euzzem; 776 Com flybrids or T exa: i ‘l! ‘i4 L!’ I i 4 I I: OILLII SIQIM! ....,. , "" 9""- ‘ pmmgv noon: ocmm- hogan’: ourmu. I moan amen anon an mama AKI- fiilfi- U I?“ IAIGOALL DQLEV a g1»; . 80M’! PMKI!CASYMISIQNEIIMILL1-O:‘Lsg' gnu uni nu: FLOW WWI] WI“! '. L ' ‘- "' “L 1 * ‘I-—- - an! i - unseen moan mans um mo: n", . "o" } 5 “i_ TIIOG'\ QQQ vomum 1am umu can and u“ '““w‘ IOIIOI “ "SNAOKEL-Lypggggg‘ "W um! 6,...“ mason nonocu scum '5'" W“ m‘, - rum s mum noun wvcnni noun nuou cuuunI nsumo 24 naonu . LOVING vmautll. wow mourn ti?‘ ffwfzT =1“! IMMLsImu“\_/_’NN'°°'"°' I l\ I | _,l-- }-~<-~ ggqpglghl cuuuson nan z‘ ‘M’ ~ cull: uflon anon: m m cone-so I . ‘ acevcs ' " - w“- - s“ ’ . A /. ._ .. 3 /, . . ,, ‘J VAL VERDE (fill ammo I "Wm" mmcv WMM "W" CORN TEST LOCATIONS \ SILL! AREA I AREA ll AREA Ill AREA IV AREA V LAngleion 6.Nocoqdoches lLHolleflsville l6.Hillsboro ZLBeeviIIe °"'“ /’ ZPrairie View 7.Tyler l2.Lockhort llwoxohochie 225m Antonio JT‘ '- “I 3.Clevelond 8.Mt. Pleasant l3.Brent\om l8.Gorlond 23Lomposos l‘ _ 4.Colleqe Sta. QSuIphur Spqa l4J-lollond Bfireenville 24Stephenville "m V“ \ 5.Kirbyville lO.Clcrksvilb l5.Ternple ZODeMon Zfifihilicothe \ May I954 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS. DIRECTOR, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS DIGEST The Texas corn acreage planted t0 hybrids increased from less than 1 percent 0f the total a in 1941 t0 74.5 percent in 1953. Most 0f the present acreage is devoted to the newer, better-a hybrids—Texas 26, 28 and 30. These new hybrids usually outyield the older Texas hybrids least 10 percent. Corn is one 0f the most important grain crops grown in Texas. In recent years, between 2,0j and 3,000,000 acres annually have been devoted to corn production. Corn and grain sorghums to furnish the major portion of the feed grain produced in the State. ~ Cultural and management practices which supply the high moisture and fertility requiremey corn are essential for good production. A discussion of such practices, with particular emph optimum plant number, adequate fertilization and adapted soil-building crops, is presented in thisb _ Recommendations concerning these important practices are summarized in Table 1. it Corn performance tests are conducted throughout the corn-growing region of the State eac to provide growers with information to be used as a basis for selecting the hybrids best suited * various soil and climatic conditions in Texas. This bulletin contains information on hybrid and v performance at 21 locations for the 3-year period, 1951-53. Texas has been divided into five ar, testing purposes. These areas, with the test locations in each, are shown on the front cover. ’ Information on yield and other characteristics of the hybrids and varieties tested is pr in tabular form as 3-year averages for each location and each area. ~ Considering both yield and other desirable characters, Texas 26, 28, 30, 15W and TRF a recommended for production in Texas. A brief description is given of these five hybrids with areas of recommendation. 1 The average yield for all entries at all locations was nearly 40 bushels per acre, which is = two and one-half times the State’s average corn yield for this 3-year period. a If each corn grower would practice good soil and water conservation measures, use com fertilizers as needed on his farm, and plant an adapted hybrid with the desired plant populatio State’s average yield might approach 40 bushels per acre. ~ Table 1. General recommendations by soil areas for corn production in Texas l . . . . ] . S . F t h ' S d - . . . Soil areas i Pmnhng Planis £11112? at ialldnfienrg dreslsiiig oi smhmplwvmg l | dates per acre in row fimei nitmgenz legumes ‘ East Texas Timber Country Mar. 5-30 6.500-9.000 18-24 Hairy vetch. Single- Loams and sandy loams 30-60-30 60 tary peas. Austrian ] Sandy soils 30-60-60 60 Winter peas. lespedeza Gulf Coast Prairie Mar. 15- 9.000 l8 Melilotus indica. I Blackland Apr. 15 40-40-0 40 Hubam and Madrid t Loams and sandy loams 40-40-20 60 sweetclovers Blackland Prairie Mar. 1-20 6.500-9.000 18-24 Hubam. Madrid and a 1 Blackland 40-40-0 30 Evergreen sweetclovers Mixed Land 40-40-20 30 Grand Prairie Mar. 1-20 6.500 24 Hubam. Madrid and _ Blackland 40-40-0 30 Evergreen sweetclovers Mixed land 40-40-20 30 Y West Cross Timbers Mar. 15-30 6.500 24 15-30-15 30 Hairy vetch. Hubam and i Madrid sweetclovers l Rio Grande Pidid I-‘eb. 15- 6.500 24 Hubam clover and i l Blackland Mar. l 20-0-0 30 Melilotus indica Sands find sandy lOdmS 20-40-0 an l Lower _Rio Grande Valley Feb. l- 13.000 12 Hubam clover and l‘ and Winter _Gar_den dist. Mar. I Melilotus indica l‘ (under irrigation) l Clays (Ind loams 40-40-0 so 1‘ Sands a:i:l sandy loams 40-80-0 90 Rolling Plains Mar. 25- 6.500 24 Alfalfa. hairy vetch. 1 Cldy lOdmS Apr. 1o zo-za-o so Hubam and Madrid 5 sands and “Ind? 1031115 30-30-0 30 sweetclovers 1 High Plains (irrigated) Apr. 10- 9.000 18 Alfalfa. hairy vetch. chY kmms MQY 1 30 0-0 60 sweetclovers - Sands and sandy loams 30430-0 60 1 TShown as pounds per acratnitrogen (N ).—phosphoric acid (P205) and potash (K20). respectively. 2 Shown as pounds per acre o! nitrogen (N). HYBRIDS play an increasingly important _' in Texas corn production. The Texas corn _l= planted to hybrids has increased from than 1 percent of the total acreage in 1941 4.5 percent in 1953. In recent years, most he Texas corn acreage has been devoted to Tnewer, better-adapted hybrids Texas 26, 28 A 30. These hybrids usually outyield the older s hybrids by at least 10 percent, and they fsuperior in other important characteristics, g as lodging and insect resistance. _. Corn hybrid acreages, total corn acreages average yields per acre from 1941 through v are shown in Table 2. An increase in the ge yield, as a result of the increase in ge planted to corn hybrids, is not readily rent from these data. The average per-acre s for 1949 and 1950-22.5 and 21.0 bushels, tively—afford some evidence that the ex- ed use of corn hybrids has increased yields. low average yields for 1951-53 were caused , 'ghly unfavorable weather conditions. Yields 5 his 3-year period would have been even lower r it not been for the widespread use of improved hybrids. More favorable growing seasons iprovide better evidence of the ability of these ' ds to increase corn production in Texas. 1* Corn is one of the most important field crops in Texas. The acreage devoted to corn __uction in recent years has been exceeded only ‘that of cotton, grain sorghum and wheat. and grain sorghums furnish the major 1 ion of the feed grain produced in the State. Annual Texas corn production is about 0,000 bushels. This amount fluctuates as a l, 2. Total cornacreage. corn hybrid acreage; percent- age of acreage planted to corn hybrids and aver- age yzeld oi corn in Texas. 1941-53‘ | Hvbfid ‘Liziszrrt: .‘.‘.';r.":: GCTGCQG CCIQCQO hybrids per acte 4.546.000 31.820 0.7 15.0 4 910.000 58 920 1.2 14.5 4 714.000 70 710 1.5 16.0 3 960.000 118.800 3.0 14.4 3 406 000 401.908 11.8 16.0 3 236.000 744.280 23.0 17.0 2 945 000 1.060.200 36.0 16.5 , 2 709 000 1.368.045 50.5 16.5 2 587 000 1.319 370 51.0 22.5 2 921 000 1.664 970 57.0 21.0 2 278.000 1.480 700 65.0 18.5 2 232.000 1.595 880 71.5 18.5 2 053.000 1 529 485 74.5 16.5 3.269.000 17.1 from the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. U. S. Department .- 'cu1ture. ectively, associate professor and professor, Depart- ] of Agronomy. Corn Ifybrids for T exas T. E. MCAFEE and J. S. ROGERS* result of variable weather conditions and changing acreages. Most of this production is confined to the central and eastern parts of the State where moisture conditions are relatively favorable for corn production. However, some production does occur in certain parts of West Texas, but limited rainfall during the growing season in these areas makes corn production hazardous. Approximately three-fourths of the total corn crop is now fed as grain on the farm where it is produced. There is a tendency, however, for an increasing portion to be sold to local buyers soon after harvest. About 2.5 percent of the total Texas corn acreage is harvested as silage, and about 1 percent of the annual corn crop is used for human consumption. In recent years, there has been a marked decline in total corn acreage in Texas as a result of expanded sorghum and cotton acreages. This trend, as well as the corn hybrid acreages and average per-acre yields for 1940-53, are shown in Figure 1. During this period, the annual harvested corn acreage dropped from slightly under 5,000,000 to a low of just over 2,000,000 in 1953. Future corn acreages will depend primarily on the relative value of competing crops, such as CONTENTS Page Digest ............................................................................... .. 2 Introduction ..................................................................... .. 3 Cultural and Management Practices .......................... .. 4 Water Conservation ................................................... .. 4 Soil-building Crops .................................................... .. 4 Fertilizers .................................................................... .- 4 Seedbed Preparation .................................................. .. 4 Planting Dates ............................................................ .. 4 Planting Rates ............................................................ .. 5 Cultivation ................................................................... .. 5 Harvesting and ‘Storage ............................................ .. 5 Performance Tests ......................................................... .. 5 Description of Tests .................................................. .. 5 Discussion of Results ................................................. .. 6 Area 1—Southeastern ........................................... .. 7 Area 2—Northeastern .......................................... .. .8 Area 3—Sout'h-central .......................................... .. 8 Area 4—North-central .......................................... .. 9 Area 5—Western ................................................... .. 9 Description of Recommended Hybrids ...................... .. 9 Texas 26 ............................................................... .. 9 Texas 28 ............................................................... ..10 Texas 30 ............................................................... ..10 Texas 15W ................................... ..................... ..10 TRF 3 .................................................................. ..10 Acknowledgments ........................................................... ..10 5 | x I I I I I I I I ' I a \~ __ ._ ' ~ HARVESTED CORN ACREAGE ------- ‘"- “~__’, \\ auslqgLs pga kpflf ‘la-ii. Con" NygR|p AQREAGE i111: MILLIONS OF ACRES BUSHELS PER ACRE * l l l l l l I l Q40 no: n44 194s I948 I960 '9" Figure l. Harvested corn acreage, corn hybrid acreage and average yield of corn per acre in Texas, 1940-53. cotton and grain sorghum, and the acreage control program which may be in effect. Although a large acreage is planted to corn each year, the total Texas production is limited by the low average yield. The average yield for 1941-53 was only 17.1 bushels per acre. A short- age of moisture during the latter part of the growing season is a major cause of lOW yield. This limiting effect of insufficient moisture can be reduced through the proper use of fertilizers ‘ and soil-improving crops, and the planting of adapted hybrids. CULTURAL AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Corn is a rapid-growing plant and uses a large amount of water and fertilizer elements from the soil in a short period of time. During its period of rapid growth, corn requires more water per acre than any other field crop. The high requirement for water and plant food elements by corn is due to the large amount of plant material per acre that corn produces. For good corn production, cultural and management practices should be followed that will supply these high requirements. Wider use of such practices and the planting of adapted hybrids should do much to increase corn yields in Texas. Water Conservation Most of the corn in Texas is grown during the 5 months from March 1 through July 31. Lack of available moisture during the latter part of this period is one of the most acute problems confronting corn producers in Texas. Rainfall during the growing season is inadequate for good production in most years. Every effort should be made to hold the moisture received in the late fall and winter, as well as that received during the growing season, for use by the corn crop. Two important factors in water conservation are 4 through the use of deep-rooted legumes the intake and water-holding capacity of the l Improving the physical properties of the’ grasses in cropping systems will help to incr the supply of water available to the growing c Soil-building Crops The importance of soil organic matter sho not be overlooked in any discussion of ferti practices for corn growing in Texas. Orga matter affects most of the important fac determining soil productivity, and long-time p, grams should include cropping systems that p vide sources of organic matter. These sou will include crop residue, green-manure cro deep-rooted grasses and legumes, and barny manure. The use of well-fertilized, adapted l umes and grasses in cropping systems will 5 solve the fertility and soil moisture proble Fertilizers, such as phosphoric acid and po enable the legume crop to produce large yi of green material that can be used for graz' and hay, while the residue can be plowed un for soil improvement. " Fertilizers Corn cannot produce good yields unless pr er nutrients in sufficient quantities are availat The application of proper amounts and ratios-g commercial fertilizers at or before the time; planting is recommended for those soils wh respond to inorganic fertilizers. Side-dressi of nitrogen fertilizers in the early stages growth give significant increases in yield :1 soil moisture conditions are favorable. A gene fertilizer recommendation for each soil area given in Table 1. Although it is impossible g make one general fertilizer recommendation f an area that will apply to every farm, l‘ results will be obtained from using these reco mendations. a Seedbed Preparation Seedbed preparation usually consists of lg type of plowing with a disc or moldboard plow the fall or winter, followed by harrowing a bedding, and sometimes by rebedding. Regardl“ of the method used in seedbed preparation, co, requires a seedbed that is deep, well pulveriz in good physical tilth and free of weeds and cl at planting time. In areas where shortage moisture at planting time is a problem, the set bed should be prepared well in advance of plantiy time. Early preparation usually insures enou soil moisture for germination and early seedli growth. . . a ' Planting Dates Dates for planting corn in Texas are subj’ to both regional and seasonal variation, but Q most areas planting is begun near the avera date of the last frost. As a result, most of ti Jis planted during March. A rule adhered 7 some successful corn growers is to plant l the soil at planting depth has reached a _ mean temperature of at least 55° F. This j e ordinarily insures quick and better ger- ‘ ion, better stands and a good growing ‘tion for the young seedling. Because of ._.-~ moisture during the latter part of the fng season, the planting date should enable 1 op to be grown with the least injury possible l summer drouths. However, if the soil is old at planting, the reduced yield from poor i» c and weak, slow-growing plants may be just eat as from summer drouth. Planting Rates ‘The optimum number of corn plants per acre, 3 nd, is largely an individual problem and d receive special consideration by each er. The planting rate depends largely on Jertility of the soil, the rainfall, and especially Q e capacity of the soil to store and hold lure. Commonly-used spacings of 30 to 36 ‘i: in the row (about 4,000 to 6,000 plants cre), under favorable moisture and fertility tions, will not produce maximum corn yields. ts from spacing and fertilizer studies show plant spacings of about 24 inches in the (6,500 to 7,000 plants per acre) are best i areas, and for light sandy soils and other -with only medium to low fertility. On y; fertile sandy or sandy loam soils, and on [r soils with fairly high fertility, spacings fut 18 inches in the row (8,500 to 9,000 per acre) are recommended. Bottomland jome upland soils may produce maximum with thicker spacings (12,000 plants per if a high level of fertility is maintained Water conservation measures are practiced. ; spacings also are required for maximum when corn is grown under irrigation. Cultivation orn is cultivated primarily to control weeds ‘alto a less extent, to aerate the soil. Te be ‘ve and economical, since cultivation is an ,ive and time-consuming operation, the should be familiar with the functions, 'ts and limitations of cultivation. The r of times to cultivate corn is an individual and depends primarily on the weed j" of the individual farm. Two to four tions of the growing crop usually are g d for proper weed control; the last culti- j should be made when the corn is approxi- ‘v waist high. eep cultivation, such as practiced by many rs, almost always reduces corn yields. It 'ys or injures many roots, and weakens the Ilant. Deep cultivation is sometimes bene- jat the first cultivation to aerate the soil; i is not likely to occur at this time as the young root system has not become widely distrib- uted in the upper few inches of the soil. Harvesting and Storage The amount of corn harvested by mechanical pickers is increasing each year. However, much of the Texas corn crop is still harvested by hand. The method of harvest is not nearly as important as the time of harvest. Corn should be harvested as soon as it is dry enough for safe storage (about 15 percent moisture). Early harvesting is im- portant to prevent as much damage as possible in the field from insects, ear rots and rodents. Stalk breakage and root lodging increase rapidly after the corn plant is dry. As a result, ears frequently are damaged and a higher percentage is lost in the harvesting process. A large amount of the Texas corn crop is ruined in storage each year by weevils, rats and other rodents. Corn should be stored in a clean, insect-free bin or crib that is tight enough for effective fumigation. Where the corn crib has been made tight, 1,000 bushels of corn can be treated with 6 to 8 gallons of a mixture of three parts of ethylene dichloride and one part of carbon tetrachloride. This mixture and other suitable fumigants are on the market under various trade names. The vapors from most of these fumigants are dangerous to inhale and the manufacturers’ precautions should be observed. PERFORMANCE TESTS The primary purpose of the corn performance tests conducted by the Texas Agricultural Experi- ment Station is to supply growers with informa- tion to be used as a basis for selecting the hybrids best suited to the various soil and climatic condi- tions in Texas. This testing program also affords . an opportunity for comparing new hybrid combi- nations with those now grown throughout the State. New hybrids developed by the Texas Sta- tion are released after results from the tests have proved them superior to present hybrids. Yields based on 3-year tests are considerably more reliable than those for one year, and furnish satisfactory information on which to predict future performance. This bulletin contains in- formation on hybrid and variety performance for the 3-year period, 1951-53, at 21 locations throughout the State. Description of Tests Texas has been divided into five areas for testing purposes. These areas, with the test locations in each, are shown on the front cover. An attempt was made to include five test locations in each area. The division of the State in this manner affords an opportunity to determine any differences in adaptation to moisture levels or latitudes that may exist among the corn hybrids and varieties tested. The five areas and test locations in each are shown with the soil type and meteorological data for each location in Table 3. Tests were conducted at four locations in addition to the ones shown. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions, tests were lost at Sulphur Springs in area 2, at Hillsboro in area 4 and at Lampasas and Chilli- cothe in area 5. Most of the tests were conducted at substations, but some were grown with coop- erating farmers. Each test contained 25 entries. They were selected from Texas hybrids developed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and are now being grown by farmers; commercial hybrids developed by commercial seed companies; experi- mental hybrids-new hybrid combinations devel- oped by the Experiment Station; and open-pol1i- nated varieties. Of the 25 entries, 13 were tested at all locations during 1951-53, while at least 15 were kept constant within each area for this same period. The remaining entries, which were pri- marily experimental hybrids, varied with areas and years and are not included in this report. Data are presented for all entries which were tested at all locations in an area for the entire 3-year period. All tests were designed as 5 x 5 (25 entry) triple lattices with six replications. Triple lattice analyses were made for each test, and yield adjustments were made when significant gains in precision were obtained. Where no gain in preci- sion was obtained, randomized block analyses were used. A combined analysis was made for each location of the entries which were constant for the 3-year period. Average yields of the individual entries in each test, rather than the individual Table 3. Soil types and meteorological data oi locations at which tests were conducted plot yields, were used in making these co _ analyses. Actual averages were used in experiments analyzed as a randomized = while adjusted averages were used in the of triple lattice analyses. Standard errors computed from the interaction of varie‘ years, and the difference required for signifi’ is reported for each location. A combined an also was made for each area, and the diffeif between varieties were tested for signif by the within-variety variance. The diffe '_ required for significance for both areas‘ individual locations are shown in Tables 5 th-t‘ 9. The difference in yield between any entries must equal or exceed the amounts at the bottom of each column to give 0d 19 to 1 that such difference is real and no to chance. Discussion of Results Information on the yield and other c ' teristics of the hybrids and varieties test complete for each of the 3 years at 15 of locations covered by this report. Only 2 i results are available at the other six loca The Clarksville test in 1952 and the Clev Greenville and Stephenville tests in 1953 we j because of unfavorable climatic conditions. were not conducted at Waxahachie and Antonio in 1951. _’ Table 4 emphasizes the differences a the hybrids and varieties tested in characte '- other than yield. Data are included on ti hybrids and varieties tested at all locations. , 15W, a white hybrid, was superior to all ,_ hybrids in freedom from root lodging. W3 124, Keystone 222, Texas 24, Funk G711, Texas 30 were superior to other yellow f, in resistance to root lodging. Texas 15W =_ I Rainfall Length o1 growing season ’ Area and . Inches Averaqfl (1610 i | 3°" ézsziftzi. Kvsrsqe h» .£§;‘?..‘.“,,‘.’i. ...€‘.':.":.2:,. m. ma. w- - | annual growing season‘ frost in spnng frost - Area 1 ' Angleton Lake Charles clay 39 48.09 19.81 37 281 Feb. 25 Dec. ~ Cleveland Hockley tine sandy loam 42 51.15 22.26 39 261 Mar. 7 Nov. Prairie View Hockley fine sandy loam 42 40.45 17.79 " College Station Miller clay 7 41.02 19.32 9 253 Mar. 6 NOV. .7 AKirbzyville Bowie fine sandy loam 22 49.36 21.93 12 242 Mar. 16 Nov. c rea ' ~ Nacogdoches Nacogdoches and Bowie - 3 tine sandy loam 35 49.36 22.04 34 248 Mar. 13 Nov-I Tyler Kirvin and Bowie fine - V sandy loam 48 44.49 20.40 46 249 Mar. 15 . Mt. Pleasant Kirvin tine sandy loam 29 43.87 20.18 26 228 Mar. 25 Nov. 1- Claiéksville Norwood clay loam 60 40.30 20 37 52 241 Mar. 19 .3 Area . Hallettsville Luflrin tine sandy loam 54 35.10 16 33 52 260 Mar. 4 1 Loclrhart Houston Black clay 60 31.95 14.69 52 268 Mar. 3 Brenham Houston Black clay 60 39.90 17.35 54 260 Mar. 2 5 Holland Austin clay 60 34.43 16.34 53 257 Mar. 10 \ Temple Austin clay and Houston A 4 Black clay 40 34.48 15.86 37 250 Mar. 16 1 rea ~ Waxahachie Lewisville clay 49 35.05 17.44 46 232 Mar. 25 Garland Houston Black clay 50 36.16 18.39 57 250 Mar. 18 Denton Denton and San Saba clays 40 32.76 16.01 37 243 Mar. 15 A Gregnville Hunt clay 25 40.18 19.81 42 234 Mar. 23 rea Beeville Clareville clay loam 49 30.23 14.20 45 294 Feb. 16 San Antonio Frio clay loam 50 27.18 12.86 62 279 Feb. 24 Stephenville Windthorst and Stephenville tine sandy loam 49 30.80 15.28 42 236 Mar. 23 1 March through Iuly. 6 Performance data on yield and other characters. 1951-53 Acre Hoot Stalk Un- Worm She11- Days Ears yield. lodg- break- sound damage. ing t_o per bu. ing. % age. 7, ears. ‘X, score‘ ‘Z, silk plant 44.5 14.9 8.9 7.8 2.6 80.5 83.4 1.1 43.3 14.0 10.1 7.0 2.7 80.2 83.1 1.1 43.0 10.6 8.3 6.7 2.2 80.3 83.9 1.0 40.9 9.1 6.0 8.1 2.7 79.3 84.5 1.1 40.7 9.8 8.2 7.4 2.4 80.5 84.0 1.1 r 39.5 9.3 8.5 8.0 2.6 79.9 83.6 1.0 l 222 39.4 9.5 17.7 8.6 3.0 80.5 84.1 1.1 ' 39.3 12.4 11.6 7.6 2.6 81.6 83.3 1.0 ~;_ 39.1 10.4 8.8 7.4 2.6 77.5 81.5 1.0 7" 38.2 14.6 10.5 7.6 2.3 78.5 85.5 1.0 g1 37.8 9.9 17.7 8.6 2.7 79.2 84.9 1.0 33.1 15.3 13.1 10.9 2.6 77.5 84.3 .9 ‘I a 22.4 1s.a 14.7 14.2 2.1 72.0 85.3 .a ' ed 56 46 44 52 53 20 22 49 Jo the relative degree of damage to the ears: 1 indicates llly no damage, while 2. 3. 4 and 5 represent successively "degrees oi damage. er hybrids in resistance to stalk breakage. ;.24, Texas 30 and Watson 124 were the , hybrids most resistant to stalk breakage. ~.G711 and Keystone 222 were especially tible to stalk breakage. _ owers who plan t0 harvest their fields with y. ical pickers should be especially interested {amount of stalk breakage that occurs, since l. broken stalks frequently are missed by a Esical harvester. Resistance to root lodging ~quite as important from this standpoint, f... echanical harvesters usually recover a rcentage of root-lodged plants. _ as 30 had the lowest percentage of un- ,rs, followed by Texas 26. Texas 30 had est worm damage score of the yellow ': followed by Texas 24. Texas 11W was r to other white hybrids in this respect. locations where earworms, rots and weevil a are known to cause losses, Texas 30 and ld produce higher quality corn than the llow hybrids. Both are low in earworm and percentage of unsound ears. These rids have a better shuck cover than the low hybrids, and both show considerable to root lodging and stalk breakage. Vre, they can remain longer in the field _.= damage than the other yellow hybrids. ‘ited U72 had the highest shelling percent- iny hybrid studied, and TRF 3 and Sur- Thad the lowest shelling percentages. TRF he earliest hybrid tested, and Texas 11W "latest. The number of days from planting Tpercent of the plants are in silk was used “sure of maturity. All hybrids included '-year test had an average of 1.0 to 1.1 plant, whereas the two open-pollinated included in all tests had an average of ‘10.9 ear per plant. ‘lds of the performance tests at the various __= are presented by test areas on the front A brief discussion of the climate, soils mmended cultural practices is given for ea. More specific recommendations for ous cultural practices are given in Table 1. Detailed annual results for each location are not included. The 3-year average for each location is shown, except at locations where only 2-years data are available. The average acre yields for the different areas ranged from 25 to 49 bushels. The average yield for all entries at all locations was almost 40 bushels per acre, Table 4. Only those hybrids and varieties are reported on which data are available for the entire 23-year period included in this report. It was necessary to make exceptions in the case of Texas 26 and Funk G715, since they were not tested in 1951. However, comparable averages are reported for these two hybrids so that they can be compared with other entries in the tests. Area l—Southeastem This area is made up of that part of South Texas east of the 40-inch rainfall line. Corn production is concentrated in the bottoms of the Trinity River and other streams, and on the well- drained sandy soils of the Coastal Prairie. Although this area has early, warm spring weather, most corn is planted in March and April because of heavy early rain. Poor stands and reduced yields often occur as a result of too much moisture early in the season. The soils used for corn production benefit from both soil-improving crops and the use of inorganic fertilizers. Winter legumes, such as vetch and Austrian Winter peas, and summer legumes such as cowpeas, can be used successfully. A complete fertilizer is recom- mended at or before planting, and additional nitrogen should be used as a side-dressing early in the growing season. The average yield of 48.4 bushels per acre for this area shows that it probably suffered less from summer drouth during 1951-53 than other areas. Texas 28, 30, 24 and 26 had the highest average yields for this area, Table 5. Texas 15W was the highest yielding white hybrid. The test at College Station had the highest 3-year average Table 5. Corn performance test. area 1. 1951-53 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries Angle- i Cleve- Prairie ‘College Kirby- Area ton 1and1 View Station ville average Texas 28 45.6 65.0 60.0 70.5 37.7 55.1 Texas 30 40.6 66.8 62.0 70.0 37.6 54.6 Texas 24 41.6 70.4 57.6 70.1 36.4‘ 54.2 Texas 26 42.8 69.5 56.0 70.5 36.8 54.0 Texas 15W 44.0 67.2 59.4 67.2 34.8 53.6 Watson 124 39.9 71.0 55.7 65.7 33.0 51.8 Texas 11W 41.9 62.4 52.2 64.6 36.4 50.7 Texas 20 38.4 64.0 57.3 64.3 33.9 50.7 Funk G711 37.2 63.6 56.4 63.7 34.7 50.2 Funk G715 33.7 65.4 56.0 60.8 36.9 49.5 Keystone 222 37.1 58.2 57.5 64.1 31.5 49.1 United U72 37.3 61.8 53.5 61.6 31.8 43.3 TRF 3 42.5 59.4 49.4 58.5 31.7 47.5 Surcropper 34.3 52.4 46.3 57.5 26.4 42.7 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 28.5 53.3 47.9 45.9 28.2 39.9 Tuxpan 29.4 48.8 38.0 39.0 27.4 35.6 Yellow Tuxpan 26.6 46.6 38.2 40.0 25.5 34.6 Average yield 37.4 61.0 53.0 63.2 32.5 48.4 Least sig. dit. 19:1 7.3 11.5 5.8 7.3 ns? 4 0 1 Two-year average. 2 No significant difference among entries. Table 6. Corn performance test, area 2. 1951-53. Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries Nacog- I I Mt. Clarks- ' Area doches TY!“ Pleasant villel l average Texas 28 37.9 33.9 41.2 52.0 40.3 Texas 30 34.0 30.7 41.6 50.2 38.1 Texas 15W 33.3 25.4 43.2 53.6 37.5 TRF 3 32.1 31.8 40.8 48.8 37.4 Texas 26 34.2 33.8 34.6 48.3 36.7 Texas 24 31.5 27.0 40.8 49.2 36.0 Keystone 222 30.0 30.7 41.6 44.0 35.9 United U72 31.1 29.2 37.8 44.3 34.8 Texas 11W 30.3 25.2 41.4 45.0 34.6 Texas 20 31.3 28.5 36.9 44.0 34.4 Funk G711 30.6 29.4 40.2 39.0 34.4 Funk G715 29.8 25.2 37.8 48.2 34.1 Watson 124 32.4 26.2 36.2 44.0 33.9 Surcropper 28.6 20.4 33.5 39.4 29.6 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 24.0 18.7 33.4 32.0 26.6__ Average yield 31.4 27.7 38.7 45.4 35.0 Least sig. dit. 19:1 5.6 4.7 us’ us” 3.5 1 Two-year average. 2 No significant difference among entries. in this area. This test was conducted in the Brazos River Valley on soil that is in good physical condition and highly fertile. The high average yield shown for Cleveland is somewhat misleading since this test was lost in 1953, the most unfavor- able season during the 3-year period. Conse- quently, the average yields shown for this location are probably high in comparison with locations involving all 3 years. Kirbyville had the lowest average yield of any location. The tests are conducted on a sandy soil and, as in most of that area, crops usually suffer from lack of soil moisture in midsummer. Considering both yield and other characteris- tics, Texas 30, 28 and 24 are the recommended yellow hybrids for this area, and Texas 15W is the recommended white hybrid. Area 2—Northeastern This area, which is that part of North Texas east of the 40-inch rainfall line, usually has the most favorable climate for corn production in Texas. Most of the corn is grown on the better- drained bottomland and the moderately sandy uplands. These soils respond well to soil-building crops and commercial fertilizers. The use of both winter and summer legumes in a cropping system will benefit corn production. Vetch and Austrian Winter peas are used most commonly as winter legumes, While lespedeza and cowpeas are the summer legumes most frequently planted. A complete fertilizer should be used at or before corn planting and additional nitrogen should be added as a side-dressing early in the growing season. ’ _ ' Most of the corn in this area is planted in March. However, when spring rains are exces- sive, much of the corn is planted as late as May and June. Two of the 3 years covered in this report, 1952 and 1953, were very unfavorable for good corn production. Excessive spring rains followed by hot, dry summers caused severe reduction in corn yields over most of the area. Texas 28, 30 and 26 were the highest yielding yellow hybrids in this area, Table 6. Texas 15W 8 had the highest average yield of the white hyb followed closely by TRF 3. Clarksville hadi highest average yield of any location, but based on only 2 years’ results, as the 1952 test Worthless because of unfavorable weather . ditions. The other three locations had a, averageyield for the 3-year period, indicating growing conditions were less favorable in av than in area 1. Tests were conducted at one u. location in this area, but growing conditions such that the information was unreliable. t Texas 28, 30, 24 and 26 are recommend yellow hybrids for this area. Texas 15W- TRF 3 are recommended as white hybrids. Area 3—South-centra1 This area, which is that part of South 5 receiving 30 to 40 inches of rainfall annuall important in Texas corn production. C0'_ grown on a wide variety of soils, but mostl blackland and bottomland. These “heavy” f are very responsive to soil-building crops i" water conservation practices. The use of le in the cropping system such as the sweetclo will greatly benefit corn production. Comm fertilizers are beneficial but are not so impo g as in areas of higher rainfall. In many insta the addition of commercial fertilizer, esp“ phosphorus, to the soil-building legume is a beneficial than the addition of fertilizer to corn crop. - Early warm temperatures in this area a panied by favorable planting moisture, pe early planting of corn. As a result the corn n escapes the summer drouth, or is far enough : in its development that reduction in yield. drouths is not so serious as in other parts of. State. The high average yield, as shown in Tab indicates that growing conditions were favo 1 throughout most of this area for the 3-year pe The average at Hallettsville is based on 0 years’ results since testing at that location not started until 1952. The high average at Lockhart is due to some extent to one 0rd supplemental irrigations in 1952 and 1953. 1 Table 7. Corn performance test. area 3. 1951-53 4 BGJEls of shelled corn per acre Entries Hcfillféls- iLockhart ‘Brenhami Holland i Temple l _ Texas 26 51.3 75.3 66.6 39.2 45.7 " i“ 33 Z3"? 3%‘? 22'? 3i‘? iii exas . . . . . i“ ti“ i3‘? 33% 23% 33'? 231% exas . . . . . Keystone 222 50.6 70.8 58.0 33.5 40.8 ¥°’““ i. 2?"? 3Z1‘? 33".‘. 33% ‘t’ exas . . . . 39.3 United U72 44.8 67.1 55.2 34.3 43.7 Watson 124 44.5 68.7 57.4 32.1 40.5 Texas 11W 45.8 69.6 57.0 28.2 39.1 TRF 3 47.8 60.9 50.0 33.3 44.9 Funk G711 48.9 65.5 53.3 28.0 40.8 Surcropper 38.4 57.7 43.0 29.5 38.5 Ferguson's Yellow Dent 33.2 53.2 41.9 22.2 26.0 Average yield 46.2 68.0 56.0 32.2 41.5 Least '9. an. 195.11 5.2 1.s 1.2 3.1 s.a fiWO -year GVOIGQG- -: nr-ua-itum-zl-na-a; Pid-rlr-Ir-lfirlc-II h‘! Q _. ma.‘ -.._. I\ H..->.._..--r.~. emrn affable 8. Corn performance test. area 4. 1951-53 I Bushels of shelled corn per acre l Waxa - Green- | Area | hachie1 I Garlandl Denton viue1 ‘flange a 28.8 34.1 25.4 38.4 31.1 4 24.8 33.0 23.8 32.8 28.8 ' 24.1 31.1 21.4 38.8 28.4 y 25.4 31.5 21.8 33.8 21.8 _ ,1 22.8 30.8 22.4 33.0 21.2 . " 20.8 28.4 22.4 33.0 28.3 > §~ 21.8 30.3 22.8 28.8 28.2 ~ ‘ 222 20.8 21.5 20.8 31.3 28.0 , 124 21.8 21.3 21.3 34.4 25.8 .3 20.4 21.1 20.1 31.2 24.1 5 ~ 15.8 21.5 18.8 38.1 23.8 s: 1 18.8 24.8 18.0 35.2 23.2 18.8 23.5 11.5 28.0 22.0 _ r 18.8 24.8 14.5 21.4 20.5 = Yellow D881 8.8 18.0 8.5 18.8 13.0 l "Jyield 20.5 28.0 18.8 32.8 25.0 1.1 5.3 _ 10.1 8.2 2.8 19:1 - average. *8 exas 26, 28 and 30 were the highest yielding hybrids. Texas 15W had the highest yield we white hybrids. These four hybrids are fmended to growers in this area. L-North-central f4 is is the major corn-growing area of the i-and is that part of North Texas receiving ‘40 inches of rainfall annually. Most of the grown on heavy blackland and clay bottom- igShortage of moisture during the summer i limiting factor on corn production. Prac- Ito conserve and store moisture are very nt. The use of deep-rooted legumes in a ng system is especially beneficial to corn gtion. Commercial fertilizers are needed on [soils of the area to produce good corn ;; however, as in area 3, the greatest benefit ’ ommercial fertilizer often comes from its ‘ soil-building crops. @§a@i-3@(fl@ 1's area experienced the most unfavorable 'r for corn production in 1952 and 1953 of years. Adverse planting weather followed ' dry summers caused reduction in yields, plete loss of the crop occurred in many ‘>1 The low average yield for the area, y low yield at each location shown in Table V~ ts the adverse conditions of this area. conducted at one other location in this gt no results were obtained because of “ weather conditions. j» as 28, 26 and 30 were the highest yielding 1 hybrids, and TRF 3 had the highest " yield of the white hybrids. These four are recommended for this area. In addi- g as 15W is recommended for the better iwing soils, since it has produced good .0 better seasons and under more favorable ns than those encountered during the period reported. f Western _ y a small part of the State’s corn crop is #1 in this area of less than 3O inches of rainfall. Limited rainfall during the ;; season and its poor distribution make corn production hazardous. Corn should not be grown in this area except on soils in good physical condition with a good soil-water relationship. Green manure crops turned under ahead of corn are not successful in this area because of a scarcity of moisture for the growth and decompo- sition of the legume crop. However, legumes such as the sweetclovers, are beneficial in a cropping system to improve the moisture intake and mois- ture-holding capacity of the soil. Since moisture limits corn production in this area, commercial fertilizers are not so important as they are in other areas of the State. Texas 26, 28 and United U72 had the highest average yield of the yellow hybrids and Texas 15W was the highest yielding white hybrid in this area, Table 9. These hybrids, along with Texas 30 and TRF 3, are recommended for this area. The data for this area are inadequate and, consequently, the results are not as reliable as those for the other areas. Tests at Lampasas and Chillicothe were lost during the test period covered in this report. The test at Stephenville was lost in 1953 and testing was not started at San Antonio until 1952. Therefore, of the five test locations in Area 5, only one location, Beeville, has 3 complete years of data available. These crop failures reflect the hazards of corn produc- tion in this area of limited rainfall. DESCRIPTION OF RECOMMENDED HYBRIDS Considering both yield and other desirable characters, three yellow hybrids and one white hybrid developed by the Texas Station and one white hybrid developed by the Texas Research Foundation are recommended for corn production in Texas. A brief description of these five hybrids, with their areas of recommendation, follows: Texas 26—A yellow hybrid produced by combining 325 x 203 as the seed parent, with 127C x 132A as the pollinator parent. This hybrid is slightly earlier than Texas 28 and 30. It produces medium-size ears with yellow dent-type grains that are rather large and deep yellow. This Table 9. Corn performance test. area 5. 1951-53 Bushels of shelled corn per acre Entries _ San “Stephen-l Area Beeflue Bntonio1 villel average Texas 26 19.3 41.2 41.1 31.8 Texas 28 19.0 45.6 31.8 30.3 United U72 17.6 41.6 28.2 27.5 Texas 30 20.5 36.4 28.4 27.3 Texas 8 18.7 42.1 24.9 27.2 Texas 15W 19.6 37.7 25.8 26.6 Watson 124 17.9 37.0 27.6 26.1 TRF 3 17.6 33.6 30.0 25.7 Texas 24 18.6 36.1 25.0 25.4 Texas 11W 15.4 33.8 30.6 25.0 Texas 18 18.7 30.5 24.3 23.7 Keystone 222 18.6 32.5 22.4 23.6 Funk G711 16.5 29.4 24.6 22.5 Surcropper 15.4 33.8 20.4 22.1 Ferguson's Yellow Den! 11.8 18.2 21.8 16.5 Average yield 17.7 35.3 27.1 25.4 Least sig. c111. 19:1 3.0 12.1 9.7 4.7 1 Two-year average. hybrid has a wide range of adaptation and produces two ‘good ears under favorable condi- tions. It is somewhat susceptible to earworms and ear rots and shows a moderate degree of root lodging. It is recommended primarily for areas 3, 4 and 5. Texas 28—A yellow hybrid usually produced by combining 127C x 132A as the seed parent, with 325 x 303 as the pollinator parent. However, the reciprocal of this cross is sometimes used. Texas 28 is slightly later than Texas 26. It also produces larger ears than Texas 26 and has the same tendency to make two ears under favorable conditions. The grains produced are rather large and possess a good yellow color. This hybrid is somewhat resistant to earworms and ear rots and the ears ordinarily suffer only moderate damage. Although susceptible to root lodging, it is fairly resistant to stalk breakage. It has a very wide range of adaptation and is recommended for all areas of the State. Texas 30—A yellow hybrid produced by combining 173D x 203 as the seed parent, with 325 x 303 as the pollinator parent. Texas 30 is similar to Texas 28 in maturity. It produces large ears with large, yellow dent-type grain. Although primarily a one-ear hybrid, it may produce two ears under optimum conditions. This hybrid is the most resistant of the yellow hybrids to earworms and ear rots. It is also resistant to root lodging and stalk breakage. Texas 30 can ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their appreciation to all substation personnel and cooperating growers who participated in the corn performance testing program from 1951 to 1953. Acknowledgment is made to J. W. Collier, J. M. Latham and R. P. Bates of the Department 10 be grown successfully in all areas of the SD It does not yield as well as Texas 26 and 1 areas of low rainfall. ’ Texas 15W—A white hybrid produce combining K64 x R11 as the seed parent, 61M x M022 as the pollinator parent. This h f is slightly later than the recommended r hybrids. It usually produces one ear per ~ but may produce two under favorable condit’, The ears are small, with small dent-type 1 W Texas 15W is slightly susceptible to earworm¢ ear rots, but it is not objectionable in eith’ these characteristics. This hybrid is superil all other recommended hybrids in resistan q root lodging and stalk breakage. Texas z performs especially well under favorable mois conditions and is recommended for areas , and 3. ' TRF 3-—A white hybrid developed by Texas Research Foundation and produced. combining 4413-C# x 4417 -C# as the seed pa , with K55 x K64 as the pollinator parent. ‘p 3 is distinctly earlier than any of the other ommended hybrids. It characteristically prod“ one large ear with fairly large Surcropper- grain. This hybrid is slightly susceptible to '1 worms and ear-rot organisms and to root lod and stalk breakage, but it is not especially m. tionable in any of these characteristics. B __ of its earliness, TRF 3 may be expected to ou Texas 15W under low-yield, drouthy condit' It is recommended primarily for areas 4 and _ of Agronomy, Texas Agricultural Experi p Station, for their assistance in conducting 7 and collecting data. c We are indebted to R. L. Smith, statis supervisor, Texas Agricultural Experiment tion, for making the statistical analyses. i