BUILDIHG. 9M~—L.S. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BULLETIN NO. 467 DECEMBER, 1932 DIVISION OF FEED CONTROL SERVICE ZQIIOMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS FROM SEPTEMBER 1, 1931 TO AUGUST 31, 1932 AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President STATION STAFF? Administration : A. B. Conner, M. S., Director R. E. Karper, M. S., Vice-Director Clarice Mixson, B. A., Secretary M. P. Holleman, Chief Clerk J. K. Francklow, Asst. Chief Clerk Chester Higgs, Executive Assistant Howard Berry, B. S., Technical Asst. Chemistry: G. S. Fraps, Ph. D., Chief; State Chemist S. E. Asbury, M. S., Chemist J. F. Fudge, Ph. D., Chemist E. C. Carlyle, M. S., Asst. Chemist T. L. Ogier, B. S., Asst. Chemist A. J. Sterges, M. S., Asst. Chemist Ray Treichler, M. S., Asst. Chemist W. H. Walker, Asst. Chemist Velma Graham, Asst. Chemist Jeanne F. DeMottier, Asst. Chemist R. L. Schwartz, B. S., Asst. Chemist C. M. Pounders, B. S., Asst.'Chemist Horticulture: S. H. Yarnell, Sc. D., Chief Range Animal Husbandry: J. M. Jones, A. M.. Chief B. L. Warwick, Ph. D., Breeding Investiga. S. P. Davis, W001 Grader I**J. H. Jones, B. S., Agent in Animal Husb. Entomology: F. L. Thomas, Ph. D., Chief; State Entomologist H. J. Reinhard, B. S., Entomologist R. K. Fletcher, Ph. D., Entomologist W. L. Owen, Jr., M. S., Entomologist I. N. Roney, M. S., Entomologist I. C. Gaines, Jr., M. S., Entomologist SPE. Jones. M. S., Entomologist F. F. Bibby, B. S., Entomologist "E. W. Dunnam, Ph. D., Entomologist "R. W. Moreland, B. S., Asst. Entomologist C. E. Heard, B. S., Chief Inspector C. Siddall, B. S., Foulbrood Inspector S. E. McGregor, B. S., Foulbrood Inspector AEIOIIOHIYZ J. H. Rogers, Feed Inspector E- B- Reyrwlds, Ph. D., Chief K. L. Kirkland, B. S., Feed Inspector R- E- Karpel‘, M. S., Agronomist S. D. Reynolds, Jr., Feed Inspector P. C. Mangelsdorf, Sc. D., Agronomist P, A, Moore, Feed Inspector D- T- Killmlgh, M- 5-. Agronomist E. J. Wilson, B. S., Feed Inspector Publications! H. G. Wickes, D. V. M., Feed Inspector A. D. Jackson, Chief SUBSTATIONS No. l. Beeville, Bee County: R. A. Hall, B. S., Superintendent No. 2, Lindale. Smith County: P. R. JohnFon, M. S., Superintendent "B. H. Hendrickson, B. S., Sci. in Soil Erosion L. J. McCall, Farm Superintendent "R. W. Baird, B. S., Assoc. Agr. Engineer No. 3, Angleton, Brazoria County: R. H. ‘Stansel, M. S., Superintendent H. M. Reed, M. S., Horticulturist No. 4, Beaumont, Jefferson County: R. H. Wyche, B. S., Superintendent **H. M. Beachell, B. S., Junior Agronomist No. 5, Temple, Bell County: Henry Dunlavy, M. S., Superintendent C. H. Rogers, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist H. E. Rea, B. S., Agronomist S. E. Wolff, M. S., Botanist "H. V. Geib, M. S., Sci. in Soil Erosion "H. O. Hill, B. S., Junior Civil Engineer N0. 6, Denton, Denton County: P. B. Dunkle, B. S., Superintendent "I. M. Atkins, B. S., Junior Agronomist No. 7, Spur, Dickens County: R. E. Dickson, B. S., Superintendent B. C. Langley, M. S., Agronomist No. 8, Lubbock, Lubbock County: D. L. Jones, Superintendent Frank Gaines, Irrig. and Forest Nurs. Veterinary Science: *M. Francis, D. V. M., Chief H. Schmidt, D. V. M., Veterinarian **F. P. Mathews, D.V.M., M.S., Veterin R. A. Goodman, D. V. M., Veterinarian Plant Pathology and Physiology: J. J. Taubenhaus, Ph. D., Chief W. N. Ezekiel, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist _ , Farm and Ranch Economics: _- L. P. Gabbard, M. S., Chief W. E. Paulson, Ph. D., Marketing TTC. A. Bonnen, M. S., Farm Management ._ i**W. R. Nisbet, B. S., Ranch Management; A. C. Magee, M. S., Farm Management ~ Rural Home Research: Jessie Whitacre, Ph. D., Chief Mary Anna Grimes, M. S., Textiles Elizabeth D. Terrill, M. A., Nutrition Soil Survey: **W. T. Carter, B. S., Chief E. H. Templin, B. S., Soil Surveyor A. H. Bean, B. S., Soil Surveyor R. M. Marshall, B. S., Soil Surveyor Botany: V. L. Cory, M. S., Acting Chief Swine Husbandry: Fred Hale, M. S., Chief Dairy Husbandry: . O. C. Copeland, M. S., Dairy Husbandman ; Poultry Husbandry: R. M. Sherwood, M. S., Chief , J. R. Couch, B.S., Asst. Poultry Husbandman- V Agricultural Engineering: " H. P. Smith, M. S., Chief Main Station Farm: G. T. McNess, Superintendent Apiculture (San Antonio): H. B. Parks, B. S., Chief A. H. Alex, B. S., Queen Feed Control Service: F. D. Fuller, M. S., Chief James Sullivan, Asst. Chief S. D. Pearce, Secretary Breeder No. 9, Balmorhea, Reeves County: J. J. Bayles, B. S., Superintendent No. 10, College Station, Brazos County: R. M. Sherwood, M. S., In Charge No. 11, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County: H. F. Morris, M. S., Superintendent **No. 12, Chillicothe, Hardeman County: **J. R. Quinby, B. S., Superintendent **J. C. Stephens, M. A., Asst. Agronomist No. 14, Sonora, Sutton-Edwards Counties: W. H. Dameron, B. S., Superintendent I. B. Boughton, D. V. M., Veterinarian W. T. Hardy, D. V. M., Veterinarian O. L. Carpenter, Shepherd **O. G. Babcock, B. S., Asst. Entomologist No. 15, Weslaco, Hidalgo County: W. H. Friend, B. S., Superintendent S. W. Clark, B. S., Entomologist W. J. Bach, M. S., Plant Pathologist J. F. Wood, B. S., Horticulturist No. 16, Iowa Park, Wichita County: C. H. McDowell, B. S., Superintendent L. E. Brooks, B. S., Horticulturist N0. 19, Winterhaven, Dimmit County: E. Mortensen, B. S., Superintendent **L. R. Hawthorn, M. S., Horticulturist Teachers in the School of Agriculture Carrying Cooperative Projects on the Station: G. W. Adriance, Ph. D., Horticulture S. W. Bilsing, Ph. D., Entomology V. P. Lee, Ph. D., Marketing and Finance D. Scoates, A. E., Agricultural Engineering A. K. Mackey, M. S., Animal Husbandry ‘Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine. "In cooperation with U. S. Department of Agriculture. J. S. Mogford, M. S., Agronomy F. R. Brison, B. S., Horticulture W. R. Horlacher, Ph. D., Genetics J. H. Knox, M. S., Animal Husbandry A. L. Darnell, M. A., Dairy Husbandry TAs of December 1, 1932. 1'" TOn leave. tIn cooperation with Texas Extension Service. =. i. i.’ a E7, ., This is the twenty-seventh annual report of the inspection 0f feeding stuffs sold in the State of Texas under the provisions 0f the Texas Feed Law, which was first enacted by the Leg- islature in 1905, amended in 1907 and subsequently, and codi- fied in 1925. During the year ended August 31, 1932, 2,909 samples were submitted to chemical. analysis and microscopical examination, 2.604 of which were secured by duly appointed feed inspectors. The average composition of the samples analyzed is pre- sented in a table and the digestible protein and the productive energy of the feeds are given. A table is given showing the average protein content of the cottonseed products made by each oil mill so that the reader can see which mills maintain the guaranties on the average. Computed from the sale of tax tags, there were 1,093,307 tons of feed sold in the State dur- ing the year covered by this report. Chemical standards for various by-product feeds and special- purpose mixed feeds are shown, and definitions of and standards for commercial unmixed feeds are given, together with addi- tional information on the requirements of the Texas Feed Law and the composition of feeding stuffs. In this Bulletin is found the analysis of each sample collected and a detailed report of the results obtained in the inspection of feeding stuffs during the year ended August 31, 1932. CONTENTS Definitions of Terms Page 5 : Average Composition of Feeding Stuffs Analyzed ................................. __ Digestible Protein and Productive Energy of Feeds .......................... -- Estimated Tonnage of Feeding Stuffs Sold in Texas, 1906-1932 .... -_ Suggestions to Purchasers of Feed .................................................... _L ..... __ Definitions and Standards Adopted ____________________________________________________________ _. Definitions of and Standards for Commercial Unmixed Feeds ........ -- Alfalfa Products ______ _. Animal Products Barley Products Brewers’ and Distillers’ Products Corn Products Cottonseed Products _____ _. Feterita Products Kafir Products .... _- Linseed and Flax Products Marine Products , Milk Products Milo Products Oat Products Peanut Products Rice Products _ _ . _ _ _ , . _ _ . _. Sorghum Products ' Sugar Beet Products _ Wheat Products Miscellaneous Products Tentative Definitions ____ -. Fish Oils Marine Products Milk Products ._ Miscellaneous Products Mineral Feeds Resolutions Adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials Tentative Guaranties for Feeds Purpose of the Texas Feed Law Summary of the Texas Feed Law. Rulings Under the Law Refunds _____ __ ______ 129 ...... -- 6 ______ -- 8 1 ______ -- 9 . ...... .- 9 ______ ._11 ...... --12 I i 12 i ...... -.13{ 1s ‘ -14 ‘ 14 16 Y 17 ....... -17 * 17 -P ______ -18 f 19 ._19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 28 29 _-30 Control of Interstate Shipments 3O Shipments Withdrawn from Sale 30 Protein Content of Cottonseed Products Sold in Texas _________________________ __ Result of Aanlyses _..__-_31 32 Summary Table of Inspection Results _45 32_ BULLETIN NO. 467 DECEMBER, 1932 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS, SEPTEMBER l, 1931 i TO AUGUST 31, 1932* F. D. FULLER AND JAMES SULLIVAN In this Bulletin is presented the work of the Texas Agricultural Experi- ment Station in the inspection of feeding stuffs during the year ended August 31, 1932, together with additional information on the requirements of the Texas Feed Law and the composition of feeding stuffs. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Protein includes all the nitrogenous compounds of a feed, regardless of their nature and is equal to the nitrogen present multiplied by 6.25. The animal uses protein to restore the waste of tissues and muscles, and to form flesh. Protein may also be oxidized in the body to produce heat, or it may serve as a source of fat in case of a deficiency in carbohydrates and fat, accompanied by an excess of protein. It is, however, a costly source of heat and fat. Protein enters very largely into the composition of the whites of eggs, lean meat, curd of milk, gelatin, etc. It is used for the building and repair of body tissue, for new growth, in the production of milk or eggs and, therefore, is a necessary ingredient for the feeder to purchase. It is an important nutrient in feeding stuffs and usually is the most expen- sive to purchase. With a given feeding stuff, the more protein it con- tains the better its quality, compared with other feeding stuffs of the same class. It is incorrect, however, to compare the value of feeding stuffs of different kinds on a protein basis alone. For example, a cottonseed meal containing 45 per cent of crude protein does not have five times the value of corn chop containing 9 per cent of crude protein. There are other constituents of both feeds, such as fats, starches and sugars, which are of great value to animals. Corn chop contains more carbohydrates than cottonseed meal. Fat is composed of substances which are extracted from the dry feed- ing stuffs by ether, and consists chiefly of fats and oils in the case of g most feeding stuffs, but in the case of fodders and hays it is composed to a great extent of waxes, chlorophyll, and other substances in addition to fat. A pound of digestible fat is equal to 2.25 pounds of digestible carbohydrates in producing heat and energy. Fat is used in the animal body as a source of body fat, to furnish heat to keep the body warm, and energy to run the animal mechanism and produce work. All involun- tary muscular movements require energy, which is furnished by the oxida- tion of fats, carbohydrates, or protein. Fiber is found in hays, straw, and similar material. It occurs in the cell walls and in the fibrous or woody parts of plants. It is the least *The chemical analyses reported in this Bulletin were made by the Division of Chemistry under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief. 6 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION digestible portion of a feed. By means of fermentation in the intestines fiber is digested to some extent by animals which chew the cud. The operation, however, consumes so much energy that a large proportion of the value of the fiber is taken up by the process of digestion. Ordinarily a feeding stuff having a high content‘ of crude fiber is classed as a low- grade feed for the reason that such a feed usually is 10w in digestible protein and productive energy. Cottonseed hulls, oat hulls, peanut hulls, rice hulls, corn cobs, and materials of a similar nature contain high per- centages of crude fiber. If sufficient bulky materials are available, such as hays, fodders, or grass, it is unwise for the feeder to expend money for the purchase of commercial feeding stuff containing large amounts of crude fiber, a constituent that is digested with difficulty. If the crude fiber in cottonseed meal exceeds certain limits, it indicates that the feed is adulterated with cottonseed hulls. In a similar Way, crude fiber in excess of a given standard indicates the presence of corn " cobs or corn bran in corn chop, rice hulls in rice bran, etc. Nitrogen-free Extract includes starches, sugars, gums, and other bodies of a similar nature. These, together with the fat, are oxidized to main- tain the animal heat and to furnish energy for the production of work- The nitrogen-free extract of most feeding stuffs of a concentrated nature is composed largely of sugars and starches, which are readily digested. Moisture is present in all feeding stuffs. The material may seem to be dry, but, nevertheless, it contains an appreciable amount of water. An excess of Water may cause the feed to heat or spoil, if stored under such conditions that the feed cannot dry out quickly enough. Ash is the residue from a feeding stuff that has been burned. It repre- sents mostly that portion of the plant which comes from the soil. The ash consists chiefly of .lime, magnesia, soda, and potash combined with chlorine and carbonic, sulphuric, or phosphoric acid. Constituents of ash are necessary to the animal inasmuch as they are used for the formation If the various necessary constituents of the ash are not present in sufficient of bone, for constituents of the blood, and for other purposes. quantity, the animal may not grow or produce as Well as it should, or it may suffer from various diseases. Sometimes it is necessary to supple- ment the ash naturally present in feeds with additional amounts. Lime An execes- sive amount of ash in a feed may indicate adulteration with dirt, sand, and phosphoric acid are the constituents most often deficient. or other mineral matter. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS ANALYZED Table 1 shows the average composition of many feeding stuffs analyzed during the past year. The analyses of mixed and of proprietary feeds are not included in this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 1.—Average Composition of Feeding Stuffs Analyzed During the Year 1931-1932 9 a g E4: 43+» {a g “+1 +1 d.» ,3 25 g5 g5 "r95 .5 as ‘H Name of Feed “*0 o m0 52o 2O o o g a e a: g a: s’: a: .3 a e a o. E01 E04 E04 £5104 ~80: Eli-a Z 0 O o Z E o I 12 l Alfalfa Leaf Meal __________________________________________ .. 19.55 2.52 20.12 40.12 7.30 10.39 24 | Alfalfa Meal _ ________________________________________________ _, 15,35 2,06 25,57 39,32 3,22 33g 2 l Alfalfa 3mm Meal 11.94 1.52 34.25 38.66 7.35 6.28 19 l Barley Chop, Whole 12.22 2.55 6.22 68.22 7.88 2.91 1 B661; Pulp. Dried _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 8.90 .50 20.45 58.17 9.70 2,28 1 Blood Meal, Dried 90.23 .29 .71 1.51 5.29 1.97 5 l B0118 Meal. Raw 25 36 2.82 1 51 329 6.27 60.75 1 Bone Meal. Special Steamed ............... .. 5.60 .56 3.98 3.02 . 3.87 82.97 1 Brewers’ Dried Grains 565 17.69 43.69 6.72 3.75 16 Buttermilk, Dried ____________________________________________ _. 5 10 .49 41 ()4 8,24 9,95 11 \ Corn Bran 8.04 8.15 61.69 8.17 2.82 21 Corn Chop .. .................................................. .. 10.34 4.54 2.19 71.50 10.10 1,33 33 l Corn Chop, Ear, with Husk. 8 74 3.32 9.91 67.44 8.86 1.73 20 Corn Feed Meal ...................... .. 10.40 4.99 3.19 70.06 9.74 1.62 3 I Corn Germ Meal _ . . . . . . . . .. 23.33 7.31 10.52 49.79 6.99 2.06 6 Corn Gluten Feed _ _ . . _ . . . _ .. 26.96 3.48 720 49.59 7.94 4.83 1 Corn Oil Cake Meal .................. .. 22.59 .85 11.68 55.13 8.12 1.63 117 Cottonseed Cake, 43% Protein 43.68 6.51 11.16 27.26 6.22 5.17 1| Cottonseed Chop .................................. 19.38 15.09 26.91 29.21 6.42 2.99 13 ] Cottonseed Feed, 41.12% Protein Ground 42.31 8.03 11.74 26.90 5.93 5.09 1 Cottonseed Feed, 36% Protein Ground 37.05 6.04 13.18 31.27 6.85 5.61 596 Cottonseed Meal, 43% Protein .................. .. 43.26 7.36 11.03 27.08 5.98 5.29 14 Cottonseed, 28% Protein Whole-PressecL. 29.20 5.52 23.76 32.56 4.67 4.29 18 Cottonseed, 25% Protein Whole-Pressed" 27.37 5.79 25.02 32.86 4.74 4.22 1 Fish Meal 67.58 3.09 .59 7.50 6.88 14.36 1 Flour, Red Dog ............................................ _. 16.38 3.34 2.57 64.17 11.42 2.12 1 Hegari Head Chop ...................................... .. 9.74 2.66 5.46 70.53 8.92 2.69 4 Hegari Heads, Stalks and Stems, Ground 7.57 1.88 17.66 50.17 11.03 11.69 20 Hominy Feed ....................... ....................... .. 11.59 7.69 6.15 63.03 8.68 2.86 1 Kafir Head Chop ................... .. 10.31 2.91 5.51 69.65 7.95 3.67 4 Linseed Meal, 34% Protein ............ .. 36.79 5.14 8.15 35.48 8.62 5.82 56 Meat and Bone Meal, 50% Protein 50.80 12.14 2.28 2.00 5.84 26.94 7 Meat and Bone Scraps, 45% Protein .... .. 49.30 14.47 2.89 1.63 5.23 26.48 3 Meat and Bone Scraps, 42% Protein ..... .. 43.12 15.16 3.53 3.81 5.61 28.77 10 Milk, Dried Skimmed .................................... .. 36.10 .42 .24 49.79 6.13 7.32 5 Milo Chop 11.23 2.46 1.85 72.94 10.15 1.37 9 Milo Head Chop 11.05 2.85 5.88 67.79 8.64 3.79 1 Milo Meal .. .......... .. 11.59 2.98 1.80 72.57 9.87 ’1.19 50 Oat Chop, Whole 11.76 5.72 10.63 59.74 8.39 3.76 17 Oat Groats, Cut, Ground, and Rolled 17.36 6.92 1.88 63.22 8.83 1.79 1 Oatmeal, Feeding . . ..................................... _. 15.98 5.43 1.35 66.85 8.64 1.75 5 Peanut Meal, 43% Protein _ ...................... .. 45.14 8.23 7.74 27.50 5.60 5.79 1 Peanuts, 36% Protein Whole-Pressed 41.61 8.66 8.49 30.66 5.90 4.68 . 3 Peanut Screenings, Ground ....................... .. 26.10 10.98 15.84 34.79 5.78 6.51 r 5 Peanut Hay, Ground ........ _. 9.99 4.00 22.65 45.23 8.93 9.20 ‘z 14 Rice Bran . _ . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . _ _ .. 13.34 14.41 13.27 39.80 7.26 11.92 =’ 7 Rice Polish ................ .. .._. 12.71 I 11.63 2.97 57.15 8.87 6.67 1 Sesame Oil Meal . _ _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.30 9.63 6.43 24.37 6.43 12.84 3 Soy Bean Oil Meal ............................... _. 43.57 5.58 6.15 31.34 7.79 5.57 10 Tankage, Digester, 60% Protein-.. 62.39 10.62 1.93 2.33 6.85 15.88 3 Tankage, Digester, 50% Protein 51.22 13.54 4.23 2.98 5.17 22.86 4 Tankage, Digester, with Bone, 35%Protein 38.39 17.35 5.05 3.13 5.10 30.98 2 Tankage, Feeding, 40% Protein ............ .. 43.26 11.45 3.56 3.21 5.72 32.80 9 Wheat Bran 17.28 4.08 8.35 58.57 8.17 3.55 19 Wheat Bran and Screenings ............... __ 16.70 4.59 9.31 55.40 8.35 5.65 6 Wheat Brown Shorts ...................... .. 16.47 4.72 5.12 61.11 9.19 3.39 1 Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings _. 20.19 4.96 7.20 53.39 8.75 5.51 13 Wheat Chop ...................................... .. 15.99 2.02 2.57 68.35 9.20 1.87 72 Wheat Gray Shorts 17.80 4.51 5.70 58.07 10.02 3.90 2 Wheat Gray Shorts and Scourings 17.33 4.12 6.38 58.52 8.79 4.86 75 Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings ......... .. 17.44 4.50 5.90 58.09 9.96 4.11 16 Wheat Mixed Feed ............................................ ..] 17.11 3.94 6.67 59.02 9.13 4.13 7 Wheat Mixed Feed and Screenings . 15.12 3.96 6.00 62.31 8.49 4.12 6 Wheat White Shorts ___________________________ .. . 15.90 3.64 2.87 65.33 10.03 2.23 2 Whey, Dried ..................................................... .. 15.33 .29 .24 66.84 4.52 12.78 8 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN AND PRODUCTIVE ENERGY OF FEEDS The digestible protein represents that portion of the feed which can be; used for the repair or formation of flesh or nitrogenous body constituents or for the formation of nitrogenous materials in milk or eggs. The pro-f ductive energy represents that portion of the feed which is available for- the purpose of furnishing heat to the animal or energy for life processes, for work or material for the production of the constituents of milk, eggs, or fat. The productive energy represents the net value of the feed forf energy after all losses involved in digestion and assimilation have been; allowed for. The digestible protein and productive energy, therefore, are the two best indicators of the productive value of a feed. " The digestible protein and productive energy of feeds of the average composition shown in Table 1 are given in Table 2. The method of obtain- ing these figures is described fully in Bulletins Nos. 329, 372, 402, 436, and. 461 of this Station. "i Table 2.—Digestible Protein and Productive Energy of Feeds Calculated from Average Analyses Shown in Table 1*. 0 a g NO. ill vii-E Name of Feed Aver- g *5 r: 3 E aged 339$ 3 gig 2g Q p" a. H Alfalfa Leaf Meal .. 12 14.5 44.9 Alfalfa Meal ._ ____ _. 24 11.9 44.4 Alfalfa Stem Meal ............................................................................... .. 2 8.3 38.0 Barley Chop, Whole 19 9.8 76.0 Beet Pulp, Dried 1 4.4 74.6 Blood Meal, Dried . 1 75.8 77.5 Bone Meal, Raw . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 21.1 30.9 Bone Meal, Special Steamed 1 4.7 8.6 Brewers’ Dried Grains 1 18.2 50.7 Buttermilk, Dried -- 16 33.1 87.6 Corn Bran 11 5.9 60.7 Corn Chop ‘ 21 6.6 87.8 Corn Chop, Ear, with Husk . 33 5.2 73.9 Corn Feed Meal ............... .. 20 6.7 87.4 Corn Germ Meal .. » 3 15.0 81.1 Corn Gluten Feed 6 22.8 75.3 Corn Oil Cake Meal _..-. ._.. 1 14.5 71.1 Cottonseed Cake, 43% Protein .................................................... -_ 117 36.9 68.9 Cottonseed Chop -...----.._._---...-----....._.-.-_-..-.-. 1 14.3 70.5 Cottonseed Feed, 41.12% Protein Ground 13 35.7 74.9 Cottonseed Feed, 36% Protein Ground ......................................... -. 1 31.2 66.3 Cottonseed Meal, 43% Protein .. 596 36.5 74.2 Cottonseed, 28% Protein Whole-Pressed ........................................ .. 14 23.4 57.3 Cottonseed, 25% Protein Whole-Pressed ............................ .. 18 21.9 56.5 Fish Meal ................... .. 1 50.8 59.6 Flour, Red Dog . . 1 13.0 82.5 Hegari Head Chop --..._-__ 1 6.7 78.1 Hegari Heads, Stalks and Stems, Ground .................................... .. 4 3.9 43.4 Hominy Feed .... ._ . 20 7.9 86.7 Kafir Head Chop 1 7.1 78.2 Linseed Meal, 34% Protein .................................................. ._ 4 30.9 75.0 Meat and Bone Meal. 50% Protein .... _- 56 44.7 76.3 Meat and Bone Scraps, 45% Protein..- .......... .. 7 48.7 86.9 Meat and Bone Scraps, 42% Protein..- ............... _.. 3 42.6 82.5 Milk, Dried Skimmed ...................................................................... .. 10 34.0 85.1 Milo Chop .... -. ’ 5 8.5 84.3 Milo Head Chop 9 8.4 79.6 Milo Meal 1 8.4 89.4 Oat Chop, Whole 50 9.3 74.4 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 9 Table 2.—Digestible Protein and Productive Energy of Feeds Calculated from Average Analyses Shown in Table 1*—Continued 2 - 8 .5 No. s é, 5 =3 a .2 Name of Feed Aver- l7} ‘$0 5 i3 E“ ‘” 1.. s. "1 r.‘ *- o aged .24)“ o 2m g o Q i“ n. a“ Oat Groats, Cut, Ground, and Rolled ..... .- 17 I 15.7 100.5 Oatmeal, Feeding 1 14.4 99.1 Peanut Meal, 43% Protein __ 5 40.1 86.3 Peanuts, 36% Protein Whole-Pressed _________________________________________________ _. 1 33.6 57.2 Peanut Screenings, Ground . 3 21.1 48.8 Peanut Hay, Ground 5 6.5 46.8 Rice Bran ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _. 14 9.1 69.2 Rice Polish ____________ ._ 7 9.0 91.9 Sesame Oil Meal _ ____________________ __ 1 36.6 60.2 Soy Bean Oil Meal .. 3 36.3 79.6 Tankage, Digests-r, 60% Protein ___________________________________________________ __ 10 43.4 70.8 Tankage, Digester, 50% Protein ‘ 3 35.6 70.3 Tankage, Digester, with Bone, 35% Protein _________________________________ _, 4 26.6 70.2 Tankage, Feeding, 40% Protein 2 30.1 60.0 Wheat Bran 9 13.6 59.5 Wheat Bran and Screenings 19 13.1 58.0 Wheat Brown Shorts _____________ _. ._ 6 13.5 66.7 Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings _ __________________________________________ _. 1 16.6 64.4 Wheat Chop _______ _. 13 13.1 84.3 Wheat Gray Shorts 72 15.0 76.8 Wheat Gray Shorts and Scourings _____________________________ .. . ____________________ -. 2 14.6 7 6.4 Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings . 75 14.7 76.6 Wheat Mixed Feed . . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . .. 16 13.7 62.4 Wheat Mixed Feed and Screenings . 7 12.1 63.2 Wheat White Shorts _-_.... . 6 12.6 83.8 Whey, Dried ................ .. . 2 14.4 82.1 ‘Calculated by the Division of Chemistry under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief. ESTIMATED TONNAGE OF FEEDING STUFFS SOLD IN TEXAS, 1906-1932 Table 3 shows the estimated tonnage of feed sold in Texas yearly during the past twenty-six years as computed from the sale of tax tags, assum- ing that all the tags sold during the period covered by this report are used for feeds sold during that period. It is impossible to give complete data on the number of tons of the various classes of feeds sold for con- sumption in Texas, owing to the fact that some manufacturers purchase blank tax tags and print on the tags, at their places of business, the infor- mation required by the Texas Feed Law. In connection with this table, at- tention should be called to the fact that the figures given represent only the tonnage of commercial feeding stuffs regulated by the Texas Feed Law and do not include the sale of Whole grains. SUGGESTIONS TO PURCHASERS OF FEED Examine Official Tags.-In purchasing feeding stuffs, always carefully examine the official tags attached and purchase on the official guaranty and actual analysis‘ as indicated in the reports of the Division of Feed Control Service, and disregard statements of salesmen or in advertising matter, if they differ from the official tags. 10 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Goods Not as Represented.—ln case any purchaser receives goods which he thinks are not as represented, he may write to the Division of Feed Control Service, giving full details of the matter, stating the quantity on Table 3.--Estimated Tonnage of Feeding Stuffs Sold in Texas, 1906-1932 Years Tons 1906-1907 ............................................ ., 485,805 1907-1908 .... .. 511,661 1908-1909 532,792 1909-1910 ........................................... .. 755,488 1910-1911 _ 820,277 1911-1912 __. 972,340 1912-1913 680,259 1913-1914 ...... __ 847,716 1914-1915 881,136 1915-1916 778,137 1916-1917 974,608 1917-1918 ____ ._ 1,155,055 1918-1919 945,864 1919-1920 754,349 1920-1921 _____ .. 762,769 1921-1922 735,319 1922-1923 ............ _. 932,473 1923-1924 _____ __ 1,009,047 1924-1925 1,015,742 1925-1926 1,119,561 1926-1927 .......... .. 1,181,538 1927-1928 1,226,882 1928-1929 1,370,120 1929-1930 1,434,966 1930-1931 1,112,302 1931-1932 1,093,307 hand and his reasons for suspecting that the feed is not as represented. The Division will investigate the matter carefully and either send an in- spector, if conditions justify so doing, or else send instructions for taking a sample of the feed for further examination. Freight Bills, Invoices, Etc.—It is important that purchasers of feed in car lots should always have available for use of the inspector the fol- lowing information: the total number of tons in the shipment; number and initials of car in which shipment is received; number and date of way- bill; name of railroad issuing waybill; name of town from which shipment was made; name of firm from which feed was purchased; date of original waybill; date shipment was received, and price per ton. This information is especially valuable 'to the Service in all cases involving the shipment of feed from other States, as it will assist in proving the sale and protect- ing Texas purchasers under the Federal Law. Official Tag.-Do not accept any feeding stuff unless Texas tax tags are attached to the sacks, and purchase only those brands which are manu- factured by companies whose record of inspection shows that their guar- anties are maintained. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 11 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS ADOPTED The Director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is empowered to adopt standards for and definitions of feeding stuffs, therefore, the registration of any feeding stuff may be refused if it does not conform to the standard and definition or if application is made under a name which is misleading as to materials of which it is composed. Registrations continue in force until revision or reregistration may be required, unless canceled for cause. The following will be considered as being sufficient cause for the cancelation of any registration, after ten days’ notice, Table 4.—Chemical Standards Minimum Minimum Maximum Name of Feed Protein Fat l Fiber Per Cent Per Centi Per Cent I Alfalfa, Chopped .... .. 13.00 1.50 33.00 Alfalfa Leaf Meal 18.00 Alfalfa Meal ___________________________________________________________________________ .. 13.00 1.50 33.00 Barley, Ground Whole- . . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ __ 6.00 Bone Meal, Raw. 23.00 ...... .. -_--_--- Corn Bran ____ _. . 8.00 5.00 -12.00 Corn Chop ....................................................................................... .. 9.00 3.50 3.00 Corn Chop, Ear 8.00 3.00 8.00 Corn Feed Meal ---.. 8.00 3.00 3.00 Cottonseed Meal and Cake, 48% Protein .................................. .. 48.00 7.00 9.00 Cottonseed Meal and Cake, 45% Protein _. 45.00 6.00 10.00 Cottonseed Meal and Cake, 43% Protein -__ 43.00 6.00 12.00 Cottonseed Feed, 41.12% Protein _______________ _. __ 41.12 5.00 14.00 Cottonseed Feed, 38.56% Protein ................ __ -_ 38.56 5.00 18.00 Cottonseed Feed, 36% Protein ............ _. -.- 36.00 5.00 22.00 Cottonseed, 28% Protein Whole-Pressed 28.00 ...... .. _-.-_--- Cottonseed, 25% Protein Whole-Pressed .................................... .. 25.00 . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . .. Crab Meal ‘. . 25.00 _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . -_ Feterita Chop ............................................................................... _. 11.00 2.80 3.00 Feterita Head Chop .... _. 10.00 2.50 8.00 Hominy Feed ................................................................................ .. 10.00 6.00 7.00 Kafir Chop 10.00 2.50 3.00 Kafir Head Chop 8.50 2.50 8.00 Milo Chop _ 10.00 2.50 3.00 Milo Head Chop - ...... .. -.. 8.00 2.50 8.00 Peanut Meal and Cake, 48% Protein 48.00 7.00 9.00 Peanut Meal and Cake, 45% Protein... 45.00 6.00 10.00 Peanut Meal and Cake, 43% Protein 43.00 6.00 12.00 Peanuts, 36% Protein Whole-Pressed“. 36.00 ....... .. 22.00 Peanuts, 34% Protein Whole-Pressed 34.00 ______ _. 24.00 Rice Bran ................................... .. _ _ 11.00 10.00 15.00 Rice Polish . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . _ . _. 11.00 6.00 4.00 Rye Flour Middlings. . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ . ._ 5.00 Rye Low Grade Feed Flour. _- ...... .. 1.50 Sorghum Chop ....................... .. 9.00 2.50 3.00 Sorghum Head Chop ................................................................... -. 8.00 2.50 8.00 Wheat Bran .................................................................................... .. 14.50 3.00 10.00 Wheat Brown Shorts . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . .. 15.00 3.50 7.50 Wheat Chop 12.00 2.00 3.00 Wheat Gray Shorts ............ -- _ . ____ .. 15.00 3.50 6.00 Wheat Low Grade Feed F1our.. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _. 1.50 Wheat Mixed Feed ....... .. ._ 15.00 3.50 8.50 Wheat Red Dog . . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ . . _ . .. 4.00 Wheat White Shorts 14.50 3.00 3.50 Dairy or Dairy Cow Feed .......................................................... .. 15.00 3.00 16.00 Hog Feed . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . _ . _ .. 14.00 3.50 7.00 Horse and Mule Feed .......... .. 9.00 2.00 15.00 Laying Mash* .. .... .. 18.00 3.50 8.00 *Twenty per cent of the total protein content must be of animal origin. A should be registered, it will be advisable for him to communicate with the Q 12 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION and such registration may be canceled: if a feeding stuff is registered and then discovered to be in violation of the standards and definitions adopted; the use of a brand name that is found to be misleading in any respect;f the use of a feed ingredient that is found to be injurious; the incorrect. labeling of a feed With regard to any ingredient; misbranding or adultera-i tion; notice from the manufacturer that the sale of any given brand has l been discontinued, and notice from the manufacturer that he has, ceased; to do business in Texas. - If a manufacturer is uncertain as to how a certain brand of feed“ Division of Feed Control Service before making application for registration. Table 4 shows the chemical standards now in effect in Texas. Those ‘- for special-purpose mixed feeds, the last four in this table, have also been, I adopted by the South Central States Association of Food, Feed, Drug‘ and Health Officials. - if DEFINITIONS OF AND STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL UNMIXED FEEDS In accepting applications for the registration of feeding stuffs to be g sold in Texas, many of the definitions adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials are followed closely and the names and standards are required to be in conformity with these definitions. In addition to these definitions, the following, some of which apply especially to Texas conditions, include standards and definitions formulated by the Division of Feed Control Service from the most reliable data available. Alfalfa Products Alfalfa Meal is the product obtained from the grinding of the entire 7 alfalfa hay, without the addition of any alfalfa stems, alfalfa straw, or i‘ foreign material, or the abstraction of leaves. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds. Standard: It must contain not less than 13 per cent of crude protein and 1.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 33 per cent of crude fiber. Chopped Alfalfa is the entire alfalfa hay, chopped and not ground finely enough to become a meal. It must not contain an admixture of alfalfa straw or other foreign material. Standard: It must contain not less than 13 per cent of crude protein and 1.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 33 per cent of crude fiber. Alfalfa Leaf Meal is the ground product consisting chiefly of leafy materials separated from alfalfa hay. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds, and must. not contain more than 18 per cent of crude fiber. a Alfalfa Stem Meal is the ground product remaining after the separation of the leafy material from alfalfa hay or meal. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds. rlfflWfiWwwlrwrrn .- ,‘ . COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 13 Animal Products Blood Meal is ground, dried blood. Blood Flour is dried blood, prepared by special processes and reduced to a fine powder. Digester Tankage, Meat Meal Tankage, or Feeding Tankage is the residue from animal tissues exclusive of hoofs, horn, manure, and stomach contents, except in such traces as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice, especially prepared for feeding purposes by tanking under live steam or by dry-rendering or a mixture of the products made suitable by drying and grinding. When these products contain more than 10 per cent of phos- phoric acid (P205), they shall be designated Digester Tankage with Bone, Meat and Bone Meal Digester Tankage, Meat and Bone Meal Tankage, or Feeding Tankage with Bone. If they bear a name descriptive of their kind, composition, or origin, they must correspond thereto. Meat Scraps are the ground dry-rendered residue from animal tissues ex- clusive of hoof, horn, manure, and stomach contents, except in such traces as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice. When this product contains more than 10 per cent of phosphoric acid (P205), it shall be desig- nated Meat and Bone Scrap. If they bear a name descriptive of their kind, composition, or origin, they must correspond thereto. Raw Bone Meal is the dried, ground product suitable for animal feeding, obtained by cooking in water at atmospheric pressure undecomposed bones, just enough to remove excess fat and meat. It must not contain less than 23 per cent of protein. Steamed Bone Meal is the dried, ground product suitable for animal feeding obtained by cooking bones with steam under pressure. Special Steamed Bone Meal is the dried, ground product suitable for animal feeding, obtained by cooking dried bone after the removal of grease and meat fiber with steam under pressure in the process of obtaining gela- tine or glue. Barley Products Barley Mixed Feed is the entire offal from the milling of barley flour from clean barley, and is composed of barley hulls and barley middlings. Barley Hulls are the outer coverings of the barley. Barley Feed is the entire by-product resulting from the manufacture of pearl barley from clean barley. Ground Barley is the entire product obtained by grinding clean, sound barley, containing not less than 90 per cent of pure barley and not more than 10 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, and other foreign material, and l, not more than 6 per cent of fiber, provided that no portion of this stated >10 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, or other foreign material shall be r deliberately added. Mixed Feed Barley is the entire product obtained by grinding country- f‘ run barley containing not less than 75 per cent of pure barley and not more than 25 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, and other foreign material, 14 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION provided that no portion of this stated 25 per cent of other grains, We seeds, or foreign material shall be deliberately added. The ingredients m _ be stated as barley, other grains, weed seeds, and other foreign materi _' Brewers’ and Distillers’ Products Brewers’ Dried Grains are the properly dried residue from cereals o? tained in the manufacture of beer. Distillers’ Dried Grains are the dried residue from cereals obtained C? the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors. The product must bear’ the designation indicating the cereal predominating. 7 Distillers’ Corn Solubles, a by-product from the manufacture of alcohol‘ from. corn, is a mash liquor concentrated after the removal of the alcoholj and wet grains. i- Distillers’ Corn and Rye Solubles, a by-product from the manufacture of f ' alcohol from corn and rye, is a mash liquor concentrated after the removal of the alcohol and wet grains. l’ Distillers’ Rye Solubles, a by-product from the manufacture of alcohol from rye, is a mash liquor concentrated after the removal of the alcohol and f. Wet grains. I Malt Sprouts are the sprouts of the barley grain obtained in the malting -~ process. Sprouts derived from any other malted cereal must be designated a by the name of that cereal. Yeast or Vinegar Dried Grains are the properly dried residue from the mixture of cereals, malt, and malt sprouts (sometimes cottonseed meal), obtained in the manufacture of yeast or vinegar, and consists of corn or corn and rye, from which most, of the starch has been extracted, together with malt added during the manufacturing process to change the starch to sugars, and malt sprouts (sometimes cottonseed meal) added during the manufacturing process to aid in filtering the residue from the Wort and serve as a source of food supply for the yeast. Corn Products Corn Meal (Feeding) is finely ground, unbolted" corn. Corn Bran is the outer coating of the corn kernel, with little or no starchy part or germ. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Feed Meal is the fine siftings obtained in the manufacture of screened corn chop, screened ground corn or screened cracked corn, with or Without its aspiration products added. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Chop, Ground Corn, or Cracked Corn is the entire product made by grinding, cutting or chopping the grains of sound Indian corn, and may be fine, medium or coarse, and must not contain more than 4 per cent of foreign material. Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent of COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 15 crude protein and 3.5 per cent‘of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Screened Corn Chop, Screened Ground Corn, or Screened Cracked Corn is the coarse portion of corn chop, ground corn or cracked corn from which most of the fine particles have been removed, and must not contain more than 4 per cent of foreign material. Corn Grits, Hominy Grits are the fine or medium sized, hard flinty por- tions of Indian corn containing little or nobran or germ. Ear Corn Chop is corn and cob chopped, Without the husk, With not a greater proportion of cob than occurs in the ear corn in its natural state. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Gluten Meal is that part of commercial shelled corn that remains after the separation of the larger part of the starch, the germ, and the bran, by the processes employed in the manufacture of cornstarch. It may or may not contain corn solubles. Corn Gluten Feed is that part of commercial shelled corn that remains after the separation of the larger part of the starch and the germs by the processes employed in the manufacture of cornstarch. It may or may not contain corn solubles. Maltose Process Corn Gluten Feed is the dried residue from degermed corn, after removal of starch in the manufacture of malt syrup. Hominy Feed, Hominy Meal, or Hominy Chop is the kiln-dried mixture of the mill-run bran coating, the mill-run germ, with or Without a partial extraction of the oil, and a part of the starchy portion of the white corn kernel obtained in the manufacture of hominy, hominy grits, and é corn meal by the degerming process. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of crude protein and 6 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 7 per cent of crude fiber. Yellow Hominy Feed, Yellow Hominy Meal, or Yellow Hominy Chop is a kiln-dried mixture of the mill-run bran coating, the mill-run germ, with or without a partial extraction of the oil, and a part of the starchy portion of the yellow corn kernel obtained in the manufacture of yellow hominy grits and yellow corn meal by the degerming process. Standard: It must < contain not less than 10 per cent of crude protein and 6 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 7 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Oil Cake consists of the corn germ from Which part of the oil has been pressed and is the product obtained in the wet-milling process . of manufacture of cornstarch, corn syrup, and other corn products. it Corn Oil Meal is ground corn oil cake. Corn Germ Cake consists of corn germ with other parts of the corn i kernel from which part of the oil has been pressed, and is the product 1 obtained in the dry-milling process of manufacture of corn meal, corn 7? grits, hominy feed, and other corn products. i Corn Germ Meal is ground corn germ cake. a Corn Screenings are the small light grains of corn, parts of grains of , corn and/or other cereals, and other materials having feeding value, wzrxrnwvgyv-qag" ' - ' "we-sum ww-v aw W“ ' 16 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION obtained by screening shelled corn, excluding sand, dirt and other similar inert materials. Cottonseed Products* The percentage of cottonseed hulls contained in cottonseed feed must be shown on the tags in order that this product may not be considered adulterated. 48 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reasonably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in odor, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 48 per cent of crude protein and not less than 55 per cent of crude protein and crude fat com- bined, and not more than 9 per cent of crude fiber. 45 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reason- ably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in odor, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 45 per cent of crude protein, and not less than 51 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 10 per cent of crude fiber. 43 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reason- ably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in odor, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 43 per cent of crude protein and not less than 49 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. Cottonseed Meal, Off Quality. Cottonseed meal not fulfilling the above requirements as to color, odor, or texture shall be branded “Off Quality,” that is, “43 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Off Quality.” Higher grades shall be similarly designated. Cottonseed Cake shall correspond to cottonseed meal in composition and as to standards and classifications. 41.12 Per Cent Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed must be reasonably bright in color, sweet in odor, and must contain not more than 5 per cent of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 41.12 per cent of crude protein and not less than 46.12 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 14 per cent of crude fiber. 38.56 Per Cent Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed must be reasonably bright in color, sweet in odor, and must contain not more than 12 per cent of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 38.56 per cent of crude protein and not less than 43.56 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 18 per cent of crude fiber. 36 Per Cent Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed must be reasonably bright in color, sweet in odor, and must contain not more than 17.50 per cent of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 36 per cent of crude protein and not less than 41 per cent of crude protein and crude. fat combined, and not more than 22 per cent of crude fiber. Cracked Cottonseed Feed shall correspond to ground cottonseed feed as to standards and classifications. *Definitions not adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. “w. .1 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS. 17 28 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed, Prime Quality, is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean, unde- corticated cottonseed t0 pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire cottonseed, less the oil extracted and the lint removed. Standard: It must contain not less than 28 per cent of crude protein. 25 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed, Prime Quality, is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean, unde- corticated cottonseed to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire cottonseed, less the oil extracted and the lint removed. Standard: It must contain not less than 25 per cent of crude protein. \ Ground Whole~Pressed Cottonseed is Whole-pressed cottonseed, ground. It must correspond to whole-pressed cottonseed in composition and as to standards and classifications. ' Feterita Products Feterita Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent of protein, 2.8 per cent of fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Feterita Head Chop consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Kafir Products Kafir Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 3 per" cent of crude fiber. Kafir Head Chop consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8:50 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Kafir Head Stems consists of the head of kafir from which the grain has been removed. Linseed and Flax Products Linseed Cake or Meal is oil cake or meal made from flaxseed, provided that the final product must contain less than 6 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials, and provided further, that no portion of the stated 6 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials shall be deliberately added. Old Process Oil Meal, Old Process Linseed Meal is oil meal as defined or linseed meal as defined produced by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure. New Process Oil Meal, New Process Linseed Meal is oil meal as defined or linseed meal as defined produced by crushing, heating, and the use of solvents. 18 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Flax Plant By-Product is that portion of the flax plant remaining after p the separation of the seed, the bast fiber and a portion of the shives, and f1 consists of flax shives, flax pods, broken and immature flax seeds, and the cortical tissues of the stem. Ground Flaxseed or Flaxseed Meal is the product obtained by grinding l; flaxseed which has been screened and cleaned of weed seeds and other for- ' eign materials by the most improved commercial process, provided that the final product must contain less than 4 per cent of weed seeds and other .i foreign materials, and provided further that no portion of the stated 4 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials shall be deliberately added. Unscreened Flaxseed Oil Feed Cake is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from unscreened flaxseed by crushing, cooking, and hy- draulic pressure, or by crushing, heating, and the use of solvents. The ingredients shall be stated as partially extracted flaxseed and foreign seeds (wheat, Wild buckwheat, pigeon grass, wild mustard, etc.). Ground Unscreened Flaxseed Oil Feed is the ground unscreened flaxseed oil feed cake. Screenings Oil Feed is the ground product obtained after extraction of part of the oil by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure, or by crushing, heating, and the use of solvents from the smaller imperfect grains, weed" seeds and other foreign materials, having feeding value, separated in clean- ing the grain. The name of the grain from which the screenings are sepa- rated shall be prefixed to “screenings oil feed.” Oil Cake is the product obtained after the extraction of part of the oil by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure, or by crushing, heating and the use of solvents, from seeds which have been screened and cleaned of weed seeds, and other foreign materials by the most improved commercial process. When used alone the term “Oil Cake” shall be understood to designate linseed cake as defined. When used to: cover any other products the name of the seed from which it is obtained must be prefixed to the Words “Oil Cake”. Oil Meal, or Ground Oil Cake is oil cake ground to a meal. Marine Products Fish Meal (Feeding) is clean, dried, ground tissues of undecomposed whole fish and / or fish cuttings with or without the extraction of part of the oil. Fish Residue Meal (Feeding) is the clean, undecomposed residue from the manufacture of glue from non-oily fish. . Crab Meal (Feeding) is prepared from the undecomposed waste of the crab industry and contains the shell, viscera and part or all of the flesh. It contains at least 25 per cent of protein. Shrimp Meal (Feeding) is prepared from the undecomposed Waste of the shrimp industry and contains the head, hull and/or the whole shrimp. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 19 Milk Products Evaporated Buttermilk (Feeding), Concentrated Buttermilk (Feeding), Condensed Buttermilk (Feeding), is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from clean, sound buttermilk derived from natural cream to which no foreign substances have been added ex- cepting such as are permitted and necessary in the manufacture of butter. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids, not less than 2 per cent of butterfat, and not more than .14 per cent of ash for each per cent of solids. This definition does not prohibit the use of a distinctive trade name, provided it is followed by one of the names given. _ Dried Skimmed Milk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the re- moval of Water from clean, sound skimmed milk. It contains not more than 8 per cent of moisture. Condensed Skimmed Milk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of Water from clean, sound skimmed milk. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids. Milo Products Milo Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Milo Head Chop consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. _ Milo Head Stems consists of the head of the milo from which the grain has been removed. Oat Products Oat Hulls are the outer coverings of the oat. Oat Middlings are the floury portions of the oat groat obtained in the milling of rolled oats. Oat Shorts are the covering of the oat grain lying immediately inside the hull, being a fuzzy material carrying with it considerable portions’ of the fine floury part of the groat obtained in the milling of rolled oats. Clipped Oat By-Product is the by-product obtained in the manufacture of clipped oats. It may contain the light chaffy material broken from the end of the hulls, empty hulls, light immature oats, and dust. It must not contain an excessive amount of oat hulls. Oat Chop, Ground Oats, Pulverized Oats, Crushed Oats, and Crimped i‘ Oats consists of the entire product made by chopping, cutting, grinding, " crushing or crimping oats. Oat Groats are the kernels produced from cleaned and dried oats in the I‘ process of manufacturing oat meal. Hulled Oats, Undried Oat Groats’ are the kernels produced from the undried grain in the process of hulling oats. 20 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Oat Meal, Ground Oat Groats is the product produced by cutting, cra: ing or grinding oat greats. Rolled Oat Groats (Rolled Oats) is the product obtained in the pro of rolling oat groats. i Peanut Products* 48 Per Cent Protein Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels i sound peanuts, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materia Standard: It must be finely ground and of sweet odor, and must conta not less than 48 per cent of protein, not less than 7 per cent of fat, and t more than 9 per cent of crude fiber. _ 45 Per Cent Protein Meal is the product from the kernels of sou peanuts, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard’ It must be of sweet odor, and contain not less than 45 per cent of protei not less than 6 per cent of fat, and not more than 10 per cent of crude. fiber. 43 Per Cent Protein Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of soun peanuts, reasonably free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials; Standard: It must be of sweet odor, and contain not less than 43 per cent‘; of protein, not less than 6 per cent of fat, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. l Peanut Cake shall correspond to peanut meal in composition and as to '6" standards. l 36 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean peanuts, free from sticks, stems f; and dirt, to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire pea- nut less the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 36 per cent of protein and not more than 22 per cent of crude fiber. 34 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts is the product resulting from subjecting the Whole, sound, mature, clean peanuts, reasonably free from sticks and stems, to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire peanut less the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 34 per cent of protein and not more than 24 per cent of crude fiber. Ground Whole-Pressed Peanuts shall correspond to whole-pressed pea- nuts in composition and as to standards. Rice Products Rice Bran is the pericarp or bran layer of the rice, with only such quan- tity of hull fragrants as is unavoidable in the regular milling of rice. Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent of crude protein and 10 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 15 per cent of crude fiber. Rice Polish is the finely powdered material obtained in polishing the kernel. Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent of crude protein and 6 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 4 per cent of crude fiber. ‘Definitions not adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS l 21 Rice Hulls are the outer coverings of the rice. Rice Meal is ground brown rice or ground rice after the hull has been removed. p Ground Rough Rice is ground rice from which the hull has not been re- moved or ground paddy rice. Rice Stone Bran is the siftings from the material secured in removing hulls from rice and contains rice germs, broken rice, and some rice hulls. Rice Huller Bran is a product secured by the huller and cones from brown rice and consists mostly of the bran and germs. Sorghum Products Sorghum Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent of crude protein and 2.5 per cent crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Sorghum Head Chop consists of, the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 2.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Sorghum Head Stems consists of the head of sorghum from which the grain has been removed. Sugar Beet Product Dried Beet Pulp is the dried residue from sugar beets which have been cleaned and freed from crowns, leaves and sand, and which have been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar. Wheat Products Wheat Bran is the coarse outer covering of the wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial mill- ing. Standard: It must contain not less than 14.50 per cent of crude pro- tein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 10 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Red Dog, a by-product obtained in the usual commercial process of flour milling, consists principally of aleurone with small quantities of flour and fine bran particles and must not contain more than 4 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Brown Shorts consists mostly of the fine particles of bran, germ, and very little of the fibrous offal obtained from the “tail of the mill.” This product must be obtained in the usual commercial process of milling. Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 7.5 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Gray Shorts (Total Shorts) consists of the fine particles of the outer bran, the inner bran or bee-Wing bran, the germ and the offal, or fibrousmaterial obtained from the “tail of the mill.” This product must be obtained in the usual process of commercial milling. Standardzlt 22 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION must contain not less than 15 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 6 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat White Shorts consists of a small portion of the fine bran particles and the germ and a large portion of the fibrous offal obtained from the “tai1 of the mill.” This product must be obtained in the usual process of flour milling. Standard: It must contain not less than 14.5 per cent of crude protein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 3.5 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Mixed Feed consists of pure Wheat bran and the gray or total shorts combined in the proportions obtained in the usual process of com- mercial milling. Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 8.5 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Low Grade Feed Flour, a by-product obtained in the usual com- mercial process of flour milling, consists principally of flour with small quantities of aleurone and fine bran particles and must not contain more than 1.5 per cent of crude fiber. ' Screenings consists of the smaller imperfect grains, Weed seeds, and other foreign material, having feeding value, separated in cleaning the grain. Scourings consists of such portions of the cuticle, brush, white caps, dust, smut, and other such materials as are separated from the grain in the usual commercial process of scouring. Note.--If to any of the Wheat by-product feeds there should be added screenings or scourings, as defined, either ground or unground, bolted or unbolted, such brand shall be so registered, labeled, and sold as clearly to indicate this fact. The word “Screenings” or “Scourings,” as the case may be, shall appear as a part of the name or brand and shall be printed in type of the same size and face as the remainder of the brand name. When the Word “Screenings” appears it is not necessary to show also on the label the word “Scourings.” Recleaned Wheat Screenings* shall consist of the smaller imperfect grains of Wheat after all weed seeds and other foreign materials have been removed. Wheat Chop is the entire berry of sound Wheat, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 12 per cent of crude protein and 2 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Miscellaneous Products Palm Kernel Oil Meal is the ground residue from the extraction of part of the oil by pressure or solvents from the kernel of the fruit of Elaeis guineensis or Elaeis malanococca. Ground Velvet Bean and Pod is the product derived by grinding velvet beans “in the pod.” It contains no additional pods or other materials. Velvet Bean Meal is ground velvet beans containing only an unavoidable trace of hulls or pods. ‘Definition not adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 23 Coeoanut Oil Meal or “Copra Oil Meal” is the ground residue from the extraction of part of the oil from the dried meat of the cocoanut. Ivory Nut Meal is the ground Waste material resulting from the manufacture of buttons and similar articles from the vegetable ivory nut. Processed Garbage is composed of animal and vegetable Waste from garbage collected sufficiently often that harmful decomposition has not set in and is separated from materials such as crockery, glass, or similar material. Its odor must not be suggestive of the presence of decomposition and it must contain less than one per cent of glass. None of it shall contain knife-like or needle-like particles, and providing further, that the maximum percentage of glass be stated on the label when present in excess of one-fifth of one per cent. Chop is a ground or chopped feed composed of one or more different cereals or by-products thereof. If it bears a name descriptive of the kind of cereals, it must be made ‘exclusively of the entire grains of those cereals. . Head Chop consists of the entire head of the grain sorghum chopped, and bears the name of the sorghum from which it is made. This includes, among others, kafir head chop, milo head chop, feterita head chop, and sorghum head chop. Head Stems consist of the head of the grain sorghums, from which the grain has been removed, and bears the name of the sorghum from which it is made. TENTATIVE DEFINITIONS Fish Oils Cod Liver Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from cod livers. ‘Sardine Oil, Pilchard Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from the Whole Pacific sardine or pilchard or from cannery refuse of this species of fish. Salmon Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from the cannery refuse of salmon. Tuna Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from the cannery refuse of tuna. Menhaden Oil is the product obtained by the extraction of part of the oil from whole menhaden. Marine Products Fish Meal (Feeding) is clean, dried, ground tissues of undecomposed whole fish and / or fish cuttings with or. Without the extraction of part of the oil, and contains not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). Fish Residue Meal (Feeding) is the clean, undecomposed residue from the manufacture of glue from non-oily fish, and contains not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). 24 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Crab Meal (Feeding) is prepared from the undecomposed waste of the i crab industry and contains the shell, viscera and part or all of the flesh. It contains not less than 25 per cent of protein and not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). Shrimp Meal (Feeding) is prepared from the undecomposed Waste of the shrimp industry and contains the head, hull and / or the whole shrimp and not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). Milk Products Dried Buttermilk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the removal of water from clean, sound buttermilk derived from natural cream, to which no foreign substances have been added, excepting such as are necessary and permitted in the manufacture of butter. It contains not more than 8 per cent of moisture, not more than 13 per cent of mineral matter (ash), and not less than 5 per cent of butterfat, as determined by the Roese-Gottlieb method. Dried Soured Skimmed Milk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the removal of water from clean, sound skimmed milk which has been soured by a suitable culture of lactic bacteria. It contains not more than 8 per cent of moisture. Milk Sugar Feed (Dried Whey) is the by-product from the manufacture of cheese containing at least 70 per cent of lactose (milk sugar). Evaporated Soured Skimmed Milk (Feeding), Concentrated Soured Skimmed Milk (Feeding), Condensed Soured Skimmed Milk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from the clean, sound skimmed milk which has been soured by a suitable culture of lactic bacteria. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids. Miscellaneous Products Table Scrap Meal is the properly cooked, dried and ground residue result- ing from freshly collected hotel and house garbage from which all metal, crockery, glass, and other foreign material has been removed except in such traces as may unavoidably occur in good factory practice. The fin- ished product must not be suggestive of material decomposition in odor. It must not contain any sharp, needle-pointed pieces of glass and must not contain more than one-fifth of one per cent of finely ground glass or dull particles of glass. Iodized Salt (Feeding) is common salt (NaCl) containing an alkaline iodide in quantity not less than 0.015 per cent of iodine, uniformly dis- tributed. Hominy Feed or Meal is a mixture of corn bran, corn germ (with or without a partial extraction of the oil), a part of the starchy portion of either white or yellow corn kernels or mixture thereof, obtained in the manufacture of hominy, hominy grits or table meal, and contains not less than 5 per cent of fat. If prefixed with the Words White or yellow the product must correspond thereto. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 25 Oat Mill Feed (Oat Hulls, Oat Shorts, and Oat Middlings) is the entire by-product produced in the manufacture of oat groats and consists of oat hulls, oat shorts and oat middlings. MINERAL» FEEDS In order to promote uniformity of registration and labeling of mineral feeds, the following regulations have been adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials and the Division of Feed Control Service: Mixed feed containing both feed and more than 5 per cent of mineral ingredients requires, in addition to the usual declaration of the chemical feed analysis, a declaration of each ingredient contained therein and the minimum percentages of lime (CaO), phosphoric acid (P205), iodine (I), and the maximum percentage of salt (NaCl) if same be present. If minerals predominate in the mixture, the usual declaration of the chemical feed analysis, with the exception of protein, may be omitted. Mineral feeds containing no organic ingredient do not require the usual chemical feed guaranty, butido require a declaration of each ingredient contained therein and the minimum percentages of lime (CaO), phosphoric acid (P205), iodine (I), and the maximum percentage of salt NaCl) if same be present. The mineral ingredients should be stated in the common English terms, if any such terms exist. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN FEED CONTROL OFFICIALS p’ The following resolutions have been adopted by the Association of iAmerican Feed Control Officials: Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that we understand the term “Nitrogen-free Extract” to cover the product indicated by the ‘percentage obtained by subtracting from 100 per cent the sum of the per- entages of Ash, Moisture, Protein, Fat and Fiber; Resolved, That the term “Carbohydrates” be interpreted to cover the roduct indicated by the percentage obtained by the addition of the per- ntages of crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract; Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that a ton of feed be 000 pounds, net; ‘i; Resolved, That this Association go on record as opposing the use of ond-hand bags unless they are turned wrong side out so that the orig- Val stenciling will not be displayed; Resolved, That the Association go on record to the effect that the term l acked corn does not apply to degermed cracked corn; " Resolved, That this Association go on record as condemning the practice A packing feeding stuffs in bags containing 99 pounds net and billing and rging for 100 pounds net; Whereas, Linseed Oil Meal is sold more or less on the basis of the pro- V’ content, as in the case of cottonseed meal; therefore, be it and which are sold or represented for the primary purpose of supply“, 26 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Resolved, That the percentage of protein should be prefixed to linsi cake or meal, as is done with cottonseed meal; for example, 34 per A protein linseed meal; A Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that no product s? under a trade or proprietary name be recognized for the purpose of f0 n; lating definitions, standards, etc. . s g Resolved, That all mixtures containing mineral ingredients gener regarded as dietary factors essential for the normal nutrition of ani these _minerals as additions to rations in which these same mineral fact may be deficient, be classified as mineral feeds; * Resolved, That all other preparations which are sold or rspresen primarily for the cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease be classifi l by this Association as drugs, medicines, or specifics; Resolved, That this Association go on record as condemning the u '_ ' of the word vitamin in a brand name, and as opposing the acceptan‘ of registration of feeds with this word in the brand name; Resolved, (a) That it is the sense of this Association that the nami of feed materials or their combinations must not be misleading as ’ the kind, character and nature of the material or materials; , (b) That the name of each feed material should be stated in its simplest form and in the common English term, if such term exists, omitting a “I superfluous or ambiguous words; ‘ (c) That if a descriptive name is used, the material must correspond thereto ; Resolved, That this Association go on record as disapproving any uséY of artificial colors in the manufacture of feed stuffs. ‘ TENTATIVE GUARANTIES FOR FEEDS Table 5 shows tentative guaranties for the convenience of manufacturersi in registering feeding stuffs for sale in Texas. There will be no objection; if manufacturers wish to register under better guaranties if the quality, of the feeds justify this action. It is to be understood, however, that man-i ufacturers are responsible for their guaranties and that the Division oft; Feed Control Service accepts no responsibility for feeds failing to meeti the guaranties. Table 5.-—Tentative Guaranties Nitrogen- Crude Crude Fat Crude free Protein not less Fiber not Extract Name of Feed not less than more than not less than Per Cent Per Cent than Per Cent Per Cent l Alfalfa, Chopped ........................................................ .. 13.00 1.50 33.00 \ 35.00 Alfalfa Leaf Meal .................................................. _. 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 Alfalfa Meal .......................................................... 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 ‘ Alfalfa Stem Meal ................................................ 9.00 .80 40.00 30.00 Barley Chop, Whole .............................................. _.| 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 27 Table 5.—Tentative Guarantiek-Continued Nitrogen- Crude Crude Fat Crude free Protein not less Fiber not Extract Name °f Feed not less than more than not less than Per Cent Per Cent than Per Cent Per Cent Barley, Hulled 10.00 2.50 2.50 72.00 Beet Pulp, Dried 8.00 .50 22.00 52.00 Blood Meal .. . 80.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Bone Meal, Raw .......................................................... _. 23.00 2.00 5.00 0.00 Bone Meal. Special Steamed .. . 5.00 0.00 3.00 4.00 Brewers’ Dried Grains _. ............................... _. 21.00 6.00 18.00 40.00 Buckwheat ................... ._ ____ 10.00 2.50 10.00 62.00 Buttermilk, Dried _________________________________________________ ._ 32.00 6.00 1.00 35.00 Cocoanut Meal 20.00 6.00 12.00 40.00 Corn Bran 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 Corn Chop 1 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 Corn Chop, Ear ........................................... .. 8.00 3.00 8.00 64.00 Corn Chop, Ear, with Husk ................................... -. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 Corn Cobs 2.00 .50 34.00 50.00 Corn Feed Meal . 8.00 3.00 3.00 67.00 Corn Germ Meal ....................................................... .. 18.00 7.00 9.00 50.00 Corn Gluten Feed ..... .- .. 23.00 2.50 7.00 50.00 Corn Gluten Meal . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ .. .. 40.00 1.00 4.00 40.00 Cotton Burs .. __... 8.00 2.00 30.00 44.00 Cottonseed Cake, 45% Protein ._ .. 45.00 6.00 10.00 22.00 Cottonseed Cake, 43% Protein ............................ ..' 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 Cottonseed Chop .. 20.00 17.00 20.00 25.00 Cottonseed Feed, 41.12% Protein ....................... _. 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 Cottonseed Feed, 38.56% Protein .................. __ 38.56 5.00 18.00 27.00 Cottonseed Feed, 36% Protein . . . _ . _ . . . . . . _ _. 36.00 5.00 22.00 28.00 Cottonseed Hulls ........................... .. . 3.00 .50 50.00 30.00 Cottonseed Meal, 45% Protein ____ -. 45.00 6.00 10.00 22.00 Cottonseed Meal, 43% Protein ............ -- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 Cottonseed, 28% Protein Whole-Pressed 28.00 6.00 23.00 29.00 Cottonseed, 25% Protein Whole-Pressed ............ _. 25.00 6.00 25.00 29.00 Emmer Chop ..... .. ___. 11.00 1.50 10.00 63.00 Feterita Chop ............. ........................................ __ 11.00 2.80 3.00 69.00 Feterita Head Chop 10.00 2.50 8.00 64.00 Fish Meal . _ . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . _ . . . . _ _. 50.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 Flax Plant By-Product ________________________________________ .. 8.00 4.00 35.00 35.00 Flaxseed _...___.. 22.00 32.00 7.00 23.00 Hegari Chop -. . 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 Hegari Heads, Stalks and Stems ........................ .. 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 Hominy Feed .. 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 Kafir Chop ------- _. 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 Kafir Head Chop. 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 Kafir Heads, Stalks and Stems ............................. -. 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 Linseed Meal, 34% Protein .......... .. 34.00 6.00 9.00 35.00 Linseed Meal, 32% Protein ..._- _ __ . 32.00 6.00 9.00 35.00 Meat Meal . ......................... .. . 50.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 Milk, Dried Skimmed ............................................. -- 34.00 .20 0.00 50.00 Millet Seed .... -. 11.00 4.00 10.00 57.00 Milo Chop ......... _. .. 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 Milo Head Chop; 8.00 2.50 8.00 65.00 Milo Head Stems ............................. .. 5.00 1.00‘ 25.00 53.00 Milo Heads, Stalks and Stems ....................... .. 6.50 1.90 20.00 55.00 i’; Molasses, Beet 3.50 0.00 0.00 59.00 i‘, Molasses, Blackstrap 2.40 0.00 0.00 65.00 _ Oat By-Product, Clipped ......................................... .. 6.00 2.00 30.00 35.00 t Oat Chop, Whole .. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 v Oat Groats .... __ 16.00 6.00 1.50 65.00 r Oat Hulls -- 3.00 1.00 30.00 51.00 9* Oatmeal Mill By-Product... ____________________________ ._ 6.00 2.00 26.00 50.00 3 Oat Shorts, or Middlings ........................................ _. 15.00 6.00 1.00 ' 65.00 '- Paille-Fine Hay .. . 11.00 2.00 25.00 40.00 Peanut Cake, 45% Protein ..................................... _. 45.00 6.00 10.00 23.00 Peanut Cake, 43% Protein .................................... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 Peanut Hay .. 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 Peanut Hay with Nuts ........................................... _. 12.00 12.00 25.00 30.00 Peanut Hulls ..... -. .. .. 8.00 1.50 55.00 25.00 Peanut Kernels ........ .. -- 26.00 44.00 3.00 17.00 28 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 5.-—~Tentative Guaranties—Continued ! . l Nitrogen- PCrude Crude Fat F (grude E free t rotein not less i er not xtrac Name of Feed not less than more than not less than Per Cent Per Cent than Per Cent Per Cent Peanut Meal, 45% Protein ____________________________________ _, 45.00 6.00 10.00 23.00 Peanut Meal, 43% Protein _________________________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 Peanuts, 36% Protein Whole-Pressed...» --.-. 36.00 6.00 22.00 20.00 Peanuts, 34% Protein Whole-Pressed __________________ .. 34.00 6.00 24.00 20.00 Peas, Canadian 24.00 1.20 5.00 55.00 Rice, Cleaned - 9.00 1.00 1.00 77.00 Rice, Rough .... _. . __. 7.00 1.80 10.00 63.00 Rice Bran 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 Rice Hulls _____ 1 3.00 .50 36.00 30.00 Rice Polish ~——~* 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 Rice Screenings 9.00 3.00 6.00 50.00 Rye Chop 10.00 1.50 2.00 72.00 Sorghum Chop 9.00 2.50 3.00 69.00 Sorghum Fodder, Ground .......................................... _. 8.00 2.00 30.00 42.00 Sorghum Hay, Ground . . . _ _ _ _ . _ .. 5.30 2.80 28.50 48.00 Sorghum Head Chop _______________________________________________ _. 8.00 2.50 8.00 65.00 Soybean Oil Meal 41.00 6.00 6.00 28.00 Sunflower Seed . 16.00 21.00 30.00 21.00 Tankage, Digester .................................................. -. 60.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 Velvet Bean Meal 22.00 4.50 4.00 51.00 Velvet Beans with Pod ___________________________________________ _. 17.00 3.50 17.00 48.00 Wheat Bran __. 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 Wheat Chop ........................................................... _. 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 Wheat Flour, Low Grade Feed 14.00 1.50 1.50 70.00 Wheat Flour, Red Dog ___________________________________________ .. 15.00 2.50 4.00 65.00 Wheat Germ 30.00 10.00 2.50 45.00 Wheat Mixed Feed 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 Wheat Screenings 12.50 2.50 6.00 65.00 Wheat Shorts, Brown ______________________________________________ a 17.50 4.50 7.50 53.00 Wheat Shorts, Gray ____ .. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 Wheat Shorts, White .............................................. -- 14.50 3.00 3.50 60.00 PURPOSE OF THE TEXAS FEED LAW The purpose of the Texas Feed Law is to afford protection to manufac- turers and purchasers of feeding stuffs in the State 0f Texas. Through the rigid enforcement of the law the Division of Feed Control Service furnishes protection against adulterated feed, which has resulted in many low-grade feeds being withdrawn from the market. Consumers have become better acquainted with the value of various materials used for feeding animals, and they are enabled to purchase feeds more profitably than before the feed law was enacted. By comparing the ingredients, analyses, and prices of various feeds, the purchaser is enabled to deter- mine for himself which feeding stuff is best suited for his particular need. If he should have an difficulty in this regard he may Write to the Division for additional information. The honest manufacturer of feeding stuffs is protected by the develop- ment and impartial enforcement of uniform standards and definitions which have a tendency to eliminate unfair competition. Every manufacturer is expected to comply With the law, not only for the sake of compliance, but because in the long run it is the wiser course. The manufacturer who habitually complies with the law has the confidence of the consumers of the feed and the public in general and avoids the unnecessary expense COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 29 and the unsavory reputation incident to prosecution for violation. The following summary of the Texas Feed Law is given for the infor- mation of those who are not thoroughly familiar with its provisions: SUMMARY OF THE TEXAS FEED LAW 1. (a) Feeding stuffs covered by the law: All materials offered or exposed for sale, distributed or sold for feeding purposes except those especially excluded. (b) Feeding stuffs not covered by the law: Hay and straw; whole seeds or grains of Wheat, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, rice, buckwheat or broom corn; any other whole or unground grains or seeds. 2. Statements to be printed on official tags securely attached to bags: (a) Net Weight of’ package. (b) Name of feeding stuff. (c) Name and address of manufacturer or importer. (d) Place of manufacture. (e) Minimum percentage of crude protein. (f) Minimum percentage of crude fat. (g) Minimum percentage of nitrogen-free extract. (h) Maximum percentage of crude fiber. (i) Names of ingredients (if a mixed feed). (j) Percentage of each ingredient when rice hulls, peanut hulls, corn cobs, oat hulls, cottonseed hulls, or similar substances are present in a mixed feed. A copy of the Texas Feed Law will be sent to interested persons on request. RULINGS UNDER THE LAW The Director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is empow- ered to adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of the Texas Feed Law. In accordance with this provision, regulations have been promulgated and printed in Circular No. 58, a copy of which ‘willbe gladly furnished upon request. Batch-Mixing Batch-mixing for consumers should be controlled to such an extent as to afford’ as much protection as possible to the consumer. We believe it is our duty to discourage the practice as a rule. Since the publication of Circular No. 58, the following ruling on batch- mixing has been promulgated: Ruling No. 34. Batch-Mixing. Batch-mixing will be allowed without reg- - istering and tagging of the final product, only when the purchaser or his _ agent actually comes to the mixing plant, makes a bona fide purchase of éproperly tagged ingredients, sees them before the mixing is done, and 30 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION also assures himself that they are mixed according to the formula furnished. The feed so mixed must be delivered at once to the purchaser and not stored in the plant in an untagged condition for delivery at some future time. ~ Unless the above conditions are fulfilled, all feed mixed according toll formulas submitted must be registered for sale in Texas and properly . tagged. REFUNDS The Texas Feed Law makesno provision for the payment of refunds to cover deficiencies and although this practice often shows the good inten- A. tion of the manufacturer, the payment of such-refunds will have no bear- ing on any subsequent action which may be taken in case of violation of the law. The law does not contemplate that the purchaser of a feeding p stuff should be required to have an analysis made in order to secure pro- tection. When refunds are paid, dealers will be required to prorate them to the purchasers so that the consumers may receive the benefit. The pay- ment of refunds never fully remunerates the consumer for being furnished feed which is deficient in valuable nutrients, and manufacturers are advised to be certain in advance that shipments are up to ‘the guaranty in every respect. CONTROL OF INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS In enforcing the law the State has the co-operation and assistance of the United States Department of Agriculture as regards adulterated and misbranded interstate shipments. We have received a commission from the United States Department of Agriculture to collect samples of interstate shipments of feed and practically all such shipments showing a deficiency and adulteration are sampled, not only under the Texas Feed Law, but also under the Federal Food andDrugs Act of 1906. The Federal samples are either analyzed under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Collaborating Chemist, or forwarded to the Food and Drug Administration Laboratory at New Orleans, Denver, St. Louis, or Washington. The Federal govern- ment prosecutes many of the manufacturers of these feeds, but this does ’ not preclude legal action by the Texas Feed Control Service if considered necessary for the protection of Texas consumers. Co-operation with the Food and Drug Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture has been continued and thus control. exercised over interstate shipments of feed as protection to Texas purchasers. SHIPMENTS WITHDRAWN FROM SALE All dealers are advised to withdraw from sale shipments of feed which they know do not conform to the requirements of the Texas Feed Law, until such time when they can be legally sold. The dealer is directly re- sponsible if feed in his possession fails to meet the requirements of the . ‘ h M 5 ,1.‘ COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 31 law and the same penalty attaches to exposing or offering for sale any unlabeled feed as for selling the same. The dealer should always be a law-abiding citizen and voluntarily withdraw from sale all untagged ship- ments and those which he knows or suspects are adulterated or misbranded and then write to the Division of Feed Control Service for instructions and its co-operation. Table 6 shows the summary of the feeds withdrawn from sale during the year ended August 31, 1932, and gives the number of shipments with- drawn, the amounts, and the special reasons for their withdrawal from sale. It also shows the number of manufacturers represented. Table 6.—-Shipments Withdrawn from Sale w :1 <5. +> :1 .35 3% =- as 5B Q ‘l’ 63 m O eH -¢-> o d ID C; 2% E o- z Q 6 Reasons for Withdrawal from Sale E é g 22?? g z a 2 § "i? " w a - E 5; a 318 161 Not tagged 740 36 26 Misbranded ______ .. 95 18 11 Incorrectly printed tags attached 43 13 9 Short weight 94 11 10 Mutilated tags attached 29 9 7 Deficient in protein 76 7 5 Blank tags attached _______ _. 12 3 2 Not registered 2 1 1 In uneven weight bags _. 2 416 | 232 Total ._ r 1,093 Untagged shipments were properly labeled with tags furnished by the manufacturers. Improperly labeled shipments were relabeled with official tags properly printed, or with tags showing guaranties that could be main- tained, and, in still other cases, shipments were returned to the manufac- turer. The sales of goods below guaranties were adjusted, in practically all instances, by manufacturers paying refunds to dealers and consumers when the deficiencies were sufficient to warrant such action. In all cases when refunds were made to dealers, the dealers were advised to prorate the same among their customers, in so far as possible, so that the ulti- mate consumer would receive its benefit. Attention is directed to special information on page 30 regarding refunds. PROTEIN CONTENT OF COTTONSEED PRODUCTS SOLD IN TEXAS Table 7 shows the minimum, maximum, and average content of crude protein in the cottonseed products inspected during the year ended August 31, 1932. It will be noticed that in many instances the minimum per- centage of protein is much less than the guaranty. Whenever the guar- anty is not maintained the provisions of the Texas Feed Law have been violated although the average per cent of crude protein may exceed the amount guaranteed. From Texas cottonseed it is possible to produce cottonseed meal and cake 0f high protein content, and it should be the aim Mvwlnwqqtlflvp ~_ \ \ <. 32 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of each oil mill to manufacture cottonseed meal and cake containing not less than 43 per cent of crude protein. ‘ RESULTS OF ANALYSES Table 8 contains a detailed report of the results obtained in the inspec-" tion of feeds during the season of 1931-32. In this table will be found the analyses of all the official samples taken by the inspectors, together i with the analyses of many samples of feed sent in by manufacturers for l registration during the year ended August 31, 1932. Consumers and .7 agents are advised to study this table and purchase from and represent T companies which ship feed according to law. The footnotes at the bottom of the pages refer to matters of importance in connection with the feeds designated, and we advise that they be care- fully considered. SUMMARY This Bulletin contains a report of the inspection of feeding stuffs sold in the State of Texas during the year which ended August 31, 1932. In addition to definitions of terms used in reporting analyses of feeding stuffs there is a table showing the average composition of the feeds in- spected during the year and also one showing the digestible protein and productive energy of feeds. A table is given showing the minimum, maximum, and average crude protein content of cottonseed products inspected during the season 1931-32. Table 3 shows the estimated tonnage of feed sold in Texas yearly during the past twenty-five years as computed from the sale of inspection tags. Suggestions are given to purchasers of feed which should aid them in securing the kind of feed desired and buying feed which comes up to the representations of the manufacturers. The chemical standards for various by-products and special-purpose mixed feeds aregiven in Table 4. This Bulletin also contains the definitions of simple feed commodities as adopted by the Division of Feed Control Service and Association of American Feed Control Officials. A table is given showing tentative guaranties for feed for the con- venience of manufacturers in registering feeding stuffs for sale in Texas. The purpose of the Texas Feed Law is explained and a summary of the law is given. Mention is made of regulations promulgated under the pro- visions of the Texas Feed Law and information is given concerning the payment of refunds and the control of interstate shipments. Table 6 shows the shipments withdrawn from sale and the reason for taking this action. Table 8 gives a detailed report of the results obtained in the inspection of feeding stuffs during the year ended August 31, 1932. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 33 Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932 Crude Protein, Per Cent i ' No. of iSamples Average f I . l Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. I Brand Name I Min- Max- imum imum l Abilene Cotton Oil Company, Abilene, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. 41.32 43.87 42.56 11 I Alamo Cotton Oil Mill, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................... .. 41.16 i 41.85 41.51 2 I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 42.25 44.09 43.27 6 Alice Cotton Oil Company, | Alice, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ _. 43.08 45.42 44.25 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .................. .. 28.70 29.46 29.08 NM Amarillo Cotton Oil Company, Amarillo, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. .. 42.37 43.80 43.34 7 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 40.20 44.16 42.19 15 Athens Oil Mill, Athens, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......................................... ._ 41.48 1 Austin Oil Manufacturing Company, Austin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________________________________________ __ 42.30 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 42.74 45.14 43.73 4 Baker Cotton Oil Mill, Altus, Oklahoma. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ __ 28.23 1 Ballinger Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Ballinger, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................................. ._ 42.93 1 Beeville Cotton Oil Company, Beeville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. ..| 43.50 43.62 43.56 2 Bellville Cotton Oil Company, Bellville, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .................. .. 26.02 27.53 26.78 2 Brady Cotton Oil Company, Brady, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake _________________________________ __ 43.02 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... __ 41.25 45.58 43.42 Brazos Valley Oil Mills, Valley Mills, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................................. .. 42.10 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......................................... _. 43.50 Brazos Valley Oil Mills, Waco, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 42.38 43.02 42.70 2 [Qlfl l-ll-l Brenham Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, Giddings, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................................. ._ 45-11 1 Brownwood Cotton Oil Mill, Brownwood, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ...... ___ ___________________________________________ __ 43.60 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........... __ 42.31 45.03 43.16 Oil-l 34 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Produ Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Crude Protein, Per Cent | N0. wr Brand Name I Min- Max- Sam imum imum Average Bryan Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, Bryan, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. _. 43.59 | 44,73 44,16 Cameron Cotton Oil Company, Cameron, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................... _. 42.78 44.11 43.45 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. ._ _ 42.28 43.92 43,26 Central Texas Oil Company, Mart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................................. ._ 45,79 Chickasha Cotton Oil Company, . Chickasha, Oklahoma. 43% Protein Chickasha Prime Cottonseed Cake 43.40 46.72 44.51 43% Protein Chickasha Prime Cottonseed Meal .. 41.39 45.89 43.34 43% Protein Chickasha Quality Cottonseed Meal. 42.00 44.36 43.17 Childress Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., Childress, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ _. 41.45 43.58 42.69 Chillicothe Cotton Oil Company, Chillicothe, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................. .. 41.73 41.90 41.82 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake Screenings . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . _ ._ 43.62 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 39.02 44.81 42.36 Clarksville Cotton Oil Company, The, Clarksville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. .. 44.60 44.89 44.75 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal...___-.-...-._.-..__--....----.-.. 42.15 44.49 43.32 Coleman Cotton Oil Mill, Coleman, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. .. 45.10 45.67 45.38 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 42.42 46.13 43.83 Collin County Cotton Oil Company, McKinney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 42.13 42.63 42.38 Commerce Oil Mill Company, Commerce, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake._..--_.-_.-__--.._-_--.--.._._. -_.. ...... .. 43.00 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. -_ 42.80 43.70 43.30 Continental Oil-Cotton Company, Colorado, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. .- 42.20 44.24 43.51 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 40.10 43.97 42.19 Cooper Cotton Oil Company, Cooper, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................................. .. 45.84 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. 43.30 45.63 44.15 3 Corpus Christi Cotton Oil Mill, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. 40.41 42.57 41.49 2 Crockett Cotton on Mill, ' Crockett, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 43.30 44.61 43.96 2 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 35 Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent l Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. imum imum Average l Brand Name ) Min- ‘ Max- ‘Samples | Cuero Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, Cuero, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ .. 42.00 43.19 42.47 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ................ .. 28.42 i—l@ Dallas Oil and Refining Company, Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................. .. 46.14 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ _. 43.23 43.45 43.34 lQl-l East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Forney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 39.92 40.41 40.17 2 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Kaufman, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 43.25 45.50 44.63 5 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Terrell, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. 41.84 44.42 43.55 10 Elgin Cotton Oil Company, Elgin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......................................... -. 43.60 1 Elk City Cotton Oil Company, Elk City, Oklahoma. 43% Protein Elko Brand Cottonseed Cake . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . .. 45.23 43% Protein Elko Brand Cottonseed Meal 43.45 l 45.19 44.32 lQP-J El Paso Cotton Industries, lnc., El Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......................................... _. 42.92 1 El Paso Refining Company, El Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......................................... _. 43.25 1 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Farmersville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _________________________________ .. ...... __ 44.35 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............................................ _. 42.45 ti!‘ ‘Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Texarkana, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ __ 39.76 44.45 42.68 3 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 43.02 43.30 43.16 2 Farmers Cottonseed Products Company, Bartlett, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .......................... ._ 28.55 1 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ................... .. 26.16 27.01 26.59 2 Farmers Cottonseed Products Company, l Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................................. _. 41-80 1 Farmers Cottonseed Products Company, Granger, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. __ 42.16 44.60 43.29 3 “Gilmer Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, 36 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued E Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. I Brand Name I Farmers & Ginners Cotton Oil Company, Austin, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ................. .. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. _. Fidelity Products Company, Brownsville, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ________________ .. Flatonia Oil Mill Company, Flatonia, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed __ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. Floresville Cotton Oil Company, Floresville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed ___- _________ __ Fort Worth Cotton Oil Mill, Fort Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ .. Fuller Cotton Oil Company, Snyder, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. s] I Gainesville Oil Mill, Gainesville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________ _. 43% Protein Jersey Brand Cottonseed Meal _________ _, Garland Cotton Oil Mill, Garland, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .................. .. 25% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed..- Gatesville Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., Gatesville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________________________________ .. Georgetown Oil Mill, Georgetown, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _______________ .. Gibson Gin & Oil Company, Calvert, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ .. Gilmer, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ .. Gonzales Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, Gonzales, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ___________________________________ _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Greenville Cotton Oil Company, , Greenville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. Hamilton Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. - 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum 29.01 43.38 28.55 42.49 42.67 44.25 43.02 41.70 Max- imum 11.35; 30.25 44.75 29.00 43.00 43.02 44.98 46.24 46.03 i Average 43.10 43.88 29.68 A 43.17 44.59 47.78 47.70 44.03 43.60 44.91 42.05 29.42 28.23 42.73 28.78 42.75 42.85 44.62 44.26 43.38 43.00 Oil-l l-‘BD UIN COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 37 Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continuezl l x Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name [I Min- I Max- ' ISamples i imum I imum ‘ Average] Hamilton Cotton Oil Mill, Hamilton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....................................... _. 43.70 Hamlin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake. ............................... .. 43.12 43.30 43.20 I I I Hamlin Cotton Oil Mill, i I 1‘ i Hidalgo Cotton on Mill, Inc., - Hidalgo, Texas. l 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 1 . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ __ 30.21 I ' I Hill County Cotton Oil Company, T Hillsboro, Texas. ‘ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________ ._ 41.86 44.28 43.09 3 Honey Grove Cotton Oil Company, ‘Honey Grove, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake. ...................... _. . _ ._ 43.15 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ .. 42.42 44.79 43.61 §Hood County on Mill Company, 1 ; Granbury, Texas. i 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ,,,,,,,,, ______________________ "I 43.00 45.76 44.38 CHI-l THouston Cotton Oil Mill, " Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ _. 42.15 43.01 42.65 3 ‘untsville Oil Mill Company, 1 Huntsville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________ .. 41.21 41.35 41.28 2 '3 dustrial Cotton Oil Mill, "j Waco, Texas. *1 43% Protein Longhorn Brand Cottonseed Meal 42.32 43.60 42.78 3 lternational Vegetable Oil Company, Inc., Dallas, Texas. ' 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ _. 39.67 46.59 43.59 10 “i; ca Cotton Oil Company, -l_; Itasca, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. W 43.01 46.31 44.66 2 yton Cotton on Mill, Jayton, Texas. , l“ 48% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................................. .. 42.79 1 ._ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________ ._ 40.32 43.85 42.12 4 fferson Oil Company, Jefferson, Texas. f" 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. 43.85 43.90 43.88 2 arez, Mercantile Company, j. El Paso, Texas. , 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. 44.32 45.34 44.83 2 Q e Cotton Oil Company, é Laredo, Texas. 4,25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed“.-..___.-....._. 28.90 1 ' edy Cotton Oil Mill, - Kenedy, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................... _. 41.63 43.57 42.60 2 543% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ _. 40.50 44.21 42.28 5 38 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Produ - September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name Min- Max- imum imum Average Kerens Cotton Oil Company, Kerens, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 43.92 44,93 44,43 La Grange Cotton and Oil Manufacturing Company, LaGrange, Texas. _ 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed .............. _. 43.89 45,95 44,92 L and H Cotton Oil Mill, Laredo, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ...................... _. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , __ 26,55 Lamar. Cotton Oil Company, The, Paris, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................. .. 43.80 44.31 44,06 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ _. 42.62 43.40 42,97 Lamesa Oil Mill, Lamesa, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .. 28.92 29.73 29.33 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed-.. _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 29,43 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .................................. __ 29,77 Lavaca Oil Company, Hallettsville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 43.03 46.40 44.72 Lockhart Oil and Gin Company, Lockhart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 41.87 44.27 42.87 Lockney Cotton Oil Company, Lockney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 39.15 44.00 42.31 Longview Cotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. -. 42.31 43.92 43.30 Lubbock Cotton Oil Company, Lubbock, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................. .. 42.81 44.33 43.78 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 42.46 44.40 43.45 Luling Oil and Manufacturing Company, Luling, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................................. .. ___42.79 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. 40.70 43.45 42.29 McCulloch County Cotton Oil Mill, Brady, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake Screenings ............... -. 43.70 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................................. -. 44.51 McGregor Oil Mill, McGregor, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 42.65 44.06 43.36 2 Marlin Oil Company, Marlin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. ._ 41.86 43.02 42.44 2 Marshall Cotton Oil Company, ‘Marshall, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. 41.48 43.94 42.44 3 ;.a~.1.....evsi ‘ .41. '. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 89 Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum Max- imum Average No. of Samples Memphis Cotton Oil Company, Memphis, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................... _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. Merchants Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. Merchants and Planters Oil Company, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ ._ Midlothian Oil and Gin Company, Midlothian, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ __ Moulton Oil and Gin Company, Moulton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________________________________ __ Mount Pleasant Oil Mill, ' Mount Pleasant, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ___________________________________ __ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. tMunday Cotton Oil Company, Inc., " a Munday, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................... .. ‘Hunger Oil and Cotton Company, The, ' Mexia, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. ‘Hunger Oil and Cotton Company, ‘ Teague, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. iilutual Cotton Seed Oil Mill, Fort Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. v avarro Cotton Oil Company, Corsicana, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal-._..--..._____...-.-_.--..-_--..-_ ocona Cottonseed Oil Company, Nocona, Texas. 7 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed __________________ .. _ mhausser and Company, El Paso, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ................... _. z rton, K. K., Wills Point, Texas. Cottonseed Chop i‘! Mill and Fertilizer Works, i Henderson, Texas. =~ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Gin and Warehouse Company, Loving, New Mexico. 13% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ 43.04 41.48 41.71 43.08 44.73 41.91 41.51 42.25 40.67 42.59 42.08 40.42 45.85 44.65 43.01 43.70 47.61 42.56 42.71 43.03 42.44 43.04 43.49 43.85 44.53 43.20 40.77 42.44 43.39 45.89 42.24 42.15 41.77 42.64 41.56 42.82 42.79 27.50 20.55 19.38 41.95 43.37 Gib? i 40 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7.—Minimum, ‘Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Producti, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued ' I i Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. No. of '- Brand Name Min- I Max- Samples imum I imum Average | l I Palestine Oil Mill and Fertilizer Company, l ' Palestine, Texas. i 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ .. 40.02 43.30 41.89 9 Pearsall Cotton Oil Company, Hebbronville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 41.22 42.02 41.62 2 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ................. _. 26.31 26.73 26.52 2 Pearsall Cotton Oil Company, Pearsall, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. ...... .. 44.16 1 Peoples Cotton Oil Company, harton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ ..... .. 41.45 44.57 42.74 3 Pflugerville Oil Company, Inc., Pflugerville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. 41.12 43.57 42.48 3 Pincoffs Company, Maurice, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Pinco Brand Cottonseed Meal ......... .. 42.49 43.80 43.22 7 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ .. 41.95 44.40 43.08 3 Plainview Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Plainview, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________________ .. 42.53 45.41 44.25 8 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake Screenings... . ...... ._ 42.55 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal. .............................. .. 40.85 44.20 42.73 15 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Bonham, Texas. | 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ............... ..| _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . .. 44.13 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 41.42 42.64 41.88 3 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Ennis, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 42.50 43.55 43.02 2 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Waxahachie, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 45.01 47.91 46.46 2 Planters Cotton Oil Company of Dallas, Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Golden Rod Brand Cottonseed Meal l 42.01 47.59 43.67 10 I Quanah Cotton Oil Company, Quanah, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................. .. 43.08 45.91 44.12 5 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 40.61 44.80 42.74 9 Richmond Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Richmond, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ............... ...... ._ 43.70 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. _. 43.99 45.38 44.69 2 Rio Grande Valley Cotton Oil Company, Clint, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................................. ._ 43.00 1 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 41 Table 7.——Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name I Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum Max- imum Average N0. of Samples Robstown Oil Mill, Robstown, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ _. Rosebud Oil and Cotton Company, Rosebud, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. Rotan Cotton Oil Mill, Rotan, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. _. San Angelo Cotton Oil Company, Inc. San Angelo, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _________________________________ _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________ .. San Antonio Oil Works, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________________________________ .. San Marcos Oil Mill, San Marcos, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake..." . 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Schulenburg Oil Mill, 42.25 39.94 211.55 Schulenburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ _. Schumacher Oil Works, The H., Navasota, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................... ..| l Sealy Oil Mill and Manufacturing Company, I Sealy, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. Seguin Cotton Oil Company, Seguin, Texas. 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. _. Seymour Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Seymour, Texas. 43%‘ Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________ Shamrock Cotton Oil Company, Inc., hamrock, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake .................. _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ .. , Shiner Oil Mill and Manufacturing Company, Shiner, Texas. ¥ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. a E Slaton Cotton Oil Company, Slaton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal. _______________________________ _. Smith County Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, Tyler, Texas. I 48.13 43.20 44.10 43.04 42.35 43.39 43.10 43.01 42.50 40.35 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. 38.35 43.55 45.56 421.3721 49.57 44.07 44.98 44.22 43.09 43.65 44.92 44.21 43.98 44.72 44.43 43.06 43.62 42.16 43.24 40.29 43.27 43.23 44.50 48.85 43.76 44.54 43.63 42.69 43.49 44.01 43.60 43.16 42.94 41.95 OOCAD bib-l OONJ KIN) 42 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7.-—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Prod u: September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued ' Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name Min- Max- imum imum Average Smithville Oil Mill Company, Smithville, Texas. ' 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............................................. .. 45.30 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................... __ 44.77 45.36 45.09 Southland Cotton Oil Company, Corsicana, Texas. 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake... _ . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . .. 44.71 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ _. 41.40 49.27 43.53 Southland Cotton Oil Company, Paris, Texas. 43% Protein Southland’s Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake ................................................................ .. 42.58 43% Protein Southland’s Cottonseed Meal .............. .. 41.24 42.10 41.81 Southland Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. 36% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed_._.--__.._....-._._ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .. 37.05 Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________________________ __ 41.56 44.39 43.22 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 40.91 43.94 42.79 Southland Cotton Oil Company, Waxahachie, Texas. - 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ a 42.27 42.37 42.32 2 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... w 40.53 43.25 42.38 4 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Victoria, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ______________________ _ . . . _ _ . _ . .. 43.20 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... -. 42.42 43.21 42.85 4 Stamford Cotton Oil Mill, Stamford, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 41.95 43.38 42.67 4 Stephenville Cotton Oil Mill, Stephenville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................................. .. 44.67 1 Sugarland Feed Company, Sugarland, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................................. _. 42.46 1 Sulphur Springs Cotton Oil Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................................. .. 43.42 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................... ._ 42.25 43.63 43.14 7 Sweetwater Cotton Oil Company, Sweetwater, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. _. 42.83 43.58 43.21 2 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .............................. .. 39.86 41.21 40.50 l0 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed .............. -_ 39.55 40.57 40.06 2 Taft Cotton Oil Company, Taft, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. s 43.16 44.59 43.69 4 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 48 Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, 1932—Continued September 1, 1931 to August 31, Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name Min- imum Max- imum Average No. of Sample: Taylor Cotton Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Temple Cotton Oil Company, Ashdown, Arkansas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. Texarkana Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. ._ Texas Cottonseed Crushers’ Association, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. Texas Refining Company, Greenville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________ -.' ................. .. Thorndale Oil Mill Company, Thorndale, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Tobian and Company, Louis, Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Army Brand Cottonseed Meal __________ _.| E” i Tornillo Cotton Oil Company, Tornillo, Texas. 25% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed-.. L. Traders Oil Mill Company, Fort Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake .................. _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. Transit Milling Company, Sherman, Texas, and Branches. Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................... ._ 43% Travis Oil Mills, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. -_ Travis Oil Mills, Hearne, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake .................. _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. { Travis Oil Mills, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................ .. 43% Protein Cottonseed Travis Oil Mills, Taylor, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake .................. .. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. __ Trinity Cotton Oil Company, "__ Dallas, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. Union Oil Mills, ’ Hubbard, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. 42.25 43.28 43.27 43.17 41.82 44.30 42.19 40.05 42.55 44.79 43.04 43.56 46.84 44.15 44.12 43.29 44.59 43.66 43.90 44.52 45.85 43.75 43.03 42.52 45.06 43.23 48.70 43.65 42.51 25.03 44.45 42.81 42.05 43.22 43.23 43.26 43.18 42.51 44.27 43.00 45.16 43.35 dab? Nlld mo’: 030M 44 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRLCULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7.—Minimum, Maximum, and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. NO- 0f Brand Name Min- Max- r lSamples imum imum Average I I l I Van Alstyne Cotton Oil Company, \ l l Van Alstyne, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________________________________ __ 43.42 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________________ _. 43.02 45.34 44.18 h)- Vernon Cotton Oil Company, I Vernon, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________________ _, 44.10 44.22 44.16 l 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________________ ,_ 42.70 43.70 43.18 J I I I I I Qliklfi 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed __________ 39.34 43.38 41.36 Waco Cotton Oil Mill, aco, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________________________________ __ 41.81 43.07 42.39 10 Warnken and Sons, A. D., Inc., Poth, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .................. _. 28.88 30.00 29.33 Washington Cotton Oil Mill, Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................................. ._ 41.54 1 Weimar Oil Works, Weimar, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________________ .. 45.31 46.66 46.01 8 West Cotton Oil Mill, West, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ .. 41.99 48.29 42.64 2 Wharton County Cotton Oil Mill, Campo, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal. ............................................... _. 45.93 1 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed . . . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .. 28.94 1 Wichita Falls Cotton Oil Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................................. ._ 40.81 1 Winters Cotton Oil Company, Inc., | Winters, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ................................... .. 41.82 45.59 44.00 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................ ._ 37.25 40.85 39.51 C1000 Womble Oil Mill Company, Caldwell, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................. .. 41.70 43.95 43.02 3 Wood County Cotton Oil Company, Mineola, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................................... .. 42.44 47.08 43.79 5 Yoakum Cotton Oil Company, The, Yoakum, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. .. 48.10 1 Yorktown Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, Yorktown, Texas. 43% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake ......................... .. 43.30 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................................. _. 42.40 44.28 43.57 4 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.--Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31. 1932 (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent I 45 I Regis- I Name and Address of Manufacturer or} I I I tration I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Crude Ispection Pr_o- I Fat I Fiber Igen-free ture Ash I No. tem I , {Extract I I Abernathy Milling Company, I I I I I Tulia, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed _______________________________ ._ 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ______________________ __ 1611A Analysisl ___________________________________________ .. 16.70 3.86 5.81 59.93 9.73 3.97 98S Arlfllysisg ---------------------------------------- .- 17.20 3.95 6.25 59.13 9.16 4.31 428$ Abilene Cotton Oil Company, Abilene, Texas. 43% Protein Cgttgnseed Meal _________ __ 43~00 6-00 12-00 23-00 ..................... .. 1417B Analysis” 41.49 8.59 11.68 27.49 6.04 4.71 119K Anahysisvm 41.32 7.02 12.72 27.72 6.55 4.67 128K Analysigc 42.43 8.88 10.45 27.04 6.47 4.73 203K Ana1ygig<> 42.42 8.23 11.91 27.42 5.27 4.75 209K Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 43.40 8.37 11.81 25.78 5.75 4.89 214K Analysis ' 43.08 5.97 12.63 27.39 6.22 4.71 285K Analysis 42.73 6.26 12.65 27.87 5.67 4.82 298K Analysis 42.90 7.42 12.56 26.62 5.76 4.74 347K Analysis“... 42.40 8.11 12.43 27.41 5.06 4.59 348K Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.87 6.62 11.56 26.78 6.43 4.74 350K Analysis” ............................................ _. 42.17 8.18 12.71 26.69 5.33 4.92 362K Acme Flour Mills Company, The, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings... 15.00 8-50 5-50 57.00 ...................... .. 135C Analysis _________________________________________ __.. 15.06 3.88 5.56 60.05 11.24 4.21 161K Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 16.77 3.77 4.96 60.49 10.56 3.45 48M Analysis ............................................. .. 15.32 3.79 3.75 64.57 9.80 2.77 24R Analysis .......................................... __. 16.26 4.31 5.88 59.62 10.02 3.91 245R Analysis ........................................... -. 15.90 4.17 4.86 60.99 10.71 3.37 278R Analysis“... 17.58 3.98 5.25 59.65 9.55 3.99 520W Wheat Bran ............................................ .. 14.50 8.00 10.00 53.00 ...................... .. 135G Analysis ............................................. .. 17.89 4.85 8.73 54.65 8.26 5.62 13M Acme Seed Company, Lubbock,_ Texas. Acme Special Mixed Feed .................. _- 11-50 4-50 20-00 48-00 ---------------------- -. 1576s Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 13.64 5.33 13.69 52.06 7.67 7.61 438$ Ada Milling Company, Ada, Oklahoma. Cackleberry Egg Mash with Dicalcium Phosphate ...................... .. 19.16 6.56 6.66 46-66 ---------------------- _. 10150 Anamis _____________________________________________ __ 13.03 4.73 6.14 56.22 8.03 6.80 I 429W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Refund paid. 1Wheat gray shorts. ZWheat brown shorts. 46 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Regis- Q tratiou; Name and Address of Manufacturer or ’ } 01-111. i Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude spectionf Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash tein Extract " Adwell and Arterburn, Itasca, Texas. A, and A, IMiXQd Dairy Ration _______ __ 17-50 4-00 11-90 50-00 ..................... _. Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 19-70 4-69 10.01 53.57 8.62 3.41 Ahrens, A. F., Karnes City, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk __________________ __ 7-80 2-80 10.00 62.00 ____________________ __ Analysis ________________________________________ ______ 9-67 . 3-14 8-53 66.73 10.32 1.61 Alamo Cotton Oil Mill, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______ _. 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 --------------------- .. Analysis” ___________________________________ __ 42.25 7.82 10.63 27.38 6.63 5.29 Analysis ___________________________________________ _j__ 44-09 6.75 11.17 26.43 6.15 5.41 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42-86 7.89 11.72 25.76 6.39 5.38 Analysis __ _______ _ 43.67 7.06 12.29 25.42 6.27 5.29 Analysis . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 43.10 7.81 11.17 26.02 6.45 5.45 Analysis ______________________________________ ______ 43.67 6.09 12.03 26.49 6.54 5.18 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________ __ 43-00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ______________________ _. Analysis” ____________________________________________ .. 41.85 . 6.59 11.05 28.79 6.55 5.17 Analysis” ............................................ _. 41.16 5.74 13.13 28.23 6.63 5.11 Alamo Grain Company, San Antonio, Texas. Alamo 5 Laying Mash with Oyster Shell 20.50 3.50 7.40 4.6.60 ______________________ _. Analysis" ..................................... _._. 21.06 6.11 7.35 48.13 6.67 10.68 Alfocorn Milling Company, Saint Louis, Missouri. Oat Hulls, Oat Shorts, Oat Middlings, Cracked Corn, Rolled Whole Oats, Molasses and Alfalfa Meal .............. .. 0-00 1-70 13-00 57.00 ...................... .. Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 7.47 1.36 12.64 63.30 10.32 4.491 Alice Cotton Oil Company, Alice, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ________________________________ ____ 28.00 5.00 25.00 29.00 ...................... _. 1050B ' . ~ Analysis __________________________________________ ____. 28.70 5.78 24.49 31.53 5.42 4.08 73H I Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 29.46 5.89 24.60 30.80 4.59 4.66 292H 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ ., 1050D Analysis 43.08 7.85 10.69 26.65 6.34 5.39 19H Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 45.42 7.47 11.69 24.70 5.02 5.70 367H "Acco” Egg Mash with Oyster ShelL. 18.60 8.60 7.60 46.00 ....................... _. 1050N Analysis ............................................. -. 20.08 5.07 _ 5.81 51.39 10.14 7.51 160H "Refund paid. WExcess of ground oyster shell found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 47 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 0rI I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Alice Cotton Oil Company, Alice, Texas-—Continued. Stock Feed with Molasses and Ground Ear Corn with Husk __________ .. 15-00 3-20 13-50 49.00 ...................... __ 1050Z Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 15.01 3.26 13.48 55.07 10.08 3.10 16H Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 15.15 2.81 14.63 53.05 10.93 3.43 159K Allen, L. H., Tolar, Texas. Tol-Tex Egg Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell ______________________________ __ 19-50 3-30 8-00 43-60 ____________________ .. 1849F Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18-76 4.74 6.42 51.30 8.82 9.96 95W Alliance Milling Company, - Denton, Texas. Wheat Gray ShQI-ts _____________________________ M 15-00 8-50 5-50 57-00 ______________________ _. Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.34 5.13 5.31 57.90 9.39 3.93 409M Allison Coal and Grain Company, Paducah, Texas. Milo Head Chop __________________________________ __ 8.00 2.50 8-00 65.00 ______________________ .. 216513 Analysis ____________________ _____________________ __ 11.15 2.80 6.38 68.17 5.55 5.95 320s Alva Roller Mills, The, Alva, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screeningsfl" 17-00 4-00 6-00 55-00 ______________________ _. 127A Analysisu __________________________________________ _s 16.69 4.59 6.53 58.03 9.70 4.46 35R Amarillo Cotton Oil Company, Amarillo, Texas. . 43% Prgtein Cottonseed Cake __________ __ ‘08'00 6'00 12'0o 28410 --------------------- -- 1441A Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 43.41 7.37 11.12 28.20 4.96 4.94 84S Analysis. ____________________________________________ _s 42.37 5.61 13.10 27.62 6.55 4.75 148s Analysis ___________ __ ____ 43.02 6.66 11.10 27.27 7.05 4.00 151s f Analysis ________________________________ __ 43.65 5.95 11.54 27.99 5.85 5.05 162s Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 43.80 5.74 12.14 27.00 6.44 4.88 168s 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal..--_-_-.. 40-00 0-00 12-00 20-00 ---------------------- ~- 1441B Analysis ________________________ __ 42.99 8.37 10.51 27.10 6.23 4.80 62S AnalysisC ____________________________ ___ 40.20 8.69 12.03 27.75 6.29 5.04 63s _Ans1ysis. ________________________ ___ 40.90 6.82 13.05 28.31 6.11 4.81 70s Analysis A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 42.84 8.53 11.51 26.87 5.46 4.79 81S Analysis. 42.37 8.42 11.77 27.48 5.34 4.62 83s Analysis“. __ 43.50 7.60 11.65 27.23 5.30 4.72 144s Anahsisc 40.50 8.45 12.50 27.38 6.27 4.81 146s Anamisc 42.05 7.77 11.68 27.66 6.15 4.68 157s Analysisv 40.88 9.46 12.78 26.37 5.82 4.69 164S Analysis¢___________________________________________ 40.86 8.37 13.32 28.39 5.44 3.62 169S “Refund paid. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 48 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 ‘to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis-\ Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I grit? Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection I Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. I tein Extract I I I Amarillo Cotton Oil Company, Amarillo, Texas—Continued. 43% Protein Cotton Seed Meal-Cont. | Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 44.16 7.22 10.12 27.02 6.45 5.03 I 191S Analysis4 __________________________________ __ . 43.52 8.41 10.09 26.32 6.61 5.05 196$ Analysis” ___________________________________ _. _. 41-67 7.92 12.41 27.62 5.75 4.63 203$ Analysis5 ____________________________________________ __ 42.92 8.38 11.22 26.54 5.99 4.95 210$ Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 43.79 9.40 10.62 25.79 5.48 4,92 213$ Analysis4.._. .. 43.60 9.50 10.71 25.54 5.75 4.90 216$ Analysis ......................................... _. 48.25 8.64 11.87 25.59 5.77 4.88 288s American Maid Flour Mills, I I Houston, Texas. I Wheat Bran and Screenings __________ _;__ LL50 3-00 10~00 58-00 ---------- vI .......... .. . Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.25 4.68 9.03 54.15 9.24 I 5.65 I 46H wheat Gray shbrts ______________________________ _s 17.50 8.50 0.00 57.00 .................... .. 1279B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.14 4.38 5.16 58.09 11.54 8.69 44H Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 17.86 4.30 4.99 59.15 10.02 3.68 397K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.82 4.86 5.85 56.70 10.44 4.33 40M Analysis ____ __ 16.99 3.35 5.46 59.57 10.44 4.19 259M' Corn Bran _____________________________________ __ 8-00 5-00 13-00 60-00 ...................... .. 127917 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 11.94 11.14 7.60 58.62 7.80 2.90 79H Anheuser-Busch, Inc., I Saint Louis, Missouri. Anheuser-Busch Brand Corn Gluten Feed _____________________________________ __ 23-00 2'00 8-50 50-00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- 1131A Analysis ________ __ 24.50 3.98 8.15 53.79 6.87 2.71 88811 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 26.40 3.74 8.46 52.65 6.94 1.81 230M Anheuser-Busch Brand Brewers’ Dried Grains _________________________________ _. 20-00 0-00 18-00 40-00 ------------------ v 1131B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.50 5.65 17.69 43.69 6.72 3.75 259R Anthony Mills, The, Anthony, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings-.. 17-00 4-00 5-00 55-00 ---------------------- 4 322E Analysisfi ____________________________________________ __ 17.60 5.05 6.86 56.13 9.42 4.94 399M Apache Packing Company, San Antonio, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps..- 50-00 6-00 3-00 2-00 ---------------------- » 329A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 54,34 10.97 1.46 1.34 11.10 20.79 829A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 55.68 13.39 2.07 .12 6.33 22.41 404H Analysis _______________________________________________ __ 55,50 13,93 1.28 1.22 7.48 20.59 465W ¢Refund paid. 4Cottonseed cake, finely broken. 5Excess of lint found. GWheat brown shorts and screenings. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 49 Per. Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 0r I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- I Fat I Fiber Igen-freeI ture I Ash N0. tein IExtract I I I I Arcady Farms Milling Company, North Kansas City, Missouri. Wonderfat Brand Station Feed _________ _. 12.50 4.50 6.00 59.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __ 492U Analysis _____________________________________________ -- 13.72 4.08 5.58 65.48 8.88 2.26 35K Archer Grain Company, Archer City, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ____________________________ 1 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 2141D Analysis“ ............................................ .. 13.67 5.28 11.58 57.36 8.55 3.56 171K Arkadelphia Milling Company, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Clover Blosson Mixed Feed _________________ __ 14.00 5.00 8.00 50.00 .................... _. 86939 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 14.90 4.05 7.36 58.20 9.43 6.06 26R Armour and Company, Chicago, Illinois. Armour's Meat and Bone Scraps _____ __ 50.00 6.00 2.00 8.00 ..................... .. 541G Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 49.18 9.54 1.95 2.25 5.66 31.42 318H ' Analysis"____ 51.20 11.29 1.63 .90 4.84 30.14 124M Analysiss.-. 50.00 12.11 1.75 1.71 4.85 29.58 102S Analysis _. 49.79 12.44 1.93 1.23 4.80 29.81 83W Analysis” ........................................... _. 50.74 10.49 1.60 1.94 4.20 31.03 114W Analysis‘) ............................................ _. 50.00 10.77 1.59 1.01 4.86 31.77 191W Analysis ....................................... .. 50.80 10.98 2.05 .20 5.65 30.32 368W Armour’s Meat Meal Digester Tankage ____________________________________________ _- 60.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 ______________________ __ 541K Analysis7 ____________________________________________ -. 60.90 13.03 2.78 2.74 5.82 14.73 1231' Ana1ysis7 -------------------------------------------- -- 60.08 13.34 1.73 3.12 5.67 16.06 103S Analysis ____________________________________________ -- 65.92 12.96 2.41 3.13 5.37 10.21 28W Analysis" ------------------------------------ -- 60.34 11.67 2.13 1.36 5.29 19.21 190W Armour’s Special Steamed Bone Meal 5.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 ...................... .. 541L Analyillsn -------------------------------------------- -— 20.42 2.20 1.08 12.43 4.86 59.01 517W Armstrong Packing Company, Dallas, Texas. Armco 60% Protein Digester Tankage ___________________________________________ _, 60.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 _____________________ _. 1992C Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 60.96 10.22 1.76 .05 5.36 21.65 506W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Sampled before registration. iApproximately 3% of salt found. ‘Approximately 2.8% of salt found. “Approximately 2.4% of salt found. "Approximately 2.6 of salt found. 11Raw bone meal containing approximately 15% of added carbonate of lime. 50 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, I932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent IRegis- j tration I Name and Address 0f Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection ' Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free’ ture Ash N0. . tein [Extract - I | | i. Armin and Lane, I , Flatonia, Texas. - ‘,2 Ear Corn Chop with Husk _______________ .. 7.80 2.30 10.00 02.00 ______________________ _, 1165A Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 10.06 3.61 9.92 66.33 3.26 1.77 1165A f.’ Ashby and Sons, I I f Leavenworth, Kansas. Corn Feed Meal __________________________________ _, 8.00 3.00 0.00 01.00 ...................... _, 1192B Analysis“ __________________________________________ _, 9.38 3.21 2.26 72.99 10.63 1.53 423w Sifted Cracked Corn _ 9.00 3.50 8.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 1192C i; Analysis“ __________________________________________ ., 9.90 3.67 2.06 72.93 10.20 1.24 424W Athens Oil Mill, Athens, Texas. j 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ........ .. 567F Analysis” _____________________________________________ __ 41.48 6.17 11.53 28.85 6.49 5.48 129W Austin Mill and Grain Company, Brownwood, Texas. Wheat Bran, Corn Bran and Screenings _________________________________ _- 16-00 3-00 10.00 55-00 ..................... .. 231E Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16.85 4.98 8.47 56.86 8.32 4.52 397K Wheat Gray Shorts ____________________________ -_ 15-00 8.50 5.50 57-00 _____________________ .. >231P Analysisl" _______________________________________ __ 16.68 4.92 6.52 59.72 9.22 2.94 459W Gold Arrow Dry Mash with Charcoal __________________________________________ _._ 1 7.50 3.30 10.00 45.00 ...................... .. 231W Analysis 23.78 5.54 8.13 46.87 7.23 8.45 277K Gold Arrow Dairy Feed with Molasses, 24% Protein._.__-._.___-___.._. 24-00 8-80 8-80 54-00 ---------------------- W 23137 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 23.36 4.15 7.25 51.44 9.77 4.03 173W “L and N” Special Cow Feed with _ Limestone __________________________ _____. 15.50 3.00 8.50 44.00 ...................... .. 231B9 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.70 4.08 9.07 54.64 8.55 5.96 231139 Analysis“ __________________________________________ __ 17.84 3.83 8.36 54.48 9.66 5.83 391K Analysis” _________________________________________ __ 18.06 3.82 8.53 53.45 9.99 6.15 460W “L and N” Bulky Feed... 9.00 2.00 10.00 58.00 ...................... ._ 23101 Analysis ............................................. .. 13.41 3.22 8.03 57.12 11.87 6.35 231C1 Austin Oil Manufacturing Company, Austin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ ._ 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 450C Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 42.74 6.15 11.66 28.19 5.94 5.32 38H ___ 43.75 5.54 11.11 26.43 6.82 6.35 308H Analysis .......................................... .__.. 45.14 6.39 9.85 26.69 6.17 5.76 381H Analysis 43.28 6.20 10.84 28.73 5.71 5.24 37W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. "Wheat brown shorts. "Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 51 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 "to August 31, 1932——C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) "Refund paid. I _Regis- I I Per Cent I I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- I Fat I Fiber Igen-free ture I Ash No. I tein I I IExtract I I I I I I I I Austin Oil Manufacturing Company, I I I I I I Austin, Texas—Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ,,,,,,,, ,, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................... _. 450D Analysis" ___________________________________________ _, 42.30 7.99 11.19 24.62 8.69 5.21 186H Aztec Flour Mill, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Wheat Bran and Screenings ............... 1 14.50 | 2.00 10.00 50.00 ____________________ _, 1512A Analysis ............................................. -. 17.05 I 4.52 9.29 56.08 8.26 4.80 18H Bailey, Joe N., Rosenburg, Texas. Red Star Mixed Feed __________________________ __ 9-00 3-50 22.00 45.00 ..................... .. 1392B‘ Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 9.72 4.46 19.73 47.79 12.06 6.24 158M Red Star Brand Horse and Mule Feed ____________________________________________________ __ 10.00 I 3.20 10.00 00.00 _____________________ _, 13921 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 9.72 3.40 9.20 62.42 11.27 3.99 157M Red Star Egg Mash with Charcoal 19.00 3-80 7.00 50.00 .................... ._ 1392K Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 20.55 4.42 5.28 51.47 10.27 8.01 218M Red Star Ear Corn Chop with Husk, Molasses and Salt __________________________ __ 6.60 2.20 7.90 62.00 ______________________ .. 1392M Analysis ............................................ .. 7.40 1.52 7.89 67.27 1.2.79 3.13 358M Bailey Grain Company, Frank, Fort Worth, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk and Molasses ............................................ -. 6.60 2.20 8.50 62.00 ...................... __ 1831C Analysis ............................................ .. 8.25 2.38 7.93 65.67 13.08 2.69 228W Baker Cotton Oil Mill, Altus, Oklahoma. I 28% Protein Whole-Pressed I COttOIISQGd ________________________________________ -- 28.00 4.00 23.00 29.00 _____________________ __ 2361A Analysis ______________________________________________ -. 28.23 4.06 25.95 33.48 3.97 4.31 448$ Baldwin Feed Store, Junction, Texas. Daisy Cow Feed .................................... .. 18.50 4.40 12.00 48.00 ................... _. 2179F Analysis ............................................... .. 21.31 5.83 11.42 49.22 7.58 4.64 21H Analysis .............................................. .. 19.82 5.81 10.99 51.04 7.59 4.75 463W Kimble King Laying Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell .............. -. 18.50 3.70 7.00 48.00 ...................... ._ 2179G Analysis ............................................... .- 20.01 4.14 6.88 52.54 7.37 9.06 2179G - Ballinger Cotton Oil Company, Inc., I Ballinger, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake. .. 1.3.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ __ 327G Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 42.93 5.57 12.47 28.11 6.22 4.70 91K 52 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guarantees are printed in italics following brand names.) Regis- i “Registration adjusted. “Excess of iodized salt found. Per Cent _ tration ’ " Name and Address 0f Manufacturer orI I I I or In- ~' Importer. Brand Name. I Crude ICrude CrudeI Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection ’ Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture I Ash N0. ‘ tein Extract I I " I Bankhead Feed Mill, Cisco, Texas. Bankhead Feed Mill Growing Mash _- with Oyster Shell ............................. ._ 15.50 0.50 5.50 55.00 _____________________ 1 15261) 5;. Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 16.52 4.25 3.85 59.38 9.47 6.5a 290x Y Bankhead Dairy Feed with Lime- stone 22.00 8.70 14.00 42.00 ____________________ ,, 1526A5 Analysis ............................................. -. 24.00 5.05 12.28 43.65 7.70 7.32 399K Barcus, P. R., Waco, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ................. .. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ _, 1413E Analysis -------------------------------------------- »- 9.02 3.59 9.27 67.27 9.43 1.42 165W Barnhart Mercantile Company, Denison, Texas. 30% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanut Screenings .... .. 30.00 10.00 14.00 32.00 ______________________ __ 23871 Analysis ________________ __ . 32.15 12.51 10.87 33.25 4.70 6.52 23871 Analysis -------------------------------------------- ~ 31.78 11.25 10.47 33.88 5.68 6.94 143R Barron’s Electric Hatchery, Lamesa, Texas. Eureka Brand Chick Starter with Oyster Shell and Charcoal ______________ _. 17-00 3-50 6.00 50.00 ..................... .. 1077A Analysis" _____________________________ ,_ 18.98 5.29 5.24 54.06 7.84 8.59 1077A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.15 4.94 4.73 55.29 8.39 7.50 v 331$ Eureka Brand Laying Mash _______________ .. 18.50 3.50 6.50 51.00 ...................... .. 1077B Analysis .......................................... -. 20.50 4.68 4.97 54.19 7.99 7.67 1077B Analysis‘ ............................................ .. 20.10 4.56 4.84 53.42 9.25 7.83 322$ Eureka Brand Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ______________________________________ .. 18.50 3.50 6.00 50.00 ...................... .. 1077B Analysis ............................................. .. 19.15 3.99 4.51 54.08 8.65 9.62 387S Eureka Brand Growing Mash with Oyster Shell .................................... -. 17.00 8.20 6.00 55.00 ...................... ._ 1077C Analysis“ ........................................... .. 17.60 4.25 3.97 59.43 8.14 6.61 388$ .Bates and Company, D. P., Hale Center, Texas. Laying Mash with Oyster Shell 20.50 8.50 7.40 44.60 ...................... .. 125511 J Analysis ............................................. -. 22.38 5.41 5.82 46.96 7.98 I 11.45 377$ Milo Chop ............................................ -. 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... .. 1255N Analysis ............................................. ._ 12.60 3.24 2.41 71.05 8.95 1.75 104$ Bauch Feed Store, Goliad, Texas. Bauch’s Dairy Feed .............................. -. 18.00 0.50 10.50 48.00 ...................... .. 996F COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 53 Table 8.——Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31. 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I ' Per Cent Regis- | tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude Crude I Nitro- Mo1s- I Crude spectlon Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein I IExtract I Bauch Feed Store. Goliad, Texas——Continued. Bauch’s Dairy Feed—Continued Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.25 4.23 10.37 51.41 9.91 4.83 1241-1 Eco Egg Mash _____________________________________ __ 19-00 4.00 5-50 49.00 ...................... ._ 996G Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 21.50 5.06 4.92 50.38 9.75 8.39 123K Bauch’s Growing Scratch _________________ _, 10-00 2-60 3-00 70-00 ...................... .. 9961 Analysis" __________________________________________ __ 12.39 3.23 2.05 69.19 11.48 1.66 236K Bauch’s Growing Mash with Oyster Shell _____________________________________ _, 17-80 3.50 8.30 48.50 ................... __ 996-1 Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 18.01 5.28 8.32 49.81 10.44 8.14 23411 Eauch’s All-Mash Chick Starter I with Oyster Shell _____________________________ __ 16.80 3.50 | 5.00 52.50 ......... W] .......... ., 996K Analysis ........................ __ 18.41 4.30 4.13 53.85 10.23 9.08 235H Bauch’s Turkey Fattener _____________________ _, 12.50 3.50 I 8.70 58.00 .......... _________ __ I 996L Analysis ___________________________________________ ,, 14.77 4.30 2.84 62.58 9.60 5.91 996L Bawden Fuel and Feed Company, Plainview, Texas. 16% Protein Jersey Cow Mixed Feed _ 16.00 3-00 12.00 50-00 ...................... .. 1339-1 Analysis ________________________________ __________ __ 17.40 3.53 10.56 52.19 8.47 7.85 236$ Rainbow Growing Mash with Limestone ________________________________________ __ 16.50 8.50 6.50 50.00 ______________________ _. 1339Y Analysis ____________________________________________ 1 17.60 4.40 5.21 56.58 8.36 7.85 309$ Bay City Rice Mills, The, Bay City, Texas. Rice Polish __________________________________________ .. 11.00 10.00 3.50 50.00 ______________________ __ 457A Analysis ............................................. .. 11.76 9.80 2.46 61.12 9.30 5.56 90M Analysis" ......................................... __ 12.32 12.16 2.77 57.73 8.33 6.69 356M Rice Bran .............................................. ._ 12.00 12.00 12.00 42.00 ______________________ __ 457B Analysis“ .... __ 13.80 15.61 10.35 42.50 7.03 10.71 39M Analysisl“ ........................................ .. 12.80 14.67 10.74 44.02 8.08 9.69 89M Beeville Cotton Oil Company, Beeville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ ._ 43-00 6.00 12-00 23.00 ..................... ._ 1580A Analysis... _ 43.50 7.33 11.70 25.35 6.27 5.85 52H Analysis ............................................. _. 43.62 6.40 11.16 26.89 6.32 5.61 134K Bell Hatchery, Smiley, Texas. Bell's Growing Mash with Limestone 18.50 3.80 6.50 48.00 ...................... .. 1882E Analysis ............................................. .. 20.60 5.34 5.61 53.44 7.15 7.86 1281-1 "Registration adjusted. “Kafir found, not claimed. “Approximately 0.80% of carbonate of lime found. "Approximately 1.7% of ground limestone found. "Approximately 0.50% of ground limestone found. 54 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent R -_ f Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I ‘d317- Importer. Brand Name. - Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- I Mois- Crude spect Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash I tein I Extract I I Bell Hatchery, Smiley, Texas—Continued. ~ Bell’s Egg Mash with Limestone 18.00 8.80 6.50 48.00 ___________________ __ Analysis .......................................... .. 19.58 5.57 5.39 51.50 9.07 8.99 Bellorny, J. T., Littlefield, Texas. Alfalfa Meal _________________________________________ .. 13.00 1.50 88.00 85.00 ____________________ __ Analysis“ ________________________________________ n- 12.74 1.36 27.17 42.64 9.17 6.92 Bells Milling Company, Bells, Texas. _ Wheat Mixed Feed ............................. -. 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ______________________ __ Analysis” __________________________________________ -. 16.62 4.39 6.59 59.01 9.17 4.22 Bellville Cotton Oil Company, I Bellville, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _____ __ . 25.00 6.00 25.00 29.00 ..................... .. Analysis .... _. 27.53 4.97 25.13 33.96 3.72 4.69 Analysis _________________________________________ ____ 26.02 5.56 26.73 32.61 4.99 4.09 Belt Mill and Grain Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Belco Brand Laying Mash with But- termilk, Limestone and Charcoal- 18.00 8-50 8-00 47-00 ____________________ _. Analysisflb ___________________________________ ______ 18.04 4.70 6.62 53.08 9.39 8.17 Betts, Bailey, Fort Worth, Texas. Tiger Hen Scratch _________________________________ _. 10.00 2.50 8.50 70.00 ...................... _. Analysisd" _________________________________________ _. 11.44 2.87 2.87 71.16 9.94 1.72 Bewley Mills, Fort Worth, Texas. Anchor Hominy Feed _____________________________ _. 10-00 6-00 7-00 50-00 ---------------------- -- Analygis _________________________________________ ______ Bewley’s Best Wheat White Shorts-.- 14-50 3-00 3-50 00-00 --------------------- ~- Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 16,34 3,19 3.09 65.25 9.39 2.24 359K Blue Ribbon Hen Food with Grit ...... -. 0.10 2.00 4.00 08.00 ...................... .. 4L Analysisz? __________________________________________ _, 11,92 2.31 1.92 72.13 10.21 1.51 71M “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. bPortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Sampled before registration. "Approximately 1.2% of salt found. 2°Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Rubber stamp used on tags. "Sunflower seed found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 55 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent I Regis- I tration Name and Address 0f Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Crude Ispection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash I No. tein IExtract I Bewley Mills, Fort Worth, Texas-Continued. Anchor Wheat Bran, Shorts and Screenings ___._ A _ _____ ___ 14.50 3-50 9.20 55.00 ................... ._ 4R Analysis ____ __ 17.35 4.60 10.19 53.74 8.60 5.52 293H i’ Analysis __________________________________________ __ 17.72 5.17 9.41 54.64 6.99 6.07 85M Analysis ______________________________________ _. 18.00 4.73 9.56 54.42 7.24 6.05 350S > Anchor Dairy Ration with Limestone 24.00 8.80 10.00 40.00 _____________________ .. 4X Analysis ..... _. -._. 25.86 4.92 8.08 46.64 9.55 4.95 77H Analysis 24.02 4.72 7.20 48.10 8.77 7.19 142M Analysis ............................................ -. 25.95 4.08 9.62 44.45 9.26 6.64 169R Analysis .......................................... __ 24.70 4.08 7.83 46.11 9.64 7.64 484W Blue Ribbon Egg Mash containing Mineral ......................... -. 20.00 4.00 6.50 46.50 ____________________ ,_ 4B7 Analysis .. 20.61 4.93 5.00 50.92 8.48 10.06 1561-1 Analysis ------------------------------------------- -- 21.62 5.04 6.34 48.39 7.08 11.53 447K Analysis -------------------------------------------- -. 20.20 4.98 5.39 50.85 8.26 10.32 170R Joy Sweet Feed with Limestone ........ ._ 9.00 1.50 14.50 52,00 ____________________ __ 4C1 L Analysis _____________________________________________ -- 11.40 2.74 10.38 57.29 10.84 7.35 287H I Blue Ribbon Dairy Ration with Limestone 18.00 3.30 10.50 46.00 _________ ,, __ __ 4C3 V. Analysis -. 20.91 3.63 9.89 48.72 8.92 7.93 386M T‘ Joy Egg Mash with Charcoal ............ -. 20.00 4.70 8.00 1.4.00 _____________________ _. 4D1 I Analysis -------------------------------------------- -- 25.51 5.25 6.17 43.31 8.21 11.55 318V’ Big B Sweet Feed with Limestone 9.00 1.50 15.00 50.00 ______________________ __ 4D9 ’ Analysis -------------------------------------------- -~ 11.00 2.51 9.34 55.09 11.39 10.67 337M I V Analysis -------------------------------------------- -- 10.08 2.35 10.29 57.06 11.39 8.83 390W Anchor Wheat Gray Shorts and ' Screenings ________________________________________ .. 16.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 .................... ., 4E4 Analysis“ 17.00 3.88 8.26 55.77 10.59 4.50 224M Analysisuc». 18.70 4.86 6.93 55.99 8.94 4.58 277M Analysis“ .......................................... .. 17.02 4.11 7.26 56.83 10.44 4.34 301M Analysis .......................................... __ 16.92 4.57 5.62 59.48 9.55 3.86 333M Analysisfi 16.58 4.71 7.09 57.48 8.98 5.16 338M Analysis“ 17.56 4.85 6.58 56.98 9.37 4.66 366M _ Analysis“ 18.15 4.63 6.48 57.71 8.74 4.29 494W lBewley’s Five i Oyster Shell ................................... -- 20.50 8-50 7-40 44-00 --------------------- - 4E7 Analysisfii __________________________________________ __ 17,90 5,19 7.10 52.50 9.58 7.73 169H Analysis” _________________________________________ __ 20.98 5.43 5.27 47.96 8.68 11.68 286H Analysis ________________________________________ ____ 17.55 4.51 6.22 57.00 8.23 6.49 132W V. ' eat mixed feed, . ' eat brown shorts and screenings. corn also present. ‘ cess of oyster shell found. _I ficient in meat scraps. Ground milo found, not claimed. eat brown shorts and screenings with excess of chaff and straw. Wheat, milo andI 56 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) i Per Cent Reg I I trati Name and Address of Manufacturer or! I I I I Importer. Brand Name. l Crude ICrude Crudef Nitro- I Mois- Crude spect l Pro- I Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash ‘ I tein Extract ' Bewley Mills, Fort Worth, Texaw-Continued. Anchor Hen Scratch ............................ 10.00 2.90 4.00 68.00 _____________________ ,_ Analysis ........................ _. 11.68 3.86 2.55 70.33 10.37 1.21 Anchor Fattening Mash _ 14.00 5.00 5.50 59.00 ...................... .. Analysis ............................................ ._ 14.95 7.98 6.14 59.24 8.45 3.24 Analysis --------------------------------------------- -- 16.11 7.27 5.07 59.27 9.12 3.16 Oat Hulls, Molasses and Oat Shorts 5.00 1.20 20.00 55.50 _____________________ ., Analysis" ............................................ .. 10.06 4.58 11.96 58.88 9.76 4.76 Cottonseed Hulls, Cottonseed Meal and Molasses ................................... .. 11.00 1.50 88.00 81.50 _____________________ ._ Analysis“ .......................................... .. 14.84 1.74 28.61 39.74 11.14 3.93 Joy 24% Protein Dairy Feed with Limestone ......................................... .. 24.00 3.00 12.00 88.00 ______________________ _. Analysis ............................................ _. 23.32 4.50 9.24 45.65 10.51 6.78 Analysis .. . 26.10 5.50 7.72 44.67 6.94 9.07 Molasses, Milo Head Stems, Screen- ings, Oat Straw, Oat Hulls, Cotton- seed Meal, Oat Shorts, Limestone .._ and Salt ................................................................... __ , _______ L. i‘ Analysis” ........................................ 4 9.89 2.09 10.48 58.70 10.62 8.22 Big Bend Feed Mill, Fort Stockton, Texas. Big Bend Laying Mash .................... .. 20.00 4.00 7.00 47.00 ...................... _. Analysis" .......................................... .. 20.90 5.68 6.91 49.20 8.28 9.03 Vitacreme Dairy Feed N0. 3 with Limestone ........................................ .. 16.00 8.00 13.50 48.00 ............ ...... _. Analysis ..... .. 16.80 3.43 8.47 53.87 10.37 7.06 Analysis ........................................... _. 17.48 4.21 11.12 54.01 5.77 7.41 Vitacreme Dairy Feed No. 4 with Limestone .......................................... _. 20.00 3.40 18.00 44.00 .......... _. Analysis ............................................. -- 20.32 3.80 11.34 48.38 9.13 7.03 Analysis .............................................. -- 20.55 4.92 11.33 49.21 8.36 5.63 Vitacreme Dairy Feed No. 5 with Limestone ___________________________________________ _. 24-00 3-30 13-00 40-00 ---------------------- -- 1222B Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 25.12 4.25 11.40 42.23 8.96 8.04 1222D Analysis 22.28 5.61 12.37 44.18 8.73 6.83 258K Alfalfa Meal ....................................... _. 13-00 1-50 33-00 35-00 ---------------------- -_ 122213 Analysis!” _________________________________________ _. 11.92 1.84 25.49 39.19 12.84 8.72 1222E Big Bend Horse Feed __________________________ _. 10.50 2.70 8.00 61.00 ______________________ _. 12221] Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 11.87 3.46 7.79 63.03 9.97 3.88 122211 Big Bend’s Best Laying Mash with Limestone .......................................... _. 18-00 3.50 6-50 47-00 ---------------------- -- 1222K Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 16.46 4.45 5.82 54.42 10.00 8.85 1222K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. PNot registered. “Hominy feed found, not claimed. “Ground milo found, not claimed. “Ground grasses and approximately 2.4% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 57 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent I Regis- ' I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude | Nitro- I Mois- I Crude Ispection I Pr0- Fat I Fiber [gen-free] ture Ash I N0. I tein I IExtract I I Big Bend Feed Mill, Fort Stockton, Texas—Continued. Big Bend Growing Mash with Limestone _ . . ________________________________ __ 16.00 3.30 5.00 52.00 ____________________ _, 1222L Analysis , _ , , 16.71 4.54 5.27 54.60 9.34 9.54 1222L Vitacreme Chick Starter with I Limestone . ........................................ ._ 11.00 .5200 4.00 59.00 .................... _. 1222M Analysis“ . ._ 11.72 5.46 2.79 66.53 7.58 5.92 385K Sudan Grass and Molasses , _. 8.00 2.00 20.00 48.00 ___________________ __ 1222P Analysis ........................................... .. 7.22 1.13 23.15 50.00 10.05 8.45 1222P Blassingame, W. V., Hillsboro, Texas. . Supreme Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal __________________________________________ _, 20.00 3.70 7.50 1.3.50 ..................... _. 1151 Analysis ,,,,,,,,,, _________________________________ _. 19-97 5.51 6.30 48.76 8.91 10.55 145W Blue Bonnet Packing Company, Fort Worth, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 50-00 5-00 3-00 19-00 ---------------------- -. 985A Analysis ___________________________________________ _, 55.33 10.82 1.46 2.57 7.51 22.31 985A Analysis” _______________________________________ __ 51.34 11.11 1.59 3.17 7.61 25.18 227W Analysis33 ________________ ,_ _ ____________________ _, 53.20 13.61 1.81 1.33 6.58 23.47 270W Bob White Flour Mills, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings 15-00 3-50 6-00 55-00 ---------------------- » 39C Anglysis34 ___________________________ __ _ 15.72 4.19 6.57 58.54 9.65 5.33 287K Analysis34c ____ _, 17.30 4.22 6.65 58.14 9.21 4.48 49M Analysis34, , _ ____________________________ __ 18.34 4.45 6.23 60.05 6.66 4.27 513W U. S. Brand 20% Cow Feed with Limestone ....................................... .. 20.00 3.80 1 0-40 4» .30 ______________________ _. 39H Analysis .............. ............................ __ 20.02 3.85 13.12 ~=i9.62 6.31 7.08 120W Booth Company, Inc., F. E., San Francisco, California. Bootlfs Crescent Brand Fish Meal“, 64.00 5.00 0.50 0.00 ..................... __ 269A Anawsisda __________________________________________ __ 67,53 3.09 0.59 7.50 ‘ 6.38 14.36 273M ’ _ f-Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. “White corn meal substituted for yellow corn meal. “zAppi-oximately 2.2% of salt found. “Approximately 1.6% of salt found. “Wheat flown shorts and screenings. 58 Table 8.—Guaranteed (‘Qmposition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Regis- _ tratio Name and Address 0f Manufacturer or I Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude |spect1o Pro- Fat Fiber lgen-free ture Ash I N teln I [Extract V l Bosque Mill and Elevator Company, Clifton, Texas. Wheat Brown Shorts _________________________ .. 17.50 4.50 7.50 58.00 _____________________ __ Analysis“ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N 16.05 5.04 3.27 64.84 8.53 2.27 Analysisiw" ..... .............................. .. 16.05 4.94 4.64 62.75 8.77 2.35 Bower Feed Store, Graham, Texas. Special Dairy Feed ............................... .. 16.00 3.20 9.00 55.00 ____________________ .. Analysis“ .......................................... .. 18.79 3.86 7.26 57.47 8.59 4.03 Special Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.00 ______________________ _. Analysis ............................................. .. 19.40. 4.10 7.08 54.77 7.55 7.10 Analysis“ ......................................... _. 17.35 4.05 6.22 58.91 9.05 4.42 Bowers Milling Company, Brownfield, Texas. Bowers Best Protein Supplement for Swine ___________________________________________ .. 31.00 4.20 11.00 29.50 ..................... .. Analysis ............................................ .. 33.02 5.46 8.38 33.53 7.55 12.06 Bowers Best Starting Feed with Charcoal and Limestone 17.00 3.80 7.00 49.00 ..................... ._ Analysis ........................................... __ 19.82 5.04 6.69 52.35 7.45 8.65 Bowers Milk Producer Brand Cow Feed with Oyster Shell .................. _- 16.00 3.30 12.50 49.00 ______________________ .. Analysis .......................................... -- 17.50 4.08 10.69 55.89 5.71 6.13 Bowers Special Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ______________________________________ -» 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ..................... _. 839M Analysis ______________________________________ ---— 21.65 5.38 5.82 49.21 7.58 10.36 35S Analysis 21.92 5.42 6.12 47.76 8.01 10.77 245$ Bradfish, H. J., Weatherford, Texas. Equality Feed ..................................... u» 10.50 3.50 15.00 45.00 ..................... __ 691K Analysis“ ......................................... -. 11.58 3.01 21.08 48.86 10.45 5.02 136K More-Milk Brand Dairy Feed with ‘ Dicalcium Phosphate 24.00 4.00 11.00 41.00 ______________________ .. 691N Analysis” ......................................... -- 22.40 5.01 11.47 45.42 9.44 6.26 131K Bradfish Grain Company, Weatherford, Texas. We-Tex Alfalfa Meal ............................ _. 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 ...................... .. 1920A Analysis 13.14 1.66 I 33.25 36.64 l 8.52 6.79 1920A "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Sampled before registration. v “Wheat white shorts. “Wheat gray shorts. “Deficient in ground milo head stems and ground milo heads. Ground whole barley and ground peanut hulls found, not claimed. “All registrations cancelled. w. .3.» __... , . .t.4'..\.JLlfldlhL " COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 59 Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orl I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat I Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein IExtract Bradfish Grain Company, Weatherford, Texas—Continued. We-Tex Hen Mash with Charcoal”... 20.00 4.00 7.50 45.00 ...................... .. 1920B Analysis ........................................... .._ 21.40 5.29 6.29 47.92 9.04 10.06 1920B We-Tex Sweet Feed ............................. .. 12.00 2.00 17.50 48.00 .................. _. 1920C Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 13.85 2.25 15.89 50.52 10.37 7.12 1920C Analysis ............................................. .. 11.39 1.78 14.43 55.93 10.60 5.87 410K We-Tex Dairy Feed ________________________________ _. 24.00 8.60 12.00 42.00 _________ __ ., 1920K Analysis ............................................. l. 23.94 4.71 12.29 44.31 7.57 7.18 1920N Analysis ........................................... » 26.07 5.26 10.38 42.68 9.42 6.19 409K We-Tex Baby Chick Growing Mash with Dicalcium Phosphate ............. _. 17.50 3.00 6.50 53,00 _____________________ _, 19200 Analysis ............................................. -. 19.50 4.56 4.82 55.47 9.14 6.51 19200 Brady Cotton Oil Company, Brady, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ________________ __ 1074E Analysis ............................................. _- 45.58 6.11 11.43 26.32 5.63 4.93 31W Analysis‘ ....................................... -- 41.25 6.72 13.77 28.21 5.36 4.69 215W 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ................................................. --- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... _. 1074F Analysis .......................................... __-- 43.02 5.57 13.45 26.55 6.38 5.03 217W Brazos Valley Oil Mills, Valley Mills, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... .. 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ _. 5050 Analysis ---------------------------------- -. 43.50 6.63 11.74 26.52 6.39 5.22 514W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .......... .- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ __ 505D Analysis -------------------------------------- --—-— 42.10 5.57 12.65 28.20 6.59 4.89 139W Brazos Valley Oil Mills, Waco, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... _- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _, 1264C Axialysis ............................................ _. 43.02 6.05 11.40 29.03 5.15 5.35 49W Analysis‘ ............................................ -- 42.38 6.56 9.38 28.95 7.32 5.41 252W Brenham Cotton Oil and Manu- facturing Company, Giddings, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______________________ __ 2403B Analysis ............................................. .- 45.11 6.45 10.59 27.27 5.36 5.22 92M Brown County Farmers Association, Brownwood, Texas. Association Poultry Mash with "Limestone 18.00 3.00 3.50 55.00 ...................... .. 89B Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 17.29 4.25 3.43 60.61 8.93 5.49 281W “Refund paid. 6O BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent IRegis-l . Itration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I 01-111- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude Ispection Pro- Fat I Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash I No. tein Extract I I Brownwood Cotton Oil Mill, I I Brownwood, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ ,_ 48.00 6.00 12.00 23,00 ________________ d 310A Analysis” ._ _______________________________ .. 42.31 7.57 12.09 27.08 6,27 4,63 113K ‘_ Analysis‘ 42.47 6.37 12.23 27.04 6.96 4.93 69W ‘It Analysis” 42.81 7.61 11.88 27.15 5.81 4.74 174W Analysis 43.20 5.72 11.99 27.44 6.49 5.16 376w Analysis .. 45.03 6.57 11.31 25.91 6.04 5.14 458W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........ ._ 43.00 I 6.00 12,00 23,00 ___________________ __ 310B Analysis ............................................ _. 43.60 6.34 11.30 26,14 7,59 593 213w Bryan Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, Bryan, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ __ 403D Analysis ........................................... .. 43.59 7.08 10.16 27.36 5.90 5.91 415M 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ ,, 403E Analysism ......................................... _. 44.73 7.72 9.51 26.38 5.89 5.77 86M Bryant Coal and Grain Company, Lamesa, Texas. Golden Egg Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal and Limestone ....... .. 21.00 3-50 5.50 45.00 ...................... .. 1457A Analysis” ____________________________________________ __ 23.45 4.73 6.17 47.66 7.91 10.08 1457A Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 22.75 5.44 5.88 48.98 6.56 10.39 242s Analysis .............................................. .. 21.80 5.64 5.80 48.72 8.13 9.91 383$ Golden Egg Chick Starter with Oyster Shell ..................................... _- 14.50 3.60 6.50 59.00 .................... .. 1457B Analysis ......... ._ 16.58 4.30 5.22 59.49 6.89 7.52 1457B Analysis ...................................... 16.48 4.10 4.69 59.29 8.43 7.01 317$ Golden Egg Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ........................................ -. 16.00 3.60 7.50 50.00 ...................... _. 1457C Analysis ................ a 18.30 5.88 6.88 53.73 7.03 8.18 1457C Analysis ............................................ .. 18.86 4.80 6.57 54.36 7.92 7.49 318$ Burk Mill and Feed Company, Burkburnett, Texas. Good Luck Brand 16% Protein Cow Feed with Limestone ........... .. 16.00 3.00 14.00 44.00 _____________________ .. 1193D Analysis“ .......................................... _. 17.61 4.76 8.46 56.05 8.52 4.60 19K Good Luck Brand 21% Protein Cow Feed with Limestone ............ _. 21.00 8.40 14.80 40.00 ...................... U 1193H Analysis“ ........................................... _. 18.40 4.27 9.50 53.43 8.40 6.00 189K bPortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. ‘Refund paid. eRegistration adjusted. "Cottonseed meal. “Deficient in alfalfa meal. “Deficient in 43% protein cottonseed meal and molasses. Corn meal and millet seed found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 61 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Burrul Mill and Elevator Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings 17-00 4-00 6.00 55.00 ...................... .. 75A Analysis‘? _____________________________________ .. 17.70 5.07 6.81 56.94 9.20 4.28 206M Analysis" , _ , , , , , . , . _ _ _ , , , _ . , ,, 17.30 4.22 6.39 56.75 10.94 4.40 242M Analysisw" _________________________ .. 16.69 4.55 7.01 57.72 9.52 4.51 295M Analysis“ 17.05 4.87 7.17 55.07 10.89 4.95 314M Analysis" _ 18.01 4.41 6.33 57.67 9.80 3.78 396M Analysis“ ...................................... ._ 17.20 4.25 6.16 59.79 8.77 3.83 411M Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings... 15.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ..................... .. '75P Analysis“ . .................................... .. 16.40 4.02 6.41 61.28 7.69 4.20 52M Analysis‘ ..................................... .. 18.01 4.23 5.89 58.12 9.81 3.94 3R Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .. 17.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ____________________ 1 75P Analysis‘ .... .................................... .. 17.18 4.21 5.85 60.70 8.00 4.06 125K Burton and Wood, ‘ Stephenville, Texas. B and W Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ....................................... .- 20.00 4.00 7.50 49.00 _____________________ __ 21911) Analysis ........................................... .. 19.61 5.49 5.97 52.56 9.18 7.19 271W B and W Cow Feed ............................. . 17.00 8.60 12.50 49.00 ______________________ ., 2191E Analysis .............................................. -- 17.02 4.18 12.68 52.32 8.70 5.10 70W Chick Starter with Oyster Shell 14.50 3.60 5.00 57.00 ______________________ __ 2191F Analysis . ........................................... .. 16.34 4.85 3.76 58.90 10.31 5.84 358W Byrd Company, Homer, San Angelo, Texas. Rainbow Egg Mash with Charcoal. 19.00 3.60 4.30 51.00 ...................... .. 1859C Analysis ............... “I. ........................... .. 20.64 5.82 6.33 50.97 8.47 7.77 104K Analysis ............................................ .. 20.70 3.89 5.21 54.03 8.15 8.02 278K Depression Brand Sweet Feed with Limestone 12.00 2.50 15.00 50.00 ...................... .. 1859K Analysis ........................................... .. 12.70 3.22 16.20 53.64 7.81 6.43 392K Milky Way Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone .................................. _. 16.50 3.10 12.00 48.00 ______________________ __ 1859L Analysis“ .......................................... .. 17.40 3.98 12.99 50.62 8.66 6.35 393K Cameron Cotton Oil Company, Cameron, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... ._ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... __ 471G Analysis” ............................................ .. 42.28 6.87 11.84 27.00 6.27 5.74 98M Analysis ............................................. .. 43.92 7.87 10.91 25.68 6.07 5.55 342W Analysis I 43.10 7.71 11.15 25.51 6.74 5.79 461W "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. ‘Refund paid. "Registration adjusted. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. Corn meal found. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Corn bran found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone. 62 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31,, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) v Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- ~. Importer. Brand Name. I Crude ICrude Crudel Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection " Pro- I Fat ' Fiber Igen-freeI ture I Ash No. "I tein I |Extract I I . I I Cameron Cotton Oil Company, Cameron, Texas—C0ntinued. Analysis ......................................... -. 43.90 8.35 9.94 26.03 6.02 5,76 437w Analysis .......................................... .. 43.30 7.77 10.21 26.30 6.97 5,45 B Analysis . ' 43.08 5.45 11.62 28.51 5.59 5.75 G 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ......... _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ________________ n 471K ‘ Analysis ....................................... .. 42.78 7.42 11.82 25.85 6,57 5,56 179W ~ Analysis ......................................... _. 44.11 7.42 11.57 27.84 3.20 536 F Canadian Mill and Elevator Company, El Reno, Oklahoma. Canadian’s Sure-Profit Brand Laying Mash ...................................... 18.00 3.78 8.00 53,00 ___________________ __ 244x Analysis“. ................. .. 18.50 4.32 6,50 53.34 9,35 7_49 214w Analysis _______________________________________ -- 19.30 4.99 5.99 53,01 9,19 7_52 471w Canfield Grain Company, Mesquite, Texas. Mesquiter Brand Laying Mash \ with Limestone ................................. _. 21-00 4.00 5.00 45.00 _____________________ _, 2448A Analysis ..................................... .. 22.02 5.96 4.04 47.80 8.41 11,77 316R Ear Corn Chop with Husk _. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 _____________________ ,_ 2443B Analysis ............................................. .. 8.95 3.03 11.80 66.45 8.13 1.64 317R Canyon Grain and Elevator Company, Canyon, Texas. Canyon Dairy Feed with Limestone-.. 15-00 3-00 14.00 48.00 ..................... _. 2086F Analysis“ .......................................... _. 19-45 3-95 8.38 53.75 7.94 6.53 26S Canyon Dairy Feed ...................... ._ .. 16-00 3.50 12.00 48.00 _____________________ ._ 2086F Analysis ........................................... .. 17-87 4.40 8.18 55.24 8.50 5.81 220S Caraway and Miller, DeLeon, Texas. Golden Oak Growing Mash with ‘ Charcoal and Oyster Shell .............. __ 16.50 3.90 6.00 51.00 _____________________ _, 25C Analysis ............................ .. .. 18.51 5.41 4.26 56.12 8.40 7.30 406K . Golden Oak Cow Feed .......................... .. 16.50 3.80 15.00 46.00 ______________________ _, 25F Analysis ............................................. .. 17.90 4.88 11.20 52.72 7.83 5.47 296K Carruthers Grain Company, Archie W., Fort Worth, Texas. Carruthers Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ....................................... _. 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ____________________ __ 19001 Analysis 21.02 5.53 6.40 47.17 9.25 10.63 229W eRegistration adjusted. “Ground oyster shell found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 63 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 ‘to August 31, 1932—Continued ‘ (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I I Per Cent Regis- I _ tration Name and Address 0f Manufacturer orI I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. II Crude I Crude I Crude Nitro- I Mois- I Crude Ispection Pro- I Fat I Fiber IgPn-freeI ture Ash I No. I tein I I IExtract I I I I Carter Milling Company, Lott, Texas. Corn Feed Meal ...................................... -. 9.00 8.50 3.00 70.00 ____________________ __ 634C Analysis ............................................. .. 10.50 4.67 2.13 71.35 10.06 1.29 188W Analysis .......................................... .- . 10.60 4.56 2.07 70.49 10.98 1.30 248W Pat’s Laying Mash with Limestone 21.00 4.00 7.00 I 44.00 ____________________ __ 634D Analysis ____________________________________________ .- 21.14 5.69 6.33 47.18 9.28 10.38 634D Cason, L. C., Cleburne, Texas. I L. C. Cason Hen Feed ......................... .. 10.00 2.40 3.50 69.00 .. _________ __ 1914B i Analysis --------------------------------------------- -- 10.90 2.47 2.45 73.19 9.58 1.41 78W i“ Castleberry Feed Store, Eastland, Texas. I Eastland Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ........................................ .. 1.9.00 3.50 7.50 48.00 ..................... _. 2434A Analysis .............................................. -. 18.98 5.01 6.68 51.88 8.22 9.23 123K Eastland Dairy Feed ............................ -. 20.00 3.20 11.00 45.50 __________________ __ 2434B Analysis ................................ __ 21.15 4.93 9.89 51.75 7.38 4.90 124K Eastland Special Dairy Feed .............. .. 19.00 3.70 12.00 44.00 _____________________ _. 2434B‘ Analysis ............................................. -. 22.54 5.73 11.34 48.78 6.01 5.60 402K Cate and Company, S. G., Eagle Pass, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings ________ __‘__.__ 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 ..................... .. 1489A Analysis __________________________________________ _, 16.33 3.97 9.95 56.74 8.06 4.95 27H Analysis __________________________________________ __ 15.82 4.15 10.54 57.31 7.72 4.46 172H Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 16.50 4.46 9.80 56.28 7.83 5.13 375K Central Farm Products Company, Inc., Waco, Texas. Cen-Tex Milo Chop _______________________________ __ 10-00 2-50 3-00 70-00 ---------------------- -- 1994B Analysisfl ___________________________________________ _, 10.81 1.41 1.66 77.27 8.06 .79 490W Cen-Tex Ear Corn Chop with Husk __ 7-80 2-80 10-00 62-00 ---------------------- -. 1994K Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 8.20 3.49 9.68 66.35 10.23 2.05 187M Analygig __________________________________________ __ Cen-Tex Ground Whole Oats. ._ 11-00 4-00 12-00 58-00 ---------------------- 1 19941 Analysis47 _________________________________________ __ 12.04 5.08 10.36 60.28 8.33 3.91 518w Cen-Tex Protein Supplement for Swine 81.00 4.25 7.00 32.00 ______________________ __ 1994M Analygis ____________________________________________ __ 28.11 5.00 6.25 38.05 11.60 10.99 290W Cen-Tex Egg Laying Mash with Limestone ................................... .. 20.30 3.50 5.50 46.00 ...................... .. 1994N Analysis ______________________________________ __ 20.40 5.41 5.25 50.65 9.35 8.94 247W Cen-Tex Poultry Fattener ................... .. 14.00 4.00 5.80 58.00 ...................... .. 1994Q Analysis ............................................ -. 13.95 4.14 3.73 66.90 9.04 2.24 61W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Adulterated with ground corn, barley and milo. 64 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1981 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- i tration » Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. l Crude Crude Crude Nitro- l Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract l I Central Farm Products Company, Inc., r ’ Waco, Texas-Continued. Cen-Tex Baby Chick Starter with Limestone ____________________________________________ ._ 18.00 4.00 4.00 51.00 ______________________ __ 1994B Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 19.83 6.10 4.73 52.94 8.93 7.47 341W Cen-Tex Dairy Cow Protein Supple- ment with Limestone ...................... .. 27.00 8.75 11.50 34.00 ______________________ _, 1994U Analysis“ .......................................... .. 22.32 3.57 9.72 46.46 8.78 9.15 472W Border Brand Laying Mash with Limestone ________________________________________ _. . 18.50 8.50 6.50 48.00 ______________________ __ 1994448 Analysis .... ..' ..................................... .. 18.50 5.10 5.53 55.16 8.41 7.30 446W Cen-Tex 24% Dairy Feed with Limestone __________ .. 24.00 8.50 9.60 1.3.00 .......... ._ 1994B1 Analysis ____ _. .. 21.40 4.01 8.06 50.09 11.22 5.22 284M Analysis ............................................. .. 22.48 3.77 9.47 48.06 8.68 7.54 6W Alfalfa Meal .......................... .: .............. -. 13.00 1.50 0.9.00 05.00 ______________________ _, 1994B!» Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 15.81 2.20 24.89 42.82 6.28 I 8.00 62W Ground Screenings, Oat Hulls, Milo Heads, Molasses, Salt and Limestone ________________________________ __ 7.00 1.50 8.75 60.00 ______________________ __ 199402 Analysis .............................. .. 8.72 2.28 8.72 60.31 12.00 7.97 451W Unbolted Yellow Corn Meal ________________ 1 9.00 8.50 8.00 70.00 ______________________ ._ 199403 Analysis“ ___________________________________________ _. 10.61 5.87 2.70 69.24 9.44 2.14 66K Central Fuel and Feed Company, , Denison, Texas. 5 Beamer’s Dairy Feed _____________________________ _. 21.50 3.50 11.00 46.00 ...................... __ 1901F Analysise" ............ _. 23.17 5.90 9.44 48.63 7.51 5.35 14R Beamer’s Dairy Feed ______________________________ __ 22.00 4.00 12.00 48.00 ...................... .. 1901F Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 24.60 5.71 10.55 45.26 8.27 5.61 268R Central Seed and Feed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas. Mix Special Egg Mash with Oyster Shel] and Charggal ______________________________ __ 155/0 3.50 0.70 52.00 ______________________ .. 26731) Analygig ______________________________________________ ,, 20.61 5.15 5.83 50.03 9.62 8.76 2673D Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 18.90 5.03 6.54 53.58 7.96 7.99 334K Central Cow Feed .............................. .. 20-50 4.20 12-00 44-00 ---------------------- -. 25731 Analysis“ ______________________________________ ,, 20.84 4.89 10.08 51.05 7.28 5.86 175K Central Egg Mash with Cha;(0al___, 19.00 8.60 8.00 46.00 ...................... __ 2673K Analysis _, 19.40 5.05 6.91 54.08 7.63 6.93 12K Milk Gro Brand Cow Feed ................. .. 19.00 3-80 10-00 51.00 ...................... .. 2073B Analysis 19.65 5.12 9.22 52.80 8.54 4.67 174K “Portion of shipmenl removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. ‘Registration adjusted. “Milo head chop and ground oat hulls found, not claimed. "Ground whole oats and molasses found, not claimed. Deficient in ground whole barley and alfalfa meal. “Deficient in alfalfa meal and ground milo heads. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 65 Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ~ ‘ _ i . or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- MOIS- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein I Extract Central Texas Oil Company, Mart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ .. 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ______________________ __ 574G Analysis ............................................. *' 45.79 8.19 9.14 25.05 6.50 5.33 5W Chapman Milling Company, The, Celina, Texas. “Favorite” Brand Sweet Feed _______ .. 9.00 1.50 19.80 41.00 ...................... __ 390P Analysis __________________________________ ._ 9.18 1.10 27.96 40.91 12.61 8.24 78R Analysis‘ .......................................... _. 10.40 1.81 27.53 41.00 12.39 6.87 226R “Favorite” Brand Sweet Feed ........... .. 9.00 1.50 29.00 41.00 ______________________ .. 3901’ Analysis ............................................. .. 8.82 .95 32.62 36.77 12.52 8.32 267R “Favorite” Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal and Limestone .................. .. 18.00 3.50 8.00 50.00 _____________________ __ 390T Analysis ............................................. .. 18.58 4.39 6.74 55.24 9.05 6.00 79R “Favorite” Brand Dairy Ration with Limestone __________________________________ ,_ 15.50 2.80 20.00 39.00 ______________________ __ 390W Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 18.30 2.83 16.03 45.43 10.13 7.28 103K Analysis ____________________________ __ _ ________ __ 15.03 2.48 15.92 47.78 12.63 6.16 77R Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ________ _. 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ______________________ ._ 390x Analysis __________________________________________ _, 20.60 6.19 6.22 47.67 9.67 9.65 228R Chapco Milk Producer with Limestone ____________________________________________ .. 24.50 4.00 11.50 40.00 ______________________ __ 390A9 Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 24.04 4.39 9.84 46.01 9.78 5.94 76R Chapco 49% Protein Supplement for Swine ____________________________________________________ .. 49.00 4.70 8.70 10.40 ...................... .. 390136 Analysis“ ....................................... _. 48.88 8.53 7.34 13.20 5.96 16.09 137R Chapco Chick Starter with Lime- stone, Charcoal and Cod Liver Oil, 14.00 4.00 4.50 54.00 ______________________ ._ 390B’! Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 16.30 5.95 4.64 56.01 10.06 7.04 225R Analysis _. 15.86 7.47 4.93 55.59 9.14 7.01 264R Chapman Milling Company, The, Sherman, Texas. Chapco Milk Producer with Limestone 24.50 4.00 11.50 40-00 ...................... __ 3970 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 25.20 4.78 10.84 45.36 7.36 6.46 229R Chapco Growing Mash with Limestone and Charcoal _________________ .. 16.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 ...................... _. 397P Analysis ........................................... .. 19.05 3.13 5.07 55.77 7.58 9.40 9R Jersey Cream Dairy Feed with Limestone ........................................... W 15.00 3.00 12.50 47.00 ...................... _. 397T] Analysis .............................................. ._ 17.18 3.82 8.18 55.99 8.11 6.72 10R "Registration adjusted. “Approximately 1.2% of salt found. 66 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Féeds, September 1, 1981 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent ' ~_ tra Name and Address of Manufacturer or or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude i» Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free ture Ash N‘ ._ tein {Extract ' 1 ,__ |_ 2 __ Chapman Milling Company, The, Sherman, Texas-—Continued. Jersey Cream Dairy Feed with Limestone—Continued. I , Analysis ............................................. .. 18.49 4.30 9.29 54.84 7.50 5.58 88 ‘ Wheat White Shorts _ 14-50 3.00 3.50 60.00 ______________________ _, 89 i” Analysis .................. __ .. 16.12 4.89 3.81 62.60 9.76 I 2,82 2 p Analysis ............................................ -. 16.35 4.68 2.80 64.11 '.9.79 2.32 2 p Chapco Little Chick Scratch ............... .. 0.00 8.00 6.00 60.00 _____________________ 1 3 ' Analysism ......................................... _. 11.60 8.01 2.03 72.49 9.44 1.43 91 _ ' “Favorite” Brand Laying Mash with " Charcoal and Limestone .................. -. 18.00 8.50 8.00 50.00 ______________________ __ 39 .'_ Analysis .............................................. .. 19.41 4.81 5.84 53.73 10,53 5,53 319' ' Chickasha Cotton Oil Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. 43% Protein Chickasha Quality - ~_ Cottonseed Meal ............................... .. 40.00 6.00 12.00 2.2.00 ____________________ __ 13o ‘ Analysis” ........... ._ 42.00 6.20 12.71 28.08 6.55 4.51 6 . Analysis _____ __ . 44.36 6.96 11.18 26.47 5.87 5.16 1 '- A Analysis“ .......................................... ._ 43.15 7.47 12.41 26.00 5.99 4.93 z 43% Protein Chickasha Prime " '. Cottonseed Cake ............................... -_ 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ..................... ._ 1801 Analysis ............................................ -. 46.72 6.76 8.82 26.99 5.21 8.51 1 I Analysis ............................................ -. 48.81 5.26 11.88 27.04 7.00 5.07 151 Analysis _____________________________________________ -. 43.40 5.47 11.42 26.86 7.94 4.91 15 A Analysis ............................................. -. 43-49 6-01 12-11 26.51 6.72 5.16 19 ~l Analysis .............................................. .. 45-14 6-50 11.28 25.90 5.62 5.56 i 43% Protein Chickasha Prime 1 Cottonseed Meal .......................... --_. 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ...................... .. 1801 Analysis” ........................................... _. 41-39 8-35 11.26 27.01 7.00 4.99 5_ Analysis ..................................... -; ........ -. 46.89 7.67 8.01 26.28 5.98 5.27 ' 188s. Analysisk" . 42.22 6.83 12-17 27.51 6.42 4.85 1988‘ Analysis ............................................. .. 43.85 5.72 10.63 27.48 7.22 5.10 2008 g; Chickasha Milling Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. Hominy Feed __________________________________________ .. 10-00 6-00 7-00 60-00 ...................... ._ 1881, Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 11.31 7.89 4.00 65.61 8.99 2.20 135K. Wheat Bran ___________________________________________ .. 15-00 3-50 10-00 50-00 ............ __'. ....... __ 188K Analysis _______________________ Q ..................... .. 16.60 4.82 9.71 55.46 7.06 6.35 443K "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. °Refund paid. "Whole weed seeds found. Incorrectly printed tags attached. “Excess of lint found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 67 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent I Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orl l I l I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- | Crude Ispection I Pro- I Fat I Fiber Igen-freeI ture I Ash I o. I tein I [Extract I I I I I I I Childress Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., I I I Childress, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ,,,,,,,, ,, 1.3.00 I 6.00 I 12.00 23.00 I ..................... .. 1122B Analysis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,_ 43.58 l 6.57 10.35 27.50 6 66 5 34 I 54S Analysis ____________________________________________ ,, 42.42 8.89 11.88 26.56 5.51 4.74 184s Analysis“ ___________________________________________ _. 41.45 8.48 12.5]. 26.32 6.41 4.83 2728 Analysis .. 43.00 8.73 12.08 2.5.41 5.64 5.14 303s Analysis 43.02 7.62 12.86 25.50 6.05 I 4.95 l 342s Chillicothe Cotton Oil Company, l l Chillicothe, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 . ................... .. 2396A Analysis ________ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 42.42 7.18 12.52 27.47 5.55 4.86 53S Analysis .......................................... _, 44.81 7.69 11.13 26.31 5.13 4.93 71S Analysis ....... ._ . 43.55 _ 7.46 11.02 28.03 4.98 4.96 88S Analysis ................. ._ . ....................... __ 44.25 7.57 10.18 26.26 6.51 5.23 128s Analysis“ ........................................... ._ 40.36 9.58 12.03 27.30 5.92 4.81 182s Analysis ......................................... .. 43.02 7.45 11.31 27.55 5.67 5.00 205s Analysis” .......................................... .. 39.02 6.83 14.56 28.04 6.69 4.86 206s Analysis“ .......................................... .. 41.46 6.78 12.54 30.13 6.65 2.44 217s 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake Screenings ........................................ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ' ...................... .. 2396F Analysis ............................................. .. 43.62 7.06 10.90 26.47 6.88 5.07 152S 43% Protein Sheep-Size I Cottonseed Cake .............................. _. 1.3.00 6.00 12.00 2.7.00 __________ _. 2396G Analysis“ ......................................... .. 41.73 6.24 13.17 28.07 5.76 5.03 209s 43% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 2396H Analysis" .......................................... _. 41.90 5.91 12.97 28.43 5.85 4.94 141S Citizens Mill and Elevator Company, Seguin, Texas. Corn Bran ,_ 8.00 5.00 13.00 60.00 ...................... _. 253E Analysis _________________________________ __ 9.86 6.84 8.70 64.74 7.81 2.05 101H Ear Corn Chop with Husk... 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ ._ 253F Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 8.57 3.34 10.29 69.49 6.65 1.66 102H City Feed Store, Kingsville, Texas. I Benham Lay Mash _______________________________ .. 20.00 4.00 7.50 47-00 ...................... .. 1984C Analysis _______________ __ 21.42 6.36 6.75 I 49.74 7.91 7.82 272E Big Five Cow Feed 15.00 3.50 7.50 40.00 ...................... .. 193415‘ Analysis“ .......................................... .. 20.39 I 5.54 8.10 I 52.91 8.64 4.42 1984F “Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. “Screenings found, not claimed. 68 BULLETIN NO. 467, Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition an'l Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, I932—Continued (The guarantees are primed in italics following brand names.) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or] Importer. Brand Name. I l Crude I Crude F | Crude i Nitro- i Mois- I Crude s Pro- at Fiber gen-free ture A h tein Extract Clarendon Grain Company, Clarendon, Texas. Dairy Feed _________________________________________ __ 19.50 3.40 18.00 45.00 __________________ ._ Analysis 23.73 4.28 9.83 49.11 8.00 5.05 Laying Mash with Limestone ........... 1 20.00 3.60 7.50 1.5.00 ____________________ 1 Analysis . ............................................ .. 22.41 4.86 5.88 46.92 9.18 10.75 Clark’s Feed Store, Henry, Stephenville, Texas. 6 Plus 6 Starter and Growing Mash with Charcoal __________________________________ _, 17.00 3.70 7.80 48.00 .......... .. _..__., Analysis ___________ ,_ , ________________________ _, 21.75 4.78 5.99 50.97 9.14 7.37 6 Plus 6 Laying Mash ______________________ _, 20.00 4.00 8.00 49.00 ____________________ .. Analysis 21.75 5.04 5.44 52.98 7.96 6.83 Henry Clark’s Dairy Special ____________ _. 16.00 8.60 16.00 46.00 .................... .. Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 17.50 4.62 11.95 51.65 8.49 5.79 Analysisfii- _ 17.71 4.26 14.42 49.98 8.09 5.54 Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 16.80 4.53 13.70 50.06 8.77 6.14 Henry Clark’s Turkey and Poultry Fatner with Sulphur ____________ ..‘ ______ 13.00 2.80 4.50 53.00 ................... ._ Analysis ............................................ .. 16.39 4.92 4.40 59.70 8.25 6.34 Henry Clark’s 6 Plus 6 Growing Mash 17.50 3.60 7.00 46.00 ................... .. Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 20.58 4.80 5.97 54.46 8.85 5.34 Clarksville Cotton Oil Company, The, Clarksville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake.__________. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................... .. Analysis ____________________________________ __ _ 44.89 6.75 8.62 27.82 6.06 5.86 Analysis __________________________________________ _. 44.60 6.88 8.93 27.27 6.03 6.29 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................... ._ Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.15 7.70 10.71 27.92 5.95 5.57 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 44.49 7.89 8.56 26.91 6.06 6.09 Clayton Feed Store, J. R., Bryson, Texas. Bryson Mixt Chicken Scratch .......... _. 10.00 2.60 3.00 70.00 ................... .. Analysis ............................................. .. 11.71 2.69 2.11 74.00 8.24 1.25 Cliff Grain Company, Dallas, Texas. “Popular” Brand Egg Laying Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell . 19.50 3-80 5-50 48-00 .................. .- Analygig ____________________________________________ __ 19,26 5,17 4.83 53.84 8.25 8.65 Cream Brand Cow Feed with Oyster Shell ---..----------.-----.----.---_----.___. 25.00 4-00 12-00 41-00 ---------------------- -- Analysis. 25.11 4.76 10.89 45.06 8.05 6.13 “Ground milo found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDlNG STUFFS 69 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 , to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Per Cent I I I I I -. l! Crude I Crude I I I Mois- I Regis- tration I or In- I Crude Ispection I Crude Nitro- Pro- I Fat I Fiber Igen-free] ture I Ash No. tein I IExtract I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cliff Grain Company, I I I I I Dallas, Texas—Continued. ‘ I I I I “Popular” Brand Growing Mash I I I I with Buttermilk, Charcoal and I I I A Oyster Shell ._ I 18.00 3.60 8.50 49.00 ,,,,,,, 1 1522D Analysis I 22.44 I 5.82 I 5.98 49.49 8.07 8.20 66R . J a. Coffield Milling Company, ' ‘I Bowie, Texas. More-Egg Laying Mash with I I I Charcoal and Limestone. _ 19.00 3.80 7.50 48.50 1 . 2463L I Analysis“ .......................................... _. 19.84 4.97 6.75 I 52.36 9.73 6.35 157K All-Mash Chick Starter 13.00 3.50 3.50 63.00 ...................... __ 24630 ' Analysis“....._..._.... .. 1 14.83 4.19 2.52 64.78 9.97 3.66 158K Coke Brokerage Company, Bronte, Texas. Corn Chop , _ 1 .................. __ . .. .......... .. .. Analysisflmw" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _, 11.33 4.64 2.64 69.18 10.83 1.38 282K ‘ Cole and Company, R. L., - Krum, Texas. Gold Dollar Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal _____________________________________________ __ 18.00 3.50 5.50 51.00 ______________________ __ 1396T Analysis __________________________________________ ,. 20-21 4-54 4-47 53-50 9-19 8-09 323K Gold Dollar Dairy Feed with Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 10-00 3-50 9-00 56-00 ---------------------- -. 1396A2 Analy$ig58b___________________ 17.86 3.98 9.10 55.60 8.19 5.27 324K ‘Coleman Cotton Oil Mill, 5 ' Coleman, Texas. i Prgtein Cgttongeed Meal ______ __ 43.00 6.00 12-00 23-00 ...................... .. Analysis ________________________________________ W 43.42 6.74 12.77 25.54 6.98 4.55 96K Analysisv ___________________________________________ __ 42.42 6.39 12.22 27.92 6.334 4.72 98K Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 42.82 6.73 12.24 26.02 7.30 4.89 263K Analysig __________________________________________ __ 7.19 6.65 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 46.13 7.24 11.09 24.41 6.14 4.99 396K Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 44.48 7.13 12.04 25.54 5.97 4.84 282W 43% protein cottonseed cake ______ __ 4.2.00 0.00 12.00 2.2.00 ..................... _. 2051B I 45.67 6.06 9.65 27.84 6.04 4.74 100K Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 45.10 7.33 11.75 24.78 6.24 4.80 268K lGrounil milo found, not claimed. kllutilated tags attached. round whole oats found, not claimed. ' ,"Used by manufacturer in feeding own stock. iortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. 70 _ BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932--Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer 0rI I I I I I Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture I Ash tein Extract I ' I Collin County Cotton Oil Company, McKinney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ...... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ _. Analysis" ________________________________________ _. 42.13 8.36 12.55 25.74 6.30 4.92 Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 42.63 8.79 11.95 27.95 4.82 3.86 Collin County Mill and Elevator Company, McKinney, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ______________________________ __ 17.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 .................... _. Analysis ______________ ,_ 18.60 5.19 5.99 55.41 10.05‘ 4.76 Analysis59" _______________________________________ _, 18.71 5.17 6.27 56.17 9.25 4.43 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 17.90 4.63 5.69 57.86 I 9.81 4.11 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 18.33 4.83 6.00 55.87 10.73 4.24 Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 18.80 4.84 6.05 55.48 10.60 4.23 Analysiswc ....................................... .. 19.25 5.27 6.70 ‘ 56.74 7.50 4.54 Gold Band 24% Cow Feed with Limestone ____________________________________________ .. 24.00 3.70 12.30 38.70 ....................... .. Analysis ............................................ .. 26.30 4.26 10.46 44.11 6.85 8.02 Gold Band Horse and Mule Feed ..... -. 10.60 3.20 12.70 56.00 ..................... 1 Analysisd ........................................... .. 11.54 4.48 10.00 58.91 10.35 4.72 Collins Feed Company, Borger, Texas. Hegari Head Chop ____ 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 ______________________ .. Analysis“ ________________________________________ _, 9.74 2.66 5.46 70.53 8.92 2.69 Texas Pep Brand Mixed Feed with Lime 17.00 3.00 13.00 4.9.00 ..................... __ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.72 3.55 10.57 53.04 8.13 5.99 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.10 3.39 10.16 56.56 7.71 5.08 Cremo Brand Dairy Feed ____________________ _. 16.50 3.00 8.00 54.00 .................... ._ Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 19.32 4.03 7.40 57.43 7.45 4.37 Colorado Feed Milling Company, Colorado, Texas. Col-Co Laying Mash with Oyster Shell 21.00 3.80 6.00 49.00 ______________________ .. Analysis“ ________________________________ __ 21.97 5.85 6.25 49.45 7.02 9.46 Col-Co Sweet Mixing Feed_ .. 9.50 2.30 11.00 58.00 _______________________ .. Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 9.72 2.42 9.05 61.84 9.06 7.91 ColCo Growing Mash with Limestone 18.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 ..................... _. Analysis“ _____________________________________ _.__ 17.91 4.48 6.03 55.04 7.45 9.09 Col-Co Ground Milo Head Stems and Molasses ___________________________________ __ 4.60 I 0.80 22.00 55.00 ..................... .. Analysis .............................................. ._ 5.09 I .48 I 18.93 57.18 11.12 . 7.20 "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. cRefund paid. "Sampled before registration. “Wheat brown shorts. “Ground milo found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 71 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued " ot tagged. . sed by dealer in feeding own stock. Iortion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ortion of shipment removed from sale. rley claimed, not found. Oats found, not claimed. (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. I tein I Extract Comanche Milling Company, Comanche, Texas. Whole Barley Chop ______________________________ _. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 ___________________ __ 261314] Analysis“ . . ________________ __ 9.68 3.05 7.78 68.99 7.39 3.11 170W Hoff’s Egg Mash with Charcoal, Oyster Shell and Copperas ____________ ._ 20.00 3.60 7.00 48.00 _________ _________ _, 26131 Analysis . . . ________________ 19.67 5.35 5.61 54.08 9.27 6,02 363W Hoff’s Fattening Mash with Charcoal 13.00 2.80 4.60 59.00 ________________ __ 2613P Analysis ..................................... .. 13.30 4.07 4.25 63.80 8.71 5.87 277W Hoffs Growing Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell ............ .. 17.50 3.50 8.00 50,00 ____________________ __ 2613B, Analysis ......................................... 4 19.56 4.74 5.94 56.11 6.39 7.26 2613R gCombs, V. R., '1 Kansas City, Missouri. i- Combs Poultry Fattener Station Feed ......................... .. 12-50 4.50 6.00 58.00 _____________________ _. 533A Analysis“ ................................... .. 15.35 4.57 5.55 64.08 7.59 2.86 26K Analysiswm ........................... -. ' 14.31 4.23 4.35 63.73 9.73 2.65 36K , Analysis . .................. .. 14.71 4.11 4.71 63.83 9.67 2.97 341K . Vigorine Brand Car Feed with Limestone _ 12.50 3.50 7.00 53.00 ____________________ .. 533B Analysis ........................................... .. 15.61 4.52 4.74 63.06 7.51 4.56 533B '3 ommerce Oil Mill Company, l Commerce, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ...... _. 43.00 6.00 12-00 25-00 ..................... .. 150G I Analysis _, 43.70 6.59 11.75 27.20 5.63 5.13 23R Analysis ___________________________________________ _. 42.80 7.03 9.65 28.60 6.69 5.23 99R 7 Analysis ___ _ _, _. ,. ._...__....__.___.... 43.41 6.46 11.04 28.27 5.66 5.16 164R 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 25.00 ...................... .. 150H i Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.00 5.64 10.98 27.26 7.88 5.24 100R iommerce Seed and Feed Company, ' San Antonio, Texas. Commerce Laying Mash with chareoal and Oyster Shell _________ _. 20.00 4.00 7.00 1.6.00 .................... ._ 1373A Analysis _ ,_ .__. 24.26 6.34 5.66 47.37 8.55 7.82 347K kCommerce Scratch Feed ....................... _. 10.00 2.90 3.50 69.00 .................... .. 1373B i Analysisfiz ___________________________________________ .. 11.64 3.45 2.39 71.42 9.29 1.61 348H 72 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued . (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nirro- I Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- I Fat Fiber Igon-freeI ture Ash No. I tein I IExtract . I I I I I Community Milling Company, I El Paso, Texas. I Community Dairy Feed . .. . 15.00 I 3.80 8.20, 55.00 _____________________ __ 2341L Analysis” .................... .. 16.65 5.33 7.72 58.11 8.22 3.97 63K Analysis“... 16.05 5.46 7.18 58.63 9.04 3.64 233K Alfalfa Meal 13.00 1.50 3.0.00 35,00 __________ _________ __ 2341115 Analysis“ --------------------------------------- .» 15-19 1.69 '23.20 43.74 6.87 9.31 2341A5 Conkey Feed Mills of Texas, The, Dallas, Texas. I Conkey’s Gecco Growing Mash with I Buttermilk and Y-O (Cod Liver Oil, I Yeast, Soy Bean Oil Meal, Wheat Gray Shorts, Red Oxide of Iron)”. 18.00 I 5.00 7.50 50.00 ______________________ ,_ 13270 Analysis“ . .. ............ .. 22.33 I 7.19 5.68 49.02 6.01 9.77 63R Conkey’s Gecco Egg Mash with Lime- I stone and Y-O (Cod Liver Oil, ' Yeast, Soy Bean Oil Meal, Wheat I I Gray Shorts and Red Oxide of i l I Iron) .. .. .. 20.00 I 5.00 I 7.00 40.00 ______________________ __ 1327? Analysis ............................................ .. 22.01 5.93 4.65 48.55 10.22 8.64 192R Conkey’s Red Seal Egg Mash with Limestone . . .. 18.00 5.00 7.00 46.00 ______________________ _. 1327C9 Analysis .... _. . ................................ .. 19.90 6.22 5.04 51.76 9.71 7.37 193R Conkey’s All-Mash Chick Ration with I Limestone and Y-O (Cod Liver Oil, Yeast, Soy Bean Oil Meal, Wheat Gray Shorts, Red Oxide of Iron) 16.00 5.00 7.00 50.00 ______________________ __ 1327D2 Analysis .. .............. .. 17.45 6.81 I 5.45 I 54.46 8.42 7.41 441W Conkey’s 32% Poultry Mash Supple- ment with Limestone and Y-O (Cod Liver Oil, Yeast, Soy Bean Oil Meal, Wheat Gray Shorts, and Red Oxide of Iron) 82.00 5.00 7.00 25.00 ______________________ _. 1327E2 Analysis" . .. 33.66 9.58 5.65 27.14 7.79 16.18 1327152 Ground Screenings and Molasses ..... .. ,8.00 1.50 7.50 58.00 ______________________ _. 1327E5 Analysis . .. .. . ........ .. 13.34 1.13 8.93 56.85 10.95 8.80 1327155 Conlisk Mill and Feed Store, Temple, Texas. “Crackerjack” Brand Egg Mash 20.00 4.00 8.00 48.00 ...................... _. 1278M Analysis ............................................ .. 18.34 5.23 6.70 51.93 10.48 7.32 220W “Rolled whole oats found, ground whole oats claimed. “Approximately 6.1% of salt found. “Corn gluten meal found, not claimed. Approximately 1.4% of ground limestone found, not claimed. “Excess of salt and ground limestone found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 73 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 I to August 31, l932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent I Regis- I tration Name and Address of liiawwfacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude Ispection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture A No. tein [Extract Consolidwed Flour ll/Eills Company, The, Wichita, Kansas. s I I I I I Wheat Gray Shorts and Scourings 17.00 3.50 6.00 I 57.00 ,,,,,,, ., ____,,,_, 2506F Analysis . 17.20 4.70 5.96 60.14 7.23 4.77 510W Consolidated Products Company, Danville, Illinois. I Dried Buttermilk 32-00 5-50 0.00 35.00 ......... .. 835B Analysis" __ 31.16 I 5.07 .87 I 43.63 9.92 9.35 322H Analysis“ 31-70 4.26 .38 43.64 9.89 10.13 458K Analysis” 32.38 5.55 .29 45.46 7.36 8.96 305M Analysis“ 32.80 4.91 .14 39.70 10.82 11.63 473W Analysis“ ___________________________________ ____,_ 31.87 3.57 .52 44.94 8.92 10.18 491W Consumers Fuel, Grain and Ice Company, Houston, Texas. Blue Bonnet Scratch Feed ___________________ ,, 10-00 3-00 4.00 68-00 .................. _.._... 1358B Analysis _____________________________________________ H 12.22 2.62 2.26 73.17 8.45 1.28 11M Consumers Milling Company, Perryf on, Texas. Wheat ll/Iixed Feed and Screenings 17-00 3-50 8-50 52-00 _____________________ _. 1629A Analysis“ __, ______________,_ 16-04 3.89 5.49 61.39 8.92 4.27 349$ Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings 17-00 4.00 6-00 55-00 ...................... __ 162917‘ Analysism-l" ________________________________________ __ 17.70 4.01 6.21 58.83 8.71 4.54 12S Continental Hatchery, I Gonzales, Texas. Continental Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ____________________ ________________ _, 20.00 3.50 7.80 44.00 _____________________ _. 907A Analysis“ 22.05 5.31 6.47 48.19 7.50 I 10.48 907A _z,“9w-r.5r-x-w-;"§0\s~ -- ‘ Continental Oil-Cotton Company, Colorado, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________ _, 43-00 6-00 12.00 23-00 .................... .. 300A Analysisc ____________________________________________ _, 41.84 8.48 11.73 27.51 5.84 4.82 44K Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 40.10 - 8.98 18.28 28.78 8.21 4.72 46K Analysis“ ___________________________________________ __ 41.29 7.84 12.51 27.82 8.09 4.85 224K Analysisb ____________________________________________ _, 41.98 7.97 12.88 27.18 5.91 4.87 228K Analysis ~ ............... .. 43.97 8.17 11.00 25.88 8.88 4.87 352K Analysis ___________________________ 1 48.81 7.92 11.28 25.92 8.25 5.04 365K Analysis .............................................. 42.58 8.88 11.21 28.87 8.80 4.58 368K g“Por‘;i0n of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. jFRefund paid. .‘Sampled before registration. J "Wheat gray shorts and screenings. "Wheat Frown shorts and screenings. °Excess ash chiefly derived from lime. 74 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration ~> or In- ' I Name and Address of Manufacturer orl I I I I I A Importer. Brand Name. I Crude [Crude I Crudel Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection f I‘ Pro- I Fat IFiber Igen-freeI ture Ash No. I I tein II Extract Continental Oil-Cotton Company, ‘ Colorado, Texas—Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... __ 800B "I Analysis” ____________________________________________ _. 42.20 6.60 12.22 28.25 5.82 4.91 49K Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.81 6.21 11.88 26.97 6.37 4.76 225K Analysis .......... _. ._ 43.78 6.29 11.71 26.52 6.81 4.89 253K ‘ Analysis ............................................. ._ 44.24 6.50 11.14 26.33 7.05 4.74 281K ‘ Cooper Cotton Oil Company, Cooper, Texas. 43 % Protein Cottonseed Meal ....... .. 43-00 6-00 12.00 23-00 ...................... _. 149C I i’ Analysis ........................................... .. 43.30 6.32 11.73 26.36 6.62 5.67 97R Analysis ............. .. 43.52 6.66 9.08 28.74 6.10 5.90 163R Analysis ........................................ .. 45.63 7.54 8.97 25.81 6.03 6.02 311R If 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 149D Analysis 45.84 6.65 7.15 26.41 8.03 5.92 98R Corn Products Refining Company, New York, New York. Buffalo Corn Gluten Feed ................. .. 23.00 2.00 8.50 48.50 ______________________ _, 2309A Analysis ............................................ N 26.84 3.11 6.69 48.37 8.24 6.75 262R Corpus Christi Cotton Oil Mill, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ __ 1845]?‘ Analysis ............ .. 42.57 6.18 12.20 26.45 6.82 5.78 54H Analysis .......................................... U 40.41 10.25 11.45 25.98 6.20 5.71 268E Corsicana Grain and Feed Company, Corsicana, Texas. wJ/unlnlfliznfl .1 . - Ground Whole Oats ....... ._ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 __________ _, 1230A Analysis“ .................. W 10.55 6.27 11.82 59.49 8.26 3.61 121W Ground Whole Barley ......................... a 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 .......... __ 1230B Analysisdm‘) ........ w . ......................... .- 10.70 2.68 4.31 69.50 8.46 4.35 122W Ear Corn Chop with Husk .......... W _ 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ ,, 1230c Analysis“ ......................................... -. 9.90 3.41 9.80 65.64 9.72 1.53 123W Cottonwood Alfalfa Milling Company, Lake Arthur, New Mexico. l Alfalfa Leaf Meal ............................... __ 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 _____________________ ._ 3A Analysisfll ........................................ .. 18.05 3.26 19.98 39.86 10.19 I 8.66 204M1 Analysis” ......................................... .. 19.37 2.33 21.08 41.11 7.29 I 8.22 102R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. "Sampled before registration. "Some corn chop and ground wheat found. “Approximately 1.4% of salt found. "Approximately 2.6% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 75 Table 8.--Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection I PYO- I Fat Fiber Igen-free ture I Ash N0. I tein II IExtract I I I Courtney and Myrick, I Littlefield, Texas. I Dairy Feed ................. ......................... .. 22.50 3.50 12.00 1.3.00 _______ .. I _________ '7 2158B Analysis 24.33 5.74 9.53 46.14 8.28 I 5.98 I 37S Craig and Sons, M. L., I Amherst, Texas. I Kafir Head Chop ................... __________ .. 3.50 2.50 3.00 I 05.00 ........ ._ I I 2044C Analysis 11.31 2.91 5.51 I 68.65 7.95 3.67 I 326$ Alfalfa Meal ........ n 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 _________ "I ______ .. I 2044K Analysis ._ . . ............. ~ 15.86 1.96 24.90 40.28 7.69 I 9.31 I 2044K Crandall Mills, Inc., I Crandall, Texas. I I “Valuable Quality” Brand Ear Corn I I Chop with Husk .............................. _. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ..................... 2498A Analysis ............................................ V 9.29 3.15 I 8.80 67.54 9.49 1.73 I 294R “Valuable Quality” Brand Alfalfa I I I Meal ..................................................... .. 13.00 1.50 I 33.00 I 35.00 .......... 1 249815‘ Analysis” ............... W J 13.11 I 2.27 25.22 I 39.67 10.32 9.41 168K Analysis H -- 14.29 I 1.83 I 28.74 37.54 8.79 8.81 I 263R “Valuable Quality” Brand Egg Mash I I I I with Charcoal and Limestone ..... 19.50 I 3.30 I 3.00 43.00 I _____________________ __ 24981 Analysis ---------------------------------------- -- 20.12 5.70 I 7.85 47.62 9.20 9.51 328w “Valuable Quality" Brand Stock Feed 9.30 2.30 I 13.00 54.00 ______________________ __ 2498B Analysis ------------------------------------------ ~ 7.41 I 1.07 I 14.77 58.95 10.59 7.21 2498B Crawford, J. M., I I Austin, Texas. I Crawford’s Best Mixed Feed ........... 14.00 I 8.00 I 15.50 43.00 ________ ,, 1546A Analysis ........................................... V 19.77 I 13.66 I 18.21 38.66 I 5.78 3.92 37H Crawford, N. A., I I Houston, Texas. I I Blue Bird Scratch Feed ..................... .. 141-50 I 2-80 I 3-50 I 68-00 I ______________________ n 17541) Analysis __________________________________________ _, 12.31 I 3.50 3.10 I 68.74 10.92 1.43 I 76M Crawford Grain and Elevator Company, I Houston, Texas. I Blue Bird Cow Feed __________________________ _. 17.00 I 3.50 I 15-00 44-00 .......... ......... .. 870C Analysis ___________________ __ ,, 18.48 4.97 14.24 50.46 6.56 I 5.29 407M Rice Bran and Molasses 8.50 I 7.50 I 10.00 49.00 .......... ......... 870R Analysis ..................................... ... .... .. 10.73 I 8.94 I 12.52 I 43.26 13.61 10.94 I 298M Crawford’s “Economy” Brand Egg I Mash with Charcoal and Minerals... 21.50 4.20 6.00 45.00 .......... _. 870K Analysis“ ......................................... .. 21.90 I 6.07 6.17 47.55 I 6.52 I 11.79 375M "Approximately 4% of salt found. “Approximately 1.4% of ground oyster shell found, not claimed. Excess of ground lime- stone found. 76 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guarantced Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, I932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Rezis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I I or In- ' Importer. Brand Name. I Crude ICrude CrurleI Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract ‘ Crawford Grain and Elevator CompanyuI I I I I I Houston. Texas—Continued. Dix0n’s Hen Ration with Charcoal, Oyster Shell, Phosphatic Limestone and Sulphur _______________________________________ _. 21-00 4.00 5.50 4.6.00 __________________ ,, 87083 Analysis .... .................................. 22.05 4.18 5.61 48.86 7.86 11.44 219M Creech, W. M., Olnoy, Texas. Olney Maid Dairy Feed with Limestone .......................................... ._ 24-00 4.00 12.00 40.00 ____________________ __ 909E Analysis ............................................ _. 25.25 5.86 9.74 45.29 8.25 5.61 170K Crockett Cotton Oil Mill, Crockett, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________ .. 43-00 0-00 12-00 23.00 ......... .. 573K Analysis,___,_,,__,_,___,__________________________ 43-30 6.69 8.95 27.56 7.66 5.84 158W 44.61 7.20 7.86 27.04 7.46 5.83 323W Analysis .. Crouch Milling Company, Spur, Texas. Crouch’s Dairy Mixed Feed with - Alfalfa 15-69 3.50 11.00 53.70 .................... H 861D Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 17-04 3-71 10.62 54-24 9.58 4.21 199K Crowley Feed Mills, Crowley, Texas. Ear C0111 Chop with Husk ___________________ >4 7-80 50-80 10.00 62-00 ...................... _.' 392B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 9-91 3-64 8.93 66.37 9.76 1.39 232W Cuero Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, Cuero, Texas. Prgtein Cgttgnseed Meal _________ __ 43-00 6-00 12-00 23.00 ______________________ _. Analysis _________________________________________ _, 42-71 6-66 11-10 26-72 7.33 5.48 76H Analysis” ___________________________________________ _. 42-48 6-81 10-54 27-26 7-56 5.35 _ 11911 Analysis ____________________________________________ ,_ 42-00 6.65 10-65 28.04 7.24 5.42 230K Analysisv___ _ 42.07 6.79 11.21 27.26 7.21 5.46 298H Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42-53 6.28 11.09 27.51 6.89 5.65 334H Analysis ____________________________________________ ., 43.19 7.09 10.63 27.00 6.41 5.68 377H Analysis" ____________________________________________ _. 42-44 6.86 11.64 26.66 7.03 5.37 144M Analysis” ____________________________________________ -_ 42-28 6.64 11.07 28.19 6.77 5.05 D 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed 28.00 6.00 28.00 29.00 ______________________ __ 402N Analysis ............................................ -. 28.42 6.91 21.45 32.74 6.19 4.29 229H ' "Refund paid. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 77 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, ]932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or‘ln- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude CrndeI Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat ' Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein . Extract Culp and King, ‘ Gainesville. Texas. CK Dairy Feed ...................................... .. 17.89 3.20 15.90 45.00 ____________________ _, 24981 Analysis“. . ... I 18.63 4.31 11.60 51.52 8.19 I 5.72 6K Analysis .. 18.50 4.91 10.66 I 52.34 8.58 I 5.01 I 318K CK Laying lVlash .. 20.00 3.50 8.00 43.50 _________ __ 2498J Analysis 1.. 18.44 4.84 6.12 53.81 8.62 8.17 7K Analysis ............ -. . _________ .- 21.80 5.07 7.21 47.27 9.17‘ 9.48 319K “Economy” Brand Dairy Feed ............ ._ 1.0.00 2.1.0 30.00 30.00 _________ _________ __ 2493N Analysis 13.54 4.16 25.25 46.37 7.14 3.54 2498N Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society, Denton, Texas. _ Farmer’s Dairy Feed 18-80 3.50 12.00 1.9.30 ..................... .. 268F Analysis?“ ........................................ .. 17.69 4.67 10.96 55.27 6.61 4.89 4K Farmer’s Dairy Feed ___________________________ _. 16.69 3.50 12.00 49.30 ___________________ 1 268F Analysis . . ................... .. 18.40 4.89 11.36 52.92 7.59 4.84 412K Dallas Animal By-Products Company, Dallas, Texas. Golden Brand Meat and Bone Scraps 45-00 3-00 3-00 0-00 ...................... -. 1534A Analysis77e _____________________________________ _, 47.06 13.23 2.59 2.70 4.67 29.75 71R 45% Protein Golden Brand Meat and Bone Scraps 45-00 8-00 3-00 0-00 ______________________ _. 1534A Analy$i578 _______________________________________ _, 50.41 15.08 2.65 1.48 4.54 25.84 191R Golden Brand Special Meat and Bone Scraps ___,_,,____,,__,_____ 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ______________________ _. 1534B Analysis“? __________________________________________ __ 50.58 13.66 2.70 .76 6.26 I 26.04 134R Analysis 50.29 14.09 2.47 .18 5.69 27.28 476W Golden Brand Digester Tankage 60.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 ...................... ._ 1534D Analysis“ __________ ____________________ Q _______ __ 28.75 3.97 5.28 1.62 6.39 53.99 269K Analysissl _____________________________ ______._____ 63.31 14.91 1.97 2.86 7.28 9.67 203W Dallas Oil and Refining Company, Dallas, Texas. I . Dorco Mixed Feed __________________________ _. 11.00 1.60 42.50 28.00 ..................... ._ 289E‘ Analysis ________________________ ,_ 11.40 2.19 37.74 41.78 4.00 2.89 190R 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... __ 289G Analysis __________________ ,_ _ __ 43.23 7.76 11.74 26.59 5.49 5.19 308K Analysis _____________________________________ .. 43.45 7.53 11.08 26.25 6.66 5.03 325K 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 289K Analysis ............................................. .. 46.14 6.99 8.79 26.40 6.32 5.36 89S “Registration adjusted. "Molasses found, not claimed. "Deficient in wheat gray shorts. "Approximately 3.2% of salt found. “Approximately 1.8% of salt found. "Approximately 3.6% of salt found. “Bone scraps. Portion of shipment removed from sale and replaced with digester tankage. “Approximately 4% of salt found. >. '.. g. i 78 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932-—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 0r | | or In- Importer. Brand Name. a Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- | Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract , _ 2 _1 6* I s__ Dansby Mill and Feed Store, W. H., i Clifton, Texas. Bosque Special Dairy Feed __________________ .. 17.00 3.50 10.00 53.00 ____________________ _, 2100D Analysisd“ ........................................... _. 14.19 5.25 7.72 58.89 10.36 3.59 297w Davis Breeding Farm, l Rule, Texas. Charley’s Chowder Egg Mash ._ 18-50 3.50 6.50 53.00 ,,,,,, 293B Analysis ___________________________________________ ._ 21.00 4.00 i 6.27 52.59 8.36 7.78 293B I Dawe and Son, Thos., I Gonzales, Texas. Corn Bran ______________________________________________ _, 8-00 5-00 12-00 00-00 .................... .. 1717C Analysis ____________________________________________ 1 9.52 6.47 12.83 62.60 6.66 1.92 1717C DeLeon Peanut Company, i i DeLeon, Texas. l I 9 36% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed I Peanuts _________________________________________________ .. 30.00 0.00 22.00 '| 20.00 ...... ........... _. 240812 Analysis ________________________________________ ._ 41.61 8.66 8.49 I 30.66 5.90 4.68 67W 43% Protein Peanut Meal _______________ __ 43-00 6.00 12-00 ‘ 23.00 ..................... _. 2408K Analysis ____________ ,_ __ 52.50 9.32 6.23 21.36 5.09 5.50 297K Analysis ,,,, _, 44.38 7.71 8.14 27.94 5.88 5.95 171M Analysis“. 39.28 8.21 9.39 30.39 5.92 6.81 661W Analysis”_.__ 42.47 8.23 7.11 31.15 5.59 5.45 , 273W Analysis ............................................... .. 47.13 7.68 7.85 26.56 5.53 5.25 i 453W Denver Alfalfa Milling and Products I I Company, The, l i Lamar, Colorado. l | x Alfalfa Meal ____________________________________ ,, 13-00 1.50 33-00 35-00 ...................... __ 1824A Analysis _ __________________________ __ 15.20 1.58 29.62 ‘ 36.21 | 881 8.58 I 416S Alfalfa Leaf Meal ______________________________ _. 20.00 2.50 18-00 , 40.00 ..................... 1824C Analysis32 _______________________________________ ,, 21.34 2.17 16.34 38.66 7 46 14.03 387H Analysis“ _____________________________________ _. 18.94 2.53 18.19 I 42.20 | 6.64 11.50 374K Triple XXX Brand Alfalfa Meal _______ .. 13-00 1-50 33-00 35-00 .................... _. 1824D Analysis“ _________________________________ -_ 14.81 1.65 29.40 38.53 6.99 8.62 201W Alfalfa Stem Meal 9.00 0.80 40.00 30-00 ____________________ 1 1824E Analysis 12.31 1.41 34.93 i 37.69 7.54 6.12 331K Alfalfa-Molasses Feed ......................... 10.00 1-00 23.00 £4.00 _____________________ _, 1824C Analysis . . . 12.22 .71 23.38 l 45.76 10.91 7.02 415$ "lfiirtion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. "Sampled before registration. "Approximately 5.7% of sand found. “Approximately 4.2% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 79 Name and Address of Manufacturer or Per Cent i a . I l I rude I Crude I Crude I I Nitro- I Mois- Importer. Brand Name. spection Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free No. tein lExtract Diamond Mill and Elevator Company, The, Sherman, Texas. i I Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 | 245C Analysis ........................... .. 18.60 4.49 5.24 l 56.70 I 11.09 167M Dittlinger Roller Mills Company, H., i New Braunfels, Texas. I Wheat Gray Shorts ______________________________ __ 17-00 4-00 0-00 55-00 13D Analysis _____________________________________ __ 18-19 4.66 5.82 57.17 341H Our Special Mixed Feed ______________________ _, 12-50 4-00 6.00 63-00 13F Analysis _____________________________________ ,_ 12-50 4.07 7.44 64.32 25H Analysis _________________________________ __ 13-20 5.50 5.81 64.02 2651-1 Analysis _________________________________ ._ 13.25 5.75 5.64 62.97 285M Wheat Bran and Screenings ____________ __ 16-00 4.00 10.00 50.00 13H Analysis __________________________________________ n 16.71 4.67 8.82 56.09 342E Corn Feed Meal .................... ........ 8-00 3.00 3.00 68.00 13K Analysis“ ...................................... _. 8.68 5.38 9.52 65.58 22H Dittlingefs Growing Mash with l Charcoal .......................................... 16-00 3.50 6.50 I 51-00 I ...................... __ 13V Analysis __________________________________________ .. 17.43 5.00 6.26 54.48 216H Landagold 24% Dairy Feed with Limestone ___________________________________________ .. 24.00 3.50 10.60 39.50 13A8 Analysis ___________________________________________ ._ 21.06 4.33 9.49 47.82 78H Analysis .................................... _. 22.84 4.17 9.49 46.85 205H Analysis“ .................................... .. 24.90 4.01 7.67 45.37 316H Red Star Dairy Ration ..... .. 10.70 1.80 20.00 47.00 13A9 Analysis ................. _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . .. 13.79 1.97 22.10 45.55 206H Analysis“ . . . _ _ . . . _ . _ _ . . . . .. 13.64 1.96 17.83 50.46 345K Analysis“ ....................................... 1 13.61 2.01 I 24.81 42.15 288M Corn Bran 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 13C7 Analysis .......................................... 12.58 8.64 6.91 60.65 344H Dittlingefs Best Five Laying Mas With Oyster Shell ......................... 20.50 3.50 7.40 1.4.60 13D2 Analysis ............................................ _. 21.90 5.97 5.74 47.94 217H Analysis ............................................. -. 22.07 5.43 5.85 48.25 392M Analysis ............................................. W 22.13 5.76 5.81 47.98 495W Dividend Feed Company, Lamesa, Texas. Dividend Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell ............ .. 19.00 3.80 6.50 50.00 1472D Analysis ............................................. .. 21.65 4.87 5.99 51.50 389$ 8 *Chiefly corn bran. “Corn bran found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. hulls substituted in part for oat hulls. “Milo head chop found, not claimed. Ground peanut "Ground milo found, not claimed. 80 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. I Crude [Crude Crude I Regis- I tration I _ I _ I I or In- Nmo- I M01s- I Crude Ispection Per Cent I Pr0- I Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture I Ash I No. tein IExtractI ‘ I Dividend Feed Company, I II I I Lamesa, Texas—Continued. I I I I I I Dividend Brand Starting Mash with I Charcoal, Oyster Shell and Cod I I I Liver Oil .............................................. .. 17.00 I 0.80 0.00 52.00 _____________________ __ 1472:: Analysis eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. 19.50 5.04 5.12 56.40 6.73 7.21 390$ I . Dixie Feed Mill, I I Chilton, Texas. I Our-Own Egg Mash with Charcoal 18.00 3.80 6.00 50.00 ______________________ _, 2438B Analysis-QM‘ ............................ __ .. 19.41 3.96 6.44 53.02 7.19 9.98 53W Red Heifer Brand Mixed Feed ________ _, 10.50 1.60 37-00 45-00 ______________________ _. 2438C Analysis" ......................................... _, 12.73 2.51 20.83 54.09 7.02 2.82 52W Analysis _________________________ ._ .. 16-09 2.98 21.34 51.14 5.29 3.16 189W Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. .. 7-80 2.80 10.00 62.00 __________ .. 2438E Analysis“ ........................................ .. 8.22 3.08 9.97 68.17 8.86 1.70 444W‘ 1 Dixon Cash Feed Store, Houston, Texas. Dixon's “Economy" Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal and Minerals _____________ _. 19-50 3-80 6.00 47-00 ______________________ _. 405A Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 20.80 5.47 6.07 51.09 8.55 8.02 400M 4 Dixon's Special Dairy Feed __________________ _, 10.59 3.00 13-00 43-00 .................... .. 405C Analysis ____________________________________________ ,_ 20.08 6.69 12.76 46.29 7.66 6.52 402M Dixon's Poultry Fattening Feed _________ __ 15-00 73-80 4-50 59-00 ..................... _. 405G Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.30 4.94 4.23 60.43 9.13 5.97 401M Dixon Grain Company, Houston, Texas. Dixon's Hen Ration with Charcoal, Oyster Shell, Phosphatic Limestone and Sulphur ...................... .. 21-00 4-00 5-50 44-00 ..................... -. 870133 Analysis!’ ____________ __ __ 21.75 6.08 5.08 46.47 7.79 12.83 182M Ground Whole Oats .............................. .. 11-00 4-00 12-00 58-00 --------------------- .. 87002 Analysis"“8° ...................................... _. 11.21 6.48 9.57 60-57 8-59 3.58 149M Dodson, Hunter, Liberty Hill, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. .. 7-80 2-80 10-00 62-00 ---------------------- -. 157A Analysisd“ ________________________________________ __ 7.66 3.32 10.37 66.56 10.60 1.49 208W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. bPortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Sampled before registration. ‘Registration adjusted. “Mutilated tags attached. Charcoal claimed, not found. "Corn meal found. Alfalfa meal and ground oyster shell found, ,not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 81 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude CrudeI Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Doggett Grain Company, Dalhart, Texas. Dalhart Beauty Dairy Feed ______________ __ 17.80 0.20 10.50 1.0.00 I ___________________ _. 1632A Analysis . _______________________________ _. 20.37 4.08 8.54 54.82 7.40 4.79 461S Dalhart’s Best Chick Starter with - Charcoal _____________________________________________ __ 18.70 3.60 5.70 48.00 _____________________ _, 1632C Analysis ........................................ .. 20.83 5.10 5.43 52.47 8.94 I 7.23 358$ Whole Barley Chop .............................. .. 11.00 1.50 6.00 I 65.00 i _____________________ s] 1632.1’ Analysis” _________________________________________ _. 14.82 2.22 6.99 64.35 8.67 2.95 I 167$ Dorsey Grain Company, Weatherford, Texas. Cow's Delight Dairy Feed _______________ _, 23.50 3.50 9.50 42.50 ___________________ _. 259B Analysis ............................................. ._ 21.63 4.39 8.87 48.21 9.96 6.94 195K Dowlen and Sons, W. H., Windom, Texas. Corn Chop ______________________________________________ .. 9.00 4.00 3.00 70.00 _____________________ _. 281A Analysis .. .. . ................... .. 11.65 4.89 2.28 71.70 8.12 1.36 309R Downing, J. D., Dallas, Texas. Downing Blue Cross Scratch Feed .... _. 10.09 3.00 3.00 69.00 .................... _. 2507F Analysismh ........................................ .. 12.03 3.01 2.44 72.85 8.30 1.37 64R Downman Grain and Hay Company, . C., I Houston, Texas. Big D Scratch Feed ____________________________ ,_ 10.00 2.90 4.00 66.00 _____________________ _. 276B Analysis" ______________________________________ __ 12.07 3.91 2.87 72.90 6.71 1.54 372M Rolled Whole Oats __________________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ___________________ __ 276D Analysis ____________________________________ _, 9.94 6.20 11.05 60.47 8.60 3.74 353M “Horse-Laff” Horse and Mule Feed 10.30 3.3) 10.00 58.00 .................. _. 276$ Analysis _______________________________________ -. 11.01 4.65 9.32 60.86 10.25 3.91 104M Black Jack Stock Feed 9.50 2.70 2.9.50 40.00 _____________________ .. 276AZ Analysis“ ................. _. 11.74 3.39 19.08 47.49 11.78 6.52 270M Rice Bran and Molasses ....................... .. 9.00 7.70 10.50 48.00 .................... .. 276A4 Analysis“ .......................................... -. 13.00 11.99 11.72 42.24 9.70 11.35 371M Analysis“ __________________________________________ -. 13.19 12.43 12.25 40.36 10.04 11.73 403M Analysis“ .......................................... .. 13.00 12.51 11.95 40.37 10.15 12.02 405M “Some wheat chop found. “Excess of rice hulls found. "Portion of shipment removed from sale. found. "Sunflower seed found, not claimed. Used in manufacture of scratch feed. "Deficient in barley and cracked corn. Excess of milo °3Deficient in alfalfa meal. Oats, wheat and milo chop found, not claimed. “Approximately 0.50% of ground limestone found. 82 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaran‘.eed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31,, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent trati Name and Address of Manufacturer or i l or In» Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crudel Nitro- I Mois- Crude specti l. Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free I ture Ash i tein Extract . Downman Grain and Hay Company, E. C.- Houston, Texas—Continued. Downman’s Special Horse and Mule Feed 11.00 3.80 10.00 60.00 __ __________ __ Analysislmb _________ ._ . _________________________ __ 10.10 5.30 7.86 64.88 8.62 3.24 Screenings, Molasses, Rice Bran, l . Alfalfa Meal and Salt _______________________ .. 8.00 2.80 12.00 50.00 ................... .. Analysis"? _________________________________________ _, 11.75 2.89 10.36 56.68 10.99 7.33 Analysiswm 11.51 2.89 8.78 56.73 12.88 7.21 Hominy Feed ____ 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 ............... .. Analysis ____________________________ __ 11.18 5.20 6.32 65.65 8.59 3.06 Alfalfa Meal and Molasses ________________ _. 10-00 1.20 26-00 41-00 ..................... .. Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 10.72 .90 24.50 44.53 11.90 7.45 Analysis” _________________________________________ ,_ 11.10 .85 25.13 41.57 14.73 6.62 “Mak-M-Lay" Brand Laying Mash ____ __ 18-50 3-80 8.00 44.00 ______________________ ._ Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 19.38 6.51 4.52 55.24 6.69 7.66 Analysis __________________________________________ _. 20.16 5.30 4.98 51.41 8.62 9.53 Dublin Mills, Inc., Dublin, Texas. Ground Peanut Hay _____________________________ __ 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 .................... __ Analysis" ____________________________________________ __ 10.60 4.66 21.39 46.80 9.37 7.18 Cowena 24-00 3-40 10.20 42-00 ...................... .. Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 20.95 4.33 9.00 50.73 9.09 5.90 Dub-Tex Laying Mash with Oyster Shell 21.00 3.50 7.00 45.00 _____________________ >7 Analysis” __________________________________________ __ 1.5.12 5.75 7.58 56.44 8.55 6.56 Durant Milling Company, Durant, Oklahoma. Hominy Feed __________________________________________ __ 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 ...................... _. Analysis ............................................. _. 13.37 8.75 6.83 60.70 6.82 3.53 Analysis ............................................. .. 12.65 8.16 4.91 61.72 10.14 2.42 250R Durant Peanut Company, Durant, Oklahoma. Lillie Alfalfa Meal, Molasses, Corn Cob and Husk ____________________________________ __ 9.20 1.00 26.00 43.00 ______________________ -_ 19981: Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 10.71 1.03 15.68 53.93 10.27 8.38 1998:? Comanche Chief Cow Ration _____________ __ 16.50 3.00 30.00 35.00 ______________________ _. 1998Q Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 17.72 3.81 29.57 36.79 7.16 4.95 1998C] “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Incorrectly printed tags attached. Molasses found, not claimed. Rolled wheat, linseed meal and salt claimed, not found. “Corn chop found, not claimed. "Approximately 2.6% of salt found. WDeficient in corn gluten feed. Excess of yellow corn feed meal found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 83 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address 0f hlanufacturer or] I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Cllgude Crrude grgdell Nitgo- Igois- Ciuge spietion ro- a 1 er gen- ree ure s o. tein Extract Duvall Company, W. S., Burkburnett, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed and Shorts _________ _, 15.00 3.50 8.00 52-00 .................... ._ 825A Analysis“ _________________________________________ __ 17.40 4.17 6.48 59.19 8.64 4.12 20K Corn Bran ____________________________________________ __ ._ .. .................................. Analysisf"‘l°°._ ,. .. . .. . W. .. 11.31 3.98 4.84 68.49 10.16 1.22 191K Dykes, W. L., f I Holliday, Texas. Whole Oat Chop 11-00 4.00 12.00 58-00 .................... .. 1496A Analysisdlol ____ _________________________ __ 11.43 6.23 11.15 59.54 7.76 3.89 21K Eagle Lake Rice Milling Company, Eagle Lake, Texas. Rice Bran _, 12.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 .................... _. 2348A Analysis .................... .._ ____________________ _. 11.80 13.17 14.16 41.11 8.10 11.66 42H Analysis ............................................. __ 11.59 10.98 12.88 46.60 7.79 10.16 208M Rice Polish 11.00 l 6.00 4.00 55.00 ____________________ __ 2348B Analysis 12.79 I 12.83 4.04 54.00 8.89 7.45 g 41H Analysis .. . 14.00 R 13.54 3.29 53.59 8.25 7.33 359M Eagle Milling Company, I i Edmond, Oklahoma. | Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .. 15.00 I 8.50 5.50 57.00 ...................... ._ 724A Analysis ............................................ .. 16.76 I 4.69 5.53 58.59 10.12 4.31 350M Analysis"? ....................................... .. 16.80 5.20 6.37 58.03 9.22 4.38 500W “First Prize” Brand Dairy Feed ...... _. 15.00 3.00 8.00 54.00 _____________________ __ 7241 Analysis .............................................. .. 16.70 3.69 7.59 56.55 10.09 5.38 122R East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Forney, Texas. Jersey Feed .......................................... .. 11.00 1.60 42.50 28.00 _ _ , 1260A Analysis .............................................. ~ 10.96 2.63 36.48 40.55 6.59 2.79 132R 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ .. 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ ,_ 1260B Analysis _____________________________________________ -. 40.41 6.95 12.29 28.52 6.61 5.22 61R Analysis" ................ 1. .......................... 1 39.92 9.82 11.63 23.10 5.59 4.94 131R East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Kaufman, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 29.00 ________ ,_ 607F Analysis ............................................. ..\ 44.80 7.53 9.26 26.74 6.05 5.62 60M T, "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. Ti "Refund paid. ‘Sampled before registration. T "Not registered. a, “Portion of shipment removed from sale. ; ‘Not tagged. 1°°Used in feeding own stock. l I1°1Not tagged. but tags furnished. "iwheat brown shorts and screenings. 3 3. 84 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.——Guaranteed Composition and Analvsis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guarantees are primed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude CrudeI Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat I Fiber Igcn-free ture Ash No. tein IExtract ‘ I East Tewas Cotton Oil Company, I I I Kaufman, Texas—Continued. I I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal—Cont. I I I Analysis . ________________________________________ .. 43.25 6.52 I 10.25 I 27.63 I 7.01 5.34 I 195M Analysis 44.74 6.57 I 10.08 26.06 7.09 5.46 I 321R Analysis 44.84 7.01 10.34 I 26.29 6.07 5.45 128W Analysis 45.50 6.67 8.98 I 26.97 6.34 5.54 327W East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Terrell, Texas. Nutrio Mixed Feed ............................ __ 11.00 1.60 42.50 28.50 63A Analysis .................... ._ _ .................. _. 13.84 2.22 36.32 39.15 5.56 2.91 130R Analysis ............................................ .. 11.21 1.86 41.42 38.67 3.85 2.99 333W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....... ._ 43-00 5-00 19-00 23-00 ~ 63C 'f Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 43.67 6.75 10.13 28.45 5.55 5.45 112M 71w Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 44.32 6.43 9.72 27.34 6.70 5.49 126M i’. Analysis ............................................. __ 48.77 8.58 9.89 28.71 5.78 5.47 57R ‘ Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 42.80 7.88 10.48 27.30 6.25 5.29 129R Analysis __________________________________________ ,, 43.60 6.82 10.11 28.27 5.77 5.43 181R Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.55 6.58 10.21 27.73 6.49 5.44 221R Analysis ________________________________________ __ .. 44.08 6.52 10.87 26.73 6.41 5.39 292R Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 44.42 6.98 10.32 26.29 6.62 5.37 127W Analysis .. . 43.41 7.04 10.09 27.36 6.56 5.54 160W Analysis"... .................................... .. 41.84 6.73 12.58 27.37 6.36 5.12 508W Etco Baby Chick Starter with Oyster Shell 15-00 3.70 5.60 55.00 ._ .. 63E Analysis1°3 ........................................ _. 16-51 4-55 5-48 59-15 6-95 7-36 53R Etco Chick Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ________________________________________ __ 15.00 3.50 5.50 54.00 ____________________ ._ 630 Analysis ............................................. .. 16-98 4-76 4-98 59-03 6-79 7.46 60R s Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 16.20 4.22 4.85 58.89 8.85 6,99 87R i‘ Tip Top Brand Stock Feed __________________ .. 12.00 2.30 11.00 55.00 _____________________ _. 63T Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 11.98 2.82 11.60 56.98 13.29 8.33 85R ii Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 10.31 1.78 9.98 59.28 13.99 4.66 231R Etco Special Egg Mash with Qyster Shell ________________________________________ __ 20.00 4.00 8.00 43.00 ..................... .. 63Z Analysis. _ , . .......................... -. 20-20 4-89 7-24 50-69 8-61 8-37 59R Analysis __________________________ __1_ _______________ __ 19.81 4.86 7.91 50.38 9.21 7.83 84R Gilmer’s Special Dairy Feed ______________ .. 20-00 3-20 14-00 42-00 ....................... ~ 63A1 Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 20.72 4.51 11.75 47.87 9.23 5.92 86R Analysis _____ __’__ ____________________________________ __ 21.30 4.45 11.12 47.54 8.79 6.80 230R Singletons Special Turkey Egg Mash with Dicalcium Phosphate and Oyster Shell ....................................... -- 18-00 3-70 7-50 47-00 .................... __ 63A3 Analysis ...... _. 19.58 5.55 6.34 48.66 9.41 . 10.46 63A8 "Refund paid. 1°3Ground milo found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 85 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent I Regis- I I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orl I I _ I _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude CrudeI Nm-o- Mo1s- I Crude spectlon I Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture I Ash N0. tein I IExtract I I I I I I ' I I I I Economy Cash Feed Store, I I I Wichita Falls, Texas. I I “Best" Brand Egg Mash with Oyster I Shell _ 10.50 4.30 3.00 47.00 77 29B Analysis ,,,,,,,, _. . 21.14 I 4.83 7.73 51.26 7.73 7.31 433K “Best” Brand Cow Feed . .. 19.1.0 I 4.40 10.00 49.00 .. . .. I ._ 29C Analysis . .. . 19.80 5.89 9.62 51.50 8.36 I 4.83 14K F and M Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 18.00 I 3.80 7.00 49.50 .. 29E Analysis 19.92 5.18 5.99 51.23 9.93 7 75 183K “Best” Brand All-Mash Chick Starter I with Oyster Shell .. 10.00 I 4.00 I 0.00 54.00 . I 29F Analysis . 17.97 I 4.30 I 5.30 50.12 10.22 5.97 I 29F “Best” Brand 24% Cow Feed 24.00 I 4.50 I 10.00 43.00 ........ __ I ________ 29G Analysis . . . 24.90 6.22 9.49 48.18 I 6.68 I 4.53 29G ' . I I I Economy Mills, Inc., I I I I Lubbock, Texas. I Special 32% Protein Growing Mash I Supplement with Cod Liver Oil and I Limestone 32.00 I 4.00 I 6.50 32.00 ........ ._ 10991) Analysis ___________________________ __ w _ 35.08 I 6.84 6.98 34.16 4.68 12.26 435$ “Economy” Brand Growing Mash I with Cod Liver Oil and Mineral 17-00I 3.50 6.00 47.00 ______________________ _. 1099K Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 18.78 4.93 6.35 54.66 7.97 7.31 312s Analysislo‘ _______________________________________ __ 18.50 5.16 6.74 54.29 8.47 6.84 394s “Economy” Brand Chick Starter with I Dicalcium Phosphate and Cod Liver I Oil 18.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 _____________________ ._ 109914 Analysis .............................................. .. 20.75 5.81 5.30 51.33 8.38 8.43 253s Myracle Brand Protein Supplement I for Hogs with Charcoal and Minerals ______________________________________________ .. 35-00 4-20 7-00 27-50 -------- _- 109910’ Analysis H 33.20 5.74 6.96 36.72 7.13 10.25 31S f. Analysis __________________________________________ __ 36.03 4.40 3.07 33.14 7.03 111.23 430s I1, Everlay Brand Egg Mash with Mo- Ii lasses and Mineral ___________________________ _, 19.00 3.50 7.00 45.00 _._._.____.. __________ .. 1099K Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 19.74 3.68 7.13 I 52.23 8.65 8.57 43S _ Analysis 20.70 3.89 5.96 I 52.20 8.88 8.37 256$ Isbock-O-Lass Sweet Feed____ 10.00 2.50 14.50 40.00 ...................... _. 1099131 _ Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 15.46 2.86 13.48 53.19 8.96 6.05 445$ 033m;- gweet Feed __ 9.50 1.50 12.00 54.00 .................... _. 109983 ‘ Analysis __________________________________________ __ 10.07 1.74 9.33 ‘ 53.50 10.99 3.21 I 114s .“5 or More” Milk Producer with ' Limegtone __________________________________________ __ 13.00 3.00 10.00 43.00 .................... .. 1090B’? Analysis __________________________________________ .. 16.96 3.17 11.78 51.83 7.33 8.93 434$ Excess of salt found. 86 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent ~ Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I I tdi-nl‘ Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude I Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude sp Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free ture ‘Ash tein Extract Economy Mills, Inc., Lubbock, Texas—Continued. “Economy” Brand Alfalfa Leaf Meal 29.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 I . ______ .. Analysisw“ ____________________________________ __ 14.88 1.90 31.51 36.88 I 7.35 7.48 Analysislo“ _____________ __ , ____________________ ,_ 16.61 1.89 27.57 39.08 6.84 8.01 Analysis ........................................... .. 23.03 2.59 20.95 39.70 I 6.69 10.04 Big 7 Egg Mash with Limestone .... ._ 19.00 3.29 6.00 1.8.00 I __ _ . ._ Analysis . ........................................ .. 21.74 4.65 5.46 51.49 9.11 7.55 Myracle “All-Mash" Chick Mash with Dicalcium Phosphate and Cod Liver Oil ________________________________________________________ _. 17.00 3.50 5.50 53.00 _______ __ Analysis .......................................... .- 18.77 5.27 5.07 54.54 8 90 7 45 Special Big 7 Brand Laying Mash with Limestone _________________________________ __ 19.00 3.50 8.00 1.7.00 . _ _ . . . _ , . _ __ Analysis ....................................... .. 20.10 3.73 5.96 52.57 8 66 8.98 “Economy” Brand Rolled Whole Barley _________________________________________________ .. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ Analysis ............................. .. 12.12 2.08 5.84 69.10 8 19 2 67 Myracle 32% Protein Egg Mash Sup- I I plement with Limestone ................ .. 32.00 3.50 5.30 31.00 |____ I 109903? Analysism’ -------------------------------------- W 34.08 4.59 7.70 I 32.13 6.75 14.75 1099CQ Analysis ..................................... __--. 34.70 5.25 7.25 I 34.34 I 6.32 I 12,14 _ 254s “Economy” Brand Ground Oat Groats 16-00 6-00 1-50 I 65-00 I . I .. 109909 Analysis ____ ____________________________________ ,_ 19.32 7.91 2.02 60.30 8.75 1.70 2528 “Economy” Brand Rolled Oat Groats 16.00 6.00 1.50 65.00 ......... .. 1099D1 Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 21.35 7.04 1.50 60.07 8.31 1.73 1099D1 Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 18.85 7.84 2.02 60.61 9.16 1.52 251s Oat Hulls, Milo Head Stems, Screen- ings and Molasses ___________________________ ._ 4.00 0.90 20.00 50.00 ..................... .. 1099D2 Analysis“ __________________________________________ .. 6.58 1.59 18.87 56.49 8.55 7.92 405$ Edwards Milling Company, Grandvicw, Texas. Edwards Egg Lay Mash .................... .. 18.00 3.80 7.00 51.00 ................... .. 2269A Analysis ____________ ........................... .. 18.98 5.24 5.11 53.46 8.65 8.56 100W Egg-A-Day Hatchery, Rotan, Texas. Egg-A-Day Chick Starter with Oyster Shell ________________________________________ _. 17.00 3.80 5.00 54.00 ...................... _. 2456C Analysis _____________________ u, ____________________ _. 18.89 4.83 4.20 56.80 7.77 7.51 450B “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. cRefund paid. “Sampled before registration. 1°5Alfalfa meal. 1°°Excess of alfalfa stem meal found. 1°7Excess of ground limestone found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 87 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crude! Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free ture Ash No. tein [Extract El Campo Rice Milling Company, El Campo, Texas. Rice Bran _______________________________________ __ 12.00 12.00 15.00 42.00 . _ _ 451B Analysismse . , ______________________ _, 13.50 ‘ 15.16 12.76 38.18 | 7.97 12.43 162M Elco Fulvalu Brand Dairy Feed ______ _. 13-00 4-50 12-00 44.50 .. 451E Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 18.70 5.46 11.45 48.50 8.35 7.54 120M Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 18.50 5.05 10.19 48.51 10.49 7.26 213M Thrifty Five Brand Mash with Limestone _______________________________________ _, 29.00 5.30 7.50 45.00 ______ __ _ 451G Analysis .... __ , _____________________________________ __ 21.90 8.02 5.94 48.32 8.40 7.42 262M Elco Fairplay Horse and Mule Feed 11-00 5-00 10-00 54-00 .... .. 4510 Analysis1 We _, ___________________________ __ 11.20 7.49 9.09 56.70 8.83 6.69 370H “Supervalu” Brand Starting Mash .. 17-50 4-00 5-20 53-00 - ~ 451V Analysis 18.70 4.95 4.99 56.34 9.16 5.86 261M Elco Poultry Fattener ____ 13.00 4.00 5.00 01.00 _ .__ _ _____ Analysis ______________________________ __ 14.16 4.74 4.23 64.62 8.94 3.31 41M Elco Branola ___________________________________ _> 13.00 12.00 12.50 42.50 _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ __ 451A’? Ana1ysis11° _________________________ W 14.01 15.69 10.42 41.34 7.60 10.94 159M Elco Shortola, ______ _, , _______________________ __ . 12.00 10.00 4.00 58.00 . . _ . _ .. . 451A8 Analysis ______________________________________ _> 13.89 15.64 3.66 50.82 8.74 7.25 47H Analysis _ _________________________ __ 12.82 12.62 3.18 54.91 9.91 6.56 163M Producer Brand Egg Mash __________________ _, 19.00 4.00 7.50 48.00 ......... ., 451B1 Analysis _________________________________________ ,, 20.22 7.13 6.72 48.83 9.16 7.94 160M Elgin Cotton Oil Company, Elgin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ __ 143-00 6-00 12-00 23-00‘ .................... .. 1429B Analysis _____________________________________ __ 43.60 6.49 10.94 26.10 7.66 5.21 307K Elk City Cotton Oil Company, _ Elk City, Oklahoma. 43% Protein Elko Brand Cottonseed ~ Meal 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 _________________ .0 4720 Analysis ___________________________________________ h 45.19 8.57 10.77 25.57 5.16 4.74 82s Analysis H w _______________________ M 43.45 8.34 11.21 25.96 6.16 4.88 293$ 43% Protein Elko Brand Cottonseed Cake __________________________________________________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ __ 472D Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 45.23 6.86 11.77 25.91 5.25 4.98 347$ iElkhart Mill and Grain Company, The, Elkhart, Kansas. Diamond Dot Chick Starter with Charcoal and Limestone _________________ _. 15.00 4.50 6.00 52.00 ................. _. 2409B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 16.92 5.09 5.65 56.86 8.29 7.19 398$ ‘Registration adjusted. ,;_ wz-lg-wluv-nmx-w~av-w..¢~r - --. ~1°*Approximately 1.4% of carbonate of lime found. 1°°Rolled whole oats found, oats claimed. —11°Approximately 0.8% carbonate of lime found. 88 BULLETIN NO. 467, Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION I Per Cent Re’ I trati Name and Address 0f Manufacturer or! I I | I I or ln'. Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude specti’ I Pro- I Fat Fiber [gen-free ture Ash . I I tein I Extract I I Elkhart Mill and Grain Company, The. Elkhart, Kansas—Continued. Diamond Dot Growing Mash with Charcoal and Limestone ................... _. 16.00 I 3.50 7.00 50.00 _________ __ Analysis __________________________________________ .. 17.20 4.65 5.58 57.91 7.40 7.26 Wheat Mixed Feed with Screenings 15.00 3.50 8.50 5.4.00 ____________________ __ Analysislll ........................................ _. 14.95 3.55 5.23 62.42 9.85 4.00 Analysisl" ........................................ .. 15.10 4.24 6.15 60.93 8.77 4.81 Analysisl" 16.08 4.04 I 6.59 60.80 7.84 I 4.65 Ellington, J. H., Hico, Texas. JHE Scratch Feed .. .. . .. 10.00 2.60 8.00 70.00 ______________________ .. Analysis“-.........-....... . ._ . 10.90 2.96 1.91 71.73 10.96 1.54 El Paso Cotton Industries, Inc. , El Paso, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 2.9.00 ..................... _. 1116A Analysis . _. .. 42.92 7.22 9.90 28.19 5.98 5.79 73K El Paso Refining Company, El Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. ..... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 1911B Analysis“. . .. . 43.25 10.98 7.78 26.71 5.24 6.04 232K El Reno Mill and Elevator Company, El Reno, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .. 15-00 3-50 "5-50 57-00 ---------------------- -» 103K Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 16.20 4.19 4.68 60.34 10.82 3.77 120K Analysis .. .. .. 18.98 3.64 5.59 58.36 9.51 3.92 301R El Rends Best Scratch Feed 9.50 2.80 3.50 69.00 ...................... .. 1088 Analysis _____________ ..; ............................ ._ 12.00 2.57 2.67 73.82 7.30 1.64 80W Humreno Dairy Feed with Limestone 20.00 3.50 7.60 49.00 ..................... .. 103U Analysisll“ ........................................ _. 25.23 5.35 9.24 44.54 8.70 6.94 176M El Reno’s Best Egg Mash with Limestone ........................................... __ 18.00 4.00 8.00 47.00 ...................... .. 108W Analysisuu’ ...................................... .. 17.30 4.75 5.60 54.28 7.59 10.48 397M English, W. B., Bryan, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ................... __ 7.80 2-80 10-00 62-00 ______________________ __ 2549B Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 8.40 3.64 8.21 69.33 9.21 1.21 143M "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Sampled before registration. lllWheat gray shorts and screenings. 112Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 113Alfalfa meal found, not claimed. Deficient in corn feed meal. "qncorrectly printed tags attached. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 89 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued _ (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude CrudeI Nin-o-I Mois- Crude spection Pr_o- I Fat Fiber gen-free I ture Ash No. 1 tein Extract Ervine and Bishop, I Houston, Texas. RQlled Whole Oats 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 .--- .-. ». Analysis , _____________ _. 11.00 6.75 11.76 59.09 7.74 3.66 178M Ground Whole Oats _____________________________ .. 11.017 4.00 12.00 58.00 .. .. 76F Analysis I _ 10.49 5.83 11.16 00.01 | 8.79 3.72 352M Alfalfa Meal ____ 13.00 1.00 30.00 36.00 _ . 76N Analysis ........................... _. 16.40 1.74 26.81 38.40 8.70 7.95 220M Corn Feed Meal .................................... -. 8.00 3.00 3.00 67.00 ____ __ _ 76P Analysis .............................. .. 10.86 4.32 3.03 70.20 I 10.14 1.45 179M But-A-Fat Dairy Feed ...................... .. 19.00 3.50 15.00 44.00 I _______ __ _ _ 76V Analysis .......................................... -. 18.33 4.16 10.62 50.39 11.00 5.50 61M Analysis 21.67 4.46 11.66 46.64 I 8.54 7.03 379M 2 in 1 Stock Feed ...... .. 9.00 3.00 22.00 45.00 , 76Z Analysislw .... . 11.18 3.11 17.93 44.71 11.58 11.49 335M Full-O-Milk Brand Dairy Feed ......... .. 25.00 4.00 11.00 42,00 I ._ ______ __ 70141 Analysis ............................................ -. 22.77 5.95 9.37 47.41 9.10 5.40 62M Analysis ........................................ v 22.79 4.95 8.28 48.54 I 11.13 4.31 134M Analysis -------------------------------------------- -» 26.43 4.10 9.48 44.14 10.72 5.04 148M Gooberlass Brand Ground Peanut Hay and Molasses _____________________________________ __ 8.50 2.70 21.00 45.00 I ... ... . . . 76B4 Analysis ,_ _________,__ 6.93 1.82 22.36 44.65 15.15 9.09 221M Ground Peanut Hulls and Molasses 6.70 1.10 45.00 30.00 I ____________________ _. 76136 Analysis _________________________________________ __ 10.15 .75 34.56 34.95 13.05 6.54 381M Hominy Feed ______________________________ _. 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 ______________________ __ 76B’? V Analysislmb ___________________________________ .. 11.16 4.61 2.72 67.97 10.37 3.17 E Alfalfa Stem Meal and Molasses 9.50 0.75 27.00 44.00 ...................... .. 76C6 Analysis ___________________________________________ _. 10.33 .38 30.43 39.05 11.81 8.00 360M E and B Special ll/Iixed Dairy Feed 15.00 3.00 12.50 48.00 ______________________ __ 76C’? Analysis _. ................................ _. 15.08 2.25 11.61 51.17 14.02 5.87 297M E and B Rabbit Ration with Charcoal 11.50 3.00 7.00 58.00 ..................... .. 76C9 Analysis ............................................ .. 14.32 4.11 6.31 60.29 8.07 6.90 147M Evans Feed Store, Denton, Texas. (LK, Brand C-(nv Feed ______________________ ,_ 20.50 3.80 12.00 45.00 ..................... .. 886D Analysis __________________ __ _ _________________ _, 21.30 5.15 9.99 49.21 8.73 5.62 143K O_K, Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal 20.50 4.00 ' 6.50 45.00 ____________________ _. 886G Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 21.80 4.93 5.14 52.71 4.68 10.74 141K Ear Corn ChQp with Husk _, ________ __ 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 V ..................... _. 886K Analysis ___________________________________________ .. 8.86 2.88 10.03 67.40 9.06 1.77 1K O.K. Brand Growing Mash with But- termilk, Cod Liver Oil and Char- @031 . 16.50 3.60 6.50 48.00 _____________________ .. 886.1 Analysis ___________________________________________ _. 18.98 5.31 5.59 51.54 9.63 8.95 312K “Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. 115Milo head chop found, not claimed. Deficient in rice bran. lwLal-gely corn chop and corn meal. 90 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. ICrude ICrude I CrudeI Nitro~ Mois- Crude spection I Pro- I Fat Fiber gen-free I ture Ash No. I tein I I Extract ’ . I I Evans Feed Store, I Denton, Texas—Continued. I I O.K. Brand Chick Starter with But- I termilk, Cod Liver Oil and Char- coal ....................................................... ._ 14.20 I 3.50 4.50 53.00 ...................... .. 886K Analysis ............................ ._ . ____________ _. 16.95 5.03 3.94 58.03 10.19 5.86 313K O.K. Wonder Brand Laying Mash I with“ Oyster Shell ............................ .. 19.80 ' 3.80 7.20 45.50 ______________________ .1 886M Analysis ............................................ .. 21.91 4.93 5.23 48.51 9.31 10.11 142K 16% Dairy Feed with Limestone ..... .. 16.50 3.40 12.00 48.00 ______________________ ., 886V Analysis ........................................ ~ 17.60 4.08 12.69 51.83 8.13 5.67 2K O.K. Brand All-Mash Starter with Charcoal 15.00 3.70 5.00 55.00 ...................... .. 836W Analysis . ~ 16.04 I 4.65 4.59 59.01 10.27 5.44 886W Fairmont Creamery Company, The, I I Lawton, Oklahoma. I Fairmonfs Pure Flake Dried I Buttermilk ............................................ .. 32.00 5.00 0.00 35.00 .................... _. 566A Analysis ............................................... _. 33.71 3.01 .14 37.21 9.74 16.19 566A Fairmont Creamery Company, The, Omaha, Nebraska. Fairmonfis Pure Flake Dried Buttermilk .......................................... .. 32.00 6.00 0.00 35.00 ____________________ __ 1723A Analysis ......................................... -~ 33.17 3.37 .63 39.30 10.36 13.12 386H Analysisll" ------------------------------------- -. 34.42 4.71 .25 41.06 9.07 10.49 32K Falfurrias Creamery Company, Falfurrias, Texas. Dried Skimmed Milk .......................... .. 34.00 0.20 0.00 4.9.00 .................... __ 23201) Analysislls ..................................... .. 36.10 .23 .22 49.71 6.04 7.70 113W Milk Powder .......................................... a 83.00 3.00 0.50 42.50 ____________________ .. 2323C Analysis ............................................ .. 34.45 .98 .29 49.95 6.89 7.44 75M Falkenbury Brothers Milling Company, Cleburne. Texas. Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ...... _. 17.80 3.50 8.30 4.9.50 ................... .. 441 Analysis ............................................ __ 17.95 4.74 7.26 53.51 9.28 7.26 437W Famo Feed Milling Company, Saint Joseph, Missouri. Famo Chick Starting Mash with Powdered Egg Yolk, Charcoal and Oxide 0f Iron ........................................ .. 17.00 4.00 5.00 48.00 _____________________ .. 1953D Analysisll“ .................................... .. 18.62 I 5.02 I 5.03 I 52.39 922 I 9.72 I 298$ "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘17Approximately 2.3% of salt found. llsApproximately 2.4% of salt found. "9Corn gluten meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 91 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Reszis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l l l _ _ | or In- Importer. Brand Name. l Crude Crude I Crude Nmo- Mo1s- l Crude spection I Pro- | Fat l Fiber lgPn-free ture l Ash No. l tein l lExtract l Fant Milling Company, l I l Sherman, Texas. l Gladiola Wheat Gray Shorts ......... ._ 17.00 4.00 l 0.00 55.00 ......... _________ ._ 1710C Analysism“ .......................... .. 18.99 4.68 6.63 l 56.24 8.80 l 4.66 41R Analysis . 17.33 4.73 4.18 l 61.73 8.86 l 3.17 312R Analysisl“. ------------------------------------ -- 18.81 4.04 l 6.22 l 56.12 l 10.63 l 4.18 l 195W Fant’s Famous Brand Laying Mash l with Oyster Shell ................. _. 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.00 _________ __ 1710W Analysis .............. -. 20.70 5.63 5.14 50.48 8.99 9.06 240R Analysis" 21.66 5.13 6.27 47.78 8.77 10.39 181W Farmers Co-Operative Society, Quanah, Texas. Grgund Wheat ____ __ , ______________________________ __ 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 ......... __ 1600A Ana1ysis_ __________________________________________ __ 21.51 2.19 2.59 64.19 7.73 1.79 l 1S I Farmers Cotton Oil Company, l Farmersville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 48.09 6.00 12.00 23.00 ......... _. 501D Analvsis .......................... ._ . ........... .. 42.45 7.94 10.45 26.80 6.95 5.41 109R 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........ ._ 1.3.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ......... 1. 501E Analysis ............................................ ._ 44.35 6.55 10.49 26.95 6.19 5.47 199$ Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Te-rarkana, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................... _. 1144B Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 44.45 7.74 7.50 28.10 5.38 6.83 31R Analysis ....................................... .. 43.82 7.59 8.79 28.10 4.93 6.77 175R Analysis“ ............................................ .. 39.76 10.37 10.61 27.21 5.58 6.47 249R Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ___________________ ,_ 1795B Analysis ........................................... __ 43.30 7.60 8.12 27.60 7.26 6.12 126R Analysis ............................................ __ 43.02 6.82 8.14 28.99 7.23 5.80 179R Farmers Cottonseed Products Company, Bartlett, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed V 25.09 4.50 25.00 29.00 _____________________ __ 553A Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 26.16 5.08 24.73 35.76 4.48 3.79 48W Analysis _______________________________________ .. 27.01 5.22 24.96 34.41 4.19 4.21 450W 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed 28.00 4.50 23.00 29.00 ____________________ .. 553B Analysis ............................................ -. 28.55 4.86 24.80 33.34 4.40 _ 4.05 351W ‘Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. 1?°Wheat brown shorts. 92 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I l Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer orl 1 I I Importer. Brand Name. I Crude [Crude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude specti | Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash p tein Extract V I I Farmers Cottonseed Products Company, El Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ...... .. 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 ____ __ Analysis” ......................................... _. 41.80 7.05 9.00 30.93 5.26 5.90 1 Farmers Cottonseed Products Company, Granger, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ..... .. ‘ Analysis" . .. ._ .. .. 42.16 6.03 10.94 29.30 6.41 5.16 | Analysis ........................................... -_ 43.10 7.11 9.79 26.61 8.13 5.26 Analysis . . ............................ -. 44.60 7.46 8.62 25.97 8.10 5.25 Farmers Elevator Company, Canyon, Texas. Milo Chop . 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ____________________ .. Analysis“ .. . . .. .. 11.10 3.10 2.29 71.11 10.41 1.99 Whole Barley Chop .. .. . 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 ________ .. Analysis“ 15.82 2.49 5.56 66.08 7.07 2.98 Wheat C1101) 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 . . Analysis“ .. _. 17.80 3.05 2.50 05.12 9.22 2.25 I Milo Head Chop ............................... .. 8.00 2.50 8.00 05.00 .. I ' Analysis“ .. 10.13 2.36 7.19 65.29 9.40 | 5.63 | Whole Oat Chop .. . _ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 I ..... .. Analysis" .. .. 15.25 5.49 9.65 57.67 7.98 I 3.96 I Money-Maker Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone _ .. 17.00 3.43 9.66 54.32 7.88 7.01 Analysis“ ................... ................... _. 17.70 Farmers Elevator Company, Hereford, Texas. Wheat Chop and Whole Barley Cho? 11.60 Analysis .. _ . 15.16 68.00 67.39 8.79 2.50 172s 1.80 4.2.’) 2.08 4.08 Farmers Gin Company, Milford, Texas. Quick Lay Mash Feed N0. 1 with I Oyster Shell ........................................ .. 29-00’ 4-00 I ....... -. 792A 49.15) 9.6a 8.92 792A .................... _. 792B 50.79 8.04 ass 792B 7.00 3.00 10.00 50.00 _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _. 6.25 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 20.17 5.88 Quick Chick Starter Feed No. 2 with Oyster Shell ________ __ . ___... 17.50 3.80 5.00 Analysis __ 18.48 4.70 4.53 Farmers Gin Company, Inc., Raymondville, Texas. Feerlrite Brand Laying Mash .......... .. 19.50 3.50 6.00 48.00 ' ......... __ 979A Analysis ............................................. _. 24.02 6.34 5.57 48.28 9.31 6.48 979A "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. I a. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 93 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent I Resis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crwde Crndel Nitro- I Mois- Crude Ispection Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash I No. tein IExtract I I I I I I I I Farmers Gin Company, Inc., I I Raymondville, Texas—Continued. I I Feedrite Brand Laying Mash—Cont. I I Analysis 20.64 I 4.87 I 6.13 I 51.75 9.76 I 6.85 57H Feedrite Chick Starter with I I I I Limestone _______________________________________ _. 18.00 4.00 5.00 50.00 ______ 1. 979B Analysis . , _ _ .11 21.00 5.05 6.50 51.14 9.56 6.75 58H Analysis .......... ............................... __ 20.49 5.85 4.49 52.61 9.23 7.33 274H Feedrite 15% Protein Dairy Feed. 15.00 3.00 14.50 43.00 ____________________ __ 979D Analysis .. 11.63 2.73 14.41 53.47 11.46 6.39 60H Analysis 17.41 3.47 13.81 48.83 9.23 7.25 275H Feedrite 12% Protein Stock Feed... 12.00 2.30 10.00 52.00 ___________________ 1 979E Analysis ._ _. 12.10 2.57 11.02 57.82 11.34 5.15 59H Analysis .. 13.11 2.70 13.98 53.71 10.34 6.16 276H Feedrite Dixiana Egg Mash ............. _. 20.00 4.00 5.00 48.00 __________________ _, 979G Analysis . . . 19.90 5.36 6.66 54.80 7.52 5.76 979G Analysis .. . 18.81 7.27 5.66 50.76 9.83 7.67 144H Feedrite Dairy Ration 20.00 7.00 13,00 35.00 ___________________ __ 979K Analysis 23.05 3.71 15.32 41.50 6.80 9.62 979H Analysis ............................................. -. 21.01 5.09 16.85 37.60 10.06 9.39 146H Feedrite Growing Mash with Phosphatic Limestone ..................... 16.00 3,50 0,00 50,00 ______________________ _‘ 9791 Analysis .. - 16.55 I 5.95 4.59 I 56.11 10.09 6.71 145H Feedrite Brand Laying P/Iash with I I Phosphatic Limestone .................... -_ 15.00 4.00 7.00 ‘ 47.00 ______________________ _. 979.1 Analysis .............................................. __ 19.44 6.41 5.38 53.89 7.9a 6.90 979.1 Analysis ............................................. -- 20.55 4.76 5.02 53.75 9.07 6.85 27311 Farmers and Ginners Cotton Oil Company, Austin, Texas. I I Plow B011 Mixed Feed ,_ , _ 9.50 1.50 42.00 30.00 ____________________ __ 1049C Analysis . 11.55 2.06 37.74 39.28 6.33 3.04 94H 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23,00 _____________________ __ 104914‘ Analysis ............................................. _. 44.38 6.56 10.54 26.95 6.18 5.39 97H Analysis 43.69 6.25 10.39 27.44 6.73 5.50 183H Analysis . 43.57 5.90 11.05 27.72 6.61 5.15 3061'! Analysis ............................................. __ 43.97 6.36 11.55 26.51 6.14 5.47 ssoH Analysis ........................................... -- 43.79 7.03 11.15 26.86 5.61 5.36 35W 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed I I Cake . 1.6.00 6.00 12.00 22.00 ...................... _, 1049c; Analysis ---------------------------------------------- -- 43.10 I 6.56 10.06 27.01 I 7.02 I 535 210w Farmers Grain Company, Inc., I I I I Floydada, Texas. Farmers Brand Dairy Feed with Charcoal and Oxide of Iron ......... .. 15.00 3.00 6.50 42.00 _____________________ __ 1337F Analysis ............................................. -. 18.91 3.84 6.89 57.43 8.27 4,66 402$ 94 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.——Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued . (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- ‘ Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nin-o- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract ' Farmers Mill, McGregor, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed ....... ................. .. 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ____________________ _. 1342A Analysis ._ ............................ .. 16.10 4.47 8.32 58.29 7.61 5.21 18M Analysisml ..................................... __ . 14.69 04.61 7.19 58.95 9.86 4,70 369W Farmers Mill, The, Stephenville, Texas. Farmers Egg Mash ___,______. 20-00 11-00 7-00 48-00 ____________________ .. 1668A Analysis _ 20.28 5.56 6.70 51.48 9.60 6.38 359W Farmers Mill and Produce Company, Comanche, Texas. Whole Barley Chop _______________________________ .. 11-00 1-50 6-00 65.00 ...................... .. 93B Analysis" ___________________________________________ ._ 10.40 ' 2.92 6.55 69.20 8.44 2.49 280W Whole Oat Chop 11-00 4.00 12.00 58.00 .................... .. 93D Analysism” . ._ _ 11.74 5.61 10.04 58.08 10.51 4.02 279W Gille Egg Mash with Charcoal 21-00 3-50 6.50 48-00 ___________________ ._ 93F Analysis _ __ . __ 19.52 4.49 7.33 52.26 8.71 7.69 93F Analysis“ .......................................... _. 16.80 4.10 5.26 57.53 9.98 6.33 278W Gille Egg Mash . . .................................... Analysisflil“ .................................. _. 15.25 3.85 7.62 57.95 7.75 7.58 171W Feeders Supply and Manufacturing Company, ' Kansas City, Missouri. ] Equity Super-Mash with Charcoal and f . Minerals ____________________________________________ 1. 17.00 3.50 7.20 51.50 .................... _. 2314A Analy$i3124 ________________________________________ ,, 20.02 5.15 6.27 49.83 9.01 9.72 283R Fidelity Products Company, Brownsville, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- | i seed 28.00 4.50 23.00 29-00 ................... ._ 1565B Analysis ___________________________________________ -. 30.25 5.40 22.43 31.43 5.71 4.78 61H 29.79 5.84 23.61 30.22 5.87 4.67 284H Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 29.01 4.83 23.50 32.16 5.88 4.62 366H Flatonia Oil Mill Company, Flatonia, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed l _ _ Feed 41.12 l 5.00 | 14.00 | 26.00 ......... ......... 117G "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. "Not registered. ‘Not tagged. 121Wheat brown shorts. 122Ground wheat found. 123Batch mixture. 124Excess of ground limestone found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 95 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Reeis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 ‘ | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crude Nitro-I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash o. tein Extrart Flatonia Oil Mill Company, l l Flatonia, Texas—Continue"l. I 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed~—Continued. ______________________________ .. I Analysis _________________________ 1 43.17 l 6.61 10.63 27.11 7.44 5.04 221K 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....... __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ................. __ 117F Analysis .................................... .. 44.59 6.27 9.91 27.21 6.56 5.46 328H Fletcher Flour and Feed, Bob, El Paso, Texas. | I Honesmix Laymash with Charcoal and " Limestone 18-50 3.50 6.50 48.00 ................ .. 2184C Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 20.42 5.42 5.58 52.20 7.57 8.81 72K Floresville Cotton Oil Company, Floresville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _..._ ........ .. 437B Analysis _________________________________________ __ 47.78 8.48 7.78 23.63 6.84 5.49 14H 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 _________ _. 437G Analysis ___________________________________________ .. 47.70 5.12 7.90 27.00 7.03 5.25 132H Forbes Brothers, Central Mills, Topeka, Kansas. Kiln-Dried Hominy Feed‘ .................... _. 10-00 7-00 0-00 00-00 -------------------- -- 207A Analysis ____________________________________ _, 12.11 9.14 5.28 62.97 6.94 3.56 207A Corn Bran, Corn Germs and Corn Meal, Kiln-Dried ______________________________ _. 10.00 7.00 6.00 60.00 ...................... .. 207B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 11.85 8.94 5.36 62.53 7.80 3.52 207B Fort Worth Cotton Oil Mill, Fort Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23-00 ..................... .. 516K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.72 6.19 11.88 26.74 6.64 4.83 134K Analysis ______________________________ _, 43.89 6.46 11.82 27.51 5.47 4.85 303K Analysis _____________________________ __ 43.65 6.01 12.09 27.65 5.75 4.85 240$ Analysis .... _. 44.75 6.23 11.41 26.92 5.36 5.33 104W Analysis .................................... .. 44.26 7.12 11.23 26.36 6.02 5.01 111W Analysis _________________________________________ __ 43.38 6.08 12.19 28.05 5.53 4.77 235W Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 44.53 6.44 11.59 27.19 5.22 5.03 440W Fort Worth Packing Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Panther Meat and Bone Scraps ____ .. 50-00 6.00 3-00 0-00 ...................... .. 1905A Analysislfi" _____________________________________ __. 47.44 10.82 1.75 .40 5.22 34.37 268$ Analysisw“ ________________________________________ _. 51.90 9.69 1.77 .18 5.59 30.87 470W °Refund paid. 125Approximately 1.8% of salt found. Portion of shipme destroyed. 1=°Blood meal found. nt returned to manufacturer and 96 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent Res-ris- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crude Nirro- Mois- Crude spection PTO- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. ) tein Extract ' Fort Worth Packing Company, g Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. I Fort Worth’s Meat and Bone Scraps 46.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ______________________ __ 1905B Analysis ............................................ -. 48.78 I 9.10 2.59 1.93 I 5.76 l 31.84} 236W Panther 60% Protein Digester I I Tankage _. 60.00 5.00 $.00 0.00 ______________________ __ 1905C Analysisl?’ . .. 67.10 5.60 1.45 2,11 7.24 16,50 253W Fort Worth Poultry and Egg Company, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas. Dried Buttermilk ................................ _. 35-00 4.00 1.00 85.00 ______________________ _, 195A Analysis“ ............................................ _. ‘ 35.70 4.10 1.19 38.09 9.04 11.88 71W Franklin Blackleg Serum Company, 0. M-. Denver, Colorado. Franklin Calcium and Phosphorus L Compound for Swine and Poultry... 1.00 __________________________________________________________ ,_ 2453A Analysis ............................................ .. 4.03 2.72 | 2.43 0.00 2.2a 68.44 2453A Franklin Calcium and Phosphorus I Compound for Dairy Cows and Beef | l Cattle 1.00 2453B Analysis ............................................. _. 4.03 .42 I 2.92 0.00 2.49 69.84 2453B Franklin Feed and Fuel Company, Franklin, Texas. _ Corn Chop ............................................ .. 9.00 3.50 8.00 70.00 ...................... __ 126A Analysis“ ...................................... .. 9.12 4.27 1.94 72.89 10.59 1.19 316W Franks Brothers, Gatesville, Texas. Ground Whole Oats .............................. _. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ...................... _. 1702C Analysis". 10.24 6.84 11.43 59.39 8.13 3.97 167W Frase, Leo M., Copperas Cove, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ________________ _. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ .. 286A Analysis“ ........................................ _. 8.28 3.68 8.71 70.23 7.58 1.52 416W Fredonia Linseed Oil Works Company The, ' o Fredonia, Kansas. 34% Protein Tiger Brand Linseed Meal 34.00 4.50 9.00 55.50 _..._...v____ 1620A Analysis 35.90 5.49 7.73 | 36.63 8.57 5.68 46R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. lzTApproximately 2.6% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 97 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent Reeis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection I Pro- I Fat I Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash .No. I tein I I Extract I I = I Fredonia Linseed Oil Works Company, I The, I I Fredonia. Kwnsas-—Continued. 34% Protein Tiger Brand Linseed Meal—C0*1tinue:l. __________________________ _. Analysis . 35.56 5.07 8.51 35.97 9.13 5.76 260R Analysis 37.74 5.15 8.57 34.94 7.69 5.91 519W Fuller Cotton Oil Company, Snyder, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........ ._ 4.9.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ __ 1866c Analysis ------------ --------------------------- .- 43.60 7.73 11.20 26.76 5.78 4.93 171$ Gainesvi'le Oil Mill, Gainesville, TeYas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ .. 142511‘. Analysis” ___________________________________________ _. 42.09 7.03 11.86 25.94 8.38 4.72 148K Analysis .................................... .. 47.75 8.06 8.54 22.79 7.64 5.22 316K 43% Protein Jersey Brand Cottonseed I I Meal ___________________ ______________________________ .. 43.00 0.00 12.00 20.00 ..................... __ 1425K 42.05 6.24 13.18 26.23 7.69 4.61 155K Analysis” __ Garland Cotton Oil Mill, Garland, Tevas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ......................................... _. 25.00 4.00 25.00 29.00 .................... _. 2001B Analysismsb ................................... .. 28.23 4.10 26.45 32.94 4.33 3.95 107R Analysis .......................................... .. 29.42 4.44 25.94 32.97 3.17 4.06 108R Garza County Warehouse and Market- ing Association, Post, Texas. Post-Tex Dairy Feed ....................... _. 16.50 3.00 9.20 50.00 ____________________ _. 704D Analysis . . ....... .. 18.20 4.32 8.56 55.93 7.46 5.53 316$ Post-Tex Laying Mash . 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.50 ___________________ _. 704F Analysis ............................................ .. 19.01 4.63 6.47 52.69 9.81 7.39 238$ Q _ Analysis ............................................. 4 19.98 4.95 7.72 52.32 7.38 7.65 444$ Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ..... _. 13.00 3.00 4.00 59.00 ________________ __ 704H Analysis .............................................. -- 15.85 4.25 3.65 60.82 8.81 6.62 381s s: lGatesville Cotton Oil Mill, 1.14., - m V Gatesville, Texas. 654.3% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... -. 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________ __ 490G Analysis 42.73 7.09 11.31 28.01 5.79 5.07 168W "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. ‘Refund paid. . é lisGround whole-pressed cottonseed. 98 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' I Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude sp Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash tein_ Extract I Gatesville Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., | Gatesville, Texas-Continued. Golden Gate Growing Mash with i l Oyster Shell and Charcoal ____________ _. 17.70 3.60 8.80 | 48.50 .................. __ Analysis ............................................ __ 18.37 l 4.28 2.27 J 54.08 7.86 | 7.14 Golden Gate All-Mash Chick Starter | with Oyster Shell and Charcoal 17.00 3.90 5.60 l 52.50 ________________ __ Analysis ........................................... .. 17.50 l 4.90 4.79 57.45 8.81 ‘ 6.55 Ear Corn Chop with Husk, Molasses | I and Alfalfa Meal .... .. 7.00 2.10 9.20 61.00 _____________________ _, Analysis ..................................... ._ 9.01 2.63 7.09 67.06 11.02 3,19 Gaco Meat and Bone Scraps ............. _. 50.00 6.00 8.00 2.00 _________________ __ Analysisl” ....................................... .. 53.29 10.43 2.09 2.03 6,56 25,60 Geary Milling and Elevator Company, The, Geary, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts ________________________________ _. 17.00 4.00 5.50 58.00 .................... ._ Analysisw“ ........................................ .. 16-85 5.24 6.36 59.00 8.12 4.43 Analysislim" ....................................... _. 16.39 5.11 6.43 56.40 11.09 4.08 Analysis .............................................. _. 16.79 4.93 5.99 57.35 10.49 4.45 Geis-Palecek Mills, Enid, Oklahoma. Biddy’s Best All-Mash Starter with Dicalcium Phosphate and Charcoal 18-00 4.00 7.00 51.00 ...................... _, Analysis ............................................. -- 21-07 5.57 5.48 50.19 9.11 8.58 General Commission Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Corn Bran _________ __ 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 ______________________ _, Analysislslb ...................................... _. 12.54 9.69 4.99 61.10 8.35 3.33 General Feed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas. Eggstra Egg Mash with Oyster Shell and Limestone ______________________________________ _. 19-00 3.50 7.50 47.50 ______________________ __ Analysis ....... _\. .................................... .. 19.30 4.36 7.48 50.68 8.85 9.33 Feed Indeed Dairy Feed with Limestone ._.._______._____._.__.____._.__._--....._._ 21-00 3.70 10.70 45.00 ..................... __ Analysis ............................................. -. 20.84 4.87 10.83 49.09 8.48 5.89 A-B-C Dairy Feed with Limestone-.. 16.00 4.00 18-00 45.00 ...................... .. 2150G Analysis ............................................ -. 17.90 5.65 11.68 49.11 9.77 5.89 194K "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. 12°Approximately 2.8% of salt found. 13°Wheat brown shorts. 131Corn meal and corn hurts found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 99 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract General Feed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas.—-Continued. A-B-C Egg Mash with Oyster Shellm. 18.00 8.50 7.50 52.00 ...................... __ 21501 Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 18.78 4.11 6.78 53.53 9.91 6.89 21501 A-B-C (21% Protein) Cow Feed with Limestone ............................................ ._ 21.00 4.00 12.50 42.00 ...................... __ 2150.1 Analysis ............................................. ._ 22.31 5.81 11.98 47.55 7.09 5.26 333K A-B-C Chick Starter with Oyster Shell 16.00 8.50 5.00 51.00 ...................... ._ 2150L Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.98 4.14 5.04 56.19 8.39 7.26 332K Ground Whole Oats ______________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ..................... _, 2150M Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 9.95 5.67 13.20 59.30 7.74 4.14 2150M Milky Way Dairy Feed __________________________ __ 19.00 4.00 11.00 48.00 ______________________ _. 21500 Analysis .............................................. __ 21.41 6.04 10.06 50.34 7.46 4.69 21500 General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Eventually Gold Medal 24% Dairy Feed with Limestone ___________________ ____ 24.00 4.00 10.00 45.00 .......... ......... _. 1747M Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 23.86 4.79 9.37 44.81 7.58 9.59 437K Eventually Gold Medal Poultry Fattener ______________________________________________ _, 14.00 4.50 6.00 60.00 _____________________ _. 1747Z Analysis ________________________________________ __ 15.93 6.12 6.20 60.05 7.85 3.85 462$ Eventually Gold Medal Chick Starter with Limestone and Cod Liver Oil 17.00 4.00 5.00 50.00 .................. .. 1747A2 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 17.32 6.14 6.16 54.20 7.88 8.30 364$ North Star Dairy Feed with Lime- stone 16.00 3.50 12.00 45.00 _____________________ _. 1747A8 Analysis ............ ___. _____________________________ _. 15.90 2.61 9.43 54.03 8.81 9.22 21S . Analysislal“ ...................................... .. 17.60 3.63 8.55 50.48 8.65 11.09 463$ Eventually Gold Medal 20% Dairy Feed with Limestone ________________________ __ 20.00 3.00 10.00 46.00 ________ H l ________ .. 1747C2 Analysis“ __________________________________________ ,_ 21.70 3.75 11.52 47.47 7.81 7.75 22S Eventually Gold Medal Egg Mash with Limestone for Breeding and Laying ________________________________________________ __ 18.00 5.00 7.00 46.50 ..................... _. 174704 Analysisl"... 20.38 6.09 6.85 50.20 V 8.32 8.16 438K Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 18.78 5.18 6.87 52.89 8.14 8.14 183W North Star Egg Mash with Limestone 18.00 5.50 7.50 48.00 ..................... _. 1747C8 Analysisla“ 17.98 5.32 7.05 51.63 8.97 9.05 176K Analysis“ ............................................ .. 17.20 . 5.19 5.96 54.17 8.86 8.62 197W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. 1“"~'Excess of ground limestone found. 132Some oat hulls found, not claimed. 133Tags present but not attached. 100 BULLETIN NO. 467. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.——Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guarantees are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent l Re’ ' I tratio Name and Address of Manufacturer orl | | 01-111.». Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude i Crude i Nitro- Mois- I Crude lspecti Pro- Fat Fiber (gen-free/ ture Ash No.’ tem Extract " Georgetown Oil Mill, Georgetown, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- r seed 23.00 5.50 29.00 28.00 _____________________ _, 115 Analysis _____ .. _______________________________________ -. 29.00 4.98 24.32 34.40 3.21 4.09 3 _ Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 28.55 5.33 22.84 34.81 4.49 3.98 38" Whole-Pressed Cottonseed and . Molasses ................................................ .. 24.00 5.00 19.50 84.50 ____________________ __ 11 _ Analysis ............................................. -. 25.91 4.02 22.74 38.49 4.58 4.26 2 v Analysis ................................................ .. 26.29 4.13 21.76 39.23 4.22 4.37 40 , Georgetown Sweet Dairy Feed .......... .. 19.00 3.70 15.00 42.50 ...................... .. 3f Analysis¢ .......................................... .. 21.55 3.82 19.13 46.57 4.89 4.04 - 34 Georgetown Sweet Dairy Feed ......... ._ 20.00 2.70 10.00 41.00 ...................... .. 11‘ Analysis‘ ......................................... .. . 20.60 3.80 18.68 46.97 6.08 3.87 209 V_ Georgetown Sweet Dairy Feed with ‘:1 Limestone ............................................. -. 10.20 4.20 10.00 41.00 ..................... ._ Analysis ................................. .. .. 21.39 4.21 17.91 45.33 6.39 4.47 3s‘: Analysis .................................... -- 21.30 3.93 17.90 44.31 7.54 4.52 3e Analysis 21.99 4.15 18.62 46.10 4.64 4.50 3813f Analysise ____________________________________________ .. 20.52 3.85 17.90 45.83 7.22 4.68 466 H: Pride’s Delight Beef Fattener with ~ ;_ Limestone ___________________________________________ .- 15-80 3-30 15-00 46-00 _____________________ .. 110 . Analysis ............................................... -. 17-93 3.42 16-51 51.13 7-05 3.96 116 Gesche, George, Cibolo, Texas. George Gesche’s Laying Mash with . . Oyster shell __________________________________________ _, 13.50 9.50 5.00 51.00 __________ __ 181A) Analysis 18.53 4.77 4.90 53.55 9.37 8.88. 181A. George Gesche’s Chick Starter with Oyster Shell ---------------------------------------- »- 15-00 3-00 5-00 45-00 --------------------- »- 1313;. Analygigfl ____________________________________________ ._ 15.85 4.21 4.23 61.24 9.17 I 5.30 181B " Gibson Gin and Oil Company, Calvert, Texas. ._ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 4.9.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 1387A Analysis 43.00 9.29 3.34 25.43 7.92 5.99 245W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.49 8.64 8.34 26.13 8.56 5.84 258W Gibson Grain Company, The, Houston, Texas. GG stock Feed ______________________________________ __ 9.00 1.80 28.00 42.00 ______________________ __ 1243A Analysis!” __________________________________________ __ 9.48 1.50 20.40 47.45 13.18 7.93 266M GG Hen Scratgh ____________________________________ _. 10-50 2-60 3-50 69-00 ...................... .. 1243B Analysisdll __________________________________________ __ 11.15 3.00 2.44 76.75 5.24 ' 1.42 267M “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. eRegistration adjusted. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 101 Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I _ _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- Mo1s- I Crude spectlon Pr0- Fat Fiber gen-free] ture Ash N0. J tein Extract I Gibson Grain Company, The, Houston, Texas—Continued. GG H and M Feed __________________________________ __ 10.00 2.50 1.9.00 54.00 ...................... __ 1243C Analysis“ __________________________________________ _, 11.81 3.00 10.50 58.31 10.87 5.51 265M GG Dairy Feed with Limestone __________ ,_ 15.00 3.00 10.50 45.00 ______________________ .. 1243D Analysis“ __________________________________________ _. 18.02 l 4.69 9.43 52.46 8.50 6.90 264M Gilmer Cotton Oil and Fertilizer I Company, Gilmer, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .............. _. 46.00 6.00 12.00 29.00 ...................... ,, 1559B Analysis 42.67 8.88 6.89 29.16 5.97 6.43 43R Analysis .............................................. .. 43.02 8.56 7.18 27.96 7.11 6.17 124R G. L. Feed Company, Dallas, Texas. G. L. Feed Co.’s Hen Scratch __________ 1 9.80 2.80 4.00 68.00 .................... .. 616A Analysis 12.25 3.17 2.79 71.11 7.41 3.27 616A Globe Fico Manufacturing Company, El Paso, Texas. Globe-Fico Laying Mash with Charcoal ............................................... __ 18.50 8.80 7.00 50.00 ______________________ .. 1123A Analysis .............................................. _. 19.31 4.86 6.29 55.09 8.09 6.36 71K Analysis ............................................. .. 20.55 6.21 5.99 53.90 8.56 4.79 231K Globe Mills Bran, Shorts and Screenings ............................................ .. 14.00 3.60 7.10 56.90 ...................... .. 1123D Analysis 16.49 4.42 6.88 57.50 10.03 4.68 75K Globe A-1 Dairy Feed .......................... .. 19.00 3.80 9.00 49.00 ______________________ __ 1123A2 Analysisd ............................................ .. 19.28 4.92 6.87 56.53 8.27 4.13 74K Glover, D. K., Nixon, Texas. Glover's 19% Protein Egg Mash with | Alfalfa .................................................. .. 10.00 | 6.50 6.00 45.00 ...................... __ 1324B Analysis 20.90 6.39 5.64 49.95 8.38 8.74 ‘ 1324D Analysis 20.41 4.79 5.81 51.12 8.37 9.50 48H Analyqiq 20.50 ' 5.33 5.55 51.07 9.21 6.34 240H Godley Mill and Elevator Company, The, Godley, Texas. i Ground Whole Oats .- 11.00 ' 4.00 10-00 58-00 ---------------------- .- 308M Ana1y5i5134 ________________________________________ __ 10,54 6,40 10.46 59.91 9.21 3.48 92W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. 134Ear corn chop with husk and ground whole barley found. 102 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent i Name and Address of Manufacturer orI Brand Name. I Crude I Crude Importer. I Crude I Nin-o- I Mois- I Crude ' Pr_o- Fat I Fiber Igen-free ture I Ash teln Extract I Goerz Flour Mills Company, The, I I I Newton, Kansas. I I I American Ace Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings _______________________________________ .. 15.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ____________________ _. Analysis .............................................. _. 17.30 I 4.64 I 5.89 59.85 8.17 4.15 Golden Oak Milling Company, I I I DeLeon, Texas. I Golden Oak Laying Mash with Char- coal and Oyster Shell _____________________ 19.00 3.80 8.00 45.00 ______________________ _. Analysis134“ _____________________________________ _, 21.14 5.28 7.00 49.90 7.54 9.14 Goldthwaite Mill and Grain Company, Goldthwaite, Texas. Goldthwaite Egg Mash ___________________ .. 18.00 5.50 7.50 51.00 ................ _. Analysis _______________________ __ 17.68 4.70 7.14 56.73 8.19 5.56 Analysis ....................................... .. 19.27 4.98 6.90 56.38 6.18 6.29 Gonzales, A. N., Ysleta, Texas. Alexander's Laying Mash __________________ _, 20-00 4-00 7-00 47-00 .... ~ Analysig I ____________________ __ 21.30 6.39 5.81 50.59 7.96 7.95 Alexander’s Dairy Feed .. .... .. 13-00 4-00 9-00 51-00 .. W . Analysis __ 18.35 4.70 6.95 58.92 7.56 3.52 Analysis ________________________________________ __ 18.01 5.92 7.53 55.85 8.56 4.13 Gonzales Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, Gonzales, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ,,,, 43-00 6-00 12-00 23-00 ........ .. Analysis _________________________________________ ,, 43.02 7.67 10.36 27.54 6.23 5.18 Analysis ____________________________________ g 43.85 7.37 10.26 26.25 7.15 5.12 Analysis __________________________________________ __ 44.42 7.49 10.19 26.36 6.29 5.25 Analysis ___________________________________________ ,, 43.75 7.73 9.90 26.19 7.44 4.99 I Analysis 46.24 7.53 8.83 26.40 5.82 5.18 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _________ .. 1.3.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 . . . Analysis ________________________________________ _. 44.98 7.73 9.36 26.33 6.15 5.45 Analysis .................................... .. ...... .. 44.25 6.63 9.51 27.75 6.53 5.33 Gordon and Company, J. S., Beaumont, Texas. Corn Chop ________________________________________________ _. 9.00 4-00 3-00 70-00 ........ -. Analysis ____________________________________________ _, 9.98 4.00 1.75 71.51 11.68 1.08 Corn Bran _ 9.00 5.00 13.00 00.00 .................... .. 272L Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 11.56 9.77 8.31 59.79 3.10 2.47 320M Holsum Mixed Feed _______________________________ _, 15.00 3.00 17.00 45.00 ..................... .. 2720 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 16.10 5.20 11.93 54.59 8.70 3.48 170M 134“Approximately 1.6% ground limestone found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September to August 31, l932—Continued i (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 103 1, 1931 , Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i I or In- Importer. Brand Name. i Crude iCrude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber igen-free ture Ash No. i tein I Extract l __. Gordon. Sewall and Company, Houston, Texas. “Big Value” Brand Wheat Gray SlIOYtS _______________________________________________ .. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _____________________ _, 1799]) Analysis .......................................... .. 17.80 4.46 6 l2 56.80 10.61 4.21 315K Analysis __________________________________________ .. 17.36 4.25 5.48 57.70 11.20 4.01 286M Graham Mill and Elevator Branch of Ranger, Ranger, Texas. Dairy Feed with Limestone ______________ _. 20.00 4.00 10.00 46.00 _ _ _ 2385A Analysis ............................................ .. 22.42 4.73 9.59 49.12 8.55 5.59 129K Graham Mill and Elevator Company, Graham, Texas. Sunreme Brand Cow Feed with Limegtnne ________________________________________ __ 24.00 3.90 13.00 39.00 . . . . . . . . . _ . . _. 664A3 Analysis ________________________________________ __ 24.10 3.66 10.33 46.18 8.67 7.06 29W Analysis _________________________________ __ 24.70 4.09 9.99 45.09 8.88 7.25 377W Texas King Brand Egg Laying Mash wifh Oyster ghen 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 664A6 Analysis _________________________________________ _, 21.75 4.78 5.89 49.93 8.06 9.59 54W Grain Belt Mills Company, South Saint Joseph, Missouri. Greenleaf Alfalfa-Molasses Feed 10.00 0.75 22.50 45.00 ..................... .. 2274U Analysis“ ___________________________________________ .. 13.47 1.13 22.11 43.72 9.86 9.71 388W Great West Mill and Elevator Company, Amarillo, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts .............................. .. 16.70 3.70 6.00 55.00 _____________________ .. 895B Analysis ............................................. .. 16.65 4.14 5.55 57.12 12.42 4.12 147K Analysis .......................................... .. 16.74 4.06 5.64 58.88 10.55 4.13 270K Analysis ........................................ .. . 17.85 4.05 5.77 57.21 11.13 3.99 74S Analysis 18.11 3.89 5.17 59.50 9.57 3.76 409$ Analysis ...................................... .. 17.82 3.57 4.75 62.03 8.41 3.42 455$ Wheat Bran and Screenings 16.50 3.60 10.00 53.00 ______________________ ._ 895F Analysis 17.86 4.12 9.40 55.10 8.12 5.40 452$ Green Milling and Grain Company. ~ C. Ln Winters, Texas. Ground Wheat; _______________________________________ .. 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 2331}? Analysis135 _________________________________________ .. 16.11 2.12 | 2.69 | 67.07 10.39 l 1.62 I 107K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. 13°Some milo and wheat chaff found. 104 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) u Per Cent Regis- ~ tration _ Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- ‘ Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crudel Nin-o- Mois- Crude spection " Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash _ No. “ tein Extract ' Greenville Cotton Oil Company, Greenville, Texas. ; 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... -. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 260A Analysis ............................................ .. 43.02 7.88 11.66 26.88 5.57 4.99 20R? Analysisa... 42.85 7.62 11.94 27.78 4.68 5.13 22R, Analysis" ____________________________________________ _. 41.70 8.19 10.65 28.45 5.86 5.15 101 -'_§ Analysis ---------------------------------------------- _. 43.32 7.87 10.16 27.24 6.11 5.30 146 F . Analysis 46.03 7.63 9.78 26.27 5.00 5.29 314R; - Greenville Mill and Elevator Company, Greenville, Texas. _ f Wheat Bran, Shorts and Screenings.-. 15.00 8.50 8.50 55.00 ...................... .. 101;‘ Analysisl“ ........................................ .. 16.90 4.92 9.05 53.14 9.80 6.19 108R; Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings..- 15.00 8.50 6.00 55.00 ...................... ._ 101K Analysisl" ........................................ _. 15.60 5.57 6.24 59.78 9.38 3.43 800 ‘n’ Grohman, Fred, ; Rockdale, Texas. . Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. .. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 167 Analysis" .......................................... _. 8.34 3.01 10.10 65.36 9.72 3.47 199 Gwynn-Render Grain Company, Panhandle, Texas. ; Whole Oat Chop ...................................... .. 11.00 4.00 12.00 53.00 .......... -- _ ........ -. ' . Analysis .............................................. -. 14.11 4.31 10.58 57.37 9.31 3.82 Wheat Chop 12.00 2.00 2.00 70.00 ...................... .. ~ f Analysislss ........................................ .. 13.43 1.80 2.68 71.16 9.07 1.86 . 6 Whole Barley Chop .................................. .. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 .................. __ 1 Q Analysisl” ........................................ -. 14.32 2.02 5.56 68.64 6.51 2.95 ‘ ' _ Hacker Flour Mills, i Jefferson, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings... 15.00 3.50 5.50 57.00 ...................... ._ Analysiq 15.80 3.91 4.53 63.35 8.99 3.42 Hall Feed and Grain Company, ';_, _ San Angelo, Texas. Westex Laying Mash with Charcoal“. 18.00 3.80 7.70 52.00 10 Analysis14° ........................................ .. 18.25 6.34 5.89 56.42 6.65 6.45 I? “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Refund paid. dSampled before registration. 13°Excess of wheat bran found. 137Ground whole oats found. 133Whole barley chop found. 13°Wheat chop found. 14°White corn meal found, not claimed. \ COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 105 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) l Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 0r I I l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude I Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- l Fat Fiber [gen-free] ture Ash N0. tein I D Extract Hamilton, Walter, I! l l I I‘ Dublin, Texas. I Hamilton’s Dry Mash with Oyster i I i Shell 18.00 I 4.00 ‘$.00 49.00 ...................... 1 1616E Analysis ............................................. __ 21.10 5.38 7.62 49.05 8.88 7.97 362W Hamilton Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... 4 43.00 0.00 12.00 2.9.00 ______________________ _, 183A Analysis ............................................. .. 43.00 6.54 10.64 27.90 5.82 6.10 138M Hamilton Cotton Oil Mill, Hamilton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... __ 98A Analysis ............................................... _. 43.70 l 7.67 11.15 l 25.60 6.99 4.89 96W Hamilton Mill and Elevator Company, Hamilton, Texas. Hamco Mixed Feed ______________________________ __ 13-30 3-00 10-20 55-00 ...................... .. 62K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 15.09 4.91 7.62 61.01 7.07 4.30 511W Hamco Laying Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell ________________________________ _. 13-50 3-50 6-00 48-00 ---------------------- .. 62Y Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 1119 5.13 4.56 54.63 7.99 10.50 294W Hamco Baby Chic Starter with Oyster Shell and Charcoal _____________________________ __ 19.50 14-00 5.50 47.00 ...................... ._ 62Z Analysis ________________ __ 5.38 4.16 55.41 8.29 8.04 418W Hamco Cow Feed ________________________________ .. 3.1.0 11.140 44.00 ...................... .. 62115 ‘Analysisfll ________________________________________ __ 19.16 4.21 8.21 53.66 9.29 5.47 97W Hamlin Cotton Oil Mill, Hamlin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _________ _. 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- ~ 698D Analysis ____________________________________ __ 43.20 7.50 12.42 29.02 2.99 4.87 355K Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 43.18 6.77 12.72 26.82 5.72 4.79 356K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.30 7.04 12.04 26.97 5.85 4.80 383K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.12 6.95 12.66 26.31 5.92 5.04 384K HaPDY Hill Feed Mill, Alvarado, Texas. Ear Corn Chop Hugk_ _______________ __ 7.80 2.80 10.00 62-00 ...................... _. Analysisda __________________________________________ __ 7.99 2.91 10.38 66.63 10.12 1.97 394W Ground Whole Oats ............................. -. 11-00 4-00 12-00 58-00 ---------------------- ~ 1127B Analysisda __________________________________________ __ 10.22 5.79 12.95 58.86 7.89 4.29s 395W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Sampled before registration. 141Deficient in pulverized whole barley. Ground wheat and corn bran found, not claimed. 106 BULLETLN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyse: of Feedl, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) l Per Cent Reiris- ! I tratio. Name and Address 0f Manufacturer orl I I | or 111-’ Importer. Brand Name. . I Crude [Crude Crudel Nin-o-l Mois- Crude specti l Pro- Fat Fiber lgen-free] ture Ash No. ' tein Extract V Ham)? Mill, The, l ,. Happy, Texas. "1 Wheat Mixed Feed ................................ -. 16.00 3.50 8.50 55.00 __________________ __ 147 ‘I Analysisuz ______ __ 16.23 4.04 6.51 57.83 9.17 4.17 9 1 Lone Star Feedi ....................................... e 12.40 2.70 6.00 65.00 ...... _, 147 1_ Analysis .............................................. .. 14,71 3,59 7,15 53,51 6,92 1 4112 :1" Analysis ............................................. -. 15,62 3,73 6,31 62,13 7,63 4_0g 371 Hardeman-King Company, Amarillo. Texas. Whole Oat Chop ______________________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ..................... .. s4 _ Analysisl“ _______________________________________ _. 13.50 6.15 9.65 59.24 7.59 3.87 46 Whole Barley Chop. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 .......... .. s4 ‘_ Analysisl“ ....................................... -. 15.20 2.17 6.20 65.88 8.06 2.49 Analysisl“ ....................................... _. 13.99 2.82 5.47 66.23 8.80 - 2.69 2s Merit Brand Growing Grains .............. .. 10.00 3.00 4.00 67.00 _____________________ __ 847 Analysisl“ ....................................... .. 12.32 3.33 2.15 72.30 3.27 1.63 s47 Merit Brand Chick Mash with Char- ; coal and Limestone .............................. .. 18.00 4.00 5.25 50.00 ...................... .. 84 Analysis ............................................. .. 19.18 5.20 6.06 53.70 7.52 8.34 Q;- Merit Brand Growing Mash with . Limestone and Charcoal.....-...._._._.. 18.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 ...................... __ s4 Analysis1‘5" ...................................... .. 19.28 4.5a 5.61 56.32 7.74 6.52 s47 _ “Tip Top” Brand Hen Mash with Charcoal and Limestone .................. _. 16.00 8.50 7.50 54.00 ______________________ __ 84 Analysis ............................................. -. 19.26 4.5a 6.02 55.10 3.0a 7.01 s4 Merit Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal ~ and Limestone ___________________________________ ... 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ...................... _. " Analysis ............................................. _. 20.15 4.42 5.15 53.64 7.74 8.90 Analysis“ ....................................... __- 19.52 4.92 5.68 54.53 7.60 7.75 _ Merit Brand Pig and Hog Meal with _‘ Charcoal and Limestone ................. -. 20.00 4.00 8.00 46.00 ...................... .. 8471, Analysis“ ............................ -. -_. 28.29 5.23 6.29 44.33 6.86 9.00 847K Milk-0-Lass Dairy Feed with Lime- : stone 15.00 0.00 15.00 45.00 ...................... ._ 347A Analysis .......................................... -- 16.64 2.38 12.48 52.62 8.65 7.23 8S1 Merit Brand Poultry Fattener ............ .. 14.50 4.50 4.50 60.00 ...................... .. 847B! Analysis._....---.___----..--_.-_...--_._._-....__._-_ 1 7.05 4.04 4.46 63.85 7.88 2 .72 46 . Hot-Stuff Brand Cow Feed ............... .. 12.00 2.50 7.00 56.00 .......... .. s47 ‘ Analysis“ ....................... .. 14.30 2.16 6.82 60.05 11.74 4.93 65s., “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. ~ ‘Registration adjusted. 142Wheat brown shorts. 143Ground whole oats. ,7 . 144Wheat chop found. ‘ 1455Milo substituted for kafir. usaExcess of ground limestone found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 107 Table 8.--Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Reilis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash N0. I tein Extract Hardeman-Kin-z Company, Amarillo. Te"as—Cnntinued. Merit Brand 30% Mash Supplement with Diacalcium Phosphate and Charcoal ______________________________________________ .. 30.00 I 3.50 9.50 80.00 ................... .. 847C2 Analysis‘? _________________________________________ .. 30.78 6.35 9.58 30.05 6.35 16.89 5S Merit Brand 32% Laying Mash Con- centrate containing Oyster Shell and Charcoal ______________________________________ .. 32.00 6.00 5.00 28.00 ___________________ __ 847C2 Analysis“ .......................................... .. 34.52 9.02 6.77 31.06 6.04 12.59 66S Analysis ............................................ ._ 32.58 7.04 8.18 31.17 6.26 14.77 466$ Merit Brand Chick Feed _____________________ .. 10.00 2.30 0.00 ‘ 70.00 ................ .. 8476a AnaIysisN“ _____________________________________ _. 12.45 3.32 2.03 70.19 10.39 1.62 366$ Merit Brand Milk Maker Dairy Feed with Limestone .............................. -. 21.00 4.50 9.50 50.00 .................. -. 84704 Analysis .......................................... .. 21.40 4.68 8.85 50.63 8.85 5.59 145S Merit All-Mash Starter with Di- calcium Phosphate, Charcoal and Oyster Shell ________________________________________ .. 17.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 ..................... _. 847C5 Analysis ______ __ 19.53 5.15 5.90 54.08 7.57 7.77 847C5 Analysis“ ........................................... _. 17.70 5.06 5.70 54.45 9.68 7.41 261$ Analysis 18.72 5.17 5.23 55.85 8.38 6.65 365S Hardeman-King Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I Merit Brand Chick Mash with Char- I coal and Limestone ____________________________ __ 18.00 4.00 5.25 50.00 ______________________ __ 2416V Analysis ___________________________________________ _, 17.83 5.43 6.34 53.92 8.66 7.82 230$ Merit Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal and Limestone .................................. .. 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ...................... .. 2416w Analysis _______________________________________ __'..._. 19.52 4.47 5.38 52.61 9.27 8.75 418$ Merit Brand Milk Maker Dairy Feed with Limestgne ________________________________ __ 21.00 4.50 9.50 50.00 ______________________ _. 2416K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 21.40 4.52 9.19 50.65 8.05 6.19 7S Merit Brand Growing Mash with Limestgne and Charcoal __________________ __ 18.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 ______________________ a 2416A]. Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.41 4.85 5.65 53.04 8.84 8.21 367S - Harris Cash Feed Store, Fort Worth, Texas. Harris’ OK Brand Dairy Feed with Oyster Shell _____________________________________ .. 19.00 3.80 12.00 48.00 ...................... .. 962A Analysis 19.40 5.61 10.32 51.07 8.18 5.42 962A Harris’ 5 Plus Egg Mash with Oyster Shell ....................................... _. 20.50 4.00 7.00 44.50 ...................... __ 962B Analysis .............................................. .. 21.59 5.72 5.42 49.34 8.14 9.79 962B "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. eRegistration adjusted. 14°Milo found, not claimed. 108 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS \AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) l Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l. i , | I or In- Importer. Brand Name. | Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fa Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract , Harris Cash Feed Store, Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. Harris’ OK Brand Hen Scratch ...... .. 10.50 2.80 4.00 03.00 ______________________ ,_ 9620 if, ‘Analysis ......................... _.; ................. .. 11.12 3.3a 2.8a 71.39 9.65 1.65 0020 . Analysis ............................................. .. 11.57 3.48 3.03 72.11 8.17 1.64 230W Harris’ OK Brand Rabbit Feed with Charcoal ............................................... .. 14.00 3.75 5.00 60.00 ______________________ __ 962D Analysis ---------------------------------------------- ~- 14.80 3.99 4.60 62.30 10.12 4.19 962D Harvest Queen Mill and Elevator Company, The, Plainview, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts .............................. __ 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ...................... .. 755D Analysis ............................................. -. 18.41 3.99 5.03 60.31 9.06 3.20 29K Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 19.29 4.59 5.46 58.00 9.16 3.50 44S Analysis .............................................. __ 18.18 4.89 5.53 56.97 10.40 4.03 235s Analysis“? ....................................... -. 17.70 4.67 7.38 56.33 9.63 4.29 264$ Analysis .............................................. .. 18.01 5.09 5.47 59.16 8.56 3.71 324$ Analysis 16.78 4.43 6.18 58.87 9.92 3.82 344$ Analysis 17.99 4.36 4.86 59.42 9.99 3.38 375$ Wheat Bran and Screenings ............... _. 14.50 3.00 10.00 54.00 ...................... _. 755K Analysis ............................................... _. 17.48 4.65 9.10 54.58 7.56 6.63 430$ Wheat Bran, Corn Bran and Screenings ............................................ ._ 14.00 3.50 10.00 55.00 ...................... _. 755M Analysisus ........................................ -- 15.58 5.67 7.45 55.79 7.58 7.93 429s Haskell Mill and Grain Company, Haskell, Texas. Blue Ribbon Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ________________________________________ .. 18.50 3.50 7.50 48.00 ...................... .. 687M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.04 4.43 6.76 51.97 7.29 7.51 22K Wheat Gray Shorts and Low Grade Flour 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 .......... .. 687N Analysis .............................................. .. 19.13 2.77 3.31 65.11 7.58 2.10 23K Blue Circle Cow Feed ____________________________ _. 19.00 3.80 8.20 60.00 ______________________ .. 6871’ Analysis 22.38 4.30 7.01 54.15 8.12 4.04 6871’ Hausman Brothers Packing Company, Laredo, Texas. Clover Brand Meat and Bone Digester Tankage _______________________________________________ _.. 32.00 15.00 6.00 5.00 ______________________ __ 1848A Analysis149 ...................................... .. 42.49 15.18 4.89 5.04 3.79 28.61 294K Clover Brand Feeding Bone Meal ______ ._ 30.00 13.00 5.00 0.00 _____________________ _. 1848B Analysisl“ ________________________________________ __ 30.10 14.78 4.62 2.89 2.99 44.62 1848B Analysise ............................................ ._ I 23.52 12.48 2.44 5.55 2.89 53.12 371H ‘Registration adjusted. 1"Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 143Approximately 2.8% of sand found. 14°Hair and stomach contents found. 15°Meat meal found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 109 Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude] Crude Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Crude Ispection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Hausman Brothers Packing Company, Laredo, Texas—Continued. Clover Brand 42% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps _______________________________________ _. 42.00 18.00 4.00 2.00 ______________________ .. 1848C Analysisl“ ....... .. 41.48 12.06 4.44 3.78 4.38 33.86 1848C Analysis“ ............................................ -. 43.75 11.69 3.57 5.08 4.59 31.32 372H Heid Brothers, Inc., El Paso, Texas. H. B. Laying Mash with Charcoal... 20.00 3.80 6.50 46.00 ...................... _. 244613 Analysis“? ________________________________________ __ 17.96 4.95 8.01 57.35 6.83 4.90 69K Analysis153 ________________________________________ __ 10.79 4.83 8.49 59.55 8.07 8.27 236K Henderson Grain Company, Abilene, Texas. H. P. H. Supreme Brand Dairy Feed 21.50 3.60 12.00 48.00 ...................... _. 350E Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.70 4.98 11.88 46.32 8.06 6.06 37K Ground Whole Oats ________________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ .. 350D Analysis ___________________ __ 12.69 5.54 10.38 59.40 8.09 3.90 457K Henco Mixed Feed . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ . . . ._ 13.50 1.90 82.50 33.50 ...................... ._ 350F Analysis .............................................. _. 14.35 3.01 29.34 41.48 7.16 4.66 346K H. P. H. Supreme Brand Laying Mash with Oyster Shell .............................. .. 20.00 3.50 8.00 40.00 ...................... __ 350.1 Analysis 22.61 4.61 6.97 50.08 8.51’ 7.22 210K H. P. H. Supreme Brand Baby Chick Starter ................................................... -- 17.80 . 3.50 5.50 51.00 ...................... .. 350K Analysis ______________________________________________ a 20.55 4.39 4.59 54.41 9.18 6.88 212K Henrietta Oil Mill, Henrietta, Texas. Lilly Mix Feed with Oyster Shell ...... .. 17.00 2.50 20.00 88.00 ______________________ .. 1388K Analysis .............................................. ._ 17.60 2.65 19.25 44.64 9.26 6.60 186K Ground Hegari Heads, Stalks and Stems 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 ______________________ __ 1388T Analysis“ .......................................... -- 7.64 2.02 21.36 51.89 11.54 5.55 187K Herder Rice Milling Company, Bay City, Texas. Rice Polish ______________________________________________ ._ 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 ...................... -. 2519A Analysis 11.78 10.15 3.39 59.48 9.33 5.87 287M Rice Bran ................................................ -. 12.00 11.00 15.00 1.2.00 ...................... .. 2519B Analysis154“ .................................. 13.57 I 15.36 12.99 36.75 8.04 13.29 122M "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. eRegistration adjusted. 151Stomach contents found. 152Deficient in wheat bran. Ground barley and oats found, not claimed. Ground milo claimed, not found. 153Wheat bran, ground milo and meat scraps claimed, not found. Ground barley, oats and hominy feed found, not claimed. lflApproximately 1/2 % of carbonate of lime found. 110 BULLETIN NO. 467, Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties areprinted in italics following brand names.) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Per Cent I Crude I Crude Pro- tein Hicks Coal, Feed and Produce, Dimmitt, Texas. Whole Barley Chop __________________ .; ______ _. Analysislwn“ .................................. .. 10,15 Hidalgo Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., Hidalgo, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ___________________________________________ _. 28.00 Analysis ......................................... .. 30.21 High Grade Packing Company, Galveston, Texas. Meat and Bone Scraps ......................... .. 50-00 Analy5i5l53 ____________________________________ __ 53.63 Highland Poultry Farm, WVillis, Texas. Baby Chick Starter with Charcoal and Grit ______________________________________________ _. 15-00 Analysis ___________________________________________ _. 16-27 Analysi] _____________________________________________ .. 17.90 Hill County Cotton Oil Company, Hillsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________ _. 43-00 Analysig _________________________________________ _, 44.23 Analysis -- 43-12 Analysis" ____________________________________________ ,_ 41.86 Hillside Hatchery, Hereford, Texas. Hillside Starting Mash with Oyster Shell 16.00 Analysis ............................................. .. 18.45 Hinson Grain Company, Charles E., Graham, Texas. Milk Abundance Brand Cow Feed . 16-50 Analysis ............................................. .. 18.84 Egg Abundance Brand Mash Feed with Limestone _______________________________ _. 20.00 Analysis"? ........................................ -- 22-49 "Refund paid. F Not registered. "Portion of shipment removed from sale. ‘Not tagged. 155Used by manufacturer in feeding own stock. 15°Dried blood found. Fat 1.78 6.00 7.37 6.00 11.57 3.80 5.11 5.98 6.00 6.54 6.13 6.06 3.50 4.58 3.50 4.89 3.50 4.45 "TGround wheat screenings found, not claimed. Fiber 6.17 23.00 21.06 3.00 2.58 3.70 4.04 4.62 12.00 10.05 10.79 12.09 6.00 4.05 9.00 8.78 7.50 I I Crude I Nin-o- I Mois- Crude gen-free ture Ash Extract , 71.89 7.68 2.83 29.00 | ______ ._ _ 31.77 4.85 4.74 2.00 ,_ . 2.37 8.08 I 21.77 40.00 ________________ ,_ 57.78 9.86 I 6.94 55.04 8.29 I 8.17 I 23.00 ___________________ ._ 28.24 5.71 5.18 27.07 7.90 4.99 28.43 6.54 5.02 54.00 ____________________ __ 57.71 8.40 6.81 50.00 . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . __ 55.45 7.49 4.55 47.00 _____________________ __ 52.71 8.19 I 5 58 6.58 Regis- tration - or In- spection No. 746A 328M 292K 79W 225W 254W 900A 424S 301A 426K 301B 424K COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 111 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Retria- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude l Crude Nitro-l Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free turei Ash No. l tein Extract Holdridge and Son, l l DeLeon, Texas. l V Holdridgds Egg Mash _________________________ .. 18.50 3.50 8.00 l 45.00 ______________________ __ 1775B Analysis ........................................... .. 19.70 5.91 5.58 l 49.81 8.56 9.99 405K Holland, E., Cleburne, Texas. Whole Oat Chop ___________________________________ ._ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 __________________ __ 344C Analysis __________________________________________ _. 10.15 6.15 11.65 60.48 7.71 3.86 77W Holloway's Feed and Grist Mill, Falfurrias, Texas. Carfs Hen Scratch Feed .................. .. 10.00 2.8’) 3.50 69.00 ___________________ __ 884A Analysis ____________________________________________ ._ 12.40 3.13 2.94 71.72 8.39 1.42 884A Home Mix Feed Company, Austin, Texas. Contest Brand Laying Mash with _Oyster Shell and 10% Dried But- l Contest Brand Baby Chick Starter Mash with Oyster Shell, 15% Dried termilk __________________________________________________ __ 20.00 4.00 6.00 | 50.00 2652B Analysis _________________________________________ __ 21.25 5.82 5.33 l 50.51 l 8.15 8.94 382K Home Mix Brand Soecial Egg Mash with Oyster Shell __________________________ __ 18-00 4.00 6.50 50.00 _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . _ . 1 2652C Analysis _ ___________________________ __ 18.50 5.84 5.30 53.23 8.85 8.28 3‘0H Meat and Bone Scraps 59.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 __________________ .. 2652E Analysis ______________________________________ __ 50.93 12.91 2.90 3.21 5.78 24.27 19211 Contest Brand Scratch Feed ........ __ 10.00 2.50 3.00 68.00 265217 Analysis ________________________________________ .. 11.89 2.56 2.63 70.52 10.70 1.70 383K Faithful 5 Brand Laying Mash with Oyster Shell and Salt _______________________ __ 20.00 14.00 l 0.50 46.00 .................... .. 2652K Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 19.51 6.67 5.85 51.37 8.55 8.05 2652K Analysis .. 1 20.01 6.47 5.81 50.41 8.73 8.57 190K Contest Brand All-Mash Chick Starter with Oyster Shell ____________ __ 14-00 3.50 5.00 58.00 ...._._._.. ........ .. 265214 Analysis ............................................ .. 13.90 4.76 3.22 63.08 9.38 5.66 265214 Analysis 15.39 4.98 3.16 60.80 8.55 7.12 191H I I. _ Buttermilk and Cod Liver 0i1 ....... .. 17.00 3.80 5.00 59.00 ................... .. 2652M Analysis .......................................... .. 17.15 l 5.20 4.30 l 57.74 8.52 7.09 2652M Yellow Leg Brand Growing Mash , E1 with Oyster Shell ............................. ._ 15.00 9.50 6.00 59.00 ......... .. 2652N ’ Analysis ............................................. _. 17.58 4.98 4.48 55.75 8.07 7.49 50911 Honaker Grain and Hatchery Company, Farmersville, Texas. Best Maid Chick Starter with Char- coal __ __________________________________________ _. 16.50 4.00 6.00 52.00 ...................... .. 84F Analysis___.. . 18.81 5.88 5.88 55.77 l 8.88 l 5.88 239R 112 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regia- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l ‘ or In- » Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spectior Pro- | Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein ’ Extract - Honaker Grain and Hatchery Company, Farmersville, Texas-Continued. Growing Mash with Charcoal and 5 Oyster Shell ......... .. 19.80 4.00 6.80 1.7.00 ...................... .. 84U Analysis ....... .; .................................... .. 20.94 5.71 6.32 51.96 8.02 7.65 238R '5 J B Egg Mash with Oyster Shell ...... 1 20.00 8.50 8.00 44.60 _______________________ _, 84V Analysis .............................................. .. 21.09 5.97 6.99 50.45 5.54 9.96 307R ‘ Honey Grove Cotton Oil Company, Honey Grove, Texas. *- 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ A 43-00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ...................... ._ 499E * Analysis ................................... __ 43.10 7.03 9.34 28.58 6.68 5.27 15R- , Analysis ______________________________________________ -_ 44.79 7.06 9.47 26.71 6.52 5.45 18R Z Analysis” ........................................... _. 42.42 7.17 11.22 26.82 6.80 5.57 154R j Analysis .............................................. .. 43.74 6.07 10.59 27.61 6.47 5.52 244R a Analysis .............................................. -- 44.00 7.62 10.64 25.79 6.35 5.60 910R 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed _ Cake 46.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ...................... .. 499F Analysis .............................................. .. 43.15 5.99 11.42 28.16 5.90 5.38 19R Hood County Oil Mill Company, Granbury, Texas. ‘ ;. A B c stock Feed ________________________________ _, 18.00 4.00 12.00 56.00 ...................... .. 632A i Analysis" .......................................... .. 12.79 5.96 10.47 57.81 9.30 3-67 93W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ ._ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______________________ __ 632C “ Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 43.00 7.04 10.94 28.29 6.01 4.72 75W Analysis 45.76 8.39 8.61 25.80 6.17 5.27 268W Horton and Company, Hal C., Greenville, Texas. Blue Diamond Egg Mash with Chan-mg ________________________________________________ __ 19.20 9.50 8.00 50.50 ...................... .. 1202A Analysigd157a ________________ __ ___ 18.51 4.14 5.89 57.19 8.94 5.89 313R Red Diamond Cow I-Ia5h___ __________ __" 20.00 3.80 10.50 47.00 _________________ .:.__.. 1202C Analysi5158 ________________________________________ __ 18.82 4.41 9.09 52.11 10.35 5.22 149R _-_ Analysis 18.90 4.03 7.80 52.25 10.97 6.05 220R \ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.68 4.42 7.97 51.88 9.51 6.54 254R Red Diamond Egg Mash with Char- coal and Oyster Shell ...................... .. 18-50 4-00 6.00 52-00 ---------------------- _- 12021 ; Analysis 20.98 4.76 3.89 53.06 9.93 7.38 104R g; Anaiysis _____________________________________________ 20.60 5.05 3.82 52.79 10.45 7.29 147R f Horton's Egg Mash with ‘Charcoal... 19.50 9.70 7.00 50.00 ...................... .. 1202.1 Analysisl“ ________________________________________ __ 18.71 4.22 4.89 56.43 10.01 5.74 148R “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. °Refund paid. - “Sampled before registration. 15"“‘Ground limestone found. not claimed. 155Kafir meal found, not claimed. 15°Corn gluten feed and ground oyster shell found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 113 Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or] i I i or In- Importer. Brand Name. | Crude iCrude Crude] Nitro- i Mois- Crude spection Pr0- i Fat Fiber igen-free ture Ash NO. téin Extract Horton and Company, Hal C.. i Greenville, Texas—Continued. i Alfa-Lasses .............................................. .. 9.70 i 1.00 23.60 43.50 ______________________ .. 12020 Analysis ............................................... .. 11.69 .65 19.23 46.00 12.41 10.02 293R Hoco Mixed Feed ................................... .. 11.00 1.60 42.50 £28.50 ______________________ _, 12021‘ Analysis ............................................. .. 11.68 2.30 37.89 39.73 5.67 2.73 253R Red Diamond All-Purpose Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell ............. .. 14.00 3.00 7.00 58.00 ______________________ 1 1202K Analysis .............................................. .. 15.58 3.66 3.67 60.52 10.68 5.89 150R Housewright Grain Company, Wylie. Texas. “Quality” Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal _______________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.60 4.50 48.50 _______________________ __ 1536A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.09 5.36 4.34 50.13 10.43 8.65 144R Analysis ___________________________ __ 20.97 5.61 4.16 52.80 8.71 7.75 304R Ear Corn Chop with Husk _________________ __ 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ...................... .. 163610 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 9.48 3.53 9.97 67.10 8.23 1.69 306R “Economy” Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone ____________________________________________ .. 16.50 3.50 11.00 47.50 i ...................... .. 1636G Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 18.57 4.72 9.99 52.81 7.94 5.97 305R Houston Cotton Oil Mill, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ ,_ 43-00 5-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- .. 720B Analysis ______________________________________________ _> 42.80 6.45 11.69 26.84 6.61 5.61 9M Analysisc ________________________________________ 42.15 6.98 11.51 26.38 7.57 5.41 186M Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 43.01 6.96 10.19 27.14 6.98 5.72 304M Houston Grain Company, Houston, Texas. Nox-All Stock Feed ____________________________ _, 12-00 4-00 12-00 55-00 ---------------------- - 1153A Analysis ____________________________________________ W 12.60 4.36 9.16 58.94 9.39 5.55 269M Mixed Feed ____________________________________________ __ 13.00 2.00 33.50 32.50 ______________________ ._ 1153K Analysis ______________________________________________ W 12.41 1.91 29.41 40.04 7.96 8.27 8M Big “G” Brand Dry Mixed Stock Feed 12.50 2.50 16.00 48.00 ...................... .. 1153K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 14.00 3.81 8.71 58.55 10.24 4.69 180M Sur-Cream Brand Dairy Feed with i Phosphatic Limestone ______________________ __ 17.50 8.40 16.00 41.00 ...................... _. 1153A6 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.48 i 4.06 i 15.78 45.37 8.29 7.02 72M Special Laying Mash with Phosphatic 18.00 ' 4.00 i 5.00 51.00 ______________________ _. 1153A7 18.77 5.09 5.60 54.28 8.67 7.59 1153A7 Analysislw ________________________________________ __ 17.44 4.83 i 5.40 56.45 8.47 7.41 i 408M "Refund paid. 1°°Excess charcoal found. 114 BULLETIN NC. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 ' to August 31,, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent R‘ trati Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In-, Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- M0is- Crude specti’ Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free ture Ash tein I Extract Houston Packing Company, Houston, Texas. 40% Protein Feeding Tankage __________ .. 40.00 12.00 7.00 2.00 ______________________ Analysiswl‘? ______________________________________ _. 43.96 10.91 3,15 I 4,31 5,66 32,01 40% Protein Feeding Tankage with Bone 1.0.00 12.00 7.00 2.00 ______________________ __ 1511613818182 --------------------------------------- -~ 42-56 12.00 3.97 2.11 5.77 33.59 Houston's 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ________________________________________ -- 50.00 6.00 4.50 2.00 ______________________ _, Analysis“ ---------------------------------------- » 53.32 14.52 3.05 2.27 5.80 21.04 Hubinger Company, The, Keokuk, Iowa. Ke-Ok-Uk Corn Germ Meal __________________ __ 18-50 7.50 11.00 50.00 ..................... __ Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 28.83 8.48 10.55 44-55 5.53 2.06 Ke-Ok-Uk Corn Gluten Feed... 23.00 2.00 8.50 50.00 ...................... _. Analysism“ __________________________ _. 29.65 2.72 6.82 47.52 9.76 3.53 Ke-Ok Uk Corn Gluten Feed..- . 23.00 2.00 8.50 45.00 _____________________ _. Analysisl“ ....................................... .. 27.14 3.39 7.02 52.97 4.67 4.81 Hungarian Flour Mills, The, Denver, Colorado. _ Rolled Whole Barley and Screenings 11.50 2.00 7.50 66.00 ____________________ _. Analysis ___________________________________________ ,_ 13.30 2.25 5.14 69.20 7.71 2.40 Hunt Grain Company, The J. C., Wichita Falls, Texas. Egg Laying Mash with Charcoal .. 18.00 3.50 8.00 48.00 __________________ _. Analysis , ____________________________________________ _. 20.31 5.31 7.18 48.83 _9.72 8.65 Analysis _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _. 20.91 5.46 7.81 50.40 7.36 8.06 Mixed Cow Feed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _. 18.00 3.00 10.40 49.00 . . _ . . . . . _ _ . ._ Analysism“ .................................... .. 20.30 4.12 10.17 51.19 7.76 6.46 Growing Mash with Charcoal, But- termilk and Oyster Shell ................ .. 14.50 3.50 7.80 52.00 ____________________ .. Analysis ............................................. .. 17.63 5.53 7.44 54.48 8.39 7.13 Huntsville Oil Mill Company, Huntsville, Texas. ' Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ _, 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 .................... .. Analysigc ____________________________________________ _, 41.35 10.02 10.40 26.04 5.46 5.47 Analysis» __________________________________________ __ 41.21 7.01 11.72 27.77 6.50 5.79 *Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. cRefund paid. ‘Registration adjusted. 1°1Approximately 1.4% of salt found. 1°2Approximately 0.80% of salt found. 1°3Dried blood and stomach contents found. 1°4Approximately 1% of salt found. iuApproximately 1.8% of salt found. 1°°Wheat bran found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 115 Table 8.—--Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or] I 1 | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Imperial Meal Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Northwestern 34% Protein Linseed Meal and Ground Flaxseed Screen- ings Oil Feed ..................................... ._ 54.00 | 5.00 10.00 37.00 _____________________ 1 2189B Analysis“ ............................................ .. 34.58 | 6.72 8.87 36.90 7.15 5.78 378K Industrial Cotton Oil Mill, Waco, Texas. 43% Protein Longhorn Brand Cotton- seed Meal __________________________________________ .. 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 217B Analysis” ___________________________________________ _. 42.32 6.92 11.73 27.56 6.29 5.18 57W Analysis ............................................. .. 43.60 I 7.92 10.24 26.94 6.00 5.30 65W Analysis” .......................................... .. . 42-42 6.37 11.40 26.61 8.10 5.10 292W Longhorn Mixed Feed .......................... .. 11.00 2.25 42.50 28.00 ...................... __ 217C Analysis ............................................. ._ 12.36 2.05 38.44 39.21 4.88 3.06 51W International Hatchery, l El Paso, Texas. Four Star All-Mash Chick Feed with . Oyster $11911 ____________________________________ _, 10.00 4.00 0.00 55.00 ....................... .. 1276A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.10 7.17 5.23 55.00 7.12 6.38 1276A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.35 6.66 ' 5.54 54.93 8.56 5.96 379K Four Star Egg Mash with Oyster shell _________________________________________________ __‘___, 19.00 8.70 7.50 45.00 ______________________ _. 1276B Analysism 22.90 7.35 5.30 48.62 7.23 8.60 1276B Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 21.06 6.29 5.59 50.01 9.06 7.99 376K Four Star Growing Mash with Qyster Shel], ________________________________________ _. 17.50 4.00 6.50 48.00 ...................... _. 1276C Analysis 20.80 6.82 5.36 51.62 8.32 7.08 380K International Reduction Works, El Paso, Texas. International Meat and Bone Meal...» 50-00 4-00 3-00 0-00 ---------------------- ~ 1763A Analysis 48.50 13.46 1.39 2.83 5.49 28.33 67K International Vegetable Oil Company, Inc., Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ __ 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... .. 2247B Analysis 46.59 6.58 9.46 26.42 5.41 5.54 8K Analysis _____________________________________ __ 45.15 6.99 10.84 26.30 5.41 5.31 140K Analysiscw _______________________ __ 41.93 6.87 12.23 27.39 6.26 5.32 400K Analysisrw __________________________________________ ,_ 41.59 6.77 13.05 28.04 5.62 4.93 331M Analysis 43.46 7.33 10.56 26.94 6.57 5.14 68R Analysis t 43.92 7.57 10.03 27.40 5.81 5.27 70R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. °Refund paid. 116 gBULLETlN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guarantees are printed in italics following; brand names.) 0 Per Cent Regis- - tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i 0r In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture ASh N0. tein Extract International Vegetable Oil Company, Inc, Dallas, Texas—Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal—Cont. Analysis _____ 1. ______________________________________ __ 44.79 6.75 10.49 27.74 4.79 5.44 182R 3'2; Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 45.03 7.02 10.35 26.74 5.47 5.39 189R ; Analysis" ........................................... .. 39.67 7.87 13.82 27.73 5.69 5.22 296R _i Analysis 43.73 6.84 11.07 27.77 5.42 l 5.17 166S Interstate By-Products and Supply Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Interstate Meat and Bone Scraps ______ _, 50-00 6.00 3.00 3.00 ..................... .. 768A Analysisle" ______________________________________ ,, 43-99 12.37 2.23 4.91 5.50 26.00 144K Analysis _______ __ 49-80 7.72 2.76 7.85 5.39 26.48 425K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 50.13 712.13 2.57 3.73 4.58 26.86 332$ Analysis 49.73 11.92 2.68 1.67 4.73 29.27 109W Interstate Dried Blood Meal __________________ .. 80.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 ...................... 1| 768G Analysis .............................................. .. 90.23 .29 .71 1.51 5.29 1.97 768G Ismert-Hincke Company, The, Kansas City, Missouri. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings," 10-00 3-50 0-00 55-00 --------- ~ - -- . 507E Analysis" ____________________________________________ n 17.48 4.57 5.83 57.15 10.33 4.64 109M Analysis“ __________________________________ __ 16.75 4.19 5.78 58.90 10.06 4.32 274W Itasca Cotton Oil Company, Itasca, Texas. . 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _, 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 1070A Analysis 46.31 6.66 8.92 26.16 6.77 5.18 99W Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 43.01 6.15 11.42 27.81 6.67 4.94 302W Jacksboro Milling Company, Jacksboro, Texas. “Quality” Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal ____________________________________________ __ 19-00 3.50 8.00 58-00 ...................... .. 209R Analysis ______________________________________________ 20.87 4.21 6.31 51.50 9.20 I 7.91 165K Puritan Laying Mash with Charcoal 18-50 4.00 8.00 48.00 ....... _. .......... 209Y Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.68 4.76 6.12 52.71 9.29 7.44 I 164K Puritan Growing Mash with Ghar- l coal and Oyster Shell ________________________ _, 15.00 3.50 6.50 52.50 ..................... _. 209A5 Analysis 19.72 3.66 6.31 53.75 8.84 7.72 422K Puritan Brand Dairy Feed __________________ _. 18.00 3.20 14.00 44.00 ...................... .. 209A7 Analysis 18.20 3.78 11.74 52.98 7.98 5.32 10K Analysis 18.42 | 3.88 11.89 51.27 8.68 5.86 i 328K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. °Refund paid. lmApproximately 2.6% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 117 Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932--Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l I ‘ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Clgude Cfvude (lliijgde NicF-o- I Mois- Cgulclle spiction ro- a 1 er gen- rec ure s o. liein Extract Jacksboro Milling Company, Jacksboro, Texas—-Continued. Jacksboro Dairy Feed ____________________________ __ 19.50 3.00 11.00 45.00 ...................... __ 209A8 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.36 4.75 9.46 49.30 9.47 5.66 209A8 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.88 4.27 9.33 48.78 8.99 5.75 421K Jackson Brothers, Lubbock, Texas. Jackson’s South Plains Mixed Feed“, 10-00 0-00 08-00 45-00 ---------------------- .. 1364B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.59 3.48 19.68 43.69 10.53 5.03 112$ Jacksolfs West Texas Mixed Feed _____ __ 13-00 2-00 30-50 38-00 ______________________ _. 1364C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.96 3.30 23.50 46.57 6.42 4.25 109$ Ground Hegari Heads, Stalks and Stems 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 ______________________ .. 1364]) Ana1y5i$163 ________________________________________ __ 7.08 1.43 13.66 37.52 17.58 22.73 258s Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 8.60 1.93 14.67 58.58 9.19 7.03 392$ Jacks0n’s 18% Milk Maker Feed ____ 1 18-00 3-00 14-00 45-00 ---------------------- .. 135415 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 20.04 4.43 13.97 47.87 8.16 5.53 108S Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.87 5.34 11.91 48.18 8.09 5.61 257$ Ground Alfalfa Hay ______________________________ __ 13.00 1.50 30.00 35.00 _______________________ _. 136410 Analysisl” ________________________________________ _. 14.88 1.64 29-27 38.51 8.03 7.67 110s Ground Whole Oats 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ .. 1364C: Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 13.45 5.93 10.78 56.77 9.30 3.77 111$ Milo Head Chop ................................. _. 8.00 2.50 8.00 05.00 ...................... .. 1364H Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 11.20 2.60 6.81 67.24 8.58 3.57 107s Jackson, Pat, Tolar, Texas. Jackson’s Special Egg Mash with I Oyster Shell and Charcoal .............. .. 20-00 4-00 7-00 47-00 ---------------------- -- 645A Analysis170 ........................................ .. 21.84 5.96 6.41 48.08 4.90 12.81 845A Jayton Cotton Oil Mill, Jayton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal -------------- .- 43-00 03g fig 3241):; 2:35; Analysis ................................... _. 43-35 7- - - - - Analysis?“ 42.30 7.86 11.96 27.61 5.51 4.76 L Analysis°.___ _ 40.32 7.44 18.22 28.46 5.78 4.83 M Analysisc ____________________________________________ __ 42.01 8.06 11.95 27.83 5.37 4.78 N 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............. .. 43-00 6-00 12-00 23-00 --------------------- -- 2255B Ana1ysis171 ________________________________________ __ 42.79 6.22 12.51 28.54 5.14 4.80 198K °Refund paid. 103Approximately 9.5% of sand found. 109Approximately 2.4% of salt found. 17°Excess of ground oyster shell found. 171Short in weight. Portion of shipment removed from sale and sacks made to contain 100 pounds net. 118 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) i Per Cent Regis- ~_ tration i Name and Address of Manufacturer or I \ _ { _ ‘ or In- ___ Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crude Nmo- Mo1s- Crude 'spect1on r; I Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. ‘tein Extract ' . Jefferson Oil Company, Jefferson, Texas. ._ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................... _. 2048C » Analysis ............................................. 1 43.90 8.31 7.94 26.86 6.83 6.16 44R Analysis ........... ............................... ._ 43.85 8.39 7.69 28.03 5.75 6.29 I 209R " I Jeffus and DeLoach Grain Company, Plainview, Texas. Uncle Josh's Dairy Mash ................. 16.00 3.50 10.50 53.50 ..................... _. 23651 Analysis .............................................. _. 18.95 I 4.35 I 10.49 51.89 8.59 5.73 I 27S Jersee Company, The, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Jersee Milk Food Compound with Mineral ________________________________________________ ,, 9.00 I 4.50 5.00 50.00 ..................... _. 565A Analysislmbe _____________________________________ ,, 19.74 3.73 2.15 60.84 9.49 4.05 308s Jersee Milk Food Compound with Oxide of Iron ______________________________________ ., 18.50 3.50 3.00 55.00 ..................... __ 565A Analysisl" ___________________________________ 19.10 3.55 2.32 61.54 9.42 4.07 391$ “Just-Right” Brand Special Chick Starter with Charcoal and Oxide 0f Iron _______________________________________________ _. 15.00 4.00 6.00 54.00 ..................... .. 565B Analysis ____________________________________________ ., 17.58 4.74 7.24 57.11 8.09 5.24 325$ Analysis ............................................. .. 15.98 4.71 5.86 58.06 8.79 6.60 343$ Analysis ............................................. _. 15.67 4.15 6.49 57.64 9.67 6.38 372$ Analysis ............................................. 1 18.91 5.08 6.16 56.89 7.20 5.76 3798 “Just-Right” Brand Special Egg Mash with Charcoal and Oxide of Iron 18.00 5.50 7.00 52.00 ...................... _. 565C Analysis ...................................... ....... __ 18.52 4.30 7.00 52.85] 8.3a 8.85 401s “Just-Right” Brand Special Growing I | Mash with Charcoal and Oxide of Iron 15.50 4.00 6.00 54.00 ...................... .. 565D Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.94 4.10 6.44 | 57.19 9.70 6.63 3738 Analysis 17.53 4.73 7.00 ] 54.94 ] 8.66 7.14 403s f “Just-Right” Brand “All-Mash” Chick Starter with Oxide of Iron.__. 13.00 3.00 l 5.00 l 60.00 \ ...................... .. 565J "l Analysis“ ............................................ .. 13.25 4.25 3.62 | 62.56 9.78 | 6.54 374$ Johnson Feed and Flour Company, Breckenridge, Texas. “Champion” Brand Cow Feed ______________ _. 17.00 3.50 10.50 50-00 ...................... .. 577E Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.26 4.64 8.55 54.02 8.68 4.85 302K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. eRBElSlIIRtlOII adjusted. "zBlank tags attached. 173Excess of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 119 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber lgen-free ture ASh N0- tein Extract Jolley and Terry, Lockhart, Texas. 7 J. and T. 24% Dairy Feed _______________ __ 24-00 3-60 11.50 40.00 .................... __ 2042A Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 25.08 4.16 12.04 43.38 8.22 ] 7.12 | 34H J. and T. Laying Mash with Lime- stone 20.00 3.50 8.00 45.00 ____________________ _, 2042B Analysis __________________________________ __ 21.15 5.33 6.97 51.07 7.92 7.56 2042B Analysis 22.22 5.44 7.31 47.50 9.46 8.07 106H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.12 5.40 7.85 48.06 9.17 7.40 199H Jones Grain Company, Hamlin, Texas. Jones Milk and Butter Brand Cow Feed 17-00 3.50 9.00 52.00 ...................... .. 2090E Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.20 4.85 7.78 55.84 9.02 4.31 2090E Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.28 5.30 8.23 57.20 7.89 4.10 453K Jones, Gus, Jacksboro, Texas. Fuseg Dairy Feed ___________________________________ V 15-50 3-50 9-00 53-00 ...................... _. 2364C Analy3i3174 ________________________________________ __ 16.13 4.05 8.41 58.40 9.15 3.86 326K Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 4.31 9.27 56.88 9.18 4.50 Egg Maker Brand Laying Mash _____ __ 18-00 3.50 8-00 50-00 ...................... .. 23640 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.52 4.59 6.39 54.29 8.80 7.41 419K Fusco Sweet Feed _________________________________ __ 16-00 3.00 11.00 50-00 ...................... ._ 2364f, Analysis ________________________________________________ __ 16.20 3.15 10.51 56.08 9.00 5.06 327K Josey-Miller Company, Inc., Beaumont, Texas. Con, Chop ____________________________________________ __ 0.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ..................... .. 407A Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 9.20 I 4.68 2.06 73.40 9.51 1.15 131M Mo-Cream Brand Steam Dried Mixed I Feed with Me1asses _______________________ __ 16.00 4.75 14.50 43.00 .................... 1 407F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.25 5.38 12.49 48.06 8.76 7.06 198M MQ-Egg3 10.00 3.00 4.00 09-00 ....................... "l Anawsisns ________________________________________ __ 12.08 2.85 l 3.00 71.53 8.83 | 1.71 37M Perfexun Brand Steam Dried Mixed | l Feed with Molasses ________________________ __ 9.00 I 3.20 15.00 47.00 , ....................... .. 407Z Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 9.47 4.98 19.86 43.19 ] 11.84 10.60 323M Kow_Kud Dairy Feed with Limestone 25.00 4.50 12.50 40.00 ______________________ 1 407A7 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 25,08 5.51 13.18 42.89 5.54 6.20 33M Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 27.50 5.48 10.03 43.32 8.18 5.49 390M Big Bag Brand Feed __ _ 10.00 4.20 14.00 52.00 ....................... .. 407D2 Analysis _________________________________________ 11.42 7.75 12.70 51.75 9.50 5.77 115M B_ P_ S_ Mixed Feed __________________________ _, 18.40 6.70 0.70 49.30 ..................... .. 407F2 Analysis 14.79 12.23 12.17 43.31 7.29 10.21 292M 1T4Corn meal found, not claimed. 1750ats found, not claimed. 120 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nin-o- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Josey-Miller Company, Inc., Beaumont, Texas—Continued. Cottonseed Meal and Yellow Corn - Feed Meal __________________________________________ __ 41.00 5.60 11.80 25.00 _____________________ .. 407173 Analysis 43.69 i 6.63 9.83 I 27 12 I 7.06 I 5.67 53M Molasses, Screenings, Rice Bran, Corn I \ a | ( Chop, Clipped Oat By-Product, Rice _ l \ Hulls, Peanut Hulls _________________________ .. 6.50 2.50 18.00 50.00 ____________________ _, 407F4 Analysis ............................... ._ 7.78 2.16 19.09 l 49.46 11.67 9.84 233M Analysis“ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . _- 7.85 3.49 22.73 1 43.20 8.93 l 13.80 502W Jo-Mil Hominy Feed__ _____________________ _. 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 .......... .......... .. 407F7 Analysis“ _____________________________________ _. 11.95 10.12 7.42 57.38 8.82 ‘ 4.31 227M Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 10.75 7.55 9.09 58.80 9.59 i 4.22 i 317M Jo-Mil 18% Dairy Feed with Limestone ............................................ .. 18.00 4.50 12.00 40.00 ...................... _. 407F9 Analysis .............................. -_ . 18.42 4.44 111.02 48.76 11.22 6.14 16611 Analysis .............................................. _. 19.50 3.87 11.05 49.57 10.03 5.98 315M Juarez Mercantile Company, El Paso, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings .......... .. 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 ...................... .. 1501B Analysis 14.12 4.02 7.89 62.28 6.66 5.03 372K 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... .. 1.3.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... -_ 1501C Analysis ____________________________________ __ _ . 45.34 6.20 7.74 28.75 5.51 6.46 234K Analysis ............................................... .. 44.32 6.50 7.94 29.87 5.08 6.29 235K Judd Grain Company, W. M., Vernon, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed _____________________________ _. 16.00 8.50 8.50 52.00 ...................... .. 2079E Analysis 17.74 4.01 7.46 56.30 10.74 3.75 446$ Vernon Dairy Feed with Limestone.-. 20.00 3.70 10.00 47-00 ...................... _. 2079F Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 21.55 5.98 9.96 49.51 7.96 5.04 2079F Analysis 22.62 6.24 9.05 49.40 7.09 5.60 330$ Vernon Laying Mash with Oyster Shell 18.50 3.70 6.70 51.00 ...................... __ 2079C: Analysis .............................................. __ 20.32 5.78 4.32 50.98 8.46 10.14 2079C: Analysis .............................................. .. 19.80 5.81 5.79 51.73 8.15 8.72 339$ Vernon Chick Starter with Butter- milk and Oyster Shell ..................... ._ 15.00 3.20 5.00 58.00 ______________________ __ 2079H Analysis 15.90 4.73 3.52 62.28 7.28 6.29 331$ Kane Cotton Oil Company, Laredo, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed 25.00 6.00 25.00 29.00 ______________________ __ 624A Analysis°-...-.-................-......--.._..-_....-. 2 8. 90 7. 90 2 3. 3 8 29. 85 5 .47 4.50 624A “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Registration adjusted. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 121 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in‘ italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orl I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Kansas Flour Mills Corporation, The, l Kansas City, Missouri. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings", 15.00 3.50 6.00 57.00 .......... .. 1684A Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 17.95 3.56 5.81 58.44 9.75 4.49 129M Kansas Milling Company, The, Wichita, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings 17-00 3.50 6-00 55-00 ...................... .. 179M Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 19.29 5.24 5.52 55.37 10.52 4.06 398M KB Milling Company, Wolfe City, Texas. , Wheat Brown Shorts _____________________________ __ 10-50 3-50 0-50 55-00 ______________________ .. 2328-1 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 18.61 4.93 6.42 56.71 8.82 4.51 50M Corn Feed Meal ___________________________________ n 9-00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 2328K Analysislm ________________________________________ __ 11.79 8.91 2.74 65.76 8.39 2.41 18W Thrifty Brand Sweet Feed __________________ __ 9.00 1-20 15-00 50.00 _______________________ _. 232811 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 13.44 2.01 12.37 56.15 8.55 7.48 40K K B Egg Mash with Dried Buttermilk and Charcoal ___________________________________ __ 19-00 4-00 7.50 50.00 ______________________ __ 2328K Analysis ______________________________________________ ,, 19.60 5.10 5.70 54.71 7.86 7.03 79K Analysis __________________________ ___ _________________ __ 20.70 5.11 6.43 50.76 9.86 7.14 219R K B Growing Mash with Dried But- termilk and Charcoal ______________________ A 17-00 4.00 0-00 52-00 ______________________ __ 2328Y Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 17.74 5.15 5.43 55.87 7.96 7.85 78K K B Buck Feed with Qyster Shell ______ W 11-00 3.00 9.00 58-50 ______________________ _. 2328B4 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 12.61 3.90 7.92 60.92 10.56 4.09 94K Thrifty Brand Egg Mash with Char- coal and Oyster Shell _________________________ __ 19-00 3-80 7.00 47-50 ______________________ _. 2328135 Analysis ________________________________________________ _, 19.50 4.72 6.86 51.57 9.26 8.09 218R Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19-52 4.49 6.18 54-34 8.24 7.23 84W Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 19.67 4.30 6.45 50.57 10.28 8.73 224W Screenings, Oat Hulls and Molasses. 8.20 1.50 12-50 60.00 ........ .__ __________ __ 2328C7 Analysisal" ______________________________________ _. 8.71 1.96 13.41 59.02 10.27 6.63 218K Kearns Grain and Seed Company, Amarillo, Texas. Milo Chop ________________________________________________ _, 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... .. 1036C Analysisl” ________________________________________ __ 11.40 3.24 2.87 67.54 11.72 3.23 ~143S Keese, W. T., - Goldthwaite, Texas. Ground Wheat ....................................... __ 12-00 2.00 8.00 70.00 ...................... _. 1985G Analysisdan” ...................................... .. 11.08 2.04 3.00 71-30 10.59 1.99 284W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. 176Hominy feed. "7Tags present but not attached. 178Adlllt€fat€d with weed seeds. "QGround whole oats found. 122 BULLETIN NO. _467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- :73 Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I \ ~» Importer. Brand Name. I Crude |Crude Crude Nin-o- Mois- Crude spection i Pr0- Fat Fiber gen-freeI ture Ash N . ' tein Extract Keese, W. T., Goldthwaite, Texas—Continued. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ................ .. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ...................... -_ Analysis“--. ....................................... .. 8.65 3.48 9.16 66.51 11.01 1.19 Kelley Milling Company, The William, Hutchinson, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts ____________________________ .. 16.00 8.50 5.00 57.00 .............. _; ...... .. Analysis ______________________________________________ -. 18.50 4.40 4.63 59.00 9.74 3.73 Kell Mill and Elevator Company, Vernon, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ...................... .. Analysis .............................................. .. 18.72 4.65 5.45 58.53 8.75 3.90 Kemplin, John M., Gainesville, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ............................... .. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ...................... .. Analysis“ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . .. 11.40 6.88 11.19 60.05 6.47 4.01 2 in 1 Mixed Feed. ................... .. 13.80 8.00 15.00 46.00 ______________________ _. Analysisls“ _________________________ __ 16.35 8.61 12.35 49.72 8.77 4.20 Analysislsl ....................................... .. 14.60 8.38 13.22 50.56 8.39 4.85 Analysis ....................................... _. .... _. 15.33 3.27 14.35 52.25 5.30 4.50 Ground Whole Barley ................ .. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 ______________________ _. Analysis“ ............................................ .. 11.87 2.91 6.77 67.20 8.93 2.32 Kenedy Cotton Oil Mill, Kenedy, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. Analysis” ___________________________________________ __ 42.41 7.37 12.49 25.97 6.68 5.08 Analysis” ............................................ .. 40.50 6.46 13.22 27.88 6.95 4.99 Analysis” ............................................ .. 40.98 6.11 13.06 27.55 7.26 5.04 Analysis 43.28 6.80 10.43 27.55 6.67 5.27 Analysis 44.21 6.59 10.88 27.41 5.85 5.06 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............. .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 2.9.00 ______________________ _. Analysis” -------------------------------------------- .- 41.63 5.83 12.44 28.11 7.01 4.98 Analysis 43.57 6.62 10.91 27.86 5.75 5.29 Kerens Cotton Oil Company, Kerens, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 500G Analysis .............................................. .. 44.93 7.64 9.86 26.86 5.10 5.61 130W Analysis 43.92 7.80 9.86 26.14 6.74 5.54 334W. “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Refund paid. dSampled before registration. 18°Corn meal found, not claimed. 181Wheat bran, corn meal and kafir meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 123 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Reiris- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or ln- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash No. tein Extract Kerrville Milling Company, I I Kerrville, Texas. - I Heart-of-the-Hills Feed ______________________ .. 16.00 4.00 11.00 55.00 _________ __ I __________ __ 16N Analysis“. ......................................... _. 17.90 I 5.06 10.42 53.14 9.29 I 4.19 20H Kifuri Brothers, I I Eagle Pass, Texas. I wheat Mixed Feed ______________________________ ___ 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 .......... ___________ ._ 2259A Analysisl" ________________________________________ _. 16.72 4.61 9.61 58.06 6.52 I 4.48 297K Kimball-Diamond Milling Company, I I Sherman, Texas, and Branches. I Liberty Dairy Feed with Oyster Shell 16-00 3-00 12-00 48-00 ...................... n 2328A Analysis _____________________________________ __ 19.45 4.74 9.71 51.76 7.64 6.70 361K Corn Bran _______ __ __ 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 _______________________ _. 232813 Ana1ysis133 ________________________________________ __ 10.75 6.04 8.03 60.59 8.62 5.97 378H KB Gray Feed ______________________________________ v 14.30 3.20 7.00 57.00 ..................... ._ 2328G Analysis“ _________________________________________ _, 15.13 4.20 4.83 62.90 9.01 3.93 I 454W KB Rolled Oat Groats ___________________________ ,1 16-00 6-00 1-50 65-00 ...................... .. 2328-] Analysis“ ________________________ __ 15.17 7.86 2.25 63.92 8.85 1.95 242R Analysisls“ ____________________________ _, 14.50 6.76 2.03 66.12 8.88 1.71 456W Analysis“ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ __ 14.87 7.75 1.98 64.62 9.09 1.69 457W Whole Oat Chop ____________________________________ _, 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ ._ 23281.4 Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 11.60 6.24 11.86 58.81 7.64 3.85 383M Thrifty Brand Sweet Feed _________________ .. 9.00 1.20 22.00 50.00 ...................... _. 2328U Analysis" ____________________________________________ _, 12.70 2.17 15.72 52.37 10.20 6.84 351K Analysis 11.40 2.27 14.55 54.27 12.00 5.51 281R Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 10.42 1.76 13.13 57.97 10.23 6.49 498W KB Chick Starter with Dried Butter- milk and Oyster Shell _______________________ __ 17.00 4-50 6-00 52-00 ...................... .. 2328w Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.10 5.59 5.53 55.62 8.71 7.45 289R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16.92 5.45 4.41 57.17 9.13 6.92 430W KB Growing Mash with Dried Butter- milk and Oyster Shell ____________________ _, 17.00 4.00 6.00 52.00 ______________________ .. 2328Y Analysis ______ __ 17.50 4.76 3.90 56.11 8.95 8.78 290R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.62 4.98 4.95 56.35 8.16 7.94 340s Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings... 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ...................... _. 232831 Analysis _________________________ ___’. _________________ .. 18.12 4.83 4.99 57.51 10.73 3.82 320K Thrifty Brand Hen Scratch ................ 10-00 2-50 3-50 68-00 ---------------------- _. 2323132 Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 10.40 3.21 2.18 71.33 11.40 1.48 349W Thrifty Brand Dairy Feed with I Qyster Shell ________ __ 24.00 4.00 12.75 41.50 ...................... 1 2328B3 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25.08 3.97 I 11.60 44.54 7.83 6.98 414M "Portion of shipment remoyed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. lwSci-eenings and excess of wheat bran found. 183Wheat, milo and screenings found. 184Ground oat greats. Mutilated tags attached. 124 \ Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ ' _ | _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- I Mo1s- I Crude spection Pr_o- I Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Kimbell-Diamond Milling Company, | I Sherman, Texas, and Branches- Continued. KB All-Mash Starter with Oyster Shell and Cod Liver Oil .................. .. 15.50 4.20 5.00 53.00 ...................... .. 2328B8 Analysis .............................................. .. 18.11 5.54 4.79 55.52 9.08 6.96 366K KB Ground Oat Groats .......................... _. 16.00 6.00 1.50 65.00 v ________ __ l __________ 1 2328D8 Analysisal" ...................................... _. 19.86 7.41 2.05 59.86 ] 897 | 1.85 406M Crimped Whole Oats and Molasses... _____________________________________________________________________ _. Analysisv“ ........................................ .. 11.58 5.40 10.87 59.27 8.59 4.29 415K King Feed and Fuel Company, Stanton, Texas. King's Dairy Feed _________________________________ ___ 19-00 4-50 10.00 49.00 ...................... .. 589A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.59 5.66 9.35 51.01 8.02 4.37 589A Kirchman Feed Mills, Hamilton, Texas. Kirchman Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 19.00 3.50 6.60 45.00 ..................... .. 50C Analysis .............................................. .. 18.63 4.99 4.81 52.69 10.39 8.49 50C Knaur Feed Milling Company, I Denison, Texas. Cow Joy Dairy Feed with Dicalcium Phosphate _____________________________________________ .. 22-00 4.50 11-00 44.20 ...................... .. 26M Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 22.60 6.22 10.23 48.09 7.02 5.84 ‘SR “Nox-All” Brand Egg Mash with f Dicalcium Phosphate ........................ .. 18-00 3.50 8.00 44.50 ...................... .. 26N Analysis .............................................. .. 20.43 I 6.16 7.25 48.53 8.53 9.10 88R “Nox-All” Brand Developer Mash l with Dicalcium Phosphate and Cod I Liver Oil .............................................. _. 15.50 4 00 6.00 52.00 ...................... ._ 26T Analysis .............................................. ._ 17.95 6.26 6.45 54.50 8.22 6.62 13R Blue Hen Egg Mash with Oyster I Shell __ 20.50 3-50 7.40 44.60 ...................... .. 26V Analysisls“ ________________________________________ __ 22.03 3-66 l 6.67 49.98 7.02 10.64 12R Mo-Larrup Sweet Feed ____________________ _. 11-50 2.70 I 15.00 49.00 ...................... _. 26A9 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 10.73 | 1.48 | 12.09 54.74 9.92 11.04 7R Pig-Joy Protein Supplement with Charcoal and Dicalcium Phosphate for Swine ___________________________________________ _. 29.00 4.50 8.00 30.00 ..................... ._ 26C3 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 33.50 5.29 I 8.88 36.60 6.64 9.09 26C3 “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘gNot registered. "Portion of shipment removed from sale. ‘Not tagged. 185Some oat hulls found. 18°Excess of ground oyster shell found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 125 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crudel Nitro- i M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Knaur Feed Milling Company, Denison, Texas——Continued. Knaur’s Egg Mash with Limestone... 20.00 4.00 7.00 47.00 ______________________ __ 26C4 Analysis _____________________________________________ 1 21.01 5.99 5.96 48.70 8.45 9.89 26C4 Screenings and Molasses ...................... .. 9.00 2.50 7.00 68.00 ______________________ __ 26C6 Analysis! ............................................ _. 8.93 1.30 13.17 59.73 9.58 7.29 26C6 Knight, A. J., Breckenridge, Texas. Mixed Dairy Feed ____________________________________ _. 15.50 4.50 10.00 45.00 ...................... ._ 1785A Analysis .............................................. .. 18.44 6.44 10.83 53.78 6.69 3.82 1785A Knox City Grain Elevator, Knox City, Texas. Dairy Feed ______________________________________________ ,, 23.00 4.00 8.00 47.00 ...................... _. 2114E Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 24.38 4.38 9.33 50.62 7.16 4.13 2114E Laying Mash ____________________________________________ _. 20.00 4.00 7.00 47.00 ______________________ ._ 211417‘ Analysis ............................................. ._ 19.25 5.61 6.76 52.63 8.23 7.52 2114F Chick Starter Mash with Oyster Shell 14.70 3.50 3.20 55.00 ______________________ _. 2114G Analysis .............................................. _. 17.97 5.19 4.02 58.26 8.69 5.87 2114G Ground Milo Heads and Cottonseed. 11.00 6.00 11.00 55.00 ______________________ .. 2114H Analysis .............................................. .. 11.84 4.46 6.57 66.24 7.39 3.50 2114H Analysis“ .......................................... __ 11.58 4.93 7.43 64.96 7.71 3.39 446K Kollert’s Feed and Fuel, Denison, Texas. O.K. Brand Special Hen Scratch _____ _. 10.30 2.90 4.00 68.50 ...................... .. 2198E Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 11.60 3.32 2.36 72.19 9.12 1.41 89R O.K. Brand Special Egg Mash with Oyster Shell __________________________________________ .. 20.80 3.70 7.00 43.00 ______________________ .. 2198F Analysis .................................... .. 20.93 5.96 6.52 47.19 8.35 11.05 90R O.K. Brand Special Dairy Feedw 20.50 3.50 14.00 42.00 ______________________ _. 2198G Analysis .............................................. .- 21.80 4.37 12.61 47.36 8.48 5.38 91R Kunkel, Fred W., Megargel, Texas. Wheat Bran .......................................... -- » 14.50 3.00 10.00 53.00 ______________________ __ 349A Analysisl“ ---------------------------------------- -. 18.52 3.87 5.83 58.94 9.22 3.62 169K Lackey, A. C., Carlton, Texas. Egg Mash Feed ..................................... __ 20.00 4.00 7.50 48.00 ...................... _. 2160D Analysis 20.97 5.85 6.67 51.22 8.16 7.13 364W Red Top Chick Starter with Oyster 13.00 3.60 4.50 59.00 ...................... .. 2160K Shell and Charcoal ......................... _. 13.00 3.60 4.50 59.00 ______________________ _. 2160K Analysis 14.40 4.00 3.69 61.36 10.59 5.96 365W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. . 137Gr0und wheat screenings found. 126 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I I Per Cent I Regis- I I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I 1 I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude Ispection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract ‘ I LaGrange Cotton and Oil Manufactur- I I ing Company, I LaGrange, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 111.12 5.00 111.00 26.00 _____________________ .. 218C Analysis .............................................. .. 43.89 6.26 9.60 27.99 6.41 5.85 197H Analysis .............................................. .. 45.95 6.98 8.79 25.84 6.50 5.94 394H Laird’s Feed Store, Waco, Texas. Jap’s Ear Corn Chop with Husks,______ 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ .. 1869A Analysis" __________________________________ __ 8.90 3.55 8.33 68.00 9.39 1.83 337W Jap'3 Ground Whole Oats____ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ .. 1869B Analysis“ ________________________________________ __ 9.19 5.99 11.98 59.40 9.20 4.24 336W L and H Cotton Oil Mill, Laredo, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ___________________________________________ __ 25-00 6.00 25-00 29-00 ...................... _. Analysis - 26.55 6.66 24.57 32.58 5.16 4.48 17H Lamar Cotton Oil Company, The, Paris, Texas. 43% protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... .. 537E Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.30 7.18 10.97 26.16 6.83 5.56 342M Analysis 43.00 6.67 10.82 27.57 6.45 5.49 25R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.80 6.84 10.28 27.43 7.05 5.60 96R Anniysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.76 6.97 9.87 28.18 6.68 5.54 162R Analysis.“ __ 43.40 6.59 10.72 28.01 5.46 5.82 247R Analysis ______________________________________________ n 42.88 6.25 10.69 28.37 6.23 5.58 251R Analysis _____ _____________________________________ __ 42.62 6.36 11.05 27.37 6.94 5.66 284R Protein Cottonseed Cake __________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ _. Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 44.31 6.24 11.73 26.79 5.57 5.36 28R Analysis 43.80 6.09 10.45 26.56 7.36 5.74 95R Lambeth Gin and Mill, 0., Lamesa, Texas. Lambeth’s Special Dairy Feed .......... .. 10-00 3-00 10-00 47-00 --------------------- ~ 2017A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.50 3.98 13.49 51.40 7.86 5.77 2017A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.50 4.35 13.21 51.99 8.54 4.41 319s Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. ._ 7-30 0-80 10-00 02-00 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ 2017B Analygis ___________________________________________ __ 9.98 67.21 2.71 Milo Head Chop .................................. -. 8-00 0-50 8-00 05-00 .................... 4 20170 Analysis 10.43 2.75 6.66 67.76 7.95 4.45 443s Mflo Chop _____________________________________________ _, 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... _. 2017D Analysis 10.58 3.05 1.90 72.07 10.79 1.61 384$ “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 127 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude I Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat I Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract I I Lambeth Gin and Mill, 0., I Lamesa, Texas—Continued. Ground Hegari Heads, Stalks and - Stems 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 ______________________ -‘ 2017E Analysis-l" ........................................ .. 6.95 I 2.16 20.98 52.71 5.82 11.38 385S Lamesa Oil Mill, I Lamesa, Texas. I I 25% Protein Whole-Pressed I Cottonseed ___________________________________________ __ 25-00 7.00 25.00 29.00 ...................... ., 339A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 29.77 I 5.76 22.53 I 34.17 3.77 I 4.00 36S 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed I I I I I Cottonseed _____________________________________________ ,, 28.00 6-00 23-00 29.00 ..................... ._ 339C Analysis.__. ,, 29.73 5.29 22.86 34.97 3.26 3.89 119S Analysis _____________________________________________ 1 28.92 5.81 I 26.50 31.82 3.07 3.88 244$ 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- I I I I seed 28.00 0-00 23.00 29.00 __________ ..| __________ .. 339D Analysis 29.43 I 5.88 24.29 31.90 4.35 4.15 227K Lamkin Brothers, Granbury, Texas. Gilt Edge Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell _____________ ,_ 18-20 3.80 8-00 48-00 ______________________ .. 1822A Analysis 15.85 4.12 8.09 55.33 7.08 9.53 305K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.93 5.03 6.92 56.15 6.92 7.05 74W Analysis 17.93 5.31 5.15 54.94 8.91 7.76 267W Gilt Edge Brand All-Mash Baby Chick Starter with Oyster Shell and Dicalcium Phosphate ...................... ._ 15-00 3-50 4-00 00-00 ---------------------- -» 13221 Analysisl“ ....................................... -. 15-00 3-71 3-06 63-45 9-46 5-32 356W Lucky Brand Sweet Feed ...................... .. 9-00 1-50 29-00 44-00 ---------------------- » 1322M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 8.03 2.27 26.69 47.30 11.18 4.53 269W Gilt Edge Brand Mixed Sweet Feed 14-00 3-10 9-00 52-00 ______________________ -. 1822N Analysisal" ...................................... -_ 9.96 2.66 16-30 58.89 8-39 3.80 307K Lamm and Garrison Milling Company, Grapevine, Texas. Wheat Bran, Shorts and Corn Bran... 15-00 3-50 9-00 55-00 ---------------------- -- 17D Analysis ____________________________________________ __ I Lampasas Milling Company, Lampasas, Texas. Crimped Whole Oats .............................. -. 11.00 4.00 12-00 58-00 ---------------------- -_ 1021 Analysisd“ ________________________________________ __ I 5.21 I I I "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. lssApproximately 4.1% of sand found. 13°Ground milo found, not claimed. 1°°Large excess of oat hulls found. 128 BULLETIN N0. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION / Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or \ ‘ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nnro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein f Extract Larabee Flour Mills Company, The, i Kansas City, Missouri. Winter Wheat Gray Shorts with l Ground Screenings .......................... .. 16.00 8.50 6.00 56.50 ______________________ __ 26001-1 Analysis“... ......................................... .. 17.12 4.57 6.02 57.67 10.34 4.28 52R Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings 16.00 3.50 7.50 56.50 ______________________ _, 2600Y Analysis 20.19 4.96 7.20 53.39 8.75 5.51 2600Y Larrowe Milling Company, The, Detroit, Michigan. l Dried Beet Pulp .................................... .. 8.00 | 0.50 22.00 50.00 ______________________ __ 1550A Analysis 8.90 | .50 20.45 58.17 9.70 2.28 106M Lassner Company, Adolph, San Antonio, Texas. Mo-Milk Brand Dairy Feed with i Limestone __________________________________________ __ 21.00 3-20 13.50 43.00 ______________________ __ 860A Analysis 21.22 3.50 12.36 48.20 7.30 7.42 87H Lavaca Oil Company, Hallettsville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43-00 6.00 12-00 23.00 ...................... .. 328E Analysis 46.40 7.57 8.09 25.53 6.05 6.36 117H Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 43.03 6.45 10.76 26.94 7.41 5.41 225H Lavernia Feed Store, San Antonio, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk __________________ __ 7-80 2-80 10-00 62-00 ...................... _. 2618B Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 8.10 2.91 13.12 65.84 8.21 1.82 351K Special Cow Feed _______________________________ __ 15-00 3.20 13.00 50-80 ...................... ._ 2618C Analysisln _______ __ 14.17 3.68 10.33 58.15 9.16 4.51 83H Analysisl" ______________________________________ _, 16.07 3.71 11.23 55.46 9.22 I 4.31 350H Special Laying Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell _________________________________ __ 18-50 3.60 8.00 48.00 ...................... __ 2618E Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.52 5.88 8.39 50.18 7.17 6.86 402H Lawrence and Sons Old Time Mill, Sherman, Texas. Miracle Laying Mash __________________________ __ 18.50 3.50 6.50 48.00 ...................... __ 880L Analysis 20.50 4.82 4.74 51.41 8.31 10.22 6R Lawther Mills, W. J., Dallas, Texas. Sure Nuff Brand Cow Feed with - Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 21.00 3.50 12-00 45-00 ______________________ .. 1268G Analysis 20.80 4.65 11.32 47.59 8.65 6.99 106R Analysis 21.20 4.46 10.55 47.80 9.36 6.63 156R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. 1°1Ground corn cob and husk found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 129 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 . to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ 01-111- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude speetion Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Lawther Mills, W. J., I I I Dallas, Texas—-—Continued. Queen of Dixie Growing Mash with Buttermilk, Cod Liver Oil and Charcoal ............................................. __ 17.50 4.40 6.50 53.00 ______________________ _. 1268G2 Analysis .............................................. ._ 18.60 5.69 5.85 53.32 10.29 6.25 219K Lawmi Sweet Feed with Limestone 10.00 1.50 16.00 50.00 ...................... .. 1268D9 Analysis ............................................. _. 12.86 2.18 10.98 56.27 8.74 8.97 87M Sure Nuff Brand Big Five Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ...................... -. 20.00 3.80 7.80 45.00 ...................... _. 1268E6 Analysis ............................................. ._ 20.95 5.98 6.89 46.91 9.21 10.06 157R Analysis _______________________________________________ -. 20.90 6.48 7.13 47.29 7.95 10.25 288W Lawther’s Special Heavy-Duty Logging Ration ................................ .. 11.70 3.80 11.40 57.00 ______________________ .. 1268F2 Analysis ............................................. _. 11.60 4.64 10.29 59.73 9.56 4.18 298R Lasses Feed 9.90 2.00 10.00 60.00 ______________________ _. 1268F3 AHalySis192c _ 11.06 2.08 11.51 59.00 8.74 7.61 17K Analysis ............................................ -. 11.41 2.62 11.10 55.21 12.12 7.54 155R Lawther’s Complete Hen Ration with Charcoal, Limestone and Cod Liver Oil _______________________________________________________ _. 15.20 8.20 6.50 54.20 ...................... __ 1268F7 Analysis ___________________________________________ .. 16.18 5.17 6.40 55.20 9.09 7.96 173K Queen of Dixie Egg Laying Mash with Charcoal and Cod Liver Oil 19.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 __________ ._| __________ __ 1268G1 Analysis... 19.92 5.62 7.24 50.34 8.22 8.66 167K Analysis ............................. .- _. 19.76 4.38 6.91 50.05 10.09 8.81 158R Farmers Big Six Sweet Feed .............. -_ 9.60 2.00 9.60 60.00 ...................... .. 1268G2 Analysis ............................................. .. 12.25 2.76 9.98 58.90 8.87 7.24 297R Analysis .............................................. _. 10.48 2.09 8.57 62.98 9.14 6.74 25W Lawthefs 19% Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone __________________________________ .. 19.00 4.00 10.00 47.00 ______________________ .. 126813 Analysis 20.18 4.89 7.64 52.52 8.51 6.26 11K Lawther’s 24% Dairy Feed with Limestone _________________________________________ _. . 24.00 3.50 12.00 37.00 ______________________ -_ 126815 Analysis 24.30 4.40 11.99 42.60 9.61 7.10 172K Analysis 25.57 4.19 12.97 40.45 9.43 7.39 199R Analysisl” ........................................ .. 26.62 4.76 12.82 40.29 8.22 7.29 299R Ledbetter, R. H., Speegleville, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk __________________ _. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ...................... .. 1481C Analysis 8.05 3.42 10.98 68.10 7.89 1.56 352W CRefund paid. 192Short in weight. Portion of shipment removed from sale and each sack made to weigh 100 pounds net. 193Excess of salt found. 130 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude lCrude Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein ‘Extract Lemons-Thompson Grain Company, Amarillo, Texas. Laying Mash with Molasses and Limestone ___________________ _. 18.00 3.50 7.00 47.00 _____________________ __ 2077M Analysis..- 18.28 4.12 6.77 52.79 7.22 10.82 19S Analysis ............................................. .. 20.08 4.50 6.31 52.14 8.24 8.73 420$ All-Mash Chick Starter with Oyster ’ Shell ______________________________________________________ .. 16.80 3.50 5.00 52.50 ...................... _. 20770 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.19 4.90 4.33 56.94 8.83 7.81 362$ Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ______ __ 17.80 3.50 8.30 48.50 ...................... __ 2077P Analysis _______________________________ _. 19.52 4.68 6.81 51.9] 9.44 7.64 285$ Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 19.19 i 5.28 6.47 53.70 7.82 7.54 467S Special Mixed Feed with Limestone... 17.00 2.50 12.00 45.00 _____________________ .. 2077T Analysis ............................................. .. 18.90 3.29 9.24 52.59 8.68 7.30 18S Ground Whole Barley and Molasses 9.50 1.20 5.00 65.00 ______________________ ._ 2077U Analysis ............................................. ._ 12.14 1.39 4.74 67.29 10.97 3.47 286S Poultry Fattener with Buttermilk...“ 15.50 3.30 5.00 59.00 _____________________ __ 2077V Analysis ........................................ .. 17.58 3.74 4.72 60.74 8.96 4.26 2077V Analysis ........................... .. 18.43 4.16 4.88 59.03 9.42 4.08 284$ Wheat Gray Shorts ................................. .. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _____________________ _. 2077W Analysis ............................................ -_ 16.65 4.34 5.83 57.81 11.33 4.04 2077W Wheat Mixed Feed ........... ....... -- 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ...................... ._ 2077Z Analysisl“ ............................... _. 17.20 3.55 5.69 58.14 11.44 3.98 283$ Analysisl“ ........................................ -- 16.45 3.63 5.98 59.91 9.86 4.17 419s Lewis, R. M., Fredericksburg, Texas. _ Grgund Whole Oats ____________________________ -. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ...................... _. 681A Analysisl" ________________________________________ ._ 12.05 6.13 9.21 61.50 7.62 3.49 185K Liberty Mills, San Antonio, Texas. wheat Gray Shorts ............................ -. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ...................... ._ 1E Ana1ysisw6 ________________________________________ .. 16.48 5.11 6.53 57.48 10.14 4.26 288H Liberty Bell Chick Starter with But- termilk, Cod Liver Oil and Oyster Shell ..................................................... ._ 17.00 4.00 5.00 51.00 ...................... -. 1W Analysis 18.29 6.89 4.17 52.10 9.95 8.60 179K Liberty Bell Poultry Fattener ............ __ 14.00 4.50 5.00 60.00 ...................... ._ 1A1 Analysis ........................................... -- 15.53 5.78 4.93 61.94 8.98 2.84 337B Boss Brand Laying Mash with Char- coal and Oyster Shell ........................ .. 19.50 3.70 8.00 44.50 ...................... .. 1A7 Analysis ......................................... -- 20.10 5.97 7.83 48.27 8.16 9.67 12211 Light Grain and Milling Company, Liberal, Kansas. Wheat (h-gy ShQI-ts ____________________________ .. 17.00 4.00 5.50 55.00 .......... _. .._..._____. 152A Analysis ________________________-_.____._______.___ 1 6.7 4 4.7 1 4. 52 60 .0 3 9.89 4.1 1 363$ 1°4Wheat gray shorts. 1°5Mi1o chop and kafir chop found. 1°°Wheat brown shorts. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or] I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude |Crude Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude spection I Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. ( tein Extract Light Grain and Milling Company, Liberal. Kansas—Continued. Corn Chop _____________________________________________ __ 9.00 8.50 8.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 152C Analysisl" ________________________________________ __ 10.01 3.87 1.83. 72.10 10.82 1.37 204$ Red Diamond Egg Laying Mash with Limestone ____________________________________________ _, 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ______________________ .. 152L Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.80 I 5.08 4.24 55.01 7.78 9.09 15214 Lindsay, F. G., Houston, Texas. Dried Buttermilk _________________________________ __ 32.00 6.00 1.00 $5.00 ...................... _. 1842A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 30.73 3.49 .43 50.84 5.94 8.57 361M Lockhart Grain Company, Lockhart, Texas. Dairy Cow Feed Number Two Mixture _ ____________________________________________ __ 1.9.00 4.50 11.50 46.00 _____________________ .. 267213 Analysis ___________________________________________ _, 19.87 4.78 12.24 51.22 7.80 4.09 36H Laying Mash with Charcoal __ __ 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.00 ______________________ _. 267217 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 1.9.44 5.17 6.00 53.73 7.87 7.79 35H Lockhart Oil and Gin Company, Lockhart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ...................... .. 821B Analysis ______________________________ __ 43.10 6.28 11.02 27.85 5.00 5.75 108H Analysis 44.27 6.38 11.17 25.98 6.32 5.88 201H Analysis"? _____________________________________ ,_ 41.87 6.14 12.05 27.95 6.10 5.89 393H Analysis” ............................................ _. 42.22 6.40 11.67 27.72 6.50 5.49 207M Lockney Cotton Oil Company, Lockney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _, 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- -- 1643B Analysisv ____________________________ __ 39.15 9.01 13.99 27.82 5.46 4.57 47S Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 44.00 9.03 10.47 26.71 5.04 4.75 124$ Analysisv ____________________________________________ __ 41.94 8.39 12.49 26.87 5.72 4.59 125S Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.06 6.04 12.11 28.38 5.72 4.69 126$ Analysis" ____________________________________________ __ 41.42 7.72 12.34 27.12 6.62 4.78 178$ Analysis 43.77 7.26 10.77 26.86 6.70 4.64 179$ Analysis 42.84 6.62 12.65 27.23 5.92 4.74 265S Longview KCotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 604B‘ Analysis" ____________________________________________ ,_ 42.31 7.81 11.24 27.66 5.59 5.39 54M Analysis 43.35 8.20 9.98 26.63 6.27 5.57 135M Analysis 43.15 8.38 9.48 27.65 5.65 5.69 243M °Refund paid. 1°7Corn meal. "sPortion of lot removed from sale and mixed with high protein meal before sale continued. 132 BULLETIN NO. Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guarantees are prinzeil in italics following brand names.) 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION II Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crude] Nitro- I M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. I tein Extract . Longview Cotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas—Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1—C0nt. Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.10 7.77 9.42 26.94 7.10 5.67 244M Analysis 43.60 7.86 9.78 26.11 6.90 5.75 50R Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 43.92 8.19 9.00 26.35 6.82 5.72 121R Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 43.92 7.97 10.39 26.63 5.19 5.90 210R Analysis .............................................. .. 43.13 8.23 9.82 27.21 5.67 5.94 211R Analysis .............................................. .. 43.22 7.77 9.62 27.96 5.78 5.65 255R Lubbock Cotton Oil Company, Lubbock, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............. ._ 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 I ...................... .. 372A Analysis ............................................. .. 42.81 6.06 11.34 28.22 6.66 4.91 202S Analysis .............................................. ._ 44.33 6.57 11.90 26.34 5.99 4.87 294$ Analysis .............................................. .. 44.19 6.53 11.84 26.84 5.80 4.80 299$ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .............. _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ _, 372B Analysis 43.76 8.97 10.39 26.18 5.83 4.87 32$ Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 42.57 7.06 11.71 27.98 5.74 4.94 34$ Analysis 44.40 8.42 11.98 25.25 5.12 4.83 72$ Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 42.66 8.38 12.18 25.65 6.40 4.73 1068 Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 43.04 8.41 11.47 26.66 5.81 4.61 115$ Analysis .......................................... ._ 42.82 7.97 11.59 27.28 5.61 4.73 116S Analysis” ............................................ ._ 42.46 8.53 11.39 27.10 5.80 4.72 120$ Analysis ............................................. .. 43.00 8.91 11.52 26.43 5.40 4.74 122$ Analysis 44.40 7.97 11.63 25.96 5.41 4.63 243$ Analysis 43.20 9.58 11.82 25.81 4.66 4.93 247$ Analysis 43.80 9.03 11.09 26.27 4.85 4.96 249$ Analysis 43.66 9.97 11.94 24.52 5.14 4.77 259$ Analysis 43.02 8.46 11.62 26.41 5.58 4.91 260$ Analysis 44.15 7.54 11.15 26.36 5.75 5.05 262$ Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 43.96 6.95 12.08 26.73 5.32 4.96 393$ Analysis ............ a .. _. .. 44.25 6.49 12.45 26.06 5.63 5.12 468$ Lucko Mixed Feed 11.00 1.60 42.50 28.50 ______________________ __ 372C Analysis ............................................. _. 11.39 2.26 37.29 41.50 4.47 3.09 33$ Lubbock Grain and Feed Company, Lubbock, Texas. Diamond-Dot Dairy Feed with ‘ Limestone __________________________________________ __ 15.00 3.20 10.00 52.00 ...................... .. 24301) Analysis 17.13 3.76 8.60 57.70 7.04 5.77 439$ Wheat Chop ______________________________________________ __ 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 2430.1 Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 17.48 1.77 2.64 67.23 9.19 1.69 39$ 18% Protein Dairy Feed with Limestone ______.________-____________________________._ 1 8.00 3. 00 1 2.5 0 46.00 ______________________ __ 2430L Analysis 18.78 4.08 10.73 53.72 5.86 6.83 40S Corn Feed Meal ................................... _. 8.00 3.00 3.00 67.00 ....................... __ 2430M Analysis 10.47 4.25 2.43 72.60 8.97 1.28 396$ "Refund paid. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 133 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I , Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I M0is- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash N0. I tein I IExtract I I I Lufkin Milling Company, I I Lufkin, Texas. I I Corn Bran ______________________________________________ __ 8.00 I 5.00 13.00 | 60.00 I ..................... _. 672A Analysis __________________________________ _, 8.42 5.43 12.35 I 62.27 10.01 1.52 125M Hen Scratch Grain ______________________________ _. 10.00 I 3.00 0.50 I 08.00 I ...................... _, 672D Analysis ............................................. _. 10.68 I 2.59 I 2.73 71.69 I 10.17 2.14 193M Laying Mash 20.00 I 4.00 I 7.00 I 1.7.00 I ................... .. 672F Analysisl” ....................................... .. 21.44 I 7.30 6.46 49.42 8.50 6.88 192M Luling Oil and Manufacturing Company, Luling. Texas. I I 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _________ _, 1.3.00 I 0.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... 1 376A Analysis ______________________________________ ,_ 42.79 I 7.05 10.07 27.17 7.20 5.72 212H 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __ 43.0’) 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. _. 376B Analysis” _________________________________________ .. 42.32 7.94 10.03 I 28.06 6.13 5.52 32H Analysis ............................................ ._ 42.67 7.73 9.85 26.61 7.51 5.63 93H Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.45 8.17 10.26 27.52 4.96 5.64 105K AHaIYSiS _____________________________________________ _. 40.70 6.82 12.26 29.08 5.83 5.31 320K Lynch Poultry Farm and Hatchery, I. V., Hale Center, Texas. Lynch’s Blue Ribbon Brand Chick Mash with Charcoal and Minerals 10.50 4.00 5.00 57.00 ______________________ .. 2581E Analysis ............................................. .. 17.30 I 4.54 5.06 58.52 8.79 5.79 378S Lysle Milling Company, The J. C., Leavenworth, Kansas. Wheat Bran and Screenings _____________ __ 14.50 3.50 11.00 55.00 ______________________ __ 196C Analysis __________________________________________ ,, 16.08 5.30 9.76 55.93 5.83 7.10 412M Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .. 16-00 3-50 6-00 55-00 ______________________ __ 196D Analysis2°°b _____________________________________ .. 16.80 4.59 4.99 59.40 10.75 3.47 213R White Crest Wheat Gray Shorts and ‘ Screenings ___________________________________________________ .. I I ........................................................... -- Analysisflb2°° ...................................... .. 16.25 I 4.42 4.99 59.43 11.26 3.65 324W McAdams, T. J., I Celina, Texas. I Egg Mash with Charcoal __________________ .. 19-00 8.60 8.00 49-00 ...................... -. 1729F Analysis 19.80 I 5.45 I 7.23 51.32 9.56 6.64 135R Baby Chick Scratch with Oyster I I Shel] 10.00 z.70 7.00 07.00 1729H Analysis ............................................ .. . 11.83 I 3.58 I 3.22 68.47 9.65 3.25 223R "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. "Not registered. 1°°White corn feed meal substituted in part for yellow corn feed meal. 2°°Mutilated tags attached. 134 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I | | j 01-1“- Importer. Brand Name. Crude lCrude Crude! Nitro- l Mois- Crude ‘spection Pr0- Fat Fiber lgen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract! ‘ McAdams, T. J., Celina, Texas—Continued. StOCk Feed ______________________________________________ .. 11.50 2.80 8.50 59.00 _____________________ _, 17291 Analysis .............................................. .. 14.15 3.85 6.57 62.54 8.60 4.29 136R Baby Chick Starter with Charcoal-.. 1.9.00 4.00 7.00 51.00 ____________________ __ 1729.1 Analysis .............................................. .. 18.81. 5.24 6.65 53.00 10.61 5.69 1729J Analysis .............................................. _. 20.10 5.46 6.42 52.38 10.13 5.51 222R McCauley Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Whole Barley Chop ______________________________ __ 11.00 1.50 7.00 65.00 ____________________ _. 1691E Analysis?“ ........................................ .. 9.90 2.69 7.43 68.42 8.62 2.94 12W Worthmore Brand Scratch Feed .. 11.00 2.50 8.00 69.00 ______________________ _. 1691F Analysis .............................................. _. 11.25 2.87 2.56 72.92 8.69 1.71 19W McClellan Grain Company, R. L., Spearman, Texas. Whole Barley Chop and Wheat Chop 11.50 1.50 5.00 66.00 ______________________ __ 637A Analysis“ .......................................... _. 17.92 2.21 4.04 64.62 8.19 3.02 13S McCulloch County Cotton Oil Mill, Brady, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake Screenings _________________________________________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _, 1047A Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.70 6.78 11.80 26.80 5.83 5.09 216W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... .. 1047D Analysis .............................................. .. 44.51 7.77 9.42 26.55 6.11 5.64 32W McDonald Feed Mill, Rising Star, Texas. Cow Feed _______________________________________________ _, 16.00 3.50 12.00 1.7.00 ...................... .. 2266C Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 20.58 5.11 11.58 49.87 8.43 4.43 2266C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.45 4.84 12.45 53.10 7.32 4.84 403K Laying Mash ______ __ _. 20.00 4.00 7.00 47.00 ...................... _. 22661) Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.62 6.06 6.38 50.87 7.78 8.29 22661) McDonald Packing Company, Lubbock, Texas. _ 50% Protein Digester Tankage .......... _. 50.00 6.00 8.00 2.00 ...................... .. 2228A Analysis2°2° _____________________________________ _. 46.85 17.10 6.77 4.20 5.66 19.42 241s Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 53.39 10.43 3.26 2.56 6.08 24.28 382s "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. °Refund paid. dSampled before registration. '°1Ground whole barley. znApproximately 1.6%of salt found in addition to stomach contents. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 135 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude CrudeI Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract McGregor Oil Mill, McGregor, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ,,,,,,,,,, ,_ 43.00 6.00 12-00 23.00 ...................... .. 440C Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.65 7.16 12.13 26.72 6.00 5.34 136W Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 44.06 6.55 10.51 27.36 6.13 5.39 293W McLean and Pitman Grain Company, Hereford, Texas. Whgle Barlgy Chop _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 11-00 1.50 0-00 05-00 ....................... .. Analysis _______________________________ __ __ 11.34 2.29 4.32 72.98 6.86 2.21 23S Wheat and Whole Barley Chop __________ __ 10-50 1-70 4-50 07-50 ...................... a 1355131 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 16.82 2.32 6.75 64.01 7.53 2.57 90S whole 0st Chop _ ______________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ _. 1355F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.83 5.40 9.48 61.57 7.94 3.78 24S McLeran Supply Company, Weslaco, Texas. McLeran’s Special Poultry Mash with I Oyster Shel] and Minerals _____________ _> 14-50 2.80 3.50 60.00 ...................... __ 1880A Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 14.98 i 4.03 i 2.04 59.56 10.97 8,42 153K McNeill, A. A., ~ ) Valley Mills, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ............................. -. 11-00 4-00 12-00 53-00 ---------------------- e 1085A Analysisda _________________________________________ __ 9.48 5.55 11.18 30.25 9.36 4.08 137W Ear Corn Chop with Husk ________________ __ 7-80 2-80 10-00 52-00 ---------------------- W 1035B Analysisda __________________________________________ __ 7.75 3.39 9.02 69.52 8.77 1.55 138W Manford, T. D., Smiley, Texas. Starter Mash for Baby Chicks ............ _. 17-00 4-00 5-50 55-00 ---------------------- -» 171A Analysis 18.23 5.11 4.46 56.93 9.91 5.36 171A Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 18.42 5.82 5.18 57.32 7.74 5.52 127H Maricle Coal and Feed Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. Wichita Milk Maker Feed ................. __ 04-00 ~ 4-50 11-00 40-00 ---------------------- -_ 717B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 24.18 7.07 11.80 44.29 8.12 4.54 717B Maricle’s Egg Maker Brand Mash I with Oyster Shell .............................. _. 10-00 F 0-70 8-00 40-00 ---------------------- -_ 717C Analysis 21.08 5.33 7.95 48.05 7.91 9.68 717C I Marks Grain Company, I Austin, Texas. _ Mixed Chicken Feed -------------------------- -- 10-20 2-80 3-00 09~00 ---------------------- -» 1183C Analysis 10.40 4.19 1.99 71.63 10.55 1.24 196H “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. 136 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash o. I tein IExtract - I I I " 1 Marks Grain Company, I Austin, Texas—Continued. I I R. B. Chicken Mash with Charcoal. 531.50 I 4.00 I 7.00 I 47.00 _________ __ I __________ __ 1183F Analysis ___________________ .. 21.47 I 5.28 5.49 49.15 9.30 I 9.31 195H Analysis?” ....................................... .. 24.46 I 5.50 I 06.62 I 44.96 I 7.61 I 10.85 I 3s5H Marlin Feed Company, I Marlin, Texas. I Ear Corn Chop with Husk _________________ _. 7.80 2.80 I 10.00 I 62.00 ...................... .. 68B Analysis“ ......................................... .. 8.58 I 3.22 I 9.82 I 67.56 9.10 1.66 2W Marlin Oil Company, | I Marlin, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 1.3.00 I 0.00 I 12.00 2.0.00 _______ .. 514G Analysis” ___________________________________________ .. 41.86 7.62 11.51 26.50 7.28 5.23 289W Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 43.02 I 7.04 I 10.43 I 26.26 8.05 5.20 339W Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ ,. 43.00 I 6.00 12.00’ 23.00 ...................... .. 1720F / Analysis” 41.48 I 8.01 9.80 29.41 5.69 5.61 45R Analysis” _ 41.89 I 8.56 9.61 27.08 6.88 5.98 120R Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 43.94 I 7.42 I 8.68 28.12 6.01 5.83 258R Marshall Mill and Elevator Company, I Marshall, Texas. I Corn Chop _________________________________________ .. 9.00 I 3.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... .. 250A Analysisgofl’ _ ____________________________ .. 10.08 I 5.98 3.22 I 69.13 I 9.88 1.71 I 293M Analysis2°5b _____________________________________ .. 10.40 4.70 1.88 I 69.95 I 11.14 1.93 402W Milo Chop ............................................... .. 10.00 2.50 0.00 I 70.50 ' ...................... .. 250D Analysiszom’ ...................................... .. 11.04 I 1.49 .99 I 73.19 12.57 .72 400W Ground Whole Oats ............................ .. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ................... .. 250L Analysis .............................................. .. 12.75 5.66 11.36 58.49 8.00 3.74 3M Analysis .............................................. 4 11.80 6.09 10.93 57.06 10.02 4.10 204M Milo Meal .................................................. .. 1.0.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... ._ 250N Analysis ............................................. -- 11.59 2.98 1.80 I 72.57 9.87 1.19 84M Acorn H and M Feed Heavy with Oats 10.00 3.50 9.30 60.00 ...................... .. 2500 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 11.02 4.56 7.34 62.42 11.37 3.29 343M Analysis .................................... __ 11.51 4.99 7.89 60.80 11.43 3.38 117R Analysis .................... .. 11.15 4.77 8.14 60.32 11.78 3.84 208R Big Boy H and M Feed... ........... .. 9.60 2.20 15.00 53.00 ...................... _. 250R Analysis .............................................. .. 11.08 3.08 11.39 58.33 10.85 5.27 204R “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. bPortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Refund paid. dSampled before registration. 2°3Excess of salt found. 2°4Adulterated with approximately 9.8% 2°5Blank tags attached. of ground cottonseed and other foreign material. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 137 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 2°6Kafir head chop found, not claimed. 2°7Short in weight. Portion of shipment removed from 100 pounds net. 2°5Ground milo found, not claimed. 2°°Excess of salt found. Per Cent Regis- tratlon Name and Address of Manufacturer or ) I _ _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. 0511318 Cggile I, lsllitxe-e 124$:- Ciglclle spegglon tein lgixzracr‘ Marshall Mill and Elevator Company, Marshall, Texas—Continued. Texas Sweet Horse and Mule Feed“ 9-00 2-30 15-00 53-00 _____________________ n 250s Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.55 3.37 12.68 57.57 9.40 5.43 29M Analysis ____________________________________________ A 13.05 3.15 13.14 54.67 10.21 5.78 116R Analysis!" ________________________________________ _, 10.64 2.69 14.08 58.00 7.28 7.31 322R Acorn 24 0 Dair Feed with Limesfxzle ____ “B? ___________________________________ __ 24.00 i 4.50 10.00 42.80 ______________________ hi‘ Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 24.62 5.31 8.69 45.89 9.45 6.04 217K Analysis _____________________________________________ W 25.76 5.08 8.94 47.83 7.47 4.92 55M Analysis .. 24.95 4.89 7.78 44.85 10.04 7.49 199M Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 24.78 5.41 7.92 46.31 9.11 6.47 115R Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 24.40 4.78 8.01 45.66 10.91 6.24 194R Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 25.10 5.18 9.21 44.63 10.22 5.66 155W Analysis _____________________________________________ s, 24.10 5.06 7.87 47.18 10.60 5.19 240W Acorn Laying Mash 20.00 4.00 6.50 47.50 ______________________ .. 250Y Analysis _______________________________ __ 21.28 5.06 5.78 50.60 9.02 8.26 206R Texla Alfalfa Mixing Feed__ 9.00 2.00 16.70 49.60 ...................... .. 250Z Analysis __________________________________________ n 12.08 2.87 12.00 55.42 11.70 5.27 196W Analysis2o7 _____________________________________ _, 10.34 3.02 10.24 53.39 15.77 0.34 320W Acorn Crinlped Whole Oats _____________ __ 11.50 4.00 11.00 ______________________ _. Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.80 6.21 11.30 57.74 9.19 3.76 279K Acorn Starting Mash with Limestone 16.50 14.00 4.90 54.00 _____________________ __ 250A8 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.91 4.81 3.95 57.26 8,08 7.99 345K Analysis208 ________________________________________ _> 18.78 4,10 4,17 55,87 8,50 8,58 207R Acgl-n Growing Mash with Limestone 18.00 4.00 5.00 51.50 ...................... .. 250B1 Analysis ______________________________________________ _> 19.30 4.24 4.69 55.31 7.94 8.52 205R AeQrn Hominy Feed ______________________________ __ 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 ______________________ .. 250B6 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 12.18 8.21 5.44 62.66 8.24 3.27 435K Analysis _________________________ __ 10.80 5.15 1.65 69.98 10.95 1.47 118R Latex Sweet Mixing Feed____ 9.50 2.30 17.00 52.00 ______________________ _. 25002 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.42 2.35 17.64 52.94 8.97 6.68 431W special 13% Protein Dairy Feeds“ 18.00 4.00 14.00 43.00 ______________________ ._ 250?; Anal sis _____________________________________________ _, 19.49 4.79 10.02 51.43 7.74 6.53 330 Analisis _____________________________________________ __ 18.20 4.61 10.80 50.55 9.00 5.88 119R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.43 4.46 8.97 50.40 12.02 5.72 203R Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.78 4.58 10.81 50.71 8.32 6.80 325R Special Five Laying Mash with Qyster shell _____________________________________ __ 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ______________________ __ 25006 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.84 5.24 6.16 49.89 8.02 10.85 311H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21,65 5.78 6.23 49.20 6.67 10.47 27K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.95 6.62 6.74 45.45 8.06 11.18 195R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.52 5.63 5.91 49.23 8.18 10.53 479W Ana1ysi3209 ________________________________________ __ 20,48 5,58 6,67 50,54 7,46 9,27 485W sale and each sack made to weigh 138 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude [Crude Crude] Nitro-I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract ' Marshall Mill and Elevator Company, I Marshall, Texas—Continued. 4 Ground Oat Groats ________________________________ _. 16.00 I 6.00 1.50 65.00 ______________________ __ 250C7 Analysis“ ........................................... _. 17.20 I 7.85 I 2.92 l 60.99 | 9.41 1.63 I 105K Cottonseed Meal and Yellow Corn Meal 42.00 6.00 12.00 24.00 ______________________ __ 250C9 Analysis 42.89 7.48 8.26 28.93 6.67 5.77 240M Analysisam ....................................... __. 41.84 7.24 10.14 28.55 6.89 5.34 258M Analysis .............................................. -. 41.54 7.63 8.79 29.62 6.56 5.86 202R Analysls .............................................. _. 41.92 6.84 9.09 30.24 5.86 6.05 317W Ground Wheat -- 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 250D2 Analysisd"._..-- 15.15 2.19 2.39 68.54 9.92 1.81 152M Analysisml .................................... .. 14.68 1.82 1.95 70.45 9.51 1.59 401W Martin, Ed, » Anson, Texas. Martin's Egg Mash-_.--__._._-_---_-_--_-_-__. 19.00 4.00 8.00 46.00 ....................... _. 718A Analysis 22.72 4.87 7.81 49.37 8.29 6.94 718A Analysis .............................................. .. 22.66 5.17 7.83 49.98 7.37 6.99 28K Martin’s Special Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 20.00 3.80 7.70 45.00 .......... ._| .......... _. 718C Analysis_-..-.---.....-...-.---_--.--..--_. .-....._. 21.48 5.59 6.49 53.09 8.77 4.58 718C Martin Feed Mill, Nocona, Texas. Martiyfs Stock Feed ___________________________ __ 13.00 3.50 24.00 42.00 ______________________ .. 2273H Analysis 16.01 4.52 16.98 47.44 8.42 6.63 154K Nocona Dairy Feed Number Two ...... .. 18.50 3.50 0.00 52.00 ...................... .. 2273K Analysis 19.60 4.95 8.99 53.08 8.68 4.70 153K Martin-Lane Company, Vernon, Texas. Yellow Corn Feed Meal ..................... .. 8-00 3-00 3-00 07-00 ---------------------- -- 1902A Analysis 10.64 4.40 2.09 72.18 9.42 1.27 334$ Ground Whole Barley ..------_-_-_._--.___._..._ 11-00 1-50 6-00 65-00 ---------------------- -. 1902B Analysis212 .............................. _. 17.44 1.99 5-30 I 64-35 I 3-04 l 2-38 1 335s Ground Whole Oats _ ......... --.___.. 11-00 4-00 12-00 58-00 | .......... __________ .. 1902C Analysis"13..-.._..__--._....-....._..__.._.-.. 17.29 3-76 10-14 58-66 6-69 3-46 3333 Vern-Chick All-Mash Starter con- taining Oyster Shell and Cod Liver 0i} 17.00 3.70 6.20 51.00 _____________________ __ 1902E Analysis 19.40 5.36 4.54 54.83 8.41 7.46 1902E Analysis 18.99 5.27 4.75 56.97 7.21 6.81 336$ "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. ‘Sampled before registration. =1°Some oat hulls found. 911Blank tags attached. ’12Ground wheat found. 213Ground whole barley found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 139 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ’ I | _ l | o1- In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude I Crude I Nm-o- Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-free] ture Ash No. ’ tein i Extract Martin-Lane Company, i Vernon, Texas—Continued. Martin’s Big V Laying Mash con- taining Oyster Shell __________________________ __ 18.00 i 3.60 8.00 47.00 ______________________ .. 1902F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.60 5.39 8.23 51.19 7.26 9.33 190217‘ Analysis .............................................. __ 18.80 y 5.27 7.84 52.05‘ 7.05 g 8.99 337$ Crown Quality Brand Dairy Feed con- taining Limestone ____________________________ _. 16-00 8.20 12.00 45.00 ...................... _. 1902C} Analysisf ____________________________________________ __ 17.45 4.45 9.93 54.69 8.02 I 5.46 338s Crown Quality Brand Growing Mash containing Charcoal and Oyster Shell 14.50 0.20 7.00 54.00 ...................... ._ 1902K Analysis 16.29 4.19 4.51 57.09 8.31 9.61 407$ Marucheau Grain Company, M., San Antonio, Texas. Sunflower Brand Laying Mash _____ __ 22-00 4-00 8-00 36-00 ---------------------- W 1706H Analysis ______________________________________________ g_ 20.50 5.14 10.54 47.40 8.78 7.64 91H Indian Chief Scratch Feed ________________ __ 10-00 3.00 4.00 68-00 ...................... .. 1706s Analysis?“ _______________________________________ __ 11.75 3.33 2.43 71.84 9.17 1.48 253K 400 Mixed Feed with Molasses __________ _. 9.50 2-60 87-00 36-00 ______________________ .. 170611 Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 10.30 2.75 29.96 38.91 11.50 6.58 8H Analysis ______________________________ ._ 9.42 3.77 28.93 41.62 10.52 5.74 249K Analysis ............................................. _. 9.85 2.89 25.00 42.67 13.25 6.34 343K Marucheau’s All-Mash Poultry Feed with Dicalcium Phosphate .............. 14.00 3.1.0 7.00 54.50 ...................... .. 1706Y Analysis 14.73 4.65 7.27 56.42 10.60 6.33 92H Marvel Milling Company, Gatesville, Texas. Home Made Laying Mash with But- termilk, Charcoal and Oyster Shell 18-90 3-50 8-00 45-00 ______________________ .- 2617C Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 18.56 4.43 6.92 52.80 7.98 9.31 22W Protein Supplement for Hogs __________ .. 31.50 4.40 10.00 29-00 ..................... .. 261713 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 32.03 4.95 9.41 35.76 7.14 10.71 23W Mason Mills, Inc., The, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Vitaua Meal ____ __ 18.00 2.50 2.9.00 35.00 ...................... .. 2070C Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 21.68 2.90 15.87 36.15 7.52 15.88 486w _Vitalfa “Brand Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal _______________________________________.__ 22.00 3.00 18.00 85.00 ______________________ _. 207013 Analysis“ __________________________________ _____,_ 23.80 3.17 15.57 41.71 7.19 8.56 414W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. 214Barley claimed, not found. Wheat found. not claimed. 140 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or | | or In. Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract - Mathena Milling Company, J. M., Ranger, Texas. Ranger H0 Maid Dairy Feed ______________ 1 19.50 8.80 14.00 43.00 __________________ 1 2244C Analysis ............................................. 1 17.11 l 4.28 13.97 49.61 9.46 5.54 127K Ranger Special Mixed Sweet Feed11 18.50 I 8.20 11.20 48.00 __________________ 1 2244L Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.96 4.32 9.79 50.73 10.36 4.84 126K Mayes, A. L., Gatesville, Texas._ Mayes “Economy” Brand Laying Mash i with Oyster Shell and Charcoal11 18.00 ) 3.60 4.50 52.00 I ..................... 1 36A Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 16.55 4.82 4.92 56.41 9.68 7.62 36A Analysis __________________________________________ ._ 16.18 4.90 4.19 57.92 8.84 7.97 I 373W Mayes “Economy” Brand Chick Starter with Oyster Shell and Charc0al11 15.50 4.00 4.00 55.00 _____________________ 1 36B Analysis ............................................. __ 17.36 4.41 3.42 57.36 8.29 9.16 I 36B Mayfield Feed and Grain Company, i Dalhart, Texas. Vitacream Brand Dairy Feed with ' I Limestone __________________________________________ 1 10.00 \ 0.00 \ 11.50 v 49.00 __________ __________ 1| 1530A Analysis ____________________________________________ 1 18.35 2.71 7.99 55.19 8.10 7.66 17S Vitacreme Brand Laying Mash with j I | Limestone ........................................ -_ 19-00 3.50 7.00 | 47.00 ..................... 1 1530G Analysis 20.61 4.67 5.43 51.67 8 07 9.55 304S Wheat Chop ........................................... 1 12.00 2.00 3.00 4 70.00 f ______________________ 15301 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 12.92 1.82 2.41 I 73.42 7.92 I 1.51 15S Whole Barley Chop .......................... 1 11.00 1.50 0.00 I 65.00 __________ ___________ 1530J Analysis .............................................. 1 12.95 J 2.01 f 6.15 68.70 6.31 I 3.88 | 16S Vitacreme Mixed Feed _________________________ 1 10.50 2.20 15.00 53.00 __________ 1111111111 1 1530K Analysis ........................................... 1 11.21 2.42 13.74 55.50 9.84 ] 7.29 165S Vitacreme Brand Laying Mash Sup- plement with Limestone __________________ 1 29.00 4.00 7.00 33.00 ______________________ __ 1530L Analysis ............................................. 1 31.50 5.51 6.25 35.46 6.73 14.55 1530L Analysis 28.88 4.57 6.36 40.71 8.38 11.10 87S Ground Hegari and Kafir Heads, Stalks, Stems and Molasses .............. 1 6.00 1.70 17.00 55.00 ______________________ 1 1530M Analysis ____________________________________________ --. 5.60 1.33 11.44 57.28 14.31 10.04 211$ Vitacreme Steer Feed with Limestone ___________________________________________ __ 9.00 2.20 7.50 50.00 ______________________ 1 1530N Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 9.45 1.80 7.10 63.87 12.06 5.72 1530N Analysis _____________________________________________ 1 9.92 1.23 5.26 62.73 13.90 6.96 212S Vitacreme Brand All-Mash Starter with Limestone ________________________________ .. 18.50 3.50 6.00 48.00 | __________ __________ __ 15300 Analysis 20.17 5.18 4.91 52.20 | 8.71 | 8.79 ] 360s COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 141 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crudel Nitro-I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture A511 NO. tein Extract Mayfield Park Co-Operative Association, I San Antonio, Texas. I Mayfield Park Chic Starter with I I I I I Limestone and Oyster Shell _________ _. 17.00 I 3.70 5.50 55.00 _____________________ .. 1965B Analysis ............................................. .. 17.90 5.36 4.21 56.46 I 9.69 I 6.38 244H Scratch Feed T-XXX .......................... .. 10.20 2.50 3.80 69.00 ____________________ _, 1965C Analysis ............................................. ._ 11.97 I 3.09 2.11 69.78 11.53 1.52 24511 Growing Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell ________________________________________ ._ 1430 3.70 7.00 54.00 _____________________ _. 1965.1 Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 16.92 4.84 5.53 56.49 8.11 8.11 I 11H X Laying Mash with Charcoal and I I Oyster Shell ....................................... .. 18.50 I 4.00 0.50 40.00 ______________________ 1 1965K Analysis ............................................. .. 20.60 5.36 5.88 47.77 9.69 10.70 89H Analysis ............................................. __ 22.03 5.49 5.39 48.24 9.06 9.79 243H Mayfield Park Dairy Feed ...... .. 16.00 3.80 14.00 47.00 ____________________ _, 1965P Analysis .............................................. _. 14.83 4.40 14.68 50.86 9.69 5.54 90H Mayhew Brothers, Jonesboro, Texas. Farm Brand Laying Mash with I Qyster Shell _____________________________________ _, 18.00 4.40 7.00 50.00 ______________________ __ 23B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.04 I 5.56 6.03 52.53 8.64 8.20 23B Farm Brand Chick Feed with Charcoal ______________________________________________ ,_ 15.00 I 3.50 3.50 60.00 ______________________ _, 23C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.80 4.61 6.03 60.56 8.19 4.81 419W Medina Mills, Inc., Natalia, Texas. Dairy Cow Feed with Limestone _____ .. 15-00 3-00 12-00 49-00 ..................... a 599A Analysis ____________________________________________ _A_ 15.20 3.22 11.13 54.18 9.59 6.68 599A Memphis Cotton Oil Company, Memphis, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ __ 680E Analysis” ____________________________________________ _. 41-98 9.93 11.70 25.87 5.61 4.91 57S Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 42-98 I 9.20 11.10 26.12 5.60 5.00 58S Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 44.28 8.80 10.35 26.36 5.18 5.03 59S Analysis .... ._ ._ 43.20 I 9.26 11.47 25.31 5.91 4.85 136s Analysis ..___ ............................... _. 43.83 8.69 11.39 25.78 5.37 4.94 137s Analysis”... .................................. .. 41.48 I 8.68 11.88 27.81 5.36 4.79 140s Analysis .............................................. .. 43.14 9.17 10.75 26.80 5.32 4.82 142s Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 43.06 ' 8.66 10.83 27.00 5.64 4.81 147$ Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 43.31 8.52 11.04 27.37 4.69 5.07 186$ Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 43.19 8.48 10.62 27.17 5.68 4.86 275s Analysis _____________ __ . .. 44.65 7.08 11.16 26.59 5.47 5.05 277S Analysis ___________________________________________ .. 43.30 5.55 12.36 27.48 6.27 5.04 346s ‘Refund paid. 142 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude CrudeI Nin-o- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein IExtract Memphis Cotton Oil Company, I Memphis, Texas—Continued. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ......... .. 1.3.00 I 6.00 I 12.00 23.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. 680F Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 43.04 I 5.90 I 11.66 27.35 I 7.06 I 4.99 158$ Analysis .............................................. .. 44.71 5.49 11.44 27.97 5.40 4.99 189$ Analysis .............................................. ._ 45.85 5.97 10.72 26.79 5.51 I 5.16 207$ Merchants Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________ _. 43-00 I 6-00 12-00 23-00 ...................... _. 1531A Analysis“ __________________________________________ __ 40-77 I 6.51 11.66 29.99 I 4.84 6.23 56M Merchants and Planters Oil Company, I Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ .. 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 466D Analysis” ____________________________________________ _. 41.71 6.03 12.42 28.39 6.12 5.33 202M Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.01 6.54 10.24 28.04 6.65 5.52 226M Analysis ............................................. _. 42.61 7.53 11.44 27.41 5.26 5.75 268M Meyer Grain Company, Houston, Texas. Queen Chicken Feed ______________________________ ._ 10-00 3.50 4.00 70.00 ...................... .. 1293B Analysis?“ ________________________________________ __ 11.38 2.67 2.08 72.89 9.84 1.14 365M Queen Feed ________________________________________ .. 9.20 2.90 14-110 54-00 ..................... .. 129313 Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 10.85 2.95 17.20 53.53 9.21 6.26 7M Analysis __________________________________________ _. 11.73 5.91 16.95 52.64 7.21 5.56 308M Meyer Milling Company, The, Springfield, Missouri. I I Model Brand Wheat Bran and Screenings ----------------------------------------- ~~ 14-50 I 3-50 11-00 42-70 ---------------------- ~ 311D Analysismsb ____________________ ________________ _, 16,25 I 4,61 9.33 53.59 9.23 6.44 265R Model Brand Wheat Gray Shorts and I Screenings -------------------------------------------- » 15-00 I 3-50 0-00 51-00 ”””””””””””””””” -- 3111i‘ Analysiszleb ____________________________________ ___ 1650 446 6,13 53,13 10,79 3.39 266R Midlothian Oil and Gin Company, I Midlothian, Texas. 43% Protein cottonseed Meal ---------- -~ 00-00 0-00 10-00 00-00 --------------------- ~- 5°21 Analysis _____________________________________________ ,_ 43,70 3,27 10,26 26.43 6.17 5.17 85W Analysis ___________________________________________ 1 43,03 7,09 _ 10,14 27.54 7.18 4.97 260W’ Midco Dairy Feed With Oyster shell 22-00 3-00 10-80 4000 ********************** -- 50213 Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 19,56 4,10 3.64 50.33 10.63 6.69 398W Midco Penant Feed with Oyster $11011 10-00 3-00 7-20 52-00 ---------------------- 6 50233 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 14,25 2,52 3,71 56,96 11.73 I 5.73 478W bPortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. 215Rice claimed, not found. Sunflower seed found, not claimed. 21°Mutilated tags attached. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 143 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude I Crudel Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. I tein Extract I Miami-u... on and on. Company, I I I Midlothian, Texas—Continued. I Midco Egg Laying Mash with Char- I I coal and Tobacco Dust _____________________ _. 21.00 I 3.80" 8.00 45.10 ______________________ ,_ 5023s Analysis .............................................. .. 20.30 I 4.72 4.91 51.41 9.69 8.97 201w Milhollin and Company, Dublin, Texas. I I Shamrock Egg Mash with Charcoal 20-00 3.50 8.00 49.00 ...................... .. 1370A Analysis” . _ . . _ . . _ _ _ __ 18.14 5.36 6.79 58.37 7.39 3.95 404K Analysisz" . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . -_ 18.19 4.83 6.13 54.83 8.23 7.79 275W Shamrock Dairy Feed __________________________ _. 18.50 4.00 10.00 50.00 ______________________ _, 1370B Analysis ............................... .. . .......... .. 17.70 4.08 9.50 54.99 8.28 5.45 68W Miracle Community Sweet Feed Mill, Hillsboro, Texas. Community Egg Mash with Charcoal I and Limestone __________________________________ _, 18.00 3-50 7.50 1.7.00 ______________________ _. 2615G Analysis ____________________________________________ ,, 16.96 4.58 6.83 52.30 9.74 9.59 143W Ear Corn Chop with Husk _________________ ., 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ __ 261514 Analysis ............................................. _. 8.70 2.81 9.92 68.85 8.02 1.70 82W Log Cabin Dairy Feed with I Limestgne _________________________________________ __ 214.00 3.00 11.00 36.00 ______________________ ,, 2615B. Analysis ______________________________________ __ 24.22 3.06 10.56 42.82 11.47 7.87 2615R- Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 24.36 3.35 10.15 44.67 9.68 7.79 397w Miracle Feed Mill, Bishop, Texas. Blue Border Brand Protein Supple- ment with Charcoal and Oyster I Shell for Hogs .................................. -. 35-00 4-60 7.00 24-00 I ...................... .. 2075F Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 35.38 I 6.20 8.78 25.17 5.75 18.72 2076F Blue Border Brand Hegari Heads, I I I Stalks, Stems, and Molasses ......... .. 5.60 1.80 14.50 57' 20 ...................... .. 20761 Analysisms ________________________________________ _. 7.50 I 1.33 I 12.83 I 56 66 14 75 6.93 143K Blue Border Brand Milk Maker I with Limestone .................................. .. 24.00 3.20 9.50 42.00 ...................... __ 2076L Analysis ............................................ .. . 22.90 I 3.89 9.84 46 43 9 44 7.50 269K Blue Border Egg Mash with Oyster I I Shel] 18.80 $.00 7.00 08.00 ...................... -. 2070? Analysis ---------------------------------------------- -- 20-04 I 5.10 I 6.18 I 50.24 10.15 8.2a 14011 Blue Border Dairy Feed with Lime- stone 10-00 0-00 14.00 40.00 ...................... -. 2070w Analysis” ---------------------------------------- 16-01 3-08 9.13 I 55.41 10.45 4.90 27011 fPortion of shipment returned to sellers. " ‘Not tagged. 917Whole oat chop found, not claimed. ilsEar corn chop with husk found. "°Ear corn chop with husk found, not claimed. 144 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Rezis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 0rI I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection ' Pr0- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract ‘ Miracle Feed Mill, I Bishop, Texas—Continued. Blue Border Brand Chick Starter with I Buttermilk and Minerals __________________ _, 18.00 4.00 4.50 48.00 _____________________ .. 2076Y Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.00 5.73 4.42 51.91 8.62 9.32 271E Mission Feed Company, San Antonio, Texas. Mission Laying Mash with Charcoal 18.00 3.50 7.80 50.00 ______________________ _. 948C Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 18.40 4.33 5.36 55.69 9.37 6.85 84H Radio Scratch Feed 10.00 8.00 8.00 68.00 __________ .. 948F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 12.22 3.34 2.19 70.60 10.29 1.36 349K Mission Growing Mash with Oyster I I I I Shell , _ 18.00 3.50 5.00 47.00 I ____________________ __ I 948G Analysis ............................................. .. 18.80 I 5.07 I 4.18 I 49.34 I 9.31 I 13.30 I 948G Mission Chick Starter with Charcoal I I I I and. Oyster Shell ____________________________ .. 15.00 4.00 5.00 45.00 ______________________ ._ 94811 Analysis 16.40 5.50 3.88 57.83 9.73 6.66 948H Analysis 17.90 5.80 4.57 55.51 9.87 6.35 I 246H Mission Provision Company, I San Antonio, Texas. I “Economy” Brand Meat and Bone I Meal 47.00 5.00 8.00 2.00 __________ __________ 1356A Analysis“ ____________________________________________ .. 49.58 10.73 2.09 2.00 5.66 29.94 I 10H Analysis .............................................. .. 53.53 10.13 2.52 2.47 4.90 26.45 I 401H Mistletoe Creameries, Inc., I Amarillo, Texas. I Dried Buttermilk ____________________________________ __ 32.00 4.00 1.00 35.00 ...................... 1467A Analysis?” ________________________________________ _. 33.81 7.03 .35 41.56 7.94 9.31 184M Analysis .............................................. _. 34.19 4.16 .82 43.89 6.63 10.31 6S Mistletoe Creameries, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas. Dried Buttermilk __________________________________ ._ 32.00 6.00 1.00 35.00 ______________________ __ 1982A Analysis?” ........................ _. 43.13 9.77 .64 30.62 7.41 8.43 185R Analysis222° ...................... _. 45.37 6.67 .76 32.62 7.06 7.52 299W Dried Buttermilk ................................... -- 40.00 6.00 1.00 30.00 ______________________ .. 1982A Analysis 42.12 7.46 .43 34.13 7.49 8.37 367W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Registration adjusted. 22°Appr0ximately 2% of salt found. nlAppi-oximately 3.2% of salt found. znApproximately 2.8% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 145 Table S.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September ‘l, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude CrudeI Nitro- I M0is- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract Mitchell and Norwood, Arlington, Texas. Big A Stock Feed ________________________________ .. 10.00 1.50 15.00 48.00 ______________________ _. 489A2 Analysis ............................................. .- 10.65 I 1.85 15.09 I 50.97 I 8.91 12.53 107W Red Hen Brand Egg Mash with I I Oyster Shell and Charcoal ............. .. 17.20 I 3.50 7.00 1.9.00 ______________________ __ 489A5 Analysis .............................................. ._ 18.82 I 4.72 6.76 50.02 10.37 9.31 482W Moore Flour Mill, Chillicothe, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings .............. .. 15.00 8.00 10.00 50.00 ...................... _. 37A Analysis .............................................. .. 20.27 4.31 7.23 52.83 10.96 4.40 131$ Analysis?” ........................................ .. 19.99 4.28 6.67 54.29 10.51 4.26 270s Wheat Gray Shorts .............................. .. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _____________________ __ 37B Analysis?“ ........................................ .. 16.71 2.00 1.17 68.58 12.19 1.85 183s Moore Grain Company, F. B., I Hamlin, Texas. Moore’s Special Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ............................. .. 18.00 8.50 5.00 5.2.00 ...................... .. 711F Analysis .............................................. .. 21.18 I 4.82 3.56 54.27 7.24 8.93 452K Moore's Special Dairy Feed with Limestone ........................................ .. 16.00 3.50 10.00 52.00 ______________________ _. 711G Analysis’““ ...................................... .. 18.63 I 4.89 8.57 55.90 7.44 4.57 451K Moore's Mill, Temple, Texas. Dixie Laying Mash with Charcoal..- 18.00 9.50 5.50 49.00 ...................... .. 241H Analysis 22.20 I 5.70 4.38 50.47 8.29 8.96 241K Mooring, Ward, Bryan, Texas. I Alfalfa, Meal ________________________________________ __ 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 ______________________ _. 2190A Analysiszmi". 14.38 I 2.61 I 32.97 I 33.21 8.22 8.61 116M Analysis?“ ________________________________________ __ 14.05 I 2.38 I 31.33 I 35.00 9.55 7.64 117M A-1 Brand Alfalfa Meal. 18.00 2.00 23.00 40.00 ...................... _. 2190D Analysiszmb" _____________________________________ _. 14.86 2.04 I 29.46 I 38.31 7.08 8.25 46W A-1 Brand Alfalfa Meal, 14% I Protein 14.00 1.50 88.00 85.00 ...................... _. 2190F Analysis“ .......................................... .. 11.99 I 1.36 28.10 I 42.94 8.11 7.50 15M “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. cRefund paid. zzsWheat brown shorts and screenings. 224Low grade flour. 224"Deficient in ground limestone. 225Approximately 1.2% of salt found. 22°Approximately 1.6% of salt found. 227Incorrect tags attached. Sacks of illegal weight. Portion of shipment removed from sale and each sack made to weigh 100 pounds net. 146 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, Sentember 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I | ‘ | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- I Crude spection Pr_0- 2 Fat Fiber gen-free ture g Ash No. tem r Extract - Mooring, Warn, L, g g Bryan, Texas—Continued. A-1 Brand Alfalfa Meal, 14% Protein——Continued _________________________ 1 fi f Analysis .............................................. .. 15.61 2.29 27.93 34.56 9.29 10.32 103M Analysis .............................................. .. 15.82 2.81 28.49 98.46 6.46 7.94 357M Morten Milling Company, Dallas, Texas. Wheat White Shgrts _____________________________ __ 16,00 1,_()0 3_5() 60430 ______________________ w 1695A Analysis” ....................................... .. 17-30 3-11 4.12 61.98 10.59 2.90 932w Wheat Gray Shorts 13,00 44m 6300 55m; _____________________ n 169M Analysiszz" __ _ _ 19.21 4.87 6.38 54.89 9.93 4.72 107R Analysis ---------------------------------------------- .. 17-55 5-17 6.16 54.99 11.64 4.49 10411 Analysis 17.86 5.31 I 6.05.. 55.65 11.01 4.12 176H Analysis“ ........................................ .. 1870 4.87 6.22 56.66 10.14 4.19 283K Analysfs 19.15 4.84 5.63 56.71 9.89 6.78 1R Analysis 19.65 4.99 5.89 55.18 10.35 3.94 2R Analysis?” ______________________________________ __ 18.70 463 5,33 5492 1031 456 302R Analysis?" ................................. -. 19.07 4.21 6.65 55.98 9.76 4.31 110w Analysis229 ____________________________________ __ 17.42 4.99 u 6.23 55.74 11.02 4.60 314W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.95 5.22 6.07 54.76 9.59 4.41 326W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.10 5.46 5.59 56.66 8.60 4.59 432W Mortene gem Feed Meal ___________________ __ 8.00 9.00 9.00 67.00 ...................... 1 16968 Analysiszso ________________________________________ _‘ 9,91 5,97 10.88 61.91 9.03 2.30 384M Blue Bonnet 24% Cow Feed with Limestone ................................... u... 214-00 3-70 12-30 38-70 --------------------- -' 1696A4 Analysis ____________________________________________ _V 25,33 4_22 10,37 43,93 6.77 8.78 54K Morten’s Best Cow Feed with Limestone _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s" Analysis, __________________________________________ __ 21,46 4.33 $.32 51.48 8.67 5.24 88K Moulton Oil and Gin Company, Moulton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............. .. 43-00 5-09 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- -' 425B Analysis______________________e____________v_____ 44373 5,97 9,29 23.22 6.66 5.13 39H Analysis 47.61 6.49 7.71 26.48 6.16 5.55 223K Analysis 45.32 7.07 9.61 26.46 6.01 5.53 327K Mount Pleasant Oil Mill, Mount Pleasant, Texas. 49% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ .. 49.00 0-00 12-00 24-00 ---------- -_ 265G Analysisc __________________________________________ __ 41,51 6,53 9,53 29.54 6.38 5.96 136M Analysis 42.71 8.31 9.55 27.92 5.48 6.03 34R "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. °Refund paid. "Not registered. 228Wheat gray shorts. "llWheat brown shorts. '3°Chiefly corn bran. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 147 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. i tein Extract Mount Pleasant Oil Mill, Mount Pleasant, Texas-—Cont. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal—Con'.'. Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 42.59 6.94 9.73 27.68 6.95 6.11 111R Analysist 41.56 6.03 9.67 29.45 7.43 5.86 172R Analysisfi 42.13 6.20 9.74 28.57 7.43 5.93 212R Analysis” _____________________________________________ _. 42.39 6.31 9.94 27.70 7.77 5.89 215R 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________ ._ 43.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ ,_ 265H Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.56 8.62 8.80 28.53 5.28 6.21 36R Analysis .............................................. _. 41.91 5.90 9.09 28.96 8.13 6.01 112R Mueller, Wilhelm, Charlotte, Texas. Ground Peanut Hay ____________________________ _. 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 _____________________ 1 128A Analysiszal ________________________________________ __ 9.12 4.94 32.02 35.30 8.17 10.45 128A Mueller-Huber Grain Company, San Antonio, Texas. Quality Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal and Dicalcium Phosphate- 18.20 3.60 7.40 50.20 _____________________ ,_ 1407A5 Analysis. ............................................. __ 19.51 5.31 5.72 53.38 9.45 6.63 248H Quality Brand Meat and Bone Meal... 50.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 ______________________ _. 140733 Analysis ______________________________________________ -- 57.89 13.51 1.77 .91 7.25 18.67 340H Mumme, R. T., Houston, Texas. | Non-Stop Laying Mash with | Charcoal ............................................. _. 20.00 | 3.70 6.00 49.00 ..................... .. 1820A Analysis ............................................. _. 21.96 | 478 6.90 1 49.10 9.35 7.91 275M Non-Stop Growing Mash with | \ - Charcoal and Sulphur ........................ _. 15.00 | 4.00 4.50 57.00 ...................... 1 1820C Analysis ............................................. __ 16.55 I 5.65 4.64 59.46 9.14 I 4.56 21M Square Deal Brand Laying Mash 18.00 3.50 6.70 50.70 __________ __________ 1 1820D Analysis ............................................. -- 19.39 4.84 5.74 55.32 9.00 5.71 20M Non-Stop Dairy Feed .......................... e 17.00 4.50 13.00 46.00 ...................... _. 1820G Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 17.20 6.54 11.16 48.10 9.92 7.08 190M Non-Stop Starter Growing Mash with < Charcoal and Sulphur ..................... _. 15.50 4.00 5.50 55.00 ...................... n 1820K Analysis 17.46 5.60 5.65 55.89 9.96 5.44 1820H Analysis ............................................ -- 16.60 i 5.53 5.68 l 58-12 8.91 | 5-16 276M Munday Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Munday, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............. » 43-00 6-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- ~ 151B Analysisv ___________________________________________ __ 41.77 5.49 12.36 29.39 6.05 4.94 163s "Refund paid. 231Approximately 1% of salt found. 148 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932--Continued (The guarantees are primed in italics following brand names.) l Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orl I l I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude ICrude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection - Pr0- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein l Extract . I I Munday Mill and Grain Company, l l Munday, Texas. Banner Brand Egg Mash with l l Charcoal .......................................... -- 20.00 3.60 l 7.50 45.00 l ____________________ ._ 2304B Analysis?“ ______________________________________ -- 23.52 5.85 l 6.21 l 46.70 l 7.87 l 9.85 l 445K Banner Brand Baby Chick Starter l l l l l with Oyster Shell ............................. -_ 15.00 l 3.30 l 4.00 55.00 ____________________ __l 2304C Analysis ........................................... ._ 15.80 l 4.14 l 2.79 61.46 l 7.94 l 7.87 l 2304C Banner Brand Egg Mash with l ' l l l Charcoal ................................................ . 20.00 l 3.60 l 7.50 45.00 _____________________ _.l 2304H Analysis ______________________________________________ -- 22,41 l 5.26 l 6,87 l 49.62 8.18 l 7.66 l 2304K I I Munger Oil and Cotton Company, The, l Mexia, Texas. l Moco Mixed Feed .................................... - 11.00 1.60 42.50 28.00 ..................... .. 40D Analysis .............................................. .. 11.20 2.18 38.75 40.47 4.78 l 2.62 239W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .. _ 43.00 0.00 12.00 23.00 .................... .. 40E Analysis” ___________________________________________ __ 42.25 6.45 12.60 27.50 6.33 4.87 133w Analysis ............................................... .. 43.03 l 6.20 11.40 26.42 l 7.81 l 5.14 134W Munger Oil and Cotton Company, Teague, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .............. .. 43.00 l 6.00 l 12-00 l 23-00 l _________ .......... 2518A Analysis?“ __________________________ __ 40.67 6.59 11.73 27.89 7.76 5.36 163W Analysis .............................................. -. 42.44 7.00 10.71 27.86 6.71 5.28 410W Municipal Abattoir, Austin, Texas. 50% Protein Digester Tankage with A Bone __ 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ..................... ._ 1672 Analysis .............................................. .. 53.11 13.11 2.66 2.18 5.89 23.05 1672A Munn, J. H., Olden, Texas. Munn’s Mixed Dairy Feed ..................... .. 16-00 l 3-50 l 13-00 49-00 ---------------------- -» 1938A Analysis“ .......................................... .. 16-90 l 4-36 l 11-11 54-39 l 3-51 l 4-63 l 299K Murchison, A. H., Menard, Texas. Corn Chop .................................................. .. 9-00 3-50 3-00 70-00 ---------------------- -- 193A Analysisdll _________________________ __ 11123 4,19 2,09 72.56 l 9.65 1.28 380W Whole Barley Chop - ............ -. 11.00 1.50 0.00 05-00 ---------------------- -. 193B Analysisda __________________________________________ __ 11,17 2,17 5,45 l 69.30 8.36 2.55 379W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Refund paid. 4S l d b f r ' t t’ . iigSndgefaningsollfllauiigrérl-zzilt“maimed. Portion of lot removed from sale and used by manu- facturer in feeding own stock. 233Refund paid in part. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 149 Table 8.——Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- I Mois- Crulde spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture As No. l tein Extract Murchison, A. H., Menard, Texas—Continued. Murchison Hen Scratch ________________________ __ 10.00 2.70 3.00 70.00 ...................... .. 193C Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 11.78 2.61 2.29 73.45 8.53 1.34 381w Ground Whole Oats... 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 __________________ 193D Analysis“ _________________________________________ -_ 12.22 6.65 11.04 59.39 6.85 3.85 378W Murphy Products Company, Burlington, Wisconsin. l Murphy’s Mineral Feed for Hogs ______ _. 6.00 .......... .. . 422A Analysis ............................................. _. 11.34 1.60 7.10 14.71 5.50 59.75 422A Murphy’s Mineral Feed for Cattle... 6.00 422B Analysis ............................................. _- 5.35 1.66 5.86 18.05 4.67 64.41 l 422B Murphy’s Vit-O-Ray Brand Mineral l l l l Feed for Poultry ............................. .. 27.00 3.70 l 13.00 33.00 l ______________________ ._ 422C Analysis .............................................. -. 36.21 l 3.76 l 6.92 l 20.57 'l 6.05 l 26.49 l 4220 Murphy’s Vit-O-Ray Brand Mineral l l l l Feed for Hogs ................................... .. 26.00 2.00 10.00 l 20.00 ...................... _. 422D Analysis ............................................. .. 29.56 l 4.44 $.31 32.71 7.43 l 17.05 l 422D Mutual Cotton Seed Oil Mill, l Fort Worth Texas. l 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... .. 43.00 l 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ __ 297F Analysis 43.04 6.05 12.45 25.08 8.45 l 4.93 l 137K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.59 l 6.29 l 12.22 26.79 6.99 5.12 166K National Feed Store, Port Arthur, Texas. National Scratch Feed ......................... ._ 10.30 2.60 3.00 70.00 ______________________ .. 609A Analysis ............................................ -. 11.11 l 2.52 l 2.04 73.54 9.40 1.39 30M Navarro Cotton Oil Company, Corsicana, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ....................... .. 131H Analysis ............................................. -_ 43.49 7.20 10.45 25.34 8.18 5.34 313M Analysis 42.08 6.87 10.97 27.46 7.12 5.50 125W Neely Feed Mill, Kerrville, Texas. Nee1y’s Dairy Feed ............................. ... 16.40 3.40 11.00 48.00 ...................... -. 1792C Analysis ........................................... ._.. 17.60 4.84 9.71 54.23 8.99 4.63 305E Neff, Felix E., l Canyon, Texas. l Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ......... .- 20-50 3-50 8-00 43-50 ---------------------- -. 2226A Analysis 21.48 5.08 6.88 48.53 8.50 9.53 306$ “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. ‘ 150 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) l Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude ‘spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free l ture Ash No. tein Extract New Era Milling Company, The, I Arkansas City, Kansas. l Polar Bear Wheat Gray Shorts ........ .. 16.00 3.50 5.50 58.00 _______ .. l ________ 1 917B Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 18.83 4.62 5.81 58.65 7 72 l 4 37 459$ Nix, R. E., Waxahachie, Texas. Eggie-Lay Mash ...................................... -. 19.00 | 9.50 5.00 52.00 __________________ 1 2215J Analysis ............................................. .. 18.39 l 4.66 5.84 55.84 7.76 7.51 87W Waxa Laying Mash with Charcoal l and Oyster Shell ................................ -. 19.00 l 9.50 5.00 51.00 ____________________ 1 2215M Analysis . _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ - -- 13.61 4.39 5.33 55.57 8.32 7.78 2215M Analysis . _ - - - _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - -. 19.03 l 3.86 5.43 56.15 7.54 7.99 86W AnalysiS -------------------------------------------- -» 19.30 I 5.43 5.26 52.46 9.34 8.21 257W Noble Grain Company, l Plainview, Texas. l Buttercup Dairy Cow Feed .................. .. 18.00 3.20 9.00 51.00 ...................... ., 2425D Analysis ............................................ .. 20.45 l 4.21 8.98 53.75 7.46 5.15 29S Wes-Tex Growing Mash with Char- l l l coal ._ ._ 17.00 9.50 9.00 52.00 l ....... ._ l __________ _. 2425131 Analysis ........................................... -_ 20.90 l 5.31 l 5.78 53.71 I 842 l 5.88 l 431$ Wes-Tex Chick Starter with Butter- l l l l l milk, Chalk and Cod Liver Oil .... .. 14.00 9.80 l 5.00 58.00 ......... _________ 2425P Analysis ............................................. .. 16.55 4.69 l 3.19 60.36 8.61 l 660 l 310s Wes-Tex Egg Maker with Charcoal l l l l and Oyster Shell ............................... .. 13.00 l 9.50 7.00 49.00 ________ ._ l __________ _, 2425Q Analysis ............................................. .. 20.81 l 4.14 5.26 53.38 8.14 8.27 432s “Excellent" Brand Dairy Cow Ration 15.00 3.00 9.00 54.00 ____________________ __ 24258 Analysis ............................................. .. 17.56 3.63 8.24 57.22 7.73 5.62 28S Analysisz“ ........................................ 4 16.80 3.36 7.87 58.55 7.93 5.49 376$ Nocona Cottonseed Oil Company, l l l l l Nocona, Texas. l l 25% Protein Whole-Pressed l Cottonseed ______________________________ __ 25.00 6.00 25.00 29.00 ......... __ l ......... .. 1854A Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 27.50 l 6.59 24.17 31.66 6.32 l 3.76 156K Nornhausser and Company, l l El Paso, Texas. l l Meat and Bone Meal ________________________ __ 50.00 4.00 3.00 I 0.00 _______________________ .. 1763A ‘Analysisz35 ________________________________________ __ 42.24 l 14,96 1.68 2.81 5.93 l 32.38 245K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 51.00 12.22 1.32 3.91 5.09 26.46 369K Analysis" ____________________________________________ __ 51.37 l 17.57 1.65 1.79 4.73 l 22.89 371K "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. 234Milo head chop substituted for hegari head chop. 235Approximately 1.2% 0f Salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 151 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration or In- I I | Crude Crude Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude Ispection Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I Importer. Brand Name. _Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract . Nornhaussen and Company, I I ‘El Paso, Texas—-Continued. I I 25% Protein Whole-Pressed I I I I Cottonseed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _, . .. I ,,,,,,, .. I I ,,,,,, .. I I ,,,,,,,, Analysis!’ .......................................... _. 20.55 I 8.38 I 25.83 I 35.94 5.04 I 4.26 I 244K Northern Illinois Cereal Company, I I I I I Lockport, Illinois. I I I I I Rolled Oat Groats _________________________________ _, 16-00 6.00 1.50 I 65.00 ......... ________ _, 106A Analysis“ ___________________________________________ _, 16.70 I 6 02 I 1.67 I 66 00 765 1.96 I 243K Norton, K. K., I I I I ‘Wills Point, Texas. I I Cottonseed Chop ____________________________________ __ 20-00 17.00 20.00 25.00 ______________________ 72C Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 19.38 I 15.09 I 26.91 I 20.21 6.42 I 2.99 I 72c Odessa Grain Company, I I I Odessa, Texas. Odessa Special Dairy Cow Feed __________ M 25-00 4.50 11-00 42-00 .................... .. 2384A Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 27.76 6.90 8.95 I 44.84 6.41 I 5 14 50K Odessa Preferred Brand Dairy Cow I I I I I Feed ____________________________________________________ _, 25.00 I 4.50 I 11.00 I 42.00 ......... ..I ......... _.I 2384C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25.50 5.70 10.59 45.25 7.97 4.99 I 2384C Odessa “Economy” Brand Dairy Cow I I I Feed ______________________________________________________ ,, 18.00 I 4.00 I 15.50 I 46.00I _____________________ _,I 23841) Analysis _____________________________________________ ,, 19.10 4.39 16.51 I 48.61 7.07 4.32 I 2384D Oglesby Roller Mills, I I I Oglesby, Texas. I Ground Whole Oats ______________________________ _, 11.00 I 4.00 I 12.00 58.00 ..................... _. 2008A Ana1ysisd¢l236 ______________________________________ 1 10.06 5.53 10.01 63.50 6.51 4.39 370W Ear Corn Chop with Husk,“ ___ 7.80 2.80 10.00 62-00 ..................... _.I 2008B Analysisd" ___________________________________________ 1 8.80 3.35 9.66 68.20 8.41 1.58 I 371V‘! Corn Feed Meal _____________________________________ 8.00 0.00 0.00 67.00 ..................... -. I 2008C Analysis“ __________________________________________ _. 9.75 I 4.50 2.22 71.64 10.50 1.39 372W Oil Mill and Fertilizer Works, I I Henderson, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ _, 43.00. 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 124D Analysisc ___________________________________________ _, 40.42 8.48 11.19 28.40 ' 5.96 5.55 53R AHaIySiSC ____________________________________________ _, 40.42 8.13 10.09 28.94 I 6.66 5.76 123R Analysis 43.10 7.98 8.63 27.74 I 6.92 5.63 201R Analysis ............................................. __ 43.35 I 7.34 8-39 27-34 I 6-47 5-61 I 256R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. "Sampled before registration. ‘Not registered. “Some corn meal found. 152 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, I932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crudel Nin-o-I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Oklahoma City Mill and Elevator Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings... 16.00 4.00 6.00 52.00 _____________________ ,_ 315B Analysis 17.26 4.62 5.89 58.80 9.55 3.88 449$ Wheat Bran and Screenings .............. _. 15.00 3.50 10.00 50.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __ 315G Analysis .............................................. _. 16.40 4.59 9.96 52.58 9.58 6.89 162K Okay Brand Laying Mash... .. 20.00 4.00 6.00 45.00 _____________________ __ 315T AHaIYSiS“ -------------------------------------------- .- 21.91 5.04 6.29 46.37 9.23 11.16 274S O. K. Service Station, Mansfield, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. _. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ______________________ __ 1973A Analysis“ __________________________________________ .. 8.85 3.00 9.30 67.03 10.35 1.47 477W Osteen Feed Company, Beaumont, Texas. Bo-Tex Mixed Feed .................... _. 15.30 3.40 17.80 45.40 ...................... _. 1807A Analysis . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 18.37 5.71 10.97 52.08 9.16 3.71 168M Bo-Tex Dairy Feed _______________________________ .. 16.50 3.50 14.00 1.8.00 ______________________ _. 1807C Analysis .............................................. _. 19.69 6.45 10.05 51.37 8.59 3.85 1807C Otis Gin and Warehouse Company, Loving, New Mexico. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ .. 1.3.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ 1 1426A Analysis“ ............................................ .. 43.37 6.61 9.14 29.91 5.42 5.55 51K Ozark Feed Mills, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Gold Cream Dairy Feed with Limestone _____________________________________________ ._ 211.00 3.60 12.00 40.00 ______________________ _. 1348B Analysig237 ______ __ 22.85 6.78 15.17 35.38 9.08 10.74 174M Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 25.16 5.06 14.16 38.76 9.71 7.15 393M Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizer Company, V San Francisco, California. Digesta Brand Special Steamed Bone Meal 5.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 ______________________ __ 2256A Analysis 5.60 .56 3.98 3.02 3.87 82.97 271M Packard Milling Company, i Hereford, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed, Corn Bran and Screenings ___________________________________________ __ 15.00 3.40 8.50 52-00 ...................... ._ 211.1 Analysis 15.32 3.31 4.93 l 65.40 7.85 l 3.19 425$ “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘I Sampled before registration. 237Excess of alfalfa meal found. Deficient in corn feed meal. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 153 Table 8.—-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crudel Nitro- l Mois- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber lgen-freel ture Ash No. tein lExtnct’ ! Palestine Grain Company, l Palestine, Texas. l - Elberta Brand Corn Chop _________________ _, 9-00 3-50 3-00 70-00 .................... .. 1442B Analysis __ _ _____________________________________ __ 10.30 4.21 2.14 72.68 9.36 1.31 329M Magnolia Laying‘ Mash with Oyster Shell ___________________________________________________ __ 20.00 3.50 8.00 45.00 _____________________ ._ 1442K Analysis ______________________________ 1_ 21.38 5.01 6.45 45.84 9.49 11.83 157W Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 21.60 5.23 6.54 46.17 9.47 10.99 320W Magnolia Special Laying Mash con- taining Limestone and Charcoalm. 19.20 3.50 I 6.00 | 47.00 _____________________ _. 1442Z Analysis 20.35 5.04 5.66 I 48.74 9.54 10.67 1442Z Magnolia Special Dairy Feed _____________ __ 21-00 4-20 9-00 47-00 -------------------- H 1442A1 Analysis ____________________________________________ _> 21.20 5.78 I 8.81 50.59 8.59 5.03 1442A1 Magnolia All-Mash Chick Starter with l Limestone and Charcoal ___________________ _, 15-00 3-50 6-25 50-00 ______________________ .. 1442A3 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.34 4.66 5.29 54.92 9.17 7.62 428W Palestine Oil Mill and Fertilizer Company, Palestine, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ 1 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- ~ 8201 Analysisc _________________________________ __‘ _________ __ 40.95 8.48 10.99 27.65 6.28 5.65 63M Analysisv ___________________________________________ __ 41.65 7.32 10.05 27.77 7.56 5.65 133M Analysisrr ____________________________________________ __ 41.25 7.18 10.39 28.78 6.68 5.72 164M Analysisv ____________________________________________ __ 41.86 6.83 10.95 28.69 5.98 5.69 194M Analysislwm. 41.79 6.91 10.48 28.90 6.14 5.78 253M Analysisv ____________________ __ 40.02 6.44 12.10 28.59 7.34 5.51 200R Analysis ....................... __ 1 43-16 7-53 9-34 27-71 6-01 5-75 156W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.30 7.49 9.88 27.84 5.57 5.92 322W Analysis ............................................. _. 43.03 6-83 11-24 27.36 5-83 5-71 426W Pampa Milling Company, Pampa, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed ................................. .. 10.00 0.50 8.50 50-00 ______________________ _- 2393B Ana1y5is233 ________________________________________ s 16,40 3,53 5.35 62.05 8.58 4.09 10S Ana1y5is238 ________________________________________ _, 17,48 3.31 5,93 61.33 8.19 3.76 4578 Panther City Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ........... .._. .............. 11-00 4-00 10-00 58-00 ---------------------- » 189913 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11,13 7.47 10.89 58.79 7.99 3.68 105W "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. CRefund paid. 238Wheat gray shorts. "154 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orl I | 01-1“- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude I Crude I CrudeI Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract I Paris Milling Company, I Paris, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings 17.00 I 4.00 6.00 55.00 ____________________ __ 9D Analysis239° ______________________________________ _, 17.00 4.32 6.33 56.56 11.80 3.99 257M Ana1ysis23°° ______________________________________ _. 17.14 4.23 7.49 56.71 9.62 4.81 33R Analysis .............................................. _. 16.53 3.86 4.78 59.20 12.34 3.29 159R Corn Bran ............. .. . 9.00 5.00 13.00 60.00 _____________________ ,_ 9N Analysis .............................................. _. 12.67 9.91 6.09 60.54 7.74 3.05 379H Special X Growing Mash with Char- coal and Dicalcium Phosphate ________ .. 16-50 4.00 5.00 52.00 ....................... .. 9X Analysis24° ________________________________________ __ 17.38 4.96 5.65 56.95 9.04 6.02 93R Special X Baby Chick Starter with Buttermilk, Cod Liver Oil, Di- calcium Phosphate and Charcoal..- 15.30 4.00 5.00 43.40 ...................... .. 9Y Analysis24° ........................................ .. 16.65 4.94 5.40 58.76 9.70 4.55 94R Special X Laying Mash with Char- coal and Dicalcium Phosphate ........ ._ 19.80 3.80 7.90 45.00 . _________ .. 9A2 Analysis .............................................. -. 21.70 5.59 5.84 48.58 7.95 10.34 243R Analysis .............................................. n 21.22 5.19 4.73 49.36 9.38 10.12 263W Special-Las Stock Feed with Limestone ............................................. » 9.00 1.40 19.50 46.50 _____________________ ._ 9A5 Analysis .............................................. -- 10.99 2.22 18.13 47.82 9.85 10.99 92R Pafk, Philip R., Inc., San Pedro, California. Manamar __________________________________________________ _. 40.00 3.00 4.00 15.00 ______________________ .. 2025A Analysis ............................................ .. 42.10 4.22 3.28 17.29 6.58 26.53 369M Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 42.26 3.38 2.55 21.53 4.98 25.30 399s Parmer’s Poultry Farm, Killeen, Texas. Starting Mash with Y-O (Cod Liver Oil, Yeast, Soy Bean Oil Meal, Wheat Gray Shorts and Red Oxide I 0f Iron) _____________________________________________ _-__ 15.00 4.00 4.50 59.00 ..................... ._ 2567A Analysis __________________________________________ .. 16.40 5.64 3.03 61.62 9.26 4.05 415W Parmefs Laying Mash 19.00 4.20 6.50 50.00 ..................... .. 2567B Analysis?“ _______________________________________ _. 19.18 4.98 4.44 55.05 9.16 7.19 180W Parmefs Egg Mash with Alfalfa ...... .. 18.00 4.00 7.50 54.00 ...................... .. 2567E Analysis .............................................. ._ 17.72 5.03 5.92 54.53 9.88 6.92 256715 Analysis .............................................. .. 17.61 4.84 5.59 56.44 9.10 6.42 286W Pearsall Cotton Oil Company, I Hebbronville, Texas. I 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed ________________________________________________________ .. 25.00 6.00 25.00 29.00 ...................... .. 1790B “Refund paid. 239Wheat brown shorts and screenings. zwGround whole oats found, not claimed. 241Ground oyster shell found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 155 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crudel Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- I Fat ’ Fiber Igen-freel ture Ash No. tein Extract Pearsall Cotton Oil Company, I Hebbronville, Texas.——Continued. I 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- I seed-Continued ................................ __ I Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 26.31 7.68 I 25.45 I 31.59 I 4.98 I 3.99 74H Analysis ................................... 1. 26.73 5.70 26.88 I 32.65 I 3.36 I 4.68 I 163H 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 I 23.00 I _____________________ 1790D Analysis” ............................................ .. 42.02 7.80 12.14 I 26.64 5.72 I 5.68 75H Analysis ............................................. 7’ 41.22 10.56 10.74 26.13 5.62 I 5.73 162H Pearsall Cotton Oil Company, Pearsall, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................... .. 699C Analysis“ ........................................... _. 44.16 8.59 10.08 25.19 6.32 5.66 29H Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill Company, I Hagerman, New Mexico. Velvet Meal ___________________________________________ _. 17.00 1.50 23.00 40.00 _____________________ _. 112D Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.18 2.36 22.25 40.86 6.86 9.49 42K Analysisfi“ ........................ _. 16-52 2-84 19.06 I 48-05 I 4-59 8-94 186W Peevee Alfalfa Meal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . .. 20.00 2.50 20.00 40.00 ______________________ _. 112E Analysis _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ , _ . . .. 23.69 3.04 20.26 36.00 I 6.74 10.27 390K Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 21.09 2.65 17.21 41.17 8.75 9.13 231M Pena and Flores, Eagle Pass, Texas. Wheat Bran ______________________________________________ _, 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 ______________________ _. Analysisrifl __________________________________________ __ 16,04 3.55 9,16 59,03 8,33 3.89 376H Penick and Ford, Ltd., Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Dguglas Corn Oil Cake Meal ............. __ 20.00 0.75 11.00 56.00 ...................... W 1224B Analysis“ ____________________________________________ _. 22.59 .85 11.68 55.13 8.12 1.63 503W Peoples Cotton Oil Company, Wharton, Texas. - 43% Protein Cgttonseed Meal ______________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ .. 496C Analysisc ____________________________________________ _, 42.20 6.86 12.17 26.83 5.87 6.07 121M Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 44.57 7.61 9.84 25.06 7.07 6.35 284M Analysigc ____________________________________________ __ 41.45 6.62 13.12 26.80 6.57 5.44 368M Perryton Equity Exchange, Perryton, Texas. wheat and when. Barley Chop __________ __ 11.50 1.60 5.50 06.00 ...................... ._ 2355H Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 15.74 2.02 5.47 64.97 8.98 2.82 153$ "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. ¢Registration adjusted. flflApproximately 1.6% of salt found. 156 BULLETIN NO. 467. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1982—Continued » (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude‘ Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Perryton Equity Exchange, Perryton, Texas—Continued. Wheat Chop ............................................ _. 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 ____________________ _. 23551 Analysis .............................................. .. 15.82 1.86 2.46 67.21 10.66 1.99 154S Perryton Milling Company, Perryton, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed and Screenings... 17-00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ____________________ __ 1629A Analysis?“ ........................................ .. 16-19 I 3.85 6.14 59.66 9.54 4.62 413$ Peyton Packing Company, El Paso, Texas. Peytoyfs Meat and Bone Scrapgmm, 50-00 6-00 3.00 2.00 ..................... .. 1564C Analysisz“ ........................................ .. 57-96 | 14-03 4-14 1-43 4-63 f 17-31 242K Pfeffer Rice Milling Company, Adolph, Houston, Texas. Rice Bran __________ ___________________________________ __ 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 _____________________ _. 1352A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 12.30 12.62 14.50 41.43 6.75 12.40 59M Analysjsfi-iliv ______________________________________ __ 12.33 13.00 12.87 39.84 8.38 13.58 108M Pflugerville Oil Company, Inc., ,Pflugerville, Texas. Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ ..................... .. Analysis ___________________________________ __ 43.57 6.54 10.43 23.05 6.19 5.17 193H Analysisl? ____________________________________________ A 41.12 6.10 11.73 30.01 5.91 5.13 36W Analysis 42.75 6.49 10.50 27.37 7.65 5.24 206W Pharr Equity Exchange, Pharr, Texas. Home Brew Egg Mash __________________________ __ 21.00 4.00 7.50 44.00 ..................... _. 1251E Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 20.26 5.03 7.09 51.03 3.36 7.63 290K Phillips Feed Mill, W. P., Joshua, Texas. Whole Barley Chop ________________________________ __ 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 ...................... .. 1726A Analysisda __________________________________________ __ 9.02 2.04 5.33 73.39 7.43 2.24 438W Ground whole Oats ______________________________ ,_ 11.00 4.00 12.00 53.00 ...................... 1 1726B Ana1ysisda246 ____________________________________ __ 10.50 4.06 3.19 66.13 3.52 2.55 439W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. CRefund paid. “Sampled before registration. _ 243Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “4Approximately 1.6% of salt found. “5Approximately 1% of carbonate of lime found. fieGround whole barley found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 157 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Niu-o- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, I Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wheat Gray Shorts _______________________________ _. 16.00 I 3.50 I 6.00 I 57.00 ______________________ __ 70A Analysis” ............................................ _. 18.01 4.86 I 4.86 I 56.76 I 11.35 I 416 I 304H Pillsbury’s Wheat Gray Shorts __________ __ 16-00 3-50 6.00 I 57.00 ...................... 70A Analysis _______________________________________________ _. 17.80 4.74 I 5.55 I 58.48 I 9.31 I 412 I 456K Palisade Egg Mash with Buttermilk, I I Charcoal and Minerals _____________________ _. 18.00 4.00 8.00 47.00 ...................... .. 70W Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 18.79 4.95 5.56 55.36 8.00 7.34 55K Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 18.93 4.97 5.88 60.32 7.57 2.33 38W Stanton’s Special Sweet Feed ______________ _. 9.00 2.00 11.00 53.00 ...................... _. 70C5 Analysisdbz“ ______________________________________ .. 10.35 2.40 11.96 53.43 10.80 11.06 23M Pillsbury’s Sweet Roughage Feed .... .. 9.00 2.00 12.50 60.00 ..................... _. 70C6 Analysisz“ ........................................ ._ 9.97 1.21 12.09 51.69 I 11.63 13.41 70C6 Palisade Horse and Mule Feed ______ Analysisg” ........................................ _. 11.83 1.43 20.28 52.02 7.82 6.62 56K Pincoffs Company, Maurice, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Pinco Brand Cottonseed Meal __________________________________________________ -. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ _. 1244A Analysis .. 43.50 6.66 10.08 ' 27.98 6.26 5.52 35M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.67 5.91 11.74 26.92 7.12 5.64 146M Analysis” ............................................ .. 42.49 6.59 11.59 28.06 5.89 5.38 177M Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 43.34 7.24 10.66 26.30 6.81 5.65 212M Analysis ............................................. ._ 43.80 6.77 9.64 26.95 7.09 5.75 311M Analysis .............................................. .. 43.02 6.22 10.03 28.29 7.33 5.11 351M Analysis 43.73 6.25 10.96 26.80 6.77 5.49 377M Pinkney Packing Company, Amarillo, Texas. I I I 35% Protein Digester Tankage with Bone _- 35.00 10.00 4.00 0.00 ______________________ .. 2372A Analysis .............................................. .. 31.16 20.48 4.75 3.86 5.72 34.03 61S Analysis?" ..................................... .. 29.25 20.48 6.42 4.35 3.85 35.65 190S Analysis?“ ..................................... .. 35.72 17.63 7.64 3.64 3.82 31.55 281S Analysis" ............................................ .. 57.32 10.90 1.39 .69 7.01 22.69 417$ Pioneer Flour Mills, San Antonio, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ................................ .. 15.00 3.50 5.50 57.00 ...................... __ 129F "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. fPortion of shipment returned to sellers. gNot registered. ‘Not tagged. “Ylncorrectly printed tags attached. 248Approximately 2% of sand and 0.6% of carbonate of lime found. 249Approximately 1.7% of salt found. 25°Approximately 0.8% of salt found. 158 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude ICrude CrudeI Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash No. tein IExtract Pioneer Flour Mills, I I I I San Antonio, Texas—Continued. Wheat Gray Shorts—Continued ........ __ Analysis251 ________________________________________ __ 15.92 4.22 5.39 60.86 9.96 3.65 339H Analysis251 ________________________________________ _. 16.48 3.98 4.70 60.96 10.26 3.62 I 357H Wheat Bran and Screenings ________________ .. 17.00 4.00 10.00 53.00 .. ,,,,,,,,, ..' 129H Analysis .............................................. .. 16.44 5.21 9.65 53.39 8.91 6.40 38M Pioneer Scratch Feed __________________________ _. 10.00 3.00 3.50 69.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __ 129K Analysis ............................................. .. 12.42 3.46 3.48 70.56 8.53 1.55 171H Pipkin, W. J., Center Point, Texas. Home Mixed Dairy Feed _____________________ .. 17-50 4.00 11-00 51.00 ......... .. 10051) Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16.80 I 4.85 11.13 54.95 8.59 3.68 303H Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ _, 46.00 I 0.00 12.00 2.7.00 ____________________ .. 580A Analysis ____________________________________ ,_ 41-95 I 8.71 I 9.00 28.59 I 5.82 5.93 42R Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 42.88 I 8.49 | 8.21 I 27.56 6.74 6.12 125R Analysis ______________________________________________ 1 44.40 I 7.88 I 6.87 28.85 6.21 6.84 178R I Plainview Cotton Oil Company, IInc., I Plainview, Texas. I 43% Prgtein Cottonseed M331 ____________ __ 43-00 6-00 172-00 I 23-00 i .................... .. 1148A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43-50 7.34 11.28 26.20 6.83 4.85 64S Analysisv ____________________________________________ _, 40.85 8.49 12.26 27.67 6.07 4.66 91S Analysisc ____________________________________________ __ 41.56 7.57 13.22 27.04 5.98 4.63 93S Analysis" ____________________________________________ __ 42-27 7.44 7.30 33.01 5.22 4.76 95S Analysisc ____________________________________________ __ 42.46 8.27 12.16 26.23 6.13 4.75 100$ Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 43.02 8.34 11.54 27.82 4.53 4.75 101S Analysis ............................................. .. 43-30 6.67 11.47 28.29 5.39 4.88 I 121$ Analysis .............................................. .. 42-52 7.47 11.75 28.39 5.08 4.79 I 170$ Analysis ......... .. 44.20 7.89 10.47 26.85 5.63 4.96 176$ Analysis .............................................. .. 43.74 7.86 11.25 26.34 5.94 4.87 I 177$ Analysis 42.75 7.28 12.48 26.95 5.69 4.85 228$ Analysis°___ .............................. .. 41-83 7.18 12.57 27.33 6.10 4.99 229$ Analysis°m ............... .. 41.78 7.01 13.15 28.40 5.00 4.66 231$ Analysis ___________________________________________ .. 43.30 6.56 12.74 27.45 5.22 4.73 I 233$ Analysis ............................................. .. 43.79 8.33 11.15 26.34 5.30 5.09 I 307$ 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ___________ __ 43-00 6-00 12.00 23-00 ..................... ..I 1148B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 44.68 6.41 11.15 26.77 6.14 4.85 I 92S Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 45.41 6.31 10.51 26.87 5.75 5.15 I 149$ Analysis .............................................. .. 45-39 6.00 11.23 26.49 5.91 4.98 I 173$ Analysis ______ _, 48.92 6.82 11.75 26.27 8.71 4.96 I 174$ Analysis .............................................. .. 44.61 7.22 10,24 266g 6,24 5m 175s Analysis 42.53 5.54 12.31 I 27.71 6.91 5.00 I 227$ ”Refund paid. 251Screeninzs found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 159 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. ' Crude ICrude I CrudeI Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat I Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. I tein Extract Plainview Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Plainview, Texas-Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake—Cont. I I Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 44.21 I 5.57 I 11.92 I 27.35 6.05 4.90 234S Analysis ............................................. .. 43.17 I 6.30 I 12.22 I 27.23 6.16 4.92 292s 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake I I Screenings .......................................... -_ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ ,_ 1148P Analysis ............................................. .. 42.55 I 6 59 I 12.48 I 28.15 5.41 4.82 94S Plantation Mills, San Antonio, Texas. Plantation Mills Cow Feed ________________ _. 17.00 3.20 13.00 48.00 _____________________ _. 1628A Analysis ............................................. __ 18.64 4.65 11.27 50.34 8.73 6.37 l 12H Plantation Mills Ground Whole Oats 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 _____________________ _, 1628B Analysis“ ............................................ .. 11.02 6.13 11.28 58.02 10.07 3.48 88H Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. .. 7.80 2.80 10.00 I 62.00 ______________________ __ 1628D Analysis .............................................. .. 8.20 3.19 11.33 I 65.94 9.33 2.01 13H Planters Cotton Oil Company, Bonham, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ ,_ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ .. 538D Analysis ___________________________________ __ , 42.64 8.60 11.00 28.17 4.52 5.07 16R Analysis" ............................................ _- 41-57 8.79 10.59 28.03 5.88 5.14 153R Analysis” ............................................ -. 41.42 9.02 11.73 27.61 5.09 5.13 241R 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed I I I I I Cake 40.00 I 6.00 12.00 20.00 I _____________________ __ 538E Analysis ............................................ .. 44.13 I v.09 I 9.64 I 27.26 I 6.69 6.19 I 17R Planters Cotton Oil Company, I I I I I I Ennis, Texas. I I I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________ _, 43.00 I 0.00 12.00 23.00 l ..................... 1 2343H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.55 7.55 10.38 26.80 5.98 5.74 90W Analysis .............................................. _. 42.50 7.43 10.74 27.07 6.83 5.43 262W Planco Mixed Feed ............................... -. 11.00 1.60 1.2.50 28.50 ...................... _. 2343J Analysis ........................................... 10.69 2.08 39.25 39.63 5.51 2.84 126W Planters Cotton Oil Company, Inc., I I I I Waxahachie, Texas. I I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ _. 43.00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 I ______________________ _. 95A Analysis .............................................. .. 45.01 7.75 8.83 26.89 6.00 5.52 39W Analysis ............................................. __ 47.91 I 8.24 8.06 I 24.15 I 5.99 5.65 475W Planters Cotton Oil Company of Dallas, I I I Dallas, Texas. I 43% Protein Golden Rod Brand I I I Cgttonseed Meal ________________________________ __ 43.00 I 6.00 I 12.00 I 23.00 I _____________________ .. 185011 “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Refund paid. 160 BULLETIN NO. 467. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash o. tein Extract . Planters Cotton Oil Company of Dallas, Dallas, Texas——-Continued. 43% Protein Golden Rod Brand Cottonseed Meal—Continued. _________ -. Analysis ................................... ._ . . 43.01 8.59 10.12 26.43 6.62 5.23 132K Analysis .............................................. .. 43.12 8.11 10.37 27.47 5.50 5.43 196K Analysis .............................................. .. 43.43 7.24 10.78 26.87 5.66 6.02 301K Analysis ............................................. ._ 47.59 7.01 7.72 26.55 5.53 5.60 4R Analysis” ............................................ _. 42.35 7.49 11.73 28.03 4.61 5.79 140R Analysis _____________________________ _. 43.90 8.39 10.16 26.70 5.39 5.46 237R Analysis” ___________________________ .. . _. 42.50 7.24 11.93 27.36 6.05 4.92 193S Analysis“. 45.48 6.91 9.49 27.24 5.21 5.67 17W Analysis” -------------------------------------------- -_ 42.01 7.76 10.57 28.16 6.09 5.41 108W Analysis ---------------------------------------------- -- 43.28 7.20 11.02 25.76 6.94 5.80 443W Plants Grain Company, Seymour, Texas. “Perfection” Brand Laying Mash ...... .. 18.00 3.50 5.00 55.00 ______________________ ._ 243A Analysis .............................................. .. 20.60 l 4.18 4.54 l 56.07 7.74 l 6.87 243A Pleasant Valley Feed Store, Amarillo, Texas. Pleasant Valley Dairy Feed _________________ .. 18.00 3.40 9.00 53.00 ...................... .. 694A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.41 4.96 7.28 54.66 8.05 3.64 694A Analysis. 19.40 4.16 7.78 57.87 l 7.20 l 3 59 421$ Pleasant Valley Laying Mash with l Oyster Shell ________________________________________ __ 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 .......... .......... -. 694B Analysis 22.20 5.27 5.44 48.40 7.30 11.39 694B Analysis .............................................. _. 21.68 5.30 6.22 46.70 l 8.96 11.14 361$. Analysis .............................................. __ 21.72 4.68 6.45 47.05 8.84 11.26 422s Pleasant Valley All-Mash Chick l l Starter with Oyster Shell ________________ _. 16.50 3.70 5.50 52.00 l ..................... ._ 694.1 Analysis 18.50 5.79 l 4.31 55.63 l 8.37 l 7.40 694.1 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 18.92 l 7.25 l 4.21 l 53.43 l 8.66 l 7.53 305s Pleasant Valley Growing Mash with l l l l Oyster Shell ________________________________________ .. 19.00 3.60 8.20 47.00 ______________________ _. 694K Analysis 20.20 l 4.97 6.92 50.86 8.63 8.42 423s Ponca City Milling Company, l Ponca City, Oklahoma. l Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings.“ 16-00 3-50 5-50 55-00 ---------------------- ~ 1466A Analysis252 ________________________________________ __ 16,62 4,35 6.59 57.63 10.08 4.73 292K Analysiszli? _______________________________________ __ 16.03 3.88 6.69 58.98 9.83 4.59 504w CRefund paid. 252Whcat brown shorts and screenings. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 161 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer orI I I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash No. tein Extract Ponca City Milling Company, Ponca City, Texas.—Continued. Supreme Brand Egg Lay Mash with Oyster Shell ______________________________________ __ 20-00 4.00 7.30 46.00 ...................... __ 1466H Analysis253b ______________________________________ _, 19.77 7.06 6.40 51.62 7.85 7.30 184K Analysis _______________________________________________ ,. 20.10 5.64 6.03 51.26 9.16 7.81 293K Analysis253l’ ______________________________________ __ 20.48 6.18 5.94 52.37 6.93 8.10 11S Analysis?“ ________________________________________ _, 21.60 6.00 6.53 50.41 7.10 8.36 451s Alfalfa-Molasses Feed __________________________ __ 9.00 0.90 20.30 1.6.00 ______________________ ,_ 14660 Analysis255" .................................. .. 9.30 .91 18.71 49.99 9.10 11.99 185K Supreme Brand Dairy Feed .................. __ 10.00 4.00 10.50 52.50 I ______________________ __ 1466c; Analysis .............................................. _. 20.60 6.94 10.54 47.89 I 8.10 5.93 294K Port City Packing Company, Inc., I I I Houston, Texas. I 50% Protein Big State Meat and Bone Scraps ________________________________________ _, 50.00 I 6.00 3.00 2.00 ...................... 46A Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 48-54 I 19.90 2.61 I 3.99 I 7.32 I 17 64 I 46A Analysis25fl° ______________________________________ ,, 46.54 I 21.43 3.70 I 1.06 4.83 I 22 44 I 70H Analysisfliflvv ______________________________________ _, 45.29 22.33 4.69 2.38 5.23 20.08 155M 45% Protein Big State Meat and I Bone Scraps __ _______________________________ __ 45.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 ...................... __ 46A Analysis25scu 44.79 20.30 4.80 0.00 | 5.67 24.44 214M Analysis ______________________________________ h 46.49 18.54 2.78 2.10 4.66 25.43 225M Analysisz59b ______________________________________ __ 57.99 14.35 2.77 1.20 I 5.66 18.03 274M 40% Protein Big State Meat and Bone Scraps ________________________________________ __ 40.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 ______________________ _. 46B Analysis 44.14 21.71 2.59 2.58 7.87 21.11 46B 60% Protein Big State Digester Tankage ________________________________________________ __ 00-00 5.00 3.00 0.00 ______________________ ._ Analysis?“ ________________________________________ __ 65.66 7.88 1.35 1.77 12.26 11.08 46C 50% Protein Big State Meat and I Bone Scraps _________________________________________ __ 50.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 ...................... ._ 46D Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 52.27 14.09 2.07 1.05 5.81 24.71 46D Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 50.31 15.73 2.78 .57 5.79 24.82 399H Big State Brand Raw Feeding Bone Meal 23.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 ______________________ _. 46E Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 23.56 6.33 .51 4.18 6.81 58.61 46E "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. ‘Registration adjusted. 253Tags incorrectly printed. 254Some ground corn cob found. 255Approximately 0.5% of ground limestone and 3.4% of salt found. zwApproximately 1.6% of salt found. 257Approximately 4.4% of salt found. 258Sold as containing 50% protein. Approximately 1.4% of salt found. 259Wrong tags attached. 26°Blood meal found. 162 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 01-111- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudei Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Porter, D. B., Belton, Texas. Chicken Feed __________________________________________ __ 10.50 2.60 3,50 59410 ______________________ __ 21721) Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 10.54 3.01 2.94 73.11 8.83 1.57 43W Pottsville Mill and Produce Company, Pottsville, Texas. _ 2-R Laying Mash with Oyster Shellm. 20.50 4.00 6.50 45.50 _____________________ _, 2442B Analysiswb ...................................... ._ 20.25 5.44 6.83 49.53 7.96 9.99 4s8W Pritchard Rice Milling Company, Houston. Texas. Rice Polish .............................................. -. 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 ...................... .. 617A Analysis”? ........................................ .. 13.03 11.41 2.38 57.50 8.61 7.07 370M Rice Bran .................................................. .. 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 _____________________ .. 617B Analysis263e ...................................... _. 13.11 15.55 12.67 37.42 7.71 13.54 97M Putnam Mill Company, Putnam, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed __________________________________ _. 16.00 3.50 8.50 55.00 ...................... .. 27A Analysis?“ ________________________________________ _. 18.20 4.17 7.26 57.75 8.94 3.68 286K Quaker Oats Company, The, Chicago, Illinois. Quaker 24% Dairy Ration with 1% | Grgund Limestone ______________________________ _, 24-00 4.00 13-00 40.00 ...................... _. 1379A Anawsis _______________________________________ ___ 24.41 4.50 11.97 43.90 7.18 8.04 441K Quaker 17.11-0391) Brand Egg Mash. 20.00 4.50 8.00 45.00 ...................... 1 13790 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.96 5.21 8.34 50.31 8.52 7.66 175W Quaker Sugared Schumacher Feed I a i with 1% Ground Limestone ......... 4 10-00 3-00 13-00 54-00 --------------------- -- 1379A5 Analysiszss ___________________________ ___ 10.59 3.44 10.54 62.21 7.33 5.89 450s AnalysiS265a ______________________________________ _, 11,82 3.98 11.77 59.01 8.32 5.10 516W Quaker 16% Protein Dairy Ration i l with Limestone __________________________________ 1 16,00 | 3.50 13.50 40.00 ______________________ _. 1379B6 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16,03 | 446 i 13.97 50.63 7.56 7.35 | 442K Oat Hulls, Oat Shorts and Oat 1 | Middlings .............................................. .. 5-00 0-00 00-00 47-00 ---------------------- -- 137939 Analysis ____________________________ __ _ 6,33 1,75 26,45 51.64 6.00 7.33 79M Analysisw: ________________________________________ __ 4.97 2.00 29.27 51.30 5.31 7.15 261R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Portion of shipment removed. from “Itegistration adjusted. 2°1Incorrectly printed tags attached. 2°2Approximately 0.4% 2“3Approximately 1.8% 26*Wheat brown shorts and screenings. of carbonate of lime found. of carbonate of lime found. 2G5Ground corn cob and husk found, not claimed. wwDeficient in ground limestone. 26°Excess of oat hulls found. sale and relabeled. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS . 163 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro-I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Quaker Oats Company, The, Chicago, Illinois—Continued. Low-Fat Hominy Feed __________________________ __ 10.00 5.00 7.00 60.00 _____________________ .. 1379197 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.55 7.28 7.49 61.51 8.82 3.35 180K Quality Feed Company, Lockhart, Texas. Laying Mash with Charcoal and Limestone ___________________________________________ __ 18-50 3-60 8.00 43.00 ______________________ __ 113A Ana1y3i5_____ 19.88 5.19 8.92 47.19 8.88 9.94 113A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.16 5.87 7.43 48.13 7.82 9.59 392H Quality Feed Store, Waco, Texas. Sure Fine Brand Laying Mash with Oyster Shel] __________________________________________ __ 20.00 3-70 7.50 44.00 ..................... _. 2002F Analysis_____ 20.71 5.93 7.08 48.22 7.08 10.98 2002F Analysis __________ __ 21.25 6.09 6.81 48.48 7.24 10.13 166W Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 21.38 5.57 6.98 49.17 8.34 8.56 467W Sure Fine “Grow or Bust” Brand Hog I Feed with Charcoal ____________________________ _, 10-00 I 0-50 7.00 1.5.00 ...................... _. 2002G- Analysis 20.90 I 4.55 7.96 5133 7.36 790 I 2002C Sure Fine Brand 18% Protein Cow Feed 18.00 3.70 11.50 46.50 ...................... _. 2002H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.48 4.28 11.04 53.52 5.28 6.40 2002H Quality Milk Producer Brand 24% Protein Cow Feed with Limestone__ 534-00 Analysis _________ __'_ _________________________________ __ 25-15 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25-31 Sure Fine Brand Chick Mash with 4.20 11.00 41.00 _____________________ _. 20021 4.75 9.94 44.81 7.06 7.29 20021 4.75 9.55 43.09 9.44 6.86 251W Dried Buttermilk and Limestone____ 15-70 3.50 5.50 53-00 _____________________ _. 2002J Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.31 I 5.45 4.23 56.50 8.39 7.12 2002J Cow's Delight Brand Dairy Feed with I I ' Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 18.50 3.50 10.70 50.00 ...................... .. 2002K Analysis _____________________________________________ ,_ 19.01 4.79 9.65 52.88 6.86 6.81 2002K Quality Mills, Austin, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts .............................. .. 15-00 3-50 5-50 57-00 ---------------------- » 277K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.92 3.84 4.29 61.77 11.25 2.93 211H Unbolted‘ Corn Meal ___________________________ __ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... _. 277M Analysis 10.80 4.49 2.21 72.31 8.71 1.48 374H Quanah Cotton Oil Company, Quanah, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... -_ 43-00 6-00 12-00 23-00 ----------------- 7131 Analysis" __________________________________________ __ 40.61 7.33 14.18 27.30 5.72 4.86 49S °Refund paid. 164 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guarantees are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ' I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- l Mois- l Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Quanah Cotton Oil Company, l l Quanah, Texas—Continued. l _ l 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal~C0nt l l Analysisc ____________________________________________ __ 40.64 7.07 13.32 28.28 5.88 4.81 50$ 43.05 9.21 11.45 26.35 4.97 4.97 l 86$ 43.09 8.50 11.23 26.19 6.35 l 4.64 127$ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 44.80 8.48 10.01 26.53 5.46 l 4.72 180$ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.68 8.26 12.23 26.24 5.71 l 4.88 l 279$ Analysis .............................................. .. 43.69 6.67 12.00 26.75 5.82 5.07 l 302$ Analysis .............................................. ._ 43.18 6.32 7.79 32.16 5.83 l 4.72 l 341$ Analysis .............................................. .. 42.90 6.99 12.98 26.77 5.45 4.91 359$ 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ____________ _, 43.00 0-00 12.00 23.00 ..................... .. 713J Analysis ______________________________________________ _> 43.33 6.96 11.24 27.44 6.10 4.93 60S Analysis _____________________________________________ ,_ 44.96 6.60 10.28 26.48 6.44 5.24 77S Analysis ______________________________________________ » 43.32 6.83 11.23 27.15 6.64 4.83 134$ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.08 6.06 13.14 25.88 6.79 5.05 150$ Analysis ____________________ __ 45.91 5.79 11.18 27.93 4.40 4.79 188$ Mixed Feed No. 1 _________ ___ __ 11.00 1.50 42.50 28.50 ...................... .. 713K Analysis _______ __ 10.51 2.17 40.62 38.62 5.10 2.98 48S Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 10.80 1.86 38.05 41.41 5.10 2.78 271$ Quisenberry Feed Manufacturing Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Quisenberry Quality Brand Blue Rib- bon Laying Mash with Limestone l and Charcoal ______________________________________ __ 18.00 4.00 7.00 54.00 ...................... .. 1054W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.04 l 3.77 5.28 56.95 8.73 7.23 1054W Ralls Milling Company, Ralls, Texas. Laying Mash __________________________________________ .. 19-00 3-50 l 0-00 51-00 ---------- ---------- 1 1721B Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 22.21 l 4.79 l 5.38 l 53.09 l 8.23 l 6.30 l 1721B Creamproducer Brand Dairy Feed l with Limestone ............................ _. 15-00 4-00 9-00 l 55-00 l ---------- 1! ---------- 172115‘ Analysig _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 17,77 5,27 8.19 l 8.87 Analysis ............................................. __ 18.18 4.79 8.54 l 54-49 I 8.65 l 5.35 l 263s Home-Grown Mixed Feed with l l Limestone 11.50 l 6.00 13-50 47.00 __________ ---------- -. 1721G Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 14.81 7.54 15.07 50.09 6.06 6.43 327$ Ralston Purina Company of Texas, l l Fort Worth, Texas. l Purina Omolene Chow ......................... -- 10.00 l 0.20 0-00 00-00 .......... "l ---------- - 346C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 5.26 7.17 Analysis .............................................. -- 11.82 4.77 3-08 62-72 l 9-01l 3-60 l 235R cRefund paid. COMMERCIAL FEEDING JSTUFFS ‘165 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In_ Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude CrudeI Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free] ture Ash N0. tein Extract Ralston Purina Company of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. Purina Chicken Fatena Chow con- taining Limestone ______________________ __ 12.00 3.00 6.60 58.00 ______________________ __ 346D Analysis ................. .. _ _ 14.54 4.73 6.20 63.42 7.58 3.53 40H Analysis‘ ____________________________________________ __ 15.49 5.05 6.25 61.12 8.17 3.92 112K Analysis .............................................. __ 15.97 5.28 6.12 59.14 10.13 3.36 222M Purina Egg Chowder containing Limestone 19.00 3.50 8.00 1.7.00 ______________________ __ 346L Analysis ____ __ 21.50 4.75 7.05 49.59 7.67 9.44 70K Analysis ______________ __ 21.67 5.31 7.13 48.12 8.25 9.52 215K - Analysis" ____________________________________________ __ 21.56 5.14 7.10 48.41 8.03 9.76 106W Purina Egg Chowder containing Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.50 8.00 44.00 _____________________ __ 346L Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.61 4.87 6.08 50.39 8.42 9.63 157H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.76 4.81 6.50 49.33 7.97 9.63 254H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.35 5.41 6.16 48.78 7.85 9.45 232M Fort Worth Brand Purina 24% Cow Chow 24.00 3.00 12.00 40.00 ______________________ _. 346N Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 27.54 4.60 10.17 41.17 10.92 5.60 158H Analysis 27.08 4.57 9.68 43.24 9.54 5.89 299H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25.74 4.34 12.05 44.50 7.32 6.05 87K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 26.18 4.24 10.52 43.24 9.71 6.11 51M Analysis 26.36 I 4.20 I 9.56 42.83 10.94 6.11-I 316M Analysis 26.60 I 4.57 I 9.34 42.99 10.57 I 5.93 217R Analysis .............................................. __ 27.77 4.65 10.08 42.61 8.61 6.28 287R Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 29.16 5.12 11.37 39.25 7.75 7.35 320R Analysis .............................................. __ 26.20 4.47 11.02 43.55 8.28 6.48 1W Purina Bulky Las Chow ______________________ __ 9.00 1.70 15.00 52.00 ...................... 1 346W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.80 1.47 16.29 50.55 12.22 8.67 161B Analysis___ 11.91 1.90 13.09 56.14 10.65 6.31 300H Analysis .............................................. __ 11.15 1.62 13.65 56.74 11.90 4.94 99M Analysis .............................................. .. 11.35 2.28 13.40 57.86 9.35 5.76 I 153W Analysis 11.05 2.02 13.09 57.14 10.91 5.79 244W Purina Chick Startena Chow contain- ing Limestone ...................................... .. 19-00 4-00 7-00 417-00 ---------------------- -- 346x Analysi5237 ________________________________________ __ 21,54 5,64 5.19 49.30 9.71 8.62 348W Finely Ground Alfalfa Meal for Poultry ................................................. -. 10.00 I 1.00 00.00 85.00 ______________________ _. 346M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21,33 I 2.46 21.23 I 36.22 7.49 11.27 58W Purina Chick Growena Chow con- I taining Limestone ............................ -. 17-00 3-50 7-00 48-00 ---------------------- -- 345A‘; Analysis 19.60 5.01 5.35 53.14 10.05 6.85 208H Analysis 19.77 5.65 5.68 54.07 7.88 9.95 349K Analysis 19.55 4.89 5.56 54.00 9.87 6.63 289M Registration adjusted. iflGround milo found, not claimed. 166 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. ‘Iiegistration adjusted. “sShort in weight. 2°°Deficient in cracked corn. 27°Excess of ground limestone found. Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I 0r In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein ' Extract ‘ Ralston Purina Company of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. Purina Checkerboard Rolled Oat Greats (Steam Cooked) ...................... -. 16.00 5.00 2.00 63.00 __________ ,, 34632 Analysis“ ............................................ _. 18.85 4.96 1.18 64.24 8.93 1.84 211K Purina Lay Chow containing Limestone ............................................ -- 18.00 3.50 8.00 46.00 _____________________ 1 346C9 Analysis .............................................. .. 18.10 4.39 6.13 53.91 9.57 7.90 154B Analysis .............................................. .. 19.50 4.62 5.88 54.40 8.48 7.12 309K Analysisfi“ ........................................ _. 18.80 4.64 6.63 52.98 7.73 9.22 21W Purina All-Mash Startena Chow containing Limestone ........................ ._ 18.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 _____________________ _, 346D] Analysis‘ ____________________________________________ .. 21.54 5.42 4.86 52.09 8.15 7.94 22M Purina All-Mash Startena Chow con- taining Limestone ____________________________ _, 18-00 4.00 7.00 46.00 _____________________ _. 346D] Analysis 20.10 5.92 4.55 53.48 9.28 6.67 16715 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.90 5.94 4.86 53.04 8.59 6.67 2161i Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 20.12 5.82 4.37 51.98 11.04 6.67 1831/. Purina Texas Steer Chow (in Checker Form) ...................................... -. 14.00 I 2.00 15.00 45.00 ___________________ __ 346D4 Analysis .............................................. .. 17.03 I 1.81 I 16.09 I 50.70 7.02 7.35 90F Purina Texas Sheep Chow (in I Checker Form) ................................... _- 14.00 2.00 15.00 45.00 ..................... .. 346D.‘ Analysis ............................... .. _. 18.65 2.06 16.74 47.92 7.16 7.47 891 Protena Sweet Feed ........ .. ._ 9-00 2.00 15-00 50.00 ...................... -. 346D Analysis ______________________________ __ 10.55 1.10 13.24 53.76 12.48 8.87 3121 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.31 1.12 13.87 55.61 10.10 7.99 " 144V Protena Blue Kettle Horse and Mule Feed ........................................... -. 9.00 3-00 11-00 57-00 ...................... __ 345D Analysis?" _______________________________________ __ 10.30 3.96 12.53 59.69 8.45 5.07 1971 Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 10.88 4.28 11.19 59.37 9.39 4.89 1321 Protena 24% Dairy Feed.-- .-- 24.00 3-00 ' 12.00 38-00 ..................... _. 346E Analysis .............................................. .. 25.13 4.82 11.56 45.19 6.53 6-77 601 Purina 32% Egg Chowder containing Mineral _______________________________________________ _> 32.00 3.00 8.00 31.00 ____________________ .. 346E Analysis .......................................... .. 33.60 5.33 7.51 33-97 8-17 11-42 103: Analysis 33.52 5.19 7.89 35.88 6.04 11.48 20 Analysis?” ........................... -______ 33.56 5.02 7.75 34-61 7.10 11-96 271 Analysis" ___________________________________________ __ '33.e2 5.08 7.57 34.53 7.81 11.39 1841 Purina 32% Chowder containing Limestone ........................................... -. 32-00 3-00 8-00 31-00 ---------------------- -. 345E Analygis27o ________________________________________ __ 31,87 3.95 7.78 37.04 7.37 11.99 4131 Purina Pig and Hog Chow _-_--..._----.-- 29-00 3-00 7-00 37-00 ---------------------- -- 346E Analysis 30.37 4.93 6:88 39.58 9.51 8.73 38 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 167 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 v to August 31, 1932--Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract / ) I I I Ralston Purina Company of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. I Protena Cattle Feed ............................... ._ 9.00 2.00 10.00 55.00 ____________________ __ 346E5 Analysis ............................................ _. 13.15 1.72 5.55 59.85 13.76 5.97 39K Purina Steer Fatena Chow __________________ __ 1.2.00 I 1.50 10.00 54.00 ______________________ l, 346E’; Analysis ......................... -_ _. 14.91 2.14 3.24 64.56 9.06 6,09 290M Analysis?“ ........................................ _. 13.89 2.19 4,48 67,72 6,54 5_18 99S Analysis ............................................. ._ 15.47 2.60 3.46 65.68 3.30 4,49 301s Purina Bulky Cow Chow (without Cottonseed Meal) ................................ -. 10-00 3.00 12-00 47.00 __________ .. i 346FI Analysis ............................................. _. 18.57 3.18 9.95 53.54 8 99 5.77 I 285R Purina Pig and Hog Chow (Southern States) ............................ 31.00 0.50 7.00 33.00 ..................... __ 346m Analysis .............................................. .. 33-31 6.36 6.96 34.58 10.10 8.69 I 321W Purina Turkey Startena Chow con- taining Limestone ______________________________ _. 18-00 4-00 7.00 46.00 ______________________ ,, 346F5 Analysis .............................................. -. 19.90 5.30 4.81 54.03 7.85 8.11 218H Analysis ............................................. ._ 19.85 5.57 5.09 52.82 8.19 8.48 357K Randals Brothers, Hico, Texas. 3-R Laying Mash with Charcoal ........ __ 18-50 3.00 6.70 48.20 ..................... .. 1858G Analysis .............................................. .. 19-05 6-02 5-62 53.33 8.39 7.59 117K Analysis .............................................. _. 19-03 5.70 5.49 53.58 8.43 7.77 295W 3-R Milk Producer .................................. .. 18-50 3.09 14-70 43.40 ..................... __ 1858N Analysis?” ........................................ _. 18-33 3.32 13.25 49.99 9.16 5.95 116K 3-R Yellow Corn Meal.._ 9-00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 18588 Analysis“ ........................................... __ 10.30 3.77 2.22 72.23 10.20 1.28 118K Ransom Coal and Grain Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Greenback Egg Mash with Charcoal and Minerals __.. .................................... -- 18-80 3.50 7.30 50.00 ...................... .. 115817‘ Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 18.96 4.97 5.87 49.74 10.61 9.85 248R Ratliff Feed Store, A. J., Ranger, Texas. “Our Qwn” Brand Cow Feed ____________ ., 24.00 4.00 12.00 41.00 ...................... .. 248A Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 22.10 5.22 10.55 50.99 6.29 4.85 248A Analysis.‘ ____________________________________________ __ 22.62 6.46 10.06 47.39 7.94 5.53 300K “Our Own” Brand Cow Feed ____________ _. 22.00 4.00 12.00 41.00 ...................... _. 248A Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 23.13 6.33 11.73 46.44 7.01 5.36 408K Ground Peanut Hay... 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 ..................... .. 248B Analysisz" ........................................ .. 9.46 2.90 20.46 52.95 6.52 7.71 248B ‘Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. Registration adjusted. “Ground ‘milo found, not claimed. "Deficient in crushed whole oats. "Approximately 1.4% of salt found. 168 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crulclie spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture As No. tein Extract Rays Feed Store, l Stephenville, Texas. | Rays Laying Mash with Oyster Shell. 20.50 3.50 I 7.40 44.60 ...................... ._ 2205A Analysis 20.58 6.11 5.75 48.24 8.45 10.87 357W Corn Feed Meal ...................................... .. 3.00 3.00 3.00 37.00 _____________________ .. 220515 Analysis“ .......................................... .. 9,30 4.47 I 2.13 72.53 9.29 1.73 72W Corn Chop 9.00 3.50 1 3.00 A 70.00 ...................... .. 2205( Analysis“ .......................................... _. 10.29 4.16 2.01 73.19 9.21 1.15 455W Ray’s Hatchery and Feed Store, l Wichita Falls, Texas. 1 “Economy” Brand Egg Mash with I | Oyster Shell ...................................... -_ 18.00 3.50 I 8.00 48.00 ...................... .. 24311 Analysis .............................................. _. 20.02 5.80 7.06 51.83 7.69 7.60 3381 19% “Economy” Brand Dairy Feed... 19.00 3.50 10.00 53.00 ...................... __ 24311 Analysis 22.90 5.40 10.28 50.45 5.56 5.41 24311 Rea Milling Company, Abernathy, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed ................................ .. 17.00 3.50 3.50 53.00 ...................... .. 8481 Analysis?“ ................................ .. _ 18.50 3.61 I 6.89 57.50 9.73 3.77 237i Analysis?“ ........................................ .. 19.83 3.54 6.09 59.93 6.96 3.65 433i Rea’s De Luxe Brand Cow Feed with Limestone 17.50 3.30 11.00 43.00 ...................... .. 8481 Analysis .............................................. .. 19.18 4.13 8.86 53.84 7.24 6.75 311 Rea-Patterson Milling Company, The, Coffeyville, Kansas. Dixie Special Scratch Feed .................. -. 9.50] 3.00 4.00 67-00 ...................... _. 189‘ Analysiszw“ _ .................................... _. 11.56 2.89 1.94 71.21 11.08 1.32 4031 S. and P. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings ___________________________________________ -- 16.00 3.50 5.50 61-00 ...................... .. 189' Analysis?" ........................................ _. 16.79 | 4.08 6.26 57.64 10.99 4.24 1941 Dixie Special Egg Mash with, l Qygter shell ______________________________________ _. 13.00 3.50 8.00 50.00 ...................... .. 1891 Analysismsb ...................................... _. 19.01 3.66 6.19 53.74 10.33 7.07 4051 Ground Whole Oats .......... .. 11.00 17.00 12-00 58-00 ______________________ .. 139 111.511.5131“ ....................................... -. 15.54 3.51 9.67 e1.24[ 6.39 3.59 2421 "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. dSampled before registration. BHWheat brown shorts. 2T5Wheat gray shorts. 276Barley claimed, not found. 277Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 279Alfalfa meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 169 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Clgude Crude Crlgde Nin-o- Mois- Crude spection r0- Fat Fi er gen-free ture Ash No. tein ' Extract, Rea-Patterson Milling Company, The, ' ‘Coffeyville, Kansas—Continued. I Sweetheart Egg Mash with Oyster Shell ______________________________________________________ __ 18.00 4.00 7.00 51.00 ___________________ _, 189Q Analysismghd ...................................... ._ 20.07 4.27 5.84 51.97 8.40 9.45 421W Sweetheart Brand Mixed Corn Chop” 9.00 3.50 3.0’) 70.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,_ 189R Analysismwd" ...................................... _. 10.01 3.72 2.06 71.86 11.13 1.22 404W Reardon Grain and Produce Company, ) Mason, Texas. Reardon’s Dairy Feed . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ __ 20.00 I 4.00 11.00 I 47.00 I ______________________ 2412A Analysis . . . . _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _, 18.65 4.91 11.83 52.91 5.85 5.85 382W Analysis ______________________________________________ ,_ 20.45 4.83 8.82 52.40 8.22 5.28 464W Reaves Milling Company, The, I Anthony, New Mexico. Alfalfa Stem Meal and Molasses ______ __ 7-80 0.60 32.00 37.00 _____________________ .. 19881‘ Analysis“ ___________________________________________ __ 10.45 .76 24.80 46.63 9.41 7.95 377K Reck, Angelo, Mingus, Texas. Angelo Reck’s Laying Mash ____________ _, 18-00 3-60 7-00 50.00 ...................... .. 797A Analysis ______________________________________________ _> 18.18 l 5.20 5.71 56.90 8.12 5.89 306K Redland Feed Company, | San Augustine, Texas. I Cream-O Mixed Feed ____________________________ __ 19-80 3-70 11-00 47-00 ---------------------- -. 73A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.33 4.28 7.54 54.58 7.70 6.57 57M Red Star Milling Company, The, General Mills, Inc., Wichita, Kansas. Red Star Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings _________________________________________ ._ 16-00 I 4-30 5-50 57-00 --------------------- ~ 351G Ana1y5js281 ________________________________________ __ 17,58 4,74 6.47 56.31 10.09 4.81 139M Starting Mash ........................................ .. 18-00 4-00 5-00 50-00 ---------------------- » 351T Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ Red Star Chick Ration All-Mash with Buttermilk, Cod Liver Oil and Limestone ............................................ .. 16.00 4-00 7-00 55-00 ....................... 1 351V Ana1ysi5____ ____________________________________ __ 17,84 5,93 $.99 6.44 351V Analysisd“ __________________________________________ _, 17,64 5.28 6.47 52.73 9.05 8.83 219s "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Sampled before registration. “Portion of shipment removed from sale. 279Blank tags attached. Used by dealer in feeding own stock. 28°Blank tags attached. 281Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 170 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ] 1 | 01- In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude lCrude I Crude] Nitro- M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free I ture Ash No. tein Extract Reed, G. H., Mart, Texas. I _ Laying Mash with Oyster Shell and Charcoal 18.50 3.50 6.00 45.00 ____________________ __ 252A Analysis“ _________________________________________ _. 18.98 3.81 8.16 49.89 9.41 9.75 300W Dairy Feed containing Limestone... 18.00 3.70 15.00 53.00 ______________________ _, 252B Analysis“ ........................................ .. 18.10 4.49 12.68 49.30 10.31 5.12 301W Baby Chick All-Mash Starter with l I Charcoal and Limestone .................. .. 18.00 \ 3.60 \ 6.00 51.00 ______________________ n‘ 252C Analysis .............................................. _. 20.40 6.57 6.44 50.73 7.55 8.31 ' 252C Chick Growing Mash with Charcoal I I and Limestone _ ................................ .. 17.00 l 3.50 5.00 50.00 ______________________ ,_ 252E AnaIYQlQ- 17.41 | 4.30 4.65 58.84 9.17 5.63 412W Revier and Company, Mills, Italy, Texas. Revier’s O. K. Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal __ _________________________________ _. 19.50 3.80 6.00 48.00 ...................... .. 2432A Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 20.90 5.09 5.08 50.60 10.39 7.94 255W Rhome Milling Company, Rhome, Texas. Wheat Bran, Corn Bran, Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings ____________________ __ 15-20 4.80 10.00 54-50 ...................... .. 12E Analysis“ ___________________________________________ __ 15.79 4.83 10.00 55.64 8.11 5.63 418K Wheat White $110115" 14.50 3.00 3.50 00.00 ...................... .. 12F Analysis?“ ________________________________ __ 13.81 1.80 1.43 71.68 10.03 1.25 315R Rice Growers Distributing Company, El Campo, Texas. Shanghai Sweet Feed ___________________________ _. 9.00 2.00 19.00 44.00 ..................... _. 837B Analysis .............................................. .. 9.25 I 2.95 11.72 56.60 8.97 10.51 369K Rich, B. T” San Saba, Texas. Ground Whole Oats .............................. .. 11.00 4-00 12-00 58-00 ---------------------- -- 720E Analysis“ .......................................... .. 11.92 5.84 13-10 57-39 l 7-77 3-93 26W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.02 5.94 10.63 58.92 9.91 3.58 219W Richmond Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Richmond, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........... .. 43-00 | 6-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- ~ 1333A Analysis ............................................. .. 43-99 1 6.17 9-22 , 27-95 7-05 5-62 42M Analysis 45.38 6.80 10.40 25.22 6.23 5.97 388M “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. 282Low grade flour. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 171 Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I _ I _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude [Crude Crude Nitro- Mo1s- Crude spectlon Pro- I Fat Fiber gen-free] ture Ash No. tein Extract I I I Richmond Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Richmond, Texas—Continued. I 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed I Cake 46.00 6.00 I 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 1338B Analysis ______________________________________________ -. 43.70 I 5.71 I 10.88 I 25.95 8.31 I 5.45 209M I Riley Feed Manufacturing Company, I I I I I Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Circle “R” Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone ___________________________________________ __ 2.4.00 3.50 12.00 I 1.3.00 I ...................... .1 236C Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 24.82 I 3.73 I 13.35 I 40.69 I 10.08 7.33 I 235C I Rio Grande Valley Cotton Oil Company, I Clint, Texas. Protein Cgttonseed Cake __________ __ 43.00 6-00 12-00 23.00 ______________________ __ Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 43.00 8.52 8.22 27.31 6.88 6.07 248K Risher Feed Mill, Borg-er, Texas. Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ........ .. 00-00 3-90 8-00 45-00 ---------------------- ~- 2419]: Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.14 5.33 7.11 47.26 7.36 10.80 _ 3538 All-Mash Chick Starter with Oyster Snell 17.00 3.70 5.00 51.00 ...................... .. 2419.1 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.25 4.83 5.05 56.41 7.74 7.72 354$ Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ...... .. 17-40 3-80 8-00 49-00 ---------------------- -- 2419K Analysis ___________________________________ __ 19.60 4.65 6.96 51.83 8.08 8.88 3558 Risher Dairy Feed ---- v 10-00 3-20 10-50 52-00 ---------------------- -- 24191‘ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.92 4.52 9.29 54.85 7.01 5.41 352$ Poultry Fattener .................................... __ 15-00 3-30 5-00 58-00 --------------------- -~ 2419M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16,92 4.72 3.55 61.85 8.69 4.27 3518 Robbins Brothers, Athens, Texas. Best Maid Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal .............................................. -- 19-50 4-20 3-00 40-00 ---------------------- »- 131315 Analysis. 18.70 6.32 7.25 48.89 10.04 8.80 313w Roberson Feed Store, Lockney, Texas. ' Corn Chop ................................. -. 9-00 3-50 3-00 70-00 ---------------------- -- 2414A Annlyss ____________________ _, 11.55 4.43 2.33 70.53 9.66 1.50 2668 Wheat Chop ............................................. _- 12-00 2-00 3-00 70-00 ---------------------- -- 2414B Analysis 16.89 1.79 2.60 68.14 8.51 2.07 46S I Roberts Mill and Elevator Company, I I Winters, Texas. Mid-West Egg Mash with Oyster Snell 19,00 4.00 7.50 48.50 ...................... _. 1167F Analysis 18.76 5.42 6.99 51.90 9.00 7.93 110K 172 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I l I _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nmo- I Mo1s- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract - I I I I Robinson Brothers, I Austin, Texas. I I I Robinson Brothers Scratch Feed ______ .. 10.00 I 2.50 3.50 70.00 _________ __________ _. 1647B Analysis283 ........................................ -. 10.29 I 3.28 I 1.93 73.34 I 9.73 I 1.43 98H Starting Mash with Buttermilk and I I I Oyster Shell ..... .._. ................................. _. 14.50 I 9.70 4.50 58.00 I _________ ._I __________ _, 164713 Analysis .............................................. .. 18.08 I 4.93 I 3.98 54.93 I 10.19 I 7.89 164713 Analysis 15.55 5.18 3.64 I 60.81 I 8.96 I 5.86 194H Robstown Oil Mill, I Robstown, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonsged Meal ______________ __ 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 I .......... ._ I .......... .. 727B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.55 6.46 12.14 25.40] 6.4aI 6.02 139H Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.25 6.04 11.69 27.52 ] 6.67 5.83 26611 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 43.38 7.26 11.54 24.88 I 6.53 I 6.41 363H Roddy Milling Company, I Corpus Christi, Texas. I v Corn Feed Meal ___________________________________ __ 9-00 3-50 3-00 70.00 ...................... .. 26271) Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 10.48 I 4.72 2.37 70.89 10.23 1.31 56H Blackland Special __ __ 11-00 3-00 5-50 63.00 ...................... .. 26271‘:- Analysis ______________________________________________ ,_ 13.93 3.85 4.79 66.47 7.64 3.32 264H Roddy’s Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 20-00 3-50 7-00 I 45-00 I .. .. ......... .. 2627F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.19 5.79 5.06 49.16 I 9.76 8.04 55H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.30 5.42 6.08 50.49 8.74 7.97 263K Kremo Dairy Feed with Limestone 17-00 3-00 13-00 46-00 ..................... ._ 26271 Analysis?“ ________________________________________ __ 15.19 3.11 10.24 57.39 9.10 4.97 26271 Analysis?“ ________________________________________ __ 15.44 3.26 7.67 56.05 10.74 6.84 136H Analysis 22.70 4.41 10.52 47.48 8.66 6.23 26211 I I Rogers, Inc., J. E., I I I Houston, Texas. Rogers’ Super-Fattener with I Oyster Shell ________________________________________ __ 12-00 3-50 6-00 58-00 ....................... .. 1587K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.64 4.43 5.11 61.27 9.11 4.44 272M Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 14.30 5.42 4.55 61.60 9.98 4.15 306M Rogers’ Ranger Mash with Oyster I I Shell 18.00 I 4.00 I 8.00 45.00 I ...................... 1 1587N Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 18.79 4.73 I 4.25 53.68 I 8.83 9.72 65M Rogers’ Special Fatner with I I Phosphatic Limestone __ 14.00 3.50 5.50 57.00 I ..................... __ 15870 Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 16.43 3.71 I 4.14 60.49 I 10.00 5.23 188M Rogers’ Royal Ration for Pigeons ...... _. 12-50 2.00 3.80 66-00 ..................... .. 1587P Analysis 13.53 2.09 I 2.88 67.64 I 11.83 2.03 229M 283Barley and sunflower seed claimed, not found. 284Wheat bran claimed, not found. 285M110 found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 173 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Rogers, Inc., J. E., Houston, Texas——Continued. Rogers’ Royal Ration Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ______________________________ _. 16.00 3.20 5.50 52.50 ______________________ _. 1587Q Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 18.10 5.03 4.14 56.28 9.66 6.79 66M Rogers’ Royal Ration Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ................................ __ 18.00 8.50 6.30 51.00 ______________________ _, 1587R Analysis .............................................. -. 18.01 5.55 5.46 55.16 8.88 6.94 64M Rogers’ Royal Ration All-Mash with Oyster Shell ....................................... .. 17.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 ...................... __ 1587T Analysiszs" __ .................................. _. 19.44 5.45 4.15 54.79 9.28 6.89 153M Analysis 20.26 6.13 4.52 51.66 10.01 7.42 228M Rogers’ (Triple X) XXX Growing Mash with Oyster Shell .................... _. 15.00 3.50 6.60 51.00 ______________________ ,_ 1587V Analysis ............................................. .. 17.70 5.36 5.17 56.56 9.24 5.97 307M Ropes Feed Company, Ropesville, Texas. Ground Milo Heads ................................ ._ 8.00 2.50 8.00 65.00 ______________________ __ 1912B Analysis 10.35 2.82 i 6.28 69.84 7.65 3.06 248$ Rosebud Oil and Cotton Company, i Rosebud, Texas. i 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ 226C Analysis ___________________________________ __ 44.90 6.66 10.12 26.29 6.55 5 48 241M Analysis ______________________ __ _ _ 45.56 7.44 9.24 i 25.42 6.84 i 550 i 55W Analysisc ___________________________________________ .. 39.94 7.17 13.93 i 28.27 567 i 5 02 i 340W Analysis 44.08 i 7.85 i 9 93 26.02 i 6 75 i 5 37 445W Rotan Cotton Oil Mill, i i i Rotan, Texas. | i | i i 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... _. 43.00 i 6.00 | 12.00 | 2.9.00 i .......... .,| __________ U] 2231E Analysis” ............................................ .. 42.16 i 9.10 11.38 25.86 | 6.10 5.40 398K Rotan Hatchery, i Rotan, Texas. i Owens Live and Lay Brand Laying i Mash with Limestone and Charcoal 20-50 | 3.90 7.90 43.00 .......... .......... _. 1596B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 23.56 5.20 7.78 44.92 7.67 10.87 1596B Owens Live and Grow Brand Growing Mash with Limestone and Charcoal 18.50 4.00 5.70 48.00 ...................... .. 1596C Analysis 22.14 5.53 5.62 49.85 i 8.07 8.79 1596C "Refund paid. “Registration adjusted. "eCod liver oil found, not claimed. 174 BULLETIN NO. 467. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent I Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I _ I _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nmo- M01s- Crude Ispectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-freeI ture Ash I No. tein ExtractI "I I Rudy-Patrick Seed Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Oh-Boy Feeding Oatmeal _____________________ _. 14.00 5.00 4.00 56.00 _____________________ __ 2121R AHalYSiS“ --------------------------- -- 15.98 5.43 1.35 I 66.85 8.64 1.75 151M 34% Protein Linseed Meal __________________ __ 34.00 6.00 0.00 I 35.00 _______________________ 2121z Analysis --------------------------------------------- -- 37.91 4.87 7.80 34.39 I 9.10 5.93 435W Corn Germ Meal ...................................... -. 13.00 6.00 11.00 44.50 _____________________ 2121.41 Analysis .............................................. __ 20.59 7.44 10.91 51.79 I 7.60 I 1.67 7W Atlas Rolled Oats ........................ _. 16.00 6.00 1.50 65.00 _____________________ 1] 2121A2 Analysis“ ________________________________ ._ 16.90 I 6.30 1.70 63.78 9.50 1.82 I 222K Analysis“ ____________________________________________ _- 16.10 I 6.30 1.46 65.17 9.25 1.72 384W Ruhmann Grain and Seed Company, Waco, Texas. Texas Queen Dairy Feed with Dicalcium Phosphate ________________________ -- 24.00 4.20 11.00 43.00 ______________________ __ 1640L Analysis -------------------------------------------- -- 21.59 3.72 8.62 48.66 10.90 6.51 . 192W Texas Queen Egg Mash with Butter- milk, Charcoal and Dicalcium Phos- phate . 20.00 3.50 6.50 50.00 ______________________ 1 1640? Analysis ---------------------------------------------- -- 21.95 5.11 6.46 51.09 7.54 7.85 3W ADS-lYSlS ----------------------------------------------- -- 21.01 5.46 6.23 51.17 8.98 7.16 193W Analysis ------------------------------------- -- -- 21.84 6.08 6.49 50.13 7.59 7.87 474W Alfalfa-Molasses Feed .......................... _- 9.50 1.00 20.00 45.50 ..................... ._ 1640V Analysis 12.32 .66 24.97 42.31 I 11.44 8.30 164W Radio Sweet Feed .................................. .. 9.00 2.00 10.00 55.00 l ______________________ _. 1640B4 Analysis .............................................. .. 8.50 .98 10.85 57.41 13.52 8.74 1640B4 Analysis .............................................. __ 8.22 1.18 11.08 59.64 11.24 8.64 407W Rule Cotton Oil Mill, I ' Rule, Texas. Ruco Mixed Feed No. 1 ...................... -_ 13.00 1.37 41.00 2.9.00 ______________________ __ 702E Analysis 12.25 2.70 37.23 39.93 4.65 3.24 I 448K Russell, E. L., Breckenridge, Texas. Russell's Egg Mash with Oyster Shell and Charcoal .................................... _- 19.00 8.50 7.00 50.00 ...................... _. 7221 Analysis 20.55 4.36 6.58 I 50.00 I 8.61 I 9.90 121K Saginaw Gin Company, Saginaw, Texas. Whole Oat Chop ______________________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ...................... .. 962B Analysis ............................................. -- 11.20 6.15 11.14 60.22 7.27 4.02 11W Ground Whole Oats and Molasses ...... ._ 9.50 3.00 10.50 59.00 ...................... _. 962D Analysis 10.55 6.04 10.40 I 58.87 10.04 4.10 231W “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 175 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I ‘ | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crude Nin-o- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber ‘gen-free ture Ash No. I tein JExtract Sain Feed Company, Ed., I Granbury, Texas. Whole Oat Chop ..................................... __ 11.00 ] 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ _, 1714B Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 10.89 5.45 11.51 59.73 8.54 3.88 355W Saint and Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Rolled Whole Oats __________________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ __ 2275D Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 11.97 4.17 9.49 60.25 10.79 3.33 223M Square-Deal Brand Stock Feed__ 11.00 2.40 20.00 47.00 ______________________ _, 2275H Analysis ............................................. .. 12.01 4.27 15.94 54.41 7.83 5.54 10M Rice Hulls, Molasses, Rice Bran, Al- falfa Stem Meal, Corn Chop and Salt 6.30 2.60 21.50 43.00 _____________________ __ 22751 Analysis .............................................. .. 7.20 2.49 17.83 49.35 10.23 12.90 111M Corn Feed Meal ________________________________________ __ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 2275K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.73 7.94 ~ 3.60 65.49 8.61 2.63 363M Saint's Special Dairy Feed __________________ _, 24-00 4.00 12.00 41.00 ...................... .. 2275M Analysis?" ________________________ __ __ 24.18 5.03 7.85 47.16 10.19 5.59 130M Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 23.99 6.01 8.43 47.49 8.56 5.52 380M Hominy Feed ___________________________________________ __ 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 _____________________ _. 2275W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.76 9.96 7.76 60.71 7.20 2.61 362M Keno Stock Feed ____________________________________ _, 9-00 3.00 22.00 44.00 ______________________ _. 2275198 Analysis 9.70 2.28 24.06 43.69 13.67 6.60 318M Alfalfa Stem Meal, Molasses and 4 San; 9.00 l 1.00 27.00 40.00 ______________________ _, 2275B2 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.30 .53 21.15 48.30 12.16 7.56 73M Buckhorn Brand Laying Mash _________ ., 18.00 3.50 8.00 47.20 ______________________ .. 2275B8 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.20 5.57 6.94 50.48 8.73 9.08 101M Corn Bran ______________________________________________ __ 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 _____________________ _. 2275C1 Analysis .............................................. _. 11.52 10.58 8.92 59.14 7.05 2.79 181M Mother Goose Brand Fattening Mash 14-50 4-30 3.50 60.00 ...................... .. 2275C2 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16.12 4.39 2.65 61.26 9.82 5.76 22750.2 Analysis ___________________________________ __ 15.40 5.20 2.37 64.03 8.23 4.77 309M Salado Mills, | Salado, Texas. ' Wheat Bran and Screenings ______________ __ 15.00 I 3.00 10.00 50.00 ______________________ __ 5A Analysis .............................................. .. 13.88 i 4.61 i 9.41 i 59.45 i 8.09 4.56 41W Salley Company, J. H., Liberal, Kansas. Salley’s Egg Mash with Limestone 19.00 4.50 7.00 50.00 ....................... .. 1194C Analysis ______ __. ______________________________________ _, 20.08 4.96 4.46 53.91 7.01 9.58 1194C Salley’s Chick Mash with Limestone 17.00 4.50 5.00 50.00 . ____________________ .. 1194D Analysis 17.87 5.83 4.41 56.28 7.28 8.33 1194D Analysis 17.36 5.28 3.49 56.90 8.50 8.47 297s Analysis 16.83 5.41 3.46 59.12 7.75 7.43 414S "7Deficient in ground whole oats. 176 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ ‘ _ » or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nmo- Mois- Crude spection _ Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract San Angelo Cotton Oil Company, Inc., i I San Angelo, Texas. I i 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _, 43-00 i 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ _. 843F Analysis” ___________________________________ __ 41-70 I 6.59 12-97 i 26.70 7.41 4.63 93K Analysisc .... _. _ 36.81 } 7.16 15.61 I 29.25 6.77 4.40 97K Analysis” ____________________________________________ _. 42-37 8.50 11.96 26.73 6.05 4.39 271K 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ____________ __ 43.00 I 6.00 12.00 i 28.00 ______________________ __ 843G Analysis” ............................................ _. 42.20 i 6.25 13.66 l 27.57 5.79 4.53 101K Analysiszs" ______________________________________ ._ 43.62 6.53 11.65 i 27.40 6.31 4.49 102K Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 43.90 i 6.57 12.04 1 27.83 4.86 4.80 264K l San Antonio 011 Works, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ _, 43-00 i 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 930E Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43-27 I 6.35 12.41 27.58 4.99 ] 5.40 I 403H San Benito Feed Company, San Benito, Texas. Sterling Feed containing Molassesm, 20-00 5-00 10.50 43.20 ______________________ _. 1769F Analy5is239 ________________________________________ __ 19-20 3.89 8.51 50.14 12.12 6.14 149H Shurnuf Brand Laying Mash ______________ __ 21-00 3-80 6-00 46-50 ...................... __ 17691 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 23.79 5.26 5.62 48.56 8.43 8.34 279H Delta, Sweet Feed __________________________________ _. 11-90 3.60 13-80 50-00 ...................... .. 1769L Analysiszlw __________________________________ __ 15-02 3-38 7.84 57.27 10.37 6.12 148K Analysis ___________________________________ _. _ 13.30 6.32 9.65 51.39 11.34 8.00 278H Mocake Brand Mixed Feed__ ...._ 13.00 4.00 20.00 41.00 ...................... .. 1769N Analysiswl ________________________________________ .. 17.43 3.74 15.96 48.20 9.33 5.34 147H Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 14.65 4.71 17.51 48.07 8.63 6.43 277K Sanger Mill and Elevator Company, Sanger, Texas. Wheat Bran, Corn Bran and Wheat Screening": 15-40 3.50 9-75 54.50 ...................... .. 651C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 15.58 3.78 10.25 56.00 8.59 5.80 280R Wheat Brown Shorts ____________________________ __ 17.50 4.50 7.50 53.00 ______________________ .. 651D Analysis292 ________________________________________ __ 16.52 4.59 5.97 61.27 8.31 3.34 5K Analysisz9z ________________________________________ __ 15.19 4.02. 4.81 63.66 9.17 3.15 323R wheat White Shorts ______________________________ _. 14.50 3.00 3.50 60.00 ...................... .. 651E Analysis 15.20 4.01 1.97 66.31 10.65 1.86 277R Blue B Chicken Mash with Limestone ............................................ .. 14-80 3-60 8-00 53-00 ---------------------- -» 051p Analysis 15.82 4.22 4.23 61.16 9.50 5.07 171R "Refund paid. "Bshort in weight. Portion of 100 pounds net. ZWDeficient in rice bran. shipment removed from sale and each sack made to weigh 29°Rice bran, oat hulls, oat shorts and oat middlings claimed, not found. Wheat bran found, not claimed. 2°1Wheat bran substituted for rice bran. "zwheat gray shorts and screenings. COMMERCIAL [FEEDING STUFFS 177 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or| I I _ I _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. [Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- Mois- Crude spection ‘ Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract Sanger Mill and Elevator Company, Sanger, Texas——Continued Blue B Chicken Mash with Lime- stone—Continued I .. I Analysis .............................................. __ 15.60 I 4.27 “ 4.52 60.19 10.03 5.39 279R San-Tex Dairy Feed with Limestone 17.50 I 3.60 I 8.00 51.00 I ______________________ _, 651X Analysis ............................................. .. 16.37 I 5.33 I 7.85 ' 57.80 $.19 | 4.46 I 114K San Marcos Oil Mill, I San Marcos, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _. 43.00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________________ __ 528I Analysis2°3 ........................................ .. 43.23 9.31 9.66 25.58 6.68 5.54 2021-1 Analysis ............................................. .. 44.25 7.21 10.00 26.37 6.68 5.49 203H Analysis .............................................. .. 44.74 7.53 8.72 26.62 6.75 5.64 314H I Satex Seed Company, Inc., I San Antonio, Texas. Omala Egg Mash with charc0alflflflh. 18.00 ‘ 4.00 8.00 48.00 ______________________ .. 8110 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 21.76 I 6.18 I 6.79 46.85 I 8.93 9.49 250K Scheff Brothers, Marlin, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ................... .. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 ...................... .. 2612B Analysis“ .......................................... .. 9.48 3.28 8.97 67.86 8.12 2.29 185W Schlaudt, L. W., Fredericksburg, Texas. Hill Country Laying Mash with Sul- phur, Charcoal and Oyster Shell... 18.00 I 3.50 I 6.00 52.00 ______________________ .. 2602A Analysis _______________________________________________ _, 20.50 I 5.97 I 5.84 49.09 8.59 I 10.01 184H Schloeman, Ed. H., Gatesville, Texas. Chicktown Special Chick Starter ______ __ 15.00 3.70 4.00 58.00 ______________________ _. 1290A Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 16.68 I 4.23 I 2.76 63.53 9.69 3.11 I 1290A l Schreiber Milling and Grain Company, I Saint Joseph, Missouri. S¢hreiber’s Rolled Oat Groats 16.00 5.00 1.80 61.00 ______________________ __ 2374B6 Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 15.82 7.94 1.96 63.90 8.57 1.81 374M Analysiszub ...................................... .. 15.71 8.30 1.82 63.83 8.52 1.82 375W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. dSampled before registration. 2°3Cottonseed cake. 294Blank tags attached. 178 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION "Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l l _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pr_o- I Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tem Extract Schulenburg Oil Mill, I Schulenburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ __ 42.00 l 0.00 12.00 20.00 ...................... _, 403B Analysis 48.13 I 7.29 7.09 25.50 6.11 5.88 326E Analysis 7 49.57 l 8.23 6.08 24.26 6.00 5.86 3951i Schultz Grain Company, Fabens, Texas. Schultz’s Prize Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.70 8.00 48.00 ...................... __ 2468A Analysis 18.66 i 5.59 7.29 52.43 7.68 8.35 58K Schultz's Quality Brand Laying Mash with Dried Buttermilk and Oyster i Shell 19.50 3.60 6.50 44.00 ______________________ _. 2468B Analysis“ __________________________________________ __ 21.22 6.36 5.92 48.21 7.02 11.27 59K Analysis 22.30 5.80 5.89 47.77 6.86 11.38 381K Schumacher Oil Works, The H., u Navasota, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1 _______________ __ 43.00 0.00 I 12.00 l 20.00 ...................... .. 803C Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 43.20 6.61 9.25 28.99 6.48 5.47 1M Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.75 L 7.62 9.30 26.99 7.12 5.22 141M Analysis 44.00 l 6.79 9.74 27.15 6.51 5.81 200M Analysis ___________________________________________ _. 44.07 I 6.96 | 9.34 26.89 I 7.07 5.67 263M Scott Brothers Grain Company, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas. Cackelo Egg Mash with Charcga] ______ _, 19-00 4.00 5.35 50.00 ....................... .. 69C Analysis 19.78 5.84 5.40 49.85 10.25 8.88 196M Milkelg Dairy Feed ____________________ ________ 22.00 3.50 13.00 45.00 ...................... _. 69f Analysis 21.22 4.17 11.77 I 48.16 8.52 6.16 128M Cackelo Growing Mash with Charcoal, Buttermilk and Oyster Shell,_____________ 17.00 4.00 6.00 50.00 ...................... _. 69F Analysis 17.75 4.17 5.31 54.52 8.36 9.89 390B Sunny South Egg Mash with Charcoal 18.50 3.50 6.50 49.00 ...................... ._ 69V Analysis 19.50 4.60 6.07 51.71 9.42 8.70 1891i Analysis 20.01 5.29 5.61 51.12 8.80 9.17 106E Analysisz“ ________________________________________ _. 19.38 5.30 5.59 51.26 9.19 9.28 176W Pig suey with Chargoal ______________________ __ 20.00 3.70 7.00 46.00 ______________________ __ 69A: Analysis 20.20 4.38 6.84 51.59 9.47 7.52 127M Analysis 20.96 3.83 5.98 51.03 8.34 9.86 9W Cackelo All-Mash Starting Feed with I Dicalcium Phosphate and Charcoal. 13.50 3.50 5.00 57.00 ...................... .. 69B! Analysis 15.84 4.44 4.27 59.63 10.57 5.25 69B! Analysis¢______________________________________________ 1 6 . 30 4. 2 3 4.76 59. 99 9 .44 5.28 3221i Analysis 15.48 3.77 4.58 61.38 9.52 5.27 303“ “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. 2°5Yel1ow corn meal found, not claimed. Milo meal claimed, not found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 179 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract Scott Brothers Grain Company, Inc., I Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. I Skinflint Special Sweet Feed with I Oyster Shell ________________________________________ __ 9.50 I 1.25 12.00 52.00 ...................... ._ 69B9 I I Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ __ 8.88 1.33 14.98 54.40 11.52 8.89 69B9 Analysis ____________________________________ __ 8.54 1.31 13.73 56.21 10.05 10.16 288K Analysis ............................... ._ .-.__ 10.02 1.36 11.96 54.66 10.91 11.09 378M Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 8.90 I 1.31 13.60 54.87 12.54 8.78 393W Depression-Buster Brand Dairy Feed I with Oyster Shell ______________________________ __ 21-00 4-00 I 10.00 45-00 .......... ..| __________ .. 6901 Analysis 121.30 I 5.22 I 10.15 47.80 I 10.22 I 5.31 69C1 Analysis 19.34 4.26 9.96 49.11 I 9.56 7.77 289K Cackelo Protein Supplement contain- I ‘ ing Dicalcium Phosphate, Dried Buttermilk and Oyster Shell __________ __ 32.50 I 4.50 I 6.50 28.00 ..................... .. 69C2 Analysis 34.00 5.86 I 6.12 30.04 7.06 16.92 69C2 Scott and Walling, I I Childress, Texas. I I . 53.00 ______________________ _. 921E Presidio, Texas. Wheat Bran 14.50 3.00 10.00 Analysisz” _______________________________________ __ 15.10 4.27 9.29 50.00 ______________________ __ 613B 58.06 7.58 5.70 613B Wheat Bran ____________________________ __ 14.50 3.00 10.00 I Analysis?" ..-_. __ 18.14 3.59 5.62 60.19 8.98 3.48 2S Ana1ysis29° ________________________________________ __ 19.46 3.45 5.81 58.73 8.73 3.82 133s Wheat Gray Shorts .................................. ._ 15.00 2.50 5.50 57.00 ...................... _. 921G Analysis?” _______________________________________ __ 16.35 1.87 1.17 70.31 9.24 1.06 3S Analysis?” ________________________________________ __ 17.93 2.68 2.76 64.53 9.93 2.17 1323 Analysis?" ________________________________________ __ 18.06 2.61 2.73 I 64.16 10.45 1.99 273$ Sealy Grist Mill, Sealy, Texas. Corn Chop ................................................ _. 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ______________________ _. 233A Analysis .............................................. .. 11.48 4.79 2.48 71.64 8.25 L36 337M Sealy Oil Mill and Manufacturing Company, I Sealy, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .............. .. 1.3.00 6.00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- -- 1449C Analysis 44.98 6.02 9.54 I 27.42 6.48 5.56 24M Analysis 44.10 6.04 10.29 I 26.77 7.11 5.69 100M Seggerman, Fred, I 2°°Wheat gray shorts. 2°7Low grade flour. 2°8Ground Wheat, wheat bran and wheat white shorts found. 299Screenings found. 180 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analysis of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guarantees are primed in italics following brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- l tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I 1 I l _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mo1s- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract ~ Seguin Cotton Oil Company, Seguin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ _. 43.00 6.00 I 12.00 23.00 I _____________________ 673A Analysis" ............................................ _. 42.35 i 6.51 I 11.61 i 26.68 | 7.57 | 5.28 I 180H Analysis .............................................. _. 42.63 I 6.78 I 11.19 l 27.67 1 6.49 1 524 i 207H Analysis .............................................. .. 43.09 6.61 11.48 26.77 6.84 l 5.21 391K 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake ................................ .. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ __ 673B Analysis .............................................. .. 43.04 5.81 _ 10.06 29.60 6.27 5.22 23H Analysis 44.22 6.50 10.46 28.03 5.31 5.48 209K Seguin Milling and Power Company, Seguin, Texas. White House Laying Mash with But- termilk, Charcoal and Dicalcium Phosphate ___________________________________________ _._ 20-00 3.50 6.50 47.00 ______________________ __ 103P Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 21.53 5.53 5.61 50.67 7.65 9.01 100H Analysis 21.25 5.50 5.78 49.35 8.07 10.05 330H Analysis 21.44 5.65 5.25 49.70 8.68 9.28 360H Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 21.15 3.98 5.86 51.25 8.33 9.43 257K White House 24% Protein Dairy Feed with Dicalcium Phosphate ______________ _. 24.00 4.00 11.00 41.00 ...................... .. 103T Analysis 23.69 I 4.01 9.57 | 46.05 I 10.44 6.24 131H Analysis 23.89 4.16 8.89 l 46.21 9.56 I 7.29 319H Analysis 25.08 4.49 8.99 45.58 8.78 7.08 85K Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 23.89 4.15 8.69 48.39 8.24 6.64 119M Analysis .............................................. __ 24.60 4.55 9.72 44.52 9.49 7.12 212W Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings,“ 16-50 3.50 6.00 57.00 .......... ._| .......... _. 103V Analysis 17.20 3.67 4.33 62.42 9.31 3.07 49H Analysis 16.46 4.07 4.94 59.28 11.70 3.55 251K White House Chick Starter with Charcoal, Dicalcium Phosphate, Cod Liver Oil and Dried Buttermilk ...... _. 16.00 4.00 4.50 54.00 ...................... .. 103X Analysis 17.08 6.46 3.22 58.10 9.64 5.50 115H White House Growing Mash with Charcoal, Dicalcium Phosphate, Cod Liver Oil and Dried Buttermilk .... .. 17.00 4.20 5.50 54.00 ______________________ __ 103Y Analysis 17.90 5.96 4.32 56.89 8.46 6.47 329H “Economy” Brand Cow Feed with Digalcium Phosphate ________________________ __ 17.00 3.00 11.50 49.50 ...................... __ 103A3 Analysis 17.20 3.23 11.33 50.70 10.42 7.12 99H Analysis 18.96 3.44 9.36 52.91 8.08 7.25 84K White House Poultry Fattener ............ .. 14.00 4.50 6.00 56.00 ...................... .. 103A7 Analysis 18.27 6.12 5.46 57.56 8.87 3.72 25111 Moneyworth Brand Mixed Feed with Limestone .............................. .__.-_-.. 10-50 1-80 12-00 43-00 ---------------------- -- 103133 Analysis 13.09 2.51 10.99 57.72 8.15 7.54 28H Analysis 11.75 1.90 11.44 56.29 12.45 6.17 138K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. cRefund paid. COMMERCIAL FEEDING .STUFFS 181 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or t I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Clrude Ciude (grade Nit?» Mois- Cgulclle Spggtion ro- a 1 er gen- ree ure s o. l tein Extract Seguin Milling and Power Company, Seguin, Texas—Continued. “Economy” Brand Scratch Feed ______ __ 10.50 2.60 4.00 68.00 ______________________ .. 103135 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 12.09 3.07 2.76 72.31 8.15 1.62 77K “Economy” Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal and Dicalcium Phosphate 10.00 3.50 7.50 48.00 ................ _. .... __ 103B6 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 19.95 5.87 6.26 51.75 7.81 8.36 114H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.69 5.29 4.99 52.76 9.32 7.95 313K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.48 5.68 5.94 51.19 9.08 8.63 317H Texas Cowboy Sweet Feed with Limestone _________________________ _____ 9.00 1.50 14.50 46.30 ....................... _. 103C3 Analysis____ _____ __ 10.55 2.06 12.28 56.61 9.61 8.89 7H Analysis ____________________________________ __ 10.77 1.59 13.73 53.98 11.37 8.56 137H Westex Steer Feed ____________________ __ ___ 9.70 2.70 6.30 64.00 ...................... _. 103D1 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 10.82 3.77 4.87 70.34 | 796 I 2.24 76K Alamo Mixed Feed __________________________________ __ 9.00 3.00 8.00 58.00 __________ __________ _, 103D2 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.39 3.63 7.64 61.05 10 42 6.87 6H White House Laying Mash with But- I termilk, Charcoal, Dicalcium Phos- phate and Cod Liver Oil __________________ __ 20.00 3.50 0.50 47.00 ...................... _. 103D3 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 21.10 6.26 5.37 49.08 8.86 9.33 77M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.10 6.01 5.33 50.15 8.23 9.18 310M Dairy-Lass Brand Bulky Sweet Feed I with Limestone ________________________________ _:_,__ 9.00 2.00 18.00 49.00 ...................... _. 103D4 Analysis3°° ____ __ 9.08 1.35 19.06 50.67 7.90 I 11.94 346H i w ' . Serv-Us Feed Mills, Fort Worth, Texas. Serv-Us Egg Mash with Charcoal and Oyster Shell __________________________________________ __ 18.00 3.50 6.50 50.00 ...................... .. 2404F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.51 4.74 5.76 52.87 8.67 8.45 110W Serv-Us Starter with Buttermilk and Limgstone ____________________________________________ ___ 10.00 3.50 4.30 55.00 ______________________ __ Analysisiwl _______________ h 18.33 4.50 3.43 58.31 9.68 5.75 442W Serv-Us Alfalfa. Meal.“ 13.00 1-50 33-00 35-00 ---------------------- .. 2404Q Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 13.46 2.25 28.23 42.22 6.95 6.89 16W Make-Em-Lay Brand Mash with Limestone _____________________________________________ __ 20.00 3.90 6.80 47.00 ...................... _. 2404R- Analysig ____________________________________________ __ 21.59 5.66 6.47 49.97 7.30 9.01 305W Seymour Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Seymour, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... -. 43-00 0-00 f 12-00 91-00 ------ ----- -» Analysis 43.39 7.26 12.79 2 .18 . 7 .81 4 Analysis 43.42 7.09 13.11 25.78 5.14 5.46 428K Analysis 43.65 7.49 12.28 26.12 5.44 5.02 436K 3°°Approximately 3% of sand found. 3°1Deficient in ground limestone. 182 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address 0f Manufacturer or 1 I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude ‘spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Shamrock Cotton Oil Company, Inc., | Shamrock, Texas. | 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed 1 Cake - 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ _, 1758A Analysis .............................................. __ 44.92 7.78 10.58 25.22 6.28 5.22 76S Analysis _________________________________ __ _ 43.10 5.71 11.39 27.94 7.07 4.79 295s 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal, __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...... ... ____________ __ 1758E Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 44.21 6.45 10.23 27.50 6.37 5.24 79S Analysis 43.01 6.56 12.11 27.34 6.19 4.79 80S Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.60 7.42 10.39 27.28 6.34 4.97 160S Analysis ............................................. __ 43.60 6.42 11.03 27.02 7.09 4.84 195$ Analysis ................................... _. 43.70 7.82 11.21 26.18 5.97 5.12 289$ Analysis ................................... __ _ 43.80 7.01 11.78 25.19 7.16 5.06 290$ Analysis .............................................. -. 43.31 6.01 11.69 25.67 8.40 4.92 348$ Shawnee Milling Company, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Hominy Feed ____________________________________________ ,_ 10.00 6.00 7.00 60.00 | ______________________ 670A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.53 7.74 7.86 63.31 5' 6.96 2.60 I 670A Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 12.13 8.55 5.87 62.27 8.47 2.71 408$ Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings..- 16.00 3.50 6.00 56.50 ..................... ._ 670D Analysis 17.88 5.01 4.45 58.97 10.14 3.55 505W Climax Chick Starter with Dicalcium Phosphate ......................... __ 15.00 4.00 5.00 60.00 ...................... .. 670K Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 16.91 5.19 4.22 58.15 9.24 6.29 409W Red Ball Dairy Feed with Limestone 15.00 3.00 14.50 4.9.00 ...................... _. 670$ Analysis ' 16.35 3.69 14.43 49.99 6.86 8.68 131W Climax Chick Feed __________________________________ __ 10.00 2.50 3.50 68.00 ...................... .. 670V Analysis“ ___________________________________ __ 11.46 2.84 1.65 72.61 10.17 1.27 408W More Milk Brand Dairy Feed wit Dicalcium Phosphate__----________._______ 20.00 4.00 12.00 46.00 ...................... _. 670A4 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 21.80 4.77 11.04 48.43 7.46 6.50 191M Corn Meal and Corn Bran __________________ __ 9.00 4.50 11.00 65.00 ...................... _. 670A6 Analysis3°2b ______________________________________ _. 11.52 7.64 7.50 62.69 8.06 2.59 1F Analysis3°2 ________________________________________ __ 12.15 8.48 6.35 62.54 7.94 2.54 311K Climax All-Mash with Limestone and Dicalcium Phosphate ........... “i? 15.50 3.50 6.00 52.00 ...................... .. 670B7 Analysis 16.10 4.70 5.39 56.91 10.42 6.48 670B’? Sherman-Magnolia Seed Company, Dallas, Texas. Booster Dairy Feedm.______________________.____. 17.50 3.00 11.70 49.20 ...................... .. 7421 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 19.90 4.49 8.99 53.18 8.50 4.94 72R Booster Egg Mash with Charcoal...__.- 18-50 3.50 6-50 50.00 ...................... __ 7421-1 Analysis 20.28 5.62 7.26 1 51.77 8.31 6.76 74R "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. 3°2Hominy feed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 183 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Sherman-Magnolia Seed Company, Dallas, Texas—Continued. 130081561‘ Laying Mash with Charcoal... 19.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ..................... .. 742S Analysis .............................................. .. 20.15 5.47 7.25 50.00 8.68 8.45 73R Sherman Oil Mill, The, I Sherman, Texas. M. M. M. Laying Mash ______________________ _, 18.00 3.50 7.00 1 50.00 ____________________ 261N Analysis 19.58 t 5.05 _ 5.21 52.94 I 9.80 7.42 l 142R l I Shiner Oil Mill and Manufacturing V I I| |{ Company, | Shiner, Texas. I ] 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43.00 6.00 12-00 23-00 .......... .......... .. 26717 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.98 6.45 9.43 27.65 7.26 5.23 116H Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 42.50 J 6.32 9.52 28.10 l 8.47 I 5.09 } 226K Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 43.00 6.31 10.96 27.42 6.99 5.32‘ | 396H l. Shuler Grain Company, Gonzales, Texas. All-Mash Starter with Buttermilk... 17-00 3-50 6-20 51-00 ...................... W 16331) Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.70 5,75 4.04 53,97 9,08 7.46 1633D Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 19.09 4.82 4.46 54.09 8.77 8.77 219H Laying Mash 18.00 3.70 6.50 52.00 ...................... .. 1633E Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 17.02 4.96 5.41 59.57 8.33 4.71 163315 Sikes, G. D., Iowa Park, Texas. Sikes Dairy Feed ______________________________________ _. 17-00 4-50 9-50 55-00 ---------------------- -- 163A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ Silverton Mill and Elevator Company, Silverton, Texas. Wheat Bran 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 ...................... .. 90L Analysisaoada ______________________________________ __ 17.05 3.66 5.30 59.20 10.75 4.04 | 276$ Analysis304 ________________________________________ ._ 16.69 4.70 6.66 62.91 4.60 4.44 I 406S I Simpson’s Mill and Feed Store, I Clarendon, Texas. Simpson’s All-In-One Egg Mash with _ Oyster Shall 19.00 3.80 8.00 45.00 ...................... _. 1676J Analy5i$3°5 21.22 5.10 7.00 47.80 6.83 12.05 4S Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 21.19 5.85 7.19 49.52 6.66 9.59 411$ "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Sampled before registration. 3°3S0me ground Wheat found. 3°4Corn bran found. 3°5Excess ground oyster shell found. J 184 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Simpson’s Mill and Feed Store, Clarendon, Texas—Continued. Simpson’s All-In-One Brand Chick Starter with Buttermilk and Oyster Shell 16-80 | 3-50 5.00 52.50 ______________________ _. 1676K Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 17.87 | 4.89 4.52 54.74 9.88 8.10 278S Simpson’s All-In-One Brand Cow I Feed with Limestone __________________________ _, 20-00 3.40 13.00 43-00 ..................... .. 1676L Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.70 4.47 12.56 48.05 7.23 6.99 345$ Simpson’s All-In-One Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ________________________________ _. 17-80 3-50 8.30 48-50 ______________________ ._ 1676N Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 20.05 i 5.13 i 7.49 52.67 6.84 7.82 412S Slaton Cotton Oil Company, Slaton, Texas. 43% Protein CQttQnseed Meal ______________ _. 43-00 0-00 12-00 I 23-00 ...................... .. 1118B Analysisc _______________________________ __ 41-75 8.48 12.92 27.50 4.75 4.60 38S Analysisv ___________________________ __ 40-35 9.04 13.91 27.62 4.68 4.40 45S Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 43.21 10.46 11.17 25.12 5.38 4.66 117S Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 44.72 7.45 10.73 26.39 6.05 4.66 118S Analysis. 43.42 7.77 10.90 27.34 5.88 4.69 214$ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43-60 7.77 12-35 26.39 5.08 4.81 246$ Analysis ______________________________________________ 1 43.53 8.28 11.44 27.36 4.65 4.74 300S I Sleeper, J. L., I I I I I Waco, Texas. Corn Feed Meal ________________________________________ _, 8-00 3-00 3-00 07-00 ...................... _. 238919 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 9.99 4.23 2.09 72.94 9.47 1.28 56W Grgund Whole Barley ____________________________ __ 11-00 1-50 0-00 65-00 ______________________ _. 2389-1 Analysis ‘ 8.83 1.87 6.18.. 70.96 9.23 2.93 8W Sleeo Egg Mash ________________________________________ __ 20-00 4-00 0-50 48-00 ..................... 1 2389K Analysis _______________________ _, 19-43 5.62 5.65 52.18 9.08 8.04 2389K Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 20.32 5.83 5.23 50.20 9.00 9.42 250W Smith, C. B., Walnut Springs, Texas. Smitlfs Chick Starter ____________________________ .. 17-00 4-40 4-20 54-00 ______________________ .. 2015A Analysis ______________________________________________ ,_ 17.60 4.83 6.05 56.10 8.60 6.82 452W Smith County Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, Tyler, Texas. 43% Prgtein Cottonseed Meal __________ _, 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 ...................... ._ 529A Analysis" ____________________________________________ _, 38-35 6-46 11-57 31-01. 6.99 5.62 55R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 44.43 6.86 8.42 27.70 6.52 6.07 198R Analysis _ 43.87 7.13 9.93 26.69 6.62 5.76 300E Analysisv ____________________________________________ _. 41-16 7.09 10.42 28.85 6.75 5.73 161W "Refund paid. COMMERCIAL lFEEDlNG STUFFS 185 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 ~ to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l l 01-111- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Smith Milling Company, G. B. R., Sherman, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ______________________________ __ 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ______________________ __ 1007A Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 17.80 5.30 6.13 56,61 9,79 4_37 91W Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 19.89 5.37 5.49 55.31 9.81 4.13 103W Wheat Bran and Screenings ________________ __ 10.00 3.50 10.00 50,00 _____________________ __ 10971 Analysis l 17.78 4.82 9.06 53.57 9.45 5.32 233R Wheat Gray Shorts and Screeningsm 17-00 4.00 0.00 55.00 ______________________ ,_ 1007V Analysisiloeh ________________________________________ _, 19.01 5.44 5.86 55.88 9.57 4.24 210H Analysis3°6b.__. ____> 19.45 v 5.31 6.13 55.71 9.07 4.33 145M Analysis , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 18.94 5.21 5.54 54.85 11.38 4.08 145R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.23 5.18 5.63 56.28 10.37 4.31 151R Analysis _____________________________________________ -. 18.74 5.00 5.61 55.88 10.66 4.11 173R Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 18.13 5.18 5.45 55.80 11.12 4.32 180R Analysis .............................................. __ 19.47 5.18 5.96 54.53 10.79 4.07 282R Analysis 18.85 5.09 5.83 56.61 9.54 4.08 489W Cream Top Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone ___________________________________ ___ 213.00 4.50 11.00 45.00 ______________________ ._ 1007A4 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 23-05 5.45 10.36 45.99 9.06 6.09 1007A4 Smith’s 5 Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 20.50 4.00 7.00 44.50 ______________________ __ 1007A5 Analysis .... _______________________________________ __ 21.15 5.88 5.80 48.24 9.60 9.33 1007A5 Screenings, Oat Hulls and Molasses. 8.20 l 1.50 12.50 60.00 ...................... _. 1007A6 Analysis .............................................. .. 8.45 l 1.52 12.26 58.31 13.72 5.74 1007A6 I Smithville Oil Mill Company, Smithville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........... ___ 43-00 6.00 12-00 23.00 ...................... .. 448C Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 44.77 8.73 7.99 25.95 6.44 6.12 10911 Analysis... . 45.36 8.48 7.01 26.33 6.64 6.18 1981-1 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 45.14 8.47 7.90 26.19 6.37 5.93 324H 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _____________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 448D Analysis ............................................ .- 45.30 l 8.08 7.58 26.42 6.53 l 6.09 325H Snelson’s Grocery and Feed Company, I Ysleta, Texas. Snelson’s Laying Mash with l l Limestone ____________________________________________ .. 18.50 3.50 6.50 40.00 ...................... ._l 2528A Analysis .............................................. .. 20.48 6.06 5.05 l 51.12 8.35 l 8.94 l 60K Snider Produce Company, I l Spearman, Texas. l Snider’s Chick Starter with Char- l coal and Limestone ............................ _- 17-60 3.40 5-50 52-50 ---------------------- 4 1835F Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 19.78 l 4.33 3.69 56.87 8.35 l 6.98 l 356$ "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Portion of shipment removed from sale. 3°6Tags incorrectly printed. 186 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude [Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Snider Produce Company, Spearman, Texas—Continued. Protein-Mineral Supplement for Dairy Feed with Limestone .......................... .. 29.00 4.00 7.50 28.00 ...................... ._ 18351 Analysis“ .......................................... _. 31.31 5.60 6.14 33.59 5.82 17.54 75S Southard Feed and Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Pulverized Whole Oats _________________________ _. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ __ 375A?! Analysisim” ______________________________________ .. 13.70 4.69 7.70 62.50 8.23 3.18 146W Red Spear Pulverized Oat Groats ..... ._ 15.50 6.00 2.50 66.00 ______________________ ._ 3'75B1 Analysis3°7b ...................................... .. 16.68 4.86 2.71 64.89 8.80 2.06 147W Red Spear Flaked Oat Greats ____________ __ 15.50 6.00 2.50 66.00 ______________________ __ 375B3 Analysis3°7b ______________________________________ _, 16.95 4.54 1.47 64.22 10.95 1.87 148W Southern Feed Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. Sunbeam All-Mash Chick Starter with Qystef Shell 18.00 3.80 6.00 50.00 _____________________ __ 294C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.90 5.04 5.29 56.63 8.05 6.09 431K Sunbeam 19% Protein Cow Feed ______ _. 19.00 4.50 10.50 48.00 ..................... .. 294H Analysis 20.07 6.05 10.18 51.31 7.75 4.64 432K Sunbeam Growing Mash with I Oyster Shell .......................................... .. 21.00 4.00 7.50 44.00 ...................... .. 2941 Analysis 22.49 5.49 6.89 49.52 7.27 8.34 430K Sunbeam 24% Dairy Feed .................. .. 24.00 4.50 11.50 42.00 ______________________ __ 294K Analysis 24.45 6.19 10.78 45.19 7.66 5.73 294K Southern Grain Company, I I Dallas, Texas. I “Favorite” Brand Laying Mash with I _ I Charcoal ............................................... .. 19.50 3.80 7.50 48.00 ...................... .. 1974B Analysis .............................................. ._ 19.24 7.74 6.91 50.00 8.53 7.58 187R Analysis .............................................. .. 20.27 4.41 6.14 52.37 8.75 8.06 270R Southern Special Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ......................................... _- 20.00 4.00 7.50 45.00 ______________________ __ 1974E Analysis 22.02 6.71 5.07 47.73 9.28 9.19 236R “Favorite” Brand Growing Mash ........ __ 16.50 3.60 5.00 52.00 ...................... __ 1974F Analysis .............................................. -. 17.88 6.01 4.63 55.70 8.69 7.09 188R Analysis 18.90 4.92 4.11 56.22 8.86 6.99 271R Blue Bonnet Brand Rabbit Ration with Charcoal and Sulphur .......... .. 12.50 3.00 4.50 63.00 _____________________ _. 1974G Analysis-s” -_-__.-.--._..__--.--.-.--__----_..__.--.. 13.80 3.48 4.63 66.35 7.87 3.87 184R “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. dSampled before registration. 3°7Mutilated tags attached. 3°8Dried buttermilk found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 187 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I _ ’ _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nltro- Mo1s- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash 0. tein Extract Southland Cotton Oil Company, Corsicana, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 548H Analysis” ___________________________________________ __ 42.30 5.66 12.37 28.45 6.29 4.93 47M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.60 6.78 10.64 27.08 6.56 5.34 197R Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 42.86 7.40 10.73 27.64 6.08 5.29 124W Analysis" .... _. 42.48 6.45 10.97 28.28 6.20 5.62 154W Analysis“ ........................................ _. 41.40 7.78 10.99 26.80 7.63 5.40 264W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.08 7.21 10.83 26.89 6.58 5.41 329W Analysis .............................................. -_ 43.13 6.52 10.67 27.24 7.20 5.24 481W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.65 6.52 10.74 26.57 7.17 5.35 493W Analysis 49.27 7.78 5.89 25.16 5.87 6.03 503W 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake ................................. -- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ .. 5481 Analysis ................... .. - 44.71 6.51 9.22 27.13 ' 7.37 5.05 92K Southland Mixed Feed._ . 11.00 1.60 1.2.50 28.50 ______________________ _. 548.] Analysis ............................................. .. 12.40 2.36 36.13 39.67 6.36 3.08 548-1 Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 10.44 2.11 38.79 41.84 I 3.73 3.09 I 480W Southland Cotton Oil Company, I Paris, Texas. 43% Protein South1and’s Cottonseed l Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 290K Analysis” ............................................ .. 41.24 8.04 11.39 28.34 5.48 5.51 160R Analysis” ........................................... .. 42.10 8.20 11.79 26.61 5.95 5.35 232R Analysis° ____________________________________________ -_ 42.10 7.61 11.53 27.93 5.49 5.34 246R 43% Protein South1and’s Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake __________________ ._ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... ._ 2901 Analysis 42.58 5.85 12.34 28.08 5.70 5.45 27R Southland’s Mixed Feed ........................ .. 11.00 1.60 43.00 28.00 ...................... _. 29011 Analysis .............................................. .. 12.20 2.47 36.67 39.05 6.50 3.11 290L Southland Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. 36% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 36.00 5.00 22.00 28.00 ______________________ _. 421D Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 37.05 6.04 13.18 31.27 6.85 5.61 421D Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ .. 679C Analysis 42.99 6.93 11.14 27.58 6.17 5.19 276K Analysis _____________________________________________ ,_ 43.02 5.95 11.13 28.78 5.33 5.79 93M Analysis 43.18 7.36 10.14 28.10 5.88 5.34 175M Analysis 42.95 6.53 11.14 29.43 4.63 5.32 42W Analysis” .......................................... ..__ 40.91 6.23 11.59 29.18 6.98 5.11 221W Analysis 43.94 6.94 10.94 l 27.71 5.17 5.30 285W "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Refund paid. 188 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nirro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas-Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal—Cont. Analysis ___________________________________________ 43.22 6.26 9.77 27.62 7.82 5.31 H Analysis 42.08 6.61 10.50 26.32 8.96 5.53 I 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ______________ __ 43.00 0-00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ .. 679D Analysis . 43.77 6.35 9.66 28.84 5.98 5.40 82K Analysis 42.56 6.51 10.50 28.54 6.56 5.33 83K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.50 6.99 11.01 27.19 5.94 5.37 254K Analysis.“ 44.39 6.91 10.41 27.25 5.37 5.67 255K Analysis _ 44.38 6.33 10.39 28.25 5.15 5.50 256K Analysis" ____________________________________________ __ 41.56 7.99 12.37 27.67 5.25 5.16 259K Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 42.86 6.45 11.51 28.15 5.76 5.27 275K Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 42.72 7.57 11.33 26.61 6.60 5.17 177W Southland Cotton Oil Company, Waxahachie, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 536E Analysis" ____________________________________________ _, 42.37 7.17 11.88 27.25 5.93 5.40 88W Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 42.27 7.27 11.89 26.78 6.67 5.12 259W South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Houston, Texas. sesame Meal ______________________________________ __ 40.00 I 8.00 6.00 23.00 ...................... _. Analysis 40.30 I 9.63 6.43 24.37 6.43 12.84 | 14M Yello Brand Cottonseed Meal, Limestone and Salt ____________________________ __ 41.00 5.70 11.50 22.00 ______________________ .. 1218C Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 41.65 6.34 10.68 27.20 5.32 8.81 278M Analysis3°9 ________________________________________ __ 41.46 5.46 11.49 27.15 6.24 8.20 299M 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal“ 43.00 5.00 12.00 .‘Z3.00 ______________________ .. 121815 Analysis ________________________________ ,_ 42.88 5.57 13.31 26.65 5.83 5.76 16M Analysism. _. 42.85 6.12 11.08 28.13 5.98 5.84 105M Analysis° ____________________________________________ __ 40.53 6.46 13.49 26.30 8.09 5.13 113M Analysis 43.25 6.26 11.34 27.47 5.72 5.96 279M South Texas Cotton Oil Company, 4 i Victoria, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________________ _. 309K Analysis 43.20 6.18 9.73 26.74 8.28 5.87 233H 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ ._ 43-00 5-00 12-00 23-00 ---------------------- -» 30913 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.21 7.48 10.82 26.64 6.02 5.83 120K Anawsisc ____________________________________________ _, 42.42 6.80 10.38 26.42 7.98 6.00 23211 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.17 8.18 10.92 26.54 5.34 5.85 33611 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.61 7.69 9.58 25.85 6.42 7.85 I 400R cRefund paid. 3°9Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) 189 Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or o1- In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract I South Texas Grain Company, Houston, Texas. i Pure Corn Chop __________________________________ __ 0.00 ' 3.50 1 3.00 70.00 _______________________ l 214A Analysis . . . _ . _ . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . .. 9.40 4.09 1.99 74.16 9.29 1.07 27M Hominy Feed._._ ____ __ 10.00 i 6.00 7.00 60.00 ______________________ __ 214B Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _. 11.52 f 7.71 7.42 162.37 7.79 3.19 214B Whole Oat Chop ____________________________________ __ 11.00 | 1.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ __ 214G Analysissm ........................................ _. 11.60 4.45 9.39 62.10 9.13 3.33 28M Circle Four Stock Feed ________________________ __ 9.50 2.60 15.00 116.00 ...................... _. 214W Analysis311 ________________________________________ __ 11.80 3.23 13.69 50.78 13.46 7.04 312M Alfalfa Stem Meal and Molasses ______ _, 8-20 0.50 32.00 37.00 ...................... .. 214A3 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.79 .78 20.75 45.18 14.93 7.57 172M Sotex Dairy Feed with Molasses _ _ _ _ __ 24.00 4.00 13.00 40.00 ______________________ __ 214A4 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25.62 5.04 9.24 44.65 10.06 5.39 26M Analysis 24.40 4.48 9.35 46.33 9.91 5.53 110M Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 23.20 4.45 9.17 47.43 10.39 5.36 283M Corn Chop, Rice Bran, Peanut Hulls, Screenings, Rice Hulls and Molasses 6.50 1.20 22-00 1.2.50 ..................... .. 214C2 Analysis"? ________________________________________ __ 8.75 2.34 19.49 49.56 12.57 7.29 173M Southwest Dairy Products Company, ’ Dallas, Texas. ‘ Southwest skimmed Milk Powder_________ 04.00 | 0.20 0.00 50.00 ...................... .. 2413B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 37.70 .14 .34 48.19 6.20 7.43 186R Analysis"313 ______________________________________ __ 37.80 .22 .24 47.26 6.87 7.61 276W Ana1ysis313 ________________________________________ __ 37.20 .84 .19 48.33 6.69 6.75 312W Southwestern Milling Company, Inc., i The, Kansas City, Missouri. l Red Turkey Wheat Gray Shorts and ] | ' | a Wheat scouring-s __________________________________ __ 16.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ..................... .2 568C Analysis314 ________________________________________ .. 17-47 i 3.54 i 5-30 56-90 i 10-34 i 4-95 | 282M Southwestern Peanut Company, Abilene, Texas. Grgund Peanut Screenings __________________ __ 111.00 6.00 21.00 41.00 __________ __‘ __________ ..‘ 648B Analysis 14.40 9.18 26.19 37.18 6.97 I 6.08 208K Baker’s Special Feed ______________________________ __ 17-00 7-00 13-70 39-40 ---------------------- -- 548E‘ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.29 7.08 19.18 39.85 7.37 } 7.23 33K Bossigs Delight; Dairy Feed __________________ __ 20.20 3.50 10.00 41.00 ..................... .. 648G Analysis 25.65 5.88 12.96 39.92 8.95 6.64 I 207K Bossigs “Best” Brand Dairy Feed________ 24.00 3.40 11.00 1.3.00 ..................... .. 648J Analysis 26.20 4.36 9.91 46.79 7.02 i 5.72 i 34K fllPortion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. 31°Whole barley chop found. 311Milo head chop and sorghum seed chop found, not claimed. 312Alfalfa meal found, not claimed. 313Approximately 2% of salt found. 314Wheat brown shorts and scourings. 190 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31. 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude -Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Spencer and Brothers, F., i Presidio, Texas. I Wheat Mixed Feed and Screenings... 16-00 3.50 8.50 ‘ 50.00 ..................... 2589A Analysisda3l5 _____________________________________ ,_ 13-74 3.31 6.81 64.93 8.23 2.98 252K Analysiss“ ________________________________________ __ 13.77 3.47 5.60 ‘ 67.38 6.28 3.50 i 382K Spur Grain and Coal Company, I Spur, Texas. Spur Sweet Feed _____________________________________ __ 20.00 0.00 ' 10.00 1.2.20 ...................... r 134711 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 23.47 i 4.00 11.23 45.72 i 745 i 813 | 449K ' l Staffel Feed Mills, I San Antonio, Texas. Staffe1’s Prairie Stock Feed with Phosphatic Limestone _______________________ __ 10-00 1-00 5-00 57-00 ...................... .. 2232C Analysissr! 10.48 l 3.07 6.32 J 61.96 8.90 9.27 2H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 9.05 2.02 12.30 53.04 10.16 13.43 35311 All-Mash Starter with Cod Liver Oil, ~ Charcoal and Phosphatie Limestone 14.50 3-60 4.00 ‘ 58-00 ...................... _. 2232H Analysissls ________________________________________ _, 15.38 | 5.33 | 4.16 59.49 9.99 5.65 182H Horse and Mule Feed with ~ I Limestone ______________________________________________ __ 9.00 3.50 i 9.00 58.00 ...................... .. 22321 Analysis 12.22 I 4.14 I 8.57 57.96 I 10.84 6.27 22321 StaffeFs Laying Mash with Charcoal, ] Phgsphatic Limestone and Cha1k____ 20.00 3-50 5.00 47-00 ..................... __ 2232K Analysis 20.45 l 4.41 4.33 49.91 8.27 12.63 86H Staffel’s Starter with Buttermilk, Phosphatic Limestone and Chalkm, 14.50 i 3.40 3.00 61.00 ...................... .. 2232M Analysis 14.22 4.57 2.18 62.78 8.73 7.52 l81H Analysis 14.60 4.19 2.39 62.71 9.42 6.69 354H Maltine Cow Feed ____________________________________ __ 23-00 4-50 12-50 45-00 ---------------------- -- 223201 Analysis 22.16 4.29 11.21 47.19 7.46 7.69 1H Analysis 21.06 4.86 10.37 48.53 8.30 6.88 24711 Analysis 22.60 5.27 9.78 49.88 4.91 7.56 343W Range Calf Fattner with Phosphatic Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 11.00 3-00 10-50 56-00 ...................... -- 2232A?’ Analysis _________________________________ __ _ 12.18 2.94 7.53 58.79 11.55 7.01 2232A3 StaffeFs Malto-Bulk Feed with Limestone 11.50 1.50 27.00 41.00 ______________________ _. 2232132 Analysis 11.85 2.39 28.95 38.35 1 9.42 9.04 l 4H Malto 24% Dairy Ration with Limestone _____________________________________________ _. 24.00 3.80 11.50 40.00 ...................... _. 2232B5 Analysis .............................................. -. 24.45 4.07 9.35 45.55 9.47 7.11 3H "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. dSampled before registration. 315Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 81°Wheat gray shorts and screenings. 317Yellow corn feed meal and kafir meal found, not claimed. 318Milo meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 191 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' or In- Importer. Brand Name. Céude Cgude (Flijllide Nitéo- Mois- Ciulde spgtion ro- a 1 er gcn- ree ure s o. tein u Extract Staffel Feed Mills, San Antonio, Texas—Continued. Staffel’s Malto 34% Protein Dairy Ration with Limestone ..................... _. 34.00 4.80 12.30 28.50 ______________________ _. 2232E6 Analysis .............................................. __ 34.20 5.33 11.26 34.14 6.74 8.33 5H Pendleton Laying Mash with Phosphatic Limestone ________________________ __ 18.00 3.60 7.50 50.00 ______________________ __ 22321117 - Analysis ______________________________________________ ,_ 18.15 4.30 5.59 52.59 8.63 10.74 85H Mixed Meal 26.00 4.60 7.50 47.00 ______________________ __ 2232E9 Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 27.30 7.24 7.06 46.80 7.98 3.62 170H Cottonseed Meal and Corn Meal ________ ._ 26.00 4.60 7.50 47.00 ______________________ .. 2232E9 Analysis319 ........................................ ._ 26.28 I 8.10 7.32 46.53 7.93 3.84 373K Pendelton 24% Dairy Feed with ] Limestone ___________________________________________ __ 24.00 8.00 10.00 38.00 ______________________ __ 2232F1 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 24.12 4.16 12.43 42.21 8.85 8.23 2232F1 Analysis .............................................. _. 24.25 4.26 11.00 43.46 9.53 7.50 35211 Corn Bran and Corn Meal 11.50 7.50 5.00 62.00 ...................... .. 2232F2 Analysis“ 11.67 7.61 4.87 62.87 10.27 2.71 111H Staley Manufacturing Company, A. E., Decatur Illinois. Staley’s Corn Gluten Feed ____________________ ._ 23-00 1.00 8-00 50.00 _______________________ -- 295A Analysisa32° ...................................... .. 27.62 2.78 7.08 | 46-74 9-10 6.68 150M Staley’s Corn Germ Meal. .. 18.00 7.00 10.00 50.00 ' ...................... -. 295C Analysiswl ........................................ _. 20.58 6.00 10.10 53.01 7.86 2.45 133R Staley Milling Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Staley’s= Poultry Fattener Shipping Feed 12.50 4.00 0.50 00.00 ______________________ _. 936S Analysis 15.52 4.95 5.18 62.07 9.56 2.72 936s Staley’s Poultry Fattener Station I Feed _____ __ . 12.50 4.20 0.50 60.00 ...................... _. 936T Analysis ............................................. .. 15.10 4.56 5.19 62.40 9.83 2-92 936T Stallings Feed Company, Big Spring, Texas. Stalling’s Dairy Feed with Limestone 18-00 3.30 12-50 48-00 ---------------------- -~ 1613B Analysis ........................................... .. 17.91 i 3.94 10.56 50.95 9.95 6.69 1613B . . I Stamford Cotton Oil Mill, i Stamford, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... .. 10.00 ] 0.00 12.00 20.00 ..................... -- 439K "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Sampled before registration. “Registration adjusted. 319Screenings found. 32°Approximately 2.7% of salt found. szlApproximately 1.3% of salt found. 192 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ I | _ or In~ Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mo1s- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract . Stamford Cotton Oil Mill, Stamford, Texas—C0ntinued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal—Cont. 42.86 8.15 10.57 27.89 6.34 4.19 115K 43.38 6.47 11.90 26.73 6.39 5.13 304K Analysis” ____________________________________________ __ 41.95 8.24 12.55 26.11 5.77 5.38 340K Analysis° ____________________________________________ _. 42.47 6.23 12.55 26.56 6.92 5.27 401K Stamford Mill and Elevator Company, I Stamford, Texas. Hominy Feed ________________________ __ 10.00 4 7.00 7.00 60.00 _____________________ 66Z Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.05 I 5.80 8.31 | 63.95 I 9.85 2.04 | 272K Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings“ 16.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ...................... .. 66A9 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 19.26 4.01 5.23 59.31 8.81 3.38 455K Monarch Milk Maker ___________________________ __ 17.50 4.00 9.00 50.00 ______________________ _. 66B5 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.85 4.84 8.11 54.74 8.27 5.19 ‘ 24K Monarch Laying Mash ___________________________ ___ 18.00 3.50 7.80 48.10 ______________________ __i 66B6 Analysis 19.84 4.25 4.89 54.20 7.72 9.10 25K Analysis ............................................ _._.- 21.60 4.54 5.67 50.22 7.88 10.09 454K Stanard-Tilton Milling Company, Dallas, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings _____________ 14.50 3.00 10.00 53.00 ______________________ __ 51K Analysis .................................... __ 16.87 4.82 9.02 54.81 8.89 5.59 81K Wheat Brown Shorts _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . .. 15.00 3.50 6.50 55.00 ______________________ __ 51T Analysisii" ...................................... .. 16.41 4.79 5.48 57.88 11.55 3.89 110H Standard Milling Company, The, Lubbock, Texas. Stanton’s Milk Producer _____________________ __ 17.00 3.00 14-00 49-00 ...................... _. 14301 Analysis 20.30 3.72 11.06 52.82 7.25 4.85 440s Stanton’s Growing Mash with k Chan-rial 17.00 4.00 6.00 50.00 ______________________ ._ 1430P 14115131515323 ________________________________________ __ 19.44 '1 4.5a e.11 55.02 8.42 5.42 315s Analysis 17.60 I 4.55 6.4-8 57.01 8.77 5.59 400$ Stanton’s Starter Feed with Butter- milk and Chargga] ______________________________ __ 10.50 4.00 7.00 l 52-00 I ...................... .. 1430Q Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.59 3.85 6.39 55.93 9.49 5.75 250$ Stanton’s Poultry Fattner _________________ _, 14-50 4.50 5.40 60-00 ....................... .. 1430Y Ana1ysis324 ________________________________________ __ 17.33 5.45 3.16 63.07 7.33 3.16 328$ Stanton’s Laying Mash with Oyster Shem 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ...................... .. 1430A4 Analysis 20.54 I 5.41 5.86 52.23 6.52 9.44 42S Analysiss“ ...................................... -- 21.85 1 5.62 5.49 47.57 7.57 10.80 123s °Refund paid. 322Wheat gray shorts. 323White corn feed meal substituted for 324Milo meal found, not claimed. 325Bone scraps found, not claimed. yellow corn feed meal. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 193 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or u _ | _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nmo- MOIS- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Standard Milling Company, The, Lubbock, Texas—Continued. Stanton’s All-Purpose Mash with Oyster Shell .......................................... .. 16.50 3.50 6.00 54.00 ______________________ _- 1430A6 Analysis .............................................. _. 18.50 4.79 4.18 56.89 9.23 6.41 314S Stant0n’s Special Mix Dairy Feed.___ 17.50 3.20 12.00 49.00 ______________________ __ 1430A7 Analysis ............................................ .. 18.66 4.18 10.56 53.76 7.51 5.33 41S Standard Rice Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Rice Bran ________________________________________________ __ 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 ______________________ _, 247G Ana1ysis326 ________________________________________ ,_ 13.88 16.08 16.38 36.28 4.35 13.03 107M Analysis .............................................. _. 15.20 18.11 14.02 34.70 5.70 12.27 376M Analysis .............................................. __ 14.35 15.55 14.95 36.25 6.81 12.09 404M Standard Soy Bean Mills, Centerville, Iowa. Soy Bean Oil Meal ________________________________ __ 40.00 4.50 7.00 30.00 ...................... __ 2067A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 45.12 5.35 5.89 32.54 5.63 5.47 2067A Analysis“ __________________________________________ __ 42.79 6.46 6.00 30.90 8.22 5.63 215M Star Mill and Elevator Company, Hennessey, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts __________________________________ __ 15.00 3.50 5.50 57.00 ...................... .. 88C Analysissmb” ______________________________________ __ 16.18 4.51 6.87 57.24 10.63 4.57 137M Ana1ysis327b° ______________________________________ __ 16.90 4.60 6.84 57.75 9.36 4.55 245M Analysisws" ______________________________________ __ 16.30 4.68 5.48 59.29 9.70 4.55 341M Poultry Chick Scratch ____________________________ ._ 10.00 2.50 4.00 69.00 ...................... _. 88N Analysis“ ............................................ .. 12.64 2.71 2.30 72.27 8.61 1.47 326R Stark, Jack, Justin, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ________________________________ __ 11.00 | 4.00 12.00 58.00 ...................... _. 262A Analysis“ .......................................... -. 12.23 I 5.75 11.59 57.91 9.22 3.30 311W State Line Milling Company, Kiowa, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings.-. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ...................... .. 1297F Analysis .............................................. -. 17.50 5.46 5.52 57.74 9.93 3.85 1297F “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Refund paid. dSampled before registration. 326Excess of rice hulls found. 327Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 328Screenings found. 194 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or a or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Steger Grain Company, Inc., Dallas, Texas. Protein Supplement for Poultry with Oyster Shell 37.50 8.60 7.50 18.00 _______________________ _. 1545R Analysis .............................................. _. 34.15 6.59 7.23 21.18 7.49 23.36 1545B. Steinhagen Rice Milling Company, Beaumont, Texas. _ Rice Bran ............................................. _. 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 ...................... __ 1572B Analysis’ ___________________________________________ ._ 14.63 j 16.54 11.89 39.12 7.17 10.65 58M I Stephenville Cotton Oil Mill, Stephenville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... _. 605E Analysiq 44.67 6.41 10.93 26.03 6.83 5.13 360W Stewart, J. D., Caradan, Texas. Stewarfg Laying Mash_________________________ 18.00 3.50 6.50 51.50 .......... .......... __ 623A Analysiq 20.54 i 4.22 5.83 51.93 8.58 l 8.90 623A I Stillwater Milling Company, l Stillwater, 01.1.1101“... J 18% % Protein Dairy Feed with Qyster Shpll 18.50 4.60 9.50 58.00 ...................... ._ 2570L Analysis 19.80 5.76 9.92 51.17 7.77 5.58 2570L Early Riser Egg Mash with Oyster Shpll 19.00 4.00 7.50 48.00 ...................... __ 2570M Analysis 20.87 4.86 7.70 50.10 8.13 8.34 2570M Oklahoma A and M Egg Mash with _ Oyster Shell 20.00 4.00 7.00 45.00 ...................... _. 2570N Analysis 18.09 5.05 7.87 52.53 7.76 8.70 2570N Stolz and Peterson, Inc., Galveston, Texas. Com 0.00 4.00 0.00 70.00 ...................... .. 461A Analysis 9.35 4.66 2.28 70.00 12.45 1.26 210M Ground Whole Oats and Screening5____ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ __ 461D Analysis 13.07 4.60 9.29 59.88 9.91 3.25 211M Eureka Cow Feed with Molasses and Limesfnnp 15.00 3.00 13.50 45.00 ______________________ __ Analysis 15.02 2.44 9.97 50.81 14.26 7.50 281M Eureka Hen Food with Grit ____________ __ 10.00 2.50 5.00 60.00 ______________________ _. 461A]. Analysis 11.84 2.73 2.00 71.14 9.91 | 2.38 82M Eureka Dairy Special with Limestone 10.00 3.00 11.30 46.60 ...................... .. 461A8 Analy5i$329 ____________________________-_..__-_-_ 14.39 i 2.49 8.68 l 56.96 I 11.12 | 6.36 | 152w “Registration adjusted. BWDeficient in alfalfa meal. Milo meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 195 Table 8.--Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. I tein Extract Stolz and Peterson, Inc., Galveston, Texas—Continued. Eureka Laying Mash with Charcoal and Limestone _____________________________________ __ 19.00 | 3.50 7.50 46.00 ____________________ _. 46131 Analysis __________________________________ _. 20 80 4.75 6.22 49.10 9.44 9.69 81M Oleander Mixed Feed 9 87 4.00 21.00 4.4.00 _____________________ __ 461B2 Analysis ____________________________________ __ 10.50 4.55) 18.81 45.42 13.12 7.65 355M Oleander Brand Poultry Fattner ...... _. 14.59 3.90 6.20 50.00 ___________________ __ 46103 Analysis ....................................... ____ 14.37 5.27 5.19 60.99 10.45 3.73 46103 Analysis .............................................. .. 14.32 4.75 4.94 61.31 10.72 3.96 280M Straach Implement and Machine Shop, I .. y 1 Miles, Texas. I ‘ Hen Mash ______________________________________________ __ 18.00 3.20 5.80 52.00 ___________________ _, 814B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.94 4.81 i 5.35 | 52.16 8.12 8.62 814B Strieber Brothers, Yorktown, Texas. Corn Feed Meal _______________________________________ _. 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ................... .. 639D t Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.93 4.21 2.20 70.78 10.76 1.12 639D Struve, C. A., Anson, Texas. Struve Cotton Burs and Cottonseed __ 12.0’) 6.50 28.59 38.00 ...................... _. 1469A Analysis33o ________________________________________ _, 9 62 5.23 28.87 39.61 10.84 5.83 201K Success Mills, Inc., Kansas City, Kansas. Success Special Station Fatener with Charcga] ________________________________________________ __ 14.00 4.00 6.00 00.00 _____________________ _. Analysis __________ __ _ 16,60 4,22 4.75 61.60 9.73 3.10 1186A Analysisllll _______________________________ __ __ 60% Protein Digester Tankage __________ __ 60.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 ______________________ _. 1186B Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 58.50 9.23 1.86 3.30 8.38 18.73 1186B 50% Protein Meat Scraps .................. .. 50-00 6-00 3-00 2-00 ..................... V 1186C Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 48.71 9.05 2.35 1.28 6.52 32.09 1186C Sugarland Feed Company, Sugarland, Texas. Imperial iMxtrite Brand Dairy Ration with Limestone ................................... ._ 24.00 4.00 12-00 38-50 ______________________ -_ 1528'!‘ ' Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25,60 4,10 10,19 42.80 7.83 9.48 259H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25,40 4,48 10.73 40.56 9.11 9.67 43M “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Sampled before registration. 33°Excess of cottonseed hulls found. 196 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract I I I I Sugarland Feed Company, I I I Suitarland, Texas——Continued. I Imperial Mxtrite Brand Laying Mash 20.00 3.50 6.00 49.50 .......... .. I __________ .. 1528V Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 21.10 4.00 4.79 54.43 8.60 7.08 257H Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 21.29 4.12 | 5.97 I 53.64 I 7.68 I 7.29 17M S. L. Mxtrite Brand Stock Feed ____ _. 9.00 1.50 14.70 51.00 I _ . _ . ._ I __________ .. 1528F1 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 9.28 1.47 I 14.18 55.63 11.12-I 8.32 258H Analysis ............................................ .. 9.26 1.49 I 14.42 I 54.77 I 11.75 I 8.31 44M 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 43-00 6.00 I 12.00 I 23.00 I ________ _______ _, 1528F4 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.46 5.77 11.53 27.40 I 7.11 5.73 78M - 5-In-One Iaixtrite Brand Laying Mash 29.00 4.00 7.0a 1.0.00 I I ........... .. 15286.7 Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 20.75 5.58 6.14 I 48.28 I 9.45 I 9.80 291M Ground Oat Groats ___________________ __ 13.00 6.90 1.50 65.00 ___________________ __ 1528G9 Analysis“ _________________________________________ __ 15.96 6.98 1.65 I 65.00 8.58 1.83 188H Sulphur Springs Cotton Oil Company, I Sulphur Springs, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ ,, 43-00 0-00 12-00 23-00 --------------------- -- 133C Analysisv ___________________________________________ __ 42-25 6.29 10.98 28.65 6.65 l 5.18 37R Analysis 43.03 8.49 10.58 24.76 7.72 5.42 110R Analysis 42.99 5.99 11.04 28.74 6.12 5.21 168R Analysis 43.40 6.06 10.83 27.12 7.27 5.32 214R Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.30 6.10 10.59 27.66 6.89 5.46 216R Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.63 5.89 11.07 27.43 6.55 5.43 224R Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 43.45 6.29 11.33 27.14 6.53 5.26 288R 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ____________ __ 43-00 5-00 153-00 23-00 ................... ~ 133H Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.42 6.08 11.01 28.63 5.69 5.17 38R “Dandy” Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 19-00 4-00 10-00 51-00 ---------------------- .. 13313 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 20.01 4.51 8.27 52.93 7.64 6.64 166R Laying Mash with Oyster Shell __________ _. 29-50 3-50 7-40 44-60 _____________________ .. 133U Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.88 5.55 7.49 46.78 8.27 I 11.03 167R Jersey Special Dairy Feed ._ 21.00 4.50 11.50 46.00 ...................... _. 133V Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 21.00 5.88 10.67 46.99 9.50 5.96 165R All-Mash Chick Starter with Oyster Shell 16.80 3.50 5.00 52.50 ..................... .. 1332 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.32 3.83 4.61 56.19 9.63 7.42 133Z Superior Feed Mills, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Superior Brand Egg Producer Laying Mash with Limestone ________________________ _. 19.40 3.80 7.50 46.70 ..................... .. 1903C Analysis331 _________________________________________ ._ 19.45 5.12 5.83 52.67 7.82 I 9.11 189M Superior Brand Scratch Feed .............. -. 10.00 3.00 4.00 I 69.00 .......... ..I .......... .. 190314 Analysis .............................................. .. 11.95 2.47 I 2.42 I 71.00 10.059 I 1.57 193w “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. dSampled before registration. 331Milo meal, ground oyster shell and charcoal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 197 Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i i _ i _ i or In- Importer. Brand Name. C§I£lg€ C??? Iglnxtiriae-el Lt/lloliz- I Clilélfie spelfiglon tein Extract i I Superior Feed Mills, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma—Cont. Superior Brand All-In-One Mash with Limestone ____________________________________________ __ 16.00 3.50 6.00 54.00 _____________________ ,_ 1903Q Analysis..___ 17.60 4.66 5.90 i 56.61 8.08 7.15 1903Q Analysis ______________________________________________ ,_ 17.50 i 4.61 6.33 i 56.00 8.94 6.62 354W Sweetwater Cotton Oil Company, I I Sweetwater, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed . Feed 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 ______________________ __ 2278C Analysis” ____________________________________________ __ 39.55 10.63 13.48 i 26.48 5 51 4.35 367K Analysis 40.57 10.92 12.65 26.00 5 35 4.51 380$ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43.00 6.00 12-00 i 23-00 ..................... .. 2273G Analysis‘? ____________________________ __ 41.21 10.61 11.66 26.76 5 14 4.62 48K Analysisb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ __ 41.09 10.82 11.83 26.47 5 33 4.46 122K Analysis" ___________________________________________ __ 40.72 11.02 13.51 i 25.54 4 73 4.48 213K Analygigv ___________________________________________ __ 39.90 i 10.64 12.63 25.91 6 32 4.60 221K Analysis" ___________________________________________ __ 40.45 10.02 13.81 25.95 5.15 4.62 222K Analysis” ________________________________________ _, 40.33 10.17 12.86 26.09 5 98 4.57 261K Analysiscm- 41.01 10.05 11.72 26.58 6 18 4.46 291K Analysis” ________________________________ __ 39.86 9.56 14.24 25.62 6 22 4.50 295K Analysis” ________________________________ __ __ 39.96 11.62 12.87 26.46 4.65 4.44 239S Analysis" ____________________________________________ _. 40.46 9.74 13.08 26.87 5.18 4 67 J i 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ______________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 i 23.00 ...................... .. 2278K Analysis _________________________________________ __ 43.58 6.27 12.75 I 28.13 442 4.85 228K Analysis 42.83 6.01 13.23 i 26.60 6.68 4 65 267K Sweetco Dairy Feed with Limestone- 21.00 3.50 11.50 42.40 _________ .......... .. 2278P Analysis 21.93 4.35 11.81 48.93 7.07 5.91 47K Analysis ........................................... -. 21.38 i 5.99 i 11.90 i 47.47 i 7.95 i 5.31 i 363K Chico Baby Chick Starter with i i Oyster Shell .......................................... .. 15.00 i 3.00 i 4.00 61.00 i ......... .......... .. 2278R Analysis 17.26 i 5.01 i 4.17 58.32 i 881 i 6.43 i 364K Chicko Laying Mash with Oyster i i i Shell 21.50 i 4.00 7.00 i 40.00 i ......... ..| __________ .. 2278V Analysis 22.28 4.85 7.31 48.46 9 73 7.37 i 220K Sweetco Quality Brand Stock Cubes with Limestone ................................... -_ 14.00 2.00 25.50 08.00 i ...................... .. 2278.49 Analysiss” ................................... -- 14.48 2.95 19.77 50.71 i 6.30 5.79 95K Fillum-Up Sweet Feed with Limestone 10.70 1.80 28.00 40.00 _____________________ __ 2278B1 Analysis ' 12.22 2.17 26.37 44.79 8.09 e 36 41K Sweetwater Grain Company, i Sweetwater, Texas. i v Milo Head Chop ...................................... .. 8.00 2.50 8.00 65.00 ...................... -. 400A Analysis“ .......................................... _. 11.81 2.40 7.38 66.30 8.67 3.44 i 353K "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. ‘Refund paid. ‘Sampled before registration. ‘.71 " "lCottonaeed hulls substituted in part for ground peanut hulls. ' 198 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31. 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ~ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I l _ l _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- MO1S- I Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen- ture | Ash No. tein Extract l Swift and Company, l Fort Worth, Texas. l Swiffs Digester Tankage __________________ ,_ 09.00 5.00 l 3.00 0.00 . _____ __ 270A Analysis _____________ ______________________________ __ 60.80 7.45 l 1.95 2.92 l 5.84 21.04 48R Swift's Meat and Bone Scraps _______ __ 59.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 2701 Analysis ___________________________________ _-_ _______ __ 50.62 9.16 1.99 2.93 l 5.11 l 30.19 343K Analysis _____________________________________________ ,_ 50.38 8.82 2.13 1.82 l 4.82 32.03 l 19M Analysis ............................................. __ 50.65 9.53 1.76 2.15 I 4.77 l 31.14 l 47R Analysis333 ________________________________________ ,_ 50.04 10.02 2.38 1.54 5.35 30.67 105R Analysis .............................................. -_ 50.13 9.33 1.73 2.10 5.57 31.14 4W Analysis ............................................ .. 51.26 10.45 2.58 1.36 4.87 29.48 63W Swift’s Poultry Bone _____________________________ __ 25.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 _ .. . 270.1 Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 25.22 2.27 1.10 2.19 6.43 62.79 302M Swift's Feeding Bone Meal _________________ n 25.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 2700 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 25.30 3.37 .97 3.39 6.24 l 60.73 l 49R Taft Cotton Oil Company, Taft, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23-00 . 14151) Analysis _____________ __ 43.32 7.24 11.77 25.68 6.01 5.98 53H Analysis... 43.70 7.00 10.26 25.81 7.25 5.98 135K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.16 6.93 10.42 27.11 6.46 5.92 260K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 44.59 6.72 9.89 26.97 6.62 5.21 359H Taft Ranch 80-20 Feed _________________________ __ 11.00 1.60 42.50 28.50 ....... ._ 1415E Analysis 10.76 1.94 38.91 41.24 3.83 3.32 261H Tarkio Molasses Feed Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Tarkio Feed with Molasses __________________ __ 9.00 2.00 7.00 53.00 .................... .. 1942A Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 7.51 .72 5.83 59.25 19.31 7.38 392W Sugared Tarkio Feed ______________________________ __ 11.00 3.50 8.00 60.00 .................. _. 1942B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 10.45 1.78 8.05 64.05 6.47 9.20 1942B Taylor Cotton Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal____________ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... .. 156315 Analysis” _________________________________________ ,_ 42.25 6.23 11.23 27.67 7.39 5.23 204W Analysis _______________________________________ -_.__ 43.56 7.06 10.26 26.61 7.29 5.22 346W Analysis 43.28 6.63 10.81 26.58 7.42 5.28 448W Taylor Grain Company, Van Alstyne, Texas. “Satis-Fi” Brand Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 18.00 3.70 7.50 48.00 ..................... .. 1041 Analysis 20.10 l 5.79 l 6.97 l 49.84 8.69 8.61 831 "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. smAppl-oximately 2.6% of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 199 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Realis- tration Name and Address 0f Manufacturer or I ‘ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Taylor Grain Company, Van Alstyne, Texas-Continued. Texana Brand Egg Mash with Buttermilk ____________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.60 7.00 47.00 . . , 104D Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 21.23 5.61 5.58 49.66 8.44 9.48 82R Texana Brand Hog Feed _____________________ __ 21.09 3.50 7.00 4.8.00 ....... .. . 104L Analysis ___________________________ __ __ 22.28 4.91 5.65 50.80 9.34 7.02 80R Texana Brand Dairy Feed ___________________ __ 24.00 4.00 11.50 42.00 _______ .. . _ 104M Analysis ............................................. ._ 25.78 4.81 9.99 | 45.06 8.87 l 5.49 81R Taylor Milling Company, Denton, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts _______________________________ __ 15.00 3.50 5.50 57.00 . . 34D Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 16.47 l 5.17 4.32 l 60.58 l 10.53 l 2.93 315K Temple Cotton Oil Company, Ashdown, Arkansas. 43% Pl-Qtein Cottonseed Meal _____________ __ 43-00 6.00 12.00 5.73.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. 1248A Analysis" .......................................... .. 42-52 l 7-23 3-33 28-56 I 6-77 6-09 114R . I Temple Fuel and Feed Company, Temple, Texas. Fletcher’s Laying Mash with _ » Qygter Shel] __________________________________________ __ 22.50 3.50 7.40 44-60 M. ..... ...__.._. 2129111 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.86 5.69 7.02 47.37 8.61 10.45 287W Temple Milling Company, Temple, Texas. i Stal- Brand Hen Scratch ______________________ __ 10.00 2.80 4.00 08-00 ................... .. Analysis _____________________________________________ ,_ 10.28 2.93 2.55 72.83 9.78 1.63 45W Wheat Bran, Corn Bran and i Screenings ____________________________________________ __ 14.50 3.00 10.00 53.00 ................... .. 19D Analysis _____________________________________________ _1 12.25 4.05 9.94 61.97 7.51 4.38 Star Brand Hen Mash with 0113136081 19.50 3.70 8.00 45.00 .................... .. 19G Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.77 5.02 6.53 52.36 10.33 6.99 223W Tennessee Dairies, Inc., Dallas, Texas, and Branches. Dried skimmed Milk Powder ______________ _, 34.00 1.10 0.10 50.00 .................. .. 2159A Analysisw. ________________________________________ __ 33.70 .91 .04 50.43 4.97 6.90 307W Terminal Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Falf-Olasg Mixed Feed .____ 9-20 0-65 20-00 47-00 ------------------- .- 960Q Analysissss ________________________________________ __ 13.24 1.31 16.93 49.43 7.58 11.46 13W ‘Refund paid. 33*Approximately 1.8% of xalt found. 335Wheat bran and salt found, not claimed. 200 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract ' Terminal Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. Blue Tag Egg Mash with Charcoal and Limestone ______________________________________ __ 21.40 3.50 5.40 49.20 _____________________ ._ 960S Analysis 22.50 4.95 4.52 51.43 9.14 7.46 155H Analysis 22.74 4.65 4.61 51.19 8.45 8.36 229K Analysis 21.90 3.72 5.38 52.82 7.92 8.26 122M Blue Tag Poultry Fattener __________________ __ 14.00 4.00 3.20 63.00 ...................... .. 960A1 Analysis33° ________________________________________ __ 15.32 | 5.17 4.15 01.97 9.09 3.70 17811 Blue Tag Cream Maker with Limestone _____________________________________________ __ 24.00 4.00 10.00 42.50 ..................... ._ 960A3 23.39 4.49 8.10 47.45 9.98 6.59 173H 24.70 4.13 8.36 48.29 7.49 7.03 230K Rodeo Sweet Feed with Limestone ______ __ 9-00 1-50 10-50 55-00 ---------------------- ~ 96032 Analysis _______________________________________________ _, 1.20 1.54 11.40 56.52 10.44 8.90 2s3H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.22 1.32 12.32 50.59 9.49 9.56 387W Blue Tag Egg Pells with Charcoal and Limestone ______________________________________ __ 19.50 3-60 4.50 51.00 ______________________ _. Analysgsssv ________________________________________ __ 20.61 4.69 4.23 52.58 9.64 8.25 309W Bully Brand Sweet Feed with Limestone ______________________________________________ __ 9-00 l 1-30 11-00 54-00 --------------------- -- 960D5 Analysis 13.03 2.39 9.28 57.70 10.64 6.96 285H Blue Tag All-Mash Chick Starter with | Charcoal and Limestone .................... .. 17-00 3-70 4.60 54-00 ---------------------- -. 9601135 Analysis _________________________ __ 18.68 5.05 3.96 55.82 8.61 7.88 386w Terry, L. D., Sweetwater, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ................................ -. -. ........ -. Analysigfif _______________________________________ __ 15.92 4.58 11.03 56.03 8.32 4.12 I 354K Texarkana Cotton Oil Company, Inc. Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas. 43% Protein Cottgnseed Meal____________ 43.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 1272]) Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 46.84 7.36 6.34 25.89 6.62 6.95 32R Analysis. 43.28 6.04 8.49 28.84 6.76 6.59 113R Texas Chemical Company, Houston, Texas. Texas LQne Star Bone Meal ________________ __ 25.00 0.50 3-00 0-00 ............. ... ....... .. 1718A Analysis 27.68 .42 4.19 1.19 5.97 60.55 74M fPortion of shipment returned to sellers. flNot registered. ‘Not tagged. 336Milo meal found, not claimed. 337Linseed meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 201 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 >' to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I 4 I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crude4 Nitro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber lgen-freel ture Ash No. tein 4Extract Texas Cottonseed Crushers’ Association, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 4 23.00 __ 1693A Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 43.23 4 6.39 10.49 4 26.75 7.49 5_65 364M Texas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, Texas. Milo Head Chop _____________________________________ __ 8-00 2.50 8.00 65-00 . . _ . .. .. 4 256A Analysis __________________________ W 11-43 2.68 6.07 67.86 8.59 3.37 4 345M Finely Ground Whole Oatsm 11-00 4-00 12-00 58-00 ------- .. . 4 256B Analysis _____________________________ __ _ _ 10-65 5-87 10-99 60.85 7.53 4.11 251M Lone Star Brand Dairy Feed _______________ __ 13-00 3-00 9-50 48-00 ...... .. 256E Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 21-05 3.31 7.30 51.58 10.18 6.57 247M Lone Star Brand Chick Scratch with Qyster $11911 9.50 4 2.70 3.00 70.00 I ..... _________ .. 2561?‘ Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 11.33 4 2.67 1.50 4 70.41 9.01 45s 250M Analysis333 ________________________________________ __ 11.16 3.52 4 2.34 70.64 4 9.76 2.58 346M Lone Star Brand Laying Mash with 4 4 Oyster Shell ________________________________________ ._ 90-50 3-40 8-00 46.00 .......... .. 256H Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 22.26 4 4.72 4 7.24 49.50 8.79 4 7.49 344M Lone Star Brand Chick Starter with 4 4 Oyster Shell _________________________________________ __ 17-50 3-70 7.00 49.00 . . . _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ ._ 2561 Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 18.90 4.82 5.63 54.44 8.05 8.16 427W Lone Star Brand Hominy Feed”. 19-09 6.00 7.00 60-00 . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ _ .. 256-1 Analysis _________________________________ __ 10.2’) 5.28 6.47 66.88 8.98 2.19 252M Lone Star Brand Sweet Feed .. 12-00 2.39 7.00 56.00 __. ......... .. 256K Analysis ______________________________________ .. 14.74 2.42 6.35 58.25 12.58 5.66 249M Lone Star Brand 24% Protein Dairy Feed with Oyster Shell _____________________ _. 24.00 3.50 9.25 40.00 ................ .. 256L Analysis 26.63 4.14 5.68 47.88 8.32 7.35 248M Analysis 26.94 4.23 8.36 44.74 8.54 7.19 501W Lone Star Brand Corn Feed Meal ______ _, 8-00 3-00 3.00 67.00 .................. .. . 256M Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 9.49 4.21 2.45 72.11 9.88 1.86 347M Lone Star Brand Alfalfa Meal __________ _, 13-09 1.50 33-00 35-00 4 256N Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.88 1.94 18.23 40.42 8.58 11.95 348M Lone Star Brand Corn Chop _____________ .. 9.00 3.50 3.00 70-00 ........ .. 2560 Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 9.80 4.35 2.04 73.01 9.70 1.10 339M Lone Star Brand Cottonseed Meal and 4 Yellow Corn Meal ______________________________ .. 42.00 6.00 12.00 24.00 ....... .. 256Q Analysis 40.93 4 6.16 11.85 29.76 6.37 4.93 340M Texas Milk Products Company, 4 Marshall, Texas. Dried skimmed Mi1k____._____._____-__-.____.._... 34-00 0-20 0-00 50-00 .................... ..4 1581A Analysis33° ........................................ .. 36.30 .02 4 .25 50.34 4 5.46 4 7.63 4 1581A 338Sunflower seed found, not claimed. 33°Approximately 2.2% of salt found. 202 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I i or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ICrude Crude Nin-o- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Texas Mill Products Company, i I i Marshall, Texas-Continued. i Dried Skimmed Milk—C0ntinued i Analysis34olla ______________________________________ __ 37.44 .24 .25 48.38 | 6.47 7.22 38M Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 34.10 .52 .22 51.67 6.29 7.20 496W Dried Buttermilk ______________________________________ __ 32-00 3-00 1-00 35-00 __________ .. 1581B Analysis?!“ ________________________________________ __ 35.05 i 2.40 .33 49.71 5.23 7.23 1581B I Texas Mill and Elevator Company, i Abilene, Texas. Abtex Special Growing Mash with i Charcoal and Limestone _________________ __ 13-50 3.50 6.50 52-50 3...... .......... .. 980Y Analysis‘? ___________________________________________ _. 17.53 i 4.62 0.09 54.21 3.06 3.59 i 205K Abtex Special Growing Mash with i Dicalcium Phosphate.“ 10-00 i 3-50 7-00 52-00 ..................... 5i 980Y Analysislflfl _______________________________________ __ 17.36 4.31 5.63 56.79 7.97 7.94 i 460K Abtex Baby Chick Starter with Grain, i Bone, Buttermilk, Charcoal and i Limestone ____________________________________________ _. 14-50 4.50 3.50 57.50 ..................... .. 980Z Analysis° ___________________________________________ __ 16.70 5.58 2.95 59.36 10.26 5.15 206K Abtex Baby Chick Starter with Grain, Buttermilk and Dicalcium Phos- i phate 14.00 i 4.1.0 3.00 53.00 ______________________ ._ 980Z Analysis343 _______________________________________ __ 16.32 5.22 2.56 63.17 7.66 5.07 i 459K Abtex Butter and Milk Cow Feed i with Limestone __________________________________ __ 24-00 3.50 11-00 42-00 _____________________ .. 980A5 Analysis 24.02 i 4.06 10.01 45.79 9.33 6.79 30K “Good Value” Brand Feed with Limestone _____________________________________________ __ 14.00 2.70 11-00 58-00 ..................... .. 980C8 Analysissu __ 15.35 2.51 10.00 53.66 11.38 7.10 204K Analysis __ ,_ _ ___-_ 15.44 3.01 10.65 53.97 9.04 7.89 344K Abtex Ground Oat Groats _____________________ _. 16-00 6-00 1-50 65-00 ---------------------- .. 980135 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 13.36 i 3.45 2.12 i 60.03 i 3.34 1.50 i 342K Abilene Egg Laying Mash with. i i Limestone __________________________________________ __ 20.00 4.00 8.00 45.00 ...................... .. 980D6 Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 21.32 5.05 6.12 i 48.33 8.26 10.92 i 31K Abtex Crate Fattener with Charcoal 13-00 4-50 6-00 60-00 _____________________ _. 930137 Analysis 15.91 i 5.44 4.96 60.88 i 9.25 i 3.56 i 202K All-Weather Brand Egg Laying Mash i with Limestone ____________________________________ .. 18.50 3.60 6.50 49.00 .................... .. 980D9 Analysis 19.81 i 4.47 i 5.50 i 52.06 9.51 8.65 i 980139 “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Sampled before registration. "Registration adjusted. 3*°Approximately 2.8% of salt found. 3*1Approximately 2.3% of salt found. 342Charcoal and approximately 0.8% of ground limestone found, not claimed. 343Charcoal and approximately 0.6% of ground limestone found, not claimed. 344Deficient in ground whole barley. Wheat bran found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 203 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, I932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I I _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude Crude I Nm-o- Mo1s- I Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein I Extract Texas Mill and Feed Company, I San Antonio, Texas. I Ear Corn Chop with Husk __________________ __ 7.80 I 2.80 I 10.00 I 62.00 ......... ......... .. 2036A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 9.02 I 3.57 I 10.83 I 68.71 6.19 I 1.68 405K Texas Refining Company, Greenville, -Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________ __ 43-00 0-00 12.00 23-00 ...................... _. 2105G Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 44.15 6.97 10.74 26.70 5.98 5.46 349M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.67 7.77 10.80 27.11 5.40 5.25 21R Analysis 43.27 6.47 10.10 28.72 6.09 5.35 152R Texas Star Flour Mills, Galveston, Texas. Corn Feed Meal _______________________________________ __ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70-00 _________ .. 146B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.78 4.82 I 2.83 I 68.89 I 11.20 I 1.48 165M Wheat Gray Shorts 17.50 4.25 6.00 55.00 ......... .. 1461 Analysis345° 18.09 4.88 6.30 55.00 11.37 4.36 43H Analysis _______ __ 17.53 4.51 5.99 57.47 10.33 4.17 240K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.83 4.32 5.23 60.58 7.89 4.15 370K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 18.20 4.79 5.96 56.53 10.25 4.27 45M Analysis ...... .- 17.60 4.33 5.55 57.09 11.44 3.99 216M Analysis346° . 18.13 4.56 6.26 56.36 10.17 4.52 54R Analysis .............................................. __ 19.20 I 4.80 I 5.97 55.99 I 9.66 4.38 499W Texas State Board of Control, I I I Austin, Texas. Texas Board of Control Dairy Feed. 19.00 I 4.50 9.00 49.00 I ..................... .. 2173B Analysis347 ________________________________________ _. 21.52 4.54 I 7.04 52.89 8.10 5.91 444K Texas Stockmen’s Supply Company, San Angelo, Texas. Tex-Men Sweet Feed with Limestone 10.00 2.20 7.00 59-00 ................... _. 18160 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 12.57 2.21 6.04 64.85 9.42 4.91 99K Concho Dairy Feed with Phosphatic Limestone ____________________________________________ -. 16.50 3.20 11.70 1.8.00 ______________________ _. 1816S Analysis 18.03 3.75 9.82 51.59 9.14 7.67 274K Tex-0-Kan Feed Mills, Dallas, Texas. Green Ball Scratch Feed ______________________ ._ 10.00 2.40 4.00 69.00 ______________________ 1 2013B Analysisusf ______________________________________ .. 11.75 3.07 3.05 71.75 8.99 1.39 62R “Refund paid. fPortion of shipment returned to sellers. 345Wheat brown shorts. 34°Wheat brown shorts. 347Not tagged, but tags furnished. 348Kafir claimed, not found. Sunflower seed found, not claimed. 204 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT‘ STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—.Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude I Crude Crude I Nirro- I Mois- I Crude spection Pr_o- Fat Fiber gen-free ture I Ash No. tem Extract Tex-O-Kan Feed Mills, I I I Dallas, Texas—Continued. Green Ball Laying Mash with Oyster Shell __________________________________________ __ 20-50 3-50 7-40 44-00 ....... .. ... 20131) Analysis349 _______________________________________ _;_ 20-33 6.09 6.39 48.62 7.76 10.76 163K Analysis 21.03 I 6.71 7.26 45.85 8.93 10.22 I 140M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20-10 5.97 5.64 49.41 8.97 I 9.91 I 226W Analysis _________________________ __ _ _________ __ 19.89 6.30 7.38 48.49 7.89 10.05 425W Texo 24% Cow Feed with Limestone 24-09 3-70 12-30 33-70 ~ - 20133 Analysis _____________________________ __ 25-41 4.18 9.69 42.84 9.57 I 8.31 I 334M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 26.01 4.69 11.60 42.77 8.34 45.59 I 257R Green Ball 20% Cow Feed with Limestgne _____________________________________________ __ 20-00 3-80 10-40 145-30 ..... I 2013B Analysis 21.71 4.90 8.99 50.21 7.92 6.27 I 249K Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21-46 4.04 9.67 49.76 5.74 Grgund Milo and Kafir __________________________ __ 10-00 2-50 3-00 70.00 ..................... ._ I 20131‘ Analysisamb ______________________________________ _. 11-94 2.89 1.51 73-69 8.63 1.34 509W Ground Whole Qats ______________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ..................... .. 2013M Analysis 11.82 5.87 10.79 59.46 8.23 3.83 303R Analysis _ 11.68 6.92 11.71 58.89 7.16 3.64 15W Texo Alfalfa-Molasses Feed _________________ _. 9~3~7 0-80 23-50 43-50 ...... -- 201391 Analysisafil ________________________________________ _ 11.43 .81 14.30 43.46 I 11.04 18.96 I 321M Green Ball Sweet Feed __________________________ __ 10-50 1-25 13-00 55-00 I ..................... .. I 2013R- Analysis I 10.72 2.16 11.82 59.73 6.28 9.29 322M M110 Head Chgp ________________________________________ ,_ 8.00 2.50 8.00 65.00 I .................... 1 I 2013Z Analy5ig3530 ______________________________________ __ 11.56 4.01 2.29 71.24 9.37 1.53 295R Godfrey’s Special sweet Feed ______________ __ 9-50 1-25 12-00 52-00 ..................... .. I Analysis“ _________________________________________ _> 9.95 2.06 8.81 58.48 11.36 9.34 192K Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 9.30 2.14 9.17 63.25 7.53 8.61 I 10W Dairy Feed .......... .. . ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Analysisfl __________________________________________ __ 20.60 5.53 7.85 50.44 I 9.77 I 5.81 417K I I I Thomas, F. B., I I Clarendon, Texas. Thomas Home-Product Egg Mash with Charegal and Oyster Shell ____ __ 19-50 3.50 7-00 I 46-00 ........ .. I ......... .. 2631F Analysis 21.88 5.79 I 6.32 I 47.70 I 8.03 10.28 263117 Analysis 21.11 5.41 6.35 I 48.53 8.34 10.26 I 187S Analysis 20.60 I 4.69 6.47 I 50.92 I 7.40 9.92 I 410S “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed.‘ from sale and relabeled. "Not registered. ‘Not tagged. 34°Excess of ground oyster shell found. 35°Ground milo. Mutilated tags attached. 351Ground prairie hay substituted in part for alfalfa meal. found. 852Milo Chop. Approximately 6.2% of sand COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 205 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis; tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- I Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Thompson, D. H., I I I Waxahachie, Texas. Chicken Mash with Charcoal ______________ __ 19.40 4.50 I 7.40 48.00 ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, _,I 1750A Analysis 20.09 I 5.32 5.33 52.72 11.08 I 5.46 I 256W Thorndale Oil Mill Company, I I I Thorndale, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ _. 43-00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 _________ .. 1282E Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 44.12 8.53 8.07 25.78 7.60 5.90 200W Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 43.17 8.10 10.14 25.87 7.20 5.52 345W Three Minute Cereals Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Red 3 Rolled Oat Groats _____________________ __ 16-00 6.00 2-00 66-00 ................. .. 1686B Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 18.46 5.20 1.42 64.85 I 8.19 I 1.88 I 439K Tidwell Fuel and Feed Company, Inc., El Paso, Texas. More Milk Brand Dairy Feed ____________ __ 17-50 4-50 9-00 50-00 ...................... .. 662A Analysig353 ________________________________________ __ 18.15 5.77 7.98 55.92 8.08 4.10 65K Tidwe1l’s Success Brand Chick Starter I with Buttermilk and Bone ______________ __ 15-50 4-00 4-60 55-00 ...................... _. 66217 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 16-43 4-74 3-24 I 60-93 I 8.30 6.36 239K Tidwe1l’s Success Brand Laying Mash with Charcoal and Limestone ________ _, 20-50 3-70 8-00 43-50 ...................... 662-1 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 22.23 5.92 7.49 46.99 7.63 9.74 64K Tidwe1l’s Egg Producer Laying Mash with Charcoal and Limestone __________ _. 20-20 3.90 8.00 46.00 ...................... _. 662K Analysis ______________________________________________ -_ 21.25 5.79 6.29 51.35 8.42 6.90 238K Tidwe11’s Mixed Feed with 29% | Molasses _______________________________________________ __ 9-50 2-00 13-00 52-00 ...................... .. 662Q Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.40 I 1.11 13-67 53.97 12.84 8 01 662Q Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 9.80 1.75 14.31 63.05 6.69 4 40 373K More Milk Brand Dairy Feed with I Molasses _______________________________________________ __ 17-00 5.00 8.50 49.00 ...................... ..I 662T Analysis 19.20 I 6.11 I s.s1 50.s4 '| 983 I 521 662T I Tipton Brothers Milling Company, I Lipan, Texas. I Tipton Brothers Growing Mash with Charcoal and Red Oxide of Iron___. 15-00 4-50 7.00 50-00 ...................... .. 1980F Analysis 17.12 6.96 4.99 56.90 I 7.88 6.15 1980F Tipton Brothers Baby Chick Starter I with Charcoal and Red Oxide of Iron 15-00 4.00 5.00 55.00 I ..................... _. 1980G Analysis 16.52 4.74 I 4.04 56.24 I 8.43 I 10.03 I 1980G “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "sRolled whole oats found, ground whole oats claimed. 206 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.-—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, l932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) I I Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or | or ln- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Tobian and Company, Louis, Dallas, Texas. Army Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.09 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ ,_ 955A Analysis°354 ...................................... ._ 42.24 8.13 10.54 27.02 5.42 6.65 235M Analysiss“ ........................................ .. 4329 6.94 10.49 26.74 5.94 6.60 236M Analysis ............................................. .. 42 67 6.93 9.86 28.02 5.84 6.68 254M Analysis” ___________________________________________ a 41-82 9.41 9.58 27.21 5.52 6.43 336M Tornillo Cotton Oil Company, Tornillo, Texas. 25% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ............................................ -. 25.00 5.00 25.00 29.00 ________________ __ 1852B Analysis _________________ __ 25.03 6.42 25.12 33.45 5.41 4.57 57K Traders Oil Mill Company, Fort Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake _____________________________________________________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ ,, 2610C Analysis ............................................ _- 44.30 5.49 11.16 27.76 6.42 4.87 201S Analysis 44.59 5.63 11.89 27.23 y 5.64 5.02 391W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________ _. 43.00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 I ....... .. I _________ _. 2610D‘ Analysis 42.65 7.18 11.25 27.96 5.98 4.98 133K Analysis 43.45 6.77 11.55 28.17 4.95 5.11 310K Analysis 43.66 5.88 12.00 28.00 5.60 4.86 141R Analysis” ......................................... 42.19 6.85 11.91 27.82 6.47 4.76 94W Analysis” ............................................ -. 42.41 7.37 11.69 28.42 5.19 4.92 102W Analysis 42.50 7.05 12.25 27.85 5.54 4.81 237W Transit Milling Company, Sherman, Texas, and Branches. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal._-.------._ 43.09 6.00 12.00 23.00 ........ ._ 18A Analysis 43.90 6.72 9.74 26.43 7.61 5.60 80M Analysis‘ ............................................ .. 41.82 6.06 11.47 27.65 7.75 5.25 239M Analysis" ............................................ .. 40.05 6.25 12.45 28.02 8.06 5.17 319M Analysis“ ........................................... ._ 42.43 6.59 12.73 26.97 5.78 5.50 354M Analysis‘ ........................................... ._ 42.06 6.45 11.33 27.45 7.02 5.69 389M Travis Oil Mills, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ _. 43-00 6.00 12-00 23.00 ..................... __ 319A Analysis 42.55 6.06 12.42 26.09 7.09 5.79 142H Analysis 44.52 6.40 11.10 25.77 6.23 5.98 267K Analysis 42.58 6.10 12.64 25.89 6.73 6.06 361H Yello Brand Cottonseed Meal, Lime- stone and Salt ...................................... .. 41-00 5.70 11-50 22.00 .................... .. 319C Analysis355 ........................................ _. 39.49 5.59 11.49 26.80 8.45 8.18 319C "Refund paid. 354Approximately 0.6% of ground limestone found. 355Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 207 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash o. tein I IExtract Travis Oil Mills, I I Corpus Christi, Texas——Cont. . I Texet Brand 10% Protein Sweet I Dairy Cow Ration with Oyster I Shell 10.00 1.50 31.00 34.00 _____________________ 1 319D Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 11.35 .71 30.81 40.66 10.14 6.33 362H Travis Oil Mills, I I I Hearne, Texas. I I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 I 23-00 I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. 22oF Analysis ___________________________ ________________ __ 43.12 I 6.93 10.17 I 27.04 I 6.58 6.16 150W Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.30 6.36 10.48 I 27.56 6.24 5.97 243W 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed I I Cake 43.00 6.00 12.00 I £23.00 .. I _________ 220G Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 43.23 6.07 10.25 27.94 6.72 5.79 315W Travis Oil Mills, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________ __ 43-00 6-00 12-00 23-00 . . ......... _. 1242A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 42.83 6.05 10.63 29.05 6.09 5.35 82H - Analysis __ 43.60 7.25 11.62 26.00 6.27 5.26 177H Analysis ________________________________________ __ 43.12 6.30 11.52 26.68 7.06 5.32 242H 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______ _. 43-00 6-00 12-00 23-00 ------------------- .. 1242B Analysis’ _________________________________________ _,_ 40.67 6.28 13.24 28.61 5.99 5.21 81H Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 42.39 6.36 12.18 27.56 6.29 5.22 241H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.03 6.31 11.14 27.77 6.47 5.28 252K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 43.93 6.67 11.41 26.18 6.49 5.32 355H Yello Brand Cottonseed Meal, Lime- stone and Salt _____________________________________ _. 41.0’) 5.70 11.50 22.00 ..................... _. 1242D Analysis ........ ._ 40.37 5.64 10.67 27.63 8.01 7.68 1242D Analysis .............................................. .. 39.83 5.78 11.79 27.12 6.52 8.96 356H Travis Oil Mills, Taylor, Texas. I Yello Brand Cottonseed Meal, Lime- stone and Salt _____________________________________ __ 1.1.00 5.70 11.50 22.00 .................... .. 1883A Analysis ........................ _. 40.83 5.84 10.67 26.27 7.70 8.69 1883A Analysisii“ ........................................ -. 41.96 I 6.18 10.76 27.00 6.42 7.68 449W 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed I cake 1.2.00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 ....................... _. 1883B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.02 5.95 11.20 27.23 7.21 5.39 187H Analysis... 47.12 6.46 8.23 27.04 5.52 5.63 33W Analysis.__ 43.43 5.92 10.92 27.07 7.44 5.22 207W Analysis .............................................. .. 43.50 6.25 11.07 27.39 6..56 5.23 211W "Refund paid. 35°Deficient in ground limestone. 208 BULLETIN NO. 467, Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Per Cent I Crude I Nitro- I Mois- Regis- tration or In- I Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude Crude Ispection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash I o. tein Extract I Travis Oil Mills, I Taylor, Texas—Continued. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... 1883C Analysis 42.72 6.64 11.94 26.71 6.82 5.17 178W Analysis , 43.40 6.18 11.51 26.04 7.65 5.22 347W Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 42.89 6.13 12.02 28.16 5.62 5.18 C Tremaine Alfalfa Ranch and Milling I Company, I Mesa, Arizona. I Tremaine Brand Poultry Alfalfa I Meal 13.00 1.50 27.00 40.00 ....................... __ 1018A Analysisiwn’ ______________________________________ __ 19.41 2.09 21.93 40.57 7.48 I 8.52 327M Tremaine Brand Alfalfa Leaf Meal-.. 22.00 I 4.00 16.00 40.00 ____________________ _, 1018F Analysis .............................................. ._ 25.24 2.28 I 12.91 37.15 9.04 I 13.38 67M Tremaine Brand Alfalfa Stem Meal 9.00 0.80 40.00 30.00 I ______________________ _, 10181 Analysisdb-‘m’ ...................................... .. 11.57 1.64 33.67 39.52 7.16 6.44 326M Triangle Service Station, Desdemona, Texas. Dairy Feed _ _ 16.00 3.80 8.00 I 52.00 ______________________ __ 862A Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 16.65 4.68 10.29 I 55.39 I 8.41 I 4.58 I 407K Trinity Cotton Oil Company, Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43.00 6.00 I 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 120F Analysis ............................................. .- 44.79 7.03 9.90 27.18 5.79 5.31 69R Analysis .............................................. _. 45.20 7.02 9.94 27.61 4.63 5.60 85S Analysis 45.85 6.25 11.11 26.14 5.19 5.46 14W Analysis ........................................ -_ 44.81 6.83 9.44 26.67 6.61 5.64 308W Twentieth Street Grain Company, Fort Worth, Texas. Ground Whole Oats _____________________________ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ______________________ __ 177A Analysiss“ ________________________________________ __ 10.88 6.31 11.50 58.21 9.30 3.80 304W Tyler Feed and Seed Company, Tyler, Texas. Smith County Special Dairy Feed ______ __ 20.00 4.50 11.00 50.00 ...................... __ 121A Analysis 20.30 5.19 8.86 51.13 8.53 I 5.99 I 121A Smith County Special “5” Laying ' Mash with Oyster Shell ...................... -. 20.00 3.50 7.50 44.60 .......... __________ 121B Analysis 20.01 I 6.20 I 6.47 I 48.09 I 8.65 I 10.58 I 121B "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Sampled before registration. 357Tags incorrectly printed. 358Short in weight. Portion of shipment removed from sale and each sack made to weigh 100 pounds net. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 209 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 0rI I I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Cfilligle ICgide I Nitéo- I Izlloliesa- Cilsige spizIzgion - 811- [E9 - tein I Iéxtract I I I Tyrrell Rice Milling Company, I I I Beaumont, Texas. Rice Polish ______________________________________________ __ 11.00 I 0.00 4.00 I 55.00 _________ __ 2043A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 13.30 11.65 2.48 I 56.71 9.33 6.53 395M Rice Bran _________________________________________________ ___ 11.00 10.00 15.00 I 42.00 ______________________ __ 2043B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 13.54 15.36 14.54 I 37.34 783 I 11 39 118M Union Oil Mills, I Hubbard, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 343G Analysis _____________________________________________ 43.75 6.34 10.29 27.23 7.07 5.32 119W Analysis .............................................. __ 43.04 7.32 10.99 25.20 8.38 5.07 265W Analysis ............................................. _. 43.25 7.39 10.63 27.19 6.55 4.99 406W Union Starch and Refining Company, Columbus, Indiana. Union Corn Gluten Feed ______________________ _, 23-00 2.00 9.00 45-00 ....................... .. 2139A Analysis359‘ ______________________________________ __ 26.04 4.88 7.43 47.97 9.14 4.54 149W Universal Mills, Fort Worth, Texas. Alfalfa Meal __________________________________________ __ 13.00 I 1.00 30.00 36.00 ______________________ 1 2635.] Analysis“ ____________________ __ _ _ 16.65 1.94 21.39 38.14 I 8.30 13.58 411W Red Chain Dairy Rati0n__ ____ 24-00 4.00 11.00 43-00 ..................... .. 2635N Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25.05 4.87 9.10 44.24 10.03 6.11 151H Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 26.95 4.99 9.95 42.51 9.33 6.27 468W Red Chain Pig Feed _________________________________ __ 20-00 3.50 7.00 47.50 ..................... .. 2635C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.44 4.02 5.23 52.38 I 10.57 7.36 166H Ground Whole Barley. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 ______________________ .. 2635P Analysis3°°b ...................................... __ 12.45 5.24 10.89 61.33 6.13 3.96 I 203M Red Chain Egg Mash with Charcoal I and Oyster Shell ________________________________ __ 20.00 4.50 5.25 48.00 _____________________ 2635Q Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.10 5.50 4.71 52.29 8.37 8.03 4M Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 20.70 5.13 5.13 52.99 8.16 7.89 30W Corn Chop .................................................. -. 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ...................... _. 2635U Analysis“ ........................... .. 10.78 4.32 2.33 71.23 10.05 1.29 447W Red Chain Chicken Fatner ................. .. 13.00 3.80 6.20 59.50 I __________ .......... _. 2635A4 Analysis 15.02 4.56 5.17 62.44 8.63 4.18 275R Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 16.34 3.98 4.53 I 63.99 8.61 2.55 115W Red Chain Growing Mash with Calcium Carbonate and Charcoal”. 15.00 I 4.00 4.50 55.00 I ______________________ __ 2635A5 Analysis 15.92 4.98 4.41 59.82 8.38 6 49 274R Soy Bean Oil Meal ................................ -. 1.1.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 28.00 I ...................... .. 2625121 Analysissald‘ ...................................... _. 42.82 I 4.93 I 6.56 30.52 I 9.54 I 5.63 I 159K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. "Sampled before registration. 359Approximately 4% of salt found. 36°Ground whole oats. 3°1Approximately 2.3% of salt found. 210 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l l l _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nltro- M01s- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract Universal Mills, Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. Red Chain Chick Starter with l Calcium Carbonate _____________________________ __ 16.00 4.60 4.00 55.00 _________ __________ 2535133 Analysis 16.98 4.75 2.97 l 59.36 l 9.71 6.23 314K Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings___ 16-00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ._ 2635C5 Analysis“ ____________________________________________ _. 16.81 4.55 6.00 57.02 11.29 | 4.33 72H Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 19.12 ' 4.91 5.97 55.17 10.89 3.94 l 204B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 17.25 4.59 5.95 56.87 11.20 4.14 150K Analysisafi“ ...................................... -. 19.29 4.88 6.95 56.06 8.60 l 4.22 2M Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings“, 17.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ..................... ._ 2635C5 Analysis 18.74 4.10 5.69 58.20 9 48 l 3 79 319R Red Chain Super-Fat ______________________________ _. 13.40 4.50 4.70 60.50 ...................... .. 2635C7 Analysis _____________________________________________ -_ 14.80 3.59 3.19 68.20 7.91 2.31 91M Analysis .............................................. _- 15.72 4.64 4.28 62.01 8.76 4.59 272R Wheat Bran and Screenings ______________ __ 15.50 3.00 10.00 53.00 l ......... .......... .. 263509 " Analysis ______________________________________________ _, 18.35 l 5.15 l .9.49 52.42 l 8.28 l 6.31 l 318R Red Chain Turkey Starter with l l l l Calcium Carbonate and Charcoal“. 18.00 5.00 4.00 50.00 ......... .......... .. 2635D2 Analysis ............................................ -. 19.45 l 5.17 l 4.47 l 55.44 l 8.54 l 693 l 339K Red Chain Moful Stock Feed with Limestone 10.50 1.50 13.50 52.00 l ...................... _. 2635D9 Analysis 11.93 2.17 11.38 60.68 6.74 7.10 52K Red Chain Ful-Flo Cow Feed with Limestone ............................................ .. 21.00 3.30 12.00 | 42.00 _________ . l __________ _. 2635E6 Analysis 22.65 4.02 13.00 46.56 7.19 l 6.58 45K Cow Boy Stock Feed ......................... -_.._ 10.00 1.50 11.00 55.00 _________ _, 2635F3 Analysis 13.29 3.77 7.50 60.00 10.23 5.21 101W Universal Brand Laying Mash with Oyster Shell ________________________________________ _. 20.00 4.50 7.00 46.50 ..................... .. 2635F4 Ana1y5i5363 _____________________________________ __ 21.65 5.30 6.07 51.56 7.96 7.46 273R Analysis 21.40 5.79 5.65 47.62 l 8.50 11.04 182W Red Chain Finefinish Brand Fattener ________________________________________ ___._. 12.30 4.00 6.50 60.00 ...................... .. 2635G7 Analysis 14.63 4.67 5.11 62.43 8.80 4.36 276R Analysis 13.40 4.11 4.48 63.97 9.24 4.80 422W 16% Special Dairy Feed ______________________ __ 16.00 3.00 11.00 50.00 ...................... _. 2635112 Analysis 19.46 3.88 7.45 52.61 9.65 6.95 247K Red Chain Range Cattle Nugget Feed 18.00 8.30 l 8.50 50.00 ______________________ ._ 263516 Analysis-s“ __________________________________ _- 19.94 5.13 I 5.97 52.63 l 8.26 l 8.07 387K Wheat Red Dog Flour_._ ........ ._.. 15.00 2.59 4.00 65.00 .......... __________ _. 263519 Analysis“ ............................................ -- 16.38 3.34 2.57 l 64.11 l 11.42 l 2.12 160K "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. “Registration adjusted. 362Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 3°3Corn gluten meal, hominy feed and charcoal found, not claimed. 364Deficient in ground milo heads. Yellow corn meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Clgude ‘Cgude Clivrgdel Nitro- Mois- Ciulde spiftion ro- at i er gen-free ture s o. tein l Extract Universal Mills. l l l Fort Worth, Texas—Continued. Red Chain Thirty-Six Egg Mash Sup- l Dlement with Oyster Shell .............. __ 36.00 4.60 l 6.50 23.50 .................... .. 2635J6 Analysis .............................................. .. 40.08 6.74 5.08 23.13 l 6.86 18.11 440K Worth More Brand Sweet Feed ______ ,, 0.00 1.50 10.00 52.00 l ______________________ __ 2635J8 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 11.63 2.30 7.86 58.62 13.35 6.24 2635.18 Analysis _____________________________________________ ,, 12.90 3.18 8.76 58.60 9.67 6.89 249W Analysisw“ ...................................... __ 11.16 2.45 7.67 I 59.32 12.70 6.70 306W Blue Chain Lay Mash with Calcium | l l l Carbonate ____________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.50 l 6.50 49.00 l .......... 1| .......... _. 2635J9 Analysis ______ __ 19.42 5.09 6.26 53.03 9.03 7.17 152H Analysis _____ __ 20.90 4.97 5.48 52.57 8.88 7.20 250K Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 21.94 4.79 5.27 50.71 10.45 6.84 234W Blue Chain 24% Dairy Feed with l Calcium Carbonate ____________________________ __ 24.00 l 070 7.80 40.00 ..................... .. 2635K1 Analysis 24.02 3.75 9.13 46.08 10.42 6.60 2635K1 Analysis _____________________________________________ >_ 22.84 3.87 7.36 49.93 9.73 6.27 469W Valley Feed Mills, l Harlingen, Texas. Valco Egg Mash with Charcoal ______ __ 19.50 3.60 6.50 47.00 l ......... .......... .. 521A Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.80 6.08 l 5.64 l 49.66 l 9.31 l 8.51 64H Echo Sweet Feed with Limestone _____ __ 117.00 2.00 13.50 52.00 ...................... ._ 521B Analysis” ____________________________________________ __ 10.52 2.63 l 11.19 60.90 11.30 3.46 62H Echo Sweet Feed with Limestone ______ __ 9.00 2.70 11.50 56.00 ..................... .. 521B Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 10.30 1.96 l 11.86 55.69 11.54 8.65 368E Pepco Dairy Feed with Limestone ______ ,_ 29.00 3.00 l 10.50 | 44.00 ...................... .. 521C Analysis3°° ________________________________________ __ 17.68 4.00 11.55 49.32 11.01 6.44 150H Analysis . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ 21.47 3.69 9.64 47.48 10.54 7.18 281H Valco Hen Scratch.___ ___________ __ 10.00 2.60 3.50 69.00 _____________________ __ 521D Analysis367 ........................................ __ 11.20 2.84 1.84 73.65 9.03 l 1.44 67H Valco 24% Dairy Feed with Lime- l stone 24.00 3.70 12.00 3.9.00 I __________ __________ 1 521F Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 25.76 4.56 10.14 42.47 ‘ 9.94 7.13 63H Analysis ___________________________________________ _____ 25.29 3.95 10.48 44.20 8.60 7.48 282H Valco Horse and Mule Feed__ 9.50 3.00 10.00 60.00 ..................... _. 521G Analysisims ________________________________________ __ 9.80 3.27 9.03 63.51 10.93 3.46 68H Valco Growing Mash with Limestone 17.00 l 3.50 l 6.00 l 50.00 l ______________________ 521H Analysis 19.88 l 5.29 l 4.89 l 51.73 8.73 l 9.48 65H va1ee chick starter with Charcoal____ 14.50 l 3.50 5.00 59.00 ...................... .. 5211 Analysis 15.80 l 4.00 l 3.10 60.39 10.26 6.45 66H “Portion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. “Registration adjusted. 365Tags incorrectly printed. 3°6Ground whole-pressed cottonseed substituted in part for 43% protein cottonseed meal. “Tsorghum seed found, not claimed. aasEar corn chop with husk found, not claimed. 212 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I _ I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- Mois- I Crude spection I Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-freeI ture Ash No. ’ I tein I Extract I I I I I Valley Feed Mills, I I Harlingen, Texas—Continued. I I I 15% Protein Dairy Feed with I I I I Limestone 15.00 3.20 16.00 I 43.00 I _________ __________ 521K Analysis“ .......................................... .. 16.68 I 3.61 11.23 53.38 I 9.37 I 5.23 I 69H Big B Laying Mash with Limestone I I I and Charcoal ........................................ .. 18.50 I 4.00 I 5.50 50.00 __________ __________ 521M Analysis 20.33 I 4.28 I 5.28 53.53 I 9.05 I 7.53 I 280H Van Alstyne Cotton Oil Company, I Van Alystyne, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________ __ 43.00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 I ______________________ _, 423G Analysis 43.59 6.33 11.20 26.55 I 7.22 5 11 5R Analysis 45.34 6.45 10.19 27.16 5.95 4 91 11R AllalYsis 44.78 6.84 10.76 26.49 6.16 4.97 138R Analysis 43.02 6.46 12.70 I 26.24 6.69 489 269R 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............. .. 43.00 I 6.00 12.00 23.00 _________ __________ 428H Analysis 43.42 I 7.39 11.33 I 26.54 6.33 4.99 I 139R Van Iderstine Company, The, I I Long Island City, New York. Vico Quality Meat Scraps ..................... -. 50.00 5.00 3.00 0.50 ...................... _. 2257A Analysis 54.55 10.45 3.63 1.56 I 5.02 I 24.79 I 373M Vernon Cotton Oil Company, I I I Vernon, Texas. I I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... __ 42.00 I 6.00 12.00 20.00 .......... ..I .......... .. 593H Analysis 42.70 7.01 12.06 26.94 6.04 5.25 51S Analysis 42.83 6.52 12.69 26.43 6.42 5.11 156$ Analysis 43.50 7.65 11.56 26.51 5.67 5.11 215$ Analysis 43.70 7.95 11.36 26.12 5.75 5.12 280$ 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .......... _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ..................... _. 593I Analysis .............................................. -. 44.10 7.66 I 10.39 26.74 I 6.02 5.09 I 194$ Analysis 44.22 6.33 11.92 27.31 I 5.15 '5.07 I K 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed ' Feed 41.12 5.00 I 14.00 26.00 I __________ .......... 593.1 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 43.38 I 8.40 I 12.75 24.29 I 6.03 I 5.15 I 427K Analysisc ___________________________________________ __ 39.34 I 7.76 I 13.61 29.39 I 5.24 I 4.66 I 52S Analysis 41.49 9.89 I 12.28 25.52 I 5.60 I 5.22 I 129$ Analysis” ____________________________________________ __ 39.96 9.94 13.21 I 26.32 5.70 4.87 130$ Analysis _______________________________________________ -. 42.37 8.08 12.25 27.11 5.35 4.84 181$ Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 40.95 9.30 I 13.22 26.11 5.40 5.02 267$ Analysis 42.00 I 8.58 I 13.04 I 25.65 I 5.50 I 5.23 269$ “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. "Sampled before registration. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 213 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyse of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I _ I _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- Mo1s- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. ’ tein Extract Waco Cotton Oil Mill, I I I Waco, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....... __ 43.00 I 6.00 1.2.00 23.00 _ . I 464F Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 41.81 I 7.45 11.59 26.59 7.54 I 5.02 I 190K Analysis” ........................................... .. 42.10 I 7.87 10.99 27.50 6.39 I 5.15 I 102M Analysis” ........................................... _. 42-36 I 6.96 11.75 27.41 6.02 5.50 114M Analysis” ........................................... -- 42.35 I 7.34 11.30 26.37 6.95 5.19 141W Analysis" ___________________________________________ ,, 42-49 I 9.06 11.38 25.54 6.26 5.27 151W Analysis“ ___________________________________________ __ 41.96 I 7.39 11.53 27.33 6.63 5.11 246W Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 42-6’) I 7.79 11.94 26.02 6.43 5.22 338W Analysis“.....______.__._....____.______.. _________ _. 42.17 7.72 11.31 26.23 7.35 5.22 366W Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 43.07 7.63 12.02 I 25.28 6.65 5.35 433W Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 43.02 I 7.27 11.87 I 26.11 I 6.37 I 5.36 I 434W I Waco Rendering Company, I Waco, Texas. Golden Brand Special Meat and Bone Scraps _____________________________ __ ___ 50-00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ....... _. __ 2598A Analysis _________________________ __ 50.30 11.92 2.69 1.51 6.97 26.61 200H Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 49.25 12.20 2.68 2.50 5.22 28.15 20W Analysis ......................................... __ 48.90 12.53 3.00 2.70 5.03 27.84 59W Analysisim” ________________________________________ _. 47.82 12.86 3.17 2.39 6.78 26.98 202W Analysis” ____________________________________________ _. 48.21 12.34 3.73 I 2.41 6.76 26.55 291W Analysis ............................................ .. 49.45 I 14.93 3.15 I 1.42 6.13 ' 24.92 483W Analysis ............................................. _. 55 29 I 13.15 2.19 I 2.32 I 6.40 20.65 515W Walden’s Feed and Produce Market, I I Alvarado, Texas. Waldelfs Egg Mash with Oyster Shell 20.00 4.00 7.00 I 45.00 I _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . ._ 1535D Analysis _____________________________________________ ._ 23.80 6.03 5.05 47.21 7.82 10.09 81W Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 21.45 I 6.33 3.88 I 49.95 8.92 I 9.47 I 313W Walden’s Growing Mash with Oyster I I Shell 14.00 3 39 5.50 51.00 15351 Analysis ............................................ .. 15.81) 4.38 3.89 I 57.16 9.42 I 9.35 I 436W Wallace Grain Milling Company, Fort Worth, Texas. “Perfection” Brand Egg Mash with Charcoal ________________________________________________ -. 18.00 3.50 7.20 51.00 ........ __ I ......... .. 17931‘: Analysis 20.47 5.39 6.45 52.93 3.31 5.95 238W Waller Gin and Feed Mill, Waller, Texas. No. 1 B and B Brand Laying Mash with Oyster Shell _______________________________ __ 20.00 4.00 7.50 45.00 .................. .. 2351B Analysis 20.95 5.53 I 6.72 I 47.81 I 8.3’) I 10.69 I 6M CRefund paid. 3°9Approximate1y 3.4% of salt found. 214 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 19324-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or _ l l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nnro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract l Waller Gin and Feed Mill, l Waller, Texas—Continued. | B and B Brand Growing Mash with l Oyster Shell for Chix ________________________ .. 17-50 3.60 8.50 48.00 l __________ __ 2351D Analysis 18.80 4.73 7.44 l 52.66 l 8.03 l 8.34 5M B and B Brand Laying Mash No. 3___. 19.00 4.00 7.50 50.00 ' ......... .. l __________ __ 2351F Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 19.40 5.17 6.69 52.70 8.57 7.47 2351F Analysis ............................................ __. 19.20 5.19 l 7.06 51.37 10.32 6.86 l 296M Walls Feed Store, Grapevine, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ________________ ., 7.80 2.80 | 10.00 _ 62.00 ..................... 8 1662c Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 9.83 8.45 9.69 ' 60.06 6.54 1.44 112W Ground Peanut Hay ______________________________ ._ 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 ...................... .. 1662E Analysis 10.88 4.24 20.52 46.38 8.15 9.83 139K Analysis37° ________________________________________ .. 9.89 l 3.28 18.79 44.74 12.45 10.85 233W Walnut Springs Grain and Elevator Company, Walnut Springs, Texas. J-B Ground Whole Oats _____________________ .. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ....................... .. 1589A Analysis .............................................. ._ 11.40 l 6.10 12.62 57.83 ‘ 8.40 l 365 142W “Perfection” Brand Dairy Feed ......... .. 16.00 l 3.30 10.00 52.00 ..................... 1589E Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 17.62 l 4.29 10.92 55.04 8.05 l 408 l 512W Ward, Clarence, l Italy, Texas. l | Ward’s Rainbow Egg Mash N0. 1 l with Oyster Shell .............................. .. . 18.00 l 3.70 l 6-50 47-00 ---------------------- "I 2523G Analysis. 19.08 5.29 6.31 52.17 9.05 8.10 2523G Warls Rainbow Egg Mash No. 5 l with Oyster Shell .............................. _. 18.00 3.70 7.00 46-00 ...................... .. 2523K Analysis 20.16 l 4.97 l 6.22 l 50.68 l 9.31 l 8.66 l 2523H Ward Dry Milk Company, l Saint Paul, Minnesota. Wardfg Pure Dried Buttermilk ________ __ 30.00 3.00 0.00 40.00 ...................... _. 2147A Analysis“ ............................................ .. 34.26 4.39 -95 43-91 373 l 8.33 l 339K Dried Skimmed Milk ............................. .. 34.00 0.20 0.00 50.00 .......... __________ 2147B Analysis“ ........................................... _. 36.08 .10 .39 50.60 5.49 l 7.434 l 9H Warnken and Sons, Inc., A. D., l l Poth, Texas. l 25% Protein Whole-Pressed l Cgttonseed ___________________________________________ __ 25.00 5.00 25.00 29.00 ...................... ._ Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 30.00 4.47 25.82 30.60 l 4.81 l 4.30 50H Analysis 28.88 6.05 24.84 32.98 4.81 4.44 25511 "Portion of shipment removed from sale until 37°Approximately 2% of salt found. tagged. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 215 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent I Regis- I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude Ispection Pr_o- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash I N0. te1n Extract \Varnken and Sons, Inc., A. D., I I I I I Path, Tcxas-——Continued. I I I I 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- I seerlfContinued I Analysis . .. 29.12 5.31 24.60 30.91 5.90 4.16 213W Warco Corn Feed Meal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 8.00 3.00 I 3.00 67,00 I , 2209M Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 12.06 I 5.50 I 1.79 I 71.52 ‘I 7.60 1.56 I 2209M I . Wan-rick and Company, J. E., Wellington, Texas. Wheat Chop ____________________________________________ 1 12.00 I 2.00 6.00 I 70.00 ____ 1 1823A Analysis _________________________________________ __ 14.50 I 1.81 2.62 I 70.28 I 8.60 2.19 I 55S Washington Cotton Oil Mill, I Dallas, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........ .. 43-00 5-90 12-00 2309 -- - ggggg ~ 2300B Analysis’? __________________________________________ __ 41.51 I 6.42 I 12.76 26.99 7.13 5.16 I 3K ~ I Wearden, Ed., I Glen Flora, Texas. I Com Chop _________________________________________________ __ 9.00 I 3.5’) I 3.00 I 70.00 I .. 997A Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 10.45 5.45 2.27 I 68.83 I 11.50 I 1.50 I 217M I Weimar Oil Works, I Weimar, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ __ 43-00 6-00 12-00 23.00 .................... .. 215C Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 46.66 I 6.66 6.03 I 25.65 6.62 6.21 I 22411 Analysis _ 45.31 8.04 7.99 26.53 5.57 6.56 96M Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 46.95 I 7.06 8.90 I 26.40 5.68 5.91 391M I I I Woodland Grain Company, I I I Temple, Texas. . I E_CO_ scratch Grain ____________________________ W 0.60 6.00 4.00 I 69.00 ________________ "I 1701A Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 10.30 I 3.23 I 2.03 I 72.50 I 10.92 I 1.02 260M Benoo Mo_Fat _________________________________________ __ 13.5.7 4.20 6.00 I 58.00 I I 1701B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 14.36 I 5.18 5.02 61.98 I 10.02 I 3.47 I 222W E-Co. Hen Mash with Oyster Shell 00-00 I 0-10 I 8.50 45.00 I..- I .I 17011“ Analysis ______________________________________________ g 22.20 I 4.49 I 6.97 50.22 I 8.63 I 7.29 I 413W I Wendt Grain Company, I I Yoakum, Texas. I o I Special Five Laying Mash with I I I I I Oyster shell ____________________________________ __ 18.00 3.90 7.00 48.00 .......... 2171B Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 18.22 4.27 6.18 I 54.82 8.72 I 779 I 332K Champion Brand All-Mash Chick I I I I Starter with Buttermilk and Oyster I I I I $11611 ____ ,_ 16.80 3.50 5.00 52.50 .................... __ 2171C Analysis .............................................. .. 18.34 I 4.55 I 3.20 I 56-04 I 9.83 I 804 I 22711 "Refund paid. 216 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude |Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- l Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tem Extract i Wendt Grain Company, l Yoakum, Texas—-Continued. l Champion Brand Growing Mash with l Oyster Shell .......................................... .- 17.80 l 3.50 8.30 43.50 ,_ ______ __ 21711) Analysis _____________________________________________ 4 18.80 l 5.49 6.74 52.77 8.00 l 8.14 3331-1 Champion Brand Chicken Feed. . 11.00 l 3.50 2.70 09,00 _________________ __ 2171c, Analysis _____________________________________________ -. 11.54 3.21 1.90 70.95 11.05 1.35 22811 West Cotton Oil Mill, West, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... 43.00 l 6.00 12.00 28.00 _________________ __ 447E Analysis ............................................. 4 43.29 7.15 10.92 27.33 6.34 4.97 l 117W Analysis” ........................................ 41.99l 7.98 11.95 27.09 0.17 4.92 298W Western Commission Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. Milk Maid Brand Dairy Feed with Limestone _______________________________________________ .. 21.00 14.00 13.00 43.00 .................. .. 695F Analysis ............................................. _. 21.80 5.03 12.09 46.53 7.83 6.72 l 18K Jersey Cream Dairy Feed with l Limestone .............................................. -. 19.50 l 0.90 15.00 44.00 l ________________ __ 0952 Analysis .............................................. -- 20.60 l 5.56 12.43 47.79 7.50 6.12 l 182K “Economy” Brand Laying Mash with l Oyster Shell __________________________________________ __ 23.50 3.50 7.00 45.00 ................. .. 695A2 Analysis371 ......................................... -- 21.55 l 4.82 6.47 48.51 l 7.67 l 10.98 337K “Economy” Brand Dairy Feed with l I l l Limestone ........................................... 10.00 l 0.00 l 19.00 40.00 .......... ..| ...... _. 695131 Analysis ........................................... -- 18.80 l 4.88 l 11.62 l 50.33 l 7.45 l 6.92 l 15K “Peerless” Brand Egg Mash with l l l Charcoal and Limestone ................... - 00.00 l 4.90 l 7.50 l 45.00 l ________ ._l _________ "l 095133 Analysis --------------------------------------------- »- 21.31 5.66 l 5.88 47.66 9.48 10.01 l 193K Western Condensing Company, | l Eureka, California. - Peebles Dried Whey ............................... .. 14.00 0.00 0.00 65.00 __________________ .. 285A Analysis“ .......................................... .. 15.40 .43 .17 l 67.08 5.16 11.76 187W Analysis“ ......................................... ._ 15.26 .16 .31 66.65 3.88 13.74 389W West Flour Mills, l l West, Texas. l l Economy Brand Chick Starter with Buttermilk _____________________________________ ._'.._-. 1 7.00 4.20 5.00 53.50 . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .. l 935E Analysis ............................................. .. 19.70 6.27 4.05 55.03 8.32 6.63 l 396W "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. (‘Refund paid. “Sampled before registration. “lGround whole oats found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 217 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I I _ I _ or In- Importer. Brand Name. I Crude Crude Crude Nm-o- Mo1s- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-freeI ture Ash No. tein Extract West Texas Feed and Seed Company, Hereford, Texas._ I Wheat Chop ______________________________________________ .. 12.00 2.00 I 8.00 70.00 ______________________ __ 545C Analysis"? ........................................ .. 20.52 1.94 I 2.91 64.20 8.36 2.07 25S “Just-Right” Brand Chick Starter I I with Charcoal and Oxide of Iron... 17.00 I 4.00 6.00 I 55.00 ,,,,,,, .. 545D Analysis .................. .. 19.02 I 5.37 6.43 I 53.80 8.92 I 6.46 I 545D Analysis ............................................ 4 19.62 5.66 5.29 I 55.62 I 7.47 I 6.34 I 368$ “Just-Right” Brand Egg Mash with I I I I I Charcoal and Oxide of Iron .......... _. 19.00 3.00 7.20 I 59.00 ......... ......... __ 545E Analysis ____________________________________________ _. 21.10 5.01 5.30 46.20 13.78 8 61 545E Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 20.20 I 5 04 I 5.74 I 51.70 I 8.67 I 8.65 I 369$ “Just-Right” Brand Dairy Feed with I I I Oxide 01 Iron ................... -_ 10.00 4.50 I 0.50 17.90 ................... ..I 545F Analysis ........ .. 19.85 4.81 7.46 53.74 9.01 5.13 545F Analysis ............................................. .. 20.08 4.86 8.00 54.7 6.92 5.37 370$ Corn Chop ............................................. 0.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ____________________ ._ 545G Analysisa” ....................................... .. 11.84 4.28 I 2.29 70.93 9.15 1.51 I 427s “Just-Right” Brand Growing Mash I I ' with Charcoal and Oxide of 11011.- 13.00 | 1.25 0.00 50.00 I ..................... .. 545H Analysis. ........................................... 10.05 I 5.11 4.69 57.73 7.28 614 426s West Texas Fuel Company, I I El Paso, Texas. Daily Dozen Mash Feed with I I Charcga] ________________________________________________ __ 20.00 4.00 5.50 47.00 _____________________ __ 142A Analysis .............................................. ._ 20-40 6-00 6-57 I 50-49 I 734 3-70 I 241K cacme Laying Mash with cha1¢¢0a1____ 19.00 3.50 7.00 47.00 I ......... ........... 142J Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 22.24 I 6.43 5.53 _ 49.55 8.12 8.13 375K Whaley Mill and Elevator Company, I Gainesville, Texas. I Ground Whole Oats _____________________________ __ 11-00 4-00 12-00 58-00 --------------------- -- 15Q Analysis374 ________________________________________ __ 11.80 6.39 ' 10.36 58.61 9.49 3 35 162W Whaleys Laying Mash __________________________ __ 18.20 3.50 6.00 I 48.00 ...................... ._ 15V Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.26 5.55 5.79 52.48 8.48 8 44 223K Whaley’s Special Dairy Feed... .. 17-30 I 3-20 3-30 I 52-00 ------------------- 15z Ana1ysis375 ________________________________________ _. 18.65 5.39 8.73 53.95 9 45 3 83 159W I Wharton County Cotton Oil Mill, El Campo, Texas. Protein Ggttonseed Meal ____________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ____________________ _. Analysis .............................................. .. 45.93 6-52 9-30 26-24 I 651 I 5 50 I 156M 25% Protein Whole-Pressed I I I cottonseed ____________________________________________ _. 25.00 7.00 25.00 29.00 .................... ._ 1863E Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 28.94 4.93 23.64 32.52 5.92 I 4.05 I 410M 372Whole barley chop found.‘ . 373Yellow corn meal. 374Some rolled whole oats found. 375Ground milo found, not claimed. 218 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crudel Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract White Deer Roller Mills, White Deer, Texas. ‘ Wheat Mixed Feed _______________________________ _.. 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 _____________________ __ 1653A Ana1ysis37° ........................................ .. 16.43 3.75 5.82 60.25 I 9.46 I 4,29 I 9S Wheat Mixed Feed and Molasses ,,,,, .. 13.50 2.80 6.80 57.00 _____ __ I 1653E Analysis _____________________________________________ .. 12-44 1.13 4.00 62.31 15.69 4.43 192$ Whitesboro Oil Mill, Whitesboro, Texas. Mash with Oyster Shell for Growing Pullets 15.20 I 3.40 6.50 49.50 _________ .. 619M Analysis. ............................................ .. 17.59 4.32 4.75 54.59 I 7.84 10.91 414K Laying Mash (for Hens) without I Cottonseed Meal ................................. -. 18.40 I 3.60 7.00 I 48.70 I _________ _. 619Q Analysis ........................................... 18.72 I 4.52 4.29 I 56.61 I 7.95 I 7.91 413K Texboro Baby Chick Starter with I I I I I Buttermilk and Oyster Shell ________ 10.00 I 0.80 5.50 I 5.9.00 _________ ., 619V Analysis ______________________________________________ ,, 17.20 I 5.16 I 3.93 I 56.98 I 10.37 I 6.36 I 317K Texboro Cow Feed _________________________________ .. 16.00 3.20 10.00 I 50.00 ..................... 619Y Analysis ______________________________________________ ._ 19.38 I 4.81 I 8.76 I 54.92 I 8 86 I 327 146K Dairy Feed with Lime .......................... 1 17.50 I 3.20 I 15.00 I 15.00 I __________ ._I ........ .. 619AI Analysis .............................................. _. 18.70 I 3.98 I 13.20 I 48.58 I 9.63 I 5.91 I 145K I Whyte Feed Mill, I I I Pine Bluff, Arkansas. I I Red Horse-Shoe Laying Mash with I Limestone ........................................... _._ 20.00 4.00 7.50 49.00 ..................... .. I 1096E Analysis ___________________ ._ 20.40 6.59 4.57 52.70 7.29 8 45 31M Analysis .............................................. .. 21.93 5.81 6.47 47.95 I 8.36 9.48 I 394M Horse-Shoe Big Flow Dairy Feed I I I with Limestone .................................... __ 16.70 3.00 12.50 47.00 ..................... _, 1096K Analysis“? ........................................ .. 18.50 5.38 11.78 47.54 I 9.88 6.92 I 237M Green Horse-Shoe Laying I I Mash with Limestone ________________________ . 20.00 4.00 4.90 47.00 I ____________________ 1096B4 Analysis“ ____________________________________________ _. 21.10 4.21 3.97 52.83 9.50 8.39 238M Horse-Shoe Egg Mash .......................... 20.00 4.00 7.00 47.00 ..................... ._ 1096136 Analysis ______________________________________________ .. 21.60 5.82 5.76 49.75 7.57 I 9 50 32M Green Horse-Shoe Laying Mash with I I Limestone ............................................. .. 18.00 4.00 7.00 48.00 I ......... 1| __________ _. 109601 Analysis378 ........................................ .. 19.70 4.82 4.18 54.55 I 8.08 8.67 I 1096C1 Wichita Falls Cotton Oil Company, I Wichita Falls, Texas. l I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .......... _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 I ...................... 644A Analysis” ___________________________________________ _. 40.81 8.42 12.18 26.19 I 7.59 I 4.81 I 188K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. "Refund paid. 37°Wheat gray shorts. 377Dried beet pulp found, not claimed. sTsMilo meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 219 Table 8.-—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Wichita Falls Cotton Oil Company, Wichita Falls, Texas—Cont. 41.12% Protein Cracked Cottonseed | Feed 41.12 ] 5.00 14.00 26.00 __________ __ 644F Analysis-w” ...................................... .. 9.75 | 1.73 37.66 36.49 6.51 7.86 181K Wichita Flour Mills Company, The, I Wichita, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings ,_ 15.00 3.50 5.50 57.00 ..................... .. 197F Analysis“ ____________________________________________ __ 16.01 3.53 4.68 61.17 10.98 3.63 197M Wichita Mill and Elevator Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ________________________________ __ 17-00 4.00 6-00 55.00 1 .................... __ 229A Analysiswfl _______________________________________ __ 17.65 4.29 6.13 58.08 I 9.82 4.03 33511 Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 17.90 4.71 5.92 57.05 10.29 4.13 183R Kafir-Milo Chop, Wheat Bran and I Screenings ____________________________________________ __ 11-80 2.50 4.50 65.00 ______________________ ._ 229E Analysis ____________________________________________ ___ 13.21 3.28 3.35 69.00 8.81 2.35 497W Chico Laying Mash ________________________________ _, 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ______________________ .. 229131 Analysis381b ______________________________________ _. 19.77 4.83 6.62 51.71 10.09 6.98 284K Analysissslb ....................................... .. 20.12 5.32 5.66 51.93 9.89 7.08 325W Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings” ....................................................... . Analysis? ................................ .. 18.73 5.09 5.98 55.58 10.54 4.08 36M Analysislw” ...................................... .. 17.45 4.79 6.28 57.75 9.45 4.28 40R Wilson and Company, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Red “W” Brand Meat Scraps ______________ __ 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ..................... .. 2399B Analysisim" ...................................... ._ 50.88 9.11 2.36 1.56 6.54 29.55 113$ 50% Protein Red “W” Brand Meat and Bone Scraps ................................. _. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ...................... .. 2399B Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 51.30 10.19 1.65 2.34 5.93 28.59 398K Analysis“ ____________________________________________ .. 50.03 9.24 1.98 .73 4.70 33.32 336K Analysis .............................................. -_ 54.12 10.96 1.74 1.87 5.14 26.17 395s Wilson Grain Company, Coleman, Texas. Wilson’s Dairy Feed ............................. .. 21.00 3.60 12-50 45-00 ...................... .. 103313 Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 21.96 4.85 10.60 47.82 8.78 5.99 111K “Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. bPortion of shipment removed from sale and relabeled. eRegistration adjusted. "Not registered. 379Cottonseed hulls and meal. 38°Screenings found. 381Tags incorrectly printed. 382Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 383Approximately 2.2% of salt found. Meat and bone scraps. 220 Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Per Cent I I Crude I Nitro- Regis- , tration I or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Mois- Crude Ispection Pro- Fat Fiber Igen-free ture Ash I No. tein IExtract I I I Winters Cotton Oil Company, Inc., I I Winters, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ .. 43.00 6.00 I 12.00 I 23.00 .. .. .. I 1304A Analysis" ............................................ _. 40-85 8.61 12.28 I 27.73 5.90 I 4.63 I 109K Analysis" ........................................ .. 40.42 8.92 13.08 | 26.90 6.23 I 4.45 I 389K Analysis” ......................................... .. 37.25 9.28 15.18 I 27.83 6.01 I 4.45 I 395K 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .. 42.00 6.00 12.00 I 23.00 . I I 1304B Analysis” ____________________________ .- 41.82 7.02 12.47 I 26.82 7.35 I 4.52 I 265K Analysis .......... .. . 45.59 7.44 10.29 I'26.45 5.39 I 4.84 I 266K Analysis ____________________________________________ _- 44.60 8.36 10.84 I 25.47 5.94 I 479 I 394K Winters Feed Mills, I I I I Stephenville, Texas. I I I Winters Turkey Growing and I I Fattening Mash ___________________________________ .- 14.00 I 3.00 3.00 46.00 _ I _________ _, I 778A Analysis ........... ________________________________ -. 18.90 I 5.11 4.03 I 54.83 8.48 8.65 I 778A Winters Egg Mash .............................. .. 17.00 3.50 4.50 I 52.00 ,, __________ ,_ 778B Analysis .............................................. ~ 17.88 4.87 4.35 57.29 6.99 8.62 I 778B Winters Dairy Feed _______________________________ -- 17.00 I 4.00 10.00 I 48.00 _ I ........ __ I 778C Analysis ---------------------------------------------- ~ 19.87 4.49 10.39 52.38 8.19 4.68 778C Witte Feed and Grain Company, Cuero, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk .................. .. 7.80 2.80 10.00 62.00 .. ........ 100A Analysis .............................................. -- 8.65 3.11 10.88 67.60 8.30 1.46 23111 Womble Oil Mill Company, Caldwell, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal...“ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................... .. 42C Analysis ................................... .. 43.95 6.74 11.09 27.03 5.29 5.90 94M Analysis” ............... ._ 41.70 7.18 10.72 27.88 6.69 5.83 161M Analysis .............................................. ~ 43.40 6.72 10.32 27.00 7.11 5.45 205M Wood County Cotton Oil Company, Mineola, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ .. 451.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................... .. 1751E Analysis _____________________________________________ _. 47.08 6.19 7.73 26.91 6.42 5.68 56R Analysis” ____________________________________________ _. 42.44 7.05 10.49 28.08 6.17 5.77 127R Analysis” ............................................ __ 42.45 6.89 10.02 28.09 6.79 5.76 128R Analysis ............................................. -- 44.30 7.38 8.49 27.01 6.64 6.18 196R Analysis ............................................. .- 42.67 6.93 9.05 28.17 7.39 5.79 252R Wuensche Mill and Elevator, Kingsville, Texas. Blue Border Scratch Feed ................ _. 10.00 3.00 4.00 68.00 .................... .. 156B Analysis ___________________________________________ _._ 11.01 3.17 2.53 72.66 9.20 1.43 36411 Blue Border Growing Grain ............. .. 10.00 2.90 3.50 70.00 ................... ._ 156D Analysis 11.19 3.48 1.96 73.97 7.98 1.42 365H “Refund paid. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 8.—-Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) "Refund paid. eRegistration adjusted. Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or | | | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude [Crude Crude Nitro- I Mois- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein ‘Extract r Yoakum Cotton Oil Company, The, I l I Yoakum, Texas. l I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______ 43.00 | 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 585H Analysis ______________________________________________ ., 43.10 I 7.14 l 11.20 26.75 6.49 5.32 1181-1 I Yorktown Cotton Oil and Manufactur- ing Company, l Yorktown, Texas. I 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________ ., 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... .. 363E Analysis" _____________________________________ __ 42.40 6.15 12.24 27.45 6.57 5.19 45H Analysis..... _ _ 44.28 6.59 10.39 27.04 6.31 5.39 1251-1 Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 44.09 6.10 10.16 26.81 7.43 5.41 2381'! Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 43.50 6.13 11.10 27.93 6.08 5.26 338K 43% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed I I Cake 42.00 l 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...................... 3631 Analysis ____________________________________________ .. 43.30 | 5.92 10.90 27.38 7.12 5.33 | 126H Young Feed Mills, Wesley B., I I Grand Prairie, Texas. Young Maid Laying Mash with Dried Buttermilk and Charcoal .................. .. 20-00 4-00 7-00 45-00 ______________________ _. 1637N Analysis _____________________________________________ _, 22.59 l 6.30 i 6.70 46.67 8.11 9.63 1637N Yukon Mill and Grain Company, Yukon, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts ________________________________ __ 15.50 3.50 6.00 57.00 ...................... .. 1026C Analysis ______________________________________________ _. 16.80 4.65 5.74 59.98 8.79 4.04 454$ Wheat Bran and Screenings ............... .. 14.50 3.50 10.00 53.00 ..................... .. 1026F Analysis. ............................................ __ 15.85 4.51 9.56 55.50 8.09 6.49 447s Hominy Feed..___ 10.00 8.00 7.00 60.00 ....................... ._ 1026H Analysis ........................................... .. 12.57 9.40 5.43 61.00 8.70 2.90 434K Analysis .............................................. .. 11.87 9.43 6.72 60.44 8.54 3.00 453$ Zedler, C., Luling, Texas. Laying Mash with Oyster Shell .......... .. 20-50 3-50 7-40 44-60 ______________________ _. 59M Analysis ______________________________________________ __ 20.26 5.64 5.96 48.87 9.05 10.22 213H Growing Mash with Oyster Shell ______ .. 17.80 3-50 8.30 48.50 ...................... .. 59N Analysis ........................................... ._ 19.01 4.76 6.62 54.26 7.38 7.97 215H Dairy Feed with Limestone .................. .. 17.50 3.50 10.00 47.00 ...................... .. 59R Analysis 17.94 4.55 9.86 51.82 10.12 5.71 30H Analysis ............................................. ._ 17.80 4.36 9.06 52.72 10.06 6.00 323K Stock Feed with Limestone .................. .. 10.50 2.80 14.00 50.00 ...................... .. 59T Analysis 15.07 4.40 12.12 51.25 9.89 7.27 33H 24% Protein Dairy Feed with Limestone ............................................. ..- 24.00 4.00 8.50 40.50 ...................... .. 59U Analysis“ ............................................ .. 24.15 5.01 8.11 45.83 10.20 6.70 31H 222 BULLETIN NO. 467, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8.—Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1931 to August 31, 1932—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) ' Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I _ ‘ ‘ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude 'spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Zedler, C., i Luling, Texas——Continued. 24% Protein Dairy Feed with ‘Limestone __________________________________ _, 24.00 4.00 12.00 38.00 i 59U Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 24.60 5.06 9.36 43.64 10.26 7.08 214H All-Mash Chick Starter with Oyster I Shell ______________________________________ _, 1x30 3 50 5.00 52.50 g __ 59V Analysis ________ __ 20.90 6.15 7.54 48.19 8.00 9.22 59V Analysis384 ________________________________________ __ 18,75 5.02 3,82 56.27 8.42 7.72 104H Egg Mash with Oyster Shell .............. .0 10.00 0.00 7.00 51.00 _ a .. A 59W Analysis ___________________________________________ __ 17.45 4,64 5.62 55.79 9.71 6.79 321K Magnolia Special Dairy Feed with Limestone ____________________________________________ *7 16-00 3-20 12-50 49-00 --------------------- V. 59X Analysis _____________________________________________ __ 16.75 4.41 10.32 52.80 8.75 6.97 59X Red Z Starter with Oyster Shell and Charcoal ________________________________________________ >7 16-00 4-00 3-50 53-00 ---------------------- -- 59y Analysis ____________________________________________ __ 10.28 4.09 4.01 00.81 9.45 5.36 l 59Y Zummo Packing Company, Beaumont, Texas. “Z” Brand Bone Meal .......................... __ 23-00 1-00 3-00 3-00 44444444 -- A 621A Analysisda __________________________________________ V 25,02 1.71 .78 5.59 5.90 61.00 325M “Z” Brand Meat and Bone Scraps w 50-00 6-00 2-00 1-00 ,,,,,,,, ~ 521B Analysisaa ________________________________________ d 43,90 11,21 2.31 4.37 6.87 31.34 324M "Portion of shipment removed from sale until tagged. d Sampled before registration. 38*White corn meal substituted in part for yellow corn meal.