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- Relation offoilg Rainfall and
' Grazing Management to Vegetation
— — Western Edwards Plateau of T exar
lvoaemfim I954
A TEXAS anus: swarm:
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Figure 1. Map of the Texas Range Station showing pasture boundaries,
acreages and livestock water facilities.
Experiments were conducted from 1938-53 at the Texas Range Station near Barnhart to study the
ects of climate, soils and grazing on the vegetation. This station comprises approximately 3,160 acres
land, is owned by the University of Texas and is operated by the Texas Agricultural Experiment
' t
l .
The 16 pastures on the station have been subjected to different rates of stocking with various
binations of sheep and cattle since grazing experiments were started in 1938.
res of rangeland on the Edwards Plateau of Texas. The most important forage species are tobosa,
ffalo and curly mesquitegrass. Associated with these grasses, but in smaller amounts are three-awn
‘g. ses, side-oats grama, vine mesquite and many others. The poisonous bitterweed and annual
l I oomweed are the most abundant weeds. Dominant woody species are mesquite, pricklypear and cholla.
t» i.’ Vegetation on the experimental pastures is fairly representative of that supported by several million
The nature of the soil has had a pronounced effect on the kind and amount of vegetation on the area.
.» “he soil also has influenced the response of the vegetation to grazing and rainfall.
, A cover of tobosagrass is superior, from the standpoint of soil and water conservation, to a cover
V, buffalo or curly mesquite, or to bare ground, which is subject to annual weed growth during periods
favorable rainfall. Tobosagrass favors more rapid rates of water intake into the soil, more stable
i _il aggregation and a more favorable soil temperature for plant growth.
A close relationship was found between available forage and annual rainfall for the period 1938-53.
owever, fluctuations in the amount of forage usually lag from 1 to 3 years behind the fluctuations in
F nual rainfall. On areas heavily grazed by livestock, the vegetation does not respond immediately to
et or dry years. Certain changes in floristic composition are caused by the rainfall pattern and should
‘i 7 recognized and separated from changes due to grazing.
The extreme drouth prevailing since the fall of 1950 has caused serious reductions in ground cover
d forage production. Death losses have been extremely high in curly mesquitegrass and almost as
(Q _1 eat in buffalo and purple three-awn. Tobosa was the most drouth resistant of the grasses in the area.
Studies of the response of the vegetation to grazing management show the following:
i (1) Sideoats grama, vine mesquite and cane bluestem are the best indicators of past stocking rate
I the area. These grasses are more abundant on the lightly stocked pastures and seldom are found on
. (2) Tobosagrass has been affected very little by the grazing practices for the 16-year period.
t decreased slightly on the ridgetop soils but increased on other soils in pastures grazed with sheep.
"i attle utilized tobosa more uniformly than sheep, but sheep caused damage to this grass by “spot
azing.” Livestock utilization of tobosa noticeably increased by mowing to remove the old growth.
(3) Buffalograss, although more palatable than curly mesquite, was more resistant to heavy
i grazing. Both of these turf grasses produced less forage than tobosagrass during years of low rainfall.
(4) Three-awn grasses were the most reliable indicators of the class of livestock grazed on the
pastures. The three-awns increased under heavy sheep grazing and decreased under cattle grazing.
Annual weeds, particularly annual broomweed, were less abundant on the sheep pastures than on the
cattle pastures.
(5) Pricklypear increased under heavy yearlong and seasonal grazing. This cactus also increased
i" i the exclosures during the drouth. Mesquite tree populations were more closely related to the type
-: ,1’ soil than to the grazing practices used since 1938.
Digest . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . .. 3
Introduction .............................................................................................. ..L ..... .. 5
Experimental Area ................................. ._ i ................ -. 5
Location ..................................................................................................... .. 5
Climate. . .................................. -. 5
Soils _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. 6
Vegetation ................................................................................................. .- 6
Methods of Steudy ............................................................................................. .- 6
Location of Plots for the Study of Vegetation ................................ .. 6
Survey Procedure for the Inclined-point-contact Method ............. .. 6
The Belt-transect Method ........................... .. 7
Brush Survey by the Circular-plot Method 7
Methods of Measuring Forage Production and Utilization .......... .- 7
‘Soil and Plant Relationships ........................................................................ .. 7
Plant Distribution as Related to Soils .............................................. .. 7
Effects of Vegetation and Soils on Water Infiltration .................. .. 8
Effects of Vegetation on Soil Aggregation 12
Effects of Vegetation on Soil Temperatures _____________________________________ __ 12
Effects of Rainfall on Vegetation .............................................................. .. 12
Relation of Rainfall to Available Forage .......................................... _. 12
Effects of Rainfall on Floristic Composition .................................. .. 14
Forage Production ................................................... ............................ .. 15
Effects of the Drouth on Vegetation ________________________________________________ __ 15
Response of Vegetation to Grazing ............................................................ .. 16
History of Grazing Use ........................................................................ .. 16
Effects of Stocking Rate and Season of Use .................................. .. 18
Effects of Class of Livestock on Vegetation .................................... ._ 19
Utilization Studies ................................................................................ 20
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................ __ 22
Literature Cited .............................................................................................. __ 22
‘Relation of Soils, Rainfall and Grazing Management to
Vegetation, Western Eeln/ara’; Plateau 0f T exa;
INCE THE BEGINNING 0F RANCHING in North rainfall belt. Most of the precipitation occurs as
l v erica, men have recognized that the kind and rainfall. Figure 2 shows the distribution of this
E. mint 0f Vegetatign the ranch Supports deter- rainfall by years. There is considerable variabil-
ines to a large degree the success of the enter- illy among Years, and 9 Ollt 0f the 16 have had
A 'se. This vegetation, in turn, is influenced by less than average rainfall-
}; various environmental conditions under which
Average monthly rainfall also is shown in
grows. dFaggors such 2111s climate and soils have Figure 2_ May has the highest average’ 218
911091199 e eel} on l3 e Vegetatlon- Grazlng inches and February the lowest, 0.57 inches.
tensities and kind of livestock also are very
i portant but too often they are overlooked or - ANNUAL PRECIPITATION -
v‘. r5145 F4071’ J/a/m/L, &'77l‘4f/I‘7é\'44'
l Grazing experiments were initiated on the
exas Range Station in 1938 to supply information
, g the influence of soils, rainfall and grazing on 4° *4”
_, vegetation type common to a large area of West
exas. Results obtained will be of value to _ Avwmeswuuvmclmmrw - 16.5w
‘nchmen in this area and in other regions where 3° l: 30
bosa, buffalo or curly mesquitegrass are im- [ 3 a I
rtant forage plants. w '3‘ . ; . g e
. “i h‘ a ~ a . a ., "l
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EXPERIMENTAL AREA T a = ~ 2 ., 3 é
, H 0:‘ p‘. )0 t?! ,0‘. ‘D. y‘ l
ation w P“ "o
The Texas Range Station 1S located in Crockett
unty, between Ozona and Barnhart. It com- o_ ’~‘ _
- ises approximately 3,160 acres of land owned 38 =9 +0 41 43 44 4s w 4e so 52 sa °
l -' the University of Texas. The area has been _ Y5“ T
‘anaged for experimental purposes since 1938 by " Avfkfifif 410N730’ PREUP/TAT/UIV '-
l e. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station under ' Tm" “"7” "*°""”‘/ 5”"”‘¢’*»T"“‘
" cooperative agreement with the University of
exas. pl
. The station lies on a broad drainage divide of z
he Edwards Plateau at an elevation of 2,700 feet AVERAGE -_ 1.59"
tween the headwater streams of the Concho
iver on the north and the Devil’s River on the
uth. The relief of the land is rather smooth l5 * »
ith occasional shallow depressions and dry lake- ' ----- r -
g ds. A few areas have gentle to moderate slopes.
g Figure 1 shows the pasture boundaries, acre-
‘ges and livestock water facilities on the Texas
' iiange Station.
a 2.0
l1 .32"
1 .55"
o o 0 ~
o V O‘
.3} '¢'..Q¢
0.95 "
‘g 0
V O'Q'
.0 o
v “
-- ave/res —
g_ The average annual precipitation, at the sta- P5 - *3
‘on headquarters for the past 16 years was 16.68
ches, Figure 2. This amount is probably too
w for a longtime average because of the influ- .
once of the recent extended drouth. Rainfall °
;cords from other weather stations in the region
1 dicate that the range station is near the 20-inch
vvv ..
O‘; I
A§’A“\'A 4
v ., . .-
‘z. w: qqzoo;
Q ‘"4
'0 '0
o o
' Yofo
1'0 o’
L .0.
Jan F576 v Nmm um 7mm) JuKE
_ -" MONTH —~
Figure 2. Annual precipitation and average monthly pre-
espectively, assistant professor and head, Department cipit-ation for the Texas Range Station from
f Range and Forestry. . 1938 through 1953.
Summer temperatures at the range station are
high, with maximums of 100 to 110° F. The
nights usually are cool. Frequent southerly winds
occur throughout the day and often continue into
the night. In general, the winters are mild with
occasional periods of below-freezing weather
which may last for several days. The mean
annual temperature is about 65° F.
Soils of the Texas Range Station are typical
of the western part of the Edwards Plateau.
These soils are clay types or phases of clay
types, moderately deep, and underlain with lime-
stone or caliche. A survey made in 1938 by
Carter, Templin and Mowery showed that there
are five soil series on the station: Ozona, Valera,
- Tobosa, Irion and Randall. Although the general
surface appearance of these soils is similar, there
are differences in surface relief and moisture rela-
tionships. In a region of light rainfall, this differ-
ence in relief is associated with considerable
variations in soil development and in native vege-
tative growth.
The upland or ridgetop soils on the station are
the Ozona and Valera soil series. Since the slopes
are gentle, little or no water accumulates on the
surface of these soils. Depth to the caliche layer
ranges from very shallow to about 2 feet. Surface
layers often are gravelly or stony.
The dry lakebed areas fall into the Irion and
Randall soil series. Drainage from these areas is
poor, occurring mainly through holes and crevices
in the underlying limestone. The deeper lakes
of the Randall series may contain water for ex-
tended periods following heavy rains.
The Tobosa series comprise moderately deep,
clayey soils that occur between the high swells
and the lakebed areas. The subsoils are heavier
and less permeable than those of the Ozona and
Valera series. Drainage is slow, but, since these
soils are above the lakebed areas, water seldom
stands on the surface very long after rains.
Many species of plants have been found on the
Texas Range Station during the past 16-year
period, but the bulk of the forage is produced
by only a few of these species.
The most abundant grasses are sod-forming
species: buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides), cur-
ly mequite (Hilario. belangeri) and tobosagrass
(Hilario. mutica). Species of lesser abundance
are sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula),
three-awn grasses of the Purpureae group (Aris-
tida spp.), vine mesquite (Panicum obtusum),
hairy tridens (Tridens pilosus), fall witchgrass
(Leptoloma cognatum), muhly (Muhlenbergia
arenacea), tumblegrass (Schedonnardus painicu-
latus) and hairy grama (Bouteloua hirsufa). A
few scattered plants of cane bluestem (Androp-
ogon barbinodis) and green spangletop (Li,
chloa dubia) grown in pastures C and N w,
have been lightly stocked. f
Several annual grasses were noted follo
periods of high rainfall. The most importa a
these were little barley (Hordeum pusillim)
weeks fescue (Festuca octoflora) and an
panic (Paniciim fasciculatum). 1
Approximately one-fourth to one-half of .
ground area on the station is bare. These =.
areas between the bunches of perennial grass q
subject to invasion by many species of weeds =1]
ing periods of favorable rainfall. The most im
ant species are bitterweed (Actinea oclorata)
annual broomweed (Gutierrezia texana).
Forbs of lesser importance are croton.
goatweed (Croton neomexcicanus), buffal.
(Solanimi rostratum), caltrop (Kallstro
brachystylis), snow-on-the-mountain (Euphx
marginata), perennial broomweed (Gutierr
microcephala), buckhorn plantain (Plcmtago ‘
ceolata) , hoarhound (M arrubium vulgare), A
ican carrot (Daucus pusillus), rose verbena ( .
bena canadensis) , prairie thistle (Erynigiume
venworthii), Engelmann’s daisy (Engelmw
pinnatifida) , Drummond phlox‘ (Phlox drum »
dii) and many others. ‘
The dominant species of brush are mes,“
(Prosopis glandulosa) and pricklypear (Op 1'
spin). Other species of cacti include c 8
(Ommtia imbricata) and species of Echino w»
and M ammillaria. Several other brush speci’
minor importance also are present.
Location oi Plots for the Study oi Vegetation l,
The original 86 plots for vegetational st,‘
on the Texas Range Station were establish
1938. An additional 210 plots were located l‘
at random on soil types which had not '
adequately sampled. ; =
All permanent plots were marked byrtwo
stakes, spaced approximately 25 feet apart,"
set in the ground to a depth of about 2 "feet.
metal tag with the pasture identification and
number was attached to the southstake at
location, Figure 3. ' ' ’ a ~
Survey Procedure for the Inclined-point-contact
Method i’
The inclined-point-contact method has '
used for measuring relative abundance of ve
tion on the Texas Range Station since 1938. _
point-contact frame consisted of 10 pins. It;
pin was dropped toward the ground, and a
recorded for each species contacted between .
lower crossbar and the ground. For exam:
pin number 1 contacted species A more than “s
only one hit was recorded. If pin number 1;
tacted species A and species B two hits a
recorded, one for each species. The point-co"
e was moved 10 times along the line between
yes at each plot location. Readings were made
xis manner for 100 pins at each plot.
Belt-transect Method
uring the period 1950-53 belt transects were
lped at each of the permanent plot locations.
belts covered approximately the same area
ed by the inclined-point-contact method.
glfhe belt transect used in this study was 1
g wide and 20 feet long. The zero point on the
1 was maintained at the tagged stake. The
Station within this belt was mapped by means
standard square-foot quadrat and chain.
fFrom these belt transects, it was possible to
'y the effect of grazing and drouth on indi-
_ al plants and to follow trends through the
s. Only perennial plants were located on the
I: of the belt. Annual weeds were counted
hin sod and bare areas along the belt. Stubble
ht and foliage-density measurements were in-
ted for the area of each sod grass mapped.
itional notations were made of other factors
idered important, such as amount of erosion.
Survey by the Circular-plot Method
;-Woody plants were charted on circular plots
. each sampling location to supplement the data
A 'ved from the belt transects. These plots had
‘i-foot radius and were centered on the tagged
ker stake of each permanent charting location.
position of the belt transect within the cir-
plot and the location of all brush species
e noted with the proper orientation in relation
true north. Basal diameter, height and canopy
perage were recorded for all tree species.
fThe positions of pricklypear, cholla and other
ti were mapped within the circular plot. Ant
s, livestock trails and other factors which may
5» influenced the vegetation also were indicated.
Pthods of Measuring Forage Production
Temporary exclosures were established during
summer of 1951" in pastures O and P for the
lsurement of forage production and utilization.
elve exclosures were placed in each pasture, 10
’ Ozona clay soils and 2 in the lakebed areas.
f of the exclosures on Ozona clay were located
a tobosa sod and half on mixed buffalo and
ly mesquite sod. All of the exclosures in the
i. beds were located on buffalograss sod.
Y, Clippings of forage in the exclosures and in
grazed areas were based on standard 9.6
@ lare-foot plots. Plots of this size allowed for
lid conversion to pounds per acre by multiply-
f: the number of grams per plot by 10. Clip-
g: were weighed in an air-dry condition. Sub-
1| ples were ovendried for determinations of
isture content.
Sod areas of buffalo and curly mesquite were
‘lped to a stubble height of approximately one-
a inch for production and utilization measure-
ments. This stubble height was very close to that
actually remaining after intense sheep grazing.
Tobosagrass was clipped to Within 1 inch of the
Exclosures were moved twice each year--in
August and December. Actual forage production
during each period was determined from the clip-
pings made inside the exclosures. The amount of
forage remaining after livestock grazing was
found by clipping the forage from plots outside
of the exclosure. Forage utilization by livestock
was determined by comparisons of clippings from
the exclosures With those of the grazed areas.
The amount of utililzation of forage by both
sheep and cattle also was obtained by stubble-
height measurements of species within the belt
transects in each pasture.
Plant Distribution as Related to Soils
Differences in the amount and composition
of the vegetation on the Texas Range Station
Were closely associated with differences in soil
characteristics, particularly surface texture, soil
depth and the nature of the soil profile. The
greatest differences in the vegetation were due
y‘ 13+ w. . _ . ,.>-.-- 2. '» . ‘M621: - '- $4 -
Figure 3. A typical plot location in pasture D. Note the
tagged stake in the foreground and the gen-
eral vegetation condition (summer 1950).
Figure 4. Soil boundary in pasture C between Ozona clay
(left) and Tobosa clay (right). Note the
abundance of mesquite trees and tobosagrass
on the Tobosa clay area.
to differences among the soil series. Soil types
and phases within these soil types also affected
plant distribution and abundance but not as much
as the soil series.
Differences in plant occurrence among soils
often were as pronounced as those shown 1n
Figure 4.
The relationships among soil series and the
occurrence of the major plant species are shown
in Figures 5 and 6. These graphs present sum-
maries of data collected in 1950, 1952 and 1953.
The greatest density of tobosagrass was found
on the Tobosa and Valera series. Very little
tobosagrass grew in the dry lakebeds of the
Randall series. Highly significant differences in
the amount of tobosagrass were found between
the Tobosa clay and Ozona clay types. Both the
shallow phase of Ozona clay and the shallow phase
of Irion clay showed small amounts of tobosa-
Buffalograss occurred in the largest amounts
in the dry lakebed areas of the Randall soil series
Where it sometimes formed pure stands. The
second highest concentration was found on the
poorly drained Irion soils. Fairly large stands
of this species also were encountered on the
ridgetop soils of the Valera series. Highly signi-
ficant differences in the amount of buffalograss
on different soils were noted by Potts (1946) and
Thomas (1951).
Curly mesquitegrass grew in close association
with buffalograss on all soils except those of the
Randall series. Curly mesquite seldom occurred
in the large lakebeds or on the Irion soils.
Sideoats grama occurred in small amounts on
all soils except the depressional areas of the Irion
and Randall series. This species was most abun-
dant on Ozona clay.
All soil types on the range station were found
to support three-awn grasses. The dry lakebeds
showed the highest densities of purple three-q
and the uplands supported more Wright’s t
The relationships between soil series and .
amount and kind of brush species are show
Figure 6. The highest concentration of brush
recorded on the Randall and Tobosa soils. _
quite trees were more abundant on Tobosa
than on the other soils. Pricklypear plants "A
most common in the lakebed areas. The upl
areas of the Ozona and Valera series were no p
heavily populated with brush species as the 0t
soil series. - l‘
The lakebed areas of the Randall and I
soil series had the lowest total densities
vegetation of all soil series represented.
large amount of bare ground on these soils 3
subject to invasion by bitterweed and other an
weeds during years of favorable rainfall. Oz
clay had the smallest amount of bare gro
before the drouth but Tobosa clay had the l’
bare ground in 1953. Extensive areas of t;
ground also were noted on the shallow
of Ozona clay and Irion clay. These areas
been classified as “hazard areas” during i
bitterweed season. i .
Effects of Vegetation and Soils on é
Water Infiltration
Infiltration tests were made during the =0
mers of 1950, 1951 and 1952 to determine i»
relative effects of the major grass species.
rate of water intake into the soil. Infiltra
was measured by means of concentric cylin
or rings, as described by Leithead (1950).
was added periodically to the inner and o
cylinders to maintain a depth of 2 inches. j
accurate record was kept of the amount a)
to the inner ring. The outer, or buffer ring,
stricted the lateral flow from the internal a
partment. Each test was continued for a 2- f
Infiltration measurements were taken on v
sagrass sod, on buffalo and curly mesquite
sod and on bare ground. The three series’?
measurements were made within the radius l.
10-foot circle to keep soil variability to a i
mum. A typical location for an infiltration
is shown in Figure 7. 6- Y
Infiltration tests were made in 1950 on
different soil types in pasture C. These a i
were repeated three times for each soil typ
widely separated, randomized locations. Du.
the summer of 1951 and of 1952, the tests
confined to Tobosa clay soils. Five tests
made on this soil type in pasture C. Infiltra
tests also were made in 1951 on sideoats 1
sod and on buffalo and curly mesquite sod inj
Ozona clay exclosure in pasture D. a
Data on infiltration of water are summa g
in Table 1. Curves showing accumulated 9;,
of water absorbed by the soil are given inFi
\ .
‘i. .
.1 I
To605A GRAss (Avsusnso oeusnv)
20 — w — — U —- r- -— r— -
1e m
' / ?
1o % / %
9 4 ? g
6 ¢ ¢ Z
/ / fi
7 ¢ z ¢
% / ¢
/ /» %
6 % ¢ ¢
5 é z
o. é %
4 w. '2‘ Z %
O /
3 . g g
a~ ¢ Z
Z w: é %
o. I900 3 I953 7/950 r953 /6 I950 fi
sou. seems
Figure 5. Effects of soil differences 0n the vegetation of the Texas Range Station.
represent average measurements from the 1950 and 1953 belt transects.
6 || f...» I
'- .::.' ‘.-_'- 2'-
".:'; 5 5 Y
5 : :1
-2Z- .
":5 ':'h LN‘ \----
'-:I- '::;'
7;I- 1Y1 ,::'.
4 'n'o ' 0 -
‘n. u"
w”. ~¢"‘ 10.0
' l u... "r-
'.. ' uQvn
11.: . . 1 "f,"
"i. ' o‘ n0'u0
3 ===¢
:.':- . 1' ‘
,l n,‘ ,-~
1:0 v." 7,’:
I930 (951 I9 5O I952.
OZONA roeosn
—-—-son. ssmes -—--
1990 1992
g l
.--.....-....-..... .___ .___...
2.'.:-~.-. ~_-..._.. ~. . __ __
QF.-_§_§IQD§§- o‘... n!‘ u
.-;~. .. >4‘
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e-I an 0-4 on e-n e-I 5)
“P? 995° 9'8".“ Pr“? PM" 9F!“
Nubw N007 (D09 I-IQQI QQQ (On-IN
ment of these data by analyses of variance indi-
cated a significant effect of the grass cover on
both initial intake rates and total amount of water
intake. These analyses also show a high avari-
ability in water intake within soils and no signi-
ficant differences between any of the soil series.
Most of the data were consistent in showing high
rates of absorption at the beginning of the tests,
then a rapidly diminishing rate until a fairly
constant ultimate rate was obtained. These trends
are shown graphically in Figure 8.
No effective rainfall occurred in 1951 for
2 to 3 months before the infiltration tests were
made. A general drouth was becoming increas-
ingly severe in 1952 and there was no available
moisture for plant growth at the time of the tests.
Bare ground had supported scant annual weed or
grass growth since the spring of 1950 and prac-
tically no plant litter remained on the ground.
Data collected during these last 2 years did not
differ markedly from those obtained in 1950.
However, in 1952 the bare ground had the highest
final intake rate as well as the highest total
amount of intake. a
With the concentric-ring method, the destruc-
tive and puddling effect of raindrop action was
not considered. This is an important factor under
actual rainfall conditions, as pointed out by
Osborn (1950). However, at all times the water
was muddy on bare ground and practically. clear
on both sod conditions. The relative positions of
the curves for tobosa sod and buffalo and curly
mesquite sod remained unchanged during all the
tests. Analyses of variance indicated that differ-
ences from year to year were not significant,
OZ 0N0 CL/l Y
‘a 7
‘*1 <.
w s
P l‘
Q on
é 3
g z
0Q lad Li!‘ 2:0 i?‘ 3;
TIME (nun/arm?)
Q, T0608!) 0L!!!’
3&1 s '
I jod
a 5 a, grass v‘
\ 59$ r; ;e 0e 0e I
\.¢4 1'0 693,51‘, .
w 3 , e0 e o
S»? ',..__“:_fl£'/Z¢!9; {£222. fe-s- -
Q/ r»—:v'*'*' "i
o0 ' 1:0 Z6‘ 2:0 2:6‘ 3ft!
TIME div/Mares)
Figure 8. Typical curves showing accumulative amount
of water absorbed by the soil under three dif-
ferent ground-cover conditions.
although they were close to the 5 percent level.
The slowest rates under all conditions occurred
‘when the drouth was most severe.
The rapid rate of water intake under both
sod types tested in the exclosures indicated that
grazing is a factor in affecting infiltration. Sod-
forming grasses tended to develop a bunch-like
appearance under protection from grazing and
there was a heavy accumulation of plant litter.
From the measurements of soil height it was
found that the soil level under a cover of tobosa-
grass was one-half to 2 inches higher than the
soil‘ level on areas occupied by buffalograss, curly
mesquitegrass or annual weeds. The accumulation
of litter and increased soil porosity under tobosa
sod undoubtedly contributed to the increased rate
of water infiltration as compared with the infil-
tration rate of the turf grasses. Also, the extent
of soil aggregation and the stability of these soil
aggregates have influenced the results obtained.
Effects of Vegetation on Soil Aggregation
Laboratory studies on the nature and distribu-
tion of soil aggregates were made on soil samples
of Ozona clay collected on the Texas Range Station
in 1950, 1951 and 1952. Determinations were
made on samples of the upper 6 inches of soil
taken at random in pastures C. and R. Three
ground-cover conditions were represented: tobo-
sagrass sod, mixed buffalo and curly mesquite sod
and bare ground.
Comparisons of aggregate size distribution
were made for the three ground-cover conditions
by wet-sieve analysis, using a modification of the
Yoder technique.
Results of these analyses are shown in Figure
9. These curves represent “summation percent-
ages” plotted according to the procedure outlined
by Kroth and Page (1946). Two different dates
of sampling are shown. Samples collected during
IOO- ~
..~.-:-'~'-"‘ AGGREGATE suzc oasmneunon sv smzucs
| 1 1 n g J,———
0.1 0.’: 0'4 0.; I-‘o w‘ 1°
Pnnrncrs 5m: m Mmls
Figure 9. Curves showing the effects of vegetation on
aggregation of soil samples collected in the
winter and summer of 1950.
' centage of large aggregates occurred in soil f ‘A
the winter had a higher percentage of large ag
gates in each type of ground cover. The distr
tion pattern of aggregates was similar in .
samples from the three ground-cover condit
at both dates of sampling. The maximum =
bare ground but total aggregation was grea
under tobosagrass sod. “
Wet-sieve aggregation tests also were m]
on large clods of soil. These clods were slak 6
water for 1 hour and were wet-sieved for 1 p
instead of the standard 30 minutes. At the
of this time, the clods were completely bro
down to particles less than 5 millimeters in i
meter. The aggregate distribution patterns 1p
were very similar to those shown in Figur‘,
These results suggest a characteristic distribul
pattern of aggregates for the soil type and i
cate that the aggregates are very stable. ’
Effects of Vegetation on Soil Temperatures
The amount and kind of vegetation havf
direct influence on soil temperature. In 1
studies of soil temperatures conducted on 5
station, striking differences in temperatures L
observed under tobosagrass sod, buffalograss
and bare ground. Typical curves showing "
temperatures at 3 and 6 inches under sod and o
ground are plotted in Figure 10. *
Soil temperatures under a tobosagrass co
were lower in the day and higher at night “l
temperatures measured at similar depths if
bare ground. Thus, tobosagrass reduced .
maximum temperatures and increased the n?
mum temperatures, causing a more uniform l
temperature. ’
At increased soil depth, temperatures la
further behind the air temperatures. Figure
shows that soil temperature at a 3-inch
under bare ground on June 29, 1952 reach
maximum 2 hours later than the outsidej
temperature (measured in the shade). A
depth of 6 inches, the lag behind air tempera ,
was 6 hours. ‘
Observations of soil temperature were p,
in 1950 under favorable moisture conditions, ‘
also in the following 3 years of drouth. taf
observations showed that the effects of vegeta
on soil temperature were reduced asthe y
became dry. The lag of soil temperature u
air temperature also was less pronounced t;
drouth conditions. =
Relation of Rainfall to Available Forage
The general relationships between the de _
of forage on the Texas Range Station and
amount of rainfall for the 16-year experim
period are shown in Figure 11. Total rai“
for the year was plotted against the numbev
hits as measured by the point-contact metho
The point-contact measurements were
ly made about the middle of April. In most
», the vegetation had “greened up” by this
f and plant identifications were not too diffi-
1 This period also was considered the most
able time to record the abundance of bitter-
'1 although growth of this plant often occurs
a: late fall.
E he number of hits recorded by the inclined-
Kdered as a measure of the amount of avail-
forage on the experimental pastures. Since
5 chartings were made in pastures being
fed by livestock, they reflect plant growth,
ity of ground cover and amount of forage
éized by the grazing animals.
"Several general observations are evident from
' relationships shown in Figure 11. Available
Vge of all plant species studied is closely related
athe amount of rainfall. Most species show a
j in available forage of from 1 to 2 years behind
2 rs of high or low rainfall. This effect was
in previous studies by Nelson (1934),
'dd;)ck and Forsling (1938) and Clawson
50 .
‘The graph giving total density of all plant
ies, both annual and perennial, shows a signi-
nt correlation between available forage on
i» clay and the rainfall of the preceding year.
's relationship is indicated by the large corre-
ion coefficient, r'-=.637. This means that the
lximum response of vegetation to rainfall under
_stant stocking rates is not immediate but re-
"res a delay of about 1 to 2 years. The more
.1 iable vegetation on Tobosa clay shows a
aggg but significant correlation coefficient,
A close relationship was obtained also between
rainfall of the preceding year and the density
F buffalograss. For this species, the value of
‘ f .635 on Ozona clay was very close to signifi-
Vince on the 1 percent level. This correlation
fficient indicates that about 36 percent of the
r-to-year variability in available forage is
ociated with rainfall during the previous year.
i The nature of the soil has influenced the
. f» ount of variability in the density of vegetation.
or example, the lakebed areas of the Randall
_ 1' Irion soils series had greater fluctuations in
; amount of vegetation than the other soils.
* ost species of plants showed a more stable
nsity on the ridgetop soils of the Ozona series.
Tobosagrass showed the least amount of year-
year fluctuation in density with variation in
ainfall. This grass was the most depandable of
1 species for livestock forage during years of
' s rainfall. However, when rainfall conditions
ere favorable it did not increase in abundance
; rapidly as buffalograss or curly mesquite grass.
i highly significant correlation coefficient,
, .651, was calculated for the density of tobosa-
, ss on Tobosa clay soil and rainfall of the
contact method, as used in this study, is"
previous year. A value of r=.610 also was cal-
culated for the relationship of rainfall and tobosa
density 2 years later.
A greater lag in growth following rainfall was
noted for the three-awn grasses than for the other
species. This lag, which amounted to 2 years in
many instances, may have been due partially to
the low palatability of these grasses resulting in
a carryover of forage from year to year.
Variation in growth due to climatic factors
was greatest in the annual weeds. This fluctua-
tion is demonstrated by the 16-year record of
bitterweed density presented in Figure 11. Bitter-
weed growth is more closely related to seasonal
distribution of moisture than to the total annual
rainfall. This poisonous range plant grew pro-
fusely in bare areas when there was sufficient
late fall and early spring moisture. In contrast,
annual broomweed germinated late in the spring
and was not abundant during years with scant
late-spring rains.
Figure 11 indicates that vegetation response
following years of low rainfall is slower than
78" JULY 4 and 5', 1951 mo
,00_74__ 7H0:
ea-rz» """°°
96-70- ""96
9% 409s
92. 94
9o 91
85 g 9o
8e F‘ a 55
a4 v B6
52 M
a 62
80- JUNE 29 and 30, 195g Va 6o
7: son. TEMPERATURE AT é" 7e
- 9L
- JUNE 29 and 3o, 1952 4o fi
78 —
m" son. TEMPERATURE AT 1" ~76
7+- "6
_ i l W 74
~ u v , , , : l ; : l : , : ‘ I I : I . I
0o Z 4 6 B 1o ménunogr 2 4 6 6 m v Mo“
_._-- AIR TEMPERATURE -------- TOBOSA S01)
-<>—<>-<>—<>—- BARE GRO ' .... .. .
Figure 10. Characteristic effects of vegetation type on
soil temperatures at 3 and 6 inches depth.
the response to years of high rainfall. This
points up the danger of restocking immediately
after periods of drouth.
Effects of Rainfall on Floristic Composition
Fluctuations in the percentage composition of
tobosagrass and the turf grasses, buffalo and
curly mesquite during 1938-53 are shown in Fig-
ure 12. Percentage composition was calculated
by dividing the average number of hits of each
species by the total number of hits for all plant
m . ozomn cuw l’
n4 ‘s: ‘i. \ 78-8-43: ‘g f: ' as
I no _- ,a\ “.1. ‘f. A\ 5';
w ' : 9 E :/ w
g 90 n
a °° "
a 10 ll
g w 1a
5 .
a >0 2s
j ‘Iv ll
30 s
1D s
v I I 40 4| 4t 4! 44 4! 4w <1 40 n so s: s: u 0
-— EQR —.-
' I
i 9
g 6
a 7 fi ozown cuw
Si.‘ " /'\ / \
g 5 / \\ [I \ VALERA cuw
I 4 \ I r
3 I \ I / '. \ / \
z I \\ I . \v/."‘\._.\\ ’ _\
I /J‘-~€’)~ I \°\ \\ ¢—’-?§~.
o 9'0 n 40 4| 41 41 44 4s 4e 41 w: "19 m1 a: ‘x5: s!
'— YEAR —
w a
,, RANDALL “no I
\i \ / \
i" ./'\. I \\ p f \
z \. / \'~’ . \
‘s’ \ . \ l .
3'“ \/ _ \
5 ozovm cLav \y/~ \\~/,q\
,1 \ \-
- f'-§@” \\ i"’—‘\._
' n 9 T; 4n u. ls 94 4s 1s <1 1e 4o n n s1 s;
'- YERR "-
Figure 11. Relation of vegetation density to rainfall during 1938-53. Vegetation density was measured by poinv f
tact chartings made in March or April of each year.
— Pnecmrrawwou (sucnss) -—
These data show that tobosagrass made v,
bulk of the forage during years of low rai 1
Buffalograss and curly mesquitegrass, how
show a higher relative coverage than tobosa ‘l
in most years. a
The graphs showing percentage compositio‘
the above grasses for the 11-year period, 193
1948, might readily lead to an erroneous con
sion. The apparent trend toward a predomina
of tobosagrass is largely a reflection of rai i
Tobosagrass in 1948 actually had the lo
density observed. The fact that the density;
. \ __
I '\ - BUFFALO amass —
w ./\. . '
/ I \ RANDALL ctnv
so \ l
- . f‘- 7
E40 U n‘ ozoNA cuw
= I! \ / \
k . . g
° 3° z i“
g \ /,/. \\ l / ‘\ K
~ ' \ .
é Z0 A . / \ "‘
\ 1 x‘, / / \ a
l \\ / . /
- \ //
l 7
0 )5 s9 4o 4: a: 4a 44 Yés-AR“ 4r 4s 49 so 91 s:
- TOBOSA enass —
i 4o . a‘. K E'~..*'... "1', I‘: “an,
1|? TOBOSA cuw
x '. -
a” "R ozonm cLAv ‘g
q /_\ /‘-\ ‘
g 1’ "‘ ' \€/ f‘ // \\ ]
2 w \ x, I \s;
l \— \s l,
a 1e 99 4o <1 n 4s u Y» 4o 42 4a 442 so s‘: r1 '?
— EAR -
N, .
mou era‘ l ‘i,
‘a 90 5 :-
0: , . :'
, / i} _ , _.
§ TOBOSH cuw __- _.- -_ ; '__-
a 2o ' .' '-_ E I ,'
z ‘I. '- : ,' n ..V.
| ' 5;‘ a ozowr
xi 3 ' \\‘l'; x’ \\_
-" 4’ \-a/
o‘ u _ n 4| n a! 44 n n <1 u n 1e n ll
-- vsm -—
short grasses was reduced even more than
of tobosa accounts for the apparent shift 1n
omposition trends shown in Figure 12 also
i»: out some of the hazards involved in the
qrpretation of grazing effects from the vege-
, nal survey of a single year. Studies of plant
position during dry years may suggest differ-
grazing effects than similar studies during
' - of adequate rainfall.
ge Production
‘iThe forage produced in the temporary exclo-
§>= was determined from clippings made in
h": st and December of 1951, 1952 and 1953.
se yield data are shown graphically in Figure
' Forage production was extremely low from
:1 to 1953 because of the shortage of rainfall.
»- highest production during this period was
ined during the spring and summer-growing
a sons of 1952. It amounted to only 738 pounds
air-dry forage per acre of tobosagrass and 449
nds of mixed buffalograss and curly mesquite-
éss. Buffalograss produced 369 pounds of
ge per acre in the lakebeds during the same
'od. All clippings were made in dense sod
which should produce much more forage
der normal rainfall conditions.
1v" uvvuncb] -—-
§ On the Ozona clay soils, tobosagrass consist-
tly produced more forage per unit of sod area
I: the turf grasses, buffalo and curly mesquite.
Yffalograss, on the lakebed soils of the Randall
f 'es, produced more forage in 1953 than the
w er grasses. However, only a limited area was
upied by this grass at this time.
a Forage production was limited during the
_ l-growing seasons for all species of grass.
om August to December 1952, the production
f: insufficient to measure. Normally, forage
wth in the fall cannot be depended on to
rnish feed for the winter. It is, therefore,
ential for the livestock operator to save some
rplus forage from spring and summer growth
that the livestock may survive the winter with
lminimum of supplemental feed. This practice
l‘ Will help to maintain the vigor of the grasses.
; These data on forage production reflect the
tensity of the drouth during the period of this
vestigation. They also indicate the importance
, adjusting stocking rates to conform to low
tinfall conditions.
* ects of the Drouth on Vegetation
As shown by the rainfall records, Figure 2, a
‘Vere drouth has prevailed at the Texas Range
tation since September 1950. The rainfall for
51-53 was considerably below the average for
i: area. A large proportion of the recorded
ginfall occurred in light showers that were inef-
j tive for plant growth. This shortage of mois-
1 re affected the forage production and caused a
rked reduction in plant density.
It has been difficult to separate the effects of
the prolonged drouth from the effects of heavy
grazing. Many of the changes in the vegetation
that have taken place can be attributed to a
combination of both drouth and heavy grazing.
However, the changes in the exclosures, as shown
in Figure 14, were caused by the drouth.
Tobosagrass was the most drouth resistant
of the forage grasses. Only slight changes in
total sod area were recorded for this species.
Some reduction in foliage density occurred due
to death loss within the sod areas, but this reduc-
tion was smaller than that of the other grass
High death losses occurred in both buffalo and
curly mesquitegrass. Figure 14 shows the reduc-
tions in sod area and in foliage density that
occurred in one of the exclosures on the station
_- Psflcsu-r COMPOSITION -—~
cum-v mesoun-s
I6 l9 40 4| 42 43 14 45 46 4! OJ 19 5'0 5|
- YEAR —~
’° - oeusmr-
(worm conncr Mzrnoo)
. .
.1 2
’° :
Z . ,-._
' '- : . .' . '.
S 8
Jl 3n 40 4| 41 A; - 44 15 46 47 45 49 S0 3'1 S2 fi)
—- Venn-
Figure 12. Fluctuations in floristic composition and aver-
age density of tobosa and the turf grasses,
buffalo and curly mesquite. Percentage com-
position can be misleading without taking
density into account. Composition changes
caused by the rainfall pattern should be re-
cognized and separated from changes due to
from 1950 to 1953. Curly mesquite appeared to
have been affected by the drouth conditions more
than buffalograss.
Density measurements 0f side-oats grama,
obtained in the shortgrass exclosure in pasture D,
showed that some death loss occurred during the
same period. Marked reductions in vine mesquite
grass were observed in the lakebed exclosure in
pasture D. Severe losses were noted for purple
three-awn in the exclosures and in the grazed
The drouth apparently facilitated an increase
in the density of brush species. Pricklypear
seemed to die back temporarily but recovered
rapidly following rains. New plants of this species
often originated from the breaking up of the old
plants by drouth. Plants of cholla cactus became
severely desiccated during dry periods but sur-
vived the drouth very well. Foliage density of
mesquite trees was reduced in 1952 and 1953.
Some branches died but very few trees were
completely killed by the drouth. The data from
the exclosures show a significant increase in the
number of plants of both pricklypear and mes-
quite during 1950-52.
Effects of the drouth on the vegetation varied
somewhat in the soil types examined. The fine .
textured soils in the low areas dried out i
became very loose. Sod grasses on these
died back more than those on the ridgetop
Because of the reduction in the vegetation c0 "
wind erosion was evident on all soils. - '
History of Grazing Use
Detailed records have been maintained si
1938 of the kinds and numbers of livestock g
ed on the various pastures of the Texas Ra,
Station. These records were used to analyze _
effects of grazing on the vegetation.
The area now occupied by the Range Stat’:
was privately operated before 1938. Little l
formation is available on stocking rates and p "
tices used during that period. Available evide q
indicates, however, that the area was hea
grazed by both sheep and cattle.
Since 1938, the pattern of stocking has v
ied. All pastures have been subjected to s0'
grazing by both sheep and cattle. Certain p,
tures have been used in both rotation grazing i
continuous grazing management. Stocking ra
for all classes of livestock have been changed s
70o -
6w _
3 s
s 3 is
.'¢',‘~"§ =a= 3+
i‘; s F;
g 400 l- \Q
p‘ m II:
H '6.o\
r=. $3 as
o ' m -
,0,‘ a N
,4.“ ‘It's .. K
W.‘ W" ;»
"J "oi 1:: -
E m ' 92*‘ t?» I'-
p4.“ ' .
I v.3... W» $
ca». a
M‘ w.
'9'.‘ w“
'0'! w," W“
’§“‘ V9.6‘ '9‘.
l00~ N) Nd "'9, -
‘f; at‘ 5:“ 9V0‘
m M‘ m m m W? 92¢‘
$0; 0 o o
via é é é :':~:< {'93
a» a a a -'o‘¢‘< m
N‘ " Mg
._-'__: 33g ‘H 0 i" -".- i
1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 '
Figure 13. Forage production during the drouth of 1951-53.
The bulk of the forage comes from spring and early sud‘
mer growth. Forage produced in the fall usually is not adequate to carry livestock through the winter.
/“1T:§roao. AML
$rh<$5¢ dmnaé (+4)
Skulirfl Quukglfi '1"
_ -@wuz guru/M;
30m? dnmzllié (an
5mm RAQN a."
/KE>\u1~%&/Q\1li<82\\" '3"
//l5wm ggmwvwl "35-- /Bo!m qwwék
Tehran; Ami |9___ “(BQMQ n0t9\_
/'»},E[¢%,q (P) __ /’-?&§u31 411M115 (.1)
5mm kufigx *5" Q 9mm MW s"
I952 U953
v’ Figure 14. Vegetational change on a typical plot in the livestock exclosure (pasture N) showing the reduction in
Figure 15. Livestock exclosure in pasture D protected
from grazing since 1940. Note the abun-
dance of sideoats grama coming into this ex-
eral times on each pasture during the period. The
average stocking rate for the 16-year period var-
ied from 14 to 40 acres per animal unit per year.
This variability in stocking rates, livestock
classes and seasons of grazing makes the problem
of accounting for pasture differences very diffi-
cult. All of these factors have contributed to the
fluctuations in vegetation. However, forage spe-
cies differ in their responses to them.
It has been assumed in this study that vege-
tational differences between pastures were large-
ly a result of differential grazing use. This as-
sumption is based on the fact that the pastures
were fenced in the present pattern in 1938. It
is further assumed that, except for soil charac-
teristics, the environmental complex was similar
throughout the area. Rainfall and temperature
measurements taken at the ranch headquarters
are believed representative of the entire area.
The response of the vegetation to grazing prac-
tices was determined in the following manner:
( 1) Differences in the vegetation caused by
soil factors were recognized and removed statis-
tically by analyses of variance. Thomas (1950)
showed that there were significant differences
between individual pastures for most of the ma-
jor plant species on the station after variability
due to soils was removed. These differences were
confirmed by a more complete vegetational sur-
vey in 1953.
(2) The amount of vegetation on each soil in
each pasture was then compared with the past
grazing history of the pasture. This was done by
computing correlation coefficients relating graz-
ing factors with the density of each of the plants
or combinations of plants studied.
(3) These correlation coefficients were used
as a basis for formulating hypotheses concerning
the effects of grazing. The hypotheses were then
checked by examining the past records and fol-
lowing trends in vegetation under the vario
grazing patterns. However, some of the grazi '_g
practices have not been continued for a sufficie
length of time to establish final conclusions. i
(4) Observations of vegetational compositio i
in the exclosures also were useful in interpretin
the response of the vegetation to grazing pra
tices. * ‘
Effects of Stocking Rate and Season of Use
The general relationships between yearlong ‘s;
seasonal stocking rates and the amount of -Q
tation on the experimental pastures are shown b1
the correlation coefficients in Table 2. These in-f
dicate that most grass species were more abund;
ant on the lightly stocked pastures than on th
heavily stocked pastures. Also heavy spring gra Y
ing appears to be more detrimental to most gras-
ses than heavy fall grazing.
Sideoats grama was rarely encountered in thi
pastures stocked heavily with combinations of
sheep and cattle. This grass was abundant in
exclosures protected from grazing, Figure 15. I
also was commonly found along the roadways ad
joining the Range Station. The negative corr
lation coefficient, r: —~.464, for the relation o
density to yearlong grazing furnishes addition,
evidence that this species decreased under hea ‘
grazing pressure. This evidence is supported b
Dyksterhuis (1949), who states that sideoa
grama is a climax “decreaser” in the vicinity o
San Angelo, Texas. “Decreaser” species
plants whose density is reduced by continuou
heavy grazing over a period of several years.
Both buffalo and curly mesquitegrass we
reduced in coverage by heavy grazing, but the rp
lationships between these species and stockin
rates are not very pronounced, Table 2. Buffal‘
grass appears to be more resistant to heavy gra
ing than curly mesquitegrass. This may be duo
to the fact that the crowns of curly mesquitegra,
Table 2. Correlation coefficients showing the relationshi‘
between rate of stocking by livestock and tll
amount of vegetation on the Texas Range Statio
Plant species s*°*=l_1(1__a_1 '2
v_ soed alueaa o an cur y mesqui e _'188 ‘M8
Adjusted density —-303 349
Number of hits __ -153_ -045_
1§l$i§'lh$§§'$n(l§§§§ll¥v Iiillf "figs
lnnual broornweed (numberV .281 —.5281
‘ uite trees under 4 feet (number) .112 .139
sfiypgqy (nugnrlie!)
Indicates significant relationship on the 5 percent level.
rom 1950 survey. _ _
Zlndicates significant relationship on the 1 percent level.
>0 + Response or m: Tans: nwu Gnnssss TO fiaazme
g —— PASTURE P - sweep outv /
2”" 000000 PRSTURE o - CATTLE omur
if“... A /\ --
a‘ ""‘-.~
fa’ fWa’ I’
193! X939 who 1 1 ‘_T,T_' l 3
,. Rssvouse or m: Tunes AWN Gaassss TO —
/cmmse T0 earn; (Panama P)
cunns: ~ro sneer (PISTURE o)
m S
| r
1950 "
01G r0011
Figure 16. Response of the three-awn grasses to grazing
by sheep and cattle. Note the rapid increase
in these grasses when the pastures are graz-
ed with sheep.
even though rainfall conditions were favorable.
Pasture A, which was grazed each year during
the spring-growing period, showed a serious re-
duction in most of the better grasses. Similar ro-
tation grazing systems were tested on pastures
I, K, L and M. In each case, the pastures that
were heavily stocked during the spring-growing
season deteriorated faster than those stocked dur-
ing the other seasons. This evidence emphasizes
the importance of a systematic deferment in the
rotation design so that one pasture will not be
grazed during the critical spring period every
Effects of Class of Livestock on Vegetation
Some differences in vegetation associated with
grazing by sheep and cattle are indicated by the
correlation coefficients in Table 3.
The relative abundance of three-awn grasses
is one of the best indicators of the class of live-
stock grazing on the pastures. Pastures stocked
at the highest rates with sheep had the largest
amounts of these grasses. The three-awn gras-
Figure 17. Lakebed area in pasture O heavily stocked
with cattle only. Very little three-awn grass
three-awn grasses than the cattle pastures
but fewer weeds. This picture, taken in 1952,
shows close utilization 0f buffalograss around
the clumps of purple three-awn.
ses, however, tend to decrease in abundance when
the pastures are grazed by cattle. A significant
correlation coefficient, r2676, was obtained for
sheep stocking and three-awn grass density. This
relationship was discussed in detail by Thomas
and Young (1953). Figure 16 shows the trends
in density of three-awn grasses under sheep and
cattle grazing. Figures 17 and 18, taken in the
lakebed areas of pastures O and P, also show this
differential effect of livestock class.
The amount of annual weeds, particularly of
annual broomweed, also was a good indicator of
the kind of livestock grazing on the pastures. In
years of favorable rainfall, pastures stocked with
cattle supported large amounts of annual broom-
weed. This species, nevertheless, was largely
eliminated by heavy spring grazing with sheep.
The negative correlation coefficient, r: —.528,
shows a significant relationship between stocking
rate by sheep and the number of annual broom-
Figure 18. Lakebed area in pasture P heavily stocked
with cattle only. Very little three-awn grass
is present. This picture was taken in 1952
at the same time of the year as Figure 17.
Figure‘ 19. Fence line separating pasture B on theg
from pasture C on the right. Differenceé
due largely to the presence of annual b
weed in pasture C, grazed by cattle, and
ple three--awn in pasture B, grazed
by sheep. L?’
weed plants per pasture. A typical fencl
contrast between pastures grazed by sheep
pastures grazed by cattle is shown in Figur_
Heavy stocking by cattle evidently ca,
slight reductions in the amount of tobosagrj
the experimental pastures. This effect is
cated by the negative correlation coefficie
Table 3 and by the point-contact chartings j
in Figure 20. Sheep grazing caused a sligi,
crease in tobosagrass. Since the point-co,
chartings are influenced by the amount of p’
zation, these differences do not necessaril
flect an actual change in ground cover. ,
Under sheep grazing in pasture O. tobospp
decreased in density on the Ozona clay soil
increased on the Tobosa clay soils.
The amount of buffalo and curly i?
grass apparently is not closely associated;
the class of livestock on the pastures. l;
drouth, sod areas of both of these stoloni
grasses were seriously reduced on all pat
As a result. the effects of grazing by shee
cattle have been difficult to evaluate.
The relationships between the amount ofi
and the rates of sheep and cattle stockii
shown in Table 3. The numbers of mesquitf
apparently were not influenced by the
livestock. However, the correlation
abundance of pricklypear and the rate o;
stocking was highly significant. r=.7.86. g
grazing on pricklypear break off and sca v3,
tions of these cacti. These sections, or “if
take root under favorable moisture co
and establish new pricklypear plants. it
Utilization Studies
Studies of forage Litilization by
cattle were made in pastures O and
August 1951 to August 1953. Forage a
w .
Bulletin 786; "Relation of Soils, Rainfall ant
Grazing Management to Vegetation -- Western L
Edwards Plateau of Texas" Q
The caption to Figure l7, page 20, should re=m
"Lakebed area in Pasture 0 heavily stocked wig
sheep. This pasture has more of the three-a}?
grasses than the cattle pastures but fewer '¥i
This picture, taken in 1952, shows close y
utilization of buffalograss around the clumpifi
purple three-awn1'
3 w
Forage available for livestock use in pasture O,
heavily stocked by sheep, and pasture P, heavily
stocked by cattlel
, F195 Foragi available in pounds per acre
Aug. 1951 Dec. 1951 Aug. 1952 Dec. 1952
Aug. 1953
1958 2098 1906 781 783
e P 1237 790 917 192 348
q fhuftalo and curly mesciuitegrass
‘e O 1320 1 04 187 200
re P 252 Trace 182 37 168
'9 -+rass -
e O 1238 215 29 Trace 50
re P 201 Trace 71 59 196
represent averages of the forage clipped in the grazed areas.
llivestock was determined by comparisons of
tation clippings made in the grazed areas with
we made in temporary exclosures.
a he data on forage available for livestock use
astures O and P are presented in Table 4.
e data show characteristic differences in the
punt of forage available under sheep and cattle
ling. Both pastures were stocked at the rate
acres per animal unit per year during the
Tod of study. The pasture grazed by sheep
tistently had more forage available than the
fle pasture. This difference was maintained
the drouth increased in severity. As a result,
lemental feeding of cattle became necessary
BUFFALO a cuavr-mzsquar:
iyChanqt +0 ‘Sheep (l7osI-ure O)
Cltdvtqq, +0 Cf-‘IHI; (Posture P)
o‘. ‘.90
9 e
- z
O Q Q0
z .. .0 I‘ ..Q9‘
O I Q O ‘ Q 9
, e e 0 o
9 9 o. .0 °.
O. .9 e. .0 9
‘I C ‘Q Q. Q
: '-. = '-
e e
.. .. Q O
e9 , .
'. 3
g e
I . 9.
9 O
. .0 o.
z. ‘e e.‘
I. .. Q.
e 9 e
Q... O
r + l : : : '. i 1. e e e
4h I; 4's 4'1 4s 4e +7 ‘t8 49 5° 5| $1 55
Pflslurc p
‘.0 0,. pasture O
"e go ‘flu. 0°.’ ‘.90
inn‘ ' o‘. 9
l. ..
e g.
r 1 l_ . 1 l 4 l I l i I L
1,131,, 59 41> 4': 4; J4 4'4 43 4B 4'1 4's 49 so f! 51 $5
- re 20. Response of buffalo, curly mesquite and to-
bosagrass to sheep and cattle grazing. Pas- O was grazed by cattle the first 6 years
and has been grazed continuously by sheep
since 1944. Pasture P was grazed by sheep
for 6 years and by cattle since 1944. Both
pastures have been stocked at an average rate
of one annual unit per 18 acres yearlong.
Figure 22.
J U LY 1951
Figure 21. Utilization map showing stubble-height meas-
urements of tobosagrass after grazing by
sheep and cattle. The shaded area has been
grazed to a stubble height below 6 inches.
at an earlier date than supplemental feeding of
This information indicates that a ratio of 6
sheep to 1 cow may be too low for the Texas
Range Station. However, careful examinations
of both the sheep and cattle pastures showed that
sheep caused equally as much or more damage
to the vegetation and soil as did the cattle. This
was due to the habit of sheep to “spot graze.”
A utilization survey made in July 1951, shows
some differences in the amount of utilization of
tobosagrass by sheep and cattle at similar rates
of stocking, Figures 21 and 22. The pattern of
utilization of tobosa by sheep was strongly influ-
enced by wind direction and soil condition. In
grazing, sheep first concentrated on the ridgetop
Picture taken at the location marked in Fig-
ure 21. Pasture O on the left has been graz-
ed by sheep and pasture P on the right by
soils of the Ozona series and then drifted south-
ward into the wind.
An experiment was designed in 1951 to check
the effect of “previous clipping” on the amount
of utilization of tobosagrass.‘ Scattered areas of
tobosagrass were moved in August 1951 and the
amount of utilization on these areas was checked
the following December and in August of 1952,
one year after mowing.
The data from the December 1951 clipping
show a significant increase in the amount of
utilization of tobosagrass by cattle on the mowed
areas. However, this effect of “previous clip-
ping” in the cattle pasture had disappeared by
August 1952. In the sheep pasture, there was
better utilization on the clipped areas, even 1 year
after mowing. These data show that previous
utilization of the grass species is one of the major
reasons for “spot grazing.” Both sheep and
cattle prefer the new growth of vegetation follow-
ing close clipping or grazing.
The authors acknowledge the following men
who assisted with certain phases of this project:
W. H. Dameron (deceased) and W. T. Hardy,
superintendents, Ranch Experiment Station,
Sonora; L. B. Merrill, range specialist, Sorvra
and E. J. Compton, University of Texas. A. I ‘.-
ciation also is extended to V. L. Cory, for
range botanist, and to other members o.-
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station who have
assisted in the collection of field-data and in the
organization of this grazing experiment.
The contribution of the University of Texas
in furnishing the land and other facilities of the
Texas Range Station is gratefully acknowledged.
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