HQK.DKHIIUHQ CAMPUS . A95-239-12M-L180 TEXAS AGRICULIURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BULLETIN NO. 573 MARCH 1939 DIVISION OF AGRONOMY The Control of Cotton Root Rot in the %Blacl< 00 00 00 00 .00 E 2 B 0m mm 00 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 .EE_0§ c0300 mm mw wv a om om m ww m Du ow 300 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300 .500 c0300 H309» m 5 00cc c0300 £@ -¢ -.- -- . - - . .. .- - - -. - . -» .¢-¢u¢- .--u=-u nwnoaolnuouuoowmkv>< 0m mm m» mm 00 00 8 mm 3 2 m0 3cm . . . . . . . . 00cm c0300 .3. m0 00 P. 2w 00 00 3 00 E 00 6.5008 . . . . .8338 c0300 00 m0 00 3 00 0m N0 mm. m3 mm 00H 300 . . . . . . . .300 c0300 00 E 2. 0m >0 m0 0m 3 3 mm :0 E8 . . . . . . . . .58 50:00 , 5.80% m E 00c0 c0300 1@ .v--. -. . - . - - . - - - - - . - . ' - -. . .-.u-.--¢. --¢.- -u.-¢- -n-Qno0o--¢-¢-¢o¢n-¢¢.-®w@-M®>< m0 N“. m“ 00 5 hm 00 00 0m 3m $0 30:3 . . . . . . . . . . .3210“ c0300 c0300 R0 8 00 0m c0 fin m0 E 00 00 00 c0300 . . . . . . . . . . .3023 c0300 c0300 C. E m0 g 00 00 31m 0m 0 0m R. 300 . . . . . . . . 1300 60300 c0300 i. m0 8 00 003 N0 mm 0» 00 0m m... c0300 . . . . . . . . . . Z300 c0300 .c0300 “£00m m c3 001,3 c0300 R0 00 00 hm 8 0m 0N N0 0N 0m 00 c0300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c0300 wc0cc3c00 0mmc0>< 0Q: 002 002 002 N02 $2 0m0c0>< 0Q: 0Q: 0N2 Q20 E039? mcEQEU 0020c c0333 0330mm 0010c cofifiocécm mcorécm wm-wwmw .0350? 3a 0508.20 05000.6 00.3 comaom .30 0:0 3n 30.- 300.- 503.00 .30 003.6200 0059i}.- 035a CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 15 various soil areas used for different crop treatments in this study varied as to productiveness and as to the prevalence of root rot. At the beginning of these experiments two continuously cropped areas were provided, one on Houston clay soil and the other on deep Houston black clay soil. These areas were located on opposite sides of the farm and varied widely in productiveness. This difference in productiveness was associated with differences in soil type and land slope. Most of the rotated areas were located on soils with varying degrees of similarity to the check areas and the yields of the individual areas under rotation have tended to parallel most closely the yields of the continuously cropped areas to which they were most similar in soil type and land slope. The yields observed in this experiment were influenced by (a) original differ- ences in soil fertility and the prevalence of root rot and (b) the cropping systems used. In this report the results secured on the more productive continuously cropped area located on deep Houston black clay have been used as the basis of comparing the results secured on other areas. To eliminate as far as possible the effect of original variations, the observed yields on each rotated area were adjusted by ratios obtained by dividing the average yields in the pre-rotation period, 1928 to 1930, by the cor- responding figure for the continuously cropped area. The averages for the rotation period 1931 to 1936 "were divided by their respective ratios to obtain the “adjusted averages,” which represent approximately the effect of the cropping system itself on the results. Similar adjustments were also made for root rot percentages in cases where comparisons were made between areas that originally varied widely as to the prevalence of root rot. , The results secured from the various cropping systems are presented under the two classes of crops grown: (a) cotton, which is susceptible toroot rot, and (b) the feed crops—corn, sorghum, and oats—which are immune to the disease. In discussing the information secured on cotton, attention is given first to the losses of cotton stands caused by root rot in the various cropping systems. The relationship of the frequency with which cotton was planted in each cropping system to the cotton yields secured and the root-rot losses sustained are then discussed. Attention is also given to the influence on the yield of cotton of the crop practices im- mediately preceding cotton in the rotation. The discussion on the non- susceptible crops gives consideration to the effect of the frequency with which each crop is grown in the rotation on the yield of that crop. Some information is also presented on the effect of the preceding crop practice on the yield of oats. Results Secured ‘with Cotton Root-rot losses to cotton stands. The percentages of loss to cotton stands caused by root rot in the various cropping systems are presented in Table 1. In this table the information on the percentages of root rot are grouped under five types of cropping system, as follows: (a) con- tinuous cotton, or cotton every year, (b) cotton twice in three years, or 16 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 2/ 3 of the time, (c) cotton once in two years, 0r 1/2 of the time, (d) cotton once in three years, or 1/ 3 of the time, and (e) cotton once in four years, ‘or 1/4 of the time. As may be learned from the column headed “Cropping Systems” in Table 1, corn, sorghum, oats, guar, or fallow was used in the years cotton was not grown. Corn, sorghum, and oats are immune to the root-rot disease, and guar is highly resistant. There was never a very wide variety or a close stand of root-rot susceptible weeds on the area used in the experiment. Also the cultural practices used were such as to control weeds on the areas used in the rotations, and during the year fallow was practiced, the land was plowed at regular intervals to destroy all plant growth. By 1931 all of the rotations had completed their first cycle and were all fully effective during the same year for the first time. By the end of 1936, these rotations had been effective. for six years, so that the average root-rot percentages for the period, 1931 through 1936, show the effect of each rotation on the control of the cotton ‘root-rot disease. During this period an average of 67 per cent of the cotton plants on the continuous cotton area were killed by root rot, as shown in Table 1, while on the areas planted to cotton 2/3, 1/2, 1/ 3, and 1/4 of the time, the average root-rot percentages were 69, 63, 46, 25, respectively. These percentages show that the severity of root rot was not reduced until cotton was withheld from the land for at least two years; and after that the reduction was greater the less frequently cotton was grown. In the 11-year rota- tion of cotton, corn, sorghum, and oats where cotton was planted only 1/4 of the time, marked control of the disease was secured. Also an inspection of the annual averagenpercentages of root rot on the continuous cotton and the 4-year rotations given in Table 1 shows that the control obtained by planting cotton 1/4 of the time was consistent from year to year. From this table it may be seen that the stand losses from root rot on the con- tinuous cotton area during 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, and 1936, re- spectively, were 17, 25, 35, 45, 64, and 67 percent higher than on the 4-year rotation. Elfect of frequency of cotton in rotation on the yield of cotton. The most frequent use of cotton was on the continuous cotton area, where cotton was grown every year. The next most frequent use of cotton was in the 3-year rotations in which cotton was planted 2/ 3 of the time. In other types of rotations, cotton was grown 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 of the time. The cotton yields for each of the cropping systems and the average yields for each type of cropping system are given in Table 2 for the effective rotation periods. From this table it may be seen that cotton yielded at the average rate of 237, 258, 272, 300, and 324 pounds of lint per acre, respectively, in the cropping systems in which cotton was planted all, 2/3, 1/2, 1/ 3 and 1/4 of the time. From these yields it is seen that, when compared with continuous cotton, the rotations used in this experiment progressively increased the yield of cotton the less frequently this crop was grown.~ CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 17 It is also evident that the most outstanding increases in the yield of cotton were secured in the rotations in which cotton was used only 1/ 3 and 1/4 of the time and in which the severity of root rot was reduced. Both the greatest increase in yield and the greatest reduction in severity of root rot were secured in the rotation using cotton only 1/4 of the time. Table Zr-Average yield in pounds of lint cotton per acre for cropping systems at Temple, 193136 _ Adjusted Prevlous average Cropping systems crop 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 Average yield 1931-36 Continuous cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. cotton 293 320 249 264 150 148 237 237 Cotton twice in 3 year's: Cotton, cotton, oats . . . . . . . . . . . . cotton 283 168 223 182 35 102 166 210 Cotton, cotton, oats . . . . . . . . . . .. oats 310 263 259 193 140 279 241 298 Cotton, cotton, fallow . . . . . . . . .. cotton 337 245 230 245 104 279 240 267 Cotton, cotton, fallow . . . . . . . . .. fallow 341 157 352 211 175 210 241 256 Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 258 Cotton once in 2 years: Cotton, corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . corn 327 219 335 297 160 350 281 302 Cotton, oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oats 189 262 286 222 132 220 218 260 Cotton, sorghum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. sorghum 133 179 302 256 108 211 198 230 Cotton, guar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . guar 292 269 327 288 203 333 285 294 Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 272 Cotton once in 3 years: Cotton, corn, oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . oats 288 200 294 188 256 240 244 294 Cotton, sorghum, oats . . . . . . . . .. oats 368 275 358 251 216 216 281 305 Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 300 Cotton once in 4 years: Cotton, corn, sorghum, oats. . . . oats 313 260 370 240 222 306 285 324 However, small increases in yield were also secured in the rotation in which cotton was used as frequently as 2/3 and 1/2 of the time. This suggests that factors other than the control of root rot also contributed to the increased yields obtained on the rotated areas. The influences of the crop practices immediately preceding cotton were factors affecting the yield. Eifect of preceding crop practices on the yield of cotton. The effects of the crop practices immediately preceding cotton are indicated by the results secured from the 2-year rotations in which cotton followed corn, oats, sorghum and guar in different rotations. The average adjusted yields of cotton following these crops compared with the average of continuous cotton are taken from Table 2 and reproduced in Table 3 together with the corresponding adjusted root-rot percentages. Adjusted averages and root-rot percentages are used so as to eliminate as far as possible the original differences in soil fertility and the prevalence of root rot between these areas and thereby clarify the influence of preceding crop practices. As previously pointed out, in the rotations in which cotton was planted as frequently as once every two years, root rot was not consistently re- 18 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION duced. However, the yield of cotton in these rotations was affected by the preceding crop practices. The yield of cotton following corn during the 1931-36 period was higher than the yield of continuous cotton. Cotton following corn yielded 302 pounds of lint per acre compared with 237 for continuous cotton. The increased yield of cotton following corn compared with continuous cotton in these experiments was probably caused by several factors. For one thing, the corn plant is of determinate growth and probably takes little or no plant nutrient from the soil after it matures late in the summer, while cotton often continues to make some growth until frost. Also, as the corn matured, weeds and grass frequently made con- siderable growth which, in these experiments, was turned under as green manure. Another factor that tended to increase cotton yields in this 2-year rotation was the early preparation of the land for cotton. Where cotton followed corn, fall plowing was accomplished from one to two months earlier than was practical where cotton followed cotton. These conditions all tended to increase the plant nutrients and soil moisture available for starting the cotton crop following corn. Table 3.——Adjusted average cotton yields and root-rot percentages for continuous cotton and cotton in 2-year rotations preceded by corn, oats, sorghum, and guar, respectively, 1931-36 _ Adjusted Adjusted Preceding crop pounds of Average lint per acre root-rot percentages Continuous cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 67 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 81 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 65 Sorghum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 67 uar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 294 63 Similar opportunities to increase the yield of the following cotton crop existed on the oat stubble land. Apparently these opportunities were only‘partially realized in these experiments, since cotton following oats gave a yield intermediate between the yield of cotton following corn and continuous cotton. The yield of cotton following oats was 260 pounds of lint per acre as compared with 302 following corn and 237 for con- tinuous cotton. After the oats were harvested, clean fallow was main- tained throughout the summer with the expectation of eradicating weeds, some of which are carriers of root rot. This emphasis on clean fallow precluded the production of a natural green manure crop and probably accounts for the relatively lower yields of cotton following oats compared with- cotton following corn. Cotton yields following sorghums in the Temple experiments were more satisfactory than are ordinarily obtained by Blackland farmers. In this experiment, cotton following sorghum yielded 230 pounds of lint per acre as compared with 237 pounds for continuous cotton. These yields are not significantly different and it may be said that cotton following sorghum yielded as well as continuous cotton. The difference in handling the CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 19» sorghum stubble in these experiments compared with the usual procedure followed by the farmers may account in part for the results secured. In these tests the sorghum stubble was destroyed by plowing as soon after harvesting the first crop as was practical. This was ordinarily accom- plished prior to September 1. This early preparation of the sorghum stubble land provided a rather long period for the decomposition of the stubble material prior to planting the following cotton crop. Ordinarily farmers are late in plowing their stubble land and quite frequently they harvest a second cutting of sorghum. As a result of this practice, the sorghum stubble often stands until frost without being turned under. Cotton planted on sorghum land handled in this manner usually yields- less than continuous cotton, no doubt partially due to the depletion of avail- able soil moisture and nitrogen at cotton planting time. From the results presented in_ Table 3, it may be seen that cotton fol- lowing guar yielded 294 pounds of lint per acre as compared with 302. pounds following corn and 237 pounds from continuous cotton. While the yield of cotton following guar was much higher than the yield of con- tinuous cotton, it is surprising that the yield was not also higher than for cotton following corn. It is normally expected that the yield of cotton following a legume, such as guar, will exceed that of cotton following a non-leguminous crop, such as corn. However, repeated examination dur- ing the summers of 1935 and 1936 showed the roots of guar to be prac- tically devoid of nodules, so that these crops most likely obtained very little nitrogen from the air and therefore added little or no nitrogen to the soil from this source. Also in most years the, guar was harvested and removed from the land and only a limited amount of the crop residues plowed under. Under different crop management where inoculation of the legume is provided and the entire crop turned under as green manure, higher yields of cotton following a legume might be expected. Results Secured with Non-Susceptible Crops The records from these tests furnish information for corn, sorghum, and oats as to the effect of frequency with which each crop was included in the rotation on the yield of the individual crop. In the case of oats, records are also available on the effect of the preceding crop practices. Yield records on guar are incomplete and for this reason were not used in this analysis. The 1931-36 average yields of corn, sorghum, and oats adjusted to eliminate original variation are given in Table 4 for the various cropping systems. ' Effect of cropping systems on the yield of corn. From the records presented in Table 4, it may be seen that corn grown in rotation with other crops during the period 1931-36 yielded an average of 29 bushels of shelled corn per acre, while corn grown continuously on the same land produced only 22.7 bushels. This is a difference of 6.3 bushels, or 28 per cent, in favor of rotation. It is evident that the frequency with which corn was grown in the rotation had little or no effect on the yield of corn. 20 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Corn grown every other year yielded justias much as corn grown only every fourth year. i Table 4.—Effect of frequency of use in the rotation on the yield per acre of corn, sorghum, and oats, 1931-36 Corn Sorghum Time in each crop shelled, Oats, bushels Grain, bu. Forage, tons bushels Continuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.7 24.2 2.82 32.1 One-half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.1 31.2 3.95 32.5 One-third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.9 26.7 3.93 31.1 One-fourth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.1 33.6 4.58 incomplete I’ . record Rotation average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.0 30.5 4.15 31.8 Effect of cropping systems on the yield of sorghum. Sorghum under rotation gave somewhat higher yields than continuous sorghum. Darso was the sorghum variety grown in these tests from 1931 through 1936. As shown in Table 4 darso grown in rotation with other crops produced 6.3 bushels of grain and 1.3 tons of cured forage more per acre than when grown continuously on the same land. Part of these differences in the yield of sorghum were probably due to the sorghum disease, Phthium orrhenomanes. This disease was prevalent on the continuously cropped and rotated areas in 1937, and the comparatively low yields recorded for the continuously cropped area in 1935 and 1936 may have been due in part to this disease. There appeared to be only a slight tendency for the grain yields to increase the less frequently darso was grown. There was, however, an increase in the yield of forage from darso grown only once every four years compared with darso grown every other year. Darso grown only once every four years produced 4.58 tons of forage per acre as compared with 3.95 tons when grown every other year. Effect of cropping systems on the yield of oats. The average yield of oats in rotation, as shown in Table 4, was 31.8 bushels per acre as com‘- pared with 32.1 for continuous oats. From these records, it is apparent that there was no significantdifference in the yield of oats on the rotated and non-rotated areas and that the frequency with which oats was used did not affect the yields. Elfect of the preceding crop practices on the yield of oats. The pre-v ceding crop practices, however, did affect the yield of oats, as shown in Table 5. The influence of the previous crop on the yield of oats in these tests was closely associated with the condition of the seed bed at the time of sowing oats, except in the case where sorghum was the previous crop. The highest yields of oats were obtained by sowing on cotton stalk land CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 2L which furnished a .clean, firm seed bed. Oats following oats were sown on a moderately loose seed bed, while oats following corn were sown on a very loose seed bed. To prepare corn land for fall seeding of oats, it was necessary to plow the land at least 3 1/2 to 4 inches deep to turn under the vegetative litter present on the corn land. Both the plowing operations and also the vegetation plowed under resulted in a loose seed bed. The decomposition of the vegetative litter probably also deprived the growing oat crop of considerable nitrogen during the early growth of the crop. Sorghum probably leaves the soil temporarily depleted in both soil moisture and available nitrogen. The interval between the sorghum and oat crop was usually too short to permit the normal activities of soil organisms and weather to correct this condition. The detrimental effects of the sorghum on the following oat crop were most evident in seasons when seed bed preparation for oats was either delayed or omitted. The difliculty of following oats after sorghum was largely responsible for the failure to secure complete records for oats in the 4-year rotation in Table 4. , Table 5.—Efl'ect of preceding crop practices on the yield of oats, 1931-36 Acre yield, Preceding crop bushels_ of grain Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.2 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. 1 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0 Sorghum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 .3 Conclusions from Current Rotations at Temple Although cotton root rot was not eradicated, its severity was reduced in those rotations providing at least a two-year non-susceptible crop period between cotton crops under the conditions of a scattered stand of weeds that carry root rot. Marked and consistent reduction in severity of the disease was obtained in rotations using cotton only 1/4 of the time. All the rotations used increased the yield of cotton whether they. re- duced the severity of root rot or not. Cotton yields were progressively increased the less frequently cotton was grown in the rotation and the major increases in cotton yields were closely associated with the degree to which root rot infestation was reduced. Outstanding increases in yield of rotated cotton over that of continuous cotton were secured in rotations in which cotton was grown only 1/4 of the time. Factors other than the reduction of cotton root rot contributed to in- creases in cotton yields secured by rotation. The other factors contribut- ing to increased cotton yields in these rotations apparently were associated with the management of the crop immediately preceding cotton. In these 22 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION experiments, cotton yields were increased most when preceded by corn, guar, and oats, in the order named. Under the crop management used in these experiments, sorghum did not decrease the yield of cotton when it preceded cotton. Rotation with other crops increased the yield of corn and sorghum when compared with continuous growing of these crops. However, non- rotated oats made yields just as high as did rotated oats. The frequency with which corn and sorghum were grown in the rota- tion had very little effect on their yields. The preceding crop practices affected the yield of oats and the highest yields were obtained when the preceding crop provided a clean, firm seed bed for oats. Oats preceded by cotton produced the highest yields, while oats preceded by sorghum made the lowest yield. Practical Uses of Rotations From a review of the rotation experiments conducted in the Blacklands prior to 1928 and from an analysis of the current experiments at Temple, it is evident that the factors essential to the control of root rot by crop rotation originally recommended by the Experiment Station have been con- firmed and redemonstrated. These recommendations, in brief, were: (a) eradicate root-rot susceptible weeds, (b) follow cotton by three years of non- suscepible crops for effective root-rot control and marked increases in cotton yields._ These recommendations have stood the test of time and are now, nearly fifty years after they were first made, the most practical means of controlling root rot under field conditions in the Blacklands. Eradication of susceptible weeds. The eradication of susceptible weeds is a prerequisite to the control of cotton root rot by crop rotations. Cer- tain perennial weeds may persist on the land whether the crops are rotated -or not, and the rotation of crops may have only an indirect influence upon their eradication by using crops such as sorghum that tend to smother the Weeds or by making the land available for cultural operations at unusual times of the year. Continuous cotton land is never available for summer plowing; so certain types of weeds become prevalent, while summer or early fall plowing to destroy these weeds may be accomplished following the harvest of almost any of the non-susceptible crops (47). The management of the individual kinds of crops grown, and not the rotation used, largely determines the extent to which susceptible weeds may be controlled. Thorough and sustained cultivation is the most ef- fective means of eradicating weeds. Where sheep are available, they may often be used to considerable advantage in controlling weeds. Flexible uses of non-susceptible crops. In addition to eradicating root-rot susceptible weeds from his field, the farmer also has to meet the requirements of rotations designed to control root rot. The rotation used by any individual Blackland farmer is naturally influenced by the restricted number of non-susceptible crops he grows. 1 l CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 23 Varieties of corn and sorghum adapted to almost any conditions found in the Blackland region are available and corn particularly is exten- sively grown. Many excellent varieties of sorghum are available but some of them are of more recent distribution and the value of sorghum is not fully appreciated by many farmers of the region. Grain sorghums are grown‘ most extensively on those Blackland farms and in the sections where corn is likely t0 suffer from droughts. The varieties of wheat and oats now in use by Blackland farmers are susceptible to leaf and stem rust and are extensively planted only in those sections and on those soils of the region where serious damage from rust is less likely to occur. Individual farmers throughout the Blacklands have not only eradicated susceptible weeds on their land, but also have grown sufficient acreages and kinds of non-susceptible crops to permit the extensive use of rotations in which cotton is grown as infrequently as 1/4 of the time. Where such practices have been followed over long periods, root-rot infestations are of minor importance and cotton yields are comparatively high. But most Blackland farmers, although they rotate their crops, do not provide in- tervals of sufficient duration between cotton crops to effect root-rot control. In some cases this may have been because the farmer has not understood the principal features of a rotation designed to control root rot or because he has not visualized the elasticity of the non-susceptible crop schedule recommended to him. In the past the word “rotation” when applied to cropping systems has ordinarily meant “equal acreages of dif- ferent crops grown in a definite sequence or fixed order.” In conducting formal crop rotation experiments this definition of the word “rotation” has been used so as to simplify the prosecution and interpretation of the experiments. However, in the following discussion of the application of these results to conditions of Blackland farmers, the word “rotation” is used to mean “the recurrent interruptions of cotton growing or other root- rot susceptible crops on any particular piece of land by one or more years of root-rot immune crops, independent of the kinds, acreages, or sequence of these crops.” From the standpoint of root-rot control, the principal feature of a rotation is the number of years between cotton or other sus- ceptible crops on the same piece of land. If material reduction in the prevalence of the disease is to be expected, the land in question should be free of cotton and all other root-rot susceptible plants, both wild and cultivated, for three years. During the three-year non-susceptible plant period any number, kinds, or acreages of cultivated grasses such as corn, sorghum, oats, wheat, barley, sudan grass, and millet may be planted in any order or combina- tion desired. Also wild grasses may be permitted to grow in these crops without materially affecting the degree of root-rot control. The non- susceptible crop schedule on any particular piece of land may be as elastic as the crop adaptation of the land and the tolerance of the crop to be planted to the crop that preceded it will permit. Within these limitations, which are independent of root-rot control, the farmer may 24 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION select the kinds and acreages of non-susceptible crops he islto plant 0n any portion of his farm from year to year and on the basis of the prob- able market demands, requirements for home consumption, and his facil- ities for producing each crop. Furthermore, a rotation designed to con- trol root rot may be used on any part of a farm where this disease is particularly destructive without affecting the cropping system on another part of the farm where the disease is less severe or absent altogether. Used in this way a rotation to control root rot on severely infested areas need not upset the balance of cash and feed crops for the entire farm. Use of a single non-susceptible crop. Many Blackland farmers grow only two major crops, cotton and corn. If corn is the only root-rot immune crop grown, only a simple alternation of crops is feasible. Such a rotation seldom, if ever, reduces the severity of root rot, even though weeds are absent. Very frequently this is because too many viable sclerotia survive a single year of non-susceptible plants. A two-crop farmer, if one of the crops is highly susceptible to root rot, usually has very little opportunity to follow the kind of rotation that is necessary for the control of the disease. This is particularly true if the non- susceptitble crop is corn or sorghum, since neither of these crops can follow itself without danger of reducing the yield materially (46, 50). However, the farmer who grows only cotton and corn can follow cropping practices that will increase the yield of cotton, although root rot is not controlled. As shown by the results presented in Table 3, the yield of cotton was comparatively high in the 2-year rotation of cotton and corn when liberal amounts of crop residue were plowed under early in the _fall following the harvest of corn. ‘On the two-crop farm where the crops grown are cotton and small grain, the cropping system necessary for the control of root rot may be followed, at least on selected portions of the farm. In a previous section of this report, it has been shown that, although the yield of oats at Temple was higher when oats followed cotton than when oats followed oats, the yield of continuous oats over a nine-year period was almost as high as rotated oats. Similar results with oats have also been secured by other workers (46, 50). Thus a 4-year rotation of cotton with oats in which cotton is planted only 1/4 of the time is practical, since continuous oats may be used for the three years required. Such a cotton-and-oats rotation may be used for selected portions of the farm or for the entire farm, depending upon the proportional acreage of cotton and oats normally grown. Other small grains may be used in a similar manner. If weeds are controlled, such a rotation may be expected to control root rot effectively and to increase materially the yields of cotton with only a slight sacrifice in the yield of small grain. Use of two non-susceptible crops. On farms where two or more non- susceptible crops are normally grown, the required type of rotation to control root rot can nearly always be used, if not for the entire farm, CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 25 at least on selected areas. If cotton, corn, and sorghum are the crops grown, for example, it is practical to use a 3-year rotation for as large an area as is planted to the non-susceptible crop with the smallest acreage. In "the Blacklands, the smallest acreage on a given farm is at present likely to be sorghum. In this case, a 3-year rotation using cotton only 1/3 of the time can be used on an area the size of the sorghum acreage. Such a procedure may be expected to give moderate protection from root rot losses on the area involved if careful attention is given to eradicating weeds. This practice cannot be expected to control root rot as regularly or as effectively as using cotton only 1/4 of the time. It is, however, superior to the simple alternation of the corn and sorghum with cotton or continuous cotton. Where small grain and at least one other non-susceptible crop are grown, a rotation using cotton only 1/4 of the time is nearly always ‘feasible. If, for example, the crops grown are cotton, small grain, and corn, a rotation of cotton the first year, small grain the second and third years, and corn the fourth year followed again by cotton should prove effective. Again the acreage involved in the rotation may depend upon the area planted to the non-susceptible crop with the lowest acreage. Also, as indicated previously, the effectiveness of the rotation will be partially or entirely lost if weeds are not eradicated. If weeds are eliminated and cotton is grown only 1/4 of the time, effective control of root rot and marked increase in yield of cotton compared to continuous planting of cotton may be expected. Rotation of cotton with three or more non-susceptible crops. On farms where a large number of non-susceptible crops, such as corn, sorghum, oats, wheat, sudan grass, millet, and other grass crops are well adapted and are normally planted or may be profitable planted, the matter of fol- lowing a 4-year rotation using cotton only 1/4 of the time is simplified. In the future many more farmers may be expected to grow high acreages on non-susceptible crops as current results of crops breeding by State and Federal workers specializing on certain of these crops promise to yield even more widely adapted and higher yielding strains on non- susceptible crops than are now available (2). This is especially apt to be the case with small grains as high-yielding, rust-resistant strains are distributed. As the acreage of these non-susceptible crops increases in proportion to the acreage of cotton grown, a greater and greater portion of the farms may be involved in the required rotation. On those farms where the cotton acreage is relatively small and the acreage of the non-susceptible grass crops is relatively large, the maximum benefits of crop rotation in controlling cotton root rot may be obtained. But on those farms where cotton is planted almost exclusively and there is not the will nor the opportunity for the farmer to use increased kinds and acreages of non-susceptible crops, there is very little opportunity to control cotton root rot by crop rotations. On the majority of farms in the Blackland region, with conditions intermediate between these two 26 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION extremes, crop rotations properly managed may be used to considerable advantage in reducing the severity of root rot. Possibilities of increased utilization of non-susceptible crops. The cropping systems needed for the most effective control of cotton root rot require the planting of relatively large proportions of the cultivated land on Blackland farms to non-susceptible crops and only moderate acreages to cotton. In the past the average income per acre made from cotton even under serious root-rot infestations has usually been greater than the average income from most non-susceptible crops. Except on certain soils and in certain sections of the Blacklands where conditions, are more favorable for the non-susceptible crops than for cotton, these crops have rarely been grown for sale as cash crops but have been grown for consumptive purposes and only the surpluses sold. In contrast to the usual practice, individual farmers throughout the Blacklands who control sufficient crop acreage to make it feasible to grow’ a number of crops and who have adequate supplies of stock water have for years diversified their farming activities. These farmers have long- grown relatively high acreages of non-susceptible crops and only moderate acreages of cotton. By utilizing their non-susceptible feed crops in the production of salable livestock or livestock products to supplement their income from cotton production, these farmers have made relatively high farm incomes. As a result of their diversified farming, these farmers have sufiicient acreages of non-susceptible crops to provide the type of rotations required to control root rot effectively. While the majority of Blackland farmers have not followed this procedure, the success of those who have indicates that many others with similar resources might well do so. No radical change in farm organization is recommended within a short period. Any change that is to be made should be made gradually and should pay its way as the change is made. Non-susceptible crops should not be planted at the risk of materially lowering farm income, regardless of their usefulness in controlling root rot or in improving soil fertility. Only when such a crop promises to add materially to the net farm income is there sufficient justification for planting it. However, farmers should not attach too much importance to high income per acre. The cost of producing a crop as well as the number of acres a man can tend are also to be considered. One man, for example, can tend rather large acreages of oats without seriously interfering with the normal size of his cotton crop; and oats, although a low income crop, is relatively in- expensive to produce. If sufiicient land is available, both cotton and oats can be produced with only moderate additional expense. Often the only ' income received from oats is from the sale of grain. Yet where this crop is planted in the fall, it may be grazed by salable livestock at least five months of the year, without serious risk of lowering grain yield, and the value of this pasturage may materially increase the per-acre income from oats (58). CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 27 In addition to small grains, other non-susceptible crops such as corn, ‘sorghum, and sudan grass may be grown without prohibitive competition with cotton for labor and equipment, and many opportunities to secure increased incomes from these crops are available to farmers who are willing to utilize them. The accessibility of extensive acreages of pre- viously little-used, small-grain pasturage and the ease of providing high- carrying-capacity summer pastures of sudan and other grasses together with the opportunity to produce large quantities of cheap forage from planting increased acreages of sorghum should attract many Blackland cotton farmers to fatten beef cattle as a supplementary enterprise to cotton production. Small dairy enterprises should appeal to others. And in still other instances, farm flocks of sheep may be used. The benefits of these opportunities can gradually be obtained by most Blackland farmers, and the early steps toward a more profitable farming system are easy ones if they are chosen intelligently. Any Blackland farmer who is not already doing so might well start toward a better type of farming with a family garden and a home supply of poultry, pork, beef, and dairy products as a foundation and expand into desirable live- stock enterprises to supplement farm income. Only a short way from the farm pantry are other steps such as improved farm pastures and trench silos, steps that may be taken by most farmers. ‘Working from the farmyard to the fields, farmers may soon realize the benefits of non- susceptible feed crops as a basis of enterprises to supplement cotton farm- ing, and only after suflicient acreages of non-susceptible crops are grown will it be practical to control cotton root rot by the required rotation. METHODS OTHER THAN CROP ROTATIONS FOR CONTROLLING COTTON ROOT ROT In addition to the use of crop rotations, cotton root rot can be controlled under certain conditions by other methods, most of which are of little practical value except when used in conjunction with crop rotations and are only occasionally of sufficient promise to be considered as independent methods of controlling the disease. Some of the other methods that have been studied are: (a) the use of organic manures, (b) clean fallow, (c) deep tillage, (d) the use of chemical soil amendments including com- mercial fertilizers, and (e) the selection of root-rot resistant strains within susceptible crops. A discussion of these special methods should serve to clarify the means by which progress in controlling established root- rot infestations may be expected. Of particular interest are the ways some of these specialized methods may be used in conjunction with crop rotations. The Use of Organic Manures Under Root-Rot Conditions Under some specialized conditions root rot has been controlled by the use of heavy applications of organic materials. In Arizona, King con- 28 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION trolled root rot under irrigated conditions by annual applications of animal manures at rates of 12 t0 14 tons per acre (6, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31). He also secured satisfactory results with equivalent amounts of green manure. The extent to which organic manures may be used for root-rot control under other conditions has not been fully studied but under dry land conditions in the Blackland region of Texas the results secured have not been encouraging. Manure treatments for the control of root rot tried by Scofield (55), Taubenhaus and Killough (72), and Ratliffe (45) gave negative or inconclusive results. Few attempts have been made to control root rot in the Blackland soils by the use of green manures and before green manures are apt to be used for any purpose in this region more satisfactory green manuring prac- tices are needed. In other sections of the United States where green manuring is practiced, legumes are generally used. In the Blacklands, however, few legumes are well adapted. Most of the winter legumes that have been tested make only mediocre and uncertain growth and often inter- fere with seed bed preparation of the following money crop. The vigorous- growing spring and summer legumes available seldom benefit the land. sufliciently to justify the use of the land for a season. Also most of these legumes are highly susceptible to root rot and their use on root-rot in- fested land is of doubtful value as they tend to spread root rot. Since so many of the legumes are susceptible to root rot and are only mediocre forage plants, consideration has been given to the value of non-- leguminous crops for green manure. In this class, sorghums offer consid- erable possibility, since they are not only immune to root rot but are also heavy forage yielders, even under favorable conditions of rather short duration. Also sorghums frequently offer an opportunity to secure a green manuring crop incidental to the production of a feed or revenue crop. Where this is feasible considerable benefit may be obtained by turning under second growth and catch crops of sorghum. Although such green manuring practices may have some value in reducing root rot, their prin- cipal value is to stimulate the yield of plants that escape the disease. For this reason the best results may be expected when sorghums for green manure are used in rotations designed to control root rot. Root Rot Control by Clean Fallow Cotton root rot has been controlled by clean fallow of sufficient duration to kill the roots of susceptible crops, to eradicate or materially reduce the stand of susceptible weeds, and to permit a material reduction in the population of viable sclerotia by natural deaths. In most cases studied, at least two years of clean fallow were necessary to secure control. Clean fallow experiments have been conducted under a wide variety of condi- tions and at a number of locations throughout the Blackland region of Texas, and practically every agency studying the cotton root-rot disease, both in Texas and in other states; has at some time conducted clean fallow experiments designed to control the disease (27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 45, CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 29 47, 53, 55, 72). Various experiments have provided clean fallow periods during the winter months, during the summer months, for one year, two years,.and more. One of the longest clean fallow periods studied thus far was for eight years. Few of the clean fallow treatments main- tained for less than two years were successful. In common with most other methods of controlling root rot, the control resulting from clean fallow of two or more years was fully efiective for only one cotton crop imme- diately after the treatment. The development of root rot in the second and later cotton crops after the fallow is often just as severe as on the continuous cotton areas. As an illustration of the results secured with clean culture the follow- ing cases may be citedz‘ McNamara and Hooton of Greenville report that “One plat that showed more than 90 per cent infection for the 3 years period from 1919 to 1921, inclusive, showed no infection when returned to cotton in 1924 after a 2-year clean fallow” (34). With reference to the clean fallow experiments-at Temple, Rogers states: “Cotton planted in 1935 on Acre E6, after five and one-half years of clean fallow, had an end season root-rot kill of 6.7 per cent. Part of the area planted to cotton continuously for three years after three-year fallow had 98.2 per cent of the cotton killed by root rot in the same year. Both areas planted again to cotton in 1936 had a 92.9 per cent kill on the part having only 6.7 per cent in 1935 and 98 per cent kill on the part having 98.2 per cent dead in 1935” (2). Clean fallow was not as effective in root-rot control as the use of non- susceptible crops, except in the eradication of perennial weeds which carry the disease. The use of clean fallow for this purpose is probably justified when the treatment does not interrupt crop production. As an independent method of controlling root rot, clean fallows were impractical in almost every situation they were tried, since the treatments required a long non-crop period and gave only temporary control of the disease. The clean fallow method of controlling the disease was very expensive both in terms of sacrificed income from idle land and also in the extra cost of the tillage operations. As the primary benefit of clean fallow is the earlier eradication of perennial weed carriers of the disease, it is probable that many of these weeds can be eradicated at a much lower cost by other cultural practices and the wise management of livestock grazing in con- junction with the rotation of non-susceptible crops with cotton. Control of Root Rot by Deep Tillage Deep plowing has long appealed to the popular imagination as a prom- ising method of controlling soil inhabiting diseases and various types of deep tillage have been advocated from time to time as possible methods of controlling cotton root rot. Even before very much fundamental infor- mation concerning the root-rot fungus was developed, Shear and Miles recommended deep plowing in conjunction with crop rotations as a method of controlling this disease (56). From deep plowing and subsoiling L l B R A R Y Agricultural 8. Mechanical College of Texas College Station, Texas. 30 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION experiments conducted at Temple from 1917 to 1921, Taubenhaus and Killough concluded that deep plowing was of little value in controlling root rot (72). In 1926 King reported that deep fall plowing was not adapted to conditions in the irrigated sections of Arizona and that deep spring plowing had little or no effect on the severity of root rot (27). The early deep tillage tests were for the most part concerned with horse drawn implements and involved only moderate depths. Interest in deep tillage as a root-rot control method has continued, and since 1928 there has ben available at several locations throughout the Blackland region of Texas heavy tractor-drawn subsoiling equipment and various commercial and institutional agencies have tested tillage to depths of 14 to 28 inches as a means of controlling root rot. In most of the trials made, root rot was less severe on the subsoiled areas than on the un- subsoiled areas (2, 8, 9, 10). A marked degree of root-rot control was obtained in some years and in the majority of the cases the yield of cotton was also increased. The results secured by Dunlavy (2) at Temple from 1930 to 1933 are presnted in Table 6. Table (Sr-The efiect of subsoiling on the control of cotton root rot and the yield of cotton October lst Average Treatment Percentage of root rot Pounds of lint cotton per acre 1930 1931 1932 ' 1933 f Average‘ 1930 1931 l 1932 l 1933 Average Untreated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42.6 41.9 63.8 76.0 56.1 167 206 156 320 212 Subsoiled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34.1 25.6 52.7 48.1 40.1 166 262 192 307 232 In the Temple trials root rot was less severe on the subsoiled plats. than on the untreated plats each year. During the 1930-33 period root rot killed an average of 40.1 per cent of the cotton plants on subsoiled plats as compared with 56.1 per cent on the untreated plats. The subsoiled plats yielded an average of 232 pounds of lint cotton per acre as com- pared with 212 pounds for the untreated plats. Although subsoiling resulted in an average increase of 20 pounds of lint cotton per acre, the value of this increased yield was not sufiicient to pay the cost of the subsoiling operation. From a practical point of view, subsoiling to depths of 14 to 28 inches is not a promising method of controlling cotton root rot because of the expensiveness of the subsoiling operations. ' Soil Amendments for Root Rot Control Many experiments involving the use of a wide variety of soil amend- ments have been conducted but most of the treatments used have failed to control the disease (2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 21, 23, 25, 29,40, 41, 42, 49, 59). There are a number of chemicals that are toxic to root rot when they are brought in contact with the fungus. However, the problem of securing penetration and distribution throughout the soil of the material used so as to insure contact of the chemical with the fungus is very CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 31 diflicult. Even in some of the more porous soils, these treatments have been only moderately successful although extreme care and elaborate methods were used. One group of soil amendments that has been extensively studied is the soil acidifying chemicals. Interest in the soil acidifying agents was developed following a laboratory demonstration that the growth of the root-rot fungus in pure culture could be controlled by changing the reaction of the media on which the fungus grew from alkaline to acid (72). It has long been known that the cotton root-rot disease is most generally distributed and most severe in neutral to basic soils and that its distribution and severity are very much restricted in low lime content soils. Detailed studies of the major soil types in Texas have shown that there is a close connection between the soil reaction and the severity of root rot (1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 41, 42, 63, 65, 70, 71, 72). In an effort to make practical application of this information, sulphur was used in a number of tests as one of the more economical soil- acidifying agents. In small experimental plats planted to cotton, the prevalence of the root-rot disease was considerably reduced by applica- tion of the sulphur (7, 8, 10, 13, 63, 65, 70). However, attempts to make practical the use of sulphur on a field scale to control root rot on low lime content soils were disappointing. The results secured indicated that sulphur applied to such soils was not likely to give satisfactory control of the disease, and that there was considerable danger of injury to the cotton (8). Tests made on certain high lime content soils of the Blackland region indicated that rates of sulphur application necessary to affect the soil reaction materially were far too expensive for practical use (48). Increasing Yields of Susceptible Crops from the Use of Fertilizers Chemical fertilizers are another class of soil amendments that have» been given considerable attention. Since these materials are expected to» have their influence primarily through the plant, their method of appli- cation is not so exacting as for chemicals where contact with the fungus is required. However, recent experiments show that reasonably deep placement of fertilizer in the clay soils of the Blackland region permits the fertilizers to be more effective than shallow placement (17). During the past 10 years a large number of fertilizer experiments with cotton have been conducted under root-rot conditions in the Blackland region both by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the Division of Soil Fertility Investigations, United States Department of Agricul- ture. In general the fertilizers used have increased the yield of cotton, particularly the fertilizers high in nitrogen and phosphorus (2, 17, 49, 51). The Division of Soil Fertility Investigations has also pointed out that certain fertilizers delay the occurrence of root rot early in the summer" (17). Under conditions of favorable cotton prices, the increased cotton yields obtained from fertilizers on several of the soils of the region may 32 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION be quite profitable, especially if the fertilizer is used in conjunction with crop rotations. Plant Improvement and Root Rot Control Repeated attempts have been made and are still being made to find cotton and legume strains that are resistant t0 cotton root rot (2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 72). Although the discovery of a resistant strain of cotton might be the most effective means of controlling the disease, the results secured with cotton thus far give little indication of resistance in this crop. Some of the legumes, such as sesbania and guar, however, appear to be highly resistant to the disease, and in more recent experiments, observations have been made that certain varieties of cowpeas are less susceptible to root rot than are others (2, 69). The development of high yielding strains of forage legumes resistant "to root rot would contribute materially to the profitableness of Blackland agriculture and greatly encourage the use of crop rotation. The occur- rence of some very acceptable plant material for legume breeding and the existence of apparent resistance to root rot in certain legumes offers some encouragement that this objective might be attained. The improve- ment recently made with non-susceptible grass crops such (as rust resist- ance in wheat and oats and the development of more productive strains -of corn and grain sorghum promise to increase the acreage planted to these crops (2). With the planting of suificient acreages of these non- susceptible crops, the control of root rot by crop rotations will be simplified. SUMMARY The fungus Phymatotrichum omnivorum (Shear) Duggar attacks and causes the decay of the roots of cotton and many other plants, both cultivated crops and weeds. This disease is particularly destructive to cotton in the Blackland region of Texas where the soil, climate, and flora are generally favorable for the spread and perpetuation of the fungus. Three stages in the life history of the fungus are known: (1) the active growing strand or vegetative stage, (2) the resting or sclerotial stage, and (3) the spore stage. The strand growth of the root-rot fungus is the destructive stage, and it spreads and perpetuates the fungus by continuous growth of the strands, chiefly along the live roots of susceptible plants and from one plant to another where continuous culture of cotton is practiced and close stands of susceptible weeds occur. Roots of susceptible perennial weeds may harbor and perpetuate the strand growth of the fungus for long periods. Root rot sclerotia are formed in the strands of the fungus and serve to perpetuate the fungus in a dormant but viable condition over long periods, even in the absence of susceptible plants. Sclerotia may be found in the CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 33 soil as deep as roots of susceptible plants grow and are infected with root rot. Sclerotia may remain viable in the soil for many years, although the majority apparently lose their vitality by the end of three years. The further spread of root rot into a previously uninfested portion of a cotton field may be prevented by growing a barrier of sorghum between the infested and the uninfested parts of the field. The sorghum must be planted in the same location year after year as long as protection from root rot invasion is desired. Under practical field conditions the sorghum barrier should be at least 30 feet wide. Corn, small grain, and many‘ other immune crops will not make effective barriers, since their root systems permit the invasion of the roots of adjacent susceptible crops. The value and requirements of crop rotations in controlling root rot were pointed out by the Experiment Station as early as 1888. Since that time rotation experiments at San Antonio and Temple have confirmed and fur- ther demonstrated the factors essential to the control of root rot by crop rotations. Marked and consistent control of cotton root rot was secured. in rotations of cotton with non-susceptible crops in which cotton was grown only 1/4 of the time.’ A non-susceptible crop period of at least two years between cotton crops was required to control the disease. Simple alternation of susceptible and non-susceptible crops was of little value in controlling root rot. The control of susceptible weeds was a prerequisite to the control of root rot by crop rotations.’ l H Yields of cotton on rotated areas were generally higher than on non- rotated areas. At Temple the increases in~ the yield of rotated cotton compared with non-rotated were greater the less frequently cotton was planted and the major increases were associated with the degree to which root rot was controlled. Outstanding increases in yield of cotton over that of continuous cotton were secured in rotation in which cotton was planted only 1/ 40f the time. The yields of corn and sorghum were increased by rotation. Rota- tions of short durantion were as effective as long rotations in increas- ing the yields of these crops. The yield of oats was practically as high when grown continuously as when rotated. ' Increased acreages of non-susceptible crops are frequently needed on the farms of the Blackland region to enable farmers to secure the max- imum benefit from crop rotations in controlling root rot. Plant improve- ment projects now in progress promise to make available in the near- future new strains of the root-rot immune crops that should attract farmers to grow these crops more extensively. Higher yielding strains of Wheat and oats are already in the possession of state and federal plant breeders. Higher yielding and more dependable strains of corn and sorghum are being developed. Improved strains of pasture grasses may also be expected. LIncreaSQd-farm incomes from the root-rot immune crops may be secured on most of the Blackland farms where sufiicient stock water is available by marketing these crops through salable livestock. Grazed by live- :34 BULLETIN NO. 573, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION stock, weeds and grass in corn fields may be converted into farm income. 'Winter grazing of small grains may materially increase the value of these crops. Increased markets for sorghum, a well adapted, inexpensive, and high yielding crop in the Blacklands, may be greatly extended through the use of livestock. Sorghum for grain, bundle feed, and silage is well suited to cattle feeding. Greatly increased acreages of sorghum may be i grown for silage to be stored in inexpensive trench silos to insure the abundance of cheap feed. Increasing acreages of sudan may furnish excellent and dependable summer pasture for livestock and when used to supplement other feed resources may be a source of considerable farm income. The sodding of eroded areas and waste land along drainage ways to permanent pasture grasses may easily add revenue-producing acreage to many Blackland farms where livestock are kept. The classes, of livestock that may be kept advantageously depends on the physical resources available, the location of the farm with reference to markets, and the aptitude of the individual farmer. Methods of controlling root rot other than by crop rotations are less applicable to Blackland conditions. Clean fallows of sufficient duration to ‘control the disease are no more effective than crop rotations and make poor use of land and labor. Deep tillage is usually very effective but requires the use of expensive machinery and is costly to perform. Soil amendments are seldom effective under practical field conditions. Com- mercial fertilizers are of most value when used in conjunction with crop rotations. The use of heavy applications of animal manure, although successful in irrigated sections, has failed to control root rot under dry land conditions. Control of root rot by green manuring practices is uncertain and the crops and land used in such a practice usually have their highest value when used in conjunction with a crop rotation and livestock program. While root-rot resistant varieties of cotton may be found, the prospects are not as encouraging as are those for the further improvement of root-rot immune crops that may be grown in rotation "with cotton. l LITERATURE CITED 1. Cartefi‘, W. T., 1931. The Soils of Texas. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 431, 192 pp. 1 us. 2 Conner, A. B., 1928-36. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 41, 1928; 42, 1929; 43, 1930; 44, 1931; 45, 1932; 46, 1933; 47, 1934; 48, 1935; 49, 1936. 3. Dana, B. F., and Rea, H. E., 1931. Development of Root Rot in Cotton Planted at Different Dates. (Abstract) Phytopathology 21:120. A 4. Dana, B. F., Rea, H. E., and Dunlavy, H., 1932. The Influence of Date of Planting Cotton onthe Development of Root Rot. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron. 24:367-377. 5.l Duggar, B. M., 1916. The Texas Root-rot Fungus and Its Conidial Stage. Ann. Mo. \ Bot. Gard. 3:11-23, illus. 6. Eaton, E. D., and King, C. J., 1934. A Study of the Cotton Root-rot Fungus (Phymatotrichum Omnivorum) in the Soil by the Cholodny Method. Jour. Agr. Res. 491109-1113, illus. 7. Ezekiel, W. N., 1929. Report of the Cotton Root-rot Conference at College Station, Texas. (Phytopath. Note) Phytopathology 19:687-689. 8. Ezekiel, W. N., and Neal, D. C., 1930. Report of the Cotton Root-rot Conference at Temple, Texas. Phytopathology 20:889-894. 9. Ezekiel, W. N., Neal, D. C., Dawson, P. R., and Reynolds, E. B., 1931. Report of the Fourth Annual Cotton Root-rot Conference. Phytopathology21:957-964. 10. Ezekiel, W. N., Neal, D. C., Dawson, P. R., and Reynolds, E. B., 1932. Report of the Fifth Annual Cotton Root-rot Conference. Phytopathology 22:983-993. 11. Ezekiel, W. N., and Taubenhaus, J. J., 1934. Comparing Soil Fungicides with Special Reference to Phymatotrichum Root Rot. Science 79:595-596. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. p 21. :22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. _King, C. J., 1937. CONTROL OF COTTON ROOT ROT IN BLACKLAND REGION 35 Ezekiel, W. N., and Taubenhaus, J. J., 1934. Cotton Crop Losses from Phymatotrichum Root Rot. Jour. Agr. Res. 49:843-858. Ezekiel, W. N. Taubenhaus, J. J., and Carlyle, E. C., 1930. Soil-reaction Effects of Phymatotrichum Root Rot. Phytopathology 20:803-815, illus. Ezekiel, W. N., Taubenhaus, J. J., and Fudge, J. F. 1931. Nutritional Studies of Phymatotrichum omnivorum. (Abstract) Phytophatology 21:120. Ezekiel, W. N., Taubenhaus, J. J., Carlyle, E. C., 1932. Growth of Phymatotrichum omnivorum in Plant Juices as Correlation with Resistance of Plants to Root Rot. Phytopathology 22:459-474. Fraps, G. 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