A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR College Station. Texas BULLETIN NO. 612 \V. S. FLOR-YfJRq and F. R. BRISON Division of Horticulture AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President LI BRA Agflcultural gbgéiefirfiiiiififii PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION i MAY 1942 51,2??? liflil . Eawwnw 0 Figure 1. Frontispiece. First generation Ness Hybrid oaks. Approximately 30 years old. These resulted from pollinating the live oak with pol- len of the overcup oak. Note the rounded, symmetrical, yet upright form, and the dense foliage. a wvww-M-www q-nm-WWW-wwwmwvq. . A beautiful oak has resulted from a cross of the live oak and overcup oak made over 30 years ago by Helge Ness at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a partially evergreen, round-topped tree that grows faster than either parent and should be well adapted for orna- mental planting in east, central, and probably other parts of Texas. Several successful methods are presented for the propagation of this desirable oak. It is shown especially that when scions are either whip or bark grafted on burr, live, overcup, post, swamp white and other stocks of the “white 0a ” group, a high percentage of good unions are secured. Results have shown also that certain methods are unsatisfactory, and that one group of stocks have made poor unions; both should probably be avoided in nursery practice. CONTENTS Page Introduction 5 The material 5 Study of methods of propagation Attempts to root cuttings Discussion of rooting of cuttings 9 Attempts; to propagate by T-buds 12 Propagation by grafting 13 Stocks 13 Graftwood 14 Grafting methods used 14 Presentation and discussion of grafting data _ 15 Comparison of methods 15 Comparison of stocks 18 1940 grafts 18 1941 grafts 19 1940 and 1941 grafts considered together 22 Microscopic examination of graft unions 24 Heights of grafted and ungrafted seedling stocks compared ______ __ 28 General discussion of grafting ‘ 29 Factors favoring success of stocks 30 Summary 31 Literature cited. 3 2 PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK By \V. S. Flory, Jr.,‘ and F. R. Brison? In 1909 Helge Nessg, at that time Horticulturist With the Texas Ex- periment Station, pollinated some pistillate flowers" of a live oak with pollen from an overcup oak. Three hybrids resulted. Similar crossses in 1910 gave 3 more hybrids. Additional crosses in later years gave still others. In securing these crosses‘ Ness was pioneering in a virgin field. So. far as available published reports show, he was the first man in America and among the first in the world to produce artificial hybrids between species of forest trees. The Texas Experiment Station has‘ attempted to stimulate an initial interest in these desirable trees for ornamental purposes, and to develop suitable methods for their propagation. While the Station cannot propa- gate the trees for general distribution, and must rely on Texas nurseries for this function, it will gladly furnish lists of nurseries known to have Ness Hybrid trees as they become available. No attempt has as yet been made by this station to develop practical means of producing hybrids of hardwood trees on a scale necessary for commercial timber production. THE MATERIAL- These hybrid oaks‘ were first described by Ness in 1918 (10). In 1927 he published (11) further descriptive notes on the first generation hybrids and also briefly described the different classes of segregates in a second generation population. Segregation of characters in F2, from a factorial standpoint, was later studied by Yarnell (17). Both Ness and Yarnell have pointed out that the first generation hybrids have a considerably more rapid growth rate than either of the parent species. This exhibition of hybrid vigor is striking when the original hybrids are compared in size with live and overcup oaks planted within a few years of the same time. The first generation live oak >< overcup oak hybrids are uniform. Their upright and straight-branched habit, inherited from the overcup parent is combined with a round top and in addition a greater regularity of outside contour than is usual for live oaks. The resulting upright- symmetrical form, so regular in outline as to appear sheared (Fig. 1), gives the hybrids a distinctive beauty. The lyrate leaves are inter- lHorticulturist, Agricultural Experiment. Station. 2Proiessor of Horticulture, School of Agriculture. A. and M. College of Texas. “Deceased December 30, 1928. _ was also produced some hybrids, o-f less ornamental promise, between other oak species (see reference 11). Where the terms “Ness Hybrids" or merely “hybrids” are used in this paper, however, they refer to plants resulting from the live oak x overcup oak cross. 6 * BULLETIN NO‘. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Figure 2. Leaves and fruit of the Ness Hybrid oak and its parents. A.—the live oak parent (Quercus virginiaaza); B.—the overcup oak parent (Q. lyrata); and C.—the 1'1 live oak x overcup hybrid. PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 7 mediate in shape and size between those of the parents (Fig. 2). The trees hold half of their leaves through an average winter at College Station. In very mild winters they retain practically all of their leaves, but in unusually cold seasons the majority of these are dropped. This same tendency is approached in a lesser degree by live oaks. The regular form, round top, good size, approach to evergreenness, and comparatively rapid growth rate, are all very desirable characteristics . for hardwood trees. Combined as they are in the Ness Hybrids, it makes them valuable ornamental plants. They should add materially to land- scape planting over the state if they could be successfully propagated and distributed. A second generation population of 23 individuals started by Ness in 1923 is still growing at College Station. Threelarger second genera- tion (or F2) populations, totalling about 326 plants, have been grown during the past 6 years by the senior writer of this article. Broad leaved, heavy foliaged, evergreen segregates are occasionally encountered in the second generation. Eleven plants, among the 326 recently grown, appeared especially promising and have been saved. Some of these are rapid growing and may prove to be even more desirable than the first generation Ness Hybrids. Some preliminary work indicates that meth- ods, to be described later, for grafting of the F1 Ness Hybrids would be equally applicable to desirable F2 live oak >< overcup oak hybrids. STUDY OF METHODS OF PROPAGATION During the past several years attempts to propagate the F1 Ness Hybrids have been made and have now met with at least a measure of success. The methods of propagation used and the results secured are described in this paper. The first trials were with cuttings (4, 6). It would seem that if this hybrid material could be disseminated on its own roots that this would probably be the most satisfactory procedure. Attempts to propagate the hybrids on roots of other species by T-budding (4) have also been carried out. As the two sections in this paper deal- ing with cuttings and with T-budding will show, practically no success has followed the use of either of these methods. Propagation by graft- ing (5), however, has met with considerable initial success. Only time can tell how permanent the graft unions-—and hence ultimate success of the propagation—will be. These grafts, made up of the first gen- eration hybrid oak scions and of several different stocks, look promis- ing enough at the present time that they are being sent out to interested nurseries. Trees grafted in 1940 have already been distributed and those grafted in 1941 will be available for future distribution; scion wood from the hybrid trees will be supplied where desired. It is thought that this material can thus serve as a source for further propagation and distribution by the several nurseries. By 1944 some trees should be available from nursery sources, and the supply should meet the ordi- nary demand-s in subsequent years. 8 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Attempts t0 Root Cuttings Numerous attempts have been made to propagate the hybrid oaks by rooting either stem or root cuttings. Various treatments have been given s-everal thousand cuttings in such attempts. Cuttings were made at dif- ferent times of the year, both from current season and also from one- and two-year old wood. The treatments and results are summarized in Table 1. Results have been consistently negative; no living plants have been secured so far from cuttings. Different lots of cuttings were treated with the following growth pro- moting substance, or hormones: indolyl acetic acid, indole-3-N-propionic acid, 'y-(indole-3)-N-butyric acid, naphthalene-acetic acid, and the com- mercial Hormodin A which contains v-(indole-3)-N-butyric acid and Kak solutions‘. The different chemicals were used in various concentrations and for treatment intervals varying usually from 24 to 72 hours depending to some extent upon the concentrations. It also may be noted from Table 1 that cuttings in some cases were treated with vitamin B1 (1 part vita- min: 1 million parts water) both immediately following Hormodin A treatment, and at intervals" following such treatment. This is essentially the method that was successfully used by Went et al (16) in the rooting of etiolated pea cuttings and leafy cuttings of lemon and of Camellia. Treatments were given stem cuttings by soaking from one-half inch to one inch of the base in the hormone solutions. Root cuttings were either entirely immerse-d in aqueous solutions, or were bored and in- serted with tooth picks which had been soaked with and contained the growth substances (approximately 2 mg. per pick) in crystalline form.‘ This tooth-pick method was devised by Romberg and Smith (14) who have had success in stimulating the formation of new roots on trans- planted pecans by its‘ use. ’ l Most cuttings were placed either in sharp white sand, or in a mixture of equal parts of this sand and peat moss; the lots were about equally divided between the two media. The large lots 1 to 6 and 1A and 2A (Table 1) were divided between four media. These included the two just mentioned and in addition red river-sand, and also a mixture of equal parts of red river-sand and peat moss. Following a suggestion of Dr. C. L. Smith, of the U. S. D. A. Pecan Laboratory, Brownwood, Texas, callusing of cuttings prior to chemical treatment was attempted. This was done with the following lots listed , in Table 1: 20A to 31, 33, 38 to 40, 57 to 60, and 136 to 144. It was found with oak material, as had Dr. Smith with pecan wood, that cuttings from dormant wood when placed in moist not wet-—sphagnum moss in a constant temperature oven at about 85°C. practically all callused heavily in from 1 to 3 weeks. Greenwood cuttings seldom callused by this method. A few of the callused cuttings both from untreated and from chemically treated lots produced weak root growth but the rooted cuttings all died. PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 9 A series of treatments using different growth substances in several powder or dust bases have been run with cuttings from live oak trees. The results, as with material treated in aqueous solutions, were all negative. On the basis of other experience with cuttings from live and from hybrid oaks we would anticipate similar negative r-esults from the treatment of material from the hybrid forms with growth substances in powdered bases. Discussion on Rooting of Cuttings Available reports concerning attempted propagation of oaks by cuttings are not numerous. Hutchings and Larsen (8) failed to root cuttings of white oak following various chemical treatments‘. Bailey (2) men- tions that evergreen species are occasionally incr-eased by cuttings, but no details are given. Thimann and Delisle (15) have arrived at some interesting results, concerning the rooting of cuttings from “diflicult” plants, which may have an important bearing on the present work. They have pointed out that there are 3 groups of trees which are diflicult to propagate by cut- tings. These are: “(1) a majority of the conifers, (2) many forest hardwoods and (3) the apples and related rosaceous trees.” A number of factors which might afiect the rooting of cuttings were considered in their work. Among these were: (1) The age of the tree from which cuttings were taken. (2) Optimum auxin treatment. (3) Relative rooting behavior of different parts of the plant. (4) Rooting medium and temperature. (5) Factors other than auxin such as sugar and vitamin B1. They found that “The most important single factor in rooting these ‘diflicult’ trees‘ is the age of the tree from which cuttings are taken. The ease with which roots are formed (on cuttings of one-year wood) falls off steadily with increasing age of the tree. This applies both in the presence and in the absence of auxin (hormone) treatment.” In general it was found that cuttings from one-year old trees rooted well without auxin treatments; cuttings from 3 and 4 year old trees gave good rooting with optimum auxin treatments; but with a number of species cuttings from old trees could not be induced to root. This was true, among others, of cuttings from the Red Oak, Quercus borealis. The work just cited confirms the work of Gardner (7) with respect to rooting cuttings of 1-year old plants. Further, it puts this observation, apparently, on a practical basis by advancing the rooting age of tree ma- terial up to 3 or 4 years—an age size from which several cuttings may be secured per plant-—provided the proper auxin treatment is given. McGinnis (9) has propagated live oaks by terminal cuttings from dor- mant wood of nursery, and hence fairly young trees. Now the cuttings from the hybrid oaks used in the present instance were secured from the trees resulting from Ness’ 1909 and 1910 crosses. 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Io00z ................ Imoso: om .4 5000000 3000 .050 m .................................................. -1.-o0oz |||||||||||||||| 16.0505 mo .4 QHUOQEOHH wfiflfl .050 2 ||||||||||||||| {@0505 mo .4 QWUOEHOWH mfiflfl Qwwflm m ................ Im050 0o .4 00000000 min: .050 0m ................ imooon 0o .4 00000000 3E0 0.50 S ................ I300: 0o .0 00000000 moEo 0.0. m o ................ {P0000 m» é. 00.08.80 3E: 0.50 o ................ {Boon mo. .< 00008.80 =30: 0.0. 0 m \ .—a-=~v. ,__»~__., 0o 8o 20 $22 moo 00o 2A o2 .02 mfi o0 m3 o2 50 o2 ‘moo -0 $0 ‘moo .0 o0 .mm.mo.o0 00 omoooofi $0 omooNoH 00 oomooé o0 $00.2 m0 omMoNoH. m3 om.» o $0 mo.» o o2 mo.» .o o0 hmoow: o0 5.2-0 o0 00 5.2-0 0E ooo¢0 o3 $0.0 m0 5.2-0 $0 030.0 80 00.2-0 8 ooooo a. 5.0a“: 12 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION they were from trees between 25 and 30 years of age. The obvious impli- cation, from the work of the investigators mentioned above, is that the age of these tree-s is a limiting factor virtually preventing rooting of cut- tings from them when treated by known methods. To overcome this handi- cap the live X overcup oak cross, first made by Ness, has been repeated. Several young seedlings are now available as sources for cuttings-which may possibly be induced to root by proper treatments. Attempts to Propagate by T-Buds Over a period of four years several hundred buds from the first genera- tion hybrid oaks have been T-budded into young stock of several oak species and hybrids. In 1938 buds were inserted in August. ln 1939 and 1941 budding was done during May. In 1940 the buds were inserted during October, with the thought that these might unite before growth ceased in the fall, and after remaining dormant over winter could be forced into Table 2. Number of hybrid oak T-‘buds inserted in several stocks at diflerent times of the year, with negative results. Oak stocksl Time of bud insertion i (acorns from open pollinations) Total August May October May 1938 1939 I 1940 1941 Bung ____________________________________________________ _._ 15 23 ________ -_ 38 Chinese ________________________________________ -- 15 15 17 10 * 57 Live ____________________________________________ __ 10 15 ________ -- 25 50 Overcup ________________________________________ - - 5 10 102 -------- - -3 25 Pin _____________________________________________ _._ 5 5 , 6 ________ __ 16 Post- ____________________________________________________ -- 10 9 -------- -- 19 Spanish __________________________________________________ _._ 5 2 ________ __\ 7 Water __________________________________________ __ 10 10 8 ........ __ 28 Willow _____________________________________________________________ __ 4 ________ _- 4 F2 (Live >< Overcup) _________________________ __ 10 15 l 20* ________ -- 45 Fa (Live x Overcup) _____________________________________________ n, 11 -------- -- 11 F2 (Live >< Swamp White) ___________________ __ 20 15* i 26 15 76 TotaL _____________________________________ _- 75 115 i 13o 50 s76 lSee next section, “Propagation by Grafting,” for scientific names of the various stocks. ZOne bud from this lot produced a tree. growth in the spiring. A summary of the number of buds inserted, at different times and on several stocks, is given in Table 2. Results have been almost entirely negative. One bud inserted on an overcup oak whip in October 1940 united and has grown into a young tree. This was the only bud, out of 376 ‘set, to unite and grow. The reason for the failure of the T-buds is not known. The bark of the stock slipped well when the budding was done. The buds were inserted with only a very thin sliver of wood included. The technique used in the budding appeared, and was considered, satisfactory. When the rubber bands used for tying were removed at the end of 10 days a large per cent of the buds were green in color and aipipeared to be alive. Usually inspec- tion after 4 or 5 weeks revealed the same condition. But after that the Ttas‘ § n? viz-Z- Zoztfigl?’ PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 13 stock bark started curling back, allowing the bud to drop out. Inspection of a number of buds was made after 4 weeks; if any callusing had occurred it was difiicult to identify by macroscopic examination. The buds ap- parently remained green in color for same time but without anatomical union taking place. Propagation by Grafting The desirability of attempting graftage was emphasized when the nega- tive results with cuttings and with the first bud insertions" became ap- parent. Stocks Stocks for possible grafting or budding were already being grown from acorns secured in the fall of 1936, 1937, and 1938. The acorns were strati- fied from time of gathering until planted in the nursery about the first of January following collection. The oaks used as stocks, with their relationship in the genus Quercus according to Rehder (13) are as follows: Subgenus II. Erythrobalanus—Black oaks (acorns mature the 2nd year). Quercus nigra L. (Water O.) Q. marilandica Muenchh. (Black Jack) Q. rubra L. (Spanish O.) Q. palustris Muenchh. (Pin. O.) Subgenus III: Lepidobalanus—White oaks (acorns mature the first or second year). Section 1. Cerris (Fruit biennial.) Q. serrata Sieb. & Zucc. not Thumb. (Chinese O.) (fruit usually ripens the first Year in Texas) Section 3. Ilex. (Fruit usually annual) Q. virginiana Mill. (Live O.) Section 6. Prinus (Fruit annual) Q. albd L. (White O.) Q. stellata Wangh. (Post O.) Q. Zyratm Walt. (Overcup O.) Q. macrocarpa Michx. (Burr O.) Q. bicolor Willd. (Swamp White O.) The first four of these fall in the group commonly designated black or pin oaks, the last six belong to the class often collectively called white oaks. Bailey (2) uses the terms black oaks and white oaks to designate the col- lective species in the subgenera Erythrobalanus and Lepidobalanus, respec- tively. The Chinese oak, representing the extreme of the subgenus L-epido- balanus nearest the black oaks resembles the latter group in several mor- phological characters and in grafting behavior with the Ness Hybrid scions. In the discussions of this paper it is considered, for convenience, along with the black oaks. Most of the species used are Texas natives. Quercus palus- tris and Q. bicolor approach, but do not often occur within the borders of the 14 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION state. The Chinese oak, as its name suggests, has» been brought to this country from the Orient. In addition to the pure species, seedling stocks derived from two of Ness’ hybrids have been used. These latter are second generation (or “F2”) open-pollinated seedlings of the crosses live oak >< overcup oak, and live oak >< swamp white oak. Acorns of the native forms are usually available. If desired for stock seed they should be gathered as soon after ripening as possible and then within a few days, should» be stratified in moist sand, or planted in nursery rows where they will remain moist. Acorns properly treated usually pro- duce excellent seedling stands, but seed of many oaks germinate very poorly if allowed to air dry for even a few weeks. Graftwood With the methods of grafting followed in this experiment it is customary to use one-year-old scions. Normally these should be about three-eights of an inch in diameter. Preferably they should be straight and unbranched. The Ness Hybrids do not produce such scions abundantly. Their growth habits, in mature trees especially, often result in branching before the limbs attain suitable size. Some of the available scions were straight, unbranched shoots of 1-year-old wood; others were of 2-year-old Wood. When the latter type was used, care was taken to leave a 1-year-old side branch on each scion if possible. Some scions consisted of a 2-year-old base and a 1-year- old terminal portion. At the point of mergen-ce of the 1- and 2-year-old woods there were formed numerous buds which developed and grew satis- factorily under favorable conditions. ' The scions were cut each year during February, while the trees were still dormant. They were then packed in moist sphagnum moss and kept in cold storage until used for grafting. The temperature of the storage vault ranged from 34° F. to 40° F. Grafting Methods Used Whip Graft.——This method was used mainly on rootstocks which were from % to ‘$4 inch in diameter. Soil was removed from around the bases of the seedling stocks and the grafts were inserted slightly below the ground level. They were tied with cotton twine; no waxing ma- terial was used. Finally, moist soil was pressed closely about the graft leaving only the tip exposed. Bark Graft and Inlay Graft.—-These two methods are quite similar. Results of the few inlay grafts made are tabulated with those of bark grafts. Usually stocks that were about 1-inch in diameter were used for these grafts. Generally they were set within one foot of the ground. They were tied with cotton twine and either grafting wax or melted paraflin was applied in order to exclude air from all open surfaces and prevent drying. _ Some of the stock species could not be grafted readily by either of these two methods, because of the difiiculty encountered in getting the bark to separate from the wood. This was particularly true of water oak, 2- and 3-year old burr oak, and Chinese oak stocks. PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK l5 \ Cleft Gra.ft.—This method likewise was used on stocks that were 1- inch, and often larger, in diameter. Grafts were usually set within 1 foot of the ground. Cleft grafts were also tightly tied with cotton twine, and covered with grafting wax or melted paraffin. Detailed description of the general grafting, as well as budding, meth- ods used in the present work may be found in numerous books and bul- letins including those of the United States Department of Agriculture (3, 12). As the grafts produced growth and were in danger of mechanical or wind breakage they were staked with laths and tied up periodically. Until mid-summer the grafts were inspected about every 10 days for (1) removal of stock buds and shoots, (2) rewaxing‘ where necessary, and (3) additional tying when growth warranted. After about July 15 a check on these points was made every 15 or 20 days during the growing season. The strings tying the grafts in place were removed before the stock diameter increased enough for damage from girdling to occur. Rainfall was much above average both in 1940 and 1941. In seasons of lighter rainfall lower growth rates might not necessitate such frequent checks. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF GRAFTING DATA Comparison of‘ Methods The percentage of grafts which live and grow appears the most obvious criterion for determining the initial value of a grafting method or of the kind of stock used. On this basis, reference to the percentage figures in the lowest row of Table 6 offer a ready comparison of the grafting suc- cess resulting from the three methods used. Fifty-nine per cent of all whip grafts and 68 per cent of all bark grafts, but only 20 per cent of the cleft grafts made, were successful. From Table 3 it may be seen that of the grafts made in 1940 the whip grafts were considerably the most successful on a percentage basis. The data of Table 4 show that the whip grafts made in 1941 were again quite successful. But in the latter year even greater success" resulted from use of the bark graft method; this point is discussed further in the next paragraph. A comparison of summary figures in Tables 3 and 4 shows a much higher percentage of bark grafts to have been successful in 1941 than in 1940. In 1940 all bark grafts were made just after the sap started to flow but before many buds had burst. At that time difficulty was en- countered in getting bark to “slip” without stringing. In 1941 the ma- jority of the bark grafts were made some two weeks after leafing began, and at that time the bark slipped cleanly on many of the stocks. The disparity in percentage of unions in the two years‘ can apparently be traced directly to this difference in ease of working the bark on the dif- ferent occasions. When making bark grafts with oaks, then, it would seem 16 BULLETIN NO‘. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION wise to delay insertion until well after stock dormancy has broken. The scions, of course, should be held dormant until used. The percentage of successful cleft grafts was low in 1940 and still lower in 1941; As pointed out earlier most wood used for cleft grafts in the present work has been above an inch in diameter. It was ob- served that where ideal fits were secured with most stocks that a high proportion of cleft grafts united. But such fits were diflicult to fashion. It has seemed obvious that size and hardness of the wood used, result- ing in many poor fits between stock and scion, have been responsible for the unfavorable results in many cases. The use of wood of smaller diameter would probably make for closer fit and increased success with the cleft type of graft. Despite results from bark grafting in 1940 it seems apparent that both whip and bark grafting are methods that will give a high percentage of successful unions with compatible stocks. Cleft grafting, at least with larger sized stocks, is a less successful method. 17 PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK dHHHoua UQawEZOQ HHwHHo HHHofimH Q3 4 E3 E 8H HEN m am 9% w 5 m3 m. 2H .................. 1230a Hi3. 98 m mm Hwfl m H. HAH H a HAH H a ||||||||||||||||||||| 1| HHwH-HHB mév Q2 w m6 mdfi H m Hfimm H H. fimfi H. m» ||||||||||||||||||||| lwwwflnO .......... 1 o6 o oH 11111 -1111 1111- 1-111 -1111 -1111 c6 o QH ---11111111JH@HH.H. M35 Q8 méw NM 5 o6 H. N 9S N H mg 3 Hm ----1HH3HHH>> éw x 9:5 PH Q3 #8 H w o5 ¢ H 98H H H Q2. m H ..... -1:HHE5>o x 9:5 5H ma» 0.03 a m 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 0.03 m m ....................... 135B is Q3 m H. Q8 H N 2w H m H..8H H H ........................ 19,5 $4 #8 8 Ha .................................................... 1 Adm mm mu ........................ -355 25a 3:4 mfidg 25¢ ®>S< 2E2 25a 954 QHES ~22 ~33 wwafi HmQHHQHHG Haw» Sm H56 3m "E3 Hwm .25.. 8m “Emmi mmooaw “GO .95 130E H309 ism $20 E55 ..»§H§u .33.“ H5288 glHgH .mH enuuHHd o» ufiaau 36H no hnafifinm d oHnaB 18 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT’ STATION Comparison of Stocks 1940 Grafts The data for the grafts made in 1940 are summarized in Table 3. Out of a total of 162 grafts made, 2 were injured mechanically and are not included here. Figure 3. Ness Hybrid oak grafts on I‘: (live oak x swamp white oak) roots. Whip graft made March 18, 1940. Picture taken July 26, 1941. On a percentage basis the two outstanding stocks used in 1940- where 10 0r more grafts were made on similar stocks—-were burr oak and the hybrid F2 (live >< swamp white) oak (Fig. 3). Favorable percent- ages of successful stock combinations w-ere also secured, from a smaller number of grafts, between hybrid scions and seedlings of the F2 (live X overcup), live oak (Fig. 4), and white oak (Q. alba). Only a small per- centage of the grafts on Chinese and water oaks grew, and none of those on black jack were successful. All living grafts were measured for height on August 15, 1941. On that date 78 trees living from the 17-month old 1940 grafts averaged 45.2 inches The figures for all cleft, bark and whip grafts were 63.5, 50.0, and 42.6 inches, respectively. Bark and cleft grafts had been made as near the ground as convenient, but the stock stubs did give these two types of grafts some height advantage. Not all the height difference between the trees from the cleft and whi-p grafts can be accounted for in this way, however. In general the smaller stocks were used for whip grafts, the largest for cleft grafts, and bark grafts were made on stocks intermediate in size be- PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GR-OWWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 19 tween the other two. It is- possible that the greater food reserves in the larger stocks account for at least part of the superior size of the scions they bear. Figure 4. Ness Hybrid oak» grafts (2 plants to the right) on live oak roots, compared with a seedling live oak (to the left). The hybrid scions were cleft grafted on March 18, 1940. '.l.‘he photograph was made July 26, 1941. The live oak seedlings, as well as the seedlings used here for stocks, were all placed in the nursery about January 1, 1938. The tree to the right shows a water sprout starting from the rootstock; these need to be removed frequently until the grafts get a good growth start. 1941 Grafts Table 4 summarizes data on the 1941 grafts. It is seen that all of the kinds of stocks used in 1940 were used for additional grafts in 1941. Also seedlings of post, overcup, swamp white, and in a few cases of pin and Spanish oaks- furnished stocks for other 1941 grafts. It is evident from the table that more than 60 per cent of the hybrid scions lived on each of the following stocks: post, F2 (live >< swamp white), swamp white, live (Fig. 6), burr, overcup (Fig. 7), and black jack. Only 3 grafts were made on black jack, not enough for a reliable te-st. About 65 per cent of the grafts made on the F2 (live >< overcup) seedlings grew (Fig. 5). Grafts on white oak (Q. a-lba) were not as successful as the few made in 1940. Poor results were again obtained with grafts on Chinese and water oaks. 20 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT‘ STATION Figure 5. A Ness Hybrid oak graft on roots of an open- pollinated I‘; (live x overcup) oak seedling. Bark grafted on April 10, 1941. The picture was made September 1, 1941, at which time this graft was 58 inches in height. Figure 6. Ness Hybrid oak. graft on live oak roots. Bark graft made in early April, 1941. Photograph made September 1, 1941. PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK .2202» uSHHHHHHHoHH 9E0 HHHPHmH Hnwm HHHH H.H m. HZH N NH H..HH H. HH H.HH H H.. . ................... ---.HH.HH§> Nam odw wH .8 NHH N _ NH 9m H om w.wH w mH ................... immofiflO H..NN HimH N , NH .................................................... -- HFmH N mm ............... 1x22. HHBHHm H _ “$2.0 Main HimH HZHN HH S. H..HN HH mH H..H.H N m H...H.H. Hm NN TiJHHHHHHHHP $6 x 9:5 Hm H..H.H mam HN _ Hm New NH mH HH. H HH NNH N HH . .... IHHHHHHPHQZ. x H55. SH mdw odm m w 9H. __ H. m ......................... i H..H.H.H m m ..................... {NHHHHHHP H4...» HwwH. HN u NH. Q8 H.N NN H..H.N H H. 9% N. H. ..................... {-35 NH.» HHN mm HH .................................................... I HHH. mm NH ...................... {bum HmHHHHO win? . . _ 25w 25¢ wwHHE NEHHHH N>HH< _ 2E2 95H. 22¢ HEHHHH 95H. HHHHHHHN $.53 @285. HER. Hum HHEH. Sm H HHHNH. Em EH3 Em uflwmwfl W. 933m HMO NZ 230E HSQH. HEHH $20 25$ Awm." fin awn-uni o». iaHoowm nsHHHHHHm no iausnw Hwmn ufls $0..“ no hngfiflm uoqHnHfioO .m oHncH. i395 M25 Ho v93 HNHHNHH 2S HHHHHHH Snag £33m >25 %=fim®mH 39$ wmwflHw iflmOod Uvuflmiin. E50 80mm: H Q3. mém wmH mHN Hi3. _ Hm H.HH HéH NH H: QHH. H NH . m6 .................. 122cm. 9mm H..HH m NH H..H. H. H.H HEH m NM ....... ....................................... ZAHHHHB .......... l H..H. H. N 5-1---- -11---- 1-1---- -15---- ill--- {I}--- H..H. H H. N ------------i-----ltnwHHHNHHw i. HI... N H ....... --_ ............................................ -- in . N H ......................... 15H 9H” HZHN H.H m». 2H. _ H. H. H..H. H. 8 H..H.H _ H H.H ..................... ||wmoEQU H..N.N N9. HN m .................................................... i 59H. _ N m ................ I Jmumm. HHHEHm WMH NNHH NH mH H..H.H.H u HH HH H..H. H. H H..H.H.H _ H H YIIHHHHHHH? Em x NBA. Hm HQ Ni NH Hm H28 NH HH H..H. H. H.H HHN 7 m H. _ ...... iHHHHHsHHzHo x H55. Hm H..NH 9mm H H H..H. H. H ......................... -- H..H.H.H . H H _ ....................... 12?.» H..H.H H..H.H.H HH HH H..H.H.H HH NHH ................................................................... I -323 QHHHHHBm Nam H..H.H. NN. m» HHNHH NH HH H..H.H.H H H H..H.H.H ., NH NH H ........................ 13cm H..N,H 9E mH HN H..H.H. H. mH H28 N H. H..H.H.H M H H W ................... |||mDuHw>O Q8 HNN HN HHN 9Q. H: H.N H..H. H. N HXHN _ N N ....................... {H55 9% mHw a HH .................................................... i N23 7 m. HH ........................ 185m QZHHH 2E4 2.3a HEHHHH 9:2 $52 9:2. 2:4 33E 95:» _ N524 2E2 $2.35. HHS... Sm . E3 Hwm H56 Sm 2H3 Hwmj HHHEHE Ill 9H8; i0 d3. HHBom. Hfioa HHHHHQ C20 95$ H ésfifiu .33.“ uHHHHSE THHéH 6H. £3554 3 mfiahu HHBH Ha Eaifinm é ~55. 22 BULLETIN NO. 612-, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION On August 15, 1941, the 138 trees living from the 4-month old 1941 grafts averaged 36 inches in height. The respective averages for bark, cleft, and Whip» grafts were 42.2, 38.9, and 22.6 inches. Figure 7. Ness Hybrid oak grafts on overcup oak stock. Bark grafts m.ade April 10, 1941. Phffliograph made July 26, 1941. Note method of tying, and that much of the twine on the two grafts to the left is hidden by the waxing material. The plants have been staked and loosely, but securely, tied to pre- vent wind damage prior to formation of a firm graft union. All stock sprouts had been removed on July 17. Many new sprouts were taken from the stocks before this picture was made, but the long one extending upward (to the right) from the stock of the right hand plant was left to show how rapidly these sometimes grow during wet periods. It is easy to see that if many of these were left on the stock very long that the scion would suffer as a result. 1940 and 1941 Grafts Considered Together Table 5 and, more especially, Table 6 present the data of Tables 3 and 4 in combined form. The discussion that Went with the two preceding tables applies, in general, here, and this, together with the combined data makes certain conclusions s-eem apparent. There are 4 stocks on which more than 80 per cent of the grafts made are alive. These are post, F2 (live X swamp white), burr, and swamp white. Also 56 per cent or more of the grafts made on stocks of live, over- cup, and F2 (live >< overcup)" are ‘thriving. Thus there are 7 stocks on which the hybrids scions may be said to have made a good to excellent growth. The other stocks used have either resulted in a low percentage ‘of unions or have had too few grafts made on them to indicate their value correctly. ‘ Table 6 presents a summary, derived from Tables 3 and 4, of the com- bined grafting results with all white oak stocks, as compared with the re- sults from all black oaks used as stocks. A consideration of s-ome of the PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 23 '.I.'a.b1e 6. A comparison of number of grafts made (according to type), and the number and percentage that were successful, on all white oak and on all black oak species, respectively. Kinds of grafts Grafts on Whip Bark Whip and Cleft | All bark i grafts White oak stocks 5 Number made_ ______________________________ -_ 113 96 209 30 I 239 Number successful ___________________________ __ 9o 79 175 11 l 18c Per cent successfull _________________________ __ 85 82 84 37 7s Black oak stocks l Number made_ ______________________________ __ 71 34 105 61 166 Number successful ___________________________ __ 13 10 23 7 30 Per cent successfull _________________________ -_ 18 29 22 12 , 1g White + black oak stocks l i Number made- ______________________________ __ 184 130 314 j 9'1 405 Number successful ___________________________ __ 109 89 198 1s 2.16 Per cent successfull ......................... __ 59 68 I 63 l 20 \ 53 1All percentages expressed to nearest whole number. data of Table 6 shows some interesting comparisons between results with white and with black oak stocks. Of the 113 whips grafts on white oak species 96, or 85 per cent, were successful. Only 18 per cent of the 71 whip grafts on black oaks have grown. With respect to bark grafts 79 of 96, or 82 per cent have been successful on white oaks, but only 10 of 34, or 29 per cent on black oaks. Thirty-seven. per cent of all cleft grafts on white oaks, but only 12 per cent of this type on black oaks, grew. It is of further interest to consider all bark and Whip grafts together. Two hundred nine of these types of grafts" were made on white oaks, and 175, or 83.7 per cent, of these were successful. Only 22 per cent of the grafts of these two types made on black oaks grew. - It appears then that the live >< overcup hybrid grafts readily on th closely related white oaks used as stocks, but with little success on the genetically more remote black oaks. A worthwhile comparison may be made of data in the percentage columns of Tables 3 and 4. In most cases where as many as 10 grafts per type were made these percentages of living grafts‘ run rather close together in the two tabl-es. Where they do deviate considerably it is usually with the poorer, or black oak, stocks where a larger percentage of 1941 grafts, than of the 1940 ones, are apt to have been alive in August 1941. "Table 7 gives a comparison of 1940 grafts alive on white oaks and also on black oaks on s-everal subsequent dates. The arrangement Table 7. Grafts made in 1940 on white oaks as compared with those on black oaks, with respective numbers alive on several subsequent dates. f No. of grafts Grafts alive Grafts alive Grafts alive Type of ' made March u 4-19-40 4-11-41 8-15-41 Stock 1 18 and 20, 4‘ ., 1940 { Number j Per centl‘ Number l Per centl Number Per ccntl . 1 i N White oak ____ ____ so 72 j so as s6 e7 s4 Black oak __________ __ 8O ‘ 61 3 76* 20 25 11 14 Total _____________ -_ 16o 3 13s i as l s9 l 56 a 7s 49 lPeiccntz-igcs are stated in nearest whole numbers. 24 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of the data in Table 7 brings out clearly that the percentages in Tables 3 and 4 for total number of grafts alive by certain dates, have been materially lowered by including consideration of the black oak group. There is a consistent significant decrease in number of viable grafts on black oak stocks. It is evident that on black oaks‘ there is not only a lower percentage of initial successes, but those grafts which do start off are subject to a higher death rate during the first and second seasons than is the case for the more compatible stocks‘. The decrease in num- ber of good grafts on white oaks, however, is scarcely more than might be expected from mechanical injuries. Microscopic Examination of Graft Unions Results show that the Ness Hybrids can be grafted readily and suc- 4 ‘ cessfully on certain stocks‘, but not so easily upon others. At the end of one season’s growth (in 1941) microscopic examination was made of bark graft unions of the hybrids with live oak, Chinese oak, seedlings from open-pollinated acorns of the live X swamp white oak cross, post oak, and overcup oak; also of whip graft unions with burr, and Chinese oaks. The sections were cut from fresh material, approximately 30 microns thick, stained with safranin and gentian violet, and mounted in balsam. Only a limited number of graft unions were sectioned. Two bark graft and one whip graft union of the Ness Hybrids on Chinese stock, and only one graft union on each of the other stocks listed above were sec- tioned. The grafts on the Chinese oak stocks, selected for microscopic study, were the most vigorous and promising available; they were slightly over 3 feet in height. Individuals as representative as" possible of the other available stocks were chosen. Hence, while these limited observations cannot be regarded as necessarily representative, it is be- lieved they do give a rather reliable indication of the union occurring between the hybrids and the two general types of stocks" (i.e., black and white oaks). Sections of the union of the hybrid with live oak and with overcup oak (Fig. 8) show that the scion and stock each produced callus tissue from the cambium in considerable quantity. It is apparent from the position of the poi-nts, X and X1, at which union first took place, that this process" occurred soon after the graft was made and callus forma- tion had begun. The lines of union, XY and XlYl, that resulted from the subsequent growth of the scion and stock were smooth, with no evi- dence of incompatibility. Prepared sections through unions of the hybrid on post, burr, and the F2 (live >< swamp white) oak stocks likewise indicated a free formation of callus by the two components and a ready union of the new tissues. Sections of the hybrid on Chinese oak indicated that initial union was inhibited (Fig. 9). There is evidence here that the stock and scion each produced the necessary callus. The calluses from the two, however, apparently did not always unite when they first came in contact. Sec- PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 25 Figure 8. Cross sections of bark grafts of Ness Hybrid oak on live oak (above) and on overcup (below). 210.8. Note that union first occurred at X and K1. The lines X to Y and X1 to Y1 indicate a good strong union between stock (B) and scion (A). 26 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION tions of one bark graft. (Fig. 9, above) showed that the line of union was not continuous after union was first established. There is definite evi- dence of periderm along the surface of the first-formed callus, particu- larly of that from the stock. This might have been due to poor tech- nique in inserting the graft, to inadequate waxing and subsequentlex- posure to air, or to some substance peculiar to the stock species. The latter is suggested to be the case since it appeared that the periderm had formed more fully upon the callus from the stock, than upon that of the adjacent scion. It is noteworthy further that calluses from dif- ferent parts of the stock formed periderm and did not unite readily when they came in contact. Sections from the other two grafts studied (one of which is shown in Fig. 9, below) show a good union with noth- ing to indicate incompatibility between the stock and scion after union took place. These observations suggest that the chief difficulty in graft- ing Chinese oaks may be in obtaining the initial union of callus from the stock with that from the scion. Any delay in this process, though it may be slight, results inevitably in loss of vitality of the scion and decreases its chances‘ of ultimate union. Observations of the sections, coupled with field behaviour of the grafts, suggests that the prevailing stock-scion incompatibility with the black oaks is more often due to physiological reasons than to failure of anatomical union. Additional data are needed to verify this. PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGrREEN HYBRID OAK 27 Figure 9. Cross sections through graft of Ness Hybrid oak on Chinese oak- Above—Bark graft. Arrow indicates periderm-like material which seems to inhibit initial union of stock (B) and scion (A). Note that union, K to Y, is not as good as in the sections of Figure 8. Below- Whip graft. Shows some periderm at X. Note that stock and scion have made good anatomical union along line X to Y. 28 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERlMENT STATION Heights of Grafts and of Ungrafted Seedling Stocks Compared A number of ungrafted nurs-ery seedlings of several kinds of oaks were measured for height in mid-August 1941. All of these were put in the nursery as acorns 0r very young seedlings about January 1, 1939. Figure 10. Ness Hybrid oak graft on post oak roots. Bark graft made April 17, 1941. Exposure made Se - tember 1, 1941, at which time the height of t e graft was 52 inches, that of the post oak seedling immediately behind it was 39% inches, and that of the post oak» seedling in the background was 44 inches. A11 seedlings, whether used for stock or otherwise, were set in the nursery about Jan- uary 1, 1939, from acorns gathered in the fall of 1938. In Table 8 a comparison can be made between the heights of these seed- lings and of grafts which have been made on other seedling stocks of the same kind and set at the same general place and time. Table 8. Heights of oak seedlings, compared with heights of hybrid scions grafted on stocks of the» same species (all measurements were made in inches August 14 and 15, 1941). lDate G r a f t s of Seedlings setting 1940 194-1 Stocks stocks in No. Avg. No. Avg. No. Avg. nursery measured height measured height measured height Burr 1939 72 29.2 26 43.3 9 29.6 Chinese 1938 _________________ __ e 41,2 ___________, ______ __ 1939 79 48.3 _________________ __ 10 31.2 Live 1938 _________________ __ 3 64.3 5 33.5 1939 8 34.4 _________________ -_ 16 30.1 Overcup _____________________ __ 1938 ____________________________________ __ 10 P 43.1 1939 1 30.0 _________________ __ 3 45.0 Post 1939 59 28.3 _________________ __ 33 33.9 F2 (Live- >< Overcup) ________ __ 1938 _________________ -_ 4 48.0 _________________ __ 1939 27 37 .5 _________________ _ _ 17 39.4 F2 (Live >< Swamp White)____ 1938 _________________ -_ 37 46.2 _________________ _.. k 1939 42 31.2 _________________ __ 12 46.3 lAbout January 1 of each year. PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVERGREEN HYBRID OAK 29 Some of the grafts were made on stocks set in a slightly different location early in 1938. Where such grafts Were made on stocks of the kind measured, height data from them is also given in Table 6, although there are no comparable figures on seedlings. At the time of measurement the average height of grafts made either in 1940 or 1941 was greater than that of comparable seedlings—set in 1939——in most cases (Fig. 10). Seedling live oaks were somewhat, but probably not significantly, taller than grafts made on such stocks (Fig. 4). The other exception is with Chinese oaks where the seedlings were markedly taller (Fig. 11) than the grafts on stocks of this oak. Of the kinds of seedlings available for measurement all but the Chinese oak have been indicated, by the evidence presented earlier in the paper, to be good to excellent stocks for the hybrid scions. The available data on height and grafts seems, then, to fall in line with conclusions arrived at in previous sections of this paper. Figure 11. Comparison of 1940 Ness Hybrid oak graft (to the right) with a seedling Chinese oak. '.I.'he propagation was by whip grafting on March 20, 1940. Exposure was made September 1, 1941- Some of the branches on the right side of the seedling were removed so as not to hide parts of the graft. Seedlings were from January 1, 1939, nursery planting. Compare with figures 4 and 10 where the grafts were made on stocks of the white oak type. General Discussion on Grafting It would have been desirable for purposes of statistical analysis to make the same numbe-r of insertions of the three types of grafts on each stock used. This was the original plan, but it could not be entirely fol- lowed for several reasons. Percentage and time of acorn germination limited the total number of seedlings of some stocks, and in turn the number available for certain types of grafts in other cases. Then too 30 BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the grafts were made by several persons and on different days. Hence both the personal element and also differences in physiological responses of the plants at difierents times (as, perhaps, witness the difference in results with bark grafts in the 2 years) were pertinent factors. Such factors could not very well be eliminated and while present were bound to affect the outcome. It appears, however, that the results are clean cut enough to recommend definitely the types of grafts and the kinds of stocks to be used t0 secure practical success, at least initially, in propagating the hybrid oaks. As a coro1lary—the results also show some stocks, and perhaps one grafting method to avoid. The work of Armstrong (1) in grafting the live oak upon the post oak should be mentioned. He reported 84.7 p-er cent of his bark grafts, 35 per cent of cleft grafts and 0.00 per cent of whip grafts made as being successful. His work was carried out as an undergraduate student prob- lem, and the data upon which the report was based were taken about one month after the grafts were made. While 92 per c-ent of the patch buds and 81 per cent of the chip buds placed were alive 3 weeks later, the author pointed out that the data regarding buds was not to be relied upon due to the small number used and the shortness of elasped time from placement to recording of final data. Armstrong’s work gave strong evidence, since verifi-ed by time, that the live oak will unite with, and grow upon, the post oak. Factors Favoring Success of Stocks The results show that the Ness Hybrid Oaks may be successfully grafted on white oak stocks, but that the black oak species used as stocks are in general incompatible. Several factors may account for the difference of results with these two groups of stocks, but probably all can be traced to the degree of relationship existing between the scion and the stocks. It would seem probable that the type of bark and wood in 2 and 3 year old stocks might have an effect on grafting results within each group. Among the white oaks live, overcup, white, swamp white, and the F2 hybrids of live >< swamp white, and live- X overcup all have thin easily worked bark covering wood that is usually smooth. Post oak, however, while having similar bark, has underlying wood that is quite wavy and irregular in outline. If undulating wood has an unfavorable effect on grafting success with this species, however, it is not shown in the ,first year’s- results. Burr oak has smooth bark the first year, but not many seedlings are large enough for grafting then. years it has very rough bark, covering irregularly outlined wood——a discouraging combination especially for bark grafting. Among the black oaks we find Chinese oak with very thick bark containing heavy con- i ducting vessels and covering rough wood, and at the other extreme the water oaks with thin pliable bark covering smooth wood. Ease of graft- ing is certainly influenced by the type of bark and wood encountered, and this is very likely to be reflected in the percentage of successful grafts secured. In later 3 i; ‘a Z4 I 4 1 3 3 Bmmmummum--. n“..- PROPAGATION OF A RAPID GROWING SEMI-EVER-GREEN HYBRID OAK 31 There are differences in the hardness or toughness of wood of the different stocks. Chinese oak for instance has a very hard wood difficult to cut in even planes. Burr oak wood on the other hand, while hard, has a more even grain, facilitating the making of smooth surfaces. The dividing crown encountered inlive oak seedlings makes this form relatively unfavorable for whip grafting. The swollen part of the root or crown above the division is usually the only underground part large enough to be suitable, and it has a tendency to be soft, and sometimes almost pithy——factors making the cutting of smooth planes rather dif- ficult. SUMMARY 1. First generation hybrid oaks produced by the late Helge Ness from the cross of live oak >< overcup oak have characters making their propagation and dissemination desirable. They have a rounded symmetri- cal shape, approach the evergreenness of the live oak, the habit of the overcup oak, and have a higher growth rate than either parent. 2. A wide series of treatments of cuttings from the original 30-year old hybrids has given negative rooting results. 3. T-budding, on several stocks, has not been a successful means of propagation. 4. Whip and bark grafting, on compatible stocks, have been success- ful methods to date. 5. Cleft grafts have been less successful probably due to the difii- culty of getting good fits with large caliber wood. 6. Species of oaks may apparently be arranged in two groups rela- tive to their value as stocks. (a) One group includes‘ the following species and hybrids belong- ing to the “white oak” group: burr, live, overcup, post, swamp, white, F2 (live >< overcup), and F2 (live >< swamp white). Eighty-four per cent of all whip and bark grafts made on these species have grown. All successful grafts apparently made strong substantial unions, and the scions made vigor- ous growth. (b) The other group includes Chinese, water, black jack, and other “black oak” forms (species). These are not promising as stocks for the Ness Hybrids. t“ ?°*‘.°’.°‘ 10. 11. 13. 14. l5. 16. 17. BULLETIN NO. 612, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION REFERENCES Armstrong, W. D. 1929. The grafting of live oak upon post oak. Unpub- lished thesis, Library of Dept. of Hort., Texas A. & M. College, College Station, Texas. Bailey, L. H. 1927. The standard cyclopedia of horticulture. III, DD. 2880-2891. MacMi1lan Co. Corlgatt, C. 1902. The propagation of plants. U. S. D. A. Farmers’ u Flory, ‘W. S. 1937-1939. Hybrid oak propagation (stem c tings oot ggtgizflgs, T-buds). Texas Agri. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpts. 39;@29; ——————— and F. R, Brison. 40-1941. Hybrid oak propagation Texas Agri. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpts. t 3:29; 54: (in press). Quercus". , and S. H. Yarnell. 6. Hybrf ak propagation (Stem cuttings). Texas Agri. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt. (49;.§7-38. Gardner, F. E. 1929. The relationship between ree age and the rooting of cuttings. Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 26:101-104. Stimulation of root growth Hutchings, G. C., and J. A. Larson. 1929-1931. Proc. Iowa Acad. S‘ci. 36:191- gaiocuttings from hardwood forest trees. McGinnis, N. M. 1942. A. and M. College. Nesg, 216% 2618918. Hybrids of the live oak and overcup oak. Jour. Hered. ———i————, 1937. Possibilities of hybrid oaks. Joun. Hered. 18:381-386- Reed. C. A. 1926. Nut-Tree Propagation. U. S. D. A. Farmers’ Bul. 1501. Rehder, A. 1940. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs. Revised Ed. Macmillan Co. Romberg, L. D., and C. L. Smith. 1938. in the rooting of transplanted pecan trees. 36:161-170. Thimann, K. V., and A. L. Delisle. 1939. difficult plants. Jour. Arnold Arb. 203116-36; Went, F. W., J. Bonner, and G. C. Warner. 1938. ing of cuttings. Science 87:170-171. Yarnell. S. H. 1933. Inheritance in an oak species hybrid. Arb. 14:68-75. (Personal Communication.) Landscape Art Dept, Effects of indole-3-butyric acid Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. The vegetative propagation of (4 plates). Aneurin and the root- Jour. Arnold 'S-O<:IWVO ‘3931103 W ’? V ‘$817381’!