TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, DIRECTOR, College Station, Texas BULLETIN NO. 631 APR-IL, 1943 FEEDLOT AND CARCASS STUDIES OF ANGORA WETHERS J. C. Miller, J. M. Jones, C. R. Burt DIVISION OF RANGE ANIMAL HUVSBANDRY L! L: A RY lgggqigzrgi Io I‘ h l .» .. fiaiéegefiiaiaan, swaas AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS T. O. WALTON, President B34-443-5M-L180 r‘ Forty-five Angora wethers ranging from yearlings to four-year-olds removed directly from the range to the feedlot and fed on a standard lamb fattening ration during a 100-day period made an average gain of only 0.16 pound per head daily as compared to an average daily gain of 0.31 pound made by a check group of good Rambouillet wether lambs. The Angora wethers required 702 pounds of concentrate and 499 pounds of roughage per 100 pounds gain, while the lambs required 388 Pounds of concentrate and 305 pounds of roughage. The lamb ration appeared to be unsuited for fattening Angora goats economically. The dressed yield of. the Angora wethers unsheared basis, with 24 hour shrink, and hot carcass weights was 48.1%, 51.8% and 52.6% for the yearlings, two-year-olds, and three and four-year-olds respectively. On a sheared basis the dressed yield was 50.5%; 54.1%; and 54.5% for the yearlings, tWo-year-olds, and three and four-year-olds respectively. Physical composition of carcasses from three of the fatter goats showed an average composition of 56.5 percent lean, 26.1 percent fat, and 16.9 percent bone or a total edible portion of 82.6 percent. Oar- casses of fat- Rambouillet lambs averaged 55.6 percent lean, 25.9 percent fat, and 18.1 percent bone, or a total edible portion of 81.5 percent. Chevon (goat meat), when served as chops, barbecue, and chili was scored favorably with respect to tenderness, juiciness, and flavor by forty judges. Results of the palatability studies conducted by the Division of Rural Home Research in a comparison of broiled chops and leg roast revealed but little diiference in tenderness or flavor but a rather marked difierence in juiciness in favor of the broiled chops. GONTEN TS Page Introduction 5 Feeding Angora Wethers. in Dry »L0f 6 Carcass and Palatability Studies » 8 Discussion 11 Acknowledgments 13 éummary 13 References Cited ' 14 FEEDLOT AND CARCASS STUDIES OF ANGORA WETHERS _ by J. C. Miller,‘ J. M. Jones,’ and C. R. Burts The Angora goat produces fiber of especial utility and economic impor- tance, but has not yet received full recognition as a meat animal. Goat meat, through the influence of B. M. Halbert of Sonora, Texas, and other influential members of the Sheep and Goat Raisers Association of Texas, was officially named “chevon” on September 8, 1924, by the late Henry C. Wallace, then Secretary of Agriculture (3). Chevon is eaten extensively on a large number of ranches in southwest Texas. It has for years been a popular attraction as a barbecue dish. Consideration of the meat of the Angora goat is especially timely at present because of the prospective meat shortage brought about as a result of the present world-wide emergency. The Angora goat is adaptable to relatively wide areas, especially in the Southwest, and aside from returning a profit from the mohair produced, surplus animals can be utilized for meat purposes. Limited numbers of Angora goats could be successfully produced in farming areas at present practically devoid of livestock. Goat meat was in ancient times regarded as an important article of diet (Genesis 27-9). Pegler (7) states that the flesh of the Angora is considered far superior to that of other breeds of goats and quite equal to mutton. He states that in Italy, Spain and the South of Franc-e goat meat is in constant demand and all who have lived in Malta and the East Indies can testify to the appreciation of this meat in those countries. Among the Hebrews and Greeks it ranked amongst the most dainty dishes. _ . Thompson (9) wrote: “The flesh of the Angora goat is exceedingly nutritious and palatable. The flesh of kids is considered fine. Breeders who pasture their goats upon grass as well as upon browse and then fatten them with grain produce a meat so nearly like the best lamb that it requires an expert to detect the difference. The edibility of goat meat is becoming more generally understood and the use is increasing as shown by the number of Angoras slaughtered annually at the principal markets for 1907.” An average of 141,487 goatswere slaughtered annually under Federal inspection during the five year period 1916-1920 (12). During that period goat meat quite generally went into the regular mutton trade. At that time Angora wethers, when received in large numbers, sold at approximately 60 percent of what sheep wethers were bringing. The re- iPr-ofessor, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas- ’Chief. Division Range Animal Husbandry. “Graduate Student, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1940-41. 6 BULLETIN NO. 63], TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION duced cost to the consumer was an attraction and the quality of the flesh doubtless superior to mutton that could be purchased at the same price. In some parts of the Southwest chevon was formerly used in preference to mutton for salting down for winter use. It was believed that chevon was more easily kept, because it usually contained less fat. Mexican sheep shearers operating in West Texas generally prefer chevon to mutton. San Antonio is the leading goat market in the United States. Receipts of sheep and goats on that market have increased over 400 percent since 1938 (8). Because of the volume and importance of goat marketing and slaughtering at the San Antonio Central Market, the U.S.D.A. ordered goats counted separately from sheep effective August 1, 1942. - From August 1 through December 1942, 72,113 goats were received on the San Antonio market. Since Texas produces, mainly in the Edwards Plateau region, approxi- mately 85 percent of the 4,544,000 Angora goats in the United States. (10) Angora goat raisers have urged that studies be undertaken at the Texas Station aimed at a more complete evaluation of chevon as an article of diet. During the course of the experiment herein reported, Angora goats sold for slaughter purposes at $3.25 per cwt. on the San Antonio market, a figure considerably under lamb, mutton and beef prices. Slaughter Angora goats during the past several months have advanced to $7.50 per cwt. live weight on the San Antonio market, one of the few in the country to quote prices on Angora goats. This is the first recent indica- tion of an increased demand for chevon. If the trade generally realized that chevonis available at such a relatively low cost per pound, no doubt the demand would become more brisk. With the present limited Angora goat production, the available supply of chevon would be readily absorbed, but ranchmen well understand the means by which the supply can be rapidly increased. This potential source of meat supply does afford possibilities well worth the consideration not only of large operators interested in the promotion of chevon but of small farmers whose hold- ings are adapted to the production of a few goats. Feeding Angora Wethers in Dry Lot Forty-five Angora wether goats ranging in age from one to four years were fed in dry lot on a concentrate ration consisting of 9 parts whole yellow shelled corn to one part of 43% crude protein cottonseed meal, and in addition as much No. 2 alfalfa hay as they would consume, during a 100~day finishing period. They were fed in three groups of 15 each comprised respectively of yearling, two-year-old, and three to four-year- old goats. Fifteen range-bred smooth body Rambouillet lambs which originated in the Del Rio area were fed as a check on the performance of the Angora goats. The Angora goats were shipped direct to the feedlots at College Station from a range near Sonora in Sutton County. FEEDLOT AND CARUASS STUDIES OFANGORA WETHERS 7 The average initial weights of the respective groups were as follows: Yearling goats 51 pounds; two-year-old goats 63 pounds; three and four-year-old goats 76 pounds; and Rambouillet lambs 61 pounds. All lots were placed on feed October 17, 1940, and fed during a 100-day period. Representative animals used in this test are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Representative Angora wethers, unsheared, at close of fattening period. The average daily ration consumed by the yearling goats consisted of 1.1 pounds concentrates and 0.73 pound of alfalfa hay. The two-year-old goats consumed 1 pound of concentrates and 0.76 pound of alfalfa hay, and the thre-e to four-year-old goats consumed 1.2 pounds of concentrates and 0.9 pound alfalfa hay. The average daily feed consumed by the’ group of check lambs was 1.2 pounds concentrates and 1 pound alfalfa hay. During the 100-day feeding period the average gains per head basis feedlot weights in the respective groups were yearling goats 19 pounds, or 0.19 pound daily; two-year-old goats 12 pounds, or 0.12 pound daily; three and four-year-old goats 16 pounds, or 0.16 pound daily. The- check group of Rambouillet lambs gained 31 pounds per head or 0.31 pound daily—twice the gain made by the Angora wethers. _ _ Table- 1 shows the initial and final weights and gains of goats and lambs, and slaughter records of the goats used in thistrial. In a five months’ growth of mohair fleece, the yearling Angora goats with 24-hour shrink averaged 63.2 pounds; the two-year-old goats, 67.7 pounds; and the three and four-year-old goats, 88.2 pounds, and on a basis of hot car- cass weights yielded 48.1%, 51.9%, and 52.6 % respectively. Based on final feedlot weights, unsheared basis, the dressed yields were 43.4 %, 46.9% and 50.3% respectively for .the yearlings, two-year-olds, and three and four- year-olds. On a sheared basis 24-hour shrink with fleece weights of 3 pounds, 2.71 pounds, and 3.1 pounds deducted from the unsheared weights the dressed yields were 50.5%, 54.1%, and 54.5% respectively for the yearling, two-year-old, and three andrfour-year-old goats. Figure 2 shows the appearance of the goats after shearing. The dressed yields of the Angora wethers unsheared basis compared favorably with those 8 BULLETIN NO. 631, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 1. Summary of feeding trial and slaughter data i Three Tw0- and four- ‘ Yearling year-old year-old All Check* goats goats goats goats l lambs Average initial weight_ __________________ -- 51.3 62.8 76.1 63.4 61.2 Average final weight in fleece (feed lot)__ 70.1 74.9 92.3 79.1 i 92.4 Average slaughter weight (24-hour ______ __ shrink) ________________________________ _- 63.2 67.7 88.2 73.0 1 ---- l Average total gain _______________________ __ 18.8 12.1 16.2 15.7 ‘ 31-2 Average daily gain _____ -1 ________________ __ 01.188 0.121 0.1612 0.157 0.312 Average daily ration j Concentrate (corn 9, c.s.c 1) ________ _. 1.09 1.01 1.22 I 1.10 1.21 Alfalfa hay ___________________________ -- 0.7a 0.7a 0.87 ' 0.78 0.9:» Feed per 100 lbs. gain Concentrate- _________________________ __ 580.2 832.1 751.1 , 702.1 388.4 Alfalfa hay ________ _. ................. __ 386.7 628.2 537.3 499.4 305.4 Feedcostper 100 lbs. gainl _____________ __ $9.05 $13.42 $11.93 j $11.15 $6.34 Shrinkage, feedlot to slaughter weight, lbs ____________________________ __ 6.9_ 7.2 4,1 = Average fleece weight, approximately , 5 months, lbs ________________________ _- 3.0 2,71 f 3,1 Average Weight carcasses, hot, lbs.______ 30.4 35.1 46.4 Dressing percentages: 1. VBasis final feedlot weights in fleece_ 43.37 46.86 50.27 2. Basis final feedlot weights, fleece removed ___________________________ -_ 45.31 48.62 52.02 3. Basis 24-hour shrink in fleece ____ __ 48.10 51.85 52.61 4. Basis 24-hour shrink, fleeece removed ........................... __ 50.50 54.08 54.52 1Com valued at $22.77 per ton, cottonseed cake at $28.00 per ton, and alfalfa hay at $12.00 per ton. *None of the lambs were slaughtered locally because of the availability of slaughter data on comparable lambs. of good to choice Rambouillet lambs in fleece which in numerous Texas Station and other tests" (2, 5, 11‘) have ranged between 48 and 52 per- cent yield. Carcass and Palatability Studies Three of the fattest and three of the leanest goats were used in carcass and palatability studies. A half carcass from each age group was mechanically separated into lean, fat and bone portion. The same procedure of mechanical separation was followed as that which has been employed in studies with lamb carcasses at this Station. a j r ~FEEDLOT ANT) CARCASS STUDIES OF ANGORA WETHERS , ' 9 um -. ~. . . , a Figure. 2. The same Angora wethers after shearing. Each half carcass was separated into five cuts, viz.‘,' shoulder, breast, rack, 10in, and leg. The cuts were made as follows: the half carcass was divided immediately back of the twelfth rib. Then a cut was made from a point even with the lower end of the thirteenth rib to the middle of the fore arm, thus removing the breast. Next, cutting between the fifth and sixth ribs, the shoulder and rack were separated. The loin was then separated from the leg at a point half _way between the aitch_- bone and the rise in the pelvicarch and at right angles to the extended shank. The leg was separated from the shank at .-the “hock joint. The mechanical separation of fat and lean was done at a temperature of 350 F. to prevent excessive loss of moisture. The results of the mechan- ical separation into lean, fat, bone and edible portions for three fat and three of the leaner goats are recorded in Table 2. Similar records are also included for Rambouillet lambs studi-ed in the 1939-40 tests by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (2). ' It will be observed that there is little difference in percent of bone in Angora goat and lamb carcasses in comparable condition. The pro- por.tion of lean in the edible portion of the fat goat carcasses was slightly above the percentage of lean in the fat lambs. However, the proportion of lean in the edible portion of the leaner ‘lamb carcasses was 78.5 percent compared to 73.4 percent of the leaner goat carcasses. The results of the physical separation of Angora goat carcasses used in this study compare favorably with findings reported by Hankins, et al., (4) covering edible portion of prime lamb carcasses. The medium or lean goat carcasses were similar in physical composition to that in lambs which Hankins and associates graded as good. Carcasses of a representative three-year-old, two-year-old, and yearling goat are shown in Figure 3. The rib-eye of those carcasses is compared in Figure 4 with the rib-eye of a prime lamb. Cuts were made between the twelfth and thirteenth ribs. Cooking and Pallatability Tests»: Determinations of tenderness, juici- ness, and palatability on one Angora goat carcass of each age were made 10 BULLETIN NO. 631, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 2. Physical composition of Angora. wether and lamb carcasses* Percentage oi cut Percentage oi €dlblfi portion Carcass cut Fat Fat Leaner Leaner Fat Fat Leaner Leaner Goat Lamb Goat Lamb Goat Lamb ~ Goat Lamb Shoulder Lean ___________________ __ 62.5 61.1 63.1 64.1 77.2 78.1 81.8 84.7 Fat_ ___________________ __ 18.4 17.1 14.1 11.5 22.8 21.9 18.2 15.3 Bone ___________________ __ 18.5 21.3 21.4 23.9 Edible portion _________ __ 80.9 78.2 77.2 75.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Breast Lean ___________________ -- 51.4 ' 57.6 48.2 60.0 65.2 73.7 69.6 81.3 Fat; ___________________ __ 27.4 20.5 21.0 13.8 34 8 26.3 30.4 18.7 Bone ___________________ __ 20 4 21.4 26.9 25.5 . Edible portion _________ -- 78.8 78.0 69.2 ' 73.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Rack Lean ___________________ __ 50,7 47.5 52.6 55 5 62.4 58.2 ‘ 74.7 73.2 Fat ____________________ __ 30.6 34.1 17.8 20 3 37.6 41 8 25 3 26 8 B9119 ___________________ __ 18.3 18.1 29.2 23 7 Edible portion _________ __ 81.3 81.6 70.4 75 8 100.0 100.0 100' 0 1(1) 0 Loin Lean ___________________ __ 49.4 43.4 46.4 52.7 55.3 48.7 55.1 62.5 F31; ____________________ __ 40.0 45.7 37.8 31.6 44.7 51.3 44.9 37.5 Bone ___________________ -_ 10.0 10.6 15.3 15.2 Edible portion _________ __ 89.4 89.1 84.2 84.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Leg Lean ___________________ __ 67.2 68.7 68.0 72.6 76 6 75.6 84.7 Fat ____________________ __ 20.5 18.3 16.4 13.1 213 4 24.4 19 4 15.3 Bone ___________________ __ 11.9 12.6 14.6 13.7 Edible portion _________ __ 87.7 87.0 84.4 65.7‘ 100 0 100.0 100 0 100 0 Half Carcass Lean ___________________ -_ 56.5 55.6 56.0 61.1 68.4 68.2 73.4 78.5 Fat ____________________ -- 26.1 25.9 20.4 16.8 31.6 31 8 26.6 21.5 Bone ___________________ _- 16.9 18.1 21.7 21.7 Edible portion _________ -- 82.6 81.5 76.4 77.9 100.0 I 100.0 100.0 100.0 *Figures given are based on averages of the half-carcasses of three of the fattest goats and three of the thinnest goats used in this study. Figures on lambs are averages of five fat lambs and five thinner lambs used 1n Texas Agncultural Experiment Station Project 402 (1940). by the Division of Rural Home Research with five judges participating, on leg roast and 10in chops. The meat from the two remaining carcasses from each of the three age groups was served at the A. and M. College mess hall to a committee "of 35 cadets who had not been previously informed as to the identity of the meat they were to pass upon. In the laboratory comparison of the leg roast from fat and leaner ' goats the decision of the judges was definitely in favor of the former from _the standpoint of tenderness. From the standpoint of juiciness and flavor the decision favored the leaner goats although there were some inconsistencies in the scores. All meatcuts? from each of the three age groups whether fator medium fat were judged as desirable in flavor. In both the laboratory and mess hall tests the chops were FEEDLOT AND CARCASS STUDIES OF ANGORA WETHERS 11 Figure 3. Representative carcasses left to right 0f 3- three, a two-year-old, and a yearling An- gora wether. _ judged as neutral rather than tender or tough. Both sets of judges, however, described the ‘broiled chops as juicy and desirable in flavor. Goat meat served as barbecue to the cadet judges was judged ‘to be tender, juicy and desirable in flavor. Chili made from chevon proved a palatable dish. In the laboratorytest leg roasts from the leaner goats were scored between neutral and tough. Discussion The fattening ration used in all lots was one which had proved satis- factory for lambs. Since the check group of lambs gained 0.31 pound daily or approximately twice the average daily gain made by the three groups of Angora wethers, and since the goats required 314 pounds 12 BULLETIN NO‘. 631, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Figure 4. Top, 1eft—fat lamb; top, right—yearling Chevon; bottom, 1eft—two- year-old Chevon; bottom, right—-three-year-o1d Chevon. NOTE: Rib eye in Ghevon cuts compare favorably with rib eye in choice fat lamb. more concentrate and 194 pounds more hay per hundred pounds gain than was required by the lambs, it would seem to indicate that a lamb fatten-_ ing ration is not suitable for fattening Angora wethers. At the beginning of the test the Angora goats consumed the unground shelled corn greedily and apparently without mastication. Throughout the fattening period the goats cleaned up their corn in approximately one-half the time required by the lambs. Neither the goats nor the lambs consumed as much roughage as was expected. The goats preferred the stemmy portion of the alfalfa while the lambs preferred "the leafier hay. These data and observations suggest that goats require a difierent fattening ration from the one fed in this study. Based on the performance of the Angora wethers in this experiment the feeding and finishing of Angora goats in drylot cannot be recom- mended as an economical practice on the rations fed. Black, (1) how- ever, indicates that Angora goats have been fed profitably on a com- mercial basis. In dressed carcass yield the Angora wethers fattened in this trial compared favorably with good to choice lambs and exceeded the higher value-s reported by Miller. (6) A Although as revealed in Table 2, the physical composition of the goat carcasses compared favorably with that of lambs, it should be pointed out that even the best goat carcasses were leggy, and angular, lacking the thickness and plumpness found in medium to good lamb carcasses. FEEDLOT AND CARCASS STUDIES OF ANGORA WETHERS 13 Likewise the fat on the goat carcasses was‘ patchy, being especially heavy and wasty around the kidney and lacking the "uniformity of distri- bution found on medium to good lamb carcasses. However, the per- centage of bone and the percentage of edible meat from the goat carcasses was surprisingly comparable to that of lamb carcasses. The favorable reaction of all judges to chevon in the palatability studies, from the standpoint of juiciness and flavor suggests that most of the ‘existing prejudices against chevon are wholly unfounded. There were some inconsistencies among the judges on tenderness of broiled chops. This was to be expected since chops from all aged goats were served together and it would only seem logical that the chops from the younger goats would be more tender. Acknowledgmlents » The authors are indebted to B. M. Halbert, Jr., and Joe Brown Ross of Sonora, who donated the Angora goats used in this experiment; to N. G. Schuessler, Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry,* Agricul- tural and Mechanical College of Texas, for his help in planning the experiment; to C. E. Murphey, Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for his supervision of the slaughtering and assistance in the carcass studies; to Sylvia Cover, who conducted the cooking tests; and to J. C. Hotard and O. D. Butler, Subsistence Department, Agricultural ‘and Mechanical College of Texas, for their cooperation in the palatability tests. Sununary Yearling, two-year-old4and three and four-year-old Angora wethers and a check lot of good ‘Rambouillet wether feeder lambs were fed a fattening ration consisting of yellow shelled corn, cottonseed meal, and alfalfa hay during a 100-day period. " The average daily gain made by the three groups of goats based on final feedlot Weights was 0.16 pound as compared with 0.31 pound for the lambs. ' The average feed consumed per 100 pounds gain by all of ‘the goats was 702' pounds concentrates and 499 pounds roughage as compared with 388 pounds concentrates and 305 pounds roughage by the lambs. The feeding and finishing of Angora wethers on a standard lamb fattening ration based on the results obtained in this experiment cannot be recommended, however, further research on this phase is warranted. The dressing percentage of the fattened Angora wethers, unsheared basis, ranged from 48 to 52.6 percent and compared favorably with good to choice Rambouillet lambs in fleece. On a sheared basis the average dressed yields were 50.5%, 54.1%, and 54.5% respectively for the yearling, two-year-old, and \thre'e and four-year-old goats. ‘Resigned, 1941. 14 BULLETIN NO. 631, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT‘ STATION Physical separation studies of the Angora goat carcasses showed that the goats were similar in percent of edible meat and bone to fat lambs ranging from choice to prime in grade. Chevon was reported favorably by judges who scored it as juicy and desirable in flavor. Barbecued chevon was rated high in tenderness; however, the scores on tenderness of the goat chops varied between judges and averaged somewhat lower than for the barbecue. 10. 11. 12. REFERENCES CITED 1900. A New Industry or Raising the Angora Goat and Black, William L. Keystone Printing 00., Port Worth, Texas. Mohair for Profit. pp. 154-155. Cover, Sylvia. 1940. Unpublished data, Agricultural Experiment Station. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Gage, A. 0., Angora Journal. 1924. 13:10, Oct. 1924 and 13:12, Dec. 1924- Portland, Oregon. Eiankins, 0. G., and Poster, M. T. 1940. Approximate Physical CompoSiflOn of the Primary Cuts from. Lamb Carcasses of Different Market Grades. ‘U. S. Dept. of Agr. Mimeographed Report, Jones, J. M. and Dickson, R. E. 1928. Grain Sorghums vs, Corn for Pat- tening Lambs. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 379, p. 41. Miller, R. II. 1929. Palatability of chevon. Masters Thesis, Oregon State College. Pegler, Holmes. 1885. The Book of the G-oat (Pifth Edition), page 234. “The Bazaar, Exchange 8t Mart" Ofiice, Winsor House, Bream’s Bldgs.’ London, E. C. 4. Pumphrey, R. Beal. Union Stock Yards, San Antonio, Texas. 1943. Information to authors. Thompson, George Payette. U.S.D.A. Parmers’ by Shaw, Edward L.. page 29). January 13, Bulletin 137 (revised 1908 ‘U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. March 6, 1942, release. Weber, A. D., Loeffel, Wm. ing Period and Plane of Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 262. Williams, G». P. 1921. U.S.D.A. Farmers’ Bulletin 1203, pp. 22-23, J'., and Peters, Matilda. 1931. Length of Peed- Nutrition as Pactors in Lamb Feeding. Nebr.