TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION B. YOUNGBLOOD, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS l BULLETIN N0. 353 APRIL, 1927 DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY HE INFLUENCE OF PARENTAGE, NUTRI- TlON, TEMPERATURE, AND CROWDING ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS’ GOSSYPII, CLOVER AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President L‘ B R A R Y iT Ya‘ ‘ ~ '\ a F,’ . Agmunuyal 3. Merthamcal MM’??? “ (JuHE-ge 5lannn. 9* 209-22 7- 6000-L1 80' STATIQN STAFFT ADMINISTRATION‘ - PLANT PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY: i gfjtélégzlézqoMlf/Istsgsgig%irgafsctor J. J. TAUBENHAUS, Ph. D., Chief I R. E. KARPER, B. S., Acting Vice-Director FARM AND RANCH ECQNQMICS; J. M. SCHAEDEL, Secretary_ I_,_ P_ GABBARD, , e i M. P. HOLLEMAN, JR» Chief Clef/f *B. YOUNGBLOOD, M. S., Ph. D., Farm and J. K. FRANCKLOW, Assistant Lhief Cler/-: Ranch Economist CHESTER H1605, Elecllilve Asslflam G. L. CRAWFORD, M. S., Marketing Research C. B. NEBLETTE, Technical Assistant V LSplecialisltvl S G _ R h B _ VETERINARY SCIENCE; . . ORY, . ., razing esearc otanist =|<=|=M_ FRANCIS, D. V. M., Chief ***T. GAsromdJilxi, B. S., Assistant. Farm _v_ q V; ' ' ecor s an ccoun s 11)). V. ***J- IEII-ngetxfiéoghtfi. Assistant. Ranch Record: _ CIh§1§iI1§§§e§fPh.o., Chief; State Chemist SOIL svRvEY= _ S. E. AsBUnY, M. S., Assistant Chem_ist **’}"{WWT-I$ARTER, S-SC/Ilef WALDO H. WALKER, Assistant Chemist - - AWKER, 011 “We!!!” VELMA GRAHAM, Assistant Chemist E. H. TEMPLIN, B. S., Soil Surveyor Amm E. STURGIS, B. S., Assistant Chemist T- C- REITGH. B- 5» $011 Surveyor g. (éARLYLlLfi. S., gssisttantt ggemistt BOTANY: . . ROOKE, . ., ssis an €_lTllS - T. L. OGIER, B. S._, Assistant _Chemist H" NESS’ M‘ S" Chlef J. G. EvANs, Assistant Chemist PUBLICATIONS: _ HORTICULTURE: A. D. JACKSON, chlef W. B. LANHAM, M. A., Chief . H. NEss, M. s., Berry Breeder Svgfgf PIfIAIIIEPIQIIIIS)_IfE;M-Ef RANGE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: J. M. JoNEs, A. M., Chief; Sheep and Goat DAIRY HUSBANDRY: Investigations _ -———————---—-, Chief J. L. Lusn, Ph. D., Animal Husbandman; Breeding Investigations - POULTRY HUSBANDRY‘ W. H. DAMERON, B. S., Wool Grader R~ M- SHERWOOD- M- 5-» Chief ENTOMOLOGY: _ RURAL HOME RESEARCH: F. L. THOMAS, Ph- D» Chlff; $1016 JESSIE WHITACRE, Ph. D., Chief Entomologist _ . H. J. REINHARD, B. S., Entomologist ****AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING: W. L. OWEN, JR., M. S., Entomologist S. E. McGnEGoR, Jn., Acting Chief Foulbrood MAIN STATION FARM; Inspector I G. T. McNEss, Superintendent , F lb dI t \ B???SMTZZZZZENYieliiiieefiffeiiie, APICUETHIZA? BI§SEARCH LABORATORY an ll 0nl0 AGRONOMY‘ . H. B. PARKS, B. S., Apiculturist in Charge I}:EOyl?1\(I)lI3‘ll\),S’1\1/Y.LSS:’ ggiiijiiomist, Grain A‘ H’ ALEX’ B‘ s" Queen Breeder Sorghum Research _ FEED CONTROL SERVICE: R. E. KARPER, B. S., Agronomist, Small F. D. FULLER, M. S., Chief Grain Research _ S. D. PEARCE, Secretary P. C. MANGELSDORF. SC. D., Agronomist; J, H, RQGERS, Feed Inspector Corn and Small Grain II1U€8il_(](l_ilOIlS W. H. W000, Feed Inspector D. T. KILLOUGH, M. S., Agronomist, Cotton K. L. KIRKLAND, B. S., Feed Inspector " Breeding _ _ W. D. NORTHCUTT, JR., B. S., Feed Inspect E. C. CUSHING, B. S., Assistant in Crops E. H. GARRETT, Feed Inspector ~ SUBSTATIONS No. 1, Beeville, Bee County_: No. l0, Feeding and Breeding Station, ne -. R. A. HALL, B. S., Superintendent College Station, Brazos County: » , - R. M. SHERWOOD, M. S., Animal Husband No. 2, Troup, Smith County: man in Charge of Farm i W- S- HOTCHKIS5» Superlmendent L. J. MCCALL, Farm Superintendent No. 3, Angleton, Brazoria County: _ L N . R. H. STANSEL, M. S., Superintendent N(i_I_1F_ figgiflgffifilf§§§f,‘}f,1}f,§dg§““" No. 4, Beaumont, Jetferson County: ***N _ 12 ~||~ t}, , H d C t : R. H. WYCHE, B. S., Superintendent _]_ 1% QI’JI?,:'Y:%_ S?’ Ssgerel-figgdeytun y No. 5, Temple, Bell County: ***JosEPn C._ STEPHENS, M. A., Junior H. E. REA, B. S., Superintendent Agronomlst No. 14, Sonora, Sutton-Edwards Counties: No’ 6’ Denum’ Demon County: E. W. THOMAS, B. S., Superintendent P. B. DUNKLE, B. S.,'Superintendent Wv L‘ BLACK’ D. V_ M‘, Veterinarian ' No, 7, Spur, Dickens County; _ V. L. CORY, M. S., Grazing Research _Botani R. E. DICKSON, B. S., Superintendent ***0. g-tB-ARCQCR, B- S» Cvllllbvfflilfltl n omo ogis No. 8 Lubbock Lubbock County: ()_ ]_,_ C , 5h h d D' I“ J°NES',S“P"""""d-‘"'- N 1s wzlzifelliniliidaig: Ciaunty- FnAblléiurgiégqiil’ Iniflatlonlst and Forest (W. FRIENDZBB SS., Superilntehdent M. McPHAIL, . ., Entomo ogist N0~ 9, Bfllmflfhefl, Reeves CPIIMYI No. 16, Iowa Park, Wichita County: J- J- BAYLES, B- 3» superintendent E. J. WILSON, B. S., Superintendent Teachers in the School of Agriculture Carrying Cooperative Projects on the Station: G. W S. W. BILSING, Ph. D.. Professor of Entomology G. P. Gnour, M. S., Professor of Dairy Husbandry V. P. LEE, Ph. D., Professor of Marketing and Finance . ADRIANCE, M. S., Associate Professorof Horticulture Professor of Agricultural Engineering . SCOATES, A. E., _ _ S., Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering D H. P. SMITH, B. TAs of April 1, 1927. *On Leave. **Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine. ***In cooperation with U. S. Department of Agriculture. ****In cooperation with the School of Agriculture. SYNOPSIS There are two forms of the cotton louse, Aphis gossypii. One form has fully developed Wings and the other form is Wingless. This is a technical Bulletin and contains the results obtained from the studies on the influence of parentage, nutri- tion, temperature, and crowding on the production of the winged forms. It was found that the normal tendency for this insect is to be Wingless. The production of wings is de- pendent entirely upon environmental influences. Starvation produces an increased number of winged individuals in the progeny of wingless mothers but has little or no effect in stim- ulating wing development in the offspring of winged. mothers. Temperatures ranging from 70° F. to 90° F. do not affect the proportion of forms produced in this species. When these in- sects are crowded during development an increased number of winged forms occur. Crowding was found to be the dominant if not the controlling factor in stimulating the production of wings. No correlation was found to exist between the pre- vailing relative humidity in which the insects were reared and the ratio of winged to Wingless forms produced. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE » Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 i Review of Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Effect of Parentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 6 Summary of the Effect of Parentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 _ The Effect of Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1' Summary of the Effect of Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '10 I The Effect of Temperature. .< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Summary of the Effect of Temperature . . . . . . . . : . r . . . . . . . . . . 14 - The Effect of Crowding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 7 Summary of the Effect of Crowding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Observations on the Effect of Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 18 r Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 - Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 _ BULLETIN No. 353 APRIL, 1927 THE INELUENCE OF PARENTAGE, NUTRITION, TEM- PERATURE, AND CROWDING ON WING PRO- DUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER H. J. REINHARD Incidental to th.e life history studies of Aphis gossyp/ii by Paddock a (6), some observations on factors affecting dimorphism in this species I were made. These preliminary observations resulted in a more com- plete study of the effect of parentage, nutrition, temperature, and crowd- f, ing on the ratio of alate to apterous forms produced in this species. “ The work was begun in March 1924 and continued with interruptions until October 1926. The results of these studies are given in this paper. REVIEW OF LITERATURE The influence of parentage, nutrition, and temperature as factors af- ffecting the proportion of alate and apterous forms of aphids has been noted by a number of investigators. The results of experiments con- o ducted by Ewing (3), Gregory (5), Shull ('7), Wadley (8), and Ewing .](4), are extremely interesting and significant contributions to the sub- ipject. Ewing (3), working with the apple-grain aphid, then known as TAphis avenue Fab, found that temperature changes alone were capable of lafliecting dimorphism, and that fewer winged aphids were produced in a imoderate temperature than in lower or higher temperatures. Gregory ,; (5) found that the green pea-aphid, M icrosiphum destructor J ohn., when T starved during development produced winged progeny and assigned nutrition as the primary factor in determining the development of Wings ‘in the offspring of Wingless mothers. Shull ('7), working with Macro- ‘siphuim solcmifolii Ashm., noted that winged aphids produced largely apterous progeny, and that Wingless individuals produced many alate Tprogeny, and concluded that parentage was the dominant factor in wing development. Wadley (8), experimenting with Rhopalosiphum pruni- Qfoliae Fitch, showed that all three factors, viz, temperature, nutrition, and parentage, affected the proportion of alate and apterous forms pro- duced and concluded that definite relations existed among them in their 5eifect on wing development. Ewing (4) confirms this opinion in the ., ollowing words: A “Among the outstanding factors that have been demonstrated ex- rimentally as affecting the ratio between the two agamic forms of phids are inheritance, temperature and nutrition, and the relative im- ‘ortanee of each of these appears to depend on the conditions imposed y the combination of all other factors. Either inheritance, tempera- é re or nutrition may under certain conditions become the dominant or r Yen the controlling factor.” . I This previous work was used as a guide in arranging experiments to 6 BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION study the influence of parentage, nutrition, temperature, and crowding on wing development in Aphis gossypii Glover, commonly known as the cotton or melon aphid. The data obtained from these experiments with certain conclusions are presented in this paper as a contribution to our present knowledge of this apparently elusive yet popular and interest- ing subject. “ THE EFFECT OF PARENTAGE A study of the influence of parentage and ancestry on the production of alate and apterous forms of Aphts gossypivl was begun on October 10, 1925, and continued without interruption for one year. During this time 59 complete generations were produced in the laboratory and in- sectary on young succulent cotton plants grown in pots and protected by street-lamp globes. Beginning with an isolation of an apterous agamic individual, this form was selected as the parent of each succeeding generation. The progeny of each parent was transferred to an uninfested plant and reared to maturity. Temperature and humidity conditions were recorded by a hygrothermograph. The data obtained in this experiment are pre- sented in Table 1. Table 1.——-Apterous Generation Series _ Date Number Generation Date Born Matured Reared .l\pterf_ous Alate 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oct. 10, 1925 Oct. 19, 1925 9 9 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oct. 20, 1925 Oct. 26, 1925 25 25 O 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Oct. 27, 1925 Nov. 2, 1925 31 31 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nov. 3, 1925 Nov. 8, 1925 21 21 O 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nov. 9, 1925 Nov. 15, 1925 17 17 0 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nov. 16, 1925 Nov. 23, 1925 14 14 O 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Nov. 24, 1925 Nov. 30, 1925 17 17 O 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dec. 1, 1925 Dec. 7, 1925 ll 11 O 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dec. 7, 1925 Dec. 13, 1925 25 25 O 1O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dec. 14, 1925 Dec. 19, 1925 19 19 O 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dec. 20, 1925 Dec. 27, 1925 19 19 O 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dec. 28, 1925 Jan. 2, 1926 14 14 0 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jan. 3, 1926 Jan. 9, 1926- 13 13 0 Jan. 15, 1926 36 32 4 Jan. 22, 1926 l3 13 O Jan. 28, 1926 31 31 O Feb. 3, 1926 7 7 0 Feb. 8, 1926 27 27 O Feb. 14, 1926 81 75 6 Feb. 20, 1926 16 16 O Feb. 26, 1926 19 19 O Mar. 3, 1926 19 19 0 Mar. 9, 1926 27 27 O Mar. 15, 1926 29 22 7 Mar. 21, 1926 17 17 0 Mar. 28, 1926 25 25 0 April 3, 1926 21 21 0 April 9, 1926 9 9 0 April 15, 1926 22 22 O April 21, 1926 11 11 O April 26, 1926 1O 1O 0 May 2, 1926 18 18 0 ay 7, 1926 17 17 0 May 12, 1926 17 17 0 May 17, 1926 15 15 0 Nay 22, 1926 12 12 0 May 27, 1926 15 15 0 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 27, 1926 June 1, 1926 13 13 0 INFLUENCES ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER 7 Table 1.—Aptcrous Generation Series—Continued _ Date Number Generation Date Born Matured Reared Apterous Alate June 2, 1926 June 8, 1926 14 14 O June 8, 1926 June 13, 1926 13 13 O June 14, 1926 June 20, 1926 15 15 0 June 20, 1926 June 25, 1926 13 13 0 June 26, 1926 July 1, 1926 14 14 O July 2, 1926 July 8, 1926 15 15 O July 9, 1926 July 14, 1926 14 14 0 July 15, 1926 July 20, 1926 13 13 0 July 20, 1926 July 25, 1926 15 15 0 July 26, 1926 July 31, 1926 16 16 0 July 31, 1926 Aug. 5, 1926 17 17 0 Aug. 6, 1926 Aug. 11, 1926 13 13 0 Aug. 12, 1926 Aug. 17, 1926 12 12 0 Aug. 18, 1926 Aug. 25, 192 12 12 0 Aug. 26, 1926 Aug. 31, 1926 14 14 0 Aug. 31, 1926 Sept. 6, 1926 13 13 -O Sept. 7, 1926 Sept. 14, 1926 16 16 0 Sept. 14, 1926 Sept. 20, 1926 11 11 0 Sept.2l, 1926 Sept.26, 1926 15 15 O Sept.26, 1926 Oct. 2, 1926 13 13 O Oct. 2, 1926 Oct. 8,1926 9 9 0 The continued selection of the apterous agamic form, it will be noted, reproduced a like form throughout the entire generation series except in three instances. In each of these cases the Winged form appeared evidently in response to another factor, viz., crowding, which uninten- tionally was permitted to occur for a period of time sufficient to pro- duce its effect. A more complete discussion of crowding as a factor affecting wing production will be given elsewhere in this paper. An attempt was made to run a parallel series of alate generations under conditions identical with those in the experiment described above. However, it was found to be impossible to maintain consecutive genera- tions of the alate agamic form. The progeny of winged mothers in- variably were Wingless and their offspring continued to reproduce the ivingless form as long as crowding was not permitted to occur. This ex- periment was therefore discontinued after the fifth-generation descend- ants of an alate stem mother had reached maturity. The results of this experiment are given in Table 2. Table 2.—-Alate Generation Series _ ‘ Date Number Generation Date Born Matured Retired Aptcrous Alate 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 13, 1926 May 19, 1926 5 5 I O 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 19, 1926 May 24, 1926 9 9 0 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 25, 1926 May 31, 1926 10 10 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. May 31, 1926 June 6, 1926 12 12 0 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. June 6, 1926 June 11, 1926 23 23 O Paddock (6) reared 51 complete generations of Apltis gossypili using practically the same methods in rearing the insects as those described above. The primary object of this experiment was to determine the 8 BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION maximum number of generations of this species that were possible dur ing one year at College Station. For this reason only the first-bo ‘A 2 or 3 young of each mother Were transferred to an uninfested plan ; which precluded any possibility of crowding. By selecting the aptero 5 form as the parent of each succeeding generation only one alate indi vidual was obtained during the course of the entire generation series. i The results of these two generation series experiments with Aph' gossypii appear to be in exact accord With regard to the effect of parent, age and ancestry on the ratio of forms produced. These observations .- Which include the careful rearing of 110 generations, fail to give any in dication that there is a tendency, in this species at least, for the Wing; less parent to produce Winged offspring when reared under conditions i. ample food andno crowding. V’ Further significant results of an experiment pertinent in this con- nection are reported by Comstock page 417, who states: “In an experiment conducted under my direction by Mr. Slingerland, in the insectary at Cornell University, We reared 98 generations of the] Wingless agamic form Without the appearance of any other form. The experiment Was carried on for four years and three months Without any. apparent change in the fecundity of the aphids, and Was discontinued owing to the press of other duties. As the aphids were kept in a hot; house throughout the Winters, seasonal influences Were practically elim-: mated; and as members of each generation were placed singly on aphid-free plants and their young removed as soon as born, there was no crowding.” ‘ Summary of the Elfect of Parentage During the period of twelve months 59 complete generations of the Wingless agamic form of Aphis gossypii were reared in the laboratory and insectary Without the appearance of any winged forms except in three generations in which the aphids were allowed to become crowded during development. The offspring of Winged parents matured Wholly? Wingless forms throughout 5 complete generations counting from the. winged stem mothers. In the light of these results, which are in exact accord with those of a similar experiment with the same species, it’ appears logical to conclude: (a) that the normal tendency for this, species is to be Wingless ; (b) that the production of wings is dependents entirely upon environment influences. ~ ’ THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION Nutrition as a factor affecting the forms of aphids produced has been emphasized by several investigators. In fact, poor nutrition has been assigned as the primary factor in determining the development of Wings A in at least one species. ; To determine the influence of starvation on the development of wings ,- in Aphis gossypii, several series of starvation experiments Were con-v ducted in which both young and adult aphids were used. The daily INFLUENCES ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER 9 period of starvation in all tests was 6 t0 8 hours. In case of the young this was applied soon atter birth for varying periods ranging ‘irom 2 days t0 all through the time required for development. Before referring to the data obtained in these experiments it should be stated that no precautions were taken in any of the tests to prevent crowding. The extreme importance of this factor in afiecting the forms produced Was not fully appreciated at the time some of these ex- periments were performed. While this may have affected the results of some of the tests, however, this source of error should be practically negligible since only small numbers of aphids were used in each indi- vidual test. A summary of the data obtained by starving young aphids for varying periods during development is given in Table 3. Table 3.——Effect of Starvation for Varying PeriodsfDuringDevelopment Progeny Check Progeny Parent No. of Period Starved -— Tests Apterousl Alate Apterous’ Alate A terous. . 10 First two days after birth. . . .. . . . 88 10 75 0 A ate. . . . . 5 First two days after birth . . . . . . . 34 4 21 O Apterous. . 12 First three days after birth . . . . . . 74 1O 98 0 Alate. . . . . 3 First three days after birth . . . . . . 28 0 27 0 A terous. . 15 First four days after birth . . . . . . . 155 38 171 1 A ate. . . . . 5 First four da s after birth . . . . . . . 48 0 66 0 Apterous. . 19 All through evelopment . . . . . . . . 160 16 195 2 Alate. . . . . 8 All through development . . . . . . . . 55 0 91 0 Apterous. . 6 After third day to maturity. .. . . . 74 8 90 0 The influence of starvation on the forms produced is quite apparent in the progeny of apterous mothers. Out of a total of 633 starved young reared to maturity, 82 or 12.9 per cent were Winged as compared with 3 or 0.4 per cent of the 632i young reared as checks which were not starved. However, when the progeny of alate parents was starved during development the effect on the ratio of forms was not so pro- nounced. In fact, in only one case did the winged form appear in re- sponse to the imposed condition of starvation. The data in Table 4 are presented to show the effect of poor nutri- tion on the progeny of parents starved throughout the reproductive period. The progeny produced in each test was well nourished from birth to maturity. Table 4.—Effect on Well Nourished Progeny of Starved Parents _ _ Progeny Parents Starved During Number Well Nourished Check Progeny Reproductive Period of Tests Apterous Alate Apterous Alate Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 64 31 79 Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 26 3 49 Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 47 4 55 Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 31 12 Alate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 64 2 64 Alate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 41 0 44 <0 O QQQUU-IC 1O BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION It will be noted that the offspring of apterous parents though well nourished were influenced considerably by starving the parents. Out ; ‘ of a total of 218 young reared, 50 0r 22.9 per cent were alate; whereas 5 among the individuals in the check experiments only 6 or 2.1 per cent _ were alate out of a total of 2'79 young reared to maturity. Starving 1 alate parents, however, had very little influence in regard to the develop- » ment of alate progeny. Only 2 winged individuals appeared in the 107 l young reared in these experiments. The influence of nutrition as a factor affecting the proportion of h winged and Wingless forms in the well nourished progeny of parents _ starved during development and supplied with ample food after reach- g ing maturity is shown in Table 5. Table 5.——Effect on Well Nourished Progeny of Parents Starved During Development and Well Nourished After Maturity Parents Starved Through De- Progeny Reared Progeny Reared velopment, Well Nourlshed Number Wel Nourished Check Throughout Reproduction of Tests ' Period Apterous i Alate Apterous Alate Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 69 64 60 0 Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 45 22 34 0 Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 56 8 71 1 Apterous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 19 3 47 1 Alate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 69 0 , 90 0 Alate . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 34 0 29 1 These results are especially interesting because they give some indi- I cation of the influence of nutrition, under the most adverse conditions, ‘ on the ratio of forms produced. It will be noted in the data presented above, that the effect of starvation during development is reflected by if the appearance of many winged forms in the progeny of apterous par- a ents even though the parents and young are well fed. Thus it is ap- A parent that the lack of suffiicient nourishment during development pro- duces a hold-over effect which becomes manifest by an increased number 3 of winged forms in the offspring of wingless parents. Similar tests . with the progeny of alate parents produced negative results. Summary of the Effect of Nutrition From the data obtained in the starvation experiments with Aphis ‘_f gossypii, it is obvious that nutrition may or may not affect the ratio of T. forms produced, depending on the parent form. The results obtained in . this connection appear to warrant the following conclusions: (a) A that starvation increases the number of alate individuals in the progeny . produced by apterous parents; (b) that starvation does not appear to "' have any influence on the production of alate forms in the progeny pro- ' duced by alate parents; in other wordsthe offspring of alate parents I revert to the normal tendency of the species, viz., the apterous form, I with such puissance, that the effect produced by starvation in stimulat- ’ ing wing development is practically if not entirely counteracted. INFLUENCES ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER 11 THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE Ewing (3) studying the effect of protracted parthenogenetic reproduc- tion in Aphts a/venae made some incidental observations regarding the influence of temperature on dimorphism in this species. In rearing aphids under constant-temperature conditions he noted that at 60° F. all the individuals produced Wings; at 65° F‘. or slightly above, only the Wingless forms were produced; at 70° F. 15.1 per cent were Winged ; at 80° F. 69.6 per cent were Winged. This demonstration of the effect of temperature on Wing production in this species is indeed a remarkable fact when considered in the light of the complete inverse ratio of forms produced in a temperature varia- tion from 60° F. to 65° F. or slightly above. Unless it is assumed that the imposed condition of a constant temperature is too unnatural, the question immediately arises, Will similar slight fluctuations in tempera- ture under natural conditions produce like or even approximating re- sults? This subject Will be considered in detail with reference to Aphis gossyp/ii elsewhere in this paper. Wadley (8) working with the same species used by Ewing, obtained more or less conforming results in his experiments on the effect of tem- perature, although the data presented are much less impressive than EWing’s. At 62" F. only 15.1 per cent Were Winged; at 65° 1.3 per cent W6l‘€ Winged; at 70° F. 2.3 per cent produced Wings; at 80° F. only 6.5 per cent produced Wings. Ewing (4) discussing the factors of inheritance and parentage_as affecting aphid forms produced, elaborated the conclusions presented in his earlier paper on the effect of temperature, in the light of Wadley’s results. He notes that there is a summation effect of parentage on the offspring of a generation of aphids, depending upon the number and nearness of the ancestors of either form. This is suggested as the ex- planation for the apparent differences occuring between the results of the temperature experiments cited above. In other Words he concludes that the effect of temperature on the ratio of the agamic forms produced is more precisive in aphids having an apterous monomorphic parentage of 16 or more generations. For the purpose of studying the effect of temperature on Wing de- velopment in Aphis gossypii a Freas Electric Oven With a constant tem- perature regulator Was procured. This oven, which contains a large compartment (34”x24”X17”) lighted by four small windows, and in which temperature and humidity conditions could be controlled Within certain limits, seemed ideally suited for this purpose. Such did not prove to be the case, however, for it Was found impos- sible to rear even a single generation of aphids under optimum condi- tions of temperature and humidity. For some unknown reason this species Was found unable to tolerate confinement Within the oven and in- variably succumbed before any effects of temperature could be noted. Very likely the greatly subdued light proved to be a condition too un- natural for the insects to withstand for any extended period of time. 12 BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION After numerous attempts t0 rear the insects within the oven had faile the studies were confined to the laboratory and insectary. , The generation series experiment referred to above was in reality ' compound experiment in that all the factors herein discussed as affec . ing the ratio of aphid forms produced were considered and controllei within reasonable limits for part of or the entire duration of the ex periment. . From October 10, 1925, to May 20, 1926, the experiment was co ducted in a large well lighted laboratory. During this time the tem_ peratures were fairly well controlled; at least the aphids for the mos part were not subjected to any sudden or very great changes in tem. perature. Frequently the daily variation was not more than 3° or 4° j and within the ‘limits of 8° or 10° F. during the period of a week o more. Thus it was often possible to rear a complete generation o aphids under these conditions. . The effect of temperature on the ratio of forms produced in the labor f tory is shown in Table 6. In this connection it is important to no .1‘ that these data refer to aphids of a known apterous monomorphic par i entage of 16 to 35 generations reared under conditions of ample foo and practically no crowding. The maximum and minimum tempera; tures given are those occurring during the entire period required for th development of each generation and the mean temperature given is th average of the bi-hourly readings taken during the same period o time. 1 Table 6.—Effect of Temperature on the Ratio of Forms Produced in the Laboratory Isola- Apterous Period of Temperature Number Ratio of Forms a tion Monomorphic Development _ Reared No. Parentage Max. Min. Mean Alate Aptero _ 1926 1 16 generations Jan. 29-Feb. 3. . . . . 91 7O 78 .8 7 O 7. 2 17 generations Feb. 3-Feb. 8 . . . . . . 86 70 77 .7 27 0 27 3 18 generations Feb. 9-Feb. 14. . .. . 77 65 72 .9 81 6 75 4 19 generations Feb. 15-Feb. 20. . . . 75 64 71 .1 16 O 16 5 2O generations Feb. 21-Feb. 26. . . . 78 66 74 .2 19 0 19 6 21 generations Feb. 26-Mar. 3.. .. . 85 67 75 .3 19 O 19 7 22 generations Mar. 4-‘VIar. 9. . . . . 78 68 73 .4 27 0 27 8 23 generations Mar. 10-Mar. 15. . . 8O 63 71.3 29 7 22 9 24 generations Mar. 16-Mar. 21. . . 81 68 75 .6 17 O 17 10 25 generations Mar. 22-Mar. 28. . . 80 61 72 .0 25 0 25 11 26 generations Mar. 29-April 3. . . . 8O 63 71 .2 21 O 21 12 27 generations April 4-April 9. . . . . 84 65 75 .3 9 0 9 l3 28 generations April 10-April 15. . . 75 65 70 .9 22 0 22 14 29 generations April 16-April 21. . . 77 68 73.1 11 0 11 15 30 generations April 22-April 26 . . . 78 71 74 .7 1O 0 1O 16 31 generations April 27-May 2. . . . 77 72 76 .0 18 O 18 17 32 generations May 2-May 7 . . . . . . 79 74 77 .8 17 0 17 18 33 generations May 7-M_ay—12. . . . . 85 76 81 .3 17 0 17 19 34 generations May 12-May 17. . . . 82 73 77 .5 15 0 15 *2O 35 generations May 17-May 22. . . . 85 6O 75 .8 12 O 12 *In insectary on May 20, 1926. From these data it will be observed that there is no correlation be-i tween temperature and the ratio of forms produced in this species. In mean temperatures ranging from 709° F. to 813° F. with extremes INFLUENCES ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER 13 fluctuating between 5° F. and 21° F., the apterous forms continued to predominate. In fact, the winged forms appeared in but two isolations and these, as has already been explained, were attributable t0 crowding and certainly not t0 any influence of temperature, since the aphids reared under approximately the same temperature conditions in all other isolations were wholly apterous. From May 20, 1926, to October 10, 1926, the generation series ex- periment was conducted in the insectary, where temperatures approxi- mated natural conditions. The aphids reared during this time were thus exposed to considerable daily fluctuations of temperatures all through de- velopment. The range between the daily maximum temperature and the daily minimum temperature often extended from 15° F. t0 20° F. or more, and these environmental conditions appeared extremely favorable for making observations on the eflect produced by approximately natural variations in temperatures, with respect to the development of wings in this species. The data obtained from this portion of the experiment are presented in Table '7. It should be noted that the aphids referred to in these data had an apterous monomorphic ancestry of 36 to 58 generations and that all were reared under conditions of ample food and no crowding. The maximum and minimum temperatures given in each case represent the extremes to which the individuals of each isolation were subjected, and the mean temperature is the average of bi-hourly readings taken during the tirnr required for development of the aphids in the corresponding isolation. Table 7.—Efl‘ect of Temperature on the Ratio of Forms Reduced in the Insectary Isola- Apterous _ Temperature Number Ratio 0f Forms tion Monomorphic Period of _ Reared ——-—~———~—— No. Parentage Development Max. Min. Mean Alate Apterous _ 1926 21 36 generations May 22-May 27. . . . 87 64 76 .1 15 0 15 22 37 generations May 27-June 1. . . . . 9O 67 78 .7 13 0 13 23 38 generations June 2-June 8 . . . . . . 92 62 77 .1 14 0 14 24 39 generations June 8-June 13.. .. . 93 71 80 .7 13 0 13 25 40 generations June 14-June 20. . . . 96 73 84.6 15 0 15 26 41 generations June 20-June 25. . . . 96 72 82 .3 13 0 13 27 42 generations June 26-July 1 . . . . . 93 70 80 .9 14 0 14 28 43 generations July 2-July 8 . . . . . . 97 7O 83 .7 15 O 15 29 44 generations July 9-July 14. . . . . 96 69 82 .0 14 0 14 30 45 generations July l5-July 20. . . . 93 66 81 .4 13 0 13 31 46 generations July 20-July 25. . . . 92 71 8O .8 15 O 15 32 47 generations July 26-July 31. . . . 97 73 85 .7 16 0 16 33 48 generations July 31-Aug. 5.. . . . 98 73 85 .9 17 0 17 34 49 generations Aug. 6-Aug. 11. . . . . 102 73 87 .2 13 0 13 35 50 generations Aug. 12-Aug. 17... . 98 74 84 .5 12 0 12 \ 36 51 generations Aug. 18-Aug. 25. . . . 101 69 85 .9 12 O 12 37 52 generations Aug. 26-Aug. 31. . . . 94 67 8O .0 14 0 14 38 53 generations Aug. 31-Sept. 6. . . . 99 79 86.5 13 0 13 39 54 generations Sept. 7-Sept. 14. .. . 100 79 88.8 16 0 16 40 55 generations Sept. 14-Sept. 20. . . 99 77 87 .8 11 O 11 41 56 generations Sept. 21-Sept. 26. . . 99 64 88 .1 15 0 15 42 57 generations Sept. 26-Oct. 2. . . . . 99 65 83 .2 13 0 13 43 58 generations Oct. 2-Oct. 8 . . . . . . . 98 61 82 .1 9 0 9 14 BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION In comparing the temperatures occuring during this experiment with those given in Table 6, it will be noted that the range between maximum and minimum is usually much greater, and that the mean temperature also is consistently higher, in fact, averaging well above the temperature , reported as effective in regard to the stimulation of wing development. However, not a single alate form appeared among all the aphids, of a long apterous monomorphic parentage, which were reared in this experi- merit. Summary of the EEect of Temperature In the data presented above it has been shown that the ratio of forms was not affected by temperature among 20 generations, which included 432 individuals, reared in the laboratory from January 29, 1926, to May 22, 1926, during which time the average mean temperature was 748° F. Two isolations reared in a mean temperature of 76.0° F. and '77.8°F., respectively, with the fluctuations within the limits of 5° F., as well as many other isolations reared in comparable mean temperatures with the fluctuations ranging from 10° F. to 20° F. matured 100 per cent apterous forms. Similarly, the forms produced were not affected by temperature in the 23 generations, which included 315 individuals, reared in the insectary from May 22, 1926, to October 8, 1926, during which time the average mean temperature was 83.2° F. The apterous form continued to pre- dominate in mean temperatures as high as 88° F. regardless of daily or i extreme fluctuations ranging from 20° F. to 35° F. during the develop- mental period of a generation. In the light of these results it appears logical to conclude: that tem- perature within the limits of 70° F. to 90° F. does not affect the ratio of forms produced in this species. THE EFFECT OF CRO\VDING The influence of crowding as a factor affecting wing development in aphids has been studied by several investigators. Most frequently crowding is discussed in connection with poor nutrition, the assumption ' being that aphids crowded on plants obtain insufficient nourishment and that the Winged form appears in response to this stimulus. The results of these studies, however, indicate a wide difference of opinion regard- ii ing the relative importance of. crowding in affecting the proportion of 7 aphid forms produced. ~ Baker and Turner (1) working with Aphis pomi found that poor , nutrition as a result of heavy infestations of this species did not cause - the alate form to appear. They state: “The theory has been frequently advanced that the production of i winged forms during the summer is due to a lack of sufficient nourish- 7 ment for the insects. In some cases the wording of this theory is modi- i fled by the statement that winged forms appear on plants which are very heavily infested. The writers’ results are a flat contradiction of this theory for this species. As has been stated previously, in hand- ‘ INFLUENCES 0N WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLoVER 15 ling the insects the Writers always transferred the mothers t0 new plants, rather than the progeny. In this way several consecutive gen- erations were reared on one plant. Thus the effect of- poor or good food would be accentuated. Yet the Winged forms were never obtained in series of small, poorly fed insects, but occurred frequently in Well-nour- ished series.” Comstock (2) after rearing 59 consecutive generations of the agamic apterous forms states: “In order to determine the influence of crowding, members of the six- tieth generation Were placed on separate plants and their young not removed. At the end of three Weeks the Winged agamic forms ap- -peared, evidently in response to need of migration to less densely popu- lated plants; While in other cages Where the young were removed promptly, no migrants appeared up to the end of the experiment.” Before referring to the results of any observations on the effect of crowding in this species it appears desirable to define the term as con- sidered in this paper. Crowding is a relative condition which varies from a comparatively small colony of aphids situated in contiguous positions within a restricted area, to a maximum infestation in which the insects cover practically the entire stem, petiole or leaf of the food plant. In these studies of Aphis gossypiiit Was noted that a high percentage of the alate form occurred invariably on plants which were heavily in- fested. Several series of experiments were conducted, therefore, to determine the influence of crowding on wing development in this species. It has already been noted above in the generation series experiment, Table 1, that the winged form failed to appear when crowding did not occur and that no difficulty was experienced in maintaining an apterous lineage for 59 generations under these conditions. Members of 10 sep- arate generations of this series were isolated on uninfested plants and their progeny allowed to multiply without disturbance until a crowded condition occurred. It will be noted in Table 8, that the alate form ap- peared in every case. Table 8.——Efl"ect of Crowding Progeny on WinglDevelopment _ First Young Winged Forms, Check, Progeny (xencr- Date Number Observed After Progeny Not Crowded atlon Parentagc Isolated Isolated Developing ell —~———-—--— Wings Crowded Apterousl Alate 1925 1926 8 Apterous.... Dec. 9 9 Jan. 9........Many......... 25 O 1O Apterous. ... 131635620 17 Jan. 15... .. . .. Many . . . . . . . .. 19 O 13 Apterous. Jan. 9 11 Jan.20..... Few . . . . . . . . .. 32. 4 18 Apterous. ... Feb. 1O 20 Feb. l6 . . . . . .. Many... . . . .. . 75 6 19 Apterous. . . . Feb. 16 65 Feb. 24 . . . . . . . Predominate. . . 16 O 29 Apterous. . . . April 17 19 April 23 . . . . . . . Few . . . . . . . . . . 11 0 47 Apterous. .. . July 25 l3 Aug. 9 . . . . . . . Few . . . . . . . . . . 16 0 48 Apterous. ... July 28 10 Aug. 18 . . . . . .. Many... . . . ... 17 0 55 Apterous. . . . Sept. 15 9 Sept. 23 . . . . . . . Many . . . . . . . . . 11 O 59 Apterous. . . . Oct. 3 9 Oct. 19 . . . . . . . Few- . . . . . . . . . . 14 0 16 BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The individuals used in each check of these experiments were sis = to those isolatedfor observation in the corresponding generation. I‘, they had the same parentage and ancestry, and their oifspring W reared under comparable environmental conditions except as to cro‘ ing. In only two instances did the alate form appear in the che and it may be safely assumed that these were the direct results crowding, since a considerably larger number of young were rear making it more diflicult to prevent the aphids, especially when v young, from feeding in contiguous situations. _ } In another experiment apterous individuals of an unknown pare age were placed on uninfested potted plants in the laboratory : allowed to reproduce for several generations. After these plants {a become densely populated with aphids the adults and latter ins nymphs were removed daily and a record made of the number of wing and Wingless forms. These data are presented in Table 9. Table 9.—Effect of Crowding Parents and Progeny on Wing Development a 2-0, and the first-born young reached maturity _by January 26, before Check, , Number Progeny Not Crow Test Date Mature Apterous Alate -——i—- _ Apterous Alate » 1924 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 29 29 12 17 31 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mar 30 41 15 26 23 0 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 33 12 21 16 O 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. April 1 27 21 6 19 0 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 2 26 12 14 14 0 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. April 3 18 15 3 0 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 6 43 19 24 12 O 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 7 28 11 17 21 0 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 8 33 20 13 17 0 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 9 41 16 25 14 O 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 10 39 20 19 16 0 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 11 21 16 5 27 3 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 12 18 11 8 O 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 13 41 21 2O 12 0 The influence of crowding as a potent factor affecting the forms pr duced is shown by these data. Out of a total of 488 aphids noted, 22 or slightly more than 5O per cent were winged, while only 5 winge forms appeared among the 243 individuals reared in the checks which crowding was practically eliminated. , To determine if crowding is likewise effective in altering the rati of forms produced in the progeny of alate parents, 10 nymphs destin to become winged were isolated January 18, 1926, on a young cotto plant in the laboratory. These individuals were descendants of apte ous parents for eight generations. Reproduction began on J anua crowded condition occurred. There were no alate forms in the progen’ of these alate mothers. In the succeeding generation, however, . crowded condition was apparent by January .30. Many nymphs wi f a developing wings were visible on February 2, and two days later i was estimated that practically one-third of the entire population, whic INFLUENCES ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER 17 consisted of a hundred or more aphids, were winged or destined to become so. In a parallel experiment to check these results, the progeny of alate mothers, which were sisters to those referred to in the experiment de- scribed above, continued to approach 100 per cent Wingless forms in the succeeding generation when crowding was not permitted to take place. Out of a total of '79 aphids reared only 3 were winged. All efforts to determine the effect on the progeny of crowded alate parents proved unsuccessful. The winged forms of this species refused to tolerate any crowding and migrated from the plants to the sides of the cages, where they starved in preference to returning to the plants for food. ' Some references to the effect of crowding on wing production in aphids embrace the theory that the insects located on heavily infested plants obtain insufficient nourishment, and that hence poor nutrition is the primary cause for the appearance of the alate forms. In these studies of Aphis gossypii, however, frequent observations were made which appeared at variance with this explanation. For instance, com- paratively small colonies of aphids with the individuals situated closely - together along the stem of a young succulent plant, on a leaf petiole, or even on a leaf, were found often to contain a high percentage of winged forms even though the infestation was not very heavy nor did the plants show any visible effects resulting from the feeding of the insects so far as wilting or any lack of vigorous appearance is concerned. Several tests were made to ascertain if crowding becomes an effective factor in stimulating wing development in this species primarily be- cause it results in a depletion of the food supply. In each of these tests two heavily infested leaves of a cotton plant attached to the same branch were selected and all the aphids carefully removed. Immedi- ately after the leaves were freed from all the insects 4 or 5 apterous individuals of a known apterous parentage were placed on one leaf and 30 to 40 comparable individuals on the neighboring leaf. In the former case the progeny produced were not allowed to become crowded at any time during development, while in the latter case none of the progeny were removed and a crowded condition thereby encouraged. The results of these tests proved to be in accord regarding the fol- lowing points: (a) the progeny of apterous parents will approach 100 per cent apterous if not crowded during development, when reared on a leaf that has sustained a heavy prior infestation; (b) the offspring of apterous parents which were reared on a leaf previously infested will approach 100 per cent apterous if not crowded during development; (c) the time required for the appearance of the alate form in the crowded progeny of apterous parents reared on a leaf previously in- fested by many insects, is practically the same as in case of no prior infestation of the food supply. From these observations it will be noted that any changes wrought by the feeding of a dense population of this species, either in the amount or chemical composition of the food, available to the aphids 18 V BULLETIN NO. 353, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION subsequently placed thereon, did not manifest itself by affecting th ratio of forms produced. Since the metabolic processes of a plant in manufacturing and stor- ing up food elements are rather slow processes, any changes in th‘ amount or character of food in a leaf resulting from the feeding of many insects will remain present for an indefinite period of time; However, since the ratio of forms of aphids reared on a food suppl which had sustained a prior heavy infestation of insects, was no affected toiany appreciable degree, it appears that crowding embraces another factor or factors through which it may become effective stimulating wing development. l i Summary of the Elfect of Crowding - In the data presented above it will be observed: that in rearing in# dividuals of Aphis gossypii of a known apterous monomorphic parent< age of 16 generations or more under conditions of ample food and either fairly uniform or widely fluctuating temperatures, crowding during development resulted in an increased number of winged forms in every case; that the first generation offspring of the progeny of alate parents when reared under similar conditions, also contained a higher percent- age of Winged forms. The very positive effect of crowding aphids dur-; ing development, on the ratio of forms produced under practicall any given set of conditions indicates the conclusion: that crowding is a very potential, if not the dominant or controlling factor, in stimué lating wing development in this species. v OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF HUMIDITY During the entire extent of the generation series studies, i. e., from October 10, 1925, to October 10, 1926, relative humidity conditions- Were recorded in conjunction with the temperatures. While the degree of fluctuation of the relative humidity in the laboratory frequently was greater than in case of the temperatures for the same period of time,- nevertheless, it was often fairly uniform for periods of three or foul? consecutive days. When the relative humidity dropped below 4O per" cent the aphids developed more slowly, but no winged forms appeared’ in response to this condition. In the insectary, Where the tempera- tures approximated natural conditions, the per cent of relative humid-* ity often ranged from 88 to 41 per cent in a 24-hour period; averaging from 60 to 70 per cent for periods of more than a week. When aphids were reared under these conditions, no correlation was found to exist between the per cent of relative humidity and the ratio of alate t0 apterous forms produced. INFLUENCES ON WING PRODUCTION IN APHIS GOSSYPII, GLOVER 19 CONCLUSIONS 1. The normal tendency in Aphis gossyp-ii is to produce offspring é which do not develop Wings. i; 2. The production of wings is dependent entirely upon environ- " mental influences. ‘ 3. Starvation increases the number of Winged forms in the progeny produced by apterous parents. ‘l. The offspring of alate parents revert to the normal tendency of the species, viz., the apterous form, with such puissance, that the effect '§ if not entirely counteracted. _. 5. Temperature Within the limits of 70° F to 90° F. does not affect the ratio of forms produced in this species. ' _. 6. Crowding is a very potential, if not the dominant or controlling factor in stimulating Wing development in Aphis gossypii. 7. There is no correlation between the prevailing relative humidity in which the aphids are reared and the ratio of alate to apterous forms produced. I * - LITERATURE CITED }(1) Baker, A. (1., and Turner, W. F. - r r- 1916. Morphology and Biology of the Green Apple Aphis. Jour. Agr. Res, Vol. 5, No. 21, pp. 955-990. ' Comstock, J. H. . 1921. An Introduction to Entomology, p. 417. Ewing, H. E. 1916. Eighty-seven Generations in a Parthenogenetic Pure Line of Aphis avenue Fab. Biol. Bul., Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 53-112. 'Ewing, H. E. . 1925. The Factors of Inheritance and Parentage as Affect- ‘ ing the Ratio of Alate to Apterous Individuals in Aphids. Amer. Nat, Vol. 59, pp. 311-326. Gregory, Louise H. 1917. The Effect of Starvation on the Wing Development of lllicrosiphum destmctor. Biol. Bul., Vol. 33, pp. 296-303. Paddock, F. B. . 1919. The Cotton or Melon Louse: Life History Studies. TeX. Expt. Sta. Bul. 257. Shull, A. F. ' i 1918. Genetic Relations of the Winged and Wingless Forms to Each Other and to the Sexes in the Aphid Macrosiplzum solanifolii. Amer. Nat, Vol. 52, pp. 507-520. ' ) “Wadley, F. M. 1923. Factors Affecting the Proportions of Alate and Apter- ous Forms of Aphids. Ann. Ent. Soc. of Amer., Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 279-303. produced by starvation in stimulating wing development is practically