l" I8 R-“Q F? Y “I LLtltggwfl C? ____ A447-420—16m 75L“ TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENTMLSTITION AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS W. B. BIZZELL, President BULLETIN NO. 261 APRIL, I920 DIVISION OF PLANT PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY DISEASES OF GRAINS, SORGHUMS, AND MILLET, AND THEIR CONTROL IN TEXAS B. YOUNGBLOOD, Dnmowon. COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. STATION STAFFT ADMINISTRATION B. YouNouLoon, M. S., Director . A. B. CONNER, B. S., Vice Director . J. M. JONES, A. M.. Assistant Director CHAS. A. FELKER, Chief Clerk A. S. WARE, Secretary —————————, Executive Assistant CHARLES SosoLiK, Technical Assistant VETERINARY SCIENCE *M. FnANcis. D. V. M.. Chief H. Scmwmr, D. V. S., Veterinarian D. H. BENNETT, V. M. D., Veterinarian CHEMISTRY G. S. FRAPS, Ph. D., Chief; State Chemist S. E. AsBuRY. M. S., Assistant Chemist S. Loumwrrz. B. S.. Assistant Chemist F. B. SEmLLING, Assistant Chemist J. B. SMITH, B. S., Assistant Chemist WALDO WALKER, Assistant Chemist HORTICULTURE H. NEss, M. S., Chief W. S. Horcnkiss, Horticulturist ANIMAL INDUSTRY J. M. Jom-ts, A. M., Chief; Sheep and Goat Investigations J. C. BURNS. B. S., Animal Hushandman in Charge of Reef Cattle Initestigations (on leave) J. B. McNULTY, B. S , Doiryman R. M. SHERWOOD, Pouttryman O. E MGCONNELL, A nimal Husbandman in Charoe o] Swine investiot-tions B.G. BREWER, B. S., Assistant Animal Hus- ENTOMOLOGY M. C. TANQUARY, Ph. D., Chief; State Ento- molfluist H. J. BEINHARD, B. S., Entomologist H. B. PARKS, B. S., Apiculturist C. S. RUDE, B. S , Assistant Entomologist AGRONOMY A. B. CONNER, B. S., Chief A. H. LEIDIGH, B. S., Agronomist E. W. GEYER, B. S., Agronomist H. H. LAUDE, M. S., Agronomist PLANT PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY J. J. TAUBENHAUS, Ph. D., hief FEED CONTROL SERVICE l". D. FULLER, M. S., Chief JAMES SULLIVAN, Executive Secretary FORESTRY E. O. SIECKE, B. S., Chief, State Forester PLANT BREEDING E. P. EIUMBERT, Ph. D., Chief FARM AND RANCH ECONOMICS H. M. ELIOT, M. S., Chief . SOIL SURVEY **\V. T. CARTER, JPL. B. S.. Chief T. M. BUSHNELL. B. S.. Soil Surveyor W. B. Fntwcis. B. S.. Soil Surveyor bandman H; W. HAWKER, Soil Surveyor SUBSTATIONS No. 1. Beeville, Bee Conn No. 8. Lubbock, Lubbock County lY I. E. COWART, M. S., Superintendent No. 2. Troup, Smith County W. S. HOTCHKISS, Superintendent No. 3. Angleton, Bi-azoria County E. B. REvNoLns, M. S.. Superintendent No. 4. Beaumont, Jelferson County A. H. PRINCE, B. S., Superintendent No. 5. Temple, Bell County D. T. KiLLouca, B. S., Superintendent No. 6. Denton, Denton County C. H. McDowELL, B. S., Superintendent No. 7. Spur, Dickens County R. E. DICKSON, B. S., Superintendent TAs of February l, 1920. B. E. KABPER, S_., Superintendent l‘). L. JONES, Scientific Assistant No. 9. Pecos, Reeves County J. W. JACKSON, B. S., Superintendent No. l0. (Feeding and Breeding Substation), College Station, Brazos County ..... ................. ..... Superintendent E. CuviEnoxx, Scientific Assistant No. 11. Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County G. T. McNEss, Superintendent No. 12. Chillicothe, Hardeman County A. B. Caou, B. S., Superintendent V. E. HAFNER, B. S., Scientific Assistant No. 14. Sonora, Sutton-Edwards Countlel E. M. PETERS, B. S., Superintendent iIn cooperation with School of Agriculture, A. 8c M. College of Texas. *In cooperation with the School of ‘Veterinary Medicine, A. & M. College of Texas. "In cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. Bulletin x0. 261. A April, 1.920. DISEASES OF GRAINS, SORGHUMS AND MILLET,‘ AND THEIR CONTROL IN TEXAS. BY J . J . TAUBENHAUS INTRODUCTION Almost everyone thinks of Texas as being primarily a cotton State; therefore, the importance of the cereal crops is generally underestimated. According to the Monthly Crop Report* of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, the total area in 1918 devoted to the cereal crops in Texas was estimated at 10,603,000 acres and Worth on the farm $195,548,200. On the other hand, the cotton acreage for 1918 in Texas Was estimated at 11,283,000 acres and Worth on the farm $380,215,000. Hence, We see that in 1918, the acreage and the money value of cotton Were large When compared to the acreage and money value of the grains. This, nevertheless, forcibly emphasizes the im- portance of the cereal crops in Texas. It is staggering if We but realize the yearly losses to these crops from plant diseases. This is Well shown in Table 1. In carefully studying Table 1 We see that in 1918, Which was prac- iticallv a dry year, and in Which the diseases of the cereal plants Were but slightly prevalent in Texas, a large percentage of all the grain crops Was lost solely on account of plant diseases. This, of course, does not include the losses from insect pests. Such a loss is stagger- ing" if We realize that it represents a direct Waste of $21,641,461. As- further indicated in Table 1, most of these losses could be reduced to a minimum. It is hoped that the information there presented With figures Which speak but very conservatively, points the Way to a saner and better agriculture, by indicating lnethods Which, if intelligently carried out, Wlll reduce the losses of the crops here considered to a minimum. Instead of an-annual outright loss of $21,641,461 from diseases, the losses from plant disease may, through careful seed selec- tion, seed treatment, and cultural methods be reduced. materially. To effect this saving, the expense for labor and formaldehyde liberally estimated urould be $5,000,000. Progressive farmers Will not be slow in recognizing this fact. The losses to the grains and cereal crops in Texas are due to plant diseases, for it has been definitely proved that diseases in plants are induced by bacteria or fungi. These are loW forms of plant life and can only be seen when magnified under the microscope. It certainly Will be to the zldvantage of every farmer to acquire a practical knowledge of the diseases covered in the present bulletin. Such al knowledge Will insure the carrying out of control methods intelligently and effectively. ‘Wlonthly Crop Report. December, 1919. Washington, D. C. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. .00 000.000.0N~ $-..--.-.‘-....--.-.-w-..- % . . . . . . . . . ........¢-@.NPOH~ 020.3000 20.80 0Q . ~00 00A . . ..m0000m@0 0050 . . 00902.00 A5 0005.00.00 000600J ..............=:5m.8m 002.0 00:95:00 2008a 00m 3% ~ 00.0 33.02am 0050M 000.000 000.0006 F 000.2 000.0“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FSUE00.~M 0.3.5000 0n 00550 mhmimwoJ 00.m . . . . . 405m 000E 000.03 00:05:00 020.5% mfiwéom . 00A . . ..00m0020 .0050 d: , 00:03:00 30.300. 000.00% _ 00.0 .0200 0002/00 000. $0.00 000.81g 000.05% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 0:0 0000A 00003000 >050 2N0 00. _ . . 10000020 0050 5n 00:05:00 2300.0 m2 .N~ 00.0 . .0080 00002.0 000. 3m 000.0: 000.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $020M .00:0.Sc00 3:30P 000.0 00%.. . . . . . .0005 0000A @QZOHMGQU .@ . . . . . . . . . . zwavmhm .H~Q ruUIC-mwflonv .$Ah.-.@ ..-..-..-HSEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -...-.Q%m 00:05:00 >000; 000.2: 00. H . . .0m0:0w.=$c< £00m 500w £00m 45 . 00005000 x0300. 000.02 00.0 . . . . . 2am 0000A 02200012 000.0006 000.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0005,? 00:03:00 >:0..6.H 000.00 00.0 . . . . . . . . . . .0000 >050 2:0 000.00%... 00.... .1... . . . zflom _ . 00M 0:0 000E .00 . E300 D00 000 0S 00.0 . . . . 08000000900 000.0000: 0 000000.00 000.0000 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 030.80 3:0 000.0%“ 00.0 . . . . . . 000E 00ml . 30.80 2:0 000N010 0 00.0 ...........0:Ew 00000050 0023C E 000A m0mw0mmfl wbwzofl. E 0:010 050.60. 0i0fic0>0hm 0000ES0M 00 00300300 .00 05M 0E0> _E0.H .8 0005M 0.50.0 0000 00 05M 000A E 00c» 750E Gm MNXQP 5* 00000030 E0000 80.: 0030A]; MJQNF. DISEASES or Genus, SoncHUMs AND MILLET. 5 The present bulletin has been prepared as far as was consistent i.n a non—technical language and it is hoped it will meet the great demand for information on this subject. Full directions for sending in dis- eased sloecimens xvill be found on p. The writer wishes also to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor A. H. Leidigh, Agronomist of this Station, for helpful suggestions in reading the manuscript; and to Professor H. S. Jackson of Purdue University, for identification of Puccinia, purpurae. DISEASES OF WHEAT~ STINKING- SMUT (oovnnnn sMUT), OR BUNT Caused by Tilletia Zemls Kuehn Bunt is one of the serious wheat diseases in Texas, being more or less prevalent in the “Panhandle.” The annual losses from this dis- ease are rather small when compared to losses from loose smut. It is necessary to describe this disease in order that one may understand the correct method of combating it. Symptoms. As a rule the disease does not become noticeable in the field until the Wheat heads have reached full development. At that time, infected heads appear dark green to bluish in color and seem to mature later than the normal ones. This, however, is not a sufficient guide, and unless it is carefully looked for, bunt may escape the atten- tion of the inexperienced. A close examination will reveal the fact - that diseased heads remain erect and are slender, while those which contain sound grains become heavy and bend more or less from their own weight (Fig. 1, a). In Northwest Texas, TurkeJv-type Wheat ripens upright and does not “nod.” Here the bunted heads are easily recognized just before fully ripe, because of the enlarged grains which seem to give a distended or “fat” appearance to the head, and the beards seem to stand out at a great angle. If one will examine a diseased head, it will be seen that - its grains are larger but lighter than the grains of a healthy head (Fig. 1, b and c), and may be crushed with the slightest pressure of the fingers. When such a grain is crushed, its outer cover will break open and a dark-colored, ill smelling dusty substance will be liberated. The odor of bunt is disagreeable and very characteristic. Ordinarily, in- ' fected grains do not burst open in the field, they do so, however, during harvesting and threshing. Life Cycle of the Bunt Fungus. It has already been mentioned that during threshing, the grains in the infected heads break open, thus liberating the fungus spores (Fig. 1, d), which adhere to the sound. and normal kernels. When these kernels are planted and as soon as germination starts, the adhering fungus spores of bunt germinate, too (Fig. 1, e to g), and penetrate the young sprouting seedlings. Growth of the fungus then proceeds in the interior of the‘ wheat plant and keeps pace with it until blossoming. The fungus then establishes itself - in the ovaries of the wheat head, and prevents the formation of sound kernels by using up their entire contents and transforming them into smutty masses made up mostly of the spores of the causal organism. \ 6 a ‘Farms AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIoN. It is believed that the spores in the spore balls of stinking smut, when unbroken, may live from seven to eight years. On the other hand, When loose, they may live only about three years. As far as is known, bunt attacks Wheat onlv. For methods of control, see p-. 30. FIGURE 1. a. Stinking smut (bunt) of wheat. To the right, healthy heads; to the left, diseased heads. b. Healthy wheat grain. c. Three wheat grains affected with bunt, the lower two broken in halves to expose the smut spores. (a to c after Humphrey and Potter.) d. Spores of wheat bunt slightly magnified. e. to g. Germination of spores of wheat bunt. LOOSE SMUT Caused by Usiilatgo tritic/i (Pers.) Jens. In Texas, loose smut of wheat is more important than bunt. A con- servative estimate of the crop loss* from this disease is shown in TY ‘ lable 1. *The estimates of losses in Texas of cereal diseases and as presented in Table 1 is taken from the Plant Disease Bulletin, Supplement 4, June 20, 1919, of the United States Plant Disease Survey, of which the present Writer is collaborator. DISEASES 01+‘ GRAINS, Sonenmxs AND BIILLET. a. FIGURE 2. Three wheat heads affected with loose smut. b. Germination of loose smut spores. ~1 8 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Symptoms. Loose smut of wheat may be readily recognized in the field as it usually becomes noticeable When the heads are being formed. At ghat i}I]l_II1£,f1-I1lf€(3t(%d hcalds cpwiired with 1a }lloc(l>se,hbl{zlck,bsoplty power w 1c a s awayw en e sa 1s even sig ys a en y e Wind, and leaves the center axis of the head practically bare (Fig. 2, a). It isdurinv this time that the loose smut spores are readily blown about by r113 Wind to the neighboring Wheat heads, many of Which are in bloom. These spores lodge between the glumes or chaff and germi- nate (provide-d Weather conditions are favorable) by sending out a germ tube (Fig. 2, b) which penetrates the young ovaries. When mature, infected grains cannot be tol.d from sound ones. The follow- ing season when these seeds are planted, the smut fungus within the kernel resumes activity during its germination, growing within the young plant, and keeping pacebwith It until blossoming time, when it starts again its life cycle. Control. The fact that infection becomes established at an early stage within the developing wheat grain, makes control measures some- what more difficult, since exterior treatment with chemicals cannot reach the fungus, which is now located within the interior of the grain. Loose smut of wheat is nevertheless amenable to treatment (see p. 30). FLAG SMUT Caused by Urocg/stis trif/ici Koern. Flag smut is a new disease in the United States. Fortunately, how- ever, this disease is not known as yet to occur in Texas. Every effort should, therefore, be made to prevent its introduction to this State. ‘ Flag smut is prevalent in Australia, whence it was introduced with the 5,250,000 bushels of wheat that were imported in 1917. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that this wheat has been unloaded in six American ports namely, Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, and New Orleans. Two years later flag smut was found in Illinois. It is very likely that some of the wheat was shipped from New Orleans to Galveston; with a strong probability, however, that this wheat has been used for milling purposes and was not used for sowing. However, because of this uncertainty’, every effort should be made to determine whether or not flag smut is present in Texas, and if so, no effort should be spared to stamp it out at an early date. blympzfomis. This disease is a typical leaf smut, making its appear- ance early when the plants are young. Infected leaves become some- what twisted (Fig. 3, a to d), and covered with blisters (Fig. 3, e) which soon break open and allow the spores to escape (Fig. 3, f). After this the infected leavesisplit and tear into shreds. The flag smut does not seem to attack the heads, but, nevertheless, infected plants are so stunted (Fig. 3, b and c) as to fail altogether to produce normal heads. As far as is known, the spores of flag smut are carried with the healthy seed, upon which it clings. This is evident from the fact that the spores from infected leaves are blown to the healthy heads as they ripen in the field. Infection takes place early when the planted seed in the soil begin to germinate. In this way, likewise, the DISEASES OF GRAINS, SORGHULIS AND MILLET. a 9 soil becomes infected and it is possible for the spores ‘of flag smut to remain alive there for several years. The Division of Plant Pathology’ and Physiology of the Texas Experintient Station urges our Wheat grov-xers to stand us any suspicious specimens for examination. FIGURE 3. a. Healthy heat plant. b. and c. Stunted wheat plants due to flag smut. (a. and c. after umphrey and Johnson.) d. Wheat plant curled at the top due to flag smut injury. e. Cross section of wheat plant to show spores offlag smut inhost tissue. f. Magnified spores of flag smut. (d. to f. after McAlpine.) “TAKE ALL”: Caused by Ophliobolzts gra-mi-nis Saco. Like flag smut, “take all” is a new disease wvhieh Was introduced at the same time as flag smut.» This trouble also came from Australia 1n 1917 with the five and one-quarter million bushels of Australian wheat that was unloaded in the six American ports above mentioned. “Take . 10 TEXAS Acnreiirxrtiniui EXPERIMENT STATION. all” has been discovered in Illinois, but as far as is knoxvn, has not, as yet, been found in Texas. For the reasons mentioned under flag smut, it is probable, however, that it is present in this State. Anyhow, the failure so far to detect its presence should not cause the people of Texas to relax their vigilance. FIGURE 4. a. Wheat plants affected with “take all.” (a. after Smith and Nlackinnon.) and c. Pycnidia. of Oplziobolits graminis. Symptoms. The symptoms of “take all” vary with the seriousness of the attack. According to Humphrey and J ohnsori“ the chsease occurs *Hump-hrey, H. B., and Johnson, A. “Take All” said flag" smut, two Wheat diseases new to the United States. U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmer’s Bulletin 1063, 1919. DISEASES OF GRAINS, SORGHUMS AND MILLET. 11 in patches which vary in size. Infected plants in these patches are Egreatly dwarfed and bluish-green in color in contrast with the normal s; een of healthy plants. The patches may vary from a few feet in ‘ametcr to seventy feet or more. Lastly, infected plants in these ‘atches dry up and become decidedly brown at the stalk ends (Fig. a), upon which are formed the spore sacs (lilig. 4-, b and c) of the .7 ngus. Before dying, some of the dwarfed plants attempt to recover 3o produce new shoots, thus taking on the appearance of a rosette. ?_his rosette stage is in fact a characteristic symptom of “take all.” As fur the case of flag smut, it is urged that every suspicious specimen of ‘take all” or of any other wheat diseases should be sent in to us for .4 entification. a I WHEAT NEMATODE Caused by Tflenchus tritici ( Stein.) Bastian f "Nematode is a wheat disease which is known to occur in Europe. 5i: the United States the trouble has been found in California, New York, West Virginia, Virginia, and Georgia. Observations to date have 0t.as yet established its existence in Texas. Every effort should be ade to keep it out of this State. , 1 Symptoms. In the field, the disease is usually noticeable on the ‘eads, although it may also attack all parts of the plant (Fig. 5, a) xcept the roots. According to Fromme* the diseased heads remain ~_ een longer, ripen very late, and are also smaller than the sound es (Fig. 5, b and c). In place of normal wheat grains (Fig. 5, e), ward galls (Fig. 5, d), which are smallerthan the normal wheat grains, I e found in the affected head. These little galls may often be mistaken or bunt, or stinking smut. In breaking open one of the galls and lacing bits of it under the microscope, one will see, instead of the pntents of the normal grain, innumerable small larvae of motionless ‘ung nematodes (Fig. 5, f). These are minute parasitic worms which _e directly the cause‘ of the trouble. When infected wheat is planted, 3 nematode worms leave the galls, and float around in the soil until ey reach a sprouted wheat plant. Here apparently the roots are _‘ "njured, as the little worms climb up to the parts of the plant above ound and penetrate the leaves nearest to the soil. As the plant ad- . i ces in growth, the worms migrate from lea.f to leaf, causing them - ;_- become distorted, and finally to the heads of the wheat plants (Fig. b). There they enter the young kernels and produce the galls Thin which they mature, and lay their eggs. r These eggs in turn, itch and give rise t0 new broods of larvae. At maturity of the ant, the larvae become dried and motionless in the affected kernels, 1 take back new "life when the grain is planted. inithe soil. For ethods of control, see p. .*Fromme, F. D. The nematode disease of wheat in Virginia, Va. Agr. Expt. Bul. 222, 1919. 12 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. FIGURE 5. a. Wrinkled and distorted condition of wheat leaves affected with the nematode disease. (a. and b. after Fromme.) d. Wheat grains affected by nematodes. e. Healthy grains for comparison. t. Tylenchus tritici (after Coleman and Regan). DISEASES or GRAINS, SORGIIUMS AND MILLET. 13‘ ANTHRAONOSE Caused by Uolletotrichum cereale Manns Anthracnose is quite common in Texas but not especially serious, since it usually attacks the wheat when it is practically mature. The same is also true for the oats and rye. It is, however, serious on Sudan grass (see p.22)» Symptoms. The disease attacks all parts of the plant except the root. It causes cankers on the stems, spots on_ the leaves, and early ripening and shriveling of the grain in the heads. The causal fungus is carried over from year to year in the shriveled grain’ or on the straw from the infected wheat that is left in the field. Control. Seed suspected of coming from infected localities should be screened and fanned before being planted. All the shriveled grains, instead of being wasted by burning, should preferably be boiled and fed to chickens or stock, while the healthy grain should be treated with formaldehyde as for bunt of wheat (see p. 30). WHEAT scan Caused by Ftasarium roseum Lk. This disease is of minor importance in Texas, although it is quite serious in other fitates. Symptoms. Scab causes the grain to shrivel and to ripen early. Infected kernels are finally covered with a white-gray-to-pink mold growth. The same trouble attacks not only wheat, but also rye, oats, and corn. Control. The only means known for controlling this disease consists in using sound, healthy grain from which the shriveled and diseased seeds have been carefully fanned and screened out. Where scabis prevalent, neither corn, wheat, or rye should be used in the same field as rotation crops. After carefully removing the shriveled kernels, one should treat the grain with formaldehyde in the same way as for wheat bunt (see ). 30 . » . ' I ) ; BLACK STEM nusr Caused by Puvccinia grammis Pers. This disease is quite prevalent in Texas and causes considerable losses to the wheat crop. The same disease also attacks oats, barley, rye, and a number of wild grasses. Life Cycle. In the northern States, black rust starts on the common barberry Berberis vulyaris (Fig. 6, h) in the spring, forming the fruit- ing stage known as the cluster cup, so called because the spring spores of the wheat-rust fungus on the barberry are borne in yellowish, cup- like bodies. The spores in the cluster cup are known as Aeciospores. From the barberry, the cluster-cup spores are carried to the wheat by the wind, infection resulting in the red rust, or summer stage, so called because the spore pustules have a reddish tinge. Late in the season the, red spore stage, also» known as uredospores (Fig. 6, a), is followed by the winter or black rust stage (Fig. 6, b), also known as teleutospores (Fig. 6, c). These teleutospores winter over in a dormant state on the wheat straw (Fig. 6, b and e). Early in the spring they 14 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. FIGURE 6. a. Uredo or red-rust summer spores. b. Wheat straw showing black stem rust satge. c. Teleutospores. d. Germinated teeleuto- spore (a. to d. after Stakman). e. Cross section through. wheat stem to show relationship of fungus to host (e. after Smith and Mackinnon). f. B. trifoliata. g‘ B. thunbergii. h. B. qmlgaris. DISEASES or Grams, SORGHUMS AND l\IILLET. 15 germinate (Fig. 6, d), but their sporidia are incapable of infecting the wheat and are carried back by the wind t0 the common barberry, Where the cluster-cup stage is started anew. In Texas, the teleutospores after wintering over* are unable to germinate in the spring; hence they are no factor in infecting the barberry. Thewheat rust then ap- parently perpetuates itself through the red-rust stage, or uredospores (Fig. 6, a). In Texas, the teleutospores seem to possess no particular significance, since they do not infect the common barberry B. vulgaris, consequently, the latter is not an enemy to the xvheat. The vigorous campaign, recently started in the northern States to eradicate the barberry, is well justified there. In Texas, however, such a campaign is hardly warranted. Unless future research should prove otherwise, we are justified i11 believing that the black Wheat rust in Texas is not dependent on the common barberry for its existence. Furthermore, the barberry which is most common in Texas (Fig. 6, f) is B. trtfoliata, which, as far as 1s known, does not seem to harbor the cluster-cup stage of the wheat rust. In Texas this barberry is abundant where wheat is of little or no economic importance (Fig. '7, x and y). The common barberry, B. vulgaris, is, according to Professor H. B. Parks, Apiculturist to the Texas Experiment Station, very scarce in this State. One should not hesitate to plant the Japanese barberry B. tltunbergii for ornamental purposes, since it is definitely known that this species does not harbor the wheat rust. Control. It seems that rust 011 wheat develops fairly late in the season and that early ripening varieties are therefore especially desir- able. In order that the rust may be eradicated, many of the ‘wild grasses which grow around fences and ditches should be destroyed by burning. This simple measure, together with a well-worked-out rota- tion will help to control rust. There is also a decided difference in the resistance of the variotis varieties to rust. ' a BLACK CHAFF Caused by Pseudomonas translucens var. undulostz-vn, Smith, Jones, and Reddv. ‘ This disease was first described by Dr. E. F. Smitht and is found in Texas to a limited extent. Fortunately, it has not as yet reached an epidemic form. ’ Symptoms’. The effect of this disease is to dwarf the spikes and to shrivel the kernels, thereby reducing the yield. On the chaff, the dis- ease appears as black, long, sunken stripes. ' The glumes become black- to-brown spotted and in the bearded varieties, the beards, too, take on the same color. In an advanced stage of the disease, the kernels are badly shriveled. . » Control. Dr. Smith recommends the using of wheat seed from fields known to be free from black chaff. All shriveled wheat should be carefully fanned and_ screened out and the healthy seed treated with formaldehyde as for wheat bunt (see p. 30). *T0 germinate, the teleutospores must pass through the influence of a rigorous Winter such as is common in the northern and western States. TSmth, E. F. A new disease of wheat. Jour. Agr. Res, Vol. 10:51-53, 1917. ICIVII l’ ~- < 1 t,»- I . v 41"‘ 04w; -.-¢A~ u-Awflifi l nun FIGURE 7. y. Map of Texas, land area indicating the present distribution of barbery B. trifoliata. (x. courtesy of H. B. Parks.) x. Map of Texas indicating: a. and b., line representing approximate southern limit of commercial wheat acreage. d. and f. Line indicating the hard and soft, winter wheat areas. h. and i. Line representing the eastern limit of hard wheat grown under favor- able local conditions. g. a.nd f. Line indicating western limit of local cultivation of soft wheat. The area between lines a. and b. and c. d. may offer conditions favorable to the presence of small areas to wheat primarily for home consumption. The region south of line c. d. is in the main unsuited to wheat culture. (x. courtesy of H. Bentam, formerly Agronomist to the Extension Department of the A. and M. College of Texas.) ~ DISEASES or GRAINS, SonoiIUMs AND MILLET. T17 SEPTORIA BLIG-HT (GLUME AND LEAF SPOT) Caused by Septoria sp. Septoria blight is not as yet very serious in Texas._ This disease is manifested by a yellowing and the premature dying of the leaves. On examining infected foliage one will find it t0 be covered with numer- ous minute black and brown specks which are scarcely visible to the naked eye. Each spot appears as a depression on the leaf, blade, 0r glume, and contains numerous spore sacs, pycnidia, in which the spores are borne. The use of clean seed and a. well-worked-out system of rotation will help to control thisdiseasc. DISEASES OF THE OAT _ LOOSE SMUT Caused by Usiilagog avenue (Pers.) Jens. Loose smut of oats is very common in Texas and occasions consider- able damage. The money losses from this disease as shown in Table 1 are very high; most of these losses, however, may be totally prevented. Symptoms. The symptoms of loose smut are quite similar to those of the loose smut of wheat (see p. 6)." The dispersal of the ripe spores in loose smut of oats takes places during the time of flowering and before harvest time. These spores are entrapped between the hull and the mature kernel of the healthy oat heads. Hence, the spores of the loose smut of oats, contrary to the loose smut of wheat, are held on the outside of the kernel, and infection takes place during the germination of the outwardly infected seed. Infection is especially favored when the ureather is warm during sowing time; however, a cold spell during planting will considerably reduce the amount of smut. For this reason the prevalence of oat smut is largely determined by Weather conditions. For methods of control see p. 31. COVERED SMUT Caused by Ustilago Zevis (Kell. and SW.) Magn. Covered smut of oats differs from the loose smut in that the affected ‘heads rarely shed their spores before harvest time. The dispersal of the spores and the infection of the sound oat grain takes place during harvesting and threshing. An infected he-ad cannot be readily dis- tinguished from a sound one; however, a careful examination will re- veal the fact that the grains of the diseased heads are light and filled with a mass of black spores, hence in appearance differing little from bunt of wheat. Control. Covered smut may be controlled with the dry formaldehyde method as described for loose smut of oats (see p. 31). BLACK STELI RUST The same as for wheat (see p. 18 TEXAS AGRICULTUHAL- EXPERIMENT STATION. LEAF, RUST Caused by ‘Puczrirzia corona-tar Cda. This rust is very prevalent on oats in Texas. The stage most com- mon is the uredospore or red-rust stage. Late in the season, the teleutospores, or Winter spores, appear. The cluster-cup or spring stage commonly occurs on the buckthorn. However, as With the Wheat FIGURE 8. a. Ergot of rye. b. Rye smut (b. afterMcAlpine). rust, it is probable that the Winter, or teleutospores, are not important in carrying over the disease and that the buckthorn is probably of little or no consequence. It is likely that the disease is carried over Winter With the uredospores, or red-rust stage. Uontrol. The only method oi’ control consists in growing resistant DISEASES or GRJ\INS; Sonar-runs AND MILLETf 19 varieties. The Texas rust-proof oats seem to answer the purpose very well in some seasons. Further selection from the Texas red-rust-proof oats for complete resistance to rust is still necessary. New varieties should also be introduced and tried. ' DISEASES OF RYE SMUT Caused by Freer/sits oceulia (Walln) Rab. This disease is commonly found in Texas and is usually confined to the stem and leaves, but is occasionally found on the heads (Fig. 8, b). On the leaves and stems it appears as long, narrow, dark-green stripes which break open and liberate dnstyf masses of dark spores. Frequently infected plants are (lwarfetl and when groxving older tend to break and fall over. During harvesting and threshing, the spore masses from. the infected parts of the plant are liberated and are scattered on the ripe kernels, or the spores may fall. to’ the ground where they pass the winter. Infection takes place in the field during the germination of the seed. For method of control (see p. 30). ERGOTV Caused by Claviceps purpu-rea Tul. This disease is found in Texas, but as a rule, is not serious. It mani- fests itself in the head as large brownish-black bodies, which take the place of the ‘rave kernels (Fig: 8, a). The-se bodies are very objection- able because they reduce the yield and make the rye unsafe for milling and unfit for use as stock feed. Cloniirol. Grain containing ergot may be‘ cleaned by being run through a fanning mill- and then treated with salt brine to remove all’ the ergot which the fanning has missed. The salt brine is prepared in the same way as for wheat nematode (see p. 32). When t-he salt is dissolved, the rye is slowly poured in and vigorously stirred. All the ergot and light seeds will rise to the top and float, while the sound kernels will sink to the bottom. Everything that fioats is then skim- med and destroyed by burning or boiling in hot water and fed to chickens. After the treatment, the salt solution is drained off and the rye rinsed in fresh water and allowed to dry as quickly as possible. DISEASES OF THE BARLEY COVERED SMUT Caused by I/stilrzgo hordeil (Pers.) Kell. and SW. l This disease is very prevalent in Texas and is of considerable im- portance. As with covered smut of wheat, the smut spores replace the entire content of the grain. Diseased kernels are thin and trans- parent, through which the greenish-black spore mass mtty be seen with- in (Fig. 9, a). The spores (Fig. 9, b) are not scattered about by the wind, and infection of the healthy grain does not take place until the membrane of the infected kernel is broken and this generally does n.ot take place except during harvesting and threshing. The losses from cove-red smut of barley, as seen in Table 1, are considerable. For _ methods of control, see p. 30. 2O TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. LOOSE SMUT Caused by Ustilago nuda (Jens) Kell. and SW. Loose smut of barley (Fig. 9, c) is prevalent in Texas. Like loose smut of Wheat it is most noticeable in the field as the heads emerge from the “boot.” In this case, the content of the kernels is replaced FIGURE 9. Spores, and germination of covered smut of Spores and germination of loose smut a.» Covered smut of barley. b. barley. c. Loose smut of barley. d. of arley. by a dark sooty mass of spores which adhere loosely to the stem or rachis of the head. The mass of spores (Fig: 9, d) is notenclosed in ruptures and disappears. an enveloping membrane except in the early stages, and this soon The losses from loose smut for 1918 are shown in Table 1. DISEASES 01a‘ GRAINS, SORGHUMS AND MILLET. 21 FIGURE 10. a. Leaf blight of Sudan grass. b. Anthracnose on Sudan leaves. Germination 0f spores of Sudan smut. d. Sudan affected with smut. (d. after Melchers.) C. Healthy and diseased kernels of 22 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIoN. DISEASES OF SUDAN GRASS SMUT Caused by Sphacelothecra sorghi (Lk.) Cl. As far as is known, this disease has not as yet been found in Texas. This is perhaps due to the fact that Sudan grass is grown mostly for hay or pasture and not for seed. It is quite common in Kansas Where it was recorded by Illelchersi“ The smut of Sudan grass is the same as the kernel smut of sorghums, which is common in Texas. Hence, it is very probable that the disease, if allowed, (will attack the Sudan grass as it does sorghums. To enable our growers to recognize the disease, a brief description of it is here given. Diseased plants do not produce as large panicles as normal ones. The infected kernels are about twice the size of normal seed, but quite different in appearance (Fig. 10, d, and c). As far as possible, seeds of Sudan grass should be secured from sources known to be free from the disease and the crop grown not too close to sorghum fields. ANTHRACNOSE The same as for wheat, see p. 13 (Fig. 10, b). I _ LEAF BLIGHT The same as for sorghum, see p.28 (Fig. 10, a). RUST a Caused by P-ziiccinia purpurea Cooke This disease has been very severe in Texas (luring the season of 1919 and is aloparentlyr favored by wet weather. During 1917 and 1918, rust was practically unimportant and it seemed to have been held in check by the dry weather of these two years. Rust is common in the southern States. It is also prevalent in the West Indies and in Central America. The Aecial, or cluster-cup stage, is unknown. Little is yet understood about methods of control. - DISEASES OF THE CORN PHYSODERMA DISEASE Caused by Physoderma ZMZG-TIMZII/(FL-S‘ Shaw This disease is known to be present in the eastern part of Texas, but it seems that the climatic conditions are such as to ke-ep it more or less under check. The conditions most favorable for the spread of the disease are abundant moisture and fairly high temperatures before the plants are more than half-grown. Consequently, wherever such condi- tions prevail, the trouble is likely to break out in epidemic form. lSfi/rrzptoms. According to Tisdalejy the disease occurs on the blade, *Melchers, L. E. Smuts oxf grains and forage crops. Kans. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 210, 1916. TTisdale, W. H. Physoderma disease of corn. Jour. Agr. Res, Vol. 16:127- 154, 1919. DISEASES OF GRAINS, SQRGLJSUAIS AND MILLET. FIGURE 11. a. and b. Blade and sheath of corn plant seriously spotted by Physode/rma disaease. tion of spores of corn smut. (a. and b. after Tisdale.) e‘ c. Smut boil on ear corn. Rust on corn leaf. d. Germ 1113.- 23 24 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. sheath and culm, of the corn plant. It is seldom found on the husks of the ears. Infection is usually abundant 0n tl1e_ lower half of the plant. On the thin blades the spots resemble the early stages of corn rust (Fig. 11, e), that is, it is evidenced by slightly bleached to yellow- ish spots, which become dark within a few days. Frequently the spots are so numerous as to give the entire blade a rusty appearance (Fig. 11, a and b). On the mid rib of the blade, and on the sheath, the spots ‘become considerably larger. During severe infection, the foliage shrivels and dies‘ prematurely, after which the epidermis, or skin, over the infected areas becomeslloose and brown-blistery. The dry epidermis finally breaks open kandgexposes the spores of the fungus, which are liberated as a brown dust. The culms are frequently com- pletely girdled yas a result of the__disease, and the affected parts break during windy weather. A’ v ' Control. N o‘ definite methods of control are as yet known for this disease. Tisdale recommends that in infected fields the old plants should be burned as soon as the corn has been harvested. However, a more desirable practice would be to plow under the old stalks as deeply as possible. ‘Corn from infected fields may be used for silage. Crop rotation is also recommended; _ Caused by’ Ustilagoaiaieae (Beck.) Ung. Corn smut (Fig. 11, c) is characterized by smut boils on any part of the plant above" ground. The spores of the fungus (Fig. 11, d) upon germination, are able to penetrate any part of the corn plant above ground as long as the tissue is young and tender. The smut boils when maturing burst open and liberate large masses of black dust which are made up of countless numbers of thespores of the causal fungus. ' ' Control. Corn smut cannot be controlled by any form of seed treat- ment. All smut boils should be removed and destroyed by fire before they ripen and burst open. It is believed that if this practice could be carried out for a number of years by all the corn growers in the United States corn smut would eventually disappear. Infested corn stalks should not be thrown to the manure pile where the spores will remain alive during the winter and then be carried back to the land.- RUST Caused? bv Puccinia s01" hi Schw. . 9 This disease is of little economic importance-in Texas. It is found mostly on corn growing in lowlands. Rust attacks primarily the blade and sheath. It appears as rusty pimples (Fig. 11 e) on the infected pa.rts. These later burst open and liberate a rusty powder which con- sists of the spores of the fungus; The disease is not important enough to warrant control measures. DISEASES OF GRAINS, Sonomiixis AND MILLET. 2a; FIGURE 12. a. Healthy ear. corn. b. Ear corn affected by Fusarium rot. c. Corn plant killed by drouth. d. and e. Corn ears affected by black mold, at e. infection is seen to have originated at the place of injury from ear worm. f. Healthy corn grain from a corn ear affected by black mold. g. Five corn grains af- fected by black mold. h. Healthy corn grains. ‘i. Three corn grains af-l fected by Diplolia rot. 26 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT SmTIoN. EAR ROTS Caused by Fusairium sp. and by Diplod/ia zeaa (Schw.) Lev. Both of these rots (Fig. 12, a, b, f to i) are fairly common in Texas and are usually found on corn which has been left out lIl the field too long and the ears of Which have been (lainaged by rain or insects. Care in harvesting and preventing" the ears from. being unnecessarily exposed to bad Weather conditions will greatly check these troubles. EAR MOLD Caused by Aspergillus niger Van Thiegh. and Aspergillus flavus. Both of these molds are very common in Texas, especially during ‘ dry Weather. To the layman, the disease is erroneously known as smut because of the smutty appearance of the infected ears (Fig. 12, d to g). This is misleading, however, and the term mold is more appropriate. From recent investigations by the Writer* it has been proved that both A. niger and flaous can attack the corn ear only at its milky stage. Infection i.n this case is favored by the corn ear worm or by other insects. Ear mold does not affect mature corn nor does it spread in the corn crib. Hence, any method which Would tend t0 control the damage from the earn worm Will also control ear molds. In this connection, selections should be made of corn varieties which possess well developed shucks._ This will serve as a protection to keep out worms. Yarieties with pendent ears will keep out rain water. Corn ear mold may also attack sorghums (Fig. 13, g and h). In this case insect injury in the field, as is the case with corn ear mold favors infection. Investigations during the last fifteen years by the Division of Agronomy of the Texas Experiment Station, have shown that sor- ghum mold in the field is more severe on varieties which are lacking in length of the peduncle. Selections made in this direction have re- sulted in better grain sorghums, see-ds of which the Division of Agronomy is now ready to distribute to farmers of Texas. When sor- ghum heads are cut too green and shipped in cars with insufiicient. ventilation the damage from mold is bound to be severe. . Corn in Texas is often considerably injured by root rot, which is caused by the same fungus that induces scab in wheat, see p. 13. The remedy recommended for this disease is the same as for wheat: namely, corn should not follow corn, and wheat should not follow corn in localities where the disease is prevalent. DROUGHT INJURY Corn is very sensitive to drought, the injury from which (Fig. 13, c) is often spoken of as firing. It is true that we have no power to regu- late rainfall, but it is within our power to conserve the soil moisture ~ for the crop. Our Texas growers are urged to keep in touch with the Agronomy Division of thelTexas Agricultural Experiment Station for ' the latest and best methods of conserving soil moisture. *Results of investigations by the Division of Plant Pathology and Physiology of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, on corn ear mold, will soon appear in bulletin form. i DISEASES or G zuxs, Sonsnuxis AND MILLET. 2'7 FIGURE 13. a. Healthy sorghum head. b. and c. Sorghum head-s affected by kernel smut. d. Healthy and diseased sorghum plant killed by alkali in the soil. e. Healthy sorghum head. f. and f. Two sorghum heads affected by head smut. (f. after Evans.) g. Healthy sorghum head. h. Sorghum head affected by black mold. i. Millet leaf spot. A disease, like the smut of corn, cannot be controlled by any sort of see‘ 28 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. DISEASES OF THE SORGHUM HEAD SMUT i Caused by Sorosporium reiliartum (Kuehn) McAlp. This smut is very prevalent in Texas, especially in the Panhandle It differs from the kernel smut in that it affects the entire head; Affected sorghum heads become a mass of smut (Fig. 13, e_ and f); which is somewhat similar t0 the smut of corn. It is fortunate that milo is not subject to the attack of this smut. Kaffir and broom co {Q are very susceptible to the head smut, but it is not so serious with ‘if sorgos, which, however, are subject to the attack of kernel smut. This} treatment. The remedy would consist in avoiding continuous croppin s of the susceptible varieties of sorghums, cutting out and burning af-l fected heads, and avoiding seed from infected fields. KERNEL SMUT ' i Caused by Sphacelotheca so/rghi (Lk.) Cl.. and Sphavcelotheicm cruent (Kuhn) Potter f f - - e Of the many sorghums, kaflir and broom corn are especially subject to this disease. Kernel smut (Fig. 13, a and b) is also the same that, attacks Sudan grass in Kansas. Infected heads bear a great numbe A, of false kernels. These are filled by a mass of smut dust which is en-i; closed in a cone-like, tough, grayish-brown membrane. The infected kernels readily break during threshing, in which case the spore masses‘? are liberated and are smeared over the healthy ones. Infection with kernel smut of sorghum, therefore, occurs during‘ the germination ofj the seed in the field. At that time, too, the spores which cling to theQ exterior of the seed coat germinate and penetrate the young seedlings. i_ For method of control, see p. 32. » r BLIGHT Caused by Bacillus sorgh/i Burr. This disease is very prevalent on sorghums in Texas. It also attacks; Sudan grass (Fig. 10, a), as well as such weeds as the Johnson grass. The disease appears as irregular-shaped, elongated red blotches, which, occur on the leaves and frequently on the stalks. In severe cases the _;. roots also become infected. The only remedy recommended for this’; disease is to practice a rotation of such crops as are known to be free‘ from the disease. ' 5 ANTHRACNOSE Caused by Colleiotr/[chum falcatum. Went. v This disease is frequently found in Texas. “It is characterized definite gray to thin-colored spots, the latter of which are limited by . dark-reddish to brown ring. Late in theyseason, the center of the spot becomes covered with minute specks which consist of the fruitin bodies of the causal fungus. The disease is usually not serious enough, to warrant methods of control. ~ p DISEASES or GRAINS, SoneHUMs AND MILLET. 29 ALKALI INJURY Young sorghum is sensitive to alkali in the soil. This ‘form of injury usually appears in spots and is recognized ‘by the yellowing and stunting of the plants (Fig. 13, d). Alkali injury is more fre- quent during dry Weather, and on low, poorly drained spots in the field. Control measures lie mainly in the direction of proper drainage. DISEASES OF THE MILLET KERNEL SMUT Caused by Ustilago crameri- Korn. Millet is frequently attacked by kernel smut. Infected kernels are filled with a mass of black spores which are enclosed by a thin mem- brane. During threshing, these smut balls readily break open so that‘ the spores are scattered and cling to the seed. The disease may be controlled in the same way as the kernel smut of sorghum (see p. 32). LEAF SPOT p Caused by Piricularia, grisea (Cke) Sacc. This disease, although prevalent, is not very serious in Texas. It occurs on the lower leaves as spots which are dark-purple or reddish, later becoming black and finally straw-colored. The border of the spot is limited by a black-to-purple ring (Fig. 13, i). Badly infected leaves gradually turn yellow, dry up, and shrivel, thus re-ducing the yield in- directly. This disease is not sufficiently important to warrant methods of control. A RICE DISEASES A discussion of the diseases of rice is here omitted. Owing to the importance of the rice crop in Texas, it is felt that its diseases could be advantageously treated in a separate bulletin. CONTROL METHODS‘ FOR SMUTS Since the control methods for smuts are different from those re- quired for other diseases, it is necessary to consider these separately. Smuts, with but few exceptions, are kept in check by the formaldehyde or hot water treatments. Formaldehyde is a fungicidal gas which has been dissolved in Water. It is sold by all drug stores as 40 per cent pure. In purchasing it, one should not accept weaker solutions as substitutes. Formaldehyde acts through its gas fumes by killing the fungus spores which adhere to the exterior coat of the grain. The fumes are irritating when inhaled, hence one should be careful when handling this chemical. Seed. which has been treated with formalde- hyde, and dried, is fit both for human and stock feed. This is merely mentioned so that no fear need be entertained when treated grain is accidentally eaten by stockor poultry. a 30 TEXAS AG-RICITLTURAI, EXPERIMENT STATION. TREATITMENTS FOR COVERED SMUT OF WHEAT, OATS, AND THE SMUT OF RYE As already mentioned on p. 5, germination and the penetration ‘of the spores of covered smut in wheat and oats take place in the field. during the germination of the Wheat or oat grains in the field as they carry the fungus spores which cling to the exterior of the seed coat. It becomes, therefore, evident that treatment is necessary to kill the spores, and thus prevent their germination. There are several methods of treatment. ' (1) Formaldehyde Treatment. The wheat, oat, or rye seed before treatment should be thoroughly cleaned and fanned. The formalde- hyde may be applied in the following ways: s a. Soaking M ethod. With this method, the grain is soaked for ten minutes in a solution made up of one pint or pound of 40 per cent. formaldehyde diluted in 40 gallons of water. During this time the grain is placed in half barrels and thoroughly stirred and all the float- ing material is skimmed off. After the treatment, the formaldehyde is drained off and the seed spread out to dry quickly. The soaking method is not very popular with farmers. With this method. one pint or pound of formaldehyde will be sufiicient to treat 50bushels of grain. b. Spraying Method. With this method the grain to be treated is sprayed with a solution. of one pint formaldehyde in 40 gallons of water. The spraying is done with an ordinary garden sprinkler (Fig. 14, a) while the grain is being shoveled. from one place to another. It will require about one ga-llon of the solution for each bushel of grain. i After the seed has been thoroughly wetted, it is piled. up in a heap and covered with a heavy blanket or canvas for 8 to 12 hours. After this treatment the grain is spread out thinly and allowed to dry as quickly as possible. As soon as it is sufficiently dry to run through the drills it may be planted. TREATMENT FOR LOOSE SMUT OF WHEAT AND THE COVERED SMUT OF BARLEY The above smuts may be kept in check by the use of hot water, known as the “long-soak” method, the details of which are as follows: The seeds are simply soaked for three hours in hot water which is main- tained at a temperature of 110 to 115 degrees F. This method is somewhat tedious, and much time is saved by treating seed on a large ~ scale. In this connection, county agents will find it advisable to have several farmers combine and treat their seed together. The seed to be treated is placed in a sack. Two iron tubs or kettles are main- tainedon two separate fires, and the temperature of the wate-r in both is maintained at 110 to 115 degrees F. In one of these kettles, the sacked grain is now placed, and stirred so that all the seed is wetted and covered bv the hot water. The temperature should be closely watched, and if it rises above 115 degrees F, cold‘ water is slowly poured in. If it falls below 110 degrees, hot water is added from the second kettle. Aft-er a little experience, considerable ‘skill will be de- veloped in keeping up a slow fire, which will maintain the proper temperature. It goes without saying that two ordinary thermometers i‘=- ‘rfilx "u . pint of 110 per cent. formaldehyde in one gallon of Water. DISEASES or GRAINS, Sonentrms AND MILLET. 31 are indispensable in this treatment. As the range of temperature from 110 t0 115 is small, but higher than the average daily temperatures, the thermometers should be roughly teste-d for accuracy before use. After the treatment, the seed should be quickly dried. This method, if carefullyr carried out, Will result in no injury to the germination of the seed. FIGURE 14.‘ Wheat with formaldehyde. Which is applied b. Hand atomizer used to apply formalde- a. Showing method of treating with an ordinary garden sprinkler. hyde by the Haskell method. A CONTROL OF LOOSE SMUT OF OATS y The Haskell or Dry Zllethod. With this method the treatment is yery much simplified. As the seed is being shoveled- from one heap to another, each shoyeltul is sprayed With a solution consisting of one q This solu- tion is used at the rate of 1 quart to each 50 bushels of seed. A small quart sprayer (Fig. 14, b) is very convenient for this purpose. With this treatment, all that is necessary is not to Wet the seed but IIIOPQlY to moisten it With the formaldehyde solution. After the oats are all 32 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL _ EXPERIMENT STATIoN. treated, they are piled in a heap and covered with a blanket, canvas, or sacks t0 confine the formaldehyde vapors in the grain pile. At the _ end of 5 hours, the seed should be uncovered and will then be ready to plant.- The chief advantage of the s0—called dry method over the wet method as described for the Wheat, is that it makes it‘ possible to plant the seed immediately after the disinfection is completed. More- over, with this method of treatment, the oats do not swelhhence they * require no drying and do not stick to the drill. The operation is simple; the treatment effective and does not injure the germination, if directions are properly carried out. The Haskell method is not gen- erally used against buntof wheat, where the formaldehyde Wet method see p. 30 is preferred. The Haskell method, however, is recommended for the loose smut of oats; it is also effective for treating rye seed against smut. It is thus seen that with rye, either the -Haskel1 dry method (see p. 31), or the. wet method (see p. 30), is equally effective. ' ' TREATMENT FOR SORGHUM SMUT With sorghums, only the kernel smut is amenable to treatment. a. Formaldehyde. The seed to be treated are soaked for two hours in a solution made up of one pint of formaldehyde in 30 gallons of water. After treatment they are spread out to dry/ quickly. b. Hot Water. Kernel smut of sorghum may also be controlled by soaking the seed 1O to 12 minutes in hot Water, the temperature of which is maintained at 142 degrees F. After the treatment the seed should be spread to dry quickly. Where Treatment Is Unsuccessful. Inquiries are frequently re-~ ceived by the Division of Plant ‘Pathology for directions as to treating". corn seed for smut and sorghum seed for he-ad smut. As far as is known, neither of these two smuts is amenable to treatment, either by hot Water method or with formaldehyde. Control methods for corn smut, and head smut of sorghum consist chiefly in cultural practices as shown on pages 24 and 28. l Control for Wheat Nematode. It goes without saying that nematode» disease should be prevented from being introduced in Texas. Sus- pected wheat should be carefully examined for the galls. This is feas- ible in examining the screenings. If no galls are found, the seed may be used with safety. If, however, galls are found, the wheat should not be used for seed unless it has been carefully fanned and given the» salt-brine treatment. This treatment, which aims at eliminating the galls by floating them off, is as follows: Four pounds of common salt are dissolved in 25 gallons of water. Large tubs or barrels may be- used for this purpose. In this liquid the wheat is slowly poured, vig- orously stirred; and all trash, light seeds, and galls are carefully skimmed off as they rise to the surface. After the skimming, the salt" solution is drained off to another container, and the seed are rinsedin pure Water and spread out to dry quickly. The same salt solution may be used over and over again until exhausted. All the skimming that comes off should be burned or boi.led in hot water in order to destroy the nematode’ worms within, after which it may be fed to poultry or stock. DISEASES on GRAINS, SORGIIUMS AND MILLET. 33 DIRECTIONS FOR SENDING IN DISEASED SPECIMENS QF PLANTS Statements Following Spiectmeins. All inquiries relating to diseases of plants, in order to receive immediate attention, should be addressed to the Division of Plant Pathology and Physiology. Wherever possible, diseased specimens should be accompanied by the following brief state- ments: 1. The seriousness of the disease, the time of its first appearance, and how fast it is spreading. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PENAI-rv FOR PRWATE u“ 1'0 Avow suns/w or PLANT lunusrnv P""'="T °F "°°"°=-"°°- PLANT-DISEASE SURVEY IN COOPERAHON WITH THE TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ‘OFFICIAL BUSINESS l. I. Taubenhaus. PLANT PATHOLOGIST, Agricultural Experiment Station, This lnnkpgito be use?!‘ wlthoiut ‘postage, lo dln e o sense . ants in , parcksfies o‘! :10! 3:820 pounds. “grim lull Cflnege Statlon, Tex, explanations and notes on the back. km; Limit 4 pounclq P_ 0_ ______________________________________ __ Counly ________________________ __1 ........... .. D016 .... ........... .. Attach this flanked tag to package of specimens, or ll no specimens are avail- able use as a postal card. Give as much 55, lth ad ice regarding remedial measures is degired. Name -------------------------------------- " ’ """"""""""""""" “ 5—(H5l FIGURE 15. a. and b. Facsimile of government franked tags which may be used in sending specimens of diseased plants by mail and without postage. 2. The various field symptoms of the disease. 3. Climatic conditions, the nature of the soil, method of culture, and the syistein of rotation practiced. 4. ‘Remedies tried. y Quantity of Diseased Material. Wherever possible, large quantities of diseased material, but not over four pounds, should be sent in. The plants selected should bethose that exhibit the disease in its different stages. 34 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Soil. The Division of Plant Pathology' does not make chemi analyses of soil. ‘Such analyses are not necessary, but When desir should be sent to the State Chemist. ' l» How t0 Send Diseased Specimens. As "far as possible, diseased see lings or plants should. not be enclosed in letters. They usually up badly and break with the handling at the post office. Wherev possible, young seedlings, tender shoots 0r leaves, should be Wrappi in the regular waxyshipping paper, such as is used by all floris Where this is not on hand, ordinary newspaper may be used inste A snug package should be made and tied securely before mailin Diseased fruits, fleshy roots or tubers, or diseased limbs should first ‘A wrapped in ordinary newspaper and then placed in a strong paper b0 It is often well, in cases of fleshy roots or fruits, to perforate the sid’: of the box in order to allow the free access of air to the specime This precaution will prevent the rotting of the material by secondaiiij Z invaders. Ship Specimens by Mail. In order to insure quick delivery, spec‘, mens should be sent by mail. To save postage, whichis often siil‘ pensive, especially when shipping heavy material, one should use franke a tags. These tags (Fig. 15, a and b) may be obtained by dropping, postal to Director Youngblood or to the Division of Plant Patholo and Physiology. If these tags are used, specimens not over four pounds may be shipped by mail without postage. ' 1 Clo-operation Desired. The Division of Plant Pathology an Physiology respectfully asks the co-operation of every crop grower Texas. Write and state your plant disease problems. All availabl information will be cheerfully and promptly given.