\ TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. Director, College Station. Texas gdleiin 7/ 3 6- ?‘ “*5 ' N‘ Jr . , s.-’x. 'V“\'-' x A w. - .. -~~\v*\ ~ .,-_r- P'_ ""‘.-;‘.~ s. - Y. ._.»- U; MJJ») '~; L, “.9 \- C >1 QM Responses ofCotton to 2,44) DAVID R. ERGLE and A. A. DUNLAP geplemfie/z. I94‘? GIBB GILCHRIST. Chancellor [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] Pre face Z/l-D is an organic chemical commonly referred to as one of the hormone-type weed killers. At certain relatively heavy dosages, it is capable of burning the foliage and killing cotton plants. Light dos- ages cause the cotton plant to produce, a week or two later, abnormal new growth which is badly distorted and useless in cotton production. This bulletin gives the results of some experimental tests with extremely light applications of ZA-D to cotton under partially con- trolled greenhouse conditions. Certain applications of minute amounts of Z/l-D caused some foliage distortion without noticeably affecting the set of bolls or the yield of seed cotton. Slightly heavier applica- tions caused much disturbance in normal growth of the plant, vari- ations in certain chemical plant constituents and reduction in final yield. Calculations based upon this work indicate that one ounce of ZA-D could possibly cause serious damage to every plant in S5 acres of cotton, if uniformly distributed. CONTENTS a Page Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fundamental Data Taken on the Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Harvesting and Ginning of Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Fiber Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chemical Analyses and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Elfect on Subsequent Vegetative Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Elfect on Fruiting and Yield of Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Effect on the Lint Characters of Cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Elfect on the Chemical Composition of the Main-stalk Leaves . . . . . 13 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 BULLETIN 713 SEPTEMBER 1949 Responses oi Cotton to 2,4-|I DAVID R. ERGLE and A. A. DUNLAP* IDESPREAD use of the relatively new hormone weed-killer, 2,4-D (the abbreviation for all common derivatives of 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) has resulted in many cases of un- foreseen injury to susceptible crops. In the case of cotton, for example, unfavorable effects from drifting of the.chemical have been reported from many states in the Cotton Belt. Ignorance of the fact that unbelievably small quantities of 2,4-D are capa- ble of materially altering the growth and fruiting of sensitive plants has been a major factor in the many unfortunate occur- rences of this sort. Experimental and observational e-vidence (1, 2, 18) show that cotto-n is very sensitive to the 2,4-D compounds commonly used in weed-control work. In addition, there is published informa- tion (1, 2) on specific morphological responses of cotton to 2,4-D which has aided in making apparent to the layman the characteristic symptoms of 2,4-D injury- However, since the commercial use of this selective herbicide began in 1945 (8), it is natural that much remains to be known of its effects on cotton under various conditions of growth. Among the factors most likely to influence the reaction of 2,4-D on cotton, such as age and size of plant, form of 2,4-D (acid, salt or ester) and amount of the chemical, the latter is probably the most critical. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at College Station during the winter 1948-49 to ascertain the exact effects of small quantities of 2,4-D on cotton. It was the purpose of this experi- ment to study the growth and chemical response of the cotton plant to small amounts of the chemical. This information should be useful in predicting probable effects of accidental applica- tions. It should be of further use in distinguishing between mild effects and those severe enough to produce plant injury which would affect the final yield. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant culture and application of the 2,4-D: Over 100 cotton plants, Stoneville 2B variety, were grown singly in manured Houston Black Clay in two-gallon glazed jars with a drain hole in the bottom. The seed were planted September 15. On October 14, when the plants were about one foot high with 5 to 6 true *David R. Ergle is chemist, Division of Cotton and Other Fiber Crops and D1seases,\Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineer- mg, U. S. Department of Agriculture. A. A. Dunlap is head, Department of Plant Physiology and Pathology, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. 6 BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION leaves, they were divided into 5 groups of 23 plants each. One group served as the control and received no 2,4-D while each plant in the remaining four groups was given an amount of sodium salt of 2,4-D (monohydrate) equivalent to 0.002, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 milligram (mg.) of 2,4-D acid, respectively. These amounts were prepared in 4 aqueous solutions of the sodium salt of 2,4-D in concentrations equivalent to 1, 5, 10 and 20 parts per million (p.p.m.) of the acid, respectively. In addition, each solution contained two milliliters of Grasselli spreader per liter of 2,4-D solution. At this time, one large leaf on each of the plants in a group to be treated was dipped in a known vol- ume of one of the 2,4-D solutions; the excess solution which dripped from the leaf was caught in the container. After treat- i ing all the plants in a given group, the volume of the remaining solution was accurately determined to compute the amount of solution applied to the plants. When application of the 2,4-D was completed, the treated and untreated plants were random- ized along the greenhouse benches in 23 blocks of 5 plants each; each block contained an untreated plant and one from each of the four 2,4-D treatments. Fundamental Data Taken on the Plants Flowering: Starting November 4, when the first flower ap- peared on the experimental plants, and continuing for 35 suc- cessive days, newly formed flowers on all the plants were tagged and counted daily. During this 35-day period, the rate of flow- ering reached a maximum and then declined to a low level. Boll set: viously tagged flowers were counted on each plant. Fruiting and vegetative structures: The following counts, measurements and weighings were made, except as noted, on December 17: (a) Height of main-stalk from the soil to the terminal bud- (b) Number of main-stalk nodes, exclusive of the cotyledon scars and terminal bud. (c) Number of vegetative branches 30 centimeters or more in length, per 23 plants. (d) Length of longest fruiting branch per plant. (e) Number of nodes on the longest fruiting branch. (f) Mean weight of main-stalk leaves collected November 29 and December 17 at the fourth node from the terminal bud. Harvesting and Ginning of Cotton Cotton from the experiment was first picked January 6, 1949, at which time approximately 50 percent of the bolls on the un- treated plants were open. The second and final picking was made January 27. The harvested cotton was ginned in a small roller- type gin preparatory to obtaining lint samples for fiber analysis. On December 29, the bolls that were set from pre- i RESPONSES OF COTTON TO 2,4-D 7 Fiber Analysis The usual fiber determinations were made on the lint samples, grouped according to treatment and to date of picking. These were made by the Cotton Testing Laboratory, Production and Marketing Administration, College Station. Chemical Analyses and Methods The main-stalk leaves, previously noted in connection with the plant data, were arranged in groups according to date of collection and treatment. They were analyzed for sugar, starch, hemicellulose, cellulose, soluble and total nitrogen, and organic acids. The analytical methods used for the labile carbohydrates de- terminations were given in detail by Eaton and Rigler (3). Briefly, the sugars. were extracted from the oven-dried leaves with boiling 80 percent ethanol and determined by the semi- micro method of Wildman and Hansen (20). Starch, contained ~in the residue from the sugar extraction, Was determined by combined diastatic and acid hydrolysis- Hemicellulose was de- termined in the starch-free residue by HCl hydrolysis. The washed and dried residue from the hemicellulose determination was treated with 72 percent H2804 (5) and followed with a 3 percent H280, hydrolysis. The reducing power of the hydroly- sate, calculated as anhydrous dextrose, was used as an index of the cellulose content of the leaf. Total nitrogen was determined by the well-known Kjeldahl method and the soluble fraction was based upon the amount of leaf nitrogen extractable with water at 80°C. Residual nitrogen was calculated as the difierence between total and soluble nitrogen. Total organic acids were ether-extracted from the leaf tissue previously acidified to pH 1.0 and were determined by titrating electrometrically between the limits of pH 7.8 and pH 2.6 (12). The individual organic acids, (citric, malic and oxalic), were determined by the methods of Pucher, et al., (13). The. quantity of the unknown or unidentified acid fraction was obtained by substracting the sum of citric, malic, and oxalic acids from the determined value for total organic acids. RESULTS For simplicity of presentation, the equivalent amounts of 2,4-D acid applied to the cotton leaves, 0.002, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 milligram, will for the most part be referred to hereafter as treatments 1, 5, 10 and 20, respectively. These numbers are of further significance in that they also represent the relative amounts of 2,4-D applied and the actual concentrations, parts per million, of the 2,4-D solutions employed in treating one leaf on each plant. - 8 'BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Elfect on Subsequent Vegetative Development As previously stated, the plants at the time of the 2,4-D ap- plications (October 14) were about one foot high and had five t0 six true leaves. Seven days later, the terminal leaves of plants in treatments 5, 10 and 2O were showing characteristic symp- toms of 2,4-D injury; namely, crinkly margins and elongated lo-bes on the young le-aves. A monthlater, the extent of injury had increased as shown by the number of affectedleaves in Fig- ures 1 and 2. Excepting treatment 1, which manifested no injury Figure 1. Early manifestations of 2,4-D injury to cotton leaves; 1, 5, 10 and 20 received 0.002, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 milligram of 2,4-D, respec- tively. C, not treated. Figure 2. Two of the plants in Figure 1 showing mild (5) and severe (20) leaf reaction to 2,4-D. Note the crinkly leaves without much dwarfing in 5, whereas the affected leaves in 20 are greatly reduced in size, curved and attenuated. RESPONSES OF COTTON TO 2,4-D 9 at any time during the experiment, the degree of leaf injury Was found to increase progressively with the amount of 2,4-D applied to the plant. The symptoms were mild in treatment 5 and were severe in treatment 20. Injured leaves from the latter group of plants were attenuated to such an extent that the larger veins were close together and practically parallel. The reduction in weight of individual main-stalk leaves from near the top of the treated plants varied 27 percent in treatment 5 to 77 percent in treatment 20, as compared with leaves similarly located on the untreated plants. However, leaf development on many of the fruiting and vegetative branches Was not severely affected. It was not until the plants were approaching maturity (time of first lint harvest) that the main-stalk leaves developed normally. Plant height (Figure 3) and the number of main-stalk nodes Were progressively increased above those of the untreated plants by increases in the amounts of 2,4-D applied. With the exception of the apparent increase in number of main-stalk nodes in treatment 1, all were highly significant (Table 1)- The maximum increases in plant height and in the number of nodes occurred in treatment 20. The increases amounted to 38 percent and 21 percent, respectively, over the control. A stimulation in the formation of longvegetative branches Was also noted among the plants in treatments 1O and 20, Fig- ures 3 and 4. Based on 23 plants in each treatment, the former had a total of 14. such branches, 30 centimeters or more in Figure 3. Elfect of 2,4-D on plant he-ight and the development of vege- tative branches by the time o-f the first harvest of cotto-n. 1, 5, 10 and 20 received 0.002, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 milligram of 2,4-D, respectively. C, untreated. 10 BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Table 1. Elfect of 2,4-D on the vegetative development .of cotton Number of Number of Fresh Length of fruiting vegetative weight off Height of Number of longest nodes on branches, 23_ main-f 2.4-D per plant, mg. plant, cm. main-stalk fruiting longest 30 cm. Ystalk nodes branch, fruiting or longer, leaves, . cm. branch on 23 plants* gm.*| , None (control) 60.8 15.0 18.2 2.8 2. 82. 0.002 (treatment 1) 65 0 15.8 18.0 2.7 2. 83. 0.01 (treatment 5) 68.1 16.2 18.3 2.8 3. 60. 0.02, (treatment 10) 79.7 17.5 18.9 2.7 14. 41. 0.04 (treatment 20) 84.0 18.2 13.7 2.3 29. l9. Percentage change as a result of: Treatment 1 6.9** 5.3 —1.l -—3.6 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.2 Treatment 5 l2.0** 8.0** 0.5 0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . —26.8 ‘ Treatment 10 31.l** l6.7** 3.8 —3.6 . . . . . . . . . . .. —50.0 Treatment 20 38.2** 2l.3** ——24.7** ———l7.9** . . . . . . . . . . . . ——76.8 i *Data not treated statistically. **Statistically significant by odds of 99 to 1. length, while the latter treatment had a total of 29. These branches, for the most part, produced fairly normal leaves and bolls but none of the latter had reached maturity by the time of the second harvest, January 27, 1949, of bolls from tagged flowers. The growth of the fruiting branches, as judged by their length, appeared t0 be less affected by the 2,4-D applications than did the vegetative branches. Only the heaviest application, treatment 20, produced a significant effect, a 25 percent reduc- tion in the length of the longest fruiting branch per plant and an 18 percent reduction in the number of its nodes. Elfect on Fruiting and Yield of Cotton The average untreated plant produced a total of 18.3 flowers over a 35-day period of flowering (Table 2). This value was not significantly altered either by-the smallest application of 2,4-D used, or by the next to the largest dose, treatment 10, which caused considerable leaf injury. H0-wever, treatment 10 did cause a reduction of 7 percent in number of flowers produced, but the difference was too small for statistical significance. On the other hand, the heaviest dose of 2,4-D, treatment 20, caused a 33 percent reduction in flower production, which was highly significant. In keeping with the efiect of 2,4-D on flowering, only the heaviest dosage reduced significantly the number of bolls set A per plant, Table 2. Again, as in the case of flowering, the next to the largest amount of applied 2,4-D, treatment 10, caused a slight reduction (12 percent) in boll set which closely ap- proached but did not attain the .05 level of significance. The RESPONSES OF COTTON TO 2,4-D 11 Table 2. Effect of 2,4-D on flower production, boll set and yield of cotton Yield of seed cotton, grams per 23 plants* Number of Number of l, 2,4-D per plant, mg. flowers bolls set Percentage of per plant per plant First Second Total total obtained harvest harvest yield at first harvest e (control) 18.3 7. 6 391 353 744 53 I02 (treatment l) 18.3 7.6 412 380 792 52 ll (treatment 5) 18.5 7.8 336 392 728 46 V I2 (treatment l0) 17.1 6.7 162 431 593 27 .04 (treatment 20) 12.3 3.6 54 259 313 17 '~ Percentage change as a result of: . tlnent l 0.0 0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tment5 1.1 2.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. —-2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tment 10 -a.s -11.s ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. —20.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tment 2o --32.s** -52.0=i=* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -57.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘Data not treated statistically. "Statistically significant by odds of 99 to 1. Table 3. Effect of 2,4-D on lint characters of cotton s Fiber Length Fiber Lint, weight Percent Tensile 2.4-0 per plant, mg. percentage Upper per inch, mature strength half mean Mean Uniformity micro- fibers 1000 lb. inches inches ratio grams per sq. in. Cotton from first picking one (control) 33.0 1 . 14 .88 77 2.5 59 80 b.6002 (treatment 1) 32.5 1.10 .86 7s 2.1 e4 s2 L01 (treatment s) 32.7 1.13 .ss 7s 2.3 s2 s0 5.0: (treatment 10) 33.3 1.10 .87 79 2.4 s0 7s Lu (treatment 20) 33.3 1.0a .84 7s 2.0 s4 73 Cotton from second picking e (control) 34.8 1.00 .82 77 2.2 e4 72 L002 (treatment 1) 34.5 1.06 .84 79 3.0 63 72 L01 (treatment 5) 34.0 1.09 .80 70 2.6 67 74 p.02 (treatment 10) 34.3 1.07 .s3 7s 2.4 02 73 ,0: (treatment 20) 35.0 1.09 .86 79 2.1 s2 70 , heaviest dosage, on the other hand, reduced the boll set by a highly significant amount, 53 percent. The total yield of seed cotton from the 23 untreated plants was 744 grams (Table 2). Treatment 1, which had no significant effect on flower production and boll set, increased this amount by 6.5 percent and the next dosage of 2,4-D (treatment 5) de- creased the yield of seed cotton by 2.2 percent. The two largest 12 BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION doses of 2,4-D reduced the yield 20 percent (treatment 10) and 58 percent (treatment 20) below that of the untreated plants. In addition, these same treatments yielded at the first picking only 27 percent and 17 percent, respectively, of their total yield of cotton. In this connection, the results from the two lighter treatments, though perhaps not significant, followed a similar pattern. It may be seen, therefore, that as the dosage of 2,4-D was progressively increased, the percentage yield of cotton ob- tained at the first harvest decreased. EEect on the Lint Characters of Cotton Table 3 shows that all of ‘the treatments reduced the length (upper half mean) of the lint in the first picking but that these results, with the exception of treatment 1, were reversed at the second picking. Also, a majority of the treatments at the time of the first picking reduced the fiber weight per inch. In addi- tion, treatments 1O and 20 caused a reduction in tensile strength of the fiber. However, in the second picking, these trends were absent,except in the case of treatment 20. In fact, the latter was the only one of the four treatments that produced similar effects on the cotton harvested at each of the two dates- The 2,4-D had no effect on the percentage lint, and all of the values obtained, untreated and treated alike, appeared to be representative of the Stoneville 2B variety. The percentage of mature fibers in cotton from both the treated and the untreated plants was below the conventional Figure 4. Three plants (C, 10, and 20 in Figure 3) showing normal leaf development on the lon.g vegetative branches and near the apical bud of the treated plants. Photograph taken approximately 3 months after 2,4-D was applied. RESPONSES OF COTTON TO Z,4-D 13 standard for “average,” 68 to 76 percent, and the cotton would, therefore, be classed as immature. Any efiect of the 2,4-D on this fiber property seemed to be limited to the largest dose which reduced still more the percentage of mature fibers. l Effect on the Chemical Composition of the Main-stalk Leaves Table 4 shows that increased amounts of 2,4-D, up to and including the maximum amount applied, tended to reduce pro- gressively the concentration of reducing sugars in the main- stalk leaves that were formed after the 2,4-D applications. At the same time, the percentage of sucrose varied conversely and tended to compensate for the loss in reducing sugars. Hence, the total sugars of the leaf were not appreciably affected, and they bore no relation to the degree of leaf injury. Likewise, there appeared to be no close correlation between the starch content and the degree of leaf injury as only the most severely injured leaves were affected in this respect. In this instance, 2,4-D reduced the starch content 42 percent below that of leaves from the untreated plants. Among the less labile or cell-wall carbohydrates, hemicellu- r lose and cellulose, there were small but consistent increases associated with increased 2,4-D injury up to and including treat- ment 1_0._But the next higher dosage of 2,4-D, which caused severe injury, 1ncreased the concentration of hemicellulose and Table 4. Elfect* of 2,4-D onuchemical composition of main-stalk leaves Carbohydrates and nitrogen as‘ percent of dry weight. . Nitrogen D per plant, mg. Reduc- Total Hemi- Cell- Total ing Sucrose sugars Starch cs-ll- ulose carbo- Sol- Res- sugars _ ulose hydrates uble idual Total e (control) 1.90 0.47 2.37 7.44 3.23 3.42 16.46 0.65 2.48 3.13 (treatment l) 1.84 0.53 2.37 7 93 3.48 3.53 17.31 .55 2.58 3.13 11 (treatment 5) 1.33 1.10 2.43 7.94 3.43 3.99 17.79 .52 2.52 3.04 (treatment 10) 1.45 1.26 2.71 7.40 4.50 4.01 18.62 .58 2.55 3.13 (treatment 20) 1.58 1.04 2.62 4.35 7.01 7.14 21.12 .87 2.40 3.27 . “V"-Q2:E_:'~.Q'{'Q.x;- -.. Organic acids, m.e. per 100 g. of dry weight. » Unident- Citric Malic Oxalic ified Total None (control) 97.7 81.6 9.1 34.4 222.8 0.002 (treatment 1) 97 2 79.9 10.0 2.4 189.5 0.01 (treatment 5) 79.8 88.0 10.5 1.8 180.0 I 0.02 (treatment 10) 64.7 96.6 12.2 1.0 174.5 0.04 (treatment 20) 25.8 75.8 19.1 3.1 123.8 *Mean of two sets of samples. 14 BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of cellulose 117 percent and 109 percent, respectively, above that in the leaves from untreated plants. The sum of the carbohydrate fractions in the leaves increased, without exception, with each increase in the amount of applied 2,4-D while the percent moisture (not tabulated) in the leaves tended to vary inversely. The organic acids of the main-stalk leaves were consistently and markedly affected by the 2,4-D treatments. In contrast with the behavior of the total carbohydrates of the leaf, the concen- tration of total organic acids was found to vary inversely to the 2,4-D dosage (Table 4). In milliequivalents (m.e.) per 100 grams of dry leaves, the organic acid contents ranged downward from 222.8 in the control to 123.8 in the most severely injured leaves, a maximum reduction of approximately 50 percent. The behavior of malic acid was. erratic, citric decreased pro- gressively from 97.7 (control) to 25.8 m.e. (treatment 20), and oxalic increased from 9.1 to 19.1 m.e. In the case of the uniden- tified acid fraction, the response to the smallest amount of 2,4-D was relatively great. It caused a reduction fro-m 34.4 (control) to 2.4 m.e., and further increases of applied 2,4-D were without additional efiect in this respect. Of the leaf constituents that were determined, nitrogen seemed to be the least affected by the 2,4-D (Table 4). The leaves that were injured most severely contained a little more soluble ni- trogen and total nitrogen than leaves from untreated plants. DISCUSSION Results of this study show that relatively small amounts of 2,4-D, in the form of the sodium salt, may stimulate the growth and formation of certain vegetative structures of the cotton plant. All of the 2,4-D applications, for example, increased plant height, the number of main-stalk nodes, and the two largest amounts caused extensive development of vegetative branches. On the other hand, the reaction of the fruiting activ- ities of co-tton to the application of 2,4-D varied from none, in the instance of the two smaller amounts, to a 58 percent reduc- tion in the yield of plants receiving the heaviest dose. This re- duction in yield appeared to be the summation of several dif- ferent but closely interrelated responses to the 2,4-D. Correlated with the suppression in yield of the treated plants, significant reductions were found in the (a) length of fruiting branch and number of nodes, (b) flower production and (c) bo-ll setting. In view of the reported (9, 19) favorable hormonal action of 2,4-D in reducing (a) the preharvest drop of certain fruits and (b) the shedding of cotton bolls, as reported by Rakitin, et aL, (14), the results from the use of the two smaller amounts of 2.4-D appear to be noteworthy. As shown in Table 1 these amounts, While causing no serious injury to the leaves, had no 5i RESPONSES OF COTTON TO 2.4-D 15 significant effect on the flowering 0r boll-setting of the Stone- ville 2B cotton- It is believed that favorable conditions for a fruiting response is shown by the following facts: (a) there was a strong manifestation of 2,4-D activity during, and even beyond, the 35-day flowering period, and (b) the plants. were grown under naturally reduced light intensity and length of day, September 15 to January 27 (11). The above results, though negative and at variance with those reported by Rakitin, et al., are in line with those from the use of two other hormones. Thus Eaton (4), found that dusting cotton plants during periods of active shedding with 100 p.p.m. sodium p-chlorophenoxyacetate and 1000 p.p.m. alpha-naphtha- leneacetic acid, or spraying weekly with 20 p.p.m. sodium p- chlorophenoxyacetate did not increase boll retention. On the contrary, the latter treatment reduced the number of bolls per plant. Because of the diagnostic value that is often placed upon the morphological response of the cotton leaf to 2,4-D, it seems pertinent to examine briefly the leaf injury as observed in this study- This should be done in relation to the yield of cotton which, after all, is the most practical basis for evaluating 2,4-D damage. Using the reduction in weight of main-stalk leaves as an index of injury, it was found that the 2,4-D caused as much as a 27 percent reduction in Weight of certain leaves (at the 4th node below the terminal bud) without appreciably altering the total yield of seed cotton. The next higher dosage of 2,4-D (0.02 mg.) reduced the weight of leaves 50 percent and the corresponding yield of cotton 20 percent. Thus, the cotton plant may sustain some leaf injury (typical 2,4-D formative reactions and reduction in weight) without an accompanying reduction in its yield. However, it should be emphasized that the amount of 2,4-D required to exceed the tolerance level of cotton, under the conditions of this experiment, is of a very small magnitude, being only the difference between 0.01 and .02 mg. per plant. To understand why the tolerance of cotton for 2,4-D is fre- quently exceeded by drifting dusts o-r sprays from nearby weed- killing operations, one has only to convert the rates of this experiment to an ounce-per-acre basis and compare them with those commonly used in weed control. Thus, assuming 20,000 cotton plants to an acre, the rates for the treatments 1, 5, 10 and 20 become 1 ounce to 700 acres, 1 ounce to 140 acres, 1 ounce to 70 acres and 1 ounce to 35 acres, respectively. The amount of 2,4-D acid-equivalent applied in weed control varies from 20 to 80 ounces (12; to 5 pounds) per acre. Therefore, it is readily apparent that the minimum rate for weed control is 700 times the maximum rate used in this work. When sensitive plants are treated with 2,4-D, reductions in carbohydrates and accumulation of nitrogen (7, 10, 15, 16, 17) are usually noted as typical chemical responses The data from 16 BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the present study deserve some discussion for they indicate that the cotton plant was not affected similarly by the 2,4-D applied. As previously stated, none of the applications through the next to the largest dose appreciably altered either the con- centration of carbohydrates (total sugars and starch) or of nitrogen. On the other hand, the largest dose resulted in a marked decrease in leaf starch, but it was not accompanied by a substantial increase in nitrogen. However, in this single in- stance of carbohydrate reduction it seems doubtful that accel- erated carbohydrate utilization is indicated for it must be re- membered that in the most severely deformed leaves, Figure 1, there was a drastic reduction in the chlorenchyma with abnor- mal development of vascular tissue. Consequently, it would seem more logical to attribute the low starch level to a reduction in starch production rather than to accelerated utilization. Fur- thermore, the observed increases in sucrose, hemicellulo-se and cellulose, with increased doses of 2,4-D, are believed to be a reflection and an indirect measure of the differential effect of the synthetic hormone on the anatomy of the cotton leaf. One of the most interesting of the chemical responses of the cotton leaf to 2,4-D was the behavior of the organic acids, which were found to decrease in concentration (total) with an increase in the amount of 2,4-D applied. Data presented in another paper (6) show that the organic acids of cotton together with the inorganic anions, like those of other plants, appear to function primarily as neutralizers of the inorganic bases that accumulate during plant growth. Also, it was noted in that work that the total organic acid content of the leaf was little affected by utilization or accumulation of carbohydrates that did not involve a change in the ratio of inorganic cations to inorganic anions. Logically, therefore, the observed decrease in total organic acids in this study would appear to be a reflection of changes in the mineral nutrition of the leaf. In other words, the 2,4-D applied to the cotton plant probably inhibited the normal accumulation of inorganic bases in the affected leaves and reduced simultane- ously the synthesis of organic acids. But, as in the case of the leaf carbohydrates, this efiect of 2,4-D was indirect and sub- ordinate to the effect of changes in leaf anatomy. As further evidence of this, the magnitude of the values for citric, malic, oxalic and total organic acids in the severely injured leaves is strikingly similar to that found in the cotton petiole (6), which has comparable tissues. RESPONSES OF COTTON TO 2,4-D 17 SUMMARY Four groups of cotton plants in the prebloom stage were treated with so-dium salt of 2,4-D equivalent to 0.002, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 milligram of 2,4-D acid, respectively, and the subse- quent growth and chemical respo-nses were studied. A close re- lationship was found between the quantity of 2,4-D used and the degree and type of response manifested by the treated plants. The principal results may be summarized as follows: Growth: Plant height and the number of main-stalk nodes increased in proportion to the amo-unt of 2,4-D applied; in case of the heaviest dose, the increase Was 38 percent and 21 percent, respectively. Also, the formation and growth of vegetative branches was stimulated by the two largest applications. The largest amount of 2,4-D, on the other hand, repressed develop- ment of fruiting branches; and injury to the main-stalk leaves, a as reflected by reductio-n in leaf weight, was. increased progres- sively from 27 percent (0.01 mg.) to 77 percent (0.04 mg.). The smallest amount of 2,4-D (0.002 mg.) produced no visible signs of leaf modification or injury. Fruiting and fiber: Compared with untreated plants, the 0.02 and 0.04 mg. applications suppressed flower production 7 percent and 33 percent, respectively, (highly significant), and reduced the number of bolls set per plant 12 percent and 53 percent, respectively, (highly significant). Likewise, the yields of seed cotton were reduced 20 percent and 58 percent, respec- tively, by these amounts. Only the results from the 0.04 mg. application were indicative of a trend which was toward a re- duction in (a) fiber weight per inch, (b) percentage of mature fiber and (c) tensile strength. Leaf constituents: In the main-stalk leaves, the concentra- tions of sucrose, hemicellulose and cellulose tended to increase with increased amounts of 2,4-D applied. Varying with equal consistency, but inversely to the amount applied, were reducing sugars and total organic acids. Leaf starch appeared to be affected by only the heaviest dosage of 2,4-D. 18 18. 19. 20. . Mitchell, J. W. and BULLETIN 713, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION LITERATURE CITED Brown, Clair A., Q. L. Holdeman and E. S. Hagood. Injuries t0 cotton by 2,4-D. La. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 426. 1948. - Dunlap, A. A. 2,4-D injury to cotton from airplane dusting of rice. Phytopath. 38: 638-644. 1948. _ 0 _ _ Eaton, F. M. and Neil E. Rigler. 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