TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, DIREC TOR, College Station, Texas BULLETIN NO. 620 SEPTEMBER 1942 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS From September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942 F. D. FULLER AND F. D. BROOK Division of Feed Control Service _ Ll B RA RY kgrlculturawbfiecfaamea!Gsllegeaflgm cmngesrarna. mm I AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE 0F TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President B-21-1042-2M-L18O [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] .1 ,.,_. This bulletin is the thirty-seventh annual report on the inspection of feeding stuffs sold in Texas under the provisions of the Texas Feed Law. During the year ended August 31, 1942, 3,645 samples were subjected to the regular chemical feed analysis and microscopical examination by, the Division of Chemistry, 3,591 of which were secured by inspectors. In addition, twenty-eight samples of fish liver oils and fortified fish liver oils were assayed for vitamins A and D potency, and fifty-seven samples of feed were tested for carotene content. Twenty-psi): samples of cotton- seed cake were examined for hardness, Seven htfhdred and forty-nine determinations of salt and eight hundred and eighty-two determinations of carbonate of linle in mixed feeds were also made. In this bulletin is found the analysis of each sample and a detailed report of the results obtained in the inspection of feeding stuffs from September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942. Tables are given showing the average composition, digestible protein, and productive energy of many feeding stuffs analyzed. Tables are also given showing the analyses of salt and lime carriers found in the open markets of the State. A table is given showing the average protein con- tent of the cottonseed products, made by each oil mill, so that the reader can see which mills maintained the guaranties on the average. Computed from the sale of tax tags, there were 2,268,539 tons of feed sold in the State during the fiscal year covered by this report. This amount repre- sents only the tonnage of feeding stuffs regulated by the Texas Feed Law and does not include whole grains. Chemical standards for various by-product feeds and special-purpose mixed feeds are shown, and definitions of and standards for chemical _unmixed feeds are given, together with additional information on the requirements of the Texas Feed Law and the composition of feeding stuffs. CONTENTS Page Definitions of termsn 5 Average composition of feeding stufis analyzed -_ 6 Digestible protein and productive energy of feeds ________________________________ __ 8 Estimated tonnage of feeding stuffs sold in Texas, 1906-1942W ______ __ 10 an “Assays of fish liver oils and fortified fish liver oils ______________________________ __ 11 "'\Carotene in feeds- 13 Hardness of cottonseed cake 16 Carbonate of lime and salt in mixed feeds 19 Analyses 0f salt and lime carriers, k _ _____ __ 20 Tests of commercial feeds for poisons 0r other harmful substances“- 26 Retail prices of feeds._-_ 26 Suggestions to purchasers of feed 30 Definitions and standards adopted 30 Special-purpose mixed feeds 31 Definitions of and standards for commercial unmixed feeds ________________ _- 32 @~i~.--Alfalfa products 32 Animal products 33 Barley products 35 Brewers’ and distillers’ products ______ -_ __ 35 Corn products _- 36 Cottonseed products 38 Feterita products 40 Kafir products 41 Lespedeza products __ 41 _ Linseed and flax products 41 Marine products 42 Milk products 44 Milo products 45 Oat products 45 Peanut products 46 Rice products 47 Screenings ____ _- 47 Sorghum products 48 Soyb-ean products 48 Wheat products _ 48 Yeast __--_ 49 Miscellaneous products _ 50 Tentative definitions _ 51 Mineral feeds 56 English names and English synonyms 56 Resolutions adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. _- 64 <:\Tentative guaranties for feeds and analyses for calculation purposes_-__ 67 Purpose of the Texas Fe-ed Law 69 Chief requirements of the Texas Feed Law Rulings under the law Refunds‘ 70 70 70 Control of interstate shipments 71 71 Shipments Withdrawn from sale Violations Cooperative research projects 73 73 Protein content of cottonseed products sold in Texas ________________ -_ Results of analyses ________ __ 74 74 Summary Table of inspection results 74 89 Commercial Feeding Stulfs, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942* F. D. Fuller, Chief, and F. D. Brock, Assistant Chief, Division of Feed Control Servicei This Bulletin is a report on the work performed by the Texas Agricul- tural Experiment Station in the inspection of feeding stuffs sold in Texas during the year ended August 31, 1942. It includes additional informa- tion on the requirements of the Texas Feed Law and the composition of feeding stuffs. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Protein includes all the nitrogenous compounds of a feed, regardless of their nature and is equal to the nitrogen present multiplied by 6.25. The animal uses protein to restore the waste of tissues and muscles, and to form flesh. Protein may also be oxidized in the body to produce heat, or it may serve as a source of fat in case of a deficiency in carbohydrates and fat, accompanied, by an excess of protein. It is, however, a costly source of heat and fat. Protein enters very largely into the composition of the whites of eggs, lean meat, curd of milk, gelatin, etc. It is used for the building and repair of body tissue, for new growth, in the production of milk or eggs and, therefore, is a necessary ingredient for the feeder to purchase. It is an important nutrient in feeding stuffs and usually is the most expen- ' sive to purchase. With a given feeding stufi, the more protein it contains the better its quality, compared with other feeding stuffs of the same class. It is incorrect, however, to compare the value of feeding stuffs of different kinds on a protein basis alone. For example, a cottonseed meal containing 45 per cent of crude protein does not have five times the value of corn chop containing 9 per cent of crude protein. There are other constituents of both feeds, such as fats, starches, and sugars, which are of great value to animals. Corn chop contains more carbohydrates than does cottonseed meal. ' Fat is composed of substances which are extracted from the dry feeding stufis by ether, and consists chiefly of fats and oils in the case of most feeding stuffs, but in the case of fodders and hays it is composed to a great extent of waxes, chlorophyll, and other substances in addition to fat. A pound of digestible fat is equal to 2.25 pounds of digestible carbohy- drates in producing heat and energy. Fat is used in the animal body as a source of body fat, to furnish heat to keep the body warm, to furnish energy to run the animal mechanism and to produce work. All muscular movements require energy, which is furnished by the oxidation of fats, carbohydrates, or protein. ifl/[anuscript submitted for publication on September 29, 1942. TWith the collaboration of the other members of the Division Staff. The chemical analyses and microscopical examination of feeding stuffs are made by the Division of Chemistry under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief. < fin bfltem 6 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Fiber is found in hays, straw, and similar material. It occurs in the cell walls and in the fibrous or woody parts of plants. It is the least digestible portion of a feed. By means of fermentation in the intestines fiber is digested to some extent by animals that chew the cud. The operation, however, consumes so much energy that a large proportion of the value of the fiber is taken up by the process of digestion. Ordinarily a feeding stuff having a high content of crude fiber is classed as a low- grade feed for the reason that such a feed usually is low in digestible ' protein and productive energy. Cottonseed hulls, oat hulls, peanut hulls, rice hulls, corn cobs, and materials of a similar nature contain high percentages of crude fiber. If sufiicient bulky materials are available, such as hays, fodders, or grass, it is unwise for the feeder to expend money for the purchase of commercial feeding stufi containing large amounts of crude fiber, a constituent that is digested with difiiculty. If the crude fiber in cottonseed meal exceeds certain limits, it indicates that the feed is adulterated with cottonseed hulls. In a similar way, crude fiber in excess of a given-standard indicates the presence of corn cobs or corn bran in corn chop, rice hulls in rice bran, etc. Nitrogen-free Extract includes starches", sugars, gums, and other bodies of a similar nature. These, together with the fat, are oxidized to main- tain the animal heat and to furnish energy for the production of work. The nitrogen-free extract of most feeding stuffs of a concentrated nature is composed largely of sugars and starches, which are readily digested. Moisture is present in all feeding stuffs. The material may seem to be dry, but nevertheless, it contains an appreciable amount of water. An excess of water may cause the feed to heat or spoil, if stored under such conditions that the feed cannot dry out quickly enough. Ash is the residue from a feeding stuff that has been burned. The ash consists chiefly of lime, magnesia, soda, and potash combined with chlorine and carbonic, sulphuric, or phosphoric acid which is derived from the soil. Constituents of ash are necessary to the animals inas- much as they are used for the formation of bone, for constituents of the blood, and for other purposes. If the various necessary constituents of the ash are not present in sufficient quantity, the animal may not grow or produce as well as it should, or it may sufier from various diseases. Sometimes it is necessary to supplement the ash naturally present in feeds with additional amounts. Calcium and phosphorus are the con- stituents most often deficient. An excessive amount of ash in a feed may indicate adulteration with dirt, sand, or other mineral matter. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS ANALYZED Table 1 shows the average composition of many feeding stufis analyzed during the past year. The analyses of mixed and of proprietary feeds are not included in this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 7 '.l.'ab1e 1. Average Composition of reading Stufls Analyzed During the Year 1941-1942 2 .5’ . g Q: Q) F! L‘ E *6 e‘ B “T n‘ L4 d n-l _ . " In .2 NameofFeed 3.2 m: s: 5.5a 2E <1; u m ‘v cu ‘D o: ‘D 9° q; ‘D 5 ‘t’ m8 o no no no 2 5U ‘.30 "c: <5 E 5 E 23 E 5 f: ‘é 5.3 '5 Z3 i’ 5 Z om. on. 0:1. Z510. 20. on. 22 Alfalfa Leaf Meal .................................. _. 20.66 3.03 18 11 36.77 7 91 13 52 16 Alfalfa Meal 14.82 1.88 30.75 35.81 8.01 . 8 73 2 Alfalfa Stem Meal __________________________________ .. 12.19 1.32 38.19 32.02 8.94 7.34 15 Whole Barley (Chopped, Ground, Rolled, Crimped) .............................. _. 13.48 1.85 5.75 65.28 10.47 3 17 6 Brewers’ Dried Grains ________________________ _. 23.54 6.76 17.03 40.61 8.21 3 85 6 Dried Buttermilk _________________________________ _. 33.32 6.95 0.22 37.99 9.02 12 50 6 Dried Citrus Pulp___-_.___-_.--__-__.___ 5.41 1.81 10.33 66.88 8.41 7 16 2 20% Protein Cocoanut Oil Meal _________ _- 20.99 10.89 11.61 44.06 6 00 6 45 5 Corn Bran 10.94 7.77 7.20 61.96 9 59 2 54 13 Com Chop 9.59 4.07 2.08 71.15 11 71 1.40 4 Corn Feed Meal 9.58 4.12 1.65 71.57 11 50 1.58 8 Corn Gluten Feed ................................... _. 25.91 2.66 7.14 47.48 10 02 6-79 2 41% Protein Corn Gluten Meal __________ __ 44.86 1.02 2.50 40.69 9 21 1.72 3 Corn Meal 9.54 4.31 2.90 70.00 11.74 1.51 36 Ear. Corn Chop with Husk __________________ -. 7.98 3.24 10.28 65.24 11.13 2.13 1 Corn Oil Meal _________________________________________ _. 24.76 6.05 10.40 46.06 7.77 4.96 179 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake, Cubes, and Pellets ________________________________________ __ 42.94 6.12 10.74 26.81 7.44 5.95 2 41.12% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Feed 33 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed _____________________________________________ __ 4 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake, Cubes, and Pellets _________________________________________ _. 41.66 5.80 10.13 28.23 7.53 6.65 1 38.56% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed .. . _____________________________________ __ 33.68 5.69 16.12 30.82 8.20 5.49 571 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________ _- 42.64 6.36 10.35 27.06 7 44 6.15 18 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________ _- 40.27 5.93 11.25 27.80 8:23 6.52 1 32% Protein Cottonseed Meal Screen- ings .......... _. _ __________________________________________ __ 32 28% (Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- see .... __ 16 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _________________________________________ __ 27.73 5.73 22.27 32.46 7.06 4.75 2 27% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed 26.69 6.84 24.91 29.94 7.42 4.20 1 26% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- ‘ seed 26.25 7.32 24.43 29.47 7.88 4.65 3 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed ____ _. 26.09 5.92 .27.28 30.28 5.74 4.69 2 68% Protein Fish Meal ........................ _. 69.51 2.81 0.28 5.15 8.09 14.16 2 Hegari Meal 11.01 2.59 2.28 71.44 11.11 1.57 4 7 Hominy Feed ___________________________________________ -, 10.85 6.89 6.13 63 59 10.12 2.42 1 Hominy Feed, Sub-Standard --______---__-_. 10.32 7.97 9.32 60 29 9.17 2 93 3 Kafir Chop 10.81 2.78 1.96 71 07 11.39 1 99 1 Kafir Head Chop ____________________________________ __ 9.36 2.12 5.75 68 35 9.37 5 05 1 Ground Dried Kelp ________ .; ______________________ _. 4.68 0.80 6.12 48 73 6.70 32 97 4 37% Pr-otein Linseed Meal _________________ -. 36.84 10.39 7.31 31 54 8.06 5 86 1 36% Protein Linseed Meal_______--_____-__._. 37.10 5.85 8.12 36 04 7.81 5 08 6 34% Protein Linseed Meal _________________ .. 35.01 6.53 8.84 34 76 9.55 5 31 1 32% Protein Linseed Meal __________________ _. 32.24 6.12 8.07 37 30 10.27 6 00 2 30% Protein Linseed Meal .................. -. 33.39 6.15 9.81 37 59 7.39 567 8 50% Protein Meat and Bone Meal--.“ 48.21 11.25 2.16 1 88 7.01 29 49 1 48% Protein Meat and Bone Meal ...... -_ 46.00 13.98 1.65 1 14 7.52 29 71 1 55% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 57.44 8.73 3.55 475 4.98 20 55 3 55% Protein Improved Meat and Bone Scraps ________________________________________ .. 53.66 5.93 1.69 1 41 6.06 31 25 65 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps. 50.79 9.34 2.08 1 96 6.28 29 55 1 47% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 42.89 14.25 1.80 3 52 6.90 30 64 7 Milo Chop . 10.67 2.69 2.63 69 20 12.40 2 41 6 Milo Head Chop ______________________________________ _. 9.91 2.39 6.85 66 79 10.07 3 99 8 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 1. Average Compositi on of Feeding Stuflfs Analyzed During the Year 1941-1942-Contlnued N0. of Samples Name of Feed Crude Protein, Per Cent Crude Fat, Per Cent Crude Fiber, Per Cent Nitrogen-free Extract, Per Cent 3 Oat Groats (Ground, Rolled) .............. _. 1 Feeding Oat Mea.1-.____.____._____ 2 Feeding Rolled Oats .............................. -. .41 Whole Oats (Chopped, Crimped, Ground, Rolled) __________________________________ -. 36% Protein Ground Peanut Feed ____ -. Ground Peanut Hay .............................. -. 43% Protein Peanut Cake, Cubes, and Pellets 45% Protein Peanut Mea1._._ 43% Protein Peanut Meal .................... _. Ground Peanut Screenings .................. -. 36% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts.-- 36% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Peanuts C» l-‘LQ l-‘OOOOQP-‘l-U-‘Oélbkfiw F‘ b? l\')|_\';P-l@}-A 55931-1 34% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Peanuts ................................................. _- 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanut Screenings ............................................ .. Rice Bran . Rice Polishings ______________________________________ -. 68% Protein Sardine Meal._--_---_- 65% Protein Sardine Meal ........... __ 48% Protein Sesame Oil Mea1-____ 50% Protein Shrimp Meal ___________________ _. 45% Protein Soybean Oil Mea1.-_ 44% Protein Soybean Oil Meal--- 43% Protein Soybean Oil Mea1____- 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal“--- 65% Protein Digester Tankage__--- _. 60% Protein Digester Tankage __________ _. 50% Protein Digester Tankage with Bone _________________________________________________________ _. 50% Protein Feeding Tankage with Bone 40% Protein Feeding Tankage with Bone Wheat Bran Wheat Bran Wheat Bran l-l q» i-l lOblalQp-lafilD-‘IOOI-‘N LO 0O U100 and Scourings _____ __ and Screenings Wheat Brown Shorts .............................. .. Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings Ground Wheat, Sub-Standard .......... .. Wheat Gray Shorts ............................... -. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings--. Wheat Mixed Feed and Scourings .... _. Wheat Mixed Feed and Screenings“.-- 1 Wheat White Shorts ............................. __ 5 Dried Whey 0184 °N*@??N9. HwHwOwmm mwqowumw DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN AND PRODUCTIVE ENERGY OF - 5 <6 +530 .30 '5 $ E23 2m or» 8.76 2.36 8 56; 3.08 10 18~ 1.98 10.20 4.32 7.00 5.42 10 61 11.24 6.35 5.41 7.05 4.45 7.79 4.98 10.14 6.26 6 37 5.51 6 55 4.09 5.71 3 82 5 94 6.39 9 71 13.76 10 52‘ 10.65 7 23 14.06 7 47 17.48 6 12 12.05 6 75 24.89 3.98 5.84 10.30 5.86 7.41 6.39 10.40 5.94 6.68 15.23 10.08 17.10 6.03 23.97 6.61 29.73 5.87 34.47 9.80 7 07 11.20 6 10 9.99 5 89 10.86 5 23 12.26 4 81 11.02 1 80 11.33 4 23 11.52 4.38 11.58 5 11 11.06 4.79 11.11 2.09 6.95 8.66 FEEDS The digestible protein represents that portion of the feed which can be used for the repair or formation of flesh or nitrogenous body constituents or for the formation of nitrogenous materials in milk or eggs. The pro- ductive energy represents that portion ofthe feed which is available for the purpose of furnishing heat to the animal or energy for life processes COMMERCIAL FEEDING -STU FFS 9 and work; it also furnishes material for the production of the con- stituents of milk, eggs, or fat. The productive energy represents the net value of the feed for energy after all losses involved in digestion and assimilation have been allowed for. The digestible protein and productive energy, therefore, are the two best indicators of the productive value of a feed. The digestible protein and productive energy of feeds of the average composition shown in Table 1 are given ill Table 2- The meumd of obtaining these figures is described fully in Bulletins Nos. 329, 372, 402, 436, and 461 of this Station. Table 2. Digestible Protein and Productive Energy of feeds Calofllatfid 110m Average Analyses Shown 1n Table 1 Productive Number Digestible Energy,_ Name of Feed Averaged Protein Therms 1n Per Cent 100 lbs. Alfalfa Leaf Meal 22 15.35 46.59 Alfalfa Meal _- 16 11.10 41.07 Alfalfa Stem Meal .................................................... _- 2 8.45 33.10 Whole Barley (Chopped, Ground, Rolled, Crirnped) ______ -_ 15 10.78 73.11 Brewers’ Dried Grains 6 19.02 51.63 Dried Buttermilk 6 31 35 87.55 Dried Citrus Pulp 6 4 25 77.57 20% Protein Cocoanut Oil Meal ............................ -- 2 18 35 91-40 Corn Bran 5 5 83 60.31 Corn Chop 13 6 15 85 84 Corn Feed Meal 4 6.14 V 86.37 Corn Gluten Feed 8 22.67 67.77 41% Protein Corn Gluten Meal ______________________________ __ 2 39 25 75.47 Corn Meal ____________ __ 3 6.12 85.22 Ear Corn Chop with Husk ___________________________________ -_ 36 4.76 71-23 Corn Oil Meal .. V 1 15.87 75.46 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake, Cubes, and Pellets .. .. .. 179 36.24 70.59 41.12% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Feed _______ __ 2 33.92 68.20 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed_______-_-._ 33 34.50 69.53 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake, Cubes, and Pellets 4 35.16 69.67 38.56% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed __________ __ 1 28.49 47.58 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________________ __ 571 35.99 71.11 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________________________ _- 18 33.99 68.51 32% Protein Cottonseed Meal Screenings ...... __ 1 25.37 51.77 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ____________ _- 32 22.12 55.38 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 16 22.21 56.76 27% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ............ -_ 2 21 38 56.61 26% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 1 21.03 57.19 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed-___- 3 20.90 53.74 68% Protein Fish Meal __________________________________________ __ 2 52 20 60.31 Hegari Meal 2 8 47 84.98 Hominy Feed 7 7 40 84.85 Hominy Feed, Sub-Standard ________________________________ __ 1 704 83.39 Kafir Chop .... .. 3 8 31 85.23 Kafir Head Chop _- 1 6.47 74.82 Ground Dried Kelp .... _. 1 2.34 29.78 37% Protein Linseed Meal___________.________________________ 4 30 91 84,04 36% Protein Linseed Meal ............................ -_ 1 31 13 77.41 34% Protein Linseed Meal ............. -- 6 29.37 76.14 32% Protein Linseed Meal . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 27.05 75.02 30% Protein Linseed Meal .................................... __ 2 28.01 76.37 0% Protein Meat and Bone Meal---.___---____._-__- 8 47.63 77.49 8% Protein Meat and Bone Meal ...................... -- 1 45.45 82.33 - 5% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 1 56 75 80.25 % Protein Improved Meat and Bone Scraps- 3 53.02 69.20 % Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 65 50.18 75.14 10 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ‘table 2. Digestible Protein and Productive Energy of Feeds Calculated from Average Analyses Shown in Table 1*-—Continued Productive Name of Feed Number Digestible Energy, Averaged Protein Therms in Per Cent 100 lbs. 47% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 1 42.33 79.91 Mtlo Chop 7 7 76 84.68 M110 Head Chop 6 7 49 7630 Oat Groats (Ground, Rolled) .......................... _-_ 3 14 59 101 65 Feeding Oat Meal 1 14,37 95 94 Feeding Rolled Oats 2 1332 97 Q7 Whole Oats (Chopped, Crimped, Ground, Rolled) _ 41 9.05 70.63 36% Protein Ground Peanut Feed -_______________ 1 29.64 49.05 Ground Peanut Hay 3 560 35,61 43% Protein Peanut Cake, Cubes, and Pellets_ 2 38 16 78.22 45% Protein Peanut Mea1__-__-______________________________ 1 39 63 80,70 43% Protein Peanut Meal 30 3303 77 51 Ground Peanut Screenings _----_-_--______._______ 1 14,95 51 37 36% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts 2 30 71 49 43 36% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Peanuts__-- 2 30.91 48 60 34% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Peanuts____ 2 28.97 43.80 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanut Screenings 1 24 60 50.49 Rice Bran _ 23 s s3 65.12 Rice Polishings 12 3,33 37,50 68% Proteln Sardine 9 52.04 64.09 65% Protein Sardine Meal_.-__________ 3 43 s2 62.61 48% Protein Sesame 011 Meal __ __________ 1 45,35 59.20 50% Protein Shrimp Meal _______ __ _______ 1 42,29 53 45 45% Protein Soybean on Meal _-_------_________ 1 37 o5 s6 66 44% Protein Soybean Oil Meal ______________________ __ 6 38.18 71.57 43% Protem Soybean Oil Meal 3 37.71 7815 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal __________________ ___ 3 36.61 74 57 65% Protein Digester Tankage .... ________.____ 1 46.52 68 41 60% Protein Digester Tankage 8 41 56 64.05 50% Protein Digester Tankage With Bone ____ --_ 5 36 47 66.58 50% Protein Feeding Tankage with Bone ...... -- 3 34 35 60.87 40% Protein Feeding Tankage with Bone _-_---_ 2 28 15 62.90 Wheat Br-an 2 13.41 55 60 Wheat Bran and Scourings.______._-_--_-____-_-_--_-_-_---___- 1 13.01 55.57 Wheat Bran and Screenings _____________________________ _- 18 13 12 56.39 Wheat Brown Shorts 3 14 87 62.73 Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings _____________ __ 4 14.79 61.82 Ground Wheat, Sub-Standard ........................... -__ 1 11.43 82.72 Wheat Gray Shorts 42 14.90 7514 Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings ___-___________-__ 176 14 80 74.45 Wheat Mixed Feed and Scourings ______________________ _. 1 14.98 59 60 Wheat Mixed Feed and Screenings ______________________ -_ 2 13 37 60.26 Wheat White Shorts 1 11 75 82.41 Dried Whey 5 11.50 84 93 ‘Calculated by the Division of Chemistry under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief. ESTIMATED TONNAGE OF FEEDING STUFFS SOLD IN TEXAS, 1906-1942 Table 3 shows the estimated tonnage of feed sold in Texas yearly during the past thirty-six years as computed from the sale of tax tags, assuming that all the tags sold during the period covered by this report are used for feeds sold during that period. It is impossible to give complete data on the number of tons of the various classes of feeds sold for consumption in Texas, owing to the fact that some manufacturers purchase blank tax tags and print on the tags, at their places of business, the information V'W"""'" COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 11 required by the Texas Feed Law. In connection with this table, attention‘ should be called to the fact that the figures given represent only the ton- nage of commercial feeding stuffs regulated by the Texas Feed Law and do not include whole grains. Table 3. Estimated Tonnage of Feeding Stuffs Sold in Texas, 1906-1942 Year-s Tons 1906-1907 - 485.805 1907-1908 511,661 1908-1909 ____ __ 582,792 1909-1910 755.488 1910-1911 820,277 1911-1912 972-340 19124913 _____________ -_ 680,259 1913-1914 _________ __ " ........ _. 847,716 1914-1915 881.136 1915-1916 778.187 1916-1917 974.608 1917-1918 . ' 1.155.055 1918-1919 " 945.864 1919-1920 ________ __ 754,849 1920-1921 .... 1 762.769 1921-1922 , 785,819 1922-1928 982.478 1928-1924 .... .- 1.009.047 1924-1925 1,015,742 1925-1926 1,119,561 1926-1927 ...... _- 1,181,588 1927-1928 1.226.882 1928-1929 -_ ...... -. 1.870.120 1929-1980 ...... .. 1,484,966 1980-1981 .. 1.112.802 1981-1982 _ t 1,098,807 1982-1988 _ 1.057.588 1988-1984 . . . . . . . . . _ . __.. 1.285,172 1984-1985 1,298,748 1985-1986 1,210,790 1986-1987 1,448,552 1987-1988 1.542.888 1988-1989 ‘ 1,697,189 1989-1940 1,705,552 1940-1941 1.814.092 1941-1942 2,268,589 ASSAYS OF FISH LIVER OILS AND FORTIFIED FISH LIVER OILS Labels attached to containers of fish liver oils and fortified fish liver oils sold in Texas give the following information: Statement of net weight or quantity. Name of product. Vitamin D potency: Guaranteed not less than (‘?) A.O.A.C. chick units of vitamin D per gram. Vitamin A potency: Guaranteed not less than (?) U.S.P. units of vitamin A per gram. Name and address of manufacturer or importer. 12 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION During the past year twenty-eight samples of these fish liver oils have been examine-d and Tables 4 and 5 show the results obtained in the biological assays of these samples, as made by the Division of Chemistry under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief. All products found below manufacturers’ guaranties by initial tests were re-assaye-d at later dates. Table 4. Assays of Fish Liver Oils and Fortified Fish Liver Oils for Vitamin D Muilmum Guaranty Did Sample Registration Name and Address 0t Manufacturer A. O. A. C. Conform to or or Importer. Brand Name. Chick Units‘ Guaranty? Inspection of Vitamin D Number per Gram Booth Company, Inc., F. IL, San Francisco, California. High-Potency Sardilene-400 ______________________ -. 400 Yes 174$ High-Potency Sardilene-400 ___-_______-_-_--.-_--- 400 Yes 225$ Harden-Wild Corporation, Somerville, Massachusetts. Marden’s Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil_-_. 400 Yes 18TH Marden’s Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil____ 400 ’ Yes 189W’ Naptole, Inc., Boonton, New Jersey. Vitand Brand Fortified Cod Liver. Oil ______ -_ 409 Yes 85P Vitand Brand Fortified Cod Liver. Oil ______ _. 400 N0 200T National Oil Products Company, Inc., Harrison, New Jersey. NQpQQ-XX Brand Cod Liver Qil __________ ___ 400 YES J8OH NOpQQ-XX Brand Cod Liver Oil ________ __ __,__ 400 YES 22431 NOpcO-XX Brand Cod Liver Oil ________________ __ 400 YCS 184W Nopco 400 Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil" 400 N0 179H Nopco 400 Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil- 400 Yes 216T Nopco-X Bnand Vitamin A and D Feed- ing O11 400 Yes 207M Nopco-XX Brand Vitamin A and D Feed- ing O11 400 Yes 156$ Silmo Chemical Corporation, Vineland, New Jersey. Silmo Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil ........ _. 400 Yes 179B Thompson-Hayward Chemical Company, S Kansas City, Missouri. uper FeeDoil Brand 400 D Feeding Oil___, Super FeeDoil Brand 400 D Feeding Oil__-. 188 ggs Super FeeDoil Brand 400 D Feeding Oi1.___ 400 Yes 208T Super FeeDoil Brand 400 D Feeding Oilm. 400 Yes ZQOT Super FeeDoil Brand 400 D Feeding Oil__-. 400 Yes 1%., Super FeeDoil Brand 400 D Feeding Oi1,__. 400 Yes 193W. Regular FeeDoil Brand 85 D Feeding Oi1_ 85 Y 1 Regular FeeDoil Brand 85 D Feeding Oil 85 Y2: Super FeeDoil Brand 400 D 3000 A F€€dlng O11 Yes Van Camp Laboratories, 4 Division of Van Camp Sea Food Company, Inc., s ‘llgenninal Island, California. ea ep Brand Fortified Sardine Oil ...... -. Sea Pep Brand Fortified Sardine Oil ...... .. g2: 233g Sea Pep Brand Fortified Sardine Oil ...... _. 400 Yes 136W White Laboratories, Inc., Newark, New Jersey. Clo-Trate Brand Fortified Cod Liver Oil 400 Yes 222M Clo-Trate Brand Fortified Cod Liver Oil 400 Yes 217T COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 13 Table 5. Assays of Fish Liver Oils and Fortified Fish Liver Oils for Vitamin A. Minimum Registration Name and Address of Manufacturer Guaranty Did Sample or or Importer. Brand Name. U. S. P. Units Conform to Inspection of Vitamin A Guaranty? Number per Gram Booth Company, Inc., I‘. IL, San Francisco, California. F High-Potency Sardilene-400 _____________________ _. 3000 N0 114$ High-Potency Sardilene-400 ______________________ -_ 3000 Yes 225s Harden-Wild Corporation, Somerville, Massachusetts. Marden’s Vitamin Aand D Feeding Oi1___. 3000 Yes 187H Marden’s Vitamin A and D Feeding Oi1___. 3000 Yes 189W Napthole, Inc., Boonton, New Jersey. Vitand Brand Fortified Cod Liver Oi1__--. 3000 N0 35F Vitand Brand Fortified Cod Liver Oil_____ 3000 N0 205T National Oil Products Company, Inc., Harrison, New Jersey. Nopco-XX Brand Cod Liver Oil _______________ __ 3000 No l80H Nopco-XX Brand Cod Liver Oil,___ 3000 N0 224M Nopco-XX Brand Cod Liver 011 ______________ _, 3000 No 184W Nopco 400 Vitamin A and D Feeding Oi1__ 2000 Yes 179H Nopco 400 Vitamin A and D Feeding on 2000 No 216T Nopco-X Brand Vitamin A and D Feed-__ 1ng Oil 1000 Yes 207M Nopco-XX Brand Vitamin A and D Feed- ‘ ing Oil 3000 Yes 156S Silmo Chemical Corporation, _ Vineland, New Jersey. Silmo Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil ...... 1000 Yes 179B Thompson-Hayward Chemical Company, Kansas City, Missouri. Super A FeeDoil Brand 400 D 3000 A Feeding Oil 3000 No l16P Van Camp Laboratories, _Division of Van Camp Sea Food Company, Inc., Terminal Island, California. Sea Pep Brand Fortified Sardine Oil ..... _- 3000 Yes 223M Sea Pep Brand Fortified Sardine Oil ..... __ 3000 Passed 86P Sea Pep Brand Fortified Sardine Oil .... __ 3000 Yes 186W White Laboratories, Inc., Newark, New Jersey. Clo-Trate Brand Fortified Cod Liver Oil 3000 No 222M Clo-Trate Brand Fortified Cod Liver Oil 3000 No 217T CAROTENE IN FEEDS Vitamin A potency in feeds may besupplied by vitamin A as such, which occurs as a colorless compound in fish oils, by carotene, which occurs as a yellow compound in alfalfa products and other green feeds, or by cryptoxanthin and carotene, which occur in yellow corn. The most important sources of vitamin A potency are carotene in green colored feeds and cryptoxanthin and carotene in yellow cornTT/To the fe-eder of livestock, a vitamin A deficiency means less gain inyweight per pound of feed, more sick animals, greater mortality, and a lower grade of finished 14 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION stock. This results, of course, in a lower profit, or even a loss. Dairy cattle, sheep, and beef cattle secure most of their needed carotene from green plants or roughages, but poultry and hogs, which do not have access to green feed, are dependent on the feed furnished them. It is important, therefore, to know what commercial feeds are high _in carotene and what feeds are deficient. During the past year an investigation of the carotene content of a few feeds on the Texas market has been made under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief, Division of Chemistry, and the results are shown in Table 6. Wide differences are seen in the carotene content of the feed studied. Table 6. Carotene 1n Feeds Parts Pure Registration Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Carotene or Brand Name. per Million Inspection Number Arizona Flour Mills Company, Phoenix, Arizona. Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal 103.0 99S Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal 86.1 640$ -Austin Mill 8a Grain Company, Brownwood, Texas. Corn Chop 3.8 115$ Burrus Peed Mills, Dallas, Texas, and Branches. Corn Chop _ 4-8 86H Oaney Vallev Cooperative Drying Association, Wharton, Texas. Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal ......................................... -. 99_7 526M Cerophyl Laboratories, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri. - Cerogras Brand Dehydrated Cereal Grasses _________________ -. 184,0 2042C _ Corn Products Refining Company, New ‘York. New York. Buffalo Conn Gluten Feed .......................................... -. 3.1 337W Diamond 41% Protein Corn Gluten Meal ...................... -. 12.8 381M Decatur Soy Products Company, Decatur, Illinois. Illini Brand 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal ___________________ . 0.15 488T Denver Alfalfa-Milling 8; Products Company, The, Lamar, Colorado. Alfalfa Meal 22.8 10K Alfalfa Leaf Meal 21.0 281H Alfalfa Leaf Meal ' 11.7 46J Alfalfa Leaf Meal - 34.8 143M Alfalfa Leaf Meal . 270 l4P Alfalfa Leaf Meal .. 34.5 124T Triple XXX Brand Alfalfa 14.0 108H Triple XXX Brand Alfalfa 5.6 526$ Triple XXX Brand Alfalfa 12.2 97W Triple XXX Brand Alfalfa 8.8 165W Alfalfa Stem Meal.___ '1. R 195M Alfalfa Stem Meal .-___ ______________________________________________ __ 2.8 352M Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal _________________________________________ __ 103.2 254 Dittlinqer Roller Mills Company, 3., ‘New Braunfels, Texas. Feeding Corn Meal 2.1 96H COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 6. Carotene in reeds—-Continued 15 Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Parts Pure Registration Carotene or Brand Name. per Million Inspection Number Economy Mills, Lubbock, Texas. Green Top Brand Alfalfa Leaf Meal ______________________________ _. 48.0 212K El Campo Rice Millng Company, El Campo, Texas. Yellow Corn Meal 4.1 118M Farmers Alfalfa Milling Company, - Port Smith, Arkansas. Tendergreen Brand Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal _. 96.0 111T Tendergreen Brand Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal -. 140.0 137W Tendergreen Brand Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal -. 107.2 624W -G-olclen Oak Milling Company, De Leon, Texas. Ground Peanut Hay 1.4 562s Kerens Oil Mill Kerens, Texas. Corn Chop ______ 1 2.7 119W Knaur Peed Milling Company, _ Denison, Texas. Corn Feed lvleal 2.7 125T Lufkin Milling Company, Lufkin, Texas. Corn Chop .. 3-1 131M -Martin-Lane Company, Vernon, Texas. Alfalfa Meal 15.0 226K -Matyastik. 8s Sons, Cameron, Texas. Corn Chop 3~9 157W -Morameal Milling Company, Inc.,. Elm Grove, Louisiana. Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal ________________________________________ _. 1531) 236T Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal _________________________________________ _, 124_,4 607T Morgan, Neal, Artesia, New Mexico. Alfalfa Meal __ 3_0 15M Neumond Company, The St. Louis, Missouri. 28% Protein Corn Distillers’ Dried Grains ________________ _. ()_5 16999, Paris Milling Company, Paris, Texas. Yellow Corn Feed Meal 2.1 20]? Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill Company, Hagerman, New Mexico. Alfalfa Meal 64.0 55K Alfalfa Meal _____ _. 23.0 95S Alfalfa Meal 39.0 241$ Alfalfa Meal 43.0 242$ Alfalfa Meal .. ...... -. 4.0 560W Peevee Alfalfa Leaf Meal 30.0 302T‘ Peevee Alfalfa Leaf Meal 179.2 606T l6 BULLETIN N0. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Carotene in Eeeds—Continued. Parts Pure Registration Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Carotene or Brand Name. per Million Inspection Number Rio G-rande Valley Citrus Exchange, Weslaco, Texas. Texsun Brand Alfalfa Leaf Meal ...................................... .. 70.7 538M Boss-Hicks Grain Company, - Fort Worth, Texas. Alfalfa Meal -_ 2.0 399T South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. _ 43% Protein Sheep-Size Cottonseed Cake ...................... -. 0,2 292W IUItra-I-ife Laboratories, Inc., East St. Louis, Illinois. Ultra-Life Brand Mixing Feed ..................................... _. 1.3 315W Universal Mills, - Port Worth, Texas. Yellow Hominy Feed 1,4 150K Waldo Alfalfa Milling Company, Inc-, Bryan, Texas. Waldo Finely Ground Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal __________ -. 112,5 481M Waldo Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal ......................... ._ 177,0 102H Waldo Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf MeaL--- 72.5 126M Waldo Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal_-__ 40.0 42P Waldo Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Mealm- 156.0 57lS Waldo Alfalfa Stem Meal .................................................. -. 85.3 480M HARDNESS OF COTTONSEED CAKE The force required to crush cottonseed cake between fiat surfaces has been adopted as the best method of testing cake to ascertain its hardness. Tentatively, cracked cake with a crushing strength of 400 pounds or less is classed as soft; cake with a crushing strength of 401 to 1,500 pounds is classed as medium hard; cake with a crushing strength of 1,501 to 2,500 pounds is classed as hard, and that with a crushing strength of over 2,500 pounds is classed as very hard. This classification refers to the nut-size cottonseed cake, cubes, and pellets as sold for feeding purposes. During the past year twenty-eight samples have been tested for hard- ness by the Division of Chemistry under the direction of Dr. G. S. Fraps, Chief, and the results appear in Table 7. Table 7. Hardness of Cottonseed Cake Crushing Strength—Lbs. Name and Address of M d- V Inspection Manufacturer or Importer. soft ‘ I81 all}?! \ Hard \ H3133 Number Brand Nflme- 0400 401-1500 1501-2500 Above 2500 Big Spring Cotton Oil Company, Big‘ Spring, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ______________________________ _. 267 . . . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . _ .- l-S-Special COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 7. Hardness of Cottonseed Cake-—Continued Crushing Strength—Lbs. Medium I very Name and Address of Manufacturer 0r Importer. Brand Name. Soft 0-400 Hard H a rd 401-1500 Hard 1501-2500 Above 2500i 1m Ill ction A umb: r Chillicothe Cotton Oil Company, Chillicothe, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cot- ton Cake .......................... -_ 3 0 7 2 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cot- tonseed Cake .................. W 1878 I-‘idelity Products Company, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ______________________________________ _. 638 Puller Cotton Oil Company, Snyder, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. _- G-reenville Cotton Oil Company, Greenville, Texas. Red Rooster Brand 43% Protein Cracked Cotton- seed Cake ........................ .- ...... ._ 987 E111 County Cotton Oil Company, Hillsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .............................. -- Honey Grove Cotton Oil Company, The, Honey Grove, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cot- tonseed Cake __________________ __ La Grange Cotton 8a Oil Manufacturing‘ Com- Pail?’ La Grange, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________________________ _- _____ _i 499 1246 2061 Lamar Cotton Oil Company, Th e Payris, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________________________ _- Lamesa. Cotton Oil Company, Lamesa, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cot- tonseed Cake __________________ -. 2384 2466 Memphis Cotton O11 Company, Memphis, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets _____________________________ ._ 122 ______ __ 5 -S-Special 4-P-Specia1 4-M-Specia1 8-S-Special 3-P-Specia1 l-W-Special l-P-Special 1-M-Special 2-P-Special Z-S-Special V 4-S-Special l8, BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 7. Hardness of Cottonseed Cake—Continued Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer, Brand Name. Ne-Tex Co-Operative Oil ill Wolfe City, Texas. Ne-Tex Brand 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake Planters Cotton Oil Mill, Ennis, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ............................. __ Richmond Cotton Oil Com- pany, Ine., Richmond, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cot- tonseed Cake Rule Cotton Oil Mill, Rule, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake San Antonio Oil Works, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. __ Sehulenburg‘ Oil Mill, Sehulenburg‘, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .--.-__-___._.------_-_--_-.-------_ Seguin Cotton Oil Com- pany, The, Seguin, Texas. 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................. -. South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Austin, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cot- tonseed Cake __________________ -- South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets -_--___._-_-_-_-____-_____-___ South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cot- tonseed Cake __________________ _. Stamford Cotton Oil Mill, Stamford, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pel- lets __________________________________ __ Crushing Strength-lbs . Soft 0-400 125 235 304 68 146 Medium Hard 401-1500‘ 921 1186 914 1361 H ard l 501-2500 2419 1896 2343 Very Hard Above 25100 Inspection Number Z-T-Special 1-T-Special 3-l\I-Special (S-S-Special ii-H-Special 2-M-Special l-H-Special 4-XY-Special Z-H-Special 4-H-Special IS-W-Special 7-S-Special COMMERCIAL‘ FEEDING STUFFS l9 Table 7. Hardness of Cottonseed Gake—Continued Name and Address. o; Crushing Strength—Lbs. _ Manufacturer or Importer. Medium Very - m§pectl°n Brand Name. Soft Hard Hard Hard Number - 0-400’ 401-1500 1501-2500 ADOVP ‘Z500 West Cotton Oil M111, v i West, Texas. v Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ...... __ 1427 _ . _ _ . . . . _ _ . . _ . .. 2-W-Special West Texas Cottonoil 00., Plainview, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Cubes“ 199 . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . _ _ -- 3-S-Special CARBONATE OF LIME AND SALT IN MIXED FEEDS Many feeds of a mixed nature are registered to contain certain per- centages of ground limestone, ground oyster shell, or some other material as a source of carbonate of lime, and salt. Determinations of the per- centages of salt and carbonate of lime in quite a few of the inspe-ction samples of mixed feeds show that the guaranties were not met in all cases. Some samples contained more salt and lime carrier than guar- anteed, while others contained deficiencies in these ingredients, indicating failure to follow the formulas or lack of-uniformity in mixing the in- gredients. During the period covered by this report the Division of Chemistry made 749 quantitative determinations of salt and 882 quantitative deter- minations of carbonate of lime in mixed feeds. Those shipments contain- ing appreciable deficiencies or excesses were reported to the manufac- turers and may be listed as follows: Number of Shipments 80 Deficient in ground limestone 95 Deficient in ground oyster shell 12 Deficient in salt 22 Deficient in ground limestone and salt 20 Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt 11 Deficient in ground oyster shell with excess of salt 19 Deficient in ground limestone with excess of salt 2 Deficient in salt with excess of ground limestone 3 Deficient in salt with excess of ground oyster shell 58 Excess of salt 12 Excess of precipitated carbonate of lime y 30 Excess of ground limestone 23 Excess of ground oyster shell 8 Excess of ground limestone and salt 4 Excess of ground oyster shell and salt 20 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT S"J."A'l‘IO"N The percentage of samples showing excess of lime is less than last year and the percentage showing deficiency is much greater. The per- centage of samples showing excess of salt was 13.3% as compared with 12.1% of the previous year. The percentage of samples showing defici- ency in salt was 7.8% as compared with 5.1% of the previous year. There is still need for greater improvement on the part of the manufacturers‘ as the amount of lime carrier and salt is always shown on feed inspec- tion tags and the guaranties should be maintained in all cases. Table 8 shows that 37.2% of the samples examined for lime carrier and 21.1% of the samples examined for salt did not contain the correct amount of limestone, oyster shell, or carbonate of lime, or salt, as guaran- teed to be present. All manufacturers are advised to follow the formulas and take the necessary steps to insure proper mixing of the ingredients before sales are made. Table 8. Summary of Carbonate of Lime and Salt Determinations Number Number Number Per Cent I d- t Samples Samples Samples ngre ‘en Examined Deficient with with Excess Deficient Excess Limestone, Oyster Shell, or Calcium Carbonate ___._.__-___ 882 247 82 28.0 9.2 Salt 749 59 100 7.8 13.3 ANALYSES OF SALT AND LIME CARRIERS We have recently obtained inspection samples of salt and lime car- riers found in the open markets of the State and these samples have been analyzed by the Division of Chemistry. A The samples of salt were divided into three groups and the analyses will be found in Table 9. The samples listed in Group 1 consist almost entirely of pure salt but contained small percentages of other impurities. The samples in Group 2 contained 91.22% of sodium chloride and 5.53% of calcium sulphate. The deposits from which these salts were taken contained calcium sulphate, or gypsum, which is not injurious to animals but decreases the percentage of sodium chloride present. Group 3 averaged only 81.45% of sodium chloride and contained an average of 11.17% of potassium chloride. This group is decidedly inferior to the other two groups; while the potassium chloride is not likely to be in- jurious to animals, it is also of no benefit. Table 10 shows the analyses of lime carriers divided into two groups. In Group 1 will be found the analyses of oyster shell and in Group 2 will be found the analyses of ground limestone and similar products. The sa‘mp1es of oyster shell contained an average of 52.72% of calcium oxide COMMERCIAL FEEDING .S'TUF'FS 21 as compared with 53.70% in limestone so that there is little difference between these two materials. The oyster shell contained slightly more insoluble material than the limestone and appreciably more manganese. Three of the samples of limestone contained much more manganese than the others. It is probable that under some conditions the high percentage of manganese might be beneficial to chickens raised in battery brooders. On the whole, there is very little difference between the value of the oyster shell and limestone. 22 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT S'I‘ATIO‘N_ _wwvwmm->>-w c a .... .. 3.. $4. g. Ho. mm. 2.2 |1||I||| .... .. 3mm 58w Evénmunfi» m3 w w 2. 5n we. 2. f“. Z 2.. iinlfidw xofim wkmamc éfl €~o¢fin§P .25.. finsnfiob 2am .325 w @520 mdw ma \\\\ r 3.. 5.. i. 2.. if m9; ................. sflw<flfi>< Eowawavfim 9mm . . . . . . . . . . -. mm. NNA mm. NH. mo. Mal; |l|||i| ................ -- flaw 6.39 -0HhdM -hfld.HEOnv “ism onhsm §o3m-m-w T3 a. 2.. ma. g. mo. mo. mwam ................................ -- 3% daMoH .5250 mufiao 563 amnomnoD 2:324. nafisnow :...B@@w-m-w MAN ma .... .- Q. 3A wm. g. mo. 2.2 -i..-:-| 2mm .230 6.23m ififimnunu aim sdnoi-SMO §v@@w-e; fiww ca w»... i. ma. 3. S. izm “Em Enanwxfim. Ném I .... .- 3.. mm. Ho. 2. Ed 3.? ipiwm x85 wbofioflfi . dsMo-fl isfisfl Qflcmfiob 2am aofioi 5025-9-.. ES w. .... .. 3.. 3. mo. mo. ww. 2E» “Em . 5M .0._H._">m._"d.O-H Siam-nob “Sam ufidfimn flownofioh Hfiownméaé Q2“ . . . . . . . . . . -- om. Z. mo. mo. 3. $1? iJiwm Quake =0: >354 6h ioufldnom S55 .500 flaw fisflowwsflnoufin EQQ 8.5 Q. wk. aw w» m» w» Q. H Q5050 Q3552 no.5 322m 32a QUIAJEU 35E 523$ wExO 2n: 2503C 655A 953m Bnfiwm A52 .15 52w .15 53m ._o@cH 5550M QBBQEH .5 $.53“: swam: dwwom EEQEO .2553 55.2 Ho mwwpwgw was wEmZ as n3 3am. .3 mumbgq d wfiua .. :1 ...1....41....{!1.ii!fli44i.|..1ui 23 COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS v.34 2 Y“ n €€3w-w; N44; Q .23 wfiofiwav: 9N3. .2. 3. “.3 He l--- 12025-3 Q3 m; .. , ifioonm-g-w i; ms .... z E€@@w-2-@ 93 m...“ .... -- §Bmnm-m-m v3. i. .... -- EQQ 6g Q. :3 2; 3.2 M3. mm. w? mm. s. 3. :2 w: fi. N: 2Q w: $13 23w . .................. :@U< || ............................ a ism 6.93M. .2953 flaw Sfldnfionv in LHBM 8 3am Fnoamobwnaflom liiillilil; iflili! fidw .5 .2 @8555.“ fioumsfi iunofl m Qflbhmv .................. :@U< :--:-.-. flaw wmzofl Qozdm 2mm xoofiw owflom socmfl 5mm xoom wwsofl socwm EBQ 2am omsom socwfi 6.33M. fiopmdofi fiozafifioo 2am “$2.5 24 BULLETIN NO. 620, ‘TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION dwooflm- |H . . . . . H. H. ma. wfiflvm .... -|| .................. -- SQZOQCSJ _ a o 3 Q m? w 3 3. E a m idafi 5:0 mamnwfl .h.fldfi -280 npnofififl >30 wamndfi N 95.10 0.8 0.2a 32m ma. 2. NW. 3N i. s2 .................... =mw< .................. --| o6» O.~_NO._.. mm. 34m “b. wwtwm ......:Q:m .6520 wwfihwism §6@@w->>-m ...... .- Z22 Qwmm K. 3. 5. 2+ N... 2.3 -----.:2~w $3.5 ENES/Hsm EBQQmJHHw 9E 93.1 owm i“. mo. wm. vfim mm. MQE ........ i225 53x0 @555 EUQQmATN ...... -- QMSNH ; -- mm. mo. . max f: Nwwm. ......... .-.~.H.@m.m..-mw~w>o 32.5 Eomgméé 6.3 9g 93m Hm. 2. £1 3N 3. 3Q - wfliiwsw Sfiooamlm-m i: Q35 0.3m a. mo. 3. Z: ME. M215 “norm :26 33x0 3am . Efinmxz. Qww 3:2: 92m Q. 2. w“. mm.” Q. mow... ---.3owm :25 Hmsgwswwsm 1200a 12$ ...... .. . . L . . . A w. mwimm |||l1-:------:------ h m o 2;. o 3N Hm 3 2 m; w. Imam pwpwzO 35m ofinmwnm ~dwooflm|vm|m . ........ i . . v . H. M. . . . .................... i :26 awpw O Q 3 o 2N 2 ¢ N m 3 g *5 uonmFfiO-ousm pouzsnzwsw flfiowaw-HAV ...... -. 0.3m QNQ mm. g. Hm. 3m mm. Hmam ------.~sofim 22m. 33x0 95m dnNoH. fioamficfi Sflaniob naufinnfifiosm E6@@.m->>-QH ...... : 93m 93m i. mo. 3. mad wm. Nbfimm ......... --.:Ew uwamhO 226.6 Eownwéfim i; A13 93w B. .3. S. o: M3. 3mm 1 .... --.:2~w h8g0 “Esoaw dsMoH. ioumuoum Qflafifiob Swim ohaun Hawomaméfiofi ...... -- Z3 0.2m mm. 2. mm. ma.» 3. $43 ........ =55 h8g0 wizzw iuMoH. ..noamuoun .5! no sopfio nopmnofl Emsawéa 9M3 3&3 93m 3. 8. 3. 3d Q. 2.3 ...... 520mm hwfiwxO “E5919 $133M. fivnokr amok Qflam éfioO Hflun napfiu A933 29m EGG EQQ EQQ omv emu g mm» g on» H QUOMU ~BE=Z v5» no.5 @355 .256 33w H355 3:5 3E5 3.55 .332 “Exam @355 52m 6x2 5:5 029E QEEom =55 E2830 uEfiQQEH 3 Hfisfizfi .523 $09M Uifi 2n: $52.2 .552 Ho mmwuwudw Uifi wiaZ -155 mnoEnsO 051M no momhafia 6H wish COMMERCIAL FEEDING VSTUFFS fifiowaw- EUQQWM E€8m-m- Evénmigw fimwoonw-ETQ ~§owQm|H|o H _§8@w-m-m ixomawé-“ owhfi 3S 9% e45» Q62. Q22 0.23 Z2 EQQ ‘v-(Nv-I I (OLD v-iv-i W? [in NH 0.3K math EQQ bu. S. ww. om. 2a Ho. 2. mo. S. 2. “A. E. fi. 2. NH. 22H N3 v2 S. :2 3. :2 N? 2.2 2am oqfi 3mm 3Q .................. .. Hw< ............. .. Mmézhwo ............. .- NouOnflfiwU .............................. .- wwuonbwO .::--...::mm~m .... -- omH-HmOAwO ......................... -1 NQQOQHMU ......... .- MBoQHmO ............................ -. xwwonpmO .......... .. wwponpmO .......... -- Nwuonafiu fisNo-H ioflonorm .h§d~nafiOU oudflonnsb mdNoH. ........... : wcofiwfifi ©2525 dmNoH 633:4 new 6.3M 58.5500 Hoficam ........... -- wcopmwfifia ©2580 ........... : wfiwflonpmO E5250 iaMuH. fiopmfioum Snanfiao nfifisnswnm ..................... -- ojicomémo wfiflflnomzmo daMoH fioaunofi QQQQEQO 5min ch65 2'6 BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TESTS OF COMMERCIAL FEEDS FOR POISONS OR OTHER HARMFUL SUBSTANCES The Division frequently receives complaints from feeders that they have sustained a loss of livestock and allege that certain feed is respon- sible for this loss. Samples of the feed in question accompany these com- plaints and the Division is requested to examine for the presence of poison or other harmful substances. During the period covered by this report thirteen such samples have been received and used in feeding tests. Nine samples of poultry feed were fed to chickens of proper age under the direction of R. M. Sherwood, Chief, Division of Poultry Husbandry; four samples‘ of stock feed were fed to proper animals under the direction of Dr. H. Schmidt, Chief, Divi- sion of Veterinary Science; and two samples of feed were fed to swine under the direction of Fred Hale, Chief, Division of Swine Husbandry. In all cases the tests were made under close supervision and in no instance did we find any poison or other substance present which would cause the sickness or death of animals. RETAIL PRICES OF FEEDS In September, 1941, January, 1942, and May, 1942, the retail prices of sixteen simple feed commodities were secured in three towns in each of seven districts into which the State was divided. This survey was made to determine what differences, if any, existed between the prices of given commodities in difierent sections of the State at intervals of four months. Table 11 shows the towns surveyed in each district in September, January, and May of the year ended August 31, 1942. Table 12 shows the average retail prices of feeds per ton in each of seven districts, the average retail price for the State and also the average retail cash selling price for the year. In some instances it will be noted that wide differences existed between prices of the same commodity in different sections of the State when the survey was made. These differ- ences are very largely due undoubtedly to differences in freight rates and the efiect of supply and demand. The average retail prices‘ were greater than during the previous year. While there was an advance in the price of each commodity shown in Table 12, the greatest increases were on 43% protein cottonseed cake and meal (46%), 50% protein meat and bone scraps (43%), and dried buttermilk (41%). "Houston COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 11. Towns in Each District in Which Retail Prices Were Secured Name of District Towns Amarillo San Angelo____.--___-.-_.l_____--_____..-..___ Waco San Antonio _______________________________ __ ' Dallas Tyler Towns Towns Sept., 1941 Jan., 1942 May, 1942 Shamrock Clarendon Post Borger Spur Lamesa Amarillo Lubbock Levelland Midland Big Spring El Paso Qdessa lfecos Fort Stockton Pecos L1 Pas‘) San Angelo Sealy ‘Triniffiy Houston Giddings Lufkln Navasota Houston v . Houswn Bryan Corsicana Georgetown Camémn Ennis Beltoll _ Rockdale Waxahachie Gatesvllle Taylor Harlingen Beevine _ _ San Antonio Edinburg Corpus Chrlstl Beeville Alice Hflrllflgell Corpus Christi Gainesville Breckenridge Wichita Falls Weather-ford Graham Decatur Fort Worth McKinney Fort Worth Honey Gr.ove Nacogdoches Terrell Athens Longview Marshall Marshall Tyler Tyler 28 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 55.2.52 55.552 5.22.2 ll- 55.2.25 _ ...... .i 552.2 “.2552 52.2.52 5.255 5552.2 ........ .. 55.525 ....... .. 552.2 .552. 5:22 255E525 5.2.5 55.52 2.2..2.52 22.52 | ...... -- 55.552 ........ -- 22.2.52 252.2 225m 55.552 5.22.2 22.52.; 2.2.525 2.2.525 2.2.555 \\\\\\\ .. 552.2 M5522 . 55.255 55.555 5552.2 22.2.55 55.525 5552 .552. illll ........... -. 52:22:53.5 2.2.222 55.2.52 2.2.552 2.5.52 55.552 .. . 252.2 .5555 2.55 55.52. 5.55 55.55 2.5.55 55.55 5.55 552.2 2.2522 5.25 55.55 5.25 2.2.55 2.2..2.5 2.2..2.5 552.2 . 2.5L. =5225Bw .2552 22:5 .552 5.5.252 25.2.5 55.55 5.5 55.5.. 55 2.5 2.2.5.. 5.2; 2.2..2.5 52; 252.2 225m 2.5.55 55.55 55.52 2.55 ........ -- 55.55 5.2.2 2.5.52 552.2 .5552 55.25 55.55 55.55 55.55 2.5 5 55.5 55.2.2 552.2 555.5 .-|l|1!-----...1-..--.22.2525. .352 5:525. . 5.52 2.52 2.2.55 552.2 55.2.5 55.52 52.2.2 252.2 ....225m 2.2.22 55.22 55.2.2 55.5 2.2.52 5.52 2.5.2. 2.2.52 552.2 .5522 52.2.2 55.22 $.22 55.5 2.2.52 2.5.5 2.5.5 552.2 rsmw+ ...:-----.....1:1--.2@502. 25:32 2.551.252.2525. 55.2.2 2.2.22 55.2.2 .5 5 55.22 5.52 .. 252.2 52.5w 5.52 5.52 5.52 22.52 2.5.22 55.52 2.52 2.5.55 552.2 .5522 55.52 55.52 2.5.52 2.2.52 2.2.52 55.2.5 22.2.5 2.2.22 552.2 r5555 55m 5.525552 55.52 2.2..22 55.52 5.52 5.2.2 2.2.52 55.52 252.2 5.23m 2.2.25 2.55 5.55 55.55 5.55 55.25 2.2.55 55.55 552.2 .5552 55.2.5 55.2.5 22.55 2.2.55 2.2.55 55.25 55.55 2.2.55 552.2 .252. .lll----..--.|!--.|..--.22220 E32 S 22.2.2 52.2.5 5.55 5.55 2.2.55 55.2.5 252.2 £25m 52.55 2.2.55 55.55 2.5.55 2.5.55 2.5.55 5.55 55.55 552.2 .5552 52.2.5 55.25 2.2.5 55.55 22.55 22.2.5 5.25 55.55 5.2.5 552.2 .252. iili- 22220 E50 55.5 5.55 55.55 2.2..2.5 55.55 55.5.5 5.2.5 55.25 252.2 £25m 55.55 2.2.55 2.5.55 5.5 55.2.5 55.55 5.2.5 552.2 .5522 5 5.55 2.2.55 55.2.5 2.2.55 5.25 5.25 55.2.5 552.2 .552. .- 25522 555552.580 E8252 .555 52.55 2.25 5.55 55.55 22.55 5.55 5.55 2.2.5 252.2 £28m 55.55 2.2..55 2.5.55 5.55 55.2.5 55.55 5.2.5 5.2.5 552.2 .5552 55.2.5 5.55 2.2.55 55.2.5 2.2.55 5.25 5.25 55.2.5 552.2 $555+ ............. -3250 2555526350 22255852 .5555 . 55.55 2.25 5.55 55.55 2.5.55 5.55 5.55 2.5 252.2 52.7w 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .22.»? wdzdfi 022205235. 00.5.25 Cowwflom 015M224 0222.2 256V 323m 55m 225w $2224 .202 .202 325G uworm no 5.222572 5.55.2954 .55.6>< 502.2335 .2208 .555 82.2% 230522559 h5- muooh no mooflfi flsaofi 5.55855 .2 93.58 COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS >m.H¢ mw.>m Hmaw mm.ow mH@m mwi ooém >w.Hm om.mm oodv ~@.H¢ >@.>m >@@m ¢¢.>m vwam >@@¢ mmgm Pwgm Nwmfi mvmfi Hvwfi Nwmfi mvmfi Hvmfi Nvmfi Nvmfi Hwmfi Nwafi Nwmfi Hvmfi Nwmfi Nvmfi fiwmfi ~¢@H Nvmfi Hwmfi mmnwcwwpom p593?» no at? diosw >26 “flaws? mMGMG®®hUw among?» .5 at? Edam Hmong ‘IIIQMQMCNH. pwumowrnm Qfifiopnw Q15 lllllll ..... mwcwnmzom 8E fldhm Rim illul! .................. $96 E0 205$ 30 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION SUGGESTIONS TO PURCHASERS OF FEED Examine Official Tags.—-In purchasing feeding stuffs, always carefully examine the official tags attached and purchase on the official guaranty and actual analysis as indicated in the reports of the Division of Feed Control Service, and disregard statements of salesmen or in advertising matter, if they differ from the official tags. Goods Not as Represented.-In case any purchaser receives goods which he thinks are not as represented, he may write to the Division of Feed Control Service, giving full details of the matter, stating the quantity on hand and his reasons for suspecting that the feed is not as represented. The Division will investigate the matter carefully and either send an inspector, if conditions justify so doing, or else send instructions for taking a sample of the feed for further examination. Freight Bills, Invoices, Etc.-—It is important that purchasers of feed in car lots should always have available for use of the inspector the fol-A lowing information: the total number of tons in the shipment; number and initials of car in which shipment is received; number and date of waybill; name of railroad issuing waybill; name of town from which shipment was made; name of firm from which feed was purchased; date of original waybill; date shipment was received, and price per ton. This information is especially valuable to the Service in all cases involving the shipment of feed from other States, as it will assist in proving the sale and protecting Texas purchasers under the Federal Law. Official Tag.-—Do not accept any feeding stuff unless Texas tax tags are attached to the sacks, and purchase only those brands which are manufactured by companies whose record of inspection shows that their guaranties are maintained. DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS ADOPTED The Director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is empow- ered to adopt standards for and definitions of feeding stuffs; therefore, the registration of any feeding stufi may be refused if it does not conform to the standard and definition or if application is made under a name which is misleading as to materials of which it is composed. Registrations continue in force until revision or re-registration may be required, unless cancelled for cause. The following will be considered as sufficient reasons for the cancellation of any registration, after ten days’ notice: if a feeding stuff is registered and then discovered to be in violation ‘of the standard and definition adopted; the use of a brand name that is found to be misleading in any respect; the use of a feed ingredient that is found to be injurious; the incorrect labeling of a feed with regard to any ingredient; misbranding or adulteration; notice from the manufacturer that the sale of any given brand has been discontinued, and notice from the manufacturer that he has ceased to do business in Texas. i COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 13 shows the chemical standards now in efiect in Texas. 31 Ifa manufacturer is uncertain as to how a certain brand of feed should be registered, it will be advisable for him to communicate with the Division of Feed Control Service before making application for registration. Special-Purpose Mixed Feeds The standards for special-purpose mixed feeds have also been adopted by the Association of Southern Feed Control Officials. Table 13. Chemical Standards Minimum Minimum Maximum Name of Feed Protein, Fat. Fiber, Per Cent Per‘ Cent Per Cent Ch-ODDBd Alfalfa 13.00 ' 1.50 33.00 Alfalfa Leaf Meal 18.00 Alfalfa Meal 13.00 1.50 33.00 Ground Whole Barley 6.00 Raw Bone Meal 23.00 ________ __ _ ...... -- Dried Buttermilk 5.00 Evaporated, Concentrated, Condensed Buttermilk ______________ __ 2.00 Corn Bran 8.00 5.00 12.00 Corn Chop _ 9.00 3.50 3.00 Ear Corn Chop __________ -- 8.20 3.20 8.00 Ear Corn Chop with Husk 8.00 3.00 10.00 Corn Feed Meal 8.00 3.00 3.00 48 % Protein Cottonseed Meal and Cake _______________________ .. 48.00 7.00 9-00 45 % Protein Cottonseed Meal and Cake .............. .. 45.00 6.00 10.00 43 % Protein Cottonseed Meal and Cake ________________ -_ 43.00 5.20 12.00 41 % Protein Cottonseed Meal and Cake _____________ _. 41.00 5.00 12.00 41.12 % Protein Cottonseed Feed .................................. ._ 41.12 5.00 14.00 38.56 % Protein Cottonseed Feed-“ ............. .. 38.56 5.00 18-00 36% Protein Cottonseed Feed ______________________________ -_ 36.00 5.00 22-00 '28 % Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed___ ....... _. 28.00 ........ -_ .---_.__-_ 25 % Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _____________________ __ 25.00 __________________ -- Crab Meal 25.00 .................. _- Feterita Chop 11.00 2.80 3.00 Feterita Head Chop 10.00 2.50 8.00 Hominy Feed _ 10.00 5.00 7.00 Kafir Chop 10.00 2.50 3.00 Kafir Head Chop 8.50 2.50 8.00 Lespedza Meal ______ --___ 28.00 Meat Meal 65.00 .................. -- Milo Chop 10.00 2.50 3.00 Milo Head Chop 8.50 2.50 8.00 Feeding Oat Meal -------..- 4.00 48% Protein Peanut Meal and Cake _____________________________ __ 48.00 7.00 9.00 45 % Protein Peanut Meal and Cake _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 45.00 6.00 10.00 43% Protein Peanut Meal and Cake _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 36 % Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 36.00 ________ _. 22.00 34% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts ___________________________ __ 34.00 ________ __ 24.00 Rice Bran 11.00 10.00 15.00 Rice Polishings 11.00 6.00 4.00 Rye Flour Middlings . ________ _- 5.00 Rye Low-Grade Feed Flour 1.50 Wheat Bran _________ ._ 14.50 3.00 10.00 Wheat Brown Shorts 15.00 3.50 7.50 Wheat Chop 12.00 2.00 3.00 .Wheat Gray Shorts 15.00 3.50 6.00 Wheat Low-Grade Feed Flour ........ _. 1-50 Wheat Mixed Feed 15.00 3.50 8.50 Wheat Red Dog ........ -- 4.00 Wheat White Short‘: 14.50 3.00 3.50 32 BULLETIN NO‘. 620‘, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT‘ STATION Table 13. Chemical Standards—Gontinued ‘Minimum Minimum Maximum Name of Feed Protein, Fat, Fiber, Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Special-Purpose Mixed. reeds Horse and Mule Feed 9,00 2,00 15.00 Dairy or Dairy Cow Feed 1500 3_00 15_00 Complete Hog Feed or Ration ........................................ -. 14.00 3.00 8.00 Chick Scratch Feed 900 2,00 4_00 Poultry Intermediate Scratch Feed ______________________________ -. 9,00 2.00 4.50 Poultry Scratch Feed 9.00 2.00 5.00 Poultry All-Mash Broiler Ration ................................... .. 17.00 3.50 8.00 Chick Starting Mash 17,00 3,50 7.00 All-Mash Starting Ration 15.00 3.50 7.00 Growing Mash _ 15.00 3.50 . 8.00 All-Mash Growing Ration 15.00 3.50 7.00 Starting and Growing Ma sh 17.00 3.50 7.00 All-Mash Starting and Growing Ration ..................... .. 15.00 3.50 7.00 Laying or Egg Mash 18.00 3.50 8.00 All-Mash Laying Ration 15.00 3.50 8.00 All-Mash Poultry Ration _ 15.00 3.50 7.00 Poultry Fattening Mash 13.00 3.50 8.00 Turkey Starting Ma sh ‘ 18.00 3.50 8.00 Turkey Growing Ma sh 17.00 3.50 8.00 Turkey Starting and Growing Mash _____________________________ ._ 18.00 3.50 8.00 Turkey Laying Ma sh ' 18.00 3.50 8.00 Turkey All-Mash Laying Ration ................................... -. 15.00 3.50 8.00 DEFINITIONS OF AND STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL UNMIXED FEEDS Many of the definitions adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc., are followed closely and the names and standards are required to be in conformity with these definitions. The date in parenthesis, such as (Adopted 1928.), gives the date of ofiicial adoption by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. In addition to these definitions, the following, some of which apply especially to Texas conditions, include standards and definitions formulated by the Division of Feed Control Service from the most reliable data available. Alfalfa Products Alfalfa Meal is the product obtained from the grinding of the entire alfalfa hay, without the addition of any alfalfa stems, alfalfa straw, or foreign material, or the abstraction of leaves. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds. (Adopted 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 13 per cent of crude protein and 1.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 33 per cent of crude fiber. "Chopped or Out Alfalfa is the entire alfalfa hay, chopped or cut and not ground finely enough to become a meal. It must not contain an admixture of alfalfa straw or other foreign material. (Adopted prior to 1928- Amended 1937.) Standard: It must contain not less than 13 per cent of COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 33 crude protein and 1.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 33 per cent 0f crude fiber. Alfalfa Leaf Meal is the ground product consisting chiefly of leafy materials separated from alfalfa hay or meal. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds, and must not contain more than 18 per cent of crude fiber. (Adopted 1928——Amended 1938.) Alfalfa Stem Meal is the ground product remaining after the separation of the leafy material from alfalfa hay or meal. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds. (Adopted 1928.) (Note)-—The word “dehydrated” may precede the official definitions for alfalfa products provided the product has been artificially dried. (Adopted 1940.) (N0te)—A guaranty of the crude carotene content expressed in parts per million, accompanied by an expiration date, may be included on the label if the producer so desires. (Adopted 1941.) Animal Products Blood Meal is ground, dried blood. (Adopted 1926.) Blood Flour is dried blood, prepared by special processes and reduced to a fine powder. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Digester Tankage, Meat Meal Tankaige, or Feeding Tankage is the; residue from animal tissues exclusive of hoof, horn, manure, and stomach contents, except in such traces as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice, especially prepared for feeding purposes by tanking under live steam or by dry-rendering or a mixture of the products made suitable by drying and grinding. It must not contain more than 4.4 per cent of phosphorus (P). If it bears a name descriptive of its kind, composition or origin, the material must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1928—Amended 1933, 1936, 1938.) Digester Tankage with Bone, Meat and Bone Meal Digest/er Tankage, Meat and Bone Meal Tankage, or Feeding Tankage with Bone is the ' residue from animal tissues exclusive of hoof, horn, manure, and stomach contents, except in such traces as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice, especially prepare-d for feeding purposes by tanking under live steam or by dry-rendering or a mixture of the products made suitable by drying and grinding, and containing more than 4.4 per cent of phosphorus (P). If it bears a name descriptive of its kind, composition or origin, it must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1928—Amended 1933, 1936, 1938.) Meat is the clean, wholesome flesh derived from slaughtered mammals and is limited to that part of the striate muscle which is skeletal or that which is found in the tongue, in the diaphragm, in the heart, or in the esophagus, and does not include that found in the lips, in the snout, or in the ears; with or without the accompanying and overlying fat and the 34 BULLETIN NO‘. (i201, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION portions of skin, sinew, nerve, and blood vessels which normally accom- pany the flesh. If it bears‘ a name descriptive of its kind, it must cor- respond thereto. The term “meat” when applied to the corresponding portions of animals other than cattle, swine, sheep, and goats shall be used in qualified form, as, for example, “horse meat,” “reindeer meat,” “crab meat,” etc. (Adopted 1938—Amended 1939.) Meat By-Produc-ts consist of any non-rendered, clean, wholesome part of the carcass of slaughtered mammals other than meat, such as lungs, spleens, kidneys, brains, stomach and intestines free from their contents; it does not include skin, horns, teeth, hoofs, and bones. If it bears a name descriptive of its kind, it must correspond thereto. The term “meat by-products” when applied to the corresponding por- tions of animals other than cattle, swine, sheep, and goats shall be used in qualified form, as, for example, “horse meat by-products,” “reindeer meat by-products,” “crab meat by-products," etc. (Adopted 1938- Amended 1939.) Meat Meal is the ground, dry-rendered residue from animal tissues exclusive of hoof, horn, blood, manure, and stomach contents, except in such traces as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice. It must contain not less than 65 per cent of protein and not more than 3 per cent of phosphorus (P). If it bears a name descriptive of its kind, composi- tion, or origin, it must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1939.) Meat Scraps is the ground, dry-rendered residue from animal tissues exclusive of hoof, horn, blood, manure, and stomach contents, except in such traces as might occur unavoidably in good factory practice. When this product contains more than 4.4 per cent of phosphorus (P), it shall be designated ...... __ Per Cent Protein Meat and Bone Scraps. If it bears a name descriptive of its kind, composition or origin, it must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1928—Amended 1936, 1938.) Raw Bone Meal is the dried, ground product suitable for animal feeding, obtained by cooking in water at atmospheric pressure, undecomposed bone, just enough to remove excess fat and meat. It must not contain less than 23 per cent of protein. (Adopted 1929.) Steamed Bone Meal is the dried, ground product suitable for animal feeding, obtained by cooking bones with steam under pressure. (Adopted 1929.) Special Steamed Bone Meal is the dried, ground product suitable for animal feeding, obtained by cooking dried bone after the removal of grease and meat fibre with steam under pressure in the process of obtain- ing gelatine or glue. (Adopted 1929.) COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 35 Bone Charcoal or Bone Black is the product obtained by charring bones in closed retorts. It shall contain not less than 14.7 per cent of phos- phorus (P). (Adopted 1938.) Spent Bone Black is the product resulting from the repeated charring of bone charcoal or bone black after use in clarifying sugar solutions. It shall contain not less than 11.5 per cent of phosphorus (P.) d (Adopted 1938.) Barley Products Barley Hulls is the product consisting of the outer coverings of the barley. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Barley Feed is the entire by-product resulting from the manufacture of pearl barley from clean barley. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Barley Mixed Feed is the entire offal from the milling of barley flour from clean barley and is composed of barley hulls and barley middlings. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Ground Barley is the entire product obtained by grinding clean, sound barley, containing not less than 9O per cent of pure barley and not more than 10 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, and other foreign material, and not more than 6 per cent of crude fiber; provided that no portion of this stated 10 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, or other foreign material shall be intentionally added. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Mixed Feed Barley is the entire product obtained by grinding country- run barley containing not less than 75 per cent of pure barley and not more than 25 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, and other foreign material; provided that no portion of this stated 25 per cent of other grains, weed seeds, or foreign material shall be intentionally added. The ingredients must be stated as barley, other grains, weed seeds, and other foreign material. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Brewers’ and Distillers’ Products Brewers’ Dried Grains is the dried extracted residue of barley malt alone or in mixture with other cereal grain or grain products resulting from the manufacture of wort. (Adopted 1936.) Corn Distillers’ Dried Grains is the dried residue obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from corn or a grain mixture in which corn predominates. (Adopted 1937.) Bye Distillers’ Dried Grains is the dried residue obtained in the manu- facture of alcohol and distilled liquors from rye or a grain mixture in which rye predominates. (Adopted 1937.) Distillers’ Corn Solubles is a by-product from the manufacture of alco- hol from corn solids obtained by the evaporation of the mash liquor after the removal of the alcohol and wet grains. (Adopted prior to 1928.) 36 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Distillers’ Rye Solubles is a by-product from the manufacture of alcohol from rye solids obtained by the evaporation of mash liquor after the removal of the alcohol and wet grains. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Distillers’ Corn and Rye Solubles is a by-product from the manufacture of alcohol from corn and rye solids obtained by the evaporation of mash liquor after the removal of the alcohol and wet grains. (Ad-opted prior to 1928.) Malt Sprouts are the sprouts of the barley grain obtained from malted barley. Sprouts derived from any other malted cereal must be designated by the name of that cereal. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Yeast Dried Grains or Vinegar Dried Grains is the properly dried residue from the mixture of cereals, malt, and malt sprouts (sometimes cotton- seed meal), obtained in the manufacture of yeast or vinegar, and consists of corn or corn and rye, from which most of the starch has been ex- tracted, together with malt added during the manufacturing process to change the starch to sugars, and malt sprouts (sometimes cottonseed meal) added during the manufacturing process to aid in filtering the residue from the wort and to serve as a source of food supply for the yeast. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Corn Products Corn Meal is finely ground, unbolted corn. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Corn Bran is the outer coating of the corn kernel, with little or none of the starchy part or germ. (Adopted 1931.) Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Feed Meal is the fine sittings obtained in the manufacture of screened corn chop, screened ground corn, or screened cracked corn, with or without its aspiration products added. (Adopted 1931.) Standard: It must contain not less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber, Corn Chop, Ground Corn, or Cracked Corn is the entire product made by grinding, cutting, or chopping the grains of sound Indian corn, and may be fine, medium, or coarse, and must not contain more than 4 per cent of foreign material. (Adopted 1931.) Standard: It must contain not less than 9 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Screened Corn Chop, Screened Ground Corn, or Screened Cracked Corn is the coarse portion of corn chop, ground corn, or cracked corn from which most of the fine particles have been removed, and must not contain more than 4 per cent of foreign material. (Adopted 1931.) Corn Grits, or Hominy Grits is the product consisting of the fine or medium-sized, hard flinty portions of sound Indian corn containing little or none of the bran or germ. (Adopted 1931.) COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STU FFS 37 Ear Corn Chop is corn and cob chopped, without the husk, with no greater proportion of cob than occurs in the ear corn in its natural state. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 8.20 per cent of crude protein and 3.20 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Ear Corn Chop with Husk is corn, corn cob, and corn husk, chopped. with no greater proportion of cob and husk than occurs in the snapped corn in its natural state. Standard: It must contain not" less than 8 per cent of crude protein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 10 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Gluten Feed is that part of commercial shelled corn that remains after the extraction of the larger part of the starch and germ by the process employed in the wet-milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup. It may or may not contain one or more of the following: corn solubles, corn oil meal. (Adopted 1936.) Corn Gluten Meal is that part of commercial shelled corn that remains after the extraction of the larger part of the starch and germ, and the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet-milling manu- facture of corn starch or syrup. It may or may not contain'one or more of the following: corn solubles, corn oil meal. (Adopted 1936.) Maltose Process Corn Gluten Feed is the dried residue from degermed corn, after removal of the starch in the manufacture of malt syrup. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Hominy Feed is a mixture of corn bran, corn germ, and a part of the starchy portion of either white or yellow corn kernels or mixture thereof as produced in the’ manufacture of pearl hominy, hominy grits or table meal, and shall contain not less than 5 per cent of crude fat. If prefixed with the words “white” or “yellow,” the product must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1935.) Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of crude protein and 5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 7 per cent of crude fiber. Corn Oil Cake consists of the corn germ from which part of the oil has been pressed and is the product obtained in the wet-milling process of manufacture of corn starch, corn syrup, and» other corn products. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Corn Oil Meal is ground corn oil cake. (Adopted prior to 1928.) p Corn Germ Cake consists of corn germ with other parts of the corn kernel from which part of the oil has been pressed, and is the product obtained in the dry-milling process of manufacture of corn meal, corn grits, hominy feed, and other corn products. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Corn Germ Meal is ground corn germ cake. (Adopted prior to 1928.) 38, BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL» EXPERIMENT STATION Corn Screenings is the product consisting of the small light grains of scorn, parts of grains of corn or other cereals, and ot.her materials having feeding value, separately or together, obtained by screening shelled corn, excluding sand, dirt and other similar inert materials. (Adopted 1931.) Cottonseed Products Cottonseed Meal is a product of the cottonseed only, composed prin- cipally of the kernel with such portion of the hull as is necessary in the manufacture of oil; provided that nothing shall be recognized as cotton- seed meal "that does not conform to the foregoing definition and that does not contain at least 41 per cent of protein. Cottonseed meal shall be graded and classed as follows: 48 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reason- ably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in odor, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 48 per cent of crude protein and not less than 55 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 9 per cent of crude fiber. 45 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reason- ably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in odor, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 45 per cent of crude protein and not less than 51 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 10 per cent of crude fiber. 43 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reasonably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in odor, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 43 per cent of crude protein and not less than 48.20 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be reasonably bright in color, not brown or reddish, sweet in order, and free from excess of lint. Standard: It must contain not less than 41 per cent of crude protein and not less than 46 per cent of crude protein and cr.ude fat com- bined, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. Cottonseed Meal, Off Quality. Cottonseed meal not fulfilling the above requirements as to color, odor, or texture shall be branded “Off Quality," that is, “41 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Meal, Off Quality.” Higher grades shall be similarly designated. Cottonseed Cake is a product of the cottonseed only, composed prin- cipally of the kernel with such portion of the hull as is necessary in the manufacture of oil; provided that nothing shall be recognized as cotton- seed cake that does not conform to the following definitions and that does not contain at least 41 per cent of protein. Cottonseed cake shall be graded and classed as follows: COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFF S 39 ______ __ Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Cake, Prime Quality. Cottonseed cake, prime quality, must be firm, but not fiinty in texture, of sweet odor, free of mold, and when ground into meal, must produce cotton- seed meal, prime quality. It shall contain not less than 41 Der cent of crude protein. It must be designated and sold according to its pro- tein content. Cottonseed cake with 41 per cent of crude protein must be termed “41 Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Cake, Prime Quality,” and higher grades similarly designated. _ ______ __ Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Cake, 01f Quality. Cottonseed cake not fulfilling the above requirement as to color, odor, and texture must be labeled “41 Per Cent Prot-ein Cottonseed Cake, Off Quality,” and higher grades simliarly designated. ______ __ Per Cent Protein Nut-Size Cottonseed Cake, _____>__ Quality. Nut- size cottonseed cake shall be a product which will pass through 1%-inch round perforation and over ‘Vs-inch round perforation. It shall be free from meal, pea-size and pebble-size cake and shall not contain in excess of 10 per cent of sheep-size cake. (Adopted 1937.) ____ Per Cent Protein Sheep-Size Cottonseed Cake, ______ _- Quality. Sheep-size cottonseed cake shall be a product which will pass through 78-inch round perforation and over f/g-inch round perforation. It shall be free from meal and pebble-size cake and shall not contain in excess of a total of 10 per cent of nut-size and pea-size cake. (Adopted 1937.) g _____ _- Per Cent Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake, ______ _- Quality. Pea- size cottonseed cake shall be a product which will pass through %-inch round perforation and over %-inch round perforation. It shall be free from meal and nut-size cake and shall not contain in excess of 10 per cent of sheep-size and pebble-size cake. (Adopted 1937.) ______ __ Per Cent Protein Pebble-Size Cottonseed Cake, ________ Quality. Pebble-size cottonseed cake shall be a product consisting of fine particles and small pieces of cottonseed cake capable of passing through a 3/g-inch round perforation. (Adopted 1937.) ...... -- Per Cent Protein Cottonseed Cubes or Pellets, Prime Quality. Cottonseed cubes or pellets, prime quality, processed through a cubing or pelleting machine, must be firm, but not flinty, of sweet odor, free of mold, and when ground into meal, must produce cottonseed meal, prime quality. It shall contain not less than 41 per cent of crude protein. It must be designated and sold according to its protein content. Cottonseed Cake, Cubes and Pellets shall correspond to cottonseed meal as to composition and as to standards and classifications, Munsell Color Standard for Cottonseed Cake and Meal, Prime Quality. Whenever in the definitions reference is made to color of cottonseed cake or cottonseed meal, prime quality, 41 per cent or higher protein cottonseed 40 - BULLETIN NO. 620*, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT SUIATION cake or cottonseed meal shall not be darker in color than Munsell Color Standard “ll/z yellow, 5/5,” and 36 per cent protein cottonseed cake or cottonseed meal, prime quality, shall not be darker in color than Munsell Color Standard “10 yellow-—red 5/5.” (Adopted 1938.) 41.12 Per Cent Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed must be reasonably bright in color, sweet in odor, and must contain not more than 5 per cent of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 41.12 per cent of crude protein andnot less than 46.12 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 14 per cent of crude fiber. 38.56 Per Cent Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed must be reasonably bright in color, sweet in odor, and must contain not more than 12 per cent of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 38.56 per cent of crude protein and not less than 43.56 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 18 per cent of crude fiber. 36 Per Cent Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed must be reasonably bright in color, sweet in odor, and must contain not more than 17.50 per cent of delinted cottonseed hulls. Standard: It must contain not less than 36 per cent of crude protein and not less than 41 per cent of crude protein and crude fat combined, and not more than 22 per cent of crude fiber. Cracked Cottonseed Feed shall correspond to ground cottonseed feed as to composition and as to standards and classifications. The percentage of cottonseed hulls contained in cottonseed feed must be shown on the tags in order that this product may not be considered adulterated. 28 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed, Prime Quality, is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean, un- decorticated cottonseed to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire cottonseed, less the oil extracted and the lint removed. Stand- ard: It must contain not less than 28 per cent of crude protein. 25 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed, Prime Quality, is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean, un- decorticated cottonseed to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire cottonseed, less the oil extracted and the lint removed. Stand- ard: It must contain not less than 25 per cent of crude protein. Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed is whole-pressed cottonseed, ground. It must correspond to whole-pressed cottonseed as to composition and as to standards and classifications. Feterita Products Feterita Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent of protein, 2.80 per cent of fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUJPFS 41 Feterita Head Chop consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Feterita Head Stems consists of the head of feterita from which the grain has been removed. Kafir Products Kafir Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Kafir Head Chop consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8.50 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Kafir Head Stems consists of the head of kafir from which the grain has been removed. Lespedeza Products Lespedeza Meal is the product obtained from the grinding of the entire lespedeza hay, without the addition of any lespedeza stems, lespedeza straw, or foreign material, or the abstraction of leaves. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and weeds, and must not contain more than 28 pe-r cent of crude fiber. (Adopted 1938.) Lespedeza Stem Meal is the ground product remaining after the separa- tion of the leafy material from lespedeza hay or meal. It must be rea- sonably free from other crop plants and weeds. (Adopted 1938.) Lespedeza Straw Meal is the ground product remaining after the separa- tion of the seed from Lespedeza. It must be reasonably free from other crop plants and Weeds. (Adopted 1938.) Linseed and Flax Products ________ "Per Cent Protein Linseed Cake or__--______Per Cent Protein Linseed Meal is the product obtained in the removal of the oil from fiaxseed; provided that the final product contains less than 6 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials; and provided further, that no portion of the stated 6 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials shall be deliberately added. It shall not contain more than 0.5 per cent of acid insoluble ash. (Adopted 1933.) ...... --Per Gent Protein 01a Process Oil Meal or-_--____Per Gent Protein Old Process Linseed Meal is oil meal as defined below, produced by crush- ing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure. (Adopted prior to 1928.) ______ __ Pear Gent Protein New Process Oil Meal or Per Cent Protein New Process Linseed Meal is oil meal as defined below, produced by crushing, heating, and the use of solvents. (Adopted prior to 1928.) 42 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Flax Plant By-Product is that portion of the flax plant remaining after the separation of the seed, the bast fiber, and a portion of the shives, and consists of flax shives, flax pods, broken and immature flax seeds, and the cortical tissues of the stem. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Ground Flaxseed or Flaxseed Meal is the product obtained by grinding flaxseed which has been screened and cleaned of weed seeds and other foreign materials by the most improved commercial process; the final product must contain less than 4 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials, and no portion of the stated 4 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials shall be intentionally added. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Unscreened Flaxseed Oil Feed Oake is the product obtained by extrac- tion of part of the oil from unscreened flaxseed by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure, or by crushing, he-ating, and the use of solvents. The ingredients must be stated as “partially extracted flaxseed and foreign seeds (wheat, wild buckwheat, pigeon grass, wild mustard, etc.)." (Adopted prior to 1928.) Ground Unscreened; Flaxseed Oil Feed is the ground unscreened flaxseed oil feed cake. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Screenings Oil Feed is the ground product obtained after extraction of part of the oil by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure, or by crush- ing, heating, and the use of solvents from the smaller imperfect flaxseed, weed seeds, and other foreign materials having feeding value, separated in cleaning flaxseed. The name of the grain from which the screenings are separated must be prefixed to “screenings oil feed.” (Adopted prior to 1928.) ______ __Per Cent Protein Oil Cake is the product obtained after the extrac- tion of part of the oil by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic pressure, or by crushing, heating, and the use of solvents, from flaxseed which have been screened and cleaned of weed seeds and other foreign materials by the most improved commercial process. When used alone the term “Oil Cake" shall be understood to designate linseed cake as" defined. When used to cover any other product the name of the seed from which it is obtained must be prefixed to the words “Oil Cake.” (Adopted prior to 1928;) ______ __ Per Cent Protein Oil Meal or ____-_-_ Per Cent Protein Ground Oil Cake is oil cake ground to a meal. (Adopted prior to 1928.) ______ __ Per Cent Protein Linseed Feed is a mixture of linseed meal with screenings oil feed, or other flaxseed by-products, or both. (Adopted 1937.) Marine Products Fish Meal is clean, dried, ground tissues of undecomposed whole fish or fish cuttings, either or both, with or Without the extraction of part of the COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 43 oil, and contains not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). If it contains more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl), the amount of salt must constitute a part of the brand name, provided that in no case shall the salt content of this product exceed 7 per cent. (Adopted 1933.) Fish Residue Meal is the clean, dried, undecomposed residue from the manufacture of glue from non-oily fish, and contains not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). If it contains more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl), the amount of salt must constitute a part of the brand name, provided that in no case shall the salt content of this product exceed 7 per cent. (Adopted 1933.) Crab Meal is prepared from the undecomposed dried waste of the crab industry and contains the shell, viscera, and part or all of the flesh. It contains not less than 25 per cent of protein and not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). If it contains more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl), the amount of salt must constitute a part of the brand name, provided that in no" case shall the salt content of this product exceed 7 per cent. (Adopted 1933.) Shrimp Meal is prepared from the undecomposed dried waste of the shrimp industry and contains the head, hull, or the whole shrimp, either or in mixture, and not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). If it contains more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl), the amount of salt must constitute a part of the brand name, provided that in no case shall the salt content of this product exceed 7 per cent. (Adopted 1933.) Whale Meal is prepared from the clean, dried, unde-composed flesh of the whale, after part of the oil has been extracted. It contains not more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl). If it contains more than 3 per cent of salt (NaCl), the amount of salt must constitute a part of the brand name, provided that in no case shall the salt content of this product exceed" 7 per cent. (Adopted 1933.) Cod Liver Oil is the oil obtained from the livers of gadus morrhuae or other species of the family gadidae, either or both. It must contain not less than 850 U. S. P.‘ units of vitamin A and not less than 85 A. O. A. C.’ chick units of vitamin D per gram. (Adopted 1937-—Amended 1939.) Sardine Oil or Pilchard Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from the whole Pacific sardine or pilchard or from cannery re- fuse of this species of fish. (Adopted 1932.) Salmon Oil is the product obtained by extraction of. part of the oil from the cannery refuse of salmon. (Adopted 1932.) Tuna Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from the cannery refuse of tuna. (Adopted 1932.) lUnited States Pharmacopoeia. 1’Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 4A BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Menhaden Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from whole menhaden. (Adopted 1932.) Herring Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from the whole herring or part of the herring. (Adopted 1933.) Salmon Liver Oil is the product obtained by extraction of part of the oil from salmon livers. (Adopted 1933.) Stearine is the solid material obtained by filtration from an animal or vegetable oil after chilling or freezing in the process of refining. When this product is sold as a feed, the term shall be prefixed by the name of the oil from which it is obtained. (Adopted 1934.) Milk Products Evaporated Buttermilk, Concentrated Buttermilk, or Condensed Butter- milk is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from clean, sound buttermilk derived from natural cream to which no foreign substances have been added excepting such as are per- mitted and necessary in the manufacture of butter. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids, not less than 2 per cent of butterfat, and not more than .14 per cent of ash for each per cent of solids. This defini- tion does not prohibit the use of a distinctive trade name, provided it is followed by one of the names given. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Dried Buttermilk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the removal of water from clean, sound buttermilk derived from natural cream to which no foreign substances have been added, excepting such as are necessary and permitted in the manufacture of butter. It contains not more than 8 per cent of moisture, not more than 13 per cent of mineral matter (ash), and not less than 5 per cent of butterfat, as determined by the Roese-Gottlieb method. (Adopted 1932.) Dried Skimmed Milk (Feeding) is the product resulting from the re- moval of water from clean, sound skimmed milk. It contains not more than 8 per cent of moisture. (Adopted 1930.) Condensed Skimmed Milk is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from clean, sound skimmed milk. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids. (Adopted 1930.) Dried Soured Skimmed Milk is the product resulting from the removal of water from clean, sound skimmed milk which has been soured by a suitable culture of lactic bacteria. It contains not more than 8 per cent. of moisture. (Adopted 1932.) Evaporated; Soured Skimmed Milk, Concentrated Soured Skimmed Milk, or Condensed Soured Skimmed Milk is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from clean, sound skimmed milk which has‘ been soured by a suitable culture of lactic bacteria. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids. (Adopted 1932.) COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 45 Dried Whey is the by-product from the manufacture of cheese or casein, either or both. This product shall contain at least 65 per cent of lactose (milk sugar.) (Adopted 1934.) Cheese Rind is cooked, partially defatted cheese rind. (Adopted 1935.) Milo Products Milo Chop consists of the entire grain removed from the head and chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 10 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Milo Head Chop consists of the entire head, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 8.50 per cent of protein, 2.50 per cent of fat, and not more than 8 per cent of crude fiber. Milo Head Stems consists of the head of the milo from which the grain has been removed. Oat Products Oat Hulls is the product consisting of the outer covering of the oat. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Oat Middlings is the product consisting of the floury portions of the oat groat obtained in the milling of rolled oats. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Oat Shorts is the product consisting of the covering of the oat grain lying immediately inside the hull, being a fuzzy material carrying with it considerable portions of the fine floury part of the groat obtained in the milling of rolled oats. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Clipped Oat By-Product is the by-product obtained in the manufacture of clipped oats. It may contain the light chaffy material broken from the end of the hulls, empty hulls, light immature oats, and dust. It must not contain an excessive amount of oat hulls. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Oat Chop, Ground Oats, Pulverized Oats, Crushed Oats, or Crimped.‘ Oats consists of the entire product made by chopping, cutting, grinding, crushingyor crimping whole oats. (Adopted 1931.) Oat Groats are the kernels produced from cleaned and dried oats in the process of manufacturing oat meal. (Adopted 1931.) Hulled Oats or Undried Oat Groats are the kernels produced from the undried grain in the process of hulling oats. (Adopted 1931.) Oat Mill Feed (Oat Hulls, Oat Shorts, and Oat Middlings) is the entire by-product produced in the manufacture of oat groats and consists of oat hulls, oat shorts, and oat middlings. If used in a mixed feed, it shall be called Oat Mill Feed (Oat Hulls, Oat Shorts, and Oat Middlings). (Adopted 1932.) 46 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EGXPERIMEIVI‘ STATION Feeding Oat Meal is a product obtained in the manufacture of rolled oat groats or rolled oats and consists of broken rolled oat groats, oat groat chips, and fioury portions of the oat groats, with only such quantity of finely ground oat hulls as is unavoidable in the usual process of com- mercial milling. It must not contain more than 4 per cent of crude fiber. (Adopted 1938.) Cut Oat Groats, Cracked Oat Groats, or Ground Oat Groats is the product produced by cutting, cracking, or grinding oat groats. (Adopted 1938.) Peanut Products* 48 Per Cent Protein Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of sound peanuts, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must be finely ground and of sweet odor, and must contain not less than 48 per cent of protein, not less than 7 per cent of fat, and not more than 9 per cent of crude fiber. 45 Per Cent Protein Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of sound peanuts, free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must be of sweet odor, and contain not less than 45 per cent of protein, not less than 6 per cent of fat, and not more than 10 per cent of crude fiber. " 43 Per Cent Protein Peanut Meal is the product from the kernels of sound peanuts, reasonably free from excess of hulls and other foreign materials. Standard: It must be of sweet odor, and contain not less than 43 per cent of protein, not less than 6 per cent of fat, and not more than 12 per cent of crude fiber. Peanut Cake shall correspond to peanut meal as to composition and as to standards and classifications. 36 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean peanuts, free from sticks, stems, and dirt, to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire peanut less the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 36 per cent of protein and not more than 22 per cent of crude fiber. 34 Per Cent Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts is the product resulting from subjecting the whole, sound, mature, clean peanuts, reasonably free from sticks and stems, to pressure for the extraction of oil, and includes the entire peanut less the oil extracted. Standard: It must contain not less than 34 per cent of protein and not more than 24 per cent of crude fiber. Ground Whole-Pressed; Peanuts shall correspond to whole-pressed pea- nuts as to composition and as to standards and classifications. ‘Definitions not adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. Inc. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 47 Rice Products Rice Bran is the pericarp or bran layer of the rice, with only such quantity of hull fragments as is unavoidable in the regular milling of rice. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent of crude protein and 10 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 15 per cent of crude fiber. Rice Polishings is a by-product of rice obtained in the milling operation of brushing the grain to polish the kernel. ' (Adopted 1938.) Standard: It must contain not less than 11 per cent of crude protein and 6 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 4 per cent of crude fiber. Rice Hulls is the product consisting of the outer coverings of the rice. (Adopted prior to 1928.‘) Rice llleal is ground brown rice or ground rice after the hull has been removed. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Ground Rough Rice is ground rice from which the hull has not been removed or ground paddy rice. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Rice Stone Bran is the sittings from the material secured in removing hulls from rice and contains rice germs, broken rice, and some rice hulls. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Rice Huller Bran is a product secured by the huller and cones from brown rice and consists mostly of the bran and germs. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Screenings Screenings consist of a mixture of mill or elevator run materials or a combination of varying amounts of materials obtained in the process of.’ cleaning grain or seed, either or both, such as inferior, light, or broken grain or seed, weed seeds, hulls, chaff, joints, straw, elevator dust, floor sweepings. They must be relatively free of unpalatable or injurious weed seeds, sand, and dirt. They must not contain more than 14 per cent of fiber or more than 6.5 per cent of ash. If they bear a name descriptive of their kind or origin, they must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1935.) Screenings-—-Grain consist of inferior, light, or broken grain or seed , obtained in the process of cleaning grain or seed or recleaning screenings, either or both. They must be relatively free of weed seeds, chaff, straw, hulls, joints, sand, and dirt, and other foreign materials. If they bear a name descriptive of their kind or origin, they must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1935.) Screenings Waste or Screenings Refuse is a mixture of materials or a combination of varying amounts of materials obtained in the process» of cleaning grain or seed, either or both, or recleaning screenings, such as weed seeds which may be unpalatable or injurious, chafi, hulls, straw, 43. BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION sticks, joints, elevator dust, floor sweepings, sand, and dirt. (Adopted 1935.) Scourings consist of such portions of the cuticle, brush, white caps, dust, smut, and other materials as are separated from the grain in the usual commercial process of scouring. (Adopted prior to 1928.) NOTE%If to any of the Wheat by-product feeds there should be added screenings or scourings, as abov-e defined, either ground or unground, bolted or unbolted, such brand shall be so registered, labeled and sold as clearly to indicate this fact. The Word “Screenings,” or “Scourings,” as the case may be, shall appear as part of the name or brand and shall be printed in the same size and face of type as the remainder of the brand name. When the word “Screenings” appears, it is not necessary to show also on the labeling the Word “Scourings.” (Adopted prior to 1928.) The crude fiber standards as shown in the definitions for wheat products apply also it‘ screenings are added. (Adopted 1937.) Sorghum Products Head; Chop is the product consisting of the entire heads of the grain sorghums, chopped, and should bear the name of the sorghum from which it is made. This includes, among others, kafir head chop, milo head chop. feterita head chop, and sorghum head chop. (Adopted prior to 1928.) (See Table 13 for standards.) Head Stems is the product consisting of the stems from the heads of the grain sorghrms after the grain has been removed, and should bear the name of the sorghum from which it is made. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Soybean Products Ground Soybeans is the product obtained by grinding whole soybeans without cooking or removing any of the oil. (Adopted 1933.) ______ __ Per Cent Protein Soybean Oil Cake or Per Cent Protein Soybean Oil Chips is the product after the extraction of part of the oil by pressure or solvents from soybeans. If a name descriptive of the process of manufacture such as expeller, hydraulic, or solvent extracted. be used, the product must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1937.) Per Cent Protein Soybean Oil Meal is ground soybean oil cake or ground soybean oil chips. If apname descriptive of the process of manu- facture, such as expeller, hydraulic, or solvent extracted, be used, the product must correspond thereto. (Adopted 1939.) Wheat Products Wheat Bran is the coarse outer covering of the wheat kernel as sepa- rated from cleaned and scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial milling. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 49 than 14.50 per cent of crude protein and 3 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 10 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Red Dog is a by-product obtained in the usual commercial process of flour milling,» consisting principally of aleurone with small quantities of wheat flour and fine wheat bran particles and must not contain more than 4 per cent of crude fiber. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Wheat Brown Shorts consists mostly of the fine particles of wheat bran, wheat germ, and very little of the fibrous offal obtained from the “tail of the mill.” This product must be obtained in the usual commercial process of milling. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 7.5 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Gray Shorts (Total Shorts) consists of the fine particles of the outer bran, the inner bran or bee-wing bran, the germ and the offal, or fibrous material obtained from the “tail of the mill.” This product must be obtained in the usual process of commercial milling. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and 11ot more than 6 per cent of crude fiber. \Vheat ‘Vhite Shorts consists of a small portion of the fine wheat bran particles and the wheat germ and a large portion of the fibrous offal obtained from the “tai1 of the mill.” This product must be obtained in the usual process of flour milling. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 14.5 per cent of crude protein and 3 pe-r cent of crude fat, and not more than 3.5 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Mixed Feed consists of wheat bran and the gray or total shorts combined in the proportions obtained in the usual process of commercial milling. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Standard: It must contain not less than 15 per cent of crude protein and 3.5 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 8.5 per cent of crude fiber. Wheat Low-Grade Feed Flour is a by-product obtained in the usual commercial process of flour milling, consisting principally of wheat flour with small quantities of aleurone and fine wheat bran particles and must not contain more than 1.5 per cent of crude fiber. (Adopted prior to 1928.) XVheat Chop is the entire berry of sound wheat, chopped. Standard: It must contain not less than 12 per cent of crude protein and 2 per cent of crude fat, and not more than 3 per cent of crude fiber. Yeast Yeast is a product composed of living or dead cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae with impurities not exceeding commercial grade; it shall contain 50 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION at least 45 per cent of protein on the moisture-free basis. (Adopted 1938.) Irradiated Yeast is yeast which has been subjected to ultra-violet rays in order t0 increase its antirachitic potency; it shall contain at least 45 per cent of protein on the moisture-free basis. (Adopted 1938.) (NOTE)—If yeast or irradiated yeast consists of bakers’ type yeast, the term “bakers’ type” shall precede the word yeast; if it consists of brewers’ type yeast, the term “brewers’ type” shall precede the word yeast. Miscellaneous Products Palm Kernel Oil Meal is the ground residue from the extraction of part of the oil by pressure Or solvents from the kernel of the fruit of Elaeis guineensis or Elaeis melanococca. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Ground Velvet Bean and Pod is the product derived by grinding velvet. beans with the pod. It contains no additional pods or other materials. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Velvet Bean Meal is ground velvet beans containing only an unavoidable trace of hulls or pods. (Adopted prior to 1928.) ______ __ Per Cent Protein Cocoanut Oil Meal or 7' Per Cent Protein Oopra Oil Meal is the ground residue from the extraction of part of the oil from the dried meat of the cocoanut. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Ivory Nut Meal is the ground waste material resulting from the manu- facture of buttons and similar articles from the vegetable ivory nut. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Processed Garbage is composed of dried animal and vegetable waste from garbage collected sufiiciently often that harmful decomposition has not set in and separated from materials such as crockery and glass. Its A odor must not be suggestive of the presence of decomposition and it must contain less than one per cent of glass. None of it shall contain knife-like or needle-like particles, and the maximum percentage of glass should be stated on the label when present in excess of one-fifth of one per cent. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Chop is a ground or chopped feed composed of one or more different cereals or by-products thereof. If it bears a name descriptive of the kind of cereals, it must be made exclusively of the entire grains of those cereals. (Adopted prior to 1928.) Dried Beet Pulp is the dried residue from sugar beets which have been cleaned and freed from crowns, leaves, and sand, and which have been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar. (Adopted prior to 1928.) , Iodized Salt is common salt (NaCl) containing not less than 0.015 per cent of iodine, uniformly distributed. (Adopted 1937.) COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 51 Dried Citrus Pulp is the peel, pulp, rag, some seed, and occasional cull fruit of citrus fruit which has been ground, filter-pressed, and dried. It may or may not be partially neutralized with lime, the finished product to contain not more than 0.5 per cent of calcium (Ca). If it bears a name descriptive of the source, it must conform thereto. (Adopted 1939.) Feeding Cane Molasses is a by-product of the manufacturing of cane sugar from cane and shall contain 48 per cent or more of total sugars expressed as invert sugar. Its solution in an equal Weight 0f water shall "test not less than 39.75 degrees Brix. (Adopted 1940.) Feeding Beet Molasses is a by-product of the manufacture of beet sugar from sugar beets and shall contain 48 per cent or more of total sugars expressed as invert sugar. Its solution in an equal weight of water shall test not less than 39.75 degrees Brix. (Adopted 1941.) Feeding Corn Sugar Molasses is a by-product of the manufacture of corn sugar from corn and shall contain 48 per cent or more of reducing sugars expressed as dextrose, and shall contain 60 per cent or more of total carbohydrates. Its solution in an equal weight" of water shall test not less than 39.00 degrees Brix. (Adopted 1941.) TENTATIVE DEFINITIONS These definitions have received favorable consideration, but are not official. They are subject to revision before final adoption. T-l. Vitamin A and D Feeding Oil is either fish or fish liver oil or a blend of two or more of the following: Vitamin A and/or D concen- trate, synthetic vitamin D, fish liver oil, fish oil, marine animal oil, or edible vegetable oil. The vitamin pot-ency shall be stated in A. O. A. C. chick units of vitamin D and U. S. P. units of vitamin A per gram. (Proposed 1939—-Amended 1941.) (Note)-This is an emergency definition and can be used only for the calendar year 1942. T-2. Vitamin D Feeding Oil is either fish or fish liver oil or a blend of two or more of the following: vitamin D concentrate, synthetic vita- min D, fish liver oil, fish oil, marine animal oil, or edible vegetable oil. The vitamin potency shall be stated in A. O. A. C. chick units of vitamin D per gram. (Proposed 1940—Amended 1941.) (Note)—This is an emergency definition and can be used only for the calendar year 1942. T-3. Vitamin A Feeding Oil is either fish or fish liver oil or a blend of two or more of the following: vitamin A concentrate, fish liver oil, fish oil, marine animal oil, or edible vegetable oil, The vitamin potency shall be stated in U. S. P. units of vitamin A per gram. (Proposed 1941.) 52 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION (Note)-—T'his is an emergency definition and can be used only for calendar year 1942. T-4. Fortified Cod Liver Oil is a product consisting of cod liver oil mixed with a small amount of other fish oils or fish oil concentrates or vitmain D, so as to contain not less than 400 A. O. A. C. chick units of vitamin D per gram and shall be labeled with the minimum guaranty in U. S. P. vitamin units of A per gram. If any other oil is so fortified it shall bear a name descriptive of its origin (as Fortified Sardine Oil, For- tifi-ed Pilchard Oil, etc.). (Proposed 1937——Amended 1938, 1939, 1940.) T-5. D Activated Animal Sterol is a product which is obtained by activation of a sterol fraction of animal origin with ultra-violet light or other means. For label identification it may be followed with the parenthetical phrase “Vitamin D.” (Proposed 1940——Am~ended 1941.) T-6. Animal Liver Meal is the product obtained by drying and grind- ing liver from slaughtered mammals. This product must contain at least 60 micrograms of riboflavin per gram. (Proposed 1941.) T-7. Animal Liver and Glandular Meal is the product obtained by dry- ing and grinding liver and other glandular tissue from slaughtered mam- mals. At least 50 per cent of the dry weight of the product must be derived from liv-er and the product must contain at least 40 micrograms of riboflavin per gram. (Proposed 1941.) T-8. Brewers’ Dried Grains is the dried solids of extracted barley malt or mixture with other extracted cereal grains and grain products, resulting from the manufacture of wort. (Suggested 1938—-Proposed 1940.) T-9. Malt Sprouts is the product obtained by the removal of the sprouts from malted barley together with the malt hulls‘, other parts of malt and foreign material unavoidably present. It shall contain not less than 24 per cent of protein. (Proposed 1941.) T-10. Recleaned Malt Sprouts is the product obtained after the re- moval of most of the malt hulls from malt sprouts, or the malt sprouts obtained by the first cleaning of malted barley produced in the drum method of malting. It shall contain not more than 2 per cent of malt hulls and not less‘ than 28 per cent of protein. (Proposed 1941.) T-11. ______ __ Per Cent Protein Malt Cleanings is the product obtained from the cleaning of malted barley or from the recleaning of malt which does not meet the minimum protein standard of malt sprouts. (Pro- posed 1941.) ~ T-12. Malt Hulls is the product consisting almost entir-ely of hulls as obtained in the cleaning of malted barley. (Proposed 1941.) COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFlfS 53 T-13. Flaked Corn is the product obtained by running cracked corn which has been aspirated and properly tempered, over smooth flaking rolls and subsequently dried and cooled. ' (Proposed 1941.) T-14. Cotton By-Products Sittings is a product consisting of a mix- ture of cotton leaves, cottonseed kernels and a small amount of burr and boll obtained from cleaning cotton waste from cotton lint, and shall con- tain at least 10 per cent of protein and not more than 20 per cent of crude fiber and 10 per cent of ash. (Proposed 1941.) T-15. Corn Distillers’ Dried Grains is the dried residue obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from corn, or from a. grain mixture in which corn predominates. (Proposed 1941.) T-16. Rye Distillers’ Dried Grains is the dried residue obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from rye, or from a grain mixture in which rye predominates. (Proposed 1941.) T-17. Corn Distillers’ Dried Grains with Solubles is the dried residue obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from corn, or from a grain mixture in which corn predominates, and contains the major portion of the condensed screened stillage» dried therewith. (Pro- posed 1941.) T-18. Bye Distillers’ Dried Grains with Solubles is the dried residue obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from rye, or from a grain mixture in which rye predominates, and contains the major portion of the condensed screened stillage dried therewith. (Proposed 1941.) T-19. Semi-Solid Corn Distillers’ Grains with Solubles is the residue from the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquor from corn, or from a grain mixture in which corn predominates, obtained by condensing to a syrupy consistency the entire stillage contained therein. (Proposed 1941.) T-20. Semi-Solid Rye Distillers’ Grains with Solubles is the residue from the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from rye, or from .a grain mixture in which rye predominates, obtained by condensing to a syrup consistency the entire stillage contained therein. (Proposed 1941.) T-21 Semi-Solid Corn Distillers’ Solubles is the product obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and‘ distilled liquors from corn, or from a grain mixture in which corn predominates, by condensing to a syrupy con- sistency the screened stillage obtained therefrom. (Proposed 1941.) T-22. Semi-Solid Rye Distillers’ Solubles is the product obtained in the manufacture of alcohol and distilled liquors from rye, or from a grain mixture in which rye predominates, by condensing to a syrupy consistency the screened stillage obtained therefrom. (Proposed 1941.) 54 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION T-23. Dried Corn Distillers’ Solubles is the product obtained by dry- ing Semi-Solid Corn Distillers’ Solubles. (Proposed 1941.) T-24. Dried Rvye Distillers’ Solubles is the product obtained by drying Semi-Solid Rye Distillers’ Solubles. (Proposed 1941.) T-25. Ground Flaxseed or Flaxseed Meal is the product obtained by grinding flaxseed which has been screened and cleaned of weed seeds- and other foreign materials by the most improved commercial process; the final product must contain less than 6 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials, and, provided further, that no portion of the stated 6 per cent of weed seeds and other foreign materials shall be deliberately added. (Proposed 1941.) T-26. ______ __ Per Cent Protein Linseed Oil Cake or ...... -_ Per Cent Pro- tein Linseed Oil Chips is the product obtained after the removal of part of the oil from ground flaxseed as described above. It shall contain not more than 0.5 per cent of acid insoluble ash. If a name descriptive of the process of manufacture, such as hydraulic, mechanical, or solvent ex- tracted be used, the product must correspond thereto. (Proposed 1941.) T-27. ______ __ Per Cent Protein Linseed Oil Meal is finely ground Lin- seed Oil Cake or finely ground Linseed Oil Chips. (Proposed 1941.) T-28. ______ _- Per Cent Protein Linseed Cubes or Pellets, processed through a cubing or pelleting machine, must be firm but not fiinty, of sweet odor, free of mold, and when ground must produce Linseed Oil Meal as defined above. (Proposed 1941.) T-29. Flaxseed Screenings Oil Feed is the ground product obtained after extraction of part of the oil by crushing, cooking, and hydraulic or mechanical pressure, or by crushing, heating and the use of solvents, from the smaller imperfect flaxseed, weed seeds and other foreign ma- terials having feeding value, separated in cleaning flaxseed. (Proposed 1941.) T-30. ______ __ Per Cent. Protein Linseed Feed is a mixture of Linseed Oil Meal with flaxseed Screenings Oil Feed, or other flaxseed by-products, or both. (Proposed 1941.) T-31 Flax Plan-t By-Product is that portion of the flax plant re- maining after the separation of the seed, the bast fibre, and a portion of the shives, and consists of flax shives, flax pods, broken and immature flax seeds, and the cortical tissues of the stem. (Proposed 1941.) T-32. Condensed Whey is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from clean, sound cheese or casein whey, either or both. It contains not less than 27 per cent of total solids. (Sug- gested 1939—Proposed 1941.) COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUITFS‘ 55 T-33. Condensed Whey ______ -- Per Cent Solids is the product result- ing from the removal of a considerable portion of water from clean, sound cheese or casein whey, either or both. It contains more than 27 per cent of total solids. (Suggested 1939-—Proposed 1941.) T-34. Dried WVhey Solubles is the product resulting from the removal of albumen and the partial removal of milk sugar from clean, sound whey, to which no foreign substances have been added except such as are necessary in the manufacture of milk sugar. v (Proposed 1941.) T-35. Condensed \Vhey Solubles is the product resulting from the re- moval of albumen and the partial removal of“ milk sugar from clean, sound whey, to which no foreign substances have been added except such as are necessary in the manufacture of milk sugar. This product shall contain at least 50 per cent of total solids. (Proposed 1941.) T-36. Dried Milk By-Product is a designation which may be used in the list of ingredients of a mixed feed to indicate the presence of dried skimmed milk, dried buttermilk, or dried whey, or a blend of two or more of these products. (Proposed 1941.) T-37. Commercial Wheat Germ Meal is a commercial product obtained in the grinding of wheat, composed chiefly of wheat germs together with some bran and middlings or shorts and shall contain not less than 25 per cent of protein and 9 per cent of fat. (Proposed 1941.) T-38. Wheat Germ Oil Cake is the cake secured in the removal of part of the oil from commercial wheat germs and shall contain not less than 29 per cent of protein. (Proposed 1941.) T-39. Wheat Germ Oil Meal is ground wheat germ oil cake. (Pro- posed 1941.) (Note)—lf any wheat or wheat by-product feeds shall be wholly or partly degermed, such products shall be registered, labeled, and sold as to clearly indicate this fact. T-40. Distillers’ Molasses Solubles is the product obtained by drying the residue obtained from the yeast fermentation of molasses after the removal of the alcohol by distillation. (Proposed 1940.) T-41. Sweet Potato Pulp is the dried residue remaining as a by- product in the process of separation of the starch in its manufacture from sweet potatoes. (Proposed 1938.) T-42. Ground Peanut Vine Hay is the ground product obtained after the separation of peanuts from peanut vines and contains all or a large portion of the leaves and vines. (Proposed 1941.) T-43. Ground Peanut Vine Stem Hay is the ground product obtained after the separation of peanuts from peanut vines from which prac- 56 BULLETIN N0". s20, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION tically all of the leaves have been removed and only vines and stems remain. (Proposed 1941.) T44. 0.007 per cent of iodine, uniformly distributed. Iodized Salt is common salt (NaCl) containing not less than (Proposed 1941.) MINERAL FEEDS Mixed feeds containing both feed and more than 5 per cent of mineral ingredients require, in addition to the usual declaration of the chemical feed analysis, a declaration of each ingredient contained therein and the minimum percentages of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), iodine (I), and the maximum percentage of salt (NaCl) if same be present. If minerals predominate in the mixture, the usual declaration of the chemical feed analysis, with the exception of protein, may be omitted. In mineral feeds for which no nutritional properties other than those of a mineral nature are claimed, the usual chemical guaranties need not be declared. A declaration should be made of each ingredient contained therein and the minimum percentages of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), iodine (I), and the maximum percentage of salt (NaCl) if same be "present. The mineral ingredients should be stated in the common English terms, if any such terms exist. RECOGNIZED ENGLISH NAME AND ARTICLE OR SUBSTANCE INDICATED ENGLISH SYNONYM, IF ANY BY THE NAME AND SYNONYM Capsicum; Red Pepper Cupric Sulphate; Copper Sulphate Ferric Oxide; Red Oxide of Iron Ferrous Sulphate Dextrose Glucose Lactose; Milk Sugar Magnesium Sulphate; Epsom Salts Potassium Bitartrate; Cream of Tartar Potassium Nitrate; Saltpeter Sodium Nitrate; Chile Saltpeter The dried, ripe fruit of any species of Capsicum. Crystallized copper sulphate with im- purities not exceeding commercial grade. Ferric oxide with impurities not ex- ceeding commercial grade. Crystallized ferrous sulphate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. A refined. crystallized sugar obtained chiefly by the hydrolysis of starch or of a starch-containing substance. A syrup obtained by the incomplete hydrolysis of starch 0r of a starch- containing substance. A sugar obtained from cow's milk. Magnesium sulphate with impurities" not exceeding commercial grade. Potassium bitartrate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. Potassium nitrate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. Sodium nitrate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. COMMERCIAL» FEEDING STU FFS 57 RECOGNIZED ENGLISH NAME AND ARTICLE OR SUBSTANCE INDICATED ENGLISH SYNONYM, IF ANY BY THE NAME AND SYNONYM Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Chloride; Common Salt Sodium Sulphate; Glauber’s Salt Sulphur Calcium Phosphate Dicalcium Phosphate Bone Ash Precipitated Calcium Carbonate; Precipitated Chalk Rock Phosphate Phosphatic Limestone Limestone; Calcite Dolomitic Limestone; Dolomite Shell Oyster Shell Sodium bicarbonate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. Sodium chloride with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. Sodium sulphate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. Sulphur with impurities not exceed- ing commercial grade. Tricalcium salt of phosphoric acid with impurities not exceeding com- mercial grade. Dicalcium salt of phosphoric acid with impurities not exceeding com- mercial grade. The ash obtained by burning bones with free access of air and containing 15.3--16.6% P. Precipitated calcium carbonate with impurities not exceeding commercial grade. Ground phosphate rock of commercial grade. Ground phosphate-containing lime- stone of commercial grade. Ground calcium limestone of com- mercial grade. Ground calcium-magnesium limestone of commercial grade. Ground shells of oysters or of other mollusks. Ground shells of oysters. (Adopted 1935.) Mineral feeds must be registered and labeled according to the specifica- tions shown above. During the past year We have analyzed sixty-one samples of mineral feed and the results appear in Table 14. 58 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRIGULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 23 -i -- #3 5Q 8.5 wit. $3 20A S“. 3w? mwwzwwcaw <33 !i-i 93 “=3 Se i.» 3. 2.3 ............. $282 gem uwfiwfiw mwwo0pn~ 3oz 530.0% §mm 500w wcoQ wwmxwH dsNoH ficemfloun ioflmtfifi maMoH rodn ioflnvmfluflu flaofifioav umacuflomnou mmmmm mmmmm N? wfimw SM is mo; S. 3.0 393x04 - H 9mm fimw 3.» w A 5d S. is mfiwzfimca» dQwwH - -- - a 3 93.. .................. -- 3.0 09m Q06 g6 ............................. : H002 000m wofidmim fifiowmw 532% “xvm wcomkmwwwwwfi éflfinouficO Somwoflsah flaw £3239 Shown roan ioflnumuuqn Hsodflwnb uouscfiomflov M: 9mm ........ .- o4“. Nd ......... .. $92.93.‘ Qmmwfi 93 n26 0.0 Q.» ............... ---0cwE2m0:m $0052 WInQhGU v dawns!" ficmfiflnoaflfl .35. Snaaiou flaw honab .23 H4: ........ -- 6d 0.3 3S wwmwflmcaw 0503. i» i: .3 $2 s; rasméaé $0052 052m msfimu 003B dofloflcnfi ufla 6.33M. isfimfi .25: uwom M2555 max. i; ........ -. u.» #3 392.004 043m 06m ....... -- .2 Q3 xaouwoifl pow 050E -2005 10.852 0000M 502m Q0300 daxoh €ooBnBonfi .55 :0 nofieo uookak9fi BSA n60 ....... .- m6 0d.- --|-.---- 393x04 DNZZ #3 E36 Q4 06m 00050395 1000.22 mbozm 653B 59.33 each ..n. H Qnsafiao nfim 20x73 CV An: T000 nw< .955 uodbxfi 30E umrm 530.5 “QQMMWH 03w 0503 350:0 EBFJQU 005.00 ‘$02 $90-5» 00:00 2:50 2220 n03 -m0sn~ -0502 dEmZ 052m ..$0.~oQE~ .3 A .5 uohsuoduscmea 00 mm9€©< Uid oEwZ noswbmflwwm 0:00 mom . Adofim: 05.95 M53028 mofimfiyh 035.5 0.5 woficsuaflw 23.0 awn." in awn-mid o» .30." J nonfiounom iuoofi 3.35am m0 nomhduad Ufld flofifimomfiob woouflanafifi in 03.2w COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS <2“ <2» mafia wwZw 22H “w”; m5» Q22: M23 mwmi: m2 H3 023 023 mwi: M23 <33 <23 Q3 93 k5 Q3 Q3 “.3 93 229° ‘=50 nnnnqnn ‘aw w-Qrvqv-a +41“ HA: 93 f: W3 a?“ mam Q5“ “.3 Qjfl ©N§r4 ‘QQD UDLOQQ‘ @101 “Ilrifififl fioflasnamrmon onouon uofimdnsmv éouwaw fins.» 3cm 59G c3553 Moopm s“ “E5054 6333.5.“ was». i5 éumwfi wow? EUOEMGMQ FOfi #350.“ M305 ECU“ In; > ...... -- ..---l| 3a 2w3mc< $4 .--.----.------------.-.~.m$5E H.605 Qcwopwnfifim dsmnafi rmmomon. 58.5300 maofiuonfi Qsoonofi E mwmmwmsdw 129:5 owsdm dcNoH 655x54 S52E30 mnUn-nafiounufl =wflmfidq< 722:2 x85 m é H 693B fioumfloun 5082M 8 onabnfl 292.23 ....... idmnofium xoouwwkrflq 352m hfimmg mwmhflmfl< @2352 E352 “SEA-ES Ufldhm .8352 dsnoh. Eoonnnfl £55! hfionoofl .................................. i: ewwwm~m~dfl< Qomnm now comrm Enos“? “Edam flfiooam Ehosoomm éBou fiaounsflonm Siam LfloO nouBofi oBumO Q moi hiofloofl mwmhflmcdw ~F$GEZ p335 wmnndwfiO $4; EWESE g6 MEN uwwh Epwcia wwoahsméflfi wzgmwzO :3 wifiwzd» 2.». -...e$.m EQQES wwompsmfidfi» 951350 $58260 iflownd moH 65H SflamEoO mfinosfi hing-O 32$ g5 5. $3 w? 5AM ma???» £45 3d NNA £4 N“: 3.5m mwfififi‘ 3J3 fia 2: $4 g. mod“ m~w3a¢< >92. m?» i”. £4 3. 22$ flmrafiw 60 BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION a3” Q3 ........ -- Z ZS 29334 53$ 93. ........ -- 3 #2 $60 bbdQ pow 3:33am Hdpwcwg wndpmn $577925 fiaxou... isfldfl rh £5. 5E5 nofipbwd-H Hi; i; ........ .. m. m3 \\\\\\\ ; Embw=< Q5. Q3 p. 9E Bmbfi? mNS Q5 Iii p. 93 flwbdi m3 wan o. 1E 392x24 Z32 :3 ........ .. 3 9: .-:----.- 0.3552 GWQQQQA 222m wmmxszo dcuah .UOOB.H>POHQ inonwonfl “Sufism” <82 wdm ........ -- w. 9: HZ wfifififlw ¢Smmfi Q66. ........ -- ws 9: ........ : 3:» ...................................... -- $55335 fidpwcQ/H fiaNoH. isfisfi 5H cm Sfismfiofi huwqflofl BS}. ........ -- m6 MAN $0.9m gs 3A mm.» Ka Saw 292mg. 93w .................. -- W3 mam mmdw 3w.» mma S; 3a mouwm Ewfimfiw 9mg ........ .- m6 W3 Sam 2Q wed 3A mm.“ N95. mmmzfims< mm ........ -. Em HAN mwsm fiww 5d mNH ma...“ 3am 292x24 Si; .................. -- 93 2i ........ -- is i.» 3Q 2.2‘. :32 wcom wwfiwwgw 2750mm $ow ofifimpofii B23 -----i| -|!--- $6 v.3. 3am M2; Emu 2w. XE fisw. 2P2¢=< m9.» ...... -i ........ -- i: i; .................. -- 2Q S.» 3Q 3.3 ................... -432 96m Bwm Bfimhg; 588a. 5983 29m 53mm 5:00 hflmnum Q mpoduouH-hfi ovcwwnwwnu 25$ ........ -- 9S mém 3.2V 2a 2Q 2w. 34. QQQH .......................................... -- wsfiwfiwnl» 8.5:; ........ .. w.» :3 ........ -- i: 3.5 g.» 26m ............. --.?.wE 95m 8.2m cwwfifim $3 demon. iopmflofi QfldnfioO mniuafi flopmnofi 20x73 A: An: AdOV =3» 0.25 3.93am “warm Qdrm 532M MQQEDZ 2am QEwQH mshosm EEQENO @250 $32 owpwémw QUDuU owFHO 3:50 QQSQQQmQH éonfl -9654 dEdZ wswpm QSLQQQS no .5 poiiodwdcdz we mmwpumi» wad oEmZ Qofidbmvwom uiwo hwmm wouarnaolwwwfi .8 Afiwadi MZHNMD. wciwoiou mofimfi 5w UQQGMMQ OHM moEcsamsw QSEV amumnd 0e rhvmn J noafiwumom iuowh Hmnoaflun no mww~2cn4 5E nofifiwomznov uomwqsasnfi .3 oHncH. 61 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS mSN >£m~ mix <£3 .53 <33 1S2: A32. m3 42:. MSW mo”? wZN <25 >55 M523 mmgi M? M2; 3g -Z-i mm qmoma mm HNNHN QP-l “ffi WQ WWW QQ NH man an r3 QILQLO©LO §'I>QO@QCYJ 9.: Q3 I500 Flfi‘ $2691 MOOIQ *0‘! lOv-lv-l hi‘ ‘WQIIN H01 2a Q3 éwwmfinuc noflasnamflmofi» §ww2 22E 3cm 50am uobofiou Moovm 5 afificfid. éofimflflnnu muss i5 6¢mu§ vow? wwwfiwca» m3: =92. 5.2 6nd." 2.3 34m 2.6 23 mg e9». QQHUOQO’: QQLO§OQQ$ wwfi 2.3 mi? 3.3 2.3 eo '66 cwwrm 26352 Ufldhmm hfisvfi isNoH. iofnaaofi Juflanoxfl hufl-dfl flophnnoh mwmfiwfliw fifibwcw2 3292654 wwmfimzgw .§E§§2 .§qnoufl_uO Snack nfiw =3 nzflm J5 E3.“ wwmhflmfl< gcwcmfimmsw 29652 dsxon... 6.3120 :35 fifiamfiofl #223 QomHoZ mwmfiwsaq 9:352 §$E2 128mm P9502 653B iflfiquun rfl an Sflcmiob i330 oaooun mwmh~dn< .-...-Q.§QNM2 Q3222 Ufldhm EGQkOGNOH. daxoh Jacfiafl fincnfioO #236 Q woo-n uqwuhsun Ewfidflaw ............. igcwfiofimasm #2322 odQJ¢m2 dawn-H Eoonhflfl Qfisnfiob mnfinfiwosudflsun 5W2 mwwmfidc< uworm 2x552 ommdm 2552mm >§§_G =>>9~O m.GB.~dH>H wfiwfidc< wfimfidcmw illilllli: umdww mfinfimpcoo wwwrm 19552 052m zfifimukw czvoaO wbSEme/H fimHoH. fioflno? 5:38:00 Ofld-Hufi-"PHG: emfimidflaw uowrm 2.9552 ixmfleun Jaaonflfl .25.. Snwnfiou unnnun a Haunt 2G3 62 BULLETIN N0. s20, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION m2; A 3.151.. 2.3 ........ -- 0.2 0.02 02002024 4302 0.00 ii--- 0.2 2:0. 0.250222 20202222 60220.2. 0.20052 20m $202230 2322M Pfiofiflooam 0020.2 2.2mm ........ -- v.0 0.2m 29mm 2W0 2. $2 200.0 $.02 0202024 2.3m .................. .. 0.0 0 202m 222m 52.0 $2 20. 22am $.02 0202024 022$ .................. -- 0.02 2.2m 02.3 £2. 3.2 3. 0.0.0 02.5 02022024 00$ .................. -. 0.02 2.02 ...... -i 20.0 00.0 00.0 00.00 2.0022 020m $0M 002200002 220002.22 $22 0.02am donoflsnfl 020 .m2022222 6.0002220 220222200 d 0.33m 02$ .................. .. 0&2 2.0m z ...................................... .- 3.0202024 M252 .................. : 0.22 0.00 20202222 0202M 0022200222020 .00M0.2.. 620M224 20m $202500 20.202222 Mofi-asm m2; 2.0m 5---»: m...“ 2:2 0202024 200$ 0.20.2 ........ -. 02.0. 0.2.2 0.2250222 20202222 0.0200002 $020.2. $002M 520222200 Q 022.0022 > 0.0 ........ -- m.“ 0&2 $0.2. 0202024 v2.2.2 21.2 ........ -- 0d 2.02 $2 . 0202024 002w 0.0 00.0 2.2. 2.02 25.». .|.---------------.---0000M 202B 22022022225 20.202222 1202,4222: 02000200222 .0302 £02205 0022 . r022 .m02.20¢d.20n.d.H 2.022.222 @222 .................. .. 2.62 0.2m 200.00 20.2 $2.2 in 2.0 02.2w 02002024 M022 .................. -- 0.02 2.2m 20.00 $2.0 00.2 N0. 3.0 5.22.. 0202024 M22002 ....... -- 0.02 2.20 ........ -- I ..... ,- 00.0 S.» 02.0 20.3 20022 020m 3.0m 22000.5 202w 0.2000202 60220.2. 600M 2H $202500 02222002 20220.2 2007C 220 T20 2000 204 0.225 000202222 202202 00h 2200022 20222272 0.20m 022002 0220222 222202.00 002.20 L202 0022220020 002.20 00220 00220 2030022022 1002.22 0.5272 .0532 0202M .2022022222 .20 20 202220002202 00 000.2004 020 022.072 202002020022 2200 20m 2.002202 020.5 02020202 002.022 22 00222222 0.20 0022202025. 02,20 00222220Ol|mwm2 .20 202024 0a .2002 .2 .20n220..:20m $000.2 20.20223 .20 02022024 020 2022200222200 0002202026 .02 0220.2. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS acoamunua floflpanpuflwufi» downs» 55. 3am 59G umiofifi n02» 5 3:854 éosmwnnfiu mum» $5 6992a van? 0N2: 0S3 mfifi mmfi: 4mm? 132i a3». aw? e2 mflmmi mo? mom"; N.O.n N2: e4: m6 Q6 HJN gm m3 W3. Wfi M13 mam 9mm wwmhdmc< . xoovm you wcsomfioO Mmpwciz mfixfimkw mfiwfidndw 2.325% pow wcsonfioO E3232 mcflfimkw 392x54 mmom pow wcnomfioO 191322 wfixfig? . ._muouod§i 5305B .5 ..n onH. SflamEoO minus? wwmfidnww wMmKSQIw www~fldi< ‘gpwmgpoh Hwfizsi wfifim >m>>-<-3> dawn-H J3me? each 58.3500 noflmmiflfiov 6 #385 uflmflsun r $93.25‘ xogfim wzom “swam idHoH Sud-H ~H $53500 coo-m 8 Honk fioBuru 64 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL’ EXPERIMENT STATION RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN FEED CONTROL OFFICIALS, INC. The following resolutions have been adopted by the Association of American Feed Control Ofiicials, Inc.: Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that we understand the term “Nitrogen-free Extract” to cover the product indicated by the percentage obtained by subtracting from 100 per cent the sum of the percentages of Ash, Moisture, Protein, Fat, and Fiber; (Adopted prior to 1923.) Resolve-d, That the term “Carbohydrates” be interpreted t0 cover the product indicated by the percentage obtained by the addition of the percentages of crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract; (Adopted prior to 1923.) Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that a ton of feed be 2,000 pounds, net; (Adopted prior to 1923.) Resolved, That this Association go. on record as opposing the use of second-hand bags unless they are turned wrong side out so that the original stenciling will not be displayed; (Adopted prior to 1923.) Resolved, That this Association go on record to the effect that the term “cracked corn” does not apply to degermed cracked corn; (Adopted prior to 1923.) Resolved, That this Association go on record as condemning the practice of packing feeding stuffs in bags containing 99 pounds net and billing and charging for 100 pounds net; (Adopted 1923.) Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that no product sold under a trade or proprietary name be recognized for the purpose of formulating definitions, standards, etc.; (Adopted 1927.) Resolved, That all mixtures containing mineral ingredients generally regarded as dietary factors essential for the normal nutrition of animals and which are sold or represented for the primary purpose of supplying these minerals as additions to rations in which these same mineral factors may be deficient, be classified as mineral feeds; Resolved, That all other preparations which are sold or represented primarily for the cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease be classified by this Association as drugs, medicines, or specifics; (Adopted 1926.) Resolved, (a) That it is the sense of this Association that the names of feed materials or their combinations must not be misleading as to the kind, character, and nature of the material or materials; (b) That the name of each feed material should be stated in its simplest form and in the common English term, if such term exists, omit-a ting all superfluous or ambiguous words; COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 05 (c) That if a descriptive name is used, the material must correspond thereto; (Adopted 1930.) Resolved, That this Association go on record as disapproving the use of artificial colors in the manufacture of feedstuffs, excepting use of a Federal F. D. & C.* certified dye or dyes solely to indicate the distribution of a valuable ingredient or ingredients. The dye or dyes shall not affect the natural color of the treated feedstuff. (Adopted 1931—-Amended 1939.) Resolved, That any material sold primarily as a vitamin D supplement for poultry shall be labeled with a minimum guarantee of vitamin D potency expressed as Association of Official Agricultural Chemists’ chick units of vitamin D per gram, determined according to the tentative pro- cedure adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, and assuming that one U. S. P. unit of vitamin D in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia “Reference Cod Liver Oil” equals one Association of Official Agricultural Chemists’ chick unit. (Adopted 1933; Amended 1935, 1936.) Resolved, That no tentative definition be used until adopted as official, unless in accord with the specific action of this Association. (Adopted 1933.) Resolved, That the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc., request the cooperation of all recognized feed manufacturing associations in submitting for approval any contemplated changes in definitions of feeding stuffs which in any way conflict with the official definitions as adopted by this organization. It is also requested that wherever practicable any existing conflicting definitions be changed to conform to the ofiicial definitions. (Adopted 1934.) Whereas, Many States which have adopted the Association's definitions for cottonseed products require that a guarantee of crude fat and crude fiber content in cottonseed meal be made, therefore, for the sake of uniformity of labels and registration, and in such cases where there is no conflict with existing feed laws, Be it Resolved, That the following guarantee of crude fat and crude fiber be recommended: Crude Fat Crude Fiber - Not less than Not more than For 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal 4.50% 16.00% For 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 5.00% 13.00% "For 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 5.20% 12.00% (Adopted 1934.) ‘Food, Drug, and Cosmetic. 66 BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Since the term “carbohydrates” is misleading and combines a maximum guarantee of crude fiber with a minimum guarantee of nitrogen-free extract, Be it Resolved, That the use of the term “carbohydrates” on the uni- form registration blank and uniform tags be discontinued. (Adopted 1935.) ' Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that when water is added in the preparation of canned foods for domestic animals, the word v “water” shall be listed as an ingredient. (Adopted 1938.) Whereas, Many States which have adopted the Association's definitions for peanut products require that a guarantee of crude fat and crude fiber content in peanut oil meal be made, therefore, for the sake of uniformity of labels and registration, and in such cases where there is no conflict- with existing feed laws, Be it Resolved, That the following guarantees of crude fat and crude fiber be recommended: Crude Fat Crude Fiber Not less than Not more than For 41% Protein Peanut Oil Meal 5.00% 15.00% For 45% Protein Peanut Oil Meal 5.50% 12.00% For 48% Protein Peanut Oil Meal 6.00% 10.00% (Adopted 1 93 9—Amended 1941.) Resolved, That the same feeds in pellet and in meal form shall not be charged more than one registration fee. (Adopted 1939.) Resolved, When feeding stuffs carry label information on both tag and bag, there shall be no difference with respect to name, ingredients and guaranteed composition. (Adopted 1939.) Resolved, That this Association go on record as condemning the use of the word “vitamin” or a contraction thereof, or any word suggesting’ vitamin in a brand name of a feed, and as opposing the acceptance of registrations of feeds under names which are in conflict with this resolu- tion excepting for materials represented solely to be vitamin supplements. Such supplementary material shall be labeled as prescribed by this Asso- ciation. (Adopted 1939.) Be it Resolved, That urea and ammonium salts of carbonic acid are acceptable ingredients in proprietary cattle, sheep and goat feeds only; that these materials shall be considered to be adulterants in proprietary feeds for other animals and birds; that the protein equivalent of com- bined urea and ammoniacal nitrogen be no greater than one-third of the total crude protein nitrogen; and that the following statement of guar— COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFF S 67 antee of crude protein for feeds containing these materials be recom- mended: Crude Protein, not less than ______ -_ per cent. . (This includes ....... __ per cent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen.) (Adopted 1940.) TENTATIVE GUARANTIES FOR FEEDS AND ANALYSES FOR CALCULATION PURPOSES Table 15 shows tentative guaranties for the convenience of manufac- turers in registering feeding stuffs for sale in Texas and also analyses which can be used in calculating guaranties of mixed feeds. There will be no objection if manufacturers wish to register under better guaranties if the quality of the feeds justify this action. It is to be understood, however, that manufacturers are responsible for their guaranties and that the Division of Feed Control Service accepts no responsbility for feeds failing to meet the guaranties. Table 15. Tentative G-uaranties and. Analyses Crude Nitrogen- Protein Crude Fat Crude free Ex- Name of Feed not less 110i 165$ Fiber I101 tract not than than more than less than Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Chopped Alfalfa -- 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 Alfalfa Leaf Meal 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 Alfalfa Meal 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 Alfalfa Stem Meal 9.00 0.80 40.00 30.00 Whole Barley Chop ....................................... -- 11-00 1-50 0-00 05-00 Hulled Barley 10.00 2.50 2.50 72.00 Dried Beet Pulp 8.00 0.50 22.00 52.00 Blood Meal 80.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Raw Bone Meal 23.00 2.00 5.00 0.00 Special Steamed Bone Meal _______________________ _- 5-00 0-00 3-00 4-00 Brewers‘ Dried Grains _________________________________ -. 21-00 0-00 13-00 40-00 Buckwheat 10.00 2.50 10.00 62.00 Dried Buttermilk _________________________________________ __ 32.00 5.00 1.00 35~00 Cocoanut Oil Meal 20.00 6.00 12.00 40.00 Corn Bran 8.00 5.00 I 12.00 60.00 Corn Chop _ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 Ear Corn Chop 8.20 3.20 8.00 64.00 Ear Cor-n Chop with Husk ___________________________ __ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65-00 Corn Cobs 2.00 0.50 34.00 50.00 Corn Feed Meal 8.00 3.00 3.00 67.00 Corn Germ Meal 18.00 7.00 9.00 50.00 Corn Gluten Feed 23.00 2.50 7.00 50.00 Corn Gluten Meal 40.00 1.00 4.00 40.00 Cotton Burs 8.00 2.00 30.00 44.00 45% Protein Cottonseed Cake ____________________ -_ 45.00 6.00 10.00 22.00 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ..................... _. 43.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 41 % Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________ _. 41.00 5.00 12.00 ‘ 25.00 Cottonseed Chop 20.00 17.00 20.00 25.00 41.12% Protein Cottonseed Feed ............... __ 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 38.56 % Protein Cottonseed Feed_-_-______.__ 38.56 5.00 18.00 27.00 '68 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS; AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 15. Tentative Guaranties and Anlyse-Continued Crude Nitrogen- Protein Crude Fat Crude free Ex- Name oflFeed not less not less Fiber not tract not than than more than less than Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent 36% Protein Cottonseed Feed .................... __ 36.00 5.00 22.00 28.00 Cottonseed Hulls 4.00 0.70 44.00 40.00 45 % Protein Cottonseed Meal .................... -_ 45.00 6.00 10.00 22.00 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____ __ 43.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 41 % Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________ __ 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _. 28.00 6.00 23.00 29.00 25 % Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed... 25.00 6.00 25.00 29.00 Emmer Chop 11.00 1.50 10.00 63.00 Feterita Chop 11.00 2.80 3.00 69.00 Feterita Head Chop ..................................... _. 10.00 2.50 8.00 64.00 Feterita Head Stems ________________________ _- 5.00 1.00 25.00 53.00 Feterita Heads, Stalks and Stems ____________ __ 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 Fish Meal -. __ 60.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 Flax Plant By-Product _______________________________ .- 8.00 4.00 35.00 35.00 Flaxseed 22.00 32.00 7.00 23.00 South Texas Prairie Hay ____________________________ __ 4.00 2.00 30.00 47.00 a Hegari Chop , 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 Hegari Head Chop..--__-._____.__-___-_____________,_______ 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 Hegari Head S‘tems ____________________________________ __ 5.00 1.00 25.00 53.00 Hegari Heads, Stalks and Stems ______________ __ 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 Hominy Feed 10.00 5.00 7.00 60.00 Kafir Chop 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 Kafir Head Chop 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 Kafir Head Stems _______________________________________ __ 5.00 1.00 25.00 53.00 Kafir Heads. Stalks and Stems __________________ __ 7.00 2.00 20.00 55.00 34% Protein Linseed Meal ________________________ __ 34.00 6.00 9.00 35.00 32% Protein Linseed Meal____-_._-_-__-.._---__-____. 32.00 6.00 9.00 35.00 Meat and Bone Scraps __________________________________ _. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 Mesquite Beans with Pod ____________________________ _. 12.50 2.00 27.50 48.00 Dried Skimmed Milk 34.00 0.20 0.00 50.00 Millet Seed __ 11.00 4.00 10.00 57.00 Milo Chop.--" 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 Milo Head Chop 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 Milo Head Stems ___________________________________________ __ 5.00 1.00 ' 25.00 53.00 Milo Heads. Stalks and Stems ___________________ __ 6.50 1.90 20.00 55.00 Beet Molasses 3.50 0.00 0.00 59.00 Cane Molasses ______________________________________________ __ 2.40 0.00 0.00 65.00 Clipped Oat By-Product _____________________________ __ 6.00 2.00 30.00 35.00 Whole Oat Chop 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 Oat Groats - 16.00 6.00 1.50 65.00 Oat Hulls 3.00 1.00 30.00 51.00 Oat Meal, Feeding _________________________________________ __ 14.50 6.00 4.00 60.00 Oat Mill Feed .. 6.00 2.00 26.00 50.00 Oat Shorts, or Middlings _____________________________ -_ 15.00 6.00 1.00 65.00 Oat Straw 3.50 2.30 36.80 40.50 45% Protein Peanut Cake ______ ____________________ __ 45.00 6.00 10.00 23.00 43% Protein Peanut Cake ___________________________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 Peanut Hay 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 Peanut Hay with Nuts _________________________________ _. 12.00 12.00 25.00 30.00 Peanut Hulls. 8.00 1.50 55.00 25.00 Peanut Kernels. 26.00 44.00 3.00 17.00 -45% Protein Peanut Meal ___________________________ __ 45.00 6.00 10.00 23.00 43% Protein Peanut Meal ___________________________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ‘36 % Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts ...... _. 36.00 6.00 22.00 20.00 "34 % Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts ______ __ 34.00 6.00 24.00 20.00 Canadian Peas 24.00 1.20 5.00 55.00 Cleaned Rice 9.00 1.00 1.00 77.00 ‘Rough Rice 7.00 1.80 10.00 63.00 Rice Bran 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 ‘Rice Hulls 3.00 0.50 36.00 30.00 Rice Polishings 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 ‘Rice Screenings 9.00 3.00 6.00 50.00 GOMMERCIAL FEEDING STU FFS 09 Table 15. Tentative Guaranties and An1yses—Oontinued Crude Nitrogen- Protein Crude Fat Crude free-Ex- Name of Feed not less not less Fiber not tract not than than more than less than Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Rye Chop 10.00 1.50 2.00 72.00 Soybean Oil Meal 41.00 6.00 6.00 28.00 Sunflower Seed 16.00 21.00 30.00 21.00 Digester Tankage __________________________________________ _. 60.00 5.00 3-00 0-00 Velvet Bean Meal 22.00 4.50 4.00 51.00 Velvet Beans with Pod__________-__-_____________________ 17.00 3.50 17.00 43-00 Wheat Bran 14.50 3.00 10.00 ‘10.00 Wheat Chop 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 Wheat Low-Grade Feed Flour ______________ 14.00 1.50 1.50 70-00 Wheat Red Dog Flour ................................. -- 15.00 2.50 4-00 65-00 Wheat Germ 30.00 10.00 2.50 45.00 Wheat Mixed Feed ........................................ _. 16.00 3-50 8-50 52-00 Wheat Screenings _________________________________________ __ 12.50 2.50 6.00 65-00‘ Wheat Brown Shorts __________________________________ -. 17.50 4.50 7-50 53-00‘ Wheat Gray Shorts ....................................... .. 17.00 4.00 6-00 55-00‘ Wheat White Shorts .................................... -- 14.50 3.00 3-50 60-00 Wheat Straw 3.00 1.40 37.90 44.00 PURPOSE OF THE TEXAS FEED LAYV The purpose of the Texas Feed Law is to afford protection to manufac- turers and purchasers of feeding stuffs in the State of Texas. Through the rigid enforcement of the law the Division of Feed Control Serv‘ce furnishes protection against adulterated feed, which has caused many low-grade feeds to be withdrawn from the market. Consumers have become better acquainted with the value of various materials used for feeding animals, and they are enabled to purchase feeds more profit- ably than before the feed law was enacted. By comparing the ingredients, analyses, and prices of various feeds, the purchaser is enabled to deter- mine for himself which feeding stuff is best suited for his particular need. If he should have any difficulty in this regard, he may write to the Division for additional information. The honest manufacturer of feeding stuffs is protected by the develop- ment and impartial enforcement of uniform standards and definitions which have a tendency to eliminate unfair competition. Every manu- facturer is expected to comply with the law, not only for the sake of compliance, but because in the long run it is the wiser course. The manufacturer who habitually complies with the law has the confidence of the consumers of the feed and the public in general and avoids the- unnecessary expense and the unsavory reputation incident to prosecution for violation. The following summary of the Texas Feed Law is given for the infor- mation of those who are not thoroughly familiar with its provisions: '70 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CHIEF REQUIREMENTS OF THE TEXAS FEED LAW 1. (a) Feeding stuffs covered by the law: All materials offered or exposed for sale, or distributed or sold for feeding purposes except those especially excluded. (b) Feeding stuffs not covered by the law: Hay and straw, whole seeds or grains of wheat, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, rice, buckwheat, or broom corn; any other whole or unground grains or seeds. 2. Statements to be printed on official tags securely attached to bags: (a) Net weight of package. (b) Name of feeding stuff. (c) Name and address of manufacturer 0r importer. (d) Place of manufacture. (e) Minimum percentage of crude protein. (f) Minimum percentage of crude fat. (g) Minimum percentage of nitrogen-free extract. (h) Maximum percentage of crude fiber. (i) Names of ingredients (if a mixed feed). (j) Percentage of each ingredient when rice hulls, peanut hulls, corn cobs, oat hulls, cottonseed hulls, or similar substances are present in a mixed feed. A copy of the Texas Feed Law will be sent to interested persons on request. RULINGS UNDER THE LAW The Director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station is empowered to adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of the Texas Feed Law. In accordance with this provision, regulations have been promulgated and printed in Circular No. 58, Revised, a copy of which will be gladly furnished upon request. REFUNDS The Texas Feed Law makes no provis‘on for the payment of refunds to cover deficiencies and although this practice often shows the good inten- tion of the manufacturer, the payment of such refunds will have no bear- ing on any subsequent action which may be taken in case of violation of the law. The law does not contemplate that the purchaser of a feeding stufi should be required to have an analysis made in order to secure pro- tection. When refunds are paid, manufacturers should always notify the Division to this effect so that proper credit may be given in the table of inspection results, and dealers will be required to prorate them t0 the purchasers so that the consumers may receive the benefit. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS 71 The amount of refund to be paid may be found by dividing the cost per ton by the protein guaranty which will give the cost of 1 per cent of protein. Multiply the result found by the per cent of deficiency and then multiply this figure by the total number of tons purchased. Example: A shipment consisting of thirty tons of 43 % Protein Cotton- seed Meal is purchased for $38.00 per ton. The deficiency in protein is 2 per cent. What is the amount of refund due‘? 38.00 x 2 x 30:$52.98 43 If a refund has been paid during the past year by any given manufac- turer and Table 18 does not show this fact, it is because the manufacturer did not notify us that refund had been paid. The payment of refunds never fully remunerates the consumer for being furnished feed which is deficient in valuable nutrients, and manufacturers are advised to be certain in advance that shipments are up to the guaranty in every respect. CONTROL OF INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS In enforcing the law the State has the cooperation and assistance 0t the United States Department of Agriculture as regards adulterated and misbranded interstate shipments. We have received a commission from the United States Department of Agriculture to collect samples of inter- state shipments of feed and practically all such shipments showing a deficiency and adulteration are sampled, not only under the Texas Feed Law, but also under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. The Federal samples are either analyzed under the direction of Dr, G. S. Fraps, Collaborating Chemist, or forwarded to the Food and Drug Ad- ministration Laboratory at New Orleans, Denver, St. Louis, or Washing- ton. The Federal government prosecutes many of the manufacturers of these feeds, but this does not preclude legal action by the Texas Feed Control Service if considered necessary for the protection of Texas consumers. A Cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration of the Federal Security Agency has been continued and thus control exercised over inter- state shipments of feed as protection to Texas purchasers. SHIPMENTS WITHDRAWN FROM SALE All dealers are advised to withdraw from sale shipments of feed which they know do not conform to the requirements of the Texas Feed Law, until such time when they can be legally sold. The dealer is directly responsible if feed in his possession fails to meet the requirements of the law and the same penalty attaches to exposing or offering for sale any unlabeled feed as for selling the same. The dealer should always be a. law-abiding citizen and voluntarily withdraw from sale all untagged 72 BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION shipments and those which he knows or suspects are adulterated or mis- branded and then write to the Division of Feed Control Service for instructions and its cooperation. Table 16. Shipments Withdrawn from Sale No. of No. of Amount Shipments Manufac- With- Withdrawn turers Rep- Reasons for Withdrawal from Sale drawn, from Sale resented Tons 457 198 Not tagged 1,162.35 73 46 Deficient in crude pTOtPin 454.90 26 21 Wrong tags attached 84.85 32 21 Incorrectly printed tags attached ______________________ ._ 82.90 35 27 Not registered and not tagged__-__-___-----_-____--__-__-.- 82.00 18 11 Excess crude fiber 67.70 4 4 Short weight 58.55 41 28 Obsolete tags attached __________________________________________ -- 54.20 l0 3 Blank tags attached 24.00 6 5 Defaced tags attached 13-65 1 1 Not registered and incorrectly printed tags attached 7.50 15 8 Tags of wrong denomination attached ______________ __ 7.40 1 1 Adulterated 6.90 1 1 Illegible and incorrectly printed tags attached 5.50 3 2 Not registered and defaced tags attached ...... -. 4.35 1 1 Deficient in protein and off quality ____________________ -- 2.85 3 3 Not tagged and illegal weight ___________________________ -_ 2.54 1 1 Not tagged and short weight ........... _- .75 1 1 Adulterated and short weight ______________________________ _- .70 1 1 Obsolete and incorrectly printed tags attached .60 1 1 Musty oder and partly decayed __________________________ I .25 731 385 Total 2,124.44 Table 16 shows the summary of the feeds withdrawn from sale during the year ended August 31, 1942, and gives the number of shipments with- drawn, the amounts, and the special reasons for their withdrawal from sale. It also shows the number of manufacturers represented. The amount withdrawn from sale was only about 0.09 per cent of the esti- mated tonnage sold during the year. Shipments found untagged by the inspectors were required to be labeled with tags furnished by the manufacturers. Improperly labeled shipments were relabeled with official tags properly printed, or with tags showing guaranties that could be maintained, and, in still other cases, shipments were returned to the manufacturer. The sales of goods below guaranties were adjusted, in practically all instances, by manufacturers paying re- funds to dealers and consumers when the deficiencies were sufiicient to warrant such action. In all cases when refunds were made to dealers, the dealers were advised to prorate the same among their customers, in so far as possible, so that the ultimate consumer would receive its benefit. Attention is directed to special information on page 70 regarding refunds. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ISTUFJTS. 73 VIOLATIONS Seventeen State cases were developed against manufacturers selling feed in this State in violation of the provisions of the Texas Feed Law. Sixteen of these cases were terminated by payment of fines and costs and one case was placed in abeyance pending future compliance with the law. Six hundred and ninety minor complaints were adjusted through correspondence, together with the assistance of the inspectors. These complaints consisted of untagged shipments of feed; improperly labeled shipments; incorrectly printed tags attached to packages of feed; short weights; deficiency in crude protein; excess of crude fiber, and other minor irregularities. During the year covered by this report a Federal case was developed against a manufacturer shipping feed into this State in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. The necessary evidence was transmitted to Federal authorities for legal action. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS Results of some of the work on the cooperative research projects have been presented on the preceding pages. They include the vitamins A and D content of fish liver oils; carotene in alfalfa meals; work on flourine which developed adulteration of bone meals with ground rock phosphate; salt and calcium carbonate in mixed feeds"; the hardness of cottonseed cake, and samples tested for poisons or other harmful substances. Allotments of funds of the Division of Fe-ed Control Service for research projects to assist in proper and adequate administration of the Texas Feed Law have been made to the following Divisions of the Texas Agricul- tural Experiment Station: Division of Chemistry Chemical Analyses and Investigations of Commercial Feeds Vitamins in Commercial Feeds Relation of Soil Composition to Plant and Animal Nutrition Division of Dairy Husbandry in Cooperation with the Department of Dairy Husbandry, A. & M. College High Versus Low Protein Rations for Lactating Dairy Cows Division of Farm and Ranch Economics in Cooperation with Substation No, 20 Land Use Adjustment in the West Cross Timbers Region Division of Poultry Husbandry Quality in Turkeys as Affected by Nutrition, Environment and Breeding 1 Protein Requirements for Chick Rations Pullet Development Rations, Particularly as Differentiated from Brooder Rations ~ Carotene Destroying Power of Feed 74 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The Effect of Practices Followed by Producers, Buyers, Distribu- tors, and Consumers Upon Market Returns to Turkey Producers Division of Swine Husbandry A Study of Amino Acids in Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meal Division of Veterinary Science Testing Manufactured Feed Samples for Poisons or Other Harm- ful Substances Poultry Disease Investigation PROTEIN CONTENT OF OOTTONSEED PRODUCTS SOLD IN TEXAS Table 17 shows the minimum, maximum, and average content of crude protein in the cottonseed products inspected during the year ended August 31, 1942. It will be noticed that in many instances the minimum per- centage of protein is much less than the guaranty. Whenever the guar- anty is not maintained, the provisions of the Texas Feed Law have been violated although the average per cent of crude protein may exceed the amount guaranteed. I RESULTS OF ANALYSES Tables 14 and 18 contain a detailed report of the results obtained in the inspection of feeds during the season of 1941-42. In these tables will be found the analyses of all the ofiicial samples taken by the inspectors, together with the analyses of many samples of feed sent in by manufac- turers for registration during the year ended August 31, 1942. Con- sumers and agents are advised to study this table and purchase from and represent companies which ship feed according to law. The footnotes at the bottom of the pages- refer to matters of importance in connection with the feeds designated, and we advise that they be care- fully considered. SUMMARY This Bulletin contains a report of the inspection of feeding stuffs sold in the State of Texas during the year which ended August 31, 1942. In addition to definitions of terms used in reporting analyses of feeding stufis there is a table showing the average composition of the feeds inspected during the year and also one showing the digestible protein and productive energy of feeds, A table is given showing the minimum, maximum, and average crude protein content of cottonseed products inspected during the season 1941-42. Table 3 shows the estimated tonnage of feed sold in Texas yearly during the past thirty-six years as computed from the sale of inspection tags. The biological assays of fish liver oils and fortified fish liver oils sampled are given in Tables 4 and 5. GOMMEROIAL FEEDING _S'TUF‘F‘S 75 Reference is made to the hardness of cottonseed cake and a table is given showing the crushing strength of several samples of cottonseed cake sold for feeding purposes. Suggestions are given to purchasers of feed which should aid them in securing the kind of feed desired and buying feed which comes up to the representations of the manufacturers. The chemical standards for various by-products and special-purpose mixed feeds are given in Table 13. This Bulletin also contains the definitions of simple feed commodities as adopted by the Division of Feed Control Service and Association of American Feed Control Ofiicials, Inc, A table is given showing tentative guaranties for feed for the con- venience of manufacturers in registering feeding stuffs for sale in Texas, and also analyses which can be used in calculating guaranties of mixed feeds. A table is given showing the carotene contents of a few feeds on the Texas market. Table 12 shows the average retail prices of feeds per ton in each of seven districts, the average retail price for the State, and also the average retail cash selling price for the year. Tables 9 and 10 show the analyses of samples of salt and lime carriers found in the open markets of the State. Information is given showing that in quite a few of the inspection samples of mixed feeds the guaranties of salt and carbonate of lime were not met in all cases. a The purpose of the Texas Feed Law is explained and ‘a summary of the law is given. Mention is made of regulations promulgated under the provisions of the Texas Feed Law and information is given concerning the payment of refunds and the control of interstate shipments. Table 16 shows the shipments withdrawn from sale and the reasons for taking this action. A list is given of the cooperative research projects carried on during the past year and supported by Division of Feed Control Service funds. Tables 14 and 18 given a detailed report of the results‘ obtained in the inspection of feeding stufis during the year ended August 31, 1942. 76 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942 Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer, No. of Brand Name. Mim Max_ Samples imum imum Average Alamo Cotton Oil Mill, San Antonio, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Cake 44.59 1 Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal 41.45 42.27 41.78 3 Alice Cotton Oil Company, Alice, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.30 1 Amarillo Cotton Oil Company, Amarillo, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _- 39.41 43.39 41.08 6 Anderson, Clayton 8a Co., Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -. 42.57 46.12 44.45 6 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed 31.39 1 Athens Oil Mill, Athens, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.65 1 Bibb Company, E. T., Port Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __________________________ __ 42.60 42.86 42.73 2 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake 42.33 1 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ .. 41.13 1 Big Spring Cotton Oil Company, Big Spring, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 42.59 44.37 43.35 9 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ______________________ -. 41.41 42.59 42. 2 Brady Cotton Oil Company, Brady, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ........................... -. 43.24 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -_ 43.16 44.11 43.57 3 Brazos Valley Cotton Oil Company, Waco, Texas. Longhorn Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake .................................................... -. 41.86 43.93 42.90 2 Longhorn Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.11 44.01 43.04 10 Longhorn Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 42.28 44.48 43.16 4 Brownwood Cotton Oil Mill, Brownwood, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal . .......................................... -- 42.59 43.45 43.05 3 Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- Pellets 41.47 42.21 41.73 3 Bryan Cotton Oil 8t Fertilizer Company, ' Bryan, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ____________________________________________ _. 42.11 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.16 1 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................................... .. 37.95 1 Caddo-DeSoto Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed .... -_ 41.45 1 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFIPS Table l7. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, .1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued 77 Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum Max- imum Average No. 0t Samples Cameron Cotton Oil Company, Cameron, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ _. Caney Valley Milling Company, Wharton, Texas. 26% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ______ .. Central Texas Oil Company, Mart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. Chickasha Cotton Oil Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. Chickasha Quality Brand 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal ................................ -. Chickasha Quality Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal Chickasha Quality Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ______________________________________ .- Childress Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., Childress, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ .. Chillicothe Cotton Oil Company, Chillicothe, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ .. Clarksville Cotton Oil Company, Clarksville, Texas. 42.20 41.48 38.39 40.02 41.48 41.00 43.05 43.74 43.70 44.40 42.86 43.94 Clarko 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake Clarko 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ............ _. Coleman Cotton Oil Mill, Coleman, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........................ _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....................... -_ Collin County Cotton Oil Company, McKinney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....................... -- Commerce Oil Mill Company, Cameron, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cottonseed Cake ........ -_ 43% Pr-otein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. Continental Oil-Cotton Company, Colorado City, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________ _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ................ -. Cooper Cotton Oil Company, Cooper, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ......... _'. ............ _. Corpus Christi Cotton Oil Mill, Corpus Christi, Texas. _ 42% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake ...... _. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -_ 42.94 43.91 42.71 26.25 42.73 40.49 42.27 42.17 42.55 39.84 43.43 42.57 42.81 42.65 43.17 42.87 42. 4 3. 3 2 42.21 42.87 43.43 42.31 41.62 Q60 UU-l 78 Table 17. Minimum, Cottonseed Products BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION- Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of September l, 1941, to Augut 31, 1942—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. No. of Brand Name. Mim Ma? Samples imum imum Average Coryell County Cotton Oil Company, G-atesville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________ __ 43.32 45.23 44.28 2 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.25 43.32 42.82 5 Crockett Cotton Oil Company, Crockett, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ____._-___ .................. .. 42.61 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ..................... -- 41.03 42.22 41.51 3 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal - 41.52 1 Cuero Cotton Oil 8s Manufacturing Company, Cuero, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake _______ -. 42.43 1 43% Protem Cottonseed Meal ........................ __ 39.68 45.05 42.61 5 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................ _'. .... 1 42.39 44.79 43.35 6 Eat Texas Cotton Oil Company, Terrell, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....................... .. 41.17 42.84 41.98 5 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Tyler, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -- 42.33 43.58 42.79 3 Elgin Cotton Oil Company, Elgin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -_ 41.39 42.34 42.05 " 4 Elk. Cottonoil Co., Elk City, Oklahoma. Elk Brand 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal .... ._ 43.04 1 Elk Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.. ________________ _- 39.39 1 Elk Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets- _ ................ _. 41.87 1 El Faso Cotton Industries, Inc., El Paso, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.40 42.94 42.67 2 Farmers Cooperative Oil Mill, El Faso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -. 43.01 43.27 43.15 3 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Farmersville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.05 1 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Texarkana, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed .......................... -. 40.68 1 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Winnsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. 42.53 43.78 43.16 2 Farmers Cottonseed Oil Mills, Inc., Granger, Texas. 43 %i Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.56 44.54 43.93 3 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. 42.32 43.93 42.88 5 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ____ ___ 26.16 28.35 26.89 5 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 79 Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. No. ot Brand Name. Mim Max- Samples imum imum Average Farmers Gin 8s Oil Mill, Laredo, Texas. 27% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ______ -. 26.50 26.89 26.70 2 Fidelity Products Company, Houston, Texas. ‘ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _- 41.81 43.99 43.00 3 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _ 27.40 1 Flatonia Oil Mill Company, Flatonia, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 45.70 1 Fort Worth Cotton Oil Mill, Fort Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.98 1 Fuller Cotton Oil Company, Snyder, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........................ _- 41.94 44.68 43.76 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______ -_ 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ___________________ _. Gainesville Oil Mill. Gainesville, Texas. Golden Rod Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed 0k co c»: o1 Hi c»: oo a as w O5 o1 WW-Q Cake ______ -. 43.40 I Golden Rod Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.10 43.20 42.65 2 Georgetown Oil Mill, Georgetown, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ _. 40.00 42.02 41.01 2 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ...... -. 27.73 29.50 28.69 8 Gilmer Cotton Oil 8a Fertilizer Company, Gilmer, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal -- 42.61 I 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed . . _ _ . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . _ _. 41.87 1 Gonzales Cotton Oil 8t Manufacturing Company. Gonzales, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.54 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ _. 42.29 42.57 42.43 2 Greenville Cotton Oil Company, Greenville, Texas. Golden Rod Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.14 43.59 42.92 4 Gutierrez 8a Company, Teodosio, Laredo, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed-.-.... 25.78 26.27 26.03 2 Hamilton Oil Mill Company, Hamilton. Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. 39.83 40.95 40.39 2 Earlingen Cotton Oil Mill, Harlingen, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal -- 40.70 43.98 42.44 7 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 41.70 1 80 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of August 31, l942—Continued Cottonseed Products September l, 1941, to Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum Max- imum Average No. of Samples Hill County Cotton Oil Company, Hillsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake _______ _- 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. Honey Grove Cotton Oil Company, The, Honey Grove, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________________ ._ Houston Cotton Oil Mill, Houston, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal Eumphreys-G-odwin Company, Memphis, ‘Tennessee. Bull Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal____ Interstate Peed Company, Port Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ...... -._ ................ -. Jayton Cotton Oil Mill, Jayton, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal .................................. -. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Pellets ________ -_ Juarez Mercantile Company, Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. Kenedy Cotton Oil Mill, Iienedy, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........................ .. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________________ _- Kimball Oil Mill, The, Sherman, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. I-a Grange Cotton 8a Oil Manufacturing Company, La Grange, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -. I-amar Cotton Oil Company, The, Paris, Texas. - 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ __ II-amesa Cotton Oil Company, - Ilamesa, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ __ 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed .- . _ __________ -- 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ...... _. ‘I-ockhart Oil 8a G-in Company, Ilockhart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.26 42.65 42.16 42.53 42.47 40.00 19.71 26.29 43.37 42.65 42.98 44.90 44.94 44.06 42.19 28.20 26.37 I-ongview Cotton Oil Company, I-ongview, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 43.48 41.77 43.65 42.72 42.46 42.82 41.60 43.24 41.43 41.35 46.41. 44.09 43.51 43.74 43.35 41.09 24.64 26.33 42.23 40.76 OCH-Hi‘ GBV-l N06 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 81. Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Cont1nued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. N0. of Brand Name. Mim Max- Samples" imum imum Average I-ovitt 8t Company, L. 3., Memphis, Tennessee. “Lovit Brand" 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal - ________________________ _. 42.30 43.58, 42.90 5 “Lovit Brand” 41% Protein Cottonseed ‘~ Cake ______ _. 41.05 1 “Lovit Brand" 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed __ 40.23 41.40 40.88 6 Lubbock Cotton Oil Company, Lubbock, Texas. Lucko Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 39.80 45.13 42.40 8; l McCulloch County Cotton on Mill, l Brady, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Cake ______ -.. _____ __ _ ________________________________ __ 41.75 44.80 43.09 5~ Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- a seed Meal ---.__.-_ 42.12 1. Magnolia Provision Company, Houston, Texas. . 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________________________________ __-.. 41.90 17 Magnolia Brand 28% Protein Whole- Pressed Cottonseed ...................................... _. 27.36 28.20 27.78 2i Marlin Oil Company, The, Marlin, Texas. 5 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ....................... -. 42.88 43.54 43.21 2 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -- 42.08 44.01 42.78 9 Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________________________ ..r 40.65 1 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _- 41.80 1 Marshall Mill 8a Elevator Company, Marshall, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................................... _- 43.49; 1 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....................... __ .. . 41.57 1 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 39.54 41.42 40.71; 4 Martin Peed Mill, 1 Nocona, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . .- 37.38 I Memphis Cotton Oil Company, Memphis, Texas. * 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal _____________________________ -. 42.71 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________ -- ................ -_ 38.30 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets .................... _. 38.42 43.98 41.47 3 Merchants 8t Planters Oil Company, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 39.75 40.06 39.91 2 Meyer 8t Company, Felix, Houston, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................................... __ 38.99 1 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed ____ J ................. __ 39.55 1 Midlothian Oil 8a Gin Company, Midlothian, Texas. p 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. 41.48 42.91 42.32 4 82 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Gontinued Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Moulton Oil 8a Gin Company, Moulton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. Mount Enterprise Cotton Oil Mill, Mount Enterprise, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ...... __ Mount Pleasant Oil Mill, Mount Pleasant, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. Munger Cotton Oil Company, Mexia, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ __ Munger Cotton Oil Company, Teague, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -. Nacogdoches Oil Mill, The, Nacogdoches, Texas. Lone Star Brand 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum 42.88 42.73 41.85 41.54 Max- imum 43.06 43.97 42.50 Lone Star Brand 43 Wow-Protein Cottonseed n Meal . _____________________________________ _. Lone Star Brand 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 41.88 lie-Tex Co-Operative Oil Mill, Wolfe City, Texas. Ne-Tex Brand 43% Protein Cracked Cot- tonseed Cake . Ne-Tex Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal Nutty Brown Mills, Houston, Texa. 32% Protein Cottonseed Meal Screenings ____ _. Oil Mill 8a Fertilizer Works, Henderson, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ __ 41% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed..-" Opelousas Oil Mill, Opelousas, Louisiana. 41% Pr-otein Cottonseed Meal. 41.05 Otis Gin 8a warehouse Company, Loving, New Mexico. “Wano” Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cubes 1 _ ....................................... -. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ....................... .. Peoples Cotton Oil Company, Wharton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Perkins Oil Company, Memphis, Tennessee. Golden Rod Brand 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal a Average 43.32 26.24 42.94 42.74 42.04 41.90 43.56 42.49 42.73 41.76 30.35 42.04 41.26 40.34 40.03 40.38 42.65 42.14 40.53 No. of Samples D-‘FJUI UIP-l COMMERCIAL. FEEDING STUFFS 83 Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—-Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. N0. of Brand Name. Min- Max- Samples imum imum Averag. Pincofis Company, Maurice, Houston, Texas. Pinco Brand 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24.67 1 Pittsburg‘ Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ‘ 42.41 1 rlains Cooperative Oil Mill, Lubbock, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ __ 41.42 42.36 41.74 3 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Dallas, Texas. Golden Rod Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.22 43.30 42.79 7 rlanters Cotton Oil M111, Ennis, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. 42.13 44.15 43.22 6 Quanah Cotton Oil Company, Quanah, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.71 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Cubes _____________________ .. 41.03 43.15 41.76 6 43% Protein Coarsely Ground Cottonseed Meal . . _ .. _____________________________ _. 41,36 43.82 42.58 ' 4 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ 1 41.65 43.99 42.89 7 Richmond Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Richmond, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 41.65 1 Rio Grande Valley Cotton Oil Company, Clint, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________ _. 40.78 42.75 41.77 2 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 40.04 42.37 41.57 3 38.56% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed__--.. __________________ .. 33.68 1 Rosebud Oil 8a Cotton Company, Rosebud, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.19 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -. 40.55 43.00 41.78 2 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 39.79 1 Rule Cotton Oil Mill, Rule, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Cake _- . 44.10 1 Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cotton- Meal 42.90 44.46 43.66 5 San Antonio Oil Works, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.13 1 San Marcos Oil Mill, San Marcos, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ............................ -. 44.01 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. 39.31 43.54 40.28 4 Schulenburg Oil Mill, The, Schulenburg‘, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.51 1 84 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum Max- imum Average No. of Samples» Schumacher Oil Works, The 3., Navasota, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. Sealy Oil Mill 8a Manufacturing Company, Sealy, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal Seguin Cotton Oil Company, The, Seguin, Texas. 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -_ Shiner Oil Mill 8t Manufacturing Company, Shiner, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. Sisco, E. C., Farmersville, Texas. Blue Bonnet Brand 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 42.46 44.32 "Izfiib 45.77 Smithville Oil Mill Company, Smithville, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ __ Southern Cotton Oil Company, The, Eunice, Louisiana. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ _. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Corsicana, Texas. 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Ca e 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .... ........... .. Southland Cotton Oil Company, Paris, Texas. Southland’s 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .- Southland Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................... 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________ -. 43% Pr-otein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ __ Southland Cotton Oil Company, Waxahachie, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ........................ -. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................. _- __ 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets .................. -. 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake ...................... -_ South Texas Cotton Oil Company, . Austin, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ______ __ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________ .. 39.35 42.05 41.84 41.42 40.85 43.80 43.51 43.50 44.13 42.53 45.05 41.87 40.10 40.55 43.2] 42.72 42.40 41.73 41.30 43.08 42.61 41.48 41.93 41.69 41.90 43.09 42.23 tit-i 19% 59M Iv-l U209 l-‘LO-JI-l COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFTS 85 Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and. Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. No. of Brand Name. Mim Max- Samples imum imum Average .South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Brownsville, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cotton- seed ____________________________________________________ _. 27.41 29.27 28.48 5 28 % Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ..... _. 28.00 1 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ________________________ _. 42.66 44.43 43.55 2 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ___________ __ 41.88 44.23 43.09 5 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ____________________ _. 43.67 44.52 44.10 2 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake 42.01 1 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.79 1 41% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 42.07 1 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Earlingen, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __-__ ....................................... _- 42.80 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________________ _. 42.74 43.09 42.86 4 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 29.91 1 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Eearne, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake ............................ _. 40.97 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ __ 41.89 44.71 43.33 7 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ __.__ ........ _. 40.77 1 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Robstown, Texas. 43% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake __________________________ -_ 44.34 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _- 40.41 43.64 42.21 4 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Taylor, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cottonseed Cake ___________________________ -. 43.66 1 43% Protein Pea-Size Cottonseed Cake _ . . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . _. 44.27 1 43% Protein Sheep-Size Cottonseed Cake.__- 43.07 44.12 43.60 2 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 41.60 43.55 42.62 5 South Texas Cotton Oil Company, Victoria, Texas. Yello Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .. ._ _ ___________________ __ 41.90 43.25 42.70 3 Yello Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 42.16 1 Stamford Cotton Oil Mill, Stamford, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Protein Cotton- ' seed Meal _ _. 41.06 46.19 43.21 8 Chuck Vvason Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Pellets .................................................. _- 42.18 43.39 42.79 2 Sulphur Springs Cotton Oil Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _- 41.69 43.77 42.75 3 Sweetwater Cotton Oil Company, Sweetwater, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ___________________________________________ __ 44.23 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Cubes ______________________ _. 41.36 44.06 42.62 10 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____________ __ 42.57 44.85 43.90 13 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed Cubes .. 26.91 29.78 28.35 2 86 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September l, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. _ No. of Brand Name. Mim Max- Samples imum imum Average Swift 8t Company (Oil Mill), Little Rook, Arkansas. Cotton Bloom Brand 41% Protein Cotton- seed Cake _______________ -- 41.37 1 Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal 41.33 1 Taft Cotton Oil Company, Taft, Texas. 43% Protein ‘Cottonseed Meal ....................... -- 42.05 43.94 42.63 5 Texarkana Cotton Oil Corporation, Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed“- 40.06 41.75 40.91 2 Texas Cotton Industries, Marfa, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _________________________ _. 28.04 1 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed Pellets __________________ -. 27.50 1 Tidwell Fuel 8a Peed Company, Ill Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 41.67 1 Tobian 8a Company, Louis, Dallas, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.35 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 41.31 43.93 42.86 19 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal _________________________ _. 39.05 42.08 40,42 7 Navy Brand 41.12% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Feed .................................. _. 39.29 41.10 40,20 2' Navy Brand 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 39.94 41.79 40.68 5 Tornillo Cotton Oil Company, Tornillo, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _. . ___________________________________ _. 25.812 28.18 27.07 3 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ..... _- 27.75‘ 29.20 28.40 6, 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ' Cubes 28.40 1 Traders Oil Mill Company, Port Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake.________. ________________ __ 43.96 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ _. 42.55 47.66 44.27 10 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ................... __ 42.10 43.35 42,93 6 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed 39.99 41.38 40.69 2 Trinity Cotton Oil Company, Dallas. Texas. 43% Pr-otein Cottonseed Meal _____________________ __ 42.73 43,84 43,29 2- ‘Union Oil Mills, Hubbard, Texas. 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake _____ _. 43.84 45.06 44.45 2‘ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________________ _- 40.51 43,79 42,65 4 Van Alstyne Cotton Oil Company, Van Alstyne, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ________________________ -. 41.59 42.04 41,88 3 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 87 Table 17. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Protein, Per Cent Min- imum Max- imum Average No. of Samples Vernon Cotton Oil Company, Vernon, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ______________________ -. 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ____________________ -. 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed ____ __ Waco Cotton Oil Mill, Waco, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Cake Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- Meal _ Warnken 8t Sons, A. D., Poth, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 43.20 42.85 44.11 43.85 40.55 41.34 43.44 43.50 Weimar Oil Mill, Inc., Weimar, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal -- West Cotton Oil Mill, West, Texas. Coctton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- ake Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Protein Cotton- Meal ' West Texas Cottonoil Co., Abilene, Texas. Payrrliaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Ca e ...................................... ._ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Meal ............................................................... -. Pavmaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets West Texas Cottonoil Co., Ballinger, Texas. Pavmaster Brand 43% Protein Cake _. . _____________________________________ _. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ................ .. . __________________ _. Pavmaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets _ Cottonseed West Texas Cottonoil Co., Brownfield, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Meal Cottonseed West Texas Cottonoil Co., I-ittlefield, Texas. Pavmaster Brand 43% Protein Meal West Texas Cottonoil Co., Munday, Texas. Pavmaster Brand 43% Protein Cake Pavmaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cottonseed Cottonseed _ Meal 41.93 42.77 40.02 41.89 40.18 40.15 40.40 40.47 41.46 43.74 43.70 45.07 43.36 44.35 43.07 43.81 42.97 43.83 40.00 41.08 42.66 29.55 41.71 43.08 42.74 43.41 42.84 42.53 41.89 41.32 42.64 42.00 42.27 41.93’ 40.5 b40000 10 11 12 88 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT S"l‘A'l_‘ION Table l7. Minimum, Maximum and Average Crude Protein Content of Cottonseed Products September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued Crude Protein, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. No. of Brand Name. Mim Max- Samples imum imum Average West Texas Cottonoil 00., Plainview, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _ - 38.50 43.45 41.25 4 West Texas Cottonoil 00., San Angelo, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.45 47.23 45.13. 5 Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed E Meal .._. 41.32 45.05 43.06. 5 Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 40.92 45.33 42.99 8 West Texas Cottonoil 00., Shamrock, Texas. Paynaster Brand 43% Protein Coarsely Ground Cottonseed Meal ______________________________ __ 40.89 43.64 42.141 5 Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 41.67 42.44 42.02 4 Paymaster Brand 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed .............................................. .. 24.49 1 West Texas Cottonoil 00., Slaton, Texas. Payrnaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 42.20 43.28 42.74 2 Wheeler Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Wheeler, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 23.84 1 Wichita Falls Cotton Oil Company, Wichita Falls, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ .. 40.46 43.62 42.27 3 Wingo Oil Mill, Wills Point, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 45.50 1 Womble Oil Mill Company, Caldwell, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cottonseed Cake __________________________ _. 45.01 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.46 1 Wood County Cotton Oil Company, Mineola, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _______________________ _. 41.55 43.54 42.32 3 Yorktown Cotton Oil 8a Manufacturing Company, Yorktown, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ........................ -. 42.63 43.20 42.92 2 COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS e9 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942 (The guaranties are printed in italics following brand names.) Legend: The italic super-letters in this table indicate the following: a, Not tagged, but tags furnished. Amount in stock removed from sale until tagged; b, Amount in stock removed from sale and relabeled; c, Refund paid; d, Sampled before regisn-ation; e, ltegistration adjusted; j, Amount in stock retulned to seller; g, Not registered; h, Amount in stock removed from sale; t’, Not tagged; j, Obsolete tags attached; k, Tags not printed according to registration. Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or in- Importer, Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude specnon Pro- Fat Fiber gen~free ture Ash l\o. tein Extract Abilene Flour Mills Company, The, Abilene, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 16.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 __________________ _. 206113 Analysis“ __________________________ --- 17.78 4.53 6.47 55,19 11.47 4.56 264M Analysis 17.93 4.25 5.78 56.07 11.53 4.44 454T Acme Flour Mills Company, The, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- _______ __ ings 3.50 6.00 55.00 __________________ .. 135C Analysis" 4.92 6.87 54 45 10.64 5 13 521M Analysisfl" 3.90 6.65 55.62 12.18 4 65 204P Analysis 4.09 6.24 58.22 10 46 4 15 162T Wheat Bran .-_ . 3.00 10.00 50.00 __________________ _. 135G Analysis ................... _-____._ 17.51 4.67 11.07 51.89 7 62 7.24 520M Ada Milling Company, Ada, Oklahoma. Pulverized Wheat .................. _. 12.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 _________________ __ 1015A5 Analysis“ .......................... -_ 14.85 1.86 2.51 67.58 11.11 2.09 473T Adkisson Hatchery 8: Peed Store, Amarillo, Texas. . Adkisson’s Growing Mash ....... __ 18.00 3.50 6.50 50.00 _________________ __ 449G Analysis‘ . .... .. 18.30 4.05 6.64 59 92 4 18 6.91 357$ Adkisson’s All-Mash Star-ter-__.-__ 18.50 8.50 6.00 51.00 .............. 449H Analysisf‘ -_-_.-_.-----.----____.----- 20.05 4.38 5.81 52.45 9.59 7.72 3588 Adkisson’s Rapid-Growth Brand Broiler Mash ......................... -__ 18.50 3.50 6.00 50.00 _______ -- _ 4491 Analysis ________________________________ .. 22.11 4.52 5.45 50.51 9.76 7.65 359$ Adkisson’s Best Brand Egg Mash ........................................ _- 19.00 8.50 7.50 48.50 ............... _. 449.1 Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.95 4.40 6.23 52.10 9.57 7.75 261$ Adolphus Rice Milling Company, Houston, Texas. Rice Bran containing Pre- cipitated Carbonate or Lime--. 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 ................ -. 1053A Analysis" _______________ _._____ 1.2.50 11.91 10.20 39.61 10.95 14.83 174M Analysis° ____________________________ ____ 12.28 11.00 10.29 38.48 10.50 17.45 418M Rice Polishings containing Pre- cipitated Carbonate of Lime 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 ................. -- 1053B Analysis" ________-__-__________- 13.67 16.66 3.96 41.78 9.77 14.16 419M a, b, c, d. e. f, g, h, i, j. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. lwheat brown shorts and screenings. Refund paid in part. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. awheat white shorts. ‘Deficient in ground limestone. “Excess of salt found. “Excess of carbonate of lime found. 90 BULLETIN NO. 620‘, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- v tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' 7 ‘ 7 l or 1n- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude A Crude! Nitro- . Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Eiber gen-free ture \ Ash No. tein lExtract I Alameda. Fuel 8a Grain Company, E1 Paso, Texas. . Alameda “Keeno" Dairy Food..- 16.60 3.80 10.00 52.00 __________________ __ 165A Analysis’ ___________________ -_.___.___ 17.30 3.23 8.70 65.62 .11 6.04 486$ Alameda “Kenno” Mash ....... ___ 15.50 4.00 7.00 55.00 ................. __ 165B Analysis“ ______-_______--__-__-_____ 19.10 5.46 5.83 52.98 9.3‘; 7.33 85S “Keeno” Pig and Sow Mix.----_---- 15.00 3.00 7.00 51.00 ............... __ 165G Analysisg ....................... ___ 19.69 5.00 6.44 52.91 8.32 7.64 17S Analysis _______________ 20.43 4.36 6.58 53.97 7.21 7.45 598S Alamo Cotton Oil Mill, San Antonio, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal .......... _._ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................ _. 606D Analysis° ........................ _._ 42.27 6.01 10.73 26.65 8.37 5.97 41H Analysis° ___________________ ______ 41.62 6.66 11.30 27.39 7.71 5.32 188H Analysis" 41.45 6.14 11.85 26.43 8.59 5.54 267H Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Cake__. 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ............. __ 606E Analysis ---__-__-__-_-____--_--_--_-__ 44.59 6.14 10.23 25.82 7.19 6.03 l14H Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Peanut Meal__----_-_-_.____ 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ..... .. -_ 606M Analysis ______ ____..__ 43.64 8.96 14.41 20.49 7.93 4.57 99H Analysis _--___.___-__._..___.___ 45.39 7.79 12.43 20.51 9.67 4.21 D Cotton Bloom Brand Laying Mash 20.50 4.00 6.50 45.00 ..... .. 606R Analysis _____________________________ __ 20.90 5.37 6.64 46.98 10.36 9.75 256H Cotton Bloom Brand 44% Pro- tein Supplement for Hogs _____ __ 44.00 6.50 10.00 16.50 . . . . . . . _ . _ . _. 606$ Analysis _______________________________ __ 41.10 8.16 8.35 18.79 9.81 13.79 398H Cotton Bloom Brand Chick Starter _______________________________________ -_ 19.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 - 606V ' Analysis _--._-_-______-_-_____-____ 21.58 5.05 6.73 50.28 9.25 8.11 331H Cotton Bloom Brand Growing Mash_ 18.50 4.00 5.50 53.00 ____ .. . 606W Analysis") _._...__--_____._-__________.__ 18.90 4.62 5.15 55.37 10.49 5.47 3321-1 Cotton Bloom Brand 15% Pro- tein Range Feed Cubes--_.____. 15.00 8.50 12.00 49.00 _ .. .. 606.43 Analysis" ________________________ _-_ 19.65 4.11 14.17 44.30 9.05 8.72 444H Cotton Bloom Brand 20% Pro- tein Range Feed Pellets ....... _- 20.00 3.50 10.50 42 50 ........ -. 606A4 Analysis" ....................... ___ 23.38 4.16 10.75 43.49 9.82 8.40 81H Consumers Special Brand Lay- ing Mash _________________________________ 18.00 4.00 7.00 48.50 ._ GOGAR Analysis ...... _--_ __________________ ___ 20.25 4.25 7.83 48.20 10.20 9.27 2961'! Consumers Special Brand Egg Mash Pellets __________________________ ___ 18.00 4.00 7.00 48.50 . 1 606131 Analysis 20.15 5.25 6.73 47.94 10.61 9.32 397H 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal 41.00 6.00 6.00 28.00 ................. -- 606D2 Analysis __________________________ 44.24 4.58 5.81 28.66 10.01 6.70 8J Albers Milling‘ Company, Seattle, Washington. Proven Brand Calf Manna Pel- . ‘ lets 25.00 4.00 5.00 48.00 . . 445A Analysisill ___________________ _____ 25.02 5.23 4.09 50.19 7.92 7.55 131T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the beginning o1’ this table. ‘Rolled whole barley and cane molasses found, not claimed. sd-round whole oats claimed, not found. Ground whole barley found, not claimed, "Salt found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Excess of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued 91 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) l | Per Gent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude 1 Crude 1 Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. ‘ tein Extract Alice Cotton Oil Company, Alice, Texas. , 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal... 43.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ________________ __ 1050D Analysis _________ ___._.__ 43.30 6.89 9.13 26.01 8.20 6.47 170H Stock Feed containing Ear Cor \ A Chop with Husk and Molasses 15.00 3.20 13,50 1.9.00 _________________ -_ 10502 Analysis 15.60 3.47 12.59 52.84 11.67 3.83 171B Allison Coal 8a Grain Company, Paducah, Texas. Sun-Ray Brand Chick Starter 10.50 3.50 5.50 52.00 ........ .. 2165J Analysis ............... ____.___._ 18.77 4.18 5.49 54.62 69 7.25 413T S'un-Ray Brand Dairy Feed 18.50 3.40 12.00 47.00 2165K Analysis ............... -__._______ 19.43 4.02 10.39 49.97 8.95 7.24 412T Alva Holler Mills, Alva, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings A 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 __________________ _. 127A Analysis ................................ -. 18.72 4.46 5.92 54.81 12.03 4.06 124P Analysis _____________________________ ___ 17.05 4.19 5.80 56.39 12.35 4.22 163P Amarillo Cotton Oil Company, Amarillo, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 1441B Analysis° 41.72 6.79 9.36 33.53 2.38 6.22 66K Ana1ysis° .......................... ___ 40.18 6.85 9.54 30.90 6.11 6.42 129K Analysis° __________________________ _-_.__ 39.41 6.58 10.79 30.62 6.75 5.85 239K Analysis" .......................... -____ 40.21 4.91 10.06 31.60 7.17 6.05 278K Analysis° ............................. ___ 41.56 5.67 11.62 28.55 7.43 5.17 131S Analysis ........................... _- 43.39 7.03 8.45 29.24 5.73 6.16 262$ Anchor Mills Company, Waco, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk- _-___ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 __________________ -. 1953B Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 7.05 3.39 12.05 65.43 10.48 1.60 479W O. K. Brand All-Mash Chick Starter ________________________________ ___ 18.50 8.50 6.00 53.00 .................. -. 1958.] Analysis" _______________________________ __ 19.85 4.06 4.87 55.64 9.84 5.74 390W O. K. Brand Egg Mash_____ 18.00 8.50 7.00 48.00 ................ -- 1953M Analysis . 4.81 5.49 53.42 9.25 7.59 2 Waco Brand Sweet Feed.___..__. 10.80 1.50 23.50 45.20 .................. _. 19581’ Analysis _______________________________ ___ 10.01 1.69 19.88 45.79 12.92 9.71 __ 74W Waco Brand Laying Mashm- 18.00 3.50 6.00 52.50 .................. __ 1958R Analysis“ ________________________ __ . 4.44 5.16 55.67 10.10 6.07 3'1 Waco Brand Laying Mash _________ __ . 3.50 6.00 51.00 __________________ _. 1958A5 Analysis“ 18.13 3.77 5.45 55.54 9.46 7.65 633W Anderson, C. 3., ____________________ __ _ Waco, Texas. Anderson's Excel Brand Dairy Feed 21.00 3.80 8.00 48.00 .................. .. 1562A Analysis“ _ ______________ ___ 22.90 5.05 7.29 50.30 9.89 4.57 442W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, Ic.—See legend at the beginning "Excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “fish meal claimed, not found. Registration canceled. of this table. 92 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent I Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l f - or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- I Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract 7 V Anderson, Clayton & C0,, Houston, Texas. , 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal..._ 4.9.00 6.00 12.00 20.00 __________________ -. 780B Analysis ________________________________ -. 46.12 6.86 7.70 25.11 7.46 6.75 17H Analysis . _ . . _ _ . . . . .. 45.71 6.77 8.49 24.41 7.86 6.76 20H Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _. 45.61 6.81 8.07 24.63 8.44 6.44 242H Analysis - _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _. 42.57 5.98 10.88 25.37 8.73 6.47 502H Analysis . _ . . . . . . . . . . .- 44.02 6.31 10.15 25.17 7.93 6.42 316M Analysls ________________________________ __ 42.64 6.34 10.21 26.64 7.76 6.41 549M 28% Protein Ground Whole- Pressed Cottonseed 28.00 6.00 23.00 29.00 ________________ -- 780D Analysls 31.39 5.16 19.60 30.87 7.59 5.39 18H Analysism‘ 27.35 4.64 22.63 31.00 9.64 4.74 88H Anderson Peed Mill, Stephenville, Texas. Chick Starter ____________________________ .. 14.50 3.60 5.00 57.00 _ ....... -_ 2191F Analysis 14.98 4.41 3.27 58.91 10.84 7.59 340T Anderson Grain Company, Nacogdoches, Texas. Anders0n’s Special Dairy Feed 18.00 3.50 13.00 46-00 _________________ .. 1263A Analysislfi ______________________________ __ 19.35 3.18 10.21 48.26 10.87 8.13 134M Andersgjfs Spgcial Laying Mash 19.00 3.00 7.50 50.00 1263B Analysisa" _____________________________ _. 21-13 4.61 8.84 49.06 9.35 6.46 53M Anderson’s Special Hog Feed__. 114-50 4-40 8-00 54-00 .- ____ 1 1263C Analysis“ _____________________________ .. 18.62 3.32 6.62 54.87 10-99 5.58 493M Andrews Peed Store, S. A., Stephenville, Texas. Sid’s Cow Feed __________________________ __ 18.00 0.00 18.00 07.50 . ............... _. 2669A Analysis ____________________________ ___ 18.67 4.47 12.08 47.65 10.92 6.21 500T Andy’s Peed Store, Pilot Point, Texas. Andy’s Dairy Feed ______________________, 16.00 3 00 10.30 52.00 ................. _. 13121 Analysis _______________ __ 15.43 3.73 9.68 56.23 9.93 5.00 289T Andy’s Egg Mash _______ __ __ 18.50 3.50 6.00 49.00 ....... -. 1812.1 Analysis _______________ __ _ 19.81 4.08 4.32 49.92 10.79 11.08 171T Analysis __________________ __ 19.89 3 96 3.40 52.38 10.03 10.34 621T Angelo Peed 8a Grain Company, San Angelo, Texas. Angelo Dairy Feed __--._--_______------_ 19-00 3.60 11-00 45-00 --------------- 2675A Analysis _____________________ ______ 18,541 3.43 10.48 51.74 9.25 6.35 497S Chowmix Laying Mash ............... -- 18.00 3.50 8-00 118-00 ................. -. 2675F Analysis _____________________________ __ 19.76 4.47 5.39 53.97 9.79 6 62 427s Chowmix 18% Protein Dairy Feed E 18.00 3.50 14.00 46.00 26751-1 Analysis!” ____________________________ ,_ 20,37 4.33 12.29 47.65 9.53 5.83 559s Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Branches. 34%Protein Old Process Lin- i seed Meal _________________________________ _. 34.00 4.50 9.00 33.00 .................. .. 1197A Analysis‘ 32.98 4.04 7.67 38.22 10.84 6.25 61P a, b, c, d. e, f, n, h, i, 1'. k.—~See legend at the beginning of this table. “Cottonseed meal and hulls. “Excess of salt found. "Deficient in ground limestone. “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. “Corn distillers’ dried grains claimed, not found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 93 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. rude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spec ‘on Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract . . 1 Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Branches.--Continued 34% Protein Old Process Lin- seed Meal ........................... ___ 34.00 3.50 9.00 33.00 __________________ -- 1197A Analysis 35.48 5.21 8.19 36.56 8 83 5.73 290K 44% Protein Soybean Oil Meal___ 44.00 0.50 7.00 29.00 ____-___ ________ __ 1197E Analysis _.--___-.-_._-.-..______--___-_____ 45.28 .54 5.45 31.30 11.58 5.85 234M Analysis“ _ . .29 5.41 31.44 11.14 5.77 213T Analysis ______________________________ __ . .34 5.23 31.98 9.67 6.15 4W 30% Protein Linseed Meal _________ __ 30.00 4.50 9.00 35.00 - __-_-__. ________ __ 119715‘ Analysis“ .................. -__ ____ .__ 31.37 5.10 10.39 38.59 9.13 5.42 94S Archer G-rain Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Archer’s XXX Egg Mash __________ __ 19.50 4.00 6.00 44.00 ................... __ 846C Analysis ______________________________ __ 21.73 4.20 4.98, 50.73 10.90 7.46 422M Archer’s XXX Starter Mash ..... -- 19-00 3-70 5-50 49-00 346E Analysis 20.60 3.92 4.56 52.46 11.15 7.31 424M XXX Dairy Feed __-________ 17.50 4.50 15.00 42.00 __________________ -. 846.1 Analysis" _______________________ 18.52 41.15 11.88 47.99 11.15 6.31 421M XXX Calf Feed_____--_-_-____________-___ 16.5 0 3.80 6.50 54.00 846M Analysis ............................... __ 17.50 3.91 5.94 56.03 10.42 6.20 423M 24% Protein Dairy Feed __________ -_ 24.00 5.00 11.00 40.00 __________________ _. 846A3 Analysis _______________________________ __ 24.27 6.26 11.08 40.11 9.62 8.66 158M Archer’s Summer Dairy Feed.__ 18.00 5.00 13.50 41.50 -.___-__-_ ________ __ 846B7 Analysis ____________________________ ______ 20.23 a 5.93 11.53 43.62 9.49 9.20 10M Special Horse and Mule Feed_____ 10.00 3.20 9.00 58.00 __________________ __ 846B8 Analysis _________________________ ___ 11.53 5.03 7.29 60.07 11.76 4.32 233M Analysis“ __________________________ ____ 11.08 4.47 7.53 60.68 12.31 3.93 475M Arizona Flour Mills Company, Phoenix, Arizona. Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal _________ __ 17.00 1.50 25,00 40.00 ________ __ ___--____ 819A Analysis 18.57 3.36 22.14 38.43 5.29 12 21 99S Analysis ______________________________ __ 16.01 2.73 26.16 40.18 3.69 11.23 640$- Arkansas City Flour Mills Com- pany, The, Arkansas City, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 16.00 8.50 6.00 55.00 1670A Analysisn“ _______1__________ 16.85 4.33~ 6.70 56.26 10.90 4.96 140M Analysis ______________________ ____. 16.37 4.07 6.06 55.56 13.09 4.85 7P Analysisk _________________________ __ 15.82 3.72 5.58 58.21 12.67 4.00 177P Analysis _____________ _________ 16.50 4.10 6.11 56.45 11.95 4.89 671‘ Analysis“ 16.80 4.18 6.21 56.90 11.83 4.08 117T Low-Protein Ground Wheat_...-__ 11.00 2.00 3.00 70.00 1670E Analysis" ..................... --_.._ 13.95 1.74 2.65 68.84 11.02 1.80 33.1 Arlington Grain Company, Arlington, Texas. Barrett's Best Starting Mash-_--- 19.00 4.00 5.00 53.00 ................ -. 2379M Analysis ____________________________ __ 19.00 4.24 4.12 53.87 10.27 8.50 371T Rainbow Laying Mash .............. -_ 19.00 4.00 5.00 51.00 2379N Analysis ________________________ _____ 19.38 4.35 4.86 53.06 9.94 8.41 56T a’: b) C: d) e: f) gs h: i; .7‘: k-isee "Rice bran claimed, not found. "Cottonseed meal found, not claimed. "Wheat brown shorts and screenings. legend at the ‘beginning of this table. 94 Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMEN-‘T STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, Per Gent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ \ i or 1n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Armour and Company, Chicago, Illinois, and Branches. Armour’s 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 __________________ .. 541G Analysis ____________________________ 50.10 9.32 1.96 .12 7.62 30.88 182T Athens Oil Mill, Athens, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal_____ 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. -. 567F Analysis 43.65 5.47 9.36 27.16 7.52 6.84 167P Jersey Brand Mixed Feed ________ __ 11.80 1.70 38.00 36.00 ................ -. 5671 Analysis ________________________________ __ 12.10 2.2 37.32 38.55 6.55 3.23 146M Auge Packing Company, 1211., San Antonio, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 .................. .. 1724A Analysis" _____________________________ _- 48.47 12.90 1.22 .01 7.38 30.02 1031-1 65% Protein Digester Tankage___ 65.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 ............. .. 1724C Analysis 66.94 8.36 .85 1.94 6.68 15.23 6.1 Austin Mill 8n Grain Company, Brownwood, Texas. Corn Chop _____________________________________ __ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 231A Analysis _____________ __ _____________ 9.14 4.04 2.01 71.81 11.59 1.41 115S Green Arrow 18% Protein Lay- ing Mash _______________________________ ____, 18.00 3.60 7.00 48.50 _______________ _. 231C3 Analysis 19.81 3.68 6.45 53.31 10.05 6.70 2S Ayers 8a Son, Ray C., Slaton, Texas. Ayers Supreme Brand Chick Starter .................................... __ 18.00 3.50 6.00 53.00 ________________ -. 283A Analysis ________________________________ __ 17.42 4.09 6.68 53.77 8.81 9.23 190K Ayers Supreme Brand Sweet Feed _. 9.00 1.50 17.50 52.60 ______________ -- 283C Analysisk _______________________________ __ 10.52 2.02 16.77 50.13 9.06 11.50 262K Ayers Supreme Brand Growing Mash 17.00 3.50 7.00 52.00 ................ -. 283G Analysis 17.36 4.38 7.95 53.86 8.27 8.18 189K Analysis ________-_______________________ 17.50 3.261 8.00 53.96 9.35 7.93 456E Ayers Supreme Brand 20% Pro- tein Cattle Feed Cubes_ 20.00 8.00 10.50 42.00 ................ .. 283Q Analysis" _ ...................... -_ 19.76 2.54 6.00 54.84 11.39 5.47 239$ Ayers 35% Protein Poultry Mash Concentrate _______________ __ 35.00 4.00 8.00 27.50 ............... .. 283A1 Analysis" _______________________________ -_ 34.56 3.23 7.58 31.95 7.61 15.07 286K 'Bai1ey’s Peed Store, Rosenberg, Texas. Red Star 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 4.00 12.50 46.00 ____ -. 1392C Analysislma ______________________ _- 16.58 4.58 12.05 49.52 10.71 6.56 529M Red Star- Horse and Mule Feed 10.00 3.20 1 0.00 60.00 . -_ 13921 Analysis _______________ ___1 ____ __ 11.29 3.0m 5.10" 63.26 12.86 4.45 54M Analysis -__________-_________________ 9.85 4.10 7.37 59.88 13.68 5.12 211M Red Star Egg Mash _____________ __ , 3.80 7.00 50.00 ____ __ 1392K Analysis!” ___________________________ -_ 20.58 4.36 6.19 51.69 10.25 6.93 53M a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, 1', j, k.--See legend at the beginning of this table. "fiDeficient in ground amorphous limestone and salt. “D eficient in salt. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued 96 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent I Name and Address of Manufacturer or Crude Crude Orude Nitro- l Regis- tration or In- Importer. Brand Name. M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein l Extract Baileys reed Store, Rosenberg‘, '.I.'exas.-Cont'd. Corn Chop ___________________________________ __ 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ................. -- 1392U Analysis _________________________ __-______, 9.60 3.48 1.81 71.91 12.11 1.09 285M Red Star All-Mash Laying Ra- . . tion 15.00 4.00 6.00 51.00 ....... -. 1392K Analysis 15.50 4.92 6.19 54.16 9.99 9.24 530M ‘Bain Peanut Company of Texas, Port Worth, Texas. Bapco Brand 43% Protein Pea- nut Meal ____________________________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................ -_ 588A Analysis¢ ____,___________________________ 41.32 9.94 13.26 24.26 4.22 7.00 225T Analysisc _______________________________ __ 42.20 7.85 11.96 24.20 6.45 7.34 502T 36% Protein Ground Peanut Feed 86.00 5.00 22.00 28.00 ________ .. ___ 1--. 588M Analysis 36.68 8.57 19.52 22.81 7.00 5.42 52W Balderston Grain Company, Canadian, Texas. Whole Barley Chop 11_00 1.50 6.00 65.00 -._--.__-. ...... __ 1154E Analysis“ _____________________________ _, 13.75 1.92 5.72 64.45 10.37 3.79 21K ‘Ball, J’. 3., G-reenville, Texas. Ball Brand Laying Mash __________ __ 90.00 3.50 6,00 46.00 _______ __ __ 1341E Analysis“ ______________________________ 14.74 3.02 5.19 59.91 11.49 5.65 30P Bangs Peed Mill, Bangs, Texas. Jenk’s Dairy Feed___________________, 15.00 3.60 16.00 47.00 _________________ 1 759F Analysis _________________________________ __ 15.48 4.58 15.76 43.40 9.63 11.15 621S Real Brand Laying Mash____ __ 18.00 3,50 6.50 48.00 ________________ __ 759L Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.76 3.81 6.19 49.76 9.83 10.65 513S Bankhead Peed Store, Arlington. Texas. Bankhead Dari-Mix __________________ .. 17.00 8.00 13.00 47.00 ________________ _. 2018B Analysis _____,_____________________ 20.42 3.96 12.68 45.66 10.34 6.94 520T Barcus Peed Store, Waco, Texas. Victory Brand Laying Mash _____ _. 18.00 3.50 5.00 52.5 ................. -- 1413C Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.58 3.52 4.30 54.01 10.56 8.03 625W Hewitt Brand Chick Starter ____ -. 15.50 3.70 4.50 56.00 ............... -. 14131: Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.37 5.69 3.88 55.15 11.42 6.49 544W Barnett and Powers Produce Com- panv, Marlin, Texas. Marlin-Mix Laying Mash _________ -- 18.00 3.60 5.00 54.00 __________________ _. 1993A Analysisdm ________________________ __ 18.62 3.88 4.31 55.55 11.45 6.19 102W Marlin-Mix Dairy Feed _____________ __ 20.60 8.20 15.00 48.00 ________ _. . 1993B Analvsis“ 1 ________________ __ 20.76 3.93 14.70 44.33 10.89 5.39 338W Marlin-Mix Broiler Mash ________ -- 14.60 3.50 5.00 57.50 -.-_-_... _ _ 1993C Analvsis _______________________________ __ 17.64 4.25 4.91 57.06 10.38 5.76 191W Marlin-Mix Growing Mash____-___- 16.00 3.60 6.50 54.50 ________ -_ 1993D Analysism _____________________________ __ 17.65 4.28 6.24 54.76 10.52 6.55 103W a. b. c, d. e, f. g, h, i, 7', 7c.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Illegal net weight. Each sack even-weighted to 100 lbs. net. Wheat chop found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. 96 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941,. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Gent Regis- — tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash ho. tein Extract Barrows Electric Hatchery, I-amesa, Texas. Eureka Brand Starter-Grow Mash 19.00 ’ 3.50 7.00 49.00 .................. _. 1077A Analysis" 19.60 4.19 5.90 52.07 10.49 7.75 2768 Eureka Brand Laying Mash No, 1 19.00 3.60 7.00 46.00 ______ .......... .. 1077B Analysis _ 19.93 4.29 6.15 51.02 8.47 10.14 198K Eureka Brand Laying Mash No. 2 19.00 3.50 7.50 48.00 ________ -_ 1077H Analysis ____________________ ___ 20.00 4.53 5.73 51.41 .30 10.03 288K Analysis ______________________________ __ 20.00 4.35 6.08 51.19 9.13 9.25 395$ Barr0n’s 32%Protein Egg Mash Concentrate ___________________________ __ 82.00 4.50 7.00 24.00 1077N Analysis ___._-__--______________ 33.89 5.74 6.62 27.98 6.64 19.13 473s Barry 8a Sons, J‘. 3., Mercedes, Texas. Barny’s Dairy Feed--_--_--__.___-_-_-_--. 18.00 8.00 12.00 51.50 _________________ __ 1602A Analysis 18.90 2.58 11.25 49.27 11.66 6.34 92H Analysis 20.00 2.61 10.89 48.12 12.02 6.36 165H. Bauch 8n Simpson, Yorktown, Texas. Breeder Laying Mash- ________________ __ 18.70 3.50 6.30 46.70 .................. __ 660A _ Analysis 21.10 4.38 6.26 49.58 10.39 8.29 355K Chlck Starter ...................... -- _-. 17.60 3.50 6.50 52.00 ________ __ 660C Analysis .............................. -- 19.20 4.29 5.84 53.35 10.41 6.91 3561-1 Bawden Fuel 8t Peed Company. Plainview, Texas. Ear. Corn Chop with Husk___________ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 __________________ -- 1339H Analysis!" ____________________ __ __ 8.79 3.28 10.84 65.02 9.91 2.16 229K Rainbow Egg Mash _________ __ __ 20.00 0.50 7.00 46.00 ................. __ 1339U Analysis _______________________________ __ 21.64 4.07 5.59 48.97 10.17 9.56 231S Rainbow All-Mash Chick Star- ter 20.00 3.50 6.50 48.50 1339K Analysis _______________________________ _, 21.76 4.09 5.53 49.26 8.74 10.62 296K Analysis ___________________ __ 21.95 4.00 5.83 49.50 9.78 8.94 343$ Rambow Growing Mash___ _________ 18.00 3.50 6.50 49.00 .................. _. 1339Y Analysise __________________________ ___ 19.76 3.54 6.00 52.20 9.99 8.51 342$ Rainbow Growing Mash .... __ __ 18.40 3.50 7.00 49.60 1339Y Analysis” ____________________________ __ 19.09 3.52 5.08 54.63 9.48 8.20 222 Rainbow 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 3.00 11.00 51.00 ___-_.__. ______.-__ 1339A9 Analysis _______________________________ __ 17.95 2.95 10.08 52.75 .74 53 468$ Rainbow 40% Protein Egg Mash Supplement ___________________,_ 40.00 4.30 8.00 19.00 _________________ __ 1339B3 Analysisk _______________________________ __ 42.74 4.33 5.35 20.48 7.84 19.26 44K Rainbow 18% Protein Egg Mash 18.00 8.50 7.50 50.00 _________________ ._ 1339B9 Analysis _______________________________ __ 19.70 3.94 5.97 53.24 10.05 7.10 469$ Rainbow Sweet Feed___ 10.00 1.80 15.00 49.50 .................. .. 1339C1 Analysis 10.64 1.55 15.83 50.96 10.01 11.01 2 Rainbow 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 3.00 11.00 45.00 .................. _. 1339C5 Analysis* ____________________ ________ 18.21 3.39 9.55 52.12 9.56 7.17 80K a, b. v. (l. 6. f. .0. h, i, j, Ic.—-See legend at the beginning of this table- "Excess of salt found. "Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS 97 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942‘—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- . tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or | l 4 0r In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude y Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein kExtract h Bay City Rice Mills, Inc., Bay City, Texas. Rice Polishings ___________________________ __ 11.00 10.00 3.50 55.00 .................. _- 457A Analysis” _______________________________ ._ 12.00 10.33 2.38 55.69 11.15 8.45 115M Rice Bran containing Precipi- tated Carbonate of Lime _____ _. 12.00 12.00 12.00 42.00 ................. .. 457B Analysis“ _______________________________ ._ 12.00 13.06 8.13 44.43 10.35 12.03 127H Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 12.60 12.20 10.25 40.85 10.55 13.55 199M Beaumont Rendering Plant, Beaumont, Texas. “Beau” Brand 47% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ___________ __ 47.00 10.00 3.00 0.00 ...... -. . ...... -. 316A Analysis¢ ______________________________ ___ 42.89 14.25 1.80 3.52 6.90 30.64 90M Beaumont Rice Mills, Beaumont, Texas. Rice Polishings __________________________ _, 11.00 6.00 8.00 55.00 494A Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 12.12 7.94 2.16 60.98 11.74 5.06 247M Rice Bran containing Limestone 13.00 1.3.00 15.00 36.00 _________________ _. 494B Analysis ______________________________ __ 12.20 13.59 11.51 39.75 10.48 12.47 307M Analysis _______________________________ __ 14.09 15.71 11.40 35.56 11.13 12.11 397T Beck, B. IL, Cleburne, Texas. Beck’s 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 3.00 10.70 59.50 1790A Analysis” ______________________________ __ 16.07 3.11 9.24 55.26 10.39 5.93 590W Beeville reed 8t Seed Company, Beeville, Texas. Russe11’s 24% Protein Dairy Feed __________________________________________ __ 24.00 8.70 10.00 42.00 ................. -. l774D Analysis” ______________________________ __ 24.50 4.39 10.72 42.52 11.09 6.78 3051-1 Leghorn Brand Chick Starterm 17.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 _________. ________ -. 1774F Analysis“ _____________________________ ___ 18.76 5.51 5.55 51.45 10.36 8.37 306H Bells Milling Company, Bells, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk _________ __ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 ................. _. 1106E Analysis35fv __________________________ __ 6.16 1.92 17.05 58.09 12.55 4.23 96T Bolton Peed 8n Produce Company, Belton, Texas. McQueen & Taylor Sweet Cow Feed _________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.50 16.00 44.50 ___________________ _. 212B Analysis“ ______________________________ __ 19.84 4.29 12.00 47.37 10 27 6.23 540W Berend Brothers, Gainesville, Texas. B&B Dairy Feed _________ __ 15.00 3.00 15.00 46.50 1527A Analysisw ___________________ _. 15.64 2.64 11.53 53.99 10.38 5.82 605T Screenings and Molasses. .... .. 8.00 2.00 8.00 61.00 ________ -. 1527M Analysis _______________________________ _. 11.42 2.00 9.08 56.48 10.93 10.09 295T a, b, c, d, e. f. g, h. i. j. m-See legend at the beginning of this table. i‘ “Carbonate of lime found. "Excess of precipitated carbonate of lime found. “Carbonate of lime found. “Ground whole oats found, not claimed. Alfalfa meal claimed, not found. Ex- cess of ground amorphous limestone found. “Brewei-s’ type yeast claimed, not found. Alfalfa leaf meal found, not claimed. “Rice bran found, not claimed. “Excess of corn cobs and husks presenrt. “Ground peanut hay found, not claimed. “Cane molasses claimed, not found. Ground whole barley found, not claimed. 98 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXASlAGRlGULTURAL EXPERIMEIVI‘ STATION Tabe 18. 0 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941,. to August 31, 1942~—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Name and Address of Manufacturer or Regis- tration or In- Importer. Brand Name. rude Crude Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat ture ' Ash No. tein = l Bewley Mills, Port Worth, Texas. k Anchor 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 3.80 __________________ __ 4O Analysism ............................. -- 20.27 2.64 12.06 4.90 249M Anchor 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 3.50 _______ __ 40 Analysis ________________________ ____ 18.11 2.60 10.94 5.00 422s Anchor Milo-Kafir Feed Mea1___ 10.00 2.50 ________ __ 4P Analysis“ ----_-___---..._____-_.._.__ 10.30 2.50 13.83 1.34 243M Anchor Wheat Bran, Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings 14.50 8.50 ___________________ H 4R, Analysis 17.48 4.53 10.03 5.70" 518M Anchor 24% Protein Dairy Feed 21.00 3.80 __________________ __ 4X Analysis ..................... _____ 25.39 2.43 12.60 6.18; 111H Analysis .................... _____ 24.38 2.50 9.48 5.89; 1K Analysis” .......... -- -___--_-_._-_- 23.74 2.84 11.56 4.53‘ 250M Blue Anchor 16% Protein Mixed Feed 10.00 2.00 _______________ __ | 4y Analysis _________________ _____i 17.32 3.23 13.04 5.97 500W Joy Stock Feed __________ ____i_ 9.00 2.00 __ ____ ________ _. 4A6 Analysis ____________________ ._ 14.58 2.34 9.82 5.26 302K 16.00 2.50 ________________ __ 4A7 . 2.51 8.89 5.90 44W . 0.50 . i 4B2 Analysis ________________________________ __ . 5.31 10.06 9.87 112H Analysis . . . . _ _ _ _ _ ____ 20.23 4.25 9.87 8.01 144K Analysis” . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ 14.87 3.50 11.24 5.28 333M Analysis ____ __ 20.80 3.63 5.63 7.95 506M Analysis _________ 19.60 3.70 10.35 6.42 551T Analysis 20.61 4.08 10.83 9.05 373W Anchor 30% Protein Supple- ment Chunkets for Swine________ 30.00 3-50 ................ -. 4C5 Analysis“ 30.45 4.39 8.85 13.67 575W Big B Sweet Feedm ____________ 9.00 1.00 4139 Analysis ____________________ __ 9.90 2.17 11.13 7.23 41K Analysisw 12.13 2.30 11.54 9.78 313W Anchor Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings 10-00 3-50 ----------------- -_ 4E4 Analysis _____ __________________ 15.56 3.70 12.28 4.04 176K Analysis _________ __ __________ 17.25 4.15 12.52 5.78 97M Analysis __________ 15,73 3.09 11.91 4.54 562M Analysis __________ 17.00 4.19 11.73 3.97 259T Analysis" 18.26 4.30 . 11.59 3.95 555W Anchor Egg Mash ........... __.__ 20-00 3-80 . .................. -- 4F?» Analysis ____________________ 13.92 4.50 .09 11.23 9.05 1131-1 Analysis .... - ___ ........ ____ 20-26 4.81 ~28 10-94 3-46 51K Analysisflb ________________________ _____ 20.30 5.05 .47 10.79 9.42 147M Anchor Growing Mash.----__.--__-__- 17.00 3-60 .00 ................. _. 4F4 Analysis” _____________________________ __ 18.93 3.80 .37 10.31 6.52 17J Analysis _____________________ _______ 19_()9 4,43 .66 10.55 8.01 341M Analysis“ _________-_ ---_--_--_-__...._ 17.70 4.33 .13 10.55 7-20 592W Anchor Chick Starter --__-_----______.. 18.00 3.80 .20 ---------------- -. 4F5 Analysis ______________________ ______ 19.00 4.77 .19 9.80 7.93 482W Blue Anchor 24% Protein Dairy Feed 24.00 8.50 .00 ----------------- -. 4G6 Analysis“ -. . 3.11 . 11.06 4.82 522T a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, 1‘, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. of this table. “Deficient in meat and bone scraps, ground oyster shell and salt. “Deficient in ground limestone. *1'1'ags incomplete. "Deficient in salt. Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt. “Deficient in ground limestonle. 7 ' COMMERCIAL FEEDING ISTUFFS 99’ Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1941. to August 31, l942—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein iExtract Bewley Mills, Port Worth, Texas.—Cont’cl. Anchor All-Mash Starter ________ _- 16.00 3.80 6.50 53.80 ........ -. --__-._._ 4G8 Analysis" _______________________________ _. 18.32 4.44 6.39 5312 10.08 7.65 340M Analysis ________________________________ __ 18.38 4.15 5.21 56.68 9.57 6.01 553M Analysis ____ __ __ 17.48 4.53 5.15 57.28 10.03 5.53 410T Analysis“ __ 15.45 3.90 7.05 56.61 11.51 5.48 490T Analysis“ 17.49 4.36 5.89 55.66 10 6O 6.00 417W Anchor 32% Protein Supple- ment for. Poultry ____________________ __ 32.00 4.30 7.00 23.00 .................. .- 4G9 Analysis“ 32.02 3.27 7.56 35.19 8 59 13 37 611W Blue Anchor Fattening Mash___ 13.00 4.20 8.00 56.00 ................. -- 4H2 Analysis ________________________________ __ 14.18 5.10 7.37 58.55 9 61 5.19 228K Anchor 16% Protein Cattle and Sheep Feed Chunkets _______________ __ 16.00 2.50 8.00 51.00 ............... .. 4K4 Analysis 2.86 6.74 53.46 10 76 6.68 195H Analysis 2.73 8.40 55.64 8 88 7.26 157 S Bibb Company, H, T_, Port Worth, Texas. 43%Pl‘Otein Cottonseed Meal“, 14300 5.20 12.00 25.00 ________ A an"--. 197213 Analysis ________________________________ __ 42.60 5.57 9.65 27.53 8 29 6.36 509T Analysis ___________________________________ 42.86 5.60 9.57 27.51 7 93 6.53 579T 18% Pfgtein Dairy Feed _____ 18.00 3.80 13.00 00.00 . _______________ __ 1972P Analysis _________________________________ __ 20.00 4.55 10.07 45.12 10.73 9 53 508T 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed ___________________________________ __ 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 1972Z Analysis“ ____________________________ ____ 41.13 5.78 10.40 28.50 7.60 6 59 556W Bibb’s Worthy Brand Egg Mash 18.00 8.50 7.00 49.00 ................. .. 1972B3 Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.00 3.17 5.02 54.03 10.92 7 86 362T 41% Protein cottonseed Cak9___ 41.00 5.00 12.00 25,00 ........ _. 1972B6 Analysiswd ____________________________ __ 42.33 5.83 8.95 27.47 9.13 6 29 224T Big Spring Cotton Oil Company, Big Spring, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealm 43-00 6.00 12 00 23-00 -_- .-_ ________ _. 216D Analysis _____________________________ __ 42.84 6.01 10 36 27.64 7.19 5.96 202K Analysis _v 43.65 6.28 11 25 25.98 7.78 5.06 100S Analysis __________ __ ______, 42.65 6.16 10 54 27.75 6.99 5.91 159S Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 44.29 6.40 9.40 26.80 7.33 5.78 274S Analysis ____ __ 44.37 6.64 10.13 25.93 7.17 5.76 283$ Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43.23 6.63 9 52 27.62 6.99 6.01 398$ Analysis _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43.19 6.73 9 80 27.34 6.89 6.05 402S Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43.30 6.50 10.47 26.44 7.28 6.01 477S Analysis _________________________________ __ 42.59 6.97 10.94 25.90 7.94 5.66 C 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 43.00 6.00 12 00 23.00 .................. _. 216F Ana1ysis° _______________________________ _, 41.41 6.16 10.28 26.81 9 97 5 37 282s Analysis ________________________________ __ 42.59 6.32 9 82 26.32 9 27 5 68 401S Big Spring Peed 8a Seed Company, Big Spring", Texas. All-Mash Laying Ration _____________ _, 15.00 3.50 5.00 59.00 _________________ __ 923A Analysis 16.85 3.52 3.01 62.46 8.82 5.34 636S Big Value Mills, Dallas, Texas. Big Value Brand Growing Mash 18.00 4.00 8.00 50.00 ................. .. 2263T Analysis _________________________________ __ 21.99 4.05 6.04 47.98 10.95 8.99 513T a, b. c, d. e, f, g. h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground ‘oyster shell and salt. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Not tagged, but tags furnished. 100 Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPLRILIENH‘ STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash l\‘o. tein Extract Big‘ Value Mills, Dallas, Texas.—Cont’d. Big Value Brand Egg Mash .... -_ 20.00 4.00 8.00 45.00 _________________ .. 2263X Analysis _________________________________ _. 20.80 5.33 5.37 50.86 9.86 7.78 310T Big Value Brand All-Mash Star- . ter 16.00 4.00 7.00 54.00 ________________ __ 2263Z Analysis“ ______________________________ -. 18.29 5.07 5.03 55.65 10.08 5.88 311T Bishop, L. 3., Matador, Texas. A Bishop’s Dairy Feed ________________ ___. 18.00 3.00 12.00 49.00 _________________ 1 1435C Analysis _____________________________ _. 19.05 3.02 11.16 52.08 8.62 6.07 178K Bishop Grain 8a Coal Company, Memphis, Texas. BiSh0p’s Hallco Egg Mash ________ __ 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.50 ______________ ._ 2189B Analysis _________________________________ _. 18.80 3.90 5.69 53.18 11.48 6.95 380S Bishop's Best Growing Mash_____ 16.00 3.50 7.00 52.80 _________________ _, 2189L Analysis _________________________________ __ 16.52 3.68 6.96 55.00 10.53 7.31 141K Bishop Milling Company, Bishop, Texas. Hegari Meal _________________________________ __ 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 .____ .... 2076D Analysis _________________________________ __ 11.49 2.42 2.59 71.33 10.25 1.92 50M Velvet Brand Chick Starter _____ __ 18.00 4.00 6.00 51.00 ................. _- 2076N Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.82 4.15 6.13 53.26 10.42 6.22 378H Velvet Brand Growing Mashmw 17.00 3.50 6.50 51.00 20760 Analysis ________________________________ __ 18.66 3.77 6.81 54.37 10.07 6.32 379H Velvet Brand Laying Mash _______ __ 18.50 4.00 7.00 50.00 _________________ _. 2076P Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.40 4.60 6.40 49.76 11.40 8.44 159H Velvet Brand Ground Screen- ings from Milo and Kafir with Molasses _____________________________________ __ 8.50 2.40 8.00 61.00 .............. _. 2076W Analysis _________________________________ __ 10.65 2.80 8.98 57.45 13.39 6.73 387B Velvet Big Value Brand Laying Mash 18.00 3.60 6.00 51.00 _________________ -. 2076X Analysis" _______________________________ __ 18.80 4.12 5.29 52.38 10.17 9.24 239H Velvet Brand 38% Protein Sup- plement for Hogs _____________________ __ 38.00 4.00 7.00 20.00 .................. -. 2076Z Analysis" _________________ __ _ 36.90 8.69 7.27 18.91 6.84 21.39 16H Analysis" ____ ____ __ 35.00 8.30 7.09 19.35 7.85 22.41 160E Analysis _________________________________ __ 41.40 12.91 6.48 19.13 4.75 15.33 3771-1 Velvet Brand Bordens 15% Protein Dairy Feed _________________ __ 15.00 3.00 8.00 56.30 __________________ _. 2076B4 Analysis“ ______________________________ 16.3 3.07 5.13 60.30 9.48 5.72 503H Velvet Brand Bordens 18% Protein Dairy Feed _________________ __ 13.00 3.00 9.00 50.50 __________________ _- 2076B5 Analysiskb ______ __________________ 20.50 3.47 7.02 52.46 9.99 6.56 504H Velvet Brand Bordens 22% Protein Dairy Feed _________________ __ 22.00 3.00 13.00 42.00 __________________ __ 2076B6 Analysis“ _____________________________ -_ 23.20 3.51 9.66 44.83 9.81 8.99 505H Black, E. 1%., G-atesville, Texas. Sunny Texas Laying Mash _______ __ 19.00 8.50 6.00 51.50 .................. -. 2148A Analysis” _______________________________ __ 19.68 4.65 4.47 52.44 11.50 7.26 551W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. "Milo meal found. not claimed. Wheat gray shorts claimed, not found. “Excess of grounld limestone found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942’—Cont:lnued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 10F Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941,. Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection _Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract Black, n. R... . Gatesville, Texas—Cont’d. Sunshine All-Mash Chick Star- ter 17.00 8.00 5.00 54.00 __________________ _. 2148E Analysis“ _____________________ -____ 17.05 3.44 4.53 58.33 9.75 6.90 613W Sunshine Hog Feed.__._-______.-_..______ 14.00 8.00 4.50 58.00 __________________ __ 2148H Analysis 15.30 3.82 3.32 60.42 10.07 7.07 60W Blackburn Peed Store, Waco, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk____._--___ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 258A Analysis" __-_-_.-__----_-___----__-- 6.70 3.35 9.92 66.25 12.23 1.55 186W Blair Elevator Corporation, The, Atchison, Kansas. Certified Brand Starting Mash 16.00 4.00 5.50 52.50 __________________ _. 6961 Analysis _________________________________ ._ 17.88 3.83 4.24 56.86 10.73 6.46 534W Valley Laying Mash... - 18.00 8.50 8.00 48.00 ________ -. 696N Analysis“ ............................... _- 17.32 3.80 5.30 55.31 10.84 43 638W Blair Milling Company, The, Atchison, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ' ................ _. 2349B Analysis _________________________________ ,_ 16.39 3.60 5.89 59.32 10.32 4.48 645T Analysis _________________________________ __ 16.91 3.50 5.87 57.35 11.80 4.57 66W Blatchford Calf Meal Company, ‘Waukegan, Illinois. Blatchfortfs Calf Meal _____________ __ 25.00 4.50 6.00 44.50 .................. -. 2149A Analysis" _____________________________ __ 26.54 4.36 6.06 44.74 10.77 7.53 26K Bledsoe Feed 8t Fuel Company, San Angelo, Texas. Bledsoe’s Winner Brand Dairy Cow Feed __ ___ 17.50 3.80 11.00 49.00 .................. _. 78A Analysis _________________________________ __ 18.10 4.08 11.18 49.11 10.69 6.84 35S Tniple-Concho Laying Mash_____ 18.00 3.50 6.00 49.00 .................. -. 78B Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.82 4.01 4.97 56.22 10.42 6.56 318S Triple-Concho Starting and Growing Mash _________________________ _, 18.00 3.60 6.00 53.00 __________________ __ 78C Analysis _________________________________ __ 18.72 4.09 5.58 54.47 9.61 7.53 434$ Blue Bonnet Packing Company, Port Worth, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps _________________________________________ __ 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 __________________ .. 985A Analysis" .... __ 49.45 10.33 1.87 2.18 6.91 29.26 54T Analysis-W 48.47 12.09 2.14 1.28 6.70 29.32 421T Analysis _________________________________ ,_ 47.82 12.23 1.83 1.07 7.93 29.12 511T 60% Protein Digester Tankage 60.00 2.50 3.00 0.00 985C Analysis” _____________________________ __ 65.75 5.86 1.85 7.55 13.41 5.58 326T Bob’s Peed Store, Abilene, Texas. Bob's Special Egg Mash ............. -- 18.00 3.50 6.50 47.50 ........ __ 1351A Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.69 4.95 6.09 49.50 10.22 9.55 58S a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, J‘, k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. "Fish meal claimed, not found. Milo meal found, not claimed. “Blood flour claimed, not found. “Carbonate of lime found. 102 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERlMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- Name and Address of Manufacturer or| Importer. Brand Name. . F Crude Crude 1 Crude 4 Nitro- tration or In» Mois- Y Crude A spection Pro- Fat f Fiber ween-free ture \ Ash No. tein lExtract Bob’s Peed Store, Abilene, Texas.—Cont'd. Bob’s AAA Brand Laying Mash 20-50 3.60 7.50 43.00 _____________ 1351B Analysis _________________________________ __ 22.00 4.73 7.53 46.69 9.98 9.07 523$ Bob’s AAA Brand All-Mash Starter and Grower _________________ __ 2.50 7.00 55.50 _________ -. 1§g512g Analysis _________________________________ __ 1 . .06 7.21 5 .01 1 . 5 7.73 2 Bob’s Pay—Day Brand Egg Mash 8.30 Analysis _________________________________ __ . . 8. 9 .0 . . 1 ‘ Bob’s Pay-Day Brand Calf Meal 23.00 8.50 6.70 46.50 13511 Analysis _________________________________ __ 25.59 4.28 6.09 46.80 10.78 6.46 247T Bode Peed Store, Kerrville, Texas. Bode 20% Protein Dairy Feed 20.00 3.60 12.00 44.50 __________________ _. 865C Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 19.81 3.98 10.96 45.24 9.90 10.11 44H Bonner Peed Company, Athens, Texas. Bofineigs Special 5 Brand Egg 190 4 00 7 50 45 O 116712 as _________________________________________ __ .. 0 . .. .0 _______ -_ .. Analysis _________________________________ __ 21.20 4.11 6.96 47.27 10.06 10.40 25.1 Bonner's Special Chick Starter Mash __________________________________________ __ 19.00 3.60 5.80 50.40 _______________ .. 1167H Analysis _________________________________ __ 20.08 3.85 5.50 51.68 10.85 8.04 484T Borgstedte. P. P., Washington, Texas. Borgstedte’s Best Laying Mash 18.50 3.60 6.50 46.00 400A Analysis _________________________________ __ 18.96 4.92 7.00 49.47 10.22 9.43 391M Bower Peed Store, Graham, Texas. Special Egg Mash _________________________ __ {g-gg g-gg 8-00 49.00 mg-I-Z- 2091-? Analysis“ ____________________________ __ . . 8.25 48.94 . .14 1 Bower’s Laying Mash _______________ __ 18.00 3.70 7.00 48.50 ..... -- _. 2083Q Analysis ___________________________ __ 20.28 4.28 6.90 49.52 10.10 8.92 106T Bradfish Grain Company, Weatherford, Texas. d M W -T x Alfalfa Meal n 0- fassees ________________________ i? ____________ __ 0.90 25.00 42.50 . .._... ..... 199201 Analysis ___________ __ 1.31 27.30 60.88 8.75 8.88 3 1T Analysis _______________________ __ 1.10 29.11 42.40 11.53 6.93 581T We-Tex Dairy Feed _____________ __ 3.60 12.00 42.00 ____ __ . 1920N Analysis“ _________ __ 19.65 3.55 10.56 48.80 10.87 6.57 45T We-Tex Sweet Feed No. 2.__ 14.00 2.50 17.00 43.50 _____ _, 1920U Analysis _________________________________ __ 15.45 2.56 12.64 48.23 11.70 9.42 46T Bradley Peed Company, ‘Weatherford, Texas. O, K. Brand Egg Mash ____________ _- 18.50 3.60 6.00 47.00 ....... .. 697G Analysis .. 4.08 5.76 52.00 9.44 8.74 48T Analysis" _______________________________ -. 3.70 5.33 51.13 11.12 8.58 328T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Excess of ground oyster shell found. “Excess of salt founid. “Ground whole barley and corn cobs found, not claimed. "Excess of calcium carbonate found. of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS '1‘a.be 18. to August 31, 1942——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 103 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, r Regis- Per Cent tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ or 1n- Importer. Brand Name. (‘aide Ogide (gfirgde. Nitro- lstlois- Ciuge spgetion 0- "a er agen- ree ure s o. tein Extract} Brady Cotton O11 Company, Brady Texas. *3%..P"1te’i¥1 m: as: i222 "Z53 na ysis ________________________________ __ . . . . . . Analysis __________ .. 43.43 5.69 11.65 26.37 7.11 5.75 51W 43 Analysis 43.16 5.50 12.19 26.34 7.23 5.58 170W U’ Protein Cracked Cotton- s/ged Cake ................................. -- 1.0.00 0.00 12.00 20,00 107411‘ Analysis 43.24 5.41 11.83 26.22 7.64 5.66 274W Brazoria G-rain Company, Brazoria, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ....... -. 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 1001A Analysis _________________________________ __ 7.28 3.15 11.19 64.00 12.60 1.78 196M Corn Chop . _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ _. 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 1001B Analysis ___- 8.38 4.30 2.25 71.51 12.10 1.46 197M Corn Bran _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . . _ __ 3.00 5.00 12.00 00.00 ____ 1 1001C Analysis ________________________________ _. 7.65 3.95 12.15 64.60 10.22 1.43 198M Brazos Valley Cotton Oil Com- Pally, Waco, Texas. ' Longhor-n Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _____________________ -. 43.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ________ _- 1254C Analysis“ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _. 42.37 6.68 10.46 26.22 8.61 5.66 52H Analysis ________ -- 4%.01 10.13 26.92 7.07 157% Analysis ........... .- 4 .00 . 10.58 26.99 7.36 . 1 40 Analysis ______________ _- 43.57 6.43 10.15 26.13 7.44 6.28 41S Analysis .............. _- 42.98 6.23 10.60 27.05 7.11 33gT nalysisc -- 42.11 6.09 11.27 26.91 7.74 5. 61 T Analysis 42.91 7.05 11.23 26.97 6.07 5.77 1W inallysiis _______________________ __ 43.03 9.90 26.45 5.68 50$ na. ys s --__._._-_-__---_--_-------__ 43.93 .1 10.30 25.79 . 6.0 90 Analysis" __________________________ -- 42.44 6.57 10.12 27.97 6.53 6.37 250W Longhorn Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake ...................... __ 43.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ......... .. 1254D Analysis" ______________________________ -- 41,86 5.69 10.46 27.07 9.31 5.61 64W Analysis ____________ .................. -. 43.93 6.08 11.41 25.07 7.51 6.00 171W Longhorn Brand Mixed Feed 11.80 1.70 38.00 36.00 1254E Analysis _______________________________ -- 12.30 1.47 37.12 39.02 6.55 3.54 632W Longhorn Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 03.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ________ _- 125$ Analysis ________________________ _- 42.65 6.48 10.85 24.99 9.41 5 62 70 Analysis ________ 44.48 6.68 9.75 26.44 6.37 6.28 281W Analysis ________________________ ___ 43.22 6.29 9.79 27.81 6.74 6.15 291W Analysis° 42.28 7.62 8.63 27.98 6.84 6.65 432W Bredt 8a Haley Produce Company, Rockdale, Texas. Roe-Tex Brand Laying Mash---“ 20.00 3.50 6.00 50.0 __________________ -. 2244B Analysis ________________________________ _- 20.50 4.73 6.19 49.16 10.64 8.78 326W Roe-Tex Brand B. & H. Special Chick Starter ___________________________ __ 17.00 3.80 6.00 51.00 ! ........ -. 224413 Analysis . __________ _______________ -. 18.45 3.33 3.68 56.33 10.73 7.48 568W Roe-Tex Brand B & H Special Laying Mash ........................... __ 18.50 0.00 8.00 45.0 __________________ _. 2244B“ Analysis 18.38 6.05 6.32 49.38 10.26 9.61 472W Roe-Tex Brand Complete Hog I 2244.1 Ration _________________________________________ _- 14.00 4.70 7.00 50.7 Analysis” ________________________________ _, 14.63 4.11 2.57 61.70 10.78 6.21 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. "weevils present. "Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt. 104 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l9421——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. rude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Bredt 8s Haley Produce Company, Rockdale, Texas—Cont'd. _ P. B. S. Mixed Feed_______ ____ __- 12.00 7.00 10.00 47.00 2244K Analysis“ ________________________________ _, 13.14 8.94 8.55 47.03 10.30 12.04 567W Roe-Tex Economy Brand Grow- ing Mash _________________________________ __ 15.00 3.50 6.70 55.00 .................. -. 2244T Analysis ________________________________ __ 17.36 3.03 3.75 58.43 10.43 7.00 637W Brightman 8a Son, Comanche, Texas. Bnightmafis Hi-Lo Egg Mashm 18.00 8.50 8.00 48.00 ........ -- 2308H Analysis __________________________________ _, 18.20 4.29 6.89 52.58 .33 8.71 147W Broadway Peed Store 8n Hatchery, Houston, Texas. Scratch Feed _______________________________ __ 10.00 3.00 3.50 70.00 ........ _. 691A Analysis __________________________________ __ 11.12 3.03 1.98 71.07 11.25 1.55 536M Bronstad Gin, The, Clifton, Texas. Bronstad’s Best Baby Chick Starter _______________________________________ __ 17.00 3.50 5.00 56.0 ................. .- 1319A Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.90 4.39 3.93 56.69 10.89 6.20 392W Br0nstad’s Best Laying Mash“ 18.00 3.60 7.00 48.00 .................. -- 1319C Analysis __________________________________ __ 19.20 4.14 6.28 49.88 9.72 10.781 234W Brookiins Peed 8t Poultry, \ Breckenridge, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ____________________ ___ 11,00 4.00 12.00 58.00 __________________ _. 3961 Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 9.75 5.53 13.49 56.33 10.40 4.50 270T Brown, M. 3., Red Oak, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk _________ __ 8.00 3.00 10,00 65.00 ______ ._ 1070B Analysis __________________________________ __ 8.30 3.06 8.90 66.25 11.60 1.89 121W Brown Peed Store, Port Worth, Texas. Brown’s Special Cow Feed _________ __ 18.00 3.1.40 11.50 41-00 ------------------ -. 1140E Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.00 3.46 170-53 49-75 10.53 5-73, 53T Brown’s Chick Growing Mash 10.50 3.50 5.50 54.00 .................. n; 1140F Analysis ________________________________ __ 17.40 4.09 4.61 56.32 10.69 6.89 52T Analysis ..... __ . 4.07 4.73 55.63 11.07 7.07 403T Analysis" _______________________________ __ 3.78 5.11 57.25 9.73 5.73 635T Brown’s Supreme Brand 20% Protein Egg Mash _____________________ __ 20.00 3.50 5.80 ........ -- 1140G Analysis _________________________________ _- 20.33 4.25 4.41 53.00 20 3-31 636T Brownfield Milling Company, Brownfield, Texas. Paramount Brand Growing Mash 15.00 3-50 6-00 55-00 ------------------ ~- 316M Analysises _______________________________ __ 15150 3.73 5,34 58,82 9.72 6.79 206K Analysis __________________________________ __ 1510 3_55 5,79 59,03 9.40 7.13 471S Paramount Brand Laying Mash 18.00 3.50 6.50 177-00 -- -------- -» 3160 Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 1193 4.34 6.69 52.66 10.01 8.32 390s Paramount Extra-High Quality Brand Chick Starter ............. -- 17.00 0.50 7.00 50-00 ------------------ -. 3161f Analysis ________________________________ _- 18.26 __4.25_ 6-74 51-49 “L29 3-97\ 397-55 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—-See legend at the b “Excess of ground limestone found. “Largely whole oats. Some ground whole “Alfalfa meal claimed, not found. “Excess of grounid limestone found “Ground whole oats found, not claimed. barley present. eglnning of this table. OOMME RCIAL F ‘EEDIN G .S'TUF‘F'S Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—-Oontinued 105 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Brown Grain Company, Bailey, Texas. Ground Whole Oats-.. __________________ -_ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 __________________ -_ 1681B Analysis .................................. _. 10.27 5.17 13.03 55.92 10.32 5.29 10T Browning Grain Company, Sweetwater, Texas. Our—OWn Mix Dairy Feed ___________ __ 17.00 3.30 13.50 46.00 ___._-__ ________ _. 2665A Analysis“ ____________________________ _. 17.70 3.89 9.34 51.48 1O 30 7.29 270W Square Deal Brand Laying Mash 19.00 8.60 6.00 48.00 ........ -- 2665C Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.59 4.50 4.55 50.20 9.61 11.55 542S Special Square Deal Brand Egg Mash .......................................... -- 18.00 0.50 0.00 43.00 __________________ _. 26651) Analysis ------------------------- -___ 20.59 2.74 4.95 50.59 9.73 11.40 74S Brownwood Cotton Oil Mill, Brownwood, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal _______________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 310A Analysis _______________-___.___________-__ 43.45 7.63 10.36 24.64 7.83 6.09 242W . 6.31 10.58 26.54 7.39 6.08 398W Analysis ................................. _- 42.59 6.52 10.81 26.69 7.08 6.31 408W Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Peanut Meal _____________________ _. 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 --_.__-_- ____-._--. 310G Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 42.62 7.92 15.44 21.75 84 4.43 146$ Analysis“ . 42.16 7.92 15.66 20.72 8.24 5.30 153T Analysis _________________________________ _. 42.99 7.38 16.17 20.57 7.96 4.93 71W Panther Brand Sweet Feed ____ __ 9.00 1.80 24.00 43.0 ________ _. ________- 310K Analysis“ .............................. -. 8.33 1.96 29.12 35.35 11.78 13.46 527S Cotton Bloom Brand Laying Mash 21.00 4.00 7.00 _44.00 310L Analysis ................................. -- 22.16 5.05 6.58 47.08 31 .82 1S Cotton Bloom Brand 44% Pro- tein Supplement for Hogs ..... _- 44.00 6.50 10.00 16.50 __________________ _. 310M Analysis ................................. __ 43, 6.27 11.98 17.49 7.32 13.50 587T Cotton Bloom Brand Growing Mash ........................................... __ 18.00 4.00 6.50 52.00 310R Analysis . 5.35 5.93 50.42 9.63 7.94 511$ Analysis ................................. -. 19.55 4.38 5.56 52.27 10.05 8.19 605W Cotton Bloom Brand Chick Starter ________________________________ .. 19.00 4.00 ' 6.00 50.00 Y__-..-_. __.-_-__.- 310$ Analysis _________________________________ _- 19.60 4.68 5.15 53.36 9.75 7.46 510s Panther Brand Laying Mash---» 19.00 4.00 7.50 46.00 -_----__-. _-_---_-. 310U Analysis _________________________________ -. 19.98 4.44 8.39 48.27 10.40 8.52 255W Panther Brand Laying Mash Pellets _______________________________________ -_ 19.00 4.00 7.50 46.00 _..-__--- _--_-_-- 310V Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.20 4.52 8.20 49.72 9.79 8.57 149T Cotton Bloom Brand Chick Star- ter Pellets ................................. -- 19.00 4.00 6.00 50.00 310X Analysis" 19.70 4.48 4.96 52.95 9.52 8.39 245T Cotton Bloom Brand 15% Pro- tein Range Feed Pellets ....... -. 15.00 4.00 12.00 46.00 _ __..-__ 310A1 Analysis“ _______________________________ -. 17.23 3.63 11.98 45.78 10.67 10.71 52S Cotton Bloom Brand 20% Pro- tein Range Feed Pellets ....... -- 20.00 4.50 10.50 48.00 .................. -. 310A2 Analysis ................................. -- 20.22 4.11 10.12 43.65 10.69 11.21 39S a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-See legend at the beginning “Crimped whole barley found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground oyster shell and excess of salt found. of this table. 106 Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—-Continued BUILLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Gent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Brownwood Cotton Oil Hill, Brownwood, Texas—Cont’d. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Pellets ___________ __ 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ___. ........ -. 310A‘! Analysis° 41.47 6.27 11.36 27.03 8.43 5.44 241T Analysisc -_ 41.50 6.48 11.96 26.14 8.48 5.44 243W Analysis" _________, 42.21 6.35 10.92 25.55 8.92 6.05 275W Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Peanut Pellets _______________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _-.__.__ ___ ___ 310A5 Analysis __________________ __ 43.28 6.61 14.73 25.09 .21 08 108$ Analysis ________________________________ ___ 42.66 7.13 14.37 22.60 7.49 5.75 409W Cotton Bloom Brand 16% Pro- tein Dairy Feed _______________________ __ 16.00 3.50 12.00 46.50 ___- ___" 310A‘? Analysis ______________________________ ___ 18.05 4.10 10.93 43.99 10.66 12 27 618S 41% Protein Soybean Oil Mea1___ 41.00 6.00 6.00 28.00 __________________ __ 31039 Analysis“ ______________________________ __ 45.84 5.51 6.08 27.16 9.02 6.39 53W Brownwood Peed Mill, Brownwood, Texas. Farmers Friend Brand Egg Mash __________________________________________ __ 18.50 3.50 7.50 50.00 __________________ .. 1367E Analysis“ ___- ____ 18.50 3.75 7.61 52.92 10.65 6.57 151$ Analysis ____ __ 18.70 3.85 7.63 52.24 10.61 6.97 250T Analysis“ ______________________________ __ 18.08 4.36 9.22 51.32 11.10 5.92 354W Bryan Cotton Oil 8: Fertilizer Company, Bryan, Texas. 431% Protein Cottonseed Meal“ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ........ _. 403D Analysis“ _______________________________ _, 42.16 6.87 9.97 26.81 7 53 6.66 108W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake“, 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. _. 403E Analysisc _______________________________ __ 42,11 6.44 9.48 27.26 8.12 6.59 343W 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 _______ ._ 403M Analysiskf“ 37.95 6.08 11.96 29.83 7.94 6.24 556M Bryan Peed 8t Seed Company, Inc., Bryan, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk___________ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 .................. __ 1673A Analysis“ 7.73 3.27 9.71 65.92 11.66 1.71 128M Milo Chop _________________________ _________ 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 .................. -. 1673B Analysis ______________________ _______ 10,99 2.53 2.34 69.52 12.88 1.74 335M Ground Whole Oats__________________ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 .................. _. 1673C Analysis ___________________________ ___ 10.16 5.21 14.48 56.23 9.74 4.18 334M Future Farmers’ Brand Special ' Developing Mash ___________________ .. 17.60 3.30 6.00 53.00 ........ .. 1673D Analysis ___-__________________________ 18.25 4.11 4.71 54-73 10.34 7.36 555M Bryant Coal 8a Grain Company, Lamesa, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ________ _, 8.00 3.00 10-00 65.00 ________ _. _. 1457E Analysis _______________________ ______ 7.15 3.02 10.71 65.53 10.81 2.78 456T Bryant Dairy Feed______________________ 21.00 3.70 11.00 44.00 .................. 1 1457B Analysis 21.15 4.27 8.57 48.86 8.88 8-27 273$ Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, The, Cincinnati, Ohio. \ Buckeye 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal 41.00 4.50 7.00 29.00 __________________ _. 1169A Analysis _______ _______. 45.70 4.34 5.59 28.69 8-53 7.10 1535 a, b, c, d, e, f, y, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. "Deficient in ground oyster shell and excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Replaced with 43% protein cottonseed meal. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ISTU FtFS ' 107 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) s Per Cent ' Regis- l tration Name and Address 0t Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Grude Nitro- Mols- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gendree ture Ash No. ' tein Extract Burden’s Peed Mill, Eieo, Texas. Baby Chick Starter___.___---__-._...--. 17.00 8.60 6.20 51.00 _______ __ 155D Analysis ________________________ 16.91 4.61 4.90 55.63 10.06 7.89 518W Burdett Peed Store, Paso, Texas. Rosedale Laying Mash ______________ __ 19.00 8.50 7.00 44.00 _______ -- 938A Analysis" _______________________ _. 21.14 5.07 6.43 47.71 8.59 11.06 20S Rosedale Dairy Feed_--_ 18.00 3.60 12.00 47.00 .................. -. 938C Analysis 18.10 4.94 11.71 49.74 8.83 6.68 411S Burleson Grain Company, Tahoka, Texas. Milo Head Chop .......................... _. 8.50 2.50 8.00 55.00 _________________ __ 1814B Analysis .............................. -. 10.18 2.23 7.06 65.67 10.92 3.94 585W Our-Own Brand All-Mash Chick Starter Ration _________________________ __ 16.50 8.50 6.60 58.00 _________________ -. 1814P Analysis .... _- 3.50 5.89 57.77 9.75 5.63 393S Lynn Egg Mash- 3.50 6.00 54.00 ................. -. 1814Q Analysis ................................ __ 3.70 3 75 56.61 9.80 5.97 287K Burnett Machinery 8a Peed Com-- Pally. Dumas, Texas. Burnetfs Best Chick Starter Mash ___________________________________________ __ 17.00 3.50 6.50 52.00 .................. -. 1091C} Analysis" ______________________________ __ 19.38 4.00 5.80 53.03 10.40 7.39 377$ Burnett's Best Growing Mash____ 16.70 3.50 6.50 53.00 __________________ _- 1091B Analysis 18.25 3.70 5.50 54.47 11.20 6.88 378$ Ear Corn Chop with Husk________ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 .................. -. 1091B Analysisda 8.78 3.65 5.82 64.84 13.75 3.16 82K Burrus Peed. Mill, Dallas, Texas, and Branches. Texo 24% Protein Dairy Feedm, 24.00 3.50 10.00 40.00 ....... -- -_---.... 2013G- Analysis ________________________________ __ 23.98 2.63 9.20 43.51 11.39 9.29 239M Cgrn Chop ____,_____ A ____ 9.00 8.50 3.00 70.00 ______________ --, 20130 Analysisk 10.39 3.96 1.79 72.26 10.48 1.12 86H Corn Feed Meal . _ . _ . _ . _ _. 8.00 3.00 3-00 67.00 .................. -. 20131’ Analysis“? . _ . . _ _ _ _ __ 9.75 2.78 1.00 75.17 10.17 1.13 187K Analysis“? ____________________________ __ 9.70 3.23 .91 72.78 12.00 1.38 600T Texo Grow Mash with Butter- milk and Cod Liver. Oil __________ _, 17.50 4.00 6.50 48.00 ...... ......... .. 20138 Analysis 21.90 3.35 7.07 48.61 9.75 9.32 164K Peanut Hulls and Molasses ______ _. 7.00 1.20 44.00 88.00 .................. .. 2013T Analysis“ ______________________________ __ 6.32 .58 39.69 34.06 12.88 6.47 8W B-Line 24% Protein Dairy Feed 24.00 8.70 10.00 42.50 . ................ -. 2013A1 Analysiskhm __________________________ -_ 24.77 2.05 8.50 45.24 11.23 8.21 406H Analysisa“ __________________________ -._ 22.46 2.48 8.54 47.16 9.95 9.41 5W Texo 18% Protein Dairy Feed--. 18.00 8.30 11.60 44.00 2013A6 Analysis" ______________________________ __ 20.54 3.02 11.72 45.40 11.34 7.98 507M a, b. c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. "Deficient in ground oyster shell. "Excess of ground limestone found. "Corn meal. “Sale resumed under tags attached. "Milo meal found, not claimed. Excess of ground limestone found. “Rolled whole oats found, not claimed. 108 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942*—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- i tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i , or In. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mols- ‘ Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract . I Burrus Peed Mill, Dallas, Texas, and Branches, —Oontinued. Texo All-Mash Starter with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil 19.00 4.00 7,00 51,00 __________________ __ 2013132 Analysis" --_-___..___ 16.92 2.49 5.93 57.98 10.09 6.59 171K Analysls 4.23 7.62 53.44 8.83 7.52 285K Analysis"! 3.52 7.27 53.97 10.45 7.46 321T Analysis 4.03 7.60 51.50 9.96 9.02 329T Analyslsl" ----------------------------- -- 4.59 9.04 51.49 7.67 7.20 441W Burrus Sweet 16% Protein Dairy Feed .............................. .. 16.00 17.00 13.00 175.50 _______________ __ 2013B6 Analysis" --__..-______._.____.. 17.01 2.76 11.48 49.43 10.54 8.78 125W Jumbo Brand Sweet Feed _________ _. 10.00 2.00 30.00 40.00 __________________ __ 201303 Analysisk" _-___--___.__._ 8.52 1.28 31.85 36.33 12.58 9.44 238M Analysisk“ _-_.---__---_-_-.-..._____ 9.70 1.67 32.72 36.85 10.81 8.25 288$ 5 Star Laying Mash with Cod Liver Oil _________ ___-___- 20.00 8.70 7.50 44.00 ........ _- _ ...... .. 201304 Analysis” ---._..-__--_..__.... 20.50 2.76 7.24 49.42 10.08 10.00 1671-1 Analysis“ ........ __________._ 19.35 4.30 7.11 50.22 10.33 8.69 244H Analysis _-_-__..__.___._.__ 19.20 3.01 9.06 49.91 9 13 9.69 316H Analysis“ _-__-_--.____.____ 3.25 6.95 51.19 9 66 8.82 457H Analysis" ................ __ 2.71 5.87 54.51 8.18 7.32 192K Analysis“ ........ .- . 2.84 8.66 48.71 10.27 7.93 266M Analysis“ . 3.09 7.01 51.47 9.89 7.08 280T Analysis“ ............................. -- 2 94 8.13 51.01 9.46 8.18 94W McC0y’s Special Crimped Whole Oats, Alfalfa Meal, Ear Corn Chop with Husk. Molasses, Limestone, and Sa1r________ 8.30 2.00 14.00 52.00 .................. _. 2013D4 Analysis“ ______________,______________ 9.40 2.09 11.69 54.59 10 66 8.57 2013B‘! Analysis!" ___________________________ _. 8.70 1.95 13.03 55.64 12 68 8 00 71T Texo Range Feed Cubes_________-_'. 16.00 3.00 8.00 48.00 .................. __ 2013173 Analysis“ __________________________ 2.27 9.84 54.03 10.71 7 83 90H Analysis” ___ . 1.64 10.51 54.03 10.13 9 00 27S Analysis” 14.84 2.04 9.58 54.16 10.86 8 52 78S Analysisss“ _________________________ __ 16.10 2.55 9.62 52.81 10.98 7 94 117S Texe Range Feed Pellets ________ ___ 16.00 3.00 8,00 48.00 .............. _. 2013F3 Analysis __________________ _____ 15.34 3.22 6.05 58.39 9.23 7 77 262E Analysis ____________________________ -_ 118.10 2.66 7.60 52.67 10.82 8 15 86K Analysis“ _________________________ 16.04 2.37 9 26 54.41 9.46 8 46 182$ Analysis" _______________________ _-____ 16.00 2.13 7 40 54.11 11.58 8 78 198$ a, b, o, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. "Kafir meal found, not claimed. "Salt found, not claimed. "Eegari chop found, not claimed. “Excess of salt found. “Cane molasses, brewers’ dried grains, and ear corn chop with husk claimed, not found. Deficient in 43% protein cottonseed meal. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. - “Con: gluten; feed and ground whole barley found, not claimed Deficient in ground limestone. "Deficient in ground limestone. “Deficient in ground whole oats. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. ssG-round peanut hulls, wheat bran, crimped whole barley, peanut meal, linseed meal, soybean oil meal, cottonseed meal, milo meal, and ground peanut hay found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. "Ground whole barley found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone and ex- cess of salt found. " “In pellet form. - "Excess of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ISTU FFS 109 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 194 to August 31, 1942-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) a Per Gent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Grude Crude] Nitro- Mois- Regis- tration or In- Orude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Burrus Peed Mill, Dallas, Texas, and Branches, —Continued. Texo Range Feed Pellets--Con. Analysis ____________________________ -. 16.00 2.04 8.30 53.16 11.97 8.53 199$ Analysis ____________________ _. 18.10 2.79 7.53 54.44 8.07 9.07 421$ Analysis _____________________ _. 17.61 2.21 7.60 51.78 13.15 7.65 502S Analysis! ........... _. 14.65 2.43 11.10 52.98 10.31 8.53 178T Analysis!" 14.83 2.29 10.91 53.75‘ 10.25 7.97 168W Analysis ________________________________ __ 17.78 2.61 7.96 52.67 9.35 9.63 Burrus Winter-Weight Laying Mash .-_.----._.____-_____-_.__--_-_----._------ 18.00 3.50 7.50 48.00 ___________________ __ 2013F6 Analysis” ________ -_ 19.74 2.75 6.48 53.45 10.64 6.94 390T Analysis __________ -_ 19.43 3.64 7.26 52.43 10.20 7.04 126W Texo Range Feed .... -. __-. 16.00 8.00 8.00 48.00 __________________ __ 2013G7 Analysiskb“ _ . . . _ . . _ __ 16.90 2.17 6.42 53.90 11.88 8.73 192H Analysis ....... __ 16.64 2.18 7.90 52.43 11.39 9.46 483H Analysiskm 16.30 2.20 8.00 53.93 11.87 7.70 272T Analysis 18.02 3.35 7.48 53.96 9.0 8.10 405T Analysis“ ............. -__ _____________ .. 14.80 1.95 8.99 53.91 11.48 8.87 57W Wheat Bran and Screenmgs ______ _. 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 ................... -. 2013H9. Analysis ________________________________ -- 16.95 4.27 8.10 55.36 9.75 5.57 403M Burrus Summer-Weight Laying 1118.511 -----_ ------------------------------------- -- 3.50 7.50 48.00 ________ _. __-__-..- 2013H6 Analysis ____ __ 3.14 6.61 53.65 10.67 6.51 163K Analysis 3.41 6.40 51.98 10.94 6.77 489T Texo 32% Protein Range Feed Cubes .......................................... .. 32.00 4.00 8.00 84.00 __________________ __ 2013H9 Analysis“ ______________________________ -. 31.29 2.37 10.16 39.71 8.41 8.06 U Burrus 41% Protein Dairy Con- centrate ...................................... __ 41.00 5.00 7.50 80.0 .................. ._ 2013.19 Analysis” 38.91 4.48 7.13 32.31 8.34 8.83 533T Burrus Developing Mash ............ -. 19.00 3.50 6.50 46.50 2013K2 Analysis ................................ _. 17.94 2.73 5.49 55.86 9.73 8.25 274K B-Line All-Mash __________________________ _. 15.00 3.50 8.00 52.00 __________________ .. 2013K3 Analysis ................................ -. 16.35 2.63 7.04 56.30 10.79 6.89 50T B-Line All-Mash Pellets ____________ -_ 15.00 3.50 3-00 52.00 __________________ __ 2013K9 Analysism" ____________________________ -. 21.32 4.42 7.52 47.49 10.61 8.64 115T Burrus B-Line All-Mash Pellets 15.00 3.50 8-00 49.00 ................ -- 2013K9 Analyslsf ______________________________ __ 22.08 2.93 7.84 49.00 10.37 7.78 471W Texo All-Purpose Sweet Feed.-. 12.00 3.00 10.00 55.00 .................. _. 2013146 Analysis" ______________________________ __ 13.18 3.20 9.95 52.85 10.73 10.09 527T Texo Drying and Freshening Ration _______________________________________ _. 2.40 16.00 49.00 ................ _. 2013M2 Analysis“ . 2.92 15.73 49.45 10.67 9.02 280$ Analysis” ______________________________ __ . 3.47 13.92 47.14 9.89 10.84 439T Burrus B-Line Hog Feed ___________ _- 14.00 3.00 6.50 58.5 .................. __ 2013M3 Analysis ________________________________ _. 13.73 2.701 4.55 62.81 11.02 5.19 34 Texo 32% Protein Range Feed--. 82.00 4.00 8.00 84-00 - ................. -_ 2013M? Analysis41°° _________________________ _- 30.96 2.67 10.27 39.86 8.11 8.13 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, y‘, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone. “Raw bone meal and ground whole oats claimed, not found. "Raw bone meal claimed, not found. “Excess of salt found. “Milo meal claimed, not found. “iI-inseed meal claimed, not found. “Excess of salt found. “Cottonseed meal found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. “Brewery dried grains found, not claimed. Excess of salt found. “Yellow corn meal and milo meal claimed, not found. Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. 110 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942‘—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent 11 Regis- Name and Address of Manufacturer or Crude Crude l Nitro- , tration or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Mois- l‘ Crude r spection Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-tree ture ; Ash No. tein {Extract 1 I ¢ Burrus Mill 8: Elevator Company, Port Worth, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ............... _. 75A Analysis ._.._----.__________.___ 16.56 4.01 6.08 57.47 11.40 4.48. 153H Analysisml __--._____-_._______.. 17.15 3.89 5.59 56.86 12.11 4.40 362M Analysislm -__-__-._.__--___.__.___ 19.29 4.33 6.47 52.81 12.21 4.89 373M Analysis .......... _______ 18.38 3.81 5.49 54.31 12.52 5.49 473M Analysis .............. ___-_._._._. 17.03 4.59 6.16 56.90 11.01 4.31 566M Analysism" 17.30 4.41 6.87 55.39 11.07 4.96 107P Analysismv ......................... -- 17.05 4.23 6.36 55.38 12.03 4.95 151P Analysis1°3h° 15.65 3.91 6.48 57.24 12.52 4.20 171P Analysis ............................. -- 17.80 4.07 6.18 56.18 11.44 4.33 183P Analysism“ ................... _-__ 17.76 4.37 6.62 54.97 11.40 4.88 64S Analysismb" __--___-.----_.____.._ 17.45 4.53 6.76 54.59 11.71 4.96 141S Analysism" ......... _.__.._ 17.92 5.00 7.34 52.68 12.09 4.97 163T Analysis .-__---_----___--...--_____-_.- 17.01 4.03 5.51 57.07 12.13 4.25 235T Ana1ysis1°3° 18.25 3.84 6.39 55.56 11.71 4.25 372T Analysis 18.19 4.20 5.81 55.36 12.53 3.91 461T Analysism" ----..--_-_-_--.._____- 17.30 4.19 6.73 56.32 10.84 4.62 476T Analysism“ ........... _____._. 18.40 4.74 6.95 53.78 10.84 5.29 596T Analysism“ _ . 4.00 6.31 56.32 11.22 4.43 14W Analysism" -...--_----.__-._____-_ 17.15 4.00 6.88 56.92 10.44 4.61 205W Analysism" . 4.05 6.43 54.93 12.03 4 43 341W Corn Bran ._ ........... -- , 5,00 1200 60,00 ________ _, 75E Analyslsfl“ ---------------- _-_--- . 9.66 5.29 61.92 9.10 2 90 442H Wheat Bran and S¢reenings ____ --_ 14.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 75F Analysis ___________________________ ___ 16.99 4.21 10.26 50.65 10.91 6.98 363M Analysis“ _--__-_-_.._.------ 17.87 4.01 8.45 54.02 9.85 5.80 489M Analyfiqs“ --------------- ____-- 17.00 4.42 9.90 51.04 10.54 7.10 397W Analysls" __-___-_-----.__---__-___ 17.28 4.44 9.05 54.02 8.88 6.33 552W Buske 8s Buske Peed Mill, Shiner, Texas. Shiner Star Brand Laying Mash 1050 3.00 7,50 40,00 _______________ _. 123E Analysls ________________________________ -- 19.82 5.18 7.93 46.33 10.97 9.77 63H Caddo-DeSoto Cotton Oil Com- pany, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana. 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed .................... -_.__ 41.12 5.00 111.00 26.00 ................. -. 745C Analysis ..................... ..___ 41.45 .6.11 10.30 27.15 8.30 6.69 157E Cain, A. ML, - Mercedes, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings_____ 10.50 8.00 10.00 50.00 _______ -. 754A Analysis _____________ ____ 16.00 4.05 8.61 56.34 10.57 4.43 24H Wheat Brown Shorts 17.00 4.50 7.50 53.00 _-__ ....... -. 754C Analysis _-_.______ 18.55 4.58 7.76 52.81 11.23 5.07 455H Analysis 18.95 5.75 6.66 52.90 10.71 5.03 507H Wheat Gray Shorts 15.50 4.00 6.00 55.00 ................. _- 754G Ana1ysis1°°° ______.._. 17.47 4.45 7.53 54.84 11.63 4.08 164H Ana1ysis1°°°° _-__ _.__ 16.90 4.65 6.80 57.02 10.58 4.05 314H a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. 1°1Some hegari meal present. 1°2Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 1°3Mi1o meal present in wheat brown shorts and. screenings. “Corn meal present in wheat brown shorts and screenings, “Corn meal present. Wwheat brown shorts. wrrwrl-nr-m . COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 111 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manuiacturer or j i or In- lmporter. Brand name. Crude Crude 1 Crude Nitro- Mois- I Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash A0". rein Extract l‘ California Packing Corporation, San Francisco, California. Ca1pak’s Deep “C” Brand 65% Protein Sardine Meal _____________ __ 65.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 ........ -. 450C Analysis“ ______________________________ _- 66.24 2.77 .28 5.07 7.30 18.34 576T‘ Cameron Cotton Oil Company, Cameron, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal..- 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ____-__--. _- 471G- Analysis . 6.89 10.35 25.65 8.16 6.20 77W Analysis 6.84 10.16 25.72 8.81 6.27 80W Analysis 36.89 8.25 6.09 155W nalysis ' . 5 9. 6.70 7.83 6.30 322W Analysis 6.86 10.48 24.63 8.65 6.33 461W' Canadian Mill 8a Elevator Com- pan-y! ' E1 Reno, Oklahoma. Canadians Sure-Profit Brand ' Laying Mash ............................ _. 20.00 4.00 7.50 46.00 ................ _. 244B Analysis ________________________________ _. 19.68 4.10 5.23 53.66 9.76 7.57 138K Canadians Sure-Profit Brand " Growing Mash __________________________ _. 18.00 3.60 7,00 47,00 _________________ __ 244W Analysis’ ------------------------------ -- 19.84 4.68 7.10 52.60 8.30 7.48 266K Canadians Sure-Profit Brand Chick All-Mash ________________________ _. 18.00 3.60 6.50 49.00 __________________ _, 244A7 Analysis?" ................ -_ 18.89 5.06 6.28 52.37 9.98 7.42 185K Canadian’s Sure-Profit Brand Broiler Ration __________________________ -. 18.00 3.70 6.00 50,00 _ 244D1 Analysis“ _____________________________ _. 19.97 4.54 5.08 52.90 9,25 8.26 57K Canadians Big “C” Al1~Mash Chick Starter ____________________________ _. 17.50 8.60 7.00 51.00 _________________ __ 244D8 Analysis ________________________________ -- 17.69 4.00 5.35 55.06 11.08 6.82 125K Caney Valley Cooperative Drying Association, Wharton, Texas. Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal.-- 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 __________________ _. 1837A Analysis ............................... -- 21.80 2.99 17.62 42.02 6.27 9.30 526M Caney Vallev Milling Company, Wharton, Texas. 26% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _________________________________ 26.00 6.00 23.00 29.00 ' 976C Analysis ________________ __'_ ___________ __ 26.25 7.32 24.43 29.47 7.88 4.65 320M Wharton County Jersey Cattle Club Feed No, 1 ________________________ -. 22.00 5.50 10.00 40.00 ................ _. 976D Analysis ______________________________ __ 22.80 7.29 8.15 42.31 9.39 10.06 319M Capps Peed Store, McKinney, Texas. Capps Bros, Egg Mash____,________ 19.00 3.80 8.00 45.50 2342B‘ Analysisk ______________________ ____ 20.64 3.80 7.61 49.01 8.93 10.01 41T Analysis _______________________ 20.49 4.68 7.52 48.29 9.66 9.36 278T Carlton reed Mill, Carlton, Texas. Laying Mash ___________________________ 19.00 3.80 7.50 47.00 _________________ _- 2160E Analysis ________________,______________ 20.18 4.65 7.08 47.37 10.34 10,38 400W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, y‘, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. 112 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- _ ' tratinn Mame and Address 0t Manufacturer or 01.1,]. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. $6111 Extract Caz-mack Hatchery 8a Peed Store, Ploydada, Texas. Carmack Chick Starter ................ -. 17.00 3.50 7,50 50,00 ________ __ _ _____ __ 433E Analysis ................................ -. 17.36 4.19 7.41 52.57 9,58 8,39 225K Carroll 8s More, Quanah, Texas. Acme Brand All-Mash Chick Starter ______________________________________ -_ 17.00 3.50 6.00 52,00 _ _, 1533A Analysis ________________________________ _- 17.09 3.88 4.60 56.88 10.78 6.77 165K Acme Brand Chick Growing Mash . ________________________________________ -- 16,00 2,50 6,00 52,00 _ __ 1533C Analysls -------------------------------- -» 16.60 3.93 5.32 56.70 10.55 6.90 161K Carrollton Peed Mills, Carrollton, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk .... 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 _ _ _ _ . . , _ _ _ __ 2473A Analysis ________________________________ .. 8.60 3.24 11.76 64.35 9.50 2.55 211T 19% Protein Dairy Feed 19.00 3.50 12.00 48.00 __________________ __ 247315 Analysis _______________________ __ -- 16.11 3.80 12.86 49.03 10.31 7.89,‘ 300T Analysis .......................... -- 16.41 3.06 9.74 54.60 9.39 6,80; 651T Alfalfa Meal and M0lasses------.-__ 9.80 1.00 23.00 44.00 _______ 1! 2473 Analysis ________________________ -__ 12.30 1.18 19.51 45.07 12.29 9.65; 2T Egg Mash ______________________ _- ___- 18.00 4.00 7.00 52.00 _________________ 2473Q Analysis 19.05 4.31 6.28 52.24 10.48 7,64 200T Hog Feed ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Analysis!" _..____-._--_---_-_.__..__-- 1.3.15 2.66 8.12 55.91 9,34 10,82 652T Analysis“ _______________ -_-_-- 14.75 2.62 5.02 63.65 9.59 4.37 653T Carter Peed Mill, Glen Rose, Texas. Glen-Tex Egg Mash ____________________ .. 20.00 3.80 7.50 45.00 ............. __ 661E‘ Analysis __-__~.__-.__.__.__.._. 20.30 4.90 8.04 47.43 9.98 9.35 240W Analysis __-__--____________ 19.23 4.35 7.47 47.02 11.15 10.78 515W Carter Grain Company, C. M., Port Worth, Texas. 45% Protein Peanut Meal __________ -. 45.00 6.00 10.00 23.00 ........ _. 881A Analysisd“ .............................. .. 44.69 7.97 13.91 21,93 7.05 4.45 139$ Cash Peed and Seed House, Gladewater, Texas. Nat-Ur-Way Brand 20% Pro- tein Laying Mash ................... _. 20-00 3-50 7-50 117-50 ----------------- M 481 Analysis __________________ __ 22.19 4.04 5.69 47,05 11.45 9.58 113P Analysis ________________________________ __ 22.60 4.68 5.63 45.81 10.31 10.97 478T Cassidy Peed Mill, Richardson, Texas. Cow Feed _____________________________________ __ 16.00 8.60 11.00 52.00 ________________ _. 1805B Analysis“? 15.72 4.45 9.17 53.48 9.94 7.24 276T Castleberry’s Peed Store, Ilastland, Texas. Eastland Dairy Feed _________________ _, 21.50 4.60 12.00 43.50 ________________ __ 788D Analysis _________________ __ 22.20 5.64 11.59 44.69 8.41 7.47 150T Analysis _________________________ _____ 22.80 5.00 11.69 43.73 9.48 7.30 335T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. AWE-round whole barley, rice ‘bran, and ground oyster shell found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—-Continued 113 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent g Regis- f lration Name and Address 0t Manufacturer or I I ‘i ; or 111- lmporter. Brand mime. Cling-ti 011155.18 lglililtrloée‘ Clrxiggv spipéion tein gExtract ‘ \ 1. g Castro County Grain Company, Inc., Dimmitt, Texas. Texas Pride Brand Chick , Starter Mash ........................... -- 17.00 4.00 6.50 52.00 __________________ __ 21231, Analysis ______________________________ _. 18.00 4.21 6.80‘ 52.86 10.20 7,93 71K Analysis? ______________________________ _. 18.00 4.00 5.88 54.64 10,08 7.40 350s Texas Pride Brand Chick Starter Mash ___________________________ -_ 17.00 8.50 6.80 52.50 __________________ __ 21231, Analysisfws _. 18.09 4.18 6.24 54.50 10.48 6,51 280K Texas Pride Brand Super-Egg Mash _________________________________________ _. 20.00 3.50 7.50 47.00 ________ __ 2123N Analysis .. .. .. .......... _. 20.91 3.72 6.58 50.20 9,82 8,77 03K Texas Pride Brand 9% Protein Sweet Feed .............................. -_ 9.00 1.80 13.00 51,50 __________________ __ 21231717‘ Analysis” .- ______ .. 12.30 1.43 10.51 51.80 13.70 10.26 45K. Analysis! _______________________________ __ 16.69 2.71 7.07 53_15 11,73 3155 53K Central Fuel 8n Peed Company, nc., Denison, Texas. Beamefs Dairy Feed _________________ __ 22.00 4.00 12.00 1,300 __________________ __ 190111‘ Analysis . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . __ 21.96 4.24 10,96 47,17 9,23 (139 401* Analysis 21.12 4.08 10.86 46.86 11.19 5.89 170T Analysis ............................... -- 23.59 4,96 9,95 45,65 9_51 034 620T Central Seed 8t Peed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas. Central All-Mash Chick Starter 17.00 8.50, 6.00 52.00 __________________ __ 2673A, Analysis _-_----._-_-__-__-_-__.-___ 16.95 4.00 6.56 55.38 10.83 6.28 352T Central 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 3.40 7.50 48.50 2673B Analysis --.___-.___-_-__-_--.__----__ 17.71 3.97 9.67 49.64 10.99 8.02 108T Mix Special Egg Mash ................ _. 18.00 3.50 6.70 52.00 26731) Analysis ................. _- . 17.07 3.54 7.39 51.89! 10.97 9.14 107T Central Growing Mash_-..--.._..--__-. 16.00 8.50 6.50 53.00 2673M Analysis -_--.-_--.-_-__-__--.._----___-- 17.00 4.00 6.45 55.40 9.68 7,47 530T Central Soya Company, Inc., Port Wayne, Indiana. Central 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal ___________________________________ -. 41.00 4.00 7.00 29.00 __________________ __ 1038A Analysis ................................ _- 42.31 4.31 6.69 29.19 11.95 5,55 130T Central Texas Oil Company, Mart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 574G Analysis ......................... -__ 43-30 0-28 10.31 25.62 8.75 5.74 100W Analysis __---.__--_-..__.___. 42-97 6-34 10-79 24.53 9.03 5.84 193W Analysis" _____________ .._i-_ 42-40 7.14 10.68 25.26 8.67 5.85 194W Analysis" __-.- _--._-._.____ 42.59 6-85 9.95 25.48 9.25 5.98 314W Analysis“ --_-_ _-_-.-.-__._-__.----_- 41.48 7-53 10.33 25.83 8.70 6.13 316W l Analysis ________________________________ _. 43.74 6.07 9.44 25.80 8.97 5.98 453W Cerophyl Laboratories, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri. Cer-ogras Brand Dehydrated Cereal Grasses ___-____-_--_-____ 20.00 8.00 19.00 86.00 __________________ _. 2042C Analysis ___-.________ 21.05 4.93 15.21 37.52 5.86 15.43 2042C a, b, c, d. e, f. g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning o1’ this table. “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. 114 Tabe 18. BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or 1n- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection . Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash l No tein I Extract} 7 = J Chapman Mill 8a Grain Company, Rondo, Texas. . Very Good Brand Ear Corn . Chop With Husk ....................... __ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 __________________ _. 748B Analysis“ ............................ __ 9.13 2.50 10.69 66.74 8.94 2.00 462H Analysis _.._.-.-----__---_..____.-. 9.02 3.31 8.05 67.66 10.08 1.88 16.1 Chavez Commission Company, El Paso, Texas. , Hi-Quality Brand Dairy Feed--- 19.00 3.80 10.00 48.00 _________________ .. 1402B Ana1ysis1°° 19.40 4.76 8.11 52.75 9.93 5.05 88S Checkerboard Peed Store, Dallas, Texas. Chowmix 18% Protein Dairy Feed C _______________________________________ -- 18.00 3.00 14.00 46.00 __________________ _. 928B Analysis _____ __ .. 3.95 11.81 45.54 10.65 8.11 395T Analysis! __________________________ --__ 19.75 4.05 11.81 46.54 10.44 7.41 515T Chowmix Broiler Growing Fee 18.00 3.50 7.00 46.00 . 928C AIIaIYSiS ______________________________ _. 19.58 4.05 5.37 54.04 10.11 6.85 5T Chowmix Laying Mash ______________ _. 18.00 3.50 8.00 48.00 ..... ._ 928D AIIELIYSIS _---_____ _._.__- 19.32 3.76 5.77 54.82 9.56 6.77 648T Chickasha Cotton Oil Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. _ Chickasha Quality Brand 43% ' f Protein Cottonseed Meal ________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. -. 1301171 Analysis" ________________________________ __ 42.05 6.48 11.52 25.55 8.76 5.64 37K Analysis ____________________ __ 42.60 7.21 10.75 24.90 8.84 5.70 63 Ana1ysis° ________________ __ 40.02 9.17 11.84 27.86 5.26 5.85 317T Analysis 44.40 6.30 10.76 25.94 6.35 6.25 422T Chickasha Quality Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _ _______ 1 1301M Analysis“ ______________________________ -. 41.48 6.68 9.30 25.39 11.30 5.85 364$ Analysis ______________________________ __ 42.86 6.62 10.59 26.67 7.11 6.15 371$ Chickasha Quality Brand 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal .4300 6.00 12.00 23.00 _. 1301N Analysis _______________________________ 1 43.70 6.35 11.16 24.79 8.07 5.93 85K Analysisa“ .................. -. 38.29 5.80 11.91 29.57 8.47 5.96 115K Chickasha Quality Brand 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal ’ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 - - . lflfllN Analysis!" 39.39 5.89 11.62 28.60 8.48 6.02 257K Chickasha Milling‘ Company, Chickasha, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 1'7.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ................ _. 1538B Analysis 17.46 3.70 5.33 59.20 10.97 3.34 158k Chic-O-Line reed Mills, Hobart, Oklahoma. . Hotshot Cow Feed ................... .. 13.00 2-00 22-00 45-00 ______ h 137817‘ » Analysis ___________________ __ 12.43 2.18 17.49 47.71 11.55 8.64 199T Circle C Laying Mash ._. 18.00 3.50 7.00 46.00 ______ _. 1879B Analysisflo ___________________________ __ 18.80 4.01 7.79 52.35 8.99 8.06 42K a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend 1°9Crimped whole oats found. not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone. at the beginning of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 115 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942--Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or ' or [n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. Extract Cliic-O-Iline Peed Mills, Hobart, Oklahoma—Cont’d Chic-O-Line Baby Chick Starter 17.00 3.50 6.00 53.00 1878F Analysisbm ____________________________ -. 17.90 4.57 6.43 53.70 11.08 6.32 121K _- 18.06 4.10 5.97 54.01 11.03 6 83 190T 17.60 4.34 6.39 54.47 10.64 6 56 256T Analysis ................. -- 18-19 4.10 5.47 55.45 10 36 6 43 416T Chic-O-Line Egg Mash..- . 20.00 3.50 7.00 47.00, 1878G Analysis ................. __ 19.54: 3.95 5.17 52.87 10.97 7.50 154K Analysis ________________________ .. 21.87 4.21 6.87 48.33 9 86 8.86 255T Chic-O-Line Growing Mash ........ -. 17.00 3.50 ‘7.00 50.00 ______________ _. 18788 Analysis"? .............................. -. 18.57 3.86 5.80 54.33 10 55 6.89 134K Chic-O-Line Master Brand Broil- er Mash ...................................... -. 18.00 3.50 7.00 52 00 _________________ __ 1878U Analysis“ .............................. -- 19.65 4.28 6.50 53 21 9.22 7.14 135K Chic-O-Line 41% Protein Sup- plement for Hogs .................... -- 41.00 4.50 7.00 17.00 ________________ -_ 1878W Analysis ................................ -_ 40.15 7.00 5.87 19.83 7.03 20 12 275K Chic-O-Line Egg Mash Pellets--. 20.00 3.50 7.00 1,1 o0 ________________ _, 18782 Analysis ................................. __ 20.60 4.33 6.29 49 91 10.43 8 44 191T Chic-O-Line Big 10 Pig Feed ____ __ 18.50 3.80 7.00 50 0 __________________ __ 1878B4 Analysis" .............................. __ 19.64 3.93 6.95 51 07 9.17 9.24 139K Childress Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., Childress, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal-.. 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _______ -- -.____.-_ 1122B Analysis 43.00 6.00 8.75 29.25 6.75 6.25 105K Analysisv _. 42.04 6.22 9.88 29.07 6.48 6.31 157K Analysis 42.69 5.27 9.51 29.73 6.32 6.48 246K Analysis _ 43.94 6.72 9.31 28.29 5.56 6.18 298K Analysis° ___________________________ _. 41.00 5.52 11.50 30.02 5.85 6.11 355$ Analysis ________________________________ .. 42.65 7.36 9.75 29.55 4.43 6.26 253T Chillicothe Cotton Oil Company, Chillicothe, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ....... _. _--__-__ 2396A Analysis¢ ________________________________ __ 39.84 6.43 10.13 29.94 7.45 6.21 93K City of Abilene, The, Abilene, Texas. Clover. Leaf Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ___________ _. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 _______ -_ -. ....... .. 378A Analysis ______________________________ _- 57.19 11.78 2.30 1.48 6.78 20.47 266T Anal} sis ________________________________ ,, 52.44 11.63 2.41 .19 6.04 27.29 383T Clark Bros. Peed Store, Stamford, Texas. Clark Bros. 6 Plus 6 Cow Feed 19.00 4.00 12.00 49.00 ................. -- 640A Analysis .. .-_. .. 19.30 4.35 10.39 49.87 9.63 6.46 582$ Clark Bros. 6 Plus 6 Laying - Mash ___________________________________ -. 19.00 4.00 5.50 46.00; -_..-.._- ________ -. 640D Analysis _______________________ _. 21.20 4.89 7.21 47.64 9.09} 9.97 265T Clark Bros. 6 Plus 6 Growing l Mash ___________________________________ -. 17.50 8.60 6.50 ‘ 6401 Analysis ................................ _. 16.75 3.91 5.54 533S Clark Bros. Starter-Grower Mash ...................................... -_ 17.00 3.50 6.50 640K Analysis ................................ _. 18.65 4.33 6.43 386T a, b, c, d, e, f, 0, h, i. j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “ITags of wrong‘ denomination attached. mCorn gluten feed found, not claimed. Excess salt found. “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. 116 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT S"l“ATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) l Per Cent l Regis- I trutiou Name and Address of Manufacturer orl l ; » . l. or l“. Importer. Brand Name. Crude l Crude l Crude Nitro- 1 Mois- l Crude i spection I Pro- j Fat l Fiber gen-tree ture . Ash ’ No. I 176111 l q Extract l l l l Clarlfls Peed Store, Henry, Stephenville, Texas. Henry Clark’s Six-Plus-Six Cow Feed 13-70 4-00 12-00 51-00 ................. _. 1063M Analysis“ ............................ -- 20.09 4.15 8.26 51.75 10.35 5.40 590T Analysis ............................... -- 19-50 4.54 10.67 49.28 10.60 5.56 399w Henry Clark’s Laying Mash ,,,,,, -- 19-50 3-70 5.50 45.00 .................. __ 1063U Analysis ................................ 1 21-43 5-44 6.14 48.89 9.64 8.46 343T 6 Plus 6 Baby Chick Starter ____ -- 18.80 3.50 7.00 49.50 1063W Analysis ________________________________ -- 19-44 4.83 6.54, 51.72 9.93 7.54. 342T Analysis 19.12 4.77 5.95 52.48 9.57 8.11‘ 404W 6 Plus 6 Laying M 20.00 4.00 8.00 49.00 __________________ ._ 1063X Analysis ------------------------------- -- 20-10 4-99 6.90 50.48 9.97 7.56 49W Henr-y C1ark’s 6 Plus 6 Grow- ing Mash ------------------------------------ -- 17-50 3-60 7.00 46.00 ______________ 1063.45 Analysis ________________________________ -- 18.63 4.72 6.60 52.54 10.07 7.44 519W Clark Seed Company, Roy IL, Brownsville, Texas. a Clark’s 21% Protein Cow Feed-“ 21-00 4-50 19-00 38-00 _________________ _. 1401B Analysis ________________________________ _. 21-70 4.16 15.64 42.37 9.61 6.52 313E Clarksville Cotton Oil Company, Clarksville, Texas. Clarko 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _ ........................................... _. 43-00 6-00 12.00 23-00 .................. _. 223E‘ Analysis ............................... 143-43 5.87 9.24 26.73 8.13 6.60 l04P Clarko 43% Protein Cottonseed . Meal ............................................ -- 43-00 6-00 12-00 28.00. ........ -_ _ ______ __ 223G Analysis ________________________________ _. 42-57 7-05 9.00 26.97 7.85 6.56 103P Clement Grain Company, Waco, Texas. Cen-Tex 24% Protein Dairy Feed - 211-00 4-40 11 50 41.00 ........ .. 1894M Analysis“ .............................. _. 21-03 5.30 7 75 47.41 11.05 7.46 14lP Analysis .. 22.22 4-70 9 54 43.49 11.45 8.60 342W Cen-Tex 18% Protein Dairy Cow Feed .................................. -- 18.00 3.40 12.00 49.00 __________________ __ 1894N Analysisn" ______________________________ __ 18-16 3.98 9.08 51.48 10.59 6 71 577W Border Brand Egg Laying Mash 18.00 8.50 6.00 50.00 1894A1 Analysis" ___------__..-------_._-______ 19.32 4.03 4.98 02.89 10.43 8 35 492W Gen-Tex Horse Feed __________ _-.._ 10.00 8.00 9.50 60.00 __________________ __ 1894A‘: Analysis _-_-_-_.--_-_-_---.____..___ 9.53 3.43 8.71 61.78 11.12 5 43 142P Cen-"Tex 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00 1.50 17.00 46.00 .................. _- 189431 1.83 18.37 45.38 14 24 11 55 T 2.42 12.95 50.76 10.44 13 13 554T 1.79 17.34 45.38 13.43 13.71 567T Analysis ........................ _- 2.03 14.56 50.22 12.96 11.73 201W Extra Special Brand "5” Egg Mash __._________-_-__----_-_------..__.._._. 20.50 8.50 7.40 44.60 __________________ _, 1894B3 Analysisl" 20-90 4.99 6.54 47.91 9.57 10.09 312W Border Brand Egg Laying Mash Pellets ______________________ __._.._ 18.00 8.50 6.00 50.00 ______---_ ________ __ 1894D7 Analysisdaua ___.-_-____-___._-__.___.._ 18.30 4.16 5.27 55.07 10.45 6.75 109W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in salt. "fiflzlce bran fouutd, not claimed. llfillilo meal, peanut hulls, and rice bran found, not claimed. mDeficient in salt. "SDeficient in ground oyster shell. COMMERCIAL. FEEDING STUFFS 117 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- - iration lName and Address of Manufacturer or or 1n- Importer. Brand Name. rude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spvcliou Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein Extract Cole 8a Company, R. L, Krum, Texas. Whole Oat Chop ............................ __ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 _______ _. _.______-_ 1396N Analysis ....................... -. 10.83 4.53 12.09 54.84 10.89 6,82 198T Analysis ................................ __ 10.86 5.33 11.58 58.00 9.70 4.53 292T Cole Peed Company, Dallas, Texas. Diamond Brand Egg Mash ________ _. 18.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 __________________ ,_ 1424B Analysis" ______________________________ _. 18.02 4.26 6.15 52.09 10.72 8.76 207T Diamond Brand Starter and Growing Hash .......................... .. 17.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 14241) Analysis“) ....................... .. 17.36 4.43 6.82 52.19 11.16 8.04 367T Sunshine Laying Mash _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _. 18.00 3.60 7.50 48.00 ____ 142411‘ Analysis _______________________ _- 16.12 4.94 7.75 52.12 9.85 9.22 6T Analysis” _____________________ __ 18.50 4.89 6.97 49.14 10.46 10,04 206T Analysism .............................. -_ 17.54 3.89 5.86 53.86 9.65 9.20 647T Coleman Cotton O11 M111, Coleman, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Peanut Meal ______________________ __ 43-00 0.00 12.00 23.00, 2051B Analysis! ______________________________ __ 44-37 7.46 12.98 22.09 8.68 4.42 54P 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal__.- 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00. 2051C V Analysis ________________________________ __ 43-51 6.74 12.27 25.44 6.61 5.43 147S Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43.22 6.91 11.67 25.78 6.94 5.48 150S Analysis¢ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . -_ 42-06 6.40 12.05 25.64 8.30 5.55 584T Analysis” . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 41.44 6.64 12 68 26.80 7.11 5 33 254W Analysigizzc _____ _____ 42.45 5.82 12 19 25.95 8.16 5 43 257W Analysis ________ ____ 4 .63 6.6. ll 04 26.72 6.45 5 55 273W Analysis° __,_______________________________ 42.26 6.73 11.99 26.72 6 67 5 63 412W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake--__ 43-00 6-00 12.00 23-00 205113 Analysis ________________________________ __ 43.09 5.42 12.15 25 72 8 23 5 39 253W Analysisme _ _______ __ 42.31 5.52 12.48 26 52 7 93 5 24 258W Analysis _________________________,______ 43.02 5.38 11.79 26.58 7.85 5.38 259W Panther Brand Laying Mash ____ __ 19.00 4.00 7.50 46.00 ........ -- _ ...... -- 2051G Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.30 4.70 6.79 50.63 9.38 9.20 622S Cotton Bloom Brand 32% Pro- tein Concentrate for Laying Hens 82.00 5.00 7 00 27.00 __________________ _. 2051s Analysism _____________________________ __ 30.97 4.82 6 06 33.25 9.11 15.79 265W Cotton Bloom Brand Chick Starter ______________________________________ ____ 19.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 __________________ __ 2051Y Analysism _____________________________ __ 20.06 4.55 5.70 52.08 9.45 8.16 420W Cotton Bloom Brand Growing Mash 18.50 4.00 5 50 53.00 2051Z Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.32 4.90 4 78 53.10 11.11 6.79 517S Collin County Cotton 011 Com- P5111, McKinney, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal-“ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................. -- 809B Analysis ________________________________ __ 43.17 5.91 9.18 26.75 8.58 6.41 550T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, l, y. k.-See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. llgI-inseed meal found, not claimed. "Excess of ground oyster shell and salt found. mAlfalfa leaf meal claimed, not found. 122011’ quality. uaDeficient in ground oyster shell and excess salt found. "tlixcess of salt found. 118 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe l8. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Same and Address of Manufacturer or [ ; or m. lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- . Crude spcction Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture ‘ Ash l\'o. teln Extract 1 Collin County Milk Products Company, McKinney, Texas. n Dried Skimmed Milk (Feeding) 34-00 0.20 0.00 50.00 _-.-__--. - -_-.____ 2663A Analysismflf _______________________ 32-66 5.94 5.21 44.43 9.32 7.44 578T Colorado Animal By-Products Manufacturing Company, Denver, Colorado. GOlden Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ____________ __ 50-00 6-00 3-00 0.00 ................. _- 2350A Analysis ________________________________ _, 52-36 10.51 2.08 .05 5.15 29.85 220K Colorado Milling Company, Colorado City, Texas. Red Ball Egg Mash ______________________ __ 13-00 3.50 7.50 49.00 _________________ ._ 1325L Analysis _________________ __ 19-60 4-55 6.39 50.55 10.25 8.16 158$ Red Ball Growing Mash__ 10-00 3.50 8.00 50.00 __-.-..__ ........ __ 1325M Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.00 3.80 6.59 53.80 .61 8.10 452$ Commerce Oil Mill Company, Commerce, Texas. 43% Protein Nut-Size Cotton- seed Cake ___________________________________ __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.0 .................. _. 150A Analysis ________________________________ __ 42-87 5.4.4 9.98 27.41 8.12 6.18 44.1 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealm, 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. -. 150G Analysisv _____________________________ _, 41.98 0.14 10.05 20.82 8.25 6.16 22F Analysis ____ 43.10 6.44 9.53 27.06 7.85 6.02 29P Analys1s ____ 42.60 6.22 9.59 27.38 8.10 6.11 186P Ana1ysis¢ __ 41.29 5.77 10.80 27.20 9.07 5.87 61T Analysis _________________________________ __ 42.71 6.26 10.17 26.69 7.89 6.28 452 Commercial Solvents Corporation New York, New York. . Dried Fermentation Product ____ __ 20.00 Trace 2.00 58.00 _._--.__-. ..... 322A Analysis _________________________________ __ 29.55 .79 1.46 53.47 3.81 10.92 322A Commercial Solvents Corporation, Peoria, Illinois. B. Y. Flavin Concentrate ___________ __ p Analysisfli ______________________ __ _ 25.13 .22 1.04 57.30 4.81 11.50 142T Analysjsvi ______________________________ __ 23.72 .17 1.15 59.99 4.13 10.84 143T Community Milling Company, El Paso, Texas. Victory Chick Starter ________________ __ 15.00 4.00 5.00 55.0 .................. -. 2341F Analysis ______________________________ __ 16.96 5.83 4.98 56.47 9.19 6.57 292$ Victory Laying Mash __________________ __ 18.00 4.00 7.00 51.00 2341K Analysis 19.00 5.47 7.26 52.25 9.01 7.01 493$ Community Dairy Feed ______________ __ 15.00 3.80 8.20 55.00 . . . . . . . _ . . . .. 23411-1 Analysis _ _______________________ __ 15.08 4.46 8.15 55.61 12.25 4.45 167S Finely Ground Corn Chop .......... 1 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 __--_.. ..... 1 2341Q Analysis _________________________________ __ 10.64 4.70 2.82 69.37 10.84 1.63 97S Victory Growing Mash _______________ __ 14.00 3.50 8.00 55.5 _________________ .- 2341U Analysism _-_._-_-_________-___________ 17.31 6.54 4.60 56.11 8.70 6.74 412$ Wheat Gray Shorts“ 16.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ________ __ . 234lA4 Analysis"? _____________________________ __ 17.35 5.18 8.09 55.16 9.20 5.02 195K a. h. r‘. rl. e. f. o. h, i. n‘. k —“ee legend at the hes-inning of this table. mDried buttermilk. ‘Used by distributor in feeding own stock. ‘QGIZ-inseed meal found, not claimed. “Wheat mixed feed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 119 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis~ | tration Name and Address oi Manuiacturer or » ; 1‘ or 1n. - Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude} Nitro- | Mois- Crude spection ~ Pr_o- Fat Fiber jgen-iree ture Ash . N0. tein Extract; 1 Consolidated Flour Mills Com- pany, The, Wichita, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- » . ings 17.00 8.50 6.00 55.00 ................. -. 2506F Analysis _________________________________ __ 18.00 4.18 6.01 56,14 11.21 4,46 523M Analysis _____________________________ __ 16.75 4.41 5.90 56.45 11.44 5,05 193w Consumers Fuel, Grain 8t Ice Company, Houston, Texas. Consumers’ Dairy Feed ______________ __ 18.00 4 80 13.50 46.00 _______ ________ __ 1353A Analysism ____________________________ __ 18.40 4.77 9.68 49.89 11.78 5 43 24M Bluebonnet Scratch Feed __________ __ 10.00 8.00 4,00 68.00 ________________ __ 1353B Analysis ________________________________ ___ 11.44 2 85 2.15 69.65 12,27 1 64 401M Continental Oil-Cotton Company, Colorado City, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealm- 43-00 6.00 12-00 23.00 ________ -. 800A Analysis ________________________________ -- 44-10 6-93 11 22 25.84 6.15 5.76 28s Analysis° _________________________ -- . 42-13 6.31 11.35 27.11 6.72 5.88 113s Analysisc _______________________________ _. 41-31 7.70 11 32 27.68 6.06 5.93 145s Analysis" _---_--___--_-_---_-_--_.--_--_- 42.04 7.23 10.53 27.28 6.95 5.92 162s Analysis --___._____-_-____-___i 42-68 7-84 11.44 25.64 7.13 5.27 194s Analysis" __________..______.___. 40.72 7.41 10.89 27.72 6.68 6.58 221S Analysis" ________ ____.____.i 42.47 7.35 11.00 26.48 6.94 5.76 314s Analysis 43.05 7.01 11.18 25.93 6.78 6.05 377T Analysis" 41.68 6.62 10.63 27.81 7.61 5.65 495T Analysisc ___________________________ -_ 41.94 6.76 10.73 26.86 7.80 5.91 272W 43% Protein Cotonseed Cake--_-__ 43.00 6.00 12 00 23.00 _________________ _. 800B Analysis ________________________. 44.11 6.57 10.41 27.33 5.45 6.13 196s Analysis _________________________________ _, 42.71 6.15 10.48 28 11 6.70 5.85 312$ Analysis _____________________ __ 44.41 6.15 10 48 25 85 7.08 6.03 315s Analysis" _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 42.05 6.02 12.52 26.34 7.20 5.87 333$ Coweta Mixed Feed . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _- 11.80 1.70 38 00 36.00 ...... ___ ________ _. 800D Analysis __________________________________ __ 11.77 2.20 32 65 41.10 9.28 3 00 1448 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _________________ -. 800F Analysisv ________________________________ __ 42.14 6.27 12.52 26.23 7.82 5.52 110S Analysis __________________________________ __ 42.57 6.02 11.44 26.86 7.63 5.48 112 Analysis __________________ __ 42.73 6.50 10.22 27.39 7.07 6.09 193$ Analysisv ________________ __ 41.83 7.21 11 13 27.38 6.51 5.94 313$ Analysis __________________ __ ___ 44.04 6.32 10.44 26.64 6.65 5.91 431$ Analysis __________________________________ __ 43.90 6.29 10.70 26.64 6.69 5.78 449$ Cook Company, The, McAllen, Texa. Cooks Lay Mash __________________________ __ 20.00 3.50 6.50 148.50 . ...... .. 132B Analysism ___________________________ __ 20.02 4.26 6.32 50.73 10.54 8.13 247H C00k’s Sweet COW Feed___ - 3.00 20-00 35-00 _________________ -- 132C Analysis ______________________________ __ 17.80 3.60 14.84 44.69 11.00 8.07 97H Cooks Best Cow Feed _____ _______ 18.00 4.20 18.00 38.50 ........ .. ___---“ 132D Analysism 23.87 4.10 15.70 40.54 9.41 6.38. 318H Cook's Peed Store, iDallas, Texas. Cooks Special Mixed Feed _________ _- 19.00 3.50 12.50 45-00 _________________ -. 876A Analysis _________________________________ 1 19.30 4.41 12.11 45.92 10.18 8.08 212T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Excess of salt found. mDeficient in ground limestone. 13°Ground whole barley, corn distillers’ dried grains, dried beet pulp, and teamed bone meal claimed, not found. Crimped whole oats an/d milo meal found, not claimed. 120 ‘Iabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyes of Peed to August 31, 1942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION s, September 1, 1941, Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or ‘ or In- importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- { Mois- Crude spection " Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. Win Extract’ l a Cooper Cotton Oil Company, Cooper, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.---. 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ _. 149C Analysis ________________________________ -- 42.94 6.22 8.93 27.46 8.02 6.43 21P Analysis . ‘. 5.91 8.94 26.54 8.27 6.43 88T Delta Brand Chick Starter-_-- . 3.50 7.00 51.00 __________________ -. 149P Analysis ................................. -_ 19.24 4.43 6.49 51.53 10.61 7.70 450T Cordell Milling Company, Cordell, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- a ings 17.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 359A Analysis ................................ -- 17.10 3.99 4.65 59.68 11.29 3.29 122K Corn Products Refining Company, New ‘York, New York. Buffalo Corn Gluten Feed __________ __ 23.00 2.00 8.50 46.00 _________________ __ 2309A Analysis ................................ __ 23.88 2.47 7.77 52.02 8.84 5,02 218K Analysis ________________________________ __ 24.54 1.48 8.28 49.43 10.56 5.71 12M Analysis ____________________________ --_ 25.56 2.33 7.60 48.24 10.99 5.28 389's Analysis ................................ -_ 25.43 2.13 8.29 47.82 10.30 6.03 187W Analysis ................................. __ 24.27 2.57 8.10 49.27 9.81 5.98 337W Diamond 41% Protein Corn Gluten Meal .............................. _- 41.00 1.00 6.00 38.00 ............... ._ 2309B Analysis“ .............................. -- 44.19 1.18 1.35 41.60 9.43 2.25 381M Corpus Christi Cotton Oil Mill, Corpus Christi, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--- 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ________ .. - 184511‘ Analysis" _ 42.12 6.28 11.16 26.44 8.22 5.78 87H Analysis _-__--__-_-.__ 42.96 5.59 10.68 26.39 8.50 5.88 264H‘ Analysis° ................... _- 41.00 5.48 12.12 26.37 9.20 5.83 272H Analysis" .............................. -- 40.38 6.02 11.70 27.14 8.70 6.06 445H 34% Protein Linseed Meal _________ .. 84.00 6.00 9.00 35.00 __________________ 1 1845M Analysis ................................ __ 35.03 6.66 10.08 33.14 9.83 5.26 9H Analysis .... -_ . 8.17 9.43 32.36 9.69 4.85 510H Analysis ................................. __ 35.72 8.31 9.07 32.09 10.10 4.71 7J 43% Protein Pea-Size Cotton- seed Cake __________________________________ -. 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _________________ _. 1845N Analysis” ............................... __ 42.31 5.40 11.67 26.14 8.63 5.85 273H Coryell County Cotton Oil Com- Dally. G-atesville, Te/xas. Golden Gate Baby Chick Starter 17.00 3.50 6.00 52.0 ................. _- 490A Analysis _________________________________ -_ 17.28 4.56 5.42 52.97 10.29 9.48 550W Golden Gate Special Laying Mash 18.00 8.50 6.00 45.50 ................. __ 490B Analysis 19.51 3.15 7.06 49.72 11.28 9.28 509W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .................. -_ 490G Analysis 43.32 6.57 9.69 27.33 6.86 6.23 61W Analysisml ________________ __.____ 42.25 7.77 10.22 26.32 7.50 5.94 166W Analysis _______________ ______..___ 42.78 8.00 9.98 25.96 7.95 5.33 190W Analysis‘, ___________________ -________ 42.49 6.84 10.45 26.19 7.90 6.13 388W Analysis 43.26 6.80 9.33 26.76 7.75 6.10 406W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake--. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ........ ._ __ 490H Analysis _________ ___________._ 43.32 6.13 10.59 25.75 8.15 6.06 167W Analysis ________________ ______._.__ 45.23 _ 5.98 10.38 25.04 7.63 5.74 302W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-See legend at the beginning of this table. I-"IPortion used in compounding mixed feed. Portion blended with high-protein meal. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS 121 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) \ Per Cent \ Regis- 1 tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i or In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash i. No. tein Extract \ I Coryell County Cotton Oil Com- Pally, Gatesville, '.l.‘exas—Cont’d. Gaco Laying Mash ______________________ __ 13.50 3.50 7.00 53.00 490A4 Analysis" ___________ ___ 19.87 3.77 6.71 52.09 10.70. 6.86 232W Gaco Laying Mash ...... ._ 18.50 8.50 8.00 51.00 490A4 Analysis __________________________________ _. 19.60 4.30 7.56 51.08 10.16 7.30 612W Cotterly Hatchery 8t Peed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas. Cotterly’s Big C Brand Chick starter. Mash ____________________ __ 17.00 3.50 6.00 52.00 2533A Analysis 17.92 3.82 5.92 54.23 11.31 6.80 355T Cotterly’s Sure-Lay Brand Egg Laying Mash ____________________________ __ 20.50 3.50 7.40 411.60 ________ _., ........ .. 2533C Analysis ______________________________ ___ 21.36 5.27 6.43 46.91 9.17 10.86 ZOT C0tter1y’s Hi-Quality Brand Cow Feed 19.00 4.00 11.00 50.00 __________________ -. 2533H Analysism ______________________________ __ 19.10 4.01 8.01 51.87 9.86 7.15 19T Cotter1y’s Big C Brand 20% 1 Protein Dairy Feed __________________ _. 20-00 3-20 11.00 43-50 ---------------- -- 253310 Analysis ________________________________ __ 20.22 3.60 9.32 49.79 8.25 8.82 532T Cowan Grain Company, Itasca, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk __________ __ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 ________________ _. 1811A Analysis _______________________________ __ 7.75 3.55 10.30 65.05 11.80 1.55 382W Crawford Grain Company, B1 E§ust°n’ Texas‘ 11 50 2 70 10 0o 50 50 870B ue ird Horse and M 1 F ed - - - - ----------------- -- Analysis} _______________ 13.30 3.85 10.38 55.83 111.57 5.02 532M Money-Maker Brand Mixed Cow Feed 21.00 3.50 14.00 1.0.00 ________ _- 870M Analysis] _______________________________ __ 22.75 3.23 11.62 42.60 11.83 7.97 410M Money-Maker Brand Starter Mash __________________________________________ __ 18.00 0.70 5.00 51.00 .................. _. 870s Analysis] ___________________ __ 18.53 4.96 4.75 53.67 9.98 8.11 534M Kafir Meal _________________________ __ 10-00 2.50 8.00 70.00 ------------------ -- 370A1 Analysis 10.30 2,41 1.75 72.30 11.86 1.38 533M Crawford Grain 8n Elevator Com- pany, Inc., Houston, Texas. Money_Maker Brand Mash Analysjgv _______________________________ _, 22.71 5.13 6.23 46.48 10.16 9 29 350M Crawford's 24% Protein Dairy Feed 2.11.00 5.00 11.00 38.50 870K Analygisfl _______________________________ __ 26.20 5.84 9 16 39.88 10.84 8 08 20M She1don’s Start-to-Finish Mash 19.00 4-00 5 50 47-00 _ ------ _______ -- 370D Analysismv ___________________________ _, 22.90 5.00 5 33 47.04 1O 23 9 50 298M Money-Maker. Brand Mixed Cow Feed 21.00 8.50 14.00 40.00 .................. -- 870M Analysisv _______________________________ _, 21.96 3.82 11.37 42.65 12.23 7 97 21M Alfalfa Stem Meal and Molasses 7.50 0.60 30.00 38.50 870A5 Analysis" _______________________________ __ 8.40 .45 26.64 42.80 14.47 7 24 299M Crawford’s Special Dairy Feed." 18.00 8.50 18.00 116.00 .................. _. 870B8 Analysis’ 18.21 5.24 12.93 45.20 10.03 8 39 351M Ground Whole Oats__ 11.00 l; 00 12.00 58 00 . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . . . -. 870C2 Analysis’ ________________________________ __ 14.77 5 11 11.95 54 46 9.81 3 90 297M a, b, c, d, e, f, .0. h, i, j, _k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. mlxcess of ground limestone found. “Excess of ground limestone found. Wm, _... . 122 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) l a, b, “Rice hulls found. mflegari meal found, not claimed. “Fish meal claimed, mot found. c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. q Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt. Per Cent Regis- | I tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or. l ' or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Creech, ‘W. M., Olney, Texas. Olney Maid Laying Mash __________ __ 18.20 3.50 7.20 49.50 .................. _. 909E Anal sis ___________________________ __ 19.30 4.73 6.23 50.41 9.62 9.71 14T Olney Maid Chick Starter____ 18.00 3.60 5.50 53.50 __________________ _. 909K Analysis _________________________________ _. 19.66 4.25 5.64 51.77 10.40- 8.28 349T Olney Maid Growing Mash _______ -. 16.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 ................ .. 909L Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.40 4.45 6.58 50.77 10.45 8.35 348T Crockett Cotton Oil Company, Crockett, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Mea1-_. $1.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ................ .. 573D Analysis ____________________________ __ 41.52 6.48 10.69 26.81 7.72 6.78 56.1 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1-.___ 43-00 6.00 19.00 23.00 573K Ana1ysis<= ______________________________ __ 42.22 7.75 9.56 26.82 7.26 6.39 57P Analysis¢ ____________________ __ . 7.55 11.25 26.26 7.82 6.09 147P Analysise _______________________________ __ 7.56 11.40 25.60 7.89 6.26 148P 43% Protein Cracked Cotton-' seed Cake ____________________________________ _, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ _. 573L Analysis _________________________________ __ 42.61 6.76 10.58 26.21 7.27 6.57 149P Crofts, Geo., Johnson City, Texas. J, C. Laying Mash _________________ __ 20.00 3.70 6.50 44.50 _ l176E Analysis _________________________________ __ 21.87 5.43 5.78 47.00 9.24 10.68 458H Crosbyton Elevator Company, Crosbyton, Texas. Our—Own Brand Growing Mash,“ 16.00 3.50 8.00 53.00 .................. __ 151lH Analysis __________________________________ __ 18.07 3.03 7.11 55.97 9.41 6.41 182K Red Barn 18% Protein Egg Mash ______________________________________ __ 18.00 8.60 7.00 47.00 _________________ -_ 15111 Analysis _____________________________ _, 20.40 4.58 6.65 49.61 9.51 9.25 384$ Crosbyton Grain Growers, Inc., Crosbyton, Texas. Lay-More Brand Laying Mash____ 19.00 3.50 5.50 51.00 _ _ _ _ > __ 1738G Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.50 3.80 5.15 53.64 9.81 8 10 267s Farmers’ Pride Brand Growing Mash __________________________________________ _, 16.00 3.50 5.00 57.00 .................. _. 17381 Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.01 3.53 3.93 60.73 9.73 5.07 183K Crowley Peed Company, Inc., San Antonio, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ___________ __ 8.00 8.00 10.00 65.00 . . M-.. 827A Analysiselfi ___________________________ A) 8.00 2.99 12.82 6279 10.56 2.84 344M Analysis“ 8.13 3.31 11.79‘ 65.72 7.73 3.32 441M Analysis _________________________________ _, 8.10 4.03 10.86 64.51 10.25 2.25 564M Crowley’s 20% Protein Laying Mash 3.60 6.80 49.00 ,_ 827K Analysis“ 4.90 7.93 47.71 9.34 9.78 31H Analysise _______________________________ __ 4.89 6.77 52.45 10.69 6.10 231H Crowley’s 20% Protein Laying Mash 20.00 3.60 6.80 46.00 ................. .. 827K Analysism ______________________ ____ 21.75 4.03 6.49 52.21 10.19 5.33 497H Crow1ey’s 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 8.00 11.20 46.50 .............. _. 827N Analysis ___________________________ __ 15.30 3.81 11.73 49.03 11.73 8.40 l45H Analysis ....... .- . 16.30 3.79 12.54 47.85 11.38 8.14 230H Analysis ________________________________ __ 16.62 4.05_12.66 47.43 10.60 8.64 324K COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 123 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942.—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Regis- _ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Mois- Crude spection Fat ture Ash No. Crowley Peed Company, Inc., an Antonio, Texas.—Cont’d. Crowley's 17.50% Protein All- Mash Starter ____________________________ __ 8.50 ___-.. __-.--___- 827R Analysism 4.63 10.89 5.85 365B 3 Star Brand 18% Protein Lay- ing Mash .._._.._-____.___-____________________ ‘L5 0 __________________ -. 827A8 Analysis“ __ 4.99 9.53 11.78 30H Analysis“ ___ 3.75 11.60 6.69 1861-] Crow1ey’s Broiler Mash ____________ -- 8.70 827B] Analysisib __________________ __ 2.83 11.24 6.60 396B Borden’s Mixed Feed___ ______ 3.00 _________________ _- 827B6 Analysis“ ____________________________ __ 2.82 11.66 6.22 4361-1 Analysis“ 2.29 10.58 6.69 5l3H Cuero Cotton Oil 8a Manufactur- ing Company, Cuero, Texas. " 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1______ 5.20 .................. -- 402K Analysisfvm __________________________ __ 7.09 7.83 5.50 196H Analysis _______________________________ _, 6.75 8.03 5.32 211B Analysis _________________________________ __ 6.58 7.79 5.89 229H Ana1ysis° 6.98 8.19 5.90‘ 354H Analysis" ___________________________ 6.48 8.61 5.95 395H 43% Protein Cracked Cotton- seed Cake __________________________________ __ 5.20 --__--.__. ________ _. 402L Analysisv ______________________________ __ 6.12 10.65 5.54 64H Cuero Peed Company, Cuero, Texas. McLarty’s Laying Mash _____________ _. 8.50 2140G Analysisl“ ___________________________ __ 5.24 10.81 8.89 2121-1 Curl, Blake, Tolar, Texas. . Blake Cur1’s Laying Mash _________ __ 4.00 __________________ __ 1692A Analysis _________________________________ __ 3.77 10.56 9.80 501T Dallas Animal By-Products Com- 113-117» Dallas, Texas, and Branches. Golden Brand Special 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps .......... __ 8.00 8.00 0.00 _ _____ -- "___-___ 153$?» Analysis 3.74 2.03 1.52 5.32 32 41 41.1 Analysis 3.73 2.04 2.02 5.15 34.49 79K Analysis 4.06 1.99 1.46 7.69 28.72 78M Analysis 3.90 2.48 1.74 5.63 29.00 192P Analysis 4.00 2.72 1.52 5.53 33.67 220$ Analysis 4.65 1.82 2.27 5.58 32.28 ' 243$ Analysis 8.22 2.15 4.60 6.40 28.61 7T Analysis , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 4.33 2.10 1.97 5.38 32.32 351T Analysis 4.94 1.76 2.34 6.05 32.34 562T Analysis _._._ 4.93 2.44 2.27 5.12 32.93 631T Analysis 2.81 1.75 .86 5.60 36.26 45W Analysis __________________________________ __ 7.37 2.35 2.45 W582 31.04 235W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. mSoybean oil meal found, not claimed. mGround whole barley and milo head chop found, not claimed. mBelabeled by distributor. mDeficient in ground oyster shell. 124 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September l, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' < or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- _ Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-ireeg ture Ash No. tein Extract. i 2 Dallas Animal IBy-Products Com- 133-1137, Dallas, Texas, and Branches.-—Cont’d. Golden Brand 60% Protein Digester Tankage ____________________ __ 60.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 ................... __ 1534B‘ Analysis ____________________ __ 65.24 3.22 1.12 2.63 9.68 18.11 164W Golden Bran 55% Protein Im- proved Meat and Bone Scraps 55-00 3-00 3-00 0-00 ________ ~ 153411 Analysis _________________________________ __ 54.59 3.51 1.97 1.91 5.98 32.04 H Dansby Peed Mills, Clifton, Texas. Dansby’s A11- M a s h Chick Starter _______________________________________ __ 16.50 3.50 5.50 53.50 __________________ _. ZIOOF Analysis _______________________________ ___ 17.78 3.94 5.09 55.30 10.39 7.50 393W Dansby’s 41% Protein Supple- ment for Pigs and Hogs _________ -_ 41-00 4.50 6-00 22-00 ---------------- __ 21001 Analysism _____________________________ __ 39.25 4.95 5.64 25.55 8.49 16.12 138W Davis Peed Company, San Antonio, Texas. A, C, Special Laying Mash __________ __ 18.00 3.50 7.80 50.00 ................. __ 1023A Analysis ________________________________ __ 18.60 4.31 6.78 51.24 10.08 8.99 494H A. C. Pride Brand Laying Mash 20.00 3.50 6.20 44.00 _________________ .. 1023 Analysis _______________________________ __ 20.30 4.72 5.54 50.76 10.64 8.04 19TH Davis Peed Store, John, Big Spring, Texas. Davis’ Dairy Feed ___________________ __ 18.00 3.00 11.00 50.00 ________ -. .__...... 667A Analysis ______________________________ __ 18.18 3.39 10.53 50.24 9.97 7.6.) 594$ Davis Poultry Parm, Rule, Texas. . Davis Egg-Maker Laying Mash» 19.00 8.60 6.00 50.00 ....... .. __ 848A Analysis _________________________________ __ 20.10 4.21 7.11 50.01 9.94 8.63 67S Analysis _______________________________ __ 19.88 3.97 6.02 .52.39 9.62 8.12 531S Davis Sanitary Hatchery, I-amesa, Texas. Dividend Brand Laying Mash_____ 19.00 3.50 7.00 44.00 . ...... -. 1472A Analysisl“ ______________________________ _. 20.00 4.04 5.38 48.93 9.92 11.73 275$ Dividend Brand Pullet Devel- oper and Growing Mash __________ __ 17.50 3.50 7.00 47.00 ................. .. 1472H Analysisl“ ______________________,________ 17.95 4.08 6.06 55.72 9.63 6.56 394$ Davison 8a Company, Galveston, Texa. Ceedee Hen Scratch ________________ __ 9.40 2.60 8.50 70.00 ................ -- 1648A Analysisl“ ____________________________ 11.65 2.27 1.95 69.56 13.20 1.37 435M Ceedee Laying Mash____ _______________ 18.00 8.50 8.00 47.00 .................. -. 1648C Analysis ________________________ 22.90 3.98 7.35 4.5.93 10.95 8.89 436M Dawe 8a Son, Thos., Gonzales, Texas. Laying Mash ____________________________ ____ 18.00 3.50 6.50 50.00 ________________ _- 1717D Analysis 19.49 4.85 5.35 53.10 10.21 7.00 3481-1 Starter and Developer Mash _____ __ 17.00 3.60 5.50 53.00 ______________ _, 1717E Analysis _________________________________ _. 19.46 4.53 4.91 53.95 10.08 7.07 473H b» c: dv e; f: g: h" i) .7‘) k'__see a “Excess of salt found. “Excess of salt found. 14411611016111; in groumd limestone. legend at the beginning “Sunflower seed claimed, not found. of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 125 Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 3-1, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address 0t Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spoction Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract i Dawe’ Products Company, 1 Chicago, Illinois. I Flavonne __________ -_ ___________ 31.00 4.50 5.00 35.00 ________ __ ; 2270A An ysis ______ ___. 32.55 7.29 6.27 40.62 8.24 .03 175T Analysis ____________________________ -__ 32.66 7.83 6.14 39.76 8.59 5.02 7 322T Dame's Vitamelk Company, 7 Chicago, Illinois. I D. V. Base__----_-._..___.---.-__.--_-.-______ 28.00 4.50 5.00 45.00 ________ 2449A Analysis __ .... -_ __.___________ 29.62 4.10 3.34 47.53 9 53 5.88 583S Analysis ______ ________ 29.75 3.24 3.89 47.49 8.99 6.64 370T Analysis" ......................... __ 29.39 3.21 3.99 47.80 8.89. 6.72 389W Decatur Soy Products Company, 5 Decatur, Illinois. \ Illini Brand 41% Protein Soy- I bean Oil Meal ..................... _.___ 41.00 4.50 7.00 29.00 .. ...... .. ___--_-. 1481A Analysis ..... ___' _____ __ 44.83 4.88 6.35 29.77 9.33 4 84‘ 444W De I-eon Leghorn Parm, { De I-eon, Texas. 4 De Leon Leghorn Farm Egg » 1 Mash 18.00 8.60 5.50 50.00 .................. -. 994A Analysis _________________________________ __ 18.40 4.19 5.89 53.56 10.20 7.76 . 251W Denison Peanut Company, Inc., Denison, Texas. l. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed i Peanut Screenings __________________ __ 25.00 10.00 14.00 32.00 .................. -4 23871 Analysis _________________________________ __ 30.45 12.07 25.44 19.71 5.94 0.391 440T Denton Dairy Co-Operative Asso- ! ciation, K Denton, Texas. \ Egg Laying Mash ________________________ .. 20.40 3.50 8.00 44.50 ................. -. 268E Analysis _______________ __ _ 21.78 4.77 0.35 45.05 10.57 11.48 31']: Farmers Dairy Feed--. _- 16.60 3.50 12.00 50.00 ________________ __ 4633*“ Analysis ___________________________ __ 17.68 4.13 10.87 50.01 10.73 6.58 103T Analysis ___________________________ __ __ 17.35 4,31 11.38 50.99 10.96 5.01 442T Farmers Egg Mash ________________ __ 18.00 3.50 7.60 48.50 __________________ -_ 269M Analysisl“ _____________________________ __ 19.00 4.19 7.92 50.59 10.33 7.97 7 441T Denton Mill 8a Elevator Company, Denton, Texas. Gold Top 5 Egg Mash _________________ __ 19.00 3.50 7.50 46.00 __________________ -_ 1047C Analysis“? _____________________________ __ 19.60 3.51 7.15 50.84 10.73 8.17 501M Denver Alfalfa Milling 8n Prod- ucts Company, qthe, Lamar, Colorado. Alfalfa Meal ________________________________ __ 13.00 1.50 33.00 85.00 _________________ _. 1824A Analysis ____________ __ __ 12,94 1.38 34557 35.29 7 63 8.19 10K Alfalfa Leaf 1\Iea1_____ 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 ...... -_' 1824C Analygisfll“ _______________________ __ 2216 1,86 16_57 32.39 11 95 Analysls ..... -_ __ 21.13 2.17 18.57 36.69 9.57 11.87 =&6.J Analysis __ 19.53 2.06 17.68 38.64 10.52 11.57 143M Anal§ sis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ __ 20.32 2.97 16.42 39.18 10-11 11.00 14p Analysis _________________________________ __ 22.35 2.95 15.28 36.98 11-23 11-21 124T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.--See legend at the beginning “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “SExcess of ash present. of this table. 126 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Oontinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent RGgIS- ! tration Name and Address of Manuiacturer or l l 4‘ A or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude . Crude‘ Nitro- ‘ Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein Extract Denver Alfalfa Milling 8a Prod- ucts Company, The, Lamar, Colorado.—Cont’d. Triple XXX Brand Alfalfa, Meal 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 _ 1824B Analysis __________________________________ _, 1.75 31 39 33.84 9.28 8.19 108E Analysis“ 1.64 28 68 36.37 7.37 9.54 ~26S Analysis ..... ._ 1.73 28.62 ‘$6.45 9.25 8.06 97W Analysis" _______________________________ __ 1.97 27 12 34.77 7.88 9.19 165W Alfalfa Stem Meal ________________________ __ 9.00 0.80 40.00 30.00 ...... _____ __ 182413 Analysis” _______ .. 1.49 34.60 31.18 9.63 7 72 195M Analysis ________________________________ __ . .96 38.95 30.50 9.41 7 13 352M Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal--. 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 _______ -. 1824L Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.14 3.21 20.85 39.00 5.83 11 97 254K Dimmitt Wheat Growers, Inc., Dimmitt, Texas. Ho-Made Chick Starter Mash_____ 17.50 3.50 6.60 51.00 . ....... __ 513B Analysisl“ _____________________________ __ 18.50 4.06 6.05 52.64 10.86 7 89 348$ Growing Mash 14.40 8.00 6.60 55.00 ........ -_ 513C Analysis ________________________________ __ 15.91 3.09 6.04 56.50 10.68 7 78 73K Dittlinger Roller Mills Company, E., New Braunfels, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ______________________ __ 17.00 17-00 6-00 55.00 n . _. 13D Analysisml ________ __ __ 18.31 4.12 7.4-4 53.29 11.75 5.09 143E Analysisum ____ __ __ 18.83 4.27 7.15 53.32 11.55 4.88 200H Analysis __________ __ ____ 17.20 4.00 5.98 56.57 12.06 4.19 350W Analysisfll _____________________________ __ 18.89 4.34 6.71 54.69 10.43 4.94 576W Dittlinger’s B e s t All-Mash * Starter ______________________________________ _, 18.00 3.80 6.00 118.00 ..... .. .. ._ 13M Analysis ____________ __ 19.90 3.95 4.40 53.63 9.70 8.42 326H Analysis _______________ __ 21.00 5.36 5.23 50.47 10.31 7.63 507S Analysis _______________ __ 20.74 4.05 4.86 52.20 9.68 8.47 450W Feeding Corn Meal _____ __ , 9.00 8.50 3.00 70.00 ...... .. 13R Analysis _________________________________ __ 9.28 4.89 4.41 68.62 11.50 1 30 96H Dittlinger’s Q u a l i t y Brand ~ Growing Mash __________________________ __ 16.00 8.60 6.00 52.50 ....... -- -_--_._-_. 13T Analysis ________________________ __ 16.30 3.69 5.61 60.86 6 58 6.96 58H Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.24 3.74 5.75 54.81 11 07 7.39 347H Dittlinger’s Best Laying Mash Concentrate _____________________________ ___ 35.00 8.70 5 80 $0.00 .................. -. 13U Analysismzfi ____________________________ __ 34,64 4.91 7 15 27.22 8.78 17 30 228W Ditt1inger’s Best 43% Protein Supplement for Hogs ______________ __ 43.00 3.50 7 00 17.00 .............. -- 13Y Analysisl“ ____________________ _____ 40.06 5.81 4 53 19.68 8.75 21 17 595W Dittlinger’s Best Baby Chick Starter __-__________________________ 15.50 3.50 5 0O 55.00 ............ _. 13A5 Analysis _________________________________ __ 16.18 3.42 4 10 59-56 10.22 6 52 371W Dittlingefs Best 24% Protein Dalr-y Feed ________________________________ __ 21.00 3.50 10 60 39.50 . ..... __ 13A8 Analysis ________________________ __ __ 21_22 3.78 10 20 44.59 11.93 8 2 120H Analysis ____________ __ 24.44 _ 4.15 10.39 42.74 10.27 8 011 4841-1 Analysis ________________________________ __ 25.68 3.99 10.31 41.63 10.33 06] 571W a. b. o. d. e. f, g, h, i, y‘, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. mAlfalfa meal. ~ “Excess of salt found. “Wheat brown shorts. WDefieient in ground oyster shell. “sibeflcient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. ‘ w-vvvr‘ "-3.0 v-.._.,-.-._,__..-__.._._._. .. w... .. _ COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Tabe 18. (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 127 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942-—Gontinued ‘ Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat ture Ash No . 178111 I Dlttllnger Roller Mills Company, -| New Braunfels, Texas— i Continued; ’ Red Star Cow Feed _______________________ __ 10-00 1-30 ------------------ __ 13A9 Analysis ................................. _. 1l-96 2-44 13-25 5.88 121H Analysis _____________________________ __ 14.55 4.72 11.73 6.20] 227K Analysis __ _______________ __ 14.44 2.35 11.22 5.79 402E Analysis __ ________________ _. 12.70 3.61 11.07 5.68. 419H Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12.01 1.85 12.13 7.31‘ 309M Analysis _________________________________ __ 14-79 3.47 10.55 6.78 467W Dittlinger’s Q u a 1 i t y Brand Chick Starter with Butter- Llilk 18.00 4.00 __________________ __ 13139 Analysis _________________________________ _, 17.23 4.00 10.91 8.00 275K Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.24 3.76 10.63 7.93 40TH Dittlinger’s Q u a l i t y Brand ’ Dairy Feed ________________________________ __ 18.00 3.60 ________________ -_ 13C3 Analysisl“ ___- . 3.01 13.15 7.87 214H Analysis _________________________________ __ . 3.62 11.2 7.12 460M Dittlinger’s Best 5 Laying Mash 20.50 3.50 --_--_---. ........ _-, 13132 Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 21.10 4.88 .94 11.25! 131H Analysis ___________________________________ 21.58 4.30 11.30 11.15‘ 4201-1 Dittlinger’s Best Turkey Starter 24.00 3.50 _______________ .- 13D3 Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 26.39 3.93 10.50 9.65 408H Dittlinger’s Q u a 1 i t y Brand 35% Protein Laying Mash Concentrate ______________________________ __ 3.60 5.80 _______ .. 13E8 Analysis ______ _. 3.68 3.56 9.44 15.44 57H Analysis“? ____________________________ __ 2.40 5.75 8.96 17.74 274H Dittlinger’s Best Turkey Lay- ing Mash Pellets _______________________ __ 21,00 3.90 6.50 __________________ _. 13F1 Analysis _________________ __ _ __ 20.53 4.72 5.91 12.58 9.19 206H Dittlinger’s 18% Protein Cow Feed 18.00 4.20 9,00 __________________ __ 13F4 Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.21 3.81 7.79 12.33 6.95 38H Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 18.25 3.54 6.83 11.72 7.80 228H Dittlinger’s Q 11 a 1 i t y Brand 24% Protein Cow Feed ___________ _. 20.00 0.50 10.00 , _____ _. 13F5 Analysis ________________________________ __ 24.20 4.58 8.44 10.85 7.31 266H Analysis _ ______ __ 22.60 4.58 8.65 11.17 7.58 210W Dittlinger’s Eclipse Brand Lay- ing Mash _____________________________________ __ 20.00 3.60 6.50 ______________ __ 13F6 Analysis ______________________ __ 21.30 3.96 5.79 10.85 9.07 59H Analysis _________________________ ._ 21.62 3.98 6.29 10.66 9.50 207H Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _. 22.05 4.32 6.13 9.25 10.13 496H Analysis . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ ._ 22.23 3.93 6.13 10.81 9.17 336M Analysis _________________________________ .. 21.39 4.00 6.28 9.83 9.07 318W Dittlinger’s Eclipse Brand Lay- ing Mash Pellets ______________________ __ 20.00 3.60 6.50 .................. _. 13F7 Analysis ________________________________ _. 20.78 3.59 5.96 10.75 8.93 346H Dittlinger’s Best Cattle Feed--. 16.00 3.00 10.00 - ________ _. 13G8 Analysis ______________________________ __ 19.99 2.62 7.30 11.25 8.03 193H Dittlinger’s 20% Protein Cattle Feed Pellets ______________________________ __ 20.00 8.20 9.00 ...... -. -_-___... 13H1 Analysisflms ____________________________ __ 20.14 2,48 6.94 10.56 7.74 45S <1, b- 0. d, e. f, .0. h, i, i. k.—See legend at the beginning “Some peanut hulls found, not claimed. “Excess of salt found. “Ground dried kelp claimed, not found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “In cube form. of this table. 128 Tabe 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and. Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, Per Cent Regis- ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. téin Extract i Dittlinnger Roller Mills Company, ., , New Braunfels, Texas— Continued. Dittlinger’s Best 16% Protein . Sheep Feed Cubes _____________________ __ 16.00 8.00 10.00 48.50 ........ -- __-_-- 13H5 Analysisflm ____________________________ __ 20.70 2.90 6.60 51.70 10.57 7 53 127$ Dittlingefs 20% Protein Sheep . Feed Cubes _______________________________ __ 20.00 3.30 9.80 45.50 __________________ -. 13H6 Analysisf _______________________________ __ 14.24 2.95 6.99 57.66 9.02 9.14 425W Dixie Poultry Farm 8a Hatchery, Brenham, Texas. Dixie Quality Brand Breeder Egg Mash ___~_____~_ ________________________ __ 19.00 4.00 6.50 49.00, .................. .. 962B Ana1ysis16° ______________ __ 20.18 4.20 6.22 50.24 10.65 8.51 272M Dixie Broiler Mash-.. ____ __ 18.00 3.70 7.00 49.00 9621 Analysislel _____________________________ __ 16.14 3.78 6.53 56.50 11.48 5.57 273M Dixie Broiler Mash Nuggets _____ _, 18.00 8.70 7.00 49.00 _-__.____ ________ _. 962.1 Analysis“ ______________________________ __ 19.66 4.45 5.73 52.91 10.25 7.00 445M Dixon Packing Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Dixco Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps _______________________ _, 50.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 __________________ _- 2572A Analysis ________________________________ _, 53.71 9.79 1.92 .37 6.50 27.71 351H Analysis . . 1.71 .75 7.73 29.05 9M Analysis _________________________________ __ . 1.75 1.86 7.76 25.12 354M Dobry Flour Mills, Inc., Yukon, Oklahoma. Wheat Bran and Screenings ______ ._ 14-50 8.00 10.00 50.00 __________________ -_ 739D Analysis“ _______________________________ __ 16.43 3.73 9.95 54.49 8.90 6.50 27M Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 16.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ................. -. 739G Analysis _ _______________________________ __ 17.62 4.18 6.19 56.60 10.97 4.44 129P Analysis ________________________ __ __ 16.70 4.27 6.05 56.12 12.29 4.57 162P’ Analysis _________ __ __ 18.10 4.59 5.96 55.39 11.94 4.02 204T Analysismc .... -_ 18.00 4.10 6.34 53.12 13.95 4.49 458T Analysiswm _________________________ _- 17.88 4.54 6.31 55.14 11.84 4.29 20W Dodge City Flour Mills, The, Dodge City, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts, ____________________ __ 16.00 8.50 6.00 55.00 .................. .. 798C Analysis __________________ _, 19.58 4.29 4.42 56.51 11.31 3.89 42W Analysis ________________________________ __ 17.00 4.30 5.30 56.62 12.71 4.07 356W Doggett Grain Company, Dallas, Texas, and Branches. Kafir ChQp _____________________________________ __ 10.00 2.50 8.00 70.00 -___. ________ -. 25961 Analysis ________________________________ __ 11.82 3.17 2.11 70.86 10.02 2.02 6K Dooley’s Feed Store, San Angelo, Texas. Dooley’s Better-Brand Cow Feed 18.00 3.60 12.50 46.50 __________________ V 705D Analysisl“ _____________________________ __ 19.84 3.81 11.80 46.67 10.08 7.80 217S a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Deficient in ground limestone. 16°Excess of salt found. mlMeat and bone scraps claimed, not found. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Ground whole oats found in wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Deficient in ground limestone. of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Tabe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, to August 31, 1942—Continued 129 September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.» Per Cent J Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer 01' i I \ ' OI‘ I11- Importer. Brand Name. Crude g Crude Crude i Nitro- ' Mois- Crude spection Pro- - Fat Fiber ggen-free. ture Ash No. tein i f ‘Extract; A i s . | Dorsey Grain Company, Weatherford, Texas. Four-Square Egg Mash ______________ _. 19.00 3.50 8.00 45.60 __________________ _. 259R Analysisi _______________________________ __ 20.07 4.81 7.42 47.20 10.59 9.91 327T Analysis ____________ __ . 4.32 6.13 49.20 11.34 9.51 487T Big 3 Special Feed____ 2,00 35.00 32,00 _________________ __ Analysisilc“ _______ _- . 2.20 32.32 34.80‘ 11.46 5.88. 3 Analysis _________________________________ __ 14.14 2.64 37.34 28.38 11.02 6.48 625T Douglas, Roy, Port Worth Texas. Dairy Feed ...... -_'. ___________________________ __ 17.00 3.40 10.00 40.00 .................. -. 17931) Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.56 3.53 11.43 48.14 9.84 7.50 521T Downman G-rain 8a Hay Company, IEo-uston, Texas. DOWnman’s Best Laying Mash 19.00 3.70 6.30 47.00 __________________ -. 276A Analysis _________________________________ __ 20.41 4.71 5.65 50.24 9.97 9.02 348M Big D 18% _Protein Dairy Feed-.. 18.00 4-09 14.00 42-00 2761']: Bl i“?1"§“"‘“ ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss s i362 5'83 i063 23%;‘, 1°” 9"“ 2162i ac a Stock F d _______________ __ . .0 . . Analgrsislfii ______ ________________ __ 12.97 2.36 13.56 48.03 13.79 9.29 413M Big D 24% Protein Dairy Feed__ 24.00 4.50 15.00 33.00 _____ -. 276A5 Analysis”; _____________________________ __ 23.00 6.33 16.04 35.30 10.02 9.31 414M Big D 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 4.00 16.00 41.50 ................ .. 276A6 D Analysis“? , _____________________ __ 18.50 5.50 17.02 37.72 10.32 10.94 412M . 0Wnman’s Pay-Off B d 18 Protein Dairy Feed _______ 18.00 3.50 15.00 40.50 _______ _______ __ 276A9 R “Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.63 3.67 15.90 41.88 10.29 8.63 415M 0 ed Whole Barley _______________ __ 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 __________________ __ 276E4 Analysis ________________________________ __ 14.01 1.58 5.98 64.84 10.90 2.69 478M Dublin Mills, Inc., Dublin, Texas. All-Gold Brand Poultr F1 k Ration ________________________ _____ 18.00 3.50 8.00 44.00 _ . 678E Analysislm ___________________________ __ 19.08 3.58 7.85 51.29 10.87 7.33 239W All-Gold Brand Special D ' Feed ____________________________________ 3:1. 18.00 0.00 15.00 41.00 678.1 Analysis”? ___________________________ _, 19.00 4.09 $3.22 42.52 10.51 7.66 All-Gold Ideal Brand C F d 5.50 3.20 .00 4 .00 ................ -- Analysis“ ...... -. _ 0W 14.00 2.77 27.76 34.91 10.56 10.00 514W Analysis _ __________________________ _, 15.03 2.86 25.36 37.40 9.77 9.58 602W All-Gold Brand 207 Protein Laying Mash _________ f.’ _________________ __ 20.00 0:0 gag 40.00 1-61112 678%. Analysis ___________ __ 20.50 3.62 .5 50.44 1 . .7 46 All-Gold Brand Chick Starter..." 18.00 4.00 6.50 49.50 678A4 A Analysislm" , _____________ __ 18.85 4.50 6.29 52.38 10.05 7.93 3391;‘ ll-Gold Brand Chick Starten.“ 18.50 4.00 6.50 49.50 __________________ __ 678A 7h Analysisl" _____________________________ __ 19.30 4.29 5.71 52.30 11.01 7.39 517W Vi eat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings _____________________________________________ __ 15.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 __________________ _. 678C6 Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 17.60 3.84. 8.34 52.96 11.81 5.45 338T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Corn chop found, not claimed. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. lesiiixcess of ground oyster shell and salt. “Ear corn chop with husk claimed, not found. Deficient in “Excess of salt found. “Cottonseed meal found, not claimed. “Wheat mixed feed and screenings. of this table. ground limestone. 130 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION '.l.'abe 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.» Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 7 or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-freej ture Ash No. tein Extract} 1 Dublin Mills, Inc., Dublin, '1'exas.—Cont'd. Sterling Brand Laying Mash _.___ 19.00 8.50 8.00 46.00 678D5 Analysis” _____________________________ __ 18.80 3.82 7.29 52.74 9.94 7.41 599W All-Gold Brand Sweet Feed _______ __ 9.00 1.80 25.00 42.00 678E2 Analysisl“ _____________________________ __ 9.48 1.53 27.89 40.09 13.41 7.60 48W Durant Milling Company, Durant, Oklahoma. Whole Oat Chop ____________________________ _. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 - 2037B Analysis _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 11.90 3.90 10.22 60.73 9.41 3.84 167T Analysis ______________________________ __ 10.65 5.48 13.28 56.38 10.35 3.86 436T Red Warrior Laying Mash___ 20.00 4.50 7.00 45.00 2037C Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 19.65 4.63 6.89 50.77 11.19 6.87 283T Red Warrior All-Mash Starter"- 17.50 14-00 7-00 53-00 2037M Analysis?" _____________________________ _, 17.21 4.36 5.80 56.31 10.95 5.37 434T Indian Maid Sweet Feed.“ 9.00 2.00 10.00 52.00 _________________ .. 2037P Analysis"? _____________________________ __ 10.94 2.39 12.76 54.04 15.36 6.51 547T Red Warrior Dairy Feed with Molasses ____________________________________ __ 16.00 3.30 11.00 47.00 2037C! Analysis _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 17.95 5.09 10.47 49.15 12.43 4.91 548T Tee-Pee Sweet Feed“ ____ 9.00 2.50 14.50 49.50 __________________ _. 2037Z Analysis“? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12.97 4.20 10.01 51.53 11.81 9.48 121T Analysis“ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 9.25 1.57 15.05 51.31 15.07 7.75 433T Ground Whole Bar1ey-___ ______ __ 11.00 1.50 6,00 65.00 __________________ _. 2037A3 Analysisdam __________________________ __ 13,92 1.88 6,46 62.4.7 11.81 3.46 123T Eager Feed 8r. Produce, Stamford, Texas. Circle-E Egg Mash ______________________ __ 18.00 8.50 7.00 46.00 _ 1312A Analysis ................................. -_ 18.70 3.95 5.85 53-67 10.30 7.03 539$ Circle-E Special Egg Mash ....... .. 18.00 3.50! 7.00 47.00 _______ 1 1312B Analysis ........ .. . _____________________ -- 20.70 4.26‘ 5.92 49-22 11.88 8-02 62$ Circle-E Growing Mash___ . 8.50 7.00 51.00 __________________ _. 1312C‘ Analysis __________________ __ 3.39 4.55 59.30 9.88 6.26 581$ Circle-E Chick Starter-.- 3.50 6.00 54.00 __________________ _- 1312E Analysis 4.06 5.71 55.92 10.25 6.72 534$ Eagle Milling Company, Edmond, Oklahoma. Wheat B r 0 W n Shorts and Screenings _________________________________ -_ 16-50 3.50 7-50 53-00 ----------------- ~ 724E Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.00 3.91 7.66 55.22 11.72 4.49 55M - First Prize Brand Egg Mash _____ -. 18-00 3-50 3-00 113-00 -------- -- 724K Analysis _________________________________ __ 16,47 4.88 8.86 50.20 9.54 10.05 100P Analysjslfil _____________________________ __ 16_95 3,55 6.94 50.01 11.18 11.37 1971" a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, t, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. "Srish meal and peanut meal claimed, not found. Corn gluten feed found, not’ claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone. mG-round whole barley found, not claimed. “Deficient in! ground limestone and salt. “Milo head stems and ground screenings fo-und, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone and salt. “Soybean oil meal, wheat bran, milo meal, barley, corn bran, and corn husk found, not claimed. "Qnlfalfa. meal and milo head stems found, not claimed. _Deficient in ground limestone and salt. 1S‘Milo meal and ground whole oats presenlt. 181Soybean oil meal and hegari meal found, not claimed. E l COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUF FS 131. Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- _ tration Mime and Address of Manufacturer or l , or In- importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Orude Nitro- ; MOIS lCrude spection _Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free’ ture Ash No. tein , Extract 1 ' l Eagle Milling Company, . Edmond, 0klahoma_—Cont’d. 4-H Brand Egg Mash .................. -. 20.00 3.50 8.00 45.00 _________________ __ 7240 Analysism ______________ -- _. 19.32 3.78 6.96 47.891 10.38 11.67 196P Emco Mixed Feed .... __ . 1_2.20 3.00 5.00 62.00 _-_.-. __--___. 724Y Analysis ................................. .- 11.84 2.63 3.18 64.91 12.18 5.26 461M Early Grain 8t Seed Company, Waco, Texas. Ear1y’s Best Chicken Feed _________ _- 10.80 2.50 3.00 70.00 _______ __ 412B Analysisam ..................... ._ . 2.52 2.23 69.70 11.61 1 44 105W Ear1y’s Best Laying Mash_-_ 3.60 6.50 45.50 __________________ __ 412H Analysis ................................. .. 4.23 6.20 48.60 10.00 10.36 303W East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, Texas. 4-t0-1 Mixed Feed.---____-._----_-.____--.-_ 11.70 1.70 36.50 35.00 549B Analysis ................................. -- 11.64 1.91 31.25 41.07 8.02 6.11 71M 43% Protein Cottonseed MeaL..- 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______ -_ 549C Analysis _________________________________ __ 43.25 5.93 9.51 27.93 6.99 6.39 141M Analysis _____ -- 42.58 7.68 9.45 26.34 7.65 6.30 51P Analysis ..... _- 44.79 6.13 8.95 26.49 7.07 6.57 117P Analysisc 42.39 6.33 9.99 22.00 12.93 6.36 166P Analysis 43.33 6.53 9.53 26.45 7.71 6.45 340W Analysis 43.74 6.08 8.84 26.81 7.70 6.83 369W Milk-O-Feed .... -_ -.-- 17,00 4.00 19.30 40.80 » ________ _. 549E Analysis ....................... -- 15.00 4.26 15.73 42.84 11.95 10.22 569W 43% Protein Peanut Mea1.. 43,00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ _. 549J Analysis ................................ -- 43.28 7.17 16.7 20.81 7.94 4.02 18J Analysis° ............................. -. 41.35 7.96 17.30 20.61 8.95 3.83 579W East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Terrell, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ____ _- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ _. 63C Analysisv 41,71 5.59 11.52 27.20 7.90 6.08 48.1 Analysis _____ ,_ ___. 42,84 5.32 11.78 26.70 7.08 6.28 36F Analysisv ____ __ -.__._- 41,17 5.38 11.88 26.89 8.55 6.13 l79P Analysisv 42.32 5.88 10.62 26.36 8.99 5.83 92T Analysis° ............................... -- 41.85 5.24 11.53 27.34 7.96 6.08 457T Etco 44% Protein Supplement for Hogs ................................. _. 44.00 4.50 12.00 15.00 ........ _. _- 63K Analysis ................................. __ 45.30 6.86 10.14 18.09 6.82 12 79 55P Etco Five Egg Mash 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ................ __ 6331 Analysis ................................. .. 21.55 4.97 7.39 44.23 10.13 11.73 91T Etco Brand 18% Protein Dairy Feed .................................. __ 18.00 8.50 14.00 44.00 6332 Analysis ................................. -_ 20.25 3.81 11.83 46.20 10.76 7.15 553T1 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Tyler, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 855A AnaIVSjsO _______________________________ __ @2_46 10,29 6.31 45F Analysis” 4233 6.10 11.22 27.46 6.55 6.34 74P Analysis _________________________________ __ 43,58 6,42 9.13 26.92 7.60 6.35 7GP East Texas Milling Company, Marshall, Texas. Special 16% Protein Cow Feed 16.00 2.40 27.00 37-00 . -------- ~ 9515 Ana1ysis1s4 ____________________________ __ 16,75 2,66 19,20 41.95 12.53 6.91 85T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “YCottonseed meal and hegari meal found, not claimed. “Oats found, not claimed. 1MDeficient in salt. of this table. 132 Table 18. to August 31, 1942-—Continued BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941. (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) \ 1 Per Cent Regis- ‘ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 4 * 4 or In- Importer. Brand Name. ‘Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- I Crude spection . _ Pro- Fat Fiber igen-free ture ‘ Ash No. I tein - lExtract 4 ‘ 1 East Texas Milling Company, Marshall, Texas.—Cont’d. Magic Brand 24% Protein Dairy Feed _________________________________________ _. . 3.00 11.00 48.00 __________________ __ 961X Analysis ____________________ ._ . 3.05 10.24 45.05 10.68 6.22 84P Analysis” . _____________ .. 24.04 2.45 8.30 49.50 10.05 5.66 569T Magic Brand All-Mash Starting Ration .................................... -. 15.00 3.50 5.50 54.00 ________ _. 961Z Analysis _________________________________ ._ 17.26 5.09 5.72 52.90 10.99 8.04 475T Economy Cash Feed, Electra, Texas. ~ Economy Brand Dairy Feed 16.50 8.00 15.00 46.00 _________________ __ 2508C Analysis _____________________________ _. 20.88 3.58 13.66 44.91 10.22 6.75 357T Economy Pride Brand Dairy Feed . .................................... _. 25.00‘ 4.00 13.00 39.00 _________________ _. 2508P‘ Analysis ________________________________ _. 25.72 5.10 9.76 43.11 9.79 6.52 24T Analysisls“ . . _____________ _. 22.68 4.86 11.65 43.10 10.86 6.85 113T Lone Star Brand Egg Mash 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 _______ __ 2508P Analysis“ _____________________________ _. 21.40 3.81 5.61 50.11 11.71 7.36 112T Economy Gash Peed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas. “Best” Brand Egg lflagh ___ 19.50 4.30 8.00 47.00 _________________ __ 29B Analysis _________________________________ __ 19.60 4.80 6.62 50.02 10.69 8.27 161T ' Analysis ________________________________ _, 18.24 3.97 7.07 52.66 9.10 8.96 612T “Best” Brand 24% Protein Cow Feed ________________________________ __ 24.001 4.50 10.00 43.00 ................. .. 29G Analysis“? , ,_ 24.02 5.18 8.69 45.82 9.61 6.68 21T “Best” Brand All-Mash Chick Starter ______________________________________ __ 18.00 3.60 6.00 51.00 ................. .. 291 Analysis ____________________________ ,_ 18.27 4.04 5.95 53.61 10.38 7.75 356T “Best” Brand Sweet Cow Feed 16.50 2.70 14.00 43.50 .................. _. 290 ;Xna,1ysis133 ____________________________ _. 17.40 3.68 11.67 48.48 10.2’ 8.51 534T Economy Mills, Lampasas, Texas. Lamtex Brand Growing Mash . 16.00 8.50 7.00 53.00 ______ _. ._______- 275K Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.10 4.65 5.55 54.90 10.35 7.45 528W Economy Mills, Lubbock, Texas. Lotta-Milk Brand Dairy Feed 16.00 3.00 16.00 45.00 1099F Analysis _____________________________ _. 13.65 2.54 15.81 49.92 8.73 9.35 214K Eveplay D-D Brand Gro-Blash 18.00 3.50 7.50 49.00 ____.._ .... __ 1099K Analysism ______________________________ __ 19.93 3.71 7.40 52.99 9.03 6.94 184K Ana1ysis ________________________ _, 19.55 3.66 7.61 53.35 8.79 7.04 462$ Economy Brand Pig-Z-Hog 40% PrQtein Concentrate ________________ _. 40.00 4.60 7,50 24.00 _____________ __ 1099W Analysislg“ . 40.38 5.80 8.02 25.20 8.18 12.42 226S Economy Brand Pig-Z-Hog 40% Protein Concentrate 40.00 4.80 8.00 20.00 ....... .- _ 1099W Analysiswl ___________________________ ._ 39.29 4.32 8.07 25.44 8.11 14.77‘ 76K b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. (l, “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. mDeficienst in ground limestone. lslG-round whole barley and calcium carbonate found, not claimed. mDeficient in ground oyster shell and salt. “Deficient in ground limestone. 1"°Deficient.in salt and excess of ground limestone found. mbeficienit in ground limestone and excess of salt found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 133 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 194-2—G0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitr0- Mois- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein T Extract Economy Mills, Lubbock, '.I.'exa.s.--Cont’d. Big Seven 4-V Brand Egg Mash 19.00 3.50 8.00 46.00 1099C3 Analysisl" ____________________________ ___ 20.98 3.16 7.68 52.22 9.01 6.95 199K Everlay D-D Brand Chick Starter ........................................ __ 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 109904 Analysis _____ ______. 20.59 3.64 6.14 54.27 9.04 6.32 180K Analysis“ ________ -. 19.04 3.90 6.66 52.87 11.14 6.39 210K Analysis _________________________________ _. 21.36 3.22 7.71 50.30 10.38 7.03 34lS Everlay D-D Brand Summer Egg Mash ................................. .. 19.00 3.60 6.50 48.00 _ ______ _. 1099F1 Analysis ................................. .. 21.74 3.68 8.06 49.39 9.53 7.60 279K Green Top Brand Alfalfa Leaf Meal 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 1099F2 Analysis" .............................. -- 17.59 2.15 20.72 38.51 9 44 11.59 212K Evenlay Brand Breeders Egg 19.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 _________________ __ 1099G1 Analysis _______________________________ _. 21.41 3.30 8.15 49.37 9.50 8.27 70K Eden Mill 8a Peed Company, Bryan, Texas. Whole Oat _Ch0p ________________________ -. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 \ ________ -_ ___. 2095B Analysls ___________________ 9.1 4.74 15.93 55.69 9.55 4.91 3M Eden Wool 8n Mohair Company, Eden, Texas. Hall’s 43% Protein Supplement for Fattening Hogs ______________ __ 43.00 4.50 18.00 17.50 2125D Analysis ______________________________ ,_ 44.04 5.13 10.65 20.40 7.93 11.85 615$ Halls Quality Brand Layin Mash 20.00 8.60 7.00 46.00 ........ .- 2125F Analysism ____________________________ _. 20.20 4.72 6.76 46.86 9.46 12.00 506$ Hall’s Economy Brand Dairy Feed _________________________________________ __ 18.00. 8.40 13.00 47.00 -.--_.--_- ___-----_. 2125G Analysis _________________________________ __ 17.38 3.45 11.09 51.02 9.94 7.12 46S Eden's Best 32% Protein Mash Concentrate _______________________________ __ 82.00 5.00 8.50 24.00 2125L Analysis __________________________ ___ 33.10 6.00 8.74 26.37 8.09 17.70 564s Eden's Best Growing Mash _______. 16.00 8.50 8.00 51.00 -_________ ________ 2125M Analysis _________________________________ -_ 18.35 4.75 6.89 52.30 8.42 9.29 643$ Egg-A-Day Hatchery, Rotan, Texas. J. O.’s Egg Mash ______________________ __ 19.00 8.60. 6.00 48.00 ___---» ........ .. 2456A Analysism 20.66 4.69 5.12 50.02 9.35 10.16 453$ J. 03s Baby Chick Starter ______ __ 18.00 8.50 5.00 51.00 2456C Analysis ________________________________ __ 19.95 5.13 4.17 52.22 9.06 9.47 454$ J. OKs Growing Mash _______________ __ 18.50 8.70 6.00 46.50 2456E Analysis ______________________________ ___ 21.46 4.91 5.15 47.47 9.39 11.62 541S El Campo Rice Milling Company, El Campo, Texas. Super-S Brand Egg Mash with Cod Liver Oil __________________________ __ 19.00 5.00 7.50 46.00 ________________ _. 451G Anglysigw“ _____ ______________________ __ 18.85 7.17 6.35 48.29 9.87 9.47 5M Analysis _________________________________ _, 19.00 6.57 6.72 48.62 9.12 9.97 338M Elco Hog Fattener ..................... -. 18.00 4.00 5.50 56-00 4511 Analysislb _____________ _______\ 12.48 5.18 5.15 56.27 15.07 5.85 44M a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i. i, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. lgzDeficient in ground oyster shell and excess of salt found. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. lgtDeficient in ground oyster shell. “Deficient in ground limestone. 134 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and. Analyses of Feeds, September to August 31, l942—-Continued BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent ‘I Regis- g tration Lame and Address of Manufacturer or I 1 ; or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude | Crude Nitro- z Mois- Crude swction Pro- Fat * Fiber gen-free ture A>h No. tein Extract 1 1 .» El Campo Rice Milling Company, E1 Campo, '1'exas.—Cont’d. Elco Steer Fattener Cubes ..... __ 13.80 5.00 10.00’ 51.00 ................... __ 451Q Analysis _________________________________ -. 13-48 6.33 9.14 49.92 12.57 8:56 119M E100 Broiler Mash ____ 17.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 _. ________ __ 451U ' Analysis ________________________ -. 13.10 5.74 6.38 49.18 9.67 10.931. 4M Analysis 17.30 5.49 5.00 51.76 11.22 9.23‘ 43M Elco Branola __ ____ _. 13.00 12.00 14.00 40.00 __________________ __ 451A7 Analysis . . . _ . _ _ _ . -_ 13.95 13.1 9.28 42.73 9.53 11.39 221M Iilco Shortola _- ____ -. 12.00 10.00 4.20 50.00 _________________ _. 45lA8 Analysis ____ __ 12.30 8.11 3.11 50.69 11.39 5.40 370H Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . -_ 12.70 13.03 2.75 52.44 11.03 8.05 201M Yellow Corn Meal . . . . _ _ . _ -- 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ....... -. . _______ _. 45133 Analysis _________________________________ _. 9.20 4.23 2.20 70.71 11.82 1.84 118M Elco Coastal Cattle Feed Pellets 17.00 3.20 8.00 50.00 . 451D? Analysis .............................. .. . 4.25 6.02 52.37 11.70 6.57 210M Elco Show Feed 2.60 9.50 52.50 .................. _. 451D8 Analysis“ ______________________________ __ 3.68 8.74 53.18 12.35 6.13 129M Elgin Cotton Oil Company, Elgin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. _. 1429B Analysism’ ....... -_ . 6.59 11.40 27.55 7.03 6.04 2H Analysis ............. __ 6.21 11.45 27.94 6.30 5.82 73H Analysis¢ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ 6 22 11.04 26.7? 7.49 6 15‘ 292B Analysis ................................ .. 6.55 11.07 26.46 7.55 6.17 468W Elk Cottonoil Co., Elk City, Oklahoma. Elk Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Meal ______________________________ __ 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ________ _. 472C Analysisfv __ ._ 1 _, _____ __ 39.39 5.70 10.76 29.42 8.65 6.08 256K Elk Brand 43% Protein Cotton- seed Pellets ______________________________ __ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 __________________ ._ 472E Analysisv ,__- _________________________ __ 41.87 7.99 9.84 26.69 8.44 5.17 A Elk Brand 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal _____________________ __ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25 .00 - __ . . . . . .. 472E‘ Analysis ________________________________ _, 43.04 6.8.‘ 9.51 26.93 7.92 5.79 18K El Paso Cotton Industries, Inc., l Paso, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................. .. 1116A Analysisv ______________ __ 6.76 10.16 27.62 6.99 6.07 98S Analysis ________________________________ __ 6.08 10.65 28.40 5.71 6.22 491S Engelman Gardens Association, Edinburg, Texas. Dried Citrus Pulp ______________________ __ 6.00 2.00 12.50 66.00 383A Analysis‘! ______________ ______________ 5.47 _88 11.72 65.82 112.27 3.84 89H Dried Citrus Pulp __ _______________ 6.00 1.40 12.50 06.00 “W...” .__-.. 383A Analysis __________________________________ 5.47 .72 11.33 68.43 10.13 ‘$.92 245B Erick Mill 8a Elevator Company, Erick. Oklahoma. lqore-Profit Brand Dairy Feed 17.00 3.30 10.50 48.00 ...... -_ ._... ... 674.1 Analysis __________________ ____ 17.20 3.33 10.27 52.58 7.64 32K b, c. d P. f. n. 11.4 1'. r1. “Corn meal found, not lwweevils presenlt. yclaimed. h-See legend at the beginning of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 135 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ; or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude ‘~ Crude Nitro- l Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free} ture Ash No. tein Extract‘ Ervine 8s Bishop, Houston, Texas. Rolled Whole Oats ..................... -. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 __________________ _. 76E Analysis ........................... -. 10.35’ 5.45 11.52 57.67 11.24 3.77 398M Milo Chop ...................... -_ 10.00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ........ _. 76L Analysis ________________________________ .. 9.69 2.53 2.46 71.99 11.61 1.72 462M 8.40 15.00 48.00 76V 3.55 11.90 45.54 12.23 6.23 295M 3.01 1.2.50 54.00 . 76Z . 3.00 11.70 52.33 12.28 7.58 296M E & B Brand Station Fattener-.. 18.00 4.00 6.00 52.00 76A4 Analysis ................................. -- 13.05 4.04 4.59 64.13 11.75 2.44 464M Shut-Eggs Brand Chick Grow- ing Mash ___________________________________ _- 18.00 8.60 7.00 48.50 _.____._. ________ -_ 76A5 Analysis ................................. __ 18.10 4.64 5.89 52.37 10.64 8.36 288M Shur-Eggs Brand Chick Starter 20.00 8.70 5.50 46.00 76A6 Analysis ________________ -2 _______________ -. 21.30 5.24 5.52 49.23 10.47 8.24 287M Shur-Eggs Brand Laymg Mash 20.00 3.70 6.00 48.00 7639 Analysis ............................... .. 20.40 5.11 5.65 48.29 10.71 9.84 286M A.falfa Stern Meal and Molas- 86S _ 8.00 0.50 32.50 86.50 __________________ -. 76C6 Analysls“ ___-__ 10.65 1.08 27.67 39.40 13.39 7.81 370M Crushed Whole Barley ______________ _. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 76C8 Analysis! -----__--_-_.__.._- 13.35 1.65 6.60 63.69 11 30 3.41 463M Big Ten Brand Laying Masha“ 20.00 8.60 6.50 45.50 ____-_-_ ________ _. 76D2 Analysis ............................ -. 21.86 3.98 6.04 46.50 9 96 11.66 25M Analysis ................... -. - -- 22.79 4.13 6.33 46.79 9.19 10.77 531M TeX Stock Feed ____ a ---- 11.00 3.00 10.00 56.50 ...._-__.. ___-_..._ 76E5 Analysism . . . . . . . _ _ - - - -- 12.91 3.40 10.27 53.56 11.90 7.96 294M Analysis 13.41 3,51 9.04 55.86 12.39 5.79 567M Shurfat Brand 40% Protein Concentrate for Hogs .......... .. 40,00 4.50 10.00 19.50 __________________ __ 76F8 Analysis .................................. -. 39,11 5.57 8.07 22.46 9.44 15.35 466M Magnolia Brand Mixed Feed-Dry 9,00 2,00 20,00 52.00 _________________ _. 76G6 Analysis _______________________________ __ 10.10 2,85 18.00 49.83 12.20 7.02 329M Three Cs Mixed Feed 11.00 2.00 0.00 70.00 ................. _. 76G9 Analysis ................................ -. 14.47 1,92 2.37 67.54 11.62 2.08 465M Pairmont Creamery Company, The, Omaha, Nebraska, and Branches. Fair-mom's Dried Buttermilk Flakes (Feeding) $2.00 6.00 1.00 35.00 ................. -- 1723A Analysis ____________________________. 33.52 8.18 .25 36.00 10.50 11.55 405W Fairmonfs Gold Nugget Brand Turkey All-Mash 20.00 5.00 7.50 46.00 ________ -. 1723B Analysis _____________________.___. 21.25 4.64 7.95 47.20 10.22 .74 448M Falrmonfs Far-Mor Brand Lay- 4.00* 8.00 48.50 1723D 4.38 6.86 51.45 10.33 7.71 249K 4.26 7.37 51.32 10.46 8.59 46M Analysis __________________________________ _. 4.45 7.94 50.15 10.381 9.08 337M Fairmonfs Gold Nugget Brand Growing Mash ........................ __ 16.50 4.00 8.00 51.00 .................. _. 1723E Analysis ______ 16.92 4,80 8,07 51.35 10.60 8.26 274M Analysis ---___-._-_-.-__..--_-.-__-__.__. 18.60 4.57 6.86 52.59 9.28 8.10] 636W b: c: d; e; f: g: h; i: j; k-isee legend at the beginning of this table. a, “Peanut hulls found, not claimed. Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Cottonseed meal found, not claimed. “Peanut hulls found, not claimed. 136 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941. to August 311, 194-2—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Pro- tein Fairmont Creamery Company, The, Omaha, Nebraska, and Branches.—Cont'd. Fairmonfs Gold Nugget Brand Chick Starter Mash Analysis Analysis“ __________________ Fairmonfs Gold Nugget Brand Laying Mash with Buttermilk Analysis _____ _____________________ Analysis ___-__._________. ralkenbury Bros. Milling Com- P8117, Cleburne, Texas. Wonder Brand Growing Mash Analysis __________________________ ____ 24% Protein Dairy Feed _________ __ Analysis _______________________ -____ Laying Mash _______________________ __ Analysis _-__._____--____________-_____ Pallis 8a Company, Iredell, Texas. Laying Mash _______ __- Analysis ____.________-______________--- All-Mash Starting Ration _______ __ Analysis -_.._____.___._____.__._-. Pant Milling Company, Sherman, Texas. Fant’s 24% Protein Dairy Feed Analysis“ ___________________________ -__ Gladiola Wheat Bran & Screen- ings Analysis ________________________ __ Analysis _ _______ __ ........ .__. Fant’s Laying Mash ...... __ Analysis _______________________ __ Analysis _______________________ ._ . Fant’s Growing Mash Ana1ysis2°3 _____________________________ _. Gladiola Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings _______________________ __ Analysis2°*° ______ -. Analysis ........ -_ Analysis -___---_ Analysis _____ -. Analysis?“ Analysis ________________________________ _. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Deficient in ground limestone. 17.50 17.82 19.05 19.00 20.50 19.85 ?*T P?“ awe mme Mme moo PS~9°E° HOv-POOQ wQv-qwcalxrn-lv: O91 we: ca Nrowoooq OOQHO©OO€O© use one e QoocncoNQ we reverses '.**.°°."*!“$~:“!“.°° t“? o H °>°=P‘°"?‘9°?= P71. . . . . . S&mmwwQ we Per Cent l ‘ i A Crude i (lrude 3 Nitro- , Fat [ Fiber jgen-iree Regis- ‘ tration or ln- Mols- lCrude spection ture l Ash . N0. iExtract l 50.00_ _--_-- _. ______ 1723B‘ 52.61 10.65 7.88 185M 53.08 9.73 7.33 546M 48.00 1723H -49.92 9.91 9.04 184M 49.93 9.35 9.68 545M 48.50 ______ _- 441 52.49 10.91 7.99 381W 42.00 .................. -- 44M 44.71 10.72 5.13 131W 44.60 . . _ _ - - - - - -- 440 45.96 9.43 11.33 35W 51.00 460B 51.12 10.86 9.75 142W 53,00 460C 54.61 10.70 8.04 396W 40.00 _______ -- 1710G 45.49 10.16 6.29 35T 53.00 1710H 53.99 10.19 6.10 40J 52.87 8.52 6.70 552M 49.00 ............. -. 1710L 51.83 9.79 8.35 281T 51.66 10.60 7.76 365W 50.50 __________________ _. 1710Q 53.79 10.07 8.17 545T 55.00 .................. _- 1710A7 56.33 11.25 4.3 508H 57.85 12.31 3.78 154P 56.23 12.84 3.95 176P 57.64 13.12 3.80 169T 55.18 11.95 4.49 438T 59.74 10.08 4.18 618T of this table. “MG-round whole oats and ground whole barley found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone and salt. mrish meal and peanut meal claimed, not found. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. ' COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 187 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, _ to August 31, Bea-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or.In- Importer. Brand Name. C'rude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. k- tein Extract Farley, Pascal, _ Whitewright, Texas. . Ear Corn Chop with Husk ____-__- 8.00 8.00 10.00 65.00 __________________ .. 896C ~ Analysis ____-_____-.____-_______.______ 7.79 3.68 11 71 65.08 9 88 1 86 361‘ Analysis _____________________ -- 8.37 3.07 9 49 66.01 11 20 1 86 62T Analysis __________________ -- 8.07 3.23 9 68 65.63 11 59 1 80 68T Analysis _____________________________ -- 8.06 3.27 10 19 65.21 11 15 2 12 449T Analysis?“ _____________________________ _. 8.04 3.24 8.73 65.97 11 69 2 33 564T Farmers Alfalfa Milling Company, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Tendergreen Brand Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal ................. -. 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 __________________ _- 741A Analysis ................................. __ 19.9 3.00 20.87 36.96 . 9.20 10.02 111T Analysis ................................. __ 18.90 3 45 13 93 46.44 7.38 9.90 137W Analysis“ ............................... -- 24.22 4 06 16 72 35.84 8.88 10 28 624W Farmers Co-Operative Association, Shiner, Texas. Prosperity Brand Egg Mash _. 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ________ __ _____.__ 856C Analysis 21.69 5.07 5.45 46.77 10 45 10.57 4141-! Prosperity Brand Growing Mash 16.50 3.60 8.00 50.00 __________________ -_ 856D Analysis ................................ .- 18.65 4.06 6.06 54.10 10 39 6.74 350E Prosperity Brand Starting Mash 17.00 8.50 6.00 52.00 856E Analysis" .............................. -. 17.83 4.71 5.10 55.79 10 53 6.04 478H Shiner Community Laying Mash 19.50 3.70 7.00 48.00 __________________ -. 856E‘ Analysis _________________________________ _. 21.44 4.83 5.21 50.45 10 58 7.49 479H Farmer's Cooperative, Inc., Victoria, Texas. Our-Own Brand Laying Mash, FOPIIIIIIS. N0. 4 ......................... -_ 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 _______________ __ 918B Analysis ................................. -- 23.06 4.42 6.45 44.00 9.95 12.12 66H Y Farmers Cooperative Oil Mill, ‘ Ill Paso, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 48.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 ________________ ___ 570A Analysis ................................. __ 43.17 6.90 9.75 27.97 6.23 5.98 96S Analysis 7.26 10.73 26.61 6.45 5.94 1668 Analysis ----------_-_-__--_---_-___.----__. 7.33 10.27 26.91 6.23 5.99 1708 i Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Farmersville, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 4.3.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______ _. 501D Analysis -._._-----._--.---____..____. 43.05 5.85 10.25 26.78 7.66 6.41 360T 1 Farmers Cotton Oil Company, 1 Texarkana, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed ____________ ____. 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 __________________ _. 114413 Analysis ...................... _._-__ 40.68‘ . . A Farmers Cotton Oil Company, * Winnsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 43.00 6 00 12.00 23.00 __________________ -- 1795B Analysis ______________ ________, 42.53 6 05 9.57 26.38 9.42 6.05 28F , Analysis ____--.___--__-____._-______ 43.78 6 17 9.38 25.89 8 58 6.20 1331’ 43% Protein Peanut Meal ______ _. 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______ _. __---.._.. 1795C Analysis ________________________-__.___ 42.53 :87 15.7 20.76, 8.46 4.60 174P Analysis ____--_--____--_-*__._._._._.._. 43.13 7.65 16.23 20.9 8.32 3.77 301T g 0.. b. c. (1.46. f. a. h, i. a‘. 7c.—See legend at the beginning of this table. Ililo meal and kaflr meal present. 138 BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In~ Importer. Brand Name. Crude Nitro- , Mois- Crude spection Ash ‘ No. PBIDIIQTS Cottonseed Oil Mills, 110-, Granger, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ............................. ___ 4.50 33A Analysis 5.01 6.38 4.69 287W Analysis° _ 4.67 6.39 5.36 297W Analysis" _. 5.51 8.99 4.43 333W Analysis" ___ 4.79 6.55 4.70 429W Ana1ysis° ___________________________ __ 5.24 8.87 5.83 465W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 6.00 33B Analysis" _ ___________________________ __ 5.64 7.95 6.57 73W Analysis _______________________ __ 6.67 7.98 6.36 85W Analysis ________________ __ _____ 6.58 6.68 6.08 162W Analysis ________________________ __ 6.61 6.88 6.00 334W Analysis _________________________________ __ 6.18 8.06 6.43 532W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 6.00 ________ _- 33C Analysis _________________________________ __ 6.36 7.60 6.26 286W Analysis ______________________ __ 6.25 7.18 6.02 288W Analysis _________________________________ ,_ 6.05 6.69 6.12 430W Farmers Elevator Company, Canyon, Texas. Chowmix Laying Mash ___-.._____--__ ........ .. 345Q Analysis _-____-_____-._-______---____- 7.10 240$ Farmers Elevator 8a Storage Company, Hamilton, Texas. Nu-Way Chick Starter --___---_-_._- ........ -. 293E Analysis?“ __________________________ __ 8.81 523 W Farmers Feed 8a Fuel Company, Electra, Texas. Ground Whole Oats _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _. 16181 Analysis?" _____________________________ _, 4. i6 535T Farmers Gin 8n Oil Mill, Laredo, Texas. 27% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _________________________________ __ .. 783C Analysis _________ .02 51H Analysis ________________________________ __ 4.39 3411-1 Farmers Grain Store, Abilene, Texas. Bryant’s All-Mash Laying Ra- tion ______________________________________________ __ 3.5 ........ __ 1861C Analysis .... __ . 5.78 149$ Analysis _________________________________ __ 2, 7.12 381T Farmers Milling Company, Graham, Texas. F. M; C. Mix Cow Feed ............. -- 3.50 ------- g 26441“ Analysis?“ _____________________ _______, 4.70 5.81 275T F. M. C. Egg Mash ..................... -_ 3 60 26449 Analysis _________________________ 7.87 IZT b c, d, e, f k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. a, , . a, h. i, 2', “MG-round whole oats founld, not claimed. “Milo head stems present. “Salt found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFF S 139 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent 1 Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- \ Mois- Crude 1 spection . Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-tree; ture Ash I No. tein Extract‘ j I Farris Feed Company, Buck, Dallas, Texas. Our-Own Brand 18% Protein Dairy Feed _____________________ -__ 18.00 3.50 15.00 46.00 ________________ _. 853B Analysis ______________________________ -_ 16.44 3.39 13.26 49.50 9 53 7.88 43T Lucky Brand Cow Feed ........... _. 12.00 2.00 26.50 44.00 853D Analysis?” ............................ _- 14.78 3.06 17.25 46.26 10 60 8.05 304T Feed Depot, The, E1 Faso, Texas. Economy Brand Laying Mash--- 18.00 3.70 7.50 47.00 _________________ .. 1161A Analysis _______________________________ -_ 19.85 4.93 5.64 52.37 8.24 8.97 600$ C B Brand Laying Mash ______.__ 19.00 3.80 7.00 48.00 1161b‘ Analysis! ............................. -. 22.44 6.60 6.01 48.25 8.16 8.54 554s C B Brand Dairy Feed ______________ _. 15.00 3.00 8.50 56.00 ........ __ 1161H Analysis?" _____________________________ _- 16.69 4.27 9.51 53.97 9.68 5.88 18S Texaco Brand Dairy Feed ___________ __ 16.50 8.20 6.50 52.00 _________________ _. 1161L Analysis?“ __________________________ __ 14.27 1.97 9.14 56.20 10.59 7.83 86S Feeders Supply Company, Waco, Texas. Eagle Brand Broiler Mash..-___--. 17.00 3 70 7.50 50.00 ________ __ 52M Analysis ________________________________ -- 17.41 5 04 7.48 52.58 9.90 7.59 181W Fertsch Produce Store, Halletsville, Texas. Fertsch’s Broiler Mash _____ _____ 20.00 3.50 5.50 49.00 ........ _. 11-----. 884A Analysisda , _________________________ __ 21.23 5.07 5.16 50.75 9.99 7.80 189-V1 Fertsch's Cow Feed ______ ________. 18.00 8.20 12.50 47.00 __________________ .. 884B Analysis!" _ ________________________ __ 18.01 3.81 11.17 49.54 10.94 6.53 191M" Fertsch’s Ideal Brand Laying Mash ___________________________ 18.50 8.50 7.00 48.00 _______ _- ..-_--.- 884C Analysisd“ _____ __ _ _____________________ __ 20.44 4.75 6.84 48.39 10.01 9.57 188M Fertsch’s Lay-or-Bust Brand Laying Mash ___________________________ __ 18.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 ....... -- 8°40‘ Analysis , 18.40 4.10 5.66 51.62 10.88 9.34 277M Fertsch’s Top-Quality Brand 20% Protein Laying Mash _____ .2000 3.50 6.00 47.00 . ..... -. 1-----. 884G Analysis 18.55 3.95 5.96 52.04 10.63 8.87 149M Fertsch’s Top-Quality Brand 18% Protein Chick Starter_____ 18.00 8.50 6.00 48.00 4-.---. ....... .. 9:841 Analysis __________________________________ __ 21.10 4.40 5.29 50.40 10.75 8 06 450M Fertsch’s Top-Quality Brand 24% Protein Turkey Starter. 24.00 4.00 6.00 41.00 _______ _. ‘ 884.1 Analysis _________________________________ __ 24.95 4.07 6.04 43.82 10.30 10.82 451M Fidelity Products Company, Houston Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _________________________________ _- 28.00 6.00 28.00 29.00 _._ ..... .. 075C Analysisv _____________________________ __ 27,40 5.38 23.27 31.86 7 38 4.71 34 3M 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .... .. 675L Analysis 43.99 7.24 8.42 26.25 7.57 6.53 109H Analysis 7.76 8.18 26.79 7.41 6.65 406M Analysis?" _____________________________ __ 6.93 10.2? 27.34 0.98 6.0? 535M Firestone Feed & Poultry, I-amesa, Texas. Growmore Brand Growing Mash 17.00 3.50 5.00 53.00 .... ..___ ______.--. 836B Analysis _____________________,____________ 18.37 4.00 3.53 "5730 9.50 6.70 472s a, b. c, d, e, f, r7, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Wheat bran. milo chop, and rolled whole barley found, not claimed. “Charcoal found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. mCrimped whole barley found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. 14.0 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Compositionand Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1°21 to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) l P61‘ Cent § Regis- i tratlon Name and Address of Manufacturer or I or m. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude K speetion Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. 116111 Extract 1 IElatonia. Oil Mill Company,‘ Platonia, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23,00 _______ __ 117p Analysis _________________________________ -. 45.70 7.20 8.45 25.16 7.64 5.35 19011 Fletcher Grain Company, Georgetown, Texas, and Branches. Fletcher’s 20% Protein Dairy Feed 20.00 3.80 11.00 46.00 __________________ __ 1742C Analysis“ .............................. -. 20.55 3.99 10.34 50,09 9,63 5_35 454W Plieller, E. A., Ploresville, Texas. Pennant Brand Laying Mash-_--. 20.00 - 3.60 6.00 47.00 __________________ __ 1296p] Analysis _________________________________ -. 21.67 5.75 5.84 46375 9,65 1034 6H Pennant Brand Special Growing Mash 16.50 3,50 6,00 50,00 ________ _, 12961‘ Analysis ................................. _- 17.92 5.32 6,50 49,70 11 05 9_51 30111 Pennant Brand Special Laying Mash _ 19.00 8.50 6.70 ................. .. 129w Analysls ---------------------------- -. 20-86 4.98 6.24 46.84 11.08 10.05 300m Flores Importing Company, R. In, Eagle Pass, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings“..- 16.00 4 00 10.00 50.00 __________________ __ 628A Analysis ________________________________ _. 16.50 4 48 9.69 53.78 10.33 5.22 119K Analysis .............................. -. 17.0 4 45 10.21 52.98 10.09 5.22 14M Ford, C. A., San Angelo, Texas. F. D. Mixed Feed __________________ .. 18.00 2.1.0 20.00 46.00 _________________ _, 246D Analysis 10.90 2.22 15.53 52.35 12.21 6.79 116s Port Worth Cotton Oil Mill, Port Worth, Texas. 1 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ........ J ....... -- 5l6H Analysis __._---_-_._-.____-_-_._._.-_. 42.98 6.01 11.60 26.55 7.63‘. 5.23 131‘ Port Worth Poultry 8s Egg Company, Port Worth, Texas. Dried Buttermilk (Feeding) __-- 811.00 5.00 1.00 85.00 ........ -.. ....... _. 195A Analysis _______________________________ __ 35.34 8.20 .22 32.95 8.94 14.35 619T Analysis ___-___-______-_-___-__-____._-_ 34.00 5.93 .21 41.29 6.661’ 11.91 548W Fraser Milling Company, Hereford, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00. _______ _. 2211A Analysis _________________________________ .- 17.55 3.38 5.28 59.85 10.38} .1 ,0 217K Wheat Mixed Feed and Screen- 1 ings 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ........ .. 224C Analysis _________________________________ _. 19.16 4.50 8.08 54.26 8.53§ 5.47 282K Sunny Boy Chick Starter. Mash 17.00 4.00 6.00 51.00 ....... . .- ....... -_ 224E Analysis ________________________________ __ 17.95 3.82 6.01 54.36 10.01.‘ 7.85 203K Sunny Boy Growing Mash ......... _. 17.50 3.50 6.50 52.00 ________ J _______ .. 224Q Analysis _________________________________ .. 19.30 3.74 5.96 53.00 9.82; 8.18 204K Analysisbm’ _________________________ __ 19.09 3.77 4.82 55.10 9.391 7.83 276K a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-See legend at the beginning of this table. mIn pellet form. Defaced tags attached. *‘I'"" I- "w-r"—crvrv""wl¢ w"- wwwww-wrr-"W COMMERCIAL. FEEDING STUFFS 141 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, ' to August 31, 1942—00ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or l | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- M0is- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein \ Extract Fraser Milling Company, Hereford, Texas.-Gont’d. Sunny Boy 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16-00 3.00 12.50 54.00 ______________ __ 224S Analysis _________________________________ -. 10.30 2.73 9.49 51.91 11.26 7.81 273K Analysis _________________________________ -- 18.04 2.38 12.39 49.4.3 10.15 7.61 417T Fraser's 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00‘ 2.00 20.00 50.00 _________________ _. 224A6 Analysis ................................. __ 9.79 1.416 17.31 51.67 10.71 9.06 151K Friedrich Grain Company, Bartlett, Texas. Farmers Pride Growing Mash“ 16.00 3.50 7.50 49.00 __________________ __ 1029C Analysis ................................. -. 10.30 3.29 4.87 59.68 10.18 5.68 466W Frist, Frank F., E1 Faso, Texas. Frist’s Red Hen Egg Mash ..... -. 20.00 3.60 7.00 48.00 __________________ _, 432E Analysis?“ ________________ __.______._ 22.94 5.03 7.74 42,90 9.70 11,69 87S Ascarate Laying Mash .............. _- 19.00 8.60 7.00 46.0., ________ __ 432E’ Analysis _________________________________ -_ 20.23 4.59 6.42 49.20 8.67 10.89 21S Fuller Cotton 011 Company, Snyder, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake» 43-00 6.00 12.00 28.00 .................. _. 1866C Analysis ................................. __ 44-15 7.17 9.65 26.48 6.69 5.86 181S Analysis . 5.61 11.93 26.84 7.61 5.45 308$ Analysisc 6.63 9.75 29.71 5.95 6.02 309$ Analysis 9.11 10.05 25.32 5.96 5.75 370$ Analysis . 7.12 9.23 26.98 5.96 6.03 420s Analysis ................................. -. 44.57 6.58 9.77 26.86 6.24 5.98 424s Analysis ................................. -. 44.61 7.01 9.03 27.21 6.09 6.05 425s 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal”- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______ _. 1866D Analysis . 7.35 9.74 26.25 6.97 5.95 310$ Analysis .... -- . 7.55 10.78 25.60 6.20 6.01 328$ Analysis . ................................ .. . 7.95 9.87 27.02 5.88 5.93 426s 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _________________ _. 1866F Analysis" ______________________________ -- 41.90 7.07 9.84 28.64 6.79 5.76 255S Analysis . 7.16 9.62 25.28 8.64 5.88 369$ Analysis ________________________________ _. 6.72 9.70 26.90 7.88 6.00 419s Furr Food Store, - Lubbock, Texas. Furr’s Best 40% Protein Sup- plement for Pigs-N-Hogs-_..-_-. 40.00 4.00 8.00 23.00 .................. _. 1591B Analysis 39.84 4.89 10.51 25.90 6.51 12.35 464s Furr’s Best Chick Starter _______ -. 18.00 3.50 6.00 53.00 ................ _. 1591C Analysis _________________ __.________ 18.50 4.05 5.30 54.40 10.04 7.71 386s Furrfs Best Egg Mash .... ___..-. 20.00 3.50 7.00 48.00 ............. __ 1591B‘ Analysis ________________ _____..__..__ 20.06 3.41 7.40 51.20 9.87 8.06 385$ Gainesville Oil Mill, Gainesville, Texas. Golden Rod Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake _____________________ _. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ _. 1425D Analysis __ , ....... __ 43.40 5.49 9.15 27.79 7.37 6.80 604T Golden Rod Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ..................... -. 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ....... _- --. 14251-1 Analysis" _______________________________ _. 42.10 7.73 8.99 27.72 7.77 5.69 194T Analysis __ _____________ __ 43.20 6.12 ‘ 9.65 26.56 8.03 6.44 294T Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Peanut Meal ................... __ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ---....-. ........ -. 1425K Analysis 44.70 9.00 14.25 20.22 768 4.15 293T a. b. c, d, e, f, g, h. i, j, k.—-See legend a “Deficient in t the ‘beginning of this table. ground oyster shell and excess salt a found. 14.2 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tabla I8. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1941, to August 31, 1942--Gontinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Gent Regis~ . tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or [ or 1n- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude 1 Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein Extract General Peed Store Wichita Falls, Texas. Special 17% Protein Dairy Ra- tion 17.00 2.60 18.50 43.00 2150C Analysis?“ ____________________________ __ 16.91 3.76 15.82 47.91 9.01 6.59 160T 24% Protein Cow Feed 24.00. 3.50 15.00 38.50 __________________ _. 2150D Analysis _____________________ __ , 24.58 4.39 13.38 39.98 9.89 7.78 538T A-B-C Growing Mash __ 17.00 3.00 8.00 49.00 _________________ _, 2150K Analysis __________________ _. _____________ __ 17.96 4.42 7.43 51.87 9.37 8.95 537T General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Divisions. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- _ ings _____________________________________________ .. 17-00 3.50 0.00 55.00 .................. __ 1747F Analysis _______________ .. - 4-06 5.24 57.36 10.83 4.41‘ 54K Ana1ySis21-56 ______ __ . 4.51 6.64 55.39 11.62 4.54.1 78K Analysismfiv __________ __ . 3-59 7.32 57.01 10.01 5.07} 142K Analysismbe __________ -- - 5.36 7.52 54.05 10.02 5.19‘; 235K Analysis 44 - 4-15 5.98 56.82 10.88 4.52, 248K Analysis“ _____________ __ . 3.95 5.95 56.64 11.73 4.15 516M Analysismc .......... _- - ‘ 4.16 7.22 55.39 10.35 5.16‘ 385T Analysis?“ ____________ _- . 4.07 6.68 57.09 10.69 5.13 572T a Analysis" ........... -. . 3.75 5.13 59.23 10.42 3.55 621W K M B Feed . 9.50 5.00 64.00 .................. __ 1747C4 Analysis _________________________________ -. 12.40 3.0a 2.26 67.08 11.75 2.48‘, 1w ‘ I Georgetown Grain Company, l Georgetown, Texas. Eggs-A-Plenty Brand Laying Mash ___________________________________________ _. 18.00 8.50 6.50 47.00 _________________ n 20491? Analysis ................................. _- 18.42 4.72 7.33 51.61 9.91 8.0L 298W Milk-A-Plenty Brand 18% Pro- tein Dairy Feed ...................... -. 18.00 8.50 10.00 50.00 ..... -_ 2049K Analysis _________________________________ _- 17.82 3.66 10.47 54.12 8.81 5.12 622W Georgetown on Mill, l Georgetown, Texas. ‘ 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cot- tonseed ________________________________ -. 28.00 5.00 93.00 29.00 _______ 1 116D Analysis _____ ,. . 5.14 25.65 28.85 6.93 4.73 180M Analysis _______ -- . 5.09 23.46 30.15 7.89 4.81 237M Analysis . 4.48 23.73 31.65 6.58 4.662 69W Analysis . 5.05 25.10 29.85 7.15 4.45 174W Analysis ....... -- . 5.08 24.35 30.54 6.03 4.50 179‘W Analysis ____ -- . 5.11 23.77 32.56 6.12 4.71 294W Analysis ....... _. . 4.52 24.89 30.16 6.45 4.78 296W Analysis ___________________ ._ . 4.72 24.60 31.88 5.57 4.73 435W Popeye Mixed Feed _________ __ . . 1.20 28.00 39.00 ________________ __ 116.1 Analysis"! ______________________________ -. 10.80' 2.56 21.01 48.03 10.13 7.47 295W Georgetown Sweet Dairy Feed 18.20 3.80 15.00 48.00 ................. .. 116M Analysis ______________________ ____ ____ -. 17.32 3.82 14.82 48.10 10.47 5.47 83W Analysis?" __--__________________.-___ 18.26 3.76 14.94 49.78 9.51 3.75 173W 28% Protein Ground Whole- Pressed Cottonseed, Lime- stone, and Salt ....................... -_ 28.00 5.00 28.00 29.00 _ . . . . . . . . . . _ .. 116R Analysis?” _____________________________ __ 27.99 4.65 25.66 31.41 5.52 4.77 34H a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, y‘, k.-—-‘=ee legend at the beginning of this table. mDeficienlt in ground oyster shell. “Milo meal found in wheat brown shorts and screenings. mWheat brown shorts and screenings. “Corn meal found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone and 219280/0 protein groungd whole-presse salt. d cottonseed. Wrong tags attached. COMMERCIAL F ‘EEDlN G STU FF S 143 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Pro- tein Georgetown Oil Mill. Georgetown, Texas.—Cont‘d. 43%Protein Cottonseed Meal ._ Analysisv _______________________________ -- Analysisfi _______________________________ -_ Biddy’s Brand Hen Scratch ,,,, __ Analysis“ . . _____________________________ -- Victory Cow Feed _______________________ -_ Analysis?“ ____________________________ _- Gerald Company, The, Hamilton, Texas. Gerald's Mid-Tex Cow Feed Analysis Gerald’s Mid-Tex Growing Mash Analysis _________ __ Gerald’s Mid-Tex Chick Starter Analysis Gerald's Mid-Tex Special Brand Egg Mash __________________________________ _. Analysis?” ______________________________ __ Gerald’s Shur-Lay Brand Egg Mash Analysis Analysis __________________________________ _. Gerdes G-ins, V. 3., I-Ialletsville, Texas. Corn Chop Analysis _________________________________ __ Ear Corn Chop with Husk _____ _. Analysis _________________________________ _. Gilbreath Produce Company, M" Weimar, Texas. MG Best Brand Laying Mash __ Analysis MG Best Brand 21% Protein Dairy Feed _______________________________ _. Analysis“ ______________________________ -_ MG Best Brand Hog Feed.___. Analysis“ ______________________________ __ Gilmer Cotton Oil 8t Fertilizer Company, Gilmer, Texas. Longhorn Pr-ide-of-Texas Brand Mixed Feed Analysis?“ 16% Protein Sweet Feed __- Analysis?” _____________-________-______ 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea.1.__ Analysis ....._-______‘___-__....___.... 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed -.-.___-__-.-___-_____._. Analysis -_--_-___---____._ a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend YlsDeficient in ground limestone and salt. mneiicient in ground limestone. 43.00 42.61 41.12 41.87 at the beginning of this table. Per Gent Rvgis- — tration ‘ 1 i . or lu- Crude Crude Nitro- . Mois- i Crude specnon Fat Fiber ‘gen-free ture Ash .\o. Extract I 6.00 12.00 28.00 ________ ........ .. 116Z 5.68 10.85 27.47 7.96 6.02 284W 5.82 10.93 28.54 8.36 6.35 433W 3.00 3.50 68.00 _______ __ 116B2 2.58 2.20 70.73 11.99 1.40 331W 3.30 34.40 84.00 __________________ __ 11633 4.95 28.50 39.50 8.08 4.77 562W 3.50 12.00 50.00 ______________ 776A 3.56 9.96 50.48 10.39 7.91 610W 3.80 6.00 50.00 __________________ __ 776C" 3.81 6.41 53.55 10.65 7.34 530W 3.6 0 5. 0 0 52. 0 0 ____-_ ---_--___- 77 6D 4.09 5.69 54.94 10.41 8.19 401W 3.50 8.00 43.00 ........ _. 776L 4.71 7.60 47.57 10.40 8.72 150W 3.60 8.00 47.00 __________________ __ 776Q 3.92 9.25 48.51 11.28 7.14 63W 3.83 9.01 49.56 10.10 7.28 407W 3.50 3.00 70.00 __________________ __ 1437A 4.05 2.16 71.84 11.63 1.32 281M 3.00 10.00 65.00 ___________________ -. 1437B 3.35 11.99 65.01 10.88 1.73 280M 8.50 7.00 49.50 ............... _. 1288C 4.30 6.61 51.03 10.63 9.43 155M 8.60 10.80 43.50 ___________________ .. 1288D 3.63 8.65 49.65 8.84 7.53 551M 3.30 4.80 59.00 _________________ _. 1288B 4.06 3.20 60.39 11.77 4.73 550M 1.70 38.00 36.00 __________________ -_ 1559A 1.37 42.58 35.00 10.23 2.87 112P 2.20 27.50 37.50 .................. _. 1559B 3.10 26.13 37.45 10.88 5.42 32J 6.00 12.00 23.00 _-____-.. _______ _- 1559D 6.62 9.60 26.87 .20 6.10 1P 5.00 14.00 26.00 _________________ -_ 1559B} 6.64 9.53 27.21 8.89 5.86 108P "lneflcient in cottonseed meal containing 43% protein, and excess cottonseed hulls found. mDeficient in ground limestone. 14.4 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or or ln- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude specnon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash "No. tein Extract G-lidden Company, The, Soya Products Division, Chicago, Illinois. Glidden 4-Hi Brand 44% Pro- tein Soybean OilMeal ........... -. 44.00 0.50 7.00, 22.00 __---.---. ........ __ 2190A Analysis“ ___________________ _- 46.14 1.15 7.00 30.11 9.88 5.72 202H Analysisih2z3 ______..___________.__ 44.13 2.21 6.97 30.53 10.12 6.04 241H Analysis _ _ ________________ __ 46.54 1.30 6.48 30.64 9.43 5.61 276M Glidden Diamond G Brand 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal 41.00 4.00 7.00 29.00 .................. -. 2190E AnalysisH-‘m ___________________________ -- 40.81 1.35 11.23 29.91 11.23 5.47 368T Globe Mills, Inc., (Flour and Grain Department), El Paso, Texas. Vvheat Gray Shorts ..................... _. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 __________________ _- 1123G Analysism _ 15 5C“ 3.01 2.51 64.39 12.46 2 13‘ 485s Globe Dairy Feed _______________ _____ 17.00 3.30 9.00 47.50 llHQ Analysis _______________________________ _, 19.40 4.02 0.84 52 66 8.87 9 21 16S Peerless Brand Laying Mashm. 18-00 3.50 7.00 49.00 ____ __. ....... .. 112pT Analysis _ ____________________________ __ 19.51 4.88 5.60 52.57 7.31 10 13 596S Peerless Brand Dairy Feed .... -. 15.00 3.00 8.00 49.00 ....... -- 1123Z Analysis .--____-_______._______..___.__. 17.45 4.00 5.74 56.00 8.45 8 36 597$ Fico Chick Starter-__------__-_-____---. 17.00 3.50 5.50 5100 _______________ .. 1123.43 Analysis! ____________________ -__ 18.78 6.55 3.74 54 03 8 13 8.77 407S Analysis?“ ____________________ -_ 18.83 5.50 4.63 55 25 8 45 7.34! 549$ Fico Growing Mash ................... -- 15.20 3.50 7.00 52 00 ..... .. . . l i123A4 Analysism . 5.64 6.85 55.26 8 35 7.26 4088 ‘Globe Broiler Mash ............. -- . 3.60 5.60 48.00 . . 1123.46 Analysis?" . 4.08 5.27 52.06 9.68 8.21. 84S Globe Growing Mash ......... -- . 8.50 7.00 51.00 ........ 1123A‘: Analysis . . 4.46 4.84 56.08 8.77 6.88 550S Globe Laying Mash ............... -- . 18.50 3.50 6.50 47.50 l123A8 Analysis. .. .... _- 17.96! 4.20 4.59 54.48 10.75 8.02 289s Globe Starting Mash ....... .. 17.00 8.60 6.50 50.00 _______ .. l123A9 Analysis. . _____________________ -- 20.64 4.35 4.80 53.10 9.83 7.28 484$ Globe 40% Protein Supplement for Hogs _______________________________ _- 40.00 4.50 7.50 17.00 112302 Analysis?” ............................ -- 42.90 4.52 5.17 22.75 7.29 17.37 164$ Globe 27% Protein Growing Mash Supplement ................... __ 27.00 4.00 8.00 22.00 ___________________ -. 1123C3 Analysism 29.78 4.81 5.83 35.62 8.07 15.89 15S Globe Turkey Finishing Mash.-. 14.80 8.60 5.50 58.20 .................. 1 1123C6 Analysis . ............................ -. 17.20 5.57 3.97 57.35 10.40 5.51 83S Globe 34% Protein Supplement for Dairy Cows -.--.._-----.---__--- 84.00 4.60 9.50 31.00 ........ _. _.____._. 1123C9 Analysis“ _ ____________ _____ 36.66 5.43 7.46 33.87 8.10 8.48 290s a, b. c, d, e, f. a. h, i, i. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. flsUsed in compounding‘ mixed feed, mwheat white shorts. “Deficient in ground limestone. Molasses found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. Milo meal found not claimed. “Excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess oi’ salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS \ 145 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941. to August 31, 1942-—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Per Cent Iiegis- _ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or \ r . 01' In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- l Crude * spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture i Ash No. tein kExtract‘ ‘ . . l i E Goerz Flour Mills Company, The, Newton, Kansas. American Ace Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings __ 15-00 8.50 6 00 55.00. ___--_---- _---___- 939D AanalysisMflw ___________________ -- 15.90 3.56 5.85 58.73 11.79 4.17 433M Analysis” --_- ----____._--- 15 75 3.69 58 96 11.74 4.34 102T Analysis" 17I10 3.91 57Ys4 11.02 4.45 474T Golden Oak Milling Company, De Leon, Texas. Golden Oak Growing MaSh------. 16.00 8.50 7 00 54.00 __________________ .. 25C Analysis _______________________________ -- 13.50 3.84 5 72 54.18 10.44 7 32 603W Ground Peanut Hay __________________ --- 10.00 8.50 24 00 44.00 ________ _. 25G Analysis ______________________________ _. 7.53 3.65 36 1'7 33.75 10.12 8 78 562$ Analysis .............................. __ 8 1E 4.70 31 22. 32.78 10.60 12 52‘ 151T Golden Oak Chick Starter _________ .. 10.01. 2.80 5 00 55.00 l 251 Analysis ______________________________ __ 4.57 4 88 56.07 10.79 5 89 382T‘ Analysis __________________ -- 4.39 4 27 55.21 11.22 6 60 516W Golden Oak Mixed Feed. 3.10 26 00 37.80 __________________ __ 25.1’ Analysis ____________________________ __ 3.15 25 97 37.16 9.68 9 15 585T Caraway’s Special Egg Mashm 19.00 3.70 8 00 47.0 ......... _. __ __ 25P Analysis?“ ............................ __ 19.00 4.53 7 26 50.60 10.34 8 27 152T Analysis ............................. _._ 19.68 4.07 7 60 50.87 10.35 7 43 244W Golden Oak 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00 2.00 25 00 41.50 __________________ __ 25A3 Analysis" ______________________________ __ 10.79 2.48 25 35 42.78 11.51 7 09 439$ Analysis -__-_________-_____---.----___ 10.90 2.30 20 90 44.15 11.33 10 42 617W Golden Oak Turkey Starter ____ __ 19.00 8.70 6 00 52.00 ___________________ _. 25A8 Analysis ......................... -___ 21.25 4.52 4 78 52.37 10,68 6 40 531W Golden Oak Breeder Mash ....... -_ 20.00 3.80 7.50 49.00 ___._._-_. ________ _. 25B2 Analysism _ __________________________ __ 20.76 4.52 8.25 4.8.06 10.54 7 87 55W Golden Triangle Lumber Gompay, South Houston, Texas. So-Ho Dairy COW Feed._-_-__--__-___. 18.80 3.00 14.00 42.00 __________________ __ 386A Analysis .......................... 20.90 3.95 10.26 45.94 11.17 7.78 229M So-Ho Hen Scratch ........ ._..._.__ 10.20 8.00 8.00 70.00 __________________ _. 386B Analysis ____..__._i.___-. 11.95 2.73 3.00 69.91 10.75 1.65 230M Gonzales Cotton Oil 8a Manu- facturinrz‘ Companv, Gonzales, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal". 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 __________________ __ 388F Analysis ____---...._.-.-____-_-____-_--_ 42.57 6.92 9.82 27.17 7.49 6.03 5H Analysis" _ -_i_i_ 42.29 6.93 10.18 27.40 7.53 5.67 48M 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake--- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ __ 388G Analysis ........................... __- 43.54 6.12 10.10 27.08 7.32 5.84 221H Gonzalez, A. 0., IE1 Paso, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ___________________ __ 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _________________ __ 1044E Analysisbvm 18.50 5.19 7.38 54.52 9.66 4.75 89s Analysis 17.12 4.18 6.00 56.40 11.58 4.72 291s Analysisflm‘ _-________. 17.66 5.75 8.03 55.25 8.31 5.00 556$ Ground Oat Groats.__-.--___--.__-_-- __________________________________ _. Analysisflm” ________________________ .- 18.19 9.19 2.50 60.89 6.36 2.87 604$ n, b. c, d. e. f. n. f». 1', y‘. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Used in compounding mixed feed. “Excess of ground oyster shell. mDeficient in ground limestone. “Wheat ‘brown shorts. “Wheat mixed feed. “Used in compounding‘ mixed feed. 140 BULLETIN NO. 020, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent 1 Regis- = mmou Lame and Addre» of Manufacturer or 1, n1‘ 1n. importer. Brand flame. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- l Mois- Crude specuun Pro- Fat Fiber ‘gen-hem ture 1 Ash ~ 1\o. tein \ 1Extract‘ 1 . i 1 Goodpasture Grain Company, Grady, Brownfield, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk _______ __ 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 ________ _. _ _____ __ 779E Analysis ....................... -___- 7.75 2.921 10.471 63.51 9.42, 5,93 431T Goodpasture Laying Mash-------__ 20.00 8.50 6.00; 46.00 _______ -- 779.1 Analysis?“ ......................... --_ 19.52 3.89 5.80 53.16 8.32 9.311 272s Goodpasture 16% Protein Dairy 1 Feed .......................................... -- .1600 0.00 12.80 1.9.50 _________________ i; 779v Analysis“ --_.__---_---.__----____. 16.80 3.47 11.16 53.66 8.48 6.43\ 289K Gossett Peed and Produce, 1 Taylor, Texas. Chowmix All-Mash Laying Ra- tion B ................................... --__ 15.00 3.50 8 00 43.00 ________________ 352N Analysis“ 17.25 3.92 4 s7 57.42 11.03 5,80 329w Taylor-Made Brand All-Mash i 1 Chick Starter ___________ _. 17.00 3.501 0.00 54.00 _______ __ 35m Analysis ............................. _- 17.53 4.021 4.75 56.37 10.14 7.191 561W Taylor-Made Competitive Brand 18% Protein Egg Mash__ .... _. 18.00 0.50; 700 50.00 __________________ 352s Analysis“ ............................. _. 18.58 4.20 4 66 55.03 10.73 6751 323W Graham Mill 8a Elevator Gom- Pa!!!’ Graham, Texas. Hominy Feed -_-__--_---_----__-._-___----- 10-00 6.00 7 00 60.00 .................. __ 664E Analysis ...................... -_.___- 10-50 7.14 6 52 62.52 10.79 2 53 378T Supreme Brand Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings _______ _-- 17-00 4-00, 6 00 55.00 ................. -. 664G Analysis?" .......................... _. 18.33 4.25 6071 53.65 12 7n 495 171p Analysis 4.59 5 s7, 55.441 12 43 4.351 154T Analysis 4.70 5 78‘ 54.791 11 30 4.45, 274T Analysis ___- 4.43 5.84 55.05 12 58 4.20‘ 113XV Supreme Brand 24% Protein 1 Dairy Feed------_---.--_--__-_____----- 24.00 3-70 11.50 171.00 .................. -1 664A3 Analysis ............... _-__.__... 23.71 3.84 10.75 41.64 11.27 8 79 43011 Texas King Brand Dairy Feed--. 18.00 8.20 13.00 175.5 .......... .. 664A4 Analysis ______________________________ -. 19.86 3.63 9.50 47.39 11.95 7 67 438.“ Texas King Brand 5 Egg Mash 19.00 8.50 7.50 46.0 ................. ._ 664.36 Analysis?” ............................. -. 19.65 3.95 6.94 50 97 9.28 9 21 97P Texas King Brand 5 Egg Mash Pellets .-_---____._------.__---..___.._.- 19.00 8.50 7.50 1,6 0 ................ _. 664A7 Analysis .............................. -- 19.50 4.03 6.33 50 58 10.33 9 23 98F Grameco Egg Mash 19.00 4.00 8.001 1.8 0 ........ -. . __ 1 664C6 Analysis -.-_..-_. -.-._-....--__.__.... 18.39 4.16 8.32 51 11 10.50 7 52 96P Grapevine Milling Company, Grapevine, Texas. Ground Whole Oats and Oat Hulls ........................................ -_ 8.50 3.00 18.00 55.50 ........ -_ _. ...... -- 1662A‘; Analysis 9.45 3.93 16.31 55.07 9.71 5.53 366T B & D Brand Chick Starter with Cod Liver O11 18.00 4.00 6.50 51.50 .... ._ 166°B5 Analysism ............................ _. 19.00 3.64 5.25 53.92 10.35 7.84 553T B & D Brand Five-Point Egg Mash .................................... --__ 19.00 3.60 8.00 177.50 ................ .. 166287 Analysis?" ..____.__--.--__-.---...-_.-. 18 87 2.90 7.16 53.74 10.56 6.77‘ 220T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, Ic.—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. “Excess of ground limestone found. “Cora meal present. “Deficient in: ground oyster shell. 2*""ovbean oil meal and milo meal found, not claimed. . “Soybean oil meal found, not claimed. Excess of ground oyster shell found. .._......._..,...._..._... ._..._.._.__........ . .._._.___...._.._1-._..¢. _' . “My. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 147 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent I Name and Address of Manufacturer or llnpurU-I‘. Brand Same. Crude 4 Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- ‘ Crude s Regis- 1 trution or lu- pection Pro- i Fat Fiber sgen-treel ture 1 Ash f .\o. tein 4 Prune? 4 4 i 1 Gray County reed Company, ‘Pampa, Texas. Grayco Growing Mash__-___-___. 16.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 ______________ 2671N Analysis _________________________ __- 18.20 3.55 6.45 52.92 10.75 8.13 111K Grayco All-Mash Starter ........... -. 16.00 3.50 6.00 50.00 __________________ 1 26710 Analysis _______________________ __. 18.69 3.76‘ 6.20 53.31 10.55 7.49 362$ Gray's Peed Store, Cleburne, Texas. Ground Whole Oats __________________ __ 11.00 4.00, 12.00 58.00 __________________ _, 468A Analysis _________________________ _. 10.46 5.14 12.04 57.35 10.58 4.43 374W Top-Quality Brand Laying Mash 18.00 $.50. 0.00 46.50 __________________ _. 4639' Analysis?“ ________________________ __ 17.69 4.25 7.86 52.61 10.68 6.91 134W Top-Quality Brand 18% Pro- tein Dairy Ration ________________ -- 18.00 3.20 16.50 41,00 ______________ __ 468G Analysis?“ ________________________ -. 20.84 3.63 13.59 40.55 9.29 12.10 40W lwp-wuality Brand Growing Mash __________ ____ ______ -_ 16.00 3.50 6.00 50.00 ........ __ 468H Analysis" -_-___---_-____.___. 16.80 3.64 9.07 48.79 10.29 11.41 600W Top-Quality Brand All-Mash Chick Starter _.._______ 17.00 3.50 6.00 52.00 .. 468K Analysis“ __ 18.65 3.30 4.86 55.57 11.07 6.55 502W Great Atlantic b Pacific Tea Company, The, New York, New York. “Made-in-the-South” Talco Starting Mash .................... _. 17.00 3.80 6.00 53.00 _________________ __ 93711‘ Analysis ____---______________- 19.76 4.16 4.57 55.07 9.44 7.00 581W Green Milling 8t Grain Company, C. 11., Winters, Texas. Silver Bell Dairy Feed-_-_--____-.. 18.00 3.50 10.00 48.50 ....... _. 2331P Analysis ___________________________ __. 18.15 4.10 8.35 52.65 10.58 6.17 574S C. L. Green’s Chick Starter _____ _. 17.00 3.50 5.50 58.00 __________________ __ 2331B Analysis ......................... __.. 17.60 4.05 4.65 55.07 11.13 7.50 519S C. L. Green’s Egg Mash .......... -- 18.00 8.50 6.50 47.00 _______ -_ 23318 Analysis’ 20.80 5.08 4.53 48.04 10.44 11.11 47S C. L. Gneen’s Egg Mash ......... _. 20.30 3.50 6.00 45.00 _________________ __ 2331s Analysis!“ 20.79 4.78 5.56 48.51.‘ 8.87 11,49 614s C. L. Green's Growing Mash.-. 17.00 3.50 6.00 52.50‘ ................. -_ 2331T Analysis ______________________________ -. 16.62 4.22 5.40 55.39 11.31 7.06 520$ G-reenville Cotton Oil Company, Greenville, Texas. Red Rooster Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal . 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _________________ __ . 260A Analysis ___________.____.__._._ 43.59 5.54 9.93 27.80 7.02 6.12 31F Analysis ________._________. 43.41 5.8g. 10.14 27.41 7.07 6.14 33P Analysis 42.53 5.7 9.98 28.68 6.88 6.15 121P Analysis‘ 42.14 5.57. 10.37 28.00 8.01 5.91 28T Griffin Hatchery, Santa Anna, Texas. San-Tex Special Egg Mash ______ -- 18.00 8.50 7.00 51.00 ________ -- 2163G Analysis _______________________ _- 18.76 4.21 6.21 53.44 10.56 6.82 50S San-Tex Best Brand Growing 4 Mash 17.00 3.50 6.50 52.00 .................. .. 2163H Analysis __-----~ 17.20 4.08 7.28 53.19 10.60 7.65 569S a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i, j. k.—See “Deficient in ground oyster shell. legend at the ‘beg-inning “Cane molasses claimed, not found. of this table. 14.8 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1011. to August 31, 1942--Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Uem Krwzis- trution Name and Address of Manufacturer or 4 ‘ 4 I i Ur 1U» importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude ‘ Nitro- Mois- Crude i spection Pro- Fat Fiber Jgen-iree Lure 1 Am ' .\o. 176111 iExtract‘ j t 1 l Grimsell Seed Company, Frank, i Earlingen, Texas. Grimsell Egg Mash.--__----- 19-00 8.60 7.00 46.00 ...... -- 2199B i Analysis .................. -__-- 17.51 4:13 5.7V 53.1w 10.67 8.x: 2431-1 i Analysis ________________________ _- 17.85 5.39 6.45 51.80 10.68 7.83 3851-1 Grimsell 22% Protein Dairy Ration __-__--_.___--__-_-- 22.00 4.50 17.50 89.50 .................. -. 2199D Analysis --_.---_-_.-_-_-----_-___- 23.25 3.98 15.19 40.74 9.95 6.89 162E Analysis _-_.-._________- 22.68 4.04 15.40 42.71 9,30 5.87 3861-1 Gross Peed Store, Bonham, Texas. Economy Brand Dairy Feed--_-__ 18.50 8.80 12.00 48.00 .................. ._ 157313‘ Analysis _______________________ .._- 19.92 4.34 9.38 50.24 10.12 6.00 466T Growers reed Store, Berger, Texas. Ground Whole Oats__._____._ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ________ __ 2430C Analysis" _.___. ________ 12.00 4.56 10.49 59.28 9.78 3.89 272K Gulf Coast Rice Mills, Houston, Texas. Rice Polishings containing Limestone .__-._---__-__-_.-______.. 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 __ 2457A Analysis 13.06 13.52 3.11 50.52 10,61 9,18 305M Rice Bran containing Precipi- * tated Carbonate of Lime.._._ 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 _ ______ _- 2457B Analysis" ............................. __ 10.46 10.63 14.90 39.31 10.94 13.76 151M Rice Bran containing Lime- $120118 11.00 10.00 15,00 42,00‘ __________________ __ 2457B Analysis“ ............................. -. 12.3?» 8.34 12.67 43.44 9.53 13,69 50.431 Gutierrez 8s Company, Teodosio, Laredo, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 6.00 25.00 29.001 _____ __ _ ______ __ 1331A Analysis 6.41 26.50 29.74 6.98 4.59 49H Analysis 6.59 26.834 30.52 5.24 4.55 1171-1 Wheat Gray Shorts and Sreen- ings 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ................ .. 1331B Analysisgwm’ _________________________ _. 16,91 4.51 6A7 57.58 10,91 3,62 3111-11 Analysism" ________________________ -. 17.90 4.54 7.72 54.23 10.96 4.65 3691-1 Analysism" ..... -.m__._____ 18.99 4.05 7.79 53.31 10.53 5.33 37611 Analysism° ................. _- 18.02 4.86 7.57 53.97 10.41 5.171 4371-1 Wheat Brown Shorts and Screenings 17.00 4.50 7.50 53.00 __________________ .. 1331B‘ Analysis=“' _._-.__.___.___m 18.80 4.60 8.34 46,25 16,61 5,40 3801-1 Gwywn-Bender Grain Company, Panhandle, Texas. Whole Barley Chop-----_--__---_____-_. 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 64C Analysis -_-___-_-_...---.------___.._ 14.05 1.65 5.40 65.08 11.33 2.49 104K Hale Center Peed & Seed Com- Pally, Hale Center, Texas. Panhandle Growing Mash _______ _. 16.00 .350 6.00 $4.50 2971 Analysis“ ............................ _. 21.14 3.73 5.87 52.72 9.90 6.64 467$ , I n. b. c, d. e. f, r1. h, i, y. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Wheat brown shorts and screeninlgs. “Wheat mixed feed. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 149 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Contlnued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- t. ation Name and Address of Manufacturer or i 1 0r In. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- 1 Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract F l Hale Center Feed 8t Seed Com- Pally. __ Hale Center, Texas.—Cont’d. Panhandle Pride Brand Egg Mash 21.00 3.60 5.00 45,00 ________ _, 297,1 Analysis ___ ................. _. 20.71 3.56 6.11 52.18 10,17 7.27 224K Hamilton I111 8 Elevator Com- 113113’. Hamilton, Texan. Hamco Growing Mash ______________ _. r8.00 4.00 7,50 13.00 ________ __ 621) Analysis ___________________________ _. 19.08 3.20 4.88 54.40 10.93 7_51 535W Hamco Dairy Feed ________________ __ 20.00 3.30 11.50 45,00 ________________ H 62N Analysis“ 11.99 2.10 18.29 43.93 11.60 12.09 596W Hamco Baby Starter, ______ ___ 20.00 4.00 7.00 45.00 _ _ _ _ . . . _ . , ,_ 62Z Analysis 22.00 4.601 6.06 47.81 9.70 9.83 332W Analysis ________________________ __ 22.30 3.67 4.95 49.47 10 24 9,37 563W Hamco Economy Brand Egg‘ Mash -_-.-__._______..______ 19.00 860 8.00 4.1.50 ........ -- 62A2 Analyglg 20.10 3.85 7.60 49 77 9 80 8.88 47W Analysis __-_.--.---.._.--__...___.._ 20.08 4.06 7.81 48 92 10 05 9.08 238W Wheat Brown Shorts ____ __._ 17.50 4.50 7.50 58 00 ........ _. -_.____ 62A4 Ana1ysis“" __.______.____..___ 16.83 3.78 8.10 55 06 10 63 5.60 384W Hamco Bulky Feed_ _________ __- 9.00 2.00 16.00 50 00 ____ .. 62A9 Analysis‘ ............................... __ 10.96 2.13 11.96 53 27 12.79 8 89 84W Circle “W” Baby Chick Starter 17.00 8.50 6.00 50 00 .. . < 62B‘? Analysis ....................... __- 18.00 4.09 5.12 55 81 10 99 5.99 403W Circle Growing Mash ....... -- 16.00 8.50 8.00 5150 .................. _- 62B9 Analysis .......................... __ 17.45 3.60 7.71 54 0s 10 2s 6.38 436W Circle “ ” 32% Protein Sup- plement for Poultry ______________ _. 32.00 4.00 6.00 25 50 ........ -- ' 62C5 Analysis _______________ __ 32.38 3.00 8.08 29 06 7 97 19.51 149W Analysis“! . 2.70 6.83 31 82 7 82 19.03 511W Analysis _____________________________ _. 4.03 6.14 29 27 8 85 20.18 609W Hamco Economy Brand Egg Mash Pellets _______________ Q. _______ -_ 19.00 8.60 8.00 M 50 ................. -. 62D8 Analysis" _______________________ _-_ 22.10 4.80 8.40 46 43 9 84 8.43 527W Hamilton Oil Mill Company, Hamilton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealm. 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 _________________ _. 98A Analysiswv. 39.83 5.78 11.14 25.72 7.59 9.94 144W Analysisfl" _______________________ ____ 40.95 6.93 10.01 26.42 7.14 8.55 146W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake containing Precipitated Cal- cium Carbonate ____________________ _. 40.80 5.70 11.40 22.80 __--_.__ ____-_-. 98H Analysismv ____________ _______ 45.10 6.63 9.10 25.12 8.36 5.69 58W Cottonseed Cake and Lime- stone ________________________________________ 40.80 5.70 11.40 22.80 . ............ _- 98H Analysiglflv __________________________ __ 42.66 6.28 9.21 24.37 7.96 9.52 248W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal containing Precipitated Cal- gium Carb0nat9___________________ 00,80 5.70 11.00 22.80 _.__-_____ ________ _. 931 Analysismv 41.33 6.96 11.05 25.86 6.83 7.97 148W n. b. c, d. e, f. n, h i, j. k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in cottonseed meal. Peanut hulls, milo head stems, ground whole barley. and around whole oats found, not claimed. “Wheat mixed feed. 148¢=round whole oats claimed, not found. "Carbonate of lime presenqt. Wrong tags attached. “Deficient in ground limestone. 150 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 19": to August 31, l942—Oontinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I ‘ Per Cent Regis- tratiou 1 y or 1n- l Mois- 1 Crum- ; SQECUOXJ Name uud Address of Manuiacturer or importer. Brand Name. i 1 Crude Crude Crudex Nitro- I Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree! tun- .\.~h a .\o. i tein lExtracti \ 1 Hamilton Oil Mill Company, . Hamilton, '1'exa.s.—Cont’d. Cottonseed Meal and Limestone 40.30 5.70 11.1110 22.80 ________ ._ _, ____ 1 981 Analysism’ __________________ __ 40.701 6.24 10.67 24.77 8.04 9.58 247W Analysis?” _______________-_-__.__.._._- 42.39 6.33 8.65 25.51 7.16 9.96 524W 43% Protein Peanut Meal ....... -- 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ....... -_ . 98K Analysisml‘ __________ ___._.____ 41.27 7.75 15.91 21.90 7.94 5.23 589T Analysis ___________________________ __._ 43.93 7.16 14.68 20.84 8.79 4.60 402W Hamlin Hatchery, Hamlin, Texas. H & H Chick Starter__-----___-_.__ 17.00 8.50 5.50 50.00 ................ _. 71B Analysis ________,____--___-_-___.- 20.32 4.25 4.80 52.35 10.00, 8.28 540S Eardeman-King Company, Amarillo, Texas. ’ Merit Brand Growing Mash--.“ 18.00 8.50 8.00 51.00 ..... -_ S47H Analysis! ______________________ __.- 18.70 3.09 7.35 53.11 10.38 7.37 84K Merit Brand Egg Mash_____._._ 18.00 8.50 6.00 52.00 ....... _. 847J Analysis” __---___-__--_-__..___.___ 18.68 3.26 4.98 55.32 10.41 7.35 4K Merit Brand 45% Protein Sup- plement for Pigs and Hogs-.. 45.00 6.00 4.00 15.00 847A6 Analysisfl" ___ _____________ _-___ 414.40 7.90 4.56 12.66 6.52 23.96 143K Merit Brand 36% Protein Sup- plement for Pigs and Hogs.-- 86.00 4.50 11.00 21.00 . 847A6 Analysis¢254 ________________________ _.__ 38.06 6.04 8.48 24.28 7.81 15.33 297K Merit Brand 35% Protein Poul- try Mash Concentrate_-______-._-_. 35.00 4.30 7.00 17.50 _____ -. .. 847C2 Analysis?“ ___________________________ __ 36.25 5.26 6.55 20.90 6.26 24.78 181K Merit Brand Milk-Maker Dair-y Feed 21.00 8.20 10.00 46.30 ....... -- ________ 847C4 Analysisl _____________________ __- 21.05 3.63 10.24 47.96 9.22 7.90 109K Merit Brand All-Mash Starter..- 18.001 3.50 7.00 51.00 1 847C5 Analysisa" .......................... --_ 19.011‘ 3.71 6.94 53.30 10.03 7.01 354$ Merit Brand Egg Mash Pellet 1800i 3.50 6.00 52.00 ...... .. 847D2 Analysis“ .............................. __ 19.25‘ 3.52 5.09 54.07 11.24 6.83 132s Square-Meal Brand Cow Feed__ 9.00 1.50 16.00 51.00 .. 847D4 Analysis?“ .......................... --__ 12.81 2.18 7.57 52.80 12.45 12.19 25K Square-Meal Brand Egg Mash 18.00 3.50 8.00 48.50 847136 Analysis! ............................ _.._ 19.94 3.50 7.97 49.03 11.10 8.46 241K Merit Brand 16.50% Protein Sweet Feed Cubes --__.__-__._ 16.50 $.00 5.00 55.00 847179 Analysis __-_.-_-___-_..._____- 17.35 3.37 3.40 58.42 11.38 6.08 236$ Analysis” .._----_--.--_--__-__._ 17.00 3.43 4.13 58.22 12.00 5.22 379s Hardin. W. 3,, San Angelo, Texas. Mixed Feed _______________ ____ ________ -. 16.00 8.20 10.00 51.00 ______________ 235A Analysis -__--_-_-__--__-.__--_--___- 17.94 3.89 8.27 54.30 9.26 6.34 610s a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i, 7'. k.-—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. ‘MDeficient in ground limestone. “Cottonseed meal present. Short in weight. Each sack even-weighted to 100 lbs. net and sale resumed. mfiround whole barley and ground whole oats found, not claimed. “Wheat bran found, not claimed. “Excess of salt iounld. “Deficient in ground oyster shelL mCflttcnseed meal and ground whole barley found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING iSTUFFS 151 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued ' (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 4 Per Cent Regis- 1 tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or" 7 or In- Importer. Brand Name. ‘Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude specuion Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract Ear-grove Brothers, Pittsburg, Texas, and Branches. ~ Texas Special Sweet Stock Feed 9.00 1.60 36.00 40.00 _______ _. 1258E Analysis ___________________________ .__- 8.86 1.03 33.12 37.99 13.53 6.07 5P Texas Special Horse and Mule Feed 10.00 2.50 9.00. 50.00; _____ _- 1258F Analysis -__.. 9.81 1.17 7.63 57.97 14.77 8.65 6P Earlingen Cotton Oil Mill, Earlingen, Texas. Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Mea1..---------..-. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...... _. 772B Analysis" _____. _____.. 41.65 6.07 9.77 28.58 7.44 6.49 21H Analysis ___________________________ _. 42.65 5.97 9.82 27.55 7.53 6.48 25H Analysis __________________ 43.56 6.54 9.22 26.67 7.5 6.42 91H Analysis" __________-_-________-____ 42.10 6.08 10.79 27.83 6.98 6.22 2501-1 Analysisv _ ........................... .. 42.42 6.02 10.43 26.86 8.00 6.27 3191-1 Analysis ____ __________. 43.98 6.03 9.58 25.47 8.40 6.54 1.1 Analysis“ _ _____________________________ -. 40.70 6.20 11.05 26.93 9.23 5.89 499T Panther Brand Mixed Feed ....... _. 11.70 1.70 36.50 35.00 .- 772F Analysis --_-______.___._.__ 12.60 2.24 32.66 37.72 8.17 6.61 98H 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ._________ .-_...____ 772G Analysis‘; 41.70 6.14 9.93 27.35 8.79 6.09 263H Cotton Bloom Brand 18% Pro- tein Mixed Feed----_-.__.___ . 18.00 2.60 21.70 35.70 _________________ __ 772H Analysis" ............................ _. 17.27 2.70 23.38 42.55 7.69 6.46 22H Cotton Bloom Brand Chick Star- ter 19.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 ...... .. _. 7731 Analysis ______ -_._..__._..__. 19.07 4.67 5.94 52.02 11.40 6.90 388H Consumers Special Egg Mash Pellets __.-_...-.-.---.--._--__..__---.-.--. 19.00 4.00 7.50 46.007 ___..-. _______ __ 772A4 Analsys?“ ............... .____.__. 20.24 5.81 6.55 49.39 9.06 8.95 453E Harris Peed &'. Chick Store, Port Worth, Texas. Harris’s Big H Brand Egg Mash 20.00 4.00 7.50 45.00 ______ _. 962B Analysis __._.____. 21.38 5.04 5.88 47.16 10.80 9.74 507T Hart 8a Eughston Peed Company, Houston, Texas. Farmers Pride Brand 18% Pro- tein Dairy Feed._.__. ._.. 18.00 4.00 14.00 43.00. ....... _. 971B Analyslsm .______-__.____ 16.26 3.45 11.75 47.53 10.49 A 10.52 358M Harvest Queen Mill &: Elevator Company, Plainview, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ingS 16.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 .................. -. 755F Analysis _______________ ______. 17.78 3.99 6.18 55.20 12.43 4.42 65K Ana1ysis’°°° ____-..___ 18.03 4.21 6.69 56.46 10.03’ 4.58 174K a, b, c. d. e. f, .0. h, i, j, k.—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Steamed bone meal claimed, not found. Dried citrus pulp found, nmt claimed. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. 152 Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyse of Feeds, September l, 1941. (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Lame and Address of Manufacturer or f _ . _ i 01- importer. Brand name. Crude Crude i Crude Nltro- Mo1s- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat , Fiber ‘gen-free ture Ash N0. tein ‘Extract i Harwell Peed Company, Terrell, Texas. Harwelrs Special Laying Mash 19.00 8.50 8.00 41.00 ______________ _. 1320A Analysism 20.14 4.39 6.94 45.79 9.45 13.29 35P H 11’s All-Mas ar er — ___________________-_--_ _ 15.00 0.50 5.00 55.50 . . 1320B Analysis ____ ____ ___-- 15.90 4.42 3.65 57.57 10.31 7.55 468T Hal-wens Growing Mash- i 17.00 3.50 5.50 53.00 ...... _. 1320D Analygig ____ _.._- 18.00 4.25 3.90 53.37 11.78 8.70 469T Haskell Elevator Company, Haskell, Texas. j Just-Right Brand Laying Mash 18.00 0.50 7.00 50.00 ...... .. 2468M Ana1gEis3__.a__é_;5;;I-l-g-—- 19.78 4.74 5.78 50.61 11.36 7.73 66S Just-Rig Tan Mash 16.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ________ _. 240016 Ana1ysisB--_-_a_..6i-TS-ar— 17.21 3.58 4.56 57.73 9.88 7.04 579$ J st-Right ran 1c - uter _ 17.00 3.50 6.00 50.00 ...... .. 24680 Analysis ______-_------——-—- 17.40 3.79 4.23 57.65 10.13 6.80 532$ Hawkins Hatchery, Waco, Texas. _ Hawkins Start-to-Finish Poul- try Mash .................... -- 16-00 8.60 8.00 53.00 . 1270A Analysisfl" __-._____------- 19.17 3.98 4.79 54.36 11.40 6.30 546W Hayter, Sam 3., Nacogdoches, Texas. GrQund Whole Bar1ey__----------- 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 1384C Analysis .___-_..___-_---_- 13.57 1.63 5.03 65.82 11.19 9.76 382M Heid Bron, El Paso, Texas. Laying Mash ________________________ --- 13.00 0.00 8.00 06.00 . 2446M Analysis"; d . 15 Orly 5.49 8.39 49.49 8.29 8.90 22S H, B. Dairy ee ----------------------- -- ~. J 17.00 10.00 51.00 2446P Ana1ysis*“*S£._...£ ...... "ané ..... .-_ 15.47 4.01 5.67 621.08 7.16 5.61 603$ Wheat Brown or s an reen- ings 17.50 0.50 7.50 53.00 . . 2446B Analysis ___________________________ --- 17.85 4.95 7.43 55.18 10.13 4.46 92S H. B. Growing Mash -_----_ 15.00 3.50 7.00 54.00 .. . 2446W Analysis _T______..______..... 16.43 5.42 5.84 57.92 7.86 6.53 639S 30% PfOtelll Llnseed Meal ....... .. 00.00 4.50 0.50 05.00 _ 1 2446K Analysis ---_-_--_.._---______. 35.41 7.20 9.22 36.59 5.65 5.93 416s H. BAChickiStarter Mash ________ _. 18.16.; "6. 24<é6g na ys S ------------------------- -__- .- . . . . . .53 1 9 Milky-Way Dairy Cow Feed____ 16.00 3.30 11.50 48.50 .... .. . 2446A6 Analysis“ .............. ..___-. 16.08 3.61 9.94 56.90 6.39 7.08 602s Hempstead Implement 18h Peed Company, Hempstead, Texas. Ean Corn Chop with Husk._-___._. 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 _ 1504C lkAlnalgsis .ié_---_a_.i..8_‘.7....i5.____ 7.70 3.00 11.74 62.67 13.18. 1.71 214M Mi - r0 ucer ran ro- tein Dairy Feed ......... f. ........ _. 1s.oo 5.50 11.00 58.00 ,. _ 15041-1 Analysism‘ ........................ _- 16.94 3.19 10.67 49.43 11.59 8.18 . 123M a. b. C, d. 6. f. g. h, i. j, k.--See legend at the beginning of this table. “Excess of salt found. mDeficient in salt and excess of ground oyster shell found. “Dried beet pulp claimed, not found. mDeficient in cane molasses. Waimira leaf meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ISTUFIFS 153 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are pr.inted in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ; Q1‘ m. importer. Brand Name . Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro~ Eat 1:‘ iber gen-tree; ture Ash A o. tein Jflxtracti l l I l Henderson Grain Company, Abilene, Texas. H. P. H. Supreme Brand Lay- ing Mash _________ ___.___._____. 19.50 3.60 6.20 46.00 _________________ _. 350.1 Analysis ----_-.___-_____-__._..--____ 23.16 3.51 5.57 48.02 9.47 11.27 4S Analysis _...-__---_-___-__i- 21.49 3.26 5.33 49.30 10.05 10.57 244T Hendrick Grain Company, Houston, Texas. Double-Good Brand Dairy Feed 18.50 4.50 15.00 37.00 _________________ __ 547A Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 20.79 5.77 14.31 40.03 10.00 9.10 160M Double-Good Brand Scratch A Grains __--_--__---_.__--.-.--_--_---_--___- 1 0. 5 0 8. 0 0 3.0 0 7 0 .0 0 _________________ __ 5 4 7 B Analysis” __-_-..__--.-__._..__.. 11.50 2.70 2.18 70.32 11.57 1_73 411M Chm. mix Dry and Freshening‘ Feed ______________________________ _. 9.50 2.50 15.00 48.00 547D Analysis“ __________________________ _- 10.08 3.23 10.15 56.86 10.37 9.31 161M Chowmix 18% Protein Dairy Feed D ____________________________________ _. 18.00 3.50 15.00 42.00 ________________ _, 547E Analysis“ ............ ___- 17.65 5.20 12.98 43.10 10.28 10.79 357M Hendricks’ Peed Mill, Grand Prairie, Texas. HHH Mixed Cow Feed________ 13.701 2.50 14.00 49.60 ................. _. 1637L Analysis _ ______________________ ___ 14.10 3.37 13.16 49.12 11.28 8.97 201T Henry Brothers, Nixon, Texas. Henry Bros. Special Broiler Mash _-____-_______-___-_______..-_---_ 16.50 3.50 6.40 52.50 1139A Analysis __ ___________________ ___ 18.46 4.10 4.98 53.58 11.18 7.70 424H Henry Peed Store, Houston, Texas. Henry’s Mix Dairy Feed--_________ 21.00 8.60 15.50 40.00 .................. -- 2581A Analysis ___________________ ____ 22.89 4.58 11.46 43.39 10.94 6.73 98M Herring Hill 8a Elevator Com- Pally: Raymondville, Texas. Triple XXX Brand Growing Mash 10.00 3.50 7.60 53.00 ........ .. 219C Analysis _________ ____ ____ ___ 17,91 4.72 5.70 54,51 9.71 _ 7.45 3841-1 Trinle XXX Brand A11-Mash Chick Starter __-___-__--__-_-____-____- 17-00 3.5 0 5-50 52-5 0 ------------------ -~ 219D Analysiszw _________________________ __ 4,60 4,50 8.23 Herring Milling 8a Peed Company, Robstown, Texas. Four X Brand Laying Mash _____ _. 20.00 3.50 6.00 46-00 _______ 1- . ------ -- 264213 Analysis ____________________ ___ 20,85 5,05 5.63 48.37 10.86 9.24 1571']: Four X Brand Growing Mash-.. 16.00 3.50 7-60 58-00 ________ ~ 2641133 Analysism _________________________ _. 17.85 3.75 5-59 53-92 11-73 7-16 15311. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. i, j, lo.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in calcium carbonate. WCracked rice claimed, not found. “SI-Excess of ground limestone and salt found. "Excess of ground oyster shell found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. 154 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AQRIOIILTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 ’ or In- importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro~ Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat 1 Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein ‘Extract Kicks Brokerage & Warehouse Company, C. M“ Enid, Oklahoma. Dried Buttermilk (Feeding)..-__ 32.00 5.001 1.00 35.00 - . _____ .. 2069A Analysis .___._._ _____ ____- 32.22 8.54 .27 37.10 9.65 12.22 29T High Grade Packing Company Abattoir, 1 Galveston, Texas. Oleander Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps..____--. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 _____________ .. 399B ' Analysis _____-_.--.__--_..._-.._._.._ 51.65 7.21 1.16 .07 6.42 33.49 192M Analysis ............................ ___ 49.10 6.43 1.93 .01 5.64 36.89 283M Highway Feed Store, Houston, Texas. Henry's Special Dairy Feed .... -_ 19.00 4.50 9.00 47.00 .. ____ .. 1114A Analysis“ --__-._-_._--__---__._.__ 20.00 4.77 10.92 45.75 10.75 7.81 35M Henry’s Best Growing Mash__._ 16.00 3.50 7.60 53.00 . 1114E Analysis“ _ ................ --_.. 18.38 5.48 5.59 53.65 9.71 7.19 6M Hill County Cotton Oil Company, Eillsboro, Texas. 43% Protein Pea-Size Cotton- seed Cake __~.._____-.__-__- ._ 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 292A Analysis" __--_-__..-__.____- 41.77 6.18 10.52 26.89 8.71 5.93 249W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake____ 43.00 6.00 12,00 23.00 ______ .. 292J Analysis ............................ -- 43.48 6.74 9.11 26.76 7.69 6.22 135W 43% Protein Cottonseed MeaL... 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ....... -. . 292K Analysis .......................... .._. 43.73 7.50 8.95 26.83 6.80 6.19 31W Analysis __...____-__--_-__. 43.27 7.17 8.85 26.51 7.99 6.21 36W Analysis ........................ -__ 44.17 7.69 8.01 26.13 7.78 6.22 38W Analysis __ _________ ____--_. 44.39 6.91 8.77 25.79 7.88 6.26 130W Analysis --_-___--______. 43.20 7.39 9.56 26.14 7.58 6.13 133W Analysis _--_-_-__--_--______ 44.06 6.48 8.96 26.23 7.97 6.30 224W Analysis _._-_--__--____--__----_ 43.17 6.83 9.85 25.60 8.16 6.39 225W Analysls _-________--__-__. 43.20 6.30 10.73 24.71 8.70 6.36 383W Hobart Flour 8n Peed Company, Hobart, Oklahoma. Ground Whole Barley_-__________ 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 .. .. . 1448B Analysis?" __________ _.___________. 12.75 2.20 5.76 65.35 10.49 3.45 168K Ground Whole Oats--_.---__._-___ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 . . 1448C Analysis?" -___-______________. 11,49 4.42 8.42 61.25 10.66 3.76 167K Eollingsworth Peed Hill, Gatesville, Texas. a Gateco Dairy Feed- ______ 17.50 3.80 15.00 45.80 ................ __ 1969C Analysis“ __._ 16.98 3.70 12.53 50.95 9.43 6.41 301W Home Mix ‘Peed Company, Ino., Austin. Texas. Our-Own Brand Laying Mash... 19.00 8.50 6-00 46-50 2652A Analysis __-_-________________-__ 21.17 5.76 5.70 48.27 10.18 8.92 360H Analysis“ ______________ ________ 19.98 5.46 6.11 50.19 10.05 8.21 430E a, b. c. d. e, f, g, h, i, 7', k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. mDeficient in ground oyster shell. mltaflv weal and wilc meal present. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. Soybean oil meal and molasses found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STU FFS 155 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—-C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude ~ Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract I Home Mix Peed Company, Inc., Austin, Texas—Gontinued. Home Mix Brand Special Egg _ Mash _____________________ -.___ 19.00 8.80 7.50 46.50 __________________ __ 2652C Analysis _ .................. ___ 20.96 4.48 7.77 49.06 8.57 9.16 4901-1 Contest Brand All-Mash Start- - ing Ration ____________ _.__ 17.00 3.50 5.80 51.80 _______________ ._ 2652L Analysis -__---___.-___..___-__ 19.20 5.28 4.98 53.06 9.94 7.54 3611-1 H-M Growing Mash.___..___....__ 17.00 3.80 6.00 51.00 _________________ 1 2652C) Analysis _.._-____...-_--_____._ 18.97 4.69 6.101 51.84 10.04 8.36 359H Next Best Brand Dairy Feedw 15.50 8.80 11.00 50.00 _________________ __ 2652A1 Analysis 16.24 3.56 9.28 52.92 11.38 6.62 431H Contest Brand All-Mash Broiler Ration ....................... ._____. 17.00 8.50 7.00 51.50 __________________ _. 2652A5 Analysis ___ 19.42 4.77 5.96 53.11 10.28 6.46 2931-1 Eonak-er Grain 8| Hatchery Oom- Pally, Parmersville, Texas. Best Maid Brand All-Mash Chick Starter _______ _.._.___. 17.00 3.50 5.50 52.50 _______________ __ 84F Analysis“ __--__--___._--_-____ 17.30 4.14 5.38 55.99 10.34 6.85 573T Best Maid Brand Dairy Feed.-__. 17.50 3.50 15.00 44.00 .--_.-._. ________ _. 84Q Analysis?" 17.62 3.99 13.46 49.75 9 10 6.08 164T Honey Grove Cotton Oil Gom- Pa-IIY, The, Honey Grove, Texas. _ 43% Pr-otein Cottonseed Meal... 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ...... -_ 499E Analysis ___________________________ 42.75 6.69 10.74 26.58 7 12 6.12 11P Analysis ________________________ 42.42 6.70 11.35 27.10 6.46 5.97 15P Analysis ___________________________ 43.37 6.45 10.19 27.13 6.73 6.13 189P Analysis __-______-________________ 42.27 7.27 9.80 26.52 8.07 6.07 38T Analysis ___________________ ____. 42.77 6.50 10.50 27.53 6.63 6.07 284T Honey Grove 41% Protein Pig- N-Piog Supplement ______________ ____ 41.00 4.50 10.00 21.00 ................. -- 499L Analysis“ ____________________ -___ 42.35 5.20 7.59 20.41 8.33 16.12 36.1 Honey Grove Laying Mash__. 18.00 3.50 7.50 47.00 _________________ -_ 499M Analysis* _____-_____________ 19.33 4.46 7.05 49.04 10.72 9.40 70T Analysis" 18.75 4.50 7.35 48.51 11.00 9.89 464T Honey Grove Chick Starter____. 18.00 4,00 6.00 53.00 ................ __ 499N Analysis* __________ 17.821 4.48 6.84 53.19 10.90 6.77 465T Honey Grove 20% Protein Dairy Feed 20.00 3.00 11.50 43.50 ...... .. 499Q Analysis _______ 23.00 3.68 9.69 45.08 10.42 8.13 9P Honey Grove 38% Protein Sup- plement for Dairy Cows _____ ____ 33.00 4.00 9.50 23.00 ................ -- 499R Analysis _____ ___________ 39.00 4.65 8.27 27.16 7.38 13.54 10P Horton, Hal 0., G-reenville, Texas. Red Diamond Cow Hash __________ -. 20.00 8.80 10.50 117.00 ---------------- _. 1202C Analysis ________________ 15.74 2.82 11.41 51.18 12.33 6.52 32P Analysis _____________ 20,00 4,19 9.95 48.20 11.82 5.84 l23P Analysis!" 17,05 2.78 7.70 52.28 13.55 6.64 59T Red Diamond All-Mash Laying y Feed 14.00 3.00 7.00 58.00 _______ __ ~----____ 1202K Analysis _i__________ 15.99 3.27 4.68 59.81 10.54 5.71 563T a. b, C. d, 6, f. y, h, i, i, k.—See legend at the beginning “Peanut meal and molasses claimed, not found. "meflcient in ground oyster shell. ' o1’ this table. "Tish meal claimed, not found. Some shrimp meal found, not claimed. “sq-round whole barley found, not claimed. 156 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Per Cent 1 Regis- v ‘ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- ; Mois- Crude i p60ti0Il Pro- Fat Fiber igen-iree ture Ash No. teln lExtract International Milling Company, Greenville, Texas. Target Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings .__ ________._. 17.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ________________ __ 101B Analysis ............................... -. 16.37 4.84 6.10 57.15 11.77 3.77 137M Analysis“ _-__-__--_-_----________ 16.65 4.16 5.88 57.00 12.43 3.88 181P Analysis2°°° ....................... -. 18.35 4.17 6.46 55.21 11.86 3.95 237T Analysiszm" ___.___.__.__._ 17.50 4.16 6.35 56.24 11 67 4.08 337T Analysis ______ _________________ -. 17.70 3.78 4.87 58.79 11 38 3.48 443T Analysis 18.40 4.29 5.89 55.00 11 74 4.68 496T Analysis ____._..________.~ 18.70 3.97 5.99 55.81 11.63 3.90 458W Hominy Feed ___________________ ___. 10.00 5.00 7.00 60.00 ................. .. 101Y Analysis ....... -______.._. 11.90 8.14 6.26 59.98 10.55 3 17 561T Interstate IBy-Products 8n Supply Company, Port Worth, Texas. Interstate 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ............... -__. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ______ __ . _____ __ 763A Analysis 50.53 9.79 2.09 .51 7.30 29.78 290H Analysis __________________ _. 50.06 10.05 2.34 3.17 6.33 28.05 84T Analysis __________________________ __ 49.72. 9.86 1.83 3.58 6.51 28.50 401T Analysis" __ ____________-___- 45.80 8.93 2.34 1.12 6.17 35.64 517T Analysis ___ ____________ .. 50.50 7.46 1.78 .71 6.49 33.06 580T Analysis ______________________________ -. 50.10 9.55 2.77 .01 6.93 30.64 245W Interstate 60% Protein Diges- ter. Tankage 60.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 , 768C Analysis" _____________________________ __ 59.14 7.30 2.32 3.69 7.87, 19 68 2 Interstate Peed Company, Port Worth, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealm. 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _-----____ ________ __ 1109A Analysis" 41.60 5.63 9.61 27.92 8.12 7.12 9.5T Jackson County Cotton Oil Com- P311?» Ganado, Texas. Jaco All-Purpose Sweet Feed 25.00 1.60 20.00 35.00 _______ _. 2330E Analysis?" ............................ _- 26.84 5.12 21.92 34.74 5.57 5.81 524M Jaco Half-and-Half Sweet Feed 17.00 3.60 14.00 47.00 ________ -_ 2330.1 Analysis"! _____________________________ _. 17.30 4.52 15.30 49.12 9.19 4.57 315M Jaco One-to-Two Sweet Feed--. 13.00 3.00 12.50 52.50 ....... __ 2330L Aanlysism ______________-__-_---. 12.13 4.10 10.39 59.05 10.98 3.35 314M Jaco Ear Corn Chop with Husk, Molasses, Oyster Shell, and Salt 7.00 2.50 8.50 57.00 ______ _. 23300 Analysis -._-_____-_-....______ 7.80 3.18 7.367 65 39 14 16 2.11 206M Jaoo 37% Protein Linseed Meal 37.00 5.00 9.00‘ 35 00 _________________ __ 2330P Analysis ................................ -. 37.40 13.82 6.45 29 55 7.51 5.27 15H Analysis ................................ -- 40.41 9.67 6.44 30.12 8 26 5.10 208M Jaco Horse and Mule Feed ...... -. 11.00 3.00 7.50 59.00 .................. .. 2330s Analysis“ __________________________ -_ 1.30 4.06 6.91 62.82 11.07 3.84| 205M Jaco One-to-Two B Sweet Feed 14.20 3.00 8.50 56.50 ........ 2330T Analysis ________________________________ -- 14.12 3.08 6.74 60.42 12.73 2.91 117M One-to-Two Special Feed--- -- 15.00 3.00 7.50 56.00 _ ................. n’ 2330U Analysis“ ............................. -. 16.10 3.92 6.70 59.12 11.24 2.92; 204M (I. 0- P. 4- 6. f, .0. h, i, J, k.--—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. “Corn meal present. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. 160 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18.’ Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Gontinued (The guaranties are printed iniitalics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- i Mois- Crude specnon Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-free; ture Ash No. tein I Extract i Jayton Cotton Oil Hill, .~ . Jayton, Texas. . Chuck Wagon Brand 43 % Pro- ~ tein Cottonseed M3a]______ 43-00 6.00? 12.00 23.00 _______ .. -__.__-. 2255A Analysis _____________s_y________ 42.83 7.1 4 9. 5 5 2 6.6 7 7. 3 3 6.4 8 2 2 7K Analysis 45.36 7.30 8.55 26.20 6.52 6.07 129$ Analysis __ __ 42.85 7.43 10.80 25.60 7.39 5.93 143S Analysjszwd __________________ 42.45 7.89 9.63 26.64 7.00 6.39 26 5S Analysis ____________________ ______ 42.71 7.31 9.71 27.79 6.16 6.32 268$ Chuck Wagon Brand 43 % Pro- tein Cottgnseed Pellets___________ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .... ....... .. 2255C Analygjsfd _____ __________ 41.43 8.01 9.33 27.08 7.66 6.49 382s Jeflerson Packing Company. Beaumont, Texas. 50 % Protein Meat and Bone Scraps _______________-___________ 5 0.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 ........ _. 2557A Analysis _ 53.61 12.17 .90 1.15 7.43 24.74 442M Jernigan, V. In, Bells, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with I-Iusk_____. 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 _________________ _. 787A Analysis 8. 6 8 2.79 10.58 62.69 1 3. 2 5 2.01 1 11P Johnson Peed Store, Irving, Texas. ~ J 0hns0n’s Dairy Feed__________________ 1 9.0 0 3.3 0 1 3.8 0 1.3.50 ................ -. 6 081 Analysis 19.20 3.98 12.73 44.90 11.08 8.16 233T Analysis ---____---.___-__-_____ 20.00 3.92 13.00 44.52 11.04 7.52 525T J0hns0n’s Laying Mash __________ _____ 18.50 3.50 8.00 44.50 ................ 1 608.1 Analysis _____-___________ ____ 20.75 4.34 7.16 48.97 8.99 9.79 421‘ Analysis ._______________________ 19.1 5 4.8 1 6.9 5 49.7 2 9.7 1 9. 6 6 5 2 4T3 Jones, Gus, Jacksboro, Texas. G. J. Dairy Feed__---_-_-_-_-__------__ 18 - 0 0 3 - 2 0 1 5 - 5 0 1: 5 - 5 0 --------------- ~- 2 3 5 4K Analysis .............................. -__ 18-10 3-26 14-92 44-53 11-27 7-92 zééig E -Maker Br 18.00 3.50 8.00 50-00 ------- 1 ggAnalysis 16.98 4.92 6.95 54.66 10.82 5.67 361T Analysis ________________________ 16,60 4.05 4.62 59.59 10.38 4.76 614T G. J. Chick Starter ________________ -. 17-00 3-50 6-70 5170 ~ A 2§54V Analysis ________________________________ 18,26 4.00 5.52 55.17 11.03 6.02 526T Jones Peed Hill, Dallas, Texas. Trumix Brand Growing Mash___ 16.50 3.50 7.00 51.50 ........... -- 780D Analysis ______________ ____ 17.30 4.39 7.20 53.67 10.36 7.08 314T Trumix Brand Laying Mash___, 19.00 4.00 7.0 0 44.5 0 _-_-- _------_ 780E Analysis 2 0. 3 5 3.66 7.04 5 1.6 4 1 0. 3 8 . 9 3 3 1 3T Jones Peed Store, Irving, Texas. Jones’ Dairy Feed-__.__-_._._.__--_. 16.50 3.50 12.00 50-00 ____ a -. 2196C Analysis“ ___________________,,__ 16.12 3.66 16.33 45.97 11.10 6.82 234T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Off quality. 3°°A1fa1fa meal claimed, not found. v COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFTS 161 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) a. b, r. d. e. f, n. h. i. j. k.—See legend at the beginning “Fish meal claimed. not found. "Wheat bran and milo chop found, not claimed. “Steamed bone meal claimed, not found. “Linseed meal and molasses claimed, not found. “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. “Deficient on ground limestone. “Soybean oil meal found, not claimed. Excess of ground of this table. Per Cent 1 R0818- _‘ ‘(ration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ‘ 1 i ‘ 07111- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude . Crude Nitro- Mois- i Crude spvction Pro~ Fat Fiber zen-tree ture Ash N0- tein Extract Jones Grain Company, B. 11., San Angelo, Texas. Jones’ Special Dairy Feed ______ ___ 1340 400 1000 42,50 _____________ -. 1064A Analysis 1945 402 10,54 49,16 9.13 7.59 6l1S Jones’ Special Egg Mash __________ __ 1840 3,50 7_50 43,00 ______________ __ 1064B Analysis 1850 4,03 7_19 51,53 10.52 8.23 319$ Jones’ Special Vita-Way Brand Growing Mash __ _________________ ___ 1700 350 5_5g 5300 _. , 1064D Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 1300 351 5_44 56,01 9,94 7.10 6128 Jones’ Pay-Day Brand Egg M21511 ________________________________________ ___ 1320 3_70 7_(]0 1,9_30 ___ ____ __ 1064E Analysis ________________________ 391g 415 739 5059 9,80 7.65 32S Jones Hatchery 8s Peed Store, Hamlin, Texas. Jones’ Special Dairy Feed ___________ _. 174w 350 900 5200 _____________ _- 2090E Analysis _______________________________ __ 17_70 4_01 8,68 54.67 9.54 5.40 533$ Jones-Myers Peed Company, Beaumont, Texas. Boiak 18% Protein Dairy Feed. 18,00 4.00 12.00 45.00 .. 1355B Analysis 2035 5_25 8,26 48.55 11.54 6.05 95M Josey-Miller Company, Inc., Beaumont, Texas. 0.00 3.50 0.00 70.00 . -. .... -- 407A 9.75 3.95 2.10 69.83 13.05 1.32 332M Mo-Cream Brand Steam Dried MiYed Feed with Molasses 16.00 4.20 114.50 42.00 . 40713‘ Analysis .............................. -- 17.00 4.48 9.86 50.08 10.62 7.96 200W Mo-Eggs .......... _- _ 2.50 4.00 65.00 .. - 407B Analysis 2.53 2.19 70.55 12.98 1.53 476M Rice Hulls, Peanut Hulls, M0- lasses, Rice Bran, Oat Hulls. Corn Chop, Limestone, and Salt 5.00 1.80 29.00 39.00 . 4071 Analysis”? _____________________________ __ 7.31 1.66 27.10 40.66 10.30 12 97 75M Hi-Flo Brand Dairy Feed ........ -. 24.00 4.50 10.50 41.00 407M Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 20.75 7.33 10.63 38.93 7.81 8.05 261M Analysis . 6.24 12.09 38.02 8.58 9.20 457M Analysis!“ _______________________ __ , 6.75 13.14 40.81 6.69 8-37 646W Crimped Whole Barley _________ __ . 1.50 6.00 65.00 . .. 4070 Analysis . . 2.00 6.04 63.66 11.40 3.02 367M Jo-Mil Rolled Oat Groats ________ -_ . 6.00 1.50 65.00 407R Analysis . 6.86 2.27 63.415 10.40 1.94 477M Big Jo Dairy Feed ____________________ __ 13.00 3.50 14.00 42.00 . . - - . 407Y Analysis __________ __ __ 20.02 6.88 12.18 41.54. 9.72 8.76 56M Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 20.85 4.67 9.25 46.64 9.33 9-26 514M Perfexvn Brand Steam Dried Mixed Feed with Molasses.” 9.00 3.00 17.00 46.00 407Z Analysis” _____________________________ -. 10.10 3.33 15.64 49.60 10.34 10-99 469W .Jo-Mil 5 Point Laying Mash _____ -. 20.00 5.50 7.40 44.50 .... .. . 407.45 Aanlysism‘ _______________________ __ 21.59 5.17 5.33 48.38 9.60 9.93 76M limestone found. 162 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table l8. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- ‘ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l * r = \ 01' In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude ‘ Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude specnon Pro- Fat 1 Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein , Extract 1 I Josey-Miller Company, Inc., Beaumont, '1‘exa.s.-—C0nt’d. KOW-Kud Dairy Feed ____------____. 20.00 4.00 3,00 42,30 _______________ _- 407A5 Analysis?“ _._-_..--_----_____ 13.95 4.33 6.63 53.12 10.56 6 41 23J Jo-Mil Horse and Mule Feed-.. 19.20 5.64 6.09 50.92 11.03 7 12 71P Analysis“ _-_-_____ ___ 25.00 4,50 12.50 40.00 ________ -.| 407A7 Analysism -_.m..___._____ 26,63 6,73 12,49 36,71 7.75 9 69 511M Rolled Whole Oats __-_____-_____ 9,00 3,00 11.50 55.00 ._ Q 407B1 Analysism _______-_________________,____ 12,31 3,48 8.64 59 07 10.83 5 67, 27.1 Big Bag Brand Feed ______-____ 9.72 4.39 10.92 59.53 11.30 4 081 262M Analysis?“ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ._ . * 407B2 Wheat Gray Shorts and Sreen- 11.20 4.31 10.60 58.88 11.54 .> 477 241M ings 10.00 _ 3.50 14.00 51.00 _ 1 407D2 Analysism” ____________________________ 12.81 2.06 14.85 50.02 10 44 9 83 456M B. P. S. Mixed Feed ____ ___. Analysis ________-___________ 15,00 3,50 6 00 55,00 _______________ __ 407E2 Analysis“ ___ _________ ___ 13.46 3,63 5 65 53.34 3.95 4 92\ 83H Jo-Mil 5 Point Laying Mash_____ 12,00 7,00 10 50 47.00 ______________ _. 407F2 Analysis“ ___ _______________ __ 14,41 11,64 9 31 46.67 8.49 9 48 7M Analysis“ ________________________ __ 12.92 3,35 9 73 46.31 9.43 12 26 52F Perfexun Brand All-Mash _________ __ 15.00 3.50 s 00 49.00 407F5 Analysis“? 20.00 5.49 5 88 50.76 10.32 7 55 203 Analysis _-____________ 20.57 5.30 6 73 49.09 10.47 7 84 437M Jo-Mil Hominy Feed and Lime- stone ___ 9,30 5.90 6.90 58,30 ............. __ 407F7 Analysis“ 11,24 5.35 3.59 63.98 13.06 2 78, 330M Jo-Mil 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 4.50 12.70 40.00 1 407F9 Analysis 18.70 5.08 12.10 46.80 9.59 7 73 450M Jo-Mil Cattle Feed Cubes ..... ___ 16.00 4.00 11.50 1,6 00 ........ .. 407G’; Analysis“ _--___________________ 17.83 4.19 14.31 46 47 7.97 9 2% 263M Analysis _______ ____________ 18.37 6.22 10.15 46 31 9.40 9 55 368M Jo-Mil 32% Protein Supplement for Poultry .......................... -- 32.00 4.50 v.00 27.00 ________ _. 407118 Analysjsa? __________________________ __ 3136 5.49 5.48 34 29 9.02 13 86 l Cottonseed Hulls, Cottonseed Meal, Ground Limestone, and ‘ Salt 11.50 1.70 80-00 85-00 ----------------- n 40711 Analysis _______________________________ __ 19377 1_51 33.99 38,14 7.06 4,23 561M Victory Brand Dairy Feed.__ ___ 19.00 3-50 15-00 112-00 --------------- ~ 40113 Analysism _______________________ ___ 1910 3/73 15_50 41,94 9.48 9.60 325M Juarez Mercantile Company, IE1 Iaso, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screeningsmn--. 14.50 3.00 10.00 50-00‘ ______ W 1501B Analysis“ _____ ___. ........... ___ 14.52 3.49 9.44 57.83 8.92 5.30 205K 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1___- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ............ 1501C Analysis° __----__---____---___- 41.35 6.23 11.89 28.57 6-11 085* 175$ Oat Shorts and Oat Screenings-" 13.00 8.00 0.00 60-00 --------------- 9- 1 1501M Analysis --_____________ 15.30 10.21 2.49 01.28 8.00 1.50! 105s a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i, j, 7c.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. “Deficient on ground limestone. “Corn gluten teed and milo meal, found, not claimed. Deficient in ground lime- stone and salt. WCriInped whole barley found, not claimed. .Deficient in ground limestone. “Cottonseed meal, milo screenings, and rice hulls found, not claimed. “Rolled whole barley present. . “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed “Corn meal present. “Excess of ground limestone found. “Ground whole oats and milo meal found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. “Rice hulls found, not claimed. “Excess of ground limestone found. ?18Bone meal found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ASTUFFS 163 ‘ Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l94-2—Continued v (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent I Regis- 1 tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' 1 [ 1 1 or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude g Crude Nitro- Mois- 1 Crude spection _Pr0- Fat iFiber genfree ture Ash N0. tein I Extract l . Judd Grain Company, ‘ Wichita ralls, Texas. Ground Whole Oats____ -_-._... 11.00 11.00 12.00 58.00 . ______ .... -- 975B Analysis” ______________________. 13,61 4,71 9.43., 58,22 10,193 3,84. 608T Ground Whole Barley ______________ ___ 11,00 1,50 6.00 65,00 975E Analysis _ ______ 15.58‘ 1.501 6.49] 05.31 9.95 2.17 424T Analysism __.__ __________ ____ 13.40, 1.79 4.84‘ 67.21 9.82‘ 2.94 426T Kafir Chop 1000i 2,50 3.00, 70.00 . ...... 9751 Analysism ________________,_________ 11.00‘ 2.62 2.28 72.46 9.66 1.98 425T Judd’s Royal Brand 16% Pro- a tein Mixed Dairy Feed_--______-__. 10100 3,00 10,50 51,00 _______ _. 975A2 Analysis --_-_-----__-_____________ 17,10 3.19 12 0s 50.09 9.51 8.05 427T Kalmbach-Burckett Company, 1110., Shreveport, Louisiana. Circle Brand 24% Protein Dairy Feed _ 20,00 1,00 10.00 52.00 ____ __ 1. 977A!) Analyslsm ______________ _____ 22,60 4.53 9.49 43.97 10.23 9.18 88P Kansas Milling Company, The, Wichita, Kansas. “Tlieat Gray Shorts and Screen- IHgS 11.00 4,00 6,00 55.00 _______ _. 2072C Analysls .. 3.19 4.10 00.60 11.96 2.05 432M Analysis” ............................ -. 17,62 4,11 6,33 53,33 13,79 4.82 92P Iavanaugh reed Hills, Dallas, Texas._ 0- Q's $969191 Dali‘? Feed ----- -< 13.00 4,00 11.00 41.50 _______________ ._ 2371B Analyslss" ---------------------------- -- 19,26 4,09 12,96 45.04 11.08 6.97 306T Alfalfa Meal and Molasess ..... _. 10$!) L00 2500 424,0 237113 Analysls 14,40 1,20 23,21 37,18 12.15 11.20 307T Kay and Wood, Stephenville, Texas. K & W Special Starting Mash-n 17,00 9,50 0.00 51,00 _______ __ 2029.1 Analysis 17.48 5.67 5.60 53.68, 9.92 7.65 341T Kearns Grain 8n Seed Company, Amarillo, Texas. Ground Whole Oats -.--_--..-______- 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 _______ _. . ........ .. 1036D Analysis-w‘ . _ ......_---_--_ - 12.11 3.97 9.77 58.57 10.92;’ 4.66 360$ Kearns Big K Chick Starter.....-.. 17.50 4.00‘ 6.00 50.50 _ ______ J .... _. 1036B Analysis _______________ ___.._ 17.80 4.52| 5.921 53.05 10.041 8.67 356$ a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h. i, i. Ic.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Wheat bran and milo meal present. mKafir meal present. “HG-round whole barley. ground whole oats, and ground wheat present. “Deficient in ground limestone. mWheat brown shorts and screenings. “MG-round corn cobs found, not claimed. "Milo meal, ground whole barley, and weed seed present. 164 "Table 18. to August 31, 1942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT S"J'A'IION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, ‘ Per Cent Regis- _ tration Same- and Addn-ss of Manufacturer or 4 5 or In- lIIIbnru-r. Brand Name. Crude Crude I Crude] Nitro~ Mois- i Crnm- 4 spvction Pro- Fat . Fiber gen-free lure 1 .~\.~h F No. y teln | k Extract ‘ ‘ Keeton Packing‘ Company, I Lubbock, Texas. Keeton’s Western Brand 50% t Protein Digester Tankage With Bone ------------------------------- -- 50.00‘ 5.00 3.00 0.00 1052B Analysis _______ 51.25 10.03 2.24; 4.00 7.03 25.34 51K Analysw’ 49.16, 12.49 4.04 4.00 5.71 24.54 334s Analysls -------------------------- -- 52.07 12.95 2.84 5.04 4.72 22.38 470S Keith, O. ‘W. Port Arthur, Texas. Keith Brand Dairy Feed-__----_-_ 13.00 3.50 12.00 41.00 . 1545A Anelyslsm 17.50 4.19 12.34 49.13 10.19 0.65 88M Poultry Scratch Feed__ ____________ _. 10.00 2.50 3.50 69.00 . .. 1545D _AI1941Ys1S .................... .__..._ 11.101‘ 2.59 2.13 69.90 12.21 2.07 87M Laymg Mash ................... _- 20.00 3.50 0.504 45.50 .. 1545B O .§na1ys1is18_t.7.(.-_i;__-_£ ..... -..1.5_.._.-_ 19.33 6.38 6.72 47.40 10.37 9.80 89M ur pecla ro ein airy Feed ______________ f. .......................... _- 13.00 4.20 14.50 42.00 ............. .-. 1545G Analysis ______________________________ -. 19.27 6.37 12.45 41.77 10.60 9.54 440M Kelco Company, i Dos Angeles California. Ground Dried Kelp _______________________ _. 3.00 0.10 10.00 30.00 -_ . .. 1946A Analysis” ____________________________ _. 4.68 .80 6.12 48.73 6.70 32.97 156M Kelley Grain 8a Hatchery, J‘. It, i Burkburnett Texas. ‘ Bur-Tex Stock Eeed ................... -_ 10.00 2.00 20.00 40.50 2215B Analysis“ ............................. _. 17.26 3.86 15.81 47.11 10.63 5.33 359T Kellogg‘ 8s Sons, Inc., Spencer, Buffalo, New York, and Branches Kellogg's 417 Protein Soybean Oil Meal 41.001 3.50 v.00 29.00 .. 823A Analysis” ----------------------------- __ 44.26 3.87 5.76 29.07 11.24 5.80 488T Zemplin, John 102., j Gaigesvélle, Texas. j Whole at hop ___________________________ -- 11.00‘ 4.00 12.00 58.00 . 635C Analysis” ____ __ . 4.60 15.25. 53.38 10.18 4.83 320T Hi-Lo Dairy Feed ......................... -. . . 3.70 13.50 47.00 _ 635G Analysis“ _____________________________ 518.53‘ 4.20 11.14 49.45 10.73 5.95 33T Analysis ..................... _.__ 18.90’? 4.53 11.50 48.17 10.20 6.70 197T Ienedy Cotgzon T011 M111, Ilene y exas. 1 43%APr328Y Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 3.31 54.35 10.87 7.70 58J Analysis ______________________________ __ 4.16 56.35 8.65 6.65 635W Liberty Hor-se and Mule Feed“. 53-00 _______ -- ___.-- 2323A1 Analysiglbwi _________________________ _, 60.98 11.28 4 27 347W KB 30% Protein Supplement for Pigs and Hogs ................. -. 8 34.00 .............. -- 2328.714 Analysls 33.23 9.67 12.91 73M Analysis" __-_ .............. __ 36.80 10.89 12.35 279M Analysis ............................. __ 33.79 9.50 10.72 16W Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- 11188 .“El-__-_-__-_-_.--__--_----__-. 5530 _______________ _> 2323131 Analysis ' --------------------- -- 53.18 11.18 4.31 502M AHaIYQS, ------- -- 54.66 12.45 4.61 16s? Analyslssi" ______ __ 55.07 111A 4y: GOT Analysisw" ______________ ___ 5650 1119 41,9 290T Analysis ............................. .. 56.78 11.69 3.81 543T a b, c, d, e. f, 0. h, 4, j, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Linseed meal claimed, not found. Cottonseed meal and meat and bone scraps found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone and salt. “Not in cube form. “Excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Corn meal found in wheat brown shorts and screenings. 100 BULLETIN 170-. 020, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT s"1'.4'1‘10.\‘ Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941 to August 31, l942—Continued l (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- . tration hame and Address of Manuiacturer or 4 ‘ 1 or m- importer. Brand name. Crude Crude Crude Mtro- r Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber [gen-tree Lure Ash 1N0. tum ‘Extract, i i Kimball-Diamond Milling Com- l Deny. I Port Worth, Texas, and 1 Branches.—Cont’d. Kimbe11’s 24% Protein Dairy Feed 04.00 0.70 11.50 01.00 2328133 ' -—----------- 22.80 8.51 10.35 45.98 10.23 7.13 208w . ----------------------- -- 22-64 3.05 10.65 45.60 11.99 6.07 521S Thnft-Y Brand Egg Mash---------- 19.00. 4.00 8.00 48.00 2328B5 Analysis ---—-——————- 18.75 4.13 0.05, 53.25 10.42 0.80 137K Analysés -------------- —'— ----- -- 23.54 8.49 8.18; 44.14 10.09 10.58 173': Th éinalysls -------------- 18.05 8.09 5.99‘ 55.19 10 75 0.93 143w “AW 13159119 Sheep Cubes-— 10.0 3.00 7.00 50.50 ______ 1 2328137 KB “a Ysls -------------------------- -- 18.77 3.42 0.701 55.85 9.07 5.59 30s All-Maw Starteru- 17.50 0.00 0.001 50.00 ______________ 2328138 _ Analysls ~~—-—-----—-—~-—--—--—-------- 19.10 4.31 5.14 55.24 9 46 6,75 447W 50mm’ Fesad ------------- ----—- 10.00 0.00 7.00 00.00 232801 AHQIYSIS -----------~--__ 11.75 9.77 9.18 00 00 5.59 3.05 04? Kimbells F_ E85 MaSh----~_---_ 10.00 3.50 7.50. 05.00 ....... ._ 232809 Analysis“ -------------------- ___- 1878 4.00 8.14, 49.85 10.08 9.11 Analysis“ -_ 4.05 8.47, 48 09 10.27 9.32 48s Analysisw 4.57 7.92; 50 03 9.01 7.89 262T Analysis” ___. 4.18 6.89.5 51 62 11.15 5.99 374T Alléhlysls" ..... -. . . 3.86 7.66 50 81 9.03 9.30 27W Analysism“ ____-_______....___..__.-___ 20.3.)‘ 4.81 7.80% 50.13 10.50 6.41 324W KirnbelPs 5 Egg Mash Pellets--. 19.00 3.50 7.50! 46.00 ._-__._. ........ .. 2328D5 Analysisk ______-_----___-_______--.__ 18.07 4.05 6.92’ 51.45 11.90 7 61 65P Analysismf ___________________________ -. 17.35 1.17 6.71; 47.59 17.82 9 36 23T Big K 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00 1.50 15.00. 48.50 2328135 Analysis _______________________ 10.82 1.413 18.96 45.18 11.22 12.39 252M Analysjsw ____ _______ __ ____ 9.30 1.18 18.19 47.55 10.99 12.79 24F Analysisw _________________________ ___ 8.54 1.07 17.74 47.59 12.58 12.48 127W Kimbe11’s 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 2.60 11.00 49.50 ...... _. 23281-11 Analysis _____________________________ __ 16.111 2.6L‘ 12.44 00 01 10. >6 8.0T 93F Analysisv ______________________ 13.77 1.11 8.67 53 23 14.20 8 97 173}? Kimbe1l’s 16% Protein Dairy ' Feed 1.-.____---.--_-_--._.___-_--_--___. 16.00 8.00 11.00 49.50 . . . . . . . _ _ . . . _. 2328H1 Analysis _.-__.-._._..__.-._.--_._--_-- 19.56 3.07 10.93 47.75! 10.68 7.98 523T Analysis” __________________________ __ 19.87 3.24 7.39 50.69 10.84 7.97 608W Thrifty Brand Growing Mash“ 16.00‘ 3.50 7.00 51 00 _ 232814 Analysis --_________________________ 16.94 3.65 6.011 56.63 10.68 6.09 173K Analysis“ __ _____ __________. 17.70 3.55 5.40 57.62 9.79 5.94 604W Kimball Milling Company, Port ‘Worth, Texas. Kimco 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 2.60 11.00 49.50 - ...... -. 1071B Analysis! __-_..__ ___ 18.15 2.87 11.82 49.85 10.26 7.05 219T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt. ‘mReplaced with feed properly tagged. “Excess of water present. Musty odor. Amount returned destroyed and re- placed with other feed. “Excess ground rice hulls found. “Meat and bone scraps and ground limestone found, not claimed. “Deficient in salt. COMMERCIAL FEEDING lSTUFFS 167 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent 1 Regis- tra on Name and Address oi Manuiacturer or X or In Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Orudmspection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein Extract: Iimbell Oil Mill, The, Sherman, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed MeaL- Analysis ------------------------- "r Z528 2'3? i??? i‘??? ""521 “"250 3133 Analysis ___________________________ u. . . . - - Analysis _________________________ ____ 4337 5_69 9,84 27.32 7.92 5.86 72T Anal sisd 44,90 5,55 9,66 26.96 6.99 5.94 435T y 4216 477 1131 27 90 797 589 634T Ring‘ Peanut Company, Inc., Abilene, Texas. _ ""'_"""_"_ 18.50 5. . 31. . - eeeee 0010"" .622 22-22 21-22 .25.. 525.2 2621.2 Iingsville Milling Company, Iingsville, Texas. B11113 Bgrder gragd 17% Pro- e n a ry ee Analysis!“ --------------------------- .1213 2-23 239» Z323 1m "m. 133351 Bllsle Borden Brand Chick ' ' ' “ ' ' ‘ ' tarter _____________,____________________ 2 4 0H Analysis __u_“m”___________________ 17.00 4.00 6.00 54.00 ................ -. 1 Blge forder Brand Growing 17.55 4.88 5.83 54.22 10.41 7.11 382E ‘ms ------------- --—— 17 00 350 700 52 00 1240.1 Analysis ______________ ‘ ' ' ' """""" “ B1B? hBorder Brand Laying 18.20 4.20 5.66 53.54 10.70 7.52 381H as ________________ _________________ Analysis ------------------------------- __ {Z128 Z133, E133 i513. 516122 ‘"229 133?}? Blue B°rderbgarand M110 Mefll- 10_00 2.50 3.00 70.00 ____________ _. 1240V Analysis ------------------------- -- 9,96 2.12 2.78 63.85 13.19 3.10 10011 Kirkpatrick Lumber Company, . Belagan, Texas. Kirknatrivks Best 42% Protein Pig-N-Hog Supplement ______ 42.00 4.50 5.00 19.00 ........... -- . 137E Analysis -.--__..--__---.-__._-____. 39.77 5.34 6.25 25.05 8.01 15.58 470W Ilein’s Tomball Peed Store, Tomball, Texas. K1611 S‘ie°§"“ Egg Mash 561i ‘Z253 “i? i’??? I622 25588191 na, ys s ________________________ . .‘ 5. . . . Inaur reed Milling Company, Denison, Texas. @0720 2-22 12-22 2222 5..-... nalysis _______-_.-.--__._--______ - ~ - - - - Corn Feed Meal._--__----__.___________ 3-00 3-00 3-00 07-00 ----------------- e- 26A7 Analysis _____________ ____________. 9.47 6.56 2.49 67.07 11.94 2.47 125T Knight, J‘. L. Troup, ’ Texas. Knight's Special Mixed Feed“--. 12-50 3-00 13-00 52-00 ------ e. - ----- v 239B Analysjs349 13.48 3.25 11.99 53.89‘ 11.64 5.75 68M Knox City Grain Elevator, I Cit T . - Dam»“13§ea..-.Yf._.ffff___-_1__ 18-00 0-00 10-00 00-00 ----------------- -- 2114b Analysis _______________________________ _, 19.68_ 4.47 13.05__47.64__9.25 5.91 5308 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Rice bran found, not claimed. "Eegari meal and. molasses. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. 168 Table 18. to August 31, 1942--Continued BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' z or In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spuction Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash l\‘o. Extract Kraft Cheese Company, Chicago, Illinois. Kraco Dried Cheese Whey_--__. 12.00 0.50 0.50 70.00 __________________ -. 271A Analysis __- 11.92 1.18 .27 71.82 8.59 6.22 70H Analysis 12.78 .65 .15 73.13 5.08 8.21 235M Analysis“ --_-------__-__-_--_____ 12.38 1.03 .11 70.86 7.25 8.37. 547W Iubala Hatchery and Poultry Farm, Schulenberg, Texas. 7 Clipper Brand Laying Mash .... __ 19.00 3.60 7.00 46.00 ................. .. 1151A Analysis“ ______________________ _. 20.25 4.90; 6.35 48.66 10.26 9.58 ' 153M Lacour’s Peed Store, Galena Park, Texas. Lacour’s DeLuxe Brand 18% Protein Dairy Feed___'. _________ -. 18.00 5.00 14.00 41.00 ................. _. 1163C Analysis 18.80 6.24 11.85 41.75 10.93 10.43 159M Lacy Coal Company, Inc., W. 1)., Waco, Texas. Lacy’s 17% Protein Dairy Ra.- tion 17.00 2.80 20.00 1.0.00 .............. -. 199A Analysisasi _______ 17.58 3.58 13.67 47.10 11.45 6.62 541W La Grange Cotton 8a 01-1 Manufac- turing Company, a La Grange, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal... 43-00 6-00 12.00 23-00 ______ ________ __ 218F Analysis . 7.98 6.93 25.53 8.05 6.57 152M Analysis 6.25 10.65 25.93 8.72 5.92 173M Lamar Cotton Oll Company, The, Paris, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealm 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................ -- 537E Analysisfi 42.47 6.05. 9.95 27.22 8.03 6.28 16P Analysis 44.06 6.38 9.94 26.16 7.10 6.36 18P Analysis ______________________ __ 43.62 6.38 9.76 27.07 6.90 6.27 19P Analysis _______________________ 43.24 5.99 9.88 26.64 7.71 6.54 130P Lamar Egg Mash ____________________ 18.50 3.50 7.00 47.00 ____.. ....... _. 5370 Anauysiskb 19.83 3.54 6.06 49.82 11.21 9.54 131P Lamar Growing Mash___________, 18.70 3.50 6.50 50.50 ................ __ 537s Analysis ______________________________ __ 18.95 3.70 4.65 54.03 10.83 7.84 38J Lamar Flour Mills, The, Lamar, Colorado. Wheat Gray Shorts ___________ _.. 17.00 4.00 6.00 65.00 ................ -. 1776D Analysis 18.54 3.98 4.98 57.53 10.77 4.20 11K Lamesa Cotton Oil Company, Lamesa. Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed Pellets __ . 28.00 4.50, 28.00 29.0 __________________ -. 339A Analysis” __________________-__._..___ 26.29 4.50 19.98 28.99 15.21 5.03 268T Analysis" --__- 26.371 5.46 21.85 33.71 7.52 5.09 628T b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning a “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Rice bran found, not claimed. of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 169 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, Per Cent Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude‘ Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude Pr0- 1 Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash tein IEXtract I-amesa Cotton Oil Company, I-amesa, Texas.—Cont’d. 28% Protein Ground Whole- Pressed Cottonseed _________ -__. 28.00 4.50 23.00 29.00 _______________ __ Analysise - 26.00 6.19 22.01 35.67 5.04 5.09 Analysis 28.20 5.26 22.24 32.97 7.36 3.97 Analysis" ........................ _-_ 19.71 5.00 23.74 39.84 6.75 4.96 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal_- 43.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 ................ __ Analysis" _._._-..-_-____.______.._______ 40.00 6.29 11.57 29.42 6.57 6.15 Analysis° ____________________________ -- 41.11 6.95 10.91 27.74 7.28 6.01 Analysis" _-__.._.___m___ 41.84 7.27 10.23 28.03 6.68 5.95 Ana1ysis° 41.39 6.32 10.19 28.02 7.91 6.17 Ana1ysis° _____________________________ -- 42.19 6.23 10.04 28.52 6.75 6.27 Analysis" .... _________. 40.01 7.45 11.02 27.76 7.11 6.65 Lamkin Brothers, Brownwood, Texas. Giltedge Brand Growing Mash 16.50 3.50 8.00 52.00 ............... -. Analysismf ........................... _. 13.06 2.67 12.74 55.18 9.01 7.34 Giltedge Brand All-Mash Starten _.......-._---.--__--..---_.____..--. 14.00 8.50 5.00 59.00 .............. .. Analysis“! _______________________ .. 15.75 3.87 4.53 62.82 10.13 2.90 Giltedge Brand Egg Mash__....-.-.. 19.00 1.00 8.00 49.00 ...... -_ Analysis?“ 15.93 3.24 12.03 53.46 9.03 6.31 III-app Laboratories, Ino., Nevada, Iowa. Flavex Brand Mixed Feed ______ -___ 11.00 5.00 8.50 51.00 .. ....... _. Analysis“ __________________________ -. 9.31 3.54 5.05 54.89 9.91 17.30 Analysisdam _______________________ _. 11.90 7.27 6.10 46,25 10.35 18.13 Corn Oil Meal, Distillers’ Mo- lasses Solubles, Dried Cane Molasses, and Rice Polish-. ings 8.00 0.80 8.00 46.00 ....... -. Analysisfl" 16.46 2.30 4.89 56.65 9.06 10.64 I-awler, B. 2., Alba, Texas. Milo Head Chop ........... -______ 8.50 2.50 8.00 65-00. Analysisfl _________ ________ 10.88 2.42 6.46 66.95. 9.75 3.54 Lawler Peed Store, San Angelo, Texas. Lawler's Cow Feed_____-________--______ 17.20 3.50 17.50 44-00 _________________ _- Analysis _______________________________ 16,31 4.25 17.81 44.35 8.99 8.29 Lawler’s Dairy Ration _________ 18.00 3.00 20-00 38.00 _____________ .- Analysis __-- . 18.24 4.16 21.02 37.80 10.72 8.06 Lawrence Hatchery and Peed, Wheeler, Texas. Lawrence’s Best Egg Mash ..... _. 20.00 3.50 6.00 116-00 ----------------- -- Analysis _______________________________ __ 20.95 4.97 7.54 45.77 9.87 10.90 Lawrence’s Best 16% Protein Growing Mash 16.00 3.50 6-00 50-00 ....... -- Analysis 18.88 4.48 6.16 52.96 10.33 7.19 a, b, c, d, e, f. g, h, i, j, k.—See legend "Tags of wrong‘ denomination attached. ficient in alfalfa meal. “Tags of wrong de-momination attached. “Deficient on ground oyster shell. “Carbonate of lime found, not claimed. “Salt found. not claimed. Deficient in salt. Regis- tration or In- spection N0. 774C 81K 774D 255K 618B 500M 789B 111S 789D 5633 414A 28K 414B 124K at the ‘beginning o1’ this table. Rice hulls found, not claimed. D9- 170 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT‘ STATION Table I8. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942--Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Regis- y tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or \ .4 ~ ; or ln- Importer. Brand Name. Crude l Crude I Crude Mois- . Crude spection Pro- ture Ash No. tein I-awther Mills, W. L, Dallas, Texas. Lawthers Dairyman’s Own- _ Mix 19.00 8.00 ___ - 1268A Analysis ............................ -. 20.30 3.33 11.03 8.00 362W Sure-Nuff Brand Cow Feed .... __. 21.00 3.50 _______ .. 1268c, Analysis?“ _______________________ ___ 21.92 3.56 10.67 7.66 9s Sure-Nuff Brand Horse and Mule Feed _____________________ ___ 10.00 2,50 ____________ -_ 1265B? Afla-IYSIS _______________________________ _. 11.34 2.99 11.57 3.89 580W Sure-Nuff Brand Big 5 Laying Mash Pellets ............ -1 ............... -. 20.00 3.50 _________________ _. 1263136 Analysis‘ -____________ 23.16 3.50 10.77 9.65 48P Sure-Nuff Brand Big 5 Laying Mash Pellets _________________________ __ 20.00 3.50 ________________ _. 126sD6 Analysis! 22.06 3.62 10.32 8.61 489W Sure-Nuff Brand Big 5 Laying v Mash __ ....... -_______..-_____ 20.00 3.50 .............. .. 1268156 Analysis?“ _____________________________ _. 18.41 3.75 . 10.4 3 8.02 172T Sure-Nuff Brand Range Feed Cubes .......................... _____ 16.00 2.50 7.20 ................ _. 1268138 Analysis“ ___________________________ -. 16.18 2.69 6.50 10.89 7.52 281S Ana1ysis“3°° ____________________________ _. 16.66 2.65 6.39 10.78 6.89 291T Lawther’s 32% Protein Supple- ment for Dairy Cows __-_--__. 32.00 3.50 8.50 ________ __ 1268F3 Analysis“ 34.20 3.55 7.75 9.21 8.63 374M Queen-of-Dixie Brand Egg Lay- ing Mash with Cod Liver Oil 19.00 3.80, 7.00 ................. .. l268G1 Analysis' ________ 21.28 4.15 7.56 9.17 8.67 81'l‘ Queen-of-Dixie Brand Egg Lay- ing Mash with Oil____-_____-____.__-_. 19.00 3.80 7.00 ................. _. 1.268611 Analysis _________________________________ 20.66 3.67 7.25 10.18 8.89 477T Farmers Big Six Sweet Feed . (for Horses and Mules)________ 10.00 8.00 9.20 ............... _. l268G2 Analysis“ ____________ ___"___ 10.93 2.73 8.79 13.77 8.55 24-1 Analysis ________________________________ 12.32 2.64 7.85 11.00 9.37 50J Analysis 10.70 3.45 8.63 11.71 11.05 375M Lawmi 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00 9.00 17,00 ------- -_ l268I-I8 Analysis ____________._ 8.59 1.58 17.58 13.60 6.38 486W Lawther’s 24% Protein Dairy . Feed 24.00 8.30 ___ ....... _- 126815 Analysis“ ___-___--___-____-_--_-----__ 24.68 . 10.69 8.33 25W Alfalfa Stem Meal, Ground Milo Heads, and Molasses ..... __ 8.00 ................ -_ 126819 Analysis ______________________________ 9.57 12.33 7.01 512T Leger £111 Gtbngalzliy, tus, a. oma. ___ 13.00 70 7.00 ................ .. 109C Big inga11§g1sg3e1Mj?_1_1_::::::____ 13.30 21 5.20. 11.03 7.00 159K __________________________ ' nd Screen- wiQfist lmxed Feed a 10,00 50 8,50 ________ __ 109D Analysis _____________________________ -» 13-43 4O 3-11 10-75 5-83 21609911‘ Wheat Bran and Screenings____, 10.50 00 0.00 ------------------ ~ Analysism°° -_.-.._-_---__--__-_-_ 13-431 6-92 10-59 41.9.0. 5N c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. J b) “lgeficient in ground limestone. “sfflxcess of salt found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Deficient in grounid oyster shell and salt. “Deficient in salt and excess of ground limestone found. “Wheat ‘brown shorts and screening. COMMERCIAL FEEDING sruirrs 171 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued ' (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent \ Regis- Name and Address oi Manufacturer or ‘ tfitfg? Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude i Crude ‘ Nitf0~ 1 Mois- Crude 1 spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree; ture Ash f No. tell! ‘Extractz 1 g 1 1 Leger Mill Company, Altus, Ok1ah0ma..—Cont’d. YVhe-at Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 17.00 0.00 6.00 55.00 ______ __ 109M Analysis“ --_-_____-----___-_----- 18.79 4.38 7.06 53.07 11.62 5.08 147K Ana1ys;s““° __-____-___ 18.96 4.63 7.0a 52.31 11.67 4.90 159T Analysgsm" ____________________ _- 18.92 4.58 6.84 52.00 12.44 5.22 248T 13113137313 ---------------------------- -- 18.09 4.01 6.25 54,33 11.27 6.05 611T All-Mash $tarter ----------------- ___ 17.00 0.50 6.00 45.00 .... -. . 109N v Analysls" ------------____--_- 19.13 4.87 5.02 51.87 10.46 8.65 155K t-everett 8 Williamson Peed Com- Pan-Y, Paris, Texas. Milo Head Chop _____ ___. 8 50 2.50 8.00 65.00 .......... -- . 1177A Analysis“ ___-_-___-_--._-______ 9.40 2 53 6 33 68.26 10 60 2 88 17P Ear. Corn Chop with Husk.---__ 8.00 300 l0 00 65.00 .............. .. 1177B Analysis" _____ __.__.__.__ 7.83 3 07 11 11 65.30 10 74 1 95 41J Lewis 8a Bros. Company, John '.I.‘., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania..- Dutch Boy 32% Protein Linseed Meal ........................... __.__. 82.00 4.50 10.00 35.00 1363B Analysis" ________________ __- 32.24 6.12 8.07 37.30 10.27 6.00 11M Lewisville Peed I111, Lewisville, Texan. Hi-Lo Egg Mash-__-______.__.___._ 18.00 8.50 8 00 49.00 . 989T Analysis ____ ______.___.. 19.47 3.95 7.41 49.49 9.99 9 69 104T Sunshine Brand Broiler Mash 19.00 3.60 600 50.00 ....... -. - -- 989Q Analysis ____________________________ -. 19.80 4.16 5 45 53.45 9.33 7 81 623T Sunshine Brand Chick Starter. 17.00 8.50 6 50 52.00 . ‘ ...... _. 989R Analysis ................................ _. 18.39 4.31 5 98 55 23 9.54 6 55 297T Sunshine Brand Egg Mash _______ -. 18.00 5.50 8.00 177.00 ..... .. 989S Analysis ________________. 19.75 4.38 7.18 50.29 8.72 968 298T Sunshine Brand 18% Protein Dairy Feed ._.._. 18.00 3.20 13.00 46.00 989U Analysis ______-__._.________. 16.47 4.09 13.52 46.82 10.45 8 65 199T Sunshine Brand Pullet Devel- . oper 15.50 3.50 7 50 5.0.00 . 989A1 Analysis ......................... _.. 15.65 3.76 7 03 57.45 9.46 6 65 622T Liberty Mills, San Antonio, Texada. rt an creen- wlfigst _____ _________ __ 17.00 1,00 6.00 55.00 .. 1E Analysig . 3.75 5.67 56.61 12 '31 3.89 151H Anmysis 4.19 6.02 56.02 11 46 4.41 121M Analysisam 3.66 6.31 56.25 11 79 4.24 225M Analysis . 3.15 4.73 38.55 11 44 3.47 28413 -1, Brand La, 1n Mash__. 19.00 6.70 8.00 6.50 ...... -_ D°° A§§1yS1s 19.74 4.66 6.76 52.51 9.71 6.72 101H Analysisjl“ ________________ __ a. b. c. d, e, f. g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Wheat brown short and screenings. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “Deficient in ground limestone. 172 BULLETIN NO; 620', TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Eeeds, September to August 31, l942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or \ \ , or In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- 1 Mois- Crude j spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash ,1 N0. tein Extract ‘ i Liberty Mills, San Antonio, Texas.-—Cont’d. Hearts Delight Brand Turke Growing Mash ________________ ._ 19.00 3.60 7,50 47.00 _____________ _, 1R Analysis” ............................. _. 23.55 5.59 5.64 46.23 10.56 8.43 279B Liberty Bell 31_50% Protein Supplement for Pigs-____----_.. 31.50 4.80 10.20 29.00 _______________ _. 1Y Analysis” _____________________________ -. 28.10 4.99 8.34 34.85 10.39, 13.33 276H Liberty Special Laying Mash_--.. 18.00 8.50 6.00 50.50 _______ __ 1B1 Analysis ............................. _. 19.00 3.55 4.59 55.44‘ 10.891 6.53 2011-1 Analysis ___. ____ __m_--______- 18.52 2.59 4.53 55.42 11.78‘ 7.16 401H Analysis” ___.____----____ 19.35 3.05 4.87 52.90 11.34 8.49 446M Liberty Special Laying Mash . Pellets ................................ ._. 18.00 8.50 6.00 50.50 ................ -. 1B7 Analysis" ....................... ___ 18.90 3.27 5.59 53.85 9.91 8.48 476B Doo-Lay Brand Laying Mash Pellets ___________________________________. 20.00 3.7 0 8.00 46.50 ............... _. 1B8 Analysis-WM’ ________________________ __. 19.10 3.82 7.47 53.57 8.51‘ 7.53 475H Hearts Delight Brand 24% Pro- tein Dairy Feed _____________________ ___ 24.00 3.00 12.00 41.50 ............. 1 1C3 Analysis ____________________________ _. 22.45 3.08 9.51 43.37 11.73 9.86 344H Hearts Delight Brand All-Mash Starter with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil ...................... -. 17.50 .00 6.00 48.00 ................ .. 1C4 Analysis . 3.26 5.93 54.13 10.141 7.94 349H Analysis“ ............................. -. 4.09 6.24 53.37 9.91 8.19 459M Hearts Delight Brand Turkey Starter with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil __________________ -- 23.00 3.50 6.50 41.50 ................ _. 1C5 Analysis _________________________ ____. 21.50 4.35 5.17 46.56 11.03 11.39 2781-1 Hearts Delight Brand Horse and Mule Feed 10.00 8.20 10.50 58.00 ................. _. 1Dl Analysis __________________ 12.13 5.08 8.73 59.55 10.44 4.07 458M Hearts Delight Brand Broilen ' Mash 16.80 4.00 6.80 52.5 0 ______________ .. 1D? Analysis ___________________________ 18.85 4.80 6.06 51.35 11.45 7.49 280H Analysis ___________________________ _. 18.90 4.14 5.72 54.60 9.62 7.02 373H Liberty Special Sweet Feed---.___. 9.00 1.50 81.50 36.50 ________ __. ______ 1 1D8 Analysis _____________________________ .. . 1.76 31.93 41.88 8.18‘ 7.91 78H Analysism ________ . 3.56 25.44 38.90 12.887 7.85 177H Analysis-w 10.05 1.90 29.68 3656- 11.98 9.83 412H Hearts Delight Brand Hog Feed 15.00 3.00 6.50 56.00; ____________ -_ 1F5 . 9.09 6.11 55.84. 11.90. 6.191 27m 2.50 8.00 70.00 1 1G5 2.75 2.02 70.06 12.30‘ 2.57 2J Llghghfl-rain 8n Milling Company, B, Liberal, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts ____________ -. 17.00 4.00 5.50 55.00 ...... .. _ 152A Analysis .. 3.77 3.78 59.52 11.09, 4.04‘ 16K Analysis" 4.43 4.54 57.87 12.08 3.48 258K Analysis“ .............................. -- . 4.15 4.13 59.67 11.56} 4.15 271K Wheat Bran and Scourings ..... -. 14.50 3.00 10.00 53.00 . ,1 152B Analysis" ............................. _. 16.6 3.89 8.48 53.73 11.201 6.10 96K “Linseed meal found, not claimed. “Cottonseed meal claimed, not found. limestone found, not claimed. “Excess of ground limestone found. “Excess of grounld limestone and salt found. “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. “Deficient in. ground limestone and excess salt found. “Excess of ground limestone found. Soybean oil meal, corn meal, and ground COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 178 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or q or In- importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- 1 Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Light Grain 8s Milling Company. The Liberal, Kansas—Cont'd. Red Diamond Chick Starter Mash _______ ____ _____ 18.50 4.50 5.80 52.9 152K Analysis ___________________________ _. 17.32 41.05 6.17 52.36 11.18 8.42 97K Red Diamond Egg Mash___________ 19.00 3.50 6.00 50.0 ................ ._ 152L Ana1ysis"i _,______________________, 19.00 3.69 4.97 53.85 9.32 9.17 14K Enner-Jee Brand Egg Mash.___ 18-00 3-60 6.60 49-00 ________________ -. 152N Analysis _________________________ __. 15.83 3.3 6.90 55.18 11.22 7.48 89K Red Diamond Gr0wing__Mash___-. 17.00 4.80 6.00 54.50 __-_-. _-___ 152P Analysis“ __ ______________________ __ 13.04 3.48 5,89 55.02 9.98 7.59 250K Lindner Feed and Killing Com- Pally, Comfort, Texas. Lindnerfs Four Star Brand Growing Mash ____________--____-______ 16.00 8.60 7.00 50.00 ............... -_ 1227G Analysis?“ ____________________ ___ 17.16 3.93 6.19 56.26 9.36 7.10 15.1 Lindner's Four Star Brand Laying Mash ____-._____________. 20.00 8.50 6.00 46.00 . 1227H Analysis" _______________________ ___ 20.58 5.58 6.53 46.46 10.21 10.64 189H Analysis _____________________ __. 20180 5.83 6.13 46.82 9.23 11.19 14.1 Lin-Oak Feed Company, Houston, Texas. Health Brand Dairy Feed_______. 17-00 -00 15-00 33-5 ------ -- - 655A Analysis?“ ________________ a 17.90 4.56 13.38 44.34 10.91 8.91 171M Health Brand Laying Mash _____ _. 20-00 3-70 6-00 45-00 ............. .. 665B Analysis 24.50 6.00 5.33 44.23 9.80 10.14 172M Lisbon Feed Company, p Dallas, Texas. Sunbeam Brand 18% Protein COW Feed ____________________________ _, 18.00 3.80 11.00 50.00 _____ _. .- __-_ 766E Analysis?" ______________________________ 18.45 4.56 9.79 50.37 9.91 6.92 444T Little York Feed Store, Houston, Texas. Nick’s 16% Protein Dairy Ra- tiQn 16.00 4.00 20.00 35.50 _____ __ __ ., 743B Analysis! _ _____________________________ __ 16.62 4.73 19.25 39.90 12.33 7.17 103M Lochte Storage & Commission P3113’. Frederlcksburg, Texas. Guffy Brand Cow Feed _______ -__ 19.00 4.00 11.00 49.00 ............ -- 2547C Analysis ____________________________ __ 18.75 4.99 10.95 48.46 10.40 5.45 115H Analysis ___________________________ 19,08 4.47 10.26 49.17 10.70 6.32 260H Lochte Laying Mash _______________ .. 20.00 8.50 7.40 45.10 a .. - .. 254713 Analyslg ________________________ 20,28 6.01 6.91 46.31 9.97 10.52 2591-1 Lockhart Oil 8s Gin Company, Lookhart, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1.._ 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ................. -. 821B Analysis" ____________________________ _. 42,23 6,04 11.34 28.17 6.18 6.04 75H a, b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. a‘, k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. "Deficient in ground limestone. “Fish meal claimed. not found. “Fish meal claimed, mot found. Heat and bone scraps found, not claimed. “Excess of salt found. "Deficient in ground limestone. ‘TYC-‘rround limestone found, not claimed. 174 BULLETIN NO. 620. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERLMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- . , tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or, l 1 or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- l Mois- Crude l spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture l Ash i No. tein Extract‘ Logan Peed gmflatghery, Big Sp g exas. Ecgnomy Brand, Growing Mash 17.00 4.00 8.50 48.00 .............. -- 858F Analysis __ ______ ________. 19.09 4.88 6.52 52.37 9.14 8.00 545$ 24% Protein Dairy Feed._--.___- 24.00 4.00 10.50 42.00 ....... .. _ 858G Analysis 23.45 4.35 10.10 42.16 12.33 7.61 79S Lggalys All-Mash Chick Startel 17.00 8.50 7.00 50.00 ................ .. SSSX Analysis!" 16.77 4.79 6.28 56.24 10.99 4.93 476$ spacial Sweet Feed _________ ______- 11.00 2.40 18.00 179.00 w».-. ._-_ ‘ 85$Z Analysism ______.__--_.__._-_._ 8.66 .87 13.36 53.29 13.29 10.53‘ 160$ Analysis-W‘ __._____-.____-__ 10.56 2.20‘ 11.91 63.26 11.10 10.97, 451$ Big 9 Brand Laying Mash ______ -_ 20.50 8.60 6.50 $4.00 ................ J 858A1 Analysis _________ __. 23.57 4.35 5.45 46.75 8.75 11.13 10S Analysis __ .............. _. 22.24 5.26 5.34 45.60 8.36 13.20 635$ I-ongvixelw Coltton ‘C11 Company, o vow exas. 41% Plfiiein (ajottonseed Mea1_. 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ................ .. 604K Analysis _________--_______.... 40.76 5.46 11.11 28.13 7.81 6.73 558T Louisiana. StaIte Dice Milling Company no. Abbeviillel, i-ouisiana, and. Branc es. Water Maid Rice Polishings. 11.00 10.00 2.50 52.00 ................ .. 2066C Analysis __________________________ _- 11.40 10.16 1.89‘ 59.08 10.58 6.89 178M Water Maid Rice Bran____---__.__ 12.00 12.00 12.00 42.00 ....... .. 2066D Analysis“ 13.51 15.76 10.65 38.25 9.20 12.63 182P I-ovltt 86 Company, I1. 3., A Memphis, Tennessee. “Lovit Brand” 43% Protein _ Cottonseed Meal l 43-00 5-90 12-00 95-00 ---------------- » 1390A Analysis ____________________ ___ 43,23 5.33 3.69 23.06 7.94 6.70 10J AHaIYSiSO ______________________________ __ 42.30 6.41~ 9.11 27.03 3.63 6.52 4631411 Analysis ____,_________ 43.58 5.21 9.45 28.24 7.12 6.40 Analysis ___________________________ 6.53 Anslysls __________________T_ 42.68 4,67 11.39 27.74 7.04 6.43 597W “Lovit Brand” 41.12% Protem Grgund Cottonseed Feed _________ _. 41,12 5.00 1.0.00 26.00 ___-. . . _____._. 1350B Analysis ___________________________ _, 41,31 5,15 11,54 29,51 6,13 6,36 54311 Analysis ___________________________ _. Analysis _ __ 40,65 5,73 10,54 23.43 7,93 6.57; 971‘ A 1 ' bv ___________________________ ,. 40,59 6.25 9,97 28.06 8.2” 6.86‘ 9ST A3232}; ________ _,_________ 41,40 6,24 11,05 26,79 7.60 6.334 366W Ana1ysis° ___- ..- _ 40.23 5.33 11.77 28.55 7.57 6.55 626W " ‘B d"41 Pt'Ct- Lgggeegagak. 41,00 5,00 12.00 25.00 ................ -_ 13501) Analysisd ____________________________, 1.616166%: 16:61:21; I211 company, u oc , exas. . t_ Lifllfigegéariiieéjigaififfeffiff_. 70.00 5.20 10.00 25.00 372B Analysis” ________________ 39,39 7,22 11.65 29.59 5.35 6.30‘ 228$ Analysisrcaao ___ .__ 39.85 6.45 11.80 31.22 4.29 6.39. 266$ Analysis, 39 so 6,03 '04s 29,46 3.33 5.93 G Analysis __________ _________ 43,20 6,62 9.53 28.10 5.97 6.58 J Anal-ysiso _____________________________ __ 4139 6,33 9,22 27.52 7.67 6.37 M Analysis ____________ 44.89 6.87 7.102 27.27 7.27 6.60 P Analysisuo ____________________ ___ R Analysis \ 45.15 5.98 6.96 28.53 6.77 6.61 S r1.,71,/‘.r7 € f. '1. 71,1‘. 7' “Excess of ground oyster shell found. mCarbonate of lime present. 38°01’! quality. lx-Ifee legend. at the beginning of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING |STU FFS 175 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) . Per Cent RJLIlS‘ ,1 tration Name and Address of. Manufacturer or ; F or in Importer. Brand Name. Crude T Crude 4 Crude Nitro- Mois- 1 Crude j spection , Pro- Fat 1 Fiber gen-tree turc ~ Ash a No. \ tein 4 ‘Extract i Lubbock Grain 8a Peed Company, Lubbock, Texas. Diamond-Dot Laying Mash with Cod Liver Oi1_________ 19.00 4.00 7.00 47.00 ................ -- 24300 Analysis --_.__._ ___ 17.60 3.95 7.37 52.36 11.12 7.60 229S Lufkin Milling Company, Lufkin, Texas. Corn Bran _________________ 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 -__.-___. ______ -- 672A Analysis __ 9.65 6.44 6.89 64.87 10 54 1.61 130M Corn Chop _____ __.________ 9.00 3.50 8.00 70.00 ________________ __ 672B Analysis .._._._____..______. 8.41 4.22 2.18 71.40 12.74. 1.05 131M Q Lyons’ Peed Store, f Houston, Texas. ' Lyons’ 24% Protein Dairy Feed 24.00 5.50 10 00 84.00 ________________ __ 533A Analysis ______________________________ _. 27.02 6.68 9 54 37.47 9.14 10 15 23M Lyons’ Special Horse and Mule Feed 12.00 8.00 l3 00 52.00 ............... .. 533C Analysism ____________ 11.94 4.08 l0 96 55.52 11.78 5 72 22M Analysis 13.00 3.44 9 45 57.04 12.03 5 04 402M Lyons’ Big‘ V Dairy Feed____.__-_ 18.00 8.40 l5 00 43.00 ............... ._ 533D Analysis ________________________ __.__ 19.60 4.28 13 42 45.51 10.10 7 09 289M Jack's Special Dairy Feed ____ _. 19.00 8.00 15 00 40.00 ....... -. _ 533B‘ Analysis ____-_________._ 22.14 3.83 12 20 43.34 9.58, 8 91 467M Lysle Milling Company, The J‘. 0., Leavenworth, Kansas. White Crest Wheat Gray Shorts 16.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 __________________ _. 196G Analysis .__.._ ___ 17.10 3.65 5.27 57.49 12.33. 4.16 35.1 Analysis 16.70 4.18 6.00 56.71 11.84‘ 4.57 128P Analysis -_____._.__________ 17.10 3.74 5.28 58.12 12 08 3.68 475W McAdam, T. 3., _ Celina, Texas. 4 Cel-Tex Egg Mash ............... _. 18.80 3.60 7.50 49.00 ........ _. 1729F Analysis ......................... -. 21.46 4.36 6.58 50.01 10.16 7.43 118T IcClung, W. A., . Edna, Texas. . Growing Mash ........................... .. 19.00 4.00 7.00 48.00 ............ 1434A Analysis ______________________________ .. 20.50 5.57 6.46 46.13 11.23 10.11 429M Laying Mash ____________________________ -- 20.80 8.70 8.00 45.50 ________________ __ 1434B Analysis .............................. .. 20.14 5.13 8.13 47.08 10.71 .8.81 116M Analysis .............................. -- 22.58 4.86 6.79 45.72 9.30 10.75 522M McCullocl» County Cotton Oil M111, Brady, Texas. ‘ Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pr-o- tein Cottonseed Meal _________ .. 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 1047D Analysis" , .......................... -_ 42.12 5.83 12.76 26 38 7.33 5 58 169W Cotton Bloom Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Cake ___________ .. 5.20 12.00 25.00 ...... .. 1047E Analysis 5.28 11.12 26.91 6.20 5.84 120$ Analysis" 5.30 12.87 26.80 7.63 5.50 206S Analysis" 5.45 11.97 26.51 8.14 5.60 207S Analysis" 5.33 11.83 25.90 8.80 6.39 172W Analysis 6.22 11.23 25.08 6.92 5.75 283W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, i, k.—See legend at the beginning of thi table. “Milo meal found, not claimed. 176 BULLETIN NO". 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942-—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 1 1 or Lu- importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spectlou Pro- Fat \ Fiber gerrtree ture Ash I\'o. [c111 i Extract '1 McCulloch County Cotton Oil Mill- Brady, Texas—Continued. Cotton Bloom Brand 44% Pro- tein Supplement for Hogs--- 44.00 6.50 10.00 16.50 ................ _. 1047K Analysis _____-___________--___.-._-_-. 44.95 6.91 9.98 18.72 5.91 13.53 427W Cotton Bloom Brand Laying Mash _________________________________________ _- 21.00 4.00 7.00 44.00 ................ .. 1047R Analysis _______________________________ -_ 22.64 4.92 7.31 46.11 9.09 9.93 617S Cotton Bloom Brand 24% Pro- 4 tein Dairy Feed .................... -- 24.00 4.50 10.00 41.00 _________________ ._ 1047T Analysis .............................. -- 25.69 4.51 11.22 40.37 9.61 8.60 616S Cotton Bloom Brand 16% Pro- , tein Dairy Feed _-----_______-_-__-----__ 16.00 3.50 12.00 46.50 ............... _. 1047 U Analysis 16.88 3.78 12.41 45.35 12.13 9.45 568$ Ground Peanut Hay ................ -- 10.00 3.50 24.00 44.00 _______________ .. 1047V Analysis _-_--_-_---_--___-_--___..-_---_. 10.30 4.63 29.47 32.06 11.12 12.42 504$ Panther Brand Sweet Feed_-___ 9.00 1.70 16.50 49.50 ...... .. 1047W Analysis ______________________________ _. 10.43 2.02 14.75 50.92 10.73 11.15 615W Cotton Bloom Brand 12% Pro- , tein Buck ‘N’ Bull Feed.--_-_-.- 12.00 8.00 9.00 56.00 ______________ -. l047X Analysis ............................... -. 13.49 4.11 7.51 57.50 10.72 6.67 533W Consumer's Special Egg Mash Pellets ______ _._____ _______ ___.- 18.00 4.00 6.00 56.00 ...... .- 1047A? Analysis! ......................... -- 17.42 3.93 6.56 52.85 10.74 8.50 493T Cotton Bloom Brand Chick _ Stanter _--._...--_--____. _- . 19.00 4.00 5.50 52.00 ..... ._ l047B5 Analysis ............................ __ 19.82 4.96 5.44 52.59 10.44 6.75 508s Cotton Bloom Growing Mash _ Analysis” .......................... _- 18.50 4.00 5.50 53.00 ._ . _, 1047B‘; Cotton Bloom Brand Starter 18.19 4.33 5.48 54.69 11.15 6.16 5678 and Broiler Mash _-__________ 18.50 4.00 5.50 58.00 . . l047B7 Analylsis 19.13 4.93 5.40 53.52 10.33 6.69 50“S ‘McDonald Peed Hill, Rising Star, Texas. COW Feed -_.__.-__---__.-____-_.___--- 16.00 3.50 13.50 46.00 ....... ._ .. 2266C Analysis .......................... _- 15.82 4.16 12.29 49.26 9.94 8.53 411W McDonald Peed Store, E. 1L, Merkel, Texas. ’ Egg Mash .................................. _.- 18.00 3.50 5.50 51.50 ....... _. 2218F Analysis ............................... _- 19.94 3.20 3.78 55.25 9.58 8.25 7S Growing Mash _ _________________________ ._ 16.00 3.50 7.00 52.50 _. 2218H Analysis” ............................ __ 16.10 3.50 4.11 57.30 10.14 8.85 591s McDonalcvs Hatchery, Dallas, Texas. a McDonald's Special Starting _ Mash ...................................... _- 17.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 . 1108B Analysis“ ........................... ._ 19.17 3.59 5.34 53.35 10.65 7.90 588W McDonald's Special Growing Mash _________________ ._~_.. _______ .._-_- 16.00 8.50 8.00 50.00 .. 1108C Analysisw‘ ........................... -_ 19,20 4.25 7.88 51.05 9.80 7.82 375W a. b. c. d. e, f, n. h, 41 1'. “siibeficient in ground oyster shell. Ic.-—See legend at the beginning “aliround whole oats and milo meal found, not claimed. “Fish meal claimed. not found. ‘mDefic-ient in ground oyster shell. o1’ this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 177 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- _ nation Iuuue and Address o! Manufacturer or l or lu- luiporter. Utulld name. Crude Crude ‘» Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection l'ro- Eat Jiiber gen-tree Lure Ash Ao. e111 Entracl McIver Peed 8a Milling Company, San Antonio, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Meal _ ____________________________________ -. 50-00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ................. _. 17251? Analysis" _________ -__ 413-73 111.22 1.30 1.10 7.77 29.83 79H Analysishwi _________________________ ._ 45.40 12.52 1.79 .49 6.50 33.30 124H Analysis° 46.61 10.13 1.66 1.39 6.38 33.83 217H Analysis ..- ‘. .' 2.79 .00 6.40 31.59 278M 48% Protein Meat and Bone Meal ......................................... -. 43.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ................ _. l725A6 Analysis ............................ -- 46.00 13.98 1.65 1.14 7.52, 29.71 363E Magnolia Provision Company, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 43-00 5.20 12.00 95.00 ...... .. m. 719A AnaIysisM-“T ______________________ _-__ ‘$1.90 6- 8. 11.0‘; 24.34; 8.61 0.73 493M Magnolia Brand 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed"... 28.00 5 00 23.00 29.00 . . _ . . _ . . _ . _ . _ -. 719D Analysis _______________________________ -_ 28-20 5 74 24.58 29.20 7.58 4.70 82M Analysisc ............................ _. 27.36 5 71 25.23 31.07 5.66 4.97 268M Mareks Hatchery, Columbus, Texas. Chigk Starter _ ________________________ __ 18-50 3-50 7.00 51.00 ................ _. 1049A Analysis __________________________ __ 18.98 4.00 4.95. 53.88 11.83 6.31 453M Chick Growing Mash _____ __ ____ 10-50 3-00 5-30| 51-50 ........... .. 1649B Analysis _________________ __ 17.52 4.17 5.55‘ 54.08 12.18 0.50 454M Breeder Laying Mash _____ ____ 20.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 ..._.._ _.._ 1649C Analysis _____________________________ __ 20.52 4.43 5.05 50.35 11.17 7.88 452M Marianna Sales Company, Memphis, Tennessee. White Mule Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ 1 1371A Analysis ______________________ ____ 44.08 6.39 10.69 25.70 6.87 6.27 107M Analysis __________________ __ 42.91 6.77 10.77 27.38 6.36 5.81 42S Analysis ______________________________ __ 42.03 5.50 10.08 28.83 7.12 6.44 591T Marlin Oil Company, The, Marlin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 __________________ __ 514E‘ Analysis ___________________________ -. 42.88 5.54 9.96 27.01 8.58 6.03 177W Analysis _______________________________ .- 46.54 6.74 9.4 26.7; 7.035 5.95 290W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 88.00 ________ -. -_-____ 514G Analysis ___________________________ 43.20 6.66 9.69 26.10 8.35 6 0O 258H Analysis . 5.91 9.23 26.41 8.60 5.84 336H Analysis° 6.98 8.92 27.50 8.01 6.1? 19W Analysis" 6.60 9.76 27.28 8.15 6.13 39W Analysis 6.62 9.89 27.45 7.03 5.78 101W Analysis" 6.80 9.62 26.60 8.60 6.02 106W Analysis 6.83 10.36 26.16 7.85 5.98 178W Analysis 6.99 9.60 26.48 8.27 5.96 282W Ana1ysis° 5.29 10.15 27.92 7.79 6.66 554W a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—-See legend “Used in compounding mixed feed. 5810f! quality. at the beginning‘ of this table. 178 Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Oontinued BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERJMENT S’l‘A'l‘lOl\' Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address o1‘ Manufacturer or \ ! I or 1n- llupuitcr. Brand Name. Urude ‘ Crude 1 Crude Nitro- Mois- i Crude specmon Pro- Eat 1 Fiber gen-tree ture ‘ Ash no. tun i Extract 1 i 1 Marquez, Secundino, Eagle Pass, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts ................ ._. 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _______________ -. 735B Analysiswh’ ______________________ _. 17.00 6.79 6.47 54.85 10.61 4.28 173H Ana1ysis388° -__-____.__-...-._---___ 18.95 4.68 6.80 54.15 10.84 4.58 265H Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ________________ __ 1720B Analysis _______________________________ ._ 40.65 6.49‘ 10.33 27.41 8.76 6.36 52J 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- ’ seed Feed _____________________________ -- 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 ................ .. 1720.1 Analysis -_-.__--...-_--_---__--_____--- 41.80 6.99 10.03 27.07 7.83 6.28 68P Moco Mixed Feed __-._.-_--._._____ 11.80 1.70 38.00 86.00 _.__-_ ....... -_ 172ON Analysis ----------------------------- -- 11.66 1.79 37.56 38.16 7.50 3.33 136M Marshall Mill 8n Elevator Oom- Pally, Marshall, Texas. Ground Whole Oats __..-_____-- 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ............... 1 250L Analysis _...-_-_--_-...-.._____----- 12.19 4.20 10.76, 57.76, 10.78 4.31 53F Analysis -______________-_--_-___.------ 13.24 3.39 7.66 60.28 10.53 4.90 557T Acorn Horse and Mule Feed, Heavy with Oats ............... __ 10.00 3.50 9.00 00.01. _. _ 2500 Analysis” --------_--_----- 11.48 3.63 7.92 61.00 11.77 4.20 67M Texas Sweet Stock Feed____-______ 9,00 2.00 15.00 55.00 _________________ __ 250s Analysis ____ ___. -------- -: -------------- -- 10.98 2.38 13.58 56.28 9.60. 7.18 616W Acorn 24% Protem Dalry Feed 24.00 4.50 10.00 40.00 250T Analysis“ ----------------------------- -- 25.52 4.37 8.19 43.63 11.20 7.09 53J Analysis“ . 4.23 9.57 44.58 10.17 6.34 63M Analysis ..... -. . 4.31 9.11 44.82 9.73 7.03 351W Analysis” ___-_------------------------- 26.71 4.52 8.59 43.33 9.58 7.27 642W Acorn Starting Mash ------------- -- 13,00 4.40 5.30 43,00 ___________ __ 250.46 Analysis ------------------------------- -- 22.00 5.06 5,82! 48.33 8.01 10.78 493\V Acorn Growing Mash ---------- -- 18.00 4,001 5.00 51.50 ............... .. 250B1 Analysis 21.43 4.74 4.54 49.62 9.92 9.75 220M Texla Laying Mash 19.40 5.80 1.80 40.00 ............. -. 250B4 Analysis” 22.51 3.41 7.72 48.07 10.57, 7.72 209H Analysis” --------------------- --- 21.67 3,54 7.02 50.45 10.02 7.30 33911 Analysis --------------------------- 21,43 4,78 6.99 49.78 9.93 7.09 66T Analysis ------------------------------ -— 21,62 3,45 6.44 51.46 9.15 7.88 591W Ground Whole Barley -----____--__- 11.00 1.50 0,00 65.00 ........... .. 250B‘! Analysis __--_.__-._.._-_.-____-___-_--- 12,15 2.18 4.88 66.79 11.40 2.60 217M Special Five Laying Mash ------ -- 20.50 0.50 1.40 44.00 ....... -. . 250 Analysis“ _______________________________ -- 21,86‘ 5.44 7.04 45.42 9.46 10.78 62M Analysis?” T ------------------------- -- 21.14 5.69 6.65 46.48 10.07 9.97 11W Acorn 36% Proteln Supplement , 7 tor Hogs ............................. -- 4-30 6.70 27-00. - - - - _ ~ . . V _ -- 350137 Analysis?“ _- 4.06 7.59 31.66 8.52 17.01 492M Analysis _________________ __ 3,90 6.32 30.99 8.72 16.87 572W AcQrn Cattle Cubes _ _________ __ . 4.20 7.00 48.00 .-_.._ ._ 250E1 Analysism“ ____________ _; _______________ -. 4.56 5.59 51.78 11.59 6.20 204H a. b. c. d. 6.1. 0. h, i, i, k-—$e mwheat brown shorts. e legend at the beginning of this table. mCottonseed. meal found, not claimed. “Brewery dried grains claimed, not found. “Deficient in ground limestonge. WDe-fiI-ient in ground oyster shell. “Manganese sulphate found, not claimed. Excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 119 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Regis- . uution Name and Address of Manuiacturer or’ l . _r or 1n- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude 1 Crude Crude ' Nitro- Mois- Crude spection ' ture Ash No. i Marshall Mill 8a Elevator Com- P311371 Marshall, '.l‘exa.s—Cont’d. Special Growing Mash _______________ _. 8.50 _________________ -- 250G3 Analysis“ -_-_..-_-..-.__-___---__... 4. 5 3 8 . 1 9 9. 6 5 3 9 6M Analysis _ ............................. _- 3.34 10.09 7.49 539W Acorn 34% Protein Egg Mash Supplement ___________________________ 14.1; L _ 2 a 0H 3 Analysis?!” ____ __ 5.49 8.23 15.61 135E Analysis”! 3.40 8.99 17.25 205H Analysis _______________________________ __ 5.41 8.68 17.67 156W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal_--.. 6.00 _____________ __ 200H6 Analysis _______________________________ _. 5.80 7.18 6.78 69M 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- . seed Feed 5.00 _________________ __ 250H7 Analysis 6.02 8.15 6.49 64M Analysis“ ___ 5.55 8.09 6.39 SOP Analysis 6.92 9.63 6.18 87P Analysis 6.05 7.01 6.31 353T 41% Protein 5.00 _______ __ 25013 Analysis ___ 5.70 .24 6.66 159P Acorn Stoc_k Feed 2,50 _______ _, 25014 Analysis 3.27 12.05 4.29 503W Martin Peed Mill, Nocona, Texas. Nocona Egg Mash .................. _- 3.70 ............ -. 2273F Analysis-m ___________________________ _. 5.35 9.62 10.59 319T 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed _________________________ _. 5.00 __________________ _. 22731 Analysis _.___________-__. 5.73 8.59 5.90 318T Nocona Dairy Feed No 3___ 4.00 ________________ __ 2273K Analysis _ ......................... _- 4.59 8.95 6.40 603T Martin-Lane Company, Vernon; Texas. Ground Whole Oats ______________ _. 14-00 _________________ .. 1902C Analysis _______________________________ __ 5.30 9.08 3.50 258T Crown Quality Brand All-Mash Starter ____________________________ ___ 3.50 5.00 _________________ -. 1902E Analysis _____ ____________________ _, 3.43 4.63 11.54 6.24 123K Analysis ______________________________ __ 3.31 5.08 10.46 6.99 407T Martin’s Big Vee Brand Lay- ing Mash _________________________ ___ 3.50 6.00 ________________ _, 1902F Analysis .............................. __ 3.50 5.69 10.63 8.07 156K Analysis 4.49 5.21 11.27 6.82 116T Analysis _______________________________ -. 3.32 5.39 11.61 8.19 260T Crown Quality Brand Growing Mash .......................................... -- 8.50’ 5.50 ___- ______ _- 1902K Analysis 3.23 4.60 11 17 7.25 145K Crown Quality Brand Laying as _,.___________________-_______-_-_... 3 . 5 0 6. 5 0 _________________ _. 1 9 O 2 J Analysis ______________--_--_.---.. 3 . 5 1 4. 9 0 1 1 . 1 0 8 . 2 6 1 4 6K Analysis ___________________________ .. 3.50 6.65 9.34 10.54 408T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i. i. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. .Excess of ground “Linseed meal and dried buttermilk. found, not claimed. oyster shell found. “Deficient in grcund oyster shell. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Excess of salt found. 180 BULLETIN NO‘. 620*, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table l8.“ Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September I, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- 1 nation Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 g 1 1 or 1n. importer. Brand Mime. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- 1 Mois- ‘Crude . Spvction Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free‘ Lure 1 A>h E m». teln Extract Martin-Lane Company, Vernon, Texas-Continued Bunk-O Cow Feed ____-__-___________. 16.00 2.80 17.50 45.00 _______________ 1 1902K Analysis _______________________________ _. 14.19 2.36 12.88 50.91 10.72 8.94 267K Alfalfa Meal 13.00 1.50 33.00 35.00 _____________ _. 1902Q Analysis ______________________________ _. 13.93 2.25 30.20 37.28 8.34 8.00 226K Trail Driver 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00 1.80 15.00 53.50 .... _. 1902W Analysis _____ -_ 13.85 2.18 14.18 47.91 10.54 11.34 29K Analysism -_.--__--.-----.___-_-___- 12.92 2-76 13.64 52.02 9.86 8.80 540T Full-Pail Brand 20% Protein Dairy Ration .................. _-_ 20.00 2.50 19.00 88.00 ............. __ 1902B4 Analysis ______________________________ _. 16.90 2.58 12.73 47.97 11.45 8.37 127K 50% Protein Meat and Bone Meal 50.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 1902C3 Analysis” 49.41 9.17 2.65 2.73 7.70 28.34 381$ Analysis _____ -_ . 50.73 11.33 1.43 3.07 7.23 26.21 156T Analysiscm 49.30 11.88 1.70 3.97 6.96 26.19 419T Analysis° 4.8.57 1.1.44 3.92 2.29 7.11 26.67 528T Crown Quality Brand 40% Pro- tein Supplement for Hogs_.__. 40.00 5.00 8.00 20.00 ______ __ 1902E4 Analysis .............................. _. 40.05 5.43 6.26 27.78. 9.28 11.20 170K Marvin's Peed Store, Mason, Texas. Marvin Lange’s Dairy Feed___-. 20.00 4.00 14.80 41.00 ....... .. 486A Analysiskwl ........................... -. 19.97 4.39 15.38 43.05. 9.86 7.35 43S Matyastik 8t Sons, Cameron, Texas. Corn Chop _____________________________________ -- 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ..... _. 2271B Analysis .............................. _. 9.10 4.29 2.20 72.69 10.34 1.38 157W Hayfield Peed 8a Grain Company, Dalhart, Texas. Mayfield’s Texacream Brand Growing‘ Mash ______________________ __ 17.60 3.50 6.00 53.50 . .. 1530B Analysis“? ____________________________ .- 19.01 3.39 4.75 55.88 10.95 6.02 373$ Texacream Brand Laying Mash 18.50 3.50 6.00 49.00 ,_ __ , 1530G Analysis _ _____________________________ -. 20.04 3,31 5.26 55.07 9.23 7.09 7K Cacklay Brand Laying Mash 18.00 3.50 7.50 52.40 . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ -. 15308 Anawsis ______________________________ _. 18,29 2,82 5.34 55,24 9.10 8.15 242K Mayfie1d’s Texacream Brand steer Pellets 1x00 2.50 8.00 49.00 __ __ .. 15301‘ Analysis _______________________________ __ 17.30 3.15 5.37 52.69 13.13 8.36 2588 Mayfie1d’s Economy Brand CoW Feed _________________________________________ .. 10,00 100 34.00 05.50 __ _, _, _ 1530K Anaiysiskb _____________________________ __ 9,41 2.38 27.49 43.76 9.25 7.71 245K Cacklay Brand Laying Mash Pellets _____________________________________ -» 18.00 8.50 7.50 59-40 --------------- -» 1530499 Analygisk ___________________ w _______ __ 13,20 3,42 5,45 54.02 12.69 5.62 374$ Texacrearn Brand Dairy Feed 18.20 3,00 8.80 50.00 ,, . 1.53038 Analysis“?! _____________________________ ,_ 19,61) 2,99 7,03 52,03 9.97 8.29. 12K a. b. c. d. e. f. n. h, i. j, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. WA lfalfa. leaf meal found, not claimed. Ground limestone substituted for ground oyster shell. “Carbonate of lime present. “Milo meal found, not claimed. Rice bran, ground peanut hay, and ground rice hulls claimed, not found. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 181 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Rem-S. tnnion Name and Address of Manufacturer or J or 1n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash i\o. twin ‘Extract Mayfield Peed 8s Grain Company, Dalhart, Texas—Cont‘d. Mayfield’s Just-Rite Brand Chick Starter ................... _- 17.00 8.50 6.50 53.50 _______ _, 1530133 Ana1ysis*___ .............. ___ ______ -. 18.00 4.05 5.10 56.51 10.59 5,75 90K Mayfield’s Big M Brand Lay- ing Mash _______________________________ __ 18-00 3-50 7.00 48.00 ______________ -- t530D8 Analysis _______________________________ _. 21-00 3-51 5.66 51.82 10.32 7.69 i 43K Mayfield Park Peed Store, San Antonio, Texas. Growing Mash ___________________________ __ 16-00 8.60 6.20 58.00 ________________ _. 1965A Analysis . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ 16-90 4.83 5.37 65.43 10.51 6.96 39H X Laying Mash ____ -. 19-50 4.00 6.50 49.00 .-'. ............. __ 1965K Analysis“ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ 20-40 5.88 5.61 $8.10 10.01 10.00 40H Analysis _______________________________ __ 20-28 4.99 5.65 19.56 9.56 9.96 439H Mayfield Park Dairy Feed _____ __ 75-00 3-80 10-00 09-00 ______________ _. 1965p Analysis 14-86 4-60 10.73 53.13 10.52 6.16 333E Melton Peed Store, Waco, Texas. . Mel-Tex Sweet Dairy Feed _____ __ 20-00 3-50 13-00 43-50 ...... __ _--__.. 332A Analysis ____________________________ 22-13 3-92 12-21 14.47 9.54 7.68 628W Memphis Cotton Oil Company, Memphis, Texas. . 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 43-00 0-00 12.00 93.00 _____________ .. 680C Analysisv _____________________________ __ 38.42 7.37 10.77 29.84 7.50 6.10 132K Analysisv ______________________ 42.01 9.02 8.15 26.38 8.24 6.20 245$ Analysis _______________________________ n 43-93 7-77 7.75 26.83 7.44 6.23 256$ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .... __ . 680E Analysis" _________________________ ___ 38.30 7.66 9.15 32.07 6.40 6.42 133K 43% Protein Coarse Cottonseed Meal _______________________________________ __ 113.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ________________ __ 680J Analysis __________________________ ___ 42.71 8-11 8.08 28.49 6.33 6.28 2578 Merchant Peed Store, Alvin, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ______ 3.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 -_----__. ...... .- 122E Analysis _______________________________ __ 8.08 3.37 10.36 64.37 12.20 1.62 79M Merchants 8t Planters Oil Company, Houston, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43-0 6.00 12.00 23.00 ............... -. 466D Analysis° __________________________ ___ 39 75 6.18 12.22 27.09 8.66 6.10 394M Ana1ysis° _______________________ ___ 40.06 5.81 11.65 27.15 9.23. 6.10 474M Meyer & Company, Felix, Houston, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed _________________________________ _. 41.12 5.00 14.00 06.00 ............ .. 671A Analysis" _________________ -__.__ 39.55 6.37 9.03 28.47 9.82 6.76 91M 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 41.00 5.00* 12.00 25.00‘ .............. 671D Analysisdab“ ________________________ _- 38.99 5.56 12.97 27.17 9.02‘ 6.29 13.1 Meyer Grain Company, Houston, Texas. Numix Dairy Feed _________________ _. 21.00 4.00 13.50 42.00 ______ -_ 1293A Analysis ............................. _. 21.40 4.70 12.20 44.05 8.80 8.85 355M a, b. c. d. e. f. n. h. i. ,1", k.--See legend “Excess ground oyster shell found. at the beginning of this table. 182 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—C0ntinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) O Per Cent ; Regis- ‘ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or . \ or 1n. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- 1 Crum- SpvClluU Pro- Fat Fiber gen-iree‘ ture ‘ Ash N... ' tein Extract b Meyer Grain Company, Houston, '1'exas--Cont’¢l. Queen Big 5 Brand Laying Mash 18-00 3.5 0 7.20 49.00 ................. _. 1293H Analysis __--_____.-.__._--___-_-____ 16-34 3.3’- 5._‘. 575* 11.07 6.05 468M Triangle Brand 18% Protein 18-00 3-50 10.50 46.50 ............... .. 1293K Dairy Feed 22.58 4.07 10.83 45.18 10.78 6.56 356M Analysis-ms 20.11 5.22 11.74 46.55 9.85 6.53 568M Analysis _______________________________ 13-00 3-5 0 5.00 50.00 .............. _. 1293M Triangle Brand Growing Mash Analysis -__--__-----._.__-----_-.-_--_-. Triangle Brand Chick Starting 13-00 3.80 6.00 48.00 ________________ _. 12930 Mash 19.95 4.50 5.07 51.20 10.48 8.80 469M Analysis .............................. _. " . Triangle Brand Ground Whole 11.00 4-00 12.00 58-00 ............... .. 1293Q Oats 10.08 5.26 12.44 57.32 10.66 4.24 405M Analysis ______________________________ _. Alfalfa Stem Meal and Molas- 7.50 0.60 30.00 40-00 ............... _. 1293K ses 11.60 .75 26.85 41.05 12.04 7.71 404M Analysis“ ..... ____________________ -. - Midlgrlild Flour. Milling Company, e, » Kansas City, Missouri. Town Crier Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings ______________________ _. 16.00 8.50 6 00 55.00 _______________ _- 2326N Analysism" ___________________________ -_ 17.50 3.96 66'? 55.03 12 62 4 22 254M Midlothian Oil 8a Gin Company, Midlothian, Texas. . 43% Protein Cottonseed Meald, 43-00 5.90 12.00 25.00 _ . . . . . . . _ _ .. 5031 Analysis _______________________________ __ 42.64 6.60 9 81 27 30 7.35 6.30 123W Analysis ____________________ __ 42.23 6.55 9 88 27 30 7.86 6.18 221W Analysisv 41.48 6.43 9 84 26 75 9.04 6.46 222W Analysis ______________________ __ 42.91 6.35 9 40 25 96 8.84 6.54 359W Midco Growing Mash ____ 18.00 3.50 600 51.50 503 Analysis _______________________________ __ 19.54 3.80 4 83 52 77 10.05 9 01 584W Midco Baby Chick Starter _____ __ 17.00 3.50 5 00 55 00 .............. .. 5020 Analysis!“ ___________________________ __ 15.35 4.03 5 69 57.30 11.16 6 47 360W Midco Start-to-Finish Feed _____ _. 19.70 4.30 690 49.00 .. 502B7 Analysis _________________________ __ 17.92 4.42 5 58 54.67 10 48 6 93 485W Mission Peed. Company, San Antonio, Texas. Mission Laying Mash 19.00 8.70 800 48.50 ______________ _. 948C Analysis“ ................ __ 18.49 4.18 7 13 50.18 10.86 9.16 251H Analysis ............................... .. 19.57 4.50 7 48 51.71 9.53 7.21 495K Mission Provision Company, Inc., San Antonio, Texas. Economy Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps _______ .- 50.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 ...... -_ 1356A Analysis" ......................... --._ 48 35 10128 2.37 .00 6.20 32 80 288E Analysis" 49 8.1 11.51 1.75 .05 5.71 21,67 2341i Ana1ysis° 48.30 10.75 2.26 .27 5.96 32.46 394H a, b. c. d. e, f. ,0. h. i, 3i. 7c.—See legend. at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone. “Peanut hulls present. “Wire-at brown shorts and screenings. “Deficient in salt. mG-rouncilimestone found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING ‘STUFFS 1S3 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 61, 1942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent tgegis. Name and Address of Manufacturer or i s 5:311? Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spectlon Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash mo, 00in Extract Money's Mill, Timpson, Texas. Mol1oy’s 16% Protein Cow Feed 16.00 2,60 16,50 1,500 1838B Analysis“); ....................... -_ 16.15 3.63 14,30 48,44 1054 6_94 376M ne ysis --------------------------- -- 16.24 3.45 15.15 46.60 11,53 7,0 Mo1loy’s 20% Protein Dairy 3 155E) Feed 20,00 3,20 15,00 1,050 _______________ __ 1333C Analysis“ 19.19 3.70 12.40 40.50 10.70 1.42 155p Anelysls ---------------------------- -- 19.25 4-59 14.47 42.08 10.78 8.8a 499M Moore &.' Company, James, Laredo, Texas. Wheat Bran and Screenings---“ 15.00 3,00 10,00 5000 ________________ __ 2545A AHa-IYSIS ----------------------------- -- 17-06 4.18 7.44 57.73 8.71 4.88 525M Moore Grain Company, I‘. 3., Hamlin, Texas. Moore’s Special Dainy Feed .... -- 16.00 3,50 9,50 4950 _______________ W 711G ' Analysil?“ ----------- -»_ ---------------- -- 18.10 3.64 7.04 55.33 0.24 6.65 584s Moore’s Special Growing Mash 16.00 3,50 7,00 51,00 _______________ __ 711Q Analysis“ » ------------------------- -- 19.36 3.49 4.73 58.50 10.50 8.42 539s Moore’s Special 32% Protein 1 Laying Mash Concentrate---- 0200 0,50 7,00 01,00 ________________ __ 711T Anelysls ------------------------------ -- 33.41 4.61 5.68 30.88 8.75 16.67 585s Moore’s Peed Store, San Angelo, Texas. Moore’s Special Dairy Feed ----- .. 18.00 8.00 13.00 41.00 _______ 1 1111B Analysis 18.43 3.56 9.05 51.43 9.45 80s 608s Morameal Milling Company, Inc., Elm Grove, Louisiana. Dehydrated Alfalfa Leaf Meal 20.00 2.50 18.00 35.00 -- .. 779D Analysis 23.24 3.78 17.55 38.13 5 83 11.47 236T Analysis . 3.89 19.56 40.75 4.63 9.34 607T Moreland, E. 2., Goldthwaite, Texas. Moreland Special Egg Mash 20.00 3.50 6.00 46.00 ................ -_ 1915B Analysis _______________________________ _. 15.14 3.32 5.85 55.20 9.89 10.60 614W Morgan, Neal, Artesia, New Mexico. Alfalfa Meal ............................... _- 13.00 1.50 33-00 85.00 ............ .. 1256B Analygisv _____________________________ .. 13.50 1.40 32.90 33.48 10.21 8.51 15M Morrison Milling Company, The, Denton, Texas. . Wheat Gray Shonts and Screen- ings 17.00 1,00 6.00 55.00 .............. -. 8I Analysism . 4.06 6.08 55.41 11.15 4.59 30T Analysis _______________________________ _, 4.23 5.91 55.55 10.49 5.72 141T Analysjsflm: 4.15 6.48 54.57 11.65 4.18 323T Analysisflbo 4.12 6.70, 55.26 11.72 4.66 497T Analysisflfic 4.55 6.77 55.18 10.65 4.55 529T Analysis 4.35 5.84 54.76 12.18 4.27 358W Analysjsfllio ___________________________ __ 4.70 6,84 54,94 10.11 4.60 583W b. C» Cw gs h’: i: .7: ‘mgottonseed hulls found, not claimed. stock. “libeficient in ground limestone. mDeficient in salt. “Deficient in ground limestone. “Corn meal present. “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. k.—See legend at the beginning ‘Used by manufacturer in feeding own of this table. 184 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. to August 31, l942-s-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, Per Gent Regis- tration Name and Address 0i Manufacturer or l l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- j Mois- Crude 1 spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free‘ ture Ash ‘ No. tein r Extract 1 Morrison Milling Company, The, Denton, 'I'exas—Cont’d. Morrison's Egg Mash .............. -- 18.00 3.60 6.00 49.00 _________________ _. 8N Analysis _ ______________________ __ 18.40 3.95 5.91 53.38 11.22 7.14 174T Ground Whole Oats ........... -__ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ....... _. __-_-.. 8V Analysis ............................ _- 11.50 4.26 11.83 58.96 9.49 3.96 165T Morten Milling Company, Dallas, '1'exas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ...... ._ . 1696D Ana1ysis41°0° _________________-____. 19.22 4.25 6.36 52.57. 12.73 4.87 232H Analysis __..--.__-__ -._--_-..-.-__ 17.80" 3.25 5.72 56.92 10.73 5.58. 51J Analysis 17.50 3.30 4.64 59.82 10.69 4.05 292K Analysisfl" _---_-_-_______--_.__-._... 17.68 3.98 7.15 54.18 12.25 4.76 216M Analysis ______ ______ 18.68 3.95 5.78 56.43 11.28 3.88 393M Analysismv _- 19.36 4.01 6.88 54.13 11.07 4.55 91P . Analysisfl" ........................... -. 17.50 4.00 7.22 55.13 11.88 4.27 109P Analysis _-_.-__-_..--_._____--. 18.92 4.55 5.99 53.76 12.08 4.70 122P Analysis“"'° . 4.61 6.62 52.10 12.67 4.54 139P Analysis . 4.13 5.73 56.89 11.22 4.43 169P Analysis“ __-_- . 3.73 6.06 54.77 12.19 4.89 170P Analysis ................... --_._. 17.65 3.84 6.15 56.67 10.87 4.82 178P Analysism" .................... --.. 19.48 4.95 6.53 53.65 11.00 4.39 190P Analysis“ 16.72 3.48 4.49 59.60 12.39 3.32 525$ Analysis” ......... -- -.--.--. 19.73 3.94 5.59 54,48 12.39 3.87 214T Analysis” .......... -_ __. 17.60 3.80 5.93 57.07 11.62 3.98 332T Analysis“! .......................... -. 19.45 4.34 5.76 55.63 10.64 4.18 394T Analysis --_1-._.---._-__--__..___.__ 17.90 3,38 5.38 56.92 12.43 3.99 453T Analysis . 3.69 5.06 58.09 10.52 4.04 629T Analysisaue». . 3.61 6.67 55.51 11.47 4.41 488W Analysis" .1._..._-..-__---_.---..--.___.. 17.49 3.56 5.18 58.84 11.46 3.47 558W Wheat Bran and Screenings _____ _. 14.50 4.00 10,00 50.00 1696B‘ Analysis“ .......................... _. 19.07 5.04 9.32 50.59 9.83 6.15 423W Moulton Panners’ Co-Operative Gin 8a Mill Company, Moulton, Texas. Moulton Laying Mash ............ -. 18.00 3.50 7.00 179-00 - . . . - . . . . - -. 546B Analysis ______________________________ __ 18.30 4.23 6.25 53.09 9.90 8.23 477H Moulton Growing‘ Mash _____________ __ ._ __. Analysisnl 15,54 3.91 4,84 57.16 12.12 6.48 413H Monlton Oil 8a Gin Company, Moulton, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 43-00 0-00 10-00 23-00 ------ -» - 425B Analysis ________________________ 43,76 6,31 9.86 25.43 8.72 592 60H _______________________________ __ Mount flni-e-‘prise Cotton Oil Mill, Mount Enterprise, Texas. 25% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed ______________________________ -- 25-00 000 95-00 29-00 337A Analysis 2624 4,77 2350 30.57 4.99 4.93 72P 34% Protein Ground Whole- i Pressed Peanuts ___________________ __ 84,00 6.00 20,00 20.00 ._. 8R7D Analysis _______________________________ __ 36,20 7.55 25,44 20.03 6.89‘ 3.89 497M Analysis“ _ ___________________ ___" 3550 7,68 23,62 19,92 4,541 3.741 73P a, b, c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. mwheat ‘brown, shorts and screenings. “Corn meal present in wheat ‘brown shorts and screenings. “Milo weal present “Corn meal present. mI-Iegaml meal present. ‘Zlibeficient in ground oyster shell. COMMERCIAL FEEDING KSTUFLFS 185 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941,. to August 31, l942-—Cont1nued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- . tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 or l.n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection . Pro- Eat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Mount Pleasant .011 MiJ.l, Mount Pleasant, Texas. Cottonseed Hulls and Cotton- seed Meal 11.80 1.70 38.00 36.00 265A Analysis -_____M_-_-_-. 11.03 1.34 36.34 39.06 8.97 3.26 106P 43% Protein Cottonseed. Meal--. 43.00 6.00 12,00 23,00 _____________ __ 265G Analysis 43.03 6.28 10.02 26.33 7.92 6.42 8P AIIBJYSlS -----------— 43.06 5.51‘ 10.60 26.75 7.57 6.51 105P Analysls 42-7 6-44 9.40 27.62 7.59 6.22 13511’ Lone Eagle Brand Growing Mash _ 17.00 3.50 7.00 51.00 ............... __ 2651.. Analysls ------------------------------- e 18.71 4.08 6.75 54.14 9.23 7.09 55.1 Mueller-Huber I-rain Company, San Antonio, Texas. Sunshine Brand Special Cow Feed 19.00 3.20 9.50 08.00 _____________ -, 1407B‘ Analysgs 2.70 10.81 52.38 11.76 5.61 1461-1 Analysis _ 3.55 9.05 49.52 12.09 5.65 391H Wheat Bran and Screenings--- 14,50 3,00 10,00 50,00 ______________ __ 1407A"; Analysls“ --------- -; ----------------- -- 15.20 4.34 9.94 53.73 11.39 5.40 46 Sunshine Brand Laying Mash... 19,00 3,50 7,00 0000 ______ W , 1407,49 Analysis ---------------- --__ ---------- -- 21.90 4.79 6.27 43.54 9.41 9.09 330H 20% Protein Cocoanut O11 Meal 20.00 6.00 12.00 40.00 ................ -- L407F1 Analysis ------------------------------- 4 21.19 11.04 11.07 44.31 6.19 6.20 77H Analysls ---------------------------- -- 20.30 10.73 12.16 43.30 5.31 6.70 22611 Muenster Milling Company, Muenster, Texas. Double M Brand Egg Mash 13,00 3,50 3,00 49,00 ______________ _, 1065B Analysis” ---------------------------- -. 18.30 3.65 7.69 51.51 9.70 9.15 99T Mumme, R. T., Houston, Texas. Sunrise Brand Mixed Feed---_-__ 16.00 5.00 21.00 37.50 ...... __ 1320c Analysis .............................. -. 17.23 6.03 19.99 37.48 10.73 8.54 99M Morning Glory Mixed Feed .... -- 11.00 5.00 20.50 42.00 ______________ 1 1820D- Analysis“ ....................... 10.73 5.15 19.77 44.70 11.78 7.87 420M Non-Stop 20% Protein Dairy Feed ._____-_._____--___-----------------------e 20.30 17.70 13.20 01,00 _-__._ _______ _. 1820G- Analysis ------------------------------ -. 21.30 6.18 11.95 42.27 10.39 7.91 100M Munger Cotton Oil Company, Mexia, Texas. M0000 g-to_1 Mixed Feed _________ -. 16.00 2.30 34.50 33.50 ._ ...... _, 40A Analysis _______________________ __ . . 2.54 30.86 36.05 8.16 5.59 478W MOCCO Mixed Feed , 1,70 37,00 36.00 __ ______ __ 40D Anmysisea 11.02 1,44 35,97 33.39 7.52 5,16 345W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal... 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .. 40E Analysisv _____ 42,37 6.12 11,28 25.11 9.51 5.61 9W Analysis , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43.97 6.97 8.99 24.97 9.33 5.77 99W Analysis 43.26 5.90 10.31 25.88 8.82 5.83 114W Analysis ____________________ -. 42,67 5,69 10.46 26.73 8.65 5.80 206W Analysis" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . . -. 42,49 6.07 10.39 26.13 9.46 5.46 209W Analysisv ________.. 41,35 6.85 10.83 26.13 8.51 5.83 348W Analysis _______________________________ .. 42,60 5.87 10.99 26.32 8.39 5.83 352W a, b, c. d. e. f, g, n, Vi, j, k.-See legend at the beginning “Ground whole barley found, not claimed. mDeficient in grounld oyster shell. of this table. 186 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of 1' a s 1; to August a1, 1942-—Continued e6 s’ ep ember 1’ 1941’ (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) P81‘ C6111‘, Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or [ or 1n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- l Mois- . Crude 1 spection Pr_o- Fat Fiber gen-tree.’ ture Ash 1 No. tem ‘Extract! 7 i ‘v Munger Cotton Oil Company, Teague, Texas. 43% .Protein Cottonseed Meal-.. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23,00 ________________ >_ 2513A Analysis" ........................... --_ 41.54. 6.17 11,60 26,39 303 5,77 12w Analysis 42.50 6.28 10,10 26,96 3,43 5_73 13w Ana-lysifif’ --—----~-—-----------— 42-09 6-53 10.29 27.28 8.26 555 112W Municipal Abattoir, Austin, Texa. 50% Protein Digester Tankage with Bone ______.-__-_____________. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 _______ __, 1672A Analysis" ............................ -. 57.52 8.88 2.58 3.41 6.32 21.29 14111 55% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 55.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 ............... _, 1672A Analysis ___-__-_-_-____.__--__ 57.44 8.73 3.55 4.75 4,98 20,55 4911-1 Murchison, A. T., ' Menard, Texas. Sunset Brand Dairy Feed ___--... 19.00 3.60 11.70 44.50 _____ __ _ 1934A Analysisfl‘ ____-_______.__. 19.02 4.44 10.23 48.98 10.48 6.85 214$ Iacogdoches Oil Mill, The, Nacogdoches, Texas. Lone Star Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ._ 564G Analysis" ............................. -. 41.88 6.83 8.03 27.28 10.00 5,93 70p Analysis _....____.____.___ 44.29 6.33 8.90 25.51 8.44 6,53 144p Analysis 43.62 6.40 8.78 26.87 7,87 6,41. 146p Analysis 44.43 6.15 8.97 26,19 7,35 6,415 203p Lone Star Brand 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake __. 43.00 6.00 12,00 23.00 _______ _, __ 5641-1 Ana1ySiS° ----------------------------- -- 41.90 5.79 9.76 27.92 8.21 6.42 60P Lone Star Brand 41.12% Pro- 4 tein Ground Cottonseed Feed 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 .. .... y 5641 Analysis“ 42.49 6.14 9.67 27.36 7.83 6.51: 253M Natchitoches Oil Mill, Ino., \ Natchitoches, Louisiana. 1 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- ‘ seed Feed with Oyster Shell 40.00 4.80 13.60 25.00 683B Analysis _____________________________ -. 40.68 6.42 9.49 27.71 8.65 7.05 646T National reed Store, Beaumont, Texas. Botex Money-Saver Brand Lay- ing Mash _________-_--__.__._____-__. 18.00 8.50 7.00 47.00 .--_ -- ....... -. 1807A Analysis ____________________________ -. 18.76 3.11 5.63 55.49 11.51 5.50 179M Botex 21% Protein Special Mixed Feed _____________________________ _. 21.00 4.50 14.00 40.00 ............. __ 1807C Analysis ________________________ ___ 18.72 4.73 12.72 45.59 10.35 7.89, 94M Botex 18% Protein Dairy Feed 18.00 3.50 11.00 51.00‘ . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ ._ 1807D Analysisfl" __________________________ _. 16.87 4.18 10.52 4.9.72 10.74 7.97 93M National Food Company. Port Arthur, Texas. Dixie Queen Brand Horse and Mule Feed ............................... ._ 9.50 2.50 15.00 54.50 ..... -_ 1891A Analysis“ 11.16 3.22 12.63 56.63 12.42 3.94 84M a, b. o. d. e, f. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. ‘Zfinice bran found. not claimed. “fiDeiicient in ground limestone. n. h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. 1 E,» 00111111201111. FEEDING STUFFS - 181 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued _ (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent p Regis- Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 1 j tfjli-tig? importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude ‘ Nitro- 3 Mois- J Crude l spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-freei Lure "Ash No. W111 Extract; National Food Company, Port Arthur, Texas—Cont’d. Dixie Queen Brand Hen Scratch 10,20 3,00 3_00 7000 __________________ __ 1391B Analysls __________________________ _. 11.10 2.76 1.78 70.64 12.44 1.28 176M Dixie Queen Brand Dryer and Freshener Cow Feed _____________ __ 10.00 3,00 21,00 1,700 1391C Analysis“ ---------------------------- _. 11-28 3.70 18.87 47.96 12.18 6.01 85M Dixie Queen Brand 18% Pro- i tein Dairy Ration _________________ _. 1300 3_00 91_00 4000 _______________ __ 139113 Analyslsm‘ ----------------------------- 1 22.01 4.69 15.38 41.26 10.71 5.95 83M National Oats Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Red-3 Feeding Oatmeal ______ 111.00 5.00 8.70 60.00 ________________ _, 16861-3 Analysis" _________________________ 1-.-‘)3 6.06 4.69 61.68 8.56 3.08 237K Red-3 Feeding Rolled Oats _____ __ 15.00 5.00 8.00 65.00 ______________ __ 1686B Analysis" _______-_________________-__. 14.35 5.85 2.54 65.20 10.17‘ 1.89 112M Nelson Grain Company, Inc., Claude, Texas. , Red Diamond Laying Mash 18.00 3.60 8.00 48.00 - _______________ 1830G Analysis -_________________.---_..-___. 19.12 4.01 6.79 50.65 9,92 9.51 130K Diamond N Chick Starting Mash 17.00 3.70 6-.00 53.50 .---_____ _______ __ 1830K Analysis ............... _'. .......... _. 17.20 4.91 4.68 55.39 10.11 7.61 131K H's-Tex Co-Operatlve Oil Mill, Wolfe City, Texas. Ne-Tex Brand 43% Protein ‘ Cottonseed Meal ____________________ _. 48.00. 6.00 12.00 28.00 __.____-. _______ -. 1046A Analysis _____________________________ __ 43.02 6.25 9.95 26.53 8.03 6.22 45.] Analysis 41.05! 5.77 11.44‘ 27.40 8.19 6.151 184B Analysis" .......................... -._ 41.21 5.87 11.03 28.86 7.10 5.93, 155T Ne-Tex Brand 43% Protein Cracked Cottonseed Cake _--_. 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 1046B Analysis .-.-.--.__---- __ 42,73 5,37 11.391 26.04. 8.21. 6.26’. 185P Ieuhoff Brothers, Packers, Boqbéllas, Texas. d B ' a rotein Meat an one Scraps __________ ______.____._._.._ 50.00 6.00 3-00 0-00 ---------------- -1 1844A Analysis ______-.__-_--_____.---__ 50.18 9-53 2-04 ~66 5-20 32-39 731' Reumond Company, The, Saindt I-gagésualllissourli). h Neumon 's 0 rotein e y- drated Shrimp Meal _..__.--__- 50170 19-00 15-00 1-90 ------- -- 12835 Analysis -._-__-__--.. __ 52-32 4-96 12-82 ~15’ 6-68 23-17 12871. zsojméabitsis __6 ______ __]_)__ U1 __ 50.95 3.86. 13.44 .11 6.75 24.89 0 r0 ein orn 1s 1 er Dried Grains -____-__ 93-00 3-00 15-90 30-00, ---------------- ~i N Anahysig4§__i;____£__i_____§ _______ 1 33.16 6.7a 13.40 36.95 7.01 2.70 1 eumon ’s 0 ro e n rew- - ers’ Dried Grains ................ _. 217.00 4.50 18.00 10-00 ------------------ ~- 16°91? Analysis" ...._______. 21.91 6.00 16.67 43.21 7.60 4 61 563 a, b, c, d, e, f, 0, n, i, j, Ic.--—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Cottonseed meal and linseed meal found, not claimed. Deficient in ground limestone. "slleficient in ground oyster shell. 188 ‘Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN N0. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 a i or in- iinporter. Brand iName. Crude Crude ; Crude ‘~ Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pr0- Fat s Fiber xgen-iree ture Ash No. tein jExtract l‘ New Iizakmillingéigomgany, The, r ansas y ansas. Polar Bear Wheat ,Gr.ay Shorts 17.00 4.00 0.00 $.00 __________ .116 Analysis" ............................. -. . 4.20 5.55 .07 11.90 .1 Analysis" ...................... -- 3.94 5.25 56.88 11.68 3.66 199W Polar Bear Wheat Bran 8.50 10.00 50.00 _____________ _. 917E Analysis _------._._-_.- 3.85 10,33 51.24 10.98 6.91 328M New Orleans Grain & Feed Com- pany, Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana. Golden Calf Brand Brewers’ “flied eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee s 20-2: 022 12-22 as: .5 nalysis _-_-_--___-..________.__ . . . . . - . Analysis _______________________________ _. 28.85 7.29 £5.32 ‘$7.55 7.31 3.68 123 ‘Nornhgusser g: fiomléany, an Ano o exas. Norco Brand '50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ________________ _. 32A Analysis" ....................... _- 50.60 11.88 1.76 .05 8.54 27.17 l10H Analysisk .............. _- 49.34 13.33 4.33 3.90 7.07 22.03 291H Analysisl‘ _____________________________ -. 50.20 16.61 1.60 2.14 8.38 21.07 362H Norris, S. It, Hubbard, Texas. Corn Chop __________________________________ ._. 9.00 3.50 8.00 70.00 ....... .. 1217A Analysis“ ........................ -__ 10.26 4.22 1.73 68.05 14.20 1.54‘ 494W North Shepherd’ Peed. Store, Houston Texas. Shepherd Laying Mash ............. -. 18.00 0.50 v.50 06.50 718C Analysigi” ____________________________ __ 163M Roz-Ag fied Store, a s Texas. Our-Brand’Dairy Feed _____________ -. 3.50 10.00 44.60. _________________ -. 542A Analysis _ 3,53 11,35 50.33 9.98 7.71 4T Analysis ................. -_ 3.80 10.86 48.16 11-35 3-33 312T Our-Brand Egg Mash 3.601 7.80 47.00 _________________ 1 642D Analysis ______________________________ .. 5.51 7.70 48.48 9.63 9-82 139T Nu-Mix All-Mash Starting and . Growing Ration _____________________ _. 16.50 8.50 7.00 51.00 _________________ -- 642E Analysism ........................... -. 17.20 3.95 7.00 53.46 10.70 7.69 513T Nutreng. flélillvsinlne-x, o ey e ansas. Groufd lwhfieyoa“ """""""" " ‘$22 970 "5040 200% na ysis ............................. _. - - - - - Triple V A11-Mash Chick Ra- tion 18.00 4.00! 7.00 07.00 ,_ _874U Analysis“! __________________________ __ 19,15 6.74‘ 430T Nutty ltBrovai illl-Ilills, ous n exas. 32% Protein’ Cottonseed Meal Screenings ____.__-_________--_______-___ 32.00 5.00‘ 18.00 30-00 ------- ~ — 1547A Analysis ............................ J e035 4.24 19.23 32.27 9g? _ 4-64 323M c. d. e, f. g. h, i. j, k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. a, b. mbeficient in ground oyster shell. “Excess of ground oyster shell. “Deficient in ground limestone. “Excess of ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 18. to August 31, 1942—-Continued 189 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or 1 i or In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- 1 Mois- Crude spcction Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash N0. tein Extract Odessa Grain Company, Odessa, Texas. Odessa Economy Brand Dairy COW Feed 18.00 0.80 15.50 10.00 _________________ _. 28841) Analysis ..... ____ ________ ___._ 18.06 4.41 14.08 49.82 8.28 5 40 547s Rustvs Special Dairy Feed __-. 17.00 8.40 10.50 40.00 ...... -. 28843 AHQJYSIS ------------------------- __. 17.50 4.13 14.35 49.24 9.46 32 479$ Odessa Poultry Mash _____________ _. 16.00 4.00 5.50 58.00 ______________ .. 2884c. Analysls ___ 17.75 4.70 3.40 56.04 9.65 8.46 595s on mm a Fertilizer Works, Y Henderson, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- Seed Feed 01.12 5.00 14.00‘ 26.00 ............... _. 124A Analysisv _________________ 40.34 6.72 10.60 28.01 8.25 6.08 139M 43% Protein Cottonseed Mealw 113.00. 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______________ __ 124D Analysislw _________________________ __ 41.981 7.14 10.17 25.96 8.55 6.20 138M Analysis?" ______________________ _, 41.60 6.95 9.47 26.90 8.83 6.25 69P Analysis“ 40.63 7.42 11.26 25.41 9.10 6.18 77P Analysis" 42.45 7.28 9.21 26.96 7.70 6.40 114P Analysis“ _________________________ __ 43.54 9.64 7.28 23.06 7.15 9.33 200P B11800 16% Protein Feed Pellets 16.00 3.00 20.00 02.50 . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ 124.1’ Analysis 16.00 3.86 19.42 43.06 11.43 6.23 78P Analysis 16.20 3.76 21.13 41.72 10.40 6.79 202P 41% Protein Qottonseed Pellets 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ............... __ 124Z Analysis 41.26 6.81 9.43 26.45 9.75 6.30 79P Cottonseed Meal and Limestone 50.60 5.00 11.90 2.0.70 .. ....... -. 124A1 Analysis _______________________________ _. 42.78 8.71 7.76 23.761 8.59 7.40 201p Okeene Milling Company, Okeene, Oklahoma. Mot-Egg Brand Laying Mash._. 18.50 8.50 7.60 45.00 ................ .. 1531 Analysis! ______________________________ _. 18.70 3.07 6.06 52.42 11.02 8.73 24K Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings ._17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _______________ __ 153Q Analysis _____________________________ _. 17.22 4.01 5.35 57.68 11.20 4.54 20K Analysis ............................... .. 17.00 3.69 5.73 59.12 10.58 3.88 495W Mor-Egg Brand Laying Mash Pellets .-..-___--___-....__ __. 18.50 3.50 7.60 55.00 ................ -_ 153A2 Analysislfm ......................... .. 17.83 3.17 5.81 54.60 9.0" 9.56 264K Opelousas Oil Mill, Opelousas, Louisiana. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal... 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ______________ .. 1923B. Analysis" ______._______ 40.0 5.48 12.381 26.64 9.13 6.34 513M Orange Rice Milling Company, Orange, Texas. Rice Bran _______________________________ -_ 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 ....... -. 1849A Analysisefl" 13.43 1.2.69 10.38 43.00 9.81 10.69 92M Rice Bran containing Lime- _ stone ......................................... .. 11.00 10.00 15.00 12.00 ............... _. 1849A Analysis ____________________________ __ 13.69 11.03 8.92 44.18 9.29 12.89 560M Analysis ............................... _. 13.73 12.76 9.03 45.52 8.96 10.00 347T Rice Polishings containing . , Limestone _______________________________ __ 11.00 6.00 0.00 55.0 _______ _», ........ -. 1849B Analysis! _________---__-.__._-_ 14.20 14.65 2.54 48.92 10.63 9.06 244M a, b. c, d, e. f. .0. h, i, .7. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Carbonate of lime present. “Linseed meal found, not claimed. “Ground limestone found, not claimed. 190 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or I or Ln- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude | spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash r No. tein Extract 1 Otis Gin 8a Warehouse Company, Loving, New Mexico. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-- 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 . .............. -. 1426A Ana1ysis43“° __________________________ .. 40.83 6.25 l3. 27 30 6.42 5.86 104S Analysis -__________._______.- 42.82 6.33 10.78 28 55 5.59 5.93 186$ Analysis ____________________________ __ Q32 6.13 10.49 29 25 5.80 6.01 287S Analysis -________.___.__._ 43.60 6.10 10.18 28 08 5.95 6.09 305s Analysis -________----__-..-_.-. 43.68. 6.11 10.38 27.71 5.82 630 405S “Wano” Brand Mixed Feed-____ 11.80. 1.70 88.00 36.00 ................ __ 1426C Analysis ............................... .. 11.36. 2.11 35.03 39.63 8.55 3 32 1638 “Wano” Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cubes 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _____ .. 1426D Analysis“ ______________ ._._ 4038' 6.19 11.28 29.16 7.00 5 99 185S Ozark Peed Mills, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. . Ozark Dairy Feed ________________ 16.00 8.00 15.00 48.00 . 1644A Analysism ______ 16.98 3.29 14.91 48.00 11.06 5.76 65'!‘ Gold Cream Dairy Feed ____------- 24.00 8.00, 15.00 37.00 ...... -- 1644B Ana1ysis43° ________________________ -_1 21.19 2.44 l9.l5 36.82 10.15 10.25 93P Packard Milling Company, Custer City, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- . ngs ........................................ -. 17.00 J; 00 6.00 55.00 ............... 758A Analysis _______________- 17.10 354 4.58 60.28 10.90 3.607 265K a ' A leak?‘ ’ Packard Milling Company, ' Hereford, Texas. . Blue Dot Laying Mash 19.00 3.60 6.00’ 48.00 ...... 1 211L Analysis .............................. .. 20.73; 4.35 5.37 50.55 10.28 8.72 352$ Chowmix Laying Mash 18.00 8.50. 8.00; 1.8.00 ....... -. 211U Analysis ............................. -. 20.13 1.33. 5.03 53.71. l0.12 6.68‘ 351S Packard’s Mix All-Mash Chick ,1 Starter .............. -___-...__-_.._. 15.50 3.50 6.50 50.00 ________________ .. 211x Analysis ............................ .. 18.16 3.73 5.38 56.21 9.61 6.91 277K Palecek Mills, Enid, Oklahoma. Gold Crown Brand 16% Pro- tein Dry Dairy Feed _________ _. 16.00 3.00 11.00 50.00 ............... _- l399B2 l___l>___y AnaIysisQ‘[-.-.._T-_-.n.--__ _____ “T. 21.1? 3.25‘ 9 1? 46.33 9.70 10.44 27K Palestine Grain Company, Palestine, Texas. Magnolia 5 Egg Mash _______________ _, 19.00 870 8 00 06.00 ............. -_ 1442A Analysis ______________________________ _, 19.25 4.76 7.04 48.45 10 13 10.37 344W Elberta Brand Corn Chop- 9.00 3.50 3.00 70.00 ...... _. 1442B Analysis! _ ________________ __ _ 9.72 4.32 2 35 71 62 10 04 1.95 570W Milo Chop ____________________ __ _ 10.00 2.50 8.00’ 70.00 ............... _- 1442C Analysis ______________________ ,_ 11.56 3.63 2.79 67.44, 12.49 2.09 505M Magnolia Scratch Feed _ 10.00 2.50 3.50 68.00 .... -. _ ‘ 1442U Analysis“ ___________________________ _. 10.72 3.58 3.37 68.36 12.42 1.55 144M a, h, d. e, f. g. h. t, 7'. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Excess cottonseed hulls present. . “lPortion of shipment on hand sold to consumer at a reduced price. Refundi paid on the balance. “Rice bran and rice hulls claimed. not found. Peanut hulls found, not claimed. Deficient in ground oyster shell and salt. “Peanut hulls found, not claimed. “Linseed meal. locust bean meal. and rice hulls found, not claimed. “Barley and oats found, n‘ot claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFTS 191 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- \ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or l . | u!’ ln- Lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mols- Crude | wection . Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash .\'o. tein Extract‘ i l Palestine Grain Company, Palestine, Texas—Cont’d. . Magnolia, Special Egg Mash_______ 19.00 141.00 7.50 48.00’ _________________ ._ 1442Z Analysism ____________ _____________ _. 18.95 4.69 6.92 51.62 9.85 7.97 72M Analysis _______________________________ _. 19.45 4.87 7.18 48.46 10.05 9.99 645W Magnolia Growing Mash with Buttermilk ______________________________ 16.70 3.50 6.00 52.00 ________________ _. l442A2 Analysis . 4.55 4.49 54.63 10.30 8.79 504M Analysis 4.59 5.27 52.39 10.52 9.27 474W Magnolia All-Mash Starter F with Buttermilk and Cod l Liver Oil 17.00 3.50 5.001 52.00 l442A3 Analysis ______________________________ _. 18.26 4.69 5.39 53.15 10.95 7.56 145M Tampa. Peed Store, , Pampa, Texas. . Pampa Pride Dairy Feed ----_-. 16.00 8.20 '2.00 51.00 ...... -. 1579B Analysis _______________________________ _. 16.40 3.19‘ 9.65 v3.12 10.23 7.41 108K Paris Milling Company, Paris, Texas. Yellow Corn Feed Meal _________ __ 8.00 3.00 3.00 67.00 . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . -_ 9W Analysis _______________________________ _. 9.39 3.92 2.18 71.26 11.89 1.36 20P Special X Chick Starter ______ 17.00 3.50 6.00 52.50 9Y Analysis“ 17.50 3.37 5.45 54.88 11.95 6.85 463T Special X. Laying Mash __-.____ 1.0.x! 3.8a 7,91 1.5.00 9A2 Analysis 20.44 3.94 6.08 49.66 10.82 9.06 194P PanPs Flour 8s Peed, E1 Paso, Texas. Paul's Baby Chick Starter Mash ______________________ ____ 17.00 3.60 6.00 51.50 ............... _- 1143G Analysis ______________________________ __ . 4.82 6.15. 55.31 9.91 7.10 492s Paul's Growing Mash . 3.50 7.50] 53.00 _______________ -- 1l43H Analysis ___________________ __ 4.61 7.53‘. 54.62‘ 9.55 6.94 413$ Pau1’s Laying Mash ________________ __ l. 3.60 7.20. 50.00 11431 Analysism ____________________________ __ 13.18 5.74 6.58: 53.66. 9.67 6.17 296S Paul's Cow Feed _____________________ __ 19.00 8.30 8.00 07.50‘ ................ .. 1143B Analysis” _%_________,, 18.83 3.60 6.80 13.29 9.73 7.75 91S Paul's Broiler Mash _______________ _. 19.50 8.50 5.50 47.00 _______________ -- 11435 Analysis ............................. -_ 20.50 4.95 5.81 50.56 10.61 7.57 176$ Pecos ‘Valley Alfalfa Hill Com- Pally. Eagerman, New Mexico. Alfalfa Meal 18.00 1.50 83.00 85.00 ............. -- 112A Analysis 11.66 2.08 34.77 36.00 7.76 7.73 55K Analysis 20.00 2.03 21.36 38.29 7.90 10.42 95S Analysis 13.60 1.69 30.16 38.38 8.29 7.88 241S Analysis 14.00 1.69 31.63 35.95 8.81 7.92 242S Analysis“ 12.66 1.28 33.30 34.56 10.09 8.11 560W Peevee Alfalfa Leaf Meal ____ -. 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 ................. _. 112E Analysis _____________________________ __ 20.40 2.36 17.34, 39.38 9.55 10.97 302T Analysis ............................... _. 20.59 3.62 19.40. 40.67 6.49 9.23 606T a. b. 0.11. e.f. g. h, i. j, k.—-See le “mile meal found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “4Deficient in ground limestone. gend at the beginning of this table. 192 Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued BULLETIN NO’. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Quaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1. 19410» (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Per Cent RegiB- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or I I A 01‘ I11- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude‘ Crude Crude Nitgo- _ Mois- Cruge spclilction Pro- Fat ‘ Fiber _gen- ree; ture As o. tein | ‘iExt-ract; A Y J \ Peoples Cotton Oil Company, A W E1 Camps, Texas. h l -P C tt d, M - . laosgesflisisrgestgnénsreig Salga 86.00 5.50 21.00 82.00 ________________ __ 1853C Analysis --_. 24.77 $.60 21.34 35.45 8.51 5.33 428M PeoplesvCofion Cril Company, ha on exas. . 43%APri)tein: Cottonseed Meal K16 £33.? 14194611; na ysis _____--_____________. . . . . . . Analysis° ___.._....._.__ 41.86 6.91- 9.71 26.14 8.71 6.67 209M J Anahésis d__--_é_(_)_% __________________ -- 42_9O 6.41 10.20 25.12 8.69 6.63 431M ensey ran Protein Mixed Feed _ ...... I ............... _. 00.00 3.00 00.00 35.00 ............... -. 4961 Analysis .......................... -. 21.00 3.62 16.35 40.57 11.51 6.95 318M Perkins Oil Company, G ldlllemphésflaillennessee. P ' R d 41 - ot:ei$1nCot?tonsereadnMea1%__ ____ 41.00 5.00 12.00 95.00 ............... _. 1095A Analysis“ ____________________.._. 40.53 5.76 11.18 23.86 12.34 6.33 269K Perrytgn Equity Exchange, t . Deiryerfivaeeoé" Eff ____ ___._-_ 15.00 0.00 10.00 50.00 ...... -._ 3530M S Alrglalysisé“ 23(1) 103° 675 t d h‘ h ____._____. - - - ~ - -------------- ~ 9 . arAgfisis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ‘.11.; 0;; 02: 20:2 t d E h _-_________ 8. - - - --------------- -- ° arenfi§eie §.'f"_..f.s.__-_-_.-.__. 10.05 3.10 5.88 51.00 9.04 10.04 100K Equity Brand 20% Protein r _ _ _ Li“? “fish 33"’? 3-3? 238 iZyifi "m; me 231%.? na ys s’ ..__._ _____ ...7 . . . . . Analygisfifi ______________________________ 21.67 4.20 5.30 $7.13 10.86 10-84 252$ EquidyGBrand Chick Starter 17 00 3 50 '7 50 50 50 2355Y an rower _____________________________ -. . . . . ....... __ Analysis _______________________________ _. 19.50 4.33 5.30 52-14 10 40 3.33 94K Peyton Packing Company, El Paso, Texas. Pe]3§ton’s§0% Protein Meat and 50 00 6 00 3 0o 0 00 1564C on a ........................... -. . . . . ............... _. Ainyiief’? ______________ ____ ____ __. 54.42 10.08 1.30 1.26 5.27 27.67 197K Analysis . 9.08 2.19 .53 6.79 25.41 171S Analysis 9.62 1.26 1.03 4.95 31.40 606$ Pfefgger Rice Milling Company, nc. R Eiolgston, Texas} i . t . L _ 11%.... _____ -21 12.00 12.00 15.00 85.00 ___________ _. 1352A Analysis ______________________________ __ _ Analysis _____________________ __ 13,62 11,95 37,41 9.64 14.98 345T Rice Polishings 8.00 10.00 55.00 ..-- ....... 1 1352B Analysismv 13.95 2.72 50.10 10.48 8.73 227M R" P 1i h" t ' i . ‘fiimestfini i??? .... Ifffififlfiji. 10.00 8.00 0.00 55.00 .................. -. 1352B Analysis _______________________________ _. 14.38 16.42 3.18 45.82 10.11 10-09 528M a. b, c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Molasses claimed, not found. Deficient in ground limestone. “GExcess of ground limestone and salt found. “TC-round limestone found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL. FEEDING STUFFS Table 18. to August 31, l942—Continued 193 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1. 1941, <'l‘ne guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Per Cent \ Regis- l t 2 l. Name and Adnnes» of Manufacturer or‘ 1 > 13-“ importer. Brand Mime. Crude Crude ; Crude Nitro- Mois- ~ Crude specliou Pro- Fut . Fiber gen-free ture i Ash ‘ No. twin 1 Extract j ‘ Phillips Peed Store, H. .I.., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Ground Whole Oats 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ................. _.. 1395B Analysls ____________________________ -~ 10.35 6.10 13.45 56.75 9.55 3.80‘ 27P r Pierce Grain Company, i _ Houston, Texas. j M1 Brand Growmg Mash ....... _. 20.00 3.50 6.50 43.50 ............... ._ 1660c Analyslsm ___ ___________________________ _- 19.45 4.25 6.48 49.70 9.95 10.17‘ 360M Econo Brand Mlxed Feed ______ __ 9.00 2.00 23.00 51.00 ...... -. 1660F AHa1Y$1$“° --------------------------- -- 9.72 4.16 22.35 44.04 10.90 8.831 359M P16158011? 8': kIBoyseI-n, oa um exas. O. K. Brand Growing Mash 16.50 4.00 8.00 50.00 ______ _. 13850 Analysis! ............................. -. 18.70 2.36 7.43 53.67 10.92 6.92;‘ 418H Special Five Laying Mash 13.50 3.70 8.00 46.00 ....... .. 1385Q Analysis .............................. -. 20.40 3.03 8.42 50.76 9.91 7.48 130H Analysis ............................... .. 22.16 3.21 7.75 48.09 9.93 8.86 352H O. 8?. tBrand All-Mash Chick a!‘ 61‘ ------------------------------------ -. 18.00 0.00 6.20 51.00 ................ __ 1385U Analysis“ ........................... -. 19.97 2,89 6.18 53.92 10.39 6.65 353H Analysis .............................. .- 18.38 2.35 5.95 55.30 10.28 7.74 417H Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, Minndeagolis, h Minnesota, an ranc es. Pillsbury’s Wheat Gray Shorts 16.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ................ A 70A Analysis4~‘1° ___________________________ _. 18.49 5.15 6.51 53.79. 11-49 4.57 308M Analysism° 18.11 4.67 6.33 53.72 12.18 4.99; 349M Analysis ______ _. 13.00 4.5g 3.17 55.32 gig 43703lg Analysis ............................. ._ Z .43 4.8 .16 51. l. . ‘ Pigsburys 20% Protein Dairy l 0 70G eed ______________________ __ 20.00 3.50 . 0.00 50. 0 Analysisdhm 22.54 4.05 6.35 50.43 9.52 7.11 421W Pincoffs Company, Maurice, Houston, Texas. Pinco Brand 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed 28.00 4.50 23.00 29.00 _________________ -_ 1244K Analysis" ___________________________ _. 24.67 5.38 25.27 32.04 7.89 4.75 109M 45% Protein Soybean Oil Meal 45.00 5.50 6.00 26.00 .............. _. l244A6 Analysis“ ___________________________ _. 44,43 8.90 6.32 30.53 3.98 5.84 257M Pinkneg Paizllfingwgompany, mar o xas. 50 %_t1;rcgein ’Digester Tankage 50 o0 5 00 3 0O 0 00 2372C ' wlAnalyirilg 52135 12156 113s 1110 0 6.33 26.28, 8K a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, Ic.— See legend at the beginning of this table. “Soybean oil meal found, not claimed. “Rice bran. rwilo head chop, and ground limeston/e found, not claimed. Molasses claimed, not found. “Milo meal found, not claimed. “Wheat brown shorts. “Used by dealer in feeding own stock. 194 Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERHHENT STATLOA Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941,- “Pish meal claimed, not found. “Excess of ground limestone and salt found. _ “Excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone. “sllllinlasses claimed, not found. “Off quality. Per Cent Regis- ‘ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or * . or lu- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude. Mtro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture f; Ash So. tein ‘Extract 1 l Pioneer Flour Hills, San Antonio, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ingS 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _______________ _. 12917‘ Analysis 17.50 4.31 5.49 37.56 10.94 4,20 14H Analysis ___________________________,_. 17.42 4.43 5.57 56.92 11.78 3.88 237H Analysis 17.86 3.89 5.03 57.62 11.97 3.63 434H Texas Pioneer Baby Chick Starter. ______-____-_ ____________________ 17.5 0 4.00 7.00. 50.00 ______________ -. 129I Aanlysism ____ 18.33 6.39 5.62 52.14 10.16 7.36 335H Analysis“ ___________________________ __ 17.80 5.52‘ 5.32 52.06 10.28 9.02 447H Texas Pioneer Growing Mash 17.00 3.60 7.50 50.00 _______________ __ 129M Analysis“ ____.___ __ 18.35 4.53 6.04 53.79 9.68 7.61 448H Texas Pioneer Laying Mashmm 20.50 3.50 7.40 04.60 ....... ______ _. 129N Analysis“ 19.68 5.14 5.83 47.07 10.374 11.91 1551-1 Analysisfifiv _____________________ __ 20.50 5.61 5.66 46.26 10.67 11.30 257H Texas Pioneer Laying Mash ____ 18.00 3.60 7.50 48.50 .............. .. 129N . Analysis __________________________ __ 19.30 5.04 6.21 49.25 11.12 9.08 499H Texas Pioneer 18% Protein - . Dairy Feed ______________________________ _. 18.00 3.50 9.00 48.50 ................ -. 1290 Analysis ____________________________ __ 19.00 5.63 7.52 49.34 11.25 7.26 500H Texas Pioneer Cow Feed ________. 9.00 2.50 14.00 48.00 _____ _. 129P Analysis“? ______ 11.55 2.78 13.47 49.51 14.50 8.19 154H Analysis‘ ______________________________ -. 13.21 4.76 13.01 48.44 11.15 9.43 434W Texas Pioneer Cow Feed ________. 11.80 8.00 18.80 51.00 _______________ _. 129P Analysis" ----.-_______--_____ 13.76 4.31 11.97 51.04 11.54 7.38 501H Texas Pioneer 24% Protein Dairy Feed _ ______ _. 3.30 10.00 42,50 ________________ ._ 129s Analysis 3.81 8.56 44.47 11.89 8.18 238H Piquero, C. 3., IE1 Paso, '.I.'exas. _ Dried Beet Pulp and Molasses 7.00 0.30 20,00 50.00 ................ __ 2461G Analysismvfi‘ ......................... -. 8.64 .27 15.07 62.06 7.48 6.48 295s Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal__. 48.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 ............... _. 580A Analysis" _____________________________ _. 42.41 5.97 9.45 27.59 8.21 6.37 4P Plains Cooperative Oil Mill, Lubbock, ‘Ilexa. 43% Protein Cottonseed MeaL- 8.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________ .. 1476B Analysigv ___________ __________ . 6.05 9.70 26.22 9.32 6.35 47K Analysis" . 7.95 8.90 27.85 7.47 6.41 230S Analysismv __________________________ -. 8.22 9.54 27.85 6.53 6.42 340S Planters Cotton Oil Company, . Dallas, Texas. ‘ Golden Rod Brand Mixed Feed (4-110-1) _____________________________________ _. 11.00 1.60 87.00 36.00 ________ .. -.__.-__. 1850C Analysis ______________________________ _. 11.00 1.71 31.06 41.86 7.68 6.70 592T a, b, c. d. e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground limestone. wWwvw...-_..»e~..-Y........-_v----v.~,._....... .11.... . , . . . ., _. , . COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 195 Table 18. Gguaranteed Compositionand Analyse of Feeds, September 1. 1941, to August 31, 1942-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent R081“- tration Mame and Address of Manufacturer or 0r1n- llnpuflet. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nltro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fst Fiber gen-tree ture Am .\o. teln Extract 1 Planters Cotton Oil Company, Dallas, Texa.—Continued. Golden Rod Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal _ ______ __. 113.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______ _. - ...... .. 1850-1 Analysis _______________________________ __ 43.23 6.66 10.11 26.02 7.70 6.28 194K Analysis ______ __ . 42.55 5.69 8.81 28.30 7.96 6.69 9T Analysis ____________ __ _ 42.60 6.43 10.13 27.28 7.39 6.17 27T Ana1ysis° ________.__-___ . 42.22 6.05 '1.0l 27.42 7.15 6.15 185T Analysis . . 6.51 9.03 26.68 8.25 6.23 398T Analysis 5.81 9.85 27.05 7.92 6.21 514T Analysis" 6.33 10.22 26.56 8.35 6.05 361W Planters Cotton Oil Hill, Enni Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 113.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ............... _. 2343K Analysis ____-____________-_____ 44.07 5.60 9.72 26.62 7.28 6.71 301M Analysis _____ __..___ 44.03 5.47 9.68 26.68 7.51 6.63 161P Analysis 44.15 6.15 9.26 27.40 6.37 6.67 26W AnalysisM“ -__.--_-.._- ----.__. 42.13 6.59 9.72 28.00 7.25 6.31 120W Analysis" ...... _-_ ___ 42.24 5.95 9.88 27.93 7.56 6.44 219W Analysis -- _.__ 42.70 5.53 10.78 26.86 7.50 6.63 363W Planco Mixed Feed ............... .____ 11,30 1.71, 23.00 36.00 _______ .. 2343.1 Analysis _. ............... ____ 11.40 1,48 16.58 38.89 7.68 3.97 490W Pleasant Valley Peed 8a Lumber Company, Amarillo, Texas. Pleasant Valley Laying Mash___ 20.50 8.50 7.110 44.60 ...... -. ___. 694B Analysis“ _______________________ 21.86 5.04 6.40 45.60 9.89 11.21 260$ Poi-tales Milling Company, Poi-tales, New Mexico. Wheat Mixed Feed and Screen- ingg 10.00 3.50 3,50 52,00 ................ _. 2319A Analysis!» 14.98 3.28 6.24 ‘$0.38 11.36 3.76 74K O. K. Brand Laying Mash___ 18.00 3.50 7.50 17.00 ---------------- -. 2319C} Analysismb _______________________ __ 19.11 4.55 5.42 31.91 9.65 9.36 461$ 0. K. Brand Starter Mash _____ _, 18.00 0.50 v.00 18.00 ___________ .. 2319B Analysismb ___________________________ __ 19.80 4.10 5.81 32.56 9.75 7.98 460s Port City Packing Company, Bi Esimstmfi’ Tefarfé P 1 g ate ran roten Me: and Bone ScrZ?ps____________ 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 --------------- -- 1500A Analysis ___________________________ ____ 5287 [O.71 2.08 7.58 26.21 101M Analysis ___________________________ 53,45 9,30 2,00 2.10 6.89 20.20 353M Porter-h!" T e on, exas. Dairy Feed -__-_____________. 22.00 1.00 11.00 10-00 --------------- -- 217211 Analysis ___________i___________ Porter 8a ‘white, Knox City, Texas. A-1 Brand Egg Mash ..... _____. 20.50 8.50 7.10 1111.60 ................. -- 1524K Analysis 21.18 6.02 8.68 44.43 9.63 10.06 63S a, b, c. d, e, f, g. h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Blended with high-protein meal and sale resumed. “Excess of salt found. “Blank Texas tags attached. 196 Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION (fiuaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1. 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent v Rvrzis . (ration Name and Arldress 01 Manufacturer or fl 7 . Y n1‘ In lmpnrurr. lirand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- l Mois- Crude ; spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Aell m». tein Extract \ Porter 8n Wlfte, Knox City, Texas——Cont’d. AA Brand Egg Laying Mash__. 18.50 3.50 6.50 46.00 ....... _- 1524J Analysis 20.53 4.75 6.30 49.98 8.49 9.95 529$ A-l Brand Starting Mash_______, 16.00 4.00 6.00 53.00 ______________ .. 1524Q Analysis _________________________ ____ 17.75 4.02 5.30 55.79 10.04 7.10 528S 50% Protein Meat and Bone . Scraps __..___-__-__-.__._______ . 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 -___.. 1524T Analysis _________________________ ______ 49.53 11.52 2.61 3.82 6 97 25.55 1378 Our Leader Brand Egg Laying , Mash _______________._____________ 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.00 ............. -. 1524W Analysis ______________________ ____. 20.31 4.60 6.83 49.76. 9.90 8.60 578$ Keep ‘Em Laying Brand Egg , Mash __--__.--_____.. ___ 19.60 3.50 8.00 48.00 . . _ . . . _ _ . . . .. 1524K Analysis ............................. _-_ 22.55 3.90 6.90 49.66. 8.25 8.74 577$ Our A-2 Brand Egg Laying _ Mash _-------__--_______--_._.___ 18.00 3.5 0 8.00 49.50 . _ . _ _ . . . . . _- 1524Y Analysis _________________________ ... 20.09 4.03 6.45 52.40 9.15 7.88 627S Poston Peed Store, __ Stephenville, Texas. . ' Postgn Laying Mash_________________ 18.00 3.50 0.50 51.00 ._ ._.. ____ __ 1982]) Analysis __________________ __ __ 17.69 4.33 6.21 54.18 9.19 8.40 632T Qscar Dairy CQW Fged __________ __ 15.00 3.00 (2.50 51.00 .. . _. 1982B Analysis ______________________________ __ 15.26 3.02 ‘.080 54.25 8.08 8.59 633T Pottsville Mill 8r. Produce Com- par" Pottsville, Texas. Z-R All-Mash Chick Starter 17-00 4-00 5-00 52.00 ______________ _. 24421;‘ Analysis _______________________________ __ 16.16 4.52 3.63 57.66 9.97 8.06 521W Power Grain Company, Dallas’ TGxML 20 00 s 70 s 0o 0s o0 2187B - 1- Magh_____ - - . - --------------- n H‘ P133539 “i135 ------- --—» .1998 -_ r wi Mash, 17.00 8.50 5.50 52.00 .............. -. H‘ P§Z§{y§s?“§fffff_____f}§ __________ _, 18.40 8.72 4.98 54.74 9.08 9.08 650T Hi-Power Brand Chick Starter 17.00 3.60 6.00 54-00 -- ------ .. 21071 Analysis __________________________ Prathefls Peed Store, 0. A., Donna" T°?s'd 15 00 8 00 n 00 09 0o 1976A _ r _____________________ __ . . » . . _ . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ __ D°“§na?;‘;,§ _________ __ 15.00 2.69 .1173 50.80 11.77 8.01 93H Analysis453 _______________________________ Pratt rood Company, Hammond, Indiana. _ _ PI-atfs Poultry Mix _________________ 33.00 5.00 6.00 80.00 _______ _. .-_____.. 2660A Analysis _______________ 36.70 3.97 6.30 36.32 9.44 7.27 91K Analysism 36.77 4.18 6.51‘ 34.92 10.43 7.19 54S Analysis ______________ 36.26 4.01 6.37 37.37 8.82 7.17 271T Pratt’s Vital-Trate 16-D----___-_-- 211-50 3-50 3-00’ 114-00 ~ 2666B Analysis 27.05 4.20 7.47 46.12 7.44 7.72 2666B Analysisfl _______________________________ _V 27,61 9,02 41,§1 8.75 4.82 ’ 75K Pratt's Vital-Trate 50-1) __________ __ 24.50 3.50 8.00 44.00 _____ .. ._... 2606C Analysis _________________________. 25.05 4.32 7.33 47.31 7.23 7.76 2666C a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, Ia-See legend at the beginning oi’ this table. “Excess of salt found. “Dried buttermilk claimed, not found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFIPS 197 Table 18. (‘quaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1. 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Same and Address of Manufacturer or or Lu- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- 1101s» Crude 511601.011 Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash 1\'o. tein Extract. 1 Presley Brothers Mill, Breckenridge, Texas. Presley's Chick Starter Mash_ 18.00 3.50 6.50 50.00 ______ 1 1705C Analysis _____.-._._ .___- 19.85 4.50 6.05 50.54 10.23 8.83 582T Presley's Egg Mash.--._____-___-.-_. 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ______________ __ 1705H Analysis“ _--_-__.____-.._---__ 19.53 4.57 6.24 50.33 10.01 9.32 147T Presley's 17% Protein Dairy Feed 17.00 3.50 13.00 46.00 _______________ _. 1705J Analysisl‘ ____._ 17.00 2.74 12.80 46.85 12.09 8.52 388T Preston’s Peed Mill, G-atesville, Texas. Holland Laying Mash ................. -. 18.00 3.80 7.50 49.00 ....... -_ 1969D Analyslsl°m ____________________ -__ 19.35 3.99 7.39 52.04 9.43 7.80 300W Pritchard Rice Milling Company, Houston, Texas. Primco Rice Polishings con- taining Precipitated Carbo- nate of Lime ________________ __- 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 ______ -_ 617A Analysis“ 12.70 15.76 2.49 41.88. 9.41 17.76 275M Primco Rice Bran containing ____ -_ Precipitated Carbonate of Lime 11.00 10.00 15.00 42.00 ........... -_ 617B Analysis“? _______________________ ____ 11.52 13.83 10.74 40,63 7.94 15.34 282M Analysism" __________________________ _. 12.40 12.35 11.36 38.24 8.80 16.85 93W Primco Rice Bran containing Limestone ............. __ 12.00 12,00 15,00 08.00 ________________ _. 617B Analysis!“ ___________________________ _. 13,03 11,63 11.79 39.91 9.12 14.52 371H Purity Peed 8: Seed Company, Beeville, Texas. Bee-Co Laying Mash ___________________ _. 20.00 8.80 6.50 44.50 ....... -. . 1798B‘ Analysis“ _____________ __ . 4.31 5.82 48.46 10.11 11.04 152H Bee-Co Growing Mashm- --______. . 4.00 5.50 52.50 _______ .. 1798G Analysis . 4.36 4.64 59.80 7.52 5 85 446H Bee-Co Chick Starting Mash__-._ 17.00 3.50 5.50 53.00 __________ __ 17981-1 Analysis ......................... _____ 18.25 4.54 4.19 55.15 10.82 7.05 302H Bee-Co Special Laying Mash_____ 13,00 3,50 6,50 47,00 ______ __ 1798.] Analysis ......................... .___._ 18.17 4.10 6.97 49.87 10.65 10.24 372B Purity Oats Company, Keokuk, Iowa. Ex-L-Ent Brand Feeding R011- ed Oats ___-_-__...____._ 14,00 6.50 4.00 60.00 _________________ _. 1598H Analysis“ .............................. -- 16.29 5,41 2.11 63.94 10.18 2.07 367W Quaker Oats Company, The, Chicago, Illinois. Quaker 24% Protein Dairy Feed 24.00 3.10 12.00 40.00 _______________ -_ 1379A Anawsise _______________________________ _. 24.52 3.78 7.65 47.32 10 20 6.53 39K Quaker 24% Protein Dairy Feed ______________________________________ 24,00 3.50 9.00 43.00 __________________ .. 1379A Analysis! _____________________________ .. 26.61 3,53 7.83 45.16 10.22 6.65 132H a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Deficient in ground limestone, and excess of salt found. ‘fififleficient in salt. Wllxcess of calcium carbonate found. “Excess of ground limestone found. “Ground whole oats claimed, not found. of this table. 198 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Giuaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1. 1941, - to August 31, 1942—Continued wfhe guaranties are printed "In italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 or In- lmporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Llois- ‘Crude si-ection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free lun- i Ash So. tein Extract Quaker Oats Company, The, Chicago, Illinois—Cont’d. Quaker 24% Pr-otein Dairy Feed ____________________________________ 24.00 4.00 12.00 43.00 ................. __ 1379A Analysis ______________________________ 25.97 4.90 11.09 40.11 9.64 8.29 590$ Pulverized Whole Oats _____________ _. 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 1379D Analysis. ___________________________ _____ 12.59 4.09 13.11 58.53 7.94 3.74 164M Quaker Sugared Schumacher Feed Cubes _...__-____________________._____ 12.00 3.00 12.00 55.00 ............... .. 1379K Analysis _____________ .. . 3.00 5.88 59.19 10.68 6.58 101P Analysis“ _______. 2.82 5.23 59.45 10.27 7.11 33S Analysismb __________________________ -_ 3.92 8.58 59.41 10.21 4.67 317S Ful-O-Pep Brand Egg-Breeder Mash 20.00 4.50 8.00 45.00 13790 Analysis _____________ .. . 5.86 6.03 48.42 10.08 8.79 208H Analysis“ 4.53 5.96 50.05 8.59 9.60 637S Big Egg Brand Chick Starter- Growing Mash _____________________ -_ 17.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 _ , 1379W Analysis“ ............................ -- 17.70 4.58 6.30 55.62 10.02 5.78 486M Big Egg Brand Laying Mash..- 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.00 . . 1379X Analysis ............................. ___ 19.43 4.92 7.11 51.18 10.71 6.65 135M Analysis 18.90 4.88 7.22 52.30 9.96 6.74 166T Analysis" ........................ _. 19.26 5.03 6.85 52.06 9.74 7.06 118W Analysis ________________ .. 18.68 4.31 6.84 53.60 10.79 5.78 549T _ AIIaIYSiSW“ ............................. -. 20.50 5.32 7.58 51.27 8.97 6.36 615T V1010!“ Brand Rolled Oats 16.00 5.00 2.50 66.00 _______ -. 13792 Analysls" ............................ 1 15.25 8.80 3.1a 61.01 9.51 2.25 105M Ful-O-Pep Brand Growing Mash 19.00 . 4.50 7.00 47.00 ...... _. .. 1379A1 Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 18.60 4.54 5.81 53.88 9.36 7.81 481H Analysis“ ____________________________ __ 19.80 4.88 6.01 53.07 8.25 7.99 281K Analysis ____________________________ __ 20.23 5.00 4.97 52.47 9.75 7.58 501$ Analysis _____________________________ __ 20.41 4.79 5.28 52.26 9.42 7.84 491W Quaker Sugared Schumacher Feed _______________________________ .. 12.00 8.00 1.2.00 55.00 -...__.. ....... _. 1379A5 Analysis ______________________________ _. 12.80 3.49 9.37 59.11 9.36 5.87 133H Quaker Sugared Schumacher Pellets _,-___._____________________________ 12.00 8.00 12.00 55.00 ............... _. 1379A8 Analysis” _____________________________ __ 13.35 4.13 9.78 56.39 10.92 5.43 106K Big Egg Brand All-Mash _________ __ 15.00 3.50 9.50 50.00 _. 1379133 Analysis _______________________________ _. 17.90 5.60 5.72 55.69 9 68 5.41 2861‘ Ful-O-Pep Brand Chick Starter 17.00 4.50 7-00 50-00 l379B9 Analysis ______________________________ __ 20.22 5.35 5.54 52.26 9 47 7.16 321H Analysis _________________ __ 21.15 5.26 5.32 52.51 8.05 7.71 410S Analysis _______________________________ _, 20.70 5.40 5.60 52.18 9.51 6.61 439W Quaker 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 4.00 12.50 46.00 __ 1379B6 Analysise ______________________________ __ 16.00 4.23 9.94 52.10 10.55 7.18 182W Quaker 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 4.50 18.80 46.00 ------- -- 1379B6 Analysis! _______________________________ ._ 16.65 4.80 12.22 48.29 9.68 8.36 365M Quaker 16% Protein Dairy Feed 16.00 3.00 14.70 48.00 . . 1379B6 Analysis _______________________________ _. 20.33 4.13 11.16 48.01 9.58 6.79 270K a. b. c. d. “Cottonseed meal found, ‘not claimed. “In, pellet form. “Deficient in molasses. "arish meal claimed, not found. “Molasses claimed, not found. “Fish meal and molasses claimed, not found. claimed. i. 1'. k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. Soybean oil meal found, not COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 199 Table 18. Giuaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1. 1941, to August 31, 1942-Continued -The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Gent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or ' i 01-111- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Grude Crude Nitio- i Mois- [Crude spection ' Pro- Fat Fiber zen-free; ture I Ash No. tein Extracti * 1 L Quaker Oats Company, '1‘he, Chicago. Illinois——Gont’d. Quaker 40% Protein Supple- ‘ ment for Hogs __________________ __ 40.00 11.00 7.00 29.00 1379B8 Analysis ________________________________ 39.85 4.15 6.23 29.21 8 60 11.96 632$ Analysis _________________________ ___ 40.15 4.50 5.28 29.71 9 61 10.75 303T Oat Hulls, Molasses, Oat Shorts, and Qat Midd1ings____> 5.00 1.20 27.50 52.50 Analysis _______________i____‘_ 4.97 1.03 20.44 54.79 11.88 6 89 17M Aunt Jemima Wheat Gray Shorts and Screenings___________. 16-00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _________________ -- 1379172 Analysis _______,_ ____ 17.48 4.08 5.89 57 40 11.07 4 08 366M Analysis?!" ________________ 17.91 4.04 6.64 55 1° 11.75 4 47 67P Analysismv __________________ 17.38 4.67 6.33 56.26 11.05 4.31 37T Analysism‘ 17.56 4.56 7.49 54.34 11.07 4.98 119T Analysis“! ________________________ 17.64 4.08 6.28 55 63 12.25 4.12" 168T Analysis ________ _________ 16.70 3.90 5.99 58 79 10.80 3 82 285T Analysis ___--__-_____._____________ 17.55 3.68 5.55 58 06 10.15 5 01 617T Ful-O-Pep Brand Turkey Start- er 26.00 4.50 7.00 95.00 1379D9 Analysis _...-_____________________ 25.75 4.57 5.51 44 39 10 19 9.59 513W Ful-O-Pep Brand Laying Mash. 20.00 4.50 8.00 k5 00 ................ _. 1379E3 Analysis _______________________ 20.40 4.76 6.51 51 13 10 14 7.06 1721-1 Analysis --__-.____._--__._._--___ 19.10 g1 482H na ys s -__-.-_______-____________ 19.54 . . 9 . . 9 4J Analysisi" _____________________ -_ 20.40 4.79 6.36 53 29 8 36 6.80 599S Analysis ............ -__. ........ _. 20.80 5.40 6.58 50 66 9 17 7.39 210T Ful-O-Pep Brand Laying Mash Pellets _________________ ___ ______ _. 20.00 4.50 8.00 45.00 ...... -- 1379E4 Analysisk 21.26 4.80 6.57 50.47 10.19 6.71 240M Analysis"! ___________________ 19.84 4.73 6.62 51.58 9.98 7.25‘ 102P Ful-O-Pep Brand Brgiler Mash 19.00 4.50, 7.00 07.00 ___________ W. 1379E5 Analysis ____________ ___. 19.75 4.89 5.41 61.86 10.70 7.39 69H Analysisc ________ __________ 20.85 5.25 5.96 51.36 9.59 6.99 245M Ful-O-Pep Brand Broiler Mash 19-00 11.00 7-00 47-00 1379135 Analysis ________________________ 18.60 4.18 6.63 54.15 9.95 6.49 4251-1 Aunt Jemima Low-Fat Hominy Fees 10.00 5.00 v.00 00.00 _ l379E6 i Analysis 4m __ ____ 10.32 7.97 9.32 60.29 9.17 2 93 57M g Quaker. Schumacher Feed__-_ 12-00 3-00 193-00 55-00 ---------------- -- 1379F4 r Analysis i____i__. 12-76 :22 H13?) 23-23 38g gag 4621.}! E 2331553 “"""‘""""“ . 5.11 11.15 51.89 v.40 5-35 232K E Analysis 3.23 9.34 60.51 9.89 2.24 E Analysis __________________________ 3.63 10.69 57.89. 9.57 .97 Quaker Sweet Feed .................... __ . 1-50 18-50 59-00 ---------------- -- 1379F7 Analysis ___________________________ 11,20 1,90 12,71 52.14 13.70 8.35 6GP Analysis“ ............................. .. 8.58 1.38 18 43 50 10 11-44 10 07 122T Analysis ----______..----_..._._-- 11.70 1.98 14 74 51 05 11-66 8 37 133T Analysis __--.-..--__._--..__-___ 10-33 1.78 16 07 51.26 12-22 3 34 279T Analysis .__---______.---___-.i.-___ 11.28 2.01 14 11 54.01 9.89 8 70 252W uaker 1 Protein Da. r Q Feed 8% y 13,00 .190 13,00 43,00 ________ _. . ______ __ 1379F8 Analysis _______________________________ 18,10 3_16 53,10 5.42 a, b. c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j. k.—See legend at the beginning o1’ this table. fwwheat brown shorts and screenings. ‘Tlibeflcient in fish meal. "Qxcess of salt found. “Ground whole oats present. “Salt found, not claimed. 200' BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1. 1941, to August 31, l94-2—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address 0t Manufacturer or 01‘ 1n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- i. Crude speciion Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree, ture \ Ash N0. tein Extract} 4 Quaker Oats Company, The, Chicago, I1linois—Oont’d. Ful-O-Pep Brand 24% Protein Dairy Feed ___________ _ 24.00 4.00 9.00 41.00 ................. __ 1379G3 Analysis-m ________ 24.50 5.83 9.93 41.82 10.45 7.47 322E Ful-O-Pep Brand Calf Mea1______ 20.00 4.50 8.00 49.00 1379614 Analysis ________________ 24.51 4.89 5.60 47.24 955 8.21 107K Early Bird Broiler Mash_________ 19.00 4.50 8.00 45.00 ___... l379H4 Analysis _______________ 19.62 3.87 6.56 52.30 l0 35 7.30 426H Quality Peed Store, Waco, Texas. Sure-Fine Brand Chick Mash with Buttermilk _______________ 15.70 3.50 5.50 53.00 ................ -_ 2002.1 Analysis _______ _______ 18.04 4.80 4.39 54.10 11.39 7.28 543W Sure-Fine Brand Growing Mash 17.00 8.50 7.00 50.00 .............. __ 2002N Analysis"? ___ _ 17.18 4.05 5.52 56.26 9.71 7.28 627W Quality Hatchery, Lubbock, Texas. Akers Chick Starter_________ 18.00 8.50 6.00 50.00 _______________ .. 1055A Analysis“?! __________________________ 19.72 3.78 8.44 51.06 8.91 8.09 221K Quality ‘Mills, Austin’ Texas" 1s oo s so s oo is 0o 277D Shur-inay Brand E Mash--..-._ ~ - - - — ---- -- Analysis ______'c°rf_____ 20.00 4.28 6.01 50.15 11.47 8.09 1391-1 Analysis ______________ -_____ 22-23 é-gg 3-20 20:0 9~93 8-44 ‘$75 Pennan S ecia L i - - - 0 - 0 ---------------- -. Anéygis 20.95 5.54 5.39 15.42 10.52 11.18 1401-1 Pennant Growing Mash __________ _. 17-60 3-00 7-50 13-50 277s Analysis 18.49 4.44 6.00 53.04 9.81 8.22 428H Pennant All-Mash Chick Starter 10-50 3-50 5-00 52-00 217W Analysis ______ 17.75 4.65 5.71 55.07 9.93 6.89 358E Analysis ______________________ 17.50 4.48 5.20 57.04 9.17 6.61 4881-1 Austin Maid Laying Mash _______ 1.20.00 0.70 7.20 46.00 277Z Analysis ______________________________ 20.50 6.21 7.38 46.19 9.71 10.01 2161']: Hi-Bred Dairy Feed _________________ __ 18.00 3.50 12.00 40.00 ----------------- ._ 277A‘! Ana1ysis484 __________ __ __________ 18.30 4.15 9.39 49.54 10.95 7.67 215H Ans-Tex Dairy Feed____ ____________ _. 21.00 3.80 15.00 41.00 ________________ 1 277130 Analysislwfi _____________________ ___ 19.80 2.81 10.45 47.05 12.29 7.60 429H Quanah Cotton Oil Company, Quanah, Texas. 43% Protein Cottgnseed Mea1___ 43.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ ___-.. 7131 Analysis 42.66 6.27 10.87 26.37 7.94 5.89 53K Analysis ___________________________ ____ 43.15 6.08 9.56 29.11 5.53 6.57 175K Analysis _________ ________ _______ 43.04 5.85 9.60 29.57 5.16 6.78 234K Amnysisbv ___________________ _. 41.65 5.52 10.86 30.24 5.45 6.28 254$ Analysis ____________ _‘___. 43.93 6.58 9.73 26.51 6.31 6.94 366$ Analysisv ___________________________ _. 41.79 6.30 12.00 27.79 5.92 6.20 252T Ana1ysis48° ____________________________ .. 43.99 5.84 8.35 30.29 4.67 6.86 393T a, b, c, d, e. f, g, 10,11)", k.—See legend “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. “Deficient in salt. mG-round dried kelp claimed, not found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. at the beginning of this table. “Corn gluten feed found, not claimed. Deficient in ground oyster shell. ‘$6011’ quality. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 201 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of ' Feeds, September 1. 1941, to August 31, 1942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regifl- tration Name and Address 0t Manufacturer or [ ! 01' I11- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- \ Mois- {Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree. ture Ash No. tein Extractl Quanah Cotton Oil Company, Quanah, Texas—Cont’d. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake“-.. 43-00 5-90 12 00 93-00 713-7 Analysis _______________________________ 8 6.84 6 261K 43% Protein Coarsely Ground H 0o 5 20 12 00 23 00 713p Cottonseed Meal _____________--_-___ - - - ' Analysis ______________________ 43.00‘ 5.37 10.69 28.25 7.07 »5.62 9K Analysisbcflfi __________________________ Analysisc _ ________________________ __ ' ... 2:22 2;: .2 22 sass $122 rotein Cott nse b - - - - ---------- 4 ---- -- %Analysisbv _____ 41.03 6.45 11.26 27.48 7.96 5.82 23K Analysiso ________________ 42,44 5.72 9.30 28.45 7.73 6.36 87K Analysis! ____________________ _______ 41.50 6.17 9.86 29.52 6.46 6.49 179K Analysiso _______________________ __ 40.80 5.60 11.78 29.89 5.64 6.29 253S Analysiswfi _________________‘ 43.15 6.86 8 48 28.15 6.84 6.52 368S Analysisfl" _.__ .. __ 41.63 a 6.99 l1 12 27.19 6.75 6.32 F Balaton Purina Company, fort Worth, Texas. Purina Chick Growena._____________. 17.00 8.50 7.00 48.00 _______________ _. 346A Analysisv 19.57 4.01 5.74 53.98 10.54 6.16 420T Analysis _____________._______ 20.38 4.33 5.44 54.10 9.29 6.46 46OH Analysis -.___-__.-___-___..__1___ 19.16 3.48 5.45 55.40 10.14 6.37 57J Analysis -__-____.._-_._______. 19.39‘ 3.97 5.62 53.58 11.27 6.17 505W mile‘ ‘i°”°.“°’ Cm “'88 3'38 2'02 é‘??? 1511 "as 23.41% na ys S" ______________ _________ 21. . .5 . . . Analysis -.-.__-.-.__..-..____._.. 21.67 4.08 5.13 53.88 9.43 5.81 474H Analysis“ _______________________________ .. 21.21 4.34 5.44 53.98 8 11 6.92 409S Protena 18% Protein Dairy Feed ____-___________________________ 18.00 8.00 18.00 42 00 3461?‘ Analysisv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 19.97 3.58 10.73 16 91 10.29 8 52 386M Analysis ______________________ ____ 19.78 3.47 9.65 49.93 8.68 8 49 643T Purina Calf Startena. ________________ _. 19.50 2.50 9.50 43.00 _______________ .. 346K Analysis ____________________________ 22.25 3.56 7.73 47.92 10.59 7 95 162K Purina Cattle and Sheep Chow 12.00 1.50 10.00 60.00 ________________ __ 346Q Analysis"? ________________________ ___ 15.53 2.89 8.35 54 82 10.76 7 65 309W Purina. Texas 16% Protein Milk Chow __________________________ _. 16.00 3.00 12.00 48.00 .................. -. 3468 Analysis 17.59 3,64 8.18 51.64 11.82 7 13 390H Purina Chick Startena. ____________ _. 18.00 4.00 7.00 46.00 346x Analysis“! 22.00 4.55 4.93 50 90 9 78 7.84 317H Analysis! _________________________ __ 22.03 4.47 4.89 50 50 11.46 6.65 350T Analysis ___________________________. 23.61 4.29 5.42 49 O6 10 34 7.28 427M Purina. Sheep Checkers _____________ __ 16.00 2.00 9.00 48 00 _ _______________ ._ 346138 Analysis . 3.68 7.78 52 75 10.77 7.28 270H Analysis 2.45 6.86 52 67 11.02 9.08 24S Purina Cattle Checkers_ 2.00 9.00 48 00 ................ -- 346B9 Analysis _____________________ __ __ 2.66 7.49 51 54 10.13 10 08 58P Purina Family Flock Chow ....... .. 3.50 8.00 44 00 ............... .. 346D3 Analysis . 3.98 7.70 48 08 10 42 8.32 169H Analysis“ ............................. -. 22.42 4.26 7.43 48 50 9 93 7.46 10W Purina 18% Protein Lay Chow 18.00 8.00‘ 8.00.42 00 ................... -. 346D7 Analysis _______________ -.___-_ 20.54 3.33 7.01 53 19 9 27 6.66 649T ' a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Oil” quality. “Deficient in ground limestone. . “Excess of ground limestone found. “Weficient in ground oyster shell. 202 to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1. 1941, 0 Regis- a, “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Excess of salt found. mKafir meal found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone. Per Cent A I tration Name and Address o1 Manufacturer or ‘ ; 0;- 1n. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- ‘ Mois- Crude i spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree tux-e Ash \ no. Win I lExtract Ralston Purina. Company, Port Worth, '.l‘exa.s-Cont’d. Purina 32% Protein Chowder Supplement ___________________________ -- 39-00 4.50 9.00 26.00 -..-._-.. 346E3 Analysig ____________ 33.14 5.05 7.11 31.02 8.35 15.33 168H Purina. Steer Fatena. __________ _. 12-00 2.00 8.00 54.00 ..... -. 346E7 Analysism _____________________ 13.42 2-06 2.84 $1.18 9.39 11.11 33K Purina Layena (All-Mash Lay- ing Feed) __________________-_______ 15-50 3.50 8.00 47.00 ................ __ 346F9 Analysisflh 18.43 4.00 5.61 54.15 10.22 7.59 26H Purina Layena (All-Mash Lay- ing Ration) 15-50 3.50 8.00 47.00 ............... -- 346F9 Analysis __ _______________ 18.20 3.93 4.74 54.13 10.35 8.65 320H Analysis! ___________________________ 17-42 4.04 5.51 53.51 10.18 9.34 226T Purina 20% Protein Sheep Checkers ___________________________________ 20.00 2.50 8.00 47.00 _____________ __ 346G4 Analysis ______________________,_____ 15.07 2.73 6.25 58.13 9.88 7.94 311M Analysis _______________________ 20.30 3.20 6.33 51.86 10.38 7,93 2128 Purina Hog Chow Supplement 36.00 8.00 14.00 25.00 ............... _. 346G9 Analysis _______________________ 37.39 4.86 9.63 26.66 9.21 12 25 41W Purina Breeder Lay Chow_________ 22.00 3.50 8.00 42.00 ....... _. 34619 Analysis ________________________ 24.03 4.43 7.39 15.16 9.29 9 70 212W Purina Texas 18% Protein Cow Chow _____________ ____ 18.00 3.00 12.00 46.00 ............... __ 346.19 Analysis“ 19.55 3.37 8.46 30.18 10.17 8.27 30 Purina 20% Protein Cow Chow Supplement 20.00 8.00 12.00 43.00 ................ .. 346K1 Analysis“ ___________________________ _, 20.52 3.39 8.69 48.31 9.30 9.79 27H Purina. ‘Texas 24% Protein Cow Chow 24.00 3.00 12.00 88.00 ................ _. 346K2 Analysis ______-______________-_ 24.72 4.43 l0.33 12.50 7.87 10.15 464H Analysis ................ _. 26.43 3.58 10.65 39.53 10.25 9.56 387M Purina 20% Protein Cattle and Sheep Chow Supplement ..... __ 20.00 2.50 9.00 45.00 ................ __ 346K?» Analysis“ 22.32 2.65 6.25 46.98 12.11 9.69 72H Analysis 22.12 2.52 6.61 47.71 11.65 9.39 77S Analysis __ _______-_____ 22.23 2.32 6.76 48.98 10.25 9.46 91W Purina Work Horse Om0lene.-.._ 10.00 3.00 10.00 56.00 346K7 Analysis ____________________ -_ 11.70 5.15 10.06 58.88 9.53 4.68 3K Balaton Purina. Company, Lubbock, Texas. Purina Texas 18% Protein Cow Chow _____ ___________ 18.00 3.00 1.2.00 46.00 ___..__. ....... _. 79C Analysis ____ a 20.35 3.61 8.29 £9.71 54 8.50 13K Purina Texas. 24% Protein Cow Chow _____________________________ __ 24.00 8,00 12.00 38.00 ................ _. 79D Analysis ___________________ 25.59 4.61 L0.32 41.58 8.01 9.89 243K Purina 32% Protein Chowder Supplement _______________________________ _. 32.00 4.50 9.00 96.00 ________________ .. 791 Analysis ______________________ 33.76 5.86 7.44 29.35 7.89 15.70 22K Purina Family Flock Chow -._.- 20.00 8.50 8.00 44.00 79J Analysis _______________________ 22.10 3.94 7.58 47.04 10.60 8.74 126K Purina, Broiler Chow ...... -_ 18.00 8.50 7.00 46.00 ................ _. 79M Analysis ___________________________ --_ 21.24 4.44 6.33 52.58 8.68 6.73 N Purina, Chick Startena. ............ _- 18.00~ 4.00 7.00 46.00 __-.-_ . ........ _. 790 Analysis" 22.40 4.49 4.67 51.75 10.79 5.90 112K b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 203 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- , . tration Lame and Address o! Manufacturer or 01‘ 1n. llllDox-ter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. “in Extract Ralston Purina Company, Tort Worth, Texas—Cont’d. Purma 20% Protein Cattle Checkers __________________ 20.00 2.50 8.00 07.00 ................ _- 79B!) Analysis ________________________________ __ 21.53 3.09 6.01 51.35 10 97 7.05 134$ Purina 20% Protein Sheep Checkers _---__-_______________ _ 20.00 2.5 0 8.00 07.00 _______ -. .- 79C1 Analysis 22.45 3.28 7.03 50.97 9.67 6.60 58K _Ana.1ysis _______________________________ _, 21.83 3.51 6.21 51.68 10.03 6.74 25S Purma 20% Protein Cattle and Sheep Chow Supp1emsnt_______ 20.00 2.50 9.00 105 0 _______ .. . 79C3 Analysis _______________________________ __ 26.60 3.33 7.56 42 8'7 9.61 10 03 117K Purina, HQg Chow Supplement 36.00 3.00 10.00 25 00 _________________ __ Analysis" 36.81 5.44 9.30 28 00 9 67 10.78 269S Analysis! _____________________________ __ 37.70 4.93 10.28 25.96 9 28 11.85 92K Purina Sow and Pig Chow Supplement _________________________________ 28.00 3.00 8.00 96.00 _____________ _- 79C5 Analysis" 29.11 4.24 6.85 39.41 10.31 10 08 27 9S Purina Sow and Pig Chow Supplemgnt _____________________________ __ 28.00 3.00 9.00 36.00 ................ _. 79C5 Analysis! ______________________________ __ 29.66 4.73 7.65 37.23 9 78 10.95 98K Randolph-Norman Grain Com- Pa-zy, T amesa, exas. Lamesa-Mix Chick Starter 17-00 3-50 0-00 51-00 ---------------- —- 4070 Analysis ............................. .- 8 91 9-33 ' B ' t . . . . ................ -. o“.5536?e1erafffiffflfiffiiff- 92-3; 3-2; 3-33 @933 9 51 v 99 49697713‘ Our Pride Brand Growing Mash - - - - ——————————————— -- Analysis 19.18 3.69 6,03 53.94 9.13 8.03 201K Ratliff Peed Store, A. J2, Ranger, Texas. -9 E h _____ __ 20.00 3.50 8.00 00.00 ............... -. 248F4- Our ________ __ 21.68 4.18 7.53 45.36 9.63 11 62 238T Our-Own Brand All-Mash Chick starter _______________________________________ __ 17.00 3,50 5.50 5.0.00 ________________ _. 248N Analysisws _____________________________ __ 17.65 4.40 5,70 54.25 1.0.65 7.35 333T Bear-don Grain 8a Produce Com- pany, u Mason, Texas. Reard0n’s Dairy Feed ............. -. 20-00 4-00 11-00 07-00 ----- 9- - 2412A Analysism _____________________________ __ 19,76 4,72 9.40 49.16 10.32 6.64 44S Analysis ______________________________ __ Red Chain Peed Company, Dallas, Texas. Ideal Brand Dairy Feed ......... -. 18.50 0.00 19-00 00.00 a -------- -- 582B Analysism ______________________ __ ____ 20,42 5,49 12,47 45.15 9.97 6.50 396T Ideal Brand Egg Mash 20.00 9.80 7.50 06.00 ________ -. - ------ -- 582C Analysisea ___________________________ __ 20,93 3,39 7,75 4.5.69 9.62 12.07 1T a, b, c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. “Excess in salt found. “Peanut meal claimed, not found. “Ground peanut hay claimed, not found. Peanut hulls found, not claimed." Deficient in ground oyster shell. ‘Mllilo meal found, not claimed. 204 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, ' to August 31, 1942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent ltegis- Lration Name and Address o! Manutacturer or I q , i o; 1n. Importer. Brand manic. Clrude oiuae Ergo: Nitro- i Mois- lUrude ’ spection ro- ‘at ‘ r gen-tree.’ tur A1 .\ . tein JIExtIact‘ e M ! U Reed, G. 3., Mart, Texas. Reeds nconomy Brand Lay- “: 19s 193s 2-5:; eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ 252A na- ysis ------------------------------ -- . . .1 53.39 9.83 8.8 317W Reed's Best Starting Mash-__-_- 19.00 9.50 5.00 50.00 _______ -_ 252C Analysis“ 21.10 4.53 4.89 4.9.54, 9.72 10.22 454w Reneau Brothers, Seguin, Texas. Reneau’s Supreme Brand Lay- ing Mash_ ....................... _.._.- 20.00 3.70 7.50 45,50 _________________ ,_ 67B Analysis -__-______ __-___- 20.53 5.07 5.79 19.71 9.70 9.20 47111 Reneaws Popular Brand Lay- ing Mash -----_-_----__._--_.____--_- 19.00 3.60 7.50 48.00 ________________ __ 671 Analysis -__-._-----._---.----__-_--_____ 19.60 3.92 5.60 54.33 9.70 6.85 470H Relrlleailgs Home-Mix Growing as -_______-__-----_---__.-_----_._____- 17.00 8.50 7.50, 50.50 ________________ _. 67L Analysis _______________ -___.__. 20.05 5.17 6.03 50.65 9.49 8.61 472B Rhome Milling Company, Bhome, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ...... __.__._ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ________________ __ 12H Analysis ____ --___. 10.70 4.56 13.33 56.74 10.25 4.42 49P Riceland Mill, Eagle Lake, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk._.__.. 8.00 3.00 10.00 65,00 _________________ _. 1563B Analysis .................... -- 8.80 3.30 8.50 65.51 12.28 1.61 193M Farmer's Pride Brand Hog Feed 15.00 5.00 7.50 52.00‘ _______ -. 1563K Analysis ___________________________ -- 16.31 5.95 6.05 52.12 12.03 7.54 194M Farmers Pride Brand Grow- ing Mash 16.00 3.50 7.50 51.00 ............... -. 1563L Analysis“ _ 17.65 4.31 7.81 53.19 10.98 6.06 51M Farmer’s Pride Brand Laying Mash --_.___-____-_- ------__-_____-_________ 19.00 3.60 8.00 47.00 _____ -_ 1563M Analysis“ ........................... _-_ 20.97 4.05 6.60 50.30 10.68 7.40 52N Richmond Cotton Oil Company, Inc., Richmond Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal» 43.00 6.00 12.00 23,00 ________________ __ 1338A Analysis" 41.65 7.33 10.27 27.19 7.07 6.49 559M Richter Peed Mining, Walter, Iago, Texas. Mixed Feed 14.50 3.30 16.50 48.00 ................. .. 988A Analysis“ 9.05 2.37 15.08 55.05 13.84 4.61 120M Ear Corn Chop with Husk, A1- falfa Meal, and Molasses_._. 8.00 2.00 18.00 53.00 .................. __ 988B Analysis ________ 9.90 2.24 16.33 53.65 12.44 5.44 321M Laying Mash --_-_.------..____._-_._.. 20.00 8.60 5.50 45.50 ................ -. 988E Analysis ___..___-___..-_________.. 21.49 5.09 5.97 45.93 10.99 10.53 322M a, b, c, d. e. f. g, 11,1‘. y‘, Aw-Eee legend at the ‘Qillxcess of ground limestone and salt found. “Deficient in calcium carbonate. beginning of this table. “Deficient in whole-pressed cottonseed and excess of ear corn chop with husk found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STU FFS 205 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent l Regis- tratlon Name and Address of Manufacturer or | l i or [n- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude“ Nitro- l Mois- i Crude l spetitl0ll Prlclal- Fat Fiber gen-treel ture ‘l Ash 1 .\'o. te Extract . | \ Riesel Gin Company, J Riesel, Texas. . Ginco All-Mash Chick Starter 16.50 3.50 5.00 54.50 -.._____ .--.-.____*; 1245B Analysis ______________---______._-_ 18.90 5.65 5.76 52.51 10.09 7.09 452W Ginco Economy Brand Laying Mash _______________ ___________’__ 19.00 3.50 7.80 47.80 ....... .. . 1245K Analysis 21.23 4.30 6.38 49.33 9.20 9.56 630W Rio Grande Valley Citrus Ex- change, Weslaco, Texas. Texsun Brand Dried‘ Citrus Pulp 5.50 2.50 10.50 62.00 ________________ _- , 1899A Analysis i_ 5.01 3.19 11.16 08m’ 4.28 7.99 246K Analysis __ _________ 5.50 3.54 '.0.40 64.69 8.69 7.18 3101-1 Texsun Brand Finely Ground Dried Citrus Pulp ___________________ -. 6-00 2-50 11.50 62-00 ________________ 1399B Analysisv _______________ 5.00 1.43 8.18 66.60 9.24 9.55 44F Texsun Brand Finely Ground . Dried Citrus Pulp ________________ __ 5.50 2.50 10.50 62.00 ............... -. 1899B Analyslsk _______________________ 6.00 1.08 9.18 67.38. 5.86 10.50 342H Texsun Brand Dried Citrus ' Pulp with Molasses ____________ 5.00 2.00 9.00 62.50 ________________ .. 1899C Analysis _______________________________ 5.40 1.91 9.94 63.99 11.05 7.71 506H Texsun Brand Alfalfa Leaf Meal 20.00 2.50 18.00 40.00 ....... __ 1899E Analysis _ 21.15 3.23 17.87 36.39 4.05 17.31 450H Analysis _______ _______ 18.57 2.28 21.4.8 40.02 6.21 11.44 538M Bio Grande Valley Cotton Oil Company, Clint, Texas. 43% Protein Cottgnseed Cake____ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _________________ .. 1078A: Analysisd __ ________________________ __ 6.62 11.14 28.29 . 7.20 5,97 299§ Analysis ______________ ____________ 42.75 6.53 9.57 27.40 7.70 0.05 303s 43% Pl-Qtejn Cottonseed Mea1__ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _ ______ _. .______ 1078B Analysiso 42.37 7.00 10.18 27.57 7.09 5.79 297S Analyslsc _____ __ 7.28 11.22 28.04 7.61 5.81 302$ Analysis.’ 6.80 l0.29 27.10 7.23 6.27 495$ 38.56% Protein Cracked Cot- tonseed Feed ........................... .. ________ -_ Anlysisgbww ___________________________ __ 33.68 5.69 i612 30.82 8.20 5.49 414s B1. & M. Peed Store, Bowie, Texas. Farm Balanced Chick Starter 17-50 3-50 6-00 53.00 .... -_ -- - 683D Analyslsm ___________________________ __ 18.81 3.89 4.08 57.32 10.14 5.76 542T Farm Balanced Dairy Feed____ 17-00 3.00 7-1-00 09-00 _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . -_ 683-1 Analysis _______________________________ __ 51.13 Roach Peed 8a Grocery Company, Garkaindjsmexajf‘ h 19 o0 <2 60 s 10' 46 0o 6520 ecia] ix a5 _____________ __ ~ * - - - ----------------- _- . Sp Analysis gg 19.64 5.13 6.06 50.63 10.25 8.29 751‘ Analysls _______________________________ __ . 4.77 6.15 50.22 10.43 l 8.63 44 7T a, b. c. d. e, f, g. n, i. i, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. Wt-ireund. cottonseed feed. “Tish meal claimed, not found. Shrimp meal found, not claimed. W6 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION '.I.‘able 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Name and Address of Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Per Cent Nitro- gen-free Extract Mols- l Crude Regis- tratlon or In- spection No. Bobbins Peed 8a Grocery Com- Shamrock Egg Mash ---_.-..--...-_. Analysis! __ ________________ _. Shamrock Growing Mash _ ...... _. Analysis _---.-_-__-____-_..____.__ Shamrock Cow Feed ........... _.- Analysis _----______--__ Analysis” -_-_ Analysis ............................ .. Roberts Seed Company, Texico, New Mexico. Roberts’ Texico Brand 20% Protein Cattle Feed -.---___...-_ Analysisw" .__.______.__.... Robinson Bros-, Austin, Texas. Block 8 Laying Mash ____.___. Analysisw" _________. Block 8 Laying Mash __-___-____ Analysis __-_-----______-____--___-_-- Robinson Bros.’ All-Mash Lay- ing Feed ___-_-__-__.__.___..__.__. Analysis ................. __ Rob1nson’s Dairy Mix ._ Analysis ____________________________ __ Roddy Milling Company, Corpus Christi, Texas. Blackland Special ___--_-______. Analysis“ i Analysis --__-_-__-__-.__-------___--__ Roddy’s Egg Mash ______ _ Analysis“ ................... _. Analysis” -__-._---_. .... ... Kremo Dairy Feed ................. -_ Analysis” ............................ _. Analysis“ ».._--_.-._____-__-_-._ Analysis" Roddy’s Milo Head Chop and Molasses ................................. -- Analysis ............................ __ R0ddy’s Growing Mash with . PPS”? 99m“ awe Qmm m " Wv-lmar-lwewcne gmme n4 8: flwoemmm Cod Liver Oil .-_-_-----.__-_-_______----- Analysis a, b. c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, 7c.—See legend at the beginning 502M110 head chop found, not claimed. -"°3In pellet form. Pk H§ pwwwwwwwww mm .. ... _ ca t“?! 9”." 99""'ftt“?'.l°°°°\ @“ WQ Qflmmwwewwm we me wowewweowe 50.00 55.37 $4.82 65.00 57.95 47.00 55.05 of this table. 2017N 372$ 1647G 3H 1647G 432H 1647M 2627E 498H 2627F 12H 235H 26271 236H 307H 2627L 13H 2627N 374H “MG-round whole oats claimed, not found. Deficient in salt and excess of ground oyster shell found. “Some ground whole oats found, not claimed. "WI-inseed meal, ground whole oats, and corn bran! found, not claimed. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. “wiDeflcient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. mRice bran found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STU FFS 207 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1§42—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent I Resis- tration Auun- and Address oi Manufacturer or 1 I or in importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- |Crud_e spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree turc | ,\.-n so. tein Extract | f Rodgers, Major 3., Iievelland, Texas. Laymore Brand Egg Mash ____ -. 18.00 3.60 8.00 116.50 ................ _. 1766K Analysis ...................... .. . 18.90 4.63 6.19 51.59 9.69 9.00 223$ Rodney Milling’ Company, J Kansas City, Missouri. 11.00 3.50 0.00 55.00 ................ -. 1926A Analysisasio __________________________ __ 18.00 4.31 6,53 55.36 11.27 4.53 507W Rodriguez a Arranga, Del Rio, Texas. Wheat Mixed Feed ................. -. 16.00 3.50 8.50 52.00 ________________ __ 1068A Analysls _____________________________ _. 15.13 4.29 9.80 53.63 11.81 5.34 1068A Boesling 2 Company, B. 3., San Francisco, California. Eggo Brand 68% Protein Sar- dine Meal 4.00 1.00 1.00 ................ -. 2236A Analysis ....... -- 4.99 .37 6.17 5.16 12.12 110M AnalYS1S“*“1 6.84 .43 1.73 10.19 14.78 148M Analysisml __ 7.27 .42 1.22 10.17 14.97 149M Analysis‘ __- 3.20 .27 6.35 7.71 12.86 540M Analysis 3.08 .55 5.73 6.14 16.39 244s Analysis“ 3.91 .18 6.71 6.11 12.94 418S AIIQJYSIS 2.56 .30 5.27 7.41 14.54 308W Rogers Grain Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Rogers’ Super-Brand Fattener 14.50 4.20 5.00 60.00 .... _. 350G Analysis _____________________________ .. 16.05 6.11 4.28 58.02 10.60 4.94 18M Analysis” ..................... -. 15.90 6.88 4.39 57.00 10.43 5.31 347M Rosebud Oil 7t Cotton Company, Rosebud, Texas. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal._ 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 _______________ .. 226A Analysis" ............................ -. 39.79 7.24 8.90 28.83 8.39 6.85 557W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00" 5.20 12.00 25.00 ________________ -- 226C Analysis .............................. -. 43.00 6.47 9.33 27.83 7.27 6.10 152W Analysism‘ _ ...................... -- 40.55 8.06 9.36 28.66 6.84 6.53 320W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake... 113.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ______________ .. 226D Analysis ............................. .. 43.19 5.94 9.20 26.79 8.85 6.03 153W Rose City Peed Mill, Tyler, Texas. Rose City 24% Protein Dairy Feed 24.00 4.50 11.50 39.50 1908A Analysis .............................. _- 25.06 6.13 10.51 39.23 10.12 8.95 483T Rose City Hog and Pig Feed 15.50 8.00 8.00 52.00 1908D Analysis“ ...................... ... 16.45 3.33 7.25 57.35 10.58 5.04 29.1 Rose City Chick Starter ........... -. 18.00 3.60 6.00 50.00 ............... __ 1908E Analysis ........................ _. 20.35 3.84 5.63 56.43 5.60 8.15 482T Boss-Hicks Grain Company, Port ‘Worth, Texas. Ear. Corn Chop with Husk ________ .- 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 ................ _- 1316A Analysis 8.11 3.28 9.61 66.37 11.19 1.44 344T a, b, c, d, e, f, g. h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Wheat brown shorts and screenings. “llfiefumd paid in part. “Rice polishings found, not claimed. ‘"01? quality. of this table. “Dice bran claimed, not found. Milo head stems and ground whole oats found, not claimed. 208 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September l, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent y Rflgb tratiuu Auuie and Address oi Manufacturer or < g 1 1 . or 1n llllliuflcl. brand Mime. Crude 1 Crude .1 Crude} Nitro- Mois- . Crude spection Fiber gen-free, .\o. Extract; X Ross-Hicks G-rain Company, Fort Worth, Texas—Cont’d. Ground Whole Oats ________________ _. 12.00 58.00 1316B Analysis“ _ ..................... -- 12.04 57.24 232T Analysis ______________________________ -- 10.65 59.30 305T Alfalfa Meal and Molasses 25.00 36.00 1316B Analysis .............................. -_ 20.47 40.99 140T Analysism“ 32.22 38.15 222T Alfalfa Meal and Molasses ..... _. 28.00 39.50 1316E Analysis ___________________________ _. 21.63 41.26 595T Analysis 29.72 45.40 644T Milo Head Stems and Molasses 20.00 55.00 131611‘ Analysis” ....... _._€_..._. 20.34 50.25 2 2 1 T Milo Chop _-___--__________.__. 3.00 70.00 1316Q Analysis“ .--_-_--__--_----__---..___--_. 3.82 65.29 400T Alfalfa Meal 33.00 35.00 1316B Analysisdam ........................ ._ 43.69 29.87 399T Roswell Cotton Oil Company, Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell Cubes containing‘ M0- lasses _--.___--__-_________-..___... 5.20 21.50 30.50 1110C Analysismb _._-____...._.___----. 5.50 18.88 37.10 99K Analysisml’ ..___m____.. 6.03 20.85 38.70 367s Analysisml _-___--___-______-.. 5.45 21.64 34.65 641s Rowell reed. Store, Anson, Texas. Rowel1’s Top-Notch Brand Lay- ing Mash 3.50 8.00 46.50 616A Analysis"? ____________________________ .. 4.08 6.81 52.15, 384T Rowel1’s Top-Notch Brand Dairy Feed 3.30 9.80 50.60 616B Analysis 3.99 8.10 49.08 60S Rowell’s Top-Notch Brand Chick Starter _________________________ __ 8.50 5.00 51.00 616C Analysism ___________________________ _- 4.00 6.80 54.54 5378 Rowell’s Top-Notch Brand Gro- Mash _______-_______________-.____-. 3.50 6.00 50.00 616D Analysisw‘ ____.______._..--. 4.10 5.37 53.28 586$ Ruhmann Grain Q: Seed Company, Waco, Texas. Texas Queen Brand 20% Pro- tejn Laying Mash ______________ __ 7.00 06.00 1640P Analysis ______________________________ __ 5.59 197W Texas Queen Brand 17% Pro- tein Starting Mash ______________ _. 6-00 45-00 15405 4.21 54.89 448W Analysis ___________________________ n a, b. c. d. e. f, g n, a, 2, k-See legend at the beginning of this table. mG-round whole barley and rice hulls found, not claimed. “Rice hulls found, not claimed. “Peanut hulls found, not claimed. “Alfalfa stem meal. 51°11: ground condition. Defiicient in ground oyster shell. mIn groundcondition. Molasses claimed, not found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. mCottonseed meal found, not claimed. mrish meal found, not claimed.. Deficient in ground oyster mPeanut meal and soybean! oil meal found, not claimed. wa.v_.._._....._......w..,._,___cy .._._.-_..- .. .... .. . .. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STIJFFS 209 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942--0ontinued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) P61‘ Uellt lit-gis- LIaLluLl Aunie and Address o1 Aluuulacturer or ‘ U‘ n, importer. Brand Aamc. i Crude Crude Crude Muo- i Mols Lfuur 1 rpkClluLl l'ro- Eat biber gBU-IIUQ‘ Lute , ..\..-n i nu. win Extftwl‘ ‘ Ruhmann Grain 8n Seed Company, Waco, Texas—uontlnued. Texas Queen Brand 16% Bro- - Leln Growing Mash ______________ __ 16.00 4.00 6.50 47.50 _______ __ _-__ 164(,T Analysis“ _____________________________ _. 17.88 5.09 4.22 54.23 9.83 8 75 623W Radio brand Egg-Producer _ Feed 19.00 3.80 8.00 43.50 _________________ __ L640A3 Analysis ______________________________ __ 31.95 4.57 6.09 47.15 10,47 9.77 104W Radio Brand Sweet Feed ____ __ 9.00 2.00 12.00 53.00 _______________ __ L640B4 Analysis . .96 17.43 52.33 11.89 10.54 105W Analysis“ .83 17.39 51.04 12.48 11.08 202W Analysis 1.15 12.82 52.06 13.00 12.51 459W Ruhmann Grain 8n Seed Com- P311111 ' Waco, Texas, and Branches. . Ground Whole Oats __________________ _. 11.00 4,00 12.00 58,00 ______________ __ 559B Analysis _______________________________ _. 9.50 5.48 12.32 59.10 9.82 3,78 56p Rule Cotton Oil Mill, Rule, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Cake __________ -_ 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ______________ __ 702A Analysis .............................. -. 44.10 6.79 9.76 26.71 6.67 5.97 204$ Chum. nagon Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal ___________ -. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23,00 _______ __ 702B Analysis . 8.70 10.03 25.01 7.51 5.70 1388 Analysis 6.11 10.41 25.95 7.53 6.10 1548 Analysis 7.22 10.16 25.25 6.96 5.95 205$ Analysis 7.75 9.63 24.10 8.53 5.89 498T Analysis 6.73 10.25 25.59 7.61 6.02 626T Rule-Jayton Cotton Oil Company, Stamford, Texas, and Branches. Ruco Mixed Feed No. 1 ....... -. 13.50 2.00 36.00 36.00 ________________ __ 986A Analysis _______________________________ .. 15.30 3.57 32.04 37.36 8.05 3.68 383$ Saint 8v Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Royal King Brand Dairy Feed. 16.00 141.20 12.00 42.00 ................ _, 2275C Analysis . 4.21 9.08 48.79 10.48 7.32 28M Corn Chop 3.50 3.00 70.00 ....... -. 2275E Analysis 2.95 1.50 70.64 12.75 1.66 407M Rice Hulls, Rice Bran, Molas- ses, Alfalfa Stern Meal, Corn Chop, and Salt 6.30 2.60 21.50 43.00 _______________ _. 22751 Analysis?“ ___________ __ 5.40 1.15 19.98 46.51 12.87 14.09 31M Analysis _______________________________ _- 5.90 1.95 20.33 43.52 14.85 13.45 471M saints Horse and Mule Feed 9.00 3.00 10.00 60.00 ....... -. 2275J Analysis“? _____________________________ -_ 8.65 2.86 8.36 64.22 11.97 3 94 228M Square Deal Brand Cow Feed 18.00 3.80. 22.501 37.00‘ ........ -. 2275A9 Analysis“; _____________________________ __ 20.00 4.19 22.07 34.95 9.80 8 99 30M Analysis . 3.22 26.36 32.416 11.10 7.90 472M a, b, c, d, e, f, g. h. i, j. k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. “Tish meal claimed, not found. mGround whole oats found, not claimed. mR-ice hulls found, not claimed. mCorn chop and milo chop found, not claimed. found. Excess of ground oyster shell 210 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. G-uaranLeed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) i Per Cent 7 Regis- i [ration Name and Address o! Manufacturer or i ‘ 1 m1“- hnporter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude I, spQCUOII Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash 1 No. tein Extract‘ 1 Saint 8t Company, Inc., Hcuston, Texas—Cont’d. Alfalfa Stem Meal, Molasses, and Salt _____________________________________ -_ 9.0_0 1.00 27.00 46.00 _______________ _. 2275B2 Analysism 7.25 .56 23.49 44.64 14.85 9.21 165M Buckhorn Brand Laying Mash 18.00 3.50 8.00 47.20 ................. .. 2275B8 Analysism __________________ ________ .. 19.00 6.27 7.59 48.81, 9.26 9.07 29 Alfalfa Stem Meal, Molasses, Oyster Shell, and Salt ________ __ 7.40 0.60 31.00 36.00 ________________ __ '2275D8 Analysis“ _____________________________ _. 11.06 .97 24.69 40.33, 12.60 10.35 361M Salley Company, J. 3., Liberal, Kansas. Sa1ley’s Whole Barley Chop- 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 ................ -- 1194K Analysisdfli” ........................ -. 12.14 1.77 5.33 68.50 8.94 3.32 5K San Angelo Rendering Company, San Angelo, Texas. Huntingt0n’s 50 % Protein Meat and Bone Scraps _________ _. 50.00 6,00 3.00 0.00 ________________ _, 1398A Analysis“ ____________________________ s 4.9.05 '2.67 2.69 3.03 6.69 25.87 30S San Antonio Oil Works, San Antonio, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal... 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 .. ...... .. 930E Analysis -__-_-_-----_----___________ 43.13 5.52 £1.25 26.55 7.73 5.82 32H San Marcos Oil Mill, San Marcos, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43. 00 6.00 12.00 23.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5281 Analysis _______________________________ __ 6.96 10.68 26.42 6.71 5.69 1H Analysishm 6.33 13.28 27.23 9.28 5.50 289H Analysis _--_ 6.18 12.62 26.82 9.42 5.65 427H Analysis _______________________________ __ 6.37 l2.26 27.21 8.40 5.89 486H 43% Protein Cracked Cotton- seed Cake _-_---_-__________________ 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ....... _. 523-1 Analysis ______________________________ __ 44.01 6.10 9.90 25.61 8.53 5.85 71H Santos Products Company, Eagle Pass, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 11,00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ....... _- 450C Analysis _____________________________ __ 20.38 4.92 6.01 55.49 9.39 3.81 1181-1 Analysislwé _____________________________ __ 14179 1,52 2,35 68.53 10.96 1.85 405B Sayers 8a Son, Houston, Texas. Hearty Brand Laying Mash.-. 18.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 _______ _. ..--______ 1494C Analysis ____________________________ __ Hearty Brand Growing Mash 16-00 3-50 6-60 53-00 ---------------- -- 149413 Analysis ____________________ __ 18,20 5,68 5,81 52.17 10.94 7.20 104M Hearty Brand All-Mash Start- i ing Ration ................................ -. 15.50 3.60 6-60 52-00 -------- ~ ~ ------ ~~ 149417 Analysig”?! ____________________________ ._ 16,40 5,44 5.38 54.44 11.10 7.24 169M a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-See legend at the beginning of this table. mGround limestone found, not claimed. Excess of salt founfd. mExcess of salt found. “Cottonseed meal found. not claimed. "zMilo meal and wheat chop present. mExcess cottonseed hulls present. mwheat white shorts and screenings. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. V_....w-V-,-,-W~W~.W__,M..._.H.W__ 11.. a COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFTS 211 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyse of Peeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 19421-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 1 Per Cent - Regis- Name and Address o1 Manufacturer or Importer. Brand Name. Crude Orude1Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat tFiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein ‘ \ Extract‘ l l Sayers 8a Son, I-Ioustrn, Texas—Cont’d. Hearty Brand Special Cow Feed ..... _._ ____________________________________ .. 19.00 8.80 18.00 39.00 1494J Analysis“ __________________________ -. 18.12 5.12 17.68 39.94. 10.78 8.36 34M Schier Bros" Sealy, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk _____ ._ 8.00 3.00 10 00 65.00 911B Analysis _____________________________ ._ 8.16 2.88 10 23 64.63 11.99 2 11 40M Safe-Way Brand Growing Mash 16.00 8.50 '7 00 52.00 ________________ __ 9111-1‘ Analysis _____________________ __ 18.14 3.80 4 63 53.71 11 30 8 42 542M Safe-Way Brand Broiler-Maker Mash 20.00 4.00 6 00 48.00 911G Analysism _____________________________ __ 20.44 4.88 5 29 49.10 10.97 9 32 41M Safe-Way Special Brand Lay- ing Mash __________________________________ __ 20.00 3.50 7 00 48.00 9111 Analysism _____________________________ __ 20.70 3.70 5 51 50.96‘ 9 85 9.28 543M Safe-Way Brand 40% Protein reeders Concentrate and Hog Sunplement 40.00‘ 4.00 8 00 18.00 ................ _. 911K Analysis 39.75 5.55 814 22.05 7.57 16 94 270M Safe-Way Brand 24% Protein Dairy Feed _______________________________ -. 24-00" 3.70 12.00 40-00 _______ -» ________ __‘ 911N Analysis _________________________ __ 24.60 4.93 9.17 42.02 11.30. 7 98 269M Seal-Tex Quality Brand Lay- ing Mash ___________________________________ _. 20.00. 3.50 7.00 47-00 ________________ -- 9110 Analysis] _____________________________ __ 21.20 4,28 5.74 49.61 10 96 8 21 42M Safe-Way Brand Cattle Feed Cubes ________________________________________ __ 17.00 3.00 7.00 51.00 ________________ _- 911R Analysis ____ ___________________________ __ 11.80 3.04 5.44 56.55 11.45% 5 72 150M Schulenburg 011 M111, The, Schulenburg, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ....... -_ _ ______ -- 404B Analysis _______________________________ _. 43.51 6.97 8.54 25.99 8.82. 6.17 154M Schum""‘*er CH1 Works, The 3., Navasota, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................ -. 803C Analysis" _____________________________ __ 4.2.20 6.20 9.63 27.76 7.80 6.41 212M Ana1ysis° ____________________________ __ 42.40 6.09 10.58 26.61 7.85 6.47 395M Schuster Commission Company, E1 Paso, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps __________ __' ................... _- 50.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 ................ -_ 1368D Analysis __ ________________________ _- 53.83 10.82 1.67 1.78 3.87 28.53 555$ Wheat Gray Shorts.______-__--- 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 ................. _. 136811‘ Analysism° ............. -__._ _____ __ 16.56 4.21 7.79 55.67 11.12 4.65 168$ Analysis” ____________________________ _. 17.46 5.20 7.35 57.47 8.37 4.15 5538 a. h, r‘. (I. F’ f r1. h. 1'. 1'. k.—"ee legend at the beginning of this table. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. mDeflcient in ground oyster shell. "Tllolasses claimed, not found. "swheat mixed feed. “Wheat ‘brown shorts, 212 BULLETIN NO‘. 6201, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guarameed Conzpoaition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent ‘ Regis- tratlon Name and Address of Manufacturer or ; ‘ or 1n- lmporter. Brand name. Crude Crude Crude ‘ Nitro- Mois~ A Crude SpQCLOII Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-free ture 1 Ash 1N0. will Extract 1 4 Schwartzman Packing Company, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schwartzman’s 50 % Protein Meat and Bone Scraps .......... _- 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 ....... -_ 2432A Analysis" ................... _- 42.45 8.68 4.38 14.46 5.75 24.28 459S Analysis" _ .......................... _- Q84 6 73 415 16 1O 4.55 25.63 552s Scott Bros. Grain Company, Inc., Port Worth, Texas. Ground Whole Oats_-_._.___.._... 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ________ _. 69A Analysis _____________.___.__ 11.08 4.92 12,18 57.87 8.88 5.07 145T Analysism 10.59 5.00 13.67 54.74 10.73 5.27 308T Analysis“ ...................... _.._ 14.34 4.52 9.40 56.76 10.55 4.43 505T Analysis ................... ___.__ 13.98 5.19 8.41 60.17 8.00 4.25 597T Pepelo Egg Mash --_-__--__--___..-.-__ 19.00 4.00 7.00 48.00 ________________ ,. 69L Analysis" -__.-______-.- ----_------_----. 5.20 5.00 51.94 10.16 9 73 267M Pepelo Egg Mash --- 3.50 8.00 48.00 ______ __ 69L Analysis ................................ _. 3.69 5.99 54.76 9.99 7 70 484W Milkelo Dairy Feed ........... -- 3.50 12.00 50.00 ................. 1 69P Analysism ........................... __ 4.31 11.20 >5 88 11.87 6 5‘ 383M Cackelo Starter 3.60 6.00 58.00 ________________ __ 69Q Analysis __________________________ .._._ 5.12 4.73 49.58 9 39 10 52 432s Workelo Horse and Mule Feed . 8.00 11.50 55.00 .............. __ 69T Analysism ____________________________ -. 10.60 4.76 10.16 56.97 11.05 6 46 346W Alfamo Feed ...... _. .._-___-_-._ 10.00 1.00 21.00 44.00 ............... _. 69W Analysis ___________________ -_ 8.60 .50 19.95 48.69 15.40 6 86 581‘ Analysis“ _____________________________ -. 8.68 70 23.59 43.64 16.66 6 73 144T Pepelo Special 24% Protein Sweet Feed ___-_---_-..-.---_-_---.-.__ 24.00 4.00 14.00 41.00 ................ .. 69Y Analysis . 3.32 11.28 40.25 9.66 10.69 384M Analysis ........................... _. 20.88 2.86 11.34 43.63 10.35 10.94 476W Cackelo All-Mash Starter ........ __- 16.00 3.60 6.50 53.00 ______________ _. 69B8 Analysis! _____________________________ -- 16.70 4.68 4.39 56.24 10.46 7.53 * 522W Bulkelo Special Sweet Feed _____ _- 9.00 2.00 17.00 49.00 ........... 69B9 Analysis?“ .............................. .. 9.00 1.17 20.42 44.44 11.77 13.20 383M Analysis _________ 1 .92 15.06 49.07 13.82 11.28 223T Analysiskw‘ 1.69 17.12 45.37 12.88 11.96 309T Cackelo 36% Protein Supple- ment 36.00 4.80 5.00 22.50 ...... -. . ..... .. 69C2 Analysisikwi _________________________ _. 36.88 5.54 5.56 23.47 8.05 20.50 560$ Pepelo Scratch Feed ................. .. 10.00 2.40 4.00 68.00 .................. _. 69C3 Analysis“? _ . _ 11.30 2.78 1.79 72.71 9.61 1.81 644W Cackelo Growing Mash Pellets- 16.00 3.50 6.00 54.00 ............... ._ 69C5 Analysism!" ......................... .. 16.10 4.85 5.07 55.78 10.90 7.30 561s Longhorn Brand 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ___________ -- 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 .................. -- 69C8 Analysis“ _______________________ .. 46.44 12.52 2.75 3.94 7.05 27.30 331T Longhorn Brand 50% Protein Fegding‘ Tankage with Bone 50.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 _ . . . . . . . _ . . . _ _. 69F1 Analysisv ___________________________ _. 46.96 10.40 1.86 3.52 7.19 30.07 32T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Corn meal and rice hulls present. “Milo meal present. “Linseed meal claimed, not found. Excess of ground limestone found. “Deficient in ground limestone. “Ground peanut hay found, not claimed. “Peanut hulls and rice hulls found, not claimed. “Excess of salt found. “Deficient in barley. “In ground condition. Defaced tags attached. Fish meal and ground dried kelp claimed, not found. 1 wT»-v~.-_-w_-¢».~_. . . s. “m, _.. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 213 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 1 Per Cent Regis- tizrtion Name and Address of Manufacturer or l or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude‘ Crude Crude Nitro- Mois-. Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. 00111 iExtractl Scott Peed Store, Waco, Texas. Scotfs Dai_ry Feed _____________________ _- 19.00 3.80 11.00 45.50 ....... 1799B Analysls ------------------------------ __ 19.80 4.08 9.34 50.56 9.77 6.45 629W Sealy Oil Mill 8a Manufacturing Company, Sealy, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ________________ -- 1449C AIIHIYSIS __-_----_--_. 42.73 6.40 9.74 32.341 2.88 5.91 271M Beguin Cotton Oil Company, The, Seguin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal- 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 673A Analysis _______________________________ -. 42.60 5.96 10.651 27.01 7.94 5.84 125H Analysis° ___________________________ a 42.46 6.21‘ 10.54. 26.60 8.21 5.98 1381-1 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake .................... -. 43,00; 6.00 12.00 23.00 _______ __ 673B Analysis ......................... -___ 44.13 6.43 9.81 26.41 7.28 5.94 213H 43% Protein Peanut Meal ......... -. 43.00\ 6.00 12,00 23.00 ................. -. 673E Analysis" ............................ .. 43,92 7.23 16,54. 19.67 8.02 4.62 342M Seguin Milling Company, Seguin, Texas. White House 24% Protein Dairy Feed ..... ___ 24.00 3.70 11.50. 41.00 103T Analysis .............................. _. 22,40 3.84 8.85 46.62. 10.79 7.50 43H Ana-lysisPm‘ .... __ 22.07 3.45 9.33 46.85 11.07 7.23 190H Analysis“ ..... -. 23,36 2.73 10.11 43.86 11.18 7.76 198H Analysis .............................. _. 2330 4,18 11.00 41.36, 11.40 8,26 399H White House All-Mash Chick Starter ..................................... -- 17.00 4.00 5.00 52.00 ....... -_ 103K Analysis .............................. _. 18.07 4.61 5.0a 53.40 10.02 8.87 35TH White House Growing Mash ' with Buttermilk and Cod Liver 0n _ 16,00. 3.50 6.00 54.00 .................. _- 103Y Analysis ______________________________ __ 16.10 4.05 5.39 55.81 11.15 7.5 4211-1 Economy Brand Dairy Feed _____ -. 18.00 8.20 13.00 45.50 103A3 Analysis ______________________________ _. 19.53 3.24 8.60 50.37 10.72 7.54 42 Analysis’ _______________________________ -. 20.05 3.35 11.70 441.45 11.70 8-75 400K Economy Brand Dairy Feeds“-.. 18.00 8.20 11.00 49.00 103A?» Analysis! _____________________________ _. 20.25 3.57 9.84 46.75 10.88 8.71 519M Economy Brand Five Laying Mash 18.00 3.50 8.00 47.00 ........ -_ 2 10313.6 Analysisjbflo __________________ __ _ Analysis ............................... _. 10-55 3-10 Texas Cowboy . . . _-_-_ ---- -- Analysisstu 2.34 8.2 57.49 11.54 8.56 133E Analysis“: 3.09 10.86 54.73 10.12 9.14 46 H Whit‘; I??? iiiymgdMéifi t u ermi an giver Oil ------------------------------- -— 90-00 0-70 0'50 Hgg "1-‘66-8‘ Analysis“ ----------------------------- -- 20-03 4-25 6-97 48' ' ' b; c: d: e: f; h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning fiwgéficient in ground limestone and excess or salt found. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. "Deficient in ground limestone. mRice bran and ground whole barley found, “Deficient in ground oyster shell and excess not claimed. of salt found. 0f this table. 214 BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent h‘"4_1i.~' tratlou Name and Address 0i Manufacturer 0r 4 | ~ or in huporter. Brand Same. Crude Crude Crude. Nitro- Mols- Crude spection Pro- Flt Fiber ‘gen-tree ture ‘ .»\.~h .\o. tein Extract ! I 0 Seguin Milling Company, Seguin, Texa-s—C0nt’d-. Wheat Gray Shorts ___________________ __ 15.50 4.00 6.00 55.00 _______________ __ 103D9 Analysis“ ....................... ___ 19.12 4.04 4.44 57.47 11.59 3.34 47H White House Sheep Feed Cube 16.00 3.00 7.00 52.50 _______________ _. 103E4 Analysis _______________________________ _. 17.40 3.08 6.18 54.91 11.60 6.83 191H Big S 9% Protein Sweet Feed 9.00 1.50 15.001 48.50 103E9 Analysis 9.55, 2.46 16.21‘ 49.44 10.27 12.07 485H Service Peed Store, Beaumont, Texas. E U-Lika Brand Dair-y Feed _________ __ 19.00 4.00, 15.00 40.00 ................ .. 154A Analysism 18.56 4.38 10.53 45.85 13.20 7.48 96M 4 Serve-Us Peed Hills, l Port Worth, Texas. Serve-Us Egg Mash _____________ _, 19.50 3.70 6.50 48.50 .-___-. ..... -. 2404B‘ Analysis _______________________________ _. 22.71 5.20 5.50 46.9 _ 10.11 9.55 135T Serve-Us Dairy Feed No. F r with Cod Liver Oi1______________ 20.50 4.00 12.50! 43.00 ................. -. 2404A6 V Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 20. 3.92 10.71 48.16 9.90 6.93 136T Sharp Grain Company, Ila Porte, Texas, Sharp’s Special Cow Feed _________ __ 17.00 3.80 1.4.00 4.4.00 ..--_ 2294A Analysis _______________________________ _. 17.90 4.58 1.3.53 45.59 11.99 6.41 324M Sharp's Big 11 Laying Mash_ 19.00 3.80 6.50 46.00 ....... _. 2294K Analysis 21.48 4.85 6.28 47.26 11.14 8.99 77M Shawnee Milling Company, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings . 3.50 6.00 55.00 ....... __ 670D Analysis _______________________________ _. . 4.79 6.23 54.54: 11.14 -34 165K Analysis ____________ __ . 3.30 5.13 59.26 11.44 4.69 547M Climax Egg Mash . 4.00 7.00 51.00 ................ .. 670A1 Analysis ____________ _- . 4.03 6.75 51.75 8.62 3-40 19K Analysis“ _______________________ __ _ . 3.96 6.57 53.14 11.21 6-02 257T Shawnee Laying Mash ________________ __ . 4.50 8.00 47.00 ................. -_ 670132 Analysis 19.03 4.27 7.15 51.06 9-63 3~81 4091-1 Analysis 18.66 4.63 7.58 51.23 10.30 7.60 160K Climax All-Mash Starting and Growing Ration 17.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 _______________ -_ 670B8 Analysis ______ __ .__________ __ ___ 17.70 4.17 5.34 54.25 11-33 7-21 533W Shiner Farmers Co-Op. Gin 8s Mill Association, Shiner. Texas. Prosperity Brand Egg Mash . 20.50 8.50 7.110 94-60 ----------- -- 856C Analysis 21.60 5-21 5-48 16-59 10-45 10-67 128B Prosperity Brand Starting Mash 15.50 8.50 6.00 52-00 --------------- -- 356E Analysis ______________________________ _. 17.46 4.62 5-54 55-13 11-25 6-00 283E Shiner Community Laying Mash 19.50 0.10 v.00 48.00 -------------- ~ 85W‘ Analysis _____________________ ___ 20.40 5.12 5.45 50-53 11-33 7-12 61H Shiner’s Best Brand 32% Pro- tein Mash-Maker Concen- time 02.00 4.00 0.00 23.00 --------------- w. 856G Analysis .................. _____.. 32.30 6.70 4.32 26-54 3-53 21-61 203K a, b, c. d, e, f. g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Deficient in ground limestone and salt. o1’ this table. i COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 21a Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. tein Extract k Shiner Oil Mill t Ianufacturing Company, Shiner, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1--_. 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ....... -_ 1_..____ 267B‘ Analysis .............................. _- 45.77 6.39 7.29 25.24 9.09 6.22 65H Analysis -____.--__-_--________- 44.32 6.23 9.38 24.82 9.10 6.15 282K Shive Grain Company, W Waxahachie, Texas, Shivefs Best Growing Mash ..... _. 16.00 3.20 6.00 54.00 3121-1 Analysis _____________________________ .. 17.00 3.78 5.96 54.83 11.56 6.87 357W Shreveport Grain 8c Elevator Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. Corn Bran __._____--_-.__-__.__.__-__-____... 8.00 5.00 12.00 60.00 ....... .. .____--_, 1017B Analysis" __________________ ___ 13.54 8.27 6.21 60.21 8.72 3.05 11J Bhuler Grain Company, Gonzales, Texas. Laying Mash ---.---____________._________. 18,00 3.50 6.50 51.00 _______________ -. 1633B! Analysis ________ ___.___ 18.58 4.28 5.55 53.51 11.35 6.73 4111-1 All-Mash Chick Starter _______ __ 16.50 4.00 7.50 50.00 -___-_._. ....... _. 16331 Analysis 18.11 5.04 6.88 50.85 11.33 7.79 410H Siebel, L. W" Carmine, Texas. SiebePs Special Lay Mash ______ .. 20.50 8.50 7.40 44.60 2005B‘ Analys ___________________________ __ 21.71 5.75 5.46 46.42 10.38 10.28 45M Siebe1’s Hen Scratch.“ _____________ ,_ 10.20 3,00 3.50 69.00 ________________ -. 2005G Analysis ______________________________ _, 11.61 2,62 2.72 68.12 13.30 1.63 181M Simpson Electric Hatchery, Coleman, Texas. Paycheck Brand Laying Mash- 19.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 .................. -_ 704A Analysis ___________________________ _. 20.35 4.67 7.63 48.961 10.34 8.25 49S Paycheck Brand Growing Mash 17.00 8.50 6.00 47.50 ................ -_ 704G Analysis ______________________________ __ 18.30 3.98 5.38 55.20 10.39 6.75 413W Paycheck Brand Laying Mash Pellets ______________________________________ ._ 19.00 3.50 7.50 48.00 ................ -. 704H Analysis _____________________________ _. 21.29 4.56 7.08 48.83 9.70 8.54 515$ Simpson Peed Mill, Bio Vista, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ________ 1 8,00 3.00 10.00 65.00 ________________ _. 423A Analysis _________________________________ __ 7.65 3.29 9.22 65.96 12.20 1.68 504W Simpson's M111 a reed Store, Clarendon, Texas. v Whole Barley 11.00 1.50 6.00 65.00 -------------- -_ 13761 Analysis“ ____________________________ _, 14,25 1,73 5.59 GQJYGI 10.55 3.12 136K Sinton Peed 8a Seed Store, Sinton, Texas. Chowmix Laying Mash ____________ -- 18-00 8.50 8-00 48-00 --------------- -- 336C Analysis 18.80 3.73 4.61 54.90 11.51 6.45 84H a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. 216 BULLETIN NO’. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERUHENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942--Continued _ (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis’ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or * or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- 4 Crude spection Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-free ture 1 Ash mo. tein Extract Sisco, E, 0., ' rarmersvflle, Texas. Ear Corn Chop with Husk ........ _. 8.00 3.00 10.00 65.00 ........ _. 1914A Analysis ______________________________ 1 7.98 2.99 11.07 64.76 11.04 2.16 6ST Blue Bonnet Brand 41.12% Protein Ground Cottonseed Feed ........................................... -. 41.12 5.00, 111.00 26.00 ........ .. - ______ .. 1914D Analysis ............................... -_ 41.87 7.06 8.87 27.32 7.95 6.93 74T Blue Bonnet Dairy Ration _________ -. 15.00 3.00 21.00 44.00.’ ................ ._ 1914G Analysism _____________________________ _. 17.91 3.07 14.81 47.09 10 39 6.73 575T Our-Own Brand Summer For- mula Egg Mash __________ _____ _. 18.00 3.50 8.00 49.00 ________________ __ 1914M Analysis 4.08 8.62 50.61 9.48 7.23 640T Our-Own Brand Pig Feed _______ _- 8.00 7.50 51.00 ________________ .. 19140 Analysism’ ........................... __ 4.19 5.26 57.1.2 9.92. 5.62 641T Our-Own Brand Horse and M1116 Feed _________________________________ -. 15.60 2.70, 15.00 49.00 ________________ -. 1914X Analysis ............................. _- 15.40 3.19 14. 0 51.70 9.50 5.71 639T Slaughter Peed Company, Dallas, Texas. Four Seasons Egg Mash ___________ _. 18.50 8.60 7.00 50.00 _______________ _. 1482B Analysis 4.64 6.05 54.30 10.50 6.58 138T Analysis 3.37 5.91 53.83 11.04 7.35 516T Sleeper, J. 11., Waco, Texas. Red S All-Mash Starter_-.._-___-. 17.00 3.00 6.50_ 08.50 ................. _. 2389Q Analysis! ._____.__._____ 16.64 6.61 6.33 51.03 8.96 10.43 438W Diamond X Egg Mash _____________ _. 18.00 3.50 6.00, 09.00 ................. -. 2389V Analysis ------_-___--m.______- 18.60 5.05 5.30 51.84 9.39, 9.82 305W Diamond X Dairy Feed..____.._ 17.50 8.00 15.00 45.00 ............... .. 2388K Analysis ____-----_.._._.__m__-_ 17.66 4.57 ‘$.79 47.90 9.32 6.76 3W Smith, A. T., Oorsicana, Texas. , Two-to-One Fatnerm- . 8.10 4.20 64.00 ................ _. l359D Analysis . . . . Smith's Hatchery d‘. Peed Store, IE1 Paso, Texas. Red Star Starter Mash__----_-______ 17.50 8.50 0.00 51 00 ................. .. 0200 Analysis ______________._________-. 21.55 4.02 4.40 58 01 940 0.00 487s Red star Growing Mash __________ .. 18.50 8.00 5.00 1,9 o0 ................ 1 620D 4110131315 __________________________ -- 18.95 4.28 0.01 5s 41 038 7.37 488s B1118 star Egg Mash ................... .. 20.00 0.80 0.50 46 00 ............ _. 620E Analysis ____________________________ -- 22.21, 4.70 0.20 40 59 87s 8.77 558s Blue star. Growing Mash ___________ -- 17.00 8.50 7.00. 51 00 ............ .. 620K Analysis“! 18.57 4.50 5.85 54.85 0.28 0 05 557s Red Star Egg Mash ............... -- 18.00 v.50 7.001 07.00‘ _____________ 1 620M Analysis‘ __--__-_______ 22.40 4.58 5.48 40.47 10.18 7.01 208s Blue Star Dairy Feed ________________ __ 17.00 8.60: 8.50 52.00 620V Analysis ___________--_____-. 17.00 8.05 8.27 58.00 8.25 8.55 005s Red Star Broiler Mash .............. -. 17.00 8.50 5.00- 52.00 ............... 1 020.42 405137815 20.05 4.09 5.5a 54.21 8.78 0.74 10s a, b, c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the ‘beginning of this table. “Linseed meal and peanut hulls claimed, not found. Brewers’ dried grains and milo meal found, not claimed. Excess of salt found. “Corn chop, corn meal, and soybeans found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone. - Salt found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) 217 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, l Per Cent Regis- tr ti n Name and Address of Manufacturer or‘ I 1 ' i 1 (I113. importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude 1 Crude‘ Nitro- i Mois- i Crude spuction Pro- Fat Fiber zgEII-fIPBi ture A>h No. tein TExtractJ! l I Smith’s Hatchery 8n Peed Store. Ill Paso, Texas-—Cont’d. V & M Range Feed Pellets .... -. 16.00 2.50 10.00 50.50 _______ -- 620B8 Analysismv _________________________ _. 15.98 3.09 7.11 56.65 10 57 6.60 171$ 48% Protein Sesame Oil Meal-.. 118.00 2.00 11.00 22.00 ................ -. 620B9 Analysis ______________________________ __ 49-29 4.09 5.69 22.76 6.12 12.05 179S Smith's 4 Star Egg Mash Pel- lets 19.50 8.50 7.00 50.00 ....... _. 620C1 Analysis? _______________________________ _. 20.94 4.00 6.21 52.37 9 73 6.75 417S 36% Protein Mixed Feed. . 7.00 12.50 27.00 _______ _. 62003 Analysis _______________________________ _. ‘ 2.47 4.93 35.53 8 76 10.97 178s Smithville 011 Mill Company, Smithville Texas. 41% Protein Clottonseed Meal... 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ............... -. 448w Analysis . 5.90 £1.73 28.15 9.13 5.74 294H Analysis 6.78 10.95 26.97 8.45 6.00 433H SmythAfiirétin geompany, Ray, e o xas. * Ground Whole Oats ................ -_ 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 ............... -. 1679A Analysis“) _____ _, 10.59 4.66 1.5.28 54.72 9.92 4.83 402T Milo Head Chop ___ _______ _. 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 ________________ _. 1679D Analysisk ______________________________ __ 8.85 2.04 6.96 65.26 10.99 5.90 282T Sne1son's Grocery 8s Market, I Ysleta, Texas. Sne1son’s Laying Mash ............ -- 18.50 0.50 6.50 46.0 _______________ -. 2528A Ana1ys1s_ ............................. ._ 19.90 5.17 6.45 51.45 846- 8.57 14s Snelsons Dalry Feed_---_--__-__--_. 19.00 4.00 11.00 45.00 _______________ -. 2528c Analysls .............................. -- 20.43 4.64 7.17 51.08 9.15 7.53 4838 Southern Cotton Oil Company, A The Eunice, Louisiana. 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 111.00 5.00 (2.00 25.00 ................ _. 2420F Analysis ............................. _- 40.55 5.19 10.38 27.40 8.94 6.54, 489H Southern Plcfiir 8s reed. Company. Needv 1e Texas. Supreme Brand Laying Mash 20.00 9.60 6.00 46.50 ................ __ 2657F Analysls55l ............................ -- 22.43 L63 5.69 47.00 10.68. 9.57 122M Southern Pecan Shelling Com- Pally San Antonio, Texas. Ground Pecan Meat Screenings 10.50 58.50 6.00 23.00 ................ _. 826A Analysis 10.94 53.92 5.46 23.22 4.54, ‘1.92 826A Southlgnd idotton Oil Company ‘ors cana Texas. 43% Protein ’C0tt0nseed Meal 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................ .. 54811 Analysis ______________ _______ 43,50 5.62 10.31 27.62 6.77 6.18 46P Analysis” ____________________________ __ 42,27 6.21 9.97 28.03 7.44 6.08 22W Analysisv _ __________________________ __ 41.84 6.27 9.67 28.10 7.94 6.18 24%?’ Analysis ............................. .- 42.65 5.82 9.60 26.91 8.64 6.38 110 Analysis _____________________________ _. 43.31 5.55 10.84 27.77 6.44 6.09 117W Analysis" 42.24 5.71 11.31 26.75 7.69 6.30 215W Analysis° _____________________________ -. 42,33 5.82 11.20 26.89 7.58 6.13 Analysis 43.51 6.19 9.17 26.71 8.20 6.22 Analysis ................... __.,__ 42.80 5.25 10.89 26.64 8.18 6.24 368W a. b, r. ~l p. 1. g. l1, 1, j, k.—Tee legend at the beginning of this table. WIn cube form. “Excess oat hulls present. “lDeficient in ground oyster shell. 218 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Contlnued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or : or In- luipouer. Brand same. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mols- A Orude spection Pro- ls‘at Fiber gen-tree ture Ash No. Lem 1Extract = 1 Southland Cotton Oil Company, Cor-"sicana, Texas—Cont’d. 43% Protein Screened Cracked Cottonseed Cake _________________ ___ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ............. .. 5481 Analysis ........ -- 43.31 5.53 9.70 26.16 8.76 6.54 59P Analysis 43.67 5.37 10.96 26.11 7.83 6.06, 129T Analysis" 42.05 5.20 10.73 27.36 8.63 6.03 176W Analysis ________________________ 43.80 5.52 9.84 26.51 7.84 6.49 349W Southland Cotton Oil. Company, Paris, Texas. South1and’s 43% Protein Cot- tonseed Meal 43.00 5.00 12.00 28.00 ...... __ _._.-_._ 290H Analysis _________________ __ 43.50 5.83 10.31 25.57 8.27 6 52 31J Ana1ysis° 41.42 5.94 11.70 27.46 7.37 6.11 132P Analysis“ 41.77 5.48 11.00 27.53 7.60 6.62 191P Analysis ______________________________ __ 42.90 5.85 9.94 26.88 7.99 6.44 568T Southland Cotton Oil Company, Shreveport, Louisiana. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ................ -. 421B Analysisv _________________ 6.01 10.34 27.89 8.64 6.51 153P Analysis 5.81 8.97 26.63 9.20 6.54 553W 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed __ _________ _______ 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 ................ __ 421C Analysis ____________________ 41.70 6.37 9.28 27.28 8.76 6.61 49J Analysis ______________________________ ___ 40.90 6.20 10.63 27.18 8.59 6.50 152P Southland Cotton Oil Company, Temple, Texas, South1and’s Circle-S Sweet Feed 9.00 1.20 80.00 43.00 .............. ._ 679B Analysis ______________________________ __ 11.56 1.45 28.45 41,86 11.03 5.65 319W 43% ProteinCottonseed Meals 43.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 679C Analysis° 41.94 5.53 11.24 28.20 7.17 5.92 225H Analysis . 5.43 10.51 27.43 7.20 6.62 325H Analysis . 6.07 9.67 27.24 8.17 6.35 53S Analysism __________________ ____ 43.05 6.48 9.07 27.36 6.57 7.47 346T Analysis" . 6.09 9.40 27.47 8.99 6.46 65W Analysis . 5.55 9.83 26.81 7.68 6.07 76W Analysise _ . 5.86 9.92 26.64 8.92 6.21 79W Analysis . 5.65 10.25 27.00 7.95 6.06 154W Analysis?" ________________________ ___ 41.22 6.26 10.01 28.24 8.10 6.17 185W Analysis°°iv ___________________ 41,10 6.39 9.53 29.35 7.25 6.38 289W Analysis ___________________________ __ 42.75 6.04 10.75 28.17 6.14 6.15 299W Analysis ______________________________ __ 44.07 5.37 9.87 27.22 7.43 6.04 321W Analysisv ___________________________ ___ 41,36 6.18 10.97 27.35 7.77 6.37 457W 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake--. 48.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 ...... .. 679D Analysis -_______________________________ 42.94 5 . 3 9 10.1 5 2 8. 2 2 6. 9,7 6 . 3 3 1 6 3W Analysisv __________________ __ 42.15 5.56 10.80 28.2.9 7.26 5.94 278W Analysis ______________________________ __ 44.16 5.65 10.42 28.97 4.58 6.22 293W South1and’s Mixed Feed_-.-___._______ 11.80 1.70 08.00 36.00 ............... _. 679E‘ Analysis 11,13 2,15 33.36 40.02 9.89 3.40 50P Southland Cotton O11 Company, Waxahachie, Texas. South1and’s Readimix Brand Mixed Feed 1.70 38.00 36.00 ___. ,__ .. _ 536B Analysis 1.37 37.02 40.85 8.29 3.04 207W Analysis 1.60 33.60 42.53 7.00 3.65 487W a. b, c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning ‘"011’ quality. of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STU FFS Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Cont1nued 219 Guaranteed Compoition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or m. Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mols- Crude spection Pr_o- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. teln Extract Southland Cotton O11 Company, Waxahachie, Texas-—Gont’d. = 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _________________ _. 536E Analysis“ _--_____-_-___--__-___-----__... 41.71 5.78 8.37 28.87 8.50 6.77 36K Analysis“ _______________________ _- .4156 7.94 11.01 24.7 8.58 6.05 113K 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake.-- 08-00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _ _______________ _. 536G Analysis“ ......................... .. 41.48 5.41 10.12 29.25 6.96 6.78 249s 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal. 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 536H Analysis" ______________ -- 41.63 5.71 8.67 28.71 8.51 6.77 55S Analysis" _-____ 40.53 5.98 8.96 30.09 7.08 7.36 2ST Analysis“ ___________ _- 40.43 5.88 9.49 28.55 8.83 6.82 47T Analysisv 42.43 6.09 11.04 26.92 7.18 6.34 146T Analysis ____________________________ __ 43.74 6.38 9.01 27.12 7.26 6.49 179T Analysisv _________________________ _. 41.85 5.30 9.87 28.39 8.01 6.58 510T Analysisv 41.44 6.03 10.99 27.38 8.19 5.97 28W Analysis" _____________________ _. 41.92 5.93 10.12 28.31 7.08 6.64 29W Analysisc ______ ___ ____________ .- 41.78 5.54 11.29 27.36 8.28 5.75 33W Analysis“ _--_.__-_-___.__________-... 41.79 5.89 10.57 28.26 7.30 6.19 34W Analysis" ............................. -. 41.74 5.81 11.35 28.62 6.26 6.22 122W Analysis‘ 41.71 6.37 10.81 27.20 7.48 6.43 128W Analysis" .._______.___________. 41.96 6.19 11.89 26.83 6.87 6.26 129W Analysis' _________________________ -. 42.42 6.28 10.41 28.27 7.58 5.04 217W Analysis" ........................... -. 41.97 6.09 10.73 27.15 7.61 6.45 223W Analys1s' ----___--a__--____-___-- 42.15 5.77 10.23 27.08 8.25 6.52 377W Analysis .............................. -. 43.33 5.43 8.54 28.60 7.21 6.89 483W 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake_-_ 11.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 536N Analysis ........................... -. 41.90 6.27 10.49 28.26 6.80 6.28 145W South Texas Cotton OIJ. Oom- Dani, Austin, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ....... -. ---_-- 1049}? Analysisv ____________________________ __ 42.11 5.38 11.97 26.59 8.09 5.86 142H Analysis° _____________________________ _. 42.27 6.27 10.77 26.46 8.24 5.99 337H Analysis ______________________________ _. 42.62 8.16 8.44 27.73 6.87 6.18 3431-1 Analysis“ _________________________ __ 43.72 5.38 10.54 28.23 5.66 6.47 459H Analysisv 41.73 6.36 9.53 27.13 9.06 6.19 68W Analysis" __________________________ __ 40.96 5.62 11.80 27.39 8.50 5.73 175W 43% Protein Cracked Cotton- . seed Cake ---_-_-_.___.-_______-________. 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 _______________ __ 1049G Analysisv ____________________________ _. 42.37 5.58 10.76 28.88 6.40 6.01 4H Analysis _______________________ _. 42.61 5.55 11.61 26.40 8.01 5.82 48H Analysis _____________________________ _- 44.29 6.64 9.88 24.99 7.81 6.39 338H outh Texas Cotton O11 Company. Brownsville, Texas. 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed _____ __ _____ 28.00 5.00 2.9.00 29.00 1565B Analysis ___________________________ __ 28.00 4.73 23.18 31.00 8.08 5.01 618W 28% Protein Ground Whole- Pressed Cottonseed ............. .- 28.00 5.00 23-00 29.00 ________________ _. 156513 Analysis!’ _____________________________ __ 27.41 4.49 23.28 32.99 6.95 4.88 9H Analysis _____A___________________,_ 28.80 4,46 22.39 31.83 7.72 4.80, 95H Analysis ________________________ 29.27 4.99 22.31‘ 31.85 6.93 4.65 166H Analysis _____________________________ ,_ 28.00 4.74 24.17 30.71 7.60 4.78 312K Analysis __________________________ _, 28.90 4.61 22.74 30.64 7.97 5.14 456K a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—see legend at the ‘beginning of this table. 2'20 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941. to August 31, 1942—-Continued yrne guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) ‘ Per Cent Rvgis- trution Name and Address of Manufacturer or 1 4 l , or In Importer. Brand Name. Crude l Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- 1 Crude i spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture ’ Ash y .\'o. tein Extract 1 South Texas Cotton 011 Com- Pally» Corpus Christi, Texas. 43%Protein Cottonseed Meal 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 _ ............. -.‘ 319A Analysis ______________________________ __ 43.20 5.65 10.53 26.16 8.78 5.68 29H Analysis ____________________________ _, 42.90 5.63 11.03 26.11 8.65 5.68 54H Analysis __________________________ -. 44.23 5.90 10.79 24.90 8.25 5.93 268H Analysis ______ ___ __________________ _. 43.23 5.46 11.83 26.28 7.15 6.05 345H Analysislw _____________________________ _, 41.88 5.39 11.15 27.74 8.20 5.64 404H 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake__ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................. _. 319B Analysis 42.66 5.42 10.93 26.89 8.31 5 79 55H Analysis 44.43 5.65 10.14 25.70 8.23 5 85 269H 43% Protein Cottonseed Pel- lets 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 319C Analysis ............................. -. 43.67 5.55 10.52 24.77 9.48 6.01 156H Analysis ............................. _- 44.52 5.58 10.94 25.11 8.05 5.80 271H 41% Protein Cottonseed Cake.-. 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ........ .. 319D Analysis .......................... -- ~ 42.01 5.48 10.96 27.44 8.35 5.76 319D 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal... 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 _________________ -. 319E Analysis ........................ .. 42.79 5.88 10.87 26.34 8.31 5.81 319E 41% Protein Cottonseed Pel- lets _ 1.1.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 _ .............. _- 319F‘ Anfllysls 42.07 5.43 11.29 26.72 8.88 5.61 319F South Texas Cotton 011 Company, Earlingen, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 4.9.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ................. _. 1129A Analysls ____________________________ __ 42.80 4.96 11.11 27.91 7.01 6.21 467H 43% Protein .. 5.00 12.00 29.00 ................ -_ 1129B Analysis . 5.19 9.60 27.16 8.50 6.46 23H Analysis . 5.04 10.72 26.90 8.37 6.23 315H Analysis . 5.55 10.83 25.37 9.14 6.37 389H Analysis 42.85 5.93 10.26 27.70 6.93 6.33 468H 28% Protein Ground Whole- Pressed Cottonseed ______________ -- 28.00 5,00 23.00 29,00 _______ __ 1129C Analysis ______________________________ __ 29.91 4.99 21.36 711.06 7.45 5.23 94 South Texas Cotton O11 Company, Eearne, Texas. 41.12% Protein Ground Cotton- seed Feed .-_.___-_____________ 41.12 5.00 14.00 26.00 _______________ __ 220D Analysis -__-_.____-___-__._____--_. 40.77 6.39 9.41 29.35 7.63 6.45 17W 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--- 43.00 5.20 12.00, 25.00 ............... _. 220F Analysis ______________---_____--_. 43.82 6.15 8.36 27.25 7.69 6.73 175H Analysis“ . 6.03 9.89 27.85 8.03 6.31 74M Analysis 6.35 8.67 27.28 8.09 6.62 107W Analysis 6.04 8.30 28.49 7.74 6.50 203W Analysis 5.58 8.23 27.09 7.75 6.64 327W Analysis 5.96 8.00 27.88 8.01 6.54 339W Analysis 5.95 8.80 27.41 7.79 6.66 460W 43% Protein seed Cake ............................. -. 5.20 12.00 25.00 ..... .. 220G Analysisv 6.16 10.20 28.66 7.43 6.58 174H South Texas Cotton O11 Company, Houston, Texas. 37% Protein Linseed Meal - 87.00 6.00 9.00 85.00 _ ______________ 4 121813 Analysisv _.___ 34.90 8.78 8.65 33.18 8.04 6.45 346M Analysisbc 34,66; 9.28 7.70 33.30 8.42 6.64 400M a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS Table 18. to August 31, 1942—Continued 221 Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer o1‘ ’ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- ‘ Mois- Crude spection Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-free‘. ture i Ash No. tein ‘ Extract} I 1 South Texas Oil Company, Houston, Texas—Cont’d. 34% Protein Linseed Mea1________> 34.00 6.00 9.00 85.00 12180 Analysis 35.37 6.79 8.60 36.17 8.02 5.05 549W 36% Protein Linseed Meal ________ __ 36.00 6.00 9.00 83.0 ........ _. 1218P Analysis ______ _____________ 37-10 5.85 8.12 36.04 7.81 5.08 1218P 39% Protein Linseed Meal _______ _, 39.00 6.00 9.00 32.00 ________ -- __--_--_ 1218Q Analysis ___________________________ __ 38.56 5.63 8.07 36.01 6.72 5.01 1218Q South Texas Cotton 011 Company, Robstown, Texas. . 43% Protein Cottonseed Mea1__ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................. -. 727B Analysismbv ___ ___, 40.41 5.58 13.03 26.68 8.69 5.61 28H Analysis ______________________________ __ $.64 5.46 12.03 24.61 8.53 5.73 50H Analysis __________________ ___ 42.63- 5.16 11.95 25.98 8.64 5.64 116H Analysismv __________________________ __ 42.15 4.99, 13.19 26.45 7.53 5.69 240H 43% Protein Pea-Size Cotton- 4 seed Cake _______________________ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 __________________ _. 727C Analysis ___________________________ _, 44.34 4.85 10.85 25.41 8.84 5.71 123H South Texas Cotton O11 Company, Taylor, Texas, * 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal__. 43-00 5.20 19.00 25.00 ................ -. 1833C Analysis ____________________________ ___ 43.20 6.25 9.64 25.78 8.94 6.19 67W Analysis _______________________ __ 43.55 5.15 10.11 27.06 7.88 6.25 81W Analysisv __________________________ H 41.60 7.94 11.40 27.06 6.02 5.98 161W Ana1ysis¢ . __ ________ __ 42.28 5 70 10.70 27.67 7.60 6.05 428W Analysisv ______________________________ _- 42.47 £83 9.25 28.36 7.05 6.94 536W 43% Protein Nut-Size Cotton- seed Cake _________________________________ __ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................ -_ l883E Analysis ____________________________ ___ 43.66 5.27 10.23 26.37 8.33 6.14 160W 43% Protein Pea-Size Cotton- seed Cake _______________________________ __ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ________________ -. 1883F Analysis 44.27 4.92 10.90 26.33 7.27 6.31 285W 43% Protein Sheep-Size Cot- tonseed Cake __________________ __ 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ............... _- l.883G Analysis ___________________ 43.07 5.16 10.45 26.80 8.41 6.11 72W Analysis _________________________ __ 44.12 4.82 10.26 27.96 6.70 6.14 292W South Texas Cotton O11 Company Victoria, Texas. Yello Brand 43% Protein Cot- tonsged Pellets ______________________ _, 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ________________ __ 30911 Analysiso ____________________________ _, 42.16 5.99 10.04 26.80 8.99 6.02 134H Yello Brand 43% Protein Cot- tonseed Meal ____________________________ __ 43.00 5.20 12.01» 25.00 _ _ ..... .0 309L Analysis 42.95 6.74 10.15 25.22 8 81 6.13 67H Analygislb _______ ___,_______ 43.25 5.64 11.00 26.10 8.53 5.48 287H Analysisc _______________________________ _, 41.90 5.98 10.08 26.83 9.00 6.21 310M South Texas Peed Company, Houston, Texas. 1 Hominy Feed _______________________ __ 10-00 6.00 7.00 60.0 214B Analysis _____________________________ _. 11.00 6.64 3.23 65.68 11.42 2.03 246M Uncle Johnny’s Egaday Brand starter Mash _______________________ ___ 19.00 3.50 5.60 47.0 __________________ -- 214K Analysis 20.60 4.02 4.58 51.13 11.82 7.85 313M Analysise _______________________ ___ 21.04 4.22 5.17 50.80 11.60 7.17 353W b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i. a, j, k.—See legend mExcess cottonseed hulls present. at the beginning of this table. 222 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS‘ AGR-ICULTURALEXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Mame and Address of Manufacturer or " or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude SpUPUOXI Pro- Fat Fiber gen-tree ture Ash .\‘o. teln Extract Eouth Texas Feed Company, Houston, Texas—Cont’d. Uncle Johnny’s Egaday Brand starter Mash 19.00 3.60 6.00 49.00 ........ _. _ ...... _. 214K Analysis] ___________________________ __ 19.70 3.65 4.46 53.71 11.05 7.43 4231']: Uncle Johnny’s Egaday Brand Laying Mash ____________ __ 19.00 3.80 6.50 48.00 .____. ____.__ 21414 Analysis _________ . 50.88 10.85 7.93 248M Analysis 4.58 5.58 49.50 10.64 8.22 560T Uncle Johnny’s Egadaay Brand Growing Mash ___________________ ___“ 18.00 3.50 6.50 09.00‘ ________________ .. 214M Analysis ______________________________ _. 19.96 3.90 5.29 51.35 11.10 8.40 447M Analysis ____________________ ____ __ 19.90 3.80 5.21 52.24 10.26 8.59 559T Analysis __________________ 20.14 3.90 5.55 50.96 10.30 9.15 451W Milo Chop _______________________ __ 10.00 2.50 8.00 10.00 ............... ._ 214T Analysisaw _______________ __ 9.88 2.54 2.17 70.88 13.14 1.39 259M Circle Four Stock Feed _____________ _. 9.00 1.50 31-00 37-00 ______________ -. 214W Analysiswfi '_ 9.91 1.95 29.43 36.27 13.06 9.38 256M Uncle Johnny’s Milkaday Dry Dairy Feed _________________________ _. 18.00 4.00 14.00 48.00 .............. _. 214B3 Analysisi“ ____________________________ __ 18.42 5.04 12.87 $3.76 10.55 9.36 512M Rice Hulls, Molasses, Peanut Hulls, Corn Chop, and A1- falfa, Stem Meal _____________________ -_ 4.50 0.70 81.50 53.00 _______ _, 214B6 Analysis' ............................ -__ 4.80 1.09 32.78 3552i 11.81 14 00. 331M Rice Hulls, Peanut Hulls, Mo- lasses, Corn Chop, and Al- falfa Stem Meal ______________ -_ 4150 0.70 34.00 40.00 -__-.-.. ...... __ 214B6 Analysis _ ........ -___---_ 6.40 1.29 22.58 34.36’ 12.02 13.35 312M Uncle J0hnny’s Porkaday 32% Protein Supplement for Pigs and Hogs ___.___.___________________ 32.00 5.00 9.00 32.00 ,___ 214C6 Analysis ......................... 32.50 4.27 7.76 24.74 10.09, 10.64 477W Uncle Johnny’s 50% Protein * Meat and Bone Scraps __________ __ 50.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 ___________ __ Z14D4 Analysis" _________________________ _. 51.27 7.36 2.19 .00‘ 4.91 34.27 111M Analysis 49.601 11.90 1.57 1.86 5.35 29.72 479M Analysis ___.._ ..... ..________ 51.28 10.72 1.70 .53 6.58 29.19 541M Master-Mix Brand Laying Mash 19.00 8.80 8.00 $5.00 .............. -. 214E‘! Analysis ________ ___ ______ _. 20.10 4.01 6.70 \7.48 13.37 8.34 203M Uncle Johnny's Porkaday 40% Protein Concentrate for Pigs and Hogs _.___ _.__-.___ 40.00 4.50 8.50 917.00 -_____-_ .-.--_- 214G6 Analysis _ _____________________ -_ 41.51 2. 8.21 78.05 8.94 10 47 566W Master-Mix Brand Laying Mash Pellets ...... .__ _ -_______ 19.00 8.80 8.00 15.00 w“! ------- -- 71469 Analysis ...___ .._______._.__ 21.45 4.10 7.02 19.72 9.65 8.06 397M Uncle Johnny's Cottonseed Hulls and Cottonseed Mea1__. 11.80 1.70 88.00 86.00 714H5 Analysis‘ __. . 10.66 1.49 36.53 39.32 8.60 3.40 480W Master-Mix Brand 16% Pro- tein Dairy Ration--___--.______ 16-00 3-60 99-00 37-00 --------------- » 214-73 Analysm _______- 14.79 4.22 22.82 41.76, 8.28 _ 8.13 . 202M Satisfaction Brand 36% Pro- tein Concentrate for Poul- try 36,00 4,50 6.50 zz.oo| _ _____________ _. 214L1 Analysis 39.25 3.07 5.72 25.84 8.24 17.88 574W a, b, c. d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—-See legend at the beginning of this table. 554M110 meal with some ground whole oats present. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 223 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regi=- - tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i I or In Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spvclifin Pro- Fat Fiber sen-free ture Ash No. win iExtract Southwestern mice Mill, Inc., Galveston, Texas. Rice Polishings containing Limestone .......................... -. 11.00 6.00 4.00 55.00 603A Analysis! _____________________________ _- 10.95 9.53 - 1132 56.04 9.91 12.25 443M Rice Bran containing Precipi- ' tated Carbonate of Lime 13.50 13.50 12.00 42.00 _____-. _______ _. 603B Analysis ______ ___. ______________ _. 13.43 12.50 8.98 39.48 12.13 13.48 236M Analysis" ________________________________ -. 13.70 13.75 9.99 40.48 9.92 12.16 Rice Bran containing Lime- stone 13.50 18.50 12.00 42.00 ________________ _. 603B Analysis _____________________________ __ 13.44 11.82 10.88 44.23 6.52 13.11 375H Analysis” _____________________________ __ 13.70 12.35 10.55 40.21 10.36 12.83 325T Southwestern Sugar 8t Molasses Company, El Paso, Texas. Bobby Special 36% Protein SWeet Feed _____________________________ __ 86.00 8.00 6.00 28.00 _______________ __ 1634A Analysis4“‘-'*° . 5.00 5.99 33.18 7.71 10.56 466S Analysis ______________________________ __ 5.38 5.35 33.65 8.03 11.32 599T Square Deal Produce Company, McGregor, Texas. Square Deal Brand Laying ' Mash _____________________________________ ___ 19.00 3.60 7.00 46.50 ................ .. 198B Analysis ______________________________ __ 20.28 4.54 6.83 48.28 9.43 10.64 441W Stafiel Company, Perd, San Antonio, Texas. Omala Mixed Feed ____________________ __ 9-00 3-30 9-00 55-00 --------------- -- 2232A Analysis“? ____ __ 11.21 3.95 5.73 59.00 13.61 6.50 183H Analysisms _____________________ _, 9.41 4.27 6.69 59.72 11.89 8.02 328H StaffePs Turkey Starter _________ __ 28.50 4.80 5.50 41.00 ................. __ 2232C Analysis _________________________ __ 26.11 4.70 5.34 47.36 9.66 6.83 366H StafiePs Starter with Butter.- rnilk 17.00 8.90 5.50 54.00 .---__._ ________ _. 2232M Analysisk _______________________________ __ 17.95 4.55 3.83 55.92 10.93 6.82 298H Analysis _______________________________ __ 17.71 5.03 4.40 54.70 11.39 6.77 392K Maltine Cow Feed ____________________ __ 22.00 4.00 13.00 42.00 2232Q Analysis . 4.43 11.60 41.261 9.08 7.27 329H Fairland’s Dairy Feed-___ . 3.00. 9.00 45.00 ________________ -. 2232R- Analysis . 4.08 8.55 47.91 10.92 7.51 224H Analysis!“ _____________________________ __ 20.20 3.74 7.84 50.50 10.99 6.73 368H StaffePs Growing Mash _____________ __ 16.00 3.40 6.70 50.00 2232s Analysis _________________________________ 19.48 4.16 5.93 51.93 9.98 8.52 1061-1 Analysis _______________________________ __ 19.14 4,19 6.38 51.49 10.06 8.74 299H Staffel's Longhorn Mixed Feed 13.00 2.00 17.50 45.00 2232X Analysis ___ _ _ _____ __ . 2.10 12.47 47.65 13.32 7.86 182H Analysis 1.71 15.05 50.26 10.97 8.61 466H Analysism ____________________________ _, 1.68 14.68 47.39 12.55 10.20 5-T StaffePs Sweet Sixteen Dairy Feed 16,00 3.50 10.00 53.00 ________________ -. 2232A?» Analysis _____________________________ 16,50 3.20 9.27 52.04 12.90 6.09 37H Analysis __ ________________________ __ 17,29 4.161 9.80 50.99 11.34 6.42 223H a. b, r‘. d. P. f. “Ground whole “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. mBrewers’ dried grains and ground whole oats found, not claimed. “Excess of salt found. “Excess of ground limestone and salt found. n, h, i, j. k.—See legend at the beginning‘ of this table. barley found. not claimed. 224 BULLETIN NO‘. 620*, TEXASI AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 194l- to August 31, 1942——Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or * ' i i or 1n. importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude.- Nitro- Mois- 1 Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber ggt-n-tree ture 3 Ash .\o. 4 tein [Extract j - 1 1 Stafiel Company, Ferd, San Antonio, '1'exas—Cont’d. 21.00 8.70 5.00 46.00 _________________ __ 2232A4 . 3.74 5.64 51.32 10.73 9 24 252H 3.00 6.30 50.00 ................. _. 2232A4 y 3.83 5.79 52.42 9 31 8.79 511H Staffers 24% Protein Dairy Feed 24.00 5.00 11.50 43.00 _________________ .- 2232.48 Analysis ______________________________ __ 23.79 3.87 8.22 46.45 9.30 8.37 4651-1 Staffers Start-to-Finish Broiler Mash 16.50 3.40 5.50 54.00 ........ -. 2232B5 Analysis! 18.35 4.47 4.31 55.29 10 95 6 63 367H StaffePs 36% Protein Concen- trate for Poultry ____________________ __ 36-00 4.30 6.00 26-00 .................. __ 2232C2 Analysism ___________ __ 36.75 5.87 6.00 27.43 8.67 15.28 147H Analysis 36.89 5.84 6.07 27.77 8.22 15.21 440H StaffePs 1Star Brand Laying Mash ___-__---___-._-______s______. 20.50 3.50. 7.40 44.60 .................. -. 2232C’! Analysis 21.14 5.37 6.04 45.00 10.99 11.46 181H Analysism 22.12 5.52 5.70 45.84‘ 8.90 11.92 327H Staffers 36% Protein Supple- ment for Pigs and H0gs_________ 86.00. 4.00 4.00 24.00 .................. _. 2232D2 Analysis _______________ ______ 38.3.0 4.30 3.75 29.41 9.93 14.31 148H Analysis 38.42 4.50 4.10 27.83 9 18 15 97 512H Pendleton Laying Mash____________ 18.00 3.50 6.20 47.50 .-------. ........ -- 2232137 Analysis _________________ ___ ______ __ 18.90 4.53 6.78 48.68 10.78 10.33 253E Analysis ___________________________ __ 18.20 4.95 5.60 49.61 11.54 10.10 393H StaffeYs Turkey Growing Mash 20.00 3,60 7.00 45.50 _____________ __ 1232118 Analysis 22.19 4.08 6.58 47.78 9.69 9.68 441H Staley Manufacturing Company, . ., Decatur, Illinois, Sta1ey’s Corn Gluten Feed_-----_- 25,00 1.50 8.00 37.00 ________ _- 295A Analysis“ ___.----___-_----___._____--. 26.26 3.44 6.13 46.74 9.87 7.56 16M Analysis" --__-_.._.___.______.__ 28.28 3.13 5,80 43,96 10.43 8.40 177M Staley’s Corn Gluten Feed ___--_ 23.00 1.50 8.00 42,00 __________________ _. 295A Analysis ___. ___ 23.00 2.85 6.30 51.11 9.55 7.19 34J Ana1ysis5‘“"¢ _______________________ ___ 25,58 3.07 6.18 49.98 7.46 7.73 188K Staley’s 41% Protein Soybean Oil Meal 41.00 3,50 7.00 29.00 __________________ .. 295B Analysis _._-_..____-.__.__________ 43.23 3.84 5.78 29.66 11.84 5.65 113M Staley’s Corn Oil Meal .......... _. 18,00 4.00 11,00 45.00. ................. -. 295C Analysis“ ___ ___-_.___._ 24,76 6,05 10 40 46.06 7 77 4 96 238K Stamford Cotton Oil Mill, Stamford, Texas. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Pro- tein Cottonseed Meal ..... ___. 43-00 6-001 12-00 23 00 ---------------- -- 4391'! Analysjsmiifi ____________________ 41,13 5,72 13_%7 25.70 8.50 5.48 63b Analysis _____________________ 44,61 6,23 3,67 20,60 6.68 0,21 140S Analysis ____ ___________ _____ __ 42,86 6.41 11.82 26 22 6.71 5.98 155$ Analysis ______________________-__ 43,34 6.08 11.15 26 23 7.17 6.03 249T Analysis _____ .________; _____ -_ 43.37 7.01 10.78 26 53 5.93 6.38 263T Analysisd __________________________ 41_()6 6.50 12.58 26 31 7.65 5.90 334T Analysis 43.10 6.97 11.80 24-22 8.45 5.46 492T Analysis -__..__ ___ 46.19 7.40 10.33 23.43 6.71 594 271W a. b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning‘ of this table. ‘MG-round limestone found, not claimed. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. “iaExcess of ground oyster shell found. WShort in weight. Each sack even-weighted to 100 lbs. net and sale resumed. “Excess of cottonseed hulls found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING sTUFFs 225 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942-—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regi=- - tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I f I i or ln- liuporter. Brand Name. ‘Crude Crude l Crude Nitro- Mois~ Crude l spvction ' Pro- | Fat . Fiber gen-free ture Ash 1 No. i 66in j Extract | Stamford C-tton Oil Mill, Stamford, Texas—Cont’d. Chuck Wagon Brand 43% Pr-o- tein Cottonseed Pellets _________ 43-00 6.00 12.00 23.00 . __________________ _. 439J Analysisfi ______________________________ __ 42.18 5.65 9.98 26.79 9.48 5.92 133S Analysism ___________________________ __ 43.39 6.29 .l0.20 27.13 6.62 6.37 426W Stamford Mill 8s Elevator Com- Pally, Stamford, Texas. Our- Best Brand Starter Mashm 18.50 3.30 6-00 50.00 __________________ -- 66K Analysis5°7 ___________________________ _, 17.24 3.98 5.82 56.07 10.10 6.79 535$ Our Best Brand Laying Mash 19.50 3.70 6.00 117.00 ................ -- 66L Analysism __________________________ ,_ 18.97 4.58 5.84 50.54- 10.13 9.94 142S O11!‘ Best Brand Growing Mash 17.00 3.60 6.00 52.00 __l _____________ .. 66M Analysis ______________________________ __ 17.00 4.33 5.28 55.38 10.85 7.16 630S Miti-Good Brand Laying Mash 19.00 3.50 7.50 40-00 ------- -- 665 Analysismk ___________________________ __ 19.90 3.90 7.32 47.07 10.65 11.16 65S Monarch Milk-Maker ______________ 17.50 4.00 9.00 50.00 ___________ 1 66B5 Analysis _______________________________ __ 18.73 4.40 8.17 50.72 10.75. 7.23 631S Stanard-Tilton Division, Russell-Miller Milling Com- Pally. Dallas, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- lngs __________________________________________ ._ 16.00 8.50 6.00 55.00 _________________ -. 51B Analysisk _______________________________ __ 18.04 4.14 5.95 55.90 11.17 4.80 554M Analysis!” ___________________________ __ 17.87 3.95 4.63 57.52 12.13 3.90 536$ Stanard~"'i‘ton Milling Company, Dallas, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings __________________________________________ __ 16.00 3.50 6 00 55.00 51B Analysisk _______________________________ __ 17.20 3.71 5.75 57.25 11.84 4.25 446T Analysis?“ _______________ _ 18.36 4.16 5.44 56.15 12.04 3.85 473W Wheat Gray Shorts __________________ __ 16.00 3.50 6.00 55.00 ._--_._--- ....... _- 51C Analysis __ _ 17.3- 4.40 4 36 58.42 12.07 3.42 251M Analysis 18.27 4.43 4.58 56.49 12.42 3.81 47P Analysisme 17.64 4.25 6.70 54.51 12.23 4.67 8T Wheat Bran and Screenings 14.50 3.50 10.00 50.00 51K Analysis" _______________________________ _. 4.33 10.32 51.92 9.10 6.58 60K Hominy Feed __-- 6.00 7.00 60.00 ________________ -_ 51L Analysise ___________________________ -_ 6.49 5.45 65.11 10.40 2.11 82T Standard Milling Company, The, Lubbock, Texas. Stantorfs Big S Egg Mash 18.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ________________ __ 1430B Analysis _______________________________ _, 21.65 4.13 5.89 48.72. 10.38 9.23 48K Ground Milo Heads __- 8.50 2.50 8.00 65-00 ----------------- -- 1430F Analysis _ ______________________ __ 10.16 2.64 7.47 67.97 7.96 3.80 411T Stanton’s Milk Producer 18.00 3.00 12.00 48.00 - ________________ _. 14301 Analysis ______________________________ __ 16.62 2.65 9.04 51.69 12.16 7.84 46K a. b. c. d. e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-~See legend at the beginning of this table. “@011 quality. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Calcium rarhcnate found, not claimed. Excess of salt found. mDeficient in salt. mwheat brown shorts. 226 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS‘ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941. to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- _ tratlon hams and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude SDPCtiOII . Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Standard Milling Company, The Lubbock, Texas—Cont'd. Stanton’s Laying Mash ____________. 19.00 8.50 5.50 47.00 ........ __ ---_--_._. 1430M Analysis ______________________________ . 20.63 3.98 6.25 50.67 9.54 88 140K Stanton's Growing Mash ______ _. 17.50 8.50 7.00 51.00 1430? Analysism _________________________ __ 19.551 3.71 6.31 53.12 9.71 7.60 207K Analysis --_______________,_________ 19.90 3.83 6.51 52.26 9.94 7.56 465S Stanton’s Chick Starter __________. 18.00 8.50 6.00 51.00 _________________ -- 1430Q Analysism 19.93 4.23 5.08 54.61 9.64 6.51 191K. Analysis 20.73 3.32 5.31 51.05 10.05 9.54 338s Stant0n’s 33% Protein Supple- ment for Hogs _-_________.___-______ 33.00 4.40 10.00 30.00 _.-______ .---_- _ 1430U Analysis“ __ _____________ _____ 30.60 5.15 8.80 33.92 898 12.55 388$ Stanton’s Red Stan Sweet Feed 9.00 1.40 19.00 49.5 .................. _. 1430B2 Analysis“ _ ______________________ _- 7.71. .94 12.58 56.32 10.49 11.96 254T Stanton's Egg-Getter Egg Mash __------___._-.________________ 18.00 8.50 7.80 50,4 .................. .. 1430B4 Analysis __--___________________ 19.55 3.73 6.99 52.37 9.83 7.53 211K Stanton's Capitol Cubes __ __ 14.00 2.20 9.00 54.00 ................. -. 143004 Analysis ______________________________ .. 13.43 2.62 5.76 62.06 9.51 6.62 67 Stanton’s Capitol Feed ......... -. 14.00 2.20 9.00 54.0 ................. _. 143006 Analysis“ 12.95 2.04 6.66 57.83 13.13 7 39 105S Stanton’s Laying Mash Pellets 19.00 9.50 5.50 47.00 ______ .. 1430136» Analysis ............................. _. 20,04 4.14 5.85 50.77 9.99 9 21 404s Stant0n’s Pullet Builder ________ __ 15.00 3.50 8.00 53,00 ______________ __ l430D9 Analysis 17.10 3.63 7.35 55.10 9.93 6.89 59 Stanton's Panhandle 20% Pro- tem Ranch Feed ................ __ 20.00 3,00 10,00 44,50 ______________ _- 1430.18 Analysis" ............................... -- 19,35 3,47 6,37 53.01 11.40. 5,90 306s Stanton’s Panhandle 20% Pro- tein Ranch Cubes ................ -_ 20.00 0,00 10.00 44,50 _______ .. ._ .. 1430.19 Analysis“ ........................... _. 19,94 3.68 7,25 52,76 10.41, 5.96 192S Standard Rice Company, Inc., Houston, Texas. Rice Polishings containing Limestone 11,00 6,00 4,00 55,0 _______________ ._ 247D Analysis!“ _________________________ _. 10,35 7.68 2.05 57.97 11.36 10.09 303M Rice Bran containing Carbon- ate of Lime __________________________ __ 11,00 10,00 15,00 35,00 ________ __ 247G Analysism‘ -.-. _--__.-____________ 12_85 \2,24 11.53 36.89 8.82 17.67 I Stanton 8; Son, Ii. 3., Alvin, Texas, Chowmix 16% Protein Dairy Feed B ................................. -- 10.00 0.50 14.00 42.00 ........ -- 54A Analysis .. 17.10 5.35 12.63 45.42 12.10 7 40 81M Analysislm ......................... -._ 18.15 5.09 l0.46 46-52 11.37 8-41 137M Chowmix Laying Mash D 18.00 8.50 8.00 45.00 _________________ -- 54C Analysis ______________________________ -. 19,10 5.99 6.87 49.16 11.37 7.51 80M Chowmix Scratch Feed C __ _____ -. 9.00 2.50 4.00 65.00 ............... .. 54E Analysis ______________________________ 10,45 3.16 2.67 69.91 1.2.23 1.53 190M Star Peed company, Port Worth, Texas. Starko Egg Mash 18.00 8.70 60v 51-00 ------------------ »- 2375A Analysis _ _________________________ _, 19,05 4.73 6.4.9 51.63 10.41 7.69 227T c, d. e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend "at the beginning of this table. a, b, “Deficient in ground oyster shell. mG-round dried kelp claimed, not found. 5T4Deficient in ground limestone. “Excess of ground limestone. Linseed meal found, not claimed, "scorn meal and hegari meal found, not claimed. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 227. Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942*—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- _ tration same and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free cure Ash No. tein Extract Star Mill 8s Elevator Company, Eennessey, Oklahoma. Liberty Growing Mash ............ _. 20.60 3.90 9.30 42.40 __________________ __ 88K Analysis*°°"° -__.._._____..._ 19.48 4.42 5.61 52.36 9.58 8.55 601T Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 16.00 4.00 6.00 55.00 88S Analysis!" -_--______.._--_____ 15.85 3.44 5.85 59.87 11.10 3.89 315T Analysls _______________________ _- 14.24 2.17 3.78 65.03 11.45 3.33 602T Stevenson's Hatchery 8s Peed Mill, Dallas, Texas. Stevenson’s Super-Brand Lay- lng Mash _--_____--_________________________ 20.00 3.60 7.00 46.00 ________________ __ 1188M Analysisi" _._--___________ 21.12 4.02 6.46 49.26 9.98 9.16 44T Stevens0n’s Super-Brand Start- mg Mash -________________________________ 18.00 8.60 6.50 50.00 _______________ _. 11880 Analysis ______________________________ __ 20.46 4.34 5.61 50.80 11.14 7.65. 445T Stockmens Peed Manufacturing Company, Clovis, New Mexico. Perfecto Brand 18% Protein Dairy Feed _____________________________ _, 18.00 3.00 7.00 51.00 ................ 1 15781-1 Analysis _________________________ __ 17.70 3.13 5.55 56.15 11.23 6.24 69K El Rancho Brand 36% Protein Concentrate for Poultny _______ __ 36.00 4.50 5.00 22.00 . 1578Y Analysis?“ _______________________________ __ 37.97 5.29 7.27 23.52 7 79 18.16 215K E1_Rancho Brand Special Molt- lng Mash __________________________________ __ 21.00 3.50 6.00 44.00 ....... .. LDTFDQ Analysis ________________________________ _, 21.50 5.10 5.84 48.39 9.89 9.28 49K Stubbs-Young Grain 8t Seed Com- ! qubbock, Texas, and Branches. Sun-Ray Brand Chick Starter,“ 17.00 3.50 7.00 52.00 ................ _. 1707C Analysiskm ___________________________ __ 18.10 4.01 5.74 54.00 10.76 7.39 3398 Analysiskm 16.54 4.25 4.99 55.44 12.32 6.46 183T Analysis _______________________________ _, 19.16 4.59 4.49 53.28 11.28 7.20 364T Sun-Ray Brand Growing Mash 15.00 3.50 8.00 54.00 ........ _. --_--___ 1707D Analysis _______________________________ __ 16.66 3.59 5.17 58.07 9.67 6.84 463$ Sun-Ray Brand Laying Mash“- 18.00 3.50 8.00 48.00 1707G Analysisk ______________________________ __ 17.67 3.58 5.20 55.35 9.75 8.45 193K Analysis _______________________________ __ 16.46 3.82 4.53 56.15 13.18 5.86 132T Sun-Ray Brand Dairy Feed“, 18.50 3.40 12.00 47.00 ................ n 17071 Analysisfial _____________________________ __ 15.14 2.74 10.60 53.70 10.47 7.35 594T X-L Brand 9% Protein Sweet ' . Feed, ___________,_______________________________ 9.00 1.50 16.00 53.00 ....... .. ____.- l707A4 Analysis ______________________________ ,_ 9.70 1.79 12.43 53.82 14.26 8.00 365T Alfaiia Meai and Mo1asses___,_._. 10.00 1.00 25.00 42.50 ....... .. 1707134 Analysis ________,_______________ _____ 8.69 .74 18.91 52.35 11.37 7.94 637T X-L Brand 35% Protein Laying . 113,511 Supplement ___________________ __ 35,00 4.50 7.00 21.00 ________ _. ..-___--_. 170739 Anmysisssz ___________________________ __ 35,00 6.42 7.86 24.51 7.85 18.36 224$ a, b, c, i, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Soybean oil meal found, not claimed. Siicottonseed meal found, not claimed. “Ground dried kelp claimed, not found. “Excess of salt found. 58°Deficient in ground limestone. émliinseed meal claimed, not found. “Excess of salt found. 228 BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September l, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or 0i- In. Imnorter. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash K0. tein Extract Sugar Land Peed Company, Sugar Land, Texas. Mxtrite Brand Ground Peanut Hay and Molasses ________________ ._ 6.00 1.00 18.00 49.00 ................ ,_ 1528M Analysis ____________________________ -. 5.98 1.18 20,40 46,89 14,32 10,23 38M Mxtrite Brand Alfalfa Meal and Molasses _______ ___________________ 10.50 1.20 25.00 42,00 _____ ,_ ,_ 1528,16 Analysis --_---_.._._-________ 9.94» .64 21.45 45.55 14.15 8.27 39M Mxtrite Brand Ear Corn Chop With Husk and Molasses _______ .- 6.50 2.00 8.00 65.00 ............... .1, '.528D6 Analysis ______________________________ ,, 7.00 2.31 8.02 67.56 11,97 2,54 37M Sugar Land Industries, The, Sugar Land, Texas. Brewers’ Dried Grains _______________ __ 21.00 6.00 18.00 40.00 ....... .. 1957A Ana1ysis°5$3 ________________________ 22.18 6.92 17.32 41.84 7,94 3 80 2T Brewers’ Dried Grains _______________ ,, 24.00 4.50 18.00 40.00 ________ _. 1957C Analysis . 7.01 18.67 41.40 8.93 3.41 255M Analysis" 5.99. 18.56 42.87 8.35 3.98 488M Sulphur Springs Cotton Oil Com- Pally, Sulphur Springs, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal, 43.00 5.00 12.00 23.00 ................ -_ 133C Analysis ______________________________ __ 43.77 6.00 9.38 27.12 7.75 5.98 23F Analysislw _________ _, 41.69 5.81 10.92 27.84 8.36 5.38 26P Analysis 42.80 6.55 1.0.25 26.63 7.82 5.95 127P Laying Mash _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20.50 3.50 7.40 44.60 ................ -. 133U Analysis584 _____________________________ __ 21.60 3.50 6.31 46.71 10.79 11.09 126P Sun-Ray Peed 8a Produce, Levelland, Texas. Mix Mash ____________________________________ __ 18.00 3.50 5.00 54.00 ............... _. 2000C Analysis _____________________________ __ 17.76 4.22 4.09 55.43 11.77 6.73 222$ Superior Peed Mills, S Olxlahclacma gityi, Oklailgiomaa u erior - ro ucer ran Ewing Miih _________________________ 10.1.0 0.60 v.50 46.70 ...... .. 1003c Analysis.» . 4.54 7.76 50.34 9.59 8.60 35K Superior Brand 24% Protein Dairy Feed _______________________________ __ 24-00 3-50 10-50 56-00 ------ -- 190317 Analysisfl555 ___________________________ __ Sweetwater Cotton Oil Company, Sweetwater, Texas. Sweetwater Dairy Feed ........... -- 20-00 3-60 12-50 4500 ---------------- -- 2278B Analysis ______________________________ __ 21,50 3,92 11,47 46,44 9.52 7.15 8S 43% Protein Cottonseed MeaL- 43-00 5-00 12-00 93-00 ------ -- 22789 Analysis ______________________________ __ 43,17 503 11,86 26,01 7,81 6.07 12S Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 42,57 5,22 12,72 27,72 6.33 5.44 26S Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43,95 5,13 10,16 28,42 6,72 5,63 80S Analysis ___________ __ 44,54 5,57 11,17 27,51 5,41 5,80 1098 Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 43,30 5,95 11,71 27,08 5,99 5.97 284$ Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 44,05 6,02 10.10 28.02 5.68 6.13 285s Analvsis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ 44,25 5,55 11,23 27,44 5.53 6.00 311s Anamis ________ __ 44.85 5.83 11.11 27.09 4.97 6.15 403s Analysis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ 44,15 5,59 12,59 25.88 5.91 5.88 436s ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Analysis _______ A 43_75 5,47 11,51 27,74 5.57 5.96 263W Analysis ____ __________ _, 4337 5,72 12,39 26,56 5,40 6.06 414W Analysis _______________________________ __ 4459 6,16 11,73 26,17 5.22 6.08 416W a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Registration canceled. “Mlixcess of ground oyster shell found. fisiliafir meal found, not claimed. UOMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFITS 229 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- _ , tration Lame and Address of Manufacturer or > a t‘ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude = Crude l Nitro- 1 Mois- ’ Orudei spection Pro- Fat ‘Fiber jgen-free? ture l Ash j No. tein i i {Extractl g 1 . I 1 , Sweetwater Cotton Oil Company, Sweetwater, Texas—-Cont'd. 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake“, 43-00 5.20 12.00 23.00 ________________ -- 2278K - Analysis ______________________________ __ 44.23 5.85 9.98 27.23 6.53 618 326s Sweetwater Range Cubes _________ __ 20.00 3.00 9.00 48.00 ________ .. _ 2278J Analysis _______________________________ _, 20.12 3.48 8.50 49.42 9.28 9.20 76S 43% Protein Cottonseed Cubes 43.00 5.20 12.00 23.00 . . . . _ . . _ . _ . _ .. 2278M Analysis ______________________________ _, 43.42 6.18 10.47 27.43 6.33 6.17 161S Analysisv _- 41.36 6.05 11.08 28.40 7.12 5.99 1918 Analysis __ 44.06 5.42 10.90 27.49 6.03 6.10 200$ Analysisfi ______________________ __ 42.40 7.17 11.49 25.91 6.72 6.31 428$ Analysis ______________ _, 43.96 5.98 11.24 27.37 5.35 6.10 438$ Analysis” _____________ __ 41.89 6.04 12.49 28.48 5.55 5.55 447$ Analysis!" ___________ __ 41.66 5.21 12.95 27.08 7.59 5.51 503$ Analysis¢ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 42.19 5.44 11.02 29.30 5.94 6.11 268W Analysis _______ 42.55 5.36 11.44 28.23 6.48 5.94 269W Analysis ________________________________ __ 42.74 5.83 11.61 26.50 7.24 6.08 424W LaSSeS Sweetco Mixed Feed_______ 11.00 1.50 80.60 89.50 .................. .. 22780 Analysisk _______________________________ __ 11.5.‘ 1.65 31.84 39.60 11.29 4.10 4808 Sweetwater Growing Mash_______ 17.50 3.50 5.00 5.1.00 2278Q Analysis _______________________________ __ 17,37 4.81 3.78 55.59 10.42 8.03 544S Sweetwater Baby Chick Starter 17.50 3.50 5.00 52.50 ................. _. 2278R Analysis ___________ _________________ __ 18.16 4.99 5,31 55.81 9.23 6.50 633s Analysis _____________________________ __ 18.23 4.59 4.44 55.73 9.87 7.14 415W SWeetWater Laying Mash ____ 18.50 3,50 8,00 18.00 _______________ ._ 2278V Analysis _______________________________ __ 19,28 5,11 7.27 49.77 9.50 9.07 592S Sweetwater Supreme Brand Laying Mash Pellets _____________ _. 20.00 0.00 6.00 05.5 ................ -. 2278B4 Analysism _____________________ __ .. 4.95 5,24 50.91 8.63 8.92 593$ Sweetwater Broiler Mash_--- . 4.00 0.50 09.0 ....... _. 227802 Analysis _______________________________ __ 19,29 5.00 5.43 52.61 10.23 7.44 543$ Club Boy 28% Protein Concen- trate Pellets _____________________________ __ 23,00 3,30 13,00 25.50 ................ .. 227808 Analysis“ _____________________________ __ 31,42 3,80 8,83 28,43 8.43 19.09 75S 28% Protein Whole-Pressed Cottonseed Cubes _________________ __ 23,00 6,00 23,00 29.00 2278D1 Analysisdalwk ____________ _, 26,91 6.95 21.23 34.09 6.43 4.39 11S Analysis" 29,78 3.85 21.28 12.34 8.32 4.43 81S Swift 8t Company, Chicago. Illinois, and Branches. Swift's 60% Protein Digester Q Tankage .-_._-_________________________ 60.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 270A Analysisv 2.00 3.96 15.89 16.55 323E Analysise . . 1.15 2.97 13.16 16.16 4381-1 Analysis . . ' 1.38 2.73 12.46 17.06 44111-1 Analysis ' . . _ 1.11 1.74 10.56 16.39 544M Analysis . . 1.59 .78 4.79 21.15 5165 Analysisv . . 2.31 1.49 5.28 23.16 15W Swiffs Chick Mash __________________ __ 18.50 4.00 6.00 $9.00 ................ -. 270E Analysis ______________________________ ,. 20.63 4.93 5.32 51.01 9.40 8.71 462W Swift’s 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps ............................. _. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 2701 Analysisc . . 2.11 .99 6.841 28.27 35H Analysis . . 2.63 .66 5.66 30.01 297E Analysisv ___________ 49,48 9.43 2.09 1.25 6.27 31.48 437T Analysis" ___________________________ __ 48.03 8.90 1.88 1.09 ' 5.61 34.49 598T a, b, c, d, e, f, ,0, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. .~"“Cottonseed meal found, not claimed. “Deficient in ground limestone and excess of salt found. fl BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION "Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent ‘ Regis- Name and Address of Manufacturer or tration 1 or In- t Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude v spection Pro- Fat Fiber eon-free ture Ash No. tein Extract 1 Swift & Company (Oil Mill), Little Rock, Arkansas. Cotton Bloom Brand 41% Pro- tein Cottonseed Cake ............. -_ 41.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 _______ _. 598E Analyslsdbm ------_--_._..____--- 41.37 5.55 10.54 28.42 7.18 6.94 460T Cotton Bloom Brand 41% Pro- teln Cottonseed Meal ............. __ 41.00 5.00 12.00 25,00 _______________ __ 598F Analyslsdbm _______________________ .. 41.33 6.06 10.15 29.17 6.54 6.75 459T Swift 8a Company (Soybean Mill), Champaign, Illinois, and Branches. SWi_ft’s 43% Protein Soybean O11 Meal __---_____-_----______._______. 48.00 3.50 7.00, 29,00 ....... _. 715C Analysis“ _____________________________ .. 47.00 4.23. 6.19 25.45 10.83 6.30 577T Syntha-Milk Laboratories, Ingomar, Ohio. Syntha-Mixer 85.00 5.00 5.00 27.00 . . ._ 2604A Analysis 36.00 4.58 6.08 35.31 8.97 9.06 345$ Analysism _____________________________ __ . . 5.62 7.93 30.30 7.88 10.68 634s Amalysism _ 38.55 5.33 8.14 29.59 8.72 9.67 W Taft Cotton Oil Company, Taft, Texas. _ 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal“, 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 _____________ __ 1410]) Analysis ______________________________ __ 43.94 6.55 10.25 26.03 7.28 5.95 82- Analysis" . 6.28 11.30 26.44 7.85 5.88 2331-1 Ana1ysis° 5.80 11.55. 26.12, 8.60 5.88 3041-1 Analysisv _________________________ __ 5.77 11.36 26.43 8.44 5.90 443K Analysis __________________________ 5.99 9.18 26.78 9.42 5.80 E Taylor, B, 1., E iian Tflngrelo, Texas. . . 1 ‘ Feed ay or Special Dairy 1s_00 3,00 13,00 46.50 _______ _. 2175A Analysis 18.52 4.37 12.12 46.63 10.21 8.15 31S TaylorsBrokerage Company, an Angelo, Texas. T 1 0 B d _________ __ 19.00 3.00, 15.00 44,00 ................ -. 2347B ay X1§1ys§§t-_§§iY_§9§ ____________ - 81-01 4-08 01-75 08-88 8-00 848 2,3380% D d B d L ' _____ __ 18.50 8.50 7.60 48.00 4 Rarkfialfgfi ____ __ 19.28 3.41 5.08 54.40 10.01 7.82 500s ain ow Sheep and Cattl F d Pellets ________________________ 18.00 8.00 8.50 58.00 884718 {Analysis _____________________________ fi 16,62 3,25 6,40 58,21 _ 9.49 6.03 197$ 10.00 8.50 5.50 58.50 ................ -. 234m Analysis ____ _ 19.57 3,25 5.50 54.61; 8.80 8.27 609S Tay1or’s Money-Saver Brand ‘ ~ Chick Starter. _________________________ __ 11-50 8-50 7-00 51-00 --------------- ~~ 2347s Analysis ___________________________ __ 16,96 3,39 4,07 58.09 10.61 6.88 4998 Taylor Grain Company, vanBAlsgyéie, Lrexasih B t Texana ran tar er W1 u ~ . - __ 17.00 4.00. 5.00 52.00 ................. .. 1041'“ 18.10 5.37 5.1a 53.70 10.00 7.04 126T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.-—See legend at the beginning of this table. "fisBlank Texas tags attached. mShrimp meal substituted for fish meal. mshrimp meal substituted for fish meal. Calcium carbonate found, not claimed. Calcium carbonyate found, not claimed. Dried skimmed milk claimed, not found. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS 231 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—-Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- < tration Name and Address o! Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber _ gen-tree ture Ash No. tein Extract i J l Taylor’s Peed Store, I-ampasas, Texas. Tay1or’s Special Laying Mash_-_ 20.00 3.50 7.00 45.00 899B Analysis .............................. __ 21.95 4.68 6.27 47.69 9.67 9.74 619W Taylor's All-Mash Chick Star- ter 17.00 4.00 5.50 52.0 899C Analysis ______________________________ __ 17.50 4.99 5.15 55.25 9.78. 7.33 529W Double (T) Pig and Hog Feed 26.00 3.50 8.00 40.00 8991 Analysis ______________________________ 1 28.13 4.75 8.27 10.90 8.91- 9.04 431W Temple Peed and Fuel Company, ‘v Temple, Texas. Temco Laying Mash ___________________ _. 20.00 8.50 7.00 47.20 2l29E . 3.73 6.65 48.51 10.91 8.95 335W . 8.80 6.70 52.00 2129L .. 4.29 6.89 51.91 10.06 7.72‘ 641W Temco All-Mash Chick Starter 16.00 3.50 4.50 56.00 ............... __ 2129N Analysis ________________________________ .. 17.81 4.35 4.43 55.68 10.30 7.43 565W Blue Ribbon Brand Sweet Cow l Feed 10.00 1.80 14.00 54.00 2129R Analysis“ 10.20 1.84 13.77 55.82 11.91 6.46 219H Analysis ............................... _- 8.87 1.90 14.72. 54.90 11.90 7.71 325W Temco 32% Protein Laying Mash Concentrate ................. -_ 4.50 6.00 28.00 2129U Analysis”? ............. -_ 5.10 8.15 31.37 8.41 16.89 87W Analysis .............................. -_ 3.53 5.33 31.22 8.62 18.60 336W Temple Grain 8n Kay Company, Port Worth, Texas. Milo Head _Chop 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 _________________ __ 1137A Analysls“ ----------------------------- -» 10.01 2.51 6.82 64. 12.17 3.87 371M Terminal Grain Company, Port Worth, Texas. Ground Whole Oats ________________ -- 11.00 4.00 12.00 68.00 960P Anlysism _____ _- ___ 12.39 2.62 8.51 61.92 11.01 3.55 57T Analysis‘f°°* _ _____ -- 11.30 3.30 1.1.44; 59.55 10.10 4.31 134T Analysis“ 1.-.-------_.______-~_-- 12.41 4.02 9.26 60.78 9.79 3.74 218T Analysis“ ____________________________ -- 11.40 3.63 9.43 58.37 11.49 5.68 503T Falf-Olass _Mixed Feed _____________ -- 11.00 1.20 27.40. 40.00 _ 960Q Analysls! _---___-----_- 10.00 .95 29.47, 36.66 14.59 8.33 506T Rodeo Sweet Feed______--__----------- 9.00 1.50 10.50 50.00 96032 Analysls -----------—---- 10.97 2.26 7.01 59.21 13.62 6.93 587W Blue Tag All-Mash Starter with Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil --------------------------- v 17.00 8.70 4.60, 54.30 ________________ __ 960D6 Analysls --------------------------- -- 16.85 3.79 5.32, 55.58 9.90 8.56 499W Terrell Milling Company, Terrell, Texas. Red Diamond Cow Hash __________ -_ 24.00 4.00 12.00. 41.00 125L Analysis . 3.90 10.79 45.43 10.91 6.93 119P Analysis 4.36 9.68 45.15 12.59 7.47 467T b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning a, "Excess of salt found. mDeficient in ground limestone. “Ground whole barley and sudan grass seed present. “Used by manufacturer in mixed feed. "Corn meal present. “Corn meal and milo meal present. of this table. 232 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent \ Regis _ ’ tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or 7 | or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat fiber gen-free ture Ash l No. tein ‘Extract k Terrelllrmilling Company, errell, '.l.‘exas—Continued. ’ l Alfalfa Meal and Molasses ....... -- 10.50 1.10 25.00 1.2.00 ................ __ 125s B 1%“%§"s‘s§°’s ------ ********* " 71-2” i“ 2°04 45-63 13'” 80° 52$ I111 0 P941 Wee 6e 0. 0 .00 4.50 53.00 .............. _. Analysis . 1.76 11.83 56.74 11.84 6.35 34F AT1v 40. 8.69 13.46 26.46 5.37 5.37 124S Analysis 44.35 4.91 11.84 27.59 5.74 5.57 125$ Analysis 43.52 5.95 12.37 27.65 4.96 5.55 215s Ana1ysis°"‘" _--_.__--_._______ 42.35 5.29 13.21 27.98 5.56 5.61 329$ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake 48.00 5.00. 12.00 25.00 .................... _. 327G Ana1ysiS°73T° _--___-___..________ 40.28 5.32 14.86 27.61 6.40 5.53 443$ West Texas Gottonoil 00., , Brownfield, Texas. _ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __ 43.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 ................. _. 505A Analysis ____________________________ _-_. 42.97 5.20 10.58 27.86 8.26 5.13 1288' Analysisv ______________________ ___.--- 42.91 6.59 9.75 29.08 5.36 6.31 273S Paymaster Brand 43°70 Protein _ Cottonseed Meal 43.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ................. -. 505A Analysisbv ______ _________-_-- 41.20 5.71 10.60 29.76 5.80 6.93 196K Allalysisv ___________________________._ 40.47 5.43 10.06 31.12 6.07 6.85 208K Analysisv ____________________________ __ 42.461 5.72 10.63 31.04 3.34 6.81 392s Paymaster Brand 43% Protein _ Soybean Oil Meal .................. ._ 43.00 4.50 6.00 28.00 ........ _. 505G Analysis 44.37 4.80 5.70 33.20 5.47 .46 230K Analysis 44.28 4.65 5.45 33.26 5.94 6.42 5888 ‘West Texas Cottonoil C0,, I-ittlefleld, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.70 6.00 12.00 23.00 ............... .. 1643B Analysisv ___________________________ -. 43.83 6.93 8.49 28.29 6.01 6.45 335S Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal .................... 43.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ................... -. 1643B Analysisv _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _. 41.77 6.61 9.23 29.71 6.05 6.63 283K Analysisld _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 41.46 6.40 9.63 29.97 6.00 6.54 ‘>84K Analysisv ______________________________ -. 42.00 6.80 9.01 30.02 5.59 6.58 458$ ‘West Texas Cottonoil 00., Munday, Texas. _ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein cottonseed Meal ______---______-. 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ................ .. 151A Analysisv 41.08 8.95 11.35 26.06 6.72 5.84 135$ Analysigv ____________________________ _. 40.00 8.61 11.95 27.23 6.48 5.73 136$ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Cake __________________ -. 43.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 151B Analysislv _____________________________ -. 41.98 5.86 12.02 26.45 7.62 6.07 437S h b! c} d) e! f) I i) hulls present. a, g: “Excess cottonseed y, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFTS- 2'49 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Oont1nued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Name and Address o1 Manufacturer or] r .' Crude \ Crude T Nitro- Regis- tration or ln- Importer. Brand Name. Crude y Mois- Crude § spection Pro- Fat Fiber {gen-tree ture Ash . .\o. teln 4 lExtract % 4 l 4 West Texas Oottonoil ('10., Plainview, Texas. Payniaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal __ 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 1148A Analysis .__ 43.45 6.62 10.30 26.79 7.76 5.18 50K Analysisfi ._ _ 40.88. 9.48 9.80 27.53 6.78 5.53 130$ Analysis" _ _ 42.16 7.56 8.78 29.78 5.30 6.42, 232$ Analysisv .._. 38.50; 5.99 11.99 31.63 5.87‘ 6.02 235$ West Texas Cottonofl 00., San Angelo, Texas. Paymaster. Brand Angelo Mixed Feed ........ __ 11.80 1.70 88.00, 36,00 _________, _ ______ __ 843E Analysis ___.____ 11.17 1.75 38.61 38.10 6.84 3.53 642$ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal _-__-_ 48.00 6.00 1200- 23.00 ---_--_ 3431* Ana1ysis°"*°° _____________________ _. 41.75 6.21 13.95 27.05 5 67 5 37 114s Ana1ys1s°“° ...... -____._._ 41.32 9.18 13.24 25.87 , 4.84 5.55 202s Analysis ______. 44.32 6.42 12.25 26.71 4.59 5.71 203$ Analysis _1 42.86 6.88 11.75 27.22 5.83 5.51 307$ Analysls 45.05 7.30 11.48 25.36 5.61 5.20 316s Paymaster Brand 43% Protein ’ Cottonseed Cake __----_-__------.--., 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 _ ______ __ ____.____ 843G Analysis _____ . 6.12 10.39 23.86 6.90 5.50 107$ Analysis 5.66 12.25 24.23 7.79 5.61 119s Analysis 6.04 10.97 25.65 5.96 5.68 189$ Analysis 5.47 12.15 25.90 6.01 5.64 190$ Analysis 5.80 10.95 26.90 6.67 6.23 324$ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Pellets ______________ -- 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ___---- ...... 843N Ana1ysis°“f ..................... -. 40.92 5.52 14.12 27.71 6.63 5.10 106s Ana1ysis°75 45.33 7.39 11.12 24.84 5.85 5.47 187$ Analysis __________.._____..___ 43.42 6.51 11.38 27.15 5.98 5.56 188$ Analysis ___________________ 44.05 7.19 11.57 25.61 6.37 5.21 201$ Ana1ysis°'“° ___.___-._._. 42.33 5.95 12.81 26.39 7.10 5.42 213$ Analysis ____________._____-__..-_, 42.60 5.76 11.63 27.37 7.30 5.34 216$ Analysis“ _____ _________, 43.17 5.78 13.07 26.61 5.92 5.45 322$ Analysismv ___________________ 42.09 6.43 13.86‘ 25.99 6.00 5.63 323$ Paymaster Brand 20% Protein Feed Pellets _--._--.___._.___-_ 20.00 3.40 15.00 46.00 _______________ .. 843$ Analysis ______ _________________ 24.13 3.51 14.89 43,37 9.13 4.97 118$ 43% Protein Peanut Meal ..... -- 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 l 843A1 Analysis __________________________ _. 43.62 7.21 13.89 21.341 7.34 6.60 195$ West Texas Cottonoll 00., Shamrock, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meg 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 .............. -__ 1758E Analysjsfl _______________. 42.44 6.45 9.30 28.29 7.36 6.16 247$ Analysis!!! ____________________________ __ 4.157 7.49 9.37 28.26 7.07 6.14 263s Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottgnsged Meal _______________.___ 43.00 5.00 12.00’ 25.00 _________________ __ 1758B: Analysis.» 4196 6.92 8.75 28.82 7.42 6.13 263K Analysislv ___________________________ __ 42,00 7.35 8.18 28.86 7.03 6.58 363$ Paymaster Brand 28% Protein Ground Whole-Pressed Cot- tonseed -_-._-_-__.._-_____-_-__»-- 23-00 5-00 23-00 99-0 -------- n, ------- W 1753K Analysisv ______________________________ ZQQS 5.64 20.05 38.12 7.18 4.52 116K b, c, d, e. f, 0, h, i, j, k.--See legend at the beginning of this table. a, “Excess cottonseed hulls present. ‘"011’ quality. 250 BULLETIN NO. 620, TEXAS; AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or i i i or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- \ Crude i spection Pr0- Fat . Fiber gen-tree; ture g Ash > No. tein ‘ Extract‘ i 3 - l a West Texas Cottonoil Co., Shamrock, Texas—Cont’d. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Coarsely Ground Cottonseed Meal 48.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ............... ._ 1758L Ana1ysisf°°"° _--_-_---__.___,___.- 40.89 7.38 10.50 28.70 6.58 5.95 250$ Analysism‘ ...................... __ 43.64 7.73 9.99 25.74 6.73 6.17 365$ Paymaster Brand 43% Protein _ Coarsely Ground Cottonseed Meal 43.00 5.00 12 00 25.00. ________________ .. 1758L Analysis" __-___--_.---_--.-_-.--__-._-_ __42.10 7.22 8 66 29 23 6.64 6 15 102K Analysis° -__-__.__-_-_._______ 41.18 6.96 9 27 28 55 7.68 6 36 259K Analysis ....................... -_ 42.90 7.22 8 13 29 30 5.91 6 54 301K West Texas Cottonoil C0,, Slaton, Texas. Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 23.00 ................. __ 1118B Analysls’ ............................. ._ 43.28 5.47 9.14 29.02 6.79 6.30 271S Paymaster Brand 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal ..................... -_ 43.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 ................ .. 1118B Analyslsc ............................. _. 42.20 5.73 9.38 30.07 6.09 6.53 455s West Texas Peed 8n Seed Com- ' 113-117, Lubbock, Texas. West Texas Dairy Feed.---___-_.--___ 16.00 3.00 15.00 02.00 ...... -. 2141L Analysis ............................... -. 17._81 2.99 10.58 50.90 840 9.32 186K Big Chief Brand Laying Mash- ‘19.00 8.50 6.00 49.0 ........ -_ 21410 Analysis ............................... -. 20.11 3.94 6,31 49.95 10 91 8.78 270s Big Chief Brand Growing Mash 19.00 3.60 6.50 49.0 .............. -. 2141Q Analysis .......................... _- 20.14 3.48 5.89 53.48 917 7.84 457$ West Texas Rendering Plant, Wichita. Falls, Texas. 50% Protein Meat and Bone Scraps __--____._-__-__--_-__-.._.__.. 50.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 .............. -. 2179A Ana1ysis¢ ............................. _. 48.71 8.54 2.21 1.55 4.83 34.16 531T Western Condensing Company, San Francisco, California, and Branches. Peebles Dried Whey _________________ -_ 12.00 0.50 0.10 65.00 ............... _. 258A Analysis _________ _.___..___- 11.81 .66 .11 70.18 7.41 9.83 77K Analysis .............. -________- 12.20 .70 .10 69.89 6.45 10.66 236K Whaley Mill 8t Elevator Com- Pa!!!» Gainesville, Texas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings ______________________________________ -_ 16.50 4.00 0.00 =i5.00 . 151 AnaIysisMSv _________________ __ -- 17.95 4.21 7.34 53.95 11.90 4.65 81P Ana1ysis°mv ________________ -- _. 17.10 4.25 7.80 55.48 10.24 5.13 110P Analysism" _______________ __ -_ 17.40 4.22 7.31 54.49 11.84 4.74 136P Analysis ___________________ _- 16.60 4.02 6.20 57.94 11.01 4.23 175P Ana1ysis°"8° ......................... -- 16.70 3.84 6.82 55.84 12.09 4.71 90T Analysisflm ___________.. 17.44 3.95 6.85 55.98 10.79 4.99 296T Analysismv __-__.______._____- 17.36 4.84 6.45 55.62 11.18 4.55 429T Analysis __-_--__-_-_____-___ 17.02 4.05 5.65 58.06 11.20 4.02 485T Analysis 17.04 3.58 5.49 58.70 11.21 3.98 574T Analysis 18.60 4.03 5.74 55.44 11.90 4.29 642T Analysisms° .......................... -_ 17.40 4.52 7.17 55.64 10.38 4 89 204W a, b, c, d, e, y, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Amount returned to manufacturer replaced with 43% protein cottonseed meal. ‘"7011 quality. “Bwheat brown shorts and screenings. “Wheat mixed feed and screenings. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS fil Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) ‘i Per Cent | Regis- I LIULIOI] Name and Address oi Manufacturer or\ | 7 . - 01-111- Lmporter. Brand Name. rCrude Crude Crude] Nitro- ‘i Mois- Crude l spection Pro- Fat Fiber lgen-iree; ture \ Ash No. teln gExtracti l A ‘ Whaley Mill 8t Elevator Com- Pan?’ G-ainesville, Texas—-Cont’d. Ground Whole Oats 11.00 4.00 12.00 58.00 15Q Analysis ______.__-______.__.. 11.40 4.61 11.33 58.15 10.76 3.75 120P Whaley’s Egg Mash _-_-.-_...__---__ 18.00 8.50 7.00 48.00 15R Analysis 20.26 4.25 4.89 50.55_ 10.23 9.82 195T Wha1ey’s Laying Mash ____ _____ 18.20 8.50 6.00 48.00 15V Analysis 19.64 4.40 5.93 50.79 10.65 8.59 196T Wha1ey’s Dairy Feed--_____-_-_--_-_ 18.00 8.90 10.00 48.00 _-___-_- -_____. 15Y Analysis ____._-_-__-_-____.__.1 19.35 5.36 7.19 51.94 10.22 5.94 101T Wheleler Cotton Oil Company, nc., Wheeler, Texas. 28% Protein Ground Whole- Pressed Cottonseed __________ _-_____. 28.00 4.00 23.00 29.00 - 1872E Analysis“ ............ -___-____ 23.84 9.77 22.246 33.90 5.77 4.48 264s White Grain Company, I-amesa, Texas. White’s Quality Brand Laying Mash ....................................... -. 18.00 8.50 6.50 48.00 1934G _Ana1ysis ............................ __. 19.20 4.09 5.82 51.72 10.27 8.90 277$ Wh1te’s Quality Brand Chick Starter 17.00 8.50 7.00 51.00 ..__-__- .____- 19343 Analysis 16.57 4.08 5.74 56.02 9.93 7.66 474$ Whitewater Flour Mills Com- pany, The, Whitewater, Kansas. Wheat Gray Shorts and Screen- ings 16.00 0.50 0.00 55.00 2292B Analysis“ _______________________________ -_ 15.67 3. 5.53, 60.58 11.27 3.51 134P Whyte Peed Mills, Pine Bluif, Arkansas, Big-Flow Brand Dairy Feed___.. 20.00 3.00, 15.00 37.00 1096X Analysis“ ........................... __ 20.30 2.28 1.7.53 39.91 10.91 9.07 64T Muleshoe Sweet Mixed Feed _____ _, 11.00 2.00 14.00 50.00 . 1096B’? Analysism _______________________________ 7.11 1.83 20.27 48.62 11.65 10.52 90P Analysism _____________________________ __ 6.66 1.64 20.27 48.89 11.67 10.87 94P Analysisafisl _________________________ -, 10.81 2.56 13.53 55.76 10.76 6.58 555T Special Horseshoe Egg Mash.-. 18.00 8.50 8.00 43.00 . 1096C3 Analysisfi" _____________________________ _. 19.49 7.61 12.53 34.36 8.64 17.37 1251’ Wichita Falls Cotton Oil Com- P3119‘, Wichita Falls, Texas. 431% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 48.00 5.20 12.00 23-00 ~ ______ _- -__-_____ 544C Analysis . _ 43.62 5.74 8.74 27.85 7.28 6.77 15T Analysis 7.34 10.38 27.12 6.38 6.04. 158T Analysis" 8.87 7.1.94 25.88 6.93 5.92 184T Wichita Peed Store, Wichita Falls, Texas. Wichitafs Best Brand All- Mash Chick Starter. with Cod Liver Oil ___________,__________ 14,00 3.50 6.50 58.00 ....... __ _ ...... -. 707F Analysis _ ___________________________ __ 18.76 4.46 5.29 52.19 11.45 7.85 354T Analysis ___.__. 16.41 4.59 6.22 54.94 9.77 8.07 423T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. WG-round whole oats and corn chop found, not claimed. “lDeficient in ground oyster shell and salt. “Excess of ground oyster shell and salt. 252 Table 18. to August 31, 1942-—Continued BULLETIN NO‘. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Peeds, September 1, 1941, -(The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) I Per Cent Regis- ' ' tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or i l’ or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude ‘ spection Pro- Fat Fiber ‘gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract l J ' 1 Wichita Peed Store, Wichita. Palls, Texas— Continued. Wichita’s Special Brand 24% Protein Cow Feed -__._-__-_____. 24,00 3,00 15,00, 41,00 ______ -. 707M Analysis“ 24,16 3,79 11,60 40.05 9.07 11.32 17T Wichita’s Best Brand Egg Mash _ ....................................... -. 13,00 3,50 3,00, 45.00 _________________ __ 707P Analysis .____________- 17,75 4,40 6,31 51.80 10.10 9.14 536T ‘Wilbur-Ellis Company, San Francisco, California. Farallone 68% Protein Vacuum- Dried Fish Meal ______-_-____ 0300" 0,00 1,00 4,00 _____________ __ 697B . Analyslsm —--—-—.-—-— 62.08 5.93 .74 .81 8.54 21.90 417M Lighthouse Brand 68% Protein Sardine Meal 0000 5,00, 1,00 1,00 _________________ 1 697D Analysis“ 71.92 4.09; .25 5.06 5.70 12.98 90s Analysis _--____.._______ 70,76 3,15 .46 4,23 6.48 14.92 445W 65% Protein Sardine Mea1._.-_--. 65.00 8.00 1.00 0.00 6971" Analysislv ____________________________ __ 6401 5,23 .46 2.50 7.60 20.20 288T Analysis ______________________ _. 64,75 7.09 1.15 5.59 7.50 13.92 7W Lighthouse Brand 68% Protein Steam-Dried Fish Mea1________._ 03.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 ................. _. 697N Analysis ____________________________ __ 70,64 2,82 .31 5.88 7.02 13.33 399M Analysis _________________________ __ 03,37 2,31 26 4.42 9.16 14.98 539M Wilkinson Milling Company, _ Coleman, Texas. Happy Hen Brand Laying Mash 19.00 8.50 8.00 118.50 434C Analysis . 3.33 5.93 56.80 10.06 8.33 , 410W Mixed Feed $.50 3.30 30.00 ............... __ 434G Analysis 3.04 4.25 63.74 11.08 3.05 260W Williamson Peed & Drug Store, Iennedale, Texas. 1 Dairy Feed ___________________________________ __ 15.00 3.00 13.00 55.00 1690A Analysis 14.85. 3.53 10.75 53.57 11.19 6.11 228T Laying Mash _____ 18.00 3.60 8.00 51.00 ................ -_ 1590B 1 Analysis ____________________________ __ 17.21’ 5.18 8.20 51.71 10.60 7.10 229T Williamson Peed 8: Hatchery, Graham, Texas. Our Special Chick Starter____ 17.50 3.50 6.00 51.00 ................. -- 890G Analysis 17.60 4.40 4.19 56.84 9.83 7.14 273T Our Special Egg Mash_--_. ........ .- 18.00 3.60 6.50 47.50 ................ _. 8901 Analysis -__-_____._________. 18.20 4.62 5.95 51.73 10.87 8.63 157T Wilson 8t Company, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Red “W” Brand 50% Protein Feeding Tankage with Bone 50.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 __________________ __ 239913 Analysis" --_.__-_---_----_.._--_-_---. 51.19 10.34 1.29 .06 7.05 30.07 268K Analysis 50.10 10.27 2.05 2.94 5.59 29.05 418T a) bl c) d! e! f) g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Corn chop, milo chop, ground whole oats, and ground whole barley found, not claimed. “Used by dealer in mixed feed. Wrong tags furnished by distributor. adjusted. Price . .. ...'.|..._n,..n..mn-n COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFFS- 253 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of reeds, September 1, 1941, 4 »\to August 31, l942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Gent Regis- \ tration Name and Address oi Manufacturer or l. or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free, ture Ash No. tein Extract‘ I I Wilson Grain 8t Elevator Com- Pa!!!’ Coleman, Texas. Wi1son’s Chick Growing Mash- 20.00 3.60 6.00 44.00 1033G Analysis ............................... -_ 21.60 3.98 5.35 49.04 10.96 9.07 514S Wi1son’s Turkey Starter and Grower 21.50 3.60 6.00 43.00 .................. _. 10331-1 Analysise“ 21.11 4.71 6.88 47.09 9.40 10.81 570S Wilson Grocery, Ray, Cooper, Texas. Laying Mash ..---_--_-__.__-___-_ 18.00 3.60} 7.50 49.00 ....... _. 1773A Analysis ___.. 19.26 4.30 6.67 52.67 10.05 7.05 565T Wingo Oil Mill, Wills Point, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 48.00 5.20 12.00 25.00 1620A Analysis .-_--____ _._-_. 45.50 10.86 8.09 24.60 5.18 5.77 37P Wingo & Son, C. 3., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Hopco Starting Mash---___.___-_____ 17.50 3.60 6.00 51.00 1130G _ Analysis ............... -__ ......... _- 20.32 4.43 5.73 50.97 10.34 8.21 451T rIopco Growing Mash_-_.-___..__ 16.00 3.50 6.50 50.00 - ............... -_ 11301-1 Analysis ____.__-______________ 19.97 4.12 5.13 51.71 10.87 8.20 566T Winters Hatchery 8t Produce Company, Winters, Texas. Kirkham’s Growing Mash _____ __ 16.00 8.70 6.50 57.00 .................. __ 2507A Analysis _______________________________ -- 15.95 4.80 5.44 57.26 10.91 5.64 572S Kirkham’s Chick Mash_-____..-. 18.00 4.00 7.00 53.00 .................. __ 2507B Analysism 17.51 4.79 6.71 54.45 10.60 5.94 518S Kirkham’s Egg Mash .............. _- 18.00 8.70‘ 7.00 54.00 ................. -- 2507C Analysis 18.52 4.91 5.70 54.16 10.69 6.02 5738 Witt Milling Company, Plainview, Texas. Kafir Head 8.50 2.50 8.00 65.00 2577B Analysis _______ ___ ___________ __ 9.36 2.12 5.75 68.35 9.37 5.05. 233K Witting, Gus. A., San Antonio, Texas, 36% Protein Whole-Pressed Peanuts v_______________________________ 86.00 6.00 22.00 20.00 ._________ .____-_-- 27B Analysis ____________ _____ _____ __ 37.19 7.84 16.37 24.14 7.31 7.15 27B Woco Peed Mill, Mineola, Texas. Woco 7 Laying Mash _____--_____-- 18.00= 8.50 7.50 51.00 ........ _- _ ...... -- 313D Analysis _______________________________ _. 18.69 3.56 7.77 50.69 10.24 9.05 89T Woco Special Hereford Feed___- 13.00 8.00 9.00 5.9.00- ........ -. _ ...... -- 313E Analysis _____ _____ __________________ __ 13.92 3.71 8.31 60.34 10.50 3.22 39P Woco Dairy Feed _______ ____ 18.00 8.40 18.50 48.00 ________.. ________ -_ 313F Analysisw _________________________. 19.06 3.91 12.46 46.29 8.77 9.51 40P Analysis 20.30 4.16 11.08 44.19 10.14 10.13 470T Woco Chick Starter___._________ 18.00 8.70 6.50 58.00 .................. -_ 313L Analysis 19.64 4.56 6.08 51.55 10.93 7.24 471T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Excess of ground limestone found. “Deficient in ground limestone. “Deficient in ground limestone. 254 Table 18. (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) BULLETIN NO‘. 620, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—C0ntinued Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or | ‘ or In Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- i Crude spection Pro- Fat Fiber gen-free ture ! Ash No. teln Extract ‘ i Woerner’s ‘Warehouse, Predericksburg, Texas. Woerner Mixed Cow Feed ...... _- 19.00 4.00 11.00 18.00 ________ -. 246013 Analysis ............................... _- 19.10 4.66 10.15 50.25 10.57 5.27 261H Wolf Peed and Coal, Prank, Wichita Palls, Texas, Ear Corn Chop with Husk ________ .. 3.00 3.00 10.00 05.00 _______ __ 1533B Analysis“ _____________________________ -- 7.67 3.45 9.25 67.02 10.70 1.91 539T Womble Oil Mill Company, Caldwell, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal--. 43.00 6.00 12.00, 2.3.00 ____-_... ________ _. 42C Analysis ______________________________ 1 43.46 6.74 8.80 26.96 7.50 6.54 218M 43% Protein Nut-Size Cotton- seed Cake ---___-__---...-__-__--_--___- 43.00 6.001 12.00 28.00 ........ .. 42D Analysis _______________________ 45.01 6.57 7.07 26.36 8.23 6.76 219M Wood County Cotton Oil Com- Pally, Mineola, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal 43.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 ................. .. 1751E Analysisv _______________________________ __ 41.55 7.20 9.65 27.19 8.19 6.22 38F Analysis _________ _ 43.54 7.60 8.30 24.61 9.61 6.34 75P Analysisv ___________________________ __ 41.87 7.17 9.72 26.75 8.22 6.27 140P ‘Wood Peed Mill, Madisonville, Texas. Our-Own Brand Laying Mash,“ 19.00 3.60 7.00 48.50 .................. .. 1045C Analysis _______________________________ _, 18.20 5.44 7.09 47.22 10.27 11.78 124M Ear Corn Chop with Husk _______ __ 8.00 8.00 10.00 65.00 ............... __ 1045D Analysis ___________________________ __ 7.04 3.88 10.15 65.60 12.00 1.33 215M Our-Own Brand Growing Mash 17.00 3.50 6.00 51.00 _______ _- _---_.__. 1045E Analysis _______________________________ _. 16.93 4.35 6.28 54.51 9.69 8.24 392M Woodrufis Hatchery 8t Peed Store, San Angelo, Texas. Woodruffs Best Cow Feed _______ __ 20.00 3.40 18.00 41.00 .................. _- 1486D Analysis“; _______________________ 20.24 3.68 16.74 41.72 9.67 7.95 34S Lay-Gold Brand Laying Mash 19.00 3.50 5.00 117.50 .. ._. 1485G Analysis 19.94 3.69 5.96 51.99 9.88 8.54 218S Farmer’s Pride Brand Grow- ing Mash _____________________________________ 16.00 3.50 6.50 55.00 ....... _. . 14861 Analysis _______________________________ __ 17.71 3.55 5.13 58.72 9.66 523 433$ Woods Peed Store, Midland, Texas. Best-Yet Brand Growing Mash 15.00 3.50 5.50 56.00 ................ .- 2487B} Analysisfi" ___________________________ -- 16.20 3.80 3.68 62.04 9.64 4.64 399$ Best-Yet Brand Laying Mash__ 18.00 3.50 7.00 51.00 ................. __ 2487F Analysis ______________________________ __ 19.45 3.81 3.24 56.62 9.75 7.13 400$ Best-Yet Brand Dairy Feed“--- 15.00 3.00 18.50 51.50 2487H Analysis _____________________________ __ 19.15 3.95’ 10.88 50.93 10.47 4.64 478s Best-Yet Brand All-Mash Poul- try Ration _____________________ __' ________ -_ 15.70 3.50 5.70 58.40 _________________ .. 24873 Analysis ................... 15.90 3.61 4.06 62.90 9.92 3.61 546$ c, d, e, f, g, h, i, y, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. a, b, imDei-lcient in ground oyster shell and excess of salt found. “Deficient in ground limestone. COMMERCIAL FEEDING STUFES‘ 255 Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September 1, 1941, to August 31, 1942—Continued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or or In- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude Crude Nitro- Mois- Crude spection Pro~ Fat Fiber gen-free ture Ash No. tein Extract Yoakum Gin 80 Peed Company, Yoakum, Texas. Yoakumix Chick Starting Mash --__________________ 18.00 8.70 6.50 49.00 ________ __ 1365D Analysis _______________________________ __ 22.75 4.40 5.58 4.7.71 10.63 8 93 4151-1 Yoakumix Lay Mash _________________ _, 20.00 3,80 6.50 46.30 1365E Analysis ______________________ 21.53 4.43 5.40 48.71 9 88 10.05 480H Economy Brand Laying 119.311,- 20.00 3.50 7.00 50.00 ______ __ 1365F Ana1ysis°9° _________________________ __ 18.86 4.29 4.51 55.11 11 34 5.89 129H Analysism 20.70 3.98 4.30 53.86 10 93 6.23 284H Yoakumix Grow Mash _______________ __ 10.00 0.50 6.00 51.00 .................. -- 1365.1 Analysis ______________________________ __ 18.30 3.97 5.33 53.08 11 01 8.31 416H Yoakumix Broiler Mash _____________ __ 17_00 8.50 5.50 54,00 . 1365M Analysis ___ _______________________ _, 20.20 3.94 4.90 52.07 10.92 7.97 285H Yorktown Cotton Oil 8n Manufac- . turing‘ Company, Yorktown, Texas. 43% Protein Cottonseed Meal.-. 48.00 6.00 12.00 28.00 363E Analysis _______________________________ __ 42.63 6.17 10.91 25.04 9.61 5.64 68H Analysis _______________________________ __ 43.20 6.34 10.72 25.63 8.77 5.34 210H Young, I1. 1)., Jonesboro, Texas. Lovena Laying Mash _________________ __ 13.00 3.50 7.00 49.00 __________________ __ 687A Analysis ______________________________ __ 18.88 4.79 8.69 4.8.21 9.46 9.97 59W 45% Protein Supplement for I Fattening Hogs _______________________ _. 45.00 4.50 9. 18.00 ....... .. 687H Analysis _______________________________ __ 40.32 5.03 9.90 18.59 8.87 17.29 151W Lovena Double LL Egg Mash 18.00 3.50 7.00 46.50 - 687N Analysis ___ _____________________ __ 16.83 4.05 5.04 54.86 11.79 7.43 525W Youngblood 8a Sons, J‘. 3., Waco, Texas. Youngblood’s Ideal Brand Growing Mash ______________ __, ______ __ 8.50 6.00 49.00 1892C Analysis __________ __ 4.32 6.17 51.38 9.43 9.95 443W Youngbloods Ideal Brand Lay- ing Mash _________________________________ __ 18.50 8.80 6.50 46.50 1892D Analysis _____________________________ __ 21.52 4.96 6.14 48-05 10.62 8.71 75W Youngblood’s Ideal Brand Broiler Mash _____________________, 18.00 8.50 5.50 51.00 .-_____-__ .__---___. 1892F Analysiswl ___________________________ __ 19.36 4.40 5.40 53.01 9.35 8.48 307W Yukon Mill 8a Grain Company, Yukon, Oklahoma. Wheat Gray Shorts _____________________ __ 16.50 3.50 6.00 55 00 1026C Analysis ____________ __ 4.45 6.20 56 97 10-34 4 31K Analysis“ 4.54 5.45 58 00 11.23 4 08 148K Analysis ____ __ 4.44 5.85 56 47 11.90 3 96 94T Analysis?‘ _______________________________ __ 17 59 4.59 5.90 56 89 11.08 3 415T Yukon’s Best Baby Chick Star- ter 77,00 4.00 5.00 5100 ___--. 10261) Analysjgk _______________________________ __ 5.48 52 7 45 149K Analysis! ____________________________ __ 18.58 5.45 5.56 52 78 9.69 7 94 414T Yukon’s Best Laying Mash---“ 19.50 4.00 8-00‘ 1:5 50 ------ -- 1026M Analysisk _____ _____________ 19,82 4,67 6.23 51.70 10.82 6.76 93T Analysis __ ____________________. 19.34! 5 00 7.14 51.26 10.63 6.63 187T a, b, c, d, e, f, y, h, i, j, k.—See legend at the beginning of this table. “Deficient in ground oyster shell. “Excess of ground oyster shell found. 256 BULLETIN NO. 620', TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 18. Guaranteed Composition and Analyses of Feeds, September, 1, 1941, to August 31, l942—Cont1nued (The guaranties are printed in italics following the brand names.) Per Cent Regis- tration Name and Address of Manufacturer or I i 0r III- Importer. Brand Name. Crude Crude | Crude Nitro- , | spection Pro- Fiber gen-free No. tein Extract; l \ zedler and Sons, 0., I-uling‘, Texas. Baby Chick Starter 19.00 8.50 6.00 49.00 59F Analysis __ ....................... .7 15.80 5.15 5 18 56-90 144H Analysis“ ----_---_._.-_.___._______ 20.78 4.15 7 19 51.18 222E Analysis __________________________ 20,58 4,40 7,17 50.62 295E Laying Mash Pellets .._._-_.______-. 20.50 8.50 7.40 44-60 59G Analysis“ _____ ..__._.._.__ 21.59 5-97 6.30 46-59 4351-1 Laying Mash -__-________._ 20.50 3.50 1.40 4024.60 59M Analysis“ __..____.__.._ 20.72 4-42 6.85 46-94 493E Growing Mash --_-_______.___.._._ 17.80 3.50 8.00 48-50 59N Analysis l 17.86 4.30 7.43 52.67 492H mcottonseed meal found, not claimed. ml-inseed meal found, not claimed. “Excess of salt found.