6000-L180 lEXAS AfiRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT snmon A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BULLETIN NO. 485 NOVEMBER, 1933 H I? 1 \_ N “gay b I iagficuiiwxra! 81 Mechanical College E: DIVISION oFCfififiélcgIgiion, Texas. IN COOPERATION WITH THE DIVISION OF CEREAL CROPS AND DISEASES, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 5 AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS E T. 0. WALTON, President STATION STAFF? Administration: Veterinary Science: A. B. Conner, M. S., Director ‘M. Francis, D. V. M., Chief R. E. Karper, M. S., Vice-Director H. Schmidt, D. V. M., Veterinarian ' Clarice Mixson, B. A., Secretary "F. P. Mathews, D.V.M., M.S., Veterinarian) M. P. Holleman, Chief Clerk J. B. Mims, D. V. M., Asst. Veterinarian 1 J. K. Francklow, Asst. Chief Clerk Plant Pathology and Physiology: ' Chester Higgs, Executive Assistant ‘ J. J. Taubenhaus, Ph. D., Chief Howard Berry. B- 5-. Technical ASBt- W. N. Ezekiel, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist Chemistryi Farm and Ranch Economics: G. S. Fraps, Ph. D., Chief; State Chemist L, P, Gabbgrd, M, 3,, Chief S- E- AS51111’. M- 3-. Chémisli W. E. Paulson, Ph. D., Marketing J- F- Fudge. Ph- D» Chemist C. A. Bonnen, M. S., Farm Management E- C- Carlyle, M- 3-. ABS?» Chemist I"W. R. Nisbet, B. S., Ranch Management T- L- Ozier. B- S» ABBt- Chemiflt "A. C. Magee, M. S., Ranch Management A. J. Sterges, M. S., Asst. Chemist Rum] Hon“; Rgggafch; Ray Treichler, M. S., Asst. Chemist Jessie Whitacre, Ph, 1),, Chief W- H- Walker. ABBt- Ch¢mi§t Mary Anna Grimes, M. S., Textiles Velma Graham, Asst. Chemist Sylvia Cover, Phj)" Foods Jeanne F. DeMottier, Asst. Chemist Soil Survey; R. L. Schwartz, B. S., Asst. Chemist nw_ T_ Carter, B_ s" Qnid C. M. Pounders, B. S., Asst. Chemist E_ H_ Templin, B_ S" soil Survgyor _ Hiiftiilultulil? A. H. Bean, B. S., Soil Surveyor _ S- H- Yarnell. Sc- D» Chief R. M. Marshall, B. s., Soil Surveyor .. Range Animal Husbandry: Botany; . J- M- JOINS. A- M» Chief V. L. Cory, M. S., Acting Chief = B. L. Warwick, Ph. D., Breeding Investiga. swine Husbandry; S. P. Davis, Wool Grader Fred Hale, M. S., Chief u J. H. Jones, B. S., Animal Hush. Dairy Husbandry; i" Eht0m0108y= O. C. Copeland, M. S., Dairy Husbandman 3 F. L. Thomas, Ph. D., ChiSf; StB-lifi Pgultry Husbandry; 3 Entomologist R. M. Sherwood, M. S., Chief 7' H- J- Rilillhard. B- S» EHtOHIOIOZiBt J. R. Couch, B.S., Asst. Poultry Husbandmen R. K. Fletcher, Ph., D., Entomologist Agricultural Engineering: 3 W. L. Owen, Jr., M. S., Entomologist H_ P, smith, M_ 3,, Chief J. N. Roney, M. S., Entomologist Main station Farm; ,4 J- C- Gaines. J!» M- 3-, EIIlIOmOIOZiBt G. T. McNess, Superintendent 4 S. E. Jones, M. S., Entomologist Apiculture (San Antonio): ; F. F. Bibby, B. S., Entomologist H. B. Parks, B. S., Chief . "E. W. Dunnam, Ph. D., Entomologist A. H. Alex, B. S., Queen Breeder l "R. W. Moreland, B. S., Asst. Entomologist Feed Control Service: 7 C. E. Heard, B. S., Chief Inspector F. D. Fuller, M. S., Chief C. J. Burgin, B. S., Foulbrood Inspector James Sullivan, Asst. Chief Agronomy: S D. Pearce, Secretary E. B. Reynolds, Ph. D., Chief J. H. Rogers, Feed Inspector i R. E. Karper, M. S., Agronomist K. L. Kirkland, B. S., Feed Inspector P. P. C. Mangelsdorf, Sc. D., Agronomist S. D. Reynolds, Jr., Feed Inspector f, D. T. Killough, M. S., Agronomist P. A. Moore, Feed Inspector * Publications: E. J. Wilson, B. S., Feed Inspector d A. D. Jackson, Chief H. G. Wickes, D. V. M., Feed Inspector SUBSTATIONS No. 1, Beeville, Bee County: No. 9, Balmorhea, Reeves County: R. A. Hall, B. S., Superintendent J. J. Bayles, B. S., Superintendent No. 2, Lindale, Smith County: No. 10, College Station, Brazos County: P. R. Johnson, M. S., Superintendent R. M. Sherwood, M. S., In Charge "B. H. Hendrickson, B. S., Sci. in Soil Erosion L. J. McCall, Farm Superintendent "R. W. Baird, M. S., Assoc. Agr. Engineer No. 11, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County: No. 3, Angleton, Brazoria County: H. F. Morris, M. S., Superintendent R. H. Stansel, M. S., Superintendent "No. 12, Chillicothe, Harden-nan County: H. M. Reed, M. S., Horticulturist "J. R. Quinby, B. S., Superintendent No. 4, Beaumont, Jefferson County: "J. C. Stephens, M. A., Asst. Agronomist R. H. Wyche, B. S., Superintendent No. l4, Sonora, Sutton-Edwards Counties: "H. M. Beachell, B. S., Junior Agronomist W. H. Dameron, B. S., Superintendent f Ne. 5, Temple, Bell County: I. B. Boughton, D. V. M., Veterinarian * Henry Dunlavy, M. S., Superintendent W. T. Hardy, D. V. M., Veterinarian C. H. Rogers, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist 0. L. Carpenter, Shepherd H. E. Rea, B. S., Agronomist “O. G. Babcock, B. S., Asst. Entomologist l: S. E. Wolff, M. S., Botanist No. 15, Weslaco, Hidalgo County: 5 "H. V. Geib, PL. D., Sci. in Soil Erosion W. H. Friend, B. S., Superintendent "H. O. Hill, B. S., Junior Civil Engineer S. W. Clark, B. S., Entomologist No. l, Denton, Denton County: W. J. Bach, M. S., Plant Pathologist P. B. Dunkle, B. S., Superintendent J. F. Wood, B. S., Horticulturist "I. M. Atkins, B. S., Junior Agronomist No. 18, Iowa Park, Wichita County: No. 7, Spur, Dickens County: C. H. McDowell, B. S., Superintendent ., R. E. Dickson, B. S., Superintendent L. E. Brooks, B. S., Horticulturist '1 B. C. Langley, M. S., Agronomist No. 19, Winterhaven, Dimmit County: f‘ No. 8, Lubbock, Lubbock County: E. Mortensen, B. S., Superintendent D. L. Jones, Superintendent “L. R. Hawthorn, M. S., Horticulturist Frank Gaines, Irrig. and Forest Nurs. ~ " Members of Teaching Staff Carrying Cooperative Projects on the Station: G. W. Adriance, Ph. D., Horticulture J. S. Mogford, M. S., Agronomy S. W. Bilsing, Ph. D., Entomology F. R. Brison, M. S., Horticulture D. Scoates, A. E., Agricultural Engineering W. R. Horlacher, Ph. D., Genetics ‘_ A. K. Mackey, M. S., Animal Husbandry J. H. Knox, M. S., Animal Husbandry l: R. G. Reeves, Ph. D., Biology A. L. Darnell, M. A., Dairy Husbandry ‘Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine. TAs of November 1, 198d; “In cooperation with U. S. Department of Agriculture. J IIn cooperation with Texas Extension Service. Rice is an important crop in the humid part 0f the Gulf Coast Prairie of Texas. The average annual production from 1904 to 1931, inclusive, was about 2% million barrels, valued at approxi- mately nine million dollars. Rice-growing fits in satisfactorily with cattle-raising, which was the principal agricultural industry of the region prior to the introduction of rice. This Bulletin records the yields of eighty-eight varieties of rice grown at Beaumont from 1914 to 1932, inclusive. In addition, it includes data on grain type, time required for maturity, and milling quality of the better varieties. Blue Rose and Supreme Blue Rose are the most desirable late- maturing varieties tested and are the principal varieties grown in this region. These varieties produce high yields and have medium- long grains of good milling quality. Early Prolific is the most promising early-maturing variety. It is a medium-grain rice that produces large yields. The main objection to this variety is that it frequently produces grain of in- ferior milling quality. Storm Proof, Edith, and Lady Wright are early-maturing, long-grain varieties that can be used to advantage, but they produce somewhat lower yields than Early Prolific. Texas Fortuna is the outstanding medium-late variety. It is a long-grain rice and is very popular in the region. Delitus, a long-slender-grain rice of medium-late maturity, pro- duces fair yields. Rexoro is a promising long-slender-grain rice for this region. It is very late in maturity but produces satisfactory yields when planted not later than April 30. The short-grain rices are not planted to any great extent in this region. The planting of the short-grain types should continue to be limited to the demand for this type of rice; however, Caloro, Piniling Daniel, and Acadia are good short-grain varieties of early, medium late, and late maturity, respectively. CONTENTS Rice-Growing Region of Texas ____ >1 5 Conditions Favorable to Rice-Growing 6 Climate 6 Soil 7 Irrigation Water 7 Object of the Rice Variety Experiments 9 Method of Conducting the Experiments 9 Size and Replication of Plats 9 Cultural Practices 9 Harvesting and Threshing 9.10 Methods of Obtaining Data _10 Method of Obtaining Comparable Yield 11 Experimental Data 11 Types of Rice Varieties 11 Yields of Rice Varieties 15 Yields of the Various Types of Rice ______ 1 16 Short-Grain Types 17 Medium-Grain Types .......... —~17 Long-Grain Types W18 Long-Slender-Grain Types 19 Time Required for Different Varieties to Mature __ 19 Milling Quality ............................... ..1'9 Summary and Conclusions . . 22 BULLETIN NO. 485 NOVEMBER, 1933 VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS R. H. WYcHE AND H. M. BEACHELL* Rice was one of the earliest plant introductions in this country. For nearly 200 years the main output, which was very limited, Was from South Carolina, Georgia, and adjacent states. At the end of the Civil War, Louisiana began to make progress in growing rice. Rice was first introduced into Texas about 1863, but production was of little commercial importance previous to 1900. Since that time Texas has been an im-_ portant rice-producing state and was second in production of rice in the ‘ United States from 1904 to 1931, inclusive, with an annual production of approximately 2% million barrels of rough rice, valued at about nine ‘million dollars. Previous to the introduction of rice, cattle-raising was the principal agricultural industry of this region. Rice now occupies an important place in the agriculture of this section and is admirably adapted for growing in connection with cattle-raising. RICE-GROWING REGION OF TEXAS Rice-growing in Texas is limited to that part of the Gulf Coast Prairie lying between the Guadalupe and Sabine rivers. The topography of the l region is generally flat, the elevation increasing about one foot to the mile inland from the Gulf of Mexico. This gentle slope allows satisfactory surface drainage and at the same time it is favorable to irrigation with a Tull Aflmlmnl E‘P"l““’“' sum“ u h ‘WWI-I _ Texas Agricultural Experiment Station """"' ' \¢~ uni M. —n-n-nu-4v... .- m n-i-na-ap“ mulu nun“ v\\u _ ’.../ . Fig. 1. Distribution of rice acreage in Texas Fig. 2. Distribution of rice acreage in Texas in 1919.~One dot represents 1,000 acres. in 1924. One dot represents 1,000 acres. minimum number of levees. The region consists’ mostly of open prairies, except along the stream bottoms, which are usually heavily timbered. The rice-growing industry in Texas was first developed around Beau- ‘emont. In 1899, there were 5859 acres of rice in Jefferson County, which iconstituted 62 per cent of the rice acreage in the State. The industry *Junior Agronomist, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. - 6 BULLETIN NO. 485, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION gradually spread westward and southwestward until in 1919 (Fig. 1) Matagorda and surrounding counties were producing about as much rice Fig. 3. Distribution of rice acreage in Texas Th8 yearly acreages and prices 3T6‘ in 1929. One dot represents 1,000 acres. as J efferson and adjacent counties. In 1924 (Fig. 2) the largest part of the rice acreage in Texas was in Mata- gorda and neighboring counties, but by 1929 (Fig. 3) the center of pro- duction had shifted back to Jefferson and adjacent counties. The rice acreage in Texas has varied from ~ 303,000 acres in 1913 down to 144,000 acres in 1929, Which, however, was be- low the normal acreage. The small acreage in rice in 1929 was caused by a noticeable decrease in acreage in Matagorda and surrounding counties. shown graphically in Figs. 4 and 5. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE TO RICE-GROWING Climate The long growing season and rather high temperatures in the region are very favorable for rice-growing. A heavy rainfall and high humidity during the growing season are favorable from the standpoint of irrigation. A summary of the meteorological records is shown in Table 1. The growing season of 269 days permits the growing of a number of late- as well as early-maturing varieties. The shorter growing season of some other rice-producing regions - prevents the growing of Fortuna, Rexoro, and Blue Rose varieties, which are well adapted to this section. The annual rainfall is rather heavy throughout the rice-growing area of Texas, being highest in Jefferson county with 52.8 inches and becoming lighter further west- ward and southwestward, Where a minimum of around 36 inches occurs. Heavy rainfall during the harvesting season, August to No- FAQK/I VALUE PEP? BUSHEL. YEAPI $Q_ 6O I.2O L80 2.4O 3.00 I908 I909 I9lO I9 II |9I2 I9|3 I9l4- l9|5 I9I6 |9l7 I9I8 |9I9 I920 I92| I922 I923 I924 I925 I926 I927 I928 I929 I930 I93I Fig. 4. Farm value of rice in Texas, 1908 to 1931, inclusive. I -, J 1 . - .14. z:"2'.¢.&1:‘.;4.-@ 1.4.4. m! U: .7 '.'.. . ‘ . _ _. ~ _ . waA-QQ! _-‘2...:. .. A larger streams, such as the N eches, VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 7 vember, inclusive, is not desirable, but is beneficial during the irriga- ting season. Soil The character of soil is very important in the growing of rice. This crop can be grown on many kinds of soil, but the heavy types, with almost impervious subsoils, produce the largest yields and can be cropped more regularly than the lighter soils. Lake Charles clay, which has a dark- gray to black surface soil under- lain by a dark-gray almost im- YEAp pervious clay subsoil, is perhaps the most important rice soil of the region. The Crowley clay, which has a brownish-gray to brown sur- face soil underlain by a bluish- gray, sticky clay subsoil, mottled with yellow and brown, is an im- portant rice soil in the eastern part of the rice-growing area, but is not nearly so extensive as the Lake Charles soils. While the heavy soils are the most desirable for rice, the crop is grown to some extent on some of the lighter soils. THOUSANDS OF ACRES 8O I60 240 320 Irrigation lVater The main source of water for irrigating rice in this region is the Trinity, Brazos, and Colorado rivers. Artesian water, however, is available in some localities. The water is lifted from the streams by pumps and carried by gravity to the fields by means of canals. The larger part of the acreage is irrigated from large canals operated by companies, furnishing the water at a Fig. 5. Rice acreage in Texas, 1904 to 1932, inclusive. fixed charge per acre. However, a small acreage is irrigated from small, privately-owned plants. While there are large areas of soil suitable for rice, the available sources of water are not accessible to all of them. The amount of water required for irrigating rice depends upon several factors such as: (1) the individual user of water, 2(2) the type of soil, (3) the number of weeds present, and (4) the amount and distribution of rainfall. In general, however, about 24 to 30 inches of water are required in an average season in the rice-growing region of Texas. N 0 I . T A T S T N E m R 9a $-52 fi. .243. 62.8.“ wwuwéwofim m 33:; £5) 3i mama QWNN £8 25m 3% mum“ E3 82. m5» £3 $-53 .82: .5; 25$ m m5; 5Q gmd E5" wfia. 3x3 5x3 main 5N...“ M33. 2.5.” $3 23 $-52 621E éowififiw>m m. 3w J 9mm v3 Sm 3w 9% i» 3w 2w 3w Q8 3w mi N22: .26» a3 =85 6m m N3 f Ni M25 is Qwb 9% Nam d3 w? k5 3s Q5 N2 =82 w fix k SA qww .33 is #8. was 5:. 3a Q5 55 Q5. m? Eflsmflms =82 R m i; _ Ni 3; 2w Ea Q23 Q8 3w 3% m5 S; ma“. fimw 52:86 =82 1 2 "mm-Si dafluwnwnfiofi w 3% __ $3 __ £4“ Ma...“ .3.» m? Q3 a? 3m $4. up..." NZ m3 2-33 awfifi 5253* E . u T 1225s _ wwwno>< dmfi. $02“ .30 l dnow $54 i 35H wdnw l hwfih L mfiiw £0.32} 59m _ ASwH 5 8 4 maxon. Jnoinaofl an 3am _aumu¢_¢.:.32: w: MHNEEBM A visa. 8 BULLETIN NO. VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 9 OBJECT OF THE RICE VARIETY EXPERIMENTS While records show a noticeable variation in the rice acreage at different times, there are no figures available, except during recent years, t0 show the proportion planted to the different varieties. It is generally known, however, that long-grain varieties—H0nduras, Carolina Gold, and similar varieties-—were planted at first, and that later some Japanese rices were used. During recent years the trend has been to the varieties with medium-length grains. This change in varieties has resulted from the difference in yield and price. The Rice Experiment Station was established at Beaumont in Jefferson county in 1909 for the purpose of studying problems connected with the production of rice. Rice variety experiments were included as a part of the program of the Station. The main objects of the variety experiments have been to determine yielding capacity, grain type, time required for maturity, and milling quality of the different varieties, as well as to study other plant characteristics such as stiffness of straw, plant height, shatter- ing, and reaction to various diseases. The purpose of this Bulletin is to report the results of these experiments from 1914 to 1932, inclusive. METHOD OF CONDUCTING THE EXPERIMENTS Size and Replication of Plats The size of plat varied from a rod-row to 1/726 of an acre, but was uniform throughout the experiment for any one season. There were two to four plats of each variety in the test each year. The 1/726-acre plats consisted of five rows spaced 1 foot apart and 20 feet long. The rod- row plats consisted of three rows spaced 1 foot apart. Check plats were used at intervals of every fifth or tenth plat. Cultural Practices The rice variety tests at Beaumont have been conducted on Lake Charles and Crowley clay soils. These soils are very difficult to work, but are representative soils of the rice-growing region of the State. The land was cropped to rice every second year. This is cropping the land to rice more regularly than is the common practice in this region, and probably prevented the yields from being as high as they might have on land planted to this crop less often. The land was planted to some intertilled (row) crop or was summer-fallowed during the years it was not used for rice. i The preparation of the soil was similar to that given all rice land in this locality. The soil was plowed to a depth of three to four inches, and thoroughly disked and harrowed. In addition, it was given several extra diskings and floated, if necessary, to obtain a satisfactory seed bed. Where possible, 5'11 plowing was done the previous fall. V 10 BULLETIN NO. 485, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Planting was done as nearly the optimum planting date for rice as possible, Which, for the vicinity of Beaumont, is April 15 to May 15. The varieties were seeded at a uniform rate ‘each season, which was generally about 80 pounds of seed per acre. This rate of seeding is sufficient for a satisfactory stand in 12-inch rows under normal conditions. p Irrigation was the same as used in producing commercial rice crops in this region. The first irrigation was given two to four weeks after the plants emerged, the time depending on the amount of rainfall. Generally a four-inch irrigation was given about four weeks after the rice came up to a good stand. The water was held on the land three to five days and drained off. No additional irrigation was given until the land dried sufficiently for hoeing. After hoeing, the water was applied to a depth of two to three inches and held during the remainder of the season. The plats were rogued for weeds and red rice throughout the growing season. Harvesting and Threshing The rice in these experiments was cut by hand each season. The pro- duct from each plat was tied into bundles, labeled, and placed under shelter for drying. Threshing was done by several methods, but was uniform for any one year. Hand threshing was used during the early years of the experi- ments. This was done by placing the heads in a bag and pounding with a heavy stick. After a few years, a small thresher was constructed for this work and was used until the purchase of a small thresher designed especially for threshing experimental plats. Methods of Obtaining Data The number of days to first head is the number of days from the time when 50 per cent of the plants have emerged to the time when 5 to 10 per cent of the panicles have emerged from the boot. The number of days required to mature is the number of days from 50 per cent emergence of the plants to the time when 85 to 90 per cent of the heads are mature. Height of plant was measured at maturity and represents the distance from the surface of the soil to the tip of the panicle. The determinations reported for the milling qualities of the varieties and selections grown in 1931 and 1932 were made by the Federal-State Rice Grading Laboratory located in Beaumont, which is under the super- vision of the United States Department of AgriculturefThese determina- tions were obtained with the Smith Shelling Device, which uses 50 grams of rough rice for each determination. The Smith Shelling Device is described in United States Department of Agriculture Circular No. 48 (1928). Grain yields have been computed in pounds of rough rice per acre based on the yield of grain from the center row of the three-row plats and the three center rows of the five-row plats. VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 11 Test weight per bushel of rough rice was determined by using the standard quart-size grain tester. Method of Obtaining Comparable Yield Since many of the varieties have been dropped from this experiment as soon as their comparative worth was determined and many varieties added since the test was started, the average yields are not a fair basis for comparison. In order to study the different varieties on as nearly a com- parable basis as possible, the following method has been used for calcu- lating a percentage rating and a comparable yield. Texas Fortuna (T. S. No. 9821) and Honduras (T. S. No. 1611) were used as “standard”, or check varieties. The latter was grown throughout the entire period of the experiments; the former was grown each year except in 1921. A calculated yield in proportion to the average yielding capacity of these two varieties for the years in which both were grown was given Texas Fortuna for 1921 based on the yield of Honduras for that year. The average yield of these two varieties in any one year is considered to be the yield of the “standard”, or check, varieties for that year. The percentage rating of any variety was determined by dividing its average by the average of the “standard”, or check, varieties for the same period of years and multiplying by 100. A yield called “comparable yield” has been computed by multiplying the average yield of the “standard” varieties for the entire period by the percentage rating of each variety. The percentage rating and comparable yield are, therefore, identical except that one is expressed in pounds per acre and the other in per- centages. These calculated yields allow all of the varieties in these experiments to be compared in terms of pounds per acre and are, therefore, used as a basis of discussion of yields in this Bulletin. EXPERIMENTAL DATA Grain type, yield, time of maturity, and milling quality of different rice varieties are reported in this Bulletin. These are all factors of prime importance to the rice industry of Texas. Other plant characteristics of varieties such as stiffness of straw, plant height, shattering, and resistance to various diseases are not mentioned to any large extent but have played _ an important part in determining the varieties to recommend for grow- ing commercially. Types of Rice Varieties Rice varieties discussed in this Bulletin are divided into short-, medium-, long-, and long-slender-grain types. Although rice is marketed on the basis of variety, the different varieties are grouped into one of the above-named classes. Leading commercial varieties of the short-grain class are Colusa, Caloro, and Acadia. The principal medium-grain varieties grown in Texas are . l, 12 BULLETIN NO. 48s, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 3?: w 1v, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wSwIwwa www: w ww3 _ awwdwwwa 33 . omaeam wiwm wwwwfi wwww .33 ww3 w ww3 33 www 53 wwww wwww "awafim 3.5m wwww wwww ww3 wwww w wwww wwww wwww Quasi 3.8m Sw3 33 www ww3 w ww3 ww3 www www ww3 ww3 www wwaw 3ww 3ww w waomom wwww wawrwww awww w $3 wwww $3 ww3 wwafiwwm 3.3 ww3 wAw ww3 w wwwa 3w wfi. 33 $3 w3w awww wwww wwww owfiofim wwww ww3 www ww3 w wwwH wSw ww3 wwa: S3 ww3 ww3 www; ww3 mfiawm, wSw www; waw wwwa w ww3 33 33 ww3 ww3 $3 wwww 2.30m wSw ww3 www wwww w. wwww wwww ww3 wwfloo w23 aaww ww3 Eww w wwww ww3 wwww ww3 ww3 3w wflaao ww3 wwww 53 ww3 w Sww Eww wwww 2.2. www S» $.30 wwwfi wwwfi www ww3 w wwwa www 3w 8E ww3 www E3 waww 33 035:6 5w wfiww 3.3a ww3 w wwww www wwww ww3 wwww wfiawfiawo ww3 wwww ww3 wwww w Saw wwww wwrw okawo 2K3 wwww wsw ww3 w ww3 Sw 3w 33 $3 ww3 35w wwww wwww. nowaq o2=m 3ww wwww www 33w 3 33w wwww wwww ww3 3w ww3 ww3 ww3 Sww wwww w5w wwww wwww 3w ww3 wswasfiflzm ww3 ww3 www 23w w wwww 33 wwww 5w Sww Eww 33 aawom awoawom ww3 wSw ww3 ww3 w ww3 www www 33 2.3 ww3 3cm 2am wfiwawam Eww wwww wwwa wwww w wEw wwww wwww wfiwamsm 3am 2am www3 ww3 www 33w w ww3 ww3 www 33w .32: 3am 2am 33 wwww www ww3 w ww3 www www 53 wwww ww3 3am 2am wwww wwww www 33 3 ww3 wwww waww 33 ww3 ww3 ww3 ww3 33 wwww 59w www 39$ 30m 2.5 ww3 wwww :3 ww3 w Saw wwww wwww ww3 ww3 Saw ww3 wfiw wwww wwww wwom 2am ww3 wwww wwwa Hwww w wFw wwww wwww wwww 28m 2am wwwa. ww3 www Hwow w wwww wwww wwww awS Ewaaam wwwa. wwww dww Sww w wwww wfiw 3.3 ww3 awnfiwwwawfim ww3 wwww ww3 wwww w 33 33w wEw wwww wwaw 33 33 waaawm www; wwwQwAaH Sww w. wwww wwww www wfiw ww3 wcamuw ww3» 33 Hwwlwww ww3 w wwE 2w 5w $3 wwww ww3 www: wgw flew w9€w< waww wwww__w.wwa_wwww w _ww3w w3w wwww 22.8w. www3 w s _ _ _ _ . A i m w _.>< fiwwwafiwwfi ww3 ww3 ww3 52 ww3 ww3 ww3 ww3 ww3 3w3 ww3 33 33 w33‘_3wa_wawa a m a w m. M m w 1 m u. 1 .0 u a W o m. w. A Wm Em V w. m dZ d w. aw m w. m huoiwwv .m M. m q w m w. B onus nwm mo? Amwoa mwmnom p. w. w. J w. . m. P w w M 9 an; 3 U owwaw>< ww33 ...=..=::zm w“ mo$£ma> on? w: n33? d 05am. 13 VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 48.2.22, wflwwnuow ... .._ wawa :.m: wawa w $5 _ wwww $3 $5 mam: Zswn: unwfisoq mam: _ , _ , o J , , , omoa Q5 $3 m oww: omw wo:: mam: 52 wwm: “E35,? 351: E3 wwoa mwo wmwa a :awa :v:a $8 23E? 33.: wowo: 53$? S3 :: :wm: www: 5w: vww m? aww: mam: ooa: aoo: $2 mum: w:ma 8.523s: wowm owoloao a:oa o: wow: wwwa wao: ma» :2 owo: owa: omwgfifi 3mm owoa wzO-onmv: mwwm wow: Q3 wowa w :o: owwa mww: ww: www: $595.5. mom: oaw: Q5 owwa w $2 www: ooo: orwa wwwa . 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Er: :mm: E2 WE. :aom w mwwa aom: 5% m:aw Afiwm: woww awoa owo wmwa a :mwa E8 £5 _ 5%»: mowo: w:m: :.a~_ :aow w E3 as: 35 awoa 2:20am: >28: voaw 52 wwo aw:a m: mmoa wwwa woma t; ama: oww: op: mom: wow: wwww :mw: $2 wwwm S3 mow wwwa Quack: 2.8m wm:a w. s _ _ _ ._ _ m m. $4 amo: £2 owo: oao: wafiimfi oaoimao: wmo: wao: ma“: :am: oaoiofiw: Slfimimfimnwwfim: a m. a m. w M _ _ _ _ m w 1 a u. m .0 U d e T“ fl- Dr .A PB .1..a ‘ A a s 1 m u m” e 52 d w. s m, 1 u. m huwiwkw .w ..:. m m. Q.” w a.“ 98w .6.» mo? ammo» mwcson: w m. n m, o a P u. 1 M 3 T; 3 U wmwao>< woniuioUlaw-wfiw: AwQQEn-Gflm 0U mflmwfimhfl? OQmH MO n33? 1N Qmfifl-H 14 BULLETIN NO. 485, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION .mvUHGm§Om.GOI £535.?» Uhdflfiduwi... ::E: 5:. 5E: E E: E52 55E E55 EE5: dz .: .0 SE: 55: 5E .35 E E2 E2: 5E5 EE: EEE: 5 dz .: .0 :E: $3 :5. 5:55 m 3w: 3w: 53w mww >3: .02 A .0 25: E5: :55 52 E E5E: 2:. EE5 EE: EEE: 5E: .dz .: .0 SE: 52 :5 5E: E 5E5: 5:: 2E 5E2 5E5: dz .: .o 5E2 5:55 5E2 EE: E 5E2 5E EE5E 552 5E5 E52 55:: dz .: .0 EEE: E55 5E2 E2 E E55 55E 22 E55 5:5 E52 dz .: .0 5E: 555 5.52 E2 E E25 52E E52 5E5 E2: EEBEEEEEEB 55E: :52 EEE E25 E: 22 2E5 E25 EEE E55 EE: 22 5E5 555 5:E 5E2 5E: SEE E52 55¢ EEE 525;» 55E: :5E: E5 EE: E EE: E5 :E5 :2 25 EEE 5529:. 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EE5 :55 5:5 2 E2 E25 2:5 5E5 55: 5E5 S2 E52 E55 555.55 Edbadz 2E 555 :52 5E5 :: 55552.5 :55 E52 E5: :55 E25 EEE: 5E5 E5 5E5 2E5 EEEEEEEz ::E :5: 5.5 E55 E E55, _ f _ _ _ 5E5 5E5 E55 EE2 58E: 55252:: E55 E s _ l E ’ _ _ _ _ A 4 _ _ _ m u .3... __5E2_:EE: E52 52 E52 52 E5252 :52 E55: __552I:52_E5E: 22 5:2 E:2_E:5:_:.:5: w m a E w M _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ n m z E w. m. n H d W»? O P A K Wm . mum F"... E .02 m m“ 5 m, Wm. u .3258: .m d. J a w m m. 3 96w no: war: swmon 2226M w m. u w: m 1 w n ... M 8 ..D.. 3 H wuwnwzw UOBGmQHQQ-lflfiufifiwfi diofinaofl HQ 55:53.3.» 09PM HO n32? EN Omfifi-H VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 15 Early Prolific, Blue Rose, and Supreme Blue Rose. Texas Fortuna, Lady Wright, and Edith are the leading long-grain varieties grown in this region. Rexoro is the only long-slender-grain variety grown to any extent in Texas. Panicles of the varieties of Caloro, Blue Rose, Texas Fortuna, Fig. 6. Panicles of Caloro, Blue Rose, Texas Fortuna, and Rexoro, representative of short-, medium-, long-, and long-slender-grain types, respectively (left to right). and Rexoro, typical of the short-, medium-, long-, and long-slender-grain types of rice, respectively, are shown in Fig. 6. The hulled and unhulled grains of these varieties are shown in Fig. 7. Yields of Rice Varieties Yield is the most important consideration in selecting a variety of rice for commercial production. Many varieties that are desirable in other respects cannot be grown profitably on account of low yields. The yields of rough rice produced by 88 of the most promising varieties grown in these experiments from 1914 to 1932, except 1918 when adverse weather conditions made impossible to secure reliable yields, are shown in Table 3. ‘These varieties represent the various types of grain such as short, medium, long, and long-slender, as well as grain of different 16 BULLETIN NO. 485, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION textures. In comparing the percentage rating and comparable yields in Table 3, Texas Fortuna and Honduras (T. S. No. 1611), were used as the standard, or check, varieties. The highest-yielding variety in the test, T. S. No. 7190, with a yield of 3179 pounds of rough rice per acre, produced slightly more than two and one-half times as much as the low- est-yielding variety, T. S. No. 4276, which produced only 1248 pounds to the acre. Thirty-two varieties had a percentage rating of 100 or over. Only five varieties had percentage ratings higher than Texas Fortuna, which was one of the standard varieties. Varieties having a rat- ing lower than 90 per cent should probably not be grown commercial- ly in this region. While T. S. No. 7190 produced the largest yield in the experiment, it is of no commercial importance, Fig. 7. Unhulled and hulled grains of short-, because it has a Weak straw and medium-, ]ong-, and long-slender-grain types _ of rice from Caloro, Blue Rose, Texas Fortuna, shatters very badly; however, 1t, gggonllgeoxoro varieties, respectively (top to may prove to be of Value in hybridi_ zation work. Several compara- tively high-yielding varieties have been dropped from the experiment from time to time for various reasons. In some cases, as with several of the Blue Rose rices, strains were dropped for the reason that other strains producing yields equally as large and superior in other respects were available. In other cases, the varieties were too late in maturing or were dropped on account of inferior grain quality. i All high-yielding varieties that were desirable in other respects, were grown through 1932. Yields produced by twelve of these varieties were very satisfactory. Omitting T. S. No. 7190, the eleven largest yields were produced by Acadia, Blue Rose (T. S. No. 7188), Blue Rose Supreme, Caloro, Texas Fortuna, Storm Proof, Early Prolific, Tinuco, Rexoro, Naglampas, and Piniling Daniel, in the order named. Acadia produced a yield of 2659 pounds of rough rice per acre, as compared with 2210 pounds, produced by Piniling Daniel. From the standpoint of yield, any of these eleven varieties are satisfactory for growing in this region. Yields of the Various Types of Rice As a rule the price paid for rough rice of the different grain types varies to some extent, depending, of course, on the supply and demand for each type, but, in general, the long- and long-slender-gi-ain varieties VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 17 command the highest, and the short-grain rices the lowest price. The yields of varieties, grouped according t0 types of grain, are shown in Table 4. These results indicate that, as a rule, the long-grain varieties Table 3. Comparable yields of the better rice varieties of short-, medium-, long-, and long-slender-grain types Comparable yield, T. S. N0. Variety pounds rough rice per acre , l l Short-grain types: l 190 | No. S . | 3179 19800 | Acadia | 2659 19799 | Caloro | 2522 5459 [ Piniling Daniel _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ , _ _ , _ , 2210 5412 ] Naguyon .1 2065 19798 [ Colusa ____________ _. ’ | 1989 5389 | Kabo-Ong | 1949 H‘ 5364 Kinaryom | 1617 Medium-grain types: 7183 I Blue Rose (old type) 2562 19802 Supreme Blue Rose . 2545 19801 i Early Prolific __________________________________________________________ _, 2383 5463 Tinuco 2379 5321 Guininto ,,,,,,, *7 _ 2109 1593 Bruinmissie . _ .. 2097 1555 (Blue Rose type) ...................................................... ,_ 2048 2198 Early Prolific Sel. 1987 1592 l Wanica _. 1821 Long-grain types: = 98 1 | Texas Fortuna 2444 19804 I Storm Proof ________________________________________________________________ 2425 19805 Edith ____ ._ 2082 19803 Lady Wright _______ ._ K2073 12981 No. 30 _____ .. 1892 12983 | N0. 32 ____________ W 1867 1 611 l Honduras . 17 64 1616 I Honduras ............................................. .................... .. 1686 2204 | Honduras _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1513 Long-slender-grain types: 19806 | Rexoro 2324 8076 | Delitus 1808 l will produce slightly lower yields than the short-, and medium-grain rices, and that high yield is not confined to any one type. Short-Grain Types: At the present time short-grain rices are of minor importance in Texas, and it is doubtful if they will ever be planted to any great extent in this region. However, Acaria, Caloro, and Piniling Daniel produced yields of 2659, 2522, and 2210 pounds of rough rice per acre, respectively, which are very satisfactory. Medium-Grain Types: The larger part of the rice acreage of Texas is planted to varieties with medium-length grain. The principal medium- grain rices grown are Blue Rose, Supreme Blue Rose, and Early Prolific. These were the heaviest-yielding varieties in this group with yields of 2562, 2545, and 2383 pounds of rough rice per acre, respectively. From the in. 18 BULLETIN NO. 485, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION standpoint of yield, these varieties are satisfactory for growing in Texas. Early Prolific is losing in popularity owing to the fact that it is often of f} poor milling quality. Table 4. Number of, days required to mature, height of plant, and test weight per bushel of different types of rice at Beaumont, 1931-32 No. of da re uired - T?“ T S No Variety to mats’; £13m! Hegfght 152115113: Plant First Plant’ per emergence head Inches bushel Short-grain types: 19798 Colusa ........................................ ._ 104 30 40 44.1 5364 Kinaryom .................................. __ 114 31 39 47.4 19799 Caloro _...... ___.. 117 30 42 45.8 5412 I Naguyon 123 23 46 49.7 5459 Piniling Daniel 123 25 44 50.0 7190 N0. 8 126 25 43 47.5 19800 Acadia _ . _ . . . . . _ . . . ._ 131 31 45 45.2 5389 Kabo-Ong ................................... .. 136 28 48 49.8 Medium-grain types : 2198 Early Prolific Sel. .................. __ 108 25 46 41.0 1592 Wanica ........................... ._ 113 24 45 42.7 19801 Early Prolific .. 113 30 47 42.4 5321 Guininto . . . _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ . .. 114 30 47 43.2 1593 Bruinmissie 134 30 48 42.2 5463 Tinuco ................................ _. 135 30 51 48.1 7183 l Blue Rose (old type) _____________ __ 136 30 50 43.6 1555 (Blue Rose type) ...................... _. 136 29 49 44.3 19802 Supreme Blue Rose __________________ .. 136 29 49 44.0 Long-grain types: 12983 108 27 44 41.4 12981 108 27 43 40.9 19803 110 29 44 41.3 19804 Storm Proof ______________________________ _. 110 24 46 43.9 19805 Edith ___________________________________________ __ 110 28 44 40.8 1611 | Honduras 113 24 47 41.4 1616 Honduras 113 25 47 42.1 2204 Honduras . . _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ . . 1 114 26 47 40.9 9821 Texas Fortuna ......................... _. 129 26 51 44.3 Long-slender-grain types: 8076 Delitus .................................. .. 123 27 50 43.8 19806 Rexoro ......................................... _. 152 27 51 46.4 Long-Grain Types: As mentioned in the discussion of varieties, the long- l‘: grain types were planted extensively during the early history of the rice in- dustry in Texas. During later years the largest part of the acreage has been planted to the short- and medium-grain varieties. Honduras and similar types were the principal long-grain varieties used at first. As shown in Table 3, low yield was the reason for discarding these long-grain types. In order, to supply the demand for long-grain rice, it is essential that a part of the acreage be planted to varieties of this type. Lady Wright was fairly popular for several years, but on account of low yield it was discarded by the growers. Texas Fortuna, which, like Fortuna, is a selection from a variety introduced from Formosa under the name of Pa Chiam, is a high- yielding, long-grain rice that has become very popular with the growers of this region. Storm Proof is fairly satisfactory from the standpoint of yield, but does not equal Texas Fortuna in this region. 11,11. M- u. nlfllirlrhzllulfaiiimwliiuailmfixl‘ ‘w \._..1‘..;n».-_~._.' - -. 11.1,. VARIETIES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 19 Long-Slender-Grain Types: Recently there has been a limited demand for a long-slender-grain rice that would produce a high yield. Rexoro and Delitus, with yields of 2324 and 1808 pounds of rough rice per acre, respectively, were the highest-yielding varieties 0f this type in the experiment. Rexoro, a variety obtained from the Rice Experiment Station at Crowley, Louisiana, “is the leading commercial long-slender-grain rice. Rexoro is used to some extent as a substitute for the imported Patna rice and is referred to on the market as American Patna. TIME REQUIRED FOR DIFFERENT VARIETIES TO MATURE It is essential that the rice grower know the length of time required rfor the different varieties of rice to mature. Planting several varieties pithat mature at different dates increases the efficiency of both labor and f equipment. The length of time required for the better varieties to l‘ mature after plant emergence and after the first heads appeared are ishown in Table 5. Early, medium-late, late, and very late-maturing. varieties are included inthis table. The time required for maturity ' will vary to some extent according - to the date of planting. q The short-grain varieties shown _; in Table 5 can be classed as fol- _; lows: Colusa, Kinaryom, and Caloro y. as early; Piniling Daniel, Naguyon, fjand No. 8 as medium; and Kabo- and Acadia as late-maturing varieties. fififli’. alllmlifgidliinifiay it‘? V.€i:1;..S-.E":r.% §§i1=>..:2.i.;1:><2;°tart’. éiirieties of the medium-grain group, - maturity’ the remaining as late-maturing. In the long-grain group, Texas Fortuna is medium late in maturing, Qand the remaining varieties are early. ~ Rexoro is a long-silender-grain variety that is very late in maturing, and ijDelitus is medium late. ’ MILLING QUALITY rice grower sells his crop to the rice mills as rough rice, and sold on a basis of a barrel of 162 pounds. The buyer bases his bid the milling quality of the rice. Milling quality is the amount of milled that can be obtained per barrel of rough rice. Everything else being the miller will pay the highest price for the lot that will yield the “liipliighest percentage of milled rice, especially unbroken grains commonly as head rice. 20 BULLETIN NO. 485, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION As a rule, the yield of head rice is the highest in the shortest-grain varieties. As the length of grain increases, the percentage of head rice decreases considerably and the percentage of total milled rice decreases very little. This is easily accounted for by the larger percentage 0f Table 5. Milling grades of commercial rice varieties grown in Texas Pounds of whole. grains’ of clean rice Variety Olgegnriti: per 162 pounds of rough rice Prime i Good ‘Mediuml Fair lOrdinaryl Low A Honduras ...... ............ long I 70 65 I 60 l 55 i 50 I under 50 Fortuna and Delitus._-- long 75 70 65 60 55 under 55 Edith ............................ -- long s5 so '15 70 65 under 65 Lady Wright _______________ long 90 85 I 8O ' 75 I 70 I under 70 Early Prolific ............ -- medium 90 85 80 75 70 under 70 Blue Rose .................. medium 95 90 85 80 75 under 75 Japanese ___________________ __| short 95 90 85 80 75 under 75 broken grains in the long-grain varieties. Blue Rose, a medium-grain rice, requires 95 pounds of head rice per barrel of rough rice to constitute prime milling grade, whereas in Honduras, a long-grain rice, 70 pounds are required. Official milling grades of commercial varieties of rice, as adopted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, are shown in Table 5. Milling data on the more im- portant varieties grown in 1931-32 are shown in Table 6. Caloro, Acadia, Piniling Daniel, and Colusa, with yields of 107.0, 104.3, 99.5, and 99.4 pounds of head rice per barrel, respectively, were the best milling short-grain varieties in the experi- ment. The milling quality of these four varieties was exceptionally good. Kinaryom and Nagupon pro- Fig. 9. View of rice variety field experiments duced rather 10W yields of head at Beaumont in 1932. - . . rice for short-grain rices. Bruinmissie, with a yield of 99.2 pounds of head rice per barrel, was the best milling variety in the medium-grain group, Blue Rose and T. S. No. 1555 following with yields of 98.2 and 97.8 pounds, respectively. However, all of the medium-grain types produced fair yields of milled rice. Early Prolific produced fairly satisfactory yields of head rice during the two-year period, 1931-32, as shown in Table 6. The main objection to this variety is that it does not consistently produce grain of good milling VARIETlES OF RICE FOR TEXAS 21 quality. In many seasons the yield of head rice will be exceptionally low, on account of a chalky texture known in the rice trade as “tombstone”. Table 6. Milling data on short-, medium-, long-, and long-slender-grain types of rice varieties grown at Beaumont, 1931 and 1932 Pounds milled rice per barrel (162 pounds) rough rice TNS‘ Varlety Head rice Total rice 1931 l 1932 l Average 1931 l 1932 l Average Short-grain types: l 19799 l CaIOTO ---------------------- .. 105.9 108.0 107.0 l 119.0 118.9 119.0 19800 l Acadia ._ ............. .. l 105.3 103.2 104.3 l 118.1 114.5 116.3 5459 l Piniling Daniel __ 95.8 103.2 | 99.5 l 116.0 117.6 116.8 19798 | Golusa _____________________ ._ 96.5 103.2 l 99.4 l 111.6 116.0 113.3 7190 | No. 8 .................... 91.8 l 99.2 l 95.5 l 103.7 111.6 110.2 5389 l Kabo-Ong __ ____ .. 85.7 | 98.5 l 92.1 | 114.5 l 114.5 l 114.5 5364 Kinaryom .. 89.1 l 94.5 91.8 l 113.1 116.0 114.6 5412 I Naguyon 79.3 95.8 l 87.6 111.6 113.1 112.4 Medium-grain types: ' 1593 Bruinmissie ............. .. 95.1 103.2 99.2 111.6 113.1 112.4 7183 Blue Rose ............... .. 95.8 100.5 98.2 113.1 114.5 113.8 1555 (Blue Rose type) ____ .. 94.5 101.2 97.8 110.2 114.5 112.4 5463 Tinuco ...................... .. 94.5 l 99.9 97.2 113.1 113.1 113.1 2198 l Early Prolific Sel. 89.7 l 101.2 l 95.5 l 113.1 114.5 113.8 19801 l Early Prolific ________ .. 90.0 l 100.5 95.3 113.1 113.1 113.1 5321 Guininto .................. .. 85.1 100.5 92.6 113.1 113.1 113.1 1592 Wanica _. 87.0 l 97.2 92.1 111.6 113.1 112.4 19802 Supreme Blue Rose | 84.3 l 99.2 l 91.8 | 110.2 114.5 112.4 Long-grain types: 12983 N0. 32 ..................... .. 93.8 101.9 97.9 114.5 116.0 115.3 19803 Lady Wright .......... .. 88.5 101.2 94.9 114.5 114.5 114.5 12981 N0. 30 ............ ._ .. 86.4 101.2 93.6 113.1 114.5 113.8 19804 l Storm Proof 86.4 97.8 92.1 111.6 113.1 112.4 1611 Honduras ....... __ 85.0 93.8 89.4 111.6 111.6 111.6 19805 Edith _______ _. 77.7 99.9 88.8 113.1 113.1 113.1 1616 Honduras ................ .. 79.3 91.8 85.6 113.1 113.1 113.1 2204 Honduras ____________ _. 78.5 87.7 83.1 111.6 113.1 112.4 9821 | Texas Fortuna ...... .. 78.5 84.6 81.6 112.2 112.3 112.3 ‘ Long-slender-grain types: l 8076 | Delitus ...................... .. 88.4 87.0 l 87.7 110.2 l 110.2 l 110.21 ‘19806 l Rexoro ..................... .. 81.0 68.2 74.6 108.0 l 111.6 109.8 l The long-grain varieties produced lower average yields of head rice than either the short- or medium-grain groups. This was to be expected, how- ever, because the longer grains are more likely to be broken in the milling process. Lady Wright, No. 32, and No. 30, with yields of 94.9, 97.9, and 93.6 pounds of head rice per barrel, respectively, were the best milling varieties of this type. The lowest milling yield (81.6 pounds) was pro- duced by Texas Fortuna. This is not seriously l0W for a long-grain rice as productive as Texas Fortuna. Delitus produced a larger yield of head rice than Rexoro, the other slender-grain variety. 22 BULLETIN NO. 485. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Yields of 88 varieties of rice tested at Beaumont during the 19-year period, 1914-32, inclusive, are presented in this Bulletin. Many of these varieties including short-, medium-, long-, and long-slender-grain types of early, medium, and late maturity, can be successfully grown in Texas. Though the short-grain varieties, in general, are more productive than the medium- or long-grain types, large yields are not confined to varieties of any one grain type. Seven of the nine medium-grain varieties produced ' yields of 2000 pounds or more of rough rice per acre, as compared with five of the eight short-grain and four of the nine long-grain varieties. The time required for the varieties to mature after plant emergence varied from 104 to 152 days. The short-grain group includes varieties of early, medium, and late maturity, while the medium-grain types include early- and late- maturing varieties. All of the long-grain rices are early in maturity except one, which is memum late. Of the two slender-grain varieties tested, one is medium late and the other very late in maturing. 1 4 The milling data on varieties show that the short-grain types produced the largest yields of head rice, and that as the length of grain increased the yield of head rice decreased. The yield of total milled rice did not vary to any extent between varieties of the different grain types. The marked variations in yield, grain type, date of maturity, and milling quality of the rice varieties show that these characteristics are very im- portant in the selection of varieties for commercial production in Texas. The rice acreage on each individual farm should be planted to at least two and preferably three varieties that mature at different dates. Early Pro- lific is the most desirable medium-grain rice of early maturity even though it frequently produces grain of inferior milling quality. Storm Proof, Edith, and Lady Wright are the most desirable long-grain varieties of early maturity, but they produce lower yields of grain than Early Prolific. Texas Fortuna is the best variety of medium-late maturity. It is a very desirable long-grain rice and is popular in the region. Blue Rose, including Supreme Blue Rose, is the most valuable medium- grain variety of late maturity. This variety produces high yields of grain of good milling quality. Rexoro is a desirable long-slender-grain rice and matures very late. The planting of short-grain varieties in Texas should be limited to the demand for rice of this type. Caloro, Piniling Daniel, and Acadia are good short-grain varieties of early, medium, and late maturity, respectively.