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This ton- nage was about 40 percent higher than that sold in 1944-1945. The 4-12-4 and 5-10-5 grades of mixed fertilizers accounted for over 80 percent of the mixed goods sold. Superphosphate (20 percent) and ammonium nitrate accounted rfor 79 percent of the fertilizer materials sold. Tables are given which compare the valuations of the fer- tilizers sold by different manufacturers, as based upon actual analyses, with the guaranteed valuations and selling prices, and show the extent to which the various fertilizer manufacturers met or exceeded their guarantees. CONTENTS Page Introduction .......................................................................................................... .. 2 Some Requirements of the Texas Fertilizer Law ...................................... .. 5 Fertilizer Grades to Be Sold During 1946-1947 7 The Texas Fertilizer Committee ......................... .. 8 Brands and Trade-marks Registered with the State Chemist ................ .. 8 Total Tonnage of Fertilizers Sold During 1945-1946 Season .................. -. 9 Tonnage Sales of Different Grades of Fertilizers ...................................... .. 9 Valuation per Ton ............... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Composition and Selling Prices of Different Grades of Fertilizers ...... .. 11 Average Cost of Nitrogen, Available Phosphoric Acid, and Potash ...... .. 12 Sulphur and Sulphur Carriers .... .. 13 Relation of Valuation Guaranteed to Valuation Found ............................ .. 13 How to Get Free Analysis of Fertilizers .... .. 14 Publications Dealing with the Use of Fertilizers ........................................ .. 15 Analysis of Fertilizers, 1945-1946 ....... .. ....... .. 16 Summary ................................................... . . . . . . .. I 16 BULLETIN NO. 684 u October, 1946 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-1946 J. F. Fudge, State Chemist, and T. L. Ogier, Associate State Chemist This is the 44th annual fertilizer bulletin published in compliance with the Texas Fertilizer Law, which requires that the State Chemist shall issue at least one bulletin annually setting forth the analyses of fertilizers made under the provisions of the fertilizer law, the operations of the law, and other information pertaining to the sale of fertilizer in Texas. Some Requirements of the Texas Fertilizer Law The laws governing the sale of commercial fertilizers in Texas are found in Chapter Twelve of Title Nineteen of the Revised Criminal Stat- utes, 1925, and in Chapter Five of Title Four of Texas Civil Statutes, 1925. A summary of some important requirements of the law is given below. For further requirements of the law, penalties, definitions, and other detailed information, reference should be made to the full text of the laws. Copies of these laws will be furnished by the State Chemist upon request. Materials covered by the law. All mixed fertilizers and fertilizer materials and all other substances which have or are claimed to have a beneficial effect on the soil or to promote the growth of crops, come under this law, with the exceptions of lime, limestone, marl, unground bones, stockpen manure, barnyard manure, or the excrement of any domestic animal in case that said manure or excrement has not been dried or man- ipulated or otherwise treated, or is not claimed to have a value of more than $4.00 a ton. Registration. Before a fertilizer is offered for sale or sold in Texas, it must be registered with the State Chemist of Texas. All registrations expire on August 31 of each year, and new applications for registration must be submitted for each year. Application blanks for registration are furnished by the State Chemist of Texas, College Station, _Texas, upon request. One copy of the application blank must be filled out and sent to the State Chemist, together with a copy of the printed bag or tag to be used. Such bag or tag must meet the requirements of the fertilizer law. Wording on the printed bag or tag must agree exactly with the wording on the application for registration, and no change may be made in the wording of the bag or tag after it has been registered. Any such change requires a new registration. The application for registration must state all of the materials used in the fertilizer, including the filler or conditioner, and these materials must be used in all batches. A change may be made only if the change meets the requirements of the law and the State Chemist is notified. No brand name identical with or so similar to a brand name previously registered by another manufacturer as to lead to confusion can be accepted. No name which is misleading as to the ingredients of the fertilizer can be 6 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION accepted. The grade of mixed fertilizers should be part of the brand name, for example, Jupiter 20% Superphosphate or Mars 5-10-5 fertilizer. Branding. The law requires the following information to be printed on the bag or on a tag attached to the bag: Net weight of contents of the bag. Name of fertilizer in full. Name and address of manufacturer, manipulator, or guarantor. Guaranteed analysis (in the order given below): Nitrogen, percent Available phosphoric acid, percent Potash, percent Nitrogen refers to the total nitrogen (N) present, Such terms as “ammonia” or “equivalent to ammonia” cannot be used. Available phosphoric acid (P205) must be guaranteed in all mixed fertilizers and in all fertilizer materials, with the following exceptions. Total phosphoric acid may be guaranteed in bone meal, tankage or other similar products, but where this is done, no guarantee of available Phos- phoric acid can be used. If it is desired to claim available phosphoric acid only, the guarantee must take the form set forth above. Potash (K20) refers to potash soluble in distilled water. guarantee or term can be used. No other Inspection tax tags. In order to finance the inspection of fertilizers and the collection and analysis of official samples of fertilizer, experiments relative to the value of fertilizers, and for certain other purposes, the law imposes an inspection tax of 25 cents per ton upon all fertilizers sold or offered for sale in Texas. This tax is paid by means of tax tags issued by the State Chemist. Request for tags should be addressed to the State Chemist of Texas, College Station, Texas, accompanied by a remittance of $12.50 for each 1,000 tags for 100-pound packages. Tags ordered with- out remittance will be shipped C.O.D. These tags must be attached to the bag by the manufacturer before shipment is made. Tax tags cannot be used after August 31 of the year issued, and the law does not permit the State Chemist to redeem any unused tax tags. Tax tags do not need to be attached to fertilizer materials sold to manufacturers for manufacturing purposes. Bulk sales. Fertilizer in bulk for manufacturing purposes can be shipped only to the factory of a manufacturer who has registered fertilizer for sale in Texas. Fertilizer in bulk cannot be sold to dealers, but dealers may register fertilizers in their own names and the fertilizer can then be sold after being bagged and tagged by them. Fertilizer in bulk may be sold by manufacturers, manipulators, or guar- antors to persons, individuals, or firms for their own use on their own lands, but not for resale or distribution, provided authorization to make such sales has been issued by the State Chemist, The inspection tax must be paid upon all such sales, and the purchaser must be furnished with tax _.._....,_. Mm“..- -_...._.___..l.. .._.s_. 4M‘ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 7 tags covering the amount of fertilizer sold. All authorizations to sell fertilizer in bulk expire each August 31. Report of sales. A report of each sale or shipment of fertilizer in or into Texas must be mailed to the State Chemist within three days of such sale or shipment. Reports of sales in bulk to manufacturers must be marked “for manufacturing purposes”. Reports of sales in bulk to indi- viduals for their own use on their own land must be marked “bulk sale to customer”. Summary reports of sales covering periods decided upon by the State Chemist may also be required. Advertisements. Any false or misleading printed statements con- cerning a fertilizer is prohibited by law; when such statements are made, the fertilizer is misbranded. Fertilizer Grades to Be Sold During 1946-194‘! The grade of a mixed fertilizer is stated in numbers representing the guaranteed percentages analysis of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and water-soluble potash. For example, a grade of 5-10-5 means that the fertilizer is guaranteed by the manufacturer to contain 5% nitrogen, 10% available phosphoric acid, and 5% potash, Fertilizers are frequently re- ferred to by these numbers, which form a short and accurate description of the fertilizer. The term grade may also refer to the percentage of a constituent in a fertilizer material; superphosphate for sale in Texas is registered as containing 18%, 19%, 20% or 45% available phosphoric acid. Wherever practicable, the grade of a fertilizer or fertilizer material should be included as part of the full name of the fertilizer required on the bag or tag. The grades of mixed farm fertilizers sold in Texas have been limited in number for 20 years. This limitation and standardization assists the farmer to become familiar with the different kinds of fertilizer, enables him to decide more readily on the proper kind to be used, enables the agricul- tural specialist to make definite recommendations, and reduces the cost of manufacture and handling, thereby reducing the cost of the fertilizer to the consumer. The grades of mixed farm fertilizers to be sold in Texas during a given year are decided upon by the Texas Fertilizer Committee, after a public hearing at which manufacturers and others interested may pre- sent recommendations. This public hearing is usually held in cooperation with fertilizer control officials, agricultural specialists, and manufacturers of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. The list of approved grades is published in the annual fertilizer bulletin and may also be obtained upon request sent to the State Chemist. The grades of mixed fertilizers approved for the coming year, ex- tending from September 1, 1946, through August 31, 1947, are the fol- lowing: 0-14-7, 4-8-8, 4-12-4, 5-10-5, 6-12-0, 6-30-0, 8-8-8, 10-0-10, 10-10-0, 10-20-0, 11-48-0, 12-15-0, ad 16-20-0. 8 BULLETIN NO, 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The Texas Fertilizer Committee The Texas Fertilizer Committee, composed of agricultural subject matter specialists of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture, is ap- pointed by the director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station to advise and assist the State Chemist of Texas in the discharge of certain of his duties, particularly with respect to grades of mixed fertilizer to be approved for registration during the coming year, and recommendations of grades to be used for various crops. This committee for the current fer- tilizer year is composed of the following individuals: For the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station: J. F. Fudge, State Chemist and Chief, Division of Chemistry, Chairman. E. B. Reynolds, Chief, Division of Agronomy. S. H. Yarnell, Chief, Division of Horticulture. For the School of Agriculture: p Guy Adriance, Head, Department of Horticulture. L. G. Jones, Acting Head, Department of Agronomy, For the Agricultural Extension Service: E. A. Miller, Extension Specialist in Agronomy. J. F. Rosborough, Extension Specialist in Horticulture. M. K. Thornton, Extension Specialist in Agriculture, Chemistry, For the United States Department of Agriculture: Gerald Wakefield, Production and Marketing Administration. Brands and Trader-marks Registered with the State Chemist The law prohibits the use of a brand or trade-mark identical with or so nearly similar to that of a name previously registered with the State Chemist as to lead to uncertainty, confusion or fraud, and requires the State Chemist to publish annually a list of brands or trade-marks regis- tered with him. The following is a list of brands and trade-marks regis- tered with the State Chemist during 1945-1946: Acid Earth FertifLome Min-Coll Smith Square Deal Aero Fidelity Min-Sol Smith Commander AleXite Ford Milorganite Star All-Weather Fulton's Plantabbs Mr. O Stauffefs Anaconda Garden Master N. J. Sulphur Earth Arcadian Goldenrod Old Black Joe Sunset Armstrong's Prescription Heart Ovene Swift’s Red Steer Arrow Standard Hu-Actinite Owl T.C.C. Best Bet Hy-Gro Pabak Texas Longhorn Big Crop Hyponex Palestine Blue Star Thorobred Bull Dog Hy-Trous Pic-Nic Triple C Burbank International Plant-Chem United C. C. I. Interstate Purina V - C Capitol - Quapaw Valley Growers Champion La-Tex Quick Mix Valley Port Chilean Lion Red Diamond Velvet Green Clark's Liqua-Vita Red Seal Victory Co-Op Loma Red Star Vigoro Davco Lone Star Red Tomato Weber-King Double Circle Lonfosca Reliance White Diamond DuPont Uramon Longhorn Sasco Wizard Eureka Longview Silver Tip Wolf Fertilis Marshall Smith Big Yield COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 9 vTotal Tonnage of Fertilizers Sold During 1945-1946 Season A total of 305,510 tons of fertilizers was sold during the year from September 1, 1945, through August 31, 1946. This tonnage is compared in Table 1 with tonnages sold during other years. Tonnages given in Table 1 are based on actual sales as reported by manufacturers, and not upon Table 1. Tonnages of fertilizers sold in Texas during different years Year Total Tonnage 1905-06 13,500 1910-11 52,985 _ 1915-16 21,500 1920-21 14,850 1925-26 121 747 1930-31 64,424 1932-36 30,845 1935-36 ; ..... .. 60,016 1940-41 129,578 1941-42 134,560 1942-43 154,828 1943-44 196,877 1944-45 217,760 1945-46 305,510 the number of inspection tax tags sold, which is usually a little larger l than the actual sales reported. Cottonseed meal sold as feed but used as fertilizer is not included in tonnages. Sales during 1945-1946 were about 40 percent higher than during 1944-45. Significent increases in sales have occurred nearly every year since the 1932-33 season, when the sales amount- ed to only about one-tenth of those during the past sason. Tonnage Sales of Different Grades of Fertilizers The tonnage of different grades of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer ma- terials are given in Table 2, for‘ periods extending from July 1, 1945, to Dcember 31, 1945, from January 1, 1946 to June 30, 1946, and the total from July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946, These periods were used because they are in accord with the periods almost universally used by the fertilizer manu- facturers, by the United States Department of Agriculture, and by many States, and are those recommended for national adoption by the Committee on Fertilizer Grades and Ratios of the American Society of Agronomy to provide a uniform basis for estimating the needs of the fertilizer industry of the United States. A total of 180,802 tons of mixed goods was sold during this period. The 4-12-4 grade amounted to 57 percent and the 5-10-5 grade amounted to 25 percent of this total. Thus, while eleven grades of mixed fertilizer were approved by the Texas Fertilizer Committee, two grades accounted for 82 percent of the total mixed goods sold. Four grades (including 6-8-4 and 4-8-8) accounted for over 91 percent of the total. A total of 91,198 tons of fertilizer materials were sold (not including 22,511 tons of 18% and 20% superphosphate owned and distributed by the Production and \ 10 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 2. Sales by grades in order of tonnage from July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946 U‘ Jan. 1, 1945, Jan. 1, 1946, A: to to Total Dec. 31, 1945 June 30, 1946 Tons ' Tons Tons 4-12-4 8,955 94,420 103,375 j Superphosphate, 20% 25,372 22,877 48,249. ‘ 5-10-5 . 3,870 41,277 45,147 Ammonium nitrate 9,773 14,030 23,803 ‘ Nitrate of soda 2,145 6,991 9,136 , 6-8-4 924 7,903 8,827 4-8-8 172 7,852 8,024 10-10-0 4,475 1,729 6,204 6-12-0 ...... .. 1,860 3,985 5,845 Superphosphate 45% 3,146 1,423 4,569 Superphosphate 18% & 19% ............................................ .. 2,420 232 . 2,652 - ~ 334 1,925 2,259 Cyanamid 1,067 256 1,323 Rock phosphate, ground 692 374 1,066 Specialty fertilizers 63 969 1,032 8-8-8 ' 8 994 1,002 Soft phosphate with colloidal clay .............................. .;..' 0 544 544 Uramon 217 195 412 Sheep manure 132 141 273 Milorganite 33 225 258 Muriate of potash 117 117 234 Sulphate of ammonia 75 108 183 Bat guano 49 50 99 Bone meal 15 48 63 10-20-0 10 46 56 12-15-0 ........ _. 22 30 52 Potash salts 3 3 6 TOTAL 65,949 208,744 274,698 Totals do not include 22,511 tons of superphosphate (18 and 20 percent) owned and distributed by the Production and Marketing Administration, United States Department of Agriculture. M a r k e ting Administration). Of this quantity, 20% superphosphate amounted to 53 percent and ammonium nitrate, to 26 percent. l Valuation per Ton The Texas fertilizer law permits a deficiency of less than 10 percent in one plant food to be compensated by an excess of another, but allows a deficiency of not more than 4 percent in the total valuation of the fertil- izer. If the deficiency exceeds 4 percent of the valuation, a rebate must be paid by the manufacturers to the dealer or consumer. If paid to the dealer, the dealer must pay the refund to the purchaser. A calculation of the guaranteed valuation and of the valuation found in a given fertilizer sample must therefore be made, The valuation also sums up the value of the three principal constituents (nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and potash) shown in the guarantee or found in the analysis into a single" figure, which is convenient for comparative purposes. The calculation of the valuation requires a specific valuation for each of the three constituents. The following prices per pound and per unit COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 - 11 (1 percent of a ton, or 20 pounds) were used for this calculation in 1945- 1946: Price per pound Price per unit Nitrogen 3 .13 $ 2.60 Available phosphoric acid .07 1.40 Total phosphoric acid in tankage and bone meal .............................. ._ .05 1.00 Total phosphoric acid in rock phosphate .......................................... .. .015 0.30 Potash .07 1.40 The valuation is calculated by multiplying the percentage of each constituent by the valuation per unit, and adding the products. The fol- lowing is an example of the calculation of the valuation of a 5-10-5 fertili- zer: Nitrogen 5 X $2.60 = $13.00 Available phosphoric acid 10 X 1,40 : 14.00 Potash 5 X 1.40 : 7.00 Guaranteed valuation $34.00 The valuation guaranteed and the valuation found are used for com- parative purposes in a number of the following tables. Composition and Selling Prices of Dififerent Grades of Fertilizer The average composition, the guaranteed valuation, the valuation found by analysis, and the average retail selling price per ton, of various Table 3. Average composition, valuation and selling prices of grades of fertilizer, 1945-1946 o 1: 2 '5 = 3 = Q a D z g; m d 3 Nv-g g Q E § .15 a‘ 2 ‘E Q ‘Z , T? 5 <3 5 é a z a z as <1 n. <: s a. s ;> u > 8 m p. 0-14-7 3 ...... .. 14.08 6.77 $29.40 $29.18 $30.40 4-8-8 28 4.03 8.52 7.64 32.80 33.10 35.28 4-12-4 .................................................. .. 253 4.46 12.26 4.07 32.80 33.38 38.05 5-10-5 194 4.98 10.34 4.94 34.00 34.34 36.50 6-8-4 84 5.87 8.61 4.10 32.40 33.05 36.16 6-9-3 1 6.50 9.33 2.89 32.40 34.01 70.00 6-12-0 24 5.80 12.31 ...... .. 32.40 32.33 37.45 8-8-8 15 7.80 8.57 8.19 43.20 43.76 43.20 10-10-0 20 9.76 10.53 ...... .. 40.00 40.13 43.76 Ammonium nitrate 32.5% .............. .. 10 32.68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 84.50 84.98 54.87 Bone fertilizer ............................ .. 1 2.83 25 30* ...... .. 30.42 32 66 ...... .. Powdered raw bone . . . . . . . . .. 1 4 17 15.18‘ ...... .. 22.80 26.02 65.00 Raw bone meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 4.25 22.75’ ...... .. 31.62 33.79 70.00 Cottonseed meal . . . . . . . . .. 1 5.02 2 59 2 01 20.61 19.49 65 00 Cyanamid 20.60% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2O 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. 53.56 53.25 57.93 Muriate of potash, 50% 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49.40 70.00 69.16 49.60 Nitrate of soda, 16% . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 16.08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41.60 41.81 43.15 Phosphate rock, 30% . . . . . . . . .. 1 ...... .. 30.34’ ...... .. 30.00 30.34 ...... .. Sheep manure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 1.62 1.53 3.80 8.80 11.67 43.20 Sheep manure, 2-2-2 .. 2 2 17 1 47 3 33 10.80 12 37 49 00 Superphosphate, 19% . .. 4 ...... .. 19.31 ...... .. 26.60 27.04 24.31 Superphosphate, 20% . . . . . . . . . .. 35 ...... .. 20.38 ...... .. 28.00 28.54 26.34 Superphosphate, 45% . . . . . . . . .. 2 ...... .. 46.30 ...... .. 63.00 64.81 60.40 Superphosphate, 4717 2 ...... .. 48.14 ...... .. 65.80 67.40 58.68 9 ...................... .. " Total phosphoric acid. gradesiof fertilizers are shown in Table 3. The average retail selling price is the average of the cash retail price furnished to the fertilizer inspector by the dealers. The prices of the same fertilizer may be different in dif- 12 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ferent towns on account of differences in cost of transportation or for .other causes. The retail price includes handling costs, carrying charges, and the dealer’s profits, as well as the cost of the plant food used in the materials from which the fertilizer is made. Prices of fertilizer were es- tablished by the, Office of Price Administration beginning with the spring of 1943. The average valuation found by analysis (Table 3) is slightly above the guaranteed valuation in most cases. Average Cost of Nitrogen, Available Phosphoric Acid, and Potash The calculated retail cost of a pound of nitrogen, of available phos- phoric acid, and of potash, in cents per pound, as calculated from the cash selling price per ton of the various grades of fertilizer given in Table 3 and the guaranteed composition are shown in Table 4. For the purpose of Table 4. Approximate average cost in cents per pound of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and potash during 1945-1946 Available Nitrogen phosphoric Potash acid Ammonium nitrate, 32.5% .............................................. .. 8.44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Muriate of potash, 50% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.96 ‘ Superphosphate, 47% ...... .. 6.24 ...... .. Superphosphate 19% ...... .. 6.40 ...... .. Super-phosphate, 20% ................................................................ .. 6.71 ...... .. Superphosphate, 45% ...... .. 6.71 ...... .. 8-8-8 13.00 7.00 7.00 0-14-7 ...... .. 7.24 7.24 Nitrate of soda, 16% 13.48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-10-5 13.96 7.52 7.52 4-8-8 13.99 7.53 7.53 20.6% Cyanamid 14.08 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 10-10-0 14.22 7.66 ...... .. 6-8-4 14.51 7.81 7.81 6-12-0 15.03 8.09 ...... .. 4-12-4 15.08 8.12 8.12 6-9-3, garden 28.08 15.12 15.12 Raw bone meal 28.77 15.49 ...... .. Powdered raw bone 37.12 19.99 ...... .. Cottonseed meal 40.99 22.07 22.07 Sheep manure, 2-2-2 58.90 31.72 31.72 Sheep manure 63.82 34.36 34.36 these calculations, it was assumed that the prices were in the same ratio as the valuations. As the price of the same fertilizer may be different in different places, these figures are not correct for any particular locality, but represent averages only, and are for purposes of comparison. The prices were collected by the inspectors from retail merchants handling fer- tilizers. Grades used extensively near the factories might average a lower price than those used at a distance on account of lower transportation costs. The fertilizers with the lowest costs (of plant-food) are given first in the table. Cost of Nitrogen. The cheapest source of nitrogen was ammonium nitrate, followed by 8-8-8, nitrate of soda, and 5-10-5. Sheep manure was the most expensive source of nitrogen, but very little is used except for COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 13 lawns and gardens. Of the farm fertilizers, 4-12-4 was the most expen- sive source of nitrogen. Due to the cost of mixing, the cost of nitrogen was greater in most of the mixed fertilizers than in nitrogen materials. Cost of Phosphoric Acid. The cheapest source of phosphoric acid was 47% superphosphate, followed in order by 19%, 20%, and 45% super- phosphate. Phosphoric acid was most expensive in sheep manure, followed by 4-12-4, 6-12-0 and 6-8-4. Cost of Potash. Muriate of potash furnished the cheapest source of potash, followed by 8-8-8 and 0-14-7. Sulphur and Sulphur Carriers Sulphur and sulphur carriers, while not usually considered fertilizers in the ordinary usage of the term, come within the jurisdiction of the Texas fertilizer law when applied to soils to promote the growth of crops. A total of 9,398 tons of sulphur and of 2,250 tons of sulphur earth were sold during the year, principally in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The value of sulphur or of a material carrying sulphur for acidifying soils de- pends upon the quantity of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the material. Three samples of soil sulphur were analyzed, with the following results: Sulphur Sulphur Guaranteed Found % % Southern Acid and Sulphur 99.50 99.69 Stauffer Chemical Company 99.50 99.70 K-W Chemical Company 99.50 99.15 Two samples of a material called “Me-Co” (90071 and 90072) were collected by the inspector at La Feria, Texas. This material was sold by the Texas Earth Company of San Antonio, Texas, and belonged to W. C. Sherwood and others of La Feria, Texas. This material was being sold il- legally because the company had not registered their product in accordance with provisions of the Texas Fertilizer Law. Chemical analysis did not give any indications of value to either the plant or the soil. About 90 percent of the samples consisted of sand and water. Constituent No. 90071 No. 90072 , o 0 Nitrogen .24 .13 Phosphoric acid, total _ .11 .11 Potash, water soluble .42 .30 Sulphur .27 .36 Sulphur as- sulphuric acid .64 .64 Sulphur as sulphates 1.10 .80 Calcium sulphate .46 .16 Silica 70.61 80.40 Water ' 12 28 7.17 pH ............................................ .. 2.25 2.26 Relation of Valuation Guaranteed to Valuation Found The average valuation guaranteed by all manufacturers doing busi- ness in Texas, compared with the valuation found upon analysis, are 14 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION shown in Table 5. In the preparation of this table, all analyses made were averaged, even though several were made of each brand. Fertilizer materials, as well as mixed fertilizers, were included in the calculation of Table 5. Average valuation of all fertilizer guaranteed and found in dollars per ton 19 N0. of Manufacturer Number Average Average samples ~ averaged valuation valuation more than guar. found 4% below guarantee American Cynamid Company ................................ .. 4 $53.56 $53.25 0 Armour Fertilizer Works ............................... ..162 33.34 33.96 1 Armstrong Prescription Fertillizer Co . . . . . . . . .. 1 32.40 34.10 0 Associated Cooperatives, Inc. ....................... .. 11 82.55 83.43 0 Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co.. 4 33.40 35.35 0 Campbell Fertilizer Company .... .. .. 3 32.67 33.08 0 Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation . . . . . . . . .. 3 41.60 41.87 0 Consolidated Chemical Ind., Inc. . . . . . . . . .. 3 28.68 31.20 0 East Texas Cotton Oil Company . . . . . . . . . .. 22 33.24 33.95 0 Farm Services, Inc. ................................ .. 12 35.93 35.34 2 Federal Chemical Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . .. 25 33.46 33.91 1 Fidelity Chemical Corporation ...................... .. 48 33.20 33.48 0 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company... 4 33.00 35.53 0 International Mineral & Chemical Corp ........... .. 34 34.13 35.28 1 Jacksonville Fertilizer Company ............... .. 6 33.26 34.34 0 Kelly-Weber and Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 33.04 34.45 0 K-W Chemical Company . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 36.00 36.35 1 Lake Charles Feed Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . .. 1 32.80 33.50 0 Marshall Cotton Oil Company . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 8 31.68 31.11 3 New Jersey Fertilizer Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 30.42 32.66 0 Niagara Sprayer Chemical Co., Inc, . . . . _ . . . .. 3 36.00 34.90 2 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works ........................ .. 5 31.60 31.86 2 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company . . . . . . . . . .. 3 32.67 32.26 1 Pittsburg Fertilizer Company . . . . . . . . . .. 2 34.00 34.54 0 Port Fertilizer Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 65.80 67.40 0 Ralston Purina Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 34.00 34.80 0 Red Star Fertilizer Company ....................... .. 15 32.96 33.17 1 Ruhm Phosphate & Chemical Company 1 30.00 30.34 0 Sears Roebuck and Company ..................... .. 2 21.40 22.21 0 Shreveport Fertilizer Works ..... .. . 29 35.04 36.62 0 Southwestern Peanut Growers Ass’n. . . 1 32.80 34.68 0 Swift and Company ........................................... ..144 32.88 33.28 4 Texas Farm Products Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 33.01 33.39 0 Tri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Co. 2 33.40 32.85 0 Tyler Fertilizer Company ........................... __ 6 33,33 32,59 2 United Chemical Company .............................. .. 16 29.33 29,77 1 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation 64 32.25 33.84 0 Waldo Fertilizer Works .......................................... _. 6 32,80 34,50 1 the averages given. In nearly all cases, the valuation found exceeded the guaranteed valuation. Whenever any lot of fertilizer is 4 percent or more below the guaran- teed valuation, the law requires all persons who have sold this lot of fer- tilizer to make good the deficiency to all purchasers. This rebate is paid by the manufacturer to the dealer and by the dealer to the customer. The number of lots on which such rebates were paid by each manufacturer is also shown in Table 5. Considering the great demand for and the limited _ supply of materials and the difficulty of securing competent labor, the fertilizer trade is to be commended upon the relatively low number of de- ficient samples found. How to Get Free Analysis of Fertilizers Purchasers of commercial fertilizers for their own use (but not for .._.._...-_...___ “Anraaxak...” _ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS» IN 1945-46 15 sale), can secure a free analysis of a sample provided they take a legal sample. Those who desire the free analysis of a sample of commercial fertilizer should write for the form, “Application for Free Fertilizer An- alysis,” to the State Chemist, College Station, Texas, before taking a sample. The proper sampling of a fertilizer requires care, and the law requires it to be taken in a certain way so that a fair sample is taken. If the sample is not properly taken, it does not represent the fertilizer sam- pled, and the analysis may be better or poorer than the goods actually are. This privilege of a free analysis applies only to fertilizers tagged, and sold under the fertilizer law and to samples properly taken so that they; repre- sent the goods sampled. Publications Dealing with the Use of Fertilizer Information concerning the use of commercial fertilizers for various crops in different sections of Texas will be sent free on request. Some publications of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station containing in- formation relative to fertilizers and fertilizing materials are as follows: Circulars: 85. Use of commercial fertilizers. 90. Rose growing for the home gardener. 95. Vitamin B1 (Thimain) and other vitamins as fertilizers. 102. Recommendations for the use of the approved grades of fertilizer for Texas in 1943-44. Bulletins: _ 212. The availability of phosphoric acid in rock phosphate. 350. Fertilizer statistics for Texas (to 1927). 414. Possibilities of sulphur as a soil amendment. 408. Effect of Sulphur on yield of certain crops. 428. The fertilizing value of greensand. 432. Manganese in Texas soils and its relation to crops. 445. The composition and fertilizing value of sewage sludge. 469. Fertilizer experiments with cotton. 509. Availability of the phosphoric acid of finely divided rock phos- phate. 524. Fertilizer experiments with yellow Bermuda onions in the Winter Garden region of Texas. 572. Fertilizer statistics for Texas, 1926-38. 596. Onion fertilizer experiments at Laredo, Big Wells, and Eagle Pass, Texas. 602. Fertilizer for Rice in Texas. 627. Resistance to Wilt and Root Knot and the Effect of Potash Fer-q tilizer in East Texas. 647. Some Factors Affecting the Utilization of Phosphoric Acid in Soils by Plants in Pot Experiments. 672. The Value of Different Phosphates for Various Texas Soils and Grasses as Indicated by Pot Experiments. 16 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Progress Reports: 675. Acid production in compost of sulphur and organic matter. 938. Soil analysis and farm problems. 963. The Need for Lime of Some East Texas Soils. 982. Sweet Potato Fertilizer Studies in East Texas. . 983. Effect of Large Amounts of Phosphates upon Yield and Com- position of Grasses. 989. Fertilizers for White Potatoes in the High Plains of Texas. 993. Fertilizer Tests with Cotton and Corn at the El Paso Valley Sub- station. 996. The Effect of Phosphates upon the Percentage of Phosphoric Acid in Pasture Grasses. 998. Distribution of Fertilizer Sales in Texas July 1 - Dec, 31, 1945. 1025. Fertilizer Studies with Vegetables in Cameron County. 1037. Distribution of Fertilizer Sales in Texas, Jan. 1 - June 30, 1946. Any of these publications will be sent free on request to the director of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, Texas. In order to avoid errors, both the number and the name of the publication should be given. Analyses of Fertilizers, 1945 - 1946 A total of 717 samples of fertilizers and fertilizer materials was col- lected during the year by fertilizer inspectors from the goods being sold in many towns and cities of Texas. The chief places of sales were inspec- ted several times. These samples were analyzed by official method of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of North America, as is required by law. Analytical work and inspection was done by T. L. Ogier, E. J. Deszyck, Waldo Walker, Vera Otto, and C. B. McLarry. The analyses are shown in Table 6 at the end of this bulletin. Summary This bulletin constitutes the 44th annual report of the operation of the Texas fertilizer laws, and covers the period from September 1, 1945 through August 31, 1946. The tonnage of fertilizers and fertilizer materials sold during this period amounted to 305,510 tons, an increase of about 40 percent over the tonnage sold during the preceding year. The 4-12-4 grade amounted to over one-half of the total mixed goods sold and 20% superphosphate amounted to over one-half of the fertilizer materials sold. The grades of fertilizer to be sold in Texas during the 1946-47 period are listed. The relation of the guaranteed valuation to the valuation found upon analysis of samples from various manufacturers is shown, Rebates were paid upon 23 lots of fertilizers out of a total of 717 lots analyzed. Analyses of 717 samples of official samples collected by the fertilizer inspectors are given. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. 17 G i: .2 3 .8 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5 g B 5 8 2 .8 =0 “*3 -= *’ °‘ o 3 s 1:: Q w fire E ‘*5 w! ‘"1: S ° 3 =1 9 :1 i: >85 ol°\ s s .1 z z <1 a a n. >8 American Cynamid Company, New York, New York 20.6% Aero Cynamid Granular, Guarantee .......................... ..20.60 $53.56 90067 Analysis 21.11 54.89 90091 Analysis 20.05 52.13 90168 Analysis 20.72 53.87 90683 Analysis 20.04 52.10 Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Fort Worth Texas add New Orleans, Louisiana . Arm0ur's Big Crop Fertilizer 0-14-7, Guarantee .............. .. 14.00 7.00 29.40 90123 Analysis 14.05 6.48 28.74 Arm0ur’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-8, Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.40 90178 Analysis 4.54 9.69 5.13 32.55 90323 Analysis 4.10 8.82 7.04 32.87 90471 Analysis 4.17 8.28 8.01 33.64 90512 Analysis 3.93 9.08 7.26 33.09 90546 Analysis 3.46 8.89 8.02 32.68 90577 Analysis 4.03 9.20 7.52 33.89 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 4-12-4, Guarantee ............... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90004 Analysis 3.42 12.82 3.72 32.05 90014 Aalysis 3.57 12.98 3.77 32.73 90015 Analysis 3.53 12.64 4.04 32.54 90079 Analysis 3.69 12.30 4.04 32.47 90086 Analysis 4.00 13.40 3.80 34.48 90112 Analysis 3.81 12.26 4.01 32.68 90122 Analysis 3.73 12.88 4.15 33.54 90128 Analysis 3.71 13.02 3.98 33.45 90132 Analysis 4.23 12.91 3.71 34.26 90134 Analysis 3.69 12.92 4.04 33.34 90155 Analysis 4.00 12.33 3.79 32.97 90160 Analysis 3.82 13.03 4.15 33.98 90173 Analysis 3.76 13.53 4.07 34.42 90175 Analysis 4.16 12.93 3.53 33.86 90177 Analysis 3.92 12.76 4.12 33.82 90185 Analysis 4.02 12.48 3.84 33.30 90191 Analysis 3.95 12.84 4.12 34.02 90195 Analysis 3.80 12.71 3.95 33.20 90198 Analysis 3.64 13.16 4.01 33.49 90204 Analysis 4.08 12.39 3.71 33.15 90207 Analysis 3.80 12.72 3.83 33.05 90210 Analysis 3.83 12.68 3.89 33.16 90219 Analysis 3.69 12.80 3.69 32.68 90229 Analysis 4.04 12.74 4.00 33.94 90277 Analysis 3.66 12.75 4.03 33.01 90285 Analysis 3.77 12.32 4.01 32.66 90295 Analysis 4.13 11.61 4.08 32.70 90306 Analysis 3.96 12.72 4.02 33.74 90318 Analysis 3.49 12.57 4.02 32.30 90325 Analysis 3.76 12.14 4.14 32.58 90326 Analysis 3.79 12.47 4.06 32.99 90335 Analysis 3.84 12.67 4.01 33.33 90339 Analysis 3.76 12.72 3.73 32.81 90340 Analysis 3.61 13.01 4.09 33.33 90342 Analysis 3.78 12.83 4.01 33.40 90347 Analysis 4.07 12.05 4.26 33.41 90369 Analysis 3.41 13.09 4.04 32.86 90373 Analysis 3.64 12.51 3.35 31.66 90414 Analysis ...... .. 3.89 11.39 4.03 31.70 90470 Analysis 4-.18 11.82 4.02 33.05 90495 Analysis 3.44 12.29 3.50 31.05 90411 Analysis 4.16 12.48 3.77 33.57 90547 Analysis 3.93 11.74 4.04 32.32 90563 Analysis 4.13 12.38 4.01 33.68 18 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. S: i 0-3 :3 3 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand g 3 3 g 3 c: o m=§ A *-’ p‘ a a 8’ s, 1 a. d-u 2 g as s82 Qs 5; .3 z z <88 a. >-.°. 90576 Analysis 4.10 12.14 4.04 33.32 90631 Analysis 4.11 12.00 4.04 33.15 90632 Analysis 4.19 12.41 4.18 34.11 90646 Analysis 4.23 11.95 3.98 33.30 90658 Analysis ’ ~ 3.82 11.61 4.01 31.79 90660 Analysis 4.19 11.61 4.02 32.77 90661 Analysis 4.18 12.02 4.03 33.34 90665 Analysis _ 4.27 11.66 4.15 33.23 90666 Analysis > 4.22 12.56 4.49 34.84 , 90673 Analysis 3.33 12.28 4.04 31.51 90681 Analysis 3.33 12.39 4.02 31.64 90702 Analysis > 3 88 12.22 3.60 32.24 - 90713 Analysis 4.18 10.96 4.02 31.84 Arm0ur’s Big Crop Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee .......... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90415 Analysis 5.12 10.20 4.85 34.38 90475 Analysis 5.52 9.01 5.01 33.97 90519 Analysis 4.94 10.17 4.92 33.97 90556 Analysis 5.17 10.12 4.81 34.34 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-8-4, Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90017- Analysis 5.90 9.03 4.03 33.62 90047 Analysis 5.90 9.84 4.35 35.21 ‘a 90110 Analysis 5.68 8.87 4.00 32.79 ' 90114 Analysis 5.59 9.09 4.07 32.96 90136 Analysis 5.72 9.29 3.83 33.24 90205 Analysis 5.55 9.03 4.18 32.92 4 90286 Analysis 5.63 9.08 4.06 33.03 90324 Analysis 5.43 8.83 4.22 32.39 90416 Analysis 5.98 8.35 4.01 32.85 1 90428 Analysis 5.86 8.69 4.10 33.15 ‘ 90472 Analysis 6.23 8.46 4.04 33.70 ’ 90474 Analysis 6.31 7.65 4.02 32.75 90540 Analysis 5.84 8.99 4.01 33.38 90615 Analysis 6.02 9.18 4.01 34.11 90663 Analysis 5.53 9.18 4.02 32.86 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 6-12-0, Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 12.00 32.40 90016 Analysis 5.65 12.51 32.20 90031 Analysis ..... .. 5.93 12.38 32.75 90042 Analysis 5.91 12.74 33.21 90056 Analysis 5.71 12.66 32.57 90069 Analysis 6.18 12.26 33.23 90087 Analysis 6.11 12.32 33.14 90093 Analysis 6.18 12.07 32.97 90135 Analysis 5.70 12.38 32.15 90144 Analysis 5.62 12.24 31.75 90147 Analysis .. 5.76 12.14 31.98 90157 Analysis 5.29 12.83 31.71 90165 Analysis ‘ 5.84 12.76 33.04 90169 Analysis ..... .. 6.25 12.20 33.33 90174 Analysis " 5.40 12.93 32.14 Armour’s Big Crop Fertilizer 10-10-0, Guarantee .............. ..10.00 10.00 40.00 90036 Analysis 9.65 11.20 40.77 90046 Analysis 10.87 10.01 42.27 90057 Analysis 9.55 11.59 41.06 90066 Analysis 10.39 9.89 40.86 90063 Analysis 10.74 9.80 41.64 90078 Analysis 10.47 10.05 41.29 90089 Analysis 10.66 9.92 41.61 90156 Analysis 9.10 11.22 39.37 90179 Analysis ' 9.28 11.27 39.91 90183 Analysis 9.05 10.90 88.79 90208 Analysis 9.26 11.86 40.68 Armour’s Big Crop Superphosphate 20%, Guarantee ...... .. 20.00 28 00 90001 Analysis 20.11 28115 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 19 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. 5 >~ o ‘P . I~ Q... g H 8 s, Manufacturer, place of business and brand 8 3 8 ,9 v as w g’, “gg ,5 a P‘ B “ w = a 5 32 '3 5 52:9 0g '3 5 .4 z z < p. 3 n. >8 90002 Analysis 19.92 27.89 90013 Analysis ....... .. 19.67 27.54 90018 Analysis 20.02 28.03 90044 Analysis 20.10 28.14 50052 Analysis 19.25 26.92 90058 Analysis 20.31 28.43 90077 Analysis " 19.45 27.23 90115 Analysis 19.50 27.30 90148 Analysis 22.19 31.07 90176 Analysis 20.48 28.67 90209 Analysis 21.20 29.68 90645 . Analysis 19.66 27.52 90682 Analysis 20.11 28.15 90684 Analysis 20.22 28.31 Armour’s Big Crop Super-phosphate 45%, Guarantee ...... .. 45.00 63.00 90033 Analysis 44.03 61.64 Armour’s Muriate of Potash 50%, Guarantee .............. .. 50.00 70.00 90081 Analysis 49.40 69.16 Armour’; Nitrate of Soda 16% .............................................. ..16.00 41.60 90034 Analysis 16.01 41.61 Arm0ur’s Old Black Joe Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee... 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90003 Analysis 5.30 10.07 5.28 35.27 90005 Analysis 4.87 10.45 4.74 33.93 90012 Analysis 5.41 9.85 5.26 35.22 90021 Analysis 5.02 10.78 5.23 35.46 90043 Analysis 5.07 10.69 4.86 34.95 90080 Analysls 5.06 10.28 4.73 34.17 90085 Analys1s 4.88 10.95 5.04 35.08 90092 Analysis 5.30 10.15 _ 5.33 35.45 90111 Analysis 5.02 10.59 4.97 34.94 90113 Analysis 5.07 11.23 5.05 35.97 90121 Analysis 5.20 10.58 4.54 34.69 90124 Analysis 5.30 10.19 5.07 35.15 90129 Analysis 5.21 10.08 5.28 35.05 90133 Analysis 5.04 10.81 5.02 35.26 90137 Analysis 4.81 10.81 4.47 33.90 90145 Analysis 5.02 10.50 4.85 34.54 90166 Analysis 5.06 11.17 4.71 35.39 90196 Analysis 4.98 10.17 5.54 34.95 90211 Analysis 5.02 10.98 4.84 35.20 90230 Analysis 5.02 10.74 4.89 34.94 90246 Analysis 5.72 10.26 5.06 36.31 90275 Analysis 5.07 9.39 5.07 33.43 90278 Analysis 4.89 10.46 5.01 34.36 90287 Analysis 4.77 10.90 5.04 34.72 90296 Analysis 4.82 11.12 4.03 33.74 90301 Analysis 4.92 10.67 4.98 34.70 90307 Analysis 4.83 10.87 , 4.49 34.07 90366 Analvsis 5.20 10.63 4.83 35.16 90372 Analysis 4.79 10.48 4.72 33.73 90429 Analysis 4.78 10.64 4.87 34.15 90541 Analysis 4.66 10.61 4.72 33.58 90614 Analysis 4.88 11.01 4.59 34.53 Armour’s Pulverized Sheep Manure, Guarantee .............. .. 1.50 1.00 2.50 8.80 90094 Analysis 1.58 1.60 3.83 11.71 90327 Analysis 1.60 1.54 4.04 11.98 90332 Analysis 1.66 1.53 3.90 11.92 90619 Analysis 1.74 1.39 3.52 11.40 Armour’s Victory Garden Fertilizer (Food Production Only) Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90602 Analysis 4.61 11.87 4.85 35.40 20 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. 5 0.2 gd-Y 3 h Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5 3 8 g g 2 2 g» Q 2&3 = s. é é s“ figs §s £5 .4 Z z < n. 3 n. >8 Armstrongs Prescription Fertilizer Company, Hereford, Texas Armstrongs Prescription 6-8-4, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90625 Analysis 5.77 9.25 4.39 34.10 Associated Cooperatives, Inc. Sheffield, Alabama Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... ..32.50 84.50 90038 Analysis 32.50 84.50 90045 Analysis 32.66 84.92 90073 Analysis 32.70 85.02 90146 Analysis 32.56 84.66 90149 Analysis 32 56 84.66 90171 Analysis _ 32.52 84.55 90189 _ Analysis 32 86 85.44 90607 Analysis 33.05 85.93 1 90622 Analysis 32.74 85.12 90704 Analysis 32.68 84.97 Concentrated Phosphate Fertilizer, Guarantee ................ .. 45.00 63.00 90630 Analysis 48.56 67.98 Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company,‘ Bryan, Texas Star Brand 4-12-4 Special Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90238 Analysis 4.30 12.97 4.33 35.40 90299 Analysis 4.21 13.25 4.12 35.27 Star Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90237 Analysis 5.25 10.93 4.63 35.43 90300 Analysis 5.06 11.42 4.40 35.31 Campbell Fertilizer Company, Houston, Texas All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 4-12-4, ‘ Guarantee ....... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90215 Analysis 3.83 11.82 3.93 32.01 1 90664 Analysis 3.89 11.73 4.12 32.30 q’ All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 6-8-4, j Guarantee 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 1 90216 Analysis 5.84 10.09 4.02 34.94 1‘ Chilean Nitrate Sales, Corporation, New York 5, New York Champion Brand Chilean Nitrate of Soda 16%, Guarantee 16.00 41.60 90035 Analysis 16.08 41.81 90182 Analysis 16.21 42.15 90284 Analysis 16.02 41.65 Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas T.C.C. Brand Powdered Raw Bone, Guarantee ................ .. 3.00 15.00* 22.80 90328 Analysis 4.17 15.18” 26.02 . T.C.C. Brand Row Bone Meal, Guarantee ........................ .. 3.70 2200* 31.62 90098 Analysis 4.24 22.73* 33.75 90099 Analysis 4.25 2277* 33.82 East Texas Cotton Oil Company, Tyler, Texas Goldenrod Brand 4-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90657 Analysis 3.70 7.93 8.05 31.99 90695 Analysis 3.56 8.78 7.42 31.94 90706 Analysis 3.69 8.25 8.02 32.37 Goldenrod Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ................ ._ 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90227 Analysis ...... .. 4.14 12.37 4.15 33.89 90243 Analysis 4.21 12.17 ' 4.14 33.79 90273 Analysis 3.97 12.15 4.00 32.92 90406 Analysis .... .. 4.09 12.21 4.02 33.35 90461 Analysis . 4.81 10.61 4.91 34.23 90463 Analysis 4.57 11.74 4.81 35.05 90633 Analysis . 4.27 12.08 4.02 33.72 90653 Analysis 4.00 13.11 4.09 34.48 90697 Analysis 4.12 12.71 4.09 34.23 90699 Analysis 4.06 12.05 4.02 33.06 90705 - Analysis .. 4.02 12.27 4.01 33.24 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 21 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. c: >. Q 3 ‘~ 0'" t: :- 8 L, Manufacturer, place of business and brand g 3 3 3 v E B g» a 2&3 -= 3S 3E a E a 3s s: .4 z z <33 n. >2 Goldenrod Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee ................ .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90228 Analysis 5.13 10.46 5.11 35.13 90244 Analysis 5.39 10.50 4.87 35.53 90274 Analysis 5.30 10.25 5.15 35.34 90407 Analysis 5.06 10.30 5.10 34.72 90423 Analysis 5.22 10.30 5.12 35.16 90462 Analysis 5.17 10.35 5.13 35.11 90634 Analysis 4.86 10.45 5.01 34.28 90696 Analysis 4.31 10.76 5.01 33.28 Farm Services, Inc., Opelousas, Louisiana Thorobred 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90158 Analysis 4.01 12.31 3.59 32.69 90193 Analysis 3.81 12.08 3.70 32.00 90279 Analysis 3.94 12.24 3.11 31.73 Thorobred 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90194 Analysis 4.67 10.29 5.09 33.68 90629 Analysis 4.99 10.52 5.14 34.90 Thorobred 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.00 90676 Analysis 5.28 8.12 4.30 31.12 Thorobred 6-12-0 Fertilizer, Guarnatee .............................. .. 6.00 12.00 32.40 90675 Analysis 5.09 11.51 29.34 Thorobred 10-10-0, fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. ..10.00 10.00 40.00 90070 Analysis 8.95 8.87 35.69 90164 Analysis 10.08 10.66 41.13 90167 Analysis 10.06 10.62 41.03 90170 Analysis 10.01 10.33 40.49 90627 Analysis 9.51 11.10 40.27 Federal Chemical Company, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana Federal 4-8-8, Guarantee 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90402 Analysis 4.17 8.42 7.05 32.52 90503 Analysis 4.16 8.36 8.01 33.73 Federal 4-12-4, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90270 Analysis 4.00 12.16 4.00 33.02 90358 Analysis 4.06 12.38 4.08 33.60 90382 Analysis 4.23 12.31 4.02 33.88 90440 Analysis 4.09 11.99 5.42 35.01 Federal 5-10-5, Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90139 Analysis 5.31 9.41 5.04 34.04 90258 Analysis 5.32 10.39 5.07 34.95 90271 Analysis 5.25 9.37 5.07 33.87 90293 Analysis ' 5.36 10.21 5.01 35.24 90359 Analysis 5.28 10.07 4.99 34.28 90403 Analysis 5.34 9.41 5.16 34.27 90441 Analysis 5.14 10.09 5.12 34.66 90443 Analysis 5.23 10.09 4.97 34.69 90483 Analysis 5.28 9,69 5.28 34.69 90522 Analysis 5.16 10.76 4.89 35.33 90527 Analysis 5.11 9.73 5.34 34.39 Federal 6-8-4, Guarantee 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90257 Analysis 6.25 8.11 3.62 32.67 90391 Analysis 6.31 7.17 4.01 33.46 90442 Analysis 6.09 8.41 4.03 33.24 90432 Analysis 6.04 8.19 4.02 32.80 90526 Analysis ..... .. 6.21 8.02 3.99 32.97 90533 Analysis 6.50 7.79 3.76 32.55 Federal 8-8-8, Guarantee 8.00 8.00 8.00 43.20 90392 Analysis 7.27 8.58 6.31 39.74 Federal 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee .......................... __ 20.00 28,00 90245 Analysis 20.09 28.13 Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texas ' Ferti-Lome for Lawns and Flowers, Guarantee .............. .. 6.00 12.00 4.00 38.00 *‘Total Phosphoric Acid 22 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION S 5' 0-3 s: .8 3.4 Manufacturer, place of business and brand f, 3 8 Q a a .8 w 2P3 -= 1; o o e ... O. '5 E as a; v1.5 a e 3 c: -: s 1:‘. > g»; Q9‘ a =1 v4 Z Z 4 a. c: 9-1 >3 90100 Analysis 6.21 11.76 4.02 38.24 90329 Aanlysis 6.00 11.79 4.16 37.93 90600 Analysis 5.77 12.12 4.02 37.60 Fidelity 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90026 Analysis 4.72 11.25 3.72 33.23 90029 Analysis 4.20 11.48 4.34 33.07 90118 l Analysis ........ .. 4.67 11.52 3.54 33.23 90201 Analysis 3.99 11.46 4.33 32.47 90217 Analysis ...... .. 4.31 11.60 4.25 33.40 90220 Analysis 4.37 11.60 4.43 33.80 90222 Analysis 4.13 11.32 4.12 32.36 90225 Analysis ' 4.36 11.72 4.10 33.49 90282 Analysis - 4.17 12.04 4.02 33.33 90288 Analysis 4.42 11.13 4.47 33.33 90304 Analysis ...... .. 4.00 12.06 4.01 32.89 90316 Analysis 3.93 12.01 4.03 32.27 90344 Analysis ..... .. 4.02 11.67 4.04 32.45 90363 Analysis 4.00 11.61 4.01 32.26 90404 Analysis 4.18 11.47 4.22 32.84 90437 Analysis 4.31 11.87 4.13 33.61 90644 , Analysis 4.04 11.32 4.02 31.98 90647 Analysis 4.10 12.01 3.80 32.79 90662 Analysis 4.24 11.62 4.17 33.13 90680 Analysis 4.36 11.57 4.05 33.21 Fidelity 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90030 Analysis 5.14 10.02 5.21 34.68 90084 Analysis 5.26 9.68 5.19 34.50 90088 Analysis 5.13 10.01 5.04 34.41 90104 Analysis 5.35 10.23 4.98 35.00 90119 Analysis 5.44 9.95 5.27 35.45 ' 90197 Analysis 4.97 10.33 4.44 33.60 90218 Analysis 4.97 9.85 5.04 33.77 90221 Analysis 5.06 9.69 5.10 33.87 90305 Analysis ’ 4.93 9.87 4.93 33.54 » 90317 Analysis 5.43 10.46 5.00 35.76 i 90330 Analysis 5.07 10.40 5.05 34.81 ' 90346 Aanlysis 5.04 10.15 5.06 34.39 90405 Analysis 4.58 10.49 5.22 33.91 90438 Analysis 5.25 10.75 4.65 35.21 Fidelity 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90120 Analysis 6.21 9.27 3.67 34.27 90202 Analysis 6.02 9.52 3.36 33.68 .1 90223 Analysis 5.61 8.25 3.88 31.57 90226 Analysis 5.52 8.26 4.00 31.51 90345 Analysis 5.75 8.24 4.08 32.20 Fidelity 6-12-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 12.00 32.40 90064 Analysis _ 5.81 12.41 32.48 90101 Analysis .. 6.02 11.82 32.20 90140 ' Analysis 5.76 12.64 32.68 90163 Analysis 6.04 12.62 33.37 Fidelity 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee ...................... .. 20.00 28.00 90027 Analysis 20.47 28.66 90224 Analysis 20.18 28.25 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company, Gilmer, Texas Texas Longhorn 4-8-8, Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90509 Analysis 6.02 7.85 8.12 38.01 Texas Longhorn 4-12-4, Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90507 ’ Analysis ....... .. 4.09 12.04 4.12 33.76 Texas Longhorn 5-10-5, Guarantee ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90510 Analysis 4.59 11.50 4.15 33.84 Texas Longhorn 6-8-4,Guarantee .......................................... .. 6.00 8.87 5.22 36.53 90508 Analysis 6.46 8.87 5.22 36.53 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 23 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. c: >. 3 "‘ 0-2 I: a S t. Manufacturer, place of business and brand F1 3 '5 "Q <11 5B ass“ g s: a E a“ 58-": gs E5 AZ z <33 n. >8 International Minerals & Chemical Corporation, Texarkana. Arkansas - Texas Fertilis Plant Food 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90579 Analysis . 5.06 10.19 5.20 34.71 International 4-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90505 Analysis 4.33 8.34 7.79 33.85 90698 Analysis 3.66 8.11 8.02 32.10 International 4-12-4, Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90454 Analysis 4.21 12.39 4.19 34.17 90534 Analysis 4.10 12.25 4.02 33.44 90578 Analysis 4.02 11.85 3.57 32.04 International 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90272 Analysis 5.01 10.85 4.77 34.90 90424 Analysis 5.13 10.43 5.06 35.02 90427 Analysis 4.90 10.51 5.37 34.97 90445 Analysis 4.84 10.15 5.04 33.85 90455 Analysis 4.57 10.44 4.59 32.93 90476 Analysis 4.74 10.39 4.67 33.41 90488 Analysis 5.00 10.56 4.49 34.07 90529 Analysis 4.80 10.22 5.46 34.43 90543 Analysis 4.92 10.38 4.14 33.12 90566 Analysis 5.02 9.85 4.71 33.43 90593 ' Analysis 4.90 10.68 5.21 34.98 90587 Analysis 4.67 9.87 4.36 32.06 90589 Analysis 4.83 9.75 5.16 33.43 International 6-8~4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90283 Analysis 5.64 8.53 4.03 32.24 90421 Analysis 5.61 8.93 4.04 32.75 90444 Analysis 5.52 8.55 4.02 31.95 90477 Analysis _ 5.64 8.46 4.02 32.13 90478 Analysis 6.04 8.54 4.02 33.29 90542 Analysis 5.63 8.28 3.79 31.54 90558 Analysis 5.64 8.37 4.05 32.05 90565 Analysis 6.03 8.34 3.66 32.48 90592 Analysis ‘ 5.72 8.15 4.02 31.91 International 8-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 43.00 90479 Analysis 9.71 8.97 8.19 44.60 90489 Analysis 7.67 8.44 8.08 43.06 90549 Analysis 7.73 8.72 8.18 43.76 90586 Analysis 7.63 8.52 8.12 43.14 International Superphosphate 20%, Guarantee .................. .. 20.00 28.00 90624 Analysis 21.47 30.06 90708 Analysis 21.14 29.60 Jacksonville Fertilizer Company, Jacksonville, Texas Red Tomato Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90264 Analysis ' 4.14 12.09 4.54 34.05 Red Tomato Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90431 Analysis 4.86 10.29 5.04 34.11 90073 Analysis ‘ 5.08 11.08 5.24 36.06 90655 Analysis 5.00 10.08 4.13 32.89 Red Tomato Brand 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90265 Analysis 6.02 8.21 4.34 34.62 90430 Analysis 6.08 9.20 4.01 34.30 Kelly-Weber & Company, Inc., Lake Charles, Louisiana Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-12-4, Guarantee 4 00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90384 Analysis 4 22 13.09 4.48 35.57 90686 Analysis 3.88 12.66 4.85 34.60 90687 Analysis 4.00 12.67 4.91 35.01 90688 Analysis 4.00 12.12 4.26 33.33 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 5-10-5, Guarantee 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90385 Analysis 5.06 9.66 5.06 33.76 24 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION I: o i 0-9 c: .8 H Manufacturer, place of business and brand F: :3 ‘5 .2 ‘i’ 22 0 ~23 = *3 Q T.‘ 3 E 3s w 2w 3s 5 = a 5 ~ >455 ° "3 5 r-l Z Z <1 n. Q fi-u >m K-W Chemical Company, Harlingen, Texas K-W Brand 10-10-0, Guarantee .......................................... -.10-00 10-00 40-00 90180 Analysis 10.27 10.98 42.07 90188 Analysis 8.69 11.04 38.05 K-W Brand Superphosphate 20%, Guarantee .................. .. 20.00 28.00 90075 Analysis 20.66 28.92 Lake Charles Feed Company, Inc., Lake Charles, Louisiana Bestbet Brand Fertilizer Special 4-12-4, Guarantee .......... .. 4.00 12.00 4-00 32-30 90334 Analysis 4.12 12.45 3.83 33.50 Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall, Texas ~ Cottonseed Meal Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. "v6.58 1.50 1.00 20-61 90390 Analysis _ 5.02 2.59 2.01 19.49 Marshall 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.30 90388 Analysis 4.07 13.10 4.12 34.69 90500 Analysis 4.26 12.75 4.02 34.56 90707 Analysis 3.94 11.70 3.75 31.87 Marshall 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90389 Analysis 5.10 10.35 5.02 34.78 90502 Analysis _ 4.70 9.86 4.47 32.28 90568 Analysis 5.13 10.17 4.43 33.78 Marshall 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90501 Analysis 4.87 7.29 3.24 27.41 New Jersey Fertilizer Company, Jersey City, New Jersey N. J. Brand Bone Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 2.47 24.00* 30.42 90097 Analysis 2.83 25.30* 32.66 Niagara Sprayer & Chemical Company, Inc. Harlingen, Texas Niagara Brand 10-10-0, Guarantee .......... ......................... "10.00 10.00 40.00 90186 Analysis 9.41 9.64 37.97 Triple C Brand 10-10-0, Guarantee ...................................... _.10.00 10.00 40.00 90074 Analysis . . 9.27 9.72 37.71 Triple C Brand 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee .......... .. 20.00 28.00 90187 Analysis ............................................................................. .. 20.72 29.01 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works, Henderson, Texas Wolf Brand Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90490 Analysis . 4.79 10.22 3.69 31.93 90492 Analysis .............................................................................. .. 4.48 10.54 4.15 32.22 90637 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.82 10.47 5.24 37.13 Wolf Brand Superphosphate 20%, Guarantee .................. .. 20.00 28.00 90491 Analysis .. 21.31 29.83 90638 Analysis 20.14 28.20 Pittsburg Cotton Oil Company, Pittsburg, Texas 4-8-8 Double Circle Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90554 Analysis 3.85 7.71 6.98 30.57 4-12-4 Double Circle Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90467 Analysis 4.11 11.09 4.19 32.09 5-10-5 Double Circle Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90469 Analysis 5.08 10.30 4.14 33.43 90555 Analysis 5.36 10.33 5.18 35.65 6-8-4 Double Circle Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90559 Analysis 6.49 8.30 4.02 34.12 Port Fertilizer Company, Los Fresnos, Texas Valley Port Brant 47%, Superphosphate, Guarantee ...... .. 47.00 65.00 90151 Analysis 47.94 67.12 90159 Analysis ...... .. 48.34 67.68 Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, Missouri Purina Plant Food, Guarantee .............................................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90410 Analysis 5.04 10.42 5.11 34.84 90420 , Analysis 5.12 10.37 5.08 34.94 00703 Analysis 4.91 10.52 5.08 34.61 * Total Phosphoric acid .__ L.“ COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 25 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. 8 3 A 0'2 s: 3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business and brand 5 f5 B ,9, a S 3 w 215,8 -= s. <> s 38 "s w-u 5’ Q 2 = ‘g =1 f: > 2'5 ‘S8 a = A Z Z <1 n. a D4 >8 Red Star Fertilizer Company, Sulphur Springs, Texas Red Star Brand 4-8-8, Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 8.00 8-00 32-30 90573 Analysis 3.39 8.67 6.79 30.46 Red Star Brand 4-12-4, Guarantee ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90531 Analysis 4.09 11.14 4.04 31.89 90596 Analysis 4.24 11.72 5.63 35.31 90597 Analysis 4.06 11.62 5.08 33.94 90648 Analysis 3.50 12.36 4.01 32.01 90649 Analysis 4.22 12.21 4.87 34.88 90650 Analysis 3.79 11.73 4.04 31.93 90714 Analysis 3.92 11.88 5.07 33.92 90717 Analysis 4.04 11.38 4.39 32.58 Red Star Brand 5-10-5, Guarantee .......................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90524 Analysis 5.55 9.12 5.02 34.23 90532 Analysis 5.17 8.80 5.34 33.24 90548 Analysis 5.77 10.27 6.01 37.79 Red Star Brand 6-8-4, Guarantee .......................................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90523 Analysis 6.06 7.56 4.23 32.26 90528 Analysis 5.72 8.00 3.61 31.12 90530 Analysis 5.76 7.63 4.49 31.95 Ruhm Phosphate & Chemical Company, Chicago, Illinois Red Seal Brand Ruhm’s Phosphate Rock 30% Guarantee 30.00* 30.00 90623 Analysis 30.34* 30.34 Sears, Roebuck & Company, Chicago, Illinois Garden Master Plant Food, Guarantee .............................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90599 Analysis 4.79 10.68 4.07 33.10 Garden Master Sheep Manure, Guarantee .......................... .. 1.50 1.00 2.50 8.80 90598 Analysis 1.50 1.57 3.73 11.32 Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport, Louisiana Lion Brand 0-14-7 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 14.00 7.00 29.40 90281 Analysis ' 15.11 7.08 31.06 Lion Brand 4-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90711 Analysis 3.90 8.12 8.02 32.74 Lion Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90280 Analysis 4.64 12.68 4.32 35.86 90348 Analysis 4.34 12.21 4.85 35.16 90360 Analysis 3.91 11.19 4.15 31.65 90374 Analysis 4.29 12.20 4.82 34.98 90580 Analysis 4.00 12.68 4.14 33.95 90621 Analysis 3.42 12.66 4.05 32.28 Lion Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 43.00 90349 Analysis 5.16 10.79 4.51 34.84 90362 Analysis 5.10 11.83 5.01 36.83 90504 Analysis 5.29 10.12 4.58 34.33 90525 Analysis .... .. 5.40 10.12 6.01 36.62 90561 Analysis 4.84 11.18 4.67 34.77 90582 Analysis 5.04 10.93 5.55 36.17 90716 Analysis 4.66 11.03 5.18 34.81 Lion Brand 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90484 Analysis 5.47 8.85 4.02 32.24 90560 Analysis ..... .. 6.91 8.17 5.86 37.61 90581 Analysis ..... .. 7.03 10.01 3.98 37.86 Lion Brand 8-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .............................. .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 43.20 90361 Analysis 7.16 8.96 9.06 43.84 90485 Analysis 8.08 8.31 8.36 44.34 90505 Analysis 7.56 9.23 8.04 43.84 Lion Brand 0-20-0 Superphosphate, Guarantee .............. .. 20.00 28.00 90350 Analysis 20.37 28.52 Longhorn Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 ‘Total phosphoric acid 26 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. G‘ 8 z. . 0'2 F1 u 3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business and brand g :3 3 _9_ v 2 2 w Ms“ = a °' o °s° 1 3.‘ 3 s” E H d 'U Q I-l g 3°, s t‘. > fig ‘S8 a == A Z Z <1 n. a FM >3 90411 Analysis 5.08 13.11 5.19 38.83 Longhorn Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90398 Analysis ‘ 5.02 10.79 4.46 34.40 90413 Analysis 4.95 9.69 5.65 34.35 90480 Analysis . 6.03 9.23 5.78 36.69 Longhorn Brand 8-8-8 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 8.00 9.23 8.00 43.20 90399 Analysis 8.00 8.53 8.57 44.74 90412 Analysis 7.80 8.59 8.20 43.79 90481 Analysis . 8.18 8.09 8.80 44.92 Southwestern Peanut Growers Association, Gorman, Texas Pabak Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90616 Analysis _ 4.18 12.98 4.03 34.68 Swift and Company Fertilizer Works, New Orleans, Shreveport, Louisiana, Houston, Texas Swift’s Red Steer Brand 4-8-8, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90130 Analysis 4.12 8.49 8.12 33.97 90464 Analysis 3.91 8.35 8.01 33.07 90517 Analysis 4.04 8.35 7.12 32.16 90550 Analysis 3.77 8.38 7.77 32.41 90570 Analysis 4.12 8.50 8.19 34.08 Swift's Red Steer Brand 4-12-4. Guaranteed .................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90019 Analysis 3.91 11.82 4.18 32.57 90028 Analysis 4.06 11.85 4.24 33.09 90032 Analysis 4.42 11.47 3.81 32.88 90039 Analysis 4.23 11.56 4.25 33.13 90082 Analysis 4.24 12.10 3.85 33.35 90095 Analysis 4.03 11.98 4.32 33.30 90102 Analysis 4.98 10.03 4.09 32.72 90105 Analysis 4.13 12.49 3.96 33.77 90116 Analysis 3.93 12.51 4.00 33.33 90125 Analysis 4.00 12.37 4.03 33.36 90141 Analysis ' 4.06 12.35 4.03 33.49 90203 Analysis 4.01 12.33 3.72 32.90 90206 Analysis 3.97 12.22 3.49 32.32 90234 Analysis 3.92 12.13 3.72 32.38 90239 Analysis 4.04 12.01 4.03 32.95 90247 Analysis 3.93 12.62 4.14 33.69 90249 Analysis 4.54 11.27 3.77 32.86 90253 Analysis 3.78 12.31 3.96 32.60 90259 Analysis ....... .. 3.95 12.16 4.00 32.89 90267 Analysis 4.08 12.38 4.00 33.54 90276 Analysis 3.87 12.16 4.03 32.72 90290 Analysis 4.13 12.55 4.04 33.97 90294 Analysis 4.01 12.39 3.72 32.99 90319 Analysis 4.04 12.18 4.02 33.18 90331 Analysis 4.20 12.57 3.89 33.97 90338 Analysis 4.00 12.27 4.04 33.24 90342 Analysis 3.94 12.37 4.04 33.22 90353 Analysis 4.15 12.31 4.06 33.70 90355 Analysis 4.11 12.22 4.04 33.46 90377 Analysis 3.89 12.13 4.15 32.90 90408 Analysis 4.25 12.77 8.37 33.65 90432 Analysis 4.15 11.98 4.27 33.54 90448 Analysis 4.05 12.13 4.14 33.31 90450 Analysis 3.92 12.26 4.02 32.98 90493 Analysis 3.71 12.16 4.02 32.30 90516 Analysis 4.06 11.84 4.12 32.91 90562 Analysis 4.00 11.99 4.46 33.43 90569 Analysis 3.87 12.04 4.14 32.72 90594 Analysis 4.13 11.49 3.99 32.42 90608 Analysis 4.09 12.72 4.04 34.10 90609 Analysis 4.00 12.47 4.02 33.49 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 27 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. Q i‘ .2 g 3 .8 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand i '2 3 ,9 a a! 0 g ‘ggg ,5 +v 94 3 "Q 0g a: Q 3 g“ e E ~'= =8: as s5 n1 g o o A z z <1 n. w n. > w: 90639 Analysis 4.22 11.84 4.01 33.16 90640 Analysis 4.32 12.58 3.54 33.80 90643 Analysis 4.03 13.02 3.92 34.20 90652 Analysis 3.87 12.21 4.10 32.89 90654 Analysis 3.88 12.66 4.08 33.52 90667 Analysis 4.00 12.17 4.05 33.11 90671 Analysis 3.94 12.36 4.05 33.21 90677 Analysis 4.08 11.49 4.01 32.31 Swift’s Red Steer Brand 5-10-5, Guarantee ...................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90007 Analysis 4.66 10.31 4.78 33.24 90011 Analysis 5.08 10.03 5.26 34.61‘ 90022 Analysis 4.95 10.27 5.04 34.31 90041 Aanlysis 5.19 10.20 5.10 34.91 90096 Analysis 5.48 9.63 4.82 34.48 90103 Analysis 4.93 10.24 5.04 34.22 90107 Analysis 4.94 10.10 5.39 34.53 90117 Analysis 4.93 10.31 5.05 34.32 90126 Analysis 4.81 10.27 5.00 33.89 90131 Analysis 4.84 10.02 5.38 34.14 90142 Analysis 4.71 10.39 5.01 33.81 90235 Analysis 4.85 10.44 5.20 34.51 90248 Analysis 4.63 11.25 4.79 34.50 90251 Analysis 4.14 11.11 4.55 32.68 90254 Analysis 4.89 10.31 5.24 34.48 90261 Analysis 3.98 11.23 4.37 32.19 90269 Analysis 4.09 10.85 4.93 32.72 90292 Analysis 5.09 10.48 5.25 35.25 90320 Analysis 4.02 11.01 4.50 32.16 90354 Analysis 4.11 11.11 4.64 32.74 90357 Analysis 4.31 11.03 4.62 33.12 90379 Analysis 4.96 10.18 5.14 34.35 90394 Analysis 4.83 10.22 5.03 33.91 90409 Analysis 5.18 10.43 4.42 34.26 90417 Analysis 5.48 10.60 5.50 36.79 90426 Analysis 4.55 10.82 4.82 33.73 90433 Analysis 5.11 10.33 5.04 34.81 90449 Analysis 4.22 11.12 4.39 32.68 90451 Analysis 4.88 9.75 5.10 33.48 90487 Analysis 5.09 10.04 5.18 34.54 90494 Analysis 4.92 9.85 5.04 33.64 90498 Analysis 5.17 9.77 5.01 34.13 90518 Analysis 4.90 9,65 5.02 33.28 90553 Analysis 4.80 9.73 5.12 33.27 90595 Analysis 4.96 10.03 5.04 34.00 90641 Analysis 5.02 10.70 4.18 33.88 Swift's Red Steer Brand 6-8-4, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90006 Analysis 5.66 8.36 4.16 32.24 90008 Analysis 6.15 8.10 4.02 32.96 90020 Analysis 6.12 8.05 4.22 33.09 90023 Analysis 6.21 8.32 4.13 33.52 90040 Analysis 5.74 8.63 4.38 33.13 90106 Analysis 6.10 8.80 4.10 33.92 90250 Analysis 6.06 8.54 3.72 32.93 90260 Analysis 6.10 8.46 3.69 32.87 90268 Analysis 5.65 9.18 4.00 33.14 90291 Analysis 6.06 8.82 4.26 34.07 90356 Analysis 5.73 8.27 4.02 32.11 90378 Analysis 5.87 8.39 4.23 32.93 90398 Analysis 5.87 7.94 4.10 32.12 90425 Analysis 6.11 8.42 4.04 33.34 90486 Analysis 5.63 8.42 4.24 32.37 90499 Analysis 5.71 8.43 4.70 33.23 90551 Analysis 5.80 8.01 4.05 31.96 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. G z’ 5-9 c? ,3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business and brand g 3 g ,9 a E 3 g,» . 2&3 i 3., B é s“ 5%: gs <35 .3 z z <33 a. >2 90571 Analysis 5.72 7.95 4.13 31.78 90590 Analysis 5.90 8.56 4.04 32.98 Swift's Red Steer Brand 6-12-0, Guarantee ...................... .. 90049 Analysis . . . Swififs Red Steer Brand 8-8-8, Guarantee .......................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 43.20 s; 2%: 2:2 :32: 90591 na ysis . . . . Vigoro, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90053 Analysis 4.11 12.41 4.10 33.80 90063 Analysis 4.27 12.41 4.03 34.11 90083 Analysis 4.25 12.05 4.46 34.16 90090 Analysis 4.13 12.25 3.82 33.2; 90127 Analysis 4.13 12.22 4.77 34.5 90138 Analysis 4.24 13.06 3.96 34.84 90143 Analysis 4.09 12.92 3.78 34.01 90150 Analysis 4.42 12.75 4.64 35.84 90152 Analysis 4.22 12.68 3.81 34.05 90154 Analysis 4.12 12.75 3.87 33.98 90161 Analysis 3.85 12.47 3.90 32.93 90162 Analysis 4.20 12.56 4.04 34.16 90172 Analysis 4.32 12.61 4.02 34.51 90184 Analysis 4.09 12.37 4.08 33.66 90190 Analysis 4.25 12.97 3.82 34.56 90192 Analysis 4.17 12.42 4.10 33.97 90199 Analysis 4.19 11.93 4.20 33.47 90236 Analysis 4.10 12.72 4.36 34.57 90252 Analysis 4.23 12.33 4.01 33.87 90333 Analysis 4.07 12.35 4.08 33.58 90434 Ana ysis 4.17 11.46 4.06 32.56 90620 Analysis 4.11 11.91 4.16 33.18 90678 Analysis 3.73 11.75 4.08 31.86 90712 Analysis 4.30 12.42 4.15 34.38 Swift's Red Steer Brand Superphosphate 0-19-9, Guarantee 19.00 26.60 90009 Analysis 19.02 26.63 90024 Analysis 19.67 27.54 90037 Analysis 19.43 27.20 90054 Analysis 19.13 26.78 Swift's Red Steer Superphosphate 0-20-0, Guarantee 20.00 28.00 90010 Analysis 19.08 26.71 90025 Analysis 20.46 28.64 90200 Analysis 21.05 29.47 90668 Analysis 20.67 28.94 gexas Farm Products Company, Nacogdoches, exas Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90240 Analysis 4.08 12.55 4.06 33.86 90262 Analysis 3.79 12.61 4.00 33.10 90297 Analysis 3.80 12.20 4.01 32.57 90302 Analysis 3.80 12.56 4.06 33.14 90314 Analysis 3.88 12.38 4.10 33.16 90351 Analysis 4.09 12.49 4.15 33.93 90352 Analysis 4.11 12.35 4.18 33.83 90367 Analysis 4.00 12.58 4.04 33.67 90370 Analysis 3.96 12.66 4.04 33.68 90383 Analysis 3.98 12.67 4.15 33.90 90418 Analysis 3.64 11.75 4.02 31.54 90446 Analysis 4.15 11.87 4.02 33.04 90457 Analysis 4.02 12.06 4.06 33.01 90539 Analysis 3.93 12.91 4.04 33.95 90642 Analysis 4.09 11.63 4.02 32.54 90651 AnalySlfl 3.98 12.61 4.01 33.61 _.. _._. ._..__a___.l,.r._...aa.._... COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 29 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. G ‘:7 3 cg .8 a Manufacturer, place of business and brand n ~53 H o v f.‘ .2 i’. ‘$.33 -== '5 °' ° s °z§ = 9 3 3"’ l-Q b Q w"U qug I-i a a =1 .... > E‘; e a g *4 z Z <4 p. u 0-1 Pu 90656 Analysis 4.15 12.41 4.12 33.93 90659 Analysis 3.78 12.10 3.76 32.03 90691 Analysis 4.29 12.37 4.28 34.46 Lone Star Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 5.00" 10.00 5.00 34.00 90242 Analysis 4.81 10.57 4.79 34.02 90263 Analysis 4.74 10.53 4.70 33.64 90298 Analysis 5.08 10.55 5.05 35.05 90303 Analysis 4.46 10.42 4.63 32.67 90315 Analysis 4.76 10.75 4.89 34.28 90419 Analysis 4.94 10.39 5.04 34.45 90436 Analysis 5.00 10.34 5.00 34.48 90447 Analysis 4.86 10.47 5.12 34.47 90458 Analysis 4.87 10.28 5.03 34.09 Lone Star Brand 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90241 Analysis 5.52 8.56 4.02 31.96 90371 Analysis 5.83 8.65 4.04 32.93 90435 Analysis 6.63 8.53 4.28 35.17 90537 Analysis 5.76 8.57 4.18 32.83 Lone Star Brand 6-12-0 Fertilizer, Guarantee .................. .. 6.00 12.00 32.40 90266 Analysis 5.70 12.65 32.53 90685 Analysis 6.02 12.08 32.56 90692 Analysis 5.87 12.47 32.72 90709 Analysis 6.14 10.80 31.19 Tri-State Fertilizer & Lumber Company, Shreveport, Louisiana Red Diamond 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90693 Analysis . 4.26 11.26 4.01 32.45 Red Diamond 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90557 Analysis - 4.63 10.95 4.20 33.25 Tyler Fertilizer Company, Tyler, Texas 4-8-8 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90700 Analysis 3.99 8.59 8.23 33.92 4-12-4 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90459 Analysis 3.91 11.51 4.50 32.58 5-10-5 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90456 Analysis 5.06 9.80 5.12 33.54 90460 Analysis 4.74 9.81 4.14 31.85 90701 Analysis 4.38 8.98 5.01 30.97 6-8-4 Heart Brand Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... _. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90468 Analysis 4.58 10.01 4.82 32.67 United Chemical Company, Dallas, Texas Sunset Brand Fertilizer 4-12-4,Guarantee .......................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90604 Analysis 4.09 11.52 4.02 32.49 90606 Analysis 4.10 11.45 3.58 31.71 90635 Analysis 3.81 11.67 4.08 31.96 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee .......................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90310 Analysis ...... .. 5.05 10.43 5.04 34.79 90376 Analysis 4.69 10.06 4.24 32.21 90538 Analysis < 5.08 9.25 4.80 32.88 Sunset Brand Fertilizer 6-8-4, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90375 Analysis 5.87 8.38 3.49 31.88 “United” Fertilizer 4-12-4, Guarantee .................................. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90255 Analysis 4.02 12.36 4.29 33.76 90639 Analysis 4.02 11.84 4.03 32.67 “4 D Brand” Sheep Manure 2-2-2, Guarantee .................. .. 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.80 90601 Analysis 2.16 1.43 3.14 12.02 90603 Analysis . 2.18 1.51 3.52 12.71 Rice Maker 4-12-4, Guarantee 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90679 Analysis 4.24 13.40 4.17 35.62 n: i? v 3 S ,_, Manufacturer, place of business and brand t: 3 5 5 5 °’ fi g 3.35s .= '5 p‘ S‘ O 5 q n. a “w .0 E as a w-u “g E, s: a =1 #3 >_§-5 g a 5 v4 Z Z <1 n. a 0-.» >8 United Velvetgreen Fertilizer 6-9-3, For lawns & flowers, Guarantee .................................................. .. 6.00 9.00 3.00 32.40 90605 Analysis 6.50 9.33 2.89 34.01 “United” Fertilizer 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee . 20.00 28.00 90256 Analysis 20.05 28.07 90618 Analysis 21.00 29.40 90289 Analysis 21.49 30.09 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, Louisiana V-C Fertilizer 4-8-8, Guarantee .......................................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 32.80 90321 Analysis - 4.09 8.52 7.69 33.33 90365 Analysis 4.02 9.08 7.35 33.45 90536 Analysis 4.08 9.23 7.74 34.37 90544 Analysis 3.88 8.19 8.10 32.90 90611 Analysis __ _ 4.09 8.42 8.35 34.11 V-C Fertilizer 4-12-4, Guarantee .......................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90108 Analysis 3.94 12.83 3.82 33.55 90212' Analysis .. 4.13 12.79 4.05 34.32 90231 Analysis 4.00 12.75 4.10 33.99 90308 Analysis 4.00 . 12.64 4.00 33.70 90311 Analysis 4.06 12.65 4.01 33.88 90336 Analysis 4.10 12.43 4.14 33.86 90337 Analysis 4.00 12.27 4.19 33.45 90341 Analysis 3.98 12.76 4.02 33.84 90364 Analysis 4.05 12.73 4.02 33.98 90380 Analysis 4.08 12.83 4.02 34.20 90400 Analysis 4.11 12.36 4.15 33.80 90465 Analysis . 3.96 11.62 4.01 32.18 90496 Analysis 4.18 12.02 4.02 33.33 90513 Analysis 3.99 13.12 3.78 34.03 90520 Analysis 4.14 12.29 4.06 33.66 90535 Analysis . 4.15 12.26 4.01 33.56 490567 Analysis 4.00 11.90 4.02 32.69 90574 Analysis 3.99 11.99 4.02 32.79 90583 Analysis 4.00 12.56 4.11 33.73 90610 Analysis 4.04 12.29 4.04 _ 33.37 90670 Analysis ..... .. 4.09 13.95 3.39 34.91 90674 Analysis 4.06 12.39 4.12 33.68 V-C Fertilizer 5-10-5, Guarantee .......................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.36 90232 Analysis 4.87 10.47 5.03 34.36 90309 Analysis 4.84 10.48 5.02 34.28 90313 Analysis 4.87 10.34 4.91 34.01 90322 Analysis . 5.14 10.25 5.23 35.02 90368 Analysis 4.95 10.52 5.08 34.71 90395 Analysis 4.90 10.22 5.03 34.09 90401 Analysis 4.99 10.51 4.78 34.37 90422 Analysis 4.94 10.77 4.70 34.50 90439 Analysis 4.87 9.89 5.22 33.82 90453 Analysis a 4.98 10.52 5.16 34.90 90466 Analysis 5.09 10.95 5.05 35.65 90497 Analysis 4.92 10.70 5.02 34.80 90514 Analysis 5.13 11.43 4.79 36.05 90521 Analysis 5.16 9.67 5.26 34.32 90545 Analysis 4.95 9.85 5.24 34.00 90575 Analysis 4.82 10.32 5.01 33.99 90585 Analysis 4.89 10.00 5.15 33.92 90613 Analysis 4.99 9.12 5.22 33.05 90669 Analysis 5.01 10.56 5.22 35.12 90689 Analysis 5.26 9.64 5.12 34.35 90694 Analysis 4.97 10.27 5.03 34.34 30 BULLETIN NO. 684, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN 1945-46 31 Table 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1945-1946. C >. 3 "‘ . 0'2 i r~ S y. Manufacturer, place of business and brand i‘ 3 8 ,9, <11 if‘ i". #26 g m? i‘. 5 .53 i531’ ~53 r75 .1 z z <2 3 n. >52 90710 Analysis 4.94 9.73 5.01 33.47 90715 Analysis 4.83 10.09 4.66 33.21 V-C Fertilizer 6-8-4, Guarantee .......................................... ._ 6.00 8.00 4.00 32-40 90109 Analysis 5.54 9.08 4.16 32.93 90213 Analysis 5.71 8.75 4.06 32.78 90312 Analysis 5.92 8.80 4.01 33.32 90381 Analysis 5.97 8.86 4.08 33.63 90452 Analysis 5.72 8.88 4.02 32.93 90584 Analysis 5.82 8.49 4.01 32.63 90672 Analysis 5.81 8.49 4.02 32.63 V-C Triple 8 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................................... _. 8.00 8.00 8.00 43.20 90214 Analysis 8.03 8.80 8.33 44.86 90515 Analysis 7.75 8.03 8.38 43.12 V-C 20% Superphosphate, Guarantee .............................. .. 20.00 28.00 90233 Analysis ‘ 20.74 29.04 90564 Analysis 19.68 27.55 90690 Analysis 20.46 28.64 Waldo Fertilizer Works, Waldo, Arkansas Victory Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 32.80 90387 Analysis 3.91 12.54 4.74 34.36 90396 Analysis 4.09 12.22 5.85 35.93 Victory Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer, Guarantee ...................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 34.00 90572 Analysis .... .. 5.08 9.90 5.14 34.27 Victory Brand 6-8-4 Fertilizer, Guarantee .......................... .. 6.00 8.00 4.00 32.40 90386 Analysis 4.82 8.50 3.40 29.19 90397 Analysis 6.06 9.79 4.90 36.33 90588 Analysis 6.40 8.76 5.74 36.94