500002. 00020 .088 0:002 00.0.0 00.00 8 . 0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 03am 0000-05 503.0 .0000 00000005 £00,000 5:00.000 . 055000 .0005 0000000 .300 .5000 5000 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . IN .070 00000 000000 550.0 005500. 008.0 .0000 60000005 £00,000 5:00.80 055000 .0005 0.000000 .300 £00000 5000 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . I30 .070 00000 000000 5500 05500. M00000 .0000 60000005 £00,000 5:00.000 . 055000 .0005 0000.000 .300 6.0000 5000 00.00 0000 00.N 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000.0 000000 55010 .5500. 000000 05023500 00.0.0020 EMOK 00000000 0000M 00.0.7500 000000 00h |O0Am . 10.502 0U50U 0U50U 0005.000 070 00005000050 m0500m000m50 00000000000 .00 000.0070 6500i 000K000 0005000055000 00 05070 L00 0M0 J-EQU 00%| 000000054 0000500050 .00:500500I|00a0 .0 0000000 .0050? 50 000m 00.0 0000000030 0000.010 0000.0. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 127 .0000 000 0000 0000000300 .0000 000 R05 000000300 4.0000 000 0:00 000000300 .0000 0000 .0000 0000? .0000 .0000 .0000 0000000 .0000?» .0000 0000B M00000 0000 00000 0E2 .0000 0000005: .300 .0000 .0000 .0000 0000000 .0000? .0000 0000000 .0000 0000000 .0000 0000000 .0000? 0000000 .8. 0040.0 0000 00.3 00.0% 00.0 00. 00. 00. 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00. 00.0 0N. 00. 00. 00. 00. 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Hnn-Omrvm GQOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jvvflrvm >POU HNMW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .flfl.um . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 UQOHM hQmhQQH-m . . . . . .mmiflHO0hOW MNQJR/ Uflfl fluO-U UQMONMU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - PQmum . . . . - . - - - . - 0 .#@kw “Um uwxQ-nmwm - . . . . . . . . . . ....-.-....-....@Q°§Ua§hg u - - . . . . . . . - - » . 1H5“ EQU QQVTvNHU -.--¢- - - -.-io2a:2 .-.¢.-.¢- ~ .--. 566.6 .98 .88 ".58 n68 06¢N M68 <88 ~62 366$ 06w; M66. 6 Q66; <3; <82 R28. 52$ 64 ma. 64666 64 :3 28¢ N466 L 64 66¢ X666 >~6¢ 656% 138 TEXAS AGRICULTURATJ EXPERIMENT STATION. ....-...........\flQx@§EKwanzaa»; . . . . . . ...__.........~.... . . . . . 05000. 0250040 60.0». 3000” 30.0 700d _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OU =02 wuummi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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QQGM 00.00 00.00 09$ .215 o2.- dfin Eco .205 735$ 00.0w i=2: .02. 45.5 F80 dmonu flaws? £95 Hon?» 00 0m 00 .2. dionm >20 Eva? 50.5 “mung 006m Mia 30.90. Cm-P -...-...........%vHU§QQEW-U.<..-.-..-.-.---...-..-.MQO-Umvflflmnvwwg QQ-mw IIIQQQQ.IIIIIIIIIIIIOIMQOgUwwomhuwvm a...” 23. 2; .........usw_a.wazuoaou ............................a£u.56 .Q0—m mvaud h0=uQu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QuOQYnm 8.@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....UQ0@. ¢@.N 8.Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-..-.MQQA~U flhnvu .M - - . - - . ¢ - . - . . . . . - . . - - - . - - - - - ~ ¢ - - . . . - . - . - . - . 00x00. .Z<~>S~OU iOOQh iOmYM 06m. N 30.0w _ . . . . . . . . . . ..~oww>o_mw Gmmumv ovfivmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IwQOJU 010/1 (qNOmN .0500. EHQOU j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>0N=m .0 .m% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .MQOJU .:%.NV: .0300. 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E 2am 000 0000030000 m000h|um 050a. 143 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN’ TEXAS. 0060 00.00 daoau F80 dmficwwkum “was? 0080 00.00 00.00 004w 00.00 00.; 00.00 00.00 8.2 00.0w 00.0w 004w 00.N0 00.00 00.00 00.00 oofi. 20.2. 39E i255 055003 dame 055w; 00.00 00 0m 00 0N 00 0m 8.2 00.0 00S 7.9m 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.0 Q LO OOMCOOQKONOOI-OODtDm 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 3m. 00. 00. 00. 0m 00. 00. 0m. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 0m. 00. 00. 00. : 0N 0m 0m 0N 00.0 . . . . . . ..o0 =0 c0300 5000.20 . . . . . 112.202 0% 0300.200 . .Owr.v uowmzzmm WEN 805000 I I 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQ°§U Zmzhflm . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .%0®Qh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m cwxQEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 E00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300mm $20 0x002, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @0000 0E2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . awicuaom 00w 52m 0x05’? . . dmcwcowuow 0cm 52m E00 53m 035$ . . . . . . . . . . . .520 E00 0cm 030$ 00x22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 035$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3000 E00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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STATION. 50.20 000.0 .0500 .0000?» 6:50 0000000000 .0005 0000000300 05050.06 00.0% 00.0w 00.0 00.00 00.0w 00.0 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000000 5.000 M0000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0030 050C 00>? 00:02 <_000 M 00.00 00.0 00.0 00. 00 .00 050.0002 05m 500.00 0300.0 000.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000 0000.290 .380 .W005< 000050.500 .00::=:oQ||m000 .0 00.00000 60x0? E 00am 5.0 0000003000 mvofialhu 0000.0. 167 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAs. .595 58o .185 woomcgfioo %.~NC;ZO .595 “was? .215 woumcogbo0 .165 uwamcofiou >25 15.5 605cm hub... £353 Soima 055.10 5x5 98v .135 wuomnowpou 00552.50 .215 wvvmcofiou 65A anon? 450E 00095300 x5555 .595 flhflmw dwcmcookuw Eco. 252w .215 wovmnofiou .135 wwwm E030... 3x505 J85 55o .595 “mung .215 wvom -5003... .265 woomsofiou >pwcfibo .215 “we 530505.. 5.3a 555m .595 anon? .215 @358. Lou .305 wovmcofiou hpacmwpo .525 53:3 dmimoopum 5.6a 005.9% 5W5 QBG .135 woomcofioo 5.25.8 .215 wooncofioo .595 i353 . .235 009E038 whmcflfio .595 i353 .052 .215 wvownofioo £005.. 0:5 .595 5on3 .505 woomiofioo mfiflzbuO .35: wwwmcofiao 4x05 voom 150300 5550.50 .595 5.3a 55m Qua? 00am .6020". £0050 50v 6:5 dmcmcoouuw i353 02:2 4505 woomcoadou zhmcfifio .215 wovm 1:030... .535 ooi .595 5.5a .595 i353 .595 oui .305 wvomcofiou .135 Eco iiosw 52w i353 $5.218.” 69». _8.@ _. 00. b0 m» .00. 0m .2. aw Q0 0m 00 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 5 0N N0 0~ 4% mm mm 0N M: 0m O LO N OOOOO OOOLOO IDIOCOv-wbfi own 004m 09m Hwfi 9.1m 09.3 00.2 00.0H 00.: 00.0~ 8.2 00.0 00.0w 00.»; 00:04 .2; 00A: 8.2 006% 21: 3.00 00.N~ 8.5 1.1.1......_aom%aou_whmm_ .m...MQOQUGboui . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U®Qvv% P/OQ QUNUQ 033m hi0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .@00v@ wmvm WF-OfiZJ M50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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JUQ GOwuOmv OMDE 4200:0000 .0055 40w 5507M ~WHGGOQ Uhpflflww .m>_ . . . . . . . . . . . - . . »fiU2 wvQQmflOflwQu bflflwWv-mo . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 000h 000000300 00000000 . . . . . . .0000 000000300 00000000 50:00.00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 000h 000000300 000000 . . . . . . . . 0x00 0000000000 00020000 0:005 y. . - - ~ - . - ~ - - ~ ~ - c u o 00.0w 00.00 00.0 00.00 0:0: 0cm 00100 000500300 00.0w 00;: 00.0 00.3. 00.0w 00.00 00.0 00.00 i=0: 0:0 30E 000000300 00.0w 00.3 00.0 0w. :0 . . . . . . . . . 0E2 1O moi-D 00h. 00.0w 00A: 00.0 00.00 00.0w 00.00 00.0 00.00 Avofiflfln-UIMQNHH. 5052500 0 . . 0 omqmwfiw 000E 00h 1000mm .0002 00:00 00:00 00:00 000000.550 00000000002 .0000 00h] £03004 0000000050 00000080 .00 000000000002 00 0E0 2 0502 052m .00:E0=0O|0$~ J 000300 £05m. 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Q .02 109m wvvwcofioU woxomiU . .212 Ea i3 888288.280 88 em 88 .3 88 .8 8N n85 82:: can 13E woomcozoU oo 6m o0 .3 ooh omAv . . . . . . . . . é dZ $88k 88w=88u 959:0 9:8 884.8. 88$ 88.8 88.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3880 88388.26 E8520 Q85 @@.. .@% .@ . . . . . . . . . . .00 QQQWQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IQNUE wvfimvwccflwnvu xfihfli@@h%w 88.8.8. 88.2 88.8 88$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .085 882E888 25$ m2... 8.88 88.88 88. 8 88...? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1882 8882880 25$ <83 .8522. =53; i ... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . ......MQO.SUOZE o; To... Ti 7...... _ ...........U ........ .............. .... .2“. .5 5 855a .535 <89 .-.-- - - . - . ... . . . . . . ..¢.-..:W.r.;om 2Q 32 88.: 3L _=2sEso_ ....... .......... .3803”. 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Owgflfidm gUOflmi . . - . . . - . . . . - . . . - . . . . . - - .W@°§u @N0m . <8» 403i 4%.: mwSw 38w 3% mfit 4.3L ~ 5S fi <32 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 8.88 88 .2 88 .8 88 .m8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 18880 8888888880 888888888 8.88m 88 .88 8 .2 8.8 888 . . . . . . . . . . . . .8882 8888888880 88888.82 Q88 88.88 8.2 8.8 888 .....80 8o 888880 88888880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 8888888880 888E 088m 888.8 888 8:88 8888888880 8.88 88.88 2.8 8m .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8882 88882 88022 888.8 88.88 8.2 8.8 888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8882 8888888880 888E 8.88m 8.8 8m .8 8.8 8m .88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8228 388B 8888B mmmmw 8.8m 8.2 8.8 8.88 ..80 88882 8888888 .88 .88 88.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 188m 8888B 48mm 88288.8. 2888880288 u n u a u a n | u n o o n n c Um I“ ~ 8 - | - - a a 8 u - - - 8 - : - u o u - n n n u - n 8 8.8 82 88.m 8.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288m E80 08.88 88.mm 88.8 8 .8 88 .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..888888888m 888 82m 8888B .8882 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801E mam-Mn QQQS; . .@ .m .@@ 8 - . - . . 8 8 - 0U MNWNQENQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . - . . %vnwmwm .885 8888 .8888 8888 B 8.8m 88. 8 8.8 88.88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888m 88882 082 8.8m 8.88 8.8 8m .88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382m 8888B 8882 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQO.SU QhOU .8888 888 8888 8888888880 8.88 8.2 88.m 88.88 . . . . . . . . :8 .82 888m 8888888880 8888880 @888 .8888 888 88888 8888888880 8.88 8.2 88.m 8m88 .. . . . . .80 8o 888880 888888880 . . . . . . . . . .8 .82 888m 8888888880 888880 Q88 .8888 888 .888. 8888888880 8.88. 8.8.8 88.m 88. 88 . . . . . . . . . .8 .82 888m 8888888880 888880 0888 lmfi 8N? 0a 8 a a c a o a n a I I n n a u 8 8 o - - - u 0 o 0 a a ~ | - o | n u. - a Q J n c - 0 83888.8. 58.88.8288 888.8888 888E 8888 flww . £05.80 QWUMU O 5h . .02 880888388880 3888:8885 u U 808.80.88.85 .80 08d 2.288.188 880888.88 80888808888882 .80 0:882 8888.88 Jim-Q 80%| $988284 88880888888880 186 éounuua0|a~a~ J 80:38.0 demon. E 2am .83 88888888888 mwoohld 05a? 187 HD- ....--.-..- - . . . -..-.-.-.-.nQOJU§HOU m 00.m© 00.Nfi 00W. 00.w ...................0Om.unm80H. ............ . . . . . . ......mQOJUflHOUHNm E 8.5 8.N -.......v........-..-WQOJUwvflfimau$g T m ..-.-.-...-..-.%0H.N_Q5Q-m.3....... . . . . . . . . . .............mnmO.Jmvn-.~OQ4-888@8B.=288~»8>> 88.88 8.8 88.8 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:88am 88882 88855 088w m 8.88 88.8 88.8 8.2 .150 2E2 58E .558? 2,8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....8t888 >30 835$ 883m m Omw.m. ‘w . . . . . . . . . . . ...................wQOfl-r\v QHOU R .> 8888.88 M 8.88 88.2 8.8 88.3 8.582 888888888 . . . . . . ........w85=@888 85 =85 88855 888888. G 83825- rnmzmi N . I m 00.0w 00.0w 0m.fi 0min; ..............w.~ofluOhmhvmahO.g.................... . . . . . . Iiuwhmmwmvfla QQ ........... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . -...iflhmfifififig L mu m 8 | u - Q I a u u I 0 I I c 0 a 0 I O O I m 88.88 8.88 8.8 8.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........=Sm=.6u 0888 E ,- .-..°U QNOMHUEIWNKQP . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nQO.£U HHOU m . . . . . . . . . . --..-.--.-.-..QNHmHNU§g m . . ~ . . . - - - - . . .w=@2 HQ=°m nv@QH.Wg . . - . . . . . . . . - . - . . . - O - - . - . . . . . .-H.NHm Q0053 88.88 8.2 88.8 88.3. . . . . . . . . . . ................._:am§a>> 88.88 88.8 88.8 8.88 . . . . dQoAU fihO-U uoiuiafi QW-mw. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . ..m0wfim -< MOEGM- . - . . . . . . . . - - . . - ..-..-.-.,....WQOJU QMOU 00.0w 00.00 000.10 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:02 00=om 000004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J000m~ 0000;? 40w“. .M5: HU%WJQX%IQQWQ@g 92F . . . . . . ~ - - . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . ‘ . . . . -WQQ§U AHMQU I m 00.8 0.0.8 081m 8.80 . . . . . . . 000E808 0:8 000200 080 000.03 Q80 U 8 .8 00.2 8+ 00.80 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..&=00s0sw 0:5 02m 030B 080 E . . . . . . . .OU O—w%w% .».. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W..—.~OS@ Wfl-FU H0052? L 00.8 8.2 8.0 00...: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35:0 0000B <80 A R 0800000000 00003 W 0:520 .3020.“ >20 000.? .0005 0.0.050 00.8 81w 08.0.0 00.2 . . . . . . 00.008800 E8 0.000 0.002 00.203 Q82 Tw 8 .8 8 8 8 .8 8 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0008 >20 805$ 08.2 TC . .@@ . fi .¢% . . . . . . . CU Z€HOaAHQ0VNDA . . . - . . . . . - . . - . . . . - . - . . . . . . - ififlm Hflnwgg M 00.8 8 .8 8 .8 8 .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..wm=0=8sw 0E“ 02m 000.05 <82 G. A 8.@ ...-. . . . . . . . . . . IMQOWQMv~flQSM< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..WQOH—U QMOU s m 050230 .000.0o>>z0><00 E T 8050B 200w 0000.000 0030K 00m nounw . . .0002 00:00 00:00 00:00 oZ 0000000000 0000000500 . 000000000 0o 000070 0000M 003000 00000030002 0o 0000 Z 0000M .0000 00ml. mifififi» 0000000000 188 iou030o0|afiafi Tn 000300 QQNNQH. 00m 0—flm 00w wohimmuofl MUQQrHI-N Oiuflk. 139 _OO.Oh_OO.m _OO.0 75.0 _.......,........0.0m>vomuwuoxodhk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................mQoJU0.00mi 4000 .M? Alumwfl S . E 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.0w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0002 00000000 A00: . v n n o - a ¢ Q oa0nn-n¢non?.mo2 .000: 000 000E 0000000000 00 .0w 00 .ww 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . .0 .070 000m 0000000000 .0000.00 000: W, 00 0w 00 .0w 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . .00 0O 08000 00000503010 . . . . . . . . ..$=0000 00000000 000005 000000.00 00000 F 00.0w 00.0w 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . 00000000 00000000 00055 0000.00 r0005 W 0:000 000 000E 0000000000 00.0w 00.00 00.0 0w.00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 000m 0000000000 0000.00 W00: . S 00.00 00.0w 00.0 00.0w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0000000000 000000n0 0000 <00: M W 600N008 00050003010 I D m i .... . . . . . . . . ................mQO.SUQHOU F 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . 1.10002 0000M 0006A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m 00055 40R. /: NT”. 000N005. .HA u. . . . . -m¢ . - . - - . - . - - - - - . .QxflO @QQWQQQPOU ENHM@@HO .. M 0:00 000 00000 0000000000 00. . . 00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 0.00m 0000000000 000000.00 G000 M 0:55 000 ~GQE UQQMGOfi-OU . . #0 . . . . . . . .OU QOwHOU UHNGOQWH . . . . . . .. . . L? .02 UQQHM UQQmQOHHOU UGn-Ohw m 0O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0002 0000000000 5000.00 0O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .0002 flvvmflbuwOU 0g ,_\ .. 1.11%.. 0O. 190 Tums AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. i=2. 9E din 8c .5...5 $2; om a... 9.1m o... w o... .2. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63m v.22 =fiowumsflm mowi -....~.........CNHSOOU .M .m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-wQO.-U CkOU .220 E... Es m§..a..:8 oofi 33 2E. 3:. .8 5.2m d Q .......... J. dz 2E Haomsfiou 222i <2§ .w2m 0am mcESZ wéfiwfiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..mt2w =55 i603 Maw»; 00.0w 00.00 0m 4m 0m .3 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . éwnmcvohuw 05w nfimvfla>> 13%.: .wH:E°m ..........m=@2 QHOU NXMNMQOZ ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .......MQOJU flhOU éumémmmz 950073.“ a p E3 “Wm... .00.“. n0... _ 2 wooucabwnmv m§o€o~ms~ #2 w U pofionai .5 oEmzwwnwhm aobkb uPin-owwsnwg 0o oEuZ émmofl- JQQU pom] U‘ K mmmfimn< woowcauazmv . m..£.. l 60:53:01.3: J £5800 iunoa. E 2am .50 00903302 mwoohlld 05am. 191 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 88588883 .280 00m E00 856% £38305 £0.50 000a Esnwhom .095 00% .095 0.30 JNQE 000800.500 hbwufifio .1805 8:034 00.5 F000 £2.60 001 60.00am 000:3 .595 00? 50.5 0x055 .1805 :0 628.8205 .300 .3808 0.50 .305 0.20:4 .013 dminoouum ~00 vim F30 608:8 two: Eflnmuom Janna-ca .500 A008 600:0 flaw-U T888. 88.8 2.2. 3.8 8.5 88.8 88.88 8.2 8.8.8. 88.8 88.88 88.8 88.88 8.2 8.8 8.8 8.88 8.8 88.8.8 88.8 88.88 88.2 88.88 88.8 88.88. 8.2 88 88 88.8 8.88 8.2 8.88 88.2 88.8.... 88.88 88.88 88.... 88.8 88.8 88.8 88.8 8... 88 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 0Q. i 8 . 0U wamhfiofinaaz 888852.; A . . . . . . @325. ioemwzmin 2 .3 d 2 m: 0.! 2 . . . .00 wQEQ/H 000E505 m A. 0U 0068100000 00a 085D mohwm 8 . . . . . . .00 080020.85 80882.5 . I00 02310500 EwnmficuflU nbtbnbnlilwmoaw --.- - - - . -.¢ . - . . . - - -..-WQQ.§UMMHOU .-..-.-.-...-. . . . . . 23.8mm >800 0x055 . . . . . . dmnflfiohum i355 was 03m 2355 8 u I o - - - u u | 0000 - | n I lrlilncuuingonwchow n - u ~ | a n o I a o o nmmnv . . . . . . . 205m E00 :m.: waoiflfl n-oo : - - - - niOlulmgonwqhow . . - ~ - - - . . - . . - - - ¢ . - - -WH|MQH§Z >NHU fifloga - - - - - - - -.-.-.-.-¢--..-fnmfl-mmuwfiQga ¢--.¢ -. .--WHH°.§@ wvcfl imammfiflQgg . - . - . . - - . . - - -.----...--WQQ§UAHHQU 8 - - - - - - lu8-uuu-u-vulu-voarmzfimiwaigm . 1-802 000m E00 00a 080M E00 0050.00 . . . . . .8880 52 2.8280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600m 8088202 38.20% . . . . . . . . . . . . . dwinoonum wan 53m .3045 - . - - . . - - - - - ~ v n 8 8 a - - - -WHHQ§@ hwho $5”; / 0882 <888~ E8888 0.88.8 088$ 088.88 08$ 08880 @882 @882 Maw.“ <88“ 2883 0883 M883 0883 mm?“ 088$ . r .§I1i..c§l_,.....1i1.41..i. ti}. d .... n1 A 192 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1 . i... 5 _. 1151... 112111.15; iiaw-uisailidwai.imliOA i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .-..WQQ.SU \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..@0m.m.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q . . . - . . ..mQOSU CHOU , 83888.8. .8808 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .WQO.SU..§%NM Gav .®© .§ . . 8 . . . - - . - . .60 Afiwfihw HUUH8 8888888888888 _ .8. . . . . . . . . . . .fldhm HNOfiB mvflhfimmflnwauhavam-H. @ ~88 - - - . - 8888-88....-.-8-8....QQ°.§.Uuni-filo. 88.88 8.8 8.8. 194 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. o0 q qw q 8 q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qqqqqqq q qlltqoqqqqqqwgoguiqkou 00A“. 00.m 8.m 88.2 0 150030 flaw 5x80 qficmnsu 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dQoJUqo-ME M30“: 00.0“. 8w 89m 00.0 . . . .....3onu wqqm 3C2 <83 8.8 8“ 2Q $8 . ........:...q@2u wqqmd=2 0min o3... 0.; o3 .62 ........... .§qu..=2 was. um qm q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q £25m bum E2? 55 32;? 8S 88.8 8 A. 8 .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aqua wsngwqqq? mwtw 00.0w 0m“. 8d 88 . .. . .. ... . . . éQoQU v35 2:2 Q88 00A“. 00.»... 89m 00.0~ 6U 15h Ea 8am $552 =5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600:0012 uwfim q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qqqq q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qq qqqqqwgonu co qwo qm qN q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q 00.N0 00.“. 00.N 88.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 28m “Eqqqm mmmi om q q“ qN qm q q . q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q Ehww Ema mwfl mag: ..........qqqqon>vu§%.mq>qqw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I325 qmww Cami 0o q qb qN q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q om q°§q q m qN qo? q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qqqqqmgonu 0o q q h q N q a q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q oo qob q m q N q m q q q q q I q q q 8 q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q qq qqqqqqqqq q q q @525. Q0055.“ mmwww sew Gm MW» .9502 0050 owEU 005.6 .02 wootbfiwwmv nfiqomwoqwqJ 5.88s: .3 05w Z vcmqm cofiwfi qohionwscag Ho OENZ émmom dcoU qwml. mmmqflwc/w woofiqwqmsw qfim§fi qfl qoncuoO qUdNOqH Hm 2am .50 voqoummuofi DUQQqH-lqfl 01nd? 195 S. A X E T N I D E R E T S T. G E R S F F U T S G N I D E E F L A I C R . E M M O C dmiuoohum 3on8 952w 5P5 98o .530 i355 00.00 .2800 2.8a .2250 0E2 00.0w 00.0w 00.00 _8 .3 23w 006m 00.0w 00.00 00 .00 00 .0“ 00.00 dies» >2» Haws? .595 K955 00. F. 00 ,. E 00.00 00.00 00.0w 00.00 fiflg 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 :5». (“OM08 LQPQDLO NONYFO? 39o» 89m 3m. 00. 00 00 00. 00. 0m. 0m 0m 0m. 0w RH 0N . 3 @6600‘ 00000 000mm @0154; 69m m. ...I.3...,.%.»/;. 1......“ ... a. 00.0w 0N0 00.2 QAJPHB .MO0@H0u2 T00 . 0 T00 Ho~w>v§ Uflw flmmumv u8wv~9} l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 mpoflimh . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 E2 HO n9»..- . . . . . . . . . . . . .c0 05:22 Z550 . . . . . . . .00 v0 uoflvoN .0 0mm .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . w . ...... .320 0.22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 v.22 ....................... .350 s8 .................... . 5m :22 - ~ . . . - - - . . - - ....- 30:0 F50 _ @ . . . . . . . . . .3100 woomcowgo0 0.22.050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1002 0vomco$o0 humiwwO . . . . . £0.30 00025300 0vxom~0 05in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .—fl02 UUOMGOHQOU UEMHAW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .485 :80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..m@on0Eo0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zwtoaw >020 $205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39.» @852 2855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52m 0.355 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iafim “was? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..wfioam >20 :25? _ . . . . . . . . izfim :80 E8 @950 Eeu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Icwkm Eou ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zwqaau Eco aw?" ow? mwfi». <02" <§§ 03.0 Q30 03.0 $3.0 $00 000 M00 000 <00 . .<......~.....,, .0 196 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. CC .@ . . . . . . . . .00 HI-HNHU %HH~QOU.I.M:ZQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQO§U QHQU 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.02 . . . . . . . . ............mtfim 000$? 00003 v20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xfifiwhflm 005000.50 0000B 000000 00.500 >000 00008 .005 00055 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.02 . . . . . . 0000000000 000 0001.2 00x22 000005 20 00.5 000.05 00000 00E 00000 .0000! 00.00 00 .0 00.w 00.02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000% 0052 000500 20 . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ..........WQO5UO$E 00.00 00.02 00 .0 00 .02 .00 0300/ . . 0000000000 000 02m 0000 000M 000005 .020 00.2 00.0 00 .0 00.0 102M 000 E2 030000 0:200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 0.000 000 00.000 0000 n20 00.00 00 .02 00 .0 00 .02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005.0003 000 50m 0000.5 m8 00.00 00.02 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . ...............000m20000 n20 . . - . . ..q-...--.---.-..--MQOSUch00 ..... . . . . . . . . .......mHHOSW \mfl.m.w £50.53 00.00 00.02 00.0 00.02 ...........................000m2..-000>P <20 . 03200. $022222 .MQO£U 91w: “MQ-Jgfiwhzmw! ..... .- ...-.--..-.-.WQO.£U -- ¢-¢--- u --¢-1-WQOQU Q@NHU wucmw knv%Q-uwnvg ....-...-.-..-..-.....-..-.c~whm nHHoU ---u----¢-n--n-u-u-wgonuqvflou 00 0w 00 .00 00 .0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 00300300 03000000 G000 00.0w 00 .00 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2002 000000300 0.0000000 0000 00.0w 00 .02 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . .00 0O 00300 000000004 . . . . . . . . .0000 000000300 00020000 0800 M000 00.0w 00.02 00.0 00.00 .2002 00300300 0000.02 4000 .00E028olm05 0000B .005 3000.5 .3323: 00.300.200.12 600:0 000s 00E 600:0 0:002. 0:5 055% .050 0563 .0000? 055.00 02m .300 .0005» .9500 0.50 .022 iZSSfiVGN 1.006 UOOMGOQQOQ i235 U26 0X00 0000:0300 i255 USN UMNO 00335300 $25G 000 TwUE mVQUMGOwQOQ 4002C USN 210: UUQMGOQQOU 00 00 00 00 00. 00. 00. 00. 0m. 00. 00. 00. 00. .0“. 0h >0 2m 0N 00. 0N 00. 00. 0N 00. 00. 00. 0N 0N 0N 0N 0N 0N 00 00 00 00. 00. 8. .02 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. mN. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 00. 000 .0 hN 3 0 .02 00.0 00.0 8.0 0m. L000 Emu‘. N010] 00.2 OOmOm LC@I\LQI\ COLQNCOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO QOMP0M._mE 09mm 0.0.8 0NAO 0NQO 00.00 00400 0000 00.: . . . .202 0O 00300 >0~Ewvh02 . . . . . . ......Emnm._0.2.fi-. 00.00 ......-.....................mQOH~UQhOU u o ¢ u -. - . . - . - - ¢ . . . - . - » - . . GhO-mv UGH-Ohnmv . . éwficuwuuw 00m 3.50m >000 300:3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50500002 0:0 53m 335$ . . . . . . . dmcmnoo5m U20 03h UQNME HNQJB -.» - - - - .-.v.-mgosuoiig 150:0 :50 . . . . . .....................000000002 . . . . . . .8? ..0ENRE_<.. 1121........300>>00w3wO000000 . . . . . . . . . . . 10223020120 1.1.1300 n23 000000052 3m 000h 002 .......:0._mh 0.50 ............w00s0 F50 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 03h 003000300 0000.00 . . . . . . . . . .m .02 03h 00095350 00020000 . . . . 20 .02 03h 0325300 000200.00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 03h 0395300 0000.00 . . . . . ... . . .. . . 0x00 0325300 505000 . . . . . ....... . . .032 00025300 zumcfiflO . . . . . ...... 1.3.3200 0325300 053m . . . . .000h 0052 08th . . . . . .032 00300300 05th <0m0 <80 08mm <00NN hw00 M58 D000 UNMZN QNMZN <85 <0». M20 Q5» 0N0 m? 12.0 08w $88 000w 08w @000 G000 000w M000 <80 TEXIAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. dahOfim ~nflhm H.003? JuNhQ ZOE i . . . . . . . . .OU wZNHm Oiahflwx/i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jmvvmwrwm @0032 .mHOEZQmmQ<2 $05M E3 000.05% 009mb Hark 10ml . 6.5.2 005G 00000 005D dZ 0000:2009 0.300000%: . . 03 Bani .3 oEsZ 053m cofiwb 000000000002 mo 0502 0000i JZMQU HUm-lln 293015. 00000.30 EU 198 .00:E~E-U|a~0~ »m hQJOuQO .MQNOH\ Hm Qqflm .50 wouoammuvfi UmvQQ'-M.|.N Q-fiflk? 199 i.......-......OU Q@GHU%QZQ@@FY%?.. . . . . ......-.................MQCQU QHOU; .W:...EEO IE... 00 3 00$ 00 0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A002 weewcofioU 250:0 $3.0 0:0: E; 0:00 ewemaosou 00.0w 00.0: 00 0 3.3. . . . . . . . . . a .02 week 082880 @8080 0E0 0:0: Ea 100E weemcofioU 00.0w 00;: 00.0 3.0. . . . . . . . . . .00 1O c0300 C02 . . . . . . . . . .0 .0Z week weemsofioU 0.520 M000 00.0w 00.0: 00.0 00.0w . . . . . . . . 0:00 053E580 @2220 051k 0.3.0 000w 00.0: 00.0 00.0w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1002 082x080 051k 42.0 . .m20 000:3 £00.80 000E JNQE 0:001... .1005 0000:0300 000000.00 .300 600:0 F30 j -h - ¢ ~ - . - - ¢ - v » - ~ - ~ - Q n 000m 00.0w 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....000.m 020E 5002050 004m 00.00 0m. 0min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iuooh 003m 0000003 50w 00.0w 00.2 00.0 00.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m B00 030m 0.55. 00.00 006 00.0 00.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000.0 02.6 >200 0.00.000 . . .00 000m 0330A hfiwm 0.504 A 00.0w 00.0w 00.0 00.0 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m 096E x20- 3O 00.0w 00.2 00A 00s . . . . . . 20.02 03m 300E xfifl 3O .0200 00.00 00.2 00.0 00.3 h2g0 0:8 000.0 3:000 0.02.00 0E2. émmmmzznae d-mmimfi _OO.mw 60.x. 30M" _OO.w _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . Jfivfivz .m .<_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QQOSU 10o: nwmvw Uflm OflQ/l .0505. EBHHHQOE ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..MQQH_U fifinwig .@@ . . . . . .°U hflaAvfifi @flfl 00% GQMNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mnwogu Auk-DU @450? 900M000 i . - . - . . Q0 QZPNU Q@@QT~< ZQWQNIi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . .wQQ.§U .3500. .AM00_00m 00000005050 0002 .0000 . .00000_05 .0005 0000000000 >005000 .0005 0.00:0 0:00 000 .0005 0000 0.000 00.m0 0000 00.N 00.0 . . . . . . . . . 000m 050G 00300 0000000000000 M0000 .0000 .005 000.0 . .0000 000a 0oZ0> 50.5 00003 .0005 000.0 0000 .0m50o0000 00003 000000 000 0005M .om00500 0000050 .0005 000005 00 d0 00 .N0 00 .0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m mom 0005x002 40000 .0000 .0005 0000000000 000000000 .0000 60000005 0:00 0000000000 .0.:0:< 00 .00 00 0N m0 . 0 00 .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000m 033w 003m 00050 wwwmm .0000 0005 0000000000 5000000 .0000 .0200 0000000000 00000005 .0000 0.20:4 00.0w 00.00 00d 00.0 . . .00 0O 000000 0.0000000 0am. . . . . . 000m 033m 00002 0:0 00002 00500 mwwmm .0005 0000000000 5005000 .0000 , .0200 0000000000 .00000005 .0000 .0.:0:< 00 0m 00.: 00.N 00.0 . . . . . . 000m 02.00 00002 000 00000.0 055/0 E0000 00 .00 00.00 00.0.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . .0002 000 0:03 0000000000 80m 00000 400000005 .0005 0.20.20 .0000 0000 00030 .0205 0000000 000 0000.5 .0005 0000000000 50000.00 00.0w. 00.0w 00.0 0m .w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z000m 500G 0000003 .0050 02.9.0 .0000 .0005,» .0000 .500 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.00 . 000500001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m 0000.05. .0000 0:0< c0000 .00000_05 .0200 0000 .00 000m 5000000 500m 0004 500000 .0005 0000000000 030000.00 .000 . 5 00000 00>00> 0.000% .0200? 0000.00 00.00 00.0.00 00.0 00.0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000m 300 000m 000 .0000» .000===..011m0m00zz0e 5050:0502 0000.00 Ea E 000 . 0.00.02 000.00 000.00 000.00 OZ 0000000000 00000000000 00000050 .00 0502 0000M 00000.00 00500000002 00 050 Z 050m .0000 00ml 0003004 0000000000 .000550O:|0_a~ .0 0000000 6000a. 5 000m 00.0 000000502 000om|d 030a. _ _ 203 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. .0005 050 0:55 000050300 00053 500.0 00000 050050200005 S0105 00053 .300 500x .0000 00300550 5.80 000000.50 00000005 $555500 =5: 000 000500 005000515 000 005520 0550.5 $0205 050 300 .05 £0003 50.0 005500000 00:00 050 0550.50 .0005 0000500 $00 >5050050 6:55 0000500000 0550.50 . .0005 000050300 5050.8 50.5 00053 5.85m 530.5 00053 50.5 0000 A005 0000 5.80 .0005 00 00005: .0000 5005 00Z0> 00000005 0005 0.20.20 £5050 000 05050 0.00 £0050 5.500 .300 6000205 .0000 .5000 00000000 .2005 0.20.24 00000205 .0005 000050300 5050.6 .300 00000008 .000 00.8mm .000 6:55 000 0.20:0 5.500 .0055 .005 .5000 .300 .5053 055050 .005 .0000 00300 -550 5.80 00500.8 $0105 .0000 Q0055 00000005 4005 0.5003» .300 00000205 5000 £00555? :55 000 300500 000000535 000 005000 .300 .00wm0_05 .300 5.500 .0000?» 005500.60 00053 50¢ 000w 300 .0205 .0000 #0053 000000.50 .5500 00500.50 .0000» 05005000025 .0000 00300550 .005 .5005 .500 $0102 £0053 5.500 000000.50 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00 .0“. 00 .00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.0» 00 .00 00 .00 00.00 00.0w 00 .0» 00.00 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.0 00.05 00.00 00.02 00.05 00.5 00.NN 00.0 00.0 00.0w 00.02 00.02 000 00.0 00.0 0N0 00.w 00w 00w 00A m»; 00w 00.0 00.: 00.3 00.0w 00.00 00.00 00.02 00 .00 00.02 00.00 00.0 00.: 00.02 00.02 00.02 005m 050 =51 50300 030502 . . . . . . ........00%0Lm>01m.m~im _ .00 .00 N. .02 000m 500mm 005000500050 @602 UGG aim 000050300 UOKME . #002 USN 25$ 000050300 UQKME . . . . A002 050 005mm 000050300 0.00054 000m 50mm 005555 005030500050 . . . . . . . 000m 500G 5000mm 205000550050 . . . . 000m >502 0002 x02 0050000550050 000m 252 050 0050mm 2005i. 0_O 005000500050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5000 00x02 005030500050 000m 050mm 0500mm 530m 50G 00503055005 . . . . . . . . . 000m 050E 5050mm 005050500050 . . . . . . . . 000m x050 305w 005050550050 . . . . . . . . 000m 50E 005050mm 00503055005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m 3x02. 005050550050 000m 052 050 00.6mm 00000205000 00503055050 . . . . . . . . . 000m 050E 300.04 0050S05505m . . . . . . . . . .000m x050 0030a _0500.050005_ . . . . . . . . . .. 000m 50mm 00300 005030500050 00002 M000.“ 40002 5000 5R2 5R2 Nhhwfi 3R2 NR2 3R2 PR2 0R2 5R0. 5R2 Zbbwfi 5R2 0.5.5.: 0R2 .. v1. l. .1 E3.‘ 204 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. .380 .0032 .0E 888888882 080E 000008 600:0 000D 88.88 88 d2 88.0 8.88 é . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888m 0088302 18.80.82 8.8888. 808820288 .mno0 E00 0:00.80 .500 000200.20 400E 0.30078 88.88 00.02 00A 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000K 888.8 0588M >>00m~ 00002022. JNQE 0.20.20 JNQE 000.8 F60 .8000 E 055% 8000A 00308» .0200 8888888888 088E 8888888888 88888880 88.88 8.2 88 .8 88.88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 888m 888880 .888 .1008 8888888888 88888888 . =88 8888888880 88.88 88.88 88.8 8.88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......888m 88:80 8888:8808 80882 00002008 .500 6.10.30 .225 8888888888 .8888 8888888888 88888880 8.88 8.82 8N. 2 88 .8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 28888 82> P882 8 ~ 8i . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a 8m . - . ~ . 8 - - . » - . - - 8 - . - - - - u 8 800020220 080E 0.20:0 .8080 £0000 FSU 00.0w 00.m~ 00.N 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m 030E 033D Ommwfi 8008B 0E .215 000800300 JNQE 000800300 8 . . . . . . . . 0U 888 cowhfiflwm Q 8U 88888888 .8888 8888 888888 .8886 8:882 8.88 88.82 8.8 88.88 .... . . . . . . . . ... .8888 88882 8:880 888a Z882. 00882022 480E 000808300 8.2802080 .0808 0.28:4 00.08 00.2 08A 00.08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 00852 883m 0>0Z 200$ 008220288 0:00 8300 E00 0:005». .1008 020.20 .8888. 8888888888 88888888 .3888 8880 88.88 88.2 88.2 88.8 . . . . . . . . ............888m 08888 8888.8 8882 . .8888.28E 58:8 88E 8.88 88.82 8.2 88.8 . . . . .........:::..888m 88882 8582 E8882 .w0mm8_0E .3038 002 JNQE 8888888888 88888888 .828 888.88 .8880 8.88 88.82 88.8 88.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8888 88888 88880 0882 008020228 .m.:0.:w .0000 .20: 580E 000000300 .300 000m 00.: 00.0 no.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000M 2000M coflwumwmnw 000 540.00 $4.0m i060 £06.03 H.000 JQOSU fluOUOO.m© OmIm mN.fl mNRw ........................... 205 00000 08m 0000.500 00000 .2105 UQOMGOHHOU JNUE UQQmGOHMOU . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 HOAME QUUMU-HQUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uflflhm OENQhU 000000 |0E .0015 0000000000 400E 0000000000 000000000 .00000.E|>5 000E x00 600:0 00E 000 .0035». 000 .0005 000 .0000 0060 00.00 00.0 00.“. 000000 0E 400E 0000000000 000000000 00000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 000m 000.0095 00E 000 60.800 000 .205 000 .0000 000000045 00000 x00 6:05 0000000000 00.20 00.00 00.0 00S . . . . . . . ?.................@UUH— .2@§G mwflfiufiflw .......0.000 .2 000 E 00.2 .85 <50 .000m000E 00000006 w 000 60.0000 000 .215 000 .0000 400.5 000.0 400E 0000000000 0.0000000 .2000 0000000000 00020 .0000 400E 0.000.004 00.0w 00.00 00.0 000000000 00.5 000.0 £ME0000E 000 60.0000 000 .0205 000 . JGUE N.:N.=N JN0E m0Q0mGOHHOU ~nkflnmzuho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .005 00003 400E 000.0 0.000 50:00 000.0 .005 000.0 6000000 00000.5 0000B 00020 0E0E 400E 0.000.000 400E 0000000000 50000.00 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....000r.0 500D 00530.0. .m0wm0_0E .00.5 . . . . .00 M00002 000 08m 00.0000 .0000 400E 0000000000 000000000 .0205 0000000000 00:20 400E 0000.000 0.00:0 wflO .MQ»~O@M #60 .m::fl.. PNQ AWHNO JHhOU . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .@QQfi.m aQwkw-fl .200 0:00.... $0000 .0000...’ .200 .080 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 S: 0000.0 Q0000 .mw0_.00000m 0005B £0000 000x @0000 200 .080 00000.6 .003 00002 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 02.00 00200 00000 000000000 50.5 000.0 .2005 0000000000 00.50% .000E 0000000000 030E000 £00050 000 .0015 .. . . . . H1O. iflflufif-umflm. .uMO....¢...fl..O_0... . . . . w 0. .. I. 3...... i. 0...... .. 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Q oz wooh vvoatouuonv waxy-U . . . . . . . . . - . . . - .0360 mvOQMflBHOQ Bamako . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . #592 mvfigfinvfiwnvu bflflmfivho . . . . . . .00 :0 c0200 24.08.32 . . . . 2.330 woQmQoSoU vim wom woaofiom Gown éwoi 2:... 23A “$393000 oo a... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fivoh @822 5x30 25D 08¢ 8am Co? . . . . . . . . 4x18 Rszzfiou @2220 25$ moms 21a 8 .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.62 “$025300 25$ <93 § - . . - - . - - - - . - . - - - - - . . . - - - . - - » . ¢ . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - noiflig >m 1g. - - » | Q ~ - - IIQQIQOQ | | - - - ¢ - - - @582. difinmi .mommw_ 6E .215 wuomnofioo JMQE wuomcowwoo zuacfito dficnm fiwon? .305 mbwbm .%.ai 53 $>$>w==2m 60$ >553» 90.2. 8 6m 8 a 00.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80:92.0 v52 .28 1mm: dwmmfiofi JNQE “was. .59. .215 wmsmaoss. .213 KO 8.3 8.0m o: 2; . . . . . . . . . . dumb 232 EB 2.82 fin Em 0mm: . dwmmwaofi .135 wtabw .58 62:: waézzéo .215 Q0 8 .3 S .om om A 2; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68m wwam 035/ Em mm$_ down noaOflflim wfizizo0lmcom 0w 25>? 53w .22.; £23m 5.5. 6:5 .28.? F80 8 .8 8 Q om 4.. 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68m 5E 5.5m >E5m mmm: doum .5320 . I -q -m . - o - - ¢ - . - ~ u - Q ¢ | | | - - ¢ o - dommfioE .135 uowmcowwoo .2255. .135 mbwtw .595 Eco die .30.... F80 8 an 20.3 oo.m Q92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ivoh 3.8m qaswm 56 umfl: ._5====..o|mmmmmzzme inf-Snug £53m E3 é MW...» .%_... u... 2 wvoacmhwsmu m~co€o~wc~ é P2 w 0 ~o€oaE~ .5 0E.» Z can?» c0395 Hohswoamscmz we 08w Z vwmwofl JGOU hUmmI $92.25» woowqwpasmv .wo:=fl:oO.|m~a~ J uoaofioO dune? E 2am “on wouoummuofi mwvomlhm 05cm. 207 . . . . . . . . . . ..-.-.8 . - . . . -....GQQQU 8 . . . . . . . .... - . - . - ..>NO@ ‘a .U . . . . . . . . . . ..-...... - . . - .-..WQQ§U Hwwflz - 8 - - ~ - ~ ~ - - | - o n - Q n10 u s Q n o u u Wf. 888x82. A252 TE‘ 00.6w. OO.M 0nd." 00.0 . . . . . . . . .........mhvEE5m fl>~4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........wQOJU GuOU 46mm: m . . . . . . . . . . . . CHOU Qwwivmflg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQOSU GHOU m .8525. 6.858882 R m 88 .88 88 .88 88 .8 8 .8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 888888280 8888885 m8 w 8 .88 8 .88 8 .8 8 .8 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 882 888888280 88888880 m8 m .855 888 88E 8888888880 8.8m 8.3 8.8 . 8.8 ... .80 88380 888 8o 888832 . . . . . . . . . .8 .82 88m 888888380 888880 08 8 R 8.88 88.2 8.8 8.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 888888380 8.58m m8 s 8.8m 8.2 8.8 8.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4882 88888380 8618 <8 F W dime .5528 .. T S 005w OO.N~ 09.0 _OO.w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48pm GQOU Haw G . . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQQH~U m dmnmcouhom . H 888:3 85.888 .595 F58 58.5 888:3 0o hm 0o d cm .m oo .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . dmfinoouow Uflw aim @852 U»: E 88.88 8s 88.8 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..88E=8888w 888 82m 88883 m2 ... F . . - . - - . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . - . ‘IMQOJU zUw-mflm L 8.88 8.8 8.8 88.2 . . . . . . . . . . . ..80 E2 8.28182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338888 >880 8888B Q2 m JMNMQ QHOO JHNHQ flflQgg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . - - - . - .§Nhm .@UN@E C 8.88 8s 88.8 8.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......888m 8888B m2 m . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . - . . . ..QQO§U HFnOU I . m 88.88 88.8 88.8 88.8 ................... .2288 d .... ... ........... ......... .8888“. 828 <88 0 (0 .8522. ifinflfii 8.8.8. _88..8 208 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. wmmfiac< wofinmkusmv , -- v - ¢ . Ksfe- ...._ dfifiue duqiz 0O .¢N . mv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awvfimu UUOMQOHQOU ~nhdiwwvho @@ .Q§ .§% .@ .m¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .@NQ2 @QQWHMQPH.QU xfihfiiwtho .215 wan oxmu woomcofioU oo 6m oo .3 ooh om . S. . . . . . . . . . A. .02 wuwm wowwnofioU @3630 1N3 .215 E5 13E wwomacxou scam 8.3 8w 8.2. :15 =5 Ea =0 §£8__..2 V . . . . . . . . . 4. dz v00.» §w=osou @520 wmcm , 09$ 8 .2 2; 8.3 . . . . . . . . .920 8.25.0 Qacm m2... @$ .Q@ .@% - @ . . . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . éflwg Gnwmwmflcwwou OETML .MahO§m %flhw Mflflfikr PQNHQ ufl0fig .@@ 8 .% Q0... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @OUH% @Oun~.2 HNQZ? . . . . - . - . . . - - - . . - . ~ . -......H~NHQS.NQH—a .....-....... .; m . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ..-....WQQ.SOH~:~GM . . . . . . - . . . - . . . ._. . . - . . . - - . . ..WQO.SU fihavu .W~ . . . . . . . -.... . - . . - - - - . . . . . - ..MQO§U o... .2: .... ..Z_ ......................... .22.... .5. .W~ u .3 53 “Maw Mwwmwu Qwfiu a... .0 z 39222.0 w.2..:wv~w=~ .222 25.5 hvfiomc: .5 0E6 Z wzfim E595 . kobfiunusnag Ho 08w Z imam 4.60 .591. .wv:=$:oO|m_a~ J 5.2.30 fiance. 5 2am .5.“ wouoummuofl wvoom|.u 05am. COMMERCIAL FEEDING- STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. i209 cc cc cc cc cc dies» 52w dawn? 53a Hmwng cc . cc . co . diosw 52m flwwc? .EG.~Q anon? cc. cc. cc. cc acme Java? Qmmx dmi Qiou ©QMQNAU cc. cc. cc. .21.: wnw 13E woowcowcoU cc. .215 can oxwu wouwcofioU cc. cc. cc. .3 .$ 9c .8 .$ .3 E E mm cm an cc. cc. cc. g C. E 8 ww fin mm mm mm mm cc w 8.2 cc.m cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. <1‘ 0060500 CO NH NH c; w~ 2 2 S; 2: om; cc. cm. cc v-mm cm. m». cm. comm-i cc. W) cc . cc . cc cc cc cc . ccdmSu-Icc 6M5 cc . 2 £35m >2$m vanouU 5MB hwiwm vnnoib 00.: . . . . . . . . . . .00 Kduhzrwfl i .3 . . . . . ... . . . . . . .310 xomnu moiwm ogoQ Awfivfmfi‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~%UTHNm EGUU_@ AYE/Ga . - - . . - - - .-.-¢.-.-¢-¢~.>Q?M.WmUHH:O-MU oofifi ...........oU:owcM>mQH6 . . . . . . ..mao:O>2.~mm éeowmz 7S2 .m~QOhH OO.©M?E .....................U0®nmfiokmgwmvflr)? @@ .@% . . . . . . . . . . .w<.$2 hflwoim . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .~H4N.hm wflwfla a; Q ........... wf ~mh®Cm2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gflhmm wflwfia ...; _ a .2 ...... . .. . ............. . .52 £2 3Q .............. ... ........ . .56 =3 CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQQ5U ©@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .WQO§U QRQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......OU\\MQM%GE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...@0Qr@ Hfivvinzgu OXNE .255. daqm? A<-HZ=>H a .2 ..... ........ .26 Ewaeaou azfio s .2 . .. ..... .. . . . . .132 Ewaésu 22:5 ONQfi . . . . . . . . . J» .02 nook UQQwGOQQOU UGBOQU 8.? . . . . . . . 6U =0 5:5 202:2 . . . . . . . . 2v dZ 13m wmswizBu F3630 cc 5w . . . . . . . . dxmU wvowcofioU woxowuU oEim a .2 . . . . . . . ........ . ca: @0552“. QEE @533. .0m00U-000::m0>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000:3004 000 00030 .300 .00m00x000 .00? 000 300 .000:B 08.: 500000000 00:0: 000 000000. .$m0000:0 =0: 00o 300:3 0000000 in: 000 000020 0003M i=0: 0000000 -80 000000 x0000 000000300 000000000 00.00 001m: 00.0 00.0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000b 0000C 0x00000002 00.0mm .300 . $010: 000 30o 000:3 0000.: 0000000000 00:0: 000 000000 .Aw00_.00:0 =0: 00o 0:000:00 0.000000%: 000 00950 000.0% $300800 .000: 000:? x0000 0000 0.80 i=0: 000000300 000000 x005 000000300 000000000 x0000 :0 000000: 00.00 00.0: 00.0 00.0w 1000b >..:0Q 0030M 00000.0: 0x00000022 hmwmm 0000:0000... 000:3 000.: 00000 0x00 .0000 00300000 . . zoU 000m x0c0m x000S00000E g 000x .080 00x008 $010: .300 #00:?» 00.0.0 00.0 00.0 00.0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000: 00E 0x00000032 H0000. .0000 60002000 .300 00:00.8 .080 00x008 x0000 0.20.24 00.00 00.0: 00.N 0N0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000.m 008E 0x00000002 C0000. 0000000000 000:3 08.: 00000 0:00 J0EE 5000 .0000 .080 00x008 #00:? 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0000: 0200 0000006 0050 0x00 0030x000 .300 00:00.8 .080 00x008 .082 0:024 00.00 00.0: 00 A 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000»: 008E >00 saw 00.0.00 .200 0.00:3 08.: 000000080 000000 x0000 :0 000m 0: 600x000. 8000B“. .0005 000.: 0.80 .000: 00x0 .0000 000: 0032/ .000: 000:3 0000 00.00 00.0 00.0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .002 moi 0000000 0030 .0Q00SGQUI..888 280:3 .585 080:3 oohm. @255 was TwQE UQQMGOHQOMQ @255 UQN OMNU UQQMGOMQOQ 8:0: 0E8 0x88 0888:0300 .25: 058 E05 0008088000 .mw5500.~0m 080:3 888888 .585 0.800 58.5 088a?» 8 . . . . . . . . . . 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COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 217 4:00 6000B 05 .0200 000 0005 000000300 .500 £55000? =00 0.00 300300 00:00.00 l»: 000 000050 .005 00E .0005 0.20:4 .300 60003 '05 6:50 000 0005 00050300 50.5 001 650500000 500 .0000 4005 0.20:4 .200 6:00 00050300 .0005 000000300 .00n00_05 650500000 0.30 000000 .005 0000 .0005 0000.24 .300 650500.000 000:3 5010A 60000 0.000 .300 .300 .00000_05 .0000 .0005 0000.34 .0000 .0000 .0005 000500.000 00000000. 6:00 00050300 .300 .0005 0.00000 .0005 000000300 .9050 L0 6:00 000000300 0005M 6:00 00E 000000 .0000 0000 .0000 000000 A0006 x00 6000 x00 60200 x05 0000000 inn 5000 x00 .3030 0000 .300 .00000_0§ .200 A005 0000.20 .0005 00050300 0.0000000 6:00 0000 1000000 0000.00 6:00 001 0000.5 .005 0000 S0102 $050000 =00 000 000300 0000000402 0.00 000020 A0000 x00 6000 x00 602:0 x000 0000000-»: 5000 x00 .3050 0000 50.5 0.000 .0000 .00mm0_02 .0000 .00000_05 6000 .0005 0.20.24 JINU {v50 . .0 000010000» .500. . no. .24 8 .0... 8 .3 8 .00 8.00 8 .00 8 .0... 00.0. 8 .0... 8 .8 8 N0 00.9.. 8.00 00.9.. 00 .00 8 .00 8&0 00.00 00.5 8.... 00.3 8.00 00.0 00.0 00.2 8 6N 00.2 00.2 00.00 8. 8.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.00 9.1m 00.0 00.0 00.0 8.00 00.00 20.: 00.0 8.00 000.: 00.: 00.: 00.0 00.0 v 0 0 . . 600m 0% 0300302 Q 0500.0 .00 050.2 8E 00.2w 00,200.00 - . - - . O - ..°U A . . . . . . . . . ....mn0000oU050o0U . . . .0000 00000002 000x250 ..................000h 00002025600000 . . . . . . . .0000 050D 50000.00 . . .0000 n00.000w x000 0500 ...............000.:0:00 ..-.¢...-.-.. IIIAEEQ 005w 5.....-.-.... . . . . . ....-...-.-..nh@hmunv@m .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........Jmm~on~000m . . . . . . . . .....................000m~000- . . . .0000 A0000 M00 0050M .-..... 055.000 0000 0000 050m 0.50.005 . . . . AS0550 E000 000M 050E 0wzow00w . . . . . . . A000500h #000 000.0 050m 000500? . . . 00-05000 5000 000.0 050m 0n0Ai0> ¢ ; .0... . 000.00 0.00.00 00000 . 000.00 00000 40000 00000 40000 GWEN 52 8.8m 8.8m 88.8 88.8w . . . . . . . ..8§=88u 83mg 28o 88886 @882 8.8m 8.8m 88.8 8.8m .... .52 =0 88:80 E5 >52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88%=8:8u Bwwfim 28o <88 0o n§ . . . . - . - . - - . . . . . - . ¢ . - - . . . - . . . ~ . . - - . - - - - ~ . . - .8398 .25 >52 88.88 88.8 .888 8.2 . . . . . . 8825288 8% £58m 82w 8S8? @888 dmciuohum axon? 8 _ 6U 8 85.2w .33.? 52w 888:3 58.5 i355 coda 09w 09m 00.2 Q .25 w>2m~ cam 8552 £85302 . . . . . . Qmcioohom was dumb @852 anon? Hhmm 88.88 8.2 F88 88.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..wm=E3:m 8% 85m 8888B E88 8888238 iofismz é . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q~wSOAM 00mm _ . . . . . . . . . . 02m mwhQJOmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quflum 02m 8.3 8.2 8.88 8.2 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2?: 8E Ea 82m 3E .8888 8.88 .84: 8.8 8.8m . . . . . . ......8=8E_az m. 8% 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12820 825 .2355 888888 ._s==s=8ol :00» 00.m0 8.2 $322.8“ amen? 05.2w .33.? Dim 000:3 .005 0005,? 00.0w 00.0w vméh S.» Q9», 3m 0m.” 0%.... 8.0 2.4m 8a $0.». 09m 3m 8a com 0m.” 39m 8e 00.2 18a 8a 09m Ta.» _om.m _ 90.3 00.0 3N $0 co - _ I ~ - . - » - - a . - - . ~ - . - - - - O awnm. . @ Kvu hQafl>mim @=N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MQQ5U AH-MQU §O@:»§ HO.T~QW@Q WHQEHNZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQQ§U H5053 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . .MQQ§U @335. imimmb i. . . .OU iaokm a . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQQSU Qhcul .W> ..............................wnon0c.~o0 .m .m_. . . . .. . . . . :0 .02 08m 000,603.00 0n:_2.:u_ 088 $40379 émmmao .- ..- . . . . . - . - ..QU EQ@OZ.... . . . - . - . - . - . . - . - - . -. . - . . . .MQQ§U QHQU? .0325. JZHQO TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 000E 500 dawn 500 .0005. 500 00.0w 00.n 0n.m 0nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000b 00x02 Ummwfi .595 00003 000:0 >053 000:0 0E2 0on0 00.n 05m 00. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03m 00x22 0mm: .8165 52w. 0000B .005 00055 00.nn 0n .0 0n.m 0n 0H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03m 0052 00055 mmmfi Awflhfi H6053 fiQOJO . . . . . . . . h0=Om UOHZmSOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qufimvfk #00032 00.nn 00.2 0n.m 00.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . ...&E=@8Qm 0cm 02m 00003 00m: - - | - - - . - ¢ - . - - ¢ - | - ~ - ~ - » ~ ¢ - - 00.00 00.n 0n.m 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520 >000 00003 > .89 21.. . .........¢uw===2s§m=2@ 88.3 88.8 ......:¢u=o =88u wafiwzo. 88.: 8w 2X: do .52; _ 0 0 dmoww .50 ommvwaah. cwowownw wwwwww mbowww?» . . . . . . émcwcouwom was wvwonw mung/w wwon? uIUOIIQIIUIIIIIIOOIIlnnwgaswqhou . . . . . diosm >910 wawn? -.-.-¢-..-.. . #602 wouwcoawoU 05in . . . . . . ............wwow>ww.uv,.w:.5U Azfimwckou . . dwcwcufium wEm 35am >850 wwuwwk/ . . . . . . . . . . . . dwswaookuw was cmhmw 0x055 . . . . . . dwcwcowtuw wEw 009w 853w .2355 lunlll - - | n . . . . . . . . éwmvwcmh. uowmumwnw 0w» m5 . . . - . - - . . .QWNV:HNH kQ-awmuwxg . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..WQC§UQHQU .-.-....... ..-.QNhmHGQ§B .350 USN x856 n33 8cm 8E0 2 .O mszfiam wwonm h5g0 0cm 35D .126 LwsU 5w? woorw wwuwmwow Jw .O wowvwotmm .......w.ow,.ww.mxww>wwmwn>> ......$.~owww >30 wwos? . . . . . . . . . .................dmhmwiwvsk/ ---¢--EQOQUMMIHQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iwfwowww vim wwwwmw among . . . . . ..............dwwowwmofiwwk/“was? .............¢m.wmwwwoww>? <88 023 MBEN <28 5.8 B8 wmwm E8 02m ~55 <2» 58w <28 mm?" <83 mg: Ummw mmfi <8; 222 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 154110.....i3¢fl¥.411fiz.:.\._...$1.r113.4....€\4.. .12.». .. . ‘ . .0000 00000005 .0000004 00.0% 00.00 00. 00.00 0.0000002 000 0000.004 00000000 00:0. 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000:3 .0200 $002205 200E 0.223? .200 00:20:00 .c.60 00020000 0000205 .205 00006300 056E 400E 0000:0500 00620.6 400E 000.2 c000 200cc 600m F60 .600 0:22 008E |0cc dwmxcfi .0005 8.6m :60 itosm >30 602B .560 armtm .605 0000 :60 5mm .m0mmm_occ .300 00:00.6 .c.60 0002006 £0.62 800080 05.8w 400E 020:4 .300 0000.206 .300 £60 400E 0.20070 2.0m .2005 0000 c000 180020038 000:3 0.580 6:00 0000:0300 400cc 000960 $00 >cwc206 6:020 056cm 0cm 5.60 00200.5 .0000 000.800 60000.05 0500 .200 0000.905 69:20 01c 00o 60.6mm 000 .0252 000 5.60 c6... 00200.6 62E .0002 $0.532 3mm 60.000205 .2005 0.22004 .200 £23505 .300 .c.60 .2005 0.2024 .200 00200205 £00,002 0.50305 .0:02m0c. 552M060 0.520 .0005 020.24 00.00 00.0.... 00.8 00.00 00.00 00.8 00.0.... 00.00 000m 8.5 00.00 00.00 00 .00 8.8 00.0w 0000 000m 00.00 00.00 8.5 00 0w 00.0 00.0 00.m 00.0w 00.mw 00.mw 00.0w 00.0 000m 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 004m 000 0m: 0mm 81c 000 8.. 8c 8. 00.0w 8.: 8Q 8.: 8.2 00.3 8.2 8.8 00.8 8.2 00.0 00.ww 00S 00.0 00.0w 00.mw 00.0 00.0 v .00 c020 0:0 mcEQ/H c0£00c0m .......000,.w 0232 0cm 006m ..................m~wO0c:o.c0 -.--.-..-.-.-.-...-qavm@om>mrfig ----|.-u-...-wmgiéwvmg . . . . . .............m0.60m 00x22 33>? . . . . . . . . ...................maoa0F60 ..............wwc2c00.6w 0cm cwcmw 00055 dmc2c00c0w 0cm 3.60m >000 000:2» . . . . . . . . . . . .000r.w 0w:w2 0cm 030E 605cm |---.--¢-4 - - - - . ..- . . . . . ...-..-....©QmwmwQEmvUmQQU 000m 02:2 0cm 0mc0w1w 020.24 00x22 000500800 . . . . . .000,.w 02:2 0cm 006E 00x22 0600M .030 50$ 009w 00x22 c0c0mnw 02300 00M 00.0 . . . . . . . ..000..w 02:2 0cm owcoww 002cm Qmbrvw ....000.mc000._0w3c0n2ww . . . . . 000m 00x22 0000302 0.237» comwfi ......................11.20020.20:4 . . . 000m 02:2 0cm 0.20m 00x22 wncwcomw . . . . . . .000nw 00000202 hccocoumw $0.28 030w. 005m mfimw 9.5m 03mm 0E8 04.5w 03am 5.5m M38 33mm D050 Pfihmm wwhmm c050 Uwhmm 03mm 031mm 23mm 246 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 00000000 .0050 12:0 :00 00o hwfinoo 0000000LE 0.00 000050 .0005 02min 00000 .0000 00000000 000000000 .2050 0:0 :0: 000 300500 000000043 00o 000020 JNQE 0.20:0 0000M .0000 000.0000 .0000 00300000 .0000Bx0__n 0:3 .0000 .0000 000020 $000000 .0000? .0000 00x0000 .200 600002.000 .300 00:00 .0000 000E000 .200 60000.05 .0000 0000000 40000 0.00110. .300 600mm 0E .0000 00000000 .300 00:000.. .3000 0.20:4 .0000 00000.05 0000 00000000 .300 0000000 Q0000 0L0E< .100 $0000.00: .0000 00000000 .0000 0000.00 x0000 08.0.2 . 000000.000 .8000 0:3 A0 .0005 00000000 0000000000 00003 00:02 000 050900 000000000 :00 000 0300500 000000903 000 000020 .020: 000000300 .0000: 000000300 500M000 00000 00000000 000000.000 00000 0:00.20 .0000 0003M 0000 0:0: 000000300 00000 000000300 000000000 .0000 0030:0000 £20000 .200 Qmmx .0000; .0000 00000000 0000000000 300000000 m ooom 00.2 om .0 oo .0 . . . . . . . 000m 0002 000 0000i 0002 00002 0000mm ooom oo b0 om .0 00.0 . . . . . . 000m 0002 000 0000i 00300 0030 $0.0m 004.0 00.0 omm 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m 000200 00000003 00000 000m oo 5.0L. 2 .0 om .0. oo .0 0002 000 0000B 0030A 00000 00,7000 000mm 00.5. oo .2 oo.m 00.0 . . . . . . . . . 00 00:02 00000070 . . . . . . . . 1000m 202 000 020E $00 0.02 000mm 00.0.... om M; oo m 00.0. . . . . . . . .000m .2 000 .0 00000.24 0000202 0000mm 00.2. om .2 oo .m oo .0 . . . 000m 202 000 02000 02800 00000070 03mm 00.2 om 5.0 oom 00.0 . . . . . . 000m 0002 000 02000 0000 80.00 . Q0000 oo .3 00.0: oo .0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000m >005 =00 20m 000mm oo .3 00.2 0K .0 oo om . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000m ERG 0000000000 000mm oo .8 00.0 oo .0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000m .0000 00000.02 000mm .0000mm02 .0500 @2000 000.05 E00 00000.00». wwfimwf $00100 00m .02 0 r2 00000 000000000 00 000.070 0000mm 0020.5 000000000002 .00 000.0 Z . $00005 .0000 00ml w0w0200< 0000000000 .00=:$=00.|m-a0 J 000-306 .0000? E o-am 00.. 00.0.2000 m000&|.m 030a. 24.7 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 0000000000 .0000 000000.00 0000.000 00000.00 00000000 .0000 003000000 0000000000 000003 $000000 .0000 000003 .0000 000400.00 00.0000 .0000 $000000. 00000000000 000003 000003 .0000 000000.00 ... . 400000000 0000030000000 .0000 003000000 .0000 00:00 000.000 000E .0000 6:000 000003 .0000 400000000 400E 00000: .0009 000E 400E 0000.0 40 0000000000 .0000 0000.03 400E 0.000 0000030000000 .0000 0000000 .0000 000000000 .0000 005E 0000.00 0.000 .0000 00000000 o0 . mm 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.000 00.00 000000 000003 000000 00E 00000.. 0000K 00.0w 0000000000 000.00 00000 003000000 .0000 $0.000 6:00 0000.00 000x 000000 000003 000000 00.000 00000 .0030: -0000 00000 00000000000000 00000000000 000.00, $0.00: 60E 000003 .0000 000000.00 ._00000000..:00 .0000: 000E 400E 000 00000 0:o0000:0<.0.E .0m00000.000 00.00 00.00 0000w 000000 0:E 000000 00.0000 0000;? codw 00000 0030:0000 00000 0:0000:000_0E 0000000000 50.0w .0000 $000000 60E 00.0000 0000003 .0000 00000000 00000 00000000:0000E 000003 00.00 0000.000 0000.00 60E .0000 .0000 000000.00 .0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00.00 0000 .0000 0000000 0.000 0000000000 .0000 000K 006m. 0000000000 000000 000 030000000 0000000003 000 0000000 000000 1000.0 400E 0000000 000000 .0000 0000.00.00 00.0.... 00.00 00.0 0.0.0 00.00 00.0 00.0. 00.0 00.0 00.0 00¢ 00.0 00.0.0 00.0 00.00 0.... 0.0. 00... 00. 00.. 0.... 0.0. 0.0. 0.... 00. 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Son £32205 Jooi obobw fiooo . ‘ hcibos iosamon oonmoa “ion? ocsoom . . .168 oofié .135 oooonofioo Eofizo oo._wm 3E 3m 21E“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doom s26 BoU waist zoo» oocooono din JooE woofisbmow .135 woomn: . .52 who“? ousoom JQQE Eco émcso v Awoo -35 poo .55 ofifi» ooéoomi .35,» ooom 2...: 8e 2:: JEAU 5E ooom ooosfio Eéofiu fiiom .83 doom wowéu 6:5 oofi JoEE soon? oodo 8e S .N oo. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sow oooomm dooh izoom moon 6:5 ooxoooo miwx ooxoooo JoEE .53 ooéo: .23.? oofifiu oobo ooh 31o. 2:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doom “s20 2E5 83 doom ooBoosso JoonBxoon . 6:5 .52 £28m 55o @8120 .82? ooho ooh 3a 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doom oBSQw Euoo 5E Eooo Goa? JooE ooooc: e02 Dino: 56o was». ooom owe omgw Q98 . . . . . . . . . . . 6U “£25 éomam o .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UBoAU =5 oocom moo», Boo aoomooofi .135 oooonofioo Ems Aooo $225 ocw oooo duos? 59G mwi Looooom ocooow dEooo woos hoax UQDOuw ooom oo.w~ oo; ooo .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doom ooozvw East’? moon doom oo3occso ocsoom .235 . ooomc: dmiooooi ooon? JooE >223 .26.: Efi 53o v.55 .33 @505 oooo ooo ooh ooo . . . . . . . ......€ou ocooom oooofiu oocom moo» flow doomfioE 6:5 éooo ofifis £22? oiaa .33 oofiiu 8.3 ooo 2am 3o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doom “Bozo/we onism uooo doom domofioi 42E orobo 258w 6:8 E; homo Booms dome ooeéou ooom ooo 8o 9.1.. . . . . . . . . . . .2532 .5; ooom “soon <$o Q98 coo omo 8.2 . A.....:...........:.mo8=woseoowoo? 58o .-¢°U .......-.-.--.--.-....-.=.N¢MmPQQJg ¢o==oomE :8 .38.: o2 .313 2o o9? ooom a: ooh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ooixzmonm =22 132 ooO mmofi 8% ooo ooe oooH . . . . . oofiooooom Ea .285 oafim £355 Qmofi oo .8 ooo oozv oi: o . owaqoosw @520 Ea moi=§2 .356 omofi oo Q 21: 8e om 43 .. . . . . . . . . . 6U ooom Rqcooz .. . . . . . . . . . . aofifiooom .5; ofim o$§> moofi omEcoooom ooos? ocsoow dooosm 52o oooa? .595 ooos>> oohm om .x ooé ooba .. . . . . . omfinoooom wan oooh H652 woonk/ . 0G6 ............I...............Qw.~mfl.~oU hood» 8 .00 on A: 8.0 8 .3 00.0 om a 0 00.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @085 .0305 $203 mo? QC . 8 . N .N . . . . . . . . . . hQZOm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HNUSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QMQU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .Qfl.~m .W350: 6.80 033000 8S. 8w ow 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4526 ma 055m Mwwm A X E T 00.23am E3 3 céum U | Ohhm uouwcwhmnQ mwnofixfimc~ 6E2 3:50 03.595 n0 QEQZ ©0003 comgflhw uousuuuwcqug m0 oEaZ - w .0000 00%| mm 0E $92050‘ 0000000050 250 .w0::=:0OI|m~m~ J hoaofiuO ianoa. E 3am 00w wohowmmuofl mvoonTid 030E COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 1.00008 £0000 000x 60000 0:00 £0000 0000 00.m0 00mm 00.5 0:00 0000000000 000000 .0000 000000300 000000000 0:00 000 000000 00.m.w 0000000000 0000B 000000 .3000? 000w 0000B .0000. 0.0055 00mm 00.m 0000000000 00003 000000 .3000? >000 00003 .0000 0.00005 000m 004m 0000000000 00003 000000 .3000» >000 00003 .0000 00003 00mm 00.mm 00mm 0002000000 00003 000000 .5000» 0000 00003 .000; 0000C’? 00mm 00.00 00.0.0 00.m 00.m 00.0 0.0.0 00.0w 00.0 0.0.00 0.0.0 00.00 00.m 00.m 0mm 00 w 00.0 00.“. 0mm 3.0 0m.0 00.m 0.0.0 0m.w T0.» 0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm 00.00 0m.m 0m.w 3.0 0m.m 0mm 00.00 0m.m 0m.w 0mm 00.m 0mm 00.00 0mm 00.00 00.0 00.00 00.00 00.0 0m.0 00.0 m . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 0000.0 0300mm 05000. .OAHUZ< Z40 500.0 RWHPO HM000 00003 . . . . . 0000000000 000000 000 000m 0.0003 . . . . . . .mm0000000m 000 000m 000002 000005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300mm >000 000005 . . . . . . f . . . . . 0m0000000m 000 000m 00000,? 0m00~ B000 000000 0.0000 00000 00000 Q0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 00000 Ummmm mmmmm 0T~Nm .@®=Qm ooow oo.m omd omd . . . . . . . . . .00 00000652 03m 000m ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000:0 E00 Jwmmwm 00.31. 09$ 8.0 00.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30x00 0000:0300 02002000 @000 oozvm 00.00 00.0 00.0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30002 000000300 >000M00O Q80 200E 000 0:00 000000300 ooom ooom. 00.0 00.0 . . . .222 =0 00300 0502 00H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 00x22 08.34 008 00.00 00.2 00.0 00$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 000000.300 050m 008 8.00 00.2 8.0 oo .30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2002 0000:0300 080m <08 i335. 6520.024 Z000200O 00¢“ . 00.0.0 oo N2 oo .0 oo 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z2002 000000300 >000200O 0.2.0 000E 0:0 0:52 0000:0300 8.5 om .00 m0; 8 .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000b 00x22 20004 030 0:0: 000 000E 0000:0300 00.00 000: oo h om .00 . . . . .00 =0 c0300 20m0< 00m . . . . . . . . . m .02 000m 0000:0300 000000 Q30 0:00 000 000E 0000:0300 00.00 8.3 ooh 00.2. . . . . . . . . . 10 .02 000m 000000300 000000 030 00.00 oo.o_ 00.0 00$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 000w000000..0Eim 0.2.0 8.00 oo .2 oo .0 00.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0002 000wc030000Eim <30 .00====..0|m055 .5040 500 50.5 001 .0005 0:024 000.22 -05 00.530003 .5000 >010: 50.5 0000 $500M 00000 M00305 50.5 00E 2005 00050300 505M000 .305 020:4 055500000 0005B .300 .055 .005 60050 500 .215 00E 00:20 .005 00055 .305 0000000000 @8305. £55 .30 35 00000000 6:0: 55000 05.000 d?» 052550 50.: .250 nEnQEm J00.- 0,5000 .1005 0000 £0500 0005 .0005 500 00:025. 60.000 G003 .0005 005 .0005 000:8 J55 00000300 03G 000005? .2050. 00025 .200 .500 05.6.5 .0005.» 05.2w 6:5 056.50% .0005 00050300 4005 0005: mfianuwafi. 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E05 0000:0300 00.0w 00.3 00;... 0N2? . . . . . . . . . 1w .OZ 000m 0000:0030 05.0.20 Omww 0%. 0:0: 0cm 0x00 0000:0300 00.>.mQo£uo:000 000s? m-wmom 004B 00.0 9.1m 0.0.4; fi. . . . . . . . . ..wmc0c00.8w 0cm 000m 000:3 <¢NON 004.0 00.N~ 00.0 00.3 +1 é . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0x00 000000300 030.5000 Qmhw 0.0 em WXYNF 00.0 00.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1002 0000:0300 hficfliO U000 f; .5505 50:. s5: 276 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. oooo 2: ooo 3.2 . ..............._wo2 bomioibcnwm omfi .132 aim-om wan oo .3 oo .2 oo Q oo . 3 wmcmcwvhum “was? @5550 dmum owns? Zmmfi .53 Q92 8.: 28$ .............................cm.~moomfl Emfi oooo 9.1.‘ omtm Q9»: . . . . . . . .............fi:ém M533 32;» ammo . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ..........MQOEUOZE Jim .33? E8 61.3 8.9 ooh omim 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2350 51$ 3i 5E 55am 2N. in... .§.=:62...m E2? 6:5 wiwchu .52 oo .m S K1. oo .2 . . . . . . . 6U mcEQ/H =PioH QFH . . . . . . . . . $1.0 :3? Mai qfioiu Laiam Bmfi 8.9 8m 8+ omio ..............¢~._m F60 2a .285 F50 Emfi dmcocowfim owvn? wczgm .595 F60 5.2m Qua? ooom. oooo om. é om .3 . . . . . . . . . . . .. dwicovuom cam cmhm @052 6mm“ ooom 91: 2; om .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . gififiom Ea 52m 32:,» ~39 3.8mm 52m 32a 5P5 F8... .595 3.53 ooom 8.2 om .m e93 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a8m @332 “Qiam mmfi - - - - - - - - . nnl-Illulucnmaoaw 8.3. oo .§ oo o oo Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 wmazseoou >Eamzo H2 2E; E; 313 cummiéou 69mm 8.3 3m o”? .. .. . :14. dZ wfim wwvésSo wfiofiu m2 2E: Ea 23E wfimizéu oodm 8.3 3m om. 3 . . . . . . . . . Q dZ Bow Mawéoxou Ezzw m2 .93: Ea 313 ngmifiou 8Q oo .2 ooh om om . . . . . . . . . .m .02 wwwm Eséozou @2020 m8 .215 Ea 23E woumizzu 8am 8.2 ooo om mm . . . . . . . . .00 =0 c0300 =ofiovfi . . . . . . . . . a dZ Ram wovzssou “E2050 mmw Q93. oo g1; ooo 8.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .918 “xaéosau E3520 o3 ooov ooqi ooH ooom ..................Iiiiwogfiiwooono Umo 9.3 00.2 ooo 8.? .182 835x80 08cm may m» m... E Q 21.. om .2 6U pofifi/BM ..... . . . . . . 53m E53 v5». mQQG 0:2 Q22 -g f0 n - - ~ - ¢ --.-¢-n~n-¢unun.n.-mgonu oooh oo.m ooQ ooo ........................Ilwnonnvahono <22 @385. dnmamwe wwmowww. hi5 E ..M.....,.. . A232 QEEU vwfiu QEEU .02 woofififiwsmv mocwowmfimco Qofionnfi .5 wEw Z wafim comomb Qwifioaosnwg we oEsZ . éwom dsoU $m| mGDuc/o. wawocwhwsw ivscflioO|a~mw .m uonouuO QMHNQH. Hm Qwdm uflu UQMQaQmNQQ QUQQr-mi-N 2.1a 277 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. oo. oo. i=5: 15m @590 =wuw5o3o0 oo. $25: =55 13E ooomcofio0 oo. oo. 6N oo _8 . oo . so . i=5: was 16E =uomco3o0 co. .215: can For: wovmcofiowo oo. oo. 2am duE-Bopum 650:5 5.50 dawmmroE .m=w.:< oo. 5 5.85 6E2 oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. @355 UCN =35 MVQQWGAYIOU 0:105 UCN ZwQE wwomcotono fi § mm MN 3. 3 E. é mm mm 5N mm E. .3 E g om. mm om. oh mm f. _ oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. co. 3a oo.». 39m _ oo . oo . oo . oo. oo. oo. C001 oo.». 8.». 8.2 omio oo.o~ oo.m 4L 2:2. oo. co oo. oo. oo. oo. <5 oo 6o . oo. oo. oo. om. Pom oo. oo. om. oo. om. oo. om oo . oo . © ...............vv~dmw UQUMDOHHOQ . mw . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ..—N02 UQOmCOQMOU knkfiiwwvho m om. Q . . . . . . . . . J~ dZ moor: =$w5o3o0 ©ov=o30 m. om . Q . . . . . . . . o0 =52 =0 Qwizoze . . . . . . . . . a dZ wow.» =3w5o3o0 @5530 w oo.»? . . . . . . . . .330 wQQwcofibU woxowu0 with w oo.? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :32 wwow5o3o0 wit.» $4035. .HA0~m UQN NEOSNQP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQO.SU GhOU .42 OEP w amt: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5m._m:wo:>> . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . ..WQCQU cHQU m 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . é dZ dawn: =oom5o3o0 555050 w. or. awn . .o0 houfifioh wax =0 mpwabwh . . . . . . . . . .m dZ 13...: wowmaofio0 UGBOHU .mHHQQHHFH 825m E3 vwbéww .5274 Huh Atm . -952 owEU QECU 3.2.6 oZ wuoacabwnw w~comwohwa~ . hoiomfii .5 oEsZ “Baum cofiwb uohswuuwsawg .00 oEwZ émmofl écoU pomll H9223» woofiifiwsw -mvO§Gmu§Q@||@~.§w - MQJOQQAW .DGNQ»F a: 0_B@ hpa mono-Baum Qm~OQrwnl|»N 01in’? n 279 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 8. 3 oo. S. 8. 8 33am 52m awwa? Emma awoak/ duaaawwaum amvaa? assay»... dioam raw awwaa; dwaa amoa? .wwamaoo.Em Eva? wasoam dioam 52m awoa>v 695 Qua?» co. 8. 8. 8. 0o. 8. 8. 8. oo. 0o. 8. S. 8. 8. mm E. E. .0». oo. oo. 8 C. mm S. 2. 8 o0 8. 8. 8. 8 S. _8. 8. 8. o0. om. 8. S. 0o. 8. 8. om. cm. 8. 8. .2 o m». om. 3. om. 0o m» _ 2o. om. S. oioiodol 010116 S. cdcémod on. om. 8. 8. co. S. 8. mic-om; 01010‘) om. 0o. om co. 8. 3m S 8. om 8. 8. on. o0. 0o. S. co. o0. on. S. 0o. d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48am F60 mww .--.--.-QO@Q%H$H.MQQQ~< .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . ..WQO§U H@NM o? . - Q » - - | n Q n n Q - - Q 4 | - - | - - . - - . n .@ - - . . . -¢¢-¢-~¢-.¢»¢ - . - - . @ . - ¢ . - - I o - - - » - - - - - o - | - - . - - - 4 Mw .-...¢.QOUH§NFUQQ>POU.UR—. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ........WQOSUHNQSK$ .$ - - ‘ . . - . - . - - -.-¢-o--¢-.mgo.govmaflm .mao> aasoami .<2> .2 . . . . . .00 3:52 omwm mwEoaP . . . . . . . . . . . . . dmficooauw wax 58m Qua? ma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iioam wit’? awwa? m: . . . . . . dwcaaooaum was avoh @852 i851? 3 . . . . . . . . . IoU Q coioZ mam? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . afioam ofiak/ 23a? 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iambm 13a? @m . . . . . . . . . . . . HU-Om >%@MO.MU . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . H6053 .mNkw wflwga “QNHQ wflnvga .% .¢ . . - . . . . - - . . . . - - - . . . - . - bQQm Hfinwza 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.: . . . . . .00 0:22 d .53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280w >050 00003 MN00 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152m 00055 000 0000? 60.5 00003 00.0.0 00 .0 0.0.0 00.00 . . . . . . 0000:0050 0cm 08m 0052 00003 @002 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.0_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . itmflhm 00055 Q00: .3300 >30 00003 .203 00003 00.00 00 .0 00 .0 00.00 10E 0cm :52 000M005 00h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 00x22 000s?» U002 00.00 00.0 00.0 00 .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:50 >000 000:3 @002 - . . - . | - ... - - - . - - - - . . - - - - - - 3E 8.0 8.0 8 .0 :8 =26 m=eaaaaw=mm . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ............. £3.50 E8 40:. JGAOH0 000 00.0 0.000500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . dm0000000m 000 000m 0.000005 ...-..-......-......MMHQ§W%GHUHQQQg .0335. 05H!» NHAA<> axe . - - - . . . - . - - ¢ - . - -QM%NU @QQWQQQHOU nfihfinfixuko @@ . . . . . - . . . . . -.. . . ..@NQ2 tQUWHMQPHQU >MQQ@@HO OD . . . . 0U COHHOQ %Q=N> . . . . . . . . . QMNU 0000003oU UQJUNQQ 0000.00 @@ . - . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . %NQ2 @UQW.QQHHQU UETHQ 00.00 . . . . 0U 0000U 000 00000002 05000 . . . . . . . . . . . . @0200 0000.005 000 02m 0000000? .Wfifim wxnvgflm? . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MQQ§U QHOUi 040230 00.1.0 v0.55» Ofi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQO§U wvNUm ......¢¢.....-....<.U.~N@A-m.._w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..MQO§U:@NQEHQGV% . - - - - - - ~ 1 . ....OU HQQEQA GEN~< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..MQOJU GhOU .0355. AHQA<>D 0--.--¢ . - . . . . . . ..UO%Om.U .20 . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . ... . . - - . .....WQO§UQHOU0 .M i-........-.........SO_0a.0 .8? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ......WQOSQG.~OQZ .m i...............G~.SWNGMMQW .m.oi.. . . . . . ...............wQO£U UNQEN-Zhfiuflvwi .M moém mfiiw wmh o9: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153m K205 M33 CO . . . . . .w=w2 h0=Om nvfl%www< Qfl> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w@O£U QMOmw 13E E5 2:5 83512.0 00.0w Q93 2mm Q92 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zwmam 5am 025/ 5Q 00 QM 00 N" 00 .0 00 .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dxwU wwvéosou bfifizo Ewfl. 00 . § 00 NH 00 .0 00.»? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 wmsmizfiou EQEEQ www... .215 mam 3:3 wovwcotoU 006m 00%- oob. om. S“ . . . . . . . . 2w .oZ wowh wouwcowuoU wuxomuU hwmv .215 E; F65 QoQmcQSQU 004$ 004i 00.0 ONYIN . . . 5U SO flofioU 2524 cm> . . . . . . . . . 4~ dz fiuoh 25262.5 358w mwfi. .185 i; 5E wwuécsou Q99... 90.2. Sim 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1m dz wwwm B52 85$ Qwmw .22: Y; 2:5 €qm=33u .65.». 69w». E a 8.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2H dz Ram 8&2 Q25, uwfl. 00€N 00.0~ 00.0 20.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aim wwwéoficu wail mwmw 00€N 8.2 00.0 0054» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 woomflofi-OU 051% a a _ F8 “WWW... 25E E a5 .222 ownhU QECU 35.6 .02 wuotifiasU ndcowwohmfi . Efioaci .5 08x2 ucwhm cofimb uoksfifiscug 0o QENZ éwwdfl écoU MQQII mmw3mn< woofibfimsmu d;- J uoacuoO dunes. 5 2am 2d vokfimuuofi mvook|d 05am. 283 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 0:0: 00w 00:00 000000300 0:0: 00m R000 000000300 6:0: 000 00:00 000000.300 0:0: 000 E00: 000000300 .0w0:000.000 000:3 0000.00 030:0 >000 300:3 .000: 000:2: .000: 0.000 .000: 000:2: 00.0w 00.00 00.mm 00.0w. 00.0w 000m 00.0w 00.00 00.0w 000m 000m 00.0w 000m 00.0 00.0w 000m 00.00 00.00 00 .00 00.00 00.0w 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.:w 00.00 00.00 00.:w 00.00 00.0w 00.0 00.0 00.0: 00.0: 00.m: 00m: 00.0: 000: 00.0: 00.0: 00.00 . . . . 0U 00030000000: NMHOHOI/ 03:00. $0000.00» DOC QC QQKELOQOLQLFDLO .........oU ::O 003-00 00000? OOO OOOQ DO O0 . . . . . . . 0.83m 0:000 0.0030200. . . . . . 0Q 105m UGG imflhmw ZOBUM 0000000000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 m0:::::>: 50v: OQOOOOOLOOO Omv-wommmwoxn nnlaunilinbultloloucotunnnoswqhou -.-..¢-.-.-.----..WQO§UAYZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:00:>: 000000300 020:0 .. . . . . . . . . . . . 00:00 000000300 020:0 . . . . . . . . . . . .:00:>: 000000300 000E000 . . 00:00 000000300 00:00.00 000E000 . . . . 00:00 000000300 0000:0000 0000K: . .. . . . . . . . .:00:>: 000000300 00:00: . . . . . . .0 .07: 000m 000000300 00:00.00 . . . . . . .0 .07: 000w: 000000300 0000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .O&NU ~uQOwQOQQOU %HN::=0.:© . . . . . . . .. . . .:00:>: 000000300 000E000 . . . . . . .0 .07: 000m: 000000300 00:00.00 . . . . . . . .02 UQQHM 000000300 0000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . dxwU 000000300 0:000“: . .. . . . . . . .302 000w0o3oU 00:00.": . . . . .................:w0:>:0w:00::< . . . .0m0:000.6m GEN 000m @0032 @0053 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0m0:00000w UGN 000m: Q6053 ..... . . . . ..........w.w.:O:.~@~WflhuHfi0£a ....-......... . . . . . . ...-...MQO§UAHHQU -.-----.. - . - ¢ . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . -....-.........HM.N-mm.-MMOU ........................0m.0m:00N::>: . . . . . . . . . . . .0m0:000.6m 000 06km H0053 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30:0 0:::>: .. . . . . . . . . . 2000M: 0.000 000 000:0 0000 .....-..-. . . - . . ......mHHog@»@NMUHWUsB . . . . . ....................WQO§U.M€NM .--.-...--...--.--.flfl.umfiflmvfig ....-.-.-....-..¢---..WQOQUAMROU 284 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 00.00 000- 00.0 00.3 ...........................dmumwmonkw 0000a 0000 00.0 00.0 0000 .. . . . . . . . . . 52m 0.3.05 0mm 200:0 0E2 $00.: dommwBE .595 Eon Ammismso zza use 00000.0 3:095 J3 Go 00002.0 £000: 00E 0csok0 00.00 00 .0 00A 00S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03h 08:2 >E¢=8m .0003 00.00 00.0 0N0 00.0 ........................_mo§0wohn~o0 @003 -.-p¢--.-OU -.-u.-nuq-n-un-mgogu at ¢ | - - - - - - - -¢ ~ ¢ . ¢ | u ¢ | . ~ - . -|no¢n¢n - . | q v1. - | - . nnIIlIl-mgonwhawm -¢--.u-v-o.-l--n~nnu-au~mgoauHHQOU .¢-¢»---~¢.---».-n--wgogu 83 00 0H 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1300 03.25300 5025000 Q00m~ 83 00 a0 00 .0 20.2. ...... . 1.120.002 0wwmcofio0 00000000 000g 00 ANN 00.0H 00.0 8.2. .. .00 0O c0300 >o=w> 825 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .815 000200900 oEim mfifi 20$ 00.2 00.0 00.00 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .032 00023300 @505 400g 00.00 00.0 00 .0 00 .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . dwhm F50 0cm .85 0R5? E002 00.00 00.2 00.0 00.0 . . . . ..............qm.~mc.~o0 00000 00.00 00.2 00 .0 000A .. . . . . . . . . . . . éqwswkow 0cm 52m 002T’? h000~ 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.: ...................130000 >30 035$ M002 .................W=@EHO.QOQ< .-.................WQQ§U CHOU .maos..c:E .28.? 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A002 5A m.000.5000_m~ Ufimwfl COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 288 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. .mmc.000.5m E0005 . . 05.000 £2000 52m 00003 .505 0000.3 i R0 MI .0. 00.0 00 0; . . . . . . 000000200 0cm 03h 00x02 .0355 hmmw 00.00 00.00 00 .0 00.3 . . . . . . . . . ..00 0:002 3500.0 . . . . . . . .....wwc0c00._0m 0cm 58m 0m00>> 00mm 00.00 00 .0 00.0 00 .0_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.0000 .520 0303 Ommw 00.00 00.0 00 .0 0.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........t2w 0002/ 035$ 000w 00.00 00.00 00.0 00.: .= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........cmcm0m00>> mhmmw \ .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..MQO.SU H-MOU 420540000 .QHOhMHiHP .0000 0cm £8 0330300 00.0w 00.3 00 .0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . .0 .0Z 03h 0330300 00003.00 A000 20E 0cm 03E 03050300 00.0.0 00.3 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 03h 0320.300 05600 M000 .205 0cm _m0E 0330300 00 .ww 00.ww 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 03h 00030500 0:00.00 0000 00:0 0cm 00000 00030300 00.ww 00.ww 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . 10 .0Z 03h 0000:0300 0000300 0000 8.0m 8.00 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . .0002 00030300 008E000 E000 00.0w 00.00 00 .0 00.00 . . . . .00 0O c0300 05.000060 . . . . . . . . . . .....0xm0 0330300 008E000 0000 00.0.0 00.00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 00030300 05th h0m0 00.0w 00 .00 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2005 0cm 032 0000:0300 M000 .205 0cm 03E 0330300 00 em 00.3 00.0 0w. 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O—QH'F 293 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUEEs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 00.00 dwEEWwSm 0000B 0000.5 .2000» 002w 00003 .095 00055 00.00 00.70. 00.2 00.0w 00:31. 00.0.0 00.00 00.wm 00.0w 0m. .0w 00.0w 00.00 00.0w 0:00 0:0 0x00 0000000000 00.0w. .0005 0E0 00000 000200000 00.2 .2100 00w 0x00 0000000000 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.2 0:00 00m 00000 0000000000 00.0w 00.0w 00.0w 00.2 00h 00.N~ 00.N~ 00.00 00.0~ 00.0H 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0~ 00.0 00.NN 00.00 004i 00.NN 00.NN 004.; 004$ 00.N~ 00.0~ 00.00 0m. 0m. 00. 0m. 0m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0»0 0 0 0 0 m 0 ...............mw.~O£W%NH.QHNQJ3wMOm . . . . . . . . . . . .00 UQQrQ mwofl 05F . 0m005o00m USN 00am UQNWE #6053 000M Om . . . . . . . .mw0000o.6w UGW iflhmm H0033 000m .wPHH=R>P w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00000.0 100000300 hum0flfiO 00 . m0 CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #002 U®0wQOwwO@ kmuflizuho . . . . .00 GOQQO@ 0000000003 . . . . . . . . . UJNU 000000300 wVQXONhU 000.0% OD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0000 000200000 2E0 00.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0002 08.200000 060.0 .0335. 20.5503 002m 000mm 402w Q20 0000 Q20 4.000 0:0N MZEN <:0N 005m <22 020m 50H 0000 0000 0000. 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00$ <02 294 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 00.00 00.0: 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . .................000m:0:00 00m 00.00 00 .0: 00 .0 00 .0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005000000 000 000m: :00: 3 000m . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . -..WQSMQ§Z QC 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .—N02 UQQwGOHHOU ENH:@@H@ QC . .mfi . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .0300 UUUmGOQQOU bflflzuhfiv 000m 00.0: 00.0 00.00 . . . . . .00 ::::>: 0O 0000030003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00:00 000000300 00:00 0:00 004m 00.0: 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:00:>: 000000300 00:00 <00 005000.80 . - - - . - - - . . ~.n-uu¢--unnqn-.q®wh . 005000.60 000:3 0000.00 . 600:0 0.50 600:0 .0000: 000:0 05>: 00.00 0: .0 00m 00.0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .000»: 0:030 0:30: 50:00.00 03m 0000000000 00:3 0000.00 600:0 0:0: .000: :00:B .000: 0.50 0m.m0 00.0 0m.m 00m: 00x03: 03m ... 00.2 00.0 00.0 00.0 . .0000: 0:00 000 000:0 0000 000:0 05>: Z30 00.0w. 00.0 00.m 00.0: ..............00:m: 0.000 000 000:0 0:::>: 2:00 00.m0 00.00 00 .0 00.0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000.000 000 02m 000:3 03.0 005000.000 . 000:3 000000 .000: 0.80 .000: 000:3 00 .00 00 .0 00 .0 00 .0: Y . . . . . . . . . . .00 00:03: 0005000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005000000 000 000m: 00x::>: vzwm 00.00 00 .0 00.0 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 0.000 000 000:0 0.000 200 .000: 0000 .000: 0.00:3 00.00 00.0: 00.0 00m: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 1.00:0: 0053: 03m 000:0 0:0:.00.:::00:3 00.00 00.0 00.0 00m: . . . . . . . . ....................000n: 000:0»: 030m 00.00 0m.0 00.0 00.0: . . . . . . . . . . 1000M 000 300:0 >000 000:3 0:00 dQOJO 01G: .0220: 0005B OO.wm OCR. Om. .m 008.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qumwré UQKME Mm~fiN.% 00.00 00.0: 00.0 00.0 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000M 0:00 Qdvm a -.....--.-..-.--~WPHOZZ %~who 00.00 00.0: 00.0 00.: . . . . . . . . .....000m:000:3 050m 00.0w 00.0 00.0 00.0 ..................w00:00000 43m . 0003:. QIU5T$HH~I3 00.: a 0:0 90000000 0W0m..m~0 0.0m: .07: 0000000000 $0200.00: 0.0;: 000.00 00000000: .00 00:07: 00000: 0030b 000000000000’: :0 00:07: 0000M: JGOQ 000ml 0093004 0000000000 000030001000 J 00.5300 demon. 0: 0:00 00.: 09-33008 u0ooh|d 030a. 295 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS REGISTERED IN TEXAS. AQQE nuou oufionn: AwQE FSu oufioncw dmficuuuum Qua? wcsohw dionm >95 Hausa, .595 uwusk/ oo. nioau onus? fiuuu. >550: .532 wwusk/ oo. éiosm onus? 53A omufl? £22m FHoU oo. 6&5 dun: cuou ouuiuvasm oo. .52: Eou wuuiuism om. 09$ mo oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. Q92. 21K oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. Euuuuu owun? 2.56% dnoau FSu 6:2 ooBo $5 om . oo . oo . om oo oo oo . oo . Jcdlrioémooo 2 2 oo. oo. omw? oo.m oo.m oo.m oo .. oo . oo oo oo oo . oo . ohcdo-Soeoo F1 mud oo.N OOOOOQO OOLOOWJOKJ cocoon-mam om oo. S oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. mm. oo. ma. om. om. oo. oo. oo. oo. oo. om. oo. oo. oo. ‘F? - - - - - n - - . . - - . . . . . . ~ . - - - - . w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZN dZ ovum wufiz nuoU w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A dZ wuuh wunfl2 E00 3 . . . . . . dwicuuuum cam ouum 2852 £35,? .3 . . . 6U 5x50 cam ouuh c1590 . . . . . . . . . . . . Zmmciuuuum wan 52m onus? m~ . . . . . . éwfiauuuuw was mfionw hubw fiwunk/ $ - . . - - - . . - - - . . - ¢ . . ¢ . . . . - . - ~ i? - ' . - - - . - . ' ¢ . . ¢ . - . - . n aw . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WQO.§U Ckou w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422m EoU 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8km onus?» §? - 0 - . 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Illtllltilmgonw 00.2.0 2.0.02 00.0 00.w2 Y ..00 000E620 000 2222>2 00020205 . . 000m 0000 000 0002000000 .0000 000.225 v20ww 00.00 00.2. 00 .0 00.02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00002 002E022 0002023 0.000 00.0» 0w.w 00.0 00.0 ..............000m2 0.000 000 000220 0.000 20ww 00.00 00 .0 .220 00.02 .. 002000.000 000 08m 000.23 000020 0.200 000.0 00.0w 0ww 00.0 w0.0 ............................000.200000 00ww 00.5 00.0 00 .0 00.0. =80 085$ 2.5 0026 Q02 .320 E00 0000 00.00 00.w2 00.0 00.0 .............................000m20._00 Qmww 00.00 00.0 0N0 00.02 ....................£.=a0 0002.5 000.23 00ww 0000000000 000.23 0000.20 £000.20 >20 .2005? .0002 000023 00.00 00.0 00.0 00.02 . . . . . . 0000.00.00 000 00002 000222 000223 mmmmw. . - . ¢ - -.-.-.-.¢u-.-.-W$H°flw m“ 0:002 00w 00200 000000300 00.0w 00.02 00.0 00 .00 . . . . . . . . ..0 .02 030 000000.300 000200.20 22000 0:00 000 200E 000000300 00.0w 00.02 00.0 00.00 . . . . . .. . . . .0 .02 08m 000000300 0000.20 T0000 0220.2 000 00200 000000300 00.0w 00.02 00.0 0w. 20 . . . . . . . . ..0 .02 000n2 000000300 00020000 02000 0:22 000 200E 000000300 00.0w 00.02 00.0 0w. 20 v . . . . . . . . . . .0 .02 00002 000000300 0000.20 M2000 00.0w 00 .w2 00 .0 00 .00 . . . . . . . .00 220 00300 00202023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3200 000000300 0.2000000 A2000 00.0w 00.w2 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . .2002 000000300 0.2002000 0000 00.0w 00.02 00.0 00.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3200 000000300 0820A M2000 00.0w 00.02 00.0 00.00 0 ...... . . . . . . . .2002 00000000000505 020000 . ,1 02. .00 00.0 00w 00.02 . . . . . . . . . 00000 0.200 000 >230 >20002> 0.00000 v-.-...-......OUH2@NHU>@@T~@ ...\... . . . . . .......-.MQO§U2MHOU ~%HO..—O@> 00.00 00.0 00.2 00.22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20020 0202.200 0.200002 -0300 .00==0_8o|0<00.2. 6.2.252 52.222023 200.202 020 00.0.0 .000 00 .2 0000000000 00002000002 .0002 00000 000000022 00 00572 0000M 00200.00 . 0000000000022 00 0000 2 02002 .0000 00ml 0200220000 0000000000 .0000=000||.0202 .2 00.20000 0000.2. :2 02cm 00.2 00000000022 m000h|l.w 050.2. 299 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFs REGISTERED IN TEXAS. 00.; 00.0w 8.5 . 8.5 00.00 00.00 00.0w . 00 .00 305500.36 035B UQMOQQU £00550 Dim @605; .520 Gun? 00.00 00.0w 00.0w .215 0cm 03E 0oomao3o0 00.0w 09mm 00.0w 00.0w B» .3 00.0w 00.0w . 00.00 dmnmnuohon .593 000:3 .3005» 23m 00.00 00.00 00 .00 .58 0vxow~o Juan? 0m .0w _ 8.» 3.» 3.» E.» 8.» 3.» 8.» 8.» 21. o3.» 20.»: o...» 8.» 21. 00.0 3.». .3.» 3.» 2.13 3.» 21: 8.» 00.00 00.0 00:3 8.» 20.3 o?» 8.3 8.» 8.8 8.» 0o.» :3.» 3.» 3:» S.» 9...» 8.2 3.» 3s 20.... 3.» 34 8s 3.0. o...» 5.» 60.0w 1 ..............idhmflhOmv mvflflnQOJ-U 0Z2 .........-.-...-..-....-.MQO.QUENV% ©Ah4.@ - . . . . . . . . . . -....-.......-...MQOJU0Z2 00d“ ..........:ow%no_>woQ.0~.>P . . . . . . . 1..................~mo0>P0==o~0 @@.@ . . . . . . . . . . - - . . -flflhm HFMOU van“ wQagu q-MQU 00.0 . . . . . ................um._mu.~o0 CC-mw 1 ........ . . . . . .-... .....-.MQOHUQHOU 05E.» .§HOQZ~.$ 00 . 0H , anwuoohum .3053 005030 0a»-nw.~fl-~mo0>P 6055x500 00.00 v . . . . . . . . . . .502 32m n30? 225B 05220 0cm 08m 0852 085$ 60550960 00.: % .3053 030050 05» 35am >30 0.655 .m QC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mmflwifi0k0filUfld Qfihmm #0053 QC . WUGMCQQkOW UQG UQQHm UOK@2 0~flm 05w H0053 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..mQOJU Wmikfim CO . @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mwnuwflOU-O@ HCOU mviiOku s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AwvQOHm flfixfimfluw OMnJSU 05m m3» m5» Qzfi 0S» m8» <3» 0000a M0000 0.. .0 <000N 4002 mmfiu <0NmN DQNN 0.3m mafia mama 000mm 300 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. I u - ¢ n » - u » I - - - ¢ - - u u » - - - - | . u 8.8 88.2 8.8 8.8: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280 888820 0.8.8:: 88 .88 8 .8 8.8 8 .8 :80 :8:8>2m 888 :82 28E? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8920 8:38.: m5: . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2888 88:8 888:3 .885 88855 8 .8 8 .8 8 .8 8 .2 .80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .888: 83:2 882:3 0:88 88.8 8.8 8.8 8.8: 8:20 88.... 88:82 888:0 s: .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8880 88:82.0 8:88 n ¢ - - - - ~ u - - ¢ ~ ¢ . - ~ - - - - ~ - - - 838:. 88:82:? 88.8 8.8: 88.8 8.8 . . . . . . . .880 88888880 888620 E8585 @888 8 .8 8 .8: 8.8 8 .88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832 88888880 8:88:85 Q88 8 .65 .# . . . . .OU GOHHOU OhOQmGQTK/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mQOQU QQOU .888 888 888: 88888880 8 .8 8 .88 8 .8 8 . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .888: 88:2 :888;> :88... 8 .8 8.8: 8.8 8 .88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :82 8882:8380 888E <88... 8.8 88 .8: 8.8 88.88 .. . . . . 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