kI TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION A. B. CONNER, Director College Station, Texas BULLETIN NO. 662 October 1944 [IUMMEREIAL FEBTILIZERS IN 1943-44 G. S. FRAPS; and T. L. OGIER DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY GIBB GILCHRIST, President AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS 5000 Copies [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] This is the annual Fertilizer Control Bulletin. It contains statistics regarding fertilizers sold in Texas, information regard- ing the fertilizer law, and analyses of samples of the fertilizer sold by different manufacturers. The total sales of fertilizer in Texas for 1943-44 were 196,877 tons. In 1942-43 the sales were 154,828 tons. In 1941-42 they were 134,560 tons. Cottonseed meal sold as a feed but used as a fertilizer was not included in these totals. Sales of fertilizer were about 28% more than last year. Practically all the sales of mixed fertilizers were confined to about l5 analyses. Tables are given showing the extent to which the various fertilizer manufacturers met or exceeded their guarantees. The cost of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash were slightly high- er in some grades in 1943-44 than in 1942-43. CONTENTS Page Introduction ............................................................................................................. .. 5,‘ Explanation of terms .......................................................................................... .. 5 How fertilizers are named ................................................................................. .. 6 i Information on the fertilizer bag and tag ...................................................... .. 6 How to calculate the valuation .......................................................................... .. 6 Fertilizer grades to be sold in 1944-45 ............................................................. .. 7 Quantity sold ........................................ ................... .................. ................... 4! 7 Quantity of sales by grades .................. . . . ....................................................... .. 8 Composition and selling prices of different grades of fertilizer ....................................................................... ............................ _. 8 Cost of plant food ......... .................................................................................... .. 9 Sulphur ...11 So-called soil conditioner ..................................................................................... ..11 v How to get free analyses ................................................................................... ..12 Analysis of fertilizers, 1943-44 .......................................................................... ..12 ,5 Relation of valuation guaranteed to valuation delivered ...................... .13 Ayerages below guarantee ......................................... ............................... ..13 Publications dealing with the use of fertilizers ................................... ........ ..14 Summary ................. .............................................................................................. ..14 ' -—,v-—' ‘zw-rr-w r. FY w, BULLETIN NO. s62 OCTOBER 1944 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 1943-44 G. S. Fraps, State Chemist, and T. L. Ogier, Associate State Chemist Fertilizer laws require fertilizer to be correctly labeled so that the purchaser can know what he is getting. The object of the fertilizer law is to protect the farmer or other users of fertilizer against misrepresenta- tion of the composition or fertilizing value of the fertilizer as well as manufacturers and dealers against unfair competition due to such misrepre- sentation. The first Texas fertilizer law was passed in 1899. It was revised and ‘amended in 1911. The results of the fertilizer inspection have been published in bulletins of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station regularly since , 1906. This is the forty-second Fertilizer Control Bulletin. It contains statis- tics, definitions of terms, a report on the analyses made in enforcing the provisions of the fertilizer law, and information regarding the use of g fertilizers. Explanation of Terms Nitrogen refers to the total nitrogen in the fertilizer. It is necessary in proper amounts for the development of all parts of the plant, but occa- sionally an excess of nitrogen delays maturity. Such excess is liable to a promote growth of stalk and leaves at the expense of fruit. Nitrogen is i needed by many Texas soils, especially the sandy soils in the eastern parts » of the State. Nitrogen occurs in the soil mainly in organic matter and is made available by nitrification. Since nitrogen is used in comparatively i large quantities by plants and is, to some extent, washed from the soil, it is usually the first element to become depleted. Available phosphoric acid is the phosphoric acid (P205) in fertilizers i, which can be taken up quickly by plants. Phosphoric acid promotes the _ fruiting of plants, though it is also necessary for the development of all , parts of the plant. Total phosphoric acid is the entire quantity of the phosphoric acid (P205) present, whether highly available or not. A guarantee of total phosphoric acid in place of available is made in bone, tankage and rock phosphate. Potash guaranteed in a fertilizer is required by the law to be soluble “ in water. Potash, like nitrogen, is needed by all parts of the_ plant, but especially by stalk and leaves. An excess of potash may delay maturity _ and may sometimes promote growth of the stalk and leaves at the expense of the fruit. When potash is abundantly supplied, plants may take i up more than they need. Potash is present in soils more abundantly than i nitrogen or phosphoric acid. Valuation per ton represents the approximate average cost at retail of. the plant food in the unmixed fertilizer. It is usually lower than the price at which the mixed fertilizer is sold, but since it is an average, it BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION may be greater than the prices of some of the unmixed fertilizer materials. A The selling price includes cost of mixing, of bags, of transportation, the q profit of the manufacturer, if any, and that of the dealer. The valuations are decided 0n about September 1, and the prices often change before the .> principal fertilizer season, which is February t0 April in Texas. The valua- ; tion sums up the value of the three plant foods shown in the analysis into . a single figure, and is convenient for this purpose. The fertilizer law per-r mits a deficiency of less than ten per cent in one plant food to be compen- sated by an excess of another, but if the valuation found is four per cent less than the guaranteed valuation, a rebate must be paid to the purchaser.’ The valuation found compared with the valuation guaranteed shows whe- ther or not the fertilizer value as a whole is better or poorer than the! guarantee as a whole. The following prices were used for calculatingf valuations in 1943-44. Cents per pound _ Nitrogen ........................................ .. ' 13.0 Available phosphoric acid 7.0 Total phosphoric acid in tankage, and bone meal ...................................................... .. 5.0 Total phosphoric acid in rock phosphate . .... .. 1.5 Potash » .. ................................................................... .. 7.0 How fertilizers are named Fertilizers are frequently named by numbers, such as a 5-10-5 fertili: zer, a 4-12-4 fertilizer and so on. In such names, the first figure standsi_ for the percentage of nitrogen, the second for the percentage of available; phosphoric acid, and the third for the percentage of water-soluble potash. This is a short and accurate method of naming fertilizers. i Information on the Fertilizer Bag or Tag The guaranteed analysis of the fertilizer is required by law to be . printed on the bag or on a tag attached to the bag, so that the purchaseri can see what he is buying. Total phosphoric acid may be guaranteed for bone or tankage instead of available phosphoric acid. A guarantee of total - phosphoric acid is required in rock phosphate. The information required’ on the package is as follows: Net weight Name of fertilizer in full Name and address of manufacturer Guaranteed analysis: Nitrogen, per cent Available phosphoric acid, per cent Potash, per cent How to Calculate the Valuation The valuation of a fertilizer per ton is calculated by multiplying the j percentage of each constituent by its valuation per unit and adding the , products. A unit is one per cent of a ton, or 20 pounds; so if the-valuation» of nitrogen is 13 cents a pound, the valuation7of a unit of nitrogen is,‘ 13 >< 20 : $2.60. The valuation of a unit of available phosphoric acid with~ phosphoric acid at 7.0 cents a pound would be 7.0 >< 20 : $1.40; the A valuation of a unit of potash at 7 cents a pound would be $1.40. Thefol» lowing is an example of a calculation at the prices given above: ' CQMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 '7 VALUATION OF 5-10-5 FERTILIZER __ Nitrogen 5 X $2.60 : $13.00 "" Available phosphoric acid 10 X $1.40 = $14.00 ’ Potash 5 X $1.40 = S 7.00 Total $34.00 Fertilizer Grades to be Sold in 1944-45 The grades of fertilizer sold in Texas have been limited in number ggfor 19 years. This standardization aids the farmer to become familiar with fthe different kinds of fertilizer, enables him to decide more readily on the gproper kind to be used, enables the agricultural worker to make definite iéirecommendations, and reduces the cost of manufacture and handling, i‘ thereby also reducing the cost to the consumer. As a war measure, grades Fof fertilizer to be sold were restricted in number by the War Food Ad- } ministration. . l The grades of mixed fertilizer adopted by the Food Production Ad- i ministration for sale in Texas for 1944-45 are as follows: g 0-14-7, 4-8-8, 4-10-0, 4-12-4, 5-10-5, 6-8-4, 6-12-0, 10-10-0, 10-20-0, ; 12-15-0; for Panhandle and West Texas only 6-30-0. The 5-10-5 is also to be sold as the Victory Garden Fertilizer. _ lQuantity Sold _ The quantities of commercial fertilizer sold in Texas for several seasons, from September 1 to August 31, are given in Table 1. These are l the actual sales as reported by the manufacturers, and not the tag sales. a The tag sales are always a little larger than the actual sales. The sales in 1943-44 of 196,877 tons were about 28-% higher than last season. This is . the highest sale so_ far made in Texas and exceeds the former high mark _. of 187,215 tons sold during the season of 1928-29. There has been a gradual ‘increase every year since 1937. Fertilizer statistics for a number of years “to August 31, 1926, including sales by counties, have been published in ’ Bulletin 350, and from 1926 to 1938 in Bulletin 572. . Table 1. Fertilizers sold in Texas, (not including cottonseed meal sold as feed but used as " 2 i-‘A w fertilizers). Tons 1905-06 ....................................................... .. . . 13,500 1910-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52,985 1943-44 ............................ .. _ 196.877 8 BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Quantity of Sales by Grades Table 2 contains the sales of fertilizer by grades for 1943-44 arranged in order according to sales. Sales of 4-12-4 fertilizer were highest of all. p The 5-10-5 came second, the 6-8-4 third and the 20% fourth. Some grades which appear» on this table are not on the authorized superphosphate . list. These were either fertilizer carried over from the previous season, ’ whose sale was authorized, or grades manufactured especially for use on i Army or Navy air fields. The tonnage of cottonseed meal reported in Table 2 includes only that tagged with fertilizer tax tags and sold as a fertilizer. Table 2. Sales by grade in order of tonnage, September 1, 1943 to August 31, 1944. Grade Tons 4-12-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 77,417 5-10-5 34.736 6-8-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21.594 Superphosphate 20% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14,147 Ammonium nitrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. 11,979 4-8-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,690 4-10-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7,017 Sulphur ........................................................................................... .. 3,353 4-12-6 . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,110 Sulphur earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,323 Superphosphate 43 and 45% .......... .. 2,207 6-12-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,098 10-10-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,794 Nitrate of soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. 1,526 Superphosphate 18% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 905 Phosphate rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . , . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ , . . _ , .. 856 Activated sludge . . . . . . _ . . . , _ . _ , . _ . . . . . , . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ .. 524 Uramon 42% N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . .. 508 0- -7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 492 10-6-4 (air fields) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ .. 45o Sulphate of ammonia . . . . . . , . _ . _ _ , _ ,, 329 Cyanamid . 297 6-30-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 272 Sheep manure . . . . . . _ . . . . . . , _ _ , _ , _ _ , _ _ _ , _ , ,_ 230 6-12-4 (Specialty) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 209 Muriate of potash 60% . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 186 6-9-3 (Sepcialty) . . . , . . . . _ . . . _ . t . , . . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ , _ t _ _ _ _ , _ , , _ _ _ , _ , _ ,_ 162 12-15-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 Bone meal . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . .. 89 4-10-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ _ , , _ . , , _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ , , , _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ __ 60 Bat manure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Muriate of potash 50% _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ , , _ _ , _ , ,, 52 10-20-0 ____________________________________________________________ w, 30 Manure salts 25% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 Cottonseed meal _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _, 21 3-8-7 (Last season) ........................... _. _. . _ 13 3-10-0 (Last season) .......................................................................................... .. 10 Total ..................................................................................... ............................... .,19s,s77 Superphosphate distributed by the Agricultural Adjustment Adminis- v tration. not included in the above .................................................................. .. 19,833 Composition and Selling Prices of Different Grades of Fertilizer Table 3 contains the average composition, the guaranteed valuation, the valuation found by analysis, and the average retail selling price per ton, of various grades of fertilizers. The average retail selling price is the average of the cash retail prices furnished to the fertilizer inspector by the dealers. The prices of the same fertilizer may be different in different COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 9 towns on account of differences in cost of transportation or for other causes. The retail price includes handling costs, carrying charges, and the dealer’s profits, as well as the cost of the plant food used in the materials from which the fertilizer is made. Prices of fertilizer were established by the Office of Price Administration beginning with the spring of 1943. The average valuation found by analysis (Table 3) exceed the guaran- teed valuation in almost every case. The exceptions are 4-8-8, 4-12-6, 5-10-5 and 6-8-4. In all of these, however, the average valuations found by analysis are only slightly below the valuations guaranteed. Table 3. Average composition, valuation and selling prices of fertilizers 1943-44. Num- Nitro- Available Guaran- ber gen Phos. Potash teed Valuation Selling Grades of farm aver- per acid per Valuation Found Price fertilizers aged cent per-cent cent per ton per ton per ton 0-14-7 .............................. .. 2 14.24 6.96 $29.40 $29.39 $31.00 3-8-7 . . . . . . . . .. 1 3.20 8.52 6.35 28.80 29.14 3-12-6 . 2 3.10 12.40 6.15 33.00 34.02 33.93 3-15-0 1 3.12 15.24 28.80 29.45 31.65 4-8-8 20 3.98 8.30 7.64 32.80 32.70 35.03 4-10-0 15 4.12 10.16 24.40 24.94 80.73 4-10-7 2 4.13 10.89 6.62 34.20 35.25 35.65 4-12-4 ....................... ..224 4.02 11.84 4.13 32.80 32.85 35.18 4-12-4 Garden 12 4.20 12.02 4.34 32.80 33.82 61.27 4-12-6 ....................... .. 13 4.04 11.50 5.73 35.60 34.63 36.68 4-12-18 Flowers .............. .. 2 4.06 11.95 18.59 52.40 53.29 5-10-5 Victory garden .. 4 5.30 9.75 5.23 34.00 34.74 56.66 5-10-5 .............................. .. 94 4.95 10.05 5.02 34.00 33.40 36.51 6-8-4 ................................ ..107 5.84 8.23 4.06 32.40 32.36 36.19 6-9-3 Lawn & Flowers 1 6.78 9.30 3.06 32.40 34.82 63.00 6-12-0 .............................. .. 7 6.26 11.94 32.40 32.98 37.85 10-10-0 ............................ .. 12 10.10 10.47 40.00 40.93 43.33 Ammonium nitrate ‘ 32.5% .......................... .. 14 32.86 84.50 85.43 64.10 Nitrate of soda 16% 4 16.28 41.60 42.34 45.44 Sheep manure .............. .. 3 1.56 1.46 3.25 9.40 10.66 43.34 Superphosphate 18% 5 18.85 25.20 26.40 26.41 Superphosphate 20% 27 20.07 28.00 28.09 27.96 Superphosphate 45% 2 48.33 I 63.00 67.66 55.75 Uramon Fertilizer ...... .. 2 42.56 109.20 110.66 - 59.77 Cost of Plant Food Table 4 contains the calculated retail cost of a pound of nitrogen, of available phosphoric acid, and of potash, in cents per pound, as calculated from the cash selling prices per ton of the various grades of fertilizer given in Table 3 and the guaranteed composition. For the purpose of these calculations it was assumed that the prices were in the same ratio as the valuations. As the price of the same fertilizer may be different in different places, these figures are not correct for any particular locality, but repre- sent averages only, and are for purposes of comparison. The prices were collected by the inspectors from retail merchants handling fertilizers. Grades used extensively near the factories might average a lower price than those used at a distance on account of lower transportation costs. The fertilizers with the lowest cost of plant food aregiven first in the table. BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 10 Table 4. Approximate average cost of plant food in cents per pound 1943-1944. arranged in order of increasing cost. Available Phosphoric Nitrogen acid Potash Grades cents cents cents - Urgmgn Fertilizer ___________________________________________________________________________________ .. 7.15 Ammonium nitrate 32,57; ........................................................................ .. 9.88 Superphosphate 45% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5-15 Superphosphate 20% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 7-00 4-12-6 ____________________________ _, 13.39 7.21 7.21 3-12-6 3.39 7.21 7.21 440-7 13.52 7.28 7.28 0-14-7 . 7.35 7.35 Super-phosphate 18% . . . _ . . . . . . .. 7.35 4-12-4 ______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ..13.91 7.49 7.49 Nitrate of soda 16% .14.17 3-15-0 .....14.30 7.70 6-8-4 .....14.56 7.84 7.84 6-12-0‘ .....15.21 8.19 4-10-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .1638 8.82 _ 5-10-5 Victory Garden ....................................................................... ..21.'71 11.69 11.69 6-9-3 Lawn and Flowers . . . . , . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . . , . , , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . _ . . . . . . . , . . . ..25.22 13.58 13.59 Sheep manure .. ., y ., H595)? 32.22 32.22- Cost of Nitrogen. The uramon (urea) was the cheapest source of nitrogen, ammonium nitrate second, 4-12-6 third, 4-12-4 fourth, and 5-10-5 fifth. Sheep manure was the most expensive source of nitrogen, but is chiefly used for lawns or gardens. Of the farm fertilizers, 4-10-0 was the most expensive source of ntrogen, followed by 6-12-0 and 6-8-4, as shown in Table 4. The cost of nitrogen was greater in most of the mixed fertilizers than" in uramon or ammonium nitrate because it costs to mix the fertilizer. The.lowest-priced nitrogen in the mixed fertilizers was in the 4-12-6, fol- lowed in order by the 4-8-8, 4-12-4, and 5-10-5. Nitrogen was higher in price than last season in all fertilizers, except in 4-12-4, uramon, ammon- _ ium nitrate, and sheep manure. Nitrogen in 4-12-4 cost 13.91 cents per pound. It was 1.05 cents higher in nitrate of soda. It was 17.11 cents lower in sheep manure, .52 cents higher in 6-8-4 and .39 cents higher in 4-10-0. Cost of Phosphoric Acid. The cheapest source of phosphoric acid was 45% superphosphate, then 20% superphosphate, followed by 4-12-6. The cost of available phosphoric acid was about .65 of a cent higher per pound in 18% superphosphate than in 20%. Omitting the flower fertilizers, phos- . phoric acid was most expensive in sheep manure, then in 4-10-0, 6-12-0 and 6-8-4. Available phosphoric acid in 4-12-4 was .06 of a cent of pound lower than last year. ’ Cost of Potash. 4-12-6 furnished the cheapest potash, followed by " 0-14-7, then 4-8-8 and then 4-12-4. Omitting the flower fertilizers, potash was the most expensive in sheep manure, followed by 6-8-4. Potash in‘ 4-12-4 cost .06 of a cent a pound less than last year. bu.‘ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 1!. Sulphur Sulphur was sold to the extent of 3353 tons and sulphur earth, 2323 tons (Table 2) chiefly in the Rio Grande Valley. On some calcareous soils, plants suffer from a yellowing of the leaves, known as chlorosis, usually due to deficiency of iron. The presence of carbonate of lime prevents the plant from taking up (or utilizing) sufficient iron. Iron sulphate is some- times used to cure chlorosis. Sulphur is oxidized in soils by organisms and may be used to acidify such soils. Most of these soils contain such large quantities of carbonate of lime that broadcast applications of sulphur are soon neutralized and made useless. A sufficient number of acidified spots or streaks may prevent the chlorosis. The acidified spots may be made by digging post holes to depths of 2 to 3 feet, mixing the soil with sulphur and returning the mixture to the holes. Holes may also be made with a pointed iron rod and filled with the sulphur. A sulphur compost may also be used, as recommended by Godfrey in Progress Report No. 6'75. The sul- phur may also be applied in furrows, at the rate of one pound to'20 feet. The value of sulphur or a mixture containing sulphur for acidifying a soil depends upon the quantity of sulphur and sulphuric acid present. One pound of sulphur when completely oxidized will produce nearly three pounds of sulphuric acid. The sulphur contained in gypsum has no value whatever for producing acidity in calcareous soils. Sulphur or gypsum will change sodium carbonate, sometimes called black alkali, to sodium sulphate, which is called “white alkali”, but will not remove the “alkali” from the soil. The only effective way to remove the “alkali” is to wash it out with water. See Progress report No. 866. Two samples of sulphur were analyzed. Triple C Brand Soil Sulphur, sold by Coastal Chemical Co. was guaranteed to contain 99.50% sulphur and found to contain 99.55%. Soil sulphur sold by Southern Acid and Sulphur Co. was guaranteed to contain 99.50% sulphur and found to con- tain 99.74%. So-called soil conditioner Earth claimed to be a soil conditioner was offered for sale in Hidalgo county. It was advertised to be acid, and to contain as much as 39.5% sulphur. A sample was collected by the State Fertilizer inspector, and found to have the following composition: Water 2.86 per cent Free acid ............................................................ .. None pH (degree of acidity ....... ....................... .. 6.89 Calcium carbonate .......................................... .. 8.03 per cent Sulphur (elemental) .......................................... .. 2.59 per cent Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) .......................... ._58.77 per- cent Nitrogen ............................................................ .. 0.03 per cent Total phosphoric acid ...................................... .. 0.18 per cent g Water-soluble potash ..................................... ... 0.23 per Cent 12 BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The sample did not contain any free acid as claimed. The claim that it is an acidulous soil conditioner is not justified. It was neutral, as shown by the pH of 6.89. The calcium carbonate would neutralize about 8 per cent sulphuric acid. The 2.59% elemental sulphur would oxidize to acid, but the quantity of calcium carbonate in the sample is sufficient to neutra- lize all the acid produced from the elemental sulphur, so the fertilizer is not acid-forming. Calcium sulphate is neutral and will not acidify soils. There is no indication that the sample contains anything- of any value as soil conditioner or to supply plant food to ordinary soils or to help salty soils, although the calcium sulphate might have a little value to those unusual soils which contain sodium carbonate. Another sample termed a “vitamin soil conditioner” or “acidulous soil conditioner”, claimed to produce increased crops, was compared in pot- experiments by Dr. J. F. Fudge with commercial fertilizer. The pots con- tained 11 pounds soil and three pots received 1 gram each of ammonium nitrate, potassium sulphate and superphosphate, or 10 grams of soil condi- tioner. The average weights of the dried crops were as follows: Fertilizer! Soil Conditioner Corn plants trams grams Windthorst fine sandy loam ................................... ............................. .. 7.1 1.4 Nimrod fine sand ........................................................................................ .. 9.1 3.2 Reinach silt loam ........................................................................................ ..23.0 4.3 Houston black clay .................................................................................... ..25.0 3.6 Wilson clay loam ........................................................................................ ..29.1 5.2 Frio clay loam ....................................................................................... ..31.5 25,3 Hegari plants Frio clay loam .......... .. ...................................... ..10.1 4.1 Houston black clay ...................................................................................... ..30.5 1.7 Without any addition, the Frio clay loam produced 4.7 grams of hegari, and the Houston black clay produced 2.3 grams. The “soil condi- tioner” had no value compared with the fertilizer. How to get Free Analysis of Fertilizers Purchasers of commercial fertilizers for their own use (but not for sale), can secure a free analysis of a sample provided they take a legal sample. Those who desire the free analysis of a sample of commercial fertilizer should write for a blank, “Application for Free Fertilizer Ana- lysis,” to the State Chemist, College Station, Texas, before taking a sam- ple. The proper sampling of a fertilizer requires care, and the law re- quires it to be taken in a certain way so that a fair sample is taken. If the sample is not properly taken, it does not represent the fertilizer sampled, and the analysis may be better or poorer than the goods actually are. This privilege of a free analysis applies only to fertilizers tagged, and sold under the fertilizer law and to samples properly taken so that they repre- sent the goods sampled. " a Analysis of Fertilizers, 1943-44 Samples of fertilizer were collected from the goods being sold in many towns and cities. The chief places of sales were visited several times. 43 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 13 Table 6 near the end of this Bulletin, contains a list of the 585 sam- ples of fertilizer subjected to analysis in the season ending August 31, 1944. Practically all samples of fertilizer were collected by our inspectors. The number of samples collected was smaller than last year because the fertilizer was taken to the farms as fast at it was manufactured and dis- tributed instead of being placed in stores or warehouses as usually occurs. Analysis and inspection were made by T. L. Ogier, Waldo Walker, E. B. Brown, Gwendylee Lake, Vera Otto and C. B. McLarry. Table 5 Average valuation of all fertilizers guaranteed and found in dollars per ton 1943-44. No. of samples more than 4% Number Valuation Valuation below Manufacturer Averaged Guaranteed found guarantee Armour Fertilizer Works ...................................... .105 3 32.33 3 32.37 3 Associated Cooperatives .................................. .. 6 84.50 85.91 0 Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 31.60 33.80 0 Campbell Fertilizer Co_ ..... .. 8 29.80 29.20 0 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corp. .... .. 4 41.60 42.34 0 Coastal Chemical Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 44.98 45.37 0 East Texas Cotton Oil Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. 6 33.67 33,52 1 E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. ......... .. 2 109.20 110.66 0 Farm Service, Inc. ....................... .. 2 32.60 36.00 0 Federal Chemical Co_ Inc. 34 32.61 32.48 0 Fidelity Chemical Corp. ............. .. ........ .. 41 33.70 34.44 0 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer C . .... .. 4 33.70 35.44 0 Hydroponic Chemical Co. Inc. 1 53.20 52.63 0 International Minerals & Chemical Corp. 22 32.31 32.75 0 Jacksonville Fertilizer Co. 4 33.00 33 18 0 Kelly Weber & Co. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 32.87 32.27 0 Longview Cotton Oil Co_ ............... .. 3 33.07 32.67 0 Marshall Cotton Oil Co. ............... .. 7 32.60 32.62 0 Mixson Brothers ........................................... .. 2 32.80 32 60 0 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works ........................ .. 4 33.70 32.92 0 Plantabbs Company ....................... .. 2 52.40 53.29 0 Port Fertilizer Co. ........................................ ..11 57.53 59.68 0 Red Star Fertilizer Co. ............ .. .. 7 32.23 32.46 0 Shreveport Fertilizer Works ....... .. 27 33.42 33.71 1 Swift & Co. Fertilizer Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..115 33.10 33.48 7 Temple Cotton Oil Co. ........ _. 2 32.80 32.05 l Texas Farms Products Co. ................................ .. 48 32.53 32.25 1 The Pulverized Manure Co. .... .. 3 9.40 10.66 0 Tri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Co. .... .. 4 32.90 33.17 0 Tyler Fertilizer Co. 6 32.87 32.61 0 United Chemical Co. .......... .. .... .. 24 32.58 32.58 2 Virginia Caroline Chemi al C . ........ .. 56 32.46 32.67 1 Waldo Fertilizer Works ...................................... .. 3 31.60 32.02 0 Relation of Valuation Guaranteed to Valuation Delivered Table 5 contains the average guaranteed valuation, and the average valuation found by our analyses, for all manufacturers doing business in Texas. In the preparation of this table, all anlyses made were averaged, even though several were made of each brand. Fertilizer materials are included as well as mixed fertilizers. Averages Below Guarantee Whenever any lot of fertilizer is 4 per cent or more below guarantee, the law requires all persons who have sold this lot of fertilizer to make good the deficiency to all purchasers. This rebate is paid by the manu- facturer to the dealer and by the dealer to the customer. The number of lots on which rebates were paid by each manufacturer is shown in Table 5. 14 BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Publications dealing with the Use of Fertilizer Information concerning the use of commercial fertilizer for various crops in different sections of Texas will be sent free on request. Some publications of the Texas Experiment Station giving information on ferti- lizers and fertilizing material are as follows: Circular 85-—Use of commercial fertilizers. Bulletin 167—Commercial fertilizers and their use. Bulletin 212—The availability of phosphoric‘ acid in rock phosphate. Bulletin 350—Fertilizer statistics for Texas (to 1927). Bulletin 398—Fertilizers for rice in‘ Texas. Bulletin 414—Possibilities of sulphur as a soil amendment. Bulletin 408—Effect of sulphur on yield of certain crops. Bulletin 428—The fertilizing value of greensand. Bulletin 432-—Manganese in Texas soils and its relation to crops. Bulletin 445—The composition and fertilizing value of sewage sludge. Bulletin 469—Fertilizer experiments with cotton. ~ Bulletin 509—Availability of the phosphoric acid of finely divide rock phosphate. Bulletin 524—Ferti1izer experiments with yellow Bermuda onions in the Winter Garden region of Texas. Bulletin 572—Fertilizer statistics for Texas, 1926-38. Progress Report 594-—-Non-acid forming fertilizers. Bulletin 596-—Oni0n fertilizer experiments at Laredo, Big Well, and - Eagle Pass, Texas. Bulletin 602—Fertilizers' for rice in Texas. Progress Report 675-—Acid production in compost of sulphur and organic matter. Circular 90—-Rose growing for the home gardener. Circular 95—Vitamin B1 (Thimain) and other vitamins as fertilizers. Circular 102—Recommendations for the use of the approved grades of = fertilizer for Texas in 1943-44. Progress Report 864-—Distribution of fertilizer sales in Texas for ' 1942-43. Progress Report 908—Distribution of fertilizer sales in Texas for 19 ' Any of these publications will be sent free on request to the Director of the Experiment Station, College Station, Texas. In order to avoid errors, both the name and the number should be given. SUMMARY This Bulletin contains a report of the Texas Fertilizer Control for 1943-44. An explanation of terms is given. Sales of fertilizer in Texas were 196,877 tons in 1943-44. They were 154,828 tons in 1942-43. The tonnage for other years is given. The average selling prices and composition of the different kinds of fertilizer are given. The grades of fertilizer to be sold next season are given. A table is given showing the relation of the guaranteed valuation to the valuation delivered by the various manufacturers. Analyses of 585 samples collected by the inspector are given. y y»; <-,Q';.,,fl¢' COMMERCIAL FER_T1LIZERS IN 1943-44 Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 15 s" = s»: b “.2 g . ,_, a §§ Manufacture, place of business and brand ag figg ‘fig g g i? ' 2 u :7; g o g u g8 ~= s ‘a $2 a: = 5 s: AZ" Z n. < a a n. a > a. Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas, and New Orleans, Louisiana Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... ..32.50 384.50 88678 Analysis .. 33.52 87.15 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 3-12-6, Guarantee .......... .. 3.00 12.00 6.00 33.00 88886 Analysis 3.08 12.29 6.24 33.96 88932 Analysis 3.12 12.50 6.05 34.08 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 3-15-0, Guarantee .......... .. 3:00 15.00 0.00 28.80 88612 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.12 15.24 29.45 Armour-‘s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-8, Guarantee ............ .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 88722 Analysis 4.21 ‘ 8.06 7.02 32.06 88919 Analysis 4.06 8.43 6.80 31.88 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-10-0, Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 10.00 0.00 24.40 Analysis 4.27 9.48 24.37 Analysis 4.29 10.35 25.64 Analysis 3.94 10.76 25.30 Analysis 4.07 10.43 25.18 Analysis 4.11 10.59 25.52 Analysis 4.06 11.24 26.30 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12~4, Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 Analysis 4.02 12.10 4.10 33.13 Analysis 3.78 12.10 4.06 32.45 Analysis .... .. 4.10 12.67 3.67 33.54 Analysis 3.68 11.78 4.61 32.51 Analysis 3.93 12.31 4.16 33.27 Analysis 4.02 12.38 4.10 33.52 Analysis 3.96 12.19 4.04 33.03 Analysis . 3.51 32.37 Analysis 3.93 33.72 Analysis 4.04 33.24 Analysis 4.34 32.65 Analysis 4.15 82.55 Analysis 4.01 32.05 Analysis 3.93 32.49 Analysis . 4.18 33.02 Analysis . 4.06 32.00 Analysis . 4.07 33.19 Qflfllysis 11.75 4.07 32.50 na ysis 11.86 4.08 32.32 Analysis 11.74 4.39 33.25 I18 V818 . 4.16 33.05 Analysis . 4.24 32.51 88744 Analysis 11.43 4.06 32.03 . 3:812] Analysis 12.00 4.22 33.34 _ 2 Ana ysis 11.43 4.16 32.22 f Analysis 11.84 4.36 33.03 na ysis 1.89 3.92 33.90 Analysis 11.47 3.68 31.82 Analysis 12.07 4.08 33.01 Analysis 11.45 4.20 32.23 Analysis 12.03 4.05 32.68 Analysis 11.85 4.21 33.37 Ila YSIS 11.76 4.06 33.10 Analysis 12.06 4.01 33.15 Analysis 11.71 3.75 32.35 Analysis 11.74 3.85 31.71 Analysis 11.69 4.06 32.06 AnalYSlS 11.53 3.87 32.12 Analysis 11.49 4.07 32.24 Analysis’ 11.95 4.02 32.55 Analysgs 11.70 4.35 33.39 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 12.00 3.50 32.15 16 BULLETIN N0. 662. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 PI O a: i? I: ODE a fig Manufacture, place of business and brand gag [gig €§ Q 2 §§ E ~ Si’ ~ *3: AZ Z g < a3. ma. Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana-Continued Armoufs Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12-4,—~Cont. 89128 Analysis ........................................................................... .. 4.16 11-63 4J2 89131 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.83 11.49 4.01 89140 Analysis .... .. 4.10 12.17 4.04 89171 Aanlysis ............................................................................. .. 4.30 12.09 4.04 ‘Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12-6, Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 12.00 6.00 88647 Analysis ....... .. 4.28 11.34 6.03 88824 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3.84 11.68 5.05 89020 Analysis .................................. __. ........................................... .. 4.23 11.46 5.96 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 88644 Analysis y .. 4.90 10.11 5.08 88656 Analysis . . . 88662 Analysis . 88674 Analysis . 88716 Analysis 88732 Analysis 88735 Analysis 88825 Analysis 88852 Analysis 88860 Analysis 89045 a Analysis 89170 Analysis 89173 Analysis Armoufs Big Crop Fertiliz 88638 Analysis 88645 Analysis 88665 Analysis 88734 Analysis 88782 ‘ Analysis 88823 Analysis 88850 Analysis 88851 Analysis 89053 Analysis 89064 Analysis 89072 Analysis 89141 Analysis . . 89172 Analysis 5.63 8.31 4.06 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-12-0, Guarantee .......... .. 6.00 12.00 0.00 88672 Analysis .. ............ .. 5.95 11.56 88677 Analysis ............................................................................... .. 6.07 12.27 89142 Analysis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.78 12.01 Armoufs Big Crop Superphosphate 18%, Guarantee ...... .. 18.00 88676 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. 19.19 88695 Analysis .. - ........ -_ 19-39 Armour’s Big Crop Superphosphate 20%. Guarantee ...... _. 20.00 33606. Analysis _ 19.86 88613 Analysis 19.44 88618 Analysis 19.33 88619 Analysis 19.46 88624 Analysis 20.02 88632 Analysis 19.22 88657 Analysis 18.76 88673 Analysis 19.31 89163 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.06 ' 89174 Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 20-61 23:85, Armour’s Victory Garden Fertilizer For Food , '7 Production only, Guarantee ................................................... .5110 10.00 5.00 34.00" 88599 Analysis 10.30 5.08 33.75. 88897 Analysis 9.78 4.98 33.61‘. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 1N 1943-44 17 Table 6. Analysis "of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44‘ s5 '6 n?’ g “i o .3 "5 Manufacture, place of business and brand 5*; '3 8g 3Q .2“ b0 w w" o S! cu “ Q 2 u g a o g u g4; a a ‘#2 s <> a: 1i a: Z o. <1 o. n. a. n. > a. Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth, Texas and New Orleans, Louisianw-Continued Armoufs Victory Garden Fertilizer For Food ’ Production only", Guarantee .............................................. .. Ana ysis . .5 6. . Associated Cooperatives, Sheffield. Ala. Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... ..32.50 84.50 Analysis . ...... .. 33.04 85.90 Analysis .... .. 33.56 87.26 Analysis ....... .. 33.17 86.24 Analysis 33.05 85.93 Analysis ...... ..32.52 84.55 Analysis _______ ,_ 32 92 85.59 Bryan Cotton_0il & Fertilizer Company. Bryan, Texas _ Star Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis . 5.64 11.11 5.32 87.66 Star Brand Special Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 Analysis ' 4.54 12.15 4.71 35.40 Star grand i20% Superphosphate, Guarantee .................... .. 0.00 0.00 2g.g0 na ys s . 5 2 . 5 Campbell Fertilizer Company, Houston, Texas ' All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 4-8-8, Guarantee ...... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.02 8.70 7.09 32.56 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 3.12 9.64 7.55 32.18 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 4-10-0, Guarantee .... .. 4.00 10.00 0.00 24.40 Analysis .......... ..~. ................................................................... .. 4.37 9,57 24,76 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.23 8.92 23.49 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 4-12-4, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 gnaiysis . .. 12.03 4.35 32.28 na ysis ................................................................................ .. _ 12,2 3,75 32,22 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis .................................................................. ........... _, 4,39 10.44 4,73 32,72 4-10~0 All-Weather Rice Fertilizer With Bone Meal, Guarantee ........................................ .. 4.00 10.00 0.00 24.40 Analysis ................................................................................ ._ 4.12 9,04 23,37 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation, New York, New York " Chilean Nitrate of Soda Champion Brand, Guarantee ....16.00 41.60 Analysis i .....16.17 42.04 Analysis .............................................................. .. 16.07 41,73 Analysis .....16.48 42.85 Analysis ................................................................................ ..16.41 42,07 Coastal Chemical Co., Harlingen, Texas Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... 132,50 34,50 Analysis ....................................................... .. 34,76 Triple C Brand 6-12-0, Guarantee .. 12.00 0.00 32.40 Analysis ............................................. .. 11.68 31,33 Triple C Brand 10-10-0, Guarantee .. 10.00 40,00 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 40,59 na ysis .. ...... .. . 42,77 Triple C Brand 20% Superphosphate Granular, GuaraAiteel .......... .. . .... .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 28.00 na ysis ................. .. .. 19.57 27,40 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, and Tyler, Texas Golden Rod Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 Aanlysis 12.18 4.23 33.52 Analysis 12.16 3.48 32.26 *Last season's goods. 18 BULLETIN N0. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ‘Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 Q . ‘- ; w g . i. ‘f2 2 3 :- Manufacture, place of business and brand $1; :5 :2’ .1; I_ {j j,’ u: o a‘: w -= 3 i B a »°- ° ‘T. 5' ° 3 1» ., = s 2,; >g ~ . - "a ~ AZ Z n. <1 a 3- 0-» 3. >‘ East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Palestine, and Tyler, Texas (Continued) ‘Goldenrod Brand 4-12-6 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 12.00 6.00 88842 Analysis ’ 4.64 10.54 4.75 Goldenrod Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 88795 Analysis 4.90. 10.14 . 4.65 88841 Analysis _ 3.94 11.89 5.82 i, p Palestine Blue Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 88764 Analysis ' 4.13 11.93 4.24 E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware Du Pont Uramon Fertilizer Compound, Guarantee ............ ..42.00 89154 Analysis 42.76 89168 Analysis 42.36 Farm Service, Ine., Opelonsas, La, Thorobred 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 89067 Analysis 5.10" 12.04 4.08 8 Thorobred 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 89068 Analysis 6.32 10.55 3.56. Federal Chemical Company, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana . ' Federal 4-8-8, Guarantee, 4.00 8.00 8.00 88837 Analysis 3.88 7.70 9.13 88922 Analysis .. 3.86 8.10 11.51 ' Federal 4-12-4, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 88714 Analysis " 4.00 11.46 4.03 88765 Analysis 4.11 11.28 4.31 88787 Analysis 4.04 12.02 3.91 88789 Analysis 4.07 11.89 3.99 88817 Analysis 4.06 11.47 4.30 88861 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 3.99 11.46 4.03 88864 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 3.89 11.93 4.05 88875 Analysis 4.02 11.98 3.92 88882 Analysis 4.09 11.91 4.24 88930 Analysis 4.02 11.51 4.09 88956 Analysis ....................... .. 4.08 11.52 4.12 88974 Analysis 3.84 11.96 4.07 89036 Analysis . . 4.01 89046 Analysis . . 4.14 89065 Analysis . . . 4.20 89085 Analysis . . 4.09 89093 Analysis . . 4.24 89106 Analysis . . 4.93 Federal 5-10-5, Guarantee ...................................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 88713 Analysis 4.93 9.30 5.16 88767 Analysis 4.96 9.45 5.15 88788 ‘ Analysis ' 4.97 9.69 5.15 88976 Analysis 4.87 9.97 5.19 Federal 6-8-4, Guarantee ........................................................ .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 88766 Analysis . 7.92 4.22 88818 Analysis 8.00 4.16 88836 Analysis 7.49 4.20 88840 Analysis 7.44 4.07 88862 Analysis 8.12 4.55 88865 Aanlysis 7.73 4.06 88876 Analysis 8.18 . 88975 Analysis 8.00 89066 Analysis 7.41 Federal 18% Superphosphate, Guarantee .............................. .. 0.00 18.00 89047 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 17.99 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 1N 1943-44 l!) Table’ 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 “é i a O op-q c Manufacture, place of business and brand 5g fi 5E’ .15’ .9 g b0 o w" a: I a: *“ Q " a o r; gt o g 0 g4» -*= s ‘#2 s o s 1% s Z o. <1 n. n. fl-t n. > n. Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texas Fidelity 4-10-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee 4.00 10.00 0.00 $24.40 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.69 11.67 28.53 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.84 10.72 24.99 Analysis .... .. 3.96 9.93 24.20 Fidelity 4-10-7 Fertilizer, Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 10.00 7.00_ 34-20 Analysis 4.18 10.52 6.04 Fidelity 442-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32:80‘ Aanlysis ............................................................... .. 4.04 12.23 4.06 33.30 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. 4.27 12.28 4.18 34.14 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .. 4.25 12.26 3.65 33.32 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.52 10.96 4.31 33.12 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.40 11.35 4.91 34.20 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.97 11.75 4.23 32.69 Analysis . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ ._ 4.12 11.77 4.12 32.96 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.13 11.57 4.02 32.57 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.25 11.96 3.98 33.36 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.55 11.62 3.93 33.60 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.47 12.06 3.89 33.95 Analysis . 4.24 11.79 3 77 32.81 Analysis ......... .. 4.53 12.16 3.85 34.19 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 11.77 3 82 32.23 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.33 12.07 4 06 33.84 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 4.37 11.89 3 21 32.50 Analysis ............................................................... .. 4.52 12.06 4.02 34.26 Fidelity 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. 5.25 10.28 4.70 34.62 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.89 10.08 5 14 34.02 Analysis 5.28 10.68 4.85 35.47 Analysis . 4.98 9.78 5 24 33.74 Analysis ................................................................. .. . 4.36 36.99 Fidelity 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ................................... .. 4.00 32.40 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4 33 33.67 Analysis 3.52 32.59 Aanlysis ................................................................................ .. 3.41 33.01 Analysis 4.40 33.70 Fidelity 6-12-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee 0.00 32.40 Analysis . . 32.24 Analysis ................................................................ ............. .. 6.35 33.81 Analysis ............................................... .. . 34.45 Fidelity 10-10-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee . 0.00 40.00 Analysis ................................................................................ ..10.10 40.51 Analysis ...... .. 40.37 Analysis 41.40 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 9.69 39.76 Aanlysis 41.04 Analysis . 40.36 Analysis ................................................................................ ..10.23 41.50 Analysis .... .. l 40.16 Gilmer Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Company, Gilmer, Texas Texas Longhorn 4-8-8, Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 Analysis V .. 4.11 8.99 7.85 34.27 Texas Longhorn 4-12-6, Guarantee .......................................... .. 4.00 12.00 6.00 35.60 Analysis 5.46 12.14 5.61 39.05 Texas Longhorn 5-10-5, Guarantee ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis 5.01 9.80 5.54 84.51 Texas Longhorn Corn Surecrop, Guarantee .' ..... .. .............. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 Analysis . ..... .. 5.19 9.70 4.90 33.9.3 20 BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 t“ u“ . r ‘S '5 3 a Manufacture, place of business and brand 5E‘ 3 0E’ .15’ .2 f’ '5 ‘i’ to o m‘: w -= w *‘ ff '5'“ o 0 = Q o "1 u "3 E r s °° 8 3 l‘ s. s~ ha; .- .42 28 ‘fins. m8 >5 Hydroponic Chemical Company, 1nc., New York, New York a Hyponex, Guarantee . 6.00 19.00 35 89137 Analysis 6.78 6.34 18.66 52. " _ International Minerals & Chemical Corporation, _ Texarkana, Ark-Tex. _ Internaional 4-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32 88921 Analysis .. 4.19 8.32 7.18 32 ‘- International 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ............................ .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32 88796 Analysis . 11.66 4.02 3 _ 88809_ Analysis 12.15 3.74 33 88853 Analysis 11.88 4.16 33 88856 Analysis 11.81 4.19 3 88935 Analysis . 12.06 4.21 33 88998 Analysis . 12.39 4.04 33.40 Internatinonal 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee ....................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34. 88798 Analysis ................................................................... .. 5.25 10.03 5.12 34.86, 88811 Analysis . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.30 10.33 5.01 35.26;, 88858 Analysis . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.95 10.21 4.86 33.96, 88912 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.39 9.80 4.68 34.23 88936 Analysis 5.29 9.99 4.83 34.50 88946 Analysis 5.35 9.81 4.75 34.201 88987 Analysis ............................................... .. .. .. 5.06 9.82 5.20 34.12 88999 Analysis 4.92 10.10 5.66 34.85 -‘ International 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 88797 Analysis ......... .. 5.94 8.28 4.09 32.761 88810 Analysis 6.04 8.12 3.92 32.56‘ 1 88857 Analysis .......... .. 6.07 7.92 4.68 33.42 International 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee .................. .. 20.00 28.00 88913 Analysis ...... .. 20.47 28.66 , 89027 Analysis ........ .. 20.33 28.46 j 89034 Analysis ......... .. 20.15 28.21 " 88973 ‘ Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.27 28.38 » Jacksonville Fertilizer Company, Jacksonville, Texas ‘- , Red Tomato 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 132.80 88805 Analysis ............ .. 4.10 12.54 4.01 33.83 88992 Analysis _ . . . . . . _ . .. 3.89 12.18 4.08 32.87, Red Tomato Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 88807 Analysis 5.00 9.65 4.82 33.26 , Red Tomato 6-8~4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ................................ .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 88806 Analysis 5.91 8.53 3.88 32.74 ' Kelly Weber & Company, lnc., Lake Charles, Louisiana Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-12-4, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 88736 Analysis . 4.06 12.36 3.64 32.96 j 88979 Analysis ..... .. 4.02 11.40 3.75 31.66 89087 Analysis ..... .. 4.13 11.32 3.76 31.85 f Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 5-10-5, Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.90 i * 89097 Analysis ................ .. 5.33 9.22 4.89 33.62 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer 6-8-4, Guarantee ...... ._ 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 89083 Analysis .......... .. 6.12 8.48 3.03 32.02 89096 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.61 8.10 4.00 31.53 Longview Cotton Oil Company, Longview, Texas ' Longview 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 88868 Analysis ..... _. 5.20 9.94 4.04 33.10 ' Longview Prolific Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 88867 Analysis . ............... .. 5.88 7.89 4.32 32.89 Longview Special Fertilizer (High Grade), Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 88866 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 3.31 12.06 5.02 32.52 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 21 Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 é s“ "5 a s ‘é _ 2 O w 3 "' -. fl a B’: u u g g2 Manufacture, place of business and brand Q ,= 4, o c, . a ... n ~ s. s8 sés '58 ‘gs . $4 $2 = s $2 s "5 a: 1i a i 4 a Z a <1 a. c. in a. > a. Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas Marshall 0-14-7, Guarantee 0.00 14.00 7.00 829.40 88952 Analysis .... .. 14.66 6.06 29.00 Marshall 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 82.80 33949 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 3.71 12.20 4.27 32.71 -»_ 88955 Analysis ......... .. 3.93 12.01 4.25 82.98 , 88969 Analysis .. . 12.01 4.18 88.09 ~ Marshall 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee ........ .. 10.00 5.00 84.00 -; 88950 Analysis .................................................................... .. 10.39 5.09 83.61 x 88970 Analysis 10.29 5.00 84.10 <~ Marshall 6-8-4, Guarantee 8.00 4.00 82.40 _,\ Analysis 8.20 4.20 32.86 f, Mixson Brothers, Kirbyville, Texas p Jasco Brand Special No. 442-4, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 88743 Analysis .................................................................... .. . 11.46 4.05 32.14 89112 Analysis 12.28 .98 33.06 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works, Henderson‘, Texas Wolf Brand Fertilizer 4-12-4, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 Analysis . 11.06 4.20 81.58 Wolf Brand Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 84.00 Analysis . 4.82 10.53 4.63 33.75 Analysis .... .. 4.73 10.43 4.85 83.69 Analysis . _ . . . . . . . . .. 4.83 9.93 4.42 82.65 Plantabbs Company, Baltimore, Maryland Fulton’s “V" Pantabbs 4-12-18, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 18.00 52.40 I Analysis ......... .. 4.27 12.37 18.02 53.65 89105 Analysis ....................... .. 3.84 11.52 19.16 52.98 " Port Fertilizer Company, Las Fresnos, Texas ‘ l Valley Port Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 82.80 88628 Analysis .................... .. 5.05 14.71 5.02 40.75 ‘ Valley Port Brand 10-10-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. ..10.00 10.00 40.00 Analysis ...10.99 9.35 41.66 Analysis . 10.04 10.70 41.08 Valley Port Brand 32.5% Ammonium Niraate, Guarantee ...................................................................................... ..32.50 84.50 Analysis . ......... ..32.53 84.58 Analysis ................................................................................ ..32.55 84.63 Analysis ........... ..32.54 84.60 A Analysis ..... .. 32.73 85.10 Valley Port Brand 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee ........ .. 20.00 28.00 ; 89162 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 21.20 29.68 ~ 89164 Analysis . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 20.80 29.12 » Valley Port Brand 45% Superphosphate, Guarantee ........ .. 45.00 68.00 " 88617 Analysis . ............ .. 48.56 67.98 88629 Analysis .................. .. 48.09 67.83 Pulverized Manure Company, Chicago, Ill. Wizard Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure, Guarantee ...... .. 2.00 1.00 2.00 9.40 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.23 .93 1.94 7.22 Analysis ............................................................................... .. 1.60 1.56 4.07 12.04 Analysis ............. 1.85 1.91 3.74 12.72 Red Star Fertilizer Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas - Red Star Brand 4-8-8, Guarantee 8.00 32.80 Analysis ...... .f ...................................... .. 4.09 32.35 Analysis ......................................................... .. 7.32 83.42 Red Star Brand 4-12-4, Guarantee ......... .. 4.00 32.80 Analysis 4.18 33.29 Analysis .. 3.89 31.98 ‘/ll,bl" 22 BULLETIN N0. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-044 s 6N‘ a 9:5 é , v.2 "‘ ” g: .1vlanufacture, place of business and brand 5E‘ 3E? 4; ’5-° 8° 3 :8 n. 3 '5 3 g -° E l? r- “ 8 s. s u "' Q 5 u- u) >5 Q O q) ' AZ Z n. 4 n. c. FM a. > I Red Star Fertilizer Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas (Cont.) i - Red Star Brand 5-10-5, Guarantee ............................ . . . . . . _ .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 88904 Analysis .... .. 5.14 10.21 5.15 - Red Star Brand 6-8-4, Guarantee ............................... 6.00 8.00 4.00 32 88925 Analysis ........ .. 5.90 8.59 4.20 33 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee ......................................... ..0.00 20.00 0-00 88905 Analysis 20.03 _ Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport, La. ‘ Lion 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ........... ....................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 .3 _' 88784 Analysis ' . . 4.97 3 88799 Analysis . 4.04 32. 88883 Analysis 4.10 V 88964 Analysis 4.78 3 88991 Analysis 4.34 3 _ 89089 Analysis 3.93 32 _ 89117 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.41 32‘ Lion 4-12-6 Fertilizer Guarantee 6.00 3 89118 Analysis 6-59 34- Lion 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee 5.00 3 _ , 88778 Analysis 5.37 33. 88786 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.82 33. I 88800 Analysis 5.38 34 88884 Analysis 3.78 35. 88963 Analysis 4.99 3 89000 Analysis 5.10 33 89090 Analysis . 5.36 3 89119 . Analysis ............. ._. ........................ .. 5.92 3 ‘I Lion 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee 4.00 33 88785 Analysis 3.90 34 Longhorn 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee 4.00 32 88711 Analysis 4.27 32. . 88772 Analysis . 4.49 35 _ 88961 Analysis . . 4.24 32 89074 Analysis . . 4.38 33. ' 89091 Analysis 4.06 11.52 4.84 33. 89108 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 3.88 12.23 4.38 33 _V Longhorn 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34 88712 Analysis 4.67 10.24 6.03 3 88962 Analysis 4.81 10.25 5.14 3 89075 Analysis 4.59 9.89 5.12 32 89109 Analysis ........................ .... 4.83 10.18 5.01 33 Swift's & Company Fertilizer Works, Houston, Texas, Harvey and Shreveport, La. p Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer {conditioned nitrate), Guarantee ...................................................................................... ..32.50 8 88603 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..32.49 84. 89159 Analysis . .... .. 32 79 Swift's Red Steer Brand 4-8 8.00 88651 Analysis 7.84 32. 88721 Analysis 7.36 31 _> 88845 Analysis .... .. 7.35 31. _ 88872 Analysis ......................................................................... .. 7.71 8 88914 Analysis .... .. 7.61 32. 88960 Analysis 7.81 32. 88984 Analysis , 7.90 32 __ Swift's Red Steer Brand 4-12-4, Guarantee 4.00 3 i‘ 88602 Analysis 4.34 3 88605 Analysis" .... .. 5.45 34. _ 88608 Analysis 4.21 32 88652 Analysis 4,18 32 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 23 Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 A s" 1% 3 3 a i ‘E 5&3 Manufacture, place of business and brand‘ - a? gig: i?’ é z . 3'9 0 0 g7; g o W1 o £5 *3: $2: 3: H: QAZ Z o. <1 n. o. n. n. i> a. Swift’s & Company Fertilizer Works. Houston, Texas, Harvey and Shreveport, La. (Continued) Swift/s Red Steer Brand 4-12-4 (Continued) Analysis 4.02 11.89 4.02 $32.73 Analysis 4.15 11.81 4.02 32.95 Analysis 3.45 11.28 4.14 30.56 Analysis ...... .. 4.04 11.77 4.11 32.73 Analysis 4.06 11.42 3.89 32.00 Analysis 3.88 12.19 4.04 32.82 Analysis 3.88 11.37 4.07 31.71 Analysis 4.00 11.60 3.94 32.16 Analysis 3.87 11.37 4.07 31.68 Analysis 3.83 11.77 4.39 32.59 Analysis 4.00 11.44 4.23 32.34 Analysis 3.97 11.48 4.04 32.05 Analysis 4.00 11.53 4.00 32.14 Analysis 3.90 11.69 4.04 32.17 Analysis 4.18 11.43 4.31 32.90 Analysis 4.06 11.54 4.18 32.57 Analysis 4.00 12.02 4.00 32.83 Analysis 4,00 12.00 3.85 32.59 Analysis 4.07 12.07 3.98 33.05 Analysis ...... .. 4.26 11.32 4.09 32.66 Analysis 4.02 11.80 4.06 32.65 Analysis .... .. 4.59 10.65 4.75 33.49 Analysis 4.10 12.02 4.11 33.24 Analysis 3.97 11.69 4.09 32.42 Analysis 3.95 12.06 4.08 32.86 Analysis 4.13 11.45 4.19 32.64 Analysis 3.96 11.65 4.37 32.73 Analysis 3.69 11.73 3.92 31.50 Analysis 3.55 12.05 4.39 32.25 Analysis ....... .. 4.16 11.55 4.06 32.67 Analysis 3.61 11.92 3.91 31.55 Analysis 3.93 11.40 4.23 32.10 Analysis 4.04 11.53 4.01 32.25 Analysis 4.14 11.53 5.20 34.18 Analysis ..... .. 4.09 11.80 4.04 32.81 Analysis 3.94 11.41 4.01 31.82 Analysis 4.20 12.44 4.40 34.50 Analysis ...... .. 3.07 12.66 4.72 32.31 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-12-6 Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 6.00 35.60 Analysis 3.57 11.38 6.04 33.67 Analysis 3.80 11.37 6.01 34.21 Analysis 3.64 11.31 6.02 33.72 Analysis 4.16 10.66 5.49 33.43 Analysis 4.00 12.28 5.65 35.50 Analysis 4.16 11.23 5.52 34.27 Analysis 3.88 11.56 5.68 34.22 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 5-10-5, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis 4.70 9.67 4.73 32.38 Analysis 4.92 9.90 4.81 33.38 Analysis 5.08 9.53 4.75 33.20 Analysis 4.87 9.82 5.00 , 33.41 Analysis 4.77 9.88 4.71 32.82 Analysis 5.09 9.71 4.87 33.64 Analysis 4.78 9.74 5.11 33.22 Analysis 4.84 9.37 5.39 33.25 Analysis 5.03 10.06 4.86 33.96 Analysis 4.76 10.05 4.67 32.99 Analysis 4.92 9.18 5.39 33.19 88943 Analysis ........ .9 ____________________________________________________________ ______ 13:43 11,63 3,30 24 BULLETIN NO. s62, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXFERlMENT STATION Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer. season 1943-44 I . l ~ i ' - WE’ 3 a Manufacture, place of business and brand g‘; 32g i‘; 2 g g 8 5i: g. 8 a8 2 a w? g E g g; 9g jg Z n. a Texas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, Texas Lone Star Brand 4-10-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 10.00 0.00 $24.40 88771 Analysis ________________________________________________________________________________ .. 4.06 9.58 23.97 Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 Analysis . 11.59 4.23 32.86 Analysis 11.58 4.38 32.56 Analysis 11.72 4.01 31.90 Analysis 11.50 4.01 31.85 Analysis 11.65 3.97 32.30 Analysis 11.58 4.02 31.80 Analysis 11.27 3.93 31.68 Analysis 11.77 4.15 32.95 Analysis 11.75 3.98 32.24 Analysis‘ 11.48 4.22 32.22 Analysis 11.76 4.14 32.61 Analysis 11,55 3.86 32.05 Analysis 11.87 3.45 32.40 Analysis 11.45 4.18 32.38 Analysis 11.76 4.58 33.32 Analysis 11.94 4.30 33.01 Analysis 12.12 4.01 32.64 Analysis 11.79 4.26 32.69 Analysis 11.69 4.18 32.52 Analysis 11.74 4.02 32.21 Analysis 11.83 4.11 32.71 Analysis 11.77 4.11 32.68 Analysis 11.66 4.42 32.94 Analysis 11.91 4.18 32.95 Lone Star Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer Guarantee .................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis ..... .. 4.97 9.89 4.81 33.50 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.89 9.85 5-08 33-61 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.76 9.84 4.43 32.36 ~_" Lone Star Brand 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 7 Analysis .. .... .. 5.74 8.06 4.03 31.84 .1‘ 0 Analysis . 7.88 4.20 31.91 i7 Analysis 8.21 4.22 32.35 1 9 Analysis 8.01 4.22 33.45 1 Analysis 8.04 4.17 32.31 g l" Analysis 8.25 4.30 33.27 1 Analysis 7.96 4.07 32.02 _ 2 Analysis 8.24 3.96 33.36 ~' 1 Analysis 8.05 4.22 32.31 Analysis 8.04 3.95 31.56 ‘l Analysis 8.11 4.09 82.06 _, _ Analysis 8.08 4.16 32.96 8 Analysis 8.08 4.07 32.19 I Analysis 8.39 4.36 33.06 s 3 Analysis 8.04 3.84 31.59 ~ Analysis 8.07 4.00 31.17 Analysis 8.07 4.01 31.83 Analysis 8.08 4.01 31.52 Analysis 8.17 4.01 31.97 Analysis 8.42 4.02 32.37 ‘Fri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Company, Shreveport, La. Red Diamond 4-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 Analysis ’ 3.94 8.29 7.68 32.60 Red Diamond 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... _. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.70 10.26 4.50 32.88 26 I BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION . Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44. .5 '6 .5 g "i o ._ E “,2 I . g ,_. a . fig Manufacture, place of business and brand a? fig? it‘: g o o o 1:; o II o ~ i‘ i 8 r5 g; §§ g §~ 1. AZ Z n. <1 n. a. O- 3 >* ._ Tri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Company, Shreveport, La. (Cont.) 88993 89005 88829 88826 88847 88828 88827 88848 88755 88980 89022 89048 89060 89069 89102 88760 88893 89015 89058 89061 89070 88808 88894 88848 89038 89126 88863 88892 89127 89018 88896 88895 89013 88916 Red Diamond 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ..-. ....................... .. 6.00 Analysis 6.04 Analysis 6.71 Tyler Fertilizer Company, Tyler, Texas 4-8-8 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 Analysis 3.85 4-12-4 Heart Brand Fertilizer Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 Analysis 3.88 Analysis 3.92 5-10-5 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 5.00 Analysis 5.16 6-8-4 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 Analysis 5.75 Analysis 5.93 United Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas “Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 4-12-4, Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 Analysis 3.62 Analysis ...... .. 3.72 Analysis 4.01 Analysis - 3.91 Analysis 3.79 Analysis 4.10 Analysis .... .. 4.19 “Sunset Brand" Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee .................. .. 5.00 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.86 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 4.98 Analysis ............... .. 5.27’ Analysis ...... .. 5.29 Analysis ........ .. 4.78 Analysis .... .. 5.22 “Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 6-8-4, Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 Analysis ....... .. 6.07 Analysis 6.08 Analysis ............................................... .= ............................... .. 6.10 “Sunset Brand” Fertilizer 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee 0.00 Analysis United Plant Food 4-10-0 Rice Special, Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 Analysis _______ ,_ 3.76 United Plantfood 4-12-4, Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 Analysis ........... .. 4.04 Analysis .... .. 4.18 Analysis ............. .. 3.95 United Plantfood 5-10-5, Guarantee .................................. .. 5.00 Analysis 5.38 United Velvet-Green Lawn and Garden Fertilizer Formula 18, Guarantee 6.00 Analysis 6.74 United Victory Garden Fertilizer (For Food production only), Guarantee ........................................................................ .. 5.00 Analysis . 5.32 Virginia Carolina ‘Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, La. V-C Fertilizer 0-14-7, Guarantee .......................................... _. 0.00 Analysis _ V-C Fertilizer 4-8-8, Guarantee __________________________________________ __ 4.00 Analysis ...... .. 3.57 12.00 11.84 12.10 10.85 11.34 11.91 11.86 10.00 9.85 10.06 9.29 9.92 10.40 9.95 8.00 7.97 8.06 8.26 20.00 20.01 10_00 10.30 12.00 11.81 11.30 11.86 10.00 9.53 G3€OG3I>¢ NG309UI®l-l@©_ . .°‘.°‘.°‘$"?‘ FPPFF‘??? NIOIOMO wop-owmoo 9.00 9.30 10.00 9.66 14.00 13.81 8.00 8.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1943-44 27 Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44. is‘ 3 3 é’ 0.2 “" Manufacture, place of business and brand $11 3 3E‘ .1; g ‘ U: u.» d‘: w -= o ‘g; o 0 5:; g- o W u 58 5 a: $2 a *3: s a.- Z n. <1 n. n. m n. > a Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, La. (Cont.) V-C Fertilizer 4-10-7 (old goods), Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 10.00 7.00 $34.20 Analysis 4.08 11.25 7.20 36.44 V-C Fertilizers 4-12-4, Guarantee .......................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 An ysis 3.99 12.15 -4.04 33.04 Analysis 3.86 12.46 4.34 33.56 Analysis 3.98 12.23 4.21 33.36 Analysis 3.83 12.65 3.98 33.24 Analysis 3.92 12.19 4.16 33.08 Analysis 3.94 12.32 4.21 33.38 Analysis 4.33 11.67 3.90 33.06 Analysis 4.25 11.24 4.12 32.56 Analysis 3.97 12.42 4.18 33.56 Analysis 3.75 12.50 4.76 33.91 Analysis 3.98 12.42 4.34 33.82 Analysis 4.00 12.05 4.21 33.16 Analysis 3.90 12.47 4.06 33.28 Analysis 3.99 12.50 4.14 33.67 Analysis 4.02 12.64 4.16 33.97 Analysis 3.99 12.07 3.77 32.55 Analysis 4.03 12.29 4.03 33.33 Analysis 4.12 12.28 3.97 33.46 Analysis 3.90 12.39 4.05 33.16 Analysis 4.07 12.14 3.87 33.00 = Analysis 3.88 12.63 4.27 33.75 V-C Fertilizers 5-10-5, Guarantee ........................................ .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 Analysis 5.06 10.08 4.82 34.02 Analysis 4.87 10.17 4.91 33.77 Analysis 5.05 10.05 5.05 34.27 Analysis 4.83 10.32 4.86 83.67 Analysis 4.79 10.59 4.96 34.22 Analysis 4.95 10.07 5.21 34.26 Analysis 4.81 10.39 5.27 34.44 Analysis 4.93 10.24 4.79 33.87 > Analysis 4.94 10.38 5.07 34.47 1 Analysis 4.80 10.20 4.85 . 33.55 T; Analysis 4.95 10.31 4.77 33.98 i V-C Fertilizers 6-8-4, Guarantee .......................................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 ‘f Analysis 5.85 8.31 4.04 32.50 Analysis 5.79 8.28 3.84 32.02 Analysis 5.81 8.02 4.00 31.84 Analysis 5.57 8.61 3.75 31.78 Analysis 5.77 8.39 3.85 32.14 Analysis 5.79 8.17 3.82 31.84 Analysis 5.38 8.66 3.80 31.43 Analysis 5.69 8.78 4.15 32.89 Analysis 5.73 8.43 4.02 32.33 Analysis ...... .. 5.72 8.38 4.09 32.33 Analysis 5.81 8.10 3.88 31.88 Analysis 5.79 8.10 4.03 32.03 Analysis 5.70 8.33 4.05 32.15 ._. Analysis 5.78 8.38 4.14 32.56 “V-C 18% Superphosphate Guarantee .................................. .. 0.00 18.00 0.00 25.20 Analysis _ 18.72 26.21 V-C 20% Super-phosphate, Guarantees: ............................. .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 28.00 Analysis 18.36 ’ 25.70 Analysis 20.42 28.59 1» Analysis 20.54 28.76 i~ Analysis 20.99 29.89 28 BULLETIN NO. 662, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analysis of commercial fertilizer, season 1943-44 u" '6 a 2' a 0'2 <3 5 Manufacture, place of business and brand a? 122g 54g = Q4 55 §§§§3 AZ Z n. < n. 3 Virginia Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, La. (Continued) V-C Victory Garden Fertilizer (For Food Production only), Guarantee 5.00 10.00 88754 Analysis 5.04 10.14 80100 Analysis _. 5.00 10.45 Waldo Fertilizer Works, Waldo, Ark. Victory 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 88977 Analysis 3.80 12.26 Victory 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee_ .................................. .. 5.00 10.00 88933 Analysis 4.41 10.87 Victory 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee .......................... .. 0.00 20.00 88978 Analysis ................................................................................ .. 20.76 l qrisw O * *snanvo '30311o0 w a