LIBRARY, A & M COLLEGE, CAMPUs, TEXAS AGRIGULTUBAL EXPERIMENT STATIUN A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BULLETIN N O. 565 AUGUST, 1938 DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 U a b’ Hans Azricultum & Mochamfza! Bullets 0 Comm Station. 7"“- AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. 0. WALTON, President 9. 7 Z1 5'5 i < .§ b. >2 } . 7 u?» < .5’ J31 F '2AKKT Niki‘, L , . .W w“ , f. > .* .._ ,7 m." .3... x , .. ; i. 4.. a in w. Q a P mi s... i. ‘Mg f?» m =33?“ Jiaéiaié $391M This is the annual Fertilizer Control Bulletin. It contains statistics regarding fertilizers sold in Texas, information regarding the fer- tilizer law, and analyses of samples of the fertilizer sold by different manufacturers. The extent to which the various manufacturers are coming up to their guarantees is shown. The total sales of fertilizer in Texas for 1937-38 were 79,640 tons. In 1336-37 the sales were 84,938 tons. In 1935-36 they were 60,016 tons. Cottonseed meal sold as a feed but used as a fertilizer was not included in these totals. Salas of fertilizer were about 5 per cent less than last year. Practically all the sales 0f mixed fertilizers were confined to about 20 analyses. Tables are given showing the extent to which the various fertilizer manufacturers met or exceeded their guarantees. The cost of fer- tilizer was slightly less in 1937-38 than in 1936-37. Definitions of fertilizer terms, as adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, are given. i CONTENTS Page Introduction .......................................................................................................... .. 5 Explanation of Terms .......................................................................................... .. 5 Information on the Fertilizer Bag and Tag ............................................ .. 6 How to Calculate the Valuation ................................................................ .. 6 Quantity Sold ........................................................................................................ .. 7 Quantity of Sales by Grades ...................................................................... .. 8 Quantity of Cottonseed Meal Used as a Fertilizer .................................. .. 8 Composition and Selling Prices of Different Grades of Fertilizer .............. .. 9 Cost of Plant Food ................................................................................................ .. 10 Relation of Cost to Concentration of Fertilizers .................................... .. 11 Comparing Costs of Fertilizer .................................................................... __ 12 Fertilizer Analyses to be Sold in 1938-39 .......................................................... __ 12 Free Analysis ................................................................................. .................... __ 13 Analysis of Fertilizers, 1937-38 .......................................................................... __ 13 Averages Below Guarantee ........................................................................ __ 15 Non-Acid Forming Fertilizers __________________________________________________________________ __ 15 Investigations Under the Fertilizer Law __________________________________________________________ __ 16 Relation to Experiment Station Work ______________________________________________________ __ 16 Colloidal Mineral Phosphate ...................................................................... _, 16 Sulphur, Gypsum, and Manganese ______________________________________________________________ __ 16 Greensand ...................................................................................................... __ 17 Polyhalite and Sewage Sludge ____________________________________________________________________ __ 17 Information Regarding the Use of Fertilizer __________________________________________________ __ 17 Definitions of Fertilizer Terms __________________________________________________________________________ __ 18 Summary ................................................................................................................ __ 23 BULLETIN NO. 565 AUGUST, 1938 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 G. S. Fraps, State Chemist, T. L. Ogier, Associate State Chemist, and S. E. Asbury, Assistant State Chemist Fertilizer laws require fertilizer to be correctly labeled so that the purchaser can know what he is getting. The object of the fertilizer law is to protect the farmer or other users of fertilizer against misrepresenta- tion of the composition or fertilizing value of the fertilizer as well as manufacturers and dealers against unfair competition due to such mis- representation. The first Texas fertilizer law was passed in 1899. It was revised and amended in 1911. The results of the fertilizer inspection have been published in bulletins of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station regularly since 1906. This is the thirty-sixth Fertilizer Control Bulletin. It contains sta- tistics, explanations of terms, a report on the analyses made in enforcing the provisions of the Fertilizer law, and definitions of fertilizers. Explanation of Terms Nitrogen refers to the total nitrogen in the fertilizer. It is necessary in proper amounts for the development of all parts of the plant, but an excess of nitrogen delays maturity and is liable to promote growth of stalk and leaves at the expense of fruit. Nitrogen is needed by many Texas soils, especially the sandy soils in the eastern and northern parts of the State. Since nitrogen is used, in comparatively large quantities by plants and is, to some extent, washed from the soil, it is usually the first element to become depleted from a fertile soil. ’ Available phosphoric acid is the phosphoric acid in fertilizers which can be taken up quickly by plants. Phosphoric acid promotes "the fruizinc ~i plants, though it is also necessary for the development of all parts of the plant. i Total phosphoric acid is the entire quantity of the phosphoric acid present, whether highly available or not. A guarantee of total phosphoric acid in place of available is made in bone, tankage, and rock phosphate. Potash guaranteed in a fertilizer is required by the law to be soluble in water. Potash, like nitrogen, is needed by all parts of the plant, but especially by stalks and leaves. An excess of potash delaysmaturity and is liable to promote growth of the stalk and leaves at the expense of the fruit. When potash is abundantly supplied, plants may take up more than they need. Potash is present in soils more abundantly than phosphoric acid. Valuation per ton represents the approximate average cost of the plant food in the unmixed fertilizer, at retail. It is usually smaller than the price at which the mixed fertilizer is sold, but since it is an average, it may be 6 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION greater than the prices of some of the unmixed fertilizer materials. The sell- ing price includes cost of mixing, bags, transportation, the profit of the manufacturer if any and that of the dealer. The valuations are decided on about September 1, and the prices often change before the chief active fertilizer season, which is February to April in Texas. The valuation sums the value “of the three plant foodsshowniin the analysis into a single figure, and is convenient for this purpose. The fertilizer law permits a deficiency of less than ten per cent in one plant food to be compensated by an excess of another, but if the valuation is four per cent less than the guaranteed valuation, a rebate must be paid to the purchaser. The valuation found compared with the valuation guaranteed shows whether or not the fertilizer as a whole is better or poorer than the guarantee as a whole. The following valuations were used in 1937-38: Cents per pound Nitrogen ............................................................................................................................ ..12. Available phosphoric acid .............................................................................................. .. 6. Total phosphoric acid in Thomas phosphate, tankage, and bone meal .................................. .. Total phosphoric acid in rock phosphate .............. .. Potash Information on the Fertilizer Bag and Tag A fertilizer tax tag is required to be placed on every bag of fertilizer before it is offered for sale or sold. The guaranteed analysis of the fer- tilizer is required by law to be printed on the bag or on the tag attached to the bag, so that the purchaser can see what he is buying. Total phosphoric acid may be guaranteed for bone or tankage instead of available phos- phoric acid. A guarantee of total phosphoric acid is required in Thomas phosphate or rock phosphate. The information required on the package is as follows: Net weight Name of fertilizer in full Name and address of manufacturer Guaranteed analysis: Nitrogen, per cent Available phosphoric acid, per cent Potash, per cent When a fertilizer is named by figures in this Bulletin, the first figure stands for the percentage of nitrogen, the second for the percentage of available phosphoric acid, and the third for the percentage of water-solu- ble potash. For example, a 4-8-4 fertilizer contains 4 per cent of nitrogen, 8 per cent of available phosphoric acid, and 4 per cent of potash. How to Calculate the Valuation The valuation of a fertilizer is calculated by multiplying the composition by the valuation of each unit of plant food and adding the products. A unit is one per cent of a ton, or 20 pounds; so if the valuation of nitrogen COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 7 is 12 cents a pound, the valuation of a unit is 12x20=$2.40. The valuation of a unit of available phosphoric acid at 6.0 cents a pound would be 6.0x20=$1.20; the valuation for a unit of potash at 5.5 cents a pound. would be $1.10. The following is an example of a calculation at the prices- given above: Valuation of 4-8-4 fertilizer Nitrogen ...................................................................................... ..4 x $2.40 z: $9.60 Available phosphoric acid ..................................................... .. ....8 x $1.20 : $9.60 Potash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4 x $1.10 = $4.40 Total valuation per ton ...................................................................... "$23.60 Quantity Sold The quantities of commercial fertilizers sold in Texas for several sea- sons, from September 1 to August 31, are given in Table 1. These are the actual sales as reported by the manufacturers, and not the tag sales. The tag sales’ are always a little larger than the actual sales. The sales in 1937-38 were about 5% less than the previous season. The largest sales so far made in Texas were during the season 1928-29. Fertilizer statistics for a number of years to August 31, 1926, have been published in Bulletin 350. Table 1. Fertilizers sold in Texas, (not including cottonseed meal sold as feed but used as fertilizer). Tons 1905-06 ........................................................................................................................ .. 13,500 1910-11... 62,985 1913-14... 77,400 1914-15 .... .. 17,500 1918-19 .... .. 46,000 1919-20 .... .. 56,700 1920-21.. . 14,850 1921-22 .... .. 33,000 1922-23 .... .. 73,300 1923-24 .... .. ....126,179 1924-25.... 97,719 1925-26.... ....121,747 1926-27“... 79,863 1927-28..... ....139,126 1928-29..... ....187,215 1930-31.... 64,424 1932-33“... 30,343 1933-34“... 47,204 1934-35.... 59,480 1935-36..... 60,016 1936-37.... 84,936 1937-32 ............................................................ __________________________________________________________ __ 79,640 ‘?— 1 8 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 2. Fertilizer sales by grades in order of tonnage for 1937-38. 1937-38 1936-37 1935-36 1934-35 In tons In tons In tons In tons 4-8-4 18,743 23,702 12,118 10,682 4-12-4 10,345 12,433 8,698 9,325 4-5-6 8,107 8,758 6,995 8,384 6-10-7 4,901 4,671 5,109 6,009 6-8-4 4,597 2,920 0 0 6-12-6 3,643 3,664 4,029 4,766 Super-phosphate, 18% .................................. .. 3,516 2,743 3,408 3,249 Superphosphate, 20% .................................. .. 3,377 2,642 2,517 1,416 3-10-3 2,961 I 4,150 3,500 3,450 Sulphate of ammonia .................................... .. _ 2,548 I 1,610 _1,588 I 1,139 4-10-0 . I 2.137 I 2,132 2,040 1,003 16-20-0 .... .. 1,606 1,637 692 570 5-15-5 .... .. 1,525 1,133 923 1,420 11-48-0 ..... .. 1,585 1,361 773 670 Bone meal 1,342 1,095 1,283 1,232 6-9-3 ........ .. 1,055 1,221 751 598 Nitrate of soda, 15% and 16% ................ .. 1,048 1,314 1,080 1,146 Lawn and garden fertilizer . . . . . . . . . . . .. 957 , 157 131 183 Cyanamid ....................................................... .. I 919 I 1,475 569 5 7 3-10-0 ..... .. I 826 I 1,220 696 ........ .. 4-8-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. 678 589 297 301 Superphosphate, 32% .................................. .. I 67S 538 328 ________ __ 4-10-7 . . . . . . . I _ . . .. l 591 814 649 681 10-20-10 ............................................................ .. 311 I 246 1 245 314 .. I 247 I 94 115 29 Muriate of potash, 50% .............................. .. I 207 I 142 151 122 5-15-0 ................................................................ -- ,5 216 I 236 67 300 Kainit, 20% ........ .. -- I 179 I 195 222 196 Cottonseed meal ................ __ -- ‘ 158 I 25 100 73 Super-phosphate, 45% ---------------------------------- -- I 150 65 93 35 Tankage, bat guano, and activated sludge I 134 295 305 679 1040-0 I 110 91 57 169 10-0-10 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- I 106 108 108 72 Sulphate of potash, 48% 44 169 14 10 Soft phosphate with colloidal clay I 40 138 27 65 Sheep manure ----------------------------------------- -- 16 0 0 0 10-20-0 . . . . , - - - , - - - - - - - < - - - ~- i 14 0 0 0 Basic slag . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . - - - -- I 10 0 10 22 Magnesium sulphate I 5 0 0 0 Manure salts, 30% . . . . . . . . . . - __ I 5 9 9 0 6-30-0 ............................................................. -- I 3 0 0 0 0-15-0 ................................................................ .. I 0 54 54 s4 Calcium nitrate .. I 0 0 30 20 9-18-18 . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ , - - - 4- 0 952 41 76 9-27-9 ------------------------------------------------------- -- I 0 118 49 43 Miscellaneous unmixed fertilizer .. I 0 , 17 0 94 8-24-8 0 I 0 77 134 6-18-6 . 0 1 0 44 172 Kainit, 14% .................................................... .. 5 0 I 0 0 80 I I Total ........................................................ .. II 79,640 84,938 I 60,016 59,470 Quantity 0f Sales by Grades Table 2 contains the sales of fertilizer by grades for four seasons arranged in order according to sales in the season 1937-38. Sales of 4-8-4 fertilizer are highest of all in 1937-38, as in 1936-37. The 4-12-4 comes second, the 4-8-6 comes third and the 6-10-7 comes fourth. Quantity of Cottonseed Meal Used as a Fertilizer The tonnage of cottonseed meal reported in Table 2 includes only that tagged with fertilizer tax tags and sold as a fertilizer. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 9 Table 3. Average composition, valuation and selling prices of grades of fertilizer, 1937-38. . I I Guaran- I N um- Nitro- ‘Available; P0118511 teed Valua- Selling- Grfldes ber ; gen j Phos. a per 1731M!’ tion price aver- I per I Acid ‘ cent tlon found per aged cent i per cent I ~ D61“ 15011 per ton ton I . 3 ...... .. I 14.04 4.43 18.80 21.72 $24.77 5 2.78 10.95 ...... .. 19.20 19.81 25.60 81 3.18 10.14 3.24 22.50 23.37 28.82 242 4.09 8.19 4.07 23.60 24.12 29.69 161 4.15 8.30 5.98 25.80 26.51 32.03 12 4.05 8.39 9.72 30.20 30.49 34.46 21 4.17 9.99 ...... .. 21.60 21.99 28.53 10 4.26 10.36 . 7.26 29.30 30.66 34.41 197 4.15 11.97 4.18 28.40 28.91 33.82 1 5.41 18 65 ...... .. 30.00 35.36 39.00 13 I 5.10 I 14 57 I 5 03 35.50 35 27 39.22 47 I 5.95 I 8 20 I 4 08 28.40 28 60 I 33.94 20 I 6.01 9 13 I 3 33 28.50 29 04 33 55 87 6.07 10 12 6 88 34.10 34.27 37 73 62 . 12 06 6 13 35.40 35.85 37.69 3 ...... .. 9 92 35.00 35.26 39.50 1 5 87 4 15 35.60 37.24 55 00 1 10 39 ...... .. 36.00 35.37 39 50 5 19 55 10 39 59.00 58.94 59 02 4 46 28 ...... .. 84.00 83.11 61 00 3 21 10 ...... .. 62 40 64.20 52 09 Ammonium Sulphate ...... .. 7 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 92 50.05 46 19 Kainit 20% ......................... .. 4 ...... .. 19 69 22 00 21.66 28 58 30% Manure Salts .......... .. 1 ...... .. 33 65 33 00 37.02 35 00 Muriate of Potash 50%.... 1 ...... .. 48 34 55.00 53.17 50 00 Nitrate 0f Soda 16% ...... .. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38.40 39.21 43 67 Raw Bone Meal ................ .. 11 22 39* ...... .. 26.48 27.84 36 52 Sulphate of Ammonia 20% ................................ 7 20 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48.00 48.13 42 52 18% Super-phosphate ....... .. 17 ...... .. 18,56 ...... .. 21.60 22.27 24.40 20% Superphosphate ....... .. 16 ...... .. 20.38 ...... .. 24.00 24.46 25 68 32% Superphosphate ....... .. 3 ...... .. 32.54 ...... .. 38.40 39.05 37 83 Soft Phosphate with Colloidal Clay ............... .. 1 ...... .. 23.75‘ ...... .. 6.60 7.15 14 00 21% Cyanainid .................. .. 1 20 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.40 50 16 33 50 Powdered Raw Bone ...... .. 1 3 90 17.14 ...... .. 23.20 23 07 40 00 Pulverized Sheep Manure 2 1 97 .93 2 91 I 8.20 10 21 45 00 Tankage ............................... .. 1 I 4 67 20.16 I ...... .. I 23.68 27 34 40 00 iTotal Phosphoric Acid. Composition and Selling Prices of Different Grades of Fertilizer Table 3 contains the average composition, the guaranteed valuation, the valuation found by analysis, and the average retail selling prices per ton, of various grades of fertilizers. The average retail selling price is the average of the cash retail prices furnished to the fertilizer inspector by the dealers. The prices of the same fertilizer may be different in dif- ferent towns on account of differences in cost of transportation or for other causes. The retail price includes handling costs, carrying charges, and the dealer’s profits, as well as the cost of the plant food used in the materials for which the fertilizer is made. The average valuations found (Table 3) exceeds the valuations guaran- teed in almost every case. The exceptions are 5-15-5, 10-10-0, 10-20-10, 11-48-0, 21% cyanamid, kainit, muriate of potash and powdered raw bone. In all of these, however, the valuations found are only slightly below the valuations guaranteed. 10 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Cost of Plant Food Table 4. Approximate average cost of plant food in cents per pound arranged in order of increasing cost, 1937-38. . va Grade Nitrogen l Piosgflgieirc Potash Acid 21% Cyanamid .................................................................. .. 7.98 l il-gg-g - - - - - - . » » - - - - - -- 13.71 l 4.36 5- - - -------- a 0.00 5.30 Sulphate of Ammonia 20% .................................... .. 10.63 I Muriate of Potash ........................................................... .. l 5,00 Ammonium Sulphate ...... _. 11,10 l 32% Superphosphate ........................................................ .. l 5.91 10-20-10 ....................... .. 12.00 l 6.00 5.50 30% Manure Salts. l 5.84 6-12-6 ............................... .. 12.78 l 6.39 5.86 20% Superphosphate...“ 3 l 6.42 0-10-0 ............................. .. 1- .16 l 6.58 5-15-5 .................................................................................... .. 13.26 l 6.63 6.08 66183170 ...... .. .. 13.27 l 6.64 l 6.08 1 - - .................................................................................. .. 13.55 l 6.21 18% Superphosphate..... l 6.78 Nitrate of Soda .......... .. 13.64 l 13.69 l 6.85 6.28 14.09 l 7.04 6.46 14.12 l 7.06 6.47 14.29 l 7.15 6.55 14.34 l 7.17 6.57 .... .. 14.89 l 7.45 6.83 15.10 l 7.55 0.92 ........ .. ...l 15.37 l 7.69 l 7.05 ' 7.15 15.60 l 7.80 l 7.91 7.25 ........ .. .. l 15.85 I 7.93 .... .. 15.00 | 8.00 .. 16.55 l 5.52* 18.54 | 9.27 8.50 ....... 20.27 6.76*' Powdered Raw Bone .......................................... .. 20.69 6.90* Soft Phosphate with 051101.151 Clay . . _ _ . . . . . . ..l I 318* Pulverized Sheep Manure ............................................. ..l 65.86 f 32.93 30.18 l “‘Total Phosphoric Acid Table 4 contains the retail cost of a pound of nitrogen, of available phosphoric acid, and of potash, in cents per pound, as calculated from the cash selling prices per ton given in Table 3 and the guaranteed composi- tion. For the purpose of this calculation it was assumed that the prices were in the same ratio as the valuations. As the prices of the same fer- tilizer in different places vary, those figures are not correct for any par- ticular locality, but represent averages only, and are for purposes of com- parison. The prices were collected by the inspectors from retail merchants handling fertilizer. Grades used extensively near the factories would average a lower price than those used at a distance on account of lower transportation costs. The fertilizers xvith the lowest prices of plant food are given first in the table. Cost of nitrogen. The 21% cyanamid was the cheapest source of nitro- gen, 11-48-0 was next, 16-20-0 third, and sulphate of ammonia came fourth. Excluding the fertilizer in small packages for home use, pulverized sheep hmanure was the most expensive source of nitrogen, raw bone meal next, COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 11 followed by tankage and 10-6-4 fertilizer. Nitrogen in nitrate of soda 16% cost about 13.64 cents a pound compared with 10.63 cents a pound for that in sulphate of ammonia. Nitrogen cost more in most of the mixed fertilizers than in sulphate of ammonia or cyanamid because it costs t0 mix the fertilizers. The lowest-priced nitrogen in the mixed fertilizer was in the 11-48-0, followed in order by the 16-20-0, 10-20-10 and 6-12-6. Nitrogen was lower in price than last season in some fertilizers and higher in others. The difference averaged .31 cents a pound more for nitrogen in sulphate of ammonia, .88 cents more for nitrogen in 16% nitrate of soda, .13 cents less for that in 3-10-3, and .10 cents less for that in 4-12-4. Cost of phosphoric acid. The cheapest source of phosphoric acid was 11-48-0, then 16-20-0, followed by 32% superphosphate, and 10-20-10. The cost of available phosphoric acid was about .36 cents less per pound in 20 per cent superphosphate than in 18 per cent. Omitting the household fertilizers, phosphoric acid was most expensive in pulverized sheep manure, then in 10-6-4, then 3-10-0, and then 4-10-0. Available phosphoric acid was .10 cents a pound lower in 4-12-4 than it was last season, and .13 cents a pound lower in 3-10-3, than last year. Cost of Potash. Muriate of potash was the cheapest form of potash, followed by 10-20-10 and pulverized sheep manure the most expensive in mixed fertilizers, followed by 10-6-4. Potash cost .35 cents a pound more in muriate of potash, than it did last season, but .06 cents a pound less in 3-10-3, and .05 cents a pound less in 4-12-4. Relation of Cost to Concentration of Fertilizers Certain fertilizers are sold which contain the plant food in the same ratio so that, so far as nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash are concern- ed, they are the same fertilizer except in concentration, or strength. Table 5. Relative cost of approximately the same amount of plant food in different grades of fertilizer. 4 Available l Nitrogen phosphoric : Potash ‘ Grade pounds acid i pounds Cost l pounds i I l l l I Group 1 l l l 10 ton 5-15-5 .................................................... .. 100 l 300 100 l $39.22 1 25 tons 4-12-4 .................................................. .. 100 l 300 100 41.27 1.67 tons 3-10-3 .................................................. .. 100 333 100 l 48.13 Group 2 l l l 1.0 ton 6-12-6 ................................................... ..l 120 l 240 l 120 I 37.69 1.5 tons 4-8-4 ................................................... ..l 12o 24o l 12o |l 44.54 l l 12 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The ratio of plant food in the 4-12-4 and 5-15-5 fertilizers is exactly the same, as the proportions are three parts phosphoric acid to one of nitrogen and one of potash. The 3-10-3 fertilizer has practically themratio 1-3-1. Table 5 shows the approximate cost of nearly equal quantities of plant food in these fertilizers at the average prices given in Table 3. The plantufood in 1.25 tons of 4-12-4 cost $2.05 more than an equal __ quan- tity 5-15-5. The 1.67 tons of 3-10-3 cost $8.91 more than the 1.0 tons of 5-15-5,ibutl when allowance of $2.12 is made of the 33 pounds- more phosphoric acid it contains, the plant food in 3-10-3 costs $6.79 more. Similar differences are to be seen with the other grades. The most con- centrated mixed fertilizer was the cheapest per pound of plant food, or to put it another way, the highest-priced fertilizer per ton may be the lowest priced per pound of plant food. This difference is caused partly by freight charges, partly by the cost of bagging, etc. The higher cost of manufacture of the more concentrated fertilizers is frequently more than offset by the cost of freight, bags, etc. The cost of phosphoric acid averaged slightly less in 20 per cent superphosphate than in 18 per cent. (Table 4). Comparing Cost of Fertilizer The relative money value of two‘ or more kinds of fertilizer may be roughly compared by dividing the price at which the fertilizer is sold per ton by the valuation per ton of the fertilizer. Guaranteed valuations for many grades for the season of 1937-38 are given in Table 3, and while the valuations for 1938-39 may be somewhat different, these calculations may be used for comparative purposes. For example, if a 4-8-4 fertilizer sells for $34.00 a ton and a 6-12-6 fertilizer for $38.00, which is cheaper? Using the valuations from Table 3, for 4-8-4, the selling price $34.00 divided by the valuation $23.60 gives $1.44; for 6-12-6, the selling price $38.00 di- vided by the valuation $35.40 gives $1.07. Thus one dollar of valuation costs $1.44 in 4-8-4, and $1.07 in 6-12-6. Therefore, the 6-12-6 is cheaper. Similar calculations may be made for other grades and for other prices. Of course the suitability of the fertilizer to the soil and crop must be considered in addition to the relative cost of the plant food. Fertilizer Analyses to be Sold in 1938-39 The grades of fertilizer sold in Texas are limited in number. This standardization aids the farmer to become familiar with the different kinds of fertilizer, enables him to decide more readily on the proper kind to be used, enables the agricultural worker to make definite recommenda- tions, and reduces the cost of manufacture and handling, thereby also re- ducing the cost to the consumer. At a conference with fertilizer manufac- turers doing business in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas in July 1938, grades of mixed fertilizers were adopted for these states. This was the COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 13 fourteenth such conference for Texas manufacturers, and the sixth joint conference. ' u The following grades were adopted for Texas for 1938-39: 0-12-4 4-12-4 " 6-30-0 3-10-0 5-15-0 10-0-10 3-10-3 5-15-5 10-10-0 4-8-4 6-8-4 10-20-0 4-8-6 6-8-8 10-20-10 4-8-10 6-9-3 , 11-48-0 4-10-0 6-10-7 15-30-15 4-10-7 6-12-6 16-20-0 MATERIALS Activated sludge Muriate of potash, 50% Bat guano Nitrate of soda, 16% Basic slag Nitrate of soda and potash, 14-0-14 Bone meal Sheep manure Calcium nitrate Sulphate of ammonia, 20% Cal-Nitro, 16% Sulphate of potash, 48% Cal-Nitro, 20% Superphosphate, 18% Cottonseed meal Superphosphate, 20% Cyanamid, 21% Superphosphate, 32% Cyanamid, 22% Superphosphate, 45% Ground phosphate rock Soft phosphate with colloidal clay Kainit, 20% Tankage Lawn and Garden Manure salts, 30% Free Analyses Purchasers of commercial fertilizers for their own use (but not for sale), can secure a free analysis of a sample. Those who desire the free analysis of a sample of commercial fertilizer should‘ write for a blank, “Application for Free Fertilizer Analysis,” to the State Chemist, College Station, Texas, before taking a sample. The proper sampling of a fer- tilizer requires care and the law requires it to be taken in a certain way so that a fair sample is taken. If the sample is not properly taken, it does not represent the fertilizer sampled, and the analysis may be better or poorer than the goods actually are. This privilege of a free analysis ap- plies only to fertilizers tagged, and sold under the fertilizer law and to samples properly taken so that they represent the goods sampled. Analysis of Fertilizers, 1937-38 Samples of fertilizer were collected from the grades being sold in many towns and cities. The chief places of sales were visited several times. The number of samples registered for analysis was 1,064. Table 7, near the end of this Bulletin, contains a list of the samples of fertilizer subjected to analysis in the season ending September 1, 1938. Analyses below guarantee are brought out in heavy type. Practically all 14 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION samples of fertilizer were collected by our inspectors. Analyses and in- spection were made by S. E. Asbury, T. L. Ogier, Waldo Walker, C. D. Marrs, Geo. P. Smith, P. Blickensdorfer, Sam Greenberg, and Russell Smith. Table 6. Average valuation of all fertilizers guaranteed and found in dollars per ton, 1937-38 Valuation per ton p 1 No‘ of samples Manufacturer Number more than flveraged I I 4% below Guafantied I Found ‘ guarantee American Cyanamid Company .............. .. 8 $57.30 $58.29 0 I l Arkansas Fertilizer Company.... .. 7 25.07 26 07 0 Armour Fertilizer Works .......... .. .. 86 29.91 30.37 4 The Barrett Company .............................. .. 1 38.40 38.93 0 Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co ..... .. 12 ‘ 26.56 26.47 1 Campbell Fertilizer Company .............. .. 32 25.67 29.07 0 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation ...... .. 5 38.40 39.22 0 Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc. 8 26 07 27.24 0 David Hardie Seed Company .............. .. 1 28.40 29.30 O The Davidson Chemical Corporation... 2 22.60 23.87 0 Dixie Chemical Company ....... ..Z ............ .. 4 25.08 26.33 0 East Texas Cotton Oil Company. .. 33 26.72 26 99 1 Farmers Cotton Oil Company .............. .. 8 27.55 26 60 3 Federal Chemical Company, Inc.... 77 26.87 26 85 1 Fidelity Chemical Corporation ..... .. 81 29.67 30 50 0 Ford Motor Company .............................. .. 6 49.92 50.26 0 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co..... 11 27.54 27.62 0 Houston Packing Company .................... .. 3 24.86 28.79 0 International Agricultural Corp.. .. 40 25.92 2618 0 Jacksonville Fertilizer Company .......... .. 9 27.84 30.41 0 Kelly-Weber & Company ..................... .. 20 23.71 23.46 1 Lockey’s Gin Service ........................... .. 1 25.80 25.44 0 Longview Cotton Oil Company"... .. 8 30.33 30 92 0 Marshall Cotton Oil Company.... .. 18 25.96 26.30 1 Mixson Bros. ................................ .. .. 9 30.79 31.43 0 Nicholson Seed Store ................. .. .. 2 32.00 33.15 0 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works .................. .. 17 27.18 27.60 1 Palestine Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works 37 26.89 27.20 0 Pate Bros. Fertilizer Works .................. .. 23 26.85 28.10 0 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company Fertilizer Works ...... .. . . 15 25.37 25.86 1 M. R. Porter Company ...... .. 1 6.60 7.15 0 Port Fertilizer Company .................. _. 1 35.50 34.92 0 The Pulverized Manure Company.... 2 8.20 10.24 0 San Benito Feed Company .............. _. 1 25.80 33.36 0 L. W. Shaffer Company ....... .. .. 2 25.80 27.90 0 Shreveport Fertilizer Works .................. .. 76 26.49 27.53 3 Swift & Company Fertilizer Works.... 114 28.94 29.01 I 2 Temple Cotton Oil Company .................. .. 17 25.49 24-91 I 2 Texas Farm Products Company... .. 70 27.53 27.68 I 3 Thos. Self .................................................. ..] 11 I 26.95 1 26.93 | 0 Tri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Company 14 25.51 I 28.36 ‘ 0 Tyler Fertilizer Company ...................... .. 9 29.54 29.07 3 United Chemical Company ................ .. ._ 84 26.57 l 27.09 1 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp ......... .. 73 l 27.52 1 28.16 1 l l I Relation of Valuation Guaranteed to Valuation Delivered Table 6 contains the average guaranteed valuation, and the average valuation found by our analyses, for all manufacturers doing business in Texas. In the preparation of this table, all analyses made were averaged, even though several were made of each brand, and fertilizer materials are included as well as mixed fertilizers. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 15 Average Below Guarantee Whenever any lot of fertilizer is 4 per cent or more below guarantee, the law requires all persons who have sold this lot of fertilizer to make good the deficiency to all purchasers. This rebate is paid by the manufacturer to the dealer and by the dealer to the customer. The number of lots on which rebates were paid by each manufacturer is shown in Table 6. Non-Acid Forming Fertilizers Ordinary fertilizers are acid forming, and when used for a number of years on soils with a low buffer capacity may make a soil acid, or more acid, if it was already acid to start with. Non-acid forming fertilizers are made by the use of proper amounts of ground dolomite, which is calcium and magnesium carbonate, or by the selection of suitable fertilizing in- gredients. Limestone is not suitable because it reverts the available phos- phoric acid and causes it to become insoluble. In the Eastern part of the United States, where fertilizers have been used for a long time and where the soils are already acid, ordinary fertilizers may not give as good results in crop yields as non-acid forming fertilizers. Non-acid form- ing fertilizers are recommended for use on acid soils which are likely to become still more acid with ordinary fertilizers. Since Texas soils are generally only slightly acid, or even alkaline, the use of non-acid forming fertilizers is not at present necessary, except under exceptional condi- Table 6A. Analyses of fertilizers claimed to be non-acid forming. Laboratory A¢id'BaSe Number Name of Brand Balance Character 52424 ‘ Swiftfs pH’! 6-8-4 Passed 52435 Swifts pH’? 6-8-4 P8585611 _ _ 52452 i Swift's pH7 6-8-4 Slightly acid-forming 52461 l Swift:s pH’? 6-8-4 .. Passed 52468 Swifts pH’? 6-8-4... PifsSed _ _ 52493 Swift’s pH? 6-8-4... Slightly acid-forming 5253a ~ Swift's pH? 6-8-4» P855“ . . 52576 Swift's pH’? 6-8-4... Slightly acid-forming 52583 Swift's pH’? 6-8-4 P858911 52607 z Swiftis pH7 6-8-4 Passed 5262s ; Swifts pH? 6-8-4 Passed 52674 i Swift's 6H7 6-8-4 Passed 52696 7 Swift's pH”! 6-8-4 Passed 52708 1 Swift's pH7 6-8-4 Passed 52834 r Swift's 6H7 6-8-4 Passed _ _ 52852 1 Swift's pH7 6-8-4 Slightly acid-forming 52914 Swift's p117 6-3-4 Slightly acid-forming 52922 1 Swift's pH’! 6-8-4 gasyid 52947 Swift's pH? 6-8-4 lagged 53024 ] Swift's pH’? 6-8-4 £66663 53066 ‘ Swift/s pH’? 6-8-4 3559 5309s Swift’s pH? 6-8-4 Passed 53135 Swift-is p117 6-8-4 11366663 53151 '1 Swiftfs pH? 6-8-4 l Pdssed 53257 i Swift’s p117 6-8-4 ; Passed 53293 5 Swift's p|H7 6-8-4 1 Passed 53412 1 Swift's pH’? 6-8-4 i‘ 3559 16 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION tions. Where the soils are neutral or slightly alkaline, as is the case in large areas of limestone soils, ordinary fertilizers are preferable to non- acid forming fertilizers. An acid-forming fertilizer may be better on an alkaline soil than a non-acid forming fertilizer. Only one brand of fer- tilizer sold in Texas this season was claimed to be non-acid forming. Examination was made of 27 samples, with the results given in Table 6A. Five of the 27 samples were slightly acid-forming. l ' INVESTIGATIONS UNDER THE FERTILIZER LAW The State Chemist is required by the fertilizer law to investigate the composition, properties, and agricultural values of fertilizers or fertilizer materials, or ingredients of fertilizer sold or offered for sale within the State of Texas, and to publish his results as he may find. Relation to Experiment Station Work The work of the State Chemist is closely related to the chemical work of the Experiment Station. In his capacity as Chief of the Division of Chemistry of the Experiment Station, the State Chemist is carrying out extensive investigations into the fundamental properties of soils, especially with respect to their content of plant food. This work is related closely to the use of fertilizers and is connected with investigations as to the agricultural values of fertilizers required by the Fertilizer Control, for fertilizers vary in effect upon the different soils. Soft Phosphate With Colloidal Clay Soft phosphate with colloidal clay is a natural phosphate of lime con- taining 2O per cent of total phosphoric acid or more. The phosphate of lime is so finely divided that some of it is termed colloidal. The availability to plants of the phosphoric acid of soft phosphate with colloidal clay is on an average about 40 per cent of that of the available phosphoric acid in 20 per cent superphosphate. For further details, see Bulletin No. 509. Sulphur, Gypsum, Manganese, and Other Secondary Fertilizing Elements We are unable to recommend the use of sulphur or gypsum as a fertilizer- in Texas. The experiments which have been carried out do not give results which justify the use of such materials as fertilizers (see Bulletins 408 and 414). This also applies to the natural mixture of sulphur, gypsum, sulphuric acid and other substances, which various parties and concerns have at- tempted to sell or exploit as a fertilizer or soil amendment. It is not recom- mended for use as a fertilizer and does not give results on soils which need fertilizer, as shown in Bulletins 408 and 414. Sulphur is sometimes used to acidify soils that are alkaline or neutral when the plants being grown do best on an acid soil. The organisms in the COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 17 soil oxidize the sulphur to sulphuric acid and thus in turn acidifies the soil. The oxidation requires two or three months. The quantity to be used depends upon the buffer capacity of the soil for acid, and may range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds per acre. In the latter case, acidification of spots is best. The value of a sulphur for acidifying the soil depends on the quantity of sulphur present; a material containing 85 per cent of sulphur is 41A times as strong as one containing only 20 per cent of sulphur. There are also limestone soils in Texas, on which plants suffer from a yellowing of the leaves, known as chlorosis, usually due to deficiency of iron. The presence of carbonate of lime prevents the plant from taking up (or utilizing) sufficient iron. Most of these soils contain such large quantities of carbonate of lime that broadcast applications of sulphur are soon neutralized. A sufficient number of acidified spots may prevent the chlorosis. The acidified spots may be made by digging holes to depths of 2 to 3 feet, mixing the dirt with sulphur and returning the mixture to the holes. Investigations on the use of manganese sulphate for Texas soils are given in Bulletin 432. The results of the experimental work do not justify recommendation of the use of manganese sulphate on Texas soils. The general use of copper, iodine, zinc, boron, magnesia, and other secondary fertilizing elements is not recommended for Texas. There are exceptional cases where iron may be needed. ' Greensand A report of investigations regarding the value of greensand as a fer- tilizer was published in Bulletin 428. The availability of the potash and phosphoric acid in greensand was found to be low. Greensand has little fertilizing value but can be used in quantities of 5 to 40 tons to an acre on land near to the deposits where it can be mined and applied at a cost closely related to its value. It does not contain sufficient fertilizer value to justify attempting to market it. Polyhalite and Sewage Sludge Polyhalite, a mineral found in deep deposits in Western Texas and in New Mexico, contains about 12 per cent potash, which is only partly soluble in water, but which is readily available to plants (see Bulletin 449). Digested sewage sludge is low in plant food, and the nitrogen has a low availability. Dried activated sludge contains about 5 per cent nitrogen and 2 per cent available phosphoric acid and the nitrogen has a good availability to plants (see Bulletin 445). Information Regarding the Use of Fertilizers Information regarding the use of fertilizers is given in Bulletin 553, which will be sent free on application. 18 BULLETIN NO. 553. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DEFINITIONS OF FERTILIZER TERMS The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists has adopted a number of definitions of terms and interpretations of results for fertilizers and liming materials. The committee appointed for that purpose considers the proposed definitions and interpretations for three or more years and three or more public hearings held on them before a definition or inter- pretation is finally adopted. There has therefore been opportunity for careful consideration, and for the trade to recommend changes or im- provements before final adoption. The definitions are published in the book Methods of Analysis--A.O.A.C., are supplemented by those adopted later and printed in the Journal of the A.O.A.C. The definitions adopted up to date are as follows: An acid-forming fertilizer is one that is capable of increasing the residual acidity of the soil. A A non-acid forming fertilizer is one that is not capable of increasing the residual acidity of the soil. _ Acidulated fish tankage is the rendered product derived from fish and treated with sulfuric acid. Activated sewage products are made from sewage freed from grit and coarse solids and aerated after being inoculated with microorganisms. The resulting flocculated organic matter is withdrawn from the tanks, filter- ed with or without the aid of coagulants, dried, ground, and screened. Ammoniated superphosphate is a product containing superphosphate and/ or dissolved bone and nitrogenous compounds, but without the addition of potash. _ Analysis, as applied to fertilizers, designates the percentage composi- tion of the product expressed in terms of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in their various forms. Ashes from leached wood are unleached ashes resulting from the burning of wood that has been exposed to or digested in water or other liquid sol- vent, as in the extraction of dyes, so that a part of the plant food has been dissolved and removed. Leached wood ashes are ashes from burned unleached wood with part of their plant food removed by artificial means or by exposure to rains, snows, or other solvent. . Unleached wood ashes are ashes from burned unleached wood that have had no part of their plant food removed and that contain four per cent (4%) or more of water-insoluble potash (K20). a Available phosphoric acid is the sum of the water-soluble and the citrate- soluble phosphoric acid. “Basic” lime phosphate is a superphosphate to which liming materials have been added in a quantity at least six per cent (6%) calcium carbonate equivalents in excess of the quantity required to convert all water-soluble phosphate to the citrate-soluble form. Basic phosphate slag is a by-product in the manufacture of steel from phosphatic iron ores. The product shall be finely ground and shall con- COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 19 tain no admixture of materials, other than what results in the original process of manufacture. It shall contain not less than twelve per cent (12%) of total phosphoric acid (P105), not less than eighty per cent (80%) of which shall be soluble in two per cent (2%) citric acid solution according to the Wagner Method of analysis. Any other phosphate slag not conform- ing to this definition shall be designated low grade. Finely ground in the definition of basic phosphate slag shall refer to actual size of particles as determined by the use of standard sieves, as follows: Seventy per cent (70%) or more shall pass a 100-mesh, and ninety per cent (90%) or more shall pass a 50-mesh sieve. A brand is a term, design, or trade mark used in connection with one or several grades of fertilizers. A brand name is a specific designation applied to an individual fertilizer. The analysis or grade of a fertilizer should be included with its brand name, and so used by the manufacturer on sacks and in printed literature and by the control official in his reports and publications. The order of terms in mixed fertilizers shall be nitrogen first, phosphoric acid second, and potash third. When the name of a material is used as a part of the brand name of a mixed fertilizer, as for example blood, bone or fish, the nitrogen or phos- phoric acid shall be derived from or supplied entirely by the material named. When the name of a material is used as a brand or as part of a brand and the nitrogen and phosphoric acid is not supplied by the material named, the word “brand” shall follow the name of the material. Example: “Fish Brand Fertilizer.” Dissolved bone is ground bone or bone meal that has been treated with sulfuric acid. Ground raw bone is dried ground animal bones that have not been pre- viously steamed under pressure. Ground steamed bone is ground animal bones that have been previously steamed under pressure. Dried blood is the collected blood of slaughtered animals, dried and ground and containing not less than twelve per cent (12%) of nitrogen in organic forms. Charred peat is peat artificially dried at a temperature that causes partial decomposition. ' Cyanamid is a commercial product composed chiefly of calcium cyanamid (CaCNz), and it shall contain ‘not less than twenty-one (21%) per cent of nitrogen. The nitrogen in calcium cyanamid shall be considered as being of organic nature. Dicalcium phosphate is a manufactured product consisting chiefly of a dicalcic salt o_f phosphoric acid. Fertilizer grade shall represent only the minimum guarantee of its plant food expressed in terms of nitrogen (not ammonia), available phosphoric acid, and water-soluble potash. 20 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The statement of guarantee of mixed fertilizers shall be given in whole numbers. A fertilizer formula shall express the quantity and grade of the crude stock materials used in making a fertilizer mixture. For example: 800 pounds of 16 per cent superphosphate, 800 pounds of tankage (7.40 nitrogen and 9.15 total phosphoric acid), and 400 pounds of sulphate of potash-magnesia (twenty-six per cent (26%), potash). ‘Fish tankage, fish scrap, dry ground fish, fish meal fertilizer grade is the dried ground product derived from rendered or unrendered fish. Gypsum, land plaster or crude calcium sulfate are products consisting chiefly of calcium sulfate. They may contain twenty per cent (20%) 0f combined water. (They do not neutralize acid soils.) Hoof and horn meal is processed, dried, and ground hoofs and horns. Kainit is a potash salt containing potassium and sodium chlorides and sometimes sulfate of magnesia with not less than twelve per cent (12%) of potash (K20). The word lime when applied to liming materials means either calcium oxide or calcium and magnesium oxides. Hydrated or slaked lime is a dry product consisting chiefly of the hydrox- ide of calcium and oxide-hydroxide of magnesium. Air-slaked lime is the product composed of various proportions of the oxide, hydroxide and carbonate of calcium or of calcium and magnesium, and derived from exposure of quick lime. Quicklime, burned lime, caustic lime, lump lime, unslaked lime shall apply to calcined materials, the major part of which is calcium oxide in natural association with a lesser amount of magnesium oxide, and which is capable of slaking with water. Waste lime, by-product lime, is any industrial waste or by-product con- taining calcium or calcium and magnesium in forms that will neutralize acids. It may be designated by the prefixation of the name of the industry or process by which it is produced, i.e., gas-house lime, tanners’ lime, acetylene lime-waste, lime-kiln ashes, calcium silicate, etc. Pulverized limestone (fine ground limestone) is the product obtained by grinding either calcareous or dolomitic limestone so that all the material will pass a 20-mesh sieve and at least seventy-five (75%) per cent will pass a 100-mesh sieve. Ground limestone (coarse ground limestone) is the product obtained by grinding either calcareous or dolomitic limestone, so that all the material will pass a 10-mesh sieve, and at least fifty per cent (50%) will pass a 100-mesh sieve. Ground shells is the product obtained by grinding the shells of mollusks so that not less than fifty per cent (50%) shall pass a 100-mesh sieve. The product shall also carry the name of the mollusks from which said product is made. i ‘ The term “lime” shall not be used in the registration, labeling, or guaranteeing of fertilizers or fertilizer materials unless the lime is in a COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 21 form to neutralize soil acidity (the oxide, hydroxide or carbonate, or. equiva- lent magnesia compounds). Agricultural liming materials is a product whose calcium and magnesium content is capable of neutralizing soil acidity. High-calcic products are materials in which 90 per cent or more of the total calcium and magnesium oxide content consists of calcium oxide. High-magnesic products are materials in which more than 10 per cent of the total calcium and magnesium oxide content consists of magnesium oxide. Marl, ground shell marl is the product obtained by grinding natural deposits of shell marl. Not less than seventy-five per cent (75%) shall pass a 100-mesh sieve. The term manganese sulfate when connoting an ingredient of a mixed fertilizer, shall designate anhydrous manganous sulfate (MnSOl). The water soluble or available manganese in fertilizer shall be ex- pressed as manganese (Mn). Manure salts are potash salts containing high percentages of chloride and from twenty per cent (20%) to thirty per cent (30%) of potash (K20). The term double manure salts is discontinued. Mono-ammonium phosphate (fertilizer grade) is a commercial salt made by combining phosphoric acid with ammonia. It shall contain not less than ten per cent (10%) of nitrogen and not less than forty-six (46%) of available phosphoric acid. Muriate of potash (commercial potassium chloride) is a potash salt con- taining not less than forty-eight per cent (48%) of potash (K20), chiefly as chloride. Dried, pulverized, or shredded manures are what the name indicates, and not mixtures of manures and other materials. Sheep manure-wool waste is the by-product from wool-carding establish- ments consisting chiefly of sheep manure, seeds, and wool fiber. Nitrate of potash (commercial potassium nitrate) is a salt containing not less than twelve per cent (12%) of nitrogen and forty-four per cent (44%) of potash (K20). Nitrate of soda (commercial sodium nitrate) is commercial sodium nitrate containing not less than fifteen per cent (15%) of nitrogen, chiefly as sodium nitrate. Peat is partly decayed vegetable matter of natural occurrence. It is composed chiefly of organic matter which contains some nitrogen of low activity. Phosphate rock is a natural rock containing one or more calcium phos- phate minerals of sufficient purity and quantity as to permit its use, either directly or after concentration, in the manufacture of commercial products. Precipitated bone phosphate is a by-product from the manufacture of glue from bones and is obtained by neutralizing the hydrochloric acid solution of processed bone with calcium hydroxide. The phosphoric acid is chiefly present as dicalcium phosphate. 22 BULLETIN NO. 558, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Precipitated phosphate is a product consisting mainly of dicalcium phos- phate obtained by neutralizing with calcium hydroxide the acid solution of either phosphate rock or processed bone. Products secured by heating calcium phosphate with alkali salts containing potash are non-acid phosphates with potash. They are not potassium phosphate. Soft phosphate with colloidal clay is a very finely divided low-analysis by-product from mining Florida rock phosphate by a hydraulic process in which the colloidal material settles at points in artificial ponds and basins farthest from the washer, and is later removed after the natural evapora- tion of the water. Sulphate of ammonia is a commercial product composed chiefly of ammonium sulfate. It shall contain not less than twenty and five-tenths per cent (20.5%) of nitrogen. Sulphate of potash (commercial potassium sulfate) is a potash salt con- taining not less than forty-eight per cent (48%) of potash (K20), chiefly as sulfate, and not more than two and one-half per cent (2.5%) of chlorine. Chlorine is mixed fertilizers in which the potash is claimed as sulfate shall not exceed one-half of one per cent (0.5%) more than what is called for in the minimum potash content based on the definition for sulfate of potash formulated by the committee. Calculate as follows: 0.05 times the percentage of potash found plus 0.5. The term phosphoric acid designates P205. The term potash designates potassium oxide (K20). As the terms phosphoric acid and potash are used universally in guaran- teeing and in reporting the analyses of fertilizcrs it is recommended that the same terms also be used in reporting and discussing the results of analyses of related materials. Sulfate of potash-magnesia is a potash salt containing not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) of potash (K20), nor not more than two and one-half per cent (2.5%) of chlorine. Superphosphate is a cured mixture of rock phosphate and sulfuric acid and/ or phosphoric acid. The grade shall always be used as a prefix to the name. Example: 16% Superphosphate. The use of the term Acid Phos- phate is discontinued. Tankage (without qualification) is the rendered, dried, and ground by- product, largely meat and bone from animals (slaughtered or that have- died otherwise). Process tankages are products made under steam pressure from crude inert nitrogenous materials, with or without the use of acids, for the» purpose of increasing the activity of the nitrogen. These products shall be celled “Process Tankages” with or without further qualification. The water-soluble nitrogen in these products shall test at least fifty per cent. (50%) active by the alkaline, or eighty per cent (80%) by the neutral per- manganate method. _ Garbage tankage is the rendered, dried, and ground product derived from waste household food materials. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 23 Crude, inert, or slow-acting nitrogenous materials are unprocessed organic substances relatively high in nitrogen but having a very low value as plant food and showing a 10w activity by both the alkaline and neutral permanganate methods (below fifty per cent (50%) and eighty per cent (80%) respectively). Activity of water-insoluble nitrogen in fertilizers. The alkaline and neutral permanganate methods distinguish between the better and poorer sources of water-insoluble nitrogen; they do not show the percentage availability of the material. The available nitrogen of any product is measured only by carefully conducted vegetation experiments. (a) The methods shall be used on mixed fertilizers containing water-in- soluble nitrogen amounting to three-tenths of one per cent (0.3%) or more of the Weight of the material. If a total nitrogen exceeds the minimum guarantee and is accompanied by a low activity of the insoluble nitrogen, the over-run shall be taken into consideration in determining the classi- fication of the water-insoluble nitrogen. (b) The water-insoluble nitrogen in mixed fertilizers showing an activi- ty below fifty per cent (50%) by the alkaline method and also below eighty per cent (80%) by the neutral method shall be classed as inferior. This necessitates the use of both methods, also the provision as to over-run in (a), before classifying as inferior. A unit of plant food is twenty (20) pounds, or one per cent (1%) of a ton. Summary This Bulletin contains a report of the Texas Fertilizer Control for 1937-38. Explanations of terms are given. Sales of fertilizer in Texas were79,640 tons in 1937-38. They were 84,938 tons in 1936-37. The tonnage for other years is given. The tons reported do not include cottonseed meal sold as a feed but used as a fertilizer. The average selling prices and composition of the different kinds of fertilizer are given. Available phosphoric acid costs slightly less in 20 per cent superphosphate than in 18 per cent. Kainit is an expensive source of potash, muriate of potash being much cheaper. Nitrogen costs much less in sulphate of ammonia than in nitrate of soda. Plant food costs less per pound in the more concentrated fertilizers than in less concentrated fertilizers, though the former costs more per ton. The grades of fertilizer to be sold next season are given. Analyses of 1,064 samples collected by the inspector are given. A table is given showing the relation of the guaranteed valuation to the valuation delivered by the various manufacturers. Definitions of fertilizer terms as adopted by Association of Official Agricultural Chemists are given. Valuation found, per ton 24 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38. _ l 1E O oi >- o 5' . c»: 273+» +4 +> f‘; l Manufacturer place of busmess and brand w C! .0 ° c: a c 5Q ' b” 3 2'5 3 "3 3 Q E 2 ‘a m a1 '5 5 '5 5 >2 3 i315 l-IZ Z o. <1 a n. m o. l l l American Cyanamid Company, New York, New York ] l l l 21% ‘Aero’ Cyanamid Granular Guarantee .................... .. 21.00 ........ .. 52508 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 20.90 ........ .. ‘Ammo-Phos' 11-48-0 High Analysis Fertilizer Guarantee 11.00 48.00 52497 Analysis ..................... .. 11.17 48.17 52501 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 11.30 48.31 ........ .. ‘Ammo-Phos’ 16-20-0 High Analysis Fertilizer Guarantee 16.00 20.00 52492 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ..] 16.05 21.17 52502 Analysis ....................................................................... .. 16.60 21.28 Granular ‘Aero’ 32% Super Phosphate Guarantee ................. ._ 32.00 52496 Analysis... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32.55 52500 l Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. ....l ........ .. 32.39 ...l 52503 Analysis ............................................................................. ..l ........ ..| 32.69] ........ ..] lArkansas Fertilizer Company, Little Rock, Arkansas ] | White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Crop Getter Guarantee] 4.00 12.00 4.00] 52804 l Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.04 11.57 4.32] White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Early Boll Guarantee 3.00 10.00] 3.00] 53470 l Analysis .............................................................................. 3.44 10.87] 2.81] White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Jack Rabbit Guarantee] 4.00 8.00] 6.00] 52802 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.25 8.24] 6.07] White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Old Reliable Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00' 52803 Analysis ..... .. 4.16 8.28 4.08l 53443 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.16 8.93] 4.35 White Diamond Potato Fertilizer Guarantee... ...] 4.00] 8.00] 6.00 53444 Analysis .............................................................. .. 3.93 8.72l 6.41 53469 Analysis .............................................................................. ..] 3.95 8.18 6.22 Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas, ] l and New Orleans, La. l l Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee 3.00 10.00 3.00 52542 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 3.02 9.74 3.15 52875 Analysis... . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.21 10.25 2.96 52915 Analysis... 3.14 10.50 3.04 53042 Analysis... 3.09 10.15 3.01 53250 Analysis .................................................................. .. 3.22 10.05 3.04 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 4.00 52465 Analysis ................................................................ .. 4.11 8.06 4.08 52552 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.05 8.43 4.18 52557 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.07 7.98 4.03 53101 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.06 8.03 4.08 53107 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 8.21 4.36 53194 Analysis..... 4.04 9.56 3.54 53408 Analysis .................................................................... .. 3.97 8.56 3.78 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee. ..... 4.00 8.00 6.00 52888 Analysis ......................................................... .. .. 3.92 9.19 5.47 53102 Analysis 4.02 8.01l 5.73 53253 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..| 4.02 10.27 6.13 53341 Analysis ........................................................................ 4.08 8.39l 6.10 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-10-0 Guarantee... 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 53213 Analysis ................................................................... .. 4.14 9.21 ........ .. 53225 AnaIysis.. 4.15 9.10 ........ .. 53234 Analysis. ....] 4.14 9.30 ........ .. 53244 Analysis ................................................................ .. 4.19 10.48 ........ ,. .......... .. Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-10-7 Guarantee...“ ....] 4.00] 10.00] 7.00] 52537 Analysis ................................................ .. 4.03 10.64] 7.63 53252 Analysis ................................................................ .. 3.99 8.99 5.57 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee. ....] 4.00 12.00 4.00 52442 Analysis .................................................................... .. ....] 4.14 12.38] 4.03] 52543 Analysis... l 4.04 12.13] 4.13 52749 Analysis .. 4.09 12.42 4.02 52760 Analysis. . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . , _ _ _ _ __ 4.14 12.34 3.84 52775 Analysis ..... .. 4.10 12.39 4.01 52780 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 12.14 3.85 52836 Analysis ........ .. 4.04 12.37] 4.09 25.49 25.80 26:14 22.50 22.41 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 25 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued rs" E s E i‘ 9'2 E1 B 4. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5E‘ 3 S? (‘é .2 c: =3 Q b0 w oat-i c» .1?- w ‘J $4.0 o =2 ;—~ Q o w o “.3 .8 E i: s. a g a E’ n '2 1., s; 2 4. is a .3 a § a I I Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas, I | and New Orleans, La. Continued. I Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12-4—C0ntinued— I I Guarantee .................................................................................. ..l 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52842 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 4.02 12.37 4.17 29.08 52354 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.22 12.70 3.83 29.58 52858 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.14 12.45 4.03 29.31 52881 Analysis 4.13 12.54 3.75 29.09 52883 Analysis .. .... .. 4.15 12.60 4.08 29.57 52957 Analysis .. 4.20 12.10 4.06 29.07 52997 Analysis ........ .. 4.08 12.34 3.92 28.91 53048 Analysis ...... .. 4.26 12.03 4.05 29.12 53195 Analysis ......... .. 4.06 12.24 3.85 28.67 53203 Analysis 4.04 12.55 4.07 29.24 53409 Analysis . 4.05 12.01 3.93 28.45 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 5-15-5 Guarantee .......... .. 5.00 15.00 5.00 35.50 52425 Analysis 5.02 15.27 5.03 35.90 52441 Analysis 5.24 14.76 5.17 35.98 52453 Analysis. 5.09 14.83 5.16 35.70 52464 Analysis 5.01 14.88 5.01 35.39 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-8-4 Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 28.40 53117 Analysis- 5 85 9 06 3.06 28.28 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-9-3 Guarantee ........ .. 6 00 900 3.00 28 50 52622 Analysis 6.08 9.01 3.95 29.75 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52443 Analysis 5.94 10.29 7.31 34.65 52536 Analysis ..... .. 6.12 10.33 7.19 35.00 52569 Analysis . . 6.27 10.63 6.69 35.17 52634 Analysis... .. 6.14 10.89 7.06 35.58 52884 Analysis 6.35 10.53 7.08 35.67 53049 Analysis ....... .. 5.94 9.86 6.82 33.59 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52432 Analysis ..... .. .. 6.28 12.55 6.05 36.79 52440 Analysis. 6.22 12.24 6.21 36.45 52454 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... .. 6.10 11.45 6.60 35.64 52510 Analysis... ..... .. 6.06 12.42 6.01 36.05 52585 Analysis _ ...... .. 5.94 12.20 6.11 35.62 52635 Analysis 6.25 12.69 6.04 36.87 52887 Analysis ........ .. . 6.06 12.59 6.03 36.28 53251 Analysis... ....... .. 6.13 12.39 5.74 35.89 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 10-20-10 Guarantee .......... .. 10.00 20.00 10.00 59.00 52901 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.03 20.16 10.31 59.60 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 11-48-0 Guarantee ...... .. 11.00 48.00 ........ .. 84.00 52518 Analysis“ 10.98 44.09 ........ .. 79.26 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 16-20-0 Guarantee ........ .. 16.00 20.00 ........ .. 62.40 52436 Analysis .... .. 15.94 20.86 ........ .. 63.29 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer Old Black Joe Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52491 Analysis 4.27 8.53 4.29 25.21 52544 Analysi“ 4.00 8.25 4.21 24.13 52547 Analysis 4 11 8.64 4.32 24.98 52568 Analysis 4.06 , 8.29 4.17 24.28 52662 _ Analysis 4.02 8.09 4.05 23.82 52837 Analysis 4.08 8.04 4.20 24.06 52874 Analysis .. 4.06 8.82 4.06 24.79 53041 Analysis .. 4.09 8.04 4.14 24.02 53243 Analysis 4.02 8.83 4.06 24.72 53292 Analysis .............................................................................. ..I 3.95 8.30 4.24 24.10 53336 Analysis 4.17 8.76 3.85 24.76 53342 Analysis 4.06 8.28 4.06 24.15 Armour’s Big Crop Raw Bone Meal Guarantee .............. .. . 52433 Analysis 52828 Analysis Armour’s Big Crop Sulphate of Ammonia 20% Guarantee 52430 Analysis 26 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued :2‘ "é s 3 B. ‘ C» “'24: +1 a g s Manufacturer, place of business and brand o 5 :31‘? 5 i a g g o? go g a. o g 0 go CU v-u 3E 2&2 £2.62 Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas, and New Orleans, La. Continued. Armour’s Big Crop Sulphate of Ammonia 2070- Continued— Guarantee 20.00 .................. .. 48.00 62476 Analysis 19.07 .................. .. 45.77 52495 Analysis 19.92 .................. .. 47.81 53241 Analysis 20.52 .................. .. 49.25 Armour's Bi_g Crop Superphospliate 18% Guarantee... ........ .. 18.00 ........ .. 21.60 53050 Analysis ........ .. 17.32 ........ .. 20.78 58231 Analysis ........ .. 17.31 ........ .. 20.77 52507 ArmoijfslBig Crop Superpliospliate 20% Guarantee... ........ .. 20.00 ........ .. 24.00 11a. ysiq 52841 Analysis _ Armoufs Plow Brand Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee ...... .. 53424 Analysis The Barrett Company, New York, New York Arcadian, the American Nitrate of Soda Guarantee... 53315 Analysis Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company, Bryan, Texas Star Brand Cotton and Corn Fertilizer Guarantee ..... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 Analysis 2.88 9.68 3.83 22.74 n5 ysi= ........ .. 3. 5 9.72 3.31 23.41 52991 Analysis _ _ _ . ....... .. 3.58 10.18 3.33 24.47 Star Brand _ Special Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 232$ Analysis .. 3.1g 11.56 4.40 27.81 na ysis..... .... .. 4. 11.72 4.37 28.78 52992 Analysis ...... .. 3.66 11.67 5.96 29.34 52F“ Star Rrarlid 20% Superphosphate Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 ........ .. 24.00 0 Ila YS1S--- - - - - - - - - _ - - - - . . . - . - - . - . - - _ _ . . _ - _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. 0.06 24.07 52989 Analysis .......................................................................... ._ 19.79 ________ ,_ 23,75 52878 Star Erarlid _ Tomato Fertilizer Guarantee. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 Ila YSIS ....................................................... .. 5.69 11.32 6.89 34.82 52990 Analysis ................... s’... .......................... .. 5,40 10,32 639- 32,97 52540 Star lgrarlid _Truck Fertilizer Guarantee. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 n3 YSIS ---------------------------------------------------- .- 3.60 7.76 4.32 22.70 52993 Analysis .............................................................................. ,_ 3,55 3,08 337i 223/4 Campbell Fertilizer Company, Houston, Texas ‘ All-Weather _Organic Base Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee... 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 233g? inalysgs .............................................................................. .. 3.20 11.59 4.85 26.93 Ila YSIS ---- -- .88 12.13 3.72 25.56 63270 A“ Wmifillysig -------- --__----B ------ ~_I;_--.-£-,l-, ...... ._;.§_.£...G.. .................. .. 2.46 12.67 2.31 24.19 - 8a er rganic ase er i izer - - u rantee.... 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53278 Analysis ......... .._ ...................... 1., ....................... .3 .............. .. 4.06 3.74 6.15 21.56 All-Weather_Organ1c Base Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52515 Analysis ______________________________________________________________________________ ._[ 4521 9,07 9_31 3137 52527 Analysis.“ 4.50 8.37 8.01 29.65 finalysis ........... .. 4.49 8.59 8.39 30.32 -> Yla-Ysls ----------- -- 3.73 11.03 7.48 30.42 53277 Analysis ......... ....................... _______________________________________ __ 3,55 g_92 939 3012 52516 All-WZatzl‘iler‘Organic Base Fertilizer 4-10-7 Guarantee 10.00 7.00 29.30 ll Ysls .............................................................................. .. . 7 11.39 8,78 34,06 52532 Analysis --------- --_ --------------------- 5,, ........................................ .. 4.66 10.53 8.73 33.46 _ All-Weatherprganic Base Fertilizer 4~12-4 Guarantee“ 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 02457 Analysis ______________________________________________________________________________ __ 4_55 13_17 423 3137 52488 Analysis . 4.03 12.45 6.51 31.77 52776 Analysis... 4.16 13.86 7.11 34.43 2323 gnaw sssssssssssssss s» 443 — “a V515 -------------- -- 4- 2.67 4.79. 30.57 53276 Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. 4.12 13.75 5.26 32.13 All-Weather Organic Base F rt'l' 5-15-0 G te 5.00 15.00 ........ .. 3 . 52489 Analysis _________ .. _________________ _________________ 5_41 1355 ________ H! 52449 All-WZalt;il<;1'_Organic Base Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee. 18.00 34.10 s15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. . .10 . 40.03 52456 Analysis ______________________________________________________________________________ H 7155 9_92| 7_31 3330 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 193 7-38—Continued l s‘ ‘é D . » 3 a $1 w-l 8 i. Manufacturer, place of business and brand S ,.. '2 *5" *’ 5 3 ° s w '3: 5 .5 5 a é on ‘ ‘(g-Q f; Q o w u “a ,9 E ,.Q E 8S m 3 E1 s =’ w i >2 ‘a c: "' a 3 qz AZ 4 a. n. n. ‘i I> a. Campbell Fertilizer Company, Houston, Texas—-Continued. All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 6-10-7——Continued Guarantee 34.16 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee.. 35.40 52450 Analysis .............. .. 39.90 52455 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 39.26 0-12-4 All-Weather Louisiana Special Guarantee .. . 18.80 52902 Analysis. ................................................................. .. . 22.45 53210 Analysis .............................................................................. .. . 22.60 3-10-0 All-Weather Rice Special Fertilizer Guarantee. 3.00 10.00 19.20 52903 Analysis 3.03 11.68 21.29 53209 Analysis 2.83 10.47 19.35 53227 Analysis 2.72 10.93 19.65 5322i inilysis ........ .. 2.58 11.06 19.46 532 n ysis ....... .. . 2.74 10.62 19.32 4-10-0 All-Weather Rice Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 10.00 21.60 53226 Analysis .............. .. .. 3.98 10.69 ........ .. 22.38 53 55 na yd“ .... .. 3.88 16.08 ........ .. 28.61 68230 All-Wgathler Raw Bone Meal Guarantee .......................... .. 3.70 *22.00 ........ .. 26.48 na ysis . . . . . . . . . .. . 4.01 *22.10 ........ .. 27.30 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation, 120 Broadway. New York, New York Champion Brand Chilean Nitrate of Soda Guarantee. . ........ .. 38.40 52423 Analysis ....................................................................... .. . 39.12 52428 Analysis... ............................................................. _. . 39.10 52431 Analysis... .... .. . 39.31 52838 Analysis... ................................................................... .. . 39.89 53368 Analysis .............. .. 16.12 .................. .. 38.69 Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas “T. C. C.” Brand Powdered Raw Bone Guarantee ...... .. 4.00 *17.00 23.20 52895 Analysis ....................................................................... .. 3.90 *17.14 23.07 “"1”. C. C." Brand Raw Bone Meal Guarantee .... .. 3.70 *'22.00 . 26.48 52517 Analysis .... .. 3.92 *21.66 26.74 52520 Analysis .... .. 4.47 *2l.25 27.73 52898 Analysis .... .. 4.32 *24.02 29.59 53216 Analysis .... .. 4.15 *'2l.83 27.42 53220 Analysis .... .. 4.16 *22.12 27.68 53236 Analysis .... .. 4.15 *22.43 27.90 53240 D _d H Adnalssrsisiné ................ ...... ..................................... .. 4.10 *22.4l ........ .. 27.77 8V‘! ar 1e ee ompany, a as, exas Hardie's All-Purpose Fertilizer Guarantee .................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52827 h Anaéygsis ..... .......... ........ ..... .......... .......... .. 4.36 12.33 3.67 29.30 T e Davison emica orpora ion. ew r eans, . Bull Dog Special No. 484 Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52756 Analysis ................................................ .. 4.17 8.36 3.83 24.25 Bull lgoglspecial No. 4100 Guarantee ................... .. 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 21.60 53217 na ysis ....... .. 4.59 10.39 ........ .. 23.49 Dixie Chemical Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas Dixie 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 53098 Analysis ................................................... .. 3.18 10.61 3.26 23.95 Dixie 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53131 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.25 8.15 3.81 24.17 Dixie 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 53132 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.17 9.17 6.10 27.72 Dixie 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 53097 E T Anélyiis.....6..i...é ................. his] ..... ........ ............ .. 4.36 11.96 4.25 29.49 ast exas 0t on i ompany, y er exas ETCO 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guaranteeuz ................................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52612 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.97 8.02 5.75 25.48 52618 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.17 8.15 5.94 26.32 53020 Analysis _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.83 8.37 6.23 26.08 ETCO 4-10-0 Guarantee. 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 21.60 52611 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 3.99 9.22 ........ .. 20.64 ‘Total phosphoric acid 28 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued 3 .2 s, o l‘ - n+0 .223: a 5 B i. Manufacturer, place of business and brand q, c, Q Q c _ g ,,_ g <5 w u» o =34?‘- o g w *5‘ o an o O q D. u o a ° E r =0 m 2 . E. "5 s *3 3 >2 Z3 o 8 <3 6 Q2 Z n. 4 n. a PM s. > n. l l lEast Texas Cotton Oil Company, Tyler, Texas—C'ontinued. l _ l | ETGQ 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... ._ 6.00l 8.00l 4.00‘ 28.40 53022 Analysis _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.88 8.73 4.06 29.06 ETCQ 6-10-7 Eel-timer Guarantee ...................................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52820 Analysis 5.88l 10.35 7.09 34.33 ETCQ 18 Pei-cent Super-phosphate Guarantee ................ ........ .. 18.00 ........ _. 21.60 53364 Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.25 ........ .. 21.90 ETCQ Potatg Producer Guarantee ............................ .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52613 Analysis _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ . . . . . . .. 4.07 8.59 3.89 24.35 52619 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.02 7.78 4.10 23.50 52821 Analysis _ _ . . . . . . . . . .. 3.76 8.06 4.02 23.11 53019 Analysis 3.84 9.06 3.82 24.29 53345 Analysis 3.17 8.22 3.77 23.05 53365 Analysis .... 5.93 7.32 8.28 26.62 Goldenrod 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................ .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52813 | Analysis ............ .. ..l 423i 8-45| 5.89! 26-77 52951 Analysis“ l 4.24 7.77 5.16 25.18 52996 Analysis ........................................................... ..| 4.08 7.56 5.46 24.87 53362 Analysis ________________________________________________ .. 3.94 8.09 6.05 25.83 Goldenrod 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52808 Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . 4.17 12.00 4.20 29.03 52812 Analysis ______________________________________________________________________________ .. 4.44 11.67 4.07l 29.14 52832 Analysis___ ..... _. 4.12 12.28 4.39i 29.46 52995 Analysis___ ..... .. 4.10 11.14 4.08 27.70 53346 Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . 3.94 12.32 3.85 28.48 53482 Analysis _ . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.66 12.45 4.05 28.18 Goldenrod 6-9~3 Fertilizer Guarantee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50 52621 Analysis ................................................................ ._ 6.14 9.11 3.27 29.27 Goldenrod 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 53023 Analysis 5.78 10.05 . 6.59 33.18 Goldenrod Meal Formula Guarantee ..................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52814 Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.26 10.48 3.18 23.90 52949 Analysis .......... .. 3.05 10.39 3.01 23.10 Goldenrod Potato Producer Guarantee ..................... .. l 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52809 Analysis 3.91 8.21 4.08 23.72 52950 Analysis ....................................................................... .. 4.26 7.37 3.82 23.26 53361 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.99 8.35 3.71l 23.68 Goldenrod Sulphate of Ammonia Guarantee ........... .. 48.00 53363 Analysis . . . _ . . . _ . .. .. 48.84 Goldenrod 18 Per Cent Superphosphate Guarantee ...... .. 21.60 53013 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23.03 Goldenrod Verifine Guarantee ...................................... .. . . . 35.40 52620 Analysis .............................................................................. ..l 5.96 12.04 6.03] 35.38 l Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas l Farmers Fertilizer No. 484 Guarantee... ................. ..l 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53092 Analysis .............................................................................. ..l 4.05 8.31 3.72 23.78 Farmers Fertilizer No. 486 Guarantee ............................ ..l 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52667 Analysis ........................................................ .. 3.75 7.81 5.45 24.37 53090 Analysis ........................................................... .. 3.73 8.25 5.38 24.81 53476 Analysis .. .. i 3.99 8.50 5.25 25.56 l Farmers Fertilizer No. 4124 Guarantee .......................... ..l 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52668 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . ..l 3.74 11.71 4.07 27.51 53091 Analysis .............................................................................. 4.02 11.83 4.28l 28.56 Farmers Fertilizer No. 693 Guarantee ____________________________ 6 0O 9.00 3.00l 28,50 53475 Analysis .............................................................................. ..l 5.42 8.89 3.10 27.09 Farmers Fertilizer No. 6107 Guarantee... ..l 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 53477 Analysis .............................................................................. ..l 5.36 10.21 5.45 31.11 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 29 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38——-Cnntinued | _ . 1 1 l s: 2 l g E b l ° or" l: S s. l Manufacturer, place of business and brand f)‘; :3 .1; .2 a “l w g b0 w ‘ as-i cu S! cu ‘J Q 25.1: ‘ Q o y; q. u g o g.» -° g i i5 s. F‘ 3 s. +‘ a v "‘ s. W ~ l "‘ u: ’..c: o: Q a) i“ cu AZ; iznrflaaifl-im >2. l l l I Federal Chemical Company, Inc., Shreveport, La. I I I Daybreak Dixie Special Guarantee .................................. .. 4.001 8.00 4.00 23.60 53064 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.83 7.50 4.35 22.98 53115 Analysis . 3.97 8.21 3.86 23.63 Daybreak Double Duty Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52743 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4.02 12.04 4.44 28.98 52800 Analysis ........... .. 4.09l 11.25 4.17 27.91 53187 Analysis _. 4.08 11.28 4.07 27.81 Daybreak Favorite Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52742 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. 3.15 10.12 3.41 23.45 Daybreak Truckers Special Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00_ 25.80 52801 Analysis .................................................. .. .. 4.06 8.20 6.051 26.24 52825 Analysis .............................................................................. .. . 8.49 6.19 26.41 53021 Analysis .......... .. . - 8.36 6.20 26.52 53065 Analysis . 8.09 6.38 25.75 53337 Analysis . 8.41 5.89 26.34 53479 Analysis ..................................................... .. 4.14 8.30 5.34 25.77 Meridian 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 28.40 52798 Analysis .... .. 5.80 8.05 4.80 28.86 53159 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.05 8.20 4.09 28.86 Meridian Dixie Special Guarantee .................................... ..l 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52555 Analysis .. . .. 4.05 8.00 4.15 23.89 52632 Analysis . .............. .. 3.91 8.37 4.05 23.88 52810 Analysis 4.09 8.13 4.02 24.00 52870 Analysis 3.92 8.59 3.78 23.88 52929 Analysis.. . 4.07 8.08 4.14 24.02 53063 Analysis 3.95 7.79 4.13 23.37 53121 Analysis.... 4.06 8.17 4.20 24.16 53134 Analysis 3.81 7.64 4.09 22.81 53140 Analysis 3.97 8.11 4.14 23.81 53308 Analysis 4.02 7.69 4.06 23.35 53343 Analysis... 4.10 7.21 4.34 23.26 53351 Analysis 4.34 8.56 3.43 24.46 53459 Analysis: .. 4.01 8.08 4.18 23.92 Meridian Double Duty Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52554 Analysis .............................................................................. __ 4.07 11.08 4.11 27.59 52567 Analysis . 4.08 11.60 4.03 28.14 52572 Analysis 4.06 11.09 4.18 27.65 52705 Analysis 3 75 11.76 4.06 27.58 52713 Analysis 4 09 12.05 4.24 28.94 52733 Analysis 4 07 11.45 4.27 28.21 52869 Analysis 4 24 11.69 4.37 29.02 52908 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.10 10.95 3.90 27.27 52932 Analysis . . 4.31 11.45 4.31 28.82 53053 Analysis ........ .. .. 4.18 11.51 4.19 28.45 53167 Analysis _ 4.03 11.02 4.15 27.46 53180 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.04 12.06 4.23 28.82 53301 Analysis ....... .. .. ..... .. .. 3.94 12.08 4.04 28.40 53334 Analysis .. ........ .. 4.28 12.52 4.02 29.71 Meridian Perfect Guano Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52584 Analysis . 5.98 11.56 6.34 35.19 52712 Analysis .. . 5.52 11.51 6.36 34.06 53326 Analysis _. . 5.90 12.34 6.06 35.60 Meridian Perfection Formula Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50 53054 Analysis ......... .. ' 5.69 8.28 3.71 27.68 Meridian Home Mixture Guarantee ................................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52553 Analysis 3.17 9.73 3.36 22.99 52571 Analysis 3.05 9.58 3.34 22.49 52734 Analysis .......... .. 3.14 9.38 3.17 22.29 52735 Analysis .. ...... .. 3.33 9.59 3.34 23.17 30 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season l937-38-Continned _ ,_, .1; E’ 3 .=: B’ .2 c .8 ;.. Manufacturer, place of business and brand g‘; 1g B?‘ f‘; g a EB ma» 46-510 £16: +‘ ° o0 gnu mo g3 “g E» §§~ g3 "5; ~32 Z3. 4mg. ma. >2. Federal Chemical Company, Inc., Shreveport, La. —Continued. Meridian Home Mixtur%Continued-—-Guarantee .......... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52371 Analyqie 3.21 9.35 3.19 23.03 52927 Analysiq 3.06 9.37 3.04 22.52 53166 Analyxiq. 3.05 9.56 3.06 22.16 53172 Analyaiq 3.12 9.70 3.02 22.45 Meridian Southern Mixture Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 21.60 52593 Analyqiw 4.14 10.05 ........ .. 22.00 Meridian Special Mixture Guarantee ................................ .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52566 Analysiq 6.02 9.45 7.02 33.51 52570 Analy==i= 5.34 9.30 6.95 32.33 52670 Analyaia 5.92 9.67 7.17 33.70 52799 Analysiq 6.06 9.30 7.13 33.54 52907 Analy 2 l . . . . l I [Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texasr-Continuech] l l Fidelity 4-8-6 Fertilizer——Continued——Guarantee ............. .. 4.00\ 8.00 6.00 25.80 53248 Analyaiq 4.03 8.81 6.31 27.18 53262 Analyeiq 6.21 7.32 5.30 29.51 53272 Analyeiq 4.37 8.33 5.53 26.57 Fidelity 4-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................. .. 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 21.60 53232 Analyaia .. 4.32 8.70 ........ .. 20.81 Fidelity 4-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 10.00 7.00 29.30 52437 Analyqiq 4.61 10.40 6.72 30.93 Fidelity 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................ .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52469 Analyqiw 4.22 11.70 4.10 28.68 52741 Analyw-ia 4.30 12.23 4.31 29.74 52759 Allalyfi“ 4.18 12.06 4.35 29.29 52785 Analwifi 4.24 12.72 4.06 29.91 52844 Analyeia . 4.22 12.08 4.13 29.17 52857 Analyqia 4.16 12.15 4.25 29.24 52862 Analyqia 4.24 12.12 4.04 29.16 52864 Analyfi“ 4.19 12.52 3.75 29.21 52890 Analyeia 4.17 12.07 3.88 28.76 52894 Analyaiq 4.13 12.59 4.03 29.45 52917 Analyeiq 4.19 12.25 4.03 29.19 52966 Analy n. Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texas—C'ontinued. ‘ Fidelity 18% Superphosphate—Continued——Guarantee....l ........ ..\ 21.60 52892 Analysis . -------- .. 22-63 53198 Analysis ........ .. 21.73 53247 Analysis 23.15 53281 Analysis 22.04 Fidelity 20% Super-phosphate Guarantee ......................... .. 24.00 52788 Analysis 24.42 52967 Analysis ..... .. 25.97 53273 Analysis ' .. 24.73 Fidelity 20% Kainit Guarantee ...................................................... .. 20.00 22.00 52969 Analysis ........ .. 20.60 22.66 Ford Motor Company, Dear-born, Michigan Ford Ammonium Sulphate Guarantee .............................. .. . .................. .. 49.92 52487 Analysis . . . .................. .. 50.09 52522 Analysis . .................. .. 50.11 52826 Analysis ........ _. . .................. .. 49.37 52900 Analysis . .................. .. 50.57 53249 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . ..] 21.03 .................. .. 50.47 53261 Analysis ..... .. . .................. .. 50.93 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company, Gilmer, Texas G C. O. & F. Co’s 4-8-4 Cotton Grower Guarantee ...... .. 8.00 4.00 23.60 53077 Analysis 8.92 3.64 23.96 53427 Analysis 8.13 3.55 22.96 ‘ G. C. O. & F. Co’s 4-12-4 Guarantee .................................. 12.00 4.00 28.40 52650 Analysis 12.12 4.07 28.72 G. . O. & F. Co’s 6-10-7 Guarantee .................................. .. 10.00 7.00 34.10 52651 Analysis 9.83 7.20 34.50 G. C. O. & F. Co’s Special Cotton Grower Guarantee“ 12.00 6.00 35.40 53079 Analysis 12.02 5.91 35.85 53429 Analysis 12.14 5.28 34.06 G. C. O. & F. Co’s Superior Meal Compound Guarantee 10.00 3.00 22.50 53078 Analysis .. 9.58 3.06 22.62 53428 Analysis 10.09 3.08 22.68 G. C. O. & F. Co’s 4-8-6 Tomato Grower Guarantee ...... .. 8.00 6.00 25.80 52642 Analysis .. 8.02 6.35 26.43 52649 Analysis 8.14 6.27 26.44 53074 Analysis 7.53 5.85 25.61 Houston Packing Company, Houston, Texas Houston's High Grade 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52524 Analysis 4.07 12.49 3.08 28.15 H0ust0n’s B & B Fertilizer Guarantee ............................ .. 4.70 *15.50 ........ .. 23.68 52525 Analysis 4.67 *'20.16 ........ .. 27.34 Marvelgro Plant Food Guarantee ...................................... ..) 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52523 Analysis | 4.48 13.45 3.63 30.88 International Agricultural Corporation, Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas i International 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee __________________________ __ 3,00} 10.00 3,00 22.50 52573 Analysis 3.01 9.92 3.30 22.75 53100 Analysis 3.28 10.02 3.31 23.53 53116 Analysis ........ .. 3.09 9.57 3.36 22.60 53139 Analysis ........ .. 3.05 10.03 3.04 22.70 53452 Analysis .. .... .. 3.10 10.46 3.16 23.47 International 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52574 Analysis 3.92 8.43 4.08 24.02 52653 Analysis 4.00 7.84 4.22 23.65 53000 Analysis 3.91 8.12 4.02 23.69 53014 Analysis .- 3.83 8.42 4.12 23.82 53035 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 3.97 8.31 4.02 23.92 53127 Analysis 4.02 7.38 4.16 23.09 53146 Analysis. .......... .. 3.95 8.19 4.20 23.93 53154 Analysis ........ .. 3 9l| 7.65 4.34 23.33 I ‘Total phosphoric acid l Laboratory l Number 53378 53406 53410 53446 53468 52575 53099 53104 53109 53445 53108 52824 53012 53089 53126 53156 53376 52682 53155 52596 52654 53329 52706 53439 53461 53036 53148 52987 53320 52588 52986 53312 52589 53008 53321 53311 52722 .52745 53185 52744 52762 53171 153190 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937- 38—Continued 33' Manufacturer, place 0f business and brand l International Agricultural Corporation, Texarkana, l Arkansas-Texaw-Continued. International 4-8-4 Fertilizer—Continued——Guarantee.... Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis ....... .. International 4-8-6 Truck Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis International 4-10-0 Ammoniated Compound Guarantee Analysis. International 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. Analysis .... .. Analysis Analysis Analysis.. Analysis Analysis International 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. Analysis .. Analysis International 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee ........................ .. Analysis ........................ .. Analysis Analysis International Analysis International 4-8-10 Potato Analysis International Rainbow Analysis.... International 18% Analysis Analysis Jacksonville Fertilizer Company, Jacksonville, Texas Red Tomato 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. Analysis .................................................... .. Analysis .................................................... .. Red Tomato 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee... Analysis .............................................................................. .. Analysis. .. Analysis .............................................................................. .. Red Tomato 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee... Analysis ................................................. .. 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .. Cotton “Fertilizer Guarantee: I Superphosphate Guarantee .............. .. Red Tomato 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee... Analysis .................................................... .. Red Tomato 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. Analysis Red Tomato 10-0-10 Fertilizer Guarantee ........................ .. Analysis .................. .. Kelly-Weber & Company, Inc., Lake Charles, La. Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special No. 3103 Guarantee Analysis ........ .. Analysis Analysis .............. .. Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special No. 484 Guarantee Analysis ............................... .. Analysis... Analysis... Analysis ....................................................................... .. l Nitrogen \ per cent l 4.00 Available phosphoric acid, per cent Potash, per cent ??P9?999*FP“*““““*** mowoo¢owboq&'b&&b"' Qomomoqowomagwmowfiag ww 99?9???F9$F@F@P oomomowoaawonwo moaomomoawcowao 3.00 2.95 3.10 2.92 4.00 4.54 3.69 4.08 2.40 Valuation found, per ton 34 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season l937-38-Continued l‘ n I "é 0 5 c. o $4 i “.2 a S 1.. Manufacturer, place of business and brand f’? 3 '5"; f; ,9 a E2 =19 2'59 i 2 :3 ° s i’ '5 n g ° . =1 4? 5 ,<_-3 1.. > o u :- ‘3 u S2 z 2 , <9 a .8 a > a l | I I I Kelly-Weber & Company, lnc., Lake Charles, La. 1 ! I —Contrinued. I Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special No. 486 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 52720 Analysis 4.14 8.05 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special N0. 4100 Guarantee 4.00 10.00 “"215 > Analysis ______________________________________________ ____________________________ H; 4,181 9521i _ 53223 Analysis ,_ ,, 4,14 9,19 _ 53229 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.73 10.02 . 53235 Analysis ........................................................... .. 4.10 9.19 . 53238 Analysis. .... .. ...[ 4.10 8.55 . 53242 Analysis ........................................................................... .. ..| 4.011 9.71 Weber-Kinlg Brand Fertilizer Special N0. 4124 Guarantee] 4.00 12.00 52721 Ana ysis ...................... .. 4.15 11.64 52763 Analysis ........................................................... .. 4.14 11.04 53184 Analysis. ...I 4.02 11.67 53237 Analysis ................................................................. .. ...| 3.84 12.09 Weber-King 18% Superphosphate Guarantee...“ ........ .. 18.00 53221 Analysis .................................................................................. __ 18.14 53228 Analysis .................................... .. . . ........................................ __ 19.26 Lockey Gin Service, Winnsboro, Texas Lockey’s Melo Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8,00 6,00 25,80 52666 Analyfifl 3.87 9.00 4.86 25.44- Longview Cotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas Longview Cotton and Corn Special Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 53060 Allfllyslq -- .. 4.12 12.05 4.24 29.01 Longview Gregg County Special Fertilizer Guarantee. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53053 r" 181W“ 4.19 7.77 4.20 24.00 Longviwv Prize Fertilizer Guarantee ................................ ,_ 6.00 12,00 6,00 35,40 52626 Analysis- 5.80 12.03 6.34 35.33 53421 ' AImlW-i“ .. 5.99 12.08 7.20 36.80 Longview Truck Special Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52625 Analysis .. 4.21 7.79 6.05 26.11 53420 Analysis . 4.06 8.17 6.54 26.73 Longview Vegetable Fertilizer Guarantee ________________________ __ 6,00 10,00 7,00 34,10 52627 Analysis .................................................... .. 6.44 8.43 7.41 34.09 53059 Analysis .............................................................................. _, 6,23 9,81 7,81 35,31 l I [Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall. Texas I I I Marshall 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. ..| 6.00 8.00 4.00 28.40 52537 Allfl-lysl“ 5.87 8.65 4.16 29.05 52593 Analysis 5.77 8.68 4.05 28.73 53055 Analysis . 5.93 1.62 5.64 29.51 53418 Analysis 5.12 8.15 3.11 21.66 Marshall Eclipse 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 53416 Analysis .. 3.02 10.32 3.20 23.15 Marshall Garden Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee __________________ __ 4,00 8,00 6,00 25,30 52635 Analyfi“ . 4.04 9.03 5.48 26.57 52597 AnalySis 4.18 8.77 5.42 26.51 53417 Analysis 4.06 8.02 5.11 25.11 Marshall Kainit Guarantee ______________________________________________________________________ __ 20_00 2200 53173 Analysis ____ 1] ________ __| ________ __| 17,3“ 195g Marshall Nut Producer 6-9-3 Guarantee __________________________ __| 6,00 9,00 3,00 23150 52725 Analysis . 5.98 8.99 8.48 28.90 Marshall Wonder Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee ______________ __ 4,00 12,00 4,00 23,40 52638 Analysis ...... .. 4.09 12.16 4.22 29.05 53056 Analysis _______________________ __ 4,05 11,43 4,09 284m 53175 Analysis _________________________________________________________________ __ 3,39 12,10 4,13 23,10 Truckers Delight 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52688 Analysis 4.06 8.31 4.08 24.21 52724 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 4.05 8.29 4.31 24.41 53145 Analysis 4.18 8.44 4.22 24.80 53152 Analyse . ................... .. 4.32 8.05 4.05 24.49 53174 Analysis . _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4,11 3453 332 2453 2. ...._..0.0a-_<4au COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-88 35 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued ' 1 1 s“ E 3 8 ‘#4 b v.2 a S a Manufacturer, place of business and brand f’? 3' B‘; f3 g '9 u; cu m4! a) s: w *-‘ c‘ EB o o g 9. o m u ‘*3 '35 i‘ a ‘>2? s i» s: '5 a AZ Z s. <1 c. n. n. n. > a. Mixson Brothers, Kirbyville, Texas 1 Jasco Brand Special No. 484 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52754 Analysis 3.95 8.66 4.29 24.59 Jasco Brand Special No. 4107 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 10.00 7.00 29.30 53201 Analysis ......... .. . 3.80 10.17 7.32 29.37 Jaseo Brand Special N0. 4124 Guarantee ................... .. 4 00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52753 Analysis . ...................... .. 3.93 12.03 4.28 28.58 53202 Analysis ..... .. 4.02 12.32 4.16 29.01 53207 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.14 12.54 4.03 29.42 Jasco Brand Special No. 6107 Guarantee ........................ .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52751 Analysis .. 6.29 10.52 7.15 35.59 53200 Analysis 5.82 10.42 7.01 34.18 Jasco Brand Special No. 6126 Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52752 Analysis . 6.15 12.29 6.12 36.24 53199 Analysis 6.05 12.09 6.21 35.86 Nicholson's Seed Store, Dallas, Texas Nicholson's All-Round Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52829 Analysis 4.37 11.78 4.02 29.05 Nicholson's Evergreen Lawn Dressing Guarantee .......... .. 10.00 6.00 4.00 35.60 52830 Analysis ........ n‘ 10.68 5.87| 4.15 37.24 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works, Henderson, Texas Wolf Brand 3-10-3 Guarantee .............................................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52606 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 3.08 10.03 2.77 22.48 _ 52994 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 3.24 9.93 3.30 23.33 Wolf Brand 4-8-4 Guarantee . 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52604 Analysis 4.37 8.02 3.41 23.86 53011 Analysis 4.25 7.94 3.79 23.90 53030 Analysis 4.05 8.07 4.19 24.01 53160 Analysis ....... .. 4.28 7.67 4.03 23.90 53370 Analysis ......... .. 4.13 8.51 4.25 24.80 53373 Analysis .............................................................................. ..1 4.75| 7.78 4.03 25.17 53399 Analysis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 4.20 8.06 4.38 24.57 Wolf Brand 4-8-6 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52605 Analysis .. ........ .. ........ .. 4.09 8.56 6.02 26.71 53032 Analysis . ...................... .. 4.07 8.49 5.45 25.96 Wolf Brand 4-12-4 Guarantee .............................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 53033 Analysis __ ...| 3.84 12.06 2.40 26.33 in ~ Analy J15 .............................................................................. ..1 4.091 12.73 2.01 27.31 53407 1 Analysis .... .. 3.891 11.37 4.65 28.10 Wolf Brand 6-10-7 Guarantee .............................................. .. 6 00 10.00 7.00 34 10 53374 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..| 5.55 10.06 6.87 32.95 1 30% Manure Salts Guarantee .............................................................. .. 30.00 33.00 53371 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 65 37.02 1 Wolf Brand Sulphate of Ammonia 20% Guarantee ...... .. 20.00 .................. .. 48.00 53372 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.30 .................. .. 48.72 Palestine Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works, Palestine, Texas 1 Palestine Blue Star 4-8-10 Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 30.20 52582 Analysis .................................................. .. 3.921 8.51 9.22 29.76 y Palestine Blue Star 4-12-4 Guarantee... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52579 Analysis .................................................................... .. 4.161 11.45 4.07 28.20 52783 Analysis.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.331 12.00 4.27 29.49 52861 Analysis ..................................................................... .. 4.041 11.35 4.26 28.01 52879 Analysis .... .. 4.06 11.74 3.84 28.05 52942 Analysis .... .. 4.24 11.62 4.03 28.55 52984 Analysis 4.11 11.58 4.16 2.8.34 53283 Analysis.... 4.381 11.40 4.51 29.15 53304 Analysis .............................................. .. 4.16| 12.04 4.051 28.89 Palestine Blue Star 6-8-4 Guarantee... ...| 6.001 8.00 4.001 28.40 52851 Analysis .................................................................... .. 5.611 8.80 3.511 27.88 Palestine Blue Star 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee. 6.001 10.00 7.001 34.10 52580 Analysis .................................................................... .. 5.79! 9.551 6.79 32.83 52774 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 6.19 9.891 6.88 34.30 36 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38——Continued f§ '2 3 8 U4 Z" “.2 q B L, Manufacturer, place of business and brand 3 S‘; f; ,2 a EB w w 06-5 a: .6 o ‘Q Q o 2 o g g o g0 5 +1 £5 r: g 2g ~ s g; s g qz Z c. <1 n. g. 0-. a. > n. Palestine Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works Palestine, Texas —Continued. Palestine Blue Star 6-10-7 Fertilizer-—Continued—— \ Guarantee ................................................................................ .. 10.00] 7.00 34.10 52980 Analysis ........................................... .. 10.28 7.24 35.04 52988 Analysis 10.03 6.85 34.46 53305 Analysis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.28 6.38 33.95 Palestine Blue Star 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 12.00 6.00 35.40 52943 Ana.lysis.. ...... .. 11.75 6.04 36.03 Palestine Cotton Producer Guarantee ............................ .. 10.00 3.00 22.50 52581 Analysis ....... .. ...... .. 10.19 3.48 23.02 52845 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 10.30 3.55 24.57 52850 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.38 3.24 23.29 52880 Analysis ........................... .. 10.26 3.20 23.17 Palestine Twenty Per Cent Superphosphate Guarantee 20.00 ........ .. 24.00 52840 Analysis .................................................................. .. 20.57 ........ .. 24.68 52985 Analysis .... .. 20.85 ........ .. 25.02 53303 Analysis ............................................. .. 20.48 ........ .. 24.58 Palestine Tomato Special Guarantee .................... .. 8.00 6.00 25.80 52944 Analysis... .. .. 8.05 5.66 26.14 52952 Analysis ................................................................ .. 7.76 5.46 25.45 52960 Analysis. 8.55 5.7-3 26.30 53306 Analysis... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.76 5.17 25.18 53411 Analysis ................................................... .. 8.04 5.54 25.48 Palestine Upland Cotton Guarantee... 8.00 4.00 23.60. 52599 Analysis .................................... .. 8.00 4.06 24.01 52784 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 7.62 4.13 23.42 52846 Analysis .... .. 7.81 4.24 23.87 52849 Analysis .... .. 8.12 4.10 23.95 52941 Analysis... .... .. 8.15 4.03 24.48 52959 Analysis... ....] 8.26 4.11 24.53 53302 Analysis... .. .. 8.58 4.19 24.44 53318 Analysis... ................................................................. .. 8.29 4.09 24.19 53433 Analysis .......... .. 8.14 4.15 23.84 Pate Bros. Fertilizer Works, Sulphur Springs, Texas ] Pate’s 3-10-3 Guarantee .......................................................... .. . 10.00 3.00 22.50 53076 ] Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. . 10.23 3.27 23.70 Pate’s 4-8-4 Guarantee. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.00 4.00 23.60 52677 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...| . 8.25] 4.14 25.18 52686 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . ..| . 8.17] 4.12 24.75 53096 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.50 4.11 24.80 Pate’s 4-8-6 Guarantee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.00 6.00 25.80 52648 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 9.10 6.32 27.73 52669 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.53 6.54 27.73 52685 Analysis . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.22 6.03 26.74 53075 Analysis ..... ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..] . 8.05 6.06 26.63 53095 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.18 6.18 26.75 Pate’s 4-8-10 Guarantee... . 8.00 10.00 30.20 52671 Analysis ........................... .. . 1 8.79 10.50 31.89 Pate’s 6-8-4 Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.00 4.00 28.40 52672 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 8.40 4.02 29.60 Pate’s 6-10-7 Guarantee... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 10.00 7.00 34.10 52678 Analysis .............................. .. 6.36] 10.31 7.29 35.65 Pate’s 6-12-6 Guarantee 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52673 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 6.39 12.55 6.32 37.35 Pate’s Red Star Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee.. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53136 Analysis ........................................................................... .. 4.32] 8.05 3.85 24.27 53425 Analysis... 4.14] 8.52 4.34 24.93 53463 Analysis...“ . . . . . . . . . ._ 4.38 9.95 4.22 27.09 53471 Analysis ............................................................................ ._ 4.34 8.64 4.30 25,52 Pate’s Red Star Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... ..] 4.00] 8.00 6.00 25.80 53426 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.26 8.28 5.58 26.30 53462 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. 4.21 8.87 5.88 27,21 53472 ] Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.27 7.65 5.58 25,57 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 37 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season l937-38-—Continued . l 1; IE‘ s: s :6: E “,2 a .33 Manufacturer, place of business and brand gig: légigj ‘dig g g g-Q a o g: n. o g o g3 '8 g .35 g 5E g *8 s T6 g AZ Z n. <1 n. s. 11¢ n. > a. I Pate Bros. Fertilizer Works, Sulphur Springs, Texas | ——Continued. l Pate’s Red Star Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer——Continued—— I Guarantee 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 53478 Analysis .. 4.24 8.07 5.09 25.46 Pate’s Red Star Brand 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 53480 Analysis 6.18 9.87 7.42 34.83 Fate's Red Star Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 53481 Analysis 6.23 12.75 5.80 36.63 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas Double Circle Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee ...................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 53436 Analysis ...... .. 3.15 9.47 1.02 20.04 Double Circle Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53129 Analysis 3.57 - 8.12 4.62 23.39 53130 Analysis 4.17 8.08 3.75 23.84 53141 Analysis 4.36 8.51 4.05 25.13 53434 Analysis 4.15 8.44 4.00 24.49 53451 Analysis 4.24 8.76 4.00 25.09 Double Circle Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52652 Anauei“ 4.08 8.15 6.09 26.27 53080 Analysis 4.48 8.57 5.74 27.34 53032 Analyqlq 4.30 8.46 5.11 26.09‘ 53123 Analysis 3.83 8.75 6.54 26.88 53142 Analysis 4.41 8.76 6.10 27.80 53435 Analysis 4.05 9.13 5.79 27.05 Double Circle Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52661 Analysis 3.94 11.84 4.30 28.40 53081 Analysis 3.89 12.02 3.87 28.02 53338 Analy n. l _ i I Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport, Louisiana I Lion 3-10-3 Blood and Bone Guarantee .............................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52746 Analysis .... .. 3.94 8.63 3.13 23.26 Lion 3-10-3 Meal Formulae Guarantee ...... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52755 I Analysis .................................... .. . 3.73 10.35 3.66 25.40 Lion 4-8-4 Black Boy Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 53071 Analysis .. ..... .. 4.10 8.85 3.88 24.73 Lion 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52659 Analysis ..... .. 4.01 12.13 3.60 28.14 52702 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.22 7.80 2.99 22.78 53046 Anahrsis 3.68 7.33 3.20 21.15 53137 Analysis 4.11 8.07 4.00 23.94 53191 Analysis 3.85 8.43 3.77 23.51 53205 Analysis 4.10 7.84 4.34 24.02 53366 Analysis... 4.27 8.43 3.80 24.55 53405 Analysis... 4.02 8.35 3.36 23.37 53447 Analysis 4.08 8.26 4.00 24.10 53450 Analysis 3.92 8.80 4.24 24.63 53455 Analysis ......... .. 4.05 8.79 3.80 24.45 53466 Analysis ................................... ..................................... .. 4.45 9.88 3.37 26.25 Lion 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee... .... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52591 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.14 8.02 5.71 25.84 52598 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.48 9.03 6.04 28.23 52616 Analysis .. 4.18 8.43 5.84 26.57 52658 Analysis. ............ .. ....| 3.95 8.95 5.25 26.00 52676 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.50 8.02 6.32 27.37 52979 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 4.36 10.28 5.36 28.70 53028 I Analysis ..... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.95 8.51 6.04] 26.33 53073 Analysis ................................................................. .. 4.07 8.07 5.05 25.01 53103 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.39 8.09 5.62 26.43 53118 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.41 8.01 6.15 26.96 53133 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.25 8.05 5.59 26.01 53204 Analysis ........ .. .... .. 4.00 7.82 5.31 24.82 53316 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.30 8.05 5.30 25.81 53367 ‘Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.09 8.33 5.82 26.22 53441 Analysis ........................................................................ .. 3.85 8.47 5.68 25.65 Lion 4-10-0 Non Potassic Guarantee... 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 21.60 52617 Analysis .................................................. .. 5.36 10.23 ........ 25.14 Lion 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee. 4.00 12.00 4.00] 28.40 52703 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.43 12.12 4.18 29.77 52925 Analysis.... .... .. 4.34 11.66 4.29 29.13 53047 Analysis... .... .. 4.79 11.41 4.04 29.63 53192 Analysis ..................................... .. 4.10 12.44 3.69 28.83 Lion 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee... 6.00 8.00 4.00 28.40 52926 Analysis ..................................... .. 6.25 8.70 1.81 27.43 53460 Analysis ..................................... .. 6.29 8.99 1.37 27.40 Lion 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee... 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50 52723 Analysis ..................................... .. 4.95 10.30 3.30 27.87 . Lion 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52660 Analysis ..... .. 5.86 11.80 6.20 35.04 53006 Analysis .... __ 6.22 10.66 6.45 34.82 53138 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.24 10.03 6.79 34.49 53400 Analysis“... 6.16 11.16 6.15 34.94 53442 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. 5.76 10.67 6.39 33.65 Lion 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52590 Analysis ........ .. 6.26 11.90 6.14 36.05 52647 Analysis 6.27 12.21 5.85 36.14 Longhorn 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52730 Analysis ..... .. 3.13 10.17 3.22 23.25 Longhorn 3-10-3 Meal Formulae Guarantee .................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52600 Analysis 3.62 9.64 3.22 23.80 52964 Analysis ............................................................................ .. 3.06 9.81 3.27 22.71 L 1 a m4 R v llliflllwral I Mechanical colleen of Tm COMMERClAL Fmnriuglancmlfiiaswon, I-Qxas’ s9 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38-—Continued | » 1 '6 .5 . 1 "a 5 1 s s D 0.2 a 8 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5‘; 3 S‘; f‘; ,2 c “g o 05-4 o 4: o *‘ ‘s 8’ o -~ D. o w o "7 8 o E p "" w d 5 s = -*= s ‘>22 s *6 s ‘s s AZ l Z s <1 o. o. Ch o. > o. 1 . . . . l l 5 IShreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport. Louisiana I i » l —Continvwd. F i Longhorn 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................ .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52563 Analysis .... .. 4.02 7.21 4.10 22.81 52601 Analysis 4.14 8.20 3.74 23.89 52615 Analysis 4.17 8.58 3.71 24.39 52683 Analysis 4.12 8.03 3.59 23.48 52931 Analysis 4.18 9.05 3.56 24.81 52965 Analysis . 4.13 8.41 3.66 24.03 53189 Analysis 4.24 8.58 1.43 22.05 Longhorn 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52564 Analysis 4.24 7.36 6.59 26.26 52614 Analysis 4.62 8.35 6.28 28.02 52719 Analysis 4.15 8.09 3.23 23.22 52963 Analysis 4.49 8.12 5.92 27.03 53332 Analysis 4.26 9.04 5.58 27.21 Longhorn 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52716 Analysis ....... .. 4.46 12.26 3.41 29.16 52731 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.06 12.45 4.10 29.19 52777 Analysis .. 4.43 12.25 3.51 29.19 52930 Analysis 4.43 12.15 3.59 29.16 52999 Analysis 4.15 12.65 3.98 29.52 53188 Analysis 4.06 12.49 4.04 29.17 53196 Analysis 4.14 12.03 3.72 28.47 53383 Analysis 4.26 11.83 4.07 28.90 Longhorn 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................ .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50 52737 Analysis 6.34 9.27 3.20 29.86 53018 Analysis 6.65 8.86 3.35 30.28 Longhorn 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52565 Analysis. 5.78 10.75 6.78 34.23 52597 Analysis 6.36 10.88 6.59 35.57 53017 Analysis .... .. 6.53 10.03 6.55 34.92 53384 Analysis . .. 6.14 10.23 6.70 34.39 Longhorn 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52738 Analysis 6.52 11.78 6.20 36.61 Longhorn 20% Superphosphate Guarantee ................................ .. 20.00 ........ .. 24.00 53178 Analysis . ........ .. 21.31 ........ .. 25.57 Swift & Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreve- port, La., and Houston, Texas _ Muriate of Potash 50% Guarantee .................................... .. 50.00 55 00 52422 Analysis .. 48.34 53.17 Nitrate of Soda 16% Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38.40 53328 Analysis _ ........ ._ 39.41 Swift's PH7 6-8-4 Guarantee 6.00 8.00 4.00 28.40 52424 Analysis . 5.84 8.56 4.11 28.81 52435 Analysis 5.78 8.60 4.05 28.65 52452 Analysis _ ........ .. 6.02 8.02 4.17 28.66 52461 Analysis .. 6.08 7.79 4.17 28.53 52468 Analysis 5.99 7.60 4.20 28.12 52493 Analysis 5.95 8.12 4.11 28.54 52533 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 5.97 8.09 4.51 28.55 52576 Analysis ....... .. 5.96 8.17 4.04 28.54 52583 Analysis 5.94 8.18 4.11 28.60 52607 Analysis 6.05 8.08 4.19 28.83 52628 Analysis . 5.95 8.21 4.03 28.56 52674 Analysis . .. 6.03 8.12 4.10 28.72 52696 Analysis ...... .. 6.08 8.04 4.26 28.98 52708 Analysis.. 5.82 8.14 4.17 28.33 52834 Analysis... .................. .. 6.08 7.77 4.28 28.62 52852 Analysis. ....... .. 5.94] 8.23 4.12 28.67 52914 Analysis .... .. 6.01 8.00 4.05 28.48 52922 Analysis .... .. .. 6.02 7.78 4.03 28.22 52947 Analysis. .......... .. 5.79} 8.31 4.11 28.39 40 Laboratory Number 53024 53066 53093 53135 53151 53162 53257 53293 53412 52486 52859 52867 52886 52921 53001 53067 52608 52766 52843 52906 52920 52934 52976 53044 53087 53150 53258 53294 53297 53356 53377 53404 53413 53423 52545 52577 53298 52916 52471 52546 52439 52467 52473 52519 52550 52767 52792 52797 52835 52853 52860 Table 7. Manufacturer, place 0f business and brand l iSwift & Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreve- I port, La., and Houston, Texas-Continued Swift’s PH7 6-8-4——Continued—Guarantee ...................... .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis... Analysis Swift's Raw Bone Meal Fertilizer Guarantee ................ .. Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 3-10-3 Guarantee .................................. .. Analysis Analysis.... Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis v Swift’s Red Steer 4-8-4 Guarantee ................................... .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis .............................................................................. .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis ..... .. Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 4-8-6 Guarantee ...................................... .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 4-8-10 Guarantee .................................... .. Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 4-10-0 Guarantee. .............. ..,,- .............. .. Analysis ' Swift’s Red Steer 4-10-7 Guarantee ___________________________________ _, Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 4-12-4 Guarantee ................................. .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued "é 3 5 O s: £52 .2 5.. as gas s2: ‘$2 .2. g8. S. 5.. z 3 <2 8 c? 3 > 3 l l E I l I I 6.00 8.00 4.00 28.40 5.95 7.71 4.05 27.99 5.80 7.71 4.21 27.80 6.02 8.10 4.20 28.79 6.10 7.47 4.24 28.26- 5.86 8.01 4.09 28.17 5.51 8.60 4.17 28.13 5.66 8.04 4.10 27.74 5.78 8.13 4.23 28.28- 6.06 7.85 4.11 28.48- ano *22.00 ........ .. 26.4211 3.56 *23.06 ........ .. 26.99‘ 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 3.30 10.91 2.74 24.02 3.02 10.03 3.18 22.79 2.72 9.01 3.97 21.71 3.51 11.35 2.52 24.81 3.05 10.08 3.11 22.84 2.86 10.90 3.45 23.74 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 4.00 10.00 7.00 29.30 4.26 10.62 6.18 29.76 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 4.09 11.87 4.24 28.72 3.93 11.84 4.33 28.40- 3.92 12.19 4.30 28.77 3.88 11.57 4.05 27.65 4.29 10.56 4.06 27.44 3.96 12.13 4.29 28.78- 4.06 11.86 4.04 28.41 4.01 12.18 4.08 28.73 4.29 11.31 4.22 28.51 3.94 12.22 4.04 28.56- 4.33 11.94 4.36 29.52 ‘Total phosphoric acid COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 41 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued l . ' l r2 '2 = a b V2 c 3 |.. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5‘; 5' SE‘ fig ,2 c fig g; w a4 u.» .1: w i; 3 o h u g; a. o w Q g f. 5 >= s ‘#2 a: 3 s i a: AZ l Z n. <1 n. a. l1- o. > a l _ _ l l l |Swift & Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreve- l l l l port, La., and Houston, Texasr—Continued l l l l l Swiffs Red Steer 4-12-4—Continued—Guarantee .......... ..l 4.00l 12.00l 4.00l 28.40 52866 l Analysis 4.08 11.48 4.14 28.12 52948 Analysis 3.97 11.27 4.03 27.48 53149 Analysis 4.22 10.62 4.23 27.52 53280 Analysis 4.14 13.18 3.83 29.97 53327 Analysis 4.19 11.34 4.43 28.54 53335 Analysis 4.19 10.98 4.47 28.16 53339 Analysis . ] 4.37 11.21 4 21 28.57 Swift's Red Steer 5-15-5 Guarantee .................................. ..l 5.00l 15.00 5.00 35.50 52462 Analysis | 5.08 14.58 5.12 35.32 52483 Analysis l 4.96l 14.72l 4.90l 34.95 l Swift's Red Steer 6-10-7 Guarantee .................................. ..l 6.00l 10.001 7.01M 34.10 52913 Analysis l 4.45 11.77 4.38l 29.62 ‘ Swift's Red Steer 6-9-3 Guarantee ...................................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50 .52s10 Analysis l s.15l 9.40l 3.41l 29.79 53355 l Analysis _ l 5.86 8.96 3.27l 28.41 l Swift’s Red Steer 6-10-7 Guarantee .................................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00] 34.10 53317 Analysis .. . . 6.81 34.06 Swift's Red Steer 6-12-6 Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 35.40 52421 Analysis ‘ .... .. 6.26 35.93 52429 Analysis .... .. e.5ol 36.59 52434 Analysis 6.44 35.61 52463 Analysis 6.20 36.22 52466 Analysis 6.22 35.78 52761 Analysis. 6.33 36.47 52873 Analysis 5.62 35.06 52882 Analysis 6.29 36.37 53259 Analysis l 4.98l Swift’s Red Steer 10-20-10 Guarantee .............................. ..l .' 52451 Analysis. ..... .. . 52472 Analysis . Swift's Red Steer 20% Superphosphate Guarantee ...... .. . 52868 Analysis . 52885 Analysis .............................................................................. .. . . Swift's Red Steer Tomato Grower 4-8-6 Guarantee ...... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 28.50 52629 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.69 7.89 6.13 25.71 52689 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. 4.08 7.71 6.03 25.67 52695 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. 4.23 8.00 6.04 26.39 53094 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 4.10 8.03 6.10 26.19 Swift's Red Steer Tomato Grower 6-10-7 Guarantee... 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 5.2609 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 6.00 9.98 6.65 33.70 52905 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 6.00 10.21 6.60 33.91 53045 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.95 9.18 7.15 33.17 53057 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 5.70 10.15 6.60 33.12 53340 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.90 9.97 7.25 34.10 Vigoro Guarantee . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52427 Analysis .................................................................... .. 4.41 11.70 4.52 29.59 52477 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.36 11.53 4.59 29.35 52478 Analysis ............................................................. ..l 4.37 11.06 4.50 28.71 52494 Analysis ................................................................ .. 4.39 12.12 4.35 29.87 52896 Analysis 4.33 11.13 4.14 28.30 52904 Analysis . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . __ 4.38 10.18 4.35 27.52 53419 Analysis 5.02 10.66 4.79 30.11 l l Temple Cotton Oil Company, North Little Rock. Ark. l l l I Quapaw 3-10-3 Guarantee 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 53106 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.08 9.3-3 3.06 21.96 53114 Analysis. 3.28 9.09 3.29 22.40 53449 Analysis .............................................................................. ._ 2.61 10.26 2.81 21,66 Quapaw 4-8-4 Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52690 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.02 7.73 4.04 23.37 53105 Analysis. .., 4.04 7.62 4.04 23.28 53113 Analysis ....................................................................... ..l 3.98 7.67 3.62 22.73 42 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season l937-38-—Continued l "s 8 3 b l 2 I S s Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5*; i Si‘ f; "Q a Q» 88 88s g8 15s '° 8 w? g SE 3 ‘S 5*, i; 5,; >32 Z o. <1 a. o. m c. > n. I iTemple Cotton Oil Company, North Little Rock, Ark. i i I -—Continued. E T | Quapaw 4-8-4—-Continued—Guarantee ................................ ..i 4.00| 8.00| 4.00 23.60» 53125 Analysis . I 4.02! 7.77 3.86 23.22 53448 Analysis ’ 3.761 8.37 4 27 23.76 53464 Analysis | 3.78 8.41 4 12 23.69 ) I Quapaw 4-8-6 Guarantee ....................................................... ..l 4.00 8.00| 600! 25.80 52680 Analysis. 1 4.04 8.22 5.12| 25.85 52691 Analysis .. 3.93 7.58 5.21 24.26 52692 Analysis. 4.02 7.63 6.06 25.48 53112 Analysis. 3.97 7.67 5 62 24.91 53124 Analysis ............. .. 3.99 7.65 6 03 25.39 53456 Analysis .............................................................................. J 4.02 8.37 5.73 25.99 Quapaw 640-7 Guarantee I 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 53457 Analysis ..... .. ’ 6.02 9.62 6.80 33.47 Quapaw 6-12-6 Guarantee ...................................................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35 40 52681 jknalysis l 4.90 12.04 5.34 32.08 I Texas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, Texas I Lone Star Brand 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52728 Analysis 3.22. 10.13 3.01 23.20 52911 Analysis 3.36 9.62 3.06 22.97 53324 Analysis 3.04 9.73 3.17 22.47 53380 Analysis . 3.11 10.32 3.29 23.46 Lone Star Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60" 52558 Analysis 3.89 8.23 4.45 24.12 52578 Analysis 4.04 8.11 5.57 25.56- 52701 Analysis 4.01! 7.65 4.59] 23.85 52729 Analysis 4.051 8.05 4.81] 24.67 52791 Analysis 4.11 8.02 4.63 24.57 52954 Analysis 4.08 . 7.73 3.59 23.02 52958 Analysis ........................................................ .. 3.85 7.67 4.10 22.95 52972 Analysis... 3.91 7.61 4.02 22.93 52981 Analysis ........ .. 4.24 7.98 3.66 23.79‘ 53031 Analysis ........ .. 4.02 7.52 4.09 23.17 53037 Analysis .... .. ....... .. 4.23 8.00 3.74 23.86 53163 Analysis . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . .. 4.19 8.59 4.06 24.84 53177 Analysis _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.94 7.46 4.04 22.85 53193 Analysis ..... .. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.91 7.15 3.81 22.15 53287 Analysis ..... .. . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.96 7.80 4.04 23.30" 53309 Analysis.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..| 4.06 8.19 4.17 24.16 53325 Analysis... ...| 4.08 7.67 3.90 23.28 53369 Analysis... .... .. f 4.06 8.02 3.83 23.57 53382 Analysis... . . . . . . . . . .. ..§ 4.08} 8.04 3.89 23.72 53386 Analysis... .... .. ..1 4.091 8.30 3.86 24.03 53389 Analysis... 4.22 8.09 3.82 24.04 53402 Analysis ..................................................................... .. ‘I 3.93 8.02 3.95 23.40- Lone Star Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. "i 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.801 52587 Analysis .................................................................. .. ..! 4.07 8.07 5.79 25.82 52778 Analysis... 4.09) 7.95 5.78 25.72 52806 Analysis.” 4.19 8.02 6.02 26.30 52811 Analysis... 3.88‘ 7.46 5.63 24.45 52912 Analysis... 4.15‘ 7.75 6.01 25.87 53347 Analysis..." 4.12‘ 8.00 5.83 25.90 53387 Analysis .............................................................................. ..l 3.95 7.76 6.04 25.43 Lone Star Brand 4-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. ..l 4.00‘ 10.00 7.00 29.301 53197 Analysis ............................................................... .. 4.33 10.11 6.73 29.92 Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee..... 4.00| 12.00 4.00| 28.40‘ 52559 Analysis ............................................................... .. 4.06| 12.09 4.98. 29.73 52714 Analysis..." 4.12, 11.75 4.29 28.71 52727 Analysis"... 4.10 11.76 4.05 28.41 52765 Analysis“... 4.191 11.73 4.41 28.99 52768 Analysis ..................................... .. . ..................................... 4.32} 11.91 4.22 29.30 Laboratory Number 52770 52855 52910 52946 52955 52956 53007 53038 53179 53286 53295 53333 53349 53381 52970 53379 53388 52586 52726 52764 52769 52945 52953 52974 52982 53296 53348 52736 52790 52998 53310 52715 53393 52592 52645 52709 52787 53072 53147 53430 53394 53431 52646 53322 53043 ______~______._.____€___ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—-Continued _ ____ w. 1 '2 .2 Manufacturer, place of business and brand a? "gig i: 5 8 g g3 .2 1r ‘i2 5 "55 Z n. <1 s. c. Q4 n. 1 1 1 '1 7i Texas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, Texas 1 1 1 —-Continued. 1 1 1 Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer-—Continued-— 1 1 1 Guafntlee .................................................................................. ..1 4.001 12.001 4.00 na ysis... 4.12 12.03 4.19 Analysis... 4.221 12.05 4.98 Analysis... 4.251 12.17 4.12 Analysis... 4.13 12.02 4.22 Analysis... .... .. 4.011 11.98 4.10 Analysis" ................. .. 4.341 12.02 4.01 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.121 12.141 4.11 Analysis .... .. 4.08 11.64 4.27 Analysis .... .. 3.97 12.04 4.09 2na1ysis .... .. 4.14 12.01 4.10 na ysis .... .. 4.15 12.07 4.02 Analysis... ....... .. 4.191 12.01 4.12 Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....| 3.811 11.27 3.94 Analysis ........................................................... .. 4.08 11.63 3.67 Lone Stali Brand 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .... .. 6.001 9.00 3.00 Ana ysis ............................................................. ._ 6.131 9.30 2.75 2na1ysis. 6.001 8.77 3.01 na ysis ............................................................. .. 6.10 9.03 3.18 1 Lone itarl Brand 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee... 6.001 10.00 7.00 na ysis ................................................................ .. 5.89 10.17 7.03 1 Analysis...“ 5.961 10.05 7.11 Analysis..... ....1 6.01 10.35 6.71 1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.021 10.25 7.07 1 Analysls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.8a 10.211 8.83 Analysis . . . . . . . . ..1 5.851 10.241 6.76 1 Analysis . . . . . . . . ..1 5.941 9.9a 6.90 Analysis . . . . . . . . 5.871 9.98 7.01 1 Analysis... 5.751 10.051 6.75 1 Analysis ................................................................... ..1 5.971 9.82 6.68 . Lone Star Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee... 6.001 12.00 6.00 1 inallysls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.121 12.12 6.08 1 na ysis... 6.17 11.63 5.97 Analysis ...................................................................... ..1 6.15 11.871 6.04 Lone Star Brand 10-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee... ..1 10.00 10.001 ........ .. Analysis .............................................................................. 9.541 10.391 ........ .. . 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Tri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Company, Shreveport, La. 1 1 1 Red Diamond 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... 3.001 10.001 3,00 Analysis ..................... .. 3.54 10.42 3.9" Analysis .......................................................... .. .1 3.911 11.041 4.88 Red Diamond 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ ..1 4.001 8.001 4.00 Analysis ........................................................ ._ 4.24 8.65 4,73‘ infiysis.“ 4.36 8.96 4.47 n3 YSISW 4.70 8.37 4.59 Analysis... 4.301 7.601 4.17 Analysis... 4.42 9.051 4.46 gnallysis... .... .. 1.‘ 5.16‘ 9.051 4.45 na ysis .................................................. .. 4.14 8.57 3.27 Red Diamond 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee. ...1 4.001 8.001 6.00 Analysis ....................................................... .. ....1 6.621 10.771 5.91 Red Diamond 4-8-10 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... ._ ,___1 4.001 8,001 10,00 Analysis ....................................................... .. 4.081 8.531 10,06 Red Diamond 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee... 4.001 12.001 4.00 AHalYSviS .......................................................... .. ....1 4.551 11.46 5.27 Red Diamond 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee. ...1 6.00 8.00 4.00 Analysis ....................................................... .. ._._1 6.75 7.071 4.97 Red Diamond 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee. ....1 6.001 10.001 7.00 Analysis ................ .......................................................... ..1 6.741 10.001 7.15 43 Valuation found, per ton 28.40 28.94 30.07 29.33 28.97 28.51 29.25 28.98" 28.46 28.48‘ 28.86 28.86 29.00 26.99 27.79 28.50 28.90 28.23 28.98 34.10 34.07 34.18 34.22 34.53 33.75 33.77 33.80 33.78 33.29‘ 33.03 35.40 35.92 35.34 35.64 36.00 35.37 22.501 25.27 27.94 22.80 25.76 28.12 28.87 24.03 28.38 28.14. 23.82‘ 25.80 35.21 30.20 31.10 28.401 30.47 28.40 30.15 34.10» 25.05. .44 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season l937-38—Continued 2' E‘ o s s :2 E- 03 c .8 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business and brand fig 3 S}; f; ,2 i as 9s sis s s as O p, "" m w‘ S ‘.3 5 s a: 52 s ‘a s: H a .42 Z a <1 a n. a. o. > n. Tyler Fertilizer Company, Tyler, Texas. Heart Brand Fertilizer No. 4-8-4 Guarantee .................. .. 23.60 52817 Analysis 23.63 53353 Analysis 23.43 Heart Brand Fertilizer N . 4-8-6 Guarantee .................. .. 25.80 52816 Analysis _ 27.08 53029 ‘ Analysis - Heart Brand Fertilizer No. 6-9-3 Guarantee .................. .. 52815 Analysis ------ -- Heart Brand Fertilizer N0. 6-10-7 Guarantee .................. .. 52623 Analysis 52823 Analysis. Heart Brand Fertilizer No. 6-12-6 Guarantee ................ .. 52624 Analysis Heart Brand Fertilizer No. 10-0-10 Guarantee .............. .. 53354 Analysis United Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas King Cotton Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .......................... .. . 23.60 53068 Analysis _____ .. . 24.07 53084 Analysis . 24.91 53176 Analysis . 25.06 53299 Analysis . 23.22 53357 Analyst: . 24.61 53398 Analysis . 24.66 53438 Analysis .. . 24.36 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee ...................... .. . 22.50 52977 Analysis .. .. . . 23.26 53003 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. .06 22.19 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .......................... .. .00] 23.60 52643 Analysis ....... .. .02] 24.04 52657 Analysis....................... 4.21i 25.07 52665 Analysis... 4.17] 24.48 52740 Analysis 4.12 | 24.08 52773 Analysis. 4.18 24.48 52793 Analysis ........... .. 4.02 23.25 52796 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.02 23.75 52978 Analysis ........ .. 4.14 23.99 53010 Analysis... 4.17 24.43 53157 Analysis ..... .. 4.07 23.42 53432 Analysis .............................................................. .. 4.04 23.84 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 4-8-10 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 30.20 52918 Analysis 4.24 30.10 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 28.40 52739 Analysis ..................................................... .. 4.121 29.33 52772 Analysis.... 4.16} 28.90 52847 Analysis... 4.14 28.87 53158 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.08 28.62 53161 Analysis..... 4.09 28.64 53206 Analysis..... 4.19 28.87 53214 Analysis ............................................................ .. 4.29 28.89 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 6-8-4 Guarantee ...... .. 6.00 28.40 53039 Analysis ............................................................ .. 5.91 28.52 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee .... .. 6.00 34.10 52771 Analysis ........................................... .. 6.22 32,63 52919 Analysis . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ __ 5,95 34,25 53009 Analysis ......................................................... _. 6.02 34,63 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 10-0-10 Guarantee... 10.00 ‘ 35.00 53313 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 10. 36.39 Sunset Brand Fertilizer “Truck and Fruit Special" 4-8-6 Guarantee ................................................................. __ l 25,80 52656 Analysis... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ __ ' 26,53 52664 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 5i 26.20 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 45 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38—Continued r~ I 1 _ i 1 1 E. 1 ' 3 E ~ '44 .»_ _ 1 1 . B k Manufacturer, place 0f business and brand 1 f)" 1-—~ E“ s’ g _ s s ~15 ‘ii-s 5 5.6 e ‘i 3Q o o g g1 o o g g3- f, 5 E g; ‘E g a; 1; s “a 1; 1J2 1 Z o. <11 n. o. 1 0.9-1 > n. 1 _ 1 1 1 1 iUnited Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas—Continued. 1 1 I 1 1 Sunset Brand Fertilizer “Truck and Fruit Special" I 1 1 1 I 4-8-6-—Continued—- Guarantee ........................................ .. 1' 4.001 3.001 6-001 52-39‘ 52679 Analysis _ _. I 4.08 8.11 5.40 25.46 52848 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4.11 8-34 5-74 26-18: 53040 Analysis.. ...... .. 4.01 7.85 6.32 25.99 53069 Analysis ........................................................................... .. 4.19 7.32 5-57 25-53 53070 Analysis 4.02 8.16 6.21 26.27 53083 Analysis 4.04 8.35 5.73 26.02 “United Plantfood” 0-12-4 “Rice Special” Guarantee... ........ .. 12.00 4.00 18.80 53222 Analysis . ........ .. 12.41 4.75 20.12 "United Plantfood" Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee .......... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 22.50 52699 An ysis .......................................................................... .. 3.27 9.84 3-17 23-15 “United Plantfood" Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee ............ .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 23.60 52630 Analysis 4.02 8.13 4.22 24.05 52641 Analysis 3.94 8.49 4.18 24.25 52758 Analysis 4.01 7.93 4.04 23.58 52795 Analysis 4.12 8.28 4.06 24.30- 53002 Analysis 4.09 8.46 4.08 24.46 53027 Analysis ............... .. 4.08 7.92 4.03 23-78 53052 Analysis ..... .. . 4.11 7.93 4.21 24.01 574061 1 Analysis _____________________________________________________________________________ ._1 4.29 8.041 4.101 24.26 53401 Analysis _________________ __ 4.10 8.26 4.24 24.41 53414 Analysis 4.01 8.09 4.18 23.93- 53458 Analysis .. 4.19 8.80 4.00 25.02 “United Plantfood” Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 52700 1 Analysis _____ __ 1 4.2 1 12.021 4.101 20.11 52779 Analysis .......... .. 1 4.15 12.01 4.04 28.81 52822 Analysis .... .. . 4.32 11.47 4.18 28.73 52856 Analysis ................. .. 4.21 12.26 4.18 29.41 52863 Analysis... 4.17 11.73 4.38 28.91 52872 Analysis... . 4.17 11.68 4.37 28.84- 52962 Analysis ......... .. 4.20 12.13 3.73 28.74 53212 Analysis 4.26 12.01 4.35 29.42 53279 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. 4.10 12.17 4.26 29.13 53285 Analysis ........ .. 4.24 12.45 4.28 29.83 53300 Analysis 4.26 12.39 4.20 29.71 “United Plantfood” 4-12-4 “Rice Special” Guarantee... 4.00 12.00 4.001 28.40 53218 Analysis . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. _. 4.32 12.08 3.82 29.07 “United Plantfood” Fertilizer 6-9-3 Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50» 53358 Analysis ...... .. . 6.17 9.08 3.17 29.20 53397 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 6.08 8.73 3.20 28.59 “United Plantfood" Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52936 Analysis .. . 6.35 .9.97 7.14 35.05 53062 Analysis " 6.25 10.00 6.59 34.25 “United Plantfood” Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40“ 52595 Analysis 6.36 12.33 5.62 36.24 52757 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.26 11.84 6.27 36.13 52839 Analysis ..................... .. 6.08 12.18 5.88 35.68- 53051 Analysis ......... .. 6.05 11.36 6.16 34.93 53415 Analysis ........... .. 6.32 11.83 5.54 35.46- “United Plantfood” Fertilizer “Rice Special” 4-10-0 Guarantee . 4.00 10.00 ........ .. 21.601 53219 Analysis _ _ 2233 53239 Analysis 2234 “United Plantfood” Fertilizer Rice Special” 4-10-7 Guarantee 4.00 10.00 7.00 29.30 52833 _ Analysis . 4.17 9.87 7.18 29.75» I “United Plantfood” Fertilizer Truck and Fruit v 1 Special. 4-8-6 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 6.00 25.80 52631 Analysi“ 4.10 8.54 5.75 26.42 53119 AnalYd“ 4.08 7.89 5.80 25.64 53275 1 Analysis ................. .......................................................... .. 4.19 8.07 5.46 25.75- 46 BULLETIN NO. 553, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season l937-38-—-Continued P } _ F; E o :1 d .2 E .2 c 3 1.. Manufacturer, place of business and brand f)‘; f: '5‘; f‘; ,2 g QB bu» Q4: a.» .5 a: {if B o O O z g1 O W U 5 ‘$5 5 a: 92 a: *3 a: R s: AZ , Z c. < a o. n. c. > a I ' _ _ I l I l |Unit~i Chew val Companv. Dallas. T9X3S—-C0'\tlfl\l9£l. \ > E "United Plantfood” 18% Superphosphate Guarantee... 52935 Analysis _ . 53284 Analysis .. “United Plantfood” 20% Superphosphate Guarantee... .. 52640 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, La. Kainit 20% Guarantee ....... .. 52549 Analysis .. 53269 Analysis... .... .. V-C Blood, Bone and Potash Guarantee .......................... .. 52747 Analysis ‘ 53164 Analysis 53168 Analysis 53396 Analysis .... .. 53403 Analysis V-C Fertilizers 3-10-3 Guarantee ........................................ .. 53004 Analysis V-C Fertilizers 4-8-4 Guarantee .......................................... .. 52530 Analysis 52639 Analysis 52655 Analysis 52687 Analysis 52693 Analysis 52732 Analysis 52961 Analysis 52983 Analysis 53110 Analysis. 53169 Analysis... 53186 Analysis 53263 Analysis... .... .. 53314 Analysis ....... .. 53331 Analysis 53352 Analysis 53360 Analysis V-C Fertilizers 4-8-6 Guarantee .......................................... .. 52684 Analysis 52694 Analysis..- 53026 Analysis , 53085 Analysis , 53123 Analysis . . 58144 Analysis . . 53267 Analysis _ , 53359 Analysis _ _ 53453 Analysis _ _ V-C Fertilizers 4-12-4 Guarantee. ............... ..'. ................... .. . . 52548 Analysis , _ 52717 Analysis _ _ 52743 Analysis 12.50 4.11 29.50 52731 Analyfli‘ 12.68 4.04 29.84 52805 Analysis 12.68 4.55 30.33 53122 Analysis 12.45 4.39 29.83 53153 Ahalyflifi 11.74 4.59 29.17 53265 Analysis 12.80 4.40 29.92 53330 Analysis 13.07 4.02 29.87 53395 Allfllyfifi 12.40 4.41 29.38 V-C Fertilizers 6-8-4 Guarantee .......................................... __ 8.00 4,00 28.40 53143 AHa-lyfii‘ 8.19 4.30 29.10 V-C Fertilizers 6-9-3 Guarantee ......................................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 28.50 53025 Analysis 5.91 9.53 3.27 29.22 53111 Analysis 5.77 9.44 3.32 28.83 53454 511811781‘! 5.83 9.68 3.84! 29.83 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1937-38 47 Table 7. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1937-38--Continued _ .. .._ , . .._..__ -_...___{_. _. ...>:._._.v....__... r2‘ '2 = E i? “.2 c 1.3 Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5Q 3 SE‘ jg ,2 c ° °° u; o cs-Q o £1 o ** Q *2 s 2 o g: g. o g 0 go = "‘ -*= a: ‘iii a: *6 a: i s: Z 3 Z a <1 a n. 0-1 n. > o. . . . . . . l l l Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation. Shreveport, La. I ] —Continued. | i V-C Fertilizers 6-10-7 Guarantee ........................................ .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52460 Analysis . 6.05 10.19 7.38 34.87 52594 Analyd‘ 6.04 10.82 6.64 34.78 52602 Alla-UN“ 6.29 10.00 7.45 35.30 52750 Analysis ............... .. 6.03 10.30 7.31 34.87 52782 Analyeie 6.28 10.02 7.25 35.07 52975 Analyaiq 6.02 10.22 7.26 34.70 V-C Fertilizers 6-12-6 Guarantee ........................................ .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52459 Analyqia . 6.05 12.00 6.47 36.04 52718 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 5.96 11.28 6.58 35.08 V-C Big Giant Crop Grower Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 35.40 52711 Analyqia 5.68 11.04 6.06 33.55 V-C Champion Crop Grower Guarantee. ....................... .. 4.00 10.00 7.00 29.30 52534 Analyeifl 4.32 10.91 7.74 31.97 V-C Fruit and Truck Special Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 34.10 52710 Analyeia 6.18 10.35 7.09 35.05 V-C Indian Brand Fertilizer Guarantee. ....................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.40 53165 Analyaia . . . . V-C Potato Special Guarantee. ........................................ .. 52.528 Analyaie 53015 Analysis 53088 Analyqie 53266 Analyeis 53440 Analyeie 53467 Analyeiq V-C Prolific Cotton Grower Guarantee..........-................ 52529 Analysis . 53264 Analyflia V-C Truckers Special Guarantem ......................... ..- 52535 Analysis 52675 Analyfliq 53016 Analyeifl V-C Super 25 Fertilizer Guarantee..................................... 52458 Analyeiq V-C Super 40 Fertilizer Guaranbee......._....................-........ 53005 Analyeifl . V-C 18% Superphosphate Guarantee. ........................... .. 53268 Analyfm