TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. Director. College Station, Texas 84km 75.2 LIBRARY A. a M. comes or TEXAS Factors Affecting Gummq Butter V The TEXAS AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM I GIBB GILCHRIST. Chancellor DIGEST Among the Southcentral States, Texas ranks next Oklahoma and Kentucky in creamery butter production; _ farm butter production Texas is third in the nation—followi Alabama and North Carolina. Second only to flavor in the importance of eating quali is the body of butter. Body is evaluated by the consumer j the manner in which the butter melts or spreads. It is of p considered that cows eating cottonseed products prod v butter having what is known as a gummy or melt-resist body. The availability and nutritive qualities of cottons A’ products make them highly desirable as dairy feeds, especia in the South. This study shows that the gummy character of but body may be accounted for by a no more specific reason th “individuality of the cow,” regardless of her feed. On t other hand, it is shown that when grain sorghum silagel fed along with cottonseed meal, the tendency for the but y’ to be gummy is completely overcome. This tendency le further weight to the already existing experimental data I the advantages of silage feeding for dairy cattle. i Feeding experiments and butter analyses show t, gummy-bodied butter is higher in palmitic and stearic aci than is non-gummy butter. Gummy-bodied butter has. significantly higher melting point and Polenske number, : v a significantly lower Iodine number. There is no signifi a difference between the Reichert-Meissl number nor t lecithin-in-fat content of gummy and non-gummy butter. l _iodine number and a lower Reichert-Meissl value. i. E , Factors Affecting Bummg Butter A. V. MOORE and R. E. LEIGHTON* TEXAS CREAMERY BUTTER often has a gummy body. This defect can best be described by the manner in which affected butter melts in the mouth; it has a paraffin-like body that resists melting for periods much longer than does butter of normal body. Texas butter has been criticized and reduced in score at butter markets over the country because of this defect. Published research on the gummy body defect is limited. Herzer, Moore and Cowsert (1) reported that cottonseed hulls, cottonseed meal and cottonseed oil, when fed to cows, resulted in gummy butter; but if the cottonseed meal was extracted by solvents to reduce the oil content of the meal, the gumminess was not evident. The presence of silage in the ration reduced the gumminess. Keith, Rink and Kuhlman (2), in studying the gummy defect, reported that gumminess in butter could be controlled by churning within one hour after pasteurizing and cooling. There may be some relation between this observation and that of Hansen, et al., (3), that butter made from cream cooled on surface coolers is more likely to be gummy than g that made from vat-cooled cream. It was reported by Arbuckle and Copeland (4) that gumminess in butter was associated with a greater hardness value, higher melting point, higher Polenske value, lower The use of pasture in the ration reduced gumminess. Gumminess was produced when either palmitic or stearic acid was fed. _It was concluded that the gummy defect was associated with a high percentage of palmitin and stearin in the butter. In a survey of the quality of Texas butter (3), it was concluded that cottonseed feeds and dry pastures were associated with gummy-bodied butter, and that these feeding conditions, as well as methods of handling cream on the farm and at the creamery, all contributed to gumminess, hardness A of body and flat flavor. *Respectively, professor of dairy manufactures and associate professor of dairy husbandry, College Station, Texas. _4__ EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A study was made by the Texas Station of the effect of feeding solvent-extracted and hydraulic-processed cottonseed meal. The chemical composition of these feeds were: Component Solvent Hydraulic X0 /0 Protein minimum 41 41 Fat 1 5 N-free ext. minimum 25 25 Crude fiber, maximum 13 12 Since the properties of lecithin suggest that it might be a associated with a gummy-bodied butter, the amount of lecithin 1 in butters made from the milk of cows fed the two kinds of T cottonseed meal was determined. The effect of lecithin feeding was observed. Since gumminess was produced (4)\ in butter when cows _ were fed palmitic or stearic acid, a study was made of the f amounts of the several fatty acids in both gummy and non- gummy butter. Conventional fat constants were determined by the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural; Chemists. The judging of body in butters was done by two y or three experienced judges. Hydraulic-processed and Solvent-extracted Cottonseed Meal I Six Jersey cows in the Station herd were selected for 5 study. For 14 days they were given an 18 percent protein t ration consisting of 565 pounds of sorghum grain, 100 pounds of citrus pulp, 100 pounds of oats, 150 pounds of bran and ‘ 250 pounds of hydraulic-processed cottonseed meal. They had free access to silage and alfalfa hay. At the end of this period, the milk from four consecutive milkings of each cow was. added together and separated, pasteurized, cooled and churned i into butter containing 2 percent salt. On the same day, for; comparison, a churning was made of cream from mixed , patron. milk. The butters were stored at 40° F. and examined f for gumminess after one week. The Reichert-Meissltnumber, ‘ Polenske number, iodine number, melting point and lecithin-Ii in-fat percentage were determined. Cottonseed meal and} silage in the ration were replaced with Johnson grass hay . and corn gluten meal. A 22 percent protein mix, consisting ~ of 200 pounds of sorghum grain, 200 pounds of oats, 100. pounds of bran and 250 pounds of corn gluten meal, was fed for 28 days. Milk samples were again collected, separated, ' pasteurized, and churnings were made. __5__ The six cows were then grouped into three pairs. For 14 ays their rations were the same as those fed during the ottonseed-depletion period, except that: pair one received “solvent-extracted cottonseed meal; pair two received hydraulic- {processed cottonseed meal, and each cow of pair three was ‘fed 25 grams of crude commercial soybean lecithin on alternate ‘days via a balling gun. Pair three received the same grain ration as pairs one and two, except that it received no i cottonseed meal. Then pairs one and two were reversed for ~14 days, and the lecithin feeding to pair three was discon- ;;tinued. Pair three was fed the basal ration (containing hydraulic-processed meal) during this period. Churnings _again were made; fat constants were determined and exami- nations for gumminess were made. The results are shown 3 in Table 1. a w ijTable 1. Fat constants, lecithin content and the incidence of gumminess ” in butters from six cows fed hydraulic and solvent-processed cottonseed meal in a single reversal test Cow number l l Mixed-pa- ~ 3 4 5 6 tron milk Physical and chemical H l W I -.».eharlcteristics of butter 1 l 2 l ll I’ After 14 days basal diet containing hydraulic cottonseed meal l» lhiehert-Meissl 24.48 28.99 26.80 26.15 26.12 29.20 27.98 T Polenske 3.11 2.24 3.18 3.58 2.52 3.12 2.07 Iodine 28.54 30.33 28.45 28.04 28.64 31.19 30.92 i llelting point 33.9 33.0 33.4 33.2 33.0 32.8 35.2 " . Leeithin-in-fat, ether ext. .164 .148 .156 .142 .166 .160 .173 Body of butter Gummy Good Good Good Gummy Good Gummy _. After 28 days depletion period—no cottonseedimealfed 7 ReicherbMeissl 22.06 26.26 23.78 24.02 22.64 26.38 ‘~ Polenske 2.24 3.18 2.42 2.82 2.05 2.56 f Iodine 33.50 32.52 36.53 31.98 35.36 36.02 3 llelt-ing point 33.8 31.8 32.6 33.2 34.1 33.0 f” Lecithin-in-fat, ether ext. .176 .278 .191 .285 .223 .245 g; Body of butter Good Good Good Good Good Good After 14 days on diet that included i W ‘ Solvent- Hydraulic- ‘ Lecithin extracted processed ‘ _- W cottonseed meal cottonseed meal ; W 7_ W Reiehert-Meissl 20.38 24.49 25.63 . 23.47 23.69 26.39 Polenske 1.62 2.97 1.99 2.98 2.65 1.92 f Iodine _ 31.18 30.68 30.83 29.80 30.68 33.19 Melting point 35.6 33.0 33.6 34.2 32.6 34.2 1‘ Lecithin-in-fat, ether ext. .147 .093 .178 .128 .134 .160 i’ Body of butter Good Good Good Gummy Gummy Good h___ W Reversal: After 14 days on diet that included: W“ w? "W? Hydraulic- Solvent- i i Basal diet processed extracted cottonseed meal cottonseed meal __ Reichert-Meissl 23.45 25.74 24.43 25.30 23.25 27.64 26.21 i‘ Polenske 2.18 2.43 2.11 2.50 2.22 2.15 1.65 Iodine 35.33 30.66 34.45 32.46 32.68 33.52 34.18 Melting point 32.8 33.1 35.0 35.0 35.4 35.1 35.5 I Lecithin-in-fat, ether ext. .235 .198 .199 .190 .193 .217 .207 l", Body ofbutter Good Good Gummy Gummy Gummy Good Good 1000.5.- 02 0x003 w 00w 10:50:00 oEcw 400E 100E039. 0Z —NOE E0030 F30 :3? Emauw _IOE 10230300 w0u0auwwoéc0>im warm -dOE £00500 E00 000:2? EEG __5_. -GQE 1000:0005. w0wm000un..0::uuwm: 2.7m 10E 503M E00 000:2...» EIEU —GOE 0000:0300 03000000620000»: 5.7m 100E E0¢EM E000 0:05?» flmdhmv +++ +++ ++H+ _d0E 0005-0300 10000033-0-00300 03h 100E GOHSTM E000 0:051.» Ewan...“- u uwmuwmuw 0:00..» .5533 u00u< E303 85103 hflww< M100; -Mim€00.u h0ww< 2 3 2 2 I S a w h MQJESG RQD _ 100k 120E Efifiu F80 0:0 100E 0000:0300 w0~00bn0é=0>_0m 0:0 0:00:22 00m 0300 E000 00.3.5 ~mEE=M .00 0000205 d 030B + w. _7_ A similar feed reversal experiment followed, using three new groups with three cows in each group. None of these cows was used in the first study. For convenience, they are referred to as numbers '7 to 15 inclusive. The experimental groups were fed 5 pounds daily of solvent-extracted or hydraulic-processed meal. The ration fed with either type of cottonseed meal consisted of 200 pounds of sorghum grain, 200 pounds of oats and 100 pounds of bran. The control ration was the same except that it contained 250 pounds of corn gluten meal to replace the cottonseed meal. Four consecutive milkings again were collected from each cow at weekly intervals for 3 weeks. The milk was separated, pasteurized, cooled to 50° F., and churned after 12 hours of aging. The butters were stored at 40° F. and examined for gumminess after one week. Fat constants were determined ' as in the previous experiment. The incidence of gumminess is shown in Table 2. . In a third feeding trial, grain sorghum silage was added to the rations. The grain mixes and the two types of cotton- g seed meal were fed as in previous trials in a single reversal ' test. Butter samples were prepared in the same manner and i examined for gumminess. Two weeks after the addition of the sorghum silage, there were no gummy butters from the 6 cows studied (numbered 16 to 21, inclusive) regardless of whether they were fed hydraulic or solvent meal. After 3 weeks, butters were again churned. None of the 6 samples Was gummy. The results are shown in Table 3. Fatty Acid Composition of Butter About 240 grams of butterfat were refluxed for 24 hours with 2 liters of absolute methyl alcohol containing 5 percent f sulphuric acid, to convert the glycerides to methyl esters. Most of the alcohol was then boiled off. This alcohol, con- . taining the butyrate and caproate, was not reclaimed. The A remaining esters were exhaustively extracted with ethyl ether _ and were washed three times with 100 ml. quantities of v water. The ether solution was desiccated over sodium sul- phate, filtered, and the solvent almost completely removed . over a steam bath at ordinary pressure. The remaining solvent was removed at reduced pressure. Two hundred grams of the esters were placed in a flask and connected to an electrically heated and packed fraction- g ating column, after the method of Smith and Dastur (5). i. The composition of each fraction was determined according f to the methods of Hilditch (6). Polyunsaturated esters were _3_ Table -3. The production of non-gummy butter when sorghum silage was fed with either hydraulic or solvent-extracted cottonseed meal 1 Body of butter from cow number Feed 16 17 18 19 i 20 i 21 Pasture plus basal grain _1 _ __ _ _ j __ mix—no cottonseed meal After 14 days Grain mix only- I no cottonseed meal — — l »— — After 21 days basal grain mix plus 5 lbs. hydraulic-processed 5 lbs. solvent-extracted cottonseed meal daily cottonseed meal daily _ _'_ _ _{_ Sorghum silage After 21 days basal grain mix plus _ a W 5 lbs. solvent-extracted 5 lbs. hydraulic-processed cottonseed meal daily cottonseed meal daily ,)_M_ _p_ then determined by the ultraviolet spectrophotometric alkali, isomerization technique of Beadle and Kraybill (7). Percent; age distribution 0f the total fractions of the methyl esters 0 saturated and unsaturated fatty acids for two samples o normal and two of gummy-bodied butter are shown in Table 4; 1 — not gummy. DISCUSSION Table 1 shows that none of the six cows studied produc fat having a gummy character in butter, after their ratio were depleted of cottonseed meal for 28 days. Butter mad of the milk of two of the cows showed gumminess before t i depletion period began and during the time each was receivi f hydraulirg-processed meal in a basal ration. The effect 0, hydraulic-processed meal is not consistent, however, becau in the reversal feeding trial the two cows which were return 1 to the basal diet following lecithin feeding, produced but ' that was not gummy. The effect of solvent-extracted v: was also inconsistent. While these data show, in gener that hydraulic-processed meal has more of a tendency » produce gumminess than does solvent-extracted meal, t' tendency is not uniform. It is apparent that the individual of the cow, regardless of her feed, is a factor controlling t character of her fat. The six cows in this phase of the stu had been fresh from 1 to 7 months when the study bega", _9__ 0 relation between their stages of lactation and the incidence gumminess in their churned fat was observed. Results of another reversal feeding test, shown in Table 2, bstantiate those in Table 1. While there is convincing : idence of the tendency for either type of cottonseed meal f produce gumminess in the case of cows 7, 8 and 9, there is gain the inconsistency of this tendency in the case of cows 0, 11 and 12. Corn gluten meal as a source of protein in the 'on is better from a butter body standpoint than is either g e of cottonseed meal. All of the fat constants reported in able 1 were determined in the study reported in Table 2. tatistical treatment of the fat constant data on 41 samples of mmy and 45 samples of non-gummy butter indicates that, gummy butter, the Polenske number and melting point is “gnificantly higher, that the iodine number is significantly wer, and that there is no difference in Reichert-Meissl “umber nor in lecithin-in-fat content. f, Complete absence of gumminess in butter occurred when ain sorghum silage was fed along with either type of Vttonseed meal. As shown in Table 3, when 5 pounds of ‘ther type meal were fed for 21 days, there were no samples gf gummy butter. It is significant here that the indefinite "feet associated with the “individuality of the cow” was 'mpletely overcome, so far as gummy butter is concerned, the cows were fed grain sorghum silage. An analysis of the fatty acid composition of gummy and on-gummy butters suggests (Table 4) that gumminess is sociated with higher percentages of long-chain acids, 1 able 4. Percentage distribution of the total fractions of methyl esters T’ in normal-bodied and gummy-bodied butter Trial 1 Trial 2 Normal . Gummy Normal Gummy 1.07 0.73 1.38 0.78 3.39 1.90 3.48 2-.98 5.15 3.32 1.59 2.85 13.63 11.77 15.48 8.93 25.22 26.21 34.27 39.90 9.87 13.82 10.86 8.98 1.35 2.55 1.52 0.90 0.28 0.10 0.40 0.15 0.28 0.12 0.10 0.12 1.04 1.04 1.85 1.40 2.30 2.25 2.37 3.73 g 35.06 34.91 24.66 24.45 8 lillflleci 0.34 0.54 1.28 3.58 3'4 8 Ilnolenic 0.87 0.34 0.52 0.86 =~ 0.06 0.38 0.23 0.37 _1()__ particularly palmitic. Non-gummy butter is characterized i‘ higher percentages of short-chain fatty acids. This confirm in part, the study made by Arbuckle and Copeland (4) wh observed that cows fed palmitic and stearic acids produc gummy butter. 'i SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Hydraulic-processed or solvent-extracted cottonseed in a dairy ration tends to produce fat which, when churn into butter, has a gummy body. - Hydraulic-processed cottonseed meal has more effect i’ producing gumminess than does solvent-extracted meal. Neither type of meal is consistent in its effect. The individuality of the cow determines to a great exte. whether her fat will produce gummy butter. ' When sorghum silage is fed along with either hydrauli processed or solvent-extracted meal, the fat produced does n_ result in a gummy butter, regardless of the individuality in the cow. ' ~ The lecithin content of ether-extracted fat is not an ind to the incidence of gumminess in the churned fat. There no relation between the Reichert-Meissl number of fat a 1 the incidence of gumminess in butter. A Gummy butter has a higher Polenske number and A higher melting point, but a lower iodine number, than no gummy butter. " There appears to be more palmitic acid in gummy butte: There are higher percentages of short-chain fatty acid in non-gummy butter. - . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The preparation of butter samples and a substantial pa of the analytical work in this study were done by D. J. Ha ’ inson and J. G. Featro, former members of the Dairy Depa ment staff. Credit is also due Ralph T. Holman, formerly 1 the Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, for assistari given in the fatty acid fractionation studies. - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) __11_ LITERATURE CITED Herzer, F. H., Moore, J. S., and Cowsert, W. C. The Effects of Various Feeds on the Milk Fat Constants and 0n the Flavor and Texture of Butter. Miss. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 25. 1939. Keith, J. I., Rink, C. W. and Kuhlman, A. H. Overcoming the Gummy Body of Butter Caused iby Feeding Cottonseed Meal. J. Dairy Sci., 20:462. 1937. Hansen, F. E., Arbuckle, W. S., and Shepardson, C. N. Factors Affecting the Quality of Texas Butter as Revealed by a Statewide Survey. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 670. 1945. Arbuckle, W. S., and Copeland, O. C. Factors Affecting the Quality of Texas Butter. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Progress Rpt. 1031. Smith, J. A. B., and Dastur, N. N. The Effect of Inanition on the Yield and Composition of Milk Fat. Biochem. Jour. 32 :2 :1868-1876. July-Dec. 1938. Hilditch, T. P. The Chemical Consitution of Natural Fats. 2nd Ed. 1947. London, Chapman and Hall. Beadle, B. W., and Kraybill, H. R. The Spectrophometric Analysis of Fats. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 66:2:1232. July- Dec. 1944.