March I957 n- _\1 TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. D. LEWIS, DIRECTOR, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS m COOPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF IKGRICULTURE DIGEST Texas ranks first in the United States in total acreage planted t0 onions. The 5-year average, 1949-53, of 44,860 acres represents 36.8 percent of the total acreage planted to onions in the United States, The average annual production during this period of 4,569,000 50-pound bags in Texas was 10.7‘percent of the total for the United States; In total value, the Texas onion crop at $8,131,000 constitutes 14.3 percent of the 5-year average annual value of all onions produced in the United States (1). Practically all onions produced in Texas are of the Bermuda and Grano types. Because they are adapted to short days and moderately cool temperatures, varieties of this type are particularly suited to Texas when grown as winter and early-spring crops. Onions from Texas are the first on the market in the spring, and because of their mild flavor and attractive appearance they generally command a premium over old-crop or storage onions. The tremendously expanded onion-breeding program developed cooperatively by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the U. S. Department of Agriculture has resulted in many new varieties and hybrids. aw» Contents I. Digest ...................................................... Introduction ........... ................................ .. Areas of Commercial Production ....... Varietal Adaptations ............................. .. Varietal Descriptions ............................. .; Open-pollinated varieties ............... ._ F, Hybrids ...................................... Miscellaneous Hybrids ................... ..¥ Source ‘Seed and Transplants ......... Literature Cited ..................................... .. ‘ Appendix ................................................... "- p, UDA ONION WAS INTRODUCED into South r1898 when a packet of onion seed was _ ar Cotulla (10) ., The onions were ship- a waukee, Wisconsin, where they were so *1 ically received that a larger acreage d. The first carload of Bermuda on- ped from Texas originated at Cotulla in f: of 1899. 04, approximately 500 acres were plant- rmuda onions in South Texas. In the I 1907, 1,011 carloads of onions were from South and Southwest Texas; in .uction had more than doubled and 12 shipped 2,920 carloads in 1909. Ship- ched 6,735 carloads in 1917; this figure ‘i exceeded until 1928 and 1929 when the ements were 7,055 and 7,232 carloads, ely. The largest movement in 50 years gle season was 10,164 carloads in 1946. Canary Islands, principally Teneriffe Is- uced most of the Qnion seed planted in til about 1946. Until recent years, the f: of Bermuda onions generally grown in “re known as Yellow Bermuda and White a or Crystal Wax. acreage planted to Bermuda onions in- the Canary Island growers were over- ';meet the demand for seed and after 1920 ing quality of Island seed was notice- ere was an increased mixing of strains ties, probably because new and inexperi- owers were entering the seed business pbetter growers could not find sufficient ' for their seed fields. The increase in End splits and doubles caused the per-acre S. No. 1 onions to become so low that y~ ‘I K . a a. ely, superintendent, Winter Garden Experiment Crystal City, Texas; and head horticulturist, ral Crops Research Branch, Agricultural Re- rvice, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Belts- land. Union Varieties In Texas BRUCE A. PERRY and HENRY A. J 0NES* South Texas growers seriously considered chang- ing from the Island-grown Bermuda seed to the Babosa, or Grano varieties, which were imported originally from Spain in 1925. To develop varieties better adapted to South Texas, the Winter Garden station inaugurated an onion-breeding program in 1933. The program was expanded considerably in 1939 with the es- tablishment of a cooperative breeding program by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The breeding work was again expanded in 1946 when breeding lines, experimental varieties and hy- brids were planted cooperatively in growers’ fields throughout South Texas. AREAS OF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION The early spring crop of onions is grown prin- cipally in the irrigated areas of South Texas, Fig- ure 1. Producing areas include the Lower Rio Figure 1. Principal onion producing areas of Texas. Grande Valley area (1), the Laredo area (2), the Winter Garden area (Zavala, Maverick, Dimmit, LaSalle and Frio counties) (3), the non-irrigated Coastal Bend area (4) and the area of Wilson and Karnes counties (5). Late spring production is centered around Farmersville and Princeton, Collin county, in North-central Texas (6). Considerable production and increased inter- est have developed in recent years in the irrigated district of the High Plains with the greatest acre- age centered around Hereford in Deaf Smith county (7). VARIETAL ADAPTATIONS Most onion varieties are limited in adapta- tion. A variety may yield well in one area and be a failure in another. The onion grower should have a knowledge of varieties so that he can se- lect the ones best suited to his particular condi- tions. A new variety or hybrid should be tested in small plantings until it is proved to be adap- ted to an area. The varieties grown in Texas differ in size, shape, color of bulb, bolting habit, pungency and time of maturity, as well as tolerance to diseases, insects and climatic conditions. The adaptation of varieties to an area is determined primarily by the conditions which affect bulb development, chiefly length of day and temperature. The length of day necessary to promote bulbing var- ies with different varieties and is influenced by temperature. Other factors that affect date of maturity are the size and age of the plant. In South Texas only those varieties that ma- ture their bulbs by May 15, such as Excel (986), Eclipse and Texas Grano 502, make acceptable commercial crops. The length of day and tem- perature generally are favorable to initiate bulb- ing in these varieties around the middle of Feb- ruary in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. They reach maturity in 6 to 8 weeks after bulb develop- ment begins, the exact length of time being great- ly influenced by temperature and other growing conditions. Late-maturing varieties do poorly in the southern areas. The length o-f day required for certain later maturing varieties is reached about April 20 at Crystal City; for other varieties the daylight is never long enough. 4 ' and mild in flavor. The bulbs reach a d VARIETAL DESCRIPTIONS Open-pollinated Varieties Crystal Wax. Bulbs are flat with vet shiny, dry, white scales that are soon bro -{ lost in handling. The flesh is soft and flavor. The bulbs reacha iiiameter of 3 inches when grown under irrigation. AT ety bolts and splits rather readily. Secon Recommended for areas 6 and 7. The Crystal Wax onion was first list G. Hastings in 1897 with a sufficiently *9 scription to distinguish it from White 1 which has a light yellow skin and later A known more correctly as Yellow Bermuda; Yellow Bermuda. Bulbs are flat wi few thin, shiny, pale-yellow scales that a’ broken and lost in handling. The flesh, of 3 to 31/2 inches when grown under i p, Second early. Recommended for areas 6 The Bermuda _onion with pale-yello was first listed by Peter Henderson & Co. as White Bermuda. D. Landreth & Co.f says that although shipped as White Be = really “has quite a yellowish character” though known as a product of Bermud Italian origin (9). Red Bermuda. Same as Yellow Berml cept for being red. Early Grano (Babosa). The bulbs l shaped and have very few thin to medi _ pale-yellow scales. The flesh is soft a, mild in flavor. Early Grano is somewha ant to thrips, but very susceptible to in the pink root fungus. The variety bol less readily than Yellow Bermuda and A Wax in Texas when planted at the same n. is a heavy yielder in the absence of pi; Second early. Later in South Texas art Yellow Bermuda. Recommended for ar =? 7. ’ The Early Grano onion was import nally from Valencia, Spain, in 1925 un name Valencia Grano 9452. The New,_ Agricultural Experiment Station grew s the original lot and.made selections. v. Early Grano was proposed for the selec -= in 1931 in Bulletin 193 of the New Me tion (9). 1e‘ l Grano (Babosa). Same as Early Grano a a or being white. zCreole. The bulbs are small to medium to flattened. They are dull buff red in half, with more buff in the veins e upper half toward the neck; dry scales more dull and more buff with age. The very firm and very strong or pungent in I This variety is grown on a limited acre- (Texas, chiefly for export. Second early; p along with Yellow Bermuda or slightly iii-Recommended for area 5. C} Creole has been grown in Louisiana for Ysars. The source of the original va- not known, although it is supposed to be origin (9). ite Creole. Same as Red Creole except for hite. Ceet Spanish. Bulbs are medium to large Cund to slightly oval shaped, having many if-thick, brownish-yellow dry scales that ‘rly Well retained during storage and hand- (Fairly. resistant to thrips damage and may Cred for short periods if well cured. The is firm but of mild and sweet flavor. Late. mended for area '7. is variety was introduced from Spain in nd improved and introduced by Aggler & (9). Many strains now are available. (‘hite Sweet Spanish. Same as Sweet Span- ept for being white. Joaquin. Bulbs intermediate in shape be- a full globe and a typical Grano top shape, f ellow. The flesh is soft and mild in flavor. i hat resistant to damage by thrips. Sec- rly; matures somewhat later than Yellow llda in South Texas and in some years only will percentage of plants produce marketable Recommended for areas 6 and 7. - Joaquin was developed from a cross be- A Stockton G 36 and Early Grano 62, and (‘rossed to Early Grano. It was introduced l1 by the California Agricultural Experi- Station and the USDA) (2). wcel (986)? In most plant characteristics, i is similar to Yellow Bermuda but it splits less. It is resistant to pink root. The are a little thicker than those of Yellow Ber- s and free of pink flesh. Plants have smaller Figure 2. Excel (986) is uniform in shape and size. tops and necks than the average Yellow Bermuda. Early; 10 to 14 days earlier than Yellow Ber- muda. Recommended for areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Excel is a single-plant selection from Yellow Bermuda that was developed and introduced in 1945 cooperatively by the USDA and the Texas Station (7). Texas Early Grano 502. Characteristics of Texas Early Grano 502 are similar to those of Early Grano except that it is more uniform and much earlier in maturity. The tops are not as heavy as those of Early Grano and the foliage is more upright. The bulbs are broader and not so pointed at the root end as those of Early Grano. Like other strains of Early Grano, it is very sus- ceptible to pink root. However, on good soil where pink root is not a factor, it will produce tremendous yields. Early; matures along with Figure 3. Texas Early Grano 502 has well-developed bulbs that are more rounded on the root end than in the original Early Grano. Figure 4. The earliness of Early Crystal 281 (right) as compared with L-365 (left) is indicated by all tops being down. Figure 5. Eclipse in soil infested with pink root fungus. Figure 6. Bulbs and tops of Early Crystal 281 at harvest time. Note uniform medium size oi bulbs, characteristic of this variety. ' 6 Excel in South Texas. Recommended for a 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. i A selection out 0f Early Grano was rel by the Texas Station as Texas Grano in 1944 An earlier selection with small upright tops» released in 1947 as Texas Early; Grano 502 t place the original release. ”" L-690. A Crystal Wax type of good size thick, flat bulb shape with trim neck; flesh white. The variety has a very good color in growing plant and appears more resistant other varieties to “tip blight” or “tip burn.” S ly; 3 to 5 days earlier than Excel and shoul be planted in areas where Excel is not su v ful. Because of its tendency to produce s3 and doubles, L-690 has been replaced largel more recent introductions. Recommended- areas 1, 2 and 3. t L-690 was developed cooperatively by the y as Station and the USDA to give the onion 1 ers of South Texas a white onion for early - ment. It was released _to seedsmen in 1949. variety came from a series of crosses and =, tions involving Crystal Wax, Yellow Ber and White Persian (11). it L-36. This variety is similar to Excel, matures about a week earlier. It is a ver fined onion with a small neck and when well .9 ed is more attractive than Excel. Bulbs. somewhat firmer and tend to keep better w those of Excel. The variety is highly resi to pink root. Early. Recommended for ar and 2. ‘ L-36 was developed and released jointl the Texas Station and the USDA in 1953. a mixed ancestry, involving Yellow Bermuda White Persian, but the last two backcrosse fore selfing were to Excel (12),. L-365. A Crystal Wax type similar to It has consistently outyielded L-690. This riety is highly resistant to pink root and p exceptionally heavy root system. Less subj splits than L-690. It tends to bolt more tha sirable, especially if planted too early. For and other reasons, it probably will be rep by Eclipse. It matures about 10 days later L-690. Early. Recommended for area 4. C L-365 was developed and released by the as Station and the USDA in 1953. The ped' ‘involves Crystal Wax and a plant of Ex- isurvived the pink root test (12). gse. A Crystal Wax type highly resist- ink root, bolts and splits less than previ- ductions 0f this type, and very produc- is mild in flavor, and the bulb is a very fve white. It matures about the same time p» or a few days earlier, and about a week iys later than L-690. Recommended for , 2, 3, 4 and 5. ipse was developed by the USDA and the FStation. It was released in 1954. The @- of Eclipse involves Crystal Wax and Ex- lots of white segregates from the selfed- ises L-302 and L-303 gave rise to the ' Eclipse (5). ly Crystal 281. A Crystal Wax type about its earlier than Eclipse, has considerable re- je to pink root and is very highly nonbolt- lecause of its earliness, it is somewhat less tive than Eclipse; it is slightly more pun- The bulb is an attractive white. Because a delayed bolting habit, the bulb-to-seed ~ should be used for seed increase. Early. gmended for areas 1 and 2. rly Crystal 281 was developed jointly by Jtas Station and the USDA. Itwas releas- 1.1955. The pedigree of Early Crystal 281 geld the varieties Crystal Wax and Excel _ brids anew. A yellow, F1 (first-generation), Ber- Ptype hybrid. Bulbs are intermediate in between Bermuda and Grano. Resistance f}. root is intermediate between the two par- a This hybrid is very mild in flavor, which i. it a good salad onion. Early; 3 to 5 days than Excel. Recommended for areas 1, and 5. anex, developed cooperatively by the USDA A e Texas Station, was released in 1952. The e, or seed, parent was developed from Ex- l is similar to Excel except that it is male- p. The pollen parent, Texas Early Grano an inbred out of Texas Early Grano 502 Shite Granex. A first-generation white hy- lis similar to Granex in shape and general rance, except for being white. The bulbs Figure 7. Commercial planting of Granex, approximately 1 week before harvest. Note uniform development of bulbs. Yield from this field ran 780 bags U.S. No. 1 per acre. Figure. 8. Bulbs and tops of White Granex at harvest‘ time. Bulbs are intermediate in shape between Bermuda and Grano varieties. Figure 9. Yields in this test for pollen parent B-14lO (18), White Granex (12) and seed parent L303 (20) 6.91.1561, 757 and 494 bags (50 pounds) per acre. respectively. I a 7 are thick and flat, intermediate in shape between‘ the two parents. The tendency to- bolting and doubling is about the same as for Eclipse and Granex. Resistance to pink root is intermediate, same as that of Ganex. White Granex is 7 to 10 days later in maturity than Granex. Early. Recommended for areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. White Granex was developed through the co- operative onion-breeding program of the USDA and the Texas Station, and was released in 1956 (8). It is an F1 hybrid from the cross L-303 x B-1410. The male-sterile, 6r seed, parent, L-303, is a selection out of Eclipse. The pollen parent, B-1410, is a white F2 selection from a cross be- tween Texas Early Grano 951 and Crystal Grano. Miscellaneous Hybrids During the joint breeding pro-gram of the USDA and the Texas Station many additional hybrid combinations have been produced and tested. Two combinations made and tested in 1953 were 986 x L-303 and 986 x L-365 (14). Both of these combinations produce bulbs simi- lar to Excel, except they are somewhat lighter in color. They are somewhat more productive than Excel and are highly resistant to pink root (6). The seed parent is the same as that of Granex. Therefore, a few commercial seedsmen are producing seed of one or both of these hy- brid combinations under the names Texas Hy- brid 23 and Texas Hybrid 28. The combination 986 x L-281 also gives satisfactory performance. Any of these hybrids is a satisfactory substitute for Excel and should yield 10 to 20 percent bet- ter. Early. Recommended for areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. SOURCE OF SEED AND TRANSPLANTS A variety or strain of onions should be selec- ted or developed in the general area where it is to be grown. This is especially true of South Texas where, even in June, the days are not as long as is required for many varieties of onions to produce mature bulbs. The use of seed from bulbs selected in more northern areas results in many immature bulbs if they are grown in ex- treme South Texas. To maintain the early-ma- turing habit, the bulbs for production of stock seed for a given variety should be selected in the area of its commercial production. For best results, good strains should be ob- tained. The use of poor seed or incorrect variety identification frequently results in an a g total crop failure. Therefore, growers s obtain seed or transplants from a reliable so“ For information on cultural practices and? ease control see publications: a Onions in - Extension Bulletin 220, Texas A&M College tem; Growing the Transplant Onion Crop, F ers’ Bulletin 1956, U. S. Department of 3 ture; and Onion Diseases and Their C0 Farmers’ Bulletin 1060, U. S. Department of riculture. i LITERATURE CITED 1. Anonymous. 1955. Vegetable—Fresh Market. nual Summary U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 1203. 2. Davis, G. N. and H. A. Jones. 1946. “San -~ new early maturing, non bolting, high yielding “especially adapted to the Southwest. Southern 1 man 9(7):17. 3. Hawthorn, L. R. Texas Grano Onion. Exp. Sta. PR 899. 1944. 4. Jones, H. A. and B. A. Perry. 1951. cause boom in new silver and gold onion. Seedsman 14(9):21, 61, 67. 5. Jones H. A. and B. A. Perry. 1954. Get rea the Eclipse. Southern Seedsman 17(9):20-21. l 6. Jones, H. A. and B. A. Perry. 1956. Inheri : resistance to pink root in the onion. Jour. of f ity 47(1)=33-34. 7. Jones, H. A., B. A. Perry and G. N. Davis. I The New Excel. Southern Seedsman 10(3):13, , 8. Jones, H. A., B. A. Perry and P. W. Leeper. l White Granex. Southern Seedsman 19(10):20- 9. Magruder, R. et al. 1941. Description of t i principal American varieties of onions. ‘U. S. of Agriculture Misc. Publ. 435. 1o. Mally, F. W. 1915. The Bermuda Onion. ' State Dept. of Agriculture Bul. 46. 11. Perry, B. A. and H. A. Jones. 1951. South: into a new Crystal. Southern Seedsman 14(, 55. A 12. Perry, B. A. and H. A. Jones. 1953. L-36 Yellow and L-3,65 White lick pink root. -; Seedsman 16(10):15, 72, 73. 13. Perry, B. A. and H. A. Jones. 1955. And the Early Crystal. Southern Seedsman 18(9): 14. Perry, B. A. and (H. A. ‘Jones. 1955. Perfo’ of short-day pink-root-resistant varieties of o Southern Texas. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. i 353. ’ ’ 4 APPENDIX PERFORMANCE OF EXCEL IN -COMPARI- SON WITH YELLOW BERMUDA‘ Marketable yield, 50- L pound bags per acre, Year U. S. N0. 1 Yellow Bermuda Excel 1951 306 440 1951 535 517 1952 279 440 1952 103 273 a 1952 307 690 _ ven 1952 233 506 ty ‘ 1952 95 725 pe City 1953 164 355 i, 1953 190 715 1953 162 699 5 oven 1953 105 508 i ty 1953 116 481 ' i 216 529 _ at some locations in the same year. PERFORMANCE OF L-690 IN COMPARI- ' SON WITH CRYSTAL WAX Marketable yield, 50- pound bags per acre, Year U. S. No. 1 Crystal _ ‘A Wax L 690 i’ '|',y 1950 288 401 " i aven 1950 254 341 ation 1952 92 275 1952 134 257 p 1952 183 620 = aven 1952 132 s97 . ‘ty 1952 47 498 ». City 1953 115 309 , 1953 139 372 I 1953 105 250 Haven 1953 74 292 ‘City 1953 111 442 ' 140 371 is. PERFORMANCE OF L-36 IN COMPARI- ' SON WITH EXCEL (986) Marketable yield, 50- pound bags per acre, Year U. S. N0. 1 Excel L-36 1949 271 294 1949 506 486 1949 573 439 1949 768 532 1949 666 706 1950 325 352 1950 327 301 1950 482 367 ty 1951 440 388 de City 1953 355 359 ' 1953 481 447 1953 508 456 1953 511 633 1953 699 602 1953 715 699 1953 394 585 501 478 \ TABLE 4. SON WITH L-690 PREFORMANCE OF L-365 IN COMPARI- Marketable yield, 50- pound bags per acre, Location Year U. S. No. 1 L-690 L-365 Weslaco 1952 239 262 Raymondville 1952 285 370 Laredo 1952 257 450 Laredo 1952 620 852 Winter Haven 1952 397 614 Crystal City 1952 498 689 College Station 1952 275 439 Rio Grande City 1953 309 362 Crystal City 1953 442 516 Winter Haven 1953 292 459 Laredo 1953 250 593 Laredo 1953 372 645 Weslaco 1953 384 509 Average 355 520 TABLE 5. PERFORMANCE OF WHITE GRANEX IN COMPARISON WITH ECLIPSE AND GRANEX Marketable yield, 50-pounda _ bags per acre, U. S. No. 1 Location Year White - Granex Eclipse Granex Weslaco 1955 694 585 729 Laredo 1955 352 383 417 Winter Haven 1955 757 517 724 Crystal City 1955 609 477 619 College Station 1955 638 414 560 Weslaco 1956 632 453 697 Laredo 1956 430 443 411 Winter Haven 1956 446 312 381 Crystal City 1956 643 581 667 College Station 1956 484 473 597 Average 569 464 580 TABLE 6. PERFORMANCE OF ECLIPSE IN COM- PARISON WITH L-365 Marketable yield, 50- , pound bags per acre, Location Year U. S. No. 1 Eclipse L-365 ' Laredo 1952 515 450 Winter Haven 1952 616 614 Crystal City 1952 567 689 Rio Grande City 1953 561 362 Laredo 1953 729 645 Laredo - 1953 929 593 Winter Haven 1953 554 459 Crystal City ‘1953 603 516 Crystal City 1953 750 623 College Station 1953 376 282 Weslaco 1954 511 299 Laredo 1954 622 382 Winter Haven 1954 539 516 Crystal City 1954 717 736 Crystal City 1954 468 597 College ‘Station 1954 507 417 Average 598 511 TABLE 7. PERFORMANCE OF GRANEX IN COM- PARISON WITH EXCEL AND TEXAS EARLY GRANO 951 Marketable yield, 50-pound bags per acre, U. S. N0. 1 Location Year , Excel Granex TEG 951 Winter Haven 1951 440 698 517 Laredo 1951 517 790 621 Weslaco 1952 273 576 328 Laredo 1952 690 862 507 Winter Haven 1952 506 869 683 Rio Grande City 1953 " 355 775 483 Winter Haven 1953 508 760 583 Crystal City 1953 481 682 610 Crystal City 1953 511 981 778 College Station’ 1953 343 472 316 Weslaco 1954 485 691 567 Weslaco 1954 399 571 262 Winter Haven 1954 500 711 489 Crystal City 1954 736 931 804 ' Crystal City 1954 592 881 279 College Station 1954 414 632 525 Winter Haven 1955 526 724 621 Crystal City 1955 340 619 378 College Station 1955 273 560 425 Weslaco 1956 415 597 540 Winter Haven 1956 244 381 255 Crystal City 1956 486 667 223 Average 456 701 491 TABLE 8. YIELDS OF ONIONS GROWN ON SOIL INFESTED WITH THE PINK ROOT FUNGUS, LAREDO Yield per acre, 50-pound bags, U. S. No. 1 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Av. Variety or pedigree Texas Early Grano 502 18 95 57 Texas Early Grano 951 94 32 84 70 L-690 257 250 254 Granex 670 591 557 417 559 Excel 440 699 562 452 538 -- L-36 602 385 494 Eclipse (L-303) 515 929 622 387 613 Early Crystal 281 502 700 495 324 505 L-365 450 593 382 366 448 Excel x L-281 691 964 724 363 686 Excel x L-303 861 405 633 Excel x L-365 499 806 479 435 554 Crystal Wax 134 99 107 Yellow Bermuda 279 128 204 L.S.D., 5 percent 86 114 94 93 L.S.D., 1 percent 113 150 125 123 10 TABLE _9. PERFORMANCE OF EARLY CRYSTH IN COMPARISON WITH ECLIPSE ‘ Marketable yi pound bags pe Location Year U‘ S‘ N0‘ 1 c Early Crystal 281 Laredo 1952. 3 502 Winter Haven 1952 ' if" 458 Crystal City 1952 738 Laredo 1953 616 Laredo 1953 700 Rio Grande City 1953 493 Winter Haven 1953 504 Crystal City 1953 614 Crystal City 1953 727 College Station 1953 317 Weslaco 1954 416 Weslaco 1954 346 Laredo 1954 495 Winter Haven 1954 443 Crystal City 1954 615 Weslaco 1955 502 Laredo 1955 324 Winter Haven 1955 510 Crystal City 1955 326 College Station 1955 207 Average 492 TABLE 10. YIELDS OF ONIONS GROWN ON" INFESTED WITH THE PINK FUNGUS, ZAPATA COUNTY Yield per acre, 50-pound Mildly infested Badly inf Variety or pedigree soil soil < 1951-52 1952-_ Culls U. S. N0. I Culls U. S,‘ Texas Early Grano 502 121 507 136 3 Texas Early Grano 951 90 L-690 83 620 116 Granex 11 862 14 Excel 10 690 63 L-36 36 Eclipse (L-303) 9 Early Crystal 281 4 592 0 L-365 39 852 93 Excel x L-281 0 621 40 Excel x L-303 13 Excel x L-365 4 955 21 Crystal Wax 319 183 324 Yellow Bermuda 274 307 362 L.S.D., 5 percent 112 146 49 L.S.D., 1 percent 147 192 57 [Blank Page in Original Bulletin] .. search project represents the procedures for attacking a specific problem within a program. 5 State-wide Reisearc ' * The Texas Agricultural Experiment Stati: is the public agricultural research agéri Location of field research units in Texas main- of the State oi Texas‘ and is one of ' tained by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperating agencies parts oi the Texas College Syst , '1 IN THE MAIN STATION, with headquarters at College Station, are 16 subject-matter departments, 22? departments, 3 regulatory services and‘ the administrative staff. Located out in the major agricultural of Texas are 21 substations and 9 field laboratories. In addition, there are 14 cooperating stations __ by other agencies. Cooperating agencies include the Texas Forest Service, Game and Fish Commi Texas, Texas Prison System, U. S. Department of Agriculture, University of Texas, Texas Technologi lege and the King Ranch. Some experiments are conducted on farms and ranches and in rural homes, l RESEARCH BY THE TEXAS STATION is organized by programs and projects. A program of research sents a coordinated effort to solve the many problems relating to a common objective or situation. THE TEXAS STATION is conducting about 350 active research projects, grouped in 25 programs w ': clude all phases of agriculture in Texas. Among these are: conservation and improvement of so'_ servation and use of water in agriculture; grasses and legumes for pastures, ranges, hay, conservati improvement of soils; grain crops; cotton and other fiber crops; vegetable crops; citrus and other s cal fruits, fruits and nuts; oil seed crops—other than cotton; ornamental plants—including turf; b weeds; insects; plant diseases; beef cattle; dairy cattle; sheep and goats; swine; chickens and turkel“ mal disease and parasites; fish and game on farms and ranches; farm and ranch engineering; fa ranch business; marketing agricultural products; rural home economics; and rural agricultural ecoi Two additional programs are maintenance and upkeep‘, and central services. A . RESEARCH RESULTS are carried to Texas farm and ranch owners and homemakers by specialists and j agents of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. ' ‘A