LIBRARY. A & M COLLEGE. CAMPUS . TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR, College Station. Texas BULLETIN NO. 593 September 1940 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 G. S. FRAPS, T. L. OGIER, AND S. E. ASBURY DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] This is the annual Fertilizer Control Bulletin. It contains sta- tistics regarding fertilizers sold in Texas, information regarding the fertilizer law, and analyses of samples of the fertilizer sold by different manufacturers. The extent to which the various manufac- turers are coming up to their guarantee is shown. The total sales of fertilizer in Texas for 1939-40 were 116,307 tons. In 1938-39 the sales were 93,115 tons. In 1937-38 they were 79,640 tons. Cottonseed meal sold as a feed but used as a fertilizer was not included in these totals. Sales of fertilizer were about 30% more than last year. Practically all the sales of mixed fer- tilizers were confined to about 20 analyses. Tables are given showing the extent to which the various fer- tilizer manufacturers met or exceeded their guarantees. The cost of fertilizer was slightly less in 1939-40 than in 1938-39. The subjects of vitamin "B 1 and water culture are discussed. CONTENTS Page Introduction ...................................................................................................... _. 5 Explanation of Terms r. .................................................................................. .. 5 Information on the Fertilizer Bag and Tag ...................................... .. 6 How to Calculate the Valuation .......................................................... .. 6 Fertilizer Analyses to be Sold in 1940-41 ............................................ Q. .... .. 7 Quantity Sold .................................................................................................. .. 8 Quantity of Sales by Grades ................................................................ .. 8 Quantity of Cottonseed Meal Used as a Fertilizer .......................... .- 9 Composition and Selling Prices of Different Grades of Fertilizer ...... .. 10 Cost of Plant Food .......................................................................................... .. 11 Relation of Cost to Concentration of Fertilizers ............................ .. 12 Comparing Costs of Fertilizer .............................................................. .. 13 Free Analyses .................................................................................................. .. 13 Analysis of Fertilizers, 1939-40 .................................................................. .. 14 Relation of Valuation Guaranteed to Valuation Delivered ............ .. 15 Averages Below Guarantee .................................................................. .. 15 Fillers ........................................................................................................ _. 15 Non-Acid Forming Fertilizers ...................................................................... .. 15 Investigations Under the Fertilizer Law .................................................. .. 16 Relation to Experiment Station Work ................................................ .. 17 Colloidal Mineral Phosphate ................................................................ __ 17 Sulphur, Gypsum, and Manganese ...................................................... __ 17, Greensand ................................................................................................ ._ 19 Polyhalite and Sewage Sludge .............................................................. .. 19 Fertilizing Value of Spent Phosphate Catalyst .......................... .. 19 Vitamin B1 .............................................................................................. -. 20 Fertilizers for Water Culture .............................................................. _. 20 Information Regarding the Use of Fertilizer .......................................... .. 21 Summary .......................................................................................................... __ 22 BULLETIN NO. 593 SEPTEMBER, 1940 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 G. S. Fraps, State Chemist, T. L. Ogier, Associate» State Chemist and S. E. Asbury, Assistant State Chemist Fertilizer laws require fertilizer to be correctly labeled so that the purchaser can know what he is getting. The object of the fertilizer law is to protect the farmer or other users of fertilizer against misrepresenta- tion of the composition or fertilizing value of the fertilizer as well as manu- facturers and dealers against unfair competition due to such misrepresen- tation. The first Texas fertilizer law was passed in 1899. It was revised and amended in 1911. The results of the fertilizer inspection have been pub- lished in bulletins of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station regularly since 1906. This is the thirty-eighth Fertilizer Control Bulletin. It contains statistics, definitions of terms, a report on the analyses made in enforcing the provisions of the fertilizer law, and information regarding the use of fertilizers. EXPLANATION OF TERMS Nitrogen refers to the total nitrogen in the fertilizer. It is necessary in proper amounts for the development of all parts of the plant, but an excess of nitrogen delays maturity and is liable to promote growth of stalk and leaves at the expense of fruit. Nitrogen is needed by many Texas soils, especially the sandy soils in the eastern and northern parts of the State. Since nitrogen is used in comparatively large quantities by plants and is, to some extent, Washed from the soil, it is usually the first element to become depleted from a fertile soil. Available phosphoric acid is the phosphoric acid (P205) in fertilizers which can be taken up quickly by plants. Phosphoric acid promotes the fruiting of plants, though it is also necessary for the development of all parts of the plant. Total phosphoric acid is the entire quantity of the phosphoric acid (P205) present, whether highly available or not. A guarantee of total phos- phoric acid in place of available is made in bone, tankage, rock phosphate, and basic slag. Potash guaranteed in a fertilizer is required by the law to be soluble in water. Potash, like nitrogen, is needed by all parts of the plant, but especially by stalk and leaves. An excess of potash delays maturity and is liable to promote growth of the stalk and leaves at the expense of the fruit. When potash is abundantly supplied, plants may take up more than they need. Potash is present in soils more abundantly than phosphoric acid. ~ 6 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Valuation per ton represents the approximate average cost of the plant food in the unmixed fertilizer, at retail. It is usually smaller than the price at which the mixed fertilizer is sold, but since it is an average, it may be greater than the prices of some of the unmixed fertilizer materials. The selling price includes cost of mixing, bags, transportation, the profit of the manufacturer, if any, and that of the dealer. The valuations are decided on about September 1, and the prices often change before the chief active fertilizer season, which is February to April inTexas. The valuation sums the value of the three plant foods shown in the analysis into a single figure, and is convenient for this purpose. The fertilizer law permits a deficiency of less than ten per cent in one plant food to be compensated by an excess of another, but if the valuation is four per cent less than the guaranteed valuation, a rebate must be paid to the purchaser. The valuation found compared with the valuation guaranteed shows whether or not the fertilizer as a whole is better or poorer than the guarantee as a whole. The following valuations were used in 1939-40: Cents per pound 1 Nitrogen 20 Available phosphoric acid 6.5 Total phosphoric acid in Thomas phosphate, tankage, and bone meal 4.0 Total phosphoric acid in rock phosphate 1.5 Potash 6.0 Names of fertilizers. Fertilizers are frequently named by numbers, such as a 4-8-4 fertilizer, a 6-12-6 fertilizer and so on. In such names, the first figure stands for the percentage of nitrogen, the second for the percentage of available phosphoric acid, and the third for the percentage of Water-soluble potash. This is a short and accurate method of naming fertilizers. Information on the Fertilizer Bag and Tag A fertilizer tax tag is required to be placed on every bag of fertilizer before it is offered for sale or sold. The guaranteed analysis of the fer- tilizer is required by law to be printed on the bag or on the tag attached to the bag, so that the purchaser can see what he is buying. Total phos- phoric. acid may be guaranteed for bone or tankage instead of available phosphoric acid. A guarantee of total phosphoric acid is required in Thomas phosphate or rock phosphate. The information required on the package is as follows: Net weight Name of fertilizer in full Name and address of manufacturer Guaranteed analysis: Nitrogen, per cent Available phosphoric acid, per cent Potash, per cent How to Calculate the Valuation The valuation of a fertilizer is calculated by multiplying the compo- sition by the valuation of each unit of plant food and adding the products. A unit is one per cent of a ton, or 20 pounds; so if the valuation of nitro- l VNJTWTflMw¢vk-.W,.W --,-..<. ... COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 7 gen is 12 cents a pound, the valuation of a unit is 12’ >< 20 z $2.40. The valuation of a unit of available phosphoric acid at 6.5 cents a pound would be 6.5 >< 20 : $1.30; the valuation for a unit of potash at 6.0 cents a pound would be $1.20. The following is an example of a calculation at the prices given above: Valuation of 4-8-4 Fertilizer Nitrogen 4 x $2.40 : $ 9 60 Available phosphoric acid 8 x $1.30 : $10 40 Potash 4 x $1.20 2 $ 4.80 Total valuation per ton $24.80 Fertilizer Analyses to be Sold in 1940-41 The grades of fertilizer sold in Texas are limited in number. This stan- dardization aids the farmers to become familiar with the different kinds of fertilizer, enables him to decide more readily on the proper kind to be used, enables the agricultural worker to make definite recommendations, and reduces the cost of manufacture and handling, thereby also reducing the cost to the consumer. At a conference with fertilizer manufacturers doing business in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas in July 1940, grades. of mixed fertilizer were adopted for these states. This was the sixteenth. such conference for Texas manufacturers, and the eighth joint conference.. Changes are made at practically every meeting. Grades which have little.- sale may be dropped, and new or experimental grades may be added. The grades adopted for Texas are as follows: GRADES 0-12-4 5-15-0 10-0-10 3-10-0 5-15-5 10-10-0 3-10-3 6-8-4 10-20-10 4-8-4 6-8-8 11-48-0 4-8-6 6-9-3 15-0-14 4-8-10 6-10-7 16-20-0 4-10-0 6-12-6 16-0-0 4-12-4 8-8- 20-0-0 42-0-0 MATERIALS Activated sludge Bat guano Bone meal Calcium nitrate Cottonseed meal Cyanamid, 21% Cyanamid, 22% Ground phosphate rock Kainit, 20% Lawn and Garden Manure salts, 30% Muriate of potash, 50% Nitrate of soda, 16% Nitrate of soda and potash 15-0-14 Sheep manure Sulphate of ammonia, 20.5% Sulphate of potash, 48% Superphosphate, 18% Superphosphate, 20% Superphosphate, 32% Superphosphate, 45% Soft phosphate with colloidal clay Tankage 8 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Quantity Sold The quantities of commercial fertilizer sold in Texas for several seasons, from September 1 to August 31, are given in Table 1. These are the actual sales as reported by the manufacturers, and not the tag sales. The tag sales are always a little larger than the actual sales. The sales Vin 1939-40 were about 30% higher than last season. The largest sales so far made in Texas were 187,215 tons during the season 1928-29. Fertilizer statistics for a number of years to August 31, 1926, have been published in Bulletin 350, and from 1926 to 1938 in Bulletin 572. Table 1. Fertilizers sold in Texas, (not including cottonseed meal sold as feed but used as fertilizer). Tons 1905-06 13,500 1910-11 52,985 1913-14 77,400 1914-15 17,500 1919-20 56,700 1920-21 14,850 1921-22 38,000 1922-23 ....... .. 73,300 1923-24 126,179 1924-25 97,719 1925-26 ...... .. 121,747 1926-27 79,863 1927-28 ....... ._ 139,126 1928-29 187,215 1930-31 64,424 1932-33 30,843 1933-34 47,204 1935-36 60,016 1936-37 84,936 1937-38 79,640 1938-39 93,115 1939-40 116,307 Quantity of Sales by Grades Table 2 contains the sales of fertilizer by grades for four seasons arranged in order according to sales in the season 1939-40. Sales of 4-8-4 fertilizer are highest of all. The 4-12-4 comes second, the 4-8-6 comes third and the 6-10-7 comes fourth. These are in the same order as they were last year. War-w?» _ ,1 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 9 Table 2. Fertilizer sales by grades in order of tonnage for 1939-40 1939-40 1938-39 "7-38 1936-37 In tons In tons In tons In tons 30,705 24,171 18,743 23,702 15.285 11.675 10.345 12.433 11,775 9,402 8,107 8,758 7,649 4,708 4,901 4,671 6,790 5,661 4,597 2,920 6-12-6 . 4,265 3,846 3,643 3,664 Superphosphate, 20% ......................................... .. 4,040 3,537 3,377 2,642 4-10-0 . 4,011 3,827 2,137 2,132 3-10-3 ------ .. 3,650 3,345 2,961 4,150 Sulphate of ammonia .......................... ........... .. 3,064 2,283 2,548 1,610 Cyanamid ....................... .. .. 3,063 917 919 1,475 Superphosphate, 18% ......................................... .. 2,543 2,986 3,516 2,743 11-48-0 2,060 1,905 1,585 1,361 6-8-8 ....... .. 1,767 882 0 0 6-9-3 .. 1,767 1,373 1,055 1,221 3-10-0 ..................................................................... ., 1,676 1,834 826 1,220 Nitrate of Soda, 15% and 16% ................. .. 1,641 1,098 1,048 1,314 Bone meal .... .. 1,563 1,604 1,342 1,095 16-20-0 ................................................................. .. 1,462 1,338 1,606 1,637 Lawn and garden fertilizer" 1,243 1,020 957 157 4-8-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,084 862 678 589 5-15-5 ..................................................... _. 872 794 1,525 1,133 Calcium nitrate. ................. .. 828 320 0 0 0-12-4 ........................... .. 633 114 247 94 Superphosphate, 32%..... 427 898 678 538 Superphosphate, 45%.... 419 265 150 65 10-10-0 ................................................................. .. 276 213 110 91 10-20-10 271 275 311 246 10-0-10 ................................................................. .. 248 144 106 108 Tankage, bat guano and activated sludge 238 214 134 295 Urea and urea meal ......................................... .. 171 86 0 0 Muriate of potash, 50% 166 165 207 142 Kainit, 20%; ............................................ .. 140 156 179 195 Soft phosphate with colloidal clay.. 130 119 40 138 Phosphate rock (ground) .................. .. 130 0 0 0 Soil sulphur ........................................ .. 109 0 0 0 5-15-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 204 216 236 Sheep manure .................... .. 35 15 16 0 Sulphate of potash, 48%.. 15 29 44 169 Manure salts, 30% ............ .. 12 7 5 9 Cottonseed meal ..... .. 5 179 158 25 Manganese sulphate .............. .. 0 21 0 0 10-20-0 .................................................... .. 0 8 I4 0 Magnesium sulphate .................. .................. .. 0 3 5 0 Nitrate of soda and potash 14-0-15.... 0 3 0 0 6-30-0 ........................................................ .. 0 1 3 0 Basic slag 0 0 10 0 0-15-6 i 0 0 0 54 9-18-18 0 0 0 952 9-27-9 ............ .. 0 0 0 118 Miscellaneous unmixed fertilizer ................. .. 0 0 0 17 4-10-7 ..................................................................... .. 0 608 591 814 Total ......................................................... .. 116,307 93,115 79,640 84,933 The tonnage of cottonseed meal reported in Table 2 includes only that tagged with fertilizer tax tags and sold as a fertilizer. 10 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Composition and Selling Prices of Different Grades of Fertilizer Table 3 contains the average composition, the guaranteed valuation, the valuation found by analysis, and the average retail selling prices per ton, of various grades of fertilizers. The average retail selling price is the aver- age of the cash retail prices furnished to the fertilizer inspector by the dealers. The prices of the same fertilizer may be different in different towns on account of differences in cost of transportation or for other caus- es. The retail price includes handling costs, carrying charges, and the dealer’s profits, as Well as the cost of the plant food used in the materials from which the fertilizer is made. The average valuations found (Table 3) exceed the guaranteed valua- tions in almost every case. The exceptions are 10-0-10, 10-20-10, muriate of potash, soft phosphate with colloidal clay and 45% superphosphate. In some of these, however, the valuations found are only slightly below the valuations guaranteed, and in other cases, only a few samples were se- cured. Table 3. Average composition, valuation and selling prices of grades of fertilizer. 1939-40 Guaran- N um- N itro- Available teed Valua- ber gen Phos. Potash Valua- tion Selling Grades aver- per Acid per tion found price aged cent per cent cent per ton per ton per ton 0-12-4 ________________________________________ .. 7 12.44 4.28 $20.40 $21.32 $ 24.00 3-4-11 (garden) 1 2.90 4.24 12.73 25.60 27.75 100.00 3-10- ..................... .. 5 3.04 11.08 20.20 21.71 25.60 3-10-3 .......................................... .. 57 3.26 10.25 3.32 23.80 25.22 27.87 3-10-3 (lawn and garden) 1 4.01 11.00 3.49 23.80 28.11 80.00 4 8 4.08 8.20 4.10 24.80 25.39 28.98 4 8 4.09 8.30 6.00 27.20 27.77 30.88 4 8 4.04 8.55 10.04 32.00 32.86 33.97 4 4.17 9.72 22.60 22.65 30.25 4 6.41 11.46 3.62 27.40 34.62 36.00 4 4.16 12.16 4.21 30.00 30.84 32.04 4 5.31 11.93 4.57 30.00 33.73 91.00 5 4.79 15.66 31.50 31.84 34.00 5 5.07 15.75 5.30 37.50 39.00 38.70 6 6.06 8.17 4.21 29.60 30.22 33.14 6 5.89 8.30 7.97 34.40 34.50 35.70 5.95 9.10 3.44 29.70 30.24 32.94 6.07 10.09 7.04 35.80 36.13 37.09 6.58 10.10 7.29 35.80 37.67 79.00 6.06 12.10 6.14 37.20 37.65 37.21 9.50 10.20 36.00 35.71 38.89 10.07 7.07 4.08 36.60 38.26 55.00 10.34 10.02 37.00 37.84 39.00 9.18 20.04 9.69 62.00 59.72 58.60 10.91 48.15 88.80 88.78 56.36 15.10 23.71 64.40 67.06 55.58 20.8% Ammonium Sulphate 3 20.81 49.92 49.95 48.00 Calcium Nitrate .................... ._ 1 15.12 36.00 36.29 44.60 21% Cyanamid, granular . 6 21.03 50.40 50.46 40.17 HuActinite 5.5-2.0-0 1 4.77 3.85 15.80 16.46 25.00 Muriate 0f Potash 50%. 1 44.70 60.00 53.64 70.00 Nitrate of Soda 16% 7 16.20 38.40 38.89 47.29 Raw B0116 Meal ...................... .. 2 4.07 2262*‘ 26.48 ' 27.86 34.00 Soft phosphate with colloidal clay, 22% total .............. .. 1 21.88"‘ 6.60 6.56 —— Sulphate of Ammonia 20%.... 24 20.03 48.00 ' 48.06 45.03 Superphosphate 18% ............ .. 11 19.70 23.40 25.62 24.13 Superphosphate 20% .. 22 20.93 26.00 27.20 24.20 Superphosphate 32% .... .. 3 34.13 41.60 44.37 41.70 Superphosphate 45% .............. _. 2 41.81 58.50 54.36 53.60 Pulverized Sheep Manure 1 1.88 1.88 4.05 8.50 11.81 '55.00 ‘Total’ Phosphoric Acid _ _._._. . .______.A~..__..__. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 11 Cost 0f Plant Food Table 4 contains the calculated retail cost of a pound of nitrogen, of available phosphoric acid, and of potash, in cents per pound, as cal u- lated from the cash selling prices per ton given in Table 3 and the guar- anteed composition. For the purpose of these calculations it was assumed that the prices were in the same ratio as the valuations. As the price of the same fertilizer may be different in places, ‘these figures are not correct for any particular locality, but represent averages only, and are for purposes of comparison. The prices were collected by the inspectors from retail merchants handling fertilizer. Grades used extensively near the factories might average a lower price than those used at a distance on account of lower transportation costs. The fertilizers with the lowest prices of plant food are given first in the table. Fertilizers for lawns, gardens and flowers can be secured at a reason- able price but a few of the fertilizers in small packages are sold at a price of hundreds or even thousands of dollars per ton. The cost can be easily estimated from the price and the weight of fertilizer in the package. Table 4. Approximate average cost of plant food in cents per pound. Arranged in order of increasing cost 1939-40. _ Available Grades Nitrogen Phosphoric Potash Acid 11-48-0 . 7.62 4.13 21% Cyanamid, granular .............................. .. 9.56 16-20-0 10.36 5.61 Superphosphate 45% 5.95 Superphosphate 20% 6.05 Sulphate of Ammonia 20% .......................... ..11.26 10-20-10 6.14 5.67 20.8% Ammonium Sulphate ...................... ..11.54 ' 6-12-6 12 00 6.50 6.00 Superphosphate 32% 6.51 Superphosphate 18% 6.70 5-15-5 .. 12.38 6.71 6.19 6-10-7 12.43 6.73 6.22 6-8-8 ......... ..12.46 6.75 6.23 10-10-0 12.65 6.85 4-8-10 12.74 6.90 6.37 4-12-4 12.82 6.94 6.41 5-15-0 12.95 7.01 10-0-10 12.96 6.48 6-9-3 13.31 7.21 6.65 6-8-4 13.44 7.28 6.72 4-8-6 13.62 7.38 6.81 Muriate of Potash 50% .................................. .. 7.00 4-8-4 ..14.03 7.60 7.01 3-10-3 14.05 7.61 7.03 0-12-4 7.64 7.06 Nitrate of Soda 16% ...................................... ..14.78 Calcium Nitrate ................................................ .. 3-10-0 . . 8.24 Raw Bone Meal .............................................. .. . a 5.14* . 4-10-4 8.54 7.88 4-10-0 8.70 10-6-4 (lawn and garden) .......................... .. 9.77 9.02 Activated sludge 5.5-2.0-0 .... .. . 10.28 6-10-7 (lawn and garden) .... .. 14.35 13.24 4-12-4 (lawn and garden) .... .. 19.72 18.20 3-10-3 (lawn and garden) .. 21.85 20.17 3-4-11 (garden) .................... .. . 25.39 23.44 Pulverized Sheep Manure .............................. ..77.65 42.06 38.83 ‘Total phosphoric acid. 12 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Cost of Nitrogen. The 11-48-0 was the cheapest source of nitrogen, cyanamid was next, 16-20-0 third, sulphate 0f ammonia came fourth and 10-20-10 fifth. Pulverized sheep manure was the most expensive source of nitrogen, but is chiefly used for lawns or gardens. Of the farm fertilizers, 4-10-0 was the most expensive source of nitrogen, followed by raw bone meal, 3-10-0 and calcium nitrate as shown in Table 4. The cost of ni- trogen is greater in most of the mixed fertilizers than in sulphate of am- monia or cyanamid because it costs to mix the fertilizers. The lowest- priced nitrogen in the mixed fertilizer was in the 11-48-0, followed in or- der by the 16-20-0, 10-20-10, 6-12-6, and 5_15-5. The 4-8-4, the most popu- lar fertilizer, was also high in price. Nitrogen was lower in price than last season in some fertilizers and higher in others. The difference averaged .36 cents a pound higher for nitrogen, .09 cents less for that in 3-10-3, .07 cents less for that in 4-12-4, and .05 cents per pound less this year in 4-8-4. Cost of Phosphoric Acid. The cheapest source of phosphoric acid was 11-48-0, then 16-20-0, followed by 45% superphosphate and then 20% su- perphosphate. The cost of available phosphoric acid was about 0.65 cents less per pound in 20 per cent superphosphate than in 18 per cent. Omitting the household fertilizers, phosphoric acid was most expensive in pulver- ized sheep manure, then in activated sludge, and then 4-10-0, and 3-10-0. Available phosphoric acid was .03 cents a pound lower in 4-8-4 than it was last season, and 0.04 cents a pound lower in 4-12-4 than last year. Cost of potash. 10-20-10 furnished the cheapest potash, followed by 6-12-6 and then 5-15-5. Omitting the garden fertilizers, potash was the most expensive in pulverized sheep manure, followed by 4-10-4, 0-12-4 and then 3-10-3, Potash cost 3.30 cents a pound more in muriate of potash, than it did last season, but 0.03 cents a pound less in 4-8-4, and 0.03 cents a pound less in 4_12-4. Relation of Cost to Concentration of Fertilizers Certain fertilizers are sold which contain plant food in the same ratio so that, so far as nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash are concerned, they are the same fertilizer except in concentration, or strength. The ratio of plant food in the 4-12-4 and 5-15-5 fertilizers is exactly the same, as the proportions are three parts phosphoric acid to one of ni- trogen and one of potash. The 3-10-3 fertilizer has practically the same ratio of 1-3-1. Table 5 shows the approximate cost of nearly equal quanti- ties of plant food in these fertilizers at the average prices given in Table 3. One ton of 6-12-6 costs $6.29 less than an equal quantity of plant food in 1 l/z tons of 4-8-4. The plant food in 1.25 tons of 4-12-4 costs $1.38 more than an equal quantity in 5-15-5. The 1.67 tons of 3-10-3 cost $7.73 more than the 1.0 tons of 5-15-5, but when an allowance of $2.27 ismade of the 33 pounds more phosphoric acid it contains, the plant food in 3-10-3 costs $5.36 more. Similar differences are to be seen with the other grades. The most concentrated mixed fertilizer was the cheapest per pound of plant COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 13 Table 5. Relative cost of approximately the same amount of plant food in different grades of fertilizer. Available Nitrogen Phosphoric Potash Total Grade pounds acid pounds Cost pounds Group 1 1.0 tons 6-12-6 .......................................... ..120 240 120 $37.20 1.5 tons 4-8-4 .......................................... ..120 240 120 43.49 Group 2 1.0 tons 5-15-5 ............................. .. 300 100 38.69 1.25 tons 4-12-4 ......................... .. 300 100 40.07 333 100 46.42 1.67 tons 3-10-3 .... .. food, or to put it another way, the highest priced fertilizer per ton may be the lowest priced per pound of plant food. This difference is caused partly by freight charges, partly by the cost of‘ bagging, etc. The higher cost of manufacture of the more concentrated fertilizers is frequently more than offset by the cost of freight, bags, etc. As shown in Table 4, the cost of phos- phoric acid averaged 0.65 cents a pound less in 20 per cent superphosphate than in 18 per cent. Comparing Cost of Fertilizer The relative money value of two or more kinds of fertilizer may be roughly compared by dividing the price at which the fertilizer is sold per ton by the valuation per ton of the fertilizer. While guaranteed valuations for many grades for the season of 1939-40 may be somewhat different from those published in this bulletin, the valuation here given may be used for comparative purposes. For example, if a 4-8-4 fertilizer sells for $29.00 a ton and a 6-12-6 fertilizer for $37.20, which is cheaper? Using the valua- tions from Table 3, for 4-8-4, the selling price, $29.00, divided by the valuation, $24.80, gives $1.17; for 6-12-6, the selling price, $37.00, divided by the valuation, $37.20, gives $1.00. Thus one dollar of valuation costs $1.17 in 4-8-4, and $1.00 in 6-12-6. Therefore, the 6-12-6 is cheaper. Simi- lar calculations may be made for other grades and for other prices. Of course the suitability of the fertilizer to the soil and crop must be considered in addition to the relative cost of the plant food. Free Analyses Purchasers of commercial fertilizers for their own use (but not for sale), can secure a free analysis of a sample provided they take a legal sample. Those who desire the free analysis of a sample of commercial fertilizer should write for a blank, “Application for Free Fertilizer An_ alysis”, to the State Chemist, College Station, Texas, before taking a sample. The proper sampling of a fertilizer requires care, and the law re- quires it to be taken in a certain way so that a fair sample is taken. If the sample is not properly taken, it does not represent the fertilizer sam- pled, and the analysis may be better or poorer than the goods actually 14 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION are. This privilege of a free analysis applies only to fertilizers tagged, and sold under the fertilizer law and to samples properly taken so that they represent the goods sampled. Analysis of Fertilizers, 1939-40 Samples of fertilizer were collected from the goods being sold in many towns and cities. The chief places of sales were visited several times. The number of samples registered for analysis was 1086. Table 9, near the end of this Bulletin, contains a list of the samples of fertilizer subjected to analysis in the season ending September 1, 1940. Analysis below guarantee are brought out in heavy type. Practically all Table 6. Average valuation of all fertilizers guaranteed and found in dollars per ton, 1939-40. No. of samples Number Valuation Valuation more than Manufacturer Averaged Guaranteed Found 4 % below guarantee American Cyanamid Company .............. .. 11 $59.13 $59.78 0 Archer Grain Company ............ .. 2 30.70 32.71 0 Arkansas Fertilizer Company 28.52 29.07 0 Armour Fertilizer Works ...... .. .. 33.91 34.67 6 Blume System Tree Experts ...................... .. 23.80 28.11 0 Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. ...... .. 14 28.37 29.92 2 Campbell Fertilizer Co. .............................. .. 36 28.79 31.98 0 Cherokee Fertilizer Company ........ .. 3 32.60 ‘ 31.59 0 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation 4 38.40 38.83 0 Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc.. 1 26.48 28.55 0 Crockett Fertilizer Works .......................... .. 14 28.64 29.11 0 Davison Chemical Corporation (Davison Pick Fertilizer Div.) .......... .. 2 27.40 27.49 0 Dixie Chemical Company .......................... .. 4 30.90 31.92 0 East Texas Cotton Oil Co. (Palestine) 27 29.12 29.51 2 East Texas Cotton Oil Co. (Tyler) .......... .. 30 28.89 30.28 0 Farmers Cotton Oil Company ........ .. 11 29.76 30.22 0 Federal Chemical Company, Inc. ..... .. 39 28.28 29.04 0 Fidelity Chemical Corporation ..... .. 71 35.68 36.44 3 Ford Motor Company ..................... .. 3 49.92 49.95 0 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. .......... .. 14 28.46 29.56 1 City of Houston Engineering Dept. ...... .. 1 15.80 16.46 0 International Agricultural Corp. .......... .. 38 29.48 29.91 0 Jacksonville Fertilizer Company ....... .. 11 28.71 31.00 0 Kelly, Weber and Company, Inc. 23 25.69 26.65 0 Longview Cotton Oil Company 14 28.77 29.63 0 Marshall Cotton Oil Company 15 29.43 29.58 0 Mixson Brothers ............................. .. . 10 31.04 31.29 0 Nicholson’s Seed Store ............. .. 2 33.30 35,28 0 Oil Mill and Fertilizer Works 15 29.28 28.99 3 Pate Brothers Fertilizer Works 12 26.18 27.60 0 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company 15 29.44 29.54 1 Port Fertilizer Company _________ __ _ 12 55,59 56372 0 The Pulverized Manure Company .. 1 8.50 11.81 0 Shreveport Fertilizer Works ________ ._ 75 29,93 30136 2 Soil Builders, Incorporated ______________________ __ 1 6.60 6,56 0 Swift and Company Fertilizer Works ...... ..163 30.50 30.76 12 Synthetic Nitrogen Products Corp. ...... .. 1 36.00 36.29 0 Temple Cotton Oil Company ______________________ __ 7 33_11 3227 1 Texas Farm Products Company ______________ __ 73 30_()8 3053 0 Tri-State Fertilizer and Lumber co ___________ __ 3 23,17 2930 0 Tyler Fertilizer Company ............. .. 18 29.61 30.03 2 United Chemical Company ............. .. 78 29.27 28.95 16 Virginia Carolina Chemical Corp. . 6O 28.53 28.78 1 Waldo Fertilizer Works ................. .. 2 35.80 37.41 o Chas. F. Ward ______________________________________________ __ 2 2310 40155 0 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 15 samples of fertilizer were collected by our inspectors. Analyses and in- spection were made by S. E. Asbury, T. L. Ogier, Waldo Walker, G. S. Shepard, Geo. Smith, Sam Greenberg, and Leon Miller. Relation of Valuation Guaranteed to Valuation Delivered Table 6 contains the average guaranteed valuation, and the average valuation found by our analyses, for all manufacturers doing business in Texas. In the preparation of this table, all analyses made were averaged, even though several were made of each brand and fertilizer materials are included as well as mixed fertilizers. Averages Below Guarantee Whenever any lot of fertilizer is 4 per cent or more below guarantee, the law requires all persons who have sold this lotof fertilizer to make good the deficiency to all purchasers. This rebate is paid by the manufac- turer to the dealer and by the dealer to the customer. The number of lots. on which rebates were paid by each manufacturer is shown in Table 6. Fillers Many mixed fertilizers are made by mixing together ammonium sul- phate, superphosphate, potash salts, and other materials containing nitro- gen, phosphoric acid and potash. It is possible to make such fertilizers entirely from fertilizing materials, but it is often more desirable and less expensive to make a mixture to the desired composition by the addition oi" sand, dolomite, or other material containing little or no fertilizing ingre- dients. Such additions are called fillers. The materials used as filler in the grades of fertilizer offered for sale in Texas the past season included sand, limestone, lime, dolomite, pecan hulls, peanut hulls, gypsum, phosphate rock and coffee chaff. Only small quantities of limestone or lime can be used because larger quantities will revert some of the available phosphoric acid to insoluble phosphoric acid, thereby decreasing the percentage of available phosphoric acid in the fertilizer and causing it to fall below guarantee. Pecan hulls and peanut hulls contain very little plant food. The nitrogen is of low grade, and the use of low-grade material is prohibited by the Texas fertilizer law, except under special conditions. On account of misleading claims made last season regarding the value of peanut hulls and pecan hulls, their use will not be authorized this season. Non-Acid Forming Fertilizers Ordinary fertilizers when used for a number of years on soils with a low buffer capacity may acidify a neutral soil, or make an acid soil more acid, and so are termed acid-forming fertilizers. Non-acid forming fertil- izers are made by the addition of sufficient amounts of ground dolomite 16 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION to neutralize the acidity, or by the selection of suitable fertilizing ingre- dients. Dolomite is a calcium-magnesium carbonate. Limestone is not suit- able because large quantities revert the available phosphoric acid of the fertilizer and causes it to become insoluble. In the eastern part of the United States, where fertilizers have been used for a long time and where the soils are already acid, ordinary fertilizer may not give as good yields of crops as non-acid forming fertilizers. Non-acid forming fertilizers are recommended for use on acid soils having a pH of 5.5 or lower and which are likely to become still more acid with ordinary fertilizers. Since Texas soils are generally only slightly acid, or even alkaline, the use of non- acid forming fertilizers is not at present necessary, except under exception- al conditions. Where the soils are neutral or slightly alkaline, as is the case in large areas of limestone soils, ordinary fertilizers are preferable to non-acid forming fertilizers. Some plants require slightly acid soils for lbest results. An acid-forming fertilizer may be better on an alkaline soil ‘than a non-acid forming fertilizer. For further information see Progress fReport No. 594. Only two brands 0f fertilizer sold in Texas this season were claimed to ibe non-acid forming. Examination was made of 24 samples, with the results given in Table 7. Table 7. Analyses of fertilizers claimed to be non-acid forming Laboratory Name of Brand Acid-Base Number balance 64718 Swift's pH 7 6-8-4 .............................................. .. 16B passed 64792 Swift’s 7 6 4 passed 64823 Swift’s 7 6 4 passed 64844 Swift/s 7 6 4 passed 64846 Swift’s 7 6 4 passed 64854 Swift's 7 6 4 Sl. acid-forming 64857 Swift’s . N passed 64860 Swift’s Sl. acid-forming 64868 Swift’s '7 passed 64877 Swift’s pH 7 6-8-4 ---------------------------------------------- -- 2B Passed 64894 Swift’s K.O. Non Acid-Forming 6-8-8 .......... .. 12A passed 64975 Swift’s K.O. Non Acid-Forming 6-8-8 ...... .. 27B passed 64992 Swift's pH 7 6-8-4 .............................................. -- passed 65037 Swift's K.O. Non Acid-Forming passed 65081 Swift's K.O. Non Acid-Forming passed esoss Swift's pH 7 6-8-4 ....................................... .. passed 65097 Swift's pH 7 6-8-4 ....................................... .. Sl. acid-forming 65148 Swift’s K.O. Non Acid-Forming Sl. acid-forming 65213 Swift's pH 7 6-8-4 .............................................. -- passed _ 65321 Swift/s K.O. Non Acid-Forming acid forming 65373 Swift’s K.O. Non Acid-Forming passed 65393 Swift's pH 7 .............................................. .. passed 65402 Swift’s pH '7 passed 65409 Swift's pH 7 passed Investigations Under the Fertilizer Law The State Chemist is required by the fertilizer law to investigate the composition, properties, and agricultural values of fertilizers or fertilizer materials, or ingredients of fertilizer sold or offered for sale within the State of Texas, and to publish his results as he may find. L. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 17 Relation to Experiment Station Work The Work of the State Chemist is closely related to the chemical work of the Experiment Station. In his capacity as Chief of the Division of Chemistry of the Experiment Station, the State Chemist is carrying out extensive investigations into the fundamental properties of soils, es- pecially with respect to their content of plant food. This work is related closely to the use of fertilizers and is connected with investigations as t0 the agricultural values of fertilizers required by the Fertilizer Control, for fertilizers vary in effect upon the different soils. Soft Phosphate With Colloidal Clay Soft phosphate with colloidal clay is a natural phosphate of lime con- taining 20 per cent of total phosphoric acid or more. The phosphate of lime is so finely divided that some of it is termed colloidal. The availability to plants of the phosphoric acid of soft phosphate with colloidal clay is on an average about 40 per cent of that of the available phosphoric acid in 2O per cent superphosphate. Additional ‘information is given in Bulletin 509. Sulphur, Gypsum, Manganese, and Other Secondary Fertilizing Elements Our present evidence indicates that manganese, magnesia, sulphur, calcium, boron, iodine, zinc or other secondary fertilizing elements are not needed as additions to Texas soils. Sulphur and calcium are present in large quantities in practically all mixed fertilizers, and small quantities of the other elements are also present. The quantities of sulphur and cal- cium in some Texas fertilizers is given in Table 8. We are unable to recommend the use of sulphur or gypsum alone as a fertilizer to supply sulphur in Texas because Texas soils need nitrogen, phosphoric acid or potash much more than they need sulphur, and the sulphur or gypsum does not supply any of these plant foods. The experi- ments which have been carried out do not give results which justify the use of such materials alone as fertilizers (see Bulletins 408 and 414). This also applies to the natural mixture of sulphur, gypsum, sulphuric acid and other substances, which various parties and concerns have attempted to sell or exploit as a fertilizer or soil amendment. It is not recommended for use as a fertilizer and does not give results on soils which need fertilizer, as shown in Bulletins 408 and 414. For plants which do best on an acid soil, sulphur is sometimes used to acidify soils that are alkaline or neutral. The organisms in the soil oxidize the sulphur to sulphuric acid and thus in turn acidifies the soil. The oxidation requires two or three months. The quantity to be used de- pends upon the buffer capacity of the soil for acid, and may range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds per acre. In the latter case, acidification of spots is best. The value of a sulphur for acidifying the soil depends on the quantity of sulphur present: a material containing 18 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 8. Sulphur and calcium in some grades of fertilizers. Laboratory Sulphur Calcium Number Grade per cent per cent 53639 Nitrate of soda .............................................. .. .16 .07 53697 4-8-4 8.14 10.64 53709 4-8-4 9.66 10.95 53724 4-8-4 9.10 10.68 53542 4-12-4 11.68 13.16 53565 4-12-4 11.02 13.82 53624 4-12-4 10.82 12.84 53695 4-12-4 12.06 14.60 53587 5-15-5 13.30 14.97 53603 5-15-5 12.94 15.03 53612 5-15-5 ....... ..12.74 14.92 53648 5-15-5 12.84 14.97 53946 Soft phosphate with colloidal clay .......... .. .18 17.20 54044 6-8-8 8.62 11.96 ~ 54430 6-8-8 8.30 12.02 54452 6-8-8 8.42 11.66 54567 2 percent kainit ............................................ .. 4.08 5.35 53767 6-9-3 12.04 10.85 53838 6-9-3 8.98 13.39 53897 6-9-3 ____ __ 10.38 20.98 54524 Tankage ...... .. .16 18.10 53592 6-10-7 12.94 11.24 53607 6-10-7 12.52 11.17 53649 6-10-7 12.28 12.48 53539 10-20-10 ............ .. 11.24 6.81 53593 10-20-10 10.30 5.54 53608 10-20-10 10.92 7.65 53642 10-20-10 8.68 8.67 53486 11-48-0 2.12 1.55 53499 11-48-0 1.50 6.14 53638 11-48-0 2.50 1.47 53670 11-48-0 2.40 1.42 53492 16-20-0 14.62 2.09 53527 16-20-0 3.57 53645 16-20-0 4.34 53668 15% calcium nitrate 20.63 53561 18% superphosphate 20.78 53751 18% superphosphate 20.05 53833 18% superphosphate 20.08 53917 18% superphosphate 20.51 53530 20% superphosphate 21.94 53664 20% superphosphate 22.36 53776 20% superphosphate 22.16 53883 20% superphosphate 20.55 53529 32% superphosphate 18.21 53636 32% superphosphate 18.91 53661 32% super-phosphate 17.79 53669 21% cyanamid .............................................. .. 41.20 4-» 4w 1- ‘yr ‘v a ~Jywwa-"r COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 19 85 per cent of sulphur is 4 1A, times as strong as one containing only 20 per cent of sulphur and one containing 99 per cent sulphur is 14 per cent stronger than one which contains 85 per cent. On some limestone soils plants suffer from a yellowing of the leaves, known as chlorosis, usually due to deficiency of iron. The presence of car- bonate of lime prevents the plant from taking up (or utilizing) sufficient iron. Most of these soils contain such large quantities of carbonate of lime that broadcast applications of sulphur are soon neutralized and made useless. A sufficient number of acidified spots may prevent the chlo- rosis. The acidified spots may be made by digging post holes to depths of 2 to 3 feet, mixing the dirt with sulphur and returning the mixture to the holes. Holes may also be made with a pointed iron rod and filled with the sulphur. A sulphur compost may also be used, as recommended by Godfrey in Progress Report No. 675. Investigations on the use of manganese sulphate for Texas soils are given in Bulletin 432. The results of the experimental work do not justify recommendation of the use of manganese sulphate on Texas soils. Greensand A report of investigations regarding the value of greensand as a fertilizer was published in Bulletin 428. The availability of the potash and phosphoric acid in greensand was found to be low. Greensand has little fertilizing value but can be used in quantities of 5 to 40 tons to an acre on land near to the deposits where it can be mined and applied at a cost closely related to its value. It does not contain sufficient fertilizer value to justify attempting to market it. Polyhalite and Sewage Sludge Polyhalite, a mineral found in deep deposits in western Texas and in New Mexico, contains about 12 per cent potash, which is only partly soluble in water, but which is readily available to plants. Additional information is given in Bulletin 449. Digested sewage sludge is low in plant food, and the nitrogen has a low availability. Dried activated sludge contains about 5 per cent nitrogen . and 2 per cent available phosphoric acid and the nitrogen has a good availability to plants. Additional information is given in Bulletin 445. Fertilizing Value of Spent Phosphate Catalyst A catalyst containing phosphoric acid is used in the manufacture of gasoline from petroleum. Several hundred tons of the spent phosphate ' catalyst may accumulate at a manufacturing point during the course of 20 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT SgTATlON a year, and the question arose as to its suitability for use as a fertilizer. Chemical analyses and pot experiments were made to secure the necessary information. When fresh, it contains from 40 to 54% available phosphoric acid (P105) and about 58% insoluble material (silica). The weathered catalyst may contain only 24% phosphoric acid. It is acidic, having an acid-base balance equal to 561 to 836 pounds of calcium carbonate per ton. Ignition with magnesium nitrate gives correct results for total phosphoric acid, but solution in acids gives results which may be 10% too low. The percent- age of the phosphoric acid taken up by corn and kafir in eight tests on four soils was nearly as high as from superphosphate. The phosphoric acid of spent phosphate catalyst has a high order of availability to plants, being much like that of superphosphate. Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1 (thiamin hydrochloride) is now an ingredient of some garden fertilizers and is sold alone in such a way as to bring it under the Texas fertilizer law. Extravagant claims had to be revised. Vitamin B1 appears to promote the growth of roots and may be of advantage at the time plants are transplanted and also to plants of slow growth. Vitamin B1 does not and cannot take the place of mineral fertil- izers essential to plant growth. If the soil does not contain sufficient plant food, fertilizers are needed Whether vitamin B1 is supplied or not. All plants produce vitamin B1 in their leaves and in their roots. Many plants, especially wheat, corn, tomatoes, peas, beans, etc., produce suf- ficient vitamin B1 to supply all needs. A few slow growing plants do not produce sufficient quantities of vitamin B1 and additions of vitamin B1 to the soil may increase the growth of such plants. Slow growing plants, which would otherwise respond to vitamin B1 may not respond in rich soils, well supplied with animal manures or decaying vegetable matter because such manures supply vitamin B1. The application of vitamin B1 in the growing of plants probably has a definite field of usefulness, but its use is still in the experimental stage. Those who wish to experiment with it should apply it to five or more plants, and not apply it to five or more similar plants growing under the same conditions. Unless some such comparison is made, it is not possible to tell whether or not the vitamin B1 is effective. Fertilizers for Water Culture Soluble fertilizers, intended for use in water culture, are now being sold. Water culture is the growing of plants in a water solution that con- tains all the necessary elements for proper plant growth. There is nothing .._x._ .i__ _.___.....i1_ _. __.......i..._.siu_._.i..._~.-_.a__._._f . ' .,.:w'P"wwWv'v"r;g-1W' y yup-w -.~ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 21 either new or miraculous about growing plants in water, as it has been done for a hundred years. What is new is the commercial applica- tion of water-culture methods. The soil supplies plants with necessary elements, can be easily fer- tilized, and the soil helps to regulate the supply of plant food to the plant. The elements which must be added to the water in which the plants are to be grown include nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, manganese, boron, zinc and copper. The solution must have the proper acidity, which requires adjustment from time to time. The plants must be properly supported. Once the plants begin to grow, the questions of suitable quantities of light, correct temperature, heat, as well as protect- ing from pests and diseases must be met. Keeping the solution well bal- anced in necessary elements is important and not always easy. All plants do not use the same quantities of the elements, consequently as one is absorbed freely by certain plants there may be an excess of another. Growing plants in water culture is in the experimental stage. For some crops the method is entirely too expensive, for other crops, the yield will be just as large when grown in soil. For anyone who wishes to experiment with water culture, there are several books describing the technique in detail, which can be purchased from a good bookstore. Information Concerning the Use of Fertilizer Information concerning the use of commercial fertilizer for various crops in different sections of Texas is given in Circular 85, and this will be sent free on request. Some publications of the Texas Experiment Sta- tion giving information on fertilizers and fertilizing material are as fol- lows: Circular 85—Use of commercial fertilizers. Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin 469—Fertilizer experiments with cotton. Bulletin 509—-Availability of the phosphoric acid of finely divided rock phosphate. Bulletin 572-—Fertilizer statistics for Texas, 1926-1938. Progress report 594—-Non-acid forming fertilizers. 167—Commercial fertilizers and their use. 350-—Fertilizer statistics for Texas (to 1927). 398—Fertilizers for rice in Texas. AIM-Possibilities of sulphur as a soil amendment. 428——The fertilizing value of greensand. 432—Manganese in Texas soils and its relation to crops. 445—The composition and fertilizing value of sewage sludge. Progress report 675—Acid production in compost of sulphur and or- ganic matter. 22 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Any of these publications will be sent free on request to the Director of the Experiment Station, College Station, Texas. In order to avoid errors, both the name and the number should be given. Summary This Bulletin contains a report of the Texas Fertilizer Control for 1939-40 and definitions of fertilizer terms as adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. An explanation of terms is given. Sales of fertilizer in Texas were 116,307 tons in 1939-40. They were 93,115 tons in 1938-39. The tonnage for other years is given. The tons re- ported do not include cottonseed meal sold as a feed but used as a fertil- izer. The average selling prices and composition of the different kinds of fertilizer are given. Available phosphoric acid costs slightly less in 20 per cent superphos- phate than in 18 per cent. Plant food costs less per pound in the more concentrated fertilizers than in less concentrated fertilizer, though the former costs more per ton. The grades of fertilizer to be sold next season are given. A table is given showing the relation of the guaranteed valuation to the valuation delivered by the various manufacturers. Analysis of 1086 samples collected by the inspector are given. w-w-y-aww 7.. . Table 9. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 23 Laboratory Number 64734 64735 64748 64750 64816 64935 64729 64742 64730 64741 64873 65261 65325 65355 65354 65356 65371 65370 64836 64938 65239 64797 64806 65007 65008 65146 65290 65369 65391 65397 65501 65625 64802 64810 64815 64905 64953 64970 65006 65086 65092 65145 65240 Manufacturer, place of business and brand American Cyanamid Company, New York, New York 21% ‘Aero’ Cyanamid Granular Guarantee .................. .. Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis ‘Ammo-Phos’ Analysis Analysis ‘Ammo-Phos’ Analysis Analysis Granular Analysis ‘Aero’ 11-48-0 Guarantee 16-20-0 Guarantee 32% Superphosphate Guarantee ...... .. Archer Grain Company, Houston, Texas Archer’s Vitalife Acid Plant Foods Guarantee .......... .. Analysis Archer's Vitalife St. Augustine Grass Plant Foods Guarantee Analysis Arkansas Fertilizer Company, Little Rock Arkansas White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Crop Getter Guarantee Analysis White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Jack Rabbit Guarantee Analysis White Diamond Brand Fertilizer iOld Reliable Guarantee Analysis Analysis White Diamond Brand Fertilizer Pioneer Guarantee Analysis Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth. Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana Armour’s Analysis Analysis Analysis Armour’s Big Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Armoufs Big Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Big Crop Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee... Crop Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .............. .. Crop Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee .......... .. Nitrogen per cent I 21.00 20.98 20.91 21.02 3.00 2.90 6.00 6.58 4.00 4.09 4.00 4.18 4.00 4.16 4.44 6.00 5.84 3.00 2.96 3.04 2.93 4.00 3.40 3.98 4.31 3.76 4.04 4.02 4.02 4.04 4.06 4.22 Valuation found, Der ton $50.40‘ 50.35 50.18"- ' 50.45- 50.40 50.74 50.64 88.80" 88.95 89.50‘ 64.40 66.80‘ 66.55- 41.60 42.99 25.60 27.75 35.80 37.67 30.00 30.93 27.20 26.60 24.80 25.45 26.80 35.80 35.58 23.80 20.79 25.45 24.60 24.80 24.80 25.86 25.12 25.78 24.58 24.78 24.85 25.21 25.01 25.42 25.74 27.20 29.07 28.18 30.51 27.09 27.21 26.26 27.32 27.90 28.39 26.22 a w: d 2 '3 .. .. £2 5 s5 f; 9 ° if.’ ° 22 3 *8 3 p. Q. D4 Q 48.00 48.04 48.17 20.00 21.62 21.18 32.00 33.07 4.00 11.00 4.24 12.73 10.00 7.00 10.10 7.29 12.00 4.00 12.25 4.32 8.00 6.00 8.16 4.97 8.00 4.00 8.03 4.20 8.97 3.73 10.00 7.00 10.53 6.56 10.00 3.00 10.13 .43 11.16 3.03 10.52 3.24 8.00 4.00 9.88 3.17 8.90 3.95 7.63 4.05 9.74 3.42 7.67 4.09 8.19 3.73 8.20 3.78 8.20 4.04 8.18 3.87 8.02 4.05 8.37 4.08 8.00 6.00 9.30 5.79 8.83 6.23 10.00 6.69 8.16 5.85 8.01 6.08 7.92 6.06 8.05 6.04 8.13 6.20 8.71 6.21 8.24 4.74 8.28 6.2a 27.87 24 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) 3 .2 i’ 9'2 i S s. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5E‘ 3 S E‘ y‘; 3 g w Q b0 <0 w-= u» £1 =0 "‘ o g-Q 2 o 1:; g u g3! u gu 3 5 == 5 52 3 3 3 5 3 .42 Z o. <1 a. s: n. o. I > o. l Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas and New Orleans, L0uisiana-—Continued. Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guaranteee~ Continued-—_ _ 65263 Analysis 3.70 8.60 6.39 24.73 65381 Analysis 3.86 8.43 6.36 27.85 35390 Analysis . .. 4.04 9.11 5.45 28.05 65437 Analysis 4.03 8.49 3.03 27.95 55452 Analysis 4.01 8.24 6.06 27.30 65550 v Analysls .... .. _ _ 3.89 8.36 5.87 27.25 Ai-moui-s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-10 Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 64708 Analysis .. 3.95 9.99 9.22 33.53 @4814 Analysis y 3.84 9.87 11.63 30.01 454973 Analysis . 4.00 8.34 10.37 32.88 Ai-mgufs Big Crop Fertilizer 4-10-0 Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 10.00 22.60 165251 Analysis 3.74 10.69 22.88 ~ Armgur’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 84798 Analysis 3.87 12.56 4.20 30.66 549107 Analysis 3.90 11.80 3.89 20.63 55018 Analysis 4.08 12.24 4.04 30.55 55019 Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . .. .. 4.00 12.15 4.07 30.28 65113 Analysis I 4.13 12.37 4.09 30.90 55140 Analysis 4.03 12.19 4.08 30.42 65188 Analysis _ 3.90 12.00 4.02 30.00 65262 Analysis 4.01 12.25 4.06 30.42 65337 Analysis 4.04 12.45 3.84 30.50 35383 Analysis 4.07 12.38 4.04 30.71 ArmQu1"s Big Crop Fertilizer 5-15-0 Guarantee .......... .. 5.00 15.00 31.50 04714 Analysis 5.00 13.44 33.37 64864 Analysis 4.57 14.88 30.31 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 5-15-5 Guarantee ...... .. 5.00 15.00 5.00 37.50 64696 Analysis 4.92 15.02 5.03 37.38 64705 Analysis 4.96 15.36 5.42 38.37 64769 Analysis __ 5.64 15.05 4.75 38.81 64772 Analysis 4.85 17.32 5.15 40.34 64796 Analysis 5.00 16.52 5.01 39.49 64863 Analysis I 5.08 15.52 5.19 38.60 64872 Analysis 5.19 16.88 5.16 40.59 Armoufs Big Crop Fertilizer 6-8-4 Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 64707 Analysis 5.72 9.88 4.31 31.74 65406 Analysis 6.00 8.56 4.05 30.39 65738 Analysis __________________________________________________________________________ .. 5.62 8.74 3.71 29.30 Arm0ur’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-8-8 Guarantee .............. ._ 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.40 64709 Analysis ...... .. 5.53 9.34 8.15 35.19 64972 Analysis ______ __ 6.25 8.27 7.65 34.93 65036 Analysis .. 5.71 8.43 7.82 34.04 Arm0ur’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64695 Analysis __________________________________________________________________________ .. 5.90 10.89 7.14 36.89 64706 Analysis 6.02 11.02 7.23 37.46 64825 Analysis 6.05 10.38 7.23 36.69 64833 5 Analysis 6.13 10.23 7.24 36.70 64903 Analysis 5.69 10.50 6.34 34.92 64906 Analysis 5.89 10.43 6.90 35.98 64969 Analysis 6.08 9.38 7.04 35.23 65035 Analysis 6.02 10.15 7.04 36.10 Arm0ur’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64721 Analysis _ 6.02 12.80 6.26 38.60 64725 Analysis 5.94 12.77 6.02 38.08 64793 Analysis 5.97 12.49 6.09 37.88 64805 Analysis ........ .. 5.83 12.79 6.02 37.84 64832 Analysis 6.18 12.73 6.24 38.87 64834 Analysis ......... .. 5.98 12.77 5.84 37.96 64893 Analysis _ 6.04 12.63 6.17 38.32 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 25 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) .1 s": E .2 3 h Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5E‘ fi *5 E‘ -' 5 '3 °’ m: o cv-= w .55 =3: 3 an . o o u g: Q. o w u 5 p 43 S b g. i“ 8 g. S -_, L‘ 52f 2a 22a iafi“: Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana—Continued. Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee! 64939 Analysis 5.78 12.59 5.58 36.94 65009 Analysis 6.35 11.97 5.89 37.87 65034 Analysis 6.04 12.68 6.17 38.38 65094 Analysis 6.14 12.53 6.06 38.30 65147 Analysis 5.99 12.29 6.01 37.57 65174 Analysis 6 05 12.62 6.17 38.33 65264 ‘ Analysis _ 6.07 11.77 5.87 36.91 65577 Analysis 6.05 12.89 5.67 38.08 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 10-0-10 Guarantee ...... .. 10.00 10.00 36.00 65736 Analysis 10.25 10.05 36.66 Armour’s Big Crop 10-20-10 Guarantee .......................... .. 10.00 20.00 10.00 62.00 64694 Analysis 9.05 19.75 10.13 59.56 64794 Analysis 8.87 19.43 10.07 58.63 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 11-48-0 Guarantee .......... .. 11.00 48.00 88.80 64693 Analysis 11.06 49.98 91.51 64719 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.56 49.07 89.13 64726 Analysis 11.08 48.89 90.15 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 16-20-0 Guarantee ...... .. 16.00 20.00 64.40 64720 Analysis 15.03 27.45 71.76 64727 Analysis ...... .. 15.43 26.56 71.56 64762 Analysis 15.39 24.96 69.39 64770 Analysis 15.43 26.70 71.74 64795 Analysis . 16.11 22.92 68.46 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer Old Black Joe Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64799 Analysis 3.93 8.31 3.86 24.86 64801 Analysis 4.08 8.91 4.06 26.24 64813 Analysis 4.25 9.59 3.79 27.22 64827 Analysis .... .. l 3.74 8.08 4.18 24.50 64904 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 3.95 8.31 3.88 24.94 64936 Analysis 4.17 8.22 4.24 25.79 . 64952 Analysis 4.27 7.71 4.13 25.23 65010 Analysis ...... .. 4.15 8.09 3.87 25.12 65017 Analysis 4.12 8.36 4.07 25.64 65095 Analysis 4.32 8.10 4.06 25.77 65121 Analysis 4.23 8.31 4.06 25.82 65139 Analysis 3.96 8.42 ..3.84 25.06 65187 Analysis 4.05 8.59 4.09 25.80 65363 Analysis .... .. 4.04 8.53 4.01 25.60 65368 Analysis 4.22 8.52 3.89 25.88 ' 65396 Analysis 4.02 8.51 3.74 25.20 65419 Analysis ........... .. 4.19 8.70 3.94 26.10 65440 Analysis __ 4.26 8.36 3.84 25.70 65521 Analysis ______ .. 3.97 8.58 3.84 25.29 65570 Analysis g . . .. 4.11 9.63 3.78 26.92 65588 Analysis ...... .. 3.98 8.88 3.78 25.63 65624 Analysis 4.40 8.46 3.83 26.16 65665 Analysis 4.34 9.64 3.86 27.58 65693 Analysis 4.08 v 8.42 3.88 25.40 65737 Analysis 4.13 8.10 3.65 24.82 Armour’s Big Crop Nitrate of Soda 16% Guarantee... 16.00 38.40 64698 Analysis 16.28 39.07 Armour’s Big Crop Raw Bone Meal Guarantee ...... .. 3.70 22.001‘ 26.48 65691 Analysis .. 3.86 22.391‘ 27.17 Armour’s Big Crop Sulphate of Ammonia 20% Guarantee 20.00 48.00 64756 Analysis 19.68 47.23 64761 Analysis 13-39 45-34 64771 Analysis . 17-93 43-03 64773 Analysis 19-15 45-96 64777 Analysis 19-59 46-30 26 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) i l E‘ E 2% 8 i V2 l; .8 t. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5+’ 3 E" _+‘ g °° ‘l’ m5 a4?- 6 s: 5 " a 8'9 0 u 5: Q o v1 u 5 8 f; 5 *5 s ‘ii a 1 *5 a Ti s: AZ Z n. <1 n. a i n. o. > n. Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana—Continued. Armour’s Big Crop Sulphat of Ammonia 20% Guarantee—Continued— 64867 Analysis .. 20.81 49.94 64870 Analysis 20.68 49.63 64886 Analysis _ 20.56 49.34 64892 Analysis 17.98 43.15 65227 Analysis 20.64 49.54 Armour’s Big Crop Superphosphate 18% Guarantee.... 18.00 23.40 64697 Analysis 20.34 26.44 64835 Analysis .. 19.05 24.77 Armour’s Big Crop Superphosphate 20% Guarantee.... 20.00 26.00 64717 Analysis 19.65 25.55 64937 Analysis 19.69 25.60 65141 Analysis . 20.17 26.22 Armour’s Dirt Farmer Fertilizer 4-10-0 Guarantee 4.00 10.00 22.60 65690 Analysis 4.15 10.26 23.30 Armour’s Garden. Fertilizer .............................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64699 Analysis 3.96 13.24 4.04 31.56 Armour’s Plow Brand Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65027 Analysis 6.15 9.93 7.07 36.15 Blume System Tree Experts, Houston, Texas Blume Plant Special Guarantee ...................................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64888 Analysis 4.01 11.00 3.49 28.11 Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company, Bryan, Texas Star Brand Cotton & Corn Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64933 Analysis 4.69 7.74 4.32 26.50 65228 Analysis 3.66 10.59 4.38 27.81 65557 Analysis . 3.62 9.24 4.07 25.58 Star Brand Special Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64931 Analysis 3.94 9.97 4.46 27.77 65229 Analysis 4.26 12.46 ‘ 4.38 31.68 65558 Analysis 3.85 12.58 4.24 30.68 Star Brand 20% Superphosphate Guarantee .............. .. 20.00 26.00 64932 Analysis 20.78 27.01 Star Brand Tomato Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64930 Analysis 5.80 11.16 6.52 36.25 65231 Analysis 6.37 11.93 7.55 39.86 65556 Analysis 6.55 9.36 5.84 34.96 Star Brand Truck Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64934 Analysis 4.18 8.53 4.09 26.03 65230 Analysis 4.19 8.96 4.08 26.61 65559 Analysis 4.64 8.47 4.50 27.55 Cambell Fertilizer Company, Houston, Texas All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64882 Analysis 2.91 11.46 4.30 27.04 65226 Analysis 3.04 12.16 2.31 25.88 65267 Analysis 3.42 17.02 5.17 36.54 65300 Analysis 3.02 11.87 4.08 27.58 65703 Analysis 3.23 12.61 3.67 28.54 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64880 Analysis 4.02 8.90 4.85 27.04 65221 Analysis 4.00 8.25 4.14 25.30 65249 Analysis 4.16 8.50 4.39 26.30 65299 Analysis 4.37 8.28 5.18 27.47 65689 Analysis 4.02 9.25 4.71 27.33 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64783 Analysis 3.74 10.07 6.19 29.50 64879 Analysis 3.79 9.20 6.29 28.61 64891 Analysis _ 3.99 9.98 6.57 30.43 65220 Analysis 4.01 10.98 6.37 31.53 65258 Analysis 3.65 11.44 6.83 31.83 65260 Analysis 4.00 10.91 7.05 32.24 _v.._._...... .._ .2.-. _ ....s..--.. .. r<< . COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 27 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) I l 1 "a | 2e a i i .2 ' '2 B 1. Manufacturer, place of business and brand I g Q E‘ jg __0_ g “l w 1 b0 q: m5 cu l -='~ a: "’ o ‘a? l e u 1: g; o 1 2g u g4: 3 =1 l r: a; i’ g 3 *6 a R g AZ l Z o. i < o. n. n. s: > o. I Campbell Fertilizer Company, Houston, Texas—Continued. 65269 Analysis 3.92 11.01 5.73 30.60 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 4-8-10 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 64897 Analysis 4.13 9.02 10.30 34.00 65257 Analysis 4.03 11.03 10.32 36.39 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64881 Analysis 3.59 14.65 4.12 32.61 65250 Analysis 3.83 14.59 5.63 34.92 65268 Analysis 3.40 16.15 2.91 32.65 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 5-15-5 Guarantee 5.00 15.00 5.00 37.50 64831 Analysis 4.33 19.85 5.03 42.24 64842 Analysis 5.04 18.66 5.08 42.46 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 6-8-4 Guarantee 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 64840 Analysis 6.60 8.89 4.31 32.57 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64896 Analysis . 6.74 11.56 7.77 40.53 All-Weather-Organic Base Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64782 Analysis 6.04 12.23 6.30 37.96 64790 Analysis 5.94 13.10 6.64 39.26 64830 Analysis 5.32 16.05 6.10 40.96 64841 Analysis .... .. 6.51 12.69 7.24 40.81 64883 Analysis 5.43 13.57 6.80 38.83 65225 Analysis 5.73 16.71 5.81 42.44 4-10-0 All-Weather Rice Fertilizer with Bone Meal Guarantee ‘ 4.00 10.00 22.60 65688 Analysis 4.25 9.00 21.90 65702 Analysis 4.11 9.33 21.99 3-10-0 All-Weather Rice Special Fertilizer Guarantee 3.00 10.00 20.20 65266 Analysis 2.67 12.70 22.92 65282 Analysis 2.88 11.57 21.95 Cherokee Fertilizer Company, Jacksonville, Texas Chief Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65096 Analysis 4.21 7.52 3.87 24.52 Chief Brand 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65109 Analysis 6.32 9.72 6.40 35.49 Chief Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65080 Analysis 5.67 10.64 6.11 34.77 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation, New York, New York Champion Brand Chilean 16% Nitrate of Soda Guarantee 16.00 38.40 64710 Analysis 16.29 39.10 64728 Analysis 16.17 38.81 64763 Analysis 16.17 38.81 64764 Analysis . 16.08 38.59 Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas “T.C.C." Brand Raw Bone Meal Guarantee .................. .. 3.70 22.00* 26.48 65687 Analysis 4.28 22.85* 28.55 Crockett Fertilizer Works, Crockett, Texas Crescent 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65110 Analysis 3.22 9.75 3.77 24.93 65632 Analysis 3.20 9.75 3.80 24.92 Crescent 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65182 Analysis 4.10 8.00 4.15 25.22 65209 Analysis 3.97 7.54 4.12 24.27 65218 Analysis 3.85 8.22 4.55 25.39 65524 Analysis 3.91 7.53 4.36 24.40 65640 Analysis 4.07 8.48 4.11 25.72 65663 Analysis 3.95 8.49 4.15 25.50 Crescent 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65255 Analysis 4.01 11.72 4.37 30.10 65662 jinalysis 3.94 11.91 4.10 29.86 28 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont) | “l | .2 B ,_. Manufacturer, place of business and brand f)? 3 8 g f; l "9 a EB | b0 c» g5 b0 £1 c) l ‘g; o o o Q o w u a ° a | =~ "a w >~ ' a 2 f. s *1 5 >2 *1 *5 5 a 5 g2 l Z n. n. . I Crockett Fertilizer Works, Crockett, Texas—Continued. Crescent 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65133 Analysis 6.02 10.04 7.20 36.14 65523 Analysis 5.90 9.78 6.39 34.54 65664 Analysis 6.35 10.01 7.61 37.38 Crescent 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65134 Analysis 5.87 12.22 7.70 39.22 Davison Chemical Corporation (Davison-Pick Fertilizer Division), New Orleans, Louisiana Bull Dog Special 4-8-4 Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65271 Analysis 3.86 8.26 4.08 24.90 Bull Dog Special 4-12-4 Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65272 Analysis 4.07 11.67 4.28 30.08 *Total phosphoric acid Dixie Chemical Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas Dixie 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65434 Analysis 4.00 8.31 4.19 25.43 Dixie 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65462 Analysis 4.39 8.47 6.18 28.97 Dixie 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64951 Analysis 6.24 10.22 6.75 36.37 65433 Analysis 6.27 10.34 7.01 36.90 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, Texas Palestine Blue Star 4-12-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65059 Analysis 4.17 12.27 4.05 30.82 65126 Analysis 4.16 12.49 4.15 31.20 65173 Analysis ...... .. 4.11 12.62 4.04 31.12 65179 Analysis 4.24 11.70 3.54 29.64 65212 Analysis 4.20 12.34 4.19 31.15 65490 Analysis 4.34 10.89 4.44 29.91 65669 Analysis 4.06 11.48 4.12 29.60 65673 Analysis 4.23 11.41 4.10 29.90 Palestine Blue Star 6-8-4 Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 65177 Analysis 5.73 9.01 3.77 29.98 Palestine Blue Star 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65129 Analysis 6.10 10.14 7.06 36.29 65202 Analysis 6.17 10.14 7.27 36.71 65492 Analysis 6.22 9.81 7.37 36.52 Palestine Blue Star 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65190 Analysis 5.45 12.00 6.29 36.23 65670 Analysis ........ .. 6.04 11.79 6.90 38.11 Palestine Blue Star Brand 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65127 Analysis ...... .. 3.12 10.21 2.72 24.02 65242 Analysis 3.04 10.40 3.21 24.67 Palestine Blue Star Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65130 Analysis 4.30 7.28 4.31 24.95 65241 Analysis 4.16 8.18 4.09 25.52 65254 Analysis 4.33 8.35 4.24 26.34 Palestine Blue Star Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65191 Analysis 4.16 7.78 6.27 27.61 Palestine Blue Star Brand 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65128 Analysis 6.40 8.10 3.07 29.57 65488 Analysis 6.01 7.20 3.54 28.03 Palestine Blue Star Brand 18% Superphosphate Guarantee 18.00 23.40 65489 Analysis 19.74 25.66 Palestine Blue Star Brand 20% Superphosphate Guarantee i 20.00 26.00 65189 i Analysis 21.53 27.99 Palestine Tomato Special Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65533 Analysis 4.29 8.03 6.64 28.71 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 29 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) i ,0: " '6 I '6 I 5 cs ‘ o i .2 l 2 3 a. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5E‘ g S E’ 3 c “l ‘l’ an cu s-C o * a o *’ o 8'9 o u ;_—_; Q. o ‘ w u *3 +1 ~ E s i" . <1 w ‘8 3 s == >1 s | >2 a: ‘s a ~ a AZ! Za<a l l East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, Texas— —Continued. Palestine Upland Cotton Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65491 Analysis ' 4.14 7.58 4.17 24.79 65649 Analysis 3.86 5.93 3.93 21.69 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Tyler, Texas ETCO 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ................................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65069 Analysis 3.05 10.49 3.73 25.44 ETCO 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65516 Analysis 4.22 8.12 4.14 25.66 ETCO 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ............. _, .................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65052 Analysis 4.20 8.14 6.77 28.78 ETCO 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65608 Analysis 4.39 12.25 4.18 31.49 ETCO 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ............. ., ................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65726 Analysis 6.03 9.16 4.94 32.31 ETCO 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. _. .................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65055 Analysis 6.25 10.47 7.01 I 37.02 65567 Analysis 6.00 11.20 5.50 35.56 ETCO 10-0-10 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 10.00 10.00 36.00 65547 Analysis 9.21 11.11 35.43 65609 Analysis 8.83 12.45 36.13 ETCO 20 Per Cent Superphosphate Guarantee .......... .. 20.00 26.00 65572 Analysis 21.78 28.31 Goldenrod 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65053 Analysis 4.08 8.00 4.78 25.93 Goldenrod 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65729 ‘ Analysis 4.41 8.40 7.10 30.02 Goldenrod 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65546 Analysis 4.21 12.58 4.41 31.74 65605 Analysis 4.69 12.46 3.82 32.04 65730 Analysis _ 4.83 11.83 4.43 32.29 Goldenrod 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 65548 Analysis _ 6.17 7.52 5.39 31.06 Goldenrod 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65544 Analysis 6.08 10.24 7.56 36.97 65727 Analysis 6.21 11.01 6.67 37.22 Goldenrod Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65728 Analysis 3.95 8.00 4.83 25.68 Goldenrod Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8 00 6.00 27.20 65056 Analysis 4.00 8.01 6.18 27.43 65543 Analysis 3.79 8.50 7.38 29.01 65583 Analysis 4.06 8.29 6.91 28.81 65641 Analysis 4.17 8.40 6.12 28.27 Goldenrod Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65054 Analysis 4.05 12.22 4.77 31.33 Goldenrod Brand 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65499 Analysis 5.58 9.95 3.09 30.04 Goldenrod 18 Per Cent Superphosphate Guarantee 18.00 23.40 65587 Analysis 20.00 26.00 Goldenrod 20 Per Cent Superphosphate Guarantee ...... _. 20.00 26.00 65102 Analysis 21.78 28.31 65549 Analysis _ 21.82 28.37 Goldenrod Potato Producer Guarantee .................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65545 Analysis - p 4.26 8.38 3.91 25.80 65606 Analysis » 4.25 8.35 4.05 25.92 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas Farmer's Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee ..... .._ ................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65959 Analysis 4.28 8.57 4.08 26.31 65591 Analysis 4.20 7.26 4.14 24.49 Farmer’s Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64961 Analysis 4.29 8.19 6.18 28.36 65589 Analysis 4.23 7.23 6.65 27.53 30 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) l . “ a E i ‘ S a 2 a a c: .3 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand q, c Q2 a _ c E c s-Q ' ‘ 8" 8 i‘ o. 8 '5» 8 s 8 ° E t‘ '5 w ‘l .5’. f: = *- s >2 a ‘s s w s AZ Z n. <1 n. o. 0-. n. > n. Farmer's Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas— —Continued. Farmer’s Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee—Continued— 65778 Analysis 4.23 7.22 6.57 27.42 Farmer’s Fertilizer 6-8-4 Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 64960 Analysis - 6.23 8.24 4.63 31.22 65555 Analysis 6.15 7.57 4.22 29.66 65776 Analysis 6.32 7.64 4.34 30.31 Farmer’s Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64958 Analysis 5.79 10.59 7.04 36.12 65590 Analysis 6.41 8.94 7.14 35.57 65777 Analysis 6.21 8.91 7.49 35.47 Federal Chemical Company, Inc., Shreveport. Louisiana Daybreak 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 65498 Analysis 5.85 8.81 4.39 30.76 Daybreak Dixie Special Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65375 Analysis 4.07 10.21 4.04 27.89 65431 Analysis 4.04 8.29 3.83 25.08 Daybreak Trucker’s Special Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65005 Analysis 4.12 7.85 6.03 27.34 Meridian 4-8-10 Fertilizer Guarantee ............................. .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 64993 Analysis 3.91 7.54 10.37 31.62 65424 Analysis 3.98 8.03 10.12 32.13 Meridian 6-8-8 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.40 65425 Analysis 5.87 8.07 7.44 33.51 Meridian 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65234 Analysis .. 6.06 12.18 6.21 37.82 Meridian Dixie Special Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65012 Analysis _ 4.00 7.84 4.30 24.95 65135 Analysis 4.06 8.20 4.19 25.43 65195 Analysis 4.26 7.83 4.31 25.57 65319 Analysis 4.00 8.15 4.03 25.04 65388 Analysis 4.23 9.01 3.77 26.38 65407 Analysis 4.13 8.26 4.12 25.59 65436 Analysis 4.00 8.11 3.80 24.70 65453 Analysis _ _ 4.06 8.79 4.32 26.35 65593 Analysis 4.19 8.41 4.04 25.84 65645 Analysis 4.35 8.44 3.92 26.11 Meridian Double Duty Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65136 Analysis 4.09 11.62 4.13 29.89 65633 Analysis 4.43 11.64 4.01 30.57 Meridian Favorite Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65343 Analysis 3.41 10.45 3.24 25.66 Meridian Perfection Formula Guarantee ...................... .. 6 00 9 00 3.00 29.70 65157 Analysis 6.22 9.62 3.52 31.66 65342 Analysis 5.91 9.23 3.26 30.09 Meridian Special Mixture Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64902 Analysis _ 5.74 10.88 6.69 35.95 65159 Analysis 5.94 11.39 6.86 37.30 65235 Analysis 6.08 10.59 7.04 36.81 65432 Analysis 6.39 10.53 7.06 37.50 Meridian Trucker’s Special Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64901 Analysis 4.05 9.07 5.63 28.27 64978 Analysis 4.15 8.34 5.56 27.47 65060 Analysis _ 4.24 8 58 5.58 28.03 65067 Analysis 4.27 7.94 6.20 28.01 65192 Analysis 4.48 8.43 6.50 29.51 65389 Analysis 4.18 8.68 4.66 26.90 65447 Analysis _ 4.25 8.45 6.02 28.41 65460 Analysis _ 4.18 8.12 5.79 27.54 65463 Analysis 4.20 8.41 5.74 27.90 65594 Analysis 4.10 8.03 5.90 27.36 65637 Analysis ....... .. 4.30 7.89 6.07 27.86 65644 Analysis 4.07 8 51 5.78 27.77 I*pp~rvwvvrw"yv COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 _ 31 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) * 7c >. i 3 3 Ma uf 1; r 1 r b ' c "'3 = s; i‘: n ac u er, p ace o uslness and brand w +5‘ 3 o <5 _+E 3 a $6.0 m; q; 2.1: q, ,5; a, +> o E 1 o u ___ Q. o w u 5 s» '5 5 1 2- ‘g 8 L4 *2 s. "3 s. 7J2 1 z 3 <3 3 n. 3 > 3 Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texas Fidelity 0-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ______________________________ __ 12_00 4_00 2040 65270 Analysis 12.18 4.17 20 83 65700 Analysis 12.14 4.30 2101 Fidelity 3-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee ......... ................... .. 3.00 10.00 20i20 65283 Analysis 327 9_97 2081 Fidelity 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ______________________________ __ 3_00 10_00 3_00 23:80 64838 Analysis ‘ 3.06 9.83 3.36 24.15 65155 Analysis 3.20 10.76 3.50 25.87 23g? gnaivsys 9.10 10.40 2.70 24.27 65612 Analysis ....... .. 3.20 10.28 3.24 24.93 _ _ na ysls _ _ 3.10 10.25 3.29 24.72 Fidelity 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee __________________________________ __ 4_00 g_00 4 00 24 80 6480s Analysis 4.55 7.75 914s 25115 64851 Analysis 4.19 8.08 4.32 25.74 65167 Analysis 4.17 8.07 4.23 25.58 65206 Analysis - 4.00 9.69 9.99 25.82 65244 Analysis 4.08 8.21 4.13 25.42 65310 AnalYSlS 3.94 7.41 4.04 23.94 65314 Analysis 4.15 8.20 4.43 25.94 65701 Analysis 4.10 8.09 4.40 25.64 Fidelity 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64739 Analysis ........ .. 4.01 9.05 5.75 28.29 64784 Analysis 4.75 10.09 6.12 31.86 64789 Analysis 5.35 8.95 5.22 30.74 64874 Analysis 4.51 8.01 6.02 28.45 64889 Analysis 4.25 8.42 4.54 26.60 64890 Analysis - 4.35 8.21 6.32 28.69 65119 Analysis 4.18 8.08 5.65 27.31 65265 Analysis 4.37 8.28 6.39 28.92 65613 Analysis 4.10 7.86 5.98 27.24 Fidelity 4-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 10.00 22.60 65699 Analysis 4.02 9.82 22.42 Fidelity 4-12-4" Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. ._ 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64787 Analysis 4.57 12.10 4.93 32.62 64817 Analysis 4.31 12.25 4.05 31.13 64847 Analysis 4.56 12.04 4.77 32.31 64875 Analysis 4.33 12.17 4.66 31.80 65166 Analysis 4.37 12.03 4.59 31.64 65176 Analysis __ 4.16 12.10 4.24 30.80 65186 Analysis 4.37 12.03 4.99 32.12 65219 Analysis 4.11 12.22 4.08 30.65 65243 Analysis 4.35 11.97 4.50 31.40 65281 Analysis ..... __ 4.15 11.83 4.56 30.81 65326 Analysis ....... .. 4.28 12.30 4.27 31.38 65694 Analysis 4.30 11.69 4.49 30.91 Fidelity 5-15-5 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 5.00 15.00 5.00 37.50 64752 Analysis 5.13 14.88 5.47 38.21 64848 Analysis ....... .. 5.43 14.26 5.47 38.13 65324 Analysis 5.21 14.62 5.36 37.94 Fidelity 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65611 Analysis 6.04 8.58 3.26 29.56 65752 Analysis 5.94 9.22 3.11 29.98 Fidelity 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64738 Analysis .. 5.88 9.82 6.72 34.94 64744 Analysis 6.01 10.41 7.02 36.37 64837 Analysis 6.12 10.05 7.24 36.45 65168 Analysis 6.28 9.82 7.56 36.91 Fidelity 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. _. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64723 Analysis 6.29 11.73 6.37 37.99 64733 Analysis 6.21 12.08 6.40 38.28 64743 Analysis .. 6.38 12.00 6.33 38.51 64781 Analysis 5.77 11.84 6.85 37.46 64809 Analysis 6.74 11.80 6.42 39.22 32 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) FL “é 3 3 Z‘ 0.2 Z 3 s. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5' *-' -' B *-' *3 3 a ° ' 35 fie 5 .6 a I ~ 5 3Q l O u j Q o '17 u ' “l a-v f: 5 s. ‘Q3 g 2.. <2 a 5 s. >42. 23.1683 0.3V?» l Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texas— Continued. Fidelity 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee—Continued—— 64829 Analysis 6.41 12.18 6.39 38.88 64852 Analysis ...... .. 6.34 12.08 6.63 38.88 65256 Analysis ..... .. 6.33 12.62 6.40 39.28 Fidelity 10-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 10.00 10.00 37.00 65753 Analysis .. 10.91 8.92 37.78 Fidelity 10-20-10 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 10.00 20.00 10.00 62.00 64745 Analysis 9.20 17.71 9.08 56.00 64828 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . __ 9.24 23.84 9.12 64.11 Fidelity 11-48-0 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 11.00 48.00 88.80 64715 Analysis 10.89 48.11 88.68 64754 Analysis 10.43 45.32 83.95 Fidelity 16-20-0 Fertilize Guarantee .......................... .. 16.00 20.00 64.40 64716 Analysis .. . .. 14.08 28.51 70.85 64760 Analysis 13.09 25.30 64.31 64767 Analysis .... .. 13.69 26.86 67.78 Fidelity Sulphate of Ammonia Guarantee ...................... .. 20.00 48.00 64755 Analysis . ...... .. 20.41 48.98 64788 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 20.19 48.46 64859 Analysis .. ..... .. 20.56 49.34 64866 Analysis 20.21 48.50 64887 Analysis . .. .. 19.84 47.62 Fidelity 20% Superphosphate Guarantee ...................... .. 20.00 26.00 64753 Analysis . .. 21.16 27.51 Fidelity 45% Superphosphate Guarantee ...................... .. 45.00 58.50 64759 Analysis .... .. 43.30 56.29 64768 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 40.32 52.42 Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan Ford Ammonium Sulphate Guarantee .......................... .. 20.80 49.92 64785 Analysis ........ _. .. . . . . _ . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . .. 20.80 49.92 64800 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 20.80 49.92 64885 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 20.84 50.02 Gilmer Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, Gilmer, Texas G. C. O. & F. Co.’s Superior Meal Compound Guarantee 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65512 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 3.05 9.60 3.87 24.44 Texas Longhorn Cotton Surecrop Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64999 Analysis ............................................................. .. 4.34 8.55 4.29 26.69 65395 Analysis ................................. .. 4.19 8.10 4.37 25.83 65509 Analysis _ 4.30 8.28 ‘ 3.13 24.84 65514 Analysis 4.14 8.30 5.33 27.13 65760 Analysis _ ........ .. 5.13 8.89 5.03 29.91 Texas Longhorn Surecrop Truckers Best Guarantee .. 6.00 10.00 7. 00 35.80 65001 Analysis .......... .. .. 4.96 9.61 7.14 32.96 Texas Longhorn Special Cotton Surecrop Guarantee 6 00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64997 Analysis .......................................................................... .. 6.28 11.56 6.52 37.92 Texas Longhorn Tomato Surecrop Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64998 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. 4.03 7.48 5.71 26.24 65515 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _. _ 3.95 8.05 6.38 27.61 65759 Analysis ......................................................................... .. 4.47 8.20 6.48 29.17 Texas Longhorn Yam Surecrop Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 65000 Analysis . .................. .. 4.24 9.91 10.18 35.28 65513 Analysis 4.04 8.62 9.05 31.77 65758 Analysis . ........... .. 4.53 8.23 10.35 33.99 City of Houston, Engineering Department, Houston, Texas Hu-Actinite 5.5-2.0-0 Guarantee ...................................... .. 5.50 2.00 15.80 64786 Analysis .............. .. . .. 4.77 3.85 16.46 International Agricultural Corporation, Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas International 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65032 Analysis ................................................................... _. 4.02 7.78 4.03 24.60 65099 Analysis 4.03 8.33 4.39 25.77 65150 Analysis " 3.92 1.80 4.04 24.40 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 33 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) a . l ,5 '2 | a g E . i o2 =1 1, t. Manufacturer, place of business and brand f)? I 5 3E‘ _"E g a a» 3e a 8 is‘: s: f. a i? s i5. 5555.85 355s QZ ! Z n. 1 <4 o. a a. n. > o. International Agricultural Corporation, Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas-Continued. International 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee~Continued—— 65211 Analysis ....... .. 4.13 8.48 4.08 25.83 65315 Analysis 4.00 8.24 3.89 24.98 65386 Analysis 4.29 8.35 4.10 26.08 65411 Analysis 4.02 8.12 4.08 25.1] 65414 Analysis 3.92 8.63 3.93 25.35 65443 Analysis 4.06 7.61 4.12 24.57 International 4-8-6 Truck Fertilizer Guarantee ......... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64966 Analysis 4.02 7.87 6.05 27.14 65071 Analysis 3.96 7.69 5.83 26.50 65365 Analysis .............. .. 4.02 8.54 5.70 27.59 65377 Analysis ......................................................................... .. 3.95 7.49 6.11 26.55 65385 Analysis ..... .. 3.98 8.39 6.02 27.68 65505 Analysis 4.02 8.42 5.93 27.72 65646 Analysis 3.98 7.83 . 27.15 International 4-8-10 Fertilizer Guarantee ..................... .. 4.00 8.00 32.00 65762 Analysis 4.02 7.62 32.12 International 4-10-0 Ammoniated Compound Guarantee 4.00 10.00 22.60 65151 Analysis ..., 4.00 10.15 22.80 International 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ..................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65068 Analysis 4.06 12.09 4.02 30.28 International 4-12-4 Rainbow Cotton Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65364 Analysis 4.06 12.53 4.07 a 30.91 65418 Analysis 4.13 12.80 4.01 31.36 65451 Analysis 4.14 12.26 4.14 30.85 65592 Analysis 3.94 13.01 4.16 31.36 65772 Analysis 4.11 12.35 4.06 30.79 International 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 8..00 4.00 29.60 65413 Analysis 6.00 8.47 4.11 30.34 65773 Analysis - 5.93 8.40 4.08 30.05 International 6-8-8 Fertilizer Guarantee ..................... .. 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.40 64968 Analysis 6.04 7.96 34.88 65349 Analysis ' 6.03 . 2 7.71 34.15 65560 Analysis 6.06 8.21 8.03 34.85 65761 Analysis ......................................................................... .. 6.03 8.45 8.58 35.76 International 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee ..................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65098 Analysis 6.18 9.85 7.19 36.27 65149 Analysis 5.98 10.09 7.25 36.17 65378 Analysis 6.14 10.30 7.34 65504 Analysis 6.00 10.03 7.02 5. 65599 Analysis 6.13 9.74 7.18 35.99 65626 Analysis 6.09 10.18 7.22 36.51 International 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64974 Analysis 6.06 11.91 6.04 37.27 International 18% Superphosphate Guarantee ............. .. 18.00 23.40 _ 65468 Analysis 18.56 24.13 Jacksonville Fertilizer Company. Jacksonville, Texas Red Tomato 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ......................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65077 Analysis 3.58 10.05 3.56 25.93 Red Tgmatg 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee _________________________ ._ 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65417 Analysis 4.08 8.08 4.11 25.22 65508 Analysis 4.38 8.28 4.36 26.50 65724 Analysis 4.64 8.46 4.16 27.13 Red Tomato 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ......................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65125 Analysis 4.67 12.17 4.98 33.01 65579 Analysis 4.32 7.91 6.62 28.59 65771 Analysis I 5.16 8.87 6.04 31.16 Red Tomato 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ..................... .. 4.00 12-00 4-00 30-00 65529 Analysis 3.83 13.17 5.09 32.42 Red Tomato 6-8-8 Fertilizer Guarantee _____________________ __ 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.41) 55530 Analysis 6.26 8.03 8.33 35.46 34 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) l l l l": 1 v ' s l l ~ .3 g. - I C! a Q c: 3 s. l Manufacturer, place of business and brand Q) c; l 3 o ‘g’ .12 g .2 q cw Q l co w . :14: w $1 a; ‘ *" o M-Q l o o l g Q o 1> u l i‘? +2 ° E l "' as "’ “l I .5 f: v l i: 6 l >43 5 5 5 s 5 ,4 Z ‘l Z Q l <1 c: n. Q. n. > o. i l Jacksonville Fertilizer Company, Jacksonville, Texas— —Continued. Red Tomato 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65124 Analysis 6.22 10.86 7.18 37.67 65725 Analysis 6.82 10.26 6.85 37.93 Kelly-Weber and Company, Inc., Lake Charles, Louisiana Vitalizer Brand Fertilizer Special Plant Food Guarantee _ ...... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65298 Analysis 4.87 13.01 4.82 34.38 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 0-12-4 Guarantee 12.00 4.00 20.40 65330 Analysis ............. .. 13.21 4.18 22.19 65683 Analysis 12.45 4.24 21.28 65705 Analysis 12.73 4.02 21.37 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 3-10-3 Guarantee 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64943 Analysis 3.13 9.80 3.51 24.46 65285 Analysis 3.04 10.12 3.81 25.03 65297 Analysis 3.25 10.08 3.17 24.70 65331 Analysis 3.19 10.50 3.50 25.51 65704 Analysis a 3.20 10.19 2.57 24.01 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-8-4 Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64803 Analysis 3.80 8.61 4.08 25.21 64940 Analysis 4.08 7.84 5.67 26.78 65273 Analysis 4.02 8.53 4.31 25.91 65698 Analysis 3.98 8.32 4.14 25.34 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-8-6 Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64944 Analysis 4.04 7.74 6.17 27.16 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-10-0 Guarantee 4.00 10.00 22.60 65289 Analysis 4.40 8.91 22.14 65333 Analysis 4.20 10.36 23.55 65684 Analysis 4.35 9.74 23.10 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-12-4 Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64941 Analysis 4.06 12.46 4.22 31.00 65279 Analysis 4.02 11.88 4.34 30.30 65296 Analysis 4.06 11.75 4.32 30.20 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 6-10-7 Guarantee 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64942 Analysis 5.78 10.51 7.53 36.57 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 6-12-6 Guarantee 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64804 Analysis . 6.19 12.68 6.02 38.56 Weber-King Brand 18% Superphosphate Guarantee 18.00 23.40 65692 Analysis 18.67 24.27 Longview Cotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas Longview Cotton and Corn Special Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65517 Analysis 4.10 12.14 4.38 30.88 65748 Analysis 4.42 12.28 4.44 31.90 Longview Cotton Special Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65024 Analysis 3.03 10.22 3.73 25.04 65474 Analysis 3.16 10.01 3.30 24.55 Longview Gregg County Special Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65026 Analysis 4.16 8.07 4.47 25.83 65473 Analysis 4.05 8.02 4.20 25.19 65747 Analysis 4.27 8.10 4.05 25.64 Longview Potash Special Guarantee .............................. .. 12.00 4.00 20.40 65048 Analysis 12.30 5.26 22.30 Longview Prize Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65025 Analysis 6.02 12.05 6.23 37.60 65472 Analysis 6.10 12.39 6.03 37.99 Longview Truck Special Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65049 Analysis 4.22 7.89 6.30 27.95 65475 Analysis 4.10 8.14 6.17 27.82 Longview Vegetable Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65066 Analysis 5.68 9.86 7.50 35.45 65476 Analysis 6.03 10.13 7.48 36.62 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 35 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) é ‘é ' 3 5' ‘H r . 3 u Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5E S 0 ‘E YE .2 g d ‘P b0 w :65 w Si c» P o *6“ 2 ° = 5? ° 3 ° 3*’ s? -*= a » ‘i2 s *5 s: "a a .12 Z c. ‘ <1 o. n. | n. a > o. Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas Marshall 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65399 Analysis 3.44 10.06 3.22 25.20 Marshall 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64986 Analysis 4.09 7.81 3.88 24.63 65401 Analysis 4.04 8.01 4.02 24.93 65750 Analysis 4.02 8.06 4.43 25.45 Marshall 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64989 Analysis 4.24 7.43 5.67 26.64 Marshall 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64991 Analysis 4.38 11.63 4.04 30.48 65344 Analysis 4.20 12.14 4.10 30.78 Marshall 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 64990 Analysis 6.08 6.83 4.22 28.53 65405 Analysis 5.66 8.34 4.06 29.29 65751 Analysis 6.42 7.43 4.03 29.91 Marshall 6-8-8 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... _. 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.40 65400 Analysis 5.31 8.49 8.03 33.42 Marshall 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64988 Analysis 6.34 9.44 6.85 35.71 Marshall 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64987 Analysis 6.63 11.39 6.02 37.94 65404 Analysis ....... .. 6.29 11.54 5.76 37.01 Marshall Super and Meal Fertilizer 4-10-0 Guarantee 4.00 10.00 22.60 65398 Analysis 4.39 10.22 23.83 Mixon Brothers, Kirbyville, Texas Jasco Brand Special No. 3-10-3 Guarantee .................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64912 Analysis 3.70 9.50 4.15 26.21 65360 Analysis 3.30 10.21 3.16 24.98 Jasco Brand Special No. 4-8-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65339 Analysis 4.06 7.84 4.19 24.96 Jasco Brand Special N0. 4-8-10 Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 64916 Analysis 3.95 7.82 9.40 30.93 Jasco Brand Special No. 4-12-4 Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64915 Analysis 4.08 12.09 4.19 30.54 65287 Analysis 4.00 11.58 4.38 29.91 Jasco Brand Special No. 6-10-7 Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64913 Analysis 6.16 9.42 6.77 35.15 65361 Analysis 5.94 10.03 6.48 35.08 Jasco Brand Special N0. 6-12-6 Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64914 Analysis 6.14 12.05 5.74 37.30 65338 Analysis 6.20 11.94 6.23 37.88 Nicholson's Seed Store. Dallas, Texas Nicholson's All-Round Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65536 Analysis 4.66 12.50 4.06 32.30 Nicholson's Evergreen Lawn Dressing Guarantee ...... .. 10.00 6.00 4.00 36.60 65575 Analysis 10.07 7.07 4.08 38.26 Oil Mill and Fertilizer Works, Henderson, Texas Wolf Brand Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee ...................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65011 Analysis 3.58 9.67 3.20 25.00 Wolf Brand Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65031 Analysis 4.24 8.05 4.12 25.59 65478 Analysis 4.06 7.10 4.05 23.83 65655 Analysis 4.23 8.02 3.80 25.14 65714 Analysis 3.94 7.14 3.60 23.06 Wolf Brand Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65520 Analysis 3.92 8.64 5.68 27.46 Wolf Brand Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65028 Analysis 4.13 11.94 4.23 30.51 65519 Analysis 4.42 12.15 4.49 31.80 65654 Analysis 4.36 11.71 4.43 31.00 Wolf Brand Fertilizer 6-8-4 Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 65477 Analysis 5.88 7.35 4.37 28.91 36 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) 1 '2 U l § "i .2 >~ o *5 _ qr; c: J-T a Manufacturer, place of business and brand 3E 3 0Q _ (‘E .2 g 9 m ‘ b0 o 41-5 w ‘ £1 o "‘ o B‘: 0 u q Q u l =11 o ga f; 5 E g fii a l *3 s; s '- .12 zala a I Oil Mill and Fertilizer Works, Henderson, Texas— —Continued. Wolf Brand Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65029 Analysis 6.07 9.77 7.98 36.85 65479 Analysis 5.48 8.75 6.83 32.73 Wolf Brand Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65013 Analysis 6.21 12.07 5.82 37.57 65518 Analysis 6.02 ..7.58 5.58 31.00 Wolf Brand Superphosphate 18 Per Cent Guarantee... 18.00 23.40 65030 Analysis 18.77 24.40 Pate Bros. Fertilizer Works, Sulphur Springs, Texas Pate’s Red Star Brand 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee... 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64947 Analysis 3.44 10.11 3.56 25.67 ' 65441 Analysis 3.28 10.00 3.02 24.49 Pate’s Red Star Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64949 Analysis 4.31 8.69 4.22 26.70 65507 Analysis 4.42 8.27 4.41 26.65 65563 Analysis 4.55 8.62 4.06 27.00 Pate’s Red Star Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64950 Analysis 4.14 7.76 6.32 27.61 65412 Analysis 4.44 8.16 6.24 28.76 65459 Analysis ........ .. 4.14 8.34 5.61 27.51 65503 Analysis 4.26 8.42 6.02 28.39 Pate’s Red Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64948 Analysis 4.46 12.09 4.17 31.42 65502 Analysis ...... .. 4.52 12.18 4.19 31.71 Pate’s Red Star Brand 18% Superphosphate Guarantee 18.00 23.40 65573 Analysis 19.49 25.34 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas 4-8-4 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64981 Analysis ....... .. 4.49 9.92 4.88 29.54 65429 Analysis 3.85 8.23 3.93 24.66 65466 Analysis 4.00 7.76 4.12 24.63 65768 Analysis 4.16 7.76 4.08 24.97 4-8-6 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64980 Analysis 3.78 7.62 6.11 26.31 65470 Analysis 3.88 7.94 5.70 26.47 65770 Analysis 4.00 7.59 5.62 26.21 4-10-0 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 10.00 22.60 64983 Analysis 4.51 9.26 22.86 6-8-4 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 64979 Analysis 6.15 8.37 4.05 30.50 65430 Analysis 6.01 8.16 4.80 30.79 5 6-8-8 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.40 g 65445 Analysis 5.49 8.32 8.34 34.01 E 65767 Analysis 5.81 8.04 8.38 34.45 5 6-10-7 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 3 65428 Analysis ~ 5.63 10.06 7.24 35.28 i 6-12-6 Double Circle Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37,20 l 64982 Analysis 5.79 10.41 6.39 35.10 65769 Analysis 6.01 12.48 5.58 37.34 " Port Fertilizer Company, Los Fresnos, Texas Valley Port Brand 5-15-5 Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .. 5.00 15.00 5.00 37.50 64776 Analysis 5.15 14.51 6.37 38.86 Valley Port Brand 11-48-0 Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .. 11.00 48.00 88.80 64746 Analysis ....... .. 10.92 48.02 88.64 64757 Analysis 10.99 47-76 88.47 Valley Port Brand 16-20-"0 Fertilizer Guarantee __________ __ 16.00 20.00 64,40 64766 Analysis 15.21 20.83 63.58 64775 Analysis 14.91 21.73 64.03 Valley Port Brand Sulphate of Ammonia Guarantee 20.00 48.00 64749 Analysis 20.46 49.10 64765 Analysis 20.62 49,49 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 37 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) r5 E Eé 8 Z" we I .8 1.. Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5*; ;5 *5 E’ f; 3 i‘ ‘l’ b0 a: cv-G cu 41 w ‘t’ i: S-Q l ,_. Q m d o o E 1 2 o ___ m o N o 5 u i = ' r: g i’ g g s g T3 g AZ ‘ Z o. <1 n. o. n. n. > g. Port Fertilizer Co., Los Fresnos, Texas—Continued. Valley Port Brand Sulphate of Ammonia Guarantee— C0ntinued~ 64774 Analysis 25.59 49.42 64778 Analysis 20.68 49.63 64862 Analysis 20.56 49.34 Valley Port Brand 32% Superphosphate Guarantee 32.00 41.60 64747 Analysis 34.18 44.43 64758 Analysis 35.14 45.68 The Pulverized Manure Company, Chicago, Illinois Wizard Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure Guarantee 2.00 1.00 2.00 8.50 65574 Analysis 1.88 1.88 4.05 11.81 Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shereveport, Louisiana Lion 3-10-3 Meal. Formula Guarantee .............................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65562 Analysis 3.34 10.13 2.93 24.71 Lion 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64995 Analysis 4.35 8.08 4.63 26.50 65039 Aanlysis 4.04 8.76 4.66 26.68 65084 Analysis 4.17 7.89 4.03 25.11 65123 Analysis 4.06 8.18 4.11 25.34 65245 Analysis 4.09 8.40 4.57 26.22 65301 Analysis 4.02 8.55 3.87 25.41 65384 Analysis 4.49 8.40 4.14 26.67 65538 Analysis 3.98 8.91 4.35 26.35 65561 Analysis 3.79 8.09 3.79 24.17 65628 Analysis 4.55 8.08 4.12 26.36 65638 Analysis 3.90 7.99 3.75 24.25 65717 Analysis 3.77 7.92 3.79 23.90 65744 Analysis 4.00 8.47 4.35 25.83 Lion 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64954 Analysis 3.95 8.03 6.31 27.49 65040 Analysis 4.30 8.21 6.66 28.98 65050 Analysis ....... .. 4.04 7.77 6.52 27.62 65074 Analysis 4.09 7.72 6.63 27.82 65088 Analysis 4.15 9.05 5.45 28.27 65089 Analysis 4.12 7.62 6.39 27.47 65336 Analysis 3.83 8.31 6.06 27.26 65426 Analysis 4.13 8.13 5.82 27.46 65464 Analysis 3.94 8.71 5.70 27.62 65500 Analysis 4.07 8.02 5.60 26.92 65584 Analysis 3.94 8.58 5.38 27.07 65745 Analysis 4.00 8.30~ 6.21 27.84 Lion 4-8-10 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 65427 Analysis __ 4.19 8.19 10.24 33.00 Lion 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65335 Analysis ....... .. 4.42 11.95 4.05 31.01 65708 Analysis 4.44 12.12 4.16 31.41 Lion 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65246 Analysis 5.95 10.56 3.06 31.68 Lion 10-0-10 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 10.00 10.00 36.00 65720 Analysis 10.11 8.98 35.04 65746 Analysis 9.72 9.72 34.99 Lion NPK 23 Fertilizer Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 10-00 7-00 35-80 64955 Analysis 6.32 10.35 6.74 36.72 64996 Analysis 6.37 10.46 7.04 37.34 65051 Analysis 6.32 9.52 7.34 36.36 65057 Analysis 6.28 10.57 7.06 37.28 65073 Analysis .... .. 6.29 10.79 7.05 37.59 65394 Analysis 6.31 10.44 7.01 37.12 65571 Analysis 5.70 10.03 6.46 34.47 65639 Analysis 6.07 10.30 8.65 38.34 65718 Analysis 5.35 9.93 5.77 32.67 as BULLETIN NO. 59s, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) l 2 l": | g g a i w '2 i 2 3 t. | Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5» | f5 5 ‘Q HQ , .2 .- a! cu c . .c: w r: q; - +1 " g-Q! 38lé§e~ wvlsi fégi fielgét. éslfis azi 235m» msiw“; Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport, Louisiana— —Continued. Longhorn 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......... .................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64911 Analysis 4.01 9.71 4.19 27.27 64929 Analysis 4.20 8.12 4.24 25.73 65016 Analysis 4.15 7.31 4.39 24.73 65118 Analysis 4.28 8.23 4.38 26.23 65312 Analysis 4.09 7.98 3.44 24.32 65643 Analysis 4.07 8.39 3.08 24.38 Longhorn 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64928 Analysis 3.58 8.22 6.20 26.72 65172 Analysis 3.44 6.98 6.64 25.30 65487 Analysis 3.81 8.15 6.04 26.99 Longhorn 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64910 Analysis 4.20 12.44 4.05 31.11 65120 Analysis 4.53 12.24 4.37 32.02 65171 Analysis 4.33 12.13 4.77 31.88 65204 Analysis 4.54 12.18 4.04 31.58 65313 Analysis . 4.47 12.29 4.11 31.64 65677 Analysis 4.29 11.39 4.09 30.02 65709 Analysis 4.33 12.09 4.06 30.98 Longhorn 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64926 Analysis 6.41 12.00 6.04 ‘ 38.23 Longhorn NPK 23 Fertilizer Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64927 Analysis 5.92 10.53 6.56 35.77 65015 Analysis 6.33 10.01 7.06 36.67 65075 Analysis 6.37 11.32 7.09 38.52 65103 Analysis 5.88 10.12 6.80 35.43 65156 Analysis 6.35 10.58 7.17 37.59 65203 Analysis 6 37 10.46 7.02 37.31 65291 Analysis 6 43 9.29 7.42 36.41 65311 Analysis 6.23 10.36 5.99 35.61 65318 Analysis 6.42 10.34 7.09 37.36 65532 Analysis 6 25 10.87 6.77 37.25 65564 Analysis 6.53 10.49 6.80 37.47 65578 Analysis 6.43 10.44 7.02 37.42 Longhorn Sulphate of Ammonia Guarantee .................. .. 20.00 48.00 65719 Analysis 19.72 47.33 Longhorn 18% Superphosphate Guarantee ...................... .. 18.00 23.40 65345 Analysis 19.03 24.74 Longhorn 20% Superphosphate Guarantee .................. .. 20.00 26.00 65201 Analysis 21.09 27.42 65207 Analysis 19.76 25.69 65676 Analysis 21.35 27.76 Soil ‘Builders, Inc., Dunnellon, Florida Mineral Colloids Brand Soft Phosphate with Colloidal Clay, 22% Total Guarantee .............................. .. 22.00* 6.60 64780 Analysis 2l.8S* 6.56 *Total phosphoric acid Swift and Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreveport, Louisiana and Houston, Texas 64703 Mugiatel of Potash 50% Guarantee ......................... .. 50.00 60.00 na ysis 44.70 53.64 Nitrate of Soda Guarantee .............................................. .. 16.00 38.40 64713 Analysis 16.11 38.66 P1011681‘ 3-10-3 Guarantee .................................................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65352 Analysis 2.98 9.17 3.17 22.87 Pioneer 4-8-4 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65410 Analysis 4.13 7.57 4.25 24.85 Pioneer 4-8-6 Guarantee .................................................. __ 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65353 Analysis 4.24 8.32 5.65 27.78 65415 Analysis 4.0a 8.12 6.05 27.49 Pioneer 6-8-4 Guarantee 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 65467 Analysis 5.81 8.19 4.32 29.77 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer,‘ season 1939-40 (cont) '6 '6 a: g g i 93E ' 49 1-1 4-7 +3 EE ‘ Manufacturer, place of business and brand gas fig g IE8 Q ,. o u l 3 Q o v1 u s? a f? s . ‘£5 a: 8s AZ * Z o. 1 <1 o. o. n. n. Swift and Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreveport, Louisiana and Houston, Texas—Continued. Pioneer 6-8-8 Guarantee 6.00 8.00 8.00 65421 Analysis 5.91 .26 8.39 Sulphate of Ammonia 20% Guarantee ...................... .. 20.00 64704 Analysis .. ....... .. 20.52 Swiftfs K. O. Non Acid Forming 6-8-8 Guarantee 6.00 8.00 8.00 64839 Analysis .... .. 5.86 9.13 8.10 64857 Analysis 5.90 8.38 7.86 64894 Analysis 6.00 8.03 8.01 64975 Analysis 5.92 7.75 7.45 65037 Analysis 6.18 8.39 8.10 65081 Analysis 5.93 8.68 8.18 65148 Analysis 5.52 8.59 7.70 65169 Analysis 6.04 8.47 8.46 65321 Analysis 5.47 8.42 6.34 65373 Analysis 6.02 8.21 8.09 65435 Analysis 6.09 8.19 8.19 65444 Analysis 6.03 8.37 8.34 65527 Analysis 6.22 8.30 8.46 65595 Analysis 5.98 8.03 8.26 65607 Analysis 5.91 8.36 8.18 65630 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. 6.04 8.36 8.12 65740 Analysis 5.91 8.44 8.05 65774 Analysis 5.76 8.19 7.16 Swift's pH 7 6-8-4 Guarantee ......................................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 64718 Analysis ......... .. 5.77 8.47 4.26 64792 Analysis 5.90 8.45 4.11 64823 Analysis 6.21 7.84 4.52 64844 Analysis 5.95 8.09 4.36 64846 Analysis 6.32 7.49 4.18 64854 Analysis 6.04 8.36 4.05 64855 Analysis 6.00 8.12 4.29‘ 64860 Analysis 6.77 8.13 4.49 64868 Analysis 6.50 7.79 4.43 64869 Analysis 5.95 7.85 4.29 64871 Analysis 6.34 7.93 4.39 64877 Analysis 5.95 8.00 4.16 64946 Analysis 6.11 8.16 4.12 64992 Analysis 6.07 8.06 4.15 65083 Analysis 6.08 8.31 4.32 65091 Analysis 6.06 8.22 4.42 65097 Analysis 6.13 8.45 4.14 65108 Analysis 6.14 8.15 4.24 65144 Analysis 6.02 7.83 4.20 65196 Analysis 6.06 8.16 4.31 65210 Analysis 6.09 8.13 4.12 65213 Analysis 6.03 8.53 4.39 65295 Analysis ....... .. 5.98 7.52 4.16 65366 Analysis 6.02 7.72 4.10 65393 Analysis 6.29 8.01 4.03 65402 Analysis 6.12 7.73 4.16 65409 Analysis _ 6.00 8.01 4.25 65439 Analysis 6.23 8.14 4.12 65454 Analysis 6.15 8.17 4.20 65554 Analysis 6.08 8.29 4.14 65596 Analysis 6.39 7.84 4.22 65598 Analysis 6.09 8.22 4.18 65620 Analysis ...... .. 6.03 8.15 4.18 65631 Analysis 6.04 8.18 4.17 65653 Analysis 6.06 8.68 3.65 65671 Analysis 6.08 7.60 4.02 65686 Analysis 6.32 8.19 3.71 ‘Mvalulatioiijund, 39 per ton 40 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont) s“ '2 o 5 a: o ‘b4 b .2 a, c s. .8 Manufacturer, place of business and brand 1 g ‘E Q *5 *5 3 +5 3 a ‘l’ “l hm cu :14: w w c» *“ o Q i‘ a o u w Q. u 3 o g» E-Q v l3 s. 3 5 r- “ t. '-‘ s- 5 (q i "" Q) ‘ Os q; > Q i Q w 2A ,Z°~‘fl-r=.n a l l Swift and Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreveport, Louisiana and Houston, Texas—Continued. Swift’s pH 7 6-8-4 Guarantee.~—Continued—' 65741 Analysis 5.73 8.36 4.47 29.98 65775 Analysis 5.70 8.09 4.18 29.22 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 3-10-3 Guarantee .................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65275 Analysis 3.65 8.38 3.83 24.25 65306 Analysis 3.08 9.62 3.49 24.09 65208 Analysis 3.02 10.34 2.69 23.92 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-8-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64924 Analysis 4.01 8.45 4.02 25.43 64956 Analysis 4.07 7.66 4.14 24.70 64965 Analysis 4.07 7.70 4.13 24.74 65014 Analysis 3.95 7.49 4.31 24.39 65020 Analysis 4.17 6.46 4.22 23.47 65112 Analysis 4.25 7.74 4.23 25.34 65143 Analysis - 3.68 7.81 4.05 23.84 65170 Analysis 4.03 8.27 4.02 25.24 65181 Analysis 3.90 8.76 4.29 25.90 65183 Analysis 3.85 8.40 3.80 24.72 65277 Analysis 3.97 7.59 4.62 24.94 65294 Analysis 3.94 8.43 4.17 25.42 65322 Analysis 3.77 8.56 3.53 24.42 65372 Analysis 4.27 8.10 4.23 25.86 65392 Analysis 4.44 8.04 4.04 25.96 65480 Analysis 4.14 8.25 4.47 26.03 65481 Analysis 4.03 8.22 4.19 25.39 65685 Analysis 4.09 8.34 3.93 25.38 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee... 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64807 Analysis 3.42 7.26 4.72 23.31 65076 Analysis 4.02 8.54 4.04 25.60 65485 Analysis 4.18 8.66 4.18 26.31 65582 Analysis 4.35 9.42 3.31 26.66 65623 Analysis 4.00 8.55 4.10 25.64 65657 Analysis 3.84 7.82 3.86 24.02 65716 Analysis 4.10 8.07 4.09 25.24 65739 Analysis 4.32 8.49 4.68 27.03 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-8-6 Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64945 Analysis 3.92 8.13 6.03 27.22 64964 Analysis ......... .. 3.97 7.78 6.08 26.94 65038 Analysis 4.19 8.05 5.52 27.15 65082 Analysis 3.91 9.35 7.05 30.00 65276 Analysis .... .. 4.17 8.25 6.48 28.52 65382 Analysis ..... .. 4.08 8.28 5.46 27.10 65387 Analysis 4.19 8.39 6.16 28.36 65420 Analysis 4.28 8.43 5.83 28.23 65486 Analysis 4.17 8.36 6.29 28.43 65553 Analysis 4.09 8.06 6.15 27.68 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee ...... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64895 Analysis 4.26 7.70 4.50 25.63 65232 Analysis 4.08 8.12 4.91 26.24 65438 Analysis 4.16 7.79 6.10 27.43 65455 Analysis 4.04 8.05 5.91 27.26 65668 Analysis ..... .. 4.16 8.09 5.19 26.73 65765 Analysis 4.16 8.01 6.06 27.66 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-8-10 Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 10.00 32.00 65766 Analysis 4.09 8.32 10.33 33.04 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee.... 4.00 10.00 22.60 65107 Analysis 4.21 10.17 23.32 65329 Analysis ........ .. 4.17 10.53 23.70 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-12-4 Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64849 Analysis 4.08 12.36 4.28 31.00 64908 Analysis 4.15 12.15 4.04 30.61 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 41 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) \ 2 i a 2 it .2 '2 1.3 Manufacturer, place of business and brand fig g S‘; 3E ,9 F: 2 2 g1 a: mg a: J1 w 1;,’ o E o h U Z m O g 0 5 a Q a a “i 0 s. P L. "“ s. 5 d "‘ a» >..c: cu <9 w “l u.» ZQ I Z n. <1 o. n. n. n. > o. Swift and Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreveport, Louisiana and Houston, Texas—Continued. Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-12-4 Guarantee—C0ntinued—— 64925 Analysis 4.04 12.11 3.90 30.12 65142 Analysis 4.00 12.02 4.53 30.67 65180 Analysis 4.09 12.44 4.58 31.49 65197 Analysis 4.30 12.24 4.75 31.93 65214 Analysis 4.13 12.05 4.48 30.96 65236 Analysis 4.14 11.39 4.13 29.71 65334 Analysis 4.06 12.52 4.59 31.53 65493 Analysis ......................................................................... .. 4.41 12.21 4.02 31.27 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65233 Analysis . 4.15 12.18 4.28 30.93 65672 Analysis 4.18 11.77 3.89 30.00 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 5-15-5 Fertilizer Guarantee 5.00 15.00 5.00 37.50 64826 Analysis 5.29 14.63 5.32 38.10 64843 Analysis 4.91 14.62 5.54 37.44 64845 Analysis 5.01 14.32 5.39 37.11 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 6-9-3 Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65534 Analysis 6.00 8.76 4.34 31.00 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 6-10-7 Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65085 Analysis 6.28 10.06 7.25 36.85 65111 Analysis 6.02 10.42 5.58 34.70 65374 Analysis 6.00 10.33 7.08 36.33 65496 Analysis 6.23 10.66 7.05 37.27 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee... 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64701 Analysis ....... .. 6.00 7.99 7.76 34.10 65627 Analysis 5.69 9.58 6.04 33.36 65667 Analysis 6.06 10.15 6.34 35.35 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 6-12-6 Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65274 Analysis 6.17 12.46 6.13 38.37 65280 Analysis 6.24 12.16 6.29 38.34 65681 Analysis 6.21 11.72 5.88 37.20 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64722 Analysis 6.00 11.91 6.68 37.90 64724 Analysis ...... _. 6.07 12.11 6.28 37.85 64791 Analysis 6.01 11.77 6.62 37.66 65824 Analysis 6.20 12.06 6.64 38.53 64850 Analysis 6.04 11.84 6.08 37.19 64853 Analysis 6.01 11.52 6.18 36.82 64856 Analysis 6.02 11.77 6.32 37.33 65715 Analysis 6.06 11.09 5.80 35.92 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 16-20-0 Fertilizer Guarantee... 16.00 20.00 64.40 64858 Analysis 14.96 18.62 60.11 64865 Analysis 15.69 18.69 61.96 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 10-0-10 Fertilizer Guarantee.... 10.00 10.00 36.00 65528 Analysis 7.51 10.48 30.60 65723 Analysis 9.62 8.71 34.26 Swift’s Red Steer Brand Rice Mixture 4-10-0 Guarantee 4.00 10.00 22.60 65284 Analysis 4.31 7.46 20.04 65682 Analysis 3.97 7.65 19.48 Swift's Red Steer Brand Superphosphate 18% Fertilizer Guarantee 18.00 23.40 64700 Analysis ...... .. 21.53 27.99 Swift’s Red Steer Brand Superphosphate 20% Guarantee 20.00 26.00 64711 Analysis 21.19 27.55 64712 Analysis 21.35 27.76 64861 Analysis 21.21 27.57 64876 Analysis 19.74 25.66 Vigoro Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64702 Analysis 4.38 11.36 4.41 30.57 64740 Analysis 4.33 16.39 4.34 29.11 42 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) l ~ la 1 l5 “ a E .2 ,-_- ,8 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand g‘; fi BE‘ 3E g c *9 9 ho o cs4‘ w 41 o *" o g Q 0 o 5 D. o w u “l o fi g i .35 a; ‘l’ é 3: 3 ~ 3 *- QZ Z n. : <1 a n. n. 3 ,> 5 i : Swift and Company Fertilizer Works, Harvey and Shreveport, Louisiana and Houston, Texas Vigoro Guarantee—Continued—— 64779 Analysis 4.24 11.49 4.04 29.97 64884 Analysis 4.41 10.01 4.63 29.15 Synthetic Nitrogen Products Corporation, New York, New York Calcium Nitrate (Nitrate of Lime) Guarantee ...... .. 15.00 36.00 64751 Analysis 15.12 36.29 Temple Cotton Oil Company, North Little Rock, Arkansas Quapaw 4-8-4 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65362 Analysis 3.81 8.11 3.65 24.06 65461 Analysis 3.64 7.88 3.58 23.29 Quapaw 4-12-4 Guarantee .................................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65358 Analysis 4.21 11.79 3.41 29.52 Quapaw 6-10-7 Guarantee .................................................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65359 Analysis 6.02 10.42 6.41 35.69 Quapaw 10-20-10 Guarantee .............................................. .. 10.00 20.00 10.00 62.00 65408 Analysis 9.53 19.49 10.06 60.28 Quapaw Brand 4-8-6 Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65357 Analysis 4.07 7.90 5.42 26.54 65469 Analysis 4.04 8.32 5.00 26.52 Texas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, Texas Lone Star Brand 3-10-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64900 Analysis 4.09 10.11 3.14 26.73 64918 Analysis 4.11 10.25 3.16 26.98 65163 Analysis 3.23 10.12 3.11 24.64 65253 Analysis 3.27 9.88 3.13 24.45 65302 Analysis 3.46 8.93 3.27 23.83 65618 Analysis 3.38 10.01 3.26 25.03 Lone Star Brand 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64917 Analysis 3.96 8.19 3.92 24.85 65117 Analysis 4.18 8.12 4.18 25.61 65152 Analysis 4.03 8.64 4.03 25.74 65162 Analysis 4.10 8.01 4.03 25.09 65247 Analysis 4.08 8.26 3.74 25.02 65303 Analysis 3.87 7.87 4.11 24.45 65307 Analysis 4.06 8.18 4.03 25.21 65308 Analysis 4.02 8.03 4.02 24.91 65346 Analysis 4.04 7.79 4.05 24.69 65494 Analysis ....... .. 4.08 8.68 4.06 25.94 65522 Analysis ...... .. 4.06 8.47 4.15 25.73 65531 Analysis 4.04 8.06 4.04 25.03 65565 Analysis 4.06 7.94 4.11 24.99 65617 Analysis 4.08 8.49 4.20 25.87 65651 Analysis 4.01 8.05 4.07 24.97 65680 Analysis 4.11 8.13 4.02 25.25 65707 Analysis 3.99 7.99 4.09 24.88 Lone Star Brand 4-8-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64962 Analysis 4.08 7.69 5.79 26.74 65161 Analysis 4.30 8.20 6.06 28.25 65293 Analysis 3.86 7.85 6.02 26.69 65376 Analysis 4.12 8.29 6.06 27.94 65458 Analysis 4.01 8.00 5.67 26.82 65616 Analysis 4.06 7.89 6.05 27.26 65642 Analysis 4.08 8.10 5.81 27.29 Lime Star Brand 4-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 10.00 22.60 65193 Analysis 4.27 10.50 23.90 Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64898 Analysis 4.08 12.23 4.03 30.53 64909 Analysis 4.05 12.22 4.03 30.45 64923 Analysis 4.06 12.00 4.03 30.18 65033 Analysis 4.09 12.28 4.35 31.00 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 43 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) i .5 .5 i '5' 1 i s '6 i 5 a ‘ a! a ‘ a ,... _ l v.2 ‘v.2 i q B t. Manufacturer, place of buslness and brand I 5E‘ 5' g 3' ‘5 E‘ I g c “l ‘l’ l w: a» all n41 o "’ o 8'9 i o o 1: Q g Q o i ‘V +> _Q E i 5 as g a! g . .3. a = l i: 3 >.:: >.: 53 1 °° 5 .42 i Z o. <fi o. < a. n. \ > o. Texas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, Texas-— —Continued. Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guarantee- Continued- 65063 Analysis 4.01 12.02 4.28 30.39 65100 Analysis 4.12 12.25 4.04 30.67 65116 Analysis 4.06 12.00 4.44 30.67 65153 Analysis 4.02 12.11 4.29 30.54 65164 Analysis 4.38 12.11 4.38 31.51 65198 Analysis 3.94 12.26 4.33 30.60 65215 Analysis 4.04 11.72 4.32 30.12 65292 Analysis 3.98 12.12 4.08 30.21 65314 Analysis 4.21 12.62 4.19 31.54 65656 Analysis 4.26 12.07 4.33 31.11 65666 Analysis 4.19 12.09 4.25 30.88 65679 Analysis 4.29 12.02 4.17 30.93 Lone Star Brand 6-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 20.60 64899 Analysis 5.95 9.14 3.84 30.77 Lone Star Brand 6-9-3 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65194 Analysis 5.99 9.08 3.19 30.01 65495 Analysis 6.03 9.44 2.87 30.18 Lone Star Brand 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64919 Analysis 5.93 10.12 6.92 35.69 64963 Analysis 5.96 10.09 7.04 35.87 65065 Analysis 5.91 9.69 7.21 35.43 65072 Analysis 6.03 10.01 7.13 36.04 65131 Analysis 5.91 10.15 7.09 35.89 65154 Analysis 5.84 10.30 7.28 36.15 65160 Analysis 5.97 10.00 7.21 35.98 65248 Analysis 6.06 10.42 7.25 36.79 65304 Analysis 5.84 10.17 6.73 35.32 65309 Analysis 5.95 10.19 7.17 36.13 65581 Analysis 5.86 10.15 6.80 35.42 65619 Analysis 6.05 10.29 7.10 36.42 Lone Star Brand 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65062 Analysis 6.00 12.24 6.03 37.55 65165 Analysis 6.01 12.16 6.05 37.49 65340 Analysis 5.97 12.22 6.12 37.56 Lone Star Brand 10-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee .............. .. 10.00 10.00 37.00 65530 Analysis 10.04 10.41 87.63 65569 Analysis 10.19 10.36 37.93 65615 Analysis 10.46 10.07 38.19 65647 Analysis 10.12 10.05 37.36 Lone Star Brand Nitrate of Soda Guarantee .............. .. 16.00 38.40 65755 Analysis 16.32 39.17 Lone Star Brand Sulphate of Ammonia Guarantee 20.00 48.00 65652 Analysis 20.34 48.82 65754 Analysis 20.10 48.24 Lone Star Brand 20% Superphosphate Guarantee ...... .. 20.00 26.00 65178 Analysis 21.54 28.00 Tri-State Fertilizer and Lumber Company, Shreveport, Louisiana Red Diamond 4-8-4 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64994 Analysis 4.50 8.40 4.91 27.61 65323 Analysis 4.31 7.44 4.12 24.95 Red Diamond 6-10-7 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65416 Analysis 6.63 9.35 7.57 37.15 Tyler Fertilizer Company, Tyler, Texas 4-8-4 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65044 Analysis 4.10 7.83 4.04 24.87 65465 Analysis 4.02 8.63 3.77 25.39 65539 Analysis 4.04 8.12 3.79 24.81 65734 Analysis 4.08 7.88 4.07 24.91 44 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) I 2 o :7 s a i‘ i Q-E s: 3 a. ‘ Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5*; E o‘; jg .2 c fig b0 w 40-5 w £1 <0 1,‘; O O u f; Q o W u -' .2 E f» 4.. ‘g g a g s. '5 s. Sz z 8 <2 3 n. 2i > 3 Tyler Fertilizer Company, Tyler. TeX8S-—C0Iltim19d- 4-8-6 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee ______________________ _. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65043 Anawsis 4.00 3.41 5.35 27.09 65542 Analysis 4.04 8.05 5.11 26.30 65732 Analysis 4.08 8.21 6.02 27.70 4-12-4 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65021 Analysis 3.93 12.03 4.03 29.91 65541 Analysis ____________ __ 4.04 11.93 4.04 30.06 65735 Analysis 4.15 11.53 4.40 30.23 6-8-4 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee ______________________ __ 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 65596 Analysis 5.97 9.18 3.91 30 05 65733 Analysis __ _______ __ _, ____ _, 6.08 8 30 4.40 30 85 6-9-3 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee ...................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65022 Analysis 5.92 9.04 3.82 30.54 65585 Analysis _ _ _ _ , _ . . . . . . . . .. 6.30 8.30 4.06 30.78 6-10-7 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64984 Analysis 6.42 10.06 7.59 37.60 65042 Analysis 6.04 9.99 7.40 36.27 10-0-10 Fertilizer Heart Brand Guarantee ...................... .. 10.00 10.00 36.00 65540 Analysis 8.89 10.18 33.56 65731 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.09 10.08 38.72 United Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas “King Cotton” Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee .............. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65449 Analysis 2.96 9.20 3.25 22.95 65636 Analysis 3.32 10.55 1.05 22.95 “King Cotton” Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65114 Analysis 4.04 8.05 4.43 25.49 King Cotton P 12 Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65347 Analysis 4.08 6.89 4.26 23.86 65351 Analysis 4.02 7.41 4.49 24.67 65648 Analysis 3.55 7.44 4.23 23.27 65659 Analysis 3.75 7.48 3.63 23.08 65712 Analysis 3.83 8.06 3.79 24.22 King Cotton P 16 Fertilizer 4-12-4 guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65597 Analysis 4.08 12.76 3.73 30.86 Peanut Maker P 14 Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee .......... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65448 Analysis 3.01 10.12 3.49 24.57 “Rice Maker” Fertilizer 3-10-3 Guarantee ...................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65696 Analysis 2.93 10.18 3.24 24.15 “Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 4-8-4 Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64920 Analysis 4.21 8.86 4.04 26.47 65002 Analysis 4.11 8.14 3.75 24.94 65104 Analysis 4.00 9.65 3.09 25.86 65286 Analysis 4.02 8.02 3.57 24.36 65446 Analysis 3.20 6.92 3.92 21.38 65483 Analysis 4.09 6.91 3.79 23.35 65506 Analysis 3.83 7.50 3.27 22.86 65526 Analysis 3.90 8.14 3.33 24.54 65610 Analysis 3.88 8.24 3.64 24.39 65674 Analysis 4.18 7.64 3.22 23.82 65710 Analysis 3.52 7.63 4.04 23.22 “Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 4-8-6 Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 0.00 27.20 65101 “ Analysls __ 4.02 3.41 0.25 23.03 Sunset Brand” Fertlhzer 4-12-4 Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 64921 Analysis 4.17 11.30 4.05 30.29 gig; Analysis 4.10 11.70 4.37 30.29 65184 finalysgs 4.18 12.22 4.04 30.77 65238 Analvsgs 4.12 12.10 3.71 30.07 65348 Analysis 3.96 11.34 3.73 29.43 65675 “a Ysfs 4.04 11.93 4.06 30.08 “ Analvsls n __ 3.93 12.17 4.03 30.09 65756 Sunset Brand Fertlllzer 6-8-8 Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 8.00 3.00 34.40 Analysls 5.50 7.24 7.23 31.29 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 45 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) ' "a o :3 :8 o Q-l a Q's C 8 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5*; 3' '5 ‘a fig .2 :3 s v b0 w m1 u.» -= w 1;; o an 2 o 7; f}; o g u 5 +1 e E s g s g s s a s s fiz Z n. ‘ <3 a a n. o. > n. United Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas-Continued. “Sunset Brand" Fertilizer 6-10-7 Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65122 Analysis 6.28 9.87 7.12 36.44 65205 Analysis 6.19 10.46 7.03 36.90 65237 Analysis 6.04 10.23 7.18 36.42 65484 Analysis 5.94 8.34 7.17 33.70 65525 Analysis 6.22 10.24 7.36 37.07 65568 Analysis 5.59 9.85 6.18 33.65 65658 Analysis 5.66 7.95 6.84 32.13 65678 Analysis 5.49 9.58 7.29 34.44 “Sunsets Brand” Fertilizer 6-12-6 Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 65106 Analysis 5.87 12.67 5.14 36.73 65320 Analysis 5.87 12.09 5.12 35.95 65713 Analysis 5.69 10.36 5.69 33.96 "Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 10-10-0 Guarantee .............. .. 10.00 10.00 37.00 65711 Analysis 10.29 10.32 38.12 “Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 20% Superphosphate Guarantee 20.00 26.00 65175 Analysis 21.30 27.69 Sunset Brand Fertilizer “Truck and Fruit Special” 4-8-6 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 64922 Analysis 4.14 8.02 5.81 27.34 65003 Analysis 3.88 7.18 5.67 25.44 65004 Analysis 3.85 7.21 6.27 26.13 65511 Analysis 4.23 8.32 6.06 28.24 65757 Analysis 3.87 7.66 5.79 26.20 “United Plantfood” 0-12-4 “Rice Special” Guarantee... 12.00 4.00 20.40 65695 Analysis 12.09 3.76 20.23 “United Plantfood” 3-10-0 Guarantee .............................. ._ 3.00" 10.00 20.20 65328 Analysis 3.36 10.66 21.92 65576 Analysis 3.04 10.49 20.94 “United Plantfood” 3-10-3 Guarantee .............................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65537 Analysis 2.91 10.33 3.27 24.33 “United Plantfood” 4-8-4 Guarantee ........................... .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 65471 Analysis 3.44 6.83 4.76 22.86 65604 Analysis 3.30 7.58 4.13 22.73 “United Plantfood” 4-10-0 “Rice Special” Guarantee 4.00 10.00 22.60 65327 Analysis 3.95 10.07 22.57 “United Plantfood” 4-12-4 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65137 Analysis 4.00 12.01 3.75 29.71 65199 Analysis 4.10 11.84 4.03 30.07 65252 Analysis 4.16 12.15 4.24 30.87 65603 Analysis 4.05 12.00 4.02 30.14 “United Plantf0od" 6-9-3 Guarantee 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65602 Analysis 6.20 8.14 3.14 29.23 “United Plantfood” 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 65138 Analysis 6.22 10.06 7.49 37.00 65185 Analysis 5.23 9.58 5.29 31.35 65601 Analysis 5.87 9.00 7.19 34.41 “United Plantfood” 6-12-6 Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 37.20 64737 Analysis 6.23 11.61 5.80 37.00 64818 Analysis 6.21 12.07 5.51 37.20 64820 Analysis ....... .. 6.42 11.87 4.98 36.82 64821 Analysis 5.03 11.84 5.85 34.48 64822 Analysis 5.79 11.73 6.15 36.53 65078 Analysis 6.21 12.35 5.05 37.02 65115 Analysis 6.02 12.07 5.79 37.09 65200 Analysis 6.39 11.90 6.26 38.32 “United Plantfood” 18% Superphosphate Guarantee... 18.00 23.40 65332 Analysis 21.57 28.04 “United Plantfood” 20% Superphosphate Guarantee 20.00 26.00 64736 Analysis 20.04 26.05 64819 Analysis 21.08 27.40 65697 Analysis 20.32 26.42 46 BULLETIN NO. 593, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont) s‘ '3 3 8 N4 i 0,2 a 3 u Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5E‘ 3 S‘; p; .2 g “l °’ an a: 6:41‘ cu s: o " o i“ ‘Q o o -—~ Q u w o “i +1 *3 5 3 '51? 3 ~33 Ti 3 QZ Z n. <1 n. a. n. n. > o. United Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas—Continued. “United Plantfood” Fertilizer Truck and Fruit Special 4-8-6 Guarantee 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65217 Analysis 4.18 8.83 6.06 28.78 65600 Analysis 3.92 7.69 6.05 26.61 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, Louisiana V-C Blood, Bone and Potash Guarantee .................. .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 64311 Analysis 3.14 10.56 3.51 25.43 V-C Fertilizers 3-10-3 Guarantee ...................................... .. 3.00 10.00 3.00 23.80 65305 Analysis 3.02 9.72 3.14 23.66 65660 Analysis 3.15 9.62 3.01 23.63 V-C Fertilizers 4-8-4 Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 8.00 4.00 24.80 64985 Analysis 4.12 7.79 4.31 25.19 65045 Analysis 3.99 8.16 4.04 25.04 65061 Analysis 4.06 8.03 4.16 25.17 65093 Analysis 3.94 7.85 4.03 24.51 65341 Analysis 4.10 8.22 4.35 25.75 65403 Analysis 3.95 8.06 4.05 24.82 65442 Analysis 4.19 8.37 4.15 25.92 65450 Analysis 3.88 8.00 4.26 24.82 65456‘ Analysis 4.10 8.42 4.01 25.60 65482 Analysis 4.08 7.68 4.24 24.86 65535 Analysis 4.00 8.17 4.15 25.20 65650 Analysis 3.99 8.07 3.97 24.83 65661 Analysis 4.08 8.53 4.25 25.98 65743 Analysis 4.06 8.66 4.34 26.21 65749 Analysis 3.94 8.56 4.17 25.59 V-C Fertilizers 4-8-6 Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 6.00 27.20 65087 Analysis 3.96 7.73 6.04 26.80 65090 Analysis 3.93 8.07 6.04 27.17 65259 Analysis 3.89 6.93 6.04 25.60 65379 Analysis 4.04 7.42 5.89 26.42 65457 Analysis ....... .. 3.93 8.37 5.89 27.38 65497 Analysis 4.02 8.26 5.90 27.47 65510 Analysis 4.02 7.51 5.92 26.51 65742 Analysis 4.20 8.04 6.23 28.01 65764 Analysis 4.02 7.83 6.08 27.13 V.C Fertilizers 4-12-4 Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 30.00 65058 Analysis 4.23 11.66 4.31 30.48 65316 Analysis 3.95 12.39 3.86 30.22 65566 Analysis 4.09 12.51 3.97 30.84 65629 Analysis 4.17 12.00 4.06 30.48 65706 Analysis 3.95 12.01 4.05 29.95 V-C Fertilizers 6-8-4 Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 29.60 64976 Analysis 6.16 8.03 4.12 30.16 65047 Analysis ' 5.94 8.07 4.19 29.78 65350 Analysis 5.88 8.02 4.09 29.45 65422 Analysis 6.04 8.26 4.06 30.11 65551 Analysis 6.06 8.28 4.10 30.22 V-C Fertilizers 6-8-8 Guarantee .................................... .. 6.00 8.00 8.00 34.40 65423 Analysis 5.77 8.19 8.02 34.13 V-C Fertilizers 6-9-3 Guarantee ...................................... .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 29.70 65046 Analysis 5.93 9.70 3.20 30.68 65552 Analysis 5.32 10.47 3.32 30.36 65621 Analysis 5.32 9.30 3.07 28.54 V-C Fertilizers 6-10-7 Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 10.00 7.00 35.80 64977 Analysis 6.08 10.63 7.13 36.97 65023 Analysis 6.06 10.25 7.29 36.62 65064 Analysis 6.00 10.24 7.22 36.37 65070 Analysis 5.86 9.37 6.87 34.48 65222 Analysis 6.02 10.25 7.18 36.40 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1939-40 Table 9. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1939-40 (cont.) t; "é 3 8 2 .2 ‘H .3 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand g? fig ‘E jg é c L, Q an w w: o 4'4 w a, o O E 2 o f; g o g u 5 u *3 = -*= a ‘i2 a s a T: a AZ Z a. <1 n. a n. n. > a Virginia-Carolina. Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, Louisiana—Continued. V-C FeFrtilizers 6-10-7 Guarantee—Continued— 65622 Analysis 6.02 8.92 35.00 65635 Analysis A 5.83 10.63 36.38 V-C Fruit and Truck Special Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 10.00 35.80 65079 Analysis 6.05 10.28 36.51 65158 Analysis 5.97 10.15 36.07 V-C Good Luck Fertilizer Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 24.80 64812 Analysis 4.16 8.46 26.02 V-C Potato Special Guarantee .......................................... .. 4.00 8.00 32.00 64957 Analysis 3.89 7.86 31.01 65224 Analysis 3.80 7.44 30.83 65380 Analysis 4.04 8.33 32.04 65763 Analysis 4.02 7.76 30.89 V-C Prolific Cotton Grower Guarantee .......................... .. 3.00 10.00 23.80 65223 Analysis 3.28 9.58 24.39 V-C Special 4-10-0 Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 10.00 22.60 65278 Analysis 4.06 10.89 23.90 V-C Truckers Special Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 27.20 64967 Analysis 3.90 8.28 27.44 64971 Analysis 3.82 7.65 26.69 V-C 20% Superphosphate Guarantee .............................. .. 20.00 26.00 65634 Analysis 22.04 28.65 Waldo Fertilizer Works, Waldo, Arkansas Victory 6-10-7 Guarantee 6.00 10.00 35.80 65317 Analysis 6.36 10.66 37.22 65367 Analysis 6.33 10.74 37.60 F. Ward, San Antonio, Texas Grasstonia Guarantee 4.00 12.00 30.00 64732 Analysis 8.85 14.29 46.67 Vita-Glo-Gro with Ward’s Root Rot Remedy Guarantee 4.00 10.00 27.40 64731 Analysis 6.41 11.46 34.62