May i954 gullelin 775 5/17 __\.¢v , an ‘ u ‘-- ‘I ~ Research 0n ' in T exas in cooperation with the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TEXAS R. D. LEWIS, DIRECTOR, l ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This manuscript was prepared by E. B. Reynolds in cooperation with the staffs of the Rice-Pastur Experiment Station at Beaumont, Texas, and Substation No. 3, Angleton, Texas. The Beaumont staf includes William C. Davis, superintendent; Henry M. Beachell, research agronomist, U. S. Departmeli of Agriculture; Ted S. Brook, assistant entomologist; Robert L. Cheaney, assistant agronomist; Robeg‘ N. Ford, junior agronomist; Stanton R. Morrison, assistant agricultural engineer; E. H. Todd, plat; pathologist, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Ralph M. Weihing, research agronomist, U. S. Departmeli of Agriculture; and Robert H. Wyche, agronomist. The Angleton staff includes J. C. Smith, superinten dent, and Marvin E. Riewe, junior agronomist. Credit also is due J. W. Sorenson, J r., associate professol Department of Agricultural Engineering, College Station, Texas, for his assistance in preparing th section on drying and storage of rough rice. I Studies at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station are cooperative among the Texas Agriculturg Experiment Station; the Field Crops Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Departmenj of Agriculture; and the Texas Rice Improvement Association. ‘T Outfield work was done in cooperation with county agricultural agents and individual rice growen in the respective counties. l Many of the photographs used were obtained from L. E. Stagg, J r., Beaumont. The cover photograp is by Air-View, Beaumont. A THE COVER PICTURE _ Texas Gulf Coast farmers compare growth characteristics of different varieties of rice duringi field day on the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station near Beaumont. i In the immediate foreground are research plots which show the response of rice to various fertili treatments. The land 1n the background is planted to forage legumes. I The land is used in a 3-year rotation system, one year in rice and two years in forage legum Of the 600 acres 1n the station, about 200 acres are planted to rice each year. i DIGEST f This bulletin reports some of the studies conducted 0n rice production by the Rice-Pasture iriment Station, Beaumont, Texas, during the past 10 years. These include the development and f". g of new and superior varieties of rice; time, methods and rates of seeding; time, methods and rates plication of fertilizers; studies on irrigation; control of weeds, insects and diseases; and drying and g rough rice. ‘Bluebonnet, Bluebonnet 50, Improved Bluebonnet, Century Patna, Texas Patna and TP 49 are the f important varieties developed in the rice improvement program in Texas. These are long-grain j ties and, together with Rexoro, comprise over 90 percent of the rice production in the State. They j and mill well and have reasonably good table quality. = Experiments indicate that the optimum rate of seeding is about 90 pounds per acre. Early-maturing varieties yielded equally well whether seeded in March or June. The average yield p, e midseason varieties, however, decreased markedly as seeding was delayed. The average yield of “late-maturing varieties also decreased sharply as seeding was delayed, and the late seeding did not ure. Midseason and late-maturing varieties should be seeded as early as practicable to insure factory yields. l. Applications of 80 pounds of nitrogen and 40 pounds of phosphoric acid per acre (80-40-0) gave better i ts than other fertilizers on Beaumont clay, Lake Charles clay and Lake Charles clay loam, and {IECOIIIIHGIIdGd for these soils. The use of 40-40-20 is recommended for Katy fine sandy loam. Sulfate of ammonia, urea and cyanamid were better sources of nitrogen for rice than nitrate of soda. Varieties of rice of different maturity responded differently to dates of application of fertilizers. i e early and midseason varieties are to be grown on land relatively free of weeds, all of the fertilizer A be applied at seeding, or at any time up to 40 days after seeding, with very little difference in . Where these varieties are grown on land badly infested with weeds, all of the fertilizer should A plied as a top-dressing 35 to 40 days after seeding. Where late varieties are grown, all of the j izer should be applied as a top-dressing 30 to 40 days after seeding. The use of 45 to 50 inches of water for irrigation produced as large a yield of rice as larger amounts ater. Draining rice fields once during the season increased the yield of rice considerably. l" Rice stinkbugs were controlled by spraying with the following chemicals at the rates per acre * ted: aldrin, 0.5 pound; dieldrin, 0.25 pound; DDT, 1.0 pound; and toxaphene, 1.5 pounds. The lwater weevil was controlled by spraying with DDT at the rate of 1 pound per acre and with potosan 4 ounces per acre. Grasshoppers were controlled by spraying with toxaphene, chlordane, aldrin 'eldrin. Armyworms were controlled by toxaphene. ~; Suitable cultural practices and the judicious use of water are, at present, the most practical means of ' lling both grasses and broad-leaf weeds in rice fields. Summer or fall plowing, with several timed to kill weed seedlings before planting rice, is a basic step in getting clean stands of l, If cultural practices are not feasible, chemical control may be used. Formulations of 2,4-D or a T, applied in accordance with State laws, can be used in the control of weeds in rice fields. Rough rice was dried at air temperatures of 115 to 125° F. in a commercial column-type dryer but lowering the milling quality, grade or germination. Rice with initial moisture contents ranging v 15.9 to 21.1 percent stored in 500 and 600-barrel bins was dried with unheated air supplied at *1 of 6 to 11 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per barrel. A tunnel-type dryer was well suited for drying rice in bags. CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments ................................................................. _. 2 Digest ........................................ .; ............................................ -. 3 Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________ __ 5 Climatic, Soil and Water Requirements of Rice .......... -- 5 Climatic Adaptation ..... .. ...... .. 5 Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . _ _. 5 Sources of Irrigation Water .. 5 Cropping Systems ....... .. Preparation of the Seedbed ..... _. 7 Types and Varieties of Rice .............................................. .. 8_ Types of Rice .................................................................... .- 9 Variety Tests ............................ .. 9 Varieties Recommended for Texas .............................. .. 11 Bluebonnet ..................................................................... -. 11 Bluebonnet 50 ................................................................ .. 11 Improved Bluebonnet ................................................... .. 11 Rexoro ............................................................................. .. 11 Zenith .............................................................................. -- 11 Magnolia ........................ .. 11 Century Patna 231 ............ .. 12 Texas Patna ................................................................... -- 12 TP 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Milling Quality of Varieties... . ..... -. 12 Seeding ................................................................................... -. l3 Methods of Seeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 Grain Drill and Endgate Seeders .............................. .. 13 Airplane 13 Comparison of Drilled and Broadcast Seeding ...... .- 13 Time of Seeding ............ .. 14 Rate of Seeding ................................................................ -- 14 Depth of Seeding .............................................................. -- 15 Fertilizers ............................................................................... .. 15 Methods of Applying Fertilizers .................................. .- 15 Fertilizer-Grain Drill ................................................... .. 15 Airplane .......................................................................... .. 16 Application in Water .................................................. .. 16 Placement of Fertilizer ............................................... .. 16 Rates and Ratios of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash .............................................. .. 16 Beaumont Clay ............................................................. .. 17 Pa Lake Charles Clay ........................................................ .. 1 Lake Charles Clay Loam ............................................ .. 1 Katy Fine Sandy Loam .............................................. .. 1 Hockley Fine Sandy Loam ......................................... -. 1__ Edna Fine Sandy Loam .............................................. .. I Possible Use of Potash on Sandy Soils .................... .. "i Comparison of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Materials .... .. 1 ‘Solid Nitrogenous Fertilizer Materials ................... .. g Anhydrous Ammonia ................................................... .. 1 Effect of Moisture of Surface Soil ................................ .. 1 Effect of Time of Fertilizer Application on Yields.... é Irrigating Rice ...................................................................... .. Irrigation Practices in Texas ........................................ __ A R Irrigation Experiments .................................................... .. "p Drainage ................................................................................. .. Insects ..................................................................................... .. Rice Stinkbugs ................................................................... .. Rice Water Weevils ......................................................... .. Grasshoppers- and Armyworms ..................................... .. Diseases .................................................................................. .. Stem Rot ............................................................................. .. Helminthosporium Blight ............................................... .. Leaf Smut ......................................................................... .. Narrow Brown Leaf Spot ............................................... .. 2; Blast or~Rotten Neck ...................................................... .. A White Tip ........................................................................... .. Kernel Smut ...................................................................... .. Straighthead ...................................................................... _. I Weed Control in Rice ......... ............................................... .. Harvesting ............................................................................. .. Time of Harvesting .......................................................... .. Preharvest Chemicals ...................................................... .. Methods of Harvesting .................................................... .. Drying and Storage of Rough Rice .................................. .. Bulk Drying ...................................................................... .. Column-type Dryers ..................................................... .. Bin Drying ..................................................................... .. 1 Sack Drying ....................................................................... .. 28$ i Storage ................................................................................ .. 28. Literature Cited .................................................................... .. 29 k. LTHOUGH RICE WAS GROWN IN TEXAS on a small lle as early as 1863, the crop was of little u mercial importance prior t0 1900 (34, 48). » is now one of the more important field crops i Texas, ranking fifth in acreage. Rice was ‘wn on 574,000 acres in the State in 1953 and an average of 456,000 acres for the 10 years, 42-51, according to reports of the U. S. Depart- nt of Agriculture (45). Texas is the leading e e state and produced 28.52 percent of the i» ited States rice crop in 1952. It ranks second rice acreage. a Rice growing is concentrated in the south- tern part of the State, known as the Gulf ast Prairie, Figure 1. The crop is grown stly in 15 counties, although small acreages ur in a few counties outside of that area. I ta on yield, acreage and production by counties Ive been reported recently by Bonnen and Gab- rd (7). ‘ The State of Texas established an experiment tion near Beaumont in 1909 for the purpose studying and solving some of the problems ountered in rice production. From 1912 to 14, it was known as the Cooperative Rice Ex- V: iment Station. In 1914, it became Substation p. 4 of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- _ n. In 1946, the station was moved from near e umont to the Pine Island community about 10 es west of Beaumont on U. S. highway 90 to vide better facilities for expanding research rice production and other phases of agriculture ’ciated with rice growing, especially forage ops, pastures and beef cattle production. It is W known as the Rice-Pasture Experiment Sta- n. In Texas, rice does not produce satisfactory lds when grown on the same land every year long consecutive periods. For this reason, it 7 usually grown on land 1 to 3 years and then nged to new land or land that has not been z rice for several years. Old rice fields are a zed by cattle or are allowed to lie idle. Since 5 land is high in value it is more profitable to ure old rice fields and get some income from 5 le grazing. Thus, rice growing and beef cattle suction are closely associated. I Some of the earlier work at the Rice-Pasture eriment Station has been published in bulle- i, progress reports and annual reports of the j. s Agricultural Experiment Station. This getin reports results of some of the more recent riments on rice production. Research 0n R ice Production I n T excl: E. B. REYNOLDS, Professor Department of Agronomy CLIMATIC, SOIL AND WATER REQUIREMENTS OF RICE Climatic Adaptation Rice is grown mainly in tropical and sub- tropical regions, although it is produced to some extent in temperate regions. For successful production, rice requires high temperatures, espe- cially high average temperatures, during the growing season; an adequate and dependable supply of fresh water for irrigation; compara- tively level soils that hold water well because of their slowly permeable surface or subsoils through which loss of water by percolation is small; and good surface drainage. These requirements are found in the coastal prairies of Southeast Texas and Southwest Loui- siana, the Grand Prairie and other areas in East- ern Arkansas, and elsewhere in the South-central States and in the valleys of Central California. In Texas, the rice belt extends from the Sabine River on the east to the San Antonio River on the west. This region has a warm, sultry, summer climate, with an average yearly rainfall of about 54 inches at Beaumont in the eastern part and which diminishes to about 36 inches at Victoria in the western part. Soils Rice grows well on many kinds of soil, but usually produces larger yields on heavier types (fine-textured) of soil, such as silt loams and clays, with slowly or very slowly permeable sub- soils. Soils with these characteristics have a definite advantage in growing rice because they prevent excessive percolation of water through the subsoil and are conducive to the most efficient use of irrigation water. Lake Charles clay and Beaumont clay are the most important rice soils in Texas. Rice also is grown extensively on Lake Charles clay loam, Hockley fine sandy loam, Katy fine sandy loam and Edna fine sandy loam. All of these soils are favorable for rice production. They are compar- atively level and, in general, have fairly good surface drainage. Sources of Irrigation Water Irrigation water for rice is obtained from the larger streams of the area and from wells. The Neches, Sabine, Trinity, Brazos and Colorado Rivers are the main sources of water for irrigat- ing rice. In the Katy and Hockley areas, and some other areas, irrigation water is obtained from wells. Rainfall, of course, is another source 5 +890 20¢}; 0:0 .§;....8@ u: comint-J, . 2.222.. nnm. -23. v8.2. 2: 2.28 25:68....» idzto» stair-o 3 cozouoq .8: 8. 3:. 8s 2:8 58m v8 fit: e8. >28 2.: us.» 2a .928: is. E00- aoeou 2.2 26w v.3 .53. >08 2.0 £20 @285 9.3 2812.. $85 2.3 2a 8a 2.588 084 £000 E $0M 00ml 25002200051 00054 30W 9C9 @©' mfifi» mo <22. 02-31000?- I ._ 2.5K 510N410 .. \\ @ w, z2.¢<_..; \\\|I0.0\\| // O ~ z / k. / zo._. 34¢ ,_. \\ . x k. -\ ,,._....-\.», 95m E9. ‘__, x. ll/ .\ kl @ I/l \P\ l/ .254: zammwuuu 16/ 1. 0 o0, \\v nfi o Eofiauum 3 I» A, \\\ 11/ su n. 11/ \\\\ \\ m $=<¢¢ .. d J , “.5 5.1 R. . , >._.mum_-_ , runlullki V J , , N _ I x V _\ x x a a \ E a o: 4 :1: \ \ ater for rice. Although large areas of soils uitable for growing rice, some are not acces- ' to available sources of water. - CROPPING SYSTEMS =~High yields of rice have not been sustained owing rice on the same land every year. Yhas the growing of cultivated crops in rota- iwith rice proved practical in most of the ; rice belt. This has resulted in the common ice of growing rice 1 to 2 years followed to several years of grazing beef cattle on itation volunteering between ric e crops. times the land has been left idle for the 2 l- eral years between rice crops. The physical ftion and the organic matter content of the liand rice yields were improved by these » ices. The Beaumont station began research on " ions and cropping systems in 1913 to deter- " better systems of cropping. Investigations g1931-45 included rice in 1, 2 and 4-year ions. During the 11 years, 1931-41, rice , grown continuously; continuously with fall- _»l Melilotus indica (sour clover); and in rotations with idle land, summer fallow, l} soybeans, sesbania and crotalaria. Aver- ields were 1,072 pounds per acre for contin- “f rice and 1,194 for continuous rice with fall- @- Melilotus indica. Average yields in the r rotations were 1,613 pounds per acre for T-and idle land, 1,635 for rice and summer , 1,707 for rice and cotton, 1,618 for rice Yoybeans, 1,725 for rice and sesbania and p’ for rice and crotalaria. The use of other ‘ did not increase rice yields in either the 1 rotations. ‘ tudies from 1943 to 1945 indicated that ‘ons of Alyce clover and rice were more Iactory. Yields of rice following Alyce clover s.» from 2,500 to 2,860 pounds per acre, as fired with 1,800 pounds for rice not following _ clover. . his work and the need for better pastures y-- cattle on rice farms led to investigations j» in 1946 on the rapid, low-cost conversion rice to improved pasture in rice-pasture .1 of farming. was found practical to convert from rice ure by broadcasting grass and clover seed, t seedbed preparation, in standing rice at draining, about 10 days before harvest, f. rice stubble after harvest (30). The best j- seed the grass-clover mixtures was be- if October 15 and December 1. Broadcasting " d fertilizer can be done from ground or ipment. The levees and drainage ditches K irrigate and drain the rice crop are used _; ide drainage and irrigation systems for the _s. A mixture of Dallisgrass and clover Tana white, Persian and large hop) was ful in the more humid areas. Hubam clover was a more satisfactory legume in most of drier areas. Bermudagrass can be seeded in all areas but, generally, this is unnecessary as it usually volunteers following rice. Ryegrass, tall fescue and cereals were seeded with success in standing rice at last draining and in rice stubble. Lespedeza was established by broadcasting the seed in rice stubble in late February or early March. Annual beef gains of 200 pounds per acre are possible from improved pastures, as compared with less than 50 pounds for unseeded, unfertilized pasture fields. Rice yields following improved pastures increased 20 percent or more. The clovers and Bermudagrass and sometime Dallis- grass volunteer after the rice crop to provide the grasses and legumes for the next pasture period. Pasture seed and hay may be harvested from these fields. The several possible rice-pasture systems of farming have not been fully evaluated. However, such systems as 2 years rice, 3 years pasture; 2 or 3 years rice, several years pasture; 1 year rice, 2 to 3 years pasture seem to be worth considering in systems to maintain and improve soil tilth and productivity between rice crops, as well as for providing year-long grazing of nutri- tious forage for beef cattle on rice farms. PREPARATION OF THE SEEDBED The main purpose of preparing a seedbed for rice is to obtain a good, mellow surface layer that will be favorable for seeding, germination of the seed and growth of the young rice plants, and to destroy weeds. The soil usually is plowed 3 to 4 inches deep. Early experiments on time and depth of plowing at the Beaumont station (28) indicated that soil plowed 5 to 8 inches deep in the fall or spring produced somewhat larger yields of rice than soil plowed 2 inches deep. There was not much difference in yield from fall and spring plowing. Summer, fall or early winter plowing, however, has some advantage over spring plowing because it distributes labor over longer periods. Land plowed in the fall forms a better tilth and is easier to prepare for seeding by disking and harrowing than land plowed in the spring. Rice land is generally plowed with heavy disk or moldboard plows, depending on the condi- tion of the soil. Disk plows generally are used when the soil is dry and hard, Figure 2. Mold- board plows do not perform well in hard, dry soils and, for this reason, are used when the soil is moist and in good condition for plowing. Rice land may be plowed any time from August until just prior to seeding the following spring, depending on rainfall or the need for the land for pasture or other purpose. Summer plow- ing frequently is practical on fields infested with red rice or other weeds. Following summer 7 Figure 2. Plowing land for rice with a disk plow._ plowing, the land may be leveled and disked or harrowed as needed for the control of weeds. Land plowed in the fall usually is left rough until spring, then it is disked and harrowed prepara- tory to seeding, Figure 3. Drainage furrows should be opened through the fields after the last tillage operation in the fall to provide adequate surface drainage. Many farmers wait until the first heavy rain of the fall when some water is standing on the land to make the drainage furrows. At this time, the natural drainage channels can be located. A small grader or a bedder usually is used for this operation. Usually it is not necessary to replow in the spring the fields that were plowed the previous summer or fall, except on poorly-drained soil or during seasons of heavy rainfall. In general, land plowed in the spring should be disked and harrowed as soon as practicable after plowing to break up any large lumps and clods, to prevent baking or crusting and to avoid subsequent difficulty in preparing the seedbed. Experience has shown that heavy soils, such as Beaumont clay and Lake Charles clay, generally require more subsequent tillage, such as disking and harrowing, to obtain a desirable seedbed when Figure 3. Disking with a tandem disk harrow. t.‘ ~5' Figure 4. Leveling with a large land leveler. plowed in the spring than when plowed in fall or early winter. Land leveling with land planes or other la leveling devices is coming into greater use Texas, Figure 4. Leveling increases the g formity of contours between levees and res in better drainage and more uniform depths water when the land is irrigated. Compl drainage is essential for uniform stands of and a uniform depth of irrigation water essential for the control of weeds. a TYPES AND VARIETIES OF RICE Exact figures are not available on the acr . planted to different types and varieties in r early years of rice growing in Texas. It j known, in general, that long-grain varieties, s l as Honduras, Carolina Gold and similar varieti were planted first. From 1920 to 1939, the bulk of the Te acreage was sown to the medium-grain variet Early Prolific and Blue Rose, which were dev oped by Sol Wright of Crowley, Louisiana. During the past several years, the Te i Arkansas and Louisiana Agricultural Experim Stations developed new and superior varieties Figure 5. Building levees in a rice field. lattice better adapted to combining and artificial drying (23). These now are the principal varie- fies grow in these states. Long-grain varieties comprised about 9O per- int of the Texas rice production in 1952, and e medium-grain varieties about 7 percent (35). Types of Rice Commercial varieties of rice grown in the Einited States are classified as short-grain, me- hum-grain and long-grain varieties. Varieties Q50 may be grouped as early, midseason and late, i ording to the number of days required to reach ' In Texas, early-maturing varieties require 109 to 135 days from planting to ma- Jrity; midseason-maturing varieties, 125 to 150 ys; and late-maturing varieties, 150 to 180 days. Figure 6. A typical head of Bluebonnet rice, and rough and milled rice. These types, with examples of varieties under each are: Long-grain varieties: Century Patna 231 (early), Bluebonnet (midseason), Bluebonnet 50 (midseason), Improved Bluebonnet (midseason), Rlexoro (late), Texas Patna (late) and TP 49 ate). Medium-grain varieties: Zenith (early), Magnolia (early) and Blue Rose (midseason). Short-grain varieties: Acadia (midseason) and Caloro (midseason) . Variety Tests Many types and varieties of rice have been introduced from the rice-growing countries of the World and tested to determine their adaptation to gTable 1. Annual and average grain yields and other data of 19 rice varieties, Rice-Pasture Experiment Station, 1948-53 Averagel Grain N°' days Plant Years Grain yield, p-ounds per acre Colmimr‘ type Date Date from h , ht grown qb e_ sown ripe seeding to _ 91g ’ Yleld’ maturity Inches 1948 I 1949 I 1950 I 1951 I 1952 I 1953 I Av. Early-maturing varieties Short May 2 Sept. 12 133 45 6 1937 1193 3200 3722 4481 4342 3146 100.6 Medium May 5 Sept. 10 123 46 5 1686 2790 3797 4-393 4049 3343 102.5 Medium May 2 Aug. 31 121 49 6 2752 2560 2774 3335 3699 3624 3124 99.9 Medium May 2 Sept. 1 122 49 6 2625 2043 3197 3467 3440 3803 3096 99.0 Medium May 2 Sept. 4 125 52 6 2737 1882 3262 3193 4021 3724 3137 100.4 Medium May 7 Sept. 9 125 47 5 2825 2032 2957 2426 2611 2570 85.8 Long3 May 2 Sept. 2 123 46 6 2774 2643 3610 3933 3902 3302 3361 107.5 i‘ verage 3111 ' Midseason-maturing varieties Rose Medium May 2 Sept. 28 59 52 6 2163 1819 3264 3257 4273 3422 3033 97.0 f bonnet Long May 2 Sept. 15 136 54 6 2451 2441 3825 3529i 3986 3203 3239 103.6 onnet 50 Long May 2 Sept. 15 136 50 6 2447 2215 3575 3619 3425 3271 3092 98.9 roved Bluebonnet Long‘ May 2 Sept. 20 141 52 6 2793 2320 3866 3671 3976 3392 3336 106.7 I Long May 9 Sept. 23 137 51 4 2883 2474 3447 3644 3112 113.3 I‘ na Long May 2 Sept. 17 138 55 6 2434 2371 3573 3566 4117 3634 3283 105.0 Long‘ May 9 Sept. 20 134 62 4 2608 2277 3183 3179 2812 102.4 y} rk L0ng3 May 2 Sept. 14 135 50 6 2522 1997 3479 3516 4221 2327 3010 96.3 verage 3115 ’ Late-maturing varieties _ L0ng3 May 2 Oct. 4 155 54 6 2724 2208 3715 3504 4698 3959 3468 110.9 Patna Long3 May 2 Oct. 8 159 58 6 1769 1715 3335 3172 4118 3240 2892 92.5 ~49 Long3 May 2 Oct. 15 166 53 6 2369 2109 3152 2650 3821 3952 3009 96.3 ro Long3 May 2 Oct. 22 173 55 6 2318 1450 2663 2489 3548 3493 2660 85.1 "age 3070 s grown, except late varieties which are for the period 1949-53. sown represents the average date sownTvitfh earliest date April 8 and latest date May 27. Plant height represents the average height for the V ent of the average yield of all varieties, except Calrose, RN, Lacross and Nira, for the years grown. ' I wslender grain. ~~ ted variety. Figure 7. A typical head of Rexoro rice, and rough and milled rice. growing conditions in the Texas rice belt. Some of these proved to be adapted. Others, though not suitable for commercial production, have been useful as breeding material in the development of new and better varieties. Some of the results of the early work on testing varieties were given in Texas Station Bulletin 200, which was published in 1916. A summary of most of the work from 1914 to 1932 was published in 1938 in Bulletin 485. The rice improvement program, including the breeding, development and testing of new varieties, brought about varieties superior to the older ones in certain characteristics such as yield, milling quality, resistance to diseases, adaptation to combine harvesting, grain type and cooking quality. Consequently, these new varieties grad- ually replaced the older ones in commercial production in Texas. Results of the variety tests conducted ini 1948-53 are given in Table 1. Varieties are listed according to maturity and type of grain. In the early-maturing group, Century Patna, a long, slender-grain variety, produced the highest, average yield, 3,361 pounds per acre, or aboutig 8 percent more than Zenith. Of the eight varieties in the midseason grou RN, Improved Bluebonnet, Bluebonnet and F0 tuna made higher yields. Fortuna and Nira al produced yields higher than the average for a varieties. a As a group, the late-maturing varieties d1 not yield as well as the early and midseaso varieties. R-D, a scented variety, however, mad next to the highest comparable yield in the tes or about 11 percent more than the average yiel of all varieties. Figure 8. A typical head of Zenith rice, and rough and milled rice. 10 Figure 9. A head of Century Patna rice, and rough and milled rice. Varieties Recommended for Texas i ii Short descriptions follow of the rice varieties mmended for Texas. A Although yield is one of the most important racteristics in selecting a variety to plant, er factors to be considered are date of ma- 'ty, type of grain, stiffness of straw and ing and table qualities. If the rice grower fa large acreage, he probably should grow é- or three varieties that differ in date of urity and type of grain. This extends the i? est over a longer period and gives better fribution of labor and more efficient use of esting machinery. Rice harvested early may old to help finance the harvesting of the later feties. Rice of different grain types will be if jlable for sale, thus enabling the grower to advantage of premium prices for long, Tum or short types, should they occur. bonnet gBluebonnet, a midseason, long-grain variety, if developed at the Rice-Pasture Experiment ion from a selection from a cross of Rexoro iiFortuna. It is resistant to some of the com- o rice diseases but is susceptible to others. It A and mills well and has good table quality. ibonnet is well suited for harvesting by the yfbine-dryer method. filbonnet 50 Bluebonnet 50, a selection from Bluebonnet, released by the Rice-Pasture Experiment ion in 1951. It is more uniform than Blue- let in maturity and grain size. Because of shorter, sturdier straw, Bluebonnet 50 is ually replacing Bluebonnet and, along with f ry Patna, is one of the leading long-grain grown in Texas. Improved Bluebonnet Improved Bluebonnet was developed at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station and released in 1951. It is a selection from a cross of Rexoro and Nira and has a grain type similar to that of Bluebonnet, but the grain is more slender. It has a more vigorous vegetative growth than Bluebonnet, and its leaves and stems do not dry out as rapidly as the plants approach maturity. It matures 4 to 6 days later than Bluebonnet. Improved Bluebonnet is resistant to most rice diseases, but is susceptible to stem rot. Because of its rather vigorous vegetative growth, Im- proved Bluebonnet is well adapted to land that has been heavily cropped. Rexoro Rexoro is a stiff-strawed, late-maturing, long slender-grain rice developed at the Rice Experi- ment Station, Crowley, Louisiana (23). It yields and mills well and has good table quality. Rexoro is resistant to white tip but is susceptible to stem rot, cercospera leaf spot and straighthead disease. Because of its late maturity and susceptibility to straighthead, rather low yields are frequently obtained. Zenith Zenith is an early-maturing, awnless variety developed at the Rice Branch Experiment Station, Stuttgart, Arkansas (23). It is susceptible to the brown leaf spot disease but is somewhat resistant to some strains of the narrow brown leaf spot disease and to stem rot. Zenith is the leading medium-grain variety grown in the United States, but is not widely grown in Texas. Milling quality is satisfactory but is not equal to that of Magnolia or Blue Rose. Magnolia Magnolia, an early-maturing, medium-grain variety, was developed at the Rice Experiment 11 Station, Crowley, Louisiana, from a selection from a cross of Fortuna and Blue Rose (23). It is moderately resistant to some races of the narrow brown leaf spot disease and to stem rot, but is susceptible to other common diseases. It has stiff straw, does not lodge readily and, under favorable conditions, produces relatively high yields of good milling quality. Century Patna 231 Century Patna was selected in 1946 at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station from a cross between Texas Patna and a selection from the cross Rexoro x Supreme Blue Rose. It was released to farmers in the spring of 1951. It is a high-yielding, early-maturing variety with long, slender grains. Century Patna 231 is moderately resistant to the common races of the narrow brown leaf spot disease, and the leaves and stems remain alive for some time after maturity. It is rather susceptible to straighthead disease. Its cooking quality is about the same as that of Rexoro and Texas Patna, but it may require longer to cook and is not as good as Rexoro or Texas Patna for use in the parboiled rice process. Texas Patna Texas Patna, a late-maturing, long, slender- grain variety, was selected in 1935 from a cross between Rexoro and C.I. No. 5094 at the Rice- Pasture Experiment Station. It is resistant to the white tip disease, but is susceptible to most of the leaf spot diseases. Texas Patna is similar to Rexoro but usually has slightly taller and weaker straw, and matures about 10 days earlier. It yields and mills well, and is well suited for combining and the grain is easy to dry. Texas Patna has excellent cooking quality. TP 49 TP 49 was selected from a cross between Texas Patna and a Rexoro x C.I. 7689 selection in 1945 at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station. The C. I. 7689 parent was a Patna variety intro- duced from India. TP 49 possesses exceptional vegetative vigor and is adapted to heavily cropped lands or lands heavily infested with weeds. It Table 2. Average yields of milled rice of nine varieties seeded at different dates, Rice-Pasture Experiment ‘Station, 195 matures at about the same time as Texas Pa ' TP 49 has slightly longer and fuller grains a‘ Rexoro and about the same cooking quality‘- Rexoro and Texas Patna. i. Milling Quality of Varieties ‘ Yields of whole grain rice and total rice i, removal of the hulls and bran determine i; large extent the milling quality of rice. Weat conditions during ripening and harvest, met ' of drying and, storing, variety, insects and z eases may affect milling quality. ' Average yields of head rice and total ric nine varieties grown in a date-of-seeding exp ment at Beaumont in 1951-53 are given in Tabl Magnolia gave higher average head and i, rice yields than Zenith, and both of these medi ‘- grain varieties gave higher yields of head than the long-grain varieties. Century Patna gave the highest head _ yield of the long-grain varieties, and TP 49 ; lowest. ~ Century Patna and Improved Bluebo made the lowest total rice yields. Rexoro i: duced a relatively low average total yield, altho the April and May seedings had high total yields. The low yield of rice produced in June seeding was probably due to low temp tures occurring in late October and early Nov ber, which prevented normal development of g grain. Rexoro produces high total rice yi when sown at optimum dates of seeding. In most instances, Zenith, Century Pa Bluebonnet and Bluebonnet 50 produced hig average total rice yields when sown in June. July than when sown earlier. A possible expla tion for this is that the cooler weather prevail during September and early October is m favorable for the development of the rice g - than the higher temperatures of late July - early August. Although slightly lower temp, tures appear to improve milling quality, the lo i temperatures of late October and early Novem seriously affect normal grain development 1; milling quality, as indicated by milling yields > March 17 April 15 May 17 June 13 July 10 Average - Variety Head Total Head Total Head Total Head Total Head Total Head l To - rlce rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice ri- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --—Pereent——————-——-———————-—1 Early-maturing varieties Magnolia 66.9 70.9 68.4 72.1 67.6 72.1 67.1 72.4 70.6 72.7 68.1 72. ' Zenith 66.1 70.5 63.9 69.3 63.8 68.5 58.7 70.0 70.3 72.1 64.6 70., Century Patna 231 60.8 67.0 60.7 66.5 59.8 67.4 62.9 68.8 64.0 70.2 61.6 68. Average 64.6 69.5 64.3 69.3 63.7 69.3 62.9 70.4 68.3 71.7 \ Midseason-maturing varieties ' Bluebonnet 50.8 70.8 43.8 70.8 49.5 71.5 55.2 71.8 50.4 72.8 49.9 71. ‘ Bluebonnet 50 51.2 69.7 41.2 69.0 52.2 71.0 54.8 71.9 51.7 72.0 50.2 70. Improved Bluebonnet 52.2 68.4 52.8 68.3 58.6 69.1 52.6 70.6 28.3 64.2 49.9 68 Average 51.4 69.6 45.9 69.4 53.4 70.5 54.2 71.4 43.5 69.7 i Late-maturing varieties 3 Texas Patna 53.4 67.2 53.9 69.2 70.8 58.8 72.4 1 1 56.7 69. TP 49 47.2 68.8 40.7 70.2 53.3 71.2 53.0 73.0 1 1 48.6 70. Rexoro 55.4 69.3 58.4 71.4 62.6 73.1 33.4 64.4 1 1 52.5 69 ' Average 52.0 68.4 51.0 70.3 58.9 71.7 48.4 69.9 l Average all varieties 56.0 69.2 53.8 69.6 58.7 70.5 55.2 70.6 55.9 70.7 1 Failed to mature all years. 12 the late-maturing varieties sown in June, and Improved Bluebonnet sown in July. Bluebonnet, Bluebonnet 50 and Improved ebonnet produced low average head rice yields sown in April. The ripening period of e varieties when sown in April corresponds ‘\ the period of highest summer temperatures. bonnet and Bluebonnet 50 probably are more itive to unfavorable weather conditions dur- lripening and harvest than other varieties. In . , when extremely high temperatures and humidity prevailed during August, the April ing of Bluebonnet yielded only 25.4 percent ead rice. SEEDING Methods of Seeding ‘n Drill and Endgate Seeders Rice usually is seeded in Texas with a grain , Figure 10, but seeding by airplane is in- ing rapidly. Broadcast seeders are used to extent. On rough, dry seedbeds, rice fre- tly is broadcast with endgate seeders or with ,'ll with disks removed. In either case, the I is then harrowed and irrigated. IIHIIG Seeding by airplane is used extensively in é: and the practice is increasing each year, p‘ ially for early seedings (46). It is estimated 105,000 acres were seeded from airplanes in and 110,000 acres in 1953. Airplane seeding ‘be done in water or on dry soil. Water ing requires different seedbed preparation i. seeding with a grain drill. For water seed- *the land is plowed and disked to kill vege- n. It is left in a rough condition until jng time. Then the field is irrigated to barely r the land. The field is then harrowed to p» the water. Pre-soaked seed are then sown irplane on the water, Figure 11. Dry seed sed for airplane seeding on dry soil. Figure 10. Seeding rice with a grain drill (left) and with an airplane (right). When seeding is done on dry soil, fields usually are harrowed following seeding and then flushed and resubmerged in time to control the growth of weeds and grass. For water-seeded rice, some farmers drain as soon as possible while others may delay draining as much at 36 hours. In some instances, the water is not drained from the fields after water seeding. In such cases, a shallow flood is held until the rice plants have become established. This method should be practiced cautiously and only when uniform flooding of the land is possible. Comparison of Drilled and Broadcast Seeding An experiment was conducted at Beaumont in 1952 to compare drilled and broadcast seeding of rice. The work was done in conjunction with rates of seeding and fertilizer treatments in which rice was drilled and broadcast at rates of 45, 90, 135 and 180 pounds per acre. A summary of the results is presented in Table 3. Yields of the different rates of seeding are the averages of yields from five different fertilizer treatments. Broadcast seeding pro- duced somewhat larger yields of rough rice than Figure 11. Soaking seed rice in a canal prior to seeding by airplane. 13 Table 3. Yields 0f rough rice from drilled and broadcast seedings at different rates, Rice-Pasture Experi- ment Station, 1952 Rate of seeding | Yield in pounds of rough rice Der acre pounds per acre l Drilled I Broadcast | Average 45 4,735 5,007 4,8_71 90 4,609 5,032 4,820 135 4,479 4,693 4,586 180 4,251 4,753 4,502 Average 4,518 4,871 drilled seeding at all rates. As an average of the four rates, drilled seeding produced 4,518 pounds of rough rice per acre and broadcast seeding, 4,871 pounds. Time 0f Seeding The time of seeding rice in Texas ranges from March 1 t0 late June. Probably most of the rice acreage is seeded in April and May. The actual time of seeding, however, may depend on several factors, such as the Weather, method of seeding, soil condition and the maturity of the variety. When seeded late in the spring when temperatures are high, rice germinates more rapidly than when seeded earlier. Seed sown early are more apt to rot because of low tempera- tures. When sown early in the spring, the me- dium-grain varieties Zenith and Magnolia usually produce better stands than long-grain varieties, since they seem to be more tolerant to low tem- peratures during germination and early seedling growth. It may be advisable for the rice grower to spread the planting of certain varieties so that the harvest can be extended over a longer period. Experiments to determine the best dates of seeding rice were conducted at Beaumont from 1914 through 1918. Seedings were made at 2- week intervals from March 15 to late June. There was not much difference in yield from seedings made between April 15 to June 1 (28). Lower yields were obtained from plantings made earlier or later than this period. Date of seeding greatly affects the time required for rice to mature, as shown by experi- ments conducted at Beaumont in 1951-53, Table 4. Nine varieties were seeded March 17, April 15, May 17, June 13 and July 10. For all varieti the time required to maturity decreased as c‘ seeding was delayed until May 17. When seed June 13, Rexoro, Texas Patna and TP 49 we damaged by frost or did not mature. They d not mature when seeded July 10. These resul indicate that all varieties do not respond alike time of seeding. 1 Yields of rough rice obtained in the expe a ment on time of seeding also are presented Table 4. Yields of early-maturing varieties we about the same whether seeded in March or Ju The average yield of the midseason varieties d‘ creased markedly as seeding was delayed. Bl f bonnet 50, however, made almost identical yiel when seeded March 17 and April 15. The avera yield of the late-maturing varieties also decrea ~. sharply as seeding was delayed. From th results, it appears that the late-maturing variet' should be seeded as early as practicable to insult satisfactory yields. i Rate of Seeding Rate of seeding rice may vary considera depending on soil condition, quality of seed a time and method of seeding. In farm practice Texas, the rate of seeding ranges from 60 to 1 pounds per acre. The average is about 90 poun In experiments on rates of seeding conducted ~ Beaumont from 1914 to 1918, seeding 100 pou of seed per acre produced slightly larger yie of rough rice than seedings of 60 and 80 pou = (28). 1 The rate of seeding also varies greatly, different parts of the rice belt of Texas. In more humid areas, such as Chambers, Jeffers Liberty and Orange counties, higher rates seeding are used. In the western counties of _ area, Colorado, Jackson, Wharton, parts of Har and other counties, rates of seeding as low as pounds per acre are frequently used. L0 rates of seeding than those commonly used pr_ ably can be practiced successfully in Texas. I _ A rather comprehensive experiment, Wh' included four rates of seeding and six fertili Table 4. Average yields and number of days. from seeding to maturity of nine rice varieties seeded at different d i Rice-Pasture Experiment Station, 1951-53 Average number of days from seeding to maturity when sown \ Average acre yield in pounds when sown Variety March April May ' June July March April May June I Ju . 17 15 17 | 13 101 17 15 17 13 l 101‘ Early-maturing varieties 2 Magnolia 140 123 113 117 121 2662 3223 2668 3003 2799' Zenith 140 122 113 116 121 3042 3466 2901 3223 272 ; Century Patna 231 144 126 117 121 123 3426 3312 3410 3601 262’ Average 141 124 115 118 122 3043 3334 2993 3276 2719, Midseason-maturing varieties Bluebonnet 156 138 132 130 151 3892 3613 2971 2773 178. Bluebonnet 50 156 137 132 130 151 3783 3816 3170 3277 19717 Improved Bluebonnet 162 141 137 137 151 3953 3612 3438 3037 92f Average 158 139 134 132 151 3876 3680 3192 3029 1562' Late-maturing varieties Texas Patna 182 168 159 1542 3 3427 2772 2463 12592 2 » TP 49‘ 186 173 162 1542 3 3343 2768 2722 15612 2 1 Rexoro 196 180 172 1592 3 3200 2849 2350 10402 3 " Average 188 174 164 156 3 3323 2796 2512 1253 2 . lYield for 1953 only, failed to mature in 1952, matured in 1951 but yield not recorded. 2Failed to mature in 1952, average of 1951-52 experiments (yield on 3-year basis but only 2 crops produced). 3 Failed to mature all years. 14 tments, was conducted at Beaumont in 1950- fto determine the optimum rate of seeding j under several levels of fertility. Seed 0f ebonnet 50 were broadcast at rates of 45, 90, F and 180 pounds per acre. Fertilizers were “lied on the surface with a fertilizer-grain drill {the time of seeding. The fertilizer treatments in the first column Table 5 show the pounds of nitrogen (N), _sphoric acid (P205) and potash (K20), in ‘_ order named, which were used per acre. Thus, 1 160-80-80 fertilizer means that 160 pounds nitrogen, 80 pounds of phosphoric acid and 80 “fnds of potash were applied per acre. There e no significant differences in the average lds of rough rice from the seeding rates of ', 135 and 180 pounds per acre. Yields from ‘se rates of seeding, however, were signifi- _tly higher than from the seeding of 45 pounds i: acre. These results indicate that the opti- jm rate of seeding probably would be about pounds per acre. They are in agreement with ults of the 1914-18 experiments. Where weeds i» grass are troublesome, the heavier rates of ing probably will give the best results. Depth of Seeding L, Where rice is seeded with the grain drill, the ,1 should be placed 1 to 2 inches deep. In riments on depths of seeding conducted at umont from 1914 to 1918, placing the seed ‘ches deep produced slightly higher yields of - than placing the seed 1 or 3 inches deep (28). with IIIOSt other field crops, there usually is danger of rotting from shallow seeding than f1 deep seeding, especially if it is necessary (rrigate to germinate the seed. Seed may be ted deeper on sandy soils, such as Katy and jkley soils, than on heavy soils, such as Beau- it clay and Lake Charles clay. If Rice seeded deep early in the season is more to rot during periods of unfavorably cool jrther than when seeded shallow. This is par- ,_larly true in the heavier soil types. For this 1e 5. Average yields of rough rice from different rates i of broadcast seeding and different fertilizer treatments, Rice-Pasture Experiment Station, 1950-52 ‘ R -K o, ‘ n2 Yield in pounds per acre of rough rice from seeding rates i1 '_ acre 45 lbs. 90 lbs. 135 lbs. 180 lbs. Average? ‘ 3,492 3,843 3,780 3,836 3,738 4,015 4,305 4,576 4,641 4,384 4,723 4,661 4,701 4,995 4,770 4,878 4,752 4,972 4,587 4,797 4,873 5,219 4,984 5,200 5,069 ' 4,702 5,294 5,065 5,135 5,049 jaw 4,447 4,679 4,680 4,132 difference between the yields of rice from any two fertilizer <~~ among the four rates of seeding (9 plots) must equal or -| 387 pounds to give odds of 19 to 1 that such difference is real rnot due to chance. jlifference between the average yields of any two fertilizer treat- - (average of 36 plots) must equal or exceed 194 pounds to give of 19 to 1 that such difference is real and not due to chance. difference between the average yields of any two rates of seeding plots) must equal or exceed 159 pounds to giveodds of 19 to 1 that I V difference is real and not due to chance. reason, broadcast seeding followed by harrowing is frequently practiced on early-seeded rice on clay soils. FERTILIZERS Soils in the rice-growing area of Texas are somewhat variable in texture, structure, drainage and productiveness. Yields of rice also vary considerably on these soils, depending on the kind of soil and on previous management, such as cropping and fertilization. The Rice-Pasture Experiment Station has conducted experiments with fertilizers since 1919 to determine the best fertilizer practice for rice in the area. In the earlier work, it was found that some rice soils, especially Lake Charles clay, Lake Charles clay loam and Beaumont clay (previously called Crow- ley clay) responded to applications of nitrogen and phosphorus, but not to potash (34). Appli- cation of fertilizers as a top-dressing 6 to 12 weeks after seeding produced somewhat larger yields of rice than applications at seeding time. Work conducted from 1930 to 1940 confirmed the earlier results (48). It also showed that broadcast applications of superphosphate alone at planting caused a reduction in yield. This was attributed to the increase in growth of grasses and weeds which competed with the rice for plant nutrients. Drilling fertilizer, especially sulfate of ammonia, with the seed was slightly better than broadcasting the fertilizer on top of the soil at seeding. There was little difference in the yields of rice from different sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. More comprehensive work with fertilizers was started in 1947. It was conducted on the Beaumont station and on farms of rice growers throughout the rice belt, Figure 1. This work included different sources, rates and ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash; time and meth- ods of application; and application of fertilizers on dry, wet and flooded soils. Methods of Applying Fertilizers Several methods of applying fertilizers for rice are used in the Texas rice belt. Fertilizer-Grain Drill Ground application with the fertilizer-grain drill is probably the most common method in applying fertilizers for rice. Where the fertilizer drill is used, the fertilizer may be broadcast on the surface or applied in the drill with the seed as desired. Previous work at the Beaumont sta- tion (48) indicated that fertilizers applied in the drill with the seed produced somewhat larger yields of rice than fertilizers applied on the surface at seeding. However, applications of fertilizer at time of seeding on grass-infested soil may cause a severe reduction in yield. 15 w- Airplane Application of fertilizers by airplane is in- creasing rapidly in Texas and probably will continue to increase. Sulfate of ammonia may be applied with good results by airplane to fields prior to flooding of the rice up to 35 or 40 days after seeding. Application in Water Some fertilizers may be applied in the irriga- tion water as it is being turned into the field. At present, anhydrous ammonia is the principal material used in this way. Although application in water may give fair increases in yield of rice, experiments at Beaumont show that application by injection intothe soil gives considerably higher yields. It is difficult in many cases to obtain uniform distribution of ammonia by application in water. Application of anhydrous ammonia in irrigation water is said to be impractical in California because of the uneven distribution of nitrogen over the field (16). Placement of Fertilizer Experiments on placement of fertilizer with respect to the seed were conducted at Beaumont in 1950-52. The several placements and fertilizers used are given in Table 6. Placing the fertilizer in the drill row 2 inches below the seed and delayed broadcast application produced the high- est average yields, 4,011, 4,097 and 4,001 pounds per acre, respectively, for the 3 years. There were, however, no significant differences among Figure 12. Fertilizers increase growth and yield of rice. Left to right: plot treated with 20 pounds of phosphi acid and 100 pounds of potash per acre; 80 pounds of nitrogen and 60 pounds of phosphoric acid; 200 pounds of nitro and 100 pounds of phosphoric acid; and 20 pounds of nitrogen and 20 pounds of potash. ~it 16 Table 6. Yield of rough rice from different placemc, of fertilizer, Rice-Pasture Experiment Statij 1950-52 a Yields in pounds of rough rice PhtFcQFFnt °f per acre from fertilizer treatments; e’ ' m” eo-ao-o | 80-40-0 | 100-50-0 | Averaf With seed 3,685 4,086 4,261 4,011 2 inches below seed 3,898 4,087 4,306 4,097; 3.5 inche-s to side of seed 3,818 3,904 3,903 3,875; 2 inches below and 3.5 inches to side of seed 3,489 3,930 3,901 3,7731 Broadcast on surface at - planting 3,339 3,933 3,946 3,739; g Delayed broadcast application 3,548 4,052 4,402 4,001 I Average 3,629 3,999 4,120 1 the yields from any of the placements. Applyi the fertilizer at time of seeding on grass-infest fields may cause a reduction in yield, Table 14. i Rates and Ratios of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash Experiments with fertilizers have been co ducted for the past several years on the princi soils used for growing rice in the Gulf Co; Prairie of Texas (10). The soils are Beaumo clay, Lake Charles clay, Lake Charles clay loa Katy fine sandy loam, Hockley fine sandy lo and Edna fine sandy loam. It is estimated t these soil types comprise more than 80 perce of the rice land in Texas. i Nitrogen was used at rates of 0, 20, 40, and 120 pounds per acre; phosphoric acid at 0, g 40 and 80 pounds per acre; and potash at 0 and p pounds per acre. These rates of nitrogen, ph phoric acid and potash were used in all possi combinations. Some typical results of these periments are given in Table 7. a H LiLiLM-JHQ’ AMHHHAA ‘Q 1 '57. Average yields 0f rice from applications of varying amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric 301d and potash on different soils, 1947-50 Average yield of rice, pounds per acre - ' Lake Lake Katy fine Hockley Edna fine _ . Bewmmll Charles Charles sandy fine sandy sandy c195’ clay clay loam loam loam loam Applied at the time of planting 8 3,084 2,448 2,678 3,313 3,099 , 3,397 2,696 2,824 3,361 3,502 3,076 3,912 2,879 2,908 3,480 3,985 2,023 3,353 2,381 2,929 3,298 3,076 2,391 3,600 2,417 3,230 3,473 3,958 _ 2,752 4,193 2,965 3,068 3,391 4,481 2,467 3,930 2,610 3,122 3,460 3.948 ' 2,793 4,193 2,816 3,300 3,755 4,599 2,574 3,797 2,681 3,054 3,460 3,936 g‘ Applied as top-dressing 2,658 3,882 2,764 2,944 3,663 3,297 :1 3,036 3,990 2,387 3,195 3,771 3,595 2,027 3,083 2,496 3,159 3,311 3,381 2,835 3,590 2,955 ' 3,517 3,930 3,856 3,285 3,966 3,279 3,412 3,950 4,141 2,655 3,731 2,960 3,624 3,779 3,833 3,378 3,776 3,198 3,509 3,792 4,210 2,839 3,717 2,934 3,337 3,742 3,759 t include the yield from unfertilized soil. ll ont Clay his soil is acid, poorly drained and very j, permeable. It occurs mainly east of the § y River and probably comprises about one- I of the rice land in the State. he combination of 80 pounds of nitrogen 0 pounds of phosphoric acid (80-40-0) was F the best treatments used as a top-dressing, u in Table 7. It produced an average ‘of 3,285 pounds per acre, or 1,777 pounds than unfertilized rice. When the fertilizer pplied at planting, the treatment of 80 ,: of nitrogen per acre made the highest 3,076 pounds per acre. The use of 80-40-0 ‘mmended for Beaumont clay. i‘ l; harles Clay +ke Charles clay is the principal heavy soil _' rice belt west of the Trinity River. It 'ses probably one-third to one-half of the reage around Houston, Angleton, Bay City § Campo. Lake Charles clay is darker in nd more granular than Beaumont clay. It htly acid to mildly alkaline in reaction, Y pH of 6 to 8. e application of 80-40-0 at time of seeding he highest yield on this soil, 4,193 pounds "re, which was 1,109 pounds more than the ‘f the untreated soil. This treatment also one of the highest yields where the rs were applied as a top-dressing. The '80-40-0 is recommended for rice on Lake .4 clay. '0 harles Clay Loam eke Charles clay loam is similar to Lake i; clay but is more loamy, slightly less nd occurs on slightly higher elevations. _und both east and west of the Trinity ‘§_ This soil is slightly acid to neutral in n, with a pH of 6 to 7. An 80-40-0 ','rl is recommended for rice on Lake Charles m. 55' Katy Fine Sandy Loam This soil occurs in large level areas adjacent to Lake Charles soils and in the flatter portion between the slightly more sloping and better drained Hockley soils. The town of Katy is located on Katy fine sandy loam from which the soil gets its name. A combination of 40 pounds each of nitrogen and phosphoric acid (40-40-0) was one of the best treatments on this soil. Potash used with both nitrogen and phosphoric acid, made increases in yield in approximately half of the experiments on this soil. For this reason, a 40-40-20 fertilizer is recommended on Katy fine sandy loam. Hockley Fine Sandy Loam The Hockley soils form a narrow belt along the northern part of the rice area from Cleveland in Liberty county, westward through Hockley, Sealy and Eagle Lake to western Victoria county. These sandy loam soils are underlain by friable sandy clay subsoils. They are slightly more slop- ing and better drained, and require more irri- gation water than the Katy soils. This soil responds to fertilizers about the same as Katy fine sandy loam. Treatments of 40-40-0 and 80-40-0 produced the highest yields. There was practically no difference in the yields of the two treatments. The 40-40-0 fertilizer is recommended on Hockley fine sandy loam. Edna Fine Sandy Loam This soil has a grayish sandy surface and is underlain at a depth of 6 to 12 inches by a heavy, gray claypan. It is found principally in the western and southwestern parts of the rice belt. The treatment of 80-40-0 was the most prof- itable on Edna fine sandy loam. This treatment on clean land increased the yield 1,382 pounds per acre when applied at seeding and 1,042 pounds when applied as a top-dressing. Possible Use of Potash on Sandy Soils Although potash may not affect the yield of rice on some sandy soils, many rice growers be- lieve that its use will result in a stiffer straw and a higher yield of head rice. Experimental data obtained so far, however, do not show any appre- ciable effect of potash on the milling quality of rice. The effect of potash on stiffness of straw in rice has not yet been determined. Potash has prevented lodging of other crops on some soils and also may serve the same purpose for rice. In areas where potash is used on other crops and where most of the fertilizer stocked by dealers contains potash, this fertilizer also may be used on rice. Comparison of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Materials Experiments have been conducted to evaluate different nitrogenous materials as fertilizers for rice. Work conducted from 1936 to 1940 (48) 17 indicated that there Was not much difference in the value of the nitrogenous materials tested. Solid Nitrogenous Fertilizer Materials Six solid nitrogenous materials-—sulfate of ammonia, ammonium nitrate, nitrate of soda, cyanamid, urea and ureaform-were included in an experiment on Beaumont clay in 1949-50 (50). Each material was used at a rate to supply 80 pounds of nitrogen per acre. The materials were applied alone and in combination with 80 pounds per acre of phosphoric acid in 20 percent super- phosphate, with 2 tons of lime, and with a com- bination of phosphoric acid and lime. The several treatments were applied when the rice was seeded and as a top-dressing about 6O days after seeding. All of the nitrogenous materials produced significant increases in yields of rice on both dates of application, Table 8. Sulfate of ammonia, urea and cyanamid produced significantly larger yields than the other sources of nitrogen. There were, however, no significant differences among the average yields of rice which received these three sources of nitrogen. The use of nitrogen and phosphoric acid to- gether increased the yield of rice 544 pounds per acre above that produced by nitrogen alone. Lime had no appreciable influence on yield. As an average of all the nitrogenous materials, there was no real difference in the yield of rice whether they were applied at planting or as a top-dressing about 60 days after planting. A similar experiment (50) with the same nitrogenous materials used at rates to supply 80 pounds of nitrogen per acre was conducted on Lake Charles clay near Bay City in 1950, Table 9. All of the fertilizer was applied as a top-dressing about 60 days after seeding. Sulfate of ammonia, urea, cyanamid and ammonium nitrate produced significantly larger yields of rice than nitrate of soda and the unfertilized soil. Table 8. Comparison of the effect of different nitroge- nous fertilizers on the yield of rice on Beaumont clay near Beaumont, as influenced by lime, phosphoric acid and time of application, 1949-50 Yield of rice, pounds per acre Nitrogenous No lime or Phos- _ Lime and materials phosphoric phoric Lime phosphoric Averagel acid acid acid Applied at planting No nitrogen 2,252 2,129 2,252 2,365 2,249 Ureaform 2,485 2,806 2,530 2,571 2,598 Nitrate of soda 2,231 3,020 2,352 2,833 2,609 Ammonium nitrate 2,543 2,984 2,339 2,337 2,633 Urea 2,759 3,339 2,710 3,256 3,016 Sulfate of ammonia 2,806 3,426 2,851 3,302 3,096 Cyanamid 2,958 3,347 2,984 3,499 3,197 Average 2,576 3,007 2,574 2,959 2,780 Applied as a top-dressing No nitrogen 2,087 2,155 2,334 2,417 2,248 Nitrate of soda 2,526 2,809 2,381 3,221 2,734 Ureaform 2,676 3,153 2,655 2,948 2,858 Ammonium nitrate 2,553 3,094 2,521 3,280 2,862 Cyanamid 2,783 3,519 2,854 3,545 3,175 Urea 2,999 3,587 2,723 3,639 3,237 Sulfate of ammonia 3,068 3,830 2,699 3,600 3,299 Average 2,670 3,164 2,595 3,236 2,916 1 The difference between any two averages shown must equal or exceed 186 pounds to give odds of 19 to 1 that such difference is real and not due to chance. 18 Table 9. Yields of rice from different nitrogenous f ~ zers with, varying rates of phosphoric acid Lake Charles clay soil near Bay City, 1950 Yield of rice, pounds per acre Nitrogenous Phosphoric acid, Inc materials pounds per acre Average] o"; 0 I 40 I 80 ni ' No nitrogen 3,583 3,583 Nitrate of soda 3,813 3,998 4,191 4,001 41 ‘ Ureaform 4,018 4,099 4,267 4,128 5 1 Ammonium nitrate 4,120 4,474 4,722 4,439 8 l Cyanamid 4,335 4,542 4,649 4,509 9 Urea 4,265 4,607 4,850 4,574 99 . Sulfate of ammonia 4,342 4,782 4,808 4,644 1,06 i 1 The difference between any two averages shown must equal or _' 279 pounds to give odds of 19 to 1 that such difference is real not due to chance. ’ Anhydrous Ammonia Anhydrous ammonia is a widely-used ni genous fertilizer. Experiments were condu at Beaumont to compare anhydrous ammonia = sulfate of ammonia as fertilizers for rice and develop satisfactory methods of applying a ‘ drous ammonia (52). Each material was at a rate to supply 80 pounds of nitrogen per J Both were used in combination with 40 pou per acre of phosphoric acid. In one experim anhydrous ammonia and sulfate of ammonia i‘ applied on drill-seeded rice on dry soil, Table In another experiment, the materials were z on rice that was broadcast on a flooded fi, Table 11. The several methods of application j, given in the tables. l Results of these two experiments indi that anhydrous ammonia is equal to sulfat ammonia, pound for pound of nitrogen, if r materials are applied just prior to seeding. hydrous ammonia gave good results when app in the soil during the muddying-up operation water-seeded rice, Table 10. Anhydrous amm can be used to advantage by injecting it in soil with the growing crop, if soil conditions 1 favorable for using the equipment. This met, of application should be followed as soon as r sible with irrigation to prevent damage to star Injection of the ammonia into the soil ‘l prior to seeding produced larger yields of Table 10. Yield of rice obtained from sulfate of am and anhydrous ammonia applied by diff methods to drill-planted rice in dry soil, * Pasture Experiment Station, 1951‘ _' Yield of rice, . pounds per a Sulfate 9r filly 1 ammonia lllllll Applied in the soil just prior to planting 4,580 4, Sulfate of ammonia on top of soil just—before l flushing. Anhydrous ammonia in the flushing Method and time of applying fertilizer water as it entered the field 4,215 Applied on shallow-flooded field 4 weeks after planting 3,805 Applied on field with full flood 4 weeks after planting 3,985 Applied on shallow-flooded field 8 weeks after planting 3,907 Applied on field with full flood 8 weeks after planting 3,812 Top-dressed on dry soil before flooding at 4 weeks 4,478 Top-dressed on dry soil before flooding at 8 weeks 3,784 z Average 4,071 3, 1 Yield without nitrogen was 2,618 pounds per acre. _ 2 The difference in yield between the two treatments shown mllt or exceed 334 pounds to give odds of 19 to 1 that such diff real and not due to chance. g- 11. Yields of rice from sulfate of ammonia and i. anhydrous ammonia applied to wate-r-planted rice, using soaked seed, Rice-Pasture Experi- ment Station, 1950‘ Yield o-f rice, pounds per acre? Sulfate of Anhydrous ammonia ammonia ~ and time of applying fertilizer , p‘ - in soil prior to flooding for water n; 3,690 4,186 in flooding water prior to muddying- ,-, or planting 3.899 2,89_2__ ”~ in the soil during muddying-up operafim‘ 4,235 into the soil on growing crop 4 weeks Planting‘ i“ » without nitrogen was 2,851 pounds per acre. difference in yield between the two treatments shown ‘must eqllql Pexcoed 512 pounds to give odds of 19 to 1 that such difference 1s A, and not due to chance. injections about a month before seeding, i, re 13. A Applying anhydrous ammonia in the irriga- I water as the field was flooded produced some , ease in the yield of rice, but this method was as effective as injecting the material into the o, Table 11. Results of these experiments and rvations on commercial rice fields indicate l certain precautions are necessary toobtain orm distribution of the anhydrous ammonia the field in the irrigation water. If the "onia is to be applied in the irrigation water, soil should be fairly dry at the time of flooding rmit the water to penetrate into the soil as jdly as possible. The irrigation water should istributed over the field in the shortest pos- , time and, if necessary, should be applied at ral points where large fields are being irri- ‘a. iThese results obtained with nitrogenous fer- indicate that, pound for pound of nitrogen, onium nitrogen was somewhat superior to ,~: nitrogen. This conclusion is in general ment with previous work at Beaumont (48), results in Arkansas (6, 24) and with the of world literature on the efficiency of (us nitrogenous fertilizers for rice (4). Effect of Moisture of Surface Soil jExperiments were conducted on Beaumont i at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station, i 50, to determine the effect of applying fer- crs as a top-dressing on dry, wet and flooded {Zas indicated by the yield of rice. In one T iment (49), sulfate of ammonia and cynamid applied at rates to supply 60 pounds of a: per acre. In another test (51), sulfate p monia was applied in amounts to supply ,1 and 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre. j 12. Yields of rice in pounds per acre from applica- P tio-ns of 60 pounds o-f nitrogen per acre in cyana.mid and sulfate of ammonia on dry, wet and flooded soil, Rice-Pasture Experiment‘ Station, 1946-48 l ‘tion I Cyanamid | Sulfate of ammonia | Average 3,034 3,180 3,097 2,871 2,937 2,847 2,211 2,247 2,345 2,705 2,788 Table 13. Effect of soil moisture conditions and different rates of nitrogen in sulfate of ammonia on yield of rice on Beaumont clay,‘ Rice-Pasture Experiment ‘Station, 1949-50 e Yield of rice in pounds per acre from nitrogen at rates per acre of Soil condition 60 lbs-. I 80 lbs. | 100 lbs. | Average?- Dry 2,953 3,167 3,287 3,136 Wet 2,712 2,900 2,982 2,865 Flooded 2,493 2,662 2,775 2,643 Average 2,719 2,910 3,015 1 The difference in yield between any two averages must equal o-r exceed 147 pounds to give odds of 19 to 1 that the diffe-rence is real and not due to chance. Results obtained from this comparison during 1946-48 are given in Table 12. Both materials produced somewhat larger yields on dry soil than on wet or flooded soil. Application of sulfate of ammonia to dry soil produced a higher average yield of rice during 1949-50 than application on wet or flooded soil (Table 13). The application of 60 pounds of nitrogen on dry soil produced a significantly higher yield of rice than applications of 80 and 100 pounds on flooded soil. Applications on wet soil also gave larger yields than applica- tions on flooded soil. Results of these two experiments show that the moisture condition of the soil surface influ- ences the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers applied as top-dressings. Best results were obtained by applying cyanamid and sulfate of ammonia as top-dressing on dry soil. Effect of Time of Fertilizer Application on Yields Varieties of crops, including rice, may re- spond differently to environmental conditions, such as date of planting, spacing of plants, dates and rates of application of fertilizers and other factors. An experiment was conducted at the Rice- Pasture Experiment Station in 1949-50 to deter- Figure 13. Anhydrous ammonia was applied at a rate to supply 80 pounds of nitrogen per acre on both of these plots. The ammonia was injected into the soil just prior to seeding on the plot on the left and 6 weeks before seeding on the plot to the right. Note the difference in the growth of the rice on the two plots. 19 v l’ z . - a... a-l-a-ni-z-i WHERE eo-4oi-o FERTILIZER wAs APPLIED AT DIFFERENT DATES. 5000 CENTURY PATNA BLUEIONNET ---— —-—— \ R E XOR 0 -—o—o—o—o- 4000 3000 POUNDS ROUGH RICE PER ACRE z°°° 0 20 40 60 80 I00 I20 DAYS AFTER PLANTING FERTIUIZER WAS APPLIED. Figure 14. Showing the effect of_ time of application of fertilizer on yields of rice varieties of different maturity. mine the response of early, midseason and late- maturing varieties of rice to applications of fertilizers at different dates (11). Three varie- ties were used: Century Patna, maturing in 115 t0 125 days; Bluebonnet, maturing in 130 to 140 days; and Rexoro, maturing in 155 to 170 days. Single applications of 80-0-0 and 80-40-0 fertili- zers were made at planting and as a top-dressing at dates ranging from 20 to 120 days after seed- mg. Yields of rough rice are shown in Table 14 and are plotted in Figure 14. Applying the fer- Table 14. Effect of time of application 0f nitrogen and of a combination of nitrogen and available phosphoric acid on the yield of Century Patna, Bluebonnet and Rexoro rice, Rice-Pasture Ex- periment Station, 1949-50 Yield of rice, pounds per acre Century Patna | Bluebonnet | Rexoro 80-0-0 I 80-40-0 | 80-0-0 I 80-40-0 |80-0-0 I 80-40-0 Time of application At planting 3,337 4,099 3,434 4,552 2,997 3,515 20 days after planting 3,321 4,423 3,289 5,038 3,067 3,920 40 days after planting 3,856 4,439 3,969 4,649 3,386 4,099 60 days after planting 3,434 3,451 3,726 4,212 3,272 3,742 80 days after planting 2,948 2,932 3,418 3,613 3,353 3,580 100 days after planting 2,624 2,624 2,997 3,046 120 days after plantillg 2,527 _2,543 Yield with iie fertilizer 2.090 2,236 2,171 Least significant differencel 356 292 308 1 The difference in yield between any two treatments at any date must equal or exceed the amount shown to give o-dds of 19 to 1 that such difference is real and not due to chance. 2O tilizer at seeding and up to 40 days later produc the highest yield of Century Patna. Bluebon _, made the highest yield when the fertilizer ; applied 20 days after seeding. Rexoro gave ti best yield when the fertilizer was applied 20 to days after seeding. An 80-40-0 fertilizer al was applied to the three varieties at differe dates and in split applications. The results a given in Table 15. T The three varieties responded differently _ time of application of fertilizer. Where early a midseason varieties are to be grown on la relatively free of grasses and weeds, all of t fertilizer could be applied at seeding or up to ' days later with little difference in yield. If =1, varieties are grown on land where grasses a weeds are troublesome, all of the fertilizer sho be applied as a top-dressing 35 to 40 days afi seeding. Where late-maturing varieties grown, all of the fertilizer should be applied top-dressing 35 to 40 days after seeding. W all varieties, applications of fertilizer 40 e after seeding were more effective than those m‘ at a longer interval. There were no significant differences e yields from single and split applications of f tilizer where the split applications were made the proper time. * a IRRIGATING RICE Methods of irrigating rice vary in diffe l countries of the world. Two general methods continuous submergence and discontinuous ~ mergence-are in common use in the Un, States. Both methods are used in Texas, altho discontinuous submergence probably is used extensively. A review of the literature shows that li, fundamental work has been done to determine effects of irrigation methods on growth g specific characters of the rice plant. Sen ( in India, reported that standing water in p field during the first 2 or 3 weeks after plan is beneficial for tillering. Later on, howeve wet soil with no standing water favors tille Draining the field 3 weeks after transplan also is conducive to tillering. Thereafter, tinuous submergence of the plants suppresses Table 15. Comparison of single and split applicatio‘ an 80-40-0 fertilizer to varieties of diff, maturity, Rice-Pasture Experiment St 1950 .- Yield of rough rice, pounds per» Century Patna Bluebonnet i‘ Time of application No fertilizer 1,831 2,122 One application——at planting 3,532 4,585 One application—4 to 6 weeks after planting 3,888 4,244 Two applications-—at planting and 4 to 6 weeks after planting 4,066 4,601 Four applications—equally spaced from planting to preheading 4,180 3,937 Least significant differencel 397 318 lThe difference in yield between any two treatments must exceed the amount shown to give odds of 19 to 1 that such dif, is real and not due to chance. ; v of tillers and supplies the soil moisture i?“ fry for the flowering stages. ave _ l 5O to. er A is amount of water used in irrigating rice med by several factors, such as the amount ribution of rainfall; temperature, humidi- "evaporation; kind of soil; and the watering followed by the individual grower. Rice is more irrigation water in dry than in wet ecause there is more evaporation. Sandy fly , uch as the Katy and Hockley fine sandy n ,2; ‘require more water than heavy S01lS, such of ’ umont clay and Lake Charles clay, because :ter losses by percolation and seepage. y eng and Pien (12), in reviewing the litera- Water requirements of rice in the rice- t g countries of the world, reported that the ‘t of water used ranged from about 24 i in certain provinces of China to as much il inches in California. Jones, Davis and A s in California (21) state, however, that a: Water charges on the volume delivered if than charging a flat rate per acre would i» conserve water and to confine rice grow- the heavy soils, on which 4 to 8 acre-feet , r are required to produce a crop.” Accord- j Clayton (13), 24 to 30 inches of water, 'ng' rainfall and irrigation, are required to l - a crop of rice in Arkansas. Carter and (9) also reported similar amounts for psas. Gustafson (18) stated that 2 to 4 water are used in Louisiana, depending on _d Weather conditions. About 40 to 45 of water are used for rice in an average gin Texas. Of this amount, rainfall supplies imately 20 to 30 inches from May through S aft as a ad a § ) d ces of f l.‘ .ade; e amount of water needed for irrigating [y be divided as follows: evaporation from ter surface of the rice field, transpiration per by the rice plants, seepage of water n the soil, and initial applications of water ' are the soil for planting, for flushing and ‘u the water for the first submergence. Figure 15. A field of rice in Texas. Irrigation Practices in Texas Methods of irrigating rice in Texas depend to a large extent on the methods used in seeding. Where rice is seeded with the grain drill on heavy soils, the fields are usually flushed (irrigated) for germination if water is available and if the soil has not been saturated by rain. Flushing usually is practiced in areas irrigated from canals because fields can be covered much more rapidly from them than by irrigation from wells. Sandy soils and soils irrigated from wells usually are not flushed. Rice usually is irrigated for the first time when the plants reach a height of 4 to 6 inches. At this time, the irrigation water is applied to a depth of 1 to 2 inches and is gradually increased to 4 to 6 inches as the plants become taller, Figure 15. The irrigation water is held at a depth of about 5 inches during the remainder of the growing season until the land is drained prior to harvesting. Additional water is supplied from time to time to replace the water lost by evaporation, transpiration and seepage. Irrigation water may be drained off once or twice during the growing season to permit fertili- zation and for the control of water weeds and insects. The time and number of drainings may vary, depending on the length of maturity of the variety, presence of weeds and insects and the supply of irrigation water. Fields that are not drained usually do not have sufficient water available for reflooding. As indicated earlier, where rice is seeded with a grain drill, it sometimes is necessary to irrigate the land to germinate the seed. Where irrigation is required for germination, the field should be drained promptly because the seed are likely to rot if covered by soil and water. Where rice is seeded with an endgate seeder, the land is harrowed and irrigated. Then the irrigation water is drained off. The field is irrigated when the rice plants attain a height of 4 to 6 inches. Where rice is sown in water, some growers drain as soon as possible and others may delay draining as much as 36 hours. When the seedlings are up 21 and growing, the usual irrigation practice is fol- lowed. Irrigation Experiments The amount of water, including rainfall and irrigation, required to produce a crop of rice in Texas is common knowledge among rice growers. There is not, however, much specific information available on the irrigation requirements of rice, especially on the time and methods of irrigation. For this reason, experiments were started at Beaumont in 1952 to determine the effect of dif- ferent watering practices on the yield and quality of rice, and to determine which practices might effect a saving in the amount of water used in producing the crop (31). The treatments used and amounts of water applied are shown in Table 16. Bluebonnet 50 rice was drilled in 6 rows, 8 inches apart in each plot, on May 27. Fertilizer was drilled with the seed at the rate of 80 pounds of nitrogen and 40 pounds of phosphoric acid per acre. Plots for treatments 3 through 6 were flooded 17 days after planting, and plots for treat- ments 3, 4 and 5 were drained 42 days after planting. Heavy rains occurred while they were being drained, and the soil did not become dry enough to crack until 17 days later, at which time the plots were reflooded. There was not much difference in the yields of rice where the total amount of water ranged from 46.34 inches to 73.01 inches. It appears, however, that the use of 45 to 50 inches of water would be just as satisfactory as larger amounts. These results are in general agreement with those reported by Jones, Dockins, Walker and Davis (22). These results, which are for 1 year only, indicate that submergence for part of the season at least is necessary for satisfactory yields of rice. The depth of water does not seem to be of much importance where weeds are not a problem. The results also indicate that draining rice fields once during the season increases the yield of rice con- siderably. These results are similar to those of Sen (37) in India. DRAINAGE Although rice is grown on land that is sub- merged 60 to 90 days during the growing season, good surface drainage is necessary for several Table 16. Yield of rice receiving different irrigation treatments, Rice-Pasture Experiment Station, 1952 , Y‘ 1d, Water used, inches ponds Irrigation treatments of rice Rainfall Irrigation Total per acre . No irrigation after germination 10.71 2.27 12.98 None ‘Soil kept moist but not submerged 10.71 23.78 34.49 962 . 2-inch submergence; drained once 4.11 42.23 46.34 3,896 . 5-inch submergence; drained once 4.11 46.52 50.63 3,945 . 8-inch submergence; drained once 4.11 68.90 73.01 4,163 . 5-inch submergence; not drained 10.71 48.84 59.55 2,822 UDQIIBGEIOIII l 22 reasons. It is needed for the preparation of desirable seedbed. Adequate surface draina permits prompt drainage of rice fields befo harvest and aids in harvesting the crop by allo ing the soil to dry and thus support heavy machi ery used in harvesting, such as tractors, combin grain carts and trucks. It is more difficult f harvest rice on poorly-drained than on well-drai ed fields. Drainage at specific stages of growth may aid in the control of certain diseas especially straighthead. ” Rice fields in Texas usually are drained pre aratory to harvesting when the heads are turn down and beginning to ripen. This stage is abo 2 weeks before the grain is mature. The ti to drain, however, varies with the kind of ij variety of rice and the efficiency of the draina system. ‘ INSECTS Several insects attack rice in Texas. Amoi these are the rice stinkbug, rice water weed grasshoppers, armyworms and a few others less importance. > Experiments were conducted at several .2 tions in the rice belt in 1951-52 to determine effect of several organic insecticides on the i trol of the major rice insects (8). The ins cides tested included aldrin, benzene hexachlori chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, octamethlpyrophosp" ramide, potosan, Systox and toxaphene. The _ fectiveness of the insecticides was measured sinall replicated plots and by observation of la i rice fields sprayed by commercial operators. Rice Stinkbugs The rice stinkbug is the major insect p attacking rice in Texas. It is responsible f most of the losses caused to the crop by insec Yield and grade losses are caused by the stinkb feeding on the developing grains. Seven insec cides were applied as water emulsion sprays, i, the rice was sprayed when it had been fu headed for about 1 week. In the plots to i sprayed with chlordane and benzene hexachlori the insect populations before spraying were, low that the effectiveness of these materials c0 I not be measured. Results with the other ins cides are given in Table 17. I Stinkbugs were controlled with the follow' rates per acre: aldrin, 0.5 pound; dieldrin, pound; DDT, 1.0 pound; and toxaphene, » pounds. Experiments in 1953 indicate that i dosage of dieldrin may be reduced to 0.25 p0 _ per acre and still maintain 900d control. Rice Water Weevils Rice plants are injured by the feeding of adult rice water weevil on the leaves, and by a larvae feeding on the roots. Rice planted late, May or 1n June usually has considerable l, j17. Effect of organic insecticides applied as a c spray on rice to control stinkbugs, 1952 '6 ,e p -Pound5 | Number of stinkbugsl _, v I p". u" Before 2 days after 7 days after 7- ' treatment treatment treatment l .25 75 37 9 ' .50 16 4 2 5 .25 a5 10 s ’ .50 22 s 2 O 1.00 14 4 2 .50 l" .30 s 2 4 1.50 43 18 6 l’ counts gathered in 60 sweeps of a 12-inch insect net. ge caused by the feeding of the adult weevils. damage can cause a reduction in stand if the p: attacked in the seedling stage. ice water weevils were controlled by spray- fith DDT at the rate of 1 pound per acre and potosan at 14 ounces per acre. Aldrin and 1‘ in applied as soil treatments at the time of g apparently had little effect on the number ce water weevils. The larvae of the Water weevil were not lled by treating the seed with Systox or ethylpyrophosphoramide, or by applying the! ials in the irrigation water at the rate of fand 9 pounds per acre when the rice plants i 2 months old. Well-timed drainage, before the weevil larvae ' ut off the roots of the rice plants, has been i. ended as a control measure. (DTCDL-f-Qn I U} I FY36 UR Grasshoppers and Armyworms .§_Grassh0ppers and armyworms cause some ge to rice. Grasshopper nymphs feeding on owering parts of the rice cause losses in __ Adult grasshoppers feed on the stem below ;_ - d and cause premature drying and shatter- the grain, which also reduces the yield. ations indicate that grasshoppers may be p lled by spraying with toxaphene, chlordane, s and dieldrin. Armyworms causing leaf f may be controlled with toxaphene. DISEASES »Diseases are important in the economical fction of rice in the Southern States. Al- }: total percentage reduction in yield and is probably less than in the other cereal 1 certain diseases of rice may occur in epi- f, proportions and cause severe losses in i; yield and quality of rice. nder adverse environmental conditions, rice Q“ often are severely reduced due to parasitic p by various seed and soil-borne organisms, ‘fas Helminthosporium oryzae Breda de Haan, f ium rolfsii Sacc., Rhizoctonia solcmi Kuhn thers. Many of the seedlings attacked by _ fungi do not emerge or, should they emerge, requently so weakened that they fail to w into normal plants. The affected seed- ‘Kare discolored. Mycelial masses are observ- n on the diseased seedlings. Chemical seed Vents, such as yellow cuprocide, Arasan and Spergon at the rate of 1 ounce per bushel and Ceresan M at one-half ounce per bushel, give considerable protection for the young seedlings and better assurance of satisfactory stands of rice (5, 17). Stem Rot Stem rot, Leptosphaeria salmlnii Catt. and Helminthosporium sigmoideum var. iwegulare Cralley and Tullis (14, 15), is an important fun- gus disease in certain rice-producing areas of the South. Both of these organisms cause stem rot. Leptosphaeri salvinii is the perfect stage for H elminthosporium sigmoideztm as such. H elmin- thosporium sigmoideum var. irregulare is a form or var. of Helminthosporium sigmoideum, whose perfect stage has not been described. The disease causes lodging and light weight grain. Lesions first appear on the leaf-sheath, then on the culm’s node and innernode near the waterline a month to 6 weeks before the plants head. The black, necrotic areas spread around the culm and inward into the culm tissue. Numerous black, spherical sclerotia develop inside the leaf-sheath and later in the culm. As the panicles fill, the stalks break over the diseased area. Early infection results in poorly-filled grains. The development of resistant varieties appears to be the most practical means of combatting the disease. Helminthosporium Blight One of the most widely distributed and ser- ious diseases of rice in the Southern States is brown spot, which is caused by the fungus Hel- minthosporium oryzae Breda de Haan. Losses frequently are encountered in stand due to seed- ling blight, in yield due to leaf and culm infection, and in quality and yield by kernel infection (17) . Circular to elongate brown lesions usually are the diagnostic symptoms of the seedling blight, culm and leaf-spotting phases of the disease. Depending on the variety, however, the necrotic areas are known to vary considerably in size, shape and color. The development of resistant varieties offers the best means of control. Leaf Smut Leaf smut, Entyloma oryzae H. & P. Sydow, also occurs on rice in the Southern States. The disease, however, is considered of minor in1por- tance. The small, linear, black spots which char- acterize the disease are found in abundance on the leaf-sheath, leaf and panicle branches. Some varieties appear to be resistant to the disease. Narrow Brown Leaf Spot Narrow brown leaf spot of rice, caused by Cercospora oryzae Miyake, also is widely distrib- uted. This disease often causes yield losses in the more susceptible varieties of rice. The lesions are generally more abundant on the leaves, although spots on the sheath, culm and floral bracts may be present in heavy infections. The narrow reddish-brown to dark brown linear 23 'n299q A100 100 ‘p9s0 9q 9129 12111 91111219111111 ‘99091-1 '$1911111 p99M 9dA1-900101011 9$9111 Aq $091119 p02 A11$29 p982012p 9q 029 19M01_.1 01 ‘ 's1021d 9911 9111 10 111M018 9111 990901101 111M 0 p02 p10 $A2p 0g $1 9911 9111 0911M 9192 1911 A10b9 p192 10 p000d F71 10 $9121 p9p0901010991 12 p911dd2 0911M 09119 ‘s1291019119 9$9111 12111 4- s 911211 s10901119d11g 'sp191_1 9911 01 sp99M ‘p201q 1011009 d1911 029 ‘$01121 911213 111101 991m 1m up pasn 311-91113 10 (1-17‘3 10 $0011210011o1g1 ‘ 92111 12101109 01 109019111110$ 2 $2 p9p12891 9q 11$ ‘19119M011 ‘sp99M 10 1011009 1291019119 "$9911 1 12101109 A11 A111o1921$112s sp99M 1011009 01 1011011 11 9p201 911211 $101921 191110 .10 1911129M M p9$0 9q A2111 1011009 p99M 1291019119 j '9911 9111 01100 $90p p02 019111 10 A0210 $11111 1912M 1111M 1M 9111 10 801191109 s00191p0_E 9111 ‘8000A 1111s 912 ‘a 10 9821s 8011p99$ 9111 01 912 $102111 9111 09111111 --. Ass218 9111 10 p29112 991.1 9111 $10d ‘91q1s291 M ‘801102111 19121111 "9911 10 $p021$ 112919 0p01d 01 d91$ 91s2q 2 $1 9911 801p99s 91019q _1p99s p99M 11111 01 p90111 s0011219110 80111$1p - 119s 1111M 801M01d 1121 10 19010103 '$p191_.1 9911 ’ p99M 1291-p201q p112 s9s$218 1110q 10 10111109 10 f». 12911921d 1s0u1 $090112; 9111 912 1111s 1912M $0 p911011009 9111 p02 s9911921d 12101101) A '0M001100 919M sp99M 10111109 12911921d 9111 101 s1291019119 91q2110$ _1 12111 1V 'p9z1s21111019 $2M 10111109 p99M 101: 19W IQ-Inllm) J0 9S“ 91LL '(8Z ‘LZ ‘9Z) 6161 : 3161 ‘9161 01 9p201 919M 1110M A1129 $1111 s110d9g 0011213 10901119111151 91n1s2c1-991g1 - '12 09112119p00 1110M 121090111911119 1$111 9111 01 01901 919M 9911 01 10111109 p99M 110 $91p013 ‘s19 M 119129s91 p02 $19M018 9911 Aq p9z1080991 $1 11 9911 01 10111109 p99M 10 990211011011 91111 EIOIH NI TOELLMOD (IGIEIM __‘_-4w_-‘ A '(zv‘62) 80010111 A1p 01 110s 9111 801M0112 p02 100q 9111 $1 9911 9111 91019q 1$0_[' 1912M 0011281111 9111 110 1 121p Aq s00111p009 1s0u1 19p00 p9109119111 $1 s1p 91111 “'p291111181211$,, 01191 9111 9911911 ‘19919 11191 91910211 9111 ‘110s91 2 sV ‘111; 1011 op p02 0q2 912 09110 $191011 91111 '1_.111$ p02 09918 p 912 $102111 p9199_1__12 10 $91129'1 '1021d 9911 12911 9111 s9z11919212119 119111M 0191$As 1001 $00101 ‘p9119021q-119M ‘9011 9111 112111 1911121 11019119p 211 1001 p02 $9119021q 1001111M ‘$1001 98121 111121911 '19p00 p9M0111 912 1211912111 9102810 10 j 01112 98121 91911M s110s 00 p02 p021 9911 M911 $10990 p02 9111$21211000 $1 A110912d112 9s29s1p 1 ‘$91213 019111003 9111 01 9911 10 s9s29s1p 19011s9p 1$001 9111 10 90o $1 p2911111812113 PgalllllfilnllS , ‘9s29s1p 9111 10 10111109 ; 101 $02901 1s9q 9111 $1 A11091211d2 $911911211 ’ s1s91 801p991g1 ‘9s29s1p 9111 10 10111109 9111 110s91 A101921s112s 091118 100 911211 s1u9u112911 13g) A11101921s112s p91211s00019p 099q 100 w—-¢~.-uuuv1ui—n-4-apqg;ru1y-qylvu—nb"v—i~b vI-1\IQ—I\-I\-II—" TYZ $211 90111 001199101 '091101q 912 $01218 9111 0911M s00091ds009 912 s910ds $08001 10 s9$s201 11921q p02 ‘1s29 A218-110p ‘11$101q 2 911211 09110 p191; 9111 01 $01218 p9110013 'p919M01 $1 901211 191112111 $11 12111 101 9p218-118111 9s1M191110 112 10109$1p 0s A201 9911 10 101 p911010s 2 91911 "0011219110 80111101 9111 01 A101201 $10990 001199101 1n111$ 19111911 1111M p90121 -s0s $1 12111 ss01 91111 'p191A 01 s$o1 911111 $9$029 A111201p10 9s29s1p 91111 'p910q111s1p A19p1M $1 P"? ‘HEIDI IIPIIYUBWZV 1? PIQIMPFcI (3191) TTPFJMO?! 101990009X ‘$08001 2 Aq p9s029 $1 1001s 190193 QHIIIS [GIIJBH ‘(I17 ‘Q17 ‘g) A1101s 10 1s0p 2 s2 ‘1911s0q 19d 99000 W/II ‘(QIQBHQM flIIQQ-Iad 0T7) WZ-N ‘QPIQOTIPIIIQII 121919010109 p9d019119p A1M90 2 801A111112 Aq 10 ‘$111011 ZI w; (1101111111 19d 112d 1 O1 9:0) H00 -010$ 9p1101119 911091901 2 01 8011120$ ‘$9100101 g1 101 "g Q0171 01 (191 10 9101219110191 2 12 1912M 1011 01 $111218 p91s9_101 9111 811112911 Aq p911011009 9q 1129 9s29s1p 91111 ‘102111 A11112911 2 01011 $01218 10 9z1s 9111 p11111-900 01 p990p91 9q A201 p02 p90110_1 -1201 912 s919102d p9199112 01011 $01215 '10011 9111 01011 9819109 01 1121 09110 A9111 12111 111109 9111 p00012 $911291 9111 10 8011$1M1 9111 Aq p000q A1111811 0s 9q A2111 ‘p9s29s1p A1p2q 0911M ‘p02 p91101s1p 912 $102111 p9$29$1p 10 $919102d $911291 p91s1M1 ‘p9111111-9110101119 ‘p9A21_1 $s9$s0d p02 p9112Mp 912 A11219098 $102111 p919911V '19011$1p 9110b 912 A1120s0 1111 91111M 10 $0101d111A$ 911$00821(1 'sp1911 p9$29$1p 01011 9911 10 A11120b p02 p191A 9111 01 10990 $9$$0q "$91213 019111003 9111 01 9911 10 9s29 -s1p s00119$ 2 $1 ‘911s1111g ammo 9912101190919111117 ‘9p0120190 9010q-p99$ 2 Aq p9s029 ‘d11 911111111 ‘ILL 9191M "1011009 10 $02901 1291192111 1s0111 9111 9q 01 s12911112 $911911211 1112 -1$1s91 10 1090111019119p 9111 1291 9111119 9111 10 8111 -111811q 9111 01 110s91 $001199101 9191193 '$1011s 1291 10111101130111011119]; 01 9911212911112 01 1211011$ 1211M -9010s 912 $911291 9111 00 $2912 911019911 19p10 91111 '0M01q 811111101 p02 8019$91209 19121 ‘$191099 A218 -11$109918 91211 1111M 12109119 1911121 912 1$111 12 $911291 9111 00 $001$91 11,1) 8011111 1901911 109119111 $0111 p02 91910211 9111 11291q $001$91 9111 '01011101A$ s00091d$009 1$001 9111 912 91910211 9111 10 9$2q 9111 1290 $9119021q 91910211 9111 00 p02 01109 9111 10 11990 9111 00 s001$9q '9911 10 A11120b p02 p191A ‘p021$ 9111 01 p9191000909 912 $9s$01 919119s ‘s001110d -0111 91019p1119 01 $10990 1$21q 09111111 '$91019011s 121011 9111 p02 ‘91910211 9111 10 $9119021q p02 $01109 ‘$911291 9111 $1192112 11 '2p1101_g 01 9902110111111 91q219p1$009 10 $1 9s29s1p 9111 ‘111111s$1$$11/\1 p02 2021$100'1 ‘$2s02111V ‘$211911 01 9909110990 $11 01 91p21011s A11091211d2 11800111115 ‘$2912 811190p0111 -9911 p101011 91001 9111 01 9s29s1p s00119$ 2 $1 "1129 9112mm 0111111191114 ‘11990 091101 10 1$21q 1199M 091103 10 1$21g ‘<92 ‘oz ‘U 881198111 S1111 J0 $109119 9111 p9z1u110101 $211 99021s1$91 1219112 A '91q211s108 -011$1p A11$29 912 A1120s0 $911291 9111 00 $001$91 QZ -119d0 111 p99n 912 99111q11100 p9119d01d-1193 1991 p1 01 9 111011 9z19 111 931121 99111qu100 9111 ‘(91 91n3111) 99111q11100 uM21p-1010211 10 p9119d01d-1199 1111M A19A19n10x9 19011112 p9199A1211 91 90111 3u11s9A12H 10 9p01119111 9109119 111 ou p9M0119 9111211019p J99'I'V'P9IIS P“? MOCI “HIM P959199 SPI9IJ 9Iq°lnlS -9011 110 1110111n29g1 12 9A2p ()3 101 p91n192d 911120 199g 91001991111 01 9n0193112p 9q p1n0M 912011119110 999111 10 99n 9111 19111911M 10 1101199nb 9111 p99121 9211 111213 9111 10 11011211112111 11919211 01 912011119110 1111M 9011 3111A21d9 10 9011021d 9111 91001991111 Aq p9z213 912 A112n9n 9p1911 91qqn19-9011 901113 ‘1119019d 9'61 92M 9011 p9A21d911n 9111 10 12111 p112 1119019d 1'31 92M 9011 91111 10 111911100 91n1 -910u1 9111 ‘9A2p 3 191117 1119019d 3'13 10 111911100 91n1910111 12111u1 112 12 p9A21d9 92M A19112A 111213 -3u01 V '1912M 10 91101123 3 111 9102 19d 9p11n0d 3 10 912.1 9111 12 91121d112 Aq p911dd2 11029 ‘129r1-v -p9113 p112 912190201011102110u1 u1n1p09 ‘1111-12111213 -21N 3111911 ‘911n991 121111119 1211M911109 p9110d '91 ‘K919119918 SQSIYBX-IV 9H1 l? ‘(6U 9PWIH "[1111 d01 119119 p91199p 9111 193 01 p99n 9q 19n111 9932 -1101123 19113111 119119 ‘p91199p 91 110112119119d 19d99p 91911M 10 9p11219 >101111 111 "p99n 912 99321101123 p9p1191111110091 112111 19M01 11 p9109dx9 9q 10111120 911n991 A10102191123 '9110112p1191111110091 9‘191n1021 -n112u1 9111 01 3111p10002 p99n u911M ‘129r1-v-p911g 10 111211019p Moq 1911119 1111M p912911 1199q p211 12111 9011 10 A1112nb 3111111111 9111 01 A1n_l'111 10 90119p -1A9 011 p9M0119 010x911 p112 133 211123 A11111191) 1111M 91991 "9011 10 110112111u1193 9111 p90np91 ‘91121d112 Aq 10 1119111d1nb9 p11n013 1111M 1911119 p911dd2 p112 9102 19d 1912M 10 91101123 910111 10 3 111 9102 19d 9p11n0d 3 10 9121 9111 12 p99n 12911 -V-p9113 1011 111211019p Moq 191111911 12111 11M0119 u99q 9211 11 ‘(3p) 9011 10 11011211112111 3111121919002 101 91201u19110 110 }{.IOAA 91111 01 110111pp2 111 '110112111111193 109112 A1q21091dd2 1011 p1p 99p101q1911 999111 1111M 3111A21d3 'p992910 -111 9q p1n0M 919A1p 9011 121019u111100 10 A1102d20 9111111011 9111 ‘9011 p9111qu100 9111 10 111911100 91n1910111 19M01 9111 10 1111991 2 9V 'p9111>1 912 9p99M 112 99n209q 111911100 91n1910111 113111 10 110112193911 p112 p999 p99M 90np91 p1n0M 0912 3111A21d9 9111 '9011 p9111q111009111 10 11191u00 91n1910111 111101111n 910111 2 111 1111991 A2111 3111A21d9 12111 91201p111 911n991 999111 '91n1x1111 3111A21d9 10 91101123 Qp 111 p99n 31119q 110 10 1101123 11211-9110 1111M ‘9102 19d 11011n109 10 9u01123 3 10 9121 9111 12 p99n 91219020101110 111n1p09 92M 12011119110 191110 9111 'p291d9 9121111021 01 91n1x1111 3111A21d9 10 91101123 Qp 111 p99n 3u19q 110 10 91101123 3 1111M ‘9102 19d 11011n109 10 91101123 3 111 9112nb 3 12 0111u1p 92M 912011119110 9111 10 9110 '110 992q 121n11n0111011 119113 111 991n1x1111 1201u19110 111919111p 0M1 10 93219112 9111 92M 91n311 91111 '(3p) p9A21d9 92M 9011 9111 19112 9A2p W13 9011 u1 91n1910u1 1119019d 9 10 110110np91 93219112 112 p9 -u121q0 11011213 1119111119dx51 9111192190111 9111 111213 9111 10 3111A1p 191921 p112 1111011un 910u1 193 01 91121d112 Aq 99p101q1911 11121190 3111A21d9 10 9n12A 9111, -1919p 01 9129A g 10 3 192d 9111 3u11np 92x9 929112>11V 111 9110p 1199q 9211 110129991 9111 91201u1911Q 199111211913 '11 31 1n0q2 01 11M0p 91 11191u00 91n1910111 9 9W! [Wm l99A-19q A9I9P 01 199q 193199111 S! 1 101 p9199111211 9q 01 91 9011 919111111 '3111_ 912p pu2 A19112A 9111 110 3111p119d9p ‘1119019d :_ p3 u99M19q 92M 111911100 91n1910111 9111 9011 1991x1211 01 93219 199q 9111 12111 p11n01 ‘11 929112>11V 9111 12 ‘((53) 129N011 ‘1119019d 9, 93 1199M19q 31113u21 9111911100 91n1910111 12 1 -1211 92M 9011 11911M p911121q0 919M 11011211 p112 5941995 8111111111 18901 @111 12111 P9M°q -9112A 111213-110119 pu2 111n1p9111 ‘311011111M 11 1119111119dxg 91111921190111 9111 12 11012999 _ ‘111213 l. 3111109110 10 99n209q A1112nb 3111111111 10119101 9901 pu2 311119112119 111011 p191A 111 9901 91q -1100 9q A2u1 919111 ‘93219 91111 19112 p9199 j '9011 p9111u1 12101 p112 p2911 10 9321119019d»; 2 1n0 111n1 1011 990p 11 ‘91 12111 f119M 111u1 1 110111M 9191119>1 A>112110 ‘111311 10 9321119019d H: 911211 01 A19>111 91 93219 91111 91019q p9199A1211 119M 111111 111M p112 p9d019A9p A11n1 912 9191119‘ '1119019d 1,3 01 ()3 1n0q2 91 9111213 9011 9111 101:1 91n1910111 111 931121 9111 ‘93219 91111 1V 113n0p-p1211 9111 111 912 9p2911 9111 10 9112d 19 1 ~;__' 111 9191119>1 9111 p112 11M0p p9111n1 911211 9p 11911M p9199A1211 9q p1n0119 9011 ‘12191193 u; 3u11s9A12H 10 9mg], DNLLSEIAHVH 9111213 9011 111 9901 91n1910111 u1101111n 11 p112 9p99M 9111 11111 01 p99n 9q A2111 91u21‘ 911111 110111M 12 ‘9991 10 1119019d p3 91 111213 9 1u911100 91n1910111 p1911 9111 p112 p9p2911 91 901; 11111n p9110d190d 9q 91201u19110 Aq 9p99M 9111 1_ 01 91du19112 112 12111 p919933n9 91 11 ‘9n01 912 9p99M pu2 1119111d019A9p 10 93219 1 9111 111 p90112Ap2 119M 91 9011 919111111 3199M f “looq” u! 1199q 9W1 Sllmld 9111 [Wm SPI9IJ ‘Y? 111 9321112Ap2 p003 01 p911dd2 9q 1120 11119 p9121n0120 911109 1111M 12011119110 9111 ‘111M013 93219 129p1 9111 12 1211912111 9111 A1dd2 01 91 -1111 11 9p2u1 911211 101021 191110 9u109 10 91 91121d112 10 A1111q211211211n ‘9110111pu00 19 9919Ap2 11 '9011911910212110 ApooM pad 911211 p112 93121 912 9p99M 9111 11 A1121 - ‘9n019111n11 912 9p99M 9111 91911M 911121d 901 01 A1n_[u1 p911u111 1111M 9321112Ap2 01 p99n 9 9102 19d 111912A1nb9 p102 p11n0d 1 01 W; 1o 11111 p99M 10 11191119 9111 90np91 A2111 110111 19112 9111011 v 111111111 111211 ‘K011191100 311. -A1p1d21 10 11191n00n9 2 111 912 9p99M 911111 9>199M 9 01 p 91 9011 9111 11911M 9110112011ddi1 3111312111 Aq p912d1011112 9q A2111 911n991 199 ‘H991? 9111 01 1nq ‘911121d d010 191110 9111 01 p12z2 Effii’ S’2=1@>A-u§-_'.>.>-¥'?T.9£b0fl>> 1111191109 19pun 1951p 9911 12191911111109 V '11 91n31111 9911 p911p 10 3u11009 p11121 p112 991111219d11191 93111 12 3111K1p 10 9199119 9111 9111u11919p 01 919A1p 11-1111111109 110 p919np1109 919m 9111911111911xg1 919mg ad1i1-ulun1og 1 '9m01101 9x929 111 p112 >1111q 111 9911 1131101 3111 1p 110 911n991 119129991 10 A12111u1119 191101 V fiulfl-IG 311118 91111910111 10 1211011191 1921 A01 p992919111 92m 1010011001 10118111 10 0001 0111 '1 0011 M01001 121911u191 12 010x911 p112 1911110q9111g1 u1 K111211111 “ 11u1 10 9901 011 92m 919111 ‘p99n 919m 9911911211 1x911 p112 191111011911151 ‘010129 ‘1111119Z '(11119) 101 10d 1001 010100 0oz 01 001 10 00111001011 p112 111991911 173 01 11 10 99111p11111111 911112191 p99n 919m 3:1 03171 01 ()5 10 99111121911u191 '(g) 919A1p 121919111u109 111 3111A1p 110 991pn19 1' 111 p9911 9q p1n09 12111 110112111101111 9192q 19p 01 911011111991 3111111u1 p112 9111121911u191 ‘X119 99111q11109 p9119110111-1199 1111m 92x91; 111 9911 3111199111211 '91 9111315 9Z -O[9A 112 ‘A11p11111111 10 9110111p1109 p9110111109 19pun p91911p1109 919m 991p1119 A101210q21 ‘19111 1V "9911 1131101 31111019 p112 3111A1p 10 9p01119111 1291111011 -099 p112 1291192111 11019A9p 01 1,1761 111 91119111119dx9 11239q 1101121g 1119111119dx1g1 91111921199111 9111, 9321019 >1111q pu2 3111K1p 1219111112 10 11191q0111 91101199 2 9912919 p112 911111 10 p011911 110119 2 111 p9199A -1211 91 9911 9111 ‘99111q11109 1111m p9199A1211 m011 91 92x91 111 9911 9111 10 11V '11019 9911 9111 31111019 p112 3111199111211 10 9p01119111 9111 p93112119 A19191d -u109 9211 9129K m91 19211 9111 31111np 1119u1111nb9 3111199111211 12911121199111 10 111911111019A9p 911,1, 9321019 1211 111 932q d21111q 111 p91019 9q 01 9911 9111 111111911 01 m01 11111191911109 92m 111911109 91111910111 9111 ‘3111199111211 10 p01119u1 9N1 III 'P9I{99~1‘11 P119‘ P9I-IP‘PI9IJ ‘19111 ‘19PuIq 2 1111m 1119 92m 92x91 111 9911 ‘U751 01 10115 HDIH HDIIOH JO EIDVHOLS (INV DNILHH '3111A1p 110 11011999 9111 u1 p9q11999p 92 ‘p911p pu2 191111011 31111119991 2 01111 p91111111p 91 11 ‘19X1p 9111 12 99111112 9911 p9111q11109 9111 11911 M 'p1111013 111111 01 p9111211 p112 ‘9119211 191m219 10 919911m 9111-19qq111 110 p91un0u1 1129 9911 2 01111 p911111119 91 111q 9111 ‘19A9m011 ‘i199 9! PI9IJ 9111 119111811 1951p 9111 01 11010011 P11‘? 919ml dump 91H! P9I1dwl9 S! l! ‘P9IIIJ 9! "IQ 9H1 11911 M '9111qu109 9111 110 191111011 10 u1q 2 01111 p912A -919 91 9911 9111 ‘3111199111211 10 99990111 9111 111 p1911 9111 10 19pu12u191 9111 3111199111211 111 p99n 912 99111q11109 10 9911111 111001 ‘9p2111 119901 9211 1112m9 3111119110 91111 1911V 1191119,, 10 9p1911qn9 9111 111 9991191 9111 01 1x911 p112 p1911 9111 p1111012 1112m9 19111 9111 311111119 Aq p1911 9111 11n 3111 1' j‘ quality and germination (3). There was fj; ificant difference in the milling quality e dried at 115.1 and 125.5° F. Rice was rapidly as much as 32° F. without lowering ‘lling quality. ir volumes up to 400 cfm per barrel were actory and are now commonly used in com- 'al column-type dryers, Figure 17. rying in several stages is advantageous Qthe operator’s standpoint. However, drying [é operation by continuous circulation of the hrough the dryer has not proved harmful the rice temperature did not exceed 100° F. Qjmethod of drying is recommended for seed fgto prevent contamination or reduction in ination in the bins between dryings. tack-burned (heat-damaged), moldy and rice, or sour rice alone, can result from rice 'ning too long in the tempering bin, espe- after the first drying with a high moisture fnt (25). , ng-grain varieties dry faster than medium hort-grain varieties. I‘ ying xperiments on drying rice in bins were Alcted at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station ,3 2-53 to determine the practicability of dry- ld storing rough rice on the farm (82). One rrel lot of rice with a moisture content of ‘23 percent was not dried successfully at a of 1O feet with heated air at 115° F. sup- it a rate of 4.5 cfm per barrel. Another lot ied from an average moisture content of 18 i,» down to 12.2 percent in 7 days with a ation of heated and unheated air. This lot i ied at a depth of 6 feet with air supplied "te of 13.5 cfm per barrel. Fe 18. Exterior view of the building used in on bin drying. Figure 19. Interior view of a 500-barrel bin in the building used in the tests on bin drying. Five lots of rice with initial moisture contents ranging from 15.9 to 21.1 percent were dried with unheated air. The rice was dried in 500 and 600-barrel bins at depths of 5.5 to 10 feet. Nine to 67 days were required to dry the rice to final moisture contents of 11.6 to 14.0 percent. Air was supplied at rates varying from 6 to 11 cfm per barrel. Bluebonnet, Century Patna and Rex- oro varieties were used in these experiments. The rice was dried equally well whether the air was pushed or pulled through the rice, Figures 18 and 19. Two series of tests were conducted in eight small bins to determine desirable air flow rates and the best operating procedure for unheated air drying. Based on the results of these tests, the minimum rate of air flow for an 8-foot depth of rice with 18 to 20 percent moisture is 7.5 cfm per barrel and a rate of 9 cfm per barrel is recommended. The recommended operating pro- cedure is to push air through the rice continuously except when a rainy period lasts longer than 24 hours. During such periods, the fan should be operated 2 to 3 hours each day until the weather clears. This procedure should be continued until the moisture content of the top foot of rice is reduced to about 16 percent. Then the drying is completed by operating the fan only when the relative humidity is below 75 percent. Sack Drying Experiments on drying rice in sacks were conducted at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station in 1947-52 (38), Figure 20. High milling yields of head rice and good germination were obtained at a maximum air temperature of 110° F. The bags of rice should be turned once during the drying operation for best results. Bluebonnet, a Patna type, Rexoro and Century Patna varieties were dried. There were no appreciable differ- ences in the drying rates of the four varieties. 27 Drying seed rice in bags in a tunnel-type This method of drying prevents mechanical mixing of varieties. Figure 20. dryer at the Rice-Pasture Experiment Station. 28 The most efficient drying was done with ric 110-pound bags, using 140 cfm per sack. a Sack drying is well suited for drying 10 seed rice, especially certified seed rice. Air containing ozone had no advantage atmospheric air in drying rice in sacks or in b' Storage Rice was stored satisfactorily in bins wood, concrete and “Haydite” construction du_ cool weather for 1 to 4 months. Two lots of p were stored in ZO-loarrel galvanized metal cis i for 10 months without a change in the offi grade and milling quality. The two lots of a however, had lost their germination and had creased in fat acidity. i i, C. R. 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