.*"'\ 1 boy” A91-1030-10M-L180 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BULLETIN NO. 416 NOVEMBER, 1930 DIVISION OF AGRONOMY Methods of Ginning in Relation t0 the Grade and Staple of Cotton AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President STATION STAFFf ADMINISTRATION: A. B. CoNNER, M. S., Director R. E. KARPER, M. S., Vice-Director CLARIcE MIxsoN, B. A., Secretary M. P. HOLLEMAN, JR., Chief Cle J. K. FRANCKLOW, Assistant Chz f Clerk CHEsTER HIGGS, Executive Assistant C. B. N EBLETTE, Technical Assistant CHEMISTRY: G. S. FRAPS, Ph. D., Chief; State Chemist S. E. AsBURY, M. S., Chemist J. F. FUDGE, P}; D., Chemist E. C. CARLYLE, B. S., Assistant Chemist WALD0 H. WALKER, Assistant Chemist VELMA GRAHAM, Assistant Chemist T. L. OGIER, B. S., Assistant Chemist ' ATHAN J . STERGES, B. S., Assistant Chemist JEANNE M. FUEcAs, Assistant Chemist RAY TREIcHLER, M. S., Assistant Chemist RALPH L. ScHwARTz, B. S., Assistant Chemist C. M. PoUNDERs, B. S., Assistant Chemist HORTICULTURE: S. H. YARNELL, Sc. D., Chief i?‘ , Horticulturist RANGE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: J. M. JoNEs, A. M., Chief B. L. WARWICK, Ph.D., Breeding Investigations STANLEY P. DAvIs, Wool Grader ENTOMOLOGY: F. L. THOMAS, Ph. D., Chief; State Entomologist . REINHARD, B. S., Entomologist . FIFrEHER, Ph. D., Entomologist . OWEN, JR., M. S., Entomologist . . RoNEY, M. S., Entomologist . . GAINEs, JR., M. S., Entomologist . JoNEs, M. S., Entomologist . . BIBBY, B. S., Entomologist EcIL E. HEARD, B. S. Chief Inspector O'1'ro MAcxENsEN, B. ., Foulbrood Inspector W. B. WHITNEY, Foulbrood Inspector AGRONOMY: E. B. REYNoLDs, Ph. D., Chief Qt ‘SUEZ F71 UJHHQ mmnz (T11 PUBLICATIONS: A. D. JAcKsoN, Chief VETERINARY SCIENCE: _ *M. FRANcIs, D. V. M., Chief_ _ H. SCHMIDT, D. M., Veterinarian _ _ F. P. MATHEws, D.V.M., M.S., Veterinarim W. T. HARDY, D. V. M., Veterinarian F. E. CARR0LL, D. V. M., Veterinarian PLANT PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY . J. TAUBENHAUS, Ph. D., Chief _ . N. EZEKIEL, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist J. BAcH, M. S., Plant Pathologist . F. DANA, M. S., Plant Pathologist M AND RANCH ECONOMICS: . P. GABBARD, M. S., hief _ . E. PAuLsoN, Ph. ., Marketing ~ . A. BoNNEN, M. S., Farm Management J. F. CRIswELL, B. S_., Assistant i——- , Assistant RURAL HOME RESEARCH: _ JEssIE WHITAcRE, Ph. D., Chief _ MARY ANNA GRIMES, M. S., Textiles _ _ ELIZABETH D. TERRILL, M. A., Nutrition SOIL SURVEY: "W. T. CARTER, B. S., Chie E. H. TEMPLIN, B. S., Soi Surveyor T. C. REITcH, B. S., Soil Surveyor A. H. BEAN, B. S., Soil Surveyor BOTANY: _ V. L. CoRY, M. S., Act. Chief _ SIMON E. WOLFF, M. S., Botanist SWINE HUSBANDRY: FRED HALE, M. S., Chief DAIRY HUSBANDRY: _ O. C. CoPELAND, M. S., Dairy Husbandman POULTRY HUSBANDRY: _ R. M. SHERw00D, M. S., Chief AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING: H. P. SMITH, M. S., Chief MAIN STATION FARM: G. T. McNEss, Superintendent APICULTURE (San Antonio): H. B. PARKs, B. S., Chief A. H. ALEX, B. S., Queen Breeder FEED CONTROL SERVICE: F. D. FULLER, M. S., Chief wgge FA “€Fw R. E. KARPER, M. S., Agronomist S- D- PEARcE. Secretary P. C. MANcELsDoRE, Sc. D., Agronomist J- H- ROGERS. Feed IHSPBCW!‘ D_ T_ KILLOUGH, M_ S“ Agronomist E. J. WILs0N, B. S.,,Feed Inspector I-L E_ REA, B_ S“ Agronomist K. L. KIRKLAND, B. S., Feed Inspector __________._., Agronomist W. D. NORTHCUTI‘, JR., B. S., Feed Inspectoi . C. LANGLEY, B. S., Assistant in Soils gmgEK/Ilgé Rflllviligi-Iisris-ll’ 26-201; 86d I "$116M" . . RE, ee SUBSTATIONS NO- l» Beeville» Bee Cfllllllyf No. 10, College Station, Brazos County: F’ R A- HAI-L. B- S-, Superintendent R. M. SHERWOOD, M. S., In charge N°-2»T=<>"1»Sm"h Comm" ' N511‘ “£53,222;f§§m1~1§§§§3§§fi$°3iuni - It P. R. JoHNsoN, M. S., Superintendent MORRIS MRS" Superintendent y‘ No- 3. Aneletoh. Brazoria County: "No. 12, Chillieothe, Hardeman County: I R. H. STANSEL, M. S., Superintendent J . R. UINBY, B S., Superintendent N°_ 4, Beaumonh Jefferson County; **J. C. TEPl-IENS, M. A., Assistant Agronomis; 11 1-1_ WYCHE, B_ S” Superintendent No. 14, Sonora, Sutton-Edwards Counties: Z‘! o 5, Temple, Bell County: HENRY DUNLAvY, M. S., Superintendent B. F. DANA, M. S., Plant Pathologist H. E. REA. B. S_. Agronomist; Cotton Root Rot Investigations 1 SIMON E. WOLFF, ‘M. S., Botanist; Cotton Roo Rot Investigations No. 6, Denton, Denton County: It P. B. DUNKLE, B. S., Superintendent No. 7, Spur, Dickens County: R. E. DICKSON, B. S., Superintendent — , Agronomist No. 8, Lubbock, Lubbock County: D. L. JoNEs, Superintendent FRANK GAINEs, Irrigationist and Forest w Nurseryman No. 9, Balmorhea, Reeves County: J. J. BAYLEs, B. S., Superintendent W. H. DAMERON, B. S._, Superintendent , Veterinarian _ W. T. HARDY, D. V. M., Veterinarian **O. G. BABCOCK, B. S., Entomologist O. L. CARPENTER, Shepherd No. 15, Weslaco, Hidalgo County: W. FRIEND, B. S., Superintendent SHERMAN W. CLARK, B. S., Entomologist W. J. BACH, M. S., Plant Pathologist No. 16, Iowa Park, Wichita County: C. H. McDowELL, B. S., Superintendent No. 17, ————— - ———ii—. Superintendent No. 18, —:—-———-— , Superintendent No. 19, Winterhaven, Dimmit County: E. IVIORTENSEN, B. S., Superintendent -—i——-—, Horticulturist No. 20, ——i—-—— ————-——-————, Superintendent Teachers in the School of Agriculture Carrying Cooperative Projects on the Station: W. ADRIANcE, Ph. D., Horticulture W. BILSING, Ph. D., Entomology P. LEE, Ph. D., Marketing and Finance ScoATEs, A. E., Agricultural Engineering A. K. IVIACKEY, M. S., Animal Husbandry *Dean School of Veterinary Medicine. J. S. MosFoRD, M. S., Agronomy F. R. BRIsoN, B. S., Horticulture _ W. R. HoRLAcHER, Ph. D., Genetics J. H. KNox, M. S., Animal Husbandry TAs of November 1, 1930. "In cooperation with U. S. Department of Agriculture. Considering the large number of gins used to prepare the Texas crop of some 4,000,000 bales annuallyfor market, exact information as to the best uses of gin machinery is of great value to ginners as well as to cotton growers. This Bulletin reports the results of experiments conducted on an air-blast type of gin from 1926 to 1929, inclusive, at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Main Station Farm, College Station, Texas, to determine the elfect which different speeds of saws, densities of breast-roll, and the use of the standard air-line cleaner have on the grade and staple of cotton of varying lengths. The results of these experiments show, in general, that a saw speed of 760 revolutions per minute, used together with the loose breast-roll and the standard air-line cleaner, provide the most favorable conditions for ginning cotton on the air- blast type of gin used. The use of the standard air-line cleaner resulted in improving the value of the cotton as much as two grades in some instances by the removal of trash, dirt, and other foreign material. The cleaner did not appear to have any significant effect on the length of lint. Cotton ginned with a loose breast-roll classed higher at all three saw speeds, 640, 760 and 840 revolutions per minute, than that ginned with a tight breast-roll. Increasing the density of the breast-roll to a high degree had a tendency to damage both the lint cotton and the seed, and also to increase the time required for ginning. CONTENTS . v PAGE Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Object and Plan of Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Equipment Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Types of Cotton Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Classification of the Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Classification of the Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Definition of Terms Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Method of Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Experiments with Medium-Staple Cotton (7/8 to 1-inch) . . . . . . . ., 14 The Effects of the Standard Air-Line Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Eifects of Saw Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Effects of the Density of the Breast-Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Experiments with Cotton of Different Staple Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Results in 1928 with 7/8 to 15/16-inch Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Results in 1928 with 1 1/4-inch Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Results in 1928 with 1 3/8-inch Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 Results in 1929 with 1-inch Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 Results in 1929 with 1 1/8-inch Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O Results in 1929 with 1 3/16-inch Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 BULLLETIN NO. 416 q NOVEMBER, 1930 METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO THE GRADE AND STAPLE OF COTTON D. T. KILLOUGH AND G. T. McNESS Cotton, the most important crop produced in Texas, has aver- aged 3,959,355 bales per year for the 10-year period, 1920 to 1929, inclusive, bringing an average gross annual income of $458,297,485 to Texas farmers. In view of the great value of the cotton crop, the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station has conducted numerous experiments upon the various phases of cotton production, including fertilizers, spacing, cultivation, varieties, and the improvement of the crop through breeding and selection, a large amount of this Work having already been pub- lished. Only during thelast few years, however, has experi- mental work been done to determine the effect of various methods of ginning upon the grade and staple of cotton. The market value of cotton is determined largely by the grade and length of staple, both of which are influenced to a great extent not only by environmental conditions prevailing during the growing and harvesting of the crop, but also by conditions of ginning. The effect of climatic conditions upon grade and staple are beyond the control of the farmer except as hemay be able to harvest the cotton before it is damaged. On the other hand, the conditions of ginning are readily controlled, and con- sequently the effect of these various conditions of ginning on the grade and staple can be determined. The proper prepara- tion of the cotton crop for the market is of great importance, and offers opportunity to enhance the selling value of the crop. Im- provements in ginning equipment and a knowledge of the best uses of the machinery are accordingly of great value to the cotton producer. Within the last few years rapid progress has been made in the improvement of ginning machinery. It is a long step from the days of the old-fashioned mule gin and hand press, having a daily capacity of five bales, to that of the modern four- to eight-stand power-driven gin with hydraulic press, having an output of 60 bales or more per day. The modern gin is now equipped with various cleaning devices not found in the old-style gins. These remove from the seed cotton foreign material such as dirt, burrs, leaves, and other forms of trash, resulting in a better sample of lint. Improvements which have been made in our present-day gins have made it possible to gin more promptly the increased production, and, where the gin is operated efliciently, to preserve 6 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the quality of the lint, thereby retaining itsfull value. Eve, with the most modern equipment, however, there is a possibili thatthe lint will be damaged and consequently reduced in valuf unless care is taken to maintain optimum conditions of ginnin with particular reference to the proper speed of the saws, the of cleaners, and the proper density of the breast-roll. Cot-to ginned under improper conditions or with the machinery car lessly adjusted, may be severely gin-cut, and, in addition, th, lint may contain various forms of boll and leaf trash, mot and neps; cotton which is properly ginned, with the machine properly adjusted, is in most cases free from foreign materi and gin-cuts. Cotton that is gin-cut and trashy is less suitabl Figure 1.———View of the experimental gin plant on the Main Station Farm, College Station, " Texas, where the ginning experiments were conducted. a for spinning since its economic value will be reduced on account of the high percentage of waste in the manufacturing processes. a g OBJECT AND PLAN OF EXPERIMENT Practically no definite information on the various practices used in the operation of current ginning machinery to determine their effect upon the quality and turn-out of lint cotton of various lengths of staple has been published. In view of this ,. fact and recognizing the urgent need for such information, ex- i periments were begun in 1926 to study the effect of saw speeds, ~ density of the breast-roll, and the use of cotton cleaners on the quality of cotton. A METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 7 Equipment Used The experiments were conducted on an electrically-driven Mur- ray gin of the air-blast type, having two stands of 70 saws of 12-inch diameter, with standard air-line cleaner (Figure 4) . N0 saws are used on this type of cleaner. It is equipped with long beater arms which revolve inside a cylindered screen. A Fair- banks counter platform scale graduated to the quarter of an ounce, having a capacity of 300 pounds, was used for weighing each lot of seed cotton. A tachometer was used to register the Figure 2.—Tachometer used to show the speed at which the saws were operating. The tachometer was driven by belt directly from the line shaft of the gin saws. saw speed and to make possible the maintenance of a definite. speed throughout the ginning of each lot of cotton (Figure 2). Types of Cotton Used The Truitt variety of cotton, representative of the medium- staple type, was used in the first experiment during each of the three years, 1926, 1927, and 1928. The lint varied in length from year to year. In 1926 it averaged 15/16 inch; in 1927, 1 inch; and in 1928, % inch. The cotton was grown in Brazos County, Texas, on upland soil known as Lufkin fine sandy loam. 8 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION This soil is of uniform type and has good surface drainage. The i. cotton was harvested during the early part of September of each year before the fall rains occurred, and stored on a dry floor in ' a well-ventilated seed house for a.short time prior to ginning. In the second experiment, conducted in 1928 and 1929, cotton ‘ of different lengths of staple was used. In 1928 two varieties T of cotton were used—the Bennett, representative of the medium- staple cotton, having a length of approximately % inch, and the Greer-Wichita, typical of upland long-staple cotton, one selection T of which had a staple length of approximately 1% inches, and the other 1%- inches. In 1929 three varieties of cotton were used: l Startex, with a staple of 1 inch; Acala, with a staple of H; inches; and a selection of Greer-Wichita with a staple of 1 3/16 inches. The Bennett cotton used in 1928 was grown in Brazos ._ County, Texas, on upland soil classified as Lufkin Fine Sandy 1 Loam. The two lots of Greer-Wichita cotton used the same year were grown in Wichita County, Texas, on Miller Fine Sandy ’ Loam soil under irrigation. In 1929 all of the cotton used in the experiment was grown in Brazos County, Texas. The Star- tex cotton was grown on upland soil classified as Lufkin Fine a Sandy Loam, while the Acala and Greer-Wichita varieties were grown on Miller Clay Loam, an alluvial soil along the Brazos ~ River in Brazos County. The Bennett cotton used in 1928 and the Startex cotton used in 1929, were harvested during September of each year. One of the lots of Greer-Wichita cotton used in 1928 was harvested early in October before frost and was in good condition for ginning; while the other lot, which was not harvested until I December, was in poor condition for ginning owing to the pres- ence of dirt, trash, and stain resulting from unfavorable climatic conditions. The cotton used in the second experiment was stored for a short time before ginning and under similar conditions as those used in the first experiment. ' Classification of the Cotton To determine the effect of the conditions of ginning upon the grade and staple of the cotton, samples of lint were collected from each condition of ginning. The lint was secured from ten differ- ent sections in each lot in order that it might be representative of the lot. The classing of the cotton was done by Messrs J. G. Powers, Lonnie E. Dowd, and C. L. Baker, official and licensed cotton classers of the Department of Textile Engineering, Agri- cultural and Mechanical College of Texas, and the data on grade and staple presented in this Bulletin are based entirely upon their classification. In classing the cotton, special attention was paid to the presence in the samples of motes, neps, gin-cuts, pin trash, METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 9 Figure 3.—View of end of the gin stand showing the roll density lever and ratchet feed mechanism by which the density of the breast-roll was adjusted. 10 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION large leaf trash, and shale, in addition to the color and length o the staple. The samples of cotton were identified by number, only, the classers having no knowledge of the conditions unde which the cotton was ginned; all possible bias was thereby r _ moved. While it was not possible to have the cotton classed b the same person or persons each year, the samples for any give a year were all classed by the same classer. l The nine official American grades of cotton were used in classi’ fying the samples of cotton in the experiments and these grade are designated as follows: ' Middling fair (MF). Strict good middling (SGM) . Good middling (GM). Strict middling (SM). Middling (M). Strict low middling (SLM). Low middling (LM). Strict good ordinary (SGO). Good ordinary (GO). PWTQPWPWPH Classification of the Seed The seed from the lots of cotton ginned under the different con- ditions were run out on the gin floor and samples collected at random from each lot to determine the extent of gin damage and - whether the seed were well cleaned. The seed were arbitrarily classed as clean, fairly clean, and hulled. g Definition of Terms Used Style 0f Gilmingr For describing the style of ginning three terms are used, namely, good, medium, and rough. When the sample of lint had a smooth appearance and was practically free from all forms of trash, neps, and gin-cuts, the style of ginning was termed “good”; when the sample contained small amounts of trash and neps and some gin-cuts, the style of ginning was classed as “medium”; and when the sample contained large amounts of trash, neps, motes, and showed considerable gin-cutting, the style of ginning was classed as “rough.” Condition 0f the Breast-Roll! The degree of density of the breast- roll is described by three terms, namely, loose, medium, and tight. When the roll was firm enough to revolve continuously without breaking and where it was possible with only a slight pressure to insert the fingers of the hand into the revolving mass of seed cotton two or three inches, it was termed “a loose roll.” This condition of the roll was secured by setting the ratchet lever, located on the side of the gin breast, at Notch 1 (Figure 3)‘. When the ratchet lever was set at Notch 4 it raised the lambrequin fingers inside the roll box, thereby decreasing its capacity. Consequently the mass of seed cotton was compressed more firmly and the fingers of the METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 11 hand could not be inserted as easily or as deeply as in the case of the loose breast-roll. The density of the r011 in this case was termed “medium.” When the ratchet lever was set at Notch 8 it further decreased the capacity of the roll box to such an extent that it was not possible to readily insert the fingers into the revolving mass of seed cotton. Such a condition was termed “a tight roll.” With each of the three degrees of density of the breast-roll it was necessary to change the rate of flow of seed cotton into the gin breast. In the case of the loose breast-roll the feeding mechanism was so set that the feed pawl traversed eight notches on the feed ratchet wheel at each stroke of the feeding arm, while in the case of the medium breast-roll the feed pawl traversed six notches, and in the case of the tight breast-roll it traversed only four notches (Figure 3). It was possible, therefore, with the loose breast-roll to feed the seed cotton to the gin breast faster on the average than With the tight breast-roll, thereby affecting directly the time required to gin the cotton. Motes and Neps= The immature seed are called motes, they have a small amount of fuzz. Small rough tangled masses of fibers often result from careless handling and ginning the lint and are called neps. Gin-Cutting 0f the Lintr Under certain conditions of ginning the lint is damaged by having some of the fibers cut; this gives the sample a rough appearance and detracts from its value. The three terms, none, slight, and excessive, which are self-explana- tory, are used to denote the amount of gin-cutting in the samples of lint. Condition 0f the Seedr The condition of the seed after ginning is designated by the terms clean, fairly/clean, and hulled. When the seed are well ginned, having all of the lint removed but none of the seed coat broken, they are termed “clean”; when some of the lint is left on the seed but are otherwise not injured, the seed are termed “fairly clean”; but when the seed are broken and the seed coat removed from the kernel, the seed are spoken of as being “hulled.” Frequently when some of the seed in the breast-roll were hulled, the lint on other seed was not completely removed. Methods of Procedure Preparation of the Seed Cotton for Ginning: The Seed CQttQn used in both of the experiments was thoroughly mixed just before being ginned to insure its uniformity. It was then divided into equal lots of 150 pounds, which was the amount of seed cotton used in each test. This amount provided sufficient seed cotton for a full roll. At the time the cotton was ginned it was free from excess moisture. Relatively constant temperature and humidity prevailed in the gin room at all times during the con- 12 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ‘i Figure 4.——Gin assembly showing the overflow end of the distributor belt. The belt re- ceives the seed cotton either from the dropper or the standard air-line cleaner and conveys it to the feeder chutes, from which it passes through the feeder-cleaners and thence to the gin breast. METHODS’ OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 13 duct of the experiments. All of the cotton used in these experi- ments was harvested by hand-picking. Adjustment 0f the Machineryr The three saw speeds were ob- tained by using pulleys of varying sizes so as to secure speeds of 640, 760, and 840 revolutions per minute, respectively. A 26- inch pulley Was placed on the line shaft to obtain a saw speed of 640 revolutions per minute; a 24-inch pulley for a saw speed of 760 revolutions per minute; and a 22-inchpulley for a saw speed of 840 revolutions per minute. The density of the breast- roll was controlled by adjusting the ratchet lever on the side of the gin-breast. When the lever was set on Notch One, the Figure 5.—Cross-section of the feeder-cleaner. The cotton is fed from the feed chute on to the spiked cleaner drums by the feeder rolls. The drums beat and throw the cotton against the screen, allowing the dirt and trash to pass through to the dirt conveyer, while the seed cotton is retained and carried on to the gin breast. density of the breast-roll Was termed “loose”; on Notch Four, it was termed “medium”; and on Notch Eight, it was termed 1; “tight.” The flow of the cotton from the feeder-cleaners was f regulated to keep the breast-roll full at all times. All of the ; cotton passed through the feeder-cleaners regardless of Whether the standard air-line cleaner Was used. The gin saWs Were kept in good condition throughout the period of the experiment, and were sharpened at the beginning of each ginning season. In the first experiment in which the standard air-line cleaner Was used, 14 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the flow 0f the cotton to be cleaned was directed into the cleaner by means of a by-pass valve. When this valve was cut off, the y cotton fell directly upon the distributor belt and into the gin- . breast without passing through the air-line cleaner. Time 0f Ginning= A record was kept in the first experiment of i the time required for the ginning of each lot of cotton. Gin Turn-Out: In 1927 and 1928, data were recorded on the gin turn-out or percentage of lint of each lot of cotton to deter- - mine the effect of the different conditions of ginning on the per- : centage of lint. The percentage of lint was obtained by dividing the weight of the lint by the weight of the seed cotton and multi- , plying the result by 100. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Experiments With a Medium-Staple Cotton The first experiment was conducted in 1926, 1927, and 1928, using Truitt cotton, Which is representative of the medium- staple upland type. Three saw speeds were used with three de- grees of density of the breast-roll for each saw speed. The cotton used in these nine conditions of ginning was divided into two equal parts, half of which was passed through the standard air-line cleaner and the other half ginned without passing through the cleaner, totaling 18 conditions of ginning. The Elfects of the Standard Air-Line Cleaner In the three years of the first experiment comparisons were made between cotton ginned with the standard air-line cleaner and cotton ginned without the cleaner. The comparisons involve three crops of Truitt cotton, three different saw speeds, and three different degrees of density of the breast-roll. The Elfeet 011 Grader In 1926 the different conditions of ginning, according to the classers ruling, caused the cotton to vary two grades, or from strict middling (SM) to strict low middling (SLM) as shown in Table 1. The samples classed as SLM con- tained motes, neps, various degrees of gin-cutting, leaf trash; and the style of ginning was termed “medium” to “rough.” In seven out of nine cases in which the standard air-line cleaner was used, the samples were classed as strict middling (SM), which, with two exceptions, was one to two grades higher than the cotton which had not passed through the cleaner (Figures 7 and 9) . In the two cases out of the nine which showed a grade of middling (M), even though the cleaner was used, the lowering of the grade was caused by excessive gin-cutting due to the use of a tight breast-roll. In 1927 the cotton ginned under the differ- METHODS _OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 15 ent conditions varied only one grade, strict middling (SM) to middling (M) (Table 2). In all five lots which carried the lower grade (middling) the cleaner was not used, and the gin- ning was termed “medium” to “rough.” The grade varied in 1928 from middling (M) to strict low middling (SLM) for the different conditions of ginning, as shown in Table 3. NV hen the cleaner was used, seven of the nine lots of cotton carried the higher grade of middling (M). The lots of cotton ginned with- out the use of the standard air-line cleaner were classed middling- shy (M—) and strict low middling (SLM) . Some of the reduc- tion in grade was due to the excessive gin-cutting of the lint 1 Figure 6.—-Sectional view of the standard air-line cleaner. The cotton passes directly from the wagon to the standard air-line cleaner, where it is agitated by long beater arms in- side a screen cylinder. As the cotton is passed through the cylinder, dirt, trash, and other foreign material are separated from the seed cotton. resulting from the use of a tight breast-roll. When the three years are considered together, 19 of the 27 comparisons of the cotton which had been passed through the standard air-line cleaner graded higher than that which had been ginned without the use of the cleaner. In three of these cases the cotton was improved by a half-grade, in 14 cases by a full grade, and in two cases by two grades. In not a single case was the grade lowered by the use of the cleaner. Considering all of the 27 comparisons, the average grade was raised by approximately three-quarters of a grade through the use of the cleaner. This is calculated by 16 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION assigning to each grade the official numerical value to which it corresponds and obtaining an average grade by adding these numbers and dividing the total by 27. The Effect on Length of Lint: It is sometimes claimed that the use of cotton cleaners has a tendency to damage the cotton by shortening the length of the staple. This assumption is not borne out by the data from this experiment. Of the 27 com- parisons involved in this test, 17 showed no difference whatever in length of staple, 9 showed an increase of 1/16 inch in favor of the cleaner, and one showed a decrease of 1/16 inch when the cleaner was used. Apparently the cleaner usually has no effect whatever on the length of the resulting staple, but when it does have any effect, the tendency is for the staple to be longer rather than shorter (Tables 1, 2, and 3). The Efieet 0n Style 0f Ginning= Style of ginning has been classi- fied by the terms good, medium, and rough. In 13 of the 27 comparisons the use of the cleaner had no effect on the style of ginning, in 13 cases it improved it by one class, and in one case it improved it by two classes. It is quite evident that when the cleaner has any effect the tendency is to improve the style of ginning. The Effect on Time Required for Ginning: In nine of the 27 com- parisons less time was required for ginning when the cotton was passed through the standard air-line cleaner; in four cases more time was required; and in 14 cases there was no difference in the time required. When all conditions of ginning were averaged, it required 43.6 minutes to gin 1,500 pounds of seed cotton on the two-stand gin when the cleaner was used and 44.1 minutes when the cleaner was not used. The Effect on the Percentage of Lint: The use of the standard air- line cleaner reduced slightly the percentage of lint in six of the nine comparisons, increased it in two cases, and in one case there was no difference. Where the cleaner reduced the per- centage of lint, the reduction was caused by the removal of dirt and trash from the cotton. Conclusions on the Effects of the Standard Air-Line Cleaner: The re- sults of the three years’ test show, in general, that the standard air-line cleaner improved the grade of the cotton and the style of ginning, but in most cases reduced the percentage of lint on account of the removal of the dirt and trash from the cotton by the cleaner. The cleaner did not have any appreciable effect on the length of lint or the time required for ginning (Tables 1, 2, and 3). 1'7 METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE W.@M ........%v0:5§ .....Q>@MMUONQ ...-..QW:Q»~ fi 2 Qwiwomn .. .. Q w . .. H.Hww H H HwwwHwwHfiwwHw. ww H H H H Héwwwwww H H H H H Hwwwe H 2 w .... . 2...: ..... 1%”: .... . . . HHHWM : hm . . . . 2153f on . . . . wvwwmwmxw . . . . nwsoh aim: 2 m . . . wwww. 2o: 55:65 . . dww 5mm .........5».o_u on sw ....5HH:65 : 2m :55 55.85 Iovw ohm . . . . . 153w. mm .........o5o5 ....5::Hv5 : 2 w ....:H.o.w.HH won vwoo: . . . . . . . dvw w2 ...... .. w H ww was ....H.HH.H.H E H 2w H? ..... .252 .... ....2w w .2 ...... ..HHQHHHHHHH w... . . . . Héwwwmww . . . . HH Hé H 2 . . . H..»: H2 ..... éHwHH .... . . . w: : 9m . . .53 oflmaHmH: o.» . . . . . . . M: 2w . . . .5HH:55 : :2 m . . .. flow: Em: . . . . . . . do“. w ww . . .22; wHHHwH wH. ....... :22. . . . ..H=HHH.ew H 2 . . . .H..w.ww H2 e225 .... . . . HE 3w . . 2w? 2H2» ww . . ..... . we... . . . ewHwwHHH H 2 w .... H? ewée .... . . . 2E W2. .......H..HHHw...HHH ww .........wHH.HHH ....H.2.HHHHH\.HHHH H 2 ....HH.w.w.HHHHH= . . . . . zwwws . . . . 2K PHw .........HHwwHw ww . . . . . ....www= ......H.HHHHw H 2w HHwwHH .. wwws . . . . .18» ‘mm . .......5w@_o om 1.11.5 2w ammo: : 2 ....:H.@.w:~oHH . 12.5w: . . . . ....ovw www .........HHwwH ww . . . . . . :EwHHw ....5::Hu5 H 2 w HHwwHH . Ems . . . . . .192 www Hw 3 . . . . . . ...HHHwHHw ....H.HH.H:HHHwHHH wHBH 2 w w»? H8 EHHHHHBHH . . . . ....¢HH..H www ..... ....@H.Hw ww .. ..... ..2H.HH Héw H 2 w .22. .. 2.2.2. .... 2w .22 . . .5 Q w www a. .. ..... ..wwa . . . .H.HH.HHHH.HHHH H 2 w . . . .2: H2 ..... . .... . . . o2 © fi i % QQOQ tcOw fl 2 w . .@Qwm~ . . . . . . 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AZ c3: Ewfi . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iovw GQQAO %A.imw CV . . . . . . . . .Oi.wfl . . . . . . . 00w Q» +2 . . . . . Qvvwfl wofl . . . . . .ED@©QE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ofiw QNUAO . . . . . . . . .QH~OQ . . . . . .EH:@ OE 2 . . . . .@®wD . . . . . .EHZUUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GNUAU OM . . . . . . . . .OGOG . . . . . . . . ZwTOOW . . . . .. QOF . . . . . . . . .0wCO~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avuvw @215 mv . . . . . . Iubwaw . . . . . Awsok A>A . 4 . . .. wow: ZKTJJEwMoA . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iovw mvQZfi-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAWAAOM 2 J w . . . . . HOHA . . . . . . . . Kw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mafia Nv . . . . . . . . 65.5 . . . . . . . . . com \ A2 A w . . . . . . v3: ZwS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dam n36 ow . . . . . . . . duo: . . . . . . . . 600w w h :2 . v3: go: . . . . . .EEA.QE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . don 2x20 mm . . . . . . . . QGOG . . . . . AHA-AU 0E w\h 2 . . . . . . . womi . . . . . .ED;$E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O©h cue? mm . . . . . . . loco: . . . . . . . Iboom w; A2 A m . . . flaw: Ho: . . . . . . . 2300A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comm Emu? %A.imw Om . . . . . . . Cwfiwlm . . . . . . . . mmvic w\h 2 . . . . Auwmfl . . . . . . . IvmOOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avwh Emu? >113 Om . . . . . . . Iwflwlm . . . . . . . .%M5Om ©%»Mm 2x m . . . . . .U0m5 QOG . . . . . . . . J-Qwfi- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avfiw nmo o . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6am: . . . . . . . IEwS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ca»? . . . . . . . . mwfix . . . . . .E~-A_w~m% w\n A2 A m . . . . flow: won . . . . . 55:35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ca»? ow . . . . . . . Zones . . . . . . . . xwoow wQmA A2 A w . . . . . . . flow: . . . . . .EE1QE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ioww AAQQAO mm . . . . . . . . .0GOG . . . . . . . . . NOOM 2a w . . . . . . cum: HOG . . . . . . . . .302 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63: .........vwooA woow Mo sofiou fiwow Ac: we w.:=.:w mo o5 .5555 .m Em o 55 . . h = . E: 3 $520 3E3 "we a Q Axmrflwwmfimwgwii A .U Ho 23w owmbO wwwmwwhwwm ZPTQQMZQ 53mm Em mo wwomm $2 E mEnEw Ho waomfiwuou QGQMQMHU 5A3 wuhsuuw mfismomlé Bnwh. METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 19 The Efiects of the Saw Speed In the test with medium-staple cotton during 1926, 1927, and 1928, three saw speeds were used, namely, 640, 760, and 840 revolutions per minute. These three saw speeds were used with and without the standard air-line cleaner and with various densi- ties of the breast-roll, to determine the effect of the different speeds, if any, upon the grade and length of lint, the style of ginning, the amount of gin-cutting of the lint, the time required in ginning, the condition of the seed, and the percentage of lint. The Effect on Grade and Length of Lint: Increasing the speed 0f the gin saws from 640 to 760 and 840 revolutions per minute did not appear to have any appreciable effect on the grade of the cotton or the length of the lint (Tables 1, 2, and 3). The Effeet e11 Style 0f Ginning= The style of ginning did not seem to be affected when the gin saws were operated at speeds of 640 and 760 revolutions per minute, but at the highest saw speed, 840 revolutions per minute, the style of ginning in some instances was lowered. The Elfect 0n Gin-Cutting of Lint: The lint did nQt appear t0 be gin-cut in a single instance by increasing the speed of the saws from 640 to 760 or to 840 revolutions per minute, provided a loose breast-roll was used. When the density of the breast-roll was increased, however, there was a tendency for the lint to be gin-cut, especially at the saw speed of 840 revolutions per minute. The Eifeet e11 Time ef Ginningr Using a loose breast-roll at the highest saw speed, 840 revolutions per minute, 31.1 minutes were required in which to gin 1,500 pounds of seed cotton as com- pared with 32.8 minutes for a saw speed of 760 revolutions per minute, and 37.5 minutes for a saw speed of 640 revolutions per minute (Table 4). When the density of the breast-roll was in- creased to a medium degree, there was only a slight difference Table 4.—Time required_in minutes to gin 1,500 pounds of seed cotton with two 70-saw stands at different saw speeds and densities of the breast-roll _ Number of minutes required at the several saw speeds Breast-roll setting 640 r. p. m. 760 r. p. m. 840 r. p. m. Loose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37.5 32.8 31.1 Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43.6 42.0 44.1 Tight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.8 54.1 58,3 in the time required to gin the cotton at the three difierent saw speeds, this being 43.6, 42.0, and 44.1 minutes at 640, 7 60, and 840 revolutions per minute, respectively. When the tight breast- roll was used the time required in ginning the cotton was ma- 20 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION terially increased. At a saw speed of 640 revolutions per minute it required 50.8 minutes; at 760 revolutions per minute it re- quired 54.1 minutes; and at the highest speed, 840 revolutions per minute, the time required was 58.3 minutes. It will be noted that it required more time to gin the cotton at the higher saw speeds than at the lower saw speeds when a tight breast-roll was used. The Effect on Condition of the Seed: Increasing the speed of the saws when the loose breast-roll was used did not have any effect on the condition of the seed, which were well cleaned at all speeds (Figure 9). When the density of the breast-roll was increased to a medium degree, however, the seed were not as well cleaned at saw speeds of 760 and 840 revolutions per minute. With a saw speed of 640 revolutions per minute, and a tight breast-roll, the seed were well cleaned in only two of the six cases in which this saw speed was used. At saw speeds of 7 60 and 840 revolutions per minute with the tight breast-roll the ‘seed were not well cleaned and were damaged by being hulled and cut (Figure 10). The Effect on Percentage of Lint: The speed 0f the saws did n01; have any consistent effect on the percentage of lint, or gin turn- out (Table 2). - ' Conclusions on the Effects of the Saw Speed: The speed 0f the saws did not appear to have any appreciable effect on the grade of the cotton, length of lint, gin-cutting of the lint, condition of seed, and percentage of lint, provided the loose breast-roll" was used. The style of ginning did notbseem to be affected when the gin saws were operated at speeds of 640 and 7 60 revolutions per min- ute, but at the highest saw speed, 840 revolutions per minute, the style of ginning in some instances was lowered. The only effect which the speed of the saws appeared to have was in in- fluencing the time required in ginning. The highest saw speed required less time when the loose breast-roll was used, but when the density of the breast-roll was increased, a longer time was required. The Effects of the Density of the Breast-Roll Three degrees of density of the breast-roll, namely, loose, medium, and tight, were used to determine their effect upon the grade, length of lint, style of ginning, gin-cutting of the lint, time required in ginning, condition of the seed, and the per- centage of lint. The three conditions of the breast-roll were used with and without the standard air-line cleaner and with each of the three saw speeds (Tables 1, 2, and 3). The Effect on the Grade of the Cotton: There was no Significant difference in the grade of the cotton when the loose and the METHODS OF GINNING IN RELATION TO GRADE AND STAPLE 21 medium breast-roll settingswere used. When the tight breast- roll was used, however, the grade of the cotton was slightly lowered. The Effect on the Length of Lint: The different breast-roll settings had no effect on the length of thelint, so far as the classers could determine. The Elfeet en the Style 0f Ginningr When the loose breast-roll was used in connection with the standard air-line cleaner, it produced the best style of ginning. The sample of lint had a smooth ap- pearance, and was free of trash and dirt, neps and motes, and showed no signs of gin-cutting (Figure 7). When the cleaner was not used in connection with the loose breast-roll, the style of ginning was not as good on account of the presence of trash and dirt. As the breast-roll density was increased from loose to medium, there was a corresponding lowering in the style of ginning; and when the density was further increased to a tight breast-roll, the style of ginning was further lowered, being classed as rough by the classers on account of the presence of motes, neps, and an excessive amount of gin cuts (Figure 8) . The Effect on Gin-Cutting of the Lint: When the logge breastqoll was used, irrespective of the speed of the saws or the use of the standard air-line cleaner, the lint cotton showed no gin-cutting. When the density of the breast-roll was increased to a medium degree, the amount of gin-cutting varied from none to slight. The lint showed excessive gin-cutting in eight of the 18 com- parisons when the tight breast-roll was used. In the other 10 comparisons, the lint was slightly gin-cut (Figure 8). The Effect on the Time Required in Ginning: When the three Saw speeds are averaged, the loose breast-roll required 33.8 minutes to gin 1,500 pounds of seed cotton as compared with 43.2 min- utes when the medium breast-roll was used and 54.4 minutes when the tight breast-roll was used. The Elfect on Condition of the Seed: N0 difference was nQted in the condition of the seed when the loose and the medium breast- rolls were used. The seed at these breast-roll densities were well cleaned and not damaged (Figure 9). When the tight breast- roll was used, however, the seed were badly damaged, being hulled and cut by the gin saws as Well as being poorly cleaned (Figure 10). The Elfect on, the Percentage of Lint: Cgmparisons made between the loose, medium, and tight breast-rolls showed that in four of the six comparisons the percentage of lint was slightly higher when the loose breast-roll was used. 22 BULLETIN NO. 416, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Conclusions on the Elfects of the Density 0f the Breast-Roll: The 10959 breast-roll gave the best results in practically all cases When used in connection with the standard air-line cleaner, regardless of the speed of the saws. Increasing the density 0f the breast-roll Figure 7.——Sample of lint cotton ginned under good conditions of ginning, which were a saw speed of 760 revolutions per minute, a loose breast-roll, and the use of the standard air-line cleaner. Note the smooth appearance of sample and absence of neps, gin cuts, and trash.