flulletm 77 - Analyses of ~ Commercial Fertilizers ' Sold During 1952-53 LI BRAZQY Nov l‘ In! Mexico C0"??? ‘Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, 1925. A sum- ry of some important requirements of the law i ows. For further requirements, penalties, def- ions and other detailed information, reference uld be made to the full text of the law, which ' be furnished by the State Chemist upon re- est. a terials Covered by the Law All mixed fertilizers, fertilizer materials and , other substances which have or are claimed to ve a beneficial effect on the soil or to promote f growth of crops, come under the law, with exception of lime, limestone, marl, agricul- al gypsum, unground bones, stockpen manure, myard manure and the excrement of any do- animal in case that said manure or excre- nt has not been dried or manipulated or other- ge treated, or is not claimed to have a value of ,1 than $4.00 a ton. _ istration Before a fertilizer is offered for sale in Tex- . it must be registered with the State Chemist Texas. All registrations expire on August 31 I each year, and new applications for registra- j;- must be submitted for each year. Applica- blanks for registration are furnished by the f: Chemist, College Station, Texas, upon re- lest. The application blank must be filled out d sent to the State Chemist together with a g y of the printed bag or tag to be used. Such ibag or tag must meet the requirements of the » ilizer law. Wording on the application fo-r lfstration must agree exactly with the wording p the printed bag or tag, and no change may be _~de in the wording on the bag or tag after it ; been registered. Any such change requires new registration. alyses of Commercial Fertilizers Sold During 1952-53 i J. F. FUDGE, STATE CHEMIST, and T. L. QGIER, CHEMIST The application for registration must state all of the materials used in the fertilizer, includ- ing the filler or conditioner, and these materials must be used in all batches. A change may be made only if the change meets the requirements of the law and the State Chemist is notified. No brand name identical with or so similar to a brand name previously registered by another manufacturer as to lead to confusion can be ac- cepted. No name which is misleading as to the in- gredients of the fertilizer can be accepted. The grade of mixed fertilizers should be part of the brand name; for example, Jupiter Brand 20 Per- celnt Superphosphate or Mars Brand 5-10-5 Fer- ti izer. Labels The law requires the following information to be printed on the bag or on a tag attached to the bag: Net weight of content of the bag. Name of fertilizer in full. Name and address of manufacturer, manipulator or guarantor. Guaranteed analysis (in order given below): Nitrogen, percent. a Available phosphoric acid, percent. Potash, percent. Nitrogen refers to the total nitrogen (N) present. Such terms as “ammonia” or “equiva- lent to ammonia” cannot be used. Available phosphoric acid (P205) must be guaranteed in all mixed fertilizers and in all fer- tilizer materials, with the following exceptions. Total phosphoric acid may be guaranteed in bone meal, tankage or other similar products, but Where this is done, no guarantee of available phosphoric acid can be used. If it is desired to claim avail- able phosphoric acid only, the guarantee must take the form set forth above. Potash (K20) refers to potash soluble in dis- tilled water. No other guarantee or term can be used. Inspection Fees To finance the inspection of fertilizers and the collection and analysis of official samples of fertilizer, experiments relative to the value of fer- tilizers, and for certain other purposes, the law imposes an inspection fee of 25 cents per ton on all fertilizers sold or offered for sale in Texas. This fertilizer inspection fee must be paid on the basis of and accompany sworn quarterly state- ments of sales, due in the office of the State Chemist on the first day of September, Decem- ber, March and June. Bulk Sales Fertilizer in bulk for manufacturing purposes can be shipped only to the factory of a manufac- turer who has registered fertilizer for sale in Texas. Fertilizer in bulk cannot be sold to dealers for resale or distribution. Registered fertilizers may be sold in bulk by manufacturers to persons, individuals or firms for their own use on their own lands, but not for resale or distribution, under rules prescribed by the State Chemist. The inspection fee must be paid on all such sales. All authorizations to sell fertilizer in bulk expire August 31 of each year. Report of Sales The guarantor must mail a report of each ' sale or shipment of fertilizer within or into Tex- as to the State Chemist within 3 days after such sale or shipment. The report must be made by sending to the State Chemist a copy of the invoice used in billing the customer. The invoices must be numbered, and the same number cannot be used twice during the same year. Reports of sales in bulk to manufacturers must be marked “for man- ufacturing purposes.” Reports of sales in bulk to individuals for use on their own land must be marked "bulk sale to consumer.” FERTILIZER GRADES APPROVED FOR 1953-54 The grade of a mixed fertilizer is stated in numbers representing the guaranteed analysis as percentages of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and water-soluble potash. For example, a grade of 5-10-5 means that the fertilizer is guaranteed by the manufacturer to contain 5 percent nitro- gen, 10 percent available phosphoric acid and 5 percent water-soluble potash. Fertilizers are frequently referred to by these numbers, which form a short and accurate description of the fer- tilizer. The term grade may also refer to the per- centage 0f a constituent in a fertilizer material, as in 20 percent superphosphate. Wherever prac- ticable, the grade of a fertilizer or fertilizer ma- terial should be included as part of the full name of the fertilizer required on the bag or tag. Fertilizers may also be described by a numer- ical statement expressing the relation among the principal constituents in its simplest form, called a ratio. For example, a 5-10-5 fertilizer contains 1 part of nitrogen to 2 parts of available phos- phoric acid and to 1 part of potash. Consequent- ly, this fertilizer has a 1-2-1 ratio; other grades having this ratio include 6-12-6, 10-20-10 and 12- 24-12. The grades of mixed farm fertilizers sold in Texas have been limited in number for nearly 30 years. Limitation and standardization of grades reduce the cost of manufacturing and handling, thereby permitting the fertilizer to be sold to the consumer at a lower cost. They also assist the farmer to become familiar with the different 4 grades of fertilizer, enable him to decide more readily on the proper grade to be used and en- able the agricultural specialist to make defini -- recommendations. The ratios and minimum" grades of mixed farm fertilizers to be approve in Texas during a given year are decided by the Texas Fertilizer Committee after a public hear- ing at which manufacturers and others interested may present recommendations. This public hear- ing is held in cooperation with fertilizer control officials, agricultural specialists and manufac turers of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. The list of approved grades is published in the annual fertilizer bulletin and ma g also be obtained ‘upon request to the State Chem? ist. » Following the annual public hearing l‘ grades held at Galveston July 10, 1953, the Texaf Fertilizer Committee approved the following r l~ tios and minimum grades for use in Texas durin - the year beginning September 1, 1953: Ratio Minimum Ratio Minimum q approved grade approved grade 0-1-1 0-12-12 1-3-6 3-9-18 0-2 1 0-14-7 1-4 4 3-12-12 1-1-0 10-1 -0 2-1-0 14-7-0 1-1 1 8-8-8 2-1-1 10-5-5 l-2.-0 7-1 -0 2-2-1 10-10-5 1-2 1 5-10-5 3-1-0 15-5-0 1-2-2 5-10-10 3-2-0 12-8-0 1-2-3 4-8-12 3-3-1 12-12-4 1-3-1 4-12-4 3-4 6 6-8-12 1-3-2 4-12-8 3-5-2 6-10-4 Grades of mixed goods of the same ratios 1:; those above, but of higher guaranteed analys also were approved. For example, a 12-24-1 would be approved as a higher analysis of th 1-2-1 ratio. ’ All materials were approved. A few grades; such as 4-16-0 (ammoniated superphosphate) , 12¢ 15-0, 16-20-0, 11-48-0 and 13-39-0 (ammoniu phosphates) are approved as materials. THE TEXAS FERTILIZER COMMITTEE The Texas Fertilizer Committee, compose of agricultural subject-matter specialists of th ‘ Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College Sy tem and representatives of the U. S. Departmen of Agriculture, is appointed by the Director the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station to ad vise and assist the State Chemist in the dischar of certain of his duties, particularly with resp l to ratios and grades of mixed fertilizer to be proved for registration during the coming yea This committee is composed of the following in dividuals : J. F. Fudge, State Chemist, Chairman J. E. Adams, Head, Department of Agronomy G. W. Adriance, Head, Department of Horticulture "F. R. Brison, Professor of Horticulture J. E. Hutchison, Extension Horticulturist . A. Miller, Extension Agronomist _ vi Moss, Production and Marketing Adminstrati . S. Department of Agriculture ' Obi .J. U .B. K C11 Reynolds, Professor, Department of Agrono’ Thornton, Extension Agricultural Chemist Z ' ~v= lity ifThos A _Bm ather f -Phos .211- ’ ~~ s Farmers .. A ‘ty fur Bet Q: 7 7 p 1 d Booster ,; Mack , *8 iart’s . 1. "Nitro I A pion lier’s i _ _ o ' Country vl ester " l- Pickup g e Circle ure ’ . Earth enrod I n Glo f‘ Green Thumb Green Valley Gro-Best Gro-Crop Gro-plus Groso Gro-stuf Heart Heart of Texas Hereford Hills Hou-Actinite Hy-Gro Hyponex International Interstate Ivy K-W La-Tex Lawn Green Leon's Life Lion Liqua Vita Loamium Lorna Lone Star Longhorn MCC Magnite Magnolia Magic Grow Marco Mathieson Maverick Min-Coll Min-Sol Milorganite Mulch Plus Mule Na-Churs Navajo Nichols Nitrolime Nitronex Nitro-Sul Nu-Green Nurish Old Black Joe Orga-Min Ortho Ortho-Gro Ovene Owl Pabak Page Pasturgro Phillips 66 Plantabbs S AND TRADE-MARKS REGISTERED e law requires the State Chemist to pub- A nually a list of brands or trade-marks reg- y: with him. The following is a list of brands rade-marks registered with the State Chem- ring 1952-1953: Plant-Chem PM Rabbit Ra-Pid-Gro Rancho del Descenso Red Star Red Steer Reliance Rosewell’s Ruhm’s RX-15 Scott’s Sequestrene Silver Tip Shur-Gro Smith Big Yield Smith Commander Smith Gro-Grain Smith Gro-Green Smith Hi-po Smith Square Deal Smith Money Maker Smith Nitro-Phos Smith Top Notch Soil Booster Soil Nu Soylaid SSS Star Stauffer Sul-Po-Mag Sunnyland Swfgas Swfgro Swfphos Red Steer T. C. C. Terra Food Terra Lite Terra-Sul Texas Green Acres Texas Liquid Texas Longhorn Tex-Hi Thorobred Top Crop Top-o-Texas Topper Umbaugh V-C V-O Vertagreen Victory Vigoro Walker’s Weber-King Wesco Wolf Woodgrow INSPECTION FEES COLLECTED DURING 1952-53 _ Fertilizer inspection fees equivalent to 558,- 92 tons of fertilizer were collected for fertilizer pd during the Texas fiscal year from Septem- 1, 1952 through August 31, 1953. This ton- Table 1. Fertilizer inspection fees collected, calculated on a tonnage basis, during different periods (September 1 of one year through August 31 of the next year) Year Tonnage equivalent 1905-06 13,500 1910-18 (S-year average) 48,861 1918-23 (5-year average) 44,770 1923-28 (5-year average) 112,927 1928-33 (5-year average) 90,962 1933-38 (5-year average) 66,255 1938-43 (5-year average) 125,678 1943-44 196,877 1944-45 217,760 1945-46 305,510 1946-47 401,297 1947-48 .......... .. 451,132 1948-49 492,541 1949-50 545,899 1950-51 ...... .. 598,274 1951-52 521,943 1952-53 553,303 nage is compared in Table 1 with tonnages on which fees were collected in previous periods. All fees collected are used for the adminis- tration of the Texas fertilizer law and for re- search on various factors which influence the ag- ricultural value of commercial fertilizers. TONNAGE SALES OF DIFFERENT GRADES OF FERTILIZERS The tonnage sales of different grades of mix- ed fertilizers and fertilizer materials from July 1 through December 31, 1952, from January 1 through June 30, 1953 and the total for the two 6-months periods, are given in Table 2. These periods, rather than those based on the Texas fiscal year, are used because they are in accord with the periods almost universally used by ferti- lizer manufacturers, by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and by many states, and are those recommended by the Committee on Fertilizer Grades and Ratios of the American Society of Agronomy to provide a uniform basis for estima- Table 2. Tonnages of principal mixed goods and materials sold, July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953, as reported currently by guarantors July 1 Jan. 1 Total tonnage to o —————————~— Grade Dec. 31, July 31, Relative 1952 1953 Actual 1951-52:100 Mixed goods 62,326 220,873 283,199 97 0-12-12 3,428 1,333 4,761 85 0-14-7 23,783 7,029 30,812 55 3-12-12 4,463 4,316 8,779 269 4-12-4 1,660 18,093 19,753 73 5-10-5 13,311 103,560 116,871 98 6-12-6 668 4,798 5,466 92 Higher 1-2-1 grades 4,880 17,922 22,802 131 6-10-4, 6-12-4 3,186 7,503 10,689 100 10-20-0 1,417 5,035 6,452 143 8-8-8 1,825 26,630 28,455 115 Higher 1-1-1 grades 1,400 9,604 11,004 199 10-10-0 and higher 447 5,439 5,886 185 10-10-5 293 2,279 2,572 117 Materials 141,100 146,207 287,307 89 Anhydrous ammonia 4,690 13,834 18,524 106 Ammonium nitrate 9,074 16,868 25,942 105 Ammonium sulfate 6,088 27,402 33,490 131 Ammonium phosphates 19,751 39,746 59,497 104 Nitrate of soda 595 1,659 2,254 77 Other nitrogen materials 3,859 2,934 6,793 142 Superphosphates, normal 65,483 21,677 87,160 68 Super-phosphates, concentrates 14,174 8,818 22,992 128 Unacidulated phosphates 14.289 5,856 20,145 67 Potash materials 505 765 1,270 80 Total fertilizer 203,426 367,080 570,506 93 ting the needs of the fertilizer industry in the United States. These data were compiled from current reports of sales of fertilizers required by law to be sent to the State Chemist by fertilizer guarantors within 3 days after sale. Mixed goods sales were only slightly lower than those of a year ago, and this decrease is more than accounted for by the very large de- creases in sales of 0-14-7 and 4-12-4 grades. High- ly significant increases occurred in sales of the 1-1-0, 1-2-0 and 1-4-4 ratios, and in grades of other ratios but of high analysis. Sales of materials were 11 percentbelow those of last year, but this decrease is more than accounted for by the large decreases in sales of normal superphosphate and rock phosphate. Large increases occurred in the cases of ammonium sul- fate, other nitrogen materials and in concentra- ted superpho-sphate. Sales of normal superphos- phate accounted for only 3O percent of the ma- terials sold this year, as compared with 40 per- cent a year ago. Ammonium phosphates provid- ed practically three-fourths as much available phosphoric acid as was supplied by normal super- phosphates. In general, Table 2 emphasises a continuance and acceleration of two trends which have been evident in the Texas fertilizer data for several years, namely, the use of mixed goods of higher analysis, and a narrowing of the ratio between nitrogen and available phosphoric acid in both mixed goods and materials. Distribution of sales of the principal grades and materials by months is shown in Table 3. In this table, the quantity of a particular grade or Table 3. Distribution of sales of principal grades and ma- terials, July 1, 1952-June 30, 1953 E E E § . .2 .2 .242 é “'5 i‘ o 5 o =4: - .: M°““‘ "g ‘T’? fig v3 E? E2 2E g9 E5 a? E ~. 8 a 2 =~ 2 = s Er: E2: E2 =2 ¢ u; I .-¢ u: -| an -~ u <1 a <1 G <3 m <1 n. w a Percentage of Total Sold July 1.0 2.4 1.2 1.3 August 5.8 0.4 1.0 .0 . . . . . September 31.5 1.2 3.0 2.6 2.0 6.2 3.8 3.2 22.9 October 18.9 1.5 2.7 1.9 3.2 5.3 3.4 6.3 24.1 November 15.7 1.4 2.3 1.0 3.0 7.0 2.1 2.5 9.3 December 4.4 2.3 2.8 2.1 3.0 7.1 3.3 11.2 7.2 January 1.8 7.3 8.4 8.2 4.7 10.3 7.1 13.1 3.9 February 5.4 13.8 14.2 13.8 11.1 11.6 9.9 9.9 7.3 March 8.2 33.6 30.8 31.4 17.5 12.7 21.5 11.2 7.9 April 5.0 22.6 21.2 21.4 16.4 11.4 19.4 7.1 5.6 May 1.6 8.3 8.4 11.5 12.5 11.0 12.2 14.7 2.1 June 0.7 5.2 4.0 3.8 12.4 8.5 11.7 10.9 2.1 material sold in a given month is expressed as a percentage of the total quantity sold during the entire year. More than half of the 0-2-1 grades, principally the 0-14-7 grade, and of the super- phosphates were sold during September, October and November. On the other hand, about three- fourths of the principal mixed grades and half of the ammonium materials were sold during the 4-months period from January through April. Tables 2 and 3 emphasize the desirability of early purchase of fertilizers when such action is 6 practicable. The mixing of commercial fertilizers . requires a large investment in equipment and much labor. Restricted seasonal use of this equip-- ment and labo-r is economically unsound. Improve- ment in time distribution of sales would make possible the manufacture of a much larger ton- nage of fertilizer without additional expenditure‘ for equipment or labor, which in turn would re- _ sult in a lower cost per ton of fertilizer to the farmer. The tonnages of the principal fertilizer com- 1 ponents sold during the year, calculated from the current reports of guarantors and the guaranteed I analyses, are shown in Table 4. Sales in the fall ; accounted for 25 percent of the nitrogen, 43 per- j Table 4. Primary fertilizer components sold, July 1, 1952 I -June 30, 1953, as reported currently by guarantors and ‘ calculated from guaranteed analyses July 1 Jan‘ 1 Total tonnage Components t” t" Dec. 31, June 30, " . 1951 1952 Actual 1950-51=l00 I 1946-4721110 Nitrogen, tons In mixed goods 2,362 14,016 16,378 114 113 In materials 12,331 30,245 42,576 110 500 Total 14,693 44,261 58,954 111 263 Available phosphoric acid, tons In mixed goods 8,445 25,748 34,193 115 105 In materials 23,121 16,415 39,536 88 143 Total 31,566 42,163 73,729 94 110 Potash, tons In mixed goods 4,670 13,747 18,417 97 202 In maerials 294 445 739 79 478 Total 4,964 14,192 19,156 96 212 Average over-all composition, percent Nitrogen 7.22 12.06 10.33 119 199 Available phosphoric acid 15.52 11.50 12.92 101 85 Potash 2.44 3.87 3.36 96 134 cent of the available phosphoric acid and 26 per- cent of the potash used during the entire year. . Stated in another way, sales of nitrogen and of .2 potash were three times as great in the spring as j they were in the fall, while sales of available phos- phoric acid were fairly evenly distributed be- i tween the two periods. Mixed goods supplied 28 percent of the nitrogen, 47 percent of the avail- q able phosphoric acid and 96 percent of the potash. 5 The average over-all composition showed signifi- .1 cant increases in nitrogen and potash and a slight decrease in available phosphoric acid. Giving a - comparative value of 1 to nitrogen, the average ratio during 1952-53 was 1—1.25——0.32, as com- .1, pared with 1—1.48—0.37 in 1951-52. The trend T toward narrowing the ratio between nitrogen and .1 available phosphoric acid is desirable for many = of our crops and soils. A VALUATION PER TON The Texas fertilizer law requires that a re- f, fund be made to all purchasers of fertilizer if 5%; the valuation found on analysis is 4 percent or t more below the valuation guaranteed, and that if j the valuation found is 10 percent or more below the valuation guaranteed, the fertilizer shall be _ considered as being adulterated. A calculation , of the valuation guaranteed and of the valuation found by analysis must, therefore, be made. The valuation also sums up the valuation of the three 1' principal constituents (nitrogen, available phos- horic acid and soluble potash) shown in the 1 arantee or found in the analysis, into a single igure which is convenient fo-r comparative pur- The calculation of the total valuation requires specific valuation for each of the three constit- uents. The following prices per pound and per unit (1 percent of a ton, or 20 pounds) were used for this calculation in 1952-53: Prices per Prices per pound unit Nitrogen .............................................. .. $ .15 $3.00 “Available phosphoric acid .............. .. .06 1.20 . ‘Hotal phosphoric acid in tankage and bone meal ............................ .. .035 .70 Y§Total phosphoric acid in rock i phosphate .................................... .. .025 .50 Soluble potash .................................... .. .03 .60 The valuation is calculated by multiplying ‘the percentage of each constituent by the valua- p ion per unit, and adding the products. Following ,;is an example of the calculation of the valuation ‘ f a ton of a 5-10-5 fertilizer: Nitrogen .................................. .. 5 X $3.00 = $15.00 Available phosphoric acid 10 X $1.20 = $12.00 Soluble potash ........................ .. 5 X $ .60 = $ 3.00 Guaranteed valuation .................. ..$30.00 The valuation guaranteed and the valuation found are used for comparative purposes in a v number of the following tables. COMPOSITION AND SELLING PRICE OF DIFFERENT GRADES OF FERTILIZERS The average composition, the valuation guar- anteed, the valuation found by analysis and the , average retail selling price per ton of various grades of fertilizers are shown in Table 5. The average retail selling price is the average of the cash retail prices furnished to the fertilizer in- spectors by the dealers. The prices of the same fertilizer may vary between towns on account o1 differences in cost of transportation or for other causes. The retail price includes handling costs, carrying charges and the dealer’s profit, as well as the wholesale cost of the materials fro-m which the fertilizer is made, and from which the valua- tions guaranteed and found are calculated. In most cases the average valuation found by analysis is slightly above the guaranteed val- uation. AVERAGE COST OF NITROGEN, AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID AND POTASH Table 6 shows the calculated retail costs in cents per pound of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash, as calculated from the average selling price and valuation guaranteed of the var- Table 6. Approximate average cost of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid and potash during 1952-53 | l Available l Grade | Nitrogen l phosphoric l Potash l acid I — — — Cents per pound — — —- Ammonium nitrate 11.85 . . . . . . . . - - - - -- Ammonium suliate 16.80 . . . . . _ . . . . . . .- 13-33-0 18.30 7.32 .-... 16-20-0 19.35 7.74 .... .. 14-14-0 19.65 7.86 .... .. Superphosphate 45% ...... .. 8.03 10-20-10 20.85 8.34 4.17 12-12-12 21.09 8.43 4.22 13-13-13 21.10 8.44 4.22 10-20-0 21.10 8.44 .... .. Superphosphate 20% ...... .. 8.44 .... .. 10-10-10 21.30 8.52 4.26 12-24-12 21.52 8.61 4.31 9-18-9 21.69 8.68 4.34 10-30-10 21.94 8.76 4.38 Superphosphate 30% ..... .. 8.87 .... .. 6-24-24 22.50 9.00 4.50 8-8-8 22.65 9.06 4.53 10-10-0 22.65 9.06 .... .. 6-12-6 22.95 9.18 4.59 5-10-10 23.10 9.24 4.62 4-12-4 23.10 9.24 4.62 10-10-5 23.85 9.54 4.77 5-10-5 24.00 9.60 4.80 3-12-12 24.15 9.66 4.83 6-8-12 24.30 9.72 4.86 0-14-7 ...... .. 10.26 5.13 0-12-12 ...... .. 10.74 5.37 10-5-5 33.15 13.26 6.63 6-10-4 36.45 14.58 7.29 Table 5. Average composition valuations and selling prices of various grades of fertilizers, 1952-53 Available Valuation Valuation Selling Grade Number Nitrogen, phosphoric Potash, guaranteed, found, price, Ratio, . averaged percent acid, percent percent $ Der ton $ D8!’ @011 3 Der ton S P.: V. G 0-12-12 13 0 11.90 11.86 21.60 21.40 38.73 1.79 0-14-7 85 0 14.26 7.34 21.00 21.52 35.98 1.71 3-12-12 46 3.10 12.25 11.80 30.60 31.08 49.14 1.61 4-12-4 145 4.09 12.10 4.47 28.80 29.47 44.38 1.54 5-10-5 552 4.95 10.37 5.34 30.00 30.90 48.04 1.60 5-10-10 17 4.91 10.50 9.82 33.00 33.22 51.29 1.54 6-8-12 7 5.89 8.58 12.32 34.80 35.37 56.40 1.62 6-10-4 27 6.00 10.95 4.39 32.40 33.77 78.83 2.43 6-12-6 56 5.94 12.36 5.94 36.00 36.23 55.20 1.53 6-24-24 12 6 35 24.32 24.61 61.20 63.02 91.61 1.50 8-8-8 236 7.61 8.69 8.17 38-.40 38.28 58.14 1.51 9-18-9 23 8.82 18.50 8.55 54.00 53.79 78.08 1.45 10-5-5 5 9.88 5.32 4 91 39.00 38.97 86.35 2.21 10-10-0 10 9.76 10.73 0 42.00 42.16 63.19 1.51 10-10-5 5 9.67 10.92 5 46 45.00 45.39 72.22 1.59 10-10-10 22 9.46 10.59 9 80 48.00 46.97 68.17 1.42 10-20-0 45 9.59 20.39 0 54.00 53.24 76.00 1.41 10-20-10 47 9.12 19.64 9.61 60.00 56.70 83.46 1.39 10-30-10 11 10.23 30.52 10.99 72.00 73.90 105532 1.46 12-12-6 6 10.36 11.93 6.51 54.00 49.29 73.80 1.37 12-12-12 32 11.68 12.62 12.37 57.60 57.61 81.00 1.41 12-24-12 97 11.96 24.24 12.01 72.00 721.16 103.33 1.44 13-13-13 26 12.88 13.57 13.89 62.40 63.23 87.80 1.41 14-14-0 13 13.72 14.67 0 58.80 58.75 77.23 1.31 Ammonium nitrate 31 33.34 0 0 100.50 100.02 79.68 0.79 Ammonium sulfate 35 21.01 0 0 63.00 63.03 70.54 1.12 1349-0 29 13.09 39.00 0 85.80 86.03 105.06 1.22 16-20-0 151 15.81 20.84 0 72.00 72.44 93.00 1.29 Superphosphate 20% 200 0 20.61 0 24.00 24.72 33.74 1.41 Superphosphate 30% 27 0 29.29 0 36.00 35.19 53.19 1.48 _ Superphosphate 45% 49 0 45.48 0 54.00 54.59 72.25 1.34 7 ious grades of fertilizer given in Table 5. The cash selling prices used in the calculations were those given to the fertilizer inspectors by the re- tail merchants at the time of inspection. For the purpose of these calculations, it was assumed that the prices were in the same ratios as the valua- tions. As the price of the same fertilizer may vary in different places, these figures may not be correct for any particular locality, but represent averages only, and are for purposes of compari- son. For example, grades used near the factor- ies might average lower in price than those used some distance away on account of the lower trans- portation costs. The fertilizers with the lowest cost per unit of plant food to the farmer are giv- en first in the table. Costof Nitrogen The cheapest source of nitrogen was ammon- ium nitrate, followed by ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphates (16-20-0 and 13-39-0). Cost of Available Phosphoric Acid The cheapest sources of available phosphoric acid were the ammonium phosphates. Available phophoric acid in the concentrated grades of su- perphosphate costs less than that in important grades of mixed goods. Cost of Potash Only a small amount of potash materials was sold, and no samples were obtained. The cheap- est source of potash in mixed goods was 10-20-10, followed by the higher grades of the 1-1-1 ratio. Cost of Higher Multiples In general, plant food in fertilizers of high analyses cost less than that in lower analyses of the same ratio. The difference may be illustrated by a comparison of costs for the 1-2-1 ratio (5- 10-5 vs 12-24-12) and 1-3-1 ratio (4-12-4 vs 10- 30-10). Moreover, a large part of the higher grades were pelleted, making a better product, which allowed better distribution ‘and utilization. This is also true with respect to materials. RELATION OF VALUATION GUARANTEED TO VALUATION FOUND A comparison of the average valuation guar- anteed by fertilizer manufacturers doing business in Texas with the valuation found upon analysis of official samples, is shown in Table 7. In the preparation of this table, all analyses made were averaged, even though several were made of each brand. Fertilizer materials, as well as mixed fertilizers, were included in the calculation of the averages given. In nearly all cases, the valua- tion found exceeded the valuation guaranteed. Rebates found to be due must be paid to the purchasers of the deficient fertilizers if they can be located. If all purchasers cannot be located by the dealers records, the rebates must be paid to some recognized local agricultural, religious or charitable organization. The number of lots on which such rebates were paid by each guarantor 8 Table 7. Average valuations guaranteed and found in. samples of fertilizers guaranteed by different companies, e? = .2 .3 H? n Company *3 = ‘a’ .3 °° 3 :1 E u" E " a 1; 25 =5 3 > u; >3 Z a M — — Dollars per ton — — Agri-Cblem of Texas 103.35 105.00 Armour Fertilizer Works, Dallas 36.56 36.76 192 Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston 37.52 37.87 287 Best Fertilizer Co. 63.00 64.02 6 Campbell Fertilizer Co. 33.87 33.81 25 Central Texas Fertilizer Co, 36.66 35.44 20 Davison Chemical Corporation 29.40 29.62 4 Dixie Fertilizer Company 32.44 32.85 31 East Texas Products Company 34.31 34.27 55 Farmers Fertilizer Company 35.31 35.87 28 Fidelity Chemical Corporation 31.54 31.91 47 Gilmer Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company 36.05 35.94 25 Gorman Peanut Company 2 . Hi-Yield Plant Food Co., Mt. Pleasant 30.88 31.31 14 Hi-Yield Plant Food Company, Bonham 33.64 32.94 38 Houston Seed Company 28.20 23.88 2 International Minerals & Chemical Corp. 31.93 32.08 178 Jacksonville Fertilizer Company 33.24 32.10 10 Kelly-Weber and Company 30.88 31.04 17 Kipfer Chemical Company 26.40 26.60 10 Lion Oil Company 100.50 99.77 8 Marshall Cotton Oil& Fertilizer Co. 24.30 24.95- 3 Mathieson Chemical Corporation 66.02 66.58 395 Oklahoma Fertilizer & Chemical Co, 39.60 36.20 3 Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works 22.00 21.25 3 Phillips Chemical Company 82.23 82.05 39 Red Star Fertilizer Company 34.01 33.63 57 Sewerage Commission of Milwaukee 20.40 21.67 5 Shreveport Fertilizer Works 31.92 32.46 58 Swift & Company, Houston & New Orleans 33.20 33.17 151 Swift and Company, Shreveport 35.53 35.27 76 Texas Cotton Cooperative Association 24.96 23.89 5 Texas Farm Products 31.44 31.77 89 Tyler Fertilizer Company 38.04 40.12 15 Virginia Carolina Chemical Corporation 31.56 31.98 165 Waldo Fertilizer Works 37.35 36.09 4 Id IIILQQIIIIIII$=II1QBO$IHDIIbQQQQN$IQQIIINNQIIlFIQQIFQOQQI-IQ is shown in Table 7. Only 62 samples were found l to be more than 4 percent below the guaranteed valuation. Rebates amounting to $2,156.12 were“ made to the purchasers. ‘- HOW TO OBTAIN FREE ANALYSIS OF FERTILIZERS Purchasers of commercial fertilizers for their‘ own use on their own land (but not for sale) may i. obtain a free analysis of a3 sample, provided they take it in accordance with the requirements of the Texas fertilizer law. This privilege of a free analysis applies only to fertilizers sold under the " fertilizer law and to samples properly taken so that they represent the goods sampled. The prop- p‘, er sampling of a fertilizer must be done carefully, i‘ and the law requires that it be taken in a certain way to insure a true sample. Those who desire "f the free analysis of a sample of commercial fer-f’ tilizer should write to the State Chemist, College‘ . Station, Texas, and request a copy of the form entitled “Application for Free Fertilizer Analy-l; sis.” No samples will be analyzed unless the sam- ple (iis accompanied by this form, properly exe- i. cute . ANALYSES OF FERTILIZERS, 1952-53 A total of 2,136 samples of fertilizers and; , fertilizer materials was collected during the year by fertilizer inspectors from the goods being sold in many towns and cities o-f Texas. The chiefj places of sale were inspected several times. These, samples were analyzed by official methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of. A North America, as is required by law. Inspections} , made by C. B. McLarry and H. W. Greene. the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and 11311011111, Worliiwas 111111116 16y A1161? IFTiChiJJOaII the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Check er» 311,93’ 059s’ en raw or i 0y, ones» lists of these publications will be sent free upon gwafiége’ gigaaxgilaxlfgiég ‘gelinslfigvlig; $118; Sig: request to the Agricultural Information Office, ' College Station, Texas. To prevent needless Waste, and to insure the best distribution possible of PUBLIQATIQNS DEALING WITH THE these publications, requestors are urged to limit 5. USE OF FERTILIZERS their requests to publications they have reason to Publications dealing with the value and use believe Will be useful immediately, and which they mmercial fertilizers are issued frequently by Will take the time to study. Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53 +7 a. mu?‘ i g 2,, E a .. 0.2%: a H a Manufacturer. D1808 0f 11118111888 5., 1B E g .1, .8 a: ‘f; 1,, Manufacturer, place of business E _,_, f5 3 ,1, .2 g5 andbrand g5 £32 '55 §"d"8 3B andbrand Q5 gig '55 gnu-g $35 55 55d ~35 55s" ~28 55s“ Zn. 49.55 ma. >533 A: Z3. 4'53 n.3, >88 . Alzri-Chem 0f Texas. San Antonio. Texas 91o Analysis ...................................... .. 6.44 11.48 6.68 37.11 f Azri-Chem 16-32-16 Fertilizer 921 Analysis 12.40 5.48 35.83 ' Guaranteed ...................................... ..16.00 32.00 16.00 96.00 944 Analysis 12,40 5,96 34,99 Analysis 32.80 16.28 96.74 956 Analysis 12.20 5.76 37.90 Analysis 34.15 15.24 99.14 1067 Analysis 13.00 5.34 37.88 _ _ _ 1226 Analysis 12.25 6.46 36.22 Aim-Chem 22-22-11 Fernllzer 1412 Analysis 12.37 6.03 34.60 Guaranteed ..................................... ..22.00 22.00 11.00 99.00 1543 Analysis 12,60 5,77 35,53 Analysis ...................................... ..21.01 23.95 10.94 98.33 1645 Analysis 12,90 5,11 33,05 1704 A l ' 12.60 6.80 34.71 AGTi-Chem 20-52-0 Fertilizer 1793 Afiglzzi: 12.74 6.16 34.59 Guaranteed ...................................... ..20.00 52.00 0.00 122.40 1796 Analysis 12,60 6,21 35,02 Analysis .. ................................... ..20.60 53.35 0.00 125.82 1310 Ans1ysis 12,30 6,10 36,30 , 1964 A l ' 13.70 4.84 38.87 Airicultnral Products Co., Cllnt, Texas 1966 Afiififi}: 12_00 6_03 363g A300 Superphosnhate 46% 2030 Analysis 12.20 6.03 36.14 Guaranteed ..................................... .. 0.00 46.00 0.00 55-20 2116 Analysis 12_00 0_01 30,10 Analysis .................................... .... 0.00 46.20 0.00 55.44 2131 Analysis 13_30 5,49 40,61 i. . American Agricultural Co., New York, New York A 4 B- C P 1,1,1 9_13_9 F rt-l- Alé Qnnlittveghvsnhnte Rock Ground §k>ori<1n3§3l5§1e 0 00 15 0o 311112232586? ...ffi.).....f .... f. .............. ..9.0101zer1s.00 9.00 54.00 uaran e .................................... .. . . . . 1233 A a1 ' ______________________________________ __ 9,12 13,20 9,14 54,53 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 3000* 0.00 15.00 n y“ A ’ B" C P bbl 10-10-0 F rt'l' American Cyanamid Co., New York, New York ‘aflfifiseef mp e e 103ml 12811000 030 42110 Ala-o Cyanamid Special Grade 21 O0 0 0o 0 0o 63 00 200 Analysis ...... .. 9.91 10.30 0.00 42.09 uaranteed ...................................... .. . . . . 734 A 1 ' ______________________________________ __10,42 10,40 0,00 43,74 Analysis ...................................... ..21.62 0.00 0.00 64.56 “a y“ 1*. A ’ B’ C P bbl 10-10-10 F rt'l' , Ark-La Cotton Oil 00-. Mnznolia. Arkansas EZIiI-Zriteeiig .... .............. 110.30 1 1171500 10.00 48.00 <2 Magnolia Brand Plant Fwd 5-10-5 1534 Analysis 10.95 10.02 46.08 a Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10-00 5.00 30.00 1755 Analysis 10,60 10,41 46,09 - Analysis .... ................................ .. 4.71 10.40 5.99 30.20 1797 Analysis 10 30 1039 46 37 1888 A l ' 1100 8.64 46 73 Armour’s Fertilizer Works, Dallas, Texas 1903 1132153: 10 90 9_04 43 35 Armour’s Bis Crop 0-14-7 Fertilizer 1025 Analysis 10 24 10.51 47 42 Guaranteed ................................ .. . 7-00 21-00 1960 Analysis 10 40 10,16 46 45 20011000 g-ég 31g; 2057 Analysis 10.00 9.08 46.47 I18- YSIS - - 2115 A 1 ' 10.70 9.45 46.17 Analysis 7.44 21.26 “a y” Analysis 6'70 2°82 Armour’s Big Crop Pebble 10-20-0 Fertilizer Armour’s Big Crop 4-12-4 Fertilizer 621 Guirlgilgesig """""" "lofio Guaranteed ............. .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 23.80 627 Analysis 22-00 0-00 52-68 Analysis .. 4.70 12.30 3.61 31.63 785 Analysis 19-78 o-oo 50-69 Analysis . .... .. 3.93 12.41 4.00 29.23 1419 Anal . - - - i . ysls 20.70 0.00 53.19 Analysis .... .. 4.10 12.70 4.21 30.07 1424 Analysis 20 20 o 0o 53 40 .An3-1Y5i5 --------- -- 3-59 12-50 4'30 28°35 1429 Analysis 20.30 0.00 52-08 Analysis ............... .. 4.35 12.35 4.90 30.31 1547 Analysis 20-00 0-00 52-35 Analysis ........... .. 4.00 12.20 4.23 29.21 1558 Analysis 20-15 0-00 52-58 Analysis .. .............. .. 4.15 12.70 5.17 30.79 1560 Analysis 20-10 0-00 52-26 Analysis .. .. 3.73 12.00 4.75 23.44 1573 Analysis 19-20 0-00 51-84 Analysis .......... .. .... .. 3.80 12.40 4.19 28.79 1648 Analysis 201m 0'00 52'” Analysis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Analysls Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.7a 12.60 4.15 23.95 1655 Analysis 20-00 0-00 53-58 Analysis - - - - - - - - - - -- Analysls Analysis ...................................... .. 4.43 10.60 4.94 28 97 1775 Analyszs 2044 0.00 54.17 Armour’s Big Crop 5-10-10 Fertilizer £33121: g-gg Guaranteed 5 00 10 00 10 00 38.00 1873 Anal 81s 2644 0'00 “'82 796 Analysis 10 30 9 41 32.65 Y . - - - . 2063 Analysis 19.15 0.00 52.20 1850 Analysis 10 50 10 27 31.90 2079 Analysis 19 35 o 00 53 73 1963 Analysis 11 90 8.34 35 12 ‘ ° ' A ’ B’ C 8-8-8 F rt'l' Armour’s Big Crop 20% Superphosphate, ‘Effififitee? ____'_‘_’_§ _____________ _f____’___’fff_ 8,00 3.00 8.00 38.40 Guaranteed 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 1887 Analysis . 8 50 8 33 g8 06 finagysls A 1 - s 60 s 0s 7 61 na ysis . . . m2 n“ y“ 307 Analys1s 19.33 0.00 23.35 Armour’s Big Crop Pebble 6-12-6 Fertilizer 314 Analys1s 20.60 0.00 24.72 , Guaranteed ______________________________________ _, 6.00 12.00 6.00 36.00 ina1ys1s 33.30 8.8g 24.20 1 ' ______________________________________ ,_ 6,04 12.90 5.71 36.97 na ysis . . 24. 6 m A“ y“ 434 Analysis 21.40 0.00 25.63 ._.i_______ 435 Analys1s 20.40 0.00 24.48 "Total phosphoric acid 446 Analysis 21.15 0.00 25.38 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued 1P +7 u” i? _ .2 5 ,_ i’ i . .2 5 g ,, l‘- 3 ,_ Manufacturer, place of business 5 0, i’ 5 § .0, .5 3% 3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business 5 a i’ S g N, ,2 355a “w m: ass. as i-l o “w m: d-“n. s: *’ 9' 8,5 and brand 2 8 E 5.6 E1 é. 552's s? and brand 2g 5g 3.6 3g g-g-u ~ -° v a. O... "‘ r: i5 -° <- O... "‘ l: s‘ d "o >410 Ow “Q N: ""0 in» 0a: “s _ A: Zn. <10»: ma. >948 l-‘l: Zn. 943. Armour’s Big Crop 20% Superphosphate 1926 Analysis ....... .. . 10.30 5.38 30.02 0 455 Analysis 0.00 0.00 26 10 1953 Analysis .. .. 10.10 5.54 30.35 508 Analysis 0.00 24 00 1959 Analysis .... .. 10.35 5.34 30.62 523 Analysis 0.00 24 36 1962 Analysis .... .. 10.00 5.24 29.24 __. 525 Analysis 0.00 24 48 1965 Analysis .... .. 10.15 5.40 30.24 ' 552 Analysis 0.00 24.24 1971 Analysis .... .. 10.30 5.31 29.475: 566 Analysis 0.00 25 75 2064 Analysis .... .. 10.50 5.41 28.93 . 683 Analysis 0.00 24 43 2081 Analysis 10.30 5.44 30.56 685 Analysis 0.00 25 98 2084 Analysis .... .. 10.00 5.68 28.97 . 914 Analysis 0.00 23.88 2104 Analysis .... .. 10.60 5.11 29.68 - 945 Analysis 0.00 24.02 2106 Analysis .... .. . 10.50 5.06 30.36 . 948 Analysis 0.00 24.00 2117 Analysis ..... .. . 10.00 5.22 30.13 f- 950 Analysls 0.00 2:00 2124 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.87 10.00 5.11 29.68; 969 Analysis 0.00 2 .77 1078 Anal sis 0.00 24.24 Armour’s Vertagreen Plant Food 5-10-5 ~ 1034 Anafisis 0.00 26.46 Guaranteed ............................... .. 5.0 10.00 5.00 30.00? 1206 Analysis 0.00 24.60 275 Analysis 10.80 4.08 34.341 1229 Analysis 0.00 24.36 399 Analysis 10.70 4.42 34.75 ’ 1242 Analysis 0.00 24.00 430 Analysis 11.00 4.88 30.95 1426 Analysis 0.00 25.50 1080 Analysis . 9.93 5.20 30.76 1647 Analysis 0.00 25.08 1718 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.86 10.90 5.57 31.00, 1660 Analysis 0.00 25.32 - 1786 Anal sis 0.00 24.60 Armour’s Vertagreen Plant Food 8-8-8 * 1958 Analisis 0.00 24.78 Guaranteed 8.00 8 00 8.00 38.40 1079 Analysis 8 00 8.28 36 98 Armourvs Big Crop 45% Superphosrahgge 45 00 0 00 54 00 1872 AIISlYSIS 8 90 8.51 37.1; G““"‘“‘°?d ' ' ' ' Armour’s Pebble Plant Food 14-14-0 i $150 Q3253: 33-53 8:83 21323 Guarant 0 14.00 0.00 68.8 404 Analysis 45.60 0.00 54.72 gnalysls g-gg g. 408 Analysis 45.50 0.00 54.60 na ysls ' ' ' '_ 414 Analysis 4590 0'00 55'” Armour Fertilizer Works, Houston, Texas 416 Analysls 46°00 0'00 552? Armour’s Big Cro 0-14-7 Fertilizer 4.17 Amlys-ls 45'“ 0'00 543” Guaranteed ..... .11.) ............................. .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00; 4A6 Analysis 46.03 0.00 55.24 . - 539 Analysis 14.21 7.29 21.42 694 Analysis 45.90 0.00 54.96 548 Analysis M30 7.14 2L A 32g inalysls 22-38 8'83 Egg: 558 Analysis . 14.50 6.88 21.5 j 072 Afiggjg: 44:02 0:00 53:42 1119 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 14.20 6.94 21.29 975 Anafiysls Armour’s Big Crop Pebble 3-12-12 Fertilizer ‘v " i232 222102;: 40-00 0'00 55:20 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 9.00 12.00 12.00 90.60. 1551 Analysis 4530 0_00 5430 10 Analysis 3.15 12.81 12.11 91.49; . 101 Analysis 3.08 11.96 12.19 30.90 1559 Analysis 44.80 0.00 59.76 540 Anal S. 2 80 12 12 12 55 30 70 1 sis 44.66 0.00 59.59 Y ls - - - - . 1563 A" Y . ,. s57 Analysis 9.06 12.10 12.98 91.19 1569 Amllys“ 445° °'°° 53*” 1087 Anal sis 2 81 11 90 12 18 90 02 1651 Aljalysis 46.00 0.00 54.00 Y . - ' - ' ' i 1869 Analysis 46 49 0'00 55379 1173 Analysis 3.08 12.20 11.01 30.49, 198 Analysis gg-gg g-gg gg-gg iii? 2223212 11:: 3:33 13:88 1313i 35:351. ~ 2°82 A“ Y“ ' ' ' 1969 Analysis 9.46 12.00 11.02 91.69"; _ _ 1470 Analysis 4.24 12.50 11.30 34.505 Armour's Old Black Joe 5-10-5 Fertilizer 2027 Analysis 3J2 1250 1159 3144" y Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10-00 5-00 30-00 2033 Analysis ______________________________________ __ 2,94 12,66 11.64 90.99 206 Analysis . 5.05 32.46 ,, i. 276 Analysis 5.03 302.30 Armoufs Big Crop 4-12-4 Fertilizer j 0 67s Analysis 5-58 31-{97 Guaranteed .............. .. .. ..... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28. 595 Analysis 5-72 32-4? 108 Analysis 4.00 19.29 9.59 90.09. 786 gnaiysis i-gg 245 Analysis 4.41 12.20 4.62 806 I13- YSlS - - 335 Analysis 4.32 12.60 4.70 . 816 Anaiysis i-gg 33g? 941 Analysis 4.06 12.90 4.94 29.4 i 899 Ana ysis - - 392 Analysis 3.95 12.10 4.10 28. l 912 Analysis 5.23 30.44 777 Analysis 4.34 12.50 4.10 30.48 920 Analysis 5.03 30.26 939 Analysis 4.16 12.00 4.01 29.29? 943 Analysis 5.02 30.25 979 Analysis 4.08 12.60 4.00 29.7 949 Analysis 5.20 29-85 1005 Analysis 4.38 13.15 4.20 31. i 960 Analysis 5.10 31.62 1029 Analysis 4.03 13.00 3.90 30.0 1063 Analysis 4.64 31.44 1058 Analysis .... .. 3.93 12.70 4.06 29.4 1066 Analysis 5-16 30-94 1064 Analysis 4.06 12.95 9.75 90.9. 1099 Analysis 5-09 31-13 1116 Analysis 4.02 11.95 4.09 28. 1101 Analysis 5.15 29.73 1121 Analysis .... .. 3.82 12.35 3.73 28. . 1208 Analysis 5.16 30.19 1148 Analysis .... .. 4.04 12.50 3.82 29.4 1227 Analysis 5.74 29.81 1199 Analysis .... .. 3.89 12.10 4.26 28.7 . 1228 Analysis 5-43 32-87 1255 Analysis .... .. 9.98 12.00 4.85 28. ‘ 1232 Analysis 5.49 30.23 1264 Analysis .... .. 4.16 12.13 4.01 29. 1249 Analysis 5.19 30.08 1291 Analysis .... .. 4.08 12.00 4.01 29.0 1407 Analysis 5.28 29.72 1337 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.17 12.50 4.13 29. 1411 Analysis 5.26 29.44 1351 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 12.10 4.16 29. = 1417 Analysis 5.02 29.26 1453 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 12.20 4.24 29.1 1585 Analysis 5.20 28.36 1534 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.05 12.50 4.12 29.6 1644 Analysis 4.90 29.61 1987 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.18 12.10 4.00 29. 1659 Analysis 5.37 29.26 2022 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 3.90 12.40 4.43 29.2 I 1705 inaksls 2132 Analysis ...................................... .. 3.47 12.30 5.36 28.6 . 1709 na ysis . . 1719 Analysis 5.20 28.80 Armour’s Big Crop 5-10-10 Fertilizer 1756 Analysis 5-47 29-77 Guaranteed ................................. .. 5.00 10.00 10.00 33.00 1777 Analysis 4.99 29.03 486 Analysis 4.86 11.00 10.60 34.1 1792 Analysis 5.36 29.26 1142 Analysis 4.64 10.70 10.10 32.. 1798 Ana%ysis i349 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.13 11.60 9.14 31.7 1801 ‘ Ana ysis - - . 1309 Analysis 5.30 28.92 Armour’s Big Crop Pebble 6-12-6 Fertilizer f 1867 Analysis 5.49 29.21 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 6.00 12.00 6.00 36.00 1863 Analysis 6.00 31.17 8 Analysis .... .. 6.20 12.37 5.62 36.8 *7 1894 Analysis 5.22 29.69 9 Analysis .... .. 5.69 12.08 5.48 94. = 1895 Analysis 30.07 132 Analysis 5.73 12.19 6.31 35 6 A 1923 Analysis - 30.30 294 Analysis ................................... .. 5.48 12.17 6.19 94.6 10 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued +7 4-1 c: c: . .2 w ., E i . .2 w s‘: ufacturer, place of business 5 a fi S E w, .5 ab‘: é ,_, Manufacturer, place of business 5 u i B w, ,5 Q2 andbrand Elfi Q59: '55 gag 15% andbrand g5 ggQ '55 *§-g-8 a u w OE r-a " ,,Q 0; Q Q OE p4 " 22 is: s? s55 s: 22 2s: s? s55 our's Big Crop Pebble 6-12-6 Fertilizer 991 Analysis 20.39 0.00 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.83 12.00 6.12 35.56 994 Analysis 20.36 0.00 Analysis 6.14 12.02 6.06 36.48 1003 Analysis 20.10 0.00 Analysis 5.88 12.10 6.08 35.81 1271 Analysis 20.00 0.00 Analysis .... .. 6.31 12.80 5.90 37.83 1300 Analysis 20.80 0.00 Analysis 6.64 11.70 5.98 37.55 1574 Analysis 19.61 0.00 Analysis 5.93 12.30 6.21 36.28 1642 Analysis 20.00 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5.80 12.20 6.47 35.92 Analysis .... .. 6.02 12.49 5.63 36.43 Armour’s Big Crop 20% Superphosphate Analysis 5.45 12.52 5.88 34.90 Guaranteed 0.00 20.00 0.00 Analysis .. 5.53 12.10 5.89 34.64 11 Analysis 20.65 0.00 Analysis 5.47 12.40 6.25 35.04 14 Analysis 20.06 0.00 Analysis 6.66 12.45 5.61 38.29 18 Analysis 20.26 0.00 Analysis 5.31 12.55 6.41 34.84 34 Analysis 20.19 0.00 Analysis 6.10 11.80 5.78 35.93 104 Analysis 20.50 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5.66 12.00 5.74 34.82 109 Analysis 20.90 0.00 Analysis 5.85 12.05 6.00 35.61 111 Analysis 20.90 0.00 Analysis 5.82 12.00 5.73 35.30 126 Analysis 20.60 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5.57 12.30 5.79 34.94 130 Analysis 21.20 0.00 Analysis 5.73 12.20 5.64 35.11 152 Analysis 20.30 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5.45 12.20 6.18 34.70 174 Analysis 20.10 0.00 Analysis 5.61 12.30 6.15 35.28 230 Analysis 20.20 0.00 Analysis 5.80 11.80 5.68 34.97 246 Analysis 20.30 0.00 Analysis .... .. .. 6 95 14.55 3.98 40.70 355 Analysis 20.20 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5 68 12.10 6.11 35.23 359 Analysis 20.80 0.00 Analysis 6.32 11.93 5.48 36.57 374 Analysis 21.25 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5.71 12.10 6.06 35.29 391 Analysis 21.10 0.00 Analysis 5.77 12.20 6.50 35.85 459 Analysis 20.00 0.00 Analysis .... .. 5.57 12.00 6.12 35.78 470 Analysis 20.70 0.00 Analysis 6.52 13.20 5.13 38.48 472 Analysis 21.62 0.00 Analysis .... .. 6.00 12.00 6.70 36.42 485 Analysis 20.30 0.00 Analysis ...................................... .. 6.21 12.10 6.34 36.95 489 Analysis 20.50 0.00 s 543 Analysis 20.10 0.00 Armour’s Big Crop Pebble 9-18-9 Fertilizer 1011 Analysis 20.30 0.00 Guaranteed . 0 18.00 9.00 54.00 1059 Analysis 20.80 0.00 Analysis 8 35 19.30 8.24 53.15 1172 Analysis 20.65 0.00 Analysis .. 9.00 18.34 8.32 54.00 1175 Analysis 21.35 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.82 19.05 8.18 54.23 1200 Analysis 20.45 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.57 19.15 8.70 53.91 1282 Analysis 20.26 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.81 18.00 8.91 53.38 Analysis ..... .. 9.16 18.00 8.50 54.18 Armour’s Big Crop 45% Superphosnhate Analysis ..... .. 9.10 18.00 8.64 54.08 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 45.00 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.44 18.00 8.91 52.27 21 Analysis . 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.16 18.64 8.41 51.90 24 Analysis . 0.00 Analysis .... .. 9.00 18.81 8.56 54.71 105 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 9.09 18.20 9.05 54.54 119 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.52 18.20 8.10 52.26 165 Analysis 0.00 Analysis .... .. 8.93 18.00 8.84 53.69 214 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 8.38 18.70 7.82 52.27 227 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 9.19 18.30 8.41 54.58 229 Analysis 0.00 Analysis .... .. 8.23 18.25 8.91 51.94 247 Analysis 0.00 Analysis .... .. 8.70 18.70 8.59 53.69 325 Analysis 0.00 Analysis .... .. 9.12 18.30 9.07 54.76 373 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 9.05 19.90 7.49 55.53 384 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ..... .. 9.12 18.20 9.04 54.62 387 Analysis 0.00 Analysis .... .. 8.90 18.24 8.39 53.62 440 Analysis 0.00 Analysis ...................................... ._ 9.00 18.79 8.36 54.57 463 Analysis 0.00 465 Analysis 0.00 Armoufs Big Crop 10-5-5 Fertilizer 493 Analysis 0.00 Guaranteed .. .. .. ............. ..10.00 5.00 5.00 39.00 503 Analysis 0.00 Analysis . 6.10 5.07 39.85 679 Analysis 0.00 763 infiysis 0.00 1 - _ - - 776 na ysis 0.00 ‘T521531? croli...pei).i’.l.f...l.i.iff..iliiri0hzeio.oo 0.00 42.00 1°89 Analysis °-°° Analysis """"" " 12.62 0.00 44.38 1293 Allalysls °-°° Analysis 10.20 0.00 40.74 1331 Analysls °-°° Analysis 10.50 0.00 41.04 1989 Analysls °-°° Analysis 10.20 0.00 42.00 2°41 Analysls °-°° * , , Armour’s Bone Meal Fertilizer . Alélwufstemtlg cm? Pebble 10404015‘ Sgtlhzfg 00 10 00 48 00 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 2.00 2500* 0.00 uaran e . . . . - s 210.0533 .. ..... .. 080g 3.3g 2:11;; 1986 Analyms """""""""""""""""""" " 2'31 282° °'°° 1111 V515 -- ---- -- - - - - Armour’s Old Black Joe 5-10-5 Fertilizer Analysis .... .. 9.62 10.30 9.70 47.04 Guaranteed 10_00 500 Analysis ..... .. 9.91 10.30 9.01 47.50 40 Analysis 1066 524 Analysis .... .. 9.88 10.00 10.44 47.90 50 Analysis 1006 505 Analysis .... .. 9.20 10.60 9.78 46.19 157 Analysis 1030 5_02 Analysis .... .. 9.04 11.40 9.39 46.43 215 Analysis 1050 4.78 Analysis .... ..10.38 9.70 10.30 48.96 226 Analysis 10370 536 Analysis .... .. 9.40 10.40 9.47 46.36 304 Analysis 10_90 5J1 Analysis ...................................... ..10.54 10.00 10.09 49.67 324 Analysis 1030 L92 327 Analysis 11.00 5.37 Armour’s Big Crop Pebble 10-20-0 Fertilizer 358 Analysis 10.70 5.14 Guaranteed 10 00 20.00 0.00 54.00 364 Analysis 11.15 5.12 Analysis 20.18 0.00 53.50 370 Analysis 10.70 5.24 Analysis 20.36 0.00 53.23 385 Analysis 10.60 5.39 Analysis 20.24 0.00 52.34 389 Analysis 11.30 5.22 Analysis 20.39 0.00 53.33 393 Analysis 10.70 5.08 Analysis 19.96 0.00 52.87 460 Analysis 10.40 5.14 Analysis 21.20 0.00 54.24 471 Analysis 10.90 5.16 Analysis 23.10 0.00 53.55 474 Analysis 11.30 5.13 Analysis 20.10 0.00 52.98 547 Analysis 11.33 4.72 Analysis 19.49 0.00 53.57 666 Analysis 11.00 4.86 Analysis 20.60 0.00 55.50 674 Analysis 10.30 4.93 Analysis 20.40 0.00 53.28 686 Analysis 10.80 5.02 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued 43 +7 E’ _ .2 5 ,_- n l3 i’ _ .2 5 h ~ g H Manufacturer, place of business 5 n, fi 3 M, .2 g2 4g ,_, Manufacturer, place of business 5 1, fi 3 E w, .2 a P g3 and brand gig gas. fig Egg 3,3 and brand 81E, 52g”: ‘g5 g’: '__- ‘l5 .153 2°99: 3 ‘ass 8E £3 8°?! 3 "as 3E’ zé’. <33 £8. >93 .12 28 <38 633 >8 Armour’s Old Black Joe 5-10-5 Fert' izer 287 Analysis 1 36 5.23 .95 . 850 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.92 10.20 5.34 30.14 337 Analysis 2 00 2.43 .05 . 936 Analysis .. 5.15 29.61 1654 Analysis .................................... .. 3.10 2.88 .87 . 978 Analysis 4.66 30.04 \~ 993 AllalYsls 4'93 32413 Best Fertilizer Co., Houston, Texas ; 1002 Analysis 4.99 32.33 Sulphate of Ammonia a 1010 Analysis 5-63 30-29 Guaranteed ______________________________________ __21_00 0,00 0,00 63, " AHHIYSlS Analysis n 1028 Analysis 5-42 30-64 424 Analysis 0.00 0.00 61. 103'! Analysis 4-55 3°06 515 Analysis 0.00 0.00 62. i" 1040 Analysis 5-67 30-28 778 Analysis 0.00 0.00 64. 102g gna1ysis 398i 33-11; 860 Analysis 0.00 0.00 67. ~» 10 n0 ysls - - 118 A al ' 0.0 0.00 66. 1057 Analysis 5.47 80.82 8 n Y“ ° - gnflysls Boyer Fertilizer Corporation Fort Worth, Texas na ysls - - . . ’ 112° Analysis 4'64 3M3 B'li""'r"i'i'il's'i's'iize" 1 50 1 00 1 50 ~ 1189 Analysis 4.85 29-44 266 ‘if ‘l1 . -------------------------------------- " ' 1'27 2'58 10' ~ 1147 Analysis 5'54 3°35 279 Analyzis 1'28 8'18 12' 1156 Analysis 4.90 31.38 11a Y 5 ' ' ' 1171 Analysis 5.20 29.76 _ _ 1174 Analysis 5.31 29.89 Campbell Fertilizer Works, Houston, Texas 1189 Analysis 4.69 28.91 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 5-10-5 . 1198 Analysis 4.83 29.06 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30. 1281 Analysis 5.07 29.80 44 Analys1s 5.78 8.40 5.82 35. 1290 Analysis 5.10 30.18 350 Analys1s 5.47 9.42 5.92 31 »._ 1850 Analysis 4.84 30.26 769 Analysis 5.14 10.30 4.97 so. 1452 Analysis 5.00 31.05 1044 Analysis 5.42 9.24 4.88 30. 1471 Analysis 5.79 29.96 1127 Analys1s _. 4.87 10.90 4.62 so. 1533 Analysis 5.33 30.98 1141 Analysis 5.02 9.68 4.89 29. 1602 Analysis 4.75 30.36 1267 Analysis .. 5.26 7.63 5.37 28. 1993 Analysis 5.50 29.79 1285 Analysis 5.48 7.45 5.83 28. 1996 Analysis 5.34 30.71 1302 Analysis 4.66 11.55 2.98 29. 2018 Analysis 5.14 30.59 1325 Analys1s 4.70 10.00 5.42 29 I‘ 202s Analysis 5.07 29.05 1397 Analys1s .... .. 5.50 9.28 5.46 so. 202g Analysis 5.21 31.10 1530 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.95 9.10 6.31 32 l‘. 2039 Analysis . . 5.04 31.34 _ _ _ » 2125 Analysis -------------------------------------- -- 5-00 5-31 30-67 Algvgeatléfirdorgalllc Base Femlhzerl; 361043) 00 10 00 33 " 11 1'31! 9 ...................................... .. a 0 s n Armgur’s Vertagreen Plant Food 5-10-5 1122 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.91 10.00 5.63 33. Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10-00 5-00 30-00 _ _ _ ‘ 36 Analysis . . 5.52 31.60 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 7-14-0 169 Analysis 5.10 81.97 Guaranteed .................................. .. 7.00 14.00 0.00 173 Analysis 5.43 31.31 1289 Analysis .. 6.81 13.50 0.00 . 210 Analysis 5.00 31.98 1301 Analysis ............................ .. 6.32 14.50 0.00 . _ 212 Analysis 5.58 32.33 _ _ _ . 296 Analysis 5.12 32.44 All-Weather Organic Base Fertilizer 10-10-5 l 303 Analysis 5,27 30,88 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 10.00 5.00 45. _i 357 Analysis 5,27 29.98 1306 Analysis ...................................... .. 9.81 10.20 6.00 45.2 499 Analysis .. 5.31 31.81 _ _ 691 Analysis 5.06 31.00 All-Weather Brand Fertilizer 0-20-0 766 Analysis 5,16 31_54 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 24. ‘l 763 Ana1ysis 1286 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 20.20 0.00 24. 2321521: III 5.28 82.15 Goldthyvaite Turf special 10-5-5 _ 977 Analysis 5_14 3035 Guaianteed 5.00 5.00 39 ~ . 1009 Analysis 5_()6 30,25 37 Analysis 4.53 4.70 38 1140 Analysis 5.38 30.32 273 Allalys1s 5-01 4-71 39- z 1149 Analysis 5,12 29,77 1144 Analysis 4.62 4.98 35. 3 1276 Analysis .... .. Greem G10 g 1297 Ana1ys1s "" " 553 31375 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38. 138g finalys“ "" " 5 22 31 09 48 Analysis 8 20 7 25 s7 l- " 9 na ysis _________________ __ , . _ -"- ' ' s . 1043 Analysis 8.10 8.62 37. i r 1 n o0 _8_g 1143 Analysis 8.00 8.22 39. Aléliiliilslfirtfif?..?.f..l..l:...fl..l 8.00 8.00 8.00 88.40 1266 Analysis 8.10 6.89 s6. = 783 Analysis 8.40 7.70 37.59 1396 Analysis 8.00 7.35 36. A 28 l2 872 1371 lla- Ysls ' ' ' Central Texas Fertili er 0., an he, T a ' 1601 Analysis 8.60 7.88 40.46 Topper 4424 z C 11°“ ° °‘ '1 0 790 Analysis 9-30 3-36 40-43 guaranteed ______________________________________ __ 4_00 12_00 4_00 2g_ Armour’s Pebble Plant Food 14-14-0 $1152 $3 fifig fig Guaranteed ..................................... --14-00 14-00 0-00 53-80 395 Analysis I; 41,6 1226 4:64 29: 778 Analysis -- - °-°° 60-21 1222 Analysis 4.05 12.00 4.54 29 » 929 Analysis °-°° 57-09 1225 Analysis 4 08 12 00 4 65 29 ~ 982 Analysis °-°° 6°31 141s Analysis " 3178 11190 4180 281 990 Analysis °-°° 59-3" 1420 Analysis 4.11 12.20 4.20 29. 993 Analysis °-°° 57-42 1969 Analysis 4.11 11 80 4 72 29 l» 1118 Analysis °-°° 59-61 1970 Analysis " s 79 1280 4'84 28' 1170 Analysis ' ' ' ' . 55:15:12 0100 57160 T0599!‘ 5-10-5 i» 1983 Analysis 000 58,43 uararliteed ..................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30. 1988 Analysis 0.00 56.78 2211i i091"? -- lg-gg 2Z4 31- . 1182 10'15 5'75; i" ' o a. ives, Inc., Sheffield, Alabama , - - -. Asizoniizlvildiuicn" fiifialte Fertilizer 1224 Analysls 1040 5'14 3o- Y Guaranteed ______________________________________ "3300 0,00 0,00 99,00 1398 Anslysgs 11.65 5.83 31. f 282 Analysis 0.00 0.00 96.15 1g; Anflyszs 10-80 5-40 82- '. 673 Analysis 0.00 0.00 101.91 na ysls 10.95 5.09 31. , Bactex Co., Inc., San Antonio, Texas Topper 10-20-10 _- Bactex Organic & Mineral Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 60. Guaranteed ..................... .. 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.80 1181 Analysis 17.75 8.60 51 271 Analysis -------------------------------------- -- 2-41 6-59 0-59 15-49 1223 Analysis 17.80 10.55 50. 4-7 c: . . - 3 i’ s: a . Manufacturer, place of business f, a i 8 ._,_, g 2g ' andbrand‘ M5 $5.“: '55 “WW8 g 0 q; gr; ,8 a E g ~ "r i3 >375 ° w °° o c: Z n. <1 s. as FM n. >~H3 1' Topper 16-20-0 ' Guaranteed ______________________________________ ..16.00 20.00 .00 72.00 j ‘ Analysis 20.70 0.00 65.07 Analysis 18.70 0.00 62.00 i ‘ ~ n Chemical Corporation, Gretna, Louisiana QJavco Bull Dog Fertilizer 4-12-4 1: Guaranteed 12.00 4.00 28.80 Analysis 11.90 4.35 29.04 Analysis v 11.86 4.04 28.38 “Davco Bull Dog Fertilizer 5-10-5 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.08 2.00 An 1 s' 0.0 .47 . 8 Anglgsi: 10.20 5.32 30.46 ~ ie Fertilizer Co., Shreveport, Louisiana “ Dixie 5-10-5 Fertilizer ; Guaranteed 10.00 5.00 30.00 ~ Analysis 10.50 5.26 30.43 Analysis 10.30 5.36 30.78 Analysis 10.20 5. 8 0.8 A “i” i333 2'33 iii? Ana ysis . . . Analysis 10.00 5.28 29.78 is-is 2i; 38E? j Ana s's - - - 12s as za-ii ‘ nalysis . . . Analysis 10.10 5.34 30.56 Dixie 5-10-10 Fertilizer Guaran 10.00 10.00 33.00 Analysis 10.80 10.54 33.68 ’ Analysis 9.80 10.07 32.02 Dixie s-s-s Fertilizer i Guaranteed 8.00 8.00 38.40 " ~ Analysis 9.20 7.32 37.63 Analysis 9.30 7.22 38.11 Anal is 8.50 8.21 39.25 Analigis Ana ysis 8. .9 9. Analysis 8.80 7.73 39.26 10.00 10.00 48.00 11.08 10.74 46.32 10.60 10.36 47.02 Smith Gro-Grain ' Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00 Analysis 14.3)) 22.02 ‘Analysis 14. 7. 1.4 I Analysis 15.36 6.93 22.59 l Smith Hi-Po Guaranteed ---------------------------- -- 3-(810 12.02 Analysis .... .. 2. 4 12.1 . 1. Analysis . . . . . . . _ _ . _ __ 3.04 13.26 12.03 32.25 Analysis ...................................... .. 2.83 12.00 12.65 30.48 A Smith Square Deal ' _» Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 Analysis 10.70 5.16 30.58 Analysis 10.00 5.13 29.20 Analysis 10.00 5.82 30.85 Smith Gro-Green Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 Analysis ........................ ..; ........... .. 8.18 8.00 8.15 39.03 I I. I. duPont & de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Delaware iluPont Nu-Green Fertilizer Compound Guaranteed 0.00 0.00 135.00 Analysis 0.00 0.00 132.72 Analysis 0.00 0.00 134.19 Analysis 0.00 0.00 134.14 Alli‘ Texas Products Co., Tyler, Texas Goldenrod 0-14-7 Plant Food -» - Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00 ; Analysis .' 14.30 8.60 22.32 Analysis 13.50 7.25 20.55 Analysis 15.25 5.22 21.43 Analysis 13.60 7.90 21.06 Analysis 14.10 6.58 20.87 Analysis 14.00 7.52 21.31 Goldenrod 4-12-4 Plant F0 ' ’ " “““’“i'*‘*°“ :22 is: Ana ysis . . 9. ' "Analysis 0.90 4.55 28.02 ' Analysis 11.20. 4.32 28.51 Table 8. Analysesof commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued i3 >a Q 8 a t‘ s '"' n‘ L: 3 H Manufacturer, place of business fi a fi 8 g _ ,2 ~52 9 v u: r: s41 3 -= ‘E *’ p‘ <> *5; andbrand o.» ma. _ q; $111: s5 25s is s f» a A s: Z n. <1 n. 3 m E.’ >3 8 Goldenrod 5-10-5 Plant Food A Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 69 Analysis . 5.82 30.79 204 Analysis 3 5.46 30.79 640 Analysis 5.14 29.18 642 Analysis 5.64 30.80 653 Analysis 5.28 30.47 823 Analysis 5.24 29.48 824 Analysis 5.52 31.30 830 Analysis 5.28 29.05 873 Analysis 5.30 30.54 900 Analysis 5.36 31.06 906 Analysis 5.43 30.32 1462 Analysis 5.44 29.51 1945 Analysis 5.19 31.14 1519 Analysis 5.22 29.47 1523 Analysis 5.35 29.55 1597 Analysis 5.32 30.85 1623 Analysis 5.22 30.01 1696 Analysis 5.25 29.91 1722 Analysis 5.31 30.46 1723 Analysis 5.30 30.18 1731 Analysis 5.10 30.60 1739 Analysis 5.01 29.77 1858 Analysis 5.91 29.70 2107 Analysis 5.01 30.13 Goldenrod 5-10-10 Plant Food Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 10.00 33.00 1493 Analysis 9.41 10.30 32.83 Goldenrod 8-8-8 Plant Food Guaranteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 736 Analysis . 8.00 7.80 8.42 38.41 831 Analysis 7.80 8.00 8.71 38.23 874 Analysis 7.68 8.00 8.52 37.75 876 Analysis 7.86 8.20 8.72 38.65 907 Analysis 7.77 8.00 8.38 37.94 1494 Analysis 7.51 8.50 8.42 37.78 1518 Analysis 7.93 7.71 8.40 38.08 1522 Analysis 7.60 8.20 8.64 37.82 1580 Analysis 7.56 8.10 8.21 37.33 1596 Analysis 8.02 8.00 8.04 38.48 1621 Analysis 7.84 8.10 8.01 38.05 1695 Analysis . . . . . _ . . .. 8.11 8.00 8.29 38.90 1730 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 7.87 8.10 8.09 38.18 1928 Analysis _ _ , _ _ _ , _ .. 7.87 8.20 8.48 38.54 2090 Analysis ...................................... .. 8.28 8.00 8.66 39.64 Goldenrod 10-20-10 Plant Food Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 643 Analysis 21.30 9.44 59.48 1579 Analysis ...................................... .. 9.41 20.00 10.16 58.33 Goldenrod 12-12-12 Plant Food Guaranteed ...................................... ..12.00 12.00 12.00 57.60 901 Analysis ...... ..10.96 11.80 11.60 54.00 Tex-Hi Specialized Crop Maker for Texas Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 905 Analysis .. 8.10 7.63 37.16 1622 Analysis 8.75 8.18 39.05 Nitrolime Brand Ammonium Nitrate with Limestone Guaranteed ...................................... ..20.50 0.00 0.00 61.50 868 Analysis ...................................... ._20.64 0.00 0.00 61.92 Easy Going Ranch, Mountain Home, Texas Easy Going Sheep Manure Guaranteed ...................................... .. 2.25 1.00 1.50 8.85 1321 Analysis .................................... .. 2.20 0.81 2.36 8.98 Farmers Fertilizer Co., Texarkana, Texas Mule Brand 0-14-7 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00 533 Analysis .. 7.06 21.10 580 Analysis 7.08 21.29 Mule Brand 5-10-5 Guaranteed ..................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 532 Analysis .... __ __ 5.10 10.60 5.58 31.37 581 Analysis .... .. 5.50 9.80 5.61 31.63 742 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.01 10.20 5.79 30.74 749 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.15 10.40 5.71 31.86 750 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.02 10.40 5.15 30.63 752 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.02 10.20 5.20 30.42 755 Analysis .... .. 5.04 10.10 5.52 30.55 1922 Analysis .... .. 5.45 10.60 5.45 82.34 1941 Analysis 5.25 10.00 6.04 31.37 1951 _Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.17 10.20 5.17 80.85 Mule Brand N-P-K 8-8-8 A Guaranteed ...................................... -. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 582 fAualysis - . 8.30 8.38 89.98 745 l ‘Analysis 8.50 8.55 39.48 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued ~43 4-7 B‘ _ .2 5 E Z‘ _ .0 5 a .2 ,, Manufacturer. place of business 5, fig § H, .5 2% <3 5 Manufacturer. place 0f business 8 ._. £5 E g... g é’, H3 andbrand m5 50.9‘ '55‘, Wis-c "n andbrand 3'5 589-9‘ g8 “'11 gs Ea '53s‘ .32 315.; fig g2 55s .53 7Z5 ..12 28 <38 0.3. >88 l-lc: 23 <1a3 0.8. >8 Mule Brand N-P-K 3-3 3 Ferti-Lome for Lawns & Flowers l 751 Analysis ...................................... .. 8.04 8.80 8.03 39.50 Guaranteed 12.00 4.00 34.80 - 753 Analysis . 8.80 8.04 39.52 849 Analysis 12:8 2.30 756 Analysis 8.10 8.19 88.7 1027 Ana ysis 13. .11 . _ 788 Analysis 8.50 8.13 38.06 1107 Analysis 12.95 4.24 35.48 ' 1921 Analysis 8.50 8.02 39.10 1186 Analysis 12.30 4.10 34.17 1940 Analysis 8.60 8.08 39.35 1275 Analysis 12.62 , 1787 Ana ysis 1 .8 . . - Mule Brand 10-20-10 l Guaranteed ............... ..10.00 20-00 10.00 60-00 F rd M t D b M- h’ 1939 Analysis 10.13 13.39 10.79 59.63 °Ford ggfmfigigngalpggggm- '° "m 1946 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9-06 18.72 9-88 55-57 n _ _ 2 g0 0_00 000 52,40 . , Guara teed ............................ .. 0. . 1950 Analysis ...................................... "10-08 18-99 10-75 59-43 265 Analysis 20,04 0,00 0,00 51,92 t 278 Analysis . .21.10 0.00 0.00 63.30 < M1118 Brand 12-12-12 510 Analysis 20.36 0.00 .00 61.03 . Guaranteed ...................................... ..12.00 12.00 12-00 57-60 " 1949 Analysis ................ .l .................... ..11-64 12-60 11-68 57-05 Gilmer Cotton o“ 8t Fertilizer Co Gum" Texas ‘I D Texas Longhorn 4-12-4 Mme Bmnd 20% s“perph°sphat° 24 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 23.30 Guaranteed 20.00 0.00 .00 2121 A 1 . 424 10 08 604 28 “- 534 finalysis “a 3's“ -------------------------------------- " ' ' ' ' -' 589 na ysis . . . 737 Analysis 20.40 0.00 24.49 Texas 11°11'45"" 5-1°-5 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 Mule Brand 5017 Muriate of Potash 605 Analysis 1036 5'62 30'" Guaranteed ................................. .. 0.00 0.00 20.02 23x3: , 590 Analys“ """"""""""""""""""""""" " 0'00 0'00 0'9 ' 708 Analysis 9,30 6,20 33,02 A. Fenichem Co» D411»- Tem i233 2221;’??? 3:33 53E? all‘?! Shéfllgrivffigéltfe 1 50 1 00 1 50 6 60 1600 Analysis 10.20 5.50 30.6: ...................................... s. a - a v ' _ 0 ‘ 272 Analysis ...................................... .. 2.57 1.32 2.34 10.99 Q2233: 67,8 3L2; _ 1820 Analysis 10.85 5.91 31.18 ' Fidelity Chemical Corporation, Houston, Texas 1935 Analygig 10,00 5,70 30,43. Figelity 0-141-7 Fertilizer 0 0o 14 00 7 00 21 00 2118 Analysis 10.00 5.87 "N uarantee ...................................... .. . . . . 2120 Analysis 10.00 6.08 . 85 Analysis 15.27 7.38 22.75 ' , 1487 Analysis 14.00 6.27 20.56 Texas Longhorn 8-8-8 1 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 Figelity 4-1e%4 Fertilizer 4 00 12 0o 4 o0 28 80 615 Analysis 9.00 uarante ...................................... .. . - - - 1508 Analysis 8.80 8. . ' 848 AllalYsls -- 13-25 4-61 27-94 1599 Analysis 10.45 7.60 37.80 - 1019 Analysis 12.40 4.30 28.98 1736 Analysis 8.80 8.62 37.42 __ 1026 Analysis 12-80 4-26 29-56 1815 Analysis 8.40 8.94 37.26 i 1108 Analysis 12-10 4-25 28-53 1821 Analysis 8.50 8.69 37.88 j 1230 Analysis 12.55 4-16 28-43 1857 Analysis 8.40 8.36 37.15 1333 Analysis 12-50 3-93 28-10 1927 Analysis 8.50 8.57 37.93 1441 lAsnalysis 12.33 T L h 1476 nalysis 12. . . exas ong orn 10-20-10 .; 1486 Analysis 12.40 4.01 28-51 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 2004 Analysis 11.75 4.23 28.82 1507 Analysis ...................................... .. 9.84 18.90 10.26 58.36 . Fidelity 5-10-5 Fertilizer Texas Longhorn 12-12-12 Fertilizer Guaranteed 10.00 5.00 30.00 Guaranteed ...................................... ..12 12.00 12.00 57.60 g 494 Analysis 10.80 6.01 31.45 1506 Analysis 11.17 11.32 50.64 *- 656 Analysis 11.10 5.08 30.44 1822 Analysis 12.50 12.21 58.87 847 finalysis 1018 nalysis 0. . . _, , T 1025 Analysis 10.35 5.35 30.99 G°"“““ P°'"“'t 8° Gmmf“ ,5 “a” , Heart of Texas Brand 5 10 _ 1046 Analysis ig-gg 2%: 23-24 Guarantee; ______________________________________ ,_ 5,00 10,00 5,00 30,00 . 1106 na ysis - - - 140 A 1 ' ______________________________________ _, 4.53 9.00 1.42 27.66 . 1135 Analysis 10.20 5.14 29.63 1 “a y“ 1231 Analysis 11.00 5.26 30.01 pabak Brand 4_12_4 . 1440 gnalysis Guaranteed ______________________________________ __ 4,00 12,00 4,00 " 1459 na ysis . . . 1400 A 1 ' ______________________________________ __ 4,03 3,20 4,35 24,63 ‘ 1475 Analysis 10.20 5.26 29.53 “a y“ . .- iiii 233:1: 18:23 is: 3:9 s 1694 Analysis 10.40 5.60 30.99 °' Ha‘ ‘m’ ‘a °° r . Guaranteed ..................... .. 3.00 20.00 3.00 34.80. 2000 Analysis 10.30 5.72 34.30 263 Ana] sis 5 14 18 o8 1 29 37 99 , 2005 imalysis Y ------------------------------------- -- ' ' ' ' a 2°16 “a "is - - - G & 0 Rose Food _ 2031 Analysis 10-20 6-67 34-21 Guarante-(ad ______________________________________ n 7.00 81m 51,0 33_6° 4 Figefity 84$ Fertilizer 8 00 8 00 38 40 264 Analysis ------------------------ -- ------------ -- 8-12 9.00 6.46 39-04 .- “amnte. - - - Hi-Yield Fertilizer Co., Mt. Pleasant, Texas Y .22; 43663 124:: 2i: 22-9 1 56 Analysis 9'13 7'82 38'” Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 12.00 12.00 21.60 1:58 10-48 8-51 38-69 192 Analysis 13.62 11.42 22.95 0 u,” gnaksis 586 Analysis 9.00 13.67 19.00 1583 na ysis . . . Hi_Yield 04447 1610 Analysis 3-70 3-19 37-13 Guaranteed ______________________________________ ,, 0,00 14,00 7,00 21,00 . . . . 14s Analysis . 7.46 22.24 Y» Fidelity 10-5-5 Fertilizer - Guaranteed ______________________________________ __10_00 5_00 5_00 39_00 191 Analysls 7'53 21'“ a 375 Analysis ...................................... ..1o.04 6.35 .03 40.79 H.456... 442,4 _ i _ . . . Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.80 Flgilggnig-eho-o Fertlhze 10 o0 o 00 42 00 634 Analysis """"""""""""""""""""""""" " 5'52 10's‘) 6'06 3238i 846 Analysis 10.90 0.00 40.38 Hbyield 5_10_5 1 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00’ Fidelity 20% Superphosphate 591 Analysis . 9.50 5.41 29.82; Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 602 Analysis 11.00 5.33 30.20» 106 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 22.09 0.00 26.50 1855 Analysis 10.40 6.40 14 30.01; . ton, dollars 4 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued i3 v 5 Z’. '~ ' o F! H Manufacturer, place of business 5 a i, 5 3 H, .5 3g andbrand 85 ;§'5.“_‘ '55 N's-g s 2 s 8 ~= f! 2 3 5 a "‘ d: >41 '5 Q 0 3 Q Z n. <1 n. s m n. l>-$ Hi-Yield 5-10-5 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.70 10.20 5.74 32.78 Analysis 9.80 6.13 32.57 Analysis 9.45 5.28 30.59 Hi-Yield 8-8-8 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 Analysis 10.90 7.44 36.02 Analysis 10.25 7.68 36.95 Ammonium Nitrate with Limestone Guaranteed ...................................... "20.50 0.00 0.00 61-50 Analysis ...................................... ..19.96 0.00 0.00 59-88 . Hl-Yield Fertilizer Co., Bonham, Texas " Hi-Yield 0-14-7 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00 Analysis 14.30 7.27 21.52 Analysis 13.72 7.48 20.95 i Analysis 14.00 7.46 21.28 ' Analysis 14.40 5.65 20.67 Analysis 14.00 7.78 21.47 Analysis 14.60 7.17 21.82 Hi-Yield 4-12-4 i Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28-80 Analysis ...................................... .. 3.85 11.45 4.86 28-21 i Hi-Yield Brand 5-10-5 Z Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 Analysis . 15.65 1.75 30.12 Analysis 9.75 5.16 28.39 I Analysis 9.73 5.69 32.55 . Analysis 9.33 5.68 29.04 = Analysis 10.09 5.29 29.26 Analysis 10.40 5.20 28.98 Analysis 10.40 5.21 29.41 Analysis 12.00 5.33 29.90 Analysis 10.00 5.46 29.38 Hl-Yield 5-10-10 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 10.00 33.00 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.33 9.60 10.95 34.08 i Hi-Yield Brand 8-8-8 Guaranteed 8.00 8.00 38.40 Analysis 19.53 9.44 48.54 Analysis 10.30 7.88 37.07 Analysis 11.20 7.88 41.72 Analysis 9.70 7.32 34.99 Analysis 8.10 8.42 35.53 Analysis 8.50 7.93 36.35 Analysis 8.00 8.01 37.30 Hi-Yield Brand 10-20-10 Guaranteed 20.00 10.00 60.00 Analysis 22.43 10.32 56.96 Analysis 16.00 8.42 44.71 Analysis 20.50 10.02 55.93 Analysis 19.67 10.03 58.03 Analysis 21.95 10.52 57.01 Analysis 20.40 10.92 55.81 Hi-Yield Brand 0-20-0 Guaranteed 0.00 24.00 Analysis 0.00 24.00 Analysis 0.00 24.36 V Analysis 0.00 24.59 ' Analysis 0.00 24.54 Analysis 0.00 24.24 Analysis 0.00 24.31 Analysis 0.00 24.84 Analysis 0.00 24.12 ‘ Houston Seed Company, Houston, Texas oseco Special Fertilizer for Roses Guaranteed 5.00 12.00 28.20 Analysis 4.82 6.34 21.10 Analysis 5.10 12.98 26.66 International Minerals & Chemical Corporation, Fort Worth and i‘ Texarkana, Texas International 0-12-12 Fertilizer Guaranteed Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis 1 Analysis International 0-14-7 Phosphate & Potash Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 Analysis . . Analysis Analysis 12.00 21.60 22.40 22.34 21.29 22.85 21.15 21.00 21.69 21.62 21.90 21.40 d3 >0 Q 5 B 3‘ , s W" o F! h é a Manufacturer, place of business 5 a %§ g a“, .5 3,1; ‘an andbrand °°°§ -- a.“ m5 d-u-u H o "' w ' N 5 F‘. -. '9 5 a s. '3 Q3 +' 2 "" g: q a "" d) >41 o Q 0 a Q A r: Z n. <1 n. as FM n. >418 201 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 14 80 6.84 21.86 285 Analysis . 0 14.10 7 96 21.70 409 Analysis 14 80 .28 22.13 513 Analysis 15.23 7 92 23.43 571 Analysis 14.30 8 05 21.99 1468 Analysis 13.01 7 86 20.33 International 3-12-12 Fertilizer Guaranteed 12.00 12.00 30.60 66 Analysis 12.30 12.22 32.20 149 Analysis 14.56 10.45 33.46 1677 Analysis 12.20 12.26 31.86 International 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guaranteed 12.00 4.00 28.80 321 Analysis 12.10 4.12 28.06 398 Analysis 12.00 4.41 28.60 545 Analysis 13.71 4.89 32.76 1035 Analysis 12.50 3.82 29.14 1215 Analysis 12.20 4.88 29.06 1221 Analysis 11.78 5.18 29.37 1244 Analysis 12.20 4.66 28.54 1408 Analysis 11.08 4.82 29.63 1467 Analysis 12.00 4.32 27.85 1805 Analysis 11.39 4.33 28.27 1889 Analysis 12.21 4.34 29.04 2013 Analysis 11.24 4.32 28.35 2088 Analysis 12.40 3.96 29.05 International 5-10-5 Fertilizer Guaranteed 5.00 30.00 141 Analysis 5.03 29.37 270 Analysis 5.17 28.82 397 Analysis 5.52 30.58 428 Analysis 5.36 29.92 445 Analysis 5.08 28.91 473 Analysis 5.62 31.33 495 Analysis 5.47 29.47 511 Analysis 5.49 31.43 524 Analysis 3.97 29.79 531 Analysis 5.87 31.73 629 Analysis 5.11 29.41 632 Analysis 4.57 30.28 651 Analysis 5.06 29.68 729 Analysis 5.27 30.46 737 Analysis 5.45 30.42 754 Analysis 5.84 31.10 780 Analysis 5.63 30.47 781 Analysis 5.38 31.49 795 Analysis 5.26 30.07 804 Analysis 5.66 31.42 815 Analysis 5.66 31.66 964 Analysis 5.03 29.91 974 Analysis 5.14 29.42 1034 Analysis 4.87 29.66 1094 Analysis 5.29 30.35 1216 Analysis 5.49 30.14 1217 Analysis 5.34 30.20 1238 Analysis 5.45 31.14 1245 Analysis 5.50 30.46 1466 Analysis 5.64 30.86 1517 Analysis 4.82 28.93 1540 Analysis 5.24 29.27 1593 Analysis. 5.44 30.44 1616 Analysis 5.10 30.03 1625 Analysis 5.59 31.37 1657 Analysis 5.67 30.76 1676 Analysis 5.20 30.09 1688 Analysis 5.34 29.00 1701 Analysis 4.84 28.97 1717 Analysis .80 30.60 1758 Analysis .34 30.74 1806 Analysis .38 31.79 1813 Analysis .64 30.71 1833 Analysis .68 31.31 1885 Analysis .11 28.18 1890 Analysis .24 29.87 1914 Analysis .57 30.73 1934 Analysis .52 31.42 1968 Analysis .06 29.44 2014 Analysis .20 30.18 2053 Analysis .22 28.97 2060 Analysis .76 30.61 2070 Analysis .61 30.49 2087 Analysis .00 29.40 2101 Analysis .23 29.51 2103 Analysis .28 29.48 2109 Analysis 85 30.12 2123 Analysis .55 29.79 International 6-12-6 Fertilizer Guaranteed 6.00 36.00 1886 Analysis 6.48 37.91 2077 Analysis 6.80 38.04 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued a 2 ‘E . .2 <» i1 i’: . .2 w E 3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business E, fi 5 a _ .5 11§ .3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business E, '9 5 3 , .5 l"?! ’ “a: m}? @418, 4:}; "go “c: ‘Q ‘$423, gg +193» 3.1: andbrand on ;-_% _ wq, gw-u gs andbrand 8., 5g. _ ma, g-s-u 55 .28 S219 "53 s55 6E .158 82E 5B 1.5a As: Z5. 40.5 n+3 {>88 Ac: Z5. <05 m3 >433 International 8-8-8 Fertilizer 965 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 21.00 0.00 25.20 Guaranteed -- . 8.00 8.00 38.40 970 Analysis 0.00 20.30 0.00 24.36 61 Analysis 11.74 7.76 39.00 971 Analysis 0.00 20.25 0.00 24.30 530 Analysis 8.76 7.53 37.56 973 Analysis 0.00 20.70 0.00 24.84 536 Analysis 11.21 7.89 36.87 1220 Analysis 0.00 21.63 0.00 25.96 1 584 Analysis 8.70 8.64 39.29 1243 Analysis 0.00 21.00 0.00 25.20 594 Analysis 8.60 9.06 39.19 1409 Analysis 0.00 . 20.10 0.00 24.12 652 Analysis 10.56 7.57 37.19 1776 Analysis 0.00 21.40 0.00 25.68 711 Analysis 9.45 7.63 38.39 1881 Analysis 0.00 20.50 0.00 24.60 1465 Analysis 8.40 8.62 38.77 1978 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 20.60 0.00 24.72 1516 Analysis 8.80 8.76 39.82 1536 Analysis 9.53 7.90 40.39 Muriate of Potash 50% 1539 Analysis 9.68 8.16 38.75 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 0.00 50.00 30.00 1592 Analysis 8.10 8.11 38.11 216 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 0.00 51.54 30.92 1624 Analysis 8.40 8.24 38.27 1675 Analysis 8.10 7.69 37.37 Thompson Phosphate Division, International Minerals & 1687 Analysis 8.30 9.26 39.01 Chemical Company, Chicago, Illinois 1757 Analysis 8.80 8.00 37.26 Four Leaf Powdered Rock Phosphate ' f 1812 Analysis 10.35 7.41 37.45 Guaranteed ............................ .. 0.00 31.00* 0.00 15.50 1832 Analysis 8.30 8.76 39.34 16 Analysis ........................ .. 0.00 31.94‘ 0.00 15.97 - 1913 Analysis 8.50 8.42 38.80 , 1933 Analysis 3,30 3,00 33,07 Jacksonville Fertilizer Co., Jacksonville, Texas _ 2037 Analysis 8.66 8.98 40.14 Chief Brand 0-12-12 Fertilizer 2052 Analysis . 8.75 8.09 38.42 Guaranteed -------------------------------------- .- 0-00 12.00 12.00 21.601 2122 Analysis , 9,50 8,03 39,33 137 Analysis 0.00 9.06 13.16 18.775 2134 Analysis ______________________________________ _, 3,07 8.20 8.44 39.11 188 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 9.63 10.08 17.61. International 10-10-0 Fertilizer Chief Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Q Guaran 0.00 10.00 0.00 42.00 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.80“ 2015 Analysis ................................... .. 9.56 11.90 0.00 42.96 1693 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.02 12.40 4.78 29.81‘ International 10-20-0 Ammoniated Superphosphate Chief Brand 8-8-8 Fertilizer i . Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 0.00 54.00 Guaranteed . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38. w; 517 Analysis 20.16 0.00 51.88 139 Analysis 6.56 9.31 6.59 34. 1576 Analysis 21.00 0.00 55.14 1630 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 7.68 8.80 8.25 38 ‘ 2055 Analysis 20.00 0.00 52.26 1668 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 7.74 8.20 8.00 37. ’ 2069 Analysis 20.20 0.00 51.90 1691 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 7.93 8.00 8.15 38. 1707 Analysis ...................................... __ 6.90 9,35 6,30 35,7 International 10-20-10 Fertilizer ~ Guaranteed 20.00 10.00 60.00 Groso 5-10-5 Fertilizer f 60 Analysis 18.98 11.41 55.88 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 v51 730 Analysis . 20.00 9.33 59.78 1714 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.34 10.00 5.34 31 803 Analysis . . 20.40 8.98 58.22 _ 911 Analysis . 18.50 10.24 56.42 Groso 8-8-8 Fertilizer - 1803 Analysis . . 21.00 7.90 57.84 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38. 1' 1874 Analysis . . 20.70 7.69 57.71 1713 Analysis ...................................... .. 7.96 8.00 8.12 38.8 1943 Analysis . . 18.90 11.55 60.27 _ j 2049 Analysis _ _ 20,30 9,20 59,23 Kelly-Weber Co., Inc., Lake Charles, Louisiana 2051 Analysis . . 19.25 9.30 53.34 Weber-King Brand Special 0-14-7 ’ 2054 Analysis . . 20,14 9,07 54,34 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21. 2062 Analysis . 18.90 9.76 57.64 78 Analysis -------------------------------------- .. 0.00 13.75 8.86 21.8 208s Analysis . 21.25 8.25 58.71 _ _ _ _ 2100 Analysis ______________________________________ __ 9,30 17,32 3,00 55,62 Weber-King Brand FertlllZer Special 3-12-12 Guaran _ ...................................... .. 3.00 12.00 12.00 30. International 12-12-12 Fertilizer 77 Analysis . 12.50 12.30 31. ' Guaranteed _ ___________________________ ..12.o0 12.00 12.00 57.60 1336 Analysis ...................................... .. 2.91 11.90 11.18 29. r n 1 is .................... ..11.75 12.95 11.88 57.92 i 1912 A ays Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 4-12-4 é International Ammonium Sulphate 21% Gllafa-Iltefli -------------------------------------- -- 4-00 12.00 4.00 28. 1 Guaranteed ______________________________________ __21,00 0,00 0,00 63,00 1335 Analysis 12.20 3,36 2 1r 1377 Analysis ______________________________________ __20_42 0,00 0,00 61,26 1451 Analysis ...................................... .. 3.73 11.30 4.16 27 :~_. International 20% Superphosphate Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 5-10-5 i, Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0 00 20.00 0.00 24.00 Guaranteed . . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ __ 5,00 10,00 5,00 30, f 3 Analysis 0.00 25.57 138 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 4.85 10.20 4.71 29. i 57 Analysis 0.00 25.74 1334 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 9.82 5.34 29., 92 Analysis 0.00 24.36 1435 Analysis . . . . _ _ , , _ _, 5,03 9,85 5,74 30 T 115 Analysis 0.00 25.74 1439 Analysis . . . . . . . . . .. 4.71 10.00 5.94 29, 125 Analysis 0.00 25.26 1450 Analysis 5.03 10.30 5.38 30. 202 Analysis 0.00 24.60 1669 Analysis 5.72 10.30 5.40 32. 277 Analysis 0.00 25.44 1686 Analysis . 5.50 10.20 5.66 32. 306 Analysis 0.00 24.12 1692 Analysis . .. 5.36 9.60 5.23 30. 308 Analysis 0.00 25.32 1708 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.20 9.40 5,65 30 312 Analysis 0.00 25.68 316 Analysis 0.00 25.92 Weber-King Brand Fertilizer Special 8-8-8 318 Analysis 0.00 25.08 Guaranteed 8.00 8.00 8.00 38. ’ 320 Analysis 0.00 25.44 1434 Analysis .. 7.47 8.30 8.70 37 i‘ 394 Analysis 0.00 25.80 1438 Analysis 7.46 8.10 8.17 37. 396 Analysis 0.00 24-60 1449 Analysis ...................................... .. 7.48 8.20 7.93 37 j 429 Analysis 0.00 25.80 i. 431 Analysis 0.00 25.20 Kipfer Chemical Co., RioHondo, Texas " 436 Analysis 0.00 24.60 Garden-Gm Brand 5-10-5 a , , 439 Analysis 0.00 25-20 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30 447 Analysis 0.00 24.84 175 Analyis ......................... ........... .. 4.18 11.60 4.11 28. 449 Analysis 0.00 24.84 , '. 483 Analysis 0.00 24.72 K-W Brand 10-10-0 , , , Q 502 Analysis 0.00 25.56 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 10.00 0.00 42 505 Analysis 0.00 25-20 925 Analysis ..................................... ..,.10.46 9.68 0.00 43‘ 516 Analysis 0.00 25.56 568 Analysis 0.00 24.84 Shur-Gro Brand 20% Superphosphate 572 Analysis 0.00 24.48 Guaranteed . .................................. .. 0.00 20.00 -0.00 2 ' 577 Analysis 0.00 25.08 162 "Analysis . .. 0.00 _ 19.68 0.00 28' 588 Analysis 0.00 25.20 163' Analysis .. 0.00, 20.20 0.00 2_ 623 Analysis 0.00 24.00 176 Analysis . 0.00 21.20 0.00 _, 628 Analysis 0.00 24.00 213 Analysis 0.00m 19.67 0.00 . "676" Analysis 0.00 25-20 218 Analysis ....... ..... .............. .. 0.00 , 19.72 0.00 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued '43 d3 , , .2 5 2 i’ . .2 5 2 ‘ Manufacturer, place of business E '2 8 g , .5 05': 3 ,_, Manufacturer, place of business F‘ '2 f5 g _ ,5 03 +1 Sign: ‘n+1 99.0 w” 0+1 .931» s.» ap,—~ andbrand 8% éfsfi m5 gww 3.: andbrand Zlfi QQQ ‘fig 38-3 i=2 98g B2 ~55 n8 3:2 sg-s 82 2g- 01-10 so ca, do sag: m0 >5? ow god Zn. 4am ma. {>948 Al: Zn. 410.99 Q49. >948 Shur-Gro Brand 20% Superphosphate 402 Analysis ................. ..11.56 24.32 12.44 71.32 Analysis 0.0g 28.g9 finalysis 11.83 24.00 11.46 71.17 Analysis . . 0.0 2 . 9 . . na ysis 12.40 24.42 11.77 73.56 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 20.60 0.00 24.72 565 Analysis .12.18 24.60 11,26 72,32 1 _ _ 583 Analysis 11.72 24.10 12.93 71.84 . Lake Charles Feed Co., Lake Charles, Louisiana 598 Analysis 11.76 24.00 12.04 71.30 Best Bet Brand Fertilizer Special 4-12-4 610 Analysis 12,22 24,10 10,27 71,74 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12-00 4-00 28-30 647 Analysis 12.20 24.00 11.77 72,46 , Analysis ..................................... .. 3.96 11.78 4.00 28.42 759 Analysis 11.91 24,00 11,96 71,71 _ _ 813 Analysis 11.77 24.50 12.12 71.98 , Lion Oil Co., El Dorado, Arkansas 834 Analysis 11.86 24.00 10.84 70.88 Lion Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer 840 Analysis 11,95 24,00 12,04 72,23 Guaranteed ..................................... .. 3.50 0.00 0.00 100-50 859 Analysis 12,12 24,10 11,01 72,25 Analysis 3.52 0.00 0.00 100.56 909 Analysis 12,50 24,10 10,06 70,06 Analysis 2.79 0.00 0.00 98.37 916 Analysis 12,06 24,79 10,63 72,31 Analysis .....32.87 0.00 0.00 98.61 927 Analysis 11,92 24,50 11,00 72,12 Analysis ...._33.03 0.00 0.00 99.06 933 Analysis 11,68 24,30 11,40 71,64 Analysis . . . . . . . . ..33.43 0.00 0.00 100.29 938 Analysis 12.10 24.00 12.13 72.38 Analysis . . . . . . . . ..33.58 0.00 0.00 100.74 963 Analysis 12,23 24,30 11,13 72,63 Analysis . . . . . . . . ..33.69 0.00 0.00 101.07 968 Analysis 11.56 24.00 12,19 70,79 7 Analysis ...................................... ..33.16 0.00 0-00 99-43 finaiysis 11,51 23,63 13,30 70,93 ; 1'13 YSiS _12.24 24.10 10.34 71.78 . Lone Stai- Steel Co., Dallas, Texas 1007 Analysis 13,33 23,60 7,74 73,12 i Lone Star Steel Ammonium Sulphate 1016 Analysis _12,04 24,70 11,77 72,32 Guaranteed ..................................... 420-60 -00 0-00 61-80 1024 Analysis 12,32 24,30 10,33 73,25 Analysis ...................................... ..20-73 0-00 0-00 62-19 1047 Analysis 12,03 24,30 11,40 72,84 . _ 1001 Allaly '8 _.12.29 23.70 12.00 72.5 y Marshall Cotton Oil Co., Marshall, Texas 1070 Analysis ,_12,16 24,00 11,59 72,2; Maverick Brand 0-12-12 Fertilizer 1110 Analysis _11,71 24,45 12,15 71,76 Guaranteed .... .. . ------------ -- 0-00 12-00 12-00 21-60 1125 Analysis 11,32 24,50 1139 7159 Analysis ............................... .. 0.00 12-00 13-08 22-25 1153 Analysis 1230 2530 1036 7318 . . . 1107 A l '8 11.55 24.2 3. . Maverick Brand 0-14-7 Fertilizer 1195 Aiiglzzis 11,37 24,98 Guaranteed ...................................... -_ 0.00 14-00 7-00 21-00 1219 Analysis 12,23 24,70 1133 72373 Analysis ...................................... -- 0-00 14-50 7-04 21-02 1235 Analysis 1]__79 24_40 1198 7244 . . 1259 A I ' 1.7 . . . Maverick Brand 5-10-5 Fertilizer 1205 11:21:12 hag Guaranteed ------------------------------------- -- 5-00 10-00 5-00 30-00 1269 Analysis 1L9‘; 23110 12 71 71'11 Analysis -------------------------------------- ~- Analysis - 1283 A l ' , , _ _ "1 Hlthieson Chemical Corporation, Pasadena, Texas and 1292 Agglfgi: ' 14"“ 3°09 Ark- . . . 1303 Analysis 11.55 24 3o 1267 7135 ' Mathieson 6-24-24 Pelletized Fertilizer 1311 Analysis 12 02 24.80 12-69 73.43 ------------- --~ ---- ---- -- Analysis .... .. 6.40 24.60 23.65 62.91 1324 Analysis 11'94 2400 12'46 72'“) Analysis .... ._ 6.22 24.63 25.30 63.41 1344 Analysis 11'90 2420 12'21 72'07 Analysis .... .. 6.68 24.09 23.30 62.92 1365 Analysis 1229 2480 1221 7860 Analysis 6-07 243° 26-54 63-29 1377 Analysis 1200 2450 1286 72'12 Analysis 6.60 24.50 24.94 64.16 1388 Analysis 2'00 2428 1280 7282 AHQlYSiB 6.20 24.40 25.02 62.89 1403 Analysis 12kg 2515 12'29 74°42 Analysis 6-20 244° 24-64 62-66 1414 Analysis 11'6o 2430 12'o7 71'2o Analysis 6.72 24.20 21.92 62.35 1427 Anawsis 1141 2480 1359 7178 Analysis .... .. 6.26 24.10 24.61 62.47 1515 Analysis 1204 2420 1224 7250 Analysis . . . . . . . . .. Analysis Analysis . . . . . . . . .. 6.37 23.23 24.86 62.21 1609 Anamis 1189 2450 1216 7237 Analysis .................................. .. 6.09 23-70 26-94 62-87 1740 A 1 - ' ‘ ‘ ' 1750 Analysis 11.94 24.20 11.88 71.99 Mathieson 10-30-10 Pelletized Fertilizer 1753 1122121: iiii n Guaranteed .. . 30.00 10.00 72.00 1789 Analysis "" " 1216 24's‘, 11319 72',“ Analysis 30.76 12.16 73.82 1817 Analysis ---- " 12-06 24-40 12-04 72- . _ . . . .68 Analysis 30.42 11.21 73.23 1842 Analysis 11 89 23 97 . _ . . 12.45 71.90 Analysis 31.05 10.12 73.57 1891 Anal s 12 5 - .28 y 1S . 3 Almlys“ 30'“) 11 1897 Analysis 12 26 24 70 12 98 74 21 Analysis 30.00 10.79 72.54 1977 Analysis 12'03 24's“) 11'44 72-83 Analysis 32.20 9.64 75.38 1982 Analysis 12'01 24b‘) 12'“ 72',“ Analysis 30.70 10.84 75.91 2012 Analysis 12'” 24370 “'94 72"“ Analysis 29.80 10.48 72.53 2025 A l . - - - ~ . 3 20 1 7 73 63 na ysis .... _, 11.88 23.19 12.24 70.81 Analysis 0. 0. 2 . 2030 Anal . ysis 12.00 24.10 11.58 71.87 Analysis 29.32 11.54 73.30 2 4 A I . Analysis 30 85 12 04 73 94 0 5 na ysis 11.75 24.00 13.51 72.16 " ‘ ' 283E imiy” 3:2 38 - _ _ - -1- na ysgs . . . 72.80 Mg,1,‘;f_§‘;f;e£ 24 12 Peuemed Fer“ ‘w’ 207s Analys1s 11.77 24.00 11.13 70.79 23 672 22:: 3:2 Analysis n V519 -------------------------------------- -- - - - 2.88 Analysis _ _ Analysis Mathieson 12-12-12 Pelletized Fertilizer Analysis Guaranteed . 12.00 12.00 57.60 Analysis 4 Analysis 12.56 14.70 60.16 Analysis 12 Analysis 12.40 13.96 59.58 Analysis 22 Analysis 14.33 11.58 61.47 Ana1ysis 64 Analysis 12.40 12.46 58.02 Analysis 88 Analysis 12.60 12.82 57.88 Analygig 143 Analysis 12.70 12.44 59.36 Analysis 179 Analysis 12.70 13.40 59.88 Analysis Analysis Analysis 438 Analysis 12.60 12.52 59.44 Analygis 541 Analysis 13.80 12.64 59.36 Analysis 564 Analysis 12.70 13.45 59.58 Analysis 567 Analysis 12.60 13.51 59.38 Analysis 597 Analysis 13.00 11.10 58.80 Analysis 601 Analysis 12.00 12.48 57.44 Analysis 617 Analysis 13.15 13.17 59.41 Analygig 1072 Analysis 13.40 12.35 59.97 Analysis 1706 Analys1s 12.90 13.96 60.58 Analygig 1907 Analysis 14.15 11.62 61.09 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued 4-‘1 +1 t. ,_ s2 é g L‘ a a Q v.2 g g h g <2 a Manufacturer, place of business 5 p g2 l5; w, g g5; a2 H Manufacturer, place of business f, a 3E Q .5 3% 3.: andbrand 85 53E ‘g8 gg-u g3 andbrand g5 $3.91 g-g-lal 8E s89 8E ass‘ s5 s88 s8" Al: Zn. 4:43 ma. >33 Al: Zn. <1aci >9“? Mathieson 13-13-13 Fertilizer 414 Analysis Guaranteed ..................................... ..13.00 13.00 13.00 62.40 420 Analysis Analysis ..12.54 13.00 14.34 61.82 425 Analysis Analysis ..12.66 13.90 13.42 62.71 432 Analysis Analysis "13.20 13.40 13.67 63.88 437 Analysis Analysis ...13.08 13.40 13.92 63.67 444 Analysis Analysis ..12.56 13.30 13.27 61.60 448 Analysis Analysis ...12.94 13.50 12.71 62.65 464 Analysis Analysis ..12.79 13.55 13.64 62.81 466 Analysis Analysis . .12.98 13.80 14.18 64.01 478 Analysis Analysis ..12.90 13.75 13.74 63.44 484 Analysis Analysis .. 13.02 13.60 13.90 63.72 496 Analysis Analysis .13.35 13.25 14.07 64.39 512 Analysis Analysis 1.13.38 13.75 12.71 65.47 546 Analysis Analysis ...13.00 13.70 14.78 64.31 622 Analysis Analysis ...12.55 13.50 14.41 62.50 625 Analysis Analysis ...12.81 13.80 13.94 63.35 677 Analysis Analysis ...13.28 13.90 13.52 64.63 680 Analysis Analysis ...13.08 13.50 13.60 63.60 681 Analysis Analysis ...12.82 13.70 14.32 61.49 687 Analysis Analysis ...12.73 13.50 14.48 63.08 693 Analysis Analysis ...12.58 14.10 14.16 63.16 698 Analysis Analysis ...12.85 13.50 14.60 63.51 699 Analysis Analysis ...13.17 13.50 13.48 63.80 700 Analysis Analysis ...12.38 13.20 14.03 61.40 705 Analysis Analysis ...12.64 13.20 14.59 62.51 758 Analysis Analysis ...12.90 13.90 14.62 64.15 841 Analysis Analysis ...................................... ..12.69 13.70 13.11 62.38 856 Analysis 867 Analysis Mathieson Ammo-Phos 18-89-0 Pelletized Fertilizer 919 Analysis Guaranteed 18.00 89.00 0.00 85.80 923 Analysis Analysis .... ..18.12 89.26 0.00 86.47 928 Analysis Analysis .... .1255 40.14 0.00 85.82 935 Analysis Analysis .... ..12.89 89.50 0.00 86.01 937 - Analysis Analysis ...18 10 88.89 0.00 85.97 947 Analysis Analysis 18 10 88.89 0.00 85.80 958 Analysis Analysis 13 04 38.75 0.00 85.62 955 Analysis Analysis 12 98 89.90 0.00 86.67 957 Analysis Analysis 13 14 39.30 0.00 86.58 962 Analysis Analysis 18 00 89.10 0.00 85.92 967 Analysis Analysis 18 12 89.60 0.00 86.88 981 Analysis Analysis 18 02 89.49 0.00 86.45 988 Analysis Analysis 13 07 32.86 0.00 78.64 996 AllalYSlS Analysis 18 82 89.20 0.00 87.00 999 Analysis Analysis 13 26 39.00 0.00 86.58 1012 Analysis Analysis 13 10 39.47 0.00 86.66 1013 AIIalYSlS Analysis 12 96 39.10 0.00 85.80 1017 Analysls Analysis 13 44 36.40 0.00 84.00 1023 Allalysls Analysis 13 00 39.20 0.00 86.04 1048 Analysis Analysis 13 18 38.68 0.00 85.92 1060 Analysis Analysis 12 86 38.60 0.00 84.90 1062 Allalysls Analysis 18 06 88.96 0.00 85.98 1065 Analysis Analysis 13 22 39.20 0.00 86.70 1076 Analysis Analysis 13 24 39.80 0.00 87.48 1081 Analysis Analysis 13 13 39.90 0.00 87.27 1085 Analysis Analysis ...13.06 39.70 0.00 86.82 1091 Analysis Analysis ...12.98 39.00 0.00 85.74 1095 Analysis Analysis ...13.25 39.90 0.00 87.63 1105 Analysis Analysis ...13.18 39.30 0.00 86.70 1111 Analysis Analysis ...................................... ..13.31 39.80 0.00 87.69 1126 Analysis 1129 Analysis Mathieson Ammo-Pllos 16-20-0 Pelletized Fertilizer 1196 Analysis Guaranteed ...................................... ..16.00 20.00 0.00 72.00 1204 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.77 1211 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.40 1218 Analysis Analysis 0.00 76.91 1289 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.18 124'? Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.87 1252 Analysis Analysis 0.00 78.86 1270 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.84 1274 Analysis Analysis 0.00 71.88 1280 Analysis Analysis 0.00 74.28 1284 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.77 1293 Allalysls Analysis 0.00 72.60 1805 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.25 1808 Analysis Analysis 0.00 76.42 1812 Analysis Analysis 0.00 78.66 1314 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.42 1316 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.06 1323 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.51 1345 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.57 1390 Analysis Analysis 0.00 71.48 1402 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.18 1428 Analysis Analysis 0.00 71.85 1430 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.90 1543 Analysis Analysis 0.00 71.94 1546 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.42 1552 Analysis Analysis 0.00 75.54 1554 Analysis Analysis 0.00 70.47 1557 Analysis Analysis 0.00 71.91 1562 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.36 1632 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.12 1641 Analysis Analysis 0.00 74.43 1646 Analysis Analysis 0.00 72.12 1661 Analysis Analysis 0.00 71.88 1721 Analysis Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued +0 +v _ v.25 all? Z‘ _ g5 phfi Manufacturer, place of business E, l, 3‘ S f; ,1, .2 gé 3 s, Manufacturer, place of business 5 i’ '5 a ,2 "i! ~ db d 00¢: ago. is 1;,‘ O “w 001E s13. d‘; “go an ran Q0; 7:5. _ £0, 5'21: 3.1: andbrand on :9. _ Al, guru 221g 3Q 75:5 3E £2 362E <§i3 7,55 Zn. 42.00 ma. >093 Al: Z3, <fi§ n.2, >023 . Iathieson Ammo-Phos 16-20-0 Pelletized Fertilizer Natural Plant Food Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. ‘ l Analysis 15.87 21.00 0.00 72.81 Longhorn Brand Cattle Manure AnfllYfils 20-40 0-00 72-54 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 2.00 1.00 2.00 8.40 Analysis 20.30 0.00 72.90 1571 Analysis ______________________________________ __ 1,99 1,01 1,50 3,03 Analysis 21.21 0.00 63.85 _ Aniilllysis Oiivlliilllfz FertFillizer Works, Henderson, Texas n ysls 1. . . of rand ertilizer 0-14-7 Analysis 21.40 0.00 73.74 Guaranteed ______________________________________ __ 0_00 14,00 7,00 21,00 Analysis 20.70 0.00 73.05 655 Analysis .. 0.00 13.00 8.32 20.51 Analysis 20-85 0.00 73-26 918 Analysls ...................................... .. 0.00 12.08 7.70 19.12 Analysis 20.35 0.00 72.78 w If na ysis 20.40 0.00 72.06 0 Brand Fertilizer Superphosphate Analysis 21.45 0.00 73.29 Guaranteed. _ _______ ._ 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 Analysis 33.58 8.3g $5.2? 654 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 20.10 0.00 24.12 na ySlS . . . i Analysis 20.96 0.00 72.73 Oklahoma Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Analysis 20.50 0.00 72.60 BIB’ BOY Fertilizer 4-12-4 Analysis 23.95 0.00 74.16 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.80 Analysis 20.70 0.00 72.36 1637 AIlalYSlS ...................................... .. 3.87 12.90 3.69 29.30 Ana ysis 20.70 0.00 72.60 Analysis 20.80 0.00 72.66 Big Boy Fertilizer 5-10-5 Gllaranbefrd ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 Istlll-esoll 20% Sllperphosphate Pelletized Fertilizer 1638 Analysls ...................................... .. 5.04 10.20 5.32 30.55 l (nilsrsntegd 0.00 20.00 0.00 240g Big Boy Fertilizer 102040 A3353; 353., Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 Analysis 2155 0_00 2438 1639 AIIZl-lYSIS ------------------------------------- .. 7.20 17.40 10.45 48.76 Analysis 21.45 0.00 25.74 _ _ _ Analysis 21.00 0.00 25.20 Phlillllills ChfiemllgalllCon Houston. 'l‘exas Analygig 21_30 0_00 25_55 i ips 6 ri ed Ammonium Nitrate Analysis 21.30 0.00 25.56 Gllarantefld -------------------------------------- “$3.00 0.00 0.00 99.00 Analysis 21.30 0.00 25.56 154 Analysis .. 0.00 0.00 99.21 Analysis 21,23 0_00 25,43 177 Analysis 0.00 0.00 99.36 Analysis 20_50 0_00 2450 211 Analysis 0.00 0.00 99.69 Analysis 21_30 0_00 2555 221 Analysis 0.00 0.00 99.30 Analysis 21,90 0_00 26,23 222 Analysis 0.00 0.00 98.79 Analysis 20.00 0.00 24.00 237 Analysis 0.00 0.00 99.99 Analysis 2205 0_00 20,40 295 Analysis 0.00 0.00 99.24 Analysis 21_g0 0_00 2010 299 Analysis 0.00 0.00 99.72 Analysig 2133 0_00 2022 339 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.02 - rigi- llinalysls iiiig 0.8g 98.32 - 3 ll P l - -l- na ysis . 0. 99.30 fllellilflzgd F8elll0l0lzer 0.00 66.00 666 Analysfs 0-00 0-00 98-07 Analysis ' _ ' ' U 2946 0_00 34_99 633 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.20 _ l Almlysls 28m 0_00 3M8 649 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.47 Analysls 2838 0_00 3456 703 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.56 Analysis 29.64 0.00 as s7 761 Analysis 0-00 0-00 100-71 Analysls 29M 0.00 35:69 762 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.44 Analysls 29ml 0_00 3M2 779 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.83 Analysis 28.80 0.00 84.56 865 Analysls 0-00 0-00 100-80 Analysis 2921 0_00 3505 1423 Analysis 0.00 0.00 100.88 5060's“ 28-93 6-66 64-72 Phillips 66 Ammonium Sul - phate fifijlfi}: l9 Giigrailtepd ...................................... -2100 66.00 Analysis 28.92 0.00 84.70 123 Aflgllylgl: 0-00 0-00 2:66 - . . .19 222E225 2333 8'83 3232 19g Analysis g-gg gm 61-92 - ' ‘ ' 4 11a ysls . .00 62.19 Analysis 29:15 0:00 34:98 gnalysls 0'80 0'00 6210 Analysis 29.56 0.00 35.47 702 Afizlysls 0- 0 0-00 65-76 - Ysls 0.00 0.00 63.36 '4 Analysis 28:85 0100 34:62 138g Analysls 0-00 0-00 03-18 - Ila YSIS 0.00 0.00 63.72 Analysis 26.81 0.00 32.17 1056 Analysis 0 00 0 00 64 26 na ysis 28.14 0.00 33.77 - ' ‘ ' Analysis 29.17 0.00 35.00 gig A23“: g-gg g-gg 64-68 Analysis 81.50 0.00 37.80 llllll Analfils 0-00 0-00 gig? 23253252 Z1123 8:33 S??? iggg ggalysls g-gg "-00 6w ~ 1065 Anzligi: 0'00 .- Ilthieson 8-8-8 1990 A l ' 0'00 ' ' lGllAuA-llteed ______________________________________ u 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 11a YSIS - 70.00 63.45 n ysis 8.40 8.98 37.7 C ll, lL ll l . s A t . T Analysls 8155 A80 3711 ali-oselogooda ora ones, an n omo, exas Guaranteed ...................................... .. 7.00 9,00 4,00 34,20 Iathieson Ammonium Sulphate 610 A 1 ' ______________________________________ __ 92g _g Guaranteed ______________________________________ "2100 0_00 0.00 63.00 m1 V818 7 6 4.31 39.86 Afll-lYsis .... ..21.04 0.00 0.00 63.12 Ra-Pid-Gro Corporation, Dansville. New York Analysis .... ..20.95 0.00 0.00 62.85 Ra-Pid-Gro -- Analysis ...................................... ..21.19 0.00 0.00 63.57 Gnarantssd ______________________________________ __23_00 21_00 17,00 10440 A 172 Analysis ...................................... -2335 21.20 16.25 105.20 l“ Iathieson Nitrate of Soda. Guarante 0.00 0.00 48.00 Red Star Fertilizer Co., Sulphur Springs, Texas Analysis 0.00 0.00 49.32 Red Star Brand 0-12-12 A Analysis 0.00 0.00 49.92 Gnaranissd ______________________________________ __ 0_00 1200 1200 2L“ 1: 189 Analysis ...................................... __ 0,00 12,00 12,71 22,03 1' Iathieson 20% Super-phosphate Gllfirflntefll -------------------------------------- -- 0-00 20.00 0.00 24.00 Red Star Brand 0-14-7, g Analysis .. 21.52 0.00 25.82 Guaranteed 14.00 7.00 21.00 Analysis 20.90 0.00 25.18 255 Analysis 13,66 7,97 21,17 Analysis 21.50 0.00 25.80 529 Analysis 13,60 7,32 20,73 Analysis 21.90 0.00 26.28 599 Analysis 13.86 7.24 20.97 Analysis 20.60 0.00 24.72 60s Analysis 14,11 7,73 21,57 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued 49 2' _ .2 5 B 3 N Manufacturer, place of business E, _,_, i S __,_, .5 ES Q o u, q an p, ,c: g +1 o we andbrand 2m ma. _ q, gnu-u s5 9% "a 5 =' A c: Z o. <1 n. s m n. >43 3 Red Star Brand 3-12-12 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 3.00 12.00 12.00 30.60 1674 Analysis ...................................... .. 3.24 11.20 12.50 30.66 Red Star Brand 4-12-4 Guaranteed ..................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.80 1529 Analysis 11.60 4.48 28.22 1634 Analysis 10.70 4.93 27.56 1854 Analysis 11.55 5.53 28.88 Red Star Brand 5-10-5 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 254 Analysis .. . 4.90 10.00 5.51 29.81 574 Analysis . . 4.89 10.26 5.05 30.01 604 Analysis .. . 4.74 9.95 5.41 29.41 791 Analysis .. 5.25 10.50 5.27 31.51 812 Analysis 5.12 10.10 5.29 30.65 1015 Analysis 5.27 10.00 5.14 30.89 1082 Analysis 5.17 9.35 5.63 30.11 1166 Analysis 5.27 10.50 5.52 31.42 1528 Analysis .. 4.94 9.76 5.34 29.73 1673 Analysis 5.02 9.04 5.43 29.17 1771 Analysis .. 4.94 9.78 5.57 29.90 1804 Analysis .. . 5.28 9.19 5.52 31.18 1844 Analysis 4.91 10.10 5.49 30.14 1847 Analysis . 5.14 9.20 5.54 29.78 1853 Analysis . 5.22 9.70 5.50 30.60 1911 Analysis . 5.04 10.40 5.43 30.85 1931 Analysis 5.14 10.20 5.40 30.90 2048 Analysis 5.10 10.00 5.74 30.74 2072 Analysis 5.08 9.35 5.35 29.67 2105 Analysis ..................................... .. 4.80 10.10 5.63 29.90 Red Star Brand 5-10-10 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 10.00 10.00 33.00 1852 Analysis 9.80 9.72 32.71 Red Star Brand 8-8-8 Guaranteed .. . 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 563 Analysis .. 7.37 8.60 8.16 37.33 792 Analysis . 7.59 8.80 8.27 38.29 808 Analysis . 7.22 8.77 7.99 36.97 811 Analysis .. 7.69 9.20 8.23 39.05 1165 Analysis . 7.62 8.40 8.48 38.03 1527 Analysis . 7.68 8.30 8.34 38.00 1672 Analysis .. 7.54 8.00 8.25 37.17 1851 Analysis . 7.72 8.00 8.11 37.73 1910 Analysis .. 7.79 8.50 8.29 38.54 1930 Analysis 7.85 8.35 8.57 38.71 Red Star Brand 10-20-10 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 807 Analysis .... .. .. . 9.14 20.00 .20 56.94 1014 Analysis .... .. .. 9.16 21.10 9.12 58.27 1164 Analysis .... .. 9.28 20.00 9.67 57.64 1909 Analysis .... .. 9.66 19.16 10.28 58.14 1920 Analysis .... .. 8.86 19.69 9.50 55.91 1947 Analysis .... .. 9.70 18.98 10.26 58.03 2071 Analysis ...................................... .. 9.72 17.77 10.50 56.78 Red Star 20.5% Sulphate of Ammonia Guarant 20.50 0.00 0.00 60.50 1903 Analysis ..20.56 0.00 0.00 61.68 Red Star Brand 0-20-0 Guaranteed .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 102 Analysis 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 256 Analysis .... .. 0.00 19.35 0.00 23.22 537 Analysis ...... . 0.00 19.75 0.00 23.70 600 Analysis .... .. .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 620 Analysis 0.00 20.07 0.00 24.08 624 Analysis .... .. 0.00 19.83 0.00 23.80 809 Analysis ........... .. 0.00 19.56 0.00 23.47 1083 Analysis .... .. 0.00 19.47 0.00 23.36 1635 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 19.44 0.00 23.33 Reliance Fertilizer Co., Savannah, Georgia Reliance Azalea & Camillia Special Guaranteed ..................................... .. 4.00 8.00 8.00 26.40 1985 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.04 8.00 8.87 27.04 San Antonio Fertilizer Co., San Antonio, Texas Rab-bit Dehydrated Cattle Manure Guaranteed ...................................... .. 2.00 1.50 2.00 9.00 2009 Analysis ..................................... .. 1.80 1.72 2.12 8.73 Scientific Soil Service, Elsa, Texas SSS Phosphate Rock Guaranteed ..................................... .. 0.00 30.00‘ 0.00 15.00 931 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 3030* 0.00 15.15 Sewerage Commission, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Milwaukee Milorganite Ideal Lawn & Garden Fertilizer Guaranteed ................................... .. 6.00 2.00 0.00 20.40 38 Analysis .. 5.65 3.76 0.00 21.46 274 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.75 3.83 0.00 21.85 20 43 Z’ _ .2 5 H E <2 H Manufacturer, place of business 5 4, fi 3 E __,_, .5 ab‘! g3 andbrand g5 $35.51‘ '55 “W3 u "' "1 o 5 i: . f; 5 -*= a 92% o a: T» = = A c: Z o. <1 n. w m s. >83 1145 Analysis ..................................... .. 5.67 3.92 0.00 21.71 1570 Analysis 5 64 3.80 .00 21.48 1572 Analysis 3.73 0.00 21.86 Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport, Louisiana La-Tex 5-10-10 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 10.00 33.00 1734 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.40 10.00 10.38 34.43 La-Tex 5-10-5 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 1735 Analysis 10.20 6.05 1837 Analysis 10.10 .58 La-Tex 8-8-8 Fertilizer Guaranteed 8.00 8.00 1733 Analysis 8.80 8.65 1836 Analysis 9.07 8.49 Lion 0-14-7 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 249 Analysis . 14.00 8.42 253 Analysis 14.11 8.63 731 Analysis 14.40 8.65 1192 Analysis 14.60 7.47 Lion 3-12-12 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 3.00 12.00 12.00 1193 Analysis ...................................... .. 3.49 12.04 12.47 Lion 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guaran 12.00 4.00 667 Analysis 11.63 4.91 726 Analysis 12.20 6.31 1191 Analysis 11.89 4.59 1354 Analysis 10.98 5.25 1505 Analysis 11.83 6.96 Lion 5-10-5 Fertilizer Guaranteed ..................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 252 Analysis 10.20 5.73 631 Analysis 10.30 5.56 662 Analysis 10.50 6.03 668 Analysis 10.70 5.76 728 Analysis 10.30 5.23 733 Analysis 10.00 5.25 746 Analysis 10.30 5.35 794 Analysis 10.20 6.16 800 Analysis 10.00 5.64 1190 Analysis 10.00 5.28 1353 Analysis 9.88 6.39 1504 Analysis 9.05 6.62 1521 Analysis 9.63 6.67 1716 Analysis 9.60 6.72 1725 Analysis 9.50 6.87 1861 Analysis 10.30 5.34 1875 Analysis 10.00 5.21 Lion 8-8-8 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 727 Analysis . 10.45 9.26 732 Analysis . 8.90 8.73 747 Analysis 8.30 8.03 793 Analysis 10.60 8.06 799 Analysis 8.36 8.00 902 Analysis 8.80 8.81 1352 Analysis 8.80 8.49 1376 Analysis 9.00 9.10 1503 Analysis 8.20 8.12 1520 Analysis 8.50 8.70 1715 Analysis 8.00 8.13 1724 Analysis 8.40 8,40 1818 Analysis 9.25 9.08 1860 Analysis 8.50 8.29 1948 Analysis 8.00 8.47 Lion 10-20-10 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 251 Analysis ...................................... .. 8.82 20.14 9.44 Lion 20% Superphosphate ' Guaranteed ...................................... .. .00 20.00 0.00 1194 Analysis . 19.40 0.00 1240 Analysis 19,50 0.00 Longhorn 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 1615 Analysis ...................................... __ 5.05 11,10 5,60 Longhorn 5-10-5 Fertilizer Guarante 10.00 5.00 248 Analysis 10.20 6.69 712 Analysis 10.40 5.94 1614 Analysis 10.00 6,56 Table 8. i. 4; 6' ,9 5 E i. Manufacturer, place of business 5 a fig § H, .5 2g l andbrand g5 £599.‘ '55 ‘ad's 1 is a a 8:2 8 2 5 S a y; z 8. is: .2 a ass i’ Longhorn 8-8-8 Fertilizer Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 Analysis ...................................... .. 7.78 8.00 8.51 38.05 Longhorn 20% Superphosphate Guaranteed ........................... .. - 0.00 20.00 24.00 Analysis 0.00 20.40 0 00 20.48 Analysis .. 0.00 19.50 0 00 23.40 _ Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 20.50 . 24.60 . Soil Booster Corporation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 8 Soil Booster Organic Fertilizer Guaranteed ................................... .._ 6.00 2.00 0.00 20.40 Analysis 7.94 1.76 0.00 25.93 p Analysis ...................................... .. 5.76 3.00 0.00 20.88 ~ Southwest Fertilizer and Chemical Co., Clint, Texas 3*» Valley Fertilizer Superphosphate 207 ~ Guaranteed ................................... ..... 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 20.80 0.00 24.96 Valley Fertilizer Potash 60% Guaranteed .._ ................................... .. 0.00 0.00 60.00 36.00 p Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 0.00 58.09 34.85 Spencer Chemical Co., Kansas City, Missouri onium Nitrate Fertilizer ;i Guaranteed ...................................... ..33.50 0.00 0.00 100.50 ‘ Analysis ...................................... ..33.94 0.00 0.00 101.32 Swift's Red Steer 0-14-7 Guaranteed 14.00 7.00 Analysis 14.66 6.31 Analysis 14.23 8.06 Analysis 13.92 8.10 Analysis 14.10 7.94 Analysis 14.30 7.44 Analysis 14.00 6.92 Analysis 14.00 7.08 Swift’s Red Steer 4-12-4 Guaranteed ..................................... .. 4 00 12.00 4.00 Analysis 3 89 11.93 4 20 Analysis 3 85 12.00 3.66 Analysis 4 46 12.40 4.59 Analysis 4.03 12.10 4.51 Analysis .79 12.00 4.73 Analysis 14 12.00 4 15 Analysis .24 12.70 4 31 Analysis .68 13.23 4 67 Analysis 75 13.60 4 61 Analysis 80 11.90 3.61 Analysis 40 12.00 4 42 Analysis 01 12.30 4 72 Analysis 3 98 11.80 4.48 Analysis . 5.09 13.20 4 85 Analysis 4 05 11.70 4 09 Analysis 3 67 11.83 4 77 Analysis 4 64 12.10 4.34 Analysis 3 38 12.60 4.46 Analysis .... .. 4.80 12.20 4 34 Analysis ..... .. 4.98 12.00 4 20 Analysis ......................... .. 4 06 12.70 4 36 Swift’s Red Steer 5-10-5 ’ Guaranteed 5.00 Analysis 5.30 Analysis 5.35 Analysis 5.01 Analysis 5.06 Analysis 5.08 Analysis 4.75 Analysis 5.47 Analysis 5.33 Analysis 6.03 Analysis 4.67 Analysis 5.02 Analysis 4.93 Analysis . 5.72 Analysis 5.37 Analysis 5.21 Analysis 5.02 Analysis 4.84 Analysis 5.46 Analysis 5.30 Analysis 5.16 Analysis 5.78 Analysis 4.97 Analysis 5.40 Analysis 4.52 Analysis 6.17 Analysis 5.00 Analysis 5.08 Analysis 5.35 Analysis 5.50 p Swift 8: Co. Plant Food Diviion, Houston, Texas and Harvey, La. 21.00 21.38 21.92 21.56 21.68 21.62 20.95 21.05 Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued +7 >. Q 5 w "' - 0"‘ u t: i- i‘ <2 a Manufacturer, place of business 5,, 5' 5 3 u, .9 8,1‘! a w u p; w" p. 4': p *5 o S? and brand 2 8 :5 g6 E 8 figs 3;; a > ...- o a. ‘a g g .3 é z 3 <3 8 n. 3 >83 1538 Analysis 4.92 5.44 1598 Analysis .. .. 5 12 6.04 1604 Analysis .. .. 5.38 5.36 1620 Analysis . 5 5.22 1671 Analysis .. 4.66 5.11 1679 Analysis .. . 4.78 5.61 1685 Analysis .. 4.96 5.17 1690 Analysis .. 4.91 5.74 1698 Analysis ..... 5.20 4.39 2011 Analysis 5.25 5.32 2021 Analysis 4.65 5.04 2032 Analysis . 4.98 5.37 2130 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.10 5.56 Swift’s Red Steer 8-8-8 Guaranteed 8.00 664 Analysis 7.61 1154 Analysis 8.39 1339 Analysis 6.78 1496 Analysis 7.35 1537 Analysis 8.62 1603 Analysis 7.24 1619 Analysis 8.22 1678 Analysis 8.05 1689 Analysis 8.10 1697 Analysis 8.10 2043 Analysis 8.48 Swift's Red Steer 10-10-5 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 864 Analysis ................................... ..10.36 Swift’s Red Steer 10-20-10 Guaranteed .................... .. ...10.00 1162 Analysis .... .. 9.41 1310 Analysis ........ .. . ............... .. 9.72 Swift’s Red Steer 10-20-0 Guaranteed .................. .. 7 Analysis 853 Analysis 862 Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 12-12~12 Guaranteed ...................................... ..12.00 54 Analysis .. 81 Analysis Swift's Brimm 12-12-6 Guaranteed 6.00 55 Analysis 6.35 80 Analysis 7.61 1163 Analysis 6.22 1309 Analysis 6.24 1399 Analysis 6.30 2128 Analysis 6.38 Sulphate of Ammonia Guaranteed ................................... ..20.50 42 Analysis Swift’s Red Steer 0-20-0 Guaranteed 13 Analysis 41 Analysis 129 Analysis 154 Analysis 196 Analysis 240 Analysis 450 Analysis 456 Analysis 458 Analysis 469 Analysis 476 Analysis 481 Analysis 1180 Analysis Vigoro Guaranteed ...................................... .. 6.00 4.00 43 Analysis .. 4,84 209 Analysis 4.10 236 Analysis 4.29 239 Analysis 4.18 262 Analysis 4.64 292 Analysis 4.40 323 Analysis 4.44 378 Analysis 4.44 509 Analysis 4.02 774 Analysis 4.14 843 Analysis 5.07 844 Analysis 3,80 851 Analysis 4.22 852 Analysis 4.28 863 Analysis 4.68 922 Analysis 4.32 924 Analysis 5.32 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued ., 2 2 a o "1 >~ o n; ' 8 - =- 05 1’ = s: i? ‘a - a 2'5 2 85 1; s. Manufacturer, place of business q, u :3 o f; H, .2 n‘: ~14 n Manufacturer, place of business q, a A o Q, .1, .... a 1.1» m; w-“o. 41:: *-‘ Q “w m: fl-“n. i=1: r‘ - B? and brand 2 8 g6 g 8 E»; and brand E 8 T; g6 E 8 g-g .0 as if“ >“ "-1 “*1 703i 3i“ > "' o“ i” .42 Z3 <38 £3 >88 3i 23 <38 0.3 >8 Vigoro Swift’s Red Steer 8-8-8 1136 Analysis 6.53 10.50 4.34 34.89 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 1146 Analysis 5.83 10.40 4.25 32.52 660 Analysis 8.18 7.84 1278 Analysis ...................................... .. 6.46 9.60 4.62 33.67 709 Analysis 8.80 7.64 738 Analysis 8.70 8.08 Vigoro for Azaleas and Camellias 818 Analysis 8.80 7.26 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 6.00 8.00 8.00 32.40 895 Analysis 8.00 8.25 1134 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.85 8.80 7.93 32.87 1445 Analysis 8.30 7.93 1670 Analysis 8.40 8.36 Vigoro for Commercial Growers 1727 Analysis 8.40 8.24 Guaranteed 10.00 5.00 45.00 1737 Analysis 8.20 8.52 293 Analysis 12.08 5.75 44.83 1742 Analysis 8.50 8.72 468 Analysis 10.70 5.24 43.49 1759 Analysis 8.40 8.10 1774 Analysis 8.30 8.56 Svvift’s Blenn 8-8-8 1825 Analysis 8.20 8.07 Guaranteed 8.00 8.00 38.40 1929 Analysis 9.00 8.41 452 Analysis 9.09 7.08 38.20 2095 Analysis 8.00 7.85 1152 Analysis 9.03 7.42 37.72 1241 Analysis 9.40 8.76 40.15 Swift's Red Steer 10-20-10 1294 Analysis 8.00 8.26 37.75 Guaranteed 20.00 10 00 2129 Analysis 8.20 8.64 39.53 207 Analysis 18 86 10.80 258 Analysis 19 27 10.45 Swift’s Pasturgro 3-12-12 1447 Analysis 17.90 10.62 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 3.00 12.00 12.00 30.60 1729 Analysis 17.40 9 30 5 Analysis 11.75 13.91 32.69 1824 Analysis 18.32 9 50 56 Analysis 12.00 10.64 30.08 2094 Analysis 20.29 10.42 83 Analysis 11.23 13.99 32.88 2112 Analysis . 18 21 10.02 197 Analysis 12.70 10.36 30.75 381 Analysis 12.20 12.69 31.79 Swift's Red Steer 12-12-12 451 Analysis 11.70 11.08 30.32 Guaranteed ...................................... ..12.00 12.00 12.00 457 Analysis 13.15 9.07 29.11 1823 Analysis . 12.20 12.20 544 Analysis 11.88 12.05 31.51 2112 Analysis ...................................... ..11.14 12.35 12.00 1212 Analysis 12.40 11.84 30.98 1322 Analysis 11.70 12.34 30.77 Swift’s Blenn 8-8-8 1381 Analysis 12.45 10.07 31.69 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 1392 Analysis 12.30 10.14 30.77 893 Analysis ' 8.60 8 61 1464 Analysis . 12.30 10.47 30.94 1864 Analysis 8.40 8 10 2042 Analysis ...................................... .. 3.37 12.70 12.22 31.48 1884 Analysis 9.30 8 23 Swift & Company, Shreveport, Louisiana Swift's Brimm 6-8-12 Swift’s Red Steer 0-14-7 Guaranteed 8.00 12.00 Guaranteed 14.00 7.00 21.00 722 Analysis 8.60 12.12 183 Analysis 14.33 7.52 21.71 744 Analysis 8.80 12.20 185 Analysis 14.10 7.38 21.35 790 Analysis 8.40 12.32 205 Analysis 14.10 7.50 21.42 802 Analysis 8.50 12.30 1448 Analysis 14.20 7.17 21.34 1761 Analysis 8.60 12.47 1772 Analysis 8.80 12.46 Swift's Red Steer 3-12-12 1773 Analysis 8.30 12.30 Guarant 12.00 12.00 30.60 184 Analysis 12.30 12.40 30.72 Swift’s Fasturgro 3-12-12 1744 Analysis 11.25 12.66 31.00 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 3.00 12.00 12.00 1829 Analysis 10.93 12.54 30.78 186 Analysis 12.20 12.42 1826 Analysis 12.40 12.06 Swift"s Red Steer 4-12-4 1876 Analysis 12.30 12.01 Guaranteed 12.00 4.00 28.80 723 Analysis 12.20 4.96 29.62 Texas Cotton Cooperative Association, Pittsburg‘, Texas 1870 Analysis 10.98 4.84 29.67 Double Circle 0-14-7 Fertilizer 1879 Analysis 11.76 4.69 29.12 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 1882 Analysis 12.09 4.22 28.02 140 Analysis 10.13 8.58 187 Analysis 12.30 7.76 Swift's Red Steer 5-10-5 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 Double Circle 4-12-4 Fertilizer 637 Analysis .. 10.50 5.15 30.87 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 644 Analysis 10.50 5.30 29.58 1629 Analysis ...................................... .. 4.16 11.23 4.99 661 Analysis 10.00 5.60 29.34 710 Analysis 10.20 5.89 29.21 Double Circle 5-10-5 Fertilizer 721 Analysis 10.20 5.60 29.64 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 724 Analysis 10.40 5.07 31.30 1628 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.16 10.00 5.04 743 Analysis 10.00 5.57 29.05 789 Analysis 10.30 5.36 29.50 Supernhosphabe 20% . 817 Analysis 10.40 6.48 29.72 Guaranteed 20.00 0.00 : 870 Analysis 10.30 5.42 28.93 716 Analysis ................ .. 0.00 19.40 0.00 ; 894 Analysis 10.30 5.40 29.64 1 904 Analysis 10_10 5_30 2302 Texas Farm Products Co.. Nacogdoches, Texas 1 1069 Analysis 1103 5_33 3350 Lone Star Brand 0-14-7 Fertilizer 1 144s Analysis 10.74 5.15 30.41 Guaranteed ' 0.00 14-00 7.00 ' 1 1728 Analysis 10.20 5.74 30.68 32 Anawsis . 14.00 7.50 1 178s Analysis 10.10 5.26 28.54 71 Analysis 13.92 7.16 1 174a Analysis 10.00 5.55 30.42 96 Analysis 13.78 7.56 1 1760 Analysis 10.00 5.60 30.06 542 Analysis 14-30 6-29 1 1811 Analysis 10.60 5.83 31.34 555 Analysis 14.43 7.06 ‘ 1 1827 Analysis 10.50 5.68 30.11 2 1863 Analysis 10,25 5,25 2904 Lone Star Brand 3-12-12 Fertilizer 2 1871 Analysis 10.80 5.25 30.42 Guaranteed 12.00 12.00 1880 Analysis 10.60 5.92 30.07 72 Analysis 11-30 12-76 1915 Analysis 9.86 5.04 30.10 507 Analysis 14-90 3-53 1924 Analysis 10.40 5.79 31.49 _ 2113 Analysis 10.10 5.57 30.46 Lone Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Guaranteed 12.00 4.00 Swift's Red Steer 5-10-10 I 383 Analysis 12-00 4-18 Guaranteed ...................................... ._ 5.00 10.00 10.00 33.00 917 Ana1ysis 12.20 4.50 1828 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.44 10.70 10.98 35.75 1074 Analysis 11.77 4.07 1178 Analysis 12.30 4.30 Swift's Red Steer 6-10-4 1341 Analysis 12.20 4.11 Guaranteed .................................. 6.00 10.00 4.00 32.40 1343 Analysis 12.00 4.72 639 Analysis ......... ......................... .. 6.09 10.50 4.74 33.71 1357 Analysis 11.95 4.28 1 22 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued ‘E _ Q q; a .- - "" u £1 In -.f Manufacturer, place of business 5 ,_, i’ 5 3 w, .2 g5. ' andbrand 8'5 £3“: '55 gv-g :2 ~82 -82 ~§a 2 a is: s: a see ne Star Brand 4-12-4 Fertilizer Analysis 4.76 29.56 Analysis 4.52 29.56 Analysis 4.99 29.57 Analysis 4.93 29.72 0 y Analysis 4.64 29.32 _ a alysis 4.75 30.51 " _. Analysis 4.75 29.07 ' Analysis 4.68 29.30 e Star Brand 5-10-5 teed 10.00 5.00 30.00 11.00 5.28 31.49 10.30 5.22 29.53 10.60 5.13 31.28 10.10 5.16 29.59 10.70 5.16 30.70 10.30 5.33 30.23 10.20 5.12 30.61 10.50 5.43 30.89 10.30 5.56 30.67 10.50 5.67 31.03 10.20 5.57 30.76 10.10 5.29 30.35 10.10 5.53 30.98 10.12 5.g4 29.15 10.2 5. 8 29.75 Analysis 10.10 5.19 30.17 v Analysis 10.10 5.53 30.58 Analysis 10.40 5.41 30.31 ' ‘ analysis 101810 5.57 30.34 na sis 9. 8 5.84 30.86 Analysis 10.30 4.75 29.94 Analysis 10.20 5.15 29.52 Analysis 10.00 4.89 30.05 Analysis 10.00 5.02 30.13 Analysis 10.20 5.29 30.47 Analysis 10.50 5.31 31.09 Analysis 9.80 5.43 30.20 Analysis 10.70 5.24 31.28 10.00 5.08 29.48 10.50 5.32 30.82 10.70 5.30 31.02 11.15 5.25 32.04 10.00 5.20 29.67 10.50 5.53 31.04 10.50 9.44 32.57 10.00 5.23 30.26 10.15 5.42 30.79 .... .. 10.40 5.19 31.07 .... .. 10.60 5.13 29.99 ..................................... .. 10.00 5.50 30.30 e Star Brand 5-10-10 Fertilizer a nteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 10.00 33.00 , Analysis ...................................... .. 4.58 10.60 10.16 32.56 a e Star Brand 8-8-8 Fertilizer " ‘-- anteed 8.00 8.00 38.40 9.32 7.80 38.96 9.08 8.14 38.67 9.25 7.52 38.55 8.70 8.03 38.33 8.30 8.20 38.76 8.40 8.12 38.65 8.60 8.04 38.30 8.60 8.42 38.44 8.90 7.96 38.08 8.80 7.92 37.99 9.00 7.44 37.73 8.60 7.58 39.99 8.35 8.06 38.05 8.80 8.02 38.17 8.50 8.18 37.55 8.10 7.89 38.33 8.30 7.83 38.84 8.40 7.47 38.56 8.80 8.16 37.45 8.80 8.44 38.93 8.60 7.39 38.37 8.40 8.10 39.15 8.30 8.01 38.50 e Star Brand 20% ‘ Guaranteed 20.00 0.00 24.00 Analysis 20.50 0.00 24.60 Analysis 20.14 0.00 24.17 e Star Brand 60% Muriate of Potash Guaranteed ............................... .. 0.00 0.00 60.00" 36.00 ’ Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 0.00 59.04 35.42 a Fertilizer Co., Tyler, Texas Brand 0-12-12 i Guaranteed ............................... .. 0.00 12.00 12.00 21.60 "' Analysis‘ 0.00 12.20 14.04 23.06 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 12.80 11.41 22.21 +7 >- v 5 i‘? "' ‘ o" u 5' #- é i. Manufacturer, place of business 5 ,_, 3E 5;, H, é 8% g3 andbrand 3'5 235% '55 §'°'° s5 2 sis ~35 '3 5 =- s= zs 88 Heart Brand 0-14-7 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00 146 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 8.75 22.05 Heart Brand 5-10-5 Guaranteed 10.00 5.00 30.00 684 Analysis 9.68 5.42 33.35 822 Analysis 10.10 5.26 33.13 869 Analysis 10.40 4.92 35.05 875 Analysis 10.00 6.96 35.11 1589 Analysis 9.88 5.02 32.09 1732 Analysis 10.00 5.30 32.16 Heart Brand 8-8-8 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 8.00 8.00 8.00 38.40 1588 Analysis ...................................... .. 8.45 10.03 8.04 42.21 Heart Brand 10-20-10 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 291 Analysis ...................................... .. . 20.30 9.11 59.08 Heart Brand 10-30-0 Guaranteed ...................................... ..10.00 30.00 0.00 66.00 290 Analysis ..................................... ..10.32 30.10 0.00 67.08 Heart Brand 16-20-0 Guaranteed ............................. ..16.00 20.00 0.00 72.00 689 Analysis 15.27 20.20 0.00 70.05 854 Analysis ...................................... ..15.22 20.40 0.00 70.14 Heart Brand 0-20-0 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 20.00 0.00 24.00 145 Analysis ...................................... .. 0.00 20.80 0.00 24.96 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, Louisiana V-C Fertilizer 0-14-7 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 14.00 7.00 21.00 52 Analysis .. 14.90 7.74 22.52 89 Analysis 14.80 7.78 22.43 93 Analysis 14.90 8.11 22.75 116 Analysis 15.20 7.58 22.79 133 Analysis 15.15 7.80 22.86 142 Analysis 13.48 7.28 20.55 193 Analysis 14.70 7.68 22.24 288 Analysis 14.20 7.52 21.55 519 Analysis 14.20 7.14 21.32 550 Analysis 13.97 7.56 21.30 714 Analysis 14.90 7.32 22.27 717 Analysis 14.10 7.00 21.12 1437 Analysis 15.23 7.04 22.50 1492 Analysis 14.00 7.49 21.29 V-C Fertilizers 3-12-12 Guaranteed ............................... .. 3.00 12.00 12.00 30.60 669 Analysis 2.76 12.60 12.28 30.77 1491 Analysis ...................................... .. 2.96 12.90 11.74 31.40 V-C Fertilizer 4-12-4 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 4.00 12.00 4.00 28.80 477 Analysis 12.30 4.80 28.98 1033 Analysis 12.20 4.68 29.75 1097 Analysis 12.70 4.30 29.58 1184 Analysis 12.40 4.41 30.01 1258 Analysis 12.10 4.85 30.75 1387 Analysis 12.85 4.69 31.31 1443 Analysis 12.90 4.21 30.61 1455 Analysis 12.00 4.53 30.47 1480 Analysis 12.00 4.24 29.09 1919 Analysis 12.50 4.22 29.71 V-C Fertilizer 5-10-5 Guaranteed 10.00 5.00 30.00 51 Analysis 11.10 5.58 30.92 62 Analysis 10.56 5.72 30.77 100 Analysis 10.30 5.20 30.00 107 Analysis 10.20 5.00 29.58 475 Analysis 10.50 5.42 30.07 479 Analysis 10.80 5.31 29.95 554 Analysis 11.10 5.25 29.97 559 Analysis 10.80 5.44 30.26 670 Analysis 10.70 5.22 29.56 715 Analysis 10.00 5.40 30.09 719 Analysis 10.70 5.59 31.07 821 Analysis 10.70 5.37 31.18 915 Analysis 10.70 5.04 30.26 1131 Analysis 10.20 5.23 29.36 1236 Analysis 10.60 5.50 31.08 1257 Analysis 10.70 5.44 31.79 1374 Analysis 10.90 5.70 31.02 1436 Analysis 10.50 5.30 29.76 1454 Analysis 10.60 5.39 31.37 1457 Analysis 10.40 5.48 31.25 1578 Analysis 10.40 5.42 30.48 1612 Analysis 10.00 5.25 28.83 1617 Analysis 10.20 5.52 31.33 1666 Analysis 10.60 5.50 31.26 Table 8. Analyses of commercial fertilizers sampled during 1952-53, continued +3 d3 .~ >- o 5 E z- o 5 l“ _ ' o‘ o G‘ a w _ ~ o‘ o i h ,2 § a Manufacturer, place of business 5 a 3E g ‘c: a .5 8% é a Manufacturer, place of business E, a 3g g j a .3 a E? andbrand gé 72%.: 3E, $211 5.2 andbrand gg #35: fig g-g ' +0 P" ,_, P‘ s: 232 s3 s35 s: 2*; 23s 32 V-O Fertilizer 5-10-5 V-C Granulated Fertilizers 5-10-5 = 1684 Analysis ...................................... .. 5.25 5.60 31.83 Guaranteed ...................................... .. 5.00 10.00 5.00 30. 1749 Analysis . 5.50 30.57 280 Analysis 10.60 5.30 30. 1766 Analysis 5.43 31.10 528 Analysis 10.50 5.44 30. 1769 Analysis 5.52 30.07 592 Analysis 10.30 5.39 29. j 1835 Analysis 5.18 29.96 896 Analysis 10.70 5.10 30. A 1849 Analysis 5.28 30.05 908 Analysis 10.60 5.04 29. 1856 Analysis 5.63 31.52 940 Analysis 10.66 5.34 31. 1918 Analysis 5.71 30.73 959 Analysis 10.40 5.34 30. 1031 Analysis 10.60 5.46 31. l v-C Fs-iiliss- 5-10-10 i335 22215212 13:33 Z33 31’: Guaranteed 10.00 10.00 33.00 1073 Analysis 10 175 5 13 3o. 488 Analysis 11-00 9-54 32-30 1096 Analysis 10150 6162 so Analysis Analysis 1130 Analysis _ - ' ' 1159 Analysis 1 . .2 i vgngirifilisii hi??? ...................... .. 8.00 8.00 88.40 1101 Analysis 10.30 5.10 2a. 99 Analysis 8.50 8.24 37.49 1203 Analysis 10.85 5.16 30 480 Analysis 8.75 8.17 87.09 1236 Analysis 10-50 5-36 31 660 Analysis 8.60 7.95 38.10 1250 Analysis 10.40 5.38 80 613 Analysis 8.38 7.44 37.14 1253 Analysis 10.40 5.27 30- 713 Analysis 8.60 8.17 37.75 1307 Analysis 10.55 5-35 8 718 Analysis 2.26 8.32 38.15 1313 Analysis 10.40 5-39 31 1256 Analysis 8.60 7.95 36.93 1326 Analysis 10.40 5.38 30 ' 3 1367 Analysis 10.30 5.67 3 1444 Analysis 8.40 7.91 7.81 _ 1466 Analysis 8.60 8.00 38.01 1373 Analysls 10-22 4-81 29 1490 Analysis 8.60 8.40 38.40 1421 Analysis 10.60 5.74 3 1677 Analysis 8.50 8.06 38.97 1479 Analysis 10.50 5.72 31 1595 Analysis 8.90 8.45 38.34 1745 Analysis 10.60 5.54 31 1605 Analysis 8.50 8.08 89.14 1974 Analysis 10.60 5.08 8 1618 Analysis 8.60 8.80 39.45 2047 Analysis 10.50 5.35 30 1683 Analysis 8.50 8.30 37.47 2097 Analysis 10-30 5-62 3 1748 Analysis 8.10 8.46 38.26 . 1767 Analysis 8.90 8.08 39.41 V-C Granulated Fertilizer 8-8-8 ' 1768 Analysis 8.80 8.36 38.80 Guaranteed 8.00 8.00 3 ‘ 1848 Analysis . 8.00 8.41 38.26 281 Analysis 8.60 8.50 3i 1917 Analysis ...................................... .. 7.77 8.50 8.23 38.45 827 finaiysis g 9 1 na ysis . . V-C Fertilizer 104041 10,582 81g?) 812g is Guaranteed ...................................... “10-00 10-00 0-00 42-00 1041 Analysis 880 828 37 1477 Analysis -------------------------------------- -- 9-73 10-60 0-00 41-91 1124 Analysis 3,23 2,32 g 1158 Analysis 8. . 2 f‘. v-C Fertilizer 12-12-12 1160 Analysis 8.60 8.22 1‘ Guaranteed 12.00 12.00 57.60 1237 Analysis 930 752 37 561 Analysis 12.00 12.03 54.17 1251 Anaiysls 350 g_3() 3g 645 Analysis 12.50 11.42 55.51 1327 Analysls 350 35g 3 1157 Analysis 13.60 11.34 54.20 1366 Analysls 330 357 39 1916 Analysis 12.10 12.52 56.74 1372 Analysis 330 350 37 1955 Analysis 12.50 12.00 57.24 1422 Analysls 350 g_41 3g‘ 1478 inaiysis g l . . ' V-C 20% Suvervhvsvhale Aiiglzzi: 8.80 8.00 9s Guaranteed ...................................... .. 0.00 20-00 0.00 24-00 1975 Analysw 356 335 3g 17 Analysis - 0-00 24-31 1980 Analysis 8.10 8.58 :- 31 Analysis 0-00 24-48 2036 Analysis 8.20 8.26 3s 53 Analysis 0-00 24-43 2046 Analysis 8.40 8.40 3s g3 ‘AMPS-is 13-38 2096 Analysis 8.65 8.13 37‘ lla V513 ' ' n ' .5 8.24 l 94 Analysis 0m 2412 2135 A alysls 8 0 3 __ 2:32;: Waldo Fertilizer Works, Waldo, Arkansas 114 Analysis 0.00 24.60 Vwww 0-14-7 0 00 14 0 7 00 2 124 Analysis 0.00 24.80 Guarafessd -------------------------------------- -- 0-0 2 fig ~84 2 194 Anaiysig 720 Ana ysis ------------------------------ " ' O 1' ' i 203 Ana ysis . . . -. 257 Analysis 0.00 26.04 Victory 5-10-5 A 811 Analysis 0.00 25.08 1765 Gljgrfille?“ -------------------------------------- -- _- 313 finaiysis g-gg gi-gg “a "51s """""""""""""""""""""""""""" " ' ‘ ' ‘ 482 “a “is ' ' Victory 8-8-8 518 Analysis 0-00 24-36 Guaranteed ______________________________________ __ 81,0 8m) 81,0 551 Analysis 0.00 24.24 1764 A l . 8 15 8 20 8 60 562 Analysis 0'00 2520 I18, YSIS ................. .. o . . gnaiysls Victory Brand 10-20-10 Fertilizer “a Ysls ' ' Guaranteed ............... .. 10.00 20 00 10.00 1979 Analysis 0.00 25-62 - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " ' 734 Analysis ...................................... .. 8.28 16.21 9.44 Muriate of Potash 50% Wyatt Seed & Plant Co? San Angelo, Texas Guaranteed ______________________________________ __ 0,00 0.00 50.00 30.00 Wyatts A & M Fertilizer 10-10-5 98 Analysis 0.00 50.11 30.07 Glmranteed ..................................... ..10.00 10.00 5.00 538 Analysis 0.00 57.60 34.56 688 ' ARalYSlS ...................................... ..10.00?) 11.80 4.96 24 mFHH-ll-HD-HAA Located in Texas m of Texas, 2734 Roosevelt Avenue, San Antonio Farm Chemical Company, Box 3092, Fort Worth Fertilizer Works, Incorporated, Box 5296, Dallas A i- Fertilizer Works, Incorpoated, Box 1412, Houston ited Growers of Hereford, Hereford hCompany, Incorporated, Box 4065, Station A, ,1 Antonio ‘_ilizer Company, 8420 Manchester St., Houston jNursery, 508 East Lomaland Drive, El Paso System Tree Experts, 273s Virginia, Houston s rtilizer Corporation, 236 Live Stock Exchange “ding, Fort Worth i, tton & Fertilizer Company, Bryan Raman, Weslaco ll Fertilizer Company, Incorporated, 102 Japhet t, Houston Texas Fertilizer Company, Incorporated, Box 761, §_manche i 'dated Chemical Industries, Incorporated, 640 Melle erson Building, Houston Texas Products Company, Box 176, Tyler éiGoing Ranch, Mountain Home ,_ upply Company, Weslaco Chemical Company, Tulia 2'1: Fertilizer Company, Texarkana ‘hem Company, Pres-ton & Alpha Roads, Dallas I ' Chemical Corporation, Box 1189, Houston it's Greenhouse, Waxahachie in Dehydration Company, Incorporated, 1403 South erry Street, San Antonio cotton 011 & Fertilizer Company, Gilmer l, r Soil Company, Incorporated, 248 Casa Blanca, ‘ort Worth Peanut Company, Gorman tate Chemical Company, San Marcos rNursery, Victoria Plant Food Co-mpany, Mount Pleasant ld Fertilizer Company, Box 143, Bonham olqursery Company, Scottsville Seed Company, 6123 Kirby Drive, Houston ltional Minerals & Chemical Corporation, Deen h»- , Fort Worth l,‘ te By-Products & Supply Company, 529 North n orton Street, Fort Worth ‘inville Fertilizer Company, Box 1225, Jacksonville LiChemical Company, Box 770, Harlingen i Chemical Company, Phosphate Plant, Box 315, i; o Hondo Laboratory Limited, Rural Route 8, Box 127 H, n Antonio FERTILIZER GUARANTORS REGISTERED IN TEXAS, 1952-53 Lone Star Steel Company, Box 8087, Dallas Marbach, E. W., Converse Marco Soil Conditioner, 18th & Houston Street, McAllen Marshall Cotton Oil Company, Marshall Mathieson Chemical Corporation, 2416 Gulf Building, Houston Min-Sol Corporation, Eagle Hotel Building, Eagle Pass Oil Mill & Fertilizer Works, Henderson Orga-Min Producing Company, Box 1453, Laredo Page Chemical Company, Port Arthur Carl Pool Laboratories, 420 Kelly Drive, San Antonio Red Star Fertilizer Company, Box 486, Sulphur Springs San Jacinto Chemical Corporation, Box 9747, Houston 15 Scientific Soil Service, Elsa Sherrill, Lintern & Company, 813 South Bridge Street, Victoria Soil Prescription Service, Route 2, Mercedes Southwest Chemical Company, 500 South 19th Street, MicAllen Southwest Fertilizer & Chemical Company, 5030 East Paisano, Drive, El Paso Soylaid Incorporated, 102 West French Place, San Antonio Stauffer Chemical Company, Houston Stauffer Chemical Company, Weslaco Swift & Company, Plant Food Division, Houston Terra Sul Corporation, 2303 North Saint Marys, San Antonio 12 Texas Cotton Cooperatives Association, Pittsburg Texas Farm Products, Nacogdoches Texas Liquid Fertilizer Company, La Feria Texas Organic Mineral Soil Company, San Juan Texas Vermiculite Company, 303 Brazos Street, Austin Toyah Basin Sulphur Company, Box 22.6, Toyah Tyler Fertilizer Company, 420 South Oakland, Tyler W. P. Walker, Route 5, Abilene Western Fertilizer Company, Muleshoe E. E. Wilson & Company, Incorporated, 1815 Magoffin Avenue, El Paso Wood Chemical Company, Lubbock Located Elsewhere American Agricultural Chemical Company, 50 Church Street, New York 7, New York American Cyan-amid Company, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, New York Arkansas Farmers Plant Food Company, Box 112, North Little Rock, Arkansas Ark-La Cotton Oil Company, Magnolia, Arkansas Associated Cooperatives, Incorporated, Sheffield, Alabama Atkins & Durbrow, Incorporated, 165 John Street, New York 38, New York 25 FERTILIZER GUARANTORS REGISTERED IN TEXAS, 1952-53—Continued Atlas Chemical Company, 1 Drumm Street, San Francisco 11, California Baker, H. J. & Brother, 600 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York Better Homes Bureau, Newark, New York Bradley & Baker, 155 East 44th Street, New York 17, New York Burbanks Products, Box 746, Pico Heights Station, Los Angeles 6, California California Spray Chemical Corporation, Lucas and Ortho Way, Richmond, California Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York 5, New York Chatelier Plant Food Manufacturing, 63rd Street & 58th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida Colloidal Products, Post Office Box 1156, Tampa, Florida Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, Box 1920, Denver, Colorado Davey Tree Expert Company, 117 South Water Street, Kent, Ohio Davison Chemical Corporation, Gretna, Louisiana Dixie Fertilizer Company, Incorporated, Box 1111, Shreve- port, Louisiana Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware Economy Nursery Company, Little Silver, New Jersey Farm Service, Incorporated, Opelousas, Louisiana Ferro Corporation, 4150 East 56th Street, Cleveland, Ohio Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan Germains, Incorporated, 747 Terminal Street, Los Angeles 21, California Goulard & Olena, Incorporated, Skillman, Somerset Com- pany, New Jersey Gro-Crop, Incorporated, Summerdale, Alabama Heinl’s Greenhouses, 4401 La Grange Street, Toledo, Ohio Hoover Soil Service, Gilman, Illinois Hydrolponic Chemical Company, Incorporated, Copley, O io International Minerals & Chemical Corporation, Box 928, Texarkana, Arkansas International Minerals & Chemical Corporation, Thompson ghosphate Division, 407 South Dearborn, Chicago 5, 1no1s Kelly, Weber & Company, Incorporated, Lake Charles, Louisiana Lake Charles Feed Company, Incorporated, Lake Charles, Louisiana Leons Horticulture Specialties Company, 433 West Mag- nolia Avenue, Glendale 4, California Lion Oil Company, El Dorado, Arkansas McCormick & Company, Incorporated, Baltimore 2, Maryland 26 Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Mathieson Building, Baltimore, Maryland Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Little Rock, Arkansas Minden Cotton Oil & Ice Company, Ltd., Minden, Louisiana Mississippi Chemical CorporationuYazoo City, Mississippi Na-Churs Plant Food Company, 421 Monroe Street, Marion, Ohio Naco Fertilizer Company, 9 South William Street, New York, New York Phillips Chemical Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma Plantabbs Corporation, 1105 Maryland, Baltimore, Mary- and Plant-Chem, Incorporated, Operating University Hydro- ponic Service, 2229 McGee Avenue, Berkeley 3, California Ra-Pid-Gro Corporation, 88 Ossian Street, Dansville, New York Reliance Fertilizer Company, Savannah, Georgia Robin Jones Phosphate Company, Box 1021, Nashville, Tennessee Ruhm Phosphate and Chemical Company, 1585 Maple Avenue, Evanston, Illinois O. M. Scott & Sons, Company, Marysville, Ohio Sears, Roebuck and Company, 925 South Homan Avenu" Chicago 7, Illinois i Sewerage Commission of the City of Milwaukee, Box 2097, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin Shreveport Fertilizer Works, Shreveport, Louisiana Smith Douglass Incorporated, Shreveport, Louisiana Soil Booster Corporation, 2501 East Fourth Street, Okla-i hom-a City, Oklahoma f Soil Builders, Incorporated, ‘Dunnellon, Florida Spencer Chemical Company, 610 Dwight Building, Kansas City, Missouri Stockdale Fertilizer Company, Morris, Illinois Swift & Company, Plant Food Division, 508 Industries Building, New Orleans, La. Swift & Company, Plant Food Division, Shreveport, Louisiana Synthetic Nitrogen Products Corporation, 285 Madison t“ Avenue, New York 17, New York ; Tennessee Coal &l Iron Division, Box 599, Sheffield, Alabama Tennessee Corporation, 619-27 Grant Building, Atlanta, Georgia Tennessee Corporation Lockland, Cincinnati 1, Ohio Terra Food Fertilizer Company, 3038 Azusa Road, El Monte, California Thurston Chemical Company, 402 Wall Street, Joplin, Missouri Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, Shreveport, Louisiana Waldo Fertilizer Works, Waldo, Arkansas