E-134-6M-Ll80 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIUN A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BULLETIN NO. 515 OCTOBER, 1935 DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY Availability of Nitrous Nitrogen to Plants AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE 0F TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President Administration : Veterinary Science: A. B. Conner, M. S., Director ‘M. Francis, D. V. M., Chief - R. E. Karper, M. S., Vice Director H. Schmidt, D. V. M., Veterinarian Clarice Mixson, B. A., Secretary "F. P. Mathews, D. V. M., M. S., Veterinarian M. P. Holleman, Chief Clerk Plant Pathology and Physiology: D. R. McDonald, Asst. Chief Clerk J. J. Taubenhaus, Ph. D., Chief Chester Higgs, Executive Assistant W. N. Ezekiel, Ph. D., Plant Pathologist Howard Berry, B. S., Technical Asst. L. B. Loring, M. S., Asst. Plant Pathologist Chemistry: » G. E. Altstatt, M. S., Asst. Plant Pathologist G- s. Fraps, Ph. D.’ Chief: State Chemist "Glenn Boyd, B. 8-, ASSt. Plant PIIlZhOlOQlSt s. E. Asbury, M. s., chemist F“I‘J‘“P“"g lfifmfi" lfwgwélif?! J. F. Fudge, Ph. 1).. Chemist w E5 P“ “- - -- ‘e . E. c. Carlyle, M. s., Asst. Chemist - - aulsm- Ph- D» M'"k°'°"‘g T. L. Ogier, B. S., Asst. Chemist fiwA-RBQPZ“; SS" laarmhMhi/inagement‘ A. .1. Sterges, M. s., Asst. Chemist LA b M ‘S em S- i; ‘mlf, fjfagleme" Ray Treichler, M. S., Asst. Chemist R ‘l 8g?’ ' l“ an“ anaJmU“ W. H. Walker, Asst. Chemist “a °“‘° “m” - Jessie Whitacre, Ph. D., Chief Mary Anna Grimes, M. S., Textiles Sylvia Cover, Ph. D., Foods Velma Graham, Asst. Chemist Jeanne F. DeMottier, Asst. Chemist W. H. Garman, M. S., Asst Chemist A. R. Kemmerer, Ph. D., Asst. Chemist so“ Survey: . A. W. Walde. Ph. 1).. Asst. Chemist "W- T- Cart"; B- 8-» Ch"! F. .1. McClure, Ph. 1)., Asst. chemist E~ H- Temvhh- B- S» 5°11 Surveyor Horticulturv J. W. Huckabee, B. S., Soil Surveyor S H Yank“ Sc D Chief BIt. C. Mowery, B. S., Soil Surveyor - - - - -- o any: . Range Animal Husbandry: V. L. Cory, M. S., Acting Chief J. M. Jones, A. M. Chief Swine Husbandry: B. L. Warwick, Ph. D., Breeding Investiga. Fred Hale, M. S., Chief S. P. Davis, Wool and Mohair Specialist Dairy Husbandry: J. H. Jones, B. S., Animal Husbandman O. C. Copeland, M. S., Dairy Husbandman Entomolo . Poultry Husbandry: F. L. Tghyomas, Ph. 1)., Chief; State R- M» Sherwood’ M- S» Chief Entomologist J. R. Couch, _M. S., Assoc. Poultry Hush. H_ J_ Reinhard’ B_ s" Entomologist Paul D. Sturkie; B. S., Asst. Poultry Husb. R. K. Fletcher, Ph. D., Entomologist Ag"cultural_Engmeering‘ W. L. oweh, J12, M. Entomologist MEI-l giafilgritlkaflla_s-- Chi“ i; E: §§i‘$§'s,1i;.,Si30 =25? 5mm» To ma.» $6 2» m»; m2 .23. 2a. n50 vivid. natnofl wwsm +2“? 3;. 24 w: pa. ... 3Q S5. 8x2 éfim 25 33m ma» am-..» 3a 3. E: EA a. N2. 2a. E62 diam 05m fiméazo 2.3» 24. 3s m3. 3N SN 26. $3. >30 6095b. 25w fié 3s w.“ m... $6.3 diam wmémsm wfisw 3a 8s 8.2. fi 8.. w 3s. 2s. >30 5.26m 2N2 0T0 Se E. .23" ma. m: 3Q m8. _ 5x2 >253 o5.“ wizfimzvmuw mmmm 8%.: Q ufiwu uoa nmfiwflfimofion “mmwmwg mwummmoww wnmwflwodflfima ammo awn nostfiaomofl nwnfinfl fiaaofi H Sfiomwnmn o>muo< ruck 033a‘ wagon. Eowonfiz . . auooduopafl WHGQEWMQQNQ fiOfl Gm won: M=Om Q6 QQmwmMQHEOQ in Qwfiflhw 8 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 2. Pot test on the availability of nitrite nitrogen to corn, 1933, soil 37293 Additions of Weight Nitrogen Nitrogen Average Gain Per cen-t _ crop, in crop, in crop, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen nltrogen gm. per cent gm. gm. gm. recovered None 27.3 .53 .1447 None 25.0 .50 .1250 .1349 0.1 gm. nitric nitrogen 37.2» u .59 .2195 0.1 gm. nitric nitrogen 36.6 .57 .2086 .2141 .0792 79.2 0.1 gm. nitrous nitrogen 30.2 .64 .1933 0.1 gm. nitrous nitrogen 32.8 I65 .2132 .2033 .0648 60.5 0.2 gm. nitrous nitrogen 42.9 .71 .3046 0.2 gm. nitrous nitrogen 38.3 .68 .2604 .2825 .1476 65.3 0.3 gm. nitrous nitrogen 22.1 .88 .1945 0.3 gm. nitrous nitrogen 29.8 1.10 .3278 .2612 I .1269 37.4 0.3 gm. nitric nitrogen 39.0 .89 ' .3471 I I 0.3 gm. nitric nitrogen 40.7 .83 I .3378 I .3425 .2076 69.2 Some of the pots which had received nitrites were examined for nitrites at the end of the experiment. They were present in some but not in others. The plants growing in pots which received nitrate made a normal growth from the seedling stage up to. the time of harvesting, while the plants growing in pots which received nitrite had a retarded growth and some- Table 3. Pot tests unon availability of nitrite nitrogen to corn, 1934, soil 29208 Addition of ~Grams Nitrogen Nitrogen Gain in Gain in Gain in Per cent _ of in crop, .in crop, weight of nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen nltrogen corn per cent gm. crop, gm. per cent gm. recovered I I I I I I None | 2.6 .53 .0138 | I 2.1 .68 .0143 I I 2 6 .57 .0148 I Average I 2 4 .59 .0143 0.2 gm. nitrous nitrogen I 27.1 .61 .1653 I 20.8 .53 .1102 I 20.4 .57 .1163 Average I 22 8 .57 .1306 20.4 —.02 .1163 58.2 0.2 gm. nitric n-itrogen I 23.9 .56 .1338 I I 26.5 .59 .1564 I 23.0 .58 .1334 Average I 24.5 .58 .1412 22.1 —.01 .1269 63.5 0.3 gm. nitrous nitrogen I 22.6 I .80 .1808 I I 14.4 I 1.15 .1656 I 27.3 I .78 .2129 Average I 21.4 I .91 .1864 19.0 .32 .1721 57.4 I 0.3 gm. nitric nitrogen I 19.5 I .93 .1814 I I I I I 28.7 I .76 I .2181 I I I I I 31.2 I .69 I .2153 I I I I Average I 26.5 I . 9 I 2039i I 24.1 I .20 I .1896 I 63.2 I AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 9 what chlorotic condition in the seedling stage. This abnormality was very noticeable in the corn pots which received 0.3 gram nitrite-nitrogen and in the kafir pots which received 0.2 and 0.3 gram of nitrite-nitrogen respectively. The corn receiving 0.3 gram and the kafir receiving 0.2 gram nitrite-nitrogen gradually became normal in color. Some of the kafir plants receiving 0.3 gram nitrite failed to attain a normal color. In table 1 is given the chemical composition of the soils used, except the builders sand, which was not analyzed. At the end of the period of growth, the plants were cut near the surface of the soil, dried as quickly as possible in a large drying oven, weighed, Table 4. Pot teSts on the availability of nitrite nitrogen to kafir, 1934,‘ soil 29208 Additions of Grams Nitrogen Nitrogen Gain in Gain in Gain in Per cent _ of in crop, in crop, weight of nitrogen, nitrogen nitrogen nltroge“ kafir per cent gm. crop, gm. per cent gm. recovered None 1.2 .96 .0115 1.7 .61 .0104 2 2 .58 .0128 Average 1.7 .72 .0116 0.2 gm. nitrous nitrogen 19.4 .71 .1377 I 14.5 .82 .1189 _ I‘ 12.6 1.06 .1336 I Average II 15.5 I .86 .1301 13.8 .14 .1185 59.3 0.2 gm. nitric nitrogen I 13.0 I .92 .1196 I 20.0 .62 .1240 ' 19.8 .75 .1485 Average ‘I 17.6 .76 I .1307 15.9 .04 .1191 59.6 0.3 gm. nitrous nitrogen I 1.3 I 2.81 .0365 I .4 I 3.14 .0126 II 4.6 ‘I 2.31 .1063 II ' 1 Average I 2.1 I 2.75 .0518 .4 2.03 I .0402 1.3 0.3 gm. nitric nitrogen I 27.5 I .79 .2173 I 21.7 II .93 .2018 Average I 24.6 I .86 .2096 22.9 .14 .1980 66.0 ground, and analyzed for nitrogen. Details of three of the experiments are given in Tables 2, 3, and 4 as illustrations of the method of procedure, and a summary is given in Table 5. ,_ V’. W “WWX I, | -.v--vxx_ P," {in Availability Measured by Nitrogen Taken up The availability of the nitrogen was measured by the crop produced and by the ‘nitrogen recovered. The quantities of nitrogen taken up by the crop were calculated from the percentages in the crop and from weight of the crop. The weights of nitrogen taken from the soils which received no nitrogenous fertilizer were substracted from the weights of nitrogen secured from the soil which received nitrogenous additions. This gave the weight of nitrogen re- covered by the crop. The weight recovered by the crop multiplied by 100 10 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION w? Q5 swwoawmfl EMJGOEEQ 42w 0H. 9.3 . . . . . . . . . . -- vdm Ii ..i- |i.-._.-..-.i---mnommaamfiou m mo wu§$>< Q3 i-.. in: H6» .... -- ||| ll lalelllimnowmaanfioo v mo vuw~w>¢ . . . . . . . . .-.. Q5 ..l. E... ll. ll. iluilxilucommpwafiou w we www$>< .... .- ||- v.5. ..--.- W? ||| xi. ..-.:--!---.--.-.-mnowm.~maiou v mo www$>< .... .. ..i. 3w. 1...- 1-... v.3 wéw 1...:-.--...i...mcowm.~wnfiou v we ww§w>< .... -- 1x1 v.2. i--- 1.--- mdu It. iili:.i-.-msommnwmfioo 3 mo wmwnw>< i; $5 .... .. m; mi . , . . . . . \ \ ‘ : pfimx _ QwmC _ . . .... .- . . _ _ E8 EQEEm _ mafia“ m 3 m mm w 5 m mm ,,,, .. \ .... .. 50o 3mm: _ EH2 EQEBm _ wag“ Q3 i--. 3a 2w is 9mm .... -. snow wnwm mnowmsm momma w? .... -. Nd» #5 m? mdw .... -- QMOU wmww mam“ JWQQUQ mmmvm .... -- i2 . . . . . . . , ‘ ‘ z v.3 m4; 58 =83 >2» comma» Smmm i: w? .... z \ v2 m6» 2:2 inc» no b»? x22: =Q$=om wmflmm ,,,, a 3; ‘ . . , . . . , . ‘ : wan ma? $2?’ 8x2 \ >222“ 2i m=§ _ wifi . . . . 1 . . s . .. n53 . : , i» 5N» 52:33 8x2 . . . . . . . . . . .- . : \ 3E2 05m m=mh wfimm o mm . . wém mém cfié 5x3 awcwm -. i- 25 053M250 m5?” .. Q3 , . . , , . \ ‘ ‘ \ z v.3 Ymm Q33 >2". :oc.$> mofimm . . . . . . . . . . .. mam flimw #3 Essmfivfl 26.3 .- .. .- 95m mafifism Mafia .. 0.2. .... r o wdw .... z cuou H20 Gouflmfi mfimwfl 3:: .... .- 2w adv .... -- F80 5&2 hung ‘it 05m dflflcnwsvmflm mmma flwwonfii Qwwoafic GQMOHZQ ammonia cmwopfifl cwwoafin cwmopfifi Omhwmi Owkumfi UTHQWC mflofizn wsonfic mflonfin WUOHwWG M03855 Acw 3. Aaw 3N. 4cm i. 5% =0. 5w om. 4mm 3. Acw 2,. no.5 womb mom PS» .. vwponwfl $533?» 05¢ EON“ wmamrvoown GQMOHQTH MO QMNQGQUMUQ @033? win mow-ant: u: zfiznwmwiw 02:?“ o5 no n33 “on u: 53:25am .m 2&3. AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 11 and divided by the quantity of nitrogen originally added to the soil is the percentage recovered. The resultsare summarized in Tables 5 and 6. Since the same quantities of the various nitrogenous additions Were not applied to every soil in the series, different averages are made for the amounts which can properly be compared. On an average, the nitrous nitrogen is less available than the nitric nitrogen. When the 11 comparisons secured with the addition of 0.1 gram nitrogen are examined, on an average 50.9 per cent of the nitrous nitrogen is recovered, compared with 69.4 per cent of the nitric nitrogen, so that the availability of the nitrous nitrogen is little more than 70 per cent of that of nitric nitrogen. The availability of the nitrous nitrogen was less than that of the nitric nitrogen in 21 of the 28 comparisons. In one each of the comparisons with soil No. 35178, soil No. 35188, and soil No. 29208, a little more of the nitrous nitrogen than of the nitric nitrogen was apparently taken up by the crops. Six tests were made with 0.2 gram nitrous nitrogen. In one of the tests, the availability of the nitrous nitrogen was one-half that of the nitric nitrogen when 0.1 gram was applied. In the second comparison it was zero, while with the other four it was only a little lower than that of the nitric nitrogen. The small crop in the second comparison may have been due to injury by the nitrous nitrogen, but it was more probably due to other causes. With 0.3 gram nitrous nitrogen, in two of the tests the amount of nitrogen taken up was decidedly less than that from the nitric nitrogen, while in the other two the amount was slightly less. Ammonium sulphate was used for comparison in three of the tests. The nitrous nitrogen was apparently more available than the ammonia nitrogen in two of the comparisons, and only slightly less available in the third comparison. While nitrous nitrogen is less available than nitric nitrogen, it was apparently not injurious in almost all of these pot experiments. In two tests with 0.3 and 0.2 gram in 5000 grams of soil, it was decidedly injurious. The amount used was 20, 40, or 60 parts nitrous nitrogen per million of the entire quantity of soil used. Apparently the method of applying it to the dry soil before the addition of the water minimized the injurious effect when only small amounts were added. Availability as Measured by Growth of Crop The availability of fertilizer materials is sometimes compared by means of the gains in weights of the crops, instead of by the plant food taken up, as was done above. The effect of the addition of nitrogen on the average weight of the oven-dried crops is shown in Table 6. The gain in weight of the crops was less with the nitrous nitrogen, than with an equal amount of the nitric nitrogen. This was to be expected, since the avail- ability of the nitrous nitrogen was less than. that of the nitric nitrogen, as shown in the preceding discussion. If the availability of the nitrous 12 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION m...“ HflwH 0.2 H.w m3 Wm 3. md mowwoH E8 mfimm Ho wmm~w>< Wm mdH, odH H6 3w QmH H.m .2 .... ..+...>Hno win»... Ho. wmwpw>< .... .. Qmm mdH Hie wdH hmfifi 2N8 .... .. HQN Haw 06H You -!.- ..!. FHoo 23m .... .. NEH vdH m.! Y: m.» F30 2N5 .... .- 05H mHH w.» Q: f: l-.. F30 woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z Wm 9m w. F80 Hmmmm w. i! 3. . . . . . . . . . . -. 9w NH wnwa wmHmm l--- !i :i- m.H - o. H H .H fiwwsB w» H m m i! i-.- i! Wm . . . . . . . . . . .- a.» N6 Easufiz ma» . . . . . . . . . i i.-- Q3 w» m6 F80 2.3m . . . i . . . . . .- -|| ed .|..- w! w! Ewe ~63” Haw i! !! m.» . i . . . . . . . -. g H}. Easy...» woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! E i.-- wHH! m5 i! F30 m5: NH i..- i! w.» .... .- HtH H.N --.i Eco mm? zwwohzn nwwonfii nououfl: ammonia nwmonfin cwwonfi: qwmoufifl flwwoufifl EEMHHOHHHEG 25E own-HG wmnpmn @5953 msonfi: @5932 3-0.3? nwninfl Em H. 45w w. dam m. Em H. Afim w. dam N. mflw H. Ann mo. QonO hnouwnonwq MO QOWQMUQG Ow 05W nwfimfi 2U gfihw mumow HOE Gm mGBHHH-wa Q0 0H1 QQOHU wO HSUmOR E m:H¢U!.w Qiwflkv AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 13 nitrogen is calculated from the average gains in weight of the crops, it is apparently 83% of that of nitridnitrogen when 0.1 gram is used. If both gains and losses are considered, the nitrous nitrogen is 74% as available as nitric nitrogen. When 0.3 gram was used the nitrous nitrogen had only 25% of the availability of the nitric nitrogen. These may be compared with an availability of 73% with 0.1 gram and 76% with 0.3 gram when the comparison is based on the amounts of nitrogen taken up instead of on the gains in the weights of the crops. There is still the question as to the utilization of the nitrous nitrogen by the plants. That some of it was utilized was shown in the gains in weights of the crops cited above. Further evidence is offered by the nitrogen content of the crops. Effect of Nitrogen Content of Crops The gains or losses in the percentage of nitrogen in the test crops, as compared with the crops which received no nitrogen, are given in Table 7. With the 0.05 gram application, the percentage of nitrogen in the crop grown with nitrite was the same as that grown with the use of the nitrate. With the 0.1 gram application, the percentage of nitrogen was higher in six of the eleven tests, while with the five others, it was prac- tically the same as that in the crops produced with nitrate, or a little lower. On an average of all the comparisons, there was slightly more nitro- gen in the crops grown with the 0.1 gram of nitrous nitrogen than in those grown with a corresponding amount of nitric nitrogen. In the four comparisons with 0.3 gram of nitrogen, the plants’ grown with nitrous nitrogen contained appreciably more nitrogen than corresponding plants grown with nitric nitrogen, indicating the possibility of a poorer utiliza- tion of the nitrous ‘nitrogen. Some of the plants were tested for nitrites, but none was found in any of them. It would appear that nitrous nitrogen in small quantities has an avail- ability only a little lower than that of nitric nitrogen and is perhaps equally well utilized for plant growth, but larger amounts are not so readily taken up. The smaller plants also contain larger percentages of nitrogen than those grown with nitrates. Nitrification in the Sand Used In order to test the possibility that the soils were not completely sterilized or became contaminated during the experiment, 9 pots in which nothing was planted were included in the 1934 experiments with sand N0. 29208. The sand in these pots was sterilized in the same way as the other pots and was watered with distilled water throughout the growing period of the plants in the other pots, which was 58 days. At the end of this time the soils were analyzed for nitrites and nitrates with the results given in Table 8. It is seen from this table that nitrite was present in only one of the 6 pots to which it had been added at the beginning of the test, but nitrates 14 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 8+ 3+ 8+ 21+ 3+ 3+ 8.1 ...+-.--...$mmo_ E5 mfiww we wwwb>< B. m». w? 2: 3.. mu. NH. .................... =35. wfiww we 835.3. .... .. i. .3. 2a I. i..- 5i Mafia .... .. 3... 8.1 S. N? 1- -i-- E8 82w .... .- w». S. . 5.. 2. a. cnou 3N5 .... -- w». 2.1 $4 in. E. .1. F80 m3? . . . . . . . . . . -- S. .1- m». 2. F80 Emmm 3. -1- 8. .... -- m». 2. 3E $5M .- i i--- 8. . 1 . . . . . . . -- uwl 2. .22? 2.3m .... .. 1- B. 2. 8.1 Efiimém $5» .... .. -1 3.1 i.-. 5.1 3.1 E8 MSW.» ..... .- 2. w». i. Baa 85m 8.1 -1. No. . . . . . . . . . . -- ~61 2.1 c2538 2N3 . . . . . . . . . . .. 8. SQ 2. .58 BN2 2. --.i fl. .... -- S. S. .... .. E8 £2 GUNOHQEM GQMOHHTn GUMOHHMG cwwonfifi ammonia nwuonfi: GQMOHQMC 815508155 Emhumfl. .Omhwm§ . mfiouamm .3631 @5951“ flflO-flfifl HQQSSZ EM H EM m 8M H EN M EN N EM a EM mo. QOHQ hhOudhOQd-H 8 mnosmaw 3 26 =3". new...“ uon E mien-Zia mueiououuw: .3 @5250 mach."- 93a. Gm nououfl: HQ QMSHQOHOG E Fwd“ -b Qwfifivfi AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 15 were present in all 9 pots. The quantity of nitrates was less than that originally added. Part of the nitrite which had disappeared had been con- verted into nitrate. This would indicate either that the sand was incom- pletely sterilized or that oxidation from other causes occurred. It also Table 8. Nitrogen in pots at the end of the experiment Pot Treatment — Nnlgic Nit§lous pH P.P.M. P.P.M. 1 .2 gm. 40 p p m nitrous nitrogen 0 r 0 8.1 2 .2 gm. 40 p p m nitrous nitrogen 23 0 8.1 3 .2 gm. 40 p p m nitrous nitrogen 23 0 7.9 4 .3 gm. 60 p p m nitrous nitrogen 25 O 8.1 5 .3 gm. 60 p p m nitrous nitrogen 12 4 8.2 6 .3 gm. 60 p p m nitrous nitrogen 17 0 8.1 7 .2 gm. 40 p p m nitric nitrogen 16 0 8.1 8 .2 gm. 40 p p m nitric nitrogen 23 O 7.9 9 .2 gm. 40 p p m nitric nitrogen 43 0 7.8 would indicate that the availability of the nitrites found in the work just reported is perhaps higher than would be the case if they were entirely prevented from being converted into nitrates. NITRITES IN WATER CULTURES Since it is possible that the availability of nitrites shown in the work reported above was higher than it really is, on account of some conversion of nitrites to nitrates, the pot experiments were supplemented by experi- ments with water cultures. The water solutions were sterile and frequently renewed, so that there was little danger of possible oxidation of the nitrite- nitrogen during the experiments. Since the plants had access to large quantities of nitrogen, in proportion to the amounts taken up, this method is not so well suited to measurement of the availability of nitrites or other fertilizing materials. However, we can compare the growth of the plants with the nitrite and the nitrate and assume that the growth is in propor- tion to the availability of each. The waterculture method used was that of Shive (17). After the seeds were sprouted, three plants were mounted in a cork which rested in the mouth of a large fruit jar. The cork also carried a glass tube reaching to the bottom of the jar, ending in a small funnel mouth and a siphon to carry off the excess solution. The nutrient solution was fed slowly to the funnel in the culture jar by means of a capillary siphon tube from a jar inverted in a petri dish. The rate of flow was regulated by altering the height of the capillary tube and was about one liter in 24 hours. By this apparatus the culture solution is constantly renewed, so that there is little change in pH or nitrites during the experiment. It has 16 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the disadvantage of requiring large quantities of culture solution. The salts used were prepared in concentrated solutions and 50 cc of each was mixed with 12 liters of Water to make the solution used. Relative Quantities of Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen Absorbed by Corn The object of this test was to ascertain how much nitrogen was taken from known solutions of nitrite or nitrate during periods of 6 hours and of 24 hours. Plants were grown according to the method of Shive in a solution of the following composition: Ammonium sulphate (.0042 M solution) 0.55 gram, calcium nitrate (.0075 M) 1.23 grams, monopotassium phosphate (.0021 M) 0.29 gram, mag- nesium sulphate, cryst. (.0024 M) 0.59 gram in 1000 cc. A ferrous sulphate 0.4 per cent solution was added at the rate about 1 cc per jar every 2 or 3 days. i Table 9. Absorption of nitric and nitrous nitrogen by corn plants in water cultures Nitrogen absorbed Jar Form of nitrogen 6 hours 24 hours 1 Sodium nitrate 1.3 7.8 2 Sodium nitrate 1.3 5.5 3 Sodium nitrate 0.6 7.6 Total 3.2 20.9 4 Sodium nitrite 2.0 8.6 5 Sodium nitrite 0.1 8.4 6 Sodium nitrite 1.0 6.6 Total ............................. .. 3 1 23 6 The test for the 6-hour period was performed after the seedlings had been grown 10 days in the culture solution. Those used for the 24-hour ab- sorption period had been grown 18 days. From 12 jars of plants 6 jars with the best looking plants were selected for the test. The plants of 3 jars were used for absorption of nitrate and those of the other 3 for nitrite. The roots were thoroughly washed and the plants transferred to 1-pint jars containing 400 cc distilled water, plus 1O cc standard sodium nitrate or nitrite solution. At the end of the absorption period, the roots of the plants were again washed with distilled water into the jar from which the plants were taken. The solutions were made up to 1000 cc, and 400 cc were used for the determination of nitrogen by the zinc-ferrous sul- fate method (5). For checks, solutions with distilled water and corres- ponding amounts of the same nitrogen solutions were treated in the same way. All determinations were made in duplicate. The amount of nitrogen absorbed by the plants was estimated by sub- tracting the amount found in the solutions that were used for absorption AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 17 from the amount of nitrogen found in the checks. The results appear in Table 9. The pH of the solutions was 5.9-6.0 before absorption for 6 hours, and 6.2 before absorption for 24 hours. After absorption, it was about 0.2 pH higher with all for the 6 hour period, and with the nitrite for the 24 hour period, but Iabout 0.5 to 0.7 pH higher with nitrates for the 24 hour period. The quantities of nitrogen absorbed are given in Table 9. The nitrite nitrogen was absorbed practically as well as the nitrate nitrogen during the 6 hour period, but the absorption of nitrites was slightly more than that of nitrates in the 24 hour period. According to this work, the nitrite nitrogen is absorbed by the plants to the same extent as the nitrate nitro- gen. The absorption of nitrogen was more than 6i times as much in the 24 hour period as in the 6 hour period, though the time was only 4 times as long. Effect of Different Amounts of Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen Upon Growth of Corn ' The nutrient solution used was based onpthat of Shive, but modified to meet the object of the experiment. Ammonium sulfate was left out, and the element calcium was provided as calcium chloride instead of calcium nitrate. The solution used, as diluted, was as follows: Monopotassium phosphate (.0021 M) 0.29 gram per liter Magnesium sulfate . . . . . (.0024 M) 0.59 gram per liter Calcium chloride . . . . . . (.0074 M) 0.82 gram per liter Sodium or calcium nitrate or nitrite was added at the rate of 0.1 or 0.2 gram per liter. Ferrous sulfate solution, 0.4 per cent was added at the rate of 1 cc per jar at intervals of 2 or 3 days. Three jars each with three plants were used with each addition. The first experiment in which corn was grown with sodium nitrite or nitrate lasted 21 days from the time of mounting the seedlings on their respective jars. A second experiment was made with calcium salts, in which the growing period was 24 days. The plants Which received nitrate-nitrogen made a good growth ‘and looked much healthier than those which received nitrite-nitrogen. In the three jars to which nutrient solution containing 0.1 gram per liter of nitrite-nitrogen was supplied, the plants developed ‘yellow streaks on the leaves and the roots were somewhat brownish, while the roots of the plants receiving nitrate-nitrogen were white. During most of the growing period, the lower leaves of most of these plants were green, but the upper ones were yellow. At the time of harvesting, however, all the leaves had turned green. The plants grown in the jars to which 0.2 gram per liter of nitrite-nitrogen was supplied looked very sickly and chlorotic throughout the experiment. The root system of all the plants grown with nitrites was poorly developed and heavily infected with a slimy white fungus. Whether the retardation 18 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION o ". ".0. 2. 1H M." ". no.2" H09 .7" EM N. dab? 522.6 "" oo" 2N ".0 Q3 9mm“ Q3. 5.2 n03" H09 Z SM N. 322a EESQO w .m J 5 m.» "." N." "d" w."" N6 H03" non" .7" BM ". dfiazn Esmfiwo m .w .~. oo" v.0" N.w m.» mdN" Q3. Nam n03" awn" .7" EN ". Judufifi SE33 m .N ." N" __ o.» o." o." wd" m6" ".0 n0»: n09 .7" EN N. data: 8555M N" ."" .0" co" c6" m3. w."" 53w 0.2. Q3; .33" H2" Z 8M N. .33.“: Esnsw \ w 6 J. mm m6 N.N m6. mam mifl pa» .33" hm!" .7" EM ". fifinfifl Efiwom m .w J. co" Q3 N.v Md" ca? mdm n43 ma: av." .7" EN ". dfivsmn 8525M m .N ." u, 3o Boom mfifim 130B $00M mEwQw Hoppwfi iv " B , cowonfin mo 5.3.." .5". fisfiwm . 3Q .630 manoiionxo @5516 avast. 5 wooizin miwhw E F30 we mania? Pi. 1G5 .23.... .3 ~58. AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 19 of the growth of the plants was due to the development of the above fungus or due to unavailability of the nitrite-nitrogen is not known. The results of this work, which appear in Table 10, show that the growth with nitrite-nitrogen was less than with nitrate. This is also seen in Figure 1. With 0.1 gram nitrogen per liter, the production of dry matter with sodium nitrite was 23% of that with sodium nitrate, and the growth with calcium nitrite was 21% of that with calcium nitrate. With‘ 0.2 gram nitrogen per liter, the corresponding growths were 12% and practically zero, respectively. Relation of Degree of Acidity of the Solution on the Growth of Corn, Cotton and Oats with Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen In this part of the study, plants were grown with nutrient solutions containing 0.1 gram nitrogen in the form of sodium nitrate and nitrite, made up to different degrees of acidity by additions of sodium hydroxide Figure. 1. Corn in water cultures with 0.1 gm and 0.2 gm nitrate nitrogen per liter (Na) and corresponding amounts of nitrite nitrogen (Ni). or sulphuric acid, approximately pH 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0. Unfortunately, however, these pH values were found to change during the growing period, especially those solutions which were originally made to pH 8.0. These changes were apparently due in part to the precipitation of the phosphates in the nutrient solutions. Some difficulty was also encountered from the 20 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 3 w.» m; m.N Q3 v.2“ “.3 m6 vfiafii Esmwom NH n: 5 9m. HA ma Q5. HdN wSN v6 “its? 553cm m. d .5 . Q.” +4 w; 1mm 12 oNH g . Qafiwc Efiwom 3.. d ow 5 m.» w...“ W2: w? $6 Wm mews? Sivan Q d c,“ o; wd 3. hm “Km m.” g wfiadfi 856m w 2: 6d MN m.» Nd: gm ma»: Nd v22»? Eiwow N J a Anomfipwawnv F50 S m6 #4 m.” W5 ohN 3w v.52. warm: 539% NH .: 5. Y» 2 2 3w HEN gm vségw opxpfifl Esmam m. R a“ 5... 2e mHd dim NA AA cduwd muififl Esmsm m m5 Wm w; ma 5a 3a mam QmQm wfiflumn 8535M ¢ .m m 3.0 - Nd i... w.” w.N 0A 1E3 “xix: 823w b 2: 2 m.“ “v6 g2 Ném WNN. dim...“ wafizn Esmsw ,N A 35.5% fiNHOmF l waoom mcsoum 300M i mawpw mfipfiom in F80 nah. 5Q combo Amaioimnonxo 0.52:0 .1595 mafia.» in uzonowbw as wouzucnn miaum E GMOQ u: 3:39.» haw was nvobm 13cm. .3 Esau. AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 21 plugging of the siphon by the precipitated phosphate. This difficulty, however, was overcome to some extent by the filtration of the nutrient solutions before use. There was also difficulty in the preparation of the nutrient solution containing nitrite-nitrogen at pH 4.0. Preliminary tests showed that this pH value could not be secured, even with large additions of sulfuric acid. For this reason, the amount of acid added was the same as that in those solutions containing nitrate-nitrogen made up to pH 4.0. Excessive heat in the greenhouse affected the growth of the plants, since the growing period of this series was from June 14 to July 13. Since it Figure 2. Cotton in water culture with nitrate nitrogen (Na) and ‘nitrite nitrogen (Ni) at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 6.8. was quite evident that the heat had retarded, to some extent, the growth of the plants in the whole series, the experiment was repeated during September when temperatures were not so high as during June and July. The results of these two tests with corn appear in Table 11 and indicate that nitrates are taken up by corn in greater quantities at pH 4.0 than at pH 6.0 to 8.0, while nitrites are taken up in the reverse order. The de- crease in the phosphates by precipitation may have caused a low growth with the nitrates. An experiment was made with cotton similar to that with corn, except that less sodium hydroxide was added to the nutrient solutions up to the point where phosphorus precipitation began to take place, about pH 6.8. However, the solution was unstable, since partial precipitation took place 22 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION mu m6 3. e6 m6 m6 6H 64. uahvériumwom . NH .HH mm g m6 v6 wd RH H.H 6.6-6.6 @626: 828w 6 .6 S. H..H 66 m6 kw wé m6 H.666 03g: 826cm 6H .6 w: m.” H.H Na >66 66H 6.5 H6 vpanfin 833w w 6 6. H.6 ..-i H.6 w... .... .- m... @413. v2.5: Ewzém H. 66H m3 6.H wH. N66 6.3 66H @666 v6.93? 82.8w u .H £3 HQH HQH HH6 NH 66 2 Hi. 66-66 vita 836cm NH .HH mHH H.HH 6H m6 646 gm Him» 6.6-66 v3.5? E265 6 6 w m6 H.6 >6 6.6 5 ma 6.66.6 ofihfifl Esmsm . 6H\ .6 8 m3 m.H Q6 H66 v.5 5H waém ofififi: 526% w .m 6 .6 .6 .6 6 6 6 Nm-Hb @628: 826cm v 66H 6.6 HnH m6 3w wHN 666 161w“. must? 536cm a .H Q0300 “EMU? Hapom. mpoom mfiwaw HHBPH. mpoofl wfiwuww W H33 A HHQ us». 5 x92 ., ofififlmfl PHQ QmoEU Ameioimuonxu c.5350 H3536 n03?» in Hiouvwwmw 6w dEF-w E wwuflwoun mama win 56360 w: @339: .26 HE.» noon.“ Hauom. .NH 013B AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 23 in the greenhouse, so that the pH would drop again to 5.9 to 6.0. The results of this test, which appear in Table 12, show that nitrites produce little growth of cotton at pH 4.2-4.4, but produce more growth as the pH increases towards alkalinity. More work is needed to decide whether or not nitrites produce a good growth at pH 7.0 to 8.0. In an experiment with oats, the nutrient solutions used were like those used by Davidson and Shive (1) for the growth of peach trees. The solution used was as follows: Monopotassium phosphate (.00633 M) 0.86 gram per liter Magnesium sulfate . . . . . (.00711 M) 0.85 gram per liter Calcium chloride . . . . . . (.0074 M) 0.82 gram per liter Sodium nitrate or nitrites . . . . . . . .0.1 gm N per liter Ferrous sulfate was added as in the work already mentioned. The precipitation of phosphates could not be avoided upon the addition of the sodium hydroxide for making up to pH 8.0. Hence, as in the previous work, the phosphate precipitates were filtered off before trans- ferring the solutions to their respective jars. Results of this series appear in Table 12 and show that nitrites produce little growth of oats at pH 4.6 to 4.8'and sowewhat better growth at higher pH values. The oat plants assimilate nitrates in the same manner as corn at pH 4.0 and 6.0, but they produce less growth as the pH value of the nutrient solution increases toward alkalinity. The relative dry weights of the plants produced in all the experiments are shown in Table 13. lVith nitrates, the dry matter produced is highest at pH 3.9-5.4, and lowest at pH 6.4-7.7. With nitrites, the dry matter produced is lowest at pH 3.9-5.4 and highest at 6.4-7.7. The low crop with nitrates at pH 6.4-7.7 may be in part due to the precipitation of calcium phosphate from the solution. AVAILABILITY OF NITRITES AS MEASURED BY GROWTH IN WATER CULTURES Water cultures have not been used for estimation of the availability of fertilizing materials because some of the materials are not soluble in Table 13. Relative effect of uH unon the dry weight of crons grown in water culture with nitrate and with nitrite nitrogen pH 3.9-5.4 DH 5.7-6.0 DH 6.4-7.7 Corn Nitrate .......................... .. 100 55 47 Nitrite ........................ ._ 3 4 57 Corn Nitrate .......................... ..| 100 80 37 Nitrite ....................... .. ’ 10 31 40 Cotton Nitrate ......................... ._ 100 63 Nitrite ................... .. 0 1 1 5 Oats Nitrate .......................... .. 100 118 25 Nitrite ....................... ..| 4 42 28 24 BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION water and must undergo changes before they are taken up by other plants, and also because the quantity of nutrient supplied to the plant is usually considerably in excess of that taken up. However, it is possible to assume that When equal quantities of substances in the nutrient are furnished separately to plants, the growth of the plants is in proportion to the Table 14. Availability of nitrite nitrogen at pH 6 based on total growth availability of the nutrients. We have in water culture experiments made this assumption and calculated (nitrate at 100) the availability of the nitrite nitrogen | | from the results presented in the pre- || j gizfi g2; l ceding pages. 80m l gram per liter l The quantity of dry matter pro- 88%.,“ Ii 52$ 32$ { ' 1 ' O 0n . gram per 1 GT duced by the nitiate is placed at 160 Oats I l gram per liter I 34 and the availability of the nitrite is l I calculated from the dry matter pro- l Average """""""" " 21 duced by the plants grown at the l I; 3:: I 1g l same time and under the same con- ditions. Table 14 shows the availability of the nitrite nitrogen at the pH of approximately 6 for corn, cotton, and oats, with 0.1 gram nitrogen per liter, and also for corn with 0.2 gram per liter. The availability of the nitrite is 7 to 37% with corn, 11 to 12% with cotton, and 34% with oats when 0.1 gram nitrogen per liter was used. With corn growing in 0.2 gram per liter the availability was 12 to 0%, which was much less than with 0.1 gram. In Table 15 the availability of the nitrite nitrogen at different degrees Table 15.‘ Relative availability 0f Ilitfifl! nitrogen in water cultures of acidity (pH) are given. It is seen (nitrate=100) in this table that the availability _ is lowest at a pH of 3.9-5.4, and a PH Rvsijlglfte little higher at 5.7 to 6.0, while at 6.4 to 7.7 it is equal to that of the Co" gag-g g nitrate in the two tests with corn and 614-717 120 the test with oats. In the test with 0°“ 33:33 g7) cotton a pH of 6.4 to 7.7 was not 614-717 105 secured. Cotton $13123? 1(1) A t1 th nitrit itro e is . 5'94“) 12 PDQ-Ten Y e e I1 g‘ I1 Oath 4.6-4.8 4 taken up by plants just as well as 2122215 151*; nitrate nitrogen in alkaline solution. Our nitrification work has shown that nitrites are more likely to be produced in alkaline soils than in soils with a lower degree of acidity (pH). The soils in which they are likely to be produced are those in which they are not likely to be toxic in small amounts, if we can assume that the results of the water cultures apply to soils. AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN T0 PLANTS 25 SUMMARY In pot tests with soils, solutions of sodium nitrite applied to the roots of plants were more toxic than corresponding solutions of sodium nitrate. Little toxicity was found when the sodium nitrite was distributed through the soil. The availability of the nitrous nitrogen in sodium nitrite was less than that of the nitric nitrogen in sodium nitrate in 21 of the 24 com- parisons conducted by means of pot experiments. In 11 comparisons with one-tenth gram nitric nitrogen in 5,000 grams of soil, 69.4% of nitric nitrogen was recovered as compared with 51.7% of the nitrous nitrogen. In 2 comparisons with three-tenths gram nitrous nitrogen the avail- ability was 50.8% as compared with 66.8% for nitric nitrogen. Small amounts of nitrous nitrogen were utilized just as well as nitric nitrogen, but larger amounts of nitrous nitrogen were not as well utilized. With three-tenths gram in 5,000 grams soil the nitrogen taken up from nitrous nitrogen was 76% of that of the nitric nitrogen, but the total plant growth produced by nitrous nitrogen was only 25% of that produced by the nitric nitrogen. Nitrites added to pots of sterilized soils kept under the same conditions as those in which the plants were grown were partly changed to nitrates and partly disappear/ed. _ Corn took up approximately equal quantities of nitrites and nitrates from water cultures during periods both of 6 hours and of 24 hours. The production of dry matter of corn in water culture with sodium nitrite was 23% of that with sodium ‘nitrate, and with calcium nitrite was 21% of that with calcium nitrate when 0.1 gram per liter was used. When 0.2 gram nitrogen was used, the growth was smaller with the sodium salts and larger with the calcium salts than when 0.1 gram per liter was used. When different degrees of acidity were used, corn made the greatest growth at a pH of 3.9-4.1 and the lowest growth with pH of 6.4-7.7 with the nitrate salts, while with the nitrite salts the lowest growth was made - at pH 3.9-4.1, and the highest at 6.6-7.7. With cotton and oats, the nitrite produced the smallest growth in the more acid solution. If the- growth of the plants is taken as a measure of availability, the availability of the nitrite to corn, cotton, and oats at pH 6 was approxi- mately 21% of that of nitrates. At pH 3.9-5.4, the average availability of the nitrite was 4, while at pH 6.4-7.7, it was approximately 112, com- pared with nitrates at 100. The comparative availability of nitrate and nitrites in water cultures depends upon the pH of the solution. _ When the results of the pot tests are compared with the results of the water cultures, it appears probable that the availability secured in the pot experiments for soils of the pH used is approximately correct. 26 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. BULLETIN NO. 515, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION REFERENCES . Davidson, O. W., and Shive, J. W. 1934. The influence of the hydrogen- ion concentration of the culture solution upon the absorption and assimilation of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen by peach trees grown in sand cultures. Soil Science 31:357. Dratschew, S. M., and Alexandrowa, V. P. 1932. Die durch den Feuchtigkeitszustand bewirkten Anderungen der Zusammensetzung und der Konzentration der freien Bodenlosung. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzen- ernahrung Dungung and Bodenkunde, 25:349-365. . Feher, D., and Vagi, I. 1926. The influence of nitrites on the growth of plants. 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AVAILABILITY OF NITROUS NITROGEN TO PLANTS 27 Stahl, A. L., and Shive, J. W. 1933. Further studies on nitrogen ab- sorption from culture solution: II. Buckwheat. Soil Sci., 35:469. Tiedjens, V. A., and Blake, M. A. 1932. Factors affecting the use of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen by apple trees. N. J. Ag. Exp. Sta. Bull. 547. Tiedjens, V. A., and Robbins, W. R. 1931. The use of ammonia and nitrate nitrogen by certain crop plants. N. J. Agri. Exp. Sta. Bull. 526.